ip - / ^ : ; ; :,'-3 ; --;;: ;.. m .':-V ..'- ^ : " I - 9 Ml i ' : .,' g THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID ANECDOTES OF THE HABITS AND INSTINCTS OF ANIMALS. BTf MES. K. LEE (FORMERLY MHS. T. BOWDICH), A>ithor of 'Anecdotes of Birds, Fishes, and Reptiles,' ' The African Wanderers, ' Adventures in Australia,' ' Playing at Settlers,' eic. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY HARRISON WEIR. GRIFFITH, FARRAN, OKEDEN & WELSH, SUCCESSORS TO NEWBERY AND HARRIS, WEST CORNER OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, LONDON. E. P. BUTTON & CO., NEW YORK. The Rights of Translation and of Reproduction are Reserved. PREFACE. IN making a selection of Anecdotes, those have been assembled which were supplied by me to other works, and in most instances have received considerable ampli- fication; others have been given which never before were printed perhaps not even written; while all which have been transferred from other pages to mine have received the stamp of authenticity. Besides those whose names are already mentioned, I have to thank friends who have drawn from their private stores for my advantage, and thus enabled me to offer much that is perfectly new. Dry details of science and classification have been laid aside, but a certain order has been kept to avoid confusion; and although endeavours have been made to throw as much interest as possible over these re- corded habits and actions of the brute creation, I love the latter too well to raise a doubt by one word of embellishment, even if I did not abstain from principle. The intentions with which this work was commenced have not been carried out, inasmuch as materials have crowded upon me beyond all calculation; and although a large portion has been rejected, the anecdotes related M372154 iv PREFACE. go no further than the Mammalia, while almost all animals were to have been included. With regard to the remaining orders if the present work should meet with a favourable reception, I shall hope next year to present the public with touching and amusing proofs of the sagacity and dispositions of birds, and of 'hair-breadth 'scapes' from reptiles, etc., some of which will, like those in the present volume, be carefully selected from the works of tra- vellers, from the resources of friends, and from my own experience. To the pleasing task of enlightening those who, shut up in close cities, have no opportunity of observing for themselves, and to the still higher enjoyment of direct- ing young minds to an elevating pursuit, the naturalist adds a gratification even better than all, by making known the hidden wonders of nature ; and leaving to those who delight in argument, the ever-unsolved ques- tion of where instinct ends and reason begins, he sets forth the love of the great Creator towards all His creatures, and the ways He takes to show His wisdom. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE pleasure of being so read as to require a second edition of our works, is much increased, if we authors can in any way make that edition more worthy of the public than the first. I flatter myself that in the present instance I have succeeded, by being able to add two or three anecdotes of much interest, bearing the same stamp of authenti- city as all the rest of the collection. The history of the fire-dog is here ended, and a cat of remarkable sagacity introduced ; the history of bears is also ampli- fied ; and as nothing but the truth has been told, I hope to receive the same kind reception as that which has accompanied the first edition. S. L. \* The Third Edition of the Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, FisJies, and Reptiles alluded to in the Preface of the First Edition to this Work, may be had uniform with this Volume, with Illustrations by HARRISON WEIR, price 3s. 6d., or gilt edges 4s. CONTENTS. MONKEYS, ETC., 1 BATS, . 26 MOLES, 33 HEDGEHOGS, 33 BEARS, 41 BADGERS, ...... 53 WEASELS, 59 OTTERS, 63 DOGS, . 68 WOLVES, . 133 f XES . . .... 143 HYENAS, ... -.... 148 LIONS .152 TIGERS, .. 174 LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC , ..... 182 CATS, ... loo . ll/O SQUIRRELS, ... .... 204 RATS 207 MICE 217 ELEPHANTS, ....... 221 HIPPOPOTAMUS, . . . 239 HOGS, ... 242 viii CONTENTS. PACH RHINOCEROSES, , 250 HORSES, 254 ASSES, 271 CAMELSDROMEDARIES, 276 LLAMAS, ETC., t 280 DEER, 282 GIRAFFES, . .' 288 ANTELOPES, 291 GOATS, 295 SHEEP, g 00 OXEN, ;-> o3 ANECDOTES OF HABITS AND INSTINCTS OF ANIMALS, THE QUADRUMANA, OR MONKEY TRIBE. FORMED like man. and practising similar gestures, but with thumbs instead of great toes upon their feet, and with so narrow a heel-bone that even those -who con- stantly walk upright have not the firm and dignified step of human beings, the Quadrumana yet approximate so closely to us, that they demand the first place in a book devoted principally to the intellectual (whether it be reason or instinct) history of animals. This approxi- mation is a matter of amusement to some ; but to the larger portion of mankind, I should say, it is a source of disgust. ' Rapoynda,' I exclaimed one day to a troublesome, inquisitive, restless negro, pointing to a black monkey, which much resembled him in character, 4 that is your brother.' Never shall I forget the malig- nant scowl which passed over the man's features at my heedless comparison. No apology, no kindness, not even the gift of a smart waistcoat, which he greatly coveted, ever restored me to his good graces ; and I was not sorry when his chief summoned him from my vicinity, for I dreaded his revenge. A 2 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. A few years after, I stood lost in admiration before Sir Edwin Landseer's inimitable picture of Hhe monkey who had seen the world,' in which nature and truth lend their tone and force to the highest efforts of art ; when a voice exclaimed, 'How can you waste your time looking at that thing ? such creatures ought never to have been painted;' and although the speaker was a religious man, he muttered to himself, ' I am not sure they ought ever to have been made.' The voice pro- ceeded from one of the finest instances of manly beauty, one famed also for talent and acquirement. Ra- poynda started into my recollection, and as I slowly left the talented picture, I could not help smiling at the common feeling between the savage and the gentle- man, thereby proving its universality. Never did any one start for a tropical climate with a greater antipathy towards these ' wild men ' than I did. I lived years in their vicinity, and yet contrived to avoid all contact with them, and it was not till I was homeward bound that my conversion was effected. The ship in which Mr. Bowdich and myself took a round- about course to England was floating on wide expanse of water, disturbed only by the heavy swell which forms the sole motion in a calm ; the watch on deck were seated near the bows of the vessel ; the passengers and officers were almost all below ; there were only myself and the helmsman on the after- deck : he stood listlessly by the binnacle, and I was wholly occupied in reading. A noise between a squeak and a chatter suddenly met my ears ; and before I could turn my head to see whence it proceeded, a heavy, living creature jumped on my shoulders from behind, and its tail encircled my throat. I felt it was Jack, the cook's monkey, the THE MONKEY TRIDE. 3 mischievous, malicious, mocking, but inimitable Jack, whose pranks had often made me laugh against my will, as I watched him from a distance, but with whom I had never made the least acquaintance. Whether from fear or presence of mind I do not pretend to say, but I remained perfectly still, and in a minute or two Jack put his head forward and stared me in the face, uttering a sort of croak. He then descended on to my knees, examined my hands as if he were counting my fingers, tried to take off my rings, and when I gave him some biscuit, curled himself compactly into my lap. We were friends from that moment. My aversion thus cured, I have ever since felt indescribable interest and entertainment in watching, studying, and protecting monkeys. We had several on board the above-men- tioned vessel, but Jack was the prince of them all. Exclusively belonging to the cook, although a favour- ite with the whole crew, my friend (a Cercopithecus from Senegal) had been at first kept by means of a cord attached to the caboose ; but as he became more and more tame, his liberty was extended, till at last he was allowed the whole range of the ship, with the exception of the captain's and passengers' cabins. The occupa- tions which he marked out for himself began at early dawn, by overturning the steward's parrot-cage when- ever he could get at it, in order to secure the lump of sugar which then rolled out, or lick up the water which ran from the upset cup. He evidently intended to pull the parrot's tail feathers; but the latter, by turning round as fast as Jack turned, always faced him, and his beak was too formidable to be encountered. I was frequently awakened by the quick tramping of feet at this early hour, and I knew it arose from a pursuit of Jack, ia 4 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. consequence of some mischief on his part. Like all other nautical monkeys, he descended into the fore- castle, where he twisted off the night-caps of the sailors as they lay in their hammocks, stole their knives, tools, etc. ; and if they were not very active in the pursuit, these purloinings were thrown overboard. When preparations for breakfast began, Jack took his post in a corner near the grate, and when the cook's back was turned, hooked out the pieces of biscuit which were toasting between the bars for the men, and snatched the bunches of dried herbs with which they tried to imitate tea, out of the tin mugs. He sometimes scalded or burnt his fingers by these tricks, which kept him quiet for a few days ; but no sooner was the pain gone than he repeated the mischief. Two days in each week, the pigs, which formed part of our live stock, were allowed to run about the deck for exercise, and then Jack was particularly happy. Hiding himself behind a cask, he would suddenly spring on to the back of one of them, his face to the tail, and away scampered his frightened steed. Sometimes an obstacle would impede the gallop, and then Jack, loosening the hold which he had acquired by digging his nails into the skin of the pig, industriously tried to uncurl its tail ; and if he were saluted by a laugh from some one near by, he would look up with an assumed air of wonder, as much as to say, What can you find to laugh at ? When the pigs were shut up, he thought it his turn to give others a ride, and there were three little monkeys, with red skins and blue faces, whom he parti- cularly favoured. I frequently met him with all of them on his back at the same time, squeaking and huddling together, and with difficulty preserving their seat ; when THE MONKEY TRIBE. 5 ho suddenly stopped, and seemed to ask me to praise the good-natured action which he was performing. He was, however, jealous of all those of his brethren who came in contact with me, and freed himself from two of his rivals by throwing them into the sea. One of them was a small Lion monkey, of great beauty and extreme gentleness ; and immediately after I had been feeding him, Jack called him with a coaxing, patronizing air ; but as soon as he was within reach, the perfidious crea- ture seized him by the nape of his neck, and, as quick as thought, popped him over the side of the ship. We were going at a brisk rate, and although a rope was thrown out to him, the poor little screaming thing was soon left behind, very much to my distress, for his almost human agony of countenance was painful to behold. For this Jack was punished by being shut up all day in the empty hen-coop, in which he usually passed the night, and which he so hated, that when bed-time came, he generally avoided the clutches of the steward. He, how- ever, committed so much mischief when unwatched, that it had become necessary to confine him at night, and I was often obliged to perform the office of nurse-maid. Jack's principal punishment, however, was to be taken in front of the cage in which a panther belonging to me was placed, in the fore part of the deck. His alarm was intense ; the panther set up his back and growled, but Jack instantly closed his eyes, and made himself perfectly rigid. I generally held him up by the tail ; and if I moved, he cautiously opened one eye ; but if he caught sight of even a corner of the cage, he shut it fast, and pretended to be dead. His drollest trick was practised on a poor little black monkey; taking the opportunity when a calm, similar to that spoken of 6 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. above, left him nearly the sole possessor of the deck. I do not know that he saw me, for I was sitting behind the companion door. The men had been painting the ship outside, and were putting a broad band of white upon her, when they went to dinner below, leaving their paint and brushes on the upper deck. Jack enticed his victim to him, who meekly obeyed the summons ; and seizing him with one hand, he with the other took the brush, and covered him with the white fluid from head to foot. The laugh of the man at the helm called my attention to the circumstance ; and as soon as Jack perceived he was discovered, he dropped his dripping brother, and rapidly scampered up the rigging, till he gained the maintop, where he stood with his nose be- tween the bars looking at what was going on below. As the other monkey began to lick himself I called up the steward, who washed him clean with turpentine, and no harm ensued ; but Jack was afraid to come down, and only after three days passed in his elevated place of refuge did hunger compel him to descend. He chose the moment when I was sitting on deck, and, swinging himself by a rope, he dropped suddenly into my lap, looking so imploringly at me for pardon, that I not only forgave him myself, but procured his absolution from others. Jack and I parted a little to the south of the Scilly Islands, after five months' companionship, and never met again ; but I was told that he was much dis- tressed at my absence, hunted for me all over the vessel h the most disconsolate manner, even venturing into r.iy cabin ; nor was he reconciled to the loss of me when the ship's company parted in the London Docks. Another monkey, of the same species as Jack, was trained by a man in Paris to perform a multitude of THE MONKEY TRIBE. 7 clever tricks. I met him one day suddenly as he was coming up the drawing-room stairs. He made way for me by standing in an angle, and when I said ' Good morning,' took off his cap, and made me a low bow. 4 Are you going away ? ' I asked ; ' where is your passport?' Upon which he took from the same cap a square piece of paper, which he opened and showed to me. His master told him my gown was dusty, and he instantly took a small brush from his master's pocket, raised the hem of my dress, cleaned it, and then did the same for my shoes. He was perfectly docile and obedient : when we gave him something to eat, he did not cram his pouches with it, but delicately and tidily devoured it ; and when we bestowed money on him, he immediately put it into his master's hands. Much more accomplished monkeys than those of which I have spoken have been known to act plays, and to assume the characters they have undertaken, with a spirit and aptitude which might tempt us to suppose that they were perfectly cognizant of every bearing of their different parts ; and their stratagems to procure food, and defend themselves, are only equalled by human beings. Denizens of those mighty forests which clothe the earth between the tropics of both the Old and New World, assembling by hundreds in those lands where the Palm, the Banian, the Baobab, the Bombax, and thousands of magnificent trees adorn the soil, where the most delicious fruits are to be procured, by merely stretching out the hand to separate them from their parent stem, no wonder that both apes and monkeys there congregate, and strike the European, on his first arrival among them, with astonishment. I had seen 8 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. many at Cape Coast; bat not till I advanced into the forest up the windings of the river Gaboon, could I form any idea of their multitude, or of the various habits which characterize their savage lives. The first time the reality burst upon me, was in going up a creek of that river to reach the town of Naango, when the most deafening screams were to be heard overhead, mixed with squeaks and sundry strange noises. These proceeded from red and grey parrots, which were pur- sued to the tops of the tallest trees by the monkeys. The birds were not frightened ; on the contrary, they appeared to enjoy the fun, and perching on slight twigs, which would not bear the weight of their playfellows, they stretched out their wings, and seemed vociferously to exclaim, ' You can't catch me ! ' Sometimes, how- ever, they were surprised, and then there was such a scuffle and noise. The four-handed beast, however, plucked the red feathers from the tail of the bird ; and careless of its anger, seated himself on a branch, suck- ing the quills till they were dry, when he started for a fresh supply. That monkeys enjoy movement, that they delight in pilfering, in outwitting each other and their higher brethren men ; that they glory in tearing and destroy- ing the works of art by which they are surrounded in a domestic state ; that they lay the most artful plans to effect their purpose, is all perfectly true ; but the terms mirthful and merry seem to me to be totally misapplied in reference to their feeling and actions, for they do all in- solemnity and seriousness. Do you stand under a tree, whose thick foliage completely screens you from the sun, and you hope to enjoy perfect shade and re- pose : a slight rustling proves that companions are THE MONKEY TRICE. nenr. Presently a broken twig drops upon you, then another ; you raise your eyes, and find that hundreds of other eyes are staring at you. In another minute you see the grotesque faces to which those eyes belong, making grimaces, as you suppose, but it is no such thing, they are solemnly contemplating the intruder ; they are not pelting him in play, it is their business to drive him from their domain. Raise your arm, the boughs shake, the chattering begins ; and the sooner you decamp, the more you will show your discretion. Watch the ape or monkey with whom you come into closer contact : does he pick up a blade of grass, he will examine it with as much attention as if he were deter- mining the value of a precious stone. Do you put food before him, he tucks it into his mouth as fast as pos- sible ; and when his cheek pouches are so full that they cannot hold any more, he looks at you as if he seriously asked your approval of his laying up stores for the future. If he destroy the most valuable piece of glass or china in your possession, he does not look as if he enjoyed the mischief, but either puts on an impudent air, as much as to say, ' I don't care,' or calmly tries to let you know he thought it his duty to destroy your property. Savage, violent, and noisy are they when irritated and disappointed, and long do they retain the recollection of an affront. I once annoyed a monkey in the collection of the Jardin des Plautes, in Paris, by preventing him from purloining the food of one of his companions ; in doing which I gave him a knock upon his paws. It was lucky that strong wires were between us, or he would probably have hurt me severely in his rage ; he shook the cage, he rolled about and screamed, and did not forget the offence. On future occasions, 10 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. the instant he heard my voice, he put himself in a pas- sion ; and several months after, although I had been absent the whole time, he seized on my gown while I incautiously stood too near to him, dragged a portion of it within the bars, and bit a great piece out of it, although it was made of a very strong material. A monkey, of I know not what species, was domi- ciled in a family in Yorkshire to whom my mother was paying a visit of some days. A large dinner-party was given in honour of the guest, the master of the house helped the soup ; but as he was talking at the time, he did not observe its appearance. Presently all to whom it had been served, laid down their spoons, or sent their plates away. This of course attracted attention ; and on inspection, the liquid was discovered to be full of short hairs. The servants in attendance were ques- tioned, but they declared they were ignorant of the cause ; and the wisest and politest proceeding was, to send the tureen from table, and, serving the fish, make no further comment. The mistress of the family, how- ever, when the ladies left the dining-room, slipped away from her friends, and summoning the cook to her pre- sence, received an explanation of the mystery. The woman said she had left the kitchen for one minute, and when she returned, she saw the monkey standing on the hob of the kitchen grate, with one fore-paw rest- ing on the lid of the boiler which contained the soup. 4 O Mr. Curiosity ! ' she exclaimed, ' that is too much for you ; you can't lift that up/ To her horror and amazement, however, he had lifted it up, and was put- ting it on again after popping the kitten in, whose re- mains were discovered at the bottom when the soup was strained. The poor cook was so bewildered, that she THE MONKEY TFJBE. 1 1 did not know what to do ; it was time for the dinner to be served, and she therefore, for the look's sake, thought it best to send the soup in as it was, even if it were sent out again immediately ; ' because, you know, ma'am,' said she, 'that would prove you had ordered it. I always thought the monkey would do the kitten a mis- chief, he was so jealous of it, and hated it so because it scratched him ; so he seized it when asleep.' A much better disposed monkey belonged to my eldest daughter ; and we brought him to England from the Gambia. He seemed to know that he could master the child, and did not hesitate to bite and scratch her whenever she pulled him a little harder than he thought proper. I punished him for each offence, yet fed and caressed him when good ; by which means I possessed an entire ascendency over him. He was very wretched in London lodgings, where I was obliged to fasten him to the bars of a stove, and where he had no fresh air ; and he was no sooner let loose than he tried to break , everything within his reach ; so I persuaded his young mistress to present him to the Jardin des Plantes. I took him there ; and during my stay in that place paid him daily visits. When these were discontinued, the keeper told me he incessantly watched for my return ; and it was long before he recovered his disappointment and made friends with his companions in the same cage. Two years after, I again went to see him ; and when I stood before him and said, 'Mac, do you know me?' he gave a scream of delight, put both his paws beyond the bars, stretched them out to me, held his head down to be caressed, uttering a low murmur, and giving every sign of delighted recognition. The most melancholy of all monkeys is, apparently, 12 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. the Chimpanzee ; and although he has perhaps evinced more power of imitating man than any other, he per- forms all he does with a sad look, frequently accom- panied by petulance, and occasional bursts of fury. One of the smaller species, such as those which at dif- ferent times have been brought to England and Paris, was offered to Mr. Bowdich for purchase, while our ship lay in the river G aboon. His owner left him with us for four weeks, during which time I had an oppor- tunity of watching his habits. He would not associate with any other of the tribe, not even the irresistible Jack ; but was becoming reconciled to me, when one unlucky day I checked his dawning partiality. He fol- lowed me to the panther's cage, and I shall never forget the fearful yell which he uttered. He fled as swiftly as possible, overturning men and boys in his way, with a strength little to be expected from his size ; nor did he stop till he had thrust himself into a boat-sail on the after-deck, with which he entirely covered himself, and which was thenceforward his favourite abode. It was several days before I could reinstate myself in his good opinion, for he evidently thought I had something to do with the panther. The latter had been in such a fury, that the sailors thought he would have broken his cage; and he continued restless and watchful for hours after- wards, proving that the chimpanzee is found in his country of Ashanti, farther to the north than we had imagined. We did not buy the animal, on account of the exorbitant sum asked for him, and the risk of his living during a long voyage. He was always very sad, but very gentle ; and his attachment to his master was very great, clinging to him like a child, and going joy- fully away in his arms. Of those kept in the Zoological THE MONKEY TRIBE. 13 Gardens of England and Paris, many anecdotes have been related, evincing great intelligence. One of the latter used to sit in a chair, lock and unlock his door, drink tea with a spoon, eat with a knife and fork, set out his own dinner, cry when left alone, and delight in being apparently considered one of his keeper's family. It is in equatorial Africa that the most powerful of all the Quadrumana live, far exceeding the Oran Outang, and even the Pongo of Borneo. Mr. Bovvdich and my- self were the first to revive and confirm a long-forgotten and vague report of the existence of such a creature, and many thought, as we ourselves had not seen it, that we had been deceived by the natives. They assured us that these huge creatures walked constantly on their hind feet, and never yet were taken alive; that they watch the actions of men, and imitate them as nearly as possible. Like the ivory hunters, they pick up the fallen tusks of elephants, but not knowing where to deposit them, they carry their burthens about till they themselves drop, and even die from fatigue ; that they build huts nearly in the shape of those of men, but live on the outside ; and that when one of their children dies, the mother carries it in her arms till it falls to pieces ; that one blow of their paw will kill a man ; and that nothing can exceed their ferocity. A male and female, of an enormous species of chim- panzee, were brought to Bristol by the master of a vessel coming from the river Gaboon. He had been commissioned to bring them alive; but as this was impracticable, he put the male into a puncheon of rum, and the female into a cask of strong brine, after they had been shot. The person who had ordered, refused to take them, and Professor Owen secured them for the 14 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. College of Surgeons. The flesh of that in salt and water fell from the bones, but it was possible to set the other up so as to have his portrait taken, which likeness is now in the museum of the college. The rum had so destroyed the hair, that he could not be stuffed. He was between four and five feet high ; his enormous nails, amounting to claws, were well adapted for digging roots; and his huge, strong teeth must have made him a for- midable antagonist. There could not be anything much more hideous than his appearance, even when allowances were made for the disfiguring effects of the spirit in which he had been preserved. He was entirely covered with hair, and not wrinkled and bare in front like the smaller chimpanzee ; and it was for some time supposed that this was the Ingheena reported by Mr. Bowdich. Since then, however, some skulls have been sent to England from the same locality, of much larger proportions, be- tokening an almost marvellous size and strength ; and these probably belonged to the real Ingheena. They go about in pairs ; and it is evident from their enor- mous teeth, that, as they are not flesh-eating animals, these weapons must have been given to them as means of defence against the most powerful enemies ; in fact, against each other. I now come from my own knowledge and personal experience to those of others, and I cannot begin with a more interesting account than that given by Mr. Bennett of the Ungka Ape, or Gibbon of Sumatra, the Simia Syndactyla of naturalists. He stood two feet high when on his hind legs, and was covered with black hair, except on the face, the skin of which was also black ; the legs were short in proportion to the body and arms, the latter being exceedingly long. His only THE MONKEY TRIBE. 15 pouch ^vas under the throat, the use of which was not apparent, for he did not make it a reservoir for food. He uttered a squeaking or chirping note when pleased, i\ hollow bark when irritated, and when frightened or angry he loudly called out 'Ra, ra, ra.' He was as grave as the rest of bis tribe, but not equally mischievous 1 ; he, however, frequently purloined the ink, sucking the pens, and drinking the liquid whenever he could get at it. He soon knew his name, and readily went to those v?ho called him. The chief object of his attachment was a Papuan child ; and he would sit with one of his long aims round her neck, share his biscuit with her, run from or after her in play, roll on the deck, entwining his arms around her, pretend to bite, swing himself away by means of a rope, and then drop suddenly upon her, with many other frolics of a childish character. If, however, she tried to make him play when he was not inclined to do so, he would gently warn her by a bite, that he would not suffer her to take any liberties. He made advances to several small monkeys, but they always drew themselves up into an opposing force ; and he, to punish their impertinence, seized hold of their tails, and pulled them till the squeaking owners contrived to escape, or he dragged them along by these appendages up the rigging, and then suddenly let them go, he all the time preserving the utmost gravity. When the hour came for the passengers' dinner, ho took his station near the table, and, if laughed at while eating, barked, inflated his pouch, and looked at those who ridiculed him in the most serious manner till they had finished, when he quietly resumed his own meal. This is often done by others of his race, and some seem to inquire what you see to laugh at, 1 () ANECDOTES OF ANDIAL5. while others fly into a passion when such an affront is offered. Ungka greatly disliked being left alone, and when refused anything which he wished for, rolled upon the deck, threw his arms and legs about, and dashed every- thing down which came within his reach, incessantly uttering l Ra, ra, ra.' He had a great fancy for a certain piece of soap, but was always scolded when he tried to take it away. One day, when he thought Mr. Bennett was too busy to observe him, he walked off with it, casting glances round to see if he were observed. When he had gone half the length of the cabin, Mr. Bennett gently called him ; and he was so conscience-stricken that he immediately returned the soap to its place, evidently knowing he had done wrong. He was very fond of sweetmeats ; but although good friends with those who gave them to him, he would not suffer them to take him in their arms, only allowing two persons to use that familiarity, and particularly avoid- ing large whiskers. He felt the cold extremely as he proceeded on his voyage, was attacked with dysentery, and died as he came iuto a northern latitude. A female Gibbon was for some time exhibited in London, whose rapid and enormous springs verified the account given of her brethren by M. Duvaueel, who said that he had seen one of these animals clear a space of forty feet, receiving an impetus by merely touching the branch of a tree, and catching fruit as she sprang. The one in England could stop herself in the most sudden manner, and calculate her distances with surprising accuracy. She uttered a cry of half tones, and ended with a deafening shake, which was not unmusical. She made a chirping cry in the morning, supposed to be the THE MONKEY TRIBE. 