MEMCAL SCHOOL Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// BLOOD IMMUNITY AND BLOOD RELATIONSHIP HonOon: C. J. CLAY and SONS, CAMBBIDGE UNIVEKSITY PEESS WAEEHOUSE, AVE MAEIA LANE, AND H. K. LEWIS, 136, GOWER STREET, W.C. ®laagoto: 50, WKLLINGTON STREET. Itipjis: F. A. BROCKHAUS. ftrt) gotk: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. BombaB airt Ealculta; MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. lAU Rights reseiTed.] BLOOD IMMUNITY AND BLOOD RELATIONSHIP A DEMONSTRATION OK CERTAIN BLOOD-RELATIONSHIPS AMONGST ANIMALS BY MEANS OF THE PRECIPITIN TEST FOR BLOOD by GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL, M.A., M.D., Ph.D. University Lecturer in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine, Cambridge. Including Original Researches by G. S. Graham-Smith, M.A., M.B., D.P.H. (Camb.) and T. S. P. Strangeways, M.A., M.R.C.S. Cambridge : at the University Press 1904 ffiambrtfige : PBINTED BY J. & C. F. CLAV, AT THE CNIVEBSITY PRESS. " ■»«• MUt** 'QT91 ]904 THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO PAUL EHRLICH and ^LIE METCHNIKOFF WHOSE GENIUS AND INFLUENCE HAVE SO GREATLY ADVANCED AND STIMULATED THE SEARCH AFTER TRUTH AMID THE COMPLEX PROBLEMS OF IMMUNITY. 258;r^ "Blut ist ein ganz besondrer Saft." Goethe's Famt, Part i PREFACE. r I THE investigations recorded in this volume were carried out in the -*- Pathological Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, chiefly during the year 1902. My original intention was to publish a volume on the demonstration of certain blood -relationships amongst animals as indicated by 16,000 tests made by myself with precipitating antisera upon 900 specimens of blood obtained from various sources, followed by a critical review of the literature on antibodies in blood. Subsequently it was deemed advisable to add a section dealing with the practical applications of the precipitin test for blood in legal medicine, together with some investigations carried out at my sug- gestion by Messrs G. S. Graham-Smith and F. Sanger. The latter were published in the Journal of Hygiene, vol. in., 1903, but are added for the reason that they bear directly on the subjects treated in this volume. Finally two new sections were added dealing with further original researches conducted in this Laboratory. The latter are entitled " The Results of 500 Quantitative Precipitin-Tests upon the Bloods of Primates, Insectivora, Camivora, Ungulata, Cetacea, Marsupialia and Aves" by myself and Mr T. S. P. Strangeways, and " Blood-Relationship amongst the Lower Vertebrata and Arthropoda, etc." by Mr G. S. Graham-Smith. The results recorded in these papers should be of interest not only to zoologists, physiologists, and those engaged in practical medico-legal work, but also to those interested in the complex problems of immunity. Although the source from which each specimen of blood was obtained has been fully acknowledged in the text, I here wish to place on record viii Preface my indebtedness to the many gentlemen who, often at much incon- venience to themselves, collected and forwarded these specimens, and especially my appreciation of the scientific spirit which led them to give, wherever possible, the accurate nomenclature of the species, without which the value of the work would have been considerably impaired. The publication of these researches has been rendered possible through a gi-ant made for the purpose by the Royal Society, and the generous interest of the Syndics of the University Press, Cambridge, to whom I am greatly indebted. G. H. F. N. Pathological Laboratory, Cambridge. Januari/, 1904. ERRATA. Beginning page 298 (Tables) the following names of animals should be corrected the numbers referring to those printed in black letters on the left-hand margin : 797 read Euplocamus 846 read Bitjs 827 „ Python sebae 857 „ Xenopus laevis 836 „ Zamenis i-avergieri 860 „ Megalobatrachus. 844 „ Naja Aaje p. 260, top of first column, delete "3. Suborder Hyracoidea, Fam. Hyracidae" and substitute 1. Suborder MYSTACOCETI. 2. Suboi-der ODONTOCETI. CONTENTS. PAOE Introduction 1 PART I. RELATING TO ANTIBODIES IN GENERAL OTHER THAN THE PRECIPITINS. Section I. Ehrlich's Theory regarding the Formation of Antibodies, TOGETHER WITH A BRIEF CONSIDERATION OP ToXINS AND ANTITOXINS 5 Section II. Ferments and Antiferments 16 Section III. The Gytotoxins of Blood Serum 18 The mode of action of haemolysins and baoteriolysins . . . .19 The intermediary body, immune body, complement, complementoid. Anti-cytotoxins, anti-complements 21 Special cytotoxins : leucotoxin, spermotoxin, neurotoxin, trichotoxin, etc. . 22 Source of cytolysin.s 26 Influence of the species of animal upon the character of cytolysins . . 27 Influence of animal's age upon susceptibility of corpuscles to haemolysis . 27 Bacterial haemolysins and anti-haeniolysins 28 The serum complements and their importance in physiological processes . 28 The treatment of animals for the production of specific haemolysins . . 31 Section IV. The Action of different Sera upon the Blood Corpuscles OF certain Animals in Vitro and in Corpore 33 The effects of normal and artificial haemolysins upon the red blood corpuscles of different animals in vitro and in corpore 40 Isolysins and autolysins 42 The relation of haemolysins to agglutinins .43 Section V. Agglutinins and Anti-agglutinins, etc 45 Differences between agglutinins and precipitins. X Contents PART II. THE PRECIPITINS. Section I. Methods : page Treating rabbits for the production of precipitating antiscra . . . b\ Modes of injecting (p. 57), marking rabbits (p. 58), weighing the animals (p. 58), when to kill the treated animals (p. 59). Killing the animals and storing the antisera 59 The choice of animals for immunization 61 Collecting bloods and testing them with antisera 62 Sources of error in precipitin tests 72 Opalescent anti.sera (p. 72), over-powerful and weak antisera (p. 74), suitable dilutions of bloods tested (p. 74), effects of preservatives on antisera (p. 76), acid or alkaline reaction of the medium (p. 79), in- jurious effects of acids and strong alkalies and salts (p. 81), precautions with regard to quantitative tests (p. 86), bacterial development (p. 86). Section II. The Nature op Precipitin Reactions 88 Inactivated haematosera, " precipitoids " — non-reactivatability of haema- tosera — immune-bodies in haematosera 90 The nature of precipitins and precipitable .substances . . . . 96 The precipitum (p. 99), macroscopic and microscopic api)earance8 during reaction (p. 100), the supernatant fluid (p. 101), the influence of salts upon the reaction (p. 102), regarding the claim that pre- cipitins permit of distinguishing the different albumins of the same animal (p. 104), the effect of tryptic and peptic digestion upon the interacting bodies (p. Ill), regarding the supposed precipitins for peptones (p. 112), influence of temperature upon the reaction (p. 113), influence of heat upon the interacting bodies (p. 1 1 4), ett'ect of ttltra- tion on normal sera (p. 118), effect of putrefaction and desiccation (p. 119), stability of antisera and sera in vitro (p. 123). Section III. Observations upon Precipitins and Precipitable Sub- stances in Corpore 126 Section IV. The Specificity of Precipitins 134 The selective action of jirecipitins in blood-mixtures (p. 140), measurement of degrees of reaction (p. 141), the delicacy of the test (p. 144), the strength of antisera (p. 144), differences in degrees of reaction of individual bloods (p. 145), character of precipitins formed in difterent species of animals treated with the same blood (p. 146). Section V. Isoprecipitins, Antipreuipitin.s, Normal Precipitins, Auto- precipitins 148 Section VI. Qualitative Tests with Precipitins, including Summary OF Literature and Personal Results : 1. Phytoprecipitins 152 Bacterioprecipitins (p. 152), Yeast precipitins (p. 154), Precipitins for albumins of higher plants (wheat, roborat, ricin, crotin) (p. 155). Contents XI PAOE 2. Zooprecipitins 166 Ijactoscra. Haematosera, list of those used 160 Hacmatosera for the bloods of : Primates: Man (p.' 161), Chimimnzee (p. 168), Ourang (p. 169), Cercopithecus (p. 169). Insectivora: Erinaceus (p. 172). Carnivora: Cat (p. 173), Hyaena (p. 174), Dog (p. 176), Seal (p. 177). Rodentiar Rabbit (p. 178). Ungiilata: Pig (p. 179), Llama (p. 182), Mexican Deer (p. 183), Reindeer (p. 185), Hog- Deer (p. 186), Antelojie (p. 187), Ox (p. 188), Sheep (p. 190), Horse (p. 192), Donkey (p. 195), Zebra (p. 197). Cetacea: Balaenoptera (p. 198). Marsupialia : Wallaby (p. 199) Aves : Fowl (p. 200), Ostrich (p. 202), Fowl egg-white (p. 204), Emu egg-white (p. 206). Reptilia : Turtle (p. 207), Snake (p. 208), Alligator (p. 209). Amphibia : Frog (p. 210). Pisces: Eel (p. 212). Crustacea : Lobster (p. 212). Number of species of blood tested 213 General summary of the residts of 16,000 tests 214 Key to signs used in tables which follow 217 Tables recording 16,000 precipitin-tests on 900 blood specimens . 220-311 Section VII. Quantitative Tests with Precipitins for Mammalian and Avian Bloods, by G. H. F. Nuttall and T. S. P. Strangewats. General considerations 312 List of antisera used 316 Method of measuring the reactions , 315 Tests with Precipitating Antisera for the bloods of: Primates: Man (p. 319), Ourang (p. 320). Insectivora: Erinaceus (p. 321). Carnivora : Cat (p. 322), Dog (p. 323). Ungulata : Sheep (p. 323), Ox (p. 325), Antelope (p. 325), Mexican Deer (p. 326), Hog-Deer (p. 327), Reindeer (p. 327), Pig (p. 328), Horse (pp. 331, 332), Donkey and Zebra (p. 332). Marsupialia : Wallaby (p. 333). Aves: Ostrich (p. 334), Fowl (p. 334). Conclusions relating to Quantitative Tests 335 Section VIII. Blood-relationship amongst the Lower Vertbbrata and Arthropoda, etc. as indicated by 2500 Tests with Precipitating Antisera, by G. S. Graham-Smith 336 Methods : Production of Antisera 336 Table of Antisera 337 Methods of Testing 338 Materials used in Experiments 339 xii Contents Tests with Antisera for : page Aves : Qualitative Tests with Antisera for egg-whites of Emu, Duck, Fowl, Crane 340 Qualitative Tests with Antiserum for Fowl's blood . . . 343 Summary of the foregoing 343 Quantitative Tests with Antisera for egg-whitea of Emu, Duck, Fowl, Crane 344 Reptilia : Qualitative Tests with Antisera for : Chelonia : Tortoises (2), Turtle 347 Crocodilia : Alligator 349 Lacertilia : Lizards (2) 350 Ophidia: Snake sera and egg-white 351 Summary of the foregoing 353 Quantitative Tests with Antisera for Chelonia : Tortoises (2), Turtle 354 Qualitative Tests with Antisera for Amphibia: Frog 356 Pisces : Ammocoetes . 356 Ascidia 357 Arthropoda : Decapoda ; Lobster, Crab 357 Xiphosura; Limulus 358 Summary of foregoing 359 General Conclusions 361 Tables recording the foregoing Qualitative Tests .... 364-380 Section IX. On the Practical Application of the Precipitin Reactions IN Legal Medicine, etc. 1. Antisera in the Examination and Identification of Bloods and Blood- stains 381 2. Antisera in the Examination of Meats 404 3. Antisera in the Examination of Bones 406 4. Antisera in the Examination of Commercial albuminous Preparations containing egg-white, as also in the examination of Honey for adulteration 406 5. Antisera in the Study of Urine 407 Plate. Showing Test-tube Reactions .... hetween pp. 402 and 403 Conclusions 4O7 Acknowledgments 411 Bibliography 414 Appendix 43O Index to Authors 431 Index to Subjects 433 INTRODUCTION. In the absenoe of palaeontological evidence the question of the interrelationship amongst animals is based upon similarities of structure in existing forms. In judging of these similarities the subjective element may largely enter, in evidence of which we need but look at the history of the classification of the Primates. Linnaeus placed Man, the Apes, Lemurs and Bats in the division Primates. Blumenbach fii-st placed Man in a special order, the Bimana, including the Apes and Semi- Apes under Quadrumana, this classi- fication being retained by Cuvier and others. Huxley (1863) showed that all true Apes are as genuinely "Bimana" as Man, and gave comparative anatomical proof that the differences between Man and the higher Apes are than between these and the lowest Apes. Huxley therefore separated Primates into Anthropoidae (Man), Simiidae (Apes), and Lemuridae (Semi- Apes). Haeckel (1866)' did not think that Man should be placed in a separate order. Zoologists to-day agree in placing Man and Apes in one order, the Anthropoidea. The question as to the degree of relationship between the Anthro- poidea is one upon which there is some disagreement. HaeckeP (1899) has recently brought together all the evidence speaking for the descent of man from Old World apes, whose recent ancestors belonged to the tailless Anthropoids, whose older ancestors belonged to Cynopithecidae. Years ago', he pointed out that the African man-like apes, the Gorilla and Chimpanzee, are black in colour, and " like their countrymen the Negroes, have the head long from back to front (dolichocephalic). The Asiatic man-apes are on the contrary mostly of a brown, or yellowish- brown colour and have the head short from back to front (brachy- cephalic), like their countrymen, the Malays and Mongols." A closer ■ Haeckel (1879), The Evolution of Man, vol. n. (New York, D. Appleton & Co.). ' Haeckel, " Ueber unserc gcgenwartige Keuntniss vom Ursprang des Mensohen," (Bonn, 1899). N. 1 2 Man's Place in Nature relationship was claimed to exist between man and the Old World apes than between man and the New World apes, by Darwin •. Selenkd^ has pointed out that the placenta in Simiidae possesses a similar structure (Placenta discoidaiis capsularis) to that in man, as distinguished from Old World monkeys, where the placenta bidiscoidalis prevails. The very interesting observations upon the eye made by Johnson (1901)' also demonstrated the close relationship between the Old World forms and man, the macula lutea tending to disappear as we descend in the scale of New World monkeys, and being absent in the Lemurs. The results which I published upon my tests with precipitins directly supported this evidence, for the reactions obtained with the bloods of Simiidae closely resembled obtained with human blood, the bloods of Cercopithecidae came next, followed by those of the Cebidae and Hapalidae, which gave but slight reactions with antihuman serum, whilst the blood of Lemuroidea gave no indica- tion of blood-relationship. According to Dubois (1896)* the relationships amongst the Anthro- poidea are represented by the accompanying genealogical tree, based upon that of Haeckel (1895). In the paper by Dubois, the bones of Pithecanthropus erectus are described as those of a probably ancestral form of man, these having been found in early pliocene deposits in Java. He places Dryopithecus between the Cercopithecidae and Simiidae, after Gaudry (1890), and considers Frothy lobates to represent a general- ized hypothetical form to the common ancestor of all the man-like apes. He regards Palaeopithecus as the direct ancestor of Pithecanthropus. However this may be, the fact remains, that the degrees of reaction obtained by me in my blood tests are in strict accord with this genealogy, as pointing to the more remote relationship of the Cercopi- thecidae, but especially of the New World monkeys, as indicated in the tree. And we shall see that the study of the haemolysins has given results in accord with what has been observed for the precipitins. A perusal of the pages relating to the tests made upon the many bloods I have examined by means of precipitating antisera, will very clearly show that this method of investigation permits of our drawing ^ See Darwin, The Descent of Man. » Selenkfi,, cited by Friedentlial (i. 1900). ' Johnson, G.L. (1901), "Contributions to the Comparative Anatomy of the Mammalian Eye, etc." Philos. Trans, of the Royal Society, B. vol. cxciv. pp. 1—82. * Dubois, E. (14, iv. 1896), " Pitliecanthropus erectus, eiue Stammform des Menschen." Anatom. Aiizeiger, Bd. xii. pp. 1—22. 3 figures. Genealogy of Anthropoidea 3 certain definite conclusions. It is a remarkable fact, as I stated on a former occasion (16, XII. 1901) with regard to my results with the Anthropoidea, and this applies as well to other groups of animals, that CERCOPITHECIDAE HVLOBATES SIMtA HOMO ANTHR0P0PITHEGU8 OORILkA HOLOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE AROHIPITHEOUS GENEALOGY OF ANTHROPOIDEA AFTER DUBOIS T896 Fig. 1. 1—2 4 Blood- Relationships a common property has persisted in the blooils of certain groups of animals " throughout the ages which have elapsed during their evolu- tion from a common ancestor, and this in spite of differences of food and habits of life." The persistence of the chemical blood-relationship between the various groups of animals serves to carry us back into geological times, and I believe we have but begun the work along these lines, and that it will lead to valuable results in the study of various problems of evolution. In the following pages I have given but a brief and fragmentary summary of the immense amount of work which has been done on antibodies other than the precipitins, my object in mentioning them at all is to bring out the many points of resemblance between the different antibodies. On the other hand, I believe that this con- stitutes the first attempt to treat the subject from a general and more especially zoological point of view. The literature relating to the precipitins has been gone into as fully as possible. In view of its scattered nature, a summary and criticism of our knowledge brought up to date should prove of value, more especially to English readers. Comparative studies upon the constitution of the bloods of different animals by means of ordinary chemical methods have not demonstrated diflferences such as can be proved to exist by means of what we may well call the biological methods, the use namely of the precipitins and haemolysins. It is true that Abderhalden and others have demonstrated that chemical differences of a coarser nature exist between the bloods of Carnivora and Herbivora, that a similarity exists between the blood of the sheep and ox, etc., but the investigations afford no means of demonstrating delicate differences such as we have been able to study by means of biological tests. In view of the crudity of our methods, it is not surprising if certain discrepancies may be encountered in the course of investigations con- ducted by biological methods, the body of evidence is however perfectly conclusive. The object of my investigation has been to determine certain broad facts with regard to blood-affinities, consequently my studies must be regarded in the light of a preliminary investigation, which will have to be continued along special lines by many workers in the future. PAET I. RELATING TO ANTIBODIES IN GENERAL, AND ANTI- BODIES OTHER THAN THE PRECIPITINS. SECTION I. EHRLICH'S THEORY REGARDING THE FORMATION OF ANTIBODIES, TOGETHER WITH A BRIEF CONSIDERATION OF TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS. In 1890 Behring discovered that the serum of an animal immunified against diphtheria was capable, when injected into a fresh animal, of conferring immunity upon the latter, which, failing the use of the immune serum, died from the effects of the diphtherial toxin it received. Soon after, Behring and Kitasato obtained similar results with tetanus. Ehrlicii (1891) next treated animals with increasing doses of ricin and abrin (the toxic substances contained in the castor- oil bean and the seeds of jequirity) and found that the toxin was neutralized in vitro when added to the treated animal's serum, proof of neutralization being afforded by the fact that when certain propor- tions of toxin and immune serum were mixed in vitro, these mixtures were innocuous when injected into animals. He proved that the neutralizing action of immune serum upon each of these toxins was specific, that is, the antiserum for abrin did not neutralize ricin, and vice versa. Immunization against the toxins of snake venom had already been practised by Sewall (1887), and subsequently Calmette (1894) and Frazer (1895), but it was reserved for Ehrlich to throw more light upon the nature of the acquired immunity to toxins through the formation of antitoxins in the bodies of toxin-treated animals. He and Madsen showed that toxin and antitoxin combined iu definitely 6 Ehrliclis Theory measurable quantities in vitro, more rapidly in concentrated solutions, the union being retarded by cold, hastened by heat. In other words, the union took place in a manner similar to that observed with regard to known cliemical bodies. Ehrlich concluded that " the power of to.xins to combine with antibodies must depend upon a specific atom-group in the toxin- complex possessing a maximal specific relation to definite atom-groups of the antitoxin-complex, so that it rapidly unites therewith, like a lock and key," a figure borrowed from Emil Fischer in describing the action of specific ferments. Ehrlich's theory (1897) had its origin in an hypothesis advanced by Weigert in 1896, to the effect that a condition of physiological equilibrium is maintained in the body by virtue of mutually restraining influences exerted upon each other by the cells which compose it. Assuming that a cell or a group of cells are destroyed through some agency, the equilibrium is upset, an element of restraint will be removed, and there will be an overproduction, comparable to the compensating hyperplasia observed when an organ is removed, say a kidney, a double function being thrown upon the one which remains. According to Weigert, there is always hypercompensation where there has been destruction of cells. The above conception is narrowed down by Ehrlich to what takes place in a single cell. The which lead to the formation of antibodies such as antitoxins are, according to Ehrlich, essentially similar to those taking place normally in the process of assimilation. We now know that normal serum contains a number of antibodies having similar actions to those artificially produced as a result of immunization with this or that substance, we know of normal agglutinins, haemolysins, bacterio- lysins, antitoxins, antiferments, etc., all of which go to prove the correctness of Ehrlich's views in this respect. In normal processes of assimilation food substances are taken up by the cells with whose substance they enter into chemical combination. That a toxin also enters into chemical union with certain cells of the body was indicated by the experiments of Wassermann, who found that when he mixed tetanus toxin with the brain substance of the susceptible guinea-pig, that the mixture was no longer toxic for the guinea-pig. There was evidently a special affinity between the brain substance and the toxin, for the reason that emulsions of other guinea-pig organs when brought in contact with tetanus toxin exerted no such effect. It would appear from this experiment that a toxin may have a special Toxins and Antitoxins 7 affinity for certain tissue cells, and this appeared to explain the neuro- toxic character of the symptoms which are observed in tetanus. Antitoxins are not formed when any of the chemically defined poisons are introduced into an animal. The effect of toxins is also different from these with respect to the period of incubation which precedes their apparent action in corpore whatever the dose may be, if we except snake venom and eel-serum, where we however have antitoxins formed. According to Ehrlich (1901) toxins enter into specific chemical combination with the protoplasm of certain cell groups, other poisons like alkaloids do not. Substances which enter into chemical combination are assimilable, it being immaterial whether they belong to the class of substances we regard as foods or as toxins. The toxins of vegetable and animal origin possess the same characters as the albumens or their derivatives. Antibodies are formed not only for toxins, but also for food substances, such as milk, serum, etc., which exert no injurious action. The food-stuff or toxin enters into combination with the cell or antibody by means of its haptoptiorous group (see below), and the protoplasm wiiich is capable of combining with these bodies, which in other woi'ds, is receptive, possesses corresponding "receptors," which unite with the haptophorous groups. Diphtheria antitoxin was found to enter into chemical combination with diphtheria toxin, combining in definite proportions according to what is known as the law of multiples. When a culture-filtrate of the diphtheria bacillus is allowed to stand for some time it is found to lose its toxicity as far as its immediate effects upon experimental animals are concerned. A larger dose of old filtrate is required to kill an animal in 24 — 48 hours than when a fresh filtrate is used. Neverthe- less the filtrate continues to combine with antitoxin in the same manner as before. In other words, the combining power remains, the toxic power is lowered. This is due to the conversion of toxin into " toxoid." Ehrlich concluded from the above observation that the toxin-molecule contains two independent atom-complexes, the one haptophorous (which persists), which combines with the antitoxin or the corresponding cell receptors, the other toxophorons (labile), being the cause of the specific toxic effect. The haptophorous group serves as an intermediary in binding the toxophorous group to the cell. When an animal is treated with culture-filtrate containing toxoid it is rendered imnnine to toxin, and its serum is found to contain antitoxin. According to Ehrlich, the haptophorous (non-toxic) group, 8 EhrlicKs Theory combines with the cell receptors, or " side chains," because of a special affinity between the groups. At first the combination may be effected within the cell substance, but owing to an increased demand upon the cell for receptors fitted to the haptophors, receptors are produced in increasing quantity, and are finally thrown off as free receptors into the circulation. It is the free receptors which, circulating in the blood, lead to its antitoxic character. The serum of an animal treated with toxoid is antitoxic, for the reason that the receptors disarm the toxin of its haptophorous group, and consequently do not permit the toxo- phorous group to combine with the cell protoplasm. Toxoid is therefore to be regarded as a toxin molecule, the toxo- phorous group of which has been destroyed. Similar or analogous observations have been made upon other antibodies, such as tetano- lysin (Madsen), snake venom (Myers), milk-curdling ferment (Morgen- roth), etc. Immunity to the effects of a toxin would therefore appear to depend upon the absence of certain haptophorous groups in the toxin, for failing these the toxin does not become anchored to the cell, and the latter remains uninjured. Whereas the haptophorous group inunediately enters into combination with its corresponding receptor, the action of the ' toxophorous group may be delayed for weeks. If tetanus toxin is injected into frogs, the animals being maintained at 20° C. (Courmont), large amounts may be injected with impunity. Morgenroth has shown that the haptophorous group of the tetanus toxin enters into combination with the nervous sub.stance of the frog, but that the toxophorous group does not do so unless the temperature is raised. Antitoxins are not of themselves toxic. As stated, the evidence of their combining with toxins is based upon animal experiment, a mixture of suitable proportions of homologous toxin and antitoxin being without effect upon an animal which is susceptible to the toxin alone. Much more favourable are the conditions of experiments with other antibodies, such as haemolysins, agglutinins, and precipitins for the reason that the interaction of the substances can be observed in vitro. The study of the specific bacteriolysins', begun by Behring and Nissen (1890) on animals immnnified with Vihno Metchnikovi, but brought especially into prominence by Pfeiffer (1894) in bis studies upon ' That a difference between the bacteriolytic power of iiornial and immune serum might exist was already indicated by me (1888, p. 388). The serum of a sheep immunified against anthrax was found to be more bacteriolytic for anthrax bacilli than normal sheep's scrum. The desirability of further experiments in this direction was indicated by me at the time. Antibodies in General 9 immunity to cholera, led to results of great importance. It is however especially the studies upon the specific haemolysins which have helped to further our knowledge concerning immunity. The results with the haemolysins show that these and the bacteriolysins are both strictly comparable in their mode of production and constitution. In both the injection of cellular elements is followed by the appeai-ance of specific lysins in the serum of the treated animal. The cytolytic serum is rendered inactive by heat (.56° C.) and can be reactivated by fresh serum which of itself is without effect. The action between cytolysin and cell has been compared by Ehrlich to that which takes place between toxin and antitoxin. In the case of the cytolysins we have to deal with a stable immune-body and a labile complement, which cannot act of itself but requires the intermediation of the immune or intermediary body. When this is secured, the complement produces changes of a digestive character in the cells subject to its action, and for this reason it may be safely considered to possess the character of a digestive ferment. The similarities observed in these antibodies led to the extension of the theory of Ehrlich to other antibodies such as the agglutinins and precipitins. It appears therefore that all antibodies are formed on the same general principles, although they may possess different properties. Wherever they are formed the substance must be assimilable which gives rise to their formation. Toxins are relatively simple bodies, they are highly soluble and readily enter into combination with the proto- plasmic molecule through the intermediation of the haptopliorous group. Food-stuffs cm the other hand are more complicated, they require to be simplified for assimilation, and in consequence the antibodies to which they give rise must necessarily be more complicated. In the latter case the albuminous molecule anchors the food-stuff by means of receptors, which act as intermediaries, permitting a digestive, ferment- like group (complement or the like) to attack the complicated food molecule. Before proceeding to consider antibodies in general I will add a few facts regarding the antitoxins in particular. When an animal is being immunified against a toxin, say tetanus or diphtheria toxin, the antitoxin content of its serum and milk gradually rises, as periodic injections of increasing doses of toxin are being practised. Brieger and Ehrlich (1893, p. 341) noted however that the curve of antitoxin content pursued a wavy course (wellenfdrmiger Verlauf) in animals treated with tetanus toxin, the milk containing antitoxin in les.ser quantity 10 Ehrlich's Theonj after each toxin injection, the fall in antitoxin being followed in due course by a rise to a point higher than before. Salomonsen and Madsen (IV. 1897, p. 326) also observed this in horses treated with diphtheria toxin. The antitoxin content of the serum or milk always fell after a fresh toxin injection, gradually rising afterwards, the maximum amount being usually reached 9 — -10 days after the last toxin injection. A similar observation has been made with regard to the precipitins, and the phenomenon will pi'obably be observable in relation to all antibodies. (See Appendix, Note 1.) The decrease of antitoxin appears to denote that the toxin and antitoxin are combining in corpore. The question of the regeneration of antitoxins in corpore has been the subject of some investigation. Thus Roux and Vaillard (ll. 1893, p. 82) found that they could remove (by repeated bleedings in a few days) as much blood from a tetanus-immune rabbit as the animal originally possessed, but the newly-formed blood was apparently as antitoxic as that removed at first. Salomonsen and Madsen (xi. 1898, p. 763) made similar observations with regard to diphtherial antitoxin in the serum of goats and horses, the animals being in a condition of antitoxic equilibrium. These observations, as also the fact recorded by the last autliors mentioned {Gomjjt. rend. Acad, des Sc, Paris, 1898) that the administration of pilocarpine increased the amount of antitoxin present in the serum of immunified animals, have been brought forward in evidence as to the secretive nature of the anti- bodies. It has been claimed that normal antitoxins are present in the serum of animals. Thus Meade Bolton, in Philadelphia, and Cobbett, in Cam- bridge, found a certain percentage of normal horse sera to possess slight but distinct antitoxic properties for diphtheria toxin. Cobbett has however recently had occasion to observe diphtheria in the horsed Con- sequently a doubt arises as to the former observation bringing strict evidence as to the existence of normal antitoxins. On the other hand their existence can scarcely be doubted for the reason that substances fulfilling the function of different antibodies have frequently been noticed in normal sera. Quite recently, moreover, von Dungern (1902, p. 37) has observed that rabbit serum contained a " normal antitoxin " for the toxin contained in the eggs of starfish {Astei'ias glacialis, and Astropecten aurantiacus), the toxin in question acting upon the sperma- tozoa of sea-urchins. ' Cobbett, C. L. (1900), Diphtheria occurring spontaneously in the horse, Lancet, toI. ii. p. 573. Antibodies in General 11 The chemical nature of antitoxins has been the subject of con- siderable investigation without much light being thrown on the subject. Brieger and Ehrlich (1893, p. 345) precipitated tetanus antitoxin from the milk of immuiiified animals by means of ammonium sulphate, finding tiiat the antitoxin was included in the first precipitate obtained by adding 27 — 30Vo of the salt. The remaining filtrate still contained much albumin, but very little antitoxin. Freund and Sternberg (1899, p. 432) precipitated diphtheria antitoxin from antidiphtherial horse serum by means of oOVa ammonium sulphate. Seng used magnesium sulphate to saturation. Jacoby (cited by Michaelis 1902, p. 41) found antiricin in rabbit serum to be present in the fraction precipitated through the addition of 25 — 33% ammonium sulphate. The antitoxins are therefore precipitated under the same conditions as the globulins, but not the albumins. We shall see that other antibodies behave similarly in this respect. Some authors claim that the antitoxins are identical with the globulins, others that they are only entangled with the globulins, being precipitated under the same conditions. Pick (1902, p. 5) refers the disagreement to differences in the chemical metliods used by different authors, and discusses the subject at length. Pick found diphtheria antitoxin in horse serum to be present in the pseudoglobulin fraction, whereas in the goat it was present in the euglobulin fraction. Ehrlich (1901, Schlussbetrachtungen, etc.) has sought by means of schematic figures to render our conception clearer regarding the way in which the various antibodies enter into chemical union with different substances, by means of what he terms receptors. Before proceeding, the reader is referred to the figures and description on the succeeding page. In normal assimilative processes, as also in the earlier stages of immunization (either artificial or in consequence of disease), the various receptors are attached to the molecule of the cell which is receptive either for the foodstuff, toxin or the like. When the receptors are produced in excess they are thrown off into the cumulation. Accepting the above diagrammatic representation of the receptors attached to the cell-molecules as a base, then the freed receptors would be represented similarly, only detached at their base. Such freed receptoi-s have been termed " haptins "; they possess the same structure as the attached receptors. The haptins corresponding to receptors of the Orders I. and II. have been styled " uniceptors," those correspond- ing to receptors of the III. Order as " amboceptors/' by Ehrlich. 12 Ehrlich's Theory Fig. 2. Receptors of the First Order, are represented in Fig. 2, I., at a, being attached to the cell-moleeule beneath. The portion e represents the haptophorous complex, whilst b represents a toxin molecule, which possesses a haptophorous c and toxophorous d group. This represents the union of toxin and antitoxin, or ferment and antifennent, the latter possessing but one haptophorous group, the union between antibody and the toxin or ferment being direct. Receptors of the Second Order, are represented at c, in Fig. 2, II., in which e represents the haptophorous, and d the siymophorous group of the complex, / being the food-molecule with which it enters into combination. Receptors of this order are possessed by agglutinins and precipitins. The digestive cell, or the antibody present in the serum in this case possesses one haptophorous and one zymophorous group. Receptors of the Third Order, are represented in Fig. 2, III., e being the haptophorous group, g the complcmentophile group of the complex, k the complement with its hapto- phorous h and zymotoxic z group ; whilst / represents the food-molecule which has become linked to the receptor. Such receptors are found in haemolysius, bacteriolysins and other cytolysins, the union with these cellular elements being effected by means of the immune- body, this permitting the complement to act as a digestive ferment. Antibodies in General 13 It appears from the foregoing that it is immaterial whether the receptors or haptins and the haptophorous groups are attached to cellular elements or in solution, the diagrammatic representation indicates the mode of chemical union. A molecule provided with haptophoric groups is as we have seen styled a haptin, the other groups with which it is provided being named in accordance with the action produced by the antibody. Thus, a toxic haptin possesses haptophorous and to^ophorous groups ; a ferment haptin possesses haptophorous and ^^mophorous groups; precipitins a haptophorous and e?"(7ophorous group, the latter term being suggested by Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 360). Antibodies resemble each other in a number of points. Ana- logous bodies to toxoid (Ehrlich), are ccjmplementoid (Ehrlich and Morgenroth), agglutinoid (Eisenberg and Volk), precipitoid (Kraus and Pirquet). The chemical examination of various antibodies by fractional precipitation (summarized by Pick, 1902, p. 34) shows that all observers agree in their not being bound up with fibrino-globulin and serum-albumin. This has been found to be the case with diphtheria and tetanus antitoxins, with cholera-lysin, with cholera and typhoid agglutinins, with precipitins. Anti-antibodies for anti-spermotoxin, anti-hiBmolysin, and precipitins have been obtained, but not anti- antitoxins and anti-bacterio-agglutinins. As Kraus and Eisenberg (27. II. 1902, p. 211) point out, this is explainable by Ehrlich's theory. The diphtheria antitoxins and typhoid agglutinins only possess affinities for diphtheria toxin and typhoid bacilli respectively, and consequently if they are introduced into an animal the immune-bodies they contain find no substances to which they can become anchored, and it follows that they will not lead to the formation of new substances such as anti-antitoxin and anti-agglutinin. On the other hand, other immune- substances introduced into animals of a corresponding species, will lead to the formation of anti-immune bodies. All the antibodies have the property of entering into chemical union with the bodies to which they owe their origin, specific affinities existing between them. The names which have been applied to various antibodies are in accordance with their action in corpore or in vitro. I do not think it expedient here to enter further into the theories of Ehrlich with regard to the more intimate nature of toxins, the so-called "toxin-spectra" and the like, regarding which the reader is referred to the papers by Ehrlich. A useful summary on the subject will be found in the collective review by Aschoff (1902). A number 14 Antibodies in General of points of a critical nature, directed against the acceptance of some of Ehrlich's views, have been brought forward by Baumgarten, Gruber, and by Emmerich and Loew. It is difficult to enter upon these questions without considerable detail which would be out of place here, the reader is therefore referred to these authors in the bibliography. That a number of different antibodies may coexist in a serum has been amply proved, for example, Bordet (1900) after injecting fowl's blood into rabbits, observed the formation of agglutinins, haemo- lysins, and precipitins in the animals' serum, this having also been seen by Tchistovitch (1899) in animals treated with horse blood. Similarly agglutinins may coexist with antitoxins and with antiferments etc. Normal Sera, as we shall see, may contain Antitoxin, Antiferments, Cytotoxins, Agglutinins, Precipitins, the amount of antibody present being usually very slight as compared to what is observable in sera which contain specific antibodies. ^Antitoxin An immunizing substance may produce The Antibodies : iCytotoxins Antiferment Gytotoxin including Haemolysins,^ . ,. (Complement Spormotoxius, Nephrotoxins, etc.v „ -llmmune-body or Bacteriolysins ) (Amboceptor Agglutinins Precipitins /Anti-complement -^ (Anti-cytotoxins — consisting of ^Anti-inmuuie- \ Antiferment Igwurifie Xo a,nii-\Anti-antiferiHent ( body 1 Agglutinins Precipitins antibodies j Anti-agglvXinins \Anti-precipitins Synonymous Terms. Gytotoxin is used for any substance in serum, venom or bacterial cultures or of plant origin, which destroys cellular elements, either animal or vegetable. The haomolysins and other toxic substances which kill but do not dissolve cellular elements are included under Cytotoxins, also the bacteriolysins (bactericidal sub- stance, alexin). Terminology 15 Precipitin is used to include the antibodies contained in lactosera, called "coagulins" by some authors. The term "serotoxin" (corresponding to cytotoxin) suggested by Ncdriagailoff (U. viii. 1901) will scarcely receive acceptance. Sera containing precipitins for blood are referred to frequently as haematosera. Complement is used synonymously with addiment (Ehrlich), alexine, cytase (of French authors). Immune-body is used synonymously with Amboceptor, Immunkorpcr, Pra- parator, Copula, De-smon, Hilfskorpcr, Zwischenkorper (of Gemian authors), Fixateur, substance sensibilisatricc or preventive specifique (of French authors), Fixer, and Go-between (of English authors). Iiitermediary-hody is confined in its use to the coiTesponding substance to the foregoing, which is found in normal sera, and corresponds to Ehrlich's " Zwischen- korper." SECTION II. ANTIFERMENTS AND FERMENTS. The discovery of antiferinents dates from Hildebrand (1893, p. 32) who found an anti-emulsin in the serum of rabbits subjected to repeated emulsin injections. Fermi and Pernossi (1894) found that when trypsin was injected into guinea-pigs it disappeared within 24 hours, its presence being determined by the action of the animals' blood and organs upon gelatin. The experiments, both in corj^ore and in vitro, showed that the trypsin was destroyed (see Achalme, 1902). Von Dungern (1898) obtained an antidiastatic ferment by treating animals with the proteolytic ferment contained in certain bacterial cultures. Morgenroth (1899 and 1900), experimenting with goats, obtained anti-rennet ferment through injecting animals with rennet. He next obtained anti-cynarase by injecting ferment (from the blos.soms of Cynara cardunculus), and proved that this and the preceding antiferment were distinct. Briot (1900) working independently to Morgenro^'.., discovered that he could obtain anti-reimet in tlie serum of rabbits treated with rennet. Delezenne (cited by Metchnikofl", 1901, p. 115) whilst finding that the normal senmi of animals exerted scarcely any effect on gelatin, that of animals treated with gelatin did. He injected animals with fluid gelatin, and observed that their serum .soon acquired the power of rapidly dis.solving gelatin. We may there- fore speak of this as a gelatin ferment. The ferment, or anti-gelatin serum, resembles the precipitins in that it resists heating to 56" C. Wliei'eas Landsteiner (23. ill. 1900) stcitcs that the action of anti-trypsin is non-specific, being bound up with serum albumin, Glassner (unpublished research, cited by his colleague Rostoski, 1902 b., p. 60) came to the opposite conclusion, exixirimenting with anti-trypsin normally present in the serum of the horse and ox. The actions of these anti- trypsins were most marked against their homologous trypsins. The anti-trypsin is bound up with pseudoglobulin. Achalme (1902, ji. 744) cites several authors who have observed the presence of anti-trypsin in normal serums. Metchnikoff (1901, p. 117) cites Roden as having foimd normal horse serum to retard or prevent rennet action, and states that still otliers have found normal sera to more or less impede the digestion of albuminoids through trypsin". Moll (1902) immunified rabbits ' See also S. Korsehun, " Ueber Lab und Antilab," Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem. xxxvi. p. 141, who studied the anti-rennet in normal horse serum, and by injecting horse serum into goats obtained anti-anti-rennet. He considers anti-rennet to act on rennet as does antitoxin on toxin. He also found what appears to be a pseudo-anti-rennet. The reader is referred to the original. Antiferments and Ferments 17 against the urea-splitting ferment of Micrococcus ureae, demonstrating the presence of anti-urease in their serum. Although normal serum and urine antagonize urease, the normal antagonistic substance is distinct from I will further mention that Sachs (1902) has in a similar manner succeeded in obtaining aiui- pepsin, and Gessard (1902, cited above) anti-tyrosin. Anti-coagulins have been discovered by Bordet and Gengou (ni. 1901). These investigators injected rabbit serum, or plasma, into guinea-pigs and found that the serum of the guinea-pigs acquired the property of preventing the coagulation of rabbits' blood. They attribute the greater part of the anti-coagulating action to the neutralization of the rabbit's hbrin-ferment. The anti-coagulin is specific, or nearly so, in its action, and the experiments made therewith indicate that the fibrin-ferments of different animals j)ossess a different constitution, although capable, all of them, of prod\icing coagulation of the same fibrinogen. The anti- coag>ilin resists heating to 58-5° 0. The authors cite Camus (1901) as having also worked upon anti-coagulins. The anti-coagulating action of leech-extract studied by Haycroft, then by Dickinson (1870) and others, can be counteracted by a coagulin. Thus Wendelstadt (1901) found that if he injected leech-extract into rabbits he obtained an anti- body which impeded the anti-coagulating action of the leech-extract. According to this author, the coagulin is chiefly formed in the pancreas, then in the liver and kidneys. The source of these different anti-ferments will doubtless vary consider- ably, depending on their nature. SECTION III. THE CYTOTOXINS OF BLOOD SERUM. The discovery of the cytotoxins dates back to the time when blood-transfusion was first practised, it being noticed that the bloods of different animals transfused into man were more or less directly injurious, and not capable of replacing human blood for this purpose. The transfusion of foreign blood led to the formation of clots, thrombi, serous exudation, and more or less haemolysis. A rdsume of the earlier work on this subject will be found in Ziemssen's Klinische Vortrage, 1887, wherein the observations of Panum, Ponfick, Hayem, Landois and others are recorded. Especially important for our subject are the investigations of Landois (1875) on blood-transfusion. He found that the transfusion of foreign blood might prove fatal to an animal. The transfusion was followed by haemoglobinuria due to the haemoglobin derived from the injected blood corpuscles, but in addition to the dissolution of the treated animal's corpuscles. Where the blood transfused emanated from a closely related species Landois observed no ill effects to follow its transfusion, this being the case for instance when transfusion was practised between the dog and wolf, horse and donkey, hare and rabbit. He concluded that large transfusions could only be practised between closely allied species. The first to study the phenomena of haemolysis in heterologous blood serum was Creite (1869), whose description of the appearances observed leaves little to be desired. The term cytotoxin has been proposed by Metchnikoff (vi. 1900, p. 369) for such animal poisons as affect cellular elements, whether they be animal or vegetable. For the cytotoxins which dissolve the blood cells the term haemolysin has gained general usage, and for this reason I have retained the term in the following pages. Bordet (v. 1900, p. 257) prefers the term haemotoxin to haemolysin, but I see no Hfiemolysins and Bacteriolysins 19 advantage in abandoning the term lysins, which certainly suggests something more as to their effects. Corresponding terms are spermo- toxin for toxin in serum which acts more especially on spermatozoa, leucotoxin for serum which destroys leucocytes. Fiexner and Noguchi (II. 1902) .separate the haemolysins into erythrolysins (dissolve red corpuscles) and leukolysins (dissolve leucocytes). Besides the serum of animals the secretion of certain glands may be cytotoxic, as is seen with snake venoms. Cytotoxins may also be of vegetable origin, being either derived from bacteria or higher plants. We shall refer to these elsewhere (see p. 28). The haemolysins act by separating the haemoglobin from the stroma of the blood corpuscles, causing the blood with which they come in contact to "lake." Haemolysis may be effected also by hypotonic salt solutions, or by destructive chemicals, but this apparently purely physical phenomenon does not concern us. It is true thcat Baumgarten (16, xil. 1901 ; and 27, x. 1902) would explain haemolysis as due to altered physical coudition.s brought about by haemolytic .sera, as seen in plasmolysis due to non-isotonio solutions. He however found that this did not offer a full explanation, for a haemolytic serum acted more rapidly than saline solution of equal specific gravity. He therefore suppases that the agglutinin present in haemolytic serum causes this increased action, claiming moreover that the agglutinin is identical with Ehrlich's immune-body. It appears to him a priori probable that the serum of different animals may contain different quantities of osmotic substance. He does not lielieve that the action of complement is similar to that of digestive ferment, a-s considered by Buchner, Bordet, and Ehrlich and his school. Haemolysins may be present in certain normal sera, or they may be artificially produced by injections of the blood of other animals than that treated, if we except the observations upon isolysius. In tlieir fundamental characters the haemolysins, both natural and artificial, correspond to the bacteriolysins; they offer the advantage over bacterio- ly.sins, that it is possible to experiment with them in the test-tube. The discovery of the artificial haemolysins dates from Belfanti and Carbone (1898). The Mode of Action of Haemolyshis and Bactenobjdns. Bordet and Ehrlich have shown that there are at least two bodies concerned in the haemolytic or iKvcteriolytic action of a serum. The one is the specific inmmne- body, which is thermostable ; the other is the thermolabile complement, which is present in normal sera. The artificially produced haemolysins, namely those 2—2 20 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum produced in animals by the injection of foreign blood cori:)uscles, appear to have the same constitution as the normal haemolysins. Bordet (1895 — 1900) demonstrated the existence of the two bodies referred to above by heating immune-serum to 55° C, or allowing the serum to stand for some hours. Such serum was no longer cytolytic, but if he added fresh normal serum to it, the normal serum of itself being inactive, the heated immune-serum regained its haemolytic power, that is, it was reactivated. The immune-body persists in stored sera, and withstands a temperature of 65 — 70° C. ; the thermolabile body as we have seen is destroyed at 55° C. and is soon lost. According to Bordet the immune-body or " matifere sensibilisatrice," as he terms it, becomes anchored to a red blood cell or bacterium, rendering it highly susceptible to the influence of the complement, to the action of which it wa.s previously insusceptible. It is the complement, or " alexine " as he terms it, which reactivates the immune-body. Ehrlich and Morgenroth (1899) showed by most ingenious experiments that the immune-body became fixed to the susceptible cells. By injecting complement, Bordet (v. 1900) produced anti-complement, which prevented the action of the immune-body by neutralizing the complement, the anti-complement not having any specific affinity for the immune-body. Bordet and Gruber consider the complement or "alexine" identical in all cases, the former and Gengou (1902, p. 738) found fresh dog serum added to fresh rabbit corpuscles lost its bactericidal properties. Ehrlich and Morgenroth consider that normal sera contain a mrdtiplicity of complements. Metchnikoff (1901, p. 123) points out that there is agreement as to the action of anti-complement upon complement being direct. Bordet found that heating a mixture of these bodies did not liberate the anti-complement, for the heated mixture does not regain its anti-haemolytic power, as we might expect it to do if anti-complement were freed by heating. Heating to 55°, as we have seen, aS'ects complement, but not anti- complement. The conclusion is therefore jiistified, that complement and anti- complement enter into chemical combination. Ehrlich and Morgenroth have found moreover that anti-complement only prevents the action of complement, that it exerts no action either on the immune-body or susceptible cell. Ehrlich (1900) and Morgenroth, by the method of "elective absorption," found that a normally haemolytic serum contains a variety of intermediary bodies (analogous to the immune-bodies in artificially haemolytic sera). They found that a serum which had been treated with one sjjecies of corpascles until it ceased to act on these still had the power to haemolyse other species of corpuscles. In the same way a multiplicity of complements appropriately adapted to the various intermediary bodies have been found by them to exist in normal sera. The union of cellular elements and the intermediary body is efi'ected, according to Ehrlich, by means of combining or haptophoric groups, common to both cell and intermediary body, the complement being similarly linked to the intermediary body. In other words, the intermediary body possesses two haptophoric groups, the one (complementophilic) combining with the complement, the other with the cell. The complement has also two haptophores, the one combining with the intermediary body, the other possessing a fermentative action (zymotoxic, or toxo- phoric group) which dissolves the cell. Flexner and Noguchi (1902) find that there are a multiplicity of intermediary Immune-Body and Complement 21 bodies in snake venoms, for venom solution treated with the washed blood corpuscles of the dog, rabbit, and guinea-pig in 8ucce«sion was found to give up to each a part of its intermediary bodies, no one kind of corpuscle being capable of fixing the entire content of intermediary bodies. It therefore appears as if there might be an indefinite number of intermediary bodies in venom. When a complement foreign to the corpuscles is used it never causes complete haemolysis. It is evident that these results with venom are very similar to those of Ehrlich with haemo- lytic sera. That different immune-bodies and complements may coexist in a serum has been shown by Wendclstadt (16, iv. 1902) who treated animals with different bloods simultaneously, for instance with the blood of the ox, sheep, and pig, finding three immune-bodies and three complements in their serum; the complement for the pig being more resistant to heat than the others. Ehrlich and Morgenroth found that they could not obtain anti-complement when they treated an animal with complement derived from a dosely related species, but they obtained it readily in many cases where the relationship was distant. The injection of goat serum into the sheep and vice versa did not give rise to anti- complement. This observation is quite in accord with what has been observed with regard to the formation of precipitins. An excess of immune-body may impede haemolysis upon the addition of com- plement, as Nolf observed in haemolysing fowl corpuscles with the immune serum of the rabbit ; moreover Neisser and Doring are cited by Eisenberg (v. 1902, p. 303) as having made an analogous observation when haemolysing rabbit cor- puscles with human serum from a case of clironic nephritis. Ide (27, vii. 1902, p. 273) has confirmed this. For an explanation of this interesting phenomenon of " Komplementablenkung " see Neisser and Wechsberg (1901), who observed that an excess of immune-body prevented the action of a bacteriolytic serum ; as did also Lipstein (16, iv. 1902), and Walker (i. 1903). That the normal haemolytic action of eel serum upon rabbit corpuscles can be prevented by specific anti-haemolyiic serum has been shown by Camus and Gley (29, I. 1898) and Kossel (14, ii. 1898) experimenting with the serum of rabbits immunified against the serum of the eel. The rabbits were treated with increasing doses of eel serum, for which they gradually dcveloiied increasing quantities of antitoxin (othei-wise anti-haemolysin), this being confirmed by Tchistovitch (1899). Bordet (1900) also found that the serum of a guinefi-pig immunified with rabbit corpuscles, when injected in carefully graded doses into a rabbit (being highly haemolytic), caused the formation of anti-haemolysin in the rabbit, the anti- body preventing haemolysi.s. The experiment was reversed by Schutze (5, vii. 1901) with similar result. Schlitze thought he could trace the formation of the anti-haemolysin to the action of the immune-body, for he treated the guinea-pigs with complement-free (heated) rabbit serum. Miiller (21, ii. 1901) also treated rabbits with heated fowl serum, the antiserum obtained being anti-haemolytic. Ehrlich and Morgenroth (1901), however, consider that Schutze, and MuUer, by heating their sera, converted the complement into complementoid (analogous to toxoid) and that the anti-haemolytic action they observed depended upon anti- complement ; for the complementoids, although incapable of acting upon corpuscles, give rise, when injected, to anti-complements. Miiller (21, il. 1901, p. 185) failed 22 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum to produce anti-haemolysin in guinea-pigs treated with normal rabbit senun which had been heated. Ehi'lich and Morgenroth (iii. 1900) obtained anti-kolysin by injecting isolysin (see later) into a goat, noting that there were individual differ- ences in the action of both isolysin and anti-isolysin depending upon the animal from which they were derived. Waasermann (1901, Zeitsckr. f. Hyg., Bd 37) injected washed rabbit leucocytes into guinea-pigs, obtaining weak but evident "anti-complement" to the complements of rabbit serum, the haemolysis of goat blood by rabbit serum being prevented. Donath and Landsteiner (25, vii. 1901) obtained a similar result in rabbits by injecting dog leucocytes, crushed lymph-glands, red blood corpuscles and milk severally, but they do not conclude that the antisera obtained in these different ways are identical in character. Miiller (24, vi. 1901) finds that a numlier of normal sei-a possess anti-haemolytic properties, several for instance protected rabbit's corpuscles against duck haemnlysin. This action appears to be due to anti-comiilement. When he treated (12, viii. 1902) animals with such anti-haemolytic sera, these being inactivated, their serum acquired the property of haemolysiug the corpuscles of the animal which possessed the anti- haemolytic serum. Besredka (25, x. 1901) also claims to have observed the e.xistence of anti- haemolysins in the normal sera of man, rabbit, guinea-pig, fowl, and goosa Ho considers that they represent anti-auto-cytotoxins, whose formation is brought aliout by the constantly occurring death of certain cells in the body (I'ed blood cor|)uscle8 for example), the assimilation of these cells bringing about the formation of this antibody. This view receives support from what has been observed with regard to isolysins in disease. The presence of anti-haemolysin is to be considered as evidence of a reaction on the part of the body, its object being to combat the continual destruction of bodily cells, although at the same time haemolysins ' are produced. We know that fresh rabbit serum, for instance, haemolyses guinea-pig corpuscles. When heated to 55^0. it ceases to be haemolytic, whereas this heated serum when added to fresh rabbit serum in certain proportions will prevent its exerting a haemolytic action on guinea-pig corpuscles. This does not happen when the heated sera of other animals (man, ox, fowl, goose, etc.) are added instead of rabbit serum. There would therefore appear to be evidence as to the existence of both anti- haemolysin and haemolysin in the one serum. The action of normal haemolysin is not confined to red blood corpuscles. For instance, Delezenne (x. 1900) found that it aftected other cells of the same animal as well, to a gi-eater or less extent. Haemolysins act both on the red blood corpuscl&s and leucocytes, as can be seen in experiments conducted in vitro. To see the effects on other cells the exijeriments nnust ha conducted to a large extent in corpore. Taking eel serum ivs a type of a haemolytic .serum, we find that it is destructive to red blood coi'])uscl6s (, Camus and Gley, Kossel, etc.), to leucocytes (Delezenne, 1898), nerve cells (Kossel and Wostphal), renal epitheliimi (Pettit, 1898). The effects on the nervous system were already observed by Mosso (1888) and Delezenne (x. 1900, p. 693), the latter finding eel serum 200 times as toxic when introduced into the nerve centres as when administered suboutaneously to the same animal. Metchnikoff (x. 1899, p. 762) produced " ieucotoxins" by injecting an emulsion Leucotoxhu and Spermofoxins 23 of rat spleen into the guinea-pig. After 47 days the treated animal's serum was found to agghitinate and dissolve rat leucocytes suspended in rat's abdominal lymph. The mononuclears were finst attacked, then the polynuclejirs, and finally the Mastzellen of Ehrlich. He also obtained leucotoxin by injecting an emulsion of rabbits' mesenteric glands into guinea-pigs. Although these glands only contained mononuclears, the serum was destructive both to rabbit mononuclears and polynu- clears. The leucotoxins were markedly specific, that for the rat scarcely affe<;ted mouse leucocytes, that for the rabbit had no efiect on rat leucocytes and vice vertd. Funck (26, v. 1900), and Besredka (vi. 1900, p. 391) have experimented also upon these lines, the latter preparing leucotoxins for different animals (horse, ox, sheep, goat, dog) by injecting their lymph glands into other animals. He found that none of the leucotoxins affected human leucocytes, but this was an exception, for ox leuco- toxin, obtained from the guinea-pig, was leucotoxic for rabbits ; and human leuco- toxin was leucotoxic for guinea-pigs. Be.sredka found leucotoxic sera less stable than haemolytic sera, and no leucotoxin was formed when lymph glands heated to 55° C. were injected. As with other toxins, the leucotoxin.?, when injected into animals, l)roduce illness and death ; he found for instance (p. 393) that an intraperitoneal injection of 3 c.c. of leucotoxic serum for the guinea-pig, obtained from a rabbit, killed a guinea-pig in 3—4 hours. Besredka (p. 397) obtained anti-lettcotoxin in the serum of guinea-pigs treated with guinea-pig leucotoxin (from rabbit), the antibody (ireventing leucolysis when mixed with leucolytic serum. In their studies on snake venom, Flexner and Noguchi (1902) found the venoms to dissolve and agglutinate rabbit's leucocytes. Whereas the agglutinating principle seemed to be identical for both leucocytes and red corpuscles, the lysin for each was distinct. Venomized leucocytes required a complement for their destruction just !is do the red blood corpuscles. The difiei-ent varieties of leucocytes were found to react differently to venom. The presence of leucotoxins in fresh normal dog serum was already observed by Buchner (1893, p. 120), who stated that the fresh serum killed but did not dissolve the leucocytes of man and rabbit. When dog serum was heated to 55° C. it was no longer leucotoxic. Tlie spermotoxins discovered by Landsteiner (29, iv. 1899, p. 549) have proved of considerable interest. He obtained spermotoxin by injecting ox spermatozoa into guinea-pigs. Whereas ox spermatozoa introduced into the peritoneum of the normal guinea-pig remained motile for a considerable time, those introduced into the peritoneum of a guinea-pig which had received several injections of spermatozoa were immobilized very quickly. This was confirmed by Metchnikoff (x. 1899, 1). 739) who injected ox and human spermatozoa into guinea-pigs. Whereas the sj)ermatozoa remained alive for 30 hours in normal guinea-pig's serum, they were immobilized in a few minutes in that of a treated guinea-pig. The antiserum only immobilized the spermatozoa, it did not dissolve them. Moxter (25, i. 1900) found that spermotoxic serum for the sheep also haemolysed sheep's blood corpuscles, and that the immune-body combined with sheep spermatozoa. He denied the specificity of spermotoxin, considering, however, that it did possess a special affinity for Si)ermatozoa. The blood cells appeared to him to be more susceptible to a variety of antibodies than are the other cells. Metchnikoff (vii. 1900, p. 373) considers that the haemolytic action of Moxter's spermotoxin may have been due 24 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum to haemolysin produced in his treated animals through injecting blood contained in the testicular emulsion he used. He argues that if the action of these antibodies is not specific, then an artificial haemolytic serum should destroy the spermatozoa, whereas it does not. He found that a rabbit serum which was haemolytic for sheep corpuscles did not exert any more action upon sheep sjiennatozoa than did normal rabbit senim, ho claims in fact that they lived longer in the haemolytic serum. He concludes therefrom that the antisera may be s|)ecific for certain cells as distinct from others belonging to the same animal. To further test this point, Metalnikott' (ix. 1900, p. 581) treated a rabbit with a mixture of blood and spermatozoa fixjm sheep, obtaining an antiserum which haemolysed corpuscles and immobilised spermatozoa. In confirmation of Metchnikoft"s results, he found that he could remove the haemolysin by adding corpuscles to the senim, the remaiin'ng flviid remaining spermotoxic. On the other hand spermatozoa fixed Ixith the intermediary bodies of spermotoxiu and haemolysin, and he concludes that this must have been what misled Moxter. Metalnikofl' (p. 578) obtained spermotoxin from rabbits treated with guinea-pig sj:)ermatozoa. He noted that normal rabbit serum was scarcely less spermotoxic than that of treated rabbits, but there was an essential diflerence, namely, that the normal spermotoxin heated to 56° C. could not be reactivated, whereas the artificial spermotoxin coidd be reactivated by adding fresh normal guinea-pig serum thereto, the latter having no influence of itself. Con- sequently artificial spermotoxins, as is the case with haemolysins, are composed of an immune or intermediary body and of complement. The existence of noi-mal spermotoxins, as observed by Metalnikofl', has also been proved by Weichardt (25, xi. 1901, p. 835). Two out of three normal rat sera were markedly spermotoxic, the third feebly so, for rabbit sijermatozoa. Pigeon serum was found to be spermotoxic for rabbit, dog, and goose spermatozoa. He observed the normal spermotoxic action of a goose's serum to vary widely in one and the same animal at various times. Following along the lines of Ehrlich and Morgenroth's work with haemolysins, Metalnikoff (p. 585) succeeded in producing auto-spennotoxiii by injecting guinea- pig spermatozoa into guinea-pigs. The auto-spermotoxin, which was active in vitro, could be reactivated by fresh normal guinea-pig serum after having been inactivated by heat. Halban and Landsteiner (25, ill. 1902, p. 475) observed that spermotoxic .serum obtained by injecting rabbits with ox spermatozoa agglutinated ox corpuscles much more powerfiUly than did normal rabbit serum. The reaction of different guinea-pigs to foreign spermatozoa injections was found to vary considerably by Weichardt (p. 833), some producing a highly spermotoxic serum, others little or no spermotoxin. Anti-spermotoxin, comparable to anti-haemolysin, etc., was produced by Metal- nikoff (ix. 1900, p. 583) by injecting guinea-pig si)ermotoxin (from rabbit) into normal guinea-pigs. Seriun, containing anti-spermotoxin, exerted but a slight effect when fresh, but its effect was marked when it was inactivated, this being due to the fresh serum containing a preponderance of anti-complement. Consequently auti-spermotoxic serum consists of anti-intermediary body and anti-complement. Weichardt (25, xi. 1901) reacihes the same conclusion, adding that anti-spermotoxin also contains an auti-agglutiniu. Neurotoxins, Trichotoxins, etc. 25 Neurotoxins are another class of antibodies obtained by injecting the brain- substance of one species into another. Metchnikoflf succeeded in obtaining a neurotoxin for pigeons in the scrum of rats treated with pigeon-brain emulsion. His pupil Dolezenne (x. 1900, p. 696), who cites the unpublished experiment, sub.sequently obtained dog neurotoxin by treating a duck with dog-brain substance. He (p. 703) tested this neurotoxin on rabbits with negative result, whereas it affected cats, though less than dogs. This indicates a relationship between these Carnivores, such as I have been able in a measure to demonstrate by means of precipitins. Again as with the precipitins (see later) he was unable tf) obtain positive results by rei)efitedly injecting rabbit-brain substance into guinea-pigs (p. 695). Boeri (28, x. 1902) on the other hand states that he injected rabbit- brain emulsion intraijcritoneally into guinea-pigs, and found their serum when injecteil subdurally into rabbits to produce prolonged nervous excitation. When heated to bo" C. the serum had no such effect. Nevu'otoxins are normally present in venoms of serpents, as found by Flexner and Noguchi (1902). The nem'otoxin is distinct from the haemolytic substance in venom, for a venom, robbed of its baemolysin by the addition of corpuscles, was neurotoxic, and vice versd. This agrees with Ehrlich's view, tis suj^ported, amongst others, by Wassermann and Takaki's experiments upon the fixation of tetanus toxin in certain centres, etc. Trichotoxins were first obtained by von Dungern (1899), the antibody, as the name implies, exerting a special effect upon ciliated epithelium. He injected rabbits and guinea-pigs with the tracheal epithelium of the ox, and found their serum to immobilize the ox ciliated epithelium. He however found that the antiserum also haeiuolysed ox corpuscles, but it had more affinity for the epithelium than did an antiserum obtained by corresponding blood injections. Rabbits injected with cows' milk gave an anti.serum which also immobilized the epithelium, and it was also haemolytic to a considerable degree. The three antisera (for milk, corpuscles, epithelium) were subjected to comparative tests on S^/j, blood corpuscle suspensions, the antisera being inactivated and then reactivated by the addition of complement. The residts showed differences with regard to the haemolytic properties, those of the antisera for milk and epithelium being distinct from the third, but indistinguishable from esich other. Other authors have finally claimed to have produced a variety of toxic substances in animals treated with ennilsions of different glands, this l)eing at present the subject of much active investigation. It is only neces.sary to mention a few of these so as to indicate the general drift of the work. Lindenmann (ll. 1900, p. T)?) treated guinea-pigs with rabbit kidney-emulsion, obtaining, he claims, a highly potent " nephrotoxin " which caused necrosis and profomid disintegration of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules in the rabbit's kidney, the glomeruli remaining unaffected. Nefedieff (25, i. 1901, p. 18) repeated the experiment, and reversed it, confirming the residt. He found the nephrotoxin to be also haemolytic. Delezenue (viii. 1900) obtained antisera for liver cells, or " Aepatotoxins," and these have also been studied by Deutsch (cited by Nefedieff). Mankowski (1902) treated cats with intraperitoneal injections of dog thyroid gland emidsion, obtaining a serum having toxic properties for the gland in dogs, the action being in the main thyreolytic. The serum contiiining the " thyreotoxin" could be inactivated and 26 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum reactivated, consequcntlj' it contained an intermediary bo(iy and complement. GoutHcharnkow (1901) also observed toxic effects in dogs injected with a similar antiserum obtained from sheep. He however found that the thyroids of sheep were afiected by injecting these animals with dogs' thyroids, general systemic disturbance being jiroduced. Von Dungern (1902, p. .51) treated rabbits with emulsions of the eggs of starfish and sea-urchins, and found theantisera to agglutinate the corre.spouding sjjermatozoa of these animals. From the work of Metchnikoff it would appear as if the antibodies for special cells of one animal exerted no influence on others. Delezenne (x. 1900, p. 704) also found that his artificial neurotoxin for the dog did not haemolyse dog corpuscles, and that his artificial haemoly.sin exerted no neurotoxic action. We have seen that other workers hiive noted sjjecial eft'ects on the cells, emulsions of which had been used for the production of antibodies, but that they acted besides on other elements. I would add that this has been the case in the investiga- tions of Boeri (28, x. 1902) who found a neurotoxic serum to be also haemolytic, and a haemolytic serum to be slightly neurotoxic. The evidence is certainly unanimous with regard to the different antibodies exerting a special action. Regarding the Source of Haemolysins and Baderioli/sitis. Gengou (1901, Ann. de VInst. Pasteur, xv.) concluded that the haemolysins are derived from leucocytes, for the reason that plasma separated from fresh blood, kept cold throughout, by centrifugalization, was less haemolytic than serum. G. Ascoli (9, X. 1902, J). 736) came to the opposite conclusion. Ascoli obtained plasma in the same manner as Gengou, from a dog which had been immunified with rabbit corpuscles. When 2 — 5 c.c. of this dog's plasma were injected into a normal rabbit the latter develoj)ed haemoglobinuria lasting 24 — 48 houre. Ascoli concludes that plasma possesses the same haemolytic properties as serum both in corpore and in vitro. Whereas Nolf claimed that .serum injections did not lead to the formation of haemolysins, the contrary has been found to be the case by von Dungern (1899) and Morgenroth (1902). Sohatteufroh (1901) wiis unable to obtain haemolytic sera by goat serum injections, but did so by injecting goat and human urine, the latter observation being confirmed for human urine by Ruffer and Crcndiropoulo (24, i. 1903). Ide (27, vii. 1902, p. 269) considers that such results are to be explained by the presence of haemoglobin in serum and urine. Ide produced anti-pseudoglobulin and anti-serum-albumin and found the first not to haemolyse corresponding corpuscles, whereas the second did so, although its action was but one-tenth as strong as that of anti-haemoglobulin. He concludes therefrom that intact serum and serum albumin possess receptors in common with those of the red blood corpuscles, and these receptors, Ide think.s, are to be found in the haemoglobulin which remains present in .serum and serum albumin. Shibayama (5, xil. 1901) found haemolysins for dog corpuscles in the spleen and lymphatic glands of normal guinea-pigs, not elsewhere. He considers that when dog blood is injected into such animals these organs are stimulated to increased production of haemolysin in the sense of Ehrlich's theor)'. Bacteriolysins 27 The seat of origin of bacteriolysins in corpore has been studied by a number of observers, and has been the sulyect of considerable discussion, for which reason I shall not enter u{)on it hei-e (see Metchnikotf, 1901 ; Pfeiffer and Marx, 1898 ; Deutsch, 1899 ; Wassermann, 1899 ; Romer, 1902 ; and the reviews of Ritchie, 1902 and Aschoff, 1902). According to Pick (1902, pp. 16—21) bacteriolysins arc contained in the euglobulin fraction of serum, this being contrary to Pfeiffer and Proskauer (1896). That there is a difference in the specific bacteriolytic sera obtained from different animals a])pears to be the from the investigations of Sobemheim (1899), who found that anti-anthrax serum olitainod from immunified sheep was able to protect sheep but not rabbits. In this case we are dealing, not with an antitoxic serum but with one whose action is antibacterial. As Elirlich (Croonian Lect. 1900) notes, Kitt had a precisely similar o.xi>erience with .symptomatic anthrax. It will be noted that an analogous observation has been made with regard to the precipitin.s. This would appear to be due to the complexity of bacteriolysins and precipitins as compared with antitoxins, where no .such differences have been noted. It may be supposed that in reacting to a highly complex body the organism impresses more of its own character upon the antibages constitute a class of cytotoxins essentially similar to the haemolysins. They act upon bacteria. Their pr&sence in normal blood and various body fluids was demonstrated by Nuttall (1888) ; whereas artificial or specific bacteriolysins were first demon.strated by Pfeiffer in animals immmiitied with the cholera vibrio. The work done on the bacteriolysins has been very extensive, but it is impossible to enter into the subject hei-e at all in detail. It will suffice to say that the sjiecific bacteriolysins Viehave essentially iis do the specific haemolysins, and that tliey possess the .same constitution. They are composed of a labile complement (destroyed at 55° C, as I first showed for normal bacteriolysins) and of a stable imnuuie-body. The latter is capable of conferring inmuuiity, as was first .shown by Fraenkol and Sobehiheim (1894, p. 154), on heated anti-cholera .serum which had lost its bactericidal properties. Wassermann (3, i. 1901) was able to neutralize the complement by meiins of an ti -complement, the latter being specific and only capable of binding one sort of complement. As in haemolytic sera, agglutinins may be present together with lysins. Pfeiffer observed the agglutinin to disapi>ear in stoi-ed immune-sera (of goat and dog treated with B. typhosm) and the immuno- body to iwrsist therein. Mertens (13, vi. 1901), who cites this unpublished observation of Pfeiffer, wiis altle to confirm it on cholera immune-serum 5 years old. The existence of immune-bodies in anti-microbic sera has been also proved by Bonlet and Gengou (v. 1901) in exiicrimonts upon the blood of animals treated with 28 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum the germs of plague, typhoid, anthrax, rouget du pore, and with Proteus vulgaris. Immune-bodies were found in the serum of typhoid convalescents. The occurrence of substances corresponding to immune-bodies in nonnal sera has been denied, although Malvoz (25, viu. 1902) has found normal adult dog serum to act like immune-serum towards B. anthracig, that is, when inactivated by heat its "immune-body" combined with the bacilli, and rendered them susceptible to the bactericidal action of the complement in the senim of other animals, such a-s the rabbit, guinea-pig and rat. It is worthy of note in this connection, that the adult dog is most refractory to anthrax infection. The immuue-body is absent in young dogs, as also in the guinea-pig, ox, aud rat, all of which are susceptible, whereas it may or may not be present in the relatively resistant rabbit. The rapid decomposition of bodies of animals which have died from the effects of snake venom is due to the loss of bactericidal power of the blood, as has been shown by Welch and Ewing, and by Flexner and Noguchi (1902), the venom combining with the serum complement of bacteriolytic serum. Antiveuin (Calmette) neutralized both the bacteriolytic and haemolytic action of venom in vitro. Eisenberg (v. 1902) cites Kraus and Clairmont as finding that heated bacteria are not disisolved, although, as Bail and Wilde found, they are capable of absorbing the bacteriolysin. Bacterial Haemolysins. The bacterial haemolysins have received a considerable amount of attention. Ehrlich showed that tetanus toxiu is haemolytic, Madsen finding that it contained a toxin which produced convulsions, a tetanospasmin, as distinguished from the tetanolysin. Kraus and Clairmont (17, -x. 1901) found tetanus toxin, as also the products ai Staphylococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus, Vibrios, and putrefactive bacteria, to be haemolytic. Neisser and Wochsberg, as also Bulloch and Hunter, have studied the haemolytic action of Bacillus pyocyaneus and of the Staphylococcus ; Levy, Castellani, and Lubenau of B. typhosus, B. dysenteriae, and Mierococciu tetracfeniis. Madsen fo\uid tetanolysin very unstable ; Kraus and Clairmont found the haemolysin to V)e destroyed after 15 minutes' exposure at 60' C. Neisser and Wechsberg found staphylolysin to be injured at 48°, and destroyed at 58" C. in 20 minutes. That the bacteriohaemolysins jkisscss a constitution similar to toxins was indicated by Ehrlich and Madsen, who found that they could neutralize them by means of anti haemolysin. They moreover found that normal horse serum 2)osses.sed anti-haemolytic action. They were unable to establish any relation lietween the antitoxic value of a serum and its haemolytic power. The conclusion reached as the result of comparative experiments is that the bacterio-haernolysins and anti- bacterio-haemolysins are specific in character. The Complement. As I have stated elsewhere, cytolytic sera are inactivated by being heated to 55° C, this being due to the destruction of the complement. A normal serum thus trciited cannot be reactivated, whereas an ivniruuie-serum can. The ferment- Serum Complement 29 like body, or complement, is not specific, for the reason that complement can be supplied from another animal which has not l)een treated. (The toxophorous group of the toxin molecule is also regarded as non-specific by Ehrlich.) Some authors consider that there is but one complement in cytolytic sera, this being the alexin of some writers, whereas Ehrlich and his school claim that any serum contains a multiplicity of complements. A number of points in connection with complements have been considered in the preceding iiages, and it is not my object to enter at all fully into a consideration of them here. It will suffice to mention a few facts indicative of their importance. The amount of complement in serum appears to vary considerably. Thus Weichardt (25, xi. 1901, p. 834), using normal rabbit sera to reactivate spermotoxic guinea-pig serum, found that only 5 out of 11 rabbits' sera contained complement suitable for reiictivation. Serum obtained from a man contained complement at one time, none when tested after a period of 8 weeks. Sweet (xii. 1902) has collected the data contained in the literature relating to the variation in the complement-content of cytolytic sera. A decrease in complement was observed by Abbott and Bergey (1902) in the serum of rabbits treated with ox corpuscles, the animals also receiving alcohol. Ehrlich and Morgenroth (1900) found a decrease in complement in rabbits which had received a of phosphorus sufficient to kill them after the lapse of 3 days ; the haemolytic power of their serum had disappeared on the second day in a manner corresponding to what is seen in sera inactivated by heat. Metalnikofi" (1900) observed a decrease of complement in a rabbit treated with guinea-pig spermatozoa, an enormous abscess having formed, which subsequently burst and healed. Wlien fresh guinea-pig .serum was added to this rabbit's serum it was spermotoxic, not otherwise. On the other hand, Nolf (1900) claimed to observe an increase in complement in animals treated with fowl serum ; Mtiller (1901) made observations which show that the complement-content may be increased by injecting peptone solution, bouillon, aleuronat .solution, in other words indifferent fluids. Sweet, from whom I have made these citations, studied the question in rabbits imnmnified with ox coiijuscles. He found that he could iucreiise the complement-content by the injection of substances having a positive chemotactic action on leucocytes, using Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, sterile oil of turpentine, sterile aleuronat suspension. He found the haemolytic complement in a fre^ state in the blood pla.sma, and in the serous part of an exudate, not being contained in leucocytes, nor being set free by the process of coagulation. The relation of complement in a serum coutivining blood corpuscles subject to the action of snake venom has been very clearly brought out by Flexner and Noguchi (1902). These authors experimented with the haemolysins contained in the venoms of Crota/us acUimanteus (rattlesnake), Ancislrodon piscivorus (water- moccasin), iVa;a tripudiaiis (cobra), and Ancistrodon contortrix (copperhead). They found that when they had thoroughly washed the blood corpuscles of the dog, sheep, ox, pig, rabbit, and guinea-pig, that the corpuscles were unaflected by contact with these venoms. On the other hand if the corpuscles wei-e bathed in their respective complement-containing sera, haemolysis took place promptly upon the addition of the venoms. An excess of serum increased the haemolytic power. They found : 30 The Cytotoxins of Blood Serum Venom intermediary body, added to blood corpuscles, had no eflfect „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ and serum complement gave haemolysis. Serimi complement alone „ „ „ „ had no effect. This result is comparable to what has been observed with regard to the non- haemolytic action of blood serum from normal animals upon the washed corpuscles of certain other species, and directly supports a contention of Friedenthal's (men- tioned later), that tests made with normal sera upon the washed corjniscles of other animals do not afford a means of studying blood relationships with haemolysins. Tlie importance of a further study of the complement is well shown by the investigations of Moro (31, x. 1901) upon serum, and its bactericidal properties under different conditions. Using the methods devised by me (1888), but express- ing the bactericidal effect in terms of per cent, of bacteria destroyed by contact with the serum, he foimd that fresh Placental blood serum killed 58-9 "/o Older children's „ „ 463% Bottle-fed infant's „ „ 33-4% Breast-fed „ „ „ 77-0 % An experiment conducted upon a single infant gave : Placental blood of mother killed 56-0% Breast-fed infant 2 weeks old, its serum killed 72-9 "/o Serum of the .same child after bottle-feeding for 2 weeks killed 40-7 %• The blood serum of a breast-fed child had more haemolytic action on rabbit corpuscles than did that of a little-fed infant's ; even the sickliest breast-fed infant had more bactericidal substance in its serum than the healthiest bottle-fed infant. The serum of a new-born infant only killed 59 % of the bacteria. That a fundamentiil interest attaches to the ferment-like complements in relation to normal physiological processes is moreover very clear from a sug- gestive paper by Wassermann (1, I. 1903), whose investigations were stimulated by those of Moro just quoted. It is a well-established fact that breast-fed infants thrive as a rule better than those fed vipon cows' milk Heubner, using Rubner's method, has studied the process of assimilation in such children comparatively, and found that, reckoned in calorie.s, the child receiving mother's milk showed the growth ; in other words, that homologous mother's milk achieves as much with a few calories as does cow's milk with a very large number of calories. The infant fed on cow's milk has to exix^nd energy in the form of glandular and digestive activity to assimilate the heterologous milk. That there is such an increased activity is evident from the following. If heterologous food-stufia, such as goat serum, etc., are injected, say into a guinea-pig's peritoneum, the peritoneal exudation is capable, soon after, of destroying and dissolving large numbers of bacteria {B. typhosus), whereas the contrary is the case in a normal animal. The peritoneal exudation in the serum-treated guinefi-pig is rich in digestive complements which have appeared for the pui-pose of acting upon the serum injected, and it is these digestive substances (complements) which destroy the bacteria. Specific Haemolysins 31 If wo introduce an homologous serum, instead of the foregoing, that is guinea- Itig serum into the peritoneum of another guine{ great practical use in the identification of bacteria, but of little use in the comparative study of blood, zoologically or medico-legally. Agglutinins of some kind are alwaj-s present in normal blood, and it would appeiir that they reside chiefly in the hlood, there being less present in the organ.s. all observers, who have studied the question, have found agglutinins in the lymphoid and blood-foi-ming organs. Gruber (1896), observing that the polynuclear leucocytes took up injured micro-organisms, when cholera and typhoid gemis were injected intraporitoncally into animals, concluded that the agglutinins were formed within the leucocytes. ( 'oitrmoiit (1897) tested the blood and organs of typhoid cadavers, and almost invariably foimd the blood to contiiin most agglutinin. Similar results were obtained by Arloing (1898) with animals infected with P^ieumobacillus bovia. Fodor and Rigler (1898) found agglutinins made their first api>earance in the senmi of guinea-pigs rendered immune to typhoid bacilli. Bath (29, IV. 1899), experimenting on rabbits with the .same germ.s, concluded that the spleen (which had been extirjmted in some animals), lymph gland?j and bone- marrow exert no demonstrable efl'ect upon ngglutinin-formation. van Emden (1899), experimenting with B. aerogenes on rabbits, found the agglutinins chiefly in the lymphoid tissue, less being present in the liver and kidneys. Deutsch (ix. 1899, p. 720) found only traces of typhoid agglutinins in the liver, kidney.s, suprarenal.s, Origin and Action 47 variable quantities in the spleen, bone-marrow and lymph glands, but never as much as in the serum. He considers that they originate in the blood, and this view is supported by a number of observers (Deutsch, 25, vii. 1900). Ruffer and Crendiropoulo (5, iv. 1902), studying the normal agglutinins in the rabbit and guinea- pig, observed (what was already known) that the serum jjos-sessed agglutinating l)ower. A solution of red blood corjmscles, i)reviou8ly washed, did not agglutinate, neither did similar solutions of formed elements from immunified animals exert an agglutinating action. They on the other hand bring forward evidence to show that agglutinins may lie formed in the leucocytes, for an extract of leucocytes from an immune animal had greater agglutinating i)Ower than did the same animal's serum. These observations are certainly suggestive. Agglutinins are transmitted to the foetus in utero. They have also been found in humor aqueus. The formation of agglutinins in animals subject to imnumiziition, follows the same laws as does that of other antibodies. As Deutsch (p. 720) sjiys, they gradually appear (3— 4th day), increase in quantity for a time (10—13 days) and then gradually in amount, there being of course individual differences amongst animals in this respect. Pick (1902, pp. 30—34) found that when he mixed typhoid (from horse) and cholera (from goat) antisera, they acted independently of one another when they were brought in contact with these germs. This shows, as in Myers's experiment above noted, that there is no interference exerted between the antibodies. The same thing has been observed by others who have immunified animals with two species of micro-organisms. Exactly comparable are the experiments made by Uhlenhuth (11, IX. 1902) with different precipitating antisera, and (in a measure) my earlier experiments (1, VII. 1901), in which I however reversed the order, adding one antiserum to a mixture of bloods in solution. The influence of salts upon agglutination is in a sense comparable to their action upon the precipitins. Bordet (ill. 1899, p. 236), who first studied the question, found that after cholera germs had been agglutinated in the ordinary way and were resuspended in saline solution, he could reagglutinate them, but that they were not reagglutinatcd if resuspended in water alone. Joos (1901) found that antityphoid serum did not agglutinate B. typhosus in the absence of .salts. For agglutination to take place he considers salts as necessary as the agglutinin and agglutinatable substance. He believes that salts play an active part in the process, combining with both the other substances, a conception which is contrary to Bordet's, that the absence of salts offers only a physical impediment to agglutination. Joos (p. 429) found that but a trace of salt added to washed bacilli which had been impregnated with typhoid agglutinin immediately led to agglu- 48 Agglutinins and Antiagglutinins tination'. These results have been confirmed in the main by Friedberger (ix. 1901), who does not however consider that salts act chemically, for he found agglutination to take place in the presence of grape-sugar, asparagin, etc. The agreement is fairly general as to the chemical nature of the reaction, both components being used up in the process, as was originally observed by Gruber. In this they are similar to the other antibodies". How stable the union is has not been made clear. Landsteiner (1901) finds that when red corpuscles have been agglutinated with serum or abrin, the agglutinin may be again obtained, after they have been washed, by simply warming them in salt solution. This would scarcely point to a well-established union. Widal {Semaine MMicale, 1897, No. .5, cited by Kraus) found that typhoid bacilli which had been killed by exposure to a temperature (jf 56° C. were still subject to agglutination; a fact which Kraus (12, Vlll. 1897) confirmed both for the typhoid bacillus and that of cholera. The reaction does not therefore depend upon the germs being alive. Agglutinins are more resistant to heat than are haemolysins or bacteriolysins, withstanding a temperature of 55°C. and over; for instance, Laveran and Mesnil (25, IX. 1901, p. 695) found specific Trypanosoma- agglutinin to be inactivated at 63 — 65° C. {\ hour), and Bordet (in. 1899, p. 243) found haemagglutinins (of rabbit treated with fowl's coi-puscles) to be destroyed at 70° C. in half an hour. Like the precipitins, they are stable bodies, retaining their agglutinating power at times for many months in vitro. Pick (1902, p. 21) cites Widal and Sicard (1897) and Winterberg (1899) as having found the agglutinins to be precipitated with the globulin fraction from serum. He has confirmed this, working with typhoid-agglutinin. The latter was present in the pseudoglobulin fraction, only traces (presumably impurities) being found with euglo- bulin, when horse serum was examined. On the other hand in immune goat, rabbit, and guinea-pig serum, the agglutinin was almost entirely confined to the cuglobulin fraction. Similarly cholera-agglutinin was almost entirely confined to the euglobulin fraction, both in iminuni' horse and goat serum. Here again we find a similai-ity with other antibodies (see precipitins, antitoxins, etc.). The iignificance of the agglutinins is but imperfectly understood. They may persist in the serum of i^ersons who have had typhoid fever for months and even years. In some cases this would appear to be referable to a retention of these ' See further Bordet (in. 1899). - See the investigation of Eisenberg and Volk (i!, v. 1902). THoagglutinms and Agglutinoids 49 bacilli in some part of the body. Although anti-typhoid sera, to confine myself to these, usually show marked agglutinating power for these germs, when potent, it has at times been observed that such sera were strongly protective and but slightly agglutinative. It has l)een claimed that such agglutinin.s may be ac- cepted as an index of immunity, but this seems scarcely justified in view of the fiict tliat strongly agglutinative .sera have been obtained from persons dying from typhoid fever. Van Emden (1899, p. 31) has made a similar observation upon rabbits dying of infection with B. aerogenes. I am inclined to believe that the agglutinins represent but a group of the many antibodies with which the organism reacts to infection or the like, that they are immune substances directed against some of many injurious factors. It follows from what we know of the individual differences which exist in animals that the reaction may take place more along some lines than upon others, and thi.s would explain the presence of an excess of one immune substance, another, perhaps more vital one, being deficient. The use to the economy of the agglutinins under normal and pathological conditions is certainly obscure as yet. The occuiTence of Isoagglutinins together with isolysins in human blood in disease hsis already been referred to on p. 42. The existence of Agglutinoids, analogous to toxoids and precipitoids, is indicated by the observations of Eisenberg and Volk (6, viii. 1902), there being apparently a stable combining group, and a labile precipi- tating group, in agglutinating sera. They found inactivated, as also old antisera, to retard the action of fresh antiserum. Bail (Arch. f. Hyg. 1902, cited by Kraus and Pirquet) also believes in the existence of two groups in such antisera. (Compare with precipitins.) Antiagglutinins have been obtained through the treatment of animals with haemagglutinins. Venom-agglutinins may be neutralized by anti- venene (Kanthack), ricin-agglutinins by anti-ricin serum (Ehrlich). Ford (3, VII. 1902, p. 367), taking either the normal agglutinin of rabbits, or the artificial agglutinin developed in rabbits through fowl-blood injection, injected it into fowls, and obtained antiagglutinin. It seems however premature for him to conclude that the immune-agglutinins are only quantitatively different from normal agglutinins. He states that Wassermann has been unable to obtain an antiagglutinin for the agglutinin of B. pyocyaneus (formed in pyocyaneus-treated goats), and that Kraus and Eisenberg had been equally unsuccessful in obtaining bacterial antiagglutinins. Differences between Agglutinins and Precipitins, etc. Tchistovitch (v, 1899, p. 418) has already drawn attention to the fact that precipitins are distinct from agglutinins, on the ground that 50 Agfilutimns and Precipitins anti-tetanus sennn agglutinates B. tetani, but does not produce a pre- cipitum in culture fluids of this micro-organism. Nolf (v. 1900) found that a serum may contain a precipitin but no agglutinin, and concluded therefrom that they are distinct. Radziewsky (1 900, p. 434) also considers the antibodies distinct. Bail (1901) found that after all the precipit- able substance had been i-emoved, by adding antisennn to a diluted agglutinating serum, the latter retained its power to agglutinate unimpaired, as tested on B. typhosus. Both Eisenberg (5, v. 1902) and Beljajew (1902) note the parallelism between the power of agglutination and precipitation possessed by antisera. The latter observed that precipitins appear much more slowly during immunization than agglu- tinins, and consequently they nnist be distinct. In both cases we have to deal with substances which appear to enter into chemical combination in definite proportions; both are stable bodies, and resist heat more than do others. There appeai-s to bo a difference though, in this resistance to heat: thus Pick (1902, III. p. 81), working with antityphoid serum, which he heated to 58 — 60° C, found that the bacterio-precipitins were inactivated ; not so the agglutinins, for which reason he considei-s them distinct antibodies. Kraus and ELscnberg (27, ii. 1902) found that the precipitins acting upon their homologous blood did not carry down diphtheria antitoxin, or the tj-]3hoid agglutinin they contained. They were unable to obtain diphtheria anti-antitoxin, or t}i3hoid anti- agglutinin, by treating rabbits with the respective antitoxic and agglutinative sera, whereas they obtained anti-lactosenim (see under Lact a qj ® « X fcj O 'O *^ '^'i 2 ca £ c H S2" ^ -^^ O :3 * o ■ c o - a ^ tn 3 "^ . C ^ i^ =1* S o to O OJ &.