A = Ai 01 Oi 0' 9 9 4 5 9 6 £k ^.:fi ^1 ■ f THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE CHARTER CITY OF NASHVILLE The commission form of government Act of 1913, and various amendments during the same session, and sidewallc Acts 1907 and 1911. Compiled by A. G. EwiNG, Jr., City Attorney. AND F. M. Garard, Assistant City Attorney. Nash\ille, Tenn. McQuiddy Printing Company, 1913. Jlbl TABLE OF CONTENTS. A. • Page. Commission Form of Government, Charter 5-80 B. Original Act of 1913, Creating Commission Form of Government 5-75 C. Act of 1913, x'Vuthorizing Police and Fire Pensions 81-83 D. Act of 1913, Extending the City Limits 83-84 E. Act of 1913, Carrying Current Street Repair Revenues into Budget... 84-85 F. Act of 1913, Correcting Clerical Error in Enumeration of Sections.... 86 G. Sidewalk Assessment Act of 1907 and Amendments Thereto of 1911.. 87-92 H. Index to the Charter of the City of Nashville 93-107 ^67!±±± CHAPTER 22. Senate Bill No. 236. (By Davidson County Delegation.) A BILL to be entitled An Act to create a municipal corporation to be known as the "City of Nashville," and to define its rights, powers, duties, and obligations, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act. Section 1. Be it enacted bij the General Assembly Municipal of the State of Tennessee, That a municipality, to be creTed.""'' known and designated as the ''City of Nashville," is hereby created a body politic, the corporate limits ^^e"^''^'^^"^^^ of which shall be coextensive with the corporate lim- its of the municipality designated "Mayor and City Council of Nashville," as chartered under Chapter 114 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee for the year 1883 and the various sub- sequent Acts amendatory thereof, as said corporate p°^^^rs and limits may be established when this Act takes effect. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corpora- tion shall have perpetual succession; shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of law and equity and in all actions whatsoever; may pur- chase, receive, and hold property, real and personal, within said city; and may sell, lease, or dispose of the same for the benefit of the city; and may purchase, receive, and hold property, real and personal, beyond the limits of the city, to be used for the burial of the dead, for the erection of the waterworks, for the es- tablishment of the poorhouse, pesthouse, workhouse, or house of correction, or for a public park or prom- enade, or for any other purpose that said city may deem necessary or proper ; and may sell, lease, or dis- pose of such property for the benefit of the city to the same extent as natural persons. It shall have and use a common seal, and may change it at pleas- ure. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all corporate Authority powers and authorities— legislative, executive, ad- Boardo" ministrative, and quasijudicial — conferred on said commission- municipal corporation shall be vested in a Board of — 0— Commissioners; and no eoiporate power or author- ity sliall be vested in or exercised by any other offi- cer or officers of said city, except as may be herein otherwise expressly provided, or except as such pow- ers and authorities may be delegated by said Board of Commissioners to any other officer or officers by virtue of the powers conferred by this Act on said Board of Commissioners. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Board of ^^alllTdlparf" Commissioners shall consist of a Mayor, who shall "^"^^- have charge of (1) the Department of Public Affairs, Police, and Health; and of four other Commission- ers, who shall severally be elected to have charge of the Departments (2) of Finance, Lights, and Mar- ket House; (3) of Streets, Sewers, and Sidewalks; (4) of Fire, Sprinkling, and Building Inspection; and (5) of Waterworks, Street Cleaning, and Work- Generaieiec- house. Tlic general election for Mayor and Commis- tion-when. siouers sliall be held biennially on the fourth Thurs- day in September, and the new administration shall be organized and sworn into office on Tuesday fol- sworn in- lowlug tlic secoud Tliursday in October. The Mayor when. ^^ *■ ' and Commissioners shall be elected at the regular biennial city election as candidates specifically for one or another of the five offices named above, and shall hold office for a term of four years, or until their successors shall have been elected and quali- fied; provided, liowev-er, that the member of the '"^ commission- Board of Public Works in office when this Act takes «"• effect whose term expires in 1915 shall become there- upon the first Commissioner for the Department of Fire, Sprinkling, and Building Inspection, and that the member of said Board of Public Works then in office whose term expires in 1917 shall at the same time become the first Commissioner for the Depart- ment of Streets, Sewers, and Sidewalks, and that they shall continue in office until the Tuesday following the second Thursday in October of said years, re- spectively, or until their successors are elected and qualified; and provided, further, that there shall be elected on the fourth Thursday in September of 1913 only the ?^[ayor, the Commissioner for the Depart- ment of Waterworks, Street Cleaning, and Work- house, and the Commissioner for the Department of Finance, Lights, and Market House, and that the lat- ter shall be elected for a term of only two years, so that his term will expire in 1915, concurrently with that of the Commissioner for the Department of Fire, Sprinkling, and Building Inspection; and provided, ^^^^^^^^^^ further, that in 1915, and at each biennial city elec- Boards, tion thereafter, two Commissioners other than theT-g^^gof^j^ce. Mayor shall be elected, and at alternate elections a Mayor shall be elected. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That, except as li^^"^- Elections in otherwise provided, the general election laws of 'understate the State shall be applicable to and control all city elections, general or special, which may be held in accordance with the provisions of this Act ; and the ^^j^^^, quanfi. qualifications of voters shall be as prescribed by such cations, general election laws; provided, howev'Sr, that no person shall be qualified to vote for Mayor or Com- missioner who shall not have been a bona fide resi- dent of such city for at least six months immediate- ly preceding the day of such election; and provided, further, that any resident citizen and qualified voter of the county in which said city is located, who has property quai- been a bona fide owner of property located within ^oter°°°^ the corporate limits of said city for more than twelve months prior to the date of the election, may regis- ter and vote in any one ward of said city where said property may be located, in any city election, gen- eral or special, held under the provisions of this char- ter. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That when two oi'^j^^^^^g ]nore persons shall have an equal number of votes for the office of Mayor or Commissioner in the general municipal election, the election shall be referred back to the voters of the city, and another general elec- tion held in accordance with the terms and provi- sions of the general election laws of the State of Ten- nessee. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the candidates primary to be voted for at all general municipal elections ^^*''*'°°- shall be nominated by a general legal primary elec- tion to be held on the second Thursday in Septem- ber preceding the general municipal election. The judges and other officers of election appointed f or j^^jg^s and the general municipal election shall be the judges °ffi«>-s. —8— Qualifying as voters and candidates. Candidates in general election. Registration for primary and general election Cotnpensation of Commis- sioners. Mayor and Commission ers— qualifi- cations. and ()0i('ood i>-overnment of the city; and the com pensation of all officials or employees whose com- pensation is not fixed by law shall be fixed by the Board, and shall be subject to change at its will and pleasure; provided, however, that this shall not ap- ply to the salaries of officials elected by the people ])rior to the taking effect of this Act and whose terms of office shall not have then expired, it being the ob- ject and purpose of this Act that all officials elected by the people prior to the taking effect of this Act shall serve out their terms and receive for the re- mainder of their said terms the same compensation as was fixed hy law at the time of their respective elections, except the two members of the former Board of Public Works, who shall receive compensa- officers elected ^on as providcd by this Act. Officers and adminis- ov Coramvs- . ' iini i TTn-r» i ii sioners. trativc lieads shall be employed by the Board on the nomination of the Commissioner having charge and supervision thereof; but am^ one so nominated who shall thereupon be rejected Iw the Board shall not be , eligible to be nominated or confirmed for the same office for a period of one year, unless such office is rendered vacant by death or resignation. The compensation of officers and administrative *^o"f-how''°" heads, excepting as herein otherwise provided, shall ^''^^- be fixed on the recommendation of the Commission- er under whom he serves, subject to the approval of the Board ; and the compensation of clerks and com- mon laborers in each department shall be fixed by the member having charge thereof, but between lim- its to be prescribed \)\ ordinance duly enacted by the Board of Commissioners; provided, however, that the number of hours constituting a day's serA'iee for common laborers, including common laborers and mechanics of the Waterworks Department, shall not be greater than, and that their wages shall not be less than, that established and in force under the ex- —15— isting charter at the time that this Act g-oes into ef- who under /,.»■,, (.[. -. . . , ,. , , , , civil service. lect. All omcers, administrative heads, and other employees, except those placed by this Act under civil service rules and regulations, as hereinafter provided, shall hold their offices or positions during the will and pleasure of the Commissioner under whom they serve; 'provided, ]iow-ever, that all em- Xjloyees of said cit^^ who may be under civil service rules and regulations when this Act takes effect shall continue to hold their said positions without the ne- cessity of reelection of reappointment by said Board of Commissioners. The City Attorney may be nominated by any mem- ^.^^^ Attorney ber of the Board of Commissioners, and shall be -ho"\ elected elected by a majority of said Board. Sec. 18. Be, it further enacted, That the Board of „ ^ * «= . . ' ' Bonaoiotii- Commissioners shall fix the amount of bonds and '^^^^^^''^'■'^'^ the method of their approval to be required of all elective, appointive, or subordinate officers, and such other city employees as the Board of Commissioners shall require to give bond. The approval of the of- ficial bonds of all elective, appointive, or subordinate officers and other employees must be indorsed there- on and signed by the Board of Commissioners, and shall be given and made by some good and solvent surety compan}^ All bonds, when approved, shall g^^j. ^^^ be filed with the clerk of the Board of Commission- ^°'^'^^- ers, and be by him kept in a book especially prepared for that purpose. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That no Commis- sioner or officer of the city shall, during the term fQj.O"''°^''^°"^y- which he is elected or appointed, accept or hold any ^""^ ^^'^'^' other office under the city government or become an officer or employee, with or without pay, of the State or county in any capacity whatever. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of each Commissioner to prepare and submit to ^ mmt pre° the Board of Commissioners a budget of the esti- ^''''^^' mated expenses for his department and the various Estimates divisions thereof for the succeeding year, which re- 'te™>^ed. port shall be submitted by each Commissioner not later than the first of December preceding the year for which said budget is intended. It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners to publish daily -10 Ordiii.Tiice- Current collec tions for re- pairs— cur- rent budget. for at least one week, in some newspaper published in said city, the proposed budget for the ensuing year, and the snme shall not become a law until such publication has been made. After such publication, the Board of Commissioners shall by ordinance apportioning, ^^^p^ tho budget and apportion to each department such sum as it may deem advisable for the conduct and maintenance thereof. That said municipality of the City of Nashville be, and the same is, hereby authorized and empow- ered to direct the Revenue Department to keep a separate account of all money turned into the Reve- nue Department, and which becomes a part of the moneys of the Street Department, from the Nash- ville Railway and Light Company, the Nashville Gas and Heating Company, and for all privileges from plumbers and others, for excavations, and the said amounts so received shall be credited to the Street Department for the use of said department, and the same shall be subject to use by the Street De})artment in addition to the amount provided by the [Board of Commissioners] in the annual budget, during the current year in which the same are paid in. Any Commissioner, official, head of department, employee, or other person intrusted with the collec- tion or disbursement of the funds provided for in said budget, who shall create or aid in creating any liability of the corporation beyond the expenses as fixed by the budget for said department or division thereof, or who shall divert the funds appropriated to said department to any other object or purpose than those for which such sums have been appropri- ated, shall be civilly liable to the corporation for the excess and for any loss to the corporation, and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) and imprisoned for not less than sixty (60) days nor more than six (6) months. Sec. 21. Be it further- evacled, That no city within the provisions of this Act shall have power to levy in any one year for ordinary corporate purposes a higher rate of tax than one per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property within its limits j and Diverting ap- propriation penalized. Misdemeanor to exceed. —17— the word "ordinary" is to embrace all expenses for fire, police, streets, gas, water, and all other pur- poses strictly municipal, excluding interest on debt and tax for sinking fund, or a tax to yaj any judg- ment against the city, or in obedience to any manda- mus or expense for schools, for which an additional levy may be made. Tf at any time it shall appear to Deficiency in the Board of Commissioners that the tax levy for the ^''^ ^'^' current and ensuing year is insufficient for properly conducting the affairs of the city and for construct- ing improvements and repairs and doing such things as are committed to its charge, the Board shall pre- pare an estimate of such deficiency, and shall there- upon have the right in its discretion to make such additional appropriation, and proceed to make a spe- cial levy upon the taxable pjoperty — real, personal, and mixed — within said cit}^ taxable for State pur- poses, but not to exceed the limit hereinabove pro- vided for. