F 852 SG • Check-List OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST TO BE FOUND IN REPRESENTATIVE LIBRARIES OF THAT REGION PREPARED CO-OPERATIVELY COMPILED BY Charles W. Smith Assistant Librarian University of Washington Library PUBLISHED BY WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY OX.YMPIA, WASH.; E. X.. BOA.BDMAN, PrBI.IO PRINTBB 1 909 P^REF^CE. In April, 1908, as the result of informal correspondence among librarians of the Pacific Northwest, it was decided to prepare a co-operative library check-list of books and pamphlets relating to the region. The plan agreed upon was that each library should furnish a card list of its own items and that these lists so prepared should be combined into a single alphabet and published. The University of Washington Library offered its services as a medium of communication and all correspondence relative to the work has been carried on through this institution. Tentative specifications covering scope and form of en- try were sent to representative libraries for suggestions and criticisms. As soon as replies were received from all, final rules, representing the expressed wishes of a ma- jority of the collaborators, were prepared and sent to each contributing library. The scope of the check-list, as determined by this pre- liminary canvas, was made to include all books and pam- phlets relating to the history of that geographical area lying north of California and west of the Rocky moun- tains, including the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, together with Bi'itish Columbia, Alaska and the Yukon. The word history has been used in its broadest sense, including a wide range of literature bearing upon the region, such as description, travel, fiction, and works written from the scientific or commercial standpoint. The following classes of material have been excluded : 1. Manuscripts. 2. State documents, because listed in Bowker's State Publi- cations. 3. Federal documents, to which there is some clue through government indexes. 4. , Periodicals published in the region, except those devoted mainly or entirely to history, such as historical maga- zines. Serials, however, as year-books, proceedings and transactions of societies have been included as a part of the institutional history of the region. 323448 ^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY III tlic case of state and federal documents which as a class have been excluded, exception was made of some few orticial and semi-official publications of special importance. In listing the material, the Dewey Library School Rules were used as a basis, but certain modifications were made to conform to the wishes of contributing librarians. 'i'he work began with eleven libraries represented. Dur- ing its progress, two more joined the enterprise, making a total of thirteen. It is especially to be regretted that the Library of the Oregon State Historical Society could not have been included. Of those participating, two libraries, namely, the Legislative Library of British Columbia and the Portland Library Association, were unable, for lack of time, to complete their lists, both of them having omitted practically their entire collection of pamphlets. It was found impracticable to submit proof sheets of the check-list to the different contributors for corrections or additions. Owing to varying interpretations of rules, in- evitable in working from written instructions without personal conference, the list will necessarily fail to credit each lil)rary with all the items which it contains. The present publication must therefore be considered as a ten- tative list, a preliminary survey of the field, whose sig- nificance is for the future rather than for the present. While primarily intended as a librarian's reference book for use in a co-operative development of library resources, it is hoped that it will also prove helpful to students who wish to know what material relating to the region is now available and where it can be found. The preparation of this list is due to the hearty co-oper- ation of each contributor. Its publication was generously assumed by the Washington State Library, and a special debt of gratitude is due its hbrarian, Mr. J. M. Hitt. Charles W. Smith. rniverslty of Washington Library, Seattle, Washington. March 3, 1909. DESCEIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRAEIES. L Library of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C. A reference library only, being principally for the use of legislators and government officials. It may, however, be used by the public when the house is not in session. It con- tains about 35,000 volumes, including pamphlets. The Dewey decimal classification is used. The Library of the Legislative Assembly was established in 1893. The subject matter of the library is in the main of a legal and parliamentary nature. It embraces, however, a comparatively large and valuable collection of early discov- eries and historical works relating to the Northwest Pacific Coast of America and the Northwest Territories of Canada. The reading room is open to the public during government hours, — viz. from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. — every day that the legislature is not in session. Librarian, E. O. S. Scholefield. M Montana State Historical and Miscellaneous Library, Helena, Montana. A reference library containing 14,932 volumes. Open daily except Sunday from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. The privileges of the library are extended so far as possible to all citizens of the state. The Historical Society of Montana was incorporated in 1865 "in order to collect and arrange facts in regard to the early history of this Territory, the discovery of mines, in- cidents of the fur trade, etc." Its first headquarters were at Virginia City. Subsequently they were moved to Deer Lodge and then to Helena. In 1893, the property of the Historical Society came under the control of the state. It was com- bined with the ^Miscellaneous Department of the State Li- brary and on the completion of the State Capitol in 1902 the present quarters wei'e occupied. Librarian, William S. Bell. Mu University of Montana Library, Missoula, Montana. Contains 16,000 bound volumes and several thousand pam- phlets. Open daily, except Sunday, from 8:15 A. ^. to 5:30 P. M. and from 7 to 9:30 P. M. On Sunday, the hours are from 2:30 to 5 P. M. Its use is free to students and mem- bers of the faculty. Books are loaned from the library for one week. Reference books, reserved books and current periodicals do not circulate. The library started with a collection of books donated at the organization of the University in September, 1895. It is now housed in a two-story brick building, located on the north side of the main oval. Librarian, Gertrude Buckhous. c PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY O r.MVKKsiTY OF Orkuon Lihraky, Eugcne, Oregon. Contains about 18,000 volumes. Open daily during term time from 7:45 A. M. to 5 P. M. and from 7 to 9 P. M. ex- cept that it is not open Friday evenings or Saturday after- noons. Vacation hours are from 8 to 12 A. M. and from 2 to 4 P. M. Users of the library are allowed to draw books for a period of three weeks, with renewal privileges. The I'niversity of Oregon Library may be said to have lieen founded in 1882, when Mr. Henry Villard, president of tiie Northern Pacific railroad, contributed to the University $1,000 for books. During the four preceding years the li- brary needs of the institution were served by collections of books belonging to the two literary societies. In 1883, Mr. Villard gave to the University an endowment fund of $.50,000, one of the conditions of the gift being that not less than $400 a year should be expended for books. The library is now entering upon a period of more rapid development, made possible by increased appropriations. Librarian, M. H. Douglass. P LiitK.\KV A.ssociATio.N OF PoRTi.ANK. Portland, Oregon. Contains about 80,000 volumes, the reference library com- prising nearly 20,000 of these. The central building is open from H A. M. to 9:30 P. M. on week days and on Sundays and holidays the reference and periodical departments are open from 2 until G P. M. The Library Association of Portland was founded in 1863 and until 1902 was a subscription library. In 1891, the library was moved into its present building on the corner of Seventh and Stark streets. On March 10. 1902, the li- brary became free and since that time has made rapid strides, both in the acquisition of books and in the increase of membership and circulation. There are at the present time three branches, seven reading rooms and twelve de- posit stations. Librarian, Mary Frances Isom. Pu LiHRARY OK Pacific Univer.>^ity. Forest Grove, Oregon. Contains about 15,000 volumes. The part containing pub- lic documents, state and federal, is open to the public free for reference. Privilege to use the rest of the library is granted to students upon payment of $3 a year and to others upon payment of $5 a year. As student assistants are em- ployed, the hours are not quite regular, but they are usually from 8 to 12 A. M. and from 1:15 to 4:15 P. M. during term time. No provision is made for regular opening during vacation. The library had its origin early in the history of the school. When Doctor Atkinson went East, in 1851 or 1852, to secure teachers, he obtained a number of books which formed the nucleus of the i)resent collection. Rev. Jedidiah .Morse, who published the first American school geography, left a fine collection of works on geography, history and travel. About 500 of these volumes were given by his sons to President S. H. Marsh at one of his appeals for the school about 18fiO. The present librarian has held his position since 1874. l..ibrarlan. Joseph W. Marsh. A CHECK-LIST »7 S Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington. A free public library of 102,835 volumes, founded in 1891. The central library is located at Fourth avenue and Madison street, and occupies a $300,000 building, erected with funds provided largely by Andrew Carnegie. This building con- tains an art gallery and separate rooms for newspapers, periodicals, fine art books, children's work, reference de- partment and circulation department. The library also operates four branch libraries. The main library is open from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. on week days and from 3 P. M. to 10 P. M. on Sundays and holidays. The use of books for reading and consultation at the library is free to all. The privilege of borrowing books for home use is free to all residents of Seattle, and to those non-resi- dents who are Seattle tax payers or have their place of business or employment in the city. In addition to the 102,835 volumes mentioned above, the library has several thousand volumes of municipal, state and federal documents and a large number of pamphlets. Librarian, Judson T. Jennings. SC LiHKARY OK THE STATE COT.LEfiE OF WASHINGTON, PullmaU, Washington. Contains about 17,000 bound volumes and 11,200 pam- phlets. Open daily, except Sundays and legal holidays, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sundays, the reading room is open from 2 to 4 P. M. The library is now located in the Administration building. A new Auditorium and Library building is in process of construction and will be occupied at the beginning of the school year, in September, 1909. Acting librarian, Stella Wilson. Sp Spokane Public Library, Spokane, Washington. Contains 27,083 volumes. Open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. on week days and from 2 to 9 P. M. on Sundays. The library was organized in 1884. In 1891, it was con- solidated with the labor unions library and became known as the Union Library Association, which name was changed in August, 1894, to the Spokane City Library. In 1905, it was moved into the present Carnegie Library building, located on Cedar street, between Riverside and First ave- nues. Three branches are operated, being open one after- noon each week. A special effort is being made to collect local history. Librarian, ilfrs. Estella Deffenbaugh. W Washington State Library. Olympia, Washington. Located in the Capitol, first floor, east wing. Contains 25,460 volumes. It is open from 9 to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 5 P. M. daily, except Sunday. During sessions of the Legis- lature, the hours are from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. The Washington State Library was organized in 1854. The first books were brought around the Horn by General Isaac I. Stevens, first governor of the Territory of Wash- ington. The privileges of the library are free to all citizens of the state. Librarian, .1. M. Hitt. g PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY \S;i \\ AiiA Wai.i.a Frek Plbuc Libkary, Walla Walla, Wash- ington. The library building is situated at the corner of Alder, Palouse and Poplar streets. It is open from 1 until 9 P. M. and on Sundays from 2 until 6 P. M. Contains about 6,000 volumes. The first library movement in Walla Walla was started in 1865, when the Walla Walla Library and Literary Asso- ciation was incorporated. It was a subscription library and interest in this first movement soon died; the library was revived, however, at two different times previous to 1897, when it was established for the first time as a free public library. It was moved into the present building, the gift of -Mr. Carnegie, in November, 1905. Librarian, Ellen Garfield Smith. Wh WniT.MA.N Coi.r.KfiK Library, Walla Walla, Washington. Contains 15,655 bound volumes and several thousand pam- phlets. Open during term time from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. daily, except Sunday. While primarily for the faculty and stu- dents of the college, the privileges of the library are ex- tended to all citizens of Walla Walla and to visitors from outside of the city. Whitman College Library had its beginning in 1882 with the gift of Rev. Myron Eells of twenty-five dollars, fourteen bound volumes and fifteen pamphlets. The library contains a si)ecial collection of books relating to the Pacific North- west, including valuable material bearing upon the life of Marcus Whitman. Librarian, Arminda L. Fix. Wu r.MVKR.siTY OK Wa.shi.notox LIBRARY. Seattle, Washington. Contains :;7,6o0 volumes. Located in the Administration building. The main entrance to the University campus is at 15th avenue, N. E. and 42nd street. Open during general sessions, 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. and from 7 to 10 P. M., Mon- days to Fridays; on Saturdays. 8 to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 5 P. M. During vacation recesses, the library is open from 9 to 12 A. M. Primarily a reference library for the use of students and faculty but all possible privileges are accorded to citizens of the state and to librarians of other states. Librarian. William E. Henry. A CHECK-LIST 9 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Library of the Legislative Assembly of j E. O. S. Scholefield. the Province of British Columbia. . . ( Alma M. Russell. Montana State Library Katharine Barbour. University of Montana Library Gertrude Buckhous. University of Oregon Library Mrs. S. C. Church. Portland Library Association Eleanor Ruth Rockwood. Library of Pacific University Joseph W. Marsh. Seattle Public Library Mary Banks. Library of the State College of Wash- j Gertrude Saxton. ington I Stella Wilson. on T» VT T -u \ Mrs. Caroline Hathaway. Spokane Public Library ] ^^^^^^ ^^^^j^ Washington State Library Josephine Holgate. Walla Walla Public Library Ellen Garfield Smith. Whitman College Library Arminda L. Fix. University of Washington Library Charles W. Smith. KXPLA NATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The initials at the end of each entry indicate the libraries in which the book or pamphlet may be found. For key, see the "Descriptive list of libraries." "Same" denotes the same author and title as last previously given. For sake of brevity, the collation and imprint items are not rei)eated for different editions of the same book, except to Show variations. Size of books is indicated only for quartos and folios, as fol- lows: Q quarto, from 25 to 30 centimeters in height. F folio, over 30 centimeters in height. F'4 from 35 to 40 centimeters in height. Fo from 40 to 50 centimeters in height. F6 from 50 to 60 centimeters in height. . . . Denotes omissions. ( I Enclose material not on title page, supplied by cataloger. *■ copyright date. ed. edition. fac. sim. fac simile. fold, folded. govt, government printing office. gr. of por. group of portraits. n. d. no date. n. p. no place of publication given. n. pub. no publisher. p. page or pages. I»or. portrait or portraits. tab. table or tables. \inp. unpaged. V. volume or volumes. v. d. various dates. V. p. various places. A CHECK-LIST OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OP THE PACIPIC NORTHWEST. Abbott, John Stephens Cabot. Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson. 348p. 1 pi. N. Y. Dodd, 1901. p, S Given for trapping and Fremont expedition to Columbia. Abbott, TCwyman] 0[smand]. Real property statutes of Washington territory from 1843 to 1889.. . 1232p. Olympia, Wash. State printing and pub. co., 1892. Wu Contains mucli valuable material relating to the Territory of Washington, including treaties, proclamations and special laws of Congress, such as the donation acts, pri- vate acts and Indian treaties. Account of a voyage for the discovery of a northwest pas- sage by Hudson's Streights, to the western and southern ocean of America performed in the year 1746 and 1747, in the ship California, Capt. Francis Smith, commander; by the clerk of the California. 2v. pi. 4 maps. Lond. Jollilfe, 1748. L Adair, Mrs. B. A. (Owens). Some of her life experiences. 537p. 7 por. [Port- land, Or. Mann & Beach, printers, 1906.1 P, Pu, Wh. Wu Issued without title page. Story of an Oregon pioneer. Adam, G. Mercer. From savagery to civilization; the Canadian North-west, its history and its troubles... 390p. 11 por. Toronto, Rose, 1885. L, S, Wu Adams, W. L. Lecture on Oregon and the Pacific coast. 39p. Bost. May, 1869. P Adams, W. L,. Oregon as it is; its present and future; by a resident for twenty-five years, being a reply to inquirers. 61p. tab. Portland, Or. Bulletin, 1873. P, Wu Additon, Mrs. Lucia H. Faxon. Twenty eventful years of the Oregon Woman's Chris- tian temperance union, 1880-1900, statistical, his- torical and biographical. . . 112p. illus. 29por. tab. Portland, Or. Gotshall, 1904. P 12 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Addresses ujiou the life and character of John J. McGilvra. Tsp. illus. Ipl. Ipor. [Seattle. Lowman, 19041. Wu (•..mains many full page Illustrations of early Seattle. Adney, Tappan. Klondike stampede. 417i). illus. 4pl. 2 maps. N. Y. Harper. 1900. Sc, W, Wu Alaska. Commission for Alaska exhibit, Louisiana pur- chase exposition. St. Louis, 1904. The exhibition of the District of Alaska at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. 55p. illus. fold. map. n. p. n. pub. [1904?]. S, Wu (The) Alaska club's 1905 almanac, issued annually by the Alaska club. Alaska building, Seattle, U. S. A. 130p. 1 map. [Seattle. Alaska clubl, 1905. S, Wu Same. 1906, 128p. Imap. Seattle, Trade register, 1906. S Same. 1907. 106p. 2 maps. Q. Seattle, [Alaska club. 1907). S Alaska steamship company. A trip to wonderful Alaska. [24p.] illus. Seattle, Alaska steamship co. 1905. Wu Alaskan boundary tribunal. ...Proceedings of the Alaskan boundary tribunal, con- vened at London, under the treaty between the United States of America and Great Britain, con- cluded at Washington, .January 24, 1903, for the set- tlement of questions. . .with respect to the boundary line between the territory of Alaska and the British possessions in North America... 5v. + 3v. atlas, pi. fac. Sim. Wash. Govt. 1904. L, Wu ( r. S. Contrross T>S-. Senate Document No. 162.) AlcalaGaliano, Dionysio. See Ralacion del viage hecho |ior las goletas Sutil y Mexicana. Aldrich, Herbert L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia; or. Eight months with the Arctic whalemen. 234p. illus. 24pl. Chic. Rand, 1889. S.Wu Allen, A. J. compiler. Ten years in Oregon. Travels and adventures of Doctor E. White and lady west of the Rocky mountains; Incidents of two sea voyages via. Sandwich islands around Cape Horn; containing also a brief history of the missions and settlement of the country — Ori- gin of the provisional government — Number and cus- toms of the Indians — Incidents witnessed. . . in the territory— Description of the soil, production and cli- mate of the country. Compiled by Miss A. J. Allen. 399p. Ipor. Ithaca. N. Y. Mack, 1848. L, P, S. Wa, Wu Same. 430p. Ithaca. Andrus. Gauntlett, 1850. Pu, Wh A CHECK-LIST 13 Allen, A. J. compiler. Thrilling adventures, travels and explorations of Dr. Elijah White, among the Rocky mountains and in the far West... 430p. N. Y. Yale, 1859. Wh Allen, William A. Adventures with Indians and game; or. Twenty years in the Rocky mountains. 302p. 4por. 22pl. Chic. Bowen, 1903. Mu Allen, Willis Boyd. Gulf and glacier; or, The Percivals in Alaska. 243p. 8pl. Boston, Lothrop, ["=18921. Wu Allen, Willis Boyd. (The) red mountain of Alaska. 348p. illus. Ipl. Bost. Estes, [^889]. O, Wu Alley, B. F. and Eraser, J. P. Munro. Washington territory, descriptive and historical. Thurs- ton county. 130p. tab. Olympia. Cavanaugh, 1886. P Ailing, Horatio. Why we vote; a discussion of the government of the state of Washington. 163p. 1 map. Olympia. Westland, 1900. Wh Alston, E. Graham. Hand-book of British Columbia and Vancouver • Island. 41p. map. Lond. Algar, 1870. L Alta California, Pacific coast and trans-continental rail-road guide. . . J. C. Fergusson, editor. illus, 1 map. tab. San Fran. MacCrellish, [^871]. P p. 132-8, Oregon, and Washington territory. p. 106-7, Idaho territory. Alvarez, Nicolas. Noticias sagradas... 32p. Los Angeles, Fernandez de Leon, n. d. P American agriculturist... Apr.-Dec, 1843. v. 2. illus. tab. N. Y. Saxton, 1843. P p. 273-275, Products of the Oregon territory. American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Annual report. v.25-41, 1834-1850. Bost. A.B.C.F.M., 1834-1850. Wu Contains official accounts of the Oregon mission of the American Board. Same. v. 25-26, 30, 32-33, 35-36, 38, 40, 42-43, 1834-1852. W American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Maps and illustrations of the missions of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, 1843. [26pl.] [Bost. A. B. C. F. M., 1843?]. Wu Plate 26 is a map of the Oregon mission. ]4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY American imiseuni of natural history. .Je«u|* North Pacific expedition. v.1-10. illus. pi. maps. Leiden, llrill; N. Y. Stechert. 1898-1908. L. Wu t'onialiK'd In tlx* .Memoirs of the American museum of natural hlMtory. v. '2 — 14. This publication is not yet (•omplete. It covers the ethnology and archseology of the coaMtM of the North I'aclllc ocean between the Amoor river In Siberia, and the Columbia river in North America. Amoretti, Charles. Voyage de la raer Atlantlque a Tocean Paclfique par le NordOuest dans la mer glaciale par le Capitaine Laurent Ferrer, Maldonado, I'an' 1588. traduit d'un manuscript espagnol.. . 84 + 19p. 2 fold. maps. Plaisance. Majno, 1812, L Amundsen, Roald. "The northwest passage"; being the record of a voyage of exi)loration of the ship "Gjoa" 1903-1907. 2v. nius. Ipor. 44pl. 3 maps. tab. X. Y. Button, 1908. P, S Anderson, John .1. Did the Louisiana purchase extend to the Pacific ocean? and Our title to Oregon. 8p. 1 map. X. Y. Clark. IISSU. P, Wh Andree, Karl [Theodorl. .\ord-Amfrika In geographischen und geschichtlichen umrissen, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der linge- borenen und der indianischen Alterthiimer. der ein- wanderung und der ansiedelungen des ackerbaues, der gewerbe, der schifffahrt und des handels. 810p. Illus. Braunschweig, Westermann, 1851. S Same. Ed. 2. 1854. P Annual register; or, a View of the history, politics and literature, for the year 1790. Lond. Dodsley, 1793. P, S, Wu p. SS.'i-SOfl. State papers (relative to Xootlta Sound con- troversy 1. Anson, George. True and impartial journal of a voyage to the south seas, and round the globe, in His Majesty's ship, the Centurion... 16-(-347+39p. Lond. Birt, 1745. L Anson, George. See also, Walter. Richard, compiler. Argonaut, pseudonym. See Etches, .John Codman. Armstrong, A. X. OroKon: comprising a brief history and full description of the territories of Oregon and Washington. . .the Indian tribes of the Pacific slope, their manners, etc.. Interspersed with incidents of travel and ad- venture. 147p. Chic. Scott. 1857. P, S, Wh. Wu A CHECK-LIST ;^5 Army and navy chronicle, Jan. 1 — Dec. 26, 1839. New ser. V. 8-9, 2v. in 1. Wash. Homans, 1839. P Contains editorial on Oregon territory, also "Expedition to the Oregon territory" from the St. Louis Republican. Astoria. Chamber of commerce. Astoria, Oregon, and surrounding district tributary thereto. 24p. illus. fold. map. Portland, Or. Lewis & Dryden, 1887. Wu Astoria. Charter. Charter of the town of Astoria, and rules and regula- tions for the government of the common council. 13p. [Astoria] "Astorian office," 1873. Wu Atkinson, George Henry. Address. . . before the chamber of commerce of the state of New York, upon the possession, settlement, cli- mate and resources of Oregon and the northwest coast, including some remarks upon Alaska, Decem- ber 3d, 1868. 17p. N. Y. Amerman, 1868. P Atkinson, George Henry. Funeral services in memory of Mrs. M. F. Eells, one of the pioneer missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M., to the Spokane Indians of Oregon, in 1838; held at Skoko- mish and Seattle, W. T., August 11 and 13, 1878. 9p. Portland, Or. Himes, 1878. P Atkinson, G[eorge] HTenry]. Northwest coast, including Oregon, Washington and Idaho; a series of articles upon the N. P. R. R. in its relations to the basins of the Columbia and of Puget's Sound. Portland, Or. Walling, 1878. Wh Same. Ed. 2. 1 map. P, Wh Atkinson, Mrs. Nancy (Bates). Biography of Rev. G. H. Atkinson, journal of sea voyage to Oregon in 1848, and selected addresses and printed articles; and a particular account of his church work in the Pacific Northwest, prepared by Rev. Myron Eells. 508p. illus. 3por. Portland, Or. Baltes, 1893. O, P, Wh, Wu Atwood, Rev. A. Glimpses in pioneer life on Puget Sound. 483p. illus. Ipor. Seattle, Denny-Coryell, 1903. S, W, Wh, Wu A history of Methodism in the Pacific Northwest. Aubertin, J. J. (A) fight with distances; the states, the Hawaiian Islands, Canada, British Columbia, Cuba, the Ba- hamas. 352p. lOpl. 1 map. Lond. Paul, 1888. L 16 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Austin, C. W. and Scott, H. S. (The) great Seattle fire of June 6th, 1889, containing a succinct and complete account of the greatest con- flagration on the Pacific coast. 44p. illus. Ipor. Tacoma. Puget Sound printing Co., 1889. Aylmer, Fen ton, editor. (A) cruise in the Pacific from the log of a naval oflacer. 2v. Inl. 319 + 322p. 2pl. Lond. Hurst, 1860. Back, Captain, see Huish, Robert. Badlam, Alexander. (The) wonders of Alaska. 152p. 29pl. S maps. San Fran. Bancroft, 1S90. Wa 8ome. Ed. 3. 154p. San Fran, author, 1891. S, Wu Bagley, Clarence B. In the beginning, a sketch of some early events in western Washington while it was still a part of "Old Oregon." 90p. Seattle, Lowman, 1905. S, Wa, Wh, Wu Saint> in Meekor, Ezra, Pioneer reminiscences of Puget Sound, p. 464-554. Bailey, George W. Rf^port upon Alaska and its people. . . 52p. Wash. Govt. 1880. Wu Bailey, Florence Merriam. Handbook of birds of the western United States, includ- ing the great plains, great basin. Pacific slope and lower Rio Grande valley. Ed. 2, rev. 514p. illus. pi. 1 map. Bost. Houghton, 1904. S Baillie-Grohman, W. A. Camps in the Rockies, being a narrative of life on the frontier, and sport in the Rocky mountains, with an account of the cattle ranches of the west. 438p. 4pl. 1 map. Lond. Low, 1882. L Baillie-Grohman, W. A. Fifteen years' sport and life in the hunting grounds of western America and British Columbia... 403p. Illus. Ipor. 15pl. Q. Lond. Cox, 1900. L, S, Wu Baker, Eldwardl Ddckinsonl. Masterpieces; ed. (with glances at the orator and his times) by O. T. Shuck. 336p. Ipor. San Fran. editor, 1899. p, s A CHECK-LIST 17 Balch, Edwin Swift, editor. Lej;ters and papers relating to the Alaska frontier. 134p. 2 maps. Q. Phil. Allen, 1904. L, S, Wu Maps in text. Balch, F. H. Bridge of the Gods; a romance of Indian Oregon. 280p. Chic. McClurg, 1890. Wh Same. 1895. p Same. Ed. 4. 1899. Wu Same. Ed. 6. 8pl. 1901. Wa Same. Ed. 8. 8pl. 1902. Sp, W, Wu Balch, Thomas Willing. Alaska frontier. 198p. 1 map. Q. Phila. Allen, 1903 L, S, Wu Maps in text. Balch, Thomas Willing. Alaska-Canadian frontier. 45p. Q. Phila. Allen, 1902. L, S, Wu Maps in text. Balch, William Ralston, compiler. Mines, miners and mining interests of the United States in 1882. 1191p. illus. pi. map. Q. Phil. Mining industrial publishing bureau. S See index under Alaska. Idaho. Montana, Oregon, Wash- ington. Ballantyne, Robert MLichaell. Hudson's bay; or. Everyday life in the wilds of North America, during six years' residence in the terri- tories of the honorable Hudson's Bay company. Ed. 2. 328p. illus. Ipl. Imap. Edin. Blackwood. 1848. S Same. 298p. Ipor. Bost. Phillips, 1859. Wu Same. 367p. Ipor. Lond. Nelson, 1897. P Ballantyne, R[obert] Mlichael]. (The) pioneers, a tale of the western wilderness, illus- trative of the adventures and discoveries of Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 128p. Lond. Nisbet, 1883. Wa Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Twice bought; a tale of the Oregon gold fields. 268p. illus. Lond. Nisbet, n. d. P Ballantyne, Robert Michael, joint anther, see, Tytler, Pat- rick Eraser. —42 jj^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY' 1 Ballard. I). P.) Washington territory and the far Northwest, Oregon. Idaho, and Montana. . . Facts by an old settler, not in the Interest of railroads or localities. 60p. Chic. Ballard. Ipref. 18891. Wu Ba {linger, Richard Afchillesl. Hallinger's annotated codes and statutes of Washing- ton, showing all statutes in force, including the ses- sion laws of 1897. 2v. Q. Seattle. Bancroft- Whitney CO. 1807. S, W V. :^. Supplement. See Mahan. .John Hfarveyl, compiler. Mahan's supi)lement to Ballinger's codes and stat- utes ... S, W Ballou, Matiirin M. .Vow Kldorado: a suninipr journey to Alaska. 3o5p. Host. Houghton. ['18891. S. Wu Baltz, .John D. Hon. Edward D. Raker, U. S. senator from Oregon... Colonel. . .Baker's defense in the battle of Ball's Bluff, fought October 21st, 1861, in Virginia, and slight biographical sketches of Colonel Baker and Generals Wistar and Stone. illus. 2por. 1 map. Lancaster, Pa. Inquirer print, co.. 1888. P, S I Bancroft, A. L. and co.l Historical works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, in their re- lation to the progress and destiny of the Pacific states. 14-fllp. 1 map. [San Fran. Bancroft!, n. d. P, Wu Bancroft, George. "Memorial on the Canal de Haro as the boundary line of the United States of America, presented in the name •of the American government to His Majesty, William 7, German Emperor and King of Prussia, as arbitra- tor. V. p. l.=»maps. Q. n. p. n. d. L V. p. li^maps. Q. n. p. n. d. L T^ame. German translation. L Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Chronicles of the builders of the commonwealth: his- torical character study. 8v. 122por. 1 map. tab. Snn Fran. History co. 1891-92. O, P. Bancroft, Hiihert Howe. History of Alaska. 17nn-1SS.-|. TT.^p. \\\\xs. 1 map. Sr.ii Fr-Tti n.nncroft, 1886. U O, P, Pu, S, Sc, Sp, W, Wh, Wu A CHECK-LIST 29 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. 792p. illus. 1 map. San Fran. History co. 1887. L, O, P, Pu, S, W, Wh, Wu Same. 1890. L Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Oregon. 2v. illus. 1 map. San Fran. History co., 1886. L, Mu, O, P, Pu, S, Sp, W. Wh, Wu Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the life of Matthew P. Deady. . . p. 603-653, Ipor. San Fran. History co. 1890. P From Chronicles of the builders. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the life of William S. Ladd. 60p. 2por. San Fran. History co. 1890. P From Chronicles of the builders. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Northwest coast. 2v. illus. 1 map. San Fran. Bancroft, 1884. L. M, P, Pu, S, W, Wh, Wu Same. History co. 1886. [^8841. O, Sp Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Washington, Idaho and Montana, 1845-1889. 836p. illus. San Fran. History co. 1890. L, M, O, P, Pu, S, Sp, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Literary industries. 808p. Ipor. San Fran. History CO. 1890. L, 0, P, S, W,Wu p. 7}30-C>\. Historic explorations northward. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Native races of the Pacific states of North America. 5v. illus. 10 maps. tab. N. Y. Appleton, 1874. P Same. 1875. O Same. Bancroft, 1882. P, S Same. Bancroft, 1883. L Same. History co. 1886. W, Wu Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Popular tribunals. 2v. 1 map. 6 fac-sim. San Fran. History co. 1887. L, O, S, Sp, W, Wu V. 1, p. 622-721. Popular tribunals of Oregon, Washing- ton, British Columbia. Alaska, Idaho and Montana. Bancroft, Hubert Howe and company, publishers. Guide for travellers in the Pacific states. No. 12. 144p. 2 maps. tab. San Fran. Bancroft, 1869. P 20 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Bancroft's hand-book almanac for the Pacific states... ed. by Wni. H. Knight. 1862. 191p. San Fran. Bancroft. 1862. ^ Same. 420i). 1863. ^ Same. 440p. 1864. ^ Banks, Louis Albert. Live boys in Oregon; or. An Oregon boyhood. 173p. 8pl. Bost. Lee, 1900. Wu Banks, Louis Albert. Oregon boyhood. 173p. Bost. Lee, 1898, [^897]. P Pn Wh Snni.- fts his Live boys In Oregon. r,ru. Bards and company. Uunls and co.s classified business directory of Olympia, Taconia. Puyallup. Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899. containing a classified list of the rep- resentative men engaged in professional and commer- cial pursuits. 157p. N. Y. Bards, n. d. S Barneby, William Henry. Life and labour in the far, far West; being notes of a tour in the western states, British Columbia, Mani- toba, and the north-west territory. 432p. Imap. tab. Lond. Cassell, 1884. L, P, S Barneby, Wlillianil Henry. New far West and the old far East, being notes of a tour in North America, Japan, China, Ceylon, etc. 316p. illus. pi. Smaps. Lond. Stanford, 1889. L, P, S Barrett-Lennard, C. E. Travels in British Columbia with the narrative of a yacht voyage round Vancouver's Island. 307p. Ipl. Lond. Hurst. 1862. L, S, Wu Barrington, Dalnes. Miscellanies. . . 558p. 2por. 2maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Nichols. 1781. L, P, S, W, Wu p. 4rtO-.">.34. .lonrnul of a voyage In 1775 to explore the coa.st of Amoricn. northward of California, by the second pilot of the fleet. Don Francisco Antonio Maurelle, in the king's schooner called the Sonora, and commanded by Hon .Iiinn Francisco de la Bodega. Barrington, DIainesl. Possibility of approaching the north pole asserted... with an appendix containing papers on the same sub- ject and on a northwest passage by Colonel Beaufoy. ed. 2. 258p. Imap. Lond. Allman, 1818. Wu A CHECK-LIST 21 Barrow, Sir John. Chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a north-east, north-west, or polar passage between the Atlantic and Pacific: from the earliest periods of Scandinavian navigation, to the departure of the re- cent expeditions, under the orders of Captains Ross and Buchan. 379+48p. illus. Imap. Lond. Mur- ray, 1818. L, P, S, Wu Barrow, Sir John. Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. . . in search of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; with two attempts to reach the North pole. Abridged and arranged from the oflBcial nar- ratives, with occasional remarks. 530p. Ipor. 2 maps. Lond. Murray, 1846. S Same. 359p. N. Y. Harper, n. d. Wu Barrows, William. Oregon; the struggle for possession. 363p. 2maps. Bost. Houghton, 1884. (American commonwealths.) O, Pu, Wh, Wu Same. Ed. 3. 1885. . P Same. Ed. 5, 1888. M Same. Ed. 6. 1890. Sc Same. Ed. 9. 1896. Mu,Wa Same. Ed. 10. 1898. S Same. 1901. Sp Bates, E. Katharine. Kaleidoscope; shifting scenes from east to west. 275p. Lond. Ward, 1889. S p. 222-262. A trip to Alaska. Bates, H. W., editor. niustrated travels; a record of discovery, geography, and adventure. 378p. illus. 2 maps. Q. Lond. Cassell, n. d. L British Columbia. Beach, Rex [Ellingwoodl. (The) barrier: a novel. 309p. 4pl. N. Y. Harper, 1908. S, Wa A novel of tlie Klondike region. Beach, Rex f Ellingwoodl. (The) spoilers. 313p. 4pl. N. Y. Harper. 1906. S, Wa A novel of the Klondike region. 22 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Beadle. JlohnI HIansonl. Undeveloped west; or. Five years in the territories, be- ing a complete history of that vast region between the Mississippi and the Pacific... 823p. illus. pi. Phil. National pub. co. ('1873]. O. P, S, Sp, Wu Beadle. Jlohni HIansonl. Western wilds and the men who redeem them... 624p. illus. Imap. Cin. Jones, 1879. Wu Beale, EldwardI F. and Whipple, I A. W.l. Atlantic and Pacific railroad; route to the Pacific ocean on the 35th parallel: extracts from I their 1 reports to the war dei)artment, showing the features of this route. 8 + 20 + 15p. 3maps. tab. X. Y. Stock- holder job print, off. 1867. P Beckworth, .lames P. (The) life and adventures of... mountaineer scout, pioneer, and chief of the Crow nation of Indians. Written from his own dictation by T. D. Bonner. New ed... 440p. 8pl. Lond. Unwin, ^18911. Mu Beecham, R. K. Sacajawea and other poems. Souvenir edition, Lewis and Clark centennial fair, Portland, Oregon, 1905. 