1 7 call for her companions, beginning slowly, and ending by two barks, which sounded like the tenor E and its octave, at which time the poor thing became evidently agitated. She was, generally speaking, very gentle, and much preferred ladies to gentlemen ; but if her confidence had been once acquired, she seemed to place as much re- liance on a man as she bestowed unsolicited on a woman. Monkeys in India are more or less objects of super- stitious reverence, and are consequently seldom or ever destroyed. In some places they are even fed, encouraged, and allowed to live on the roofs of the houses. If a man wish to revenge himself for any injury committed upon him, he has only to sprinkle some rice or corn upon the top of his -enemy's house or granary, just before the rains set in, and the monkeys will assemble upon it, eat all they can find outside, and then pull off the tiles to get at that which falls through the crevices. This of course gives access to the torrents which fall in such countries, and house, furniture, and stores are all ruined. The large Banian trees of the Old World are the favourite resorts of monkeys and snakes; and the former, Avhen they find one of the latter asleep, seize it by the neck, scramble from their branch, and dash the reptile's head against a stone, all the time grinning with rage. The Budeng of Java(Semnopithecus Maurus) abounds in the forests of that island, and flies from the presence of man, uttering the most fearful screams, and using the most violent gestures ; but this is not a frequent antipathy, and there is an amusing account of the familiarity which monkeys assume with men, written by a traveller, who probably was not a naturalist, for he does not give the technical appellation of any of the species with which he meets in India. From what he u 18 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. says, however, I should suppose some of his heroes to be the same as the Macacus Rhesus. He expresses his surprise when he sees monkeys ' at home' for the first time, as being so different to the individuals on the tops of organs, or in the menageries of Europe. Their air of self-possession, comprehension, and right to the soil on which they live is most amusing. From thirty to forty seated themselves to look at his advancing palar- quin and bearers, just as villagers watch the strange arrival going to ' the squire's,' and mingled with the inhabitants, jostling the naked children, and stretching themselves at full length close to the seated human groups, with the most perfect freedom. This freedom often amounts to impudence; and they frequent the tops of bazaars, in order to steal all they can lay their hands upon below. The only way to keep them off, is to cover the roof with a prickly shrub, the thorns of which stick to the flesh like fish-hooks. The above- mentioned traveller watched one, which he calls a lan- dar, and which took his station opposite to a sweetmeat shop. He pretended to be asleep, but every now and then softly raised his head to look at the tempting piles and the owner of them, who sat smoking his pipe without symptoms even of a doze. In half an hour the monkey got up, as if he were just awake, yawned, stretched himself, and took another position a few yards off, where he pretended to play with his tail, occasionally looking over his shoulder at the coveted delicacies. At length the shopman gave signs of activity, and the bandar was on the alert ; the man went to his back room, the bandar cleared the street at one bound, and in an instant stuffed his pouches full of the delicious mcrocls. He had, however, overlooked some hornets, THE MONKEY TRIBE. 19 which were regaling themselves at the same lime. They resented his disturbance, and the tormented bandar, in his hurry to escape, came upon a thorn-covered roof, where he lay stung, torn, and bleeding. He spurted the stolen bon-bons from his pouches, and barking hoarsely, looked the picture of misery. The noise of the tiles which he had dislodged in his retreat brought out the inhabitants, and among them the vendor of sweets, with his turban unwound, and streaming two yards behind him. All joined in laughing at the wretched monkey ; but their religious reverence for him induced them to go to his assistance : they picked out his thorns, and he limped away to the woods quite crestfallen. The traveller came in constant contact with monkeys in his occupations of clearing land and planting, and at first, as he lay still among the brushwood, they gam- bolled round him as they would round the natives. This peaceable state of things, however, did not last when he established a field of sugar-canes in the newly- cleared jungle. He tells the story so well, that I must be allowed to use his own expressions : 4 Every beast of the field seemed leagued against this devoted patch of sugar-cane. The wild elephants came and browzed in it ; the jungle hogs rooted it up, and munched it at their leisure ; the jackals gnawed the stalks into squash ; and the wild deer ate the tops of the young plants. Against all these marauders there was an obvious remedy, to build a stout fence round the cane-field. This was done accordingly ; and a deep trench dug outside, that even the wild elephant did not deem it prudent to cross. 4 The wild hogs came and inspected the trench and the palisades beyond. A bristly old tusker was ob- 20 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. served taking a survey of the defences ; but, after mature deliberation, he gave two short grunts, tho porcine (language), I imagined, for " No go," and took himself off at a round trot, to pay a visit to my neigh- bour Ram Chunder, and inquire how his little plot of sweet yams was coming on. The jackals sniffed at every crevice, and determined to wait a bit ; but the monkeys laughed the whole entrenchment to scorn. Day after day was I doomed to behold my canes de- voured as fast as they ripened, by troops of jubilant monkeys. It was of no use attempting to drive them away. When disturbed, they merely retreated to the nearest tree, dragging whole stalks of sugar-cane along with them, and then spurted the chewed fragments in my face, as I looked up at them. This was adding insult to injury ; and I positively began to grow blood- thirsty at the idea of being outwitted by monkeys. The case between us might have been stated in this way. ' " I have, at much trouble and expense, cleared and cultivated this jungle land," said I. ' " More fool you," said the monkeys. 4 " I have planted and watched over these sugar- canes." 4 " Watched ! Ah, ah ! so have we, for the matter of that." 1 " But surely I have a right to reap' what I sowed." 4 " Don't see it," said the monkeys ; "the jungle, by rights prescriptive and indefeasible, is ours, and has been so ever since the days of Ram Honumau of the long tail. If you cultivate the jungle without our con- sent, you must look to the consequences. If you don't like our customs, you may get about your business. We don't want you." THE MONKEY TRIBE. 21 'I kept brooding over this mortifying view of the matter, until one morning I hatched revenge in a prac- ticable shape. A tree, with about a score of monkeys on it, was cut down, and half a dozen of the youngest were caught as they attempted to escape. A large pot of ghow (treacle) was then mixed with as much tartar emetic as could be spared from the medicine chest, and the young hopefuls, after being carefully painted over with the compound, were allowed to return to their dis- tressed relatives, who, as soon as they arrived, gathered round them and commenced licking them with the greatest assiduity. The results I had anticipated were not long in making their appearance. A more melan- choly sight it was impossible to behold ; but so effica- cious was this treatment, that for more than two years I hardly ever saw a monkey in the neighbourhood.' When we read of the numbers, the intelligence, and the audacity of monkeys in this part of the world, it becomes a matter of curious speculation as to how they will behave when railroads are made in India. It has been frequently observed, that there is nothing more distressing than to see a wounded or suffering monkey. He lays his hand upon the part affected, and looks up in your face, as if appealing to your kindly feelings; and if blood flow, he views it with so frightened an expression, that he seems to know his life is going from him. An inquisitive monkey, among the numerous company which sailed in a ship with myself, always seemed desirous of ascertaining the nature of everything around him, and touched, tasted, and closely scrutinized every object to which he had not been accustomed. A pot of scalding pitch was in use for caulking the seams of the upper deck, and when those who were employee] 22 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. in laying it upon the planks turned their heads from him, he dipped one paw into it, and carrying it to his chin, rubbed himself with the destructive substance. His yell of pain called the attention of the sailors to him, and they did all in their power to afford alleviation. The' pitch was taken off as well as it could be ; his pouches being entirely burnt away, his poor cheeks were wrapped up in rags steeped in turpentine, and his scalded hand was bandaged in the same manner. He was a piteous sight, and seemed to look on all who came near as if asking for their commiseration. He was very gentle and very sad, submitted to be fed with sugar and water through a tube ; but after a few days he laid his head down and expired. Mr. Forbes tells a story of a female monkey (the Semnopithecus Entellus), who was shot by a friend of his, and carried to his tent. Forty or fifty of her tribe advanced with menacing gestures, but stood still when the gentleman presented his gun at them. One, how- ever, who appeared to be the chief of the tribe, came forward, chattering and threatening in a furious manner. Nothing short of firing at him seemed likely to drive him away ; but at length he approached the tent door with every sign of grief and supplication, as if he were begging for the body. It was given to him ; he took it in his arms, carried it away, with actions expressive of affection, to his companions, and with them disappeared. It was not to be wondered at that the sportsman vowed never to shoot another monkey. Monkeys are eaten in some parts of the Old World, and universally in South America. M. Bonpland speaks of the flesh as lean, hard, and dry ; but that which I tasted in Africa was white, juicy, and like chicken. Mr. THE MONKEY TRIEE. 23 Bowdieh had monkeys served whole before him at the table of the king of Ashanti, having been roasted in a sitting posture; and he said nothing could be more horrid or repugnant than their appearance, with the skin of the lips dried, and the white teeth, giving an aspect of grinning from pain. The howling monkeys of South America, who make the forests resound at night, or before a coming storm, with their hideous choruses, and whose hollow and enlarged tongue bone and expanded lower jaw enables them to utter those melancholy and startling cries, are larger and fatter than many others in the same country, and are constantly sought for as food. They eat the thick, triangular Brazil nuts (Bertholletia Excelsa), and break the hard pod which contains them with a stone, laying it on the bough of a tree, or some other stone. They sometimes get their tail between the two ; of course the blow falls upon the tail, and the monkey bounds away, howling in the most frightful manner. The prettiest of all monkeys is the Marmozet the Ouistiti of Buffon, the Simia Jacchus of Linnaeus. It is extremely sensitive to cold ; nevertheless, if plentifully supplied with wool, cotton, and other warm materials, will live for years in this climate. Dr. Neil of Edinburgh that most excellent protector and lover of animals brought one from Bahia, which he found great difficulty in training. It even resisted those who fed it, not allow- ing them to touch it, putting on an angry, suspicious look, and being roused by even the slightest whisper. During the voyage it ate corn and fruit, arid when these became scarce, took to cockroaches, of which it cleared the vessel. It would despatch twenty large, besides smaller ones, three or four times in each day, nipping 24 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. off the head of the former, and rejecting the viscera, legs, and hard wing-cases. Besides these, it fed on milk, sugar, raisins, and bread-crumbs. It afterwards made friends with a cat, and slept and ate with this animal, but it never entirely lost its distrustful feelings. Lieutenant Edwards, in his voyage up the Amazon, mentions a domestic white monkey, which had con- trived to get to the top of a house, and no persuasions or threats could get him down again. He ran over the roof, displaced the tiles, peeped into the chambers below (for there are no ceilings in that country), and when called, put his thumb up to his nose. He was shot at with corn ; but having found a rag, he held it up before him, and so tried to evade the shot, every now and then peeping over the top. At last he was left to him- self; and when no endeavours were made to get him down, he came of his own accord. Captain Brown mentions a monkey, who, when he was troublesome in the cabin of a ship, was fired at with gunpowder and currant jelly ; and, in order to defend himself, used to pick up the favourite monkey, and hold him between the pistol and himself when it was presented. A race of animals exists in Madagascar and some of the Eastern islands, to which the name of Maki has been given, and which, although differing in the for- mation of the skull and teeth, must, from having four hands, be placed among the Quadrumana. They are nocturnal in their habits, very gentle and confiding, with apparently one exception, which is called the Vari. M. Frederick Cuvier has told us that two of these being shut up in a cage together, one killed and ate his com- panion, leaving nothing but the skin. Two of them are remarkable for their slow, deliberate movements ; an.] THE MONKEY TRIBE. 25 one of them, named the Lemur Tardigradus, was pro- cured at Prince of Wales Island by Mr. Baird. He tells us that his eyes shone brightly in the dark, and that he moved his eyelids diagonally, instead of up and down. He had two tongues, one rough like that of a cat, the other narrow and sharp, and both projected at the same time, unless he chose to retain the latter. He generally slept rolled up like a ball, with his arms over his head, taking hold of his cage. He and a dog lived together in the same cage, and a great attachment sub- sisted between them ; but nothing could reconcile him to a cat, which constantly jumped over his back, thereby causing him great annoyance. I cannot better close this notice of monkeys than by giving a curious legend which is told in north-western Africa, and which is more uncommon than the belief which is to be found in most countries, that i monkeys can talk if they like, but they won't, for fear white men should make them work.' It was related by the negroes to each other with infinite humour ; the different voices of the characters were assumed, and the gestures and countenance were in accordance with the tale. ' There was once a big and a strong man, who was a cook, and he married a woman who thought herself very much above him; so she only accepted him on condition that she should never be asked to go into the cook-house (kitchen), but live in a separate dwelling. They were married, and all the house he had for her was the kitchen ; but she did not at first complain, be- cause she was afraid to make her husband unhappy. At last she became so tired of her life, that she began to find fault ; but at first was very gentle. At last she scolded incessantly, and the man, to keep her quiet, told 26 . ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. her he would go to the bush (forest), and fetch wood to build her a new house. He went away, and in a few hours brought some wood. The next day his wife told him to go and fetch some more. Again he went away, stayed all day, and only brought home a few sticks, which made her so angry that she took the biggest and beat him with it. The man went away a third time, and stayed all night, not bringing home any wood at all, saying that the trees which he had cut down were so heavy that he could not bring them all the way. Then he went and stayed two days and nights, which made his wife very unhappy. She cried very much, entreated him not to leave her, promised not to scold or beat him any more, and to live contentedly in the kitchen ; but he answered, " No ! you made me go to the bush ; now I like the bush very much, and I shall go and stop there for ever." So saying, he rushed out of the cook- house into the bush, where he turned into a monkey, and from him came all other monkeys.' BATS. A RACE of beings, to which the epithet mysterious may be with some truth applied, affords more interest from its peculiar habits, than from any proof which can be given of its mental powers ; and its place in this work is due to the marvellous histories which have been re- lated concerning it, and which have made it an object of superstitious alarm. Bats, or Cheiroptera, are particularly distinguished from all other creatures which suckle their young, by BATS. 27 possessing the power of flight. A Lemur Galeopithecus which exists in the eastern part of the globe, takes long sweeps from tree to tree, and owes this faculty to the extension of its skin between its fore and hind limbs, including the tail ; but it cannot be really said to fly. The Bats, then, alone enjoy this privilege ; and the pro- longation of what, in common parlance, we should call the arm and fingers, constitutes the framework which supports the skin, or membrane forming the wings. The thumbs, however, are left free, and serve as hooks for various purposes. The legs and tail (when they have any) generally help to extend the membrane of the wing ; and the breast-bone is so formed as to support the powerful muscles which aid their locomotive peculi- arities. They climb and crawl with great dexterity, and some will run when on the ground ; but it is difficult for most of them to move on a smooth horizontal surface, and they drag themselves along by their thumbs. A por- tion of the Cheiroptera feeds on insects, and another on fruits ; one genus subsists chiefly on blood. The first help to clear the atmosphere of those insects which fly at twilight ; the second are very destructive to our gardens and orchards ; the last are especially the object of that superstitious fear to which I have already alluded. They are all nocturnal or crepuscular, and during the clay re- main suspended by the sharp claws of their feet to the under branches of trees, the roofs of caves, subterranean quarries, or old ruins, hanging with their heads down- wards : multitudes live in the tombs of Egypt. The appearance of bats is always more or less grotesque ; but this term more aptly applies to those which live on animal food, in consequence of the addi- tions made to the nose and ears, probably for the sake 28 ANECD01ES OF ANIMALS. of increasing their always acute senses of smell and hearing. The ears are frequently of an enormous size, and are joined together at the back of the head; be- sides which they have leaf or lance-shaped appendages in front. A membrane of various forms is also often attached to the nose, in one species the shape of a horse-shoe. The bodies are always covered with hair, but the wings consist of a leathery membrane. An- other singularity in one genus is the extremity of the spine being converted into two jointed, horny pieces, covered with skin, so as to form a box of two valves, each having an independent motion. The large bats of the East Indies measure five feet from the tip of ono wing to that of the other, and they emit a musky odour. The skin of the Nycteris Geoffroyi is very loose upon the body ; and the animal draws air through openings in the cheek pouches, head, and back, and swells itself into a little balloon ; the openings being closed at plea- sure by means of valves. The bite of all is extremely sharp ; and we seldom hear of an instance of one being tamed. They try to shelter themselves from chilly winds, and frequent sheltered spots abounding in masonry, rocks, trees, and small streams. About the Yampire or blood-sucker there are dif- ferent opinions. That of the East is said to be quite harmless ; but it is asserted that the South American species love to attach themselves to all cattle, especially to horses with long manes, because they can cling to the hair while they suck the veins, and keep their victim quiet by flapping their wings over its head ; they also fasten themselves upon the tail, for the first reason, and a great loss of blood frequently ensues. Fowls are often killed by them as they roost upon their perches ; for so DATS. 29 noiseless and gentle are they in their flight and opera- tions, that animals are not awakened out of their sleep by their attacks. The teeth are so disposed that they make a deep and triple puncture, and one was taken by Mr. Darwin in the act of sucking blood from a horse. This able naturalist and accurate observer is of opinion that horses do not suffer from the quantity of blood taken from them by the vampires, but from the in- flammation of the wound which they make, and which is increased if the saddle press on it. Horses, however, turned out to grass at night, are frequently found the next morning with their necks and haunches covered with blood ; and it is known that the bat fills and disgorges itself several times. Dr. Carpenter is of the same opinion as Mr. Darwin, and also disbelieves that these creatures soothe their victims by fanning them with their wings. Captain Stedman, who travelled in Guiana from 1772 to 1777, published an account of his adventures, and for several years afterwards it was the fashion to doubt the truth of his statements. In fact it was a general feeling, up to a much later period than the above, that travellers were not to be believed. As our knowledge, however, has increased, and the works of God have been made more manifest, the reputation of many a calumniated traveller has been restored, and, among others, that of Captain Stedman. I shall therefore unhesitatingly quote his ac- count of the bite of the vampire : ' On waking, about four o'clock this morning, in my hammock, I was ex- tremely alarmed at finding myself weltering in congealed blood, and without feeling any pain whatever. Having started up and run to the surgeon, with a firebrand in one hand, and all over besmeared with gore, the mystery was found to be, that I had been bitten by the vampire, 30 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. or spectre of Guiana, which is also called the flying do'g of New Spain. This is no other than a bat of monstrous size, that sucks the blood from men and cattle, sometimes even till they die. Knowing, by instinct, that the person they intend to attack is in a sound slumber, they generally alight near the feet, where, while the creature continues fanning with his enormous wings, which keeps one cool, he bites a piece out of the tip of the great toe, so very small indeed, that the head of a pin could scarcely be re- ceived into the wound, which is consequently not painful ; yet through this orifice he contrives to suck the blood, until he is obliged to disgorge. He then begins again, and thus continues sucking and disgorging till he is scarcely able to fly, and the sufferer has often been known to sleep from time into eternity. Cattle they generally bite in the ear, but always in those places where the blood flows spontaneously. Having applied tobacco ashes as the best remedy, and washed the gore from myself and my hammock, I observed several small heaps of congealed blood all around the place where I had lain, upon the ground ; upon examining which, the surgeon judged that I had lost at least twelve or fourteen ounces during the night. Having measured this creature (one of the bats), I found it to be, between the tips of the wings, thirty-two inches and a half ; the colour was a dark brown, nearly black, but lighter underneath.' Mr. Waterton, whom all the world recognises as a gentleman, and consequently a man of truth, laboured at one time under the same stigma of exaggeration as Captain Stedman and many other illustrious travellers ; and he confirms the blood-suckiug in the following terms: ' Some years ago I went to the river Paumarau with a Scotch gentleman. We hung our hammocks in the 15 ATS. 31 thatched loft of a planter's house. Next morning I heard this gentleman muttering in his hammock, and now and then letting fall an imprecation or two. " What is the matter, sir?" said I softly; " is anything amiss!" "What is the matter !" answered he surlily; " why, the vampires have been sucking me to death." As soon as there was light enough, I went to his hammock, and saw it much stained with blood. " There," said he, thrusting his foot out of the hammock, " see how these imps have been drawing my life's blood." On examining his foot, I found the vampire had tapped his great toe. There was a wound somewhat less than that made by a leech. The blood was still oozing from it, and I conjectured he might have lost from ten to twelve ounces of blood.' Mr. Waterton further tells us that a boy of ten or eleven years of age was bitten by a vampire ; and a poor ass, belonging to the young gentleman's father, was dying by inches from the bites of the larger kinds, whilo most of his fowls were killed by the smaller bats. The torpidity in which bats remain during the winter, in climates similar to that of England, is well known ; and, like other animals which undergo the same sus- pension of powers, they have their histories of long imprisonment in places which seem inimical to life. There are two accounts of their being found in trees which are extremely curious, and the more so, be- cause the one corroborates the other. In the beginning of November 1821, a woodman, engaged in splitting timber for rail-posts in the woods close by the lake at Haining, a seat of Mr. Pringle's, in Selkirkshire, discovered in the centre of a large wild-cherry tree a living bat of a bright scarlet colour, which, as soon as it was relieved from its entombment, took to its wings and 32 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. escaped. In the tree there was a recess sufficiently large to contain the animal ; but all around, the wood was perfectly sound, solid, and free from any fissure through which the atmospheric air could reach the animal. A man engaged in splitting timber near Kelsall, in the beginning of December 1826, discovered in the centre of a large pear-tree a living bat of a bright scarlet colour, which he foolishly .suffered to escape, from fear, being fully persuaded (with the character- istic superstition of the inhabitants of that part of Cheshire) that it was 4 a being not of this world.' The tree presented a small cavity in the centre, where the bat was enclosed, but was perfectly sound and solid on each side. The scarlet colour of each of these prisoners seems at present to be inexplicable, and makes these statements still more marvellous. Professor Bell, in his admirable work on British Quadrupeds, speaks of a long-eared bat which fed from the hand ; and if an insect were held between the lips, it would settle on its master's cheek, and take the fly from his mouth with great quietness. So accustomed was it to this, that it would seek his lips when he made a buzzing noise. It folded its beautiful ears under its arm when it went to sleep, and also during hibernation. Its cry was acute and shrill, becoming more clear and piercing when disturbed. It is most frequently seen in towns and villages. This instance of taming to a cer- tain extent might perhaps be more frequently repeated, if bats were objects of more general interest. MOLES. 33 MOLES. THERE is a tribe of animals constantly around our country habitations, of underground and nocturnal habits, some of which become torpid in winter. All are timid and unobtrusive, and yet have great influence upon our welfare ; for they check the rapid increase of those worms and insects which live and breed beneath the soil, and would destroy those crops which are neces- sary to our existence. There are certain and constant characters in their formation which bring them all under one group, called Insectivora, or Insect-eating Mammalia, by naturalists ; but among them are smaller groups of individuals, with peculiar characters, adapted to their different habits. The Mole is an instance of one of these minor groups, which, with one exception, has a portion of sight in spite of its reputation for being blind. Its smell and hearing, however, are so acute, that they make up for the deficiency in the other sense, a highly-developed organ for which would be very much in the way of an animal which makes its habitation within the earth, and which rarely comes to the surface in the day-time. Its fore-feet are largest, and powerful muscles enable it to dig up the soil and roots which oppose the forma- tion of its galleries, and which are thrown up as they become loosened. The nose or snout is furnished with a bone at the end, with which it pierces the earth ; and in one genus this bone has twenty-two small carti- laginous points attached to it, which can be extended into a star. A vein lies behind the ear of all, the smallest puncture of which causes instant death. c 34 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. The food of moles chiefly consists of worms and the larvae or grubs of insects, of which they eat enor- mous quantities. They are extremely voracious, and the slightest privation of food drives them to frenzy, or kills them. They will all eat flesh ; and when shut up in a cage without nourishment, have been known to devour each other. There is a remarkable instance of a mole when in confinement having a viper and a toad given to it, both of which it killed and devoured. All squeeze out the earthy matter which is inside worms before eating them, which they do with the most eager rapidity. In June and July they prowl upon the sur- face of the ground, generally at night, but they have been seen by day ; and this is the time in which they indulge in fleshy food, for then they catch small birds, mice, frogs, lizards, and snails ; but although, when in confinement, one was known to eat a toad, they gene- rally refuse these reptiles, probably from the acrid humour which exudes from their skin. They, on these occasions of open marauding, are often caught and de- voured in their turn by owls at night and dogs by day. They have a remarkable power of eating the roots of the colchicum or meadow saffron, which takes such powerful effect on other animals, and which they pro- bably swallow for the sake of the larvae or worms upon them. Such is their antipathy to garlic, that a few cloves put into their runs will cause their destruction. A French naturalist of the name of Henri Lecourt devoted a great part of his life to the study of the habits and structure of moles ; and he tells us that they will run as fast as a horse will gallop. By his observations he rendered essential service to a large dis- trict in France; for he discovered that numbers of moles MOLES. 