*- S o ~ -^ o e "S a: -. X ■ft" O M* CO CO W "^ -^ ^ .1* 6 S£ 05 2 2 ^T4 1-, I ^ ' a> o 00 I I o 2i =c , =i4 1 10 I i^ I to 10 T t- I 00 1 It* I CO I >A •«** 1 t~ I CO I I CO '2=7 ■^ I CD t CO CO b- I I 01 I O? ) CO QC i-H I CO I (X! I I I I CO ; 'tj* 1 ■* CO . - - O I CO I CO I I Cfl t 'tf i-t I I -tf* I "I* CO I !M 1 I CO '«r I Tjf 1 I -^i I -^ W I -^ I -^ I I (M 1 CO I CO 1 -<}< I '■i* -^ I i-H <0 \ ^ ^ I iM I CO r ^ O I -^ o ^ o I Tt* l-t CI I I ■* I CO 00 I op i I so I -^ CO ! I CO CD I Oi 74 ' ».o 1 I CO I -ui janouis [Wiox ^ g g g CD CD CO s g CO W5 CO 10 saoHoatui JO jaqmnjj > 00 00 00 tr- t- CO CO S5 »o B t- noipsfni %av\ a9ijBpaiqu3q«i«a > o> -* 10 ee 00 t* 00 00 10 » t- CO sXwp u| )U9m -jTOai JO uoiiwna l-l C4 iH CO CO CO eo eo 5 00 00 10 r-H C4 ■2 «5 5»- § g i i « CO CO 00 CO S lull's -S O O "^ '« =3 01 0) iH p o t< '-*^ a r3 j; O) (1) _ p '•^ ■*^ 3 i; :S 3 * ■-T" uJ" 0) «-• •S » g S S 2 5 o ® o o ? a &3S O nycho t star porci of PJ :e bled t on i E; c8 fU c ^ S tjc cold-stored serum of It Zoo., 38 days old a erved serum of Cervta days on ice at start erved bloody serum t Zoo., 65 days on i eiTed serum of a cat arting treatment, kep 111 of / 14 day at start 1 1 X 03 tC .3 O « a " S o p. a" 2 ^»* S eo M X iJ '? ,r ■-1 S!«-3 i-i f b> « aTci S'O form -pres ; Zoo., k d serum. a ■a 3 £g red, sealed, guifem, d. roform-pres at Zoo., 17 roform-pres ulina, d. a roform pres ek before st 0; x tT 'o so TI a o a o 2 c3 2 -;=: ;d o a a « £ .3 -^^^ -H^- X 2 = o . o -^ o »< U P^i P^ ii( o tx< o o o ++ +t >o -# ■'S Cl 00 c- fH *H r-* T-l o o o o ^ o 99 o I (M so IN I I ■ I.O I 1 i, "i' o 1 '^ ^ ^ X 1 X o 1 ! ?1 •^ t ^34I.t=?3=? 7J^ 1 00 1 ■* '^f t- 1 5D 1 t* I -^ 1 CO 1 -* 1 U*)Tl t- •;*< 1 O 1 1 CO 1 -^ 1 ci 1 C-I ns ^ !S ■* 00 Ol rH t- s ' " t-( -* « ■P »H -* c-. = = ' ' 5S ;o »ra 00 to « to • O 00 1» = s - r t- o c* c- t» u> O) t* «5 rH t* -* o ,-1 so w ■* 2 IN " " rH Cfl ,H 'M rH § sg X I r-l OI i-H — ' 1-t C^ I ! I O O :0 t- I I o o X r- So o O <-< '^ — (N CT I I I I o ■H CT IN J30J3 n « «> • i> S3 ~ CT (N K-S gO g^O0.O|O X !0 Zq '-' «^ ^SWS s o CI ■a 5 « a -s a s-s s •^ -< H t-H O a -^ a i 3 a> "o c ° o .H -a -S CO C:3 DO 5 §•- - i "^ a fl a +* 2 o X a a fl -1, a a a ^5 a +» 3 :3 .3 a "3 ja"" s-g fl o a. a ^ > tn rtrt (u a 'S 4) f ^ y i-< K-a •= il 60 3 a- — 2 -X ■: -a a a a cvi a _3rt a"1 ga ° a . o t) -^ u 3 '?iS oo ■S _ a.i; fi to ai s£ ■ S g.2 g s i i en — i-H •a o m .S a ■a a =o S S a .a o ^ SPi I .a <» a > g a '^1 a ,0 EC 'gj -o ■■" *>^ O 2 ir; w . or a .§ S S 9 :^'^ 2 1 a s m fl . . o g » a 2 a .fl o s a f.a e3 (A o fl fl a S * J3 H 5-t J 56 The Precipitins: Methods injected. Most workers followed the original method laid down by Tchistovitch and Bordet, injecting what are evidently too large amounts ; others have pursued a course of treatment contrary to what is usual in other immunizations, the dose at the start being as large as that at the finish. Very few appear to have kept accurate records of the weights of their animals during treatment, as given in my paper of Vii. 1901, although some state that they were guided to some extent by the variations in weight. It is evident that a more scientific method of treatment has to he worked out, it being, certainly for practical reasons, desirable to discover the least amount of substance which gives a maximum of precipitin, as also the shortest period of treatment necessary. In my protocols (jj. 54) the duration of treatment is stated in terms of the number of days intervening between the first and last injection. In the preceding table I have summarized the method pursued by me in treating a number of rabbits with different bloods and .sera, excluding all the older antisera which were not standardized by my quantitative method, so as to give some conception of the amount of precipitum yielded by antisera obtained in different ways. Owing to other work I have been unable to study this question as I should have desired. The results of Strube, using the infravenous method, had already indicated, what I have also found, that the duration of treat- ment and dosage required are much smaller than when other modes of treatment are used. It is true that my most poweiful antisera have not been obtained by the intravenous method, but this is doubtless due to my not continuing the treatment thus begun longer, there being no necessity for doing so, as the antisera obtained were as strong as was desirable for my purjDoses, quite as strong in fact as some obtained by the other methods. / am certainly inclined, therefore, to accept the intravenous method as being the most advantageous^. In the experiments by Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 2(jO), the anti-human serum, and some of the others, were prepared by intravenous injection, but much smaller quantities than those usually employed were found to sufficed " For example 18 c.c. of human serum injected in doses of 5, 5, 5 and 3 c.c. at intervals of 2, 3 and 4 days produced a powerful anti-himiau serum. The animal was bled 14 days ' See further a similar table to mine in the chapter dealing with the experiments of Graham-Smith. ^ Powerful anti-ox and anti-sheep sera were made by injections of 9'2 and 12 c.c. in doses of 1, 2, 1, 3-2 and 1-5, 2, 2, 3-5, and 3 c.o. respectively. The intervals between the injections were 4, 4, 2 and 5 days in each case, and the animals were bled 7 and 10 days after the last injections. Production of Antisera 57 after the last injection. Continental workers have used quantities ranging to hundreds of c.cs., and have frequently found that their animals stood the operation badly, whereas the above animal, and most of the othei-s we have treatied, continued to gain weight, and appeared to be healthy. Some of our control antisera was prepared by the intra- peritoneal method and quantities ranging from 30 to 60 c.c. were used. The animals stood the treatment very well." The fact that long -continued treatment of rabbits leads to the dis- appearance of precipitins from the blood has been already noted by Tchistovitch (1899) in rabbits rendered immune to eel serum. I was able to confirm this (16, XII. 1901) in rabbits treated with ox and sheep serum, the treatment having been too prolonged. As I stated in my paper, just cited, "There is therefore a point in the treatment of animals, when, for purposes of obtaining an antiserum, a maximum of reaction is reached and the animal should be bled; this can be determined by periodic bleedings from the ear-vein." Mode of Injection. If the serum to be injected has been preserved by means of chloroform, as is frequently the case, it is desirable to remove as much of this as possible, as the injection may prove fatal from the chloroform contained in the serum. This is best accomplished by pouring the serum into Petri dishes, these being exposed, half covered with their lids, in the thermostat at 87° C. for about half-an-hour, or until no perceptible odour of chloroform emanates from the serum. For intra- peritoneal injections I have used an all-metal 10 c.c. syringe, one of smaller capacity (5 c.c.) being used for intravenous injections. Intraperitoneal Injections. The x-abbit being held by an assistant, belly up, is lathered over the seat of operation by means of liquid soap containing lysol. A small area about 5 cm. across is then shaved in the lower abdominal region on the left side. After disinfecting the skin with lysol solution, applied with cotton pledgets, a small puncture is made through the skin with a fine scalpel, this facilitating the penetration of the needle of the syringe, the point of which it is better to render somewhat blunt, for the reason that this lessens the chance of penetrating the intestine. Penetrate the abdominal wall, holding the needle at right angles to its surface. Having gently bored the needle through the abdominal wall, through which it passes not infrequently with a slight jerk, immediately 58 The Precipitins: Methods proceed to empty the syringe, slightly retracting the point if there appears to be any impediment to the outflow. After the injection has been made, and the needle withdrawn, the parts are dried, and tincture of benzoin is applied, sealing the small opening made by the scalj)el (usually but 1"5 — 2 mm. long). The wound usually heals by first intention, the animal experiencing no discomfort. In this way I have repeatedly injected animals in the same region, all the punctures made during the treatment being included within the area shaved as stated above. It will be seen that the operation is exceedingly simjjlc, and I should not describe it but for the fact that many do not know how to perform it. Intraven o us Injections. Intravenous injection is practised by introducing a fine-needled syringe into the marginal ear-vein, and injecting smaller quantities than in the preceding method, for the reason, not only that they suffice, but that much smaller doses exert a toxic action when introduced intravenously as against intraperitoneally. Intravenous injections are very easily practised after a little experience. Before introducing the needle the skin of the car should be shaved and disinfected as in the preceding case. Subcutaneous injections are not to be recommended from my experience. Absorption of injected material takes place more slowly this way than through the peritoneum, and the mechanical eS'ects of large injections are liable to lead to sloughing. Marking the Rabbits. It is absolutely essential that there should be no confusion amongst the animals treated, especially where these arc at all numerous. The best way to secure this is to tattoo the rabbits inside the ear. This is Ciisily done by dipping a fairly large needle into India-ink and pricking it through the skin, a proceeding which the rabbit does not appear to mind. Various letters and simple signs can be made in this way, and there is then no possibility of confusing the animals. Weighing the Animals. It is desirable to weigh the animals during treatment. I have always done this before each injection, stopping treatment as a rule when a notable fall in weight occurred. I have had less loss in weight Production of Antisera 69 in the few animals I have treated by the intravenous method. Of the 26 animals noted in the preceding table (j). 54) 11 show a loss of weight, in the figures I have given, whereas the others regained their weight or even greatly incre.ised in weight. Several of those which had lost weight, as recorded, had regained it when killed. Of the 11 that lost in weight, 3 only lost 50—70 g., 5 lost 130—220 g., a loss of no great moment. On the other hand 3 lost heavily, viz. Nos. 3, 6, and 14. Of these. No. 3 was treated with pig serum ; at the third injection it exceeded its original weight, by the last it had fallen 400 g., 60 g. more being lost by the time it was killed. A greater loss of weight is noticeable in Nos. 6 and 14 (treated by Mr Strangeways) where the treatment was continued longer, the intervals between in- jections being shorter, and in No. 6 the dosage very high. This animal however gave a powerful antiserum. When to kill the treated Animals, When the animals have received usually 5 to 6 injections, and some days have elapsed, it is well to draw off samples of blood and to test these for precipitins. This is accomplished by shaving the ear, making a small cut into a vein, and allowing the drops of blood which flow out to fall into a Petri dish, which is then covered and set aside, being slightly tilted. After an hour or two the senim will have separated and can be tested. If it prove insufficiently powerful treatment may be continued, whereas if it shows power the animal may be killed, the time for killing being preferably 7 to 12 days after the last injection. Killing the Animals and Collecting the Antiserum. The animals may be killed in a variety of ways. Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) chloroforms them, opens the thonxcic cavity under aseptic precautions; and, cutting through the beating heart, the blood is allowed to flow into the thoi-acic cavity, whence it is removed by means of sterile pipettes to suitable vessels. Othcra isolate the carotid, insert a sterile cannula, and allow the blood to flow through it into suitable sterilized vessels. The method I have pureued is very much simpler, and usually gives quite as good results, and certainly more blood. Having shaved the neck, and disinfected the skin with lysol solution, the hair on the head and fore-part of the body being moistened with lysol to prevent hair flying about, the animal's head is bent backward, putting the skin of 60 The Precipitins: Methods the neck on the stretch. The animal being held in this position by an assistant, the operator's left hand is placed upon the back of the rabbit's neck, which is uppermost, the fingei's and thumb encircling it. These, being drawn upward, put the skin on the stretch transversely to the long axis of the animal. By pressing downward, the neck arches ven- trally. A sharp sterilized knife is now allowed to make a clean sweep through the tense skin to and through the vessels. The skin retracts, and the blood spurts out into a large sterile dish which is immediately covered when the main flow has ceased. Drippings are caught in a similar manner in Petri dishes, the thorax etc. being compressed to expel as much blood as possible from the body. The dishes are placed horizontally until a clot has formed ; they are then slightly tilted, and as soon as serum enough has been expressed, this is pipetted off into sterile test-tubes, and thence transferred to sealed bulbs of small size. The serum which comes off later is similarly collected, but it may be necessary to add chloroform thereto or to pass it through a Chamberland filter to exclude bacterial development'. Even when a hair or two falls in, the first serum will generally be sterile, the clot retaining the microorganisms, the bacteria being more- over in part destroyed through the bactericidal properties of the fresh serum. After serum has been drawn off once or twice, a further amount may be gained by slashing the clot with a sterilized knife. This last serum is bloody, and has to be centrifugalized or placed in the refrige- rator to sediment. Storing Antisera. The most suitable form of bulb in which to store antisera is repre- sented in figure 3 B (p. 65), being drawn out at both ends. The bulb is sterilized in the process of drawing out the ends ; the latter are cut off with a diamond. After cooling, a number of bulbs are grasped in the hand, the ends being sterilized in the flame, after which they are allowed to cool, resting upon sterilized wire-gauze or otherwise. The antiserum is now drawn up into the bulbs until these arc filled, as little air as possible being left in the portion where it narrows. By tilting the tube a little serum flows into the opposite drawn-out portion. The capillaries are now sealed near to the serum by means of the small flame, such as serves to relight the large flame of certain Bun.sen burnei-s. A large flame is unsuitable. The serum must not be heated in the process of sealing. The tubes are now placed vertically in tin > The effects of filtration are noted on p. 118. ProdiicHon of Antisera 61 boxes, containing wool at the bottom, and suitably labelled. The object in placing the tubes vertically and not horizontally, is to ensure the gravitation of any suspended matter into the lower drawn-oxit end, where it accumulates, and can be readily disposed of by cutting the tube above the layer of deposit, by means of a diamond, when about to use the serum for testing. (Regarding the use of preservatives see p. 64.) The Choice of Animals for Immunization. Rabbits appear to be the most suitable animals for the production of antisera. 32 kinds have been produced by me through injecting rabbits with mammalian (non-rodent), avian, reptilian, amphibian, and crustacean bloods. Most observers have used the rabbit in their work, doubtless because of the greater convenience and moderate expense, the guinea-jtig not being so suitable, for the reason that it yields less antiserum. Guinea-pigs have been used by but a few observers, including myself The rabbit is therefor'e to be selected, apparently in all cases where antisera are required for bloods other than those of rodents. We have sufficient evidence to show that precipitins are not formed in the serum of closely related animals. Thus Boi-det and Hamburger obtained no precipitins for rabbit blood by treating guinea-pigs with rabbit serum, and all that Gengou could claim was that the serum of such guinea-pigs produced a slight oi)alescence in rabbit blood dilutions, never a precipitum. Nolf was unable to produce antisera in pigeons treated with fowl serum, the reason being apparent from my extensive investigation of avian bloods, which, throughout, have been found to react to antifowl and antiostrich .sera. In other words, birds appear to be too closely allied for the purpose of inter- avian antiserum-production. In Tchistovitch's classical experiments precipitins for eel serum were obtained by treating goats, dogs, rabbits and guinea-pigs. Anti- rodent serum (for rabbit) has been produced by Nolf by injecting rabbit blood into the fowl. Hamburger (G, XI. 02, p. 1190) was unable to obtain antiseriim for egg-white from a dog treated therewith. Corin hits on the other hand used the dog for the production of antisera, according to Strube (1902). TThlenhuth (18, ix. 02, p. 680) has not had encouraging results with other animals than rabbits. For instance, he treated a lamb and a goat with human blowl and ascitic fluid during 2 months, injecting respectively a total of 1"5 and 2 litres thereof into the animals ; the antiseium was too weak for practical use. De Lisle 62 The Precipifiiis : Methods claims to have obtained antisera from eels treated with rabbit serum, and Hamburger obtained effective antisera for rabbit blood by treating goats therewith. Wassermann and Schiitze have apparently also failed to obtain antihuman serum from the goat. Judging from the blood reactions obtained, I am inclined to the theory that an antirodent serum will act upon the rodent group, as I have found with other antisera in other groups. The rodents form such a well-defined order among the mammalia that it appears theoretically probable that they will produce antisera for practically any animal outside a rodent. The rabbit is therefore the animal jmit excellence for the purposes of such experiments. Collecting Bloods and testinff them with Antisera. The bloods or sera tested were collected in two ways, viz. fluid and dry. The fluid sera were relatively few in number because of the practical difficulty of obtaining sera in this way. The fluid sera were obtained by collecting blood in covered vessels where it was allowed to clot, the serum being subsequently removed to clean or sterilized well-stojipered bottles and a small amount of chlorofonn added for purposes of preser- vation. Dilutions of fluid sera were made in salt-solution, the dilutions being usually of 1 : 100 or thereabouts. A number of fluid sera were filtered through sterilised Chamberland and Berkefeld filters and subsequently preserved in sealed tubes. In other cases the dilutions were preserved by the addition of small quantities of chloroform, and it was foimd that such dilutions gave good reactions after over a year, the bottles having been kept at room temperature in the dark. Although long-stored bloods usually give somewhat less reaction than do fresh ones, the reverse may be the case. It is a remarkable fact, which will be brought out more clearly in describing the results of the quanti- tative tests, that sera or serum-dilutions preserved for six months or more will at times give more precipitum on the addition of an anti-serum than do the fresh sera. This applies not only to the amount of precipitum obtained by the addition of an homologous anti-serum to a serum dilution, but also to what I have termed the " mammalian reaction," namely one taking place between a powerful non-homologous antiserum and a more distantly related blood. Whereas this increased amount of precipitation obtained with older sera (the increase may amount to 50 "/») will naturally greatly aff"ect the quantitative tests, it can be practically ignored in the qualitative tests here described. On what this change in stored blood depends is a matter for future Collecting and Testing Bloods 63 invcst.igiition. It appeai-s also to take place in stored antiaera at times. It is not duo to evaporation in stored dilutions, nor to the prolonged action of the chloroform added for purposes of preservation, nor to bacterial development, for pure stei'ilc sera preserved in sealed tubes have repeatedly given greater reactions. This observation has not as j^et been recorded. Although it appears at first sight improbable that a dried serum ov blood may (as long as it remains soluble) give an increased reaction after a time, the matter will have to be submitted to e.xperiment. In a few instances the sera were dried on glass plates at 37° C, the scales being preserved in bottles with slightly vaselined stoppers. In the majority of cases the bloods or .sera were collected on strips of filter-paper of fairly uniform size (3 by 5 inches), as noted in the paper by Nuttall and Dinkelspiel (July 1901, p. 378) and in a circular letter which I sent out to those who have kindly aided me in collecting bloods in various parts of the world. The filter-paper is immersed in the serum or defibrinated blood, clots being avoided, after which it is hung up to dry. One end of the strip is left clean, so that the name of the animal (both common and scientific), the date, place of collection or natural habitat, and the name of the collector, can be noted thereon in lead-pencil. The notes can be written clearly if the paper is rested on a hard surface. The strips of paper dry rapidly when suspended in the air, it being convenient to pin them against the edge of a table or shelf or upon the branch of a tree. Collectors were particularly warned not to allow strips of paper saturated with different bloods to come in contact with one another, especially in a moist state. Where it was impossible to wait for the strips to dry, as when out shooting, collectors were requested to place each sample separately in the paraffined paper covers which I supplied, these being of the pattern usually used by photo- graphers. The outfit for collecting which I sent out consisted, then, simply of pure filter-paper of fairly uniform thickness, accompanied by paraffined envelopes and outer envelopes of ordinary stiff paper. On re- turning from shooting, the moist strips were removed from the jmraffined covei-s and hung up to diy. The drying may be facilitated in our climate by exposing the strips to the sun, but this proceeding does not appear to do in the tropics, for I have found several samples sent from hot countries to have become insoluble. The fact that blood-stains may frequently become insoluble in hot countries was noted in a letter to me from Mr E. H. Hankin, of Agra, India, dated 23 August, 1901. He wrote, "There is a practical difiiculty in canying out the test here in the 64 The Precipitins: Mefhodft frequent insolubility of blood stains, which in this climate may be dried at a temperature of 115° Fahr. or even more. Blood stains usually don't give the spectroscope test when extracted. If more dried or older, they successively refuse to give the haemin and, I believe, the guaiacum tests." It will be seen from my tabulated results that bloods sent to me from hot countries dried on filter-paper not infrequently refused to go into solution in saline. Where I had to deal with such bloods I allowed them to remain some hours in salt solution at 37° C. Some bloods however refused to go into solution even after 24 hours under these conditions. Such bloods natural!}- gave no reactions. Other bloods from the same source gave full or feeble reactions. This difference in behaviour may depend upon the different temperatures at which the}' were dried. These observations are of importance fi'om a medico-legal standpoint. I did not find it advisable to use a weak soda-solution (0-1 to l7o) as recommended by Uhlcnhuth (17 Oct. 1901, and by Ziemke, p. 732), for the reason that it frequently yielded solutions which gave rise to a cloudiness on the addition of any antiserum', the cloudiness being in some cases quite marked, and sufficient to obscure the mammalian reaction to which I first drew attention, and which will be presently referred to. In the examination of the large number of blood samples investigated it seemed scarcely worth while to try the method recommended by Ziemke (17 Oct. 1901) of extracting with cyanide of potiish solution. He does not state the strength of the cyanide solution used as a solvent, but claims that it has even a gi-eater solvent action than the soda solution for bloods which will not go into solution in .saline. Ziemke adds a few crj'stals of t ■■■ r. t. t. ^ -X l^ Fig. 4. Showing the test-tube racks on the stand, and a single rack in the foreground. The black riband is shown at the top, forming a background for the top row of tubes. For a further description see the text, p. 70. Every part of the stand and racks, except the celluloid strip bearing the numbers, is blackened. (The figure is reduced to ^^ natural size.) Qimlitative Tests 69 along one side of the upper surface of the base. When a number of blood samples, my usual limit being 80, were to be tested by different antisera, the racks were placed in rows of suitable length upon the table. Where 80 bloods were being tested, the racks were ordered as follows : Backs Row 1. A B C D „ 2. E F G H „ 3. I J K L „ 4. M N O P the number of rows corresponding to the number of antisera to be used in testing the series of 80. In rows of 20 bloods the number of antisera used might number 12; in sets of 80, the number of antisera used was usually 4 to 6. Each blood, whether on filter-jjaper or in bottles, received a number on arrival. This number is given in the following tables (in the second column) in small figures, and corresponds to the order in which the bloods were tested. My plan was to test every blood received by means of every antiserum produced. In this way a " network " was, so to speak, formed through which all the bloods were passed in testing. In some cases this scheme was departed from. For instance there appeared to be no object in continuing to test avian bloods with mammalian antisera after ten or more such antisera had continually given negative results. Moreover, in some cases the supply of antiserum or of blood to be tested ceased, and the series of tests was necessarily interrupted. In other cases again the general results obtained with one antiserum sufificed, so that it appeared only necessary to test a given group with a particular antiseiaim, this for instance being the case with the tests made with anti-chimpanzee and anti-ourang serum upon the bloods of Primates, etc. The bloods received were not tested in their zoological order, but in the order in which they were received. For example : 696. Sus scrofa: Pig, 697. Ateles vellerosus : Spider Monkey, 698. Balaenoptera rostrata: Rorqual, 699. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus: Platypus, 700. Podiceps : Diver, were actually tested in succession. Similarly the tests with antisera were made in the order of production of the antisera, which depended entirely upon the time when the bloods for injecting rabbits were received. For reasons of convenience the order of these antisera, as 70 The Precipitins: Methods produced, is incidentally given in connection with the tests on the bloods of Pisces. It will be seen that no general picture, other than a sub- jective one, could be gained of the results until the conclusion of the work, when the tables had been completely rearranged, the bloods being placed in their zoological order and the antisera in theirs. On receipt, the samples on filter-paper were cut in two after numbering, the one half being placed in order according to system, the other half in order according to number. The systematic collection aided materially in the final arrangement of the tables, and permitted of small series of tests being made upon isolated groups, the bloods being readily found. In both collections the samples were pinned upon clean sheets of paper which prevented their coming in contact with one another. The slips of the collection by numbers were ordered in groups of 20 in paraffined envelopes enclosed within envelopes of stiff paper. All the samples on filter-paper were kept at room temperature. When a new antiserum had been produced I began by testing down from blood No. 1 to the end of the list. The test-tubes containing the blood solutions were numbered and ordered in a manner corresponding to the numbers on the racks. The solutions were drawn up by means of the pipette (Fig. 3 A, p. 65) and transferred to tube 1 of racks A, E, I, M (for a series of 80), then the second blood dilution was allowed to flow into tube 2 of the same racks, and so on to the end of the series. This system rendered any confusion practically impossible. When the tubes had all been filled, the racks were transferred to a stand (Fig. 4) which I constructed at small cost and have found essential in the work. The stand consists of narrow shelves of deal attached to wooden uprights by means of galvanized brackets. Metal T-pieces are attached to both ends of the uprights, the one in each case serving for the attachment of a strip of wood which serves as a base, the other for the attachment (at one extremity of the T), of a brass wire cord which runs down vertically to its attachment, a screw eyelet, screwed into the basal strip of wood. A piece of dull black silk riband sewed to two strips of bent zinc at both ends slides up and down along the wires, wear being prevented by the zinc, within the bend of which the wires run. Small tacks are placed on the posterior upper margin of the shelves to prevent the racks being pushed backward off the shelf The whole stand, and the racks, are painted black. Each stand carries two raicks side by side. Where a series of 80 bloods is being tested, it is necessary to place two stands side by side to accommodate the racks in their proper order. Qualitative Tests 71 The racks having been ordered, the solutions are viewed by trans- mitted light to see if any are slightly cloudy. Where the cloudiness is likely to obscure even a slight reaction the solution must be filtered or discarded. The contents of the sealed tube containing antiserum (Fig. 3 b) are now allowed to flow into a small test-tube such as is used for testing; sediment in the sealed tube being excluded. By means of a small tube of similar shape to that used in filling the solution into the small test-tubes in the racks, the serum is now added in equal quantity to all the solutions in the series. A drop or two suffices (equal to "05 or even less of a c.c.)'. Where the antiserum does not flow down to the bottom of the blood solution it is made to do so by gently tapping the test-tube or by inserting a clean sealed capillary. On reaching the end of the row, a slip bearing the name of the antiserum used, the time, temperature, etc. is attached to the last rack in the row. In this way a different antiserum is added to each row of bloods, until all have received the test serum. The manipulation is exceedingly simple and rapid, drops of antiserum of very uniform size being allowed to fall from the pipette into each tube in the row. Where a powerful antiserum is added to its homologous blood dilution, the reaction is almost instantaneous, in other cases it takes place more slowly. In the case of a strong antiserum, the reaction takes place as a rule rapidly in related bloods, more slowly in distantly related bloods. The rate at which the reaction takes place may depend also upon the concentration of the blood dilution, the more concentrated dilutions, within limits, reacting earlier than higher dilutions. A weak antiserum will act more slowly than a powerful one. Consequently a " time limit " (Nuttall, 16, xii. '01) may have to be put on each antiserum when testing for a particular blood. In my earlier tests I placed an arbitrary time limit of five to fifteen minutes upon the reactions. Subsequently I lengthened the period of observation, periodically noting the reactions which took place up to several hours, indeed up to 24 hours at room temperature (varied between 12 and 20° C. in winter and summer), the deposits in the tubes being noted at the end of the time mentioned. The black riband noted above, in describing the stand, has proved of considerable value in studying the slight reactions which are observable in more distantly related bloods, or when testing more nearly related bloods by means of weak antisera, where the reactions take place slowly and faintly. Many of the ^ It is unnecessary to operate with larger quantities as other authors have done, as this only entails a waste of antiserum. 72 The Precipitins: Methods cloudings or feeble reactions observed, for instance in the generalized mammalian reaction already noted, have certainly been overlooked by other observers because of the mode of illumination employed. For the same reason it is of advantage to have the stands and racks painted black. By moving the riband up and down, the obliquity of the rays of light falling across it from the window and illuminating the test- tubes can be regulated to suit each row of racks, and render slight reactions quite evident. I can but recommend the use of this simple apparatus to those engaged in similar work. Sources of Error in Precipitin Tests. 1. Opalescent Antisera. In the absence of more obvious sources of error, such as I shall mention below, the use of what may be described as " opalescent antisera " constitutes one of the gravest in using the test. A little familiarity in the process of testing, and the making of one or two control tests on heterologous sera, will however suffice to exclude the error which might otherwise be made by using the antisera about to be described. Uhlenhuth (11 — 18, ix. 1902, p. 680), Miessner, and Rostoski (1902, b. p. 29) have observed these. It was due to the fact that my anti-bear serum (referred to in an earlier paper, 5, iv. 1902) belonged to this category, that I never published any tests made with it. I found that it clouded evei-y blood dilution, mammalian and otherwise, to which I added it. Although it gave a great reaction with its homologous serum, it gave such marked reactions with all other sera, that I immediately discarded it, without being able to explain why it behaved so peculiarly. Since then I have fortunately rarely encountered such antisera. Uhlenhuth has been the first to sound a warning against their use, medico-legally. As he says, a slight opalescence is usually perceptible when any serum or antiserum is added to blood dilutions, the tube being viewed by strong transmitted light, but the clouding here referred to is totally different and much more marked, and takes place even in salt solution. I tried to clear my anti-bear serum by filtration through porcelain, but was unsuccessful. Uhlenhuth has had the same result. We are still in the dark as to the cause of this peculiar milkiness or opalescence of certain antisera. Uhlenhuth thought it might depend upon the stage of digestion at which the animal was killed, but this seems to me unlikely for the reason that I have killed my animals at no fixed time with regard to meals, and on the whole have encountered the condition but rarely. Moreover Sources of Error 73 in a rabbit recently treated by Dr Graham-Smith, the opalescence was seen to continue for days, samples of antiserum being taken from the ear- vein so as to test its strength'. It would therefore appear desirable to take samples of blood from the rabbits' ear- veins to see if the senim is clear before proceeding to kill the animals. Uhlenhuth states that he has encountered the condition much more frequently in intravenously treated animals, but this has not been our experience here. Uhlenhuth suggests that some of the results of Kister and Wolff, as also of Strube, on non-homologous bloods with different antisera, may receive an explanation from their having used opalescent antisera, their results being contrary to those of about 40 other authors. I am certainly inclined to Uhlenhuth's view on this point. Rostoski (1902 6. p. 29) treated rabbits with different constituents of horse serum, and seems to have encountered the condition rather frequently. This is unfortunate as it necessarily detracts from the value of his results. One rabbit (his No. Ii.) was treated with the crystallized serum albumen of the horse, yielding an antiserum which was " stark milchig getriibt," and he goes on to say, " doch habe ich gelegentlich auch schon andere milchig getrlibte Sera beobachtet, die nicht eine besondere starke pracipitirende Kraft besassen." Linossier (25, III. 1902) states that he has found anti-human serum to precipitate not only human, but also ox, horse, dog, sheep, guinea-pig, and fowl (!) sera, the reaction, he adds, being however incomparably greater with human blood. He does not state with what concentrations he worked, but says the difficulty can be surmounted by the use of higher dilutions^ This is certainly not the case with opalescent antisera. Kister and Wolff (18, XI. 1902) experimenting with anti-horse serum, which had " surprised " them because of the non-specific character of the reactions it gave, tried to see if there were any law with regard to its action on different bloods. These authors expressly state (p. 412) that they only used clear sera, but perhaps they overlooked opalescence which may not be very marked, and which in my experience might deceive one into accepting such antisera. In any case adding it to salt solution would have cleared the matter up. I have referred to their results elsewhere (under tests with anti-horse serum), and it will be seen that they are not in accord with those of the majority of observers, as they obtained quite marked reactions with ox and sheep serum. > Dr Graham-Smith has found several rabbits yielding opalescent antisera to be affected with Cysticerci. This may explain the condition, a See p. 74. 74 The Precipitins: Methods 2. Overpower/ul and Weak Antisera. Powerful antisera have been of considerable use to me in my work, and have led to my being able to establish more remote relationships, especially amongst the mammalia, as I have shown in speaking of the "mammalian reaction." They may however be a source of error in medico-legal work, as has been pointed out by Uhlenhuth. When an antiserum is so powerful as to produce a reaction in non-related bloods, its action should be weakened by dilution with salt solution as suggested by Uhlenhuth, Kister and Wolff, and Ewing. This lessens the amount of antibody they contain, and by suitable dilution their strength may be graded to suit requirements. Weak antisera may also be a source of error through their reaction being delayed and bacterial develop- ment (see below, § 7) occurring in the mixture of antiserum and blood dilution. 3. Suitable Dilution of Bloods tested. In view of the fact that concentrated dilutions of different bloods may give reactions with non-homologous antisera, it is desirable to dilute bloods as far as possible when testing them. This remark applies more especially to medico-legal tests. Tests in which concentrated sera are brought together and allowed to interact, as in the experiments of Friedenthal and others^, are liable to lead to false conclusions, especially when reactions with non-homologous bloods are to be excluded^. This is also true of tests carried out with strong solutions. Linossier and Lemoine (25, i. '02), working with anti-human serum, having, they state, gi'eat power, found it necessary to add it in the proportion of 25 : 1 of human blood in dilution, to remove all the precipitin; in other words, 25 volumes of antiserum were neutralized by one of blood. The proportion of antiserum added to a given blood for this purpose will naturally vary according to its strength. As is stated on p. 89, an excess of blood leads to precipitum solution. This has also been observed by L. Camus, and Linossier and Lemoine (21, iii. '02), who dwell upon the importance of not using an excess of serum in solutions to which antiserum is added. Eisenberg (v. '02, p. 293) finds that dilution per se affects the interaction of equivalent proportions of precipitin and precipitable substance. Whereas equivalent propor- tions lead to precipitation in small quantities of fluid, he states that no ' See also under Antipreeipitina, p. 149, and Normal Precipitins, p. 150. 2 See p. 73, Linossier. Sources of Error 75 precipitation occurs when the same proportions act upon each other in greater dilution, although the bodies combine. A precipitum which had been resuspended in a very large volume of fluid did not become redeposited, whereas it did become redeposited in a smaller volume of fluid. He states further (p. 294) that antiserum added to different concentrations of albumen gave a greater reaction with higher dilutions than with more' concentrated ones. As has already been noted above, he also finds that an excess of precipitable substance checks the reaction, he thinks mechanically, for if the precipitum is collected and resuspended in saline and in concentrated albuminous solutions respec- tively, the precipitum is rapidly redeposited in the first case, not at all in the second. He appears to be somewhat confused as to the inter- pretation of this result. It is scarcely due to viscidity alone, an excess of albuminous substance causes re-solution of the precipitated particles. (See Antiprecipitins, p. 149). Rostoski (1902 h, p. 53) found that more precipitation occurred in 0-5 "/o and 1 "/o than in 6 "/o serum albumin solutions, under otherwise similar conditions. This was still clearer in corresponding globulin solutions. Strong dilutions of serum pseudoglobulin hindered precipi- tation more markedly than serum albumin dilutions, and pseudoglobulin hindered the precipitation of serum albumin. He concludes that the globulin exerts an antiprecipitating action, besides having an effect through concentration. He compares the antiprecipitin to antitrypsin and antirennet in blood (Fuld and Spiro, 1900 — 01), and to the normal antihaemolysin of pseudoglobulin (Pick, 1901). Rostoski (p. 58) also found higher dilutions to favour precipitation of egg albumin by its antiserum, for precipitation took place in l'5°/o solutions, whereas it was impeded to some extent in 3"5°/o solutions. In medico-legal work it will be desirable to progressively dilute a suspected blood sample, and to reach a conclusion upon the highest dilution (within limits) which reacts to a given antiserum. In routine work, as I have stated, I have worked with dilutions of usually 1 : 100 to 1 : 200. As the dilution increases, the reaction narrows down more and more, the reactions with the highest dilutions being practically specific. Of course, in medico-legal work, the possibility of blood stains being due not to one blood, but to two or more, has to be taken into consideration. On one or two occasions I have found an avian blood react to an anti-mammalian serum. For instance, the blood of a swan (reported in my paper of vii. 1901), gave a very slight clouding 76 The Precijntins: Methods with anti-sheep serum. In such quite exceptional cases I have attributed the result to mammalian bloods having come in contact with avian when the samples were collected, the damp filter-paper strips having been placed side by side, with the result that the one contaminated the other. (See tests with blood mixtures, p. 140.) Reverting to what I have said with regard to the grade of dilutions tested, I would add that Aschoff (1902, p. 192), who" cites an earlier paper of mine in this connection, pertinently adds, " Man muss stets den Verdiinnungsgrad der Sera und die Menge des zugesetzten Pracipitins beriicksichtigen, um die specifische Wirkung richtig zu beurtheilen." 4. Effect of Preservatives on Antisera and Bloods. In my paper of vii. 1901 I stated that the addition of chloroform to an antiserum did not impede its giving a reaction. Its use for purposes of preservation has since been recommended by Uhlenhuth, Stockis, Biondi, Robin, Rostoski, and Strube. Ziemke (17, x. 1901) also used chloroform, but seems to find antisera thus preserved to lose in potency, adding, however, that they also did so when stored dry. He goes too far however when he adds, " Gegenwartig ist keine Conservir- ungsmethode im Stande, uns das Serum in frischem Zustande zu ersetzen," for as I have shown elsewhere (p. 123) antisera may at times be preserved for a considerable length of time. As I noted in my paper of 16, XII. 1901 (and the observation still holds), none of these authors "state the fact which I have observed, namely, that it is necessary, before using it, to drive off the chloroform by placing the test-tube in the thermostat. A small quantity of chloroform in a test-serum will frequently cause it to produce a considerable clouding, which may be a source of error, as the clouding is produced in almost any serum to which the test-serum is added." It is therefore necessary to guard against such a possibility of error due to the preservative being present except perhaps in minimal amount. For the same reason I have discarded the use of trikresol, and would advise caution in the use of carbolic acid, as recommended by Uhlenhuth. Strube and others. In further support of the above statement I will refer to the experiments made in our Laboratory by Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 285) upon the effects of various volatile antiseptics, as well as such agents as formalin, mercuric perchloride, and copper sulphate, etc. Sources of Error 77 "As an example of the important volatile antiseptics chloroform may be taken. In solutions containing much of this reagent on the addition of serum a white cloud, and later a deposit, occur. More dilute solutions give rise to slight cloudings. The results of experiments with a series of such volatile antiseptics are given below. When only present in small quantities in preserved sera the possible error due to their presence can be eliminated by placing them in the incubator for half-an-hour to evaporate off the reagent. When present to a greater extent it was found that the supernatant serum above the deposit caused by them still retained its specific properties. This is in accord with what Nuttall has found. 1—10 1—100 1—1000 1—10,000 1—100,000 1 1 1- 1 a 1 3 S 3 0* 5 s £ ^ 1—25 30 mina. c c + 24 hrs. D c D X c * * d s * * * c * D * + ; + * • d See Footnote. c D * * * * * * * * * * . * * * Corrosive sublimate and ferrous and copper sulphates were found to produce very marked effects. They apparently destroy the serum in contact with them and except when present in very small quantities it was found impossible to carry out the test. The effects of dilutions of corrosive sublimate and copper sulphate are given below. In this and other tables by these authors the following symbols have been nsed : C = coagalation. + = marked cloud — full reaction. + = less marked cloud. X = medium cloud. # = slight cloud. #? = very slight oloud. D = large deposit after 24 hours. T> = smaller ,, „ » d = smaller „ „ „ tr = trace of deposit. • = no result. — = no reaction. 78 The Precipitins: Methods Corrosive sublimate and anti-ox eerum Ck>pper sulphate and anti-ox eerum Dilutions 1 hour 24 hours 1 hour 24 hours 1—25 immediate coagu- lation large deposit immediate coagu- lation large deposit and cloud 1—100 dense cloud ,, ,, ») »» ,, »i 1—500 cloud cloud coagulation and cloud deposit & cloud 1—1000 ») slight cloud )> )» »» »» 1—10,000 slight cloud nil marked cloud »> »» 1—100,000 nil nU slight cloud small deposit Silver nitrate causes an opaque white cloud on dilution with salt solution up to 1 in 10,000. Dilutions below this do not aflfect serum when added to them. Formalin in 1 in 10 dilutions causes marked clouding, which increases till the whole contents of the tube are opaque white. Dilutions below 1 in 100 do not cause sufficient clouding to interfere with the specific reaction. Solutions of thymol of 1 in 100 cause slight cloudings, but lower dilutions do not apparently affect sera. Lysol and lysoforiu both cause great turbidity when added to salt solution even in low dilutions, and moreover even in very low clear dilutions the addition of serum causes clouding. No method has been devised for getting rid of these effects ; consequently the presence of these substances except in very small quantities would render the test of doubtful value. The effects of the reagents, which for the sake of convenience we have grouped under the heading of antiseptics, are very marked except in the case of the volatile class. Some of the latter when added in full strength to liquid sera produce heavy deposits, but the supernatant fluid retains its properties. Formalin and corrosive sublimate in strong solutions, as well as the sulphates of copper and iron and nitrate of silver in much weaker dilutions, completely destroy the precipitum- forming property. Lysol, lysoform, and similar antiseptics, owing to their property of forming cloudings with salt solution, render the application of the test of doubtful value in their presence." In order to determine quantitatively ^ the effects of the prolonged action of antiseptics on fluid sera, the following experiments have been can-ied out by Graham-Smith (29, vii. '03, p. 358). " Antiseptics in the proportions given below were added to fluid ox and sheep sera, and allowed to act in sealed bulbs for 4 months. None completely checked bacterial gi'owth. After this period dilutions of 1 — 21 * For description of my quantitative method, see Section VII. Sovrces of Error 79 in salt solution were made, and all were allowed to stand in open dishes for 2 hours in order that the volatile antiseptics should evaporate off. The results were compared with serum kept under the same conditions but without the addition of any antiseptic. The following table shows that in nearly all cases the precipitum-forming power was slightly reduced, but in a few completely destroyed. The effects of the presence of these substances in fluids to be tested have been given above. Ol aenim Sheep 1 Precipitum )eniin Precipitum Percentage Percentage Normal ox and sheep sera •0356 100 •0140 100 Chloroform f 1—1000 1—500 1—100 •0338 ■0328 •0187 95 89 55 •0103 •0093 73 65 Xylol 1—500 • 1—100 1—25 •0300 •0300 •0281 84 84 79 •0140 100 Benzol (1—1000 ] 1—500 ( 1—100 •0281 •0187 •0225 79 55 63 •0112 80 Toluol 1—100 •0140 100 Ether (1—500 1—100 •0347 •0244 97 68 •0084 60 Formalin 1-10,000 1—1000 1-500 •0262 • • 73 Alcohol 1—1000 1—100 •0075 •0103 53 73 Lysol ri— 600 \ 1—100 (l— 25 •0187 •0169 • 55 47 Lysoform (1—1000 1—100 • • Chinosol (1—500 11—200 ■0262 •0262 73 73 •0112 80" The results obtained by Graham-Smith and Sanger with carbolic acid and chinosol are considered on page 82, those obtained with lime in Section IX. 5. The acid or alkaline reaction of the medium. Normal blood dilutions possess an alkaline reaction. Tchistovitch (v. 1899) found that precipitation only took place when the reaction was alkaline ; when it was neutral, a slight opalescence was observable ; no reaction took place when the reaction was acid. Linossier and Lemoine (21, III. '02) found that sulphuric acid in the proportion of •49 : 1000 lessened reaction, that it was reduced to a minimum when 80 The Precipitins: Methods 2'45 : 1000 was present, reaction being entirely prevented by acid 4"9 : 1000. Sodium carbonate, added in the proportion '66 : 1000 had no influence, stronger dilutions thereof checked reaction in proportion to their strength. Nevertheless precipitation may occur in dilutions containing 5'3 : 1000, and 10 : 1000 does not quite prevent reaction. In other words, the reaction takes place best in neutral or slightly alkaline fluids, an excess of acid being more inhibitive than an excess of alkali. Rostoski (1902, a and h, p. 52) comes to diametrically opposite results. He states that precipitation is impeded by an alkaline, aided by an acid reaction. He acidified with acetic acid or an acid salt (Mononatrium phosphate) or very small amounts of HCl, as little acid is required to prevent reaction. Reaction, he states, takes place to a lesser degree in neutral than in acid fluids. Slightly alkaline solutions (degree of alkalinity 5'0) also react well, but as the alkalinity is increased precipitation is impeded. It is probable that the discordant results of Rostoski are in part attributable to his having worked with opalescent antisera (see page 73). It is not impossible therefore that the changes in the alkalinity of the blood in health, but more especially in disease (see von Rigler, 1901) may to a certain extent affect the degree of reaction obtained with precipitins. We propose to pursue the question by means of quanti- tative tests, as purely qualitative tests would scarcely show any marked difference. I have referred elsewhere to the abnormally high figures obtained with anti-human serum upon the (concentrated ?) bloods of diseased monkeys. In this connection it is of interest to note an observation by Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 285) published since the above was written. " Our experiments on this subject are only three in number but suggest that important differences may be found in diseased blood by means of this test. The following observations were made on sera from tuberculous cattle. The first required 2 c.c. of decinormal caustic soda per 100 c.c. of serum to give a pink tint with phenol- phthalein, and the others l"2o c.c. and "8 c.c. respectively. Also the former required 4"25 c.c. of decinormal caustic soda per 100 c.c. to produce a condition in which the serum was liquid when hot and solid when cold, and the latter 2 c.c. and 1"2 c.c. respectively. As a mean of three estimations in each case these sera produced "OSTo cc, "0328 c.c. and '0244 c.c. of precipitum. Sources of Error 81 NaOH ^, ,„ . , — ifl— required per 1000 cc. to in per 100 cc. to give i" , T, .^ . s... ! i. ..I. u ,,»,., '"*''* serum liquid wlien hera pink with phenolplithalein hot, aolid when cold Preclpitum 1- 2 0.0. 4-25 cc. '0375 cc. 2- 1"25 „ 20 „ -0328 „ 8- 8 .. 1-2 „ -0244 „ Strangeways has made numerous observations (unpublished) on the differences in precipitum-forming power of the sera in disease." We have found that an acid-reacting blood dilution will because of the acidity alone produce precipitation (see below and Section IX.). The observation has considerable practical importance medico-legally, for the reason that blood stains may occur on acid fabrics, or acid-reacting leather, the acidity in the substratum impeding the test by the anti- serum in the blood solution made by steeping the stained article in saline solution. The subject has been carefully gone into by Graham- Smith and Sanger (p. 281), who report as follows : " Observations on the reaction to litmus of extracts of coarse cloths and leather, as well as the possibility of the treatment of blood-stains in forensic practice with chemical reagents, made it desirable to investigate the action of such reagents on blood. Acids. Several experiments were made with dilutions of both organic and inorganic acids in distilled water and salt solution. Dilutions from 1 in 10 to 1 in 100,000 were tested by dropping in serum and noting the effects up to 2 hours and after standing for 24 hours. In these observations one drop of antiserum was added to about "6 cc. of the dilution since this has been the quantity uniformly used in qualitative work. The addition of larger quantities produced slightly different results, probably owing to the alkalinity of the serum itself, and moreover, perhaps for the same reason, the effects of different sera were noticed to vary slightly. This remark applies to all the following experiments of a similar nature. With the inorganic acids a noteworthy phenomenon was observed. Strong solutions (1 in 10) in salt solution caused coagulation of the serum and destruction of the precipitating substance, whereas weak solutions (1 in 100) produced no result. Dilution between 1 — .500 and 1 in 10,000 caused more or les.s clouding, in the latter case taking place half-way up the tube. These cloudings probably resulted from the N. 6 82 The Precipitins: Methods precipitation of the albumen by the dilute acid and were observable within a few minutes. With greater dilutions nothing occurred. It was also found that neutralisation previously with sodium carbonate prevented these cloudings and in some cases even dissolved them after they had been formed. One example is given below in detail. Dilutions of Nitric Acid in nonnal salt solution Anti-human serum Anti-human serum afte neutralisation 1 hour 24 hours 1 hour 24 hours 1-10 coagulation coagulated mass — — 1—100 very faint cloud cloud — 1—1000 marked cloud cloud — — 1—10,000 slight cloud half- way up tube — — — 1—100,000 — — — — The precise degrees of clouding caused by the various dilutions differ with different acids. Some organic acids behaved differently, acetic, oxalic, and tartaric causing little clouding in dilutions of 1 in 10, but marked cloudings in 1 in 100 and in 1—1000. Details of the action of tartaric acid : — Dilutions of Tartaric Add in salt solution 1—10 1—100 1—1000 1—10,000 1—100,000 Anti-human serum Anti-human serum after neutralisation 1 hour very slight cloud ft If )) medium cloud 24 hours slight cloud medium cloud marked cloud slight cloud half- way up tube 1 hour 24 hours The accompanying table shows the chief actions of acid dilutions in salt solution on serum. These effects are more marked when the dilutions are made in distilled water. I •| S 1 f 1 «• In series II the acidity and alkalinity varied from about 1 — 1000 to 1—5000 and in series III from about 1—100 to 1—500. These experiments show that the presence of even small quantities of acid or alkali rapidly reduce the quantity of precipitum formed (see Plate, fig. 5). The apparent exceptions of numbers 10 and 11 of series II are due to the fact that the precipita produced were more flocculent and occupied more space than the more compact precipita elsewhere obtained. They also indicate that the presence of small quantities of acid or alkali do not alter the specificity of the reaction, for controls with anti-sheep serum were all negative. Qualitative experiments undertaken on the same lines showed that with 1 in 100 solutions of acid and alkali, cloudings first occurred in the normal tube, next in the alkaline series, the times of their appearance increasing from No. 6 to 11. The last two showed faint traces of the specific reaction and also general opacity. On the acid side cloudings due to the acid rapidly appeared, but later specific cloudings were Sotirces of Error 85 superadded in Nos. 3 to 5. Control tubes tested with anti-ox serum showed general opacity in the last of the alkaline series and slight clouds in the acid series. Similar experiments with 1 in 10 solutions showed cloudings in the normal serum and first three specimens of the alkaline series only. In the light of these observations it becomes necessary to test the reaction to litmus of all solutions which are to be examined and, if found decidedly acid or alkaline, to neutralize them. It must also be remembered that the addition of strong acid or alkali to fluid or dried blood completely destroys it." The effects of the prolonged action of Acids and Alkalis on Fluid Sera. These experiments were continued by Graham-Smith (1903, p. 359) as follows : " Ox, and sheep, sera with acids and alkalis added in the proportions given below were kept under conditions similar to those just mentioned. Ox serum Sheep Bemm Precipitum Percentage Precipitum Percentage Normal ox and sheep sera •0356 100 •0140 100 1—1000 •0093 65 Hydrochloric acid 1—500 trace ? • 1—100 • 1—1000 •0103 73 Nitric acid 1—500 •0046 13 1—100 • • , 1 1000 •0112 80 Sulphuric acid 1 1—100 1—1000 •0112 80 Acetic acid 1—500 1—100 •0244 •0300 68 84 •0112 80 1—10 trace f 1—1000 •0225 63 •0140 100 Oxalic acid 1-500 •0244 68 1—10 •0028 20 1 1000 •0131 93 Carbolic acid 1-100 •0112 80 1—1000 1—100 •0131 93 Citric acid • 1—1000 •0122 87 Caustic potash \ 1—500 •0150 42 1 1—100 • • 1 1000 •0122 87 Caustic soda 1—100 ■ 1—1000 •0103 73 1 500 •0244 68 Sodium carbonate h 1—100 •0103 73 1—10 •0244 68 1—1000 •0140 100 1—500 •0309 84 Ammonia 1-100 •0206 57 •0131 93 1—10 •0065 18 86 The Precipitins: Methods After dilution, the solutions were neutralized, and then tested quanti- tatively. Control antisera were also used in all cases, but gave no reactions. The effects of the presence of unneutralized acids and alkalis have been given previously (p. 82). The preceding table (p. 85) shows that, except in very small quan- tities, the prolonged action of inorganic acids completely destroys the precipital)le substance, but that organic acids do not exert so dele- terious an influence. Strong alkalis act in the same way as inorganic acids." 6. Precautions with regard to Quantitative Tests by my Method. It is obvious that if either antiserum or the serum to be tested undergo concentration by evaporation the figures obtained will be fallacious. The possibility of serum becoming concentrated in corpore, in consequence of disease, has been referred to on page 80. It is naturally essential that there shall be no matter in suspension, or bacterial multiplication occurring in either the test serum or blood dilution. 7. Bacterial Multiplication. I have referred to an objection to weak and slowly-acting antisera being the opportunity which is given to bacteria to develope, when tubes are left standing as long as 24 hours, especially when they are placed at higher temperatures as has been done in experiments of some investigators. In my experiments I have on several occasions had my later readings vitiated by bacterial development, especially during summer, the readings being made after 24 hours and the tubes kept at room temperature. The object of thus prolonging the experi- ment was to note the deposits formed in the solutions overnight. I sought to guard against this by noting the deposits earlier or later, depending upon the temperature of the room in which the experiments were made; in summer the deposits were noted after 12 — 16 hours, in winter after 24 or more hours. Where bacteria develope, provided that the readings are made sufficiently early, there will be little chance of confusing the clouding produced by microorganisms, with what I wished to note, namely the deposit at the bottom of the tube. A little experience renders it easy to as a rule recognize early bacterial cloudings, for they generally arise from the lower strata of the fluid, gradually float upward, the bacteria Sources of Error 87 seeking oxygen. The bacterial cloud at times remains stationary, or moves gradually upward in the fluid, so that clear fluid may be seen above and below. The behaviour of various bacteria under somewhat similar conditions, has been the subject of an interesting investiga- tion by Beyerinck (Ueber Athmungsfiguren beweglicher Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. 1893, xiv. pp. 827—845), who refers to the " Bakterienniveau " as the point in the fluid where the bacterial cloud may hover at times for days. See further under medico-legal applications of the precipitin method, Section IX., also p. 63, regarding insoluble bloods. SECTION II. THE NATURE OF PRECIPITIN REACTIONS. That the precipitins are used up in the process of precipitation, was already observed by Myers (14, vii. 1900) who took it as evidence of the action being chemical in nature. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 357) consider that the precipitins cannot be regarded as a special form of coagulative ferment for the reason that they are used up quantitatively in considerable amount. Whereas, it is true, that ferments are also ultimately used up, this occurs but slowly and in a very slight degree as compared to the amount of substratum affected. Precipitins are used up in a manner analogous to what takes place when toxin is added to antitoxin, or acid to base. Eisenberg (5, v. 1902) following Ehrlich's absorption method, deter- mined the amounts of the mixed interacting substances, before and after reaction had taken place. In this way he was able to find that both substances combine quantitatively, for measureable amounts of both had disappeared from the mixture. The results of Miiller (1902) and of Leblanc (1901) with lactoprecipitins and haemoglobinprecipitins gave similar results, pointing to the fact that both substances are present in the precipitum. Eisenberg therefore adds that Halban and Landsteiner (1902) are scarcely justified in denying the chemical nature of the reaction. These authors claim in proof of this that salt-free serum albumin heated to 100° C. partly loses its precipitability, although it contains as much albumin as before. It may well be said in rejoinder that this was no longer native albumen. I have stated elsewhere that the precipitins act independently of the amount of albumen, the latter must therefore possess certain specific properties if they are to combine with the precipitins. In this connection it is of interest to cite some very careful analyses and tests made here by Mr F. G. Hopkins, to whom I am exceedingly Observations by F. G. HopTdns 89 indebted for the loan of his notes, the experiments not having as yet been published. The animals were treated by me with substances supplied by Mr Hopkins. Obsei-vation I. Two rabbits were treated with intraperitoneal in- jections of crystalline egg albumen, receiving 5 injections, the total volume injected representing 45 c.c. The animals were bled 11 days after the last injection (22, vii. 1901). The two antisera were mixed. The mixture remained clear on standing. 35 c.c. of antiserum were fully precipitated by crystalline egg albumen solution, the amount of which was not determined. The dried precipitum weighed only '0246 g. Observation IF. Three rabbits similarly treated to the above, except that one received 35 c.c, and that the animals were bled 7 days after the last injection (27, vii. 1901). The three antisera remained clear when mixed. 50 c.c. of antiserum were fully precipitated and the dried precipitum weighed -0325 g. Observation III. Two rabbits were treated with ox-serum, receiving 5 injections of a total amount of 45 c.c. intraperitoneally. Bled 23, v. 1901. The two antisera remained clear when mixed. When the antiserum was added to undiluted ox-serum, drop by drop, the instantaneous precipitum produced was redissolved on stii~ring. Ten c.c. of ox-serum requiring 5 — 6 drops of antiserum before permanent clouding was obtained. Evidently then a precipitum is soluble in excess of serum. (See Antiprecipitins, p. 149.) The ox -serum was next added to the antiserum. When 6"5 c.c. of ox-serum had been added to 30 c.c. of antiserum no further precipitation occurred, and there was no further clouding subsequently when more antiserum was added to the clear supernatant fluid. The total pre- cipitum obtained from the above mixture of 30 c.c. antiserum and 6'5 c.c. ox-serum, weighed when dried at 110° C. '553 g. Prior to drying, it should be added, the precipitum first obtained with the aid of the centrifuge had been thoroughly washed with 5 "/o NaCl solution, being resuspended and recentrifugalized three times in saline, this being fol- lowed by repeated washings with water, the washing being similarly conducted, until the washings gave no trace of biuret or xanthoproteic 90 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions reaction. The tests conducted upon this precipitum will be considered presently. Observation IV. A rabbit treated in the usual way with sheep- serum, yielded an antiserum of which 25 c.c. took 4'5 c.c. of sheep-serum to fully precipitate it. The washed precipitum weighed, when dry, -ISS g. Observation V. Two rabbits were treated with horse-serum, receiving 6 and 5 injections each (55 and 45 c.c. total). Bled 3 days after last injection. The mixed sera remained clear, and 40 c.c. thereof took about 5 c.c. of horse-serum to fully precipitate it. The washed precipitum weighed when dry "366 g. Strube (12, vii. 1902) states that his results contradict those of Biondi. Strube, like others, has found a quantitative relation to exist between the interacting substances, for on adding 5 c.c. of a blood solu- tion to different proportions of its homologous antiserum (1:10 to 1 : 5000) he obtained, as I have done, decreasing quantities of pre- cipitum. In very dilute solutions, as Biondi is also stated to have observed, large quantities of precipitum may apparently be formed, this being attributed by Strube to the looser character of the precipitum making it appear more than it actually represents. He also notes, that by repeatedly adding an antiserum to blood dilution, and filtering each time after precipitation takes place, fresh precipitations occur every time antiserum is added, the amounts of antiserum of course being but fractions of the total amount required to induce complete precipitation. This also indicates very clearly that the reaction is quantitative and not due to enzyme action. Inactivated Antisera. Mtiller (18, II. 1902) found a lactoserum which had been inactivated at 70° C. to have acquired the power of neutralizing precipitins, in the sense that it prevented precipitation when active serum was added to inactivated, the latter having been previously mixed with a given milk. Lactoserum from which the precipitin had been removed by the addition of casein is incapable of neutralizing active lactoserum. This indicates that the i^eutralizing substances are not present in fresh lactoserum, but that they are formed in consequence of heating. Inactivated normal rabbit serum possesses no neutralizing power. The neutralizing sub- stances are not affected by the presence of lime salts, and may be Inactivated Antisera: Precipitoids 91 precipitated from inactivated lactoserum by means of dilute acetic acid, for they are absent in the neutralized filtrate. Mliller finds that pre- cipitins do not combine with the neutralizing substance in the presence of (acetic) acid, on the other hand, under similar conditions, the pre- cipitins combine with casein, precipitation occurring although reaction is retarded. Inactivated lactoserum dissolved the precipitum after some hours, whereas inactivated normal rabbit serum did not. Lactoserum robbed of its precipitin by the addition of milk, acquires no neutralizing properties even when heated to 75° C. Miiller therefore concludes that the neutralizing substances are derivatives of precipitins, originating from these tvhen they are heated. Whereas normal inactivated rabbit serum possesses no anti-rennet action, inactivated lactoserum does prevent coagulation through rennet ferment just as it prevents precipitation through fresh lactoserum. He concludes therefore that the neutralizing action depends upon the pre- cipitable (casein) aiid neutralizing substances combining, thus protecting the casein from the action of the coagulating agents. Miiller considers the neutralizing substances "precipitoids," analogous to the " agglutinoids " recently described by Eisenberg and Volk (see p. 49). According to Ehrlich's theory, the precipitoids would be re- ceptors whose "zymophoric" group has been destroyed by heat, but whose " haptophoric " group is retained (see p. 12). Two views may be held with regard to the nature of the neutralizing or combining body in inactivated serum, according to Eisenberg (v. 1902, p. 301). Either, (a) the combining body preexists in unheated serum, its action being obscured by that of the precipitin, or (6) it originates from another substance in precipitin through the action of heat. The latter view, as we have seen, is held by Miiller, and apparently also by Eisenberg. Supposition (a) appears unlikely to Eisenberg, for the reason that if it is correct an excess of precipitatable substance should have no effect in preventing the reaction of the bacterioprecipitin with which Eisenberg experimented. He found, on the contrary, that an excess thereof increased such action^. Moreover active serum robbed of its precipitin through the addition of precipitable substatice no longer antagonizes fresh precipitin. Neither does deprecipitinated antiserum, as Miiller showed, when heated, prevent the action of precipitins. ' See " Observation in " p. 89 where I have stated that an excess may prevent pre- cipitation bj haematosera. This statement of Eisenberg's may therefore have to be modified. He was working, however, with bacterioprecipitins which possibly behave differently. 