24p. 2pl. [Everett, Wash. Ray, 1905?]. Wu Beechey, Ftrederickl Wlilliaml. -Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's straight, to co-operate with the polar expeditions: performed in his Majesty's ship Blossom... in the years 1825. 26. 27, 28. 2v. 3por. pi. 3maps. Q. Lond. Colburn, 1831. L, S Beechey and Back, see Huish, Robert. Beeson, .lohn. Plea for the Indians; with fact's and features of the late war In Oregon. 143p. N. Y. Beeson, 1857. Wh Same. 1858. P Begg, Alexander. History of British Columbia from its earliest discovery to the present time. 568p. illus. Ipor. Imap. Toronto, Briggs, 1894. L, O, S, W Begg, Alexander. History of the Northwest. 3v. 33por. Toronto, Hunter, 1894-95. L, S, Wu • oDtains much materia) relating to the Pacific Northwest. A CHECK-LIST 23 Begg, Alexander. Review of the Alaskan boundary question. 32p. n. t-p. [Victoria, B. C. Cusack, n. d.J L, S Belcher, Sir Edward. Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in her majesty's ship Sulphur, during the years 1836-1842; including details of the naval operations in China from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841. . . 2v. illus. pi. maps. Lond. Colburn, 1843. L, P, S Belcher, Sir Edward. Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, during the years 1843-46, employed surveying the islands of the eastern archipelago; accompanied by a brief vo- cabulary of the principal languages. . . 2v. pi. maps. Lond. Reeve, 1848. S Benjamin II, J. J. (real «ame, Joseph Israel). Reise in den nordwestgegenden Nord-Amerika's. 69p. Hanover, Benjamin H, 1862. P Bound with his Hcisc im inncrn von ('alifdrnim. Bennett, Emerson. Prairie flower; or, Adventures in the far west. 464p. N. Y. Carleton, 1881. P Benson, Frank W. coinpiler. State of Oregon; . . . measures "referred to the people by the Legislative assembly,"... to be submitted to the legal voters... at the regular general election... June, 1908. 126p. Salem, Or. State printer, 1908. P, Wa Benton, [Thomas Hart I. Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on the Oregon ques- tion, delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 22, 25 and 28, 1846. 39p. Wash. Blair, 1846. Sp [Benton, Thomas Hart I. Thirty years view; or, A history of the working of the American government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. Chiefly taken from the congress debates, the private papers of General Jackson, and the speeches of ex-senator Benton... with historical notes and illustrations and some notices of eminent deceased cotemporaries: by a senator of thirty years. 2v. Ipor. Ipl. N. Y. Appleton, 1854-6. O, P, S. Wa, Wh, Wu Contains accounts of tin- discussions of the Oregon question in Congress. g^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Benton county citizens' league. Benton county. Oregon. ICp. illus. n. p. n. pub. 1904. Wu Benyowsky, Mauritius Augustus count tie. Memoirs and travels, consisting of his military opera- tions in Poland, his exile into Kamchatka, his escape and voyage from that peninsula through the North- ern Pacific ocean... 2v. 23pl. Lond. Robinson, 1790. L, Wu I'latos aii< niimb.Mod from 1 to 20, but tho numbprs 3. 4, 12. 2:{. 24 nnd 2." woro not includod in this edition. Besant, Walter. Captain Cook. 191p. Ipor. Lond. Macmillan, 1894. (Englishmen of action.) Wu Bicknell, Edward. Territorial acquisitions of the United States, an his- torical review. llOp. tab. Bost. Small, 1899. P, S Bigelow, .Inhn. Memoir of the life and public services of John Charles Fremont... 480p. Ipor. 8pl. tab. N. Y. Derby, ISfif.. P, S, Wu Billings, .losepli, ace Sauer, Martin. Bingley, William Travels in North America, from modern writers, with remarks and observations; e.xhibiting a connected view of the geography and present state of that quar- ter of the globe. 346p. pi. Lond. Harvey, 1821. P. S p. 184-2.">!t. Wo.storn tori-ltory of America, including Lewis and Clark expedition, p. 2!Mi;J04. Nootka Sovind nnd Nofthwest coast. [Bishopl. Isabella Lucy (Bird). " A lady's life in the Rocky mountains. [Ed. 3.1 296p. 7i)l. N. Y. Putnam, 1881. Mu Same. N. Y. Putnam, 1888. S Blaeuw, .Ian. Atlas niaior, sive cosmographia Blaviana, qva solvm, salvni. coelvm. accvratissime describvntvr. llv. illus. mai)s. F6. I Amstelaedaml, Lahore & Sump- tihuH loannis Blaev, 16621. V. 11. .\merlcH, has 287p. Quoted In Bancroft. North- weMt America for Straits of .\nian. Blake, Edward. Pacific railway; si)eech delivered in the House of Com- mons. . . April, 1880. O 1 inin the offlcial report of the debates. A CHECK-LIST 25 Blanchet, Francis Xorbert. Historical sketches of the Catholic church in Oregon: 1838-1878. 186p. Portland. Or. Catholic sen- tinel press, 1878. p, Wu Bland, T. A. Life of Alfred B. Meacham; together with his lecture, the tragedy of the lava beds. 47p. Ipor. Wash. Bland, 1883. Wh Boas, Franz. Chinook texts. 278p. 2por. Wash. Govt. 1894. (Bureau of American ethnology. Bulletin 20.) P, S, Sp, Wu Boas, Franz. Facial paintings of the Indians of northern British Columbia. 6pl. Imap. F. [1898]. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v.l, p. 1-24). W Boas, Franz. Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. 6pl. F. N. Y. Knickerbocker press, 1900. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v.l, p. 27-127). W Boddam-Whetham, JCohn] W[hetham]. Western wanderings; a record of travel in the evening land. 364p. 12pl. tab. Lond. Bentley, 1874. L, Mu. O, P, S, Wu Boiler, Henry A. Among the Indians; eight years in the far West, 1858- 1866; embracing sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. Imap. Phil. Zell, 1868. P Bolton, Charles Eldwardl. Notes from This] letters, written while lecturing in the Northwest. 15p. Ipor. Camb. [Bolton], 1892. P Boundary between the Dominion of Canada and the Ter- ritory of Alaska. Case presented on the part of the government of his Britannic Majesty to the tribunal constituted under article 1 of the convention, signed at Washington, January 24, 1903, between his Britan- nic Majesty and the United States of America. 105p. F. Lond. Harrison, 1903. L Same. Appendix in 3 volumes. Lond. Harrison, 1903. v.l. 313p. F. L V. 2. at'as of maps. 37 maps. F. L v. 3, portfolio of maps. L 46 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Bourne, Edward Ciaylord. Essays in historical criticism. 304p. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1901. P, S, Wa, Wh, Wu p. 3-100. Lpgtnd "f Marcus Whitman. Bourne, ?:idwardl Glaylord) and Scott, H. W. (The) Whitman myth. 13p. n. p. n. pub. n. d. S. W, Wa, W^u R<'prlnt<(l from Tli«> MorninR Oregonian, Portland, Or. Bowen, Alfred D. editor. Oregon and the orient; a work designed to show the great natural and industrial advantages of Oregon, illus. ISpor. tab. Q. Portland. Or. Bowen, 1901. P Advert l.sinn mntcrial mostly. (iivcs resources of state and some liloyraphy. Bowen, Alfred D. editor. Seattle and the orient. 183p. illus. Seattle. Times, 1900. Wh, Wu Bowles, Samuel. Across the continent; a summer's journey to the Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific states. 4n2p. Imai). Springfield, Bowles, 1865. Mu Same. 186(1. P. S, Wh, Wu Bowles, Samuel. Our new west: records of travel between the Missis- sippi river and the Pacific ocean. . . Colorado, W^yom- ing. Utah. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California, Ore- gon, Washington and British Columbia... 524p. Illus. Ipl. Hartford. Ct. Hartford pub. co. 1869. o . o , O. P. S, Wu Bowles. Samuel. Pacific railroad — open; how to go; what to see; guide for travel to and through western America. 122p. Bost. Fields. 1869. P, Wu Brackett, Albert Gallatin. General Lane's brigade in central Mexico. 336p. illus. Ipor. tab. Cin. Derby. 1854. p [Bradford, T. W. publisher]. IMap of the) United States. 25xl9i^ cm. I Phil. Bradford. 18351. p From Hrndford's atlas. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Northwestern fights and fighters, 19por. 15j)l. N. Y. McClure. 1907. M, P, Wu \e7. I'lToe war. Modoc war. Brain, Belle M. True story of Marcus Whitman. ir>p. N. Y. Wlllet, n.d. ^^ A CHECK-LIST 37 Breese, S[idney1. Speech of Hon. S. Breese, of Illinois, on the Oregon question; delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 2, 1846. 22p. Wash. Blair, 1846. Sp Brereton, Robert Maitland. Question: Did Sir Francis Drake land on any part of the Oregon coast? 24p. 3maps. Portland, Or. Gill, n. d. . p Bristol, Sherlock. Pioneer preacher: an autobiography. 330p. Ipor. 5pl. N. Y. Revell, [<1887J. P Bristol, Sherlock. Pioneer preacher: incidents of interest, and experiences in the author's life. . . 336p. Ipor. 6pl. N. Y. Revell, 1898. P British and American joint commission for the final settle- ment of the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies. [Papers]. 6v. Wash. Govt, etc.; Montreal, Lovell, 1865-1869. Wu Contents : ' V. 1-2. Evidence for the United States in the matter of the claim of the Hudson's Bay company. . . 2v. 390-(- r»62p. Wash. M'Gill. 1867. (Library of Congress, V. 7-8.) V. .S. Evidence for the United States in the matter of the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies... Miscellaneous. 379p. Wash. M'Gill. 1867. (Library of Congress, v. 11.) V. 4. Evidence on the part of the Hudson's Bay com pany, claimants. 422p. n. t. p. (Library of Con- gress. V. 2'>\ . V. 5. Memorial and argument on the part of the Hud- son's Bay company. 'J39p. Montreal. Lovell, 1868. (Library of Congress, v. 4.) V. 6. Closing argument of the claimants, in reply to the responsive argument for the United States. 39p. Mon- treal. Lovell. 1869. (Library of Congress. ?) Arguments in behalf of the United States, with supplement and appendix... 24-fl564-74p. • Wash, M'Gill, 1868. (Library of Congress, v. 1^.) Opinions and award of the commissioners. .'Up. Mon- treal. Lovell. 1869. (Library of Congress, v. 14.) Same. v. 1-5, also folio containing 17 maps and ten photo- graphs. Folio marked with the name of Edward Lander, counsel for the H. B. co. Maps and photographs are the ones used in the trial and evidently not published as a part of the set. Sote. As this list goes to press, the Legislative Library of British Columbia has just obtained a complete set of the 14 volumes of papers as shown by the printed catalog of the Librari of Congress. W 28 PACIFIC XORTHWEST HISTORY British Columbia. Minister of agriculture. Province of British Columbia. Canada; its climate and resources with inform'^tion for emigrants. 136p. 1 fold. map. Victoria B. C. Richard Wolfenden, govt, printer, 1883. Wu British Columbia, Its present resources and future possi- bilities: a brief attempt to demonstrate the value of the province. 109p. lllus. Imap. Ipl. Victoria, B. C. Published by direction of the Provincial govt. 1893. "^'u British North America... 370p. 2maps. Lond. Re- ligious tract society [1863?!. L, Wu p. 274--_'ftr>. British Colnml)la. p. '-'OJK.Ill. Vanconver'.s Lsland. Brockett, Linus Plerpont. Our western empire; or. The New West bej'ond the Mlssisslpvl. . . 1312p. lopl. 12maps. tab. Phil. Bradley 1881 in880]. P, S, Wu p. 1091-11 19. OrogoB. Brockett, Norwood W. Lumberman's review and guide of western Washington; a complete gazetteer of the lumber and shingle indus- try in the entire western portion of this state. 98p. illus. Seattle. Lumberman's review co. n. d. Wu Broke, George. With sack and stock In Alaska.' 158p. Imap. Lond. Longmans, 1891. S, Wu I Brooke, Robert 1. Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Resolution and Discovery, in search of a northerly passage from Kampschatka to England, after the death of Capt. James Cook: with reasons to imagine that those ships have wintered in Siberia, Nova Zem- bla, or Lapland, to which is added an eulogium, or tribute of gratitude, to the memory of that celebrated navigator. Intended by the author as a prelude or Introduction to a future publication on the subject of the north-east passage. 48p. Lond. Printed for the author; and sold by J. Bew, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1780. g Brooks, Alfred H. joint author, see, Schroder, Frank C. A CHECK-LIST 39 Brooks, Noah. First across the continent; the story of the exploring expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803-4-5. 365p. front. 2por.(lplate). 22pl. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Scribner, 1901. Sp, Wu Same. 1902. Mu, S Brougham, and [Vaux], Henry [Peter Brougham]. 1st baron. Letters and speeches. 2v. Phil. Carey, 1840. O V. 2. Upon the affairs of Canada. Broughton, William Robert. Entdeckungsreise in das Stille meer und vorzviglich nach der Nord-ostkiiste von Asien, gethan in den jahren 1795, 1796, 1797 und 1798. 352p. Ipl. 2maps. tab. Weimar, Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1805. P Broughton, William Robert. Voyage de decouvertes dans la partie septentrionale de I'ocean Pacifique. . . pendent les annees 1795, 1796, 1797 et 1798. . . traduit. . . par J. B. B. E. 2v. 7pl. (3 maps), tab. Par. Dentu, 1807. P Broughton, William Robert. Voyage of discovery to the north Pacific ocean. . . in the years 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798. 393p. 7pl. 9maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Cadell, 1804 L, S, P Brouillet, J. B. A. Account of the murder of Dr. Whitman and the ungrate- ful calumnies of H. H. Spalding, protestant mission- ary. 107p. N. Y. Cozans, .1853. Wh Brouillet, J. B. A. Authentic account of the murder of Dr. Whitman and other missionaries, by the Cayuse Indians of Oregon, in 1847, and the causes which led to that horrible catastrophe. Ed. 2. 108p. Portland, Or. McCor- mick, 1869. P Brown, JLames] Henry. Brown's political history of Oregon... v. 1. 2por. Imap. 2 facsim. tab. Portland, Or. Allen, 1892. P, Wh, Wu Brown, R. C. Lundin. British Columbia; an essay. 64+33p. New West- minster, Royal engineer press, 1863. L Brown, Robert, editor, see Jewitt, John Rogers. Adventures. . . 30 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Browne, J. Rloss). Report on the mineral resources of the states and ter- ritories west of the Rocky mountains. 674i). Wash. Govt. 1868. Wh Browne, J. Ross. Resources of the Pacific slope; a statistical and descrip- tive summary of the mines and minerals, climate, topography, agriculture, commerce, manufactures and miscellaneous productions of the states and ter- ritories west of the Rocky mountains, with a sketch of. . . Lower California. 678 + 200p. X. Y. Ap- pleton. 1869. S Include.s Idaho. Montana. Oregon. Wa-shineton and Alaska. Browne, Peter A. Lecture on the Oregon territory; I. Title of the United States to its sovereignty, II. its capabilities and value to our country. III. and the necessity of an im- mediate settlement of it from the states. 20p. Phil. r. S. book & job print, off. 1843. P Brownson, T. G. Trials and triumphs of fifty years of Baptist work in Oregon. ISp. Portland. Or. Chronicle pub. co. 1894. P Bruce, Miner IW. 1. Alaska; its history and resources, gold fields, routes and scenery. 128p. Imap. illus. Seattle, Lowman. 189.5. W Same. Ed. 2. 237p. illus. 36pl. 6 fold, maps-fl map in pocket. X. Y. Putnam, 1895. Sp. Wu Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California... tab. N. Y. Appleton. 1848. p Although this is an account of an immigrant to California. It glvfs various notices of parties going to and returning from Oregon. Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California: being the journal of a tour, by the emigrant route and south pass of the Rocky mountains... in... 1846. 1847. with apx. Ed. 4. tab. X. Y. Appleton. 1849. P, S (Bryant, William Cullen. editor]. Picturesque America; or. The land we live in. . . 2v. Illus. 47pl. sq. F. X. Y. Appleton, ['^1872-7411. P, W T. 1, p. .Tl-.M. Vyt and down thn Columbia, by L. .T. G. Runkl<>. with ..lustrations by K. Swain Gifford. A CHECK-LIST 3I Bryce, George. Remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay company, in- chiding that of the French traders of north-western Canada and of the North-West, X Y, and Astor fur companies. 501 p. pi. por. 5maps. Lond. Low, 1900. S Same. Ed. 2. 12por. 18pl. 5maps. 1902. O, Sp Same. 17pl. 4por. 4gr. of por. omaps. N. Y. Scribner, 1900. Wu Same. Toronto, Briggs, 1900. L Buel, J[ames] W[illiani]. America's wonderlands; pictorial and descriptive his- tory of our country's scenic marvels as delineated by pen and camera... 503p. illus. Vancouver, MacGregor, ^893. S Chap. 7. Regions of the Xorthvvpst. including Oregon. Alaska, etc. Bulfinch, Thomas. Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the rivers. 464p. Bost. Tilton, 1866. M, P, Wu Bureau of the American republics. Alaska. (Handbook No. 84, August, 1897). 133p. 1 fold. map. n. p. n. pub. n. d. S, Wu Burges, Sir James Bland, see Verus, pseudonym. Burnett, Peter H[ardeman]. Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer. 448p. N. Y. Appleton, 1880. P, Wh Burney, James. Chronological history of north-eastern voyages of dis- covery; and of the early eastern navigations of the Russians. 310p. map. Lond. Murray, 1819. L Burney, James. History of the voyages and discoveries in the South sea or Pacific ocean... 5v. 5maps. Q. Lond. Nicol, 1803. L Burroughs, John. Far and near. 288p. Ipor. Bost. Houghton, [19041 '1901. S p. 1-127. In green Alaska. Burton, John Hill. Emigrant's manual; Australia, New Zealand, America and South Africa... 501p. tab. Edin. Cham- bers, 1851. P. 3 p. 110-112. Oregon and Utah territories. 32 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Business directory of the Pacific states and territories for 187S... 869p. San Fran. Kenney, 1878. P Busk, Charles Westly. Notes of a journey from Toronto to British Columbia, via the Northern Pacific railway (June to July, 1884); being letters to his sister and mother. 48p. Lond. Taylor. 1884. L Butler, James Davie. New found journal of Charles Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark. 30p. tab. Worcester. Hamilton. 1894. P, Wu From proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 1894, p. 223-252. Butler, 8ir W[illiaml Ffrancisl. Great lone land: a narrative of travel and adventure in the northwest of America. 386p. 6pl. 1 fold, map. tab. Lond. Low, 1873. L Same. 1878. P Map wanting. Butler, ^'l> W(illiam) Ffrancisl. Wild north land; being the story of a winter's journey with dogs across northern North America. Ed. 4. 358p. Ipor. lopl. Imap. Phil. Porter, 1874. M Same. Ed. 2. Lond. Low, 1874. L Same. Ed. 7. Lond. Low, 1878. P Same. Ed. 10. Lond. Low, 1896. L Butterfield, Consul Willshire. History of the discovery of the northwest by John Nicolet in 1634. with a sketch of his life. 113p. Ciu. Clarke. 1881. p Butterworth, Hezekiah. Log school-house on the Columbia; a tale of the pio- neers of the great northwest. 250p. illus. N. Y. Appleton. 1890. P. Wh Same. 1898, ['18901. Wu Same. Ed. 3. 1905. S Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the great northwest: or, A trip to the American Switzerland. 319p. illus. Ipl. 2por. Bost. Dana, [nS90]. S Calhoun, (John Caldwell]. Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the Ore- gon bill; delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 27, 1848. 16p. [Wash?]. Govt. 1848. Sp A CHECK-LIST ;),'i Calhoun, J[ohn] Cfaldwell] and Buchanan, J[ames]. Oregon; the claim of the United States to Oregon, as stated in the letters of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun and the Hon. J. Buchanan, (American secretaries of state) to the Right Hon. R. Pakenham, with an apx. containing the counter statement of Mr. Pakenham to the American secretaries of state... 55 + 16p. 1 fold. map. Lond.' Wiley, 1846. P, S, Wu California State Red Cross. Record of the Red Cross work on the Pacific slope, in- cluding California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, with their auxiliaries; also reports from Ne- braska, Tennessee, and far-away Japan. 458p. illus. Q. Oakland, Cal. Pacific press pub. co. 1902. S Campbell, Archibald. Voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian islands and the Sandwich islands were visited, including a narrative of the author's shipwreck on the island of Sannack and his subsequent wreck in the ship's long boat, with an account of the present state of the Sand- wich islands... 2S8p. Imap. Edin. Constable, 1816. L, P, S, Wu Campbell, J. L. Idaho and Montana gold -regions: the emigrant's guide overland... 1864. 52 + 16p. illus. tab. n. p. n. pub. ^865. P Campbell's foreign monthly magazine. . . My-Ag. 1843 V. 3, 464p. illus. 2por. Ipl. tab. Phil. Campbell, 1843. P Contains article on British settlement on the Eastern Coast of the Pacific — Oregon territory. From Fisher's Co- lonial magazine. Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1901 to 1907. illus. Toronto, Ann. review pub. co. 1902-1908. Mu, S Canadian Pacific railway company. British Columbia... its position, advantages, resources and climate... 64p. illus. n. p. [Canadian Pacific railway co.l 1896. S Same. 1 fold. map. 1900. Wu Same. 1 fold. map. 1902. S, Wu Same. 1 fold. map. 1905. S Same. 1 fold. map. [1907?]. S —3 ss than "JOd copies was printed liy the author for free distribution. Tlic panii)hlet has a neat oriental cover desljni from special types imported by Mr. C. H. HaKley. then editor and iiroprietor of the PuRet Sound Courier. Clark, JIamesI E. Proceedings of the Washington teachers' institute at the fifth annual meeting; and Washington school law. 94-(-24p. Olympia. I Wash. I. .1. E. Clark at the Courier i)rinting office. 1881. S, Wu This with the precf'ding Item Is of raiv Interest in the educational history of the state. A CHECK-LIST 39 Clark. Joseph Bourne. Leavening the nation: the story of American home mis- sions. 362p. Spor. Imap. tab. N. Y. Baker, [^9031. P, S A chapter on I'atiiic Noitluvcst : Orpgon and Washington. Clarke, S. A. Pioneer days of Oregon history. 2v. llpl. 2por. Imap. Portland, Or. Gill. 1905. P, Wa, Wh, Wu Same. Cleveland. Clarke, 1905. M Clifford, Henry B. Masterly address of Hon. Henry B. Clifford on the re- sources and future of the state of Washington, de- livered at the Boston Music Hall, January 14, 1890. 2Sp. n. p. Published by the Northern Syndicate for circulation in New England. 1189071. Wu (The) Climste of Pu|:et Sound and custom house statistics. 8p. Seattle. Clarence Hanford. printer. 18S3. Wu Cocke, [William M.I. Speech of Mr. Cocke, of Tennessee, on the Oregon ques- tion, delivered in the House of representatives of the United States. Jan. 15. 1846. 14p. Wash. Gid- eon. 1846. Wa Codman, John. Round trip by way of Panama through California, Ore- gon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado with notes on railroads, commerce, agriculture, mining, scenery, and people. 331p. tab. N. Y. Putnam, 1879. P. Wu Coffin, Charles Carleton. (The) seat of empire. 232p. 5pl. Bost. Fields, 1870. S Same. 232p. Ipl. n. p. Edgewood, n. d. ' Wu Considpralilf attention is i)aid to the Pacific Northwest. Cogsweil, O. H. History of British Columbia. lOlp. Victoria, B. C. •Colonist-". 1893. L Coke, Henry Jlohnl. Ride over the Rocky mountains to Oregon and Califor- nia: with a glance at some of the tropical islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich isles. 3S8p. Ipor. Lond. Bentley. 1852. L. P, S, Wu Cole, George E. Early Oregon: jottings of p-ersonal recollections of a pioneer of 1850. 95p. Ipor. I Spokane. Shaw, ^19051. P. Sp. Wa. Wh, Wu 40 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Collis, Sei)tiina M. A woman's trip to Alaska, being an account of a voyage through the inland seas of the Sitkan archipelago in 1890. 194p. illus. Ipor. lfold.pl. Imap. N. Y. Cassell. [^8901. Wu Colnett, James. Voyage to the south Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific ocean for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries and other objects of com- merce... 179p. Ipor. 6maps. 2pl. Q. Lond. Printed for the author by W. Bennett, 1798. L, P, Wu p. 00-102. Nootka Sound controversy. Colquhoun, Archibald RTossl. (The) mastery of the Pacific. 440p. 41pl. 2maps. N. Y. Macmillan, 1902. O, W, S, Wu Cotton, Calvin. Lecture on the railroad to the Pacific, delivered August 12, 1850, at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, at the request of numerous members of both houses of congress. 16p. X. Y. Barnes, 1850. Wu Brief reference to Oregon. Colton, .Joseph H. Territories of Washington and Oregon. 35i/^ + 27%cm. N. Y. Colton, 1854. P Map. Columbia river fishermen's protective union. (Columbia river fisheries]. 30p. Astoria, Or. Sny- der, 1890. Wu Mainly devoted to the salmon industry. I Columbia southern irrigation company]. Government irrigated land, Oregon. . . 16p. illus. Imap. I Portland. Or. Columbia southern irrigation co.l n. d. P Colvocoresses, George M. Four years in a government exi)loring expedition. . . 371 p. illus. N. Y. Cornish, 1852. P Commemorative celebration at Sequalitchew lake, see FMerce county pioneer association. Comments on the convention with Spain. 28p. Lond. Axtell. 1790. p Relates Inritely to the Pacific ocean. Northwest coast of America and especially to Nootka Sound. A CHECK-LIST 4,1 Commercial reporter. Review of the commercial, financial and industrial in- terests of the state of Oregon... 1877. tab. Portland, Or. Commercial reporter, 1878. P Condon, Thomas. Two islands and what came of them. 211p. Ipor. 30pl. Portland, Or. Gill, 1902. S, W. Wh, Wu Congregational association of Oregon. Minutes, 35th, 37th, 39th, 42d, 45th sessions, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1890-93. Portland, Or. v. pub. 1883-94. P Congregational association of Oregon and Washington ter- ritories. Minutes of the annual session, 32-40, 1880-1888. Port- land, Or. V. pub. 1880-1888. Wu Same. 38th-40th, 1886-1888. S For history of the Congregational a.ssociation, 1848-1880, see Eells, Myron, History. Congregational association of Washington. Minutes of the annual session, 1-17, 1889-1905. v. p. V. pub. 1889-1905. Wu Same. 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 12th, 1889-1890, 1893-94, 1898, 1900. Bound in one volume. S Conkling, Roscoe, and Shipman, W. D. Central Pacific railroad company in equitable account with the United States, growing out of the issue of subsidy bonds in aid of construction... 134+256 +70p. N. Y. Bessey, 1887. P Includes Oregon line. Cook, James. Authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in his majasty's ships Res- olution and Discovery, during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780; in search of a north-west passage. Ed. 2. 2v. 21pl. Imap. Lond. Rob- inson. 1783. P Same. Ed. 3. by William Ellis, 1784. L, P Cook, James. Captain Cook's journal during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. bark "Endeavour" 1768-71, a literary transcription of the original mss. with notes and introduction, edited by Captain W. J. L. Wharton... 400p. Ipor. Ipl. 4maps. 2 facsim. Lond. Stock, 1893. S, Wu 4.t2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Cook, James. Captain Cooks voyages round the world. v>itli an in- troductory life of M. B. Synge. 5l2i). Ipor. pi. 4niaps. Lond. Nelson, 1897. S Cook, James. Drltte entdeckungs-reise nach dem Nordpol hinauf unter- nommen und mit den schiffen Resolution und Discovery wahrend der jahre 177G bis 1780 aus- gefiihrt. . . ; aus dem Eng'ischen iibersetzt von Georg Forster. 2v. 37iil. tab. Ipor. 7maps. sq. Q. Ber. Haude. 1787. P Cook, James. Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific ocean, on the Discovery: performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779. and 1780, illustrated with cuts, and a chart, shewing the tracks of the ships em- ployed in this expedition. New edition. 376p. Lond. Newbery, 1785. L Cook, James. .lournal of the Resolutions voyage in 1772, 1773, 1774 and 177.'». on discovery to the southern hemisphere. . . also a journal of the Adventure's voyage in 1772, 1773 and 1774; with an account of the separation of the two shijis and the most remarkable incidents that befell each... .opl. Imap. Lond. Newberv, 177,5. P Cook, James. Voyage to the Pacific ocean — undertaken by the com- mand of His Majesty for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere, to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America, its dis- tance from Asia, and the practicability of a northern passage to Europe; performed under the direction of Captains Cook. Clerke. and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resohition and Discovery, in the year 1776, 1777. 1778, 1779. and 17S0. In three volumes: Vol. I and II written by Captain .lames Cook; Vol. III. by Cajitain James King. Illustrated with maps and charts, from the original drawings made by Lieut. Henry Roberts, under the direction of Captain Cook. Published by order of the lords commissioners of the admiralty. 3v. Ipor. pi. 20maps. tab. Dublin. Chamberlaine. 1784. S, Wu The copy In the IniviMsily of Wiisliinfiton I.ilnnry lias scp- nrnto atlas fonialninj: 2t'. platfs and maps. ffame. Ed. 2. Lond. Nicol, 1785. W Same. 2v. 2por. 40pl. Phil. Desilver, 1818. Wu A CHECK-LIST 43 Cook, James, see also, Kippis, Andrew. Remarks and conjectures; and Trolsieme voyage. Cook, James, and King, James. Voyage to the Pacific ocean undertaken ... for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere. . . performed under the direction of Captains Cook. Gierke and Gore in his majesty's ships the Resolution and Dis- covery in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780. 3v. 6pl. 18maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Nicol, 1784. L, P, Wu Also platt' volunip FO. containing fil plates. Cooke, Edward. Voyage to the South sea, and round the world perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711, by the ships Duke and Dutchess of Bristol... 2v. illus. 16pl. 2maps. tab. Lond. Lintot, 1712. P Cooke, Jay and company. Northern Pacific railroad's land grant and the future of the road. 2Sp. I Phil.? I. Jay Cooke and co. [1870?]. Wu p. 27. Letter of endorsement from W. Milnor Roberts, who conducted the reconnoissance of the proposed route of the Northern Pacific railroad, made in tlie summer of 1860. Cooper, J. C. Military history, Yamhill county. I122p.l illus. t. p. w. P Cooper, J. C. Yamhills, an Indian romance. 187p. illus. McMinn- ville. Or. Cooper, 1904. P, Wh, Wu Coquina, pseudonym, see Shields, George O. Corbett and company. Corbett and co.'s first annual Seattle directory, contain- ing ja complete list of the inhabitants, institutions, incorporated companies, manufacturing establish- ments, business, business firms, etc., etc., in the city of Seattle for 1890. 976p. Seattle. Corbett, [^8901. S,"Wu Same. 2nd annual, 1891-92. 1891. S, Wu Same. 3nd annual, 1892-93. 1892. S, Wu Corney, Peter. Voyages in the northern Pacific; narrative of several trading voyages from 181S to 1818, between the north-west coast of America, the Hawaiian islands and China, with a description of the Russian estab- lishments on the northwest coast. .. 138p. Honolulu, Thrum, 1896. L, P j,^ , PACIFIC NORTHWEST KISTOP.Y Cornwallis, Kinahan. New El Dorado; or. British Columbia. Ed. 2. 405p. pi. map. Lond. Newby, 1858. L Costello, J. A. (The) Slwash, their life, legends and tales; Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest. 169p. illus. Ipl. Seattle. Calvert. 1895. P, S, Wu Coues, E'liott, see Floyd memorial association; Larpenteur, Charles; Lewis. Meriwether, and Clark, William; Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia river, including the narra- tive of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky mountains. 2v. Lond. Colburn, 1831. P, W^Wu Same. 335p. N. Y. Harper, 1832. Mu, P, S, Wh, Wu Cox, Ross. Columbia river; or. Scenes and adventures during a resi- dence of six years on the western side of the Rocky mountains... Ed. 2. 2v. tab. Lond. Colburn, 1832. M, P Same. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond. Colburn, 1832. L Coxe, William. Account of the Russian disco\ eries between Asia and America, to which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce be- tween Russia and China. 344p. Ipl. 4 fold. maps. sq. Q. Lond. Cadell, 1780. L, P, S, Wn Same. Ed. 2. 1780. P Same. Ed. 3. rev. 456p. 1787. L, P Coxe, William. Comparative view of the Russian discoveries with those made by Captains Cook and Clerke. (See his ac- count of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. Ed. 3. 1787. p. 413-456). P Not contained in editions one or two of the account. Seems to have been issued separately as a quarto. Coxe, William. (Die) neuen entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America; nebst der geschichte der eroberung Siberiens und des handels der Russen und Chineser; aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. 409p. Ipl. 4maps. Frankfurt, Fleischer, 1783. P A CHECK-LIST 45 Coxe, William. (Les) nouvelles decouvertes des Russes, entre I'Asie et I'Amerique, avec I'histoire de la conquete de la Sl- berie, & du commerce des Russes & des Chinois; traduit de TAnglois. 314p. Ipl. 4maps. sq. Q. Par. Thou, 1781. L, P Coyner, David H. Lost trappers; a collection of . . . scenes and events in the Rocky mountains. . . with a short description of California; also some account of the fur trade... 255p. Cin. Truman, 1850 [^8471. P Same. Cin. Anderson, 1859. M Fur trade on the Columbia. Craighead, J[ames] G[eddes]. Story of Marcus Whitman; early protestant missions in the Northwest. 211p. Phil. Presbyterian board of pub. 1895. S, Sp, P, Wh, Wu Crawford, Medorem. Journal: an account of his trip across the plains with the Oregon pioneers of 1842... 26p. Eugene, Or. Star job office, 1897. (Sources of the history of Oregon, v. 1, no. 1. Contributions of the department of economics of the University of Oregon). O, Wh, Wu Creegan, Charles C. and Goodnow, Josephine A. B. Great missionaries of the church. 404p. 23por. N. Y. Crowell, [^895]. Pu, S, Wu p. 339-366. Marcus Whitman, M. D., missionary to Oregon. Crittenden, [John J.]. Speech of Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 16, 1846. 16p. [Wash. n. pub.], 1846. Sp Croasdale, Henry E. Scenes on Pacific shores with a trip across South Amer- ica. 173p. Ipl. Lond. Town and country pub. CO. 1873. L, S, Wu p. 33-61. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. Crockett, David. Crockett's almanac, 1847, 1849; daring adventures in the backwoods, wonderful scenes in river life, manners of warfare in the west, feats on the prairies, in Texas and Oregon. illus. tab. Best. Fisher, 1847, 1849. P 4(5 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Croker, .John Wilson. Oregon question. 48p. n. p. n. pub. n. d. t. p. w. P Gushing, Caleb. Treaty of Washington: its negotiation, execution, and the discussions relating thereto. 280p. N. Y. Harper, 1873. P, S J). 2()H-'J'2Tt. NortliWfst'Tii l>i>ini(iar.v lini'. Custer, Elizabeth B. General Custer at the battle of the Little Rig Horn. June 25, 1876. 3p. N. Y. 1897. M Cyr, Paul. Chanson de Montana: compost en 1867 par Paul Cyr. Sur air de la charmante erie. n. t. p. 2p. Ipor. Mu Call, William HIealeyl. Alaska and its resources. G27p. illus. 1.5pl. Imap. Bost. Lee. 1870. L, Wu Same. 1897. S Same. G28p. illus. 14pl. Lend. Low, 1870. O Da II, Wlilliaml HIealeyl. Notes on Alaska and the vicinity of Bering strait, with a [folded) map... W'u ItcprlntiH] from tin- AiiKTlcan .loiirnal «f Science, v. 21. p. 104-111. F.-l(. is.m. Da II, Wlilliaml HIealeyl. Remains of later pre-historic man obtained from caves in the Catherlna archipelago, Alaska territory, and especially from the caves of the Aleutian Islands. 40p. lOpl. F. Wash. Smithsonian Institution. 1878. S, Wu Smltlisoniim cDnlriltulions tn kiiowlcdije. No. .T18. Dal I and Haker, Hibliography of Alaska, see U. S. coast and geodetic survey. Pacific coast pilot, 1879. Dalrymple. Spanish memorial of 4th .lune considered. 21p. Lond. Elmsly, 1790. L Dalrymple. Spanish i)retentions fairly discussed. 19p. Lond. publisher not given. 1790. L A CHECK-LIST 4,^ Dampier, William. Dampier's voyages; consisting of a new voyage round the world, a Supplement to the Voyage round the world, Two voyages to Campeachy, a Discourse of winds, a Voyage to Xew Holland, and a Vindication, in answer to the Chimerical relation of William Fun- nell: ed. by John Masefleld. 2v. li)or. 15pl. llmaps. N. Y. Button, 1906. p "New voyage" quoted in Banci-ott's Northwest Coast for Strait of Anian. Dana, E. Geographical sketches on the western country; designed for emigrants and settlers. 312p. tab. Cin. Looker, 1819. O, P p. 308-30(1. Sketches of the country watered by th^ Co- lumbia river and its tributary streams. Darby, William. View of the United States, historical, geographical and statistical... 634p. 14maps. tab. Phil. Tanner, 1828. P p. 8:it3-3?.0. P.asin of Columltia. or. Territory of Oregon. Davenport (Wash.) high school. Junior class. The bunch grass. v. 1, 1908. [61p.J illus. Davenport, Wash. [Davenport Tribune!, 1907. Wu Davidson, George. (The) Alaska boundary. 235p. Ipor. Imap. Q. San Fran. Alaska packers' association, 1903. L, S, W, Wu Davidson, George. (The) name 'Mt. Rainier." (Reprinted from Sierra club bulletin. No. 35, p. 87-99, January, 1907). Wu Davidson, George. Tracks and landfalls of Bering and Chirikof on the northwest coast of America. . . 1741. Private pub- lication. 44p. fSan Fran. Partridgel, 1901. L Dawson, George M., joint author, see. Tolmie, W. Fraser. Dawson, John William. Canadian ice age... 301p. Ipl. illus. Montreal, Dawson, 1893. Mu, S Dawson, William Lleonl. Preliminary list of the birds of Okanogaa county, Wash- ington, p. 168-182. (Reprinted from The Auk. V. 14, April, 1897, "as Laboratory Bulletin, No. 6, Oberlin College). Wu 48 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Decalves, Alonso, pseudonym. New travels to the westward; or, Unknown parts of America, being a tour of almost fourteen months, con- taining an account of the country, upwards of two thousand miles, west of the Christian parts of North America; with an account of white Indians, their manners, habits, and many other particulars. 