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the budget for Budget limits. the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of said city for any one year shall not exceed the amount of rev- Amount not to enue actually collected during the year immediately •=^'=«'='^- preceding the one for which said budget is intended ; provided, that the proceeds of the sales of any bonds proceeds from made in any year may be added to the budget for bonds not in. that year and included in the expenditure to be made, even though in excess of the amount of the revenue actually collected during the preceding year. And Funds trans- no fund appropriated in said budget for one depart- ment of said city government shall be transferred to or used in defraying the expenses of any other department of said city government; provided, that the Board of Commissioners may, upon the recom- mendation of any Commissioner, authorize by reso- lution the transfer of funds from one department to sinking fund, defray the expenses of another department; and pro- abiV.""^^^'^" vided, further, that this provision shall not apply to the sinking fund. It shall be lawful for said city to embrace in its Annual bai- budget for any one year revenue carried in the ^ven '^^'^"^'^ budgets for the preceding year and which has not been expended during such preceding year ; provided, how^ever, that nothing herein contained shall author- -18— Contracts in natnc of city Commissioners alone can create liabil- ity. City laws published. Bond and franchise ordinances and elec- tions. Renewals- how. Refunding bonds. Funding bonds, no referendum. ize the corporate authorities of said city to depart from the prescribed plan of making its budgets, ex- cept as herein expressly authorized. Sec. 2.3. Be it further enacted, That all contracts of the Board of Commissioners shall be made in the corporate name of said city, and executed in its be- half by the presiding officer of the Board, under the seal of the corporation, and filed in the office of the Board. Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That no member of the Board or other person, whether in its employ or otherwise, shall have power to create liability on account of the Board or its funds under its control, except by express authority of the Board conferred at a meeting duly and regularly convened as herein provided. Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That there shall be prepared and published by the Board of Commission- ers, within one j^ear after the passage of this Act, and once in every five years thereafter, a digest of all of the ordinances and resolutions of a public na- ture then in force. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That no bill or or- dinance for the grant of any franchise or the issu- ance of any bonds shall be put upon final passage within ninety days after its introduction, and that no franchise shall be renewed before one year prior to its expiration. Every ordinance involving the grant- ing by the city of any franchise or amendment to existing franchises for the supply of light or water, for the lease or sale of any public utility, for the ex- emption of any quasipublic corporation from the du- ties imposed upon it by its charter or by the law of the land, or involving the granting by the city of any right of way over, through, or under the streets, al- leys, avenues, or property, to any street railroad, telephone, telegraph, gas, electric light, or other company, or the issuance of any bonds (excepting bonds issued for the purpose of funding outstand- ing bonds, which shall not be funded except at the same rate or a lower rate of interest), must be sub- mitted to the qualified voters of said city at a special election to be called for that purpose; provided, that such ordinance or ordinances mav be submitted to —19— the qualified voters at a general city election; and provided, further, that no such special election shall be called within six (6) months after a special elec- tion or general city election; and provided, further, that nothing in this section shall prevent the Board of Commissioners, by a majority vote of its mem- bers, from permitting telephone, telegraph, street railway, electric light, or gas companies now in exist- ence, or which may hereafter be created and obtain franchises in accordance with the provisions of this Act, from erecting additional poles or extending their lines in said city without an affirmative vote of the qualified voters. If the majority of the qualified voters voting in Expenses of such special or general city election on the matters IFoZ^ embraced in this section vote in favor of such ordi- nance or ordinances, the same shall become a law; provided, that the expenses of all such special elec- tions, or the pro rata part thereof, when held in con- junction with a general city election, shall be paid by the person or corporation in whose behalf said elec- tion shall have been called for the purpose of voting on such ordinance or ordinances. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That, for the pur- ^ pose of providing means for the liquidation and re- from sinking tirement of the bonded indebtedness of said city, a sinking fund is hereby created, into which shall be paid, on the first of each month after this Act be- comes effective, ten per cent of all taxes, revenues, and collections from all sources whatsoever, except from the tax for school purposes and from any money derived from the sale of any bonds received by and coming into the city treasury. The Commis- eoriimissioner sioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House shall, ^[^F'nance. at the end of each month, out of said taxes, revenues, and collections, except out of the taxes for school purposes and from any money derived from sale of any bonds received during said month, deduct ten per cent from the aggregate thereof, and deposit same in one or more of the city depositories to the credit of "Sinking Fund;" and he shall open and keep in his books in his office an account designated ''Sinking Fund Account," which shall show accu- rately and specifically all pajonents made into and —20- Uonds, buy when. chases of bonds. Bonds— called. ^not'dh-erted ^'^ disbursemeiits made ont of said sinking- fund ; and no disbursement out of said sinking- funoard of Park Commissioners shall, each year prior to the makinjf^ of the annual levy of taxes by the Board of Commissioners of said city, prepare and submit to the Board of Commissioners an esti- mate of the amount of money which shall be required for the purchase, maintenance, and improvement of park property for the succeeding year, beginning January first, which estimate shall set forth the items of expense as accurately as possible; and it shall b the duty of the Board of Commissioners of said city, in its annual levy of taxes, to make such special levy for park purposes, separate and distinct from its levy for ordinary municipal purposes, of a tax of not less than ten cents on the one hundred dollars of the value for assessment within said city as shall. be necessarj^ to meet the expenditures contemplated in said estimate of the Board of Park Commission- ers; and the amount so levied shall be collected and carried to the credit of the Board of Park Commis- sioners, an d sh all not be diverted therefrom"^" and the same shall remain a separate and distinct park fund in the hands of the Commissioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House of said city. '''All expenditures on account of this fund shall be made upon vouchers ap- proved by the Park Commissioners through its Chairman and Secretary, which vouchers shallsjvhen accompanied by detailed statements of such expen- ditures J be payable on presentation at the revenue office of said city. All funds arising from any source which are to be devoted to or used for the purchase, maintenance, and betterment of the public parks owned or controlled by said city, shall be paid from time to time to the Commissioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House, and a separate account thereof kept. The Park Commission, through its proper offi- cials, shall be authorized to draw from time to time upon said funds ; and it shall be the duty of the Com- missioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House to pay such checks whenever drawn, so long as there is a balance to the credit of the account of public parks ; but the money so drawn shall be used to purchase, repair, improve, and maintain the public parks in and near the city of Nashville under the management of said Board of Park Commissioners. . "/- ' . N .■ V,..., ^f hU' IT K /f ' ' \ A —43— 6. That the Board of Park Commissioners shall Records- keep accurate records and books of account, and '^^p°'^'^ shall make a report to the Board of Commissioners of said city during the month of December of each year, showing the amounts received, from what source, how expended, with such explanations and recommendations as may be deemed to the best in- terest of the public parks. ^y Books of account of said Board and of all officers B^oks of "^"^P^ thereof shall at all times be open to the inspection account.^^/^ and examination of the Board of Commissioners of said city or any accountant designated by the Board of Commissioners of said city to make the examina- tion. 7. That the Board of Commissioners of said city special pouce. may, from time to time, upon application therefor, made by the Board of Park Commissioners, provide by ordinance for special park police, the same to be under the control of the Board of Park Commission- ers. 8. That the term ''park property" as used in this park property. Act shall include all parks and areas of land within the management of said Board of Park Commission- ers, and all buildings, structures, and improvements thereon of every kind and character whatever. Sec. 40. Be it further enacted, That there shall be Humane com- TT r^ ' • 1 i? j5 /r\ tnissioners— a Humane Commission, composed ot live (5) mem- animals, ju- bers, who shall have been bona fide residents and cit- "^'^'''^'°"- izens of said city at least five (5) j^ears prior to their appointment, and who shall serve without compen- sation. Members of the Humane Commission may be nominated by any member of said Board of Com- missioners, but no person shall be qualified to act as a member of said Humane Commission unless elected by a majority vote of said Board of Commissioners. Rules. Said Humane Commission shall have power and au- thority to make all rules and regulations for its gov- ernment, and to adopt bj-laws to fulfill the purpose of its existence; but all such rules, regulations, and by-laws shall not be effective until approved by the Board of Commissioners of said city. It shall be the duty of said Humane Commission • Duties diligently and vigilantly to observe the faithful exe- cution of all ordinances, by-laws, and measures of officers. —44— said city enacted by the Board of Coinmissioners of said city or by said Humane Commission for the pur- pose of proliibitino- and restraining and punishing Mayor. sail- the cruel aud inliunian treatment of children and an- ii.urityuvcr. jjjj^ig. ^^^ to the end that the work of the Plumane Commission may be the more efficiently accomplished, upon request of the chairman of said Humane Com- mission, it shall be the duty of said Commissioner of Public Affairs, Police, and Health to assign for special work, under the control and direction of the Humane Humaue Comniissiou, members of the metropolitan police force ; or said Humane Commission may, and it is hereby authorized to, employ such number of persons as it may deem necessary and advisable for the purpose of enforcing all ordinances, by-laws, and measures within its jurisdiction; and the persons so employed by said Humane Commission shall have all the powers heretofore conferred by this Act on members of the metropolitan police force of said city. Said Humane Commission is further author- ized and empowered to employ such number of per- sons as it may deem necessary for service other than police services, and to fix the compensation of its po- lice and other employees, but between limits to be approved by the Board of Commissioners of said city. All moneys derived from fines assessed on convic- tions for violations of ordinances, by-laws, and meas- ures enacted and intended for the prevention of cruel and inhuman treatment of children and animals shall be paid directly to the Humane Commission, and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of said Commission. All property acquired by said Hu- mane Commission by gift, devise, or otherwise, shall remain under its exclusive .iurisdiction and control ; and the Board of Commissioners of said city is here- by authorized and empowered to make provision in its annual levy of taxes for meeting the financial needs of said Board, and raising revenue for such purposes is hereby declared an ordinary purpose within the meaning of this Act, and shall be so con- sidered by said Board of Commissioners. No money shall be drawn from the fund herein provided for the Humane Commission, except on Property. Vouchers. —45— vouchers drawn on said fund and signed by the Chairman of said Board and the Secretary thereof; and all expenditures exceeding five hundred dollars Humane ($500) shall cTnly be made upon an ordinance, signed ^''^''" ''"'^^''' by the chairman of said Humane Commission and passed by the Board of Commissioners of said city in the manner herein provided by law for the pass- age of other ordinances. It shall be the duty of said Reports. Humane Commission to make quarterly reports to the Board of Commissioners of said city, which shall contain a full and detailed account of all their acts and doings, their recommendations for the enact- ment of such further ordinances as will further and advance the purposes for which said Board is cre- ated, together with a complete and itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Sec. 41. Be it further enacted, That in said city Hospital com- there shall be a Board to be known as the "Board of ^'ssioners. Hospital Commissioners," said Board to consist of five (5) members, who shall at the time of their elec- tion have been citizens of the territory embraced within the corporate limits of said city for five (5) years prior to the time of their election. No member of said Board shall be a physician or surgeon, but all shall be nonmedical men. The mem- bers of the Board of Hospital Commissioners may be nominated by any member of the Board of Com- missioners of said city, but no person shall qualify and enter upon the performance of his duties as a member of the Board of Hospital Commissioners unless elected by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners of said city. Before entering upon the performance of their du- ties as Hospital Commissioners, each member of said Board shall take and subscribe to an oath that he^^^^^ will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Tennessee, and will faithfully strive to obey and carry into effect the duties im- posed upon him by law. Each member of said Board Bonds. shall likewise execute a bond, in such sum as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of said city, that he will faithfully and truly perform the duties imposed upon him by law. No compensation shall be received by any member of said Board of —46- Removed for cause. Superintend- ent and employees. Salaries. Under civil service. liospital Commissioners for any services performed by him as such Commissioner; and each member of said Board shall serve during ^ood behavior, and until his successor is elected and qualified by the Board of Commissioners of said city. The present members of the Board of Hospital Commissioners shall constitute the first Board of Hospital Commis- sioners, and shall serve during good behavior, and shall be removed by the Board of Commissioners of said city only for cause after due notice and hearing. It shall be the duty of the Board of Hospital Com- missioners, and it is hereby authorized and empow- ered, to make all rules and regulations for the or- ganization of said Board and all rules and regula- tions for the control and regulation of such hospital or hospitals. The Board of Hospital Commissioners is