35 had undermined the banks of a canal, and that unless means were taken to prevent the catastrophe, these banks would give way, and inundation would ensue. By his ingenious contrivances and accurate knowledge of their habits, he contrived to extirpate them before the occurrence of further mischief. Moles, however, are said to be excellent drainers of land ; and Mr. Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, used to declare that if a hundred men and horses were employed to dress a pasture farm of 1500 or 2000 acres, they would not do it as effectually as moles would do, if left to them- selves. The late Earl of Derby possessed a small deserted island in the Loch of Clunie, 180 yards from the main- land ; and as proof that moles swim well, a number of them crossed the water, and took possession of this place. They are said to be dragged as beavers are by their companions, who lay hold of their tails and pall them along while they lie on their backs, em- bracing a quantity of soil dug out in forming their runs. The fur of the mole is very short, fine, and close, and is as smooth and soft as Genoa velvet. Moles display a high degree of instinct in the skilful construction of their subterranean fortresses. Their site is not indicated by those little mounds of loose earth which we see raised up at night, and which mark their hunting excursions, but under a hillock reared by them- selves, and protected by a wall, bank, or roots of a tree. The earth is well worked, so as to make it compact and hard, and galleries are formed, which communicate with each other. A circular gallery is placed at the upper part of the mound, and five descending passages lead from this to a gallery below, which is of larger 86 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. circumference. Within this lower gallery is a chamber, which communicates with the upper gallery by three descending tunnels. This chamber is, as it were, the citadel of the mole, in which it sleeps. A principal gallery goes from the lower gallery, in a direct line, to the utmost extent of the ground through which the mole hunts; and from the bottom of this dormitory is another, which descends farther into the earth, and joins this great or principal road. Eight or nine other tunnels run round the hillock at irregular distances, leading from the lower gallery through which the mole hunts its prey, and which it constantly en- larges. During this process it throws up the hillocks which betray its vicinity to us. The great road is of various depths, according to the quality of the soil in which it is excavated : it is generally five or six inches below the surface, but if carried under a stream or pathway, it will be occasionally sunk a foot and a half. If the hillock be very extensive, there will be several high-roads, and they will serve for several moles ; but they never trespass on each other's hunting-grounds. If they happen to meet in a road, one is obliged to retreat, or they have a battle, in which the weakest always comes off the worst. In a barren soil the search- ing galleries are the most numerous ; and those made in winter are the deepest, because the worms penetrate beyond the line of frost, and the mole is as active in winter as in warm weather. The females have a separate chamber made for them, in which they bring forth their young. This is situated at some distance from the citadel, and placed where three or four galleries intersect each other. There they have a bed made of dry grass or fibres of roots, and MOLES. S7 four or five young are born at the same time, which begin to get their own food when they are half grown. Like all voracious animals, moles require a large quantity of water; consequently their run, or fortiess, generally communicates with a ditch or pond. Should these dry up, or the situation be without such resources, the little architect sinks perpendicular wells, which re- tain the water as it drains from the soil. Moles shift their quarters according to circumstances, and as they swim well, they migrate across rivers ; and in a sudden inundation are able, not to save themselves alone, but their young, to which they are much attached. The stratagem and caution which they practise in order to secure a bird are highly curious. They approach without seeming to do so ; but as soon as they are within reach of their prey, they rush upon it, tear open its body, thrust their snout into the intestines, and revel in their sanguinary feast. They then sleep for three or four hours, and awake with renewed appetite. All mole-catchers will bear testimony to the rapid movements and consequent difficulty of catching these animals. I have watched a gardener stand for half an hour by one of the little hillocks of loose earth, which from its movement showed that the mole was there at work, and remain motionless, spade in hand, and when he saw the earth shake, dash his weapon into the heap. The mere uplifting of his arm was sufficient, and before the spade could reach the ground the mole was gone. He could scarcely reckon on securing his victim once out of twenty efforts. No moles are found in the north of Scotland, or in Ireland, which some attribute to the soil and climate :, but they exist in other parts of Europe under similar circumstances. 38 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. HEDGEHOGS. HEDGEHOGS form one of the small groups of Insect-eat- ing Mammalia, and are remarkable for being also able to eat those substances which are destructive to others ; for instance, they devour the wings of Spanish flies (Cantharides)wiih impunity, which cause fearful torments to other animals, and not the least to man, by raising blisters on his skin. It would seem that the hedgehog is also externally insensible to poison, for it fights with adders, and is bitten about the lips and nose without receiving any injury. An experiment has been made by administering prussic acid to it, which took no effect. It is well known that hedgehogs are covered with bristles amounting to sharp prickles, and that they roll themselves up into a ball. This is effected by a peculiar set of muscles attached to the skin, by which they pull themselves into this shape, and at the same time set up every bristle, and drag their head and limbs within. Such is the resistance and elasticity of these bristles, that the owners of them may be thrown to great dis- tances and remain unhurt, and they will even throw themselves down steep places when they wish to re- move from a particular spot. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, and frequent woods, gardens, orchards, and thick hedge-rows. It is in the latter that I have heard of one being mistaken by a hen for a bush, in which she might lay her egg in safety. The fact was announced by the triumphant cackling which these birds vociferate on such occa- sions : the egg was consequently searched for, and found upon the hedgehog's back. HEDGEHOGS. 39 Hedgehogs feed on insects, slugs, frogs, eggs, young birds in the nest, mice, fallen fruits, and the roots of vegetables, especially the plantain, boring into the ground to get at these substances. They will clear a house of black beetles in a few weeks, as I can attest from my own experience. My kitchen was much in- fested, not only by them, but by a sort of degenerated cockroach, descended from the better-conditioned Blatta?, brought in my packages from a tropical country, and which had resisted all efforts for their extermination, such as boiling water, pepper, arsenic- wafers, mortar, etc. At last, a friend, whose house had been cleared of beetles by a hedgehog, made the animal over to me, very much to the discomfort of my cook, to whom it was an object of terror. The first night of its arrival, a bed was made for it in a hamper half full of hay, and a saucer of milk was set within. The next morning the hedgehog had disappeared, and for several days the search made for it was fruitless. That it was alive was proved by the milk being drunk out of the saucer In which it was placed. One night I purposely went into the kitchen after the family had been for some time in bed, and as I opened the door, I saw the little creature slink into a hole under the oven attached to the grate. Fearing this would sometimes prove too hot for it, I had some bricks put in to fill up the aperture. The next night the bricks were pulled away, and overturned, evincing a degree of strength which astonished us ; but after that we left the animal to its own care. The beetles and cockroaches visibly disappeared; but as they disappeared, other things also vanished : kitchen cloths left to dry at night were missing ; then, a ailk handker- chief. At last a night-cap left on the dresser was gone; 40 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and these abstractions were most mysterious. The next day there was a general search in possible and impossible places, and the end of a muslin string was seen in the oven-hole ; it was seized on, and not only was the night- cap dragged out, but all the missing and not missing articles which the hedgehog had purloined; most of them were much torn, and it was supposed that the poor beast had taken possession of them to make a soft bed. I have not seen such a propensity noticed elsewhere, and it may be a useful hint to those who keep hedgehogs. All endeavours to make this animal friendly were un- availing ; but I am told that hedgehogs are frequently quite domesticated, and even show a degree of affection. Dr. Buckland ascertained the manner in which hedge- hogs kill snakes. They make a sudden attack on the reptile, give it a fierce bite, and then, with the utmost dexterity, roll themselves up so as to present nothing but spines when the snake retaliates. They repeat this manoeuvre several times, till the back of the snake is broken in various places; they then pass it through their jaws, cracking its bones at short intervals; after which they eat it all up, beginning at the tail. The old legend, that hedgehogs suck the udders of cows as they lie on the ground chewing the cud, is, of course, wholly with- out foundation. They retreat to holes in trees, or in the earth, where they make a bed of leaves, moss, etc., in which they roll themselves, and these substances sticking to the spines make them look like a bundle of vegetable matter. In this condition they pass the winter, in a state of torpidity; but it should be mentioned that one which was tame retained its activity the whole year. There are instances of hedgehogs performing the office of turn- spits in a kitchen; and from the facility with which they BEAKS. 41 accommodate themselves to all sorts of food, they are easily kept. They, however, when once accustomed to animal diet, will attack young game ; and one was de tected in the south of Scotland in the act of killing a leveret. BEARS. AMONG the Carnivora, or flesh-eating animals, Bears take the first place ; for their characters and habits link them in some degree with the preceding order, the Insectivora. Both principally live on fruit, grains, and insects, and only eat flesh from necessity, or some peculiarity of life, such as confinement, or education. The Carnivora are divided by naturalists into three tribes, the characters for which are taken from their feet and manner of walking. Bears rank among the Plantigrada, or those which put the whole of their feet firmly upon the ground when they walk. 'They are occasionally cunning and ferocious, but often evince good humour, and a great love of fun. In their wild state they are solitary the greater part of their lives ; they climb trees with great facility, live in caverns, holes, and hollow trees; and in cold countries, retire to some secluded spot during the winter, where they remain concealed, and bring forth their young. Some say they are torpid ; but this cannot be, for the female bears come from their retreats with cubs which have lived upon them; and it is not likely that they can have reared them and remained without food. They are, however, often every lean and wasted, and the absorp- tion of their generally large portion of fat contributes 42 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS, to their nourishment. The story that they live by suck- ing their paws is, as may be supposed, a fable ; when well-fed they always lick their paws, very often accom- panying the action with a peculiar sort of mumbling noise. There are a few which will never eat flesh, and all are able to do without it. They are, generally speaking, large, clumsy, and awkward, possessing largo claws for digging ; and often walk on their hind-feet, a facility afforded them by the peculiar formation of their thigh-bone. They do not often attack in the first instance, unless impelled by hunger or danger; they are, however, formidable opponents when excited. In former times there were few parts of the globe in which they were not to be found; but like other wild animals, they have disappeared before the advance of man. Still they are found in certain spots, from the northern regions of the world to the burning climes of Africa, Asia, and America. The latest date of their appearance in Great Britain, was in Scotland, during the year 1057. Bears are always covered with thick fur; which, notwithstanding its coarseness, is much prized for various purposes. They afford much sport to those inclined for such exercises ; but the cruel practice of boar-baiting is discontinued. In an old edition of Ihulibras, there is a curious note of a mode of running at the devoted bears with wheelbarrows, on which they vented their fury, and the baiters thus had them at their mercy. At present the hunts are regularly organized fights or battues ; besides which there are many ways of catching them in traps, pitfalls, etc. The large Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus), with its white fur, its long flattened head, and black claws, may be seen in great perfection at the Zoological Gardens. BEARS. 43 In its own country, during the winter, it lives chiefly on seal's flesh, but in the summer eats berries, sea-weed, and marsh plants. It is one of the most formidable of the race, and may be seen climbing mountains of ice, and swimming from floe to floe with the greatest rapidity. Captain Lyon tells us, that when a seal lies just ashore, the bear gets quietly into the water and swims away from him to leeward ; he then takes short dives, and manages so that the last dive shall bring him back close to the seal, which tries to escape by rolling into the water, when he falls into the bear's paws; and if he should lie still, the bear springs upon and devours him. Its favourite food, however, is the floating carcases of whales. The gait of all bears is a sort of shuffle; but this one goes at such a rate, that its pace is equal to a horse's gallop. It is remarkably sagacious, and often defeats the stratagems practised for its capture A female with two cubs was pursued across a field oi ice by a party of sailors : at first she urged the young ones to increase their speed, by running in front of them, turning round, and evincing, by gesture and voice, great anxiety for their progress; but finding that their pursuers gained upon them, she alternately carried, pushed, or pitched them forwards until she effected their escape. The cubs seemed to arrange themselves for the throw, and when thus sent forwards some yards in advance, ran on till she again came up to them, when they alternately placed themselves before her. A she-bear and two large cubs, being attracted by the scent of some blubber proceeding from a sea-horse which had been set on fire and was burning on the ice, ran eagerly towards it, dragged some pieces out of the flames, and ate them with great voracity. The sailors 44 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. threw them some lumps still left in their possession, which the old bear took away and laid before her cubs, reserving only a small piece for herself. As they were eating the last piece, the men shot the cubs and wounded the mother. Her distress was most painful to behold, and, though wounded, she crawled to the spot where they lay, tore the piece of flesh into pieces, and put some before each. Finding they did not eat, she tried to raise them, making piteous moans all the time. She then went to some distance, looked back and moaned ; and this failing to entice them, she returned and licked their wounds. She did this a second time, and still finding that the cubs did not follow, she went round and pawed them with great tenderness. Being at last convinced that they were lifeless, she raised her head towards the ship, and by a growl seemed to reproach their destroyers. They returned this with a volley of musket balls; 1 she fell between her cubs, and died licking their^wounds. The Black Bear of Canada is a formidable creature ; and Dr. Richardson contradicts the assertion that it is not swift of foot. He says that it soon outstrips the swiftest runner, and adds that it climbs as well, if not better than a cat. It feeds on berries, eggs, and roots; but although it does not seek flesh, it does not refuse it when offered. A young bear of this kind roughly handled a Canadian settler, who being a very large powerful man, returned hug for hug, till the surprised bear let go its hold. It had ventured into some young plantations, where it was committing much mischief, and the settler had endeavoured to frighten it away. A friend of mine was in the house when the gentleniau 1 Captain Phipps' Voyage to the North Pule. BEAKS. 45 returned home, his clothes torn in the struggle, and very much exhausted by the encounter; he dropped into a chair, and nearly fainted; but a little brandy revived him, though he was ill some days from the pressure. A young English officer, who was stationed at a lone fortress in the same country, amused himself by taming a bear of the above species. He taught him to fetch and carry, to follow him like a dog, and to wait patiently at meal time for his share. He took the bear with him when he returned to England, and he became a great favourite with the passengers and the ship's company. Bruin, however, especially attached himself to a little girl about four years old, the daughter of one of the ladies on board, who romped with him as she would with a dog. In one of these games of play, he seized her with one fore-paw, and with the other clambered and clung to the rigging, till he lodged her and himself in the main-top, where, regardless of her cries and the agony of her mother, he tried to continue his romp. It would not do to pursue the pair, for fear the bear should drop the child ; and his master, knowing how fond he was of sugar, had some mattresses placed round the mast in case the child should fall, and then strewed a quantity of sugar on the deck; h called Bruin, and pointed to it, who, after a moment's hesi- tation, came down as he went up, bringing the child in safety. He was, of course, deprived of his liberty during the rest of his voyage. This same black bear of Canada, after it has hugged its antagonists to death, tears them open with its hind- feet. It will ward off blows like an accomplished boxer; for as it would be of no use to strike him on his thickly- covered body, the attacks are usually made about the 46 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. head. A man who wantonly threw an axe at a male bear as he passed, wounded him ; whereupon the beast rushed at him ; the man fell backwards over a fallen tree, and in so doing tore off a sharp-pointed knob of wood, which he thrust down the bear's throat, and so killed him ; not, however, before he had received his own death-wound from the hind-foot. He walked home holding in his intestines, and died a day or two after. 1 An old hunter, named Ruhe, having set his traps to catch beavers, returned to the stream to ascertain his success. He missed one of them, and, on looking for it, saw signs of a bear having passed that way. As he went on, he heard the noise of a heavy body breaking through the bushes in the thicket. He hid himself be- hind a rock, and saw a huge bear limping on three legs to a flat piece of rock, upon which it seated itself ; and on raising one of its fore-paws, Ruhe discovered that it was encircled by the lost trap. The bear lifted the iron glove towards his face, examined it, turned his paw round and round, bent his head from side to side, looked at the trap askance with the most puzzled air, felt the encumbrance, tapped it on the rock, and evidently knew not what to do. Then he began to feel pain and licked it ; but Ruhe soon put an end to all his conjectures, by shooting him dead. 2 Of all the bears, the Grizzly (Ursus firox) is said to be the most formidable, both for size and ferocity ; and Mr. Ruxton tells the following anecdote, in which one of them makes a conspicuous figure : A trapper, named Glass, and a companion, were setting their beaver traps in a stream to the north of the river Platte, when they saw a large grizzly bear turning up the turf near by, > L'Acadie. 2 Kuxton. BEARS. 47 and searching for roots and pig-nuts. The two men crept to the thicket, and fired at him ; they wounded, but did not kill him. The beast groaned, jumped all four legs from the ground, and, snorting with pain and fury, charged towards the place from whence came the smoke of the rifles. The men rushed through the thicket, where the underwood almost impeded their progress ; but the beast's weight and strength carried him along so fast, that he soon came up with them. A steep bluff was situated a hundred yards off, with a level plain of grass between it and the thicket ; the hunters flew across the latter with the utmost speed, the bear after them. When he reached about half way, Glass stumbled over a stone and fell. He rose, and the bear stood before him on his hind-legs. Glass called to his companion to fire, and he himself sent the contents of his pistol into the bear's body. The furious animal, with the blood streaming from his nose and mouth, knocked the pistol away with one paw, while he stuck the claws of the other into the flesh of his antagonist, and rolled with him on the ground. Glass managed to reach his knife, and plunged it several times into the bear, while the latter with tooth and claw tore his flesh. At last, blinded with blood and exhaustion, the knife fell from the trapper's hand, and he became insensible. His com- panion, who thought his turn would come next, did not even think of reloading his rifle, and fled to the camp, where others of his party were resting, to tell the miser- able fate of their companion. Assistance was sent, and Glass still breathed ; but the bear lay across him quite dead, from three bullets and twenty knife wounds. The man's flesh was torn away in slips, and lumps of it lay upon the ground ; his scalp hung bleeding over his face, 49 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. which was also torn. The men took away the trapper's hunting- shirt, mocassins, and arms, dragged the bear off his body, and left him, declaring, when they rejoined their party, that they had completed his burial. Although the bear no longer figures in the story, I must be allowed to relate the sequel, as a proof of what human nature can endure without destruction. Months elapsed, and some of the party of the above-mentioned camp were on their way to a trading port with their skins, when they saw a horseman approach them with a face so scarred and disfigured that they could not distinguish his features. The stranger accosted that one of the party who had been Glass's companion, exclaiming in a hollow voice, * Hurrah, Bill, my boy, you thought I was gone under (killed) that time, did you ? but hand me over my horse and gun, lad. I'm not dead yet.' Astonishment and horror seized on the party, many of whom believed he had been buried as well as dead. However, there could be no mistake now ; and when they had sufficiently re- covered from their surprise to listen to Glass's story, he told them that he knew not how long he lay before he recovered his senses ; but when he did. and was able to take nourishment, lie was obliged to subsist on the flesh of the bear. When he had strength to crawl, he tore off as much of this as he could carry in his weak state, and crept down to the river. He had suffered tortures from cold, wounds, and hunger ; but he had reached the fort, which was between eighty and ninety miles distant, living the greater part of the way on roots and berries, but there he had been taken care of and recovered. The claws of these bears make a cut like the stroke of a chisel. They do not hug at first, but strike with BEARS. 40 their terrible paws, singling out their victim, and seizing it from the midst of many others, not heeding numbers. They have a great propensity to bury bodies, and have been known to cover hunters who have been asleep with bark, grass, and leaves. When the bears have retired to their caves, the hunters make a large candle, light it, and put it down into the cave ; then lie on their faces near it, with their rifles in their hands ready for firing. Bruin's active curiosity is excited, he gets up to examine the candle, and is shot. The Brown Bear much resembles the black in size, habits, and shape, and like it lives in hollow places ; he, however, sometimes digs pits for himself, and even con- structs huts, which he lines with moss. Both attain an enormous size and weight. All bears are extremely fond of honey and sugar, and are often taken when venturing too close to man to procure these enticing substances. The settlers in Canada, when they make maple sugar, catch them by leaving a boiler full, into which they dip their paws or their head ; and they fall an easy prey when encumbered with the thick, saccharine matter, and sometimes with the boiler also. Bruin's attention is easily diverted, and many have escaped by throwing a bundle or knapsack down when he is in pursuit of them ; for while he stoops to examine it, they gain time and distance. It is natural to him to play all sorts of antics ; arid we are told by an Indian traveller, that in one of his journeys, some bears kept in front of his palanquin, tumbling and playing as if they designed to afford him amusement. Climbing is a great delight to them, and one was seen to ascend a scaffolding, for his own pleasure. lie at first proceeded cautiously, examining the strength D 50 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. of all the joists ; and at last readied the summit, which was one hundred and twenty feet high. He looked much pleased when he had completed this operation, and the workmen treated him with great civility. They were going to lower him in a bucket, but to this he would not consent, and descended as he had mounted ; being so pleased with his prowess, that he repeated his visit. A Norwegian had tamed a bear so completely, that he used to stand at the back of his master's sledge, where he kept so good a balance, that it was impossible to upset him: if the sledge went on one side, the bear threw his weight in the opposite direction, and so kept up the equilibrium. One day, however, his master, in sport, drove over the worst ground he could find, hoping to throw the bear off. This, however, only served to irritate him ; and he vented his ill-humour by giving his master a tremendous blow across the shoulders. A countryman in Russia, when seeking honey, climbed a very high tree, the trunk of which was hollow ; and finding there was a large quantity of comb in it, he de- scended, and stuck fast in the tenacious substance there deposited. He was so far distant from home, that his voice could not be heard, and he remained two days in this situation, relieving his hunger with the honey. He began to despair of ever being extricated, when a bear, who, like himself, came for the sake of the honey, slid down the hollow, hind-part foremost. The man, in spite of his alarm, seized hold of him ; and the bear, also in a great fright, clambered out as fast as he could, dragging the man up with him, and when clear of his tail-bearer, made off as fast as possible. The drollest and most accomplished of all bears, was the celebrated Martin, of Paris, \vhose dancing, climbing, BEARS. 51 curtseying, tumbling, begging, and many other antics, were the delight of every child in the metropolis, anct of grown-up children also. It is true that the nurse- maids endangered the lives of their charges by holding them over the sides of the pit in which he was kept ; but as none did fall, they continued to amuse themselves and their nurselings at the same risk. One morning early, he very cleverly withdrew the bolts of his pit door, and sallied forth on his hind-legs to take a walk. The keepers of the garden had not risen ; but the dogs were on the alert, and surrounded Martin, jumping and barking, half in play, and half in earnest. This roused the men, who, rushing out to see what was the matter, beheld the bear in the midst of the canine troop, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, and an expression of fun and enjoyment in his countenance, which was in- describable. Never was the malignant scowl, so often noticed in bears, from pulling the nictitating membrane, or third eyelid, half over the eye, seen in poor Martin's face ; yet he became unpopular from the cupidity of one of the sentinels. This man fancied he saw a five-franc piece lying in the bear's pit, and determined to go during the night, when he would be on duty, and secure it. He accordingly provided himself with a ladder, and when the guard was changed, was found lying lifeless at the bottom, the coveted piece in his hand, which proved to be nothing but a large button. No marks of violence were to be seen upon his body; but the contusions on his head seemed to tell that he had fallen from the ladder when near the top, and so met his death. Whether he had been frightened, or seized with giddi- ness, or whether Martin had shaken the ladder, no one could say ; the animal was sitting quietly by his side 52 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. when his fate was first made known. The story fled like wildfire from one end of Paris to the other, and in a short time the populace were fully convinced that Martin had killed him ; and this, combined with other exaggerations, induced them to flock in multitudes to see the murderous bear. Afterwards, two balls of arsenic, wrapped up in some sweet substance, were found in the pit, fortunately before Martin had touched them ; and the authorities of the establishment thought it prudent to remove him to a den in the menagerie. The front of these dens was closed at night with a sliding shutter, pulled down by inserting a hook at the end of a long pole into a ring, which ring, when the shutter was down, served to admit a bolt. This did not at all please Martin, and the keeper never could accomplish the fas- tening, till some one else went to the other side to take off the bear's attention, for the moment the shutter wag down, Martin inserted his claws and pushed it up again ; and this practice was continued as long as he existed. The Malayan Sun Bear ( Ursus Malay ensis) has a long tongue, short smooth fur, very extensible flexible lips, and large claws. Sir Stamford Raffles had one which was brought up in the nursery with his children, and when he joined the party at table, would only eat the choicest fruit, and drink champagne, and even be out of humour when there was none of the latter. He was very affectionate, and never required to be chained or chastised. This bear, a cat, a dog, and a lory from New Holland, used to eat amicably out of the same dish. His favourite playfellow, however, was the dog, although he was teazed and worried by it incessantly. He grew to be very powerful, and pulled plants and trees up by the roots, the latter of which were too large for him to embrace. BADGERS. 