43p. Bost. n. d. S Book Incomplete. DeCourcy, Bolton W. On the straits of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound; and gov- ernment improvements on the Pacific coast. 22p. illus. n. p. n. pub. n. d. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, v. 25. Oct. 1891). P, S DeGroot, Henry. British Columbia: its condition and prospects, soil, cli- mate and mineral resources, considered. 24p. San Fran. Alta Cal. job office, 1859. S DeSaint-Amant, see Saint-Amant, Pierre Charles de. Dell, Sidney. Astoria and Flavel, the chief seaport of the Columbia river watershed. 32p. illus. n. p. n. pub. ["=1893]. P Dellenbaugh, Frederick S. Breaking the wilderness. The story of the conquest of the far west, from the wanderings of Cabeza de Vaca, to the first descent of the Colorado by Powell, and the completion of tlie Union Pacific railway, with particular account of the exploits of trappers and traders. . . 360p. illus. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, 1905. S, P, Wa, Wu [Democratic review]. Oregon war. 8p. n. p. n. pub. [1856]. . P Denny, Arthur A. Pioneer days on Puget Sound. 83p. Seattle, C. B. Bagley, 1888. S, Wh, Wu Same. Edited by Alice Harriman. 103p. 26por. lOpl. Imap. Seattle, Alice Harriman CO. 1908. S, Sp, W, Wa Denys, Ferdinand. Les Califoniies, l"Or6gon, et les possessions Russes en Am6rique, les lies Noutka et de la Reine Charlotte; 108p. Bound with Regnault, 61ias, Histoire des Antilles... Par. Didot, 1849. • p, s p. 47-64. L'Or^gon. A CHECK-LIST 49 Description of Oregon and California, embracing an ac- count of the gold regions; to which is added an ap- pendix, containing descriptions of various kinds of gold, and methods of testing its genuineness, with a large and accurate map of Oregon and California, compiled from the latest authorities. 76p. illus. Imap. Phil. Thomas, 1849. S, Wh DeSmet, see Smet, Pierre Jean de. Dewar, J. Gumming. Voyage of the Nyanza, R. N. Y. C; being the record of a three years' cruise in a schooner yacht in the At- lantic and Pacific, and her subsequent shipwreck. 18 + 466p. illus. pi. map. O. Edin. Blackwood, 1892. L DeWindt, Harry. Through the gold fields of Alaska to Bering straits. 314p. Ipor. 31pl. Imap. N. Y. Harper, 1898. S, W, Wu Same. 312p. 2por, 29pl. 2maps. Lond. Chatto, 1898. L, Wa Dictionary of the Chinook jargon as spoken on Puget Sound and the Northwest, with original Indian names for prominent places and localities with their meanings; historical sketch, etc. 38p. Seattle, Lowman, n. d. S Dictionary of the Chinook jargon; or, Indian trade lang- uage, of the north Pacific coast. 35p. Victoria. Hibbeu, 1899. S Dictionary of the Kalispel or Flat-head Indian language, compiled by the missionaries of the Society of Jesus. 644-r21+456p. Montana, St. Ignatius print, 1877-8-9. S,Wu Part 1, Kalispel-English ; part 2, Engli-sh-Kalispel. Dimsdale, Thomas JTosiahl. The vigilantes of Montana; or. Popular justice in the Rocky mountains, being a correct and impartial nar- rative of the chase, trial, capture and execution of Henry Plummer's road agent band... Life in the mining camps of the far West... 228p. Vir- ginia City, Mont. Montana Post press, 1866. M, Wh DIx, John ACdamsl. Speech of Hon. John A. Dix, of New York, the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 18 and 19, 1846. 20p. Wash. Blair, 1846. Sp 5Q PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Dix, [John Adanisl. Speech of Mr. Dix. of New York, on the resolution giving the twelve months' notice for the termination of the joint occupancy of the Oregon territory, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 18 and 19, 1846. 16p. I Wash. 1 n. p. 1846. Sp Dix, John A I dams I. Speeches and occasional addresses. 2v. por. N. Y. Appleton, 1864. S Orogon (jiii'stion. vol.1, p. 1 -">!•. Oixon, George. Voyage autour du nionde, et principalement a la cote nord-ouest de lAmerique, fait en 1785, 1786, 1787 et 1788, a bord du King-George et de la Queen-Charlotte, par les capitaines Portlock et Dixon; traduit de I'Anglois par M. Lebas. 2v. 17pl. 5maps. 13 tab. Par. Maradan, 1780. P Dixon, George. Voyage round the world; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788, in the King George and Queen Char- lotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon... 360p. 17pl. 5maps. tab. sq. F. Lond. Goulding, 1789. L, P, S, W, Wu Dixon, James. Methodism in America; with the personal narrative of the author, during a tour through a part of the United States and Canada. 498p. 1 map. tab. Lond. Author, 1849. P, Wu p. .366-387. Oregon. Dobbs, Arthur. Acount of the countries adjoining to Hudson's bay in the northwest part of America; with an abstract of Cap- tain Middleton's journal, the whole intended to show the great probability of a northwest passage. 211 p. Lond. Robinson, 1744. P Dobbs, Arthur. Letter from a Russian sea-officer, to a person of distinc- tion at the court of St. Petersburgh, containing his remarks upon Mr. de L'Isle's chart and memoir, rela- tive to the new discoveries northward and eastward from Kamschatka, together with some observations on that letter. 81p. Lond. n. d. Linde, 1754. L A CHECK-LIST 51 Oobbs, Arthur. Reply to Capt. Middleton's answer to the remarks on his vindication of his conduct... to which is added, a full answer to a late pamphlet published by Capt. Middleton, called Forgery detected. 128p. Lond. Robinson, 1745. p Dodds, James. Hudson's bay company, its position and prospects; the substance of an address, delivered at a meeting of the shareholders, in the London tavern, on the 24th .Jan- uary, 186G. 77p. Imap. Lona. Stanford, 1866. P, S Dodge, Grenville M. Biographical sketch of James Bridger, mountaineer, trapper and guide. Kansas City, Author, n. d. M Dodge, J. W. Wonderful city, leading all others in Washington, Ore- gon, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia: Seattle; its past history, recent progress and present advanced position. 48p. illus. Seattle, Lowman, 1890. S Cover title. Washington, the Sound state, and its chief city, Seattle. Chamber of commerce, 1890. Dodge, Orvil. Pioneer history of Coos and Curry counties. Or.; heroic deeds and thrilling adventures of the early settlers. 468 + 103p. illus. 94por. tab. Salem, Or. Capital print. CO. 1898. P Domenech, Emmanuel Henri Dieudonne. Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America. 2v. 58pl. Imap. Lond. Longman, 1860. P, S Domenech, Emmanuel Henri Dieudonne. Voyage pittoresque dans les grands deserts du nouveau monde. 608p. 39pl. tab. Q. Par. Morizot, 1862. P Donan, P. Astoria; the peerless maritime metropolis of the golden northwest. 136p.l illus. n. p. n. pub. n. d. Wu Donan, P. Gold fields of Baker county. Eastern Oregon. 35p. illus. Ifold.map. Portland (Or.). Oregon railroad and navigation co. n. d. W Issued between ISO" and 1900. -o PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Donan, P. •Where rolls the Oregon." The Columbia river empire, some hurried glimpses of a region where all glories of scene, all charms of climate and all riches of re- source meet and shake hands. [72p.l illus. map. Portland, Or. Oregon railroad and navigation co. 118981. S Same. C8p. 118991. S Dougherty, John Hampden. Electoral system of the United States... X. Y. Put- nam. 1906. P p. 184-202. Ort'gon case. Douglas, (Stephen Arnold] and others. Nebraska question, comprising speeches in the United States Senate: together with the history of the Mis- souri compromise, Daniel Webster's memorial in re- gard to it, history of the annexation of Texas, the organization of Oregon territory, and the compro- mises of 1850. N. Y. Redfield, 1854. P Douglass, William. (A) summary, historical and political, of the first plant- ing, i)rogressive imi)rovements, and present state of the British settlements in North America... 2v. map. Best. n. pub. 1755. S Douthit, Mary Osborn, editor. Souvenir of western women. 200p. 7pl. (75por.) Q. Portland, Or. Anderson, 1905. P, Wh Dowell, n. F. Letter. . . to Hon. .las. A. Cardwell and Hon. Wm. Bybee, with a brief of the evidence sent by B. F. Dowell to the Secretary of War, showing the Oregon Indian war claims, 1854, of W. C. Griswold, assignee of Wm. F. Wood, M. G. Kennedy and others, are new, fictiti- ous and fraudulent: but they have recently been paid to W. C. Griswold. lOp. Jacksonville, Or. Ore- gon sentinel, 1874. p Dowell, B. F., and daughter. Heirs of George W. Harris and Marry A. Harris, Indian depredation claimants, vs. the Rogue river Indians, Cow creek Indians and the United States. . . petition and argument. . . tab. [Portland. Dowell, 18881. P A CHECK-LIST 53 Dowel I, B. F., and others. Petition... asking pay for two companies of Oregon volunteers and their expenses, called into service in 1854. 14p. Jaclvsonville, Or. Oregon sentinel, 1869. P Oownie, William. Hunting for gold: reminiscences of personal experience and research in the early days of the Pacific coast from Alaska to Panama. 407p. illus. llpor. gr. of per. fac-sim. San Fran. Cal. pub. co. 1893. L Drake, Samuel Adams. Making of the great west, 1512-1883. 339p. illus. N. Y. Scribner, 1887. M Same. With various, later, imprint dates. P, S, Sp, W, Wa, Wu Drake, Samuel G. Aboriginal races of North America. . . Ed. 15. 788p. N. Y. Hurst, ["=1880]. Wu p. 748-763. Indian languages of the Pacific states and ter- ritories, by Albert S. Gatschet. (Reprinted from tlie Magazine of American History, for March, 1877.) Duck, Simeon. Finances of the Province of British Columbia: budget speech delivered by the Hon. Simeon Duck, minister of finance, in the Provincial Legislature, on Monday, March 29th. 1886. 47p. Victoria, Miller, 1886. L Dufferin and Ava, Harlot Georgiana (Hamilton), marchioness of. My Canadian journal, 1872-78; extracts from my letters home while Lord Dufferin was governor-general. 456p. 2por. 8pl. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Appleton, 1891. L, Wu Same. 422p. 2por. 5pl. Lond. Murray, 1891. L Dufur, A. J. compiler. Statistics of the state of Oregon; containing a descrip- tion of its agricultural development and natural and industrial resources, together with the physical, geo- graphical, geological and mineral statistics of the state. 128p. tab. Salem. Or. "Willamette farmer" office, 1869. P. S Duniway, Mrs. Abigail Scott. From the West to the West; across the plains to Oregon. Slip. Ipl. Chic. McClurg, 1905. P, S, Wh, Wu Duniway, Mrs. Abigail Scott. Oregon, land of promise. 12p. Portland, Or. Rhodes, 1907, [^8761. P 54 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Dunn, Jlacobl Pliattl, jr. Massacre of the mountains; a history of the Indian wars of the far West. 784p. illus. Ipl. Imap. N. Y. Harpers. 1886. >I. S, Wu Dunn, John. History of the Oregon territory and British North-Amer- ican fur trade; with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the north- ern continent. 359p. Imap. Lond. Edwards, 1844. M, P, Wh Same. Ed. 2, 1846. L, P.W Same. 236p. Phil. Lieber, 1845. P. Pu, S DuRoss, Harry, compiler. Directory of the city of Vancouver nad Clarke county, Washington. 290p. [Vancouver, Wash.]. Du- Ross, 1907. Wu Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery). Hudson's bay company regime in the Oregon country, p. 50-56. (Bulletin of the University of Oregon, Historical Series, v. 1, no.. 2, Eugene, Or. University, 1898). O, Wu Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery). Conquest; the true story of Lewis and Clark. Ipl. Chic. McClurg, 1902. P Same. Ed. 2. 443p. Ipor. 1902. M, Sp,W Same. Ed. 3. Ipl. 1903. Mu, S, Wa Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery). McDonald of Oregon; a tale of two shores. 395p. 6pl. Chic. McClurg. 1906. M, P, S, Sp, W, Wa Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery). McLoughlin and old Oregon, a chronicle. 391p. Ipor. Chic. McClurg, 1900. L, M. P. Pu, W, Wu Same. Ed. 2. 1900. Sp Same. Ed. 3. 1901. P, Sc Same. Ed. 4. 1902. O, S Same. Ed. 5. 1903. Mu, P, Wa Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery). Stories of Oregon. 203p. illus. Ipl. San Fran. Whitaker, 1900. M, P, S, Wh, Wu Edwards, George, editor. Pioneer work of the Presbyterian church in Montana. 213p. illus. Helena. Independent pub. co. 1907. M, Mu A CHECK-LIST 55 Edwards, Jonathan. Illustrated history of Spokane county, state of Wash- ington. 726p. por. pi. Imap. Q. [Spokane!. Lever, 1900. S, Sp,Wh Edwards, Jonathan. Marcus Whitman, M. D. the pathfinder of the Pacific Northwest and martyred missionary of Oregon. 48p. Spokane. Union print, co. 1892. Wh Edwards, William Seymour. In to the Yukon. 319p. 60pl. 2maps. N. Y. Clarke, 1904. p Eel Is, Myron. Aboriginal geographic names in the state of Washington, p. 27-35. (From the American anthropologist for Jan- uary, 1892). p, Wu Eells, Myron. Chinook jargon. p. 300-312. (From the American anthropologist for July, 1894). P, Wu Eells, Myron. Father Eells; or. The results of fifty-five years of mis- sionary labors in Washington and Oregon; a biogra- phy of Rev. Cushing Eells, D. D... 342p. 2por. 7pl. Bost. Congregational pub. society, f' 18941. T ,. ,T S, P, Pu, Wu Eells, Myron. Hand of God in the history of the Pacific coast. . . 15p. n. p. n. pub. n. t. p. S, Wu Commencement address at Whitman college. .Tune 1, 1888. Eells, M[yronl. History of the Congregational Association of Oregon, and Washington territory; the Home Missionary So- ciety of Oregon and adjoining territories; and the Northwestern Association of Congregational minis- ters. 124p. tab. Portland, Or. Himes, 1881. P, S, Wh, Wu Eells, Myron. History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast; Oregon, Washington and Idaho; with an introd. by G. H. Atkinson. 270p. 4pl. Igr. of por. Phil. Amer. Sunday-school union, I '1882 1. O, P, Pu, S, Wh, Wu Eells, Mlyronl. In memoriam, Rev. S. H. Marsh, D. D. first president of Pacific University; born August 29, 1825. died Feb- ruary 2, 1879. 58p. Portland, Or. Himes. 1881. Pu, Wh. Wu 56 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Eel Is, Ml yronl. Marcus Whitman, M. D. Proofs of his work in saving Oregon to the United States, and in promoting the immigration of 1843. 34p. Portland, Or. Himes, 1883. S, W, Wh, Wu Eel Is, MIyronl. Memorial of Mrs. Mary R. Walker Ithe discourse preach- ed at Forest Grove, Oregon, at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Richardson Walker, Dec. 7, 1897, by Rev. M. Eells. D. D.l. 12p. n. p. [Hatchet printery], n. d. S, Wu Eells, Myron. Reply to Professor Bourne's "The Whitman Legend." 122p. Walla Walla. Statesman pub. co. 1902. P, S, W, Wu Eells, MIyronl. Stone age of Oregon. p. 283-295. n. p. n. pub. n. d. P, S, Wu Eells, Myron. Ten years of missionary work among the Indians. 271p. illus. 2por. 2pl. Bost. Congregational pub. soc. [■•18861. P, Pu, S, Sp, Wh, Wu Eells, Myron. (The) thunder bird. p. 329-336. (From the Ameri- can anthropologist for October, 1889). Wu Eells, Myron. Worship and traditions of the aborigines of America; or. Their testimony to the religion of the Bible. 40]}. n. p. n. pub. n. d. p Eells, MIyronl, compiler. Hymns in the Chinook jargon language. Ed. 2. rev. and enl. 40p. Portland, Or. Steel, 1889. S, Wu Egerton, Hugh Edward. (A) short history of British colonial policy. . 503p. Lond. Methuen. I pref. 18971. (Re-issue with supple- mentary chapter*. O Si, ISrifish CoMimbia and \'ancouver. lEggleston, Charles H.I. Helena's social supremacy... Helena, Montana, 1894. 48p. illus. I Anaconda, Mont. Anaconda capital committee, 18941. Mu Eggleston, Charles H. Wlien Bryan came to Butte. . . Reprinted from the Ana- conda Standard of August 13th, 1897, the day follow- ing Mr. Bryan's visit, op. n. t. p. Mu A CHECK-LIST 57 El'.ensburg dawn. Historical and descriptive history of the city of Ellens- burg, Kittitas county. Souvenir edition I of] Ellens- burg Dawn, December 28. 1900. ISGp.l illus. 1 fold.pl. lEllensburg, Wash. Dawn, 1900]. Wu Elliott, Henry W. ^ Our arctic province Alaska and the seal islands. 473p. illus. pi. 5maps. N. Y. Scribner, 1887. S Same. 1897. \Vu Elliott, Simon G. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah; Ben Holladay and C. Temple Emmet, plaintiffs, vs. Simon G. Elliott, et al., defendants, dep- osition of Simon G. Elliott, taken before J. C. More- land, referee... 518p. Portland, Or. Himes, 1871. p [Elliott, Simon G.l. Report on the preliminary survey of the California and Oregon railroad, by the chief engineer. 41p. Imap. tab. Bost. Rand, n. d. P Ellis, Edward S. Indian wars of the United States from the first settle- ment at Jamestown, in 1607, to the close of the great uprising of 1890-91... 516p. Ipl. illus. N. Y. Cassell, [^892]. S, Wu Modoc war, Custer, and Chief Joseph. Ellis, Harriett Warner. Toils and triumphs; or, Missionary work in the world's dark places. 285p. 6pl. Lond. Seeley, 1862. Wu p. 118-130. Northwest American missions. Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's bay, by the Dobbs galley and Cali- fornia, in the years 1746 and 1747, for discovering a northwest passage... 3o6p. 9pl. Imap. Lond. Whitridge, 1748. P, Wu Same. 152p. Imap. Dublin, Ewing, 1749. P, S Ellis, William, see Cook, James. Authentic narrative, Ed. 3. Engel, Samuel. Memoires et observations geographiques et critiques sur la situation des pays septentrionaux. . . auxquelles on a joint un essai sur la route aux Indes par le nord... 268p. 2maps. Lausanne, Chapuis, 1765. 58 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY En route to the Klondike; a series of photographic views of the iiicturesque land of gold and glaciers photo- graphed by F. La Roche... 6 parts. (24p. each). Imap. Chic. Conkey, ['18981. S Issued wwkly as Peoples Series, v. vlt'ws. Field, Henry Mlartinl. Our western archipelago. 250p. 12pl. X. Y. Scrib- ner, 1895. p^ W^^ Same. 1896. g Chapters 8-l'0 deal with the Pacific Northwest. A CHECK-LIST gj Finck, Henry Tlheophilus]. Pacific coast scenic tour; from southern California to Alaslia, the Canadian Pacific railway, Yellowstone park and the Grand canyon. 309p. 20pl. Imap. N. Y. Scribner, 1890. O, P, S Fisher, William. Interesting account of the voyages and travels of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806... 326p. 2por. tab. Bait. Printed by Anthony Miltenberger for the purchasers, 1812. P, Wu Counterfeit publication. Fitzgerald, James Edward. Examination of the charter and proceedings of the Hud- son's bay company, with reference to the grant of Vancouver's island. 293p. Imap. Lond. Saun- ders, 1849. L, P, S Fleming, Sanford. England and Canada; a summer tour between Old and New Westminster, with historical notes. ll+449p. map. Lond. Low, 1884. L Fleurieu, C. P. Claret. Voyage autoiir du monde, pendent les annees 1790, 1791 et 1792, par fitienne Marchand, precede d'une intro- duction historique; auquel on a joint des recherches sur les terres australes de Drake, et un examen critique du voyage de Roggeween. 4v. Ipl. 15 maps. tab. sq. Q. Par. L'imprimerie de la repub- lique, 1798-1800. L, P Imperfect copy : 8 p. missing in v. 2. Same. 5v. O + v.6 Q. [1806-1808]. S Fleurieu, C. P. Claret. Voyage round the world performed during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792, by Etienne Marchand, preceded by a historical introduction... 2v.-|-atlas. 2pl. 6maps. sq. Q. Lond. Longman, 1801. L, P, S, W, Wu Atlas volume not reported by P. S, and W. A translation of the author's Voyage autour du monde pendent les annees 1790, 1791, et 1792. Flint, Timothy. History and geography of the Mississippi valley to which is appended a condensed physical geography of the Atlantic United States and the whole Ameri- can continent. Ed. 3. 2v in 1. 4«94- 310p.. Cin. Flint, 1833. Wtj V. 1, p. 462-469. Oregon territory. g2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Floyd, Sergeant Charles, see Butler, James Davie. Floyd memorial association. Ill memorlam Sergeant Charles Floyd. Report of the Floyd memorial association, prepared on behalf of the committee on publication by Elliott Coues. 58p. illus. Sioux City, Perkins. 1897. Wu Folsom, David E. Folsom-Cook exploration of the Upper Yellowstone in the year 1869, with a preface by Nathaniel P. Lang- ford. 22p. St. Paul. Minn. Collins, 1898. Mu Foote, Mrs. Mary Hallock. Coeur d'Alene. 240p. Post. Houghton. 1908 ['^•94]. S, Sc Forster, Johann Reinhold. History of the voyages and discoveries made in the north; tr. from the German. . . 489p. 2maps. sq. Q. Lond. Robinson, 1786. P, S Forsyth, George Ale.xander. Story of the soldier. 389p. 6pl. N. Y. Appleton, 1900. P. S p. 286-30". Modoc war in Oregon. Fortieth anniversary of the statehood of Oregon, exercises before the legislative assembly at Salem, Oregon, February 14, 1899. 60p. Salem. Or. Leeds, state printer, 1899. Wu Foster, John. Fosteriana, consisting of thoughts, reflections and criti- cisms... ed. by Henry G. Bohn. 560p. Lond. Bohn. 1858. P, S p. 3.S()-34.5. Account of Lewis and Clark expedition. Fountain, Paul. Eleven eaglets of the West. 362p. N. Y. Dutton, 1906. P Same. Lond. Murray, 1906. Wu The eleven eaglets are eleven western states of the United States, p. 41-172. <)r(>gon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. France, George W. Struggles for life and home in the northwest, by a pioneer homebullder: Life. 1865-1889... 607p. Illus. Ipor. 2 fac-sim. N. Y. Goldmann, 1890. S, Wu A CHECK-LIST . gg Franchere, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage to the Northwest coast of Amer- ica in the year 1811, 1812. 1813 and 1814; or, The first American settlement on the Pacific. Tr. and ed. by J. V. Huntington. 376p. 3pl. N. Y. Redfield, 1854. [pref. 18191. L, M, P. Pu, S, Sp, W. Wa. Wh, Wu Same in Thwaites, ed. Early western travels. v. 6. p. 167-410. M, O, P, S Freeman, Harry C. A brief history of Butte, Montana; the world's greatest mining camp. 123p. Ipl. Chic. Shepard, 1900. M, W Freemasons. Grand lodge of Oregon. Proceedings of the Grand lodge of Oregon, A. F. & A. M.... 1866-7, 1869-71. tab. Portland, Or. n. pub. 1866-71. P 1867, p. 143-14S wanting. Freemasons. Grand lodge of Oregon. Proceedings of the. . . special communication held in the city of Salem, Oct. 8, A. D. 1873, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the state capitol. 47p. Portland, Or. n. pub. 1873. P Fremont, John Charles. (Die) Felsengebirge, Oregon und Nord-Californien ; aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Dr. Kottenkamp. 324p. Stuttgart, Franckh, 1847. P, S Translation of his Exploring expedition to the Rocky moun- tains. Fremont, John Charles. Geographical memoir upon upper California, in illustra- tion of his map of Oregon and California; addressed to the senate of the United States. 67p. tab. Wash. Wendell, 1848. P, Wu Issued as a government document, U. S. Congress, 30-1, Senate Misc. Doc. No. 148. Fremont, John Charles. Life of Fremont and his narrative of explorations and adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon and Cali- fornia. . . memoir by S. M. Smucker. 493p. Ipor. 8pl. tab. N. Y. Miller, 1856. L, P, S, W 64 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Fremont, John Charles. Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in the year 1842 and to Oregon and north California in the years 1843-44... 185p. tab. N. Y. Appleton, 1846. O fiame. 1849. P. Wu Same. Ed. 2. 278p. 2maps. Wash. Taylor, 1845. Wu Fremont, J(ohnl ClharlesJ. Oregon and California; the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains, Oregon and California. 456p. 2iJor. Buffalo, Derby, 1849. Wu -Same. 1850. Wh Same. Ipl. 1851. P, Wh Same. Ipor. 1852. P Same. Ipor. Auburn, Miller, 1854. Wu Fremont, John Charles. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky moun- tains... I with apx.l 693p. 22pl. Smaps. tab. Wash. Gales and Seaton. 1845. Mu, P, Pu, S, W, Wu I'lililisht-d also under the following titles: Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains. Oregon and California. Exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains. IJfe of Fremont and his narrative of explorations... memoir by S. M. Smucker. Fremont, John Charles and Emory, W. H. Notes of travel in California... also, the route from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in Cal- ifornia, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers, from the official reports of Col. Fre- mont and Maj. Emory. 29 + 83p. Imap. N. Y. Appleton, 1849. P Round with his Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains. Fries, George. Speech ... on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives, Saturday. February 7, 1846. 7p. n. p. n. pub. n. d. P Fry, F. Travelers guide and descriptive journal of the great northwestern territories of the United States of America; comprising the territories of Idaho, Wash- ington, Montana, and the state of Oregon, with sketches of Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, and British America... 264p. Cin. Applegate, 1865. P, Wh A CHECK- LIST g.-^ Fuller, A. E. compiler. Hand-book of Washington, 1901. 191 p. illus. Seat- tle. Daily bulletin, [^9011. S Galiano, see Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana. Gallatin, Abraham Alfonse Albert. Letters... on the Oregon question, originally published in the National Intelligencer, January, 1846. 30p. Wash. Gideon, 1846. P Gallatin, [Abraham Alfonsel Albert. Oregon question. 75p. N. Y. Bartlett, 1846. P, S, Wh Gallatin, Abraham Alfonse Albert. Writings; ed. by Henry Adams. 3v. tab. Phil. Lippincott, 1879. O, P ■ V. 3, p. 489-536. Oregon question. Gantenbein, Calvin U. compiler. Official record of the Oregon volunteers in the Spanish war and Philippine insurrection. TOOp. Ipor. 29pl. Imap. 3 fac-sim. tab. Salem, Leeds, 1902. P Same. Ed. 2. 647p. Salem, Whitney, 1903. P, Wu Garden of the world; or, The great West, its history, its wealth, its natural advantages and its future also. . . a complete guide to emigrants, with a full descrip- tion of the different routes westward by an old set- tler. . . 396p. Bost. Wentworth, [1856?]. S p. 278-287. Oregon. p. 288-296. Washington territory. Garland, Hamlin. Trail of the goldseekers, a record of travel in prose and verse. 264p. N. Y. Macmillan, 1906, ["=1899]. S, Wu Same. 1908. S, W Alaska. Garrett, I. W. compiler. Official manual of the state of Idaho. . . 1895-96. llOp. n. p, Garrett, n. d. O Garrison, George Pierce. Westward extension; 1841-1850. 366p. Ipor. 9maps. N. Y. Harper, 1906. (Hart, A. B. ed. American nation, V. 17). S, Wu gg PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Gass, Patrick. Gasss journal-of, th<* Lewis and Clark expedition, by Sergeant Patrick Gass, one of the persons employed in the expedition. Reprinted from the edition of 1811... Introd. by James Kendall Hosmer. Ipor. 6pl. Chic. McClurg. 1904. M, P, Wu Gass, Patrick. Journal of the voyages and travels of a corps of dis- covery, under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the army of the United States, from the mouth of the river Missouri through the interior parts of North America to the Pacific ocean, during the years 1804, 180.5 and 1806... 262p. tab. Pittsburgh, M'Keehan, 1807. P. W Same. 381 p? 1808. L, S Same. Ed. 2. 6pl. Phil. Carey, 1810. P Same. Ed. 3. 6pl. Phil. Carey, 1811. Wh. Wu Gass, Patrick. Lewis and Clarke's journal to the Rocky mountains in the years 1804-.5-6... New ed. 238p. illus. 2por. Dayton. Ells, 1847. P Gass, Patrick. Voyage des capitaines Lewis et Clarke. . . traduit en Frangais par A. J. N. Lallemant. . . 443p. Imap. Par. Bertrand, 1810. P Translation of his .Tournal of the Lewis and Clark ex- l)edition. Geary, Edward R., memorial of; containing biographical sketches, memorial discourse and tributes of respect. 62p. Ipor. San Fran. Occident print, house, 1887. P George, Marian M. A little journey to Alaska for intermediate and upper grades. 95p. illus. Chic. Flanagan, ['1901]. (Plan book series). S Gilbert, Frank T. Historic sketches of Walla Walla, Whitman, Columbia and Garfield counties, Washington territory, and Umatilla county, Oregon. 4884-fl2] +66p. illus. 58pl. Portland, Or. Walling, 1882. W, Wa, Wh Gilbert, Frank T. Resources, business and business men of Montana, 1888. illus. Historic pub. co. [n888]. Mu A CHECK-LIST qpj Gilbert, James Henry. Trade and currency in early Oregon; a study in the commercial and monetary history of the Pacific northwest. 126p. Ipl. tab. N. Y. Columbia uni- versity press, 1907. (Columbia university studies, V. 26, no. 1). O, P, Wu Gill, J. K. and company. New sectional township and county map of Washington. 70x54cm. folding into cloth covers. Portland. Or. Gill, 1889. Wu Gill's dictionary of the Chinoolt jargon... Ed. 12. 63p. Portland, Or. Gill, 1889. Wu Gilliam, Albert M. Travels in Mexico, during the years 1843 and '44; in- cluding a description of California, the principal cities and mining districts of that republic; the Ore- gon territory, etc. 312p. Aberdeen, Claris, 1847. Wu Gillmore, Parlier. Prairie and forest; a description of the game of North America, with personal adventures in their pursuit; by "Ubique." 378p. illus. N. Y. Harper, 1874. P Same. 383p. illus. pi. Lond. Chapman, 1874. S Deals considerably with Orogou and British Columbia. Gilpin, William. Central gold region, the grain, pastoral and gold regions of North America, with some new views of its physi- cal geography; and observations on the Pacific rail- road. 194p. 6 fold. maps. Phil. Sower, 1860. Wu Included for maps and other material relating to the Pacific Northwest. Glisan, R[odney]. Journal of army life. Slip. 21pl. San Fran. Ban- croft, 1874. O, P. S.Wa Treats of "Oregon and Washington territorial Indian wars from 185.5 to 1858." Goddard, Frederick B. Where to emigrate and why; homes and fortunes in the laoundless West and the Sunny South . . . with a com- plete history and description of the Pacific railroad. 591p. 2pl. 19maps. tab. Phil. People's pub. co. 1869. P Chapters on Oregon. Washington. Alaska. Idaho. I'aclflc railroad. 68 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Goldson, William. Observations on the passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in two memoirs on the straits of Anian, and the discoveries of De Fonte... 162p. Portsmouth, n. pub. 1793. L, P Good, J. B. Vocabulary and outlines of grammar of the Nitlakapa- muk or Thompson tongue. . . together with a pho- neti Chinook dictionary adapted for use in the Prov- ince of British Columbia. 46p. Victoria, B. C. St. Paul's mission press, 1880. L Goodyear, W. A. Coal mines of the western coast of the United States. 152p. San Fran. Bancroft, 1877. Wu Same. N. Y. Wiley, 1879. S Coal mines of Oregon, p. 83-98 ; of Washington territory, p. 99-129. Gordon, Daniel M. Mountain and prairie: a journey from Victoria to Win- nipeg. . . 310p. 4maps. 8pl. Lond. Low, 1880. L Gordon, (Lord! Granville [ArmyneJ. Xootka; a tale of Vancouver island. 245p. 12pl. Imap. Lond. Sands, 1899. P, S, Wu Gordon, James Bentley. Historical and geographical memoir of the North Amer- ican continent, its nations and tribes; with a sum- mary account of his life, writings and opinions. civ+305p. Ipor. sq. Q. Dublin, Jones, 1820. P p. 95-159. Northwestern America. Gordon, John. In memoriam, Douglas Wright Williams. 45p. Ipor. n. p. n. pub. [18911. P Gosnell, R. Edward. British Columbia: a digest of reliable information re- garding its natural resources and industrial possi- bilities. ISp. Vancouver, News-advertiser, 1890. L. Gosnell, R. ETdwardl. [British Columbia], compiled from the j'ear book of British Columbia and manual of provincial informa- tion to which is added a chapter containing much special information respecting the Canadian Yukon and northern territory generally. 285p. illus. 2pl. Imap. Victoria, Govt. 1897. L. A CHECK-LIST 69 Grand army of the republic. Department of Washington and Alaska. Official roster, January 1, 1891. 116p. 3por. Seattle, Deartorn, [1891]. S,Wu Grant, Frederic James, editor. History of Seattle, Washington, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. .526p. 53por. N. Y. American pub. and eng. co. 1891. S, W, Wu Grant, George M. Ocean to ocean: Sandford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872. . . 371p. pi. maps. Lond. Low, 1873. S Same. 371p. Toronto, 1873. L Same. Ed. enl. and rev. 394p. 7pl. Lond. Low, 1877. Wu Has considerable material upon British Columbia. Gray, Wlilliaml H[enry]. History of Oregon, 1792-1849... 624p. Ipl. Port- land, Or. Harris, 1870. L, O, P, Pu, S, W, Wh, Wu Gray, WCilliam] HCenryJ. Moral and religious aspect of the Indian question. 32p. Astoria, Astorian book and job print. 1879. W [Great Britain. House of commons]. Bill for regulating the fur trade And establishing a criminal and civil jurisdiction within certain parts of North America. 6p. F. n. p. n. pub. loil. P [Great Britain. House of commons]. Copy of the existing charter or grant by the croivn to the Hudson's bay company; together with copies or extracts of the correspondence which took place at the last renewal of the charter between the govern- ment and the company, or of individuals on behalf of the company; also, the dates of all former char- ters or grants to that company. 32p. F. n. p. House of Commons, 1842. P Great Britain. Parliament. Correspondence relative to the negotiation of the ques- tion of disputed right to the Oregon territory on the northwest coast of America; subsequent to the treaty of Washington of August 9, 1842; presented to both houses of parliament, 1846. 71p. F. Lond. Harrison, 1846. L, O. P, S, Wh 70 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Great Britain. Parliament. Correspondence respecting the Alaska boundary. 88p. 1 fold. map. F. Lond. Govt. 1904. (United States, nos. 1, 2). Wu Great Britain. Parliament. Correspondence respecting the determination of the northwestern boundary between Canada and the United States; presented to both houses of parlia- ment. 2^-f lOp. F. Lond. British gov't. 1875. (North America, no. 1, 1875, no. 8. 1876). P Title of No. 8 rcad.s Further corrospondt'm.-o respecting the determination of the boundary between Canada and the United States. Great Britain. Parliament. Northwest American water boundary, presented to both houses of parliament by command of Her Majesty. 41-f36 + 17 + 34 + 17+45 + 12p. 19maps. F. Lond. Harrison, 1873. (North America, nos. 3-9, 1873). L, P, W, Wu Same, with the addition of North America, no. 10, 1873. S No. 10 is the protocol signed at Washington on the 10th of March. ISTS. defining the l)oundarj- line through the canal of Ilaro. in accordance with the award of the Kmperor of Germany. Great Britain. Parliament. Papers relative to the exploration by Captain Palliser of that portion of British North America which lies between the northern branch of the river Saskatche- wan and the frontier of the United States; and be- tween the Red river and Rocky mountains; pre- sented to both houses of parliament, June, 1859. 2v. llmaps. tab. F. Lond. (British gov't.] 1859, 1860. L, P Title of V. 2 reads Further papers relative to the explora- tion by Captain Pallisser. [Great Britain. Parliament]. [Papers relative to the Hudson's bay company, vol. 1]. F. V. p. I Lond. Gov't.] v. d. n. t. p. Wu Contents: No. 1. Report from the committee appointed to Inquire Into the state and condition of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay. and of the trade carried on there, p. 21T-282. 1740. No. 2. Report from the select committee on the Hud- son's Bay company ; together with the proceedings of the 71 I A CHECKLIST committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. 547p. 1857. No. 3. Two large folded maps accompanj- the foregoing report. 1857. No. 4. Copies or extracts of any correspondence that has taken place between the Colonial office and the Hud- son's Bay company, or the government of Canada, in con- sequence of the report of the select committee on the affairs of the company which sat in the last session of Parliament. 7p. 1858. Papers relative to the Hudson's Bay company's charter and license of trade. 26p. 1859. The numbers above used for the different parts of this vol- ume are those supplied by the binder, printed in red and black upon heavy vellum thumb index guides. The title given is the binder's title. [Great Britain. Parliamentl. Report from the select committee on the Hudson's bay company. 547ij. tab. F. (Lond. British govt.] 1857. P With 3 maps published separately. Same, with two maps, contained in Great Britain Parlia- ment Papers relative to the Hudson's Bay company. [Great Britain. Parliament and United States Congress!. Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the settlement of the Oregon boundary; signed at Washington, June 15, 1846. 2p. F. Lond. Harrison, 1846. P Great northern railway. Across America; sights and scenes from the car win- dows. Ed. 4. 125p. illus. [St. Paul, Minn. Randall, ^9041. S, Wu Great northern railway. Alaska, the land of gold and glacier. 1898. 59p. illus. 2 fold. maps. I Chic. Poole, '18981. Wu Great northern railway. Camera journey to the Lewis and Clark centennial ex- position, Portland, Oregon. 48p. n. p. Great northern railway, 11905?!. Wu Great northern railway. Valley, plain and peak, scents on the line of the Great northern railway. 94p. Illus. St. Paul, Minn. Great northern railway, 1898, ('18941. Wu -^2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Great northern railwaj- and northern steamship company. The great northern country; being the chronicles of the happy travellers club in their pilgrimage across the American continent as traversed by the Great North- ern railway line and Northern steamship company from Buffalo to the Pacific coast. 169p. illus. 14pl. Imap. Great northern railway, n. d. M Grece, Charles F. Facts and observations respecting Canada and the United States of America, affording a comparative view of the inducements to emigration presented in those countries. . . an appendix of practical instruc- tions to emigrant settlers in British colonies. 