herebj- authorized and empowered to employ a Superintend- ent and Surgeon for each hospital, and all other em- ployees, and to fix their compensation; but no per- son shall be eligible to the office of Superintendent and Surgeon in charge of any hospital or hospitals unless he shall be a physician of reputable charac- ter in his profession, a graduate in medicine of skill and culture, who shall have had at least five (5) years' experience in the practice of his profession prior to the date of his election, two (2) years of which shall have been spent by him in some reputa- ble hospital. No Superintendent and Surgeon in charge of any hospital shall be removed from office except for cause on due notice and hearing by the Board of Hospital Commissicrhers ; and in the event of his removal by said Board, he shall have the right within ten days to appeal for a rehearing of his case to the Board of Hospital Commissioners. All the Superintendents and Surgeons in charge of hospitals of said city when this Act becomes effective shall continue to remain in charge thereof and discharge their duty until re- moved as provided for in this Act. All nurses, attendants, and other medical employ- ees shall be employed by the Superintendent and Surgeon in charge, and their compensation fixed by —47— him, but between limits prescribed by the Board of Hospital Commissioners. The medical staff of said hospital or hospitals shall be selected in such manner and imder such reg- ulations as the Board of Hospital Commissioners may determine. The Superintendent and Surgeon in charge shall make all rules and regulations of a medical and surgical character for the administra- tion of the hospital or hospitals to which such staff is assigned for service; but all such rules and regu- lations, before becoming operative, shall be approved by the Board of Hospital Commissioners. No member of the medical staff of said hospital Medical staff. or hospitals shall receive any compensation for his services as such a member. The Superintendent and Surgeon assigned by the Board of Hospital Com- missioners to conduct the surgical and medical work of the institution is hereby authorized and empow- ered, and it shall be his duty, to provide for the se- lection and appointment of internes at such institu- ^^^^^^^^^ tion; and he shall have complete jurisdiction and control over all the medical and surgical work of the institution, subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Hospital Commissioners. It shall be the duty of the Hospital Commissioners to submit to the Board of Commissioners of said city quarterly reports in writing, which shall set out in Reports made full the collections and disbursements made on ac- quarterly. count of the hospital during such quarter, and which shall contain the monthly reports during the quarter by the Superintendent and Surgeon in charge. All money collected from private or pay patients •*-.•-*■ Pav patients at the City Hospital, as well as from clinical fees, which may be charged the students of the various medical schools of said city as fixed by the rules and regulations of the Board of Hospital Commission- ers, and all other revenues derived from operation and conduct of the hospital, shall be paid to the City separate Treasurer of said city, who shall keep the same sep- ^'='^°""'- arate from the other revenues of the city and to the credit of the Hospital Department, and said money so collected shall be used for the maintenance of said hospital or hospitals in addition to the amount set —48- BuHRCt. Ho!li- cation of the notice, at which the Board of Commis- sioners of said city shall meet to hear remonstrances or protests against the making of such improvement or improvements. At the time and place thus ap- pointed the Board of Commissioners shall meet, and at said meeting, or a time and place to which same may be ad.iourned from time to time, all persons whose property will be affected by such improvement or improvements may appear in person or by attor- ney, or by petition, and protest against the making of such improvement or improvements, the manner of making the same, or the material to be used ; and the said Board of Commissioners shall consider such objections and protests, if any, and may confirm, amend, modify, or repeal such original ordinance. 3. In the event the Board of Commissioners of said —51— city confirm and adopt said ordinance, it shall be the ordinance duty of said Board to construct the improvement thus authorized, ^vhich may be done by contract with contract- tKeTowest responsible bidder, in accordance with the h°^iet. proVTSTOus'"T)f the charter of said city, or it may be done by the employees of the Department of Streets, SeW§fs7and Sidewalks, as said Board of Commis- sioners mav__elect ; provided, however, that in case saiTlvork is let to the lowest responsible bidder, all bids submitted for the construction of such improve- ment shall be accompanied by a certified check, or a suitable bond, with at least two good and solvent sureties who are citizens or residents of the city where the improvement is to be made ; or, in lieu of personal sureties, the bond of some surety company authorized to do business in this State may be given in a penal sum of at least ten per cent (10%) of the entire cost of the Avork to be done or improvements to be made, computed on the basis of the bids sub- mitted, and conditioned that the contractors named therein shall, in case said work is awarded to them, enter into a contract with said city, within the time required, and for the price named in their respective bids, and in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations for the improvement and the provisions of the ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of said city authorizing the improvements. Said Board of Commissioners shall have the power to reject any and all bids and to order new bids. The successful bidder shall execute a bond to said citj" or town in an '^ b''ond'''°'^^ amount equal to twenty-five per cent {25^c) of the entire contract price of such improvement, condi- tioned that the parties shall well and truly perform all the terms and conditions of the contract in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the plans and specifications, which shall form a part of said contract, and shall indemnify and save the city harmless from all losses, costs, and expenses which it may sustain by reason of any negligence of such contractor. 4. That after the completion of the work or im- provement, it shall be the duty of said Board of Coin-^°^^^^^^.^^^^ missioners, in conformity with the requirements of said ordinance, to apportion two-thirds of the cost —52— Cost includes what. Cost paving between tracks. of such improvement upon tlie land al)nttinj2^ the said street, highway, avenue, or alley, which apportion- ment shall be made ai^ainst said land and the several lots or parcels thereof according to the frontage of said lots or parcels on said street, highway, avenue, or alley; provided, hoivever, that the aggregate or total amount of the levy or assessment made upon or against any lot or parcel of land shall not exceed one-half of the assessed value of said lot for munici- pal taxes for the current year ; and the city or town shall pay any part of such levy or assessment upon or against any such lot or parcel of land as may be in excess of one-half of said assessed value thereof, including the improvements thereon. The cost and expense of the preliminary and other surveys and the inspection and superintendence of such work, the preparation of plans and specifications, the printing and publishing of notices, resolutions, and ordinances required, including notice of assessment, preparing bonds, and any other expense necessary for the com- pletion of such improvement, including the cost of the improvement of any street in each street or alley in- tersection, except the share to be assessed against street railway companies, as herein provided, shall be paid and borne by the Board of Commissioners of such cities making such improvements ; and no cost thereof shall be included or levied on the property fronting on the street, highway, avenue, or alley where the said improvements are made. 5. When any street, highway, avenue, or alley to be improved in accordance with the pro^asions of this Act has located therein the track or tracks of any street railway or commercial railroad company which had agreed to pave any portion of such street, high- way, avenue, or alley, and by the terms of its said agreement has the option of either doing said work of paving in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by said city or of permitting said city to do said work at a price to be paid to said city bj^ said company, it shall be the duty of said Board of Commissioners to first ascertain if said company desires itself to do its portion of said paving or de- sires that the same shall be done by said Board of Commissioners. If said company elects to have its —53— portion of said paving done by said Board of Com- missioners at the same time the rest of said paving is done, then, and before proceeding to apportion any portion of the cost of said improvement upon any of the lots or parcels of ground abutting on said highway, said IBoard of Commissioners shall first deduct from the total cost of said improvement the amount that should be paid by such company. After deducting the amount that is to be paid by such street or commercial railroad company, said Board shall next proceed to apportion two-thirds of the balance of the cost of such improvement upon the land abut- ting on such street, highway, avenue, or alley, as hereinbefore and hereafter provided. 6. When said Board of Commissioners shall have completed such apportionment as provided by this^ass«s4ent- Act, it shall publish a notice that said assessment p™'^^*^"^- list has been prepared, and that on a day named, which shall not be less than ten (10) days from the date of the first of said notices, the Board of Com- missioners will consider any and all objections to said apportionment that have been filed in its office and with the clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Said notices shall further recite that said assess- ment lists are in the office of the clerk to the Board of Commissioners, and may be inspected within busi- ness hours and during the time specified by any one interested. All persons whose property it is pro-^ostspro- posed to assess for the cost of said improvement may rated^a^d*^ at any time on or before the date named in said no- assessed. tices file in writing with the clerk to the Board of Commissioners any objection or defenses to the pro- - posed assessment against his property or to the amount thereof. On the date named in said notices, or at any day to which said meeting may be ad- journed or to which consideration of said assess- ments and the o1)jections thereto may he postponed, said Board of Commissioners shall hear and con- ^^^^^^^^^.^^ sider said assessments and objections thereto, and, 'fi'na'i"^ '°° after so doing, shall ratify, confirm, modify, or amend said pro rata as shall be deemed right and proper. If no objection to the pro rata or the amount thereof is filed, or if the property owner fails to ap- pear in person or by attorney and resist the same, I,iens— order of. Confirmation fixes costs. Errors. Errors do not invalidate. Assessments due — how paid. tlie pro rata shall be confirmed and made final; and property owners who do not file objection in writing or protest against such assessment shall be held to have consented to the same and forever barred to attack the regularity, validity, or legality of such assessment. Such confirmation and final action on such assessment by the Board of Commissioners of said city shall be done at a single meeting of that body, and the provisions of this Act in reference to the passage of ordinances on three separate readings shall not be applicable to the action of said Board of Commissioners in levying such assessments as afore- said. All such assessments shall be and constitute a lien on the respective lots or parcels of land upon which they are levied, superior to all other liens, ex- cept those of the State, county, and city for taxes. The enforcement of the State, county, or city of its lien for taxes on any lot or parcel of land upon which has been levied an assessment for an}^ improvement authorized by this Act shall not operate to discharge or in any manner affect the city's lien for such as- sessment; but a purchaser at a tax sale, whether by the State, county, or city, of any lot or parcel of land upon which said assessment has been levied, shall take the same subject to the lien of such assessment; and if bought bj^ the State, any conveyance of the title thus acquired or any redemption shall be sub- ject to the lien of such assessments; provided, Jioiv- ever, that any error, mistake of name, number of lot, description of the same, amount of assessment, or any other irregularity whatever, may at any time be corrected, and no such levy or assessment shall be declared void or invalid by reason thereof; but the person or persons aggrieved may have the same cor- rected by application in writing to the Board of Com- missioners of said city. If in any court of competent jurisdiction any final assessment made in pursuance of this Act is declared void, then the Board of Com- missioners of said city maj'', upon recommendation and notice, as required in the making of an original assessment thereunder, make a new assessment in accordance with the provisions of this Act. 7. All assessments levied by virtue of this Act shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after — i3D— the assessment is made final, as aforesaid; but at the election of the property owner, to be expressed by a notice in writing, as hereinafter provided, said as- sessment may be paid in five (5) annual installments, Assessments and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent payable eve • 11 ' -II K annual in- (6%) per annum, interest payable semiannually. A staiiments. property owner desirins^ to exercise the privilege of payment by installments shall, before the expiration of the thirty (30) days aforesaid, enter into an agree- ment in writing with the municipality that, in consid- eration of such privilege, he will make no objection objections to any illegality or irregularity with regard to the ^^^^'^d- assessment against his property, and will pay the same as required by law, with specified interest ; and such agreement shall be filed in the office of the clerk to the Board of Commissioners. In all cases where such agreement has not been signed and filed within the time limited, the entire assessment shall be pay- able in cash, without interest, before the expiration of said thirty (30) days; provided, that any property owner who shall have elected to pay his assessment in five (5) annual installments shall have the right and privilege of paying up the assessment in full at any installment period by paying the full amount of the assessment, together with all accrued interest,- and an additional sum equal to one-half the annual interest thereon; provided, hoivever, that if any prop- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ erty owner makes default in the payment of any in- penalty on stallment and interest thereon, when the same ma- tures, all of said installments, with interest, and an additional sum equal to half the annual interest, shall become immediately due and payable. 