PI ; > f : w ^ ^ S vK^nl m^M'iw-r-V. BB i ' H 1 asses N PRIVATE LIBRARY -:OFt- W. H. CONRAD, PASADENA, CAL. es^eiaoseiee^a^MKHMl THE SELECT NOVELS OF MARION HARLAND. 1. ALONE. 2. HIDDEN PATH. 3. MOSS .SIDE. 4. NEMESIS, 5. MIRIAM. 6. SUNNYBANK. 7. RUBY'S HUSBAND. 8. AT LAST. 9. MY LITTLE LOVE. 10. TRUE AS STEEL. (New.) "The Novels of Marion Harland are of surpassing ex- cellence. By intrinsic power of character-draw- ing and descriptive facility, they hold the reader's attention with the most intense interest and fascination." All published uniform with this volume. Price $1.50 each, and sent free by mail, on receipt of price. BY G. W. CARLETON & CO., Publishers, New York. NEMESIS. BE MAKION HAUL AND, AUTHOB OF "HIDDEN PATH," "MOSS SIDE," "MIRIAM," "EMPTY KKART," GARDNER," "HUSBANDS AND HOMES," "RCBZ'8 ET7SBAND." " PHEMIE'S TEMPTATION," ETC. U CP THE GODS NEW YORK: Carleton, Publisher, Madison Square* LONDON : S. LOW. SON & CO. MDCCCLXXXVI. Hu tared according to Act cf Congress, in the year 1STO by M. VIRGINIA TERHUNE. v UM Clerk 1 * Office of the District Court of the United States for the Soottan District of New York. INTRODUCTION. THE household critic, to whom the following story wai tei>initted in its chrysalis state i. e. in manuscript has left here and there in the margin bold pencilling^ to the effect that giuJi and such passages are " Improbable." "Now it strikes me as a singular circumstance that this objection is brought only against those scenes, incidents and characters, in which I have copied with most fidelity events and persons in real life. And I aver, furthermore, that in most of these cases, had I dared to set down the exact truth, the verdict rendered woo'd have been "Impossible," instead of the milder form of doubt given above. Many years since, the germ of this narrative was com- mitted to my keeping by a dear friend, who has since gone to the far, changeless Land. Much that I have written I have gathered from MSS. family papers, yellow with. time; for several items of information, I am indebted to persons still living, whose memories age has not clouded. I do net pretend to say that my tale is a literal transcript of the lives if the various personages introduced, or that I have not ,/terpolated characters and events taken an author's liberty 2047318 n NEMESIS. with dates and denouements / but that I- had a broad basil of fact for the foundation, and in my superstructure, have drawn less upon the imagination than is the fashion of some Bo-caUed biographers, in their veracious memoirs of modern celebrities, I may, with truth, affirm. In some scenes, the very words of the original actors have been employed, and even in the minute details of dress, equipage, etc., I have taken great pains and pleasure in portraying things precisely as they were in the places and times described in my book. MABION HART.ATOX NEMESIS. CHAPTER 1. THE fogs of a November afternoon were thickening with the chill of approaching evening. There were ominous murmurs among the pines, and the almost naked boughs of the oak and hickory shivered and sighed, as they let down, now a&J then, a stray leaf, to decay peacefully with the companions of its summer revels, or be trampled into the deep mire of the public road, which formed scarcely a break in the forest. The wheel-ruts had cut into the roots, and vehicles had grazed the trunks of the giant trees that locked arms across the highway. Yet it was no newly-opened track. The upper stratum of earth, black with richness from the deposits of a thousand autumns, was worn down to a more durable bed of stiff red clay, of a granite-like smooth- ies and polish in dry weather now, tenacious as wax U wheel and hoof. A shallow creek, widening into a pond where it crossed the road, was cloaked by underbrush up to either edge of the woods. A flock of wild turkeys, headed by a portly gobbler, bearded like a despotic Turk, as he was, picked their dainty way through tha stream each pausing to wet his bill. Then, the bushes partHI 8 NEMESIS. to afford egress to a deer a full-grown, antlered buck, who als stooped to slake his thirst. His lip had barely touched the water, when the graceful head was suddenly raised again. For an instant, he listened, his dark eye bright, and his limbs quiver- ing with excitement and a bound carried him out of sight and danger. Now, the sound that had put him to flight became audible to duller hearing. It was the measured tinkle of bells, wondrously musical in this lonely spot. Nearer and nearer it came ; drowning the sullen gurgle of the creek and the hoarse whispers in the tree-tops, until, on the rising ground, beyond the pond, appeared a wagon, long of body and heavy-wheeled ; cov ered with an arched awning of white cloth, and drawn by six horses. Strong and trained to labor as these evidently were, it was no easy task to drag along the ponderous vehicle. The broad breasts of the leaders were flecked with .foam, and their legs stained above the knees with the red inud. At the pool, they checked their steady tramp, from instinct or habit. There was one prolonged thrilling peal from the bells attached to their collars, and they awaited patiently their master's pleasure. It seldom pleased him to move rapidly, if one might judge from the very deliberate style in which the rotund figure swung itself into the road from the sheepskin, strapped upon one of the wheel- horses, and the length of time that was consumed in stretching ind rubbing the dumpy legs. "Can I help you, Mr. Paxton?" inquired a cheerful voice from the interior of the wagon. Without waiting for a reply to his question, a young man faulted over the saddle just vacated, and stood at the side of the fat teamster. He was an athletic, well-proportioned youth, of perhaps five-and-twenty, with a ruddy cheek, and a frank, intelli gent countenance. His accent at once betrayed his New Eng- land nativity, as did that of the wagoner the provmciaj Virginian , NEMESIS. 9 " I'm obleeged to you, Mr. Hale. If you'll be so g^od as to unhitch that bucket " pointing to a bespattered pail swing- ing between the hinder wheels " while I take this 'ere one, why, we'll git through in half the time. ' Many hands make light work,' as I've heered my ole woman say. You have got no objection to hurryin' on things a little, I reckon ?" " None, I assure you ! I am beginning to fear that night will overtake us before we get to our journey's end ; the roada are so heavy." " Don't skeer yourself about that ! But ain't I stiff in the jints !" groaned the teamster, lifting his bucket to the leader's mouth. " I camp to-night bettcr'n a mile t'other side of your house, and I'm bound to be thar by dark. We ain't more'ii two miles from Mr. Argyle's, now." " Do you hear that, Bessy ?" said the young man, nearing the front of the wagon. A face appeared in the semi-circular gap of the canvas cover It was a female head girlish and pretty. " Did you call me, Mark ?" " Yes. We have not quite two miles further to go, little woman. That is good news, isn't it ?" " Indeed it is !" she responded, joyfully. " It is getting chilly, and 1 am uneasy lest Kitty should catch cold." She bent anxiously over a bundle wrapped in a shawl, that lay across her lap. " I hope she will sleep soundly the rest of the way." " She'll be mighty apt to. The bells are as good as hop-tea for puttin' the children to sleep, my ole woman says," remarked the driver, climbing back to his place. " Many's the trip to town and back she's been with me, with a young one on her knees, and two or three more, bigger ones, tumblin' about over the boxes and barrels, in back thar and she never lost a day's work. It was sewin', or knittin', or cardin' wool, or somethin' f the sort, all the time. I tell her, she'll take her loom along I* 10 NEMESIS. Borne day. A powerful worker, she is if 1 say it, as shouldn't say it. Ain't you goin' to get in. sir ?" " I believe uot. I will walk on a little way. My legs aw cramped with sitting so long." The bells jangled ; the massive wheels creaked, aiid the weary, patient animals, with bent heads and strained sinews, began the ascent of another hill. Mark Hale sprung nimbly past them ; reached the summit and ran down the further and steeper side, to find still another and a more formidable eminence before him. Upon the top of this he stopped, to watch for the reappearance of the, to him, richly-laden vehicle, for it contained his earthly all. A summary review of the circumstances which had brought him thus far from the home of his forefathers, will be all we need relate of hia previous history. He was the son of a revolutionary soldier, who, at the close of the war, had returned to his native village and former trade that of a shoemaker. In this humble calling he had labored until his death, leaving to his son very little beside an unsullied name ; a plain English education, which the boy'a inherent love of study had made unusually thorough for one in his station, and an experimental knowledge of his father's handi- craft. Nothing daunted at his unflattering worldly prospects, Mark married, before he was twenty-one, a girl as poor as him- self, to whom he had been attached from childhood. Bessy Bryan brought to his cottage a loving heart, a pair of willing and skillful hands, and a blind mother, for whom the young couple cared tenderly during the three years that remained to her upon earth after her removal to their home. Besides Bessy, she had one other child, a son, considerably older than the faithful daugh- ter. But " poor Jacob Bryan," as his best friends called him, was an easy, good-natured fellow ; energetic without judgment, active without acuteness just the man to work himself into difficulties, and trust to luck to help him out of them. By choice NEMESIS. 11 he became a peddler and in this capacity travelled through of the southern States. Ou his first trip home, after his mother's decease, he found his brother in-law feebly convalescent from a spell of rheumatic fever, and persuaded him to accompany him on a tour through a more genial clime Mark caine back to his uativs place, well and strong, and fired by ambitious visions of the advantages to be gamed by emigra- tion. Without a complaint, and, so far as her husband saw, without a tear, Bessy packed up the limited number of movables she could take such a distance, and bidding farewell to the friends of her childhood and to her parents' graves, said in spirit, if not hi words, to him who was now her only stay in life, " Whither thou goest, I will go." Her husband's observation and inquiries during his former journey enabled him to fix without delay upon a location. When his plans of removal were definitively made, he wrote to a fellow-northerner, a resident now of the neighbor- hood he had chosen as the Canaan of his exodus, whose acquaint- ance he had made while at the South, and requested him to pro- cure a house for him. As good fortune ordered, this person had on hand a "commodious cottage" to rent out, he acting as agent for its owner, a gentleman now travelling abroad. A bargain was concluded by letter, and this spot our young couple were approaching on this murky afternoon. Mark's adventurous ajid sanguine spirit did not flag under the discouraging aspect of the weather and the change in the country he remembered as so beautiful in the flush and glory of the spring-time. He acknowledged indeed, to himself, that he would not have been so easily fascinated by the situation he had selected, ' had he beheld it first in circumstances similar to the present; but since the irrevocable step was taken, his choice made with a full conviction that he was acting wisely, hi reference to his own future, and that of those dearest to him, he gallantly resolved to abide by it, cheerfdly. There was but cne shade of solicitude 12 NEMESIS. npon his heart, and this, although banished fr ;>m his face, as tb lumbering wagon rocked and groaned up the hill, lent a softel tenderness to his voice, as he addressed his wife : " This is not just the country you expected to see, from my description is it, Bessy ?" The troubled look in her eyes accorded illy with the smile she forced to her lips. " It will look better in the spring and summer, I dare say But, Mark, dear, where do the people live ? I have seen but one house in the last ten miies." " They dorit live near the main road," said the driver ; " it's too public. We all down South belongs to the modest sort." A laughing gleam from Mark's eye brought a real smile to his wife's countenance. He knew that she was thinking with him, that they had met but two teams and three foot-passengers, during six hours' travel upon the route, objected to as " too public." " There are by-roads leading to the plantations, crossing this in all directions, you see, Bessy. We shall be at no lof^s foi neighbors, even if they are a little further off than those we have been accustomed to at our old home. Very kind people you will find them to be, too," he added. Bessy bowed her head at the mention of their old neighborhood. She seemed intent upon drawing the wrappings about Kitty's curly head ; but his own memory was too truthful for him to doubt the cause of the dimness, he was sure was over her eyes. Resuming his seat beside her, he put his arm around her waist, and both were quiet and thoughtful for a while. A nd for that while, neither beheld the unfamiliar and actual scene in their sight. They gazed fondly instead, upon a little white cottage, a story and a half in front, sloping down in the rear until a tall man could hardly stand beneath the eaves : ami the great apple-tree shading the kitchen window ; upon the NEMESIS. iJJ broad door-step, where they had played at housketping whet children, themselves ; where the bride had . sat in the summer twilight to watch for her husband's coining ; where the youtnlul mother had dandled her babe, and the young father sustained it* tottering trial-steps. There, on pleasant days, was set' the grand mother's arm-chair, and the sunshine fell warmly through the elm Doughs overhead, a welcome bath to the trembling limbs and form, although her eyes could not perceive its brightness ; and over it, in a tearful silence, unbroken, except by the tread of bearers and mourners, neighbors and friends synonyms among that simple people bore to her final rest the mortal remains of the aged pilgrim thank Heaven, sightless no longer ! The light of love, the baptism of tears had made that worn, grey stone a sacred spot to the wanderers. In the yard, they never dreamed was not " modest," because it lay along the village street, were flowers and trees of their own planting. Henceforth strangers were to enjoy their fragrance and shade. The bees tenanting the row of hives, in the possession of which Bessy had esteemed her- self passing rich, would hum and store honey just as busily, no\ that she would not profit by their hordes. The church green was a convenient and inviting picture to one seated in the cottage door ; with the weeping elms trailing over the roof and latticing the windows of the ancient building, whose heavy 'frame and brown oaken pews had been brought from Eng- land the villagers were fond of relating. On either side, and behind it, lay its founders and the majority of the congregations ihat had gathered within it prior to the present generation; the memory of their names and worthy deeds kept alive, less by the quaint stones that marked their pillows, than through the tra- iitions treasured and told with love and pride, by their descend' ints. It was a dangerous indulgence of fancy on Mark's part, and h felt the ill effects of bis indiscretion in the dreariness that fel/ 14 NEMESIS. apou him, like the November fog, and the struggle it cost him to maintain a show of composure, much less of gaiety, when the teamster, pointing with his long whip, remarked, "Yonder'* your house, Mrs. Hale I" Bessy leaned forward eagerly, as did Mark. " Where ?" asked both. " Just 'cross that field, in that clump of trees." " That /" said Bessy, incredulous. " Mark 1 can it be ?" " It must be, dear. Mr. Paxtou told me that he knew the place, and had heard through Mr. Sancroft, that we had rented it." " It ain't so sniptious as you expected, I reckon," said the wagoner. " It's pretty 'nough situation, but it may be, you'll 6nd the house sort o' out of order. Mr. Argyle, he built it for his overseer, and the man lived in it six months, or so. Then Mr. Argyle took it into his head that it was too far off from his place, and Mr. Frisbie's old mother, who kept house for him died, so he'd no reason to stay there any longer, and was willin' to do what his employer wanted, which was, to have everything under hia own eye. Let him alone for ' making every edge cut,' as my ole woman says. And Mr. Sancroft his agent he's just as sharp and close. Maybe, as you are a Yankee, he'll favor you. He came from Connecticut where they make clocks, you know." " I hope I shall need no favoring at his hands !" returned Mark, with some stiffness. Then ashamed of his boastful pride, he continued, pleasantly, " I guess we shall not quarrel, if I pay my rent, and don't worry him for too many repairs." " Oh ! you'll get on !" But the honest face " reckoned" there might be other causes of dissatisfaction. " The old gentleman Mr. Argyle is mighty well off," he said, ihceriug away from- the agent "He owns nigh upon two thou- gand acres of land, and niggers more'n enough to work it, and has money a plenty besides, they say. But for all that, a shillin' piece looks as big to him as i 4 . does to you or me. His wife was NEMESIS. 13 B different kind free-handed as lie'd let her be ; good to poor folks, and one of the religiousest ladies you ever seen llei darters don't take after her, I've heered tell. Master Malcolm 'he looks like her, and behaves like her, too much as a wild boy can like a perfect lady, as she was. But deary me ! as my ole woman says, ' It takes many sorts of people to make a world, 5 und ' boys will be boys.' " " I thought the family were not at home," said Mark, more to cover Bessy's silence, and to prevent any attempts at consolation from Mr. Paxtou, should he notice her, than from interest in his landlord's domestic affairs. " So they aint ! The old gentleman, he's in Scotland, whar his father came from, and he, too, for that matter, when he was a child. The two darters, they're at the North, somewhar, at school. Thar warnt no schools in Yirginny fine enough for them. They're highflyers, I tell you ! Master Malcolm's at college in Williamsburg," " The house is shut up, then ?" " All but the housekeeper's rooms. Whoa! gee! what are you about thar ? You see " to Mark " they aint used to goin' in here." The elephantine wagon slowly and painfully, as it were, turned into a side road, better than that which they had heretofore tra- velled, inasmuch as it was a gravelly soil, and its ruts were less deep. A few hundred yards brought them to. the house they had Been across the field. It was built of hewn logs ; one story ir, height, with a door and a window in front. There was no inclosed yard or garden, and the half dozen fine oaks that embowered it in Bummer, were now no improvement to its desolate 1 apj^earancc. " Here we are, Bessy, dear !" Mark held up his strong arms with a look that was pitying ' G \tn affection, when he meant it should be joyous. " Welcome teadiiig to a back room. But it had neither fireplace nor stove. A small, nnglazed window allowed unobstructed passage to the wind, and the gaping cracks above, below, and at the sides of another door, completed the process of ventilation. This, too, Bessy unclosed, and beheld about an acre of ground that seemed to have known tillage and inclosure at some remote date. Not far from the house, and, each at the foot of a tree, were the remains of a hen coop and pig-sty. "What dirty people they must have been 1" said our New England girl, with a curl of her pretty mouth, " I don't wonder that Mr. Argyle wanted to have them under his own eye 1" "We will show them a different style of living," returned Mark. " Next summer, we will have a fence and a garden, and chickens, and a pig. You have enough Irish blood i-n you to make the porker a necessary appendage to your family ; but we ueed not have his sty directly under our chamber window. Instead of that, we will plant roses and morning-glories." Bessy was passionately fond of flowers, and she looked brighter at the mere imagination. Mark followed up his advantage. "And we have all the winter for getting things straight within-doors. The first step is to make a fire. There are dry sticks in plenty for the kind- ling. Fuel is not scarce hereabouts, however pressed we may be for other comforts." The hearth was speedily cleared, and a fire crept brightly among the crackling twigs, then caught the larger logs Mark had nicked up about the premises. While her father and mothei were bringing in then* boxes and bundles, Miss Kitty sat upon a roll of bedding, laid against the wall, for her accommodation, Btill muffled in the shawls that concealed her entirely, excepting a pair of cherry lips and neat little nose, straight and sensible, J&O NEMESIS. and two black eyes, that saw and wondered at everything , especially were they attracted by the merry leaping blaze that grew redder and stronger as the evening became darker. She Tcould have liked to be nearer to it, but " mamma " had bade her eit still, and babies thought it no hardship to obey their parent*-! in those days of primitive ignorance, when the hint that Solomou and Paul were " old fogies," vould have been regarded as irrevo rently presumptuous. Thus, it was not until the last package was brought in, and the rickety door excluded some of the unwholesome dampness, that Kitty was promoted to "mamma's" knee, and her wrappings removed, with a kiss and word of praise to the " best little girl in the country." If the mother had added, " and one of the pret- tiest," it must have been a critical taste indeed that found fault with her partial judgment. Short, sunny-brown ringlets covered ahead, formed with the elegance of outline and proportion that gave her mother, although but a shoemaker's wife, the air of aris- tocratic breeding. The father's smile rarely left the black eyes, and the fervid Irish blood, of which he had spoken, colored the round cheek. " Mamma !" said the little three-year-old, " where is this ?" " This is home, my daughter," replied Bessy, steadily. Another dubious look at floor and ceiling, and the confused mass of articles that busied her father ; and the lip curled just as the tidy housewife's had done, at the proximity of the pig-pen to the back door. " I don't like it, mamma 1 'Tisn't clean 1" " Her mother all over ! the particular little minx 1" laughev Mark. Bessy answered more seriously. " But when it is clean, you will find it a nice place, Kitty. Mamma will fix a seat for yco, And give you a piece of bread and butter. Then you will sit still, end let me help papa will you not ?" NEMESIS. 21 " Yes, ma'am," sighed she, meekly ; and while the w seeing a white neighbor, excepting a quiet, stupid bacheloi farmer, whom Mark recollected having met on his former visit to the South. He lived in a house, scarcely superior to theirs, a mile distant, on a small farm owned by himself, and in the tillage of which he was aided by two or three negroes. He rode by the Hales' door about sundown of the day succeeding their arrival, and Mark made bold to answer his stare and bob of the head by stopping him, and inquiring whether he could supply them with milk from his dairy. A prodigious deal of explanation had to be employed to convey to the ulterior of his thick skull the idea that the strangers kept no cow; did not intend purchasing one for the present, and there- fore desired to buy milk, and to pay for it in money pence and shillings. The case was unprecedented in his not extensive expe- rience. Finally, the clear tones and explicit terms of the Xmv Englander established the point in his mind, and a bargain was struck, that was satisfactory to both parties. " I am afraid he will not sleep a wink to-night," laughed Mark, as the rider of the scrubby pony moved off, shaking his L^ad from side to side, and turning his body in the saddle every other minute, to look back at the man who had just named and closed such an arrangement. " He is half-witted, I think," said Bessy, who had been at once an amused and vexed spectator of the scene. " I don't believe we will ever see a drop of milk from his cows." But, the next morning, Kitty ran screaming from her look-out at the door, and hifl behind her mother, who was getting break- fast. Bessy could not chide her cowardice, when she saw its cause the ugliest, blackest, most ragged negro urchin she had ever beheld, grinning in the doorway, holding out a wooden pail 26 NEMESIS. " Here's yer milk !" he said. " Want de piggin 'gin P " What !" ejaculated Mrs. Hale. " Mark, do come here I" Mark entered from the inner room, and after questioning th hoy, interpreted his remark to mean that the pail " piggin," in Virginia parlance was. to be returned by the bearer. It was a i-leau cedar vessel, covered with a white cloth ; the milk was fresh and rich. Bessy almost forgave the stupidity of the farmer and the apish appearance of his Ganymede, in her enjoyment of the nectar. The boy was a good-natured fellow, and so far from bearing Kitty any grudge for her impolite reception of him, brought her an apple that evening, and the ensuing day, a small bag of what he called " goober peas " alias peanuts volunteer- ing the information that she was " a mighty pretty little gal ;" that his name was " 'Polio," and he " wasn't gwine to hurt her." " That child makes friends everywhere," said the loving parents. They did not disdain this ray of sunshine, albeit the reflectoi was of doubtful quality. As cleanliness was restored (it seemed rather that it was created) Bessy's spirits reached their accus- tomed pitch. In her old home, she was often likened to her pel bees. People said she had watched and tended them, and studied their ways of life and work, until she had learned their motions and their music. The brisk pendulum, ticking with all its little might, upon the shelf ; the spark of light caught on its bright face, lengthened into an arc by its swift swing, was the only thing in her household that vied with her in lightness and speed. As we said, just now, they had been a week in their log domi- cile. It was a mild morning in balmy Indian summer, that witching, lovely twilight of the year. Doors and windows were r-pen, for the fire could not be allowed to go down upon ironing- day. The smoky rafters, and the broken walls had been white- wasned ; the floor, by dint of countless scrubbiugs, was almost as \ W E M K 8 I 8 . 21 clean as tlit table md chairs, and bore upon its sanded surface the regular aud graceful waves it was the pride of skillful house' wives to trace with the broom, when its commoner offices were done. The bed was nowhere to be seen, and in its stead was another row of shelves ; the lower honored by holding the set of real china, which had descended to Bessy from her mother ; the upper, being occupied by their library, neither very select nof very new, but by no means contemptible, in an age when good books brought almost their weight in silver. The old shelves had been taken down ; the rough splinters and dirt removed by Mark's plane, and then readjusted into their places, in a more workmanlike manner. The window-panes, four in number, which they found opaque with dust, were now transparent and shining, and over them parted a snowy curtain. Two black profiles of Mark's parents graced one wall ; a print of Christ blessing lit! je children another. The bench and tools were still in the back pa ft of the room, biding the time for their use. Their owner's mer ?y whistle sounded from the back yard, where he was splitting wood. Kitty nursed a wooden doll with exceeding tenderncsi i ; seated on a stool in the sunshine, that fell broadly through tie door, and her mother flitted back aud forth between her ironic g- board and the fire. Upon a rude clothes-horse of Mark's cc u- struction, hung an array of garments, warm from the rapid tou;b that had smoothed their damp creases, and their numbers were continually increased. She was a well-built figure, this shoemaker's wife; rather above the medium height of woman, with a round, pliant form, coquetr tishly displayed by the checked short gown, girdled at the waist Her sleeves did not reach the elbow, and the arms they left un covered, were marvellously reserved touching the wash-tub and the fire, so soft and white were they, in their plumpness. Tlia abundant dark hair was combed quite away from the rosy cheeks nd slightly flushed forehead; her profile was marked, yet deli 28 R M E 8 I S . cately uit; and, as she stepped to and fro, her blue skirt per mitted a critical view of two small feet, arched in the instep, and incased in neat high-heeled shoes. Mark was very fastidious in the matter of his wife's shoes. In short, but for her dress ana Occupation, she might have been mistaken for a titled dame, who, having Ijst her way and her retinue, had chanced upon a peasant^ cot. For nught we can say to the contrary, Bessy Hale may hav< down in a direct line, from the magnificent, but somewhat l race of Irish kings. To appease the prejudices of tho.e \\ ho scout at Nature's letters patent of nobility, unless the same L.ave been ratified by the signet of man-appointed royalty, we adcat our ignorance of our heroine's pedigree, further back than the sturdy Celtic father, who fought the tyrants of his native nnd of his adopted country at Lexington and Bunker Hill. The sticklers for blood and breeding, who can trace patrician descenf in the lobe of an ear; descry the lees of a plebeian stock in a fiiv ^er-nail, may give Bessy the benefit of the uncertainty, so frankly stated. But one thing we do stoutly maintain ; whatever might Ke the quality of the blood stirring so warmly in her veins, it suft'e) ed no degradation bv her alliance with the manly fellow, whose Hxe was flashing over his head, with every second; the .'inging notes sounding back sharply from the hills. It drowned the noirfe of approaching footsteps, and the knock against the door-post. " Mamma !" said Kitty, plucking her dress. Bessy turned and saw a gentleman standing upon the threshold. Hastily setting down her iron, she advanced, blushingly, to meet nun. " Mr? Hale ?" said he, inquiringly. " Yes, sir." "My name is Sancroft, Mrs. Hale. 1 hope you are well, thii gae morning, madam. Is your husband ai home ?" NEMESIS. 23 Bessy offered him a chair, and summoned Mark. " How do you do, Mr. Hale ? how do you do; my dear sir ?* pried the visitor, shaking hands. " Happy to welcome you to the neighborhood 1 And how did you bear the journey ? And you. madam, did you not find it fatiguing at this season of the year ? And this is your little girl 1 Shake hands with papa's friend, in that region. Mark's wounded pride had a salvo the same day, in the shape of an order from Mr. Selden, a neighboring planter, for half a dozen pairs of children's shoes, his shoemaker being confined to his bed by sickness. Mr. Sancroft had not concealed from Mark, when making the representations that lured him to this new set ,lement. that it was NEMESIS. c7 the custom on every farm to educate certain of the more inielli gent negroes in the different mechanical arts, which were most frequently called into requisition in an agricultural district. There was no plantation without its blacksmith and carpenter. The .shoemaker and wheelwright were generally more public institu- tions, receiving the custom of several families. The Argyle Cris- pin was defunct before Mark's removal, but all the hands were already shod for the winter, when he came, and so far as he was informed, the leather was indestructible, for not a stitch had he been requested to take toward repairs, or a second supply Thus matters were on Christmas Eve, when Bessy carried home the last parcel of sewing the great chest had for her. " I was intending to run down to see you some time, to-day," said Miss Barbara, squarely as usual. Bessy looked surprised, but pleased. She had no neighbors, no visitors. She seemed out of place in the community, whereas, in the dear old times, social calls and tea-drinkings were every afternoon occurrences. She was not lonely or dispirited; How could she be, with Mark and Kitty ? but she was young and lively, and had a natural fondness for company. " Since you are here, I will save my visit for another time,' went on Miss Barbara. " I wanted to invite you and your hus- band and your baby, to eat my Christmas turkey with me, to morrow. Will you come ?" " With great pleasure, ma'am.; that is, if Mark can. He has been right busy lately," she added, with evident pride. " I'm glad to hear it 1" She did not hint that Mr. Selden had acted upon her recommendation. " But tell him from me, that nobody in these parts does a stroke of work on Christmas day He must come, and don't forget the baby. / never know how tc entertain children, but I'll give her enough to eat, and a dozen black picaninnies to divert her, if she wants 'em." " She will not need them. I guess She has never been ranch 48 N E M IS 8 I 8 . used to the company of oilier children, and is satisfied to play around, quietly, while grown people are talking." " She's a wonder then 1 a live miracle 1 I have sometimes thought there must be comfort in having a good child but, law me ! where did you ever see one that didn't pester the life out of STerybody that had anything to do with it ?" " Mine doesn't !" remarked the mother, smilingly. She was learning what Miss 'Barbara's ways meant, and pri- vately questioned the genuineness of her professed repugnance to little folks. Kitty's curly head could hardly lie still upon the pillow that night, through excess of excitement. That memorable Christmas Eve. her stocking was hung in the chimney corner for the first time ! While her father held her on his" knee, and told her of the kind Santa Glaus, who was to come down the wide chimney, while she was asleep, with a pocket full of nice things for the little girl who minded her parents, and had entirely given up the bad habit of crying for what she was told she could not have ; her mother pinned a loop to one of a pair of striped stockings and fastened it to a nail by the fire-place, where no saint, with half an eye, or half his wits about him. could overlook it. Besides this brilliant prospect for the morrow, she was " going visiting." Her clean clothes were spread on a chair, in the kitchen, before be went to bed, that they might be aired and ready against the morning. There they lay the crimson worsted frock ; the white pinafore ; the red and white stockings ; the black shoes with red rosettes. Father and mother cast many looks at the simple array after sbft destined wearer was in bed. " I have been told that' I dressed her too fine for the child of poor parents," remarked Bessy ; " but the materials of hei clothes are not more expensive than those which other people, a better off than we are, put on their children. It is the bright NEMESIS. 49 colors, and the way they are made, i suppose, that sets tongues going about her." "It is because the mother has the taste to see what becomes her child ; for my part, I like to see her look her prettiest, the little beauty ! She will be almost as hanasuine as her mother, by the time she is grown. If I live a dozen years longer, you shall liave the means to dress her as you please, and nobody v,ill find fault with your extravagance." With the earliest sunbeam that peeped in at the window, Kitty was astir. Her parents had stolen out noiselessly, while she prolonged her morning's nap, the more profound, on account of aer excited wakefuluess during the early part of the night. There was a great fire in the outer room a Christinas blaze, that stained redly the log walls and the beams overhead, and found laughing reflections of itself in the pewter basins and platters on the shelves. Mark was winding up the clock, and Bessy laying the cloth for breakfast, when the chamber-door creaked, and a diminutive white figure entered, holding her night- iress across her bosom with one hand, while the other pushed back the curls that were falling over her forehead and eyes. The bare, plump feet made directly for the treasure by the mantel- shelf, and her father took it down from its high nail and gave it to her, with a kiss. Not a syllable did she utter then, but sitting clown on her stool in the glare of the blazing logs, she emptied the contents into her lap, speechless and breathless with expect- ancy and delight. Uppermost was a suit of clothes for her doll, manufactured by the mother, in the evenings, when the day's labor was over. It was a thorough outfit, not forgetting a pair of blue satin shoes that just fitted the feet of the clumsy pet, whose mistress con- sidered her a faultless model of the human form divine. TLt next parcel \va< v.v.lged in the aakle of the stocking, and Kitty's Augers trembled with cold and impatience before she extricated 3 50 NEMESIS. it. Here was an important addition to her household, a second, and smaller dolly, carved like its senior, out of soft wood, and painted but wonder of wonders ! with joints at its knees and elbows ! " Mamma ! Papa !" screamed the agitated child, strewing everything else upon tho floor, as she ran to them ; " see what a beautiful " tears of ecstasy choked her. The rude wooden image, which was, however, fully as graceful in figure and artistic in finish, as the pattern after which it was fashioned, was Mark's handiwork. With a deal of pains he had whittled, and polished, and colored it, for toy-shops were rarities then and there ; and had they been abundant, Mark's shillings irere scarce. What mattered a deficency that was never felt ? Little Kitty was enraptured beyond expression, and bon-bons and playthings, eligant in conception and workmanship could not have added a drop to the overflowing cup. Even the recollection of the promised visit was dim hi comparison with the possession of her treasure, and the only cloud that crossed her face that morning, was when she asked, anxiously hugging her baby to her heart : " Please, mamma, may I take dolly, too ? I guess she's afraid to stay at home, without me." This consideration was disregarded in the case of the elder doll, who was comfortably ensconced in bed, with many injunctions to be " a good girl, and not cry until her Kitty came back." Bessy was mistress of a silk robe, inherited from her mother, not purchased in her lifetime ; but extraordinary indeed must have bee,n the occasion that warranted her in putting it on. For a Christmas dinner, even at the " great house," she wisely selected her best winter dress. It was of green stuff, trimmed with black, and the color, so trying to most complexions, made the pure white and red of her skin seem fairer and fresher. Beneath the short sleeve was an exquisitely crimped ruffle of worked linen WBMB8I8. 51 descending below the elbow. Rich ladies wore these of lace, and paltry imitations could be procured from every packman and peddler, but our Bessy's taste was too just to suffer her to avail herself of the cheap substitute. Her inside kerchief was also of linen, less fine, but as neatly gotten up ; to protect her arms, she drew on linen gloves of her own fitting and stitching, and the fairy foot, of which Mark had nearly made her vain, looked smaller than ever, in a pair of green morocco shoes, with enor- mous black rosettes, to match her dress. Mark was not far wrong when he said, what he believed that the Christmas sun shone on no more beautiful mother and daughter, in all the broad laud. And certainly he did not look an unlit gallant for the twain, as he stepped up to offer his arm to his wife attired in a suit of dark blue, with a white neckcloth, and a frilled shirt-front, plaited with Bessy's inimitable skill. In this style, they set out, punctually at ten o'clock, Kitty carrying her doll, carefully enveloped in flannel, to shield its teo.der form from the biting outer air. 52 NEMESIS CHAPTER IV. " GLAD to see you; walk in!" said Miss Barbara, meeting the Hale family at the door. " How dy'e, Pussy ? That's what they call you, ain't it ?" " My name is Kitty," answered the child, wonderingly. " And don't Kitty and Pussy mean the same thing ? Let me take off your cloak and hood. Well, ^ou are pretty as a picter, and no mistake about it! Where did you steal your roses from ?" Won by the innocent beauty of the little face she held up to the light, she stooped to kiss it, forgetful of her professed dislike of " babies." Bessy remarked the stolen caress, with a sly smile at Mark, and both felt more at home because of it. They were received in Miss Brook's own apartment, the same In which Bessy had first been introduced to her notice. The fur- aiture was very plain ; rush-bottomed chairs and deal tables, and cupboards, some with glass doors, some without, in every corner. The floor was covered with a rag carpet, woven in the loom, that was a fixture in the back part of the room; but the spinning wheel had been removed ; the cleanest of always clean white curtains put up at the four windows, and the chairs arranged cozily around the fire. Miss Barbara still wore her thimble it was affirmed that she glopt in it but all else about her had the true holiday look. On working-days, her hair, \vhich was profusely streaked with grey, was uncovered and " done up " in the tightest possible knot at NEMESIS. 53 the top of her head. To-day, a neat cap, trimmed with purple ribbons, concealed this fantastic mode of coiffure, and softened the angular outlines of her square forehead and chin. Her boinbazet frock was snuff-colored and less outre in fashion than her ordinary home dress. " Your wife tells me you're a member," she bioke out, after scrutinizing Mark through her spectacles for some minutes in profound silence. " Yes, madam," he replied, unable to resist the inclination to smile at the unlooked-for observation. " Religion's a great thing, sir I" " I think so, madam." " You'll find but few of your way of thinking about here. You know there isn't a church within ten miles, except old Deep Run meetin'-house, where nobody preaches twice a-year, anc when they do, it's a circus rider, as they call 'em, or some of the aiinisters, on their way home from Presbytery. I'm a Pres byterian myself. I was brought up in Hanover, and jined the old church where Samuel Davis used to preach before I was twenty. He was a lion in the strength of the Lord. My mother knew him well. Maybe you've heard tell of him ?" " Yes, madam. I have a volume of his sermons." "You don't say so ! Now isn't that wonderful? Well, as I was saying I come to this heathen country with Mrs. Argyle, when she was married. A saint upon earth she was, and I'm sure she's now an angel in heaven. She never rested until she got Deep Run built, and for a while Presbyterians and Episcopala preached in it, turn about, once a month ; but she died, and there was the end of that ! She took a heap of pains teachiu' the negroes, and I can see some signs of her work left; but there's a mighty back-slidin' among 'em. I read to 'em Sundays, and heal the catechism reg-nlar, but 'tisn't the mistress' doings, and they feel the difference." 64 KEME8IS. " Mr. Argyle is not a professor, then ?" " ."Not he 1" She checked herself, and went on in a different tone. "He doesn r t interfere, and he likes to talk about the 'Established Church of Scotland,' and his forefathers sticking BO fast to the Protestant faith, with the ministers that stop here overnight. You see, they got into the habit of it when Mrs. Argyle was alive, and I'm sure they're always more than wel- come. But it's easier to do like your neighbors, and let things take their course, than to make a stand against iniquity, and try to turn people out of the broad, into the narrow way." " Mr. Sancroft had religious training, I suppose," said Mart " The Connecticut people are great church-goers." " More shame to him for being such a reprobate !" cried Miss Barbara, warmly. " A more godless, money-worshipping fox you won't find this side of the place he came from. Beg your par- don if you're affronted ! but you do send some plagued poor sticks down South, and he isn't one of the best kind." " We did not come from the same State," said Mark, good- humoredly. " I am a native of Massachusetts." " Bunker Hill is in that, ain't it ?" " Yes, madam." " I've heard tell of it often. I had a brother badly wounded At the battle of Monmouth." She spoke as though they were adjacent townships, and Mark did not feel it incumbent upon him to set her right. " I ought not to feel, nor to talk about Mr. Sancroft as I do," she said, presently. " The fact is, I can't bear the man, and so I suspicion everything he says and does. If I am wrong, and gometimes don't give him his due, I hope the Lord will forgive me." Her penitec* tone was suddenly dropped. " Mr. Argyle thinks that he is the salvation of the plantation, when he is away, and poor Frisbie, a smart, managing, workin' fellow as ever lived, gits not a mite of praise along with his overseer's NEMESIS. 55 ,8. I promise you, Bancroft hears a piece of my mind some pretty plain conversation when he pokes his meddlin' ey& brows into my part of the house. If 'twasn't for the children ] promised their mother on her death-bed I'd never leave Mr. 4rgyle would have had to look out for another housekeeper tha Jay after he engaged that slab-sided Yankee to stand master fe- ns all. The fire burns your face there, honey ! Let me set youi cheer in the corner." She picked up Kitty, chair, doll and all, to remove her to a more sheltered position, and in a moment seemed to have forgotten that Mr. Sancroft was in existence. Dinner was served at twelve o'clock. Miss Barbara made no pretensions to "quality" hours or fashions. An independent, free-born woman, she respected herself and the station allotted to her by Providence too truly, to degrade either by servile imita- tions of those, who, in the same providence, were appointed to a higher rank, as far as outward appearances went. There were stores of china, silver and damask in the house, and she had the keys to every room and chest. Three thousand miles intervened between Ben Lomond and its proprietor, and there were no spies in the camp ; yet the table was spread with home-made linen, coarse but glossy ; pewter spoons and crockery, blue and white, of the everlasting Chinese willow pattern. That old willow pattern ! Who that thinks of it fails to ecall, its stiff plume-like trees,' its bridges and summer-houses, its boats in the air, its hump-backed human (?) figures and to whom, with the sight of these, come not visions of country dining-rooms ; the smell of clover-hay floating in at the windows, and mingling with the enchanting fragrance of a rural repast ? Who does not remember the yellow butter, dewy and cool from the ice or spring-house the tumbler of cream, almost as rich the fiaky biscuit the amber honey the batter-cakes and the fried chicken the shade- trees, locusts and aspens joining their whi 56 NEMESIS. Ders to the reverent tones, that asked a blessing upon bounties received ; the cordial, hearty voices that pressed the guest to eat, until " tired nature could no more ?" The unfortunate reader, who knows nothing experimentally of this, who has felt no sympathetic watering of the mouth, or eyes, in perusing the above, is hereby assured, for his comfort, that he may enjoy the luxury of a new sensation by travelling in a stage or private carriage, not by rail, forty miles back into the country. Miss Barbara's Christmas turkey had half an inch of fat upon its brea,st, and a necklace of sausages, and was kept in coun- tenance at the other end of the table by the most crisp of roast pigs that was ever replete with sage stuffing and dripped witb gravy. Between these was a double line of communication, com posed of potatoes, Irish and sweet, parsnips, turnips, bacon am cabbage, sausage, spare rib, souse, bread, butter, and pickle* yellow, green and sweet. " Oh 1" ejaculated Kitty, as she was lifted into her chair. Her mother's hand was laid warningly upon her head, but Misa Barbara smiled complacently at the artless and involuntary com- pliment to her culinary exploits, and requested " Mr. Hale " to " ask a blessing." Tony and Suke, in whole aprons and shining faces, waited upon the table, an honor altogether unusual to our northern friends, but they were too well bred to let this appear. Kitty's plate was nearest to the head of the board, and was consequently piled nntil the prudent mother ventured to remonstrate. "It's plain, wholesome food!" said Miss Barbara. " When the dessert comes on, you can give her what you please ; but bread and meat never hurt anything or anybody." Tony's longmg eyes and smacking mouth wert>, jnst then, eloquent of noble ambition to offer himself a sacrifice to establish the truth of this principle. The current of his desires was NEMESIS. 57 diverted by a tread iu the porch without, and, as he had done at Busy's first call, he let fall everything in his hands, which iied, fortunately, to be uothijig but a japanned waiter; and with his "somebody comin' !" sprang at the door-latch. It was ra.'sod from without as he touched it, and the door flew open with au impetus that knocked him back against Suke, who, also losing her balance, rolled with him, clutching and shrieking, on the floor. A hearty, boyish " ha I ha ! ha I" mounted high above their screeches and Miss Barbara's exclamation. Mark and Bessy arose to their feet, as she started forward, upsetting her chair and plate. " Malcolm Argyle ! Is it you, or your ghcst ?" ' That is like flesh and blood, is it not ?" was the reply, as he kissed her cheek, and gave her ribs a hug, that nearly drove from her body the scanty breath astonishment had spared to her. " What do you say now, Aunt Bab ?" continued the intruder, laughing at her contortions, as he released her. " I say you are no better than you used to be the worst boj that ever went unflogged !" Miss Barbara sobbed betwixt laugh- ing, crying and want of wind. " Where did you come from, and what brought you here ?" " I came straight from college, to eat my Christmas dinner with you. I am glad to see that you have not waited for me, however. Just let me step into your room and wash my hands, and I am ready that is, when you have made me acquainted with the rest of your company " bowing with frank grace to the Hales. Miss Barbara introduced them formally, and then bidding them " Be seated and excuse all this rumpus 1" she followed Malcolm into the adjoining chamber, " to see that he had soap and water, * and to supply further information concerning her new acquaint- ances. The communication was short ; for she was back in hei seat before her visitors had begun to feel awkward, and by tail 3* 58 NEMESIS. time, was so far restored to her senses as to scold vigorously at Tony and Suke, for their " want of manners.'' " Why, anybody would think you never saw a white man before, let alone your Master Malcolm 1 A fine notion he will get of your raising 1" " 'Most broke my head !" muttered the ingenious Tony, rub- bing the assaulted part, as his young master reentered. "Bah ! Tony, my boy ! if your head was struck, there is no damage done. Say your shin, now, and there is a plaster to heal the bruise ;" dropping a coin into his hand. " MeaMt to say shin, marster !" grinned the saucy boy. " Thanky for Christmas gift I" The heir apparent of Ben Lomond was a handsome youth of about seventeen, agile and tall in figure, manly and engaging in demeanor. To-day, he appeared to enjoy but one thing more than the abundance of edibles, set in array before him, and that vas teasing Miss Barbara, whom he invariably addressed aa ' Aunt Bab." Her curiosity was wound up to the highest pitch o ascertain the cause of his unexpected visit home, during the jollege term, and while his father and sisters were absent ; but her questionings were plied with no other effect than to incite him to evasions and ridiculous fabrications, until the plum-pudding And mince-pie disappeared from his plate. Then he declared him- self vanquished by a liberal draught of domestic liqueur that accompanied the dessert, and which he protested would open the mouth and heart of an oyster. " In vino veritas, Aunt Bab," he said, leaning forward upon the table, and affecting to look through his glass with one eye. " That means, when wine goes in, truth pops out ! Father is coming Dome !" " You don't say so ! When ?" " If you will interrupt me, you must take the consequence*!," *hri the provoking rejoinder. " I must have another bumper tc NEMESIS. 5S do away with the effect of that obstruction to my coinmuikative mood." He sipped it very slowly. " Yes ! he writes that he will stop in New York, to pick up his lovely and accomplished daughters, and proceed leisurely to his patrimonial and baronial castle of Ben Lomond " Another and a prolonged sip, with his eyes fixed meditatively upon the angle formed by the opposite wall and the ceiling. " But when for goodness, sake !" Miss Barbara bounced up as if her chair were set with needles. " There ! you've done it again ! If I get drunk, it will be you? fault, mind that ! I must wet the thread of my discourse every time it has to be joined, you know. That bottle, if you please, Mr. Hale," in a tone of resigned melancholy. Miss Barbara snatched at it ; but he was too quick for her, and securing likewise a flask of cherry cordial, he held one in the embrace of each arm. " ' Xow am I doubly armed I' As it is you, Aunt Bab, and your discretion is as famous as your want of curiosity, I don't mind telling you that the orders of my revered paternal pro- genitor are, that all shall be in readiness to receive him and his fair daughters twain, by the middle or latter part of March ; nrhich orders I thought best to deliver in person. And as I had to pass directly by Mr. Bancroft's, on my way home Mrs. Hale, allow me the pleasure of replenishing your glass Miss Brook is celebrated for the excellence of her beverages." " Of course you stopped and told him ?" said Miss Barbara, with forced composure. " Ah, well ! who had a better right to hear the news first, than your father's agent ?" " Why, yourself, to be sure ! At least, so it seemed to me ; 10 I did not even look that way, as I rode by the gate." Miss Barbara smiled, in spite of herself. " I wonder if you'll ever sow your wild oats ! Mighty little chance of it, that J GO NEMESIS. Bee. I s'pose you'd like to hear how the neighbors are get ting on ?" " I have been dying for the last hour, for want of the inform* tion." " More Ukely, dyin' for the want of your dinner. Well, there ' the Seldens they're all well." " That is very gratifying," interposed Malcolm, gravely. " And Marcia is growin' prettier every day," pursued Miss Barbara, with a meaning look, that had its effect in the boy's heightened color. " I am s'prised you could get by that gate." " When you were this side of it ! Fie, Aunt Bab 1 You don't give me credit for natural affection." " Natural affection ain't worth much, when there's another sort of love in the way," returned she, unsparingly. " What else hindered you from going in ? I don't understand it." " Why, to be honest with you, I met them all a carriage-load three miles further on, going out to dinner at. Mr. Armistead's, and, as I had no invitation, and had on my trayelling-gear, I con- cluded to continue my journey." Laughing heartily at the manifest discomfiture of his oppo- nent at this reply, he arose from the table, and invited Mark to visit the stables and negro quarters with him. The request was couched in courteous terms, and his bearing was preciselj that of one gentleman toward another. The Chief Magistrate of the Union could not have been treated with more civility than was displayed by this son of a haughty stock, to the mechanic, whose acquaintance he had made at his housekeeper's table. " What a charming young gentleman 1" exclaimed Bessy, a* the two left the room. " The flower of the flock I" assented Miss Barbara. " Jlt/i always just so ; I've held him on my knee s a thousand times, when he was a baby, and he's never in his life, to my kriowin', douu ail unkind or a mean thing." NEMESIS. 61 " He is very handsome," said Bessy. ' He's the image of his mother. You couldn't say more for him. Run around the room, Mousey, and jolt your dinner down. Tain't healthy to sit still directly after eating." " I'm not a Mousey; I be a Kitty," chuckled the child, whose shyness had worn off. " Then, here's a cousin for you to play with," said the hous keeper, returning from the inner room, with a pretty tortoise-shell kitten. "You can bundle it up in the blanket with your dolly, and take it home, when you go. I've no use for it, if I am an old maid. There's but one thing in nature more troublesome tnan a cat, and that's a baby. What would I do with a hus- band, always under-foot, and a dozen squalling brats beside 7 I'm obliged to you 1" continued the contented spinster, nodding to a visionary would-be donor of said commodities, whom she appeared to see in the curls of blue smoke ascending from the pipe she was lighting. " I'm obliged to you, but I'd as lief not !" The two Kitties were hi the height of a game of romps, which Miss Barbara prohibited Bessy from interrupting, when Mark aud young Argyle came in. And now the latter perfected hia conquest of both parents, by joining in the frolic, with as much zest as was exhibited by the child and her four-footed piaymale He leaped tables and chairs ; turned corners, and doubled on his track, in a style that excited Kitty's intense admiration. He* gleeful laugh kept time to the patter of her feet in the chase, and when at last, Malcolm seized her and swung her up to hia shoulder, she forgot that he was a stranger, and a grown man, and clapped her hands hi an outburst of delight. At that instant, his knock having been drowned by the noise within, Mr. Saneroft walked in Miss Barbara grew straight and stiff as her own pipe-stem. Bessy looked embarrassed, and Mark surprised ; but the unabashed stripling stepped forward, without lowering from her elevated sea*, : 62 NEMESIS. " How do you do, Mr. Saucroft ? This is an unexpected pleasure ; but I beg you to consider yourself as welcome as if yofl had been particularly invited." The parchment cheek of the agent showed a faint glow of cou fusion or displeasure ; but his manner was unaltered by the equi Vocal nature of his " welcome." " How are you, Mr. Argyle ? I hope you find yourself well, BIT. I made so bold as to present myself here, this afternoon, quite uninvited, as you remark, my dear sir, in consequence of a rumor of your arrival which reached me." " Are yot acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Hale ?" interrupted Malcolm, ceremoniously. " I am, sir. Yery happy to see you both under such favorable auspices. Business and health good, I trust, Mr. Hale ? You and Miss Brook are bosom friends by this tune, I presume, Mrs. Hale ? You have a very select and agreeable family gathering here, to-day Miss Barbara hey ?" " We had !" said Miss Barbara, shortly and significantly. Malcolm still walked the room, carrying Kitty with as much ease as though she had been a tame squirrel. " Miss Hale is highly honored 1" remarked Mr. Bancroft. '' Rather a tall sweetheart, is he not, Missy ? When did you hear from your respected father, Mr. Argyle ? My latest advices 'eport him well and happy amid the scenes of his childhood's Bports. I fancy he will not be in haste to return to this country hey ?" " On the contrary, he writes to me that we may expect him in March. Are you growing dizzy up there, my little lady ?" " She is quite too heavy for you, Mr. Argyle," said Mark, advancing. " Let me relieve you." " She is as light as a feather, sir, but she is getting uneasy. I think she will feel more comfortable, and, at any rate, safer, oil the floor She is your only child ?" NEMESIS. 63 1 Tee, sir." " What a dear gipsy it is !" said Malcolm, uniting at her ;;ambols with the kitten, that spraug upon her, as soon as she as released. " I love children particularly h'ttle girls. What were you saying, Mr. Bancroft ?" " I had no intention of interrupting your conversation, Mr. Argyle. I ask your pardon, Mr. Hale, for my apparent rudeness ; but you will own that it is natural for my interest to be excited by the aews Mn. Argyle has communicated. Your father will return in March, my dear young gentleman ? Did I hear you aright ? What has induced this sudden resolution ? I am really amazed. Nothing of an unpleasant nature has transpired, I trust, Mr. Argyle ? And he was positive explicit emphatic in the decla- ratiou of this design ? It was not a hint merely not stated as a probability hey ?" " I thiak it was, sir. All future events must be considered aa probabilities, not certainties. But why not be seated, Mr. San- croft ? Let me insist that you make yourself at home. Allow me to order a glass of wine that is, with Miss Barbara's per- mission." The cool condescension of the lad was so great a contrast to his ordinary manner, and so remarkable, whcta exercised by one of hia years, toward a man of more than double his age, that the Hales looked on in silent amazement. Miss Barbara's visage had a grim satisfaction in ita square lines^ that proved her relish of the scene To Malcolm's deferential appeal she only said : " Helo yourself !" and puffed away at her pipe Tne tig-ent waved his hand, in deprecation of the civifity, or the delay of his employer's son. " I thank you, Mr. Argyle ! I thank you, sir ! I have not time to accept of your hospitalities. And now, that I have had the pleasure of seeing you so well, Mr Argyle, and in the enjoy- ment of such congenial society " the eyebrows severely ironical 64 NEMESIS . then settling Lato placidity " I will iiot intrude further, will nc longer debar you from your sports. With regard to youi respected father's movements, I presume I shall shortly be hon- ored with his commands, as I am in daily expectation of a letter, We have all abundant cause for congratulation in the prospect- however uncertain of his speedy return. With due humility, I may say that I experience nothing but agreeable emotion at the thought of accounting for, aud resigning the responsible steward- ship he honored me by committing to my charge. Let him come in the first, or third, or fourth watch, he will find me ready to render my reckoning hey, Miss Brook ?" Miss Barbara's jaws unclosed for a reply, but Malcolm interposed. " I am glad to find that you have added a knowledge of scrip- ture to your other and varied acquirements, since we parted," nt said. " I hope your studies have been attended with profit a wish, that, I am sure, will be echoed by the rest of your acquaint- ance. What do you think of the prospect for a continuance of this fine weather, sir ? Cannot you be prevailed upon to grace our company for a little while longer ?" " I must be going, Mr. Argyle," answered the agent, with some stiifness. " A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all 1" Malcolm attended him to the porch. " May I burden, you with my compliments to Mra. Saucrof) and the young ladies ?" he begged, with the stately courtesy h< had preserved throughout the interview. " I have but a couple of days to spare for this neighborhood, or I might do myself the pleasure of waiting upon them in person. Good day, sir. A pleasant ride to you 1" He shut the door after him, and throwing himself upon a settee, laughed until the tears hung upon his eyelashes. Mies Barbara responded with a dry chuckle, aud Mirk and Bessy could no/ resist the contagion. NEMESIS 65 " Wish yoa was h^re to deal with him always I" grumbled Miss Barbara. " A sneaking hypocrite, with his Bible-quoting, throug-h his nose ! I'd have set him up with it, it' you hadu't *>sive spoken up so quick." " 1 set him down, Auut Bab, whicu was far. better," said the youth. " I love him as dearly as you do, and can manage him a hundred times better. But we will not slander our neighbors, t is hard to tear myself away from so much of real home-comfort; /et, if you will let me go to my room, I will get ready to go out for a visit. I promised Mr. Selden that I would stay with him to-night." In gratitude for his defeat of her tnemy, Miss Barbara refrained from offering comment or insinuation at this confession, and they saw no more of him, except when he looked in to kiss Kitty "good by," and say "good evening" to the rest. The Hales had one more glimpse of him during his hasty visit On the morning of his departure, he reined up his horse at theii door, and expressed, with his adieux, a friendly wish for Mark's success in his enterprise. It was said sincerely, with no sugges- tion of patronage which he might, some day, render, and this delicacy was appreciated by the man, whose leathern apron waa buckled above a heart as generous, a soul as iucapalle of pride or sjcophaney as was his own. 66 K E M E 8 1 8 . CHAPTER V. EARLY in March, Miss Barbara enlisted Bessy in her serviee, for the purpose of " setting the house to rights," preparatory to the arrival of its owners. The long silent and darkened rooms were cleaned and flung open, and the scrubbing and whitewash brushes were ubiquitous. Our New England housewife went through the engagement with flying colors. Miss Barbara com- plimented her by conferring with her respecting every change and movement, and the not more decided verbal testimony, that she " had never known before half of what was in her." The odd old maid had become extremely fond of her proteges, and although she occupied a subordinate place in the social sphere, she was universally respected, and her opinion held in esteem among the wealthy families around about Ben Lomond, It was often in her power to speak a word for Mark and his wife, and she was equally careful not to omit an opportunity of doing this, and to guard against any allusion to the good deed in their hearing. Mr. Sancroft, on the other hand, was lavish of patronizing promises and intimations of what he had done, whenever he chanced to meet his tenant, until Mark believed much of the gratitude he felt for the steady supply of work that began to flow into his shop, belonged, of right, to the man he was so frequently tempted to distrust. Even Bessy was inwardly dubious occasionally, in consequence of the circumstantial evidence that disproved the justice of her early impression concerning the eyebrows and scalp ; but her cogitations invariably concluded NEMESIS. 67 with a wise shake of the head, implying a resolve to adhere to her opinion, and still suffer Mark to think as well as he could of one who might help him, and who could, assuredly, injure him if he had the will. Every now and then a trifle aided her to nail fast this determination. Such was the fulfillment of her prophecy in the agent's refusal to fence in their garden, until his employer*! return. " He could not act without orders," he represented, " ano Btrange to say in consequence, doubtless, of the multitude of cares attendant upon his leaving Scotland, Mr. Argyle had omitted to instruct him on this point when he had written so urgently, with regard to it, too ! It was too bad it really was ! Mr. Argyle was a very particular, methodical man, who examined into the minutiae of his moneyed interests as closely as if he counted his pounds by tens, instead of thousands. But he will not be unreasonable, Mr. Hale ; and I shall take occasion, when I state your case, to set forth your merits as a tenant, Mr. Hale, and the manifest advantage of retaining you." Mark yielded the point, without further pressing, and went home, to advise with his wife. The season was advancing, and they were depending for their summer, and part of their winter provisions upon the vegetables, whose seeds were not yet in the ground. By dint of rigid economy, they had been able to lay aside a small sum of money, with a prudential eye to a " rainy day." They knew but too well the exact amount, yet it was counted over and over again, before they decided to devote it to the exigencies of this juncture. In comph'ance with Bessy's sagacious counsel, Mark applied to Mr. Selden with whose reputation, as a kind-hearted gentleman, Miss Barbara had made them familiar to sell and deliver to him A certain number of rails. The good-natured planter readily fur nished them at a price that barely covered the expense of hewing them. Struck with the modest and manly bearing of tu 68 NEMESIS N K M b H I 8 . 69 ground ready soon, we may as well determine what to plant, and when," They sat down on the log that formed the step to their front door, and Bessie emptied the bag in her lap. There were queer- tookiug packages, pinned and sewed up by Miss Barbara, the pencilled names of which would have been unintelligible, had not Bessy taken the precaution to get a translation of each, when the seeds were given. Mr. Selden's contributions were dis- tinctly labelled by Mark himself. A rude plan of the garden was drawn upon a bit of paper, and imaginary squares and rows of thrifty vegetables grew rapidly to maturity, as they talked over the sketch. Even Kitty had her offering an ear of pop- acrn, purple and white, which 'Polio had brought her, one day on his way to pasture with the cows. Their milk now came from Mr. Argyfe's dairy. Miss Barbara would have rejected any com- pensation for it, alleging that Bessy had "paid for it twice ,-er," but Mark was obstinate, and she consoled herself by send- ing, for the same money, double the quantity they had obtained from " that goosey Slocum," as she termed him. " He's a good enough cretui j ," she said, " but he don't know and he can't do .'" Cardinal sins in her sight, who saw everything that went or ibout her, and was always " up and doing." It was a mild March afternoon. The air had that softness peculiar to southern latitudes, which comes caressingly to the brow, and produces in the lungs a luxurious delight, as if one had just awakened to the glory and blessedness of living and breathing ; the effect of harmonious union between the sun and air ; such an atmosphere of warmth, combined with freshness, as is never known in colder, bleaker climates, where if one is tempted by the delusive spring sunshine to throw aside his cloak, he refolds it over his breast with a shiver, as he turns into the Viade at the next corner. Kittv ran races with her kitten ic th 70 NEMESIS. cleared space before the house, and her merriment was the only sound that stirred the slumbering air. None of the happy, busy party perceived a movement upon the high road beyond the adjacent field, and the child's joyous shouts overpowered the noise of approaching wheels. The cross road leading to BeD Lomond lay directly past the cottage, and Bessy presently raised her head to behold the uncommon spectacle of a coach and four, driven by a negro, in whom she recognized one of the Argyle servants. " Mark !" she said, hurriedly. " It must be Mr. Argyle and his daughters. They are expected every day." The side-curtains of the chariot were rolled up to admit the balmy air, and the cottagers had a view of the interior. On the front seat was a gentleman, of exceedingly stiff carriage, and feat ores somewhat harsh in form and expression. His hair waa powdered, tied in a queue at the back of his neck, and sur- mounted by a cocked hat. He rested both hands on the top of his cane, planted between his knees, and faced his daughters, until they were opposite the Hales' door, when a remark from one of the young ladies caused him to turn his head. The lady herself indulged in a broad stare, and the superciliousness sha blended with her curiosity was exceedingly unbecoming to a face already too haughty in its beauty. She was dark-haired and dark-browed, and sat a full head higher than her sister, whose blue eyes and yellow locks testified to her Celtic origin. Our friends arose as the equipage neared them. Mark bowed and Bessy courtesied respectfully to their landlord, who acknow- ledged the salutation by a slight bend of his majestic head, with- out the least variation of countenance. The dark lady tossed her ringlets up, instead of down, and her lip obeyed a like impulse. Her sister laughed riot at the occupants of the house, but as Bessy was convinced by her eye and gesture at some- thing above and behind them And what should that be bul NEMESI8. 71 Mark's sign, token of the lowly calling that made them to be but as the dust beneath the feet of the rich aristocrat? 1 " A proud-looking set 1" she said, bitterly, when they had passed. " They are not ashamed to grind the faces of the pooi ! , although it would demean them in their own eyes to speak civilly to us," "Bessy!" exclaimed the astonished husband. "What are you talking about 1 Discontented and envious, my dear girl 1 This is not like you!" She felt that it was, and with the passing of the anger-fit, came a burst of contrite tears. \ " I am a weak, foolish child!" she sobbed, her head on Mark's shoulder. " But indeed it is not for myself that I get vexed. I know my spirit is too high, my temper too quick, but I cannot bear to see you despised!" He was reproachful no longer. His tone was affectionate and lively. " Who despises me 1 No honest man cares for the approba- tion or contempt of people who cannot see cause for respect in virtuous industry. I am as respectable in my place as Mr Argyle is in his. My parents were as honorable in the sight of the Maker of us all, as his were, and my children may yet take rank with his, even in this community. Pooh ! pooh ! little one! you are spending fire and water for nothing. I venture to say we are happier, day in and day out, than father and daughters u. their grand house." ' How scornfully those girls looked at your sign 1" said Bessy, ashamed, yet unwilling to accept his dissipation of her fancies. " Did they 1" Mark glanced over his shoulder at the painted board. " I see nothing amiss about it. It is a very decent sign, fc my opinion. Perhaps the fashion of lettering has changed Bince it was painted. They are just from New York, and know all about these things. I tell you what ! we can't afford to hide 72 NEMESIS. the sign, and wouldn't, if we could, but it would be an improve meiit, if these weather-beaten logs were covered. Our lime has all given out, and it would be extravagant to buy more, if we had money, which we have not. Miss Barbara says that I am wel- come to as many hop vines from her garden, as I can dig up They grow very fast, and, to my mind, there is no prettier creepei in the world. How would it look to have a row of them, all along the front of the house ? They and the morning-glories will make a gay bower for us by midsummer." Bessy's love for the beautiful was a passion ; and Mark's diver- sion" of her thoughts adroit and effectual. The various processes of gardening, digging, raking, and planting filled up brain, hands and time for the next month. Bessy hardly ever bethought her- self of the important change at the great house, except when her attention was attracted to the gay cavalcades of visitors passing up and down the road, as the family coach whirled by, leaving a cloud of dust after its wheels ; or Mr. Argyle drove out in a very high gig, drawn by a horse, almost as pompous as his owner, and followed by an outrider, the laborious aim of whose existence it ivas to uphold his own and his master's dignity. Miss Barbara, Bessy rightly guessed, was too busy to come down to the cottage herself ; but they had several kindly messages, and Kitty more than one present from her. The choicest of these last consisted of some foreign sweetmeats and a dress of Scotch plaid, which, although the recipients did not suspect it, at the time, was clipped from the not over abundant pattern she had commissioned Mr Argyle to procure abroad for herself. Bessy missed the visits and the useful counsels of her eccentric friend ; but she said to her- self that each was in the path of duty, and that these lay too far apart for them to be as intimate associates as formerly. The tallest shoots of the hop-vines were as long as a man'* arm, and were beginning to cling emulously to the strings depend ing from the eaves, to direct and encourage their upward aspiru NEMESIS. 73 tions ; the borders aud squares in the garden were dotted aud streaked and carpeted with pale-green leaves and blades ; the two hens sat, in solemn perseverance, upon a dozen eggs each, and the rooster stalked and crowed in the conscious pride of pro- spective paternity. Peace and comfort reigned iu-doors as well The ring of the hammer upon the lapstone resounded there, as regularly, if not with as much rapidity, as did the bustling, brazen tongue of the clock. Those were pleasant spring days. The morning duties dispatched, the fire was covered over a smoulder ing back-log, to abide its resurrection at dinner-time, and Bessy sat down in her low chair at her husband's side, to her task of binding shoes. The clinking hammer was no hindrance to their talk, aud the mother's hands and eyes were never so busy that Kitty's wants and questions did not meet a ready and patient i espouse. Unless prevented by a press of work, Mark devoted an hour of eaily morning, and two of the afternoon to the garden or the forest. He was equipped for an excursion to the latter, after their noon-day dinner, one sultry Saturday afternoon, when the rumble of distant thunder drew his notice to the rising of a black cloud in the west. His tender plants were beginning to stand in need of ram, and he was well satisfied to return his axe and fagot-strap to their places, and watch the coming shower. The dark masses of vapor rolled swiftly onward, and there were few peals and flashes, short as were the intervals of calm, before the spring rain swept in mist and torrents over field and wood. Mark shut the door to keep out the spray, and was standing at the window, when a horseman rode up at half speed, tore the addle-bags and saddle from his steed, and ran toward the house Mark hastened to admit him. " Walk in, sir," he said, anxiously; " I am afraid you are very wet" He hazarded n jthiiig by the conjecture, for rivulets of rain-water 74 NEMESIS. were pouring from the strangers figure, all orer the nicely- sanded floor. The first use he made of his breath, when he recovered it, was to apologize for this damage, so unintentionally committed. "I am sorry that I am not the only sufferer," he said, with a pleasant smile and bow to Bessy, that would have consoled her for a far more serious derangement in* her household economy. " That is of no consequence, sir," rejoined Mark, " provided you receive no injury beside the inconvenience you feel in your damp clothes. Fortunately, the fire has not gone down entirely. Be seated, if you please." He stirred the embers, and threw on some dry sticks to raise a blaze. Bessy slipped into the rear chamber ; was gone a minure or two, and returning, said something aside to her husband. " Let me beg of you to change your clothing, sir," entreated Mark ; " my wife has laid out some of mine in the other room, which you will oblige me by accepting, until she can dry yours at the fire," " It would be both unwise and unkind in me not to accept an offer so frankly made," said the stranger, gratefully. "I have been a grievous sufferer, in days past, from rheumatism, and the wetting Which would, to most men in my apparent health, be a mere nothing, may prove a serious matter to me, without the cau- tion you advise." In ten minuses after, he was sitting at his ease, in the arm- chair, arrayed in Mark's Sunday suit, that fitted him moderately well, and chatting with his host, while the careful Bessy "hung the damp garments over a couple of chairs, placed upon the hearth. The guest was a man already past the meridian of life, a circum- stance indicated by his frosted hair, and Time's unmistakable pencil-strokes in the region of the eyes and mouth. He was. still erect, and, as he said, seemingly robust in health ; his step was firm, his gaze clear and penetrating, and his voice had a sweetness and volume, a rich quality of tone that charmed the listener, lik' NEMESIS. 75 the full coords of a musical instrument. His manner was natural and easy, evincing an eminently social temperament. " I do not complain of the rain," he said, glancing at the dim and streaming window. " Even while exposed to it, I was forced to acknowledge that the risk of possible illness to myself was 01 trifling consequence in comparison with the benefit others would derive from the timely shower. I am enough of a farmer to appreciate the ruinous consequences of a drought in spring." It was a common-place remark, but it threw down the barriers of reserve, and Mark was led on until he found himself using a freedom of speech he had not enjoyed before, save with his wife, in this land of strangers. The eye of his guest dwelt on him with more interest each moment ; he was evidently surprised at the correct language, and intelligent views expressed by a man in so lowly a station, and curiosity prompted him to push his inquiries, as far as delicacy would sanction investigation, into his previous history. One happy discovery facilitated the progress of their acquaintance. It was Mark's avowal of his religious sentiments and church membership. The stranger's face kindled with a glow of affectionate emotion. " In Christ Jesus all are brethren," he said ; " I am more than thankful for the storm that pelted me to this shelter. I am thoroughly familiar with this section of our State, and regard the residence of every evangelical Christian here as a ' light shining in a dark place.' The people of this vicinity are intelligent, refined, and hospitable ; but there is a lamentable dearth of church privileges, and a consequent apathy a sort of fashionable indifference to religion, that is more discouraging than pagan ignorance. You may do great good here." " The way may be opened to me," replied Mark. " But to rpeak honestly, if I had not been misinformed I hope undo.sigrv edly with regard to the opportunities for attending public wor- ship, nothing would have tempted me to choose this spo', as u 6 NEMESIS. home. It is so diffe/ent iu my native place, and I was so ojpro pared for the state of things I have since found heie, that I took too much for granted. It is a fearful responsibility for a man to lure, his back upon the sanctuary and the means of grace God* has appointed and blessed particularly, when there are those connected with him, who might also be profited by the preaching of the word, and intercourse with the Lord's people." " Yet Providence may have but, why do I say may have God has sent you hither, for purposes 6f his own. ' His ways are not as our ways,' and He often makes life's darkest day seem the brightest, when we look back over our lives at their close. Some secrets he leaves for eternity to explain, and to many he graciously grants us the key, while we are still in the flesh. Do you see this ?" He held up his arm, and Mark discovered what Bessy's quick eye had perceived at his entrance that he had lost a hand, its place being supplied by a silver plate. " Your countenances tell me that you are shocked, and thai you pity my unhappy plight," continued the visitor. " The mis- fortune, as it was then styled, overtook me when I was a boy, and was the means, in the Almighty's wisdom, of altering the whole purpose of my life. It made me a student the student became a minister of the everlasting Gospel. Dare I regret it now ?" " You have learned the use of afflictions," said Mark, with increased respect. "' Many study them, perhaps quite as carefully as you have done, without seeing the end from the way." " Their duty is none the less plain on that account. It is to trait on the Lord and be of good courage, believing that ' He will strengthen their hearts.' Every step from the cradle to the grave is numbered, and so is every affliction ; and had we no other support, when trouble is sent upon us, there is some com "ort in reflecting that when we have suffered one, there are fewoi NEMESIS. 