172p. Lond. Harding, 1819. S Green, William Spotswood. Among the Selkirk glaciers, being the account of a rough survey in the Rocky mountain regions of British Columbia. 251p. 8pl. Imap. Lond. Macmillan, 1890. L Greenhow, Robert. Geography of Oregon and California and the other ter- ritories on the northwest coast of North America. 42p. Imap. N. Y. Newman, 1845. P Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California, and the other terri- tories of the northwest coast of North America... 482p. illus. Imap. Lond. Murray, 1844. L, m; W, Wu Same. Bost. Little, 1844. O, P, S, Sp Same. Ed. 2. 492p. Bost. Little, 1845. P, Pu, S, Wa, Wu Same. Ed. 3. 492p. N. Y. Appleton, 184.5. P Same. Ed. 4. 492p. Bost. Little, 1847. Pu. WTi Greenhow, Robert. Memoir, historical and political, on the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories... 228p. Imap. N. Y. Wiley, 1840. M, P, W, Wh, Wu Same. 228p. Wash. Blair, 1840. (U. S. Congress 26-1, Senate Document, no. 174). L Crewingk, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der orographischen und geognos- tischen beschaffenheit der Nord-West-Kiiste Ameri- kas mit den anliegenden inseln. 351p. 4pl. 5maps. St. Petersburg, Kray, 1850. L A CHEGKLIST 7« Griswold, W. C, Stetson, W. S. & co. vs.'Dowell, B. F. ' B. F. Dowell's brief, before the Solicitor of the Treas- ury, on charges of fraud in obtaining powers of at- torney, with assignments. lip. n. p. n. pub. n. d. P Grohman, see Baillie-Grohman. G rover, Lafayette [F.]. Oregon archives: including . the journals, governor's naiessages and public papers of Oregon, from the earliest attempt to form a government, down to. . . 1853. 333p. Salem, Or. Bush, 1853. Wh, Wu [Grover, Lafayette F.l. Report... to Gen. Schofield on the Modoc war, and reports of Maj. Gen. John F. Miller and Gen. John E. Ross to. . . Gov. [Grover] ; also letter of the gov- ernor to the Secretary of the Interior on the Wal- lowa vaUey Indian question. Salem, Or. State print. 1874. P [Grubbs, F[rancis] Hlerronl, editor\. Memorial services at re-interment of remains of Rev. Jason Lee, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 15, 1906. 73p. Ipor. 3pl. n. p. n. pub. n. d. P, Pu, Wu Guide map of the province of British Columbia, with short geographical description of the country. 46p. Imap. Victoria, Wolfender, n. d. L Guide to the province of British Columbia, for 1877-8, com- piled from the latest and most authentic sources of information. 410p. illus. Victoria, B. C. Hibben, 1877. L, S Haigh publishing company. Seattle business directory classified and alphabetically arranged, including Fremont and Ballard for the year 1900. 76p. Seattle, Haigh pub. co. 1900. S Hale, Horatio. International idiom, a manual of the Oregon trade lan- guage or "Chinook jargon." 63p. Lond. Whittaker, 1890. S. Wu Hall, Edward Hlepplel. (The) great west; traveller's, miners' and emigrants' guide and hand-book to the western, northwestern and Pacific states and territories, with a map of the best routes to the gold and silver mines. . . 198p. Imap. N. Y. Appleton, 1865. 9 Same. 181p. 1866. Wu 74 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Hall, Eldwardl Hepple. Lands of plenty. British North America for health, sport and profit. 192p. 2maps. Lond. Allen, 1879. L. S Hall, James. Notes on the western states; containing descriptive sketches of their soil, climate, resources and scenery. 304p. tab. Phil. Hall, 1838. P Hall, Rinaldo M. Oregon. Washington. Idaho and their resources. 88p. illus. 1 fold. map. i Portland, Or. 1 Oregon railroad and navigation co. 1903. S, Wu Same. 1905. S, Wu Hallock, Charles. Our new Alaska; or. The Seward purchase vindicated. 209p. illus. 2pl. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Forest and stream pub. co. 1886. Wu Same. 1894. S Hammond, Isaac B. Reminiscences of frontier life. 134p. illus. Ipor. Portland, n. pub. 1904. P Hanford, Clornelius] H. San Juan dispute. 16p. Ipor. Seattle, Dilettante pub. co. Feb. 1900. Wu A paper road lipfore tbe Washington State Teachers' asso- ciation. Dec. 28, 1800. Hanna, J. A. Dr. Whitman and his ride to save Oregon. 8p. ILos Angeles, Presbyterian ass'n. 19031. O Handsaker, Samuel. Pioneer life. 104p. por. Eugene. Or. author, 1908. O The articles, in the main, are reprinted from the Junction City Times. Eugene (Juard. Eugene Register, and the Oregonlan. Harmon, Daniel Williams. Journal of voyages and travels in the interior of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of N. lat. extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific. . . 432p. Ipor. Imap. Andover, Flagg, 1820. Pu Same. :i82p. N. Y. Barnes, 1903. P Same. 382p. Toronto, Morang, 1904. L A CHECKLIST 75 V 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. V. 10. V. 11. Harriman Alaska expedition... 13v. illus. pi. maps. Q. N. Y. Doubleday, 1902-05. S V. 1. Burroughs, .John and others. Narrative, glaciers, natives. V. 2. Dall. William H. and others. History, geography, resources. V. 8. Gilbert. Grove Karl. Glaciers and glaciatlon. V. 4. Emerson, B. K. and others. Geology and pale- ontology. V. 5. Cardot. J. and others. Cryptogamic botany. Not yet issued. Not yet issued. Ashmead. William II. and others. Insects, pt. 1. Ashmead. William II. and others. Insects, pt. 2. Rathbun. Mary .1. and others. Crustaceans. Coe, Wesley 'R. Nemerteans. Robertson, Alice. Bryozoans. V. 12. Eisen. Gustav. Enchytracids. Bush, Katharine .1. Tubicolous annelids. V. 1.". I all. William II. Land and fresh water mollusks. Nutting, C. C. Hydroids. Same. v. 1, 2. Wu Harris, John. Navigatium atque itinerantium bibliotheca; or, A com- plete collection of voyages and travels... 2v. pi. maps. Lond. Woodward, 1744-1748. L Entered for account of Russian discoveries, including voy- ages of Captain Behring. Harrison, C. Haida grammar, edited by Alex. F. Chamberlain. p. 123-226. n. p. n. pub. 1895. S Extract from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Series 2, volume 1. Harrison, ELdward] S[anford]. Nome and Seward peninsula. Northwestern Alaska. 112p. illus. 1 fold. map. [Seattle, Metropolitan press, ^9051. S, Wu "There is no exaggeration in these pages, and if reference to individual enterprise is marked with a suggestion of commercialism I want the reader to know at the outset that there is not a line in the text of this book for which the publisner has been paid." J'orenord. Harrison, E[dward] SfanfordJ, compiler. The Alaska almanac; compiled for the Arctic club by E. S. Harrison. 11908]. 114p. illus. 2maps. Q. [Seattle, Arctic club, 19081. S '•jg PACIFFC N'ORTHWEST HISTORY Harrison, Jlonathaul BlaxterJ. Latest studies on Indian reservations. 233p. Phil. Indian rights assoc. 1887. Sp Contains articles on the reservations at Nisqually, Skoko- mish and Yakima in Waisliington. and Klamatli in Oregon. Hart, Albert Bushnell, editor. American nation; a history. v. 1-27. illus. por. maps. fac-sim. N. Y. Harper, 1904-8. P, S, Wu v. 14. Rise of the new West. V. 17. Westward extension. Harvey, Arthur, compiler. Statistical account of British Columbia. 41p. Ottawa,. Desbatats, 1861. L, S Haskell, William B. Two years in the Klondike and Alaskan gold fields... Personal experiences and adventures in the wonder- ful gold regions of Alaska and the Klondike, with observations of travel and exploration along the Yukon.... With a faithful description of life and scenes in gold mines and camps... 558p. 25pl. 2maps. Hartford, Hartford pub. co. 1898. M, Wu Copy in Wu laicks ma>ps. Hastings, Lansford W. New description of Oregon and California; with the Oregon treaty and correspondence; also an account by Col. R, B. Mason, of the gold region and a new route to California. 160p. Cin. Rulison,. 1837 [a84'9]. P, Wh Same, illus. Ipl. Cin. Queen city pub. house, 1857. S Haswell, Robert. Voyage on discoveries in the ship Columbia Rediviva. P A mamuscvipt c^py of the cwiginal w^ith six photographic facsimiles : copied l\v W. L. Eddy, Portland. 1800. Haswell, Robert. Voyage round the world on board the ship Columbia- Rediviva and sloop Washington. 82p. F. P A tyi)e-written copy o€ what was doubtless the original book of 144 mamuscrlpt pages. Hawthorne, Julian. Story of Oregon. . . 2v. 147por. llpl. N. Y. Amer. historical pub. co. 1892. P A CHECKLIST ly* Hawthorne, Julian and Brewerton, G. Douglas. History of Washington, the evergreen state, from early dawn to daylight. . . 2v. illus. 2por. Q. N. Y. American historical pub. co. 1893. S, W, Wu Contains many full page portraits paged as text. Hayes, J. W. Tales of the Sierras. 136p. illus. Ipl. Portland, Or. Baltes, 1905. p Partly Oregon. Hazard, Samuel. Hazard's United States commercial and statistical reg- ister. . . from Jly. 1839 to Ja. 1840. tab. Q. Phil. n. pub. 1840. p p. 369-371. Oregon expedition. Reprint from Peoria North- western Gazetteer. Hazlitt, William Carew. British Columbia and Vancouver Island: comprising a historical sketch of the British settlements in the northwest coast of America. . . compiled from official and other authentic sources. 247p. map. Lond. Routledge, 1858. L, S, Wu Hazlitt, William Carew. Great gold fields of Cariboo; with an authentic descrip- tion, brought down to the latest period, of British Columbia and Vancouver island. 184p. Imap. tab. Lond. Routledge, 1862. L, P Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Prince of Wales's fort, in Hudson's bay, to the northern ocean; undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay company, for the discovery of copper mines, a northwest passage, etc. In the years 1769, 1770, 1771 and 1772. 458p. 4pl. Smaps. Q. Lond. Strahan, 17^5. S Same. 459p. 6pl. 2maps. Dublin, Byrne, 1796. P Heclawa, pseudonym, see Himmelwrlght, A. L. Artman. Heilprin, Angelo. Alaska and the Klondike... 315p. 35pl. 3maps. N. y. Appleton, 1899. Wu Same. 1903. Pu Henderson, Alice Palmer. (The) rainbow's end: Alaska. 296p. illus. Chic. Stone, 1898. S, Wi 78 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Henderson publishing company. Henderson's city of Vancouver directory. v. 13, 190b. 791p. Vancouver, B. C. Henderson, 1906. Wu Henry, Ale.xander. Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian ter- ritories, between the years 1760 and 1776. 330p. por. N. Y. Riley, 1809. L Henry, Alexander and Thompson, David. New light on the early history of the greater northwest; the manuscript journals of Alexander Henry... and of David Thompson... 1799-1814: Explorations and adventures among the Indians on the Red, Saskatch- ewan, Missouri and Columbia rivers. Ed. by Elliott Coues, 3v. Ipor. 1 fac-sim. Smaps. N. Y. F. P. Harper, 1897. L, M, Mu, O, S, Wu Hermann, Dinger. The Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocky mountains, with a review of annexation by the United States. 87p. 7por. 5maps. Q. Wash. Govt. 1898. O. P, S. W. Wh, Wu Herndon, S[arahl Rfaymondl. Days on the road. Crossing the plains in 1865. 270p. Ipor. N. Y. Burr, 1902. M, Mu Hewitt, Randall H. Across the plains and over the divide; a mule train journey from east to west in 1862... illus. Ipor. 51pl. Imap. N. Y. Broadway pub. co. [^906]. P Heylyn, Peter. Cosmographie in four books; containing the choro- graphie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles there- of. Ed. 2. 1098+ (1089-1095) +21 unnumbered pages. 4maps. tab. F. Lond. Seile, 1657. P Quott'd In Hancroft's Northwest Coast for Strait of Anian. Higginson, [Afrs.l Ella [Rhoadsl. From the land of the snow-pearls tales from Puget Sound. 268p. N. Y. Macmillan, 1S97. S Same. 1902. P Higginson, Mrs. Ella Rhoads. Mariella: of out-west. N. Y. Macmillan, 1902. P, S A story of the I'ugot Sound country. A CHECKLIST 79 [Hildreth, Jamesl. Dragoon campaigns to the Rocky mountains; being a 'history of the. . . regiment of United States dra- goons. . . by a dragoon. N. Y. Wiley, 1836. P p. 189-208. Remarks upon prairies, and settlement of the [North] West. Milliard, [Henry Washington! Speech of Mr. Hilliard of Alabama on the Oregon ques- tion, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., Jan. 6, 1846. 15p. Wash. Gideon. 1846. Wa Hilliard, Henry Washington. Speeches and addresses. N. Y. Harper, 1855. P, S p. 51-77. Oregon question ; p. 129-150. Government for Oregon. IHImes, George H. publisher]. Wal'amet or Willamette. 66p. n. t. p. [Portland, or, Himes, 18751. S, Wu [Himmelwright, A. L. Artmanl (Heclawa, pseudonym). In the heart of the Bitter-root mountains; the story of "The Carlin hunting party," September-December, 1893. 259p. illus. por. llpl. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Putnam, 1895. Mu, S, Sp The appendix contains a reprint of portions of v. 2 and 3 of the History of the Lewis and Clark expedition, edited by Elliott Coues. 'Mines, Gustavus. Life on the plains of the Pacific; Oregon, its history, condition and prospects, containing a description of the geography, climate and productions, with per- sonal adventures among the Indians. . . 437p. Ipor. Buffalo, Derby, 1851. L, P, Pu, S, Wu Same. 1852. [^8501. P Same. N. Y. IVTiller, 1857. Wh Same. Ipl. N. Y. Paxton, 1859. Wa Same. N. Y. Hurst, [^8811. P, Wh The first clause of the title. "Life on the Plains of the Pacific," is printed in small type at top of title page and is sometimes omitted by cataloguers. Mines, Gustavus. . Oregon and its instltuttons; comprising a full history of the Willamette university, the first established on the Pacific coast. 326p. illus. Ipor. N. Y. Carlton, [^8681. P, S, Wa ^Q PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Mines, Gustavus. Voyage round the world: with a history of the Oregon mission, and notes of several years residence on the plains, bordering on the Pacific ocean: compris- ing an account of interesting adventures among the Indians west of the Rocky mountains [with! a full description of Oregon territory... 437p. Buffalo. Derby, 1850. P, S, Sp, Wh Published also under the following titles : Oregon : its history, condition and prospects. Life on the plains of the Pacific. Wild life in Oregon. Hines, Gustavus. Wild life in Oregon: being a stirring recital of actual scenes of daring and peril among the gigantic for- ests and terrific rapids of the Columbia river (the Mississippi of the Pacific slope) and giving life-like pictures of terrific encounters with savages as fierce and relentless as its mighty tides, including a full, fair and reliable history of the state of Oregon, its crops, timber lands, soil, fisheries; its present great- ness, and future vast capabilities, and paramount position. 437p. Ipl. N. Y. Hurst, [^8811. S, W Same. N. Y. Worthington, rn881]. P Same. Without plate. N. Y. Worthington, 1889. Wu Hines, Harvey Kimball. Illustrated history of the state of Oregon... 1300p. 21por. Spl. sq. Q. Chic. Lewis pub. co. 1893. P Hines, H[arvey] Klimballl. Illustrated history of the state of Washington; contain- ing a history of the state of Washington from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time, together with glimpses of its auspicious future; illus- trations and full-page portraits of some of its emi- nent men and biographical mention of many of its pioneers and prominent citizens of today. 933p. illus. 31por. Spl. Q. Chic. Lewis pub. co. 1893. Pu, S, Sp, W Hines, H[arveyJ Klimball]. Missionary history of the Pacific Northwest, containing the wonderful story of Jason Lee. . . 510p. 17por. 2pl. Portland, Hines, ['18991. P, S, Wh, Wu A CHECKLIST 81 Mines, HTarvey] K[imball], compiler. At sea and in port; or, Life and experience of William S. Fletcher, for thirty years seaman's missionary in Portland, Oregon... with an introd. by Bishop Earl Cranston. 251p. Portland, Gill, 1898. P, \Vu History of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent; illustrated with maps and cuts, published at Petersbourg in the Russian language, by order of her imperial majesty and translated into English by James Grieve, M. D. 280 + [81p. 5pl. 2maps. Q. Gloucester, printed by R. Raikes for T. Jefferys, Lond. 1764. S In Miiller, G. F., Voyages from Asia to America. Ed. 2. 1764. Hitchcock, [James] Ripley [Wellmanl. Louisiana purchase and the exploration, early history and building of the West. 349p. illus. 5por. 13pl. 4maps. tab. Bost. Ginn, 1903. Mu, P, S, W, Wu Hitchcock, Mary E. Two women in the Klondike; the story of a journey to the gold fields of Alaska. 485p. illus. Ipl. map (in pocket). N. Y. Putnam, 1899. S. Sp, Wu Hittell, John SLhertzer]. Commerce and industries of the Pacific coast of North America. Ed. 1. 819p. illus. 28pl. 2maps. tab. Q. San Fran. Bancroft, 1882. Pu, S, W, Wu Same. Ed. 2. P Hittell, John SLhertzer]. Hittell's handbook of Pacific coast travel. 263p.illus. 2maps. San Fran. Bancroft, 1885. S Same. Ipl. 2maps. 1887. Wu p. 189-193. Oregon, Washington and .\laska. Hittell, John Shertzer. Resources of California; comprising agriculture, mining, geography, climate, commerce, etc.... with apx. on Oregon and Washington territory. Ed. 2. 494p. tab. San Fran. Roman, 1866 [^8631. P Same. Ed. 3. 461p. 1867. P" Hittell, Theodore Henry. Adventures of James Capen Adams, mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter, of California. 378p. Ipor. llpl. Bost. Crosby, 1861. P Partly Oregon. — 6 gg PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Hodges, L. K. Mining in the Pacific Northwest; a complete review of the mineral resources of Washington and British Columbia. 192p. •28maps. Seattle, Post-Intelligencer, 1897. S, Wu Hodgins, Thomas. (The) Alaska-Canadian boundary dispute. . . an histori- cal and legal review. Ed. 2. 26p. Imap. Toronto, Tyrrell, 1903. L, S (From the Contemporary review.) Hodgkin, Frank E. and Galvin, J. J. Pen pictures of representative men of Oregon. 199p. 2 gr. of por. Portland, Or. Farmer and dairyman pub. house, 1882. P, Wh, Wu Hogan, James Francis. Sister dominions; through Canada to Australia by the imperial highway. 234p. Lond. Ward, 1896. L Contains material upon Britishi Columbia. Holman, Frederick V[an Voorhiesl. Dr. John McLoughlin, the father of Oregon. 301p. 2por. Cleveland, Clark, 1907. O, P, S, Sp, W, Wu Hood River (Or.) Commercial club. JUicf description of the Hood river valley; finest fruit growing district in the world. 30p. illus. Hood River (Or.) Commercial club, 1907. P Hooper, WFilliam] H[ulme]. Ten months among the tents of the Tuski, with inci- dents of an Arctic boat expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie river and Cape Bathurst. 417p. lUus. 5pl. Imap. Lond. Murray, 1853. L, O, S, Wu Hopkins, Mrs. Sarah (Winnemucca). life among the Piutes; their wrongs and claims; ed. by Mrs. Horace Mann . . . 268p. Bost. Cupples, 1883. P, Wh Hopkins, Murphy and Hopkins, attorneys. In the matter of the Mission of St. James at Vancouver, Washington, under the act of August 14, 1848. 26p. n. p. Anderson, n. d. Wu A CHECKLIST gg Horetzky, Charles. Canada on the Pacific; being an account of a journey from Edmonton to the Pacific by the Peace river val- ley, and of a winter voyage along the western coast of the Dominion; with remarks on the physical feat- ures of the Pacific railway route and notices of the Indian tribes of British Columbia. 244p. Ipl. Imap. Montreal, Daweon, 1874. L Horner, John B. Oregon literature. 104p. 3por. Igr. ofpor. 9pl. Corvallis, n. uub. 1899. p, s, Wu Same. Ed. 2. ?J^3p. 13por. 4 gr. of por. 17pl. P, Pu, S, Wu Hosmer, James K. see Lewis, Meriwether, and Clark, William. Hough, Emerson Way to the West, and the lives of three early Ameri- cans, BooPB-Crockett-Carson. 446p. 6pl. Indianapolis, Bobbs, 1903. P, S Howard, Frederick P. and Barnett, George, compilers and pub- Ushers. British Columbian and Victoria guide and directory for 1863, under the patronage of His Excellency Gov- ernor Douglas, C. B. and the executive of both col- onies. 214p. Victoria office of the British Col- umbian and Victoria directory, 1863. L Howard, OtHver] Oltisl. My life and experiences among our hostile Indians. A record of personal observations, adventures, and campaigns among the Indians of the great West; with some account of their life, habits, traits and religion, ceremonies, dress, savage instincts and cus- toms in peace and war. 570p. illus. 4por. 25pl. 3 fac-sim. Hartford, Worthington, [^907]. M Howard, OCliverl OCtisl. Nez Perce Joseph; an account of his ancestors, his lands, his confederates, his enemies, his murders, his war, his pursuit and capture. 274p. 2por. 2maps. Bost. Lee, 1881. M, S, Wh. Wu Howe, Henry. (The) great West: . , . historical and descriptive sketches of Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota, Utah, California, Washington, etc. 576p. 2maps, illus. N. Y. Tuttle, 1857. Wh Q^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the great West [with] . . . sketches of Oregon, New Mexico. Texas, Minnesota, Utah and California... 2v.ini. 440p. illus. Ipl. Cin. Howe, 1852, [^8511. P Same. 2pl. 1853. Wu Same. 456p. 1854. S Howell, Thomas. Flora of Northwest America. 792p. Portland. Or. Publisher not given, 1897. Pu Hugh Clifford; or. Prospective missions on the northwest coast and at the Washington islands... 102p. Bost. Mass. sabbath school union, 1832. L. Wu Huish, Robert. Narrative of the voyages and travels of Captain Beechey to the Pacific and Behring's straits performed in the y^ars 1825, 2^ 27 and 28. . . and of Captain Back to the Thlewee-ohoh river and the Arctic sea. . . being the conclusion of the series of voyages instituted for the discovery of the northwest passage... 701p. 3por. 4pl. Lortd. Wright, 1836. W« Hulbert, Archer Butler. Pilots of the republic; the romance of the pioneer pro- moter in the middle west. . . 368p. lopor. Ipl. Chic. McClurg, 1906. P, Sp Contains a chapter each on "Aster : the promoter of Astoria," and "Marcus Whitman, the hero of Oregon." Hume, M. Seattle architecturally, 1902. 2p. 41pl. 9x12 in. Seattle, Bebb and Mendel, Saunders and Lawton and PeNeuf and Heide. [19021. Wu Humfreville, [Jacob] Lee. Twenty years among our savage Indians. A record of personal experiences, observations and adventures among the Indians of the wild West. Portraying their daily life, habits, traits, religion, ceremonies, dress, savage instincts, and customs in peace and war... illus. Ipor. 4 fac-sim. Hartford, Ct. Hartford pub. co. 1897. M Same. 479p. illus. Ipor. N. Y. Hunter, [<=1899j. S Humphrey, Seth K[ing]. Indian dispossessed. 298p. 15por. Ipl. Bost. Little, 1905. P, S, Wu I'matillas, Story of the Bitter Root, Xez Perces. A CHECKLIST 85 Hunter, George. Reminiscences of an old timer; a recital of the actual events, incidents, trials, hardships... of a pioneer, hunter, miner, and scout of the Pacific northwest. . . 454p. Ipor. 15pl. San Fran. Crocker, 1887. P, S. Wh, Wu Hyde, John. Northern Pacific tour; the Pacific Northwest and Alas- ka, with a description of the country traversed by the Northern Pacific railroad. 94p. illus. St. Paul, Minn. Riley, 1889. Wu Ide, Arthur W and Rumsey, W. D. Helena, Montana; its past, present and future. 125p. illus. Imap. N. Y. South pub. co. n. d. Mu (The) Impracticability of a northwest passage for ships impartially considered. 182p. Lond. [Sherwood?], 1824. S, W Preface signed by Scrutator. Imray, James F. North Pacific pilot: part 1. The west coast of North America, between Panama and Queen Charlotte islands, including Port Simpson and Sitka Sound . . . with supplement to January, 1898. Ed. 2. 512p. pi. charts. Lond. Imray, 1885. S In memoriam. Rev. George H. Atkinson, born May 10, 1819, died Feb. 25, 1889. 51p. n. p. Atkinson, 1889. P ingersoll, Ernest. In richest Alaska and the gold fields of the Klondike. . . 512p. illus. Ipl. Chic. Dominion company, [''1897]. S. Wu Same text with plates slightly altered, with title of "Gold fields of the Klondike and the wonders of Alaska..." 512p. illus. Ipl. n. p. Edgewood pub. co. ['■1897]. Wu Inland empire horticultural and floricultural association. Fruit growing in Eastern Washington. Report of the third annual convention... 88p. illus. Spokane, Inland printing co. 1903. S Inman, Henry and Cody, W. F. Great Salt lake trail. 529p. illus. Ipor. 7pl. Imap. Topeka, Crane, 1899. P Gives some account of the expeditions of Mackenzie. Lewis and Clarlc, Fremont and Bonneville. gg PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Interstate publishing company. Illustrated history of Klickitat, Yakima and Kittitas counties, with an outline of the early history of the state of Washington. 941p. fron. 127 por. 22pl. Q. n. p. Interstate pub. co. 1904. Sp Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville; or, Scenes beyond the Rocky mountains of the far W^est. 3v. Lend. Bently, 1837. L Same. Par. Baudry, 1837. P V. 193 of Collection of ancient and modern British authors. Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A. in the Rocky mountains and the far West. . . Rev. ed. 524p. 3pl. X. Y. Putnam. inSGS]. M, P, S, Wh, Wu Same. 428p. 1881. Wh Same. 428p. 1883. Wh Same. Bound with Astoria in Irvine's works, 12v. N. Y. Putnam, 1883 [^8491. O Same. 300p. N. Y. Alden, 1887. Wh -Some. 358p. N. Y. Collier, 1897. W Irving, Washington. Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. 2v. Imap. Phil. Carey, 1836. P, Pu, S Same. 649p. N. Y. Putnam, 1881. Wh -Same. 649p. N. Y. Putnam, 1883. Wh Same. 649p. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, 1890. P Same. 649p. N. Y. Putnam, 1897. Wu Same. 649p. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, 1903. Mu -Same. 649p. N. Y. Alden, 1887. Wh -Same. 2v. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, [nsgSl. P -Same. In his works, 12v. N. Y. Putnam, 1883 [^849]. O Same. In his works, 7v. Stuyvesant, ed. N. Y. Putnam, [^8491. O -Same. Hudsen ed. 698p. 2pl. N. Y. Putnam, n. d. S -Same. 387p. Chic. Donohue, n. d. Wa -Same. 376+292p. Ipor. Lond. Chesterfield society. n. d. (Edition de luxe). Sp -Same. 464p. N. Y. Collier, 1897. W Irving, Washington. Fur traders of the Columbia river and the Rocky moun- tains. 222p. 9pl. N. Y. Putnam, 1903. P, S A CHECKLIST 3^ Irving, Washington. Rocky mountains; or, Scenes, incidents, and adven- tures in the far West; digested from the journal of Captain B. L. E. Bonneville... 2v. 2maps. Phil. Carey, 1837. L^ Mu, P, W Same as Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Israel, Joseph, see Benjamin II. Iverson, Alfred. Speech of Alfred Iverson, of Georgia, on the Oregon ter- ritory bill and the presidential election; delivered in the House of Representatives, July 26, 1848. 16p. Wash. Towers, 1848. Sp Jackson, Charles Ross. Sheriff of Wasco. 318p. 4pl. N. Y. Dillingham, [1907]. p Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske) Huntl. Century of dishonor; a sketch of the United States gov- renment's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. 457p. • N. Y. Harper, 1881. O, W Same. New ed. 514p. Bost. Little, 1900. S, Wu Appendix contains material relating to the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske) Hunt]. Glimpses of California and the missions. illus. 24pl. 1 fac-sim. tab. Bost. Little, 1902. P, S p. 261-292. Chance days in Oregon. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt. Glimpses of three coasts. 418p. Bost, Roberts, 1891. S Same. 1886. P pt. 1. California and Oregon, another edition of her Glimpses of California and the missions. [Jackson, James, compiler]. Basketry of the coast and islands of the Pacific, etc., exhibited April, 1896, at the Portland library. Sip. [Portland, Or. Gill, n. d.]. P Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska, and missions on the north Pacific coast. 400p. illus. Ipor. Imap. N. Y. Dodd, |'1880|. S. Wa, Wh. Wu Jackson, Sheldon. Facts about Alaska; its people, villages, missions, schools. 23p. illus. Imap. N. Y. Woman's ex- ecutive committee of home missions of the Presby- terian church, [18941. ^Vu Same. 29p. N. Y. Woman's board of home missions of the Presbyterian church, [1900?!. Wu gg PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Jacob, J. G. Life and times of Patrick Gass. . . together with Gass' journal of the expedition condensed; and sketches of . . .events occurring during the last century in the upper Ohio country. 280p. Ipor. 3pl. tab. Wellsburg, Va. Jacob, 1859. Mu, P James, Bushrod W. Alaskana; or, Alaska in descriptive and legendary poems. [Ed. 11. 368p. 13pl. Phil. Porter, 1892. Wu Same. Ed. 2. 402p. 17pl. 1893. Sp, W Same. Ed. 3. 410p. pi. 1894. S Jefferson, Thomas. Writings. Monticello ed. 20v. 65por. 27pl. 15 fac-sim. Wash. Issued under the auspices of the Thomas Jefferson memorial assoc. of the U. S. 1903-05. P V. 18, p. 140-161. Gives account of Lewis. Jefferson, Thomas. Writings, edited by Paul Leicester Ford. lOy. illus. pi. map. facsim. N. Y. Putnam, 1892-1899. S, Wu Consult index, under Lewis, Pacific, etc. Jefferson, Thomas. Works, published by order of Congress from the original manuscripts deposited in the department of state; ed. by H. A. Washington. 9v. Ipor. N. Y. MacCoun, 1884. O See Lewis and Clark, and Pacific ocean. Jefferys, Thomas and others. American atlas; or, A geographical description of the whole continent of America; chiefly the British colonies. SOmaps. Fo. Lond. Sayer, 1776. P No descriptive matter. Jeffreys, Thomas, translator, see Miiller, Gerhard Friedrich. Jenkins, John SItilwelll. Exi lorations and adventures in and around the Pacific and Antarctic oceans; being the voyage of the U. S. exploring squadron, commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes of the U. S. navy, in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842; together with explorations and discoveries made by Admiral D'Urville, Captain Ross, and other navigators and travelers; and an account of the ex- pedition to the Dead sea, under Lieutenant Lynch. 517p. N. Y. Hurst, n. d. Sp , First part of chapter 17 contains a description of Oregon. A CHECKLIST 89 Jenkins, John Stilwell. James Knox Polk, and a history of his administration. . . Auburn, Beardsley, [''18501. p Jenkins, John S[tllwelll. Voyage of the U. S. exploring squadron commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes... in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842; together with explorations and discoveries made by... other navigators and travellers... 517p. illus. Auburn, Beardsley, ['"18501. P Same. Auburn, Alden, 1850. S, Wu Jesup North Pacific expedition, see American museum of natural history. Jewitt, John Rodgers. Adventures and sufferings of Jewitt, only survivor of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the savages of Nootka sound . . . 237p. Edin. Constable, 1824. L, P, S Jewitt, John [Rodgersl. Adventures of Jewitt; only survivor of the crew of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the Indians of Nootka sound in Vancouver island; ed. with an introd. by Robert Brown. 256p. illus. Ipor. Lond. Wilson. 1896. L, P, Wu Jewitt, John Rodgers. Narrative of the adventures and sufferings of Jewitt; only survivor of the crew of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the savages of Nootka sound... 203p. Ipl. Middletown, Ct. [Loomis?] 1815. P Same. 208p. per. Reprinted by Hurst, Middletown, 1816. L Same. 116p. N. Y. n. pub. n. d. P Same. Ed. 3. 208p. Ipl. N. Y. Fanshaw, 1816. Wu The plate represents the Boston in possession of the natives. Johnson, C. T. (The) evolution of a lament. 16p. Q. Seattle, [Lowman & Hanfordl, n. d. P, Wa, Wu A discussion of the varying accounts of four Indians who went to St. I^uis in 1831 to gain religious knowledge. Reprinted from Washington historical quarterly, v. 2. no.."?, April, 1908. Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the Pacific coast. 323p. 63pl. • N. Y. Macmillan, 1908. P, S, Sp 90 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Johnson, Edwin F. Railroad to the Pacific, northern route; its general char- acter, relative merits, etc. Ed. 2. 176p. 8pl. 3 fold, maps. N. Y. Railroad journal job printing office, 1854. S, Wu The author maintained that the Straits of De Fuca or the mouth of the Columbia was the most proper terminal point for a railroad to the Pacific. He predicted that the preeminent city of the Pacific coast would one day be located at one or the other of these points (p. 96 1. Johnson, O. B. List of the birds of the Willamette valley, Oregon. p. 485-491, 635-641. (Reprinted from the American naturalist, July and (?) 1880). Wu Johnson, Overton, and Winter, W. H. Route across the Rocky mountains, with a description of Oregon and California. . . Lafayette, Ind. Semans, pr. 1846. P Johnson, R. Byron. Very far west indeed: a few rough experiences on the northwest Pacific coast. Ed. 5. 280p. Lond. Low, 1873. L Johnson, Sidona V. compiler. (A) short history of Oregon. Early discoveries; the Lewis and Clark exploration; settlement; govern- ment; Indian wars; progress. 329p. 5por. lOpl. Imap. 2 fac-sim. Chic. McClurg, 1904. M, P, S, Sc, Sp, Wa, Wh, Wu Johnson, Theodore T. California and Oregon; or. Sights in the gold region and scenes by the way; with an appendix containing full instructions to emigrants by the overland route to Oregon by Hon. Samuel R. Thurston. 348p. 3pl. Phil. Lippincott, 1851. Wu Same. Ed. 4. 1857. P, S The title page and preface announce a "map of the gold region from the government survey of Comm. Jones" but this map is not contained in any of the three copies reported. Jones, N. W. Chinese voyages to the northw est coast of America and the interpretation of 200 Indian names. (Indian Bul- letin No. 2, for 1868). 29p. N. Y. Alvord, 1869. P, S, Wu A CHECK- LIST 91 Jones, T. L. From the gold mine to the pulpit; story of a backwoods Methodist preacher in the Pacific Northwest, during the closing years of the nineteenth century. ISpor. 12pl. Cin. Jennings, [^9041. P, Wh Jordan, David Starr. Imperial democracy; a study of the relation of govern- ment by the people, equality before the law, and other tenets of democracy, to the demands of a vigor- ous foreign policy and other demands of imperial dominion. 293p. N. Y. Appleton, 1899. O. Wu p. 183-214. Colonial lessons in Alaska. Jordan, David Starr. Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska. 4v. pi. maps. Wash. Govt. 1898. S, Wu Jordan, David Starr, and Starks, Edwin Chapin. Fishes of Puget Sound. p.[785]-855+pl. Palo Alto, Cal. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. 1895. (Leland Stan- ford Junior University publications. Contributions to biology from the Hopkins laboratory of biology ni). S. Wu [Judge, Charles J.]. (An) American missionary; a record of the work of Rev. William H. Judge, S. J. by a priest of St. Sul- pice... 293p. Ipor. pi. Bait. Murphy, [^9041. S Same. Ed. 2. 308p. 2por. 17pl. Imap. Catholic foreign mission bureau, t' 19071. Wu Alaska. [Kane, Paul]. Les Indiens de la bale d'Hudson; promenades d'un artiste parnie les Indiens de I'Amerique du nord depuis le Canada jusqua I'ile de Vancouver et l'0r6- gon a travers le territoire de la compagnie de la Bale d'Hudson imite de I'anglais par fidouard De- lessert. 273p. Par. Amyot, 1861. S Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an artist among the Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver's island and Oregon through the Hudson's bay company's terri- tory and back again. 455p. illus. 8pl. Imap. tab. Lond, Longmans, 1859. ^-'> ^ Karr, Heywood W. Seton— , see Seton-Karr. Heywood W. Katharine, pseudonym, see Stephens, Louise J. 92 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Kelley, Hall J. General circular to all persons of good character who wish to emigrate to the Oregon territory; by order of the American society for encouraging the settle- ment of the Oregon territory. 28p. Charlestown, Amer. soc. for encouraging the settle- ment of the Oregon territory, 1831. P, Wu On cover : Manual of the Oregon expedition. Kelley, Hall .1. Geographical sketch of that part of North America, called Oregon... SOp. Imap. tab. Bost, Howe, 1830. P Kelley, William Darrah. Speeches, addresses and letters on industrial and finan- cial questions. . . 514p. Ipor. tab. Phil. Baird, 1872. P p 4.54-404. New Northwest. Kendall, Reese P. Pacific trail camp-fires containing the Missouri column, The Applegate battalion, "Pathfinder" detachment, Barneburg contingent. 437p. Chic. Scroll pub. co. 1901. Wh Kincaid, Harrison R. Political and official history and register of Oregon. 250p. n. p. n. pub. 1899. Wu The author was secretary of State of Oregon and the pub- lication was issued by the state. Gives list of various state officials from the earliest times to date, with brief biographies of most of them. King county (Wash.) commissioners and Seattle chamber of commerce. Seattle and King county; statement of facts showing the resources, business conditions and progress of the chief city and largest county in the state of Washington. 48p. illus. Seattle, Trade register print, 1905. Wu Kinnear, William Emera. Inland emperors; a book of cartoons in the form of a personal directory of principal business and profes- sional men of this section. 251p. Ipor. illus. Spokane, Van Dersal, [a9081. Sp A CHECKLIST 93 Kip, Lawrence. Army life on the Pacific; a journal of the expedition against the northern Indians, the tribes of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spokans, and Pelouzes, in the summer of 1858. 144p. N. Y. Redfield, 1859. L, P, S. Sp, Wh. Wu Kip, Lawrence. Indian council at Walla Walla, May and June, 1855: a journal. 28p. Eugene, Or. Star job office, 1897. (Sources of the history of Oregon, v. 1, part 2. Con- tributions of the Department of Economics and His- tory of the University of Oregon). O, Wh, Wu^ Kippenberg, Henry. History of the Society of Framers of the constitution of the state of Montana, July 4, 1889-August 17, 1889. 154p. Indianapolis, Ind. Baker-Randolph, [1890?]. Mu Contains the proceedings of the first session. Kippis, ACndrewl. Narrative of the voyages round, the world performed by Captain James Cook, with am account of his life dur- ing the previous and intervening periods. 2v. in 1. 205+210p. Hartford, Andrus, 1855 fpref. 17881. Wu Same. 445p. N. Y. Harper, 1873 Ipref. 