8. After the Board of Commissioners shall have,, levied said assessment a.gainst the property abutting AsFe^s'sments- upon such street, highway, avenue, or alley, the Board shall deliver a list of such assessments to the Commissioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House of said city, who shall enter it, or cause the same to be entered, in a well-bound book, styled ''Special As- sessments," which book shall be so ruled as to con- veniently show (1) the name of the owner of said property; (2) the number of the lot or part of lot and the plan thereof, if there be a plan ; (3) the front- age of said lot and the depth thereof; (4) the amount —56- City Attorney collects. that has been assessed against said lot; (5) the amonnt of each installment and the date on which each installment is due. Said book shall be indexed accordinc^ to the names of the owners of the property and according to tlie names of the streets that have been improved. The Comptroller in the Department of Finance, Lights, and Market House shall issue his receivable warrant to the individual or owner de- siring to pay any of said assessment, which amount shall be paid to the Treasurer of said city as other taxes and revenues of said city are now paid. When- ever any installment of any assessment shall become ^inSmentc, past duc for a period of sixty (60) days, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of said city to certify said installment and all other installments of the same assessment to the City Attorney of said city, whose duty it shall be to immediately enforce the collection of such installment or installments by at- tachment levied upon the lot or parcel of ground apon which such assessment or assessments were as- sessed. In case of the nonpayment of any install- ment as prescribed by this Act, then all of the install- ments become due and delinquent, and an attachment shall be sued out and lien thereunder enforced and collected in the Chancery Court of the county where- in said land is located. Any land so attached may be sold in said attachment proceeding, in bar of equity of redemption and all other rights, legal or equitable, equity when belougiug to the owner or owners of said land. Any such bill may include as many as twenty-five (25) distinct pieces or tracts of land, the owners thereof being made defendants to the bill ; and such cause shall not be subject to objection for misjoinder by reason of the distinct interest that several of the de- fendants have in the property proceeded against, and all parties necessary to enable the court to enforce the lien and to divest the title out of the owner or owners and invest the same in the purchaser may be made parties defendant; and should any person in- terested pay after the bill has been filed and before the sale of the land, the city shall dismiss the suit as to the person and property included in said pay- ment; provided, all persons so paying the taxes or assessments shall pay his, her, or its just proportion Chancery Court— bill to collect. Title free of — 0/— of the costs accrued in said court to the date of the payment; and it is, therefore, provided that the fil- ing of this bill in no way defeat the rights of said city to the lien as before established, such bill being- filed for the purpose of enforcing the same. Said bill herein provided for shall be in substance and in form the same as other bills filed in the Chancery Court for the purpose of foreclosing and enforcing liens and collecting taxes, assessments, and moneys due under lien, and for divesting title and making a title; but no defendant shall be entitled to a copy of the bill without applying to the clerk of said court and pay- ing for such copy, nor shall it be necessary that all defendants' names be included in the copy of the sub- poenas to be left with said defendant or in publica- tion for nonresidents. Said cause shall be at issue as to any defendant when his, her, or its answer is filed, or pro confesso has been taken; and the cause may be proceeded with by or against any one or more of the defendants until final judgment, sale, and con- firmation thereof, without in any wa}^ affecting any other party to the suit. Any party to the bill shall appeals from have the right to appeal to the Supreme Court or ^^^igg''^'^^ Court of Civil Appeals, or to a writ of error, as their rights in such proceedings may be; and such bill shall not affect proceedings as to other parties. It is hereby intended that said sums of money ex- Abstract item pended under this Act, together with all interest, assessment, costs, charges, etc., as have heretofore been set forth, shall be, and are, and do constitute a lien upon the fee in said lot or lots or parcels of ground, and not i^ien on fee. merely upon the interest of the person or persons to whom said assessment and levj^ may be made, but to any and all other interests in said property, whether in reversion, remainder, or any estate of any nature whatsoever; and said assessment shall not be invalid on account of said assessed property having been leased or the assessments made against any one as owner or owners not the owner or owners, or where the owner or owners are unknown. The said lien shall be prior and superior to all other liens or en- cumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except State, county, and municipal taxes, and shall be of equal dignity with sidewalk assessments. Said lien shall ^'whln!^^^^^~ —58— attach when the Board of Commissioners shall have ordered the improvement made in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for tlie Board of Commissioners and when said order shall have been entered upon the minute book of the Board of Minute book is Commisslouers. Such entry, when duly signed by the noticeof lien. Board of Commlssioncrs, shall become a notice and fix the lien as to all parties who have acquired any title, right, or interest in or to said lot or parcel of ground, or who may thereafter acquire any title, right, or interest therein. City Attorney Tho City Attomcy is authorized to have an ab- strac"of dtie. stract of title made to such lot or lots, and the ex- pense thereof shall be charged as an item in the col- lection of said assessment. Bonds, abut- 9. Whcu thc Board of Commissioners shall have alisessment!' Ordered the construction of any improvement in ac- cordance with the terms of this Act, said Board of Commissioners shall have the power and authority for the purpose of providing the means to pay the expenses of said improvements chargeable to prop- erty owners to issue negotiable bonds of the munic- ipality to the amount in par value not exceeding two- thirds of the estimated cost of any such improve- ment or improvements, which cost shall for this pur- pose be estimated by the Board of Commissioners in the ordinance authorizing the issue of said bonds. Such bonds shall be payable to the bearer in lawful money of the United States, either at the office of the treasurer of the municipality or at such other place in the United States as may be designated in the bond, and such bonds shall be in the form and signed by such officials as may be provided in the ordinance directing the issue. Coupons may bear a facsimile signature or signatures. In case an}^ such officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds to the purchaser, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if thej^ had remained in office until the delivery of the bonds. The bonds shall run for one, two, three, four, and five years, and bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent {6%) per annum, as may be designated in the bonds, payable semian- —59— nually, with interest coupons attached; and such bonds shall be of such denomination as the Board of Commissioners in said ordinance may order and di- rect. The Board of Commissioners may, in its dis- ^^^g__^,^^ cretion, in such ordinances provide that any bond caiied. shall be payable at the option of the municipality at any interest-paying period; and if such Board of Commissioners desires to exercise this right, it shall be stated on the face of the bonds, as well as in the ordinance authorizing their issuance, that they are subject to call at any time before their maturity that the Board of Commissioners may deem proper ; pro- vided, however, that the Board of Commissioners g^jj^g_j.^^j^^^j shall give notice before anj'^ such interest period by ^^fr,"'',^ ™^" publication three (3) times, once a week for three consecutive weeks, in a daily newspaper published in said city, the first publication to be not less than thirty (30) days prior to the interest period at which it is proposed to redeem the bonds, such notice stat- ing the intention of the Board of Commissioners to redeem the bonds and describing them by number and series. Said bonds shall be sold at public or pri- g^j,^^ ^^^^_ vate sale at not less than par and accrued interest, ters', sold- -L ^ now. Said bonds shall be the absolute and general obliga- tions of the municipality, and the Board of Commis- sioners of said city shall provide by ordinance that the assessments levied upon the property abutting on the streets, highways, avenues, or alleys, or part or parts thereof, in respect of which any such bonds are issued, shall be set apart as a fund for the paj^- ment of such bonds and interest. It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of said city to levy °ers^,Hqui'- an ad valorem tax upon all of the taxable property speciiuax. in the city to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as they may become due, or to pay such part or parts thereof as are not provided for by the as- sessments levied and actually collected and in the treasury of the city set apart for the payment of such bonds and interest. The tax herein provided for shall be in addition to all other taxes which such municipality is authorized by law to levy. Any or- ^^^^^^ ^^^^ dinance authorizing the issuance of such bonds shall ters', ordi- be valid when passed by the Board of Commission- acted. —no- d's of said cily, and the j)r()visioiis of Sections *26 and 127 of tliis Act sliall not apply to bonds issued Bonds abut- ^^i^dor tliis subsection. Said ordinances may, in the »er^^account discretion of the lea^ishitive body, provide for the issuance of bonds in one lot or amount in respect of any one or more of such improvements on one or more streets, avenues, alleys, or highways, or part or parts thereof, and may, in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners of said city, yjrovide that any assessments levied in respect of any such im- provement or improvements on one or more streets, avenues, highways, or alleys, may be applied as a whole toward the payment of such entire lot or amount of bonds or interest thereon ; and it shall not be necessary that each assessment for each separate improvement shall be kept separate and applied to the bonds issued in respect to that jDarticular im- provement. After the passage of any ordinance au- thorizing the issue of bonds, any of the proceedings authorizing the advertisement or sale or award of the bonds may be taken b}^ order or resolution, made at a single meeting or session of the Board of Com- missioners of said city, and need not be by ordinance. Any such bonds may, in the discretion of the Board Form of bonds. n r^ •• i?'*T'ii- t • ^ i or Commissioners oi said city, be issued m substan- tially the following form or in such other form as the Board of Commissioners of said city may from time to time prescribe. Such form is as follows — to wit : United States of America, State of Tennessee, City of Nashville, Street Improvement Bond. No Series $ The City of Nashville, a municipal corporation or- ganized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer the sum of $ , in lawful money of the United States, on the first day of , 191 ..... with interest thereon at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semiannually, on the first day of and "Original Act, clerical error, "2S and 29.' — Gl— in each year, until this bond is paid upon presenta- tion and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally fall due, both principal and interest being payable at the office of the City Treasurer in Nash- ville, Tenn., or at the office of , in , at the option of the holder. This bond is issued under and in pursuance of and in strict conformity with an Act of the General As- sembly of the State of Tennessee, approved , of the Acts of the year , and in other statutes, and the Constitution of said State and the charter of said city in such cases made and provided, and under and pursuant to ordinances and proceedings of said city, duly adopted and had, and to provide means to pa^^ not exceeding two-thirds of the estimated cost of certain street improvements. It is hereby certified, recited, and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to be done, ex- ist, and be performed precedent to and in the issu- ance of this bond in order to make this bond a legal, valid, and binding obligation of the City of Nash- ville, have been done, existed, and been performed in regular and due time, form, and manner as re- quired by law ; and that the indebtedness represented by this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said city, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said State or the charter of said city. The full faith and credit of the City of Nashville are hereby pledged for the prompt paj^- ment of the principal and interest of this bond as the same become due. In witness whereof, the Mayor of said City of Nashville and the City Treasurer of said city have signed this bond and attached the seal of said city and caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor and said City Treasurer, and this bond to be dated 19.... Mayor. > City Treasurer. If the municipality reserves the right or option to pay off said bonds before maturity, such right or —62— option shall be expressly reserved in the bonds; and the lanj^nage of such reservation inserted in such case in the bond may be substantially as follows, or any other appropriate language: The City of Nashville hereby reserves the right ^maufrity^"'^'' aud optiou to pav off this bond at any interest-pay- ing period before maturity; and in the event the City of Nashville shall elect to pay off this bond in full at any interest period before maturity, it shall and will pay as a bonus to the holder thereof a sum equal to one-half of the annual interest thereon for one year; provided, hoiV'Sver, that the legislative body of said municipality shall give public notice before such in- terest period by publication three times, once a week for three consecutive weeks, in a daily newspaper published in the City of , the first publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the interest period of this bond, stating its inten- tion to redeem the same and describing the same by number and series. (Form of Coupon.) No $ On the first day of , 19 .... , the City of , Tenn., will pay to the bearer, at the office of the City , in coupons-form ^ Tcun., Or at the office of , in , at the option of the holder, dollars, being six months' interest then due on Street Improvement Bond No Mayor. 'City'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.\.. 