71 to suffer. Here on earth, we need leading about and instruct Ing, and we are such dunces that, many times, we refuse to receive instruction, except by painful discipline. The rain is over, and I promised to meet some friends at dinner-time. My clothing is dry, I think, madam thanks to your goodness ! " I wish I could say how much obliged I am to you both," he said, when he was ready to go. " Say nothing on that score, sir," interrupted Mark. " The pleasure and advantage have been on our side. May I make so free as to ask a favor of you, before you leave us ?" " Assuredly 1" with an expression that showed he anticipated and approved its nature. "It has been a weary tune since our home was honored by the presence of a minister, sir. "Will you pray with us, that the blessing of God may follow this visit ?" The modest grace and fervor of the request went to the heart of the guest. Without further reply than was given hy his kindling eye, he took the Bible Mark presented, and read the psalm, from which he had quoted : " The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid ?" The opening sentence of his prayer was the key-note to the rest, and Mark could have believed it the utterance of an angel, who had lingered near, during the preceding conversation : " We blesi thee, Father, that none of thy children need ever faint in heart, for who of us has not seen the goodness of the Lord hi the land of the living ?" There were tears on Bessy's cheek, when she arose from her knees, and Mark's spirit bounded in the hope that the desired blessing might be already near at hand A holy calm abode hj the twilight of that Saturday evening, kept by them, with the strictness of puritanical usage. And, in conformity with the general tendency of blessings to gather into groups, there came, 7H NEMESIS. at bed-time, a messenger from Miss Barbara, with a note. It waa scrawled in baste, and original in spelling and punctuation ; but Mark made out that several ministers had stopped ovei Sabbath, at Ben Lomond, and that there would be two sermons at De< p Run the next day ; furthermore, that Miss Barbara would call for them " and Kitty " was underscored on her way to church. They were ready in the morning long before she came by. The Ben Lomond coach had gone on to church, and four or five gen- tlemen on horseback ; among them, their late visitor, who bowed and waved his hand in passing. Then, the rumbling of other wheels revived Kitty's flagging spirits. There was no mistake this time. Miss Barbara's vehicle was a blue-bodied, springless wagon, without a top ; her couriers were four stout mules, 3mployed on week-days in the drudgery of the plantation. The bottom of the wagon was lined with straw, and split-bottomed chairs were prepared for her companions a low one for Kitty amongst them. " All right !" said the housekeeper, squaring herself to sustain the expected joltings. " Drive on, Reuben 1 and don't shake all the life out of us you hear I We'd as lief hear one more Gospel germon, as not." Deep Run was but two and a half miles distant, and this space was accomplished with shaking frames and chattering teeth, but whole bones. Postboys had been sent to vicious directions, the afternoon before, to apprise the neighbors of t!i i intended services, and the news had travelled, by its own weight, as it were, ^rons one plantation to another. Of this the Hales were ignorant, and the large gathering in and around the church was an incompre- hensible enigma to them. Miss Barbara and Bessy had difficulty in securing seats within the building, and Mark stood the whole while. His situation afforded him a view of the congregation, which he would not have exchanged for the most comfortable bench there, NEMESIS. 71 It was a mot! ey gathering as to sex, age and condition. Hi| mental description of his emotions at the contemplation, was in the words of the Book in which he was t est read : " The rich and the poor meet together. The Lord is the maker of them a." " I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise ; with a ultitude that kept holy day." The pulpit, a narrow box, without drapery or cushion, was, according to the laws then governing church architecture, elevated above the heads of the audience, and resembled an honorable pillory. It was empty, and our hero soon identified the ministers hi half a dozen gentlemen, sitting on a form, to the left of the uninviting rostrum. They were men who bore the title of " Reverend," like those who had won it hardly, and carried with it a load of responsi- bility, that, but for help from a higher Power, would have crushed body and soul. There were giants in those days ; instruments, welded and tempered for the age ; Jehus, who drove furiously over the corpses of superstition, and the brutal opposition of igno- rant depravity ; Isaiahs, mighty hi the Lord, who reasoned and menaced and prophesied in his name ; Jeremiahs, who mourned from the wrung depths of brothers' hearts, because " the hurt of the daughter of their people was not healed ;" Johns, austere la life and demeanor ; indifferent whether they strode upon flowers or thorns, if only they might make His paths straight ; and Pauls, calm of front and courteous in bearing, yet ready, with the double-edged Damascus blade of logic and eloquence, to combat the sophistry of the schools, and penetrate the thick bosses of hardened unbelief. They were not rose-water philan- thropists ; not bombastic praters about the Real, the Mystic, tlif Est lie tic ; not popular caterers to the morbid taste for the novel, the doubtful, ttie fantastic. Instead of eulogizing Earnestness AO N EME S I c5 . they lived and died heroes, each with his harness on ; instead o^ in words, deifying humanity, their deeds proved how sublime a thing it could be made, when the Spirit of the Lord made its dwelling-place in the creatures formed after His image, " The prophets do they live for ever ? and the fathers where are they ?" Gone with the generation that entertained them un- awares, or with a feeble glimmering of their character and aims. They rest from their labors and their works ! who can deny that they follow them ? Is not their imperishable record to be read in the hill-side and grove churches ; the stately spires of the fair land they loved with true patriots' pride ? the voice of prayer and praise from thousands of family altars, whose foundations they laid ; the noble band of working Christians, to whom they bequeathed the legacy of pastoral instruction and fatherl} blessings ? Mark had been accustomed to witness and practise the utmos* gravity and decorum in the sanctuary, and the buzzing, heaving crowd that now thronged the edifice, was, to him, shocking in ita novelty. " Will they ever remember in whose presence they are ?" he wondered, in grief and annoyance. From among the band of ministers was uplifted a voice sq sweet, so powerful, that every ear lent instant attention. The words were known to Mark, and, as was presently apparent, tu many others also : " There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. ' The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain, in his day ; And there may I, 'though vile as he. Wash all my sins away. NEMESIS S3 ** Dear, dying Lamb ! thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to siu no more. " Ere since by Faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming Love has been my theme, And shall be 'till I die. " Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save, When this poor, lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave." Tlie melody, wild and plaintive, was raised by hundreds of " I will suppose nothing upon such an unlikely ' if,'" answ- *sd Mark, playfully. "You are to live to dandle your grandchile ,'j, nnd sit in the chimney corner with your pipe in your mout) a Miss Barbara does, muchas you dislike tobacco now !" NEMESIS. 85 Kitty and her kitten took a stroll by themselves that afternoon op to the bend in the road, beyond which they were forbiddeii ever to go, without the protection of some person older than her- self. At the extreme limit of her promenade, the child sat down nnder a chinquapin bush, full of green burrs that would b brown in the autumn, and strained hei eyes longingly toward the distant gate of Ben Lomond. A day with "Aunt Barbara" was a mon common luxury to her than to her parents ; but these pleasures were very far apart, indeed, to her imagination. She dearly loved their benefactress for such she was, to the extreme of her ability and she was, child-like, fond of variety, even in her happy life. The beautiful dresses and flashing jewels, the flowers, feathers and furbelows of the Misses Argyle and their associates, as they flitted through the porches and halls, and occasionally paused in the housekeeper's room, to consult or interrogate that functionary, were like glimpses of Fairyland to Kitty. They paid no heed to her, after they had once inquired of Miss Barbara who she was, and she had come not to expect their notice. Old Mr. Argyle was there several tunes each day; cross and fidgety, she considered him, and always crept into Miss Bar- bara's bedchamber when she heard his step and cane approaching. She betook herself to no such retreat when Malcolm's free tread and cheery whistle drew near. He, too, sought "Aunt Bab " in every strait, but it was as a friend and foster-mother. Did he have one of his bad headaches he lay down upon her settee ; his head in her lap, and Kitty was permitted to hold the smelling* bottle, or the saucer of vinegar and water to wet the brown paper bound about his forehead. " Aunt Bab " always knew where to find the missing whip or powder-flask ; her needle was always at hand to replace a lost button, or to take the timely stitch tha4 saves nine. And for recreation, there was the exhaustless fun of te'azing his attached nurse, who scolded while she petted, and ? lively romp with his little favorite. Hi never overlooked her. o; NEMESIS. forgot to speak to he; ; and baby as she was, she regarded him with an ardent and admiring devotion, whose depth even her mother did not fathom, although the child's prattle was con- tinually of " Mr. Malcolm," and the kind and funny things he did and said. Brains as immature as hers are capable of devising schemes, and of concealing them. Bessy had not a suspicion why Kitty's afternoon ramble was so often "up the road -just to the turning please, mamma 1" Still more would the mother ha,ve been puzzled by the eager glances, cast in the direction of the cottage, as the reddening sky and stretching shadows announced the usual hour of Malcolm's return. The black eyes were larger and more wistful, each moment, and, seen under the green leaves, might have been mis- taken for those of a startled fawn, crouching to escape her pur- suers. He was very late ! Mamma would be waiting supper for her, and papa maybe come to look for her, and then she should not see him at all to-night 1 and her lip trembled at the thought. A cloud of dust in the distance drew her once from her covert. Her heart beat fast and loud, and her tiny hands clasped each other uervously. But it was only 'Polio, driving his cows home, with a great ado of yelping from himself, and barking from his dog. She was so glad he did not have to pass this way I Her throat ached so badly that she would be sure to cry if she tried to speak. It was amusing, yet pitiful, to see the disappointment in the little creature's face, as she sunk again to her seat in the long grass, and laid her head on her knees. Hark ! that was certainly the tramp of a horse's feet on the gravelly road, and nobody else eode so fast ! He was coming ! She must stand up, or he might not see her. She did not aspire to speaking with him. Her modest ambition was to catch his eye and a sirile perhapa a " Good evening, Kitty !" if he were not in too much of a hurry. The unconscious object of all this innocent idolatry ; the sub NEMESIS. 81 fecf of these guileless manoeuvres, rode right onward and toward his worshipper. Kitty's taste was not to be cavilled at. Many a maiden, whose age quadrupled hers, would have sat as willingly and longer by the roadside, for the mere chance of getting a look or a word from him. His fair hair was blown back by his rapid motion through the evening air ; his cheeks glowing, and his lip& parted in a smile, that told of zestful enjoyment in his glorious present, and all a youth's sanguine teachings toward brighter days beyond. His dark-blue eyes looked straight ahead, and their level rays were so far above Kitty's stature, that she invo- luntarily advanced a pace into the road. The mettled steed sprang madly aside, and the unguarded rider was hurled to the ground. With a frightened neigh, the horse sped back over the route he had coine, leaving the harmless cause of his panic alone with his master. Mark was busy in the garden as the animal dashed past, and dropping his hoe, and calling to his wife to follow him, he ran in search of the unfortunate boy He was stretched senseless upon the stony soil, and from his temple, a stream of blood welled slowly through Kitty's fingers, which were pressed passionately upon the wound. With the utmost care, and with difficulty, the husband and wife bore the lifeless form to their cottage. Mark got him upon the bed, and, after instructing Bessy to staunch the blood, and use what restoratives they had in the house, he set off to give the alarm at Ben Lomond. Miss Barbara was the earliest of Malcolm's household on the Bpot. She wasted no time in lamentations, but, aided by Bessy, went diligently about the fearfully uncertain task of recalling life to a form it seemed to have deserted for ever. A gasp, changing to a groan, broke from the wounded lad, as his father entered the room. The haughty man stood aghast at the unearthly sound, find endeavored vainly to speak. " He is reviving, sir," said Mark, auswerug the agonized look 88 NEMESIS. that appealed to him. " He has not moved or spoken, until this instant. I hope that his injury is less serious than we feared." " Where is he ? how is he ?" cried Miss Argyle, rushing into the room. " Good Heavens 1 is he killed ?" she screamed, as she beheld the pale and bloody lineaments of her brother. " Back !" Miss Barbara pushed her away from the bed. " He is not dead, but he will be, soon, if you keep up that racket There are enough of you in here to smother him. Mr. Hale, take her into the other room, and everybody else, except your wife ; she's of some use." " I think we had better go, indeed, sir," said Mark, very respectfully, to Mr. Argyle. " The place is small, and we crowd it ; he needs all the air he can get, and Miss Brook will attend to everything that can be done, until the doctor comes." The father assented by a nod, and turned to go ; but another hollow groan sent a shudder through his frame, and he staggered. Mark caught him almost carried him into the outer apartment and placed him in a chair. A glass of water dispelled the faint- ness, but he was completely unnerved. He grasped the toil- hardened hand of the man whose shoulder supported him, and burst into tears. Mark's own heart was ready to break. He could only return the pressure, and stood, looking down upon the afflicted parent, with an expression of sincere and tender sympa- thy. Eleanor wandered about the room, weeping and wringing her hands, watching at window and door, and wishing aloud that the doctor would come. He arrived sooner than they had any reason to expect him ; one of the dozen messengers dispatched in search of him, having overtaken him but two miles away. His report did not quiet the terrible suspense that oppressed the waiting hearts, hanging upon his verdict. It was impossible, at present, to ascertain the nature and extent of his injuries, h said, guardedly. Miss Brook and himself would watch with him, during the night, and no one else must enter the room NEMESIS. 88 " You'd better go home 1" said Miss Barbara to Eleanor Bessy was grieved and surprised at her sharp tone. It wat ciuel to scold the poor sister, in the height of her distress. " It is a pity to send her away," she whispered. She might as well have held her peace. " You are of no earthly account here," continued the inexo- rable housekeeper. " If you want to help, send Sarah to me. There are fifty things she must look after." In a gentler manner, she addressed Mr. Argyle. "There's no danger just now, sir, and I will let you know if there's the least change in the night. Better go home and rest, if you can. There is no accommodations here for you, you see, and if there was, you couldn't do any good by staying. There's the carriage now, sir. Keep up a brave heart. The Lord may bring him through, safe and sound, yet." Mr. Argyle submitted with surprising meekness, and Eleanor, too, obeyed the order so peremptorily delivered. They felt, instinctively, that the authority was not to be disputed, and anxiety, for the time, swallowed up pride. " Barbara," said the shaking voice of the old man, from the carriage. " All right, sir ! Here I am." " Take care of my boy for his mother's sake !" " Xever fear, sir ! He's my child, too !" with an answering tremor in the words. Not until they had driven away, and Dr. Chase was closeted with Miss Barbara in the sick-chamber, did Bessy have oppor- tunity to see after her child. She had been overlooked in the universal excitement, and the mother's search for her in the lower rooms and the loft, whither she fancied she might have crept, was fruitless. Mark had gone to Ben Lomond on an errand for Misg Barbara, and Bessy, now really alarmed for the safety of hel darling, must yet be noiseless in her quest. It was starlight 00 NEMESIS. but she groped, rather than saw her way, in the dense shade of trees, calling softly for the lost one, when at a little distance from the house. A mew and a purr saluted her as she stole by the back door, leading from Malcolm's chamber, and she perceived some object lying near the steps. A touch informed her that it was what she sought. The child was extended on the ground, face downward, and so still, that but for the signal of her dumb friend, the mother's solicitous eyes would not have discovered her. She struggled feebly, as she was taken up, but a word of caution stilled her. Bessy carried her into the kitchen, and set her upon her lap. The light revealed the rounded contour of a child's face, with the anguish of womanhood fixed in each feature. The contracted forehead, the wild eye and drawn mouth were terrible for the mother to look upon. Her fond kiss could not alter their expres- sion, or elicit a word of response to her inquiries. The small hands were streaked with dark-red stains and soiled with mould, and her dress bore similar marks of her late adventure. Bessy's instinct of neatness was never dormant. Fetching a basin of water, she washed off the dirt, and brushed out the matted curls, talking all the while in soft, soothing tones. " There is nothing to frighten my little girl now. Poor Mr. Malcolm has gone to sleep, and will be better -to-morrow, we hope. Mamma will give Kitty some supper, and presently, papa will bring a bed from Mr. Argyle's for us to sleep on in here. We cannot go into our chamber to-night, for the doctor saya everything must be, very quiet, or Mr. Malcolm may gel worse." Kitty appeared to drink in every syllable; but her eye wan- dered constantly to the closed door of the other room, and he? silence awoke her mother's most fearful apprehensions. Had the shock struck her dumb or worse deprived her of reason ? She caught her to her heart convulsively, at the suggestion ; then put NEMESIS. 91 hei down, and unlatching the middle door, beckoned haatily ta the doctor. He obeyed on the instant ; but looked fretted when lip saw that the kitchen had but two occupants. ' What ?" asked he, abruptly; " I can't stay a minute !" Mastering herself as well as she could, Bessy represented the Sase according to her comprehension of it. " Humph ! she's either frightened or sulky ; or, more likely than eitner, pretending to be unable to speak," he said, drawing Kitty to him. " What ails you, young one ? I reckon youl mother could find a way to make you speak, if she chose. You've heard of such things as switches haven'Lyou !" " Don't be cross with her. She is not used to it 1" interposed Bessy, reddening with suppressed anger at this rough treatment. " She is frightened almost to death now." " Very well ! If you can manage the case better than I can, you do not need me any longer," returned Dr. Chase, coolly. And, without another word, he walked back to his former post, by the pillow of his slumbering patient. Bessy was holding the speechless, shivering child in her arms, her own fast-dropping tears bedewing the rigid face, when Miss Barbara appeared. A very few sentences of explanation sufficed for her. " Jest like him ! The unfeeling brute !" she ejaculated. " I'll be bound I can get something out of him, or out of his saddle bags, that will do her good. Jest wait here two seconds." Her mode of dealing with the " brute " was probably as sum tuary as she had threatened; for she was out again presently with a phial in her hand. ' ' The money-worshipping hypocrite !" she continued to berate him, as she dropped the anodyne. " He was afraid to snub me, because I might tell tales to those that can pay him well. Be- tween him and Sancroft, there'd be no poor people left in the land if they had their way. Thank goodness they haven't J 92 NEMESIS. When it comes to that . jest let ine know, and I'll leave, without being invited out I'm obliged to you 1" Bessy heard these mutterings, not knowing that she did so, until they were recollected some months later. With an unnecessary parting shake of the bottle, Miss Barbara clutched the spoon savagely, and came toward Kitty. " Now, Mousey " assuming the most coaxing air and modula- tions, of which countenance and voice were susceptible "you will take this, like a sweet baby, and go to sleep in mamma's arms or in your own pretty little crib. You'd rather have that, hadn't you ?" The child did not offer to open her mouth, and answered by a vacant stare. " Kitty will be sick, if she does not swallow the medicine," argued Bessy, tremulously. " Oh 1 if Mark would only come home ! She always minds him." " She will do it to please Aunt Barbara won't you, Mousey ? Why, what will I do, if you don't get a nice long nap, and ain't well enough by morning, to help me nurse Mr. Malcolm ? There, I told you so ! It is gone every drop ! That's the best child in the land and I've always stuck to it ! Now, Mrs. Hale, slip on her night-gown, and I'll lift in her crib. I can do it without a mite of noise." She accomplished the feat in defiance of the doctor's whispered remonstrances. " I will not be answerable for the consequences," he said, when she motioned to him to let her pass. " Nobody wants you to be !" puffed she, pushing on with her burden. Kitty was laid, unresisting, in her bed. Miss Barbara tucked the coverlet around her, and kissed her. The child's arms were about her neck, when she would have arisen. The poor littl face worked painfully. N K Ai Ji ; H I . 93 " What is it, my baby ?" asked the pitying spinster. " / made his horse throw him 1" broke forth in an hysterical shriek, that caused Dr. Chase to intrude his head and a caustic reprimand. " You wasn't called " snapped Miss Barbara ; and at this shot he retreated. " What does she mean ?" wondered Bessy. " Never mind, now 1 There 1 there ! don't cry loud, dear, oi you'll disturb Mr. Malcolm. You wouldn't do that for anything, you know." " No, ma'am." Kitty smothered her sobs, and the tears streamed, healthfully. "I 'spose the horse jumped to one side, and threw Mr. Mal- colm, when he saw you in the road. That was the way of it wasn't it, Mousey ?" " Yes, ma'am. But I didn't mean to scare him ! 0, dear," she sobbed. " Yes ! yes ! we know that, baby. It was all the horse's fault not a bit of it yours. He would have behaved just as badly if you had been a stump or a rock. I've seen him do it, time and time again. He's an ugly, vicious creatur', that no man in his senses would ride, without he was one of your dare-everything, afraid-of-nothing sort like the dear fellow in there." She sighed, but covered it with a smile, seeing that Kitty's eye was upon her. " So, you see, it couldn't be helped, dear. Now, pray to God that he may get well, and when you wake up, maybe he'll be able to tell you that he knows you were not to blame, and that he loves his little ' Kitty Puss,' as much as ever he did." NEMESIS. CHAPTER VII IT was a trying oeason of waiting and watching thut e'aj before the wounded youth could give the assurance ol forgiveness and affection to the heart that ached so remorsefully. For ten days, there existed a strong probability that the male succession of the honorable house of Argyle would cease with him who was no.w owner of the name and estate. For ten days and nights, Miss Barbara stood guard above her boy, refusing all relief, except that of an hour's sleep, when he was comparatively composed, and then she would resign in favor of no one but Bessy. They two watched sadly and eagerly on one side of his bed Death, hun- grily upon the other. For ten days, the laird's restless wander- ings over house and plantation, were with an uncertain step and haggard face, and an unwonted abstinence from fault-finding. It mattered little so said his aspect a few pounds more or less, when he, who he had intended should inherit all his hoards, might never again set foot upon the broad acres or handle the bright gold. For ten days, the sisters Eleanor and Jessie rode twice daily to the shoemaker's cottage, and returned in tears and terror, from the bedside of their late robugt and merry brother, to mope away the hours in vain endeavors to forget or disbelieve the dan- ger that had scared the gay birds from Ben Lomond, and put a stop to their schemes and thoughts of pleasure. For ten days, Marcia Selden gazed, with heart-beats thick and fast, for the messenger whose regular duty it was to bring intelligence fron the sick-room, and hated, as fervently as it was in her nature to NEME8IB. 95 Aato anything, the stern law of propriety, that banished her from ber 'joy-lover's side. Then there was a change it might be for better, it might be for worse ; and in the hour of agonized suspense, the fa ther knelt by the pillow of his unconscious son, and prayed aloud to the mother's God, that this cup might not be given him to drink. And, when removed from the apartment, he besought Mark, the " low-born mechanic," to pray with him and for him, that the boon might not be denied. It was granted. To Nature, and to her unwearied assistants, the Lord of life gave the victory. But the work was not done with the rescue of the sick one from present and apparent danger. He was still to lie for tedious hours and days in that humble room, watching, with a conva- lescent's listless amusement, the light sifting through the lattice of morning-glories ; the hollyhocks, thrusting their heads between the leaves, h'ke bold, curious women, with flaunting hoods and shameless faces ; the stray flies, that, having no fear of Miss Bar- bara's peacock plumes before their eyes, crawled busily, and gossipped sociably upon the beams and boards that supplied the place of a ceiling ; th-slow, gentle oscillations of the green and blue feathers, and the form and face of her who waved them. Until noon, Miss Barbara usually presided as chief nurse ; but household concerns at Ben Lomond required her supervision, and were not neglected after she could reconcile it with conscience and feeling, to leave her charge for a part of each day. Thus, it camo to pass, that when he awoke from the noon-day nap, now aa habitual with him as it had been in infancy, he found in the stead of the homely, yet beloved visage that had met his closing eyo ; the younger and more comely countenance of his hostess. In hip weakness, he learned to love her gentle ministrations and affeo tiouate demeanor. Every hour's observation enhanced his heart felt respect for the interesting pair into whose care he had been thrown. All that he had heard and read of virtue in the homes 96 HEMESIS. of tbii wly ; of gems, that slione the purer foi' the poverty ot their settirj/ ; of the honor belonging, by conquest, to the self-made man, Lire had its exemplification, and, heightened by the romantit, colorirg of youthful fancy, was a source of liveliest pleasure. He was forbidden to converse, in his extreme weakness, but his ye and smile were ready and eloquent interpreters of thought. It was an era in Kitty's history the day she was admitted to his chamber. Her mother had cautioned her to be very still and to remain only a minute. Malcolm's blue eyes danced when she entered, trembling all over with excitement, delight and bashful- ness. " Kitty 1" he said, feebly. Miss Barbara's finger was up, and he was mute, but motioned to her to hold the child down to him, that he might kiss her Then he passed his long thin fingers over her curls, and smiled sadly, as he laid his wasted hand beside her pink and dimpled one. After that, he would have her pay him a visit, both morning and afternoon, and stay longer each time, until she was promoted to the dignity of fanning him and keeping the flies away. It was a joy to both, when leave was granted for him to amuse himself with her prattle, a recreation which the prudent sub-nurse was watchful should never grow wearisome in length. Kitty was a vivacious and loving creature, and Malcolm must have become fond of her, had he been rich in other objects of affection, which was far from being the case. Nothing with relation, to their landlord's family impressed Bessy more disagreeably than the evident lack of concord ; the absence of all bonds of mutual sym- pathy. She saw clearly that the attentions his sisters would have rendered Malcolm, if only for the sake of appearances, were distasteful to him. He was even peevish, if they were persistent in their offers of service, and at length, having, one day, fretted through a call of extraordinary duration from the two, he tola NEMESIS 97 Miss Barbara flatly, in Bessy's hearing, that they " teazed him almost out of his senses and quite out of all patience ;" that the rustle of starch and silk offended his nerves of hearing ; their French perfumes and pomatum uauseated him, and their ringed fingers hurt his head, when they bathed it. With commendable gravity, Miss Barbara hearkened to this list of grievances, and engaged that none of them should torment him oftener than a show of decent respect for his relatives required it; and what she promised, she performed. But the elements of pride and contempt for whatever was socially inferior to themselves, which had been quelled in the Argyle circle by the shadow of Death, the leveller, reviving with the retirement of the Terror, secretly, but surely plotted the destruction of the peace in- which Malcolm revelled. Their first ebullition was hi the regrets expressed by Miss Argyle to her father, that Malcolm had not been brought home immediately upon the occurrence of the accident. It was not much further, she said, and the least sense of propriety would have sufficed to dictate this course. Perhaps " those people " had not thought of this. It was unreasonable to expect delicacy of thought or behavior from them. It was natural, and therefore the more pardonable in them, to seize upon this providential opportunity of intercourse with those above them. It reflected a sort of honor upon them; no doubt secured them distinction in their class, to have Mr. Argyle's son under their roof, for such a long tune and then the remuneration they were expecting in plain terms, their pay for boarding and tending him, was a consideration to persons in their circumstances. Her last hit told, if the rest had fallen short of the mark. A tab iu the region, of her father's pocket-nerve, would quicken his sensibilities, when nothing else would. " The choice of a hospital was none of mine," he said, stiffly, " anc 7 they have no right to make out any bill whatever. I have 98 NEMK8I8. endured more inconvenience in consequence of his being there, than they can possibly have experienced. And, as to nursing > what are you thinking of, Eleanor ? Has not Barbara been there, from the hour of his accident ? Have not I supplied a bed, in place of the one Malcolm occupies ; and do you sup- pose that a sick man can devour one-third of the provisions Sarah carries down, every morning, by Barbara's orders ? No ! if the truth were known, I have supported the whole family, and had nothing in return, except anxiety and fatigue. I will offer them a ahem ! something by way of a present, when Malcolm comes away; but if a regular account is presented, I shall hand it over to Bancroft, and order him to dispute it as sure as my name is Argyle 1" This affirmation had, with him, all the sense of an oath. Miss Jessie giggled. "Isn't it funny that Malcolm, ow brother, should be sick in such a place ? A log-house, with two rooms, and no ceiling, and a shoemaker's sign over the door ! I declare, I have killed myself twenty times, laughing at the idea." Her father was red to the roots of his powdered hair. As waa his custom, if the expression of his feelings would betray him into intemperate speech, and thereby endanger his dignity, he pursed his mouth tightly, and, grasping his cane, stalked out of the apart- ment. Miss Eleanor nodded satisfiedly at her sister, who laughed, as she lay back upon the sofa. She was a blonde, with a wide, low brow, so smooth and white, it seemed, as if care and anger would never find there a resting- place; light-blue eyes, alternately laughing and indolent; pouting coral lips, and within them a set of even teeth, she liked to dis- play. Her head was a mop of yellow curls, golden, as her admirers declared, and they lauded them on the stage, as heartily as her maid, behind the scenes, hated them. Well she might poor girl ! for Jessie's characteristic was \aziness. She had been a delicate infant and child, and although now in perfect health, NEMESIS. 99 would not, ot could not, relinquish the habits then formed. At school, she was a dunce; in her family, a nonentity; in society, a belle. To maintain the reputation of the latter, she was willing to make others work, if not to exert herself. Ursula, the ill-fated maid, who, for unknown ancestral iniquities, had been appropriated, from her birth to Miss Jessie's service, glowered at all gentlemen visitors to the house, as abettors, with malice prepense, of her torture and toils. She would have parted with half of her own prospects of a husband (and she loved adulation no less than did her mistress), if by so doing she could win assurance that Miss Jessie would never hear another compliment to her figure, feature, complexion above all, to her hair. The sole excitement of Jessie's private hours always excepting the pleasurable duty of surveying herself in the mirror was novel-reading ; and this draught was sipped with such moderation, that a three volume octavo was entertainment for the same number of months. The much-tried Abigail detested the well-thumbed book as cordially as she did the tangled curls, since its appearance was the invariable prlude to a summons to the toilet-table. And while Miss Jessie dreamed over " Pamela," or " Clarissa," or that new and fascinating romance, " The Children of the Abbey," the " moral tales," recommended as safe and instructive by our grand mothers, for the perusal of then- young daughters the luckless hair-dresser plied the comb and brush upon the tresses dishevelled by the wind, or tumbled and matted by lying reclining, Miss Jessie had it in an easy chair, when there was no company by to stimulate her to a sitting posture. The operation was difficult ind hazardous, moreover, for the amiable victim could not bear the twitching of a hair. A refractory ringlet, resisting all the Influences of soap, water and pomatum, to wheedle it into the right shape and tier, would bring on a fit of svlks, which lasted Until a beau alighted at the gate. Such was the appearance, ind like unto these, were the ways o( 100 NEMESIS. Miss Jessie .Argyle as she sank into her accustomed place aud attitude, upon the withdrawal of her father. Her sister's signal unformed her that things boded success to their harmless plan for estranging one of their noble line from the presumptuous vulgar- ians, whose growing influence over him they detected and resented as it deserved to be treated. Eleanor sat by the window that looked down the road. She tvas watching the gig, which, at that hour, every morning, waa brought to the gate for Mr. Argyle's visit to his son. She was in her nineteenth year ; of a proud order of beauty ; in disposi- tion, recklessly selfish ; in temper, arrogant and daring. As her brother once bitterly described her to herself, her " heart was a witches' caldron, in which the quintessence of the family pride and craftiness, with a spice of lesser vices meannesses and the like was boiled down, until nothing on earth or La heaven could radure the fumes." The lad was addicted to hasty and indiscriminating reprobatiop zf whatever irked him ; and Eleanor could afford to smile disdain- fully at this philippic, remembering that there were scores of worldlings, who contended for the honor of her approval, and shrunk from the frowns she was more chary of in public, than in her home. She was virtual mistress of Argyle ; or she would have been, but for two stumbling-blocks, that warned her triumphal car to take another route, when she would have ridden them down with the rest of her slaves. These were Miss Bar- bara, the faithful nurse and stewardess, whom years of efficient semce had made indispensable in the establishment ; and the young brother, the future lord of the homestead and soil, whc neither feared her wrath nor succumbed to her arts, and over whom she was never able to gain one atom more of influence than Iras possessed by the sister whose inertness of mind and body she , despised. The captious critic, who, Li his dissection of certain dramatii H E M E S I 8 . 101 ftrsimz sketched by us in other days and othet books, clearly proved our creations sui generis monsters of wickedness, so uu like real men and women, that the pretentious portraiture could only be accepted as just by children, who believe in ogres and vampires ; or sneered at others, where we essayed to use the lighter colors as angelic hybrids ; even this dreaded arbiter of our fate, as a limner, will suspend his scalpel, in its swift descent upon the character we have just depicted, when he hears our excuse for its infidelity to nature. Our plea is the progress of the human race. We know (not quite as well, indeed, as does the above-deprecated critic but what do we understand as thoroughly ?) but we are partially conscious of the fact that there are no women like Eleanor Argyle, in these millennial days, upon which we have fallen. A girl of our generation, if deprived of her mother when eight years old, intrusted to the guardianship of a father weak in everything except vanity of personal consequence and love of gain; her early education intrusted to a woman who, however good in intention, wanted the prestige of equal birth and station to enforce her rule; surrounded by hordes of servile dependents, who cajoled and flat- tered to avoid her displeasure, and ingratiate themselves in her favor ; who should be sent in the third year of her orphanage, to school, and passed from one instructor to another, until Madame Finissez's lubrication consummated her polish would "turn out" quite differently from the personage we have de- scribed. We surrender, without the struggle of an opinion to the contrary, to the assertion that she would have many redeeming traits to offset the undeniable defects in her rearing ; that she might be high-spirited admitting this to be the natural turn of her disposition, but frank, generous and loving. We do not insinuate that the latest date of demoniacal possession was not agei. ago ; before our memory, and that of our reviewer; and we trust that our good-breeding, if not our reason, would prevent tht 102 NEMESIS. remotest hint the faintest breath of a suspicion that the pre sent tense, which asserts the heart to be "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked," can have any application to "society," and this, our Anno Domini. But we are writing of old times ; the " former days," which, whatever Solomon meant when he dissuaded inquiry on that head. our philanthropic students of their race's history agree in pro- nouncing, unqualifiedly, were not " better than these." To silence all cavils, we may as well state here, that in that far Long Ago, depraved men and heartless, unprincipled women did exist ; and that we have this fact set down in the handwriting, and under the seal of those who were the respectable contemporaries of a class of beings, happily now extinct. "There is Mr. Selden's carriage corning in at our gate I" sud- denly exclaimed Eleanor. Mr. Selden had no grown sons, and Jessie yawned in making the inquiry ""Who is in it ?" " Don't be a fool, Jessie ! How can I tell, a quarter of a mile off?" " Oh I" and she prepared to rest contentedly, with drooping lids, until the carriage should be within easy reach of Eleanor's optics. " I hope it is Marcia," resumed the elder sister, still scanning the equipage. " Do you ?" asked Jessie, sleepily. She aroused herself to add, " she is here pretty often, considering Malcolm is not at home. It's funny, isn't it ?" " It would be strange, or ' funny,' as you say, if she were tc visit here much, when he is at home. It is reported everywhere that they are either engaged, or that they will be soon, and it fcrould be said directly that she is courting him." " I wonder if they will ever be married," speculated Jessie. " It is generally supposed that engaged people hare some suck N E M K 8 I 6 . 103 Intention. Malcolm could not do better, in this county, at least, Mr. Selden will leave all his children wealthy." " And at pa's death Ben Lomond goes to Malcolm. Thej are very young, and nay change their minds. It would be a ghame, when they suit so well, and would have enough to live ipon," mused Jessie. She was prone to the delivery of commonplaces, in the trance- like state that wrapped her now, her azure orbs misty, and her utterance muffled and drawling. " If you ever get a tenth as much, you will have to be more brisk and less silly than I have ever seen you," said Eleanor, angrily ; " your aifectation is insufferable, Jessie." Jessie laughed, without stirring. " Is not that carriage almost here ? I think your friend, Marcia, would enjoy our conversation I don't believe she knows what pleasant sisters-in-law we will bo. How do you keep on the right side of her, Nelly ? And Mai* colm is tolerably well acquainted with you, too 1 Isn't it funny that he doesn't tell tales out of school 1" " I am so glad to see you !" cried Eleanor, running down the steps to meet her friend. " My dear Marcia 1 what a delightful surprise this is. This day seems destined to bring pleasures. We have the most encouraging news from Malcolm, this morning The doctor says he may be removed home next week. Now, yon have come to spend the day with me, haven't you ? and I am the happiest girl living." " How is Jessie ?" asked Marcia, her happy face indicative of icr emotion at the receipt of Eleanor's apparently inadvertent 2ommunication touching her brother. " Jessie, here she is 1 hi the drawing-room. She has been asleep, I think. The poor, dear girl is worn out with anxiety and loss of rest. But that will soon be over, now." Marcia's kiss was so affectionate that Jessie expanded her eyes hi amazement. She never saluted anybody hi that fashion, sh< 104 NEMESIS. thought ; but after ruminating upon the circumstances, sh slowly concluded that if any of the young ladies of her acquaint- ance had rich, handsome brothers, she might be hurried into the same extravagance. " Absolutely her work-bag !" uttered Eleanor, as her visitor, having given her bonnet to a servant, and arranged her haif anew, settled herself for the forenoon. " I am never exactly easy without it," said Marcia, producing a strip of linen, with the threads drawn ready for stitching. " It is against ma's rules to waste anything especially tune/' This was spoken in perfect innocence of any personal reflec- tion ; but Eleanor's eye stole, unseen by the speaker, to her sister, who had vacated the sofa in favor of a stuffed chair, and sat with her milk-white hands folded, as usual. The sly arrow might have enlightened the sister-in-law expectant as to the hidden reefs beneath the current, that ran so smoothly on the surface ; but she was too intent upon her work to see it. She was a very pretty girl the prettiness of regular features and color. In this respect, she had the advantage over Elea- nor, queenly though she was when she willed it. Marcia was, however, of a domestic, yet lively turn ; less showily educated than her friends, yet ladylike and agreeable enough in conversa- tion ; never brilliant, like Eleanor, and never nonsensical, like Jessie. Seen without the glamour of Malcolm's love and fancy, she was a comely, practical, amiable damsel, with no particular strength of will or steadiness of purpose, and a dutiful daughter, if one might *udgefrom her constant references to "ma's "wishes and sentiments, " Your brother is decidedly better, then ?" she observed, trying to seem politely careless, as she stroked out the two or three inches of stitches she had set. " So the doctor assures us ; you cannot imagine how anxious we are to have him home again. He cannot be comfortabU where he is, much as we try to make him so." NEMESIS. 10ft " Such a funny place 1" put in Jessie. " Sand on the floor, and just two windows in the whole house, and a ladder in the largest room 1" " But pa says that everything looks neat, and that they are altogether different from most people in their circumstances, said Marcia. " fle was quite struck with Mr. Hale, when he called at our house, to buy some timber or rails, or something of that sort. He told ma that he was the finest specimen of an intelligent mechanic he ever saw, and that if the country were stocked with such, the distinctions of rank would be at an end." " I am thankful that it is not, then," rejoined Eleanor ; " I do not relish the vision of a houseful of cobblers and cobblers' wives. I must say that this Hale woman seems to consider herself fit for any society. Fancy her at your table, and your father inviting her to take wine, in his fine, courtly style. ' Wall, I rathei guess I will thank ye 1 J " Marcia joined in Jessie's laugh. " Oh, we must polish them, before we admit them to terms of equality. Not that I, myself, do not agree with you. It will be some centuries before men arrive at this state of society. This Mrs. Hale is quite a lady in appearance, I have noticed her as we were riding by. They have unproved their house surprisingly. It is really a romantic cottaga like those we read of in novels." " Hop-vines and holyhocks ! They are hardly evidences of a refiued taste. But the house is good enough for them. Pa has taken pains that it shall not be an unsightly object. It is so con- ipicuous from the road." " 1 thought that man did all that himself. Pa gathered from what he said that it was his own work." " A probable story! Where was he to get the money to do if with ? I have no doubt that he tried to create the impression that it was the fruit of his industry, for he is a fellow who makes great pretensions." 5* 106 NEMESIS. " But Eleanor, some of the improvements were his," said Jessie. " Who else would ever have put up that horrid sign ?" " That is your eyesore," responded her sister. " The shoe maker's wife is mine, and a more intolerable one. She takes upon herself the greatest airs you can conceive of, Marcia ; carries her head, and steps as if she were the wife of a lord. She speaks to us with such provoking condescension, that you would imagine us to be her younger sisters, and herself and her husband are dear Malcoka's patrons. Poor old Barbara was blinded by them, months ago, and so they have unbounded swing, down there, Tessie and I have to march, when ' Mrs. Hale ' winks at Bar- oara, and have the honor and felicity of being bowed out of the front kitchen, by ' Mr. Hale/ with his leathern apron on, and his hammer in his hand. That pert minx of a child has the run of the premises, all day ; lolls on Malcolm's bed ; fans him, enter- tains him, and for aught I know, gives him his medicine." Marcia had let fall her work, and was looking at Eleanor, with a countenance full of disgust and pity. " Is it not shameful ?" she said, warmly. " Why don't you teach them their proper place ? I should not think any one, no matter how audacious, would attempt to impose upon you, Eleanor. Why, you coiald keep anybody at a distance. It would be kind- ness to thejse people, to check their forwardness." " When my brother is under their roof 1 No, no, Marcia 1 you thoughtless aristocrat !" No saintly plebeian could have rebuked with more gentle humility. " They have been very attentive to him," she continued, with generous candor. " There is no disputing that ; and in virtue of this, we are inclined to overlook our personal grievances. Their being trebly paid for their services, does not alter the fact of oul obligation. True, we regard them as pushing and officious, bat I would hope that they mean well toward Malcolm. ' H fl. M E B I 8 . 107 " He likes them, and that funny little girl most of all I" giggled Jessie. " Yes ! the darling fellow is infatuated. For pity's sake, Dover breathe one word of what we have been saying, to him He is so impulsive and affectionate, so easily deceived by plausi ble looks and stories by anything that appeals to his feelings that he runs wild about these people. Pa regrets it more than we do ; but, as he says, there is but one course for us to pursue, nd that is to wait, as quietly as we can, until the scales drop from kis eyes. " If that little child were grown, I think he would marry her," said Jessie. " That would be the funniest part of all wouldn't it?" " Mercy, Jessy, you make my flesh crawl !" and Eleanort grimace partook of aversion and ridicule. " That could never happen I If Malcolm could forget whose blood runs in his veins, the dead and buried Argyles would start from their graves to prevent the monstrous sacrilege 1" Marcia was an interested listener, and she carried home, at night, a faithful report of what she had learned of Malcolm's situation and the manoauvres of his wily hosts. Mrs. Selden thought it " a shame that a gentleman's son should be forced to submit to dictation from those so much beneath him," and mar- velled with her daughter at the forbearance of the Argyles. Mr. Selden looked grave at the unfavorable account of Mark's presumption, too near akin to impertinence, to suit his patrician taste. He " had taken a liking to the fellow," he confessed, for he " believed him to be honest and industrious, and that, while he had more intelligence than was common hi his class, he was not above kflgtrade. He was sorry to hear otherwise." " I am not surprised," said his wife, satisfiedly. "And I ought not to be." was Mr. Selden's reply ; "for that IC'S N E M E 8 I 8 . ta uniformly the way with that style of people. A little notic* from those of better standing turns their heads ; deceived? them with the impression that they are rising hi the world ; spoils them for the sphere in which they were born, and renders them obnox- ous to those whom they would imitate. There are upstarts, in abundance, popping up their heads like mushrooms, all around us. It is the duty of every substantial old resident of the coun- ty, to keep these in their proper place ; to teach them that there, and there alone, can they be respectable and respected." " You said, the other day, that if all working-men were as intelligent as this Mr. Hale, there would be no more difference of rank, pa ; and you spoke as if it would be a great thing for the country," said the matter-of-fact Marcia. Mr. Selden's smile was sligLUy embarrwsed. "That was my democratic theory, ra? daughter. Practice ii' quite another affair." H E M E 8 I 8 . 109 CHAPTER VIII. " IT is a pleasant day, my son. Are yon well enough to drive irat a short distance ? The carriage is at your service." Malcolm was lying upon the settee in Miss Barbara's room, dressed, but very weak and emaciated. There was altogether too Linch of the invalid still about him to please his father, who, unaccustomed to the sight of disease, and having enjoyed sound health during most of his life, could not be convinced that this debility did not portend further, and possibly fatal, results of his accident. His incessant watchfulness and minute inquiries were often irritating to the convalescent, yet could not help bein| touched by these evidences of an attachment, that never found rent in words. He rallied, now, to reply gratefully. " It is kind in you to propose it, sir. I should enjoy an airing, provided it is prudent to attempt it. What do you say, Aunt Bab ?" " 'Twon't hurt ! It was one of Miss Barbara's " pie-crust days," as Malcolm named the turns of exceeding brevity in language, and a peculiar snapping not snappishness of articulation and motion, that over- took her, now and then, when fashionable ladies would have called themselves " nervous," and been called by others cross. " Then, you may order the carriage, rf you please, sir. How far may I go, Aunt Bab ?" with an imploring eagerness, thai moved his nurse to a very gentle denial of what she felt was hi* wish. l\Q NEMESIS. " Not morc'n a mile. It's the first time, remember." " Please, dear Aunt Bab 1" The boy caught her dry, stiff ftand, as she beat up his pillows. She shook her head. " Be patient 1 If you don't throw yourself back by being too smart, you can go to see her next week." " Why don't you say next year, and be done with it ?" he rejoined, pettishly, flinging himself over to the other side of the couch. Miss Barbara said nothing more then, only went on preparing the savory broth he loved, and craved with the avidity of return- ing appetite. He would have it made by no one but her, and when it was ready, she served it upon a stand beside his couch. He stayed her hand in the spreading of a napkin over this, and looked up penitently into her face. " I don't mind it. You can't help it !" was all her reply, and peace was restored. " Is Malcolm going out ?" inquired Eleanor, coming in. Her father reentered at the moment, and replied in thq affirmative. " So Sarah said, but I thought she was mistaken. It is too bad ! I wanted the carriage to-day, and you must all have known it. Jessie and I are engaged to dine at Mr. Logan's, and as it is ten miles off, if we don't start early, we shall not get there in tune. Cannot you put off your drive, Malcolm ?" " Certainly !" he said, contemptuously. Mr. Argyle seldom disputed the will of his imperious daughter, Bave when she pulled too strongly upon his purse-strings ; but her selfish disregard of her sick brother's comfort was too flagrant aa offence to be passed over hi silence. " Eleanor !" he remonstrated, sternly. " You are not serious In asking your brother to deny himself what will conduce to hi* NEMESIS. Ill recovery and this, after his tedious confinement to the house ! I am astonished !" " There it is ! I expected nothing else !" cried Eleanor, Btorinily. " Xobody on this plantation is of the least consequence excepting Malcolm always Malcolm ! Here we have been cooped up for seven weeks; going nowhere, and seeing no com pany; moping and sighing over him, because he was too a\vk ward a rider to keep his seat on a horse; associating with all manner of vulgar people, and seeing them eternally preferred to ourselves I Much natural affection he has shown for his sisters, that we should make any more sacrifices for him ! I've had a surfeit of cobblers and cobblers' wives, and a taste of better society will be a luxury." Malcolm's face was ashy white with wrath, and his eyes glowed in it, like burning coals. " The girl has gone mad at last !" he said, in a tone that was frightfully suppressed. " I always prophesied that her temper would get the upper hand of her senses in the end. Indulge her, sir, by all means. My proposed excursion was not of my seeking, but your owji kind offer. With many thanks for your good intentions, I shall stay where I am. Let Miss Argyle go, but send a keeper and a strait waistcoat with her." " Hush 1" said Miss Barbara, in his ear, and she would have forced him back to the pillow, from which he had started. He did not heed her, except by resisting her pressure upon hip shoulder. In the subdued accents of concentrated rage, he went on: " It is absurd to reason with a crazy thing, I have heard : but I will say a word or two yes ! and take care that you shall recollect them for the future 1 This is not the first, nor the second, no r the hundreth time that I nave listened to your gratuitous sneers and abuse of tl.ose friends of mine, who saved my life. ' A small service !' you will say. I do not deny it; bul 112 NEMESIS. on their part, the merit of the deed was the same, as if Miss Eleanor Argyle's existence were endangered, instead of her brother's. I do not expect you to rise superior to the prejudices of those who have only the accidents of fortune and rank te iepend upon, for distinction in this world; still less do I suppost you capable of appreciating the rare combination of virtues thai shine out in the characters of Mr. Hale and his wife. I do not wish you to associate with them. I have too much regard for their comfort, for they would be the sufferers not you. But you shall be silent concerning them, in my hearing ! And, further- more, if it ever comes to my ears that you have slandered them to others, I will find mea,ns to make you repent it to the latest day of your life. Be sure of that 1 They are among the best friends I have in the world. I wish this to be understood, and that I will defend them to the last. Now, go to your ' better society/ and play the amiable for the remainder of the day 1" If Eleanor had been a man, she would have felled her brother to the floor, feeble and ill as he was. Miss Barbara, who knew her temper of old, involuntarily stepped in between her and the settee, as she bent forward to speak. Eleanor noticed the motion, and laughed bitterly. " Your baby does not require your protection," she said. " He is too weak to do more than to talk, or I should be the one in danger. The tongue that insults a woman, has generally a hand to match it, in unmanly violence. Let me congratulate you, my dear brother, upon your improvement in the art of abuse. Your instructors deserve credit for their diligence, and their pupil for his. I am free to confess myself unequal to you, in this respect, not having been thrown in the way of hearing and acquiring this sort of practice. It will be advisable for the rest of the family to study with the shoemaker's wife for awhile, since this style of conversation is to be introduced into our household. Is it it this way, that I would reap benefit from association with them I NEMESIS. 113 they ' would be the sufferers ' by unconscious imitation o' my manners 1" 11 This is extremely unbecoming conduct and language," Mr Argyle found breath to say. Malcolm raised himself to bis feet, and strove to speak ; but th* crimson that had rushed to his brow with the effort, faded as sud- denly, and he fell back upon his pillows. Miss Barbara caught Eleanor's arm, whirled her to the door, and slammed it after her, then darted back to the fainting lad. Mr. Argyle, confounded and paralyzed, did not stir hardly breathed till the swoon was averted; the deathly hue of the face, and the hysterical gasping of the exhausted lungs passed away. He had an indefinite consciousness that both of his unruly children were in fault, and that his duty was to censure them. Eleanor, he was literally afraid to seek, in her present state ; but he took courage from Malcolm's prostration. Another considers/- tion propelled him to the prompt chastisement of his son. He had espoused the wrong side of the question. His laudations of, and professions of attachment for the Hales, were as unpalatable to father as to daughter. He had, hitherto, tried to check the unsuitable intimacy by innuendoes and disapproving looks, which, he had the satisfaction of seeing, were not thrown away upon Malcolm's recent hosts, however he might choose to slight them. The time for decisive action had arrived; the issue was raised, and he must assert his authority as chieftain of the clan, and set the matter at rest. These bickerings and vulgar outbreaks could not be tolerated where he was master. Seeing Malcolm again silent, and outwardly calm, he opened his argument. " I had hoped, Malcolm, that yjou and your sister bad out- grown these childish and irrational exhibitions of temper. I am particularly grieved at your intemperate expressions and the singular views you have adopted of late. Eleanor is to be blamed for her attack; but you must admit that her charges ar 114. K E M E S I 8 . not groundless. Your ahem ! alienation from your kindred and intercourse with those occupying a lower grade of society, have occasioned me more solicitude than I can express. Ahem !" He paused to note the effect of his preamble, for under hi? doughty mien and big words, he was an arrant coward at heart, and a flash of the fire Malcolm had just displayed, would have put him to flight. The boy lay motionless ; his deep eyes fixed, mournfully, in a sort of sad reverie, upon his father. Emboldened by this submission, Mr. Argyle resumed : " I have hesitated about broaching this subject; but my conscience will not justify me in omitting to speak, now that the question is aheml up for discussion. Yours is no ordinary position in the world, my son. In this community, you will have no superior, if you remain just to your ancestors and to yourself. I look forward to your career with exalted hopes ; with fervent wishes that the family name and ahem 1 the family fortune will sustain no detriment, when yours shall be the lot to maintain both. Do 1 render my meaning intelligible V' " Yes, sir," answered the son. " It would be a work of ahem! supererogation to remind you that you are the last male scion of a line of distinguished men ; that your forefathers were " " Mercy on us 1" said Miss Barbara, stumbling over Malcolm's pointer and accidentally(l) treading on his foot. The animal set up a deafening howl, and ran under his master's lounge. " There, PontcJ, poor fellow ! Never mind, Aunt Bab," said Malcolm, appreciating the intention of this diversion. " I wish to hear all that my father has to say." " It's no use 1" groaned Miss Barbara, inwardly " He is se Ui his own way. Can't the old man see that ? Because iron is at a white heat, is that any reason it shouldn't burn his finger ?" The thread of Mr. Argyle's discourse was not easily joinod NEMESIS. 115 He resorted to his snuS'-box, bis most valuable prompter ; bat it could suggest nothing better than a dive into the midst of th subject he was trying to bring around gradually. " Your unfortunate accident is rendered doubly painful to uf by the development in you of traits and tendencies ahem ! which are without a parallel in our history. I dread nothing foi you more than debasing associations intimacies which may depreciate you in the estimation of your equals in fortune and blood." " And such, you intimate, that I have formed ?" inquired Mal- colm, without any token of emotion. " I fear it very much I fear it, my son." " I am very tired, sir, and too feeble to converse much longer. Will you oblige me by stating your commands briefly ?" " I do not command positively. You are not far from man's estate, and I would rather counsel ahem direct." " Your directions then, sir," said the lad, patiently. " My recommendation, then, is, that you discontinue your visits at the house of a man, whose social standing is second to that of your father's overseer, and that you repel with dignity whatever advances he or his wife may feel encouraged, by your past condescensions, to make. J offered ahem a liberal pecu- niary recompense to him when you were brought home, and 1 must say, that his manner of declinature was extremely offensive to me. It savored too much of pride an unpardonable failing in an underling." " Underling P A sneer rushed over Malcolm's face, and he repeated the term through his shut teeth. He was patiently li tening again, before his father could determine whether or not he had seen his expression vary. " Thus, our consciences are clear of obligation to him," the old gentleman prosed on. "Give hun liis house rent-free for life, if he irants it so "long, 116 NEMESIS. and fit it up comfortably for him," suggested Malcolm, as shortl} as Miss Barbara could have done ; " I will engage that he doel aot reject the proposal. If you deny me in this, I shall, from my allowance, remit to him, yearly and anonymously, a sum equal to the exorbitant rent, which, I learn from Bancroft, you charge him for the miserable shanty it was when he hired it, and which it would have remained until now, but for his ingenuity and industry. You can disinherit me, if you like. What I have said, is said." " And a sight too much of it for your good," interposed llisa Barbara. " If there's any more quarrelling with him and by him, to-day, he will not worry you and Miss Eleanor a week from this time. He is not fit for such work, sir. You might knock him down with a straw, and yet he is so fierce in spirit, that he will fight while there's breath in his body. If you'll let him alone for four or five days, I'll get him ready for a pitched battle." Mr. Argyle and his cane retreated alike stiffly at the hint ot future contest. The laird was inconveniently ruffled in mind. Malcolm's unforeseen change of tactics had upset him more effec- tually than anything less serious than a bad bargain, or actual loss of money, had done in many a year. The boy's degrading tastes were incorrigible, he feared. This bugbear had gained reality rapidly since Eleanor first pointed it out. He felt, now, that the mischief was done, how artfully, and easily the estrangement might have been effected. But Malcolm's blood and obstinacy were up, and in his quivering soul the father knew how much braver than himself was the stripling son, whom he had never succeeded in controlling. A troubled hour of cogitation resulted in a summons to Mr. Sancroft, and a lengthened confabulation between the employer and his agent. The next news that stirred the still plantation-life, was that " Master Malcolm was going abroad across the big water," the K-rvants said ; " to the auld country," said the overseer, W'st S E i. B 1 B , 117 fdlly : and Eleanor comforted Marcia for the separation, by expatiating upon " the superior advantages he would have at a foreign university, in Edinburgh especially." Malcolm experi- enced a thrill of intense delight, succeeded by pain almost a& lively, when the plan was unfolded to him. The physician pre- scribed sea-air for his health, and a visit to Europe a Scottish university were the bright realizations of many a boyish dream and student-longing. His preparations were hurried, the pro pitious season for making the voyage being already far advanced. He looked still unfit for travel, when he dismounted at the Hale's door, the evening before he was to set off. His calls to them had been regular, but short, since he quitted their hospita ble abode; his conduct was unaltered from the frank friendliness of yore. This afternoon, he was pale and depressed. Mark and Bessy did not remark audibly upon this, for they had seen him pass, at mid-day, on his way to Mr. Selden's, and respected, while they pitied the sorrow that bore, with cruel weight, upon his young, loving heart. They understood, better than he, the impulse that caused him to hold Kitty so closely to him, as she sat on his knee, to press his lips repeatedly to her soft curls so like those that clustered upon another head ! Their sympathies wanted no educational polish to teach them the mysteries of affec- tion, the voiceless yearning of the lonely spirit, which clasped i*s tendrils around whatever was near and invited it to ch'ng. The setting sun poured a golden stream over the figures of the youth and the child, her eyes brimming with wonder and sorrow, because hi his she read a melancholy meaning that passed her comprehension. " And Kitty will forget me," he said, by and by, ceasing the conversation relative to his journey and designs, for the ensuing year, which he was forcing himself to carry on with her parents. " No, no !" she said, earnestly, throwing an arm about hii " I can remember ever so long forever and a day 1" 118 NEMESIS. " Yon caught that saying from Aunt Bab," he answered, smk liu"-. " I shall be gone a whole year and a half, Kitty maybe more A great many things may happen in that time. I shall find you here, when I return ?" he subjoined to Mark, more in assertion, than inquiry. " Perhaps so," was the grave reply. " We have feared, some- tunes, that we have not judged for the best, in choosing this home, but it is the only one we have, at present, or can have, for a twelvemonth, at least. You know the old proverb ' A rolling stone gathers no moss.' I would not desert a location that promised anything like a support, under a two years' trial." "Your prospects are fair, are they not?" asked Malcolm, quickly. "They are not dark," answered Mark, evasively. Malcolm looked uneasy, " I wish I could do away with any unpleasant feeling that the conduct of others may have engen- dered in your mind, could persuade you how idle are any fore- bodings, on that account; yet, perhaps, these are best dismissed by a prudent silence. Believe me in one thing, however. My father is your friend, and you will shortly have a token of hi? good-will, which I beg you to accept, if you desire to make me happy. Recollect, that were all that I ever expect to own, yours, aud myself your bondsman, I would still be your debtor. And, promise me faithfully and solemnly, that should anything occur iu my absence, that would, if I were here, afford me a chance that I dearly covet that of serving you you will apply to me by letter. Here is my address." They promised. His earnestness left no room for denial. Hands were pressed ; kind wishes said for his prosperous jour- neyings and safe return, he tried to articulate again his gratitude for their many benefits and little Kitty, standing on the doon steps, watched him, through her tears, ride slowly away in th ypllow sunset. K M E g I S . 119 CHAPTER IX. As ms son had promised, Mr. Argyle soon uispatched a special communication to his tenant. Mr. Sancroft was its bearer. ' Don't let me disturb you, Mrs. Hale 1" he said to Bessy, who tfould have left the room to him and Mark. " What I have to say concerns you, madam. The luck of one's husband must interest the wife. It is queer, how in this world of ours, one man's bane is another man's meat to quote a venerable saw, Mr Hale. Who could have guessed that what everybody else reckoned a calamity namely Mr. Malcolm Argyle's fall from his horse, close to your door, injuring him for life, it maybe, would yet be a stroke of good fortune to you, my dear sir ? I dare say, now, that the idea of such an event never entered your mind, Mr. Hale hey ?" " It certainly never did," said Mark, with dignified composure. " Mr. Argyle's misfortune distressed none of his friends more than it did us." The eyebrows were incredulous ; then, mockingly respectful. The feeling does you honor, Mr. Hale. I shall report it, truthfully, at head-quarters, sir." Mark bit his lip in vexation at the construction put upon hii reply ; but to resent it would be a recognition of the agent'i meanvig he was not disposed to give. " A creditable sentiment, sir, and nothing more than I should have expected of you. I am pressed for time, to-day, Mr. Hale, PO, if you please, we will now proceed directly to business." 120 NEMESIS. " You could not please me better," Mark was so incautious u to say. The eyebrows caught at the unfortunate phrase. " ]fou may well say that, Mr. Hale, and I honor your frank ttess in not feigning unconsciousness thaj there is agreeable intel- %ence in store for you. I perceive that your acuteness has anticipated the nature of my errand. Indeed, for obvious reasons, I supposed that you would think me a tardy messenger. You must have endured an uncomfortable degree of suspense, since receiving the hint which escaped Mr. Malcolm Argyle, when he was last here. It was indiscreet in him to refer, in explicit terms, to a matter that was then so uncertain ; but he is hasty, some- times, both in forming attachments and engagements, as you may have observed, Mr. Hale. I see that you are all impatience to learn the whole of your glad tidings. Mr. Argyle, Senior, has understood from his son that you think the rent of your place extortionate "- " Sir I" ejaculated Mark, astounded. " Have patience, my dear sir 1 I am coming to the point " " Before you proceed one word further," said Mark, collecting his senses, " I desire to s'tate distinctly, that I never expressed or implied any discontent with this house or the rent, in Mr. Malcolm Argyle's hearing." " Is it possible ? Here is an important misunderstanding, Mr. Hale." The eyebrows weighed the testimony on both sides, and found Mark's wanting. The mouth said the same, but more guardedly. "Is not your memory treacherous in this respect, sir? Else, bow should Mr. Malcolm Argyle have ascertained the amount of your house-hire, and the sum you have expended in imprcTe- meuts ?'' " I do not know, indeed, Mr. Sancroft, unless from yourself," returned Mark. NEMESIS. 121 ' Or from Mrs. Hale ' wheeling suddenly toward her. " So great a favonte as was your handsome guest may, naturally and properly, have talked over family affairs with you, my dear madam hey ?" " If you call my husband's word in question, you will hardlj believe me when I say that Mr. Argyle never did any such thing,' Bessy said, spiritedly. " Excuse me, Mrs. Hale ! Do not, my good lady, be offended with one who wishes you well, and who is the bearer of pleasant news. To skip this point, or to take for granted that the young gentleman was mistaken hi giving you as his authority in his altercation I should have said, discussion with his father ; Mr. Argyle, Senior, having learned of your impression that he was dealing hardly by you, in this compact, although he could wish that the complaint had been made more directly to himself, is willing to overlook this, in remembrance of your gratuitous attentions to his sick son, and commissions me to inform you of his generous intentions in your behalf. He cannot con- scientiously charge a lower rent for your commodious residence It would create dissatisfaction among his other tenants. He has the right, however, to confer whatever" benefaction he wishes. Therefore, without tedious formalities, Mr. Hale, he requests me to apprise you that this house is at your service rent-free for so long a time as you may choose to occupy it. And he trusts that the debt of obligation, which you may justly have considered as binding upon him, through the accidental circumstance of his son's having been brought in here, after his fall, and been unable to leave for several weeks he hopes, I say, that this, with him, involuntary indebtedness, may be cancelled by his gift. A nobus offer isn't it, Mr. Hale ? It is entirely in consonance with the character of your patron. Exact to the splitting of a hah* in monetary affairs hard, as some call his prompt procedures he is yet princely in his liberality, when he chooses to exercise it A 123 NEMESIS. This latest instance will make a fine noise in the neighborhood, I'll Ue bound, and cannot but serve as an advertisement for your self, Mr. Hale. Would it not be well for you to mention it, and add your thanks, in your next letter to Scotland ? It will please Mr. Malcolm Argyle to learn that you are aware of his instrumen- tality in procuring your excellent fortune. I take.it for granted that you correspond with the affectionate young gentleman hey ?" " You take altogether too much for granted to-day, sir art going ahead entirely too fast," said Mark's firm, decided tones. " If Mr. Malcolm Argyle made the representations to his father which you have repeated, I do not care to thank him for a favo* obtained by such means. If he did not and allow me to say, that this is the most reasonable supposition, in my opinion the less said the better. To your ' patron, 7 you may reply that I regret extremely the sense of obligation under which he lies. As I told him myself, when his son was carried home, we did all that lay in our power for the poor young gentleman, and did it cheer- fully, without ever one thought of any compensation, except the pleasure of seeing him well again. Thus, he will see, that it would be downright dishonesty in me to receive the 'gift' he offers, as payment for our services. He is not in debt to us, and please Heaven" Mark drew up his stalwart figure and looked the independent man he was " please Heaven, we will never be in his !" " This is an extraordinary message, Mr. Hale. Had you not better take time and reconsider this decision ? Favors like these -ire not as plenty as blackberries. Do not throw away a golden cLnce of bettering your fortune. Mrs. Hale, wUl you not use you influence with him ?" ' if he will not repeat the answer you have just had without it," said Bessy, scornfully. " My dear friends !" reasoned eyebrows and lips, in measured time and perfect unison, "you are young and inconsiderate; NEMESIS. 128 unsophisticated, Mr. Hale a trifle too precipitate Mrs. Hale. You have played your cards admirably, thus far if you will not take umbrage at the expression. Now, that you are on the point of winning, do not lose all by a single wrong move. Great friends are an invaluable auxiliary to those who have to make their way in the world. Such a help you have contrived to secure in the younger Argyle. His father is an older hand in the world's ways; therefore, a less easy conquest. Still, you have a hold on him in his love* for his only boy. My disinterested counsel to you is not to let him slip through your fingers, and to pump him whenever you can. This sounds coarse, but it is the way other people climb to the top of the hill. We understand one another. Why attempt deception by using fine words, and making a flourish of moral scruples ?" Mark did not try to conceal his disgust. " If your sense of duty to your employer does not withhold you from giving this advice, Mr. Sancroft, my consciousness of what is right toward my fellow-man forbids me to follow it. I am neither simpleton nor knave. I am at a loss to determine which you mistake me for, judging from the language you hold,, You know, in your secret soul, that you never intended me to accept Mr. Argyle's offer. Whether he made it in good faith 01 not, I do not undertake to say. I could have closed with it onl) at the sacrifice of independence and honor. You have tried your best to convict me of double-dealing, of selfish motives and feigned kindness ; of truckling to the wealthy to advance my Interests. I have never borne such insinuations from mortal man, nor do I intend to submit to them now. You call yourself a gentleman, and stoop to notice me a poor mechanic. I forbid you, now, ever to hold further communication with me, except upon strictly business matters. These are hard things to say to a man in my own house. Your conscience is my witness whethel you have not deserved thorn all and more !" 124 NEMESIS " Good day, Mrs. Hale 1" said the agent, bowing himself out, with a serenity truly edifying to behold. " Oh, Mark 1 what have you done ?" cried Bessy, clasping hei hands in fright more at the unwonted excitement of her hus band, than any definite fear of consequences from his high-handed measure. "Ordered off a villain who insulted me by questioning mj word and imputing despicable motives to me," replied he, gloom- ily. " There is something at the bottom of all this, which we do not see. That hound never yelped in that style, without being set on by his master. Yet why should he persecute me ?" " It sounds very foolish the idea that Mr. Argyle should go out of his way to annoy you, without any cause for hating you,'' said Bessy, trying to reason away his fancies and quiet her own misgivings. "As to Mr. Sancroft, he has never liked us since last Christmas, when Mr. Malcolm made game of him before us. Somehow, people never can forgive those who have seen them ippear ridiculous. Then he and Miss Barbara are always at swords' points, and her liking for us would cause him to slight us. He is just the man to treasure up a small, mean spite, and get hia revenge in whatever manner he can. You have not courted him either, and never submitted to his patronizing ways, as he ex- pected you would. Don't mind him ! that is, unless you find that he has set Mr. Argyle against you, and I cannot see, even then, how they can hurt you." " But after what has passed, can I, ought I to stay here T Bessy! will you break up again and go with me, to seek 'or a home ?" " To-morrow, if you wish it, dear Mark !" He paused in his walk up and down the floor, and gazed at her with a saddened tenderness. " I believe you, darling ! Yon are the truest wife man ever had. We have been here, now, a year next mouth. It ii NEMESIS. 123 Hard to tear up the reots, just as they are getting hold in the earth ! " You told young Mr. Argyle that you would give the place a two years' trial," ventured Bessy, whose woman's heart hart learned to- love this home, if only for the pains it had cost her to make it comfortable. " I did, and I will I I will stay here until I am driven away. And after all, what a fuss we are making over what may be a trifle! I lost my temper, and Sancroft kept his. Mr. Argyle has saved his credit for generosity, and his rent besides, and Mr. Malcolm will think me perversely proud and ungrateful for his kind inten- tions. There is the extent of the mischief done 1 I am too insignificant a mote to offend the laird's eye, now that his son is out of the reach of my influence ; that there is no risk of hip going into the shoe business, or eloping with you, or^ marrying Kitty. And the young ladies' minds are similarly relieved. Mr. Argyle's pleasure at my refusal to lessen his income by the amount of my rent, will prevent his kicking me out of the house, because I invited his agent to leave. Hurrah, Bessy ! while 1 can work, and custom lasts, we will stand fast, and live down pride and hatred. The winter's trade will be coming in, soon. It ought to be double what the summer brought, and if it is no more, we can live, and more than live." Confidential as were Mr. Argyle's conferences with his able tool, they were suspected and watched by one of the enemy's allies. Miss Barbara, by virtue of a secret warrant from Malcolm, took the liberty of interrogating the Hales concerning the pro- posal lately submitted to them. They were proof against her curiosity at first ; but finally surrendered to the extent of acquainting her with Mr. Bancroft's behavior and Mark's resentment. She said little ; but that little was strong, even for her, and she thought a deal more. That very night she addressed herself to the arduous composition of a letter to he! 126 NEMESIS. 14 boy." By dint of scrupulously devoting every spare minute sha had in a whole week to the undertaking, she accomplished a minute and energetic history of the mysterious occurrence. This was directed to Malcolm, and committed to the post and to Providence. " He will scorch 'em 1" was the lullaby with which her imagi- nation rocked her to sleep, for several nights after the important transaction. Many weeks must roll by, ere the fiery castigation, so con- fidently expected, could reach the offenders, and busied with pre- parations for the fall and winter, Miss Barbara had scanty sea- sons of leisure to bestow upon her young friends, " down the road." She was glad that Bessy did not apply to her for sewing, this fall, there being now no reason why the seamstresses at homo should not perform their lawful share of work. The household expenditures underwent inspection weekly from the master. The account-books of housekeeper ard overseer, were carried on Mon- day morning to his room and scanned as closely as if millions of pounds, and not dozens of pence were at stake. Mr. Argyle had a genius for petty accumulation. He knew, to an ounce, how much butter should be made from a certain number of gallons of milk ; to a day, how long a barrel of flour and a hundred weight of bacon ought to last. This foible, as is always the case, increased with age, and this winter it had sun- dry aggravations, that rendered him absolutely miserly. What with the necessity of dressing his daughters, as other ladies of corresponding rank were bedecked, and maintaining abroad a Bon, who would not live as his father had done, among strangers, there was not a man in three counties who felt poorer, or more miserable in his poverty, than did the proprietor of the splendid estate of Ben Lomond. Hitherto, he \ad seldom interfered openly in Miss Barbara's province. Distrustful he was, as avarice alone can make one ; but he found it hard to doubt her eccnomj aod thrift, her fi lelity to him and to his. NEMESIS. 127 Latterly, he prowled about her premises, peeped surreptitiouslj into her barrels and jars, overlooked wool-bags and cotton-bas- kets, stole like a thief to her bins of choice vegetables in short, as she said, " carried on in such a despiseable, low-lived way, that she wa*; ashamed to look him in the face she felt so meac for him 1" From time immemorial, she had had her perquisites eggs, and fowls of her own raising ; pet pigs, and the proceeds from the sale of their bacon ; fruits and vegetables, she hac 1 planted and tended herself, and a variety of other things, that eked out a salary merely nominal in value. She took no thought for the morrow. While " the children " lived, she would have a home and a support. Upon her hoard of odds and ends, Mr Argyle now began to cast, what she felt, with astonishment, was a jealous eye, and her ire exceeded all former bounds. Too blind to see that he was detected in the meanness, he approached the topic, as he flattered himself, very cunningly. " Why, Barbara," he said, jocosely, " you will be a fortune, before you die. Are you saving for Slocum, after all ? I hear that he is courting you yet." " I aint a fool, and Slocum is ! That's all of that !" snapped Miss Barbara, in her most brittle pie-crust mood. " But so large a property ought not to be without an heir," Mr. Argyle persisted. " Who are to be the fortunate legatees ? " My grandchildren 1" she retorted, and left him to meditate upon his unsuccessful ruse. Alone in her chamber, the little woman indulged herself in a hearty cry. " To come, spying and sneaking about me, as if I had not served him faithfully for twenty years ! I've a good mind to give him warning on the spot. If it wasn't for her that's gone, and them that's left, I would do it, as sure as you are born !'' shaking her fist in the air. " Jest as if I didn't know what he's up to 1 He's afraid of his life, lest I should spend his riches upon 28 NEMESIS. them poor, dear Hales, that Eleanor and Bancroft has Caught aim to hate so ! The harmless creatures ! what they're ever done to make enemies of any of our folks, it beats me to find out 1 Tears like people never can abide them they've tried to injure. But if you think I'm going to fall in with such ungrateful devices and stinginess, you are vastly mistaken 1" She shook her fist ao-ain. " I'm obliged to you, but my heart ain't quite as hard as the nether millstone, and won't be before next week." The sequence of this soliloquy was a visit to Mark's cottage, after supper, that evening. As she walked down the lane in the moonlight, she reproached herself for having seen so little of these friends, since the cold weather had set in. " But I've been so busy, and the rheumatism begins to plaguf me so, that I couldn't come oftener," she concluded, truthfully i " and they don't need me so much as they did last winter, when they knew nobody and had no work." The kitchen was bright with the flame of a lightwood torch, fixed on the inside of the fireplace, and Bessy sat beneath it with her needlework. Kitty had gone to bed, and Mark was in the great chair, directly opposite the fire. His attitude and coun- tenance struck Miss Barbara instantly, and her solicitude pre- vented her from observing that Bessy gathered up her sewing and threw it behind the dresser. " What ails you ?" asked the visitor, of Mark, disdaining irre- levant preliminaries. ' "Sit still," for his effort to rise was evi- dently painful. " A touch of my old enemy the rheumatism," he said, trying to smile. " A touch ! I shoild say it was a smart crack I "When was jou taken?" " A fortnight ago ; but I am worse within the test week." " Why didn't you send for me ?" " It seemed too bad to trouble you in the hurry of yoni NEMESIS. 