17881. Wu Kittinger, Charles H. publisher. Seattle. unp. pi. Seattle, Kittinger, n. d. S Klondike; the Chicago Record's book for gold seekers. 555p. illus. Ipl. Chic. Monroe book co. [1897 J. S Knickerbocker; or, New York monthly magazine, Jly.-Dec. 1847. V. 30. illus. N. Y. Allen, 1847. P p. 19, 126, 22T, 283, 475. Parkman's Oregon trail. Kotzebue, Otto von. Entdeckungs-reise um die Sud-See und nach der Berings Strasse zur erforschung einer nordostlichen durch- fahrt, unternommen in den jahren 1815, 1816, 1817 und 1818... auf dem Schiffe Rurick unter dem be- fehle des lieutenants der Russisch-kaiserlichen ma- rine. 3v. in 1. 19pl. tab. 5maps. Weimar, Hoffman, 1821. • Ll. Same. 3v. tab. 6maps. Wien, Kaulfuss, 1825. P Kotzebue, Otto von. Nieuwe out dekkingsreize rondom de wereld in de jaren 1823, 24, 25 en 26 ondernomen. 2v. in 1. 254-f 274p. Ipor. Ipl. 3 fold. maps. Haarlem, Loosjes, 1830. L. 94 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Kotzebue, Otto von. Ontdekkingsreis in de Zuidzee, en naar de Berings- Straat, in de jaren 1815, 1816, 1817 en 1818. . . 3v. 1)1. 6 fold. maps. Amsterdam, Hey, 1822. L Kotzebue, Otto von. New voyage round the world, in the years 1823, 24, 25 and 26. 2v. Ipor. Ipl. 3maps. Lond. Colburn, 1830. L, P, S, W Kotzebue, Otto von. Reise um die welt in den jahren 1823, 24, 25 und 26. . . 2v. in 1. Ipor. Ipl. 3maps. Weimar, Hoffman, 1830. L, S V. 2, entitled, Neue reise um die welt. Includes Alaska. Kotzebue, Otto von. Voyage of discovery into the South sea and Bering's straits for the purpose of exploring a northeast pass- age, undertaken in the year 1815-1818, in the ship Rurick; [translated by H. E. Lloyd]. 3 v. 8pl. tab. Tmaps. Lond. Longman, 1821. L, P, W Same. 2pts. in 1. 220p. 2maps. 7pl. Lond. Phillips, 1821. Wu Krause, Aurel. (Die) Clinkit-Indianer; ergebnisse einer reise nach der Nord-westkiiste von Amerika und der Beringstrasse, ausgefiihrt im autrage der Bremer geographischen gesellschaft in den jahren 1880-1^81 durch die Doc- toren Arthur und Aurel Krause. 420p. illus. 4pl. map. Jend. Gostenoble, 1885. Krusenstern, AEdaml JEohannl von. Reise um die welt in den johren 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 auf befehl seiner kaiserl majestot Alexanders des Ersten auf den schiffen Nodeshda und Newa. 2v. in 3. Ipor. pi. 1 fold. map. Berlin, Haude, 18111812. L Krusenstern, [Adam Johann von]. Voyage autour du monde; fait dans les annees 1803, 1804, 1805 et 1806, par les ordres de sa majeste im- periale Alexandre 1 er; empereur de Russie, sur les vaisseaux la Nadiejeda et la Neva... traduit de I'aveu et avec des additions de I'auteur; la traduc- tion revue par M. J. B. B. Eyries... 3v. por. pi. maps. 2v. D. and atlas.F. Par. Gide, 1821. S A CHECKLIST 95 Krusenstern, Aldaml J[ohann] von. Voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806, by order of his imperial majesty Alexander the First, on board the ships Nadeshda and Neva. . . tr. from the original German by Richard Belgrave Hoppner. 2v.ini. 314 + 404p. 2pl. Imap. sq. Q. Lond. Murray, 1813. L. P, W, Wu Sayne. 2v. 2pl. Imap. Lond. v.l, printed by C. Ro- w^orth; v.2, printed by T. Davidson, 1813. S Krusenstern, Adam Johann von. Worter-sammlungen aus den sprachen einiger volker des ostlichen Asiens und der nordwestkiiste von Amerika. 69p. sq. Q. St. Petersburg, Admiralty print, 1813. P, S Ladue, Joseph. Klondyke facts; being a complete guide book to the gold regions of the great Canadian northwest territories and Alaska. 205p. 3pl. 4maps. X. Y. American technical book co. [''1897]. S Lake Washington belt line co. Lake Washington, resources of the region tributary to its eastern shores and the Belt Line railroad: Kirk- land, the manufacturing city of the Puget Sound region. 47p. illus. fold. map. [Seattle], Lowman, 1891. Wu Lang, H[erbert] O. editor. History of the Willamette valley, being a description of the valley and its resources, with an account of its discovery and settlement by white men and its sub- sequent history; together with personal reminis- cences of its early pioneers. 902p. Ipor. 5pl. 1 fac- sim. tab. Portland, Or. Himes, 1885. P, Pu, S, W, Wh, Wu Lange, Henry. Atlas von Nord-Amerika nach den neuesten materi- alien... 28p. Qob. 18maps. Braunschweig, Westremann, 1854. W Map 13, Oregon. Map 14, British North America. Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Diary of the Washburn expedition to the Yellowstone and Firehole rivers in the years 1870. 122p. illus. 17por. 5pl. n. p. N. P. Langford, n. d. M 96 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Vigilante days and ways. The pioneers of the Rockies. The makers and making of Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. 2v. 13por. 2pl. Bost. Cupples, 1890. M, P, S Same. 2v.ini, 426+485p. illus. 13por. 2pl. N. Y. Merrill, 1893 [^8901. Mu, Wu Langley, Henry G. compiler. Pacific coast business directory for 1867; containing the name and postoffice address of each, merchant, manufacturer and professional [man] residing in the states of California, Oregon and Nevada; the territories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Utah; and the colony of British Columbia. Also, a gazetteer of the counties, cities and towns, and an exhibit of the resources of the Pacific coast. First year of publication... price five dollars, gold coin. 192 + 568 + 194p. San Fran. Langley, 1867. L, S Langsdorff, Gfeorgl H[einrichJ, Reis rondom de wereld in de jaren 1803 tot 1807. 4v. pi. Amsterdam, Kesteren, 1818-1819. L Langsdorff, Georg Heiuric^, freilierr. Voyages and travels in various parts of the world, dur- ing the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 and 1807. . . illus- trated by engravings from original drawings. 362p. Ipor. pi. Lond. Colburn. 1S13. S Same. 2v. 19pl. Imap. sq. Q. Lond. Colburn, 1813-14. L, P LaPerouse, [Jean Frangois Galaup, conite de]. Voyage de LaPerouse autour du monde; publie con- formement au decret du 22 Avril, 1791; et redige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. 4v. Ipor. tab. F. Par. L'imprimerie de la Republique, 1797. P. Wu Rare official edition, but without folio atlas. LaPerouse, J[ean] F[ranQoisl G[alaup, comte del. Voyage round the world, in the year 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788. . . published conformably to the decree of the National assembly, of the 22d of April, 1791, and edited by M. L. A. Milet-Mureau... 3 v. Ipor. 31pl. lOmaps. Lond. Johnson, 1798. L, P, S Same. 3v. 2por. 38pl. SOmaps. sq. F. Lond. Robinson, 1799. P, W Same. 4v. Par. Plassan, 1798. L Translation of his Voyase de La Perouse autour du monde. A CHECK.LIST n-v Larpenteur, Charles. Forty j'ears a fur trader on the upper Missouri. The personal narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872, edited with many critical notes, by Elliott Coues. 2v. 473p. 7por. 5pl. 6maps. N. Y. F. P. Harper, 1898. M, Mu, Wa, Wu Paged continuously. Latham, Robert Gordon. Opuscula; essays chiefly philological and ethnographi- cal. 418p. Lond. Williams, 1860. S, Wu On the languages of the Oregon territory, p. 249-265 ; on the ethnography of Russian America, p. 266-274. Laurie, Thomas. Whitman controversy. 24p. Astoria, Snyder, 1886. Wh, Wu Published in the Missionary Herald, Boston, February and September, 1885. Laut, AEgnes] CLhristinal. Pathfinders of the West; being the thrilling story of the adventures of the men who discovered the great Northwest... 380p. illus. 12pl. 2maps. X. Y. Macmillan, 1904. P, Pu, S, Sc, Wa, Wu Laut, A[gnes] CChristinal. Story of the trapper. 284p. 8pl. N. Y. Appleton, 1902. S, Wu Of value in connection with the study of the fur trade in the Pacific Northwest. Laut, A[gnes] CChristinal. Vikings of the Pacific, the adventures of the explorers who came from the West, eastward. Bering the Dane; the outlaw hunters of Russia; Benyowsky, the Polish pirate; Cook and Vancouver, the English nav- igators; Gray of Boston, the discoverer of the Co- lumbia; Drake, Ledyard, and other soldiers of for- tune on the West coast of America. 349p. illus. Tpor. 9pl. N. Y. Macmillan, 1905. P, Pu, S, Sc, Sp, Wa, Wu LaVerne's Klondike songster. Season 1897-1898. Price 25 cents. 16p. n. p. n. pub. [1897?]. Wu An interesting side light upon the life of the miner and adventurer in the days of the Klondike gold fever. Lee, D[aniel] and Frost, J. H. Ten years in Oregon. 344p. Imap. N. Y. J. Collard for the authors, 1844. P, S, W, Wh 98 PACIFIC NaRTHWEST HISTORY Lees, J. A. and Clutterbuck, W. J. B. C. 1887: a ramble in British Columbia. 387p. 18pl. illus. map. Lond. Longmans, 1892. L Leighton, Mrs. Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound, with sketches of travel in Wash- ington territory, British Columbia, Oregon and Cali- fornia, 1865-1881. 258p. Bost. Lee, 1884. L, O, P, S, Sc, Sp, W, Wh. Wu Lennard, see Barrett-Lennard. Lenox, Edward Henry. Overland to Oregon, in the tracks of Lev,us and Clarke; history of the first emigration to Oregon in 1843, edited by Robert Whitaker. 69p. illus. Ipor. Oakland, Cal. fDowdle press], 1904. S, Wh. Wu Leonard, Zenas. Leonard's narrative; adventures of Zenas Leonard, fur trader and trapper, 1831-1836; reprinted from the rare original of 1839; ed. by W. F. Wagner. 317p. 2por. 1 fac-sim. Imap. Cleveland, Burrows, 1904. M. P Lever, W. H. compiler. Illustrated history of Whitman county, state of Wash- ington. 469p. 75por. llpl. Q. n. p. Lever, 1901. Sc Lewis, Albert Buell. Tribes of the Columbia valley and the coast of Wash- ington and Oregon. (Memoirs of the American an- thropological association, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 149-209). Lancaster, Pa. New Era printing co. Sept. 1906. P, S, Wu Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William. Xotc. The following editions of Lewis and Clark's jour- nals are arranged chronologicallj' by imprint date. See also, Fisher. William, and Goss, Patrick. Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. Travels in the interior parts of America, communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red river and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark. Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, with a statistical account of the countries adjacent; as laid before the Senate, by the president of the United States, in February, 1806, and never before published in Great Britain; 116p. Lond. Phillips, 1807. L, P, S A CHECK- LIST 99 Lewis, [Meriwether! and Clark [William]. Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, to the Pa- cific ocean; performed in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806, by order of the government of the United States, containing delineations of the manners, cus- toms, religion, etc., of the Indians, compiled from various authentic sources, and original documents, and a summary of the statistical view of the Indian nations, from the official communication of Meri- wether Lewis. Illustrated with a map of the coun- try, inhabited by the Western tribes of Indians. 309p. Imap. Lond. Longman, 1809. L, P, S Counterfeit publication. Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark, to the source of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific ocean, performed dur- ing the years 1804-5-6... 2v. 6maps. Phil. Bradford, 1814. M, P, Pu, W Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. Travels to the source of the Missiouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. Made by the order of the government of the United States in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806 by Captains Lewis and Clark. Republished from the original records. 663p. 4maps. Q. Lond. Longman, 1814. M Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. . . 1804, 1805, and 1806. . . published from the official report. . . New ed. 3v. 6maps. Lond. Longman, 1815. M, P Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. . . 1804, 1805, and 1806. . . published from the official report. . . New ed. 3v. 6maps. Lond. Longman, 1817. P 100 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Miss- ouri, thence across the Rocky mountains, and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1804, 1805, 1806. . . [ed. by Nicholas Biddle], prepared for the press by Paul Allen, rev. by Archibald M'Vickar. 2v. Imap. tab. N. Y. Harper, [^8421. P, Pu, Wh Same. v. 2. 1868. Wu Same. 1876. M Same. 1901. S.Wu Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri river, . thence across the Rocky mountains and down the Columbia river to the Pacific ocean... 1804-5-6...; ed. by Elliott Coues. New ed. 4v. 2por. Smaps. 2 fac-sim. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1893. L, M, Mu, O, P, S, Sc, W, Wh, Wu Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Miss- ouri, thence across the Rocky mountains, and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1804, 1805, 1806, by order of the government of the United States; prepared for the press by Paul Allen; rev. and abridged by the omis- sion of unimportant details with an introd. and notes by Archibald M'Vickar. 2v. front, (fold, map, v.l). N. Y. Fowle, 1900. Sp Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Miss- ouri, across the Rocky mountains, down the Colum- bia river to the Pacific in 1804-6... 3v. 2por. 5maps. tab. N. Y. New Amsterdam b'k. co. 1902. P Reprint of the edition of 1814. Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark, 1904-5-6; reprinted from the edition of 1814; with introduction and index by James K. Hosmer. 2v. 2por. 6maps. Chic. McClurg, 1902. Mu, S, W. Wa Same. Ed. 2. 1903. M, P, S, Wa, Wu A CHECKLIST 101 Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Miss- ouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1904-5-6, by order of the govern- ment of the United States; a complete reprint of the Biddle edition of 1814, to which all the members of the expedition contributed with an account of the Louisiana purchase, by Prof. John Bach McMaster and notes upon the route, with illustrations and maps. 3v. 2por. Bmaps. N. Y. Barnes, 1904. S Lewis, [Mteriwether] and Clark [Williaml. History of the expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Miss- ouri, across the Rocky mountains, down the Colum- bia river to the Pacific, in 1804-6; a reprint of the edition of 1814 to which all the members of the ex- pedition contributed. 3v. por. fac-sim. maps. Toronto, Morang, n. d. L Lewis, [Meriwether] and Clark [William]. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804-1806; printed from the original manuscripts... ed.... by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 7v-f atlas, illus. 2por. 8pl. Slmaps. 6 fac-sim. N. Y. Dodd, 1904-5. P, S. Sc, Sp, Wu Same. v. 1-7, each in two parts, bound separately; v. 8, atlas. 25por. N. Y. Dodd, 1905. M Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, see Portland (Or.) Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, 1905. Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the Pacific Northwest, see Wright, E. W. editor. Lewis publishing company. Memoirs and genealogy of representative citizens of the city of Seattle and county of King, Washington, in- cluding biographies of many of those who have passed away. 773p. many portraits. Q. N. Y. Lewis, 1903. S, Wu Library association of Portland. Annual report. 5th-44th, 1869-1907. Portland, Or. Library assoc. 1869-1908. P Same. 5th-39th, 1869-1902. Wu The Library Association of Portland has the Dally Ore- gonian of March 6. 1865, which contains the first report. No reports were made between 1864 and 1869. 102 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Library association of Portland. Constitution and by-laws. 18p. Portland [Or.] Library assoc. 1864. P Library association of Portland. In memoriam Henry Failing, president of the Library association of Portland. 6p. n. p. [Library assoc. 18981. P Lighton, William Rlheeml. Lewis and Clark; Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. 159p. 2por. tab. Bost. Houghton, 1901. P, Pu, S, Sc, Wh Lindsey, Douglas. Alaska, a complete booK of reference and guide to Alaska, with three maps, the latest mining laws, and all necessary information in regard to outfits, dist- ances, rates of fare, etc. 24p. 1 fold. map. Stockton, Cal. Hummel, 1897. Wu Linn, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Relfe) and Sargent, Nathan. Life and public services of Dr. Lewis F. Linn... 441p. Ipor. Ipl. N. Y. Appleton, 1857. P Lisiansky, Urey. Voyage round the world in the year 1803, 4, 5, and 6; performed by order of his imperial majesty, Alex- ander the first, emperor of Russia, in the ship Neva. 388p. Ipor. 5pl. 8maps. sq. Q. Lond. Booth, 1814. L, S, Wu An important account of the Russian-American islands. Captain Lisiansky commanded tlie ship Neva which ac- companied the expedition under the general command of Captain Krusenstern of the ship Nadeshda. He win- tered at Kadiak Island and much of his narrative is de- voted to a description of native customs. List of books, California and the Pacific, in the library of Augustin S. Macdonald. 76p. Oakland, Enquirer pub. co. 1903. S Livingston Post, publisher. Livingston city directory, 1904-5-6. lOlp. Livingston, Mont. Livingston Post, n. d. Wu Lockman, John, translator. Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the world; particularly China and the East Indies. . . to which is now prefixed an account of the Spanish settlements in America... Ed. 2. 2v. illus. 5maps. n. p. Piety, 1762. P 103 A CHECKLIST London, Jack. wild. 231p. illus. N. Y. Grosset, [^903]. S, Wa Call of the wild. 231p. illus. N. Y. Grosset, [^9031. A story of the Klondike region. Lord, Mrs. Elizabeth (Laughlin). Reminiscences of eastern Oregon. 255p. 3por. lOpl. Portland, Or. Irwin, 1903. M, P, Wa, Wu Lord, John Keast. At home in the wilderness, what to do there and how to do it; a hand-book for travellers and emigrants. 323p. illus. Ipor. Lond. Hardwicke, 1867. L Same. Ed. 3. Lond. Hardwicke, 1876. P, S, Wu The author was at one time naturalist to the British North American boundary commission. In this book he .gives reminiscences and anecdotes of Walla Walla, Fort Colville and other places in the Pacific .Northwest. Lord, John Keast. Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 2v. llpl. Lond. Bentley, 1866." L. S, Wu Lord, William Rogers. First book upon the birds of Oregon and Washington. . . 304p. illus. pi. Portland, Or. Gill, 1902. S, W, Wh Lossing, Benson John and others. Countries of the western world; the governments and people of North, South, and Central America, from the landing of Columbus to the present time; pen and pencil pictures... of our republic... with... sketches of our continent beyond the states... 698p. illus. Ipor. 2pl. tab. N. Y. Interstate m'f'g. co. [^8901. P p. 322-334. Columbia river region. Low, Charles Rathbone, editor. Captain Cook's three voyages around the world, with a sketch of his life. 512p. illus. 31 pi. tab. Lond. Routledge, n. d. P Ludlow, Fitzhugh. Heart of the continent; a record of travel across the plains and in Oregon, with an examination of the Mormon principle. o68p. 2por. 8pl. tab. N. Y. Hurd, 1870. ^ Same. 1871. '^ 104 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Luigi, duke of the Abnizzi. The ascent of Mou|^ St Elias (Alaska) bv H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, duke of the Abruzzi. narrated by Filippo de Filippi. illustrated by Vittorio Sella and translated by Signora Linda Tillari, "srith the authors supervision. 240p. illus. Ipor. 37pl. 2niaps. Q. X. Y. Stokes, 118991. S, Wu Liitke, Feodor Petrovitch, Voyage autour du monde. execute par ordre de sa ma- jeste Tempereur Nicolas ler, sur la corvette Le Seniarine, dans les annees 1&2€. 1827, 1825 et 1829. . . partie historique. . . traduit du Russe par le con- seiller detat F. Boye. 2t. Ipl. Smaps. tab. Par. Didot. 183-5. P Lyman, Horace Slumner]. History of Oregon: the gro'wth of an Am erican state. Associate board of editors. H. W. Scott. C. B. Bell- inger and F. G. Young. 4v. 63por. 47pL lomaps. 2 fac. sim. N. Y. North Pacific pub. soc. 1903. O. P, Pu, S, W, Wa, Wh. W-j Lyman, Horace S.umner]. . . . Mile posts in the development of Oregon ; and, char- acteristics of Oregon as an American common- wealth... ■with a supplement... 22p. map. Ehigene. Or. University. 1898. (Bulletin of the Uni- versity of Oregon. Historical series, v.l. no. IK O. Wh. W-u Lyman, Wtilliaml Dlenison]. niustrated history of Walla Walla county, state of Washington. 510p. 40por. 7pl. Q. n. p. Lever. 1901. S. Wa. Wh M. E. J. Dayspring in the far west: sketches of mission work in northwest America. 215p. illus. Imap. Lond. Seeley. 1875. Wh McBeth, Kate C. Nez Perces since Lewis and Clark. 272r. 4por. r.pl. N. Y. Revell. 1^908]. P. S McCain, Charles W. compiler. History of the S. S. ■"Beaver"'; being a graphic and vivid sketch of this noted pioneer steamer and her ro- mantic cruise for over half a century on the placid island dotted waters of the North Pacific... 99p. 2por. fac. sim. Vancouver. B. C. Evans. 1894. L A CHECKLIST 105 McClellan, R. Guy. Golden state; a history of the region west of the Rocky mountains, embracing California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Washington territory, British Columbia, and Alaska, from the earliest period to the present time... with a history of Mormonism and the Mormons. 685p. illus. gr. of por. pi. 4maps. Phil. Flint, [^8721. S McClure, [Alexander Kelly). Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains. 456p. 2por. Ipl. Phil. Lippincott, 1869. M McConnel, John Ludlum. Western characters; or, Types of border life in the western states. 378p. 5pl. N. Y. Redfleld, 1853. P. S p. 585-r>n7. Columbia rlvor and Oregon. Macdonald, Duncan George Forbes. British Columbia and Vancouver's island. . . also an ac- count of the manners and customs of the native In- dians. 524p. tab. map. Lond. Longman, 1862. L, P, S Macdonald, Dluncanl G[eorge] Fforbesl. Lecture on British Columbia and Vancouver's island, delivered at the Royal United Service Institution, on March 27, 1863. 59p. Lond. Longman, 1863. L Macdowell, Lloyd W. Alaska Indian basketry. [16p]. illus. Seattle, Alaska steamship co. 1905. S, Wu Macdowell, Lloyd W. (The) totem poles of Alaska and Indian mythology. ri6p.] Seattle, Alaska steamship co. 1905. S, Wu McEvoy, Bernard. From the Great Lakes to the wide West; impressions of a tour between Toronto and the Pacific. 288p. 20pl. Toronto, Briggs, 1902. L Briti.sh Columbia. Macfarlane, James, editor. American geological railway guide, giving the geological formation at every railway station, with altitudes above mean tide-water, notes on interesting places on the routes, and a description of each of the forma- tions. . . Ed. 2. rev. enl. 426p. N. Y. Appleton. 1890. S Includos Idaho. Montana. Oregon and Washington. Macfie, Matthew. Vancouver Island and British Columbia: their history, resources and prospects. . . 574p. illus. Ipl. 2maps. l^ond. Longman. 1865. L, S, W. Wu 20g PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY MacGibbon, Mrs. Elma. Leaves of knowledge. 237p. Ipor. I Spokane, Shaw, •^1904]. P Sketches of travel in tue United States, mainly in the West. Macgregor, John. Commercial tariffs and regulations, resources, and trade, of the several states of Europe and America, together with the commercial treaties between Eng- land and foreign countries; part the sixteenth states of Mexico... 305p. tab. F. Lond. n. pub. 1846. P p. 123-232, deals with Oregon and Xorthwest America, Hudson's Bay company, etc. McKenney, L. M. and company. McKenney's Pacific coast directory for 1883-4... 1489p. San Fran. McKenney, 1882. S Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Reisen von Montreal durch Xord-westamerika nach dem Eismeer und der Siid-See in den jahren 1789 und 1793: nebst einer geschichte des pelzhandles in Canada. 585p. Hamburg, Hoffman, 1802. P Translation of his Voyages from Montreal . . . through the continent of North America. Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages dans I'interieur de I'Amerique septentrionale, faits en 1789, 1792 et 1793... tr. de I'Anglais par J. Castera. . . 3v. Ipor. 3 fold. maps. Par. Dentu, 1802. L Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans. . . 412p. Ipor. 3maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Cadell, 1801. L, P, S, W, Wu Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal through the continent of North America to the frozen and Pacific oceans in 1789 and 1793; with an account of the rise and state of the fur trade. 2v. Ipor. 2maps. N. Y. New Amsterdam b'k. co. 1902. M, P, Wu Mai> in pocket. McKonochie, A. Summary view of the statistics and existing commerce of the principal shores of the Pacific ocean... 365p. Imap. tab. Lond. Richardson, 1818. L, P, Wu A CHECKLIST ]^07 Macknight, Thomas. Thirty years of foreign policy; a history of the secre- taryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Pal- merston... 440p. Lond. Longman, 1855. P Includes Treaty of Washington and the Oregon question. Maclauries. Narrative, or journal of voyages and travels, through the northwest continent of America; in the years 1789 and 1793, by Mr. Maclauries. 91p. Ipl. Lond. Lee, 1802. g M'Lean, John. Notes of a twenty-five years' service in the Hudson's bay territory. 2v. Lond. Bentley, 1849. L, S, W Same. 2v. in 1. Lond. Bentley, 1849. P Maclure, Margaret C. History and folklore of the Cowichan Indians. 89p. illus. Victoria, B. C. Colonist, 1901. L McMurry, Charles Alexander. Pioneers of the Rocky mountains and the West. 248p. illus. maps. N. Y. Macmillan, 1904, [^8911. Wu Same. 1905. P, 3 Macnab, Frances. British Columbia for settlers; its mines, trade, and agriculture. 369p. 3maps. Lond. Chapman, 1898. L McNaughton, Margaret. Overland to Cariboo; an eventful journey of Canadian pioneers to the gold fields of British Columbia in 1862. 176p. illus. llpor. Toronto, Briggs, 1896. L M'Vickar, Archibald, see Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William. Maelen, [Philippe Marie Guillaume] van der. Carte de I'Amerique sept, le d'apres les meileurs ma- teriaux Bruxelles stablissement geographique. 141x111 cm. 4pts. Brussels, Vandermaelen, n. d. S Maguire, Amy Jane. Indian girl who led them, Sacajawea. 87p. Portland, Or. Gill, 1905. P, S. Sp, Wh Maguire, HCenry] N. The coming empire; a complete and reliable treatise on the Black Hills, Yellowstone and Big Horn regions. 177p. illus. 7pl. Sioux City, Watkins, 1878. M 108 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Mahan, John HI arvey], compiler. Mahan's supplement to Ballinger's codes and statutes of Washington, containing the general statutes and amendments to the codes enacted at the legislative sessions of 1899, 1901, and 1903, with notes of de- cisions of the supreme court from volume 16 to vol- ume 30, inclusive^ Washington reports. 780p. Q. San. Fran. Bancroft-Whitney co. 1903. S Mallandaine, EdwCardl. First Victoria directory. 53p. Victoria, V. I. Mallandaine, March 1860. L Same. Second issue. 82p. 1868. L Same. Third issue. 82p. 1869. L Same. Fourth issue. 95p. 1871. L Same. Fifth issue. 103p. 1874. L Mallandine, Edward. British Columbia directory, 1887. 308p. Victoria, B. C. Mollandine, 1887. L Manning, William Ray. Nootka sound controversy p. 281-478. Wash. Govt. 1905. (Reprinted from the annual report of the American Historical association, 1904). Wu An extremely valuable study. Bibliography, p. 472-478. Mantle, Mrs. Beatrice. Gret, the story of a pagan. Ipl. N. Y. Century, 1907. P Story of an Oregon lumber camp. Manual company, compilers. Voters' manual for Spokane county, state of Washing- ton, 1900. SOp. Spokane, Wereship, [19001. Wu A republican campaign document containing biographies and statistics. Manypenny, George W. Our Indian wards. 436p. Cin. Clarke, 1880. Wh, Wu Contains an account of the military operations in Montana in 1860-1870. Marchand, Etl^nne, see Fleurieu, C. P. Claret. Marcy, Randolph Bfarnesl. Border reminiscences. 396p. illus. 12pl. N. Y. Harper, 1872. P, Wu ch. 10 deals with the Northwest. Marcy, Randolph Bfarnesl. Prairie traveler; a handbook for overland expeditions with . . . itineraries of the principal routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific. . . 340p. illus. Ipl. Imap. tab. N. Y. Harper. 1859. P, S Same. 251p. Lend. Trutner, 1863. Wu A CHECK-LIST ^Qg Marcy, Randolph Barnes, Thirty years of army life on the border, comprising de- scriptions of the Indian nomads of the plains; ex- plorations of new territory; a trip across the Rocky mountains in the winter; descriptions of the habits of different animals found in the West, and the methods of hunting them; with incidents in the life . of different frontier men. 442p. iUus. 13pl. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1866. p Marks, A. compiler. Mercantile guide to cities an suburbs of the United States of America: Northwest and San Francisco edition, 1892. 163-|-224p. San Fran. Mercantile guide, ["^1890]. S, Wu Marshall, William I. History vs. the Whitman saved Oregon story; three essays toward a true history of the acquisition of the old Oregon territory. Chic. Blakely, 1904. M, P, S, Sc, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Marshall, William I. (The) Hudson's Bay company's archives furnish no sup- port to the Whitman saved Oregon story. 36p. Chic. Blakely, 1905. S, Sp, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Martin, Archer. (The) Hudson's Bay company's land tenures and the occupation of Assinihoia by Lord Selkirk's settlers. . . 238p. Ipor. 2maps. 2plans. Lnd. Clowes, 1898. L, Wu Has but slight direct bearing upon the Pacific Northwest, but is valuable in comiection with the history of the Hudson's Bay company. Martin, George Washington. How the Oregon trail became a road. 52p. 2por Salt Lake City, Deseret news, 1906. P Martin, RTobertl MContgomeryl. Hudson's Bay territories and Vancouver's island, with an exposition of the chartered rights, conduct, and policy of the hon'ble Hudson's Bay corporation. 175p. illus. Imap. Lond. Boone, 1849. L, P, S, W, Wu Mason, Allen C. Compendium of Information concerning the city of Tacoma and Washington territory. llOp. Portland, Or. Anderson, 1888. W. Wb I 210 PACIFIC XORTH\VEST HISTORY Masson, L. R. (Les) bourgeois de la compagnle, du Nord-Ouest, recits de voyages, lettres et rapports inedits relatifs au Nord-Ouest Canadian; publics avec une esquisse historique et des annotations. ser. 1. 2v. map. Quebec, Cot^, 1889. L Mayne, Riichardl Clharlesl. Four years in British Columbia and Vancouver island; an account of their forests, rivers, coasts, gold fields and resources for colonization. 468p. 18pl. Imap. Lond. Murray, 1862. S, Wu Mathies, H. G. compiler, see Oregon blue book. Mattoon, Charles Hiram. Baptist annals of Oregon. v.l. 464p. illus. Ipor. McMinnville, Or. Press of the Telephone register pub. CO. ["=1905]. P Maurelle, Francisco Antonio. Journal of a voyage in 1775, to explore the coast of America, northward of California, by the second pilot of the fleet, in the king's schooner, called the Sonora, and commanded by Don Juan Francisco de la Bodega. p. 471-538. Imap. tab. sq. Q. n. p. n. pub. n. d. P, S From the paging and notes, this appears to be part of a larger work, the name of which cannot be found. Mau- relle's journal is contained also in Barrington's Miscel- lanies, p. 469-534. Mazama; a record of mountaineering in the Pacific North- west, vol. 1, no. 1— vol. 3, no. 1, 1896— March, 1907. Portland, Or. 1896-1907. P, S, Wu Published irregularly by the Mazamas. "A club of moun- tain climbers." Seven numbers had been issued up to and including March. 1907. Maury, Mrs. Sarah Mytton (Hughes). Statesmen of America in 1846. 548p. Lond. Longman, 1847. P, S Same. 261p. Phil. Carey, 1847. Wu An English woman's views, giving considerable attention to Oregon. Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war-path; or. The royal chief in chains. . . 700p. 8por. 12pl. Bost. Dale, 1875. P Meacham, A. B. Wine-ma (the woman-chief) and her people. 168p. 6por. 8pl. Hartford, Amer. pub. co. 1876. P, S A CHECKLIST 111 Meany, Edmond Sltephenl. Indian geographic names of Washington. 20p. Seattle, Hyatt-Fowells school, 119081. Wu Meany, Edmond SltephenJ. Vancouver's discovery of Puget sound; portraits and biographies of the men honored in the naming of geographic features of northwestern America. 344p. front. (por.) 23por. 13pl. 4maps. N. Y. Macmillan, 1907. P, S, Sc, Sp, W, Wa, Wu [Meany, Edmond Stephen, editor \. Art work of the state of Washington. [122] p. pi. F. Oshkosh, Wis. Art photogravure co. 1900. S, Wu Mainly composed of full paged plates, but a few pages of text are scattered through the liook. Meares, John. Authentic copy of the memorial to the Right Honour- able William Wyndham Grenville... dated 30th April, 1790, and presented to the House of commons, May 13, 1790, containing every particular respecting the capture of the vessels in Nootka sound. 65p. Lond. Debrett, [17901. L Meares, J[ohn]. Collection de cartes geographiques, vues, marines, plans et portraits... traduits de I'Anglais par J. B. L. J. Billecocq. . . Ipor. 19pl. Splans. Imap. sq. Q. Par. Buisson, 1795. L, Wu Plate 2 missing. Evidently this is the atlas volume of the 4 volume French edition of Meares. See next entry. Meares, John. Voyages de la Chine a la cote nord-ouest d'Am^rique, faits dans les annees 1788 et 1789; pr6ced6s de la relation d'un autre voyage execute en 1786 sur le vaisseau le Nootka, parti du Bengale; traduits de FAnglais par J. B. L. I. Billecocq. 4v. Ipor. 17pl. lOmaps, V.4. sq. F. Par. Buisson, 1795. L, P Translation of his Voyages made in the years 1788-1789, from China to the northwest coast of America. Meares, John. Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the northwest coast of America... twithl obser- vations on the probable existence of a northwest passage... 3r2p. Ipor. 15pl. lOmaps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Walter, 1790. L, P. S. Wu Same. 2v. 4pl. 9maps. Lond. Walter, 1791. P, W. Wu 112 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Meeker, Ezra. (The) ox team; or, The old Oregon trail, 18521906... 248p. illus. Ipor. Omaha, Meeker, [19061. S, Sp Same. Indianapolis, Meeker, [19061. P Same. Ed. 4. 2maps. N. Y. Meeker, 1907. M Meeker, Ezra. Pioneer reminiscences of Puget sound, the tragedy of Leschi. An account of the coming of the first Amer- icans and the establishment of their institutions; their encounters with the native race; the first treaties with the Indians and the war that followed; seven years of the life of I. I. Stevens in Washington territory; cruise of the author on Puget sound 50 years ago; Nisqually house and the Hudson Bay co. . . 554p. illus. 15por. lOpl. 2 fac. sim. Seattle, Lowman, 1905. P, S, Sp, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Meeker, E[zra]. Washington territory west of the Cascade mountains, containing a description of Puget sound and the rivers emptying into it. . . 52p. Olympia, W. T. Transcript office, 1870. S, Wu Meeker, Ezra. Who named Tacoma? Address by Ezra Meeker, to the Washington historical society, at Tacoma, January 22, 1904. 8p n. t-p. n. p. n. pub. n. d. S, Wu Melish, John. Geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous countries, including Mexico and the West Indies; intended as an accompaniment to Melish's map of these countries. New ed. 507p. 12maps. tab. Phil, Author, 1822. P p. 417-424. Western territory. p. 426-427. British possessions ; Western territory. Mercantile guide, see Marks, A. Merriam, George S. Life and times of Samuel Bowles. 2v. N. Y. Century, 1885. Wu V. 2, p. 1-15. Visit to the Pacific coast. Methodist Episcopal church. Puget Sound annual conference. Journal of the Puget Sound annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, twelfth session held at Seattle, Washington, Sept. 4-9, 1895. 69p. Ipor. Kent, Wash. Fulmer, (1895?]. Wu A CHECKLIST jjg Middleton, Christopher. Reply to the remarks of Arthur Dobbs, Esq. on Capt. Middleton's vindication of his conduct on board his majesty's ship the Furnace, when sent in search of a northwest passage by Hudson's Bay to the west- ern American ocean. 192+93p. Lond. Brett, 1744. p Miles, Nelson A. Personal recollections and observations; or, From New England to the Golden Gate... 591p. illus. Chic. Werner, 1896. Wh, Wu Chapters 30-34 treat of the history of OregOD, Washing- ton, and Alaska. Miller, Cincinnatus Heine. Life amongst the Modocs; unwritten history. 400p. Lond. Bentley, 1873. S, "Wu Same. With title Unwritten history; life amongst the Modocs... 445p. Ipor. 23pl. Hartford, Amer. pub. co. 1874. P Miller, Cincinnatus Heine. Memorie and rime. N. Y. Funk, 1884. P p. 43-140. In Oregon. Miller, Cincinnatus Heine. My own storJ^ 253p. 8pl. Chic. Clarke, 1890. P Covers Modoc war. Miller, G. W. Battle of Walla Walla. 8p. [AValla Walla, Walla Walla union, 19051. Sp Miller, Joaquin, pseudonym, see Miller, Cincinnatus Heine. [Miller, Wallace J.l Trip along the Columbia river, from British Columbia to the sea, with numerous illustrations by the author and from photographs, to which are appended brief sketches of several important cities and towns along the river in Oregon and Washington. 142p. n. p. n. pub. 1890. S Miller, Wallace J. see Pacific publishing company. Mills, David. Canadian view of the Alaskan boundary dispute... in an interview with the correspondent of the Chicago Tribune on the 14th August, 1899. 23p. Ottawa, Govt. 1899. L —8 JJ4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Milton, [William Wentwortii Fitzwilliam], viscount. History of the San Juan water boundary question, as afEecting the division of territory between Great Britain and the United States... 446p. 2maps. Lond. Cassell, 1869. L, P, S, W, Wu Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, viscount and Cheadle, W. B. Northwest passage by land ... an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploring a route across the continent to British Co- lumbia through British territory, by one of the north- ern passes in the Rocky mountains. 