53 A black bear was brought up from a cub with an antelope, and so great an affection existed between the two animals that they even ate out of the same dish. On one occasion, a fierce dog flew at the antelope, when the bear rushed to its rescue, gave the dog a tremendous blow, and sent him howling away. The Bornean Bear ( Ursus Eui-yspilus) is one of the most amusing and playful of all bears ; begs in the most earnest manner ; and when it has more to eat than it can hold in its paws and mouth, places the surplus on its hinder feet, as if to keep it from being soiled ; and when vexed or irritated, will never be reconciled as long as the offender is in its sight. It does much injury to cocoa-nut trees, by biting off the top shoots, or tearing down the fruit. Bears are very subject to that disease of the eye called cataract, and have had it removed while under the influence of chloroform. BADGERS. BADGERS belong to the same division of Carnivora as bears, but differ from them, not only in size, but in dentition. This, while they claim a sort of miniature relationship, forms them into a separate genus. They afford many a day of what is called sport, to those who choose to hunt them, during which they evince much sagacity in their efforts to escape ; but I am happy to say the custom of tying them into an empty cask, and baiting them with dogs, no longer exists. They are by nature slothful and heavy, but are easily tamed, and 54 AXECDOTES OF ANIMALS. when roused, are fierce. They have a glaiid under the tail which secretes a liquid of a most disagreeable odour, and causes them to pass into a sort of proverb. They feed chiefly on roots, nuts, and other fruits ; attack the nests of wasps, or wild bees, and devour their larvae, themselves, or their honey, with a perfect indifference to their stings, which cannot pierce through their tough hide. They prey at night, and live in the thickest parts of woods or coppices, where they rapidly dig deep holes, by means of their sharp and powerful claws. These holes are divided into several chambers, the innermost of which is round, and lined with hay or grass. All are kept very clean, and every waste remnant of food and species of filth is deposited in holes dug on purpose for its reception. The passages to the dwell- ings frequently turn at sharp angles, at which places the badgers make a stand when attacked. Mr. St. John caused a badger's hole to be dug out, and he there found balls of grass, rolled up to the size of a man's fist, evidently intended for food. That gentleman also says, that he has frequently found the bulb of the common blue hyacinth lying near the hole. They devour, besides all sorts of vegetables, small animals, whether alive or dead, snails, and worms; but their peculiar dainty con- sists of eggs. A partridge's nest affords them a de- licious feast, particularly if they include the sitting hen. Badgers have a peculiarly formed chest and jaw, which give them great strength; their forehead is so thick, in consequence of a ridge which runs down the middle of it, that they are unhurt by a blow in front which would kill an ox ; while almost a touch at the back of the head will cause their destruction. Their thick skin, which lies loosely upon them, is much used BADGERS. 55 for making pistol cases ; and their fur is excellent for painter's brushes. They are difficult to kill, and few dogs have courage enough to attack them in their holes, where they live in pairs. When thus pursued, they constantly impede the progress of their enemies by throwing the soil behind them, so as to fill up the passages, while they escape to the surface. They are rare animals, but are to be found in various parts of the world. The Chinese eat them in spite of their bad odour. They often show great affection, an interesting proof of which is given by Captain Brown in his Popular Natural History, which I transcribe. 'Two persons (in France) went on a journey, and passing through a hollow way, a dog which was with them started a badger, which he attacked, and pursued till he took shelter in a burrow under a tree. With some pains he was hunted out and killed. Being a few miles from a village called Chapelletiere, they agreed to drag him thither, as tho commune gave a reward for every one which was de- stroyed ; besides which, they proposed selling the skin. Not having a rope, they twisted some twigs, and by turns drew him along the road. They had not pro- ceeded far when they heard the cry of an animal in seeming distress, and stopped to listen, when another badger approached them slowly. They at first threw stones at it; notwithstanding which, it drew near, came up to the dead animal, began to lick it, and continued its mournful cry. The men, surprised at this, desisted from offering any further injury to it, and again drew the dead one along as before ; when the living badger, determined not to quit its companion, lay down on it, taking it gently by one ear, and in that manner was drawn into the midst of the village ; nor could dogs, 56 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. boys, or men induce it to quit its situation; and to their shame be it said, they had the inhumanity to kill the poor animal, and afterwards to burn it, declaring it could be no other than a witch.' Professor Bell had a badger which followed him like a dog, and which had been tamed when quite young by some cottager's children, with whom he played like a puppy. As he grew in years, he became too rough for them, but at Mr. Bell's was a universal favourite. He yelped with a peculiar, sharp cry, when excluded from his master's presence. He was fed at dinner-time, and took the morsels in the most orderly manner. He was very affectionate, good-tempered, and cleanly. He died of a disease which affects many carnivorous animals in confinement a contraction of the lower opening of the stomach, which prevents the food from passing. In that most interesting book, written by Mr. St. John, and called Wild Sports of the Highlands, the author treats at some length of the badger. I select the following passages from his pages : 4 1 was just then startled from my reverie by a kind of grunt close to me, and the apparition of a small, waddling, grey animal, who was busily employed in hunting about the grass and stones at the edge of the loch. Presently another and another appeared in a little grassy glade which ran down to the water's edge, till at last I saw seven of them busily at work within a few yards of me, all coming from one direction. It at first struck me that they were some farmer's pigs taking a distant ramble ; but I shortly saw they were badgers, come from their fastnesses rather earlier than usual, tempted by the quiet evening, and by a heavy summer ehowcr that was just over, and which had brought out BADGERS. 57 nn infinity of large black snails and worms, on which the badgers were feeding with good appetite. As I was dressed in grey, and sitting on a grey rock, they did not see me, but waddled about, sometimes close to me ; only now and then, as they crossed my track, they showed a slight uneasiness, smelling the ground, and grunting gently. Pre k sently a very large one, which I took to be the mother of the rest, stood motionless for a moment, listening with great attention, and then giving a loud grunt, which seemed perfectly understood by the others, she scuttled away, followed by the whole lot. I was soon joined by my attendant, whose approach they had heard long before my less acute ears gave me warning of his coming. . . When caught in traps, they [badgers] never leave part of their food behind them and so escape, as foxes and other vermin frequently do; but they display very great strength and dexterity in drawing up the peg of the trap, and this done, they will carry off the heaviest trap to an amazing distance, over rock or heather. They never attempt to enter their hole with a trap dangling to their foot, but generally lay up in some furze bush or thicket. ' When first caught, their efforts to escape show a degree of strength and ingenuity which is quite won- derful, digging and tearing at their prison with the strength of a rhinoceros. I one day found a badger, not much hurt, in a trap. Tying a rope to his hind- leg, I drove him home before me as a man drives a pig, but with much less trouble, for he made no attempts to escape, but trotted quietly ahead, only occasionally showing a natural inclination to bolt off the main path whenever he passed any diverging road, all of which were probably familiar haunts of the unlucky beast. 58 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. When at home, I put him into a paved court, where I thought he could not possibly escape. The next morn- ing, however, he was gone, having displaced a stone that I thought him quite incapable of moving, and then digging under a wall. . . . Sometimes I have known a badger leave the solitude of the woods and take to some drain in the cultivated country, where he becomes very bold and destructive to the crops, cutting down wheat, and ravaging the gardens in a most surprising manner. One which I know to be now living in this manner, derives great part of his food during the spring from a rookery under which he nightly hunts, feeding on the young rooks that fall from their nests, or on the old ones that are shot. This badger eludes every attempt to trap him. Having more than once run narrow risks of this nature, he has become so cunning that no one can catch him. If a dozen baited traps are set, he manages to carry off the baits, and spring every trap, always with total impunity to himself. At one time he was watched out to some distance from his drain, and traps were then put in all directions round it ; but by jumping over some, and rolling over others, he escaped all. In fact, though a despised and maltreated animal, when he has once acquired a certain experience in worldly matters, few beasts show more address and cunning in keeping out of scrapes. Though eaten in France, Germany, and other countries, and pronounced to make excellent hams, we in Britain despise him as food, though I see no reason why he should not be quite as good as any pork. 4 The badger becomes immensely fat. Though not a great eater, his quiet habits and his being a great sleeper prevent his being lean.' That sleep is taken in the day, for his habits, are generally nocturnal. ^TEASELS. 59 All badgers may be recognised by the broad black band across their cheek. Those of India have longer legs than those of Europe ; their snout is also pro- longed like that of a hog ; and their tail resembles that of the latter animal. They are very slow in their movements ; and when affronted make a peculiar grunting noise, and bristle up the hair of their back. If still more roused, they stand on their hind-legs as bears do, have much power in their fore-legs, and are extremely savage when provoked. WEASELS. THE second tribe of Carnivora walks upon its toes, and is consequently called Digitigrada. It is chiefly com- posed of a number of smaller animals, which are very interesting from many of their habits, very precious from the valuable fur which they afford, and in many instances are so destructive that they go under the common name of Vermin. A numerous genus bears the appellation of Vermiform, because their bodies are long and their legs are short, which formation enables them to slide through small apertures in worm fashion, twisting them- selves through the winding passages with their bodies touching the ground. They destroy much game, and, except when trained to' kill rats and rabbits, are objects of persecution and dislike. Among them are weasels, polecats, ferrets, martens, skunks, and others. The ermine and sable are included with the martens ; and the three first send forth a disagreeable odour. They, however, are not to be compared in this respect to the 60 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. skunk, which of all creatures is one of the most disagree- able, in consequence of its fo3tid gland, which secretes the offensive liquor sent forth when the animal is fright- ened or irritated. Nothing will obliterate this odour ; no other scent overcomes it ; no burying in the earth, no washing, will avail ; even time does not cure ; and an article of dress put by for years is still unwearable. It is to Weasels and Otters that I shall confine myself in this work ; for about their intellectual powers do we know most. The first is a very courageous beast, not fearing to attack animals much larger than himself even man. A labouring peasant at Glencairn, in Dum- friesshire, was attacked by six of them, who rushed upon him when he was at work in a field. Being frightened at such a furious onset, he fled ; but they pursued him, although he dealt some back-handed strokes with a long horsewhip. He was on the point of being seized by the throat, when he fortunately perceived the fallen branch of a tree. He snatched it up, and making a stand against his enemies, he killed three, and put the others to flight. Another instance is reported by Captain Brown in his Popular Natural History, where the affray commenced by a person striking a weasel, which squeaked aloud. This roused a whole colony, consist- ing of fifteen, who flew at him and bit him severely. A gentleman came to his aid, and with his assistance several of the assailants were killed ; the others ran into the fissures of a neighbouring rock. There are instances of weasels having been tamed ; but it is very difficult to make any impression on their affections, although they are very sagacious, and saga- cious animals are more easily influenced than others. The weasel and the stoat are so often mistaken for each WEASELS. 61 other, that it will be well to point out the constant difference in each. The stoat is brown above, dirty white underneath; his tail is longer and more bushy than that of the weasel, and always black at the tip. The weasel is red above, and pure white underneath, and the tail is red and uniform, being deprived of the bushy tip. Mr. Bell, from whose pages I have taken these characters, defends weasels from the accusation of devouring poultry, game, hares, rabbits, and various small birds. He says, that when driven by hunger, they may occasionally eat such things ; but that their general food consists of mice and rats of every description, the field and water vole, and moles ; and that they ought rather to be encouraged than exterminated, because they destroy so much vermin. They generally approach with the utmost caution and shyness, and when once they have seized their prey, they never let go their hold ; they aim at the neck, below the ear, or drive their teeth through the back of the head. They bound and spring, and climb trees with the greatest facility, and seem never to tire of hunting, whether they are hungry or not. Mr. St. John saw one in a stubble field, in which several corn buntings were flying about, or alighting on a thistle. The animal disappeared at the foot of this thistle, and the above gentleman thought he had slunk into a hole; but feeling sure by his manner he intended some mischief, he stayed to watch his movements. As soon as one of the birds settled on the thistle, something sprang up as quick as lightning, and then disappeared with the bird : it was the weasel, who had thus successfully concealed himself. The same gentleman chased a weasel into a hollow tree, who carried something in her mouth. He applied smoke to the hole, and out she came again, carrying the same 62 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. burden. She ran towards a stone-wall, but was met by a terrier, who killed her, catching her with the greater facility in consequence of her obstinacy in carrying away what Mr. St. John still thought was her prey. On pick- ing it up, however, he found that it was a young weasel unable to run, which its mother was endeavouring to carry to a place of safety, her former hole in an adjoin- ing field having been ploughed over. Another proof of the weasel's affection for her young, was witnessed by a labourer, who, while standing on a foot-path close to the hedge side, perceived a weasel with one of her young ones in her mouth. He kicked her, and she, dropping it, retreated into a hedge. He then stood over the young one with a stick in his hand, not intending to kill it, but merely to see how its mother would proceed. She soon peeped from her covert, and made several feints to get at her charge, but was obliged to run into the hedge again, intimidated by the stick which the man flourished about. At last she summoned up all her resolution, and, in spite of everything, after a great deal of dodging to avoid the stick, succeeded in obtain- ing the object of her solicitude, and bore it off between the legs of her tormentor. Weasels sometimes fall a prey to hawks, and the latter are occasionally overcome by them. I transcribe the following account from the pages of Mr. Bell. ' As a gentleman of the name of Finder was riding over his grounds, he saw, at a short distance from him, a kite pounce on some objects on the ground, and rise with it in his talons. In a few moments, however, the kite be- gan to show signs of great uneasiness, rising rapidly in the air, or as quickly falling, and wheeling irregularly round, whilst he was evidently endeavouring to free some OTTERS. 63 obnoxious tiling from him with liis feet. After a short but sharp contest, the kite fell suddenly to the earth, not far from Mr. Finder. He instantly rode up to the spot, when a weasel ran away from the kite, apparently unhurt, leaving the bird dead, with a hole eaten through the skin under the wing, and the large blood-vessels of the part torn through/ The nest composed by weasels, in which they will bring forth four or five young ones, two or three times a year, is of dry leaves and herbage, is placed in a hole, in a bank, a dry ditch, or a hollow tree ; and if a dog come near it, the mother flies at him, and fastens on his lips with great tenacity. OTTERS. TJIE much-persecuted Otter presents himself to our notice among the worm-bodied, digitigrade animals. Their broad webbed feet show that they frequent the water ; and, in fact, they are not only found in rivers and lakes of most European countries, but at sea. Their elongated body is flattened horizontally; their tail is broad and flat, and forms an excellent rudder for their guidance when in the water. Their short legs are so loosely jointed that they can be turned in any direction when swimming; and their fur is soft, fine, and close underneath, while a longer, coarser set of hard shining hairs are on the outside. Their teeth are very pointed, and well adapted to hold their slippery prey ; their ears are very small, and close to their head ; and they have a nictitating membrane, or third eyelid, for the protection of their bright eyes. Their movements 64 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. in the water are particularly elegant ; they swim hori- zontally, and rapidly dive after their victims, which they eat ashore. It is said that they will collect a number of trouts into a shoal, and drive them on, till, in their dread and alarm, many of the fishes will throw themselves on to the land. They have the power of remaining very long under water, at a considerable depth ; and the fierce manner in which they keep dogs at bay, often wounding them severely with their sharp bites, and the anxious watching for their rise in the water when they have retreated, all form a most exciting sport ; so that we hear of .otter-hunting as a source of keen enjoyment ; and there is one on record in which nine otters were killed in one day. Otters will certainly consume an immense quantity of fish ; and the owners of salmon or trout streams have great spite against them. It is, however, very possible to tame them so as to make them bring the fish which they catch. This practice is much more followed in othei countries than in England ; they are purposely kept for it in Sweden, and at a signal from the cook will go and fetch the fish for dinner. Bishop Heber mentions, that he saw several large and very beautiful otters fastened to bamboo stakes by the side of the Matta Colly river, some of which appeared to be at play, and uttered a shrill, whistling noise. They wore straw collars, and were very tame and docile. They should be caught quite young, and fed on small fish ; then they are allowed bread and milk at alternate meals, till at last they entirely live upon this food. They are taught to fetch and carry with artificial fishes made of leather, and stuffed with wool ; then they are made to bring dead fishes, and if they attempt to tear them, they are severely punished. OTTERS. 65 Thus trained, in process of time the otter becomes useful and domesticated. In their natural condition otters will wander to con- siderable distances for their prey. Mr. St. John says, 4 1 was rather amused at an old woman living at Sluie on the Findhorn, who, complaining of the hardness of the present times, when " a puir body couldna get a drop smuggled whisky, or shoot a roe without his lordship's sportsman finding it out," added to her list of grievances, that even the otters were nearly all gone, " puir beasties." " Well, but what good could the otters do you ? " I asked her. " Good, your honour ! why, scarcely a morn came but they left a bonny grilse (young salmon) on the scarp down yonder, and the vennison was none the worse of the bit the puir beasties ate themselves." The people here (Morayshire) call every eatable animal, fish, flesh, or fowl, venison, or as they pronounce it, vennison. For instance, they tell you that the snipes are good vennison, or that the trout are not good vennison in the winter. ' It seems that a few years ago, before the otters had been so much destroyed, the people in particular parts of the river were never at a loss for salmon, as the otters always took them ashore, generally to the same bank or rock, and in seasons of plenty they only ate a small piece out of the shoulder, leaving the rest un- touched, and the cottagers, aware of this, searched every morning for their leavings.' 4 Otters,' continues Mr. St. John, ' are very affec- tionate animals ; the young anxiously seek their mother if she should be killed ; and if the young are injured, the parent hovers near them till she is herself destroyed. It' one of a pair be killed, the one that is left will hunt E G6 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. for its mate with untiring perseverance ; and if one be caught in a trap, its companion will run round and round, endeavouring to set it free, on which occasions, though so quiet at other times, they make a snorting and blowing like a horse.' A dog belonging to the above gentleman was run- ning and splashing through the shallow water, and suddenly stood still, sometimes whining, as if caught in a trap, and then biting furiously at something in the water. He was called by his master, but as he did not obey, his master waded to him, and found a large otter holding on by his powerful jaws to the dog's shoulder ; and had he not had a good covering of curly hair, he stood a chance of having his leg broken, the bite was so severe. The people in Scotland believe that the otters have a king or leader, which is larger than others, and spotted with white. They also believe that when these animals are killed, a man, or another of the brute kind, dies suddenly at the same moment ; that their skin possesses an antidote to infection, preserves soldiers from wounds, and saves sailors from disasters at sea. The darkness in which otters delight, their watery habitations, their oily, noiseless movements, and their dark fur, invest them with mystery in the eyes of the peasantry in many parts of England. The emigration of otters is established by the follow- ing fact : ' A labourer going to his work, soon after five o'clock in the morning, saw a number of animals coming towards him, and stood quietly by the hedge till they came alongside of him. He then perceived four old otters, probably dams, and about twenty young ones. He took a stick out of the hedge and, OTTERS. H7 killed one. Directly it began to squeak, all the four old ones turned back, and stood till the other young ones had escaped through the hedge, and then went quietly themselves. Several families were thus journey- ing together, and probably they had left their former abode from not finding a sufficiency of food.' The beautiful otter in the museum of the Zoological Gardens is from Ireland, and is by some considered as a distinct species. It is chiefly found on the coast of Antrim, living in the caverns formed by the basaltic columns of that shore; and as it hunts the salmon, rewards are offered for its destruction. The flesh of all otters is extremely rank and fishy ; and because it cannot be called meat, it is often allowed to be eaten on the meagre days appointed by the Komish Church. Captain Brown, in his Popular Natural History, tells us of a person who kept a tame otter with his dogs, which followed him in company with them. He hunted fish with them, and they never would hunt any other otter as long as he was with them. There was a tame otter in Northumberland, which also followed his master wherever he went. He caught his own food, and returned home when satisfied. Once he refused to come to the usual call when he was out, and was lost for some days. At length, going back to the same place, he with great joy came creep- ing to his master's feet, who was still seeking his favourite, 68 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. DOGS. BARON CUVIER says that the most useful conquest achieved by man, is the domestication of the dog a conquest so long completed, that it is now impossible with any certainty to trace these animals to their ori- ginal type. The cleverest of naturalists have supposed them to descend from wolves, from jackals, or from a mixture of the two ; while others, equally clever, assert that they proceeded from different species of dogs. The latter maintain that the Dingos of Australia, the Buansas of Nepal, or Dholes of India, the Aguaras of South America, and several other races, are original ; and although they may not have produced the dogs which attend man, they prove that we may attribute the latter to predecessors of the same kind, without having recourse to other animals which they more or less resemble. On the other hand again, some of our first men are of opinion that there are now no original dogs, but that all the packs called wild are those which have made their escape from a state of domesticity. This is not the place to examine the merits of the different proofs brought in favour of each argument ; and I hasten to a brief notice of some of those which subsist independently of human assistance. All dogs, wild or tame, walk upon their toes with a firm, elastic gait, and their claws are not retractile. Their other external characters are so varied, that it is impossible to give a general summary of their colour or form : the largest on record (a Suliot, belonging to the king of Naples) measured four feet at the shoulders ; the least would probably give a height of as many inches. DOGS. G9 All the untamed species are lank and gaunt, their muzzles are long and slender, their eyes oblique, and their strength and tenacity of life are always marvellous. The Dingo, or Australian dog, roams in packs through that vast country ; has a broad head ; fierce, oblique eyes ; acute muzzle ; short, pointed, erect ears ; tail bushy, and never raised to more than a horizontal position. He does not bark, but howls fearfully ; is extremely sagacious, and has a remarkable power of bearing pain. When beaten so severely as to be left for dead, he has been seen to get up and run away. A man proceeded to skin one, not doubting that life was extinct, and after proceeding a little way with the operation, he left the hut to sharpen his knife. When he returned, the poor animal was sitting up, with the loose skin hanging over one side of his face. The Dingos worry the cattle of the settlers, and will even eat pieces out of them as they lie upon the ground; the leg of a sheep has been frequently gnawed off by them. Domesticated dogs will hunt and kill them, but show signs of great disgust afterwards, always, if they can, plunging themselves into water, as if to get rid of the contamination caused by such contact. One taken from his mother at six weeks old was partially tamed ; but at first he crouched down in all the darkest corners he could find, looking at every one with aver- sion, and when alone, howling incessantly, especially if the moon were shining. He became gradually recon- ciled to those who fed him, but to no one else. He never gave warning of the approach of strangers, and never made an open attack. It is remarkable that these doprs are not found in the closely neighbouring island of Van Diemen's Land. 70 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. The wild dogs of India go under the names of Buansa, Dhole, and Kolsun ; are found in Nepal, the Nilgiris, Coromandel, the Dekkan, etc., and bear various names, according to their locality. They prey night and day, have an acute smell, a peculiar bark, not unlike that of a hound, and are of a sandy or red colour. Their head is long ; they have an ill-natured look, oblique eyes ; long, erect ears ; powerful limbs, bushy tail, fur vary- ing according to climate ; and all animals are afraid of them. They kill tigers and cheetahs, and the remains of hogs and deer are to be found in their path. An endeavour to tame one succeeded, and he was as affec- tionate and intelligent as many other dogs. In Java