10. K there be a street, electric, or steam railroad fn^f^eet^^ ^ track or tracks in any street, alley, avenue, or high- way improved under this Act, the cost of such im- provement between the rails and the space between such tracks, and two (2) feet beyond the outer rail, and including switch and turnouts, shall be paid by the owners of such railroad, and shall be assessed and collected from such owner, and shall be levied —63— upon the railroad and the property used in connec- tion therewith; and in the event a culvert be con- structed, which drains streets or highways, on which there is a street, electric, or other railroad, there shall be assessed against such railroad a fair and just proportion of the construction of such culvert, to be determined by the Board of Commissioners ; and such assessment shall be a lien like other assessments, and may be collected in like manner; provided, however, that where any such railroads shall occupy any street, allej^, or highway under ordinance or contract with such city, it shall pay or improve according to the provisions of such ordinance or contract as have been provided in this Act. Where any of the improvements authorized by this Act shall have been directed to be done as herein ^piaced-how provided, the Board of Commissioners of said city shall have the power to require any street railroad company, or any steam commercial railroad com- pany, or other rail-using company, to replace the rails that such company have in such street with other rails of a kind to be specified by said Board; and when in the judgment of said Board of Commis- sioners the rails ordered to be removed are not suit- able to be used with paving that is about to be put down by said Board, notice thus provided for shall be given at least sixty (60) da^^s before said Board of Commissioners begins to work upon that portion of the street wherein such rails are located. Should the company refuse to comply with the requirements of said notice, the Board of Commissioners shall have power to remove all of said rails from such street, highway, alley, or public place, and the expense of such removal shall be paid by such company. *n. Before making any of the im])rovenients con- Gas. water, templated in this Act, the Board of Commissioners uons^°"°^''" shall have power to order the owner or owners of all abutting real estate to connect their several prem- ises with gas, water mains, or other subterraneous conduits, pipes, or ducts, or with any other public utility in the street in front of their several prem- ises; and upon default of the owner for thirty (30) days after such notice to make connection, the Board •Rust vs. Nashville, Supreme Court, 1912, held section unconstitutional in part. — G4— of (Joiniiiissioners may contract for and make the connection aforesaid, at such distance, under sucli regulations, and in accordance with such specifica- tions as may be prescribed by it; and the whole cost of such connection shall be assessed against the prem- ises with which the connection is made. Any num- ber of such connections may be included in one con- tract, and the cost thereof shall be added to the final levy or assessment made against the property of each lot owner as hereunder provided. T.,i-,.,-t^„a.. 12. In the event of the issuance of bonds as here- bonds if " in provided, it shall be the duty of the Board of Com- missioners of said city to ascertain m due season, m advance of the time for the payment of the principal or interest, or both, of any and all such bonds to be herein issued, and in advance of the time for the pay- ment of the principal or interest, or both, of any such bonds, whether or not there is or will be sufficient moneys provided hy the assessments levied and actu- ally collected in the treasury of the municipality set apart for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as the same from time to time become due; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Com- missioners of said cit}^ in due season, in advance, to levy an ad valorem tax upon all the taxable property in the municipality sufficient to pay the principal and interest of such bonds as they become due from time to time, or to pay such part or parts thereof as are not or will not be fully provided for by the assess- ments levied and actually collected and in the treas- ury of the municipality in season for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as the same from time to time become due. In case the mu- nicipality shall levy and collect ad valorem taxes for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of any bonds or any part thereof, the municipality shall, nevertheless, have the power and authority to pro- ceed with the levy and collection of the assessments ; and such assessments or part thereof sufficient for the purpose shall be paid into the treasury of the municipality to reimburse the treasure" for the amount thus paid out of such ad valorem taxes; and such money thus reimbursed to the treasury shall be used under the direction of the Board of Commis- —65— sioners of said city for anj' lawful corporate pur- pose for which ordinary ad valorem taxes may le- gally be levied and collected. 13. Any failure on the part of any city to comply g^^^^ ^^^ with any of the provisions of this Act, and any fail- if^^l^^^'' ure in the existence or perforaiance of any of the conditions precedent to the issuance of any bonds is- sued under the provisions of this Act, for local abut- ting property purposes and improvements, shall not affect the validit>^ of such bonds or of the assess- ments made for such purposes, but the same shall be in all respects valid and binding. 14. That the proceeds arising from the collection of assessments levied for each improvement shall be ^"e«ed.°kept and constitute a separate and distinct fund; and emmt''"^ each such fund, together with its accumulations, shall be pledged for the payment of the bonds and inter- est coupons issued for the improvement from the assessment of w^hich said fund arises, and shall be applied exclusively to the payment of such bonds and coupons. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said city to keep an accurate account of all funds ^.^^gg^jj.^^ arising from all assessments for improvements made ^eeps ac- under this Act, and to carefully and accurately keep a separate account of the funds arising from the col- lection of assessments for each particular improve- ment; provided, liowever, that if at any time thf amount of any particular fund shall exceed the amount of any outstanding bonds and interest enti- tled to payment out of such fund, the Board of Com- missioners shall order the application of such sur- plus to the redemption of bonds issued for such im- provement as hereinbefore provided, and all such bonds so redeemed shall be canceled; provided, fur- ther, that said Board of Commissioners shall have the power, after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date of the final assessment for any im- provement, if no bonds for said improvement have been issued and sold, to order the payment out of the proper fund to the contractor who constructed the improvement, of all or anj'' part of the assess- ment for said improvement previously collected, or to reimburse from such collection the general funds of the city to the extent of any money advanced out -66— 'Public Im- provement" Account. Vouchers drawn on " Public Im- provement Account." Trea.surer's liability. of the j^eneral funds or borrowed to pay the cost of said improvemeut, and to issue and sell bonds, as hereinbefore provided, to any amount not exceeding the balance due the contractor and the general fund of the city or borrowed for such purpose. If there shall be any surplus arising from the sale of bonds issued for any improvement above the cost of said improvement, said surplus shall be and become a part of the fund levied for said improvement, and shall be kept and applied in the manner as said fund is herein required to be kept and applied. All pro- ceeds arising from the collection of assessments lev- ied for an improvement shall, as soon as collected, be deposited by the Treasurer in some bank to be designated by the Commissioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House ; and such collections shall not be deposited with the general funds of the city, but shall be considered a separate deposit to the account of ''Public Improvement," and shall be drawn out on checks or orders directing the amount designated therein to be paid out of the ''Public Improvement Fund." The Treasurer shall be liable on his offi- cial bond to any holder of the bonds authorized here- by for any loss or injury to such bondholder caused by the diversion of said officer of any of said funds or part thereof to the payment of any other fund, certificate of indebtedness, or interest coupons, or in- debtedness of the city other than the bonds and in- terest coupons and indebtedness herein authorized to be paid out of said fund, or by the use or misappro- priation by said officer of any part of the fund out of which said bonds are required and contemplated herein to be paid for any other purpose than herein provided for, or for the benefit of the city or others : and any member of the Board of Commissioners of said city who shall by his or their vote, or in any other manner, cause, aid, or encourage any such di- version, use, or misappropriation of the fund out of which the bondholders are entitled to be paid, for any other purpose than that authorized and required herein, whereby loss or injury to the bondholders or any of them is caused, shall be jointly and severallv liable to such bondholders injured to the extent of such loss and injury. —67— 15. In the event a petition be presented to the petition of Board of Commissioners of said city, averring the oTrotarcoW willingness of each of the signers to pay his or her pro rata share of the entire cost of any improvement such as is hereby authorized, and relieve the munici- pality from any payment of any part thereof, as to any street, highway, avenue, or alley, or part or parts thereof, which petition is signed by the owners of at least sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 2-3 %) of the frontage of the lots or parcels of land abutting on such street, highway, avenue, or alley, or part or parts thereof, proposed to be improved as hereby au- thorized, such petition may be granted by the Board of Commissioners of said city; and thereupon pro- ceedings may be had under this Act the same in all respects as if the improvements had been begun by the Board of Commissioners on its own initiative, and bonds may be issued and assessments may be made, except that the assessment shall in such event be made for the entire cost of the improvement, and bonds may be issued for the entire cost instead of assessment being made and bonds being issued for only two-thirds of the cost thereof ; provided, that no assessment under this subsection shall in any event exceed on any lot one-half of the assessed value of such lot for municipal purposes for the current year, including improvements thereon; and all other pro- visions of this Act shall be applicable in respect to any improvement made under this subsection except as in this subsection may be otherwise expressly provided. 16. The entries in the "Special Assessment" book g,,ijg„^g_ heretofore referred to shall be a book of original en- " special as- , O SCSStllCllt tries for any and all purposes, and shall be compe- Book -is. tent evidence in all cases in all of the courts of this State, or a certified copy thereof signed by the Com- missioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House. 17. Whenever such proceedings are taken by said Bought in by- city as shall result in the sale of any lot of ground to ^o*"- pay any installment or installments of such levies or assessments as herein provided, the Commissioner of Finance, Lights, and Market House shall have the right to bid at such sale up to the amount of all of the assessments that are outstanding against said property; and if said property is struck off to said —68— Commissioner, the title thereof shall be taken in the name of the City of ; and said Com- missioner shall thereafter have the power to execute Quit claim for a Quit-claim deed of said city to any individual who *'''*"• shall tender in consideration thereof the amount of such special assessments that may have been levied against such property, together with all costs, inter- est, or charges that may have been incurred in the effort to collect such assessments. 18. Whenever any of the improvements made un- ity scost. ^^^ ^-^^ provisions of this section for which it is here- in provided that two-thirds of the cost thereof shall be paid by the owners of abutting real property, the municipality within whose corporate limits such im- provement is made shall pay the remaining cost out of any fund available or provided for that purpose, or that for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay that portion of the cost of improvements chargeable against the municipality as herein au- thorized, said municipality shall have the power and authority to issue negotiable bonds, to be termed "General Improvement Bonds," as distinguished proveme"" from tlic bouds authorized by a preceding subsection Bonds.' ^^ ^i^.g ggg^JQjj^ ^Q 3JJ amount in par value not ex- ceeding one-third of the estimated cost of any such improvement or improvements, and the cost of in- tersections, and the cost of incidentals mentioned in a preceding subsection, which cost shall for this pur- pose be estimated by the legislative body in an ordi- nance authorizing the issuance of said bonds. Said bonds shall be payable to bearer in lawful money of the United States, either at the office of the Treas- urer of the municipality or at such other place in the United States as may be designated in the bonds, and shall be in such form and signed by such officials as may be provided in the ordinance directing their is- suance. In case any of such officials whose signa- tures appear on the bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officials before the delivery of such bonds to the purchasers, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if they had remained in office until the deliver^' of the bonds. The bonds authorized by this subsection shall run for a period not to exceed twenty years, at the —69— discretion of the Board of Commissioners, and shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, as may be designated in the bond, payable semiannually, and with coupons attached, which may bear a facsimile signature or signatures of the officers authorized by ordinance providing for the issuance of said bonds. Said bonds shall be of such denomination as the Board of Commissioners may in the ordinance directing their issuance desig- ^^'^ °^ ^°*"^*' nate, and may be sold at public or private sale, but not for less than par and accrued interest. Said bonds shall be the absolute and general obligations of the city directing their issuance; and the Board of Commissioners of said city, notwithstanding any previous or subsequent sections of this Act, shall levy annually a sufficient special tax, not exceeding two mills on the dollar, on the assessed valuation of all the taxable property in said city, to provide for the payment of that portion of improvements herein authorized chargeable against the city proper, and to provide a fund with which to pay interest on bonds authorized to be issued by this subsection, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of any bonds that may be issued in anticipation of the collection of such tax, which fund so provided shall not be used or appropriated to any other purpose or purposes than the payment of such portion of the cost of such improvement or bonds and the interest thereon. Bonds issued under this subsection may be issued by the Board of Commissioners of said city by ordi- nance, and the provisions of Sections *26 and 27 of this Act shall not apply to bonds issued under this subsection. After the passage of any ordinance au- thorizing the issuance of bonds under this subsec- tion, any proceeding authorizing the advertisement ^ofbond^*"* of sale or ward of the bonds may be had by order or resolution made at a single meeting or session of the Board of Commissioners of said city, and need not be made by ordinance. Any such general improvement bonds as desig- nated in this section may, in the discretion of the -general Board of Commissioners of said city, be issued in *mem°'^ substantially the following form, or in such other 'Orifirinal Act, clerical error, " 28 and 29." —70- form as the said Board of Commissioners of said city may from time to time prescribe. Such form is as follows — to wit: United States of America, State of Tennessee, City of , General Improvement Bond. No Series $ The