92 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions Eisenberg therefore concludes that precipitins contain two bodies, (a) which is labile and produces the visible reaction of precipitation, (6) which is stable and represents the haptophoric or combining group of the precipitin, the part which possesses special affinity for the pre- cipitable substance in the homologous serum. On theoretical grounds Ehrlich {Croon. Lect, 1900) assumed the precipitins to possess such a constitution, defining them as receptors of the second order (see p. 12), and we find that Miiller and Eisenberg reach the same conclusion in consequence of their experiments. Eisenberg (p. 297) found inactivated antiserum to prevent pre- cipitation by fresh antiserum both when it was added to precipitable substance before, or when added simultaneously with, fresh antiserum. In such a reaction there are three components, a. precipitable sub- stances, b. heated antiserum, c. fresh antiserum. On adding a constant amount of a mixture of a. and b. to a varying quantity of c, it will be seen that the antagonism is overcome as the amount of c. added is increased. Eisenberg notes that small amounts of b. are more anta- gonistic than large amounts, which is not to understand, and requires confirmation. He does not consider the antagonism due to the action of b. on c, for the inactivated substance antagonizes best when added to the precipitable substance before the active antiserum. In other words, it does not antagonize as completely when added together with fresh precipitin. From the fact that precipitation may be pre- vented when b. and c. are added simultaneously, it seems clear that h. has greater affinity for a. than has c. It is only when c. is in excess that b. exerts a limited influence, this being due to the prepon- derating amount of c. giving it a greater chance of being the first to enter into combination with the precipitable substance. Where a reaction is brought about by adding an excess of c, we have possibly to deal with a " Massenwirkung " such as has been observed by Donitz, who found that an excess of antitoxin apparently removed diphtheria toxin which had already become anchored to body cells. Similar observations with regard to the bacterioprecipitins have been made by Kraus and von Pirquet (5, vii. 1902, p. 68). They found that the bacterioprecipitins for typhoid and cholera were inactivated by heat (58° C), and that such inactivated sera when added to fresh culture filtrates prevented precipitation upon the addition of active bacterio- precipitin. A fact which the authors state has been independently observed by Pick. Inactivated precipitin was allowed to act for 10 hours at 37° C. before adding fresh antisenim. They do not think that the Inactivated Antisera: Precipitoids 93 "antiprecipitin'" in inactivated serum acts upon the precipitins as Pick supposed, for mixed active and inactive serum allowed to stand for 10 hours at 37° C. gave a precipitum on being added to culture filtrate. They conclude that heated serum retains its combining, but loses its precipitating power, for the reason that it consists of (stable) combining and (labile) precipitating groups. In other words, they agree with Miiller and Eisenberg, as stated above. It was further found by Kraus and von Pirquet (p. 71) that an excess of old cholera antiserum prevented precipitation in culture fil- trates, as did the inactivated fresh antiserum. The combining groups would therefore appear to outlast the precipitating groups in such antisera when stored. It also appears evident that the combining groups, or, as we shall term them precipitoids, acquire a greater affinity for the precipitable substance than the remaining intact precipitin. This is completely in accord with what has been observed with agglu- tinins and agglutinoids by Eisenberg and Volk (see p. 49). The breaking down of precipitin to precipitoid is comparable to the changes undergone by toxin into toxoid as observed by Ehrlich. Michaelis (25, ix. 1902) inactivated antiserum for ox-serum globulin by exposure to a temperature of 68" C. for 15 minutes. He does not think the precipitin is converted into precipitoid, for the reason that when the heated antiserum is added to precipitable substance it retards but does not prevent the action of fresh antiserum. He con- siders the preventive action as non-specific, but depending upon physical causes, viz. the addition of neutral colloidal substance, for any other dilution of albuminous substance will exert the same effect. This is contradictory to the views previously expressed, where the authors agreed that the action was specific, for inactivated normal rabbit serum added under similar conditions to inactivated antiserum (also from rabbits) did not prevent precipitation. Michaelis (p. 459) moreover claims that heated antiserum markedly reinforces the action of a minimal quantity of fresh antiserum, as much as if one had added the corresponding amount of fresh antiserum. These results require con- firmation and suggest, it seems to me, that he may have worked with incompletely inactivated antisera. Michaelis believes that precipitation is not due to a single substance, the "precipitin," but to a complex similar to that possessed by the haemolysins. With precipitins we have the conjoint action of two substances, both absent in normal sera, ^ Evidently a misnomer, precipitoid is a more suitable term. 94 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions in contrast to what is the case with the haemolysins. In the haemato- sera then there are two substances, the thermolabile being predominant, the thermostable being small in amount. Referring to the neutralizing action of inactivated precipitating antisera as observed by Muller, Eisenberg, Kraus and von Pirquet, above described, I would add that an analogous phenomenon has also been observed with regard to specific bacteriolytic sera by Neisser and Wechsberg, Lipstein, and Walker (see Bacteriolysins, p. 21), the inacti- vated bacteriolytic serum, containing an immune body, which antagonizes the action of fresh antiserum, when it is added to the latter in excess. The Non-reactivatahility of Heated Precipitating Antisera. In the paper by Myers (14, vii. 1900) that author stated that he had succeeded in obtaining an antiserum for Witte's pepton, that he had been able to inactivate it by heat (see p. 112) and to reactivate it with normal rabbit serum. His observations in this regard have not been confirmed, although he was the first to refer to inactivated pre- cipitin as precipitoid, drawing an analogy between the change observed in precipitin with that which takes place when toxin is converted into toxoid. If Myers' observations were correct, then precipitins would constitute receptors of the third order (see p. 12) according to Ehrlich. No observer has been able to reactivate precipitating antisera since Myers. Attempts have been made by Eisenberg (v. 1902, p. 302), Kraus and von Pirquet (5, VII. 1902, p. 68), Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 734), and myself Since the addition of a complement to inactivated antisera does not reactivate them, we must conclude in the light of Ehrlich 's theory that the precipitins constitute receptors of the second order (see fig. 2, p. 12), as is assumed to be the case with toxins and agglutinins. In Eisenberg's experiments (p. 297) the antiserum was inactivated by an exposure of 1 hour to 72° C, reactivation being attempted both with homologous and heterologous sera, and also by adding quantities of active antiserum, too small to produce by them- selves any reaction. On Immune Bodies in Precipitating Antisera. Until 1902 immune bodies had only been observed and studied in sera which act on formed elements, bacteria or different cells. Gengou (25, X. 1902, p. 739) has sought for them in precipitating antisera (from rabbits) for milk, egg-albumen, horse fibrinogen, and also in the antiserum Immune Bodies in Antisera 95 from guinea-pigs treated with heated rabbit and dog senim. He found that all these antisera contained immune body, which for instance in lactoserum attached itself to milk, and thus allowed the precipitin to act, just as is the case with the anti-microbic and other sera above referred to. He tested this as follows: He prepared LS. Fresh lactoserum heated to 56° C. for 30 minutes. NS. Normal rabbit serum heated to 56° C. for 30 minutes. A. Normal rabbit serum 24 hours old, containing alexin. C. Washed fowl's corpuscles suspended in saline after having been subjected to action of heated immune-serum of a rabbit which had received injections of fowl's corpuscles. L. Cows' milk. NaCl. Normal salt solution. He mixed these in different ways as follows (I have omitted the quantities intentionally) : \ result : precipitation ; fluid added to C don't haemolyse, acts Test I. mixed L ^^ ;|. ^^ alexin were present ; alexin must be attached to [ milk as it was not anchored to LS in Test III., nor by j milk alone in Test II. II. mixed h^ 1^ ^^^j^ _ ^^ precipitation, C haemoHsed as in Tests III. and IV., alexin being free. NS A III. mixed NaCl \ LS A IV. mixed NaCI NS A result : haemolised C (added 24 hrs. later) in 30 minutes, completely in IJ hrs. In this and Test IV. the milk being absent, the alexin remained free to act on the sensitized corpuscles. V. mixed L LS NaCl VI. mixed L [ P"^"*- NS NaCl result: no haemolysis of C, there being no alexin Gengou concludes from the above ingenious experiment that lacto- serum contains immune body (" sensibilisatrice ") besides the precipitin. 96 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions On the Nature of Precipitins and Precipitable Substances. The power of precipitation possessed by antisera does not appear to depend upon any alteration in the usual physical properties of a serum, for Beljajew (1902) has found no difference in the specific gravity, nor in the alkalinity between these and normal sera. Whitney (1902) claims that a powerful antiserum clotted more slowly than a weak one, a statement which requires confirmation. The nature of precipitins has been the subject of considerable investigation, as will appear from what follows. Nolf (v. 1900, p. 300) treated rabbits with (a) washed blood corpuscles, and (b) the serum of the fowl and dog, and found precipitins only in the blood of the rabbits treated with serum, or with "plasma^." He ne.xt found that he could produce precipitins in animals treated with globulin solutions, those treated with albumin solution giving a negative result. Artificial globulin solutions gave as good results in this respect as did normal sera. Subsequently Myers (14. VII. 1900) produced antisera for sheep and ox bloods by injecting their serum globulins into rabbits, and Stockis (v. 1901) obtained antisera by globulin injections. Leblanc (31. V. 1901, p. 359) injected different components of o.x blood (serum albumin, pseudoglobulin, haemoglobin) into rabbits and found the precipitins in the pseudoglobulin fraction of the immune serum. According to Leblanc the precipitins are pseudoglobulins, or bodies precipitated together with these. Eisenberg (v. 1902, p. 308) on the other hand found the precipitins in the euglobulin fraction of the serum of rabbits treated with horse serum. Strube (12. VI. 1902) cites the results of Corin, Modici, and Biondi as pointing to the precipitins being bound to the globulins. It appears doubtful however whether the globulins them- selves exert the precipitating action (Biondi) if we rely on analogous studies upon the antitoxins, in which Dieudonne (Arb. a. d. kaiserL Gesundheitsamte, xiil) found in the case of diphtheria antitoxin that precipitation with COa yielded antitoxin-free globulins, whereas precipi- tation with magnesium sulphate, as practised by the above observers for the precipitins, caused antitoxins to be carried down with globulins mechanically. Biondi considers the precipitins possess a fermentative action for the reason that he found different amounts of antiserum added to equal amounts of serum to yield no markedly different quantities of precipitum. We have however seen that there is every evidence in • He (1902), and Dubois (1902, p. 692) state they have since obtained precipitins by injecting haemoglobin solutions and intact blood corpuscles respectively. Precipitins and Precipitable Substances 97 favour of the action not being fermentative, and I do not doubt but that Biondi did not work with a sufficiently large series of dilutions, for if he had he would have convinced himself to the contrary, as can be readily done'. Oppenheimer and Michaijlis (18, vii. 1902) consider the compo- nents in serum which lead to precipitation to be constituents of albumin, not merely attached thereto. In a later paper Michaelis (9, x. 1902, p. 734) states that he found precipitins in that fraction of serum which is precipitated by half saturation thereof with ammonium sulphate, namely, in the globulin fraction. He attempted to further isolate the precipitin by repeating the fractional precipitation with ammonium sulphate and found that most of the precipitin came down with the first fraction (0 and 30 »/„ saturation), the second fraction (precipitated by 30 and 50 7o saturation) only containing traces of precipitin. The precipitable substance behaved similarly. He finds that anti-ox globulins do not precipitate serum-albumin. Corin (1902) considers the active principle which leads to the formation of precipitin to be para- globulin, and that therefore it would be best to treat animals with paraglobulin solutions to obtain antisera, such as he prepared for the dog. He finds the precipitin bound up with the paraglobulin, and this can be separated and dried, the dried powder being brought into clear watery solution and used directly for testing. According to Obermayer and Pick (1902) the very rapid appearance (within 15 minutes) of precipitins in the circulation of animals which have received an intraperitoneal injection of precipitating antiserum, indicates that the precipitin is non-albuminous. They found the precipitins to be contained in the euglobulin fraction, both in rabbit and horse immune serum, obtained from the goat and rabbit respect- ively. In the hope of determining which of the constituents of egg- albumin are concerned in causing the formation of precipitin in corpore, they treated rabbits with subcutaneous injections of egg-albumin and tested the action of the antiserum thus obtained upon egg-white and its constituents. They state that normal rabbit serum produces an appre- ciable precipitum in egg-albumin solutions*, this being due especially to the action of dysglobulin on the serum, the action of other constitu- ents being much less marked. They consider that the egg-white precipitins do not constitute an integral part of the albuminous sub- ' An extensive series of tests made by Mr Strangeways at my suggestion during the past year, which have not been hitherto published, distinctly show Biondi to have been wrong. ^ Strength not stated ; see normal precipitins, p. 150, N. 7 98 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions stance, but that they adhere in different proportions to its constituents. In support of this assumption they state that trypsin-treated albumin gives a reaction with precipitins when all the albumin has been broken up as indicated by the biuret reaction. They conclude that the precipitin-formation, due to immunization with albumins of egg-white, is independent of albumins, and that it depends upon a substance which is difficult to separate from albumins in the process of chemical cleaning, consequently it cannot be a specific process due to the action of albumins of egg-white. The immunifying substance, which they wrongly style "pre- cipitogenS" as well as the precipitin they conclude are not albuminous, and consequently the biological test is of no use in the determination of albumins. They found anti-egg serum to resist the action of hot 0'5 °/o nitric acid. These observers and others have found the precipitins in different antisera to be precipitated by alcohol. The rapidity of the reaction between precipitin and precipitable substance certainly points to the existence of great affinity between the interacting substances. In relation to the pTecipitable substance, Halban and Landsteiner (25, III. 1902, p. 476) have found that senim-albumin, rendered salt-free by dialysis and subsequently heated to 100° C, reacted but slightly to precipitins, though when boiled 15 minutes it contained scarcely less albumin (as understood by chemists and physiologists) than before. It would therefore appear that precipitation constitutes a reaction with definite chemical groups (within the albuminous molecule ?) like the agglutination reaction, etc. Linossier and Lemoine (18, IV. 1902) and Leclainche and Vallee (25, i. 1901) find that the action of antiserum is not comparable to that of other reagents such as heat or nitric acid. This is proved by the fact that the precipitin does not always give reactions proportional to the amount of albumin present. Antisera are more active towards globulins than nitric acid, less so towards serum- albumin. With urine which contains much of the latter substance an antiserum may give no reaction. Eisenberg (v. 1902, p. 306) notes that heated albumin is more alkaline than native, and that alkalized albumin is not precipitable. He found (p. 307) albumin to be modified by contact with concentrated solution of urea, added in the proportion of 4 : 1 to albumin solution, and ' A misnomer, as pointed out by Miohaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 341) for the reason that it suggests a relation between precipitin and ("precipitogen") precipitable substance such as exists, for instance, between pepsin and pepsinogen, in other words that the "precipitogen" is a forerunner of precipitin, which it is not. The Precqntum 99 also by weak formalin, both of which are known to coagulate albumin, the solutions thus treated being no longer precipitable. Nevertheless the albumin retained its affinity for precipitin. Eisenberg and Volk have made analogous observations upon agglutinins. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 347) refer to the earlier observations on toxins as possibly throwing some light upon the nature of the precipitable substance. The toxins were at first considered albuminous, and for this reason called toxalbumins. Further investigation showed that they might be freed from albumin. Thus Brieger (1895) and others prepared tetanus toxin which gave no biuret reaction, Jacoby (1900-1) did the same with ricin, and Hausmann (1902) with abrin. Nevertheless Michaelis and Oppenheimer consider that both in the case of toxin and precipitable substance these substances may be simply torn away from the large albuminous molecule to which they naturally belong. The Predpitum. According to Tchistovitch (v. 1899) the precipitum is soluble in dilute acids and alkalis; insoluble in water, solutions of neutral salts and alkaline carbonates. Nolf (v. 1900) considers the precipitum a globulin, giving as evidence thereof that a precipitin added to globulin and albumin solutions separately or mixed, yields a precipitum. Tchisto- vitch states a precipitum is only formed in alkaline solutions, although there may be some opalescence in neutral solutions, whereas acid solutions remain clear. The precipitum (from eel and anti-eel serum) proved non-toxic to rabbits when administered intravenously, although the clear supernatant fluid proved toxic when it contained unneutral- ized ichthiotoxin^ Bordet (ill. 1899) found different precipita soluble in dilute alkali. Leclainche and Vallee (25, l. 1901) state that washed precipitum gives all the albumin reactions. Leblanc (31, V. 1901, p. 362) states that a repeatedly washed precipitum, obtained by adding anti-ox globulin (from rabbit) to ox globulin solution, had a pink tint, due to haemoglobin which had doubtless entered into union with the precipitin. Nitrogen estimations made before and after precipitation lead to the same conclusion regarding the occurrence of a union. Moro (31, x. 1901) found that a lacto-precipitum was almost entirely dissolved in warmed salt solution. Eisenberg (v. 1902, pp. 307-8) has also found lacto- precipitum to be soluble at higher temperatures, being different in ' Ichthiotoxin, see p. 39. 7—2 100 Tlie Nature of Precipitin Reactions this respect to the sero-precipita studied by other authors, and it also differed in being soluble in concentrated urea solutions, and in saturated solution of magnesium chloride. The egg-white precipitum, on the other hand, he found to be soluble in dilute acids and alkalis^, whereas he was unable to confirm the observation of Myers (1900) to the effect that this precipitum is soluble in 2 "/„ saline. It proved insoluble in solutions of alkaline carbonates, and various solutions, even up to saturation point, of sodium chloride. Acid solutions of precipitum were reprecipitated' on being neutralized, behaving like an acid albumin. When washed in saline and heated, the precipitum coagulates, and is then insoluble in weak acids, behaving therefore like coagulated albumins which have undergone clotting through corresponding fer- ments and have then been coagulated by heat. The precipitum, obtained by adding anti-ox serum (from rabbit) to ox serum as described under " Observation III." (p. 89), examined by Mr Hopkins last year, was found to be soluble in very dilute NaHO, much less easily soluble in Na^COj. It was precipitated from alkaline solution on neutralization, but was soluble in excess of acid, even acetic. The precipitum contained abundant phosphorus in organic combination. It gave the biuret, xanthoproteic, and glyoxylic reactions, and was found to contain " loosely bound " sulphur. Macroscopic and Microscopic Appearances during Reaction. When antiserum is added to blood dilution, it sinks to the bottom of the tube. If it does not mix with the dilution, but flows down the walls of the vessel, the reaction taking place almost instantaneously at the zone of contact, assuming that the antiserum is powerful, and reacting with its homologous blood dilution. The reaction consists in the formation of a milky layer at the point where antiserum and blood dilution come in contact. The milkiness extends gradually upward, until the whole fluid is clouded. Where the fluids have been partially mixed this generalized clouding occurs more rapidly, being perfectly uniform when the bloods are thoroughly mixed by shaking. Where the fluids have been mixed by shaking the diffuse clouding undergoes a change ; after 10 to 20 minutes, or later, very fine granules of pre- cipitum begin to appear, and the upper layers of fluid begin to clear, due to the sedimentation of the particles of precipitum. The fine particles soon become aggregated into coarser ones, and these into flocculi, which 1 Also observed by Michaelia (9, x. 1902, p. 734). Appearances during Heaction 101 gradually sinking to the bottom of the tube give rise to more or less deposit, having, when pure serum is used, a whitish appearance. Particles may adhere to the walls of the tube, from which they are readily de- tached by rotating it. With blood dilutions of, say 1 : 40 to 1 : 200 and over, the deposit formed is usually sharply defined, where more con- centrated dilutions are used the deposit may form an irregular mass at the bottom of the tube. The increased viscidity of such dilutions may retard sedimentation. The supernatant fluid remains clear. In some few cases it may remain slightly clouded, more especially in non-homo- logous blood dilutions. In rare instances where non-homologous, but related bloods are tested, a cloud may form, without, however, leading to a deposit. Similar appearances are noted when anti-human serum is added to albuminous urine, as described by Leclainche and Valine (25, i. '01), who made their tests by bringing equal volumes of antiserum and urine in contact with each other in the manner described above. In testing with lactosera the opacity of milk diluted to 1 : 40, as recommended by Wassermann and Schiitze, prevents one following the finer details of the reaction. In this case the antiserum may be added in the pro- portion of 1 : 1 or 1 : 5 as recommended by the last-named author. Here the casein is precipitated by the antiserum. The reaction may be followed microscopically, as recommended by Tarchetti (1901), and Modica, who used the "hanging-drop" method, familiar in bacteriological work. Griinbaum (18, I. 1902) used this method also, comparing the appearances to what is seen when bacteria are agglutinated, and observed that the particles appeared and were more rapidly aggregated when anti-human serum was added to human than to simian blood-dilution and vice versa. Robin (20, xii. '02) also, apparently unaware of Tarchetti's method, has found it useful, for he reports that he could observe the formation of gi-anules within 10 to 15 minutes microscopically, when a reaction visible to the naked eye was only observable after two houre. He considers that the aggregation of granules is possibly brought about by a process analogous to that of bacterial agglutination. The Supernatant Fluid. If antiserum is added in insufficient amount to a blood dilution the supernatant fluid, after removal of the first deposit, still contains pre- cipitable substance, as may easily be proved by adding more antiserum, and vice versd. 102 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions Linossier and Lemoine, Eisenberg (5, v. '02, p. 291), and Ascoli (26, VIII. '02, p. 1410), agree in finding that the supernatant fluid may contain an excess of both interacting bodies in sokition after precipitation has taken place. This is proved by adding either the one or the other component to the clear supernatant fluid, which leads in either case to fresh precipitation. The Influence of Salts upon the Reaction. That concentrated solutions of certain salts impede analogous re- actions, such as those with bacteriolysins (Lingelsheim) and agglutinins (Eisenberg and Volk) has already been observed. Linossier and Lemoine (21, III. '02) taking a 1 : 20 serum dilution and adding increasing amounts of NaCl thereto, found that even the presence of 1 »/o salt impeded the precipitin reaction, and that 5 "/o salt prevented precipitation even after a mixture had stood as long as 24 hours. They found the reaction to take place in the presence of small amounts (1 "/„) of ammonium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, and sodium fluoride, as they state was previously noted by Arthus. Eisenberg's (v. '02, p. 307) results are in flat contra- diction; he states that concentrated NaCl solutions (up to close on 18°/o, at which point albumins are thrown down) had no influence on the reaction. The reaction was prevented by 0'25 normal magnesium sulphate, slowed by 0'5 magnesium chloride, prevented by a 2-normal solution of the latter salt. Moreover, Rostoski (1902, b. p. 42) observed no noticeable difference in the precipitations which took place with haematosera in the presence of 10 "/» NaCl, and 2 »/„ ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride. On the other hand, Miiller (18, ii. '02) found the action of lactosera depends upon the presence of lime salts, although these may be replaced by barium salts. Lactoserum only occasionally precipitated boiled milk after the addition of lime salts. Michaelis (9, X. '02, p. 734) removed all trace of lime salts both from haematoserum aud its homologous blood by means of oxalate of potassium and found the contrary, namely, that precipitation occurred as well as before. Rostoski (1902, b. p. 42) on the other hand, also experimenting with haematosera, obtained the same result as Miiller. He states that precipitation does not take place in the absence of salts, small quantities thereof are sufficient, large amounts of NaCl do not impede precipitation. It was evident therefore that these experiments required to be repeated. Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 266) undertook to solve this Influence of Salts 103 problem at my suggestion. Their experiments agree more closely with those of Eisenberg and Rostoski. They report thereon as follows : — "We have quantitatively estimated the influence of salt in the following way'. Tubes containing 1 in 21 dilutions of human serum with gradually increasing percentages of salt were arranged in a rack, and to each •! c.c. of anti-human serum was added. We found that the precipita in the tubes containing the most salt were more flocculent, and owing to the increased specific gravity of the medium took longer to settle (see Plate, fig. 2). Results of measurements showed a slight decrease to 7 "/o and later an increase, probably due to the fact that the more flocculent precipitum, though really less in amount, occupies a greater volume. Results of increasing quantities of salt in huma/n serum dilutions. Percentage ot salt •6''/o 1 ., 2 „ 3 „ i „ 5 „ 6 „ 7 „ Precipitum c.a ■0643 •0571 •0638 •0554 •0639 •0618 •0635 •0630 Percentage of precipitum as compared with ■6 % salt solution 100 »/o 88^8 „ 99-2 „ 86-1 „ 99^2 „ 96-1 „ 98^7 „ 97^9 „ Percentage of salt 8«/o 9„ 10 „ 12 „ 14 „ 16 „ 18 „ Saturated ] solntion f Precipitum cc, •0693 •0673 •0770 •0686 •0787 •0730 •0821 •0854 Percentage of precipitum as compared with *6 °Iq salt solution 107-7 «/„ 104-6 „ 119-7 „ 106^6 ,, 114-6 „ 113-5 „ 127-6 „ 132-8 „ Experiments with sheep and anti-sheep sera, which formed more compact precipita, show the diminution in volume plainly. In this experiment the tubes were all centrifugalized for the same length of time in order to diminish the error due to the increasing specific gravity of the solutions. Similar experiments to above with sheep serum. Salt l«/o 2 „ 4 „ 10 „ Saturated) solution i Precipitum cc. -0199 -0203 -0201 •0140 •0122 Percentage of precipitum 100% 102 „ 101 „ 703 „ 61 8 „ Qualitative estimations showed that when the quantity of salt was increased above o'j, the antiserum did not sink to the bottom, and 1 The quantitative method of testing is described in Section VII. which follows. 104 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions that clouding occurred at the top of the tubes, and also took longer in forming." Graham-Smith and Sanger (p. 266) moreover studied the behaviour of aqueous blood dilutions to antisera, and report thereon as follows : — " It has been noticed by many observers that solutions of fluid, or dried, sera in distilled water become cloudy, and that after 24 hours a precipitate occurs. In "5 c.c. of a 1 in 21 dilution of human serum in distilled water this precipitate amounts to about '001 c.c. We have, however, found that including this precipitate '1 c.c. of human antiserum produces a smaller quantity of precipitum with blood diluted with distilled water than with the same specimen diluted with normal salt solution. The mean of three experiments in each case gave ■0384 c.c. of precipitum in salt solution dilutions and 0328 c.c. iu watery dilutions." Regarding the Claim that Precipitins permit of Distinguishing different Albumins of the same Animal. The investigations of Nolf (v. 1900) indicated that precipitins are formed for serum-globulin and not for serum-albumin and solutions of blood corpuscles. Leclainche and Vallee (25, i. 1901) however state that antiserum for serum-albumin is very active for its homologous substance, but almost indifferent towards globulins contained in the albuminous urine with which they experimented. The urine from three cases of interstitial nephritis gave marked reactions, whereas the urine from a case of parenchymatous nephritis, which contained much globulin, gave but slight precipitation. Albuminous horse and cow urine gave no reaction. They add that human pleuritic exudate gave a reaction, but not human blood serum when antiserum for human albuminous urine was added thereto. Mertens (14, iii. 1901) treated rabbits with human serum and found the antiserum to precipitate albumin in urine, concluding therefrom that the latter must be derived from the blood. The urine reacted both to this antiserum and to one obtained by treating the rabbits with human albuminous urine. Dieudonne (2, iv. 1901) found that peritoneal exudate and blood of man reacted similarly to anti-human serum. Zuelzer (4, iv. 1901) treated rabbits with urine con- taining 1 — 9°/oo albumin, and obtained antisera as did Mertens, to whose generalization regarding the origin of albumin in the urine from the blood he objects, although he considere that his results warrant the conclusion that at least one albuminous body in urine is derived from Effects on different Albumins 105 the blood'. Ide (1, iv.) and his pupil Leblanc (31, v. 1901, p. 355) state that rabbits treated with chemically pure albumin derived from cows' milk fonned antisera which possessed a different character, depending upon which albumin of the same species had been used for the treat- ment of the animals. They go so far as to consider that there are specific antibodies not only for each cell-species but also for as many albumins as the cell may contain. According to Ide the agglutinins represent easily precipitated albuminous bodies, the antitoxins being less precipitable. Leblanc {loc. dt.) treated rabbits with ox serum, pseudoglobulin, and albumin. He states that the antisera produced a reaction with ox, but not with sheep, horse, pig, guinea-pig and pigeon sera. Anti-pseudoglobulin for ox, precipitated ox pseudoglobulin solu- tions but not those of euglobulin and serum albumin. Antiserum for serum-albumin precipitated its homologous substance but not pseudo- globulin. Anti-ox serum had no effect on lactalbumin. Anti-ox haemo- globin precipitated the haemoglobin of the ox. In other words, the different antisera possessed a high degree of specificity for the different albumins of the same species of animal. Nuttall (v. and vii. 1901) showed that anti-human serum caused reactions with human pleuritic exudate, the fluid from blisters, and to a slight extent with nasal, and lachrymal secretions' and a faint clouding even with normal urine. Anti-human serum was produced in rabbits not only by serum but also by old pleuritic exudate of man, preserved as long as 5 — 6 months with chloroform. Schiitze (22, XI. 1901, p. 492) treated rabbits with human muscle albumin producing an antiserum which he states precipitated homologous substance, but not human albuminous urine. Levene (21, Xii. 1901) immunified rabbits with milk and found the antiserum to precipitate milk, casein, milk albumin, and ox serum, a result contrary to Leblanc's. This same antiserum failed to act on fowl egg-white, egg-albumin, egg-globulin, fowl serum and sheep haemoglobulin. Linossier and Lemoine (25, i. 1902) found they could not distinguish albumin in urine by precipitins, as claimed by Leclainche and Valine {loc. dt). Halban and Landsteiner (25, iii. 1902, p. 475) treated rabbits with injections of ox spermatozoa, obtaining (spemiotoxic) antiserum, which precipitated not only saline extract of spermatozoa but also ox serum dilutions. Linossier and Lemoine (28, III. 1902) found haematosera to also act on other albuminous fluids ' See a short paper by Asehoff (6, ix. 1902) on tliis subject. " Confirmed by Biondi (1902, p. 21), who also obtained reactions with milk, vaginal secretion, etc. 106 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions from the same animal, viz., saliva, albuminous urine, spermatic secretion, milk serum, muscle-extract. Moreover, blood serum was found to be precipitated by lactoserum, as well as by antiserum for albuminous urine. Repeating the experiment of Nolf (cited above, see p. 104) they obtained a contrary result. Antiserum produced by globulin injections acted not only on globulin but also on solutions of serum-albumin. Moreover they found antiserum for serum-albumin to precipitate serum-albumin, and also globulin. To make sure that this was not due to impurity of the serum-albumin, which might contain globulin, they prepared as pure a substance as was possible (see method in original, p. 370), but obtained an identical result. They conclude that anti-globulin acts most on globulin solutions, less on those of albumin. The antiserum for albumin on the other hand actually produced more reaction with globulin solu- tions than with its homologous substance. They conclude that for the present the precipitins do not permit us to demonstrate chemical differences between the different albumins of one animal. Strube (12, VI. 1902) injected rabbits intraperitoneal ly with human spermatozoa and human testicular extract (from cadaver), obtaining in both cases a weak antiserum which acted on spermatozoa solutions. Anti-human haematoserum had however the same effect, quantitatively and quali- tatively, on spermatozoa solutions, and vice versa. Meyer and Aschoff (7, VII. 1902) found that injections of blood, spennatozoa, and tracheal epithelium led to the formation of antisera which coagulated milk solutions (1 : 40). Obermayer and Pick (1902) studied the different constituents of egg-white, finding the albumin to contain : a globulin, crystallizable albumin, a non-crystallizable albumin-constituent (conalbumin), and ovimucoid, also other bodies upon which they will report later. The egg-globulin of other authors they claim to have separated into four different constituents : ovimucin, dysglobulin (both insoluble in water), euglobulin and pseudoglobulin (both soluble in water). These bodies, purified by washing, were injected severally into rabbits and the various antisera tested upon the different constituents of egg-white. Re- peatedly crystallized egg-albumin (method of Hoffmeister) did not lead to the formation of antiserum. The result of the tests was that all the constituents of egg-white gave a precipitum, proving that the antisera were not specific for the different constituents. They were surprised to find that a substance might not lead to the formation of a precipitin which acted upon that substance, but to a precipitin which acted on some other body in egg-albumin. Effects on different Albnmins 107 Hamburger (cited by Aschoff, 1902, p. 193) obtained precipitins for casein and albumin of cows' milk, stating that he was able to differentiate the one from the other, although both antisera precipitated ox serum, whereas ox haematoserum did not affect milk. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 343), working with anti-ox serum, euglobulin and pseudoglobulin, found these antisera to act upon globulins but not upon albumin. Both acted more upon pseudoglobulin than upon euglobulin, the action of anti-euglobulin being markedly stronger with euglobulin than that of anti-pseudoglobulin. Anti-ox haematoserum acted on ox serum-globulin, pseudoglobulin, somewhat less on euglobulin, slightly or not at all on serum-albumin. They consider (p. 345) these antisera not " specific " for each albumin of the same animal, although they certainly react with some more than with others. They conclude therefore that the specific " combining groups " are not possessed by one form of albuminous molecule, but that they are common to chemically related albumins. The precipitin reactions are therefore of no use for the qualitative chemical separation of the different albumins of the same animal. Rostoski (1902, a.) treated rabbits with horse serum, as also with horse serum-globulin, euglobulin, pseudoglobulin and serum-albumin, but found that all the antisera reacted with the different serum constituents above named. As I have stated elsewhere, this might be ascribed to his using milky antisera (see p. 73) which unfortunately robs his results of their value. A rabbit treated with Bence-Jones albumins gave an antiserum which acted upon these, but also upon human serum, serum-albumin and globulin, but not with the serum or serum derivatives of other animals. Like the preceding authors he concludes that precipitins afford no aid in distinguishing the albumins of the same animal. In a subsequent paper Rostoski (1902, b., p. 21) sums up the results of Leblanc and of Hamburger and points out their obvious contradictions. These are evident from what I have stated above. Umber (14, vii. 1902) on the whole confinns the results of Obermayer and Pick, Michaelis, and Rostoski. He treated rabbits with egg-albumin and globulin solutions and tested egg-white and the homologous substances with the antisera produced. Separating fibrinogen, globulin and albumin from the antisera, he dissolved them in saline and tested them upon the egg-white constituents named. Anti-globulin and anti-albumin serum precipitated dilutions of egg- white, of globulins, but not of crystallized egg-albumin. The separated 108 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions constituents of the antisera were next tested, and it was found that a solution of the fibrinogen fraction, and still more of the globulin fraction, precipitated the same constituents as the preceding, but no precipitin was contained in the albumin fraction. The precipitin was therefore precipitated with globulin, but it is not certain whether it was simply carried down, or whether it is a globulin itself Umber also concludes that the precipitins do not afford a means of differentiating the albumins of the same animal. Oppenheimer and Michaelis (18, VII. 1902) treated rabbits with ox serum-albumin and found their antiserum to precipitate serum-albumin, having less effect upon pseudoglobulin, none on euglobulin, nor on horse serum-globulin. Globulin-treated rabbits formed precipitin for globulin alone. Landsteiner and Calvo (18, vii. 1902, p. 782) treated rabbits with different components of horse serum, the fractions containing a, fibrinoglobulin and euglobulin, \>, pseudoglobulin, c, albumin. The antisera for fraction a precipitated dilutions of all three fractions, the intensity of reaction being in the order «, h, c, being weak in the last. The antisera for fraction h acted similarly, but more on dilutions of h than of a. The antisera for fraction c had no effect in a first experiment, but did have in a second, precipitating both solutions of c and of globulins where the fraction had been reprecipitated. The behaviour of globulins to precipitins was inconstant. The authors conclude that the precipitable substances in serum represent several bodies with different reactions as regards precipitation. The precipitable sub- stances do not act in accordance with known albuminous bodies in serum, in other words, there is no reason to identify the precipitable substance with globulin. Ide (27, vii. 1902, p. 266) injected ox haemoglobin into rabbits, and in confirmation of his puf)il Leblanc found the antiserum to precipitate ox haemoglobin solutions, the anti- serum also haemolyzing ox corpuscles. Ascoli (26, viil. 1902) treated rabbits with fibrino-, eu-, and pseudoglobulin, sei-um-albumin, and normal serum. Following a recommendation of Arthus he used S'/o sodium fluoride solution with which to prevent bacterial development in his serum dilutions, which had to be kept at 37° C. during his experiments. He reaches the conclusion that there are qualitative differences in eu- and pseudoglobulin, and serum-albumin solutions made evident by the biological test, and that consequently an anti- serum produced through injection of normal serum contains different precipitins, each of which seizes upon different components in normal serum when it acts thereon. Effects on different Albumins 109 Michaelis (9, x. 1902, p. 735) injected horse and ox serum-albumin into rabbits, and found the antisera to precipitate both serum-albumin and globulin. Contrary to Nolf he found, possibly owing to his having used different methods, that serum-albumin injections lead to the formation of precipitins which acted on serum-albumin. Gengou (25, X. 1902, p. 746), experimenting in another manner (see Immune Bodies in precipitating Antisera, p. 94) and using antisera obtained from rabbits treated with dog serum, found that anti-dog serum acting on dog euglobulin and serum-albumin led to precipitation and fixation of complement. Lactoserum, acting on cow casein and lactoglobulin did likewise, whereas lactalbumin was not precipitated and complement remained free. This experiment, often repeated, he considers contradicts the statement of Hamburger (see p. 107). Schiitze (6, xi. 1902, p. 805) found haematosera to also precipitate dilutions of the homologous sper- matozoa of different animals, the spermatozoa tested being those of the horse, ox, sheep, pig, and man. Uhlenhuth (1901, p. 501) had previously noted that haematosera also clouded spermatozoa solutions of the same animal. Ziemke (15, ix. 1902) appears to have obtained results which do not point to the specificity of the reaction. Falloise (25, xi. 1902, p. 836) refere to the discrepancies in the results of other workers as being possibly due to their different method of treating their animals. Working with the sera of the ox and horse, Falloise separated the globulin and albumin after the methods of Leblanc and Nolf, whose results, as I have noted above, are not in accord. The results obtained with anti-globulin and anti-albumin for ox and horse confirmed each other, for Falloise found that. A, anti-horse globulin precipitated normal horse serum and globulin solution, albumin solutions being very slightly affected. It exerted a very slight action on ox serum, and globulin, none on ox albumin. (Anti-ox serum behaved in a corresponding manner upon ox and horse serum etc.) B, Anti-horse serum-albumin produced slight reactions and deposit in horee serum, in albumin and globulin solutions. With ox serum and globulin solutions there was only a very slight trace of deposit in 24 hrs., no effect on ox serum albumin solutions. (Anti-ox serum- albumin behaved in a corresponding manner towards its homologous serum, etc.) Falloise would explain the failure of albumin to produce precipitin in larger amount to the presence of but little globulin therein, attributing the precipitin formation entirely to the action of globulin which it contains in consequence of our imperfect method of purification. He 110 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions agrees therefore with Nolf that serum-albumins do not lead to the formation of precipitins. Liepmann (18, xii. 1902) treated rabbits in the usual way with placenta emulsion, obtaining antiserum which caused precipitation in the presence of bits of placenta, and possessed slight haemolytic power. Pieces of organs, including pieces of the uterus, and also blood, gave no precipitation even after :| to 1 hour. This author's technique is certainly open to criticism. Liepmann (29, i. '03, p. 81) further reports that his antiserum for human placenta gives reactions with foetal serum (obtained from the cord), reacting more with placental substance, but giving no reaction with blood serum of a man and non- gravid woman. He proposes to test the serum of gravid women, to see if by means of the test he is able to demonstrate the presence of placental substance (Veit) in their circulation. Notel (13, III. 1902) following the method suggested by Uhlenhuth for the identification of meats (see Section IX.) states that an antiserum for muscle-albumin gave a greater reaction with muscle extract than did the corresponding haematoserum. The statement requires confirmation, no other experi- ments of a comparative character having as yet apparently been made. Uhlenhuth (6, XII. '02) obtained an antiserum for the yolk of egg, which precipitated yolk of egg dilutions, but did not act upon egg- white dilutions, except when these were fairly concentrated, and even then but slight action was observable after a considerable time. This antiserum also clouded avian serum slightly. He concludes therefore that the albuminous constituents of egg-white and yolk are different. Egg-white, as we know, contains albumin and globulin, egg-yolk containing vitelline, lecithine, and nuclein. He recommends this antiserum for the detection of egg-yolk in the examination of foods. Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 268) working in our laboratory with my quantitative method {q. v.) obtained the following differences in the amount of precipitum when anti-human serum was added to different body fluids in 1 : 21 dilutions. Anti-human serum No. I. was much more powerful than No. II:, which moreover had undergone putrefaction. Material Anti-human Anti-human from means Normal Na I. No. II. of these two Anti-ox rabbit 1. Fresh human serum (2 days) 2. Old „ „ (8 months) 3. Placental serum (8 months) 4. Pleuritic exudate (2 weeks) 5. Hydrocele fluid (9 months) 6. Fluid from ovarian cyst ) (9 months) | 7. Amniotic fluid (9 months) Anti-human No. I. Anti-human No. II. Percentages from means of these two •0291 c.c. •0197 C.c. 100 »/„ •0272 „ •0187 ,, 93-8 „ •0150 ,, •0112 „ 5i-5 ,, •0065 ,, •0084 „ 30^3 „ •0046 „ •0037 „ 16-7 „ •0018 „ trace 6^1 „ •0009? „ trace 3-0 „ ? Effects of Digestion on Antibodies 111 Effect of Tryptic and Peptic Digestion on Antibodies, especially the Precipitins. The resistance to tryptic digestion of the precipitin and agglutinin of abrin, after the destruction of the albumen as indicated by chemical reactions, has been observed by Hausmann', an observation which had previously been made upon ricin by Jacoby. Landsteiner and Calvo (18, VII. 1902, p. 786) found the precipi table substance in horse serum-globulin solutions to give somewhat less precipitum after tryptic digestion than before. They however succeeded in obtaining a pre- cipitating antiserum from rabbits treated with ox serum which had previously undergone tryptic digestion, after having been coagulated. According to Obermayer and Pick, this resistance to tryptic digestion contraindicates the active substance being of an albuminous nature. Rostoski (1902, b. p. 60) found precipitins to resist tryptic digestion, and he adds that Ringer (1902) has found the globulin molecule to also resist. We have referred to the opinions regarding the connection between the globulins and precipitins. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 34), on the other hand, state that blood serum is only digested with difficulty by trypsin, and that large quantities of it are required to exert an action, this action being exerted slowly. They find that a serum reacts to precipitins as long as it remains coagulable, but that it does not react when trypsin has been in contact for a sufficient length of time. Serum subjected sufficiently to the action of trypsin is incapable of causing the formation of precipitins in animals treated with such serum. The question evidently requires further investigation. Destruction through peptic digestion. Leblanc (31, V. 1901, p. 361) found precipitin, as also precipitable substances in sera, to be destroyed by peptic digestion, as Dziergowski (1899) had previously done in the case of diphtheria antitoxin. Obermayer and Pick (1902)'-' found the precipitin-generating power of a serum destroyed by peptic digestion, although large amounts of albumoses and peptones were present in the treated solution. This agrees with what is stated below with regard to the very doubtful properties of immunization possessed by peptones. According to Jacoby (loc. ait.) peptic digestion destroys the precipitable substance in egg-white, ricin, and in abrin. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 34) also found that immunizing properties ' Hofmeister's Beitrdrif, ii. p. 131, cited by Landsteiner and Calvo, p. 783. ' See also Oppenheimer and Michaelis (18, vii. 1902). 112 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions were lost in a serum subjected to peptic digestion, and the precipi table substance in a serum, which during the first stages of digestion reacts slightly, after a time gives no reaction to precipitins. They found a stage in the action of pepsin when the serum remained coagulable but not precipitable. Rostoski (1902, h. p. 60) found the precipitins to be destroyed by peptic digestion. Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 735) found that pepsin and normal HCl, taken separately, exerted no action, but when they acted in conjunction for 1 hour, all the precipitin or pre- cipitable substance in a serum had disappeared. The evidence there- fore with regard to the action of peptic digestion is unanimous. Regarding the supposed Precipitins for Peptones. Contrary to Tchistovitch (v. 1899), whose experiments will be referred to presently, Myers (14, vii. 1900) claimed to have produced precipitins for peptone. He treated rabbits with solutions of Witte's peptone and obtained what appeared to be an antiserum which pre- cipitated homologous peptone solutions. A curious statement of Myers is that the antiserum lost some of its precipitating power after being heated to 56° C, this being contrary to what has been observed by others regarding the resistance of precipitins to heat (see p. 114). He moreover stated that the heated serum could be markedly reactivated through the addition thereto of fresh normal rabbit serum, although the latter alone had no such effect. Other observers, however, are unanimous in finding that precipitins cannot be reactivated in this manner (see p. 94). Myers found that heating antisera for ox and .sheep globulin did not have the same efi"ect as upon the " antipeptone " serum. The only author who appears to have confirmed Myers' observa- tion is Schiitze (von Leyden's Festschrift, 1902, cited by this author in his paper of 6, XI. 1902, p. 804) who claims to have been able to distinguish different peptones, for instance, those obtained from the muscles of man and ox. By treating a rabbit with human peptone (from muscle) he states that he obtained an antiserum which gave a reaction with human peptone-containing urine, derived from a patient suffering from carcinoma of the peritoneum, no reaction being given with normal rabbit serum, nor with anti-ox peptone. The latter, however, gave a reaction with the stomach-washings of the same patient above referred to after a meal of beef As stated above, Tchistovitch was unable to obtain precipitins for peptone, after injecting 10 "/o solutions in doses of 5 c.c. repeatedly into Influence of Temperature 113 rabbits. Buchner and Geret (16, Vll. 1901) stimulated by the results of Myers, treated rabbits with peptone prepared according to KUhne. Although the peptone possessed a considerable toxicity, they succeeded in immunifying the rabbits, obtaining an "antiserum" which caused a precipitum in peptone solutions, the precipitum being composed of crystalline bodies or " globulites." On further investigation (8, Vill. 1901) they were surprised to find that these globulites consisted of barium sulphate, the barium being derived from the peptone they had used. When barium was excluded no reactions occurred. Briefly, they obtained no antibody for peptone. Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 736) repeated Myers' experiment, using Merck's egg-peptone, and " peptonum siccum Riedel," both barium-free. He also obtained no antibodies for these. On the other hand, I have noted elsewhere (under Phyto- precipitins. Section VI.) that Kowarski has claimed to obtain precipitins for plant albumose. Michaelis found but few of his rabbits to survive the toxic effects of the peptones he injected. He concludes that egg- peptone no longer possesses the side-chains which are present in the egg-white molecule, giving rise in the latter case to the formation of precipitins. The side-chains are destroyed through peptic digestion. Obermayer and Pick (1902) also repeated Myers' experiment, treating rabbits with Witte's peptone, finding that it produced little or no precipitin when injected. The effects of peptic digestion upon pre- cipitins and precipitable substances has been considered on p. 111. It would appear from the foregoing, that Myers and Schtitze are mistaken with regard to the nature of the "precipitins" they found. I might add here that Klein (17, vii. 1902) treated rabbits intraperitoneally with injections of starch, glycogen (from fowl and rabbit), grape-sugar, gum, and gelatin but did not observe the formation of precipitins. The Influence of Temperature upon the Reaction. The influence of temperature upon the precipitin reaction is well- marked. Myers (14, Vil. 1900) stated that it took place more rapidly at 37° than at room temperature. This was subsequently confirmed by Wassermann and Schutze (18, ii. 1901), Michaelis (9, x. 1902, p. 734), and Stockis (v. 1901), the latter stating that 40— 42°C. are most favourable. Biondi (1902, p. 16) found the temperature to exert a distinct influence. Linnossier and Lemoine (1902) found reactions to occur at temperatures ranging from to 58° C, the amount of pre- K. 8 114 The Nature of Precipitm Reactions cipitum not being materially altered, although deposits formed badly at 0°. Reactions appeared to occur most rapidly at 85°. Working with bacterioprecipitins Kraus (1897) kept his tubes at 37°, and Nicolle (1898, p. 162) and Radziewsky (1900, p. 434) found this the best temperature for the reaction. Kister and Wolff (18, xi. 1902) state however that there is no special difference in the reaction at room temperature and at 37° C, this being contrary to the experience of all other workers. Observations made in this laboratory by Mr Strangeways have finally disposed of the question. Blood dilutions and antisera were placed at 37°, at about 12°, and in the ice-chest at about 5°C. prior to being mixed. After having attained the temperature of their surroundings, the antisera were added to the blood solutions, and the time noted when reaction took place, and it was found that a low temperature markedly retarded the reaction, although it had no influence upon the amount of precipitum as measured by my volumetric method. The statement therefore of Kister and Wolff is wrong. It can doubtless be explained in a measure by the fact that in routine work with powerful antisera, the reaction begins almost immediately even at low temperatures. The effect of Heat upon Precipitating Antisera. The following table contains the results of experiments by different observers with regard to the effects of various temperatures upon antisera obtained from rabbits. The antisera were tested, after heating, upon their homologous bloods with which they had previously given reactions. Some authors state the time of exposure, others not. Linossier and Lemoine (21, ill. 1902) state that their anti-horse serum, which had acted on horse blood in the dilution 3 : 100 before heating, was exposed for 48 hours at a temperature of 60° C. At the end of that time a coagulum had formed, and on separating the clear fluid therefrom it was found to cloud a 10 : 100 horse blood dilution. Diluted five times in saline, the antiserum showed a still greater resistance to heat, for after 48 hours at 60° it showed no loss of strength. After four days at 60° it still precipitated a 10 : 100 solution. It will be seen that the Bacterioprecipitins are much more readily destroyed by heat than are the others, a fact which has been brought forward as a reason for considering them antibodies of another nature. Effect of Heat on Precipitins 115 Temperature centiurade to which it was exposed Kind of Antiserum Kemarks Authority Destroyed at Besisted Haematoserum 70° _„ Tohistovitch, 1899 If 70° 65° though weakened in power Bordet, 1899 91 — 60° no effect apparent Rostoski, 1902 (6) l> — 60° J hr., still effective Obermaver and Pick, 1902 »l 65° in 24 hrs. 60° 48 hrs., weakened Linossier and Le- moine, 1902 t> 72° — — Eisenberg, 1902 »» 68°, 2 hrs.* 52° no effect Miehaelis, 1902 Anti-e?g albumin — 60° 1 hr. , scarcely aff eated Uhlenhuth, 1900 Anti-urinet — 58° 2 hrs., still effective Leelainche and Valine, 1901 IiBotoserum — 56° " resisted " Moro, 1901 Bacterioserum 58° — Krans and v. Pir- quet, 1902 H 58—60° — destroyed in J to | hr. Pick, m. 1902 * " Almost quite destroyed." t Babbit treated with human albuminous urine. It will be seen from the above that all observers agree in finding that a temperature of 60° C. does not destroy the efficacy of haematosera. In the absence of detailed observations regarding the effects of tem- perature, Dr Graham-Smith (29, vii. '03, p. 354) carried out some experiments at my suggestion by means of my quantitative method, his results being as follows : " In order to determine quantitatively the effects of heating on the precipitum-forming property, specimens of antisera were heated iu small sealed capillar}' tubes attached to the side of a thermometer in a water-bath. Specimens of anti-ox serum were heated for 5 minutes each, and of anti-sheep serum for 1"5 minutes, at the temperatures given in the following table. Suljsequently "1 c.c. of each sample was added to "5 c.c. of a 1 : 21 dilution of its homologous blood, and the resulting precipitum measured quantitatively. After the process of heating, no visible change was noticed in the anti-ox serum till a temperature of 65° C. was reached, when the fluid became slightly opalescent. At 70" C. this opalescence was very marked, and at 75° C. the serun» became gray, opaque, aud solid. In the case of a-2 116 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions the anti-sheep serum slight opalescence was noticed at 66° C, which became more pronounced at 68° C. The following table shows that a marked reduction in the precipitum-forming power coincided with the visible change. When the slightly opalescent antiserum was added to a serum dilution a slight cloudiness appeared throughout the fluid. The more markedly opalescent serum differentiated itself as it settled to the bottom of the tube as a very definite cloud. After shaking the tube the fluid appeared cloudy throughout, but remained in this condition, no precipitum settling to the bottom. The precipitum settled most quickly in the unheated specimens, and the rate of formation of precipitum decreased as the temperature, to which the antiserum had been exposed, increased. Up to 60° C. no change in the precipitum-forming power was found in either the anti-ox or anti-sheep sera, and both gave no trace of precipitum when heated beyond 67° C. Between 60° 0. and 67° C. the quantity produced in each case was diminished. The figures given are the mean of two estimations in each case." Anti-ox (heated for 5 minutes) Anti-sheep (heated for 1-5 minutes) Temp. Precipitum Percentagt Remarks Precipitum Percentage Remarks 87° C. •0234 100 •0075 100 40 •0234 J, 4S •0234 »1 60 •0234 JJ SS •0234 tt •0075 100 ee •0075 67 •0075 08 •0075 69 •0075 60 •0284 100 •0075 61 •0056 74 62 •0056 ,, 68 64 •0065 •0037 83 49 66 •0187 79 Slight opalescence trace ? 66 tt ? Slight opalescence 67 •0108 42 It If tt tt 68 Marked „ 69 tt ti 70 • Marked opalescence tt It 76 4 Opaque, solid Effect of Heat on Precipitable Svhstance The effect of Heat upon the Precipitable Substance. 117 Temperature centigrade to which it was exposed Substance heated Remarlcs Authority Destroyed at Resisted Eel Berum 80° 58° but gave less reaction Tchistovitch, 1899 Fowl egg-white — 56° J hr., not appreciably affected Myers, 1900 Ox and Sheep serum globulin sols. — 1> )l *f »» Fowl serum — 70° 4hr. Bordet, 1899 Human albuminous — 58° 2 hrs. Leclainche and urine Valine, 1901 Milk 100°, i hr. — no reaction Schiitze ,, — 100° i hr., still reacted Miiller Egg-white dil. 78°, 1— li hr. — no reaction Eisenberg, 1902 Serum dil. 1 : 100 100°, 5 min. 55° 4 hr., no effect Nuttall, 1901 Sernm dil. 1 : 10 65°, 24 hrs. 60° 4 days, no effect Linossier and Le- moine, 190a Linossier and Lemoine (21, iii. 1902) state that a serum dilution containing so little albumin that it will not coagulate on boiling, has to be boiled several minutes to destroy its precipitable substance. The few observations noted in the preceding table made it appear that the precipitable substances in normal serum possess about the same resisting power as the precipitins. The results with milk are in flat contradiction, and probably due to error on the one or the other side (see under Lactosera). Whereas some observers exposed undiluted serum, others exposed diluted serum to the different temperatures, con- sequently the results cannot be compared. The following experiments were carried out at my suggestion by Dr Graham-Smith (29, vii. '03, p. 355). " The heating of specimens of undiluted ox serum (1 c.e. for 3 minutes), was carried out in the same manner as described for antisera. Subsequently 1 : 21 dilutions in salt solution were made, and tested with anti-ox serum. No visible change in the serum was noticed till a temperature of 56" C. was reached, when the serum became slightly opalescent. This opalescence increased between 63 — 67° C, and was still further marked at6S°C. All these specimens gave slightly cloudy solutions. At70°C. the serum became very opaque, and at 75° C. white and solid. 118 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions The quantity of precipitum formed remained constant up to 50° C, but from 55° C. to 62' C. a marked diminution was noticed. At 63' C. a further reduction occurred, and at higher temperatures the formation of precipitum ceased. All solutions gave a good foam-test The figures given below are the mean of two estimations in each case. Normal undiluted ox serum heated /or 3 minutes. Temp. Predpitum PercenUge nheated ■0262 100 40° C. •0262 >* 46 •0262 • t to •0263 n U •0225 85 » ■0225 ^^ n •0215 ^^ S8 •0215 82 M •0206 74 M •0187 71 61 •0187 W U •0187 II «3 •0122 46 M • « 6S tn 68 6» 70 75 Slight opalescence Increaaed opalescence Marked Opaqoe and solid These experiments, as far as they go, appear to indicate that an anti-serum can be exposed to a greater degree of heat than its corresponding serum without injury, and that the precipitum-producing property is completely destroyed in the latter at a lower temperature." The effects of filtration of Normal Sera through " Htone " filters. " It has been already indicated that the substance of " stone " filters when allowed to act on serum exerts some influence on the serum exposed to it. In order to further test this point ox serum was filtered through a new Berkefeld filter, and through a new clean (Jhamberland filter. After a certain quantity of serum had filtered through it was removed, and specimens from it diluted and tested. It was found that in the former case the precipitum-forniing power was at first diminished. Effects of Filtration, Putrefaction, etc. 119 but returned to the normal after 110 c.c. had been filtered. No change was noticed during the passage of a further 300 c.c. through the filter. In the latter case the precipitum-forming property diminished rapidly and fairly uniformly as the filter became choked." (Graham- Smith, 1903, p. 357.) Ox serum. Quantity altered in C.C. New BeAefeld alter New clean Cha Precipitum mberland alter Precipitum Percentage Peiventage Unfiltered •0281 100 •0281 100 10 •0187 66 90 •0210 74 SO •0229 82 •0272 97 40 •0225 80 60 •0229 83 •0272 97 60 •0229 83 70 •0216 76 80 •0286 80 90 •0844 86 100 •0245 87 110 •0226 80 136 ■0881 100 140 •0872 96 160 •0168 56 166 •0881 100 aoo •0881 100 •0158 S6 260 •0881 100 •0114 40 S60 •0114 40 400 ■0881 100 27)6 Precipitins and Precipitable Substances resist Putrefaction and Desiccation. I have already noted elsewhere that putrid antisera might retain unimpaired precipitating power for their homologous bloods. I have found this to be the case repeiitedly, having found a variety of microorg;\nisms, moulds'. Bacilli and Cocci, present in such sera, the latter at times emitting a very putrid odour. Similarly, putrid bloods have been found to react to their homologous antisera both by Uhlonhuth, NutUll (1901), and Biondi (1902), the latter incidentally mentioning that he obtained positive reactions with human blood ingested by fie^vs, bugs, and mosquitos. In my paper of 1, vii. 1901, I stated that human blood which had undergone putrefaction for two > Conlirmeii by Bioudi (1902, p. 17). 120 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions months still gave excellent reactions with its antiserum but not with other antisera, a fact independently observed by Uhlenhuth (25, vi. 1901). In the same paper I stated that I had preserved antiserum 42 days dried upon filter paper, a fact which has been also noted by Corin, and Stockis (V. 1901) as cited by Ziemke (17, x. 1901, p. 732). These authors have kept dried antisera (globulin) for two months and found it still active. Ziemke states that he kept dried antiserum for three months but found that it had then lost in power. Biondi (1902) has also preserved dried antisera for several months. The fact that dried bloods give reactions after the lapse of a considerable time, months or even years, has been fully established by Uhlenhuth, and confirmed by others. It is true nevertheless that the serum becomes insoluble after a time, the length of which appears to vary considerably. It is doubtless for this reason that old dried bloods not infrequently give very feeble reactions. Ziemke (1901) obtained negative results with blood stains 25 years old. Biondi (1902) obtained reactions with human blood stains which had been dried 10 — 15, but not with those dried 20, years; Modica (1901) on the other hand claims to have obtained a reaction with blood dried 25 years. Uhlenhuth (5, vi. and 25, vii. 1901) obtained reactions within 1 minute with bloods dried 6 to 12 years. I found (1901) that blood dried and kept at 37° C. in the dark for 42 days and blood hung for 6 months exposed to the air in the laboratory still gave reactions. Dried blood exposed for 30 minutes to a temperature of 100° C. remained unaffected. Ferrai (1901) and also Biondi (1902, p. 30) have found dried blood acted in the way that I have stated. They found however that reactions did not take place after it had been exposed to 130° C. for 1 hour, to 150° for 10 minutes, or to 160° for 5 — 10 minutes. Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 274) have also studied the influence of putrefaction on sera and antisera. "Following a suggestion of Dr Nuttall's, in order to determine the influence of specific bacteria on serum, 1 in 21 dilutions in salt solution of ox and horse serum were inoculated with a series of organisms. Undiluted human pleuritic exudate was similarly treated. All were incubated for 5 days at 37° C. and then left at room temperature for 36, 50, and 40 days respectively ; but the horse serum was allowed to undergo natural putrefaction also for the last 10 days. With the exception of the putrefactive bacteria none gave rise to very considerable growth, and in nearly all cases by the time of examination Putrid Antisera and Sera 121 the organisms had sunk to the bottom, leaving the supernatant fluid clear. When necessary the fluids were filtered through filter-paper. All were slightly alkaline or neutral in reaction. Human pleuritic exudate Oi aerum (1 : 21) Horse Berum {1 : 21) (1— '1) (contaminated) ... „ . , Control Control Anti- Control anti- Antl- normal human % antiox Anti-ox % human bone % rabbit cc. C.C. cc. Control. No organisms -0234 100 — -0173 100 — -0572 100 — Putrefactive ) j^^ J -0280 119-6 - -0140 80-9 - -0713 124-4 - organism No. II. -0280 119-6 — -0112 647 — -0525 91-7 No. III. 0280 119-6 — _ _ _ _ _ Streptococcus — — — -01 G3 94-2 ^ organism^ J No- IV. -0215 91-8 - -0163 94-2 - -0666 116-4 B. anthracis -0-206 87-8 — -0150 86-7 — -0591 103-3 Hofmaim's bacillus -0187 87-8 — _ _ _ _ _ B. subtilis -0187 80-0 — _ _ _ _ _ B. typhosus -0187 80 — -0140 80 9 — -0657 114-8 B. diphtheriae -0187 80 — — — — -0670 117-1 ^organism' 1 N°- '^- '^^^'^ ^ - '^^^ *8-7 - -0582 101-1 Staphylococcus albus -0187 80 — -0169 97-6 — -0754 111-5 B. coli _ _ _ -0131 75-7 — — — V. of cholera _ _ _ -0112 64-7 — -0670 117'1 In considering the above table in detail it is seen that the effects of various organisms on ox and human serum agree fairly closely with a few exceptions. The most striking are the putrefactive organisms I, II, and V. These differences may be due to the fact that growth in nearly all cases was less marked in the undiluted human, than in the diluted ox serum, the latter moreover was a year old and had been preserved in sealed tubes after filtration through porcelain. The effects on horse serum of the action of specific organisms combined with general putrefaction for 10 days agree with those of putrefactive organisms I, II, and III, on ox serum, in that the capacity for forming precipitum is increased. It appears then from the few quantitative experiments we have made that the results of bacterial growth on sera differ, some reducing the quantity of precipitum produced and others i-aising it, neither action being however very marked. Such slight changes as do occur do not alter the specific character of the reaction. Experiments were also made on human and other sera which had undergone natural putrefaction. Most of the materials had been 122 The Nature of Preclpitm Reactions kept for some time and consequently show the combined results of age and putrefaction. Material Fresh human serum (2 days) Old Putrid Putrid Putrid „ Putrid placental (9 months) (5 months) (8 months) (9 months) (9 months) Anti-human No. I. ■0291 C.C. •0272 „ •0262 „ •0150 „ ■0131 ,, •0150 „ Anti-human No. II. •0197 e.c. •0187 „ ■0169 „ ■0140 „ ■0150 „ ■0112 ,, Anti-ox 7. Ox serum (1 year old) mean of 8 exps. ■0233 c.c. 8. Ox serum, putrid ( „ „ ) mean of 3 ,, ■0233 ,, Per- centage 100 93^8 88 ■! 59^4 57-4 o3^7 100 100 Normal Anti-ox rabbit Anti-human The above table shows that in some cases advanced natural putrefaction seems to exert little influence, for although the precipitum is decreased considerably in Nos. 4, 5, and 6, yet this is not the case in Nos. 3 and 8. All the specimens had been putrefying for the time given in each case. Though time may have influenced Nos. 4, 5, and 6, it is more probable that organisms whose growth deleteriously affected the serum were present. Finally, from the few experiments we have done we are of the opinion that putrefaction to almost any extent does not affect the specific precipitum-formiug body. Since blood dried in small quantities does not undergo putrefaction to any appreciable extent this factor may be neglected in ordinary medico-legal work. Experiments quoted on p. 124 with contaminated anti-human and anti- fowl's albumin sera likewise demonstrated that putrefaction in sealed tubes does not affect the antibody in them, as has also been found by Nuttall. An experiment conducted on the same blood dilution with a normal and a contaminated sample of the same antiserum gave as a mean of four estimations in each case '0433 c.c. and '0436 c.c. of precipitum respectively. Moreover putrid (filtered) sera when injected produce, as several of us have found, powerful and specific antisera, and Strangeways has shown that the power of antisera made with similar doses of fresh and putrid filtered sera is nearly identical." Stability of Antisera and Sera 123 The Stability of Haematosera and Sera sealed in vitro. In my paper of 21, xi. 1901, I stated that some of my antisera had given good reactions after being sealed in a pure state for seven months in vitro. Wassermann and Schiitze (18, II. 1901) had only kept antisera on ice up to two weeks. They state that fresh antisera give greater reactions. I have some antisera which are eflfective after 14 months of storage. I have preferred to keep them on ice, being under the impression that they remain potent longer at low temperatures. In the majority of cases antisera deteriorate markedly after 3 — 4 months. My observations in this respect have been confirmed by Uhlenhuth (25, IV. 1901), Rostoski (1902, b, p. 17)', and Linossier and Lemoine (21, III. 1902) who have kept antisera for three months. Uhlenhuth how- ever added 0'5 % carbolic acid to them, which I consider disadvantageous, for the reason that carbolized antisera tend to cloud blood solutions to which they are added, irrespective of their being homologous. Strube (12, VI. 1902) preserved antisera, both pure and with 0"2 7o carbolic acid for three months. Moro (31, x. 1901) found sealed antisera to give reactions after several months, a fact also observed by Biondi (1902, p. 17). Robin (20, xii. 1902) found antiserum preserved four weeks to give a reaction in two hours whereas it gave a reaction in 30 minutes at first ^. The precipitable substance appears to be even more stable. In my paper of v. 1901 1 stated that I had successfully immunified rabbits with old antidiphtherial horse serum preserved two years and seven months in the laboratory at room temperature. This serum was exposed through- out that time to diffuse light and room temperature, preservation being secured through trikresol. The serum has given reactions with anti- horse serum after more than four years. Similarly I immunified rabbits with human pleuritic exudate preserved for six months with chloroform at room temperature, and this has also given reactions after being preserved for over two years. Further observations with regai-d to the durability of sealed fluid sera in this respect have since been made in this laboratory by Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 273) who report as follows : " A few quantitative experiments quoted below made on fluid sera, preserved by sealing in glass bulbs, indicate that such sera lose their ' Preserved with chloroform. 2 Eobin's antiseram was evidently weak at the start. 124 The Nature of Precipitin Reactions strength to some extent, though differences exist in the rate at which this occurs. Anti-hnman No. I. Anti-human No. II. Per- centage Normal Anti-ojt rabbit Human sertim (1 week) •0291 C.C. •0197 C.C. ioo»/<, — „ „ (9 months) ■0272 „ Anti-ox •0187 „ 93 „ Ox serum (mean of 8 exps., p. 264) •0233 C.C. 100% — sealed 1 year „ „ (mean of 3 exps.) sealed •0239 „ 102,, — 2 years Anti-Jowrs egg. No. I. Anti-fowl's egg, No. 11. Fowl's egg albumin (2 days) •0254 C.C. •0162 C.C. lOOo/o — „ ,, (9 months) ... •0160 „ •0112 „ 67,. — (U „ ) ... •0225 „ •0144 „ 88,. — Antidiphtherial horse serum four years and six months old preserved with trikresol was found to produce a good but somewhat flocculent specific precipitum amounting to '0572 c.c. In the above experiments anti-human serum No. I. was only a few days old, whereas No. II. was three and a half months old, and was moreover contaminated by bacterial growths. The first anti-fowl's egg serum was quite fresh and the second three months old. All sera of the same kind do not give with the same antiserum identical precipita, nor even the sera of the same individual at different times in some cases, consequently an accurate determination of the influence of age is not possible. Our experiments however seem to point to a slight decrease in strength ;is the result of age, the human serum and fowl's albumin experiments showing a decrease of precipitum of 7% and 12''/o after 9 and 14 months respectively. The fowl's albumin kept for 9 months shows a decrease of 33 "/o^ It is, however, by no means easy to get accurate dilutions of egg albumin, and the relative weakness of the specimen may be due to this cause. The two experiments just quoted also indicate that antisera lose some of their power, but not to the extent that some observers have stated. Some undoubtedly preserve their power of producing specific reactions after the lapse of 12 months. Others lose this property more rapidly, whilst some, as Nuttall has also found, become untrustworthy after a time, giving cloudings with all sera. In considering the general results of these tables it appears that in the case of dried bloods time per se does not destroy their capacity Stability of Antisera and Sera 125 for reacting with their own antisera. Judging from the control experiments with recently dried bloods we should think that the period between the addition of the antiserum and the formation of the cloud was increased, and the magnitude of the cloud diminished. Fluid sera appear to deteriorate at any rate in some cases by keeping. It has been occasionally observed, however, in qualitative tests that old sera appear to react better than fresh ones." SECTION III. OBSERVATIONS UPON THE PRECIPITIN AND PRECIPITABLE SUBSTANCE IN CORPORE. We have seen that precipitins appear in the serum of suitable animals after a longer or shorter treatment with non-homologous albuminous substances, serum, milk, bacterial filtrates etc., administered by intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, or intravenous injections or by excessive feeding. The increase in the amount of precipitin is gradual, as is the case with other immune substances, a fact that can be readily deter- mined by occasionally bleeding the animal and testing its serum upon the blood with which it has been treated. Obermayer and Pick (1902) noted occasional differences in this respect in animals treated with different blood components, some of which produced no effect at first but great effects in the later stages of treatment, whereas in other cases the increase was gradual. In accordance with what has been observed with regard to the antitoxin of diphtheria in the horse and the goat, by Salomonsen and Madsen (iv. 1897) (see p. 9) and others, the amount of precipitin present in the serum of the animal during immunization falls after each injection of the precipitin-producing substance, the fall being succeeded in due course by a rise. Curves made by roughly estimating at frequent intervals the amount of precipitin present show that during successful treatment precipitin is gradually formed within the animal's body. No measurements of the amount of precipitin during the growth of immunization have as yet been made, which would correspond to those made upon antitoxin, but it is safe to say that a corresponding undulation would be observed. Numerous observers, besides myself have noted that it is best to wait for a minimum of five days, usually a week or more, before bleeding an animal, after the last injection it receives. The object of this is to obtain the maximum amount of precipitin, by allowing a sufficient Behaviour of Precipitins in the Body 127 time for an increase of precipitin after the fall which succeeded the last injection. The maximum of the precipitin content usually appears to be reached about eight days after the final injection. Following upon a period which may last two weeks or longer, the precipitin content gradually begins to fall, in animals which have ceased to receive treatment. Thus Stnibe (12, vi. 1902), who studied eight animals in this respect, found that they furnished for about a month sufficient precipitin to produce a reaction in a blood dilution of 1 : 1000, but that after eight weeks the precipitin had disappeared, and that then it was possible to again treat the animals with the same blood, and again obtain precipitin. Rostoski (1902, b, p. 39) found scarcely a trace of precipitin in the sera of animals 13 weeks after the last injection. The precipitins do not therefore appear to persist as long in the body as do, for instance, the agglutinins. In animals subjected to long-continued treatment, the precipitins may be seen to gradually disappear, as was noted by Tchistovitch (v. 1899). I have not found a similar observation recorded in publica- tions by other writers, although I was able to confirm it a year ago (Nuttall, 16, XII. 1901, p. 407) in some rabbits which I treated with human serum, in the false hope of increasing the strength of the antiserum they possessed. As I wrote at the time, " There is therefore a point in the treatment of animals, for purposes of obtaining an antiserum, when a maximum of power is reached, and the animal should be bled." That the precipitins are present in other body-fluids besides the serum is indicated by an observation of Eisenberg's (v. 1902, p. 308) who twice found precipitins in the humor aqueus of rabbits treated with fowl-egg injections. As far back as 1888 I noted the existence of normal bacteriolytic substances in the aqueous humour, and I might add that other antibodies, e.g. typhoid agglutinins, have also been found in this situation by Levy and Giesler. Eisenberg, and Moro, (31, X. 1901 in milk-treated rabbits), were unable to find any precipitins in the urine of their immune animals. It would however be a matter of interest to see if they appear in the urine of rabbits suffering fi'om albuminuria following upon injection wth foreign albumins, even though there may be but a moderate amount of precipitin in their blood. I propose to investigate this. The precipitins are transmitted to the offspring in utero, as was first shown by Mertens (14, III. 1901) who examined the serum of one out of three newborn rabbits for precipitins, the mother having been treated 128 Function and Regeneration of Pt'ecijntins during pregnancy. This observation was subsequently confirmed by Moro (31, X. 1901) with lactosera, and Biondi (1902, p. 15) with haematosera. The function of the precipitins in corpore is not as yet cleared up. Presumably they serve to protect the body against the injurious effects of corresponding foreign albumins, and more probably, as is suggested by Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 363) to neutralize the specifically foreign character of the albumin introduced, thereby making it forthwith assimilable. This may explain the physiological signifi- cance of the phenomenon, and I might add, is in substantial agreement with Ehrlich's theory as to the function of antibodies in general. The regeneration of precipitins in the body after large bleedings would appear improbable from the investigations of Rostoski. It will be remembered that a regeneration of diphtheria antitoxin has been observed in animals subjected to large and repeated bleedings (see p. 10). Rostoski (1902, b. p. 35), in a similar manner, subjected his rabbits to one large bleeding (drawing 55 to 64 c.c. from animals weighing 2000 to 2300 g.), and tested their serum for precipitins nine days or so later. He observed a marked decrease in the precipitins and con- cludes that they are not regenerated. It appears to me that these experiments should be repeated with the aid of my quantitative method. Rostoski notes, however, that the relatively rapid disappearance of precipitins from the bloods, after treatment has ceased, indicates that precipitin production soon ceases, owing possibly to the elimination of the foreign substance which has stimulated their production. He nevertheless considers it possible that the anaemia following large bleedings may also affect the activity of the sources of precipitin formation. The systemic reaction of treated animals is slight, if we except the slight loss of weight which follows the first injections in properly treated animals, by which I understand animals treated with graded doses which do not injure or destroy them by intoxication. It is easy to observe that a leucocytosis follows the injection of foreign substance, which is usually most marked in immune animals (note immunity to bacteria). As stated by Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 356), rabbits treated by intraperitoneal injection of serum (they used ox serum) develope a leucocytosis due to multi-nuclear granular, and mono-nuclear non-granular leucocytes. On examining the peritoneum of animals receiving an injection of serum for the first time, nothing abnormal is observed after absorption has taken place. On the other Coexistence tvith Precipitable Substances 129 hand, Michaelis and Ojjpenhcimer note that immunified animals present a different appearance if examined two to three days after an injection. Here solid masses of albumin arc found, either free or attached to the peritoneal surface, the masses, when viewed in section, showing an outer zone, due to leucocytic infiltration (chiefly microphages, with macrophages at periphery). The parietal and intestinal peritoneum is covered by small tubercle-like nodules made up of nests of leucocytes'. Intravenous injections, they found, produced a leucocytosis, due almost exclusively to mono-nuclear elements, the leucocytosis being more marked in immunified animals. Considerable interest attaches to the observation that a precipitin and precipitable substance may coexist in the serum of immunified animals. It was purely by accident that Mr Hopkins (Reader in Physiological Chemistry, Cambridge) and I had occasion to observe this in 1901, in connection with rabbits which had been treated with crystallized horse albumin, and I herewith append the protocol of the experiment. Three rabbits bled 29, vil. 1901. Treatment : Intraperitoneal injection of crystallized horso albumin. First in- jection 22, VI., last 20, vii. 1901, all lilcd nine days after last injection. Total amount injected 50, 50 and 53 c.c. of solution (strength undetermined) respectively, in graded doses of 5 c.c, rising to 10 c.c. for last three injections, the day intervals between injections being 5, 4, 5, 5, 9. The weights of the rabbits were (in g.) : At let injection At last injection Wlien kUled I. 1G90 1730 1580 II. 1940 1980 1600 III. 1910 1780 1520 Rabbit I. bled from the ear vein four days after injection 5, showed presence of precipitin for the solution with which treatment had been administered. It is noticeable that the weights of all the animals had fallen very considerably during the days preceding death, this being somewhat unusual and the reason not clear. The animals were bled to death and their sera collected in the usual way. When we came to test their precipitating power, we found Sera I. and III. to give a large precipita- tion, whereas Serum II. gave no reaction at all. Before this fact was discovered, in order that a test en gros might be made. Serum II. 1 The authors found that injection of albumoses, cither subcutaneonsly or iutraperi- toneally, only produced sterile abscesses at the point of inoculation, or strong peritoneal adhesions. See further on the effects of blood injections in Metchnikoff, VImmuniU, Paris, 1901. 9 130 Behaviour of Precipitins in the Body and one of the others were poured together, when to our astonishment a massive precipitation occurred. Fortunately small separate samples of these sera had been preserved which enabled us to make further tests to see if we could find a reason for this remarkable behaviour of the antisera. On mixing the samples we found that Sera I. and III. gave no reaction, „ II. and I. gave marked reaction, „ II. and III. gave powerful reaction. Consequently it was due to some peculiarity in Serum II., and it seemed to us that the only reasonable explanation to be found was that some of the precipitable substance, viz. crystallized horse albumin, was actually present in the rabbits' serum. The matter was not pursued farther at the time, but subsequently I directed the attention of Mr Strangeways in our Laboratory to this observation, and asked him to mix various antisera for human blood which he had made, especially those taken from rabbits which, through prolonged treatment, had shown a decrease in the amount of precipitin. On adding a certain anti-human serum to another, he also obtained a precipi- tation, and this was interpreted in the same manner as before. In the latter case, the antiserum which contained precipitin likewise contained precipitable substance. It appears somewhat remarkable that precipitation does not occur in such antisera on standing in sealed tubes ; perhaps the explanation of the reaction which takes place with a similar antiserum from another animal of the same species will be found to depend upon an individual difference in the constitution of the precipitin. It is however premature to draw further conclusions. The matter certainly deserves further enquiry. Owing to stress of other work, it has been impo.ssible for me hitherto to pursue the question, but I hope to do so shortly. I have not published this observation before for the reason that I hoped to have had more data before doing so. The reason that I do so now is that similar observa- tions have been made by others, as follows. Obermayer and Pick (1902) find that when egg-white is injected intraperitoneally into a rabbit which has precipitins for this substance in its serum, both precipitin and egg-white may be present in its blood, and, although this is the case, no precipitation occurs. Ascoli (26, VIII. 1902) also found that precipitin and precipitable substance may coexist in the serum of immunified animals. He thinks the condition is similar to that which some claim to have observed in vitro. Coexistence with Precipitable Substances 131 namely the coexistence of the interacting bodies in the supernatant fluid after a precipitum hiis formed. Hamburger (6, XI. 1902, p. 1190) has also found this to be the case; the egg albumin may, however, be found ;is readily in rabbits which have received their first injection as in those which are immune. The egg albumin appeared in their sera two hours after injection, and disappeared after four days in both immune and non-immune rabbits, there being at no time any apparent difference in the quantity of egg albumin present in these animals. Hamburger (p. 1191) considers that this observation makes it all the more difficult to explain the disappearance of the albuminuria in immune animals, although this may possibly be due to immunity having been acquired by the kidney cells. The probabilities are that the reaction between the precipitin and precipitable substance constitutes but one of several reactions which are taking place in the body, as to the nature of which we are ignorant. As Rostoski, and Michaelis, and Opponheimer (1902, p. 363) state, all we know is that precipitation does not appear to occur in corpore. By analogy with what takes place in vitro upon the mixture of precipitin and jj^ccipitable substance, precipitation should take place in the body of an animal whose serum contains precipitin when precipitable substance enters its circulation. If such a reaction took place with anything like the rapidity with which it does in vitro, it is needless to say that it would be fatal to the animal, leading to the formation of thrombi, etc. The remarkable thing is that the animal remains well. Rostoski (1902, b, p. 40) thinks that the absence of precipitation in corpore may be due to three causes, (a) the strongly alkaline reaction of its blood, (6) the large amount of albumin contained in its serum (about 7 "/o), (c) and possibly to the presence of antipre- cipitins. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 363) draw attention to the possible significance of the enormous leucocijtosis observable in immune animals upon the injection of fresh precipitable substance, and they consider that the leucocytes may possibly take up the precipitum the moment it is formed. This would be scarcely demonstrable. They do not think the leucocytes would take up the foreign albumin as such, but they might take it up after it has been acted upon by the precipitin which circulates in the plasma. Hamburger (6, xi. 1902, p. 1191) believes that a combination is effected in corpore, for the reason that the amount of precipitin decreases after fresh egg-white injections. In support of the statement 9—3 132 Seat of Origin of Precipitins I have made (p. 126) he found that a rabbit whose serum gave a dense precipitum with a 1 : 500 dihition of egg-white before a fresh injection of egg-white, only gave a faint clouding with a 1 : 200 dilution 24 hours after another injection of egg-white. No deposit takes place in such a serum when it is removed from the body. The solubility of a precipitum in an excess of precipitable serum has been noted on p. 89. The seat of oi-igin of the precipitins is unknown. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 356) followed up the clue which seemed to be presented by the leucocytosis, (if one adopts the view of Metchni- koff and his followers,) basing an analogy upon the origin they claim for the cytolitic complements in the breaking up of leucocytes. Michaelis, however, found precipitins circulating freely in the plasma, a fact which does not lend support to the view that precipitins originate from leucocytes. Biondi (1902, p. 15) sought to determine in which organs of humanized rabbits the precipitins were formed. Having bled the animals to death, he washed out the vessels with salt solution, cut up various organs (liver, spleen, kidney, lung, brain, lymph glands, bone-marrow, thyroid gland) and extracted these in saline. All the organ-extracts contained precipitin, which he attributes to the possibility of blood having been retained in the washed organs ; nevertheless the retroperi- toneal lymph glands appeared to contain more precipitin than did the other organs. Referring to the experiment in which Uhlenhuth succeeded in obtaining precipitins for egg-white in the serum of a rabbit to which egg-white had been administered per os, (an experiment which has been confirmed for precipitins which act on blood, sec p. 53,) Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 734) notes that Uhlenhuth's antiserum only became rich in precipitin after the rabbit had received many eggs. This points to the probability of the precipitin being formed in consequence of the excess of egg-white introduced, leading to quantities of it escaping digestion. In other words, he thinks it is the non-assimilated egg-white which stimulates the formation of precipitin. He pertinently adds that if this were not the case, the serum of human beings, for instance, those using milk as a part of their ordinary diet, would contain pre- cipitins for milk, whereas as a matter of fact he has not found this to be the case. I might add here that Hamburger (6, XI. 1902, p. 1190) observed the rapid appearance of egg-white in the serum of a dog fed therewith. Albuminuria in Rabbits 133 althougli no precipitins were formed in this animal. M. Ascoli (1903) has in a similar manner been able to demonstrate the presence of egg-white, and of substances derived from roast fowl in the lymph of dogs fed therewith. He was unable to note a parallelism between the amount of precipitable substance contained in the dog's lymph and blood serum. The serum of human subjects fed on roast beef also contained substances which were precipitated by an homologous anti- serum for ox meat. Where precipitins were contained in the serum of an animal thus fed, the amount of precipitin therein underwent considerable oscillations when a corresponding food was given. The experiments will be reported upon in extenso in a future paper. The presence of albuminuria in rabbits treated with foreign albumin is noted by Hamburger (G, xi. 1902). This is however an old observa- tion, which has been made not only on animals but also on man, by physiologists and others, in connection with the so-called physiological albuminuria as the result of food rich in albumin. Hamburger, however, has made very important observations with respect to the albuminuria which is observed in the course of immunization with egg-white. He found that the albuminuria disappeared during the process of successful immunization. Moreover the earlier the albuminuria disappeared, Hie sooner did the animal form a powerful antiserum. In a rabbit in which the albuminuria disappeared after the third injection of egg-white, an antiserum was obtained which reacted with egg-white dilution of 1 : 200,000, whereas in the case of another rabbit in which the albuminuria only disappeared after the sixth injection, the antiserum only reacted with an egg-white dilution of 1 : 40,000. The practical bearing of this observation is clear for those engaged in the preparation of precipitating antisera, and without doubt Ham- burger's discovery is of general interest, not only from its physiological aspect, but also from the standpoint of immunity. The degree of albuminuria may very well serve as a guide as to the grading of dosage during such immunizations. And I do not doubt but that the method would prove the need of grading the dosage much more carefully than some observers have done. Some indeed have made no attempt at gradation, but have injected 10 c.c. for example of a foreign serum, I might say blindly, every time, during the whole course of treatment. That the albuminuria in rabbits is not simply due to an escape of egg-white, was proved by Hamburger through the use of two antisera, anti-rabbit and anti-egg sera. These antisera gave reactions with both albumins, when the coarser tests of boiling and nitric acid ceased 134 Precipitins injected into Rabbits to act. Finally the traces of albumin demonstrated by means of antisera disappeared, nevertheless egg-white persisted in the serum of the immune rabbit. The behaviour of precipitins injected into normal animals has been the subject of investigation by Obermayer and Pick (1902). They injected anti-egg serum intraperitoneally into rabbits, and noted its appearance after 15 minutes in the rabbits' circulation, the quantity undergoing a rapid increase, a fact which could be observed by removing samples of blood from the animals' ear veins at stated intervals. Control experiments with subcutaneous injections showed that the precipitins appeared much more slowly in the blood when this mode of administra- tion was employed. The authore conclude that the rapid diffusibility of these substances argues against their being of an albuminoiis nature. SECTION IV. ON THE SPECIFICITY OF PRECIPITINS. That no special attention had been paid to the reactions which may take place in non-homologous bloods upon the addition of powerful antisera, prior to my publications, would seem clear from a comment upon one of my papers by Rostoski (1902, b, p. 18), who \vrites: "Die Angaben von Nuttall, dass das Serum eines mit Menschenblut be- handelten Kaninchcns auch cine schwache Trlibung in Blutlosungen des Pferdes, des Ochsen und des Schafes hervorrufe, wiedersjiricht alien andern Beobachtungen direkt" ! We shall see, however, that my observations have since been confirmed by several investigators. Ehrlich (22, in. 1900) appears to have been the first to attribute "a rigidly sjjecific" character to the precipitins, basing his statement upon the investigations of Bordet and Myers, and speaking of the pi'ecipitins as " specific coagulines — which act only in a specific manner, i.e. precipitate only the albuminous body injected." It was natural that he was led to this conclusion in view of the results of the investi- gations he cited, which, however, were based on but a very limited number of tests upon non-homologous material. Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 733) refers to Wassermann (1900, p. 501), saying he "fiihrte zuerst grundlegend aus, dass die Reaktionen strong speeifisch fur die injicirte Eiweissart sind," although on the next page (p. 734) he contradicts this by saying that the specificity of the reaction is not " absolutely strict." Wassermann and Schlitzc (2, VII. 1900), it will be remembered, stated that ox-lactosenim, for instance, did not act on goat milk and vice versd, whereas other observers since, notably Moro (31, x. 1901, see further under Lactosera, p. 157), have found the contrary to be the case, doubt- less because they used stronger antisera, or made their observations at a later i)eriod, after milk and antiserum had been brought in contact. Uhlenhuth (7, II. 1901) was apparently the firet to consider that it 136 On the Specificity of Precipitins might be worth while to study the reaction given by the bloods of related species, mentioning that he intended to see if there were any similarity of reaction between the bloods of horse and donkey, man and monkey. In his paper of 25, iv. 1901, he first demonstrated reactions amongst a variety of species of egg-albumins which were brought about by an antiserum for the egg-albumin of one species (see further under Anti-egg Sera, Section VI), a fact already indiciited earlier by Myers (14, vii. 1900), who found that the antiserum for fowl egg-white acted upon both fowl, and to a lesser degree upon duck egg-white, and that antisera for ox acted on sheep globulin solutions and vice versd. I was able (11, v. 1901) to confirm this with corresponding antisera for ox and sheep blood, showing that slighter reactions were produced by anti-ox serum on sheep blood dilutions and vice versa. On the other hand Wassermann and Schiitze (18, II. 1901) stated that the action of anti-human serum was "strong specifisch," except with the blood of a monkey, a fact independently established by Stern (see tests with anti-human serum. Section VI). Uhlenhuth (25, VI. 1901) found anti-sheep serum to precipitate sheep, goat and ox blood, anti-horse to pre- cipitate horse and donkej' blood, anti-human to precipitate human and monkey blood. In my paper of 1, vii. 1901, in view of the results then obtained, I stated that the " precipitins are specific, although they may produce a slight reaction with the sera of allied animals." //( view of the very limited number of bloods examined by vwst authors, it seemed to me altogether premature, as some had done, to make any broad generalizations. For this reason, I began early in 1901 to collect as many bloods as I could from all classes of animals. It was as important to do this from the medico-legal as from the zoological standpoint, and in presenting the results given in this book I am safe in saying that they constitute the first scientific demonstration, on general lines, of the specificity or relative specificity of precipitins. Although I have been unable to consult the original paper by Schirokich (21, VII. 1901), it would appear that he also noted the action of antisera on certain non-homologous bloods. He put a time limit upOn the reaction for the reason that he observed an opalescence, as he terms it, after 4 — 5 houi-s, when he added anti-human serum to dilutions of ox, goat, hog, horse, camel, cat, guinea-pig and rabbit sera, a precipitum being formed after 24 hours. I do not know with what dilutions he worked, but should think that they were concentrated, for it does not seem impossible to me that some of the deposits may have been due to matter suspended in the antiserum itself, which in the Blood Relationship 137 interval of time had been able to settle. I have observed such deposits when antisera were not clear, although not of the opalescent kind (see p. 72). That oven rabbit blood gave a precipitum indicates possible errors in his technique. Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) agrees with me in finding that the zoological relationships between animals are best demonstrated by means of powerful antisera. He judged from reactions with such antisera, that the ox is not so closely allied to the sheep, as the sheep is to the goat. He found that weak anti-sheep serum produced no reaction in ox blood. In my paper of 21, xi. 1901, 1 wrote "The more powerful the antiserum obtained the greater is its sphere of action upon the bloods of related species. For instance, a weak anti-human serum' produced no reaction with the blood of the Hapalidae, whereas a powerful anti- serum did produce a reaction, and proved what I may be permitted to call the ' blood relationship ' in the absence of a better expression." This generalization was based upon data, previously published, with regard to the general action apparently possessed by anti-ungulate sera upon certain ungulate bloods (see anti-ox and anti-sheep blood tests, etc.), as well as on the bloods of Canidae and Primates. I also noted that reactions took place "to a lesser extent, in the bloods of allied animals, than in the homologous bloodl" This was of paramount importance, the statement being based upon the examination, not of one or two bloods, but of over 200. In a subsequent paper (16, XII. 1901, p. 408) speaking of the reactions amongst the Primates, I wrote "If we accept the degree of blood reaction as an index of the degree of blood-relationship within the Anthropoidea, then we find that the Old World apes are more closely allied to man than are the New World apes, and this is exactly in accordance with the opinion expressed by Darwin." I cite these earlier papers for the reason that I wish to make it clear that my results have materially contributed to a modification of the views held with regard to the specificity of these reactions. I have already shown that a reaction may take place with even the distantly related blood of the horse, very slight it is true, upon the addition of anti-human serum. This was confirmed by Griinbaum (18, 1. 1902, p. 143) working with another anti-primate serum, that for the ' Wlien a powerful antiserum is diluted, corresponding results may be obtained. See pp. 71 and 142. " Exceptions, notably in the case of ungulate blood (q. v.) have since been noted by me and are recorded in this book. They may howcTer be due to the effects of disease on the animals yielding the blood tested. 138 On the Specificity of Precijntins chimpanzee, which he states " gave a slight but distinct tm-bidity after a few hours with horse blood." In a paper which I published almost simultaneously (20, i. 1902) I stated that when testing bloods it is necessary " to put a time limit upon them. This may appear to be a rather ai-bitrary proceeding. My time limit has usually been 5 minutes at average temperatures in the laboratory. A powerful antiserum will certainly have acted within that time upon its homologous blood- dilution ; with powerful fresh antisera the reaction takes place almost instantaneously. On the other hand, if u>e allow mixtures of antisera and bloods to stand, a reaction takes place with non-homolof/ous bloods. The results I have hitherto obtained tend however to prove that anti- mammalian sera only produce these later reactions in mammalian bloods, anti-avian sera similarly in avian sera alone." Furthermore Linossier and Lemoine (8, ill. 1902) state that in view of the unanimity amongst authors regarding the strictly specific character of these reactions, they were surprised to find antisera not so specific as had been supposed. They found that a precijntin may act on a number of different bloods, although the degree of reaction vanes. As a rule, they state that the precipitum obtained is least voluminous in bloods of distantly related animals to the one whose blood has been used for the production of the antiserum. Their method of testing with concentrated sera is different from mine and is subject to criticism, as will be seen by reference to pages 74 and 89. And this will account for their obtaining a reaction even with fowl serum, as stated below. They added anti-human, anti-hoi-se, and anti-ox serum in the proportion of 10 volumes to 1 of the different sera tested, viz. those of man, dog, ox, sheep, horse, pig, guinea-pig, fowl, and obtained a precipitum in all of these bloods. With the exception of the fowl's blood in which the reaction was minimal, and the guinea-pig's in which it was feeble, all gave well-marked reactions. None of the antisera acted on rabbit serum. They noted what appeared to be a faint clouding in the serum of the eel. Judging from these results, which are anomalous in some respects, it would appear desirable to make a series of tests with a largo number of sera under the same conditions. I have not as yet had an opportunity of doing so. Halban and Landsteiner (25, iii. 1902, p. 475) state in a footnote, that their haematosera (presumably anti-human) also acted to a very slight degree on substances (serum and milk probably meant) of other not closely related animals. Anti-human serum produced "spurweise Pracipitation," that is, traces of precipitation, with horse, but not with Blood Relationship 139 ox serum. Here again my observation was confirmed. Referring to the specificity of the reaction, Lino.ssier and Lemoine {loc. cit ) remark "lik oh. on a era voir une action sp^cifique, un examen attentif ne permit de voir qu'ime action particulierement intense," which sums up the question in few words. Passing over my paper of 5, IV. 1902 (see below) in which I described my method for measuring the degrees of reaction, by volumetric estimations of the prccipitum formed, I shall mention some more papers referring to the subject of these generalized reactions. Strube (12, VI. 1902) confirms my observation that the stronger an antiserum is the more powerfully does it act upon non-homologous bloods. He thinks that the quantitative differences of reaction may be explained by assuming that different species of blood do not possess an identical constitution (which is a self-evident proposition) but a closely related constitution, witli the result that the antiserum for one reacts but to a limited extent upon the other, as in the case of the agglutinins. Second!}', let us assume that the serum is composed of different albumins (and there appears to be evidence of this) which we shall style a, b, and c. Substance a is present in other animals, but h and c are not. With the homologous antiseram a, b, and c are precipitated, whereas in the non-homologous bloods only a is precipitated;. He offers this in explanation of my "mammalian reaction," and we have no other at present. Strube, I might add, makes no mention of a time limit, saying only that " several hours " may be necessary for reaction to take place. Test sera which take several hours to act would however be scarcely desirable in practice. Whereas Strube found anti-human serum to produce an equal, though slight, reaction in the bloods of the ox, sheep and pig, Kister and Wolff (18, xi. 1902) claimed to have noted that human blood is more strongly acted upon by anti-horee and anti-ox than by anti-sheep or anti-pig sera, this observation being evidently due to some experimental erroi-. They also note that differences are not well observed in concentrated solutions, or when a too large proportion of antiserum is added (note in this connection what I have said on page 74). They note, as I have also observed, that clouds may form in concentrated solutions, whereas flocculent precipitates will form in more dilute solutions. Oppenheimer and Michaelis (18, VII. 1902), working with but a limited number of bloods, conclude that precipitins are specific for a "bestinmite Thicrart." They evidently overlooked the generalized reactions. Ascoli (26, VIII. 1902) has also observed generalized reactions. He 140 On the Specificity of Precipitins treated rabbits with the serum-globulins of man, horse, mule and sheep, and found that the antisera acted on solutions of all these globulins, only to a different degree. On the other hand he observed " scarcely any quantitative differences" upon adding anti-horse or anti-mule sera to both of the con-esponding globulin solutions. Much less, and quantita- tively decreasing in the order named, were the reactions obtained with similar solutions from the ox, sheep, and man, this again being in accord with my results. That different substances are acted upon in homologous and non-homologous sera (see Strube, quoted above) is clear, for as Ascoli found, if non-homologous serum is added in excess after precipi- tation has occurred, no more precipitum fomis, but on the addition of homologous antiserum one obtains further precipitation. According to Ascoli, for example, when anti-horse serum produces a large reaction with horse blood and a small one with human blood, there are two possibilities to be considered regarding the differences of reaction. Either the anti- serum contains several (in this case two) precipitins acting on different constituents of each sennn, the one being common to both horse and man, and the other present only in the horse ; or the precipitin is simple, there being less precipitable substance in the human serum. The latter supposition is not borne out by experiment, for even when we add an excess of anti-horse, the human serum continues to give less precipitum. Uhlenhuth (11-18, ix. 1902, p. 661) dwells upon the fact that the zoological relationship of animals is brought out by an antiserum ; he however does not bring new facts to bear on the question. Further details regarding the specificity of the precipitin reactions are to be found under Tests with different antisera, in Section VI which follows. As will be seen, my most generalized reactions amongst the mammalia were obtained by a powerful anti-pig serum. It is evident from the foregoing that there are many points of similarity between the precipitins and the haemolysins. Ehrlich has pointed out that the haemolysins of different species may possess receptors which are identical but quantitatively different. The Selective Action of Precipitins in Blood Mixtures. In my paper of 1, VII. 1901, p. 384 I described some tests made with a view of determining whether or no a mixture of several kinds of blood in solution woukl prevent a reaction taking place upon the addition of an antiserum which was effective when added to one of these bloods when alone in solution. It was found that when two to six Degrees of Reaction 141 different bloods were brought together into solution, so that each blood in the mixture was diluted to about 1 : 500 or 1 : 600, the presence of other bloods did not impede a reaction taking place between an antiserum and its homologous blood in the mixture. The antisera only acted however when a suitable blood was present in such a mixture. (For details see original.) Ziemke (17, X. 1901) subsequently repeated my experiment ' and confirmed it. The measurement of Degrees of Reaction. In my paper of 21, xi. 1901, p. 152, read before the Royal Society, I mentioned that I had undertaken to make quantitative measurements of the degrees of reaction obtained with precipitating antisera upon different bloods. Owing to the labour involved in the qualitative, and approximately quantitative tests here recorded, a report upon the results obtained had to be deferred. I however described my method in the following year (5, iv. 1902). I shall not dwell upon the method here, but refer the reader to Section VII which follows. As stated in the last paper referred to, the amount of precipitum, say 0"03 c.c, obtained by adding 01 c.c. of an antiserum to 0'5 c.c. of its homologous blood dilution (1 : 100 or 1 : 200) is taken as 100, and the reactions given by non-homologous bloods are stated in percentages of that figure. At the time I reported two sets of tests, which were, however, not to be taken as final, as follows : Anti-sheep serum Sheep 100 Ox 80 Antelope 50 Hog-deer 47 Eeindeer 30 Pig 20 Horse 16 Cat 13 Dog 7 Wallaby 5 Anti-pig serum Pig 100 Horse 16 Hog-deer 14 Cat U Dog 13 Sheep 13 Wallaby 5 I only cite these results to show that there are measurable differences in the degrees of reaction, as calculated upon the precipitum obtained with different bloods, the precipitum being actually metisured volumet- rically. The method I described has not as yet been tried by workers outside our laboratory. ' Ziemke cites my paper but does not state this as well as some other particulars. 142 On the SpeciJicUij of Precipitins All observers, including myself, who have worked with different blood dilutions, have noted the fact that an antiserum will act upon a higher dilution of homologous than of non-homologous blood. In view of the labour involved, but very few figures have been obtained by this method, employed comparatively. Linossier and Lemoine (8, in. 1902) thus sought to express the reactions with various dilutions, as follows : Antisera added in the proportion of 15 : 100 of dilutions. Anti-ox serum gave reactions with Ox serum diluted 1 : 5000 „ „ Horse „ 1 : 300 „ „ Man „ 1 : 50 Reactions of "apparently equal intensity" were obtained when anti- human serum was added to human serum diluted 1 : 1000, and to ox serum diluted 1 : 20. In another similarly conducted test, anti-human serum acted on human serum diluted 1 : 2500, but only on horse serum diluted 1 : 20. As the authors state, these figures have no absolute value, as they naturally will vary according to the antisera used being different. Strube (12, vi. 1902) testing with anti-human serum, obtained a reaction with human blood diluted 1 : 20,000, other bloods reacting in dilutions of 1 : 100. He said the reactions might take place after some hours, as already mentioned above, and he does not mention anything with regard to the rate at which different bloods react in a series, an omission made by most authors. I find the rate at which a reaction takes jilace is a very fair index of the degree of relationship. This rate would appear to be due chiefly to the differences in the amount of matter precipitated; where this is slight, a reaction would only be registered when the particles of precipitum form agglomerations which are visible to the naked eye. On the other hand there may be a slower reaction actually taking place, due to a lesser degree of avidity between the combining substances, but to prove this will be a matter of some difficulty. Experiments made by progressively diluting the antiserum which is added to a blood dilution, have further- more been reported by Ewing (ill. 1902, p. 14), following a suggestion made by Uhlenhuth, and Kister and Wolff Ho does not state the blood dilution used, but I presume it was 1 : 100. He found Anti-ox serum diluted 1 : 5 to act on dilutions of "several bloods." „ „ „ 1 : 30 „ „ „ „ bloods of ox and goat, „ „ „ 1 : 50 „ „ „ „ ox blood alone. Similar observations were made with anti-human serum tested upon the bloods of man, and of the baboon, rhesus and Java monkeys. When Degrees of Reaction 143 added to these bloods in solutions of equal strengths, the anti-human seram in its highest dilution, only acted upon human blood dilutions. The dilution-method has not been adopted in the study of blood- relationships, and these are the only figures obtained by the method which I have come across. The importance of making a series of dilutions of a suspected blood in medico-legal work, is made parti- cularly clear by the figures of Linossier and Lemoine, given above. It is evident that one observer will record a reaction and another not, when using the dilution-method without reference to time, and undoubtedly faint cloudings will be completely overlooked if the fluids are examined in an unsuitable light (see description of my apparatus, p. 70 and Fig. 4). There is consequently a considerable subjective element in the tests conducted by the dilution-method, which is absent from my method of actual measurement. Eisenberg (5, v. 1902, p. 290) considers a "unit of precipitablo substance" to be that minimal quantity, which, when contained in a given volume of fluid, suffices to produce a specific reaction. Thus, when a given albuminous solution (dilution 1 : 1000) yields a precipitum, then 1 c.c. thereof contains 1000 units of precipitable substance. The "unit of precipitin," is that minimal quantity which just suffices to produce a reaction in any albuminous solution. For example when an antiserum still produces a precipitation in a 1 : 100 albumin dilution, he would say it contained 100 precipitin units per c.c. It seems to me until we know more about the possible existence of normal anti- precipitins in sera, it is somewhat premature to attempt an exact standardization either of the precij)itin or precipitable substance. Nevertheless the method suggested may have its use, unless my method of volumetric measurement is preferred. I have standardized my antisera, simply by stating the amount of precipitum produced as may be seen by my table of measurements quoted on p. 145. This is again stated in most cases for the antisera with which my tests were made in the following tables. It will be seen I express the " strength " of my antisera simply in terms of jjrecipitum amounts. To study the quantitative relations of the interacting bodies, Eisenberg {loc. cit. p. 291) adds a constant amount of one substance to a variable amount of the other, and, after reaction has taken place, he determines the absolute as well as the relative absorption of precipitin. As in agglutination experiments, the amount of absolute absorption is defined in terms of the diff'erence between the number of precipitin- units present in the fluid per unit of volume, before and afler reaction 144 On the Sjiecificity of Precipitins has taken place. He expresses the proportion of absorbed substance to the amount originally present in the form of a fraction. The Delicacy of the Precipitin Test. Whereas the ordinary chemical tests cease to give reactions in blood dilutions of about 1 : 1000, powerful antisera greatly exceed this limit, as the reported results of independent observers have shown. The tests in each case were conducted with antisera added to their homologous blood dilutions of the strengths indicated : Strube (12, vi. 1902) anti-human serum gave reactions with a dilution of 1 : 20,000 Stern (1901) „ „ „ 1 : 50,000 Uhlciihuth (15, XI. 1900) anti-egg scrum „ „ 1 : 100,000 Ascoli (26, vni. 1902) „ „ „ 1 : 1,01X),000 Some tests conducted at my suggestion by Mr Strangeways, with a view to determining the limit, have shown that reactions mjiy take place even in dilutions of over 1 : 1,000,000, for on adding a constant amount of antiserum to progressive dilutions, differences in the amoimt of deposit, measurable to the eye, were observable even in these highest dilutions, when the precipitum had been collected in fine capillary tubes. The Strength of Antisera. Precipitating antisera have been termed powerful, or weak, in pro- portion to their action upon various dilutions of their homologous bloods. Most authors express the power of the antiserum by stating the blood dilution upon which it will act. It is evident that the time and the temperature at which reaction takes place, especially in high blood dilutions, must be taken into account, but this has not been done as yet with sufficient care to pennit of accurate standardization by this method. My quantitative method would appear therefore to give more accurate results, consequently I have used it throughout the greater part of this investigation. The following figures give an idea of the " power " of some of my antisera, which have all been standardized by stating the amount of precipitum, measured volumetrically, obtained by adding 0"1 c.c. of antiserum to 0"5 c.c. of a 1 : 100 dilution of its homologous blood. Differences in Individual Sera 145 Amo Antiserum for unt of pre in c.c. cipituni Amoi Antiserum for int of preclpitum in O.C. Fowl's egg Ostrich •OG ^ •042 most Dog and Mex. Deer Zebra •015 •012 Pig and Antelope Fowl •055 •035 powerful Ox Whale •Oil •009 - moderate Hyaena Turtle Hedgehog Sheep •031 •03 •022 •02 ■ powerful Ourang and Horse Wallaby Seal Llama Reindeer •008 J •007 •006 •005 ■004. - weak Measurements of -002 to '001 can still be made. Keindeer were not used or standarJized. Weaker antisora than that for the On Differences in the Reactions of Individual Sera belonging to the same Species of Animal. In the investigations which I have made I have not studied the question of individual differences in the reaction of normal sera to their homologous precipitins. Together with Mr Strangeways, I have made a number of measurements on normal sheep sera with anti-sheep serum, and have obtained remarkably uniform results by means of my quanti- tative method. These results will be published later. On the other hand Mr Strangeways has observed a considerable amount of variation especially in human subjects affected with various diseases. It is not impossible that disease has in some cases been the cause of my obtaining greater reactions than would be expected according to theory. I shall not at present lay stress upon this point, but shall only, as an example, draw attention to the very great reactions I obtained with two Cercopithecus bloods (see Section VI) when testing with anti-human serum. Linossier and Leinoine (8, iii. 1902) were unable to observe any individual differ- ences in two human sera, the one being obtained from a case of pneumonia, the other from a case of uraemia. One of these sera had been used for the treatment of the rabbit which yielded the antiserum. That there may be individual differences in health is indiaited by the investigation of More (31, x. 1901) on lactosera (see p. 159), who found that different women's milks reacted especially to the antisera to which they had given rise. His results will however require confirmation. On the other hand we have evidence of differences between matei-nal and foetal blood in this respect'. Thus Halban and Landsteiner (25, in. 1902, > Halban and Landsteiner (p. 473) cite Kriiger (1886) as having found foetal blood to contain more solids but less fibrin than maternal blood. Scherenziss (1888) found the specific gravity of foetal markedly lower than that of maternal blood, although it con- N. 10 146 On the Sjiecificiti/ of Precijntins p. 475) report that anti-human scrum gave reactions with higher dihitions of adult serum than of foetal serum. On the other hand, foetal serum gave more clouding in strong dilutions than did adult blood. Evidently an excess of normal serum checks precipitation, and this seems to me to be due possibly to normal antiprecipitins (see p. 149). It would appear that normal maternal serum contains more precipitable substance, and more antiprecipitin, than foetal serum. These differences however by no means indicate that maternal serum contains more globulins, for the precipitin reaction as we have seen (p. 98) does not constitute a quantitative test for albumins. Uhlenhuth (5, vii. 1902), using antiserum for fowl's egg-white (from rabbit) found it to precipitate the serum of the hen much more than that of the cock, the sera of sexually mature animals being used in both cases for comparison. The reactions of the sera were so markedly different, that he found it easy to distinguish the one from the other. He therefore refers to a sexual reaction (Geschlechtreaktion), and proposes to see if it is possible to distinguish between the mammalian sexes in a similar manner. On the Character of the Precipitins in different Species of Animals treated luith the same Blood. It has been accepted for the bacterial antitoxins obtained from different animals that they are similarly constituted, whatever their source. This would appear to be different for the precipitins, judging from results obtained by Ascoli (26, viii. 1902), who, to begin with, remarks that because two individuals, even of one species, yield sera which react equally to their homologous precipitin, we have no right to conclude that the sera of the two individuals are chemically identi- cal, the reaction being perhaps insufficiently fine to demonstrate differ- ences which actually exist. That he is right in saying this receives confirmation from what has been observed with regard to the isopreci- tained more salts. Doldris and Quiuquand (1893) made similar observations. Halban (1900) found foetal blood corpuscles to be agglutinated by maternal serum, and vice versa, whilst the sera showed differences in haemolytic and bacteriolytic power. Schumacher also found maternal berum to agglutinate B. typhosus better than foetal serum. According to Halban and Landsteiner (loc. cit.) maternal serum is more haemolytic than foetal, it ag- glutinates red blood corpuscles more powerfully, it is more powerfully bacteriolytic (tested on the cholera vibrio), it is more anti-fermentative (antitryptic), more antitoxic (as against the haemagglutinina of abrin and ricin), and finally it yields moie precipitum with preci- pitating antisera, Precijntins from dif event Species 147 pitins, which would scarcely be formed unless there were chemical differences between individuals (see p. 148). Working with rabbits, Ascoli (p. 1411) found it impossible to demonstrate any differences in the properties of the antisera they produced, as tested against egg-white solutions with which they had been immnnified. On the other hand, when he immiinified both rabbits and guinea-pigs with the defibrinated blood of the same dog, he was able to find a difference in the antisera they produced, for on adding the antiserum, say from the rabbit, to dog blood dilutions, until no more precipitation occurred, he found that he obtained a further precipitation on adding antiserum from the guinea-pig. As an ad- ditional proof of the antisera from the rabbit and guinea-pig being different qualitatively, he states that Anti-dog serum from rabbit gave a precipitum with normal guinea-pig' but not with normal rabbit. Anti-dog serum from guinea-pig gave a precipitum with normal rabbit but not with normal guinea-pig. Assuming that Ascoli is correct in this observation, then it is patent that a multiplicity of precipitins are formed in the blood of an animal treated with normal serum of another species. And, moi'eover, different animals form different precijjitins when treated with the blood of the same animal. According to Ascoli, the conclusion seems reasonable (p. 1412) that different precipitins attach themselves to different side- chains of the immensely complex " Rieseneiweissmolekiil," in the sense of Ehrlich. ' Concentratiou not stated. 10-3 SECTION V. ISOPRECIPITINS. The occurrence of isoprecipitins analogous to isohaemolysins dis- covered by Ehrlich and Morgenroth (see p. 42) appears to have been observed by Schiitze (12, xii. 1901, and 6, xi. 1902, p. 804), who obtained them by injecting animals with the scrum of other individuals belonging to the same species. Schiitze treated a rabbit every two to three days with 5 to 10 c.c. of the serum of other rabbits, administered subcutaneously, until a total of 60 c.c. had been given. The treated rabbit was bled six days after the last injection, and its serum tested for isoprecipitin upon the sera of 32 different rabbits. Of these 32 sera only two reacted, precipitations occurring in 30 minutes at 37 ° C. The reaction was " strictly specific," for, ui)on the addition of 2 to 4 c.c. of the treated rabbit's serum to 3 c.c. of normal guinea-pig or human serum, no reaction was observable after two hours under the same conditions of temperature. Granted that the reaction took place as stated, it seems somewhat premature to conclude as to the strictly specific character of the reaction after only testing two other non-homologous bloods, even that of the guinea-pig being but distantly related, not to mention the human blood. Schiitze (p. 804) states that he found it more convenient to obtain isoprecipitins from goats treated with goat's milk. To do this, he injected 40 — 50 c.c. of the milk every 4 — 5 days, until a total of 400 c.c. had been administered in the course of a month. Bled eight days after the last injection, the goat yielded a serum which, when added in the proportion of 0-.5 to 1 c.c. — 5 c.c. of a 1 : 40 dilution of goat's milk, gave an immediate reaction. Evidently then, there would appear to be individual differences in the chemical constitution of different individuals, demonstrable by means of isohaemolysins and isoprecipitins. Antiprecipitins : Normal and Artificial 149 ANTIPBECIPITINS. Normal Antiprecipitins. I have noted elsewhere (p. 145) that Halban and Landsteiner (25, in. 1902, p. 475) observed a difference between maternal and foetal serum with regard to their reactions to precipitins. This difference appears to me to depend upon the possible existence of noiTnal antiprecipitins, analogous to the normal antihaemolysins observed by Besredka (1901) (see p. 22). Halban and Landsteiner found that the addition of large quantities of human serum to its antiserum prevented precipitation (but this might be explained in the light of what I have stated elsewhere, viz., that a precipitum is soluble in an excess of its homologous blood), whereas, additions of large quantities of ox or horse serum were less effective, and dog, fowl, and fresh rabbit serum did not prevent precipitation. Similarly, the authors I have cited found that anti-ox serum acted least upon the addition of much ox serum, more markedly upon adding the serum of the horse, most when the sera of the dog, man, rabbit, and fowl were added. That is to say, the latter did not impede the reaction. It is possible, it seems to me, that this appearance may be due to normal antiprecipitin, or precipito- lysin if I may so term it, which is present only in small quantity in normal serum, and therefore only exerts an obvious effect when large amounts of a serum are added to an homologous antiserum. (See Observation III. p. 89.) Artificial Antijjrecipitivs have been produced by Kraus and Eisenberg ( If lereer klin. Wochenschr., 1901, p. 1191 ; see also 27, ii. 1902, p. 212 — 213) tlirough treating goats with goat-lactoserum obtained from rabbits which had been treated with goat's milk. They found that antilactoserum prevented the precipitation of milk by lactoserum. In addition, the antilactoserum contained antihaemolysin, which was natural, for the goat lactoserum (obtained from rabbits) was haemolytic for goat's red blood corpuscles. Schlitze (2, xir. 1901) has also succeeded in obtaining antilactosera, which, as stated above, are analogous to the antihaemolysins (see p. 21). Schiitze's antiprecipitin retarded or prevented the precipitation of milk by its homologous antiserum. It remains to be determined if injections with precipitoids, which have been compared to toxoids, will lead to the formation of antipreci- pitins, as toxoids do of antitoxins, as discovered by Ehrlich (1900 Cro&nian Lect.). I propose to see if this is possible. 150 Normal Precqntlns NOBMAL PBECIPITINS. Noguchi (xi. 1902) and M. Ascoli (1903), report having found preci- pitins in certain normal sera. I have noted elsewhere that normal sera may contain antibodies, which are usually present in small amounts only. This appears also to be the case with the normal precipitins. Ascoli was stimulated to search for normal precipitins by a statement of Obermayer and Pick (see p. 97), that they had found normal rabbit serum to preci- pitate egg-white. Ascoli found ox serum to contain precipitins for the sera of man, dog, pig, goat, rabbit, guinea-pig, fowl ; dog serum to contain precipitins for the serum of the fowl, and for egg-white; goat serum contained precipitins for fowl and guinea-pig serum. He judged of the occurrence of a reaction by observing if any clouding occurred at the zone of contact between a serum and serum dilution, made in 0"85 7o saline. He used small tubes 4 cm. long by 3 mm. wide, and observed the reactions after the tubes had stood 30 — 60 minutes at 38"^ C. By diluting the one or the other of the normal sera he was able to note which contained normal precipitin, and in some cases found both sera to contain it. As has been observed for other normal antibodies, the amount of normal precipitin present varies considerably in different animals of the same species. Ascoli also states that he has found " autoprecipitins " in normal human and animal sera, comparable to the auto-agglutinins found by him and other observers. The occurrence of the precipitins in normal sera may account for some aberrant results obtained by various authors, but they do not appear to affect my results in the slightest. Although Ascoli does not state with what concentrations he worked, any more than do Obermayer and Pick, it amounts to a certainty that but low dilutions, and, in the latter case, even concentrated sera were used. That the use of concentrated sera or dilutions constitutes a grave source of error when making tests with specific precipitating antisera has already been pointed out, the source of error being apparently in part the normal precipitins. The stronger an antiserum the greater will be the dilution of homologous blood with which it will react, and it appeal's now all the more necessary to work with the highest possible dilutions when attempting to identify a blood. This being in accordance with what Wassermann (10, II. 1903) has just found in the case of the agglutinins for bacteria. The foregoing remarks apply also to the observations of Noguchi Normal Precipitins 151 (xi. 02) who tested the interaction of the blood of cold-blooded animals with reference to haemolysis, agglutination, and precipitation He says that " the results do not lend themselves readily to classification, and from them no systematic conclusions can be drawn." In regard to precipitins he states that his " studies show conclusively that normal precipitins are not uncommon, and m.iy be compared with the occurrence of normal hacmolysins and agglutinins. The technique of the experiments is simple : blood or body-cavity sera are obtained after coagulation has taken place, and are rendered clear by filtration- The clear products are mixed in given proportions, and the resulting fluids are compared with controls of the mixed sera." No conclusions as to the relationship of these animals can be obtained from these experiments. SECTION VI. TESTS WITH PRECIPITINS. I. PHYTOPRECIPITINS. Bacterioprecipitins. Under the name of Bacterioprecipitins I include the precipitins discovered by Kraus in the serum of animals treated with certain bacteria, which act upon culture-filtrates of the corresponding germs, or upon a solution of the substance of such micro-organisms. It will be remembered that these were the first precipitins to be discovered. Kraus (30, iv.^ and 12, viii. 1897) found that if he added cholera, plague or typhoid antisera to filtrates of the con-esponding cultures, that a precipitation took place. The antisera were obtained from animals which had been immunified. The culture-filtrates were prepared by passing the culture-fluid through porcelain filtei-s. A filtrate of crushed germs gave the same result as the filtered culture-fluid, proving that the precipitable substance was present within the bacterial cell. The antisera only acted upon their homologous cultures. Filtrates of B. diphthenae to which antitoxic horse-serum was added, on the other hand, did not give a precipitum. Kraus allowed the reaction to take place at 37° C, observing the precipitum after 24 houi-s. He states that the latter appeared to be composed of alkali-albuminate and peptone, and notes that it is necessary to add more antiserum in making these tests than is the case when adding agglutinating sera. Corresponding to the precipitable substance in culture-filtrates of B. typhosus and the Cholera genn, there must be a substance therein corresponding to the agglutinin-producing substance in these bacteria, for it may be noted that Widal, Levy and Bruns succeeded in rendering ' Kiaiis's earlier jiaper (30, iv. 1897 — A'. GeseUschafl drr Aerzte in ir/cii) is cited by liordet (1899, p. 228). 1 have beeu unable to gain access to the origiual. Bacteriojyrecijntins 153 animals immune by means of such culture-filtrates, the immune serum agglutinating specifically. NicoUe (ill. 1898, p. 162) confirmed the observations of Kraus with regard to B. typhosus, B. pestis, and B. diphtlteriae. He in addition carried out corresponding experiments with B. coli and Vibrio massauah, obtaining most precipitum from old cultures of the corresponding germs. The reactions were studied in the thermostat and noted after 15 — 20 hours. Nicolle considered the reaction specific, and found that it was not impeded by antiseptics which were added. According to Tchistovitch (v. 1899, p. 414) Mannorek subsequently obtained .similar results with antistreptococcic serum when this was added to Streptococcus culture-filtrates. Radziewsky (1900, p. 434) repeated and confirmed the observations of Kraus and of Nicolle upon B. coli. He, however, found that the reaction was not hastened at 37°, but that it took place as well at room temperature. Bail (1901) found that both typhoid immune serum and the peritoneal exudate of a guinea-pig which had received an intra- peritoneal injection of B. typhosus, gave a precipitum upon being added to a culture-filtrate of this organism. In the latter case the peritoneal exudate doubtless contained typhoid bacilli substance in solution. Both Radziewsky and Bail consider bacterioprecipitins and bacterio- agglutinins to be separate bodies, for, the latter states that after all precipitable substance has been removed from a culture-filtrate through repeated addition of precipitin, the deprecipitinated fluid showed unimpaired agglutinating power. Markl (13, VI. 1901, p. 812) has also found that anti-plague serum precipitated culture-filtrates oi B. pestis. Kraus (18, VII. 1901) states that Whidinuvoff {Pete7-sburg. med. Wochenschr., 1900) has applied the precipitation method in the diagnosis of glandeis, finding a precipitum formed in a glycerine-free culture-filtrate of B. mallei (aged 46 days) upon the addition of the serinn of a provedly glandercd horee. Neufeld (2, v. 1902, p. 65) found that anti-pneumococcic serum precipitated a solution of Pneumococci. Castellani (28, vi. 1902, p. 1828) injected living cultures of B. typhosiis, Staphylococcus aureus, and B. coli (two varieties) into rabbits and obtained antisera wliich produced a precipitum in old culture-filtrates of the corresponding germs. A rabbit received combined treatment with culture-filtrates of B. typhosus and B. coli, its serum subsequently precipitating the two filtrates. One of the cultures of B. coli was agglutinated, and its filtrate precipitated by typhoid-precipitin'. When ' The existence in a serum of common receptors for certain races of /}. typhosus and B. coli has also been observed with "specific" bacteriolysins. 154 Tests ivith Predjntins animals were treated with culture-filtrates, both dialyzed and non- dialyzed, precipitating and agglutinating antisera were also obtained. In confirmation of Kraus (see above), he was unable to obtain precipitins for B. diphtheriae. There is fairly general agreement that the bacterioprecipitins and agglutinins are distinct chemically. I have noted above that both may coexist in a serum, and will refer the reader to p. 50, where the differ- ences between agglutinins and precipitins are more especially discussed. Kraus and von Pirquet (5, VII. 1902) found that bacterial culture- filtrates contain not only a precipitable substance, but also specific anti- agglutinin, the latter being probably identical, they think, with the agglutinatable substance of bacteria. Pick (1902, p. 54) considers the precipitable substances in old and fresh culture-filtrates to be differently constituted, as they combine differently with bacterio- precipitins. The precipitable substance in old typhoid cultures, according to Pick, is not albumose, nor probably peptone, nor nucleo- proteid, and it is not an albuminous body. The reader is referred to Pick's third communication (1902) for details regarding the effects of various chemical agents upon bacterioprecipitins. According to Pick (1902, p. 81), typhoid bacterioprecipitins are inactivated by an exposure of 30 — 45 minutes to 58 — 60° C, but not the agglutinins. The inactivated serum prevents the action of fresh antiserum. He considers (p. 92) that the inactivated serum acts upon the precipitin, not upon the precipitable substance (compare p. 91). As Rostoski (1902, h, p. 23) points out, the temperature at which bacterioprecipitins are inactivated is lower than that at which haematoprecipitins etc. are inactivated, and this indicates that they may be of a different nature. He suggests that the name " coagulin " should perhaps be retained for bacterioprecipitins so as to distinguish them from the precipitins which act upon blood and the like. This term, coagulin, is rarely used. It was applied by Ehrlich (1900, Croonian Led.) and is used by Pick and a few others, but in my opinion it should be dropjjed, as it will only lead to a confusion with the coagulins for blood (see anticoagulins, p. 17) to which the term properly applies. Yeast-Precipitins. Schiitzc (6, XI. 1902, p. 805) sought to discover if it were possible by the use of precipitins to distinguish between different yeasts, which were severally used for the immunization of rabbits. Ho cites an Yeast- Precipitins 155 earlier paper {Sitzung. der Gesellschaft dei' Charitedrzte, 12, xii. 1901) wherein he reported success in obtaining yeast-precipitins. He ex- tracted yeast-albumin by rubbing up yeast in a mortar in sterile 25 "/o soda solution, fixcilitating the rupture of the cell membranes by the addition of powdered glass and sand. The thick paste at first formed soon became fluid and thin, and a clear fluid was obtained by centri- fugalizing off the sand and cellular detritus. The clear fluid was injected in doses of 5 — 10 c.c. every 3 — 4 days, during two months, into rabbits, a total of 100 c.c. being administered. In this wiiy he treated rabbits with yeast-albumin of four kinds: Potato yeast. Baker's yeast. Top and Bottom Beer yeast. When he came to test the antisera he found that all the yeasts reacted to the various antisera, in other words that it was not possible to distinguish the species of yeasts by means of these precipitins. Precipitins for Albumins of Higher Plants. Kowarski (4, vii. 1901) injected wheat albumose' into rabbits, obtaining precipitins, which acted promptly on wheat albumose in solution, less markedly on rye and barley, but not on corresponding solutions from oats ; peas giving a very weak reaction (faint clouding). Normal rabbit serum had no such effect. Schiitze (22, xi. 1901, p. 493) treated rabbits with a vegetable proteid " Roborat," obtaining an antiserum which precipitated roborat solutions, but not muscle albumin, the antiserum for the latter having in its turn no effect on roborat solutions. Castellani (28, vi. 1902, p. 1828) confirmed this observation, finding that anti-roborat did not act on somatose solutions. He also appears to have produced a weak anti- somatose, which had no action on roborat solutions. Jacoby (1901, cited by Bashford) found that animals which had been rendered immune to ricin yielded a serum, which, whilst anti- toxic, gave a precipitum on being added to ricin solutions. Bashfoi-d (1902, Joiirn. of Pathol, and Bacteriol. Vlll. p. 59) states that he has recently made a similar obsei-vation in rabbits treated with crotin. The rabbits' serum gave a dense precipitum with a solution of crotin, normal rabbit serum not exerting this effect'''. ' These results are to be received with cautiou, see p. 111. ^ Note analogous observations on auake venom, see Section VI. 156 Tests tvith Precipitins II. ZOOPRECIPITINS. I. Lactosera. The term "lactosera" was applied by Bordet (ill. 1899, pp. 240 — 241), who discovered them, to antisera which precipitated milk casein. Having partially sterilized milk at a temperature of 65° C. he injected it intraperitoneally into rabbits at stated intervals. After a time he bled the rabbits, and found their serum to possess the property of causing precipitation in the milk with which the animals had been treated. He performed the test by placing about 3 c.c. each of the antiserum and of normal serum in tubes, to which he subsequently added 6 — 15 drops of the milk. Whereas the mixture with noraial serum retained its opaque white appearance, the mixture with anti- sennn soon underwent a change; fine granules appeared, and these rapidly growing in size led to the foraaation of flocculent masses. Soon the fluid became limpid above, the flocculi sinking to the bottom. This was best observed in milk which had been deprived of an excess of fat by being passed two or three times through filter-paper. When milk rich in fat is used, the flocculi are carried upward by the fat globules. In studying the reaction, it is therefore best to first filter the milk. The supernatant fluid remains clear, but may at times again show a cloud upon the addition of fresh antiserum. Fich (II. 1900, cited by Schiitze, 29, i. 1901, p. 7, footnote) soon afterwards found that an emulsion of udder-cells, as well as milk, gave rise to antisera which precipitated milk, when rabbits were treated with these substances. The observation of Bordet lias been since amply confirmed by a number of investigatoi-s. The first of these to suggest a practical application of the method in the differentiation of milks were Wassermann and Schutze (2, VII. 1900 and 29, I. 1901), who treated rabbits with three different milks, namely those of the cow, goat, and human subject. They claimed tliat these milks could be distinguished from one another, the corresponding lactoserum acting only upon its homologous milk. Their method of treating rabbits will be found described under Methods (p. 53). Schutze (29, I. 1901, p. 5) subsequently described their investigations in detail, and drew attention to the possibility of using the lactosera in the examination for milk adulteration. Uhlenhuth (6, Xii. 1902), in testing with lactosera, adds 5 c.c. of antiserum to 3 c.c. of a 1 : CO milk dilution in salt solution. In his tests. Specificity of Reactions 157 lactoscruin for cow's milk produced a thick flocculent precipitate in cow milk dilutions within a few minutes, whereas it left human and donkey milk dilutions unaffected. The specific character of the reaction was dwelt upon by Wassemiann and Schiitze, who stated that no reaction took place, for instance between the lactoserum for cow's milk and goat's milk, and vice versd. This result may have been due to their using weak lactosera, for the results of other workers have been different with the milks of animals so closely related. Thus More (31, X. 1901) found the lactoserum for cow's milk to precipitate goat's milk. This is in perfect agreement with what I found with regard to the antisera for the corresponding bloods, and is also in accordance with the observations of Ehrlich and Morgcnroth, who found that injections of the blood corpuscles of the ox into experimental animals led to the formation of an haemolysin which acted not only on the corpuscles of the ox, but also on those of the goat. The question of specificity was next studied by Gcngou (25, X. 1902, p. 749) with lactosera from rabbits treated with cow's milk. He states that the reactions which took place in the milks of the cow, sheep and goat were indistinguishable when he made the following tests. He prepared two tubes containing : I. Milk (of cow, goat, or sheep, etc.) II. Milk (a.s in I.) Lactoserum (heated to 56° C.) Normal rabbit serum (heated to 56" C.) Normal rabbit serum, fresh Normal rabbit serum, fresh He found that the complement or " alexine " (of the fresh normal rabbit serum) was absorbed in I. and not in II., throughout the series, when a lactoserum was added to its homologous milk. It was in this that the three milks above named were indistinguishable. The immune substance acted to a lesser extent upon human and mare's milk. The lactoserum, he adds (p. 754), did not act upon ox semm (see contrary below). Schutze (6, xi. 1902, p. 804) found that a powerful isoprecipitin (see p. 148) for goat's milk did not produce a reaction in human milk dilution even after a considerable time, though he does not state how long. Milk boiled for half-an-hour, according to Schutze (loc. cit.) still gives a slight reaction upon the addition of antiserum. More (31, x. 1901, p. 1076) obtained an antisennn from rabbits treated with milk which had been boiled for half-an-hour or upwards. He found that milk which had been boiled for 30 minutes reacted im- 158 Tests with Precipitins mediately to its antiserum. Miiller (18, II. 1902) dissolved lacto- precipitum in boiling saline, and found that it could bo reprecipitated by fresh lactoserum, and also by rennet ferment. He considers that the precipitiim consists of unaltered casein combined with the precipitin. Finally Fuld (1902) also found lactoscra to act upon boiled milk. He considers that the casein is chiefly concerned in the reaction. He found the presence of lime salts essential. Contrary to Moro, he was unable to obtain an antiserum from rabbits treated with boiled milk. This difference, it appears to me, may very well be due to the milk being " boiled " in a different manner by the two workers. The experiment should be repeated, the temperature of the milk within the receptacle being accurately determined. Uhlenhuth (6, Xii. 1902) obtained reactions when antiserum was added to milk which had been boiled, and even with milk which had been exposed to a temperatiu'o of 114" C. for 30 minutes in an autoclave. Lactosera do not act on milk only, for Halban and Landsteiner (25, III. 1902, p. 475), following Hamburger, found that human lacto- serum acted also upon human blood serum. They also found that human haematoserum precipitated human milk, just as Schutze (2, xii. 1901, cited in this author's paper of 6, XI. 1902, p. 805) had found antiserum for ox blood to also precipitate cow's milk. Meyer and Aschoff (7, vii. 1902) found ox lactoserum to be haemo- lytic for ox blood corpuscles, and that it immobilized ox spermatozoa. The milk which they injected into their rabbits had been previously centrifugalized to rid it of cellular elements which of themselves might have led to the formation of cytolysins. They also found lactoserum to precipitate ox serum. Injections of blood, spermatozoa, and tracheal epithelium, led to the formation of antisera which also precijjitated 1 : 40 milk dilutions. They found that lactosera (which were also haemolytic) could be neutralized by homologous blood corpuscles or spermatozoa. Schutze (6, XI. 1902, p. 804) found human lactoserum to jjre- cipitate solutions of human spermatozoa, and von Dungem (1899 — 1900 Miinchener med. Wochenschr.) found lactosera to agglutinate red blood corpuscles. (See further Hamburger and others, under the Action of Precipitins upon different Albumins of the same animal, p. 104.) Uhlenhuth (6, XII. 1902) found lactoserum for cows' milk to produce clouding in ox blood dilutions. He cites an observation of von Dungem to the effect that lactoserum for human milk exerts a toxic action on human milk-gland epithelium. Although perhap? not identical with the haematosera, the lactosera Indimdual Differences 159 for the same animal would appear to show but a very slight diflference, if any. We see that lactoscra and haematosera both act similarly. Although there may be quantitative differences there are none apparently of a qualitative character. Comparative quantitative ex- periments have still to be made. As in haematosera, the precipitin contained in lactosera is very stable. Moro (31, x. 1901) found it still gave reactions with its homologous milk after being sealed for months in capillaries, thus confirming what I have found for some haematosera. Lactosera with- stand a temperature of 56° C, in this resembling the haematosera, and the agglutinins. On warming lactoprecipitum in normal saline it almost comj)letely redissolves. Moro obtained lactosera by treating animals with pure powdered human or cow's casein. Milks of the same species show individual differences according to Moro {loc. cit.), in their reaction to lactosera. On the other hand, the reaction of each individual milk to lactoscrum, as tested on the milk of wet-nurses, remained constant. Individual differences were less marked in cow's milk. The individual difference w;is shown by the reaction of each milk to its homologous antiserum taking place with higher dilutions than with a non-homologous antiserum. Personally I am inclined to be somewhat sceptical on this point in consequence of the results which I have obtained with Mr Strangeways with haematosera. To prove the presence of individual differences, and I do not question but that there may be such, it is necessary to examine a large series of antisera and homologous milks or sera, and this does not seem to have been done by Moro. His results have therefore to be accepted with caution. I will however state the reasons which led him to the conclusion that there arc individual as well as specific groups in a given milk. 1. Antiserum for milk A added to milk a gives rciictioii iu a high dilutioo, and vice vend. 2. Antiserum for milk A added to milk b gives no reaction in a high dilution, and vice versd. The reaction is due in the first instance to the specific and individual groups entering into combination. In the second instance, using a stronger dilution, only the specific, not the individual groups combine. The deficit in the reaction A plus b, cannot be made good by adding more of milk b. He concludes, therefore, that the specific groups are neutralized, or destroyed, only the individual ones which are least numerous being left. These being unable to combine account for 160 Tests with Precijntins the precipitum-deficit. He represents this schematically by a figure analogous to the well-known diagrams of Ehrlich, the lactoprecipitin molecule being represented by a circle from which protrude an assumed number (6) of receptors, the majority of which (4) represent specific groups. Whereas the latter arc alike, the individual groups (2) are different, and the various combinations of the two lactosera (A and B) and milks (a and b) are thus shown, the precipitable substance in milk being fixed, or not, as the case may be, to receptors. See further under "Individual Differences," p. 145. II. Haematosera. In the following pages the results of precipitin tests with haemato- sera are given in the zoological order of the antisera, the tests made by other observers being summarized in each case, the results of my tests following. The number of tests, made by me with 30 antisera produced, is given in the following table, the total number of tests being 16,000. No. of teste No. of tests Antiserum for therewith Antiserum for therewith Man 825 Ox 790 Chimpanzee 47 Sheep 701 Ourang 81 Horse 790 Cercopitheous 733 Donkey 94 Hedgehog 383 Zebra 94 Cat 785 Whale 94 Hyaena 378 Wallaby 691 Dog 777 Fowl 792 Seal 358 Ostrich 649 Pig 818 Fowl-egg 789 Llama 363 Emu-egg 630 Mexican Deei" 749 Turtle 666 Reindeer 69 Alligator 468 Hog Deer 6U9 Frog 551 Antelojie 686 Lobster 450 7751 8249 7751 Total number o 8249 tests 16,000 In the short tables which folloiv, I have briefly summarized the general results of the tests given in the experimental tables at tlw end, the object of this being to render the conclusions clearer. The number of sera Anti- Human Serum 161 reacting in each case is given, the intensity of reaction being indicated by signs, as follows : — • No reaction « Faint clouding X Medium clouding + Marked clouding 4- Full reaction The number of full reactions obtained is indicated by the numbers printed in black type. Although in some cases the number of bloods examined has been small, it has been thought best to introduce the percentages of reactions under each class, as the numbers alone convey no clear impression to the mind as to the relative frequency of reactions. Percentages arc freqtiently given alongside each class of reaction. The percentages of positive reactions " all told," including the faintest, are given on the right-hand margin of the tables'. I. Antisera for bloods of Primates. (1) Tests ivith Anti- Human Serum. Before proceeding to give the results of my own tests with this antiserum I shall briefly summai'ize what has been done by different workers who have used anti-human serum in making various tests. It may seem somewhat pedantic to give the exact day on which the authors, cited in the following pages, published their papers ; my object in doing so is to dispose of certain claims to priority which have been made in various quarters. I wish to accentuate the fact that no new principle was discovered when an antiserum for human blood was found. The antisera for eel, fowl, horse, etc. had been found by Tchistovitch and Bordet, and the whole impulse given to work in this line undoubtedly emanates from them. Their papers were most suggestive, and it was quite natural, in reading them, that many should be seized by the same idea as to the j)ossible applications of the methods they had pointed out. This was the more natural in view of the knowledge previously gained with regard to other classes of antibodies. Leclainche and Valine (25, i. 1901) injecting human albuminous urine into rabbits, found that they obtained an antiserum which pre- cipitated albuminous urine, and pleuritic exudation, but not serum dilutions of man. This antiserum did not produce a reaction with albuminous urines of the horse and cow. ' I am indebted to Dr Graham-Smith for kindly calculating the percentages given in the succeeding tables. The percentages are given in round numbere, fractions of percent- ages being only included in the totals at the right-hand margins of the tables. N. 11 162 Tests with Precipitins Uhlenhuth (7, ii. ]901) was however the first to publish tests of a kind that awakened general interest, more especially regarding the medico-legal aspects of the test and its possibilities. He injected rabbits with human blood, and tested the antiserum on 19 bloods (1), finding only human blood to react. Normal rabbit serum had no such effect. He made the practically important observation that human, horse, or ox blood which had been dried 4 weeks on a board, could readily be distinguished by the antiserum when brought into solution. A day later than Uhlenhuth, Wa.sserinann (8, II. 1901) demonstrated experiments similar to Uhlenhuth 's at the Meeting of the Physiological Society, Berlin. Outside of human blood only that of a " monkey" gave the reaction. A report of the experiments appeared under the names of Wassermann and Schiitze (18, II. 1901) shortly after, it being stated therein that they had tested 23 bloods with this antiserum (2). I have ordered the bloods they tested here, and it will be seen that many of those examined were the same as in Uhlenhuth's list. (1) Uhlenhuth's List Man Reacted Dog, cat No reaction Pig Ox, sheep, deer, fallow-deer Horse, donkey Hare, rabbit, guinea-pig, rat, mouse Fowl, turkey, pigeon, goose (2) Wassermann and Schutze's List Man, baboon Reacted Dog, cat No reaction Pig Ox, sheep, goat „ Horso, donkey „ Babbit, guinea-pig, rat, mouse ,, Fowl, duck, goose, sparrow ,, Eel, pike, " Schlei " ,, The latter authors also found that blood could be perfectly well tested when brought into solution after being dried for 3 months on various objects. The baboon's blood reacted much more slowly and less markedly than did human blood. This finding possessed peculiar interest to me, and, together with the similar observation of Stem, led me to plan an investigation of the bloods of Anthropoidea. Stern (28, II. 1901) also obtained anti-human serum from rabbits and found it to act on blood which had been dried, and also on albuminous urine. His antiserum did not act on horse, ox, sheep and pig bloods, whereas, it gave a feeble but distinct clouding with the blood of 3 species of monkeys "Meerkatze, Java-Aife, Kronen- Affe," the first being I suppose a Cercopithecus, the second Macacus cynomolgus L. He does not give their scientific names, so that, as in the case of Wassermann and Schiitze, it is difficult to identify them. Dieudonn^ (2, IV. 1901) obtained anti-human serum by treating Anti- Human Serum 163 rabbits with human albuminous urine, pleuritic exudation, and blood serum, injecting quantities of 10 c.c. every 3 to 4 days. He tested his antiserum on only four other bloods (rabbit, guinea-pig, pigeon, goose), finding that normal rabbit serum had not the precipitating effect of the antiserum on human blood, albuminous urine, pleuritic and peritoneal exudate. At this stage I reported (11, v. 1901) having tested 24 bloods; only human, and to a lesser degree, 2 monkey bloods reacting. Soon after (1, VII. 1901 ; 36 bloods tested) I reported the blood of four species of monkey as having given a slight but distinct reaction, a very faint clouding appearing in solutions of the bloods of the horse, ox, and sheep," all the others remaining perfectly clear. Ziemke (27, vi. 1901) obtained antiserum from Wassermann and Schutze, and tested it upon 12 bloods (1). A reaction in 15 minutes, and a precipitum after 24 hours only being found in human blood dilutions. Schirokich (21, vii. 1901) injected rabbits with blood from the placenta and cord. He found that blood-stains 2 years old gave the reaction when dissolved and brought into contact with his anti-human serum. He tested 9 bloods (2). (1) Ziemke's List Man Reacted Dog, cat No reaction Pig Ox, calf, sheep, lamb ,, Horse ,, Babbit, guinea-pig, mouse „ (2) Scbiboeicb's List Man Reacted Cat No reaction Pig » Ox, goat „ Horse „ Camel „ Rabbit, guinea-pig ,, In the meantime my collection of bloods had reached 140, including the bloods of 12 species of monkeys (some in duplicate) including 10 Cercopithecidae, and 2 Gehidne. I reported on these tests in my paper of 14, IX. 1901 : "All the bloods of the Old World monkeys gave a very marked reaction, less powerful however than that of human blood. They also reacted to a weak antiserum. On the other hand the South American monkeys (Cebidae) gave but a slight reaction with human antiserum as compared to that of the other monkeys, and a weak anti- serum produced no precipitation in the blood of Mycetes senicidus." I reported further upon this interesting observation in subsequent papers (21, xi. and 16, xii. 1901, p. 408), having in the meantime also tested the bloods of the Ourang-Outang and Chimpanzee with positive 11—2 164 Tests with Precipitins results. These bloods appeared to give about as much reaction as human blood to anti-human serum. Grlinbaum (18, I. 1902, p. 143) also obtained this result with anti-human serum tested upon these bloods and that of the Gorilla. I shall refer to his results again further on. In my paper of 20, I. .1902, I remarked that the amount of reaction would appear to correspond with the degree of relationship amongst the Anthropoidea, the Lemurs, as already noted, having given negative results. Uhlenhuth seems to have tested a monkey blood of some kind lately, for he says (11 — 18, ix. 1902, pp. 661) that the weak reaction occurring in monkey blood upon the addition of anti-human serum cannot be confounded with the marked reaction occun-ing in human blood dilutions. In the remarks which follow the table below we see that even monkey blood may give a high degree of reaction under certain conditions. Schiitze (6, xi. 1902, p. 805) was able to obtain precipita- tion with anti-human serum in solutions of human spermatozoa made from stains which had been dried 6 months. Confirming what has gone before, Whittier (18, i. 1902) obtained negative results in testing anti-human serum on four bloods : of hoi-se, cow, rabbit, guinea-pig. Butza (18, iv. 1902) tested anti-human serum upon 14 bloods (man, dog, cat, pig, ox, sheep, rabbit, guinea-pig, fowl, pigeon, turkey, duck, goose, and a fish) with negative result except the first. Biondi (1902) found anti-human serum to precipitate the bloods of Gercopithecus flavus vindis and Macacos radiatus. Anti-human serum precipitated human milk but not that of the cow, goat and donkey ; human saliva, but not that of the dog, cat, hoi-se and donkey. Human bloods in health and disease gave similar reactions. Biondi found furthermore that human serum injected into a monkey did not lead to the formation of precipitins, as might be expected theoretically in consequence of the close relationshiji between man and monkey. Lastly we find that Ewing (ill. 1903) tested four specimens of monkey blood (baboon, rhesus, and two Java monkeys, species not stated) with anti-human sera obtained from rabbits and a fowl. He considers it possible to distinguish these bloods from human blood by means of higher dilutions of the test sera'. He omits to mention that the same thing can be accomplished by using higher dilutions of the bloods tested, as others have found. It must always be remembered that the precipitin should be present in excess. > See page 142. Anti- Human Serum 165 Liayton (1903, pp. 219, 220) has treated rabbits according to Uhlen- huth's method and produced anti-human serum. He tested 28 bloods (species not stated) and was able to identify human and exclude monkey blood'. 825 Tests with Anti-Human Serum. The following tests were carried out by means of 5 different anti- human sera obtained by treating rabbits with the blood of Europeans. All the sera were powerful, being freshly prepared in succession, so that when the one began to weaken another was substituted'. * Eeactiona 97 Primates « X f + 7. Antliropoidea 34 Hninan (4 races) • • 3(8''/„) ?(2l7o) a* (71 "/o) 100 8 Simiidae (3 species) • • • 8 100 36 Cercopithecidae (26 species) 3 , 26(72,,) 3(8 „) 4 (10 „ ) 92 13 Cebidae (9 species) 3 2(l5»/o) 5 (38 „ ) M23.>) 78 4 Hapalidae (3 spec.) 2 1 1 SO Lemuroidea 2 Lemuridac (2 spec.) 2 • • 29 ClIIROPTERA 26 13 70 S3 40 3(10,,) 2(13,,) 13(13,,) 7(11,,) 19(27,,) 14(14,,) 5(7 „) 11(10,,) 10 15 Inskctivora 13 97 Carnivora 27 65 EODENTIA 18 70 Unqulata 43 3 Cetacea 12 3(ioo"/„) 1(7 ..) 100 13 Edentata 7 26 Marsupialxa 25 1 319 1(4 ■.) 1(3 -) 4 1 MoNOTREMATA 320 AvES 3 49 Keptilia 49 14 AMPniBiA 14 19 7 19 Pisces 7 Crbstacea •24«/o •S'/o The preceding table shows maximum reactions only amongst the Hominidae, Simiidae, and Cercopithecidae. In the case of the last only 4 bloods gave a maximum reaction, in two the precipitnm was moderate in quantity, in two it was voluminous, in fjict almost equal in quantity to that observed in the reactions with human ' Layton added -5 "/„ carbolic acid to his antiserum. '^ See p. 144 regarding the strength of antisera. 166 Tests loith Precijyitins and ape bloods. This great reaction with the blood of the two Cercopithecidae appears to find its explanation in the cause of death which was given for these two animals (Nos. 49 and 58) viz., intus- susception and dysentery. In both of these affections the blood is liable to become concentrated, and therefore, taken volume for volume, the serum of such an animal will contain more of the reacting body than does normal serum. Within limits, moreover, the more concentrated a blood dilution, the more precipitum will it yield upon the addition of an antiserum. In point of fact then, the bloods of Cercopithecidae give under ordinary conditions a very moderate reaction as compared to those of Hominidae and Simiidae. Three negative results amongst the Cercopithecidae (Nos. 49, 59, 75) are due to some common cause, which I am not at present able to fully explain. All three bloods were sent to me by Dr Langmann from the New York Zoological Gardens. None of them went well into solution, a fact which was possibly due to their having been exposed too long in the sun, or affected in some other way. The bloods of the Cebidae and Hapalidae show a still further reduction in the amount of reaction. If we include even the faint and medium cloudings ( * x) amongst the positive reactions, we see that the percentage' of positive reactions falls as we read doivn the column of the reactions with the bloods of Primates, from man to the Hapalidae. It must however not be lost sight of, that the great reactions in the two last columns are those which more clearly show the relationship. When we come to consider the other Mammalia, we see that there is a notable absence of larger reactions, the largest reactions noted being a few medium cloudings, and these occurred most frequently amongst the Carnivora and Ungulata. This will be better seen by reference to the percentages bracketed alongside the figures. The percentage of faint and medium cloudings in all the mammalian bloods examined, outside the Primates, amounts but to about a half of that noted for the Hapalidae, viz. 24°/o- Amongst the Primates we see that the result of the test with two lemurs was negative. I demonstrated a small series of primate bloods before the Royal Society (21 Nov. 1901), which showed this progressive decrease of reactions from the Hominidae downward, and no reaction with the lemur bloods. I stated at the time, that a weaker antiserum included the Hominidae, Simiidae and Cercopithecidae within its sphere of action. When the antiserum was stronger it included the Cebidae and Hapalidae, these reactions being comparatively very slight. On the other hand, if we use a very powerful anti-human serum, faint Anti-Human Serum 167 cloudings may also be observed in the dilutions of other mammalian bloods, and such an antiserum will also cloud the dilution of lemur blood. This is however a feeble reaction to which I have already given the name of mammalian reaction, for I have not found it to occur amongst non-mammalian bloods. This is very well seen by reference to the preceding table, where only one avian blood, out of 320 tested, is recorded as showing a faint clouding. On what such faint cloudings may depend, seems fairly clear. To begin with, they are such great exceptions that this alone suggests their being due to some error. At times they may be due to clouded solutions, or to clouded antiserum, at other times they may be due to the blood samples having been brought together by collectors. In an earlier paper I first showed that this reaction took place in blood mixtures. Consequently, if a blood sample, say from a bird, were brought in contact with one from a mammal, a positive reaction might take place with anti-avian as well as with anti-mammalian serum upon these being added to a dilution made from a sample of mixed bloods. Also, supposing that samples of dried bloods are stored in contact with one another, and are allowed to rub against each other, we may have the same result. This especially might occur where blood had been allowed to clot upon the paper, for blood-scales might break off and become attached to a paper saturated with another specimen of blood. Finally, a certain number of these results may be reasonably ascribed to the fact that in cutting out squares of filter-paper in succession from a number of different samples, a trace of a foreign blood may at times adhere to the scissors used and thus find its way into a solution to which it does not belong. It is remarkable however how few tests have given other than the result which experience taught one to expect. It is nevertheless well to remember these sources of error so as not to attach any special importance to exceptional reactions. The anti-human sera used in the foregoing tests were usually powerful, and therefore we find more "mammalian reactions" noted. In contrast to tins, we see on referring to the tests with a much weaker antiserum (anti-monkey, p. 171) that the action of the antiserum was practically limited to the Primates, for, oven when we include the faint cloudings, reactions only occurred in 1 "/o of all the other mam- malian bloods examined. 168 Tests ivith Precipitins (2 — 3) Tests with Antisera for Simiidae. The first to obtain antisera for the Simiidae was Griinbaum (18, i. 1902, p. 143), who treated rabbits with the blood of the gorilla, ourang- outang, and chimpanzee, obtaining as many antisera, all of which acted upon their homologous bloods, as well as upon those of the related species, and man. Griinbaum was unable to "assert that there is any difference of reaction " amongst these bloods to the several antisera above-named. Dr Griinbaum, knowing of my investigations, very kindly sent me some of his anti-gorilla and anti-chimpanzee serum, so that I might test them upon the bloods of Anthropoidea which I had collected. Unfortunately his anti-gorilla serum had gi-own so weak that no results of value could be recorded for it. On the other hand, the following table gives the results of tests made with the anti- chimpanzee serum. 47 Tests luith Anti-Chimpanzee Serum. The anti-chimpanzee serum used in these tests was kindly sent to me by Dr A. S. F. Griinbaum of Liverpool. It bore the date 24, 1. 1902, and the tests were made on its receipt four days later. The antiserum was weak and limited in quantity, and consequently but few bloods could be tested with it, the tests being confined to bloods of Primates. Although the amount of precipitum obtained was small, considerable differences could be noted. Iteactioua + •/. 