there is a large wild dog, and in Beloo- chistan whole packs are to be found, which pull down buffaloes with ease ; their footmarks are like those of a hound ; and still farther to the west a much larger species is said to exist. The Sheeb or Schib of Syria is wild, and is probably the wolf dog of Natolia. The Deeb of Nubia would seem to be also a primitive species, but not resembling the packs of wild dogs which inhabit Congo and South Africa, etc., and live in covers and burrows. The hunters of South Africa tell us that then* dogs pull down the strongest antelopes ; they are very de- structive to sheep, and mangle more than they devour. They are extremely swift, and utter a short bark or chattering cry, which calls the pack together, and is very soft and melodious. The hatred between them and tame dogs is unconquerable ; and in their appearance they look like a link between the wolf and the hyaena. A large group of dogs include all the indigenous canines of South America, under the name of Aguaras, DOGS. 71 and resemble foxes. They are silent, if not dumb, and appear to congregate in families rather than packs. They have a peculiar propensity to steal and secrete, without any apparent object for so doing. Colonel Hamilton Smith, the able writer on dogs, does not acknowledge some of these wi!d races, but thinks they are what he calls feral, or domestic dogs which have regained their . liberty, and have subsisted for many generations on their own intelligence. To these he refers the Natolians and Aguaras ; but there can be no doubt concerning the feral nature of the dog of St. Domingo, which descends from the hounds trained to hunt human beings by the Spaniards, and which are supposed to have regained their liberty in the woods of Haiti. It is of these dogs the stories are told concern- ing runaway negroes, and which were taught by means of raw food, placed in stuffed representations of human beings. They are very handsome creatures, carrying their heads with an air of conscious superiority. They follow a track rapidly, and in complete silence ; they, however, always seize their victims. A contrast to the feral dog of St. Domingo, is the Alco of Mexico, with its small head, short neck, and very thick body. Those of the Pampas having assumed the shapes of all the dogs transported from Europe, have now settled into what may be called curs. They are very bold, very sagacious, are not inimical to men, but destructive to the young animals in herds. They live in burrows, and if brought back to domesticity, arc valuable for their courage and highly developed senses In various cities exist herds of dogs who do not own any masters, who infest the streets in packs, and who are at once the scavengers, the purifiers, and the greatest 72 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. nuisances. In beautiful Lisbon, rising from the Tagus with her stately towers, her gardens, her churches, her deep blue sky, and her noble aqueduct, leading life's beverage to her exquisite fountains, these animals abound, their presence being easily accounted for by their owners bringing and abandoning them there at the time of vintage. They eat so many grapes when ripe, that they are sent away in self-defence. Woe to the person who affronts one of them : he is obliged to run hard, or else to keep them at bay, by threatening to throw stones at them, and walking backwards. Fortunately he can do this in the narrow streets of this city, for he would be lost if surrounded by them. They lodge by day in the holes of ruins, which are plentiful in Lisbon. The same dogs, with regard to habits, are to be met with in the cities of Russia, Turkey, and Egypt ; but they differ in size and appearance. Those of Turkey are particularly audacious; and in all cities where cleanliness is not systematically organized, they are doubtless of infinite service, though I have read in a pamphlet written by a French savant, that those of Egypt are one means of continuing the plague ; for they uncover the carelessly-buried bodies, and drag portions of flesh and clothing into the houses of the living. In some of the countries of Guinea, dogs are bred for the table, and sit in circles in the market-places for sale. I do not know from what race they come ; they are not used for any other purpose, and are small, ex- tremely ugly, and variously marked with brown, red, or black spots. The passion for dog's flesh is in these countries very strong, and no European can keep an f.nimal of this kind many weeks. An officer arrived at DOGS. 73 Cupe Coast Castle when I was there, accompanied by three, not imagining the temptation they would present to the appetite of the natives. One disappeared in the act of landing, and the two others were gone before three weeks had elapsed. My uncle fancied that his rank would secure a favourite sent to him from Europe. He one morning received a deputation from the king of a native town, requesting a palaver or conference. It was granted, and his sable majesty formally made pro- posals for Caesar to figure as a roast at a grand feast which he was about to hold. My uncle indignantly refused; the king increased the sum offered, till it amounted to something considerable; and then the Englishman, unable to control himself, left the room, and sent the customary refreshments, with a message to signify that the palaver was ended. Although every precaution was taken to save the animal, he was stolen that same night, and gratified the palates of the African gourmands. I now come to what Colonel Smith calls c The Familiar Dogs,' where we find an amount of intellect which forbids us to say that they do not reason ; and where self-sacrifice, fidelity, courage, and affection, in many instances raise them far beyond more gifted creatures. It will be advisable to follow the series of some established work in treating of them, and I have selected that of Colonel Hamilton Smith, both for its extent and its ability. He begins with those which are placed nearest to the Arctic Circle of both hemispheres, and which form a group of large, wolfish dogs, with tapering noses, pointed ears, and, generally speaking, long white and black hair. They are fierce, broad and often web-footed; they swim well, hunt together or 74 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. alone ; and when their owners turn them out to obtain their own living, often fish with great dexterity. When they quarrel, they constantly destroy each other, for they never will give up while they are alive. Among them are the Siberian Dogs, remarkable for the instinct with which they return to their masters, after weeks of ab- sence and self-subsistence, to drag their sleighs. This is the more curious, as they are then always very ill fed and ill treated. They utter yells when about to be yoked ; but once in file, they move silently and rapidly, sometimes, however, trying to upset their drivers. The tail of the Esquimaux Dogs is bushy, and curls very much over the back, which is covered with long waving hair. They are very patient and faithful, rapid in their paces, skilful and courageous when hunting, carry burdens, and are very good-tempered. The^ form a close attachment to their masters ; and one which had been kept in confinement in Edinburgh, being let loose, entered the kitchen door, found his way through his owner's house, and leaping on his bed, gave every sign of affection. At another time,, as his master was walking in Princes Street Gardens, his foot slipped and he fell, upon which the dog tried to lift him up by his coat. He was very cunning, and when he ate, strewed his meat around him, to entice fowls and rats. He then laid himself down, and pre- tended to be asleep; no sooner, however, did they come, than he pounced upon and killed them. A pair of Esquimaux dogs lived in the Menagerie of the Jardin des Plantes, where they were great favourites; but it was extremely painful to see the poor creatures panting with heat, and almost unable to move during the hot weather, only feeling happy when cold water DOGS. 75 vras thrown over them. The fondness of the Esqui- maux dogs for oil never ceases, and they do not like to drink water unless it tastes of this substance. Two of them are said to have stood hour after hour before a candlemaker's workshop, evidently sniffing the fumes of the melted tallow with great enjoyment. Their scent is particularly delicate, which renders them invaluable in the chase of the reindeer. Nor are they, from their resolution and ferocity, less useful in attacking the bear, the very name of which beast, pronounced in their hear- ing, excites their ardour. Even in the sledge they dash after their prey, out of the track, dragging their owner into the pursuit. In order to test the strength of the Esquimaux dogs, several experiments have been made, among others by Captain Lyon, who found that three of them could drag him on a sledge weighing one hundred pounds, at the rate of a mile in six minutes. With heavy loads they are often induced to exert themselves by a woman walking before them with a mitten in her hand. Having been accustomed to receive food from her, they believe that in this way she offers them meat. They are par- ticularly obedient and affectionate to women, because it is from them that they receive the only kindnesses bestowed upon them ; and a word from a female will excite them to exertion, when the blows and threats of the men only make them obstinate. The dog of the Hare Indians, or Mackenzie River, was first described by Dr. Richardson, and is of a smaller size than the Esquimaux breed, but with broad feet, which prevent them from sinking into the snow. One of them, only seven months old, ran beside this gentleman's sledge for nine hundred miles* frequently 7G ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. carrying one of his master's mittens in his mouth. All are very gentle, and, like the Esquimaux dogs, do not bark. The large, powerful, and handsome dogs which go by the name of Newfoundland, are not the pure breed of that country. The latter are more slender in their make, have a sharper muzzle, a wilder look, and are generally black in colour, with a rusty spot over each eye, and a tawny muzzle. These are called Labrador dogs, and it is supposed that they and the Esquimaux have contri- buted to form the commonly accepted breed. What the latter have lost, however, in purity of blood, has been gained on the side of beauty ; and there is no animal of its size which conveys a higher idea of intelligence and dignity than the so-called Newfoundland Dog. All are semi-palmate, and dive, swim, and keep longer in the water than any others of their tribe. One was picked up in the Bay of Biscay, out of sight of any other vessel, fatigued and hungry, and which, judging from the cir- cumstances, must have been there for many hours. Their fidelity, their courage, their generosity, are proverbial ; and yet it is whispered that they are occasionally capri- cious, and not to be trusted. During long years of intercourse with these animals I never met with an in- stance of this ; and I have been told that it is more apt to occur when they have been kept in confinement. A noble creature of the mixed breed, and of the usual colour black and white belonged to me, and his ex- treme good nature, and endeavours to guard everything belonging to the family, made him like a confidential servant. The great defects in his disposition were heed- lessness, and an under-estimate of his own power ; he did not stop to think before he acted, as many more DOGS. W cautious dogs will do ; and he forgot that his weight was so great as to spoil and crush whatever he laid himself upon. As an instance of the former, he one day fancied he saw some one whom he knew in the street, and immediately dashed through the window, smashing not only the glass, but the framework. Directly he had done it he felt he had been wrong ; and returning through the shattered window, which was opened for him, he hung his head, and walked unbidden to a recess in the room covered with matting, to which place he was always banished when naughty, and seated himself. The bell was rung for the housemaid to come and clear away the broken glass ; and as the woman smiled when she passed Lion, I turned my head towards him. There he sat, with a pair of my slippers, accidentally left in the room, in his mouth, as if he thought they would obtain his pardon. My gravity was disturbed; and Lion seeing this, humbly came up to me, and rested his chin on my knees. I then lectured him concerning the mischief he had committed ; and he so perfectly under- stood, that for a long time, when any one pointed to the window, he would hang his head and tail, and look ashamed. During my absence he constantly collected articles which belonged to me, and slept upon them. One day, on returning from church, he met me on the stairs, dragging a new silk dress along with him by the sleeve, which he must have contrived by himself to have abstracted from a peg in a closet. It must be owned that, clever as my Lion was, Professor Owen was acquainted with a Lion who sur- passed him. This gentleman was walking with a friend, the master of the dog. by the side of a river, near its mouth, on the coast of Cornwall, and picked up a small piece of sea- weed. It was covered with minute animals ; 78 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and Mr. Owen observed to his companion, throwing the weed into the water, 4 If this small piece afforded so many treasures, how microscopically rich the whole plant would be ! I should much like to have one.' The gentle- men walked on, but hearing a splashing in the water, turned round, and saw it violently agitated. ; It is Lion!' both exclaimed; l what can he be about? He was walking quietly enough by our side a minute ago.' At one moment they saw his tail above the water, then his head raised for a breath of air, then the surrounding element shook again, and at last he came ashore, panting from his exertions, and laid a whole plant of the iden- tical weed at Mr. Owen's feet. After this proof of in- telligence, it will not be wondered at, that when Lion was joyfully expecting to accompany his master and his guest on an excursion, and was told to go and take care of and comfort Mrs. Owen, who was ill, he should immediately return to the drawing-room and lay him- self by her side, which he never left during the absence of his owner, his countenance alone betraying his dis- appointment, and that only for a few minutes. Many instances are recorded of Newfoundland dogs having saved the lives of those who have fallen in the water ; and among them was my father, who, when he was one day missing, was traced to a deep pond in his mother's garden. His friend Trial was called. Some of his young master's clothes were shown to the dog, the pond was pointed out, and Trial dashed in, shortly bringing out the body. He watched all the endeavours made to restore animation, and at last aided the work by being allowed, when dry, to get into the bed, and with the warmth of his body give heat and circulation to the half-expiring child. A very interesting anecdote is given of a person who DOGS. 79 was travelling through Holland, accompanied by a large Newfoundland dog. Walking one evening on a high bank by the side of a canal, his foot slipped, he fell into the water, and, being unable to swim, soon became senseless. When he recovered his recollection, he found himself in a cottage on the opposite side of the canal, surrounded by peasants, who had been using all means for restoring him to life. He was told, that one of them returning home from his work, saw at a considerable distance a large dog swimming in the water, sometimes pushing and sometimes dragging something which he appeared to have great difficulty in supporting, but which he at length succeeded in getting into a small creek. When there, the animal pulled this object as far out of the water as he was able, and the peasant discovered it to be the body of a man. The dog shook himself, licked the hands and face of his master ; the peasant obtained as- sistance, and the body was conveyed to the house, where the endeavours used for resuscitation proved successful. Two bruises with marks of teeth appeared, one on the shoulder, the other on the nape of his neck ; whence it was presumed that his preserver first seized him by the shoulder, but that his sagacity prompted him to shift his grasp to the neck, as by so doing he could keep the head out of the water. He had continued to do this for at least a quarter of a mile, and thus preserved his owner, as much by his intelligence as by his affection. The Newfoundland dog, like many others, possesses a sense of time, and Mr. Bell relates an instance of this which occurred under his own observation. He says that a fine Newfoundland dog, which was kept at an inn in Dorsetshire, was accustomed every morning, as the clock struck eight, to take in his mouth a certain basket, 80 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. placed for the purpose, containing a few pence, and to carry it across the street to a baker's, who took out the money, and replaced it by the proper number of rolls. With these Neptune hastened back to the kitchen and safely deposited his trust ; but, what was well worthy of remark, he never attempted to take the basket, or even to approach it, on Sunday mornings. On one occasion, when returning with the rolls, another dog made an attack upon the basket for the purpose of stealing its contents, when the trusty Neptune placed the basket on the ground, severely punished the in- truder, and then bore off his charge in triumph. The proofs of intelligence which I have related are perhaps surpassed by those of Dandie, a Newfoundland dog belonging to Mr. M'Intyre of Edinburgh ; but it must be recollected that Dandie's education had beei\ more carefully and continuously carried on than that of his before-mentioned brethren. He selected his master's hat from a number of others, or a card chosen by his master from a whole pack ; picked his master's penknife from a heap of others, and any particular article which he might have been told to find, although he would have to search among a multitude of others belonging to the same person ; proving that it was not smell which guided him, but an understanding of what he was required to do. One evening, a gentleman in company with others accidentally dropped a shilling on the floor, which after diligent search could not be found. Dandie had been sitting in the corner of the room, apparently unconscious of what had been going on. Mr. M'Intyre then said to him, ; Find us the shilling, Dandie, and you shall have a biscuit.' The dog instantly jumped up and laid the shilling upon the table, which DOGS. 81 he had picked up unperceived by the party. On his return home one evening after the family had gone to rest, Mr. M'Intyre could not find his boot-jack ; upon which he said, ' Dandie, I cannot find my boot-jack ; search for it.' The dog scratched at the room door, his master opened it ; and going to a distant part of the house, Dandie returned with the boot-jack in his mouth, where Mr. M'Intyre recollected to have left it under a sofa. Several gentlemen were in the habit of giving Dandie a penny a day, which he always took to a baker's and exchanged for bread for himself. One of them was accosted by the dog for his accustomed present ; but he said, * I have not a penny with me to-day, though I have one at home.' Having returned to his house some time after, he heard a noise at the door ; it was opened, and Dandie sprang in for his penny. By way of frolic, the gentleman gave him a bad one ; the baker refused to exchange the loaf for it ; the dog returned to the door, knocked, and when the servant opened it, laid the penny at her feet, and walked away with an air of contempt. He did not, however, always spend all his money ; and one Sunday, when it was very unlikely that he could have received a present, he was observed to bring home a loaf. Surprised at this, Mr. M'Intyre desired the servant to search the room for money. Dandie seemed quite unconcerned till she approached the bed, when he gently drew her from it. Mr. M'Intyre secured him, for he growled and struggled ; and con- tinuing the search, the woman found sevenpence half- penny under a piece of cloth. From that time the dog could not endure her, and henceforth hid his money in the corner of a sawpit, under a heap of dust. He con- w 82 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. stantly escorted Mr. M'Intyre's friends home, when de- sired to do so, however considerable the distance ; and when they were safe, he returned to his own quarters. Mr. Jukes, in his Excursions in and about Newfound- land, speaks of a dog which appeared to be of the pure breed, and which he thought to be more intelligent than the mixed race. This animal caught his own fish; for which purpose he sat on a projecting rock beneath a fish stage, on which the fish were laid to dry, watching the water, the depth being from six to eight feet, and the bottom quite white with fish-bones. On throwing a piece of codfish into the water, three or four heavy, clumsy-looking fish, called in Newfound- land sculpins, would swim in to catch it. The instant one turned its broadside towards him, he darted down, and seldom came up without the fish in his mouth, He regularly carried them as he caught them to a place a few yards off, where he deposited them, some- times making a pile of fifty or sixty in the day. As he never attempted to eat them, he appeared to fish for his amusement. Long, lanky, rough-haired, with drooping, bushy tail ; long ears, half erect ; long, sharp muzzle ; black and fulvous in colour, often mingled with brown and white, the Shepherd's Dog yields to none in fidelity and sagacity. In his own peculiar calling nothing can exceed his vigilance, his quick comprehension, and his intimate knowledge of every individual entrusted to his care. Rushing into the middle of his flock, he singles out any one member of it, and brings it to his master. Fierce in the defence of all, he keeps them together by incessantly prowling round them, dragging the wan- derers back to their companions, and fiercely attacking DOGS. 83 tliose who would offer them an injury. At night he guides them to their fold ; and if this should be in an exposed situation, he throws himself across the entrance, so that the intruding enemy will have to pass over his body to commence his work of destruction. A ludicrous instance of the promptitude with which he punishes offenders is related by Colonel Smith, in the following manner : * We have witnessed the care they take of their charge, and with what readiness they chastise those that molest them, in the case of a cur biting a sheep in the rear of the flock, and unseen by the shepherd. This assault was committed by a tailor's dog, but not unmarked by the other, who immediately seized him, and dragging the delinquent into a puddle while holding his ear, kept dabbling him in the mud with exemplary gravity ; the cur yelled ; the tailor came slipshod with his goose to the rescue, and having flung it at the sheep-dog and missed him, stood by gaping, not venturing to fetch it back until the castigation was over and the dog had followed the flock.' As a proof of the comprehension of the shepherd's dog, I quote the description of Mr. St John, in his Highland Sports: 'A shepherd once, to prove the quickness of his dog, who was lying before the fire in the house where we were talking, said to me, in the middle of a sentence concerning something else, " I'm thinking, sir, the cow is in the potatoes." Though he purposely laid no stress on these words, and said them in a quiet, unconcerned tone of voice, the dog, who appeared to be asleep, immediately jumped up, and leaping through the open window, scrambled up the turf roof of the house, from which he could see the potato field. He then (not seeing the cow there) ran 84 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and looked into the byre [farm-yard], where she was, and finding that all was right, came back to the house. After a short time the shepherd said the same words again, and the dog repeated his lookout ; but on the false alarm being a third time given, the dog got up, and wagging his tail, looked his master in the face with so comical an expression of interrogation, that we could not help laughing aloud at him, on which, with a slight growl, he laid himself down in his warm corner, with an offended air, as if determined not to be made a fool of again.' Mr. Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, is the person of all others to give an adequate idea of the shepherd's dog, and I use very nearly his own words. ' My dog Sirrah was beyond all comparison the best dog I ever saw ; he was of a surly, unsocial temper ; disdaining all flattery, he refused to be caressed; but his attention to my commands and interests will never again, perhaps, be equalled by any of the canine race. I thought I dis- covered a sort of sullen intelligence in his countenance, notwithstanding his dejected and forlorn appearance. I gave a drover a guinea for him. He was scarcely a year old, and knew so little of herding, that he had never turned a sheep in his life ; but as soon as he discovered that it was his duty to do so, and that it obliged me, I can never forget with what eagerness and anxiety he learned his evolutions. He would try every way deliberately, till he found out what I wanted him to do, and when I once .made him understand a direction, he never forgot or mis- took it again. Well as I knew him, he often astonished me ; for when pressed hard in accomplishing the task that he was put to, he had expedients of the moment, that bespoke a great share of the reasoning faculty. DOGS. 85 'On one occasion, about 700 lambs, which were under his care at weaning time, broke up at midnight, and scampered off in three divisions across the neighbouring hills, in spite of all that he and an assistant could do to keep them together. The night was so dark, that we could not see Sirrah ; but the faithful animal heard his master lament their absence in words which of all others were sure to set him most on the alert ; and without more ado, he silently set off in quest of the recreant flock. Meanwhile the shepherd and his companion did not fail to do all in their power to recover their lost charge; they spent the whole night in scouring the hills for miles around, but of neither the lambs nor Sirrah could they obtain the slightest trace. They had nothing for it, day having dawned, but to return to then- master, and inform him that they had lost the whole flock of lambs, and knew not what had become of one of them. On our way home, however, we discovered a lot of lambs at the bottom of a deep ravine, and the indefatigable Sirrah standing in front of them, looking round for some relief, but still true to his charge. The sun was then up, and when we first came in view, we concluded that it was one of the divisions which Sirrah had been unable to manage until he came to that commanding situation. But what was our astonishment, when we discovered that not one lamb of the whole flock was wanting ! How he had got all the divisions collected in the dark is beyond my comprehension. The charge was left to himself from midnight until the rising sun ; and if all the shepherds in the Forest had been there to assist him, they could not have effected it with greater propriety.' An exceedingly good shepherd's dog appears to con- centrate all his powers in his own immediate vocation ; 86 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and in this does he exert and exhaust his whole capacity. If he be suddenly awoke, and hurriedly called, he rears himself up to see what sheep are running away ; and he is so honourable, that he will lie among pails full of milk, and neither touch them himself, nor suffer cat, rat, or any other creature to molest the store. The drovers' dogs are somewhat larger, and more rugged. They are as sagacious as the shepherd's dog, but they are trained to act with more cruelty to their charges. The original St. Bernard Dog, which has for years been the object of so much interest, resembles the New- foundland in form, hair, colour, and size. Another race with close, short hair, is trained to the same services ; and one of the latter belonged to me for some time, establishing himself in the good graces of every one bji his good temper and fidelity. He must, however, with all his good qualities, yield to Bass, the property of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, who thus writes of him : c My St. Bernard was brought home direct from the Great St. Bernard, when he was a puppy of about four or five months. His bark is tremendous ; so loud, indeed, that I have often distinguished it nearly a mile off. He had been missing for some time, when, to my great joy, one of the letter-carriers brought him back ; and the man's account was, that in going along a certain street, he heard his bark from the inside of a yard, and knew it immediately. He knocked at the gate, and said to the owner of the premises, " You have got Sir Thomas Lander's big dog." The man denied it. "But I know you have," continued the letter-carrier ; " I can swear that I heard the bark of Sir Thomas's big dog ; for there is no dog in or about all Edinburgh that has DOGS. 87 such a bark/' At last, with great reluctance, the man gave up the dog to the letter-carrier, who brought him home here. But though Bass's bark is so terrific, he is the best-natured and most playful dog I ever saw ; so much so, indeed, that the small King Charles's spaniel, Raith, used to tyrannize over him for many months after he came here from abroad. I have seen the little creature run furiously at the great animal when gnawing a bone, who instantly turned himself submissively over on his back, with all his legs in the air, whilst Raith, seizing the bone, would make the most absurd and un- availing attempts to bestride the enormous head of his subdued companion, with the most ludicrous affectation of the terrible growling, that might bespeak the loftiest description of dog-indignation. When a dog attacks Bass in the street or road, he runs away rather than quarrel; but when compelled to fight by any perseverance in the attacking party, he throws his enemy down in a moment, and then, without biting him, he lays his whole immense bulk down upon him, till he nearly smothers him. He took a particular fancy for one of the postmen who deliver letters here, whose duty it was, besides de- livering letters, to carry a letter bag from one receiving- house to another, and this bag he used to give Bass to carry. Bass always followed that man through all the villas in this neighbourhood where he had deliveries to make, and he invariably parted with him opposite to the gate of the Convent of St. Margaret's, and returned home. When our gate was shut here to prevent his following the postman, the dog always leaped a high wall to get after him. One day when the postman was ill, or detained by some accidental circumstance, he sent a man in his place. Bass went up to the man, curiously 88 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. scanning his face, whilst the man rather retired