ii GIFT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE NEW HAVEN City School District. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MAY 2, 1910 IN EFFECT MAY 27, 1910. NEW HAVEN The Hartv Pre 1910 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE NEW HAVEN City School District, ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MAY 2, 1910 IN EFFECT MAY 27, 1910. NEW HAVEN The Hartv Press. 1910 SCHOOL OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION : Henry A. Spang, President. Term Expire Henry A. Spang 980 Chapel st. 1910 Theodore R. Blakesi.ee, 102 Hill st. 191 1 James D. DeweUv, Jr. 179 Church st. 191 1 Benjamin Slade 42 Church st. 1912 Owen A. Groark 271 Blatchley ave. 1912 Phiup Troup 74 Center st. 191 3 Theodore Gruener 944 Chapel st. 19 13 Special Committee on Revision of Rules: JAme^.C*. 'JD^wEUv, Jr., Chairman. * ,Qwen A. Groark \ ': "' < • •".*« i } Benjamin Slade Henry A. Spang, President (ex officio) Superintendent of Schools: F. H. Beede 424 Temple st. Secretary : G. T. Hewlett 87 Orange st. Inspector of School Buildings: D. J. Maloney 107 Mansfield st. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE New Haven City School District ARTICLE I. BOUNDS OF THE NEW HAVEN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. The New Haven City School District includes all of the City of New Haven except the Westville District. That part of the city which lies west of a line running from the bridge over West River on the Derby turnpike to the outlet of Beaver Pond, thence easterly and northerly along the brook flow- ing into said pond, to the Hamden line, is the West- ville District. APPOINTMENT POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The provisions of the Revised Charter of the City of New Haven for the appointment of the Board of Education and the government of the pub- lic schools in the New Haven City School District, are as follows, viz: 23*5688 Sec. 104. * There shall be in said city a depart- ment of education, which shall have the care and management of all the affairs of the New Haven City School District. After this act takes effect no meeting of the New Haven City School District shall be held for any purpose whatever. Sec. 105. Said department shall be under the control of a board of education of seven members who shall serve without compensation. The mem- bers of the Board of Education in office at the time this act takes effect, shall hold their respective offices during the terms for which they were ap- pointed unless sooner removed for cause according to the provisions of this act. On or before the ■first day of September, 1899, the Mayor shall ap- point two members of said Board to serve four years from the third Monday in September next following; on. or before the first day of September, 1900, the Mayor shall appoint two members of said Board to serve four years from the third Monday of September next following; on or before the first day of September, 1901, he shall appoint two mem- bers of said Board to serve for four years from the third Monday of September, 1902, said Mayor shall appoint one member of said Board to serve for a period of four years from the third Monday of September next following. And on or before the first day of September in every year thereafter the Mayor shall fill the vacancies about to occur in said Board by appointing one or two members, as the case may be, to serve for four years from the third Monday in September following their appoint- ment. Not more than four members of the same political party shall at any one time be members of said Board. The Mayor shall fill all vancancies caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, by ap- pointment, for the unexpired term. If the Mayor shall refuse, fail or neglect for thirty days to make an appointment to fill any vacancy that may occur in said Board, either by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, then the remaining members of said Board may elect a suitable person to fill such va- cancy. Sec. 106. The Board of Education shall ap- point a Superintendent of Schools, and shall de- cide the number of principals, assistants, and teachers to be employed. It may appoint or employ a secretary, an inspector of buildings, and such other officers and employes as may be necessary for the proper conduct of its business. It shall fix their terms of office and their salaries and prescribe their duties in each case, except as hereinafter provided. The officers and employes of the New Haven City School District, at the time of the taking effect of this Act, shall retain their respective offices until their successors shall be chosen, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Education then in exist- ence, not inconsistent with this Act, shall remain in full force until repealed. Said board shall have the entire charge and direction of all the public schools of said district, and of the expenditure of all moneys appropriated for the support of the same, and shall have charge of the construction, management, and repair of all school buildings, and shall possess all other powers and be subject to all of the general duties of boards of education, school committees, and school visitors in this State, so far as the same are consistent with the terms of this Act. It shall annually choose a president from among its own members, make its own by-laws, keep a journal of its proceedings, define the duties of its officers and committees, and prescribe such rules and regulations for discipline in the said pub- lic schools as are not inconsistent with the laws of the State. Sec. 107. The Superintendent of Schools, if he has not held the office before, shall be appointed for one year, and if continued in office thereafter, may be appointed for a term of five years, and his salary shall not be reduced before the expiration of said term of five years. He shall not be removed during said term except by the vote of five mem- bers of the Board of Education. He shall appoint from those eligible under the rules of the board, all principals, assistants, and teachers necessary to fill positions authorized by the board. He shall assign all principals, assistants, and teachers to their re- spective positions and re-assign them or dismiss them from office at his discretion. He shall report at each meeting of the board, all appointments, re- assignments, and dismissals made by him since the previous meeting. Any appointment by the Super- intendent may be rejected by a vote of five mem- bers of the board. Any dismissal by the Superin- tendent shall be final unless reversed by a vote of five members of the board at the meeting when such dismissal is reported. Notice of dismissal on the part of the Superintendent shall be given to the principal, assistant, or teacher by the Superin- tendent in writing at least one week before the meet- ing of the board when the Superintendent reports such dismissal. He shall, with the approval of the Board of Education, prescribe the courses of study in all the schools, but the text-books to be used in said courses shall be designated by the board. The Superintendent shall annually, at a date to be fixed by the board, submit to the board a full report of the work and condition of the schools during the previous year, with recommendations for the ensu- ing year, which report, when accepted by the board, shall form part of its report to the Mayor. He shall also report, each month during the school year, to the board in writing, any changes made in the course of study, and what principals, assistants, and teachers he has assigned, re-assigned, or dis- missed, and shall furnish such additional informa- tion regarding the condition of the schools and the efficiency of the teaching force as may be required by the board. Said monthly reports shall be en- tered in a suitable book provided for the purpose, and shall be kept as part of the records of the de- partment. Sec. 108. The Treasurer of the city shall re- ceive the amount of school money to which the dis- trict is entitled, from the school moneys of the State, from the Town of New Haven, from State appro- priations for school purposes, from gifts, and from the tax laid within the district for school purposes, which moneys shall be subject to the order of the Board of Education under such rules and regula- tions as the Board of Finance may from time to time establish. Sec. 109. The Board of Education shall submit to the Board of Finance of the city, at the time fixed by law for the submission of the estimates of the other departments of said city, a detailed estimate of its current expenses for the next year for which the appropriations for city purposes are by law required to be made. Sec. no. Said Board of Finance shall annually appropriate for land for school sites or additions thereto, and for new school buildings and their equipment, and for additions to or improvements or repairs of schoolhouses, an amount equal to one and one-half mills on all property in the New Haven City School District subject to taxation. Said Board of Finance shall annually appropriate for the purpose of said district, in addition to the fore- going, such amount as it may deem necessary. Ap- propriations made for school sites and the building and furnishing of new schoolhouses or additions to and improvements or repairs of old ones shall be known as the special school fund, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Education to cause ac- curate accounts to be kept of its receipts and ex- penditures, distinguishing between those of a gen- eral and those of a special character. The Board of Finance shall levy, for school purposes, a tax upon all property within said district as now or hereafter constituted. Sec. in. The Board of Education shall have power to maintain one or two high schools, as it may deem advisable, and a manual training school, and it shall determine the number and location of primary and grammar schools, but no expenditure involving any expense to the City of New Haven or the New Haven City School District for the pur- chase of ground or the erection of schoolhouses shall be made until an appropriation for that pur- pose shall have been made. Sec. 112. Said board shall annually, at a date to be fixed by the Mayor, transmit to the Mayor a full report of its proceedings during the previous year, together with a statement of its receipts and expenditures, specifying those on account of cur- rent expenses and special expenses for land and buildings, respectively, with such other details as the Mayor may from time to time require. Sec. 113. Said board shall have power to di- vide the school district into as many sub-districts as it may deem advisable, for the purpose of determin- ing the limits within which children may attend each school. Sec. 114. The City of New Haven, upon the recommendation of the Board of Education, shall have power to take sites for schoolhouses, or for 8 the enlargement of sites already acquired, in the manner provided by law for the taking of land for public parks. Sec. 115. The title to all property, legal or equitable, owned by such district, or which may hereafter be acquired for school purposes in said district, is hereby vested in the Board of Educa- tion, as trustees for said New Haven City School District. *Sec. 116. The Westvil'le School District and the South School District are excepted from the provisions hereof. Whenever the electors of either the Westville School District or the South School District in the Town and City of New Haven shall, by majority vote in district meeting, in the manner provided for the admission of the different wards in Section 218 of this Act, express their desire to have their district annexed to the New Haven City School District, said vote shall be certified to the Board of Education of the New Haven School Dis- trict, and said board shall then, by a proper vote, declare the district in question to be a part of the New Haven City School District, and it shall there- after be included in said New Haven City School District, and be governed by all the provisions of this Act relating to said district. ARTICLE II. ORGANIZATION OF T1IK BOARD. Meetings. Sec. t. The regular meetings of the board shall be held on the second and fourth Eriday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock. * Note — The South School District has been annexed to the New- Haven City School District under the provisions of this act. Quorum. Sec. 2. Four members of the board shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Every Member to Vote. Sec. 3. Every member present when a question is put, shall vote, unless excused by a majority of the board present. Yeas and Nays. Sec. 4. The yeas and nays shall be taken and recorded whenever called for by any member of the board. Meetings to be Public. Sec. 5. The meetings of the board are open to the public, unless otherwise specially ordered. Executive Sessions. Sec. 6. At the request of one member, or when- ever any question arises which involves the stand- ing of an employe, the board shall go into executive session. Special Meetings. Sec. 7. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the board, or by the President, and the notice for such meetings shall state the objects for which they are called. In the event of the Board voting to hold a special meeting, the hour set for such meeting shall not be changed without the vote of the Board. Order of Business. Sec. 8. The usual order of business of the board shall be as follows : i. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Reports of Standing Committees. Reports of Special Committees. Report of Superintendent. Report of Secretary. Business laid over under the rules. Other business. Business Referred to Committees. Sec. 9. As far as practicable, all business shall be presented to the board and referred to the ap- propriate standing committee, before action is taken by the board. Communications. Sec. 10. All communications addressed to the Board shall be referred to the President or to the proper committee. Election of President and Committees. Sec. 11. At the first meeting of the board held after the third Monday in September in each year, a President and the following committees shall be elected by ballot by a majority vote of the board: A Committee on Schools, consisting of three members. A Committee on School Buildings, consisting of three members. A Committee on Finance, consisting of two members. A Committee on New School Buildings consist- ing of three members ( to be effective Sept. 23, 1910). Duties of the President. Sec. 12. The President shall preside at the meetings of the board and perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office. President Pro Tempore. Sec. 13. In the absence of the President, his powers and duties shall devolve upon a president pro tempore, to be elected by a majority of the members present. ARTICLE III. COMMITTEE ON SCHOOLS. Course of Study and Government of the Schools. Sec. 14. This committee shall, in consultation with the Superintendent, attend to all matters re- lating to the course of study and government of all the schools of the district subject to the approval of the Board, and shall recommend to the Board all text-books to be used in the schools. Number of Teachers to be Employed. Sec. 15. They shall determine, in consultation with the Superintendent, and recommend to the board, the number of principals, assistants and teachers necessary to properly carry on the work of the schools. 