8 100 3 100 . es 3 HoMiNiDAE (European) 3 Simiidae (2 spec.) • 23 CERcopiTnEciDAE (19 spec.) 8 9{397o) 6(26»/„) 12 Cebidae (9 spec.) 11 1 4 Hapalidae (3 spec. ) 13 2 Lemuridak 2 • • It will bo seen that the results are in accord with those obtained with anti-human serum. The proportion of negative results with the bloods of Cercopithecidae and Cebidae was naturally greater because a weaker antiserum was used. The results with Cebidae and Hapalidae do not agree with those obtained with the preceding and two succeeding series, where the Hapalidae gave lower values than the Cebidae. Anti-Simian Sera 169 81 Tests with Anti-Ourang Serum. The antiserum used in these tests was produced by injecting a rabbit with the serum of Simia satyriis, which died at the Zoological Society's Gardens (No. 38). The antiserum was of moderate power. Here again the tests were limited to those upon the bloods of Primates, the bulk of the antiserum being reserved for studies by the quantitative method reported in Section VII. Standardized 6 weeks after these tests were made, this antiserum gave a precipitum of '008 c.c. 23 HoMiNiDAB (4 races) 8 SiMiiDAE (3 spec.) 32 CKHCoriTiiEciDAE (23 spec.) 12 Cemdae (8 spec.) 4 HArALiDAE (3 spec.) 2 Lemdridae (2 spec. ) Reactions • * X + "U a 1 5 7 4 2 7(30»/„) 13(56»/„) 2(25,,) 2 ( e „ ) 23 (71 „ ) 2 (17 „ ) 3 (25 „ ) • • 6(62 0/„) 2(6") • 86 87 43 » We see here that the results are again mainly in accord with the preceding. It is possibly due to the fact of the human blood dilutions being somewhat weaker (old dried bloods mostly) that the human bloods gave lower values here. The quantitative tests made with fluid sera gave results similar to those in the two preceding tables. Owing to the fiict that this antiserum was more powerful than the anti-chimpanzee serum the greater number of the bloods of Cercopithecidae gave medium reactions. Of the 5 that gave negative results 3 were samples from India, Borneo, and China respectively, 1 came from New York (gave a * with anti-monkey), and the fifth sample had been dried one year. Similarly the 2 giving feeble reactions ( * ) came respectively from India and New York. The 3 negative results with human blood were with 3 samples (Negro, Nos. 33 — 35) sent from W. Africa, these samjiles also showing less than full reactions even with anti-human scrum. The negative result noted among Simiidae is due to the blood of a gorilla (No. 43) which Dr Griinbaum informed me a year ago gave but feeble reactions in his tests with anti-human and anti-chimpanzee serum. (4) Tests with Anti-Cercopithecus Sera. From my results with other anti-primate sera, it seemed of interest to repeat a series of tests with an antiserum for Cercopithecidae, and 170 Tests with Precipitins in due course for other families of Primates. The tests I have made with anti-monkey serum are given in the short table which follows. Before coming to these, I shall refer to a paper by Friedenthal (10, VII. 1902, p. 831). Pursuing my line of investigation, he sought to obtain an antiserum for Cynocephalus hamadryas, the blood of which animal he injected subcutaneously into rabbits in the huge doses of 26 — 51 c.c, which appears to have killed most of his rabbits outright, as might naturally be expected. It is almost impossible to attach any value to his results, because of the faulty manner in which he proceeded to immunify his animals, and especially because of the date at which he bled them after their last injection. In a protocol, which he gives, he states that he obtained an antiserum from a rabbit as follows: A rabbit received monkey serum subcutaneously in doses of 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5 c.c, the day intervals between inoculations being 3, 2, 5, 5, 4. Bled 3 days after the last injection, the rabbit's serum contained no precipitin for its homologous blood. Having waited seven days, he injected 25 c.c. (!) subcutaneously, and 48 hours (!) later, found precipitin (?) in the rabbit's serum, the serum being then used for tests. He made the tests by adding 0'2 c.c. of the serum to be tested to 5 c.c. of the "antiserum'." Although Friedenthal's method was evidently bad, the results he claims to have obtained are not opposed to mine. His antiserum acted on its homologous blood, and also upon that of three other Cercopithecidae {Cynocephalus " dschedala," Cvlubus guereza, Macacus cynomolgus) to an equal degree. His antiserum, when fii"st used, was certainly very weak (as might be expected from the very early date at which he bled his rabbit after its last injection), for he states that it failed to produce any effect upon human or anthropomorphic ape blood even after 24 hours. He adds, later (p. 833), that the rabbits which survived his (mal-) treatment, gave an anti- serum which did also produce reactions, though weaker ones, with both human and chimpanzee blood. In this he confirms my results with the anti-primate sera described on the preceding pages, and also agrees with what follows. It is unfortunate that Friedenthal used such methods, for, as stated, they tend very much to vitiate his results. • See further under "Sources of Error," p. 74. Anti-Moiikey Serum 171 733 Tests with Anti-Monkey (Cercopithecits) Serum. The antisenmi used in these tests was procured through the injection of a rabbit with the blood of Cercopithecus (Papio) hamadryas. The blood was kindly sent to me by Dr Liihe, the animal having died at the Zoological Gardens, Konigsberg (No. 65, 14, ii. 1902). The antiserum was feeble. 85 Primates Anthropoidea 23 Hominidae (4 races) ... 3 8 SimiiJae (3 spec.) 2 35Cercopithecidae(2-tspec.)* • 13 Cebidae (9 spec.) 7 4 Hapalidae (3 spec.) 3 Lemuroidea 2 Lemuridae (2 spec.) 2 29 Chiroptera 29 12 Insectivora 12 95 Carnivora 93 62 Kodentia 62 67 Ungulata 66 3 Cetacea 3 13 Edentata 13 26 Marsupialia 24 1 Monotremata 1 271 AvEs (incl. 3 eggs) 271 45 Reptilia 45 9 Amphibia 9 14 Pisces 14 1 Crdstacea 1 Beactions 16(70% 2 (25 „ 11(31 „ 3 (23 „ 1 (25 „ 4(17%) 4 (50 „ ) 21 (60 „ ) 3 (23 „ ) 3 («»/») 87 75 100 46 as 0^ u 2 1 8 V M'/o • No. 59 Cercopithecus is not included here, as it gave negative results throughout. See note to No. 49 in tables. The results will be seen to con'espond to those obtained with the preceding antisera, only that the reactions amongst the Cercopithe- cidae form the majority of the marked reactions. The bloods of Cebidae and Hapalidae again give less marked reactions than do those of Hominidae and Simiidae. The Lemuridae give a negiitive result. Owing to the weakness of this antiserum the mammalian reaction occurring in bloods not closely related is scarcely perceptible, for only 1 "/o of faint reactions (slight clouds) were observed amongst all the other mammalian bloods examined outside of the Primates. The action 172 Tests with Precipitins of this antiserum very well demonstrates a fact to which I have already drawn attention, namely that a weak antiserum is more limited in its action. II. Antisera for bloods of Insectivora. Uhlenhuth (25, Vli. 1901) treated rabbits with the serum of the hedgehog {Ennacem europaeus) and obtained an antiserum which only acted on the blood of the hedgehog, he tested 24 bloods as follows : — Man, hedgehog, bat, dog, fox, cat, pig, deer, ox, sheep, goat, horse, donkey, rabbit, guinea-pig, rat, mouse. Fowl, pigeon, owl, crow, sparrow, duck, goose. 383 Tests with Anti-Hedgehog Sei-um. The following tests were made with a powerful antiserum (Preci- pitum = '022 c.c.) obtained by injecting a rabbit with the mixed serum of four Erinaceus europaeiis (No. 135). In view of the continued negative results with different anti-mammalian sera upon non-mannna- lian bloods, these tests were limited to mammalia. Eeaetions 85 PmMATKS 83 27 CniRoi'TEBA 26 15 Insectivora (4 families) 6 Erinaceus europaeus • 1 Crocidura coerulea 1 6 Talpa europaea 6 2 Ceiitetes ecaudatua 1 92 Carnivora 87 58 rodentia 58 C5 Ungdlata 60 3 Cetacea 3 12 Edentata 12 25 Marsdpialia 25 1 monotbemata 1 The foregoing table shows a very limited action on the part of this antiserum, only the blood of Erinaceits eitrojmeus giving a full reaction. The tests with other Insectivora were negative, with the exception of one sample from Centetes ecaudatus which only gave a faint reaction such as was observed in a few instances amongst the other mammalia. * X - V 7o 2 2 1 3 < 3 100 With other than its homulogous serum 3-5 7o 1 60 5 S • 5 7 • • ■ . Anti-Cat Serum 173 III. Antisera for bloods of Camivora. (1) Tests tuith Anti-Cat Serum. In my pipor of 1, vii. 1901 (p. 381) I reported having failed to obtain an anti-cat serum by treating rabbits in the usual manner by intraperitoneal injections with cat serum. The rabbits were treated until they had received as many as 8 and 9 injections respectively, but there was no appearance of precipitin. Two further attempts were made which failed for the reason that a fresh cat serum was used for continuing the treatment begun with old serum, the fresh serum proving toxic. Discouraged by these results, I made no further attempts in this direction. Uhlenhuth (25, Vli. 1901) was more successful, how- ever. He does not state that he had any particular difficulty in obtaining this antiserum. He tested it on the 24 bloods cited on page 172, with the result that only cat serum dilutions were found to react, the antiserum being obtained, as usual, from rabbits. Stimu- lated by Uhlenhuth's success, I again made an effort to obtain anti-cat serum, finally succeeding, although I only obtained a weak antiserum. My results are summarized in the following table : Eeactiona 74 Primates 67 27 cuiropteka 27 13 Insectivoka 13 92 Cabnivora 19Felidae (8 spec.) 2 14 Viverridae (11 spec.) 12 1 Proteleidae 1 2 Hyaeuidae (1 spec.) 20 Canidae (14 spec. & ? races) 17 4 Ursidae (3 spec.) 3 7 Procyonidae (5 spec.) 5 19Mustelidac (10 spec.) 16 4 Pinnipedia (3 spec.) 4 63 bodeniia 61 73 Unoclata 72 2 Cetacea 2 13 Edentata 12 24 Maksupialla 24 1 mosotremata 1 324 Aves (incl. 4 eggs) 319 41 Eeptilia 41 10 Amphibia 10 22 Pisces 22 6 Cbustacea 6 6(8-'/o) Ml"/.) 5(20'>/„) 1 ( 7 „ ) 10{52«/„) 1(7,,) 1 1 1 3 1 1(14,,) 1(U„) 3 1 1* 1 + "/o 9 n a(IO»/„) 89^ 14 50 100 15 J-31-5''/„ 25 28 16 3 1 7 0-J other mam- mals than Carnivora 4% 174 Tests with Precipitins 785 Tests with Anti-Cat Serum. This antiserum was obtained by injecting a rabbit with the serum of Felis domesticus. The antiserum was weak, giving a precipitum of 005 c.c. It will be seen from the preceding table that this antiserum only produced full reactions amongst the Fclidae. Many of the bloods had been dried for over a year when brought into solution and tested. This, but especially the weakness of the antiserum, accounts for most of the reactions being so slight. The two negative results obtained with Felidae were with one blood of F. domesticus (No. 155) dried 19 months, and one of a leopard (147) sent to me by Mr E. H. Hankin from Agra, India. The blood-relationship amongst the Camivora is however fairly well shown, excepting in the case of the Pinnipodia. The other mammalia showed a much smaller number of faint reactions. One rodent blood (marked *, No. 288) gave a medium reaction, this was from an agouti and it behaved curiously with other antisera, as will be seen by reference to its number in the tables. The agouti blood, which had been preserved with chloroform, showed slight reactions with anti-wallaby and anti-Mexican-deer and also gave a medium reaction with anti-horse serum. I cannot as yet explain this result, as this blood did not react to 16 other antisera. (2) 378 Tests with Anti-Hyaena Serum. This antiserum was obtained by treating a rabbit with the serum of Hyaena stnata, the animal having died at the Zoological Gardens, London. This antiserum was much more powerful than the preceding. It gave a precipitum measuring 'OSl c.c. when "1 c.c. of the antiserum was added to 'Sec. of a 1 : 100 dilution of hyaena scrum. A glance over the following table immediately shows that a con- siderable number of reactions took place with the bloods of mammalia other than those belonging to the Camivora. When we however confine our attention to the largest reactions, we find that they occur solely amongst tlw Hyaenidae and. Felidae. If we include all the reactions, faint and otherwise, as positive ones, we find on reading the percentages opposite each family of Carnivora, that they are higher in each of these families than in any other mammalia not belonging to the order Camivora. The percentage of reactions amongst the Camivora, taken as a whole, is also higher. The anti-hyaena serum is sufficiently Anti- Hyaena Serum 175 powerful to include the Pinnipedia. On referring to the percentages of reactions all told, occurring between anti-cat serum and the bloods of Felidae and Hyaenidae, we find that even the weak anti-cat serum proved the close relationship of these two families, in a manner corre- sponding to what we have found with anti-hyaena serum. Moreover, in the case of both antisera, the lowest percentages of reactions all told are given by the bloods of Viverridae, Canidae, Ursidae and Mustelidae. Beactions 82PRIMATES 41 35(42<'/„) 12 (l4 »/„) 27 Chiropteka 22 6 13 Insectivoka 6 7 • 90 Carnivora 18 Felidae (8 spec.) • 1(5,,) 11 (Bl „ ) 14 Viverridae (11 spec.) 2 3 (21 „ ) 9(64,,) 8 Proteleidae • • 1 2 Hyaenidae (1 spec.) • 22 Canidae (13 spec. & ? var.) 4 4 (i8 „ ) 14 (63 „ ) 4 Ursidae (3 spec.) 1 1(25,,) 2 (50 „ ) 6 Procyonidae (4 spec.) • 2 4 18 Mustelidae (10 spec.) 4 6(33,,) 8 (44 „ ) 5 Pinnipedia (3 spec.) • 1(20,,) 4(80,,) 59 Eodentia 52 5(8„) 2*(3„) 65 Ungclata 31 26(40,,) 9 (14 „ ) 3 Cetacea 2 1 12 Edentata 8 3(25,,) 1 (8 „ ) 25 Marsupiai.ia 22 3 1 monotremaia 1 • Rodent blood 257 (see text). 4- Vo 56 18 S4 e(3S»/„) 100 >^ 85 100 100 81 75 100 77 100 J 12 54 33 33 12 87% Other mam- mals than Carnivora Of the 11 bloods of Carnivora giving negative results in the pre- ceding table, there were two of Viverridae (168 from Borneo, 169 dried 18 months), four of Canidae (187, 189, 196, 204, the three first from India, the last from Paraguay), one of Ursidae (206 dried 17 months). These bloods have evidently been the cause of lowering the percentage of positive results with anti-hyaena serum, but they do not account entirely for the lower percentages obtained with these families. On the other hand, the four bloods of Mustelidae giving a negative reaction, had all been collected in England, and presumably had not been subjected to any conditions which would alter the bloods so that they would not give good reactions with a suitable antiserum. One of the two rodent bloods(*) giving a medium clouding was No. 257 176 Tests with Precipitins (see tables), which acted peculiarly with other antisera. The other rodent blood giving this slight reaction was No. 283, and no explanation can be offered for the result. (3) Tests ivith Anti-Dog Sera. Nolf (v. 1900) first produced anti-dog serum by treating rabbits with dog serum. Ho was unsuccessful when he treated them with dog blood corpuscles. The antiserum did not precipitate some other bloods tested. In ray note of 11, v. 1901 I reported having obtained negative results with 23 bloods other than dog's. Similar results have been obtained by Uhlenhuth, who found the anti-serum to react with the blood of the fox. In my paper of 21, XI. 1901 I reported having only obtained reactions with the bloods of six species of Canidae, 196 non-canine bloods having given a negative result. By reference to the tables, it will be seen that a considerably larger number of canine bloods has since been examined. Qengou (25, x. 1902, p. 751) tested this antiserum upon four bloods (dog, horse, ox, guinea- pig) and found only that of the dog to react. I will add here that Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) has produced an anti-fox serum, which, tested on 24 bloods (see his list, p. 172) only reacted with the blood of the fox and dog, less with the latter. Farnum (28, xii. 1901) prepared anti-dog scrum and found it to precipitate solutions of serum of the dog, but not of man and bull. 777 Tests with Anti-Dog Serum. These tests were carried out in the couree of two years and necessi- tated the use of five different antisera obtained from as many rabbits which were treated with the serum of Ganis familiaris (different breeds). Four of the sera were powerful, one weak. The weak anti- serum was scarcely used. One of the powerful sera (the last used) was standardized, being found to give a precipitum of "015 c.c. We see from the following table that the dogs form a detached group amongst the Camivora, for with the exception of one of the Mustelidae, no other bloods gave a full reaction. Three canine bloods gave negative or faint reactions, the two giving negative results were sent from India (196) and South America (204), the one giving a faint clouding only, from India (187). It may therefore be assumed that these bloods had become relatively insoluble, The proportion of medium. Anti-Dog Serum 177 but especially of weak, reactions amongst the Carnivora is obviously much higher (note the percentages) than in the other mammalia when the number of bloods examined is taken into account. Reactions 84 Pbimates 66 16 (19"/,,) 25 Chibopteba 23 1(4 „) 14 Inseotivoba 12 1(7,,) 91 Caenivoea 18 Felidae (8 spec.) 12 3(8, 14 Viverridae (U spec.) 11 3 1 Proteleidae 1 2 Hyaenidae ( 1 spec. ) 1 1 22 Canidae (12 spec. * ? races) 2 1(7, 3 Ursidae (3 spec.) 1 7 Procyonidae (? 5 spec.) ... 4 2 (l9 , 20 Mustelidae (9 spec. ) 16 2(10, 4 Pinnipedia (3 spec.) 2 2 61 RoDENTIA 55 4(6, 65 U.NQULATA 63 2 2 Cetacea 2 13 Edentata 12 1 22 Maesupiama 21 1 1 monotremata 1 322 AvEs (incl. 4 eggs) 321 1 40 Keptilia 40 13 Amphibia 13 18 Pisces 18 6 Cecstacea 6 2(2%) 1 H -. ) 1(7 ■■ ) ) 3 (8 „ ) 2 ) 1 (U „ ) ) 1(5„) ) 2('.. ) 16 \ 21 50 l«(727o) 91 /o SI 8 U 1*6% (5,.) 43 20 50/ 9 3 a 4 03 Other mam- mals than Carnivora It is worthy of note, that the tests made with the three preceding antisera for Carnivora agree in causing a larger proportion of reactions amongst the Primates than amongst any of the other mammalia, excepting the results with anti-hyaena serum which show a large proportion of faint reactions amongst the Ungulata. One of the two rodent bloods giving a x reaction again proved to be No. 257 referred to under anti-hyaena serum. (4) 358 Tests with Anti-Seal Serum. The antiserum used in the following tests was obtained by treating a rabbit with the serum of Phoca vitulina L., the Common Seal (No. 242). The antiserum was weak, only giving a prccipitum measuring '006 c.c. when •! c.c. of antiserum was added to "5 c.c. of a 1 : 100 dilution of homologous serum. N. 12 178 Tests with Preciintins Reactions 7S Primates 63 24 Chiroptera 21 13 Inseciitora 12 88 Carnivora 18 Felidae (8 spec.) 14 13 Viverridae (10 spec.) 10 1 Proteleidae 2 Hyaenidae (1 spec.) 2 22 Canidae (13 spec. &? races) 11 4 Ursidae (3 spec.) 2 6 Procyonidae (? 4 spec.) ... 4 18 Mustelidae (10 spec.) 10 53 4 Pinnipedia (3 spec.) 56 eodentia 54 63 Ungulata 61 3 Cetacea 3 12 Edentata 10 23 Marscpialia .. 22 1 Monotremata 1 o(i2 7o) 3 1 1 ( 5 „ ) 2 (15 „ ) 1 7(31, 1 1 4 17 1 (25, 1 2 2 1 ) X "/o 3 ( 4 »/„) 16 12 7 3 (17 „ ) 22 1 1 ( 7 „ ) 23 (18 „ ) 14 3 (75 „ ) 1 37 '/o Other mam- mals than Carnivora s'Vo It is owing doubtless to a slight cloudiness and also to the feebleness of this antiserum that the results tabulated above appear at first sight less in accord with the preceding. It is obvious that it is more difficult to estimate different degrees of reaction when at most moderate cloudings occur and the precipitum observed after 24 hours is so small in quantity. It is evident nevertheless that the bloods of the Pinni- pedia react more than do the others, numerically if not apparently quantitatively, and it would appear also that there is a preponderance of reactions amongst the other Carnivora. It is notable again that the Primates stand out amongst the other mammalia, in a manner corre- sponding (but less marked) to what has been stated with regard to the preceding three antisera for Carnivora. IV. Antisera for Bloods of Rodents. Antisera for rabbit blood have been obtained by only a few observers, the first of these being Nolf (v. 1900) who produced it by treating a fowl with rabbit serum. Bordct (ill. 1899) failed to find any precipitin in guinea-pigs treated with rabbit serum, whereas Gongou (25, X. 1902, p. 743) claims that the serum of such guinea-pigs produced a " distinct opalescence" in rabbit serum dilutions, although it did not produce Anti-Rodent Sera 179 a precipitum. Two years ago I sought to discover if isoprecipitins were formed in rabbits treated with the serum of other rabbits, but the result wa« negative, and I have not mentioned it hitherto. Hamburger (6, XI. 1902, p. 1189, footnote) states that he obtained negative results in treating guinea-pigs with rabbit senim, consequently Gengou's state- ment requires further confirmation before it can be accepted. On the other hand Hamburger reports that he has succeeded in obtaining anti-rabbit serum by treating a goat with rabbit serum. De Lisle (XI. 1902, p. 399) states that he has obtained anti-rabbit serum by injecting rabbit blood into eels. Haemolysins were also formed in the eel, so that its serum after treatment was four times as toxic for rabbits as before. He does not state the strength of the blood dilutions he tested, nor is there mention of control tests on other sera, consequently his precipitin results are not as valuable as they might be. I have only had time to make two attempts to obtain anti-rabbit sera. Following Nolf, I used a fowl and duck for treatment, but in neither case was I successful. Working with birds is not satisfactory in any case, as compared to mammals. The goat would appear to be the most likely animal for such purposes. I regret not to be able to give a series of tests with an anti-rodent serum at present, but shall perhaps have an opportunity of doing so later. It will be very interesting to see how the collection of rodent bloods will behave to such an anti- serum. On glancing through the tables, we see that the results are throughout practically negative with rodent bloods. Here and there a rodent blood reacts, but this can be put down in some cjiscs to experi- mental error. Also where the most powerful anti-mammalian sera were used, we see a number of slight cloudings noted (anti-pig, anti-human, anti-hyaena) but they appear to have no .significance excepting as slight indications of mammalian relationship. I would surmise that a powerful anti-rodent serum might possess a very generalized action in this group. V. Antisera for Bloods of Ungulata. a. Suidae. (1) Tests with Anti-Pig Serum. The first to produce anti-pig scrum was Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) who tested 24 bloods therewith (see list on p. 172); the only bloods ho found to react were those of the pig and wild-boar. I subsequently (20, 1. 1902) tested 250 bloods with this antiserum, with the result that 12—2 180 Tests tvith Precipitins I found it to produce marked clouding in a number of mammalian bloods: that of man, several species of monkey, bear, dog, opossum, raccoon, cat, coati, genet, stoat, rat, mouse. It did not however produce a full reaction with any blood except that of the pig, no other suilline bloods being tested. Only once did the antiserum produce a slight clouding in an avian blood, this being attributed to experimental error, the sample in question having probably been in contact with some mammalian blood, through carelessness in collection. Still later, (5, IV. 1902), I observed faint cloudings to occur upon the addition of this antiserum to the bloods of the antelope and deer, and after 30 to 120 minutes in the bloods of bats (6 species), 3 species of Edentates, and 8 species of Australian Marsupials. I also drew attention to the interesting fact that the blood of the porpoise immediately gave a slight clouding with this antiserum, a well-marked though slight deposit being formed after 24 hours. I wrote at the time that "The more general action of this particular anti-pig serum on other mammalian bloods may at first appear to contradict what has hitherto been claimed with regard to the relatively specific character of these antisera; but this is actually not the case. I have already noted elsewhere the occasional occurrence of clouding in non-homologous bloods upon the addition of an antiserum." I have attributed these results to the great power of my antisera, giving what I have described elsewhere as a " mammalian reaction." Besides Uhlenhuth and myself, only Kister and Wolfi" (18, xi. 1902, p. 422) are known to me as having experimented with anti-pig serum. They state that their antiserum did not act on human blood in any concentration, and this I attribute to their antiserum not being as powerful as mine. Under the same conditions the antiserum gave a reaction in 5 minutes with pig blood (followed by a large deposit in 1 — 2 hours), a cloud in the sera of ox and sheep after 20 minutes, and in the horse after 60 minutes. Finally, Schiitze (6, xi. 1902, p. 805) found pig haematoserum to precipitate solutions of pig spermatozoa, but not those of man. 818 Tests with Anti-Pig Serum. Three different antisera were used in the following tests, the three having been obtained by injecting as many rabbits with the serum of the domestic pig. All three antisera were exceedingly powerful, two of Anti-Pig Serum 181 « X + + »/« . 16(18%) 19(217„) 18(20»/„) . eo » 2(6 „) 8(27,,) 1 (3 „ ) • 58 3 3(2i„) 2(14,,) 1(7.,) . 4J i 20(21,,) 20(27,, ) 5(5 „) • 53 i 16(«„) 4(6..) l'('»/u) 32 1 1 them on being standardized giving a precipitum of -045 and '055 c.c. respectively. Reactions 89 Primates 36 29 Chikoptera 18 14 Insectivora 96 Carnivoba 45 65 RoDENTIA 44 69 Unoci.ata a. Artiodactyta Suina 4 Suidae 1 Dieotylidae Tylopoda 4 Caraelidae (2 spec.) . Tragulina 1 Tragulidae Pecora 17 Cervidae (12 spec.) . 34 Bovidae (22 spec.) . Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae • 6 Equidae (3 spec.) 3 c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 3 Cetacea (2 spec.) 13 Edentata 3 26 Marsupialia 10 1 monotremata 1 322 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) 321 47 Reptii.ia 47 13 Amphibia 13 24 Pisces 24 7 Crustacea 7 8 23 b. 4(23,, 6(17,, 1 1 ) • ) 5(15,,) 5(18,,) 12(35,,) 5 (38 „ ) 5(19,,) 2 5 (38 „ ) 11(42,,) * Rodent No. 257 which gave curious resalta with other antisera, 100 100 75 41 67; 66% lUO so j 57% 100 100 Other 77 mammals 61 than Un- gulata 51»/o The antisera employed for these tests were amongst the most powerful used throughout the investigation. The general mammalian reaction is consequently well marked. Nevertheless we see that fall reactions only occurred amongst the Suidae. The four bloods of Suidae tested included the blood of the domestic pig, of the wild boar (Europe), and of a wild boar, whose blood was collected at Singapore. Moderate reactions were observed with the blt)ods of Bovidae, Cervidae, Camelidae. Taking the Artiodactyla as a whole we find that G6 "/o of the bloods gave some sort of reaction. The Perissodactyla and Hyracoidea (1 sample only of 182 Tests loith Precipitms last) gave but slight reactions. Whether it is due or not to the fact that the pig is a " generalized mammal " I do not know, but certainly the results, especially with the Primates, seem somewhat anomalous. We find in fact that nearly all the mammalia are more or less connected, the only quite negative result being with the blood of a Monotreme, which has shown no trace of reaction with any of my antisera, although it went perfectly into solution. These results seem to be confirmed by our quantitative tests as far as they have gone. This antiserum brings out the reaction with the bloods of Cetacea in a very striking manner. It will be seen further that these bloods also reacted to other anti-ungulate sera. The quantitative tests (see Section VII), very clearly show a remarkable tendency of cetacean blood to react with anti-ungulate sera, giving large perfectly measurable quan- tities of precipitum. The following passage from Flower and Lydekker (p. 233)' would seem to offer the clearest explanation of this action of anti-ungulate sera upon cetacean bloods. They write, " But the structure of the Cetacea is, in so many essential characters, so unlike that of the Camivora that the probabilities are against these orders being nearly related. Even in the skull of the Zeuglodon, which has been cited as presenting a great resemblance to that of a seal, quite as many likenesses may be traced to one of the primitive Pig-like Ungulates (except in the purely adaptive character of the form of the teeth), while the elongated larynx, complex stomach, simple liver, reproductive organs both male and female, and foetal membranes of the existing Cetacea are far more like those of that group than of the Camivora. Indeed it appears probable that the old popular idea which affixed the name of "Sea-Hog" to the Porpoise contains a larger element of truth than the speculations of many accomplished zoologists of modem times " b. Camelidae. (2) 363 Tests with Anti-Llama Serum. This antiserum was produced by injecting a rabbit with the serum of Auchenia huanacos Molina. The antiserum was weak, giving a precipitum of '005 c.c. when standardized, six weeks later. » Flower, W. H., and Lydekker, E. (1891), An Introduction to the Study of Mammals Living and Extinct, London, Adam and Charles Black. Anti-Llama Serum 183 Eeactions # X + + 7o 2 4 • • 3 9 ' 1 . . • " 25 • 1 • 100 • a a 100 .607« • • • 4 9 23) «5°/» 29 J , (1 1 SO 1 3 Other mam- mals than Ungnlata 2-6 «/„ 75 Primates 72 25 Chiroptera 25 13 Insectivora 13 89 Carnivora 85 57 rodentia 57 62 Ungulata a. Artiodactyla Suina 4 Suidae 3 1 Dicotylidae Tylopoda 4 Camelidae (3 spec.) ... Tragulina 1 Tragulidae 1 Peoora 17 Cervidae (12 spec.) ... 13 31 Bovidae (22 spec.) ... 22 b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 1 2 Equidae (1 spec.) 1 c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 2 Cetacea 2 12 Edentata 12 27 Marsupialia 26 1 monotbemata 1 The preceding table shows that large reactions only occurred with two samples of the blood of two animals of the species Auchenia huanacos, the blood of one of which was used for the treatment of the rabbit yielding the antiserum. The blood of Auchenia glama and Camelus dromedanus gave x reactions. The percentage of reactions all told, is larger amongst the Ungulata than among the other mammalia. Again the Primates and Carnivora stand out among these. c. Cervidae. (3) 749 Tests with Anti-Mexdcan-Beer Serum. The following tests were made with one antiserum obtained by injecting a rabbit with the serum of Cariacus mexicanus, H. Smith (No. 338, belonging to the Family Cervidae). This antiserum was powerful, giving a precipitum of '015 when standardized. 184 Tests with Precijntms 73 Primates 40 25 Chiroptera 15 11 Insectivoba 7 84 Carnivoea 62 61 bodentia 57 61 Unoclata a. Artiodactyla Saina 3 Suidae 1 Dicotylidae • Tylopoda 2 Camelidae (2 sp.) Tragulina 1 Tragulidae Pecora 15 Cervidae (11 sp.) If 34 Bovidae (22 sp.) 2^ b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 3 Equidae (1 spec.) 2 c. IJyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 2 Cetacea 1 13 Edentata 10 23 Marsupialu 21 1 monotremata 1 314 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) 314 40 Heptilia 40 11 Amphibia 11 23 Pisces 23 7 Cbostacea 7 Reactions ^ * X + + 7o 27 (37»/„) 4 (5 7«) 2 (2 7o) 47 10 . . 40 3 (27 „ ) 1*(9„) • 3S 15 (18 „ ) 7 (8 „ ) . 27 3 1 . « 1(6,,) (53 „ ) 7 (20„ ) 17 (50 „ ) 2 (13 „ 5(14,, 100 ' 100 100 3(20%) 3(8„) • JOO % 9*7o 100 33 SO Other 23 mammals than Ungulata » 27«/„ * Fluid serum No. 143. t No. 332 test not repeated, result doubtful as gave good reactions with other antisera. X No. 347 from Central Africa, 369 dried 15 months when tested. § No. 380 a fluid serum 17 days on ice tested with antiserum 19 days old also on ice. I! No. 385 Balaenoptera rostrata. This and another sample of fluid blood showed reactions with other anti-ungulate sera. It will be noted in the preceding table that large reactions occur only amongst the Pecora, forming 20 °/(, of such reactions amongst the Cervidae, 8 "/a among the Bovidae. The bloods of both of these families all reacted if we except the three giving a negative result (about which see footnotes). Second-class reactions occurred chiefly amongst the Pecora, as also in 1 blood each of Suidae, Equidae, Cetacea, and in only 2 (2 7o) of the Primates. All bloods of Artiodactyla, outside the Pecora, reacted. Anti- Reindeer Serum 185 though weakly. Of 3 equine bloods two gave no reaction, one gave a moderate reaction ; the blood of Hyrax gave a negative result. Of the non-ungulate bloods those of the Primates gave the highest percentage of reactions all told. (4) 69 Tests with Anti- Reindeer Serum. This antiserum was obtained by injecting a guinea-pig with the blood and clouded serum of Rangifer tarandus, kindly sent me by Privatdocent Dr Max Luhe from the Zoological Gardens at Konigsberg. The antiserum was unfortunately very weak, yielding only a precipitum of -004 when standardized with its homologous blood. Owing to its limited quantity it was impossible to carry out more than a very small number of tests, especially as some antiserum was used for the quan- titative tests reported in Section VII. Beactions 4 CnraopTEBA 4 6 Carnivoba G 1 RoDENTIA 1 9 Ungulata a. Artiodactyla Suina 1 Suidae Pecora 4 Cervidae (4 spec.) 1 4 Bovidae (4 spec.) • b. Perissodacti/la 1 Equidae 1 Cetacea 1 Maksupialia 1 41 AvEs 41 5 Reptilia 6 3 a 7o 75 100 100 y 100 90»/, Other mammalian bloods than £hose noted were not tested for the reason that the antiserum had become exhausted. Here, as in the preceding table, the Pecora only show greater reactions, the Cervidae giving more of the mai-ked reactions than do the Bovidae. Of the other manmialian sera tested those of a pig, horse, Ronjual (385 Balae- noptera rostrata) gave a faint clouding. All other bloods showed no trace of reaction. 186 Tests ivitti Precipitins (5) 699 Tests with Anti-Hog-Deer Serum. This antiserum was obtained by treating a rabbit with the serum of Gervus porcinus Zimm. (No. 326> The antiserum gave a precipitum of •0063 c.c. when standardized. Beactions 74 PatMATES 70 3 22 Chibopteba 22 H Insectivoea 11 86 Cabnivoba 80 3 57 BoDENTiA 56 1 62 Unoulata a. Artiodactyla Saina 3 Suidae (3 spec. ?) . 3 1 Dicotylidae 1 Tylopoda 2 Camelidae (2 sp.) 1 1 Traguliua 1 Tragulidae 1 Pecora 17 Cervidae (12 sp.) 1 34 Bovidae (22 sp., 4 races) 2 b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 1 2 Equidae (1 spec.) 2 c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 2 Cetacea 1 1 12 Edentata 11 1 17 Mabsupialu 17 1 mosotiiemata 1 290 AvEs (incl. 4 eggs) ... 290 33BEPTIUA 33 11 Amphibia 11 15 Pisces 15 6 Cbustacea 6 l(B7o) 7(41%) 2(l2"/„) 9(26,,) 15(44,,) 2(6„) 0/ /o 5 7 1 100 \ () 50 6(35%) 94 e (17 ,, ) 94 50 8 57 Vo Other mammals than Ungnlata It will be seen from the above table that the bloods of the Pecora only give large reactions, and that the percentage of large and moderate reactions amongst the Cervidae is higher than amongst the Bovidae. In some cases the bloods from both of these families appear to react equally. One sample of cervine blood failed to react : 322, from India. Two bovine bloods failed to react : 347 from Central Africa, and Anti-Antelope Senim 187 369, dried over a year when tested ; if we exclude these then 100 "/o of the bloods of Pecora reacted. Next in order come the Suidae and Caraelidae and the Cetacea. d. Bovidae. (6) 686 Tests tvith Anti-Antelope Serum. This antiserum was obtained by injecting a rabbit with the serum of Cobus nnctuosus Lorrill., or Sing-Sing antelope (340) which died at the 68 Primates 62 23 Chiroptera 23 10 Insectivora 10 82 Carnivora 77 58 KoDENTiA 56 60 Unoulata a. Artiodactyla Suina 3 Suidae 1 1 Dicotylidae . Tylopoda 2 Camelidae (2 sp.) 1 Tragulina 1 Tragulidae Pecora 16 Cervidae (11 sp.) If 33 Bovidae (22 sp., ?var.) 1 + b. Perissodactyla 8 Equidae (1 sp.) ... 3 0. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 2 Cetacea 2§ 11 Edentata 11 16 Marscpialia 16 1 Monotremata 1 292 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) ... 292 33 Eeptilia 83 10 Amphibia 10 15 Pisces 15 5 Ckdstacea 5 Keactions X + + Vo 2 9 • 1 G 1» 3 3(18%) 7(43»/„) 5(31»/„) 3 » ) 19 (57 „ ) 7 (21 „ ) <8. 100 so •n7o 96»/„ 6(l5»/„) 97. 100 other mammaU than Uniittlata 5 7o Collected properly ? • 257, see tables, this sample reacted most peculiarly, t 336, roebuck, gave feebler reactions than another sample from same species when tested with other anti-ungulate sera. X 347 from Central Africa. § 385-6 showed trace of deposit after 24 hours. 188 Tests with Preelpitins Zoological Gardens, London. The antiserum was very powerful, giving a precipitum of "055 when standardized. We see from the above table that the large reactions are limited to the Bovidae, the second-class reactions to Bovidae (21 "/o) find Cervidae (31 "Jq of their totals). Two negative results amongst the Pecora are referred to in footnotes. Other Artiodactyla than the Pecora gave 71 "/j total reactions. Hyrax gave a faint clouding, the Equidae negative results. The Cetacea also gave negative results, although it is stated in the tables that a trace of deposit was noted in the tubes after 24 hours. Of the non-ungulate bloods those of the Primates and Camivora give most reaction. (7) Tests with Anti-Ox Serum. The first to produce anti-ox serum was the late Dr Walter Myers (14, VII. 1900) who treated rabbits with ox serum-globulin, obtaining an antiserum which precipitated solutions of ox globulin, besides having a slight action on a similar solution from sheep. Uhlenhuth (1, li. 1901) produced it next by subjecting rabbits to intraperitoneal injections of defibrinated ox blood, doses of about 10 c.c. being administered every 6 — 8 days until 5 injections had been made. He tested 19 different bloods therewith in 1 : 200 dilutions. The bloods tested were the following, which I have grouped in order: Ox Man Fowl Sheep Turkey Deer Dog Pigeon Fallow Deer Cat Goose Pig Hare Rabbit Horse Guinea-pig Donkey Rat Mouse Presumably his anti-ox serum was weak, for he states that he obtained a reaction only with ox blood. In my preliminary note of 11, V. 1901, in which tests on 24 bloods were reported, I noted that anti-ox serum also produced a weak reaction with the blood of the sheep. As the number of bloods tested increastsd, I found that those of the gazelle and axis-deer gave distinct reactions (1, vii. 1901), as did also those of the goat, roebuck, and Burrhel sheep (14, IX. 1901), and in Anti-Ox Serum 189 a later paper (21, xi. 1901) I stated that the tests conducted both with anti-ox and anti-sheep sera had "given reactions, which indicate the existence of a 'blood relationship' between certain of the true ruminants," positive reactions having further been obtained with the bloods of the deer, antelope and gnu. The bloods of the Tragulidae and Camclidao (20, i. 1902) gave no indication of relationship with the true ruminants. Subsequently I found what appeared to be differences in the degree of the reaction, the antisera for ox and sheep acting " to a greater degree upon the bloods of more closely allied species" (5, IV. 1902). In the meantime Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) tested 24 bloods (see his list on page 172) with this antiserum, and found it to give much precipitum with ox blood, and a small prccipitum with the bloods of the goat and sheep. Farnum (28, xii. 1901), in America, treated rabbits with the semen of the bull and found the antiserum thus ob- tained to act upon homologous solutions, not upon those of goat semen. Michaelis and Oppenheimer (1902, p. 342) found anti-ox serum to act on ox and on sheep blood, not on that of the horse. Michaelis (9, X. 1902, p. 734), states that this antiserum acts very much less upon sheep blood than upon that of the ox. Kister and Wolff (18, xi. 1902, p. 422) publish results which certainly suggest some experimental error, probably, as Uhlenhuth suggests, the use of " milky antisera " (see p. 72). Correctly enough, according to the results above cited, deposits were found to occur upon the addition of this antiserum to ox and sheep blood, but they found a greater reaction with human blood than with that of the pig and horse. 790 Tests tuilh Anti-Ox Serum. Four different antisera were used in the following tests, all being obtained from rabbits injected with the serum of the ox. The antisera were fairly powerful, one of them, when standardized, giving a precipitum of -Oil c.c. The larger reactions are limited here to the bloods of the Bovidae, the second-class and weaker reactions being about equally divided amongst the Bovidae and Cervidae, medium cloudings occurred in a horse, a pig, and a whale blood and in a few Primates (ll'/o) *°d Camivora (4 "/„). All three of the cetacean bloods gave some reaction. Two of the four cervine bloods sent from India, which gave no reaction, should be excluded. 190 Tests with Precipitins Reactions 94 Primates 84 29 Chiboptera 29 12 Insectivora 12 91 Carnitora 87 63 EODENTIA 62 67 Unoclata a. Artiodactyla Suina 4 Suidae 3 1 Dicotylidae 1 Tylopoda 4 Camelidae 4 Tragulina 1 Tragulidae 1 Pecora 17 Cervidae (12 sp.) 4 35 Bovidae (22 sp., etc.) b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 1 3 Equidae 2 0. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 3 Cetacea (2 spec.) 13 Edentata 13 26 Mabsopialia 26 1 monotremata 1 301 Aves (incl. 4 eggs) ... 299 51 Eeptilia 51 13 Ampuibu 13 19 Pisces 19 7 Crustacea 7 6(6«/o) 4(4«/„) 4» 2(n<'/„) 3(l7«/o) 8(47%) 2t 4(11,,) 6(17,,) 17(48,,) 01 10 1 4 1 85 \ ^10% n im n o-« n Other mammals than Ungulata 5»/o • Two of these, 322 and 323, from India. t? (8) Tests with Anti-Sheep Serum. The first to prepare this antiserum was Myers (14, viz. 1900). He treated rabbits with sheep serum-globulin, and found that their serum contained a " specific " precipitin for sheep globulin solutions, and also exerted a slight precipitating action upon ox globulin. Nuttall (17, V. 1901) treated rabbits with sheep serum and obtained a similar result, when testing 24 bloods. Subsequently he found (1, vn. 1901) the blood of the gazelle and axis-deer to give "distinct but less marked" Anti-Sheep Serum 191 reactions than did the blood of the sheep. Uhlenhuth (25, Vll. 1901) tested 24 bloods (see list p. 172) with this antiserum, finding that it gave almost as much reaction with the blood of the goat as with that of the sheep, less with that of the ox. He observed no reaction in the blood of a deer, nor in any of the other bloods tested. With an in- creasing number of bloods tested, I noted more and more the tendency of this antiserum to include other Bovidae in its positive reactions, and not infrequently Cervidae. In several short papers these findings were briefly dwelt upon as in the preceding tests -with anti-ox serum. Recently Schiitze (6, xi. 1902, p. 805) has found anti-sheep serum to act less upon ox spermatozoa solutions than upon corresponding ones of the sheep. The results of Kister and Wolff (18, xi. 1902, p. 421) with this antiserum are in accord with mine, and of themselves indicate that an experimental error lay at the bottom of those they obtained with anti-ox serum referred to above. Anti-sheep serum clouded both sheep and ox serum dilutions in 5 minutes, leading to a large deposit in the former after 2 hours. After 20 to 30 minutes slight clouds appeared in pig and horse serum. No effect was exerted on human blood after 2 hours. As the proportion of antiserum added to the dilution decreased, the blood of the pig and horse ceased to react, reactions still being obtained with the bloods of sheep and ox. 701 Tests with Anti-Sheep Sei'um. Six different antisera, obtained from as many rabbits, were used for these tests. The rabbits received injections of the serum of the domesti- cated sheep. One of the antisera had moderate power, whereas the others were powerful. One of the latter gave a precipitum of '02 when standardized. Here again the large reactions are limited to the bloods of Bovidae (23 "jo), the second-class reactions occur amongst Bovidae and Cervidae, forming a higher percentage of the total reactions in the latter group. Of the bloods of other Ungulata, those of Suina and Equidae gave faint and medium cloudings. One of two cetacean bloods tested gave a medium clouding. Outside the Ungulata, those of Primates and Carnivora gave most of the " mammalian reactions " recorded, viz. 5 and 10 "/o respectively. Two of the four bloods of Pecora giving negative results were from India. 192 Tests with Precijntins Bcactiong 75 Primates 71 24 Chikoptera 24 9 Insectivora 9 78 Cabnivoba 70 58 BoDENTU 67 61 Ungulata a. Artiodactyla Suina 3 Suidae 2 1 Dicotylidae Tylopoda 2 Camelidae (2 sp.) 2 Traguliua 1 Tragulidae 1 Pecora 16 Cervidae (11 sp.) 2* 34 Bovidae (21 sp., 4 races) 2t b. Perissodactyla 3 Equidae 1 c. Uyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 2 Cetacea 1 12 Edentata 12 22 Marsdpialia 22 1 monotbemata 1 289 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) ... 287 33EEPTILIA 33 1 3 Amphibia 13 17 Pisces 17 7 Ceustacea 7 l(6"/o) 0(56%) 4(25%) 2(6„) 12(35,,) 10(23,,) * One from India (H23), the of. t One from China (393), the ol 10 6 n 10 2 88 8(23%) 94 66 i»7o 92"/„ 50 Other n mammals than Ungulata » 5 7o ler (329) from Germany, her (342) from London Zoo. e. Equidae. (9) Tests with Anti-Horse Serum. Anti-horse serum was first obtained by Tchistovitch (v. 1899) by treating rabbits with horse serum, injections of 3 c.c. being made 5 — 6 times, at intervals. We may conclude that his antiserum was very weak indeed, for the reason that he states it produced a reaction ■with the serum of the horse, but not with that of the donkey. Tests upon normal rabbit serum also proved negative. Nolf (v. 1900), and Anti-Horse Serum 193 several observers since, have prepared this antiserum. In a series of 24 bloods tested by me and reported in my preliminary note of 11, v. 1901, only horse serum was found to react to its antiserum. Numbers of tests were reported on in my subsequent papers, wherein it was stated that the only other blood to react was that of the donkey. Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) reported having tested 24 bloods with anti- horse serum (see list p. 172) and he found no other bloods outside those of the horse and donkey to react. Schiitze (6, xi. 1902, p. 805) found this antiserum to precipitate spermatozoa solutions of the horse, but not those of man, and ox. Uhlenhuth (7, xi. 1901) suggests the use of this antiserum for the detection of horse-meat in sausages (see under practical applications), and, using the test on meats, Notel (13, iii. 1902) found horse and donkey meat indistinguishable. Kister and Wolff(18, xi. 1902, pp. 414 — 416) published seven tables of tests made by them with anti- horse serum upon 5 bloods. They do not state whether they were all conducted with one, or with several antisera, so it is to be presumed that they used one, which they say "surprised" them by the general reactions which it gave. I have no doubt, in view of my own results, that Uhlenhuth is right in stating that these authors probably had to deal with what is well described as a " milky antiserum " (see p. 72), for their results are somewhat anomalous. Possibly their antisera were preserved with chloroform (see p. 76). They tested the blood of the horse, pig, ox, sheep, and man. On adding antiserum in the proportion 1 : 5 blood-dilution (1 : 10 to 1 : 320) all the bloods clouded, the greatest clouding occurred with horse blood, where a large deposit soon formed. Deposits did not occur in the other bloods (except man, tests of 1 : 10 and 1 : 40). When the amount of antiserum added was less than 1 : 10, 1 : 30, 1 : 50, the reactions amongst non-homologous bloods took place more and more slowly, all the bloods outside that of the horse practically ceasing to react with tests of 1 : 100. Beginning with their tests of 1 : 5, and following the series of increasing amount of dilution to which antiserum was added to 1 : 100, we find that the blood of the pig first ceased to react, then that of man and ox. Strong sheep blood dilutions still gave clouds with antiserum added in the proportion of 1 : 100, the clouding only appearing after two hours ; though the homologous horse serum reacted in five minutes. Next to horse, most positive reactions were obtained with man. These results are entirely in disacconl with mine and others. N. 13 194 Tests with Precipitins Reactions 97 Primates 93 28 Chiropteba 29 13 Insectivoha 13 88 Caknivora 86 63 Rodentia 61 71 XjNOnLATA a. Artiodactyla Saida 4 Saidae 3 1 Dicotylidae 1 Tylopoda 4 Camelidae (3 sp.) 4 Tragulina 1 Tragulidae 1 Pecora 17Cervidae (I2sp.) 15 36 Bovidae (22 sp.) 36 b. Perissoddctyla 1 Tapiridae 1 6 Equidae (3 sp.) ... c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 3 Cetacea 2 13 Edentata 13 26 Mabscpialia 26 1 Monotremata 1 296 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) ... 296 51 Reptilia 51 13 Amphibia 13 20 Pisces 20 6 Ckustacea 6 2t 2: tt + 7o »i 6 ino * The 3 bloods giving « reactions were Nos. 38, 45, 58, all fluid. No. 45 reacted peculiarly with other antisera. The other two were not tested with many antisera. . + One, a fluid serum No. 162, gave fuint clouding with a number of other antisera. See tables. The other. No. 168, a sample from Borneo, also gave « with anti-human, and X with anti-hog-deer. X One, a clouded, chloroform-preserved serum (No. 288) rejected in some of the tests because it gave clouded dilutions. Gave x with anti-wallaby and anti cat, both weak antisera. Also » with anti-Mexican-deer. The other. No. 292, was a dried sample from S. America, and this also reacted, with faint clouding, with 4 different antisera. Owing to the peculiar behaviour of these two bloods they should be excluded. § No. 313, fluid serum. The negative results were with samples dried on filter-paper, but perfectly soluble. II Anti-diphtberial serum .5 years old, fluid, bottled (No. 378). Two sets of tests on Nos. 37G and 377 (anti-diphtherial horse serum, dried in scales, bottled since 1895 and 1897 respectively) gave negative results with this antiserum, doubtless because of their insolubility ; these are excluded from the above table as also from the other tables. t+ No. 41), fluid serum. The value of this reaction is open to doubt because of the behaviour of this blood to other non homologous antisera, notably, weak anti-cat and anti-wallaby, Anti-Horse and Donkey Sera 195 790 Tests with Anti-Horse Serum. Four antisem were used in the tests noted on p. 1 94, the antisera having been obtained from as many rabbits treated with the serum of horses slaughtered at Cambridge. Three of the antisera were powerful, one of moderate strength, giving, when standardized, a precipitum of -008 c.c. The reactions with anti-horse serum, and with the antisera for the donkey and zebra, are practically in accord. The large reactions are in all three cases confined to equine bloods. In the case of the last two antisera, a time limit was put upon the reactions recorded, those only being included which took place within 40 minutes. For this re:Tson the effects of these antisera seem more limited, although the difference is trivial. Although the reactions with the bloods of Equidae are put down as equal, there is a very distinct difference both with regard to the time in which they take place, and the amount of precipitum formed. Anti-horse serum acts more rapidly on horse blood than upon the othei-s, anti-donkey more rapidly upon that of the donkey, anti-zebra more rapidly upon that of the zebra. In the quantitative tests to be reported in Section VII. these differences arc stated in figures, and arc dwelt upon more in detail. (10) Tests with Anti-Donkey Serum. This antiserum was first obtained by Uhlenhuth (25, vii. 1901) who tested 24 bloods therewith (see list p. 172) and found it only to react with 2 bloods, those of the donkey and horse, less with the latter. 94 Tests with Anti-Donkey Serum. The following tests were made on one day, and with one antiserum obtained from a rabbit which had been treated with the serum of Equus asiinis. Only the reactions occurring within 40 minutes are recorded. The antiserum was fairly powerful, giving a precipitum of about O'Ol c.c. when standardized. The tests on the bloods of Ungulata and Cetacea are included in the extended tables at the end, but not the others, as they were made in such limited ninnbers. Only one test on Ungulata is not included in the tables at the end, the test having been made on a fluid ox-serum (1, 1. 1902) not included amongst the numbered samples The following 13—3 196 Tests with Precipitins numbers, referring to the bloods tested, are to be found in the first column of the tables in question. 5 Pbimates 5 5 Chiroptera 5 2 Insectivora 2 6 Caknivoba 6 6 EoDENTIA C 46 Ungolata a. Artiodactyla Suina 4 Suidae 2 1 Dicotylidae Tylopoda 3 Camelidae 3 Tra(,'ulina 1 Tragulidae 1 Peoora 13 Cervidae 12 ISBovidae 15 b. Peritsodactyla 1 Tapiridae 1 4 Equidae (3 spec.) c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyracidae 1 3 Cetacea 3 5 Edentata 5 5 m.vr8upialia 5 1 MoNOTREMATA 1 8 AvEB 8 1 Keptilia 1 1 AjiPHnjiA 1 Reactions > '8 "/o 4 100% The bloods tested in the above table wei"e Primates, Nos. 38, 44, 45, 48, 57, all fluid ; Chiroptera, Nos. 99, 100, 105, 114, 119, all samples dried on filter-paper; Insectivora, Nos. 133, 141, both fluid; Carnivora, Nos. 145, 162, 205 a, 220, 242, and unnumbered dog's serum (4, in 1902), all fluid; Kodentia, Nos. 247, 271, 280, 284, 286, 289, all dried on filter- paper; Edentata, Nos. 388, 389, 390, 391, 395, all fluid; Marsupialia, Nos. 406, 412, 415, 417, 425, all fluid ; Monotremata, No. 427, dry ; Aves, Nos. 428, 448, 461, 463, 477, 502, and two unnumbered samples, fowl (12, III. 1902) and pigeon (6, vi. 1902), all fluid; Reptilia (813), Amphibia (862), both fluid. Anti-Zehra Set'vm 197 (11) 94 Tests with Anti-Zebra Serum. These tests were all made on one day with one antiserum obtained from a rabbit treated with the serum of Ecptns greyvi Giinther, Grevy's zebra, which died at the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. This antiserum was moderately powerful, giving a precipitum of -012 c.c. with its homologous blood. Reactions 5 Primates 5 « X 5 Chiroptera 2 Insectivoba 5 2 • 6 Carnivoba G 6 RODENTIA 6 46 Ungulata a. Artiodactyla Suina 4 Suidae 4 1 Diootylidae Tjlopoda 3 Camelidae 1 3 • Tragulina 1 Tragulidae 1 Pecora 13 Cervidae 18 Bovidae .. 12 11 1 4 3 b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 1 4 Equidae (3 spec.) c. Hyracoidea 1 Hyraoidae 3 Cetacea 1 3 5 Edentata 5 5 Mabscpialia 5 1 Monotremata 1 8 AvES 8 1 Reptilia 1 1 Amphibia 1 8% 4 ion"/. Note. A number of the tests here recorded are not included in the tables at the end. The footnote to the preceding tests with anti-donkey serum applies also to those bloods. In addition, the three tests with anti-zebra serum upon the 3 cetacean blood-samples are not included in the tables. The close relationship existing between Equus caballus and a species of zebra (Equus burchelli) has been demonstrated by crossing. 198 Tests with Precipitins See J. C. Ewart (1889), The Penycuik Experiments. London (Adam and Charles Black), 177 pp. VI. Antisera for bloods of Cetacea. 94 Tests with Anti-Whale Serum. These tests are not included in the tables at the end, for the reason that the antiserum not been obtained when they were written. The tests were all made with one antiserum obtained from a rabbit treated with the serum and blood of Balaenoptera rostrata, the Rorqual (No. 385 a), the blood having been kindly sent me by Professor Torup of Christiania. When standardized, the antiserum gave a precipitum of '009 c.c. Ecactions 5 Primates 5 CniROPTERA 2 Insectivora 6 Carnivora 6 eodentia 46 Unoulata a. Arliodactyla 5 Suina 3 Tylopoda 1 Traguliua 31 Pecora b. Perissodactyla 1 Tapiridae 4 Equidae c. Hyracoidea 1 Hjracidae .... 3 Cetacea (2 spec.) ... 5 Edentata 5 Marsupialia 1 Monotkemata 8 AvEs 1 Reptilia 1 Amphibia 1 3 1 10 1 4 3 1 14 7 1* 1 80 7o Anserifonnes 26 »/«. of the largest reactions in their respective families. 202 Tests with Precijntins Reactions 85 Primates 85 28 CHinoPTERA 28 12 Insectivoba 12 88 Carnivoba 87 61 eodentia 61 70 Unoulata 70 3 Cetacea 3 12 Edentata 12 25 MARsnpiALiA 25 1 MONOTEEMATA 1 320 AvEs 9 Ratitae Struthionidae, Rheidae (5 sp.), Casuaiidae ... 311 Carinatae 8 Colymbiformes 1 Procellariformes 1 14 Ciconiiformes (14 sp.) 2* 34 Anseriformes (18 sp.) 1 + 44 Falconiformes (27 sp.) 12 J 30 Galliformes (17 sp.)... 1§ 6 Gruifoimes (4 sp.) ... 53 Cliaradriiformes (36 s.) 8 1| 15 Cuculiforraes (12 sp.) 21 Coraciiformes (8 sp.) 1 85 Passeres (60 sp.) 12 4 Errs 1 Ratitae 1 3 Carinatae 2 42 Reptilia 41 13 Amphibia 13 22 Pisces 22 7 Crustacea 7 6 (6fi»/„) 1 7 (50»/„) 3(9« /o) 13(38,.) 9 (20, .) 12(27,,) 5(17 .) 8 (27 ,.. ) 2 1 10 (19 , .) 24 (45 „ ) 3 (20 , .) 5(33,,) 5(23, .) 10 (47 „ ) 24 (2a , .) 46 (54 „ ) Itt 2 8(23"/,) 7(18,,) 8 (27 „ ) 3(50,,) 8(15,,) 7(46,,) 3(14,,) 3(4,.) • 100 a 85 9 (26»/„) 97 4 (9, ,)72 8 (27 ,) 97 lUO 3 (5. ,) 84 100 a (9. ) 95 86 . 33 • 2 385 mam- mals I) 87»/o * 449 from India. 453 smeary. t 487 from India. J 6 from India. 1 from Japan, rest England. § From India. II 2 from China and India, rest England. +t Fowl's egg-white. (2) 649 Tests with Anti-Ostrich Serum. The antiserum used in the following tests was obtained from a rabbit by the injection of the serum of Struthio molyhdophanes Reichenow Anti-Ostrich Serum 203 (No. 428), the bird having died at the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. The antiserum was very powerful, giving, when standardized, a precipitum of '042 c.c. Beactiona 64 Pmmatkb 63 24 Chiropteba 24 10 Insectivora 10 69 Cabnivora 68 51 rodentia 51 51 Unqulata 51 2 Cetacea 2 12 Edentata 12 22 Marsupialia 22 1 monotkemata 1 276 AvES 8 Eatitae 3 Struthionidae (2 sp.) 2 Casuaridae (2 sp.) 3Kheidae (1 sp.) 268 Carinatae 6 Colymbiforme.s (5 sp.) 2 11 Ciconiiformes (11 sp.) 1 2'.( Anseriformes (16 sp.) 6 36 Falcouitormes (21 sp.) 8 24 Galliformes (15 sp.) ... 1 5 Giuiformes (3 sp.) 46 Charadriiformes (34s.) 9 13 Cuculiforraes (12 sp.) 1 22 Coraciiformes (9 sp.)... 4 76 Passerea (56 ap. ) 25 4 Eggs 1 Eatitae 3 Carinatae 2 33 Reptilia 12 Chelonia 10 2 Crooodilia 1 19 Sauria 18 10 Amphibia 10 14 Pisces 14 6 CKnSTACEA 6 3 3 12 (41 »/„) 11 (.10 „ ) 13 (54 „ ) 3 18 (39 „ ) 3 (23 „ ) 9 (40 „ ) 32 (42 , 1 1 2 1 5(62«/„) (2*7o) 1 4 7 13 (36 „ 9 (37 „ 1 14 (30 „ 8 (61 „ 6 (27 „ ) ) ) 18(24,,) 3 1(4..) 4(9..) 1 ( 8 „ ) 3 (13 „ ) M'..) + 1 1 u u u 0/ >-8"/o 3«(377„)10U 1(4 7o) 1 i(«7o) «« ■( 9) 79 77 % 100 80 92 81 67 100 u 17 40 u y 79«/„ •27o * All 3 Struthionidae. The general results correspond to those given in the preceding tabic, nevertheless, we see that the bloods of Ratitae (three Struthio- nidae) give a higher percentage of large reactions than do those of 204 Tests ivith Precipitins Carinatae. Here we also observe faint cloudings occurring in dilutions of egg-white both of Ratitae (Emu) and Carinatae. A slight action would seem to be exerted upon reptilian bloods, all other non-avian bloods giving practically negative results. B. Tests with Antisera for Avian Egg-White. (1) Anti-fowl's Egg. Myers (14, vii. 1900) treated rabbits with crystallized egg-albumin of the fowl and obtained an antiserum which precipitated the egg- albumin of the fowl, and to a slight extent that of the duck. No reaction was obtained when the antiserum was added to normal rabbit, bullock, or sheep blood dilutions. Subsequently Uhlenhuth (15, XI. and 1, XII. 1900) injected fowl egg-white in salt solution intraperitoneally into rabbits, and obtained a powerful antiserum, which produced re- actions with egg-white diluted to 1 : 100,000, and weaker reactions with pigeon egg than with that of the fowl. He concluded from this that the albuminous constituents of both species of eggs are closely allied. Mertens (14, hi. 1901) confirmed the foregoing results. Uhlenhuth (25, iv. 1901) reported later that he had obtained a powerful anti-egg serum which acted on fowl blood dilutions, and produced a slight cloud in goose blood. He obtained an immediate precipitation upon adding the antiserum to 2'5''/o fowl blood dilution. It produced almost as powerful reactions with egg-white dilutions of goose, duck, guinea-fowl, though less with the pigeon's than with its homologous (fowl) egg-white. A rabbit treated with goose egg yielded a serum which produced a precipitum in goose blood, less clouding in fowl blood, dilutions. It gave a great and immediate precipitation with goose and duck, a considerable clouding with fowl, guinea-fowl, and pigeon eggs. He concludes it will not be possible to differentiate eggs as has been possible for bloods. Nuttall (16, XII. 1901, p. 408) found anti-fowl egg serum, when powerful, to produce a reaction with fowl blood, but never so intense an action as upon its homologous substance. Levene (21, XII. 1901) treated animals for two months with egg-white and found their serum to precipitate egg-albumin, egg-globulin, yolk of egg and fowl and turkey Anti-FowVs Egg- White 206 serum. Nearly all the preceding observers state that normal rabbit or other sera produce no such efifect on the dilutions, these being used for control purposes. Nuttall (20, I. 1902) reported that this antiserum produced clouds with a variety of avian bloods (parrot, swan, heron, stork, conure, crow, emu) also with egg-white of emu, and in addition with blood dilutions of Alligator sinensis, A. mississippiensis, Chelone midas, and Testudo ibera, and it might therefrom appear " that the egg possesses a vestige of reptilian character." In view of the continued negative results with other bloods I referred to this observation (5, iv. 1902) as "very suggestive in view of the reptilian origin of birds," and the reaction as possessing possibly a " reptilian-avian " character. Dr Graham-Smith has since been pursuing investigations in this direction, and reports upon them in Section VIII. Pursuing a different line of research (see p. 94) Gengou (25, x. 1902, p. 750) found he was unable, according to his method, to find any difference in the action of anti-fowl egg serum as tested upon eggs of the fowl, turkey, pigeon, and duck. He was unable (p. 753) to deter- mine that anti-egg serum possessed an action on fowl blood. As we have seen, anti-egg only acts upon the corresponding blood when powerful. Finally Obermayer and Pick (1902) remark that fowl serum pseudoglobulin contains a body which reacts to anti-egg (from rabbit) in a similar manner to egg-white. 789 Tests ivith Anti-Foiul's Egg. The following tests were conducted with two antisera obtained from two rabbits treated with the white of egg of the domestic fowl. The one antiserum was moderately powerful, the other exceedingly powerful. The antisera were standardized, but I should estimate the precipitum of the stronger antiserum at '06 c.c. In this table it will be seen that the largest reaction occurs with the egg-white of the fowl, several eggs having been tested with the same result. Second-class reactions were obtained with another carinate egg, with the egg of the emu, with the blood of a heron, and the blood of two Reptilia (Chelonia and Crocodilia). Otherwise all the medium and slight cloudings occurred amongst the bloods of Aves and Reptilia, if we except a single slight clouding in one out of 388 mammalian bloods tested. 206 Teats with Precipitins Beactious 389 Mammalia 312 AvEs 8 Batitae 3 Struthionidae (2 sp.) 4 Kheidae (1 sp.) 1 Casuaridae 304 Carinatae 7 Colymbiformes 388 4* 5 1 10 17 41 18 n 49 11 18 80 • i§ 29 10 23 5 1 2 10 (33»/„) 3(10,,) 7 (8 7o) 2 1 1 Procellariformes 13 Ciconiiformes 1 30 Anseriformes S 42 Falconiformes 9 6 Grniformes 50 Charadriif ormes 16 Cuculiformes 3 21 Coraciiformes 88 Passeres 4 Eggs 1 Batitae 1 3 Carinatae 1 46 Beptilia 13 Chelonia ? 3 Crocodilia 1 30 Sauria 10 Amphibia 23 Pisces 5 Crustacea • (lO'/o) It * 4 Bheidae. t Egg-white of fowl, several specimens of which gave same result. t 8 of these dried on filter-paper. (See text, p. 207, top.) § No. 815 dried on paper, sent from Central Africa. la 2 SO 100 100 23 66 3 r>7 7o (2) 630 Tests with Anti-Emus Egg-White. The antiserum used in the following tests was obtained by treating a rabbit with the egg-white of Dromaeus novae-hollandiae Vieill., the emu (No. 799), received from the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. This antiserum was fairly powerful. Standardized by Dr Graham-Smith, it gave a precipitum of 028 c.c. when tested after being stored 5 months on ice, 1 c.c. of antiserum being added to '5 c.c. of 1 : 21 solution of emu egg-white. The preceding table shows that the antiserum for the egg-white of the emu only produced a large reaction with the dilution of the Anti-Emu's Egg- White 207 same egg-white with which the rabbit had been treated, viz. with that of the emu. A less marked reaction occurred with the egg-white of one of the Carinatae, whereas medium and faint cloudings occurred when the antiserum was added to the bloods of a number of Aves, as well as in two out of six bloods of Reptilia (Chelonia). The negative results with other bloods of this class may be due to their partial insolubility when dried. Beaotions 309 Mammalia 309 258 Aves 8 Batitae 2 4 2 250 Carinatae 5 Colymbiformes 5 11 Ciconiiformes 7 13 27 Anseriforraes 25 2 32 Falconiformes 29 . 3 28 Galliformcs 25 3 5 Gruiformes 4 1 43 Charadriiformes 35 4 4 20 Coraoiif ormes 18 1 1 12 Cuculiformea 12 67 Passores 61 6 4 Eggs 1 Batitae 3 Carinatae . . 2 31 Eeptilia 6 Chelonia 4t • 2 2 Crocodilia 2 23 Sauria 23 7 AMpurBiA 7 16 Pisces 15 6 Crdbtacea 6 /o 75 ^ 36 7 9 11 20 18 10 1* 100 100 m u »"/. * Emu's egg-white with which rabbit was treated. t Three out of the four were dried samples, on paper (see text above). IX. Antisera for bloods of Reptilia. (1) 666 Tests with Anti-Turtle Serum. The following tests were conducted with two antisera obtained from two rabbits treated with the serum of (No. 809) Chelone midas, the Green Turtle, a specimen of which was killed in Cambridge. Both antisera wore very powerful, one giving a precipitum of "03 c.c. 208 Tests ivith Precipitins Beactions 323 Mammalia 323 262 AvES 262 4 Eggs of Birds 3 34 Beptilia 7 Subclass Chelonia 2* 1 3 Subclass Crooodilia 2t 1 24 Subclass Sauria 24 14 Amphibia 14 22 Pieces 22 T.Crcbtacea 7 * Both dried, one from Central Africa. + One dried. /o n 25 71 3S n The reactions of the first and second class will be seen to be confined to bloods belonging to Clielonia, medium and faint reactions were observed only amongst Crocodilia and avian egg-white dilutions. In my paper of 20, l. 1902 I reported the first series of 2.50 bloods tested with this antiserum, having found that the blood of Testudo ihera gave a marked clouding, and of A. mississippienms a faint clouding. These tests are included in the above table. For further bloods tested see the large tables at the end. (2) Tests with Anti-Ophidian Sera. In view of the extensive work involved in the production of other antisera, I have been unable to produce anti-snake sera. Dr Graham- Smith has been carrying on a series of tests with these, which he reports upon in Section VIII. The observations of Lamb (16, viii. 1902) on precipitins for cohra venom fall naturally under this head. Lamb treated rabbits subcutaneously for 4 — 5 months with injections of pure unheated cobra venom, the injections being made at intervals of about 10 days. At the time when precipitins appeared, the rabbit could withstand four times the lethal dose of venom. Using Wright's sedi- mentation tubes, he added 4 volumes of antiserum to 1 volume of 1 "/o cobra venom solution, and obtained a reaction leading to a marked pre- cipitum after 24 hours. An excess of antiserum added to weak venom solutions gave the most precipitum. The precipitin was active for those proteids in venom which are incoagulable by heat. Moderate heating of the antiserum does not affect its action. A 0'2 "/o solution of cobra venom, heated to 75° C. for 30 minutes, after which the coagulated proteids were removed by filtration, gave as much precipitum as unheated Anti-Reptilian Sera 209 venom solutions which were used as controls. Daboia venom gave the same result. Cobra antiserum heated for 30 minutes at 55° remained unaffected, as did also daboia venom. Six parts of the antiserum added to one part of -05 "/„ of venom solution used up all the precipitin. I.^mb considers that the method might be used for the standardization of anti- sera for therapeutic purposes, the test being more exact than in animals. Cobra venom antiserum was tested upon the venoms of Daboia rmellii (Indian Chain viper) Reacted Echis carinuta (Fhoorsa, small Indian Viper) No reaction Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait, India, colubrine family) „ Hoplocephalm curtus (Australian Tiger Snake, colubrine family) „ The similar reactions obtained with cobra venom and that of daboia would, according to Lamb, indicate that the venoms are alike, but he and Hanna (Journ. Pathol, and Bacterial. 1902, viii. p. 1) have shown their physiological action to be quite different, and they found Calmette's antivenine to protect against cobra but not daboia venom. If the proteids are identical then the venom action will not depend on these, or else they possess the same haptophoric group. Nevertheless, Lamb adds that, on inspection of the protocols, it is seen that cobra venom gave a precipitum in higher dilutions than did that of daboia. These investigations are of considerable interest in relation to my work. It will be doubtless found that the injection of the serpents' bloods will yield precipitins having a similar action. Such a line of investigation appears to me indicated in view of the small amount of precipitin-pro- ducing substance present in venom compared with its toxic action. (3) 468 Tests with Anti-Alligator Serum. The following tests were made with one antiserum obtained from a rabbit treated with the serum of Alligator mississippiemis (No. 813), the reptile having died at the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. The antiserum was moderately powerful. We see from the table (p. 210) that the action of anti-alligator serum was confined, so far as large reactions go, to Crocodilia; medium reactions took place with the bloods of a large proportion of Chelonia, a bird's blood, and egg-white. I may add here that the interaction of anti-avian egg sera and reptilian bloods, and vice versa, has been amply confirmed by Dr Graham-Smith, who at my suggestion has investigated this interesting avian-reptilian reaction, as I termed it elsewhere (p. 205). Dr Graham-Smith reports upon his results, which are mainly quan- U 210 Tests with Precipitins titative, in Section VIII. In my preliminary communication of 20, i. 1902, 1 reported that I had tested 250 bloods with the result that those of Alligator Tnississippiensis and A. sinensis gave reactions, a clouding occurring in the blood of Ghelone midas. The tests with the alligator and turtle sera were repeated several times with uniform results, these being included in the tables. Reactions 237 Primates 237 174AVE8 173 . 1 3 „ eggs 3 . 1 20 Eeptilia 6 Chelonia 2t 3 Crocodilia IJ 11 Sauria 11 12 Amphibia 12 15 Pisces 15 7 Crustacea 7 t One from Central Africa, dried. The other dried. J From Central Africa. /o •5 2S 66 X. Antiserum for bloods of Amphibia. 551 Tests with Anti-Frog Serum. The following tests were made with two antisera obtained from two rabbits treated with the blood of freshly killed frogs (Rana temporaria). Both antisera were weak. They were not standardized. Reactions 247 Mammalia 247 239 AvES (incl. 4 eggs) 239 27 Beptilia 27 13 Amphibia 3 Order Urodela 3 1 Order Anura, Suborder Aglossa 1 Suborder Phaneroglossa 2 Bufonidae (2 spec.) 2 1 Engystomatidae 1 6 Eanidae (2 spec.) 18 Pisces 18 7 Crustacea 7 § Rana temporaria. 7o 100 Anti-Frog, Fish and Lobster Sera 211 The foregoing table shows that the antiserum for Rana temporaria only produced a large reaction in the blood dilutions of this species, and that it also produced a reaction with the blood of Rana tigrina, the results with all other bloods being absolutely negative. In my paper of 5, iv. 1902 I reported upon tests made on 508 bloods with this antiserum, these bloods being now included in the above table. The only investigator who has worked with anti-amphibian sera is Philippson (about Sept. 1902), who confined himself to a few tests. He cites my paper, and states that he has been able to confirm my results. He injected 1 c.c. of defibrinated frog's blood {Rana viridis var. esculenta) into a rabbit, making two such injections with a week's interval. He found his antiserum to precipitate the serum of Rana viridis var. ti/pica, and that of R. fusca, but it had no effect on that of Hyla arborea, Bufo vulgaris and Salamandra maculosa. The antiserum had also no effect upon the serum of the pig or calf. I would remark that his antiserum must doubtless have been weak after only making two injections and, what is more, introducing such small amounts of frog blood. In my experience, I have not noted the presence of pre- cipitins in the serum of animals prior to the third injection, and then only in small amount. I did not however make a note as to the earliest period at which my rabbit showed precipitin when treated with frog's blood. XI. Antisera for bloods of Pisces. Tchistovitch (v. 1899) made his fundamental discovery upon the blood precipitins by treating the rabbit, guinea-pig, goat, or dog ^vith eel serum. Tests upon different fish bloods are being made the subject of study by Dr Graham-Smith at my suggestion. The results should be of considerable interest. With the exception of de Lisle (xi. 1902, p. 399) who, following the method of Tchistovitch, also obtained anti-eel serum from rabbits, no further work has as yet been done. De Lisle (p. 403) obtained precipitins by injecting either eel serum or eel corpuscles. XII. Antiserum for bloods of Crustacea. 460 Tests with Anti-Lobster Serum. These tests were made with one antiserum derived from a rabbit treated with the blood of the lobster (Hoinarus vulgaris). The anti- serum was fairly powerful. 14—2 212 Tests with Precipitins BeactioDS + + »/o 100 210 Mammalia 210 191 AvES (inel. 4 eggs) 191 17EEPTILIA 15 2 (?) 12 Amphibia 10 2 (?) 14 Pisces 14 6 Crustacea, all of the order Decapoda • 1 Note: One sample of crustacean blood noted in the tables is excluded (No. 897), as the foam-teat of the dilution was doubtful. From the above table it will be seen that the anti-lobster serum only produced first and second-class reactions with crustacean bloods. The faint clouding in one of the six examined was doubtless due to the small quantity which went into solution from filter-paper. A faint clouding was observed to take place in two reptilian and two amphibian blood dilutions, the test in this case being unfortunately not repeated owing to lack of antiserum. Dr Graham-Smith has extended the studies in this relation also (see Section VIII). Otherwise these are the only investigations made with anti-crustacean sera. I might add that I first reported having produced such an antiserum in my paper of 20, I. 1902, and briefly referred to the results above given in my paper of 5, ix. 1902. Summary of Bloods Tested 213 The Number of Species of Blood tested. Of the 900 specimens of blood collected by me, about one-third were duplicates, the number of species represented being 586 or more, including four races of man under the species, but not several breeds of dog and sheep, as follows : — No. of No. of Samples Species Mammalia Priviates Antbropoidea Hominidae 35 4 (races) Simiidae 8 3 Cereopithecidae 36 26 3 doubtful speoiei Cebidae 13 9 Hapalidae 4 3 Lemuroidea Lemuridae 2 2 Chiroptera 30 25 1 doubtful Insectivora 15 4 Carntvora, incl. Pinnipedia 99 55 6 doubtful Rodentia 69 39 Ungulata 73 50 3 doubtful Getacea 3 2 Edentata 13 10 Marsupialia 26 16 Monotremata 1 1 AvEs iiatitee, incl. 3 families 9 6 1 doubtful Carina(a«, incl. 11 Orders 319 213 Avian Egg-white 4 4 Eeptilia Chelonia 13 9 Crocodilia 3 3 Sauria 37 29 Amphibia Urodela 3 3 Anura 11 6 Pisces Elasmobranchia and Teleostei (over 14 families) 25 24 Crustacea Decapoda (Maorura and Braohyura) 7 7 Bloods which proved insoluble have not been included in the fore- going list. 214 Tests with Precipitins Note regarding the Classification of Animals adopted in the Tables. As will be seen, the bloods tested have been ordered according to the zoological classification of the animals which yielded them. For the Mammalia, I have followed Flower and Lydekker ; for Birds, see Evans ; for Reptilia and Amphibia, see Gadow; for Fishes, see Giinther; for Crustacea, see Glaus: the works referred to being as follows: — Flower, W. H., and Lydekker, R. (1891). An Introduction to the Study of Mammals, Living and Extinct. (London : Adam and Charles Black.) Evans, A. H. (1899). Birds. The Cambridge Natural History, vol. ix. (London : Macmillan and Co., Limited.) Qadow, H. (1901). Amphibia and Reptiles. Ibid. vol. viii. QtJNTHER, A. C. (1880). An Introduction to the Study of Fishes. (Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black.) Clads, C. (1887). LehrbiKh der Zoologie. (Marburg and Leipzig : Elwert'sche Buchhandlung. ) On several occasions, when in doubt, recourse was had to the British Museum Catalogue. General Summary of the Results of 16,000 Precipitin-Tests conducted by g. h. f. nuttall. I. Tests with Anti-Primate Sera. These tests were conducted by means of antisera for man (825 tests), chimpanzee (47 tests), ourang (81 tests), Cercopithecus (733 tests). Maximum reactions were only obtained with bloods of Primates. The degrees of reaction obtained indicate a close relationship between the Hominidae and Simiidae, a more distant relationship with the Cercopi- thecidae, the bloods of Cebidae and Hapalidae giving still smaller reactions than the last, when we consider the results obtained with the first three antisera. The tests with antiserum for Cercopithecus gave the largest reactions with bloods of Cercopithecidae, next with those of Hominidae and Simiidae, but slight reactions with those of Cebidae and Hapalidae. All four antisera failed to produce reactions with the two bloods of Lemuridae tested, except when sufficiently powerful to also produce reactions with other mammalian bloods. From this we may conclude that the Lemurs properly belong to an Order separate from the other Primates. Summary of Results 215 II. Tests with Anti-Insectivore Sera. These tests were conducted with but a single antiserum, 383 bloods being examined. Maximum reactions were only obtained with the blood of Erinaceus, whilst slight reactions were only obtained with a very few (3'5 7o) of all the other bloods examined, although the anti- serum was very powerful. III. Tests with Anti-Carnivore Sera, Four antisera were used in this group : anti-cat (785 tests), anti- hyaena (378 tests), anti-dog (777 tests), anti-seal (358 tests). The results in all four cases agreed in showing a preponderance of larger reactions amongst the bloods of Camivora, as distinguished from other Mammalia, maximum reactions usually taking place amongst more closely related forms in the sense of descriptive zoology. IV. Tests with Anti-Ungulate Sera: (a) Artiodactyla. 1. Anti-pig serum (818 tests) only gave maximum reactions with bloods of Suidae, moderate reactions with those of Pecora and Tylopoda. Of the bloods of the Artiodactyla, as a whole, 66 "/o reacted in some degree. Owing to the power of the antisera used a "mammalian reaction " was frequently observed, 51 % of the non-ungulate bloods giving slight reactions. All of the three cetacean bloods examined gave a moderate or slight reaction. 2. Anti-llama serum (363 tests) only gave maximum reactions with its homologous blood, moderate reactions with the bloods of an allied species and that of Camelus. The percentage of slight reactions was high only amongst Ungulata. 3. A considerable number of antisera were prepared for Pecora, and tested on a large number of bloods : Antiserum for No. of testa Besult showed Close connection between Cervidae and Bovidae, next to other Artiodactyla, Cetacea, Equidae The same Close connection between Cervidae and Bovidae, next to other Artiodactyla, Cetacea The same Close connection between Cervidae and Bovidae, next to Cetacea, Equidae, Suidae Sheep 701 Close connection between Cervidae and Bovidae, next came other Artiodactyla, Equidae, Cetacea Mexican-deer 749 Reindeer 69 Hog-deer 699 Antelope 686 Ox 790 216 Tests with Precipitins (b) Perissodactyla. 4. Tests with Anti-equine sera. These tests were conducted with three antisera for the bloods of the horse (790 tests), donkey (94 tests), and zebra (94 tests). The antisera only gave maximum reactions with equine bloods, slight reactions only with bloods of some AHiodactyla and Cetacea. (Time limit.) V. Tests with Anti-Cetacean Serum. Anti-whale serum, tested on 94 bloods, gave a maximum reaction only with cetacean bloods, slight reactions with those of Pecora and Suina, and some faint cloudings with those of other Mammalia. VI. Tests with Anti-Marsupial Serum. A weak anti-wallaby serum, tested on 691 bloods, showed a close relationship amongst Marsupialia, exclusive of the carnivorous Thy- lacine. Only a few other bloods gave slight reactions. VII. Tests ivith Anti-Avian Sera. 1. Tests were made by means of antisera for the blood of the fowl and ostrich upon 792 and 649 bloods respectively. They demonstrated a similarity in the blood constitution of all birds, which was in sharp contrast to what had been observed with mammalian bloods when acted upon by anti-mammalian sera. Differences in the degree of reaction were observed, but did not permit of drawing any conclusions. Slight or faint reactions were observed with some reptilian bloods ; only a very few mammalian bloods (0 "/o ^^d 0'6 % respectively) showed faint reactions. 2. Tests made with antisera for egg-white of the fowl (789 tests) and emu (630 tests) gave maximum reactions with the egg-white of birds, moderate reactions with avian bloods, and distinct but slight reactions with reptilian bloods, notably those of Crocodilia and Chelonia. VIII. Tests with Anti-Reptilian Sera. Two antisera were used, the one for the blood of Chelonia (666 tests), the other for Alligator (468 tests). The first produced maximum reactions with chelonian bloods, lesser reactions with crocodilian, and slight reactions with avian egg-whites. The anti-alligator serum produced maximum reactions with Crocodilia, followed by Chelonia, avian egg-whites, and least with avian bloods. (See also Section VIII.) Key to Signs in Tables 217 IX. Tests with Anti-Amphibian Serum. Anti-frog serum, tested on 551 bloods, only gave reactions with the bloods of Ranidae. X. Tests with Anti-Crustacean Serum. Anti-lobster serum, tested on 450 bloods, only gave reactions with the bloods of Becapoda. Key to Signs used in the Tables. In the following tables, the animals are placed in their zoological order, the blood samples tested being numbered continuously in the first column, in the second column in the order in which they were tested. As far as possible the scientific and common names of each animal have been given, this being followed by its habitat. The collector's name is placed in brackets. Where the bloods from one source are numerous, the name is represented by an inital, thus (Z) denotes that the blood was collected at the Zoological Society's Gardens, London; (R) stands for de Rothschild; (N) for Nuttall; (F) for Foster; (L. C.) for Dr Louis Cobbett ; (G.-S.) for Dr Graham-Smith ; (Lane) and (Mitchell) are two of our laboratory attendants. Where the habitat of the animal or the collector's name is omitted refer to the preceding samples for particulars. Where not otherwise stated, the bloods were all collected and dried on filter-paper. Fluid sera are indicated by the abbreviations " fl." or " fl. in cap." (cap. standing for capillary tubes). Some sera were dried on glass, and the dry scales kept bottled and used for tests ; such are described as " scales." In some cases the fluid serum had been filtered (fl. ser. filt.), in others it is stated that the blood sample was collected from a wound or cut, and again from what disease the animal died, etc. The names of the antisera used are given at the top of the columns on the right. The antisera obtained from rabbits are named according to the animal's blood or serum with which the rabbit had been treated. These antisera are also ordered zoologically from left to right in a manner corresponding to the whole series of bloods. 218 Tests ivith Precipitins The order of the antisera at the top of the page will serve therefore as an index to the order of the series of bloods tested. The columns giving the reactions have been grouped in blocks in their order of classification, so as to facilitate a comprehension of the reactions taking place, for instance amongst the Ungulata, as an order. As long as Mammalian bloods are under consideration, the anti-mammalian sera are thus grouped; the order to which the antiserum belongs being given at the foot of the page. When we come to the test upon avian bloods on the other hand, all columns referring to the tests with anti- mammalian sera are included in one " block." By reading from left to right the reactions given by any one blood with the different antisera will be gathered, whereas if the columns are read from top to bottom, the reactions given by each antiserum with the different bloods in succession will be gathered. The reactions which took place between each antiserum and each blood are included in the space formed by the intersection of the lines which include the name of the animal whose blood was tested (on the left), and those which include the name of the antiserum (above). The degrees of reaction are indicated by the following signs : — + denoteti great reaction + ,, marked clouding X „ medium clouding • „ faint clouding • denotes no reaction / „ blood insoluble \ ,, blood gave clouded solution The time when the reaction was noted is stated below the above signs in minutes, anywhere from 1 to 240 (4 hrs.). In a number of my earlier tests, the observations were not extended beyond 30 minutes, and the deposits taking place after 16 — 24 hours were not studied. This was not the case however in most of the tests. The amounts of deposit noted on the following day are indicated by the letters beneath the sign for the early or immediate reaction, noted above, as also beneath the number of minutes, as follows : — D denotes very large deposit D „ moderate deposit d „ small deposit tr „ trace of deposit „ cloudiness persisting after 16 — 24 hrs. In the earlier tests where a reading of these deposits was omitted, their significance not being appreciated at the time, the probable Key to Signs in Tables 219 amount of deposit which would have been noted is indicated by the above letters reversed. To make the matter clearer by a few examples, I state the meaning of the following signs. + ) 30 \ means marked olouding in 30 minutes, (race of deposit after 16 — 24 hra. tr] • I (no time being noted) denotes marked clouding in S — 15 minutes, moderate D| deposit after 16 — 24 hours no reaction, usually np to 5 hrs, and no deposit subsequently From a medico-legal standpoint, no reactions other than those of the first class should be accepted, control tests being naturally made with other antisera of corresponding power for their homologous bloods. Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 4) 1 Order PRIMATES 1 be £• ■s g ANTISERA FOB a 1 a 3 o 1 1 n 5 a 1 QQ 1 . Suborder 1 14. Homo sapiens. Woman, autopsy, scales + ANTHROPOIDEA 2 34. CarabridHe (N) 15. iii. 01 „ ,, Man, autopsy a + * tr . • . Fam. (N)2. iii. 01 a 120 Hominidae 3 35. ,, ,, putrified, dried in scales 4- d • • European (N) 15. iii. 01 ,, „ W. M., cut, fl. in cap. a 4 36. + (N) 13. iv. 01 a 6 37. ,, ,, Dr D., cut, fl. in cap. (N) 23. iv. 01 + a 6 38. ,, ,, Dr N., cut, fl. in cap. (N) 21. iv. 01 + a 7 39. „ „ W. M., cut, fl. in cap. 8 408. ,, ,, Serum from Blister, Dr N.'s foot (N) 20. iv. 01 + a 8 409. ,, ,, Serum from Burn-blister Dr N. (N) 23. iv. 01 + a lO 410. DrD., cut (N) 23. iv. 01 X 15 d 120 d 180 180 tr 11 413. W., cut (N) 17. vii. 01 X 15 D 120 d 180 tr ' 180 tr 13 415. ,, „ Ascitic Fluid from autopsy (N) 23. X. 01 + D 10 d 180 tr ' 180 13 416. W. M., cut (N) 28. X. 01 X 15 D + a 120 d * 45 d * 180 tr 1« 417. B. C, cut (N) 29. X. 01 + 15 D 120 d 120 d * tr? 15 418. „ „ A. C, out (N) 4. xi. 01 + 15 D 120 d 180 tr ■ • 16 420. A. C, cut (N) 13. xi. 01 + 15 D 120 d 180 tr ' • 17 422. DrN., cut (N) 10. i. 02 A., cut + D • • • 18 449. + » « . • * X (N) 18. i. 02 D 120 d 45 tr 45 40 tr 19 475. W. M., cut (N) 30. i. 02 + D 120 d 40 * # « 45 40 tr ao 575. A. C, cut + « * . • » « (N) 18. ii. 02 30 D 120 d 45 45 75 40 tr 21 576. DrN., cut (N) 18. ii. 02 + 30 D + 120 22 609. „ „ B. C, cut « « • , « X (N) 4. ui. 02 S 120 d 200 tr ? 85 85 23 610. C. S., cut (N) 10. iii. 02 + D' 240 tr 200 tr ■ • X 20 X 85 24 702. DrN., cut (N) 8. V. 02 + D / 200 tr? • 85 tr * 85 tr Primates lO Bloods 10 — 16 were tested 8 Nov. 1902 with the 9 antisera noted. 220 Insecti- vora Camivora Mammalia Avee Reptilia Amphibia Crustacea ? 300 tr? tr 120 120 tr tr tr Ungulata Marau- pialia la Solution less diluted than in tests 10 to 16. 18, ao Anti-pig semm very powerful. 221 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 1 I. Order PRIMATES a a b« s- §■ g ANTISERA FOR 1 s 6 B 3 O i n fi. K 1 1 O 1 l-M 1 . Suborder 25 778. Homo sapiens. G. N., cut -1- « ANTHROPOIDEA (N) 12. vi. 02 15 D 120 d Fam. as 779. „ „ E. G., cut + « , , , Hominidae (Gardner) 13. v. 02 15 240 European 27 785. ,, „ C. C, wound (N) 16. V. 02 D + 30 tr tr / • • tr? • 28 786. „ „ B. C, cut (N) 31. V. 02 + 30 d 240 tr 3*0 tr • tr? • Mongolian 39 ao 327. ,, „ Chinaman, beri-beri Loudon (Daniels) 14. xii. 01 380. ,, „ Chinaman, beri-beri Shanghai, China (Stanley) ca. 27. xi. 01 + a + a 240 tr 240 tr 4*0 40 • * 15 tr? tr? • E. Indian 31 381 Punjaub Sikh Shanghai, China (Stanley) 20. X. 01 + a 240 tr tr • 32 328 E. Indian, Punjaub London (Daniels) 13. xii. 01 + a 240 tr 40 * # 15 tr? • Negro 33 819 Negro + » X , X « Lagos, Africa (Strachan) 30 ? 30 15 15 35 16. ii. 02 d tr tr? tr? tr 34 820 + * X ^ X « 16. ii. 02 30 d ? tr 30 15 tr? 15 35 tr 36 821. „ -1- « X , X 16. ii. 02 30 d ? tr 80 15 tr? 1*5 35 tr Fam. 36 254. Simia satyrvs L. Ourang-outang + + + « * * X Simiidae Borneo (Z) 30. x. 01 D 45 D D 41 d 320 90 35 37 297 (Griinbaum) 01,/. & dry + D d • * ? 15 tr? • 38 906. (Z) 14. X. 02, fl. + S + 1 D 180 tr • tr 180 tr 39 237. Anthropopithecus troglodytes. Chimpanzee + + + * « , » , « W. Africa (Z) 16. x. 01 D 45 D D 15 d 320 35 tr ? 46 40 298. Anthrnpopithecui troglodytes (Griinbaum) xi. 01, fl. and dry + S * d + 20 • • * ? 15 • • 41 329. Anthropopithecus troghdytes + + X * . tr X • (Griinbaum) 7. xii. 01 a 45 D 15 D 40 d 15 tr? 43 496. Anthropopithecus troglodytes + -1- , , + , « (Griinbaum) 12. ii. 02 D 5 D tr 45 tr d 40 43 299. Gorilla savagei. Gorilla Equatorial Africa (Griinbaum) xi. 01 + a tr 40 * ? 80 Primates Insecti- Carnlvor* vora 43 Anti-pig very powerful. 