City of , a municipal corpo- ration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee, for value received, hereby ac- knowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer the sum of dollars, in law- ful money of the United States, on the first day of , 19 .... , with interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semiannually, on the first day of and of each year, until this bond is paid, upon presentation and surrender of the an- nexed coupons as they severally fall due, both prin- cipal and interest being payable at the office of the City , in , Tenn., or at the office of , in , at the option of the holder. This bond is issued under and in pursuance of and in strict conformity with an Act of the General As- sembly of the State of Tennessee, approved , 19 .... , being Chapter of the Acts of 19. . . ., and other statutes, and the Constitu- tion of the State of Tennessee, and the charter of said city of , in such cases made and provided, and under and pursuant to ordinance and proceedings of said city duly adopted and had, to provide means to pay not exceeding one-third of the estimated cost of certain street improvements. It is hereby certified, recited, and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to be done, exist, and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make this bond a legal, valid, and binding obligation of the City of , have been done, existed, and been performed, in reg- ular and due time, form, and manner as required by law, and that the indebtedness represented by this —71— bond, together with all other indebtedness of said city, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Con- stitution or statutes of said State or the charter of said city. The full faith and credit of the City of are hereby pledged to the prompt payment of principal and interest of this bond as same becomes due. In witness whereof, the Mayor of the City of and City of said city have signed this bond and attached the seal of the city and caused the interest coupons hereto at- tached to be signed with the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and said City , and this bond to be dated first day of 19.... Mayor. '6ity'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.y... (Form of Coupon.) No $ On the first day of , 19 .... , the City of , Tenn., will pay to the bearer at the office of City , in , Tenn., or at the office of , in , at the option of the holder, dollars, being six months' interest then due on Gen- eral Improvement Bond of said city, dated the first day of , 19 . . . . Series No Mayor. city'.V.V.V.V.V.'.'.V.. lot 18. That any failure on the part of said city to Bonds nc comply with any of the various subsections of this efro'i's^.'^ ""^ section, and any failure in the existence or perform- ance of any conditions precedent to the issuance of any such general improvement bonds as herein- above provided and authorized to be issued by the preceding subsection of this section, shall not affect —72- Invalidities localized. Vacancies — how filled. the validity of said bonds or the levy of tax made under authority of the precedin*^ subsection of this section, but the same shall be in all respects valid and binding. 19. This section of this Act is intended to enable the municipality governed thereby to make munici- pal improvements by assessing the benefits thereof to the individuals and lot owners benefited thereby; but if this section (5r any part thereof should be declared to be unconstitutional, then such unconstitutionality shall not be construed to affect the remaining por- tions of this Act or remaining portions of this sec- tion, as the case may be, it being the purpose of this Legislature to enact the remaining sections of this Act or the remaining subsections of this section as if this section or any subsection thereof were omitted. Sec. 43. Be it further enacted, That in the event of the death, resignation, inability, or refusal to serve, or removal of any officer or employee of the city, other than a member of the Board of Commis- sioners, it shall be the right and duty of the Board of Commissioners to elect as soon as practicable a successor to fill the vacancy; and if no election be had within thirty (30) days after such vacancy oc- curs, the Mayor shall have the right, and it shall be his duty, to appoint some fit person to fill such va- cancy until an election by the Board of Commission- ers shall occur. The election by said Board to fill such vacancy shall be on nomination by the Commis- sioner of the department to which such officer be- longs. In event of the temporary absence or disabil- ity of any officer other than a member of the Board of Commissioners, the Board shall, if a majority of the members thereof see fit, have the power to ap- point some proper person to act in the place and stead of such officer during the absence or disability, and to provide for the compensation of such person temporarily discharging the duties of said officer; provided, however, that there shall be no deduction from the salary of the regular incumbent of said of- fice during such absence or disability, unless the Board shall by resolution declare the absence from office of such incumbent to be without excuse. Sec. 44. Be it further enacted, That all officers —73— and employees who shall be employed by the Board corrupt • . practices of Commissioners of said city shall be elected or ap- pointed with reference to their qualifications and fit- ness, and for the good of the public service, and without reference to their political faith or party af- filiation; and that it shall be unlawful for any can- didate for office, whether for a position on the Board of Commissioners or otherwise, in the employment of said city, to directly or indirectly give or promise any person or persons any office, employment, ben- efit, or anything of value, for the purpose of influ- encing or obtaining the political support, aid, or vote of any person or persons ; and a violation of this pro- vision of this Act shall constitute a misdemeanor, and, in addition to being sufficient cause for the re- call of such officer or officers as herebefore provided, the person so offending shall, upon conviction, be ■ fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and im- prisoned for not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year. Sec. 45. Be it further enacted, That the word definition of ''Commissioner" or "Commissioners" as used in '^^q^^\^' this Act shall be construed as embracing the Mayor, unless the contrary is plainly indicated. Sec. 46. Be it further enacted, That this Act is public Act. hereby declared to be a public Act, and may be read in evidence in all courts of law and equity, which shall take judicial notice hereof; and all ordinances, resolutions, and proceedings of said city may be proved by the seal of the corporation, attested by the clerk to the Board of Commissioners; and when printed and published by authority of the corpora- tion, the same shall be received in evidence in all courts and places without further proof. Sec. 47. Be it further enacted, That the right, title, ,j,^^^^j.^^^f and ownership of all property and all uncollected {^^bimies" taxes, dues, claims, judgments, decrees, and choses *t'-^ in action, and all other property whatsoever — real, personal, or mixed — belonging to, held, or owned by said city, shall be, and are hereby, transferred to and vested in the corporation chartered and organ- ized under this Act, with full power in the municipal corporation chartered under this Act to enforce all -74- Former ordinances adopted. Isolating invaliclities ri*^lits of tlie municipal corporation which it super- sedes. Said corporation under this Act shall answer and be liable for all debts, contracts, and oblig-ations of the corporation which it succeeds, in the same man- ner and proportion and to the same extent as said municipal corporation is liable under existing laws. Complete ^'^^' ^8. Bc U furthcr enacted, That this Act is system of hercbv declared to be a complete system of munici- governnient. •' . , . , ^^ »^ pal government for said city ; and no oincer or officers shall have or exercise any power or authority not herein conferred, anything in former Acts pertain- ing to and covering said city to the contrary notwith- standing. Sec. 49. Be it further enacted, That all ordinances, resolutions, and by-laws duly enacted and in force when this Act becomes effective, and not inconsistent with its provisions, shall not be considered as being- repealed, but shall remain in full force and effect un- til repealed, modified, or amended as herein provided. Sec. 50. Be it further enacted. That each section of this Act is hereby declared to be separate and independent from every otlier flection hereof; and the invalidity of any section or sections hereof shall not be construed as affecting the validity of the re- maining sections, as the same would have been passed by the General Assembly if such invalid section or sections, if any, had been stricken out before the pas- sage of this Act. Sec. 51. Be it further enacted. That any officer elected by the people, or holding by appointment for a definite term, shall continue to serve out the term for which he was elected or appointed, and at the same compensation, if any, provided by law at the time of his election or appointment ; but on the expi- ration of said elective or appointive term, all said of- ficers, except the five (5) members of the Board of Commissioners, shall be appointed as herein pro- vided; provided, however, that the two members of the former Board of Public Works shall receive the compensation provided by this Act. Sec. 52. Be it further enacted. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 53. Be it further enacted, That an election Oflacials hold ing over. Repeal. —75— shall be held on the second Thursday in September t^i,^^ ^jj^^^ in 1913, in conformity with the provisions of this Act, for the purpose of choosing a Mayor and the two Commissioners desi^ated in Section 4 hereof, and for no other purpose, and that the other provi- sions of this Act shall take effect on the Tuesday following" the second Thursday in October, 1913, it being the fourteenth (14th) day of October, 1913, at 8 o'clock A.M., the public welfare requiring it. [Sec. 54. Be it further enacted, 1. That the pouceandFire- Board of Commissioners is made and designated "^0° Board. for the pension purposes herein enacted, the Board of Police and Fire Pension Commissioners. Said Board is authorized and empowered to make a special tax levy not exceeding one-tenth and not less than one-twentieth of one mill on each dollar of the value of the taxable property of such City; provided, rax levy. however, that the levy of said special tax herein au- thorized shall be mandatory upon said Board of Commissioners. 2. That the following employees of the police and ^ho is entitled fire departments of such City shall be entitled to a to pensions, pension under this Act, to-wit : la. Such members of the police and fire depart- ments who have served for a continuous period of twenty-five years, and who, in the judgment and dis- cretion of the Board of Commissioners, may not longer be able to efficiently discharge the duties of his position, and who have com]Dlied with the rules, ordinances and regulations governing the police and fire departments, and the pension provisions, or 2a. If any such member of any such department while working within the scope of his employment is crip])led or disabled, regardless of the length of time he has been employed in such department pre- vious to his having sustained such disability ; and 3a. Each such member of such departments l)ef ore pues-when he shall be entitled to the benefits under this Act, p^^*^-. shall pay annually on or before the first Monday in November of each year, into the City Treasury, for said pension fund as follows : All of the officers of the police and fire depart- oues-amount. ments of such City shall pay six ($6.00) Dollars an- nually, on the date aforesaid, and all of the patrol- —76— men and firemen of tlie line shall pay Three ($3.00) Dollars annually on the said date, and no policeman or fireman shall be entitled to any i^ension who is in default on said payment. Board-powers 3. That the Said Board is hereby vested with °^' power and authority to make all of the nec- essarj^ rules and regulations for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, and to accomplish the object and purposes thereof. Said Board shall have exclusive right to determine in each particular case whether or not such members of the police and fire departments of said City, as are em- braced in Section 2 hereof, are entitled to pensions, under the terms and provisions of this Act. What pension. Said Board shall likewise have exclusive riglit and authority to determine the amount such employee is entitled to as a pension, but in no case shall the amount so awarded exceed one-half of the salaiy or compensation any such employee was receiving from the City at the time he was placed on the pension roll by the said Board, and such pension shall cease at the death of the employee to whom it was awarded. Accouut-how 4. That all revenue raised on account of the ^^p^ pension fund, whether under the special tax levy hereby authorized, or from the pajTuent of annual assessment, or donations or other sources, shall be kept by the City Treasurer separate and apart from all other municipal revenue. Such funds shall be known as the 'Police and Fire Pen- sion Fund,' and the City Treasurer shall keep a sep- arate book in which he shall enter each item paid out of such fund on warrants drawn thereon by said Board. Payments shall be made monthly to the par- ties entitled thereto, and the City Treasurer shall make monthly reports to said Board of the amount expended during each month, and also the balance left to the credit of the pension fund at the end of each month.] [Sec. 55. Be it further enacted, 1. That said issue of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of bonds shall " be known as ' ' Sidewalk and Curbing Con- struction Bonds," the proceeds of which shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the [city of Nash- —77— ville] to the credit of tlie [Board of Commissioners] of such city, and shall constitute a separate fund, to be used exclusively in the construction of curb- ings and sidewalks in the [city of Nashville]. Said [Board of Commissioners] shall have the power to expend such fund or any portion thereof for the pur- poses herein provided in such manner as they shall deem proper and without the necessity of the pas- sage of an ordinance authorizing the same; pro- vided, hoivever, that no portion of said bonds sliall be expended by said [Board of Commissioners] un- til a notice has been published three times in one of the daily papers published in said city, directing the owners of the property in front of which it is nec- essary to construct such sidewalks and curbing to proceed to construct the same in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by said [Board of Commissioners] and within thirty days from the date of the first of said notices. Said notices shall give the name of the ownei' of the prop- erty in front of which such curbing or sidewalk is directed to be constructed, and also the number of front feet of said lot, and the number of the lot and the plan thereof if there be such. But any mistake as to the name of the owner of any such lot, or the number or description of said lot shall in no wise invalidate or affect the lien upon said property for the sum of money expended in the construction of such sidewalks and curbing. 2. That if after the expiration of thirty days from the publication of the first of said no- tices such owner shall have failed to construct the sidewalk as commanded in said notice, said Board may proceed to construct the same in like manner as other contracts for public improvement are en- tered into by said Board. 