125 Outer's work," said Bessie. " We have hoped every day that he would get better. He had one long spell of rheumatic fever the year before we left home ;" poor child ! the word slipped naturally from her tongue, now that she was in sorrow " so I knew pretty well what to do for him. I suppose that in a warmer climate there is less fear of a tedious sickness. He will soon be about again." Miss Barbara was wisely and kindly dumb with regard to a four " months' bout " of hers, to which she was fond of referring when cases of protracted sickness were upon the carpet. " How did you get it ?" she inquired. "I was caught in the rain on my way home from Mr. Arrni- etead's, where I had been to carry some work." " Haven't been able to do a stroke since, I reckon ?" " Not a stitch." Mark colored in pronouncing the last word, and glanced from bis crippled hands to his wife's. There was melancholy, though unconscious significance in the look, and Miss Barbara would have interpreted it rightly had she noticed Bessy's occupation at her entrance. To end the awkward pause, she opened the basket ehe had brought. " You are an angel, Miss Barbara !" exclaimed Bessy, with starting tears. Elijah never greeted the ravens with a more grateful heart. Miss Barbara laughed a dry, hoarse chuckle, that seemed to rattle her bones. " An odd-looking angel, dear! Pair of chickens sausage eggs " rsettmg them upon the table. " Honey for the baby bless her heart ! I'm sorry she's asleep. Sugar tea I sent to Minor's store for that to-day, so I know it's fresh. Pot of jam blackberry, and mighty wholesome for Mousey. Pot of CUP rant jelly ; stir a spoonful in a glass of water and there's nothing tastes nicer, if you are feverish, Mr. Hale. A dozen apples auq 6* 130 NEMESIS. them you ;an roast if you like, sir ; they're downright nourishing eaten that way and that's all. W^sh it was twice as much." "How could you bring that load all the way from Ber Lomond ?" asked Bessy. " Pooh, child ! I am as strong as an elephant. When ope am. got tired, I took the basket on the other. There's a lesson for you to remember, while your husband is complaining. You must pick up spirit, and take all the weight you can off of him." She sat down with her knitting, and Bessy reluctantly resumed her needle. She selected the least remarkable portion of the gar- ment she was putting together ; but Miss Barbara was quick to note that it could belong to none of the household. " Taking in sewing again, I see." "Yes, ma'am." " Where from ?" " It is for one of Mr. Slocum's men." " Wish he had fifty, instead of two 1 "That sounds mercenary from you," said Mark, rallying his spirits. " I never suspected you of fortune-hunting before." " Nonsense 1" But the faded lips achieved something like a pout, and she tossed her head as coquettishly as Jessie would have done hi her place. No woman likes to be set outside of Love's lists, unless by her own choice, and then, the practicability of her ree'ntrance, at will, is ever a pleasing theme. " It's a mighty slim market a fortin-hunter would find in him and his farm, with his five no-account negroes 1 But the fellow's heart is nigher the right place than that of many a man who thinks himself his better. I'll say that for him !" She stayed with them until her early bed-tune, and took hef leave with many an injunction of cheer and caution; promising ta happen hi, every chance she could get, and BCC hew they wen getting on. NEMESIS. 161 And, as she trudged the half mile that lay between them and 13 en Lomond, haunted by the memory of the anxious eyes and toUing fingers of the young wife, she wondered if she were not more happy, in her singlehood and isolation, than were they, each bearing the burden of the other's care. " Our Heavenly Father sent her, darling I" said Mark, thank fully, drawing his wife's weary head to his bosom. " It may be the forerunner of other and greater blessings. It certainly reminds us that those who trust in Him shall never be utterly Mt down." 132 N B M E 8 I 8 . CHAPTER X THE New Year found Mark confined to his bed, and in charge of the doctor. He was loath to call him in ; but Miss Barbara and Bessy insisted that it would be the wisest economy to use every means of recovery that he could employ. Dr. Chase grumbled that the delay in summoning him might prove a for- midable obstacle in the way of his success, and then, after a private hint from Miss Barbara, to the effect, that he "needn't stint in medicine and visits, for fear that he wouldn't be paid," he went to work almost as earnestly as if his case had been a gentle- man and not a common " person." The Hales had expended their summer's savings in the payment of the last quarter's rent, ending in November, and in procuring the actual necessaries of life, during the earlier stages of Mark's sickness. For bread for herself and child, and the modicum of more delicate food, demanded by her husband's situation, Bessy now toiled assiduously. Their honest pride would not permit them to divulge the extremity of their need, even to the staunch friend Miss Barbara was constantly showing herself to be. They had never begged directly or by implication, and they agreed, in this disastrous day, that they would undergo starvation rather than subsist upon charity thus obtained. Miss Barbara took care that they should never be without something to eat in the house ; but her resources were far from being abundant, and, with increas- ing uneasiness, she began to foresee the time when she should have done her all for them. She might, indeed, have eluded Mr NEMESIS. 130 Argyle's lynx eyes, by false entries, and secret appropriations, had her integrity been less rigid ; but this was never thought of no! not as a last resource. Once in a while, she succeeded in pro curing more work for Bessy, from quarters inaccessible to thr seamstress, although as she herself seldom went from home, he* sphere of this kind of action was circumscribed. She imagined besides, that the ladies to whom she applied were careless or unwilling to grant her request, and it was too palpable that what she got was given to her as a personal favor, and not to the needy woman. This was not an idle fancy. The Hales were unpopular in their neighborhood, and, singular enough, rich and poor avoided them for the same reason. " They were above their station ; vulgar, pushing people, who ought to be taught where their level was." Scarcely one of those who held and promulgated this theory, could have stated his or her authority for its belief ; only that " everybody said so," and " it was reported that they had behaved with shameful impertinence and ingratitude toward Mr. Argyle's family and Mr. Saucroft." And forthwith the strangers, orderly and industrious as they had appeared in times past, to unprejudiced sight, became smoke in plebeian eyes, an offence to patrician nostrils. In palliation of the prevailing neglect qf a suffering neighbor disliked though he might be we must remark that destitution was then, a& it is now, so unusual in southern rural districts, that its existence was never supposed, until thrust upon the. attention of the wondering inhabitants by glaring facts. Then, too, the country was sparsely settled, and the secluded habits of the northern family, joined to their want of any means of conveyance from place to place, had prevented their peculiar circumstances from being generally understood. If the small farmer, near by, heard that the shoemaker at " Argyle's cross rorvds " was sick, he gave his custom to the nearest colored man who plied the trade, and took i.o further ^bought about tin IJ>4 KEMESIS. matter. When ^? had the rheumatism, he lay around the honsei, and enjoyed what ease the disease left him at liberty to take. The cattle wer cared for ; ditto the negroes ; ditto the whiter'? Bupply of wood, corn, and bacon. That any man in a Christian land should want any, much less all of these, was a problem aa unknown, not to say unsolved by him, as was the famine amongst the canaille, to the French princess, who " would be willing to eat bread instead of cake, sooner than starve." There was one partial exception to this rule in Mr. Slocuin. But for his thoughtful kindness, our emigrants must have frozen, if not starved, in that hard whiter. He knew less of their con dition than did Miss Barbara; yet, having an indistinct idea that Bick men could not work, and that women were weaker than well men, he sent weekly a load of wood, which his man had orders to cot, split, and pile, wherever it would be most convenient for Mrs Hale to have it. So far from cherishing any grudge against them for their former preference for the Ben Lomond dairy above his, he put 'Polio again upon his old beat, and, in all weathers the boy trotted every day, over the mile of muddy or frozen ground, with a pail of milk for Kitty. Whether or not, these acts of unostentatious beneficence induced Miss Barbara to look more benignantly upon her suitor, surely, One who could read the heart incased in that ungainly shell, saw the merciful deed, and remembered him for good. These were the only gleams of light from without. Love divine, and the human affection of the parents and child, supplied whatever else of brightness there was in the shadowed household. It is trying to the most resigned to lie useless and helpless upon his couch of languishing, Bet carefully without the thronged path of busy life ; yet with its din penetrating his ears ; its rush and whirl jarring his nerves even if he can be spared from the battle-field. But to know that with every minute of inaction, are passing re turnles? oppor tunities of acquiring comfort and honor ; to be tended througl NEMESIS, 135 sleepless vigils and days of pain, by Penury and Disgrace gaunt, inexorable handmaids, ready to pounce upon all that he held precious this was poor Hale's fate. And so one sad day was added to another, and the toilsome weeks grew into the months that were bringing, all too fast, the dreaded pay-day, for which there was no provision made. It appears strange that this, the most threatening cloud that brooded upon the spirits of her friends, never onct, Crossed Miss Barbara's mind. If she ever reflected upon the subject, it was in the supposition that Mark had, in conformity with the custom of that country, hired the cottage by the year. The bit of sharp practice on the part of Mr. Sancroft, which prevented unsafe arrears, by demanding quarterly instalments, was a novel ar- rangement in the vicinity, a fact, of which, as may be supposed, Mark was ignorant when the bargain was made. The benevo- lent spinster had her own distractions, too, just then. Her letter to Malcolm remained unanswered, and tired of inventing excuses to herself for this delay, she had determined to write again to jog his memory, when her thoughts were called off in another direction. She had but one near relative in the world; an older sister who had married thirty years before, and removed to the western part of the State, then a wilderness, filled with fabulous dangers to the imaginations of dwellers in the east. Ten years of silence between the sisters had begotten in Miss Barbara's mind a con- viction of the other's death. It was like a voice from the spirit- land when she received a letter, penned hi a trembling and unpractised hand, from the long-lost relation, representing herself as being in a hopeless decline, surrounded by few outward core, forts and fewer friends, and pining to see and bless her sister once more, before closing her eyes upon earth. Miss Barbara commenced packing, without stopping to refold the letter ; cranjned the small trunk she judged to be sufficiently commodious for her wants ; snapped to the hasp and pocketed 136 NEMESIS. the key ; counted her not large hoard of money into a stout buckskin purse, and pocketed that, before she said a word to a living soul of her contemplated journey. Then she went in search of Mr. Argyle. He was at the sheep-pen with the over- seer; and leaning on the top rail, his jaw hanging as usual, wag Mr. Slocum, quite at his ease. True, Mr. Argyle regarded him less than he did the most indifferent woolly coat in the flock, and Frisbie, although kindly disposed toward his inoffensive associate, often barely concealed his impatience at having him " hanging around, when he'd better be at hame, spiering after his ain gear." In her excitement, Miss Barbara did not observe him, or indeed anything else, beside the person whom she had come tc seek. In her terse style, she communicated the news of tha summons she had had, and her resolution with regard to it. She was not disappointed, still less was she shaken by tlio laird's attempted dissuasion. The distance, the roads, the dearth of public conveyances, the weather, the fatigue, and risk to a person of her age and inexperience in travelling, the impro- bability that she would find her sister alive when she reached tho place of her residence ; these objections Miss Barbara spurned, like so many pebbles, from her path. He took a higher tone, and declaring flatly that she could not be spared from home, informed her that if she persevered in her crazy scheme, she musi seek out the ways and means for its accomplishment herself. No horse or servant of his should render her any assistance. " I'll go, for all that !" she said, stamping her foot, a la Galileo, and turning to leave him. She had gone about twenty yards, when she heard a shuffling tread in pursuit ; then, a husky cough, that solicited her notice. She faced right about, so squarely, that her admirer, puffing already with th( swift gait at which he had been compelled tc wove to overtake her, could only stand and pant ; his cys:> rdi ing and his jaw swinging more loosely than ever. NEMESIS. 137 " Well !" said Miss Barbara, bluntly, " speak out !" " I've got a gig and a horse and and I was meaning fin io I was intending all along to go over the mountains, myself, about this week or next. It's cold travelling, I know, and the gig is open but shawls and blankets and hot bricks " Here the engine gave out, and Miss Barbara stood and looked at him. " Anything in the shape of a decent man, that can hold the reins and his own tongue 1" Such were her deliberations. " I don't know but he will suit better for being such a ninny. I can manage him. He's a good-hearted goose, anyway. I'll go !' she said aloud, " and much cbliged to you, too 1" " When ?" " To-morrow morning if you can be ready so soon." " To be sure I can !" he said, with surprising alacrity, and they walked away in opposite directions, his heart so jubilant with the joy of anticipation, that it drowned the voice of conscience, accu sing him of the only downright lie he had told, within his recol- lection, for as the intelligent reader has surmised, he had no more idea, an hour previous, of visiting the Blue Ridge, than of under- taking an expedition to the lunar mountains. " Mr. Slocum 1" She was retracing her steps. Had she reconsidered the mat- ter ? A cold sweat broke out all over him, and his great feet overlapped each other, more awkwardly than was customary even with them, as he tried to meet her. " I was thinking " " I was afraid so ! It's always the way with me !" groaned poor Slocum, inwardly. " I was thinking," said Miss Barbara, looking troubled, " that these good folks, the Hales, may not get on so well, for oui being away. 'Spose we do what we can to make them comfort- able, before we go. A couple of loads of wood, and leave orden 138 NEMESIS. that the milk shall be sent regular. You understand? And 111 make up a basket of things for 'em to-day." " Um, hum 1" he nodded, too happy in this relief of his fears to speak plainly. That night, Bessy wrote a letter at her husband's dictation, to Malcolm Argyle. He was the only plank between them and ruin. Pay-day would be upon them before he could possibly get, much less answer the call they had promised to make, in the event of any strait which he could enlarge. How little had they then anticipated an emergency like this ! Their hope was that Mr. Bancroft would not esteem it worth while to eject them at the expiration of the term ; that past punctuality would be some security for future payment. It showed their just appreciation of the man, that neither of them once suggested an appeal to his humanity. He had never been near them since Mark hac\ declared non-intercourse. His November collection was made through his son, a lad of sixteen, already the confidential book- keeper in a neighboring store, and a promising follower in his father's footsteps, so far as unblushing assurance and devotion to gain went. Bessy wrote silently all that Mark wished to say. Ct was a calm statement of their impoverished condition, ending with a reference to the pledge Malcolm had asked and received at part- ing, and an engagement that whatever aid he might extend to them, in their need, would be considered as a sacred loan, to be repaid with the return of health and custom. It was directed and sealed, and Bessy laid it aside, to take, on the morrow, to " the store," where the post-office was also kept. Mark's bed bad been removed into the larger and warmer room, and he had Dot left it now for some weeks. The masses of his brown hair were very dark, by contrast with the face they shaded, and tha eyes, once so full of hope and life, were sunken and dimmed. Instead of the frank, buoyant expressiop that, used to impress ths NEMESIS. 189 beholder with aii instinctive perception of the energy and san- guine tonperament of the man, there was now a patient sweet- ness that told of resignation to trials, that were yet eating into his soul. Bessy took up her needle again. It was their sole dependence, and in its slenderness and brittleness was a fit type of the pre- carious nature of that support. The drooping head must bend over it, for hours to come, ere its needed rest was sought. Mark'g regards were fastened upon his wife, yearningly. The sharpest thorn in his pillow was the sight of her privations and drudgery, and the recollection that it was endured for him. She did not repine aloud. Her voice was gentle 10 Kitty ; yet more tender to him. The playful humor that had made more merry their prosperous days, was not wanting now to beguile him from thoughts of pain and weariness, and as she went about the house, busied in domestic duties, she sang, as she had ever done no one but himself could dream, with what an aching heart He could not ask her to forbear this hardest effort of loving deceit ; but, sometimes, he turned his face to the wall, and fairly wept, as the blithe carol was borne to his ears from the adjoining room. She believed that he had fallen asleep now, for his face was in shadow, and the gloom she fought with, when it would enfold him with her, under its wings, brooded over her features. There were lines in the brow, and a sullen malignity in the eye that made Mark shudder. The pressure that, in crushing his heart, filled the moral atmosphere with fragrance, was extracting poison from hers. If she would speak, and tell him the desperate th. ughts that assailed her spirit its temptations to hatred of r- n, and blasphemous murmurs against her God ! ' Bessy," he said, softly, " what are you thinking off' The question took her by surprise. ' Of you, Mark." ' And what else T 140 NEMESIS. She dabbed down her work, and, throwing herself upon big bed, broke into a flood of stormy sorrow, the current so long and painfully confined to her own breast. " What have you done, my good, precious husband, to be des- pised and deserted in this way ?^ to be left without a single friend except your wife and child? You, who never did an unkind or a dishonest thing ; who have always tried to make others happy ! No man can point his finger to one sin you ever committed ; yet if you were the worst criminal that ever lived, you could not be made to suffer more. Oh ! is it strange that my heart breaks when I think of it ? that I am ready to curse the ungrateful, unfeeling wretches that are chasing you down, like a hunted wild beast ? I hate them ! Oh 1 how I hate them !" " Dear, dear Bessy ! poor little wife !" Mark passed his trembling hand over her head. " You do love me ! I cannot, be unhappy when I remember this, and it is never forgotten. My darling is worn out with working and nursing, and this makes her see things differently from what she will to-mcmow morning. It is not man, but the Lord, who has laid me and kept me here, Bessy. Think of dear Miss Barbara, and cf Mr. Slocum's goodness. No one else knows how badly off we are And who can tell what may happen in our behalf in eh. days ? We certainly shall not starve before that time, for th) stock of provisions our friend left with us this afternoon will last so long if we get no more. Then comes the crisis pay-d_>,y. Don't tromble so, dear wife ! It is better to look the monster in the fcyes, and see if he is not less terrible than we have thought. If we have no money, we cannot pay the rent. There is no disput- ing that. Now, Mr. Sancroft knows that the law hands over ray furniture to my landlord, in case I fail to satisfy him in any othei ray. The furniture is here, and there is no danger of my absconding with it at present '' smiling at the melancholy jest N fc M E o j. S . 141 ''What can he gain by pressing matters, except the reputation of ha.ving cruelly turned out a helpless, sick tenant, who never tried to shirk a just debt ; but only asked, like the servant we read of in the Gospel 4 Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all ?' He dislikes me, it is true; but he likes popularity, and 30 suro as he carries out the letter of the law against me, just so certainly will his reputation suffer. All men feel pity for the oppressed." " ' And on the side of their oppressors, there was power /' r said Bessy, impressively. Mark started at the quotation, and his brow contracted ; then, recovering himself, he proceeded as if she had not interrupted him : " So you see, as he may lose something, and can make nothing by severity, he will, very likely, wait a month or more perhaps another quarter, and by that time we will have heard from young Mr. Argyle. Should we not, and no other alternative should appear, I think Mr. Slocum will be my security, although I would not ask it of him. At any rate, he will offer bail to keep me out of prison." " Prison F almost screamed Bessy. " Mark, Mark ! I will die before they shall take you there ? Oh I is the law so cruel as that ?" " Be quiet, dearest. Better men than I have spent years in jail, and their children have gloried in it. But you will please understand, Mrs. Hale, that we are not going there at all at least not for this offence. Have not I made out as plain a case as Mr. Sancroft's eyebrows could have done ?" "But, Mark, it is dreadful to think of your being at the mercy of that man I" " I am not, Bessy ; I, with my dear ones, am in the hands of the merciful Father" He looked reverently and peawfnllj npward. 142 NEMESIS. Bessy's evil spirit goaded her on. "Is it merciful in Him to rob yea of one comfort aftel toother ; to leave you in the power of your enemies the only enemies you have in the world and call away the friends who might have helped you, at the very time when you most needed them ? I feel as if our troubles were hedging us in on every Bide ; as if we were forgotten by the God whom you have served so well. I deserve nothing better from Hun, and if I might bea* His judgments alone, I could see some justice in it all. But no ; the heaviest burden rests upon you. I cannot endure it ! It cannot be right ; it is not merciful I" " Have you forgotten so soon, Bessy ? ' Wait on the Lord and be, of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart ; wait, I say, on the Lord.' If we could see the meaning of His deal ings as he sends them, why should we be told to ' wait ?' " 'Twixt hope and fear six days went by seven and the Hales were beginning to wonder if Mr. Bancroft's memory had not played him false for once, where lucre was involved, when the eighth brought his smart heir and factotum. More laconically than his sire would have done, he presented hw claim, and awaited its payment. Mark was prepared for him, and as concisely laid before him the existing state of his affairs and his proposed compromise. " Couldn't think of it," replied the lad, briskly; " It's a ticklish business this credit system. Don't believe in it myself ; neither does pa ; neither does Mr. Argyle. Pay, or be sold out and tramp. Them's my orders." Mark's wan cheek burned at the impertinence ; but he restrained himself and expostulated, pointing out the advantage that his landlord might find in waiting, and the impossibility that lie could gain anything by immediate seizure of hia effects and ejectment. " There's where you're mistaken," returned the clerk, still mor NEMESIS. 143 rodely. "We are not scared about the quarter that's gore. Your ' duds ' here will cover that." He walked to the middle door and glanced into the other room. " Not good for much ; but we'll take them and say nothing about the deficiency. But you will please recollect, my fine fellow, that you are bound for the next three months, not having given notice that you intended to leave, and having already overrun your time by a ccople of days. And that reminds me of another bit of a document I have for you. I'm collector-general for this region." He tossed a folded sh'p of paper on the bed. Mark read it calmly. " Dr. Chase's bill," he said to his wife, who watched him in speechless terror. " I did not expect this until the close of my illness," continued he to young Bancroft. " I have no funds with which to meet it." " So I told him," grinned the collector; " I reckon you would not have been blessed with a sight of it yet awhile, if it hadn't have been that he agreed with me. He cut his eye-teeth about the same time that pa did his ; I was born with mine, I reckon, for I never saw the chap yet that could get the blind side of me in a bargain. Heard from MalcoJ % Argyle, lately ? Maybe he would help you out of this scrape." There was a sinister leer in his face that both husband and wife noted ; but neither had the steadiness of brain to ascribe it to any other cause than the malicious triumph of a bad-hearted boy, to whose coarse handling their case had been committed, without reservation. " The law must take its course," said Mark, his native dignity rising to sustain him, in the utterance of his sentence. " D'ye know what that is ?" queried the imp, facetiously. " Imprisonment, I suppose." " Pre-zactly ! I say ! you don't seem to mind it much. Beefc there before, maybe ? When will you be ready to start ?" " Not before to-morrow noon. What is the distance to the jail ?" 144: N E M E 8 I B . " Twelve miles long measure and the mud up to tne bubs But everything is very comfortable after you get there. Old Mammy Paxton keeps the tavern at the court-house, and tha jail, of course. You'll get first-rate fodder and lodgings, at the expense of the county." " My wife, and child can go with me I suppose ?" "Why yes! I don't see why they shouldn't. You will have to pay " Mammy " for their feed, I reckon, but you'vp plenty of money, so you won't mind that. The cart will hold you all. The law leaves you your bed and your tools. You can put the bed in the bottom of the cart, and go quite stylish-like you understand. Your tools will help to amuse you, until you v.an hear from your brother Malcolm. Won't he cuss, until all's blue, when he knows what a turn I'm serving him, in locking you up his bosom friend ? I am in his debt, to the tune of a licking, he gave me, at school, three years ago. I reckon this will pay him off, tolerable handsome." " If you have finished your business with me, you can go 1" eaid Mark, pointing to the door. The lad roared with wicked merriment. " Like father like son !" you think, hey ? You ordered him out, and don't want to be backward in the politeness to BBC ? And our turn will come, to-morrow. At ' noon ' you said, that's Massachusetts Yankee for twelve o'clock I believe. The cai* riage will be t your door, punctual 1" JfSMESIS. 146 CHAPTER XI. >test supply of needlework was from Mrs. Blanks , , widow, whose farm, of some fifty acres, adjoined that of Mr. Slocum. There was no one by whom the bundle could be sent that day, and in view of the morrow's changes, it was neces- kiary that the finished garment should be returned without delay. Leaving Mark in charge of the obedient and devoted Kitty, the wife set out, that afternoon, for the walk. The \\idow examined the sewing, critically, found fault with a button-hole, and reckoned that she had so much work, she thought she could afford to slight all, except what the ' quality ' gave her. Bessy made no reply. " That ain't my way I" continued Mrs. Blankenship, fumbling in her bosom for her purse. " I heerd tha' you got your livin' by sewin', and 'sposed you'd like to keep a customer, so long as Bhe was willin' and able fur to pay you. 'Twont do for poor folks to take on airs, as I told Miss Barbary, when I promised, to please her, that you should have that 'ere pair of breeches to make. You'll find it up-hill work, settin' up for a grcndee. And another piece of advice, I've got for you, is this. B'ar in mind, that a man's book-larnin' and his wife's face and ladyfied ways, won't put bread in their young one's mouth. Thar's your pay I Goodness me ! You needn't snatch my hand off to git it, woman ! And, look here, I don't think I'll ever have no mom work for you !" The latter sentence was spoken in a raised voice, to reach tlw 7 146 NEMESIS. ears of the retreating Bessy. Mrs. Blankenship went to tfa window to watch her, as she walked down the lane. * " A forward, flighty hussey 1" she said to her daughter, who had sat by during the interview. " It did me good to take hel down a peg. Did you see how fierce she stared at me, while I was talkin' ? Deliver me from poor white folks ! Niggers is twice as respectable." Bessy's wrath at the unprovoked insult offered her, carried hei. on very rapidly until she lost sight of the house by entering the woods. There was no beaten path, and every footstep disturbed the rotting masses of dead leaves, several inches deep. There were still heaps of dry ones in hollows, and entangled in the bushes, and their rustling brought the recollection of the gloomy November afternoon, when the strong man, so feeble now, had set her down amongst them and welcomed her to the home from which they were to be ignominiously driven. All day, she had imprisoned her lamentations in her heart ; and in Mark's presence she must continue to perform the difficult task. She had no tears; but she sobbed until she was exhausted, instead of relieved, as she sat upon the mossy roots of a tree, and held her aching temples tightly between her palms. The wind sighed past her, and the branches rocked and groaned above her head. She recognized no sympathetic chord in the mourning of Nature over its dear Summer. It was all too gay and joyous for her; for breeze, and tlie pale winter sunlight, and leafless boughs were free, and he tlx-ir Maker's noblest work was not perhaps might never b ii'ain ! " A pleasant day for the season, Mrs. Hale 1" She knew the intruder, after a second of alarm at his proximity *nd address. She had seen him repeatedly in close attendance apoii Miss Argyle, walking and riding by the cottage, and learned, from Miss Barbara, that he was a Mr. Moreau, and supposed to be Eleanor's most favored admirer. He was equipped NEMESIS. 147 for bunting, and perhaps thought it incumbent upon him to pass the compliments of the day with a tenant of his host when he happened to meet her. The disproportionate rank of the two excused his not waiting for other introduction. Her angry impulse to lesent the freedom checked by these reflections, she sourtesied silently, in reply to his civility, and Wi.lked on. " How is your husband to-day ?" he said, joining her. '' About the same, sir," she replied, with extreme coldness '' He is a great sufferer, is he not ?" " Yes, sir." " And your own health is it injured by your labors of love in his service ?" he pursued, with more familiarity, but maintaining his respectful manner. " No, sir." Bessy walked faster, and he kept pace with her. " You have a lovely child, Mrs. Hale about six years old, 1 ihould imagine ; is she not ?" " She is not yet five." " Is it possible ? She is large of her age. Yet she is more graceful than the generality of fast-growing children. She must be a comfort to you both, in her father's illness. How mild the air is 1 It is just the weather for an invalid to venture out for the first tune." Bessy glanced up at him quickly. In her sensitive pride, she fancied that their crowning misfortune was public, and that this chance remark was a wantonly cruel allusion to it. She en- countered a gaze of unequivocal admiration, that brought the modest blood in torrents to her face, and caused her to harry toward the road, now in sight, through the thinning forest. "It is a pity that your brilliant complexion should be faded by the confinement of a sick-room ! You are a very beantifoJ vroinan, my dear madam." " You have no right to tell me so, or I" H8 NEMESIS. " My exalted admiration for such charms ; tht warmth of mj regard for their owner, gives me the right " But they were at the road. A fence divided it from the woods, and the gentleman, vaulting over, offered to assist his companion. She refused, by a negative gesture, but in her haste and confusion her foot slipped, and he caught her arm to save her from falling. At this unlucky moment, Sarah, the principal housemaid at Ben Lomond, trotted by on horseback. She stared broadly and sus- piciously at the pair a scrutiny under which Bessy felt herself blush yet more deeply, and her officious cavalier looked foolish and guilty. The interruption, however, relieved her of his further attentions. With a " Good evening, madam," he whistled to his dog, and struck off into the forest on the other side of the road. Sarah's appearance suggested a train of thought to Bessy that banished the tumultuous emotions aroused by Mr. Moreau'a gallantries and the woman's peculiar look. Desperate as was the exigency, it cost her a severe and prolonged struggle before she could trample personal feeling and pride under foot, and resolve to brave her husband's disapprobation, and further contumely from the family whose debt of gratitude to Mark and herself had been repaid so basely. Miss Barbara's absence from Ben Lomond would have been inconvenient, in any circumstances ; but, at this time, it seemed an irremediable misfortune. Preparations for a large party had been commenced before her departure, and the invitations sent out. Jessie had cried and Eleanor stormed at the preposterous idea of allowing a dying sister's request to outweigh their will and pleasure, yet as we have seen, Miss Barbara went on her way, without wavering. She represented to the disconsolate maidens, that M ss Nancj Wilkinson, a poor and distant relation of the Belrkus who was a proficient in nice cookery, was wilb'ng and IT E M E S I 8 . 149 Competent to supply her place, and that she would find an able coadjutor in Sarah, for whose tutelage in this, and similar branches of the fine arts, Miss Barbara took all the credit. Finding that she had really left them in the lurch, Eleanor decided that she could not do better than to follow her advice, and Miss Nancy was installed housekeeper, pro tempore. The festive eve had arrived, and with it, a number of guesti from a distance, who were to dress at Ben Lomond. Eleanor had issued her last energetic orders below, and, in the hands of a maid as prompt as herself, had nearly completed her evening toi- let, while Ursula, jaded already, was plodding through the top- most row of Jessie's curls. The elder sister was in an unamiabl* mood. This was not an occurrence is orthy of note for its singu- larity ; yet that must have been an obstinate fit of ill-humor that could resist the pleasing effect of the reflection in her mirror, cor roborated by the flattering comments of her assistant. Miss Argyle's robe was of gold-colored brocade, with raised figures of black ; her stomacher of point lace, and her raven hair adorned not hidden, by a turban of yellow crape, flashing with spangles. "Jest like an angel, wid hur crown of glory on hur head? 7 * said the maid, clasping her hands, in pretended ecstasy. " Dar won't be nothin' else like dat, here, dis night !" Jessie's blue satin gown was spread on the bed, where she could least her eyes, during the hair-dressing, and she smiled, in sly con- fidence, as she saw, with her inner vision, her own far -different picture of angelic beauty. A ray of gratified vanity trembled over Eleanor's dark face while she surveyed her image. " What do you want, Sarah ?" she asked, in a more pacific tone than any she had used in hours previous. ' The woman had just come in, her countenance said, upon business of importance. Approaching her young mistress, she whispered, guardedly, ' She's down stairs. Wants to se fou.' ; 150 NEMESIS " Whom do you mean ?" inquired Eleanor, drawing back, at ominous frown wrinkling her forehead. " The shoemaker Kale's wife," Sarah whispered again. " She looks wild-like, and wants to see one of the young ladies you , if she can. Says she won't keep you but a minute. I thought maybe you didn't want her up here." " I do not." The woman judged correctly that her mistress did not care ta have her sister acquainted with the supposed flirtation of her admirer with the cottager ; her conjecture corresponding with her young lady's, viz., that Bessy's unseasonable visit had some reference to Sarah's discovery of the forest adventure of the afternoon. " Show her into the study, and shut the door. I will be down directly," concluded Eleanor, after a moment's pause. The most artful praise could not have expelled the baleful demon that now took possession of her soul, and made threatening her glances. Her compressed lips and lowering brow hastened and silenced her maid. She could not draw a free breath, while the lightning bolt might be hanging over her head. As she was leaving her chamber, Eleanor spoke sharply to her sister : " Jessie ! you will not be dressed before midnight, at that rate. You and Ursula are lazy and worthless alike." Then she drew to the door violently, and went downstairs, and through a long passage to the study. This was Malcolm's favorite retreat; his especial sanctum, when he was at home. There were his desk and reading-chair, and npon the shelves that filled up one end of the apartment, was his collection of books- comprising the library of the mansion, leaving out Jessie's novels. The room was seldom used in his absence ; but to-night, Eleanor foresaw a possibility that it would be required as a dormitory, if many of the guests should remab until morning; therefore fire and candles were already provided NEMESIS. 151 A-gainst the oaken wainscot, above the mantel, was suspended a portrait, and Bessie stood upon the rug, looking up at it. It represented a levely woman ; still young, but with a matronly gravity in her features; a soft thoughtfulness in her eyes, that seemed to bespeak the experience of a wife and mother. The resemblance to Malcolm, and, except in expression, to Eleanor, told Bessy who had been the original of the picture. If she were living, and here, with what different emotions would she present her petition ! Yet the mild, chastened face encouraged her to meet the daughter, with less shrinking than she had felt a minute ago. Eleanor entered with a slow, stately step, drawing on the long white gloves that veiled the faultless hand and part of the arm. " Did you ask to see me ?" she inquired, not looking in the direction of her auditor. " Yes, madam." There was a sobbing gasp, as Bessy summoned her sinking resolution, expiring under the influence of the icy accents. " What you have to say say quickly ; I am hi a hurry." " My husband is very sick, Miss Argyle ;" and at thought of Mark ill, persecuted and patient, Bessy grew bolder. "H* has not been able to do a day's work this winter. I have tried hard to make up for this ; but all that I have done has just kept as from starving, and bought his medicines. Our quarter's reni is due. We have furniture which would cover this, but Mr. San- croft sent us word, this morning, that we were bound for the next three months' hire besides. I cannot believe that your fathet will allow us to go to jail because we are not able to pay this The law may bear out Mr. Bancroft's threat ; but it is not righi or merciful to bring ruin upon an innocent man, in this way. Ht cannot leave his bed, and it may kill him that long, rough rid* fo> prison We must go to-morrow, unless you will help us." " I am not my fathers man-of-business." Was it a woman o/ 152 N E M TO 8 I 8 a beautiful fiend that spoke ? " 1 never interfere in such mat ters. Mr. Bancroft understands what he is about, I presume, you must go to him with your complaints." " You must know him, Miss Argyle ; must know that he is & hard, cold-hearted man, who shows no pity to anything. H< has taken a great dislike to us." " Indeed 1" sarcastically " That is remarkable. I thought that you inspired gentlemen with another feeling. Perhaps it if jeabusy that shuts his ieart against you." " Jealousy 1" echoed Bessy, innocently. " Why should he Df jealous of me ?" , " I cannot undertake to say, unless because Mr. Moreau has sup- planted him in your favor. He is your latest conquest, I believe." Her look was more offensive than her language. The fire leaped to the wife's eyes. "It is a slander 1 a vile falsehood 1 a wicked story, made uj. by your servant, and which you ought to have been ashamed te believe 1" she cried, passionately. "My character is as dear to me as yours is to you, Miss Argyle 1 Ask your Mr. Moreau how he happened to meet me, and where. If he speaks the truth, ne will tell you what I do now that he overtook me on my wav home, and would walk by my side ; that the worst of his conduct was to pay me nonsensical compliments, which meant nothing, and that I only answered him when he obliged me to do so. Oh, Miss Argyle 1 your family have injured us enough already. If you have the feeling of a woman, do not try to put more shame tt^on those who never did you a single wrong 1" Eleanor was obliged to believe this explanation of the en- covintcr that had roused her jealous rage ; but the burden of the blame, if blame there was in the affair, was, by this version, thrown wholly upon her admirer, and the "creature's" imperti- nence was too heinous an offence to be atoned for by her manifest innocence of other crimes. NEMESIS. 153 " What do you suppose I care whether the story be true 01 aot ?" she said, in angry scorn. " Your love-affairs and all your other concerns are of no consequence to me, except that they are detaining me from more agreeable company than I can hope to find in you. I repeat, I never interfere in my father's business. Nor does Mr. Bancroft act without orders. His conduct, in thia instance, appears to me to have been most commendable. His only fault in the whole matter was letting you have the house at first. It has produced nothing but trouble to us, and I rejoice that we are likely to be well rid of you. With these sentiments. it is very unlikely that I would raise a finger to keep you there.' Sjpe departed as she had come sweeping on. with negligent, yet haughty grace, and fitting the other glove on her superbly moulded arm. As Bessy passed the lighted porch, a group of revellers alighted from their carriages, and just within, the entrance hall, appeared the radiant face and figure of the youthful hostess, eager to welcome each with a profusion of honeyed phrases and smiles. j U HEMEBIi CHAPTER XII. THE cart, containing the law-officer and his prisoner, reached the Court House at sunset. The vehicle had not been punctual, as was promised, and the deep mire of the road obliged the miserable animal, attached to the load, to walk every step of the way. The Court House village was a collection of dingy buildings-, the principal being the store, the tavern, the court house, and in portentous proximity to this, the jail. Mark was not able to lift his head to look at . it, as the cart stopped ; but Bessy saw a frame-building, by no means spacious, and devoid of any sign oJ its character, except the bars across the windows. The aspeci of the place was less forbidding than she had pictured it ; yet her heart relinquished its last hold on hope, as she arose to assis^ hi her husband's removal. Their driver, although an illiterate constable, and accustomed to such tasks, was humane in hi* bearing and tone, and had done his best to mitigate the hard ships of the journey to the sick man. Mark noticed this, an^ was thankful for it, while Bessy's apathetic misery blinded her to everything except the fact that he was Mr. Bancroft's emissary Without looking toward him, or the knot of curious bystanders, that gathered about the jail-door, she folded the blankets ove. Mark, and asked, in a whisper, how they should lift him out. " If ever I was so beat out, in my life 1" The exclamation proceeded from- a man, who bustled acrosi the road, from the tavern, with a ponderous bunch of keys in hi* hand. * Y M E 8 I 8 . 15& " Mrs. Hale ! And is that your husband in there, or his shad dor ? Good Fathers 1" " It is what is left of me, Mr. Paxton," replied Marrf, extend iug his hand. The worthy wagoner seized it in a vice-like grasp. " I can't say that I am glad to see you !" he said a husky edge to the voice, usually so round and unctuoup. " As my ole woman says, ' Wonders will never cease !' Well 1 well ! well i Easy, Mr. Jones 1" to the constable. " Let me get a firm hold on the other side of him. And the little gal, too ! Bless my BOU! ! Sam, my boy ; run and tell your mammy to come here- quick as she can ! Say there's somebody sick, and she'll hurry." Accordingly, they were hardly in the room destined for their reception, when there hurried in a short, plump woman ; ruddy as her husband, and far better-looking. He took her into a corner, and whispered the sad story, or so much as he had gathered from the officer. There were drops on her face, like dew on a full-blown rose, when she shook hands with Bessy. " I've heard my man tell of you," she said. " He took a mighty fancy to you, when you come on with him, and he's stopped to see you, three or four times ain't he ?" Bessy answered that he had ; but not lately. " No ; because he's left the road and gone to tavern-keepiu'. And this is the baby he talks about? Why 1 she's a smart girl ! Kitty, whose wonderment and grief at the events of the day had rendered her shy of strangers, could not shrink from the kind roice and hand. " i. will send my little girls over to play with you, honey. You shan't, be lonesome. Mrs. Hale, let me help you ! Tom, deary, won't you have a fire built ? There's no place so poor Unit t fire won't make it lively, 'cordin' to my notion." " Is it not against your regulations ?" inquired Mark 156 NEMESIS. She laughed a bubbling, jolly sound, that suited her well. " I don't care overmuch about reg'lations My business is to see that all's right in-doors, and nobody out, and if they waut to pin me down to reg'lations, they may find somebody else to keep the keys. It's aginst my feelin's to have you perish in this clully hole, and I reckon nobody will find fault." There were sound skepers in the jail that night ; the slumbers that succeed intense and continuous excitement of mind or body. And, although they could not analyze the feeling, both Mark and Bessy were calmer, less depressed by the waking thoughts of next morning, than they had been in months past. The crisis was over, and calamitous as was the culmination of their winter's trials, it was a positive relief to cease watching for succor that never came ; to say to one another, that the storm had broken in all its fury, and left them alive and together. Bessy was not hopeful. She had been bowed too low for that ; jet neither was she fiercely despairing, as upon the preceding day. The morning was spent in setting the room in order, and disposing the few effects they had dared to bring with them, so as to confer some- thing, like a snug air upon the large desolate-looking apartment. The Paxtons, from=the oldest to the youngest, seemed to have adopted them into their family. The burly form of the ex- teamster rolled in and out, every hour or so, "to see that the fire was goin';" or, "if Mrs. Hale wanted anything ;" or, "how Mr. Hale was feelin';" and he had each time, some consolatory and philosophic adage of his " ole woman," that assuredly relieved his spirit, whether it had any healing for theirs or not. It was u, singular fact, that he was the solitary and favored recipient of these nut-shells of wisdom from his buxom help-meet. No othef mortal ever heard her utter one of the thousand and one proverbs, for which he continually credited her ; yet, as his veracity was above question, nobody doubted his implicit belief in theuf reputed authorship. Mrs Paxtou was less noisy ; but a NEMESIS. 15, sincere in her sympathy and desire to alleviate, by every means ic her power, the distressing situation of her interesting prisoners. The children, healthy, good-humored animals, went wild with delight about Kitty, and succeeded, by the afternoon, in coaxing her over to. their house. Bessy forwarded their suit, for she ilreaded the effect of quiet confinement upon the surceptible child ? the premature pensiveness that began t^ mark her manner and speech, Mnr'v dropped asleep when the boisterous crowd had borne off their prize, and Bessy sewed quietly beside his bed, until the day, dying into a drizzling evening, denied her light for her work. Mark slept still, and she crossed the hands, so seldom idle of late, and mused over the red-hot embers. She realize 1 what she had never thought of before how old she had grown since the active, merry summer. All the years she had numbered, up to that fatal November of her husband's sickness, had not marked and changed her as had the months that had dragged by since. With the bending of the strong staff, she knew how entire had been her dependence upon it. She remembered him, as he was in their courtship ; the life and pride of the circle that was then her world a prodigy of learning t<* the simple villagers ; recalled the predictions that were rife amonj them, of his future eminence in the young republic of self-mado men, where he was to be a second Sherman, to reflect glory upon his birth-place ; dwelt longer and more fondly upon the traits arid acts that had made every day of their wedded life to be an era, signalizing the discovery of newer and sweeter happiness. Not a shaft of misfortune had reached her bosom, until he, her Uiield, was dashed to the earth. Yet she loved him better this hour helpless and ghastly as he was a very infaut, to be fed and cared for by the labor of her hands better, a hundred-fold more dearly, than when she pledged him her maiden troth ; when she joined her hands with his, in the marriage-tie ; or, when she 158 NEMESIS. turned her back upon the homestead and the graves of be* parents, and prepared to follow him into the unknown country, that lay outside the boundary of her own Blue Hills. She knew herself to be unworthy of his love and companionship ; for in the furnace of their affections, he was becoming like the refined gold. %he like the dross, that changes fast in the heat, to ashes, yet more earthy. But for the fetters of that pure love for him ; but for, his controlling influence over her impassioned nature, she was ready to rush into the wildest extremes of folly and madness The wife's devotion and the mother's instinct were all that p r e- eerved the mind's balance. If she put her treasures out of sight for one instant, she felt like a tigress, thirsting for prey. Gentle and fond as were most of her meditations, there was an occasional sparkle in the eye, like the glitter of a sword in the Bunshine ; the red lips were set, and the teeth gnashed in impo- tent menace. The ram dripped drearily from the roof, and the fire droned its sleepy song. A lonely cricket chirped under the hearth, and a death-watch ticked in the wall. Perhaps it was the combined effect of these sounds and the hour and weather, or it may have been a lurking superstition that rendered Bessy uneasy at this last noise. Try, as she might, not to listen, the monotonous " tick ! tick 1" vibrated upon her ear more and more distinctly, until the pained nerves conveyed no other sensation than the beating of the sharp strokes upon the drum. At the risk of awaking the sleeper, she struck smartly upon the wall, where the mysterious insect appeared to be located ; but the ticking went on as steadily. She stirred the fire and walker! about the room. Still " tick. 1 tick ! tick 1" as if there were twenty watches in the echoing chamber, rivalling, each, the others, in speed and loadness. If Mark had not, of his own accord, moved and opened his tyes, she would have awakened him, that a human voice might N E M E 8 I 8 . 153 deliver her from the annoyance, which had now grown to b insupportable. He murmured, as he awoke something inarticu late and she leaned over him to catch it. " What do you want, dear Mark ?" "The elms are in leaf early this year," he said, dreamily " Have you noticed them, Bessy ?" " Mark 1 Darling !'' she called, shaking his shoulder. " You are not awake. What are you dreaming about ?" "The bees are humming over the buttercups in the garden, and the strawberry -bed is in bloom. I have been clearing away the dead grass, and tying up the rose-bushes on your mother's grave." " Dear Mark I" repeated the wife, tearfully. " Don't you know me your own Bessy ?" He smiled up in her face. " What a question I I cannot remember the time when I did not know and love Bessy Bryan ' Bonnie Bessie,' as the old Scotch piper used to call her. Weren't we married two yeara ago, last September ? You'll find it in the Family Bible ' Mark Hale and Margaret Elizabeth Bryan.' " His hands were burning, and his sunken cheeks red with fever These tokens of an unfavorable change, Bessy could see by the irelight, and to her great joy, she now heard Mrg. Paxton's voice outside. " Open the door for me, Tom. My hands are brimful." She deposited her basket of eatables upon the table, and pro ceeded to light a candle. " I reckon you thought we meant to starve you to-night, Mrs, Hale ; but there happened two or three travellers hi, jest at sup per-time " She stopped, at seeing Bessy beckon her to the bed Mark had his eyes shut, and his wife pointed to the flush on hie face , then touched her own forehead The landlady's 160 NEMESIS expressed her concern and surprise A doctress in her way, she feJl his pulse, and looked graver still at its uncountable beats. At the touch of the cool fingers, he spoke again. " I have been giving Baby Kitty her walking-lesson. How lightly the little thing held my hand ! She will trot all over the yard, soon." For the first time in her life, Kitty slept away from her mother, that night. Mrs. Paxton shared the wife's vigil, for Mark tossed and raved until the dawn. Then came a physician, for whom Mr. Paxton had sent, unknown to Bessy. He was not a Dr. Chase, and his friendliness reassured Bessy, while he inquired into the symptoms and examined the state of the patient. She would have read his face, when this was over ; but it was impenetrable. He merely said, "Treat him thus, and thus," and "I will call again this evening ;" which he did, and slept that night at tht tavern. Mark was rational by the following morning ; " better every way," as Bessy told the doctor, at his early call, and he did not gainsay it. In the course of the forenoon, as Bessy was reclining upon her husband's bed, one of Mr. Paxton's sons entered with a letter, which had been handed him at the Post-office for Mrs Hale. Mark's languid eye kindled, and not to keep him in suspense, she read it aloud : PlKKVlLLB, COUNTT, N. CARBTUNA, JtM. 1(MA, 1T. MY DEAR SISTER : I guess you and Mark has offten wundered the reason why no Letters came from Me to tell whether I was alive or Bed or doing wel or (What seams to you as likely, maybee) doing nothing at All, the Truth is, I have not maid Money peddling so rapid as I hopped and thout I shoud, when Me and your Husband travilled south together. And BO, considring that it is Harder to Starve Two than one (which is a Strange thing ti say at furst site,) and hapening to jet acquainted with a Likely Widder woman, with considerable property, a Store and a Tavern, and i M K M E 8 I 8 . 161 mart irauaging woman whose house, 1 stopped at pretty considerable Often, mostly over Sundays, for I never can feel rite travilling on that Holy day, and I made up my mind to sell out my Stock and settle down de- cent and Respectable, and take a Wife, which providence permittii.g, I shal. do To-morrow. Me and Mrs. Smith (which is her name at Present) have talked About you and Mark a many times, and I told Her how you was the Only sister I had in the world, and how Clever and sensible and working Mark \vas, and how good you both was to me, when I was a lazy Feller, with no money and no Home, and Mark lent me money to buy my Furst lode of goods and lots of advice besides, and I would never have got on At all. without him, and you maid and mended my Cloaths and did My washing and so on, and she said right out, that I must send her Best love, and invite you to come to our House, you and Little kitty and Mark and any other Famly you has, and stay long as you choose, and if therei? anything we can do for you, you must let us know Right away, jind w will be Glad and happy to surve you. And she is a Plainspoken woman and what she eavs she means you may depend On it, and hoping this will fined you in the enjoyment of the same Blessing, I am very Well, and remane always your affectionate brother, JACOB BRYAN. "What is the date?" inquired Mark. " January 10th," answered Bessy. " It has taken a long while to come." " The place, I mean." " Pineville, County, North Carolina," read Bessy. " It is in the eastern part of the State, not far from the sea- board," said he, thoughtfully. You would not have much trouble in getting there, if you had the money. The Lord will provide a way and the means." Bessy regarded him with unaffected wonder. " It will be some weeks before you are strong enough to take uch a journey, even if we are released from this place," she said, " Do you think it would be a good settlement for you ?" He did not reply immediately. He appeared to be seeking words, or summoning strength to convey what he would impart. 162 NEMESIS. " Has it not occurred to you, Bessy, that I may not get wel! of this sickness ?" " I have never trusted myself to suppose such a thing," she returned, growing very pale. " Then, dear wife, it is time for me to speak. You must go to your brother after I leave you. You have no other near blood- relation living, and his house will be the best shelter for you and your child. You see how kindly he invites you, and how grateful he is for what we have done for him. Are you listening, Bessy ? I cannot speak louder." " I hear you," issued, hi a whisper, from the white lips. " While I have my senses I will tell you how to act, for my time is too short to waste. This bed and my clothing will bring a trifle, and should the rest of the sum you will need come from no other quarter, write to Jacob how you are situated, and stay here with Mrs. Paxton until he sends you money, or you can earn it by your needle. Friends will be raised up to you in youi hour of need. I have His promise for that. The seed of tht righteous shall never beg bread. I am the chief of sinners, vet accepted as righteous in the Father's sight, for the Son's sake." He paused. Bessy could not move or speak. Like a marble statue of desolation, she gazed at her idolized husband, hei awakened fears gathering terrible certainty from the signs of fail lug strength and breath, she perceived hi him. " You will miss me, darling. We have been very happ; together." A pang unsettled the tranquil features. " But rcmem her that I have entered into rest ; that all pain and sorrow anc weariness are at an end ; for ' so He giveth His beloved sleep Will you meet me there, dear wife, and bring our precious littU one with you ? I do not ask your promise now. You are read} to say and do anything that would please me. But think of it never forget that this is my last earthly hope, my latest prayer fo/ NEMESIS. 163 . those I leave behind me. Let iny child our child be taught tc know her father's God. " I am wonderfully supported," he said by and by. " I should have said, before the trial came, that the thought of your destitu- tion and the probable hardships in store for you and dear Kitty would press, like a mountain, upon my spirit ; yet, I have 10 fears for your temporal welfare ; not one ! This is dying grace." They had no private interview after that. The doctor came again later in the day, and went through a form of inquiry and prescription. As he retired he motioned to Mrs. Paxton to fol- low. " Do you know that he is dying ?" he said to her, when they were alone, outside of the door. " I mistrusted so," replied the kind creature, wiping her eyes. " He will hardly last through the night. They are very poor, I think you said ?" "Yes, sir, or they wouldn't have been here. You see, for yourself, what uncommon sort of people they are. Oh, doctor 1 Law is a dreadful, wicked thing 1 I told 'em I'd take charge of the jail for twelve months ; but after the sight I've seen, and what Tom and I has underwent, this one week, we'd neither of us keep the keys another year ; not if you was to pack the old house with gold and silver for us. To see a blessed Christian like that brought here a-dyin', as you may say, and for what ? Jest because the Almighty tied his hands so as he couldn't make money for a man as is rollin' in wealth a'ready ! Ah 1 depend oa it, there's a day of reckonin' comin' for such as sent them poor cre'turs jere 1" The doctor did not rebuke her vehemence. Perhaps he appre- ciated the justice of her reprobation. " They have no friends in this State, I think Mr. Paxtou told me." " No kith or kin, sir. The Lord jnly knows what will bcconw 164 NEMESIS. of the mother and her Hhild ! If they will stay with us they shall never want a seat in the chimney corner, and enough to eat, whil Tom and I live." " I believe you, madam, and the offer is what all who know you would expect. Still, would it not be more kind to send them back to their home and relations ? I am sure that, with a verj slight effort, I can raise among my acquaintances a subscription, that will cover the travelling expenses of the two to Massachu- setts. Please ascertain for me, as soon as it is proper to inquire, after all is over, what are Mrs. Bale's wishes in this respect, and rely upon me for the means of carrying them out." Turning a deaf ear to her reiterated thanks and blessings, this nobleman of Nature's creation mounted his horse, and set out upon his benevolent errand. More travellers halted at the inn, at sundown ; but the land- lord alone received them. " Mother Paxton " was scrupulous in her personal attention to the table and chambers of her cus- tomers ; but this evening, " Tom " and her eldest son were her representatives. She did not stir from the chamber of death. The truth was acknowledged by all who saw the sufferer, and recognized by none, with more composure, than by him, whom h most nearly concerned. He retained his consciousness and tht ability to speak. The ripples of the cold river were breaking orer his feet, yet his faith quailed not ; his peaceful eye already saw the brightness of the farther shore. Several charitable neighbors of the Paxtons had come in, to tender theii services, and while Bessy remained seemingly unaware of their presence ; Mark thanked each one with a grateful glance or word. About eight o'clock, Mr. Paxton entered as softly as he could. " How is he, now ?" he whispered to his wife. Mark heard him, and answered. " Thank you ; I do not puffer. I am wailing as patiently as I r-au." M E M E B I 8 . 162 " That's what I told him 1" said the landlord, chokmgly. " 1 aid you was all ready arid willin' to go." " Told who ?" Mrs. Paxton anticipated the inquiry Marl) would have made. " A minister, who is stoppin' at the tavern to-night. He was mightily int'rested in what I told him about you, Mr. Hale, and he sent me to know, would you like to have him come in and pray with you." " Indeed, I would be most happy 1" was the earnest response. There was stillness in the room, until Mr. Paxton returned with the clergyman. Mark was evidently husbanding his remain- ing strength for the interview. The silence of the rest was that of awe and expectation. Mark's gaze was upon the door, and tois face brightened, as his visitor advanced. Bessy, too, started at the unlooked-for sight of Mr. Laidley's remembered countenance. His mute pressure of her hand revealed his respect for, and sympathy with her woe ; yet his voice, as he accosted Mark, was almost cheerful. " Ought I to be grieved at finding you so ill, Mr. Hale ?" The bystanders looked curiously at him. The question was, to to them, inexplicable. The dying man's reply was prompt. " No, sir ! Do you recollect telling me that dark days often seemed bright, when seen from the shore of Eternity ? I feel now, that for my own sake, I would not have had one cloud the less." His accents were clear, but faint, and his breathing short. In % toue yet Ihore low, although audible, he added, as in soliloquy ; " There shall be no night there I" " And there shall be no more death ; neither sorrow, nor crying neither shall there be any more pain," repeated the minister's sweet, fervent tones : " Blessed are they which arc called into the ' marriage-supper of the Lamb !' That this nmj be tie portion of all here present let us pray !" 166 NEMESIS There was a change iii the face of the dying, wrhen the others arose from their knees not in expression, foi the light that irradiated it was never more to flicker or fade ; but in hue and features The greyish pallor could not be misunderstood. In- formed of this by the countenances of those about him, or warned oy the unerring instinct of Nature, his eye went meaningly around the circle a kindly farewell in it, to each one ; then, raising one arm, he drew Bessy's head upon his pillow, her cheeli resting against his. There were whispers of blessing and endear- ment, unheard by other ears than hers ; a message for the sleep- ing child, who had, that evening, received the last " good-night ' r kiss she could ever know from a father ; and at his request, the wife pressed her lips to his one long, clinging caress and again laid her cheek to one cold with the damps of death. He slum- bered thus for a moment, and all supposed that consciousness would never return when he awoke and addressed Mr. Laidley: " Please, sing the hymn I heard at church : ' There is a foun- tain.' " The minister did not hesitate a second. Affected and surprise 6. though he was at the request, he sang softly, and with wondrous melody, the words that have upborne many a soul in its passage through the swelling flood. The thread of life was parting very gradually. There was still i slender strand left, when the music ceased. The smile of in- effable peace yet ghone through the lineaments of the living, and (;ven while Mrs. Paxton held her hand to the lips^to discover whether th6 breath had not departed, the pulse leaped suddenly; the filmy eyes shot forth a ray, and an exclamation, like a cry of triumph burst from him " DEAR, DYING LAMB 1" His hand fell away from his wife's neck. The " stammering tongue " was silent in death ; the ransomed spirit sang th " nobler, sweeter song" hi heaven. M K 8 I fi 167 CHAPTER XIII. TWELVE years had wrought no material alteration in the phy- sical aspect of the " Deep Run neighborhood," an area of country, about six miles in extent, near the centre of which was situated Ben Lomond. There was more cleared and more tilled land, for trees were burned faster than they grew, and when one field was drained of fertility, virgin soil must supply its place. Guano and super-phosphate were unknown, and would have been an unprofitable speculation to their vender, had they been offered to the contented planter, who complained of being crowded, if, from his house-door, he could in any direction, espy the smoke of a neighbor's chimney. If his negroes were numerous, so were hi? acres ; his hogs fattened on the mast under the oaks thai called for no cultivation ; corn grew almost spontaneously, and the meat and bread of his thriftless dependents was sure. It was a wealthy community, made up mainly of hospitable free-livers, on social terms with one another, and every man upholding the n-t in the comfortable conviction, that nowhere else in the com- monwealth were more intelligence, fortune and blood collected io a like limited space. The descendants in some instances, the degenerate scions of a nc ble old stock have so beridden this hobby of family pride, that it passes and no wonder ! in this fast age for the leane&t mud lamest of hacks. The man of the people, lusty in limb and daring in soul, who has hewn out, step by step, a path to great- ness, laughs with an amusement too downright to be tinctured I 163 H i: M K 8 1 8 . with contempt, at the weak-bodied, and weaker-headed pigmy, the offspring of intermarriage No. 50, burdened by a name big ger than himself, who yet strnts at an easy gait, through the jostling masses of common clay ; thumbs in his arm-holes, nose in the air, and pipes shrilly of his "illustrious parentage," and the "gallant old times." We say it is contemptible, a humiliating spectacle but let us Dot despise the fountain, because its stream, by reason of many diversions, has grown thin and feeble. The Old Dominion was a royal State, and her sons among the princes, in gentle breed- ing as in valor ; men of pith and sinew and brains, who, could they revisit the earth, would scout as an insult/ the claims to ancestry, so flauntingly borne by certain of their grandchildren. At the period on which we have settled, after the leap in our history, there was an unusual religious interest astir in the region. The leaven of wholesome doctrine sedulously and faithfully dis- tributed, was working out its legitimate result. Here, the ma- terial was unpromising. French infidelity, fashionable careless- ness, and, in the menial classes, benighted superstition, the remnants of Fetish worship and Obi incantations, were compounded into a mixture that would have daunted hearts less stout, and faith less vigorous than those of the devoted band, who were, emphatically, ho'/ne missionaries. It was an event, pregnant with interest to those conversant with the religious, or irreligious history of the neighbor- hood, when a session of Presbytery was convened to ordain and install a pastor, over the whilome deserted church of Deep Run. There was to be a meeting of several days' duration ; and those who acknowledged no special personal concern in such things, were jet ready to accept of the novel entertainment, promised by the arrangements going forward. The services commenced on Saturday. Farm-work was sus- pended, and all classes, in their gala attire, thronged the road to the sanctuary. It was the same small wooden building that had N E M E 8 I 8 . 169 been erected in the late Mr. Argyle's time ; but it bad recently undergone thorough repairs, and a bold innovation upon the usages of the day it was painted within and without. Kay more ; upon the desk, heretofore a brown, naked board, was a crimson damask cushion, supporting a new Bible 1 The like had Dot been witnessed in the county by the oldest man there Booths, thatched with green boughs, surrounded the house, and the crowd that filled them, proved the wisdom of this provident contrivance for church extension. The ceremonies of the occa- sion, solemn in their simplicity, were performed amidst a stillness profound, and apparently respectful, and the sermon heard as attentively. The congregation broke up for intermission, and a lively scene ensued. By a sort of natural gravitation, the divided members of each household sought a common centre, and groups of rela- tives and friends were presently .scattered through the woods, inclosing the church, dispensing and receiving the bountiful lun- cheons they had brought from home. Tables of primitive con- struction rough boards, supported by forked stakes, were erected in a few minutes, and their imperfections concealed by snowy cloths. The edibles were set in array by the zealous and prao tised servants, and, behold a meal that an epicure might have envied, and a dining-hall, unsurpassed by kingly saloon. " I ordered that our table should be joined to Malcolm's/' said a lady, conspicuous, even in the large crowd, for her fine bearing and elegant attire. She spoke to an elderly woman, low in stature and plainly dressed, with an enormous black bonnet ?n, who was superintending the unpacking of some hampers. " Very well !" was the curt reply. " I *ish the dinner to be arranged as neatly as possible," fcou- tinued the lady, " for we have some friends with us a friend, .uther who is accustomed to the best of everything." A sniff from the cavernous ~eces*s of the bonnet, and a coo- 8 170 N E M E 8 I 8 . temptuous heave of the article itself, replied. The little womaa'a (ace was invisible. " Malcolm ! Malcolm I step this way, Dne moment, if you please 1" cried the lady, excitedly, as Mi Argyle approached vith several other gentlemen. With an apology, ho left them at the board, and withdrew some paces with his sister. ' Miss Rashleigh and her governess are to dine with us to-day, and I thought you would oblige Mr. Moreau and myself so far, as to pay them some attention. Being strangers in the county, they will appreciate a kindness of that sort. Here they come, with Mr. Moreau. My dear !" stepping forward to meet him " where have you been ? I began to fear that you had lost these ladies." Mr. Argyle resisted the impulse to refuse his sister's request, uud awaited, with outward- equanimity, her return and the threatened introduction. Meanwhile, his eye discerned nothing especially attractive in the strangers. They were a young girl, rosy-cheeked and black-eyed, with an arch expression on a pretty little mouth, and a lady, much older, dressed in black, with features that were certainly not handsome, although indicative of amiability and intelligence. " Miss Rashleigh, let me make you acquainted with my brother, Mr. Argyle. Mrs. Holt Mr. Argyle," said Mrs. Moreau, with mimite suavity, and, polished woman of the world though she was, betraying her anxiety that the introduction should be mutually agreeable. The prospect of its improvement upon the mere introduction was poor. Mr. Argyle bowed, without unclosing his firm lips, and the ladies, courtesying, looked at the ground, not at him. " I hope your friends will be well attended to, Eleanor. Pleasa regard the whole of this table as your own." And, having thus eased his conscience, and fulfilled the dictates If E M E 8 I S . 17" of politeness, Mr. Argyle bowed again, and rejoined the company he himself had brought hither. Mrs. Moreau's brunette corn* plexion took a warmer tinge from vexation, and her husband shrugged his shoulders, in comical despair, as he met her eye. Then, they devoted themselves to the comfort of their guests, as if to compensate for the neglect of him who should have been master of ceremonies. Miss Rashleigh nor hei governess appeared in the least mindful of, or discomposed by, his want of gallantry. The latter discussed her luncheon and talked quietly, at intervals, with her hosts; the former gazed upon the scene with the pleased curiosity of one to whom it was new and striking. " It appears quite barbarous to you, I dare say," remarked Mrs. Moreau, noticing the wonder that deprived her of appetite. " You never saw anything like it before ?" " Never. But I like it I" emphatically. " Such gatherings are infrequent here. In fact, they are usually confined to the lower classes ; but there are two or three influential gentlemen in this immediate neighborhood, who have taken up the cause of the Dissenters " " I thought there was no Established Church in the United States," interrupted Miss Rashleigh. Eleanor colored at this rebuff of her delicate design to employ a term that would best convey her meaning, and, likewise, her sympathy with what she imagined were her companion's prejudices. "There is not, strictly speaking. The word slipped out unawares. The best families in Virginia are descended, for the most part, from those who were in Communion with the Estab- lishments of England and Scotland. Other denominations are comparatively a new thing. Recently, however, as I was saying, liuy have grown into popular favor, and the sect represented here to-day is really becoming respectable in the quality and iu the quantity of its members. And it is well enough ! The masses need a religion that they can understand, to elevate them, 172 NEMESIS. and if their betters take the lead, they are the more apt to follow. There is my brother, for example who, acting upon this belief, has exerted himself in repairing the old church, and settling a regular clergyman. Yet he is not a 'professor of religion/ as their phrase is. Sanguine as the enthusiasts are of ' bringing him over,' we, who understand him, see that he is actuated only by a desire for the moral improvement of the people." " A commendable instance of public spirit 1" smiled the young lady. Mrs. Moreau was at a loss to know whether there was, or waa not a spice of sarcasm hi her tone. A second's meditation showed her the improbability of the suspicion, and she went on : " Moreover, he is one of the most affectionate men alive, dis- tant as he seems in general society; and his old housekeeper the nurse of us all is greatly attached to her church. He spares no trouble or expense to humor her whims, and I must say, she is fond of him, poor creature ! in her odd way, and manages his household wonderfully well. That is she ! the queer, dwarfish figure, pouring out a glass of water for him. Would you not think, from his smile and bow, that she was a countess ?" " Queen Mab, perhaps, somewhat advanced in years," returned Miss Rashleigh ; and if she remarked how becoming was that smile to the proud, grave features of the lauded " brother," his sister was none the wiser for it. " Mr. Laidley wishes to pay his respects to you, Eleanor," Baid Mr. Argyle, coming up to the Moreaus' end of the table. "And, fearing lest I might not be recognized, I solicited youi brother's good offices to make me known," subjoined that gentle- man. " It has been many years since I had the pleasure of meeting you, madam. May I ask you to present me to Mr. Moreau ?" His benevolent' countenance and pleasant voice were an instant recommendation to Miss Bashleigh's favor. Her expressive eyes NEMESIS. 173 said this so plainly, that Eleanor did not hesitate to introduce him to her also. He looked earnestly at her, as if he wished to engage her in conversation ; but the bustle of another approach and recognition separated them. '' Why, there is Marcia Carrington !" exclaimed Eleanor, as & gaily-dressed lady came eagerly toward her. Mr. Argyle stood accidentally next to Miss Rashleigh, and she felt him start and move, as if to go away. He changed his pur- pose, however, and stood his ground. " My dear Eleanor I" cried the new-comer, kissing Mrs. Moreau affectionately ; " I am glad to see you looking so young and well ! How are you, Mr. Moreau ? Mr. Argyle " blushing, as he bowed instead of shaking hands, as she evidently expected him to do. " How natural everything and everybody seems ! and I have not been home before for five years 1 How are your children, Eleanor ? I have three of mine here with me, to-day ; I never stir without them." Eleanor took advantage of her pause, to name her stranger- guests. Miss Rashleigh touched her governess's arm, when the dialogue between the friends was resumed ; and, Mr. Moreau, being also engaged in talk with other acquaintances, the two left the group unperceived. A footman, English in face and dress, obeyed a motion from the younger lady, and followed them. "Why, Mr. Moreau 1" said his wife, presently, breaking off in the flow of inquiries and answers, " where are Miss Rashleigk and Mrs. Holt ?" " I don't know, I am sure, my dear," replied he, looking about him, as Bopeep might have done, when her sheep " were all a fleeting." " Do go, and look for them ! I should never forgive myself if they were to feel slighted, or if anything were to happen t'l them They know nobody here, except ourselvo \r. The Briarwood establishment was but a couple of weeks olf^, and all went on, as if two years ago, or twenty, had beheld its civilization. Acting, unconsciously, upon the principle gar- deners regard in transplantation, the master of the household had broight along as much of England, as he could, to the new world. His own man, Mrs. Rashleigh's maid and Miss Rash- leigh's governess, a coachman and a footman were imported, with much of the furniture belonging to his former home. How the exotic system, he aimed to ingraft upon American and Southern society, would work, was yet to be proved. He certainly looked comfortable enough now. The room was fitted up with library furniture, oaken and massive, and darkened by time ; high-backed chairs, with seats of leather or tapestry ; heavy curtains, summer though it was ; and book-cases filled witli many venerable, and some modern volumes. The colonel him- self was a portly figure, with a florid complexion and white hair, sitting and standing very uprightly, and marked in every linea- ment and motion, as a man used to his peculiar way of thinking and doing, and whose confident expectation was that the insigni- ficant remainder of mankind should think and act like him. Eleanor's description of Mrs. Rashleigh's persondk did credit tu tier powers as a limner. She occupied a chair on the other siiU 180 NEMESIS. of the table, and a book lay in her lap, which had net been opened during the half-hour she had sat there. Her small, slight hands were crossed in listlessness or langour so still, that the lace ruffles bordering her wrists did not quiver. She wore her natural hair abundant still, its many silver threads showing brightly amidst its original blackness. Color arid flesh would have been to her the gift of beauty, by obliterating the lines that commemorated the ravages of ill-health or scathing griefs. Her paleness was unnatural, we had almost said unearthly ; and the dusky eye reminded the observer of an extinct volcano. " Margaret 1 where is Katherine ?" inquired the Colonel, low- ering his paper. " She went to her room after tea. Shall I send for her ?" Her motion toward a hand-bell, that stood between them, was arrested by a gliding step in the passage, and the appearance ol the daughter. She entered quickly and lightly, without bustle or stiffness, and the dim, stately room seemed brightened by her pre- sence. Mrs. Holt followed, netting in hand, and seated herself at a respectful distance from the light. Not so the petted child of the household. She had also her netting-box, and establishing herself on her father's wide footstool, she plied the tiny ivory shuttle diligently, for the space of fully three minutes and a half ' Mrs. Holt," she said then, softly, as desiring not to disturb the august reader, " does not this very fine lace-work hurt your eyes by candlelight ? It does mine." " You look at it more fixedly than is necessary, perhaps," said the governess. " What did you say about your eyes ?" demanded Colonel Ilashleigh. " That is very improper work for the evening, Katherine. Are you pressed for time ? You had better put it aside for daylight. It displeases me to see you trifle with youi sight in that absurd manner." " ] am making lace for my wedding-dress, papa," and thp (iu NEMESIS. 181 gers went faster than before. "That thought, if not the work, keeps me awake while you are reading that endless newspaper. 