1 j Recommend Salaries. Sec. 1 6. They shall recommend to the board the salaries to be paid to principals, assistants and. teachers. Purchase and Care of Books and Supplies. Sec. 17. They shall have charge of the pur- chase and care of the books, stationery, and supplies and apparatus for teaching, and shall approve all bills contracted by them or under their authority. They shall have charge of the purchase and care of all books for the apparatus and library account, and no books or apparatus charged to this account shall be bought until the same shall have been approved by the Committee on Schools. COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Purchase and Care of School Property. Sec. 18. The charge of school buildings and premises, the purchase and care of furniture and movable property and of all supplies except books stationery and supplies and apparatus for teach- ing, shall be in this committee, and they shall ap- prove all bills contracted by them or under their authority. Use of School Buildings. Sec. 19. They shall pass upon all requests for the use of school buildings and premises for other than strictly school purposes, and shall have power to grant or refuse such requests subject to the ap- proval of the Board. 13 Repairs and Improvements. Sec. 20. They shall have charge of all repairs and recommend to the Board such changes and improvements as they deem necessary for the health of the pupils, the efficiency of the schools and the protection of the property of the district. Annual Inspection. Sec. 21. They shall annually, in the month of May or June, inspect the school buildings and prop- erty of the district and report to the board the con- dition of the same, with an. estimate of the cost of the necessary repairs and improvements. Nomination of Janitors. Sec. 22. They shall nominate to the board all candidates for positions as janitors, and shall rec- ommend the salaries to be paid. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Funds of the District. Sec. 23. The financial wants and obligations of the district shall be under the special charge of the Committee on Finance, who shall draw all orders for the payment of such bills or claims, within the appropriations, as by them may be approved. Bills and Pay Rolls. Sec. 24. They shall examine and pass upon all bills or claims that have been approved by a ma- jority of the committee under whose authority the debt was incurred. 14 Insurance. Sec. 25. They shall have charge of the insur- ance of the property of the district. Clerical Assistants. Sec. 26. They shall employ all necessary clerical assistants and fix the salaries to be paid, subject to the approval of the board. Annual Report. Sec. 27. They shall make an annual report to the board of the financial condition of the district. 'Estimate of the Value of School Property. Sec. 28. They shall make an estimate, for pub- lication in the annual report, of the value of the property belonging to the district. COMMITTEE ON NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Sec. 29. They shall, under the direction of the Board, purchase sites, procure plans and estimates for new buildings and have charge and supervision of the construction and acceptance of the same. They shall, under the direction of the Board, pur- chase all furniture and equipment for new build- ings. miscellaneous. Records to be Kept. Sec. 30. Each of these committees shall keep a book of minutes of their transactions, which shall be produced on demand at any meeting of the board, and shall be open to the inspection of any mem- ber. 15 The Superintendent to Attend Meetings of the Com- mittees. Sec. 31. The presence of the Superintendent may be required at the meetings of any of the com- mittees. Contracting Bills. Sec. 32. No bills shall be contracted or money expended without the authority of the appropriate committee, except in cases of emergency. Extra Help Employed. Sec. 33. In no case shall extra help be em- ployed by any department for any purpose what- soever without first obtaining the approval of the appropriate committee. Requisitions for Repairs, Etc. Sec. 34. All requisitions for repairs, improve- ments, furniture, etc., by teachers and janitors, shall be sent to the proper officer of the Board through the principal of the building. . Payment of Bills. Sec. 35. Each bill or claim against the school district shall be certified to be correct by the officer or person contracting it, and shall then be submitted for approval to the committee under whose author- ity it was contracted. Pay Roll. Sec. 36. A member of the Committee on Schools and a member of the Committee on School Buildings, shall examine the pay roll each month 16 and approve it, if it is found to be correct. After it is so approved, the Secretary shall draw an order for the total amount payable to the order of the Board of Education, (Pay Roll Account), which order shall be deposited in the bank. Checks for each person on the pay roll shall be drawn against this deposit, each check to be signed by the Secretary of the Board and countersigned by a member of the Committee on Finance. ARTICLE IV. Executive Officers and Their Duties. Sec. 37. The executive officers of the Board shall consist of a Superintendent of Schools, a Sec- retary, an Assistant Secretary and an Inspector of School Buildings. How Chosen. Sec. 38. The officers shall be elected by ballot by a majority vote of the board at the second regu- lar meeting in the month of April, unless said elec- tions are postponed to a future meeting. Sec. 39. The term of office of the Superintend- ent of Schools shall begin on. the first day of the next succeeding September, and shall continue as provided in the following section of the Revised Charter of the City of New Haven : "The Superintendent of Schools, if he has not held the office before, shall be appointed for one year, and if continued in office thereafter may be appointed for a term of five years, and his salary shall not be reduced before the expiration of said 17 term of five years. He shall not be removed during said term except by the vote of five members of the Board of Education." The term of office of the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Inspector of School Buildings, shall commence on the first day of the next succeeding May. They shall each hold office for one year and until a successor is appointed. DUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. General Supervision of All Schools. Sec. 40. The Superintendent shall have gen- eral supervision of all the schools of the district. He shall perform the following duties : Appointment of Teachers. Sec. 41. He shall appoint from those eligible under the rules of the Board, all principals, assist- ants and teachers necessary to fill positions author- ized by the Board. (a) He shall assign all principals, assistants, and teachers to their respective positions, and re- assign them or dismiss them from office at his dis- cretion. (b) He shall report at each meeting of the Board all appointments, reassignments and dismis- sals made by him since the previous meeting. (c) Any appointment by the Superintendent may be rejected by a vote of five members of the Board, but not later than the time of the next regu- lar meeting after such appointment. 18 (d) Any dismissal by the Superintendent shall be final unless reversed by a vote of five members of the Board at the meeting when such dismissal is reported. (e) Notice of such dismissal on the part of the Superintendent shall be given to the principal, as- sistant or teacher by the Superintendent in writing, at least one week before the meeting of the Board when the Superintendent reports such dismissal. (f) In order to acquire full knowledge affect- ing dismissals, reassignments or appointments, it is the wish of the Board that the Superintendent shall give to each member of the Board one week's notice in writing before such appointment, dismissal or re- assignment shall become effectual. Courses of Study. Sec. 42. He shall, with the approval of the Board of Education, prescribe the courses of study in all the schools. Reports. Sec. 43. He shall annually, at the first regular meeting in February, submit to the board a full re- port of the work and condition of the schools dur- ing the previous year, with recommendations for the ensuing year, which report, when accepted by the board, shall form part of its report to the Mayor. He shall also report, each month during the school year, to the board, in writing, any changes made in the course of study, and what principals, assistants, and teachers he has assigned, reassigned 19 or dismissed, and shall furnish such additional in- formation regarding the condition of the schools and the efficiency of the teaching force as may be required by the board. To devote his whole time to the Schools. Sec. 44. He shall, under the direction of the board, devote his whole time to the schools, and shall do his utmost to secure in all the schools of the district thoroughness of instruction, good dis- cipline and harmonious relations between parents and teachers. Visitation and Supervision. Sec. 45. He shall visit the schools of the dis- trict as often as is necessary for thorough super- vision, giving attention to organization, discipline and instruction, and rendering such aid to principals and teachers by advice and criticism as shall, in his judgment, increase the efficiency of the schools, and shall carefully observe the methods of instruction and conduct of each teacher. Teachers Meetings. Sec. 46. He shall assemble the teachers at such times as he may deem necessary, for the pur- pose of instructing or directing them in the dis- charge of their duties, for the discussion of methods of teaching and principles of school government, and to secure practical uniformity in the work of the several grades and in the discipline of the schools. 20 Examination of Teachers. Sec. 47. He shall examine candidates for the position of teachers and shall issue legal certificates to those found qualified, under the direction of the Committee on Schools subject to the approval of the Board. Appointment of Substitutes. Sec. 48. He may supply substitutes to fill tem- porary vacancies, and report his action to the Com- mittee on Schools. Exchange of Reports. Sec. 49. He shall keep himself and the board constantly informed of the best plans of organiza- tion and methods of instruction adopted in the schools of other cities; for this purpose he shall regularly exchange reports with other towns and cities and visit schools of such other cities when- ever feasible. Attend Meetings of the Board. Sec. 50. He shall attend all meetings of the board and be prepared to give such information concerning the schools as may be required. Examinations and Promotions. Sec. 51. He shall have supervision of the grad- ing, examinations and promotions in all the schools of the district. Enforcement of Truancy Lazvs, Etc. Sec. 52. He shall attend to the enforcement of the truancy laws and the strict execution of the pules of the Board. 21 Approve Requsitions. Sec. 53. He shall receive and pass upon all re- quests for books, stationery, supplies and apparatus for teaching, and transmit to the Secretary such as are approved by him. Office Hoars. Sec. 54. He shall be at the office of the board on all school days from 8 to 9 o'clock a. m., and from 4 to 5 p. m. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. Meetings of the Board. Sec. 55. He shall send notices of and attend all meetings of the board, keep suitable records of their proceedings, and notify the chairman of each committee of business referred to it by the board. Census of School Children. . . Sec. 56. He shall see that an accurate census of children of school age is taken, according to law, under the direction of the Committee on Fi- nance. Accounts of the District. Sec. 57. It shall be the duty of the Secretary under the direction of the Finance Committee, to keep the accounts of the district and make out an annual report of its receipts and expenses. Pay Roll, Insurance, Contracts, Etc. Sec. 58. He shall make up the monthly pay roll, attend to the insurance, to the preparation of contracts necessary to the affairs of the district, to 22 the payment of such bills as are approved by the Finance Committee, and to such other matters as may be ordered by the board. He shall be in charge of the office of the Board, attend to the business affairs of the district, under direction of the appro- priate committees, and direct the work of all clerical assistants. Repair and Care of School Property. Sec. 59. He shall, under the direction of the Committee on School Buildings, attend to the re- pair and care of school property other than school buildings. Purchase and Accounts of Furniture and Supplies. Sec. 60. He shall, under the direction of the appropriate committee, purchase all furniture, books, stationery, apparatus, and supplies for the use of the district; distribute them to the several schools, and keep suitable accounts with the sev- eral schools of the books, stationery, supplies, and apparatus furnished them. DUTIES OF THE INSPECTOR OP SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Repairs and Improvements. Sec. 61. The Inspector of School Buildings, under the direction of the appropriate committee, shall have charge of all repairs of school buildings. He shall receive all requests for repairs, alterations or improvements from principals and investigate the necessity for the same, and report to the Com- mittee on School Buildings. 23 Supervise Work of Janitors. Sec. 62. He shall supervise the work of the janitors, and see that they obey the rules of the Board; and, as often as his other duties permit, visit all the school buildings to ascertain whether the janitors are properly performing their duties, and report to the Committee on School Buildings. Report Incompetent Janitors. Sec. 63. He shall instruct janitors, when neces- sary, in the use of. fuel, care of furnaces and boil- ers, and in any other work or duties he shall deem necessary; and shall be watchful to detect and re- port to the Committee on School Buildings any neg- lect or incompetency on the part of janitors in the discharge of their duties or failure to comply with his instructions. New Buildings. Sec. 64. He shall, under the direction of the appropriate committee, daily inspect the labor and materials in all new school buildings being erected, and in all school buildings which are being remod- eled or repaired. Emergency Repairs. Sec. 65. In cases of emergency, he may make, or cause to be made, repairs without first receiving instructions from the appropriate committee. Record of Sites and Buildings. Sec. 66. He shall maintain in his office a com- plete record of the size of all school lots, their loca- tion, dimensions, the materials of all buildings and necessary data relating thereto. 