397p. 22pl. Imap. Lond. Cassell, [pref. 1865]. P Same. Ed. 6. 400p. 23pl. Imap+lmap in pocket. Lond. Cassell, [18651. Wu Same. Ed. 7. 394p. 8pl. Imap. Lond. Cassell, [18651. L, S Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Mitchell's new map of Texas, Oregon and California, with the regions adjoining, [with! accompaniment. 46p. Imap. F. Phil. Mitchell, 1846. P, S, Wu -The interesting map marks the emigrant route to Oregon and shows the extreme limits of the Oregon territory. Mitchell's reference and distance map of the United States; accompaniment. . . 324p. tab. Phil. Mitchell, 1834. P Moberly, Walter. Rocks and rivers of British Columbia. 104p. pi. illus. map. Lond. Blacklock, 1885. L Mock, [Horace] J. and Pace, J. W. "~ The Montana blue book; a biographical, historical and statistical book of reference. 184p. illus. Helena, Journal pub. co. 1891. M Mofras, [Eugene] Duflot de. Exploration du territoire de I'Oregon, des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille, executee pendant les annees 1840, 1841 et 1842... 3v. 12pl. ISmaps. tab. v. 3, F6. Par. Bertrand, 1844. P, S, W V. 3 Is the atlas. Same. v. 2, only. Wu Mohr, N. (Ein) streifzug durch den nord-westen Amerikas; fest- fahrt zur Northern Pacific-bahn im herbste 1883. 394p. Ber. Oppenheim, 1884. P A CHECKLIST 116 I Mdllhausen, Baldwin. Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to the coasts of the Pacific. . . [1853-54] with an introd. by Alexander von Humboldt; tr. by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2v. illus. 19pl. Imap. Lond. Longman, 1858. P, S Monette, John Wesley. History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi, by. . . Spain, France and Great Britain, and the subsequent occupation, settlement and extension of civil government by the United States until the year 1846. 2v. 2pl. Smaps. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1848. P V. 2, ch. 17. Extension of the federal union west of the Mississippi. . .A. D. 1803 to 1846. This Includes Lewis and Clark exploration and emigration. Monroe, L. G. City of Spokane. 21p. front, illus. (Reprinted from the New England magazine, Oct. 1905). Sp Montague, Richard Ward. Digest of the decisions of the Supreme court of Oregon, volumes 1 to 43, inclusive... 972p. San. Fran. Bancroft, 1905. P Oregon index digest covering all decisions after vol. 43, Supreme court; it supplements Montague's digest. 15p. St. Paul, Keefe, 1906. Montana. Historical society. Contributions to the historical society of Montana. V. 1-6, 1876-1907. Helena, Mont. v. pub. 1876-1907. M, Mu, W, Wu Same. v. 4. 326p. Helena, Mont. Independent pub. CO. 1903. S Montana. Historical society. Library. Catalogue, also the report of the librarian for the years 1891-92, being the first biennial report and catalogue. 128p. Helena, Mont. Wells, 1892. Mu Montana. Republican state convention. Proceedings... April 12, 1904, together with a short history of the republican party since admission as a state. 22p. n. p. n. pub. n. d. S Montana. Society of the framers of the constitution. First reunion, Helena, Montana, Saturday, November 8, 1890. 25p. n. t. p. Mu Same. Second reunion, 1891. 202p. Indianapolis, Baker-Randolph, n. d. Mu I 116 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Montana. University. Bulletins No. 1-53. Missoula, Mont. 19011908. Mu Montana agricultural college science studies. v. 1, nos. 1-3. I39p. illus. Ipl. Bozeman, Montana agricul- tural college, 1904-5. S Xo. 1, Nov. 1. 1004. Blankinshlp. J. W. Century of botanical exploration in Montana. Xo. 2, Feb., 1905. Blankinship. J. W. Supplement to the flora of Montana. Xo. 3, May. 1905. Blankinship, .T. W. Common names of Montana plants. Montana bar association. Proceedings from its organization, January 8, 1885, to January 14, 1902, with addresses, obituaries, consti- tution, list of officers, members, etc. edited by Ed- ward C. Russel, secretary. 447p. 19por. Helena, Mont. State pub. co. n. d. Mu Montana; its climate, soil, scenery, resources and indus- tries. 32p. N. Y. 1883. Wh [Montanus, Arnold]. America; being the latest and most accurate descrip- tion of the new world, containing the original of the inhabitants and the remarkable voyages thither, the conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru. . . collected... by John Ogilby. . . 2v. illus. 6por. 32pl. 20maps. F5. Lond, Author, 1671. P Quoted by Bancroft for Straits of Anian. Moore, O. M. compiler. Washington illustrated, including views of the Puget sound country and Seattle, the gateway of the Orient, with glimpses of Alaska. [113p.] illus. Seattle, Puget sound bureau of information, [19011. Wu An album of views alternating with description. Morice, A[drienl GTabriell. History of the north interior of British Columbia, form- erly New Caledonia [1660 to 18801. Ed. 2. 349p. illus. ITpor. 2 gr. of por. 9pl. Imap. Toronto, Briggs, 1904. S, Wu Same. Ed. 3. 368p. Toronto, Briggs, 1905. L A CHECKLIST ^^-^ Morrell, Benjamin. Narrative of four voyages to the South sea. north and south Pacific ocean, Chinese sea, Ethiopic and south- ern Atlantic ocean, Indian and Antarctic ocean, from the year 1822 to 1831. . . to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the author's early life. 492p. Ipor. N. Y. Harper, 1832. p Morris, Charles. Heroes of discovery in America. 344p. 12pl. Phil. Lippincott, 1906. S, P p. 329-337. Saving of Oregon and the adventures of Dr. Whitman. Morris, Mjs. Ida Dorman. Pacific coast vacation. 2por. 67pl. Lond. Abbey press, ['^lOOl]. P Same. With but one portrait. Wu Morris, Mrs. James Edwin, see Morris, Mrs. Ida Dorman. Morris, William Gouverneur. Report upon the customs district, public service, and resources of Alaska territory. 163p. lOpl. Imap. Wash. Govt. 1879. W, Wu Issued as Senate Executive document. No. 59, 45th Con- gress, 3rd session. Morse, Jedidiah. Report of the secretary of war of the United States, on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour per- formed in the summer of 1820... for... ascertain- ing. . . the actual state of the Indians in our country. 400p. Imap Ipl. New Haven, Converse, 1822. S, Wu This valuable report seems not to have been issued as a government document. It is Important as showing the knowledge at that time of the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. The author was the father of S. F. B. Morse of telegraph fame. Moseley, HCenry] NTottidge]. Oregon; its resources,- climate, people and productions. 125p. Imap. tab. Lond. Stanford, 1878. L, P, S, Wu Moser, Jefferson F. Salmon and salmon fisheries of Alaska. . . 178p. illus. 61pl. 2 fold. maps. Q. Wash. Govt. 1899. Wu Same in Bulletin of U. S. Fish Commission for 1S98. p. 1-178. 118 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY [Mountain, George Jehoshaphatl. Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a visit to the church missionary societj^'s northwest America mis- sion... Ed. 2. 166p. 4pl. Imap. Lond. Seeleys, 1849. S Mountain, George Jehoshaphat. Songs of the wilderness; being a collection of poems written in some different parts of the territory of the Hudson's Bay company and in the wilds of Canada, on the route to that territory in the spring and sum- mer of 1844... 153p. 4pl. Lond. Rivington, 1846. P Mowry, William ATugustusl. Marcus Whitman and the early days of Oregon. . . 341p. 2por. 5pl. 2maps. N. Y. Silver, [^9011. M, P, Pu, S, W, Wh, Wu Mowry, William ACugustus]. Territorial growth of the United States; our title to Oregon. Imap. (Reprinted from the Magazine of American historj% v. 16, p. 333-341, October, 18861. W, Wu Mowry, William Alugustusl. Territorial growth of the United States. 237p. 13maps. tab. N. Y. Silver, 1902. P, Wh, Wu p. 112-163. Oregon, p. 164-176. Alaska. Mowry, William A[ugustus] and Mowrj-, A[rthur] MEayl. American heroes and heroism. 223p. illus. X. Y. Silver, [^9031. S, Wh Contains a chapter on the work of Father Eells and Whitman College, p. 176-81. Mowry, William ALugustus] and Mowry, BLlanchel S. American pioneers. 363p. illus. N. Y. Silver, [^9051. Wh Contains some of the history of Oregon in the account of the lives of J. A. Sutter, A. L. Lovejoy and P. H. Bur- nett, p. 187-215. Mudge, Z. A. Missionary teacher; a memoir of Cyrus Shepard, em- bracing a brief sketch of the early history of the Oregon mission. 221p. N. Y. Carlton, ['1848]. Wh A CHECKLIST j-^g Muir, John, editor. Picturesque California: the Rocky mountains and the Pacific slope, California, Oregon, Nevada, Washing- ton, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming... 3 v. illus. pi N. Y. Dewing, [^8881. g p. 193-218, Alaska ; p. 265-288. Washington and Puget Sound ; p. 385-414, Basin of tlie Columbia river ; p. 415- 420, Montana. Mullan, John. Miners and travellers' guide to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado via the Missouri and Columbia rivers... 153p. Imap. N. Y. Franklin, 1865. M, P, S, Wu Mullan, John. Report on the construction of a military road from Fort Walla Walla to Fort Benton. 363p. lOpl. 4maps. tab. Wash. Govt. 1863. P, S. Wu Miiller, Gerhard Friedrich. Voyages et decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la merblaciale & sur I'ocean oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers I'Amerique; on y a joint, L'histoire du fleuve Amur et des pays adjacens, depuis la conquete des Russes; avec le nouvelle carte qui presente ces decouvertes & le cours de I'Amur, dressee sur des memoires authentiques, pub- liee par I'Academie des Sciences de St. P6tersbourg, & corrig6e en dernier lieu: ouvrages traduits de I'AUemand. . . par C. G. F. Dumas. 2v in 1. 388+207p. Imap. Amsterdam, Rey, 1766. P, S Translated into English under the title, Voyages from Asia to America. Miiller, [Gerhard Friedrich]. Voyages from Asia to America for completing the dis- coveries of the northwest coast of America, to which is prefixed, a summary of the voyages made by the Russians on the frozen sea, in search of a northeast passage; tr. from the high Dutch... by Thomas Jefferys. 43+76p. 3maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Jeffreys, 1761. L. P. S, Wu Same. Ed. 2. 120p. 1764. S Translated into French under the title, Voyages et de- couvertes faites par les Russes. Edition 2 contains also a history of Kamtchatka. l^Q PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Munoz, Juan Bautista. Historia del nuevo-mundo. v. 1. 364p. Ipor. Imap. Q. Madrid, LaVinda de Ibarra, 1793. P No more published. Munson, Lyman E. Montana as it was, and as it is. 23p. New Haven, Yale review, Aug. 1899. M Murray, Hugh. Historical and descriptive account of British America. . . 3v. illus. 3pl. 6maps. Edin. Oliver, 1839. S, Wu Volume 3 contains considerable material upon the Hudson's Bay company and their work in the region of the Colum- bia valley. Murphy, John Mortimer. Rambles in northwestern America from the Pacific ocean to the Rocky mountains. 364p. Imap. Lond. Chapman, 1879. L, P, S, W Murphy, John Mortimer, compiler. Qregon business directory and state gazetteer. . . first year of publication. 382p. illus. 5pl. Portland, Or. McCormick, 1873. S Murphy, John Mortimer, compiler. Oregon hand-book and emigrant's guide. 136p. 4pl. tab. Portland, Or. McCormick, 1873. P Murphy and Harned, compilers. Puget Sound business directory, and guide to Washing- ton territory, 1872; comprising a correct history of Washington territory, and a condensed but compre- hensive account of her agricultural, commercial and manufacturing interests, climatology, mineralogy, in- habitants, natural advantages and industries, to- gether with a complete and thorough directory of Olympia, Steilacoom, Seattle, Port Madison, Port Gamble, Port Ludlow, Port Townsend, and every town and hamlet on Puget Sound. First year of pub- lication. 71-|-[123]p. Olympia, Murphy and Harned, ["=1872]. S Murray, Hugh. Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America. . . with observations on emigration. 2v. Imap. Lond. Longman, 1829. P, S Narrative of the negotiations occasioned by the dispute be- tween England and Spain, in the year 1790. 307p. L n. t. p. A CHECKLIST jg^ Nash, Wallis. Farm, ranch and range in Oregon. 32p. illus. Salem, Or. Lewis and Clark centennial exposition commission for the state of Oregon, 1904. Wu Nash, Wallis. Oregon; there and back in 1877. 285p. illus. lOpl. Imap. Lond. Macmillan. 1878. L, P, S, Wu Nash, Wallis. Settler's hand-book to Oregon. tab. Portlnad, Or. Gill, 1904. p, s, Wu Nash, Wallis. Two years in Oi'egon. 8pl. tab. N. Y. Appleton, 1882. L, P, S. W, Wh. Wu Navigator: directions for navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi rivers,... with an appendix containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, as discovered by the voyage under Capts. Lewis and Clark. Ed. 11. 28maps. tab. Pitts. Cramer, 1821. P Nebraska. State commission to Lewis and Clark expo- sition. Report. 81p. 5por. 5pl. tab. Fremont, Neb. Hammond, 1905. P New map of the state of California, the territories of Ore- gon and Utah, and the chief part of New Mexico. n. p. n. pub. [^1850]. P New York (state). Lewis and Clark exposition commission. New York at the Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. 127p. 9por. 7pl. tab. sq. Q. Albany, Brandow pr. co. 1906. P Nicolay, CLharlesl GLrenfelll. Oregon territory; a geographical and physical account of that country and its inhabitants, with outlines of its history and discovery. 226p. illus. Ipl. Imap. tab. Lond. Knight, 1846. L, M, P, S, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Same. 157p. Lond. Renny, 1880. L Nicolay, Charles Grenfell. Proposal to establish a missionary college on the north- west coast of British America, in a letter to the Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone... 28p. Lond. Saunders, 1853. L. S Vancouver Island. Nicolet, John, see Butterfield, Willshire. 222 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Nixon, Oliver WLoodsonl. How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon... illus. Spor. 8pl. Imap. Cliic. Star pub. co. 1895. L, M, Mu, O, P, Pu, S, Wa, Wh, Wu Nixon, O [liver] WToodson]. Whitman's ride through savage lands with sketches of Indian life. 186p. 4por. 12pl. [Chic.] Winona pub-, co. 1905. P, Sp, Wu Nordhoff, Charles. Communistic societies of the United States. . . illus. 2por. 14pl. Imap. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1875. P, S, Wu p. 305-323. Aurora (Oregon) community. Nordhoff, Charles. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands. 256p. illus. Ipor. 2maps. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1874. P, S, Wu North American transportation and trading company. Alaska and the gold fields of Nome, Golovia Bay, Forty IVIile, the Klondike and other districts. 136p. illus. [Seattle], N. A. T. and T. co. [1900?]. Wu North Pacific history company, covipilers. History of the Pacific northwest: Oregon and Washing- ton . . . also biographies of the earliest settlers ... of the Pacific northwest. . . 2 v. illus. por. sq. F. Portland, North Pacific history co. 1889. O. P, S, Sp, W, Wa, Wh, Wu North Pacific publishing company. North Pacific almanac and statistical hand-book for 1890, containing valuable information about Oregon, W^ashington, Idaho, Alaska, and British Columbia; compiled from the latest and most reliable re- sources. Ed. 2. 224p. Portland, Or. Steel, 1890. Wh [Northern Pacific railroad]. Great Northwest: a guide-book and itinerary for the use of tourists and travelers over the lines of the North- ern Pacific railroad, the Oregon railway and naviga- tion company and the Oregon and California rail- road. . . 370p. illus. Ipl. Imap in pocket. ' St. Paul, Riley, 1886. Wu Same. 390p. St. Paul, Northern news co. 1888. S -Same. 439p. St. Paul, Riley, 1889. Wh A CHECKLIST 123 Northern Pacific railroad. Official guide for the use of tourists and travelers over the lines of the Northern Pacific railroad and its branches... 442p. illus. St. Paul, Riley, ["=1897]. S Northwest boundary: discussion of the water boundary question: geographical memoir of the islands in dis- pute: and history of the military occupation of San Juan island... 270p. 2 fold. maps. Wash. Govt. 1868. L, Wu Northwest coast of America, being results of recent eth- nological researches from the collections of the Royal museums at Berlin; published by the directors of the ethnological department: trans, from the Ger- man. 12p. 13pl. F. N. Y. Dodd, n. d. L Northwest homeseeker and investor, piihlisher. Inland empire, and what it comprehends, together with a sketch of the principal cities and surrounding coun- try. . . 67p. illus. Q. Spokane, Northwest homeseeker and investor, 1905. Sp Northwest mining association. Proceedings of the first annual convention, held at Spo- kane, Wash. October 2d and 3d, 1895. 76p. [Spokane, Wash. Published by the assoc, 18961. Wu Notice sur le territoire et sur la mission de I'Oregon, suivie de quelques lettres des soeurs de Notre-Dame etablies a Saint Paul du Wallamette. 180p. Imap. Bruxelles, Bibliotheque d'education, 1847. P O'Connor, Mary Hamilton. (The) "vanishing Swede"; a tale of adventure and pluck in the pine forests of Oregon. 209p. illus. Ipl. N. Y. Cooke, 1905. P, S Odell, Mrs. W. H. Semi-centennial offering to the members and friends of the Methodist Episcopal church, Salem, Oregon. 109p. 14por. Portland, Or. Swope, 1884. VTh Odd fellows, Independent order of. Grand lodge of Oregon. Proceedings of the. . . annual communication. . . 1871-73. tab. Salem, Or. 1872, '71-73. P Ig4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Official guide to the Klondike country and the gold fields of Alaska, with official maps. 296p. illus. Imap. Chic. Conkey, 1897. S Official papers relative to the dispute between the courts of Great Britain and Spain on the subject of the ships captured in Nootka sound . . . with the proceedings in both houses of Parliament on the king's message; to which are added the report of M. de Mirabeau, and the subsequent decrees of the national assembly of France on the family compact. lOOp. Lond. Debrett, n. d. L, P, S Ogilvie, William. ' Information respecting the Yukon district from the re- ports of Wm. Ogilvie, Dominion land surveyor, and from other sources. 65p. lOpl. 3maps. Ottawa, Govt, printing bureau, 1897. S, Wu Ogilvie, William. (The) Klondike official guide, Canada's great gold field, the Yukon district. 153p. illus. Ipl. Q. - Toronto, Hunter, 1898. S' Ogilvie, William. Lecture on the Klondike mining district, delivered at Victoria, British Columbia, November 5th, 1897. 14p. Victoria, B. C. Wolfenden, 1897. W O'Hara, Edwin V. Dr. John McLoughlin; the Father of Oregon. 22p. Bait. n. pub. 1908. P Reprinted froQi The Catholic University Buletln. vol. 14, no. 2. Old South leaflets. [General series]. 7v. Bost. Directors of the Old South work [1896-19051. O, P, S, W"u v. 6. no. 131. r»iscovery of the Columbia river, 1iy E. G. Porter. V. G. no. !?>",. Seward's address on Alaska. Olympia, (Wash.). Chamber of commerce. Olympia, the capital city of the state of Washington. 62p. illus. Olympia, Recorder, n. d. Wh Olympia, (Wash.). Chamber of commerce. Resources and industries of Olympia and Thurston county, state of Washington. 16p. illus. Olympia, Crosby, 1898. Wu A CHECKLIST ^g Olympia, (Wash.)- Charters. Charter and ordinances. 103p. Olympia, Cavanaugh 1886. W, Wu Same. 261p. Olympia, Washington Standard, 1891. Wu Same. 424p. Olympia, Blankership-Satterlee co. 1904. Wu Olympia, (Wash.). First Presbyterian church. History of the organization and directory of worship. . . 1854-1904. r30p.] illus. n. p. n. pub. n. d. Wu Omen, Maris. Sketches from Alaska. 63p. illus. n. p. Reprinted from the Chicago Record, 1897. Wu Onderdonk, James L. Idaho; facts and statistics concerning its mining, farm- ing, stock-raising, lumbering, and other resources and industries... 150p. San Fran. Bancroft, 1885. Wu Ontario. Department of agriculture. Dominion of Canada; comprising the provinces of Prince Edward island. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia, north- west territories: a handy book for emigrants. 2pl. Imap. tab. Ottawa, Dept. of agriculture, 1880. P Oregon. Constitutional convention, 1857. Journal of the constitutional convention of the state of Oregon, held at Salem, commencing August 17, 1857, together with the constitution adopted by the people, November 9, 1857. 130p. Salem, Or. Byars, 1882. W Oregon. Lewis and Clark centennial exposition commis- sion. Report. 6op. 2por. 39pl. tab. Q. Salem. State printer, 1906. P Oregon. University. General register of the officers and alumni, 1873-1904. lOOp. [Eugene, Or.] University, 1904. P Oregon. University. In memory of Thomas Condon, born March 3, 1822, died February 11, 1907. 64p. 2por. Ipl. [Eugene, Or.] University, June, 1907. O, Wu Published as University of Oregon Bulletin, n. s. v. 4, no. 8, June, 1907. 126 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Oregon. University. Mineral resources and mineral industrj- of Oregon for 1903, compiled by the department of chemistry. 112p. 4pl. Imap. tab. Eugene, Or. University, 1904. P Oregon. University. Report to the 10th-24th legislative assemblies, 1878-1907 for the period July 1, 1876- June 30, 1879; July 1, 1881-Xov. 1, 1906. Salem, State printer, 1876-1906. P Oregon. Woman's relief corps. Proceedings, 1885-1888, 1892, 1894-1904, 1906-1907. V. p. V. pub. 1885-88, 1892, 1894-1904, 1906-7. P Bound in 2v. Oregon bar association. Proceedings at the lst-3rd, 10th-13th annual meetings held at Portland, Oregon, 1891-93, 1900-03. Portland, Or. v. pub. 1891-93, 1904. P Oregon blue book, 1895, describing the Oregon state gov- ernment, Oregon legislators and prominent men... compiled from official sources by H. G. Mathies. Sold by subscription only. 190p. illus. Ipor. Portland, Or. Mathies, 1895. Wu Oregon; facts regarding its climate, soil, mineral and agri- cultural resources, means of communication, com- merce, and industry, laws, etc. 46p. Post. Rand, 1880. Wh (Das) Oregon-gebiet, "der rechtstitel der Verein. Staaten klar und unbestreitbar" ; offizielle correspondenz des Brittischen bevoUmachtigten ministers in Washing- ton und des staatssecretars der Vereinigten Staaten (uebersetzung). 114p. Bremen, Schunemann, 1846. P Oregon historical society. Proceedings. v. 1-7, 1899-1905. Salem, Or. v. pub. 1900-1906. Wu Same. v. 3. 1901. Wa The years 1902, 1903, 1904 and 190.5 are bound together. Oregon historical society. Quarterly. v. 1-8, March, 1900-June, 1908. O, P, S, Wu Same. v. 1-6. Wa Savie. V. 1-4, 8. Pu Oregon immigration board. (The) New empire, Oregon, Washington, Idaho. 126p. Q. Portland, Or. Baltes, [18891. Wu A CHECK-LIST 127 Oregon immigratiou board. Pacific northwest, its wealth and resources; Oregon, Washington, Idaho; the city of Portland. 158p. illus. Ipl. Portland, Or. Oregon immigration board, [1891]. S Oregon; its resources, soil, climate and productions. 47p. Jacksonville, Or. Oregon sentinel, 1871. \Vh Oregon journal; 5th anniversary number, September 8, 1907. 96p. illus. por. maps. F4. Portland, Or. Journal, 1907. P, S [Oregon mining journal publishing company.] Mining laws of Oregon... Ed. 2. tab. Grants Pass, Or. Mining journal pub. co. 1902. P, S Oregon native son, devoted to the history, industries and development of the original Oregon... May, 1899- Apr. 1901. v. 1-2. illus. por. tab. [Portland, Or.] Native son pub. co. 1899-1901. O, P Same. Lacking the number for April, 1901. S, Wu Same. v. 1. Pu Oregon pioneer association. Constitution and quotations from the register... [with Transactions of the annual reunion, 3rd-14th]. por. tab. Salem, Or. Waite, 1875-87. O. P, S, Wu Oregon pioneer association. Transactions, lst-19th, 21st-34th, 1873-1891, 1893-1906. n. p. n. pub. 1875-1907. Wa, Wu Same. 1873-1891, 1894, 1900-1905. P Same. 1876-1886. O Same. 1873-1891, 1893-1899. Pu Same. 1876-1878, 1880-1884, 1889-1891, 1893-1904. Wh V.20, 1892, has not been issued. Oregon railroad and navigation company. Eastern Washington territory and Oregon: facts re- garding the resources, productions, industries, soil, climate, healthfulness, commerce and means of com- munication. . . particularly describing the prolific Palouse country and Powder river valley. . . 48p. fold. map. [Farmington, W. T. O. R. & X. 18881. Sp Oregon railroad and navigation company. Restful recreation resorts of the Pacific northwest, where they are and how to reach them... 48p. Illus. map. Portland, Or. Oregon railroad and navigation co. 1903. S Igg PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Oregon state medical society. Proceeding of annual meetings, 2nd-6th, 1875-79. tab. Portland, Or. Himes, 1876-79. P Proceedings of 2n(i annual meeting contain constitution and by-laws of the society. Oregon state pharmaceutical association. Proceedings of the 4th annual meeting, 1894. 115p. Portland, Or. Longshore printing co. 1894. P Oregon territory, consisting of a brief description of the country and of the habits and manners of the native Indian tribes. . . 78p. Imap. Lond. Nattali, 1846. P, S, Wh Oregon; the cost, and the consequences, "Sic vos non vobis," by a disciple of the Washington school. , 14p. Phil. n. pub. 1846. S Oregonian, The. Hand-book of the Pacific northwest. 631p. illus. tab. Portland, Or. Oregonian pub. co. ["=1894]. O, P, Pu, Sc, Wu Oregonian, The. Souvenir. 1850-1892. 200p. illus. maps. tab. ob. F. Portland, Author, 1892. P Oregonian and Indian's advocate; our object, the elevation of the Indian race — our means, a Christian settle- ment in Oregon. Imap. tab. v. 1, nos. 1-11. Oct. 1838-Aug. 1839. Bost. Oregon provisional emigra- tion soc. 1838, 1839. S Same. v. 1, nos. 1, 5; Oct. 1838, Feb. 1839. P Organic and other general laws of Oregon, the. . . 1843-1872, [compiled and annotated by Matthew P. Deady and Lafayette Lanel. 922p. n. p. Eugene, Or. Semple, state printer, 1874. Wu Ornes, Fred, compiler. The Yakima directory. 40p. North Yakima, (Wash.). R^ublic print, 1901. Wu Outram, James. In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 447p. Ipor. 3maps. N. Y. Macmillan, 1905. Pu, S Pace, John W. and Mock, H. J. The Montana blue book. A biographical, historical and statistical book of reference. 184p. illus. Helena, Mont. Journal publishing co. 1891. M Pacific clipper line. Seattle to the Nome gold coast. 44p. illus. [Seattle], Richardson, February, 1900. Wu A CHECKLIST jgg Pacific coast association of fire chiefs. Proceedings of the annual convention, 8th-10th, 1900- 1902. n. p. n. pub. n, d. ' -^u Pacific coast business directory for 1867... 568p. tab. San Fran. Langley, 1867. p 3 Pacific coast steamship company. Alaska excursions, season, 1901. 12p. illus. [San Fran.?] Pacific coast steamship co. May 1, 1901. Wu Pacific coast steamship company. All about Alaska. 64p. illus. 4pl. San Fran. Pacific coast steamship co. 1894. Wu Pacific northwest; information for settlers and others. Ore- gon and Washington Territory. 32p. Imap. N. Y. Rankin, 1883. W Pacific Northwest immigration board. (The) Pacific Northwest, its wealth and resources, Ore- gon, Washington, Idaho. 128p. illus. pi. Portland, Or. Pacific Northwest immigration board, n. d. Wu Pacific publishing company. Southwestern Washington; its topography, climate, re- sources, productions, manufacturing advantages, wealth and growth, with illustrated reviews of the principal cities and towns and pen sketches of their representative business men, also biographical sketches of prominent state, county and municipal officials. 210p. Q. illus. Olympia, Wash. Pacific pub. co. 1890. W, Wu Compiled by Wallace J. Miller. Pacific railway report, see United States — war department. Pacific tourist, see Williams, Henry T. editor. Pague, B. S. Mild temperature of the Pacific Northwest and the infiuence of the "Kuro Siwo." lip. 3 charts. Portland, Or. Weather bureau print. 1899. W Paliadino, Lawrence B. Indian and white in the Northwest; or, A history of Catholicity in Montana, with an introduction by the Riglit Reverend John B. Brondel... 411p. 55por. 90pl. Imap, Ifacsim. Baltimore, Murphy, 1894. M, Wu —9 130 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Palliser, John, see Great Britain. Parliament. Papers relative to the exploration by Captain Palliser. Palmer, Frederick. In the Klondyke, including an account of a winter's journey to Dawson. 218p. pi. N. Y. Scribner's, 1899. S Palmer, H. Spencer. Report of a journey of survey from Victoria to Fort Alexander, via North Bentinck Arm. oOp. New Westminster, Royal engineer press, 1863. L Palmer, Joel. Journal of travels over the Rocky mountains, to the mouth of the Columbia river; made during the years 1845 and 1846... descriptions of the valleys of the Willamette, Umpqua, and Clamet; a general descrip- tion of Oregon territory. . . tab. Cin. James, 1847. P Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. editor. Early western travels, v. 30. 311p. Cleveland, Clark, 1906. L, M, P, Pu, S, W Same. Separate publication from Early western travels. S, Wh Palmer, W^m. Harry. Pages from a seaman's log; being the first eighteen months of the cruise of H. M. S. Warspite, in the Pacific. 64p. Victoria, 1891. L Has material on the Northwest coast. Pandosy, M[ar]ie C[har]les. Grammar and dictionary of the Yakama language . . . tr. by George Gibbs and J. G. Shea. 59p. Q. N. Y. Cramoisy press, 1862. S, Sp Papers relating to the treaty of Washington; Washington arbitration and general appendix. . . v. 6. Imap. tab. Wash. Govt. 1874. P Parker, Henry W. Dr. Marcus Whitman, pioneer missionary to Oregon. 5p. n. pub. n. d. Wh Parker, Henry W. How Oregon was saved to the United States. lOp. [N. Y. Funk], 1901. Wh Reprinted from Homiletic review, July, 1901. A CHECK-LIST jg^j Parker, Henry W. Rev. Samuel Parker, missionary to Oregon, 1835. 6p. n. p. n. pub. 1895. Wh Parker, Samuel. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky moun- tains under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. per- formed in the years 1835, '36, and '37... 317p. Ipl. Imap. Ithaca, Author, 1838. M, P, Sp, Wu Same. Ed. 2. 384p. Ipl. Imap. Ithaca, Author, 1840. L, P, Pu Same. Ed. 3. 408p. Ipl. Imap. Ithaca, Mack. Mu, P, Wa, Wh Same. Ed. 4. 416p. Ithaca, Andrus, 1844. W, Wh, Wu Savie. Ed. 5. 422p. illus. Imap. Auburn, Derby, 1846. P, S, Wh Same. Edin. Chambers, 1841. p Parkman, Francis. Half-century of conflict. 2v. Bost. Little, 1894. Mu, Wu Same. Bost. Little, 1899. S V. 2. Verenclrc. Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail; sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. Ed. 4. rev. 381p. Bost, Little, 1872. P Same. Ed. 6. 381p. Bost. Little, 1880 [=18721. P Same, illus. Bost. Little, 1892. P Same. Ed. 8. 381p. Bost. Little, v. d. M, Mu, S, Sc, Pu, W, Wu Same, illus. 8pl. Bost. Little, 1904 [n9001. P Parkman, Francis. Prairie and Rocky mountain life; or, The California and Oregon trail. Ed. 3. 448p. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, 1852 [^849]. P Published also under the title, Oregon trail. Parrish, Randall. Great plains; the romance of western American explora- tion, warfare, and settlement, 1527-1870. Ed. 2. 399p. 5por. 27pl. Chic. McClurg, 1907. P. S, Wu Gives explorations and fur trade. Parry, Sir William Edward. Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north- west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; per- formed in the years 1821-22-23, in his majesty's ships Fury and Hecla. . . 464p. Ipl. N. Y. Duyckinck, 1824. W 132 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Parry, Sir William Edward. Journal of a third voyage for the discovery of a north- west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, per- formed in the years 1824-25 in his majesty's ships Hecla and Fury. 186-|-151p. illus. 6pl. 4maps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Murray, 1826. P Parry, Sir WLilliam] ELdwardl. Three voyages for the discovery of a northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole. 2v. Ipor. Ipl. N. Y. Harper, 1868, [^8401. Wu Paterson, Arthur. The daughter of the Nez Perces. 2v. Lond. Bentley, 1894. Wu A novel based upon incidents in the life of Cliief Josepli. Pemberton, J. Despard. Facts and figures relating to Vancouver island and British Columbia. . . 171p. 4maps. tab. Lond. Longman, 1860. L, M, O, P, S Penrose, John. Lives of Sir Charles Vinicombe Penrose and Captain James Trevenen. 301p. 2por. Lond. Murray, 1850. Wu p. 185-202. Captain Trevenen on board the Resolution and Discovery with Captain Cook on his last voyage round the world. Peron. Memoires, sur ses voyages aux cotes d'Afrique, en Arable, a I'ile d'Amsterdam, aux lies d'Anjouan et de Mayotte, aux cotes Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique, aux lies Sandwich, a la Chine, etc. 2v.in 1. 3pl. Smaps. Par, Brissot-Thivars, 1824. L Perouse, see La Perouse. Perrine, F. A. C. Power plants of the Pacific coast. [24p.] Q. illus. N. Y. N. Y. electrical society, 1902. Wu A paper read before the 220th meeting, .Tan. 15, 1902. Transactions of the N. Y. electrical society, No. 7. Peters, DeWitt C. Kit Carson's life and adventures. 604p. 7por. 28pl. Hartford, Dustin, 1874. P Peters, DeWitt C. Life and adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky mountains... 534p. Ipor. 9pl. N. Y. Clark, 1858. P Same. 1859. Wu A CHECK-LIST ^qq Petitot, fimile. Quinze ans sous le cercle polaire: Mackenzie, Anderson, Youkon. 322p. illus. lOpl. map. Par. Dentee, 1889. L Pettit, John. Speech of Hon. John Pettit, of Indiana, on the bill to establish a territorial government in Oregon, deliv- ered in the House of Representatives, Jan. 14, 1847. 8p. Wash. Blair, 1847. Sp Phelps, Thomas Stowell. Reminiscences of Seattle, Washington territory, and the U. S. sloop-of-war "Decatur," during the Indian war of 1855-56; ed. by Alice Harriman. 48p. Seattle, Alice Harriman co. 1908. P, S Reprinted from the first series of United Service Magazine. Reprinted also in United Service, series 3, vol. 2, p. 464- 505 (November, 1905). Wu Picturesque Seattle. 62p. illus. Seattle, Eshelman, [^9011. S Pierce, Frank, covipiler. Pierce's code; a compilation of all the laws in force in the State of Washington, including the regular and extraordinary sessions of 1901. 1689p. Seattle, Tribune printing co. 1902. S, Wu Pierce, W. H. Thirteen years of travel and exploration in Alaska . . . 223p. 1 illus. Lawrence, Kan. Journal pub. co. 1890. Wu Pierce county pioneer association. Commemorative celebration at Sequalitchew Lake, Pierce county, Washington, July 5th, 1906... lOlp. 14por. 4pl. Imap. [Tacoma, Wash. n. pub. 19061. S, Sp, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Pierrepont, Edward. Fifth avenue to Alaska . . . with maps by Leonard, Forbes, Beckwith. 339p. 4maps. N. Y. Putnam, 1884. Wu Same. Ed. 3. 1885. S Pike, Warburton. Barren grounds of Northern Canada. 300p. map. Lond. Macmillan, 1892. L 134 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Pike, Warburton. Through the subarctic forest; a record of a canoe jour- ney from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly lakes and down the Yukon river to the Behring sea. 295p. illus. Ipl. 2maps. Lond. Arnold, 1896. L, S Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Account of expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi, and through the western parts of Louisiana. . . 2774-65+53+87p. Ipor. 6maps. tab. Phil. Conrad, 1810. L, P Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Expeditions. . . to headwaters of the Mississippi river, through Louisiana territory, and in New Spain, dur- ing the years 1805-6-7, ed. by Elliott Coues. New ed. 3v. Ipor. 6maps. Ifacsim. tab. N. Y. Harper, 1895. L, P, S Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Exploratory travels through the western territories of North America... 436p. 2maps. sq. Q. Lond. Longman, 1811. P Savie. 394p. Ipor. 4maps. tab. sq. Q. Denver, Lawrence, 1889. P Pike, Z[ebulon] Mfontgomeryl. Pike's expeditions; journal of a voyage, to the sources of the Mississippi in the years 1805 and 1806. 277-l-65+52-f87p. 2pl. n. t. p. S, W Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Athapascan languages. 125p. Wash. Govt. 1892. (Smithsonian institution, bureau of ethnology). Wu Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (including the Chinook jargon). 81p. illus. Wash. Govt. 1893. (Smithsonian institution, bureau of ethnology). Wu Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Salishan languages. 86p. Wash. Govt. 1893. (Smithsonian institution, bureau of ethnology). S, Wu Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Wakashan languages. 70p. Wash. Govt. 1894. (Smithsonian institution, bureau of ethnology). Wu A CHECK-LIST -^35 Pinart, [Louis] Alphonse. Voyage a la cote nord-ouest d'Am^rique, d'Ounalashka a Kadiak (lies Aleoutiennes et p6ninsule d'Aliaska). 24p. Imap. Par. Delagrave, 1874. p Extrait du BuUotin de la Societe de g<5ographle, D6cembre, 1793. Piper, Charles V. Flora of the state of Washington. 637p. front. 19pl. 3maps (1 fold, in pocket). Wash. Govt. 1906. (Smithsonian institution. U. S. national museum. Contributions from the U. S. national herbarium. V. 11). S, Sp, W, Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Alaska-Yukon gazetteer and business directory, 1902, 1903. 1905 06. Seattle, Polk, 1902-1905. S, Wu Same. 1907-08. Seattle, Polk, 1907. S Polk, R. L. and company. Anaconda city directory, v. 5, 1905. 364p. Helena, Mont. Polk, 1905. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Bozeman city directory and Gallatin county directory. V. 3, 1904-05. 384p. Helen^,, Mont. Polk, 1904. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Butte city directory, v. 20, 1906. 915p. Butte, Mont. Polk, 1906. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Chonteau county directory, v. 2, 1905-06. 319p. Helena, Mont. Polk, 1905. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of Adams county, Washington, 1906. 120p. Seattle, Polk, 1906. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of Lewis county, Washington, 1904. 149p. Seattle, Polk, 1904. ^'u Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of Lincoln county, Washington, 1906. 201p. Seattle, Polk, 1905. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of North Yakima and Yakima county, Wash- ington, 1905-06. 195p. Seattle, Polk, n. d. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of Skagit county, Washington, 1903, 1905-06. Seattle, Polk, 1903-1905. Wu 136 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Polk, R. L. and company. Directory of Whitman county, Washington, 1904. 381p. Seattle, Polk, 1904. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Everett city directory and Snohomish county directory, 1894-95, 1901-02, 1906. Tacoma and Seattle, Polk, 1894-1906. Wu Same. 1904. Seattle, Polk, [19031. S Polk, R. L. and companj'. Grays Harbor and Chehalis county directory, v. 1-2, 1903-04, 1905. Tacoma and Seattle, Polk, 1903-1905. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Great Falls and Cascade county directory, v. 3-4, 1904- 05, 1906. Great Falls, Mont. Polk, 1904, 1906. Wu V. 3 published by R. L. Polk & Co. and W. T. Ridgley. Polk, R. L. and company. Helena city directory, v. 17, 1906. 554p. Helena, Mont. Polk, 1906. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Idaho state gazetteer and business directory, v. 2, 1903- 04. 697p. St. Paul, Minn. Polk, 1903. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Kalispell city directory and Flathead county directory. V. 1, 1901-02. 386p. Helena, Mont. Polk, 1901. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Kootenai county [Idaho] directory, v. 1, 1905. 123p. Seattle, Polk, 1905. Wu Bound with Shoshone county (Idaho) directory. Polk, R. L. and company. Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory, v. 14, 1904-05. 3223p. St. Paul, Minn. Polk, 1904. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Missoula and Hamilton city directory and Missoula and Ravalli county directory, 1903 4. 512p. Imap. Missoula, Mont. Missoulian, [1906?]. IWu Polk, R. L. and company. Olympia city and Thurston county, [Washington], direc- tory. V. 1, 1902-03. 339p. Tacoma, 1902. S, W, Wu Same. v. 2. Seattle, 1904. W Same. v. 3. Seattle, 1906. W,Wu Same. v. 4. Seattle, 1907. S, W A CHECK-LIST 137 Polk, R. L. and company. Oregon and Washington gazetteer and business direc- tory, 1901-1908. 4v. n. p. Polk, [n901-1906]. P Same. 1903-1908, 3v. [Portland, Or.] Polk, <=1903-1906. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Oregon, Washington and Alaska gazetteer and busi- ness directory, 1901-1902. 1248p. n. p. Polk, [n901]. S, W Same. 1903-04 n. p. Polk, 1903. W Same. 1905-06. Seattle, Polk, 1905. W Polk, R. L. and company. Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer and business directory, v. 4-5, 1889-90, 1891-92. Portland, Or. Polk, 1889-1892. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Portland city directory, v. 42, 1904. 1236p. Portland, Or. Polk, 1904. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Salem city and Marion county directory, 1905. Portland, Or. Polk, [^9041. P Polk, R. L. and company. Seattle city directory, 1889, comprising an alphabeti- cally arranged list of business firms and private citi- zens — a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits — a miscellaneous directory, city and county officers, public and private schools, churches, incor- porated institutions, secret and benevolent societies, Seattle, Polk, [^8891. Wu S.Wu S. Wu S, Wu S, W. Wu S, Wu S.Wu S S, Wu S, Wu S, Wu S, Wu S.Wu S.Wu S.Wu S.Wu S.Wu S.Wu S.Wu etc. . . . V. 1. 574p. Same. V. 2. 1890. Same. V. 3. 1891. Same. V. 4. 1892. Same. V. 5. 1893 94. Same. V. 6. 1894-95. Same. V. 7. 1895-96. Same. V. 8. 1897. Same. 12th year. 1898. Same. 13th year. 1899. Same. 14th year. 1900. Same. 15th year. 1901. Same. 16th year. 1902. Same. 17th year. 1903. Same. 18th year. 1904. Same. 19th year. 1905. Same. 20th year. 1906. Same. 21st year. 1907. ■\me. 22nd year. 1908. 138 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Polk, R. L. and company. Shoshone county [Idaho] directory, v. 1, 1905. 98p. Seattle, Polk, 1905. Wu Bound with Kootenai county (Idaho) directory. Polk, R. L. and company. Spokane city directory, 1890, '92, '95-1908. 15v. fold. maps. Spokane, Polk, 1890 1908. Sp Same. 1904, 1907. Spokane, Polk, 1904-1907. Wu Polk, R. L. and company. Tacoma city directory, v. 3, 1890. 704p. Tacoma, Polk, 1890. Wu Same. 1901, 1908. S Polk, R. L. and company. Walla Walla city and county directory, 1905. 270p. Seattle, Polk, 1905. Wu Polk, R. L. and company and Parker, J. C. Bellingham city directory, v. 4-6, 1904-1906. Bellingham, Wash. Polk and Parker, 1904-1906. Wu Polk, R. L. and company and Parker, J. C. Whatcom city and county directory, 1903-04. 430p. Whatcom, Wash. Polk and Parker, 1903. Wu Contains directory of Fairhaven. Same. Whatcom city directory, 1903-04. 1904. S Poole, Francis. Queen Charlotte islands; a narrative of discovery and adventure in the north Pacific; ed. by John W. Lyn- don. 347p. 3pl. 2maps. tab. Lond. Hurst, 1872. L, P, S [Portland, Oregon J. Address from the people of Oregon and Washington ter- ritory to the congress of the United States, showing the reasons why liberal appropriations should be made for the improvement of the navigation of the Columbia and Willamette rivers. 14p. tab. n. p. n. pub. [18811. P Portland (Or.). Board of park commissioners. Report of the park board 1904, with report on a system of parks and boulevards, by Olmstead bros... (re- printed from the park report of 1903). 84p. 6pl. n. p. n. pub. [19041. P Portland (Or.). Board of public schools. Annual report of the superintendent, lS74-'92, no. 1-19. 2v. illus. tab. Portland, Or. 1884-92. P A CHECK-LIST ^gg Portland (Or.). Board of trade. Annual report, with statistics showing Oregon's exports, trade and commerce for the year ending July 1, 1877, Sep. 24, 1883— Sep. 29, 1889. Portland, v. pub. 1877, 1883-1889. p [Portland (Or.). Chamber of commerce]. Oregon and its resources. 32p. illus. n. p. n. pub. n. d. g n. t. p. [Portland (Or.). Chamber of commerce]. Portland guide book: general guide to the city, mis- cellaneous information and street map. 96p. Imap. Portland, Or. Mclsaac, ['19021. S Portland (Or.). Chamber of commerce. What to see and how to see it; land book and guide, containing valuable information about Portland and vicinity... 128p. illus. fold. map. Portland, Or. Multnomah printing co. 1905. S, Wu Portland (Or.). Charter board. Proposed charter of the city of Portland ... to be voted on at election in June, 1902. 168p. Portland, Schwab, n. d. P Approved, filed and became the law Jan. 2.3. 190.3. Portland (Or.). Common council. Charter of the city of Portland, street and fire depart- ment laws, ordinances, regulations, etc. 1872. 83p. Portland, Or. Walling, 1872. Wu Portland (Or.). Common council. Rules of order and charter of the city of Portland, 1874. 12p. Portland, Or. Walling, 1874. Wu Portland (Or.). Common council. Charter of the city of Portland, together with the gen- eral ordinances, table of grades and rules of order. . . 1879. 241+40p. Imap. tab. Portland. Or. Common council, 1879. P Portland (Or.). Common council. Charter and general ordinances in force March 1, 1884, laws of paid fire department and table of city grades, of the city of Portland, 1884. 437p. tab. Portland, Or. 1884. P 140 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Portland (Or.). Common council. Charter of the city of Portland, and general ordinances, in force September, 1886, together with rules of or- der of the common council and police and fire depart- men laws and table of city grades. 672p. tab. Portland, Or. Common council, 1886. P Portland (Or.). Common council. Laws and ordinances of the city of Portland, Ore gon; comprising the rules and order of business of the common council, rules and regulations govern- ing the police and paid fire departments; charter of the city. . . together with chronological indexes of ordinances passed by the common councils of Port- land, East Portland and Albina from the date of the incorporation of said cities up to the date of this publication; rev. comp. . . by W. T. Hume. 1332p. Portland, Or. Common council, 1892. P Portland (Or.). Common council. General ordinances of the city of Portland, Oregon (in force January 2d, 1905). 678p. tab. Portland, Or. Common council, 1905. P, Wu Portland (Or.). Fire department. Souvenir, Portland fire department, published in the in- terests of the firemen's relief fund. 304p. illus. F. Portland, Or. Irwin-Hodson co. 1905. Wu Portland (Or.). Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, 1905. Official catalogue of the Lewis and Clark centennial and American-Pacific exposition and oriental fair, Port- land, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. 160p. illus. fold. map. Portland, Or. Hess, [19051. Wu Portland (Or.). Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, 1905. Committee on congresses. Program, organization and addresses, Lewis and Clark educational congress, Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, 1905. 121p. [Portland, Or. Anderson, 1905?]. S, Wu Portland (Or.). Library association, see Library associa- tion of Portland. Portland (Or.). Young men's christian association. First annual report. [1869-69]. 28p. Portland, Or. Himes and Daly, 1869. Wu Portland (Or.) directory, 1864-1908. P 1864-1881, published by McCormick. 1882-1884, published by Gill. 1885-1908, published by Polk. A CHECK-LIST 141 Portlock, Nathaniel; Voyage round the world; but more particularly to the northwest coast of America; performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Char- lotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon... 384 + 40p. 2por. 13pl. Smaps. tab. sq. Q. Lond. Stockdale, 1789. L, P, S, W, Wu Portlock, [Nathaniel] and Dixon [George]. Voyage round the world in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, performed in the King George, commanded by Captain Portlock; and the Queen Charlotte, com- manded by Captain Dixon; under the direction of the incorporated society for the advancement of the fur trade. 151p. Ipl. Lond. Randal, 1789. L Portlock, Nathaniel and Dixon, George. Reis naar de Noord-West kust van Amerika gedaan In de jaren 1785, 1786, 1787 en 1788. 265p. 9pl. Imap. Amsterdam, Schalekamp, 1795. L Portrait and biographical record of Portland and vicinity, Oregon. 883p. 149por. sq. Q. Chic. Chapman pub. co. 1903. P Poussin, GLuillaume] T[ell]. Question de I'Oregon, 1846. lOOp. Par. Coquebert, 1846. S Powell, Lyman P[ierson], editor. Historic towns of the western states. 702p. illus. N. Y. Putnam, 1901. (American historic towns). M, P, S, Sp Contains chapters on Spokane and Portland. Presbyterian church. Synod of Washington. Minutes of the synod of Washington, vol. 1, no. 8 to vol. 2, no. 2, 1897-1901. v. p. v. pub. 1897-1901. Wu Prize essay and poem of the literary institute, Victoria, V. L on the beauties of the scenery as surveyed from Beacon Hill. 15p. Victoria, V. I. IMclVIillan, 1868. Wu The essay is signed by E. T. Coleman and the poem by W. H. Parsons. Progressive men of the state of Montana. 1886p. 201por. Ipl. Q. Chic. Bowen, n. d. Mu Prosch, Charles. Reminiscences of Washington territory; scenes, inci- dents and reflections of the pioneer period of Puget sound. 128p. Ipor. 2pl. Seattle, n. pub. 1904. O, P, S, W, Wa, Wh, Wu 14,2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Prosch, Charles, compiler. See Washington pioneer association. Transactions. Prosch, Thomas W. David S. Maj'nard and Catherine T. Maynard; bio- graphies of two of the Oregon immigrants of 1850. . . 80p. illus. Seattle, Lowman, 1906. P, S, W, Wu Prosch, Thomas W. Dr. D. S. Maynard, the pioneer physician of Seattle. 6p. por. (Reprinted from Northwest Medicine, V. 2, no. 4, 1904). S, W, Wu Prosch, Thomas W. General McCarver named Tacoma. Address by Thomas W. Prosch to the Washington historical society, at Tacoma, October 4, 1905. (In Meeker, Ezra. Who named Tacoma? p. 4-8). S, Wu Prosch, Thomas W. McCarver and Tacoma. 198p. illus. 2por. Seattle, Lowman, 1906. O, P, S, W, Wa, Wh, W^u Prosser, William Farrand. History of the Puget Sound country; its resources, its commerce and its people... 2v. por. pi. Q. N. Y. Lewis publishing co. 1903. S, W Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Oregon. Proceedings of annual convocation, 1881-87, 28th-34th. tab. Portland, Or. Swope, 1881-87. P Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Oregon and Washington. Proceedings of annual convocation, 1854-80, 2nd-27th. 2v. tab. V. p. V. pub. 1854-80. P Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Washington. Proceedings of the annual convocation, lst-24th, 1881- 1904. 2v. V. p. V. pub. 1881-1904. Wu From 1893-1904. 13th-24th, limited to the missionary juris- diction of Olympia. Puter, Stephen A. Douglas and Stevens, Horace. Looters of the public domain... embracing a complete exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States . . . 495p. illus. por. tab. Q. Portland, Or. Portland print, house, 1908. P A CHECK-LIST j^g Ralph, Julian. Our great west; a study of the present conditions and future possibilities of the new commonwealths and capitals of the United States. [478p]. illus. Ipl. N. Y. Harper, 1893. O, S Ranck, Glenn N. Pictures from Northwest history. 38p. Vancouver, Wash. Independent print. 1902. Wu A series of eleven disconnoctod sketches covering various phases of Pacific Northwest history. Written by an ex-sergeant of Co. G of the Washington volunteers. Rathburn, J. C. History of Thurston county, Washington. 131p. Olympia, Wash. 1895. W, Wu Rattan, Volney. West coast botany, an analytical key to the flora of the Pacific coast, in which are described over eighteen hundred species of flowering plants growing west of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade crests, from San Diego to Puget Sound. 221p. illus. San Fran. Whitaker, 1898. . S Rattray, Alexander. Vancouver island and British Columbia, where they are; what they are; and what they may become: a sketch of their history, topography, climate, re- sources, capabilities, and advantages, especially as colonies for settlement. 182p. 3pl. 2maps. Lond. Smith, 1862. L. S, Wu Rawlings, Thomas. Confederation of the British North American provinces; their past history and future prospects, including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay territory; with a map and suggestions in reference to the true and only practicable route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. 240p. 4pl. 1 fold. map. Lond. Low, 1865. L, Wu Two of the plates give full page views of Victoria, B. C. Raymer, Charles D. Raymer's dictionary of greater Seattle, an encyclopaedic dictionary of the state of Washington, U. S. A. in general and the city of Seattle in particular. 128p. illus. map. Seattle, Raymer. [^9071. S, Wu 144 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Raymer, Charles D. Raymer's dictionary of Spokane, an encyclopaedic-dic- tionary of the state of Washington, U. S. A. in gen- eral and the city of Spokane in particular. 152p. illus. map. Spokane, Raymer, [^906]. S, Wu Raymond, Rossiter WCorthingtonl. Mining industry of the states and territories of the Rocky mountains, including descriptions of quartz, placer, and hydraulic mining; amalgamation concen- tration; smelting, etc. 550p. illus. pi. maps. N. Y. Ford, 1874. S Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. Statistics of mines and mining in the states and terri- tories west of the Rocky mountains. 805p. illus. 4pl. tab. Wash. Govt. 1870. P Same. 519p. illus. 7pl. 2maps. tab. Wash. Govt. 1877. P [Read, John B.l, editor. Montana, its progress and prosperity, resources and in- dustries, opportunities for homeseekers and capital- ists; mining, stock raising, agriculture, horticulture, 82p. illus. Imap. St. Louis, Mo. Curran. d. n. g. Mu Redfield, Edith Sanderson. Verses. 58p. Bost. Published for the author by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard co. [^907]. S, Wu Mt. Rainier, p. 9-16 ; changing the site of the University of Washington, p. 39-40. Reed, Henry E. compiler. Oregon, a story of progress and development, together with an account of the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition to be held in Portland, Oregon, from June first to October fifteenth, nineteen hundred five. 96p. illus. Portland, Or. Bushong & co. printers, 1904. S, Wu Regnault, filias [Georges Soulange OlevaJ. Histoire des Antilles... Suite des fitats-Unis, par Elias Regnault et Jules Labaume; Possessions Anglaises dans I'Amerique du Nord. . . par Frederic Lacroix; Les Californies, I'Oregon et les possessions Russes en Amerique... par Ferdinand Denys. . . Ipor. 27pl. Imap. Par. Didot, 1849. P, S A CHECK-LIST 145 Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1792, para reconocer el esrecho de Fuca; con una introduccion en que se da noticla de las expediciones executadas anteriormente por los Espanoles en busca del paso del noroeste de de la America. 2v. 8pl. 9niaps. tab. v. 2, F. Madrid, Imperenta Real, 1802. L,P Complete copy. Same. Atlas (v. 2). 6pl. 3por. 3maps. Gplans. n. p. n. pub. 1802. S Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Reso- lution and Discovery, in search of a northerly pass- age from Kampschatka to England, after the death of Capt. James Cook; with reasons to imagine that those ships have wintered in Siberia, Nova Zembla, or Lapland... 48p. Lond. Bew, 1780. L Review of the principal proceedings of the parliament of 1784. 178p. Lond. Edwards, 1792. S p. 112-122, Xootka Sound. Ricbardson, Albert D[eanel. Beyond the Mississippi; from the great river to the great ocean; life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast. . . 1857 1867. 572p illus. 14pl. Imap. Hartford, Amer. pub. co. 1867. L, Mu, F, S, Wu Richardson, Albert D[eane]. Our new states and territories, being notes of a recent tour of observation through Colorado, Utah. Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Montana, Washington territory and California. Illustrated from sketches and photo- graphs, taken on the spot, of towns, mining opera- tions, persons, incidents, scenery, etc. 80p. illus. N. Y. Beadle, [^8661. S. Wu Ridgley printing company. Montana's capitol dedicated at Helena, Montana, July 4. 1902. unp. illus. Ipor. n. p. Ridgley, n. d. S Right Reverend John B. Brondel, bishop of Helena, a memorial. 54p. 4por. Ipl. Helena. Mont. State pub. co. 1904. Wu Roberts, Edwards. Shoshone and other western wonders... 275p. illus. 22pl. N. Y. Harper, 1888. P, S. Wu —10 146 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Roberts, Morley. Western Avernus; or, Toil and travel in further North America. 307p. Imap. Lond. Smith, 1887. L, O, S Same. New ed. 277p. Ipor. 22pl. Imap. Westminster, Constable, 1896. E iRobertson, James Rood. ■(A) paper upon the development of civil government in Oregon . . . 43p. Forest Grove, Or. Thompson, 1899. P, Wu Robertson, Wyiadham. Oregon, our right and title, containing an account of the condition of the Oregon territory. . . together with a statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. . . 2034-24p. Imap. tab. Wash. n. pub. 1846. P Robinette, Allen M. Facts about Cape Nome and its golden sands. . . 64p. illus. Seattle, Cape Nome information and supply bureau, [19001. Wu Robinson, HLenry] Mlartinl. 'fireat fur land; or, Sketches of life in the Hudson's bay territory. 348p. illus. N. Y. Putnam, 1879. P, Wh, Wu Same. Lond. Low, 1879. L iRoby, Charles W. Portland postofflce, its history and growth. 88p. illus. tab. Ob. T. Portland, [Baltesl, 1889. P Roche, A. R. View of Russian America in connection with the present war. 70p. Montreal, Lovell, 1855. P Rogers, Thomas H. Nehalem, a story of the Pacific, A. D. 1700. 182p. Ipor. 2pl. McMinnville, Heath, ["^1898]. P Rohrabacher, C. A. compiler. Seattle spirit, a chronological history of Seattle, U. S. A. with chronological illustrations. 104p. illus. Q. Seattle, Rohrabacher, [1907?!. S Rollins, Alice Wellington. From palm to glacier, with an interlude: Brazil, Ber- muda, and Alaska. 145p. 13 pi. N. Y. Putnam, 1892. Sp A CHECK-LIST ^^.j- Rolph, Thomas. Emigration and colonization; embodying the results of a mission to Great Britain and Ireland, during the years 1839, 1S40, 1841 and 1842; including a cor- respondence with many distinguished noblemen and gentlemen, several of the governors of Canada, etc.; descriptive accounts of various parts of the British American provinces, with observations, statistical, political, etc. 376p. Lond. Mortimer, 1844. P p. 320-326, Orogon. Ronan, Peter. Historical sketch of the Flathead Indian nation from the year 1813-1890... SOp. 4por. Spl. Helena, Mont. Journal pub. co. Ipref. 18901. :M, P, S, Wu Roquefeuil, Camille de. Journal d'un voyage autour du monde pendant les anness 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819. 2v. 2maps. v. 1, Par. Ponthieu; v. 2, Par. Lesage, 1823. L, S Same. English ed. 112p. Lond. Phillips, 1823. L Includes material on Northwest Coast of North America. Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the West. 4v. maps. N. Y. Putnam, 1894-96, ['1889-961. Mu, O, W Same. 6v. N. Y. Putnam, 1900. Wu [Rosalia (Wash.). Chamber of commerce!. On the battle ground, Rosalia, Wash. 32p. illus. . [Spokane, Inland printing co. 1905?]. Wu Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Colum- bia river; being a narrative of the expedition fitted .out by John Jacob Astor to establish the 'Pacific Fur Company"; with an account of some Indian tribes on the coast of the Pacific. 3.52p. Imap. Lond. Smith, 1849. L, M, P, S, W, Wh. Wu Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, v. 7. Cleveland, Clark, 1904. L, M, P, Pu, S Ross, Alexander. Fur hunters of the far west; a narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky mountains. 2v. Ipor. 2pl. tab. Lond. Smith, 1855. M. P, S, W, Wu Ross, Sir John. Memoir of the celebrated Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern. . . tr. from the German by his daugh- ter, Madame Charlotte Bernhordi... 75p. Ipor. Lond. Longman, 1856. L 148 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a second voj'age in search of a northwest passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829-33... including the reports of James Clark Ross and the discovery of the northern magnetic pole. 740+120+144p. Ipor. 44pl. 6maps. tab. sq. F. Lond. Webster, 1835. P -Same. Par. Baudry, 1835. P Ross, Sir John. Voyage of discovery made under the orders of the ad- miralty in his mapesty's ships Isabella and Alexander for the purpose of exploring Baffin's bay and inquir- ing into the probability of a northwest passage. 2v. Ipl. 2maps. Lond. Longman, 1819. W Rossi, L. Six ans en Amerique, Californie et Oregon... Ed. 2. 322p. 2maps. Par. Dentu, 1863. P, S Published also under the title Souvenirs dun voyage en Oregon et en Californie. Rossi, L. Souvenirs d'un voyage en Oregon et en Californie. 322p. 2maps. Par. Martin-Beaupre, 1864. P Published also under the title Six ans en Amerique Cali- fornie et Oregon. Ruble, pseudonym. Rambles in the United States and Canada during the year 1845, with a short account of Oregon. 259p. Ipl. Lond. Ollivier, 1846. S, W, Wh Sayne. Ed. 2. Lond. Ollivier, 1847. P Saine. 259p. Ipl. Lond. Clarke, 1846. Wu The plate in the Clarke edition differs from the one in the Ollivier edition. Behind the protection of a nom de plume, our British trav- eler here proceeds to roast America and the Americans in a most amusing, though sarcastic fashion. Ruffner, Wfilliaml Hlenryl. Report on Washington territory. 13pl. 5maps. tab. N. Y. Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern railway, 1889. P, S, Sp, W, Wu Rush, Richard. Memoranda of a residence at the court of London... from 1819 to 1825, including negotiations on the Ore- gon question... 640p. Phil, Lea, 1845. O, P, W, W' a, W^u A CHECK-LIST 149 Rush, Richard. Residence at the court of London. Ser. 1. 420p. Lond. Bentley, 1833. S Rush, Richard. Residence at the court of London, comprising incidents, official and personal, from 1819 to 1825; amongst the former, negotiations on the Oregon territory, and other unsettled questions between the United States and Great Britain. Ser. 2. 2v. Lond. Bentley, 1845. L, S. Wh Rusling, James F. Across America; or, The great west and the Pacific coast. 503p. Ipor. 7pl. Imap. N. Y. Sheldon, 1874. P Rusling, James F. Great West, and Pacific coast. . . 515p. Ipor. 7pl. tab. N. Y. Sheldon, ['18771. P, S, Wu Contains map in pocket. Russell, Israel C. Alaska: its physical geography, [with folded map). (Reprinted from the Scottish geographical magazine, V. 10, p. 393-413, August, 1894). Wu Sage, Rufus B. Rocky mountain life; or. Startling scenes and perilous adventures in the far west, during an expedition of three years. 363p.. Bost. Thayer, 1859 ['18571. Wu Included for the descriptions of Westport and Independ- ence. Missouri, rendezvous for Oregon immigrants. The author arrived here in May. 1841. too late to accompany the Oregon party of that year, as he had intended. [Sage, Rufus B.] Scenes in the Rocky mountains and in Oregon, Cali- fornia, New Mexico, Texas, and the Grand prairies; or. Notes by the way. . . by a New Englander. Imap. Phil. Carey, 1846. P Saint-Amant, [Pierre Charlesl de. Voyages en Californie et dans I'Oregon. . . 651p. illus. 2maps. Par. Maison, 1854. O, P, S St. John, H. publisher. Souvenir [of] Northwest Washington and the Belling- ham bay country. . . 96p. illus. ob. O. n. p. St. John, 1900. Wu 150 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY St. John, Molyneux. Sea of mountains; an account of Lord Dufferin's tour through British Columbia in 1876. 2v. Ipor. facsim. Lond. Hurst, 1877. L St. Maur, Mrs. Algernon. Impressions of a tenderfoot during a journey in search of sport in the far west. 279p. 6pl. Imap. Lond. Murray, 1890. L [Salem (Or.). Board of trade]. Salem, the capital city of Oregon; the cherry city of the world. illus. [Salem, Or. Statesman pub. co.] n. d. P Salem (Or.). Charter board. Proposed charter of the city of Salem; drafted by the charter board of the city. . . pursuant to a resolu- tion of the common council. . . passed Mar. 4, 1907. . . * [Salem, Burghardt], n. d. P Samuel, L. publisher. Samuel's directory of Portland and East Portland. 1873-75. P [Sarychef, Garvrila Andreevich]. Account of a voyage of discovery to the northeast of Siberia, the frozen ocean, and the northeast sea, by Garvrila Sarystchew, Russian imperial major-general to the expedition, translated from the Russian, and embelished with engravings. 2v. bd. in 1. 5pl. Lond. Phillips, 1806-07. L, P, S Sarytschew, Garvrila, see Sarychef, Garvrila Andreevich. Sauer, Martin. Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia ... by Commodore Joseph Billings, in the years 1785 «S;c to 1794... narrated from the original papers. 332p. pi. Imap. sq. Q. Lond. Cadell, 1802. L, S Same. Interleaved and annotated with mss. notes. P Sauer, Martin. Voyage fait par ordre I'imperatrice de Russie Catherine II, dans le nord de la Russie Asiatique, dans la mer glaciale, dans la mer d'Anadye, et sur les cotes de I'Amerique, depuis 1785 jusqu' en 1794, par le Com- modore Billings; traduit de I'Anglais avec des notes, par J. Cast^ra. 3v. 14pl. Imap. v. 3. Q. Par. Buisson, 1802. P Trans, of his Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition. A CHECK-LIST l^j Scaminon, Charles MCelville]. Marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America, described and illustrated; together with an account of the American whale-fishery. 319p. pi. Q. San Fran. Carmony, 1874. g Schafer, Joseph. History of the Pacific Northwest. 321p. illus. Imap. N. Y. Macmillan, 1905. L. M, P, Pu, S, Sc, W, Wa, Wh, Wu Schafer, Joseph. (The) Pacific slope and Alaska. 442p. por. pi. maps, facsim. Phil. Barrie, 1^9041. (History of North America; ed. by G. C. Lee. v. 10). O, Sp Schmolder, B. Neuer praktischer wegweiser fiir auswanderer nach Nord-Amerika. . . erste abtheilung enthalt; Oregon und Californien und allgemeines liber das :Mississippi und Missouri-thai... 120p. Ipor. 4pl. tab. Mainz, Roux, 1849. P Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim. Arctic explorations and discoveries during the nine- teenth century... 517p. illus. Ipor. 13pl. N. Y. Miller, 1858. P Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. American Indians, their history, condition and pros- pects, from original notes and manuscripts. Rev. ed. 493p. illus. 3pl. Buffalo, Derby, 1851. P Schoolcraft, Henry R[owe]. Archives of aboriginal knowledge, containing all the original papers laid before congress respecting the history, antiquities, language, ethnology, pictography, rites, superstitions and mythology of the Indian tribes of the United States... 6v. por. pi. maps. Phil. Lippincott, 1860-1868. S Half title. Archives of aboriginal knowkHlge. Schoolcraft, Henry R[owe]. Information respecting the history, condition and pros- pects of the Indian tribes of the United States. . . 6v. por. pi. maps. Phil. Lippincott, 1852-1857. W, Wu Half title, v. 1-5, Ethnological researches respecting the red man of America ; half title, v. 0, ileneral history of the North American Indians. Contains considerable material relating to the language and customs of the Indians of the Facillc Northwest. 152 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Schoolcraft, Henry Rlowel. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers... 703p. Ipor. Phil. Lippincott, 1851. P, Wu Schrader, Frank C. and Brooks, Alfred H. Preliminary report on the Cape Nome gold region, Alaska. 56p. pi. 3maps. Wash. Govt, 1900. M. S. W, Wu Schwatka, Frederick. Along Alaska's great river; a popular account of the travels of the Alaska exploring expedition of 1883, along the great Yukon river, from its source to its mouth, in the British Northwest territory, and the territory of Alaska. 360p. illus. Ipl. 2maps. N. Y. Cassell, [18851. S Same. 428p. Chic. Hill, 1900 ['■1898]. Wu p. 361-428, "Latest information about the Klondike country." Schwatka, Frederick. Summer in Alaska, a popular account of the travels of an Alaska exploring expedition along the great Yu- kon river, from its source to its mouth, in the British Northwest territory, and in the territory of Alaska. 418p. illus. St. Louis, Henry, 1893. S, Sp, Wu Scidmore, E. Ruhamah. Alaska, its southern coast and the Sitkan archipelago. 333p. illus. Imap. Bost. Lathrop, [a885J. Pu, S, Wu Scott, Harvey W. editor. History of Portland, Oregon, with... biographical sketches of prominent citizens and pioneers. 651p. por. tab. Q. SjTacuse, Mason, 1890. P, S Scrutator, pseudonym, see Impracticability of a northwest passage. Sears, Robert. New and popular pictorial description of the United States... Ed. 4. 608p. illus. tab. N. Y. Sears, 1849. P p. 601-608. Oregon territory. Seatco manufacturing co. Douglas fir as applied to railroad bridge building. 19p. 2pl. Bucoda, Wash, Seatco manuf. co. [1890?]. Wu A CHECK-LIST j^tj Seattle. Board of education. Annual report, 1885. 68p. 2pl. Seattle, Lowman, n. d. ■y^^u Same. 1889. 65p. Ipl. Hughes, 1889. Wu Same. 1891. 118p. 9pl. Ingraham, 1891. S, Wu -Same. 1892. 210p. pi. Lowman, 1893. S. Wu Same. 1894. 63p. 2pl. Calvert. 1895. S, Wu Seattle. Board of health. Annual report for the years 1901-1902. 22p. Seattle, Lowman, 1903. S, Wu Same. 1903-1904. 27p. Metropolitan press, 1905. S, Wu Seattle. Board of park commissioners. Report, 1892. 33p. Seattle, Koch, n. d. S, Wu Same. 39p. 1893. Koch, n. d. Wu Same. 1884-1904. 85p. 19pl. Lowman, 1905. S. Wu Called the "First annual report." Seattle. Board of public works. Report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891. 87p. Imap. Seattle. Koch, 118921. S, Wu Same. n. t. p. 1892. S Seattle. Board of trade. Annual report, 1890, compiled by R. H. Goldie. 24p. Seattle, Lowman, 1891. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Cession of American territory; a Pacific coast protest against the yielding by the United States of any portion of Alaska to the Dominion of Canada.' I8p. Seattle, Chamber of Commerce, February, 18991. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. City of Seattle, 1900, compiled by A. S. Allen. [80p.] Seattle, Metropolitan, 11900?!. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. City of Seattle, the county of King, state of Washing- ton. 32p. illus. Seattle, Calvert, 1898. Wh Seattle. Chamber of commerce. (A) few facts about Seattle. I32p.l illus. Seattle, Jackson, 1898. W'h, Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Report, 1890. 48p. illus. Lowman, 1890. Wu Same. 1891. 79p. Pioneer printing co. 1892. S, Wu Same. 1897. 69p. Ipl. Queen city, 1897. Wu Same. 1898. 32p. illus. Calvert, 1899. Wu Same. 1901. 32p. illus. n. p. n. pub. n. d. Wu For the vears 1801 and ISO", called "annual reports." 154 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Seattle and King county, Washington, 1904. 40p. illus. Seattle, Metropolitan press, [1904?]. S, Wh Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Seattle and King county: resources, business conditions and progress of the chief city and largest county in the state of Washington. 47p. illus. Seattle, Trade register, 1905. Wh Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Seattle and King county, Washington, 1904. 38p. illus. [Seattle, Metropolitan press, 19041. S Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Seattle, state of Washington . . . the necessity for a pub- lic building illustrated by facts and figures of con- vincing character, February, 1890. lip. Seattle, Dearborn, 1890. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Seattle, the Puget Sound country and western Wash- ington, 1901, their resources and opportunities. 36p. illus. Seattle, Trade register, [19011. S, Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Seattle, under auspices of the chamber of commerce, July 30, 1903. 61p. Ipor. Seattle, Lowman, [19031. S, Wh, Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Souvenir of Seattle, 1899. 24p. illus. [Seattle?], McComb, [1899?]. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Washington, the evergreen state and Seattle, its chief city, a souvenir for 1893-94, compiled by Thos. W. Prosch and C. T. Conover. [60p.] illus. Seattle, T. F. Kane, [1893?]. Wu Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Welcome to our fleet; oflScial program of fleet recep- tion. 26p. illus. [Seattle], Chamber of commerce, [19081. Wu Covers the visit of the U. S. Atlantic fleet to Seattle, May 23-27, 1908. Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Where to go in Seattle and the Puget Sound country, by James B. Meikle, secretary, Seattle chamber of commerce. 31p. illus. 2pl. Seattle, Trade register print, 190.5. S, Wu A CHECK-LIST 155 Seattle. Charter. Charter of the city of Seattle, adopted October 1, 1890, commonly known as the "Freeholders' charter." lllp. Seattle, Northwestern printing co. 1890. Wu Same. With amendments March 8, 1892. 95+26p. Anthony, 1893. Wu Same. Adopted March 6, 1900. 132p. Lowman, 1900. Wu Same. With amendments, 1902 and 1904. 68p. Q. Metropolitan press, .1905. Wu Same. With amendments to 1908 and ordinances from December 1, 1869 to November 1, 1907... Revised ed. 965p. Q. Seattle, Lowman, 1908. Wu Seattle. City engineer. Plans, specifications and contract for hydro-electric ma- chinery and appurtenances in the Seattle municipal light and power plant. 69p. Seattle, Acme pub. co. 1903. Wu Seattle. City engineer. Report on water works for city of Seattle. 36p. Seattle, Lowman, 1890. Wu Seattle. Civil service commission. Annual reports of the civil service commission and pub- lic employment office... 1901. 43p. Seattle, Metropolitan press, [1902?]. Wu Seattle. Civil service commission. Article XVI, city charter and general rules and regula- tions of the civil service commission; also instruc- tions to applicants. 53p. Seattle, Review printing co. 1900. Wu Same. 54p. Lowman, 1906. Wu Seattle. Comptroller. Report of the city comptroller for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1890-1905. v. p. v. pub. 1891-1906. Wu Report for 1893 wanting. The financial transactions of Seattle before Oct. 1890. are to be found In the report of the city clerk, bound with the mayor's message. Seattle. Ladies' relief society. Annual of the Ladies' relief society of the city of Seat- tle, Washington, 1904-1905. 30p. [Seattle, Dudley-Moulton, 19051. S, Wu [Seattle. Marine engineers' beneficial association!. Souvenir manual and directory of members, 1900. 118p. [Seattle, Denny-Coryell, 190071. Wu 156 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Seattle. Mayor. Annual message, with accompanying documents for the fiscal year 1883. . . 44p. Seattle, Hanford, 1883. Wu Same. 1884. 68p. Seattle, Hanford, 1884. Wu Seattle, Lowman, [18861. Wu Seattle, Lowman, 1887. Wu Seattle, Hughes, 1888. Wu Seattle, Koch, 1889. Wu Seattle, Koch, 1889. Wu Seattle, Koch, 1892. Wu Seattle, Koch, [18931. Wu Seattle, Pioneer press, 1896. Wu Seattle, Ivy press, [19051. Wu Seattle, Lowman, [19061. Wu Seattle. Municipal reports. Seattle municipal reports for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1891, published by order of the mayor and city council. 354p. 2 fold, maps attached to covers. Seattle, Koch, 1892. Wu Same. 454p. 13pl. Seattle, Koch, 1893. Wu The collected reports seem not to have been published for later years. Same. 1886. 60p. Same. 1887. 96p. Same. 1888. 72p. Same. 1889. 50p. Same. 1890. 108p. Same. 1892. 14p. Same. 1892. 53p. Same. 1895. 43p. Same. 1905. 14p. Same. 1906. I9p. Seattle. Ordinances. Revised ordinances of the city of Seattle, together with the freeholders' charter, adopted 1890, amended 1892. . . compiled by John W. Pratt. 843p. Seattle, Sunset pub. co. 1893. S, Wu Seattle. Ordinances. Municipal code of the city of Seattle, together with the charter adopted in 1900... 