222 Mammalia Avt'H Reptilia Amphibia Cr ustace 1 •? s 1 1 w Q 1 s i ■a 1 1 1 (X 1 3 s 9 i < 1 3 • "7 . . . , • 60 tr? tr tr tr tr tr tr « • • • • • • • • 60 tr tr tr tr tr tr » • • • . 40 tr » , « • , ? 240 40 tr X * • • • * • • ■ ■ ' ■ • • • • • • • • . • • • ' / / • • • / • • • • X • 65 • • • • • • • • • X # . « 40 50 tr 240 tr X « • » 40 45 tr 240 tr? X « ■ * 40 45 tr 240 tr? + • * , , , , . . . . . d • 90 • • • • • • • • • # tr 35 tr « . , * . . . • " • • • ■ d 60 • • • 60 • • , • • • ' X • • . ' • • • • • • + • « X « , X . . D 300 d • • 120 d ■ • • • Ungul&ta Marsu- pialia 223 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 1. Onhr PRIMATES ANTISEBA FOE., 1 . Suborder ANTHROPOIDEA Fam. Cercopithecidae 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 61 sa 364. 501. 703. 287. 784. 789. 98. 224. 255. 63 99 64 59. 66 97 66 124 67 907 68 908 59 790 60 118 61 918 63 58 Cynocephalus mormon. Mandrill W. Africa (Z) 10. xii. 01, /. Cynocephalus tphinx Linn. Guinea Baboon W. Africa (Z) 14. ii. 02, fi. Cynocephalus babitin Desm. Baboon Africa (Liihe, Konigsberg Z) 10. v. 02,/. Cynocephalus porcarius Bodd. Chacma Baboon S. Africa (Z) 18. xi. 01 Cynocephalus porcarius (Z) 4. vii. 02, d. intussusception, fl. Gelada Baboon, d. of tuberculosis ? (New York Zoo., Langmann) 5. v. 02 Macacus cynomolgus. Macaque Monkey India (Rogers) 1. vii. 01 Macacus cynomolgus (Z) 21. viii. 01 Macacus ocreatus. Ashy-black Macaque India (Z) 30. x. 01 Macacus assatuiensis Bhootan (Rogers) 1. vii. 01 Macacus rhesus. Rhesus Monkey India (Z) 11. v. 01 Macacus rhesus. Rhesus Monkey (Rogers) 25. vi. 01 Macacus rhesus. Rhesus Monkey (Z) 19. vii. 01 Macacus rhesus. Rhesus Monkey d. in Engl. (L. C.) 02, tuberculosis, septicemia ; Jl. ser. Macacus rhesus. Rhesus Monkey d. in Engl. (L. C.) 16. x. 02, dysentery; fl. ser. Bonneted Macaque Monkey, d. tuberculosis ? (New York Zoo., Langmann) ca. 14. vi. 02 Cercopithecus melogenys. Black-cheeked Monkey W. Africa (Z) 22. vii. 01 Cercopithecus spec. ? Monkey Brit. Centr. Africa (Dodds) p. 23. viii. 02 Cercopithecus lalandii Is. Geoffr. Monkey S. Africa (Z) 15. v. 01. Vervet + b + 180^ tr ; + b I 15 d + 1 d 15 d « 15 d + 1 D 120 d 120 d -I- 60 d 180 tr « 60 d ? 320 «? 45 30 tr 180 tr 180 tr Primates Insecti- CarBivora vera 44 Note time of reaction with anti-Mexican-deer. 46, 61, 62, 66, 60 Anti-pig serum very powerful. 48 Note cause of death. 49 Anti-human powerful ; note negative results with Nos. 59 and 75. Filter-paper not mine, may be the cause of negative result? A second test with anti-monkey gave . tr ? Also possibly over-exposed to sun. 224 Mammalia + 45 tr tr? ^ a s 1 ^ i a a s < 30 120 d Ungulata tr? tr? 90 Marsu- pialia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crnetacea 68 Great reaction with x man, doubtless due to dysentery causing blood concentration. 59 See note to 49. ai Reaction retarded because of little Roing into solution. 225 16 Mammalia Class MAMMAL A S 1 . Order PRIMATES a a S 1 a a a g a ^ % to « ANTISERA FOB i o s 1 6 a o 1 1. Suborder 63 53. Cercopithecus campbelli Waterh. Camp- + * * + * . ANTHROPOIDEA bell's Monkey W. Africa "(Z) 25. iv. 01 b 15 d 60 d 15 tr? Fam. 64 75. Cercopithecus diana. Diana Monkey + * X -1- «? * . Cercopithecidae W. Africa (Z) 25. v. 01 b 5 d 60 d 320 30 tr 65 606. Cercopithecus (Papio) hamadryas (L.), juv. " Mantelpavian," liab. Arabia & Abyssinia (Liihe) 14. ii. 02 + D * 45 tr * 15 d + 45 D ■ * H5 " 66 286. Cercopithecus mona. Mona Monkey W. Africa (Z) 20. xi. 02 -i- b 45 d 120 d -1- 60 tr ' tr " 67 515. Cercopithecus pygerythrus F. Cuv. Mo- -t- . » X . # . zambique Monkey S 45 15 45 45 tr E. Africa (Z) 14. ii. 02 d d D tr 68 742. Cercopithecus petaurista Schreb. Lesser White-nosed Monkey W. Africa (Z) 10. vi. 02 healthy, fl. + 15 D 45 d X 45 D 85 tr 69 52. Cercopithecus patas. Patas Monkey W. Africa (Z) 24. iv. 01 -1- b # X 5 d X + 60 d * • ■ • • 70 238. Cercopithecus patas + * , X . (Z) 15. X. 01 b 5 d 10 35 tr 71 111. Cercopitliecus callitrichus Is. Geoffr. Green + « # -f » X . Monkey b 45 5 60 ? 30 W. Africa (Z) 31. vii. 01 tr d tr 320 tr 73 895. Cercopithecus callitrichus (Z) 13. ix. 02, d. of pneumonia + 30 tr # 5 d -1- 30 tr tr 73 270. Cercopithecus callitrichus (Z) 12. xi. 01 + b * * 5 d 10 tr ■ tr? ' 74 382. " Small Chinese Monkey " Canton, China (Stanley, Shanghai) 4. xi. 01 + b # 5 d 4*0 • # •f 15 • 76 788. Monkey, d. of enteritis ? (New York Zoo., Langmann) 30. iv. 02 ' tr 3*0 tr ■ tr • 76 271. Semnopithecm melalophos. Simpae Monkey + , ^ a « , Sumatra (Z) 10. xi. 01 b tr 10 d 80 tr 77 747. Seninopithecus rubicundus Sarawak, Borneo (Hose) posted 10. iv.02 + 60 tr tr * 45 tr « •> 300 tr tr 78 100. Seninopithecus entellus Sangur, India (Rogers) 1. vii. 01 + b tr •f 60 • • 79 146. Seninopithecus entellus India (Copenhagen Zoo., Schierbeck) 23. ix. 01 + b • * 15 d 6*0 tr * 30 tr ' Fam. Cebidae 80 88. Mycetes seniculns. Red Howler Colombia (Z) 24. vi. 01 X * 9 45 * 15 d X 100 tr * ? 320 30 tr ' 81 246. Uacaria ruhieonda. Red-faced Ouakari Upper Amazons (Z) 21. ix. 01 X » tr -1- 20 tr ■ * 25 tr ■ 82 288. Nyctipithecus trivirgatus. Three-banded Douroucouli + b ' * 15 * ? • * 15 ' Guiana (Z) 20. xi. 01 d 60 tr 67, 70 Anti-pig very powerful. 75 See note to No. 49. 226 Primates Insecti- Carnivora vora 79, 81 Anti-pig powerful. tr 85 tr tr Mammnlia Aves Kcptiliii Amphiliia Crustacea 60 tr 100 tr tr 30 tr 60 tr « 60 100 tr 30 90 tr? + 30 60 tr? 90 tr? O I tn O I. I O E^ Marsu- pialia Ungulata 80 Gave . reaction with weak anti-human, which acted on Cercopithecidae. 227 15—2 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA i 1. Order PRIMATES a a & 1 4) g ANTISEBA FOB s g a '.H S O i g to 4) w 6 1 X 8= -3 1. Suborder 83 480. Chrysothrix sciurea h. Squirrel Monkey * , , , • 1 1 , 1 ANTHROPOIDEA Guiana (Z) 1. ii. 02 D 45 tr d tr Fam. 84 584. Chrysothrix sciurea . . • . * . * Cebidae Pari, Brazil (Hagmann) 14. ii. 02 85 85 86 697. Ateles vellerosus. Long-eared Spider- X « « • , « , Monkey d •> ? tr? tr? Brazil (Z) 11. iv. 02 (organs healthy)/. 45 45 86 580. Ateles ater F. Cuv. Black-faced Spider- Monkey E. Peru (Z) 28. ii. 02 45 tr? * 15 tr f45 tr? 45 87 431. Ateles geoffroyiKuhl. Black-handed Spider- X . * « • * . » Monkey D 15 260 ? 55 C. America (Z) 28. xii. 01 tr 15 88 513. Ateles geoffroyi (Z) 11. ii. 02, /. 45 tr tr « ? 45 tr tr 89 894. Lagothrix humboldti Geoffr. Humboldt's Lagothrix Upper Amazon (Z) 23. ix. 02, d. con- stipation 30 tr X 5 d 30 tr tr? 90 285. Lagothrix humboldti (Z) 20. xi. 01 + b ■ 1*5 tr + 60 tr ' -1- 60 tr 81 119. Ce6u» albifrons Geoffr. White-fronted Capuchin S. America (Z) 25. vii. 01 * " tr 6*0 tr ' ■ ■ ' 83 481. Cebus albifrons (Z) 3. ii. 02 X D " 15 tr " ' X tr « 45 ■ ■ Fam. Hapalidae 93 94 226. Hapnle pygmoea. Pigmy Marmoset Upper Amazon (Z) 23. ix. 01 225. Midas oedipus L. Pinche Monkey Colombia (Z) 16. ix. 01 • X « tr tr • • • tr 35 tr • • 96 514. Midas oedipus • » . ft , , , , (Z) 21. ii. 02 46 tr tr 45 tr tr 96 296. Hapale jacchus. Marmoset (Brazenor) 11. xi. 01 « * * * • ' 2. Suborder LEMUROIDEA 97 227. Lemur rufifrons. Eed-fronted Lemur Madagascar (Z) 26. ix. 01 • ' " • ? 320 ■ X 35 tr ■ ' 98 241. Lemur xanthomystax. Yellow-cheeked Lemur • • tr • • • 35 • • Madagascar (Z) 23. x. 01 ' Primates 85 Note time of reaction with anti-Mexican-deer. 83, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96 Anti-pig powerful. Insecti- vora 228 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crustacea 1 1 1 V 1 i t Q < t 5 H o m 1 j ! 1 1 a •< s * / ~" "" ~~ « "" , D tr tr 120 * , . , . . . .80 d X 90 tr? D X . . . . . . . a d tr X . , . . . D tr • * ? 30 • tr? • 6*0 • • • • • • ' ' • + . , , . • . . • • • • D tr « , , , , * . . • • • D tr tr 120 « X , . . . • D • . . . • X • • • • • * d ♦ , , , , , . . • D • • • • d • • • • • • + « X . D ? 240 tr? 60 tr? * . . « • • • • • * d 60 Un V ;ulata Marsu- pialia • _1__ _*U« 07, S8 Anti-pig very powerful. Very powerful anti-human had effect, but aUo on other mammalia. 229 Mammalia Primatea Ineecti- vora aass MAMMALIA 2. Order CHIROPTERA ^ 1 09 s S g rS S bo rs ANTISERA FOE 1 S td s & o3 X 1 . Suborder 99 234. Pteropiis medms. Indian Fruit-Bat » #? MEGACHIROPTERA India (Z) 21. ix. 01 ? 320 35 Fam. lOO 236. Pteropus medius . . . . « . , Pteropodidae India (Z) 19. x. 01 35 lOl 849. Romettus ample xicaudatus Geoff. Fruit- Bat Ceylon (Rothschild) 24. i. 02. 240 * ? 15 tr 240 2. Suborder 1 MICROCHIROPTERA loa 259. Rhinolophus femtm-equinum . , , Section 103 England (Farren) x. 01. 856. Rhinolophus minor Temm. Vespertilionina Okenawa, Japan (E) 15. iii. 02 Fam. 104 809. Hipposideros diadema . . • • • . Rhinoiophidae Ceylon (R) 23. i. 02 Fam. 105 64. Plecotus auritus L. Long-eared Bat . . # . , , Vespertilionidae loe Ireland (N) 7. iv. 01 394. Plecotus auritus England (N) 12. xi. 01 • • •> 320 tr * ? 90 • ■ 107 759. Plecotus aiiritns , , • , , (Brazenor) 5. v. 02 tr tr tr 108 127. Scotophilus pipistrellus England (R) 7. ix. 01 • 320 tr X ■ 109 442. Vespertilio dorianus Dob. Paraguay (F) 9. xii. 01 * ' * • • • no 441. Myotis nigricans Wied. Paraguay (F) 11. xii. 01 • \ \ s • N 111 923. Myotis ruber Paraguay (F) 21. ii. 02 180 • iia 928. Lasiurus boreulis bonariensis Paraguay (F) 1. v. 02 tr Fam. 113 445. Molossus rufus Geoff. , « , * Emballonuridae Paraguay (F) 16. xii. 01 tr 45 tr « 40 , 114 374. Molossus cerastis Thos., nov. spec. , , , ■ Paraguay (F) 2. xii. 01 15 tr? 116 446. Molossus fosteri Thos., nov. spec. Paraguay (F) 5. xii. 01 • tr * 4*0 116 373. Molossus iemmincki Lund. Paraguay (F) 27. xi. 01 • 9*5 tr? • • 117 440. Molossus Iemmincki (F) 17. xii. 01 d • • tr? 118 921. Molossus glaucinus (?) Paraguay (F) 6. iii. 02 ? 180 ' 119 656. Nyctinmnxis laticaudatus Geoff. . « • . , Paraguay (F) 14. ii. 02 290 •^ CamWora 09, lOO, lOa Anti-pig very powerful. 230 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Cr UBtace b £ *? s Hi 1 O 1 H o K i 1 1 1 a 3 5 1 < r u. s 1 • * ~" • . • . . . d 240 * • . • • ■ • • • • • • • • . • d « • * • • • ? ? 240 240 ♦ • d • • • • • • • • • • • • tr tr? / • / • • / / tr? • « , ^ , , , , . . • . 30 d ■» • \ . . • • • • * ' 9 60 « • 25 ' « » . , , . 60 tr? d ♦ 45 « • • ♦ • • • 30 d • " • 65 * ■ * . , « . . • • • • 30 tr? • tr? • • • * • • • • Ungulata Marau- pialia 103 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 107 • with anti-remdeer. 231 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 2. Order CHIROPTERA ANTISERA FOB., 2. Suborder MICROCHIROPTERA Section Vespertilionina Fam. Phyllostomatidae Fam. t Fam. Erinaceidae Fam. Soricidae Favi. Talpidae ISO lai laa 133 124 125 126 127 128 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 138 375. 657. 377. 655. 376. 443. 372. Hemiderma brevicauda Wied. Paraguay (F) 25. xi. 01 Glossophaga soricina Pall. Paraguay (F) 26. xii. 01 Stumira lilium Geoff. Paraguay (F) 27. xi. 01 Artibens literatus Licht. Paraguay (F) 8. ii. 02 Desmodns rotundus Geoff. Paraguay (F) 25. xi. 01 Pygoderma bilabiatum Wagn. Paraguay (F) 19. xii. 01 Vampyrops Uneatus Geoff. Paraguay (F) 27. xi. 01 444. Vampyrops lineatua 0. xii. 01 190. Chiroptera spec. ? " Short-eared Bat ' England (Garrood) 22. viii. 01 3. Order INSECTIVORA 133. Erinaceus eiiropaens. Hedgehog England (Garrood) 9. viii. 01 134. Erinaceus europaeus Denmark (Sohierbeck) ix. 01 232. Erinaceus europaeus England (Z) 30. ix. 01 294. Erinaceus europaeus (Bird) 19. xi. 01 783. Erinaceus europaeus (N) 23. vi. 02,^. 846. Erinaceus europaeus (E) 11. i. 02 900. Erinaceus europaeus (4 sera, mixed) England (N) 19. viii. 02,/. (used for treatment) 857. Crocidura coerulea. Shrew Okenawa, Japan (E) 9. iii. 02 858. Crocidura coerulea (E) 9. iii. 02 80. Talpa europea L. Mole England (N) 10. vi. 01 460. Talpa europea (Bird) 19. xii. 01 tr? 15 tr? 15 tr tr? tr tr 30 tr 35 tr * ? 45 tr tr? d 240 Primates Insecti- vora 128 Anti-pig very powerful, as also in tests of most of the preceding. 232 CamiTOra Mammal a Aves Beptilia Amphibia CruBtacea s a s V S ta V p 8 S 1 s R ■< a o " j 1 1 1 1 1 t ' 3 1 s & a < ? ^ U s • • • 45 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * 45 • • • • • • • • « 45 • • • • • 3*0 d » • 30 d • * • • • • ' X D tr? ♦ d • ^ . , ' • • . . . . . * . • - • X d * 9 240 . . . • • • ■ • • • • ■ • • 40 tr? tr? tr « 45 tr tr? tr? • • • • • • • • • • 60 • « tr ? • • • tr? tr? • " ' * * _ V Un(fulata Marsu- pialia 130, 131 Anti-pig powerful. 2 33 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA . Order INSECTIVORA c4 a ANTISEKA FOR § ■g 3 % W 1 1 CO Fain, Talpidae 140 701. Talpa europea * , , , « , , Scotland (W. Evans) 10. v. 02 9 85 60 tr 141 782. Talpa europea. From 2 specimens England (N) 23. vi. 02,/. « 85 tr 8*5 Fam. 143 247. Centetes ecaudatus Schreb. Tenreo # # . ♦ . . Centetidae Madagascar (Z) 27. ix. 01 320 240 tr 143 433. 4 Centetes ecaudatiu 3. i. 02,/. . Order CARNIVORA d « ? 260 15 1 . Suborder 144 103. Felis tiqris L. Tiger . . X + . . CARNIVORA VERA India (Z) 13. viii. 01,/. 75 D 30 b 1. Section 145 738. Felis tiqris X . + « . Aeluroidea Amur (Luhe, Konigsberg Z.) 21. v.02,/. 120 tr 30 tr 85 D 120 tr tr Fam. Felidae 146 300. Felis caracal Schreb. Caracal X . + + . . S. Abyssinia (Z) ca. 15. xi. 01,/. 90 d 5 d 147 137. Felis spec. Leopard Agra, India (Hankin) 12. vii. 01 • ' tr • + 30 * X 30 148 556. Felis pardns. Indian Panther Bombay, India (Phipson) 14. i. 02 • • 120 tr? * 45 D X 45 tr d 149 509. Felit pardalis. Ocelot Brazil (Hagmann) 30. i. 02 ■ ■ * d + 45 d ■ 4*0 tr 160 798. Felis pardalis (Goeldi) 5. v. 02 ■ tr? * 45 tr + 5 D ■ 151 797. Felis onca. Jaguar Brazil (Goeldi) 4. v. 02 , tr? « 45 tr + 5 D 153 588. Felis spec. California Lynx ♦ . X + ♦ X California (Robison) 30. xii. 01 tr 120 tr 85 D tr 85 153 16. Felis domesticus. Domestic Cat; scales England (N) 29. iii. 01 * ■ 3*0 tr + 15 d ' tr? 154 17. Felis domesticus 31. iii. 01 ■ 6*0 tr + 15 d 155 29. Felis domesticus 29. iii. 01 * • • * 5 d * • * 156 30. Felis dovusticus , . « . . 4. iv. 01 90 5 d * 157 31. Felis domesticus , , « , . 12. iii. 01 30 5 d Primates Insecti- voni CamiTora 143 Anti-pig powerful. 147 Went badly into solution, which explains • reaction with weak anti-cat. 234 Mammalia Aves BeptUia Amphibia Cragtaoea 60 ? 300 45 tr + 90 60 90 d * 30 90 d tr cl « d X 40 « 40 tr 75 45 tr 45 30 d tr tr X tr 180 tr? 180 tr? £. S 75 90 tr Vngulatft 155 Dried over a year and seven months when tested, dissolved with difficulty. 235 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA ' 1 1 1 4. Order CARNIVORA s o ! t a • ANTISERA FOB a IS a o bo 6 1 1 1 32 1. Suborder 168 32. Felis domesticus * CARNIVORA VERA 4. iv. 01. Scales 90 159 135. Felis domestieus X . » X + X X 1. Section Seeland (Schierbeck) ix. 01 320 60 30 30 Aeluroidea tr d tr 160 317. Felis domestieus X • • « ♦ • • Fam. England (R) 2. xii. 01 5 15 tr Felidae tr 161 395. Felis domestieus (N) 28. X. 01 X » ? 260 X 30 tr X 15 d « tr ■ lea 739. Felis domestieus 8. V. 02, fl. + 120 d + 30 d + 85 D + 120 tr Fam. 163 493. Viverra civetta Schreb. African Civet Cat . « + « * Viverridae 164 569. Africa (Z) 8. ii. 02 " Civet Cat " or " Skunk " Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 10. xii. 01 • • • 45 120 tr 75 4*0 tr 165 362. Genetta tigrina. Blotched Genet Africa (Z) 9. xii. 01 • • 45 • + 15 • • 166 612. Genetta spec. nr Lake Nyassa, C. Africa (Dodds) p. 8. ii. 02 * ■ ■ * * 85 • ■ 167 572. Puradoxuriis urayi. Himalayan Paradoxure * . . . X « X India (Calcutta Zoo., Rogers) received ? tr 45 30 40 21. ii. 02 90 d 168 748. Paradoxurus hermaphroditus. "Munsang" Sarawak, Borneo (Hose) posted 10. iv. 02 60 tr tr • • tr • • 169 86. Paradoxurus niger Desm. Common Para- , , . . , doxure Java (Z) 20. vi. 01 170 517. Paradoxurus niger India (Z) 13. ii. 02 * d • ' X + 45 tr X « ' 172 84. Herpestes griseus Geoffr. Grey Ichneumon . , , , , , India (Z) 15. vi. 01 tr 30 tr 173 89. Herpestes pulverulentes Wagner. Dusty , . , , , , Ichneumon 30 S. Africa (Z) 24. vi. 01 tr 174 159. Herpestes pulverulentes 6. viii. 01 • • ' ' 35 d ' • 176 105. Cynictis penicillata. Levaillant's Cyniotis . , . . S. Africa (Z) 13. viii. 01 176 60. Suricata tetradactyla Schreb. Suricate S. Africa (Z) 6. v. 01 * • * * 15 d 20 tr 177 102. Suricata tetradactyla 10. viii. 01 • * * ? 320 * + 30 " 178 905. Suricata tetradactyla 17. X. 02 pleurisy,/. 180 + 10 tr Fam. 179 494. ProteUa cristatus Sparrm. Aard Wolf + * Proteleidae S. Africa (Z) 10. ii. 02 45 D 75 Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora 159, leo Anti-human and anti-pig powerful. 236 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crastacea 5 1 0. i 3] 1 1 a 3 a < 1 H o a 1 1 ■5 S. 1 1 1 3 a u ■£ S ■< 1 1 . . . . . . d X * • « • • • • • • • • • D tr tr? X • X 265 • • • • • • • • • • X , « * * « • . 60 300 tr? 30 tr 110 110 120 tr 30 « . . . , . « . • d 300 tr ? « tr tr X • • ' • * . * ' * * « * « * » 180 75 120 60 180 cl tr , X . . . « tr 30 tr 60 * • • • • • ' X X » * ♦ , D d d tr? » 60 ol ■ • • » * * • » , • , • d tr • • • * * ? 100 • • • # 180 tr # . , , , , . . . . • • • d tr N» -V Ungulata Marsu- pi&lis 170 Anti-pig powerful. 237 Mammalia aass MAMMALIA 4. Order CARNIVORA ANTISEKA FOR. 1 . Suborder CARNIVORA VERA 1. Section Aeluroidea Fam. Hyaenidae 2. Section Cynoidea Fam. Canidae 180 181 183 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 198 194 195 196 197 198 199 284. Hyaena striata Zimm. Striped Hyaena Africa (Flower, Cairo) 13. ix. 01 855. Hyaena striata N. Africa (Z) 31. vii. 02 diseased,/. 695. Canis familiaris. Pog England (N) 27. iv. 02, filtered ; fl. 15. Canis familiaris. Terrier Dog; scales 6. lii. 01 780. Canis familiaris. Collie Dog ; aged (Z) 19. vi. 02,/. 397. Canis familiaris. Mongrel (N) 2. xii. 01 330. Canis familiaris lO'. xii. 01 727. Canis. Pariah Dog Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 13. ii. 02 289. Canis lupus. Common Wolf Europe (Z) 18. xi. 01 890. Canis lupus Chitral, India (Fulton) 28. v. 02 794. Canis spec. Wolf; young ? (New York Zoo., Langmann) posted 14. vi. 02 891. Canis lupus ?. Wolf, 1 month old Chitral, India (Fulton) about v. 02 589. Canis latrans. Coyote California (Kobison) 4. ii. 02 272. Caiiis anthus. Jackal N. Africa (Z) 3. xi. 01 228. Canis aureus. Common Jackal India (Z) 10. ix. 01 359. Canis aureus (Z) 3. xii. 01 718. Canis aureus Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 11. ii. 02 85. Canis mesomelas Schreb. Black-backed Jackal S. Africa (Z) 18. vi. 01 283. Canis rulpes L. Common Fox England (Farren) 19. xi. 01 385. Canis vulpes xi. 01 30 240 tr? 320 * 45 * + 80 15 D + + 210 2 cl S 240 tr cl 240 X 85 trcl + 15 d 300 tr X 15 d X 15 tr? tr? 290 tr X 80 tr + 35 d + 15 30 Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora vora 180 Sample 11 months old on paper when tested with anti-hyaena. 181 Fluid serum 3 months old when tested by anti-hyaena, etc. This serum used for treating the rabbit which yielded the anti-serum. 238 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Cru stacei •a to Id 5 i V be o a i £ 1 S < 1 o a 1 "5 1 1 ! K o En 3 2 1 < ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • * . , , , 30 tr? / • • / * tr? * tr / • / • • • » ■ . • * • • • . • • • • 30 tr X . . X . • • 40 • • 45 tr 265 • • • • tr • • • • • • • • X • * • • ■ • • * • ; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * # * 40 240 tr tr . . 30 , . . X * • • • • X • • • • * * d 240 tr X • « ? 240 ' 120 tr? ■ • • ■ • • • • • • • • • >v ■y " ^ — y — Ungulata Marsu- pialia lOI Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 239 Mammalia ci<.ss MAMMALIA 4. Order CARNIVORA ANTISEliA FOB s a o 1 be ■s X 6 s 1 1 1. Suborder CARNIVORA VERA 2. Section Cynoidea Fam. Canidae 200 aoi aoa ao3 386. Canis vulpes xii. 01 675. Canis vulpes Mecklenburg (Kuse) 16. xii. 02 498. Canis pallidus. Pale Fennec Fox Soudan (Z) 4. ii. 02 242. Cania cerdo. Fennec Fox N. Africa (Z) 23. x. 01 * + 60 d # 1 1 1 X 85 d X 45 tr + 35 d tr X + D * d + b / 8*5 tr X 40 tr X 30 ao4 654. Canis azarae Paraquay (F) 26. i. 02 • • • • * 85 tr * 45 ao6 ao6a 256. Canis procyonides Japan (Z) 28. x. 01 934. Canis pallipes Sykea. Indian Wolf India (Z) 23.x. 02, Jl.ser. * 15 tr • * 320 , « 35 d + 5 d + b 3. Section Arctoidea aoe 76. Ursits americanus. Black Bear N. America (Z) 28. v. 01 • • • • • • • Fam. Ursidae ao7 aos 435. Ursus arctos Linn. Brown Bear N. Europe (Z) 14. i. 02,/. 367. Ursus tibetanus F. Cuv. Himalayan Bear E.Asia (Z) 27. xii. 01,/. * d • • * 9 260 9*0 tr + 55 d + 15 + d « d 5*6 tr? ao9 885. Urstis tibetanus Bhadarwa, Kashmir State (Donald) 4. vi. 02 • • • • 15 tr X 15 d Fam. Procyonidae aio ail 634. ,&urus fulc/ens F. Cuv. Panda Nepal (Z) 23. iii. 02, d. of bronchitis 366. Procyon lotor Linn. Raccoon N. America (Z) 27. xii. 01,/. • » 9 200 • X 90 + 85 d « d X 85 tr aia 508. Nasua socialis. Coati Brazil (Hagmann) 29. i. 02 • • • • 45 tr + 80 tr + 90 300 tr X 45 trcl * tr ai3 273. Nasua rufa. Eing-tailed Coati S. America (Z) 5. xi. 01 • • • • • • 214 aift 360. Nasua rufa 6. xii. 01 781. Nasua rufa 17. vi. 02, killed fighting • * • • 6*0 • tr aie 577. Nasua spec. ? " Coati mundi " Brazil (Tuckett) reed. 1. iii. 02 ' ' * 120 ? 75 4*0 tr Fam. Mustelidae 317 114. Lutra vulgaris Erxl. Common Otter England (Z) 30. vii. 01 * i • \ X 30 tr • -1 Primates Insecti- Carnivora vora 205 a This blood tested separately 29. xi. 02. Note degrees of reaction and time differences. Anti-man much more powerful than anti-monkey. 240 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia C nistac ^ ■^H V « ■a s 1 13 a i 1 < 5 s i S. ■s 5 1 1 9 a 2 • • • . . . . d X , , 15 d • • 100 d • • • • • • • • • • X ■ * 90 * ■ ■ ■ ■ * ' ■ ■ X • X 90 d • • • * ? 85 • • • • • • • • • X X d X 90 tr 60 • • 75 ■ • • • • , . X tr? # 45 tr tr ft ? X ■ « « * # « ■ • • • • D ? 75 20 tr ? 60 9 180 9 X . . \ . . . \ . , , • . . • D I V '^~~Y Ungulata Mareu- pialia 241 16 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 4 Order CARNIVORA be 3 ANTISEllA FOR o n 5 1 1 1 1. Suborder 218 257. Lutra vulgaris « * . CARNIVORA VERA (Farren) x. 01 ? 320 35 tr 3. Section 319 499. Lutra vulgaris , , * « + , Arctoidea Ireland (Scharff) reod. 12. ii. 02 tr? 75 tr 75 tr D Fam. 230 579. Lutra vulqaris , \ \ \ \ Mustelidae England (Z) 4. iii. 02,/. tr 1 V I %fl %^ ».*rf ■ ■ »* •i^^^ 221 704. Meles taxus. Badper England (Cropper) 10. v. 02 6*0 ■ 3*0 X 85 tr X tr 322 758. Meles taxus » . , , (Brazenor) 25. iv. 02 60 tr 85 tr tr 228 245. Ictonyx zorilla Thunb. Cape Zorilla S. Africa (Z) 24. viii. 01 320 • 35 X 80 224 361. Ictonyx zorilla 30. xi. 01 \ • tr \ 225 795. "Sand Badger" China (New York Zoo., Langraann) p. 14. vi. 02 tr? 4 5 d tr 226 22. Mustela putorius. Pole-cat England (N) 25. iv. 01 • tr? 20 d 20 d 227 113. Mustela putorius Germany (Kuse) 7. viii. 01 • / X 350 tr X 30 d 228 396. Mustela putorius England (Z) 16. v. 01 * ? 45 • X 15 tr tr ■| 228 630. Mustela putorius. Ferret (Brazenor) 4. ii. 02 • tr 85 230 274. Mustela martes. Pine Marten England (Z) 10. xi. 01 \ • \ 8*0 \ 231 516. Mustela foina Erxl. Beech Marten * « # X X Russia (Z) 18. ii. 02 d 60 45 tr tr 40 d 233 315. Mustela erminea. Stoat England (R) 9. xi. 01 • tr? • • 333 354. Mustela erminea (Brazenor) 9. xii. 01 ' + 15 d * 5*5 tr 234 355. Mustela erminea Canada (Hedley) 30. xi. 01 \ \ • s 33S 629. Mustela vulgaris. Common Weasel England (Brazenor) 11. i. 02 tr • tr • 85 236 847. Mtistela vulgaris (R) 14. iv. 02 • * 15 d 240 tr 3*5 d 237 899. Mustela spec. ? Weasel Bhadarwa, Kashmir State (Donald) 4. iv. 02 tr? Primates Insecti- Tora Carnivora 222, 229, 236 with anti-reindeer. 24:2 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crantacea 30 tr? tr 60 tr ? 300 \ 45 tr tr? tr 240 d tr? tr Ungulata Mareu- pialia ■a ? 5 1 s & 333 ♦ ? 40 with anti-reindeer. 243 16-2 Mammalia 2. Suborder PINNIPEDIA Fam. Otariidae Fam. Phooidae Fam. Sciuridae cias. MAMMALIA 4. Order CARNIVORA ANTISERA FOR., 238 239 240 241 242 243 24. 244 130. 24S 131. 246 132. 247 140. 248 258. 249 356. 2SO 808 281 749 262 571 263 557 264 266 288 853. Otaria californiana. California Sea-lion N. Pacific Ocean (Z) 24. vii. 02, maras- mus,^. 910. Otaria californiana (WashinRton D. C, Zoo.) 2. x. 01, pneumonia 791. Otaria spec. Sea-lion, d. of pneumonia ? (New York Zoo., Langmann) 26. iv. 02 500. Halichoerug r/rypus. Gray Seal Ireland (Scharff) 14. xi. 01 854. Phoca vittilina Ij. Common Seal, d.youn;; British Seas (Z) 81. vii. 02, /., no dis. 5. Order RODENTIA Sciurus vulciaris. Common Squirrel England (Lane) 22. iv. 01 Sciurus vulgaris Germany (N) 2. ix. 01 Sciuruji vulgaris 3. ix. Oi Sciurus vulgaris (Schlieffen) 16. ix. 01 Sciurus vulgaris (Kuse) 7. viii. 01 Sciurus vulgaris England (Farren) vii. 01 Sciurus vulgaris (Brazeuor) 25. xi. 01 Sciurus tristriatus. Squirrel Kandy, Ceylon (B) 24. i. 02 Sciurus lowii. Squirrel Sarawak, Borneo (Hose) p. 10. iv. 02 Sciurus giganteus. Large Indian Squirrel Calcutta, India (Rogers) 14. xi. 01 Sciurus pahnarum. Palm Scjuirrel Ahmedabad, W. India (Mason) 27. i. 02 715. Pteromys inornatus. Red Flying Squirrel Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 2. iii. 02 292. Sciuropterus fimhriatus. Gray Flying Squirrel Chitral, India (Z) 18. xi. 01 231. Cynomys ludovicianus Wagn. Prairie Marmot N. America (Z) 13. ix. 01 180 240 tr 75 60 tr? tr? ? 320 Primates Insecti- vora 110 tr 20 D 240 240 tr? 1 tr tr? 1 tr? ? 60 Camivora 242 This serum used for treating the rabbit which yielded the anti-seal serum, which was feeble. 244 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crustacea a tr? 60 tr tr? tr tr? ? tr tr? tr 120 tr? 60 20 tr Ungulata Marsu- pialia 245 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 5. Order- RODENTIA ANTISERA FOR.. Finn. Sciuridae Section Myomorpha Favi. Myoxidae Fam. Muridae 257 258 259 104 260 719 261 293 262 260 263 295 264 636 266 473 266 267 268 260 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 518. Cynomys ludovicianus OiA. Prairie Marmot N. America (Z) 17. ii. 02 340. Myoxits avellanarius L. Dormouse England (B) 14. xi. 01 Gerbillus shawi Algeria (Z) 10. viii. 01 Gerbilliis indicus. Indian Gerbille Bombay Presidency (PhipRon) 11. ii. 02 Arvicola prateiisis. Bed Field Vole England (Bird) 8. xi. 01 Hypudaetis glareolns Sohr. Bank Vole England (R) 3. xi. 01 Uypudaeus glareolus (R) 5. xi. 01 Mus mimihis (messorius). Harvest Mouse England (Bird) 17. ii. 02 Mus minutus (messorius) 27. i. 02 Mus sylvaticm. Long-tailed Field Mouse England (Bird) 25. xi. 01 Mas sylvaticm (R) 4. xii. 01 Mus musculus L. Common House Mouse England (N) 25. xi. 01 Mus musculus 1. i. 02 Mus musculus 28. X. 01 Mus musculm 29. X. 01 Mus musculus (Mitchell) ix. 02 Mus musculus (N) 27. 1. 02 Mus spec, (of M. musculus group). Mouse Okenawa, Japan (It) 9. iii. 02 Mus decumanus Pall. House Rat England (N) 18. vii. 01 Mus decumanus. Rat England (R) 30. xi. 01 337. 357. 387. 388. 392. 393. 423. 472. 859. 95. 316. 61. Mus raltus. Black Rat Ireland (N) 4. v. 01 tr? tr? 45 tr tr? tr? ? 15 tr? ? 15 tr « 55 tr? ? 15 tr Primates Insecti- vora 274 Foam test doubtful, no reactions. 246 Mammalia Avea Reptilia Amphibia C rustao Llama Hog-deer 1 ■o c 1 S a ■< M3 H O 1 at 1 Eh •§ •c 1 i « 1 ? ^ 1 3 X « « X . . . . . . , D tr? tr . tr tr • • • • • • • • • • • • tr? \ \ • • • \ s • • « / • • • • • • • • ■ « « • • • • • • • d ? 300 tr? ■ • • • • • # • • • • • • • • • • • ? 265 * ? 265 • • • • • • ■ * ? 300 tr? ■ ■ ■ ■ « • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^- f ^'' — ■r"^ Unguis ta Mareu- piaUa 247 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 5. Order RODENTIA ANTISERA FOR. >. Section Myomorpha Fatn. Muridae Fam. Spalacidae Section Hystricomorpha Fam. Octodontidae Fam. Hystnioidae Fam. Dasyproctidae Fam. Caviidae 278 270 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 48. Mus rattus. Black Rat, albino England (N) ca. 12. iv. 01 705. Nesocia bemialcn^is. Indian Mole Rat Khande'sh, Deecan (Millard) 27. iii. 02 519. Cricetomys gambianus Waterh. Oambian Pouched Rat W. Africa (Z) 19. ii. 02 581. Cricetomys gambianus (Z) 22. ii. 02 924. Oryzomys angonya. Rat Paraguay (Foster) 12. ii. 02 115. Myoscalops ar(ienteo-ciitereu». Silvery Mole E. Africa (Z) 29. vii. 01 633. Capromys pilorides (Say). Fournier's Capromys Cuba'(Z) 26. iii. 02 621. Synetheres (Cercolabes) prehensilis. Tree Porcupine Parii, Brazil (Hagmann) 4. iii. 02 622. Synetheres (CercoWies) prehensilis (Hagmann) 3. iii. 02 290. Atherura africana. African Brush-tailed Porcupine W. Africa (Z) 22. xi. 01 436. Dasyprocta crietata (Desm.). Agouti W. Indies (Z) 6. i. 02,/. 230. Dasyprocta cristata 20. viii. 01 801. Dasyprocta agouti. Agouti Trinidad, W. Indies (Tulloch) 3. v. 02 457. Caelogenys paca L. Spotted Cavy S. America (Z) 24. i. 02 922. Cavia aperea Paraguay (Foster) 11. Cavia cobaya Schreb. Guinea-pig, scales England (N) 11. iii. 01 18. Cavia cobaya, fi. pleural exud. diphtheria iv. 01 19. Cavia cobaya 11. iii. 01 27. Cavia cobaya, fi. ser. decomp., sealed 2. iii. 01 180 180 Primates Insecti- vora Camlvora 284 • with anti-reindeer. 248 Mammalia Aves Beptilia Amphibia Crustacea tr? tr 180 tr 90 d 40 30 d 180 tr 90 180 u Ungnlata Marsu- pialia 249 Mammalia aass MAMIVIALIA 5. Order RODENTIA ANTISEllA FOB., Section 297 737. Hystricomorpha Fam. Caviidae 298 50. 299 626. Favi. Leporidae 300 447. 301 136. 302 339. 303 164. 304 128. 30S 33. 3oe 890. 307 391. 308 848. 309 587. 310 565. 311 562. DolichoHs patachonica Sliaw. Patagonian Cavy Patagonia (b. at Z) 29. iv. 02 (fl. co- agulated) Hydrochoerus capyhara. Capybara S. America (Z) 24. iv. 01 Hydrochoerus capybara Para, Brazil (Hagmaun) 3. iii. 02 Lepus brasiliemis. Hare Paraguay (Foster) 19. xii. 01 Lepus europaeiis. Common Hare Seeland (Schierbeck) ix. 01 Lepus europaeus England (N) 26. xi. 01 Lf'pus europaeus Germany (Kuse) 26. vii. 01 Lepus variiibilis. Scotch Hare Scotland (K) 30. viii. 01 Lepus cuniculus. Tame Rabbit England (N) 22. iii. 01 Lepus cuniculus. Wild Rabbit Ireland (N) 4. v. 01 Lepus cuniculus 4. V. 01 Lepus cuniculus England (R) 14. xii. 02 Lepus cuniculus. Tame Rabbit Brazil (Hagmann) 16. ii. 02 "Long-eared Gray Hare" Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 17. i. 02 "Bushy-tailed Red Hare" Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 22. xii. 01 tr? 290 tr tr? 76 75 Primates Insecti- vora Camlvon 250 Mammnlia Aves Reptilia Amphibia CruBtacea 9 300 ? 180 TJngulata 251 Mammalia Class MAMMAL A 6 . Order UNGULATA s I d ANTISERA FOR a S3 1 3 >* m 1 ■3 1. Suborder 313 49. Sua gcrofa domestica. Domestic Pig . , « , , ARTIODACTYLA England (N) 24. iv. 01 15 Group 313 696. Sue scrofa domestica. X . . X . . Suina (N) 29. iv. 02 (Jl. and dr. in sc. filtered) d 85 tr tr? Fam. 314 744. Sus scrofa. Wild Boar # , , » . . Suidae 316 897. Mecklenburg (von Oertzen) 25. v. 02 Sus spec. Wild Boar Singapore (W. Kerr) 2. viii. 02 60 tr • • ? 85 tr « 15 * 15 Fam, 316 600. Dicotyles tajuca L. Collared peccary * X . Oicotylidae • America (Liihe) 18. iii. 02 tr 85 tr Group Tylopoda 317 151. Camelus dromedarius Linn. Dromedary * * * Cairo Abattoir, Egypt (Littlewood) 30 9 Favi. 318 379. 9. ix. 01 Auchenia glama Linn. Llama X . . tr * , 45 Camelidae 319 330 892. 932. S. America (Nat. Zool. Park, D. C, .Salmon) ix. 01 Auchenia huaiiacos Molina. Huanaco Bolivia (Z) 23. ix. 02, d. of rupture of pulmonary artery ; Jl. ser. Auchenia huanacos b. in England, d. young (Z) 21. x. 02, Jl. ter. • tr? • 90 * 15 tr tr? Group Tragulina 331 77. Traqulm meminna Erxl. Chevrotain . , ^ « , , India (Z) 17. v. 01 240 Fam. tr Tragulidae Group 333 889. Moschus moschiferus. Musk Deer , . , , . Pecora Bhadarwa, Kashmir State (Donald) 30. v. 02 tr (True Ruminants) 333 152. Cervulus vaginalis. Barking Deer . . • . . . Fam. S. Sylhet, India (Dalgetty) 23. viii. 01 tr Cervidae 334 623. Cervus rufus * • • * • • Brazil (Hagmann) 6. iii. 02 45 d # 45 336 229. Cervus aristotelis. Sambur Deer . . • . . b. in Zoo., London (Z) 16. ix. 01 9 35 tr 336 502. Cervus porcinus Zimm. Hog Deer India (Z) 15. ii. 02, jl. ser. • • 90 tr * 45 tr • • 837 291. Cervus sika. Japanese Deer • 1 • • • « • • b. in Zoo., London (Z) 15. xi. 01 15 tr Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora 816 Anti-pig serum weak, had no effect on over 20 other bloods except that of Cervus axis which gave 120 reaction much later. 252 ^[ammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crustacea Im ^^^ £ *? iJ 1 X 1> a 1 1 1 a < ■T. o a a o 0. 1 1 ■g 5 1 1 a 1 it 1 < 1 2 i 5 + # + • . . . "T" « • , . . 30 60 d 60 230 + « » X « « « . X » « • • . D 85 tr tr 90 D 15 tr tr d 90 tr 30 230 tr + . « X « . . . « « • . • D 60 30 ■> tr tr 230 230 tr d 30 tr tr + . + • » « • D 30 cl 30 230 tr ♦ X X # • . . # , , , . , , . 15 85 20 tr tr 30 tr tr tr + + « * # . . , , . . , , D 40 d + 20 d 90 tr 60 30 90 tr? • • • • • • • • • • • • « + • • • • ' 30 20 D X + • • ' 5 D cl • + D 3*0 tr 80 3*0 tr * tr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ X 45 d + 15 d X 30 d « 45 d 3*0 d tr + « + + * + + • • • • • • ' * * • ■ D ? 24 tr d 30 d d + , X + « « + + + • • * • • ' ■ • D tr 15 d + S + 15 d 15 d » + D + 90 tr 75 tr . , , , . d 30 tr a d ^^^ I _ Ungulata Marsu- pialia 253 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 6. Order UNGULATA ANTISERA. FOR.. 1. Suborder ARTIODACTYLA Group Pecora (True Buminants) 329 330 601 743. Fam. Cervidae 331 658. 383 746 333 154 334 745. 33S 129 336 163. 337 483. Fam. Bovidae 338 888 839 25 840 486 841 62 343 109 348 792 344 567 84S 568 346 289 347 SIO 63. 631. Cervtts axis Erxl. Axis Deer India (Z) 13. v. 01 Cerviis axin Erxl. neonat. Axis Deer India (Liihe) 6. iii. 02 Cervus axis d. 1 day old b. in Zoo., London (Z), 10. vi. 02, y/.ser. Cervus dama. Common Fallow Deer Mecklenburg (O. v. Oertzen) 10. ii. 02 Cervus dama England (Brazenor) 22. iv. 02 Cervus elephaa L. Red Deer Germany (Schlieffen) 15. ix. 01 Cervus elephas. Red Deer, calf Germany (von Oertzen) 10. iv. 02 Cervus caprenhis L. Roebuck Germany (N) 27. viii. 01 Cervus capreolus (Kuse) 26. viii. 01 Rangifer tnrandus. Reindeer N. Europe (Liihe, Konigsberg Zoo.) 4. ii. 02, ft. Cariacus mexicanus H. Smith. Mexican Deer Mexico (Z) 9.iT.02,yJ.sec.(d. of phthisis and pleurisy) Connocliaetes gnu. White-tailed Gnu, clot dried in scales S. Africa (d. in England, N) 12. iv. 01 Cobus uiictuosus Laurill. Sing-Sing Ante- lope (Z) 8. ii. 02 also /. GazelUi arabica. Gazelle Arabia (Z) 13. v. 01 Gazella subgutterosa. Persian Gazelle Central Asia (Z) 31. vii. 01 "American Antelope" ? (New York Zoo. , Laugmann) p. 14. vi. 02 "Deuker Bok" Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 11. xii. 01 "Stein Bok" Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 20. xii. 01 Traqelaphux sylvaticus. Bosch-Bok S. Africa (Z) 15. x. 01 jEpyceros melampus. Palla Brit. Centr. Africa (Dodds) 1. i. 02 tr? 30 75 tr 240 320 9 320 85 tr 85 tr 290 tr tr 290 tr X 35 tr tr? » 45 85 tr 45 15 tr Primates Insecti- yan 35 ? 120 Camirors 829 Anti-pig serum weak. 254 Mammalia Aves Reptilin Amphibia Crnetaoes ^ ~~r V 4 I 3 1 ■? m 1 1 a < 1 o X 1 j_ 1 1 1 1 9 3 H 1 < 1 ♦ + + + + . , , , , , , tr 60 D D « . X • « . . . • • • • • • 120 tr d d tr ^ « + + + + . . • 60 86 30 30 30 60 tr tr tr tr tr D 3*0 D D + 45 d tr D « 45 d + 30 D tr • • • • 60 • « , + • + « # . . 60 60 tr 30 60 60 tr D d tr + . + X + + + • • • • • • D D 60 tr d a * , + + + + X • • • • 60 300 60 30 30 60 60 tr tr tr D d D + , + + + + + . • * • • • • • D • 30 d « d 60 D / 30 d + a + a • 230 / • • • • • + « + + « + + + X • • • • • ' * • D 300 * 85 15 D + D 15 D + 15 d « d D + D D + D D + 30 90 tr 3*0 4*0 ? 70 • • • d i « * * + . , tr tr tr d a + « X + « + + + . . » * . • D 300 d tr S + 60 d tr + D + + a • • 40 tr 240 75 • • • « " 3*0 tr + 60 d + 30 d ■ « . « X # • • • 40 30 45 tr 75 tr + , + + + + * • • • • • D 30 d 20 d 20 d D tr + . + + + + + • • • • • d 30 d 20 d 20 d D + . « X + + + • • • • • D tr tr 30 trcl d d < . ■ • « « " " * cl tr? 180 360 ITngulata 255 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA Order UNGULATA ANTISERA FOR.. 1 . Suborder ARTIODACTYLA Group Pecora (True Eumiuants) Fam. Bovidae 348 349 860 351 362 353 354 365 356 357 358 358 360 361 362 363 364 865 866 887 243. Capra viegaceros, Markhoor N. E. India (Z) 23. x. 01,/. ser. 282. Capra jemlaica. Tahr (Wild Goat) Cliamba State, ludia (Ainsworth) 21. X. 01 149. Capra hircus Linn. Egyptian Goat Cairo Abattoir (Littlewood) ix. 01 596. Capra hircus. Common Goat England (Z) 3. iii. 02,/. ser. 158. Capra hircus (Z) 8. viii. 01 542. Capra falconeri. Markhoor Chitral, India (Leslie) 29. i. 02 7. Ovis ariei. Domestic Sheep, dr. in scales England (N) 28. ii. 01 8. Ovis aries 19. iii. 01 9. Ovis aries Slightly decomposed 10. Ovis aries 45. Ovis aries, defibr. bl. 19. ii. 01 96. Ovis aries. St Kilda Sheep (Lane) 11. vii. 01 726. Ovis spec. ? Domestic Sheep Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 13. ii. 02 150. Ovis aries L. Bedouin Breed Cairo Abattoir (Littlewood) ix. 01 604. Ovis mxisimon Sclireb. Moufflon Sardinia and Corsica (Liilie) 26. ii. 02 541. Ovis vignei typica. Oorial Chitral, India (Sweet) 1. ii. 02 83. Ovis burrhel. Burrhel Sheep Himalayas (Z) 31. v. 01 145. Ovis burrhel b. in Zoo., London (Z) ca. 8. viii. 01 595. Ovis burrhel (Z) 10. iii. 02,/. ser. 69B. Ovis tragelaphus Desm. Aoudad, young N. Africa (Liihe, Konigsberg Zoo.) 26. iii. 02 tr? tr? 320 « 85 320 320 tr 30 ? 320 Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora 256 Mumnmlia Avps Ileptilia Am] >hibu i Cru Btacea 1 1 i ~T i' 2 1 a 1 1 1 i a < 1 M O j o g Zebra Wsllaby p 1 1 s jD 1 U4 s 2 + # + + « + + + « . D ? 240 tr d 90 D IS d d b 90 • * * d + 30 trcl + d + b + ■ ■ ■ + * + + + + + . . • • D 240 tr D 60 trcl D a • tr + D + D « 15 tr + d + D + D 3*0 4*0 + + + + + + • • D d 60 tr D a + « + + + + + D 120 tr 30 d 20 d 20 d D D * , + + + + + . 30 tr d d d a tr + a + • • + + + + + + • 30 D D s D d d + « + + + « • 30 d S s D d tr 3*0 tr 100 3*0 d + a + • • - • • » • 3*0 tr * tr + 60 tr 3*0 tr + 30 d + d + a + I) + X tr • + • + + + + + * • D 240 tr D 60 trcl D a " tr d d « D + D • tr ■ + , + « • + + . . D * ? 240 30 d X tr 20 d 60 d 20 d + d + a D X • • • , * X # « + + ■ ' d 30 300 tr tr X 15 d » 60 + * 15 d tr X 15 D X + ♦ ? 90 3*0 4*0 * tr a 30 d D 230 ^^^ Ungi ilata Marsu- pialia 257 17 Mammalia Class MAMMALIA 6 . Order UNGULATA 1 1 S3 a a •q % CA ^ ANTISERA FOE ta s g n 5 O o S VI 1 . Suborder S68 4. Bos taunts L. Ox, filtered ser., scales X . . "T" « . . ARTIODACTYLA England (N) 19. ii. 01 tr? ? 15 tr? 1 Group 360 6. Bos taurus . . • . . 1 Pecora 23. ii. 01 (True Ruminants) 370 42. Bos taurus 20. ii. 01 ' * Farti, 371 147. Bos taurus. Egyptian Cow X . * • * . . Bovidae Cairo Abattoir (Littlewood) ix. 01 ? 320 tr 9 30 tr 373 148. Bos buhalis. Water Buffalo Egypt, Cairo Abattoir (Littlewood) ix. 01 X * ? 320 # ? 30 tr 373 383. Bos spec. ? Buffalo (agricultural) Shanghai, China (Stanley) ca. 27.xi. 01 » * ' ? 15 ■ ■ 374 717. Bos gaurus Evans. Indian Bison Kandesh, India (Simcox) 17. iii. 02 X 60 tr • • • tr X 85 tr * 5 tr 290 2. Suborder PERISSODACTYLA 376 796. Tapirus americanus. Tapir Brazil (Goeldi) 20. v. 02 • tr? • • tr • • Fam. Tapiridae Fam. 376 1. F.quus caballus. Horse, antidiphtber. ser. , . , . Equidae dr. in so. bottled (L. C.) 1895 377 2. EquMS caballus. Antidiphtber. ser. . . . . dr. in sc. bottled (L. C.) 1897 378 594. Fquu-s caballus. Antidiphtber. ser. fl. England (B. W. and Co.) 4. i. 1897 • • • • 379 3. Eqmi.1 caballus. Normal filtered ser. sc. bottled (N) 4. iv. 01 X • • • * • 380 694. Equus caballus England (N) 20. iv. 02, filtered ser.,/. tr ■ * ? 90 8*5 tr » ? tr? * ? 85 381 929. Equus asinus L. Donkey England (N) 3. xi. 02,/. ser. filt. 180 tr tr 180 tr 383 930. Equus asinus (M^Fadyean) 6. xi. 02, /. ser. " • ■ 383 903. Equus grevyi Gilnther. Grevy's Zebra, young Abyssinia (Z) 13. x. 02, fi. ser. 15 d * 1*0 tr 3. Suborder HYRACOIDEA 384 563. Hyrax spec. "Eock Eabbit" * . . . . . . Fam. Orange Eiver, S. Africa (Parkinson) 75 tr? Hypaoidae 24. xii. 01 Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora 376, 377 Foam-test doubtful, not included in small tables. 258 Mammalia AveB Beptilia Amphibia Crustacea f ^"*** ^^^^m 1 ^^^ ^^^" ^^^ ^^~ "1 V 60 30 90 d D tr D tr? + * . . • • 5 00 d tr * . * . • . » . . . . • • • • • • • D tr 120 d « ♦ • d 60 * * d ? « « « , , , . . . • d ? 240 60 tr * . . * . . • 40 45 tr * « • • ■ • • • • cl * , , . . . , . • • 180 cl • • • • • • • • • * \ \ \ \ . • d tr \ • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • d , , • » tr ^ , , , , , . . • • 180 « ? cl y _ ^^^ _^ , ;■ LjTnHIII. Ungulata Marsu plalia 261 Mammalift Class 9. MAMMALIA Order MAR8UPIALIA ANTISERA FOR.. Suborder POLYPROTODONTIA Fam. Didelphyidae Fam. Dasyurldae Fam. Peramelidae Suborder DIPROTODONTIA Fum. Phalangeridae 400 401 4oa 4oa 404 4oa 4oe 407 Fam. Macro podidae 4oe 409 410 413 413 414 415 416 417 800. Didelphys marsujnalis. Opossum Trinidad, W. Indies (Tulloch) 20.iv.02 448. Didelphys marsupialu Paraguay (Foster) 19. xii. 01 927. Didelphys vuirsupialis 5. iv. 02 432. Didelphys lanigera. Woolly Opossum Colombia (Z) 2. i. 02 926. Didelphys cinerea Paraguay (Foster) 7. iii. 02 923. Metachii-us nudicaudatiis. Opossum Paraguay (Foster) 9. iv. 02 482. Thylacinus cynocephalus. Thylacine Tasmania (Z) 1. ii. 02,/. 116. Perameles spec. inc. Bandicoot Australia (Z) 29. vii. 01 240. Trichosunis vulpecula Kerr. Vulpine Pha- langer Australia (Z) 18. x. 01 458. Trichosurus vulpecula 22. i. 02 896. Petanrus sciurem Shaw. Squirrel-like Phalanger Australia (born at Z.) reed. 26. ix. 02 51. Hypsiprymnus rufescens Gray. Eufoua Rat- Kangaroo N. S. Wales (Z) 24. iv. 01 459. Onychogale frenata Gould. Bridled Wal- laby Australia (Z) 23. i. 02 497. Onychoyule frenata 6. ii. 02 488. Onychogale unguifera Gould. Nail-tailed Wallaby N. W. Australia (Z) 3. ii. 02,/. 503. Onychogale unguifera 13. ii. 02 611. Onychogale unguifera 22. iii. 02,/. ger. filt., sealed 487. Petrogale xanthopus Gray. Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroo Australia (Z) 10. ii. 02, /. ♦ ? 180 15 tr tr Primates Insecti- vora Carnivora 40a, 404, 406 Anti-wallaby serum very weak. 262 Mamm ilia Aves Kept ilia Aiuphit ia Crustace u t V be Ij 1 X i s s 1 < 1 M O n •i ■3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 « . . # "" "~ , . 40 45 tr * • • • . • . . # . . • • • • • • 30 , , , , , X • • • • • • • . • • • • • * ' « # « X 60 ? ? 75 d 90 90 d « . , d • « 30 d , . • ♦ • • 30 • • tr ? 30 + CO trcl • • • • • X , , , + • • • ■ d 75 D « . . . X • • " d tr D ^ « + • ■ d 300 75 1) * . J_ • • d • • • 75 D + 75 del • • * , • + • ■ d 75 D y ^_ ^_ — Ungulata Marsu* pialia 263 Mammalia c iiass MAMMALIA 9. Order MARSUPIALIA ANTISERA FOB 1 1 § t K 6 1 1 Sitborder DIPROTODONTIA Fam. Macropodidae 418 419 430 421 § 423 433 434 435 436 437 74. Petrogalepenicillata. Brush-tailed Kanga- roo N. S. Wales (Z) 28. v. 01 484. Petrogale. penicillata Australia (Liihe, Konigeberg Zoo.) 4. ii. 02,/. 373. Macropug giganleus. Great Kaugaroo Australia (Calcutta Zoo. , Rogers) 1 . ix. 01 275. Macropus giqanteus (Z) 2. xi! 01 676. Macropus rujicollis. Scrub Wallaby Oberon, N. S. Wales (Cashman) 30. xii. 01 117. Macropus bennetti Waterh. Bennett's Wallaby Tasmania (Z) 12. vii. 01 512. Macropm bennetti 22. ii. 02,/. 605. Macropus bennetti (Liihe) 13. ii. 02 10. Order MONOTREMATA 699. Omithorhijnchus paradoxus Blumenb. Duck-billed Platypus N. S. Wales (Palmer, Sidney) 29. iii.02 tr? • • tr? 100 • 100 tr? « ? 320 « •> 85 « 290 3*0 tr 80 tr .? 85 tr? * 85 tr? tr? Primates Insecti- vora § The omitted No. 421 is replaced by 385a in the series. 264 Maimimlia Avea lieptilia Amphibia Crustacea I a ■2, s GO d « 180 tr? * 60 tr? Ungulata Marsu- pialia ^11 J u 265 Mammalia Class AVE8 I. Division RATITAE ANTISERA FOE. Fam. StPuthionidae Fam. Rheidae Fam. Casuaridae Fam. Colymbidae Fam. Podicipedidae Fam. Procellariidae 438 430 430 431 433 433 434 435 436 437 438 430 440 441 443 443 444 44S 740. 489. 120. 602. 504. 342. 305. Sti-uthio molybdaphanes Eeicheuow. Os- trich Somali-lnnd (Z) 7. vi. 02,/. Struthio molyhilopliaites 20. xii. 01,/. Struthio australis. S. African Ostrich S. Africa (Z) 8. vii. 01 Struthio spec. Ostricli Africa (Liibe) 21. iii. 02,/. lihea americann. Rhea Brazil (Haj^mann) 2!). i. Rhea atitericaiia S. America (Z) 2.5. xi. 01 lihea americana (K) 11. xi. 01 02 277. Casuarius bicnrunculatus. Cassowary Arroo Islands (Z) 14. xi. 01 304. Dromaeiis novae-hoUaudiae . Emu Australia ? (K) 11. xi. 01 II. Division CARINATAE 1. Order COLYMBIFORMES 650. Colymbus septentricmalis. Red-throated Diver England (B) 27. ii. 02 700. Podiceps spec. Diver, (ier. "Hauben- taucher " Mecklenburg (von Oertzen) 23. iv. 02 253. Podiceps Lesser Grebe England (Farren) x. 01 311. Tachybaptes JiuviatiUs. Little Grebe England (B) 21. xi. 01 644. Tachybaptes /iui'iatilis 21. xii. Oi 645. Podiceps auritus. Eared Grebe England (B) 3. ii. 02 221. Podiceps cristatus. Crested Grebe Europe (Z) 26. ix. 01 301. Podiceps cristatus 18. xi. 01 2. Order PROCELLARIFORMES 842. Fulmarus glacialis. Fulmar Petrel England (Clarke) 1. ii. 02 tr? • ? tr? • ? 240 431 • with antisera for seal, hyaena, hedgehog, Uama. 266 Maniinalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crastacea tr? + 45 d S + a + + D + + B + S d + d + d + d 60 tr « 60 + d d * tr tr * tr t tr 30 tr? + 1) 60 d + tr? u 267 Class AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 3. Order CICONIIFORMES ANTISEKA FOR Mammalia !? % M V J ^ ^ O .^ 1 . Suborder Steganopodes Fam. Phalacpocoracidae Fam. Fregatidae Fam. Pelecanidae 2. Suborder Ardeae Fam. Ardeidae 3. Suborder Ciconiae Favi. Ciconiidae 4. Suborder Phoenicopteri Fam. Phoenicopteridae 446 447 448 448 4SO 461 4sa 483 454 4S6 466 467 468 469 460 461 463 463 646. Phalacrocorax qraculus. Shag England (B) 10. ii. 02 733. Fregata aquila. Frigate, or Manof-War Bird Trinidad, W. Indies (TuUoeh) 2. iv. 02 511. Pelecanm onocrotahts L. Wliite Pelican N. Africa (Z) 18. ii. 02 fl. 466. PelecanuK spec. Pelican Trinidad (Tulloch) 1. i. 02 155. Ardeu caiididissima. Snowy Egret Brazil (Z) 6. viii. 01 608. Ardeu purpurea L. Purple Heron S. Europe (Luhe) 27. ii. 02 183. Ardea cinerea. Common Heron Germany (Kuse) 17. ix. 01 251. Ardea cinerea England (Farren) viii. 01 648. Ardea cinerea (B) 2. ii. 02 710. Ardea cinerea Kashmir State, India (Donald) 16. iv. 02 368. Nycticorax violaceus Linn. Violaceous Night Heron S. America (Z) 18 xii. 01 506. " Large Black and White Heron " Orange E., S. Africa (Parkinson) 3. i. 02 453. Botaurus stellaris. Bittern England (Clarke) 18. i. 02 126. Ciconia nigra Bechst. Black Stork Europe (Z) 27. vii. 01 529. Ciconia alba. White Stork India (Inglis) 18. i. 02 852. Dissura muquari Bodd. Maquari Stork S. America (Z) 18. vii. 02/., killed, blind 527. Dissura episcopui. White-necked Stork India (Inglis) 3. ii. 02 851. Phoenicopterm ruber Linn. Ruddy Fla- mingo N. America (Z) 22. vii. 02, /. no dis. tr? 448, 451 • with 4 antisera for seal (tr?), hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 268 Mammalia Aves Itcptilia Amphibia Crustacea 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < 1 H O a 4 1 i Ostrich Fowl-egg 3 a Turtle Alligator 1 2 . tt « . • 60 • 1 / / • • / + + • / • tr? ■ • • • • * d * D * d « .? 90 tr • d • • • • • 1 1 • / / / / / / / / / / / • / / i / / / + D * d » d + b « n + 35 d « d + 35 d tr * d 1) + 30 D « d » d / -f + D 240 tr tr? tr? 3*0 d 210 d 210 / + • • 447, 452, 465 But slightly or n 3t soluble. 454 Insoluble. 269 aass AVE8 . II. Division 4. Order Mammalia CARINATAE ANSERIFORMES ANTISEEA FOB... 4. Stiborder Phoenicopteri Fam. Anatidae Siihfinii. Merginae Siihfam. Fullguiliiiw Siibfam. Anatina 464 465 466 467 468 469 461 470 317 471 341 473 549 473 263 474 262 475 649 476 477 478 478 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 220. Merflus albellus L. Smew Europe (Z) 5. ix. 01 651. Merrjua alhi'llus Englaud (B) 10. ii. 02 261. Mergus serrator. Eed-breasted Merganser England (R) 5. xi. 01 312. Merqns serrator (B) 12. xi. 01 672. Clangula glaucion. Golden-Eye Orkney (B) iii. 02 Clangula glaxwion Englaud (Bird) 6. xii. 01 Clanqula glaucion (B) 30'. xi. 01 Clanqula glaucion (it) 25. xi. 01 Netta riifina. Eed-crested Pochard Parblianga, India (Inglis) 18. i. 02 Nyroca fcrina. Pochard England (R) 5. xi. 01 FuUijula cristata. Tufted Duck England (R) 5. xi. 01 Fuliqula cristata (B) 8. i. 02 276. Deiidrocygiia arciiata. Wandering Tree- Duck E. Indies (Z) 12. xi. 01 590. Anas boscas. Domesticated Duek England (N) 7. iii. 02, /. ser. 659. Anas boscas Mecklenburg (G. von Oert/.en) 19. ii. 02 404. Anas boscas England (N) 16. v. 01 405. Anas boscas 19. X. 01 917. Anas boscas (Cobbett) V. 1900 {Ji. ser. sealed over 2 years) 141. Anas boscas? Wild Duck Gennany (Kuse) 8. viii. 01 831. Anas boscas England (R) 21. ii. 02 833. Mareca penelope. Widgeon England (Clarke) 25. i. 02 161. Tadorna tadornoides. Sheldrake S. Australia (Z) 9. viii. 01 548. Casarca riitila. Brahminy Duck Tirhut, India (Inglis) 17. i. 02 712. NettioH crecca. 6reen-\vinge 240 tr 90 .? 90 u 271 Class AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 4. Order ANSERIFORMES ANTISEEA FOB Mammalia 4. Suborder Phoenicopteri Fam, Anatidae Suhfnm. Anatina Sitbfam. Anserinae Subfam. Flectropterlnae Siibffim. Cyg^ninae 1 . Suborder Cathartae Favi. Cathartic! ae 2. Suborder Accipitres Fam. Vultupidae Fam. Falconidae 4S» 490 491 492 493 494 49S 496 497 498 499 500 601 6oa 603 604 SOS soe S07 SOS S09 832. Nettion creccn. Green- winged Teal England (R) 12. ii. 02 187. Nettion crecca Germany (Sehlieffen) ix. 01 677. Amer spec. Wild Goose Mecklenburg (Kuse) 2. x. 01 671. Anser spec. Upland Goose England (B) 4. iv. 02 73. Aex sponsa. Summer Duck N. America (Z) 25. v. 01 219. Rhodonessa carynphyllacea. Pink-headed Duck India (Z) 14. viii. 01 492. Cairina moscliuta. Muscovy Duck Trinidad, W.I. (Tulioch) 29. i. 02 23. Cygnm olor Gm. Mute Swan England (Lane) 24. iv. 01 309. Cyffims olor ■ ' (B) 8. xi. 01 121. Cygnus olor (Z) 2.5. vi. 01 5. Order FALCON I FORMES 495. Cathartes alratus Bartr. Black Vulture S. America (Z) 10. ii. 02 520. Cathartes atiatu.i 19. ii. 02 438. Cathartes atratus ? " Corbeau " Trinidad, B.W.Indies(Tulloch) 30.xii.01 369. Sarcorhamphiis gryphiisli. Condor Vulture S. America (Z) 27. xii. 01, Jl. ser. 707. Gyps fub'escens. Vulture Kashmir (Donald) 22. iii. 02 188. VuUur monachus ? Vulture S. Sylhet, India (Dalgetty) 12. ix. 01 888. Circus macruriis. Pale Harrier Kashmir State (Donald) 17. iv. 02 559. Milviis gofinda. Pariah Kite Bombay, India (Mason) 3. ii. 02 716. Milviis govinda Kashmir (Donald) 2. iii. 02 93. .iccipiter niaus. Sparrow Hawk Ireland (Dillon) 7. v. 01 193. Accipiter nisiis England (Beauford) 9. viii. 01 S i W tr? Ir? tr? SOS Note source and p. 63 in text. 272 I Mammaliii Aves Keptilia Amphibia Crufltacea tr tr? tr? u 607 Also . with 4 antisera for seal, hedgehog, hyaena, Uama. 273 18 Class AVE8 . II. Division CARINATAE 5. Order FALCON I FORMES ANTISEEA FOB Mammalia 2. Svhorder Accipitres Fam. Falconidae sio 511 612 613 614 515 516 517 518 519 520 621 622 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 630 531 632 533 634 536 536 249. 464. 828. 709. 162. 213. 79. 530. 91. 180. 183. 400. 775. 2.52. 830. 706. 139. 176. 177. 660. 829. 603. 714. 212. 806. 211. 278. Accipiter nisus. Sparrow Hawk (Farren) viii. 01 Accipiter nisus (Bird) 27. xii. 01 Accipiter nisns (B) 2. Ti. 02 Accipiter virqatus. Sparrow Hawk Kashmir' (Donald) 11. iv. 02 Astur pabimbarius. Goshawk Germany (Kuse) 27. viii. 01 Astur palmnbarius England (Z) 14. viii. 01 Falco peregrinus. Peregrine Falcon England (Lane) vi. 01 Falco peregrinus. India (Inglis) 17. 02 Falco tinnuncuhis. Kestrel Ireland (Dillon) 16. v. 01 Falco timiunculus Denmark (Schierbeck) ix. 01 F'alco tinminculus Germany (Schlieffen) ix. 01 Falco tinmmculus England (Lane) vi. 01 Falco aesalon. Merlin Orkney, N.B. (B) 21. iv. 02 Tinnuncuhis alaudarius. Kestrel Hawk England (Farren) vi. 01 Tinnuncvlus alaudarius (K) 5. vi. 02 Tinnuncuhis spec. Cerchner's Kestrel Kashmir State (Donald) 22. iii. 02 Buteo vulgaris L. Buzzard Germany (Kuse) 9. viii. 01 Buteo vulgaris (N) 27. viii. 01 Buteo vulgaris 2. ix.'oi Buteo vulgaris N. Wales (B) 6. iv. 02 Buteo vulgaris England (R) 15. ii. 02 Buteo Ingnpus (GraeX.) " Rauchfussbussard " Germany (Liihe) 11. iii. 02 Buteo ferox. Long-legged Buzzard Ka.shmir (Donald) 8. iii. 02 Archibuteo lagopus. Bough-legged Buzzard Norway (Z) 14. viii. 01 Butastur indicus. Hawk Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 Aquila chrysaetus. Golden Eagle Norway (Z) 11. ix. 01 Aquila chrysaetus Scotland (Z) 14. xi. 01 tr? 613 Note source; appeared to go slightly into solution. 625, 632 Note source and p. 63 in text. 274 Mammalia 8 ? 265 tr? Aves d « » a tr « « d tr . » tr 00 + 5 d 90 Beptilia •210 d Amphibia Crnstaoea tr? S 3 531 . also with anti-seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 634 Foam-test practically negative. 275 18—2 Class AVE8 . II. Division CARINATAE 5. Order FALCONIFORMES Mammalia ANTIHERA FOR. 2. Suborder Accipitres Fam. Falconidae 537 538 639 S40 541 643 643 531. 1. Suborder Galli Vam. Cracidae 544 545 546 547 548 549 650 551 552 553 664 655 566 657 558 669 Haliaehia indm. Brahmiuy Kite India (Inglis) 4. ii. 02 214. Ilaliaetus Uucogaster. White-tailed Sea Eagle Tasmania (Z) 7. x. 01 721. ilaliaetus Uucogaster Chatrapur, India (Fischer) 23. ii. 02 539. Nisaetus fasciatus. Bonelli's Eagle Deccan, India (Betham) 14. i. 02 886. Nisaetus prunatus. Booted Eagle Kashmir State, India (Donald) 18. iv. 02 69. Spizaetus bellicosus. Martial Hawk Eagle Brit. E. Africa (Z) 25. v. 01 708. Spilornis checla. Crested Serpent Eagle Bhadarwa, Kashmir State (Donald) 21. iii. 02 6. Order GALLIFORMES 218. Crax globicera. Globose Curassow Honduras (Z) 30. viii. 01 389. Meleagris gallipavo. Domestic Turkey England (Mitchell) 24. xii. 01 178. Telrao tetrix. Blackcock Scotland (R) 28. viii. 01 168. Lagopus mutus Leach. Ptarmigan Scotland (K) 21. viii. 01 108. Lagopus scoticus. Grouse Scotland (Haldane) 12. viii. 01 179. Lagopus scoticus (B) 28. viii. 01 248. Lagopus scoticus England (Wheeler) 3. xi. 01 528. Goturnix communis. Grey Quail India (Inglis) 3. ii. 02 170. Perdix cinerea L. Partridge Germany (Kuse) 13. viii. 01 171. Perdix cinerea Seeland (Schierbeck) ix. 01 172. Perdix cinerea Germany (Schlieffen) ix. 01 173. Perdix cinerea England (Leighton) 11. x. 01 174. Perdix cinerea England (Wheeler) 20. x. 01 724. Tetraogallus hinialayensis. Himalayan Snow Cock Kashmir (Donald) 27. ii. 02 728. Caccabis chukor. " Chukor " Partridge Kashmir (Donald) 20. ii. 02 826. Phasianus colchicus L. Pheasant England (R) 13. i. 02 641 No foam. 643 Solution ?, note source. 276 Mammalia Avea I V Beptilia Ampliibia Criiittacea •s g g 1 1 1 + « * D D d « « • . d d * , , 5 tr tr + + . . B 1) tr? + + , , a 30 d * * d 60 d d + « . D d « * « • d tr ? * « • • d tr « 30 tr « + X * . d d ? + « . - D tr cl + « . * D d •210 + # « . D tr d + « * • D d d + * » • D tr d « » « * D tr d + « « • D tr d / • » , . tr 5 tr » • • r. d 587 Note source and text, p. 03. 277 Class AVES II. Division CARINATAE 6. Orrfer GALLIFORMES ANTISERA FOR Mammalia 1. Suborder Galli Fam. Cracidae Fam. Rallidae Fam. Gruidae 660 561 sea 663 664 566 666 567 668 569 670 671 673 673 674 675 576 677 678 579 6 SO 581 683. 334. 244. 181. 403. 750. 722. 729. 217. 308. 751. 731. 12. 40. 182. 401. Phasiamis colcMcui L. Pheasant Mecklenburg (Kuse) 8. xi. 01 Phasiaiins colchicus England (Leighton) 26. xi. 01 Phasianus colchicus 23. X. 01 Phasianus colchicm Denmark (Schierbeck) ix. 01 Phasianus colchicus x sinensis. Pheasant Ireland (N) 4. v. 01 Argusianus grayi. Argus Pheasant Sarawak, Borneo (Hose) p. 10. iv. 02 Pucrasia macrolopha. " Koklass" Pheasant Kashmir (Donald) 21. ii. 02 Lophophorus impeyunus. Pheasant Kashmir (Donald) 21. ii. 02 Thaumulea amherstiae. Amherst Pheasant China (Z) 24. viii. 01 Thaumalea picla. Golden Pheasant (B) 7. xi. 01 Euplocomus nohilis. Fireback Pheasant Sarawak, Borneo (Hose) 10. iv. 02 Euplocomus leucomelanius ? Black-crested Kalij Pheasant Kashmir (Donald) 17. ii. 02 Gallus domesticus. Fowl, scales England (N) 4. iii. 01 Gallus domesticus. 19. X. 01 Pntrid in tube Gallus domeiticus Denmark (Schierbeck) ix. 01 Gallus domeslieus England (N) 19. x. 01 7. Order 6RU I FORMES 843. Rallus uquaticus L. Water Rail England (R) 7. iv. 02 67. Crex pratensis. Land Rail Ireland (N) 4. iv. 01 266. Fulica atra L. Coot England (R) 5. xi. 01 463. Fulica atra (Bird) 6. xii. 01 637. Fulica atra 31. i. 02 184. Grus communis. Crane Germany (Schlieffen) ix. 01 tr 560 • with 4 antisera for seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 278 Mammalia Aves liejitilia Amphibia d tr? 240 tr + a 30 tr? * d tr + D + D 60 180 tr? Crustacea 5 2 U 665, 670 Certainly insoluble. 279 'Class AVES II. Division CARINATAE 8. Order CHARADRIIFORMES ANTISERA FOR Mammalia 1. Suborder Limicolae Fam. Charadriidae Sub/am. Charadrilnae Subfam. Tringinae Subfam. Scolopaclnae 683 683 684 686 686 687 688 689 690 681 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 600 601 602 603 604 107. Charadrius pliwialis L. Golden Plover Scotland (R) 21. viii. 01 647. Aegialitis hiaticola. Ringed Plover England (B) 4. ii. 02 882. AegiaiitisalexandrinavsiT.dealbatus. Snipe Okenawa, Japan (R) 15. iii. 02 535. Lobivanellus vialabaricus. Yellow-wattled Lapwing Ahmedabad, India (Mason) 26. i. 02 551. Recurvirostra avocetta. Avocet Tirhut, India (Inglis) 17. i. 02 552. Ilimantopus cartdidus. Stilt Tirliut, India (Inglis) 14. i. 02 776. Tringa alpina. Dunlin England (B) 19. v. 02 845. Tringa canutus. Knot England (R) 11. ii. 02 524. Totanus stagnalis. Marsh Sandpiper India (Inglis) 2. ii. 02 525. Totanm glareola. Wood Sandpiper India (Inglis) 2. ii. 02 523. Totanus fuscus. Spotted Redshank India (Inglis) 1. ii. 02 767. Totanus hypoleucus Teram. Sandpiper England (B) 19. v. 02 522. Limosa belgicn. Black-tailed Godwit India (Inglis) 14. i. 02 674. Numenhis arqiuita L. Curlew England (B) iii. 02 766. Nuineiiius phaeopii^. European Whimbrel England (B) 19. v. 02 836. Numenius phaeopus (Clarke) 19. v. 02 673. Scolopax rusticola L. Woodcock England (B) ii. 02 454. Scolopax rasticola (Clarke) 24. xii. 01 336. Scolopax rusticola (Bird) 28. xi. 01 526. Gallhuigo ctielestis. Fantail Snipe India (Inglis) 2. ii. 02 837. Gallinago caelestis. Full Snipe Engluud (R) 21. ii. 02 331. Gallinago caelestis vel media. Snipe India (Dalgett^-) 4. xi. 01 264. Gallinago gallinula. Jack Snipe England (R) 5. xi. 01 684 Reactions all negative, did not foam. 280 Mammalia Aves Keptilia Amphibia Or xiBiaci M ■"" 4) lU •O 'm 1 a < p. 1 CD H o o X 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 « « d d * 6*0 ■ • « * . . 210 240 , , , « « « , d d 240 . . • « * • • • . d d ? 180 • , , . , » , , 45 tr * 35 tr • • « # > • 210 d d • . * # » • 210 d 210 d • . X » » • D D 210 d . . « • 45 tr • 2-io + D + d 45 tr X 5 d + 60 d + d d 210 d • -N « « ? • 60 d + b « D I) » tr * d » , • • • . . * • • tr? < • 180 « ? d HO tr • • • • S95 • with anti-tortoise. 699 • with ftnti-seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 281 aass AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 8. Order CHARADRI1F0RME8 ANTI8EBA FOR Mammalia ■a n 1. Suborder Limicolae Fam. Charadriidae Suhfam. Scolopaclnae Fam. Chionididae Fam. Parridae Fam. Laridae Fam. 622 Alcidae 2. Suborder 623 Columbae Fa m. 624 Columbidae 625 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 616 616 617 618 619 620 621 265. Gallinago flallinago. Common Suipe England (R) 5. xi. 01 730. Gallinago solitaria. Solitary Snipe Kashmir (Donald) 21. ii. 02 384. Gallinago spec. " Winter Snipe " Shanghai, China (Stanley) ca. 27. xi. 01 862. Arenaria interpres. Snipe Okenawa, Japan (R) 19. iii. 02 863. Tringoidcs hypoleucus. Snipe Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 873. Ochthodromus moitgolus. Snipe Okenawa, Japan (R) 9. iii. 02 71. Chionis alba Forst. Yellow-billed Sheath- bill England (Z) 28. v. 01 614. Parra {africayia'!) Japana Lake Nyassa, C. Africa (Dodds) p. 8. ii. 02 70. Lams argentatus. Herring Gull England (Z) 28. v. 01 462. Larus argentatus (Bird) 6. xii. 01 653. Larus ridibtindus L. Black-headed Gull England (B) 24. i. 02 834. Larus ridibundus L. Black-headed Gull England (Clarke) 15. ii. 02 652. Larus glaucus. Glaucous Gull England (B) 3. i. 02 550. Larus brunneicephalus. Brown-headed Gull Darbhanga, India (Inglis) 28. i. 02 344. Larus canus L. Common Gull England (Clarke) 16. xii. 01 850. Larus .. .spec ^ Little Gull England (Clarke) 10. ii. 02 546. Sterna anglica. Gull-billed Tern Darbhanga, India (Inglis) 31. i. 02 835. Uria troilc. Ringed Guillemot England (Clarke) 8. ii. 02 825. Culumba palumbiis L. Wood Pigeon England (R) 1. iii. 02 398. Columba palumbus (Bird) 28. xi. 01 399. Columba palumbus (Wheeler) ca. 22. x. 01 15 607 Filter paper but slightly stained, diluted blood ?. 608 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 609, 610 Foam-test negative, no reactions. 282 Mammalia Av ea [leptilia Amphibia Cr ustaci 8 1 a < aa H o B 1 1 •s ■c 9 1 1 1 1 < o S * . . . . d , , , , , . « , . • • • • * • ' tr * • tr? • • * " + « b d tr ? + » b d tr ? , , , . , ♦ « . . > . • • 30 d d , , , . . * » • • • • • GO 60 tr d • • • • • 5 d CO tr + D d • • • • • / • • • / X 5 d » d * * d • / « 240 • tr • . . • • • ,? 180 tr? + a + » tr • • • ■ • • a tr 613 Foam-test doubtful, all reactions negative. 283 ei», 822 Sample greasy. '2. Suborder Columbae Fam. Columbidae 1 . Suborder Cuculi Fam. Cuculidae Fam. Musophagidae 2. Suborder Psittaci Class AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 8. Order CHARADRIIF0RME8 ANTISEEA FOR Mammalia 636 627 628 620 630 631 632 633 634 63S 636 687 638 639 64 O 641 642 643 644 645 646 332. 313. 175. 138. 13. 21. 41. 491. 723. 547. 763. 533. 215. 583. 72. Columba palumbtis L. Wood Pigeon (Leigliton) 26. xi. 01 Columba palumbus (B) 13. xi. 01 Columba palumbus Germany (N) 4. ix. 01 Columba palumbus (Kuse) 10. viii. 01 Columba livia. Domesticated Pigeon (scales) England (N) 11. iii. 01 Columba livia 11. iii. 01 Columba livia 9. V. 01 Columba livia Trinidad (Tulloch) 19. i. 02 Columba intermedia. Blue Bock Pigeon Kashmir (Donald) 15. ii. 02 Columba eversmanni. Eastern Stock Pigeon Tirhut, India (Inglis) 17. i. 02 Columba oenas L. Stock Dove England (B) 24. iv. 02 Turtur cambayensis. Little Brown Dove Ahmedabad, India (Mason) 26. i. 02 Geopelia striata. Barred Dove India (Z) 30. ix. 01 Caloenns nicobaricaTjinn. Nicobar Pigeon Indian Archipelago (Z) 26. ii. 02 Caloenas nicobarica 28. v. 01 9. Order CUCULIF0RME8 112. Cuculus canorus L. Cuckoo Germany (Kuse) 7. viii. 01 702. Cuculus canorus England (B) 23. iv. 02 893. Turacus buffoni Vieill. Buffon's Touracou W. Africa (Z) 17. ix. 02 d. of ascites 87. Ara macaox A. militaris. Macaw Hybrid Bred in Italy (Z) 24. vi. 01 122. Cacatua roseicapillaVieiW. lloseate Cock- atoo Australia (Z) 22. vii. 01 123. Cacatua leadbeateri Vig. Leadbeater's Cockatoo Australia (Z) 12. vii. 01 tr? 630, 643 • with anti-seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 284 Mammalia Avca Uoptilia Ampliil ia Cm fitacea M 1 1 t 1 I t o 1 a «. 1 ■a ^ 1 t 3S 3 2 =1 ? V 3 S < m o K b. o u. ui H < b4 S , + « , , , . a • • * • • • . d tr • « • • • • . d tr • * » ■ ■ > . d • » • d . • • / * D d / • * • / 1 / / • • 9 240 240 • • + « 45 tr 210 d • d + D + a » « 45 tr + 30 a + a + * D * d * d + D » d + tr + 30 d d # d 180 tr? • • • • tr? • • • 1 • a + a d d • • • • • • 285 Class AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE Mammalia 9. Order CUCULIFORMES ANTISEBA FOR 2. Suborder Psittaci 1. Suborder Coraciae 667 F,im. Alcedinidae 858 659 660 Fam. Meropidae 661 Fam. Buoerotidae 662 2. Suborder Striges 663 Fam. StPigidae 664 647 848 640 660 851 652 663 654 666 656 665 363. Ghrysotis versicolor. Blue-faced Amazon Parrot St Lucia W. I. (Z) 27. xi. 01 346. Ghrysotis versicolor S. America (B) 25. xi. 01 814. Loriculus indicus. Parrot Ceylon (R) 22. i. 02 125. Pyocephalus senegalus Linn. Senegal Pflrrot W. Africa (Z) 24. vii. 01 223. Pyocephalus guliehni. Jardine's Parrot W. Africa (Z) 20. viii. 01 370. Polytelis vielanura Vig. Black-tailed Paroquet Australia (Z) 23. xii. 01 560. Palaeoniis torquata. Rose-ringed Paroquet Ahmedabad, India (Mason) 27. i. 02 302. Conurus auricapillus. Golden-Headed Conure S. America (Z) 18. xi. 01 741. Nestor notabilis Gould. Ka-Ka Parrot N. Zealand (Z) 2. vi. 02 killed, para- lyzed, Jl. 156. Nestor notabilis 8. viii. 01 10. Order CORACIIFORMES 841. Alcedo inpida. Kingfisher England (Clarke) 22. i. 02 879. Alcedo ispida var. bengalensis. Kingfisher Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 877. Alcedo ispida var. bengalensis (R) 11. iii. 02 811. Halcyon smyrnensis fu.icus. Kingfisher Ceylon (R) 27. i."02 810. Merops phillipinus. Bee Eater Ceylon (R) 27. i. 02 216. Rhytodoceros undulatus. Malayan Wrinkled Hornbill Malacca (Z) 8. x. 01 540. Strix javanica. Indian Screech Owl Bombay, India (Phipson) 23. i. 02 682. Strix Jlammea L. Barn Owl Mecklenburg (Kuse) 5. x. 01 521. Strix Jlammea India (Inglis) 28. i. 02 240 668, 669 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. Mammalia Aves Reptllia Amphibia Crustacea tr? tr? + d + « d It • 30 tr? * * 30 d * • tr + X d * , D tr? tr? / 30 / 30 d d d + D + 00 s » D « d » d 240 tr? 287 Class AVE8 11. Division CARINATAE 10. Order CORACIIFORMES ANTISEEA FOR Mammalia 2. Suborder Striges Fam. Strigidae 3. Suborder Pici Fam. Capitonidae Fam. Rhamphastidae Fam. Picidae Fam. Alaudldae 666 667 668 669 670 671 673 673 674 676 676 677 678 679 680 681 683 683 684 68S 250. Strix flammea L. Barn Owl England (Farren) v. 01 310. Strix flammea (B) 7. xi. 01 345. Syrnium aluco L. Tawny Owl England (Clarke) 13. xii. 01 638. Asio brachyotus. Long-eared Owl England (B) 20. xii. 01 827. Asio brachyotus (Clarke) 12. iv. 02 532. Bubo bengalensis. Rook Horned Owl Ahmedabad, India (Mason) 26. i. 02 887. Bubo bengalensis Kashmir State (Donald) 17. iv. 02 279. Bubo maximus. Great Eagle Owl Europe (Z) 11. xi. 01 281. Nyctea scandiaca. Snowy Owl Bylott Islands. Lancaster S'd. (Z) 14. xi. 01 720. Xanthohiema liematocepJiala ? Crimson- breasted Barbet Bombay, India (Phipson) 18. ii. 02 812. Xantholaema rubricapilla. I3ar-bit Ceylon (R) 27. i. 02 624. Rhamphastus ariel. Toucan Brazil (Hagmann) 4. iii. 02 639. Picus major h. Great Spotted Woodpecker England (B) 4. ii. 02 452. Picus major (Clarke) 21. i. 02 640. Gecinns viridis Ijinn. Green Woodpecker England (B) 12. ii. 02 307. Gecinvs viridis (B) 11. xi. 01 678. Picus spec. Woodpecker Mecklenburg (Kuse) 14. xii. 01 761. Dendrocopus minor. Lesser-spotted Wood- pecker England (B) 12. v. 02 669. lynx torquilla L. Wryneck England (B) 10. iv. 02 11. Order PASSERES 544. Pyrrhulauda grisea. Ashy-crowned Finch Lark Darbhanga, India (Inglis) 4. ii. 02 673 Foam test doubtful, reactions all negative. 676 Foam test negative or doubtful, no reactions. 288 i Mammalia Aves Reptilia Ampliibia Cn DsUcei 1 1 a a, O 1 1 ■g ! 3 a V 1 1 . . , « . d tr • • ■ • d X d ? ' • ' • • • • • • + a tr ' tr? • • • • • • • • • • • * X 5 D + + d + d CO '+ D « tr # tr 16 210 d * • • • i • • • • / CO tr? * CO D « 3*0 * 45 d 120 d CO • • , . • • • • • • d GO d « 45 tr + CO d d tr d tr « d « ? • • • :*.!. -„*: — „i / ■> Q--; \ l.T- L hft iL't^llOU. 07« Solution weak. 677 683 • with auti-tortoise. 289 19 aass AVE8 Mammalia Fam. Alaudidae Fam. Timeliidae Fam. Pycnonotidae Fam. Muscicapidae Fam. Turdidae II. Division CARINATAE 11. Order PASSER ES ANTISEEA FOB.... Fam. 688 871. Motacillidae 689 349. 690 901. 691 545. 69a 867. 698 666 694 450. 696 451 686 687 696 697 698 689 700 70I 7oa 703 704 70S 706 707 534. Pyrrhulauda grisea. Ashy-crowned Finch Lark Ahmedahad, India (Mason) 26. i. 02 641. Alatida arvensis L. Skylark England (B) 28. i. 02 Motacilla boarula melanope. Wagtail Okenawa, Japan (R) 13. iii. 02 Motacilla lugubris. Pied Wagtail England (B) xi. 01 Motacilla lugubris (B) 25. viii. 02 Anthus maculatus. Indian Tree Pipit Darbhanga, India (Inglis) 31. i. 02 Anthus maculatus Okenawa, Japan (B) 14. iii. 02 Anthus trivialis. Tree Pipit England (B) 9. iv. 02 Anthus pratensis. Meadow Pipit England (Clarke) 19. xii. 01 Anthus obscurus. Book Pipit England (Clarke) 18. xii. 01 537. Melacocercvs terricolor. " Sat-bhai " or Bengal Warbler Deccau, India (Pbipson) 10. i. 02 538. Pycnonotus liaemorrhous. Common Madras Bulbul Deccan, India (Phipson) i. 02 817. Kclaartia pcnicillata. Yellow Bulbul Ceylon (B) 31. i. 02 865. Hypsipetes squamiceps pryeri Okenawa, Japan (B) 10. iii. 02 815. Hypsipietes ganeesa Ceylon (B) 31. i. 02 902. Muscicapa grisola. Spotted Fly-catcher England (B) 22. viii. 02 82. Turdus musicus L. Thrush England (N) 14. vi. 01 194. Turdus m^isicus (Garrood) 28. viii. 01 195. Turdus mmicus (B) 16. viii. 01 318. Turdus ynusicus (B) 2. xii. 1901 319. Turdus viscivorous. Mistletoe Thrush England (B) 30. xi. 01 465. Turdus pilaris. Fieldfare England (Bird) xii. 01 688 Foam-test doubtful, all reactions negative. 690 • with anti-hyaeua and hedgehog. 290 Mamiiialia Aves tr? Iteptilia 21U d 180 tr 210 d / 240 d tr? # d • d * d d d 30 3*0 30 « / ft tr? * tr? X ft d 240 tr? 240 Amphibia CruHtacea ? 2i0 603, 699 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 694 • with anti-seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 291 19—2 aass AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 11. Order PASSERES ANTISERA FOR.... Mammalia Fam. Turdidae 708 709 326. 710 809. 711 868. 7ia 662. 713 876. 714 880. 715 864. 716 872. 717 768. Fam. Hipundinidae Fam. Ampelidae Fam. Laniidae 71B 710 7ao 721 723 723 724 725 726 727 728 720 730 731 732 191. Turdus merula L. Blackbird England (Garrood) 22. viii. 01 Turdus merula L. England (R) 1. xii. 01 Cisticola cisticola brunneiceps. Fan-Tail Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 Cettia cantans Okenawa, Japan (R) 6. iii. 02 Luscinia iuscinia L. Nightingale England (B) 12. iv. 02 Geocichla varia. Missel Thrush Okenawa, Japan (R) 10. iii. 02 Merula chrysolaus. Thrush Okenawa, Japan (R) 15. iii. 02 Merula pallida. Thrush Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 Merula pallida 13. iii. 02 Pratincola rubetra. Whinchat England (B) 23. iv. 02 668. Saxicola oenanthe. Wheatear England (B) 8. iv. 02 670. Phylloscopus ru/us. Chiffchaff England (B) 11. iv. 02 268. Accentor modularis. Hedge Sparrow England (R) 1. xi. 01 335. Accentor modularis (Bird) 25. xi. 01 774. Sylvia hortemis Lath. Garden Warbler England (B) 6. v. 02 169. Sylvia curruca L. Germany (N) 1. ix. 01 166. Erithacus rubecula L. Robin Germany (N) 25. viii. 01 314. Erithacus rnbecula England (Bird) 9. xi. 01 661. Ruticilla phoetiicurus. Redstart England (B) 14. iv. 02 65. Chelidon urbica. Swallow Ireland (N) 4. iv. 01 773. Cotile riparia L. Bank Swallow England (B) 23. iv. 02 456. Ampelis garrulus. Waxwing England (Clarke) 20. xii. 01 777. Lanius {collurio ?). Shrike England (Mitchell) 26. v. 02 752. Pityriasis gymnocephala Borneo (Hose) p. 10. iv. 02 816. Hemipus picatus. Tomtit Ceylon (R) 31. i. 02 tr? 710, 711, 714, 715, 716 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 723 Very dilute solution, 713 Foam-test negative, no reactions. 292 Mammalia Aves llcptilia Amphibia Cruxtacea V I 120 45 tr + • liO tr cl • . tr tr « • tr tr? ♦ • ? tr « 90 tr . • tr • « d tr * # d tr tr? 30 U 739 . with antisera for seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 730 Foam-test doabtful. 731 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 293 Class AVE8 Mammalia Fam. Laniidae Fam. Sittidae Fam. Paridae Fam. Panuridae Fam. Corvidae II. Division CARINATAE 11. Order PASSERES ANTISERA FOB 733 734 735 736 737 738 730 740 741 742 743 744 746 746 747 748 749 7 SO 751 763 753 764 107. Gymnorhina leuconota. White-backed Piping Crow S. Australia (Z) 13. viii. 01 320. Sitta caesia. Nuthatch England (R) 30. xi. 01 860. Parus atriceps. Tomtit Okenawa, Japan (R) 9. iii. 02 870. Parus atriceps 15. iii. 02 269. Parus ater. Coletit England (R) 1. xi. 01 321. Parus caeruleus. Blue Tit England (R) 30. xi. 01 306. Parus major. Great Tit England (R) 9. xi. 01 839. Parnurtts biarmiciis. Bearded Tit England (R) 11. iii. 02 536. Corvus macrorhynchus. Indian Corby or Jungle Crow Bombay, India (Phipson) i. 02 713. Corvus macrorhyncJnts Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 12. iii. 02 353. Corvus cornix. Hooded Crow England (B) 14. xi. 01 824. Corvus corone L. Carrion Crow Wales (Clarke) 11. iv. 02 680. Corvus corone Mecklenburg (Kuse) 17. ii. 02 765. Corvus corone England (B) 8. v. 02 90. Corvus vwnedula. Jackdaw England (N) 24. vi. 01 711. Corvus monrdula Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 25. iii. 02 66. Corvus fruqilequs L. Rook England (N) 20. v. 01 186. Corvus fruffilegiis Germany (Schlieffen) ix. 01 679. Corvus frxLgilegus (Ruse) 28. X. 01 303. Corvtis sph-ndens. Indian Crow India (Z) 20. xi. 01 558. Con us splendens Bombay, India (Mason) 4. ii. 02 764. Corvus corax L. Raven Scotland (B) 23. iv. 02 I 736, 736, 740, 748 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 294 d Mammalia Avea Reptilia Amphibia Cruataccft ? 120 30 tr? 60 + X a tr » • ? 180 tr + * 60 d d X 45 tr . + d + + 30 d . X d tr + • 60 d d # ■» d tr + * A d « 45 tr tr? tr? 738 Foam-teat doubtful when tested with anti-oatrioh. 295 74S • with anti-tortoise. Class II. AVE8 Division CARINATAE 11. Order PAS8ERES ANTISERA FOR... Mammalia s M Fam. Corvidae Fam. Sturnidae Fam. Icteridae Fam. Fringillidae 765 766 767 768 769 760 761 762 763 764 766 766 767 664. 768 56. 769 323. 770 844. 771 663. 773 324 773 351 774 ■sr,o 776 840 776 777 778 222. 165. 333. 57. 352. 642. 822. 823. 681. 189. Cissa venatoria. Hunting Crow India (Z) 24. viii. 01 Garrulus glandarim L. Jay Germany (N) 2. ix. 01 Garrulus glandarius England (Leighton) 26. xi. 01 Nucifrafla cnryocatimtes. Nutcracker England (Lane) 28. iv. 01 Pica rustica. Magpie England (R) 18. xi. 01 Pica rustica (B) 14. xii. 01 Pica rustica (Clarke) 23. i. 02 Pica rustica (R) 5. iii. 02 Pico ruMica Mecklenburg (Kuse) 19. xii. 01 Sturnus vulgaris L. Starling England (Garrood) 8. viii. 01 725. Acridotlieres tristis. Common Minah Bhadarwa, Kashmir (Donald) 28. ii. 02 106. Icterus Jamaica. Brazilian Hangnest Brazil (Z) 13. viii. 01 Fringilla coelebs L. Chaflineh England (B) 8. iv. 02 Frinqilla coelebs (N) 28. iv. 01 Fringilla coelebs (R) 30. xi. 01 Chri/somitiis spinus. Siskin England (R) 20. ii. 02 Ligurinns chloris. Greenfinch England (B) 8. iv. 02 Ligurinus chloris (R) 30. xi. 01 Fringilla chloris x Carduclis elegans. Hy- brid Greenfinch-Goldfinch England (B) 10. xii. 01 Fringilla montifringilla. Brambling England (B) 25. xi. 01 Carduelis elei)aiis. Goldfinch England "(R) 7. ii. 02 144. Paroaria cucullata. Red-crested Cardinal S. America (Z) 9. viii. 01 455. Coccothraustes vulgaris Pall. Hawfinch England (Clarke) 21. xii. 01 348. Coccothraustes vulgaris (B) 30. xi. 01 30 766 Foam test doubtful, no reactions. 296 J Mammalia Ave 1 Reptilia Amphibia CruRtacea •a a 8 1 5 to H o <0 1 1 Fowl-egg Ema-egg ® 1 1 1 « . . . . d tr tr , • • * * • • * > • > d tr • • + X tr • • " • ' ■ • ■ , + X tr 6*0 . • • • • • ' 5 d • • • • • • ? 210 / 6*0 d d CO + 35 6*0 + d tr 3*0 tr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + + tr tr * t « r? » tr • • • • X > • • \ « d * d + d til ? tr * • ? • tr? • • tr? • tr? 297 Fam. Fringillidae aass AVE8 II. Division CARINATAE 11. Order PASSERES ANTISEBA roil.... Mammalia 779 7 SO 781 783 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 793 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 643. Loxia curvirostra Gm. Crossbill England (B) 10. i. 02 192. Pyrrhula europaea. Bullfinch England (Garrood) 28. viii. 01 772. Pyrrhula europaea (B) 20. iv. 02 665. Linota cannahina. Linnet England (B) 8. iv. 02 267. Passer domesticus L. House Sparrow England (R) 1. xi. 01 769. Passer ilomesticus (B) 3. V. 02 322. Passer domesticus (H) 30. xi. 01 813. Passer domestictts indicun. Sparrow Kandy, Ceylon (B) 29. i. 02 861. Passer montanus saturatus. Sparrow Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 875. Passer montanus saturatus Okenawa, Japan (R) 6. iii. 02 838. Plectrophanes nivalis L. Snow-Bunting England (Clarke) 8. u. 02 667. Emberiza miliaria. Corn-Bunting England (B) 9. iv. 02 771. Emberiza schoeniclus. Reed-Bunting England (B) 30. iv. 02 770. Emberiza citrinella L. Tellow Hammer England (B) 3. v. 02 325. Emberiza citrinella (R) 30. xi. 01 878. Emberiza persotiata Okenawa, Japan (R) 14. iii. 02 143. Crithayra sulphuratus. Sulphury Seed- Eater S. Africa (Z) 9. viii. 01 EGGS 402. Galius domesticus. Fowl England (N) 26. x. 01. Egg-white, dried on paper 632. Euplocomtis (Phasianus) nycthemerus L. Silver Pheasant China (Z) 2 eggs laid ca. 11. iv. 02. Egg-white, fluid 593. Balearica regulorum Bennett. Cape Crowned Crane S. Africa (Z) 13. iii. 02. Egg-white, fluid 439. Dromaeus novae-hollandiae Vieill. Emu Australia (Z) rec'd. 18. i. 02. Egg- white, fluid 787, 788 Foam-test doubtful, all reactions negative. 298 Mammnlia Avcs Rcptilia Amphibia Cniataoes « tr? tr? tr? ? 265 i s tr 30 180 tr 30 + « 00 GO d d » 45 tr » 9 tr + « I tr? tr? 794 Foam-test doubtful, no reactions. 797 . with anti-aeal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 299 Class REPTIUA Mammalia 1. Subclass CHELONIA Order THECOPHORA ANTISEBA FOR Fam. Testudinldae Fam. Chelonidae Fam. Crocodilidae Suborder Geckones Suborder Lacertae 800 BOl 8oa SOS 804 SOS 806 807 SOB SOD 810 811 813 813 814 818 816 817 818 805. Chrysemys picta. Painted terrapin N. America (Jordan) 22. v. 02 806. Chrysemys elegans N. America (Jordan) 11. v. 02 804. Cistudo Carolina N. America (Jordan) 30. iv. 02 807. Graptemys pseudogeographicua N. America (Jordan) 17. v. 02 42-5. Testudo ibera. Tortoise Greece (killed Cambridge, N) 14. i. 02,/. 793. Testudo elephantopus. Giant Tortoise (N. York Zoo., Langmann) 14. vi. 02 904. 'Testudo elephantopus GalapAgos (Z) 15. x. 02,/. 78. Testudo inepta. Clumsy Tortoise Mauritius (Z) 20. v. 01 818. Testudo spec. Tortoise, egg-white (Leighton) egg laid 2. vii. 02, /. 343. Chelone midas. Green Turtle Trop. Seas (killed Cambridge) 4. xii. 01 ,/. 209. Chelone viidas (Z) 9. X. 01 628. Chelone viridis ? Turtle (B) 13. xii. 01 615. " Water Turtle " Upper Shir(5 R., C. Africa (Dodds) p. 8. u. 02 2. Subclass CROCODILIA Order EUSUCHIA 338. Alligator ntississipi>iensis N. America (Z) 27. xi. 01,/. 101. Alligator sinensis Cbiua (Z) 13. viii. 01 616. Crocodile Upper Shir^ E., C. Africa (Dodds) p. 8. ii. 02 3. Subclass SAURIA Order LACERTILIA 153. Gecko quttatus. Gecko S. Sylhet, India (Dalgetty) 2. viii. 01 555. Calotes versicolor. Indian Tree-Lizard W. Deecan, India (Phipson) 12. i. 02 911. Uromastix spinipes Egypt (G. Elliot Smith) 7. vi. 02 806 + with auti- tortoise, last 3 tested by Dr Graham-Smith. 300 Mammalia Aves Beptilia Amphibia Crustacea V tr tr? 120 cl / 812 Dried sample, note source and see text, p. 63 301 Class REPTILIA 3. Subclass SAURIA 1. Order LACERTILIA ANTISEBA FOE Maminaiia Suborder Lacertae 819 820 821 823 823 824 825 828 434. 827 280. 828 607. 82» 208. 830 802. 831 913. 832 760. 833 68. 834 909. 835 914. 836 915. 837 618. 838 554. 839 574. 840 883. 841 884. 842 553. 437. 627. 635. 206. 912. 205. 570. lyiiana {tuberculata Laur. ?). Iguana Trinidad (J. P. TuUoch) 1. i. 02 Anguis fragilu L. Slow- Worm Herefordshire, England (Leighton) 31. iii. 02 Varamis saloator Laur. Two-banded Monitor E. India (Z) 6. iv. 02 Varaniis griseus. Grey Monitor N. Africa (Z) 30. ix. 01 Lacerta agilis. Sand Lizard England (G.-S.) 3. v. 02 Scincidae spec. ? Lizard S. Sylhet, India (Dalgetty) 1. ix. 01 "Laud Lizard," 2 ft. 6 in. long Orange River, S. Africa (Parkinson) 13. xu. 01 2. Order OPHIDIA Python molurus Linn. Indian Python India (Z) 11. i. 02 Python seboe. Python W. Africa (Z) 8. xi. 01 Curallus caiiiniis L. "Hundskopfschlange" Madagascar ?...(Liihe) 20. ii. 02 Boa comlrictor. Corumon Boa S. America (Z) 7. x. 01 Boa constrictor Trinidad, W. Indies (Tulloch) 4. vi. 02 Eryx jaculiis Egypt (G. Elliot Smith) 19. vi. 02 Tropidonotus natrix Gesn. Green Snake England (B) 28. iv. 02 Tropidonotus natrix (N) 2. V. 01 Tropidonotus natrix (Graham-Smith) 18. x. 02,/. ser. Zamenis diadema Egypt (G. Elliot Smith) 11. vi. 02 Zamenis varageus var. nummifer Egypt (G. Elliot Smith) 19. vi. 02 Dcndrophis lioccrcus. Whip Snake Trmidad, W. Indies (TuUoch) 2. iii. 02 Cerberus rkyncliops. Indian Estuary Snake Bombay, India (Phipson) 17. i. 02 Cerberus rhynclwps Calcutta, India (Rogers) 8. x. 01 Naja tripudians Merr. Cobra Rajputana, India (MacWatt) 21. vi. 02 Naja tripudians 23. vi. 02 Naja tripudians Bombay, India (Phipson) 4. ii. 02 60 822 Another sample (920) proved as insoluble as the following. 302 Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Crustacea tr? 180 a d? 823 Insoluble in saline after 30 hours at 37° C. 303 Class REPTIUA 3. Subclass SAURIA Mammalia 2. Order OPHIDIA ANTISEBA FOB !? $ 'O a 1 5 1 be 1 ' • " • / / / • • • • • / / / 843 157. Naja tripudians Merr. Cobra India (Z) 6. viii. 01 844 916. Naja nuje. African Hooded Cobra (Aepis) Egypt (G. Elliot Smith) 19. vi. 02 846 685. Pscudechis porphyriacus. Black Snake Oberon, N.S.W. (Cashman) 21. xii. 01 846 142. Bites arietans. Puffadder S. Africa (Z) 6. viii. 01 847 787. Puffadder S. Nyassa, Africa (Dodds) 27. iii. 02 848 686. Vipera berue. Adder N. Devon, England (Leighton) iv. 02 848 689. Vipera berus Dumfriesshire, Scotland (Leighton) iv. 02 860 688. Vipera heriis Devon, England (Leighton) 18. iv. 02 851 898. Vipera {russelli ?). Himalayan Viper Bhadarwa, Ka.shmir State (Donald) 4. iv. 02 852 378. Crotalus spec. Rattlesnake N. America (Salmon) 6. xi. 01 853 613. " A poisonous .serpent " nr. Lake Nyassa, C. Africa (Dodds) p. 8. ii. 02 844 Solution foamed well. 304 Mammalia I ' I I ! = O tB Aves tr? / Reptilia Amphibia CrusUoM 847 • with 4 antisera for seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 306 30 Mammalia Fa III. Amphiumidae Fam. Salamandridae 1 . Suhordn' AGLOSSA 2. Suborder PHANEROGLOSSA Fam. Bufonidae Fam. Engystomatidae Fam. Ranidae aass AMPHIBIA 1. Order U RODE LA ANTISERA FOE. 864 866 866 867 868 859 860 861 863 863 864 8661 8661 867 868 599. AmphiuiiM means Garden. Amphiuum N. America (Z) 19. iii. 02,/. vo-. 365. Amblystoma Hflrinum (larva). Axolotl Mexico (raised in England by E. Bles 2(>. xii. 01 55. Triton cristatus. Crested Newt England (N) 26. iv. 01 2. Order ANURA 598. Xenopua loevis Daud. Smooth-clawed Frci(? E. Africa (Z) 19. iii. 02 81. Bufo vulgarU Laur. Common Toad ■ England (N) 4. vii. 01 430. Bufo mauritanica Schlegel. Moorish Toad ' N. W. Africa (Z) 10. i. 02 207. Magalohatrachus maxima. Gigantic Sala- mander Japan (Z) 23. ix. 01 54. Rana temporaria. P'rog England (N) 28. iv. 01 582. Rana temporaria 3. iii. 02,/. 406. Rana temporaria 11. xi. 01 478. Rana tigrina Daud. Tigrine Frog India (Z) 25. i. 02 479. Rana tigrina 3. ii. 02 597. Rana tigrina 19. iii. 02 732. iJan« Bpec. Common Trinidad Frog " Cra paud" Trinidad, W. Indies (TuUoch) 27. iii. 02 / / 866 with 5 anliseva for monkey, seal, hyaena, hedgehog, llama. 306 Miimmalia Aves Beptilia Amphibia Crustacea 307 20—2 Glass PISCES The tests made with some of the antisera used in the preceding tables gave entirely negative results. The antisera used were the following: 1. Anti-Man 10. Anti-Lobster 19. Anti-Cat 2. „ Dog 3. ,, Horse 4. „ Ox 5. ,, Sheep 6. „ Pig 7. „ Fowl 8. „ Fowl's egg 9. „ Frog For convenience the antisera are ordered in this case in the order in which they were produced, not in their zoological order. The fish bloods which proved insoluble after some hours in salt solution are not included in the list. With the exception of the blood of the dogfish (872) which was fluid, all of these bloods were received dried on filter-paper. The bloods tested were the following : 11. ,, AUigiitor 20. „ Wallaby 12. „ Turtle 21. „ Monkey 13. „ Ostrich 22. „ Seal 14. „ Emu's egg 23. ,, Hedgehog 15. ,, Antelope 24. „ Hyaena 16. ,, Hog-deer 25. ,, Llama 17. „ Keindeer 18. „ Mexican -deer I. Subclass PALAEICHTHYIE8 1 Order CHRONDROPTERYGII (Elasmobranchii) Tested with Antisera Suborder Plagiostomata A. Selachoidei b'lim. Carchariidae 869 870 871 490. 199. 197. Zygaena malUm 1 Hammerhead Shark Trinidad, W. I. (Tulloch) 16. i. 02 Mustelus canis (vuhjaris ?). Dogfish New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 Squalus acanthias. Dogfish New Jersey, U. S. A. (Silvester) 30. viii. 01 1—8, 11- 10, 18—2.5 6—12, 18—21 6—12, 18—21 Fani. Scylllidae 872 578. Scyllium canicula. Dogfish England (Plymouth Lab.) 27. ii. 02,/. 1_8, 12-10, 18—20 B. Batoidei Fmn. Rajldae 873 198. Raja ocellata. Skate New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 1—12, 18—21 Fam. Trlgonidae 874 200. Dasyatus spec. Sting-ray New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 1—16, 18—21 Fam. Myliobatidae 87S 203. Rhinoptera Imiiasiis. Sting-ray New Jersey , U.S.A. (Silvester) 30. viii.Ol 6—12, 18—21 II. Subclass TELE08TEI Cottoscomberiformes Order ACANTHOPTERYGII F(im. Carangidae 876 803. Naucrates ductor. Pilot-fish Trinidad, W. I. (Tulloch) 29. v. 02 1_4, 0, 8, 13, 18-25 Fnm. Scomberidae 877 878 619. 017. Scomber auxin. Spanish Mackerel Trinidad, W. I. (Tulloch) 13. ii. 02 Scomber curaiigus. Mackerel Trinidad, W. I. (Tulloch) 28. ii. 02 1—9, 12—20 1— "1, 12—20 Mucilifopmes Finn. Sphyraenidae 879 020, Sphyraena barracuda. Barracouta Trinidad (Tulloch) 7. iii. 02 1—9, 12—20 Gobiesociformes F 1 . . . / , / . . . + 1) • • • • • • • • • • • + D « tr • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • + ■ ■ • \ \ • • • • • • + D + D 311 SECTION VII. ON THE RESUTTS OF 500 QUANTITATIVE TE.S'J'S WITH PRECIPITATING ANTISERA UPON THE BLOODS OF PRIMATES, INSECTIVORA, CARNIVORA, UNGULATA, CETACEA, MARSUPIALIA, AND AVES. By GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., AND T. S. P. STRANGEWAYS, M.A., M.R.C.S., Demonstrator in Pathology, Camhridye. In view of the crudity of the methods employed ancl the many possi- bilities of error, it is not a little surprising that the figures obtained in the following quantitative tests are in such accord. The combined qualitative and quantitative tests demonstrate certain broad facts, namely, the persistence of blood affinities amongst groups of animals which have descended from a common stock. The difficulties in the way of determining /iHer differences appear to be considerable, owing to the variations in the reacting power of the rabbits treated with a given blood, possibly also to the nature of the animal yielding the blood in- jected (even if it be normal), but especially to much of the blood injected being derived from diseased animals. The bloods we have tested, also those we have used for the treatment of rabbits, with few exceptions, have been derived from animals dying at the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. These animals have died from various diseases, and in the majority of cases it has been impossible to determine the exact cause of death. In some cases the animals died naturally, and the blood was obtained from the cadaver at variable periods after death, in other cases they were killed and the blood collected immediately. In some cases it appears reasonable to suppose that fluids derived from extravasations into the body cavities have become mixed with the blood, although precautions were taken against NuttaU and Strangeways 313 such accidents. We know that the concentration of the blood may vary in disease and even in health, and it is possible that blood remaining in the blood vessels after death may undergo changes in concentra- tion. Apart from this there are chemical changes taking place in the blood of which we have but slight knowledge at present, which may materially affect the quantitative results of the precipitin test. The tests were conducted upon bloods of very different ages, some preserved with chloroform, others filtered through porcelain and preserved pure. In most cases serum alone was used, in some instances clots were present in the serum. All the bloods were kept in the ice-chest until used. In a few cases putrefaction had already taken place when we received the bloods. The bloods were kept in tightly stoppered bottles, or in sealed tubes. In warm weather it is reasonable to suppose that a certain amount of evaporation may have taken place from the bloods which were allowed to clot in the covered vessels in which they were placed for obtaining sei-um. Where glass stoppers were used a small amount of vaseline was smeared upon the ground- glass surfaces. In the bloods first collected a slight loss of water by evaporation may well have taken place through the use of corks which loosened or were defective. All bloods of later date were kept in sealed tubes to prevent evaporation. The quantitative method devised by Nuttall is also open to criticism. It appears a priori improbable that the physical character of the pre- cipitum will be the same in different bloods to dilutions of which a given antiserum is added. We may assume the precipitum should " pack " to a greater extent in tubes containing the most and to various degrees in tubes of inconstant calibre. Finally, there is considerable chance of error in the measurement of such small quantities as have at times to be dealt with. A considerable number of bloods were tested to determine the range of experimental error, the result being that we found the error to be within 10 "/o- Thus Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 264) obtained the following results: " Results of measurements of /our samples of a 1 hi 21 dilution of human blood and 8 samples of a similar dilution of ox serum. Human serum O* '"'<'<'<' •0281 c.c. \ "0215 0.0. -0233 c.c. •02^1 •• Mean 0293 0.0. '^'' [J^^S .- ^ Mean -0283 o.c. •0300 „ '02^ .. 023iJ , •030'J „ ) -0233 „ 02(52 . 