from the dog, by no means liking his appearance. But as the man left the place, Bass followed him, showing strong symptoms that he was determined to have the post-bag. The man did all he could to keep possession of it. But at length Bass seeing that he had no chance of getting possession of the bag by civil entreaty, raised himself up on his hind-legs, and putting a great fore- paw on each of the man's shoulders, he laid him flat oil his back in the road, and quietly picking up the bag, he proceeded peaceably on his wonted way. The man, much dismayed, arose and followed the dog, making every now and then an ineffectual attempt to coax him to give up the bag. At the first house he came to, he told his fears, and the dilemma he was in; but the people comforted him, by telling him that the dog always carried the bag. Bass walked with the man to all the houses at which he delivered letters, and along the road till he came to the gate of St. Margaret's, where he dropped the bag and returned home.' The peculiar services which the St. Bernard dog is taught to perform, have made them the blessings of the snow- covered regions in which they dwell. Their sense of smell is very acute ; their large, full eye is very ex- pressive; and their intelligence has saved many persons from death, when overtaken by cold on the Alpine passes. One of these noble creatures wore a medal in commemoration of his having preserved twenty-two lives, and he at last lost his own in an avalanche, to- gether with those whom he was endeavouring to protect. They carry food and wine with them; and followed by the monks, who have vowed themselves to the task, seek those who need assistance. DOGS. 89 In passing over a number of dogs mentioned by Colonel Smith, concerning which I have no data for anecdotes, I pause for a moment at the Drover, or Cattle- dog of Cuba, and Terra Firma, in America, placed by him among the native dogs (Canis Laniarius), because they are so serviceable in landing cattle from vessels. The oxen are hoisted out by slings passed round the base of their horns ; and when they are allowed to fall into the water, men generally swim and guide them by the horns. This office, however, is often performed by one or two dogs, who, catching the frightened animal by the ears, force it to swim to the landing-place, in- stantly releasing it when it touches the shore, and can walk to its destination. They are equal to mastiffs in strength ; and Colonel Smith considers them as the feral dogs of St. Domingo, in continued domesticity, and to have been taken from Spain to the West. Elegance of form, grace of movement, beauty of coun- tenance, extraordinary swiftness, and great strength, are all combined in the Greyhound, as recorded during the last three thousand years; and continued at the present moment, in various degrees, from the noble sporting dog, to the delicate pet of the drawing-room. The narrow, sharp head, the light, half hanging ears, the long neck, the arched back, the slender yet sinewy limbs, the deep chest, showing the high development of the breathing organs, and the elevated hind quarters, all shadow forth the peculiar qualities of these dogs. Their coat has been adapted to the climate in which they originally lived : here it is smooth ; but becomes more shaggy as they are from colder regions. Still their Eastern origin is always to be detected by the care which they require during our winters ; and (like 90 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. the Arab horses) those kept for coursing are muffled up in cloths during our periods of cold temperature. Their form, their clear, prominent eyes, show that they secure their prey by speed, not by smell ; and such is their power in this respect, that they will run eight miles in twelve minutes, and will run down the hare with fatigue, while they themselves are comparatively fresh. Colonel Smith fixes their earliest origin to the westward of the Asiatic mountains, where the Bactrian and Persian plains commence, and the Scythian steppes stretch to the north. Thence they have been spread over Europe, Asia, and part of Africa; many have again become wild, and others are the pampered de- pendants of amateur sportsmen. Many Russian noble- men keep packs of them in the steppes. The Scotch Greyhound (Canis Scoticus), generally white, with black clouds, is said to be the most intel- lectual of all, and formerly to have had so good a scent as to be employed as a bloodhound. Maida, whose name is immortalized as the favourite of Sir Walter Scott, was a Scottish greyhound. The Irish is the largest of all the western breeds, and is supposed to owe this distinction to mingling with the great Danish dog. To it Ireland owes the extirpation of wolves, and itself now scarcely exists but in name. An instance is recorded of a black greyhound in Lancashire, who adopted a life of freedom, and lived upon depredation. Many attempts were made to shoot her, but she eluded them all. She was at last ensnared in a barn, where she had placed her puppies ; they were destroyed, and she was partially reclaimed, so as to be useful in coursing ; but she always retained that wild look which told of her frolic. A Mr. Kirkpatrick DOGS. 91 possessed a greyhound which always took care of thQ meat in the kitchen, and defended it from cats and other dogs. The rough, large-boned, ill-looking Lurcher, is said to have descended from the rough greyhound and the shepherd's dog. It is now rare ; but there are some of its sinister-looking mongrel progeny still to be seen. They always bear the reputation of being poachers' dogs, and are deeply attached to their owners. They have a fine scent ; and a man confessed to Mr. Bewick, that he could, with a pair of lurchers, procure as many rabbits as he pleased. They never give tongue, but set about their work silently and cautiously, and hunt hares and partridges, driving the latter into the nets of the un- lawful sportsmen. They will even pull down deer. There are still many English hearts which beat quicker at the cry of the hound; there are some old ones which throb at the recollection of the well-ap- pointed field, when the bugle summoned them to the chase, when gallant steeds carried them over gate, hedge, ditch, and river; they even glory when they refer to fearful tumbles, barely escaping with life, and some meeting with a death next in honour, according to their notions, to that of a soldier in action. There are some young ones who listen with entranced ears to the deeds of their forefathers, and, amidst the toil of the dark counting-house, wish that such times would come for them. They never will come again ; railroads have been invented; men's minds have been diverted into other channels ; and fox-hunting, with its concomitant evils and its attendant pleasures, is gradually disap- pearing from fox-hunting England. Some, on whom the spirit of Nimrod has descended with such force as 92 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. to render them impatient under the privation, go to distant lands, and there perform feats worthy of the mighty hunter ; but it is neither with hawk nor hound, and before many generations have passed, our beauti- ful race of hunting dogs will exist but in name. There are more varieties of these hounds than I can here enumerate ; but all possess a larger development of brain than the greyhound ; their nose is broader as well as the jaws ; their ears are large and hanging ; their tail is raised and truncated ; and they have a firm, bold, and erect gait, an appearance of strength, inde- pendence, and (if I may be allowed to use the expres- sion) candour, which is vainly looked for in other dogs. They came to us from the East, probably at a late* period than those dogs which more resemble the wolf. The once esteemed Bloodhound is now rare ; and I copy Mr. Bell's description of the breed, and who is in possession of his namesake : ' They stand twenty- eight inches high at the shoulder; the muzzle broad and full ; the upper lip large and pendulous ; the vertex of the head protuberant ; the expression stern, thoughtful, and noble; the breast broad; the limbs strong and muscular ; and the original colour a deep tan, with large black clouds. They are silent when following their scent ; and in this respect differ from other hounds, who are generally gifted with fine deep voices. Numbers, under the name of sleuth-hounds, used to be kept on the Borders ; and kings and troopers, perhaps equally marauders, have in olden tunes found it difficult to evade them. The noble Bruce had several narrow escapes from them ; and the only sure way to destroy their scent was to spill blood upon the track. In all the common routine of life they are good-natured and DOGS. 93 intelligent, and make excellent watch-dogs. A story is related of a nobleman, who, to make trial whether a young hound was well instructed, desired one of his servants to walk to a town four miles off, and then to a market town three miles from thence. The dog, with- out seeing the man he was to pursue, followed him by the scent to the above-mentioned places, notwithstand- ing the multitude of market-people that went along the same road, and of travellers that had occasion to come ; and when the bloodhound came to the market town, he passed through the streets without taking notice of any of the people there, and ceased not till he had gone to the house where the man he sought rested himself, and where he found him in an upper room, to the wonder of those who had accompanied him in this pursuit.' l The stately Staghound, with his steady, cautious qualities, is little less valuable than the bloodhound for following a scent. Marvellous feats are related of his perseverance and strength in pursuit of his game ; but since the reign of George the Third the breed has not been kept up. That monarch was particularly fond of this description of hunting ; but now, having fallen into disuse, it is not likely to be revived. Stag- hounds are somewhat smaller than the bloodhound; rougher, with a wider nose, shorter head, loose hang- ing ears, and a rush tail, nearly erect. A most re- markable stag hunt is recorded as having taken place in Westmoreland, which extended into Scotland. All the dogs were thrown out except two, who followed their quarry the whole way. The stag returned to the park whence it started, where it leapt over the wall and expired, having made a circuit of at least 120 1 Boyle. 94 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. miles. The hounds were found dead at a little dis- tance, having been unable to leap the wall. The Foxhounds are still smaller than the staghounds, are generally white in colour, with clouds of black and tan. They have been known to run at full speed for ten hours, during which the hunters were obliged to change their horses three times, or abandon the pursuit. The Harrier and the Beagle are still smaller varieties. As the name indicates, the former are used exclusively for hunting the hare, and have nearly superseded the beagle, which is chiefly valuable for its very musical note. There was a fancy breed of them in the time of Queen Elizabeth, so small, that one could be carried in a man's glove, and they were called singing dogs. They used to be conveyed to the field in panniers. Turnspits are descended from ill-made hounds, which they resemble in body, but have very short, and eveu crooked legs. They are rough or smooth. They are said also to be derived from terriers ; and it seems to me that the perpetuation of malformation in several breeds will produce the turnspit. They derive their name from having been used to turn the kitchen spit, being put into an enclosed wheel, placed at the end for the purpose. It is a curious fact, that now the office is abolished, the race has become nearly extinct. I extract the following from Captain Brown's Popular Natural History, to prove that if turnspits had crooked legs, they had not crooked wits : ' I have had in my kitchen,' said the Duke de Liancort to M. Descartes, ' two turnspits, which took their turns regularly every other day in the wheel. One of them, not liking his employment, hid himself on the day he should have wrought, when his companion was forced to mount the DOGS. 95 wlieel in his stead ; but crying and wagging his tail, he intimated that those in attendance should first follow him. He immediately conducted them to a garret, where he dislodged the idle dog, and killed him im- mediately.' The following occurrence at the Jesuits' College at Fleche, shows that others of the species have kept the turnspit to this disagreeable duty. When the cook had prepared the meat for roasting, he found that the dog which should have wrought the spit had dis- appeared. He attempted to employ another, but it bit his leg and fled. Soon after, however, the refractory dog entered the kitchen, driving before him the truant turnspit, which immediately, of its own accord, went into the wheel. A company of turnspits were assem- bled in the Abbey Church of Bath, where they remained very quietly. At one part of the service, however, the word ' spit ' was pronounced rather loudly. This re- minded the dogs of their duty ; and they all rushed out in a body, to go to their respective dwellings. From the word 'Spanish' being often prefixed to the name of the Pointer, it is supposed that these dogs came to us from the Peninsula ; but as all dogs came from the East, their more ancient origin is to be as- cribed to the Phoanicians, who brought them, not only to that country, but probably to England, although many think they were not known here before 1688. In consequence of long training, the peculiar faculty of pointing at game has become an innate quality on their part : young dogs inherit it, and they only require that discipline which is necessary to make all puppies behave themselves. If we look at a pointer, the first remark which naturally arises is, that he is a large, indolent hound. He is, however, extremely docile and 96 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. affectionate. The black are said to be the best, but they vary in colour ; their fur is quite smooth, and they are considered very valuable dogs. Mr. Gilpin speaks of a brace of pointers, who stood an hour and a quarter without moving. This, however, was exceeded by Clio, a dog belonging to my father, who stood with her hind- legs upon a gate for more than two hours, with a nest of partridges close to her nose. She must have seen them as she jumped over the gate, and had she moved an inch, they would have been frightened away. My father went on, and having other dogs, did not miss Clio for a long time ; at length he perceived she was not with the rest, and neither came to his call or whistle ; he went back to seek her, and there she stood, just as she had got over the gate. His corning up dis- turbed the birds, and he shot some of them ; but Clio, when thus relieved, was so stiff that she could not move, and her master sat down on the grass and rubbed her legs till she could bend them again. She died of old age, having been with us fourteen years from her birth. There were no signs of illness ; and she went out in the morning with the shooting party. The first question on the return of the sportsmen was an inquiry for Clio. Search was made, and she was found quite stiff in the stable, having apparently come home to die. Of the general intelligence of the pointer, the follow- ing is a proof. A gentleman shooting in Ireland, with a dog totally unused to fetch and carry, killed a snipe. It fell in soft, boggy ground, where he could not get to pick it up. After some vain efforts to approach it, he hied on the pointer, by saying, ' Fetch it, Fan ! fetch it.' She seemed for a moment puzzled at such an un- usual proceeding, and looked round inquisitively once DOGS. 97 or twice, as if to say, What do you mean? Suddenly the sportsman's dilemma seemed to flash upon her. She walked on, took the bird in her mouth quite gently, and carried it to where the ground was firm ; but not one inch farther would she bring it, despite all the encour- agement of her master, who now wished to make her constantly retrieve. This, however, was the first and last bird she ever lifted. A favourite pointer was lent by a gentleman to a friend ; but after some years of trial, finding the dog would not hunt with him. the friend requested his master, then in Ireland, to receive him back. He was conveyed in a packet from Bristol to Cork, and his owner went to meet his dog. The vessel was at some distance from the shore ; but seeing him on the deck, the gentleman hailed the sailors, and requested he might be sent in a boat. No sooner, however, did the dog hear his master's voice, than he leaped into the water, and, with great demonstrations of joy, swam to him on the shore. Such meetings have frequently been too much for dogs, who have died from excessive joy at seeing those they loved, after a long absence. The sporting dog called the Setter is distinguished by his long, silky hair, and has consequently been con- sidered as a large spaniel. The head shows an unusual development of brain ; and his character for affection and intelligence corresponds with this formation. He is very handsome, is said to have come from Spain to this country, and his original colour to have been deep chestnut or white. He is now marked with brown or black, as well as having these colours. A gentleman in Ireland received a present of a beautiful black setter puppy, from an unknown hand. 98 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. lie bred and cherished him ; and the memory of Black York is still fresh in his county, not only for his per- fect symmetry, his silky, raven-black hair, but for his gentle, submissive disposition. He was a nervous dog when young, for even a loud word alarmed him, which, combined with his mysterious arrival and an involun- tary affection, induced his master to transfer him from the kennel to the drawing-room. From that time York acquired confidence, and lost his timidity; he first walked out with the nursemaids and children, and then accompanied his master. The latter went one morning to a rushy field, to look at some newly born foals ; and there York pointed to a snipe. The bird rose, and pitched some hundred yards away. York's nose detected him a second time ; he crept on a dozen paces, and couched again. This circumstance beto- kened his natural perfections ; but with his temperament, the firing a gun might be a dangerous trial. He was taken day after day to mark the snipes, and praised for his conduct. After this, his master took his gun and an attendant, with orders to the latter, if York should attempt to levant or run away, he was to catch him in his arms. It occurred as he had anticipated. Poor York was dreadfully frightened ; every limb quivered ; but he was soothed by caresses, and encouraged to go where the dead snipe was lying. In a moment he appeared to comprehend the whole. He smelled the snipe, looked at the gun, then in his master's face, and became bolder when he there saw approbation. Another point, another shot, and another snipe ; and York and his master returned home; the gun was put in the corner, and the snipes close by, on the carpet. A dozen times, while his master was drinking his wine, DOGS. &3 York stole quietly to the corner, smelled the snipes, and examined the gun. From that day he gave up walking with the nursemaids, and became a matchless field dog. York was never willingly separated from his master, and was very unhappy at his absence. He soon ascer- tained that a carpet-bag put into the gig was the signal for going away ; and one day he secretly fol- lowed, and only showed himself when he thought he was at such a distance that he could not be sent back again. He was taken into the gig, and by this means escaped a sad death. While he was away, a mad dog infected the kennel ; and nine setters and two Skye terriers were obliged to be killed, Black York alone remaining. 4 From the moment,' says York's master, ' I took him from the kennel to the parlour, he cut all low connections ; on the human race his affections seemed to be concen- trated ; and on one occasion he gave a marked instance of his fidelity and intelligence. His mistress had gone with her maid to the beach to bathe, and a general permission had been given to the servants to go to the neighbouring fair, a mile off. The young nurse, in the giddiness of girlhood, left the baby in his cot. Accord- ing to the then existing custom, the hall-door was wide open, and, save the sleeping baby, Black York, and cats, no living thing held possession of the premises. A strange priest arrived, to ask and receive hospitality. He entered the hall; and the dog, otherwise quiet, sprang forward and assailed him like a tiger. The priest retreated; York's back was ridged for battle, and a mouthful of unquestionable teeth hinted to his Reverence that the canine customer would prove an ngly one. He retreated accordingly, and York sat ICO ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. down beside his sleeping charge. There he remained on guard until the absent mother returned. When she entered the drawing-room her four-legged representative laid his tongue gently across the infant's face, and with- out opposition permitted Father Malachi to walk in.' Equally interesting is the biography of Mr. Bell's setter Juno, who from a puppy was one of the best dogs that ever entered a field. ' She appeared to be always on the watch to evince her love and gratitude to those who were kind to her;' and she had other than human friends. ' A kitten, which had been taken from its mother, showed the usual horror of cats at Juno's approach. She, however, seemed determined to con- quer the antipathy, and the most winning perseverance completely attached the kitten to her ; and as she had lately lost her puppies, she became its foster mother. Juno also played with some tame rabbits, enticing them by her kind manner ; and so fond was she of caressing the young of her own species, that when a spaniel of my father's had puppies, and all but one were de- stroyed, Juno would take every opportunity of stealing this from its mother, and lick and fondle it with the greatest tenderness. "When the poor mother discovered the theft, she hastened to bring back her little one, only to be stolen again at the first opportunity ; until at length Juno and Busy killed the poor puppy be- tween them, from excess of tenderness.' I close this account of the setter by giving an in- stance of the remarkable power of dogs to return to their homes from a distance, so often cited, and which was exemplified by my father's setter Flush, a dog of remark- able beauty and value. His master drove him in his dog- cart as far as London, a distance of above fifty miles, DOGS. 101 being the first stage of a shooting excursion in another county. The carriage was so constructed that the opening to admit air was above and not at the sides, so that Flush could not possibly have seen any part of the road. On his arrival in town, the groom tied him up by a cord, with access to a kennel in the yard of the inn where my father stopped. He saw him the last thing at night ; but in the morning the rope had been severed, and the dog was gone. All inquiries proved fruitless. It was supposed the great value of the dog had tempted some one to purloin him ; and in great trouble his master wrote home his lamentations. Late in the evening of the day in which he was missed, my mother heard a scratching and whining at the front door as she passed through the hall. Not supposing in any way it could relate to her, she did not heed it. In about half an hour a smothered bark met her ears, and then she ordered a servant to open the hall-door and ascertain the cause. There was poor Flush wet, dirty, hungry, and weary with the remainder of the rope hanging to his neck. He had never been a house-dog, and that he should seek the dwelling-house rather than the stable at some little distance, was another proof of his sagacity. He knew he should be there more immediately cared for ; and so he was. My mother fed him herself ; and stretched before the fire, he forgot his troubles. The joyful news was conveyed to my father as fast as the post would take it ; and from that time Flush was a companion in the drawing-room, as well as in the shoot- ing excursion. The infinite variety of Spaniels almost precludes a separate enumeration of each in a limited work. I shall, therefore, confine myself to a few general remarks. He 102 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. may be called a small setter, as the setter is called a large spaniel, having the same long hair and ears ; but the former is even more silken in its texture. With some it curls more, and is a little harsher ; and these are fonder of the water than the others. Their attachments are strong, their intelligence great, and the beauty of some of them makes them much sought as pets ; they are, however, generally useful to the sportsman. The only fault which can be laid to their charge, and this perhaps only extends to a few, is, that they are apt to love strangers as well as friends. As an instance to the contrary, was a beautiful little red and white Blenheim, who was most unsociable, and whose affections were most difficult to win. I, however, succeeded, when on a visit to her mistress ; and two years after, when I repeated my visit, expected to have the same difficulty. She, how- ever, when the first bark had been given, became silent, and she did. not favour me with a sly bite on the heel, as she was in the habit of doing to strangers. Before the evening was over, the recognition was complete, and she jumped into my lap. Her mistress took pains to prevent her from coming in contact with vulgar dogs, always thought her possessed of the most refined habits, and was sure she would never be too fat, because she ate so delicately. One evening, a small social party of us were listening to the music of Handel, executed by two of the finest performers in the world, when through the door, which stood a little way open, Fanny glided in, with a large piece of fat and sldn in her mouth. I thought I was the only person who saw her, and re- mained quite still ; presently my eye caught that of the gentleman of the house, who made a sign that he also had discovered her, and our equanimity was much DOGS. 103 disturbed. She crouched rather than walked round the room, dragging her bonne louche over the rich folds of the delicately-tinted silk damask curtains, as they lay upon the ground, till she reached a very obscure corner under the piano, where she proceeded to enjoy her- self. As soon as the glorious music was concluded, 4 Did you see Fanny f ' was the exclamation ; and the delinquent was dragged out before the last morsel was devoured ; so there was proof positive. The next mor^iing the cook told her mistress that she was in the habit of stealing such morsels as I have described, and hiding them, and that she only took them out to eat when she (the cook) was gone to church. Poor Fanny's reputation for refinement was for ever clouded. In the same house lived a larger spaniel, of the variety which takes to the water, and named Flora. She was an excellent house-dog, and, generally speaking, under no restraint. Some alarm, however, occasioned by a real or reported accident, caused the magistrate of the town in which her master resided, to issue an order that no dogs should leave the premises of their owners with- out being muzzled. Accordingly, Flora, when she went out with the servant, had this instrument put on. She hated it at first, tried all she could to get it off, but at length appeared to become indifferent to the confinement which it produced. In consequence of this, it was perhaps more carelessly buckled on, and one day it came off, and the man stooped to put it in its place. Flora, however, was too quick for him ; she took it in her mouth, plunged with it into a neighbouring pond, and when she reached the deepest part, dropped the muzzle into it, and swam back, with her countenance expressing delight. 104 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. All dogs enjoy the sport to which they are bred ; and M. Blase tells us that he was once shooting near Versailles, when his friend, M. Guillenian, accompanied him, with permission to kill wild ducks on the preserve. There was but one dog between them, but at the first shot a fine spaniel ran up to them at full speed. He plunged into the water, and caressing M. Guilleman, seemed to say, 4 Here I am at your service ; amuse me, and I will amuse you.' The gentlemen pursued their sport all day, and the dog proved excellent. No one appeared to own him ; but the sport over, off he set at full gallop, and they saw him no more. They spoke of him to the keeper of the water, who informed them that the dog belonged to a sportsman living two leagues dis- tant, who was at that time laid up with the gout. ' The dog knows,' added the keeper, ' that persons come to shoot here every Sunday ; and on that day regularly makes his appearance. Having done his duty for the first sportsman whom he meets, he returns to his master.' Mr. Martin, in his clever little treatise on dogs, vouches for the truth of the following story : i One morning, as a lady was lacing her boots, one of the laces broke. She playfully said to her pet spaniel, who was standing by her, " I wish you would find me another boot-lace ;" but having managed to use that which was broken, she thought no more about it. On the following morning, when she was again lacing her boots, the dog ran up to her with a new silken boot-lace in his mouth. This created general amazement ; for where the dog had obtained it, no one could tell. There was no doubt, however, that he had purloined it from some one else.' A black and white spaniel, belonging to a friend of mine, seemed to understand everything said to him; and DOGS. 105 if his master whispered in his ear, 4 Find something for your master,' every loose article which he could carry was sure to be laid at his master's feet ; and frequently the ladies of the family were obliged to lock their work- boxes, to prevent their contents from being carried off by Dash. If one glove were missing, and the other were shown to him, he did not rest till he had found it ; and one day I saw him push a pile of music-books off a what-not, and drag out a glove which had been deemed irrecoverable. A countryman, charged with a letter to be delivered to Dash's master, arrived at the house while that gentleman was at breakfast. The man was shown into a parlour, where he was about to sit down, when a growl saluted his ears. Turning round, he saw Dash lying in a chair near the fire-place, who reared his head, and the ring of the bell-pull hanging close by, he put his paw in it. As often as the man attempted to sit, so often did Dash growl; till at last the stranger's curiosity being excited, as to what the dog would do if he persevered, he sat down in a chair. Dash then effectually pulled the bell ; and the servant who an- swered the summons, was much astonished when he heard who had rung. He, however, was equally pleased, for it explained a mystery which had long puzzled him and his fellow-servants. It seemed that whenever any of them sat up for their master or mistress when they were out, the parlour bell was sure to ring immediately after they had settled themselves to sleep. Of course they had never suspected the spaniel, although, when they afterwards discussed the matter, they recollected that when they awoke, he was not to be seen. There was no doubt that directly he saw their eyes closed, he went to the bell in order to rouse them to watchfulness. 