24 Janitors' Supplies. Sec. 67. He shall receive and pass upon all re- quests for Janitors' Supplies and transmit to the Secretary such as are approved by him. DUTIES OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Text-books. Sec. 68. He shall keep a correct list of all text- books adopted by the Board and the date of their adoption. Inventory of the Property. Sec. 69. He shall annually make an accurate inventory of all the property of the district and the number and kinds of articles in the respective school buildings or other depositories. Purchase of Books and Supplies. Sec. 70. He shall assist the Secretary in the purchase of "books, stationery, apparatus and sup- plies for the use of the district and in the discharge of his other duties. In Charge of Office. Sec. 71. He shall, in the absence of the Sec- retary be in charge of the office of the Board and perform such of his duties, under the direction of appropriate committees, as may be necessary. Distribute Books and Supplies. Sec. 72. He shall, under the direction of the Secretary, have charge of the distribution of books, 25 stationery, apparatus and supplies and shall keep suitable accounts with the several schools of the same and see that their appropriations are not over- drawn. CLERICAL ASSISTANTS. Hours of Clerks. Sec. 73. The regular office hours for the clerks in the office of the Board shall be from 8.15 a. m. to 5 p. m., with I J4 hours intermission at noon, ex- cept on Saturdays, such holidays as may be desig- nated by the Board and during the summer vacation. On Saturdays the hours shall be from 8.15 a. m. to I p. m. During July and August the hours shall be from 9 a. m. to 4. p. m., except on Saturdays 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Whenever the needs of the dis- trict require it, they shall also work at such other times in addition to the regular office hours, as the Secretary or Superintendent of Schools may deem necessary. Duties of Clerks. Sec. 74. They shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Secretary. They shall be prompt, diligent, courteous, obliging and orderly in the discharge of their duties. In the ab- sence of the Secretary they shall be under the di- rection of the Assistant Secretary. ARTICLE V. ORGANIZATION OF THE SCHOOLS. Sub-Districts. Sec. 75. The New Haven City School District is divided for convenience into sub-districts, each 26 one containing a grammar school which, with the other schools in that sub-district, is under the care of a Supervising Principal. Classification. Sec. 76. The schools are classified as follows : Primary Schools, Grammar Schools, High Schools, Evening Schools. Primary Schools. Sec. yj. The Primary Schools shall consist of four grades, designated as first, second, third and fourth. Grammar Schools. Sec. 78. The Grammar Schools shall consist of four grades, designated as fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth. HIGH SCHOOL. - Courses of Study. Sec. 79. The New Haven Public High School, consisting of the Hillhouse School and the Board- man Manual Training School, shall comprise the College Preparatory, the English, the Scientific, and the Manual Training Departments, each with a course of four years, and the Commercial with a course of three years. Admission Upon Recommendation. Sec. 80. Pupils in the eighth grade of the New Haven Public Schools who have carried on the en- tire work of the grade, may be promoted to the 27 High School upon the joint recommendation of the supervising principal of the sub-district and the head teacher in the grade. But no pupil is to be recommended who is deficient in spelling or in the use of ordinary English, or who is under twelve years of age. Admission Upon Examination. Sec. 81. Examinations for admission to the High School will be held in June and September. Any pupil who has done the work of the eighth grade or its equivalent will be entitled to take these examinations. Such examinations will be given in Spelling, English Grammar and Language, Geog- raphy, United States History and Arithmetic. No pupil shall be admitted to the High School upon this examination unless he attains an average of seventy-five per cent. No other pupil will be al- lowed to take these examinations. The Superin- tendent of Schools may, however, grant permission, to take the examination, in special cases for satis- factory reasons, with the consent of the Committee on Schools. If any person fails to pass the examination in June, he shall not be given another examination until the following June, except as hereinafter pro- vided. An examination will, however, take place in September for those pupils who could not be present at the June examination and for such other pupils, who, at the June examination, attained an average of at least sixty per cent. 28 Admission of Non-Residents. Sec. 82. Whenever any private school and the Westville Grammar School shall have a course of study equivalent to the public schools of the City School District of New Haven, and shall make ap- plication for admission of their pupils to the High School upon recommendation, the Committee on Schools may instruct the Superintendent of Schools to make such examination of the course of study and of the work of the school, especially of its highest grade, as he may deem necessary for this purpose. After such an examination, upon his recommendation the Committee on Schools may each year admit a list of recommended pupils to the High School. This list, however, must be sub- mitted to the Superintendent of Schools on or be- fore June 17 and must be approved by him before any action shall be taken by the Committee on Schools and before permission is given. No gen- eral or permanent permission shall, however, be granted to any school except by vote of the Board. Standing of Pupils. Sec. 83. The principal of the High School shall report to the Superintendent and he to the Commit- tee on Schools, at the close of each term, the stand- ing and rank of each pupil in the lowest class. Tests in Eighth Grade. Sec. 84. The Superintendent of Schools shall, from time to time, make written tests of the work of the pupils in the eighth grade. 29 Examination Under the Direction of the Superin- tendent. Sec. 85. The examination for entrance, includ- ing the preparation of questions, shall be made un- der the direction of the Superintendent of Schools with the assistance of the principal and teachers of the High School and such teachers from the grammar schools as may be selected by the Super- intendent of Schools and approved by the Com- mittee on Schools. Scale for Recording Scholarship. Sec. 86. A literal scale for recording scholar- ship shall be used, consisting of four letters, A. B, C, and D. A meaning excellent, signifying 90-100; B, good, signifying 75-90; C, passable, but not satis- factory, signifying 60-75 > D, poor or deficient, sig- nifying 0-60. Scholarship and Promotions. Sec. 87. Any pupil who receives D in two or more studies two months in succession, shall be dropped to the class below. A pupil may be given an additional month of probation, if on account of sickness or other good reason, the principal deems it for the interest of the schools to grant the pupil such an additional month in which to make his scholarship satisfactory. A senior conditioned in any subject is not en- titled to a dipolma, nor can he be allowed to grad- uate, nor take any part in the graduation exercises, nor sit with his class at these exercises. He may, 30 however, be allowed opportunity to remove his condition by passing a satisfactory examination. At the close of the year, if a pupil has in any study a mark of D, he shall be required to pass a satisfactory examination in that study at the open- ing of school in September, or failing in that, to repeat the subject. One D in the monthly report makes a pupil in- eligible for any official position in class or in school, including that of serving on a committee, or for any other position of privilege or honor in the school, including a place on the Glee Club or on an athletic team. A pupil who has fallen below the minimum standard can reinstate himself by showing decided and permanent improvement in scholarship. Deportment. Sec. 88. The deportment of the pupils shall be recorded in the same manner as the scholarship, by the use of the literal scale : A, B, C, D. If the de- portment of any pupil is unsatisfactory, he shall re- ceive a mark of "D" and notice shall be sent to his parents. Suspension of Pupils. Sec. 89. The principal shall have authority to suspend pupils whenever, after consultation with the teacher or teachers who have found a pupil incorrigible, suspension seems advisable, and the term of suspension shall be left to the discretion of the principal of the High School, provided, how- ever, that any suspension shall be immediately re- 31 ported to the Superintendent, and by him to the Committee on Schools, and shall be subject to their revision and approval. Notice to Parents. Sec. 90. It shall be the duty of the High School principal and teachers to send a notice to the parents of pupils who receive two D's in one month, or who have a D at the end of the year, informing the parents of the consequence of such deficient schol- arship. Diplomas. Sec. 91. Diplomas will be given to pupils who have completed any one of the prescribed courses and who have attained at least C in the literal scale in each and all of their studies. There shall be two kinds of diplomas, namely, the Honor Diploma and the Pass Diploma. The conditions upon which a student may receive an Honor Diploma shall be as follows : For excellent work in any study during the year, a student may be named by the instructor for Honors in that particular study for that year. A student named for Honors in at least three-fourths of the work of any year shall receive "Honors for the Year," provided he is not marked deficient in any other work for the same year, and, provided, his deportment for that year has been satisfactory. A student at graduation, who has been distinguished with "Honors for the Year" for at least three years, one of these years being Senior year, shall receive "Honors for the Course," which shall entitle him to an Honor Diploma. A Commercial student, who has received "Honors for the Year" for two years, one year being "Senior Year," shall be entitled to an Honor Diploma. The number of recitation periods per week m any study shall be regarded as the numerical valu* of that study in determining three-fourths of the work of any year. The Pass Diploma shall be awarded to those pupils who are entitled to graduate but who are not entitled to an Honor Diploma. A diploma will not be granted to a pupil after the regular graduation of his class, unless by a special vote of the board and after the joint recom- mendation of the Superintendent and High School principal. Graduation Exercises . Sec. 92. The Graduation Exercises shall be public, and shall be held at the close of the scholas- tic year in June. All matters relating to the Grad- uating Exercises shall be referred to the board. Order of Instruction. Sec. 93. The studies pursued in the Higk School shall be arranged by the Superintendent and Principal of the High School and the Committee on Schools, subject to the approval of the Board. , Schedule of Work. Sec. 94. In arranging the schedule of work for the year, the High School Principal, with the 33 approval of the Superintendent of Schools, shall have authority to assign to each teacher such sub- jects and hours of work as the conditions of the school may, in his judgment, make necessary. Admission at the Beginning of the Year. Sec. 95. Admission shall be made only at the beginning of the year, unless the candidate is qual- ified to enter the regular course. Sessions. Sec. 96. The sessions of the High School shall be such as may be from time to time adopted by the Board. PRIMARY AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. School Hours. Sec. 97. The regular school hours for primary and grammar schools shall be from 9 o'clock a. m. to 12 m., and from 1.45 to 3.30 p. m., with a re- cess not to exceed ten minutes near the middle of each session. Sec. 98. The hours of the closing of the schools on days before holidays shall be designated from time to time by the Board. Music and Drawing. Sec. 99. Instruction in Music and Drawing is given in all grades of the primary and grammar schools in accordance with a program prepared un- der the direction of the Superintendent of Schools and the Committee on Schools. 34 Medical Inspection. Sec. ioo. There shall be such medical inspec- tion of the schools as may be, from time to time, adopted by the Board of Health and approved by the Board of Education. Woodwork and Cooking, or Domestic Economy. Sec. 101. Instruction in woodwork shall be given to the boys, and cooking or domestic econ- omy to the girls in the seventh and eighth grades, and may be given in the sixth grade upon the recom- mendation of the Committee on Schools and ap- proval by the Board. The course of instruction shall be such as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board. Attendance or tardiness at the cooking and woodworking schools shall be reported each week by the teachers of these schools to the Supervising Principals of the schools from which the several pupils come and shall be counted as attendance or tardiness at said schools. No pupil who becomes a member of the cook- ing or woodworking classes shall be permitted to withdraw during the year except for imperative reasons, and then only by permission of the Super- intendent of Schools. Pupils in these schools shall be subject to all the rules for their government in the regular schools. Sewing. Sec. 1 02. Plain sewing is a regular branch of study for girls in grades IV, V, VI, and VII, at such hours as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board. 35 Kindergartens. Sec. 103. Kindergartens are established in such sub-districts as are ordered by the Board, and are under the direction of the Supervising Prin- cipal of that sub-district and the Supervisor of Kindergartens. Ungraded Rooms. Sec. 104. The Ungraded Rooms are especially for the temporary accommodation of children who are irregular in attendance or insubordinate in con- duct. EVENING SCHOOLS. Who May Attend. Sec. 105. Adu'lts, and such children over four- teen years of age as are unable to attend the day schools, may attend the Evening Schools. Principals. Sec. 106. The principal of each school shall be responsible for the general management of the school and for the care of the school property under his charge. He shall keep a record of the attend- ance of each pupil. The terms of admission shall be determined by the Committee on Schools. Teachers. Sec. 107. Teachers shall be present and the school room shall be opened at least fifteen minutes before the time for the session to begin. Teachers absent at this time shall report their tardiness to the principal. 