314 Quantitative Precipitin Tests " The fluctuations above and below the means in the human series are '0012 c.c. or 4Vo, and in the ox series "0029 c.c. and '0018 c.c. respectively, or 12 "/o and 7°/o- " In order to arrive at the most trustworthy figures possible, in most experiments two observations were made under identical conditions in the hope that by this means the experimental eiTor might be reduced to a minimum. " In measurements of this kind with every precaution probably a margin of 10°/„ must be allowed for experimental eri'or. "Throughout these experiments the aim has been to indicate by measurements the effects of varying conditions on the formation of the precipitum as compared with controls. It must be stated, however, that with every precaution the measurements of the same set of materials on different days are not identical, although the proportions which the various members of the set bear to each other remain fairly constant. Hence though improvements in the technique of measurement may result in more accurate and constant figures, yet it is improbable that the genei-al results will be materially altered." Measurements could be made with reasonable accuracy down to "001 c.c. but of course it would be a mistake to attach importance to minute reactions of 10 % and under, unless results of repeated tests are concordant. The results in spite of all these possible sources of fallacy certainly speak for themselves, and show beyond question that much may be accomplished by the use of the precipitin tests in the study of animal relationships. We believe that we have but entered on the threshold of a method of investigations which is bound with time to yield useful data. This investigation must necessarily be regarded as preliminary in character. A careful selection of material to work upon, especially material which is readily obtained, together with care directed to excluding the sources of error above mentioned, are indicated in the future. In view of the extent of the work, Dr Graham-Smith, whose paper follows, was entrusted with similar investigations upon the bloods of lower animals than those here considered (see p. 336). The tests here recorded were made upon the bloods of Primates, In- sectivora, Camivora, Ungulata, Cetacea, Marsupialia, and Aves by means of the following antisera. The method of obtaining antisera has already been described elsewhere by Nuttall (p. .51). Nuttalfs Method 315 2. 3. Primatei : Man (2 series) Ourang Ivsectivora : Hedgehog Camivora : Cat Dog Uttgulata : Sheep (3 series) Ox Antelope (Cobus unctuosus) OariacuB mezicanus Cervus porcinus Rangifer tarandus Pig (3 series) Horse , Donkey Zebra (E. Grevvil ' several series 6' >> Manupialia : Onychogale ungnifera 6- „ Aves : , Striithio raolybdophanes Gallus domesticua Before proceeding to describe the different series of tests it appears desirable to give briefly the method of testing quantitatively, quoting Nuttall's description which appeared in the BHtish Medical Journal for April 5th, 1902, since his original method has not been modified. Method for the Measurement of the Degree of Reaction. " Dilutions of the serums to be tested quantitatively are made with 0"6 per cent, normal salt solution to the degree desired — namely, 1 : 100, 1 : 200, etc. The solutions must be perfectly clear and free from suspended matter. Accurately-measured quantities — usually 0"5 cm. of the dilution — are transferred into a series of clean, dry test-tubes, having a capacity of about 1 cm and a lumen of about 5 mm. The dilution is allowed to run into the tubes, along a fine, freshly-drawn, sealed capillary tube in order to avoid the formation of bubbles or of overflow in filling the tubes. Each tube is supplied with a sealed civpillary, which is left in place after the introduction of the dilution, subsequently serving a similar purpose when adding the antisei-um. An accurately-measured quantity of antiserum is now added to the diltition, in the proportion of 20 : 1 to 200 : 1 or more of the blood in dilution. After the antiserum has been added to the series of tubes the capillaries are removed and the mixture of dilution and antiserum is effected. This can be done very satisfactorily by applying the tip of the clean finger to the uiouth of the tube and shaking it up and down. 316 Quantitative Precipitin Tests By using the fingers of both hands in rotation eight tubes can be shaken in succession, after which the hands must be cleansed before proceeding to the next set of tubes. This is only mentioned because it saves time. With a little practice it will be found easy to bring about complete mixture without the formation of troublesome air-bubbles, and if the fluid is shaken down to the bottom of the tube before removing the finger the loss of fluid entailed by contact with the finger is practically negligible, the finger-tip remaining apparently dry after some practice. The mixture is now left standing at a desired temperature, the rate of precipitum formation, etc. being noted. After 24 hours have elapsed the precipitum has become deposited upon the bottom of the tube. Should any adhere to the walls of the vessel it may be dislodged by gently tapping or rotating the tube upon its vertical axis. The particles thus displaced soon sink to the bottom of the tube, provided it does not contain too much serum, which through its viscidity impedes their gravitation. The clear supernatant fluid is now pipetted off by means of a conveniently bent bulb capillary pipette, the tip of which is allowed to slide down along the inner wall of the test- tube, the precipitum not being disturbed, the clear fluid being aspirated into the bulb as the tip of the pipette slides down a little beneath the receding surface of the column of fluid in the tube. The bulk of pre- cipitum and clear fluid left is so small that it can now be readily di-awn up into the capillaries. The capillaries used for measuring the precipitum volumetrically are made of fairly thick glass, are about 12 cm. long, and have a lumen of about 1 mm. The ends should be cut off' square by means of a diamond, this being essential, as it is thus possible to practically remove all the fluid and precipitum in the bottom of the 'small test-tube. The end of the capillary is placed against the bottom of the tube, and the deposit and fluid are well mixed by being drawn backwards and forwards into the capillary. It is imperative that bubbles should be avoided. The fluid is now drawn up a little way into the capillary, and the dry end of this is drawn out and sealed in a very small flame. The sealed end should be blunt to avoid possibility of breakage ; the other end of the tube, which can now be cut down to a convenient length, is left open. After a number of capillaries have been thus prepared they are placed verti- cally in a rack in a cool place. After 24 hours the height of the column of precipitum is marked upon the capillary with a glass pencil. After 48 to 72 hours it will be seen that the column of precipitum remains constant. The amount of precipitum may now be measured. NnttairH Method 317 The accompanying figure shows a little apparatus which I have made in the laboratory, and have found very convenient for making these measurements of the amoimt of precipitum. A fairly large thermometer tube (A) is used, which is graduated in tenths of a c.c, the calibre being chosen so that a fine steel scale of 10 cm. (E) subdivided into 0'5 mm. con'esponds to the length of column of fluid measuring O'l cm. in the tube. The tube is filled with pure water up to the graduation mark (not shown in the figure), the mouth being wiped dry with filter- paper. The tube is fixed in a spring clip which is attached to the wooden rod (D) so that it pivots in a vertical plane, thus permitting the tube to rest in a horizontal position or at any desired angle. The rod (D) slides horizontally between the rods C and C, which are nailed to a solid block of wood beneath. Two small brass plates attached to r(^d C prevent rod D from being displaced. The steel cm. measure is attached to a metal support, which is screwed to the block beneath. By a lucky chance I happened to have an old "peep-sight" from a sporting rifle which served admirably for cairying the metal scale, as it can be inclined at any angle and be screwed up or down. By pivotting the scale on a screw passing through the eyehole of the sight, the scale can be placed and retained at any angle on its support, thus making it possible to closely apply the fine scale to the thermometer tube in any position desired. Fig. 5. The height of the volume of precipitum having been marked upon the capillary tube, the latter is cut square by means of a diamond at the lower meniscus, a small (,uantity of air having been left in the lower end of the tube when it was sealed. The contents of the tube are blown out. 318 Quantitative Precipitin Tests the tube is drained as far as possible by blowing out the moisture it contains on to filter-paper, or it can be washed out and dried. The mouth of the capillary is now brought in contact with the end of the thermometer tube, which has been slightly raised at one end (A), and fluid is allowed to pass into the capillary up to the pencil mark previously noted. The amount of fluid which has passed into the capillary is now read off on the scale. The thermometer tube is moved by means of the handle (F) so as to prevent expansion of the fluid through the heat of the hand. Where it is desired to know the actual quantity of pre- cipitum, it is necessary to note the temperature and calculate accordingly. This may be disregarded when a simple comparison is being made with different quantities of precipitum in a given series, the measurements being made in rapid succession under similar outward conditions. If it is desired to make simply comparative measurements a diamond scratch on any suitable tube is sufficient, only the measurements on the steel scale being recorded." In the tables which follow the bloods are arranged in groups according to the orders to which the animals yielding them belong. In most instances the scientific names of the animals are given, this is however omitted with the commoner domesticated or laboratory animals. The numbers preceding the names of the animals refer to the order in which they were collected by Nuttall and tested qualitatively, as will be seen by reference to page 217. The date in the column following is that on which the animal died, or on which its blood was collected. The succeeding column gives the amount of precipitum obtained with each blood tested. In all except the first series with antihuman serum O'l c.c. of antiserum was added to 0'5 c.c. of 1 : 100 blood dilution. The percentages given in the last column are calcu- lated upon the basis of the amount of precipitum obtained, the amount given by an antiserum with its homologous blood dilution being taken as 100 "/„. In most cases this figure has not been exceeded when the antiserum acted upon a non-homologous blood, but notably in the case of the anti-ungulate sera cases occur where non-homologous bloods give higher figures. In some cases comments alongside the percentages sufficiently account for high figures. Thus, the serum may have been concentrated, or the precipitum loose in character, and consequently with difficulty measureable. Brief comments in the text also serve to explain and summarize the results. Nuttall mid Straiujeways 319 1. Quantitative Tests with Anti- Primate Sera. Tests with Antihuman Serum (11. III. '02). Series i. The antiserum here used was obtained in the usual way by treating a i-abbit with human blood serum. The 45 bloods tested had been preserved for various lengths of time in the refiigerator with the addition of a small amount of chloroform. The only diflference in this series is that 1 : 40 blood-dilutions were used instead of the usual 1 : 100 dilutions, the usual amount of antiserum 0"1 c.c. being added to 5 c.c. of the dilution. Precipitum Blood of Date amount Percentage Primites Man 1. iii. 02 •031 100 298 Chimpanzee xi. 01 •04 130 (loose precipitum) 299 Gorilla xi. 01 •021 64 254 Ourang 30. x. 01 •013 42 364 Cynocephalus mormon 10. xii. 01 •013 42 501 „ sphinx 14. ii. 02 •009 29 431 Ateles geoffroyi 28. xii. 01 •009 29 Iiisectivora 433 Centetes eoaudatus 3. i. 02 •0 Carnivora 359 Canis aureus 3. xii. 01 •003 10 (loose precipitum) „ familiaris 4. iii. 02 •001 3 579 Lutra vulgaris 4. iii. 02 •003 10 (concentrated serum) 367 Ursus tibetanus 27. xii. 01 •0025 8 362 Genetta tigrina 9. xii. 01 •001 3 Felis domesticus 3. xi. 01 •001 3 300 „ caracal 15. xi. 01 •0008 3 103 „ tigris 13. viii. 01 •0005 2 UttfltUata Ox 3. ii. 02 •003 10 Sheep — •003 10 480 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •002 7 502 Cervus poreinus 15. ii. 02 •002 7 483 Eangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 •002 7 243 Capra negaceros 23. X. 01 •0005 2 Equus caballus 10. vi. 01 •0005 2 Sua scrofa 26. ii. 02 •0 Rodentia 436 Dasyprocta oristata G. i. 02 •002 7 (concentrated serum dots) Guinea-pig — •0 Eabbit 2. xii. 01 •0 Slanupiatio Seven bloods (7 species, see ■0 list on p. 331 under anti-pig series No. 3) 320 Quantitative Precipitin Testis Among the Primate bloods that of the Chimpanzee gave too high a figure, owing to the precipitum being flocculent and not settling well for some reason which could not be determined. The figure given by the Ourang is somewhat too low, and the difference between Cyno- cephalus sphinx and Ateles is not as marked as might have been expected in view of the qualitative tests and the series following. The possibilities of error must be taken into account in judging of these figures, repeated tests shoidd be made to obtain something like a constant. Other bloods than those of Primates give small reacti(jns or no reactions at all. The high figures (10 °/o) obtained with two Carnivore bloods can be explained by the fact that one gave a loose precipitum, and the other was a somewhat concentrated serum. Tests with Antihuman Serum (2. xi. '02). Senes ii. and iii. Antiserum from two rabbits treated with human serum. Date Percentages of precipitum Blood of Antiserum I. Antiserum II. Man 8. viii. 02 100 (■018) 100 (010)1 906 Ourang 14. X. 02 47 80 364 Cynocephalus mormon 10. xii. 01 30 50 742 Cercopitheous petaurista 10. vi. 02 30 60 697 Ateles vellerosus 11. iv. 02 22 25 784 Cynocephalus poroarius 4. vii. 02 61 ' note text 908 Macacus rhesus 14. X. 02 72 90) ' The succeeding amounts of precipitum are purposely omitted from the table. The results with the two antisera appear divergent. The first antiserum was nearly twice as poiverful as the second, and appears to cause less precipitation proportionately in the non-homologous bloods. The bloods Nos. 784 and 908 were from animals which had died of intussusception and dysentery respectively, these diseases, as we know, tending to produce concentration of the serum during life ; and this accounts fully for the very high percentage of precipitum obtained. On the other hand, if we take the percentages obtained with the blood of the Ourang as 100, the figures agree fairly well between the two series, if we except that of Ateles, thus: The sera of the diseased animals considered separately gave with With Antiserum I. Antiserum II. ^ Antiserum I. Antiserum II. Ourang 100 »/„ 100 "/„ No. 784 100 »/„ 100% 364 Cynocephalus 63 „ 64 „ No. 908 US ,, 128 „ 742 Cercopitheous 63 „ 64 „ 697 Ateles 31 „ 48 „ Nut tall ami Strangeways 321 Of other mammalian sera of approximately the same age seveml reacted as follows, Human serum being taken to give a precipitum of 100 (Reactions with antiserum I.): Carnivora: Cat and Dog ll"/u, Hyaena striata S"/,,, Seal but a trace. Unyulata : Zebra H "/„. Imectivora : Hedgehog 3 ''/o , Mole bnt a trace. Marsupialia: Petrogale O'/o. Teats tuith Anti-Ourang Serum (7. i. '03). The rabbit yielding the antiserum was treated with the serum of Simia satyiits (906). Blood of Date Precipitum amount Percentage 90G Simia satyriis 14. X. 02 •008 100 (2 samples gave same result) Man fresh •000 75 907 MacacuB rhesus 2(i. ix. 02 •005 62 (4 samples from 2 monkeys gave same result) Owing to the weakness of this antiserum the moiisurements of the smaller amounts of precipitum given by the serum of one other mammal cannot be considered accurate. Thus the blood of the Ox (1. i. '02) gave the percentage 34 °/o. The sera of all other Mammalia gave no measurable precipitum, the bloods tested being as follows: Insectivora : Hedgehog and Mole. — Ganiivora: Cat and Dog. — Ungulata : Sheep, Deer, Llama, Horse, Donkey, Pig. — Cetacea: Balaenoptera (two examples) and Phocaena communis. — Rodeutia : Rabbit. It will be seen that the Primate bloods stand in the same relation to viich other as in the series with anti-human serum, and what is more that the percentages approximate closely to those obtained with anti-human .serum No. II. 2. Quantitative Tests with Anti-Insectivore Serum. Tests with Anti-Hedgehog Sei'um. (18. x. '02). In view of the limited number of Insectivore bloods and the negative results obtained by qualitative tests with this antiserum upon other bloods than those belonging to this order, only a small series was tested. Although very powerful, this antiserum ])rofluced practically no effect on any other bloixl : Blood of Date I'recipitum amount Percentaj(e 783 Erinaceua ouropeua 23. vi. 02 ■022 100 782 Talpa europea 23. vi. 02 •0013 • 7 Bos bovis 1. i. 02 ■001 4 21 322 Qvmititative Predentin Testa No trace of reaction was obtained with corresponding dilutions of the bloods of Man, Cat, Hyaena, Dog, Seal, and Wallaby. Further investigations will be required with antiseni for Insectivora. 3. Quantitative Tests with Anti-Carnivore Sera. Tests with Anti-Gat Serum (1. vi. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the serum of Felis domesticns. Blood of Date rrecipitum amount Percentage 739 Felis domesticns 8. V. 02 •00.5 100 another cat's senim gave an identical result 579 Lutra vulRaris 4. iii. 02 •002 .^;:!-text 367 Ursns tibetanus 27. xii. 01 •001 738 Felis tigris 21. V. 02 ■001 20 another tiger (103) gave 1(1 "/„ reaction Canis familiaris — •0008 l(i The antiserum used in this case was weak. The only bloods which gave measurable quantities of precipitum were those fi-om Carnivora. The blood of Felis caracal (300) gave no precipitum, this being probably ' due to an excess of chlorofijrm having been added to it, causing some precipitation; it however reacted with a distinct cloudiness upon the addition of antiserum. The bloods of the Jackal, Raccoon and Genetta gave no reaction. The high figures given by the bloods of Lutra* and Ursus* are attributable to these bloods being somewhat concen- trated through keeping, as noted elsewhere. Owing to the very small amount of precipitum with the bloods of Ureus, Canis, and Felis tigris, these meiisurenients cannot be considered accurate. Of 11 bloods of Carnivora examined with this weak antiserum, seven gave a precipitum, one a clouding only, and three a negative result. Twenty-eight other mammalian bloods were tested at the same time with uniformly negative results, the bloods examined being from Primates (7), Ungulates (12), Cetacea (1), Marsupialia (8). Nnttall and Strangeioays 323 Testa with Anti-Dog Serum (25. iii. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the senim of Caniti familiarifi. Blood of Date rrecipitum Percentage .S97 Canis familiaris 2. xii. 01 -015 100 359 Cania aureus 3. xii. 01 -003.5 24 367 Ursus tibetaniis 27. xii. 01 •0022 15 739 Felis domesticus 8. v. 02 -0021 14 362 Oenetta tigrina 9. xii. 01 -002 18 579 Lutra vulgaris 4. iii. 02 -0018 12 103 Felis tigris 13. viii. 01 -0016 10-6) 738 „ „ • 21. V.02 0012 g ^ average 9-3% 366 Procyon lotor .27. xii. 01 -001 7 No other bloods than those of Camivora were tested. A canine blood, that of the Jackal (8.59), gave 24 "/o reaction ; the four succeed- ing non-canine blootls gave fairly unifonn results, a somewhat lower figure being obtained with the last three. Owing however to the small amoTint of precipitum obtained in these cases too much reliance cannot be placed upon the figures. 4. Quantitative Tests with Anti-Ungulate Sera. Tests luith Anti-Sheep Senmi (18. ii. '02). Series I. Antiserum from rabbit (F) treated with the serum of the domes- ticiited sheep {Ovis aries). In this series bloods cif approximately the same age were taken for testing. The sera of five sheep gave the following amounts of precipitum: 0325, 028.5, 0830, 028.5, 0280, the average amount •030 being obtained with 1 : 100 sheep semm dilution. The figures obtained with 1 : 200 dilutions were somewhat lower, a.s might be expected, but also remarkably unifonn: -0215, -025, 0265, •02(i, -026, •0235, the aveiage here being '024. The results obtained were as follows. With 1 : 100 blood dilutions taking the average amount obtained with the blood of the five sheep (-03) as 100 : Blood of Date Precipitum Percentage u sheep — •030 100 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •0135 45 Horse — •0045 15 Cat 3. X. 01 •0035 12 Dog 10. xii. 01 •002 7 488 Wallaby 3. ii. 02 •0015 5 21—2 324 Quantitatwe Precipitin Tests Here an immediate and marked reaction only took place with sheep blood, a marked clouding in that of Cervus, a faint clouding in that of the dog. The figure for the cat appears too high. Tests with Anti-Sheep Serum (15. II. '02). Seiies II. Antiserum from another rabbit (B) treated as before. In this series the bloods of two sheep (4. i. and 10. Ii. '02) gave a precipitum of -QISS and "022 respectively in 1 : 100 dilution (average •02), the corresponding figures in 1 : 200 dilution being 0135 and •Oil. Tests conducted as before, "02 being taken as 100 gave the following results : Blood of Date Percentage Ovis aries — 100 Bos bovis 1. i. 02 75 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 67 Rangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 35 dried in scales 19. iii. 01 gave in I'lOO dilution in 1-200 dilution •017 •015 j fluid, with chloroform , •025 0125 Vcc. preoipituni ,, sealed in tubes , t •026 •0155) Tests luith Anti-Sheep Serum (11. ill. '02). Series III. Antiserum from a third rabbit treated as before. Blood of Date Precipitum amount Percentage Ovis aries — •051 100 243 Capra megaoeros 23. X. 01 •02 39 Bos bovis 3. ii. 02 •019 37 486 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •017 33 483 Bangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 ■015 29 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •Oil 22 Sus scrofa 2fi. xii. 01 •002 4 EquUB caballus 10. vi. 01 ■0015 3 The antisenim in this case was exceptionally powerful, and it appears due to this fact that such a contrast is noted in related Ungulate bloods. The results with the bloods of other Bovidae and the Gervidae appear fairly uniform, whereas very little reaction was obtained with the bloods of the pig and horse. The results with 28 other mammalian bloods were as follows: Primiites. 8 bloods examined from 7 species: Man (2 samples gave and 3»/(| reaction), Ourang and Chimpanzee (0''/u), Mandrill and Baboon (4 "/„), Gorilla and Ateles (C and 10 »/o respectively, but both these sera were thick and certainly somewhat concentrated through keeping). Nuttall and Stranyeways 325 Carnivora. Bloods from 9 species: Tiger, Caracal, Genetta, Dog (07„), Eaccoon (3"/„), Cat and Bear (4%), Otter and Jackal (7 and S'/n respectively). It was noted at the time that the last three bloods were viscid or thick, doubtless concentrated. Rodentiu. Three bloods examined, from the Agouti, Rabbit, and Guinea-pig (O"/,). Insectivora. One blood examined, that of the Tenrec (0 "/(,). Martupialia. Seven bloods examined (O"/,,). If we exclude the bloods which were regarded as concentrated wc have 23 non-ungulate bloods of which 3 gave a 4"'/o reaction, and 2 a 3V» reaction, all the others yielding no precipitum. Tests with Anti-Ox Serum (15. II. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the scrum of Bos bovis, the domesticated Ox. Blood of Datu Trecipitum amount Percentage Bos bovis 1. i. 02 -Oil 100 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 -005 43 Ovis aries -004 36 In the above tests three sheep sera giivc the same figure, these having been obtained on liift'erent dates (19, III. '01, sealed in tubes, 4, I., and 10, i. '02). Two other sheep sera preserved since 19, III. '01, the one dried in scales and brought into solution for the experiment, the other jjreservcd with chloroform, gave a precipitum of 003 and "0035 respectively. The ox and sheep sera were from animals slaughtered in Cambridge and presumably normal. Whereas granules formed in the solution of ox serum soon after the addition of antiserum, a cloudiness persisted for over three hours in the other blood.s. Compare these percentages with those of the corresponding series with anti-antelope serum, which follows. Tests with A nti- Antelope Serum (6. VI. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the serum of Cobus unctuosus (486). I'reci|)itum Bloort of Date amount Percentage 486 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •055 100 243 Capra megaceros 23. X. 01 ■031 56 631 Cariacus mexicanu.s 9. iv. 02 •028 SI Bos bovis — •025 45 596 Capra hircus 13. iii. 02 •021 38 483 Eangifer taraudus 4. ii. 02 •020 36 Ovis aries — •019 35 695 Ovis bnrrhel 10. iii. 02 •012 22 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •008 15 698 Balaenoptera rostrata 31. iv. 02 •0045 8 Horse (2 samples avei ■age)' 20. iv. 02 ■002.J 5 Sus scrofa ( ,, ,, ., )' 29. iv. 02 ■0015 3 ' Date of but one sample of each pair given. 326 Qmmtitative Precipitin Tests From the above it will be seen that the larger reactions arc all confined to Bovidae and Cervidae, although from some cause the last two of these (Nos. 595 and 502) gave low figures. These measurements were unfortunately not made in duplicate consequently there is no control. Nevertheless the result agrees fairly with those obtained with other antisera of this class. It will be seen that the whale (098) gives a higher figure than either the horee or pig, although the difference is very slight. Tests with Anti-Meadcan-Deer iieriuii (1. \\. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the serum of Canncus meodcanm (631). Ulood of Date Precipiluni amount Percentage Vnijulata 631 Cariacus mexicanuij 9. iv. 02 ■015 100 Died ftoiu pbthisis, pleurisy. 483 Bangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 •022 146 ? serum with clots, probably concentrated. 502 Cervus porcinus 1.5. ii. 02 •009 60 486 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •018 1-20 Ovis (domestic) — ■018 120 Bovis (domestic) — •016 107 596 Capra hircus 13. iii. 02 ■012 77 595 Ovis burrhel 10. iii. 02 ■01 67 243 Capra megaceros 23. X. 01 ■0095 63 696 Sug Bciofa 29. iv. 02 ■006 40 )» »' — •0055 37 694 Equus caballus 20. iv. 02 ■006 40 )! M — ■005 33 Cetucea 698 Balaenoptera rostrata 30. iv. 02 ■006 40 Of other mammalian bloods, those of Carmvora (11) gave 15"/„ reaction, those of Primates (7) gave 18 "/o reaction, the percentage given being the average for the gi'oups. On the other hand the bloods of Marsupialia (8) all gave no trace of reaction. From the above we see that the high percentages are confined to Cervidae and Bovidae amongst the Ungulata. The high percentages obtained with non-homologous bloods in these groups is difficult to intei"pret, the blood-relationship appears very close in any case. The bloods of Sus and Equus give results remarkably in accord, and both are practically the same as with the Rorqual (Balaenoptei-a). A very moderate reaction is observed with the bloods of Cai-nivora and Primates, both being fairly equal, whereas the distance separating the Mai-supialia is clear from the total absence of reaction with their bloods. Ntittall and Stnmyctcuijs '.>'27 Testa with Aidi- Hoy- Deer Serum ((i. VI. '02). Antiserum from rabbit treated with the serum of Cervus porcwus (502). Bloo.1 of Date Pr»d|iituiii amount I'ercelitage 502 Cervus porcinus 13. ii. 02 •0063 100 6.H1 Cariacus mexicanus 9. iv. 02 •01 159 Bo.s bovis — ■009.5 151 Ovis (domestic) 2. ii. 02 •008 127 o'JG Capia hircus 13. iii. 02 •0078 124 .59.5 Ovis burrhel 10. iii. 02 •000 93 486 Cobiis unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •004 64 243 Capra megaceros 23. X. 01 •004 64 098 Balaenoptera rostrata 30. iv. 02 •0038 60 696 Sus scrofa 694 Equus caballus 29. iv. 02 20. iv. 02 I f average of 2 observations Tests vtith Anti- Reindeer Serum (6. vi. '02). The antiserum u.sod in this series \Vci.s obtained by treating a rabbit with the serum of Rauf/ifer tarandus (483). Only the bloods of Ungu- lata and that of the whale were tested. Antisenmi weak. Precipitum Blood of Date amount 483 Bangifer taraudus 4. ii. 02 •004 590 Capra hircus 13. iii. 02 •0015 631 Cariacus mexicanus 9. iv. 02 •0014 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •0013 595 Ovis burrliel 10. iii. 02 •0013 243 Capra megaceros 23. X. 01 •0007 480 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •OOWi Ovis aries 2. ii. 02 •0006 Equus caballus 10. vi. 01 •0004 Sus scrofa 26. ii. 02 •0003 698 Balaenoptera rostrata 30. iv. 02 •0011 Percentage 100 38 35 33 33 18 15 15 10 8 28 The above figures are fairly eomparable with obtained with other anti.scra for this group. The figures for Capra, Cobus, anil Ovis (towai\ls the end of the series) are too low, judging fn^m what has been obtained in other series. The whale on the other hand again gives a remarkably high figure, this being in accord with the qualitative tests on three samples of cetticean blood. Blood of Date rrecipitum amount Pig (fresh) Horse — •04.5 •0075 Cervus porcinus Sheep Cat 15. ii. 02 3. X. 01 •0065 •OOP) •0065 Dog Wallaby 10. xii. 01 3. ii. 02 •006 •0025 328 Quantitative Precipitin Tests Tests with Anti-Pig Serum (18. ii. '02). Series I. Antiserum from rabbit troated with the serum of Sus scrofa (domesticated Pig). The figures given here were published in part by Nuttall (5, iv. 1902) in the British Medical Journal. Of five normal sheep sera four gave a precipitum oi'QQQ, one of •OOSS with this antiserum, the sheep having been slaughtered 20 hours previously. The i-eactions obtained wore as follows : PrRfiinitum Percentage 100 16 14 13 14 13 5' ' It may be noted that such a reaction was only obtained with a marsupial blood with two very powerful anti-pig sera (Series I and III) whereas in Series II less precipitum was obtained although an apparently even more powerful antiserum was used. Series II was tested 4 months later than Series I. The most powerful anti-sheep serum (Series I) also gave a 5 "/o reaction with a marsupial blood. It will be noted that the antiserum in this case was very powerful (precipitum of '045). It produced an immediate reaction with pig serum dilution, a deposit being fijrmed, and the supei^natant fluid clear within 30 minutes. In the other bloods the clouding took place more slowly as also did deposition. The Wallaby blood dilution only began to show faint clouding after 30 minutes. This antiserum demonstrates the " mammalian reaction," and does not show any distinct difference between the behaviour of the other non-homologous bloods if we except that of the Wallaby. Tests with Anti-Pig Serum (11. vi. '02). Series II. In this series another antiserum to the preceding was tried, being obtained in the same way from a rabbit. In this case a larger series of bloods was tested, with the following residts : Nuttall and Stranyeicaija 329 Bloo.1 of Vngulata 696 Pig 694 Horse 596 Goat 483 Iteindeer D&te 29. iv. 02 20. iv. 02 13. iii. 02 4. ii. 02 i'reci|iHuni amount •055 ■006 •oa5 •0045 Perrentagt: 100* 12 9 8 595 Burrhel's sheep 10. iii. 02 •004 7 Ox — •004 7 6.B1 Cariacus mexicanus 9. iv. 02 •0035 « 486 Cobus unctuosus 8. ii. 02 •003 6 502 Cervus porcinus 243 Capra megaceros Cetacea 15. ii. 02 23. X. 01 •0022 •001 4 2 698 Balaenoptera rostrata Primates 30. iv. 02 •003 6 364 Cynocephalus moniiou 501 „ sphinx 10. xii. 02 14. ii. 02 ■004 •003 7 6 703 „ babuiu 10. V. 02 •002 4 Homo sapiens 254 Simia satyrua 30. X. 01 •003 •001 6 2 697 Ateles vellerosus 11. iv. 02 •002 4 431 ,, geoffroyi 28. xii. 01 •0011 2 C'dCBit'ora 739 Felis domesticus 8. V. 02 •005 9 M M — •004 7 Canis familiaiiii — •0035 6 738 Felis tigris 103 „ 21. V. 02 13. viii. 01 •003 •0022 6 4 579 Lutra vulgaris 4. iii. 02 •0025 5 359 Canis aureus 3. xii. 01 •0021 4 366 I'rocyon lotor •27. xii. 01 ■0021 4 367 Ursus tibetanus •27. xii. 01 ■002 4 300 Felis caracal 15. xi. 01 ■0015 3 3<)2 Uenetta tigrina 9. xii. 01 ■0014 3 Uodeiilin 436 Dasyprocta ciistata 0. i. 0:i •0005 1 Kabbit — •0 Guinea-pig — •0 Marmpialia 611 Onychogale unguifera 488 22. iii. 02 3. ii. 02 •0012 •0001 2 0-2 503 13. ii. 02 •0005 1 459 ,, frenata 23. i. 02 •0001 2 487 I'etrogale xanthopus 484 ,, penicillata 512 Macropus bennetti 482 Thylacinus cynocephalus 10. ii. 02 4. ii. 02 22. ii. 02 1. ii. 02 •0006 •0 •0001 •0001 11 2 2 * The serum of another pig of older date (26. ii. 02) gave a precipitum of -07 = 127 "/,. Pig serum No. 696 had been used for treating the rabbit yielding the antiserum. 330 Quantitative Precipitin Tests The results recorded hei-e will be considered at the end of the succeeding series. Tests with Anti-Pig Serum (11. in. '02). Senes III. The following series is recorded for the reason that it shows how an antiserum may at times give apparently aberrant results. The antiserum was obtained exactly like the preceding ones by injecting a rabbit intra- jjeritoneally with pig serum. Why the antiserum should have behaved in this manner we cannot explain unless it be that it belonged to the class we have described as " milky," althijugh we should not have used it if it had shown any marked opacity. The antiserum reacted most promptly with its homologous blootl and would be classed as very powerful. These results should serve as a warning to always use controls in medico-legal work with the precipitin methotl. Blood of Vngulala Date Precinitum amount rercentage Pib' 26. ii. 02 •044. 100 Horse 10. vi. 01 •012 27 Ox 3. ii. 02 •009 ■20 i«(j Cobus uiictuosUB 8. ii. 02 •00!) 20 Sheep — •00() 14 48B Kangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 •006 14 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •0035 8 243 Capra megaceros 23. X. 01 •0015 3 Primates 298 Chimpanzee xi. 01 •012 27 2'J9 GoriUa xi. 01 •012 27 Man 1. m. 02 •Oil 25 )( 5. iii. 02 •005 11 2.54 Ourang 30. X. 01 •006 14 364 Cynocephalus iiioriuuii 10. xii. 01 •013 30 501 „ sphiux 14. ii. 02 •01 23 431 Ateles geotlroyi 28. xii. 01 •0125 28 Carnivora 362 Genctta tigiina 9. xii. 01 •Oil 25 579 Lutra vulgaris 4. iii. 02 ■009 ■20 (conceiitr. serum) Feli8 domesticiis 3. xi. 01 ■0075 17 367 Ursus tibetaiuis 27. xii. 01 •006 14 359 Cauis ameus 3. xii. 01 ■004 9 Canis fainilinris 4. iii. 02 •0035 8 103 Felis tigiis 13. viii. 01 •003 7 300 Felis caracal 15. xi. 01 •003 7 366 Procyon lotor 27. xii. 01 •0 liisci'th'oru 433 Ceutetes ecauiiatiis 3. i. 02 •Oil 25 Nuttall and Strangetvays yai Uluudof Rudentia Date Precipitum amount Perantage Guinea-pig •002 6 436 Dasyprocta cristata 6. i. 02 •012 27 (oonoentr. clots) Kabbit 2. xii. 02 •0 Martiipialiii 487 Petrogale xantliopus 10. ii. 02 •003 484 „ peuioillata 4. ii. 02 •001 459 Onycbogale frenata 23. i. 02 •0007 488 ,, nnguifera 3. iL 02 •OOOiJ 503 13. ii. 02 •0005 512 Macropus bennetti 22. ii. 02 •0 482 Tliylacinus cynocephalus 1. ii. 02 •0 Testa with Anil-Horse Serum (1. vi. '02). The following tt'sts wore coiiductocl with anti-horse suruni obttvincd from a rabbit killed 48 hours previously. HlootI of Date Prtjcipitum amount Percentage Equu8 caballas 10. vi. 01 •012 150 094 20. iv. 02 •008 lOO 502 Cervus porcinus 15. ii. 02 •003 38 483 Kangifer tarandus 4. ii. 02 •0015 1» 090 Sua scrofa 29. iv. 02 •001 13 tt ff 20. ii. 02 Also negative with the following Ungulate Bloods : Ox, Sheep, Antelope, Markhoor, Burrhel Sheep, Goat, Mexican Deer. Vetaceu : Result negative with the blood of Balaenoptera rostrata (30. iv. 02). I'rittMtet : Kesult negative with the bloods of Man, Baboon, Ouraug, Mandrill and two species of Ateles. The blood of a Cynocephalus (703) gave a curiously high figure, viz. 25 "/„. llodentia : Ilesult negative with the bloods of Agouti, Babbit, and Guinea-pig. Ctiniiiora : Besult negative with the bloods of Otter, Genetta, Kaccoon, .Jackal, Caracal, and one Tiger. On the other hand a curious result was obtained with some bloods which gave tlie following percentages : two Cats (31 and 25 "/o), Dog (31 "/„), Bear (14 %), Tiger (13 «/„). Mamupialia : Besult negative with 8 bloods recorded on p. 329. * The blood used for treating the rabbit which yielded the antiseram. The antiserum used in this case was of moderate power only, and the precipitum amounts obtained were so small in most cases as to permit of no small error in stating the percentages. A considerable distance seimmtes the blood of the horse from that of other animals, a relatively high figure being only obtained with the blood of CcrA-us porcinus amongst the Ungulata, others giving less or no reaction. Of '332 Qmintitative Frecijiitin Tests the Primate bloods only that of a Cynocephalus gave any reaction, and then one of 25 "/„, which we cannot explain, having been unable to repeat the test. Possibly the result was due to eiTor. It will be noted however that two cats and a dog, amongst the Carnivora, also gave relatively high figures. l^ests with Anti-Donkerj Serinn (8. I. 'O.S). Antisenim from rabbit treated with serum of donkey (929). Blood of Date X*recipituiii amount 2 tests Vercentages 029 £(]UU8 asinus 3. x\. 02 •010—009 100—90 930 „ 5. xi. 02 •008— '008 80—80 Equus oaballus 17. xii. 02 ■009— -009 90-90 tf It 10. vi. 01 •007— •OO? 70—70 903 Equus grevyi 13. X. 02 •004— -004 40—40 The immediate reaction observed on the addition of anti-donkey serum to donkey blood dilutions was very jnarked. A faint clouding appeared in the dilution of the more recent horse-blood. After 90 minutes gramdes and deposit had formed in these solutions, whilst the horse serum of okler date and that of the zebra still showed but a marked clouding. In other words, there was a well-marked .sequence in the reaction. Parallel Tests with Antisem for H&rse, Donkey, and Zebra. The anti-horse serum used was taken from two different rabbits (A and B). The anti-donkey serum was a different one from that used in the preceding series. The anti-zebra serum as in the other cases was obtained by treating rabbits with the corresponding serum. The order in which the immediate reactions took place corresponded exactly to the order of precipitum amounts, that is, the dilutions giving the largest amounts of precipitum reacted first, those giving the smallest amounts reacted last. Corresponding appearances were noted after 90 minutes, the precipitum had accumulated entirely at the bottom of the tubes giving the highest precipitum amounts, partially at the bottom and on the walls of the tubes giving lesser reactions, whilst the solutions in the tubes giving the least reactions sometimes only showed a clouding or granulation when deposition was complete in the first of the series. Consequently the rate at which reaction takes place is of value in judging the result. Only two horse-bloods («, 10. vi. '01 and b, 10. Vii. '02), two Nuttall and Sfrangewai/s 833 donkey-bloods (a, 3, and b, 5, xi. 02) and one zebra blorKi (13, x. '02, No. 903, see above) were tested. Anti-horse serum A and B iUooS^> »7/* 337 bled j last Power of ons, Antiserum 1 is - 2 Si : % : = 1 % I = = 09 1 1^ 1 ^ il 1 ia : bliss's »?> « -^ t* ^ o to 35 '^ -* 't* o U3 5S " 2 » ^-I I.I y, 's 00 oe 00 ts 55 t- X oo 00 S5 05 o a> ■s -t< "O C! ration tr«at- nt in ays. rH o c* -n i-H o !0 o ■* IM o o 1-4 o * s 5^ .-( 1— ( CC f* IM IM ■* C^ w I^a' . Total quantity Injected in C.C. 't* o « wr t> CO I> 00 tC O »« '<5 o 00 » s «5 I> o ■'J' ■* CD rH ss «> oi o to 00 I-t CC 115 o 1-^ § US 'I' tity injected on eac on. Intervals in da tween injections'. cf "^ o o I-H lO -CC '-I - •o . .115 ■rH ^ «■:« 1-H ^ «5 . «2 00-"" oo" o uj « 2 - j;^ . ■«■ ^1* US ?? LO 00 rH M -<"'o.r ■* s s o o S g g s g O ? s g s ^ .g « s c 1— t 00 ® - S s~ s CI fN C^l n c-l i-H c^ M M 1 1 1(5 C-l 1 .-1 (M CO 1 1 1 o i i^ 1 1 fH > I-H W J w ^ ,SF .» ^J b< 4S di. ■w cu *» B. -*» il ^1 ,3 = 1 ^ 1 - " •^ ^ 2 .s '3 O g (S ' 1 5 1 1 " " 1 c o . - . i 1 a 1 CD P-t ; § 2 '3 1 % ; : : s r i 1 § a % t "^ HI C Oi a "^ — _^ . ^_^ ^-.^ a i4 s .a a QD •s-s e 5 i s 3 to J" c g s a a a i a ^H >i^ 1 3 33 a 1? s 3"S DQ 3 2| 1 g M H a « 1 : s s to r Si o " E-i en H i .1- CO -p. I" e c a ■Ji 1 a i •< en p ^ i y 5 : — s s> 338 Methods of Testing extending to hundreds of c.c, and have frequently found their animals stood the operation badly, whereas most of the animals treated in these experiments continued to gain weight, and appeared to be healthy. In the preceding table the methods of production, animals treated, their weight before and after treatment, the number of injections, and the quantities used in each case, together with the power of the resulting antisera are given. Methods of Testing. In the Qualitative Experiments the method which has already been fully described (p. 62 et seq.) was followed. Throughout the subsequent tables the following signs have been used to denote the degree of clouding, and quantity of precipitum after 24 hours. -f = very marked cloud— full reaction. D =very large deposit after 24 hours. + = marked cloud. D = large „ ,, ,, X =medium cloud. d = small ,, „ „ • = small cloud. tr = trace of a deposit. *? =very slight, or doubtful, clouding. • =iio reaction. The very marked cloud, followed by a very large deposit, was seldom obtained except on the addition of an antisenun to its homologous blood dilution. In a few instances closely allied sera also produced this con- dition. Marked cloudings followed by large de])osits as indicated by the second signs occurred on the addition of antisera to nearly related bloods. In some cases the antisera only gave this amount of reaction with their homologous sera. Medium clouds occurred under the same conditions. Powerful antisera, however, occasionally produced reactions of this degi'ee with distantly related sera. Small cloudings indicated in the tables by the sign • were usually obtained when antisera reacted with distantly related bloods. Such cloudings were occasionally followed by small deposits (d), or traces of deposits (tr), but not infrequently after the lapse of 24 hours no precipitum was found. The sign * ? indicates that there was a haze at the line of junction of the serum and antiserum. In most cases this result was probably due to some cause other than a reaction between the serum and antiserum, but where an antiserum produces several such reactions on the sera of a group of animals a remote relationship is probably indicated. For this reason in the following tables summarizing the results of the tests with the various antisera, these very small reactions have been inserted. Grraham-Smith 339 though they are probably only of value where the antiserum reacts in this way with several members of a group. In every table the number of reactions of each kind hiis been given, and the results of tests with each antiserum either including, or omitting, these reactions of doubtful value can be seen. Several instances occurred in which though no clouding appeared in two hours yet a precipitum was present aftei- 24 hours. The majority of these are probably true reactions, and are in.serted in the tables at the end, but are not included in the summarised results of the individual antisera. In Quantitative experiments the method devised by Nuttall (5. vi. '02) and described elsewhere (p. 315) was employed. In all cases dilutions of the strength of 1 : 21 in "6 "/o salt solution of Egg-albumins or sera to be tested were used. In similar observations on Human and other sera it had been found that with every precaution probably a margin of 107„ must be allowed for experimental error (p. 313). In the following table the antisera are placed in order according to their strength, as shown by the amount of precipittim produced by each with its homologous serum when tested by the quantitative method. Anti-Limulus (I) -0980 c.o. Anti-Fowl's-egg (I) ..-0159 0.0. ,, (II) -0500 ,, Auti-Snake serum ■0159 „ Anti-Tortoise (T. ibera) 0894 „ Anti-Crab sernm -0140 „ Anti-Diick-egg -0384 „ Anti-Fowl's egg (II) -0122 „ Anti-Turtle -0800 „ Anti-Crane's egg -0078 „ Anti-Emu-egg -0281 ,, Anti-Uromastix trace Anti-Tortoise (T. vicina) ...0234 ,, Anti-Python ,, The anti-ammocoetes, and anti-snake's-egg sera produced well-marked precipita, but the strengths of the dilutions tested were unknown. These, however, were certainly not as strong as 1 : 21. Anti-lizard {Varanus griseus) was a powerful antisenim, but no quantitative tests were made, as the quantity of it was very limited. Materials used in these eooperimenta. All the egg-albumins were kejjt in a fluid condition in 1 : 21 dilution with -6 % salt solution. Fluid sera, reptilian, amphibian, and crustacean, were similarly preserved. In many cases a few drops of chloroform were added to prevent putrefaction. Before testing, small quantities of the dilutions were allowed to stand in watch-glasses in order to allow the 22—2 340 Antisera for Aves chloroform to evaporate off. In the case of the egg-albiimins accurate dilutions of 1 in 21 are difficult to make, and consequently the results of quantitative experiments are not so trustworthy as those done on sera. The sera were of various ages, but the majority were derived from animals which were killed for the purpose. Some, however, came from animals which had died from disease. The great majority of the specimens tested were bloods dried on filter-paper, and preserved in this way for various periods of time. Some of these were apparently insoluble in salt solution and failed to react with any antisera, but the rest gave tinted solutions, which foamed well on shaking. Nearly all these bloods had been tested by Dr Nuttall with various mammalian and avian anti- sera. The results of these experiments have been tabulated by him in the preceding pages (pp. 300 et seq.), and in the following tables the number attached to each specimen by him is quoted, so that the results of tests with mammalian, avian, egg-albumin, reptilian, amphibian, and crustacean antisera can be followed. In a few cases, in which it was found impossible to obtain blood serum, extracts of muscle in salt solution were made. After standing the supernatant fluid was usually clear and slightly tinted, and produced foam on shaking. The few specimens obtained in this way are marked ' extracts ' in the tables. It may here be stated that the specimens were not tested in their zoological order, but in the order in which they were obtained. Con- sequently it was only after the observations had been reduced to zoological order that any conclusions could be an-ived at as to the general results of the experiments. The results of the tests with each antisenim upon all the specimens are given in the tables at the end of this section. The following short tables summarize the actions of the antisera upon zoological groups of egg-albumins and bloods. I. Antisera for Aves. A. Qualitative Tests with Antisera to Birds' Egg-Albumins. (1) Tests with Anti-Emu Egg Serum. This antiserum was made by the repeated intraperitoneal injection into a Rabbit of Emu egg-albumin {Dromaeus novae-hollandiae). Grahain-Smitli 341 Material tented • 22 Egg-Albumins (a) 15 Birds' egg-albumins 1 ((i »/„) (6) 1 Reptile „ 1 (r) 1 Amphibian ,, 1 (i„) 93 10 This antisuriini \v;i.s made by l)r Xuttall, who has rccordcfl the results of tests therewith upon Mainmalian and Avian sera. When the above tests were niiide the antiserum had lost some of its power; but it, nevertheless, gave well-marked reactions with most of the egg-albumins. One egg-albumin, that of the chaffinch, for some unknown resitive + reactions 77 Summari/ of results of Qiuilitative Tests witit, Antisera to Avian Egg- A Ibumiits. With the five antisera for Avian egg-albumins 66 tests were made with dilutions of birds' egg-albumins and 85 */o of distinct positive reactions were obtained, of which 62 7o were very well marked. One egg-albumin dilution, namely that of the chaffinch, failed to react with any of these antisera, but reacted with antiserum to fowl's blood. 344 Antisera for Birds' Eggs Seven tests were carried out with dilutions of Reptile egg-albumins of which 28 "/(, were j)ositive. No positive reactions were obtained with 10, and 25 tests, respect- ively with Amphibian, and Fish egg-albumins. The 215 tests with Reptilian sera yielded noteworthy results. All the antisera tested reacted to some extent with Chelonian blo(xls, but only anti-fowl's egg serum (I) gave any positive results with the other Reptilia. ;epUlian Sera Tests Positive reactions • ;ooreeipitxim I'eruentajie Fowl's egg-i ilbumin (old) •0159 100 „ (fresh) •0140 88 Silver Pheasant's •0075 47 Pheasant's •0075 47 Crane's •0046 29 Blackbiid's •0046 29 Dack'g •0087 28 Moorhen's •0028 18 Thrush, Emu, Greenfinch, and Hedge-sparrow egg-albumins were tested and gave traces of precipita, as also did Tortoise and Turtle sera. The egg-albumins of the Tortoise, Frog, Skate, and two species of Dog- fish did not react. Alligator, Frog, Amphiuma and Dogfish sera also yielded no results. As before the quantitative and qualitative methods closely agree. By the former method full reactions were recorded with Fowl and Silver Pheasant egg-albumins, marked reactions with Pheasant, Crane and Blackbird, medium with Duck, Thrush and Greenfinch, and small with Moorhen, Emu and Hedge-sparrow. (4) Tests tuith Auti-Cnine's-Egy Seriua. Material tested Amount of precipitum Tercentage Crane's egg-albumin •0073 100 Greenfinch's „ •0054 75 Silver Pheasant's ,, •0018 '24 Moorhen's ,, •0018 •24 Emu's ,, •0018 '24 Hedge-spiirrow's ,, •OOO'J 1'2 Turtle scrum •0018 24 Tortoise, Alligator, Frog, Dogfish and Salmon sera were also tested but failed to give any traces of precipita. By the qualitative method full reactions were recorded with Crane Graham-Smith 347 and Silver Pheasant egg-albumins, marked reactions with Greenfinch, Moorhen, and Hedge-spari'ow, and small with Enni. The quantitative method fails to bring out the delicate reactions which can be determined by the qualitative method, but in the case of the major reactions differences can be recognised which are not appirent by the latter method. By its means closely allied sera and egg-albumins can be differentiated, which cannot be done with certainty by the quali- tative method unless low dilutions are made use of. The results of the few quantitative experiments which have been made are exactly in accord with those obtained by the qualitative method. II. Antisera for Reptilia. Qualitative Tests with Anti-Reptilian Sera. A. Anti-Gltelonian Sera. (1) Tests with Anti-ToHoise Serain. This antiserum was prepared by intraperitoneal injections of the serum of the Tortoise {Testudo ibem) into a Rabbit. The scrum used was obtained from healthy tortoises. Material tested - # . * 26 Kgy-AWiimiit" (u) 15 Birda' eggalbumius 8 2 (13"/„) 5(33";„) (6) 2Heptile „ -1 (c) 3 Amphibian ,, 2 1 (d) 6 Fish ,, . 129 Blood Sera ri5 Chelonia 4 Crocodilia 3 GO Eeptiha . 1 o(33»/,) 1 I 13 Lacertilia 13 I 28 Ophidia 26 18 Amphibia 17 3'J riscfs 39 12 Aithropoda 12 Percentage of poeitive reactions 46 lUO 33 (13»/„) 6(40''/„) 87 25 6 5 This was the most powerful anti-chelonian serum made. Large reactions occurred with 87 "/o of the Chelonian bloods tested, but slight reactions only with a few cither specimens of Reptilian blood, id'^/f, of the Bii-ds' egg-albumins tested gave some indications of clouding. Material tested • ♦ ? * 24 Eijij-Albumins (a) 13 Birds' egg-albumins 10 . 2(14"/„) (6) 2 Reptile •2 . • (c) 3 Amphibian ,, 3 • • (d) 6 Fish 6 . . 128 Blood Sera rib Chelonia 5 . 5(33"/o) _ ^ ... 14 Crocodilia 2 1 1 59 Keptilia <,„ ^ ' ] 12 Lacertiha 11 1 .28 Ophidia 24 2 2 18 Amphibia 18 . • 39 Pisces 39 . . 12 Arthropoda 12 • . 348 Antisera for Reptilia (2) Tests with Anti-Tortoise Senna. This antiserum was prepared by intravenous injections of the serum of a giant Tortoise (Testiido vidua) into a Rabbit. The serum used was collected after the death of the tortoise from natural causes. Percentage of positive ^ + "T* reactions 1 (7 "/„) • . 23 2(13"/,,) . 3(20»/„) 66 50 8 12 Only a small quantity of the tortoise scrum was available for ]ire- paring this antiserum, which was considerably, weaker than the preceding one. The results of the tests are, however, very much alike. In this case large reaction.s with Chelonian sera were obtained in fiG^/o ^^ against 87 7o i" ^^^ former, and in 23 70 ^^ against 46 7o of Birds' egg- albumins. Again, the few reactions obtained amongst the rest of the Reptilia were feeble, and the results of tests with Reptile egg-albumins were negative. (3) Tests with Anti-Turtle Serum. This antiserum was prepared by the intraperitoneal injection of the blood of a Turtle (Ckelone 7nidas) into a Rabbit. The turtle was healthy. Although this was a very powerful antiserum, giving well-marked reactions with 66 7o of the Chelonia, yet only 20 7o of the Birds' egg- albumins gave any indication of clouding, and in each case the reaction was very feeble. Fewer positive results were obtained with the other specimens of Reptilian bloods than with either of the anti-tortoise sera. Omitting very feeble cloudings the anti-chelonian .sera give well- marked reactions with the Chelonia and moderate reactions with the Crocodilia. With Birds' egg-albumins moderate cloudings are obtained, Graham-Smith 349 indicating a relationship with the Chelonia. The few positive results obtained with Liicertilia and Ophidia were feebly marked. Material tested .? tt 26 Eiig- Albumins (a) 15 Birds' egg-albuming 12 2 1 (6) 2 Reptile 1 ■ («) 3 Amphibian , , 3 • (d) 6 Fish 6 • 129 Blood Sera llo Chelonia <.« Tj x-1- ^ Crocodilia 60 Rcptiha -, , .. - ^.,. ^ 1 13 LacertUia (28 Ophidia 5 1 3 , 13 . 28 • 18 Amphibia 18 • 39 Pisces 39 • 12 Arthropoda 12 • Fgnoitafe of pariUra ao 50 1(7"W l(7»/o) 3(20'V„) 5(33«/.,) 66 25 B. Anti-Crocodilian Sei'a. Tests tvith Anti-Alligator Seiiim. This antiserum was made by Dr Nuttall with the serum of the Chinese Alligator {Alligator sinensis). Material tested 8 Egfi-Alliuminn {a) 4 Birds' egg-albumins (b) 1 Reptile „ {{■) 3 Amphibian „ 59 Ulood Hera ,11 Chelonia 4 Crocodilia 2 (18»/„) 26Reptilia ■< 5 Lacertiha 5 I 6 Ophidia 12 Amphibia 12 Pisces 9 Arthropoda 6 12 la 9 Percentage of positive reactions 26 100 (90/,,) 2(18%) 54 2 100 This was a moderately powerful antiserum. It showed maximum reactions with the Crocodilia and Chelonia. One out of the four Birds' egg-albmnins tested gave a slight reaction. The tests on the Lacertilia, Ophidia, Amphibia, Pisces, and Arthropoda were carried out on the best material obtainable, but all with negative results. 350 Anfisei'a for Reptilia C. Anti-Lucertilian Sent. (1) Tests ivith Anti-Lizard Serum. Tliis antiserum was obtained by the intravenous injection into a Rabbit of the filtered serum of a Lizard (Uromastix spinipe.s). This serum had undergone slight putrefaction, and concentration, and had to be filtered througli porcelain before treatment was commenced. Percentage Material tested • .? K X + of ]to6itive + reactions 25 Egg-Albumiiis (a) 14 Birds' egg-albumina 14 . . (6) 2 Reptile . . 100 (c) 3 Amphibian „ 3 . ((f) 6 Fish 6 . 128 Blood Sera /15 Chelonia nn T. ..1. 4 Crocodilia GO Beptiha -,,„ ^ •^ 13 Lacertiha 28 Ophidia 14 1 7 4 11 15 28 17 Amphibia 17 39 Pisces 39 12 Arthropoda 12 This antiserum was very feeble, giving good reactions only with two specimens of the blood of Uromastix, moderate with the serum of Testudo vicina, and very feeble with the two reptile egg-albumins. All the other tests were negative. (2) Tests with Anti-Lizard Serum. This anti.serum was obtained by the intraperitoneal injection into a Guinea-pig of a solution of the dried serum of a Lizard ( Varanus griseus). Material tested • 23 Egg-Alhumins (a) 15 Birds' egg-albumins 15 (h) 1 Eeptile (c) 1 Amphibian ,, (d) 6 Fish 84 Blood Sem 1 6 15 Chelonia 8 „„ r> ,-,■ 4 Crocodilia 60 Reptilia/,, ^ 1 13 Lacertilia 128 Ophidia 18 Amphibia 6 Pisces l(i 18 6 .? 3(20"/„) 2(13"/„) 1(7"/,,) •2 1 1 3C23"/„) G(4(;"/„) 4(147,,) 6(21"/,,) 2(7"/o) 1(7"/,,) (23";„) Percentage of positive reactions 100 47 100 1(10 42 Graham-Snnth 351 This antiserum was a powerful one, but was very slightly opalescent. As shown in the above table, however, it wiis entirely confined to the Reptilia in its reactions. The nia.\inium reactions occurred amongst the Lacertilia, though fairly well-marked clouding and precipita were obtained with the Ophidia as well as the Chelonia and Crocodilia. It is unfortunate that both the Lacertilian antisera were somewhat un- satisfactory, the first being very weak, and the second slightly opalescent, rendering the determination of slight reactions difficult. In the Latter all very slight cloudings have been disregarded, and a clouding usually described by the sign » has here been marked as • ?. The larger reactions were however well marked and unmistakeable. D. Anti-Ophidian Sera. a. Qualitative Tests. (1) Tests with Anti-Snake Serum. This antisenim was obtained by the intraperitoneal injection into a Rabbit of Snake serum {Tropidonot^is natri.r). The serum had been previously heated to .5.5° C. in orfler to dostroy its toxic properties. Percentage of positive X + + reactions 10 1 . 100 13 60 40 4 1 1 4(! This was a moderately powerful antiserum, producing its maximum effects amongst the Ophidia. The few reactions obtained with Chelonian, Crocodilian and Lacertilian blootis were all feeble. One bird's egg- albumin (Moorhen) gave a small reaction, but a well-marked clouding followed by a deposit w;xs obtained with a dilution of snake's egg- albumin, and a smaller clouding with tortoise egg-albumin. Material tested . .? « 22 Efig-Alhiimiiis ((/) 10 Birds' egg-albumins 9 1 (6) 2 Beptile (c) 3 Amphibian ,, ((/) 7 Fish 127 niootl Sera 3 7 • 1 15 Chelonia 13 1 1 rn T> i-i- 1 Crocodilia 59 Reptiha {,. ^ 12 Lacertuia 2 7 1 1 .28 Ophidia 17 Amphibia 39 Pisces 15 17 39 7 12 Arthropoda 12 . 352 Antisera for ReptiUa (2) Tests with Antiserum to Snake's Egy-alhumiii. This antiserum was obtained by the intraperitoneal injection into a Rabbit of diluted Snake's egg-albumin (Tropidonotvs natria;). Percentage Material tested • ,? « X + + of positive reactions 23 Egg-Albumins (a) 11 Birds' egg-albumins 7 . 30 (h) 2 Reptile „ . 1 100 (c) 3 Amphibian „ 3 (d) 7 Fish 7 127 Blood Sera IS Chelonia 9 .J (33 '!«) M"?"/,,) 40 ,„ „ .... 4 Crocodilia 59 Bepfha - ^^ ^^^^^^.,.^ 3 4 3 (15 Vo) 5(41"/,,) 25 6G 28 Ophidia 14 11 (39»/„) (7%) • 50 17 Amphibia 17 39 Pisces 38 2 12 Arthropoda 12 This was a vei-y powerful antiserum giving an immediate dense clouding, followed by a very large precipitiini, with a dilution of snake serum. Moderately well-marked reactions were obtixined with specimens from all the sub-classes of the Reptilia, especially the Ophidia, as well as with the diluted egg-albumin of the tortoise. 36 V^ of the Biifls' egg-albumins also reacted with this antiserum. (3) Tests with Anti-Python Servm. This antiserum was obtained by the intraperitoneal injection into a Guinea-pig of Python's serum {Python mohirns). The serum was obtained from an animal which had filed, and was very slightly cf)n- taminated with bile. Percentage 1^ _i_ _L ^^ positive * • * ^ + + reactions 7 14 Material tested • 18 Egg-Albumim 18 (11 Bird, 1 Reptile, 6 Fish) 127 Blood Seru /15 Chelonia -a r> »•!• 4 Crocodilia •^'^^P">'^ 111 Lacertilia Us Ophidia 14 4 11 24 18 Amphibia 18 39 Pisces 39 12 Arthropoda 12 Graham- Smith 353 This antiserum was very feeble and failed to react except with the blood of four Snakes and one .Chelonian (Testudo ibera). Even with its homologous serum the reaction was feeble. Summary of results of Qualitative Tests with A nti- Reptilian Sera. The anti-reptilian sera may be divided into two groups according to their reactions. The first group, comprising the antisera for Chelonia and Crocodilia, shows its maximum reactions with the sera of these two sub-classes, and few and feeble reactions with the bloods of the Lacertilia and Ophidia; This group also gave moderate results with the Avian egg-albumins. These experiments confirm those done with the antisera to Avian egg-albumins. The second grou}), comprising the antisera for the Lacertilia and Ophidia, exerts its maximum effects on the Lacertilia and Ophidia. Moderate reactions were obtained with Chelonian and Crocodilian sera. With one exception no positive results were obtained with Avian egg- albumins. The antiserum for Snake's egg-albumin, though behaving othei-wise like anti-snake serum, gave 36 "/o of moderately well-marked reactions with Avian egg-albumins. All anti-reptilian sera reacted well with dilutions of Reptilian egg-albumins, but gave negative results with Amphibian and Fish egg-albumins, and Amphibian, Fish and Crustacean sera. The results of these experiments indicate a close relationship between the Chelonia and Crocodilia and between the Lacertilia and Ophidia. A distant relationship is shown between the Aves and the former group, and a more distant one between them and the latter group. This last is best seen in the tests with the antiserum to Snake's egg-albumin. Anti-Chelonian and Crocodilian sera show very little aflSnity between these animals and the Lacertilia and Ophidia, but antisera to the latter indicate a relationship between them and the former. The following table summarises the results of tests with anti- Reptilian sera. The percentages of the better marked reactions only are given, and the experiments with anti-Lizard I ( Uromastix spinipes) and anti-Python are not included. K. 23 354 Antisera for Reptilia Marked positive results with Antisera to Material tested y Chelonia Crocodilia Lacertilia Ophidia Ophidian egg-alb. Egg-Albumi^is Birds' egg-albumins 21% 25% OO/o 10% 36 T Beptile 33 „ 100,, 100,, 100,, 100,, Amphibian ,, o„ o„ o„ o„ o„ Fish o„ o„ o„ o„ o„ Blood Sera /Chelonia 73 „ 45 „ 27 „ 7., 7„ „ ,.,. Crooodilia Eeptiha \^ .... Lacertilia 25 „ 100,, 50 „ 25 „ 25 „ o„ o„ 92 „ 40 „ 40 „ '■ Ophidia 3 „ „ 30 „ 46 „ 46 „ Amphibia 0.. „ o„ o„ „ Pisces o„ o„ o„ o„ o„ Arthropoda . 0., o„ o„ o„ o„ Quantitative measurements with Anti- Reptilian Sera. The methods used in tabulating these results are the same as those made use of in recording similar observations with the antisera to egg- albumins. (1) Tests with Anti-Tortoise Serum (T. ibera). Material tested Amount of precipltum Percentage Turtle serum •0463 ' 117 Tortoise „ •0394 100 Alligator ,, •0018 7 Greenfinch egg-albumin •0046 12 Silver Pheasant's ,, ■0041 10 Moorhen's ,, •0087 9 Hedge-Sparrow ,, •0018 5 Frog, Amphiuma, and Dogfish sera failed to react. The few quanti- tative tests made with this antiserum are in accord with the qualitative tests. By the latter method Tortoise and Turtle sera gave full reactions. This is the only instance in which a non-homologous serum gave a higher reading than the homologous serum, and the result is probably due to some error in measurement, or dilution. By the qualitative test Alligator serum, Greenfinch, Silver Pheasant, and Moorhen's egg- albumins gave slight reactions, and Hedge-sparrow egg a doubtful reaction, Ch'aham-Smith 355 (2) Tests with Anti-Tortoise Serum (T. vidna). Amount of Muterial tested precipitum Percentage Tortoise serum (T. vicina) ■03M 100 (T. ibera) -0054 24 Turtle „ -0028 12 Alligator „ • Tortoise egg-albumin • Duck's „ -0056 24 Traces of precipita were given by Emu's, Fowl's, Silver Pheasant's, Pheasant's, Greenfinch's and Thrush's egg-albumins, but Crane's, Black- bird's, Moorhen's, Hedge-sparrow's, Chaffinch's, Skate's and Dogfish egg-albumins, as well as Frog, Amphiuma, and Dogfish sera, failed to react. The results of these tests again agree fairly closely with those done by the qualitative method. In these a full reaction was indicated with Tortoise serum (T. vicina) and small reactions with Tortoise (T. ibei-a), and Turtle. Alligator serum showed a doubtful reaction, whereas Duck's egg-albumin gave a medium precipitum. No signs of reaction were obtained qualitatively with Fowl's, Pheasant's and Thrush's egg- albumins, but quantitatively they yielded traces of precipita. (3) Tests viith Anti-Turtle Serum. Material tested Amount of precipitum Percentage Turtle serum •0300 100 Tortoise ,, •0018 6 Alligator ,, •0009 3 Emu's egg-albumin •0037 12 Pheasant's ,, •0028 9 Duck's ,, trace ? Fowl's ,, »» ? Moorhen's „ »t ? The results in this case differ slightly from the qualitative experi- ments. In the latter, Tortoise serum showed a full reaction and the quantity of precipitum yielded ought accordingly to be more than 6 '/o of that given by Turtle senim. Fluid Alligator serum on the other hand failed to react. Emu's and Pheasant's egg-albumins showed small reactions, but Duck's, Fowl's and Moorhen's egg-albumins faile^ + + reactions HaterlalB tested • 18 Egg-Albumi)u (1 Amphibian) 70 Blood Sera 18 31 Eeptilia IE > T,-!,- 4 Urodela 15 Amphibia , , , 11 Anura 31 4 5 15 Pisces 15 9 Crustacea 9 4 (360/0) 2(18»/o) 54 This was a moderately powerful antiserum. Good reactions occurred only with two specimens of the blood of the Frog (Rana temporaria) and moderate with four examples of Frog's blood (1 Rana temporaria and 3 R. tigrina). All other tests were negative (see p. 210). IV. Anti-Fish Serum. Tests vjith Anti-Ammocoetes Serum. This antiserum was prepared by the intraperitoneal injection into a Rabbit of Ammocoetes serum, which had been dried on filter-paper, and dissolved out by means of salt solution. Percentage of positive X + + reactions 8 8 100 Material tested • «? 23 Egg-Albumins 23 • • 131 Blood Sera 60 Reptilia 60 • 17 Amphibia 17 • • /12 Chondropterygii 11 1 39 Pisces 26 Teleostei 24 2 1 Cyclostomata . • • 15 Arthropods 15 • • Graham-Smith 357 This antiserum was only of moderate power, producing with its homologous serum a medium clouding, followed by a well-marked pre- cipitum. Only three doubtful cloudings were, however, obtained with other fish sera, and other tests made with it were entirely negative. Several tests were made with Limulus, and Arthropod sera, but with negative results. V. Anti-Ascidian Serum. Tests with Anti-Ascidian Serum. This antiserum was obtained by the intraperitoneal injection into a Guinea-pig of Ascidian extract. The extract was made by cutting large fixed Ascidians into small pieces, and extracting these with salt solution. The supernatant fluid which was used in these experiments was clear and of a light yellow tint. Percentage of positive • ? ♦ X + + reactions Material tested • 14 Egg-AIbtimins 14 22 Blood Sera 6 Amphibia 6 3 Pisces 3 13 Arthropoda 13 2 Ascidian extracts . ■ • • • • 1.1. 100 This antiserum produced a well-marked precipitum with its homo- logous extract, and a slight reaction with an extract of a species of small fixed Ascidian, but foiled to give any trace of reaction with any of the blood sera or egg-albumins. VI. Anti-Crustacean Sera. (1) Tests with Anti-Lobster Serum. This antiserum was made by Dr Nuttall by the injection of Lobster {Homarus vulgaris) serum into Rabbits. Peroenta«e of positive Materiai tested . « ? • X + + reactions 14 Egg-Albumins (a) 13 Birds' egg-albumina 13 (6) 1 Reptile „ 1 53 Blood Sera 20 Beptilia 18 12 Amphibia 10 12 Pisces 12 11 20 9 Crustacea 2.1. 5(65°/„) 1 77 358 Antisera for Arthrojwda This was a powerful antiserum producing well-marked results with the Crustacean sera. Slight indications of a reaction were obtained with two specimens of Reptilian, and two of Amphibian sera, probably due to some fault in the dilutions (see pp. 211, 217, 310). (2) Tests with Anti-Grab Serum. This antiserum was obtained by the intravenous injection into a Rabbit of the blood of a Crab (see pp. 211, 217, 310). Percentage of poeitive • ? « X + + reactions 100 Material testeil • 21 Egg-Albumins (a) 13 Birds' egg-albumins (6) 1 Reptile (c) 1 Amphibian ,, (d) 6 Fish 13 1 1 6 128 Blood Sera 60 Beptilia 18 Amphibia 38 Pisces 60 18 38 12 Arthropoda / ^ Xiphosura (11 Deoapoda 1 This was a very powerful antiserum giving well-marked reactions with all specimens of the Crustacea. The serum of the King-crab (Limuhcs polyphemus) failed to react. Tests with all other blood sera and egg-albumins were negative. VII. Anti-Xiphosura Serum. Tests with Anti-Limulus Serum. These tests were conducted with two different antisera for the serum of the King-crab {Limulus polyphemus). The first was made by intra- peritoneal, and the second by intravenous injections into Rabbits. In the following table the tests made with both antisera are recorded. Both these antisera were extremely powerful, the first giving more than three times as much precipitum as any other antiserum. The second was not quite so powerful. The first antiserum produced a small reaction with ciub's serum and with spider serum (very dilute), and three doubtful cloudings with fish, and two with Crustacean sera. The Graham-Smith 359 second antiserum gave two medium reactions with spider serum. All other tests were negative. Material tented • 46 Egg-Albumins (a) 26 Birds' egg-albumins 26 (6) 4 Reptile „ 4 (c) 3 Amphibian „ 3 id) 12 Fish „ 12 222 Blood Sera 120 Beptilia 120 30 Amphibia 30 46 Pisces 43 26 Arthropoda (Serum No. I) (Serum No. II) C 1 Xiphosura • ■! 11 Decapoda 8 \ 3 Arachnida • I 1 Xiphosura • (10 Decapoda 10 Penentage , of podtlTe + ractioni 6 100 27 100 100 Numerous experiments were made with these antisera on dilutions of Ammocoete.s blood to determine whether this test would bring for- ward any evidence in support of Gaskell'si hypothesis on the origin of the Vertebrates. On one occasion a small clouding resulted on the addition of the first antiserum to a very strong solution of Ammocoetes blood. All subsequent experiments were negative. Anti-Ammocoetes serum also failed on all occasions to react with dilutions of Linmlus serum. By this means therefore no evidence can as yet be produced in support of this hypothesis. Unlike Mammalian and Avian sera Limulus serum when passed through a porcelain filter loses its (blue) colour, and no longer produces any precipitum when tested with anti-Limulus serum. Summary of Results with Anti-Arthropod Sera. Well-marked reactions were obtained with the anti-lobster serum amongst the Crustacea. Limulus serum was not tested. No positive results of any importance were produced by tests on other sera. Anti-crab serum though pnxlucing verj' marked reactions with specimens of the Decapoda, failed entirely to react with the blood of Limulus, or any of the other sera, or egg albumins. Of the extremely powerfiil anti-Limulus sera only one showed any 1 Gaskell, W. H. "On the Origin of the Vertebrates," Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1898, et »eq. 360 Antisera for Arthropoda positive results with the Decapoda and these were very slight. Good reactions were however obtained with dilutions of spider sera. The results of these tests indicate a fairly close relationship between the King-crabs and the Spiders, and a very distant one between the King- crabs and the Decapoda. These sera were much more powerful than the anti-egg, and anti-Chelonian sera which interacted, and it might have been expected that even with distant relationship the sera of the Decapoda would have produced at least small reactions. During its collection the anti-crab serum behaved in a rather curious manner. The blood clotted rapidly, and a very milky serum separated from the clot. The latter in a short time also coagulated, and from this coagulum a clear serum eventually came off. Anti-Linnilus I behaved in the same way, but only a very partial coagulation of the serum first separated took place. In the previous tables the reactions produced with all specimens, whether preserved in a fluid or dried condition, have been given. Some of the latter, owing to overheating during the process of drying in the sun, or some other cause, failed to go into solution and consequently the tables of percentages of positive results are probably somewhat under- estimated. The results of the actions of the antisera to the Avian egg- albumins and Reptilian sera with the egg-albumins, and fluid Reptilian sera are, therefore, given below. In the other gi'oups very few fluid sera were used, and their reactions with the various antisera may be seen in the tables at the end. Percentage of well-marked positive reactions with Antisera to Fluid materials tested Avian egg albumins (5) Clielonia (3) Crocodilia (1) Lacertilia (1) Ophidia (2) 15 Birds' egg-albumins 85 0/,, 21% 25 "/o 0% 10«/o 2 Reptile ,, 28 „ 33 „ 100,, 100,, 100,, 4 Chelonian sera 16 „ 100,, 75 „ 25 „ 0,, 1 Crocodilian ,, o„ 50 „ 100,, 100,, 100,, 2 Lacertilia „ o„ o„ o„ 100 „ 100,, 3 Ophidian ,, 0,. o„ o„ o„ 100,, The present experiments can only be regarded as of a preliminary nature, and indicate the interesting results which might be obtained by systematically following up this line of research. For more accurate and trustworthy results both quantitative and qualitative tests would have to be undertaken with fluid sera obtained from healthy animals and repeated two or three times. Most of the experiments, which are the subject of this paper, have only been done once. Had it been Graham-Smith 361 possible to repeat them, however, the results would probably not have been materially affected. In the following tables the name of the collector of the serum is given with the majority of specimens. Dr Nuttall acknowledges the source of all specimens examined by him at the end of this book. After all these samples the numbers given in Nuttall's tables are quoted, so that the results obtained by him with a large number of anti-Mammalian and anti-Avian sera may also be followed. The Limulus and Ammocoetes sera were procured for me by Dr W. H. Gaskell, F.R.S., to whom I am much indebted for these very interesting bloods. The previous work on these lines has already been fully considered in the foregoing monograph, and for this reason no attempt has been made here to summarize the results of other observers. The following works have been used in the construction of the annexed tables : Evans, A. H. "Birds," Cambridge Natural Hi»tory, Vol. ix. 1900. Gadow, H. "Amphibia and Reptiles," Cambridge Natural Hiitory, Vol. viii. 1901. GuNTHER, A. C. L. G. The Study of Fuhes. 1880. General Conclusions. (1) Powerful antisei-a to Avian egg-albumins produce very large reactions with dilutions of Bii-ds' egg-albumins. They also give distinct positive reactions with Chelonian and Crocodilian sera, as well as with dilutions of Reptile egg-albumins. No reactions of any importance were obtained with Amphibian or Fish egg-albumins or with Lacertilian, Ophidian, Amphibian, Fish, or Crustacean sera. These tests, therefore, show a distinct relationship between the Aves and Chelonia and Crocodilia. (2) Powerful anti-Ghelonian sera gave maximum reactions with the Chelonia and Crocodilia. Smaller reactions were obtained with Reptile egg-albumins and Avian egg-albumins, but with Lacertilian and Ophidian sera the results were almost negative. No positive reactions occurred with other egg-albumins or blood sera. These results, showing a well-marked relationship between the Che- lonia and Crocodilia, and distinct one with the Aves, confirm the above conclusion. (3) A moderately jwwerful anti- Crocodilian serum behaved like the anti-Chelonian sera. 362 Conclusions (4) A powerful anti-Lacertilian serum produced its maximum reactions with the Lacertilia, and also reacted well with the Ophidia. Smaller reactions were obtained with the Crocodilia and Chelonia, but none with the Avian egg-albumins or other albumins or blood sera. (5) A powerful anti-Ophidian serum gave well-marked results with the Ophidia, and also reacted well with the Lacertilia. Reactions with the Crocodilia and Chelonia were much smaller. A moderate reaction was obtained with one Avian egg-albumin. All other tests were negative. (6) A very powerful antiserum to Ophidian egg-albumin showed its maximum rcfictions with the Ophidia, good reactions with the Lacertilia, and smaller ones with the Chelonia and Crocodilia. 36 "/o of distinct positive reactions were obtained with Avian egg-albumins. Other tests were negative. The results of experiments with anti-Lacertilian and anti-Ophidian sera show a well-marked relationship between these two gnjups, a more distant relationship between them and the Chelonia and Crocodilia, and a still more distant one between them and the Aves. The latter is most markedly shown by the anti-snake-egg serum. (7) , A moderately powerful anti-Frog serum reacted only with the Anura. No reactions were obtained with the Urodela or any other serum or egg-albumin tested. (8) A moderately powerful anti-Ammocoetes serum failed to show any affinity between this animal and any other. (9) A weak anti-Ascidian serum reacted only with its homologous extract. (10) Two powerful anti-Crustacean {Decapoda) sera reacted well with the sera of Decapoda, but tailed to react with the serum of the King-crab (Limulus polyphemus). Tests with egg-albumins and other sera were all negative. (11) Two extremely powerful anti-Limulus sera reacted well with dilutions of Limulus serum, and produced moderate reactions with spider sera. One showed a small reaction with a crab serum, but the other did not. Other tests with Crustacean sera were negative. Experiments with Ammocoetes and other Vertebrate sera and egg-albumins were negative. These tests, therefore, show a distinct relationship between Limulus and the Arachnida, and a doubtful one between Limulus and the Decapoda. •BLOOD-RELATIONSHIP AMONGST THE LOWER VERTE- BRATA AND ARTHROPODA, ETC., AS INDICATED BY 2,500 TESTS WITH PRECIPITATING ANTISERA. By G. S. GRAHAM-SMITH, M.A, M.B., D.P.H. (Camb.). TABLES. EGG ALBUMINS Division I. Ratitae Division II. Carinatae Order Anseriformes Order Galliformes Order Gruiformes Favi. Rallidae Fani. Gruidae Order 9 Passerifopmes. Oscines Fam. lO Tuididae 11 13 Fam. 13 FiingiUldae 14 15 Class AVES Subclass NEORNITHES Dronmeus novae-hollandiae. Emu Australia (Z) 18. i. 02 (No. 799) Aims boncns. Common Duck Cambs. 24. v. 02 Galltis domesticns. Domestic Fowl Cambs. 24. v. 02 Gallus (lomesticus Cambs. 30. xi. 01 Phasiamis colchicm. Pheasant Sussex 26. v. 02 F.uplocmmis nycthemerus. Silver Pheasant China (Z),'laid 11. i v. 02 (No. 797) • Anti-Avian Sera a + D GalHnula chloropus. Sussex 26. v. 02 Moorhen Balearica reguloritm. Cape Crowned Crane S. Africa (Z) 13. iii. 02 (No. 798) Turdus merula. Blackbird Cambs. 13. v. 02 Turdus musicus. Song Thrush Cambs. 13. v. 02 Accentor modularu. Hedge Sparrow Cambs. 12. v. 02 Sylvia atrica2iilla. Blackcap Sussex 26. v. 02 Ligurhius chloris. Greenfinch Sussex V. 02 Fringilla coelebs. Chaffinch Cambs. 12. v. 02 Linota eannabina. Linnet Cambs. 13. v. 02 + D + D + D + D + S + D + + D + d + d + d + D + + D + D + S + D + S + d + + d * d + D + D tr + D + D + d + D + tr + d X tr X tr + D + D tr I 364 Anti-Reptilian Sera Chelonia Lacertilia Ophldia Anti-Arthropod Sera 1 i H a 1 1 1 < 2 1 c S o 13 n 3 S s s « c i < c < a •< 1 SI a < £1 B •a a < 3 a s i < 1 a a -< * * « ? * tr X D tr « tr tr * .? .? * d • • ' * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • 365 EGG ALBUMINS Class REPTILIA Anti -Avian Sera a C4 Subclass CHELONIA Fam. Testudinldae Subclass SAURIA Fam. Colubrldae Fiim. Salamandridae Fam. Ranldae Subclass PALAEICHTHYES Fam. Scylliidae Fam. Rajldae Subclass TELEOSTEI Fam. Scomberidae Fam, Cottldae Fatit. Gobiidae Fam. Salmonidae 16 I Tettudo ibera. Tortoise (Leighton) laid 2. viii. 02 (No. 808) 17 Tropidonotus natrix. Grass Snake Cambs. vii. 02 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 aass AMPHIBIA 18 Triton cristatus. Crested Newt Cambs. 8. v. 02 18 ; Triton ruhjaris. Common Newt ! Cambs. 8. v. 02 30 j Rami tfmporaria. Common Frog Cambs. v. 02 aass PISCES Scylliitm canicula. Dog-fish Plymouth 27. vi. 02 Scyllium catulus. Dog-fish Plymouth 27. vi. 02 Baja bat is ? Skate Plymouth vi. 02 Scomlier scomber. Mackerel Coitus scorpius. Bull-head Guernsey vi. 02 Gobius ruthenspari Plymouth v. 02 Salmo salar. Salmon 02 ^ 1? 1 .* 1 S, 1 +3 a B < i a II 366 s S I Anti-Reptiliau Sera IjKertilia a o Opiiidia C A. 3 + D Anti-Arthropod Sera I I s 367 Anti-Avian Sera IS ? M ! SERA i % *« H 1 n ^ 9 Class REPTILIA c c a c < < < < Subclass as Chryumys picta. Painted Terrapin , , , CHELONIA 39 N. America (Jordan) 22. v. 02 (No. 800) Chrysemys eUgans , , Fam. N. America (Jordan) 11. t. 02 (No. 801) Testudinldae 80 31 Cistudn Carolina N. America (Jordan) 30. iv. 02 (No. 802) Grapteinys paeudogeoqraphica N. America (Jordan) 17. v. 02 (No. 803) • • • 33 Testudo ibera. Tortoise (fluid) (irecce, killed Cambs. 14. i. 02 (No. 804) ' .? tr ♦ ? 38 Testudo ibera (fluid) 13. V. 02 • «- * ♦ ? 34 Testudo ibera * d • + d • 35 Testudo viciiui. Giant Tortoise (N. York Zoo., Langmann) 14. vi. 02 (No. 805) ■ ,? 86 Testudo vidua (fluid) Galapagos (Z) 20. x. 02 (No. 80(i) • *? • • 87 Testudo inepta. Clumsy Tortoise Mauritius (Z) 20. v. 02 (No. 807) Fam. 88 Chelone midas. Green Turtle (fluid) . .? . Chelonldae 89 40 41 43 King's Coll., Camb. 14. xii. 02 (No 809) Chelone midas Tropical seas (Z) 9. x. 01 (No. 810) Chelone midas 4. xii. 02 Chelone viridis ? Turtle Brighton 13. xii. 01 (No. 811) Chelone ? Water Turtle L. Nyassa (Dodds) 8. ii. 02 (No. 812) tr tr • Subclass 48 Alligator mississippiensis. Alligator (fluid) . . CROCODILIA N. America (Z) 27. xi. 01 (No. 813) 44 AlUiiator missisxipplen-iis. Alligator N. America (Z) 27. viii. 01 (dried) • * .? ■ 45 Allitfator sinensis. Chinese Alligator China (Z) 13. viii. 01 (No. 814) • + • 46 Crocodile L. Nyassa (Dodds) 8. ii. 02 (No. 815) ■ ■ ■ ■ Subclass SAURIA Order 47 Gecko quttatus. Gecko • • .? . Lacertilia India (Dalgetty) 24. viii. 02 (No. 816) Suborder Geckones Fam. Geckonidae 368 i Anti-Keptilian Sera Anti-Arthropod Chelonin Lacertilia Ophidta Sera .^ ^ I 1 3 '? s v 1 g H H g s 1 1 ! 1 S S B •2 > i s 3 S s CO J 1 1 a 1 1 i 3 •s s *3 3 s 3 3 ^ 3 3 ^ a < a a < 5 ^ s C < a < a a ■< a tr ■ «? • * X d • • .? • * « tr • • • 1 + « + » . .? .? • . . s d S tr * + + + * .? . d d D i d d + + + + .7 .? . D s D D + + X X . d s d + + + + , . • I> D S tr + X * « . . . .? D D + « + . , * .? , D D D tr tr « " + I) * » • • * " + « + . .? • • • • d U # . + . • . • • • tr d « ■ ■ .? , .? * .? + ■!- ♦ • tr D D • • X + D • .? • • • • • • • * • + S • * • • • * • .? .? .? • • • • • X • ♦ ? • • • • • ■ N. 36£ t 24 Subclass SAURIA Order Lacertilia Suborder Lacertae Fam. Agamidae Fnm. Ignanidae Fam. Ang^ldae Fam. Varanidae Finn. Lacertldae Fam. Scincidae Order Ophidia Fam. Boidae SERA REPTILIA Fam. Colubrldae Series A Aglypha 48 40 SO 61 63 S3 84 66 6« 67 68 68 60 61 82 63 64 66 66 67 Calotes versicolor. Indian Tree-lizard India (Phipson) 12. i. 02 (No. 817) Uromasti.T spinipes Cairo (Elliot-Smith) 7. vi. 02 (No. 818) Uromastix spinipes (fluid) Iguana tuberculata. Iguana Trinidad (TuUoch) 1. i. 02 (No. 819) Anguis frag His. Slow- Worm Hereford (Leighton) 31. iii. 02 (No. 820) Varanus salvator. Two-banded Monitor India (Z) 6. vi. 02 (No. 821) Vararixis salvator (fluid) Varamts griseus. Grey Monitor. N. Africa (Z) 30. ix. 01 (No. 822) Varanus griseus (fluid) Lacerta agilis. Sand Lizard Cambs. 3. v. 02 (No. 823) Spec. ? Indian Lizard India (Dalgetty) 1. ix. 02 (No. 824) Land Lizard Natal (Parkinson) 13. xii. 02 (No. 825) Python molurus. Indian Python India (Z) 11. i. 02 (No. 826) Python tiiolurus (fluid) Python sebae. African Python W. Africa (Z) 8. xi. 01 (No. 827) Boa constrictor. Common Boa S. America (Z) 7. x. 01 (No. 829) Boa constrictor (Marajuel) Trinidad (TuUoch) 4. vi. 02 (No. 830) Eryx jaculus Cairo (Elliot-Smith) 19. vi. 02 (No. 831) Corallus caninus L. "Hundskopfschlange" Madagascar (Luhe) 20. ii. 02 (No. 828) Tropidonotus natrix. Grass Snake Cambs. 28. iv. 02 (No. 832) Tropidonotus natrix (fluid) 2. V. 02 (No. 833) Anti-Avian Sera ^ i 1 370 Chelonia Anti-Reptilian Sera LacertiUa Opbidla Anti-Arthropod Sera a 3 I a S I S 5 I s 5 -I- d d + B + D + X tr d tr » « d 'I X • D d « * D d X * D d X « D d + X D D 371 24—2 SERA Class REPTILIA Subclass SAURIA Order Ophidia Fam. Colubridae Series A Aglypha Series B Opisthoglypha Series C Proteroglypha Fam. Vlperldae 68 69 70 71 73 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 88 84 85 86 Anti-Avian Sera Tropidonotus natrix (fluid) 18. X. 02 (No. 834) Zamenis diadema Cairo (Elliot-Smith) 11. vi.02 (No. 835) Zamenis ravergieri, var. nummifere Cairo (Elliot-Smith) 19. vi. 02 (No. 836) Dendrophis liocerus. Whip Snake Trinidad (TuUoch) 2. iii. 02 (No. 837) Cerberus rhynchops. Indian Estuary Snake Bombay (Phipsou) 17. i. 02 (No. 838) Cerberus rhynchops Calcutta (Rogers) 8. x. 02 (No. 839) Naja tripiidians. Cobra India (MacWatt) 23. vi. 02 (No. 841) Naja tripudians 21. vi. 02 (No. 840) Naja tripudians (Z) 6. viii. 01 (No. 843) Naja tripudians (Phipson) 4. ii. 02 (No. 842) Naja haje. Hooded Cobra of Africa (Aspis) Cairo (Elliott-Smith) 19. vi. 02 (No. 844) Pseudechis porphyriaceus. Black Snake N. S.Wales (Cashman)31.xi. 01 (No.845) Bitis arietans. Puff Adder S. Africa (Z) 6. viii. 01 (No. 846) Bitis arietans L. Nyassa (Dodds) 27. iii. 02 (No. 847) Viper berus. Adder N. Devon (Leighton) iv. 02 (No. 848) Viper berus iv. 02 (No. 849) Viper Russelli. Himalayan Viper India (Donald) 4. vi. 02 (No. 851) Crotalus horridut. Rattlesnake United State.s ( Salmon) 6. xi. 01 (No. 852) Poisonous Serpent L. Nyassa (Dodds) 8. ii. 02 (No. 853) tr 372 Cbelonis Anti-lieptiliiiu Sera Ucartllis Ophldta Auti-Artliropod Sen Eh B ■s 6-1 ■s I Hi ■a s a t Of s + D .? tr 373 SERA Class AMPHIBIA Anti-Avian Sera Order Urodela Fam. AmpUumldae Fam. Salamandrldae Order Anura Suborder Aglossa Suborder Phaneroglossa Fam. Bufonidae Fam. Engystomatidae Fam. Ranidae 87 88 8S »o 91 »a 98 94 96 96 97 98 99 lOO lOl loa 103 104 Amphiuma means. Araphiuma (fluid) N. America (Z) 19. iii. 03 (No. 854) Amblystoma tigrinum (Axolotl) Bless. 26. xii. 01 (No. 855) Triton cristatus. Crested Newt Cambs. 8. v. 02 Triton cristatus 6. v. 02 Triton cristatus 29. iv. 02 (No. 85G) Triton vulgaris. Common Newt Cambs. 8. v. 02 Xenopus laevis. Smooth-clawed Frog E. Africa (Z) 19. iii. 02 (No. 857) Bufo vulgaris. Common Toad ■ Cambs. 14. vii. 01 (No. 858) Bufo vulgaris (fluid) viii. 02 Bufo mauritanica. Moorish Toad 'N.W. Africa (Z) 10. i. 02 (No. 859) Megalobatrachus maxima. Gigantic Sala- mander Japan (Z) 23. ix. 01 (No. 860) Bana temporaria. Common Frog Cambs. 29. iv. 02 (No. 861) Sana temporaria 11. xi. 01 (No. 863) Sana temporaria 11. iii. 02 (No. 862) Rana tigrina. Tigrine Frog India (Z) 19. iii. 02 (No. 867) Rana tigrina (Z) 3. iii. 02 (No. 865) Rana tigrina 25. i. 02 (No. 864) Rana (spec. ?). Trinidad Frog Trinidad (TuUoch) 27. iii. 02 374 Chelonia Anti-lieptilian Sera Lacertilia Ophidia 2 & 3 a 33 5 Auti-Arthropod Sera + + tr U 1) 375 SERA Phylum ARTHROPODA. Anti-Avian Sera I I Xiphosura Decapoda Arachnida 106 106 107 108 109 no 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 lie Limulus polyphemttt. King Crab OaskeU Crangon vulgaris. Common Shrimp Guernsey vi. 02 Homarus vulgaris. Lobster England 14. xi. 01 (No. 895) Astucus fluviatilis. Cray-fish Cauibs. 