3. That a list of the several sums of money expended by said Board in the construction of sidewalks and curbing shall, as soon as said work of construction is completed, be immediately deliv- ered to the Comptroller of said city, who shall enter the same upon his sidewalk book, and shall, within ten days after the receipt of such list from said [Board of Commissioners], mail to the owner or agent of the owner of each of the lots of ground m sidewalk assessments —78— front of wliicli said sidewalk or ('iu'l)iii<4- liavo l)een constriU'ttMl a notice six'ciJ'yiTi^- tlio amount of money tliat is due for sneli construction, and i-ecitinaying for such copy, nor shall it be necessary that all defendants' names be included in the copy of the subpoena to l)e left with said defendant, or in publi- cation for nonresidents. Said cause shall be at is- sue as to any defendant when he, her, or its answer is filed or pro confesso has been taken, and the cause may be proceeded with by or against any one or more of the defendants until final judgment, sale, and confirmation thereof without in any way affect- ing any other party to the suit. "Any party to the bill shall have the right to ap- peal to a Supreme Court or to a writ of error, and such bill shall not effect proceedings as to other par- ties. "It is hereby intended that said sums of money j^.^^^g •c3xpended under this Act, together with all interest, costs, and charges, shall be and constitute a lien upon the fee in said lot or lots or parcels of ground immediately hereunder and not merely upon the in- cation. —92— terest of the ])erson or persons to whom said assess- ment and levy may be made, ])ut to any and all other interests in said property, whether in reversion, re- mainder, or any estate of any nature whatsover, and said assessment shall not be invalid on account of said assessed property having been leased or the assessment made against any one as owner or own- ers not the o\\mer or owners, or where the owner or owners are unknown. The said lien shall be prior and superior to all other liens or incumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except State, county, and municipal taxes. „ ,,. ,. „ "Said liens shall attach when the Board of Pub- andspecifi- ]\q Works shall have ordered a notice of publication to be made directing the owner or owners of the property in front of which it is necessary to con- struct such sidewalks and curbings to proceed to con- struct same in accordance with the plans and speci- fication prepared by the Board of Public Works, and said order shall be entered upon the minute book of the Board of Public Works, and shall become a no- tice and fix the lien as to all parties who may have acquired prior thereto any title, right, or interest in or to said lot or parcel of ground, or who may acquire any such title, right, or interest subsequent thereto "The City Attorney is authorized to have an ab- stract of the title made to such lot or lots or parcels of ground and the expense or interest thereof charged as an item in the collection of said assess- ment." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the General As- sembly of the State of Tennes&ee, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed February 15, 1911. A. M. Leach, Speaker of the House of Repres-entatives. N. Baxter, Jr., Speaker of the Senate. Approved February 18, 1911. Ben W. Hooper, Governor, —93- INDEX TO CHARTER. (References to sections, sub-sections, and pages.) Section. Page. ABUTTING PROPERTY PAVING LAW. Abstract, item of cost in assessment 42 (8) Accounts, improvement funds, how kept 42 (14) Appeals from chancery sales, how taken 42 (8) Assessments due thirty days from completion 42 (7) Assessments payable five annual installments 42 (7) Authority of enforcing improvements, in Board 42 (1) Bonds of abutters, form of 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, fund account, how kept 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, how called 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, liquidated, special tax levy 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, ordinance, how enacted 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, covers assessment of 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, retired before maturity, how 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, sale, how made 42 (9) Bonds of abutters, not afifected by errors 42 (13) Bonds, city's pro rata, one-third 42 (18) Book, " special assessment " kept 42 (8) Bought in by Commissioner of Finance, etc., for 42 (17) Chancery Court jurisdiction to enforce payment 42 (8) City Attorney, abstract ordered by ; 42 (8) City Attorney, collects 42 (8) Confirmation of assessment, one reading 42 (6) Confirmation final fixing of costs .^ 42 (6) Confirmed by ordinance 42 (3) Contract for improvements, let how 42 (3) Costs apportioned, how 42 (4) Costs assessed, two-thirds to abutters 42 (4) Costs of city's part, provided 42 (18) Costs of improvements, include wliat 42 (4) Costs of paving between tracks 42 (5) Costs protested by abutters, how 42 (6) Coupons, form of 42 (9) Delinquent installments for sixty days 48 (8) Errors corrected 42 (6) Errors do not invalidate assessment 42 (6) Evidence, '" Special Assessment Book " 42 (16) Funds collected, kept in special accounts 42 (14) Gas, water pipes, and conduits, put in, how 40 (11) Hearing remonstrances, advertised two weeks 42 (2) Improvements authorized, what 42 (1) Interest and penalty on delinquent payments 42 (7) Invalidities localized 42 (19) Jurisdiction to enforce in Board 42 (1) Lien attaches, when 42 (8) Lien is upon the fee 42 (8) Lien, minute book is notice of 42 (8) Lien priority, order of 42 (6) Localizes invalidities on assessment Act 42 (19) —94— Section. Page. Notice of hearing on assessment of costs 42 (6) 53 Notice of remonstrances or protests 42 (2) 50 Objections waived 42 (7) 55 Ordinance authorizing improvements 42 (2) 49 Payments of assessment, made how 42 (7) 55 Penalty and interest on delinquent payment*; ^2 C^^ -'^ Petition of two-thirds abutters to pay total cost 42 (15) 67 Prorating cost of assessment, hearing 42 (6) 53 "Public Improvement Account," at bank 42 (14) 66 Quit claim for debt 42 (17) 68 Rails removed and replaced 42 (10) 63 Railway tracks in street, paving paid how 42 (10) 62 Remon.strance, action, what may be taken 42 (2) 50 Remonstrance advertised two weeks 42 (2) 50 Remonstrance against what 42 (2) 50 Streets, etc., to be improved, designated 42 (2) 49 Special assessment books kept 42 (16) 66 Specifications, etc., estimates on file 42 (2) 50 Tax levy to pay bonds ordered, if necessary 42 (12) 64 Treasurer keeps account 42 (14) 65 Treasurer liable for keeping of funds 42 (14) 66 Title under sale enforcing payment in bar of equity 42 (8) 56 Vouchers on " Public Improvement Account " 42 (14) 66 ANIMALS. Cruelty to 30 (25) 26 Jurisdiction over Humane Commission 40 43 Pound for 30 (12) 24 Running at large 30 (12) 24 APPEALS FROM CITY COURT. Fines $10, and under, none allowed 33 31 Fines over $10, granted 33 31 APPROPRIATIONS. Contracts, no interest in whatever 15 12 Diverting appropriations penalized 20 16 Expenditures $500, and under, how authorized 16 12 Expenditures more than $500, how authorized 16 12 Expenditures, ofBcial interest in, prohibited 16 12 Hospital expenditures over $500 41 48 Hospital expenditures under $500 41 48 Hospital expenditures under $150 41 48 Humane Commission expenditures, how made 40 45 Park Commissioners' expenditures, how made 39 (5) ' 41 Schools for $500, more and less than, how made 38 38 School purposes, by Board of Education 38 38 Sinking Fund, etc., cannot be diverted 27 20 ASSESSMENTS FOR TAXES. Commissioner of Finance, etc., has authoritj- 36 35 Erroneous assessments corrected, how 36 35 Omitted property assessed, how 36 36 Privileges same as State 36 35 Real, personal, and mixed propert}- subject to 36 35 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Annual report of Board of Commissioners 28 21 Appropriations for municipal enterprises, made b\^ 30 (4) 23 —95— Section. Page. Bonds of officials 14 11 Commissioner of Finance, etc., Tax Assessor 36 35 Commissioner of Finance, etc., Tax Collector 36 35 Compensation, salaries of 8 8 Corrupt practices 42 IZ Department of Finance, Lights, and Market House 4 6 Department of Fire, Sprinkling, and Building Inspector... 4 6 Department of Public Affairs, Police, and Health 4 6 Department of. Streets, Sewers, and Sidewalks 4 6 Department of Waterworks, Street Cleaning, and \\'ork- house 4 6 Duties classified by 9 9 Duties authorized and powers distributed among 11 10 First, composed of whom 4 6 Former ordinances in force, as to 49 74 General election of, when 4 6 Jurisdiction of, how determined 12 10 Legislative, etc., powers vested in 3 5 Liability against funds of city created when by 24 18 Mayor fills vacancies in office, wdien 43 72 Meetings, business lawful to be transacted 14 11 Meetings, regular and special, when held 14 11 ]\Ieetings, special, how called 14 11 Minutes of proceedings kept 14 11 Monthly reports by each, to Board 28 21 Nuisances declared by ordinance, by 38 (28) 26 Oath of office 8 9 One office. only, one salary only 19 15 Property of city, sold how 31 27 Quorum, three members constitute 14 11 Reports biennially made, bonds bought 27 20 Rules for each department made hy, how 28 21 Six months between franchises and other elections 26 18 Succeeding, who is 4 7 Sworn into office, when 4 6 Terms of office 4 6 Vacancies, who presides in lieu of 13 11 Vacancies in office, filled how 43 72 Vacancies Commissioners, filled how 13 10 BONDS. Abutting improvement contractors' bonds 42 (3) 51 Abutting improvement abutters' issue 42 (9) 58 Abutting improvement abutters' bonds (see title, "Ahiitting Property, Etc.") Abutters' and city's pro rata costs bonds 42 (18) 68 Abutting tax levy to retire 42 (12) 64 Appointive offices and employees 17 14 Approval of, for 18 15 Bonds of Commissioners, what 14 11 Book for keeping in 18 15 Called for redemption or payment 27 20 Cancel, posted in book 21 20 Commissioners" filed and recorded 14 12 Errors validated 42 (13) 65 Funding bonds, referendum not necessary. . 26 18 General improvement (see title, "Abuttinn; Improvement, Etc.") '. .-.. . Hospital Commissioners' bonds 41 45 —96— Section. Page. Interest ceases from what date 27 20 Park Commissinncrs' official bonds 39 (2) 39 Quarterly pnrcliase of bonds, with approval 27 19 Redeemed from Sinking Fund 27 19 Report biennially bonds bought 27 20 Refund and bonds, no referendum 26 IR Streets, etc., six months election between 26 IR BUDGET. .\mount not to exceed annual C(illcctir)n 22 17 .A^nnually prepared and published 20 15 Balances carried over 22 17 Bonds, proceeds from, not included in limit 22 17 Current collections for repairs 20 16 Diverting appropriation penalized 20 16 Estimates of each department itemized 20 15 Made up, how 20 15 Misdemeanor to exceed 20 16 Ordinance, apportioning to departments 20 16 Sinking Fund cannot be transferred 22 17 Transfers from one to another department 22 17 BUILDINGS. City can erect, what 30 (4) 23 Condemned houses torn down 30 (20) 25 Fire engine halls 30 C4) 23 Schoolhouscs, houses of correction, etc 30 (19) 25 Transfer from former to present corporation 47 73 Workhouse, etc 30 (19) 25 CANDIDATES. (See " General Elections," " Primary Elections.") CHARTER ACT. Complete system 48 74 Definitions 45 73 Public .^ct 46 73 Repealing section, former charter 52 74 CITY OF NASHVILLE. Boundaries same as formerly- 1 5 Boundaries enlarged in 1913 S3 Corporation created .• 1 5 Corporate powers 2 5 Takes effect 53 75 CHANCERY COURT. Enforced how, sidewalk 53 Sidewalk assessments collected through 54 Street improvement assessments collected through 42 Taxes collected through 36 CITY ATTORNEY. Abutting property assessment, collected by, when 42 Elected how 17 Nominated how 1" Salary fixed by Board 17 Sidewalk assessment, collected by 55 (3) 78 (3) 78 (8) 56 36 (8) 57 15 15 14 (1) 78 —97— Section. Page. CIVIL SERVICE. Charges in writing and preferred how 34 31 Commissioners compose Board 34 31 Employees under what 17 15 Examinations held in April and October 34 32 Inquisitorial powers 34 34 Journal of action kept 34 32 Meetings held how often 34 32 Political or religious affiliations, not tried for 34 31 Quorum, three members constitute 34 32 Rules and regulations made 34 31 Subpoena or summons, power to enforce .-34 32 Superintendent of City Hospital, under 41 46 Surgeon of City Hospital, under 41 46 To whom applies 34 33 CITY COURT. (See "Judge of City Court ") 33 30 CITY PROPERTY. How to hold and to sell 2 5 Transfer from old to new corporation 47 73 COMMISSIONERS. Annual report of each department 28 21 Compensation, no additional 15 12 Compensation fixed by Act 8 8 Corrupt practices prohibited 44 73 Departments distributed 4 6 Duties of each Commissioner 9 9 Election of 4 6 Finance, Lights, and Market House is Tax Assessor 36 35 Finance, Lights, and Market House keeps Park Account. . . 39 (5) 42 Monthly reports of each department 28 21 Nominations 17 7 Powers to interpret duties 12 10 Reports of Sinking Fund and bonds bought 27 20 Rules of each department, made how 28 21 Constitutionality of Act, invalidity of one section does not afifect another 50 74 CONTRACTS. Abutting improvements, how let 42 (3) 51 Advertised when for more than $500 16 12 Affidavit showing parties at interest 16 13 Alterations must be in writing 16 13 Authority to advertise, how 16 12 Convict labor cannot be employed 16 12 Domestic contractors favored 16 13 Expenditures under $500, approved how 16 12 Extras must be agreed to in writing 16 13 Filed in office of Board of Commissioners 23 18 Liability created only against funds in budget 22 17 Made in corporate name of the city 23 18 No interest in any official letting 15 12 No interest in any relative of Board letting 16 12 Payment on, not made until affidavit filed 16 13 Seal and signature to, what necessary 23 18 7 —98— Section. Page. CONVICT LABOR. iMiiplnycd nut in city work 16 12 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Humane Commission has jurisdiction 40 43 Punishable under ordinance 30 (25) 26 CORRUPT PRACTICES. Promises, etc., of employment 44 73 CUMBERLAND RIVER. Wiiarves, landings, etc., kept and regulated 30 (13) 24 DIGEST OF ORDINANCES. Published when, and what ■ 25 18 DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND^HOUSES. Prohibited and regulated 30 (6) 23 To provide punishment and arrest. 30 (7) 23 DONATIONS AND FESTIVITIES. Credits, gifts, etc., prohibited 31 27 EDUCATION, BOARD OF. Budget of school expenses transmitted 38 37 Budget provided for schools, by 20 15 Chairman of Board, selected b}^ 38 37 Condemnation of school sites, General Act, 1913 Expenditures within budget 38 38 Meetings of Board 37 37 Members, qualifications of, elected how 38 37 Members, nine compose Board 38 37 Members, nominated by '38 37 Oath of members of Board 38 37 Over $500 salaries, except authorized, how 38 38. Quorum is five members 38 37 Rules made b^^ for 38 38 Rules for schools, how made 38 38 Salaries fixed by, how 38 38 School property controlled by 38 37 School fund not diverted 27 19 School tax, special, authorized 21 17 State and county school tax paid by Trustee, to whom 38 38 Term of office fixed by ordinance 38 7)1 Under $500 appropriated by 38 38 Vacancies filled, how 38 37 ELECTIONS. (See '■ General Elections," " Primary Elections," " Special Elections.") ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. Electric light plant authorized 30 (24) 26 EVIDENCE IN COURTS. Charter is public Act , 46 73 Ordinance, etc., how- approved and passed 14 11 Ordinance, how proved 14 11 Special assessment book or copy 42 (16) 67 —99— Section. Page. EMINENT DOMAIN. Parks authorized and condemned, how. 30 (23^^^ 26 Parks authorized and condemned, how '. 