36 Length of Term and Hours. Sec. 108. They shall be opened in October at such places as shall be determined by the Board, and shall be in session at least seventy-five nights, ^he hours shall be from 7.15 to 9.15 o'clock. Studies Pursued. Sec. 109. Instructions shall be given in Read- ing, Writing, Spelling, Language, Arithmetic, Geog- raphy and History, and such other studies as may be approved by the Committee on Schools, the or- der of exercises and methods of instruction to be prescribed by the Superintendent. Deportment. Sec. no. Any person who is willfully insub- ordinate in conduct and not amenable to discipline, may be suspended from school by the principal. Notice of such suspension shall be immediately sent to the parents of such person, if a minor, stating the cause of the suspension. Notice shall also be sent to the Superintendent of Schools, stating the cause. ARTICLE VI. SCHOOL YEAR, EXERCISES, ETC. Length of School Year. Sec. in. The school year shall begin the Tues- day following Labor Day and continue through one hundred and ninety actual school days, exclusive of such holidays and vacations as the Board shall annually designate. 37 Holidays. Sec. 112. The regular holidays shall be Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week, Fast Day, and those days on which Washington's Birth- day and Memorial Day are celebrated. Other holi- days may be granted by the Board. One Session. Sec. 113. In case of severe storm, the Super- intendent may indicate through the fire alarm tele- graph that there will be no session of the kinder- garten and primary grades. The signal will be given at 7:55 a. m., for omitting the forenoon ses- sion, and at 12:45 for omitting the afternoon ses- sion. (This section shall take effect at the opening of the schools in September, 1910). Devotional Exercises. Sec. 1 14. The morning sessions of the schools shall be opened with appropriate devotional exer- cises. Visitors. Sec. 115. Visitors interested in the schools are always welcome ; but teachers shall not deviate from their usual exercises, except by request of some member or officer of the board. Grievances. Sec. 116. Parents and others desiring informa- tion or feeling aggrieved, may consult the Super- intendent at the office of the board, or the principal & out of school hours. They are also requested to acknowledge immediately the receipt of any com- munication which may be addressed to them by teachers. Subscriptions, Public Notices, Etc. Sec. 117. No one shall be allowed to offer on the school premises, anything for sale, examina- tion or exhibition, or to take contributions, solicit subscriptions, give public notices, offer rewards, take photographs, or do anything of a like nature, unless permission be granted by the Superintendent and the Committee on Schools. Names of Pupils. Sec. 118. No teacher shall furnish the names and addresses of her pupils to anyone except to the duly constituted officers of the Board of Edu- cation. Agents Not to Visit Schools. Sec. 119. Representatives of publishing houses shall not be allowed to visit schools for the pur- pose of exhibiting their books, or for transacting business of any nature. They may, however, visit Supervising Principals at their offices for business purposes by written permission of the Superin- tendent of Schools. Annual Entertainments. Sec. 120. Each Supervising Principal shall be allowed to hold annually in his district, in one of the school buildings selected by him for the pur- 39 pose, a musical and literary entertainment, the pro- gram for which shall be approved by the Superin- tendent of Schools, to which the price of admission shall not exceed twenty-five cents, the proceeds to be used by the Supervising Principal for the equip- ment or adornment of any of the schools in the district in which the entertainment is held. Such adornment shall, in no case, be held to include paint- ing any part of the building, or putting furniture in the buildings, and any articles of adornment pur- chased shall be first submitted to the Superintend- ent of Schools and the Committee on School Build- ings before being placed in the school buildings. Presents. Sec. 121. The Board forbids the reception of presents by teachers, principals, or supervising prin- cipals from pupils. ARTICLE VII. ADMISSION OF PUPILS. Free to Residents. Sec. 122. The Public Schools are free to those children only who have a legal and bona fide resi- dence in the New Haven City School District. The Question of Residence. Sec. 123. In case there is doubt as to whether a pupil has a right to free tuition, the question shall be referred to the Finance Committee. 40 Non-Re sidents to Pay Tuition. Sec. 124. When there are seats not required by children belonging to the district, non-resident pupils may be received as members of any school, upon obtaining tickets of admisson from the Secre- tary. Tickets of admission will only be issued upon payment of tuition in advance at the office of the Board. The schools to which the pupils shall be assigned shall be determined by the Superintendent. Children residing in the City of New Haven, but outside the New Haven City School District shall be admitted to the High School upon payment of tuition as provided by Section 125. Rate of Tuition. Sec. 125. The charge for tuition shall be Twenty-six Dollars and sixty-seven cents a term or Eighty Dollars a year in the High School, and Thirteen Dollars and thirty-three cents a term or Forty Dollars a year in the schools below the High School, payable each term in advance. Pupils to Attend School in the Sub-District in Which They Reside. Sec. 126. No pupil shall be admitted to any school outside of the sub-district in which he re- sides, except by permission of the Superintendent and Committee on Schools. School Age. Sec. 127. No child under five years of age shall be admitted as a member of the Public Schools, except to a Kindergarten. Children between four 41 and six years of age may be admitted to the Kinder- garten of the sub-district in which they reside. Admission of New Pupils. Sec. 128. After the first four weeks of the fall term, children will not be admitted to the lowest primary room, unless they are able to enter one of the regular classes. During the first week of the spring term a class of new pupils will be admitted provided there is room for such additional class, in the judgment of the Supervising Principal, and with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Vaccination. Sec. 129. No pupils shall be admitted to, nor persons be employed in, the schools of the district, unless they present, annually, satsfactory evidence that they have been* vaccinated, or bring a certificate from a physician that the health of the person ren- ders vaccination inexpedient. Change of Residence. Sec. 130. Whenever, by change of residence, a pupil removes from one sub-district to another he shall be required to present to the principal of the school which he enters a certificate from the prin- cipal of the school which he has left, giving his at- tendance, general standing and specifying the grade and class to which he belongs. 42 ARTICUE VIII. TEXT BOOKS, APPARATUS, ETC. To be Prescribed by the Board. Sec. 131. The text books, maps, etc., used in the schools, shall be such only as may be prescribed by the board. New Text Books. Sec. 132. No text books shall be introduced into or withdrawn from the schools except by a majority vote of all the members of the board, no- tice of such intended change having been given at a meeting of the 'board held at least one week previous to such change, and the Committee on Schools having reported thereon. School Registers, Report Blanks, Etc. Sec. 133. All school registers, record books, re- port blanks, etc., shall be such as are approved by the appropriate committee. Free Text Books and Supplies. Sec. 134. All text books and other school sup- plies shall be furnished to the pupils of the district free of charge, but they shall remain the property of the district. Non-resident pupils shall furnis'h their own books and supplies. Pupils May Purchase Books. Sec. 135. Pupils who desire to do so, may pur- chase school books at the Office of the Board of Education at the same rates at which they are pur- chased by the Board. 43 Requisitions. Sec. 136. The text books and supplies ap- proved by the board shall be distributed to the schools on the requisition of the respective prin- cipals endorsed by the Superintendent. Delivery will be made at the beginning of each week, of requisitions received and approved during the previous week. Books and Other Property to be Labeled. Sec. 137. Before distribution by the principals all text books, apparatus and other school property of a permanent character shall be legibly marked "The Property of the New Haven City School Dis- trict," and a statement of the penalties for mutila- tion or loss shall be attached thereto. ARTICLE IX. APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND SALARIES. Qualifications of Teachers. Sec. 138. No candidate shall be appointed a teacher in the district who has not received a di- ploma from some Normal or Training School of good standing; a degree from some college or uni- versity; or who has not by a successful experience in teaching proved competent. No graduate of any Normal or Training School shall be appointed a teacher in the district who has not taken a course for four full years in the New Haven High School, or has not taken an equivalent course of study elsewhere. 44 No teacher shall be appointed to either the High School or to grades VII and VIII of the grammar schools, who shall not have had one year's Normal School work or one year's experience as a teacher. If one year's experience is substituted by an appli- cant for one year's Normal School work, the experi- ence as a teacher must have been such as is satis- factory to the Board of Education upon recom- mendation of the Superintendent and the Committee on Schools. Appointments and Transfers. Sec. 139. The annual appointment of prin- cipals, assistants and teachers shall be made on or before the 31st day of May. The right is reserved as provided by the Charter, to transfer teachers to other schools during the year and to dismiss any teacher for cause, or whenever his services are no longer required. Upon the employment of a teacher mew to the service the following statement shall be sent him or her with the notice of appointment: Your appointment as teacher in our schools is to be regarded by you, as well as by the Board of Education, as a strictly probationary one, or a trial year, conditional upon efficient service. At the end of the year, or before, if your work is not satisfac- tory, the Board will not continue you in the service. Notification. Sec. 140. Principals and teachers shall be im- mediately notified in writing by the Superintendent of their appointment. 45 Any appointment of a principal, teacher or as- sistant not accepted within two weeks from the date of notification will be considered as declined, unless special arrangement shall be made to the contrary with the Superintendent of Schools. When Employes are not to be Present. Sec. 141. No person in the employ of the dis- trict shall be present when the subject of his elec- tion or compensation is under consideration, except by invitation of the board, and the final considera- tion of such question shall be in executive session. Salaries. Sec. 142. The salaries of all persons in the employ of the district shall be fixed by the con- curring votes of a majority of the board. Sec. 143. The maximum salaries shall be as follows : SCHOOLS BELOW HIGH SCHOOL. Supervising Principals, Grammar Schools $2,500 Kindergarten ") Grades I-VI >■ 750 Assistant in Grade VIII ) Grades VII and VIII | g Unclassified Rooms } Ungraded Rooms 1,000 Principals of Buildings of less than 12 rooms, Grade maximum and $10 for each room. Principals of Buildings of 12 rooms, $1,000 and permanent assistant. 46 Principals of Buildings of more than 12 rooms, $1,000 and $10 for each room over 12, with a permanent assistant. Minimum, all grades, $45° HIGH SCHOOL. Minimum Maximum Men $1,000 $2,000 Women 75° 1.500 Men (Manual Work) 800 1,600 Women (Manual Work) 600 1,200 Annual Increase in Salary in Grades. Sec. 144. Grade and kindergarten teachers may receive an annual increase of $50 (provided the services of the teacher are satisfactory), until the salary shall reach the maximum of the grade in which the teacher is employed. Annual Increase in Salary High School. Sec. 145. In the High School men teachers may receive an annual increase of $100 in their salary, and women teachers $75 until the maximum in each case is reached (provided the services of the teacher are satisfactory). Appointment and Salaries of School Clerks. Sec. 146. A clerk shall be appointed for each sub-district to do the clerical work, at a salary not to exceed $200 for the first year ; $250 for the sec- ond, and not to exceed $300 thereafter. 47 Duties and Hours of School Clerks. Sec. 147. School clerks shall perform such clerical and office work as may be assigned to them by the Superintendent or Supervising Principal. Their hours shall be from 8.15 to 12, and from 1.30 to 3.30. They may be called upon for additional work beyond these hours whenever such additional service is necessary. Teachers' Resignations. Sec. 148. Any teacher who resigns her position during the school year shall give the Superintend- ent a month's notice to that effect. Failure to give such notice, unless sickness be the cause of resigna- tion, shall cause a forfeiture of salary for a month's time. Suspension from Duty on Account of Contagious Disease. Sec. 149. Whenever any employee of the district is suspended from duty by order of a health officer, a committee of the Board or the Superintendent, on account of contagious disease in his immediate fam- ily or in the house in which he resides, the case shall be reported to the appropriate committee, who shall have power to pay his salary in full or in part, dur- ing such enforced detention. In the absence of any action by the committee, no salary shall be paid. It shall be the duty of all employes to avoid absence from school work for this cause, if pos- sible. Whenever an employee, living in a house in which a contagious disease appears, shall leave 48 the house immediately upon the appearance of the disease, and remain away during its continuance, he may perform his school duties, provided a health officer grant him a certificate to this effect. Salaries, When Paid. Sec. 150. Salaries will be paid within one week after the close of the school month, and shall be reckoned on the basis of 190 days in the year for principals, teachers and school clerks, and on the basis of twelve months in the year for other per- sons in the employ of the district. ARTICLE X. SUPERVISING PRINCIPALS. Supervision of Teachers. Sec. 151. Supervising Principals shall be under the immediate direction of the Superintendent and the Committee on Schools ; they shall see that the course of study as prescribed by the Superintendent and the Board of Education is carried out, shall supervise the work of the teachers and give them in- struction and help in the prescribed course of study, and in no case shall they designate a teacher to supervise the work of another teacher. Teachers Meetings. Sec. 152. They shall hold meetings at least once a month which all the teachers in their sub- districts shall attend, unless excused by the Super- vising Principals, and at such other times as cir- cumstances may require. 