3 felt as if my evil genius had chased me across the wate^, when 1 saw you tear off the cover this afternoon. The grim, finely- printed columns looked so frightfully familiar." " You are au unreasonable child !" But his accent 9.nd invo* iuntary smile overcame any impression of rebuke conveyed by the words. There was a whole page still un travelled by his specta- cles ; yet he deliberately folded the sheet and laid it away under a heavy book upon the table. With an alacrity that cast a shade of doubt upon the reality of her recent industrious fit, Katherine shut up her work-box and placed it beside her ancient enemy. " Now 1" she said, looking up at the Colonel, whose air was marvellously benignant, considering the mighty sacrifice he had just made. " And now !" he echoed, making an effort to appear grave. " Have you nothing to say for my amusement ? "Will the history of your day's entertainment console me for the loss of my paper ?" " Doubtful I" She shook her head in assumed anxiety. " I will do my best, however. You heard me telling mamma at the tea-table about the religious services the ordination ?" " Yes ; but you said then that the events between the sermons were of a remarkable character. I understood you to make an observation to that effect." " You are right, sir. We had a veritable gipsy encampment fliuler the trees ; only gipsies do not have a superabundance of exquisitely-cooked viands, spread upon damask by attetdant Afri- cans ; nor do they sip wine from cut-glass, and eat roast chicken fro7ii china plates* Mrs. Moreau, whose attentions were unceas- ing, invited us to dine with her, and, when we were expecting to he handed to our carriage, to accompany her home, Mr. Morotiu escorted us up to one of .hese fairy-like banquets." 182 N E M B 8 I 8 " I doubt, my dear, if your simile is altogether just," inter posed Mrs. Holt. " The food you have Jescribed would be more unsuitable upon Titania's board than in a gipsy camp. You re- member the dainties she enumerates to Bottom : ' Apricocks and dewberries ; With purple grapes, green figs and mulberries.' " " Modern elves are more substantial in taste," replied Katherine, merrily. " Did not I enjoy the fare I have eulogized, and did not Mr. Moreau my ' cousin Robert,' as he insists I shall call him tell me that I was a wood-fairy ?" " What 1" said Colonel Rashleigh, frowning slightly ; for his ideas upon certain points were strict. " He is disposed to be complimentary upon a short acquaintance." " He meant to be polite, I suppose, papa ; but he looked almost vexed when, after an ineffectual hunt of half an hour for us, we emerged from the forest, directly across his path." " The forest 1 Were you unattended ?" " no, sir 1 Thomas was with us." " Yery proper, I - should be displeased to learn that you went without him. Go on with your narrative." " Where was I ? I recollect 1 at the table. The first dish was an introduction to his grace, the Duke." " Whom ?" Mrs. Rashleigh had not spoken until now. " To Malcolm Argyle, Lord of Ben Lomond and the adjacent territory, who graciously consented that we should be presented then and there, the occasion warranting a deviation from the ordinary rules of court etiquette ; and vouchsafed the additional honor of an invitation through his sister, to dine at the royal board." " My dear Miss Rashleigh," said the conscientious governess, " you are disposed to be severe to-night. Mr. Argyle appeared NEMESIS. 183 to me to be a handsome gentleman, of courtly presence it is true, rather taciturn, perhaps, but I must confess that I detected nothing offensive in his deportment. On the contrary, I though* his conduct, and the two sentences I heard him utter, graceful and proper." Like Colonel Rashleigh, Mrs. Holt considered the concluding epithet the acme of praise when applied to behavior. "I do not dispute his comeliness," said Katherine. " His features were cast in a regular mould. He evidently considers that nature, having done her work thoroughly, can dispense with any aid from him. Yet, there are degrees of perfection, and a smile heightens the beauty of this Adonis ; such a gleam as I saw him bestow upon his familiar a species of ' Brownie,' who presides over his household, and ministers to his physical wants in other words, an elfish little woman, protected from sun, rain, and general observation by a hat, that I venture to declare, if the identical pattern of that worn by Virginia Dare's mother." " Virginia Dare 1 I do not remember such a person," said the Colonel. " The first white infant born in these American colonies,' exclaimed Katherine, blushing for her foolish speech. " To return to the Earl Malcolm I am positive that I did not see him smile or unbend his gravity, except in this one instance. You must have noticed, Mrs. Holt, how haughtily he received Mrs. , I forget her name the lady whom Mrs. Moreao addressed as Marcia, and was so glad to meet. She was an old friend, I gathered from what she said, an early playmate, who had married and removed to a distance. She said that she had not been 'home' before, in five years. Yet Mr. Argyle did not shake hands with her, when hers was partly extended to meet his. No iceberg could have been more cold and repellant * 11 He deserves our compassion," said Mrs. Rashleigh, drily " Why ?" asked her daughter. 184 NEMESIS, " Because of his failure to gain your good will." It was seldom that a sentence savoring of irony escaped th lady's lips, and Katherine felt the merited reproof keenly. For at. instant, she struggled with the rising temper or shame that suffused her eyes ; then, in a victory, that did honor to her nature or teaching, replied ingenuously : " I beg your pardon, mamma, and thank you for checking me. My strictures were ill-natured, and probably unjust. My spirits run away with my sense of right entirely too often. But " the cloud passing as suddenly as it had fallen " to atone for my thoughtless fault, I will praise everything and everybody else, until my story is over an easy task, where there is nothing to blame. Mrs. Holt, I have a bad memory for names. How did Mrs. Moreau call the minister who preached the second sermon ? She recognized an old acquaintance in him, and introduced him to us at luncheon." " Mr. Laidley," prompted the governess. " yes ! I really fell in love with him, and 1 liked his Dis- course too. There was an irresistible sweetness and sincerity ir. his look and manner. Did you not think his voice very melodious for one of his age ? It did not break or quaver, all the while he was preaching, and in singing, it was yet more wonderful. You must have distinguished it we sat so near the palpit. I was sorry to hear Mrs. Moreau say that he resided some distance away. He seldom visits this part of the country now, she told me ; but this being an extraordinary occasion, some of his admirers her brother among them wrote him an urgent reques* for his attendance." " You considered him an eloquent orator did you, Mrs Holt ?" said the Colonel, more formally than he had spoken with his daughter. " His sermon was good, sir ; unexceptionable, as to its logic and morals. It was more hortatory in its character than I have BT E M'E S I 8. 185 oeen used to hear, and his manner, while it did not offend a refined taste, was warmer than a clergyman of the church would have adopted on such an occasion. Nevertheless, Miss Rash- leigh's picture is a true one. He reminded me vividly of Cowper> model divine : ' His theme divine ; Hu office sacred, his credentials clear, By him, the violated law speaks out Its thunders, and by him, in strains as sweet As angels use, the Gospel whispers peace.' " With all her respect for her instructress, Katherine had a nervous dread of her mania for quotations. Foreseeing a com- panion portrait to the above, from some other esteemed anther, she addressed herself hastily to her mother. " Mamma, we had an adventure made a discovery this noon, that saddened and interested us. As I have said, we tired of the crowd, and rambled off into the wild, beautiful woods that sur- rounded the church. There is a group of tall grand pines, quite away from the house a quarter of a mile, I should say. Is it not, Mrs. Holt ?" " Scarcely half so far, my dear Miss Rashleigh. Yet it is difficult to judge of distance, where the ground is so uneven. We climbed a hill, you remember." " Yes, ma'am. And on the top, mamma, there was a circle where no trees grew, and there we found a solitary grave ; not neglected and overgrown, as if a forgotten stranger were buried there, but neatly railed in, and the turf was clipped carefully. I meant to have inquired of Mrs. Moreau concerning its history, but the bustle after church drove it out of my mind." " That it was cared for at all is remarkable," observed th Colonel. " The general neglect of burying-grounds in this country displeases me exceedingly. Th^re are duties to the dead, as wll 186 NEMESIS., as to tlie living. I was absolutely shocked at the condition of the graveyard attached to this plantation. Not a tombstone hi the whole of it I" " There was a headstone to the one I speak of," said Katho rine, " and although an unpretending, by no means a rude affair The inscription was in keeping with it." Her voice sank as she repeatedit. " ' Mark Hale. Died February 11, 1799. Aged 27. There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God.' " The governess chanced to cast her eye toward Mrs. Rashleigh, and she alone noticed the sudden clasping of the taper fingers ; the sallow, greenish hue, that overspread the always pallid cheek. The eyes closed, and the brows met in a spasm, deadly in its agony, yet so brief that when the astounded looker-on recovered from the paralysis of faculties, never rash in their impulses, the lady sat, as she had done, throughout the rest of their couver sation impassive, indifferent the impersonation of languor. Colonel Rashleigh yawned behind his hand, and stole a look at the unfinished newspaper, which said as openly as words could have done, that the topic was becoming dull to him. He was not romantic himself. His mental and physical conformations resem- bled each other in heaviness. He condescended to be amused by his daughter, because she was his, and possessed a larger propor- tion of his genuine affection than any other creature alive, except- ing his wife. Mrs. Holt was not backward to take the hint. " The day had been a fatiguing one," she soon discovered, " and the nights were growing shorter. With Mrs. Rashleigh's permission, she would retire. And, if she might take the liberty, in her parents' pre- sence, she would recommend a similar course to Miss Ra&hleigh ," Mrs. Rashleigh consented to her withdrawal, and ratified hei counsel to her pupil by a bend of the head. The Colonel invari ably sat up late ; why, no one knew, except that it had been his oabit frorv his youth, and he abhorred auy departure from ancient' NEMESIS. 187 customs. So when Katherine saw him unfold the neglected periodica., and repolish his spectacles, she arose, with an inaudible Bigh, and kissed her parents " Good night." " You are pale, mamnia !" she said, surprised at the chDl touch of her lips. " Do you feel unwell ?" " Xo. The warm weather tries my strength. I shall soon become accustomed to it." Colonel Rashleigh rang the bell, and when her maid appeared, gave Mrs. Rashleigh his arm to her chamber door. There he left her, and returning to the library, summoned his man, and sent him up to his mistress with a glass 'of old wine, which he selected and poured out with his own hands. If he was sparing of verbal expressions of fondness, his scrupulous attention to her wants and extreme respect for her person and opinions, bore out Eleanor's assertion of his attachment to his wife. It was too early for Katherine to sleep, and the loveliness of the May night lured her to the window. It was very calm and bright a still, fragrant hour. The young girl crossed her arms on the window-seat and leaned out her face sadly changed from the joyous air she had worn below stairs. She was very lonely- hearted this favorite of fortune desolate, with the yearning desolation that wails unceasingly through the empty " Innermost " of the soul, for lore ! fullness of love ! It was a coarse, cruel sneer unworthy of one of England's greatest artists when he said, that "a woman had rather be courted and jilted, than never to be courted at all." Another, whom the alchemy of sorrow had tested and purified, has brought out from this rough stone the lustre of a truth, as universal a beautiful : " Better to have loved and lost, Than never to have loved at all." Tt is casv, or it would not be so common, for thoso who havi 188 NEMESIS. learned by jears of enforced abstemiousness, a negative content with the crusts and crumbs of affection that fall to their share, to speak contemptuously of the " mawkish fancies," the " puling sentimentality " of their earlier days. Such hearts may clap their lean hands in mirthless laughter, or point witheringly, as at children, chasing painted bubbles, when the young press an'l strive hotly for the prize that hangs " highest and most daz- zlingly upon the horizon " of each. There are even those sorrow- fully we write it whose agonized prayer in their own spirit-need, the loving Father heajrd and answered bountifully, who, now, accustomed to the luxury of full hearts and happy homes, forget former privations, and chide with wonderment, instead of pitying the expression of like necessities in others. There is a heartless we would fain deem it a thoughtless otherwise, it is a. base, unworthy cant on this subject, affected by people m middle life, which is either softened by the approach of second childhood, or embittered into malignity by old age. " Old people know young people to be fools." " They go through love-fits along with the measles and whooping-cough." " Young hearts are none the worse for fifty fractures." "It is only a turn of puppy-love, which he will outgrow." Such are the elegant and humane adages, that epitomize the wisdom of the sect. 0, woe ! woe ! to the mother, who, serene in a happiness, strengthened, while it is tempered by Time, fails to sympathize with the crimsoned cheek, the fluttering heart, the silent tear, that betray a daughter's initiation into the lore, which was once the food of her thoughts through anxious nights and days of deep, yet troubled joy. Why not teach our children that the friendships and loves, seen rich and warm, with the early summer glow upon them, are but the foretaste of the divine, all- pervading sentiment, which God would have His immortal crea "ures know ? Have you ever thought you, who hold that a fit preparation for " L : fe's realities" (a term hateful as trite!) ia N a M *. o i B . 189 mastery jf the judgment over the heart ; a thorough subjuga- tun of impetuosity to common sense ; an unroofing and under mining and explosion and pulverization, to the last atom, of the castles, \vhich children and youths will erect, with only air foi foundation and superstructure ; you, who would drug into insen- sibility, the generous impulse and ardent devotion of hearts, whose veins run red, fast, young blood, as the Creator wills they shall ; have you ever thought, we ask, of the meaning of that text, " If a man love not his brother, whom he hath seen, how can he love God, whom he hath not seen ?" How shall we, in the Heaven of love, practise what we are making it the study of our lives to unlearn ? Katberine Rashleigh was essentially healthy in mind and body Hers was a brave, buoyant spirit, that would have laughed to scorn sickly fancies and imaginary woes. And, precisely because it was round and strong, it craved its natural food and rightful companionship. The lark remembers, at its highest flight, its nest in the grass, and the eagle, proud yoyager of the empyrean, is never, from choice, a mateless bird. Circumstances, not her inclination, had ordained that this girl, with a large, warm heart, sympathies ready and keen should never, within her recollection, have had a bosom friend ; that there should not be, for her, in the world, a breast upon which she could cast herself in sudden joy or sorrow ; not a being to whom she could say, in the frank aeartiness of affection " I love you 1" She had indistinct memories, like floating dreams, of a time when then* household atmosphere was different from what it now was ; heard, in the Past, fault echoes of fond names and endear- ing phrases bestowed upon herself ; but these were visions that dissolved into mist, when she would have examined them more nearly. She loved the father, whose sole amusement she was. She could not but perceive his partiality for, and pride in her, and h seltfom, if ever, denied her expressed wishes if their objects 190 NEMESIS. procurable by his means. But he was painfully formal, and as regarded feeling, absolutely undemonstrative. Like a leaden Saturn, he revolved slowly, bearing his satellites along in his grey, sunless orbit. Mrs. Holt was kind-hearted, and faithful in the performance of her duty to her pupil, to whom years of association had made her society and advice indispensable ; but there was* no inherent congeniality, not one symptom of elective affinity between their dispositions. The one was pedantic, cautious, and a devotee to rule and custom on all points ; the other, a genuine democrat, claiming liberty of thought, language and act. Many zealous and fruitless attempts had Mrs. Holt made to reform, according to rectilinear principles, the free curves of a character that gained her affection, while to manage it baffled her skill. Mrs. Rashleigh had been an invalid from her daughter's sixth year ; never very ill ; never complaining, yet always pale and feeble, and the cause of solicitude to her Mends and compassion among her acquaint- ances. Not a compassion that implied a failure of respect toward its object. The dignity, approaching to severity, that characterized the lady's countenance and deportment, the sound judgment and strict observation manifest in whatever she said, inspired a feeling akin to awe, even in her admirers. The society chosen and attracted by such a nucleus, could not be extensive or brilliant. To the young daughter it was stupid beyond comparison, and she gladly welcomed the proposed re- moval to another continent, as a promise of a more eventful and less hackneyed life. For a while, the novelty and excitement incident to the change of -sountry, had, by keeping her fancy iu play, silenced the old, homesick yearning, but to-night it found her off her guard, and resumed possession. " Everybody besides me has some one to love, and by whom ho is loved," she said, in her repining heart. " That haughty niau I saw to-day has a faithful follower, who adores him, and nobody ever looks at me as he did at her. She is called old and homelj NEMESIS. 191 and poor ; I, young, pretty and wealthy; yet she is the richer of the two. And that lonely sleeper under the pines ! Through the heat of a dozen summers and the cold of a dozen winters, th hand of love has tended his burial-place. Who, that lives, would weep a dozen days for me ? Is this to last always ?" In a j>etulant despair, she struck her bosom with her clenched hand ' Why cannot I kill my heart and seem yes ! be like those around me I" The tree-tops scarcely moved in the still air ; yet a sound, like the distant breath of the wind through the hall, caught her ear It was repeated, and, with a tremor she could not explain, she approached the door and listened. It came once more a moaa a shuddering sigh, that was humanin its tone and anguish. Lest another repetition should deprive her of the courage to seek out its origin, she stepped noiselessly into the long corridor, dark, but for a glimmer of moonbeams at the further end, and a streak of light under the door next her own. It was her mother's dressing- room, and when after a second's waiting, she traced the unusual sound to this, filial apprehension supplanted the superstitious dread that had begun to take hold of her. Her hesitating tap was unanswered, and she opened the door. It was a small apartment, adjoining Mrs. Rashleigh's chamber, ,ma maimy, aimost meanly fitted up, as she had directed. It con- tainea a toilet-table, a couple of chairs and a large, blue chest, bounn with iron, and bearing the marks of long and rough usage The top of this was raised, and Mrs. Rashleigh knelt before it, her back to the outer entrance. She wore her night-dress, and her loosened hair rolled in gloomy volumes on her shoulders. Katherine could neither see her face nor the contents of the trunk ; only that the crouching figure clasped something some article of apparel, it seemed to her bosom, and wept over it ; the plain- tive, heart-piercing moan that had reached her chamber. All this was the observation of an instant No mortal intrusion was per 192 NEMESIS. missible in such a scene. Katherine had stepped back into the passage, and was drawing the door softly after her, when tin moaning became brokenly articulate. " My husband I My husband I" Tk^ was what the involuntary listener believed that she b m sh isf t the weeoer alone with her midnight grief. K II E 8 I 8 . J V? JHAPTER XV. B*N LOMOND had its quota of clerical guests, that Saturday night. It was near the church, and had been the wayside resting- place of their profession for a generation back. Miss Barbara's uotable housewifery secured their outward comfort, and the society of the present master was more to the taste of men of their intellectual and moral stamp than his father's had ever proved. The hospitable host at table ; the social companion, as they sat over their pipes in the evening ; the profound thinker and erudite scholar in their graver conversation, he had an honor- able place in the estimation of each. ^ Mr. Laidley, as the oldest minister present, led in evening worship, and failed not to commend to the God of the sainted mother, the son, who was now the head of the family, and to whom the church she loved, looked, with eager concern, to fulfill her wishes in behalf of this portion of the Lord's vineyard. Malcolm had seen the last of the company to his chamber, and was moodily pacing the grea\ drawing-room, when a dry cougb announced Miss Barbara. " What is it ?" said he, checking his march. " Thought, maybe, you wanted somethin' " " Nothing, I thank you." He recommenced his walk. Miss Barbara snuffed the candles ; collected the pipes into the tobacco-box ; brushed the ashes from the table, and pushed the chairs into order against the wainscot. 9 H E M E 8 I 8. " That will do, I think," said Malcolm, finally, as impatiently, as he ever addressed her. " Ain't you tired 1 Do sit down 1" replied she, wheeling around an easy chair. " I am tired and that is why I prefer walking." " Jest like a man I the more he needs comfort, the more he won't take it 1" " That matters little, provided he does not interfere with the comfort of others," rejoined Malcolm, smiling sadly. "Do I trouble you, Aunt Bab ?" 41 You do that 1 the livelong time I" she broke forth, dropping into a chair, and heaving a deep breath. " Night and day I night and day 1 and all my prayer is, ' Lord ! how long 1 how long !'" Malcolm stopped short, and gazed at her, dumb with astonish- ment. " And to-night, when that blessed man prayed that ' peace and prosperity might abide beneath this roof,' I could hardly keep from cryin' out, ' Let alone the prosperity, if so be the Lord wilj send the master peace in his soul and rest to his heart 1' " " I am grateful for your prayers, Aunt Bab," said Malcolm, gently. " If they do not avail much in my behalf, they will bring down blessings upon your head, I trust." Miss Barbara made a gesture of despair. " Jest to hear him I wnen the greatest blessin' I ask upon earth is to have my child back again. Oh, my boy 1 my boy I" the tears raining down her withered cheeks ; " I know you have had trials and troubles, Uard to be borne. Your best friends, and your own flesh and blood have turned against you. The wicked have fou't with you, and prevailed ; but it don't excuse you in the sight of God, for rejectin' His love, and hatin''your fellow- men. Let me say my say 1 It's been a-gatherin' in my mind for years. I loved yon when you vf as laid in my arms a teeny baby. So proud -do squire, in an adjacent county. Mr. Moreau was a dashing young fellow when Eleanor fell in love with him ; an accomplished sportsman, rider, and dancer ; plentifully gifted with gallantry of the French school, and, as might have been expected, the petted toast of the fair sex. Eleanor Argyle's beauty and perhaps her prospective length of purse, had won him for her, amidst the envious sighs of her compeers, and very exultant was the air with which she bore off her prize. If she discovered, upon closer and calmer inspection, that she had wedded a man inferior to herself in mental endowments, and less refined in taste ; that the spleu* ilid physique was a specious blind to the interior poverty, she had too high a spirit to admit outsiders to the secret of her discomfi- ture. She ruled him as she would have done any one she had married, whose lore of her or of peace restrained him from flcclared warfare with his female Hotspur. They made an edifying NEMESIS. 203 of conjugal felicity abroad, and there is reason to believs *hat she was really extremely fond of him the more so, that ha granted her what she loved yet more dearly her own way. He was undeniably attached to her ; lauded her attainments and person as freely as propriety allowed, and with all his penchant for flirtation and fine girls, never waited on a pretty or sprightly woman without his wife's permission ; i. e., when there was any danger that she would hear of it. The chief reason which Mr. Moreau had for shunning Malcolm, was a rankling grudge he owed him, because of the feud between the brother and sister, which, at one time, immediately after Malcolm's return from Europe and the developments incident thereupon, had arisen to a deadly pitch, appearing likely to sever them for a lifetime. The hollow truce concluded at their father's grave, ten years before, was well understood on both sides, as a mere form. It was designed by Malcolm, as a tribute of respect to the departed ; a sacrifice of fierce passions to his memory ; by Eleanor, as a mask for the world to look upon, and the first plank toward bridging the chasm, dividing herself and probable heirs from the bulk of the father's property, which was willed to the son. With the children, came more definite and intense covetousness of the rich domain. She tutored all her subjects, including her husband, even her own haughty neck, to bow before him who was to make or mar their fortunes. The frequent prophecies of his marriage she scouted disdainfully. She had sufficient perception of his far nobler nature, to enter into the mystery of his misanthropical seclusion, his cold cynicism to her sex, and was not rashly confident in her persuasion that he would die, as he had lived a bachelor. One of her darling objects wag gained when people began to think and speak of the little Mal- olm Moreau as the heir presumptive of Bea Lomond, and her personal, as well as her maternal pride was gratified at th increased court paid her in consequence. 204 NEMESIS. Malcolm had no acquaintance who would venture upon a hint of this to him ; but Miss Barbara heard of it, and a great many other things of a like kind, that galled her sorely. She was con- scientiously opposed to adding a breath toward rekindling the smouldering brands of family discord. With all Eleanor's faults, she was her mother's child ; the first-born babe and had opened her eyes to the light in the old nurse's arms a memory, that well nigh blotted out the most shameful passages of her after-life. Still, Miss Barbara was not willing that the sister's offspring should rule in the stead of " her boy," when he should sleep with his fathers. If not a model of a perfect man in her esteem, she loved him for his very imperfections, and believed him entitled to tho best lady in the land, and she could not blind herself to the fact, that if Ben Lomond did not need a mistress, a wife of the right sort would be its master's temporal salvation. Hence, her bold declaration to this effect on Saturday night, which, had Eleanor heard, her rage would scarcely have stopped .short of private assassination. Yet the marriage, at once so desired and so deprecated, would have seemed a most proper and probable event to one who watched Malcolm, as he strode down the walk to salute the com- ing guest. His curls, embrowned by the passing years, were uncovered and stirred in the morning air. His eye had the clear blue of his boyhood, with a steadier and more penetrating look, and his broad shoulders, deep chest and athletic limbs made up a picture of true manliness, strength and grace, that might secure him favor in the eyes of women, were he fifty, instead of thirty years old. " You are looking very well I" said Mr. Moreau, assuming au ease he was far from feeling ; as children whistle in the dark tc prerent themselves from hearing goblin footsteps behind them. " How do you manage to keep so young ? There can't be mud difference m our ages." NEMESIS. 203 ' I am thirty," said Malcolm, gravely. " And I thirty-five. A stranger wDuld dec are that I was ten the older of the two. D'ye see the grey hairs ?'' raising the locks above his ears. "I see some, certainly," rejoined the other. It occurred to him then, that Moreau had grown old within a twelvemonth past. It was all of that time since he had taken the pains to notice him particularly. There were incipient crows j -feet and hollowing of cheeks and eyes, that bore out the testimony of the white hairs. Malcolm had never thought him a man who was likely to take trouble heavily ; yet he could have been sure that he had known cares, and grievous ones, lately ; that he could not shake them off now. " And what marvel ?" he thought. " Nothing Out india-rub ber, and a French article at that, would have retained any elasti- city after eleven years with Eleanor. What ails you, Moreau ?* he asked, unthinkingly, and almost kindly. Mr. Moreau changed color, perhaps with surprise. " Nothing 1 Nothing 1" answered he, flurriedly. " Time and responsibility, I suppose. You must not forget that we married men have more on our hands and brains and hearts, too, than you happy dogs of bachelors." They had reached the dining-room, and Malcolm invited hia brother-in-law to the sideboard. Mr. Moreau selected brandy and water. In handing him the decanter, Malcolm detected the odor of prior and copious potations, and observed that he could not pcur out the liquor steadily. He mixed it strong and sweet, and iwallowed it, thirstily. " You don't drink yourself 1" he said, as his host turned from the beaufet with him. " Sometimes I do ; not very often." " It is a sin for a man to keep snch liquors and not enjoj i/' continued MT. Moreau, glancing regretfully at the eirptj 200 NEMESIS. glass. " I wish I could afford to do it. What terrible times these are 1 I'll be hanged if I am not tempted to believe that old King George tyrant and fool 'though he was was a better master than the mob that is king over us now. The government is like a hound puppy barking ' War, war 1' with all its might, and backing as fast as it barks, The country is on the brink of bank, ruptcy." " The darkest hour is just before the day," said Malcolm, care- lessly. " But I am no politician." " Nor I ; but how can a man, with one grain of patriotism, repress his indignation at the unnecessary ruin that impends above his native land ? The proclamation that declares war with Great Britain, seals the doom of the United States as a nation. Don't you think so ?" The query was put doubtfully, for the sarcastic curl of Mal- colm's lip slightly damped the fire of patriotism and brandy. " I think that you have been to hear one of Jack Randolph's blood-and-fury speeches, and that he has converted you to the peace principles he would maintain by force of arms if he had his will. A novel style of preventing aggressive warfare upon foreign powers, is this fomenting civil dissensions! Fie, man ! where is your love for the land of your fathers ? How do you stomach the red-hot abuse of France and everything French, with which Randolph pelts the crowd ? What do you do with youl affection for the home of your forefathers ?" Mr. Moreau tumbled off his stilts. " Oh, well !" he said, looking foolish. " I am half English, f ou recollect, and American by birth and residence. By the way have you met my uncle, Colonel Rashleigh ?" " I was introduced to him on court-day." " lie is a first-rate specimen of the fine old English gentleman ind has a lovely family. You will call, I hope." " Thank you. I rarely pay visits, unless on business." Iff E M E 8 I 8 . 207 " Eleanor intends giving a party next week to introduce, 1 them to the neighbous You have received your invitation, I suppose ?" " I have." Mr. Moreau was nervous in nearing the point. " She asked me to ride by, this morning, and press y,m to come. They are my relations, and she is anxious to have them on terms of social intercourse with hers. Jessie and Hunter will be over, if Jessie's baby can bear the jaunt. It will be a pleas- ant family gathering, you see." Malcolm was silent ; the expression of his countenance unequi vocal as to his opinion concerning the delights of the aforesaid re-union. " You will be charmed with the Colonel," floundered poor Moreau. His brother-in-law's resemblance to his queen-wife was alarm- ingly apparent, when he "put on his high looks," and he had cause to dread the sign. The cowed aspect of the man nearly proyoked Malcolm's risibles ; but excited his compassion also. " After all," he reasoned, " It is a trifle, and my going will please Bab. It is a bore, though," said second or third thought ; " and I will guard my acceptance. I have not been to a party this great while, Moreau," he said, aloud. And as he realized what he was about to do, he swallowed in advance, a yawn of desperate weariness. " But, as Jessie is to be there, and it is my duty to do the hospitable thing, by your relatives, I'll think the matter over, and let you know my decision before the eventful evening." Mr. Moreau was entranced. A polite, stiff negative, it was his expectation to bear back to his empress. In the excitement of tiie moment, he arose, and poured out another bumper. " The fellow has a stronger head than I thought, if he can Btand that, added to what has gone before," thought Malcolm uj uneasy disgust. 208 NEMESIS. Mr. Mureau lost no time in disproving the transient suspicion chat he had a stable brain. Owing to circumstances we will not pause to narrate just here, he had been impelled to resort to an extraordinary quantity of stimulus that morning. Drink deeply, be could and did, with impunity, daily ; but, as we have hinted, the interior of his cranium was not proof against a very heavy assault of any description of spirits. " Suppose we sit in the porch ?" suggested Malcolm, rising. " The house feels close on this breezy morning." Moreau's eye said, " adieu," to the decanter, and he followed. " The tobacco-box and pipes, Tony !" ordered Mr. Argyle, to his body-servant. " A pitcher of cool water and glasses 1" The porch was a charming summer parlor, festooned by vines, and supplied with comfortable benches. Tony, grown into a smart, intelligent young " gentleman of color," brought out a stand from the hall, and disposed the required articles upon it, with a dexterity that told how familiar 'the office was. Mr. Moreau nodded to his respectful bow. " A likely boy 1" he remarked, when he was beyond hearing. " Hang it, Argyle 1 you don't begin to feel what a lucky star yours is ! Everything that calls you ' master,' thrives. Your crops never fail ; your cattle never have the distemper, or any other ailing that I hear of, and your servants fly if you look at them. Yet you have the name of being a kind manager. Do you keep an overseer this year ?" " I have not had one since Frisbie went West, five years since. My colored man, William, is the overlooker in the field. I do not approve of sub-masters on a plantation." " They are a pest ! but I cannot get along without one. Thenj is that fellow, Snead, cheating me out of my eye-teeth, and get- ting rich himself the rascal ! Yet, what can I do ? I arcx sometimes to blow my brains out. Ton my soul, I am !" " Better discharge the overseer," raid Malcolm, composedly NEMESIS. 203 " And hire another as bad, or worse ! The truth is Argyle, it is a riddle to me how I am to make both ends meet this year We have studied economy till we are absolutely pinching our- selves." " And giving large parties," thought the cooler head of hu listener. " Only last week, I sold a horse that his weight in gold would not have induced me to part with, six months ago, and Eleanor has not bought a new dress for I don't know when." " I dare say you do not I" commented the uncharitable brother, to himself. " But it is no use ! I shall be only another victim to the times, and the stupidity, or something worse, of the precious rulers of this glorious and prosperous Republic. If it were not for my wife and babies, I would not care how soon I went by the board." A real tear trickled down his cheek, hidden the next instant by a cloud of smoke. " Melancholy drunk 1" decided Malcolm knocking out tho ashes from his pipe over the porch railing. The impatient action bruised and snapped a tender spray of the hop-vine that formed part of the verdant curtain The power- ful odor mingled sweet and bitter floated past Malcolm, on the warm air, and bore his fancy back to other days and pictures. The early and humble friends, whose tragic fate had cast such a shadow over his existence ; the vine-draped cottage ; Mark's cheery face and tone ; Bessie's lithe form and pleasant smile, as Bhe hovered around his couch ; little Kitty's touch on his handa and brow ; her sunny curls brushing his, as she prattled from the fullness of her loving heart dear, dear little Kitty 1 where waa she now ? His mouth relaxed ; his eyes were no longer cold and bright, as these memories rolled over him. It waa a willful freak vf imagination, and took his heai \ unawares. There was, foi 210 N E M E 8 I 8 . the time, no intermixture or afterthought of revenge against thoe who had wrought the ruin of the happy home, so truly remem- bered. Instead, ensued a disposition to pity and succor the sor- rowing, from whatever caus^ the affliction might proceed. He was subject to these fits of softening, although ror. Malcolm had dismounted, and advancing as near as he dared to the treacherous quagmire, seized, with one hand, a stout branch that overhung the water, and held out the other to the servant. It required an exertion of his herculean strength to drag the bulky frame from the mire, and to firmer footing ; but it was the work of an instant. Then by the help of the invariable fence-rail, to which the Virginian first looks for succor in wayside casualties, and by the combined efforts of the two, the horse was extricated ; and the task was done in less time than it has takec us to relate the accident. " Thank you, Mr. Argyle 1" said Miss Rashleigh, gratefully. She, too, had crossed the creek, and remained a mute, but ex cited spectator of the rescue, without distracting the attention of the actors in it by audible expressions of her feelings or fears. Malcolm had hardly seen her before, and he observed now, that she had picked up Sprightly's bridle, which he had flung upon her neck, and held it with her own. She extended her hand, and there was a tremulous sparklb ifc her eye. " You are very kind !" she said, frankly. " I tremble to think what might have happened but for your arrival." Malcolm could not abash her by appearing to overlook her grateful action. He took the proffered hand and pressed it slightly, disclaiming his right to her thanks. " Perhaps I was in fault," he said, " for my hasty alarm, which confused your groom. But he was too close to the miry bank for lae to hesitate." "You were perfectly right, I am sure. Thomas ! do you Understand that this gentleman saved your life ?" " Do not, I beg of you, Miss Rashleigh, magnify my trifling N K M E 8 I S . Burvice in that proportion. !" said Malcolm, smiling. '' lie would probably have lost his horse, but I think he would have contrived to reach the shore himself." " Contrived !" Katherine shook her head, with a mischievous laugh. " I have no precedent that warrants me in believing thai he will ever learn the meaning of the word. Are you ready, Thomas ?" she inquired, raising her voice. He had withdrawn a decent space, and was shaking himself, like a huge water-dog, to dislodge the heavier portions of the mud that enveloped the lower part of his figure and bespattered him to the crown of his hat. " That is a hopeless business," said Malcolm to him. " My advice is with your permission, Miss Rashleigh that you mount your horse at once, Thomas, and ride home as fast as possible. Exercise is the best prescription for you after your bath, until you can get to a fire and a change of clothing. He is not a fit escort for you in that plight, Miss Rashleigh," he remarked, aside. " If you will allow me, I will see yon safely to your father's door." The groom, in sullen mortification, thrust the mud from his Htirrups with a stick, and muttered something about his " orders being never to lose sight of Miss Rashleigh." Katherine flushed scarlet at his impertinence. Provoked as he himself was, Malcolm remarked the leaping fire, and how quickly it was controlled. " You will ride on !" she commanded, with quiet dignity. " Say to your master that I am safe, and that Mr. Argyle has politely offered to attend me home." The man's ludicrous figure, as he trotted briskly before them, ras to Malcolm and Katheriue an apology for his reluctance to precede them. The slimy mire dripped from him and his horse hi clots and puddles, that marked their track in the middle of the road Departed was the glory of his yellow leather breeches and N E M B 8 I B . 221 fair top-boots From his waist downward he was black as tar could have made him, and the red coat which he had sported with such swellings of national *pride, was so besmirched and spotted that there was little hope of its restoration to its pristine hue. His crest-fallen air and unmistakable consciousness of their inspection, completed the sorriness of the picture. ' I can go no further !" exclaimed Katherine, reining up. Laughter strangled her accents, and restraining herself by superhuman efforts, until the luckless lackey disappeared behind a bend in the road, she gave way to her emotion in a peal of the liveliest merriment that ever echoed in forest dingle. Malcolm joined in with all his heart. Respect for her had controlled hip inclination thus long. Talk of the sympathy of the graver and sadder sentiments of our nature, the friendship that springs into being from the unfore- seen recognition of kindred tastes, or that blooms upon the grave of a common sorrow ! Our observation aye, and our experience, go to prove that nothing so thaws the ice of mutual reserve, levels the barriers of previous strangerhood so instantaneously as a hearty laugh, participated in, and enjoyed alike by both of the predestined acquaintances. The bright eyes, whose glances met through mirthful tears, said to each other that apologies for the simultaneous violation of propriety's laws were neither expected nor desirable. When they were so far recovered as to pursue their ride, there were continual lapses into similar evidences of amusement, as they recalled the grotesque apparition, in whose steps they were following. " Were the Mays of ' Merrie England ' more beautiful to yon than this ?" asked Malcolm, in response to her remark upon the loveliness of the morning. " No ! I never saw such sunshine before." Her face waa bouest and happy. " I have always heard that the people in your Southern States lived out of doors. If nature often holds out 22 N K M K 8 I S temptations like to-day, I shall easily learn your habits Walia and roofs of any description are a prison in this weather." " Excepting these !" answered Malcolm, pointing to the pillared aisle they were traversing, formed by the trees that spread theil green canopy overhead. Before he thought of what he did, he found himself repeating from his favorite poet : " How airy and how light the graceful arch ! Yet awful as the consecrated roof, Reechoing pious anthems." Sue looked up at him with a smile, as of one who hears hii native tongue in a foreign land. " Ah ! you know Cowper, then ?" " I read him I" he replied, with a slight emphasis. She blushed at the peculiarity of her phrase, then rallied to defend it. " And do you not find that he has grown as familiar to yon as any friend who visits your house in person ? When you read, which is his talking to you, do you not feel as if you were like- wise talking with him ?" " I have experienced something of the kind, I must confess. ) ueed not inquire what poet you admire most." " Which one I love most, you need not, assuredly. I have a good governess, who, in the excess of her approbation of Cowper's sentiments aid style, caused me to transcribe the whole of his ' Task,' and to commit to memory an incredible number of his - shorter poei is. I learned thus to write mechanically while my head was ft 1 of other things, and my faithless memory lost the larger part of what was formally given into her keeping ; bu\ all this did lot eradicate my veneration and affection for the only poet I eve? entirely understood." She pai ?ed, and with a smile, whose archness might hav Jf E M E 8 I 8 . 223 eemed too free, had it been less natural and girlish, added, " Yon eee, Mi. Argyle, you may finish your quotation, secure of an atten- tive listener." " I did finish it did I not ?" "Xo, sir. You stopped on recollecting that you were not alone." It was the truth. The following lines were too just a descrip- tion of what their eyes feasted upon that moment, not to present themselves, unbidden, to the thoughts of any one who had ever read them. Malcolm recited them ; partly because Miss Rash- leigh requested it ; mainly because they arose so spontaneously to his lips, that an effort would have been required to keep them back : " The checkered earth seems restless as a flood, Brushed by the wind. So sportive is the light Shot through the boughs, it dances as they dance, Shadows and sunshine intermingling quick, And darkening and enlight'ning as the leaves Play wanton ev'ry moment, every spot." " Thank you !" said the young lady, simply and earnestly. The dimples still lingered in her cheek ; but the sweeping fringes of the lids veiled her downcast eyes, and she rode on for some time without speaking. Her riding-habit and the cap, with its falling plume, became her well, and in any attire, common or picturesque, she must have been handsome ; but it was not the isolated fact of her beauty that drew and riveted the regards of her escort. It was a vague, thrilling impression of familiarity with the features which it was impossible to believe he had ever icen before, save in the brief instant of their introduction at church. Yet that half-smile, meditative and sweet ; the short upper lip the thoaght of pride in its curve, modified by the ripe fullness of the lower ; the cleft chin, that imparted piquancy to the 224 NEMESIS. countenance ; the shapely head and its regal poise upon the whit* neck ; these he had seen not once or twice, in a passing glimpse but had beheld, and studied, and loved. Like a flash of light recurred to him Miss Barbara's comment upon the "English girl's " resemblance to Bessy Hale. He called himself stupid and blind not to have perceived it at a glance. This it was the accidental likeness to his early protege that had moved him to an interest in this young creature this 3hild, in comparison with his matured manhood such as he had not felt for aught in the form of woman, since the dream of his youth was broken. At this stage in the revolution of his thoughts, their subject raised her eyes and dropped them again, beneath a scrutiny, whose blent interest and inquiry she could not fail to read, and certainly did not understand. Malcolm spoke promptly, to end the awkward pause. " That is a noble animal, Miss Rashleigh. He is imported, I suppose ?" " He was one of my fellow- voyagers," said she, threading the flowing mane with her fingers. " No place would be quite home without him. He has owned me as mistress since his coltish days." " You enjoy riding, I perceive. You will not find such horse- women here, as you have been used to see in your own land. American ladies are seldom equestrian from love of the exercise. In many parts of the country, it is the only practicable mode of conveyance to church, to the neighbors' houses and to town. What is performed as a necessity, soon ceases to become a pleasure." " Your sister, Mrs. Moreau, is an exception to your rje, it would seem. I called at her house this morning to deliver a message from my father to Mr. Moreau. As I was in my habit, the conversation ran principally upon horses and riding. She made eager and minute inquiries aVioat certain English custom^ NEMESIS. 225 that a lorded opportunity for the display of this accomplishment ; hunting, steeple-chases, and the tike. There are still ladies, who ride to see the hounds throw off, and are not only frequenters of the turf but I am ashamed to say risk and lose their money apon thfc race, as freely as do their husbands and brothers. 1 have heard such stories, and my information in these matters la only gained from hearsay." " Many ladies in our highest circles maintain and exercise their right to witness such sports," replied Malcolm. " I am perhaps inclined to be Amazonian in my liking for fine horses," said Katherine, " and education might have made me as zealous a patron of the race-course as Diana was of the chase, had it not been for my father's insuperable dislike prejudice, if you choose to consider it such to games of hazard in any form." " He shows sound judgment there ! I rejoice that his princi- ples are so strict" then catching her surprised gaze at hi/i warmth, he bit his lip and changed the subject. Colonel Rashleigh walked down the porch-steps and lawn to receive his daughter and her cavalier. He had seen Malcolm once before on the Court-house green the monthly rendezvous of all the male denizens of the county, and now greeted him with aa cordial a welcome as was compatible with present agitation and general stiffness. " You have earned our sincere gratitude, sir ?" he said, in nolenm pomp. " I was never more displeased with any one in my life, sir, than I am with that stupid blockhead of a servant. I shall appoint you some other groom, Katherine, my daughter A fellow, who cannot take care of himself and his horse, must not be intrusted with a lady's safety." " Indeed, you are too hard upon him, papa !" said Katheriue. " He has been sorely punished for his negligence. It was nothing :>ut an oversight that any of us might have committed Ast 10* 226 K E M E S I 8 . Mr. Argyle if it was not a deceptive quagmire. I, myself, would have mistaken it for solid ground." Thus referred to, Malcolm was obliged to sustain her generous appeal in behalf of the ungrateful Thomas. " Others have met with the same misfortune there," he answered, " One of my neighbors lost a colored boy at that identical spot last winter. He was suffocated before help arrived." " Oh 1" Katherine grew pale and clasped her hands, at this thoughtless admission of the peril he had hitherto affected to treat lightly. Colonel Rashleigh moved his head up and down, in magisterial condemnation of the public authorities, that left unguarded a pitfall, whose danger was thus proclaimed ; but courtesy wrought upon his justice to induce him to withhold this opinion. They were at the house-door, and he invited Mr. Argyle in, with formal but sincere hospitality. Malcolm declined, and what was harder, he held out against the reiteration of the request by Katherine's involuntary look. But though he risked offending them in this respect, he was too much the gentleman to forget that he ought to ask permission to call, the following day, and inquire whether Miss Rashleigh's health had sustained any ?hock from her fright. The petition was readily granted, and he took leave. With spirits changed from the buoyancy of the early morning, he set his face homeward. He Malcolm Argyle the misogy- nist and Timon of the region had ridden four miles in company with a woman young and handsome without satiety or dis- gust ; had talked of the weather a theme he despised, as the Btapie of discourse among fools and fashionables and, more absurd ! had quoted poetry, like a sentimental Sophomore. Worst of all 1 was he not committed to a call a visit in cold bio 3d and broad daylight, at her father's house I and he foresaw manifold obstacles in the way of civilly dropping an acquaintance NEMESIS. 227 thus commenced. He railed at himself for inconsistency, because l\e was not more annoyed angry, in fact at the advantage secured over him by the fate adverse to the uneventful routine of his secluded life. Almost a stranger as he was to those who bad known him since his birth, why should he allow circumstances to force these foreign comers upon his acquaintanceship ? He suc- ceeded in deceiving himself into an inclement humor by the time he dismounted at Bed Lomond, and, for the rest of the day, Misa Barbara wore (spiritual and invisible) sackcloth and ashes for the palpable failure of her recent attempt at amelioration of hia moods. It was a relief to see him set off upon his accustomed ride next morning. " He's bilious, I think," she said, " and maybe the shakin' and the air will do him good." The remedies doubtless* proved efficacious, for when he pre- sented himself in Colonel Rashleigh's drawing-room, his fresh complexion and clear eye betokened excellent digestion and a healthy state of the blood. The apartment was not adapted to the purpose for which it was now used, except in size. The wainscot was painted dark- e;reen, and the furniture having been selected to correspond, and the narrow windows being placed very high up, the lugubrious effect was gloomily unpleasing. Malcolm reverted to Katherine'g declaration that roofs and walls were a prison at this season, and believed that he had discovered the secret of her partiality for out-of-door life. Colonel Rashleigh had met him in the hall and ushered him into this room, in a state that prepared the visitor for an introduction to a large company, whereas there was not a ioul there beside themselves. " Be seated, if you please, Mr. Argyle !" The- colonel drew forward an immense chair, shrouded in green drapery. Malcolm thought of the pillory, as the perpendiculiif 228 H E M E S I S . back straightened his spinal column to a right line, and h ii pensed with the use of a footstool that was considered as a part of the throne. " You are not afflicted with the gout, then, sir ?" said the host, seeing this action. Malcolm could not prevent a smile, and a glance at his young, strong limbs. " No, sir." " Ah, indeed 1 Is it an hereditary complaint in your family,, sir?" " Not that I ever heard. It does not prevail in this country to any great extent, and is becoming a more rare complaint yearly." " Is it possible ! To what cause do you attribute this remark- able circumstance, sir ?" " I really am unable to explain it," answered the visitor, begin- ning to feel bored. " Perhaps the climate " He was interrupted by the opening of a door opposite to him, which let in a stream of light from an outer room. It was a fleeting illumination, for the person entering closed the door as she stepped within the parlor. Both gentlemen arose. " Mr. Argyle allow me to present Mrs. Rashleigh. My dear, we are, as you know, greatly indebted to Mr. Argyle for his valuable service to our daughter yesterday." The lady's white face and hands were all that Malcolm's eyes, blinded by the late passing light, could immediately distinguish. She was tall, and arrayed in dark or black robes, and this wag the extent of his discoveries concerning her until she had been leated some moments. " We were engaged in an interesting conversation, mj dear, eaicl Colonel Rashleigh, in his pompous, deliberate voice. "Mr, Argyle encourages me to hope that my troublesome inhe itance, the gout, may not be a perpetual enemy in this salubrious climate NEMESIS, 229 It would be a singular coincidence, sir, if the emigration from the laud of my fathers, resolved upon by the advice of Mrs. Rash leigh's physician, Sir Humphrey Asbury you may have heard of him, sir ?" Malcolm owned his ignorance in this respect. " Sir Humphrey Asbury a skillful and popular practitioner, gir should, I say, eventuate in my owu recovery from a painful and tedious disorder. But I am detaining you, Mr. Argyle " with a Grandisonian bow and wave of the hand. " I detain you from the conclusion of your observations upon the causes of the decline of this ancient disease among the citizens of these United States." " Xot at all, sir !" rejoined Malcolm, growing more and more restive for liberty and silence. "I merely suggested that the climate might have something to do with it. I know very little of the gout or its treatment." " It was Sir Humphrey Asbury's opinion, in which he was sup- ported by the celebrated Dr. Arbuthnot You have some acquaintance with his fame, perhaps, Mr. Argyle ?" Fortunately, Mr. Argyle was able to reply in the affirmative. " An eminent man, sir, he was ! a re-mar-ka-ble man ! It was the beh'ef, sir, of both these distinguished physicians " Again that blessed ray of brightness beyond, and a rush of cool air with it. This time, the door was left open. ' Good morning, Mr. Argyle !'" said Katherine, walking up to him with a modest, frank grace, that was inexpressibly charming. Without consulting Colonel Rashleigh's dull, grey eyes, or his own previous determination of distant politeness, Malcolm shook bauds with her. "Have I the pleasure of seeing you quite well to-day?" he inquired. "Have you suffered any inconvenience from youj adventure of yesterday ?" "No how could I? It is I who should make inquiries of 230 W E M E 8 I 8 . you. Are yog sure that you did not strain your arm in drawing poor Thomas from his ' Slough of Despond ?' I described the exploit, in detat, to papa, last night, and he was much concerned test you should have over-exerted yourself." " It was an unnecessary fear. I am none the worse for what you pertinaciously dignify into an exploit. And, in reciprocating civilities, we are forge tting the only damaged individual of the trio. How is your groom, in mind and body ?" "Happily convalescent." Katherine laughed as joyously as ftf the room were not hung with dark green, and her stately father and silent mother were not within hearing. " Gay feathers make gay birds ; and his spirits have recovered their usual pitch at the assurance of the laundress that his livery is not utterly beyond hope." She had remained standing while addressing and replying to Malcolm, and now turned to her mother. " Mamma ! did you deliver my message my petition to the gentlemen ?" " I did not. It escaped my memory." " We await your ladyship's commands," said Colonel Rashleigh, with heavy gallantry. Katherine courtesied in mock gratitude. Malcolm's inward simile was of a fawn sporting with an elephant. " Then, will it please your worships to walk into the other parlor? It is lighter and cooler than this" throwing an im- patient look around it " less like a funeral state-chamber, if yon will pardon my candor, papa." He would have frowned at her depreciation of his pet apart- ment, but her witching smile mollified his displeasure. The " othei parlor " was the ladies' sitting-room. India matting was spread upon the floor ; white dimity curtains, with wide fringes, shaded the windows ; there were three work-tables, with gay covers, and upon each a glass containing wild flowers ; low chair* NEMESIS. 231 and foot-cusnions stood about, in convenient confusion, and in ona window was a linnet's cage. Mrs. Holt, in her dove-colored dress, was waiting to pay her respects to the visitor very mild and very prim. She was no more the presiding genius of thia cheerful and tasteful home-bower, than was the cold, stern-fea- tured woman who waved Malcolm to a chair, in a line with that which she selected for herself, as if tte use of her tongue would compromise her habitual haughtiness. Owing to the situation assigned him, inadvertently, as he imagined, he could not get a fair view of her, except by wheeling around half-way in his seat ; nor was the temptation very powerful while Katherine was facing him. The more effectually to break up the stiffness of a group whose component members were so uncongenial, she had resumed her work, the netting-box, with its ivory shuttle and threads of spider- like fineness. And, as her fingers flew, eyes, tongue and smiles were weaving a pretty tissue of quaint fancies and sprightly wit, that, hanging about her father's harangues and her governess " elegant extracts," relieved the dullness of one and the pedantry of the other. " She is an original, and a pleasing variety in the dead-level silliness and affectation of her sex," reflected the ungallant listener. " The miracle is how she has resisted the influences of society like this. I should as soon have expected to find a sweet- brier growing in a vault. She never got that soul from the father," surveying the John Bull visage, with its double chin and flabby eyelids ; its naster-trait being solemn self-conceit. " Was the etherial spark the mother's gift ?" He was inspired by a curiosity to pry into the mystery. Push- ing his chair back that he might see her, he accosted Mrs. Hash Hgh : "Yon have hardly had time to give our climate a thorough test yet, madam !" NEMESIS. The faintest tint of rose suffused the lady's wan cheek H might be of displeasuro at the unceremonious address, for she averted her eyes in replying. " I presume not." " Have you ever visited our continent before ?" " Yes" she seemed to steady her voice. " I was in America nee many years since ia~my youth." " You never told me that, mamma 1" cried the impulsive Katherine. " Did I not r It was all she said, and her daughter understood that for some reason she was not to prosecute her inquiries. Malcolm too desisted. The reserve be had cultivated in his own demeanor did not dispose him to sympathy with kindred qualities in others. If this unsocial dame fancied the part of the " proud ladye " in the ballad, he was not the man to interfere with her masquerade. He considered that his overtures had been frank and gentlemanly. She saw fit to repel them, and in their succeeding interviews, should any such be set down in the book of their future, she must lead off in conversation not he. Again, a thoughtful ride and a slow, along the forest road. Again, reason demonstrated his discomfort, martyr as he was, to the irrational conventionalities of the society to which he was a professed outlaw ; victimized by pride and prosinesa and untimely displays of learning and again, feeling gave the lie to every representation ; refuted every argument. " The cause is plain enough," he uttered, sc emphatically that Sprightly pricked up her ears. " It must be the likeness to poor lost Bessy that makes me notice and think of the girl." And he got down from his horse to pluck a spray of sweet- brier waving beside the path. It was fastened in his bosom, uul transferred thence to a glass of water in his room tha night He did not inquire of Reasor or Feeling why he did this. 5 M E 8 I B . 233 CHAPTER XVII. THAT his whimsical brother-in-law had changed his mind, Mr, Moreau was informed by his appearance on the night of the party. The room was a third full of company when he arrived Marcia Carrington was gossiping with Jessie Hunter in a corner,, when a buzz went around from group to group, and directed th* eyes of the early friends to the entrance-door. " A resurrection 1" commented one lady to another. " More likely a reconciliation !" replied a gentleman who over heard the remark. ' They say that, lately, Moreau has spent hal/ his time at Ben Lomond." " He might do worse 1" said a bystander, significantly ; and both gentlemen laughed a little, at which the ladies looked puzzled. "Why! there's Malcolm, I declare I" exclaimed Jessie " What is going to happen ? Eleanor told me that she did not believe he would come. Isn't it fanny ? He hates parties awfully !" Mareia's cheeks tingled with conflicting emotions. It so hap- pened that the next person with whom Malcolm met, after pay- ing his respects to the host and hostess, was the burly planter iv r ho had been the guiltless Paris to his Helen In the benevolent pity of his heart, the worthy husband threw as much cordiality as his kind, red face was capable of expressing, into his salutation, and his hearty tones swelled above, the murmur of other voices. " Happy to meet you, at last. Mr. Argyle ! Upon my word 234 NEMESIS. 1 ha^ e despaired oi ever getting better acquainted with you. Mj wife will be glad to renew the friendship that once existed between you, I am sure. Come and speak to her won't you ?" Marcia was not sensitive ; yet she was ashamed, as she noted how general was the attention and ill-concealed amusement which this movement excited. When Mr. Carrington puffingly pre- sented "an old friend, my dear Marshy" (we spell as he pro nounced), " whom you will be glad to meet again," Iwr voice was cold and constrained, while her face was on fire with con- fusion. " I met Mr. Argyle two weeks ago, at church," she said, and stooped to pick up her fan. Malcolm bent for it before she could touch it, and returned it with a politeness as easy as hers was embarrassed. " How are you, Jessie ?" he said, shaking hands with the sister be had not seen before in months. " As weak and sick as I can be, to keep on my feet," she rejoined, plaintively. " I ought not to be here to-night. I shall pay for it, and dearly too." " I hope not !" Her brother took a seat beside her. " And the latest Mmrod ! how is his Littleness ?" The play upon her married name was not new to Jessie, or she would not have comprehended the allusion. " He is very well !" she answered, animatedly. " If he were not asleep, I would take you up to see him and you too, Mar- cia. He is a monstrous child of his age. A perfect beauty like the Argyles, too 1 My other children are all Hunters." " Fond of children, Mr. Argyle ?" asked Mr. Carrington, agreeably. " You would not believe me if I were to say ' No/ Mr. Car riiigton." " Upon my word, you came near the truth there, sir I" returnee the bluff planter. " I have no respec'. for a man indeed I can NEMESIS. 235 tit conceive of a nu,n who has any soul, not loving the deai little things bless their hearts 1" " You are still delicate then, Jessie ?" said Malcolm. " Delicate I yes, and always shall be !" she sighed A sadder wreck of a fair and fresh beauty could hardly have been imagined. Her comeliness had never had the appearance of fast colors, in her best days. It was too dependent upon the gloss and curl of her abundant locks ; her eyes were too palo in their blue ; her skin too ready to betray the rise and fall of the blood. She resembled now a picture that had faded out. Her hair was thin, and lifeless as tow ; the blue irids were so light as to be scarcely distinguishable from the white surrounding them ; and in the sunken cheeks there were sallow spots where once the blush-rose had flourished. She had suffered certainly from bodily ailments ; but more from what was the aggravation, if not the chief cause of these a hypochondria, as sedulously nursed, and paraded with as much pride as were the children, multiplying discouragingly about her knees. Her brother's unwonted interest in her, and in the late arrival, gratified her exceedingly. The Providence that helps the lame and the lazy had helped her to a man far higher hi the scale of probity, and in easier worldly circumstances than Eleanor's acti- vity had secured for herself Under his influence, Jessie had grown mere amiable, if not more disinterested. Silly and vain she was by nature, but the gentle loves of home had softened the ill-temper she had mostly acquired from, and exercised upon, her sister. Weak in action and vapid in conversation she must ever remain, and since she had claimed a place on the invalid list, she was particularly tiresome, as Malcolm was made to ''eel, without waste of time on her part. She was desirous to entertain her brother. As Mr. Hunter said, " they had enough bread anrf butter of their own to fill the babies' mouths, without playing boot-licks to a relation who was so unfortunate as to havi m 236 NEMESIS. family to spend his money. Let Eleanor have it, and welcome, Jess ! It would be a pity to have all her work thrown iway " Jessie submitted outwardly inasmuch as she refrained from allusions to her sister's schemes and conjectures about Malcolm 'fl wealth, in the hearing of her husband, and did not gainsay Elea- nor's insinuations as to the legitimate destination of the patri- monial estate ; but sometimes she waxed malcontent at this cool surrender of her rights. Malcolm's flattering notice of her on this occasion, reanimated slumbering ambition. What was mere reasonable than that she should be his favorite sister ? She had never thwarted him, injured his friends and quarrelled ou; right with him, as Eleanor had done. The baby was not named. Shr would beg Mr. Hunter she would insist, as the mother had * right to do that the cherub should be called Malcolm Argyle. People said that Malcolm would never marry, since Mareia had treated him so badly, and it did seem improbable. "What if ho were to adopt his namesake nephew ? Eleanor had dreamed of the same thing in naming her second child ; but there were no signs yet that her wishes were true prophets. These thoughts swam in her soft brain, while she was endea- voring to relate the leading symptoms of her infirm health ; and Malcolm, seemingly lent an attentive ear, his eye resting mean- while, as by accident, upon the door. The Rashleighs were to remain all night at Montrouge the Moreaus' residence. This was Eleanor's arrangement, in order to secure the attendance of Mrs. Rashleigh, who was fearful of the night air. They had been detained on the road by an acci- dent to the harness of their carriage, and having to dress at Montrouge, were therefore rather late in appearing below stairs. Eleanor had circulated, industriously, tales of their social distinc- tion in England, and the paternal affection felt by the uncle fot Mr Moreau, of Mrs. Rashleigh's elegance and the daughters hemity and accomplishments. These things, working in tho K E M E b 1 8 . 237 imaginations of the other guests, together with the fact that they ivere collected here to do them honor, created a sensation, when Eleanor advanced eagerly to salute the distinguished strangers Colonel Rashleigh, in white silk stockings, knee-buckles, lace upan his ruffled shirt-bosom, and a streamer of broad black rib bon flowing down his back, from his powdered queue, was as impos- ing as he intended to be. Mrs. Rashleigh was dressed in grey silk silvery in lustre and rich in fabric. The laces of her cap, neck- dress and sleeves were exquisite as the production of fairy looms; and a brilliant diamond star pinned the transparent folds at her throat. She was the Cynosura of every eye ; but pale, tranquil in her gravity, she appeared utterly disregardful of the curiosity respect and admiration that she kindled. Katherine came in with her governess. Her dress of white gauze over pink silk, was pretty and girlish, while it befitted the daughter of a man of Colonel Rashleigh's reputed wealth. Among her dark tresses, was woven a wreath of sweet-brier leaves and blossoms. Mal- colm marvelled at the coincidence of his fancy and her taste. " How very odd 1" he thought, smilingly. " I will ask her, eome time, how she happened to select that flower." " Those are Mr. Moreau's rich relations are they not ?" asked Jessie, " I am dying to see them \" "Be so good as to move aside a little, Mr. Carrington, if you please," said Malcolm. " Now, Jessie, look and live !" " What superb laces 1" ejaculated Mrs. Carrington, in the pubdued tone of intense awe. " There is a small fortune in that dress of Mrs. Rashleigh's ! And those magnificent diamonds ! See how they shine, Stanhope !" "The daughter's eyes please me better than the diamonds do, my dear," replied her husband. "Ah, Mr. Argyle ! there ta a prize worth a hard race. What a chance for yon young men ! ' " "V\ ho are fortunate in not hav'uig Mr. Carrington for a cum 238 NT E M E 8 I 8 . petitor," was the pleasant rejoinder. " One who;se appreeia (ion of beauty is so lively, could not but be a formidable riral." Mrs. Carrington's vanity would have been more pleased, had her jilted suitor remained silent at the considering -ull things malapropos remark of her spouse ; or had he replied io any other style than the jest, with which he moved away. It testi- fied with mortifying clearness, that he was no longer haunted by tender memories of her. The genuine spirit of English reserve with regard to household concerns, prevailed at Briar wood. Hence, Malcolm's rescue of Katherine's groom and his subsequent call were unknown, as yet, beyond the limits of the estate. Eleanor watched her brother, aa he gradually approached the young heiress ; saw his bow and her smile, and construed this, as well as the conversation that ensued, into an exhibition of his desire to strengthen the restored family peace, by amity with its more remote members, and Katherine's friendly disposition toward her cousin's connections. She had & passion for diplomacy, and no sooner was the idea lodged in hei mind that her gentlemanly and wealthy brother might be an efficient ally in obtaining for her a footing with her husband'a high-born relatives might, by exalting the Argyles in the sight of the aristocratic Colonel, dispose him to geneiosity to the nephew, who had nobly maintained the family dignity in hig marriage ; no sooner had this tempting bubble caught her eye, than her thoughts uarted after it, with an ardor that ought to bave brought success. Amid the distractions incident to her hostesship, she kept vigilant guard over her intended engine, dreading every instant to see him retire from the field and relapse Into his habitual unsocial ways. He was more merciful af she told her husband, in one of theii hurried conferences : " Malcolm is really behaving bea itifully. Was it your visit to NEMESIS. 239 him, the other day, that has worked this miracle in him ? You are getting into ,7or at last, my dear." She swept on, not staying to witness the effect of this choice *ugar-plum upon her liege lord. Possibly, the grimace he exe- cuted when her back was turned would have taught her, had she seen it, that there are secrets, as well as accidents, in th best-regulated households. Malcolm finally resigned his place by Miss Rashleigh's side to a gentleman who had solicited her hand for the dance, then form- ing. He was standing near one of the deep windows a looker on of the merry mazes when his sister sailed up to him. " Malcolm, have you forgotten how to dance a Scotch reel ?" " I do not know. I suppose that I have," he returned, gazing at her more intently than was needful or comfortable to her, con- scious, as she was, of a double purpose in the proposal she had on her tongue. But she had a bold face always at her command " matchless effrontery," as Malcolm denominated it. He had not believed that even those fearless eyes could sustain bis meaning look, after the humiliation she had lately undergone at his hands. A side glance showed him Mr. Moreau, not far off, trying to carry on a gay conversation, while his eyes were upon the brother and sister, in an agonized suspense Malcolm understood but partially, and Eleanor did not see. In blissful ignorance of the letter burn- tug in her husband's pocket, seeming to throb against his guilty heart, her mask was less elaborate than Malcolm supposed. " I have been making inquiries among our friends, and am dis- appointed that so many declare themselves unable to go through the figure. Colonel Rashleigh requested me to get up the set., and I promised. It is Kartherine's Miss Rashleigh's favorita dai,'e tec. What a pity !" Malcolm did not reply, although she paused to afford hio? tb opportunity. She resumed : 240 N E II E 8 I 8 . " I thought that you would perhaps lead her out jast this once rather than the plan should be spoiled. You used to excel in this dance." The artful compliment doubtless conquered his scruples, for his features relaxed. " Very well," he said, " If you only need me to complete your number, and Miss Rashleigh will accept me as a partner, I will break through my rules and oblige you." "Thank you ! thank you!" in raptures with herself and him. " Shall I be the bearer of your compliments to dear Katherine f " No. I will prefer my suit in person." " Who of us has not a weak side ?" said Eleanor, secretly. " I never yet saw a man whose head could not be made to whirl by a judicious touch of flattery nor one whom I could not manage." The obliging brother kept his word, and his request meeting with a favorable response, he stood up in the next dance with Katherine Rashleigh. He performed his part with spirit, having stipulated beforehand that his partner should correct the mis- takes that would inevitably arise from his want of practice. He designed making one or two accidental blunders, to bear out his assertion of awkwardness, but forgot the premeditated deceit before he had been once across the floor. Katherine danced as she talked gaily and unaffectedly, and her airy motions, joined to the lively badinage she exchanged with her companion, were the cause of his remissness in not carrying out his laudable wheme. She charged him with the cheat, as he offered his arm at the close of the set, and received, for vindication, the assurance that he had mistaken the direction wherein his deficiency lay He was certain that the intricacies of a country dance would baflle him, " Tf you would have evidence of my veracity, and are not timid . about being laughed at for the stupidity of your partner, try O* next with me. I engage that you shall be convinced." NEMESIS. 241 " Not the next. Yoi~ sister's guests will have cause to com- plain of my monopolizing your attentions. Let me see I I aui free for the sixth set. Will you have that, instead ?" He took her tablet and wrote down his name. " Now," she said, " I will go and sit down by Mrs. Holt and rest, during this dance. Mamma does not like me to keep ti:u floor too long at a time, so I always reserve ' rests ' in my list of* engagements." " You do not seem to be fatigued." " I am not. Mamma says that it is hardly kind or civil, in a large company, for the same person to dance every consecutive set, while there are others excluded from the amusement by want of room." " Select a partner for me will you not ?" asked Mr. Argyle. It had just occurred to him that she might be the subject of invidious remark if he danced with no one else, and what her plea for his sister's guests could not effect was done through considera- tion for her. She refused, laughingly, supposing him to be in jest, until convinced, by his positive manner, of his indifference to tr.e various representatives of the gentler sex present. As many married, a single ladies danced, and the same rule applied to gentlemen. Mr. Moreau was the most active Terpsichorean en the floor ; Mr. Carrington's adipose tendency warned him not to attempt the brisk Scotch reel ; but he omitted no other chance of enjoying himself in this manner, and displayed excellent tas*e in his choice of pretty partners. His wi*" '" in full dress rather juvenile for her matronly pretensions out she had been iu- Tited to leave her seat only once, in the fum uances which had al- ready been performed. She appeared dull low-spirited thought Katheriue's kind heart, and she pointed out to Malcolm, where she sat, by Jessie, whose eyes and thoughts were all for the par ticipuiits in the exercise from which her ill-health debarred her. " Most of the younger ladies appear to be provided with pait- 11 NEMESIS. uers ; but perhaps Mrs. Carrington would like to dauce. Sim seemed foiid of the pastime, I thought. She stood next to m in one set." Malcolm started, and bent a searching look upon her ; then, as- sured by her ingenuous countenance, that there was no covert sig mficance in her selection, he obeyed her hint. Marcia crimsoned painfully at his invitation, and arising, gave him her hand with- out a word. Untrammelled by one remaining fetter of the chains he had once worn, he pitied her, in the calmer, happier mood, whose dawning was, to him, like the commencement of another life, and he endeavored to dispel her discomfort. Conscious, all the while, that he was doing a thing he would ridicule on the morrow, and even while he did it, quarrelling with the motives that put him to this useless trouble, he chatted fluently and pleas- antly of mutual acquaintances ; items of neighborhood news, and other topics likely to interest her. His charitable labor ended by the close of the set, he re-conducted Mrs. Carringtou to her chair : talked a little to her and to his sister, and committed himself to the crowd, that in due season, cast him at Miss Rashleigh's feet. Mrs. Rashleigh had traversed the rooms once ; submitted to countless introductions ; been gazed at by everybody while her proud, still face gave no sign that she took particular heed of any person or thing there. " Are you not weary, my dear madam ?" interrogated the unxious hostess. " I am slightly fatigued 1" she rejoined. " Then, let me entreat you to take this chair. I hid it in r.he .ecess on purpose that you might not want for a resting-place." " You are very thoughtful, madam 1" said the gratified Colonel Mrs. Rashleigh is greatly obliged to you.." Mrs. Rashleigh coufirmed his statement by a bow, and took the designated seat. The two windows, at this end of the room, were in deep embrasures, formed on one side, by the jutting N M E 8 I 6 . 243 aarl by tht wall, ou the other. Both recesses were profusely ornamented, as were the rest of the doors and windows, with green boughs and flowers, so that when Mrs. Rashleigh entered the retreat prepared for her, she was in a leafy alcove, whose hang- ings screened her from the notice of the throng, without obstruct- ing her view of the revellers. The Colonel, satisfied that she waa established in the ease and seclusion she loved, willingly acceded to her proposition that he should mingle, and make acquaintance with his neighbors. And, conspicuous amidst the moving forms, the lady descried frequently, his portly figure, like a royal seventy- four, with the king's colors flying at the mast-head, cleaving the vari-colored billows that heaved against him on every side, with- out altering his steady course. Two gentlemen separated themselves from the denser mass of the crowd, and drew near the shaded window. They were Mr. Moreau and a younger man, not more than eight-and-twenty, pert in physiognomy, consequential in bearing and foppish in dress. He smiled incessantly and talked rapidly. " And just as fortune is beaming upon you, at last, you turn saint 1" were the first words Mrs. Rashleigh overheard. " You have sharper sight than mine, if you can see any light," rejoined Mr. Moreau, discontentedly. " The sky is as black as ink to me." " Nonsense, man. What more would you have ? A rich uncle drops down out of the clouds at your door, with more money thaa he can possibly dispose of, and recognizes you as the male heir of his line. A rich brother-lu-law opens his heart and purse, in the hour of neer 258 NEMESIS. ference and resenting censnre ; but, before deceiving others, ho must be thoroughly deceived himself. No glittering pledge of preferment, no threats of public disgrace or popular defeat, could allure or intimidate him to barter or compromise his principles On this occasion, he knew full well that his was the unpopular side of the question then agitating the country to its foundations. He saw before him a populace, smarting under private losses and privations, as well as national indignities. In the breasts of the young burned the desire for 'vengeance and conquest ; the veina of the old were scarcely cooled after the hot struggle of the Revo- ^.rJution ; while men of deliberative middle age looked to the suggested war as a preferable alternative to the paralysis of trade and impure fermentings of the mass, hi which such dangerous ele- ments were working. Yet he controlled all ; and the mastery gained while he spoke, his thoughts were them ; his declarations the proclamation of one inspired with more than mortal wisdom. The lungs that had raised the cry " Destruction to the British I" heaved with answering animation to his vindication of the slandered mother- land. The fiery youth who beheld in the French conqueror the apotheosis of human greatness the sublime realization of his dream of the self-made man felt his lip curl sympathetically at the withering denunciation of his hero. " Why this unnatural hatred of England ? Strange ! that we should have no objection to any other people or government, in civilized or sayage countries in the whole world ! The great autocrat of all the Russias receives the homage of our high consideration ; the Dey of Algiers and his divan of pirates are rery civil, good sort of people, with whom we find no difficulty in maintaining the relations of peace and amity ; ' Turks, Jews and infidels ;' barbarians and savages of every clime and color, are welcome to our arms ; with chiefs of banditti, negro or mulatto, we can treat and we can trade. Name, however, but EngluucJ NEMESIS. 