14. i. 02 (No. 894) Palinurus vulgaris. Craw-fish Plymouth 26. ii. 02 (No. 896) Pagurus Bernhardus. Hermit Crab Carcinus maenas. Shore Crab Plymouth 25. i. 02 (No. 898) Carcinus maenas (fluid) Guernsey vi. 02 Cancer pagurus. Crab Portunus puber. Velvet Fidler-Crab Plymouth 25. i. 02 (No. 899) Portunus depurator. Swimming Crab Plymouth 25. i. 02 (No. 900) Maia squinado. Spider Crab Plymouth 27. li. 02 (No. 897) Spider Serum 10. viii. 03 Spider Serum vi. 02 Spider Extract vi. 02 376 Chelonia Anti-Keptilian Sera Lacertilia Opbldla Auti' Arthropod Sera hi I e 3 a ■a tr + d + D + d + d tr X d + D d X d + D X d tr + S 377 SERA Class PISCES Suborder Plagiostomata A. Selachoidei Fam. Carcharildae Fam. Scylliidae B. Batoidei Fam. Prlstidae Fam. Rajidae Fam. Trygonldae Fam. Myliobatidae Suborder Holocephala Division Perciformes Fam. Fercidae Division Cotto- Scorn beriformes Fam. Carangldae lao 121 laa 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 130 131 133 133 134 Subclass PALAEICHTHYES Order I. Chondropterygii Carcliarias glaucus. Common Shark Sarawak (Hose) 10. iv. 02 Zygaena malleus ? Hammerhead Shark Trinidad (Tulloch) 15. i. 02 (No. 869) Glassheaded Shark Sarawak (Hose) 10. iv. 02 iliistelus canis. Dog-fish New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 (No. 870) Squalus acanthias. Dog-fish New Jersey, U. S. A. (SUvester) 30. yiii. 01 (No. 871) Scyllium canicula. Dog-fish (fluid) Plymouth 27. ii. 02 (No. 872) Saw-fish Sarawak (Hose) 10. iv. 02 Raja ocellata. Skate New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 (No. 873) Kay Sarawak (Hose) 10. iv. 02 Dasyatus. Sting Bay New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) vui. 01 (No. 874) Rhinoptera bonasus. Sting Bay New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) 30. viii. 01 (No. 875) Chimaera vionstra Naples 6. xi. 02 Subclass TELEOSTEI Order II. Acanthopterygii Perca fluviatilis. Common Perch (fluid) Horsham (S. C.) 15. viii. 02 Mesoprion Trinidad (Tulloch) 1. i. 02 (No. 893) Naucrates ductor. Pilot-fish Trinidad (Tulloch) 29. v. 02 (No. 876) 378 SERA Glass PISCES Division Cotto-Scomberiformes Fam. Bcomberidae Fam. Cottidae Division Gobiiformes Fam. Ooblidae Division Muciliformes Fam. Sphyraenidae Fam. Hugllidae Divisimi Gastrosteiformes Fam. Gaatrosteidae Division Gobiesciformes Fam. Ctobiesocldae Division Pleuronectoidei Fam. Pleuronectidae 186 188 187 188 189 140 141 143 148 Subclass TELEOSTEI Order II. Acanthopterygii Scomber auxis. Spanish Mackerel Trinidad (TuUoch) 13. ii. 02 (No. 877) Scomber carangut Trinidad (TuUoch) 28. ii. 02 (No. 878) Scomber scomber. Common Mackerel (muscle extract) 02 Cottus Scorpio 1 Bull-head vi. 02 Gobius ruthenspari (muscle extract) Plymouth 02 Sphyraena barracuda. Barracuda Trinidad (Tulloch) 7. iii. 02 (No. 879) Mugil capita. Grey Mullet Sarawak (Hose) 10. iv. 02 Gastrosteus spinachia. Stickleback (muscle extract) Plymouth 02 144 14ft Lepadogaster Guernsey vi. 02 (No. 880) Fam. Oyprlnldae Fam. Esocldae 148 147 Order III. Anacanthini Rhombus triacanth. Butter-fish New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 Pleuronectes limanda. Dab (muscle extract) 15. viii. 02 Order IV. Physostomi Carassius auratus. Gold-fish 15. i. 02 (No. 881) Etox lucius. Pike 26. xi. 02 (No. 882) 379 SERA Class PISCES Fam. Esocidae Fam. Salmonldae Fam. Hyodontidae Fam. Muraenldae Fam. Sclerodeimi Fam. Oymnodontea Fam. Petromyzontidae 148 149 160 161 152 163 164 ISS 168 Subdass TELEOSTEI Order IV. Physostomi Emx litciiis. Pike Ireland (DUlon) 6. v. 01 (No. 883) Salmo fario. Trout (Leighton) 17. x. 01 (No. 884) Salmo salar. Salmon Ireland (Dillon) 9. v. 01 (No. 885) Salmo salar (fluid) V. 02 Hyodon lergigus ? Moon-fish Trinidad (TuUoch) 1. iv. 02 (No. Anguilla imlqaris. Common Eel Sussex (S. C.) 16. viii. 01 Order VI. Plectognathi Aluton schoepjii. File-fish New Jersey, U.S.A. (SiWester) viii. 01 (No. 887) Tetrndon turgidxis. Toad-fish New Jersey, U.S.A. (Silvester) viii. 01 (No. Subclass CYCLOSTOMATA Petromyzon bratwhialis (Ammocoetes). Larval Lam- prey Cambs. (Gaskell) 24. x. 02 + 03 Also 4 undetermined fish-bloods, 167 — 180 Most of the above fish bloods were tested with antisera to Emu's, Duck's, Fowl's, Crane's and Snake's egg-albumins, and Tortoise (2), Turtle, Alligator, Lizard (2), Snake, Python, Frog, Ammocoetes, Ascidian, Lobster, Crab, and Limulus (2) sera. No well-marked positive reactions occurred except that between anti-Ammocoetes and Ammocoetes sei'um. 380 SECTION IX. ON THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE PRECIPITIN REACTIONS IN LEGAL MEDICINE, ETC. 1. Antisera in the Examination and Identification of Bloods and Blood-Stains. The reactions given by specific haemolysins and agglutinins possess scarcely any value medico-legally for the reason that to make such tests a large number of intact blood corpuscles must be in suspension. The use of the haemolysins medico-legally was first suggested by Deutsch (see p. 41) who claimed that they might even be used upon dried corpuscles. There are certainly grave sources of error in the method, as compared to what we find when using precipitins. The specific character of precipitins was already indicated by Kraus for bacterio-precipitins and by Bordet, Fich, and Morgenroth, in their work on Lactosera. It was recognized by Ehrlich, who refei's in his Croonian Lecture, to still unpublished experiments of Morgenroth upon lactoprecipitins. Although at the time very few data had been collected regarding the precipitins, the assumption seemed justified that they would prove to possess similar specific characters to the haemolysins and agglutinins. Ehrlich 's paper was read before the Royal Society, at a meeting which I attended on the 23rd of March, 1900. Subsequently, Wassermann (18 — 21 April, 1900)' brought the question of specificity into greater prominence, speaking of the reaction as " eine strong specifische Methode " which permits us " iiber die Stellung verschiedener Eiwcisskorper Aufschluss zu geben : namlich durch die Bildung der streng specifischen Agglutinine in Thierkorpcr die wir seit Jahresfrist kennen, und die mir noch nicht genug gewurdigt scheint." He refers to the work of Bordet on lactosera. Bordet, and ' I am indebted to Profegaor Wassermann for a manuscript copy of the paper cited, the original being inaccessible to me. G. H. F. N. 382 Medico-Legal Ehrlich spoke of precipitins as " coagulins," Wassermann termed them " agglutinins'." Wassermann referred to experiments of his own upon lactosera. With lactoserum for cows' milk he only obtained a pre- cipitation with cows' milk, not with human or goat milk. " Es handelt sich iramer um specifische Korper, je nach der Milchart, welche dem Thier vorher injiciert wurde....Die Eiweisskorper in verschiedenen Thiergattungen sind demnach streng different und verschieden." He added that experiments made with fowl egg-white also gave " in der That specifische Coaguline gegeniiber dem Hlihnereiweiss." It is there- fore fully evident that Wassermann recognized the practical bearings of the discoveries of Tchistovitch and Bordet, and credit is due to him for having suggested the use of precipitins in the differentiation of al- bumins of different animals. It will be noticed that Wassermann refers to the precipitins, as affording a means of distinguishing the albumins of different animals, iiTespective of their being contained in blood or the like, and it is therefore not correct, as he states in a personal letter to me (15. i. '03), strictly speaking, to refer to the precipitin or biological method in hlood diagnosis. To be certain that a reacting substance is blood, it is still necessary, in forensic practice, to utilize the ordinary tests for blood, such as that for haematin etc. According to Wassermann the reaction demonstrates the presence of albumins belonging to certain animals, without especially telling us which albuminous substance we are dealing with. The medico-legal use of precipitins was almost simultaneously discovered by Uhlenhuth, Wassermann and Schiitze (see p. 162). Uhlenhuth (7. II. 1901) considered that the method might have forensic value in the identification of blood stains. He tested 19 kinds of blood and only obtained a reaction with human blood upon adding anti-human serum to the series of dilutions. He moreover found that human blood which had been dried 4 weeks on a board, could be readily distinguished by means of anti-human serum from the blood of the horse and ox. Wassermann and Schiitze (18. II. '01), a few days later, reported having examined 23 bloods, none of which reacted to anti-human serum except human blood and that of a baboon, the reaction in the ' I prefer to refer to these antibodies as precipitins for the reason that the term conveys a definite meaning with regard to the appearances observed in their reactions. The term agglutinin has been used with a definite meaning hitherto, and it can only lead to confusion to include precipitins under agglutinins even assuming that the antibodies are identical, which is unproved. The same objection holds for the term coagulins (see p. 17). Tests with Precipitins 383 latter case taking place much more slowly and to a lesser degree than in human blood. Bloods of different species of animals, dried on knives, linen, etc., when dissolved in saline solution after 3 months, and cleared by filtration, gave specific reactions. In making their tests they took about 5 — 6 c.c. of salt solution for the solution of a dried blood drop of about the size of a sixpence, adding about -5 c.c. of antiserum to 5—6 c.c. of the blood dilution, the mixture being afterwards placed at 37° C. Under these conditions marked reaction had taken place within 20 minutes. The lists of bloods tested by the above authors will be found on page 162. Uhlenhuth (25. iv. '01) next reported that his anti-human serum had served to identify human blood which had been dried 3 months. Six samples of blood obtained from human cadavers and from healthy persons, were allowed to putrefy, control tests being made with the putrid bloods of the sheep, pig, horse, donkey, ox, cat, dog, goose, fowl, hare, rabbit, deer. Solutions of these putrid bloods gave specific reactions (see p. 119 et seq. also Plate and explanation at the end of this section). All the bloods smelt of sulphuretted hydrogen, the reaction being slightly alkaline. To obtain clear solutions, the bloods were filtered through Berkefeld filters, the sterile filtrate being diluted. A blood which had undergone putrefaction for 3 months still reacted specifically to its antiserum. Faintly alkaline blood solutions con- taining a small amount of soap, menstrual urine, human blood spots on snow for two weeks (- 10° C), blood containing CO-haemoglobin, albuminous, and especially pus-containing human urine, all reacted to human antiserum, other bloods not doing so. Nuttall (11. V. '01), working independently, found antihuman serum to cause specific precipitation in human blood which had undergone putrefaction for 2 months. Bloods dried for 2 months and kept at room temperature, or at 37° G. in the dark, and bloods exposed for a week in the sun, gave specific reactions, as did also blister-fluid, nasal secretion and human tears, the latter however to a slight degree only. On the other hand, old horse serum (31 months in the laboratory, preserved with trikresol) and human pleuritic exudate (6 months in the laboratory) yielded effective antisera when injected into rabbits. He drew attention to the reactions occurring in the bloods of allied animals which he had tested. The allied species whose bloods reacted to antiserum for human blood were man and 2 species of monkey, whilst ox and sheep bloods reacted to both anti-ox and anti-sheep sera, the most marked reactions being obtained when an antiserum acted upon its homologous blood. 384 Medico-Legal Ziemke (27. vi. '01) next published an extensive series of tests possessing especial medico-legal interest. Using anti-human serum, he tested bloods which had been dried for years. Human blood dried for 2 years, reacted in 3 hours by clouding, the cloud persisting after 24 hours. Ox blood dating from 1863, 1869, 1876 gave no reaction with anti-human senxm either at room temperature or at 37° C. Human bloods dried on various fabrics and dating from 1878 to 1899 (shirting, gauze, linen) were extracted with soda solution and gave reactions after several hours, excepting a sample of the year 1883 which did not go into solution. None of the samples gave more than a clouding which persisted 24 hours. Of the other bloods tested by way of control (sheep, calf, pig, dog, ox, horse, rabbit) and which had been dried 2 months on linen, only the rabbit blood gave a slight " Opazitat." Human blood mixed in garden earth since 1898 and 1900, gave a slight but distinct clouding which persisted after 24 hours. This blood was soluble in soda solution, not soluble in saline. As controls he used the bloods of the horse, ox, sheep, calf and pig, which had been kept in garden earth for 8 weeks, but none of these gave a reaction. Soda solution of human blood from a case of CO-poisoning, kept 8 weeks on linen and in earth gave a moderate reaction in one hour, the clouding persisting 24 hours ; saline dilutions gave negative results. Human blood dried on instru- ments such as a rusty knife (1896) and clean axe (1896), gave moderate reactions in 1 hour, clouding persisting after 24 hours. He only used soda dilutions, finding that rust and soda solution alone produced no reaction. Washed human blood-stains, still possessing a pale yellow colour (1883) gave slight clouding in one hour, control tests with rust- spots on linen were negative. Human blood from a white-washed cellar wall (1899), gave rather marked clouding in 3 hours, both in soda and saline dilutions ; but he does not state that he controlled the effect of the white-wash. Human blood dried on wooden matches for 1 year, gave moderate reactions in soda dilutions in 3 hours, whilst blood on a tree branch gave a slight clouding in saline solution after 3 hours. Human blood dried 3 months on glass, gave gi-eat clouding after one hour at room temperature. Human blood exposed for 7 months on linen in the open, gave marked clouding in soda dilution in 3 hours at room temperature. Human blood dried 10 years on paper, gave slight clouding in 3 hours in soda dilution. Human blood from a cadaver, 3 days old, gave a great clouding in a few minutes and a flocculent precipitum after 24 hours at 37° C. Putrid human blood, diluted in saline and tested at 37° C. reacted, whereas putrid pigeon. Tests with Precipitins 385 fowl, goose, ox and pig blood did not. He gathered the impression that the older the blood, the less intense is the clouding, for he never obtained a regular precipitum with old dried blood. I have noted elsewhere that there are drawbacks to using soda solution, because of the pseudo-reactions it may give (see pp. 64 and 83), also to the necessity of observing a " time limit," facts which detract from the value of Ziemke's observations. He did not state that controls were used in all his tests, nor that the control bloods were also diluted with soda solution. Uhlenhuth (25. vii. '01) next reported experiments upon blood- stained articles. He obtained positive reactions with human blood- stains on a stick (1900), blood-stained sand (1896), a stain on cotton (1897), a stain on a coat and pair of trousers (1901), and on a hatchet (1900), upon adding anti-human serum to saline solutions of these bloods. With anti-pig serum he obtained positive reactions with pig blood-stains on linen (anti-human, anti-sheep, anti-horse sera gave no reaction), also with blood dried since 1897. Anti-pig serum gave a reaction with a mixture of sheep and pig blood (dried 1889), also with solutions of the organs of a pig, dried 18 months. I have noted my observations on reactions in mixed bloods (1. vii. '01) on p. 140. Uhlenhuth found that wash-water, containing carbolic acid, sublimate, and soap, gave positive reactions with anti-human serum when it contained human blood, the same being the case with blood containing 3 */o borax, and blood-soaked garden earth after the expiration of 3 months. The observations of Dr Graham-Smith, in this laboratory, do not confirm the results of Uhlenhuth's tests in the presence of carbolic acid, and of soap (see p. 82). The fact that monkey bloods give similar, though less reactions than human blood upon the addition of anti-human serum, may not be a matter of any importance in most countries, where monkeys are not indigenous. Nevertheless it might happen that a murderous organ- gi-inder, or perchance a similarly inclined keeper of monkeys, backed by a well-instructed defence, would claim that suspected blood-stains were not human but derived from a monkey. On the other hand, Mr Hankin of Agra informed me, as stated in my paper of 21. xi. '01, of a case in India which had come to his notice, where it appeared essential to make a test to determine if certain blood-stains were caused by human or monkey blood. As I stated at the time, it would be necessary in such cases to be provided with an antiserum for the most prevalent genera or species of monkeys belonging to such a region. My tests with anti- K. 25 386 Medico-Legal monkey serum (p. 169) have clearly shown that such an antiserum would give a greater reaction with monkey blood, so that by tests conducted with both antisera, there should be no especial difficulty in determining to which primate the blood belongs. In his papers of later date, Uhlenhuth (11-18 viii. '02 and '02 a) reports at length upon a large number of tests made for medico-legal purposes, these proving the value of the method. As it is impossible to give his results in detail, those especially interested will have to refer to the original papers. The lists of tests in both papers are the same, and include 5 tests mentioned in his paper of 25. vii. '01, already cited, 16 further cases being given. Leaving out of consideration the 5 cases above referred to, he obtained positive results in the following : (6) Blood stain several years on linen, tested with anti-pig serum, gave a reaction, not so with anti-sheep, anti-horse, anti-human serum. Professor Beumer subsequently informed him that the stain was due to pig blood. (7) Dried blood (1897) acted similarly, also subsequently .''tated to be pig blood by Beumer. (8) Dried blood mixture (1899). reacted to both anti-pig and anti-sheep serum, diagnosis recognized as correct by Beumer, who, as in the other cases, supplied the specimens with- out letting Uhlenhuth know what they were until after he reported the result of his tests. (9) Blood-stain on paper found in puddle of blood on a road, reacted to anti-pig serum, a suspicion of murder being thus removed. (10) Blood-stains on penknife and handkerchief, medico-legal case, diagnosis human blood, subsequently confirmed by prisoner, who stabbed a man with the knife, explaining the spots on the handkerchief as due to his own nose having bled. (11) Blood -stains on trousers and shirt, sent from Landgericht Munich and relating to a case of rape, diagnosis human blood. (12) Shavings from a blood-stained box, same source as preceding, tests negative with anti-human, anti-sheep, and anti-horse serum, further tests not made, and subsequently discovered that the stains were due to roebuck blood. (13) Blood-stained waistcoat and trousers, the owner being suspected of having killed some sheep, tests negative with anti-sheep, positive with anti-fowl, and it was subsequently proved that he had killed a fowl a day before the sheep-killing. (14) Blood-stained wood-shavings from a floor, sent from Braunschweig in connection with a murder case, reaction with anti-human serum, murderer subsequently confirmed this. (1.5) Two samples of blood- stained cloth sent by Prof. Minovici (Medico-legal Institute, Bucharest), and 11 other articles, all blood-stained, were correctly diagnosed as sub- sequently reported by Minovici. (16) Blood-stained coat, tests negative Tests with Precipitins 387 with anti-human and anti-pig sera, subsequently proved to be roebuck blood-stains, medico-legal case at Marklissa. (17) Dried blood sent from Luxemburg, diagnosed human, subsequently proved to come from a suicide. The blood had been found in front of a house where the suicide lived, the body having been thrown into the Mosel (whence it was recovered) by his relatives who wished to keep the fact hidden that the man had committed suicide. (18) Blood-stains on wool-fragments from waistcoat and basket for carrying wood, diagnosed as human, confirmed by evidence in court. (19) Blood-stained trousere, diagnosis fowl blood. Prisoner suspected of stealing chickens, had claimed the spots to be due to rabbit blood ; microscopic examination of the stains had however shown the presence of elliptical corpuscles. Comparative tests made with other avian bloods (goose, duck) showed the reaction to take place much more slowly and feebly with these bloods. (I doubt that such tests to distinguish avian bloods medico-legally can have much value, in view of my results, see p. 200.) The diagnosis confirmed in the course of the trial. (20) Three shirts and a handkerchief in connection with a murder, human blood proved to be spattered on two of the shirts. (21) Blood-stained trousers, shirt, stockings from a murder case at Strass- burg Landgericht, diagnosis human blood, the prisoner having claimed that the blood came from a cow which had knocked off a horn. (22) Blood- stains on numerous articles of clothing were diagnosed to be human and from sheep. It was subsequently proved in court that the man had committed a murder, also that he had slaughtered some sheep two weeks before the murder. Uhlenhuth (18. IX. '02, p. 679) does not attach any particular im- portance to the weaker or stronger reactions which occur in dilutions of dried blood, depending upon the length of time the blood has been dried. He makes control tests upon material as far as possible of similar age. So as to have such material of different ages on hand for this purpose, he dries sterile bloods of various kinds in Petri dishes, and stores the dried scales in test-tubes, a method by no means as convenient nor as compact as mine, where the blood is allowed to dry on filter-paper which it has saturated (see p. 63). The generalized reactions obtained with anti-bovine sera with different bovine bloods, will apparently make it unnecessary in most cases to prepare special antisera for the blood of each bovine species, for we have seen that antibovine sera produce marked, in some cases almost equivalent reactions in the blood dilutions of different species of Bovidae. Uhlenhuth reached this conclusion, although he has examined but three bovine 25—2 388 Medico-Legal bloods in this respect (ox, sheep, goat). The very large number of bloods, both of Bovidae and Cervidae, examined by me and reported upon in part in earlier papers (see pp. 183 — 192, 252 — 258) show that either anti-cervine or anti-bovine sera will usually suffice for the identification of a blood as belonging to the group Pecora. I suspect therefore that Uhlenhuth's anti-sheep serum used in Case 12 must have been weak, for I have obtained quite marked reactions with roebuck blood upon the addition of anti-sheep serum, although the reaction was naturally less intense than with the sheep blood. In medico-legal work, Uhlenhuth states that he would proceed to test the blood dilutions with the different antisera in succession, until a positive reaction is obtained. I should however warn against adding different antisera in succession to the same blood sample. The reasons being that no time limit is observable for the reaction which one or the other antiserum may give, the first antiserum may give a "mammalian reaction" which will be attributed to the last antiserum added, or finally, the increasing serum concentration due to having added several antisera, will mask the reaction. I have already drawn attention to the fact that over-powerful anti- sera may be a source of error (p. 74) in medico-legal work, as is also stated by Uhlenhuth. Reaction should take place within a few minutes after antiserum and blood-dilution have been mixed. Uhlenhuth properly dwells upon the necessity of every antiserum used being provedly effective, and to insure this he considers, as does also Ziemke, that the preparation and testing of antisera for medico-legal purposes should be under State control. The use of weak antisera, which require a period of 24 hours, or the like, to exert their action should certainly be condemned for medico-legal work. A great many bloods may react to an antiserum after such a lapse of time, and there may be bacterial development (see p. 86). I have not infrequently observed, and this has been con- firmed by Ziemke, that quite a marked clouding may occur which does not necessarily lead to a deposit after 24 hours. This result is recorded in my protocols, no deposits being noted at times under bloods which gave even marked cloudings. In my short tables which summarise the contents of those at the end, I found it necessary to give, for instance, equal value to, say a marked clouding, leading to little or no deposit, and to a faint clouding leading to a deposit. In my investigations, of course, the main thing was to see if any blood-i-elationship could be established, the question of identification was of secondary importance. Tests with Precipitins 389 Biondi (1902) obtained reactions with blood stains on rasty knives, on leather, and on fabrics exposed to the rain. Blood stains washed 15 and 30 minutes at 70° and 80° C. respectively gave no reaction, whereas they had to be washed some hours at low temperatures to remove all traces of blood as evidenced by the reaction with antiserum. He found that strong acid, 5 minutes contact with 5Vo carbolic, and 1 : 1000 sublimate or chloride of lime, caustic potash, soap, and borax destroyed the reacting substance. Whittier (18. I. '02) and Wood (24. iv. '02) have used the precipitin test in medico-legal cases in America with positive result. Okamato (x. 1902) testing various human blood-stains obtained negative results in about | of them, all animal bloods giving negative results when tested by anti-human serum. He found very old and putnd blood generally to give a negative result. The piipers of several other authors, bearing indirectly upon this subject, will be found mentioned under the tests with various haematosera p. 161 et seq. In some tests which I conducted together with Mr Sanger and which are mentioned in his Thesis' (23. xii. '02) it was found in several instances that blood spots on leather, owing to the varying acidity of leather, at times gave pseudo-reactions, that is, such blood dilutions gave a clouding upon the addition of any serum. Sanger found that it was possible to neutralize this acidity and obtain positive specific reactions, neutralization being effected by the addition of '1 "/o sodium carbonate. The studies ujion the effect of various agents on blood were continued by Graham-Smith, and are cited fully on pp. 76 — 86, 390 et seq. Farnum (28. xii. 1901) obtained antisera by injecting semen intra- peritoneally into rabbits, or using testicular emulsions, derived from man, dog, and bull. The injections were made at intervals of 5 — 6 days, the rabbits receiving 5 — 8 injections of 5 to 10 c.c. at a time. The antisera were specific, when tested on the semens mentioned. Anti- human serum produced a reaction with human serum dried as long as 34 days. Layton (1903, p. 220) obtained positive results with anti-human serum tested on fresh human blood-stains on cloth and filter-paper, old, dried stains on cloth, newspapers, filter-paper, putrid blood and blood soaked in earth. Also with human blood mixed with others as in Nuttall's earlier experiments. He does not state the age of the blood- stains he tested. 1 Incorporated in the Paper by Graham-Smith and Sanger, the main results of which are reprinted in this book, having appeared in the Journal of Hygiene, toI. ni. 1903, 390 Medico-Legal Finally Austin (12. in. '03) in a paper on "the limitations of the Uhlenhuth test for the differentiation of human blood" showed that " other fluids of the human body, like effusions and exudates, were of little value " in the production of antisera. These facts, however, can have no bearing on the test in its medico-legal aspect, and but confirm the observations of others. Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, pp. 269 — 272) at my suggestion examined a number of articles obtained through the courtesy of Mr Henry, Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Scotland Yard. The objects in question all possessed forensic interest. They consisted of various weapons and blood-stained fabrics. These authors found that blood which had been dried many years (see also p. 119 et seq.) could still be tested by means of precipitins. I quote the following from their publication which appeared in the Journal of Hygiene. A. Blood dried on metal. " The results of experiments on 17 samples covering a period of 30 years, are arranged according to age in the following table. The number after each specimen refers to the catalogue of the Scotland Yard museum, and a short description of each is given in the appendix. The reactions of all were neutral. The following table refers entirely to weapons which had been preserved from rusting by the application of oil to the surface of the metal. This process had caked the blood into black masses, making it frequently difficult to say whether the mass consisted of blood and oil or rust and oil. In the majority of cases however it was possible to make certain of scraping off some blood. The material thus obtained was extracted with distilled water, and subsequently an equal volume of 1*2 "/o salt solution added to it. If necessary the solution was filtered through filter-paper, and tested in the way described. Excellent results were obtained from these materials, and showed conclusively that the property of producing a precipitum with its appropriate antiserum is not lost by blood dried on metal even after 30 years have elapsed. In one case. No. 11, however, no reaction was obtained ; the negative result was probably due to little or no blood being present on that part of the knife which was examined. The condition of the weapon was such that it was impossible to be certain that the material scraped from it was blood, but it was thought better to include it in the series. Tests with Precipitins 391 t a. a M H '. a . J3 CO « a> o CO a * rt 03 o ^ sx o cq H rii ■A u o s? a a a H a fl w a> 3 O 5 ■= O S"^ ?C S .i TJ 0^ - 3 — ■ s * o o o ■s1.ll & S HH :>- 00 efi a 5 •s EH •s ■a" iz; o o a 2 a a e o o S li a — a 1 3 ■s'o .s o ■S ^ .a a a § ■g a ■3 S I i •H •a S a a - "2 O e3 u a -s •2 f s.g ''•5 o — t rH 11 (M o J3 s j3 V QQ a a ji M M O Q BO — 5 tS n5 t-» ^ ^_^ . — ■ ^— • Eh o 5 O P^ c 392 Medico-Legal so as to point out the possibility of a mistake occurring under such circumstances. It appears that the effect of oil on blood is to lessen the reaction. This is probably due to the blood being coated with a film of oil, and therefore not so easily passing into solution. B. Blood dried on organic materials. The experiments quoted below have been inserted here to show the effects of age on blood dried on organic fabrics, but further experiments (p. 394) indicate some of the fallacies which may arise from the character of the materials. It happened, however, that in the specimens chosen few were of such a character as to give rise to possibilities of error. The blood-stained materials tabulated below were all obtained from Scotland Yard, and with them two series of tests were conducted, the antiserum employed in the second being more powerful than that in the first. In the first series very small quantities were employed, but in the second the amount in each case was slightly greater. It was, however, not found possible on either occasion to obtain more than very small fragments, and, moreover, none of the specimens, with the exception of No. 11, were markedly encrusted with blood. The one exception, a specimen of hair, 28 years old, was in some parts thickly plastered, and gave well-marked reactions with each antiserum. The following table shows that numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 11, or 64 °/o of the whole, gave well-marked reactions, their ages varying from 3 to 28 years. In No. 5 the paper was badly burnt and the capacity for reacting was probably destroyed by the heat. Nos. 7 and 10 produced alkaline solutions, and in each case the reaction with anti-human serum was very slight. This was probably due to the retarding influence of the alkali, which has been discussed on p. 79 et seq. At the time these experiments were carried out we were not aware of this action of alkalis. The negative result of No. 9 may have been due to its acidity. No. 12 failed to react, but we were unable to discover any reason for this. The controls in all cases were negative. As so little material was available the results may be looked upon as most satisfactory, for it can scarcely be doubted that more distinct reactions would have been obtained had it been possible to make more extensive use of the specimens." Tests with Precipitins 393 1* 1 : = : r : : : : : CD 09 1 SI hI a a o to a a .9 a o 00 a a 00 a 1 00 m DO f-H 8 m ira U5 1 1 •i W3 o .y a U3 1 3 O o 7i 1 3 _o t pH 50 iH -o 'eJ n3 o 1 e8 ■< a o 3 O O 13 •a ^ S i « u •3 a a •3 a ■a g = ^ 'O is a ^ s a . k'S a Q a 00 a n 00 fl 9 2 » s o g a .a •c a 1 en a ■a 3 S ■a" -a s a ^ "o d J! 3 o 3 O is = < -13 a a -s a a 1 ■a aca g =3 -3 3| 1 a IV a - o a "3 1 3 V a : : « a is •3 : M 1 I'M s = b i£ K M "3 1* c3 a 1 : : : = is "a 08 S J I ll 1 r = : ' : = •1 1 .a 1 § OG U 1 I - - - ' - ' - * •* " •■ CO S 1-1 1-1 1-t S g $ 00 I ^1 "o "o 'S 13 (>• g. ■s ^ - o S ^ 1 % •n Si a •c a o 1 2 O a 5 ■a •a 1 B .1 eS o a •^ a. fi c^* m •* ui X t^ 00 o> d -J «■ 394 Medico-Legal Graham-Smith and Sanger (1903, p. 287) further studied the in- fluence of various materials upon the blood with which they had been in contact. They reported upon their results as follows : Experiments upon the detection of blood dried on fabrics. (See Plate and explanation p. 402.) "In order to determine to what extent the composition of different cloths influenced blood which had dried on them we procured a number of samples. Human blood was dropped upon these so as to leave some patches unafifected and others saturated. Subsequently the specimens were allowed to dry under natural conditions and were left undisturbed at room temperature and in the light for at least 30 days ; some were not tested for nine months. First a series of control tests were carried out on unstained pieces of cloth in the following way. Small pieces 1x2 cms. were soaked overnight in 2 c.c. of distilled water. In the morning an equal quantity of double normal salt solution was added and the condition and reaction to litmus of the extract recorded. The majority of samples was found to be nearly neutral, some were distinctly alkaline, whilst most of the coarser materials were acid. About '6 c.c. of each extract, if necessary after filtration, were placed in small test-tubes and 1 drop of serum added. No cloudings were noticed except in the markedly acid specimens. After neutralisation with sodium carbonate these also produced no effect on the serum. Certain solutions, especially the acid ones, were found to be opalescent, or slightly cloudy, before the addition of serum, but it was noticed that neutralisa- tion tended to make these clearer. In all our experiments we have avoided shaking the extracts, as we frequently observed deposits and cloudy precipitates at the bottom of the tubes, which in some cases were very difficult to remove by filtration. After removing the supernatant fluid in solutions containing blood the tubes were, however, shaken to ascertain whether sufficient serum was in solution to produce marked foaming. In testing for blood, stained patches were treated in the way described above and neutralised if necessary. Two small tubes of each solution were prepared. To one was added one drop of anti-human serum and to the other a drop of anti-ox serum. The results of some of these experiments are given on the opposite page. Tests with Precipitins 895 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a a 4* 1 a 9 a ■a s 5 ■« a I .1 J3 3 .f a o -3 p. 2 •£ g o I S i I P3 O CO O OS CO s o 2 ec S ^ C -« .s OQ P3 O t- X S5 2 ■" 3 § n J3 396 Medico-Legal The detection of blood-stains on leathei'^. Several observations have been made with various samples of leather, which have been placed under a separate heading to more fully bring into prominence their peculiarities. It was found that nearly all gave acid reactions on solution. The degree of acidity, however, varied greatly, chamois leather being alkaline, suede kid glove only slightly acid, and the coarser leathers very decidedly acid. The addition of a drop of serum to the acid solutions produced clouding, and even coagulation with extracts of the coarser leathers. The latter also gave rise, especially if shaken, to bulky deposits in the original solutions. Nearly all the solutions of leather could be neutralised and the blood test satisfactorily employed. One class of leather was, however, a marked exception, namely, thick polished yellow leather. Solutions of this gave rise to extremely acid yellow fluids, whose colour deepened on the addition of alkali. It was found impossible to obtain the specific test for blood dried on it. At first it was thought possible that the blood was destroyed by the acid after solution, and extracts were made in alkaline salt solution to neutralise this effect. Even under these conditions no positive results could be obtained. Up to the present although many meth(jds have been tried we have been unable to devise one which gives satisfactory results, and are forced to conclude that the mode of preparation of such leathers produces conditions which destroy the blood in contact with them. Under favourable conditions, when blood has been thickly deposited on the surface, it might, however, be possible to scrape it off and obtain a positive reaction. In the following table all solutions when necessary were neutralised, and filtered, before the addition of anti-human serum. A series of experiments was also made to determine the effects of boot-blacking and polish. Blood-stains blackened over were hard to detect on the boot, but by neutralisation and filtration clear solutions could be obtained, and yielded well-marked reactions. Polish also made no difference to the test. Experiments with saline solutions of tannin show that it has a very deleterious action on serum, rendering the application of the test when it is present in large quantities impossible. Solutions of 1 in 20 to 1 See also p. 79 et seq. regarding tlie effects of acids on bloods, and Plate and explanation on p. 402. Tests with Precipitins 397 1 in 500 produce instant coagulation of the serum, and 1 in 1000 produces marked clouding. Con- dition Colour Ee- action Anti-ox Anti-human . Material Unneutrallsed NeutmUnd Ifimina 34 houn IS mina. 34hra. IS mina. Mhoun Chamois leather clear clear neutral medium medium Su^de kid glove cloudy slightly _ _ reaction good deposit large White „ „ clear yellowish acid acid slight cloud Blight cloud — — reaction II deposit 11 Boot 11 It .. » slight deposit If — — If If Leather from in- side shoe cloudy " very acid i» — — If » Patent leather Yellow leather If If coagu- lation deposit cloud oload cloud cloud Detection of blood on materials not previously mentioned. Ten examples of wall paper of various textures and colours, red, brown, yellow, blue, and green, were tested and gave typical reactions. All produced neutral solutions, some of which were tinted. Extracts of blood dried on various kinds of paper, stones, flint, slate, coal, cork, string, straw, rubber, linoleum, as well as silver and copper coins, yielded satisfiictory results. Although one piece of oak on which blood had been thickly incrusted gave a marked reaction with anti-human serum, we failed to obtain any reaction with blood on two blocks of cedar and pine. The quantity present on each of these was exceedingly small, and the negative result was probably due to this cause. These experiments demonstrate that many substances in common use give acid solutions. In most instances the acidity is not so marked as to be of importance, but in some, unless recognised and neutralised might be liable to lead to grave error. Extracts of certain substances are sufficiently alkaline to impede the reaction. 398 Medico-Legal The detection of blood in the presence of lime, mortar, and earth. The wide distribution of these substances rendered it necessary to investigate their action on blood, since in medico-legal practice it might often be necessary to test blood dried on, or mixed with, these materials. Solutions of earthy salts, mortar, and lime of various strengths were made in salt solution and tested qualitatively with various antisera to determine their action on serum. These actions vary to some extent with the quantity of serum added. In the following table the quantity added was one drop, since this was the unit chosen for qualitative experiments. Dilutions Saturated jSOmins. solution* (24 hrs. 1 : 10 I 1 : 100 I 1 : 1000 I 1 : 10,000 o s o Si OX! I it JPh 3 a. < 1 :25 + D * Where saturated solutions are mentioned the dihitions are 1 signs used here are described on p. 338. II 10 etc. of tliese. The The addition of serum to strong solutions of lime resulted in a general clouding, which later gave place to a dense cloud below, which would be hard to distinguish from a positive reaction. Mortar gave rise to a similar but smaller clouding. Calcium chloride and sodium and calcium phosphates caused cloudings in very strong solutions only. The actions of caustic soda and potash in certain solutions are very marked, and are referred to on pp. 83, 85. They are briefly mentioned here owing to their presence in earth. At this point it should also be noted that strong lime and calcium solutions give rise on standing, even after filtration, to deposits of the salt at the bottom of the tube and a filmy layer on the surface. It was found, however, that the difficulty in testing due to the presence of lime in mortar, plaster, and earth, could generally be Tests with Precipitins 399 eliminated in the following way. Solutions of all of the above substances were allowed to stand till the excess had settled to the bottom. The supernatant fluid was then pipetted off and filtered. Carbon dioxide giis generated by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on chalk, and washed by passing through distilled water, was next passed through the fluid and the latter again filtered to free it fix)m the presence of the precipitated calcium carbonate. By this procedure clear filtrates could be obtained in most cases, which remained so for an indefinite period, and produced no cloudings on the addition of sera. The following formula explains the reaction : Ca (OH), + CO, = Ca CO, + H,0. Too much of the gas must not however be passed into the solution owing to the fact that excess of CO, rendere the insoluble carbonate again soluble : Ca CO, + H,0 + CO, = Ca H, (CO,),. By quantitative experiments it was found that though this process caused a deposition of blood pigment from blood solutions, yet the property of producing precipitation on the addition of appropriate antisera was not in any way affected. The action of dry and wet lime, etc. Lime was intimately mixed with human blood and then spread on porcelain and exposed to the action of air for three months. The resulting compound turned a greenish colour. Solutions of this gave an immediate clouding on the addition of serum. After the passage of C0„, however, and subsequent filtration, no reaction could be obtained with anti-human or other serum. Under these conditions it seems that unslaked lime completely destroys the reacting power of blood in contact with it. Quantitative experiments over a shorter period bring out the destructive quality of lime and mortar very markedly. To ascertain the action on semm of dry and wet lime, mortar, brick, earth, etc. weighed quantities of one gramme of each were mixed with 1 c.c. of human serum and allowed to act for 4 days. Similar mixtures but with 10 c.c. of water added were also prepared and allowed to stand for 4 days, to determine whether any different action was excited by these materials in the presence of water. At the end of this period all were made up to 1 : 21, by the addition in the former case of 20 c.c. of normal, and in the latter of 10 c.c. of double normal siilt solution. 400 Medico- Legal After applying the method of removing lime which has just been described quantitative estimations (Method, p. 315) were made. Anti- Anti- Material human Anti-ox »/o Material human Anti-ox % 1. Control ■0403 — 100 6. Earth idry •0244 tr 61 2^ Chalk Idry ■0367 tr 91 (wet •0291 tr 72 (wet •0357 tr 89 7. White i^ 3. RpH brick \dry •0281 tr 70 brick dry •0262 tr 65 4. Pasteur jwet jdry •0347 •0309 tr tr 86 77 8. Mortar jdry (wet tr •0028 tr tr 7 filter jwet •0319 tr 79 9. Lime dry tr tr 5. Berkefeld filter Idry (wet •0291 •0291 tr tr 72 72 wet tr tr The above table shows that all the materials used in this series produced slight effects on the serum, but that mortar and lime completely destroyed its power of reacting. All had been ground up very finely before the addition of the serum. The effects of the lime present in ordiwiry earths. The next point of importance was to determine whether the amount of lime present in ordinary earths was sufficient to interfere to any serious extent with the reaction. For this purpose 9 samples of analysed earth were obtained, five from a field of gravelly land near Trowse, divided into five plots, and the others from different localities. The results of the analyses of these earths dried at 100° C. are given in the following table, arranged according to the percentage of lime present. We are indebted to Mr T. B. Wood for these analysed earths. I. Trowse, plotl II. Trowse. plot 2 111. Trowse, plots IV. Trowse, plot 4 V. Wryde clay VI. Need ham salt VII. Trowse, plots VIII. Bentwick fen IX. Uttleport fen Total lime Organic matter, loss ) by ignition J •91 a •62 1^01 516 143 5^27 1^46 6 -52 1^48 14^48 1^57 5-40 1-97 6-31 2 95 39^35 4^39 50^82 Calcium carbonate Total phospboric acid Total potash Total nitrogen 116 ■16 •13 •15 1-39 ■18 •14 •11 1^94 •16 •13 •14 1'98 •18 ■14 •53 •37 132 •24 •19 •31 •24 3 06 •20 •13 •13 •30 •63 142 •28 •56 1^8 Strong solutions of the above after simple filtration were at first clear but showed a white filmy deposit after standing. The quantity of this increased with the percentage of the lime present. On the addition of anti-human serum a thin cloud spread through the entire Testa with Precipitins 401 solution and gradually deepened, being considerably denser in No. IX than in No. I. After the passage of COj and filtration every solution was clear, with the exception of V and VIII, and produced no deposit on standing. The two mentioned were opalescent. No clouding occurred on the addition of anti-human serum. Two sets of quantitative experiments were carried out with these soils. In the first 1 c.c. of finely divided soil was placed in a test-tube with 1 c.c. of human pleuritic exudate and 5 c.c. of water. After 4 days 5 c.c. of double normal salt solution were added to each, making a dilution of 1 in 11 of pleuritic exudate. In the second series 1 c.c. of dry earth was allowed to act for 4 days on 1 c.c. of pleuritic exudate. At the end of this period the specimens were diluted to 1 in 11 with salt solution. These solutions were treated with COj as described, and the precipita measured quantitatively. Earth solution Percentage of lime Quantity of predpitum, mean of tlie two observations Percentage Control anti-ox No. I. •91 •0404 100 — No. 11. 1-01 •0394 97^5 — No. m. 1-48 •0319 78 •g — No. IV. 1-46 •0389 962 — No. V. 1-48 •0241 59^6 — No. VI. 1-67 •0258 63 3 — No. VII. 1-97 •0389 96-2 — No. vm. a -95 •0314 11-1 — No. IX. 4-89 •0383 94^8 — The above table shows that the quantity of precipitum obtained did not decrease in proportion to the increase of the lime, which was apparently never present in sufficient quantity to materially affect the reaction. Excess of potash probably accounts for the low figures obtained in No. V, and possibly No. VIII (p. 83). In neither of these could a clear solution be obtained. Whatever may be the cause of the variations in the quantity of precipitum obtained, these experiments go to show that blood mixed with ordinary earth can be readily detected if present in sufficient quantity and that its specific character remains unaltered. From our experiments on earth and lime salts we have drawn the following conclusions: (1) that the intimate mixture of lime with blood completely destroys the latter; (2) that a clouding occurs in the 26 M. 402 Medico-Legal solution of earth on the addition of serum ; (3) that this is due principally to the presence of lime salts ; (4) that the lime can be got rid of and the solution rendered clear, and not liable to clouding, by the passage of CO2 and subsequent filtration ; (5) that the passage of COj in no way interferes with the reaction ; (6) that the quantity of lime present in ordinary earth does not materially affect blood mixed with it. EXPLANATION OF PLATE (Graham-Smith and Sanger). Fig. 1. No. 1 shows the precipitum with normal human serum (1 : 21 in salt solution) and anti-huuian serum (•! c.c). No. 2 with putrid human serum (1 : 21) and antiserum, and No. 3 with normal human serum (1 : 21) and putrid anti-human serum. No. 4 shows a clear solution of human serum in salt solution (1 : 21). No. 5 shows the deposit resulting from the solution of human serum in distilled water (1 ; 21). No. 6 the precipitum formed with human serum diluted with distilled water (1 : 21) and anti-human serum. Nos. 7, 8 and 9 show three capillary tubes such as are used in quantitative measurements, and containing precipitum. Fig. 2 Shows effects of increasing quantities of NaCl on the formation of precipitum; each tube contains '5 c.c. of a 1 in 21 dilution of human serum, and 'Ic.c. of anti-human serum. No. 1 contains -G"/,, of salt, and those following 1 %, 2°/o, ^"lo, ^"Itx ^°lo> 10%, 16%, 18%, and No. 11 is saturated with salt. Results of measurements are given on p. 103. Fig. 8 Shows the specific precipitum in tests for human blood dried for a month on various materials. The lower series shows controls with anti-ox serum. The cloudings in the tubes are due to the opalescence of the solutions ; and the various solid particles are portions of undescended precipitum. No. 1 test for blood dried on silk handkerchief, No. 2 on tweed cloth, No. 3 on black dress fabric, No. 4 on dark green cloth, No. 5 on coarse green cloth, No. 6 on coarse red cloth. No. 7 on kid glove, No. 8 on blanket, No. 9 very coarse sack material. No. 10 on flannel. Nos. 11 — 20 show control tests with anti-ox serum : all negative. The solutions whenever necessary were neutralised before testing. Fig, 4. Nos. 1 to show the effects on serum of dilutions of Hydrochloric acid in salt solutions of strengths of 1 : 10, 1 : 100, 1 : 1000, 1 : 10,000 and 1 : 100,000. No. 1 has a dense white cloud. No. 2 a slight cloud at the bottom, No. 3 a marked cloud, and the others are unaffected. Photographed after 6 hours. Nos. 6 — 10 similarly illustrate the action of Tartaric acid, No. 1 (1 : 10) having a slight cloud. No. 2 (1 : 100) a medium cloud. No. 3 (1 : 1000) a marked cloud, Nos. 4 and 5 (1 : 10,000 and 1 : 100,000) are unaffected, the apparent deposit being due to the light. Nos. 11 — 15 illustrate the action of Nitric acid. No. 1 (1 : 10) shows the coagulum, No. 2 (1 : 100) a very faint cloud. No. 3 (1 : 1000) a medium cloud, and Nos. 4 and 5 are unaffected. Nos. 16 — 20 show the effects of Acetic acid. Nos. 1 and 2 (1 : 10 and 1 : 100) have slight clouds, No. 3 (1 : 1000) a medium cloud, and No. 4 (1 : 10,000) a marked cloud. No. 5 (1 : 100,000) is not affected. BLOOD IMMUNITY 12 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. I. 23 456 78 9 10 11 Fig. 2. 123 4567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fig. 3- PLATE I 12 3 4 7 8 9 10 12 34 56 78 9 10 11 {Reprinted from Journal of Hygiene, Vol. III. So 2) Testa with Precipitins 403 Fig. 5 Illustrates the action of acids and alkalis on the formation of the specific precipitum. All the tubes contain -Sec. of human serum dilution (1 : 21) in salt solution. Noa. 1— S contain 5 to 1 drops of 1 in 10 Hydrochloric acid. No precipitates have been formed. No. 6 did not receive any acid or alkali. Nos. 7—11 contain 1—5 drops of 1 in 10 sodium carbouate solution ; the quantity of precipitum shows a decrease along the series. Nos. 12—22 have been similarly treated but received drops of 1 in 100 acid and alkali respectively. The precipitum is seen to increase from 12 to 16 and decrease from 18 to 22. The slight clouding above the precipitum in each case is due to bacterial growth, the tubes having stood 48 hours. We are indebted to Walter Mitchell, our laboratory attendant, for the time and attention he has bestowed on the photographing of these specimens." Graham-Smith and Sanger (p. 260), as the result of their investi- gations, reach the following conclusion, which I can but endorse : " These experiments have led us to the conclusion that with sufficient materials, and due precaution to exclude the various sources of error, there are but few conditions met with in forensic practice under which human could not be readily differentiated from other bloods. By this, however, we do not mean to imply that a considerable acquaintance with the action of precipitating antisera on blood solutions is not necessary in the successful application of this test." That this conclusion is fully justified is proved by the official recognition of the precipitin method in forensic practice by foreign Governments. Prof Uhlenhuth (19. IX. '03) informs me that the method has been recommended by the Ministers of Justice in Germany and Austria, and that it has been officially recognized by the Govern- ments of Egypt and Roumania. I herewith append a copy of the Order issued by the German Authorities, the same having appeared in the Medicinalhlatt fur Medi- ciner und medicinische Unteri-ichtsangelegenheiten No. 17 (1. X. '03): — Berlin, W. 64, den 8. Sept. 1903. WlLHELMSTRASSK 65. Der Minuter de» geistlichen Vnterrichts und MediciiMlangelegenheiten. U. I, No. 12328 M. Der Juttuminister, I. No. I, 6283. Von dem Stabsarzte Professor Dr. Uhlenhuth in Greifswald ist eine Methode der Blutuntersuchung vermittelt wordeti welche es ermoglicht, die Art des zu untersuchenden Blutes festzu.stellen und namentlich Menschenblut mit Sicherheit von Thierblut zu unterschelden. Bei dor Behaudlung des zu unter- 404 Identification of Meats suchenden Blutes mit Serum aus deni Blute von Kaninchen, denen zuvor Blut anderer Thiere oder Menschenhlut eingespritzt war, ergeben sich bestimmte Erscheinungen wenn das zu untersucheude Blut von deraelben Art ist wie das zuvor den Kaninchen eingespritzte. Es kann desshalb jede Art von Blut, wenn das entsprecheude Serum angewendet wird, bestimmt werden. Die wissenschaftliche Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen hier hat sich iiber den Werth der Methode mit Hervorhebung von deren grossen Bodeutung vi'ie folgt geaussert : " Die Erfahrungen iiber die Serummethode der Blutuntersuchung sind bereits in Deutschland wie im Auslande so ausgedehnte. die Resultate der Forschungen in weseutliohen so iibereinstimmende, dass kein Zweifel mehr dariiber bestehen kann, das diese neue biologische Methode in der Mehrzahl der Fiille mit grosser Sicherheit gestattet, frisches sowie angetrocknetes Blut nach seiner Herkunft zu bestimmen, Menschenblut von Thierblut, Blut vorschiedener Tierarten zu unter- scheiden. Es ist dalier dringend geboten, diese vortreffliche Methode, welche natUrlich die alten bowahrten Methoden des Blutnachweisses nicht verdrangen sondem nur erganzen u. vervollstandigen soil, fur die gerichtliche Praxis allgemein nutzbar zu machen." Als Institute, bei deuen diese Methode seit liingerer Zeit zur Anwenduug gelangt, werden bezeichnet : Das hygienische Institut der Univcrsitiit Greifswald. Das Institut fiir Infektionskrankheiten in Berlin, Nordufer 39. Das Institut fiir Staatsarzneikunde in Berlin. Das Institut fiir e.xperimeutelle Therapie in Frankfurt a/M. Diese Institute werden in erster Linie fiir die Vornahme von Untersuchungen der in Rede stehenden Art empfohlen. Indem ich auf diese Methode der Blutuntersuchung aufraerksam mache, empfehle ich, in alien geeigneten Fallen die Untersuchungen nach ihr ausfiihren zu lassen. Abdriicke dieser Verfiigung sind zur weiteren Mitteilung an die Landgerichts- Prasidenten und die Ersten Staatsanwiilte des dortigen Bezirks beigefiigt. Im Auftrage, gez. ViTSCH. An die Herreu Vorstandsbeamten des Kammergerichts sowie der sammtlichen Oberlandesgerichte. 2. Antisera in the Examination of Meats. From previous observations it seemed natural to conclude that meat extracts would react to corresponding haematosera, for the reason that they contain blood. As was noted on page 385 Uhlenhuth (1901) obtained a positive reaction with anti-pig serum, tested upon the organs of a pig which had been dried for 18 months. Continuing this line of investigation, he obtained positive results with the antisera for pig, sheep, horse, donkey, and cat blood, when these were tested upon the corresponding meats. He found (7. xi. '01) that anti-sheep serum gave Tests with Precipitins 405 almost as much reaction with goat as with sheep, and less reaction with beef extract. The method is of no especial use in the examination of large pieces of meat, for the reason that these can be readily recognized. Tokishige has informed Uhlenhuth that meat is usually sold in small pieces in Japan. Minced meat is sold in most countries. Admixtures of horse, dog, and cat meat can be detected by the precipitin method in minced meat, in sausage, and smoked meat, these of course not having been subjected to cooking. He obtained reactions with pig and horse hams which had been smoked the year before, also with horse siiusage (" Pferdemettwurst "). The method of examination consists in scraping the meat and extracting it with water or saline. It takes a long time to extract the meat in some cases. An extract is suitable for testing when it foams on being shaken. Meat can be more rapidly extracted by adding a small amount of chloroform, extraction being then usually effected in a few minutes. The extract is very cloudy, and has to be cleared by repeated filtration through filter-paper or a Berkefeld filter. If extracted with water, an equal volume of double normal salt solution has to be added to the watery extract before testing this. In testing add 10 — 15 drops of antiserum to 3 c.c. of the saline meat extract. Von Rigler (1902) has used this method in the study of meat- adulteration. He prepared 20"/o watery extracts of the meat of 7 species of animals (roebuck, hare, rabbit, horse, ox, pig, cat) and injected 5 — 10 c.c. thereof every 3 days into rabbits subcutaneously, during one month. Whereas normal rabbit serum had no effect on the meat extracts, the antisera obtained from the treated rabbits were specific, acting on extracts of mixed meats, as also upon some boiled and roasted meats of an homologous kind. Notel (13. III. '02) treated rabbits with horse serum, muscle juice and muscle extract (in '1 "/o soda solution) injecting subcutaneously every 2 to 3 days, amounts of 10 c.c, until 10 to 12 doses had been administered, after which 6 days were allowed to elapse before the rabbits were bled. He obtained the least effective antisera from the serum-treated rabbits *. To obtain clear solutions of muscle, he found it best to extract by means of 1 % soda solution, without disturbing the meat mechanically. He found roasted meat, imderdone in the centre, as also cold-smoked meat, to give positive reactions. Donkey meat reacted like that of the ' Vailed and Nicolas (30. vi. '03) have recently confirmed these observationB, Thev speak of sero-precipitins in contradistinction to muBculo.precipitins. 406 Identification of Bones, etc. horse. He noted that sausage extract alone, when placed at 40° C. for 5 minutes, often becomes clouded in a manner which might lead to mistakes, so it is necessary to use controls. It has not occurred to this author that the soda solution might be responsible for the clouding noted. 3. Antisera in the Examination of Bones. Beumer (1902) has applied the precipitin method to the medico- legal examination of bones, in a case where bone fragments only 1 to 6 cm. long were found in a house which had been destroyed by fire, and it was suspected by the authorities that they might be human. Because of their small size, the fragments could not be determined. The bones were somewhat charred on the outside, remains of soft tissues adhering thereto. After removal of the latter, the bone fragments were placed in saline, where they were allowed to remain 4 days, the fluid foaming then on being shaken. The fluid was now filtered through a Berkefeld filter, and the clear solution thus obtained was tested with anti-human, anti-pig and anti-ox sera, reacting only with anti-ox serum. The con- clusion was therefore obvious. Fresh bones were readily determined by the method, best when the marrow or spongy portions were extracted, more slowly and less surely when cortical substance was used. The addition of chloroform facilitated extraction. Cortical substance was best extracted by sawing the bone through and extracting the bone- dust thus obtained. Beumer found bones which had been exposed for several weeks to the air, to be still determinable by the precipitin method. Boiled bones gave a negative result, as did also roasted or incinerated bones. Schiitze (22. I. '03) has made similar experiments, with regard to the identification of bone fragments by means of antisera. He placed the fragments in 0'857o saline to which "25 "/o soda solution had been added, thus obtaining an extract which gave reactions with an homo- logous antiserum. 4. Antisera in the Examination of Commercial albuminous Prepara- tions containing egg-white, and in the examination of Honey for adulteration. Uhlenhuth (15. xi. 1900) found that the antiserum for the egg-white of the fowl constantly gave negative results with commercial albuminous preparations which did not contain egg-white, the contrary being the Conclusions 407 case where they contained egg-white. The use of such antisera is there- fore suggested where it is desired to prove the presence of egg-white in prepared foods. von Rigler (1902) treated rabbits with honey, in the manner em- ployed when they are immunified with blood. The anti-honey serum only produced precipitation in dilutions of honey, not in those of grape- or cane-sugar. Normal rabbit serum had no such effect. 5. Antisera in the Study of Urine. In the part referring to precipitins and precipitable substances in corpore, I referred to observations on the urine (see p. 133), which I shall not recapitulate. It is obvious that the precipitins may be put to use in the study of assimilation. I would state here that M. Ascoli (11. III. '02) succeeded by means of antiserum for egg-white, in demonstrating the existence of apparently unaltered egg-white in the urine of persons showing albuminuria in consequence of excessive al- buminous diet. Linossier and Lemoine (18. iv. '02) made observations on a young man suffering from orthostatic albuminuria, evidently due to malassimilation, the albumen being derived from non-assimilated food. On giving him cow's milk, traces thereof were found in his urine by means of lactoserum for cow's milk. Conclusions. In view of the mass of material treated of in this book, it is difficult to draw any detailed conclusions. It has been shown that there are many points of resemblance between the different antibodies. The little work which has been done with the haemolysins bears directly upon the immediate subject of this book, namely, the blood-relationship amongst animals, but it is scarcely to be expected, owing to technical difficulties, that the haemolysins will be of such general use in the study of the problem. With regard to the precipitins, it is evident that more scientific methods of treating animals for the production of antisera are called for. Powerful antisera may, however, be produced by intravenous injections of much smaller quantities of serum than have hitherto been used. Care should be exercised with regard to the addition of preser\'atives to anti- sera, and in the use of solvents other than salt solution for the extraction of dried bloods. 408 Conchisions The precipitins and precipitable substances combine quantitatively. The precipitum is soluble in an excess of precipitable substance. Heated antisera cannot be reactivated. The precipitins constitute receptors of the second order (Ehrlich). There is no evidence that the action of precipitins is fermentative. Heated haematoserum (precipitoid) combines with precipitin, and prevents its action upon precipitable substance. There is evidence of the existence of immune-bodies in precipitating antisera. There is no evidence that antisera differ in their ordinary properties from normal sera. The precipitins and pre- cipitable substances are intimately bound up with the globidins in serum, and have not been separated therefrom. The precipitins do not give reactions corresponding to the amount of albumin present in a solution of precipitable substance ; the albumin, to be acted upon, must possess certain specific properties. The presence of even small quantities of acids or alkalis, markedly reduces the amount of precipitum formed, but an increase of salt (NaCl) has little effect. The supernatant fluid in a mixture of antiserum and precipitable substance, after precipitation has taken place, may contain an excess of both interacting bodies. There is evidence that the precipitins may exert a special, but not a specific action on different albumins from the same species of animal. It is doubtful if the precipitins and precipitable substance can withstand tryptic digestion, whereas both are certainly destroyed by peptic digestion. The weight of evidence is against the possibility of preci- pitins being fonned for peptones'. The rate at which interaction takes place between precipitins and precipitable bodies is markedly influenced by temperature, being re- tarded at low temperatures, hastened at higher temperatures. The quantity of precipitum formed is not influenced by the temperature (5 — 37° C.) at which the experiment is made. Undiluted haematosera are but slightly affected by exposure to a temperature of 63° C, ; they are inactivated at 68 — 70°, unaffected at 60° and under. (Bacterio- precipitins are inactivated at 58 — 60° C.) Undiluted normal sera seem to be rendered non-precipitable at a somewhat lower temperature than that which inactivates haematosera. Both interacting bodies resist desiccation. The precipitins are apparently more unstable than the precipitable substances, which may give reactions even when dried many years. Fluid sera, preserved in vitro, may give reactions after being stored 4 or more years ; they appear to deteriorate slightly by > See Appendix, note 2. Conclusiotis 409 keeping. Fluid antisera, sealed in bulbs and kept cold and in the dark, may at times give good reactions after 6 to 14 months. Putrefaction of serum, or antiserum, does not affect the production of a specific precipitum. There is evidence that the precipitin-content of the serum in corpore undergoes fluctuations during immunization, corresponding to those observed in animals under toxin-treatment. The precipitins begin to disappear about 1 month after treatment has ceased. The precipitins disappear from the blood of animals which have undergone prolonged treatment, the animals having become immune. The precipitins may ■ be present in the humor aqueus, and are transmitted to the offspring in utero, whilst they are absent from the urine. The precipitin and precipitable substance may co-exist in corpore, no precipitation ap- parently occurring in the body. The presence of foreign precipitable substance in an animal's serum may be readily demonstrated by means of an antiserum for the foreign substance. No explanation can as yet be given of the marked leucocytosis after injection of a foreign albumin into an animal which has been rendered more or less immune to the albumin. The seat of origin of the precipitins is unknown. The more powerful an antiserum is, the greater is its sphere of action on other bloods. The degree and rate of blood reaction appear to offer an index of the degree of blood-relationship ; in other words, closely related bloods react more powerfully (more precipitum) and more rapidly than do distantly related bloods, provided the latter react at all. The interaction of a precipitin with its homologous blood dilution is not impeded through non-homologous bloods of various kinds being present in the blood-dilution in mixture. The amount of reaction may be expressed in terms of the volumetric measurement of the precipitum produced by mixing known quantities of the interacting substances. An antiserum acts upon a higher dilution of homologous than of non- homologous substance. The strength of an antiserum may be expressed cither in terms of precipitum-volume, or, by giving the highest dilution of blood with which it reacts, the quantities of the interacting substances being stated. The amount of reaction may be affected by altered blood- concentration in diseiise, possibly also by the variation in the alkalinity of the blood in disease, or even in health. There is evidence of iso- precipitins, autoprecipitins, and antiprecipitins being artificially formed in the bodies of treated animals. Certain normal sera may contain precipitins, but these do not possess a specific character. The bacterio-precipitins appear to be distinct from the others 410 Conclusions hitherto studied. In addition to these, various authors have obtained precipitins for the albumin of yeasts, of higher plants (I have grouped these together as "Phytoprecipitins" in contradistinction to the following " Zooprecipitins "), for the casein of different milks (lactosera), also for different bloods, etc. To avoid needless repetition, I will refer the reader to pages 156 to 160, where the results of other authors with lactosera are given. The results of tests with different precipitating antisera are summarized on pp. 214, 335, 353, 359, 361, 403. The general bearing of the investiga- tion from a zoological point of view is considered in the Introduction. In Part II, Section ix., pp. 381 — 407, evidence of the value of the precipitin reaction in legal-medicine, based upon the work of various authors, is given. In conclusion I would add that this investigation must necessarily be regarded as preliminary in character. The exhaustive treatment which our present knowledge of the precipitins has received, should prove of use to others, and I hope that the work done will stimulate many to further investigate the many problems which present them- selves. Like other lines of investigation, this one appeared relatively simple at first; it is evident however now that the phenomena of precipitation are of an exceedingly complex nature. Acknowledgments 411 Acknowledgments . The extensive collection of bloods whose examination forms the main subject of this book, was only rendered possible through the generous aid of some seventy gentlemen throughout the world. I take this occasion to thank them very cordially for the friendly assistjince they have given me in my work. Of the 900 blood samples collected, nearly 200 were brought together by mo personally, some with the aid of our laboratory attendants, 6 by purchase from the Zoological Laboratory at Plymouth ; a few have been contributed by Dr iKtuis Cobbett and Dr Graham-Smith of Cambridge. My work has been especially furthered by Mr Frank E. Beddard, F.R.S., Prosector of the Zoological Society's Gardens, London, under whose direction 224 blood-samples were collected in the course of about two years by his assistant Mr E. Ockenden. Mr Ockenden has been most painstaking and exact in his attention to my directions with regard to the methods of collecting bloods. It is needless to say that I have obtained an invaluable material from this source. Especial thanks are also due to the Hon. N. Charles Rothschild, who personally collected 89 samples of blood in Great Britain, Ceylon and Japan, besides stimulating others to supply me with material. Thus Messrs Brazenor Brothers ("B" in the tables), Naturalists at Brighton, have kindly supplied me with 69 specimens, Mr W. J. Clarke, Naturalist at Scarborough, with 19 specimens, a few being also supplied by Mr Head, Naturalist at Scarborough. Mr Rothschild also put me in communication with a number of gentlemen in different parts of the world. Mr H. M. Phipson, Honorary Secretary of the Bombay Natural History Society, sent me 11 specimens which he had collected. He helped me considerably by circularizing the members of that Society with copies of my letter containing directions for the collection of blood specimens, a tiisk which was continued by Mr W. S. Millard, who assumed his self-imposed duties during Mr Phipson's absence from India. Of the members of this Society, I am indebted to Mr C. H. Donald, of Bhadarwa, Kashmir State, for 29 specimens; Mr Charles M. Inglis, of Tirhut, for 21 specimens ; Mr J. Mason, Curator of the Society, for 8 specimens; Captain H. T. Fulton, of Chitral, for 2; 412 Achiotvledgnients and for one specimen each to Major R. M. Betham, of Akalkote, Deccan; MrC. Fisher, of Chatrapur; Major G. A. Leslie, of Chitral; Mr A. H. A. Simcox, of Akrani, Khandesh ; Captain E. H. Sweet, of Chitral. In addition, M. Wm. Foster, of Sapucay, Paraguay, supplied me with over 26 specimens, a large number of them from Chiroptera ; Herr Kuse, Gamekeeper at Kittendorf in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, sent 20 specimens ; Dr John P. Tulloch, of Cronstadt, Trinidad, sent 18 specimens ; Prof. E. A. Goeldi, Director of the State Museum of Natural History and Ethnography, at Parfl, Brazil, together with his colleague Dr G. Hagmann of the Zoological Gardens at Pari, sent 20 specimens, many from Edentata; Rev. M. C. H. Bird, of Stalham, Norfolk, sent 1.5; Dr Max Lliho, Privatdocent in Zoology, at Konigsberg in Prussia, sent 14 ; Dr Gerald Leighton, of Pontrilas, Hereford, sent 11 (and over, chiefly Reptilian); Mr Farren, Naturalist at Cambridge, supplied me with 11; Mr F. B. Parkinson, F.R.G.S., etc., of Baviaankrantz, Cape Colony, sent 9 (a number of unique specimens) ; Dr H. B. Dodds, Medical Officer at Fort Johnson, British Central Africa, sent 8; Dr G. Langmann, of New York City, sent 8 (at the kind suggestion of Prof T. Mitchell Prudden); Surgeon-Major Leonard Rogers, I.M.S., of Calcutta, sent 8 ; Dr N. P. Schierbeck, Privatdocent in Hygiene at Copenhagen, sent 8 (several from the Zoological Gardens there); Count Carl Otto von Schlieffen-Schwandt, of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, sent 7 (some collected by his gamekeeper); Prof R. P. Bigelow, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A., sent 7 (mostly from fish, collected by Mr C. F. Silvester); Dr Charles Hose, of Baram, Sarawak, sent 6 ; Kammerherr G. von Oertzen, of Mirow in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, sent 5. Five specimens each were sent by Prof F. M. Sandwith, of Cairo, Egypt (collected by Mr Littlewood, Chief Veterinary Inspector to the Egyptian Government); Dr J. R. Garrood, of Alconbury, Hunts., and his friend Mr W. F. Beauford; Dr A. S. Grlinbaum, of University College, Liverpool (Simian bloods); Dr A. B. Dalgetty, late of Madapore, S. Sylhet, India; Prof G. Elliott-Smith, of Cairo (Reptilian). Four specimens each were sent by the Hon. R. E. Dillon, of Clonbrock, Co. Galway, Ireland ; Prof E. O. Jordan, Chicago University. Three each were sent by Dr D. E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington (collected at the Zoological Laboratory of the Bureau); Dr Henry Strachan, Chief Medical Officer at Lagos, W. Africa (Negro bloods); Mr E. G. Wheeler, of Alnwick, Northumberland; Dr Arthur Palmer, of Sydney, N. S. Wales (collected by himself and Dr J. F. Flashman). Two specimens each were supplied by Dr Daniels Acknowledgments 413 of the London School of Tropical Medicine (Mongolian and Indian); Major K. C. Mac Watt, I.M.S., of Ajraur, Rajputana, India; Mr E. F. Robison, of Evergreen, California; Dr R. J. Scharfif, of the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. Finally single specimens were sent me by Dr H. Ainsworth, I. M.S., Bombay ; Professor J. Brunchorst, Director of Bergens Museum, Bergen, Norway (fluid whale blood); Mr E. J. Bles, of King's College, Cambridge ; Dr John Cropper, of Chepstow, Monmouthshire ; Mr William Evans, of Edinburgh ; Captain Stanley Flower, Director of the Government Zoological Gardens, Gizeh, Egypt ; Mr E. H. Hankin, Director of the Government Laboratory, Agra, India ; Dr J. S. Haldane, F.R.S., of Oxford; Mr M. 0. Hedley, of Carievale, N.W.T. Canada; Mr W. Kerr, of Singapore ; Prof John MacFadyean, Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, London (donkey serum); Herr G. von Oertzen, Consul-General to the German Empire at Havre, France (fluid porpoise blood); Prof Sophus Torup, Christiania, Norway (fluid whale serum); Mr I. LI. Tuckett, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Some specimens sent by Dr C. Christy (23 bloods) from Kampala, Uganda, by Mr William Foster (2) from Sapucay, Paraguay, by Dr H. Ainsworth (3), by Captain Flower (1), by the Scottish Antarctic Expedition (5), as well as others (11 specimens) received from the Zoological Society's Gai-dens, London, unfortunately arrived too late to be included in the present work. They will, however, be utilized in due course. My laboratory attendant. Mr Bertie Clarke, has been of great assistance in the routine work connected with this investigation, where 80 much depended upon conscientious attention to details, and I feel it is but fair to include him amongst those to whom I am indebted. The expenses of this investigation have been in part defrayed personally and through two grants, the one from the Government Grants Committee of the Royal Society, the other from the John Lucas Walker Trust, Cambridge. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers referring to the Precipitins are marked with a star *. All citations are from the original papers unless otherwise stated. Papers cited second-hand were inaccessible ; some of these and others which contained no new matter are only cited in the bibliography, the reference being followed by comments. Abderhaldbn, E. (9. x. 1897), Zur quantitativen Analyse des Blutes. Zeitschr. f. physiol. Cheni., Bd. xxiii. pp. 521 — 531. ACHALME, P. (x. 1901), Rechei'ches sur les propriet. 3.36—346. Briot (1900), fitude sur la pr^sure et I'antiprt'sure. Sccaux, 190(1. Thite de la Faculty des Sc. de Paris, No. 4 (cited by Metchnikoff, 1901, p. 116). Buchner, H. (21. V. 1892), Zur Physiologic des Blutserums und der Blutzellen. Centralbl. f. 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VIII. 1900), Reviews of this author's paper read before the Medico-Legal Section of the Intemat. Med. Congress, Paris, to be found under the titles : Bibliography 417 Le diagnostic de taches de sang par lea serums hdmolitiques Bordet (^Bulletin medical, Paris, 8. ix. 1900) ; Moyen de reconnattre I'origine des taches de sang {Revue acientifiqite, 20. x. 1900). Deutsch, L. (21. II. 1901), Ziir Diagnose menschlicher Blutkorperchen. Deuttche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxvii. p. 127 (telegram addres-sed to the Editors regarding his priority in the use of haemolytio antisera foi-eusically). *— (15. V. 1901), Die foronsische Serumdiagnose des Blutes. Centralbl. f. Batteriol., Bd. XXIX. pp. 661—667. Dblezenne, C. (2-9. viii. 1900), Serum antih^patique. XIII Congr. Intemat. de Mdd., Pari.s ; also Compt. rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, 11. viii. 1900. — (x. 1900), Sdruni ntivTotoxiqiies. Ann. de Ulnst. Pasteur, vol. xiv. pp. 686 — 704. •DiEUDONNlS, A. (2. 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I. pp. 34 — 55. Dziergowski (1899), Die Beziehungen der Vcrdauungsfermente zura Antidiphtherie- serum und das Schicksal des letzteren ira Magendarmkanal. Arch, des Sc. biologiques Jittsses, p. 337 (cited by Rostoski, 1902, b. p. 60). Ehrlich, p. (1891), E.xperimentelle Untersuchungen Uber Immunitat. I. Ueber Ricin ; II. Ueber Abrin. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Nos. 32 and 44. * — (22. III. 1900), On immunity with special reference to cell life. Croonian Lecture to the Royal Society, London. * — (1901), Vorbemerkungen aus der Imraunitatslehre. N^othnagePs Specidle Pathol, u. Therap., Bd. viii. Reprint, 6 pages. — (1901), Schlu.s.sbetrachtungen, zu Erkrankungcn des Blutes und der blutbil- denden Organe. Ibid. Reprint, 25 pages, 1 plate. — (1901), Die SchutzstofFe des Blutes. Deutsche med. Woc/tetitcAr., Nos. 50 — 62. Reprint, 27 pages. Ehrlich, P. and Morgenroth, J. (1899—1901). Ueber Haemolysiue (I— VI. Mittheilung). Berliner klin.. Wochenschr. Reprints. Eisenberg, p. (17. 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I. 1901), Uel)er ein biologisches Verfahreu zur DifFereiizirung der Eiweiss- stoffe verschiedener Milcharten. Zeitschr. f. Hygiene, vol. xxxvi. pp. 5-:-8. (See also Was.sermann and Schiitze.) * — (12. XII. 1901), A short note only entitled "Specifische Seriimreaktion, Isopraci- pitin " (Ge-sellschaft der Oharitearzte, Berlin). Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. XXVIII. p. 4, Vereinsbeilage. * — (6. XI. 1902), Ueber weitere Anwendungen der Priicipitine. Deutsche med. Wochensc/ir., Jahrg. xxviil. pp. 804—806. *— (22. XI. 1902), Weitere Beitriige zum Nachweis verschiedener Eiweissarten auf biologischeiu Wege. Zeitschr. f. Hygiene, vol. xxxvui. pp. 487 — 494. * — (22. I. 1903), Ueber die Unterxcheidung vom Menschen- und Thierkiiochen niit- tels der Wassermann'schen Difterenzirungsmethode. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxix. pp. 62 — 64. Seng, W. (1899), Ueber die qualitativen und quantitiitiven Verhiiltnisseder Eiweiss- koqier im Diphtherieheilsenmi. Zeitsrhr. f. 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Reprint. * — (1903), Zur historischcn Entwickelung uicines forensischen Verfahrens zum Nachweis von Blut und Fleisoh mit Hiilfe siiezitischer Sera. Deutsche tieriirzt- Uche Wochenschr., Jahrg. XI. No. xvi. Reprint, 10 pages. * — (and Beumkr), (1903), Praktische Anleit\ing zur gerichtarztlichen Blutun- tersuchung vermittelst der biologischen Methode. Zeitschr. /. Medizinalbeamte, Jahrg. 1903, Nos. v — vi. Reprint, 21 i>age.s. * Umber, F. (14. vii. 1902), Zur Oheniic und Binlogie der Eiweisskorixsr. Berliner Bin. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxxix. pp. 657 — 659. *Vall^e, H. and Nicolas, E. (30. vi. 1903), Ijcs siSrums pr^ipitants. Leur specificity et leur mode de preparation. Bxdletin de la >oc. centr. de m4d. v^t&. xxi. N. S. pp. 293—297. Walker, E. W. A. (l 1903), On some factors in bacteriolytic action. Joum, of Hygiene, vol. III. pp. 52 — 67. Wassermann (2. III. 1899), Pneumococcenschutzstoffe. Deutsche med. Wochentehr., Jahrg. XXV. pp. 141 — 143. 428 Bibliography *WaS8ERMAnn(18— 21. IV. 1900), (Discussion zudemVortrage von A. Magnus- Levy : " Ueber die Bence-Jones'.schen Ei\vei8sk6ri>er"). Verhandlungeii des Congresses filr innere Medicin in Wiesbaden, p. 501. *— (and ScHiJTZE, A.), (2. vii. 1900), Neue Beitriige zur Kenntni.>is der Eiweiss.stoffe verschiedener Milcharten (Verein f. innere Med., Berlin), short reference in Deutsche med. Woc/ienschr., Jahrg. xxvi., Vereinsteilage, 26. vii. 1900, p. 178 ; see also von Leyden'.s Festschrift, 1902. — (3. I. 1901), Ueber die Ursachen der natiirlichen Wiederstandsfahigkeit gegen- iiber gewissen Infektionen. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxvii. pp. 4 — 6. * — (and ScHUTZE, A.), (18. ii. 1901), Ueber eine neue forensische Methode zur Unterscheidung von Menschen und Thierblut. Berliner Min. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxxviii. pp. 187 — 190. *— (and ScHUTZE, A.), (3. vii. 1902), Ueber die Entwickelung der biologischen Methode zur Unterscheidung von menschlichen und thieri.scheii Eiweiss niittels Priicipitine. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxviii. p. 483. (Treats only of matters of priority.) — (1. 1. 1903\ Uelier biologische Mehrleistung des Organismus bei der klinstlichen Erniihrung von Sauglingen gegeiiiilier der Erniihrung mit Mutterniilch. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jalirg. xxix. j)p. 16 — 17. * — (10. II. 1903), Ueber Agglutinine mid Pracipitinc. Zeitsclir. f. Hygiene, Bd. XLiii. pp. 267—292. Weichardt, W. (25. XI. 1901), Recherches sur rAntisi)ermotoxine. ■ Ann. de PInst. Pasteur, Vol. xv. pp. 832—841. Welch, W. H. (11. x. 1902), Recent .studies of Innnunity with special reference to their bearing on pathology. (Hu.xley Lecture, Charing Cross Hospital.) Brit. Med. Joum., Vol. II. pp. 1105—1114 ; ahso Lancet, Vol. II. pp. 977—984 ; also Hediccd News, Vol. lxxxi. p. 721. Wendelstadt, H. (end 1901), Ueber einen Antikorper gegen Blutegelextract. Arch. internat. de Pharmakodynamie et de Thirapie, Vol. ix., pp. 40" — 421. — (16. IV. 1902), Ueber die Vielheit der Aiuboceptoren uud Komplemente bei Haniolyse. Centralhl. f. Bakteriol., Bd. xxxi. pp. 469—473. •Whitney, W. F. (24. iv. 1902), Notes on the production of the test-serum in rabbits. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. cxlvi. p. 429. •Whittier, F. N. (18. I. 1902), Agglutination test for human blood. American Medicine, vol. in. p. 96. *WoLFF (15. IX. 1902), (A paper read at the I. Hauptversamnilung des deutschen Medicinalvereiiis, Miinchen), review in Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxviii. Vereinsbeilage, p. 306. (Apparently but a summary of known facts relating to the test.) *WooD, E. S. (14. XI. 1901), Medico-legal e.xamination of blood-stains. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. CXLV. pp. 533—537. (A brief review of known methods of testing blood.) * — (24. IV. 1902), The serum test for blood. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. CXLVI. pp. 427—429. *Ziemke, E. (27. VI. 1901), Zur Unterscheidung von Menschen- und Thierblut mit Hilfe eines specifischen Serums. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxvii. pp. 424—426. Bibliography 429 *ZiBMKE, E. (17. X. 1901), Weitere Mittheilungen tiber die Uiiterschoiduug von Menschen und Tliierblut mit Hilfe eines specifischen Serums. DeiUtche med. Woehenschr., 3 ahrg. xxvii. pp. 731—733. * — (15. IX. 1902), (A short note on a discussion at the I. Hauptversammlung des deutschen Medicinalverein.s, Miinchen). Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jabrg. XXVIII., Vereinsbeilage, p. 306. •Zuelzer, G. (4. iv. 1901), Zur Frage der biologischen Reaktion auf Eiweiss in Blut und Ham. Deuttche med. Wochemchr., Jahrg. xxvil. pp. 219—220. APPENDIX. Note 1 (to p. 10). Wright {Brit. Med. Journ., vol. i., p. 1069, 9. v. 1903) observed a decrease (" negative phase ") of the bactericidal power of blood serum following inoculation with anti-typhoid vaccine, the antibody subsequently increasing in amount ("positive phase"). The haemolysins and anti-rennet behave in a similar manner. Note 2 (to p. 112). Regarding Anti-Peptoties: Dr E. F. Bashford has sent me his Report to the Scientific A.s.sessors of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, London, dated 25. in. 1902, in which he writes : " In his paper on immunisation against various proteids, the late Dr Myers stated, that the precipitate produced by the reaction between Witte peptone and the .serum of an animal immunised against it, did n(jt give the biuret reaction, and therefore was a new product. By the kindness of Professor Liebreich I was enabled to immunise two goats against Witte jjeptone (albumose), and thereby to obtain the product referred to in large amount. It seemed that this step was likely to throw much light on the nature of the reaction, and on that between toxine and antitoxine. It was, however, found that the rea.son why the biuret reaction had failed was simply the extreme insolubility of the product. Thoroughly dried in vacuo over phosjjhoric anhydride along with a specimen of the mother albumose {i.e. which had been boiled and filtered as for injection into the immunised animals), both were submitted to elementary analysis, with the following mean result for two analyses : — Product precipitated — 043.5 ^13-29 ^6.^4 per cent. Mother substance — C53.15 N,3.j7 Hj.j per cent. This did not afford grounds sufficient for speculation as to the nature of the product precipitated, nor as to the mechanism of its production. Many other difficulties, esi)ecially the fact that albiunoses in presence of other albuminous bodies in neutral solution may yield precipitates made it doubtful if the product analysed had any claim to be considered sufficiently free from admixtures, etc. I have not given up this investigation, on the contrary hope that immunisation against nucleohiston now proceeding at Dr T. H. Milroy's suggestion, may afford means for obtaining a reaction product more distinctly difl'ering in composition from the mother luicleohiston than was foimd to be the case for the albumoses of Witte peptone." Note 3. On looking through the Index Medians, a paper by W. d'E. Emery {Barfs Hosp. Journ., London, 1902 — 1903, x. pp. 34 — 40) relating to the precipitins was noted, but too late to be considered in this volume. INDEX TO NAMES. •See in additimi under Bibliography, p. 414, and under AcknowUdgmentt, p. 411. Abbott and Bergey 29 Abderhaldeu 4 Acbalme 16 Arloing 46 Arthus 102, 108 Aschoff 13, 27, 76, 105, 107 see Meyer and Aseoli, G. 26, 42 Ascoli, M. 102, 108, 130, 133, 139, 140, 144, 146, 147, 150, 407 Austin 390 Bail 49, 50, 153 Bail and Wilde 28 Bashford 155, 430 Baumgarten 14, 19, 43 Uehring 5 Behring and Kitasato 5 Behring and Nissen 8 Belfanti and Carbone 19, 40 Beljajew 50, 96 Bennett See Patek and Bernard 34 Besredka 22, 23, 42, 149 Beumer 386, 406 Beyer i nek 87 Binda 415 Biondi 76, 90, 96, 97, 105, 113, 119. 120, 123, 128, 132, 164, 389 Blumenbach 1 Boeri 25, 26 Bolton 10 Bordet 14, 18-21, 31, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 56, 61, 99, 115, 117, 135, 152, 156, 161, 178, 200, 381, 382 Bordet and Gengou 17, 27 Bordoni See Runino and Breton See Caliuette and Brieger 99 Brieger and Ehrlich 9, 11 Briot 16 Buchner 19, 23, 35 Bucbner and Geret 113 Bullocb and Hunter 28 Butza 164 Calmette 5 Calmette and Breton 32 Calvo ^V« Landsteiner and Camus 17, 74 Camus and Gley 21, 22, 27, 39 Carbone See Belfanti and Carrara 416 Castellan! 28, 153, 155 Chcinesso 416 Clairmont See Kraus and Claus 214 Cobbett 10, 217 Corin 96, 97, 120 Courmont 8, 40 Creite 18 Crendiropoulo See KufFer and Cuvier 1 Daruiuberg 36 Darwin 2, 137 Defalle 44 Delizcnne 16, 22, 25-27 Deutsch 27, 31, 41, 46, 47, 381 Dickinson 17 Dicudonn^ 51, 96, 104, 162 Dinkelspiel .SV