49 Examinations and Promotions. Sec. 153. They shall classify their pupils ac- cording to the prescribed course of study, shall con- duct both written and oral examinations, and shall make the necessary promotions in their various schools under the direction of the Superintendent. Visit Schools in Their District. Sec. 154. They shall regularly, at least once a week, visit each school in their district. Teaching. Sec. 155. They shall regularly give personal instruction for at least five hours a week (in the prescribed work of the school) in the different schools in their districts, and such additional num- ber of hours as may be from time to time pre- scribed by the Superintendent and the Committee on Schools. Report Condition of Classes. Sec. 156. They shall make a report to the Superintendent of the progress and condition of the several classes under their charge on the last Fri- day of each month, and shall also in said report state briefly the subjects taught by them during the month, and the rooms in the schools in which they conducted the instruction. Report Inefficiency of Teachers. Sec. 157. Whenever a teacher shows ineffici- ency, or is regardless of the rules of the Board 50 of Education, the supervising principal shall prompt- ly report the same to the Superintendent, and any omission to report such inefficiency will be regarded as a gross neglect of duty. Enforcement of Rules. Sec. 158. They shall he held responsible for the strict observance and enforcement of the rules and regulations governing the schools. Recommendations to Superintendent. Sec. 159. They shall suggest and recommend to the Superintendent from time to time any changes which in their judgment would promote the welfare of the schools. Non-Resident Pupils. Sec. 160. They shall not admit a non-resident pupil without a ticket from the Secretary of the Board, and a note from the Superintendent assign- ing the pupil to a school in the district. They shall report each non-resident pupil to the Secretary of the Board within one week from the time of en- trance. Monthly Reports. Sec. 161. They shall render monthly reports concerning the attendance of pupils and the absence and tardiness of teachers. They shall keep a daily record of the attendance of teachers and of the at- tendance and tardiness of janitors, and forward the same at the close of each school month to the Sec- retary of the board. 51 Inventory. Sec. 162. They shall annually, under the direc- tion of the Assistant Secretary of the board, see that an accurate inventory is made of all the prop- erty of the district under their charge. Hours for Supervising Principals. Sec. 163. They shall be on duty in their re- spective districts at 8.40 a. m., and 1.30 p. m. Supervision of the Grounds, Buildings, Btc. Sec. 164. They shall have full supervision of the grounds, buildings, furniture and appointments of the school, and shall report to the Inspector of School Buildings any delinquency on the part of the janitors in respect to heat, ventilation and clean- liness. Notice of Repairs. Sec. 165. They shall give prompt notice to the Inspector of School Buildings when repairs are needed. Temperature Below 60 Degrees. Sec. 166. They shall dismiss classes whenever the temperature of any room shall remain below 60 degrees, with no immediate prospect of attaining the proper temperature, and shall at once report such dismissal to the Superintendent and Inspector of School Buildings. 52 Contagious Diseases. Sec. 167. They shall see that the following rules relative to Contagious Diseases are observed : Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Membranous Croup, Diphtheria, Measles, Whooping Cough, Mumps, Chicken Pox. I. SICKNESS AND EXPOSURES. No person having any of the above-mentioned contagious diseases shall be allowed to attend school. Any person having small pox, scarlet fever, membranous croup, diphtheria, or measles, and any person who has been exposed to any of these dis- eases, must remain out of school until permitted to return by certificate of the Health Officer. Any person having whooping cough, mumps, or chicken pox, must remain out of school until per- mitted to return by certificate of the Health Officer or by that of the attending physician. II. CONTAGION BY RESIDENCE. (a) Small pox, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever. No person living in any HOUSE where there is small pox, membranous croup, diphtheria, or scar- let fever shall be allowed to attend school. A per- son living in a house where any of these diseases exists must remain out of school until permitted to return by certificate of the Health Officer. The term "house," as herein used, means all those por- tions or tenements of any building having the same front door or the same rear door. 53 (b) Measles. Any person living in a FAMILY where there is measles must remain out of school until permitted to return by certificate of the Health Officer. III. TEMPORARY CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. (a) Exposure or Probable Exposure. Any person living in the same house in which there is small pox, membranous croup, diphtheria or scarlet fever, or any person living in a family in which there is measles may, provided he leave home immediately upon the appearance of the dis- ease and remain away during its continuance, re- turn to school eight days after the last exposure to the disease upon certificate of the Health Officer. (b) No Exposure. If, upon investigation, the Health Officer finds that there has been no serious exposure to the dis- ease on the part of a person living in the same house, or in case of measles, living in the same family, the Health Officer may grant a permit to continue in school without loss of time, provided the person absent himself from home during the continuance of the disease. IV. THOSE WHO HAVE HAD MEASLES. Any person living in a family in which there is measles, may, if he has already had this disease, continue in school without loss of time upon cer- tificate of the Health Officer, provided he leave home upon the appearance of the disease and remain away during its continuance. 54 V. LENGTH OF DETENTION FROM SCHOOL IN CASE OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASE. The rule observed by the Health Officer in grant- ing permits to return to school will be, as far as practicable, as follows: Persons having scarlet fever will be allowed to return seven weeks after the appearance of the dis- ease ; those having diphtheria or membranous croup will be allowed to return four weeks after the ap- pearance of the disease; those having measles, two weeks after the appearance of the disease; those having whooping cough, mumps or chicken pox, upon the termination of the disease. VI. RULES RELATIVE TO SMALL POX, SCARLET FEVER. DIPHTHERIA, MEMBRANOUS CROUP, AND MEASLES, DIFFERENT FROM THOSE RELATIVE TO WHOOPING COUGH, MUMPS, AND CHICKEN POX. It will be observed that in detaining persons from school on account of small pox, scarlet fever, diph- theria, membranous croup and measles, not only those actually sick, but also those exposed and those situated so as to be in danger of exposure are for- bidden to attend school,, and that only the certificate of the Health Officer will permit the return of those who have been debarred from school on account of any of these diseases. In case of whooping cough, mumps, and chicken pox, however, only those actually sick are forbidden to attend school and these may be permitted to re- 55 turn to school upon certificate of either the Health Officer or the attending physician. VII. APPLICATION OP THESE RULES. These rules shall apply to superintendent, super- visors, supervising principals, principals, teachers, clerks, janitors and pupils. Requisition for Supplies. Sec. 168. They shall make written requisition upon the Superintendent for all needed books and supplies. They shall take an accurate account there- of and receipt for the same when furnished, and see to their distribution to the proper rooms, taking a receipt from the teachers of the respective rooms. Records of Books and Supplies. Sec. 169. They shall keep, in books provided for the purpose, an account of the books and sup- plies furnished to each of the teachers and shall see that the same are properly used and accounted for. They shall be held responsible for all books and sup- piles furnished for their sub-districts. Report of Condition of Books and Supplies. Sec. 170. During the last week in May, they snail report to the Secretary the number of each kind of books and the quantity of supplies on hand, the number of each kind of books unfit for further use, and the number of books and the quantity of supplies needed for the ensuing year. The books unfit for further use are to be returned to the Sec- retary. Credit will be given for books returned. 56 Books to be Replaced. Sec. 171. In case of the mutilation, defacement or loss of a school book by a pupil, they shall re- quire the pupil to furnish a new book to replace the one so mutilated, defaced or lost; the mutilated book then becoming the property of the pupil. Neglect to Return Books Loaned. Sec. 172. Should any pupil on leaving school neglect or refuse to return the books which have been loaned to him, the supervising principal shall make a written demand upon the parent or guardian of the pupil for the return of the books, and in case of neglect or refusal to comply with such demand, shall promptly report the same in writing to the Secretary, who shall take the necessary steps to col- lect the same under the direction of the appropriate committee. Infected Books, Etc. Sec. 173. Books, pencils, penholders, etc., which have been used by a pupil while sick with contagious disease shall be burned. All pencils and penholders, the property of the district and likely to be used in common, shall be numbered. It shall be the duty of each teacher to see that such pencil and penholder is used continu- ously by the same pupil. Care of School Property. Sec. 174. They shall permit no damage to the school property or buildings, and whenever such 57 damage is done by accident or intention, they shall require the offender to make good the injury and report the same as provided by Section 219. Absence of Teachers. Sec. 175. They shall send immediate notice to the Superintendent, whenever a teacher is absent from school, and whenever the exercises of a school are omitted. Employment of Substitutes. Sec. 176. No substitute for an absent teacher shall be employed for more than one day without the express approbation of the Superintendent. Pupils Not to be Sent Upon Errands. Sec. 177. Pupils shall not be sent from the school premises upon errands during school hours, except in cases of emergency, and with the entire willingness of the pupil, and in such cases only by the authority of the supervising principal or prin- cipal, who only shall be authorized to send a pupil of suitable age and discretion. Pupils Not to be Sent Where Contagious Diseases Exist. Sec. 178. They shall exercise the greatest cau- tion in sending pupils to the houses of absent pupils to ascertain the reason for such absence, especially forbidding them to enter the house to which they are sent. Pupils shall not be sent where contagious disease is believed to exist in the houses of absent pupils. 58 Fire Drill. Sec. 179. Each supervising principal shall give such instruction to his assistants as shall prepare them to act prudently and promptly in case of a fire in their school building, and there shall be a fire drill once every month, and at such other times as may be directed by the principal. Whenever the signal for a fire drill is given, every teacher and pupil shall promptly leave the building, each teacher taking charge of the pupils under her care. There shall not be allowed any peculiar or par- ticular signal for a fire drill ; just the ringing of the gong is all that is permitted. Fire gongs shall be used for no other purpose thaja fire drills. Certificates of Withdrawal. Sec. 180. Whenever a pupil is withdrawn from school, the supervising principal or the principal of the school, where he last attended, shall issue a cer- tificate giving his grade, standing and attendance, and shall immediately report the withdrawal to the Superintendent, stating, if the pupil removes to an- other sub-district, the new street and number, and the sub-district in which the pupil will belong. The withdrawal cards sent to the Superintendent shall be signed by the supervising principal. Report Cases of Absence or Tardiness. Sec. 181. They shall investigate all cases of ab- sence or tardiness reported to them by the teachers 59 in their sub-districts, and in case they find that such absences are without valid excuse as prescribed by the board, shall make prompt report to the Super- intendent. ARTICLE XL BUILDING PRINCIPALS. Shall Have Charge of Buildings. Sec. 182. There shall be in each building other than that in which the supervising principal has his office a principal who shall be one of. the grade teachers in that building. The principals shall act under the direction of the supervising principal, and shall have charge of their respective buildings, grounds, books, supplies, furniture and appliances. Enforce Rules and Regulations. Sec. 183. The principal, in the absence of the supervising principal, shall be required to enforce all the ru'les and regulations concerning the schools. They shall supervise the work of the janitors and attend to the sanitary condition of the building in respect to heat, ventilation and cleanliness, and re- port to the supervising principal any neglect of duty on the part of the janitors. Assist Subordinate Teachers. Sec. 184. They shall assist the other teachers in discipline when called upon, reporting such as- sistance to the supervising principal, and shall attend to the order in the hallways and about the school premises, at recess and before and after the close of the school sessions. 