259 and cJl oar antipathies are up in arms against her. Against vhoni ? . Against those whose blood runs in our owi veins ; in common with whom we can slaim Shakspeare and Newtoii and Chatham for our countrymen ; whose form of government i* the freest on earth, our own only excepted ; from whom evei-y valuable principle of our own institutions has been borrowed ; our whole civil and criminal jurisprudence ; against our fdlow Pro- testants! identified in blood, in language, in religion, with our- selves. In what school did the worthies of our land the Wash- ingtons, Henrys, Hancocks, Franklins, the Rutledges of America, learn those principles of civil liberty which were so nobly asserted by their wisdom and valor ? And American resistance to British usurpation, had not been more warmly cherished by these good men and their compatriots ; not more by Washington, Hancock and Henry, than by Chatham and his illustrious associates in the British Parliament. And let it be remembered that the heart of the British people was with us " But the ' outrages and injuries' of England ! Bred up in the principles of the Revolution, / can never palliate, much lesa defend them. I well remember flying with my mother and her new-born child, from Arnold and Phillips ; and they had been driven by Tarleton and other British Pandoors, from pillar to post, while her husband was fighting the battles of his country. The impression is indelible on my memory, and yet (like my worthy old neighbor, who added seven buckshot to every car- tridge, at the battle of Guilford, and drew a fine sight at his man), I must be content to be called a tory by a patriot of the latest importation ! Let us not get rid of one evil, supposing it possible, at the expense of a greater. Suppose France in possession of th British naval power, and to her the trident must pass, should England be unable wield it what would be your condition ? What would be the situation of your sea-ports, and their N. a faring inhabitants? Ask Hamburg, ask Lubec, ask 260 N H M E 8 I 8 . When their privateers are pent up in our harbors by the British bull-dogs, when they receive at our hands every rite of hospitality. xTom which their enemy is excluded ; when they capture, within our waters, interdicted to British armed, ships, American vessels ', when such is their deportment to you, under such circumstance*, what could you expect if they were the uncontrolled lords of the ocean ? Had those privateers at Savannah borne British com- missions, or had American shipments of cotton, tobacco, ashes, and what not, to London and Liverpool, been confiscated and the proceeds poured into the English exchequer, my life upon it ! you would never have listened to any miserable wire-drawn distinctions between ' orders and decrees affecting our neutral rights ' and ' municipal decrees ' confiscating in mass your whole property ! You would have had instant war ! The whole land would have blazed in war ! " And shall Republicans become the instruments of him who has effaced the title of Attila to the ' SCOUBGE OF GOD ?' Yet, even Attila, in the falling fortunes of civilization, had, no doubt, his advocates, his tools, his minions, his parasites, in the very countries that he overran sons of that soil whereon his horse had trod where grass could never afterward grow. Would that I could give utterance to the strong detestation which I feel toward (above all other works of the Creation) such characters as Zingis, Tamerlane, Kouli Khan, or BONAPARTE ! My instincts involuntarily revolt at their bare idea malefactors of the human race, who ground down man to a mere machine of their impious and bloody ambition. Yet, under the accumulated wrongs and Insults and robberies of the last of these chieftains, are we not, iu point of fact, striving to become a party to his views a partner in his wars ? Is it so, then, that the last Republic of the earth must enlist under the banners of the tyrant ? Must the blood of American freemen flow to cement his power to aid in stifling the last struggles of afflicted and persecuted man to deliver up into N E M K 8 I S . 261 his hands the patriots of Spain and Portugal to establish hifl empire over the ocean, and over the land that gave our fathers birth to forge our own chains ! " And yet, my friends, we are told, as we were told, in the days of Mr Adams, ' the finger of Heaven points to war ! y Yes ! the finger of Heaven does point to war I It points to war, as it points to the mansions of eternal misery and torture ; as a flaming beacon, warning us of that vortex which we may not approach, but with certain destruction. It points to deso- lated Europe, and warns us of the chastisement of those nations who have offended against the justice, and almost beyond the mercy of Heaven. It announces the wrath to come upon those, who, ungrateful for the bounty of Providence, not satisfied with the peace, security and plenty at home, fly, as it were, into the face of the Most High, and tempt His for- bearance 1" For two hours, not a man stirred from his place, or raised hand or voice to interrupt the fiery torrent that broke over the multitude, with the might and fury of a mountain flood. The thrilling tones ceased to be heard; the weird-like visage no lon- ger flashed its lightnings among them ; the shadowy form wayed no more in their sight, at the will of the potent spirit within it, and instead of the clamorous outburst that had marked the close of his opponent's peroration, there was a deep-drawn Bigh, from a thousand bosoms, such as men heave when the rum- ble, the shaking and the crash of the earthquake have passed, and they wonder at the life it has spared to them. " A remarkable speaker 1" said Colonel Rashleigh, regaining his breath with a stertorous effort. " I should like to make hia acquaintance. A man of sound views and re-mar-ka-ble endow- ments 1 If perfectly agrealle to him and to yourself, Robert, I ehall bo pleased, if you can introduce me, in the course of tin day. As a Briton, I desire to express my approval of nis scnll 262 NEMESIS. ments with regard to that country, likewise of tlie masterly style m which he exposed and condemned the intrigues and outrages of that low-bom upstart, who calls himself the I^reuch Emperor." The idea of the Colonel's contemplated patronage of th haughty and sarcastic .Randolph was too much for Bancroft's risibles. He fell into the rear to indulge his merriment, while Moreau could not refrain from smiling. "If it can be brought about, I will certainly comply with your request, sir ; I think, however, that Mr. Randolph will not remain in the place to dinner. He detests public tables." The words were not off his tongue, when the crowds wending their way to the principal house of entertainment, parted to the sides of the road, and between the divided ranks, drove a light phaeton, drawn by a pair of magnificent blood-horses, groomed with a nicety, that made their coats shine with silken lustre, and stepping like cats, their dainty hoofs hardly touching the earth. The master had the reins and was the sole occupant of the car. riage Pale, joyless, alone his dark eye held no ray of triumph, his sallow cheek bore no trace of the emotions that had so lately stirred mightily in his soul. Neither in his sardonic, yet mourn- ful physiognomy, nor in his bearing, that had even something of defiance mixed with its hauteur, was there discernible a trait of the popular leader. What other politicians sought to gain by urbanity and flatteries, he demanded from men as the tribute they owed to the right of his cause. Petty arts he disdained, and trampled under foot the amenities and courtesies that are com- monly esteemed powerful engines with the masses. This was the man, who, with the exception of one brief inter- regnum and that caused by the very elements that were now at work throughout the country remained, for upward of thirty years, the representative >f an intelligent constituency " such as no other man ever had ;" received the highest honors from hu N E M E S I b . 2t>3 own government aiid distinguished favors abroad, the anomaly of nis age and of our country ; the statesman, whom men caressed and upheld, while they hated and dreaded the private citizen ut once the most gifted and the most bereaved, the most fortu- nate and the most unhappy actor hi the exciting drama of ^he times ' Peace, say we, to the lone sleeper in the shades of Koanoke Now that the stung and stinging spirit has passed from the earth he found so wintry an asylum, in his desolate misanthropy; that his faults, many and inexplicable the virtues, that, to a few chosen intimates, redeemed and glorified his character, have met with their reward from his Judge and ours, let a grateful posterity remember his honest and earnest labors m his country's behalf, and cast the mantle of charity over a nature, which in his own plaintive words, " no one except the mother," early lost and always regretted " ever understood 1" Colonel Rashleigh replaced the hat he had raised in stately punctilio, as the carriage passed. The crowd sent a cheer after the departing orator, and dispersed to other business. "Paxton" was still upon the sign that swung before the vil- lage inn. The house had been enlarged, and a row of thrifty poplars planted in front of it. A long, low portico, stretching the length of the building, was supph'ed with benches, and served as a reception-room until dinner was ready. This event was an- nounced by the ringing of a bell in the hand of an ebony butler, rho stalked up and down the piazza, deafening those who were near, and summoning many who were afar off. " Mother Pax- tou," now hi her sixty-fifth year, officiated as mistress of table oreinonies. She wore her court-day livery a black dress, white apron and neckerchief, and * cap, whose starched crown was half yard high, and whose ample frill rested lovingly against a face 4M rosy, and but a trifle more wrinkled than when we last beheld it. At the head of the room, enthroned in his easy-chair, ais rheumatic limbs laid carefully upon a cushioned stool, was tin 264: NEMESIS nominal Boniface, replete with good humor and wise saws, and willing, as ever, to credit his " ole woman" with the same. "How are you to-day, Mr. Paxton ?" said Malcolm Argyle, pausing beside him on his way from the table. "Middlin' fine, Master Malcolm ; no thin' to complain of, and tverythin' to be thankful for. As my ole woman says to me, no longer ago than this identickle mornin' says she, ' You might be better, but you might be worse,' and it's as true as Gospel, sir. You're lookin' mighty well, Mr. Argyle. I don't remember seein* you in sech looks in years. What have you been doin' of, to freshen you up so sudden ?" " Eating one of your wife's good dinners. She outdid herselt to-day. Tell her that I said so will you ?" The old man rocked with his hearty laughter. " I will, sir I will I She will vally the praise now, because it's been so long sence you've went out of your way to say sech a thing. And you enj'yed your vittles ? Well, though I say it, aa shouldn't say it, my ole woman is hard to beat at a roast, a stew or a barbecue, and our Susy's comin' on jest sech another." " Where is she ? I have not seen her in a great while." " That's because you are never here only court days. You eee, sir " sinking his voice to a wheezing whisper " she's getthr to be a tall slip of a gal nigh 'pon sixteen and the ole woman doesn't think it fit for her to be in the big room o' public days. 'Taint our intention fur to make a fine lady of her, though we'll leave all our children somethin', please the Lord 1 That 'ero 'nonymous present we had ten years ago, come Christmas, gave us a lift, and we've kept up. You've no idee yet who sent it, I B'pose ?" "None whatever." He had answered the same question in substantially the sanaa lorms at least fifty times before. " About Susy, as I was sayiri'. My ole woman has her notiona NEMESIS. fi about modesty, and what's right and proper ior gals. Not that the ginerality of our company aint well-behaved gentlemen, but, says my ole woman, ' Gals' faces shoul in't be too common ;' and she Kueps her in the background like, you understand." " I understand ; and shows herself to be a prudent mother." " Jest my sentiments, Mr. Argyle ! They tell me Mr. Ran- dolph made a grand speech to-day, si-." he added, as Malcolm was about to more on. " A reg'lar out-and-outer, I've heerd gay!" "If he does not take care, such speeches will be 'o.,t-and outers ' in good earnest to himself. The people are getting unruly with the embargoes, non-importation bills, and the like abomina- tions, that are killing home and foreign trade." " Yon don't s'pose that Jack Randolph will ever be beaten in this district !" exclaimed the old man. " Whar will they ever find sech another man ?" " Xowhere ; but principles are worth something as well BJS men particularly where so much is at stake." " You are for war, then, sir ?" " I would fight, rather than submit to robbery, and so would you, Mr. Paxton !" " Talking politics, Argyle !" said Mr. Hunter, coming up, as the last sentence was spoken. " How could we speak or think of anything else here and now ?" returned his brother-in-law. " True enough 1 This is the most excited meeting of the cam- paign. Between Jack Randolph and apple-jack, those fellows cutside have not a sober brain amongst them. Hear them will you ? What a plausible fellow Randolph is ! I thanked my stars when he was through, that I had not a vote in this district. It would be cast for him, to a dead certainty, much against my conscience as it would be." " Yet it is clear to me that Eppes had nght on his side." 266 NEMESIS. replied Malcolm. " And autocrat though Randolph is in thii com muni ty, there is an under- current beginning to turn against his views, however eloquently he may set them forth. Another year like the last, of foreign injustice and home distress, and th& people will think for themselves aye ! and vote as they feel ! " The tumult without increased. Oaths and yells and angry voices, in fierce dispute arose higher and louder. The gentlemen worked their way slowly to the door. " And that is the way they feel is it ! " said Mr. Hunter, as the rallying-cry of the war-party split the air. " Free trade and sailors' rights ! " " Down with the British aristocrat ! " roared a pair of tre- mendous lungs in the heart of the press, that filled up the porch To Mr. Hunter's amazement, his calm, cool brother-in-la* uttered an ejaculation, more like an imprecation, than anything be had ever heard from him before, and dashed into the melee. For an explanation of this movement, we must refer the read M to another chapter. E M s i a 267 CHAPTER XIX. COI.ONEI, RASHLEIGH did hearty justice to Mrs. Paxton's boantt* fol cheer, although he ate it from plates of coarse white earthen- ware, edged with blue or green ; carved his meat with a bone- handled knife, and helped himself to vegetables with a pewter spoon. In his own house, he was fastidious, but he had travelled enough to learn how to accommodate himself to traveller's fare. His nephew sat on his right hand, and Sancroft on the left. Just across the narrow board were two other gentlemen, the one middle-aged, the other young, who were saluted with great cordi- ality by the Colonel's companions, and introduced to him as Mr Woodson and Mr. Blanton. A constant flow of talk was kept up between the two parties. The strangers were profuse of civilities ; versed in the leading topics of the day, and expressed themselves like educated, intelli- gent men. Of course, politics was the principal theme. The Colonel was deeply gratified at ascertaining that all of the four were Randolph's disciples, scouting at the platform of the war. party, as a visionary contrivance of demagogues for the destruc- tion of the simple and the credulous ; ridiculing the vacilla- tions of the administration, its truckling to, and temporizing with the French government, and each trying to outdo the other, to lauding Great Britain ; her steady policy and straightforward measures. " Rely upon it, Colonel Rashleigh, if the rest of the States are BO mad as to engage in an unnatural contest with the Mother, so .968 NEMESIS. recently reconciled, Viiginia planters will never leno themselves to the iniquitous proceeding 1" said Mr. Woodson. impressively " Even in the War of the Revolution, there were many of ouf first families, who could not forget from what stock they had sprung. Many a good sword rusted in its scabbard, rathe? than its owner should bathe it in a brother's blood. And that was a strife for Liberty 1 How many more will remain inactive, when the fight is to strengthen the hands of an alien and unrighteous power we shall see 1" "I trust we shall not see !" answered Mr. Blanton, gravely. '' The storm has not burst yet. Madison has not the courage to declare war. Mark my words ! The mountain will bring forth a mouse, direful as its pangs appear." Mr. Woodson gave an order to his colored servant, who waited behind his chair. He vanished, and shortly reappeared, bringing a bottle of wine. " Prom my humble cellar, Colonel Rashleigh," said Mr. Woodson, as he inserted a corkscrew. " Will you honor me by partaking of it ?" The Colonel bowed, and declared that he would be most happy to do so. " Fill your glasses, gentlemen," continued the owner of the beverage. "With your leave, I will propose a toast. Our excellent neighbor, Colonel Rashleigh ! May the land of his adoption never give him cause to sigh for fair Albion's shores !" The Colonel was tickled in a vulnerable part his propensity to combine, or, gohig further, to make identical each with the O'her, his amour propre and amor patrice. In a very set, very deliberate and very pompons speech, he thanked Mr. Woodson for his toast, and the rest for their kind reception of the same ; and when they arose from the table, " hoped to reciprocate th politeness very soon, in some choice old port he had brought wilt NEMESIS. 269 him from the i fair Albion,' so flatteringly mentioned by tht worthy gentleman." There was a little hasty by-play between the quartette, and Mr. Woodson was again spokesman. " You will not thank me for robbing you of your nephew*! society for a short time, I am afraid, sir. But I have an appoint- ment with him at the clerk's office, at this hour. We have in prospect a tiresome, yet a necessary task a search, through musty records for an old title-deed to some property I design purchasing. In such investigations, Mr. Moreau's quick eye and clear head are often in request. He kindly offered them to me some weeks ago, and I engaged the clerk to assist us to-day." It did not occur to the ColonePs honorable imagination that this statement was needlessly prolix; nor, that the clerk's rightful place during the sessions of the court was in the court-room. How, then, should he discern anything suspicious in Mr. Sancroft'a apology of a business engagement in his office, and Mr. Blanton'a recollection of what he had nearly forgotten in the delights of the society he must quit, viz., that he had given a note six months previous, whose payment fell upon this day, and that he made it a point of conscience to pay up his debts punctually to the hour, to the minute, if possible, that they were due. Nor need these gentlemen have taken the pains to walk off in directions diametri- cally opposite to one another. The honest old officer would have scorned to watch or dog them, had he mistrusted them never so grievously. Like a large-sized Sir Roger de Coverley, he stood near the centre of the piazza, erect against th a r all, snuff-box in hand,, contemplating the heterogeneous assemb/y, as the placid Knight of the "Spectator" might have overlooked a game of crirket among his peasantry. The formal debate of the candidates, exciting as it was, was bj no nil -PUS the warmest battle of the day. The Randolph men J370 NEMESIS. eanguine to exultation of their victory. Their leader had nevel experienced a defeat, and imminent as was this crisis, he had shown himself equal to its emergency. Whatever shakings ol spirit their opponents may have suffered, they maintained a bol/ tront, and some affected a braggadocio, bullying style, unwise, not to say presumptuous, in view of the uncertainty of the sequel to their canvass. From time immemorial, the bottle has been the efficient ally of the doubting, desperate, or defeated politiciai a curious circumstance in national physiology by which the sagacious party-leaders now-a-days, have profited to an incalcu- lable degree, and the morality of their voters suffered detriment in exact proportion. Real apple-brandy does not feed the flame of devotion to one's country so rapidly as do vitriol and log- wood ; old rye whisky will not metamorphose a clodhopper into a Curtius so readily as does strychnine; but pure liquor answered the desired purpose pretty well in the slow old times, when inven- tion was in its cradle. Men began to stagger as they talked, and those who had been cautious in declaration, now became declaim- ers. Conspicuous among these, was a fellow of Titanic build, and a brutal, scowling face, in whom Colonel Rashleigh recog- nized the man, whose shout of " Destruction to the British everywhere I" had stirred up the British lion in his pacific breast An involuntary frown crossed his features at the remembrance. The man stopped short before him. " What are you makin' faces at ?" he growled, with an oath. " What brought you here, I want to know ? Why didn't yon Btay where you belonged ? Maybe somebody wanted you there ! Kobody does here, I can tell you. If I had my way, I would rid the country of the likes of you. Come here to ride over ouf heads in your coach and four, and your white niggers, you pro ad old Tory tyrant !" " Are you speaking to me, fellow ?" demanded the Colonel, his dignity and choler rising together, until, but for the stiff comfort NEMESIS. 271 within, his assailant must have withered down to nothing at his tone and aspect. " To be sure I am a-speaking to you, old ' fellow ! ' " mimick- ing his accent. "And I say, you ain't wanted about here. Wo ain't got enough to live on ourselves and all along of your * orders in council,' and your ' non-importation,' and such foolery. You never heerd of such a ship as the Chesapeake, have you? " " That has nothing to do with the subject in hand, which is your unprovoked impertinence to a stranger, and a gentleman ! " retorted the Colonel. " I wish you to understand distinctly that your language and manner displease me, and that I command yau to desist." The bully broke out with a storm of imprecation and abuse. There was a rush and a crowding toward them, and every man, according to his apprehension or misapprehension of the case, contributed his share to the uproar. The watchwords of both parties were exchanged ; taunting epithets heaped upon English, French, and Madison, until it was an impossibility for the trucu- ^ent boor, with whom the wordy affray had originated, to distin- guish himself longer by words alone. In his drunken malice, he strutted close up to Colonel Rashleigh, and swearing a great, sounding oath, shook his fist in his face. The Colonel retaliated by a blow from his stout oaken cane, that would have upset the brute, in his unsteady condition, had he not avoided its full weight by a lurch to one side. Before the bystanders could inter- fere, ho fell forward upon his antagonist, and clutched him by the cr a vat. He had barely seized it, when he felt a mighty blow behind his ear, and went down like an ox under the butcher's club. "Are you hurt, Colonel Rashleigh ? " inquired Malcolm Anxiously. The Colonel had not wind to waste in talking^ so he signified by a negative gesture, that he was uninjured. 72 NEMESIS. " And this is Virginian hospitality !" said Malcolm, facing th crowd, his eyes flashing like blue steel " This is the welcome you give the peaceable stranger, who would make his home in your midst ? A brave and courteous set you are ! to Btand tamely by and see a ruffian like that" touching tha reviving Goliah with his foot " attack an unoffending gentleman, whose grey hairs would have been his protection anywhere, except from a monster and among barbarians ! And these are the men who run mad about liberty of speech and freedom of thought who would direct the government of a nation ! when there is not one of you who had the presence of mind, or courage to hinder a drunkard's senseless violence I I am ashamed of my State and of my county !" Goliath was upon his feet again, and, cowed and bewildered, would have slunk away but for the interference of Mr. Logan, a neighboring magistrate, who, drawn by the noise of the fray, had reached the spot while Malcolm was speaking. He com- manded a constable to take the aggressor into custody as a dis- turber of the peace. " 'Tother one hit fust!" called out a lover of fair play in the crowd. Malcolm could not help smiling. But, ludicrous as it appeared, since one arrest had been made, justice required that both Colonel Rashleigh and Malcolm should be summoned to answer for their share in the affair. Mr. Hunter made an effort to seem grave aa he offered himself as bail that they should be forthcoming when the matter was investigated, and the gentlemen were left at large. Goliath was not so lucky in his friends, and was marched off to fail. The gathering, that had nearly been a mob, dispersed rapidly, its members abashed by the severe rebnke they had received and the resolute proceedings that followed, and most of theji heartily mortified at their irrational excitement and lack of rourtcsy toward the elderly stranger, whose only offence was hii birth-place. W E M E S I 8 . 273 "This is your property, I believe, Colonel Rashleigh?" said Mr. Hunter, picking up the end of the cambric cravat, which Gioliath had torn off in his fall. " That rent was of your making, Argyle." " I beg your pardon for the damage to your dress, sir," said Malcolm, jestingly, to the Colonel. " I should have made the fellow let go before I knocked him down." "I thank you sincerely, Mr. Argyle, for your timely inter- ference," said the Colonel, holding out his hand. " What a capital bruiser you would be 1" continued Mr. Hunter. " You have given Bully Bob the ear-ache, for one while, I will warrant." Malcolm stopped the congratulations which annoyed, instead of pleasing him, by inquiring when the Colonel designed retm ning home. " Immediately, sir 1 immediately ! I have had a surfeit of popular assemblies." Mr. Logan endeavored to apologize for the rudeness that had been offered his person, by representing the extraordinary state of the times, and the wild, lawless spirit that had taken hold upon men in all classes of society. The Colonel heard him through with visible impatience. " It is my opinion, sir, that a country and a society containing such disorderly elements ; where quiet citizens are molested in the open day by ruffians ; where the higher ranks and lawful authorities of this and other and as respectable governments are animadverted upon, in the shameless manner I have observed here, on this occasion it is my opinion, sir. that that country and that society are in a remarkable condition, sir a truly re-raar-ka-ble condition !" And, bowing with an air of not-to-be-appeascd majesty, hi entered the carriage which stood ready. "Do you go now, Mr. Argyle?" he asked, seeing th.it MsJ colm's horse had also been brought around. 12* 274 NEMESIS. " Yes, sir. It is a long ride, and my only business here was to hear the speaking." " Oblige me by accepting a seat in my chariot," said th< Colonel, throwing open the door. "I would like to talk wit 1 : you. My footman will i ide your horse." To refuse a request so flatteringly earnest would have been di& courteous ; yet Malcolm could not allow the bulky Thomas to bestride his prett} Sprightly for a ride of fifteen miles. " I will, with pleasure, take a seat with you, sir," he rejoined; " but there is no need that .my mare should be ridden by any one. She will follow like a dog." " If it is not an impertinent question, where did you procure that animal, Mr. Argyle ?" said the Colonel, removing to the front seat, the better to observe the graceful creature that trotted behind the carriage. " She was born upon my plantation, and is, I suppose, of as pure English stock as was ever raised in this country. He added her pedigree, to which the other gave the diligent heed of a gentleman jockey. " I have, within the past week, discovered a great defect iu the horse which my daughter rides," he said. " He is going blind." " Indeed ! I am sorry to hear it." " Katherine does not know r f it yet," pursued the Colonel. ' She is tender-hearted, and the horse was trained expressly for her. If I could procure another, as valuable for her purpose, ae handsome and gentle, she might be reconciled to the parting with fter pet." To the Colonel, there was nothing to wonder at, in the interest evinced by his hearer in this, or any other subject that engaged his mind. His daughter's horse ought to be an object of impor- tance in the eyes of any one whom he honored by eousultatio* respecting it. NEMESIS. 275 "It would be a, pity if Miss Eashleigh were compelled to dis- continue her rides," remarked Malcolm. " She appears to bo very partial to the exercise." " It is my wish that she should practise it daily, whenever the weather permits. I should be exceedingly displeased to see hei grow languid and pale, as many American women do, by con- finement to the house and sedentery employments." Malcolm coiild have replied to this slur upon his countrywomen, that English air and customs had produced as perfect a specimen of the inert fine lady in Mrs. Rashleigh, as the enervating climate of America, and the self-indulgent fashions, that were creeping in among her richer classes could manufacture ; but he forebore. " Mr. Hunter my younger sister's husband, has a thoroughly broken lady's horse the brother to Sprightly, there," he said. " He bought him of me, in the hope of inducing his wife to accompany him, in his horseback excursions, but he has not suc- ceeded ; and, as he told me, the other day, he is willing to dispose of the nag. I will speak to Hunter, if you wish it, and have the animal brought over for your inspection." " You are very kind, sir ; I accept your offer, with many thanks. My nephew, Moreau, is likewise seeking a purchaser for bis wife's saddle-horse. But I should not entertain for a moment the thought of buying him for my daughter, since Mr. Moreau's reason for selling him is that he is unsafe for a lady's use." " Unsafe ! that is something new ! " " That such is the case, he nevertheless assures me. Either his servants are bad managers of horses, or he has been imfortu- nate in his selection of this kind of stock. 1 understand that he has sacrificed several cost! y ones within a year because they did not suit him." Malcolm examined the speaker's countenance for tokens of double meaning or suspicion ; but in vain. Stifling the expres- sion of his doubts as to the truthfulness of Moreau's rej reseuta- 276 NEMESIS. tions, he answered carelessly, that very good horses were oaeilj ruined by improper management, and the matter dropped. They rode toge;her to the outer gate of Briarwood, where Malcolm got out of the carriage and remounted his steed, sorely gainst the Colonel's will. He had liked Mr. Argyle from the day in which he rendered his daughter a signal service, and the brave act of to-day had sunk deeper into his heart than Malcolm supposed it possible for any one to go. In this, he misjudged the Englishman's character. He was very grateful for his kind interposition, and inspired with profound admiration by Malcolm's spirited address to the mob. Ever since the occurrence, he had studied within his own mind, as to the most feasible and judicious method of testifying his conviction of the favor done to him, and of repaying the debt. His urgent request for Malcolm's company in his chariot, construed by the younger gentleman into a desire for society that might relieve the loneliness of the journey, was, with the elder, equivalent to the Arab's invitation to partake of his bread and salt, and cleverly intended as the preliminary to a more familiar and friendly style of intercourse. So, also, his conversation during the ride most of which Malcolm considered the prosiest of long-drawn-out commonplaces was a labored attempt to fascinate his fellow-traveller by the depth and variety of his information and the excellence of his colloquial powers, hoping thereby, to implant a longing for further acquaintanceship, He determined, especially, that Mr. Argyle should be his guest for that evening ; should receive the thanks of the ladies for his gallant deliverance of the husband and father, and Malcolm's Burmise of this intention was one reason why he remained stead- fast in his refusal to go in. The Colonel was not to be balked by the modesty of hia benefactor. After waiting a couple of days for a call from him, he ordered his gig and drove over to Ben Lomor.d Ic renew Iris thanks, and to be the bearer of an imitation to a NEMESIS. 271 iinner-party. which was arranged for the Tuesday of tho following. " I am going to make you happy again, Aunt Bab," said Mai coloi, entering her apartments, when the Colonel had gone. : And how's that ?" " By going to party No. 2. The sacrifice is greater this time, too, for it is that most intolerable of civilized institutions a din- ner a ' dining-day,' as you call it." " Where at ?" interrogated Miss Barbara, contemptuous, al nsual, of grammar, provided she made herself understood. " At Colonel Rashleigh's." " Them Englishers agen ? You like 'em, don't you ?" " I have no cause to dislike them." " Nancy Wilkinson says they're queer ; but mighty liberal and Just to her, if they are. stifif. All except the young lady. She's the merriest, affectionatest cretur that ever walked, instead of flewed." " Getting poetical, are you, Aunt Bab ?" but there was a gleam of pleasure, more heart-felt than fun ever was, in his smile. The dining-day arrived, and a little before the hour designated by Mrs. Rashleigh's notes of invitation, Malcolm threw the reiua upon Sprightly's neck, at the door of the Briarwood mansion The double doors of the hall stood wide open, and Thomas, in the butterfly splendor of his renovated livery, took the hats and whips of the gentlemen, and conducted them into a side room, where they might remove the dust of their ride, and add the last touch to their toilets. From this, Malcolm crossed the waxed and polished floor of the entry, to the great drawing-room. Them wi-ro about fifty guests, but, in spite of a number large enough to have prevented formality, and the gay dresses and cheerful voice* of thG ladies, the "state funeral chamber" held its own grimly There were no warm colors in the furniture to enliven the eye, aud, on the wall, no liickei'ii.g shadows and tinted lights AJ- 278 NEMESIS. was dark green, except where the high windows shoved parallel ograms of the bright white noon without. Colonel Kashleigh greeted his neighbor with distinguished affability ; Mrs. Rashleigh gave him the tips of her gloved fingers, and Katherine actually colored with pleasure as she put her plump hand in his. " 1 am glad you have come," she said. " If was unkind in yoxi to stay away during all the days we have been wanting to see and thank you " " Hush ! " said Malcolm, releasing the little hand he felt a Btrange delight in holding. " What if thoughts of those unmer- ited thanks had kept me away ? " "You reject our gratitude ! and why ? " asked Katherine, her blush a shade deeper with mortified pride. " I do not reject it. If the service I had rendered were at all commensurate with the reward, I could not be so generous as to deny myself the pleasure of being thanked by you." Here he caught sight of Mrs. Holt, standing apart, waiting to speak to him, and passed on to her. " Your heroism is the praise of all tongues, Mr. Argyle," said the governess. " If you allude to the fracas on court-day, it is not worth the mention of one tongue, madam." He would have made a comment on the weather, but she pre- vented him. " Your mission seems to be to succor the distressed, in whatev- er condition of life they may chance to be. " Whether in peril from mire or mob," concluded Malcolm^ glancing mischievously at Katherine, who was listening to them. A jest which required payment in like coin was ever a " poser" to Mrs. Holt, and Malcolm gained his end in accomplishing her silence. " But you deserve the quotation you checked, for having w NEMESIS. 279 ruthles]y shocked doir, proper Mrs. Holt," said Katherine, after- ward. " You are ungrateful for her good opinion of you, or yon would not have thwarted her propensity, in that unceremonious style." " She has a good opinion of me, then ? How could she hav* gained it ?" " As if such things were not to be had for the asking !* retorted Katherine. " I am tempted to do violence to your modest estimate of yourself, by repeating a line which she recited on the evening of court-day, after papa had finished his account of your prowess in his cause Tersus Republicanism and Bacchus. ' My dear,' said she to me ' does not Mr. Argyle remind you of that fine line in the " Fairy Queen ?" ' Wise, warlike, personable, courteous and kind ?' " Malcolm bowed low to the compliment. A misgiving that her spirits had run away with her tongue visited Katherine, and she tried to amend her fancied breach of propriety. " You must understand that Mrs. Holt's life has flowed on very tranquilly. Since the death of her husband, which event took place not long after their marriage, there have been no landmarks, worthy of the name, in her quiet existence. She has lived in her books and study, and a trivial interruption in the routine of every- day occurrences is an epoch of magnitude to her. I question if the ever had an adventure in the whole course of her life." " And have you ?" inquired Malcolm. Her girlish rattle was like a strain of lively music to him, awak- ening feelings that made him young again. She made a gesture of feigned vexation. " Why force me to a confession of the unromantic monotony to which I have been doomed ? Since you will have the truth never ! A personal adventure one labelled, 'Katherine Rashleigh hfir property, c-nd flung directly at my head by the Fates is a boor. 280 NEMESIS. which I have never yet been blessed. I have had sundry narrow escapes from, or misses of godsends of this sort. Witness th quagmire drama, where Thomas defrauded me of the chance of playing heroine, by enacting the hero in the part that should hav been mine." " Heaven forbid !"' ejaculated Malcolm. " I, for one, am con* ent that we had a farce, instead of a tragedy." " Are you fond of theatrical performances, Miss Rashleigh ?" asked young Bancroft, catching the words "farce" and "tragedy." "Yes, sir ; although I have never seen above half-a-dozen plays. We were talking of the drama of real life, in this instance, how- ever. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women in it merely players" she repeated ; her peculiarly arch smile at Malcolm reminding him whose pupil she was, while Mr. Sancroft thought it all right that a young lady, who had read Shakspeare^ should quote him when she pleased. " I was lamenting that I had never had an adventuve," she went on. " My horses are the safest and surest of that prover- bially uncertain race of quadrupeds, and my passage in any con- veyance whatever, by land or sea, is as reliable a security against mishap, as is my presence a protection to the building that covers me, against fire or tempest." " Happy indeed will be the mariner, in whose, vessel you deigu to embark," said Mr. Sancroft, gallantly. "Fortune does not smile so constantly upon many of her votaries. I have had some hair-breadth escapes from loss of life or limb, and you, Mr. Argyle, have been even nearer the land of shades. You recollect that terrible fall from your horse some ten years ago ?" " I have an indistinct memory of having been the spectator of a similar accident," began Katherine. She paused, in dismay, at the unaccountable cloud tha< seemed literally to blacken Malcolm's countenance. He made r.; reply to Mr. Sancroft's query ; only looked him in the eye for au t NEMESIS. 281 Jhen, bowing slightly to herself, turned away and mingled with the company. The girl hardly knew whether to be hurt or offended and with one or both gentlemen. She was helped to *self-possessiois by perceiving that her mother stood so near as to have overhear*- the conversation, and she was sure that it would have been ar- rested by some act or look of hers, had its matter or tone been offensive to the rules of good-breeding. Avoiding, with delicate tact, any reference to Malcolm's abruptness, she quitted the thenie they had been discussing, for one more general in its application, Mr. Sancroft obeyed this intimation of her pleasure, with seeming alacrity, and exerted his utmost arts to render his companion- ship acceptable. He was a man of great shrewdness, and some native talent ; was ambitious and cunning, and, scandal-inongeri said, a fortune hunter. In this last capacity < he had deliberately meditated an attack upon the citadel of Miss Rashleigh's affections, and this, his first invitation to her father's house, was to afford opportunity for the bombardment that was to begin the siege. His impudent ruse had driven off the only opponent he feared as a rival. He had counted upon Malcolm's aversion to bun as an auxiliary in getting rid of him, should he be, what report affirmed merely a friend f the family, and his unwonted attentions to the youn to lady be paid at his sister's solicitation. This instant abandonment of his post was a welcome corroboration of Dame Rumor's story, and as for black looks, he cared not a rush for them, nor for actual insult, when they proceeded, as in this case, from a quarter, ir. which he had nothing to lose. He was polite and rather amusing l Katherine decided ; but her instinct detected the want of the refinement which early education may supply, in some degree where Nature has not bestowed it, and the manner he thought vivacious, she objected to as pert. She wished that Mr Argyle had not looked so fierce, had not left hei to lie entertained by 282 NEMESIS. man so much liis inferior in every respect. She wondered why be had changed countenance so suddenly. Probably there wag some feud between the two, yet surely, it was neither kind nor gentlemanly to display this dislike so plainly, when they were ,both her' father's guests. This train of speculation and unpleasant feeling, imparted to ! her face a more serious cast than it was accustomed to wear, and as she was too true a lady to appear abstracted, Mr Sancroft ; drew conclusions of his own, from the quiet grace, the tempered liveliness, with which she attended to his discourse. He devoted himself to her, with a burr-like pertinacity, despite her well-bred manoeuvres to shake him off, or to drop him, in her course from group to group of visitors, and finally succeeded in his project of handing her into dinner. Katherine seated herself very com- posedly, and allowed him to take the next chair ; but, while he was rubbing his hands under the table a boyish demonstration of glee the would-be fine gentleman had not overcome his fair one arose, with a brief " excuse me," and tripped off to the remote end of the board. " Mrs. Hunter ! " she said, in persuasive accents. " I cannot let you sit in this draught. Please exchange seats with me, I shall not have the spirits to talk, or the appetite to eat, unless you oblige me in this." Up got Jessie, in terror at the discovery of the draught, and pleasure at the marked consideration for her health, shown by the host's daughter. Poor Jessie! such attentions were rare now, except from her husband ! And while Mr. Hunter, who had escorted his own wife to the table, conducted her to the |:lace vacated for her, Katherine slipped into her chair, with the benign expression of one fortified by the consciousness of having performed a worthy deed, against the most murderous draught that ever stole in through a window, on a summer day Mr. Sancroft was not out-generaUed without orotest. NEMESIS. " You wouli prefer a seat by your wife, I know, Mr. Hunter 1* he said, jumping up. The merry planter laid his hands upon his shoulders, and h< sunk, it seemed, under their weight alone. " Sit still, Mr. Bancroft ! My wife was the belle of the county when I married her, and she has not forgotten how to chat with the beaux. So, go ahead, and do your best small talk for her edification ! I will console myself with Miss Rash leigh, and try not to be jealous." This episode in the feast, transpiring, as it did, in the awkward pause that succeeds the bustle of seating a large party, was observed by all in the room, and the husband's speech provoked a general smile. " I do not promise to say as many pretty things as Sancroft does, but I will grant you more liberty to talk to other people than he would have done," remarked Mr. Hunter to Katherine, as he resumed his seat. " Painted sugar-plums are well enough in their season, but if I am to have but one of the two, I like substantial edibles better," responded she, aside. The meal passed off handsomely, as regarded the various courses of dishes ; tolerably, as to conversation and sociability. Brilliant it could not have been, with Mrs. Rashleigh at the head of one table, and the Colonel at the foot of the other, Mr. Moreau was the vis a- vis of the former, and Eleanor presided, with lofty grace, opposite to the master of the mansion. The dinner itself was a triumph of Miss Nancy Wilkinson's culinary skill, and those whose current of thought and words was con- gealed by the un-American stateliness of the proceedings, found abundant consolation in the unexceptionable material fare pre sented to them. The Colonel's wines were one of his hobbies, and his gentle- oaec guests were unanimous in their approval of his taste. Tt ii 284 NEMESIS. to be hoped that these were not the only attraction that detained them in the dining-hall after the ladies left them, for it was nearly dark when they again sought the drawing-room. There were lights in the silver sconces over the mantel, and in the tall candle- sticks disposed on stands around the apartment. Katherine was at the piano, and a bevy of girls were dancing in the middle of the floor ; the elder ladies sitting by as spectators, and chatting over their own and their neighbors' concerns. For once, the dismal barn of a place was cheerful ; the spell of its gloomy formality broken. The gentlemen selected partners, without delay, and the ring of dancers was doubled in circumference. Katherine's piano was the marvel of the county, and her play- ing decidedly surpassed that of any other lady in her circle of associates. Very many houses, belonging to the wealthy and refined, in that section of country, boasted no musical instrument other than the spinning-wheel. In others, lutes and spinneta furnished practice for the accomplished daughters and music- loving wives. Some of the girls, whose feet kept faultless tune to the inspiriting reel, had never heard a piano-forte before, and were not ashamed to confess it. Katherine evidently enjoyed her music, and the sight of the dance, and her happy face was pleas- ant to behold. Malcolm drew near, and stood, without address- ing her, watching her busy fingers. " Why are you not on the floor, Mr. Argyle ?" she inquired, looking up at him. He had hoped that his petulance his downright rudeness was forgiven or forgotten, but he was not prepared for the frank sweetness of her manner, which said that he had lost nothing iy her esteem by his behavior. " I am hoping to obtain you as a partner," he replied. " I am sorry that your patient waiting cannot have the reward yon ask. But I shall not dance at all to-night. It is mamma'i revest that I should devote my time to the amusement of oui N L' M E 8 I 8 . 285 friends. There are very few who like to play while others dance I do aud what would be an act of self-denial hi another, is - pleasurable duty to me. Shall I select a partner for you again ? M " No, I thank you unless you forbid me to stand here, ai d participate in your more quiet enjoyment of seeing and hearing. 1 will not interrupt you." " You cannot by talking I Hornpipes and reels slip of their own accord from my fingers. If you are inclined to be com- panionable, say on 1" Malcolm had to bend slightly toward her to make himself heard. " Before I can have either inclination or right to be ' companionable,' I must be certain that you forgive the unpar- donable manifestation of temper of which you were the witness before dinner." " Why apologize to me ? I was not the object of your dis- pleasure." " Mr. Bancroft expects and needs no explanation. Of his deserts we will not speak. My only regret is that I forgot, in a moment of anger, the courtesy due to yourself in your own house. That I do regret it and feel humbled in the recollection of my ungentlemanly conduct toward you, is all that I can say to pal- liate the offence." " What more could I desire ? Never give the trifle another thought, for I shall not. If you wish to make an enemy of me, your sins must surpass this in enormity and directness of appli- cation. A little faster, did you say, Mr. Hunter ? Thank you for the hint. If my tune or time does not suit you, do not hesi- tate to let me know. Remember that I am playing for you, noi you dancing for me." The nimble fingers swept on, and Malcolm gazed down upon them, with a strange, sweet happiness rising in his heart. In that atmosphere of music and light and mirth, was born to him, the consciousness of his manhood's love. He could no loug< j i 286 N E ji E a i 3. delude himself as to tae nature of the sentiment he felt for Katho rine Rashleigh. He had called her a child, and prated sobeilj to himself of paternal affection, when his heart warmed toward her ; had sought in her resemblance to his lowly and lamented friend, the solution of his yearning for the sight of her counte- nance, the sound of her voice. The veil was torn away, and he new himself to be the slave of feelings whose empire he had, for ten years, laughed to scorn. It is a moment fraught with solemn delight with rapture, approximating to pain, when a man, who has outlived the quick- growing, shallow-rooted love of the boy, first acknowledges tc his own soul, that the peace, the comfort, the joy of his whole being depends upon another ; when the woman, hitherto only a valued acquaintance, it may be, a comparative stranger is ele- vated to the throne of his heart ; sanctified into the priestess of its most holy mysteries. Malcolm Argyle experienced more than this. It was, as if, by a miracle of mercy, the rocky cell of a hermit who had died to the world, when, for him, the torch of love went out, were suddenly enlarged and beautified into the loveliest of earthly abodes ; peopled with the hopes and the loves that made the dream-land of his youth a fairy realm ; but now as real, as present and as perfect as were those visions chimerical, distant and vague. How it had come to pass, and how it was to end, he did not question, in the tremulous joy of the new self- revelation. He but realized that the lonely, blighted life derived solace and refreshment from the young, warm heart of this peer- less girl ; that the stern, cynical second nature he had made for himself was as the sculptor's clay in her hands, and that hencefor under Providence, it must be vith him as she willed. CHAPTER XJL Miw. CARRINGTON spent two months at her father's, and IE uniting her relatives and friends in that vicinity. When she returned to her home, Eleanor Moreau accompanied her. Mr. Selden's plantation was contiguous to Mr. Moreau's, and the intimacy of the early play fellows was renewed with a fervor thai was hardly in keeping with Marcia's quiet temper, or the indig- nation which Eleanor had expressed, and was supposed to have felt at Miss Selden's culpable treatment of her brother. But by- gones were by-gones with them. The two ladies met frequently ; compared notes as to establishments, husbands and children ; exchanged fashions, and complained of their servants. Marcia remembered her girlhood with fondness, if not with regret, and was thankful to be reinstated in Eleanor's regard, and Mrs. Moreau being somewhat jaded by household cares, and wasted in flesh from the same cause, and the nurture of a stout baby, was on the look-out for an economical and commodious visiting-place, wherein to recruit her strength and good looks. She took her youngest along with her, leaving the other children, three in number, to the general superintendence of their father and the particular care of Sarah, who had been promoted to the dignity of " Mammy " to the promising brood. The change of air and icene was beneficial to Mrs. Moreau's health, and that of hei infant, and the six weeks of her stay sped by very pleasantly Mr. Moreau was a poor correspondent. Eleanor had insisted upon one epistle per week, to inform her of the children's welfare aud 83 H EME8I8 . give au abstract of the doings at home, and he was obedient to the letter of her order, without troubling himself to write jere- miads over his loneliness, or narrate neighborhood news. He had been lonely, however, he assured her on the afternoon of her return. She had performed the homeward journey in tht Company of an old gentleman and his wife, who were coming in fcheir own carriage from the Carrington's neighborhood, to see a daughter settled near the court-house of Mrs. Moreau's native county. The weather was hot ; the roads dusty ; the child peppered with prickly heat, and as -cross as its mother ! Her neat, cool house, swept and garnished to do honor to its mis- tress' coming ; her children's noisy greetings, and her husband's repeated declarations of his joy at having her back, were inade- quate to allay her irritable humor. Mr. Moreau took his baby- daughter from the weary nurse, and sat him down with it, like any woman, to essay the soothing process which had been ineffectual with his wife. He was an indulgent parent, and the little ones loved him better than they did the variable and cap- tious mother. He bathed Baby Nelly's inflamed face, neck and arms with milk-and-water, powdered her gently, and called on Sarah for a clean frock. " Sarah is bi\sy, waiting on me, Mr. Moreau. If you wil] make a fool of yourself with that child, there is the trunk ! Get a frock, if you want one, and cannot wait." Mr. Moreau did as he was bid. The servants were too used to see him perform such offices to think of superseding him in the self-imposed task. He stripped off the soiled, creased slip, acd arrayed his darling hi one of white linen, spotless and smooth. Then, he brushed her matted hair, and telling her that she was "her papa's ownty, townty daughter," fanned her, while he rehearsed the wonderful story, on her pink toes, of the " little pig that went to market." He was tho very " moral "as the Insb say of a .patient husband ; a pattern of amiability his bettei N E M E 8 I 6 . 289 ialf might have copied, with signal advantage to herself and family. He might have thought as any other man would have done in his place her temper unconscionably bad, when she must see that every effort had been made to secure her ease and happiness, and that she ought to have pretended, if she did not feel it, some gratification at rejoining her home-circle after so long a separation. But he said nothing, except to Nelly, until supper was announced. It was a delicious repast. Eleanor reflected, with pride, that she had seen nothing finer of its kind, during her absence, and that Marcia let Mr. Carrington boast as he might, of her house- keeping cou-ld not prepare anything to equal it, if the Queeu were to sup with her. This was a drop of oil upon the ruffled waters, and their subsidence, thereafter, was marked, although not too rapid. " What nice peaches these are 1" she remarked, graciously, aa her husband heaped her plate and poured the thick, yellow cream over the fruit. " They are from Briarwood," responded Mr. Moreau. " TTncie sent over a basket-full to-day as a present to you." " Ah 1 that was thoughtful in him very kind 1" The peaches melted lusciously in her mouth. " How are they all at Briar wood ?" " Very well." The cadence was not that of one who concludes a sentence ; bat Mr. Moreau, after a perusal of his wife's clearing countenance, apparently deemed it best to rest there for the present. He dis- erectly barred his still open mouth with a spoonful of peaches, and awaited an altogether convenient season for the communication thus stopped midway. The sun had just disappeared behind the woods when the early meal was concluded. The air was dry, and there was, as yet, no dew to dampen the grass, so the children romped and rolled in 13 390 H E M E 8 I 8. the yard, and Mr. Moreau brought a couple of chairs from th house and set them against the trunk of a gigantic walnut-tree, that formed the principal feature of the place. Then, he filled the bowl of his pipe ; pressed down the fragrant weed with the nandle of his penknife ; summoned a diminutive Eboe to bring him a coal of fire, and was ready for a matrimonial tete-a-tete. " Carrington has a first-rate plantation, I suppose ?" he said, oy way of impetus to his wife's tongue. It was called a fine one, Eleanor admitted, and went into a detailed description of it the number of acres ; the proportion of arable land ; the facilities for irrigation, and other items of information that bespoke the farmer's wife. " They have had workmen in the house all summer," she said, ' pulling down and building up ; and it will, in the end, be quite handsome and convenient. Yet I do not think that Marcia haa bettered her fortunes so much as she believed she was doing, when she jilted Malcolm for Mr. Carrington. I had almost as lief Lave Ben Lomond as his place ; and there is no comparison between the two men." " Indeed !" Mr. Moreau withdrew his pipe from his lips ana bemmed vigorously ; but the premonitory signs of speech ended in smoke and a stgh. " I have a notion," continued Eleanor, complacently, " that Marcia has repented her bargain many a tune. And it is not surprising that she should, for she was certainly extremely partial *>o Malcolm while they were engaged. It was all Mrs. Selden's work breaking off the match. She was afraid, she said, that Malcolm was ' flighty,' and would not keep the estate together after pa's death. I despise a mercenary, manoauvring woman ! Marcia could not avoid contrasting her two suitors, when she vvas here I saw it in her manner, whenever she was in company with Malcolm, and I have no doubt but -that he noticed it, too, *nd took a malicious pleasure in meeting her. You recollect, it NEMESIS. tfas just then that he went abroad so much, and set everybody to guessing what had transformed him, all at once, into a ladies' man. All you men are alike. You cannot deny yourselves the glory of a triumph. Malcolm is eccentric in some respects, but he has the foibles of his sex." Xow was Mr. Moreau's time. But again, resolution exhaled in a puff of smoke, so dense and strong that it curled up into the lower boughs of the walnut-tree. " Have you heard any talk of hard times in H ?" he asked. " They talk of nothing else, and the people are crazy for the war, which is to make a change, one way or the other." " So they say here. If the election were to go over again, Eppes would stand a fair chance of being elected. Men are getting rabid under the money pressure. How we are to live, if this state of things continues, I do not see." " Are you more straitened than you have been before ?" interrogated his wife, in an anxious tone. " Straitened ! I am cramped crushed screwed down 1" grinding his heel into the sod to illustrate his meaning. . " I do not understand why you should be. You have no heavy outlays at this season, and provisions are cheap, when our own plantation furnishes them." " We don't raise sugar, nor coffee, nor tea." " I am aware of that, Mr. Moreau !" The raised key in which she interposed this remark, recalled to tne forgetful spouse's mind the propriety of discontinuing the tiabits of language and deportment he had indulged himself in, by way of variety, in his six weeks' holiday. " I mean, my lore, that there are ikcidental expenses all th time, each insignificant in itself, but swelling the total iato a formidable sum." " Name some of them," said the unrelenting Eleanor. NEMESIS. " Groceries," recommenced Mr. Moreau. " You had enough in the store-room to last until I got back You and Sarah have been too extravagant 1 I knew just how it would be. What groceries have you bought ?" " None, my dear. Sarah is a very prudent woman. I was speaking of expenses that would yet hare to be met. The winter's clothing must be provided, pretty soon, too." " When cool weather comes, we will think of that," said Eleanor, philosophically. "I do not comprehend how debts that you may be obliged to contract three months hence, can embar- rass you now. What special use have you had for ready money, of late r "None, whatever, my love. Only" growing pathetic "it humbles me to imagine the probability of your being compelled to deny yourself and the children, in dress and such articles of luxury as you have been accustomed to enjoy. I do not mind hardship for myself." " Oh, well !" his wife condescended to comfort him. " Ther.e is no telling what may happen to help us along. There is Uncle Rashleigh, with a strong box full of British gold, who will per- haps give or lend you any small amounts you may require, and eannot raise elsewhere. And Malcolm has grown more friendly of late. I don't believe he would refuse to get you out of a difficulty, if he were approached in the right way. What ho does with his money I cannot imagine, unless he is hoarding it op. If we can ingratiate ourselves with him, our children will be provided for, and the prospects are promising for this at present." " He may have a family of his own," said Mr. Moreau, Watching a cloud sailing in the zenith, and speaking very indiffe- rently. " Yes, and the sky may fall. A confirmed old bachelor is the hardest being in creation to cure of his own notions, and ME ME 8 I 8. 293 Malcolm's disposition is as stubborn as stubborn can be. His love affair with Marcia has soured him to such an extent, that no amount of sweet words and smiles will ever win his heart. He told me once, that he would cut his throat sooner than risk his happiness, the second time, in a woman's keeping." " He may change his mind," observed Mr. Moreau, stretching his body to one side, that his eyes might follow We progress of the fleecy vapor floating toward the west. ' ' And you will upset your chair, if you tilt it in that ridicu- lous manner !" said Eleanor, tartly. " You might pay me the compliment of seeming to listen, while I am talking. My tonga* has not annoyed you much lately." " Your tongue never annoys me, my dear. You wer gpeaking of your brother, and the likelihood of his marriage." " The certainty of his singlehood, you mean. You are dull this evening, Mr. Moreau. I am exerting myself to entertain you, after my fatiguing journey, and you have not said a word excep* to croak about hard tunes, by way of raising my spirits. Is there no news in the county ? Do wake up, and tell me something to keep me alive 1" " I have heard but one piece of news, my love." Mr. MoreauV fingers shook, as he refilled his pipe. " That has created quite a stir in the community. They say that your brother is going to be married." " They do ! And you call that news 1 This is certainly the hundredth tune I have heard it. Who is the happy woman in this latest edition ?" " Our cousin, Katherine Rashleigh." " Because he danced with her twice at our party, and out of civility to Colonel Rashleigh, accepted an invitation to the dinner at Brianvood ! A smaller spark has kindled a hotter fire than this, before now. Why, she is a chit of a girl, hardly out of the ar.boul-room and he old enough to be b?r father 1" 94 NEMESIS. " So I told Bancroft " " Sancroft ! what business is it of his ?" " He would like to get her himself, I fancj ; but is by no means so confident of success as he would be, were it not thai her mind is divided by two suits at the same time." " Colonel Rashleigh will hardly bestow his only child upon a lawyer who has a reputation and a fortune to make for himself. He will look higher." " That is Bancroft's fear ; but if he can get on the blind side of the old folks, he will make Malcolm tug for his prize, I can tell you. He has the cunning and the daring of the Old Serpent Sancroft has I" " You are complimentary to your boon companion. But upon what evidence do you and he ground the belief that Malcolm /huiks enough of the prize, to ' tug ' for it, as you elegantly express it ?" " He is over at Briarwood twice or three times a week ; goes and comes when lie likes, quite like one of the family. That, of itself, looks suspicious in a man who visits nowhere else. Then, Katharine's horse went stone-blind about the time you left us, and Malcolp crossed the river himself to see Hunter, and per- suade him to sell uncle that fine bay of his, Omar, which he nought from Malcolm last summer. And as Katherine's groom is not thought altogether trustworthy, Malcolm offered his ser- vices as her attendant, until she should have tested her new horse, Bnd he have become acquainted with her touch and voice. They ride out together, nearly every day. But / don't say they are going to be married mind you I Only people will talk, you know." " This is a singular story," said Eleanor, thoughtfully. " Mal- colm's conduct is really extraordinary, and ought to be inquired into." She had coveted his property so hopefully and so long, fot H E M E 8 T . P 295 herself and heirs, had argued so plausibly for the perpetuity of his celibacy, that she had become a firm believer in her theory t and resented anything that threatened its stability, as an infringe- ment of her ownership. Seen hi this light, the reported conduct of Malcolm and Katheriue was reprehensible in the highest degree a wanton tampering with the sacred rights of another and that other an absent person. This was not the purport, in words, of her reasoning, but it was its virtual substance. " Perhaps," she added, reluctant, doubtless, to convict her brother aud her husband's cousin of such base want of princi pie, " perhaps Malcolm pays court to the daughter for the father's sake." For the first and we are credibly informed the last and only time in his life, Mr. Moreau laughed in his lady-wife's face. " Why should he court the Colonel ? They are as unlike as black and white ; have not two ideas or feelings in common, and Malcolm cannot hope to wheedle the old gentleman into making aim his heir, if he cared for money which he doesn't. The way to get the estate is to take the daughter along with it, for she will have most, if not the whole of it. As to being neighborly, Malcolm is as independent as a long toward everybody else about here ; asks no favors, and wastes no civilities. I don't see why he should single out my uncle, to spend his politeness upon. I am sure it is not through love for us ; for me, at any rate. But I don't say they are going to be married I" " You say they are together every day ?" " Almost every day, my dear !" corrected the husband, gently. " Is this hearsay, or have you seen it for yourself?" questioned Eleanor, waxing sharper with each interrogatory. " I have seen them several times, but heard of them oftener, Sancroft says" " Never mind Bancroft ! Where and when did you see them in company ? what were they doing ? and how did they look ?" 296 N E M E 8 I P . Mr. Moreau rejlied promptly, but weighed each syllabic, as 111 ivent along. " I met them in the road through the Ben Lomond woods, yesterday afternoon, at half-past six o'clock. They were pacing their horses at an easy gait ; the groom was a hundred yard? behind them. Katherine looked very pretty ; Malcolm looked very attentive, and they both looked as contented as two kit- tens !" concluded he, helped to the simile by the opportune scam- per of a young grimalkin across the lawn, hi chase of the children. " Robert Moreau 1 have you no affection for your children I no respect for your wife ?" " Good gracious, my love 1 what has happened ?" " You may see a deal of wit in answering my questions in thai flippant style, sir ; but the day may come when you will wish you bad viewed the subject with my eyes. I tell you, if Malcolm, at his age, is meditating the outrageous folly of marrying a child a baby-faced creature, like Katherine Rashleigh, a girl, without one atom of dignity who is always saying and doing odd things it will be no laughing matter to us !" " I dortt say they are to be married, my dear 1" reiterated poor Moreau, the joints of his knees loosening, as her wrath heightened. " You intimated your belief in the tale I I had hoped that years had taught Malcolm wisdom 1" Eleanor fumed on. " My precious 1 may you not be mistaken about his age ?" said the unlucky Benedict. " Men often marry at forty, or even at fifty and your brother told me with his own lips, that he was just thirty. And that makes him my junior by five years and yours, by two I" It is needless to repeat the tirade that attended upon this ili- timed, and to the lady's notion indelicate computation. It may be that it would likewise be impolitic; lest, in so doing, we might NEMESIS. 297 oetray our familiarity with the species of domestic oratory, attributed to high-spirited wedded women, from the time when the distracted Thane of Cawdor rushed to regicide aud to rnin, to escape his wife's tongue, to our generation, when the most brilliant wit of his day courted immortality in the hearts of afflicted husbands, in his and all future ages, by writing " Caudle lectures." We merely recount, to gratify the lovers of the " heroic in com- mon life," that the extinguished Moreau stuck to his text to the bitter end his last articulate observation that night being a feeble and spiritless disclaimer " I don't say they are, to be mar* ried, my dear." While this lively matrimonial conference was in progress, Mai colrn and Katherine were returning from their afternoon rida through the wooded road. Let them set off from home in what- ever direction they might, th*ey were apt, in the course of the excursion, to turn into this beautiful and secluded route. Neither avowed any reason for the choice, other than the attractive fea- tures of the way lying as it did, through the magnificent forest whose trees were coeval with races dead centuries ago; leading over hills and through many a romantic glade, with its thickets of wild flowers and silver streamlet. But it was impossible that each should not be aware of his or her ulterior motive for frequenting the scene of their early acquaintance ; of the awk ward adventure that was the unlikely prelude to so much of beauty and happiness ; and that feeling this, and divining the other's sympathetic thought, the eye should be more soft, the voice more low and mellow, the heart beat full and fast in the reverie that bewitched them into silence that was not stillness, or into long, confidential talks how confidential neither knew then. It was communion such as heart can hold with heart, only when both forget, while using it, that the tongue is tht medium of converse. As usual, common report had outstripped the truth in proclainr 13* 98 NEMESIS. iug the betrothment of these two. The vain-glorious confident* and rashness of puerile passion would not have been in harmony with the earnest devotion that had its foundation in the very depths of Malcolm's soul. His was the love that enriches its object beyond any other earthly treasure ; the undivided gift of a true, manly heart ; the tenderness of a nature, as strong a^ tender. But the might of this love taught him humility and cau- tion. While he sought her society openly, and would have Bcorned the suggestion that his attentions were committing him beyond recall as intimating the possibility that he might change his purpose, he guarded scrupulously against the temptation to a premature declaration of feelings she might not be prepared to reciprocate. Would she ever be ? was the inquiry that occa- sioned him most disquiet. He rated his years nearly according to his sister's calculation, and when he remembered that the period, foreshortened by a backward glanc*e, lengthens into an indefinite, because untried futurity, when anticipated, his fears multiplied. A less modest man would have believed the mirror and friends, whose verdict upon his appearance coincided with his own know- ledge of unimpared vigor and health ; a timid lover would have shrunk appalled at the dozen years' difference in age, and aban- doned the field to a more youthful suitor. Malcolm determined that the success which proverbially attends the resolute and the wary should be his. As the reward of his delicate forbearance, he saw the evident ripening of the girl into the woman ; the rivu- let, with its dancing ripples, deepen and expand into the river ; Baw thought taking precedence of impulse ; feelings and antici- pations, unknown before, lending sweet and holy gravity to her *fc*ieanor in their interviews. From one point of their ride, near the entrance to the woods, they had a view of the Ben Lomond house, framed in a vista of trees. By tacit consent, they paused to look at it. The win dows wore like burnished gold in the sun's rays; the dark pile of NEMESIS. 290 buildings had an air of peaceful repose, and the environing cot- lages and green fields sloping down from it, made up a picture of xural beauty that called forth an admiring exclamation fron Katherine. " The situation is well chosen, and the sunshine invests the landscape with its own charms," said Malcolm, hi reply. " Still, I think with you that it is a fine old homestead, and my attachment to it is great." " You were born there were you not ?" " Yes, and passed there a happy boyhood. I have explored every nook on the place ; know every tree in che woods I was about to say, every fish in the creek. My grandparents and my parents lie in the burying-ground, under that grove of cedars to the right, and there I hope to rest, when my appointed day comes." Katherine gazed with moistened eye at the quiet old house on the hill, seeming to keep watch over the surrounding country, and thought what a serene asylum it looked for helpless infancy and declining age. " I believe that my local attachments are naturally tenacious," she said ; " but I have never lived in any one home long enough to learn to love it very dearly. I have been a waif, all my life. Mamma's health has compelled us to make many changes of residence. You must have remarked papa's extreme fondnesa for her. His soul is bound up in her welfare ; and radically English as are his predilections of heart and taste, -he has never murmured at any proposed removal, that could be of the slightest possible benefit to her. Several times, within my recollection, his friends have strenuously opposed his acting upon the advicn of the various physicians who declared that she could not live lu England, and advised travelling as the most likely means of her restoration, but he held on his ^ay. At last, like many oilier tnigratt-y birds, we found our way across the Atlantic. Most 800 JT M E 8 I 8 . sincerely do 1 trust, that this is our last move. J am sad al heart, sometimes, when I reflect that this constant shifting of the scenes of my cliildhood, has robbed me of the memories that appear to be so dear to most people. I have the most tantalizing recollections of my infancy, up to the time which we spent in Paris. It may amuse you, but I could weep when I tell you that in the two years we passed there, I forgot my mother-tongue ail except some half-a-dozen pet-nimes, which the traditional ' Bessy ' must have taught me.' " " And cannot your mother or Mrs. Holt assist you, in giving form to your floating visions ?" " Mamma has never encouraged me to speak of old times. Indeed, she seems averse to answering my questions, and Mrs. Holt entered our family after our return to England, when I was eight years old. u One circumstance of my early life made a powerful impression on my mind, and yet, I recall it by snatches, with dark gaps between the fragments such leaps as one's imagination makes in dreams. It is of a severe illness which papa had, at some strange place, while we were travelling. Mamma was with him a great deal, I suppose, and it seems to me that I ran about bare- footed and bareheaded, with four or five other children, who did not treat me well, and that their mother was a harsh, cross woman, with a loud voice, of whom I stood in deadly terror. Then came another gap and one happy morning, when mamma told me that papa wished to see me. I was frantic with joy, for some mischievous or cruel persons had made me believe that he was dead. Mamma arrayed me in a pretty dress, which she said ho had given me, and led me downstairs, and there I saw the 'papa/ whom I recollected as a handsome man, with dark curls, and thin and pale, from long confinement to his bed now so altered that I did not know him. I pulled away from the old gentleman with grey hair, who wanted to kiss me, and screamed H E M E 8 I 8 . 301 that he was not my father. Mamma scolded and he coaxed, and at length, I was induced to listen to reason. Then I awoke from sleep to find myself rolling and pitching in a ship upon the ocean, and a fit of sea-sickness effaced every other reminiscence of the voyage." " Which was, no doubt, only the trip across the Channel ou your way to France," said Malcolm. " Children have the most unreliable notions of time and space. You must have had rather a lonely life," he resumed, when they had ridden on a little further. There was something forlorn in her disjointed childish reminis- cences. Nor could he understand the neglect which had sub- jected the child of wealthy parents to the low associations and petty tyranny she sketched, even by supposing that her father'* illness had occurred, as she stated, while they were travelling. However exemplary Mrs. Rashleigh might have been, as a wife and nurse, her tender, sensitive daughter was slighted, and suffered in consequence. " Lonely !" Katherine clasped her hands passionately, and raised to him a look so intensely sad, that it pierced his heart. " You cannot enter into the meaning of the word, for you have always ' dwelt among your own people.' I, in whose ears it has knelled, since my babyhood ; who have sobbed myself to sleep repeating it, and felt it fall upon my spirit a load of ice ! with the earliest waking thought / can tell you how that little word makes a desert of a crowded city ; a feast of death of the gayest party ; how it converts wealth into a cruel mockery ; the tones of flattery into hateful discords ! It is not always that I feel thus, for I was endowed by Providence, with an elasticity of temperament that resists care and when forced to bow, retaini the power to rise when the pressure is removed. But I often, ofteu smile and sing, when I am ready to throw myself in the dust and weep my life away when my wild cry to heaven is Whv hast Thou made a worm to suffer torture like this !' " 30 NEMESIS. The great tears dropped fast and thickly upon Omar's uiane as she bent her head upon her breast. Had she looked up, at that moment, the tenor of much of her after-life might have been different. Malcolm's yearning, fervent soul was in his eyes and face, and before he bethought himself of expediency or aught else besides the impulse to fold the wanderer to his heart, and bid her rest there forever, his hand was upon her bridle. With all the power of man's resolve, he quelled the rising emotion, ere she recovered self-command. " Do not think me rebellious or weak, Mr. Argyle !" she said, pleadingly. " You listen too patiently to my discursive talk invite my confidence to persuasively and if I forget myself sometimes, you must share the blame with my impetuous disposi- tion. It needs curbing and pruning woefully. But please remember that I never had a friend before one of my own, such as you have kindly offered to be, and I have not learned yet how to make a right use of him, without imposing upon his indul< gence." " He hopes to teach you, some day, what use he would hare you make of him, Katherine," was the reply. No interpretation was solicited and none offered. In the silent twilight of the forest aisle, it seemed as if the fast heart-beats must be audible and intelligible to one another. Vows more definite and more binding might be hereaftei exchanged ; but in the spirit-history of each, the solemn, beautiful sanctuary of ISature was recorded ae the place of their plighting V E M E 8 I 8 . 309 CHAPTER XXI. A SADT^F. -HORSE was being led away to the stables as Malcolm and KatheriTve approached the door of Briarwood ; a fat, slow Rteed, which Malcolm identified as belonging to the elder San- croft. " I cannot come in this evening," he said, in reply to Kathe- rine's modest invitation. " But I will see you again very soon." " Colonel Rashleigh will be disappointed, Mr. Argyle. He promised himself the pleasure of your company at supper." It was Mrs. Rashleigh's voice, and she came forward to the porch from the gathering gloom of the hall. Her manner was formal, yet it was an icy approach to cordiality, that Malcolm had never seen in her before, and which took him now by sur- prise. " I thank you, madam, but will you be so good as to present my excuse to him ? He has another visitor, I perceive, and he will probably be engaged with business matters throughout this evening. I shall do myself the honor of waiting upon him some time when he is more at leisure." " That tiresome Mr. Bancroft here again 1" muttered Kathe- rine, on her way upstairs to change her dress. " You do not like him, then ?" said ner mother, close behind ner. Katherine laughed. " I did not know you were there, mamma ! If my soliloquy was disrespectful to the knight of the eyebrows, you must excuse me on the score of unaccountable antipathy. 1 304 NEMESIS. suppose it is wrong since papa knows and trusts him, but 1 cannot bear the man's looks 1" They were at her chamber, and Mrs. Rashleigh went in with her " It does seem unreasonable to distrust a man because you do not admire his eyebrows," she said, seating herself as if wearied by the ascent of the stairs. " Oh, that is not all !" exclaimed Katherine, confusedly. ** I am not quite so childish as that. His black eyes are so cunning, and his endless talks such a conglomeration of nauseous compli- ments and business items and inquisitiveness, that he impresses me most disagreeably. You have never met him, I believe mamma ?" " He has been here but twice at meal-times, and on both occa sions I was confined to my room. I intend going down to supper to-night." " You will not like him 1" said Katherine, in a confident tone, and proceeding with her toilet. " His eyebrows will give you a nervous turn. They have St. Vitus's dance in its worst type." " Does the son share in the antipathy you profess to feel against the father ?" inquired Mrs. Rashleigh. " i can assign better reasons for my want of appreciation of Mi fascinating qualities, yet I can better endure his conversation." " So Mrs. Holt thinks !" " Madam 1" said Katherine, wheeling around from the mirror. Mrs. Rashleigh smiled ; a gleam that had a faint touch of her daughter's archness. " Mrs. Holt has confided to me, in the discharge of her official duties, her impression that Mr. Sancroft contemplates becoming a suitor for Miss Rashleigh's hand, and that Miss Rashleigh is not insensible to Mr. Sancroft's merits." Katherine colored almost angrily, and then, detecting the lurk- ing smile about her mother's mouth, burst into a hearty fit of laughter. NEMESIS. 305 " How ridiculous ! Who could have thrust such a fancy into the poor, dear lady's brain 1 It never crept there of itself 1" " She sees nothing absurd in the fancy, or in the mutual pre- ference it asserts," answered her mother. " And do not you ? / admire Mr. Bancroft I / permit the Addresses of a man whom I neither like nor respect 1 a pert, con* sequential, selfish attorney !" " You forget that there is no profession in this country more honorable than that of the law ; none that leads more directly to fame, and frequently to wealth." " A lawyer is a different creature from a pettifogger 1" returned Katherine, curling her pretty lip. " We will not quarrel about terms. Only, do not confound the profession with the practitioner. I may assure Mrs. Holt, then, that she need not trouble herself to be circumspect in con- versing of our gentleman visitors Mr. Bancroft, particularly that you are heart-free ?" Katherine drew back from the window that let in the glow of the crimson West, as she replied : " Refer Mrs. Holt to me. I think that I can speedily convince her of the baseless nature of her surmises whether borrowed, or of her own manufacture." It may have been the lingering effects of this conversation that painted Katherine's cheeks, when she joined the family and Mr. Sancroft at the table. Mr. Bancroft's hair was snow-white, but bushy still ; his smile was as constant, his eye as sharp und his eyebrows were as indefatigable as they had been in hia prime " Most happy to have the pleasure of meeting you, madam P he said, cringingly to Mrs. Rashleigh. "Colonel Rashleigh informs me that your valuable health is improving in our salubri- ous climate. Health is a boon which none of us rightly value until we are deprived of it, Mrs. Rashleigh. My lamented part ner was delicate for some years before hei decease, and this cir 306 NEMESIS. cumstance renders me more sympathizing toward others, who are similarly afflicted, Colonel Rashleigh." Mrs. Rashleigh listened with an unmoved countenance, that did not resent, as did Katherine's tell-tale features, the analogy drawn between the dear departed and the lady of the house. Before she could compose her contemptuous muscles, Mr. San- croft faced about upon her. " Your blooming cheeks bespeak your immunity from ' all the ills that flesh is heir to,' Miss Rashleigh. You enjoy unbroken sanity of body and quiet of mind, I conclude. You set a commendable example of wholesome exercise to the other young people of our community, one which I hope will be extensively followed. Your splendid horsemanship must have been learned in a riding-school, Miss Rashleigh ? And, how are you pleased, my dear young lady, with the physical and social structure of your adopted home ? I presume that you have made the acquain- tance of most of our neighbors,- I think that my daughters have called upon you hey ?" " They have, sir. I returned tne visit, but they were not at home." She did not append her subsequent resolution not to cultivate their acquaintance. " Mr Sancroft and myself will be busied, most of the evening, in balancing our accounts, my dear," remarked Colonel Rashleigh to the statue at the head of the board. " Therefore, we mus' deny ourselves the pleasure of your society, ladies," including Mrs Belt and his daughter in his ceremonious bow. " The loss indeed is a heavy one 1" Mr. Sancroft said, with * monkey-like imitation of his host's precise gallantry. " I hope, Qowever, that when these necessary, although, at times, irksome affairs are disposed of, we may enjoy many occasions of friendly intercourse," and he ducked his head to a level with his tea-cup. The meal was not protracted by superfluous conversation, Iff E M E 8 I S . 