106 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. Even surpassing these histories of reason and fidelity, is that which Mr. Bell relates, in nearly the following terms : ' My friend was travelling on the Continent, and his faithful dog was his companion. One day, before lie left his lodgings in the morning, with the expectation of being absent till the evening, he took out his purse in his room, for the purpose of ascertaining whether he had taken sufficient money for the day's occupation, and then went his way, leaving the dog behind. Having dined at a coffee-house, he took out his purse, and missing a louis d'or, searched for it diligently, but to no purpose. Returning home late in the evening, his servant let him in with a face of sorrow, and told him that the poor dog was very ill, as she had not eaten anything all day ; and what appeared very strange, she would not suffer him to take her food away from before her, but had been lying with her nose close to the vessel without attempting to touch it. On my friend entering the room, she instantly jumped upon him, then laid a louis d'or at his feet, and immediately began to devour her food with great voracity. The truth was now appa- rent : my friend had dropped the money in the morning when leaving the room, and the faithful creature finding it, had held it in her mouth until his return enabled her to restore it to his own hands ; even refusing to eat for a whole day, lest it should be out of her custody.' All dogs trained for the service may become Retrievers or finders of game, which they bring to then* master without injury. Spaniels, however, are generally pre- ferred. Mr. St. John had one called Rover, a black water-spaniel, who noticed everything that was spoken, and acted accordingly. If at breakfast time his master said, ' Rover must stop at home to-day, I cannot take DOGS. 107 him out,' Rover never offered to go ; but if he said, ' I shall take Rover with me to-day,' the moment breakfast was over he was on the alert, never losing sight of his master. Plans were frequently made for the ensuing morning in the dog's presence ; and one day he was not taken. Ever after, when Rover heard over night what was to take place, he started alone, very early, and met the party, sitting in front of the road with a peculiar kind of grin on his face, expressing a doubt of being well received, in consequence of coming without permission. Directly, however, he saw he was well received, he threw off his affected shyness, and jumped about with delight. Though a most aristocratic dog in his usual habits, when staying in England with Mr. St. John he struck up an acquaintance with a ratcatcher and his curs, as- sisting them in their business, watching at the rat-holes where the ferrets were in, and being the best dog of all ; for he never gave a false alarm, or failed to give a true one. The moment he saw his master, however, he cut his humble friends, and declined their acquaintance in the most comical manner. A dark-brown retriever, named Sam, was in the habit of going into a kennel of hounds, who always crowded round and caressed him. When they were in the field at exercise, Sam was told to go and amuse them ; he then went among them, jumped Jim Crow, and played all sorts of antics, leaping and tumbling about in the most laughable manner, they looking at him most atten- tively. He went with his master to call upon a lady ; she patted him, asked if he were the celebrated Sam, and hearing that he was, she invited him to stay with her. The animal ran to his master, looked up, and seemed to ask for his consent. He was told to return 108 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. to the lady, and take care of her ; upon which he ran to her, took her basket from her, and tried to express his willingness to serve her. He remained with her for some hours ; and when his master arrived to fetch him, the lady was so pleased that she asked for his company till the next day. Sam's owner petted and praised him, told him to be a good dog, and stay with the lady until she had given him his breakfast the next day. The dog was contented to remain, ate his breakfast on the ensu- ing morning, then looked up in the lady's face, wagged his tail, left the house, and ran home. He was in the habit of fetching his master's clothes, and of returning them to their proper places ; and he knew their names. He sat in a chair at dinner with the family, without making any confusion ; or dined alone, alternately tak- ing a piece of bread and meat, and then drinking a little milk ; and if any one said, l Give me a piece, Sam,' he instantly obeyed. When all was gone, he cleared away the things. He would fetch his master's horse from the inn, pay the ostler, and ride back upon the saddle. In short, he seemed to comprehend everything that was said to him, and was a model of good nature and obe- dience. Wonderful as these stories are as matters of reason, they are perhaps exceeded by some of the tricks per- formed by the Poodle-dogs, who are easily distin- guished by their crispy curling hair, their large round head and long ears, and to whom water is as welcome and familiar as land. Two of them, educated in Milan, exhibited their powers in Paris ; and I can vouch for the veracity of the following statement : ' The elder was named Fido, and the younger Bianco. The former was a serious, steady dog. who walked about with much DOGS. 109 solemnity ; but Bianco was giddy and frolicsome. A word was given to Fido from the Greek, Latin, Italian, French, or English languages, and selected from a book, where fifty words in each tongue were inscribed, which, altogether, made three hundred combinations. He se- lected from the letters of the alphabet those which com- posed the given word, and laid them in order at the feet of his master. On one occasion the word heaven was told to him, and he quickly placed the letters till he came to the second e, when, after vainly searching for the letter in his alphabet, he took it from the first syllable and inserted it in the second. He went through the four first rules of arithmetic in the same way, with extraordinary celerity, and arranged the double cyphers in the same way as the double vowel in heaven. Bianco, however, although so heedless, was quicker than Fido, and when the latter made a mistake, was called on to rectify it, but as quickly dismissed, as he was wont to pull his companion's ears, to come and play with him. One day Fido spelt the word Jupiter with a b ; but the younger savant being summoned to correct the error, he carefully contemplated the word, and pushing out the , replaced it with a/>. A lady held her repeating watch to the ear of Fido, and made it strike eight and three- quarters. Fido immediately selected an 8, and then a 6 for the three-quarters. The company present and the master insisted on his error, and he again looked among his cyphers ; but being unable to rectify it, he coolly sat down in the middle and looked at those around him. The watch was again sounded, and it was ascertained that it struck two for every quarter, which quite exon- erated Fido. Both dogs would sit down to play ecarte, asking each other for, or refusing cards, with the most 110 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. important and significant look, cutting at proper times t and never mistaking one card for another. Bianco occasionally won, and went to the cyphers to mark his points ; and when he was asked how many his adversary had gained, he took out a with his teeth. They sometimes played at e'carte with one of the company assembled to see them, when they evinced the same correctness, and seemed to know all the terms of the game. All this passed without the slightest audible or visible sign between them and their master. There is a water-dog at Hastings, belonging to Page the boatman, who, on receiving a penny, immediately takes it to a baker's shop for the purchase of a roll, nor will he part with it till the person who serves him has put the bread upon the counter ; he then lays it down, and walks off with his purchase in his mouth. Another dog of this kind, also of my acquaintance, was the family carrier, that is, she carried books, work, etc., to any person or any room pointed out to her ; and as we rather encroached on her, she lost almost all her teeth from the hard and heavy burthens with which she was laden. We had only to say, ' Cora, take this to so and so,' and if the good dog could not find the person, she brought it back and stood before us. At the same hour every afternoon, she, untold, brought her master's boot-jack and slippers into his study, to be in readiness for his return. Under the despised name of curs, Colonel Smith classes the sharpest, the drollest, the most pertinacious, the most mischievous, and yet the most useful Terrier ; together with several other small dogs. Long-haired, rough-haired, long-eared, short-eared, brush-tailed, smooth-tailed, long-legged, short-legged, black-eyed, black-nosed ; white, brown, black, tan, sandy, mixed ; DOGS. Ill every degree of pure or mongrel blood ; terriers of all kinds swarm around us, playing all sorts of antics, evincing all kinds of impertinences, catching all sorts of vermin, and presenting themselves to us in every shape of beauty or ugliness, of which their race is capable. The most ancient of this influential if not respectable tribe of dogs, indeed the most ancient dog of Great Britain, is the Scotch Terrier, brought hither, probably, from the north-west of Europe by the primitive inhabit- ants. There are two varieties of indigenous terriers the one, smooth, usually white or black in colour, with tan spots, sharp muzzle, bright and lively eyes, pointed or slightly turned-down ears, and tail carried high. It is, however, supposed that the Scottish race, with a shorter and fuller muzzle, stouter limbs, hard, shaggy fur, sometimes white in colour, but more often sandy or ochrey, is the oldest and most genuine breed. One of these clever and excellent beasts, named Peter, lived with my mother for some years, and during the whole of that time evinced the greatest sagacity and attach- ment. He constantly understood the conversation, pro- vided it related to cats, rats, or himself ; and often when we spoke of him casually, without even knowing he was in the room, or calling him by his name, he hns laid his head on our knees and wagged his tail, as much as to say, ' I understand.' He was a most inveterate enemy to all rats, mice, and cats, nipping them in the back of the neck, and throwing them over his head at the rate of one in a minute. Before he came into our family, he won a wager that he would kill twelve rats in twelve minutes. The second rat fastened on his lip, and hung there while he despatched the other ten, and men, within the given time, he finished that also. The ^ 112 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. inhumanity of such wagers did not rest with him. He was stolen more than once, and brought back when a reward was advertised ; and the first time the signs of suffering about him were very manifest. The beard under the chin, the tufts of the ears, the fringes of the legs, had all been cut off, and he had been rubbed with red ochre to disguise him for sale. He was placed with many others in a cellar, ready for shipping; and the dog- dealer, or rather dog-stealer, who brought him to us, said he thought he would have died of grief in a day or two, for he refused to eat, and seemed to be insensible either to kindness or anger. For three weeks he hung his head and shrank into corners, as if he felt himself degraded ; but at last our caresses and encouragement brought back his usual bold and lively bearing. For the last three months of my mother's existence, Peter was almost always on her bed, night and day ; and during the final four weeks, when death was daily expected, he was sad and dull, which was attributed to the change in the habits of the family. Forty- eight hours before all was over, Peter crept into a corner under the bed, which had always been his place of refuge when in trouble; and we with difficulty prevailed on him to quit it, even when his mistress wished to see and say farewell to him. On one occasion he hung his head and appeared to be so miserable, that apprehensions of malady on his part were entertained. He returned to his corner, and was not thought of for some time. At length all was quiet in the room, and I was about to leave it, when I recollected Peter. He was with diffi- culty prevailed on to leave his corner, where he lay curled up and trembling. I lifted him up to take a last look of his beloved mistress ; but he laid his head \ DOGS. 113 on my shoulder, and was so much distressed that I (tarried him away immediately. On the following day he accompanied me up-stairs ; and when I passed my mother's door he looked up in my face, as much as to say, 4 Are you going in there?' but I replied 'No!' and he never again asked for entrance. The coffin was soldered down, and removed from the bed-room to the dining- room ; and thus had to pass the drawing-room, where all the family were assembled. On ordinary occasions, Peter was furious at the sound of strange footsteps in the house, and even barked loudly when any one knocked or rang at the street door. On this occasion, however, he suffered the men employed to pass and repass fre- quently, without making the slightest noise ; but that he was conscious of some unusual occurrence was evident from his jumping into my arms, where, as the coffin was brought down, he sat with ears erect and eyes fixed, and panted and trembled in the most agitated manner till all was quiet. As long as the body remained in the house, he took every opportunity of walking round it and lying under it ; and when it was removed at five o'clock one morning, to begin its journey to the family vault, he was again much agitated, but never offered to bark. On the following day, I and others started to attend the funeral at a considerable distance, and my daughters were to arrive at eight o'clock, to pass the day in the house of their deceased grandmother. I took leave of Peter, placed him on a mat in the hall, and said, ' Stay there till the girls come.' He laid himself down, and the servants assured me he never moved till the parties arrived, when he met them with subdued looks, and closely attached himself to them as long as they were present. I returned two hours after midnight; IT 114 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and the first sound which I heard when the carriage stopped at the door, was a noisy demonstration of joy from Peter. He thenceforward resumed all his usual habits, barking on all occasions ; but he never was quite the same in disposition. He grew indifferent to every one except my brother, never played again, and four years after was found dead in his corner of refuge. A Scotch terrier and a very great pet, named Dandy, belonged to a lady who was a widow, but who was about to enter a second time into the bonds of marriage. Dandy discovered the attachment of the suitor long before others were aware of it, and took the most inveterate dislike to him, thereby entirely acting con- trary to his usual habits of love and gentleness. His mistress was obliged to leave home a short time before the ceremony took place, as she was to be married in London. Dandy took possession of the rug under her writing-table during all the packing and preparations, and nothing could persuade him to leave it, even for a walk with those whom he loved; and the morning his mis- tress left him, he still lay there; he would not even raise his head, but lifted up one paw, and looked wretched. After the lady was gone, Dandy disappeared, and a vain search was made for him ; at length he was dis- covered in a remote corner of the park quite dead, and lying on a heap of leaves. A veterinary surgeon was sent for, who, after a careful examination, said there was no apparent cause for his death, and it could not be age, for he was comparatively a young dog. We may therefore be justified in supposing that he died of grief. Another Scotch terrier belonged to a lady in Bel- gravia, and two days before her death seemed to possess that consciousness of what was approaching, which DOGS. 115 many other dogs have evinced. The remarkable part of his history is, that he went into the garden at the back of his house and scratched two large holes, and when his mistress did die, he returned to the garden and laid himself down in one of them. Another dog, but of what species I do not know, was left at Hastings with servants, while his mistress paid a visit to Brighton. One evening he went into her room, jumped upon her bed, moaned and rolled himself m the bed-clothes, till those around him thought him mad. The next morning the post brought a letter to say that his mistress had died at the time he was showing those signs of distress. But it is not in a mournful light alone that we must view the Scotch, or indeed any other terrier ; for they are the most untiring playful beings under the sun. I picked up a poor little expiring puppy by the edge of a pond one day, recovered him, brought him up, and there never was a more faithful or amusing beast. He proved to be a shaggy Scotch terrier ; and his heedless youth had to undergo many corrections before he became the perfect model of obedience which his maturity presented. One of his misdemeanours was to kill the young chickens. The woman who managed the poultry could not imagine why these little creatures died so fast, and at first suspected that they picked up and swallowed something which poisoned them. She, however, opened one, and did not find anything in it which confirmed her suspicions ; but the feathers were ruffled on the back of the neck, and she was then convinced that they were destroyed by a much larger animal than themselves. She watched for some days, and at length saw Mr. Bruin, my dog, creep through a little hole in the palings of the 116 AMECDOTES OF ANIMALS. yard, and squat himself down very gravely, as if he had not a thought of mischief in him. Presently a little chicken ran past him ; snap went Bruin at the back of its neck, and giving it a toss over his head as he would a rat, the little thing was dead. Another was served in the same way, and I was then called to inflict the pun- ishment I thought most proper. I was averse to beating him at first, so I pointed to the chicken, and scolded him so much that he appeared to be very sorry for what he had done. But he was then young and giddy, and the impression made was but slight. In three days he returned to his tricks, and I was obliged to chastise him more severely. I tied a dead chicken round his neck, beat him, and shut him up all day in a tool-house, where I visited him several times, pointed to the chicken, and repeated how naughty he was. He was so ashamed that he could not look me in the face, and in the evening, when I released him, he could not eat. He recovered his gaiety in a day or two because he was entirely for- given ; but he never again went into the poultry-yard, and if by chance he saw a chicken, he would hang his head and tail, and walk round it at such a distance that he evidently recollected his former conduct. The great friend and playmate of Bruin was Pincher, a very accomplished, smooth terrier, a capital dog to go with the hounds, and to kill all sorts of obnoxious animals. If the two appeared to be asleep, and we exclaimed * Cat !' or ' Rat ! ' in one instant they were on their legs, seeking in every direction for their game. They hunted on their own account sometimes, and were often seen with a red spaniel, trotting through the fields, no doubt conspiring together to have a feast. Both Bruin and Pincher were perfectly aware when Sunday DOGS. 117 came round ; and although on other days, when they saw us equipped for a walk, they were most vociferous in their entreaties to go also, on Sunday they hid them- selves under the sofa, and never offered to accompany us. They knew where we went, and generally came to meet us on our return, sometimes venturing as far as the gate of the churchyard, which was a mile distant, but never went within the enclosure. One of my brothers, who was more peculiarly Pincher's master, had a great fancy to be a doctor, as lie called it ; and he chipped various flint stones into fancied instruments. With these he pretended to perform operations on Pincher, who would lie per- fectly passive under his hands, to have his teeth drawn, his limbs set, his wounds bandaged, his veins opened. The grand finale used to be an entire cutting up, which the boy copied from the same process practised on pigs. The dog was laid upon a table, with his legs stuck out, which he made as stiff as possible. His head was then cut off, and as soon as the flint was passed across his throat, the head fell on one side, and it might have been thought that the dog fancied it was really off, so entirely did he let it lie without motion. The flint was then passed round his legs, each of which fell down without further movement, as close to the body as he could pull them. At last, when all was ended, my brother said, 'Jump up, good dog!' and Pincher bounding off the table, shook himself to life again. A favourite terrier was in the habit of accompanying his master, who was a clergyman, to church, where ho was so perfectly quiet that few persons knew of his presence. On one occasion he went to a funeral, and 1 1 8 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. when the procession left the church, accompanied his master to the side of the grave, where he mingled with the attendants. The parties remained for some little time looking at the coffin after it was lowered, and the clergyman slipped away, unobserved even by his dog. An hour after, as he sat at dinner with his friends, his sexton requested to speak with him. He was admitted into the room, when he said it was impossible to close the grave, and that he did not know what to do. 'Why?' asked the gentleman. 'Because, sir, your terrier stands there, and flies so fiercely at us whenever we attempt to throw a spadeful in, that we dare not go on/ One of the house servants was sent to the churchyard, and there saw the dog in a perfect fury, defending the grave ; he refused to come to his call, so by main force he removed him, and carried him to the drawing-room. There, the moment he saw his master, 4 his transport of joy equalled his former fury ;' and it is supposed that, not seeing his master go away, and missing him, he fancied he was in the grave, and thus strove to protect him from injury. The same dog, and a companion equally faithful and sagacious, attached themselves to their master's horse, and whenever they could, went out with it. He rode out on it to dinner, the two dogs with him, who went contentedly into the stable with their friend. He ordered his horse when it was time to go away ; but as it was a long while coming to the door, inquiries were made about the delay, upon which the groom appeared, and said he dared not take the horse out of the stable, for one of the clergyman's dogs was on its back, and the other by its side, flying at every person who camo near the animal, The owner comprehended the mystery, DOGS. 119 and going to the stable himself, brought forth the steed. The groom was a stranger, and the dogs dared not trust him with their master's property. A terrier known to Professor Owen, was taught to play at hide-and-seek with his master, who summoned him by saying ' Let us have a game,' upon which the dog immediately hid his eyes between his paws in the most honourable manner ; and when the gentleman had placed a sixpence or a piece of cake in a most im- probable place, he started up and invariably found it. His powers were equalled by what was called a Fox- terrier, named Fop, who would hide his eyes, and suffer those at play with him to conceal themselves before he looked up. If his playfellow hid himself behind a window-curtain, Fop would for a certain time care- fully pass that curtain, and look behind all the others, behind doors, etc., and when he thought he had looked long enough, seize the concealing curtain and drag it aside in triumph. The drollest thing, however, was to see him take his turn of hiding. He would get under a chair, and fancy that he was not seen ; of course those at play with him pretended not to see him, and it was most amusing to witness his agitation as they passed. When he was ill, he had been cured by some homeo- pathic globules ; and ever after, if anything were the matter with him, he would stand near the medicine box, and hold his mouth open. A black and tan terrier belonging to a linendraper in Swindon, directly the shop was opened in the morning, was in the habit of g r oing to the post office with his master ; the letter bag was put into his mouth, and he carried it home. One morning he took it into his head to precede his master, and go alone. The post-master, 120 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. on seeing him, felt so certain his owner was at the door, that he delivered the bag to him, with which he ran home while his master was seeking him. From that time it became his regular duty to fetch the letters daily. Sir Walter Scott tells us of the remarkable compre- hension of human language evinced by his bull-clog terrier, called Camp. He understood so many word?, that Sir Walter felt convinced an intercourse with dumb animals might be enlarged. Camp once bit the baker, for which Sir Walter beat him, and at the same time explained the enormity of the offence ; after which, to the last moment of his life, he never heard the least allusion to the story, in whatever voice or tone it might be mentioned, without getting up and retiring into the darkest corner of the room, with great appearance of distress. Then if it were said that the baker had been well paid, or that the baker was not hurt after all, Camp came forward, capered, barked, and rejoiced. When he was unable, towards the end of his life, to attend his master in his rides, he watched for his return, and the servant used to tell him Sir Walter was coming down the hill, or through the moor. Camp never mistook him, although he did not use any gesture, but either went out at the front to ascend tho hills, or at the back to get at the moor side. These anecdotes, taken from many others concerning terriers, cannot be better ended than by some concern- ing a Russian terrier. As I once was acquainted with an inimitable monkey, named Jack, so do I now know an inimitable dog of that name. He is small, white, with some quaintly placed dark brown spots on the body and head, his eyes are of the most brilliant black, he is slightly and genteelly made, and he has a quantity DOGS. 121 of curling hair on his back only, which gives him a peculiar appearance. He formerly resided in Ireland with the mother of his present possessor, to whom he evinced that devoted attachment which ought to be named canine ; for there is nothing equal to it in any other animal. This lady was ill for some years before his death, and could only take exercise in an invalid chair. When she was ready to go out, she would say, 1 Now, Jack, I am ready for the chair,' upon which ho immediately scampered off to the stables, placed himself in the vehicle, and was dragged to the door. Then he got out till his mistress was placed comfortably in it, when he seated himself at her feet. If they went through the garden, the carriage was stopped at Jack's favourite bed of flowers, for he had a remarkable fancy, like a cat, to enjoy their perfume, mignonette being always a source of delight. On one occasion in Dublin he was lost, sought for, and met in the arms of a policeman, who was carrying him home. The man said he had actually delivered himself up at the station, for he came into the room where several men were seated, looked at one of them, as he stood at his feet, and quietly suffered his collar to be inspected and himself taken up and carried. One day Jack entered the drawing-room where his two mistresses were sitting, and made signs for one of them to go to the door. She did not heed his request ; upon which he pulled her gown with his teeth, and she, thinking he must have some extraordinary reason for it, then followed him. The instant she opened the door wide, he squatted himself in the middle of the mat placed there, thumping the floor with his tail ; before him lay six dead rats, which he had killed and brought u 122 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. to be seen, they being laid out, rat-fashion, in due form, and he displaying his prowess with great pleasure. Jack went to Torquay with his young mistress, where he was one day lying in the balcony, enjoying the sea breezes. An Italian came past with his organ and a monkey; he stopped before Jack, and suffered his monkey to climb the pillars which supported the bal- cony, and enter. Jack never tamely suffered the intru- sion of strangers; but such a stranger as this was beyond all patience. He seized him, shook him ; the poor monkey squealed ; the Italian bawled out for his companion ; and Jack's mistress rushed to the window and rescued the unfortunate creature, just time enough to save him from Jack's final gripe. Some days aftef this, Jack was walking out with his mistress's brother, who was a great invalid, when the sound of an organ saluted his ears. In one moment he came up with it, seized the accompanying monkey between his teeth, and dashed past his astonished master, with the hind-legs of the creature hanging out on one side and the feathered hat on the other. In vain did the gentleman call ; Jack either did not hear or did not heed ; he took his way to the stable where his master's horse was kept, and would have immolated the monkey, had not the grooms there saved him from death. The invalid and the owner of the monkey arrived at the same moment, each delighted at the safety of the poor victim. Jack to this day cannot endure an organ or a monkey. The Pariah Dogs of India, when wild, occupy the woods in numerous packs ; they have long backs, pointed ears, sharp noses, and fringed tails. Their fondness for human beings is very remarkable ; and they will attach themselves to strangers, and not suffer any ill-usage to DOGS. 123 keep them at a distance. One was known to follow a gentleman travelling in a palanquin till he dropped from fatigue. There is a minute variety, white, with long silky hair, like a lap-dog, and this is trained to carry flambeaux and lanterns. Bishop Heber gives an account of a poor Pariah dog who followed him during a part of his journey through India. He ordered the cook to give him some scraps, and the animal strongly attached himself to the bishop. When the party were obliged to cross a rapid river, or rather a dangerous ford, the dog was so frightened at the black roaring water that he sat clown by the side and howled piteously as the bishop went over. He, however, assumed courage to follow ; but was again distressed when one of the Sepoys was missing ; he ran back to the spot and howled, returned to the bishop, then back to summon the defaulter, and continued this till the man had rejoined his party. The bishop relates a story of one of these dogs who, being in search of water, thrust his head into an earthen jar, and could not get it out again ; he rushed about in all directions, bellowing and howling in the most fearful manner. The guard sprang to their feet, and stood prepared to encounter an enemy, whose approach they thought was announced by the blast of a war-horn. Halters were broken, and horses and mules pranced over the tent ropes ; and it was some minutes before the cause of this confusion was ascertained. A massive form, arched skull, deep lower jaw, strong legs and neck, semi-hanging ears, truncated tail, and frequent presence of a fifth toe, distinguish the noble Mastiff. Mastiffs are silent, phlegmatic dogs, conscious of their own strength, seem to consider themselves more as companions than servants, are resolute, and face 124 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. danger with the utmost self-possession. A cold region, such as the highest ranges of Central Asia, is best adapted to their perfect development ; and yet their only wild type is met with in Africa. They are old denizens of Great Britain, and are said to have been brought here before the Romans conquered the country. They are not supposed to have originally come from Africa, but from Thibet, through the north of Europe. They have been known to conquer lions ; and yet, while they possess the most indomitable strength and courage, they are the gentlest of animals, suffering children to sit upon them, pull them roughly, and small dogs to snap and snarl at them. Confinement alone disturbs their temper. They are excellent guardians ; and such is their deliberate coolness, that they have been known to walk quietly by the side of a thief with- out doing him an injury, merely preventing his escape. They will, however, suffer the rogue to go away, if he has not already purloined anything. It is well known that dogs love to be in a crowd of people ; and this is frequently the temptation for them to enter churches. A number of dogs in a village of Bohemia had followed this practice, including an English mastiff belonging to a nobleman who lived there. A magistrate who presided at a court ob- served upon it, and said, in an authoritative voice, 4 No dogs shall be allowed to go to church ; let me not see one there in future/ The mastiff was present, and seemed to listen with attention, not without effect, for on the ensuing Sunday, he, rising early, ran barking at the village dogs, took his station near the door of the church, killed the only dog that ventured in, notwith- standing the prohibition ; and always posted himself as DOGS. 125 a sentinel on duty before the church, but without ever afterwards entering it. An English gentleman, some time ago, went to some public gardens at St. Germain, with a large mastiff, who was refused admittance, and the gentleman left him in the care of the body-guards who were placed there. The Englishman, some time after he had entered, returned to the gate and informed the guards that he had lost his watch, telling the sergeant that if he would permit him to take in the dog, he would soon discover the thief. His request being granted, the gentleman made signs to the dog of what he had lost, who tra- versed the gardens, till at last he laid hold of a man. The gentleman insisted that this person had his watch ; and on being searched, not only his watch, but six others, were discovered in his pockets. What is more remarkable, the dog took his master's watch from the other six, and carried it to him. This is rather an oW story, but it is an excellent example of the sagacity of the mastiff. The following anecdote has been sent to me while writing the above, by the gentleman who witnessed the occurrence ; and as Glaucus was half a mastiff, I insert it in this place : 4 An Irish gentleman possessed a couple of immense dogs, male and female, half Newfoundland, half mastiff, which were celebrated for their sagacity, courage, and high training. They were, in the most comprehensive sense, amphibious, and their home being near the sea, they spent many hours daily in the water. 