60 Report Tardiness and Absence of Teachers. Sec. 185. They shall report at the end of each month to the Supervising Principals any teachers who are tardy in their attendance as prescribed by the Board. The Committee on Schools shall impose such penalty as shall be appropriate in all cases wherever, in its judgment, no sufficient excuse exists for such tardiness. Whenever a teacher is absent they shall report the fact to the Superintendent. Time to be on Duty. Sec. 186. They shall be on duty in their re- spective schools at 8.40 and 1.30 p. m., and provide for the ringing of a teachers' bell at those hours. Not to Supervise Instruction. Sec. 187. These rules shall not be construed to give principals special authority in the work of in- struction over the teachers in their respective rooms. Books and Supplies. Sec. 188. They shaill make written requisition upon the supervising principal for all needed books and supplies. They shall take an accurate account thereof and receipt for the same when furnished and see to their distribution to the proper rooms, taking a receipt from the teachers of the respective rooms. New PupiU. Sec. 189. They shall, in the absence of the supervising principal, classify and assign to rooms all new pupils. 61 Sections 157, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180 and 181 of these rules apply to principals as well as to supervising principals. ARTICLE XII. TEACHERS. General. Sec. 190. It shall be the duty of teachers to be neat in appearance, courteous in manner and con- duct as an example to the pupils under them. They shall teach the children in their care to be cleanly, prompt, polite, truthful and honest. Deportment. Sec. 191. The Board of Education expects that the generM deportment of teachers shall be consist- ent with the duties of the position they hold. Time to be in Their School Rooms. Sec. 192. Teachers shall be in their rooms at 8.40 a. m. and 1.3b p. m. Clerks and substitute teachers shall be present in the principal's office at 8.15 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. Not to be Absent Without Permission. Sec. 193. They shall not be absent from school for any other cause than sickness, without permis- sion from the Superintendent. In all cases of ab- sence from school work on the part of teachers, ex- cept those caused by personal sickness, teachers must 62 obtain permission from the Superintendent of Schools for such absence. Permission should al- ways be obtained, when possible, previous to the day of the absence. Whenever a teacher is absent from the morning session of school, she must notify the office of the Board of Education of such absence as early as 8.15 o'clock, provided she has not made a previous arrangement with the Superintendent. In case of an afternoon absence, she must notify the office of the Board as early as 1.15 o'clock. Forfeiture of Pay. Sec. 194. Teachers, principals, supervising prin- cipals, supervisors, and school clerks shall forfeit their pay for absence from any cause except per- sonal sickness or death in the immediate family. (Uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters- in-law are not considered members of the immedi- ate family unless living in the same house). In case of personal sickness, an allowance of 50 per cent, of the regular salary will be made for absence not exceeding twenty days in any year. In case of death of wife, husband, father, mother, brother, sis- ter or child in the family, no deduction of salary will be made for absence not exceeding four days. The Superintendent, upon the request of any of the above-mentioned instructors, shall have power to excuse without forfeiture of salary for one day's absence. Absence on One Session Days. Sec. 195. Teachers absent in the morning or 63 afternoon of any day on which there is but one ses- sion of the schools, shall be counted as absent for the whole day. Heating and Ventilating. Sec. 196. Teachers shall take special care that the school rooms be thoroughly ventilated, and if, at any time, the temperature of the room shall re- main below 60 degrees, the teacher in charge shall at once report the same to the principal. Order and Neatness. Sec. 197. All teachers will be held responsible for the order and neatness of their respective rooms. Damage to Property. Sec. 198. They shall be especially vigilant in their care of the school property and buildings, and whenever any damage is done by accident or inten- tion, they shall report it to the principal. Register of Pupils. Sec. 199. The teacher in each room shall keep an accurate register of the names, ages, and resi- dences of pupils, and the names of their respective parents or guardians; and shall keep such records as the Committee on Schools may require, and shall report the same to the principal, on blank forms pro- vided for the purpose. Care of Books, Supplies, and Other Property. Sec. 200. Teachers will be held responsible for the care of the books in their respective rooms, and 64 in case of mutilation or loss of a book, they shall immediately report it to the principal, with the name and address of the delinquent. They may, at their discretion, give pupils permission to take books to their homes for purposes of study. They shall fre- quently caution pupils in regard to the care and proper use of the books and supplies furnished by the district, and inform them of the penalties for mutilating books and for defacing school property. Account of Text Books. Sec. 201. They shall keep an account on blanks furnished them of the text books supplied to the pupils, and at the end of the fall and spring terms shall report their condition to the principal, grading them in three classes, A, B, and C, signifying re- spectively, new, in good condition, or unfit for use. Those in Class C are to be returned to the principal, to be sent to the office of the Board of Education ; those in Classes A and B will be kept in the build- ing for use in the succeeding term. Any teacher leaving the service during the year shall furnish such an account to the principal. Time Tables. Sec. 202. Teachers shall prepare twice a year, during the second week in September, and the first week in February, time tables indicating the daily exercises of the room, and shall have the same posted in some convenient place. A copy shall also be placed on the outer side of the door in the hall lead- ing directly to the school room. The programs of 65 the different rooms in each building shall be ap- proved by the supervising principal, subject to the approval of the Superintendent and Committee on Schools. Physical Exercise. Sec. 203. Teachers shall give all the pupils of their respective rooms some regular and systematic drill in physical exercise, for a period not less than five minutes, during each session. Reports to Parents. Sec. 204. Teachers in all rooms above the third grade shall send a quarterly report to the parent 0: guardian of each pupil, indicating his deportment, scholarship and attendance; and the teachers sha 1 l satisfy themselves that these reports have been sub- mitted to the parent or guardian. Whenever a pupil in any school is deficient In scholarship, conduct or attendance, it shall be the duty of the teacher to notify the parent of such pupil to that effect. Absence and Tardiness. Sec. 205. Teachers shall investigate all cases of absence and tardiness, and shall require an ex cuse from the parent or guardian, in writing, or in person. In case of ten instances of unexcused ab- sence and tardiness, or of either, in any one term, the delinquent pupil, if a member of a grammar school, may be transferred by the Superintendent to an ungraded room. In the High School, five in- stances of unexcused absence or, tardiness, or of 66 both, in any one term, shall render the delinquent liable to suspension. No excuse for ab- sence, tardiness or dismission shall be accepted, un- less it allege sickness, or some equally imperative necessity. Recording of Absences. Sec. 206. In case of enforced absence caused by the rules of the Board relative to exposure to con- tagious diseases, pupils shall be marked dropped at once and no absence recorded. This rule does not apply to children who are them- selves sick with contagious disease, but to children who are not allowed to attend school because of probable exposure as specified in Sec. 167. Absences of children sick with contagious disease shall be treated the same as absences for any other reason in marking the school register. Enforced absence means absences caused by any part of Section 167. For example, a pupil who has a brother sick with measles and is compelled under the rule to be absent from school until he can procure a physician's certificate, is to be marked dropped at once and no absence recorded. When pupils remove from the city, or to another sub-district, they shall be marked at once as with- drawn. In the latter case supervising principals shall immediately notify the Superintendent, stating the sub-districts to which pupils remove. In all cases of absence, other than those stated above, teachers shall record ten successive absences, after which no record shall be made. 67 Holy Days. Sec. 207. Pupils detained from school for the religious observance of Holy Days, will be excused by bringing satisfactory notice from their parents to that effect, and they shall not be detained after school hours to make up the omitted lessons. Corporal Punishment. Sec. 208. Teachers shall govern by kindness and by appeal to the better nature of pupils. Corporal punishment shall be administered only in extreme cases, and never by a subordinate teacher, before the case has been reported to the principal, and the punishment approved by the principal; and the teacher shall keep a record of such punishment, which record shall be embodied in the monthly re- port to the Superintendent. Corporal punishment shall not be inflicted in the presence of a school. Detention of Pupils. Sec. 209. Teachers may detain pupils half an hour at the close of the afternoon session, and no longer, and at no other time, for discipline, or to make up neglected lessons. Attendance at Teachers' Meetings. Sec. 210. Teachers shalll attend all meetings called by the Superintendent or supervising princi- pals, and no excuse for absence will be allowed, other than would justify absence from the regular session of the school. It shall be the duty of each teacher, wherever possible, in case of unavoidable absence, to notify the Superintendent or supervising principal of such absence and procure an excuse in advance from him. In case of such unavoidable absence, the teacher will be expected to attend a subsequent meeting of the grade next to her own. Teachers May Visit Other Schools. Sec. 211. Teachers may visit other schools of the same grade one day in a term, when author- ized so to do by the Superintendent, and shall make a written report to him, in case the visit is made out of the city, of the results of their observations. No permission will be granted, however, for the first or last days of a term, or the days immediately preceding or following holidays. Vacate School Rooms. Sec. 212. They shall vacate their school rooms at 4.00 p. m., whenever the duties of the janitor make it necessary. Special Teachers. Sec. 213. The Special Teachers in Music, Drawing, Penmanship, Sewing and Elementary Manual Training, shall visit the several rooms in which they are to give instruction, in accordance with the annual program prepared under the direc- tion of the Committee on Schools. 69 ARTICLE XIII. PUPILS. General Conduct. Sec. 214. Pupils shall be regular and punctual in attendance, decent in dress, cleanly in person, in- dustrious, respectful and obedient. They shall avoid all rude, boisterous and violent conduct in and about the school buildings, and on the way to and from school. Sec. 215. Profanity, improper language, and the use of tobacco upon or about the .school prem- ises, are strictly forbidden. In Case of Removal. Sec. 216. Parents may be allowed, in case of removal from one sub-district to another, to continue their children till the end of the school term in the school which they attended at the time of removal. If the pupil is a member of an eighth grade, 'he may remain until the close of the year, provided that the attendance of such child or children shall be sat- isfactory to the supervising principal. Neglected Lessons. Sec. 217. Pupils shall make up neglected les- sons, unless excused ; and no pupils shall be allowed to remain in a class to the serious hindrance of its progress. Not to Loiter About School Premises. Sec. 218. When pupils are dismissed at the close of each session, they shall pass quietly and promptly away from the school premises. 70 Misdemeanors. Sec. 219. Any pupil guilty of profanity, ob- scenity, truancy, or any violent or pointed opposi- tion to authority, or of willfully cutting, defacing, marking, or otherwise injuring the school buildings or other school property, or guilty of any other serious misdemeanor, shall be immediately reported to the Superintendent, and notice be sent to the parents, and the case, if necessary, referred to the proper committee. Mutilation or Loss of Books. Sec. 220. If a pupil needlessly injures or loses a school book, his parents or guardian shall, on the demand of the supervising principal, furnish a new book in its place. Noon Intermission. Sec. 221. No pupil shall be allowed to remain in any school room during the noon intermission, unless a teacher be present. Provision may be made, however, by the prin- cipal in the school for pupils who bring their lunch- eon. Music, Dancing or Other Lessons. Sec. 222. Xo pupil shall be excused from school during the regular sessions to take music, dancing or other lessons, to carry dinners, to sell papers or regularly for any purpose. 