30'" except on his part. Unabashed by the frigidity of the hostesa. Katherine's barely civil rejoinders to his questions, and Mrs Holt's prudent reserve, he brought forth his best stores, his longest words and most fawning flatteries, and left the table, in the bliss ful consciousness of having played to perfection the fine gentle- man a role he had studied to acquire, as his accumulating wealth enabled him to rank with his neighbors in outward show. Katherine sat for a while hi the family parlor, where hex mother and Mrs. Holt were at work. " Mamma," she said, presently, " what business is it that brings Mr. Bancroft here so often ?" "He is a kind of general agent a collector," replied Mrs Rashleigh, " and in this capacity, was employed by Mr. Moreau, tp negotiate for this plantation, with its former owner. He pur- chased the stock ; the farming implements, the servants every- thing that we did not bring over with us." "But why was he selected ? Surely my cousin Robert was competent to the task." "It was your father's wish. He does not like to have moneyed transactions with his relations." " And is not the estate paid for ?" " A portion of the purchase-money was'paid down at the trans- fer of the property ; upon the remainder, the terms of the sale allowed a credit of some length." " And Mr. Bancroft has kept the accounts ! Mrs. Holt, d private animosity would bias his judg- ment in sc grave a decision as the question of another raan'a honesty," replied the Colonel, in stately courtesy. "As a friend, I persist in asking your candid opinion of the agent selected frr 512 NEMESIS. me by my nephew. I shall make no unfair use of the information thus obtained. My object is to save myself not to injure Mr Bancroft." Still, Malcolm demurred. " Allow me to make an inquiry or two, sir, before I satisfy you. Have you had any especial cause for suspecting fraudulent dealings on the part of your agent ?" '' None, sir, or none that would have weight with any one, save myself." ' Have you been warned against him ?" " I have sir." " By any one in this county, may I inquire ?" It was the Colonel's turn to hesitate. A purple tinge suffused ftiis forehead, and he looked down for an instant. Then, like a proud husband, who was not ashamed to be influenced by such a wife, he spoke uut his mind. " Mrs. Rashleigh, Mr. Argyle, is a woman of extraordinary penetration, of remarkable discernment 1 She says little, but she te always watchful and thoughtful. She advised this application to you, and insinuated her belief that its result would confirm aer unfavorable opinion of my nephew's choice. I have never linown her judgment to err, and after mature reflection, I have adopted the course she recommended. Of course, I am not blind to the fact that her suggestion, had it proceeded from any other lady, would not have been entitled to receive the weight I have given it, but you, sir, are too accurate a judge of character not to have perceived that Mrs. Rashleigh is, as I previously tated, a most re-mar-ka-ble person 1" Malcolm bowed. " I am honored by Mrs. Rashleigh's confi- dence, ignorant as I am of the causes that instigated her reference to me," replied he, sincerely. " I will not be backward in frankness, sir. I believe Sancroft to be entirely undeserving of your trust ; as regardless of honesty as of truth ; if you will hear the plain language of my sentiments he is a knave and a NEMESIS. 313 Bar ! Still, you will find him an efficient eye-servant. No man in the State understands his line of business better than he does. He is keen, quick, and thorough in the execution of commissions, and if he knows that he is watched, he displays a hair-splitting exactness that is calculated to beguile his employer into the belief of his extreme conscientiousness." " I have remarked that myself hi a number of instances," returned the Colonel. " I thank you, sir, for having been thus unreserved and explicit hi your reply to my queries. May I trespass yet further upon your patience and your friendship by a disclosure of my plan for future action ?' ' Malcolm heard and approved, adding his to Mrs. Rashleigh's recommendation of Mr. Hammond. He consented, also, at the Colonel's request, to give him a note of introduction to the lawyer, who was a personal friend of his own, and after renewing his expressions of grateful regard, the Colonel left the master of Ben Lomond to ponder upon the apparent chance which had placed the reputation of his old enemy in his power. Colonel Rashleigh's ready and full confidence in a stranger although the character of that one was indorsed by his nephew, had excited the wondering remarks of many who, while they did not hesitate to use Sancroft to press a delinquent or tardy debtor of their own, examined his reports very narrowly, lest he might have placed a figure on the wrong side for them, and the right for himself. Mr. Hammond was not surprised, therefore, at Col- onel Rashleigh's call and request that he would meet Mr. San- croft at Briarwood, the next day, to assist ha the winding up of their affairs. It was a curious, and to the lawyer, a diverting study, to watch the evolutions of the famous eyebrows, when the object of Mr. Hammond's appearance in the Colonel's library, at the appointed hour, was explained to their owner. Colonel Rash- leigh's demeanor was gentlemanly and dignified, formal, but not 14 N E M E 8 I 8. discourteous, and his quiet assumption or his right to call in what* ever assistance he needed in the conclusion of a transaction so important, could not be gainsaid by any man hi his senses. Moreover, Mr. Hammond was too skillful a practitioner not to mistrust an attempted evasion or counterfeit of wounded inno- cence, and the business proceeded with regularity and dispatch. Within a couple of hours after he had alighted at his patron'e gate, comfortable in reputed respectability and the anticipation of certain benefits to accrue to him from the job in hand, Mr. San- croft having declined the dinner Mr. Hammond remained to enjoy rode pensively out of the Briarwood domain ; his saddle- bags lighter by the weight of the bills and other documents con- signed to the legal gentleman, and his heart heavier for the wish that many others, as clever as himself, have heaved with the boy who slew the goose of the golden egg that he had contented himself with sure and equitable profits, instead of upsetting a i**ily promising scheme by overreaching and peculation. !* JS M E a = 315 CHAPTER XXII. ELEANOR had been four days at home, when she drove over Uj Briarwood, to prefer a " daring request," as she styled it, to Mrs. Rashleigh. It was for a week's loan of her daughter. Elizabeth Hunter, a sister of Jessie's husband, was to pay Mrs. Moreau a visit of that length, and she was hospitably solicitous that she should pass the time pleasantly. " I thought, too, that our dear Katherine would enjoy herself in her company," said Eleanor. " Our neighborhood is lamenta- bly deficient in young people, and she will be pleased with Lizzy. She is a charming girl, rny dear ;" to Katherine. " More refined and less boisterous than her brother." " I liked Mr. Hunter, extremely," rejoined Katherine. " I am glad that you did. Strangers arc not apt tc admire his manners. They are too free-and-easy. But we, who are acquainted with his intrinsic worth, forget his oddities Lizzie is quite a belle at home, and it is my intention to have several little social gatherings while she is with us. We will take excellent care of your daughter, Mrs-. Rashleigh. May she go ?" " Katherine -can consult her own inclination," replied Mrs. Rashleigh, coldly so coldly, that the flush of expectation faded from her daughter's face. Colonel Rashleigh could not endure to have his darling disap- pointed in any wish, however trivial. He saw, in Eleanor's proposition, a harmless and praiseworthy plan for enlivening the retired life of her young cousin. A.11 girls likod gay society, and 316 N R M R 8 I 8 . music and dancing. He had seen Katheriue's eye brighten at the idea, and he took the responsibility of deciding the question. " Your invitation is indeed an attractive one, Eleanor," ho said. " I presume that Mrs. Rashleigh will not object to so kin-A o device for our daughter's amusement, unless she has some weighty reason for denying you and her. If you are willing, Margaret, I say, by all means, let Katheriue go to her cousin's to-morrow." "If it is your desire, she can go, certainly," replied Mrs. Rashleigh. Katherine's changing color and expression had told how greatly she longed for the visit. To her, it promised more than the mere mingling with young and lively associates. Montrouge was the adjoining plantation to Ben Lomond, and although she knew that Malcolm was not a frequent visitor at his sister's, she was confi- dent that he must come while she was there. The "sociai gatherings " would include him, and she could not fail of having a merrymaking, however dull the rest of the company might be. Besides this main motive, she was light-hearted and sportive, and dearly loved a frolic. " Thank you, papa ! Mamma, you are very kind P she exclaimed, as the consent was given. " I know that I shall b happy !" and, turning to Mrs. Moreau, she began a string of questions about her destined companion, Miss Hunter, with the lively curiosity of a child. Mr. Moreau's haggard looks were apparent even to his unob- servant uncle. He sat apart, while his wife talked with her accustomed gaiety, and, seeming to fall Into a brown study, he picked up a pen that lay upon a writing-table near by, with which be scribbled incessantly upon a sheet of paper, until the Colonel's voice awoke him. " Robert, you have lost flesh this summer. A vacation would do you no harm, and I would prescribe a tonic. A glass of bitters before each meal would strengthen you." N B M E B I g . 317 Mr. Morean hitched his chair back, with an uneasy motion, and laughed. "I am getting old, sir, and my mind runs too much upon tha troubles of the country." " These are indeed lawless tunes," said the Colonel, revertir.g mentally to the rough usage he had received in a political assem- blage. " Is there any later and more gloomy intelligence by to- day's mail ?" turning over the " Enquirer," which had been brought in a short tune previous. " No, sir ; the same old thing ! But the depression of the money-market is tremendous." " Fortunately for us, it is comparatively light in the agricul tural districts," returned his uncle, while Katherine remarked, laughingly " Cousin Robert, you are a monomaniac upon the evil of the ' hard times.' One would say that you were being worn away by friction against them." " Perhaps he is !" said Mrs. Rashleigh, catching his embar- rassed look, and fixing it by her own cool and clear. " Oh, no, madam ! not so bad as that 1" he answered, with a desperate effort at levity ; and jumping up, he reminded his wife that she had ordered an early tea. " Are you losing all the wit you were born with ?" asked Eleanor, when they were again on the road. Her manner said that she was irritated beyond measure ; but her husband reph'ed, doggedly, almost savagely, that she " had never given him credit for having any to lose." " It is enough to provoke one to death " Eleanor went on " to see what a miserable dissembler you are 1 I do not believe you could keep a secret to save your life. You blushed and stammered like a school-boy, while Mrs. Rashleigh's eye waa reading you through, if a mortal eye can read thoughts. She seems too proud to notice what is passing around her, yet nothing escapes her. I am moralh certain she suspects something-- 818 NEMESIS. what, I cannot say only, she would have kept Katherine awaj from Montrouge if your uncle had not expressed his approval so decidedly. You are not fit to take care of yourself. What need is there to croak eternally over the ' money pressure,' until that saucy minx laughs at you about it ?" " A man that is on the rack cannot help groaning !" said Mr Moreau, sulkily. " And these groans are the thanks I get for my sacrifices in your behalf i Did not you sell my horse last week to relieve your immediate need of money ? Woodson gave you a good price for him, and I hoped that I should hear no more complaints for a fortnight, at least. There ! Did I not charge you to sound your uncle privately, as to his reasons for putting his busi- ness into Mr. Hammond's care ? You never thought of it while you were there 1" " Where was the use ? It was your brother's work. Will Bancroft saw uncle come out from Argyle's gate last Thursday morning, and dogged him to Hammond's door. It's as plain as daylight can make it the way they are playing into one another's hands. Old Sancroft is as mad as a March hare, and yet dare not say a word for fear ugly stories may get abroad. If he has tried to turn an extra penny for himself, while handling the old geutleman's'money, he will smart for it when Hammond ferrets it out, if Argyle is his backer. I never saw a fellow in such a passion as Will was, when he talked to me about it yesterday He swore that he would be avenged on Argyle, and marry his sweetheart into the bargain." " He may have her as soon as he can get her," responded Eleanor. " The game will be his for a week, and if he cannot Becm-e a footing in the circumstances we propose for his accommo- dation, he deserves to lose her. Here is Malcolm, now ! and on his way to see her ! Stop and speak to him, and do as I bid you I* Malcolm would have passed on with a nod and a " good day V NEMESIS. 31 9 but as his brother-in-law drew up his horse, he could not avoid doing the same. " Are you on your way to Briarwood ?" asked Eleanor, when the salutations were over. " I am I" and his look added : " What business is that of yours ?" " We are just from there," said his sister. " I forgot an important inquiry I wished to make of Mrs. Rashleigh. Will you take a message from me to her ?" Malcolm bowed his acquiescence. " Please say to her, then or, no 1 I will not trouble you ! Mr. Moreau, suppose we ride back with him ? It will not take us long. I had best see Mrs. Rashleigh myself." " Here are Robert and Eleanor back again, and Mr. Argyle with them !" observed Colonel Rashleigh, who was standing at the window. " They have forgotten something, probably," said Katherine. going into the hall to meet them. " Returned like a bad penny !" cried Mrs. Morean. " Just as we met Malcolm, I recollected a little domestic matter about which I wanted to consult your mother, and as I had hardly seen brother since my return, we resolved to drive back with him." " Now that you are here, you had as well remain to supper," eaid Colonel Rashleigh, hospitably. " It will be quite a famil party." Eleanor looked delighted, as she really was. " It is a tempta- tion ! But what of the babies at home ?" Mr. Moreau's wits were freshened by his recent lecture, and lie answered readily enough : " Oh ! Sarah can be trusted with Uie children, if that is the only stumbling-block to your enjoyment." " Then you will stay I" said Katherine. She reproached herself for the effort it cost her to utter llu* words that concluded the discussion. Her cousins had come ovei txpre ssly to ask her to their house, aud were contriving all manner 520 N E M E B I 8 . of amusements for her, and she could grudge them the sh&re oi her attention which they would, for this one evening, divert from (he other visitor ! What would he think of her if he could read the selfish regret ? What ought she to think of herself ? But for Eleanor, Katherine would have had a difficult task te produce a semblance of sociability in the little company. Mrs. Rashleigh was always taciturn, and this evening said absolutely nothing beyond the formulas of the tea-table, unless when a direct question was put to her. Colonel Rashleigh perceived shortly that he had not contributed to his own pleasure or that of his family, in inviting his nephew and niece to remain, and his annoy- ance was showed in his gravity under his daughter's sallies and Eleanor's industrious efforts to extract his sentiments upon subjects which she fancied would be congenial to his taste. Mrs. Holt's thoughts were in a package of books yet unread, received the pre- ceding day, and she seemed to be ignorant that the conversation was hi danger of sinking. Malcolm's vexation at his sister's manoeuvre was augmented by the discovery that Katherine was to spend a week at her house. His chagrin was the more pardonable when we learn that he had meditated the performance of great things upon this evening ; had decreed that it should end his suspense, one way or the other. The interviews he had meant to secure first with the Colonel afterward with Katherine ; the Bright visions that swam in an atmosphere of glory before him, when he dwelt upon the evident favor of the parent, and the tones, words and looks of the daughter, from which he seemed to draw his life itself, since they encouraged a hope that was dearer than life ; the fruition of all these desires was delayed by the senseless whim of a woman ! Patience was not his forte, and if it bad been, he might have pleaded his exercise of the cardinal grace during the itouths that had elapsed since he awoke to a know- ledge of his love. Kathe, Ine had never seen him so unapproachable, ar.d grieved NEMESIS. 321 secretly over the change. At length, he made an opportunity to request some music, and she consented with joyful readiness. The rest of the party were clustered, by chance, near the centre of the apartment, and this movement put a space between them and the tM o who went to the piano that was propitious for private conver- sation The wanning and lighting of Malcolm's face did not pass Eleanor's notice, as he turned toward her, to get a chair for him- self, after Katherine was seated. Ere the middle of the first piece was reached, Mr. Moreau sauntered up to the other side of the musician, and remained there, a fixture, the more hopeless because of the lazy negligence of his attitude through every march, sonata and song. Content that her sentinel's position barred all danger of sur prise from that quarter, Eleanor crossed the room, and sat down by Mrs. Holt. From praises of the elaborate needle-work, that occupied the governess' fingers, she glided to Katherine's profi- ciency in that line ; thence, to her accomplishments in other branches of young ladies' education, sugaring each compliment to the pupil, with insinuated flatteries of the instructress. Single- minded Mrs. Holt was captivated by the sound sense and affec- tionate disposition of one, whom she had previously mistaken for a frivolous, worldly woman. Katherine was dear to her as if she were her own child, and Mrs. Moreau's undisguised complacency at the nearness of the existing relation between this paragon of beauty, goodness and intelligence, and her family, did honor to her heart and head. Then, Eleanor achieved the most cautious and graceful hint of stronger bonds, that events, now transpiring, were weaving. It was perhaps unbecoming in her to say it and etill, Katherine's friends might be gratified by the testimony of such a competent witness, to the excellence, the nobility of sou , the amiable temper of him, who was likely to become one of themselves. He had his peculiarities ; but they were rathe/ excesses of virtue, than failings. U* 322 NEMESIS. " Despite the disparity of their ages, Katherine's influence owl torn will mould my brother " Here Mrs. Holt's bewilderment found words in the exclamation - " Your b;other, Mrs, Moreaul I confess that I do not in the least understand you !" " Surely, Mrs. Holt, you cannot imagine that the state of mj brother's affections is unknown to me. Your reserve is commend- able ; but there can be nothing imprudent in our conversing about a matter that interests us mutually. The reciprocal attach- ment of two persons, so dear to us both, should be a common ground of confidence. Yet, if your sense of honor leads you to preserve Katherine's secret so jealously, I respect the scruple, and am silent." " Miss Rashleigh has not confided any secret to me," said the poor lady, perplexed. " You ought to be best-informed with regard to your brother's intentions, but I must believe that you have misunderstood him. His visits to Briarwood are for Colonel llashleigh. I ' do not think that Miss Rashleigh has the least suspicion that they are meant for her. I know that she is not betrothed to him, or indeed, to any one. She told me so, seri- ously, only yesterday but our conversation had no reference to Mr. Argyle. It related to another person." " Young ladies are not confined to the strict truth in these affairs," smiled Eleanor. " Katherine Rashleigh is incapable of an equivocation how- ver trivial I" rejoined Mrs. Holt, mildly indignant. Eleanor drew back, so disconcerted, so mortified at her mis* take, that the soft heart of the governess melted. ' Perhaps it will be well, Mrs. Moreau, not to let the sub itance of this conversation go beyond ourselves. It was an embarrassing error on your side; but you were not in fault iu the mention of it. Who knows," she said more lightly, " but the wish may be miner to the fact ? It is most likely that the report NEMESIS. 323 resembles most of its fellow-rumors in oeing ' neither wholly false nor wholly true/ and since Mr. Argyle's friends, and it is to b< presumed, himself, regard the event it shadows, as a ' consumma- tion devoutly to be desired,' you may, in the end, prove to be I Bearer right than I am." " You are kind, dear Madam, thus to palliate my unfortunate indiscretion. I accept your proposal of secrecy, thankfully. Not for the universe, would I have Colonel, or Mrs. Rashleigh, much less Katherine, hear of my seeming indelicacy, my premature allusion to what I was led to believe, was a settled matter." Malcolm so seldom passed a night away from home, that he knew how agonizing would be Miss Barbara's uneasiness, should he deviate from his custom on this occasion. But for this con- sideration, he would have availed himself of the habits of the neighborhood in this respect, and accepted the Colonel's offer of a lodging. Heretofore, his evening visits had terminated by ten o'clock, and when the hours had fretted themselves away to this tune, and his sister was smilingly immovable, he reluctantly ordered his horse. Our hero will, we fear, lose caste with the youthful adorers of such impassioned suitors as recognize no claims as paramount to those of the love that has stolen brains as well as heart. It sounds hum-drum and wretchedly unromantic to say that he made up his mind to return home his love untold ; no hint of it given, and with the prospect of a week's separation before him rather than rob an old housekeeper of a comfortable night's rest. Katherine, herself, who was ignorant of the cause of his rigid adherence to his rule, thought it rather singular that he could not, for once, break through it. For one instant, in the bustle of leave-taking, he eluded Eleanor's vigilance, and bent to Rathe. Hne's oar. "Do not accuse me of forgetfulness or neglect, because ! vmnot come to Mr. Moreau's, while you are there. Win u t v ,* 324 NEMESIS. right season arrives, I will tell you why I stayed away. This will be a Ireary week to me." Katheriue's heart sank, with a painful beat, which felt as if the life had throbbed out with it ; a pang, that wrung the color from her lips, as they motioned the " good-bye " she had no voice to titter. It was the chill and shadow of the first cloud that crossed the heaven of love. She had taken the " second step that finds the thorn " in the rose-strewn path. Mr. Moreau was miserably drowsy and stupid on the way home, and his guardian angel stirred him up sharply with her wand, for his obtuseness to the fine points of her strategy. " I declare, Mr. Moreau, you are getting as cross as a bear, or as any other woman's husband. You used to be tolerably good- tempered, and to show some gratitude for what was done for you. You say that you ' cannot see what I gained by going back with Malcolm, except a dull evening and his ill-will.' I have learned all that I wanted to know, in order to proceed without fear with my plans. They are not engaged, and however disposed he may have been to hasten a declaration, when he heard that she was to pay us a visit, he had no chance to say a word to-night." " Why cannot he come to see her, while she is with us ? or write to her ?" said the awakening husband. " Does he ever come to our house ? Has he crossed the tresh- old since he met Sancroft there, in May ? If nothing else hindered him, he is too proud to make a convenience of us, that he may visit her. As to writing, it is my belief that matters are not far enough advanced for that, and if they are does it follow neces- sarily that the billet-doux will reach her ? Accidents have hap- pened to letters, before this, that prevented them 2i-es that hvsted Mr. Moreau the rest of the way. HEME8IB. 326 CHAPTER XXIII. THE Moreaus entertaiiied handsomely. Both were fond of gay society, and never better pleased than when their house was filled with young people. Besides Elizabeth Hunter and Katherine Rashleigh, there were several others invited to pass some days at Montrouge. Mr. Sancroft, Mr. Blanton and Mr. Armistead the latter a pleasant, gentlemanly fellow, whom Katherine liked better than she did any other beau of her acquaintance (with a mental reservation in favor of one whom nobody called a beau), were the stated gallants of a quartette of girls, composed of the two above-named, Miss Armistead and Miss Selden, a sister of Mrs. Canington. It required little time for a party formed of these materials, and managed by Eleanor and the good-humored host, to become merrily social. Even Katherine, whose show of spirits, in the beginning, was feigned, soon found the sharp edge of her disappointment wearing away, and herself resolving to look on the sunny side of a painful matter. " While I am here, the wisest plan is to get what pleasure I can, and to contribute as liberally as lies in my power to the happiness of others," she "easoned. " A week is soon gone." As to Malcolm's motives for absenting himself from her pro sence during that period, she had faith in him to believe that they were good and sufficient. The popular voice declared him a recluse, and he had not concealed from her his dislike to general jorapany, promiscuous parties and the like. And, as is tbf fashion with women, she valued his preference for herself th- more, that she stood alone in this respect Toward Mrs. Moreiw 820 NEMESIS. ner heart opened every hour. The warmth and giace of manner that made her guests feel themselves to be welcome and privileged inmates of her home ; her lively conversation, and, perhaps more than aught beside, her personal resemblance to her brother, seemed to bring her very near to her young cousin. The hearty " Good night " kiss and smile of affection which Katherine bestowed upon her hostess the first evening of her stay were the spontaneous expression of feeling, and Eleanor's quick perception understood the fullness of their meaning. The next morning was intensely sultry. As the party sat around the breakfast-table one and another compared dates and opinions upon other warm days each as if he sought, by cod. trast, to mitigate the discomfort he then endured, striving to paint his story in more fervid colors than his predecessor, until the ladies declared that the burdens laid upon their credulity were, together with the weather, too much to be borne. At each corner of the table was stationed a little negro, who fewung his brush of peacock's plumes so lazily that the heated brows of the company received scarcely a' breath of cooler air than that which slumbered, hot and heavy, within and with- out doors. The flies buzzed shrilly above the sweep of these inventions of the enemy for their disturbance so continuous and sleepy a song, that the annoyed ear hailed, with savage satisfac- tion, the fiercer and faster hum consequent upon the occasional foray of a hungry hornet into their mazes. The girls were pretty and interesting, with their white dresses and flushed cheeks ; the gentlemen, too mured to the climate to suffer lassitude or depres- sion of spirits from the high temperature, and the flow of chit- chat and gallant nothings went swimmingly on. Mrs. Moreau alone did not display the animation of tike pre- ceding day. She had a headache, and although too amiablj polite to cast a shade over the rest, by cross or grave looks, w as not successful \n hiding the fact that she was in severe pain. NEMESIS. 3S7 c ^an I do for you, my dear cousin ?" inquired Kathe- rine, syrap/4hiziugly. "A headache, in this weather, must be intolerable. Is there no remedy for it except sleep and quiet ?" "I ne^er sleep while the pain continues," answered Eleanor. " Oftentimes, the best medicine is cheerful conversation. At others, Mr. Moreau reads aloud to charm away the evil." " As I do to mamma 1 She, too, is a victim to this terrible malady. Let me come to your room when you lie down, as you must do very soon after breakfast, to bathe your head, and read or talk to you." " You are a dear, sweet girl !" said Mrs. Moreau, gratefully. " But it would be selfish in me to rob your companions of you, of you of them." Katherine's place was next hers, and this fragment of th? breakfast talk was by-play. " I forgive you the theft," was the response, "and pledge my self that they will not enter a complaint." Here Sarah brought in a letter and laid it at the side of he* mistress' plate. " From Master Malcolm," she said. Eleanor broke the seal and perused it, with a countenance of increasing seriousness. There was a pained, troubled expression in her eyes, as she folded it up, that impressed Katherine with the idea of a foiled hope and discontent tinctured with im- patience. " Well, Mrs. Moreau," said Mr. Bancroft, " shall we hare the happiness of seeing your brother in our midst to-day ?" " He says not." " What is the matter ?" asked Mr. Moreau. " He is otherwise occupied, I suppose," returned Ins wife, after a pause. " I had hoped that his domestic habits were growing less inveterate," observed Mr. Armistead. " The accounts I havt S28 NEMESIS. heard of him lately, have encouraged me to look for bcttel things." A well-bred, but meaning smile went the rounds of the table, unseen by Katherine, whose eyes were bent upon her plate, Eleanor only was grave, and her silence throughout the remaindei of the meal, was, to Katherine's sensitive fancy, that of perturbed neditation. Twelve o'clock and no abatement of the heat 1 The dogs lay panting in the porches and under the trees ; the cows stood in the shade of the willows that overhung the spring stream, motionless, except when the drowsy tinkle of a bell told that its wearer stooped to the water ; the very insects were still in the grass, which parched and twisted in the white blaze that was over all. The gentlemen lounged, read and talked in the hall that ran through the house, with doors at each end. The girls had fled from the propriety and full dress of the parlor, to the easy dishabille of their chamber. We use the word in the singu- lar number, for the four lodged in one large square apartment, amply lighted by six windows, all gaping for the breeze that favored none of them. Martha Selden and Jenny Armistead, wrapped in loose gowns, lay upon one bed, reading different volumes of the same novel ; Elizabeth Hunter, similarly attired, dozed and fanned herself alternately, upon the other. " Why don't you lie down, Katherine ?" she asked, in one of her semi-waking intervals. " Because I am not sleepy.." " Neither was I, until I lay down, and now T cannot keep my eyes open. Just put up that everlasting stitching, and try the experiment. It makes me feel uncomfortable in conscience to see you so industrious." " I will put up my seeing willingly, for I am lazily inclined u yself. but I scarcely ever sleep in the day-time. Beside*, 7 NEMESIS. 329 promised to go to Mrs. Moreau, about twelve o'clock, and I hear;} it strike just now." " Tell her we hope her head is better," murmured EUzabetii, turning over for a decided siesta. Mrs. Moreau's room was darkened, and she lay upon a settee, a bottle of scented water in her hand. " How are you now, my dear madam ?" said Katherine solici- tously. " I am suffering excessively ! How good it is in you to leave pleasant company, and subject yourself to my peevish complaints 1" " Hush ! ' Cheerful conversation ' was the prescription was it not ? I shall not permit you to slander yourself." She took the bottle and bathed the lady's head, then picked up ner fan from the floor. " It is hard work to play the agreeable, sometimes !" said Eleanor. " I am in a poor plight for it to-day." " The headache affects the spirits more than any other malady," remarked Katherine. ~ " T'oat is not it ! Other things trouble me." There was a short silence ; Katherine doubting her right to pry into the nature of these ' other things/ and Mrs. Morean musing, with her eyes shut. " Ah, well 1" resumed the latter, trying to smile. " We all have our disappointments, petty and great ; and if my hopes deceive me sometimes as to what the future will bring, it is the common lot of humanity. Only, I feel that it would do me good to talk over my annoyances. But who would care to hear the tiresome story ? Even my husband laughs and says, ' I make much ado about nothing ' the dear tease of a fellow !" " Unless it is something which I ought not to know, you are welcome to my hearing and sympathy," replied Katherine, autici pating some housekeeper's grievance of worthless servants 01 spoiled preserves 830 NEMESIS. " Something which you ought not to know ! I could almosl wish it were 1 But what am I saying ? My head pains me so, now and then, that I forget myself. No, dear, there is no objection to your hearing everything that I would say, unles* the tale will bore you. The truth is,.Katherine, I am worried almost to death, about Malcolm 1" A start and a vivid blush showed how unexpectedly his name was introduced. "You cannot conceive," continued Mrs. Moreau, "of the transformation in him, as he now appears, from what he was in our youth. How I loved that boy ! He was so handsome, so gifted, so generous, that Jessie and I absolutely worshipped him. Marcia Carrington is still my friend, and yet I have wished, z thousand times, that she had never been born, or that she had never crossed Malcolm's path. You must have heard the history of that old affair ?" " I never have I" said Katherine, in a low voice. " Indeed ! I supposed that you could not have lived in this neighborhood above four months, and not have listened to a dozen versions of it. Really, we cannot be such a gossiping commu- nity as we are reputed to be. Are you not mistaken, dear ? There was a revival of talk about this love-scrape, when Marcia was here in the spring and summer, and Malcolm's attentions to her fanned the flame. You may have forgotten conversations upon a topic that did not interest you particularly, but have you never heard Jessie or myself, or Miss Nancy Wilkinson speak of this, in connection with Malcolm's odd, misanthropical ways ?" " I never hare !" repeated Katherine, precisely as before. " How very strange ! Well, then, you must know that they were engaged Marcia and Malcolm before he went to Europe, He was absent two years, and meanwhile, she became acquainted with Stanhope Carrington. Marcia is one of the best creatures hi the world, yet she has no positive character of her own. Mrs NEMESIS. 331 Selden is a woman of strong sense and a strong will ; verj fond of Her children, and ambitious that they should marry advan- tageously. Malcolm had nothing except what poor papa would leave him at his death, and he was then a man in perfect health, who might live ten or fifteen years longer. Mr. Carrington was wealthy and his own master, very good-natured and desperately in love. So Mrs. Selden reasoned Marcia out of her early attachment, which, with a girl of her disposition, might well have died of itself, while Malcolm was out of sight. The dear boy came home, so happy and hopeful, that Marcia had not the heart to undeceive him immediately, and the farce of the engage- ment was kept up for a season. This made the blow heavier when it did fall. It nearly deprived him of reason, and from that day to this, he has been an altered being the wreck you see him now." " The wreck !" Where was there another, unscathed in feel- ing and mind, who was his peer ? The whole soul of the girl going out in love and compassion for the lonely, wronged man. Without one thought of self, she longed to comfort him ; to com- pensate to him for the bitter trial, the solitude of heart and home that had succeeded its agony. " After the marriages of Jessie and myself, and our father's death," pursued Eleanor, " Malcolm resided at the homestead with his old nurse, and obstinately denied himself to all his former friends. His is not a common nature. The feeling that by Marcia was so easily overcome, was with him a passion such as no man can experience a second tune. I knew this, for to me alone had he poured out his whole heart. When he told me (hat he could never love again as he had loved, I believed him, but when he declared his intention never to marry, I hoped that $e might break his resolution. It seemed to me expedient and desirable that he should seek out some lovely -and intelligent woman who would be a congenial companion and solace, if shu could not cheer him. I felt that it was his duty to make thi 332 NEMESIS. attempt to transfer his affections, now that Marcia was lost to him forever. He would never hear the proposition with th least patience, and finally I ceased to urge it. Thus stood mat- ters, when, for the first time since their sad parting, he met hw early love last May. By the way, you were with me at the time, Do you recollect going to a meeting of Presbytery at Deep Run Church, soon after your coming to the county ?" " Yes, madam." " And there meeting with my brother and Mrs. Carrrington ?" "Yes, madam." " I had flattered myself that an interview with Marcia would go far toward curing Malcolm. Ten years had wrought many alterations in the pretty girl he had loved so ardently. Mrs. Carriugton is a fine looking woman yet, but so unlike the sylph- like figure whose blooming face he thought the perfection of feminine loveliness, that I dared to believe he would be thoroughly disenchanted at sight of her. I saw that he was agitated, cold and reserved as he appeared to a casual looker-on of the interview. He told me afterward, that it was like tearing open aa old wound. He could not remain in her presence more than a minute, and made an excuse to hurry away. I advised him not to soe her again, but he could not resist the fascination that drew him into her presence. While others rejoiced at his reappearance in our social gatherings, I mourned in secret over his infatuation, and ultimately determined upon an appeal to his better self." Even Mrs. Moreau was obliged to pause here, choked as it appeared by her emotions, in reality by the monstrous meu- daciousncss of her fluent story. By the aid of the scent-bottlo Bhe recovered her speech and composure. " I represented the suffering he was bringing on himself ; the needless and cruel embarrassment under which Marcia labored whenever he approached her ; the fearful consequences that must at lend upon Mi Carrington's discovery of his unconquered attach- N E M E 8 I 6 , 333 ment, and besought him once again to seek other associations ; to enter into other relations which would in time beguile him from this dangerous dream. He was much moved, promised to reflect seriously upon my counsel, and we parted. Upon my return I met him at your house, and was relieved to see him looking well and in tolerable spirits. I had previously written to him who were to compose our party for this week, and pressed him to join us, but "had received no reply. That evening, on our way home, he said that he could not come. Yesterday I ven- tured to dispatch another invitation, an answer to which I had this morning. Here it is I" Katherine's hand came into contact with hers as she passed over the note. It was cold as ice, and for a second the paper quivered so that she could not read. Then, steady and plain she .saw the following : MY DEAR ELEANOR : Your kind note was brought to me an hour ago. Since then, I have fought in vain with the multitude of sad thoughts that overwhelm me in my lonely retreat. I have tried labored diligently, to follow the advice you gave me before you went away in July. I resolved to bury the past ; to begin a new, calm life, which should by and by bring me the happiness you promised. I cannot! It is my misfortune, not a crime, that I am faithful to the memory of what you term " a dream, and a mischievous one." I am not like other men. Why do further violence to my nature? I send you the fragment I penned last night, in my excitement in one of what Aunt Bah calls my "moods" that you may understand *hut a fitful creature your brother is. To-day I am cool and resolute. The scheme I abandoned in my retrospective visions of the night-time, is promising in the day-light. Ask an explanation of these hints when yov dee me. But my resolution is too new is not sufficiently seasoned, to bear me safely through the meetings I must undergo at your house. I never see Martha S - without a pang and a deadly struggle. I canno, meet her where I was wont in " lang syne," to see her fairer prototype Call une cowardly if you like. I acknowledge it. But the poor -vretcl 534 NEMESIS. who kftfl lived through ninety-nine tortures is no more willing to eiidort the hundredth than he was the first. Excuse me to your visitors as well as you can. Please say especially to Miss Rashleigh that I regret my inability to pay my respects to her at present. Your loving, but wayward brother, MALCOLM ARGYLL Katherine Rashleigh was proud as well as affectionate. The words that pierced her bosom like so many arrows, outraged a spirit that sprang to its arms. The heart that seemed bleeding its last from these wounds, was yet capable of anger so deep, indignation so rterer was in headlong haste. " Hallo ! who goes there ?'' hailed the free and easy yoath. 350 NEMESIS. " Ah 1" said Malcolm's voice. " I forgot you I" " 'Never miud me. Where are you going ?" " Home 1 that is to Ben Lomond." " In this flood I Are you distracted ? I don't believe you JJIB moss the creek. You will be swept away !" " No danger !" It was as if he had said, " No such good fortune 1" He came up the steps. " You meant to deal very kindly by me. Receive my thanks for your attention. Say what you like, in the parlor." The other nodded, sagaciously, " Depend upon me to keep my own counsel and make up a plausible tale. Take my oilskin coat and umbrella won't you ? You are as wet as a drowned rat already !" "There is the less reason for accepting your offer. Good night !" and he ran down in the direction of the stables. " Sh-sh-sh-ew 1" Mr. Armistead drew in his breath, with a hissing sound, expressive at once of sympathy and astonishment. "Poor fellow ! I know how it feels. But who would have thought it ? Does the girl hope to marry a live lord, or can she intend to throw herself away on Bancroft ? I would take her myself, rather than that should happen 1 Well, since the deed is done, there is no need of my mounting guard any longer in this damp box. Now, to cudgel my wits for an excuse for hifl French leave, that shall be as far off from the truth as conscience will let me go I" " He won't be here to-night, that's settled," said Miss Barbara, returning to her sitting-room, after the hundredth survey of the weather. " He has taken shelter somewhere maybe at Briar- wood. She ain't there, but young men in love have a mighty feankering after the gal's kinfolks. It's nat'ral." She rang the bell, and Tony presently showed his head at the outer door. " Bring in the stable kevs and lock up the house '' ordered Miss NEMESIS. 351 Barbara, and she began to clear away the plates and cups from round table set before a bright, tiny fire, which had heen kindled to " keep his supper warm." " Ain't not marster pretendin' to return to-night ?" inquired the body-servant. " He have not left any message of that specie with me." " Who but a drunkard or a crazy man would ride in this rain. if he could light upon a tobacco-barn, with half a roof on, you simpleton ?" demanded the housekeeper, tartly. " Sony to hear sech a melancholy import of my poor marster," said the pert fellow, assuming a rueful visage. " He must be mad or 'toxicated one for that am Sprightly'? hoof splashing down the road, if ever I heerd a horse gallop." " You don't say so !" Miss Barbara rushed to the door, then back again to the table ; replaced the tea-things, and seizing a turkey-wing, fanned the fire to a lively blaze by the time Malcolm entered drenched to the skin and pale as death. " Don't set down 1 do you want to ketch your death ?" cried Miss Barbara, as he threw himself upon the settee. " Walk up and down the room, as fast as ever you can, while I run for dry clothes." These brought, she jerked out a bunch of keys from her hand basket, and trotted off to the dining-room. While she stood at the side-board, mixing a glass of hot toddy, Tony appeared, with a request for a little brandy or whbky, to bathe Sprightly's legs. " Are you stark staring mad ?" Miss Barbara was aghast at his impertinence. "Not that I knows on, Miss Barbara ; but you was right when you said that marster was. Twould make the heart of a grindstone shod tears, to see that 'ere critter a-trernblin' like she'd drop, and a-perspiriu' with mud and larther. And he sot sc much store by her ! It's my compression he seen a sperrit 'tothoj 852 NEMESIS. side Qf the bridge Thar's been many a parson sot upon by the haunts in them those low-grounds." " Go to Guinea, with your ' haunts ' and your fine gran* mar !" snapped Miss Barbara, pouring out, a tumbler of whisky " Thar ! see that it goes upon Sprightly's legs and not into your throat 1" But what she had heard excited her alarm, and prepared her for the gloomy countenance she beheld, when she returned to the room where she had left Malcolm. With a failing heart and a cheerful look, the faithful foster-mother proffered her preventive cordial. " It's the best thing in nater for you I" she said, as he motioned it uvay. " Better drink it, my dear boy 1" He took the glass and sipped it. " And now, I'll have your hot coffee ready in a trice I" she pursued, stirring open the bed of coals. " I have been to supper." " Where at ?" " Montrouge." Miss Barbara's limbs gave way, and she dropped into a cfcair. Malcolm saw the consternation depicted in every line and wrinkle, and knew the direction of her fears. He was not altogether friendless. So lonely of spirit so bowed down was he then, :>hat he would not have spurned a dog that crept to his knee with eyes of pity and of love. He knelt down befo;^ \er tho homely and uncultivated woman whom others deemed a household drudge and hid his face in her lap. " It is all over, Aunt Bab I" She held his head close to her bosom, and her tears rained upon his hair. " My boy ! my poor boy ! what can I say to comfort you ? She touldu't have been worthy of you, dear, or she'd never have led N K M E 8 I S . Jr'i fou OD so far, ani then broken your heart. The time wiiT conit if the Lord ever punishes such cruel doiu's in this w rid when she'll weep and pray for the love she won't have now." " And /pray that she may never know a thousandth part of the misery she has cost me I" said Malcolm, rising. " She must not be blamed, Aunt Bab. She is innocent of intentional wrong- Her feeling for me was that of a child for an elderly friend. She would have saved me the pains of a dismissal, but like a blind fool I did not see what she was trying to do. I can tell yon nothing more. I am not worth these tears so dry them, if you love me 1 I have never caused any one else half the unhappinesa I have you, who have done everything for me." He kissed her cheek, and went off to his desolate chamber. The old nurse wept alone upon the hearthstone, far into the rainy night that had brought this great sorrow upon her darling mourned, in the singleness of her devotion, that he was a*ly hers that he, the joy of her life, the light of her aged eyes, I id not forgotten her in the raptures of a successful love that wouM have assigned tc her for evermore a subordinate place in his heu c and home. 354 ti E M E 8 I E CHAPTER XXV. MR. MORKAU rode over to Briarwood next day, to i after the welfare of his uncle, and to report Katherine's con- tinued health and happiness. The Colonel was out on the plan- tation, and his nephew joined him there, relieved that he was not to sit during his call, beneath the still grave eyes of his annfr-in- law, of whom he stood in far greater awe than of her more pre- tentiously dignified lord. The two gentlemen had a friendly ride and chat together , the elder, aphoristic and patronizing ; the younger, humbly teach- able. Every British innovation upon " crude American agri- culture," projected by the Colonel, was the acme of practical wisdom, and his " remarkable " dissertations upon soils, seeds and climates proved him to be a mammoth Encyclopaedia a prodigy of erudition. Mr. Moreau had never been so nearly co-heir with his cousin as when, their round completed, they stopped inside the great gate of the domain to exchange parting remarks. " And while I think of it," said Moreau, drawing nearer the old gentleman's ear, " you have transferred your accounts to Hammond, I hear." " I have." " And a very prudent measure it was !" said the nephew. " Not that 1 question Bancroft's integrity. The poor fellow has his enemies as one must have who is a strict collector the agent selected to do the disagreeable jobs which those who em- ploy him shirk themselves ; but I have no ground for branding him as slippery. Nevertheless, these are times that try men' 1 ? NEMESIS. 35ft Rouls, and each one of us must save himself if he can ; reversing the sense of the legal maxim, we must believe every man a rogue until he is proved to be honest. You could not have picked oul a sharper watch-dog than Hammond. He is my lawyer also And that reminds me that I have some business with him to-day Will you go over to see him with me ?' r " As I remarked, a while ago, I have an appointment at eleven o'clock with the builder, who is to put up the new wing," replied the Colonel, " or I would accompany you with pleasure." " Ah I I had forgotten ! I am very sorry to be obliged to take the ride alone, when, but for that unfortunate engagement, I might have had so delightful a companion. Have you any message for Hammond ?" " None or, you may ask how he is progressing with my business, and whether he has detected any errors in the bills. Between ourselves, Robert, I have not the implicit confidence hi Sancroft which you express." " I may be excused for trusting an old acquaintance," said Mr. Moreau, heroically. " I should have been culpable indeed to have confided your interests, so much more precious than my own, to him, had my belief in his honesty ever wavered " " Certainly, my boy 1" The rare and kind phrase made Moreau's heart leap with joy. " You did everything for the best. Never doubt that I keep this in mind. But, as you have said, these are tunes that imperatively demand precautionary measures. I hope that you are right altogether right, with regard to your agent. f am growing old, and it may be, timorous." " Do not shame me by apologies, my dear sir ! I repeat, your action was judicious eminently judicious ! I am, then, to gee how Hammond is working and hurry him a little if he il dragging things along at the snail pace he chooses sometimes ?" " By all means, expedite the affair, if you can. Nothing dij> pleases me more than dilutoriuess in business." 356 NEMESIS. " Hammond is apt to be surly, if interfered with. I do not care to appear to pick a quarrel. Do you object to giving me a line that shall certify to my authority to make what investigations I may think best ?" " The word of a gentleman should be enough 1" returned ihi Colonel, loftily. Moreau shrugged his shoulders. " Hammond boasts of know- ing no castes or rank in his profession. But I can assert my rights to any one attorney or gentleman. Good morning, sir. My respects to the ladies I" " Stay 1" The Colonel pencilled something upon a leaf of his pocket-book, and tearing it out, folded it into the form of a note. " It is unnecessary to have any words about a trifle. Give this to Mr. Hammond from me. Say to Katherine that we are well, and glad that she is enjoying herself. I shall meet her at church on the Sabbath." The thought of her absence, although he missed her more than he would have done the sunshine, was not the drawback to his complacency, as he mounted the hill upon which his house was situated. As his head recovered from the intoxicating fumes of the flattery his nephew had administered, he awoke to the con- sciousness of an imprudent action, or, at best, one whose expe- diency his clear-sighted wife would question. Slow to receive impressions, he was exceedingly tenacious of an idea when it was adopted, and his distrust of Bancroft was ineradicable. He believed that to this prejudice was to be ascribed the doubt he felt as to the propriety of countenancing Moreau's surveillance of the business, so lately taken from the agent of his choice. In reality, the discomfort was the stirring life within a seed dropped by his nome-counsellor casually, it seemed a little while before, a sh'ght slur upon the stability, the moral courage and business Salent of the plausible nephew. . "But," said tbc Colonel to himself, "what harm can arise N E Ji Ee i d. 357 from this trifling indiscretion if I am to consider it as such ? Robert is strongly attached to me, and his intentions are good, however faulty his judgment may be." And thus comforting himself, he determined to refrain from any mention of the verbal and written authority he had granted vo one who did not enjoy Mrs. Rashleigh's full confidence. *' Oh !" remonstrates a wedded Phillis. " Is this the man you have heretofore held up to us, as a model of conjugal devotion ? who loved and trusted his wife, and relied upon her advice more than upon that of any other person ? Here is one of the ' improbabilities ' spoken of in your ' Introduction !' I should die of grief if I believed that my Corydon could so insult me by a partial confidence. I thank my stars that his every thought ia mine ; that he throws open his heart to me, to enter as I will. There ace no Bluebeard chambers there." Dear and respected Mrs. Phillis I if all the now happy wives who are insulted in this manner, were to resolve with you, and carry out your fine resolution, not to survive their disgrace, what rapid fortunes would be realized by those benefactors to the sex masculine, who provide ready-made mourning-suits at the shortest possible notice 1 What belles would Anastasia, and Sappho, and Chloe immediately become ! the lorn and single fair who have cast such longing, hopeless glances upon your connubial estate 1 In your orisons to the stars that have succeeded so well in the merciful task of blinding your eyes, forget not to mingle thanks- givings for the want of knowledge, which is bliss, with your grateful acknowledgments for blessings received and seen. If all the contented Fatimas in our laud were to stumble upon their respective Bluebeards' chambers some bright morning, the " Sister Annes" upon the house-tops would rival in number the chimney-stacks. We have seen, for example, the uxorious uncle and the her peaked nephew pursuing their divergent ways, each pondering np HI 358 N E M E B I B . his scheme for hoodwinking his " second self,'- the " partnei 1 3f his inmost thoughts," the Lady High Keeper o.' his soul's archives, and neither beset by misgivings about the invisibility and durability of the trap-doors that masked their secret closets. Yet, when the day of destiny arrives, and the rust-eaten bolt, or the brittle bar gives way under Phillis' fairy foot-fall, to her horror and Corydon's confusion, nobody pities either, for ho ought to have foreseen it, and so ought she. Mr. Hammond happened to be engaged in examining Colonel Rashleigh's books, and making memoranda of letters to be penned concerning the same, when Mr. Moreau was shown into his office. The lawyer deciphered the Colonel's pencilled note, and knit his brows musingly. The language was polite, and con- conveyed a simple request that Mr. Hammond would acquaint Mr. Moreau with the progress he had made in the settlement of Colonel Rashleigh's accounts but the cui bono? directly pre- sented itself to the legal man. After a vain attempt to ferret out something mysterious or mischievous in this selection of a coadjutor in his work, he concluded that the Colonel was odd, and moreover affectionately ignorant of his nephew's mental deficiencies, and, lastly, that it was not of the slightest conse- quence to him who looked over the papers with him. At this point, Mr. Moreau spoke up, in an off-hand way. " To tell the truth, Hammond, the whole thing is a bore to me ; but the old gentleman couldn't come over himself, and gave me the appointment unasked. So, I will just hear what you have to say, and tumble ovei the papers awhile, and make a note here and there, lest I should forget all I have learned before I tret back to Briarwood. He is amazingly particular, the Colonel is ! and a fellow, all odds arid ends, like myself, has to be pei> petually on his guard, through fear of damaging his prospects you understand ?" Mr. Hammond thought that he must indeed be in a stupid NEMESIS. 359 oiood, when he could not unriddle this shallow-pate, and the two seated themselves with the books and pile of bills between them. Mr. Hammond bestowed an item or two of information, to the effect, that he was getting along as well as he had expected, and that, thus far, all was correct, and then fell to work. Mr. Moreau's style of proceeding verified his predescription. Ha rustled papers ; glanced down and up columns of figures with a celerity incompatible with calculation, or even attentive reading, and made irregular, and seemingly cursory references to his note- book. " By George ! it is a precious farce, and I am sick of it 1" ho yawned, at length, stretching himself in his chair. " I reckon that I have done my duty by my revered uncle, and profited long enough by your instructions, Hammond. I had rather talk about cattle and crops all day, than about law for half an hour." " I take some interest in those subjects myself," returned the lawyer. " If you desire proof, just cast your eye through that window upon that field of corn." " That is your brag rare-ripe isn't it ? I have heard wonder fal things cf it. But what are those ? Tour neighbor's cows or w our ovm are making free with it in advance of the season." Mr. Hammond gave a look and ran to the door. A shout orought up all the little negroes on the place, and many of the ^omen, the men being mostly absent at their farm-work. Directed by their master, a crew of Eboe juveniles and five or six doga scampered off to execute justice upon the depredating herd, who were trampling and feasting upon the choice grain. After a deal of superfluous noise and labor, the field was cleared of invaders j tlie broken panel of fence, which had afforded ingress, mended, and Mr. Hammond calmed down gradually. " I do not think they have done much damage," remarked Mr, Moreau, who had followed the owner of the crop to the seat of war. " It is lucky you discovered it when you did." NEMESIS. " It will be very unlucky for the rascal who pulled that fence down, if ever I catch him at his tricks 1" said the other. " It is not the only tune I have been served in this way, and I have my eye upon the villain." " Who is it ?" asked Mr. Moreau, switching down a mullen- italk with his horsewhip. " That free negro up the road, whose brothe'r I helped to the Penitentiary last spring. He will keep him company there before long, if he is not very careful." " And serve him right !" answered Mr. Moreau. He stopped to unfasten his horse from the rack by the gate. " Stay to dinner won't you ?" invited the host. " Thank you ! I would be glad to do so, only I left a house- ful of company at home. Come over some time this week, and see us. There are several pretty girls with us, if you have not lost your taste for beauty." " Not I ! so my wife compliments me by saying," laughed Mr. Hammond. " He has a kind heart, but a very poor head-piece," he observed, as his neighbor cantered away. " However, he did not make himself." His charitable reflections were suspended by the sight that met him in his office. Both doors had been left open, and the draught thus created, was strong enough to blow most of the papers off the table, and, for aught he knew, some of them into the yard. He was not addicted to profanity, but it was as well for his repu. tation as a man of decorous speech, that there were no eavect- droppers to report the ejaculations and grumblings with which ho pursued the scattered documents. The day was sunny, but not fiercely hot, like its predeces-or w.d when her companions betook themselves to their novels and couches, at mid-day, Katherine donned her sun-bonnet and stok out of the house, through the garden, and across a strip of meadow into the forest. There, freed from the scrutiny of curious eyes 1ST E M E 6 1 f . 361 she sat down upon a fragment of rock at the toot of a pine, ana wept in utter wretchedness of spirit. She felt like a lonely child, in the dark, reaching vainly on all sides for something that might comfort or tell her where she was. However rudely the tempests of life may buffet the bark of the young voyager ; however blackly the skies of Fate may lower if but the anchor of faith in the thing beloved hold firm, it ridea the storm with hopeful courage within. Tear this anchor away, and earth has not a more reckless and pitiable waif than that once trustful heart. With Katherine, the heat of anger was gone. The reflection that she was the intended victim Malcolm would have offered to exorcise the ghost of his unhappy love ; that the heart, which, in its freshness and plenitude of emotion, was worthy to be a king's ransom, was to buy for him a negative hap- piness cheat him of regrets for the past make of a restless, a " calm " existence ; that this was his " scheme," in which no account was made of her wasted life and deceived affectiou ; all this, while it made her heart the sorer, could not rekindle the. flame of resentment. She had trusted and been mistaken it was her willful mistake. She loved and was not loved again. She must bear the penalty of her indiscretion as bhe could, until time blunted the sense of suffering, that now appeared intolerable. She would go back home to her old father, who loved her in his way; to the mother, whose ceaseless care she was; to the patient, indulgent governess, who never thought or spoke unkindly of her and try to do her duty faithfully to them ; to be content with the peaceful monotony of the life they led, since she was to have no other. "But," she sobbed, in girlish abandonment, " I did to long to be loved once ! to know the bliss of it, if but for one moment ! I think I could have died happily then 1" An opening in the underbrush, growing thickly about her, ihowed her that she was near the edge of the woodland, and half Jfi 362 N K M E 8 I b . n mile beyond, arose the dark walls aud peaked gables of Ben Lomond. Between it arid her, was the cedar grove, shadowing the burial-ground. In the abject prostration of her disappoint- meat, she thought of a resting-place there, as the dearest home the world had now to give to its bereaved child. Through tliia break in the bushes was likewise visible the high road, and her proximity to it was made known to her by the sound of a horse's feet. Her instant idea was of the last person by whom ske would wish to be discovered, and she crouched to the very ground, lest the rider, from his elevated position, should look over the tops of tne brushwood into her retreat. Still, between the leaves, sh could catch glimpses of the passers-by, for the horseman was not solitary, as she soon learned from hearing voices in conversation.. She recognized Mr. Sancroft's laugh before he came in sight, His companion was Mr. Moreau, his face as set and gloomy as Sancroft's was full of triumph, that had in it a spice of the satanic. They were walking their horses, and some phrases of their talk came to her ear, with startling distinctness, so stil. and clear was the air. " I have lied and stolen for you ! You will have me commit murder next 1" said Mr. Moreau. " I feel as mean as a sheep- stealing dog." " Tut, man! You ought to be vain of your clever job ! 1 did it out of natural affection you know. Couldn't let the old foy fall into the trap he had set for himself in those documents. How Hammond stormed at the cows and the negroes !" Another laugh that sounded fiendish in its glee, to the sorrow- ing girl, and they were out of hearing.- She recollected it, when an hour afterward her smirking admirer brought into play all his arts of pleasing, and compli- mented her upon her uniform flow of spirits " a perennial fount," he was pleased to say, " that never required a forcing" pump." N K M K 8 I 8 . 363 Mr. Moreau did not appear in the drawin^-^oom after dinner. Katherine asked where he was, and his wife replied that he was lying down. " He had a headache, brought on by riding too far in the sun." As the girls were undressing that night, Katherine noticed a peculiar meaning in the faces of the others, when the host's name was mentioned, but did not inquire its significance. An incautiously loud whisper from the opposite bed, after they had retired, enlightened her as to the mystery. " I met him, as they were carrying him to his room," said Jenny Armistead. " He was too drunk to walk or stand. And Mrs. Moreau rras to angry V NEMEB1B. CHAPTER XXVI. IHE Sabbath dawned like a foretaste of the upper Paradise There had been another thunder shower on Saturday, and tht yellowing trees and browning fields were refreshed into almost vernal greenness. The streams were edged with the golden-rod, and the meadows gay with purple brush and white wild fennel and radiant coreopsis. The hickory's signal banner of pale yellow and the red beacons of the gum-tree and maple, still, like faithful warders, proclaimed the approaching invasion of the Frost King ; but their alarms were displayed to inattentive eyes. The Moreaus parted, to-day, with most of their visitors. Only Elizabeth Hunter was to remain with them, and her brother would come on the morrow, to take her away. " We have had a pleasant, bat an unprofitable week," said Jenny Armistead, on their way to church. " By right, we should have realized an offer apiece, and not one of us has had a chance to say, ' No !' " " Or, Yes 1" said Katherine, for she saw Mr. Armistead's eye flash quickly toward her, and understood intuitively, that he had gained some knowledge of the real state of the case with one )f the quartette. He rode by the side of the carriage, and was the only gentle man within hearing of his saucy sister. " Nobody minds Alick !" she replied to an admonitory look from Elizabeth Hunter, who?e heart had not escaped uninjured frottf the week's association with the handsome and sprightly brother NEMESIS. 365 " You do not, at all events!" he rejoined. "It is not just that I should bear all the blame, and my fellow-delinquents go un whipped. Sancroft, Blanton ! Do you hear the complaint ome stern resolution, before the rigid linefc relaxed, and a beam of compassionate love, that was akin to angelic pity, illumined her features. She bent to kiss the brow of the sleepec Light as was the touch, Katherine awoke with a sobbing gasp and sat upright. " Ma/nrna ! is it you ? Am I at home ?" " Yes, my daughter." " May I stay here always, please, mamma ?" " Until you choose to go," answered Mrs. Rashleigh, without noticing her incoherency. " Mr. Laidley is downstairs, and I thought you would like to meet him. Have you had a refreshing sleep ?" " Yes, madam !" Katherme sighed wearily, as she arose to perform the dntiee of her toilet. " I am not lazy only tired 1" she said, in excuse. " Dissipa- tion does not suit me." '' You need have no more, unless you like to make a second experiment. I had my doubts as to the wisdom of this one, but your father and cousins were so strenuous in their desire, that I could not refuse them." " My cousins were kind to me so were their visitors. They treated me with great attention. It was nobody's fault but my own that I did not have a happier tune." " Are you wide awake and strong enough to answer some questions pertaining to this visit, or more properly speaking, to Borne of the persons whom you met at Montrouge ?" " Yes, madam." But Katherine's knees trembled, and sna leaned all her weight against the dressing-table. " My catechism does not relate to yourself, nor am I ready to tell you exactly why my inquiries are made. You have quick eyes and a thoughtful mind. Did anything transpire while you were at Mr. Moreau's to induce you to suspect that Mr, Saucroft >74 NEMESIS. nad an undue influence over your cousin, and that he exerted this to accomplish his own ends ? Take your time, and think well, whether any circumstance, overlooked at the moment it occurred, would bear this construction." Katherine reverted instantly to the conversation she had acci dectally heard in the woods on the third day of her visit, and she narrated the incident. A triumphant flash shot from Mrs. Rashleigh's eyes. " This is more than I could have hoped for 1 You are positive that you have repeated their very words 1 Stay 1" She took paper and pencil from a desk. " Say them over again very carefully while I write " In utter amazement, her daughter obeyed. The few sentences were noted down, and with the paper in her hand, Mrs. Rashleigh arose. " You are too discreet to be treated as a child, Katherine. 1 may say to you that I have no respect for Mr. Sancroft or his father, and that I have discovered what your father does not see, the unbounded power of the younger man over Mr. Moreau's weaker mind. This can tend only to mischief, but, while I can do nothing to avert it, if I would, it is well to be sure with whom the evil originated. This is all you need or ought to know, at present. Say nothing to any one of what you have repeated to me. I am now going down to the parlor. Shall I send your maid to you ?" Mr. Laidley sat in the stateliest of the state-chairs in the dark- green drawing-room, listening, with his open, pleasant counte- nance, to the Colonel's exposition of the tenets and prejudices to which he, as a staunch churchman, subscribed ; his eye glancing occasionally from his host, to the fret-work of gold the declining sun cast through the trees and the windows, high upon the east- ern wall of the apartment, when a slight figure appeared in the doorway, leading into the hall. So white of raiment and con* plexion was it so noiseless of motion, that the good man sprang NEMESIS. 373 op from Ms chair with more suddenness than mere gallantrj required. Colonel llashleigh introduced his daughter ; she courtesied and withdrew to a seat, but Mr. Laidley's eyes still sought her, iv thoughtful inquiry. Its purport was made manifest, after a while. " Excuse me, Miss Rashleigh ! but your countenance is so fa- miliar to me I must believe that I have seen you before I could say in less happy circumstances than those in which I now find you." " I had the pleasure of an introduction to you last May, at the Presbyterial meeting," replied Katherine, blushing deeply. " Ah 1 I have some recollection of it. Mrs. Moreau was with you, if I mistake not." " She was, sir." " I knew your face for that of an acquaintance, in the congre- gation this forenoon, but could not name the place or period of our meeting. Can that be the only interview we have ever had ?" " I am ignorant of any other, sir." " I am growing old sight and memory are failing together 1" said Mr. Laidley, putting his hand to his forehead. " I used to pride myself upon my accurate remembrance of features and names. Now, instead of a clear mirror, there is a blurred, treach- erous surface, that confuses, more than it aids me. Whence, for instance, should I derive the impression that I have seen and talked with you in a more humble sphere than that hi which you were born, had spoken words of consolation to you, in the cham- ber of the dying ?" " I cannot tell, indeed, sir I" replied Katherine, with a shiver. Interested, despite her engrossing sadness, she continued : " I am often troubled with like unaccountable fancies have an incorri gible habit an unconquerable faculty of recollecting events Ihal v..-vcr happened that is, in niy present state of existence. I >iu 376 NEMESIS. disposed, sometimes, to belieFe that I have Ivred in this vroml before I entered the body I wear now my imaginations of per Bons arid scenes I can never have beheld with these eyes, are so vivid and consistent far more so than any dream-pictures." " Such speculations are very tempting. We have all a rein of superstition which craves the marvellous. Yet, I doubt not that hese fancies of ours, could, if we had the clue, be traced if not to dreams and stories heard and read to actual events in our experience, partly forgotten or blended with others." " If I may be permitted to offer so simple a solution of the mournful associations you have connected with Miss Rashleigh," ventured Mrs. Holt, " I would remind you, Mr. Laidley, that you met her twice on the day of your introduction, and the second time, in the immediate vicinity of a grave. I allude to that on the hill in the rear of the church." " Is it indeed so ? I had forgotten the encounter, although I remember the visit. I had never been there before. May I in- quire, Miss Rashleigh, if you were drawn to that spot by any special interest in him whose remains are there entombed ?" " I was not, sir. The discovery of the grave was wholly accidental, and until I read the name upon the headstone, I had no knowledge of the deceased." " You have learned his history since then ?" Katherine paused, but mastering her reluctance to near a theme which could not be otherwise than excessively painful to her, she replied : " Only that he was a friend of Mr. Argyle's." " From whom did you hear thus much, if it is not an imperti- nent question?" " From Mr. Argyle himself. I have never questioned any oal else." " And his modesty would not have allowed him \o tell you a story that reflects such honor upon himself, if there were no otbui reasons why IK. should avoid the topic." NEMESIS. 371 " I have noted this extreme modesty in Mr. Argyle's character ft is a remarkable trait," said the Colonel. " Nothing displeases me more in the rising generation of young men than their inordi- nate self-esteem." " There never was an ignoble trait in Malcolm Argyle's dispo- sition," returned Mr. Laidley. "I have known him from his boyhood ; from his babyhood, I may say, for I baptized him as his mother held him in her arms. Many and hard things have been said concerning the unsocial habits of the man, but he is far more sinned against than sinning. Sensitive and honorable to a fault ; fervent and stable in his attachments, it is no wonder that certain events in his past life have left indelible traces upon hia heart and manner." Dusk came early in that room, and Katherine blessed the gathering shades that veiled her changing cheek and quivering frame from the sight of the other auditors. Mrs. Holt maintained her ladylike attitude of respectful attention ; Mrs. Rashleigh leaned back in her chair, taciturn and statuesque. It was impossible to say whether she listened or mused or slept. " Ah I" said the Colonel, politely, but sleepily. The governess, reminded by his tone that it was the hour of hw evening nap, came to the rescue. " He has had trying bereavements, then, sir ? Of what nature, pray ?" " With some I am acquainted only by heresay, of others I am not at liberty to speak. But since you, madam, have referred to the circumstance of meeting him and myself at that lonely grave, 1 may give the outlines of a story that has cast a permanent gloom OTer a spirit, as tender as buoyant. The ' friend ' buried there was a poor shoemaker, who settled just without the bounds of the Argyle plantation. He possessed unusual attainments for hia station ; had a sound education and the manners of a thorough gentleman Withal, he was a man of sincere piety, as I had ey 878 N E M E 8 I 8 . cellent opportunities of knowing. Young Argyle conceived AH ardent friendship for his lowly neighbor, even prior to an accident which made him an invalid resident of his house for many weeks. After this, he regarded him as the saviour of his life, and spared no pains to secure him a lucrative business and a competency of worldly goods. Then Argyle went abroad, and how it happened I have never rightly understood, but through a series of unfortu- nate misunderstandings, an estrangement grew up between the tenant, Hale, and the senior Argyle, his landlord. While this was at its height, Hale was laid low with a lingering disease, and reduced to extreme poverty. The sequel of the sad affair was that he was arrested at the suit of Mr. Argyle, or his agent, for the real creditor always denied any knowledge of the harsh mea- cures of his deputy ; his goods seized and himself imprisoned. The exposure and excitement aggravated his malady, and he died within three days after his removal." " Such barbarity seems incredible 1" exclaimed Katherme. " As do many other things of daily occurrence among civilized men !" replied Mr. Laidley. " I chanced to stop at the Court House Tavern the night Hale died, and hearing of bis case and who he was, remembered him as one who had once given me shelter in a storm, and won my respect and good will by his intel- ligent conversation and kind hospitality. I visited him, and find- ing him very near his end, remained until all was over. Such Christian courage and faith I have seldom had the privilege of beholding. He left a wife, a very pretty young woman, who was deeply attached to him, and one chi'd, perhaps more I remember only one. They were provided by the charitable neighbors with funds to enable them to reach their relations, and I have never heard of them since. Meanwhile Argyle was profoundly ignorant of the misfortunes of his proteges. By a cruel mischance, or more truly speaking, a mysterious Providence, he never received cither of the two letters written to him on the subject by one whom he had NEMESIS. 379 commissioned to watch over his friends during his absence ; the ol jtance had no precedent. Mr. Hammond thought that more than probable. He had fumself been confounded by the number of errors and the amounts involved. It was an incomprehensible affair. Mr. Sancroft might be excused, if with all his respect for Mr. Hammond's ski!] in his profession and unquestionable veracity as NEMESIS. 38 7 A gentleman, he yet declined to believe in the extraordinary list of errata, without personal and minute examination of the original papers. Mr. Hammond rejoined that the original papers had never been transferred to him. Mr. Bancroft, Senior, had only supplied him with bills drawn up in his own handwriting. The accounts from which these were compiled were, many of them, as he had beec given to understand, informal statements, embodied in letters from illiterate men. Mr. Sancroft had had considerable difficulty in deciphering them, and to spare Colonel Rashleigh the trouble, he had taken pains to copy them out fairly and number them, besides entering their several amounts on his account-book. Said bills, when paid by Colonel Rashleigh, were to have offsets in the shape of receipts from their several authors. Mr. Sancroft had undoubtedly taken unusual, and he might add, superfluous trouble, in simplifying and arranging these papers. Superfluous, since he (Mr. Hammond) had deemed it proper to waive these consider- ate endeavors to elucidate matters for Colonel Rashleigh's conve nience, and returning to first principles, had applied to the debtors f or duplicate bills, over their own signatures. Colonel Rashleigh, although an Englishman, was yet competent to the management of an ordinary transaction of buying and selling. The straightest course was generally the safest in the long run. Saucroft winced at this gratuitous moral adage. " You do not object, however, Mr. Hammond, to my seeing these bills, as made out in my father's hand ?" " You will find exact copies of them, here, sir." Mr. Ham- mond took down an account-book. " These are in your writing, sir ; I asked for the originals." " I repeat, Mr. Sancroft, that your father never surrendered the originals to my client or myself." " May I inquire, Mr. Hammond, why you denominate Colonel your ' client ?' You are not serious in your threat 388 N E M E 8 I a . of a suit upon such ground as is supplied by these twice-copied bills ?" " J propose, sir, in the beginning to obtain from your fathei the original letters, which he, with singular carelessness for a mac of his exact habits, has, he declares, mislaid. The case will then rest upon a comparison of these with the bills exhibited to Colo- nel Rashleigh by Mr. Bancroft, Senior." " But you cannot produce them, you know I" burst out Mr. Moreau. " You forget that they are lost. Allow me to say, Mr. Hammond, that other men are as careless as Mr. Saner oft !" " May I ask, Mr. Moreau, from whom you gained the information of my negligence and consequent loss ?" said Mr. Hammond, coolly. Sancroft detected the transient, intense gleam of satisfaction in the lawyer's eye at this outrageous blunder of the officious confederate. For himself, he was livid with rage, and his glower- ing looks awoke Moreau to a sense of his indiscretion. In fright and haste, he had no thought except to mend one falsehood by another. " I was under that impression," he stammered. " Indeed, I am wure that I have heard some such thing. Oh ! I remember ! It was my uncle, Colonel Rashleigh, who signified as much to rue." " That is remarkable, since Colonel Rashleigh never had an) intimation to that effect from me," returned Mr. Hammond, verj gravely. " How he could have conceived of such an occurrence is inexplicable." " It was some one of the family, if it was not he." Moreau stumbled on worse than ever, for Sancroft's iron heel was upon his foot under the table, and he was too blind with folly and alarm to comprehend its injunction to silence. ' If not lost, then, Mr. Hammond," Sancroft interposed between the unequally-matched opponents, " will you have the gooduesi to bring them forward ?'' " Those are exact copies ae I have already sai 1, sir " NEMESIS. 389 " I have only your word for that !" " And I only your father's for the authenticity of the docu aieuts with which he furnished me. Keep yonr temper, Mr. Sai> croft. It is not very easy to provoke me to a quarrei. vheij there is nothing to be gained by flying into a passion, if I do ' *torm at the cows and negroes' when my corn-field is invaded." Moreau's lips took a bluish tint, and his associate turned svarlet. " What relevance has that to this subject ?" he inquired, in a bullying tone, to hide his trepidation. " That remains to be proved. To cut short digressions what does your father propose to do In his unpleasant dilemma, Mr. Bancroft ? The creditors of Colonel Rashleigh, from whom I have received duplicate bills, are ready to attest upon oath that these are literal transcripts of those formerly sent to Mr. Sancroft. Colonel Rashleigh will testify that Mr. Sancroft assured me in his presence that his formal accounts were prepared with the utmost accuracy from those which he received. How are the palpable discrepancies in the two sets of papers to be reconciled ? Mr. Moreau alleges upon what grounds he has not yet stated dis- tinctly that I have lost the documents drawn up by your father. Granting this to be true, I flatter myself that my copies will go as far, upon oath of their correctness, as those of Mr. Sancroft, Senior, especially when mine are supported by copious memoranda, made on the night of the transfer, under Colonel Rashleigh's eyes, Nevertheless, I would advise, to avoid this complicated and deli- cate view of the matter, that he take his stand upon what / call the original documents. If they are lost, they may be traced ; if mislaid, a careful search must bring them to light. If I were in his place, I would leave no stone unturned to discover manu- script.? so important. The loss of a small bit of written paper 1st oilengines a fruitful source of great evils, Mr. Moreau/' He wheeled his chair so a? to confront the conscious thief. 