39 .^^(2) 40 School site purposes, General Acts, 1913 ^ Workhouse, station house, etc 30(4,19) 23.25 EXPLOSIVES AND COMBUSTIBLES. To regulate and prohibit storage of combustibles 39 24 To regulate and prohibit dangerous business 38 24 FINES AND PENALTIES. Appeals grantable when fined over $10 33 30 Appeals not allowed when fined $10 or under 33 30 Humane laws for violation, go to 40 44 Over $50 not allowed 30 (18) 25 FINANCE, LIGHTS, AND MARKET HOUSE COMMISSIONER. Abutting propert3% "Separate Account" kept 42 (14) 66 Abutting property funds, separate deposit 42 (14) 66 Abutting property, "Special Assessment" book kept 42 (8) 55 Assess propert}' for taxation, by 36 35 Bonds, called in and paid 27 20 Bonds, canceled and pasted in book 27 20 Duties of his department 9 9 Election, date and regulations 4 6 Hospital, account kept by 41 47 Hospital funds paid out, requirements 41 48 Humane, account, separate, kept by 40 44 Jurisdiction, interpreted, how 12 10 Nominated, how 7 7 Omitted property, assessed by 36 36 Park, account, separate, kept by 39 (5) 42 Police and Firemen's Pension Fund Account 54 (4) 76 Powers, how classified 9 9 Recall, rules and procedure for 32 27 Report of bonds bought 27 20 Report of department, annual 28 21 Report of department, monthly 28 21 Rules of department, made by 28 21 Salary 8 8 Sidewalk, account, separate, kept bj' 55 (1) 77 Sinking Fund, account, separate, kept by 27 19 Tax Assessor, acts as or appoints 36 35 Tax Collector, acts as or appoints 36 35 Treasurer, acts as or appoints 36 35 FIREMEN. Civil service, under 17 15 Employed, how 17 14 Salaries fixed 17 14 FIRE ESCAPES. Fire escapes erected and enforced by 30 (22) 25 FORESTALLING AND REGRATING. Fiiod inspection of, restraining, etc 30 (11) 24 FORMER OFFICIALS ELECTED. Hold unexpired terms 51 74 ■^100— Section. Page. FRANCHISES. Election ordinance, final passage ninety days 26 18 ' Expenses for submitting, how paid 26 19 Extensions of existing, by majority 26 18 Franchises granted under Section 27 30 (15) 24 Renewal of, not before one year prior to expiration 26 18 FRONT FOOT ASSESSMENT LAW. (See "Abutting Property Paving Law.") Page of Index. . 93 GAS PLANT. Gas plant authorized 30 (24) 26 GENERAL ELECTIONS. Bond or franchise ordinance submitted, how 26 18 Candidates must be nominated in primary 7 7 Corrupt practices 44 73 Franchises and bonds submitted at 26 18 Property qualification of voter 5 7 Registered under State laws 5 7 Registration, supplemental 7 8 Recall, election 32 27 State laws, election held under 5 7 Tie vote, re-referred to people 6 7 Voters' qualifications 5 7 GENERAL POWERS AND LIABILITIES. Legislative, etc., and quasi-judicial 3 5 Liabilities, limitations, and powers 2 5 HEALTH. City Health Officer, qualifications 37 36 Health Department under Mayor 37 36 Health regulations, quarantine, etc 30 (3) 22 Nuisances declared and abated by 30 (3) 22 Rules and regulations made by 2)7 36 Sanitary Disinfector, office of 35 35 HOLD-OVER ELECTIVE OFFICERS. All elective unexpired terms hold over 51 74 HOME INDUSTRIES. Contractors favored when equal 16 13 HOSPITAL COMMISSION. Appropriations from special and ordinary tax 41 47 Bond of members of 41 45 Budget includes annual appropriations and collections 41 48 Created five members, citizenship 41 45 Civil service under, who 41 46 Compensation of members, none 41 45 Elected and nominated, how 41 45 Employees, employed and salaries fixed by 41 45 Expenditures not over $150, made how 41 48 HOSPITALS. How to establish and maintain 30 (3) 22 Illegal payment can be recovered 41 49 Internes, appointed how 41 47 —101— Section. Page. Medical staff, no salary 41 46 Members, nonmedical qualifications 41 45 Monthly detailed reports, made to 41 48 Over $500 appropriation, made how 41 48 Nurses' and employees' salaries, fixed how 41 46 Oath of members, what 41 45 Pay patients, clinical fees, revenues, kept how 41 47 Removal for cause, after notice and hearing 41 45 Reports made quarterly, to whom 41 47 Rules and regulations, made how 41 46 Salaries fixed between limits 41 46 Separate account of all revenues collected 41 47 Superintendent, employed by 41 46 Superintendent controls surgical and medical work 41 47 Surgeon employed and salary fixed by 41 46 Surgeon's qualifications 41 46 Tax levy, special, for one-third of one mill 41 48 Term of office during good behavior 41 45 Vacancies, filled how 41 45 Vouchers signed by Chairman 41 48 HUMANE COMMISSION. Appropriations over $500 made how 40 45 Created of five members, no pay 40 43 Cruelty to animals and children, jurisdiction over 40 43 Cruelty to animals. Humane Commission regulation 30 (25) 26 Fines set apart to credit of 40 44 First Board, who composes 41 43 Funds included in ordinary tax levy 40 44 Humane officers, employed how 40 44 Mayor's jurisdiction extends to, when 40 44 Nominated how, elected how 40 43 Ordinance against cruelty to animals 40 44 Ordinance against cruelty to children 40 44 Officers appointed and salaries fixed 40 44 Officers employed, by whom 40 44 Property acquired and controlled by 40 44 Qualifications of 40 43 Reports made quarterly 40 45 Rules for government, made how 40 43 Salaries fixed between limits 40 44 Term of office fixed by ordinance 40 43 Vacancies, filled how 40 43 Vouchers signed by Chairman and Secretary 40 44 INSPECTIONS. Coal, lumber, hay, etc 30 (10) 24 INTERPRETATION OF ACT. Abutting improvement errors localized 42 (19) 72 Commissioner defined 45 73 Complete system of government 48 74 Invalidities in the Act localized 50 74 JUDGE OF CITY COURT. Appeals $10 and under, not allowed 33 30 Appeals over $10 to the Circuit Court 33 30 Pardons, power to grant 33 30 —102— Section. Page. Qualifications of 33 30 Term of office of 33 30 Oath of office 33 30 Jurisdiction and powers 33 30 LEGISLATIVE POWERS. General welfare powers, residuary in 30 (28) 26 Vested in Board of Commissioners 30 22 LIENS. Abutting improvements for '. 42 (6) 54 Abutting improvement lien attaches, when 42 (8) 57. Abutting improvement, enforced how 42 (8) 56 Minute book notice of abutting improvement 42 (8) 58 Priority of sidewalk 55 (3) 79 Sidewalk 55 (3) 79 Taxes ordinary and extraordinary 21 16 MAYOR. Absence, disability or vacancy, filled how 14 11 Department, head of which 4 6 Duties classified 9 9 Duties defined 10 9 Head of government 10 9 Head of Police Department 10 9 Head of Health Department 10 9 Nomination, candidate for, how filled 7 8 Oath of office 8 9 Sworn in, when 4 6 Salary 8 8 Term of office, how long, when commences 4 6 Vacancies filled by, when and what 43 72 NUISANCES. Abated within one-mile radius of city , 30 (3) 22 Declared and enforced 30 (3) 22 Expenses for abating, collected how 30 (3) 22 OFFICES. Abolished by majority vote 17 14 Bonds of appointive employees, fixed how 18 15 Created by majority vote 17 14 Compensation not by law, fixed how 17 14 City Attorney, nominated and elected how 17 15 Civil service applicable to what offices 17 15 How nominated, how filled 17 15 One office only by any one official 19 15 Rejection renders ineligible for one year 17 14 Tax Assessor, elected how 36 35 ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDERS. Abutting improvements 42 (2) 49 Abutters' bond ordinance, enacted how 42 (9) 59 Ayes and Noes recorded in minutes 14 11 Bond and ordinance lies over ninety days 26 18 Budget adopted by ordinance 20 16 Caption of ordinance 29 22 Digest of ordinances, published how often 25 18 —103— Section. Page. Evidence of, what is 14 11 Franchise ordinance lies over ninety days 26 18 Journal kept of vote 14 19 Passed how 29 22 Present existing adopted as a whole 49 74 Punishments for breach of authority 30 (18) 25 Referendum requirements 26 18 Three readings on three days 29 22 Welfare clause, otherwise effective in twenty days 29 22 PARDONS. City Judge has power. 33 30 PARK COMMISSION. Board of, created five members 39 Bond for $10,000, filed with whom 39 Books of Account kept and open to inspection 39 Budget submitted to Board of Commissioners 39 Chairman of, selected how 39 Compensation of, none 39 Care, management, and control vested in 39 City Court has jurisdiction to preserve order in 39 Condemnation of property for parks, method 39 Condemnation of property for parks 30 ( Employees, etc 39 Expenditures made within its funds 39 Funds belonging to 39 Gifts, donations, etc., for park purposes 39 Liens, vendor's, for deferred payments 39 Location of parks, power to 39 Notes of indebtedness for purchase of parks 39 Oath of, taken 39 Ordinances and rules, power to make for parks 39 Organize Board, how 39 " Park Account," kept separate 39 " Park Property," defined 39 Present Board continued in office 39 Police or agents of park may arrest 39 Police, special, under Park Board 39 39 39 30 ( 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 Property for parks, acquired' how. Qualification of members Parks or playgrounds, regulation of use Payments deferred, made how Punishment violation of rules, regulating use, Report to Commissioners in December Salary of Secretary and duties, what Secretary selected for one year, how Sold property, by Tax levied for parks, special Term of office, five years Title to property in Chairman, when Title to property in city when fully paid for. . , Vacancy, how filled PENSIONS. Account pension revenues 54 Board created, who 54 Dues, amount, when paid 54 1) 2) 6) 5) 2) 2) 4) 4) 3) 6) 5) 5) 5) 4) 3) 3) 4) 2) 4) 2) 5) 8) 1) 4) 7) 3) 1) 4) 3) 4) 6) 2) 2) 3) 5) 1) 3) 3) 1) 38 39 42 42 39 39 40 41 40 25 41 41 42 40 40 40 40 39 41 38 42 43 38 41 43 40 38 24 40 41 43 39 39 40 42 38 40 39 38 76 75 75 —104— Section. Page. Firemen and police authorized 54 (1) 75 Powers of Board 54 (3) 76 Tax levy for, special 54 (1) 75 What pension 54 (3) 76 Who entitled 54 (2) 75 PRIMARY ELECTION. Candidates, names, how gotten on ballot 7 8 Candidates, qualifications necessary, what .■ 8 8 Corrupt practices 44 73 Laws under which it is held 7 8 Officers, judges, and clerks at, who shall be 7 8 Place, date, hour of holding 7 8 Registration, supplemental and regular 7 8 Voters, qualifications same as general election 7 7 PRIVILEGES. Licenses, occupations, etc., taxed how 30 (5) 23 POLICE FORCE. Department of Public Aflfairs, Police, and Health, under. ... 9 9 Duties and jurisdiction 35 33 Humane officer, appointed how, etc 40 44 Humane officers, powers of police 40 44 Humane officers, detailed by Mayor 40 44 Jurisdiction over parks, coordinate with 39 (4) 41 Mayor controls and nominates 17 15 Parks, jurisdiction coextensive with park police 39 (4) 41 Park police under Park Commission 39 (7) 43 Police force authorized 30 (27) 26 Salaries, fixed 17 14 Sanitary Inspector, member of 35 35 PUBLIC ACT. Charter Act is a Public Act 46 73 PUBLIC UTILITIES. Power to grant in Board 30 (15) 24 Rights of way in streets, how granted 26 18 QUARANTINE LAWS. Extends within a radius of ten miles about the city 30 (3) 22 RECALL PROVISIONS. Amended petition, how and when made 32 27 Call, filed, etc., how 32 28 Candidates receiving highest vote 32 29 Election Commissioners, petition filed with 32 28 Election on recall, ordered by 32 29 Impeachment, cumulative remedy 32 29 Petition for, necessary requisites 32 27 Six months, not sooner than, can be filed 32 29 Successor of recall officer holds unexpired term 32 29 REFERENDUM CLAUSE. Bonds and franchises 26 18 Sale, lease, or disposal of public utility, submitted 31 27 —105— Section. Page. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. General elections , 7 8 Primary elections 7 8 Property qualification 5 7 REPORTS. Commissioners, annually and monthly 28 21 Hospital Commissioners, quarterly 41 47 Humane Commissioners, quarterly 40 45 Park Commissioners, report in December 39 (6) 43 Sinking Fund and Bonds, biennially 27 20 SALARIES. Additional, neither city, county, nor State 15 12 Board's, fixed by law 8 8 Board iixes, of all employees 17 14 By whom determined 17 14 City Attorney 17 14 City employees 17 14 Education Board, none 38 37 Education Board, employees 38 38 Education Board, superintendent, etc 38 38 Hospital Board, none 41 45 Hospital Board, employees, etc 41 46 Hospital Board, superintendent, etc 41 46 Hospital Board, surgeon ,. . . . 41 46 Humane Board, none 40 43 Humane Board, officers and employees 40 44 Laborers' wages, fixed how 17 14 Mayor's fixed by law 8 8 One position only, one salary 19 15 Park Board, none 39 (2) 39 Park Board, employees, etc 39 (4) 41 Park Board, secretary 39 (2) 39 Police and firemen 17 14 State or county official cannot be paid 19 15 Waterworks' mechanics 17 14 SANITARY DISINFECTOR. Member of Police Department 35 35 SINKING FUND. Bonds bought and report made 27 20 Bonds of city alone, paid from 27 19 Disbursements from, rules and conditions 27 19 Created, ten per cent set apart each month 27 19 Sinking Fund Account, kept 27 19 School tax and proceeds of bonds excluded ^ 27 19 Tax levy, for extraordinary 21 16 SCHOOLS. (See '■ Education, Board of.") Schools nonsectarian 30 (26) 26 SIDEWALKS. Abstract ordered by City Attorney 55 (3) 79 Assessments for 55 (1) 75 Authority, collections for 30 (21) 25 Bonds to construct 55 76 —106— Section. Page. Delinquent assessments to City Attorney 55 (3) 78 Funds not put in budget 55 (4) 79 Interest on which lien attaches 55 (3) 79 Lien for construction 55 (3) 79 Method of collection 55 (3) 78 Notice to abutting owners, how given 55 (1) 11 Ordinance not necessary 55 (1) 11 Owners' right to construct 55 (2) 11 Power to construct, in whom 55 11 Priority of lien 55 (3) 79 Sums chargeable to owners 55 (3) 79 Time of payment for 55 (3) 11 SPECIAL ELECTIONS. Bonds or franchise ordinances, submitted how 26 18 Qualification of voters, personal and property 5 7 TAX ASSESSOR. Appointed by whom 36 35 TAX COLLECTOR. Appointed by whom 36 35 STREETS, ALLEYS, ETC. Abutting property law 42 49 Department, under what 11 10 Exclusive power of constructing 9 9 Opening, widening, etc., how 30 (4) 23 TAX LEVY AND TAXES. Abutting Improvement Bonds, to retire 42 (12) 64 Additional levy other than ordinary 21 16 All property taxed 21 16 Assessment, by whom made 36 35 Assessment, what property subject to 36 35 Chancery Court has jurisdiction to collect 36 36 Collected when delinquent, how 36 36 Commissioner of Finance, Revenue Collector 36 35 Deficiency, extra levy made up 21 16 Distress warrant, power to issue 36 36 Extraordinary tax levy, for 21 16 Hospital tax levy 41 48 Humane Commission, purpose for 40 44 Interest and penalties, what 36 35 Levy and collection of privileges on property 30 (1, 2) 22 Occupations and privileges, what 30 (5) 23 Omitted assessments 36 36 Ordinary not higher than one per cent 21 16 Ordinary purposes, what are 21 17 Parks, special levy for 39 (5) 42 Pensions, special tax 54 (1) 75 Sales to collect through Chancery Court 36 36 Schools, special for 21 17 Tax Assessor, who is 36 35 Tax Collector, who is 36 36 Taxes assessed for all purposes. 36 35 Taxes levied by 31 (1,2) 22 —107— Section. Page. TREASURER. Appointed by whom 36 36 VACANCIES. Created by dismissal by civil service 34 33 Civil service list, filled how 34 32 Commissioners, Board of, filled how 13 10 Commissioners, Board of, fill when 43 72 Commissioners, Board of, may create 17 15 Education, Board of, filled how 38 37 Hospital, Board of, filled how 41 45 Humane, Board of, filled how 40 43 Mayor fills, when 43 72 Park, Board of, filled how 39 (1) 38 VOTERS' QUALIFICATIONS. Personal and property qualifications, what 5 7 Property in city, residence Davidson County 5 7 Registered where 5 7 WHARVES. Cumberland River, wharves, etc ■. 30 (13) 24 WATERWORKS. Waterworks and appurtenances, authorized 30 (16) 24 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Standard weights and measures fixed 30 (17) 25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles ■ s DUE le last date stampf d below. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 994 596 5 p