71 One Session Absence. Sec. 223. Pupils absent in the morning or after- noon of any day on which there is but one session of the schools, shall be counted as absent for the whole day. Truancy or Insubordination. Sec. 224. In cases of truancy, vagrancy or con- duct subversive of good order, the offender shall be placed on the following course of discipline : For the first offense, in addition to the ordinary school discipline, the name of the offender shall.be recorded by the supervising principal, whose duty it shall be to fully investigate the case, communicate with the parent or guardian, notify them of the consequences of such conduct, if persisted in, and, also, to report the case to the Superintendent. For a second offense the pupil may be trans- ferred by the Superintendent to an ungraded room, but no child shall be transferred until the parent or guardian has been notified of such proposed action. In cases of flagrant disobedience and conduct unbecoming a pupil, he may be sent immediately to the ungraded room, if the Superintendent so de- cides, but in such cases the parent or guardian of the pupil shalll be at once notified, and the Superin- tendent shall report such transfer to the Committee on Schools. Transfers Recorded and Reported. Sec. 225. All cases of transfer to ungraded rooms shall be recorded by the Superintendent in 72 a book provided for the purpose, and shall be re- ported by him to the Committee on Schools. N on-Attendance at Ungraded Rooms. Sec. 226. In case of the non-attendance of a pupil so transferred, the teacher of the ungraded room shall immediately notify the Superintendent, who, on receipt of such notice, shall inquire into the cause of such non-attendance, and, if necessary, see that the law in such cases be enforced. Transfer from Ungraded Rooms. Sec. 227. No pupil thus transferred to an un- graded room shall be permitted to enter another school, except upon the recommendation of the teacher of the ungraded room and the supervising principal of the sub-district in which the ungraded room is located, and with the approval of the Superintendent. ARTICLE XIV. DUTIES OF JANITORS. When Appointed. Sec. 228. Janitors shall be appointed annually, upon the recommendation of the Committee on School Buildings, at the first meeting of the board in the month of September, unless their appointment be deferred to a future meeting, and shall hold their position only at the pleasure of the board. Qualifications. Sec. 229. Every applicant for the position of janitor of a school building must furnish satisfactory 73 evidence to the Committee on School Buildings that he has sufficient knowledge, and is in every respect qualified to manage the apparatus used in warming the buildings. In the case of a high-pressure boiler, he shall produce an engineer's license, issued by some duly authorized authority, which shall certify that the applicant has been examined and licensed as an engineer. In all buildings where assistant janitors are re- quired, the assistant employed shall be approved by the Inspector of School Buildings and the Commit- tee on School Buildings. General Duties. Sec. 230. They shall perform their duties, sub- ject to the direction of the principal, and shall co- operate with the principal and teachers in protect- ing the school property from injury, and shall report to the principal the name of any person defacing or destroying the school buildings, furniture or other school property. They shall attend promptly and courteously to all reasonable requests of the principal and teachers of their respective buildings, and of any officer of the board. Whenever they enter school rooms or perform duties which lead them among the pupils, they shall be cleanly in appearance and courteous in manners. They shall use every precaution for the safety and preservation of the building and school prop- erty, and shall report to the principal of the build- 74 ing any repairs that may be needed, but shall have no authority to order any repairs to be made, or to contract any bills. They shall make small repairs to the heating ap- paratus, locks, doors, furniture, etc., and if adjust- able furniture be used, shall make such adjustments in height thereof as may be required. They shall do whatever painting, varnishing or white-washing may be required of them; shall re- place all broken glass and sash cords of the win- dows with new, as often as they may be broken, new material to be obtained from the Inspector of School Buildings. They shall examine all work done upon the prem- ises in their charge and report immediately to the Inspector of School Buildings any observation of defective materials, bad workmanship, or any over- charge for time and materials, or failure to comply with specifications. They shall have the care and oversight of the school building and property during the whole year, and when workmen are employed on the premises, or when fuel is received, they shall see that none of the property in the building is misused, and they will be held responsible for any property stolen, or damage done through their negligence. They shall prevent any unauthorized person med- dling with any part of the building or property therein. Whenever a school building, or any portion thereof, is disinfected by the Board of Health, it shall be the duty of the Janitor to close the inlet and 75 outlet of the ventilating and heating shafts, and to assist, as far as possible, in the arrangement for the disinfecting of the rooms. Whenever a vacation of a week or more occurs, they shall see that all movable property, such as books, maps, globes, charts, etc., is securely locked up. Fuel and Heating Apparatus. Sec. 231. They shall have charge of and at all times shall properly care for the heating apparatus of their respective bui'ldings, and when fires are necessary, shall make them in season to have the buildings properly warmed at the time for opening school, and shall keep the temperature in the rooms between 65 degrees and 70 degrees during school hours, and see that the air throughout the building is at all times kept as pure and free from dust, odors and gases, as practicable. They shall have the ven- tilating apparatus in condition and ready for full and complete operation when conditions require it, and be prepared to run the same to its full capacity during school sessions, when necessary. Where steam-heating apparatus is used, it shall be kept clean and in good order. The boilers shall be blown clean as often as once each month, the safety valve tried occasionally, all other valves looked after and kept properly packed, and ashes drawn from under the boilers each day. In build- ings heated by steam, they will be held responsible for the safety of the pipes from freezing. In ex- tremely cold weather they must take unusual pre- 76 cautions, either by remaining during the night or until satisfied of the safety of the apparatus. Where furnaces are used, they shall remain by them while the draft doors are open, shall keep the water pots full, and keep the ash pan clear of ashes. In the school rooms which are heated by stoves, they shall see that a sufficient supply of coal is left near the stove, and that the coal hods are filled at the beginning of the afternoon session. It is not required that fires shall be kept up on holidays, or during vacations, excepting in extreme weather, when the fires shall be so regulated that the temperature in the rooms will be kept above the freezing point, and the building and appointments protected from injury by dampness. They shall keep themselves informed in regard to the condition of the heating apparatus, and give immediate notice to the principal of the building and Inspector of School Buildings of any possibil- ity of danger arising therefrom. They shall take particular care of plumbing, and use every precaution against damage from frost or other accidents to which the pipes are liable. When the water is shut off they shall see that the pipes and traps are emptied as far as possible. Nothing but hat water to be used in thawing steam or water pipes. Where fire extinguishers are provided, they shall make themselves familiar with their use. 77 Particular direction as to the use of coal, care of boilers, furnaces, stoves and other apparatus, will be given to the janitor when necessary, by the In- spector of School Buildings. They shall receive and receipt for the coal and wood furnished for their respective buildings, and prepare for use all kindling wood. The fuel shall be economically used, the ashes thoroughly screened, and the screenings used on the fires. Keep Buildings Clean. Sec. 232. They shall keep the school buildings under their charge clean and in good order, sweep- ing the stairways and corridors daily, and the rooms twice a week, or oftener, if necessary, to keep them clean. They shall dust all the furniture in the rooms, and all window sills, wainscoting, stair rails and woodwork daily. They shall wash the floors and furniture and clean the windows at least once during each term, or at the close of each term, as may be directed by the principal, and the floors in the corridors and stair- ways oftener, if necessary. Kindergarten floors shall be swept every day and washed at least once a month. The cellars shall be kept clean and in good or- der, and. swept once a week or as often as shall be necessary. Under no circumstances will the accumulation of zvastc paper and rubbish be allozvcd. The waste paper baskets in each room shall be 78 emptied daily by the janitor into a receptacle pro- vided for the purpose. Yards, Closets and Sidewalks. Sec. 233. They shall keep the yards, closets, and pavements clean and in good order. Remove all woods and litter of every kind from about the school grounds, cut the grass and trim the shrubbery, sprinkle the yards and streets as often as may be necessary during the warm weather, when furnished with a hydrant, shall not allow the water to run to waste, and shall be economical in its use and shut it off when not in use. They shall sweep and clean the closets every day and thoroughly wash them at least once a week, and oftener, if necessary. In all steam-heated buildings, in which the wa- ter closets are in the building, they shall thoroughly scrub the closets with hot water and soft soap at least once a week, and oftener, if necessary, during term time. If a proper regard for cleanliness, on the part of the pupils, is not observed in the out-buildings and toilets, the fact is to be reported to the prin- cipal of the school at once, with the name of the pupil so offending, if possible. They shall keep a sufficient supply of toilet pa- per in every water closet on the premises, and see that it is not wasted. They shall see that the closets are clean at all times, and are properly disinfected. They shall sweep the walks as often as required to keep them clean and in good order. They shall 79 immediately clear the snow from the steps and walks about the buildings, from the walks and gutters in the street, shall scatter sand or ashes upon the walks when in a slippery condition, and comply with the city ordinances in this respect. Opening and Closing Gates. Sec. 234. They shall open the gates of the school yard thirty minutes before the opening of school on all school days and close them in the even- ing. They shall render such assistance as the prin- cipal may require in the care of the pupils in the yard and in the basement. Clocks, Blackboards and Pencils. Sec. 235. They shall regulate and wind the clocks and see that they are kept in proper order, clean the blackboards and sharpen the pencils used in the schools. Display Flags. Sec. 236. They shall display the United States National Flag upon the school building on all desig- nated flag days, and at such other times as the Board of Education may direct, and shall keep the flag in good order and repair. f Hours of Duty. Sec. 237. Janitors receiving $500.00 or more per annum shall, in addition to the time required for the performance of regular duties, remain in their buildings from eight o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, with one hour intermission 80 at noon, and shall not 'leave the school premises dur- ing school hours, without the permission of the prin- cipal. All other janitors shall, in addition to the time required for the performance of regular duties, be in attendance at their buildings thirty minutes before each session, and remain until after the ses- sion begins, during recess and thirty minutes before the close of each session, and remain until after the school closes, for the purpose of rendering such as- sistance as may be required, and shall report per- sonally to the principal of their building at some stated hour during the morning and afternoon ses- sion, said hour to be fixed by the principal of each school. Said hours shall apply during Saturdays and va- cations, except on Saturdays during July and August, the hours shall be from 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Evening Schools. Sec. 238. They shall open their buildings even- ings, if required, and at such other time as may be necessary, and have them property warmed. They shall remain in their building during the evening session, and render such asisstance as may be neces- sary, and before going, see that the building is se- cure against fire, and that the windows and doors are securely locked. Rooms that are used for even- ing and day school shall be swept and dusted after each session of the evening school. Smoking Not Permitted. Sec. 239. Smoking in the buildings is strictly porhibited. 81 Substitutes. Sec. 240. In cases of emergency, substitute jan- itors will be supplied by the Inspector of School Buildings and notice thereof given to the principal of the school. Such substitute janitors of eight room buildings or larger shall receive $2.25 a day, seven days in the week. In the case of large buildings where assist- ants are employed, the regular janitor is to pay the assistants the same as if he were present. Forfeiture of Pay. Sec. 241. Janitors shall receive half pay for absence not exceeding twenty days in any one year, in accordance with the provisions of Section 194. The Inspector of School Buildings shall have power to excuse a janitor without forfeiture of sal- ary for one day's absence. In figuring deductions for absences, the salary shall be figured on the basis of thirty days in the month, regardless of the number of days in the month in which the absence occurs. Shall Remain in Boiler Room. Sec. 242. In buildings where there are high pressure boilers, or any machinery, such as pumps, engines, dynamos, fans, etc., they shall not leave the boiler or power rooms when the apparatus is in operation, unless it is left in charge of some com- petent person. When no competent person is available and the janitors are obliged to leave the apparatus, the mo- 82 tive power shall be stopped, and the boilers placed in a condition of absolute safety, so that the lives and property entrusted to their care may not be jeopardized. They shall employ competent assistance, at their own expense, if it is necessary, to enable them to comply with the above rules relating to janitors' duties. Such assistance shall, however, be subject to the approval of the Inspector of School Buildings. Violation of Rules. Sec. 243. The Rules will be strictly enforced and any violation or neglect will subject the person so offending to the liability of an immediate dis- missal. Supervision. Sec. 244. The janitors are under the super- vision of the Inspector of School Buildings, and shall carry out his instructions in respect to the care of the building and its appointments. The principal of each school is required to see that the janitor performs his duties in compliance with the above regulations. Should the janitor neglect to perform his duty, the principal shall notify the Inspector of School Buildings and the complaint will be investigated. S3 ARTICLE XV. AMENDMENTS TO RULES. Sec. 245. The rules and regulations of the board shall not be amended or repealed, except upon written notice in due form at a previous meeting; nor then, except by the concurring votes of a ma- jority of the board. A rule may be suspended only by unanimous consent. 