390 N E M E 8 I S v whose grimace, in attempting an easy smile, was amusing, yet pitiable. " S-s-so I suppo-o-se !" he said, shiveringly. " You feel the draught from that window, Mr. Moreau. I will close it. Draughts are inconvenient things, particularly whex 1 there are loose papers about. And speaking of loose papers, recalls to me an incident in the legal practice of a friend of mine, that may interest you, gentlemen. My friend, Thompson, had in his possession and under examination, certain documents which, ii made public, would have seriously affected the reputation of a man who stood well in the community. This man, whom we will call Jones, consulted with his nephew and a comrade of his Smith if you please to style him as to ways and means for pur loining said papers. This strategem was agreed upon : at a given time, Smith, as a disinterested visitor to Thompson, entered his office and contrived a pretext to finger his papers. The younger Jones was too much of a gentleman to carry out hi? scheme in person therefore, he offered a bribe of considerable amonnt to a trifling fellow, who was skulking along the road such a worthless chap as Bully Bob, Mr. Moreau, who assaulted your respected uncle, last summer. He bribed this fellow as I was saying, to pull down a panel of the fence that surrounded Thompson's wheat field, and drive in upon the choice spring grain & herd of cattle from a neighboring pasture. It was a cunning thing, for, you see, the agent was not apt to tell of his own mis- deeds. The trick succeeded to a charm. Out rushed Thompson, in a fnry very much as I did, when a similar accident happened to my corn one day, when you were by, Mr. Moreau. It was a vei j ludicrous scene, I can assure you, Mr. Sancroft. Out rushed Thomp- son, then, and Smith quietly secured the desired documents, left doors and windows open, and followed Thompson so quickly, h did not observe that he had not accompanied him. The fielo was cleared ; Smith offered his congratulations and departec- N E M E S I 8 . 391 nu CUompson, returning to his office, found everything pell-mell; papers cutting all manner of capers, and the leaves of books flut- tering like aspens in the draught. When the truants were col- lected, Thompson discovered his loss, and without delay went to communicate the circumstance to the owner of the missing coi respondence. He was not at home ; but his wife, a woman ol strong, acute intellect, was, and listened to his story witli profound attention. When it was through, she said : ' There is a wheel within a wheel. The wind is not the thief. Say nothing of this affair, even to my husband, at present. We shall find out the truth, in time.' " Thompson obeyed to the letter. He did not divulge his sus picions to his own wife : and, vrould you believe it ? in less than a fortnight, they had proof of all they wanted to know. First, came to light the actor hi removing the fence quite unex- pectedly for Thompson had his eye upon a different person altogether. The next step was the evidence of bribery, which the culprit offered eagerly, to screen himself, and then hi the very nick of time, Providence, or luck, sent along an unexceptionable witness, who certified to overhearing part of a conversation between the accomplices, Smith and Jones, as they rejoiced over their booty, on their way home. In fact, it made out the pretti- est case of conspiracy and robbery you ever heard of. How very ill you look, Mr. Moreau 1 Let me get something for you. A glass of brandy-and-water is excellent for sudden faintness." " I would be obliged to you. I do feel very sickl" murmured Sloreau. * ; ' And I have been tiring you with my stupid yarn 1 How very Inconsiderate ! I will step into the house and be back directly." He left the office, and Moreau stared helplessly at his accom- plice. " Sancroft, we are ruined 1" " And you have only your meddling stupidity to thank for itf* was the gloomy rejoinder. 392 NEMESIS. 'But can you do nothing?" entreated Moreau, who had a childish confidence in his companion's talents for suoterfuge. " Of course I can. Nobody but a cowardly blockhead givp? up a battle before it is fought. With all his cock-and-bull story, I don't believe he can prove the half of what he says. At all events, I will let him try it. Two can play at that game." Accordingly, while Mr. Moreau sipped, and finally swallowed the entire contents of the tumbler Mr. Hammond had mixed to relieve his faintness, Mr. Sancroft stated his intention, on the part of his father, to consider further the matter in hand, and to inform him of their conclusion in the course of a week or ten days. It was his own conviction that his father would insist upon bringing the case into court. It was a novel one, and would involve a vast deal of expense and trouble, but these were not to be thought of a moment, in comparison with the good name of a man who was now, in his old age, arraigned for the first time for fraud. He asked for one favor only at the hands of his accuser that the affair should be kept as quiet as possible, until publica- tion was made necessary, in order to carry out the requisite legal proceedings. Mr. Hammond attended them to the door, and as Moreau was passing out last, still pale and scared, the lawyer checked him with " A word with you, if you please, Mr. Moreau ! Mr. Sancroft will excuse us for a moment." Reluctant though Sancroft was to leave his indiscreet victim in the power of such a master of the arts of cross-examination and spying out a guilty secret and loath as Moreau looked and felt tu endure the ordeal, neither had any objection ready. While Sancroft sullenly untied his horse and pretended to busy himself with, tightening the girth and rebuckling the bridle, Mr. Ham- raoncl withdrew the downcast culprit into the office, and instead of charging home his offence upon him, as he expected, accosted him mildly. NEMESIS. 393 ' To you, Mr. Moreau, I would offer a little unprofessional advice. Whether or not the Messrs. Sancroft will push matters to extremity, and thereby blast their reputations irretrievably, 1 cannot say. My surmise is that they will make the experiment I do not inquire if you are implicated in any manner in this attempted fraud " " I never knew a word of it until after the mischief was done I" was Moreau's vehement asseveration. " I prefer that you should not answer me quite yet, if you please. This caution is meant kindly, for you are laboring under excitement and might make imprudent admissions. I was about to remark that although probable, it is not a certainty, that should the case be tried, your name will be introduced. Your uncle has no idea that you have any knowledge of the fraud or its peculiar attendant circumstances. You cannot mistake my weaning. Jsor is it expedient that he should be informed of any of these unpleasant circumstances until our plans are more nearly matured. Therefore, your wisest course is to remain silent and passive. Should the worst come, it will still appear that more confidants would only have accelerated exposure." " But Mrs. Kashleigh ! my uncle's wife 1 I thought you said that she knew everything 1" " Mr. Moreau 1 Mr. Moreau ! your are forgetting my warn- mg! Mrs. Rashleigh's name has not been mentioned in the whole conversation." " You meant her ! you know you did 1 Where's the use of denying it ? Oh, Mr. Hammond ! I am the most miserable man alive ! I wish I hud blown my brains out, twelve months ago. I have been living longer than that with a sword hanging ovef my head. I wish it would fall and cut me in two tor then would be an end of it !" He dropped his head on the back of a chair and sol, bed oufr right in his weak despair. IT* S94 N H M E 8 I B . " I am sorry for you, Mr. Moreau ! upon my word I am P said the lawyer, honestly, while he despised the wretched dupe of his own passions and another's cunning. You have listened too credulously to evil counsellors ; have obeyed them too faith fully." " How could I help it ? They have me completely in their power just as much as if 1 were chained hand and foot." " I would break the chains and take the consequences, let them be ever so severe. You may wonder at hearing such a sentiment from one of my profession, but I am daily becoming more tho- roughly convinced that an honest course is the only one that can be truly termed politic." " Yet you advise me against it I" " Not 1 1 I have not recommended equivocation, only reserve I am detaining you, and I see that Mr. Sancroft is growing impatient. I beg your pardon for the liberty I have taken. If I could aid you in this uncomfortable affair I would do so ; bul I can see no better plan of action for you to adopt than a prudent silence." " What did he say to you ?" demanded Sancroft, peremptorily, as they put their horses in motion. " What you are eternally telling me to learn to hold my tongue 1" answered the other crossly, with very similar feelings to those we may imagine a worm to experience when he turns under *he careless or wanton foot. ' " Was that all ?" '"He said that even if you and your father saw fit to stand the suit, and meet the disgrace that would attend it, I had better keep rtill." " Which means "hat your uncle prefers not to damage his nephew's reputation if he can ruin us without 1 Very natural 1 but we will see whether that is practicable. However, you maj is well follow his advice for some time to come. If there is anj K E M E 8 I . 39& ia th Katherme's tender hoart, if il had never moved for him before. NEMESIS. 403 There was a profound silence. The curling shreds of citron fel! regularly into the dish, until the last piece was cut, and Katherine asked what she could do next. " The currants are to be washed, but it is dirty work, and 1 can't let you do it." " I can weigh your sugar and flour. How much of each !" said Katherine, catching up the scales. Miss I^aiicy gave the direction required, and, convinced that her shafts had not hit the mark, took a nearer stand and more direct aim. " Whatever sent Mr. Argyle out West or South, or wliereve/ 'tis he's gone do you know, Miss Katherine ?" "The desire to travel, I imagine." " Barbary is mightily cut up about it. She hoped to have him near her always, and now, she thinks there is no telling whether he'll ever settle down again. I heard the other day, he had written home that he had bought, or was thinking of buying, a plantation out there. That's the way with most men that go South. They never come back. 'Twill be a hard thing for Barbary to leave the old place at her age 1" Crash 1 came down the scales upon the table, and the two half-pound weights dashed into the bowl of eggs, breaking and spattering them in all directions. Without apology for her care- lessness, or regret at its consequences, Katherine left the house- keeper to bemoan the catastrophe by herself. Miss Rashleigh's maid was not rung up to her room, tha, night ; and after waiting until a late hour, went of her own a cord t<; the door, and listened. All was still, and her tap, repeal id several times, received no reply. She tried the door. It was ru.t fast and she pushed it open softly. Katherine had fallen asleep hi her chair, by the side of the hearth where the fire had burned out to ashes. She was in her night-robe, and between her lianas was crushed a little heap of papers seemingly notes. Uei cheek was blue and her breathing short. 404 NEMESIS. "She will ketch her death of cold!' mutttred .he woman " Miss Katherine !" " What ? Lucy ! is it you ?" said Katherine, in nervous COB fusion. " I was nearly asleep I" She gathered up the papers and thrust them hastily into a drawer, which she locked. " How fearfully cold it is I" she added, shaking in every limb, while her lips and finger-tips were of a greyish purple. " Let me rub your feet, or get a hot brick for them !" begged Ihe uneasy servant. " No, thank you ! I will get into bed. Now, bury me in the blankets ! I am frozen through and through 1" These were the last coherent words she uttered for many days. The next morning, she was in a high fever and delirium -just the type of illness that was likely to seize upon one of her physical and mental temperament. The two physicians, summoned by the Colonel, looked grave over her, and evaded inquiries as to the likelihood of her recovery ; and for miles around, the story went like wildfire, that she was already given over by them both. Yet, such was Miss Barbara's seclusion and indifference to current events, that the news was a couple of days old, before she heard it. It reached her at night-fall, and an hour after sunrise on the succeeding day, she presented herself at Briarwood, and asked to see Mrs. Rashleigh. She is in Miss Rashleigh's room, and cannot see company I" replied Thomas, stoutly. " It's likely I'm come as company isn't it ?" said Miss Bar- bara. " I look like a fashionable visitor don't I ? I'll wait here in the sittin' room for three minutes and a half, and jisl you Btep upstairs, on your tiptoes mind you 1 and tell Mrs. Rash- leigh there's a person here wishes to t-ce her." The specified time was exceeded by several minute?, when Mrs. Rashloigh appeared, She had passed the night iu hei NEMESIS. 405 daughter's chamber, and looked worn down with sleeplessness and anxiety. She stopped short on perceiving her visitor, bat without waiting to see whether her surprise were pleasant or disagreeable, Miss Barbara said, straightly and squarely : " I're heard that your daughter is sick, and come to help unrse her, if you'll let me. There's no hired nurses round here, and you ain't overly strong." This was only the second sight she had had of the " proud English lady," and the former was restricted to a glimpse at the church, on the day of Mr. Laidley's preaching there. She had, however, heard such tales of her reserve and haughtiness, that she was immeasurably astonished when Mrs. Rashleigh held out her hand, with a smile of magical beauty, ^and said in a voice tremulous with emotion " I thank you I If it will not be an imposition upon your goodness, I accept your offer gratefully ! When can you come ?" " In two minutes ! I'll jist tell the man who brought me over, jot to wait." She trotted to the front door, and was back directly, to follow Mrs. Rashleigh up stairs. " How is she this morniu' ?" she asked, at the top of the steps. " No better !" The lady spoke dejectedly. " That's because the fever hasn't run its course. There's no reason in gettin' uneasy so soon as this." Perhaps she altered her mind, when she stood by the sick girl, and beheld the preternaturally bright eye ; the crimson cheek ; the tossings from side to side on the heated couch, and heard the Strained, hurried accents, that so pierced the heart of loving watchers the utterances of the fever demon through lips that were never before parted by such tones. Katherine talked inces. eautly, foolishly, wildly prattled as a child might have done to \ier dog, her bird, her horse. She often laughed a hollow, sense- less peal ; sometimes and that was hardest of all to bear she 406 NEMESIS. sang, still in that false, strange voice, songs that she used to warble from room to room, with the wildwood sweetness of her own linnet. " Poor thing ! poor thing 1" said Miss Barbara, when she heard this. She had not spoken a word of compassion before. Her look and bearing had been precisely those of a professional nurse, who was conscientious in her resolve to deserve her wages. She had come hither at the bidding of duty ; but in her heart, there waa no love and little charity for the woman who had ruthlessly wrecked her " boy's " happiness. Distant and taciturn as was the mother, Miss Barbara was more attracted toward her than to the daughter. The concord between the stately lady and the unpolished housekeeper was per- fect from the moment of their meeting. Hitherto, Mrs. Rashleigh had not left Katherine's sick-bed. This morning, she retired to her own chamber, and slept for two hours, Miss Barbara assuming the post of custodian in the patient's room. They attended her jointly, and by turns, never crossing each other in a single opinion, and conforming readily to one another's ways. Mrs. Holt, with every disposition to make herself useful, and suffering acute anxiety on her pupil's account, was a very tyro in nursing. Where book- learning could avail nothing, she was at sea, and Mrs. Rashleigh was sc thoroughly aware of this that she would not have allowed her to administer the simplest medicine to her child. Therefore, the poor lady read consolatory works aloud to Colonel Rashleigh, when he was not too perturbed to listen, and to herself, when she had no auditor, and offered up fervent prayers from her unworldly heart, for the restoration of the drooping flower of the household. Mrs. Moreau, who paid daily calls, came as usual on the day of Miss Barbara's arrival. " Will you see her ?" said Mrs. Rashleigh, as word of her pr e below was brought up to the sick-chamber. Miss Barbara thought it an odd request, but complied. N E > i: s I s . 40? " You here 1" exclaimed Mrs. Moreau. " You are the last per* son in creation I should have expected to see. Did they send fol you ? " Mrs. Rashleigh's compliments and she hopes Mrs. Moreau will excuse her from coming down, Miss Rashleigh being so ill," re- peated Miss Barbara, demurely, without sitting down. Mrs. Moreau changed her tone. " Nonsense, Miss Barbara 1 Take a seat and tell me all about poor dear Katherine ! We are perfectly wretched !" " No need of that ! She's as likely to git well as to die." " Do you think so I The doctors consider hers a very critical r-nse." " They say so, I know !" " And she is really better to-day I This is glad news !" " She's worse, if there's any change. But she's got to be worse yet before I give her up." "I am delighted that Mrs. Rashleigh has engaged you as nurse. I have often told her of your skill in that line, and I am pleased that she has remembered it now. You can be easily spared from home, while Malcolm is away. When did you hear from him ?" " Yesterday." 11 Where was he ?" " In Louisiana." " How was he ?" " Well." Miss Barbara was growing bitingly short. " You will stay here some time, I suppose, until the poor child's illness is terminated one way or the other." " I shall stay till she is out of danger 1" Miss Barbara was mindful, in all this interview, of the fact that Mr. Moreau was the next heir, after Katherine, to liis uucle'a estate, and stubbornly set upon discouraging premature and unfounded expectations. 4-08 NEMESIS. " You have cheered me wonderfully 1" said Eleanor. " I must hasten home and carry the good tidings to Mr. Moreaa. He is very much attached to his cousin. Is the poor girl nensible ?" " No." " Stili delirious ?" " Yes." " What does she talk about ?" Involuntarily Eleanor lowered her voice and glanced over her shoulder. An idea darted into Miss Barbara's head : " What could Katherine tell that Mrs. Moreau had rather should not be revealed ?" And treading swiftly after it, came the recollection that Katherine was staying at Montrouge when she rejected Malcolm. " About all sorts of things !" she replied, reservedly. " Trifles, no doubt. What a mistaken notion it is, yet what a general mistake, that people are apt, in delirium, to speak of what they think most of when well ! As if a diseased mind could run in the same channel With a healthy one !" No answer from Miss Barbara, but an air of mysterious pru- dence. " Does it not appear absurd to you ?" urged Mrs. Moreau. " Some folks thinks one thing, some another 1" oracularly. " But Katherine rambles on about trivial things, you say ? Does she know where she is, and who are with her ?" " Sometimes she does sometimes she doesn't." " Does she ever speak of us ? I should suppose she would ehe has spent so mucn time at our house." " If she did, 'twouldn't be honorable in me to tell you. I have something else to attend to besides eavesdroppin' what she wouldn't let on, if she wasn't out of her head. Would you like to see Mrs. Holt ? I'm wanted upstairs !" " Eleanor went away uncomfortable, thus accomplishing part NEMESIS. 409 ot Miss Barbara's design, while, upon the mind of the volunteer nur.se, the impression was fastened, that, as she phrased it to herself, " Eleanor had been at her old tricks," and " that there was underhand work somewhere." The red fever burned on, licking up the life-blood in its fury, outil it seemed as if the veins must be left dry, when its violence should be spent. The mother's face grew daily more wan, and her eye more sunken ; but she resisted the ravages of weariness and care with a strength that appeared not to belong to her delicate frame. Upon Miss Barbara's whitleather constitution, no amount of unrest or labor produced any perceptible effect She bore up the better that her sympathies had become interested for her suffering charge. Wildly astray as Katherine's thoughts "an, she was never rebellious to the gentle authority exercised over her ; invariably submitted, without demur, to the directions and restrictions of her attendants. " She was never disobedient !" said Mrs. Rashleigh, when Misa Barbara remarked upon this docility. The mother had just administered a nauseous potion, which was swallowed uncomplainingly, and as she replaced the cup upon the table, Miss Barbara saw the spasm that contracted brow and lip. Errept in these unguarded moments, she was composed, and evinced none of the deadly, apprehension that was preying upon her heart. It was the ninth night after Katherine's attack, a stormy November evening, when the wind roared like some frantic thing, trying to force its way through the rattling casements, and the leafless boughs of the grove groaned in the anguish of their writhings. By ten o'clock the household was still. The Colonel was in the library, too sad and lonely to open book or newspaper. He could only listen for the occasional footsteps upon the floor of his daughter's room overhead, and think of the terrible change that had fallen upon that young life ; wonder, in a vacant, 18 410 B E M E 8 I 8. piteous way, why she was smitten down, anl lie, a grey, saplesi trunk, left standing. Above-stairs, the vigil was anxious to iitruny agony expressed in Mrs. Rashleigh's compressed lips and bloodless cheek, and Miss Barbara's nervous movements. {Catherine's pulse raced more madly than ever, and her moans, as i-lie threw her arms about, and moved her head uneasily on her pillow, were plaintive beyond comparison. Her voice, too, took rent key, low and mournful, and her fancies were no more g.Uy fantastic. Mother and nurse looked into each other's eyes inquiringly fearfully as the sounds fell upon their ears. Each silently asked, " What means the change ?" Neither dared give language to the dread that arose in reply. " The rain ! the rain 1" said the sick girl. " Oh, I cannot bear it ! It fell just so mournfully that night ! It says over and over, the same thing : ' Farewell, Katherine ! Farewell, Kathe- rine I' I shall never see him again. Miss Nancy says that he will never come back to Ben Lomond." From either side of the couch, those eyes, so full of fear, yet longing to hear more, looked into each other, and mother and nurse were still as marble watchers above the dead. " If I could have told him of the letter ! But I promised his sister that I would not. It was very bitter ! I think I shall never feel such pain again until I come to die. He never loved me, al- though he would have married me. Was not that dreadful ? He said so in that letter. He never loved any one but Marcia Sekleu." A start 1 and a ray of intelligence passed from eye to eye, and they stared fixedly upon one another again. " That was long ago but he feels it yet. His is a deep heart. He used to say that mine was, too. I think that greater sorrow is reserved for such. Deep as mine is, it is filled up to the brim. I am very young to suffer so n. _eh. They say the Lord is pitiful and gracious. Oh, Father ! hear me, while I plead I am so young ! so young !" NEMESIS. 411 " Poor little Iamb !" sobbed Miss Barbara. " Oh, Mrs, Rashleigh 1 I mistrust there has been foul work here ! The Lord forgive them as done it I" " He never will ! / never can 1" She arose, like an outraged prophetess. " I have suspected this all along i Those who murdered the father, could not spare his child i" Miss Barbara sprang to her feet in haste and fright- convinced that the girl's delirium had produced insanity in the mother. " Manima 1" Katherine settled her large, bright eyes upon her parent's agitated features. " Do you recollect the doll papa made for me my Christmas gift ? Where is it now ?" Mrs. Rashleigh was mute. " Where is it ?" repeated Katherine,." I took good care of it, i am sure. When I find it, maybe- you will call me ' Kitty ' again. It would do your poor child good, mamma, I ache so here !" She caught her mother's hand and pressed it upon her heart. " My Kitty! my precious darling ! my own little Kitty!" cried the lady, pride and self-control breaking down before the rush of maternal emotion. Falling upon the bed, she clasped her arms around her daughter and drew her to her bosom. Forgetful of prudence, she showered kisses upon her forehead, cheeks and lips, with passionate murmurings of the long-repressed love. "Gently! gently! you will excite her too much !" cautioned Miss Barbara but her voice shook, and her countenance wore an affrighted look, as of one who had seen a vision from the other world. She pressed a glass of wine upon the mother, and persuaded her to lie down upon the other bed, which had been placed in the room for the watchers. While the lady's unwonted excitement passed off in hysterical sobs, the considerate nurse busied her- self about the patient ; bathing her head and hands, smoothing the covers and turning the pillows. 412 NEMESIS. At length, Mrs. Rashleigh got up, and approached her, as sh still stood at the bedside. One glance was exchanged, and Miss Barbara said : " Yon we Bessy Hale !" " I WttJ 1" K M E 8 I 413 CHAPTER XXIX. passed, ere another syllable was said with regard to the communication made on the night when the fever reached its crisis. There was no place in Miss Barbara's soul for curiosity or wonderment, for Katheriue's life hung on a hair. At last, the physicians lost all hope, and the household gathered in the room to see her breathe away the poor remnant of a life, lately so full and strong. Then did Miss Barbara arise in her might, and after informing the pair of Galens that she held them to be pests in any family which was so foolish or unfortunate as to employ them, she cleared the chamber of all intruders, commencing with the indignant professors of the healing art, and not stopping even at Colonel Rashleigh, whom she assured, as she shut him out, that she " would show him yet how much more a live daughter was worth than a dead one." After this coup d'etat, she took the case into her own hands, urd her semi-conscious patient soon acknowledged the efficacy of oer nursing. In qne week more, she was pronounced out of danger, and Miss Barbara began to think of going home. One evening she left Katherine sleeping quietly, with Mrs. Holt to watch her, and knocked for admittance at Mrs. Rash- leigh's door. That lady had put on the double wrapper she wore by night in her daughter's chamber, and her thick hair waa brushed back from her face, leaving exposed its sharpened, rigid outlines. Miss Barbara did not marvel that she had not recog- nised her at an earlier date of their intercourse. But for he/ NEMESIS. confession of her identity with the blooming, smiling wife of Mark Hale, her old friend would have questioned now the reality of her discovery. Not a feature, not a motion was Bessy's. Only an occasional intonation struck a responsive chord in the memory of the listener, as she made minute inquiries as to hei judgment of the sick girl's condition. All was going on well, Miss Barbara said. She wasn't likely to get well very fast. She had been too ill for that. But " slow and sure " was tfte safest, and therefore the best rule after feyers. Then, she broached the subject of her own departure. The servants at Ben Lomond were trustworthy, yet it was her place, and her work at Briarwood seemed to be drawing to a Jose. f< First tell me why you came at all," said Mrs. Rashleigh. Miss Barbara's answer was as directly to the point. " You love your child, and I love mine. When he' went away broken-spirited, because she had turned him off he charged aie if I could ever be of any use to her, to serve her as I would >lo him, if he were in her place. That's why I'm here I" " Who told you that she rejected him ?" - He did." " While she was at Montrouge ?" " Yes." " Did she assign any cause for not accepting him ?" " No." " What do you believe was her reason ?" " Think she was put up to it by other people meddlers I" "Enough 1 Why have you not asked me further about what my history has been since you parted from me, twelve years since ?" " Supposed you would tell me what you chose, when the right time came." Without other introduction, ard as composedly as if she were relating the story of another's life, she told the tale which, as NEMESIS. 4-15 we shall loarn its leading events from another scarce, we need not repeat in this place. "And this poor child, Kitty Katherine! you believe that she has forgotten all about her living here her father and Malcolm and me ! And she used to be a smart, bright little creator too I" " She has recollections of some events of her infancy. Namea of places and persons she has lost. I considered it best that sh- should do so. There was no one to keep alive the memory of these things except myself, and I have done all that I could to help her to forget them. A contrary course would only have made her curious and unhappy, without doing any good." " Maybe so ; but it's sad to think on. Poor Mark !" Again that deep, but momentary furrow of pain hi the lore- head that tightening of the mouth. Mrs. Rashleigh said nothing for a moment then replied : " Coloael Rashleigh has been a most kind parent to Kacherice. She owes him a daughter's aifectionate duty. Why should I divide her love for him by recalling a Past that would only make her wretched ? Moreover, I am bound by a promise to Colonel Rashleigh not to divulge her real parentage to her while he lives. He has never had a child of his own, and he is extremely jealously attached to her." " That's easy to see. She is the apple of his eye. But how did you happen to come back here ? I should ha' thought you would have been afraid that somebody would know you." " Know me !" She smiled contemptuously at her image in. the mirror opposite. "Would Adam have known the Garden of Eden after the Deluge had passed ovei it ? People that ha\ .. lived through experiences like mine are never themselves again, outwardly or inwardly. Did Mr. Argyle or Mrs. Moreau did you remember me ?" 11 You are mightily altered \ Your daughter is like what yoo 416 NEMESIS. used to be. I Loticed it the fust time I seen her, and Malcolm has often spoken of it to me." " Yet Mrs. Moreau pronounces her ' a noble type of high-borr beauty !' " Her sarcastic tone suggested the repetition of a former question. " Why did you come back here ? You must dislike to be on friendly, sociable terms with Eleanor and the Bancrofts." " Friendly terms !" Her brow lowered and her eyes glowed. " The Future may tell another story. I did not choose to come to America still less to Virginia still less to this neighborhood. Destiny willed it. When I married Colonel Rashleigh I was ignorant of his relationship to Robert Moreau. He had disowned his sister at her marriage, and it was not until within three years back that accident made him acquainted with the existence and residence of her only surviving child. The discovery revealed to me a coincidence so remarkable that I encouraged his disposition to write to his nephew and propose a reconciliation. A corres- pondence grew out of this, which I read without taking part in it. In process of time, this same Destiny made another signifi- cant move. The physicians advised our removal from England, declaring that I could not live longer in so humid an atmosphere, and Colonel Rashleigh, of his own free will, proposed that we should join his nephew in Virginia. Mark me ! I was passive was careful to say nothing against nothing in favor of the scheme. Yet I knew that we would come. I saw the Hand, invisible to others, that drew me hither that has armed me for my work I'- 1 "It is the Lord's doings 1" said Miss Barbara, shocked at the effects of the suppressed excitement that shook her from head to foot. " It is marvellous in our eyes." " You call it Providence. I bow to it as Destiny. It is al] the same thing the One Certain Power, that avenges the vfetJi, and the wronged by human instrumentality ; to whom the blood NEMESIS. 417 of the innocent cries from the ground ; the Judge who appoints a day of reckoning and retribution even in this world. This is the Deity I adore ; for His chariot-wheels I have waited I am per- suaded, not in vain !" She strove to master the rising passion fought with it until ihe veins stood out, blue and swollen within the sunken temples. A casket was near her upon the table, and unclasping it with uncertain fingers, she took out a phial, and hastily swallowed a portion of its contents. It was rapid in its workings upon the convulsed frame. A languor a heavy listlessness stole over he* weighed upon her voice. " Your just sense of expediency will show you the necessity of secrecy with respect to this conversation," she said. " Colonel Rashleigh does not suspect my early connection with his relatives. He married me without inquiry into my antecedents. I was a respectable woman a widow with one child poor and compara- tively uneducated. He gave me his name and wealth ; adopted my daughter, and granted me every facility for acquiring the knowledge I needed to fit me for my new station. He does not even know that I have ever lived in Virginia before. It was more than generous it was a grand and noble confidence which he reposed in me. Until Fate ordains that he shall be disturbed, let him rest ! " If you will excuse me, I will sleep for an hour now. When I rejoin you in Katherine's room we can speak of your going home. I hope, however, that you will not insist upon it for some days to come." " I don't feel like myself I" soliloquized Miss Barbara, walking up and down the passage to compose features and nerves. " That woman is not in her right mind ! That's clear as daylight to me, and some of these days she'll do mischief ! But who can wonder at her ? She has had trouble enough to drive any one crazy, let alone her having been whirled around the world ':w at *h 18* 418 NEMESIS. bottom, LOW at the top of the wheel. There's not a bit of Bessj Hale left ! 'Twould have been a mercy to have covered her uji ir her husband's grave, when he was buried. Poor Mark! It's ft blessed thought that there is One who can see the end from the beginning ; who can bring order out of confusion and light out oi darkness, for we sill y, blind mortals git mightily bewildered in the crooked ways of this life.* And,, as was the custom of this earnest, single-hearted woman when overcome by perplexity about things beyond her ken, she prayed inwardly that the afflicted might be comforted and tha erring reclaimed not punished. Katherine awoke after a refreshing sleep, and found the kind, homely nurse at her side. She had recognized her so gradually in her weakness, that she was spared the confusion she would have felt at a sudden knowledge of her presence and attendance. Without inquiring why or when she had come, she resigned her- self to her care with the trust of a child ; and as she regained her strength, testified her gratitude by many a look and word. " I have had - a fine nap ; I feel better," she said, smiling. " How late is it ?" "Just ten o'clock." " I was in hopes that it was near morning. Do you think that [ will sleep ngain before day ?" " Oh, yes ! You'll sleep more and more every night now, tntil you do just as you used to, when you were well never ,urn over from the time you lay down until you git up." " I have not slept so soundly as that for many weeks !" sighed Katherine. " Probably the fever was coming on and made me estless." " Very likely Let me beat up your pillows Wculd you lik k> sit up awhile ?" " Can I ? Am I strong enough ?" " We will see." NEMESIS. 41 9 She seated herself behind Katherine, with a pillow upon her arm, thus forniiug a sort of chair, in which the patient reclined with an expression of great satisfaction. " I have had a pleasant drearn !" she said, in the faint voicf In which debility obliged her to speak. " It wag very distinct too You remember Mr. Laidley, the minister who preached for Mr. Kenny, one Sabbath last summer ?" " Yes." " I dreamed that he had come to see me. He stood just there " pointing to the side of the bed " and said you recol- lect his sweet tones ' From the woes which our own sins and the sins of others have brought upon us, Christ is able to deliver us. If the Father smites us sorely, it is that we may be healed by iheSon!"' Astonished and thrilled, Miss Barbara was speechless. Kathe- rine lay, with closed eyes and smiling mouth, as if dwelling upon some delightful theme. At length, she asked : " Miss Barbara, arc you a Christian ?" " I hope so, dear." "I wish I were! Mrs. Holt is very pions, but although my head understands what she says, when I question her about religion, roy heart is as dull and cold as clay." Miss Barbara, charitable as she was, thought this a natural result of Mrs. Holt's strict adherence to forms and creeds her correct, but formal manner of speaking upon " serious subjects.'' " I have always said my prayers regularly and attended church Papa and Mrs. Holt wished to have me confirmed, but mamma objected. She said some radical change of heart was necessary." " She was right. Our Saviour says, ' Ye must be born again.' " " I am too weak now to talk or to hear, but when lam stronger will you tell me more about these things ? I have read of the ' Friend that stickcth closer than a brother.' I never had 420 NEMESIS. either brother or sister, I am very lonely in the world " her lipl quivered, and a tear escaped from beneath the long, black lashe? " I think that I should like to have this ' Friend ' for my own." Miss Barbara gave a hearty assent to her request, and replaced her on the bed, lest she should become wearied by sitting up too long. Then, while the girl fell into a doze, the nurse laid her head upon the bedside, and besought the God of the covenant to remember this child, consecrated in infancy to His service. Miss Barbara was steadfast in her belief if not of hereditary piety in the efficacy of parental prayers, the power of parental faith. She had heard all the circumstances of Mark's last hours how he had commended his family to the Father's care, and prayed that he might meet them in heaven. She was not a fatalist, as was Mrs. Rashleigh, but she believed and rejoiced that she saw the workings of a mighty and merciful Being, who, through devi- ous and unlikely paths, was bringing this lamb into the fold. What the mother had overlooked in her disordered perception of duty to the living and justice to the dead, the God of the sainted lather would yet perform in His own good time and way V E If E 8 I 8 421 CHAPTER XXX Two weeks later than the time occupied by tin events narratec in the foregoing chapter, Malcolm Argyle was overtaken by nightfall in the midst of a Southern forest. He had performed the day's journey alone, and perceiving that he was not yet in sight of the house he had expected to reach at sunset, he began to fear that he had lost his way. This idea gained strength, as the end of another mile showed him still the seemingly interminable stretch of woods on either side of the narrow road. The shadows under the trees were growing blacker and broader, and dusk was creeping across the path a little way ahead of him. The dens* banners of moss pendant from the boughs were like sable drape- ries in the vast colonnade of Nature's building, as, with the cool of the evening, there fell upon the solitude a stillness so intense as to be painful. Putting spurs to his horse, Malcolm rode sharply on, as his best chance of getting other shelter for the night than the mossy branches, with a heap of withered leaves for his couch. Behind him, he knew, were many miles unmarked by human habitation The darkness increased with every step, until but for the gap in the branches above, that showed him the stars, he would have had great difficulty in keeping the road, such as it was. Mud- holes of inconvenient width and problematical depth ; stiuupa from one to two feet high, left to be worn down by wheels and hoofs and more than once a fallen tree, lying partly across ! route, were some of the obstacles besides the gloom that hiu lered 422 tf E M E S f S > his advance. Just as hope and courage were despairing of their fina* reward, the welcome tinkle of a cow-bell was borne to his ears. His horse pricked up his at the sound, and having some knowledge of the creature's sagacity, Malcolm dropped the reins upon his neck and let him choose his own course. He observed, by referring to the stars, that they were bearing to the right, and from the frequent flapping, on either side of his face, of the hang- ing moss, he judged that they were in a byway, yet more narrow than the one they had left. The barking of dogs was further confirmation of their approach to a house of some description, and reining up, he shouted until the woods returned a deafening echo. " Halloo 1" came back with so weak a sound that he imagined himself mistaken as to his distance from the clearing, and was surprised a minute after, to see the gleam of a lighted door, not a, hundred yards ahead of him. This was obscured by a figure that emerged from it, and advanced toward him slowly, and evidently intent upon the kindling of a pitchpine torch in its hand. As this flared out into the still air, the traveller beheld the form and face of a toy, clad roughly and gazing curiously up at him. " I have iost my way in the woods. Can I stay here until morning ?" asked Malcolm. " I reckon so. I'll ask mother," and off darted the little fellow into the cabin for it seemed nothing more as beheld imperfectly through the darkness. The child returned, breathless with running and excitement. " Mother says you must 'light and walk in. I'll take your horse." The hostess met him on the threshold. She was a woman in middle life forty-five, or thereabouts ; plain, but kindly of visage, and attired, like her son, in coarse homespun. " You are welcome, sir, if you can put up with our poor vaj of living." NEMESIS. 423 " Thank you, madam. I am the one to apologize for intruding myself into your home, at such an unseasonable hour. I missed my road several miles back, and did not discover my mistake until night overtook me. I was forced to choose between remain- ing in the outer air until morning, and throwing myself upon your kindness." " I am glad you stopped, sir. Please to take a chair. These are my two daughters I" she said, as Malcolm bowed to two shy, blushing girls of fourteen and sixteen, who retired from tho fire at his approach. The house had but one room on the ground-floor, with a loft above. The furniture was mean and scanty, but scrupulously clean ; plates and cups were set out upon a pine table in the middle of the floor, and an appetizing odor of fried bacon saluted the traveller's olfactories. While the hostess dished this, one of her daughters raked out some sweet potatoes from their bed of hot ashes, and after brushing them off, placed them upon a pewter platter. Another of smoking hominy was added ; a pitcher of milk, and a plate of butter, and the guest was invited to partake of the evening meal. " It is all we can give you, sir," said the good woman, coloring. " I wish we had something better." Malcolm declared, with an emphasis that carried with it con- viction of his sincerity, that he desired nothing more delicious. Insisting that the hostess should retain the seat of honor the only chair that had a back which she offered to him, he drew up one of the rude stools, such as the children used, and fell to work upon the eatables with the relishful hunger of a man who had been in the saddle and fasting since noon. The tact innate to a true gentleman soon made them all i'rc-1 at ease, and so won upon the good graces of the head of the house, that she indulged, without restraint, in the tare pleasure of conversation with a stranger from the world beyond tht 424 NEMESIS. woods, and vUch she had not seen for so long. Her husband had removed to this wilderness ten years before, when there was not another house or clearing within a day's journey. Now and she stated it with the satisfaction of one who was proud of being the inhabitant of a thriving community there were two other famih'es, not more than six miles off. She had been a widow for our years. When her husband died and left her with three children to provide for the youngest, the boy, whom she called " Mai," but seven years old she felt as if nothing but starvation awaited them ; but the Lord had helped them through all their " tough times." The neighbors (?) were very kind. They did the spring and fall ploughing of the small farm ; the planting and hoeing and weeding was performed by her daughters and herself. They had an old horse, which was still able to carry corn to the mill, and to jog back and forth upon the little errands she had abroad ; and a cow, without whose milk they could not live ; a calf that would be a cow next year, and always as many pigs as they wanted, that fattened in the woods. To these artless details, Malcolm listened sympathizingly, and with secret admiration of the contentment and courage of the faithful mother, who found so many blessings in a lot that to most people would have been one of unmitigated hardship. The supper over, both mother and girls sat down at the fire with their knitting. The boy established himself upon a block in the corner, with a piece of board and a bit of charred stick, to which he applied himself as diligently as though work and not play were his object. " Are you learning to draw ?" inquired Malcolm of him. The boy looked up, and his fine, intelligent face was dyed with bashful blushes. " No, sir," he replied. " He is trying to write," said his mother, betwixt a smile and a sigh. "There's. no schools near us, and if there was, I can't NEMESIS. afford to send him just now. I've taugt.fc mj children to read and write as fur as I could ; but paper and ink are too dear to be wasted, and Mai hasn't any slate. The other day, he came running in, in great spirits, to tell me that he had seen a lot o* ends of smooth bo I over at Mr. Humphrey's, who is building a frame house, and Mr. Humphrey had told him he might have 'em. And he brought 'em home and r'ally they answer pretty well. He's improved smartly since he got 'em. Show the gentleman your writin', Mai." With a deeper blush, the boy handed him the primitive tablet, on which he had scrawled " Malcum Argile Poster." " Malcolm Argyle ! where did you get that name, my little man ?* " He got it in a queer sort o f way, sir," responded the mother. " It was given to him by a little girl not more than five years old Kitty Hale was her name." Malcolm started violently. " I once knew a person of that name," he said, huskily. " Where did she live at the tune you speak of. Do you know where she iff now ?" " Indeed I don't, sir, no more than the dead ! 'Twas when we lived in North Carolina, in a place called Pineville. There wasn't anything of a town there, for all they called it ' ville,' hoping, 1 s'pose, that it would grow bigger sometime. There was the tavern and store, all in one house, and the blacksmith's shop, and we lived on our farm, a matter of a quarter of a mile from the tavern. It was kept by a widow woman ; a Mrs. Smith, who married for her second husband a peddler named Bryan, a likely- looking, good-natured fellow, but law me ! with no more sperrit in him than there is in milk-and-water ; just one of the sort that's always a-doing odd jobs for other people and never earning the gait to his own bread. Well, the widow took up with him, and about six weeks afterward here came his sister, whose husband hu 1 just died in Yirginny, and her child, the little Kitty 1 was 420 NEMESIS, telling you of. It seems that Bryan had wrote to her when he was married, an .1 sent a message from his wife, begging her to pay 'em a visit, for, according to his account, they were doing wonderful well, and Mrs. Bryan, she thought they'd do credit to her fam'ly. She was a cute, managing woman, and fa'rly mad lifter getting rich. My husband was down at the store when the wagon drove up with Mrs. Hale, and I've heered him tell how she dropped in a dead faint at her brother's feet, who was mightily shocked, seeing he hadn't got the news of his brother-in-law's death. Well, thej r brought her to, and by and by got the story from her. and then there was a high quarrel between Bryan and his wife. She was for bundling the poor thing out of doors to take care of herself, and he showed some temper for once, and vowed that as long as he had a loaf of bread his sister and her child should have a slice of it. I've heered that the poor woman appeared to be in a stupor-like while the fuss was going on, but the next day she told her brother how she would not stay where she wasn't welcome ; she'd beg along the road first ! By thia time Mrs Bryan had cooled down, and afraid of what people vv< uld say if she refused her husband's sister a place to lay her head, she proposed that Mrs. Hale should pay her board and her child's by sewing and helping about the store and tavern. What could she do but agree to this ? She was a stranger in a strange country, and could not get any other work if she had tried. " But 'twas a hard life she had of it, sir ! Mrs. Bryan hated her, and while she made all the use of her she could, she worked her harder than she did her negroes. She was always saying spiteful things about her and to her. Bryan himself called his Bister ' Bessy ' for awhile, but his wife could not stand this, for her name was Betsey, and she give him no peace till he called her by her first name, 'Margaret,' instead, and Mrs. Bryan, to be aggra- vating, and disrespect her in every way, altered this to ' Peggy, 1 she spoke to r >er. This was one of the least ways she (mii NEMESIS. 427 of worrying her. She'd fling it in hoi 1 teeth, how she had beet throwed on her brother's hands was eating her children's bread she and little Kitty, and then dare her to leave her brothers house. Sfutd see that she had a name sent after her that would shut the door of all honest people in her face. Yet, they say that Mrs. Hale never answered her back one word except once, when Mrs. Bryan was going to beat Kitty for what she called 1 sarce ' to her oldest boy. Then Mrs. Hale seized her child and threatened to kill her sister-in-law if she ever laid the weight of her finger on her. I've heered that she was like a tiger, and Mrs. Bryan was desperately scared. She never struck Kitty, but she found plenty of opportunities of spiting 'em both " When I first saw Kitty, Mai there was just a week old, and this little girl came over to our house, with one of the young ]>ryaus.to borrow a rising of yeast. Mrs. Bryan's had got sour. Well, I was struck with the child the minute I clapped eyes on her. She was no more like Mrs. Bryan's red-haired brat, than snow is like red clay. She spoke so modest and pretty, and had such red cheeks and bright black eyes, I couldn't help but stare at her all the while she was there. I was a-sitting by the fire, with the baby in my lap, and thinking 'twould please her, I turned down the blanket and showed him to her. Mai, my son, get another lightwood knot." Malcolm did not stir during the pause that ensued, while the torch was adjusted to Mrs. Foster's fancy. Then, she dropped one of her knitting needles, and a general hunt was instituted before she could resume the thread of her narrative. The noils of Malcolm's clinched hand cut into the flesh ; there was a stric- ture, like the clutch of an iron hand upon his throat, and a ring ing and roaring in his brain, like the beat of a hundred iron hammers, but he did not offer comment by word or gesture. Tan- talizing as was her verbose lengthening of the tale, he could not epeak to hasten the sequel for which he longed. 128 NEMESIS. " Well ! as I was saying, I showed her the baby, and she -*raj mightily pleased. " ' What's his name ?' says she " ' He hasn't got any yet,' said I. " For you see, sir, he was my third ooy, and as I had called one after my father and another after my husband, I wasn't particular about this one. He's the only one that's left now I" She was silent for a moment. " Says I ' What must I name him, Kitty ?' never thinking, you know, sir, that she'd take what I said in earnest. But she looked up at me so wistful so kind o' sorrowful-like, and says she ' I wis.k you would call him Malcum Argile ' " Malcolm knocked over his stool and walked to the door ; opened it, and stood gasping for breath. The picture was too painfully vivid. He seemed to see through the outer darkness, the large mournful eyes of his lost playfellow ; was pierced in the heart at this pathetic evidence of her affection for him. Again, from his soul, arose that sad and vain inquiry " Dear little Kitty ! wheie is she now ?" He would summon strength to listen to the end. " I beg your pardon, madam !" he said, returning to the fire- place. " I was attacked by a slight giddiness. It is gone now. Pray go on I I am exceedingly interested in your history." " I was afeerd I might be tiring you ?" said the flattered hosteas. " I am apt to spin long yarns, the girls tell me. " So, says I to her ' Malcum Argile !' says I ' honey, that Bounds outlandish to me. Did you ever know anybody of thai name ?' " ' Yee, ma'am,' says she, ' and he was a beautiful gentleman, ut he's gone away over the water now.' " Father that's my husband was standing by, and he wal always a soft-hearted man, and says he ' Mother,' says he, ' that shall be the boy's name, jist to please her !' and being one of yonf N E M Ji S I S . 429 quick-upoii the-trigger sort, he reached down the family Bible from the chinibly-piece, and wrote it right down, and little Kitty a-lookiug over him, while he did it, and she was delighted, you may be sure. *' A sweet child she was, and although she was nothing more than a baby, as you may say, she had sense and feeling in abun- dance. This ugly girl of Mrs. Bryan's she was kind o' jealous of the notice we took of Kitty, and says she, in a rude, loud way ' Kitty Hale ! you are taking on a heap of airs for a beggar, whose father died in a jail I' '"He didn't !' says Kitty, as spunkey as could be. ' Mamma says I'll see papa again some tune so he can't be dead can he, Mrs. Foster ? Mamma says he's gone away, and she don't tell stories ever !' " I hadn't it in my heart to tell her what her mother really meant that she would meet him in Heaven and so I says 1 1 hope you will meet him again, dear, and I've no doubt you'll be very happy together.' " And after that, she was as chirpy as a bird. That's the way my Mai came by his name, sir." " But the girl I what became of her at last ?" said Malcolm, dissembling his feverish impatience. " That's the strangest part of the story, sir ! Things got worse and worse at the tavern. Poor Mrs. Hale was slaving from morning to night, until she was worn down to skin and bonfe, yet she was a pretty woman in spite of it. She had a grand look and walk, and spoke like a born lady. Mrs. Bryan was forever abusing her for her 'uppish ways.' I never saw her BD.ile, sir ! I went down to see her a number of tunes, for my heart ached for the lone creatur', but she was backward in talk- ing not one bit sociable. She never was at our house but once, and that was about Christmas, the winter after she came to Pine- ville. It happened m this way : Mv husband and F haj N K M E S I 8 . noticed that Kitty was getting shabby. Her clothes weie always whole and neat, and her face and hands clean, -b it hei gowns were patched and faded, and her shoes fairly gone. So, when husband took our crop to town, he bought her a pair of shoes, along with our children's, and I cut off enough liusey from * piece I had just taken out of the loom, to make her a frock, and sent them down to Mrs. Hale. That evening, she came up to see me, and brought a beauty of a plaid frock, which she said had been given to Kitty more than a year before. She had out- grown it entirely, and her mother hadn't anything to alter it with, but she reckoned 'twould fit my Emmy there, and it did nicely. She wanted me take it as a proof that she was thankful to me for the things I had sent her girl, and, though I was loath to do it, I saw she would be hurt if I didn't. " By the time them shoes were worn out, a traveller happened to stop over night at Bryan's tavern a rich gentleman, with his carriage and horses and two servants. He hadn't been in Arne riky long, for he was an Englishman " She stopped, for Malcolm's gaze seemed to go through her. " Go on- go on 1" he said, impatiently. " This Colonel Rashleigh " " I thought so !" The hones-t woman feared that her guest had lost his wits, and the girls clung silently to one another, as he strode up and down the room, unconscious where he was, or how he was acting. " Go on, if you please." He dropped upon the stool again. " Yor don't seem well, sir." " It is nothing. Go on!" " There isn't much more to tell. Colonel Rashleigh was taken, in the night, with a spell of gout that tied him down for three weeks. Mrs. Bryan made her sister-in-law wait on him cleai x ]; M K sis. 431 op his room and take Lira his meals. When ne got better, he paid his bill and left, and matters went on jest the same, for all anybody else could see, and Mrs. Bryan hadn't a notion of any thing between the Colonel and Mrs. Hale, until a month after 'vurd, he drove up to the door with a minister and a magistrate, and told Bryan that he had come to marry his sister. Wasn't there a to-do then J Bryan hadn't a word to say, but nothing was too bad for his wife to heap upon Mrs. Hale. We hadn't heard a whisper of what was going on, and I was hard at work at my spinning, when there came sech a knock at the door that I a'most jumped out of my skin. When I opened it, I saw a very i-espectable-looking man, with a gold band around his hat and a tiek in his hand. " Says he, ' I wish to see Mrs. Foster.' " Says I, ' This is Mrs. Foster.' " Then he took off his hat and made me a bow, and says he, 1 Mrs. Hale's compliments, and she would like to have you ride down to Mr. Bryan's. She wishes to see you upon important business.' " I put on my best gown in a hurry, and got into the carriage, feeling like I was in a dream. When I 'lighted at the tavern- door, the man helped me out, and then showed me up to Mrs. Halo's room a cuddy-hole of a place, hardly big enough to turn around in. And there she was, dressed up as elegant as could be, in a grey silk gown, and a grey hat with black feathers, and white gloves. " Mrs. Foster,' says she, ' I have made so free as to send for you to be one of the witnesses of my marriage with Colonel Rash- . I am all ready.' " She stooped down, and shut a trunk that I could see was full of handsome things. I've heard since that Colonel Rashleigh had had them made, and brought them with him that morning. " Mrs. Hale wasn't a bit flustered jest as gra**e and quiel 432 NEMESIS. as a judge, and my senses seemed turning topsy-turvy all the time. " ' You will stay here, Kitty,' says she to her daughter. " The little creatur' sat up on the bed to be out of her mother'* way, looking puzzled and scared the pitifullest stare I ever saw " ' Will you come back, mamma ?' says she, ready to cry. " ' In a few minutes,' says Mrs. Hale ; and she went ap to her and kissed her; but 'twasn't as I, or most other women would kiss their children and says she, a-drawing in her breath hard, like a sob says she, ' Your papa is downstairs, and if you will be a good girl, I will take you down to see him presently. He sent you that pretty dress you have on ' for the child was decked out like a rose. " We left her clapping her hands and laughing, and went down- 8'airs. " ' Why don't you let her see you married ?' says I. I do not want her to remember how she got her father, " ' " Outside the big-room door below, she stopped and caught her breath again, and there wasn't a speck of color in her face. I thongbt she was going to swoon, but at that minute, Mrs. Bryan came along the passage where we were standing. " ' Mighty fine feathers, indeed !' she began, setting her arms akimbo. " Before she could say another word, Mrs. Hale pushed open the door, and Colonel Rashleigh stepped up and took her hand. " Well 1 they were married, and we .had a world of trouble to pernuade Kitty that this was her ' papa ;' but, at last, she wiped up her tears, and let him take her on his knee. A kind gentle- man he seemed to be about fifty-five years old, with a red face and very grey hah*. They went away almost directly after the marriage was over. I heard Colonel Rashleigh say that thev would sail for the old country in a week. When little Kitrj NEMESIS 433 told me ' Good bye,' she slipped a purse into my hand 5t wan uot very large, but it was brimful. We fouiul it very useful that coming summer, for we were all down with the fever, and my two oldest boys died about the same time that Mr. Bryan did. It was a dreadful year with many other fam'lies around us. I couldn't bear to stay there any longer, and we broke up and moved out here. I've heered sence that Mrs. Bryan \vas dead, too ; but we've lost sight of 'em, moving so far off. Pineville was always an ouhealthy situation. We like this place better, lonesome as it seemed at first." "Have you never had any further intelligence of your friends, the Rashleighs ?" "Xo, sir. I didn't expect it after they crossed the oceau. Kitty must be seventeen years old by this time. She was a year older than my Polly there. I hadn't thought of the story in months and months, until you reminded me of it by asking about Mai's name." " I am extremely obliged to you for the evening's entertain- ment," answered Malcolm, rising. " Now, madam, if you have a spare corner anywhere for me, I will thank Mai to show me to my resting-place for the night. I am weary, and I must be stirring early in the morning." Mrs. Foster entreated him to permit her to give up the bes* bed to him, and when he resolutely refused to turn her out of her room, confessed that there were tolerably comfortable lodgings " upstairs." The loft, dignified by this appellation, was accessible by a ladder and trap-door. The boards of the floor creaked under Malcolm's tread, and after ne stretched himself upon the "ehuck" mattress, he could catch the glimmer of the stari through the cracks in the roof. Had his couch been made of down, and his chamber a royal taloon, he would have passed as restless a night as was now in eserve for him. It was, with him, one of the seasons when mar 19 44 NEMESIS. feels himself to be a mere bubble, carried a,ud tossed along by th resistless tide of providential purpose. The quest of twelve year* was at an end. All that mortal could do he had done to track the fugitives. It had been one great wish of his life to make what restitution lay in his gift to the widow and child of bis lost friend And what had effort and desire and resolve effected? Nothing ! He had rowed his tiny skiff in every direction, bnt never beyond the length of the unseen cord that held him to one spot ; and when search was proved to be futile, and expectation was dying out, the mighty, mysterious wave of Destiny had brought the songht-for treasures to his- side aye, and would have done the same and as surely, had he remained inactive. They were found ! and not through his instrumentality. In all efforts for this end he had been powerless and now ? How bhould he perform his vow of enrichment and protection of the unfortunates ? They did not need him ! From the memory of one his former self had passed entirely and forever. For aught he knew, the other classed him with the enemies who had hunted her partner to his death. For poor Bessy's wrongs and humili- ations his heart had bled, while the homely tale was told. He understood the proud, mute anguish whose very smart endowed her with strength to bear up under the insults poured upon her , recognized the flash of the old spirit in the passionate defence of her babe ; appreciated the temper in which, before her idolized husband had lain a year in his grave, she had wedded again, that her child might have a home and herself an asylum from insult and cruelty. But they did not need him ! He recalled Mrs. Rashleigh'a every haughty glance^-every icy tone. The mistress of wealth surpassing his own ; the wife of a gentleman, whose pretensions to rank gave him the precedence above himself in aristocratic con- sequence, she might well ignore any former acquaintanceship with 0ne wnom the silent force of circumstantial evidence must brand H B M E S I 8 . 435 an ingrate in her sight. And Kitty, his early darling ; his little playfellow ; his tender, devoted nurse, whose soft lipa he had often felt upon his brow in dreams of those boyish days I The glow that rushed through his heart, as in one intoxicating moment he identified her with the Katherinewho had walked ami ridden by his side, and talked to him of the visions of her child- hood, the longings of her lonely girlhood ; this blissful thrill was gone almost as soon as felt. No 1 she had less need of him that her stately impassive mother. To the latter he might make him- self acceptable by the wand of memory ; could explain away the false appearances that had caused her to misjudge his fidelity to his word ; his abiding and grateful friendship for her and her beloved ones. But with Katherine, there had been no such impediment to a perfect understanding of his character and con duct. She knew him as well as she ever could, and with this "Tchowledge she had refused his love. The thought that she was privy to the secret her mother guarded so successfully never pre- sented itself to him. He had implicit faith in her truthfulness ; believed her sincere in every statement she had made with regard to her confused impressions of her childish life, and her declara- tions concerning her parentage and birthplace. A few short hours before, and had he been told that the refuge* of the wanderers would be made known to hiui, he would have flouted the suggestion that any circomstancu or combination of events could have deterred him from seekicg th?m and making himself known. Now, what was more feasible than this c^t-pre- meditated course ? Yet he would as soon march to the stake as allude to their ancient amity ; the dear and mourrful associations that he had fondly imagined would be an indissoluble link between them. In the grief, wonder and despair of those hours, r>o crowded with memories and with thought!;, he still recurred once or twice to Eleanor's peculiar relations with her uncle's wife, who must hold her in utter abhorrence, politely indifferent as sh tot) NEMESIS appeared tc be ; to Mrs. Rashleigh's caution to her husband against the elder Bancroft, and her cavalier treatment of the younger apon several occasions ; but it was with the helpless feeling of one who sees others carried on with him upon the omnipotent current -straws, sticks, weeds all worthless and insignificant things, x>rne steadily, inevitably wherever the wave listed. Mrs. Foster and her daughters thought that their lodger looked older and less handsome by daylight, than when seen in the red glare of the pitch pine. He seemed " misrested" too, the widow declared, and was profuse in her apologies for his night's accom- modations ; regrets and inquiries which he parried by the assertion that he had been served with everything that was necessary and comfortable. After his departure, one of the girls going up to make his bed, found a parcel pinned fast to the pillow whereon had lain hifi weary head, and brought it down to her mother. It was directed to " Mrs. Foster," and as she unfolded it four or five bank-notes fell from within, wound around with a slip of paper. Upon thia vas written "For 'Mats' tckooiing. From Malcolm Argyle." M E M E 8 I 8. CHAPTER XXXI. THERE was another solitary watcher of the stars on the Pecem- oer night in which Malcolm Argyle saw them through the cre- vices of Mrs. Fosters roof. The open country surrounding Briar wood was an expanse of snow, from whose surface trees and fences and buildings started up with ghostly distinctness, although there was no moon. Long, tremulous fingers of white light and flashes of colored lambent flame streamed up in the North, and the very air seemed spell-bound by the keen frost. There was no sound throughout the orderly English household. The broad staircase and the halls below and above, were dark and still. The eye of an observer from without would have seen the lighted windows of but two rooms. It was eleven o'clock, and the Colo- nel enjoyed his nap in the library, leaning back in his stuffed chair ; his gouty foot on its cushion, and a large fire in the chimney. His wife had gone upstairs an hour before, to see that her daughter needed nothing that could ensure her a good night's rest. He doubted not that both were sound ,-c.;l;:c'p by this time. Women required more of this natural refreshment, than robust men did, and he would have adduced proof nf this " remarkable " law of nature in his own constitution, xrand and vigorous, except for the gout, which was a blustering, harmless attack upon the outposts ; yet he had not retired before midnight, in thirty years. T!ii re was no echo or jar upon the upper flooring. Ev^n Katherine, whose room adjoined her mother's, did not hear the slippered tread that wandered upai ddown up and down Mrs 438 NEMESIS. Rasbleigh's chamber, until one would have thought the weary fragile body must be ready to sink down in utter prostration. The noiseless step that habit had made natural to her in thes nocturnal promenades, reminded one of the majestic, stealthy march of a tiger on the scent of its prey, and the eyes, while they ftvidently perceived none of the objects about her, were searching, inquisitive, triumphant. The latter expression prevailed when she stood by the window and looked out into the horizon, where the forest belt was drawn darkly against the brilliant sky. Was it the dance of the northern spirits that fastened her gaze the glitter and shiver of their serried spears the leaping blaze of their soundless artillery ? The gorgeous pageant was to her as if it had not been. Her thoughts were all of mortal forms and earthly combats. When she resumed her walk, the triumph waa higher, and the thin lips were curled in a smile, that was malig- nant in its sneer. The shrewd, common-sense housekeeper was correct, in one sense, when she decided that Mrs. Rashleigh was not in her right mind. One thought, one scheme, nurtured ceaselessly for twelve years, made the key-note of every meditation, the lever of every action ; its fulfillment, anticipated as the culrneu of earthly hopes and desires must eventuate in the insanity or monomania of him who thus plans and broods and craves. This unquiet spirit had possessed Bessy Bale's body since her husband's mur- der she never thought or spoke of it as anything less heinous. The pitiless treatment of herself and child by those who had courted her notice, when they fancied her hi prosperous circum- stances, had augmented this morbid resentment. With the unex- pected, and to her, almost miraculous change in her position, began the growth of a fatalism that looked forward to the retri- bution of her enemies as a certain thing. First, she believed that she should hear of it perhaps see it ; then, as one coincidence after another was bringing her back to the stage whereon had NEMESIS. 439 been enacted the earlier acts of the tragedy, the conviction stole upon her, awakening a shuddering joy, that she was to bo the instrument of punishment the ordained NEMESIS, who r.hould hurl the decreed vengeance upon the quaking, guilty souls of her former persecutors. As she said to Miss Barbara, she considered that she had taken no active part in the work, when, in reality, her hand had put in motion every one of the destructive engines, that were weaving iron bauds about the condemned. But for her, Sancroft the elder would have plundered her husband with impunity and undamaged respectability, and have added his ill-gotten gains to his hoards. Had she encouraged, or even permitted the primary stages of the younger's addresses to her daughter, his disappoint- ment at the last, and his hatred of his apparently equally unsuc- cessful rival might have been less rancorous. She had ardently desired and secretly forwarded Malcolm's suit to Katherine, and it was with a perception of this, that Eleanor withdrew her to Montrouge, and there matured the plot, to whose subtlety the mother already held the clue a slender thread, it is true, but which her prescient eye saw growing into a cord the entrapped criminals should vainly endeavor to break. But for her the temptation to purloin the Sancroft papers would not have existed and but for her, the theft would never have been suspected Her husband's growing distrust of his nephew and disinclination to make him part heir of his fortune was her work, although he did not dream that this was so, and she was only partially con scions of the effect of her cautions and innuendoes. It was not in her nature to be a pasfflre instrument, even in the grasp of the Destiny she professed to worship. Work she must work she did with a methodical, unflagging, unmerciful purpose, and a rill that never needed to revert to past grievances for stimulus. It was but a little longer waiting, and nal liberty and the refutation of the marked ones would be in her power nay 4:4:0 NEMESIS. this was virtually the case now. The Bancrofts had commenced the game proposed by the younger of postponing the public trial of the case involving the honesty of the father, and there were easily found legal quibbles in abundance for their aid in the praiseworthy scheme. But to the avenger, it was a shallow arti- fice a cowardly delay of the day which must overtake them, and why not soon, as well as late ? What could they gain by this course except a torturing suspense and a prejudgment against them in the minds of the community ? The Moreaus participated in the disquiet of their suspected associates ; but husband and wife bore unequal portions of the burden. Eleanor was mainly solicitous lest Mr. Moreau's past intimacy with the son, and hi recommendation of the father, should have compromised him wit} his uncle, and her useless regrets and eludings of him for error* committed and beyond recall, were irritating augmentations o/ the discomfon he suffered by day and night. He drank morr deeplj to quiet remorse and blunt anticipation ; but the internal conflict the bidden cancer was telling upon his outward appeal ance. He began to look like what he was a mean-spirited wretch, cowering beneath the menacing consequences of his evil deeds a caitiff, who had neither the courage to confess, the forti- tude to endure, nor the cunning to escape. Katherine pitied; his uncle wondered; his wife railed at and ridiculed his altered aspect and behavior. He bore all these exhibitions of feeling better than he did the cool, clear ray from eyes whose meaning he alone understood, and dreaded more than he would have done the bale- ful glance of the basilisk. Nor were his pecuniary trials lightened from the crushing weight beneath which he had crouched for so long. At this period, it chanced, unluckily, that Sancroft was his chief creditor the holder of divers notes for inconvenient sums, due from Robert Moreau to William Sancroft, for value "received :" nature of said -'value" not specified, as, indeed, was not to be expected in confidential debts. That the law coule/ NEMESIS. 441 not oKige him to defray these obligations, if the circumstances under which they were incurred was stated, so far from releasing him from the necessity of meeting them, was an added terror. Absurd as it may appear, the bauble to which the poor fool clung most pertinaciously the, in his case, " shadow of a shade " he feared most to lose v as his fair name among his fellow-men. The idea of gross falsehood and downright thieving, did not appall him, much less did cheating and gaming and forgery, but the wagging of a gossiping tongue, the pointing of a censorious finger, were to him like a scorpion-lash. All this, the unwearied watcher and thinker appreciated and reviewed in her scornful triumph on this winter night. If one had dared to urge, in compassion to this one of her intended vic- tims, that his part in producing her humiliation and bereavement was slight in comparison with that of the others his, the fault of thoughtless and unprincipled gallantry, while theirs was a deliberate and malicious plotting of her downfall she would have made reply that he was eating now the fruit of other mis- deeds, unconnected with her ; and that, were his misery indeed the work of her machinations, he could not be spared one pang, since through, and in him, was the chastisement of his wife, th principal offender, to be accomplished. Katherine was not yet able to join the family at the breakfast- table. She was, however, up and dressed on the following morn- ing, when her mother entered with a request from Colonel Rashleigh for a speedy audience. From the hour when, as her mother's newly-wedded husband, he took her upon his knee, and heard her acknowledge hue as her father, his love for the child of his adoption had struck its root* into the depths of his nature. The recent danger to lu-r life had heightened this to idolatry, and his inquietude on her account was still so great as to be a serious drawback to his peace of mind and the comfort of lu's household. With the pertinacity of age 19* 442 /ie refused to oelieve that she was mending as rapidly as sb ought to he. It was of no avail that she wore her brightest looks during his visits to her chamber, and when she was carried downstairs, chatted cheerfully, and frequently more than was easy or safe for her to attempt. He would have it that she was at a stand-still if not already in a decline, and not even his wife'n arguments could alter this conviction, This morning, he was full of a plan concocted between himsel. and the family physician in the course of the preceding day'* consultation. Katherine was pining for change of air and scene. So soon as she was adjudged able to travel, he would, with her, proceed by easy stages to Richmond, and from thence to Charles- ton, to take vessel for Cuba. She should see tropical fruits and birds, and feel tropical sunshine and breezes. Mrs. Rashleigh, whose health and inclination alike indisposed her for the tour, was co accompany them to Richmond, and, after a visit there, return to Briarwood, while Mrs. Holt continued with her pupil. For awhile, extreme amazement hindered Katherine from ex- pressing any other feeling with regard to the proposal. Then she inquired, with a touch of alarm, if they thought her situation so precarious that the change of climate was necessary for the pre* eervation of 'her life. "Not at all," 'replied the mother. "We believe that you would recover as certainly here, but more slowly. Your papa has planned this journey and voyage for this season, because it would be unsafe to take it in warmer weather. We thought, moreover, that it would please you." "It will," said Katherine. "I shall enjoy it above all other things that could be proposed. You are too good, papa !" Her cheek was mantled with a healthy glow ; her eye had a glad, soft light, as> she put her hand within his. He was grati fied uud complacent in the assurance that his wisdom exceeded NEMESIS. 443 that of all the doctors iii the country very prond of his scheme, and very fond of the daughter, who entered into it so readily. " But you, mamma ?" continued Katherine. " I wish you irert not to be left behind. You will be lonely here, I am afraid/' " I shall not." She moved away, not willing to trust herself to say more. Slu knew with whom the far South war now associated hi Katherine's inind and that hope sprang eagerly forward to the possibility that then 1 -projected route might cross that of another traveller. But the mother experienced a sudden pain at the momentary forget- fulness of herself, in the child whom hei cares had just won from the jaws of death. Mrs. Rashleigh's secret schemes could not be better advanced zhaii by the temporary absence of her husband. Young Sancroft had intimated to Mr. Hammond that the witnesses they had sum- moned, could not, in all likelihood, be gathered together, or the needful papers be made ready before the March term of the court, and the materials for her intended explosion could be collected better when there was no one at home who had the right to inquire into her movements. She had seldom seen the Colonel so bent upon a project of his own manufacture, and, in her fatalistic spirit, she believed that this unforeseen step was pregnant with important results, bearing upon what was become the grand design of her life. Therefore, she did not interfere or amend, save in the matter of her remaining at home, which the Colonel, however reluctant to part with her, was at length convinced wa* indispensable for the right conduct of his affairs, domestic and He ordered the carriage, that very forenoon, and rode to Mr Hammoiid'iS. In the lawyer's hands he deposited lih will which divided his estate equally between his wife and adopted dacgUer, Katheruie RasLleigh. An annuity to Mrs. Holt and a p to each of the English servants were the only reservation fi ow 444 NEMESIS. these bequests. Mrs Rashleigh had been appointed executrix, but in the fresh copy which Mr. Hammond was instructed to pro pare, Malcolm Argyle was made her coadjutor. A power ol attorney was likewise drawn up, authorizing Mrs. Rashleigh to execute bonds and sign whatever legal instruments she deemed proper, during her husband's absence Mr. Hammond asked no questions. He only suspended his pen for an instant above the parchment, as he reached Katherine's name. " Adopted daughter 1" he repeated, as if doubtful whether he read aright. " Those are the words, sir !" But the Colonel grew purple and coughed, before making the supplementary remark " I wish to be explicit, sir to leave no room for troublesome litigation, while it is also my desire that you consider this a confidential dis- closure. She is Mrs. Rashleigh's daughter by a former marriage a circumstance of which Miss Rashleigh is herself ignorant." " I beg your pardon, sir 1" and the pen went on. " Excuse me, Colonel Rashleigh," the lawyer ventured to say, when the documents were ready and the Colonel was on his feet to depart. "But it can do no harm to come to a full and mutual' understanding of these transactions. You herewith " touching the papers " invest Mrs. Rashleigh with unlimited authority to act in your stead, while you are away unlimited /" " Well, sir I" The Colonel stood, tightly buttoned up in his furred surtout very stout and very stiff. " These are unusual powers, sir, to be granted to any one- particularly a lady," pursued the attorney. " I do not lose sight of that fact, sir. But you must remem ber another, which you cannot have failed to perceive namely that Mrs. Rashleigh is an uncommon person, sir- -a very rc-niai ka-ble woman 1" NEMESIS. 445 A.nd with that, the old gentleman climbed iuto his chariot, an>' gave orders to drive home by way of Montrouge. It was but courteous to Robert and his wife, whose regard fof himself and family appeared to be uu mixed with interested motives that they should be apprised of the intended journey They were both at home ; both very attentive ; very agreeable ; yery affectionate. Both concurred heartily iu pronouncing his plan delightful, and judicious beyond all praise of theirs, and the elate Colonel could not render to his wife any intelligible account of the precise manner of its happening but he was bosue or coaxed on to that pitch of benevolence, that he invited his nephew and niece to join the party in their trip to the metropo- lis ; remain there, at his expense, for the week of Mrs. Rashleigh's stay, and then take charge of her back to Briarwood an offer which Eleanor had considerable difficulty in accepting, without an unbecoming show of rapture. How different would have been her emotions had she known that it was a salvo to an uncom- fortable sensation her rich connection sustained at receiving the overwhelming attentions of herself and spouse, while reflecting that he had just sealed an act cutting them off from all possible future benefit from his wealth ! The Colonel's high good humor at his forenoon's work wa* abated by Katherine's palpable chagrin, and her mother's silence, when he communicated the proposition he had made to the Moreaus, and its reception. Mrs. Rashleigh was the first to reassure him. While Katherine shrank from a renewal of inti- mate intercourse with her cousins, under an undefinable impr that all had not been right between them in the past, the mother's second thought was : "It is done now, and objection would be worse than useless. It may -mean something may accomplish pome decreed purpose." In this persuasion, she complimented her husband upon nis liberality to hi* relatives, and thanked him for the cuu 446 N E M E 8 I 8 . gideration he had shown for her comfort in providing her with an escort. Katherine was too honest to join in this commendation of a step that promised little happiness to her. She confided to Miss Barbara, who came at her summons to hear and wondei over the news, that this was, in her eyes, the most objectionabk feature in the pleasure-trip. " The only one, I may say, if we except mamma's refusal to ga with us. Not that I have any dislike for my cousin Robert and Mrs. Moreau, but you understand that it will seem less like a family party if they are along. And it is natural, since we are to leave mamma behind, that we should prefer to pass the last dayd of our companionship with her by ourselves, unchecked by the presence of comparative strangers." Miss Barbara did understand, better than Katherine herself could, why mother and daughter should dread the entrance of these intruders into their home-circle. No mortal living was more thoroughly acquainted with Eleanor than she was, and she bad a conception of her ability and influence that verged upon absurd exaggeration. She had departed from her rule of oon- interference in family affairs, so far as to hint her suspicions of this . arch-strategist's recent manoeuvres, in a letter she had dispatched to Malcolm, and, as may be supposed, her hints were tantamount to other people's broad assertions. With Katherine, she could not be frank, and she held her tongue. The southern scheme sounded to her like sheer nonsense, and while questioning the certainty of its advantages to Katherine's health, she had her own reasons for deploring the Colonel's resolution to remove his daughter from the neighborhood, where Malcolm, on his return, would expect to find her. That he would come back, and that sooner than he had anticipated up to the moment of perusing her letter, she could not avoid hoping and believing. But Katherine was so gay and animated in view of the next NEMESIS. 