1902. 643+317p. Seattle, Lowman [19021. Wu Seattle. Ordinances. Charter. . . and ordinances of the city of Seattle, from December 1. 1869, to November 1, 1907. 965p. Seattle, Lowman, 1908. Wu Seattle, Press committee. Official souvenir program. I Reception to First Wash- ington U. S. Volunteer Regiment], Nov. 5, 6 and 7, 1899. I64p.] illus. [Seattle], Metropolitan printing and binding co. [18991. Wu A CHECK-LIST 1^^ Seattle. Public library. Annual report, lst-2nd, 5th-9th, 13th-17th. 1891-1907. Seattle, 1891-1907. g^ W, Wu No reports printed for 1808, 1804, 1000-1002. The first, second and fifth reports are called, Report of the library commission. Seattle. Salvation army. Fifteen years; a monograph by Mrs. Staff Captain McAbee... For private circulation only. I6p. Seattle, [Yerkes printing co.l Feb. 12, 1903. Wu Seattle and Lake Washington waterway company. History and advantages of the canal and harbor im- provement project now being executed by the Seattle and Lake Washington waterway company, with an appendix containing pertinent historical documents. 69p. illus. Seattle, Lowman, 1902. S Seattle and Lake Washington waterway company. Lake Washington ship canal. 15p. Seattle, [Pioneer printing and publishing co.l 11894?] Wu Seattle blue book; a fashionable residential address direc- tory and ladies" visiting and shopping guide. . . 162p. Seattle, Northern pub. co. 1898. Wu Seattle; containing a compilation and review of the re- sources, terminal advantages, climate and general industries of the Queen City and the country tribu- tary to it. 74p. illus. Seattle, Baldwin, [^8901. Wh Seattle daily bulletin. Handbook of Washington, 1901. 191p. illus. Seattle, Daily bulletin, 1^901]. Wu Seattle hardware company. Atlas of the Pacific coast and United States acquisitions with large scale maps of China and the Philippine Islands. 16p. 28x36 cm. [Chicago?] Rand, [^9001. Wu Seattle real estate association. Reports on city real estate values. 115p. 5pl. Seattle, Pacific press, Dec. 1907. S, Wu Semier, Heinrich. Oregon nach eigenen beobachtungen. 128p. Iniap. tab. Lpz. Weltpost, 1883. P Senator; or. Clarendon's Parliamentary chronicle contain- ing a weekly register recording. . . the proceedings and debates of the Houses of Lords and Commons. . . v. 1. 472p. lopor. Lend. Symonds, n. d. P p. 106-128, Debate on Nootkii Sound. ^58 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Senior, Nassau William. Historical and philosophical essaj'S. 2v. Lond. Longman, 1865. P V. 2. p. .3-44, Oregon. Benex, John. Universal geographer; or, Compleat atlas, containing all the known countries in the world, laid down from the latest observations and discoveries . . . 34maps. nar. F6. [Lond.] Bayer, n. d. P Has beon included in Oregon material for maps of the ■ Northwest coast. Sessions, Francis C. From Yellowstone park to Alaska. lS6p. pi. N. Y. Welch, Fracker company, 1890. S Montana, p. 40-2 ; Washington and Oregon, p. 42-55 ; Alaska, p. 56-186. Seton-Karr, HCeywood] W. Bear hunting in the White mountains or Alaska and British Columbia revisited. 156p. illus. 61. Lond. Chapman, 1891. L, P, S Seton-Karr, HTeywood] W. Shores and alps of Alaska. 248p. illus. Ipl. 2maps. Lond. Low, 1887. S Shaw, Thomas. (A) farmer's paradise; the Columbia river valley as a land of grain and fruit; what a learned professor saw in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 31p. Portland, Or. O. R. & N. co. 1898. Wu Consists of articles reprinted from the Pioneer Press of St. Paul. Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. History of the Catholic missions, among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. 514p. 3por. tab. N. Y. Kenedy, [^854]. ch. 2G. The Louisiana missions revived — the Oregon mission. Shelekhof, Gregory. Voyage of a Russian merchant from Okhotzk, on the Eastern ocean, to the coast of America, in the years 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, and his return to Russia; from his own journal. 42p. n. t. p. P «helton, Don Oldell]. Heroes of the cross in America. 304p. illus. N. Y. Young people's missionary movement, [''1904]. Wh p. 133-173, Marcus Whitman. A CHECK-LIST ^59 Sheperd, Major W. Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. 266p. 8pl. Imap. Lond. Chapman, 1884. M Sheridan, P[hilip] Hlenry]. Personal memoirs. 2 v. illus. 2por. 11 maps. N. Y. Webster, 1888. O, Wu V. 1. p. 38-125, Oregon and Washington. Shields, George O. Battle of the Big Hole. A history of General Gibbon's engagement with the Nez Perce Indians in the Big Hole valley, Montana, August 9th, ]877. 12p. 5por. 2pl. Chic. Rand, McNally, 1889. M, S, Wu Shields, George O. Cruisings in the Cascades: a narrative of travel, explora tion, amateur photography, hunting, and fishing... by ("Coquina"). 339p. illus. Ipor. Chic. Rand, 1889. P, S Short, John TChomas]. (The) North Americans of antiquity: their origin, mi- grations and type of civilization considered. Ed. 2. 544p. illus. Ipl. N. Y. Harper, 1880. O, S Shuck, Oscar Tully, editor. Representative and leading men of the Pacific. . . 702p. 23por. Ipl. San Fran. Bacon, 1870. P, S, Wu Shuck, Oscar Tully, editor, see also. Baker, Edward Dickinson. Signal fires on the trail of the pathfinder. 162p. Ipor. N. Y. Dayton, 1856. P Simpson, Alexander. Life and travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic dis- coverer. 424p. Ipor. Imap. Lond. Bentley, 1845. P, S Simpson, Alexander. Oregon territory: claims thereto of England and Amer- ica considered: its condition and prospects. 60p. Lond. Bentley, 1846. S Simpson, Sir George. Letters of Sir George Simpson, 1841-1843, edited by Joseph Schafer. (Reprinted from the American » historical review, v. 14, no. 1, Oct. 1908. p. 70-94). O, Wu Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a journey round the world, during the years 1841 and 1842. 2v. Ipor. Imap. tab. Lond. Colburn, ,1847. L. P. S. Wu V. 1. ch. 4, From Vancouver to Sitka, v. 1. cb. o. From Sitka to Vancouver, v. 2, ch. 4, Sitka. IQQ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Simpson, -Sir George. Overland journey round the world during the years 1841 and 1842. 230p. tab. Phil. Lea, 1847. L, P, Wh Simpson, -Sir George. Peace river; a canoe voyage from Hudson's bay to Pa- cific, in 1828. Journal of the late Chief Factor, Arch- ibald McDonald, (Hon. Hudson's Bay company), who accompanied him, edited with notes by Malcolm McLeod. 19 + 119p. map. Ottawa, Durie, 1872. L Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America; effected by the officers of the Hudson's Bay company during the years 1836-39. 419p. tab. Lond. Bentley, 1843. L, P, S, W, Wu Sketch of the reign of George tbe Third, from 1780 to the close of the year 1790. 206p. . Lond. Debrett, 1791. P, S p. 1.52-166. Xootka Sound. Sketches of mission life among the Indians of Oregon. 229p. 5pl. N. Y. Carlton, [^854]. P, Wh, Wu Sladen, Douglas. On the cars and off; being the journal of a pilgrimage along the Queen's highway, from Halifax in Nova Scotia to Victoria in Vancouver's Island, with addi- tional matter on the Klondike by P. A. Hurd. 512p. 19pl. illus. Lond. (publisher not given), 1894. L Small, Hugh. A home for the industrious of all nations; Oregon and her resources; from personal observation and inves- tigation... loOp. Imap. San Fran. Bancroft, 1872. Wu The map shows railroads completed and railroads projected. Smaliey, Eugene VLirgilJ. History of the Northern Pacific railroad. 437p. 48pl. Smaps plus 1 map in pocket. N. Y. Putnam, 1883. M, O, P, S, W, Wh, Wu Smead, W[illiam] Hfenry]. Land of the Flatheads; a sketch of the Flathead reser- vation, Montana, its past and present, its hopes and possibilities for the future. 142p. illus. Ipor. St. Paul, Pioneer press mfg. depts. [^9051. M, Mu, S, Sp Missoula, Mont. Daily Missoulian. ["^1905]. Wu Same. 144p. A CHECK-LIST i^i Smet, Pierre Jean de. Cinquante nouvelles lettres... 504p. - Par. Casterman, 1858. p In part a translation of Western missions and missionaries. Smet, Pierre Jean de. Letters and sketches; with a narrative of a year's resi- dence among the Indian tribes of the Rocky moun- tains. 252p. llpl. Phil. Fithian, 1843. L, P. Mu Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, 1906, v. 27. p. 127-411. L, M, O, P, S, W Smet, P[ierre] Jtean] de. Lettres choisies. 1849-1857. Ed. 3. 405p. Ipor. 1 facsim. Bruxelles, Closson, 1875. L Same. 1855-1861. 416p. Bruxelles, Closson, 1876. L Same. 416p. Bruxelles, Closson, 1877. L Same. 408p. Bruxelles, Closson, 1878. L Smet, Pierre Jean de. Life, letters and travels of Father Pierre-Jean de Smet, S. J. 1804-1873; missionary labors and adventures among the wild tribes of the North American In- dians... ed... by Hiram Martin Chittenden... and Alfred Talbot Richardson... 4v. 4por. 9pl. Imap. 3 facsim. N. Y. Harper, 1905. L, P, S, Wu Smet, Pierre Jean de. Missien van den Oregon en reisen naer de Rotsbergen en de bronnen der Colombia, der Athabasca en Sas- catshawin in 1845-46... 423p. 15pl. 3maps. tab. Ghent, Schelden, 1849. P Smet, Pierre Jean de. Missions de I'Oregon et voyages aux montagnes Ro- cheuses aux sources de la Colombie, de I'Athabasca et du Sascatshawin en 1845-46... 389p. 15pl. 3maps. tab. Ghent, Schelden, n. d. P, S In part a translation of his Oregon missions. Smet, Pierre Jean de. Missions de rOregon et voyages dans les montagnes Rocheuses en 1§45 et 1846: ouvrage traduit de I'An- glais par M. Bourlez. 408p. 13pl. Par. Poussielque-Rusand, 1848. Li P Smet, PLierre] J[ean] de. New Indian sketches. 175p. N. Y. Kenedy, 1895 [^18851. . M, P, Wu p. 118-126, A vocabulary of the Skalzi, or Koetenay tribe, p. 147-175, Short Indian catechism in use among the Flat- heads. Kalispels. Pends d'Oreilles and other Rocky moun- tain Indians. —11 162 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Smet, Plierre] J[ean] de. Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky mountains, in 1845-46. 408p. 13pl. Imap. N. Y. Dunigan, 1847. P, Wa, Wh, Wu Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, 1906, v. 29, p.[103]-424. L, M, O, P, Pu, S Smet, P[ierre] Jleanl de. Voyages aux montagnes Rocheuses et sejour chez les tribus Indiennes de I'Oregon, nouvelle ed. 405p. por. map. facsim. Bruxelles, Devaux, 1873. L ^met, Pierre Jean de. Voyages aux montagnes Rocheuses chez les tribus Indiennes du vaste territoire de I'Oregon dependant des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Ed. 5. 239p. Ipl. Lille, Lefort, n. d. P Same. Ed. 8. 237p. Ipl. Lille, Lefort, n. d. S Smet, P[ierre] Jfeanl de. Voyages dans I'Amerique septentrionale; Oregon. Ed. 3. 406p. por. map. facsim. Bruxelles, Closson, 1874. L Smet, Plierre] J[eanl de. Western missions and missionaries, a series of letters. 532p. Ipor. N. Y. Kenedy, [^859]. S, Wu Same. N. Y. Strong, ['18591. M Same. N. Y. Kirber, 1863, [^8591. P, Wu vSmiimii lu tel kaimintis kolinzuteu; narratives from the Holy Scripture in Kalispel. 140p. Montana, St. Ignatius print, 1876. Wu Of interest in connection with the language of the Kalispel Indians. "Smith, Harlan Kngersolll. Archeological investigations on the North Pacific coast of America. lOp. (Reprinted from Science, n. s. V. 9, p. 535-539, Apr. 14, 1899). Wu -Smith, Harlan ICngersolll. Archaeology of Lytton, British Columbia, [illus.l An ab- stract from memoirs of the American museum of natural history, v. 2, pt. 3, May 25, 1899. (Reprinted from Monumental records, March 1900, p. 76-88). W, Wn Smith, Harlan HngersollL Archaeology of the Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound. N. Y. Stechert, 1907. (From Jesup North Pacific ex- pedition, v. 2, p. 301-442). W CHECK-LIST iQ^ Smith, Harlan I[ngersoll]. Archaeology of the Thompson river region, British Co- lumbia. 3pl. F. N. Y. Knickerbocker press, 1900. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v. 1, p. 401-442). W Smith, Harlan ICngersoll]. Natural history museums of British Columbia. 4p. (Reprinted from Science, n. s. v. 8, p. 619-620, Nov. 4, 1898). "V^u Smith, Harlan ITngersoll]. Shell heaps of the lower Fraser river, British Columbia. 7pl. F. N. Y. Knickerbocker press, 1903. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v. 2, p. 133-192). W Smith, Harlan Hngersoll]. Stone hammers or pestles of the Northwest coast of America. (Reprinted from the American anthropolo- gist, n. s. V. 1, p. 363-368, April, 1899). . Wu Smith, Harlan I[ngersoll] and Fowke, Gerard. Cairns of British Columbia and Washington. 5pl. 2maps. F. N. Y. Knickerbocker press, 1901. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v. 2, p. 5.5-75). W Smith, Sidney. Settler's new home; or, The emigrant's location. 144p. Lond. Kendrick, 1849. L, P ■ p. 129, Oregon. Vancouver's Island. "From Texas to Ore- gon, the emigrant would find a fall analogous to that of, 'out of the frying-pan into the fire.' The climate and soil are unobjectionable — but everything else is." Smith's weekly volume; a select circulating library for town and country, containing the best popular litera- ture. V. 1-2, Jan.-Dec. 1845. F. Phil. Smith, 1845. P Contains Dunn's Oregon territory. Smucker, S. M. see Fremont, John Charles. Life... Snelling William Joseph. Polar regions of the western continent explored ... a geographical account of Iceland, Greenland, the is- lands of the frozen sea, and the northern parts of the American continent. . . with the adventures, dis- coveries, dangers and trials of Parry, Franklin, Lyon, and other navigators, in those regions. 501p. 4pl. Imap. Bost. Reed, 1831. P p. 478-484, Kotzebue's voyage. Snohomish county, Washington, the richest on Puget Sound. unp. illus. Imap. n. t. p. [Everett, Wash.], Everett daily herald, 1905. S IQ^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Somerset, H. Somers. Land of the Muskeg, with a preface by A. Hungerforce Pollen. 248p. illus. 4maps. Lond. Heinemann, 1895. L Soule, S. H. Rand-McNally guide to the great Northwest. . informa- tion regarding... Montana, Idaho, Washington, Ore- gon, Minnesota, North Dakota, Alaska, also western Canada and British Columbia. . . 366p. illus. Imap. Chic. Rand, [^903]. . P, S Sparks, Edwin Erie. Expansion of the American people, social and territorial. 461p. illus. Ipl. Chic. Scott, 1901. P, S, Wu p. 301-309, Oregon expansion. Sparks, Jared. Life of John Ledyard, the American traveller; compris- ing selections from his journals and correspondence. 325p. Camb. Hilliard, 1828. P, Wu Sparks, Jared. Memoirs of the life and travels of John Ledyard, from his journals and coi-respondence. 428p. Lond. Colburn, 1828. L [Sparks, Jared]. Travels and adventures of John Ledyard; comprising his voyage with Capt. Cook's third and last expedi- tion; his journey on foot 1300 miles round the Gulf of Bothnia to St. Petersburg, his adventures and resi- dence in Siberia, and his exploratory mission in Africa. Ed. 2. 428p. Lond. Colburn, 1834. P, Wu Spike, W. D. C. and company. Spike's illustrated description of the city of Tacoma, Washington. 12p. 16pl. Tacoma, Wash. Spike, 1891. Wh, Wu Spokane. Board of health. Annual report, 1894, '95, 1900-2, 1905, 1906, 1907. 8v. illus. Spokane, Dj^er, 1894-1908. Sp Same. 13th, 1894. 4pl. n. p. Dyer, 1895. S Spokane. Chamber of commerce. . . .Inland empire. 24p. illus. Spokane, Inland printing co. n. d. S Spokane. Chamber of commerce. Spokane, a modern city. Various editions. Spokane, v. pub. v. d. S, Sp, Wu A CHECK-LIST 165 Spokane. Chamber of commerce. Spokane country. 16p. illus. n. t. p. Spokane, Shaw, n. d. g Spokane. Charter. City charter for the city of Spokane. Washington, framed and submitted by the board of fifteen free- holders, elected Sept. 27, 1890, in pursuance of the provisions of section ten, article eleven, of the con- stitution of the state of Washington, the acts of the legislature and an ordinance numbered 493, passed and approved Sept. 8, 1890... 128p. Spokane, Riverside print, co. 1891. Sp Spokane. City comptroller. Annual report, 1901-1907. 7v. Spokane, Inland print, co. 1902-8. Sp Same. 1903. 1904. S Spokane. Code. Municipal code of the city of Spokane, Washington... compiled by Rose M. Denny. 594p. [Spokane, Knight], 1896. S, Wu Same. Revised by E. O. Connor. 630p. Spokane, Inland printing co. 1903. Wu Spokane. Manual. Manual, 1900-1901, city of Spokane, Washington, com- piled by L. F. Boyd, city clerk. 31p. Spokane, Alexander, [1900?]. Wu Spokane. Mayor. Message to the city council of the city of Spokane Falls, Wash, by Hon. C. F. Clough, mayor. May 7th. 1890. ISp. Spokane Falls, Daily globe, 1890. Sp Spokane. Public schools. Annual report, 1892. 206p. front, pi. Spokane, Spokane print, co. 1892. Sp Spokane. Public schools. Biennial report, 1897-8, 1899-1900,. 1904-6, 1907-8. 4v. fronts, pi. Spokane. Union print, co. 1898-1908. Sp Spokane. Union library association. First annual catalogue. 52p. Spokane, Union print, co. 1891. Sp Spokane fair and agricultural association. Premium list, 1891. 35p. Spokane, Knight. 1891. Sp 166 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Spokane Falls. Charter. Amended charter of Spokane Falls... [and ordinances of the city of Spokane Falls, Washington territory]. 2v. Spokane Falls, Chronicle, 1886, 1891. Sp Spokane perfect pocket guide. No. 7, Sept. 1906. 96p. 1 fold. map. Spokane, Wash. Shaw, 1906. Wu Spokesman-review quarterly. v. 1. no. 2. illus. Spokane, Spokesman-review, Dec. 1899. Sp Gives an account of the 6th annual Spokane industrial exposition in detail. [Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm]. British Columbia; information for emigrants issued by the agent-general for the province. 96p. illus. 1 fold. map. Lond. [Sproat], pref. 1873. L, Wu Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm. Scenes and studies of savage life. 317p. pi. Lond. Smith, 1868. L Spurr, Josiah Edward. Through the Yukon gold diggings; a narrative of per- sonal travel. 276p. illus. Ipl. Bost. Eastern pub. co. 1900. S Squire, Watson C. Speeches in the senate of the United States, 53rd con- gress. V. p. Washington, n. pub. 1895. S, Wu A collection of 18 speeches bound in one volume. Many of them relate to the Pacific Northwest. Staehlin[g] and [Storcksburg], JLacobs] von. Account of the new northern archipelago, lately dis- covered by the Russians in the seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir; translated from the German. 118p. Imap. Lond. Heydinger, 1774. L, P, Wu Stanley, H. A. Rex Wayland's fortune; or. The secret of the thunder- bird. 391p. illus. Chic. Laird, [^8981. S, Wh Starks, Edwin Chapin. « List of fishes collected at Port Ludlow, Washington. 2pl. (Extract from proceedings of the California academy of sciences, series 2, v. 6, p. 549-562, Decem- ber, 1896). Wu "This paper records the ichthyological results of the last annual dredging expedition made by the Young Natural- ists' association of Seattle, Washington, and the second in which the author, as an honorary member, has taken part." A CHECK-LIST 167 statute laws of the territory of Iowa, enacted at the first session of the legislative assembly of said territory, held at Burlington, A. D. 1838-'39. DuBuque, Russell & Reeves, printers, 1839. (Re- printed by the historical department of Iowa. 634p. Des Moines, Iowa printing co. 1900). Wu The first laws of Oregon territory were based directly upon these session laws. For the laws adopted, see Grover, LaFayette, Oregon archives, p. 32. Steedman, Charles J[ohn]. Bucking the sage brush; or, The Oregon trail in the seventies. ilus. Ipor. Ipl. Imap. N. Y. Putnam, 1904. P, S Steel, Will A. and Searl, Albert, compilers. Steel & Searl's legislative souvenir manual for 1895- 1896; containing list of members of all legislative sessions, territorial and state officers, state institu- tions and boards of government, and other informa- tion in relation to the state of Washington. 159p. illus. Ipor. Seattle, Koch, 1895. S. Sp, Wu Many portraits paged in as text. Steel, Willi] G. Mountains of Oregon. 112p. Portland, Or. David Steel, 1890. S, Wh, Wu Same. With 2por. and 2pl. P Stephens, Alexander H[amilton]. Admission of Oregon; speech of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representa- tives, Feb. 12, 1859. 8p. [Wash.] 1859. Sp [Stephens, Louise G.] Letters from an Oregon ranch, by "Katherine." 212p. 12pl. Chic. McClurg, 1905. M, P, S, Wh, Wu Stevens, Hazard. Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens. . . 2v. illus. 20por. 18pl. 14maps. 1 facsim. tab. Bost. Houghton, 1900. P, Pu. S, Sp. W, Wh, Wu Stevens, Isaac I. Pacific railway report. See United States. War department. Stevens, Isaac I. Speech on the Washington and Oregon wah claims, de- livered in the House of Representatives of the United States, May 31, 1858. 16p. Wash. Towers. 1858. ^^'^ 1(58 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Stevens county (Wash.) pioneer association. Proceedings, 1903. vol. 1. Compiled by John B. Slater. [20p.] Colville, Wash. Stevens county reveille, printers, 1904. Wu Stine, Thos. Ostenson. Morning glimpse. 13p. Seattle, Anchor pub. co. 1901. Wa Contains a poem. "An evening on Puget Sound." and an- other entitled. "At Poulsbo Bay." Strahorn, Robert E. To the Rockies and beyond; or, A summer on the Union Pacific railroad and branches. Saunterings in the popular health, pleasure and hunting resorts of Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana... Ed. 2. 216p. illus. Imap. Omaha. New West publishing co. 1879. M Stone and Webster. Electric railway and lighting properties, 1903. 46p. illus. 1 fold. map. Bost. Stone, 1903. Wu Same. 1908. 63p. Bost. Stone, 1908. Wu Inserted because of tlie information they give in regard to the traction systems of Everett. Bellingham, Seattle and Tacoma. Stovall, Dennis H. Suzanne of Kerbyville. 209p. opl. N. Y. Editor pub. co. 1904. P Strong, Frank and Schafer, Joseph. Government of the American people. 314p. 2pl. Imap. Bost. Houghton, 1901. P p. 24."i-307. Growth of civil government in Oregon. Strong, James Cflarkl. Wahkeenah and her people: the curious customs, tra- ditions, and legends of the North American Indians. 275p. Ipl. N. Y. Putnam, 1893. P, Sp ch. 0-12. Indians of the Northwest. Strong, Thomas Nelson. Cathlamet on the Columbia: recollections of the Indian people and short stories of early pioneer days in the valley of the lower Columbia river. 119p. Portland, Or. Holly press, 1906. P A CHECK-LIST IgO \l Stryker's American register and magazine, July 1850. v. 4. 600p. Wash. Morrison. 1850. p p. 210-226, Geographical statistics of Oregon, by S. U. Thurston, p. 558-563, Pacific railroad. (Fremont's letter), p. 390-396, Overland journey to the Pacific ocean frolum- bia river] forty years ago. Sturgis, William. Oregon question; substance of a lecture before the Mer- cantile library association, delivered Jan. 22, 1845. 32p. Imap. Bost. Jordan, 1845. P, S, W, Wu Stuart, Mrs. A. H. H. compiler. Washington territory; its soil, climate, productions and general resources. 64p. Olympia, Wash. Washington standard, 1875. S Suckley, George, Cooper, Jfamesl G. and others. Natural history of Washington territory and Oregon, with much relating to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, and California, between the thirty-sixth and forty-ninth parallels of latitude, being those parts of the final reports of the survey of the Northern Pacific railroad route, relating to the natural history of the regions explored, with full catalogues and de- scriptions of the plants and animals collected from 1853 to 1860... 399p. pi. Q. N. Y. Bailliere brothers, 1860. S, W Suffling, Ernest R. Fur traders of the West; or. Adventures among the red- skins. 320p. illus. 9pl. Imap. Lond. Warne, 1896. P Considerable on southern Oregon. Sullivan, James E. Athletics in the west and far west. 109p. N. Y. 21 Warren st. 1905. Wu Sullivan, May Kellogg. A woman who went to Alaska. Ed. 6. 392p. Ipor. pi. Bost. Earle ['^19031. 3 Summary observations and facts collected from late and authentic accounts of Russian and other navi- gators. . . in enterprises to discover a northern pass- age for vessels by sea between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, or nearly to approach the north pole. 29p. Lond, Nourse, 1776. L 170 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Swan, James G. Indians of Cape Flattery, at the entrance to the Strait of Fuca, Washington territory. (Smithsonian con- tributions to knowledge). 108p. illus. Q. Phil. Collins, 1868. W Swan, James G. Northwest coast; or. Three years' residence in Wash- ington territory. 435p. illus. Ipl. Imap. N. Y. Harper, 1857. L, O, P, S, W, Wh, Wu Same. Lond. Low, 1857. Xi Swineford, A[lfred] P. Alaska; its history, climate and natural resources. 256p. 19pl. Imap. Chic. Rand, [''18981. S, Sc, Wu Symons, Thomas W. Upper Columbia river and the great plain of the Colum- bia. 133p. 2maps. Place and publisher not given. 1881. Wh Same. 26maps. Wash. Govt. 1882. (U. S. Congress 47-1, Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 186). W Szmimeie-s Jesus Christ; a catechism of the Christian doc- trine in the Flathead or Kalispgl language, composed by the missionaries of the Society of Jesus. 45p. Montana, St. Ignatius print, 1880. Wu Tache, [Alexandre Antonin]. Esquisse sur le nort-ouest de I'Amerique. 146p. Montreal, Typographie du nouveau monde, 1869. S Tache, Alex[andre Antonin J. Vingt annees de missions dans le nord-ouest de I'Amer- ique. 245p. Montreal, Eus6be Senecal, 1866. S Tacoma. Chamber of commerce. (The) new northwest and Tacoma, its metropolis. 31p. illus. [Tacoma], Chamber of commerce, 1890. Wu [Tacoma. Chamber of commerce]. Tacoma, electric city of the Pacific coast, 1904. 48p. illus. [Tacoma, Allen, 19041. Wu Tacoma. Charter. Revised charter. . . and ordinances of the city of Ta- coma, Washington. 725p. Tacoma, Western blank book co. 1898. S, Wu Same. 1210p. Tacoma, Allen, 1905. Wu Tacoma. Controller. Report for the year from March 1, 1893, to February 28, 1894. 80p. Tacoma, Ray, 1895. Wu Contains also the report of the city treasurer covering same period. A CHECK-LIST 171 Tacoma. Controller. Report for the year from March 1, 1895, to February 29, 1896. 59p. Tacoma. Western blank book co. 1897. Wu Tacoma. Controller. Annual report, January 1, 1897 — December 31, 1902. Tacoma, v. pub. 1899-1903. Wu Same. 1901, 1903. S. Tanana directory company. Directory of the Tanana valley, 1907. 223p. Fairbanks, Alaska, Tanana directory co. n. d. Wu. .Tanner, Henry. British Columbia; its agricultural and commercial capa- bilities and the advantages it offers for emigration purposes. 45p. illus. Lond. Kenning, 1887. L. Tarr and McMurry, F. M. ...Washington. 55p. illus. map. N. Y. Macmillan, 1906. (Tarr & McMurry geographies, supplementary volume) . Wa Taylor, J[oseph] M. History and government of Washington, to which are appended the constitution of the state of Washing- ton and lists of territorial and state officers. 279p. illus. 2pl. 2por. St. Louis, 1898. S: Same. 368p. St. Louis, Becktold, 1898. Sp, Wu Teit, James. Lillooet Indians. 2pl. Imap. F. N. Y. Stechert, 1906. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v. 2, p. 193-300). W Teit, James. Thompson Indians of British Columbia. 6pl. Imap. F. N. Y. Knickerbocker press, 1900. (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v.l, p. 163-392). W Terry, James. Sculptured anthropoid ape heads found in or near the valley of the John Day river, a tributary of the Co- I lumbia river, Oregon. 15p. 5pl. F. N. Y. 1891. Sp /Thayer, William M. Marvels of the new West; a vivid portrayal of the stu- pendous marvels in the vast wonderland west of the Missouri river: six books in one volume, comprising marvels of nature, marvels of race, marvels of en- terprise, marvels of mining, marvels of stock raising and marvels of agriculture, graphically and truth- fully described. 715p. illus. 3por. 6maps. Norwich, Bill, 1889. M Same. 715p. illus. 1892. & 172 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Thompson, David, joint author, see Henrj', Alexander. Thompson, [JacobJ. Speech of Mr. Thompson, of Mississippi, on the Oregon bill; delivered in the House of Representatives, Jan. 30, 1845. 7p. Sp Bound with Pettit. John. Speech... on the bill to estab- lish a territorial government in Oregon. Thomson, Edward A. publisher. Just for fun; cartoons and caricatures of men in Mon- tana. [134] p. McKee, [Rochester, Ind. 1907]. Mu Thompson, Francis M. Complete guide to the new gold regions of upper Miss- ouri, Deer Lodge, Beaver Head Nez Perces, Salmon River, Boise River, Powder River, John Day, Cari- boo... containing tables of distances, camping places, many words of the Blackfoot and Flat-Head languages, and a complete Chinook jargon. 16p. St. Louis, R. P. Studley & co. 1863. M Author was secretary of the exploring party of the Ameri- can exploring and mineral company. 17x12 cm. paper, price $1.00. Thornton, J[essy] Quinn. Oregon and California in 1848... with an appendix, in- cluding recent and authentic information on the sub- ject of the gold mines of California, and other valu- able matter of interest to the emigrant, etc. 2v. 12pl. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Harper, 1849. L, M, O. P, Pu, S, Sp, Wh, Wu -Some. 1855. Wh University of Oregon and Pacific University have v. 1 only. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Brief history of Rocky mountain exploration, with es- pecial reference to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. 276p. opor. 2pl. Imap. 2 facsim. ^ N. Y. Appleton, 1904. L, Mu, S. Sp, Wa, Wu Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (The) story of Lewis and Clark's journals. Wash. Govt. 1904. (Reprinted from the annual re- port of the American historical association for the year 1903, v. 1, p. 105-129). Wu A CHECK-LIST j^S Thwaites, Reuben Gold, editor. Early western travels. 17481846, a series of annotated reprints of some of the best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the aborigines and social and economic conditions in the middle and far west, during the period of early American settlement. 32v. Cleveland, Clark, 1904-1906. L. M, O, P, S V. 6-7, 21, 28-29, .31-32, have special bearing upon the Pa- cific Northwest. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, editor, see also Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William. Tolmie, W. Eraser and Dawson, George M. Comparative vocabularies of the Indian tribes of British Columbia. (Geological and natural history survey of Canada). 131p. 1 fold. map. Montreal, Dawson, 1884. L, S, Wu [Tooke, William]. Varieties of literature, from foreign literary journals and original mss. now first published. 2v. Lond. Debrett, 1795. Wu p. 1-42, Voyage of Gregory Shelekoff, a Russian, from Okhotsk on the Eastern ocean, to the coast of America in the years 1783, 4, 5, 6, 7 and his return to Russia. Topic, The. Apr.-Je. 1846. tab. Lond. Mitchell, [1846]. P, S p. 25-36, Oregon. Toole, Joseph Kemp. Admission of Montana and other territories. Speech of Hon. J. K. Toole, of Montana, in the House of Rep- resentatives, January 15, 1889. Bound with Speeches of J. K. Toole, 1886-1889. Wash. 1889. M Topping, E. S. Chronicles of the Yellowstone; an accurate and com- prehensive history of the country drained by the Yellowstone river, its Indian inhabitants, its first ex- plorers, the early fur traders and trappers, the com- ing and the trails of the emigrants. . . 245p. 4pl. Imap. St. Paul, Pioneer press co. 1883. M Townsend, John K[irk]. Narrative of a journey across the Rocky mountains, to the Columbia river, and a visit to the Sandwich is- lands. Chili, etc. with a scientific apx. 352p. tab. Phil, Perkins, 1839. L, P, S, Sp. Wh, Wu Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, 1905, v. 21. p.f 1071-369. L, M, O, P, S ^y^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Townsend, Jfohal K[irk]. Sporting excursions in the Rocky mountains, including a journey to the Columbia river, and a visit to the Sandwich islands. ChUi. etc. 2v. 2pl. tab. Lend. Colburn. 1S40. L. P. S $ame as his Narrative of a journey across the Rocky moun- tains- Autljor's name on title pa^, "J. K. Townshend." Traill. Mrs. Catherine Parr (Strickland). Backwoods of Canada: being letters from the wife of an emigrant officer... [with statistics of emigration]. 351p. illus. Ipor. 14pl. Imap. tab. Lend. Knight 1S36. P Same. New &d. 243p. illus. Ipor. Lond. Knight, 1S46. P, 6 ITraill, Mrs. Catherine Parr (Strickland^]. C-anada and the Oregon: the backwoods of Canada, being leners from the wife of an emigrant officer. . . [with statistics of emigration]. iUus. Ipor. 14pl. Imap. tab. Lond. Xattali. 1S46. L, P, S Traits of American Indian life and character, by a fur trader. 21Sp. Lond. Smith. 1S53. S Trezona. C. E. Cape Nome and the northern placer mines, written from personal observation. 45p. Ulus. 2por. Seattle. Denny-Coryell, 1900. Wa Yrimmer, F. Mortimer. Yukon territory: the narrative of W. H. Dall. leader of the expedition to Alaska in 1S66-1S6S; the narra- tive of an exploration made in 1SS7 in the Yukon district: extracts from the report of an exploration made in 1S96-1S97. by Wm. Ogilvie. . . 43Sp. illus. 22pl. Imap in pocket. Lond. Downey, 1S9S. L, Wu Troisieme voyage de Cook: ou. Journal d'une expedition faiie dans la aier Pacifique du sud & du nord. en 1776. 1777, 177S., 1779 & 17S0: traduit de lAnglois. Ed. 3. 454p. IpL Imap. Versailles. Poingot- 17S3. P An anonTiDODS accoont by an officer of the ■DisooTery." Trout, Peter. New theory concerning the origin and deposition of placer gold. 82p. Seattle, Pigott, 1901. S. Wu Diseosses geok>gic «OQ4itioDs in the Pacific Northwest- Turner. Frederick Jackson. Rise of the new west: 1S19-1829. 366p. Ipor. dmaps. X. Y. Harper, ld06. iHart, A. B. ed. American na- tion. T. 14^. O, S, Wu A CHECK-LIST i-c 1 id Turner, J. Turner. Three years' hunting and trapping in America and the great Northwest. lS2p. ilhis- per. facsim. ^Nn ^pg Lond. Maclure. 1S$8. L Tuttle, Charles R. Our north land: being a full account N. Y. Harper, 1900. • P "Wooley, Clive Phillipps. Trottings of a tender foot; or, A visit to the Columbian fiords. Lond. Bentley, 1884. . . P p. 34-41, Portland and the Sound. A CHECK-LIST jgQ Wood, Nina E. Crimes of the profit furnace. Ipor. Portland, Or. Mann, ['=1906]. p Two chapters relate to Portland._^ Wood, Stanley. Over the range to the Golden Gate; a complete tourists' guide to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Cali- fornia, Oregon, Puget Sound and the great North- West. 351p. illus. Ipl. Chic. Donnelley, 1889. Wu Same. 351p. 1891 ["=1889]. p Same. Imap. 283p. 1895. S Woodman, Abby Johnson. Picturesque Alaska; a journal of a tour among the mountains, seas and islands of the Northwest, from San Francisco to Sitka. 212p. 6pl. Imap. Bost. Houghton, 1889. P, Wu Woods, Andrew, compiler. Constitution of the state of Washington with marginal notes and full index. 74p. Seattle, Woods, 1889. S. Woodworth, Francis C. Young Americano's life of Fremont. 282p. illus. Ipor. N. Y. Miller, 1856. P Wrangell, Ferdinand Petrovich, frelher?- von. Narrative of an expedition tp the Polar sea, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1823... ed. by... Edward Sa- bine. 137H-413p. Imap (in pocket), tab. Lond. Madden, 1840. P, S, W. Wu Savie. ■ 302p. 1 fold. map. N. Y. Harper, 1873. Wu Wright, E. W. editor. Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the Pacific North- west; an illustrated review, of the growth and de- velopment of the maritime industry, from the advent of the earliest navigators to the present time, with sketches and portraits of a number of well-known marine men, edited by E. W. Wright. 494p. illus. Ipl. F. Portland, Or. Lewis and Dryden printing CO. 1895. "^ P, S,Wu Wright, Jennie Buttolph. Zineltha. 7p. n. p. n. pub.'n. d. Mu Wright, Julia McNair. /. Among the Alaskans. 351p. illus. 2maps. ""^ Phil. Presbyterian board of publication, ["^18831 . S, Wh, Wa 190 PACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY Wright, William Greenwood. Butterflies of the west coast of the United States . . . with colored figures and descriptions of many new species and new varieties now first published. Ed. 2. 257p. pi. Ipor. San Bernardino, Cal. Author, 1906. ' S Wyeth, John B. Oregon; or, A short history of a long journey from the Atlantic ocean to the region of the Pacific by land; drawn up from the notes and oral information of John B. Wyeth, one of the party who left Mr. Na- thaniel J. Wyeth, July 28th, 1832, four days' march beyond the ridge of the Rocky mountains, and the only one who has returned to New England. 87p. Cambridge, Wyeth, 1833. 0, P Same. Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, 1905, v. 21, p. [17]-106. L, M, O, P, S Wyeth, Nathaniel JCarvisl. Correspondence and journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth, 1831-6. A record of two expeditions for the occupation of the Oregon country, with maps, intro- duction and index. . . edited by F. G. Young. . . 262p. 3maps. (Sources of the history of Oregon, v. 1. pts. 3-6, Eugene, Or: University press, 1899). L, O, P, S, Wh, Wu Wyld, James. Map of the basin of the Pacific. 84x54 cm. Lond. Wyld, n. d. P Wyld, James. Map of the Oregon districts and the adjacent country. 70x49 cm. Lond. Wyld, 1843. P, S vVyld, James. Map of the United States and the relative position of the Oregon and Texas. 55x37 cm. Lond. Wyld, n. d. P, S Wyse, Francis. America, its realities and resources. . . its laws and cus- toms, together with a review of the policy of the United States that led to the war of 1812... the Texas and Oregon questions. 3v. tab. Lond. Newby, 1846. P, S Young, Frederick GCeorge]. Columbia river improvements and the Pacific North- west, p. 189-202. (From the annals of the American academy, January, 1908). O A CHECK-LIST 191 Young, FLrederick] GCeorge]. . . .Exploration northwestward. 24p. illus. 1 fold. map. Eugene, Or. University, 1898. (Bulletin of the Uni- versity of Oregon, Historical series, v. 1, no. 2). O, Wu Young, Frederick George, editor, see Wyeth, Nathaniel Jarvis. n