84 INDEX CHARTER PROVISIONS. Page Admission of Westville District 9 Appropriations For Schools 7 Board of Finance 7 Bounds of the New Haven City School District ... 3 Board of Education : Appointment of 4 Vacancies in 4 Duties of: Annual Report to Mayor 8 Appoint Superintendent Schools & Other Offi- cers S Build and repair Schoolhouses 5 Choose President 5 Course of Study 6 Estimates to Board of Finance 7 Expenditures of school moneys 5 Fix Salaries .5 Have charge of schools 5 Keep journal of proceedings 5 Make By-laws 5 85 Board of Education Page Powers of: Condemnation proceedings 8-9 Create Sub-districts 8 Designate Text-books 6 Determine number and location of schools ... 8 Maintain High School 8 Maintain Manual Training School 8 Purchase Sites 8 Reject appointments and dismissals made by Superintendent of Schools 6 New Haven City School District 4 Superintendent of Schools Appointment of 6 Removal of 6 Duties of: Annual Report to Board 6 Appoint, assign and dismiss teachers 6 Monthly report to Board 6 Prescribe courses of study 6 Report to Board appointments, etc 6 Send notice of appointments, assignments and dismissals 6 School Money 7 Title to School Property 9 Treasurer oe City 7 86 INDEX RULES AND REGULATIONS. Section Absence Of pupils 181, 205, 206, 223 Of teachers 193, 195 Admission of Pupils 80, 81, 82, 95, 122, 123, 126, 128 Agents Not to Visit Schools : 1 19 Amendments to Rules 245 Annual Reports Of committee on finance 27 Of committee on buildings 21 Of superintendent 43 Of secretary 57 Appointment Of clerks 146 Of janitors 228 Of principals 139 Of teachers 138, 139 Assistant Secretary Distribute books and supplies 72 Election 38 In charge of office 71 Keep accounts of books and supplies 72 Make inventory 69 Purchase books and supplies 70 Record of text-Jbooks adopted 68 Term of office 39 87 Section Bills Approval 24 Contraction 32 Payment 23, 35, 58 Board of Education Business referred to committees of 9 Communications to 10 Duties of president 12 Election of president 11 Every member of, to vote 3 Executive sessions 6 Meetings of, to be public 5 Meetings of, when held 1 Order of business 8 President, election 11 President pro tempore 13 Quorum 2 Special meetings 7 Voting 3 Yeas and nays 4 Books Care 200 Infected 173 Purchase 17, 60, 70 Records 169 Requisitions for 53, 168, 188 To be replaced 171, 172 Care of School Property 59, 106, 164, 174, 198, 230 Census 56 Classification of Schools 76 Clerical Assistants Direction 58 Duties 74 Employment '. 26 Office hours 73, 147 Salaries 26 Section Committees Business referred to 9 Communications referred to 10 Election of II On finance, duties 23-28 On new school buildings, duties 29 On schools, duties I4 _I 7 On school buildings, duties 18-22 Record kept of proceedings 30 Contagious Diseases 167, 206 Pupils not to be sent where they exist 178 Suspension from duty because of 149 Contracts 58 Cooking 101 Corporal Punishment 208 Courses of Study 14, 42, 79 Delivery of Text-Books and Supplies 136 Detention of Pupils 209 Devotional Exercises 114 Diplomas 91 Domestic Economy 101 Drawing 99 Election of Officers 38 Election of President and Committees 11 Employes of the District Not to be present 141 Salaries of, how fixed 142 Enforcement of Rules 52, 62, 158 Entertainments — annual 120 89 Section Evening Schools Deportment in no Principals 106 Sessions 108 Studies pursued 109 Teachers 107 Who may attend 105 Examination For high school entrance 81, 85 For promotions 51 Of teachers 47 Preparation of questions 85 Executive Officers 37 Executive Sessions 6 Extra Help, Employment 33 Fire Drill 179 Forfeiture of Salary 148, 194-241 Furniture Purchase 18, 29, 60 Requisitions for 34 Government of Schools 14 Graduation Exercises 92 Grammar Schools 78 Reports to parents of pupils in 204 Sessions . v . 97 Grievances 116 High School Admission to 80, 95 Course of study 79 Departments in 79 Deportment in 88 Diplomas from 91 90 High School Section Examinations for entrance to 8l, 85 Graduation from 92 Non-residents, admission 82 Notice to parents 88, 90 Order of instruction in 93 Record of scholarship 86 Report to parents of pupils in 88, 90 Schedule of salaries 143 Schedule of work 94 Scholarship and promotions in 87 Sessions 96 "Standing of pupils 83 Suspension of pupils from 89, 205 Holidays 98, ill, 112 Holy Days 207 Injury to Property 198 By pupils 219 Inspection oe School Buildings and Property 21 Inspector of -School Buildings Approve requisitions for janitors' supplies 67 Election 38 Emergency repairs 65 Inspect new buildings 64 Instruct janitors , 63 Keep record of sites and buildings 66 Repairs arid improvements 61 Report incompetent janitors 63 Supervise the work of janitors 62 Term of office 39 Visit school buildings 62 Insurance 25, 58 Inventory of School Property 28, 69 Made by Supervising Principals 162 91 Section Janitors Appointment 228 Assistants 229, 242 Clocks, blackboards, etc 235 Direction of 230 Disinfect buildings 230 Display Flag 236 Engineers license 229 Fuel and heating apparatus 231 General duties 230 Hours of duty 237 Incompetent reported by 63 Inspect repair work and report 230 Instruction of 63 Make small repairs 230 Nomination 22 Not to smoke in their buildings 239 Of evening schools 238 Opening and closing gates 234 Qualifications 229 Report repairs needed 230 Responsible for school building and property . . . 230 Salaries 22, 240 Salaries — forfeiture of 241 Substitutes 240 Supervision of 62, 244 Supplies 67 To keep buildings clean 232 To remain in boiler room 242 Violation of rules by 243 Yards, closets, etc 233 Kindergartens 103 Ages of pupils in 127 Manual Training 101 Medical Inspection 100 92 Section Meetings of Board Executive 6 Notice of 55 Public 5 Special 7 Music 99 Names of Pupils Not to be Furnished 118 New Buildings Furniture and equipment for 29 Inspection of 64 Plans and estimates for 29 Sites for 29 Supervision of construction 29 Non-Resident Pupils 123, 124, 125, 160 In High School 82 Question of Residence 123 To furnish own books and supplies 134 To pay tuition 124, 125 Officers Executive 37 Election 38 Term of office 39 One Session 113 Order of Business 8 Payment of Bills 23, 35, 58 Pay Roll 36, 58 Plans For New Buildings 29 Physical Exercises 203 Presents, Forbidden 121 93 President Section Communications referred to 10 Duties 13 Election 11 Pro tempore 12 Primary Schools yy Sessions 97 Principals Agents not to visit schools 119 Appointment 41 Appointment of, to be reported 41 Assist subordinate teachers 184 Books and supplies 137, 188 Dismissal of 41 Dismissal of, to be reported 41 Dismissal of, notice to be given 41 Enforce rules 183 Have charge of buildings 182 Hours of duty 186 New pupils ; 189 Not to furnish names of pupils 118 Not to supervise instruction 187 Of evening schools 106 Report absence and tardiness of teachers 185 Report Janitors 244 Salaries of, recommended by committee on schools 16 Salaries, forfeiture of 148, 194 Salaries, when paid 150 Pupils Absence 181, 206, 223 Admission 122, 128, 189 Admission, to High School 80, 81, 82, 95 Ages 127 Change of residence 130 Conduct 214, 215 Deportment 88 94 Pupils Section Detention 209 Errands by 177 Examination and promotion 153 Examination for admission 81, 85 Holy Days 207 Insubordination 224 May purchase text-books 135 Misdemeanors 219 Mutilation of books by 171, 172, 220 Neglected lessons 217 Non-attendance at ungraded rooms 226 Non-resident 82, 122, 134, 160 Notice to parents 90 Not to be excused for dancing or other lessons . 222 Not to be sent where contagious diseases exist . 178 Not to loiter about school premises 218 Not to remain during the noon intermission 221 Physical exercises 203 Recording scholarship 86 Registration 109 Removal 216 Reports to parents 204 Scholarship and promotion 87 Standing 83 Suspension 89 Tardiness 205 Tardiness of, report of 181 Tests in eighth grade 84 To attend sub-district in which they live 126 Transfer to ungraded room 225 Transfer from ungraded room 227 Truancy 224 Vaccination 129 Withdrawal 180 Purchase of Books, Supplies, Etc 17, 60, 70 Purchase of Furniture, Etc 18, 60 95 Section Quorum 2 Records of Books and Supplies 169 Records of Meetings 30 Record of Sites and Buildings 66 Record of Text-Books Adopted 68 Repairs Emergency 65 To school buildings 20, 21, 34, 61, 165 To school property 59 Report Of committee on buildings 21 Of committee on finance 27 Of superintendent of schools 43 Of secretary 57 Reports To parents of pupils in Grammar Schools 204 To parents of pupils in High School 88, 90 Requisitions for Books and Supplies .. 53, 136, 168, 188 Requisitions for Repairs, Furniture, Etc . . 21, 34, 165 Resignation, of Teachers 148 Salaries Of clerical assistants 26 Of employes of the district 142 Of janitors 22, 240 Of school clerks 146 Of teachers and principal 16, 142, 143, 144, 145 Recommended by committee on schools 16 Recommended by committee on school buildings . . 22 96 Salaries Section Recommended by Committee on Finance 26 Schedule of 143 Suspension of 149 When paid 150 School Clerks Appointment .... 146 Forfeiture of pay 194 Hours and duties 147 Salaries 146 School Hours 96, 97, 98 School Property— Care of 59, 106, 164, 174, 198, 230 School Registers, Etc 133 School Year 1 1 1 Secretary Accounts kept by , 57 Annual report 57 Apparatus, purchased by 60 Attend to business affairs 58 Books, purchased by 60 Checks signed by 36 Contracts prepared by 58 Election 38 Furniture, account of, kept by . 60 Furniture, purchased by 60 Insurance 58 In charge of office 4 . 58 Meetings of the Board, shall attend 55 Meetings of the Board, send notices of 55 Meetings of the Board, keep records of 55 Payment of bills 58 Pay roll 36, 58 Purchasing agent 60 Repairs to and care of school property 59 Supplies, account of, kept by 60 Supplies, purchased by 60 97 Secretary Secti on Take census 56 Term of office 39 Text -books, purchased by 60 To direct work of clerical assistants 58 Sessions Evening Schools . : 108 Grammar Schools 97 High School 96 Primary Schools 97 Sewing 102 Sites for Schoolhouses 29 Special Meetings 7 Special Teachers 213 Stationery, Purchase of 17, 60, 70 Sub-Districts 75 Subscriptions, Pubijc Notices, Etc., in School 117 Substitute Teachers Employment of 1 76 To be supplied by the Superintendent 48 Superintendent of Schools Appoint substitute teachers 48 Appoint teachers, etc 41 Approve requisitions 53 Attend meetings of the Board 50 Attend meetings of the Committees 31 Devote his whole time to the schools 44 Dismissal of teachers by 41 Dismissal of teachers by, notice to be given 41 Duties 40-54 Election 38 Enforcement of truancy laws 52 Examinations and promotions 51 Examine teachers 47 98 Superintendent of Schools Section Exchange of reports 49 High School examinations 81, 85 Hold teachers' meetings 46 Office • hours 54 One session 113 Pass upon requisitions 53 Prescribe course of study 42 Removal of by Board 39 Report appointments, etc 41 Report dismissals 41 Report, monthly 43 Report, yearly 43 Supervision of Schools 40 Term of office 39 Tests in eighth grade 84 To visit schools 45 Supervising Principals Agents not to visit schools 119 Annual entertainments 120 Appointment of 41 Appointment of, to be reported 41 Books to be replaced 171 Books to be returned 1 72 Care of school property 174 Certificates of withdrawal 180 Classify pupils 153 Contagious diseases, enforcement of rules relat- ing to 167 Course of study 151 Dismissal » 41 Dismissal, notice to be given 41 Dismissal, to be reported 41 Employment of substitutes 176 Enforce rules 158 Examine pupils 153 Fire drill 1 79 99 Supervisive Principals Section Give notice of needed repairs 165 Hold teachers' meetings 152 Hours of duty 163 Infected Books 173 Make inventory 162 Make promotions of pupils 153 Make requisition for books and supplies 168 May dismiss rooms 166 Monthly reports 161 Not to furnish names of pupils 118 Not to send pupils on errands 177 Not to send pupils where contagious disease exists 178 Recommend changes 159 Record of books and supplies 169 Report absence and tardiness 181 Report absence of teachers 175 Report condition of books and supplies 170 Report condition of classes 156 Report delinquent janitors 164 Report inefficient teachers 157 Report janitors 244 Report non-resident pupils 160 Report subjects and rooms taught 156 Salaries 143 Salaries of, during absence 194 Salaries of, recommended by committee on schools 16 Salaries, when paid 150 Supervise grounds, buildings, etc. . . . .' 164 Supervise teachers 151 Time tables of teachers 202 To teach 155 Visit schools 154 Supplies Care of 200 Distribution 60, 70, 168, 188, 201 Purchase 17, 6b, 70 Record 60, 70, 169 Requisitions for 53, 168, 188 100 Section Suspension from High School 89, 205 Suspension of Rules 245 Tardiness Of pupils 181, 205 Of teachers 161, 185 Teachers Absence 193 Absence, on one session days 195 Agents not to visit schools 119 Appointment 41, 138, 139 Appointment, to be reported 41 Care of books and supplies 200 Care of property 198 Care of their own rooms 197 Corporal punishment ; 208 Deportment 190, 191 Detention of pupils 209 Dismissal 41 Dismissal, to be reported 41 Dismissal, notice to be given 41 Examination 47 Forfeiture of pay 148, 194 General duties 190-213 Give notice of absence 193 Give notice of resignation 148 Heating and ventilating 196 High School, schedule of work 94 Hours of duty 192 Inefficient, to be reported 157 Keep account of text -books 201 Meetings 46, 152 Meetings, attendance at 152, 210 Not to be absent without permission 193 Notification of appointment 139, 140 Notification of dismissal 41 Not to furnish names of pupils 118 Number to be employed 15 101 . , » » , * * » * Teachers Section Of evening schools 107 Physical exercises 203 Probationary appointment of 139 Qualifications 138 Record absence of pupils 206 Register of pupils 199 Reports to parents 204 Resignations 148 Salaries 143, 144, 145 Salaries, recommended by committee on schools . . 16 Salaries, when paid 150 Special 213 Substitute 48 Tardiness 161, 185 Temperature below 60 degrees 166 Tests in eighth grade 84 Time tables 202 Transfer 139 Vacate school rooms 212 Visit schools 211 When suspended for contagious diseases 149 Teachers' Meetings 46, 152 Attendance at 152, 210 Text-Books Account of 60, 72, 169, 188, 201 Delivery «- 136 Distribution 60, 72, 136 Free 134 Infected 173 Introduction 132 Mutilation 171, 200 Non-residents — not free 134 Not returned 172 Pupils may purchase 135 Purchase 17, 60, 70 Record of 169, 20; 102 Text-Books Section Record of adoption 68 Requisitions for 53, 136, 168, 188 To be labeled 137 To be prescribed by the Board 131 Time Tables 202 Truancy 52 Tuition Rates 125 Ungraded Rooms 104 Non-attendance at 226 Parents to be notified before pupils are transferred to 224 Transfer from 227 Transfer to 224, 225 Transfer to, reported and recorded 225 Use of School Buildings 19 Vacations 1 11 Vaccination of Pupils 129 Visiting Schools 211 Visitors 115, 119 Voting 3 Woodwork 101 Year, School, Length of 1 1 1 Yeas and Nays 4 103 \J ±\ JL Y UJ.IUXJ. 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