44~ t three months, so confident of sympathy from every one to whoa she unfolded aer plans, that her old friend was sparing of hei expressed discontent, and tried to work off her rising ill-humor bv energetic assistance in the laboring department of Briarwood, just now taxed to the utmost by the preparations for the travel- lers. She cut out and wound up bundles of unmade garments, which she engaged should be finished by the Ben Lomond seam- stress, Mrs. Rashleigh sitting by and directing how this and that was to be done, so gravely and naturally, that Miss Barbara recollected, in a dream-like mystification, the packages of home spun, unbleached muslin and linseys, which she used to prepare for Bessy Hale to take home. By the middle of the month all was ready. Katherine had untreated that her faithful nurse should spend the last night of her ^tay with her at Briarwood ; should sleep in her room upon the little bed where she had cast herself down for an hour of light Blumber, overpowered by fatigue and drowsiness, while fever was scorching up the life of her patient. Mrs. Rashleigh seconded the motion, and the Colonel had, ere this, ceased to observe upon " the extraordinary fondness " of his daughter for this " well dis posed but remarkably eccentric person." There was a singular, a laughable contrast between the two, as they sat over the fire that evening, for a parting talk together. Miss Barbara was in her short night-gown, without ruffle or trim- ming of any description ; a striped petticoat, blue and white, beneath it ; her grey hair tucked away under a cotton cap, with an astonishing border, starched and crimped ; her skirts drawn back from the square-toed shoes and worsted hose, incasing a pair of very decided-looking extremities ; and that nothing might be lucking from the grotesque yet cozy figure, a lui. pipe in her mouth. Katherine's nerves were not of the kind that' 11 cannot endure tobacco-smoke," while their delicate owner revel* nightly, as in her native element, in a heated atuiosphrre, will; 448 V M E 8 I S . hardly enough oxygen in it to afford a full breath for one pair of healthy lungs the happy multitude within it regaling themselves with laborious inflations of nitrogen, exquisitely flavored with Patchouli, musk, millefleurs and vilest, most suffocating of all Frangipanni. Miss Barbara's nightly smoke was taken at the urgent instance f her young hostess, who now sat watching the blue rings in their slow waltz toward the fire-place, where they broke suddenly and made a flying leap up the wide mouth of the chimney. Her white wrapper was edged at the throat and wrists by dainty little frills ; the lace border of her cap did not conceal the black tresses which had happily not been destroyed by the fever, and around her shoulders she wore, with negligent grace, a scarlet shawl. The fresh color had forsaken her face, and with it much of the piquant archness that once gave it its peculiar character ; but languor and pensiveness endowed her with new, and perhaps greater loveliness. " I have been restless for the arrival of to-morrow, and now, that it is so near, L^would put it off if I could," she said " Why is this, Miss Barbara ? Can it be a presentiment of evil f " Everybody feels so, more or less, just before settin' out on journey. I always used to in my travellin' days." " Did you ever travel much ?" " I came from Hanover here, and I went over the mountains ouce, to see my sister stayed nigh upon two months." She puffed very fast. " And did you feel then as I do now ? did a dread hang over fou a sinking of spirit and a clinging to home, as the one safe Bpot upon earth ?" " Yes, dear." " Did sorrow come from that journey ?" " Indeed 'there did ! My sister died while I was there, ami [ lost another friend near the same time." NEMESIS. 449 {Catherine left a, subject which she saw was saddening. " This is the 15th. We shall be in Richmond by the 20th. I own to a little curiosity to see something of town-life in this land. Have you ever been there 1 n " Once, forty years ago. Places change in that time as much as people's faces." " It is a long tune. Shall I, too, live to say, to some young girl, ' I saw such and such a thing forty years ago ?' " " I hope so. If the Lord wills, you may. None of us can tell what a day may bring forth." '' True ! young as I am, I have realized, to some extent, th* uncertainty of earthly things. But this is solemn talk ! It depresses me. I wanted to try to tell you how grateful I am foi your unbounded kindness for saving my life ? It is not worth much to me, or to any one else, but it is all the life I have." " Don't talk that way, dear I" said Miss Barbara, as the girl tried to laugh her glistening eye belying the pretense of mirth. "It is the most precious gift the Almighty can continue to an immortal soul that is out of Christ the life of the poor body. For, while that lasts, there is a chance of salvation. Don't ge* into the habit of treating death lightly. It's worse than foolisL it's sinful 1" " I have prayed for its coming in times past," said Katherine in a low, sad voice. " No, you haven't !" " Miss Barbara !" " I say you haven't I You thought you did, and that because rou were unhappy, you were tired of living, but if death had peized you at that very minute, you'd have fought with him, and cried out for your sweet life. Depend upon it, dear, we ought to return thanks to the Lord, every day, that he don't answer of our hasty prayers." 1:50 NEMESIS " It may be so. ] wish how I wish, you would teach me your contented faith, Miss Barbara. I meant to be your scholar .this winter, and here am I whisked off to the South Pole, before I can take a single lesson. Heigho !" " The right teacher is with you everywhere." " But how can I know him ? You will think me a heathen, 1 am afraid ; but if you only knew how I reach and yearn fof eome solid resting-place, not so much for my faith as for my heart 1 It is a hard, cruel thought, that I have tasted all the sweetness in the cup of existence at seventeen. I am not eight- een yet did you know that ?" " You look older than you are." " Do I not ? This sickness has added ten years to my age. J Am approaching middle-life am but a trifle on the sunny side of thirty." Miss Barbara removed her pipe to laugh. " You are a child, nothing else, and I trust there are many bright spots in this life for you. But, honey, maybe we shall not meet again on this Bide the grave. I'm growin' old, and none of us can tell in what watch the Master will call. I want to say a thing or two before we part. I didn't come to you first because I loved you ; but T had made a promise that I'd serve you, if you ever needed me." The rich color rushed to Katherine's face, and her breath was quick and fluttering. " We've never called his name, dear, and tisn't best we should. Because I had give him my promise, I came to nurse you, and because I knew he would like to have me do it, I stayed and tended you as long as I did. Now, I love you for your owj lake, and " " A.nd for what other reason, were you going t > say ?" " Never mind 1" Miss Barbara got up briskly and laid her pipe upon thi mantel NEMESIS 451 " Better put this window up an inch or so, until the smoke ii out 1" she said, suiting the action to the word. "Why did you stp so abruptly?" questioned Katheriw curiously. " No matter ! Only, dear," laying her hand solemnly upon the noble young head, " wherever you go, remember that the prayers of the righteous avail much, and there's been many of the right sort sent up for you, about which you've never heard more shame that it is so 1" she muttered, aside. " Were they yours ?" " I always name you in my poor prayers, but 'twasn't them I spoke of." " Whose, then ?" But Miss Barbara ordered her squarely to bed, and, atasatiafactory, betook herself :o her own couch NEMESIS. CHAPTER XXXII. MRS, M REAr enjoyed a holiday. The desire to be antram melled during her visit to the capital, wrought with prudentia, considerations of the risks to children in winter travel, and induced her to leave them at Montrouge in care of Sarah. Even baby Nelly could now bear the separation without physical inconvenience, and although her father besought that she might go with them, the mother's fiat was not revoked. This preliminary squabble-conjugal was, possibly, one cause o f the vast disproportion in the elevation of their spirits on the- way, and after they took possession of their quarters in town. Eleanor had never been more brilliantly careless, more sparkling in countenance and conversation. The Colonel was temporarily fascinated ; Katherine forgot her vague distrust ; Mrs. Rashleigh remained immovable. Mr. Moreau was miserably uneasy in the company of his step-aunt, although, from her demeanor, one would have imagined her profoundly indifferent to him. He was not the person to interest a sober, thoughtful woman, serious to severity, who seemed to have lost all taste for frivolous talk and badinage, if she had ever affected anything so trifling. ' ' I don't ask you to say clever things to her !" said Eleanor, in one of her wifely tirades upon a style of behavior that annoyed her excessively. " What you cannot think, you cannot say, as a matter of course. But you were bred a gentleman, and need not act like a bashful clown, even in the presence of my ~La/ 3 y Lofty She carries herself as grandly with me and what dt N K M K 6 I 8 453 "Jure for it ? The Argyles are of as good blood as any that rung in her veins. If she belonged to the royal family, you could nol be more afraid of her." Mr. Moreau heaved a mighty sigh ; but dared hot unclose his lips, for fear of saying something that might compromise him. To his unspeakable relief, his uncle rapped at the door. " Robert ! I am going out to walk. Will you come with me?" The conscience-haunted husband snatched his hat, and followed in a twinkling. The tavern there were no hotels hi Virginia, at that day was a very dissimilar affair from the mountainous structures of brick, granite, iron and plate-glass, that now number their shiftr mg population by the hundred. A substantial, respectable build- ing, it only challenged the notice of the traveller by its superior size to the surrounding houses, and its spacious entrance. The proprietor had his residence within it, and exercised unceasing supervision over every department, without betraying one symp- tom of the active, bustling Boniface, one is accustomed to picture to himself at mention of a public house in the olden time. He presided at one of the bountiful tables, in the dining-hall, paying especial attention to his lady guests, and hi the interim of hia professional duties, chatted with them in the parlor, or with then 1 fathers, husbands, and brothers, in the passages, and on the front steps everywhere, and to all, the courteous and intelligent gentleman. For gentlemen, by birth and education, were not ashamed to " keep tavern " then. The honorable or the ignoble nature of the profession depended upon the character of the house and its master. Katherine, with her mother and Mrs. Holt, was in the private parlor of the party an unusual requirement in the establishment, and one that marked the English boarders as exclusives. It overlooked the street, and the young girl sat at the window, 154 N E M E .8 I 3 . amusing her companions with playful remarks upon the passer* by. Her father stopped, as he went downstairs, to inquire at what hour he should order the carriage for her morning drive. The day was sunny, and not cold, and he advised that the airing should be prolonged until prudence warned them to return home. Rejoining his nephew, he marched out into the open air, with a traveller's alertness to go everywhere and see everything note- worthy in the place. He condescended to praise the natural advantages of the town ; but " feared that many years must elapse before it would attain to any eminence as a sjmmetrical or thriving city." Moreau spoke a word for its warehouses and water-power, but his uncle's contempt for everything that savored of pretension in the "pretty village" he patronised, was so apparent, that he yielded the point. As they passed another tavern, made conspicuous, by a swing- ing sign, with a bell painted thereupon, a couple of gentlemen, stepped out of the door to the sidewalk, and halted, in feigned 01 real surprise. They were the younger Sancroft and hiri friend, Mi. Woodson. Salutations were exchanged ; the Coloivel speaking, to the latter in a friendly, to the former, in a polite manner. " This is an unlooked-for treat, sir," said Mr Woodsoi> blandly." " When did you arrive ?" " The day before yesterday," was the reply. " And Mr. Sancroft and myself last night. What have you Been that interested you in the Capitol of our Old Dominion ?" pursued Mr. Woodson, walking on with the Colonel, while the narrow pavement compelled Mr. Moreau to fail into the rear with Sancroft. The Colonel admitted that, thus far, he had not found many striking objects for observation or thought to feast upon. " Have you been into our halls of Legislation ?" "I have not. Is there a fine display of talent there, thif winter ?" N K M E 6 I 8 . 455 "There was never more. The houses aie in session at this uoar. If you have no other engagement, you may derive some pleasure from a visit to them. What do you say to retracing our steps ?" "I should be pleast-d to hear the debates. Mr. Randolph Till be there, I presume ?" " He is in our National Congress not in the State Legislature.' " Ah ! I continually confound the two which are no more identical than our British Houses of Commons and Lords." Mr. Woodsou did not rectify this self-correction. If it satisfied its author, it did not concern him. " Mr. Randolph made a magnificent speech in Congress last month upon the war question. You heard him during his sum mer's campaign, I think, Colonel Rashleigh ?" " I did. He is a re-mar-ka-ble orator, sir ! I cannot suppose that this new country contains such another. Why, sir, ho would shine in the British Parliament I" They were now opposite "the Eagle," where the Rashleigha were sojourning, and the carriage and four at the door had attracted a group of loungers, whose admiring inspection of the fine horses was highly flattering to the Colonel. As Mr. Wood son passed his encomium upon the splendid leaders, Mrs. Rash- leigh, Eleanor, Mrs. Holt and Katherine, emerged from the house, and were handed into the chariot by liveried Thomas on one side, and the suave landlord on the other. The Colonel lifted his hat, with the deferential gallantry belonging to his character and generation, and his heart grew bigger at the recollection of his proprietorship in the two elegant women, who shared the unspoken, yet evident applause of the beholders. " You ought to be a proud and a happy man, Colonel Rash leigh 1'' said the quick-witted Woodson. The old officer's heavy physiognomy was illuminated by a heart -beam that redeemed it from homeliness. 456 N E M E 8 1 8 . " I am, sii'. . No man living has more cause to be thankful tc the Divine Giver than I have." The visit to the legislative bodies brought the promised enter tainrnent of good speeches, and a pleasant surprise, which the English gentleman enjoyed far more, in the form of a meeting with an old friend and fellow-countryman, whom he had not seen before in thirty years. This friend, Mr. Wickham, had emigrated to America while comparatively a young man, and settled hi Vir- ginia. Happening, on this forenoon, to be in the State Assembly, he noticed Colonel Rashleigh, and inquired who he was. The answer awakened a suspicion that it was his former acquaintance, und he forthwith introduced himself. The two had a long and deeply interesting conversation, broken off by the approach of the dinner-hour. Mr. Moreau had excused himself with the threadbare plea of " business " with whom or where, he was sure his uncle would ,iot inquire. He rejoined the family party, just as the Colonel was Delating the story of his fortunate fencontre with Mr. Wickham, tvbo had walked with him to the door of the tavern, and requested permission to wait upon the ladies, with his wife, next day. " Papa," said Katherine, thoughtlessly, " was not that Mr. vVoodson with you, this morning ?" "It was, my daughter. Why do you ask ?" "I do not like him. I never did," returned the petted child. '' And, as I stood on the steps, waiting until the others got into Ac" carriage, I heard one gentleman say to another, ' What is Colonel Rashleigh doing in that fellow's company ? He was once a common gambler about town, and follows the same trade now in the country !' " " A gambler 1" critd the Colonel, in anger and dismay. " Can this be true, Robert ? What do you say to this tale ?" Mr. Moreau's tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth Eleanor put on an air of shocked virtue WHMKS1B. 457 " What a consummate hypocrite be must be, if that is his real Easiness ! But 110, it is ridiculous ! We should surely have heard some whisper of it in all these mouths that he has lived near us ! You have never seen anything suspicious in his coy duct have you, my dear ?" " N-n-u-o," said Mr. Moreau. '' It is a matter of small moment to us whether the story be true or false," said Mrs. Rashleigh ; " Mr. Woodson has never been on intimate terms in our family. He has been invited to Briarwood but once." " He is Robert's friend," urged the Colonel, not pacified by this dismissal of the subject. " You introduced him to me as such, sir, and I have regarded him as an honest gentleman, when I ' would have repudiated the acquaintance if I had known of this stigma upon his character. I have rendered myself the object of common talk by apparent intimacy with him. I have invited him to my house ; he has sat down at my table with my wife and daughter. I am exceedingly displeased ! This is a very re-inar- ka-ble occurrence, Mr. Moreau !" His wrath stifled the words ; he could only gasp and strut about the apartment, in such a state of agitation as terrified his nephew out of the scanty measure of wit conscious guilt had left him. "But papa " began Katherine's soft accents. Her mother interrupted her. " You are exciting yourself upon insufficient grounds, Colonel Rashleigh." It was an order rather than an expostulation. " Would it not be well, before condemning the man, to have stronger evidence than the careh-si! speech of a stranger casually, and probably imperfectly over- heard in a public place ? Would not this be in better keeping with your usual conduct ? You are not apt to be so hasty in tour judgment." She laid her hand upon his arm, as she reminded him that the 20 458 NEMESIS. dinnei-bell had .-ung. Ere the dining-room was reached, he had regained his self-control, and apologized handsomely to hia nephew for his unwarrantable heat, before the first course wai through. " But this is a tender point with me, Robert ; my youngest brother the uncle for whom you were named was the means of teaching me a lesson on gaming ! I hate the very name of a dice-box or a card. If I were a king or a law-giver, I would make all games of chance punishable with death ! Upon my soul I would !" " Be quiet !" whispered his wife. " You attract attention." As was to be expected, when the fall of his fist on the table made the plates dance and the glasses ring for some distance on both sides of him. Katherine repented sorely of her imprudent remark. Her cousins were wounded; Mrs. Moreau offended, for the most skillful arid assiduous attention could not win a look 01 smile from her all dinner-time. How rude and unprovoked had been her animadversion upon one whom Mr. Moreau knew and she did not ! How unkind and inhospitable in her to incite the Colonel to attack the nephew, who looked up to him as to a father] In the sincerity of her contrition, she followed Mr. Moreau when he quitted the parlor after dinner, and overtook him in the entry. " Cousin Robert, I must say to you how sorry I am for my inconsiderate my unfeeling gossip about your friend, Mr. Wood- ,, " Don't call him my friend, Katherine He is anything but that I" " You are angry with me, and you have a right to be," con- finned Katherine, yet more humbly, for he was gruff to surliness. " I ought to have known papa's abhorrence of a gamester bettor than to have suggested the remotest possibility of his having associated with one. It was too bad that you should have born NEMESIS. 459 the bruut of the punishment I merited bj my meddling tongue. You must not mind papa when he gets excited. He always speaks out in that way. You saw how ready he was to explain his language when he cooled down. He is a sensible man, and cannot but perceive the injustice of holding you responsible for the character of every one whom you introduce to him in a crowd like that in which he first met this Mr. Woodson. You will for- get his hasty censure and my foolish babbling will you not, my dear cousin ?" Her beseeching, winning look was so charming that Moreau could not withstand it. " You are a noble girl, Katherine 1" he exclaimed " a perfect angel, to talk to me so sweetly after " " After what ? After your unfailing kindness to me ? I would fa very ungrateful to forget that I have never received a cross word or a frown from you. You are the most gallant and imiable of cousins. I am not so rich in friends as to make me liable to overlook one whose good will I have never had cause to doubt." Moreau hung his head. Glancing furtively toward the room where they had left his wife, he asked, in a half whisper : " Katherine, did you really care for Argyle, or was it, as she said, nothing but a fancy ?" " "Who is ' she ?' " Katherine fell back a few paces, and grew paler. "In there," pointing to the parlor. "You thought Argyle \vrote that letter to her didn't you ?" " And if he did not, who did ?" demanded the girl, breathlessly. A hand was laid upon the lock of the door near by ; Mrs. Moreau's voice sounded louder, ind while she paused to finish a last observation to some one within, ignorant of the daugeroul parley without, Moreau darted down a side-passage, and Kathe nine dragged herself to her room, which was not far off. (60 NEMESIS. At the so :ial family tea in the sitting-room, she was quiet and deavy-eyed ; but it seemed the quiet of absorbing thought, not unhappiness, and if her smile were less frequent, it had a gentle, spontaneous beam, the more perceptible to the mother's eye because, of late, her show of spirits had depended so much upon the auxiliary Will. These symptoms of radical amendment were lost upon the mole-eyed Colonel ; nor had Eleanor any just understanding of the change, which, from that evening, was mani- fest in her young cousin. When the evidences of this became apparent in her lighter, brisker step and increase of appetite, her father talked largely of the wonderful and instantaneous effect* of his prescription, while Katherine's laugh and blush left him iu the enjoyment of his theory. It would be going too far to say that she was happy although, hi the delightful relief afforded by Moreau's insinuation, she was ready, for a while, to believe herself so. With the credulity and precipitancy of youth, she jumped to the conclusion that the note exhibited to her by Malcolm's sister was a successful forgery ; nor was she backward in imputing the deed to William Sancroft. She had been blinded by shame and resentment, not to have detected this in reading it over. The handwriting was an exact imitation, but the style, rambling, obscure alternately mawkish and selfish ; how could she have been so egregiously duped ? But the Moreaus what was the extent of their complicity ? At this hard knot she worked with growing perplexity. She recol- lected the circumstance of Sarah's bringing in the letter and giving it to Mrs. Moreau, with the words, " From Master Mal- colm." Would the faithful servant be a party to a deception upon her mistress ? Was it not more likely that since, by the husband's own admission, he was cognizant of, if not accessory to the deception, the more intelligent wife also connived at the cunning trick ? And here started up a nonplus What was she to gain by the heartless, wicked device ? That Sancroft ruled NEMESIS. 461 his luckless crony with a bit of steel and rod of iron, Katherine had learned to suspect from her mother's hints and what she had herself seen and heard. But Mrs. Moreau's allegiance to her lord and master was not so absolute as to involve her, of necessity, in his schemes. She had professed a warm attachment to her cousin-guest, and, irrespective of this feeling, it appeared but reasonable, when viewed from a worldly stand-point, that she .should be gratified by her brother's alliance with the heiress of her husband's wealthy uncle. These were the pros and cons that hindered the equilibrium of Katherine's judgment that followed her wherever she went, an6 visited her pillow at midnight. There was but one certain method of exorcising them, and that was by holding up between herself and the troublers the blessed conviction of Malcolm's true, dis interested love the acquittal of her now stainless knight from the accusations his unprincipled rival had arrayed against him in her mind. The tale of his early engagement, that had enveloped her life in cloud, was now the flimsiest of distant mists a boyish mistake, that had tended, in no degree, to depreciate the value of the man's demotion. He had loved her, and had sought in her affection for happiness not oblivion ! If the tears flowed with the memory of her cruel rejection and more cruel, although veiled, taunts of unequal bargains in the sale or exchange of hearts, the sunshine broke out again in that peace-giving thought: " She was loved, even as she loved 1" Toward the Future she gazed with trembling, delicious hope of explanation and recon- ciliation. She could not discern clearly in what way this waa to be accomplished, fettered as she was by her nice sense of the binding promise of secrecy she had given Mrs. Moreau. But come it would ! Such faith was engendered by the knowledge of theif reciprocal affection such patience had her mettled spirit learned from the tedious probation of silent suffering. Tliis heroic f-'iibmission to what was inevitable, and this cheer 62 NEMESIS. ful constancy of hope, were the father's legacy to his child. Ther was no sign of either in the stern satisfaction the gloomy joy < with wMch the mother watched the march of the Destiny that was to make the day )f doom to her foes the season of her glorious truunph. B K M E 8 I 8. 462 CHAPTER XXXIII. MBS. KASHLEIGH'S chamber opened into the common sitting room on one side ; Katheriue's adjoined it on the other. Mr, and Mrs. Moreau occupied an apartment on the same floor, but in another wing of the building ; an arrangement that afforded facilities for the lady's favorite and harmless habit of hectoring her worse half. Her proficiency in the art had been acquired by diligent practice ; but never in the whole previous course of her married life had he furnished her with so many available texts as within the last week. He remembered her criticisms anrl injunctions no longer than it took her to bestow them upon him. lie was stupid and moody and irascible ; as she summed up his perversities " contrary as a mule !" The Rashleighs had a Christmas dinner served in their parlor ; very English in its appointments ; and eaten two hours after the public meal of the same name was digested by republican gastric organs. It was a stately, formal repast, brightened only by Katherine's smiles and Mrs. Moreau's bon mots, and washed down with n solemn glass of full-bodied port. Mr. Moreau's was the most lugubrious visage at the board, and it was plain that the quiet entertainment was ill to his liking, for, when the table was removed and the family drew up around the fire, he obtained iave of absence " to smoke one cigar," Mrs. Rashlcigh disliking tobacco, and did not show himself among them again that even- ing. Mrs. Moreau was more than annoyed. She was exasperated 164 N E M E S 18., against the partnd: she had engaged to "love, honor tind obey," He needed a thorough " going over," a regular " bringing to, both of which duties she sat up to perform that very night. A grand design may be brought to naught by a trifle, and het eloquent harangue, matured by several hours of uninterrupted thought, went out in a single exclamation, like an imperfect fusee, when, at two o'clock, A.M., Mr. Moreau was brought up to hia chamber in the arms of a couple of negro waiters, dead drunk. In one respect he was exactly fitted for her purpose, inasmuch aa ne could not speak an intelligible word ; but this qualification was of questionable value when joined to an inability to hear. With anger too hot for tears, she discharged the men, who inquired compassionately if she wished them to undress him ; with her ow; hands tore off his outer clothing and his boots, and partly led partly tumbled him into bed, where he snored drunkenly until late into the following morning, his wife perforce bottling her wrath against such time as he should be released from the dominion of the other fiery spirits that held sway over him. With emotions of intense disgust, unsoftened by any charitable movings toward the lover of her youth, the father of her children. Eleanor, having completed her own toilette, began to pick up the various garments from the floor where she had flung them at night Hours must elapse before her husband would be fit to be seen. She must excuse him at the breakfast table, and who of the party would be so simple-minded as not to connect the morning's sick nes^- with the unexplained disappearance of Christmas evening ? These irregularities would ruin his prospects of his uncle's final favor ; and Mrs. Rashleigh ! Eleanor fancied that she already saw the glitter of her cold eyes gloating upon their disgrace ! "And all to satisfy a drunkard's thirst !" she muttered. " A grand, a glorious thing is man I the noblest work of creation ! Tn nothing else so strong as in appetites that would debase a soulless brute 1" NEMESIS. 465 The soliloquy was broken off by the falling of some object from the clothes she was hanging in a closet. It was a pocket-book a capacious wallet, whose present state of collapse tempt evi EiciMioi 1 to the dishonorable act of opening it, to ascertain if it tvus entirety empty. In idle, wondering curiosity, she fingered one vacant pocket after another, until in the fourth, she found a packet done up in silver paper. A jealous instinct told her that it was hair, and she unwrapped it. Instead of the black, brown or golden tress she expected would .blast her sight with the open- ing of the last fold, there dropped into her palm a flossy ring, she recognized at once as having been clipped from the flaxen poll of baby Nelly. At another time the mother's heart would have been melted by this evidence of, at least, one pure sentiment that had survived the general wreck of right principle and feeling. Now she thrust it back contemptuously into the wallet. " If he really loved her, he would not be in such haste to beg- gar her I" In the next and last compartment, was a quarter sheet of coarse foolscap, so lately written upon that the ink was still pale. Eleanor pored over it with a scowling suspicion. It was hastily or carelessly penned, and here and there were splotches of ink, shaken from an unsteady pen. It was apparently some kind of memoranda jotted down upon the most convenient sip of paper. "S $50 W 160 H 300 S 300 W . . .600 $1,610." After some minutes of unavailing scrutiny, she replaced ihv paper and took out another and a smaller scrap. 20* the mysterious depression that had hung about him for so long a cloud, that gathered blackness daily ! This was the worm that was gnawing soul and body ! Who :ould say upon what verge of ruin and disgrace she and her children might now be standing ? When she had spoken of her innocent babe's ap- proach to beggary, it was no hyperbole of passion, although she may have deemed it such. Mechanically she replaced the paper that had showed her this abyss of confusion and woe. There was a rip hi the lining of the pocket-book, and through it protruded the corner of a note, that had, by some means, found its way to a lodgment between the inner and outer leather sides. Mrs. Moreau's prying fingers seized it and extricated this. It was soiled and crumpled, as by tos> iug about in the pocket or wallet. A mortal pallor overspread the dark, handsome face, as she read it a look of affright and wonder, surpassing all powers of description. It was the scathing epistle penned to her, by her brother, eight mouths back, concern- ing the loan he had made to her husband. The insane fatuity that had led to its preservation can only be explained by subcril> ing to the homely axiom, so uncomplimentary to the father of lies to wit, that, although zealous to get his followers into mis- chief, he always leaves them to get themselves out. Mr. Moreau had never quite persuaded himself that the safe season for destroy- ing the intercepted missive had arrived, and after tucking it into the hiding-place accidentally offered for its reception, he considero'l that it was as secure from discovery there, as it would be in the Ire. " The mills of the gods grind slowly !" To .:it words, Eleanor's gaze returned fixedly 68 NEMESIS. And she and hers were food for these avenging engines ! Througfc all the-se years of outward prosperity and inward vain-glorying the bloodhounds had been upon her track There was a brief paralysis of abject terror of deadly despair ; then, the lion-spirit rallied, not to sustain, but to resist its sentence. What was thii mummery about retribution this senseless analogy between her state, and that of the vulgarians, whose folly and presumption had ended in just degradation but the ravings of a crazy man, whose fancies had made him the laughing-stock of reasonable people ? Who else could ever have espied any connection between the' death of a delinquent debtor of a fever, and Mr. Moreau's hum- bling himself to solicit a loan of his wealthy brother-in-law ? With a sneering laugh, she tore the billet into bits and threvr them into the fire. In an hour more, she was seated at breakfast, at Mrs. Rashleigh's right hand, listening and replying with a pla- cid countenance to the Colonel's inquiries and regrets on account of her husband's sickness. " He will be well enough to go with us to Mr. Wickham's to dinner will he not ?" said Katherine. " I hope so. Still, these severe spells of sick headache shaka one so fearfully that even should the pain subside, it may not be prudent for him to mingle in a gay party this evening. If he remains at home, I, as a dutiful, affectionate wife, shall stay also ; out you must not suffer our movements to affect yours. Do you think that you will feel equal to going out, my dear madam ?" " I shall pass the evening here," rejoined Mrs. Rashleigh. " I have an idea 1" exclaimed Eleanor, seeking,' by factitioui gaiety, to dissemble her true feeling. " You, uncle, can escort Katherine and our good Mrs. Holt, here, to your friend's house to dinner. Mrs. Rashleigh and myself, with Mr. Moreau as our cavalier, will join you to-night at the theatre. It was a part of your plan to attend the play was it not ?" to Katherine. " Yes. Placide is called a line actor. Mr. Wickham's praise? N M E 8 I 8 . of him and bis company have made me more than curious anx ious to witness their performances. You know my liking for the histrionic art. If it is an unworthy taste, Mrs. Holt is to be cor sured. She introduced me to Shakspeare." " The legitimate drama is an appropriate study for the wisest of philososophers," observed Colonel Rashleigh. " It presents an ample field for the investigation of human nature. It inculcates a love for virtue and abhorrence of vice, and portrays the benefi- cent effects of one, and the punishment of the other in so re-mar- ka-ble a manner, as cannct but have a salutary influence upon tha mind and heart." " A summary of human life an abstract of human experi- ence 1" said Katherine. And, to her annoyance, Mrs. Holt glided off into the smooth tide of trite quotation ' All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances, And one man, in his time, plays many parts." Mr. Moreau awoke at noon, with a headache, a parched, woolly month, and a sense of something dreadful, past, present, ot to come, sitting heavily upon his soul. His wife waited upon him with portentous calmness. She let him shave, dress and drink the coffee she had ordered for his breakfast, without a syllable of rebuke But, when he divided the burden of his trembling limbs between his chair and the fender, and proceeded to fill his pipe for a composing smoke, she opened her battery. Even his muddled intellect perceived the futility of denial ; the folly of any feint at excuse. His tongue was, for once, too thick for falsehood. He sat, cowed and dumb, pressing the unlighted tobacro into the bowl of his pipe ; the wet hair clinging closely to his reddened forehead ; his eyes, bloodshot and watery, cast down- tVO NEMESIS. ward upon his hands, and let charge, proof, verdict an I vitupera tion pour in upon him like fiery hail. Now and then a wince or a shiver showed that he was not altogether deadened to a sense 01 pain. This happened once, when she demanded where he obtained the deposit from which Woodson was to draw liquidation of his claim. He shook then, as with a tertian ague, and mumbled something Impertinently enough his wife thought to the pur- port that the " least said about that was soonest mended." His agitation subsided, instead of increasing, when she retorted, with a savage accent, that she "supposed it was a reserve sum, set aside for such contingencies out of the money lent by her brother. It was a highly consistent use to make of gains which aad been employed as a medium of wanton insult to the wife he had not the manliness to defend." From this she glanced, as an exquisite instrument of torture, to the silvery curl she had found in 'us pocket-book, expatiating upon the perverted moral instinct of ',he unnatural father, who could lay this memento of his spotless babe by such records of evil dealing as occupied the next compart- ment. If these were the associations with which she was to be brought in contact, it were better that she should die before their influence polluted her pure nature. Not that he would regret this event I His conduct was decisive asHSo his sentiments toward his unhappy family. They could be nothing but an encumbrance, a hateful clog, upon the hands of a gentleman of pleasure " " For Heaven's sake, Eleanor I" he interposed, imploringly " Don't fay that ! I am a scoundrel ! a wretch that deserves everything else that you have said and the gallows beside. But 1 (Jo love my children, ai?d I never meant to wrong you 1 The Lord knows I never did 1 Wicked as I am, the thought of baby Kelly's" sweet face almost breaks my heart 1 I wish I had died before she was born. I should have been saved from the sin of robbing that one of my babies," He rubbed his hand over his eyes. NEMESIS. 4 " Fine words and theatrical airs cost nothing," Eleanor fc&sumed. A fraction of the remorse and upright intentions IK* DOW expressed, would, if reduced to practice in season, have saved him and them from ignominious poverty. Now, the inot cheering anticipation any of his household could experience with regard to him was the hope that some barrier could be erected that would prevent all future intercourse between himself and the innocent creatures he had so basely injured. For her part, she was in a frame of mind to pray that none of her poor, defrauded, disgraced children should ever see again the face of him, they were instructed to call by the holy name of " father/' " Eleanor !" he said, hoarsely " You do not you cannot mean that ! Do not drive me to desperation I Take it back 1" " Not one word of it !" She confronted him with eyes that burned luridly. " Not one word of it ! I say it would have been well for them never to have seen you, and that the greatest bless- ing which could come to them would be never to meet or hear ol you again in this world. Make what you will of it 1" He gave her a long, piteous stare ; then reached down his hat from the mantel and slouched it over his brows, put on his cloak and went out unsteadily, like a sleep-walker near his awakening. Eleanor sent a jeering laugh after him. " Don't forget the tragedy to-night 1" Then she was alone with her raging passions, and they ravened upon her at then 1 mad, fierce will. In the family circle, she maintained the hollow snow of smiling decorum. Katherine had not attended party or assembly since her illness, until this evening, and the girlish pleasure of seeing herself again arrayed in gala costume was manifest in her richer bloom and sparkling eyes. Her dress was blue satin, of the shade now called " mazarine," trimmed near the bottom of the skirt with a band of black velvet, a quarter of a yard deep ; the puffi of her sleeves were caught up with 'r>ops of th*-, 172 NEMESIS. and it edged the wide, flowing ends of her sash. Her hair wat knotted high up at the back of her head, secured by the tall comb whose ornamented top added more than an inch to her stature A pearl spray confined the curls upon the left temple, and she wore a necklace of larger pearls. The rarely fine lace in which Mrs Rashlcigh had the reputation of being a connoisseur, composed her stomacher and peeped out below her sleeves. Blue satin slippers and white silk stockings ; a fan of carved ivory and rice paper a fragile, curious toy and long kid gloves supplied the fin- ishing touches to the toilette of this favorite of beauty and fortune. The Colonel had bestowed far more thought upon his dress that Katberine's had cost her. A broad-skirted coat of dove-colored cloth, with immense buttons of mother of pearl, a waistcoat cf white silk, embroidered with lavender ; breeches like the coat, with silver knee-buckles, white stockings and high-heeled pumps, would excite the derision of fashionable circles now. Then, they formed an appropriate garb for the portly English gentleman ; noi was the powdered hair inadmissible in the best society, althougV it had ceased to be the " mode." " I wish the young gentlemen dressed as well as you do, papa t 1 said Katherine, saucily. " Costume, as an art, is going out of fashion, I am afraid among the gentlemen, I mean. With ladies, it must remain a perpetual study, until the end of time and toilettes ! I am ludicrously reminded of a humming-bird when a modern dainty gent flourishes up to me on tiptoe, bedecked in a pea-green coat, a blue waistcoat, and, perhaps, light-brown panta- loons, and prays me to exhibit myself in the next dance with him It is a call upon my moral courage to say ' Yes ' to such a re- quest. Happily, there is no dancing at a dinner-party or the theatre, and I can have the best-dressed gentleman in the com- pany, for my beau-especial," with a mock-respectful courtesy to her father. He tapped her cheek, laughingly. " .A'ul I see 110 reason wlij N E E S I 8. 473 L should not be vain of my daughter, also. What say yon. mamma ? Is not the little witch going to surprise u.s yet, by growing into a moderately fine woman ?" " I will not submit to such faint praise I" cried Katherine. " When everybody says I am the express image of what mamma was, at my age ! I allow that she is handsomer now. Is she a ' moderately fine woman,' papa ?" The Colonel looked at his queenly wife with undisguised pride. " She is always the ' fairest, discreteet, best ' of her sex, in my eyes." It was seldom that his manner to her was caressing in the pre- sence of others ; but, as he said this, he stooped over and kissed her brow. " I shall not expect certainly to meet you at the play. Much as I should enjoy your society there, I should be displeased wore you to risk your valuable health by going. That is the first consideration." Katherine had bidden her mother, " good evening," and was at the door, when Mrs. Moreau warned her playfully, " not to lose her heart." " Unless I can bring home one worth twice as much yot would say, I suppose ?" said she, looking back, with a bright glance her mother never forgot. Mrs. Moreau and Mrs. Rashleigh resumed the light work that had employed their fingers, when the diners-ont entered to pay their adieux. Mrs. Moreau talked volubly and sometimes ui> meaningly. Mrs. Rashleigh appeared to listen, and when she could not, without direct rudeness, do otherwise, spoke a few words. The uncongenial colloquy was interrupted by a servant, who informed- Mrs. Ilashleigh that a gentleman wished to speak with her, as Colonel Rashleigh was from home. ' Show him np ! Keep your seat !" said the lady to EJoamir, 474 NEMESIS. after a glimpse of the person who was just without the dooi showed her that he was a stranger. He was a civil young man, who introduced himself sensibly and without any affectation of diffidence. " My name, madamj is Crump ; I am a clerk in the Bank, and I was sent here to acquaint Colonel Rashleigh with the fact that suspicions are entertained of the genuineness of a cheque bearing his signature, which was presented to day. We are not BO familiar with his handwriting as to be positive of the forgery. Indeed, the cashier, being pressed with business at the tune, paid over the money, without close inspection of the cheque. It was not until subsequent examination excited his doubts that it was decided to refer the matter to Colonel Rashleigh." " Have you the cheque with you ?" " I have, madam," taking out his pocket-book. " Since Colonel Rashleigh is out, and promptitude may be necessary, if we wish to apprehend the forger, or get back the money, and you, no doubt, know Colonel Rashleigh's signature perfectly well, madam, will you have the goodness to examine this paper ?" It was worded thus ' ' Pay to Robert Horeau or order the sum of seven hundred and sixty dollars ($760). " HENRY L. KASHLEIOH." At a casual glance, it might readily pass for a fac-simile of the Colonel's characteristic autography. His wife detected the coun- terfeit on the instant, and that she did so, was seen by both the lookers on, who watched her with such diverse emotions. The bank official respected the honest indignation at the liberty taken with her -husband's name and funds, that hurried the crim Bon over the wife's face, until then colorless as alabaster, and the prudent self-control that compressed the mouth to shut back th unguarded speech that would hav forestalled the course of justice NEMESIS. 478 Eleanor realized, as by a lightning flash, that her ousband'a reputation was in the hands of one upon whose leniency he had no hold. From the moment of the man's stating his errand, the truth had curdled the blood around her heart, and remembering her husband's expression at her inquiries about the check given to Woodson, she felt that her suspicions had been slow in awaken- ing. Her inner sight read every word of the forged paper as plainly as did Mrs. Rashleigh's eyes, while her bodily vision, strained to acuteness by mental agony, recognized the endorse- ment upon the reverse of the note " Robert Moreau." Would that stern woman never speak ? Why feign to scru- tinize what she had condemned at sight ? Did policy withhold aer sentence ? It \\&? not mercy. The gentlest of divine attri- butes never softened such eyes as those. " It is my impression," said Mrs. Rashleigh, slowly, " that Colonel Rashleigh did not write this. I am, however, not dis- posed to affirm that he did not. I prefer that you return the paper, and call upon him early to-morrow morning ; he will not be in again, until late to-night." " Cannot you inform me where he may be found at present, madam ? Delays are dangerous." " I will take the responsibility of this one." Awed by her dignity, he begged pardon and retreated. Mrs. Rashleigh took up her needle once more. " It is growing colder," she said, glancing out of the win . low. "Was that note a forgery?" asked Eleanor, in a discord art voice. " It was." Mrs. Rashleigh answered as unconcernedly as shs had remarked upon the weather. " Do you know v ho wrote it ?" " I do," " Who r 4 76 NEMESIS " Your husband I" There was a pause. Eleanor was literally wrung with anguish She bowed her face upon her knees and groaned an outbreak of passionate woe, that seemed to rend the heart as it escaped, Then, she lifted herself and asked still in that harsh key : " What do you mean to do with him ?" A thrill of unhallowed joy ran through the frame of thfl Nemesis she was acknowledged as the arbiter of her enemy'i late ! Her voice was untremulous. " It is Colonel Rashleigh's affair not mine." "But your influence over him is unbounded." " I never interfere in his business." " What do you think that he will do ?" " I presume that he will let the law take its course." " And the penalty is " " The penitentiary." " You are not in earnest ?" said the half-crazed woman. " Is it likely that I would jest on such a subject ?" Her coolness was maddening ; her slight, scornful smile piti- less as death. " For the love of mercy I" cried Eleanor, crushed to her knee^ by the view of the gulf at her feet. " If you have one spark of womanly feeling, think of your own child, and pity my little ones." " They are truly unfortunate, but not more so than others have been. Mr. Moreau can blame no one except himself, for their degradation." " I know it, but he is weak-minded, and easily led astray. He has been fearfully tempted. Represent to his uncle that this is his first offence of this kind. What is this paltry sum to a man of his wealth ? If he will pass this over, and save my husband, I promise solemnly, that he shall be repaid, if we are made i less by so doing. Will you net plead for us ?" N E M E t> I S . 471 She said all this kneeling upon the floor- -humbled in the dust her eyes lifted toward the stony features of the advocate she sought to enlist. " ' His first offence of this kind !' In what class of offences am I then to place the letter written in the name of his brother- in-law, which you showed to my daughter ? Why do you sit there ? Get up and answer, for this is but the beginning of the account between us." The total alteration in her countenance and tone, struck Eleanor, excited as she was. She obeyed. " The letter ! the letter !" she replied, to gain tune, " I do not remember it." ' I mean the epistle suggested by yourself penned by your husband, and read by Katherine, while she was at Montrouge last fall. Wore you the principal in the matter, or was he ?" " It was William Bancroft's proposal." " And you condescended to follow where so contemptible a reptile crawled. There is a paper which you may return to Mr. Moreau. He left it upon my desk at Briarwood, the day you called to invite Katherine to your house. His head was so full of his master-piece, that he could not refrain from practising his oenmanship, wherever and whenever he found paper and pen i-eady to his hand. That is a better imitation of your brother's signature that Mr. Moreau achieved of his uncle's hi the check I examined just now. You ought to be very proud of his talents ribe." The cruel taunt was unheeded ; Eleanor was constrained tc kx)k at the sheet handed to her It was scribbled over with un- ^onnected words, among which "Ben Lomond" "M Eleanor," "Malcolm," "Malcolm Argyle," "Miss Rashleigli," occurred all in a feigned hand, bearing *o close a resemblance to Malcolm's that it was impossible to suppose it JHI accid"iitu coincidence 478 NEMESIS. " Wnom the gxls wish to destroy, they first make mad, ' waa a proverb that might well be placed, in this connection, alongside, of the one which her brother's voice now seemed to reiterate in JSleanor's ear. " You poisoned mj child's mind against a true and fond lover, Is it this which I am to remember to beget in me pity for your children ? He was driven from his home by her rejection, and her mental suffering produced the illness which had well-nigh made me childless. Are your ' little ones ' to reap the benefit of this reflection ? What think you ? Would a mother be likely to spare the murderess of her daughter? Look at me, Eleanor Argyle ! Can a wife spare the murderess of her husband ?" At her almost forgotten maiden-name, Eleanor did look up. She saw a form, instinct with such energy, an eye, dilate with such wrath, as metamorphosed the cold, languid invalid into a Pythoness, breathing vengeance. " Who are you ?" she said, shrinking from the apparition. " The ' cobbler's wife,' whom you scorned ! the suppliant, whose prayer for her husband's life you denied, and added insult to your denial 1 You may quake and stare at me ! It is as 1 have said. Your punishment has slumbered long, but it is upon you now. The man whom you have married assailed me an unprotected, sorrowing woman with his infamous gallantries, aud your jealousy at hearing that he had been seen with me fanned your dislike into fury. Your father's tool as your father was yours was that disgrace to mankind, Sancroft. Between you, you thrust an innocent, dying man into a prison, from which death, more merciful than any of your band, released him. Have forgotten you or your accomplice ? Have you heard nothing 1>f the pending investigation of his later knaveries, which will blast his character forever, if it does not consign him to a felon's cell ? Are you aware, that even had your husband never com- W K M K 8 X 8 . 47S .uitted this forgery, he could not have escaped similar disgrace Instigated by hia evil spirit, William Sancroft, he purloined from Colonel Rashleigh's lawyer the papers that would have convicted his friend's father. And I I mind you I followed him up, until the evidence establishing his guilt was obtained. He has virtually confessed the deed, but it was superfluous testimony This is the solution of his shyness in my company the downcast eyes and sullen shamefacedness that have troubled and angered you. Are you jealous now of my influence over him ? You! own is not greater 1" Eleanor had caught the back of a chair, and leaned her face upon it ; her breath coming in sharp, loud gasps, like the suffo- cating sobs of one drowning. " I have been patient very patient ! a patience that has stolen away my health and youth, made me old, while yet in my prime. But I knew that it would come the day and hour of the avenging angel 1 Is it still your wish that I should be your intercessor with your uncle ?" No answer except the hysterical gasping. " He has been the unconscious instrument in the grasp of Fate In what he has done in providing for my child and myself and in removing to this country, he was unmoved by any know ledge of Bessy Hale's wrongs, or her oath of vengeance. He never knew that Mark Hale died in prison, as truly by your hands as if you had stabbed him to the heart. It is not to his pity that I owe my position, nor his sense of justice that has accomplished your humiliation. No ! it was Destiny, and it ia victorious 1" When, after a prolonged stillness, Eleanor raised 'ier head, the a^ort winter's afternoon was darkening into night arid she waa alone. NEMESIS. CHAPTER XXXIY. YHS. theatre was a blaze of light, and crowded from pit fra poof. Never had a more brilliant assemblage been gathered within its walls. It was the carnival of the volatile, pleasure- loving South, and the leaders in its gaieties, the young, th beautiful, and the opulent ; the elite of the capital's fashion and intelligence were here, to offer an ovation to a favorite actor. In whatever direction the eye moved, it was greeted by gay colors, Sashing jewels, and orighter smiles, and the joyous hum that vtrose from the throng was like the distant sound of laughing, raping waters. Conspicuous among the many beauties that adorned the boxes, svas Katherine Rashleigh. Over an India shawl. she wore an ermine tippet, and both having been thrown back, on account of the warmth of the house, the white fur circled plump shoulders, that were not shamed by its purity. Her head was covered by a white satin hat, with plumes, its wide, round brim permitting a fair view of her face, over which the dimples and blushes were coming and going in enchanting succession. Her attire, with its warm, bright hues, all so becoming to hei style of beauty, was set off by contrast with the dress of her friend, Miss Wickham, who sat by her. She was a gentle-look- ing girl, whose choice of tints evinced her modest taste and an appreciation of what best suited her pensive loveliness. Her hat and feathers were mouse-color, the former lined with pink satin, and tied under her chin with pink ribbons. Her cloak and furs NEMESIS. 481 jusi watched the bat in shade, as did also her dress of delicately- fine i-.ainbric, a material much in vogue at that date. At the fcack of the seat, stood her betrothed lover, Lieutenant (Jalrert, frl>o=o low-toned conversation brought up a happy glow to her transparent skiu, almost as vivid as the carmine of Miss Rash icigh's complexion. Katheriue's impulsive temperament was quickened to exhilara- tion by the splendor of the scene and the billowy murmur. She could have clapped her hands and screamed in childish abandon of delight, and since she must curb this madcap inclination, &he talked fast and merrily with the admirers who pressed into Mr. Wickham's box, to crave an introduction to the uew star. The Colonel was in his glory, and in the plenitude of nis complacency, he made it a point of conscience and politeness to address some sonorous platitude to each fresh comer, who swelled his daugh- ters train. " A gay scene, sir !" he informed one. " 1 was not prepared 'or such an array of beauty in a provincial town/' " There are some re-mar-ka-bly handsome ladies here to-night," he observed to another while to a third, he imparted, semi-con- fidentially, his opinion that the governor of the commonwealth, who occupied a neighboring box, was " a man of distinguished bearing evidently one of nature's noblemen." While the performers were upon the stage, his attention was courteously critical for had he not seen Garnck ''a most extraordinary man and actor 1" as he enlightened every one near him, between the second and third acts Katherine was never ashamed of her father. She rurhtly regarded his faults and idiosyncrasies as trifling blemishes uv/on a character whose main traits were generous and admiriMc. From her mother and her native tact- she had learned to divert tbe current of his ideas when it set too decidedly in the dire;ti>b bf the ridiculous. J-82 N K M K S I S . " See, papa I" she said, touching his elbow, as lie stood np U tfie front of the box. " Is not that Cousin Robert in the nppei !ier across the house ?" The Colonel looked, as she directed, and saw his nephew seated between Sancroft and Woodson, neighbors whom Katherine had uot observed when she spoke. The uncle frowned. " It is himself certainly. Your mother iecided very prudently to remain at home, I imagine. I am dis- pleased at Robert's public appearance vith a " Katherine's warning finger reminded him where he was, and smothering his disapprobation, he bestowed one more severe glance upon the culprit, and gave his attention anew to the stage. Katherine scanned her cousin more particularly. She thought it strange that, when his wife had made his recovery the condi- tion of her coming out this evening, that he should be here with- out her. His temporary sickness had worsted him surprisingly j but, making allowances for this and the unfavorable effect of hia disordered dress and unkempt hair, there was something about aim which she could not understand. His face was red, in spite of its haggard lines, and she could see that he talked noisily constantly interrupting himself and attracting the notice of thost danger !" was caught np and repeated by many. Katherine's eye turned to the quarter from which the first voice came, and saw, across the house, the speaker, who con- tinued to vociferate the assurance of safety, and, at his side, just opposite to herself, Malcolm Argyle, his eyes eagerly fixed upon the curtain, which had fallen at the alarm. In another second, he had precipitated himself over the low parapet of the boxes, into the pit ; and, as a bright stream of light flashed through the painted screen, the cry of " Fire !" rang out again, echoed now by groans and shrieks, that told the mad fear which seized upon every soul at the certainty of the calamity. Malcolm had dashed through the crowd in the pit all, beside himself rushing to the door and scaled a pillar into the box where stood the Rashleighs, terrified, yet willing to listen to reason, while Mr. Wickham reiterated that the best chance of gafety lay in presence of mind, and a steady, yet hasty progrcffl toward the lobby. "The pit!" said Malcolm, imperatively. "Lower the ladies, and then leap yourselves into the pit ! We can reach the outer door before the .'-rowd from the stairs blocks it tip. Now now !" 1-86 N E M E 8 1 8 . He laid hold of Katherine s arm, and she felt in his iron grasj how awful was his sense of their peril. "I think, sir" began Mr. Wickham. " It is no time to think. / have thought I" said Malcolm vehemently. " Katherine, will you let me" A wilder cry of alarm, as the forked tongues of flame, with lightning velocity, ran along the ceiling, cm-led and spouted, and wrapped themselves over the light boards that pannelled the front of the boxes. " There is but one way now 1" and, throwing his arm about Katharine's waist, Malcolm plunged into the living current that surged impetuously into the narrow, tortuous stairs and lobbies. Lieutenant Calvert caught up the fainting form of his betrothed and followed, while the two elderly gentlemen, breast to breast, fought bravely to win a path from death. Still, pressing as they thought the emergency, they miscalculated the swiftness of the triumphant element. The piercing shrieks of the hapless crea- tures who were in the hindermost ranks, testified that they were already in its scorching embrace, when the dazzling, furious glow grew suddenly dull, and a column of pitchy smoke rolled along the roof, filled the dome, and, extinguishing every light in its downward swoop, fell a black-winged Death upon the strug- gling mass of human beings. Screams and moans were stifled stilled ! All that was left of vital fire, within the inner walls, went out in ope agonized respiration, as the victims entered the poisonous cloud hot, reeking with oily vapors as it were, a breath from Gehenna itself I In the lobbies, and upon the staircases, the frantic struggle for life went on in utter darkness; behind, the roaring, surging flame; before them, an impenetrable wall and a staircase, piled higher ud higher with the bodies of living and dead. Over these, rushed on the trampling, wrestling crowd. Strong men climbed upon the shoulders, and walked upon the heads of the compacted NEMESIS. 487 throng that still kopt their feet ; women were crushed to death in the press ; children trodden to pieces. Yet, the ties of Nature were mighty. Husbands upbore wivea with superhuman strength; mothers held their offspring so tight!) enclasped, that the tremendous force of the outward tide could not tear them away, and fathers, with arms of stone and thews ol steel, lifted their sons above the pressure of shoulders and heads. Katherine had spoken but once in the dreadful transit : " My father 1" ' ; Ts an able-bodied man ; you, a feeble woman !" He had no more breath to spare, even to console her. When the cloud of smoke fell, they were still some paces from the stair- case, and, at the inhalation of the noisome vapor, Malcolm felt nis stout heart give way. Casting his eyes up in the darkness, he descried the faint glimmer of the sky through a window. Summoning all the muscular energy that remained to him, he threw himself against the lower sash. It fell outward, and the pure air of heaven pouring in through the opening, brought back departing life and hope to many beside himself. A cry of mingled joy and anguish went up from the sufferers, and there was an instant rush in the direction of the casement. " Trust me !" said Malcolm. " Your safety is dearer to me than my life !" Katherine felt herself raised in his arms as he spoke ; the cold wind blew more freshly over her, and, realizing with a shudder what was his desperate resort, she shut her eyes as he swung h-r clear of the building and let her go. A pair of stout arms broke her fall. " All safe, missis ! Bless the Lord 1" said a tall negro whose giant frame had not staggered under her descending weight. "Gilbert Gilbert Bunt!" called out a voice from an upp window 88 NEMESIS. Tl.e man hallooed in reply, and hastened to obey the summons Katherine gazed with clasped hands and dilated eyes upon tin casement from which she had been lowered. By the light of tha flames now bursting through the roof, she saw Malcolm maintaie his stand within against the crazed creatures swarming over him; saw him lower one and another quickly, gently, as he had done her ; heard their exclamations of thanksgiving to him and to Heaven, as each reached the ground in safety. From windows, above and below, forms were falling some headlong and shriek- ing some prone and unresisting some with clothes on fire, and within that funeral pyre were her father and her lover, while she must stand inactive see all hear all and not stir to save either ! A fiercer, more agonized yell came from the imprisoned wretches marking, as she afterward knew, the sinking of the staircase under its accumulated load ; and, forgetting the self command she had until now so rigorously preserved, she cried aloud : " Malcolm Malcolm ! Oh, come to me !" He heard sent one hasty, troubled glance over the horrified faces flocking about the inside of the window, extricated himself from clinging hands and crowding forms, and was upon the earth beside her ! " My darling 1 yon are saved 1 Thank God 1" He asked not whether he had the right. For one rapturous instant he held her to his heart, as the fervent ejaculation passed fcis lips for one second, her arm was about his neck and hei head upon his breast ; then she started up. " My father ! Oh, where is he ?" " I waited for him as long as I dared. I trust he has escaped by the door. ' It is not safe to stand here. See I" The licking flames, now blent into one vast, quivering, swaying oyramid, arose toward the strangely serene heavens. The uu N E M E 8 I 9 . 489 squal coufict was at an end There was no more fiomid of mortal woe within those trembling walls. The Fire-Fiecd held nigh carousal where, one short quarter of in hour before, peaca and pleasure and joy the enjoyment that "takes no thought for the morrow " had reigned supreme. Eleanor Moreau still lay upon the bed in the lethargic stupor that had succeeded to the tempest of warring passions, unheed- ing the tumult that arose, with increasing din, without ; the hoarse cries and trampling of hurrying feet ; the discordant clangor of the alarm-bells or the ruddy reflection from the distant fire upon the white wall opposite her bed, although her eyes were open, and rested upon the sanguinary tinge. She scarcely heard the loud knocking at her door, until her name was called agak and again. " Mrs. Moreau 1 Mrs. Moreau 1" Reeling with weakness and giddiness, she drew back the bolt. A. lady, a fellow boarder in the house, stood in the passage. He/ blenched face and trembling articulation awoke in Eleanor, a feeling akin to impatience. " What do you want? I do not understand you 1" she said, almost rudely. Another effort and the words came out. " The theatre ia turned down I Where is your husband ?" f I do not know ! Why do you ask ?" replied Eleanor, put- Uug her hand to her head. " Because we fear that he was there ! " The vacant stare told her that the mind did not receive hrf meaning and the lady added" Will you come to Mri,. Rush- leigh's room ? We may learn some particulars of the fire, from your brother." 4-90 K E M E 8 I S . Eleanor followed her to the sitting-room. Mrs. Rashleigh was extended upon the sofa, jnst recovering from a swoon ; Malcolm supported her, his hands swollen and blackened his hair scorched. Eleanor noted these circum- stances with dull surprise. Katherine knelt before her mother, and chafed her hands, unmindful of her own need of attention, for her dress was torn and dabbled with blood not her own her shoes were gone, and her hair in tangled confusion. " What has happened ? Where is Colonel Rashleigh ? Where is Robert ?" demanded the bewildered wife, her clouded intelli- gence gathering the idea of some horrible catastrophe. Mrs. Holt tried to draw her away, but Mrs. Rashleigh had jeen and heard her. Raising herself to her feet, she put her hands together and tooked upward the reluctant homage of a foiled ambition to th Power that ha,d dashed it to the ground " VENGEANCE is MINE I WILL REPAY, SAITH THE LORD 1" And she fell forward in another and more deadly faint. If EM K 818 . 491 CHAPTER XXXV. OVER i,v!v'i i *L(! dear old Ben Lomond, the home of Malcolm aud Katheriue, thera hung for years, one cloud ; there moved in the household band one ligure, that was a continual reminder to the husband and wife of a dark and terrible story a tragedy, known in all its details, only to themselves. They never spoke of It, except in their most secret conferences, yet both knew that it was never forgotten, for an instant, while that pallid, woe-stricken vvoman sat in her arm-chair, beside the winter fire, or, in summer, in the airy colonnade overlooking the site of the Halo's cottage. She was always habited in deep black, always taciturn and un- smiling " in a melancholy," said the neighbors, and from Mrs. Holt, the only member of the family who could be induced to converse upon the one great event of her life the burning of the Richmond theatre, they learned enough to beget in them com- passion, unmingled with woader, for the widowed mother of Ben Lomond's mistress. The ci-devant governess was never more solemnly important than when a knot of curious listeners collected in her room, and Having shut the door, begged her to recount the particulars of that direful night, that plunged hundreds of families into mourn- ing. For fifty years, save one, have the fervent tones of prayer and tbe sweet melody of holy song, floated through the outer court of the monumental temple, where are inurned the ashes of tho noble aud the brave, the lovely, and the beloved, who fell upon tliat 4:92 NEMESIS. Nox Ira in the annals of Virginia's fair Capitol But the falay spot is haunted yet. The stranger's foot loiters beside the simple and time-stained tomb, while he reads the record of the slaiu, and a troop of horrified, struggling, despairing phantoms seems to encircle him, as he lingers over the list ; the bright, calm day is changed into the lurid illumination of the Death Festival, and neart-sick aud shuddering, he turns away. The Commonwealth still mourns the ornaments of her high places, and in many, many homes, the date of that Christmas merrymaking is marked by a cross of blood ; is never named but in whispers, with pale lipa and aching hearts. One wet August afternoon, Mrs. Holt rehearsed the dismal story, to five or six young girls, visitors at the hospitable home- stead. They clustered closely about her ; sitting upon stools and the floor some in the laps of others, for the narrator's tones were mysteriously low, and with the horror inspired by the tale, came the disposition to keep near together. " What a mercy it was that you did not go, Mrs. Holt 1" said one. " You are quite correct, my dear. Yet I am surprised in the retrospect, that I chose a quiet, intellectual conversation witl Mrs. Wickham, instead of the entertainment of the play-house I thought then, that my decision grew out of my contempt for the stamp of the performances for that evening. Of the legiti- mate drama, I was always an enthusiastic admirer. But I have since reflected, with reverence and gratitude, that my action was rather an illustration of the truth, so beautifully expressed by the great poet " There's a divinity that shapes our ends Rough-hew them as we may." " Was it ever known how the house took fire ?" " Never definitely. The most probable Ktory was that it wa NEMESIS 49S communicated to one of the painted scenes by the lifting of a chandelier, which by some unaccountable oversight, was not ex- tinguished when it was raised out of the way." " And when you and Mrs. "Wickham heard the alarm, anc where the fire was, you ran down to the theatre ?" prompted an auditor, who had heard the recital before. '' We did without a moment's delay, or bonnet or cloak cold though the night was. I shall never forget Mrs. Wickham'a scream, when we caught sight of the building the fire bursting through the roof, and the wailing forms that filled the windows. The fire seemed even then, feeding upon them. The first person Mrs. Wickham recognized was a negro-man, who stood under one of the windows, catching the poor women who were dropped into his arms by a gentleman in the upper story. " ' O, Gilbert!' she cried. 'Have you seen my daughter ? 'No, madam,' he said, mournfully; and then the gentleman called ' Here is one more I' and lowered a large female, under whose fall, the man himself went to the ground." "Was he hurt?" " I learned, subsequently, that he was not, and that he saved the life of the gentleman also, a physician of the city, who waa /amed by entangling his foot in a projecting hinge, as he leaped out. The brave black rescued him, as the walls were tottering, and bore him away hi his arms. In one minute more the building fell to the ground."* " But I saw nothing of this, for I followed the unhappy mother, shi ran into the crowd, seeking her husband and her child She found Mr. Wickham contending violently with the humane friends who would not let him rush back into the house to look * This incident is literally true, as indeed are all the particulars of th eoiifi'ij-utiou and tlie escape of the sufferers. Gilbert Hunt still (in 1 M;I 1. 1 plies hid tr.ule, which is that of a l>lackinith, in Richmond, Virginia. 194 NEMESIS. for his daughter She had been close behind him, and supjwrted by her betrothed, near the head of the staircase, and then descended the dense suffocating smoke that killed more than the flame did, and it was supposed that they all went down together Colonel Rashleigh. and the ill-fated lovers to rise no more. ' They were lovely, and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths they were not divided.' " " And Mr. Wickham how did he escape ?" " He fell, providentially, against a partition, with his mouth close to a crack, and the stream of air from without, revived him so far that he was able to roll himself down the stairs. While he was striving with those who held him, there came a crash and a fearful cry, and it was announced that the staircase had broken down, thus cutting off all hope of escape except through the windows. From these, the miserable sufferers continued to fall for a few minutes more, and then all was over. Men and women, young and old were, ' In one red burial blent.' Their dust returned to the earth, and their spirits to God who gave them." After an awed silence, another spoke. " Where were Mr , and Mrs. Argyle, when you found them ?" " At the door ; there was but one to pit and boxes ! Hence, the terrible loss of life. Mr. Argyle had just returned from travelling in the South, and knew nothing of Miss Rashleigh's being in the city, until he saw her across the theatre, soon after he entered the house, while she did not notice him before the alarm of ' fire ' was raised. Then, with the courage and presence of mind for which he is distinguished, he leaped into the pit, and hurrying over to her, besought her to do the same. There was no time to explain what was afterward made but too evident ; NEMESIS. 492 aamely, that if those in the lower tier of boxes had jumped into the pit, they could have gained the common entrance-door in a shorter time than by the staircase, and also left more room foi those whose seats were higher up. The pit was cleared very quickly and not one of its occupants was lost. Mr. Wickham ncrei ceased to deplore his resistance to Mr. Argyle's proposal, which would, humanly-speaking, have saved the lives of the whole party. But Mr. Argyle was personally unknown to him, and none of them suspected the magnitude of the peril. While Colonel Rashleigh and Mr. Wickham withheld the ladies and deprecated- the precipitancy of the multitude, the fire caught the drop-curtain and the boxes, and but a single chance of life .emained to him. Mrs. Argyle once told me, that it seemed to her that hours were spent in their passage to the window from flrhich Mr. Argyle let her down, ye f it was scarcely ten minutes from the time the alarm was given, and the rescue of the last living creature from the burning building. So true is it, that in the midst of life we are in death.' " " How did Mr. Moreau perish ?" was asked, after another pause " It was never known. There were two other gentlemen from this county with him. One of them, Mr. Woodson, leaped from a high window for they sat in the third tier and had his leg fractured by the concussion. He is still living, a hopeless cripple, in or near Richmond. Mr. Bancroft, who was a very agile man, attempted to make his way over the heads of the throng, but while so doing, was precipitated down the stab-case when it fell, and finally drawn out of the mass of prostrate bodies, by a fireman. His internal bruises were so serious, that he did not survive his hurt above a week. Neither of these gentlemen had any recollection of seeing Mr. Moreau after they left the bench on which they had been sitting together. It was an hour thai ' tried men's souls,' and the ' first /aw of Nature,' was the on most regarded." 496 NEMESIS. " Wo were still looking and inquiring for Colonel Rashleigh, when Mrs. Rashleigh appeared. She was an extremely delicate woman, yet she had run every step of the way, from her board' ing-house to the theatre fully a quarter of a mile. Her cry, as her daughter spoke to her, is ringing in my ears now, and shf 3auk senseless in her arms. We took her back to the tavern, nd there remained the sad duty of telling Mrs. Moreau of hei husband's probable fate. She could not, or would not believe it until days had gone by. She appeared to be completely stunned by the stroke." " Mrs. Rashleigh's mind received a slight shock did it not ?" was the cautiously-worded query that veiled intense curiosity. " I fear so ! She was never a demonstrative or talkative person, and I had no conception of the depth of her devotion to her husband and child, prior to this lamentable event. We despaired of her reason, for weeks after we returned home. Buf she was adjudged capable of administering upon her husband'? estate. One of the first uses she made of her restored faculties was to dismiss a suit which Colonel Rashleigh had ordered to b* instituted against the father of Mr. Sancroft, the unhappy young man of whom I spoke just now. She sent for the old gentleman, and had a long, private conference with him, and then instructed her lawyer to suspend the proceedings against him. He removed from the county, shortly afterward." It was as the literal, yet unsuspecting governess had stated. Without an effort to resume the functions of her office, the Nemesis had submitted to her dethronement, and henceforth, no doctored nun led a life of more rigorous seclusion more gloomy elf-abnegation. The possessor of a handsome fortune, she lived as abstemiously as an anchorite. Her room in her daughter's house was furnished as simply as the master and mistress of the mansion would allow, and her dress was devoid of any appear^ Mice of ornament Her almsgivings were liberal to extra v NEMESIS. 497 game, and bestowed as privately as possible. She never attended public divine service, yet her daily drive, except when Malcolm prohibited it, because of very stormy weather, was to the hill behind the church, in which Mr. and Mrs. Argyle were now devout worshippers. There she would sit for hours, nt the foot of the lonely grave, Mark's Bible and her thoughts for her com- panions. Her affectionate children could not but hope that she tvas slowly feeling her way to light and truth, although they dared not invade the solitude of her communings with the Past, and with Him, who had overruled the wrathful purposes of His crea- ture, as He, in His inscrutable providence deemed best. Besidea the reverse of her previous intentions in the case of Mr. Bancroft, she gave another and more signal proof of the revolution wrought in her feelings, by defraying all Mr. Moreau's just debts, and settling his estate, thus disencumbered, upon his children. Mrs. Moreau she never saw after the night that made them both widows. Nor was the younger lady more inclined to the meeting. She, too, had undergone a great change. Montrouge ceased to be the rendezvous of the gay youth of the vicinity. Its mi law, despotic as ever, ruled out all species of fashionable dissipa- tion, and the judicious expenditures and improvements of the plantation were controlled exclusively by herself. Her sons re- spected and obeyed the mother, whose strictness repressed any excessive outgoings of love they might otherwise have felt for their only parent, and they bade fair, under her guardianship, to grow up into upright, honorable men. One person, alone, of all who owned her sway, was ever indulged or spoiled by kii. This was the " baby Xelly," who had been the fathers darling. Did he look up through those innocent eyes into the mothei's face ? Was there, in her infantine coaxings, any tone that reminded her of liis last plaintive won' drove him O'u!!i 1:0, ii'.io tiis fr- n her <>r hearts <>n!v ki.eiv I 498 IT E M E 6 I 8 . It was certain that she never uttered his name ; it was as certaii that she never forgot him. When a black-eyed daughter was given to Katherine's arms, ehe wished to name it "Bessy;" but her mother positively, yet quietly forbade it, and the father called it by the pet title he had restored, since their marriage, to his lost and found playmate. Three years later, little " Kitty " was made supremely happy by the present of a baby-brother. All other rejoicings than hers were subdued by the shadow lengthening over the household the approaching dissolution of Mrs. Rashleigh. Her decline was gradual, and seemingly peaceful as painless. The day before she died, Miss Barbara, still hale in her useful old age, brought the boy-heir in her arms to his grandmother's bedside, and presented petition from his mother, that she would ratify the name which had been bestowed upon him. A sweet smile lighted up the wasted features. " Lay him here !" she said, stretching out her arm upon the pillow. Miss Barbara complied, and the dying eyes looked steadfastly upon the infant, whose mystery of life was beginning as hers ended. Then, laying her other hand upon his head, she said, solemnly, " The God of your grandfather bless you, Mark Hale !" and Miss Barbara added a tearful " Amen !" They buried her, as she had desired, beside her husband, and although her epitaph did not bespeak the same certainty of a blessed rest as did his, there was in the hearts of her children and old friend, a sustaining hope that she was partaker with her beloved one, of the heaverly heritage ; that the calm ray at 14 evening-tune," was a foretoken of light celestial and eternal. With reverent hands and many tears, Malcolm and Katherim examined the relics she had bequeathed, with everything else, t< them. Over the worn trunk that hod gone with her through al. W E If E 8 I 8 . 439 fter changes of fortune and place, they lingered longest and most Badly. It contained Kitty's doll, manufactured by the father's hands, for her first Christmas-box ; a full suit of his apparel the dark-blue cloth free from moth and dust, the linen neatly fokfed ; and underneath all, the sign once affixed, with such guiblflB' pride, to the cottage wall MARK HALE, HOB1UUB. 188S. NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS, G. W. CAELETON & CO., Publishers, 33 West 23d Street, New York. The Publishers, on receipt of price, will send any book on this Catalogue by mail, postage free. All handsomely bound in cloth, with gilt backs suitable for libraries. Mary J. A.olmes' Novels. Tempest and Sunshine. English Orphans . . ... Homestead on the H:hside 'Lena Rivers Meadow Brook Dora Deane Cousin Maude Marian Grey Edith Lyle Daisy Thornton Chateau D'Or Queenie Hetherton. . ..(Newj Charles Dickens 15 Pickwick and Catalogue $ Dombey an J Son Bleak Bou* Martin Ctiu2. ^wit -i .rr,a.;y Kudf^ Edwin Drood. Cn'.o is .England Miscellaneous ' . otmas BOOKS Two Cities. . 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