4 One day a young gentleman, related to the owner of these dogs, and to whom the male, who was called Glaucus, had attached himself with the ardent affection 126 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. so characteristic of his species, was walking on the shore with him. It was nearly low water, and a sand-bank, covered during high tide, was visible at some hundred yards distance from the shore. His attention was drawn to this object, from the circumstance of the water being in a state of commotion around it, while the sea elsewhere was perfectly placid. On further examination, he discovered that some large fish was chasing a shoal of whiting, and in his eagerness to cap- ture his prey, he more than once ran on the sand-bank. 1 Directing the dog's attention to these objects, he was encouraged to swim to the sand-bank, which he soon attained ; and he had not been there a minute, before the large fish made another dash almost under his nose. The dog immediately pursued the fish ; and ere it had reached the deep water he seized it by the shoulders and bore it to the sand-bank. The fish, how- ever, remained far from passive under such treatment ; for as soon as it was released, it opened its large jaws, and bit the dog so fiercely, as to cause his muzzle to be crimsoned with blood. * A few struggles brought the fish again into his own element, in which he quickly disappeared. But the dog, though severely bitten, was not discomfited. A cheering call from his young friend was followed by his dashing into the water after his finny foe; and diving, he reappeared with the fish trailing from his jaws. Again he bore him to the sand-bank, and again the fish made good use of his teeth. ' But it was evident that the struggle could not be much longer continued. Availing himself of every op- portunity, the dog used his powerful tusks with terrible effect on the fish's shoulders, and at last, taking a gooc] DOGS. 127 gripe of his prey, he set off for the shore. When about half way the fish managed to break loose, but Glaucus was too quick for him ; and once more seizing him, he landed his prize with all the apparent triumph evinced by a veteran angler who secures a monster salmon after a lengthy battle. The fish turned out to be a hake; it weighed seventeen pounds, and when opened was found completely filled with whitings.' The Bull- dog, with his truncated nose, his broad mouth, red eyelids, large head, forehead sinking between the eyes, nose rising, under-jaw projecting, often show- ing the teeth, and thick made, has not those outward characters which compose beauty. The head has always black about it ; but the body is brindled, buff, ochrey, or white. Bull-dogs are said to be less sagacious than other dogs, and less capable of attachment ; but their great strength, their courage, and extreme pertinacity in keeping hold when they have once taken a gripe, make them most valuable for completing the packs of hounds trained to hunt boars, wolves, and still larger animals. When excited they are terrific in appearance, and were formerly used for bull-baiting in this country. In Spain and Corsica, where this practice is still con- tinued, they may be seen in all their strength and power. I have been told they are gentle when not engaged in their cruel sport. The Pug has been by some considered as a variety of the bull-dog ; but others reject this opinion, his round head, grotesquely-abbreviated muzzle, and small tightly curled tail, they think, entitling him to a place of his own among dogs. Authorities state that he is a cross, ill-tempered little dog ; but my own experience contra- dicts this. The two with whom I have come in frequent 128 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. coutact, have been remarkably playful and good- natured. One was the pet of a lady, and his bringing up ought to have made him gentlemanly ; but he had several low tricks in the eating way, such as stealing from the scullery, which used to provoke his mistress. His place for hiding the purloined dainties was under the pillow of her bed, and frequently, at her nightly examina- tion of the spot, she found not only bones, but dead mice. Pug number two was a very clever fellow, who used to walk out by himself every day, and when he wished to re-enter the house, he always rang the door-bell, either by shaking the wire with his paw, or taking it between his teeth. He was clever in fetching what was wanted from different parts of the house, but was very much afraid of being by himself in the dark. He had formed a great friendship with a kitten, and the two used to bask together before the fire. If Pug were told to fetch some article from the bed-room, after the house was closed for the night, he insisted on having puss's companionship. If she were unwilling to move, he dragged her along with his mouth, and frequently mounted several stairs with her, before she gave con- sent to the proceeding. Multitudes of anecdotes exist, which have been handed down to us, as relating to dogs, without any information concerning the species of the principal actors, as in the following instances. The Fire-dog was to be seen at almost every con- flagration in London, either mounted on the engine or tearing along by its side, seeming to think his presence necessary on all such occasions. He was well known at all the engine stations, though he did not belong to or derive his support from any individual. At last the DOGS. 129 poor beast was killed by an engine going over him. The officers of the fire brigade had him stuffed, and he was for some time carefully preserved in a glass case, at the headquarters in Watling Street. Not very long ago the superintendent of the fire- engine in Chandos Street misbehaved, and consequently his rank and wages were both diminished. This de- gradation so preyed upon him, that in a fit of despond- ency he jumped off Waterloo Bridge, and was drowned. His companions felt so much for his widow and children that they petitioned the directors to allow the fire-dog to be put up for a raffle, the proceeds of which were to be devoted to them. Consent was given ; one hundred pounds were realized ; and the dog may now be seen at the house of an innkeeper in Chandos Street, who won him at the said raffle. There is a dog at the Temple, which belongs to the Inn, and not to any one person ; he is a mongrel, is fed wherever he chooses to ask, and is to be seen everywhere within the precincts of the place. Dogs have frequently been known to attach themselves to regiments in the same manner. One named Bataillon belonged to the first regiment of Royal Guards in France. Being always stationed at the guard-house, he remained there. The frequent change of masters was of no importance to him. He did not even go to the barracks, but considered himself as the property of twelve soldiers, two corporals, a serjeant and a drummer, whoever they might happen to be ; but if the regiment changed garrison, he installed himself at the new guard-house. He never took any notice of those who did not wear the same uniform. The histories of the smuggling dogs on the frontier of France are well known, but these smugglers are now i 130 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. almost all destroyed. The extent to -which this illicit commerce was carried was enormous. Dogs' notions of property, however, are often very scrupulous. A lady at Bath found her way impeded as she walked, by a dog, who had discovered the loss of her veil, though she had not. The animal had left his own master to seek it for her ; he found it, and then returned to his owner. They often show a presentiment of danger, and gave notice of the earthquake at Gabaluasco in 1835, by leaving the town ; also at Concepcion, in the same manner. Some dogs have a great antipathy to music, others only to certain tones, and I have known a dog who always set up a howl at particular passages. There was one who, before the great Revolution in France, used to inarch with the band at the Tuileries because he liked it, and at night frequent the opera and other theatres. The most surprising histories told of dogs are con- cerning their speech. Liebnitz reported to the French Academy of Sciences that a dog had been taught to modulate his voice, so that he could distinctly ask for coffee, tea, and chocolate. After this we may believe that a dog was learning to say Elizabeth. I have often watched for such sounds from energetic, clever dogs, who have evidently tried viva voce to make me ac- quainted with some circumstance, but never heard any- thing intelligible, and cannot imagine that the organs of speech are bestowed upon a favoured few, without which the articulation of words must be impossible. Yolumes might be filled with these anecdotes of dogs, but I will here conclude my list with the picture given by Mr. St. John of his pets, portraying a happiness which contrasts strongly with the miserable condition DOGS. 131 of many ill-nsed animals, belonging to hard-hearted masters, who perform valuable services, and are yet kicked, spurned, or half-starved. * Opposite the window of the room I am in at present,' says this gentleman. ' are a monkey and five dogs basking in the sun, a bloodhound, a Skye terrier, a setter, a Russian poodle, and a young Newfoundland who is being educated as a retriever. They all live in great friendship with the monkey, who is now in the most absurd manner searching the poodle's coat for fleas, lifting curl by curl, and examining the roots of the hair. Occasionally, if she thinks that she has pulled the hair, or lifted one of his legs rather too roughly, she looks the dog in the face with an inquiring expression to see if he be angry. The dog, however, seems rather *o enjoy the operation, and, showing no symptoms of displeasure, the monkey continues her search, and when she sees a flea, catches it in the most active manner, looks at it for a moment, and then eats it with great relish. Having exhausted the game on the poodle, she jumps on the back of the bloodhound, and having looked into her face to see how she will bear it, begins a new search, but finding nothing, goes off for a game at romps with the Newfoundland dog, while the blood- hound, hearing the voice of one of the children, to whom she has taken a particular fancy, walks off to the nursery. The setter lies dozing and dreaming of grouse ; while the little terrier sits with ears pricked up, listening to any sound of dog or man that she may hear ; occasion- ally she trots off on three legs to look at the back door of the house, for fear any rat-hunt or fun of that sort may take place without her being invited. Why do Highland terriers so often run on three legs, particularly 132 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. when bent on any mischief ? Is it to keep one in reserve in case of emergencies ? I never had a Highland terrier who did not hop along constantly on three legs, keep- ing one of the hind-legs up as if to give it rest.' A proof of the sudden attachments which dogs will form is given by Mr. Murray, to whom the dog of his guide took a fancy. Mr. Murray passed the night in the house of his master, fed him, and the animal sat looking up in his face. The next morning the party started on foot to cross the Pyrenees ; and when the guide had fulfilled his agreement and received his reward, he took his leave. The dog, however, followed Mr. Murray, and no threats or entreaties could prevail on him to turn back. He proceeded to an inn with his new friend, and Mr. Murray was making a bargain with the innkeeper to send the dog to his owner, when a boy came from the man to claim the beast. He followed the boy two or three times for a few yards, and invariably returned. A strong cord was then tied round his neck, and the boy was told to lead him with that ; but at a little distance, finding that he could not get rid of the cord, the dog leaped upon the boy, threw him down, dragged the cord out of his hand, and returned to Mr. Murray. After this it seemed inevitable that they should travel together. Mr. Murray sent for the master, bought the dog, and eventually took him to Scotland, having a place secured for him always in the diligence ; and from the moment he arrived he became the pet of the family. Another instance of the same feeling in dogs occurred to a sporting traveller in Norway (Mr. Lloyd, if I mistake not), to whom the dog of a peasant took the same sudden liking. WOLVES. 133 WOLTES. STRONG, gaunt, ferocious, cunning, cowardly, and sinister-looking, Wolves (Ccmis Lupus) still inhabit the forest and mountainous districts of Europe, Asia, and America ; a few being occasionally met with in plains. Happily they have been extirpated from Great Britain and Ireland, but in many parts of populous countries on the European continent, an unusually severe winter brings them to the habitations of man. Their resemblance to dogs internally and externally has led to the supposition that they were the original parents of the latter ; but I have elsewhere alluded to this unsettled question. The muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders of wolves are extremely powerful ; and the snap with which they bite is never to be mistaken, being apparently peculiar to them. They drink by suction ; and it is said that if the offspring which they have by a dog should lap, they take a dislike to it. The cry which they make is not a regular bark, but a hoarse, ugly noise ; and the howl which they delight in setting up at night is one of the most melancholy sounds possible. They vary much in colour, being white, black, grey, brown, etc. Their digitigrade walk, sharp muzzle, oblique eyes, and hanging tail, in their wild state, are less conspicuous in domestication ; and they gradually assimilate them- selves in appearance to our hounds. Innumerable are the true histories which have been transmitted to us concerning wolves. Their nightly prowling, their quiet, untiring perseverance in pursuit, their skulking disposition, their artful stratagems, all 134 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. impart a mystery to them which has been heightened by fear, and the natural proneness of man to magnify tales of horror. Wolves are too suspicious to be often taken in traps ; and when pursued, they run with their noses almost touching the ground, their eyes glowing like fire, the hair of their head and neck bristled up, their tail drawn close to their legs. Their usual height at the shoulders is about two feet and a half. Their young are born in caverns or gloomy recesses, and the female wolf is furi- ous in their defence. They often fight with each other ; and it is said if a wounded wolf come among his fellows, he is immediately torn in pieces and devoured. Mr. Lloyd, in his Field Sports in the North of Europe, tells us of a peasant who in the neighbourhood of St. Petersburgh met with the following narrow escape : 1 He was pursued by eleven of these ferocious animals, while he was in his sledge. At this time he was only about two miles from home, towards which he urged his horse at the very top of his speed. At the entrance of his residence was a gate, which happened to be closed at the time ; but the horse dashed this open, and thus his master and himself found refuge in the court-yard. They were followed, however, by nine out of the eleven wolves ; but very fortunately, at the very instant these had entered the enclosure, the gate swung back on its hinges, and thus they were caught as in a trap. From being the most ferocious of animals, now that they found escape impossible, they completely changed, and so far from offering molestations to any one, they slunk into holes and corners, and allowed themselves to be slaughtered, almost without making resistance.' A more tragic occurrence happened to an unfortunate WOLVES. 135 woman, also in Russia, and is related by the same gentleman. 4 A woman, accompanied by three of her children, was one day in a sledge, when they were pur- sued by a number of wolves. She put the horse into a gallop, and drove towards her home with the utmost speed. She was not far from it; but the ferocious animals gained upon her, and were on the point of rush- ing on to the sledge. For the preservation of her own life and that of the remaining children, the poor, frantic creature cast one of them to her bloodthirsty pursuers. This stopped their career for a moment ; but, after de- vouring the poor child, they renewed the pursuit, and a second time came up with the vehicle. The mother, driven to desperation, resorted to the same horrible expedient, and threw another of her offspring to her ferocious assailants. The third child was also sacrificed in the same way, and soon after the wretched being reached her home in safety. Here she related what had happened, and endeavoured to palliate her own conduct by describing the dreadful alternative to which she had been reduced. A peasant, however, who was among the bystanders, and heard the recital, took up an axe, and with one blow cleft her skull in two, saying at the same time, " that a mother who could thus sacri- fice her children for the preservation of her own life, was no longer fit to live." The man was committed to prison, but the Emperor subsequently granted him a pardon.' The tame wolf at the Jardin des Plantes is described by M. Frederic Cuvier in the following manner: ' This animal was brought up as a young dog, became familiar with every person whom he was in the habit of seeing, and in particular followed his master everywhere, 136 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. evincing chagrin at his absence, obeying his voice, and showing a degree of submission scarcely differing in any respect from that of the most thoroughly domesticated dog. His master being obliged to be absent for a time, presented his pet to the Jar din des Plantes, where the animal, confined in a den, continued disconsolate, and would scarcely take his food. At length, however, his health returned, he became attached to his keepers, and appeared to have forgotten all his former affection ; when, after eighteen months, his master returned. At the first word he uttered, the wolf, who had not per- ceived him among the crowd, recognised him, exhibited the most lively joy, and being set at liberty, lavished on his old friend the most affectionate caresses. A second separation and return was followed by similar demonstrations of sorrow, which, however, again yielded to time. Three years had passed, and the wolf was living happily in company with a dog, when his master again returned, and the still remembered voice was instantly replied to by the most impatient cries, which were redoubled as soon as the poor fellow was at liberty ; when, rushing to his master, he threw his fore- feet on his shoulders, licking his face with every mark of the most lively joy, and menacing his keepers, who offered to remove him, and towards whom not a moment before he had been showing every mark of fondness. A third separation, however, seemed to be too much for this faithful animal's temper. He became gloomy, desponding, refused his food, and for a long time his life appeared to be in danger. His health, however, returned ; but he no longer suffered the caresses of any but his keepers, and towards strangers manifested the original savageness of his species.' WOLVES. 137 There was another wolf at the same menagerie, who was very docile and affectionate, distinguishing those whom he knew from strangers, and seeking their caresses. We were very good friends, and I often played with him, so that he knew my voice. After an absence of two years, to my great surprise, he recognised it, dashed to the bars of the den, thrust his paws out to greet me, and gave every sign of delight. It is probable that this circumstance, combined with another, may have given rise to the history related by Captain Brown in his Popular Natural History, of which I now beg to give a correct version : ' Mine. Ducrest [then Mile. Duvauce] and I were going out at Baron Cuvier's front door,, when a man, holding something tied up in a handker- chief, asked if we belonged to the house. On replying in the affirmative, he offered his bundle. She shrank from it, as the same thing had occurred to me a few days before, and I received the dried and tatooed head of a New Zealander ; but he opened the handkerchief, and displayed a beautiful little wolf puppy, covered with silky black hair. She joyfully received it. We carried it to the keepers of the menagerie, and orders were given that it might be fed on soup and cooked meat. The wolf continued to be very handsome, very playful, and very tame for about a year, when she became a mother, and from that time was savage and unsociable to human beings, never recovering her former amiable disposition. She was from the Pyrenees. The folio-wing story is told by a gentleman who was sporting in Hungary at the time the circumstance occurred: 'About dusk, just as the last sledge had arrived within a quarter of a mile of a village on the way homeward, and had cleared the corner of a wood which 138 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. had bounded the road at a few yards distance for a considerable length, the owner, who was seated behind with his back to the horses, espied a wolf rush out of the angle of the wood, and give chase to the sledge at the top of his speed. The man shouted to the boy who was driving, "Farkas! farkas!" (a wolf! a wolf!) " Itze het ! itze het ! " (drive on) ; and the lad, looking round in terror, beheld the animal just clearing the gripe which ran along the road they had passed. Quick as lightning, with shout and whip, and with all his might, he urged the horses to gain the village. Away they flew at their fullest stretch, as if sensible of the danger behind them, conveyed to them by the exclamation of the lad, and the dreaded name of the animal which he shouted in their ears. The man turned his seat and urged the boy still more energetically to lash the horses to their very utmost speed. He did not need any further incentive, but pushed on the nags with frantic exertion. The sledge flew over the slippery road with fearful speed ; but the wolf urged yet more his utmost pace, and gained fast upon it. The village was distant about two hundred yards below the brow of the hill. Nothing but the wildest pace could save them, and the man felt that the wolf would inevitably spring upon them before they could get to the bottom. Both shouted wildly as they pursued their impetuous career, the sledge swerving frightfully from one side of the road to the other, and threatening every moment to turn over. The man then drew his thick bunda (sheep-skin) over his head ; he looked behind and saw the fierce, panting beast within a few yards of him ; he thought he felt his hot breath in his face ; he ensconced his head again in his bunda ; and in another moment the wolf WOLVES. 139 sprang upon his back, and gripped into the thick sheep- skin that covered his neck. With admirable presence of mind the bold-hearted peasant now threw up both his hands, and grasping the wolfs head and neck with all his strength, hugged him with an iron clutch to his shoulders. " Itze het ! " now shouted the cool fellow, and holding his enemy in a death grip they swept into the village, dragging the fierce brute after them, in spite of his frantic efforts to disengage himself. The shouts of the boy and man, with the mad speed and noise of the horses, brought the villagers out to see what was the matter. " Farkas ! farkas ! " shouted both, and the peasants immediately seeing their perilous position, gave chase with their axes, calling out to the man to hold on bravely. At length the boy succeeded in slackening the speed of the animals, the sledge stopped, and the peasants rushing on, dispatched the ferocious creature upon the man's back, whose arms were so stiffened with the immense muscular exertion he had so long maintained, that he could hardly loose them from the neck of the dead wolf.' A clergyman in the neighbourhood of Eauxbonnes, in the Basses Pyrenees, was not as fortunate as the Slovack peasant ; for as he was returning from visiting the sick in January 1830, he was beset by hungry wolves, and torn to pieces by them ; the fragments which they left, and the blood upon the snow, alone telling his fate. The North American wolves are not so gaunt as those of Europe, having shorter legs, thicker fur, shorter muzzles, broader heads, more bushy tails, and being altogether more compact. Their habits, how- ever, are much the same. A farmer in New Hampshire 1 4(>' ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. was one night awakened by a noise in his hog-pen. On looking out he saw what he supposed to be a fox on the low, sloping roof of the sty. He went out, but found that the animal was a grey wolf, which instead of making off, fiercely attacked him, rushing down the roof towards him ; and before the man had time to move back, the wolf had bitten his arm three times, with his quick and repeated snaps, lacerating it from the elbow to the wrist. Then, however, he leaped from the roof to the ground, and by so doing lost his ad- vantage ; for the man succeeded in seizing him on each side of tne neck with his hands, and held him firmly in that position till his wife, whom he called out, came up with a large butcher's knife, and cut the beast's throat. It was three months before the man's arm was healed ; every incision, it was said, piercing to the bone. 1 A white wolf always attends the bull, called buffalo, of Western America ; besides which, the same country affords other varieties. Among them are the Coyotes, or Medicine Wolves, of the Indians, who show them great reverence. They are small, sagacious, and cun- ning ; assemble in packs, and hunt in troops of from three to thirty along the runs of deer and antelopes, and run down their quarry. When game has been killed by hunters, they sit patiently at a short dis- tance, while larger wolves prowl around, pouncing on the pieces thrown to them by the men, and which the small ones drop instantly. They keep watch round a camp at night, and gnaw the skin ropes of horses and cattle. When the Coyotes, or small white wolves, of Mexico 1 Grosse's Canadian Naturalist- WOLVE8. 141 lose all hope of escape, they curl themselves up and await death. If, impelled by hunger, one snatches a piece from the hunter while he cuts up his game, the whole herd rush upon it, fight, growl, and tear each other for it. Mr. Ryan, from whose lively description these notices are taken, was for days followed by a large grey wolf, and every evening when he encamped the wolf squatted himself down, and helped himself when- ever he could. Something, however, was generally left for him ; and he became so tame that he stopped when the party stopped, and when anything was killed, walked round and round, licking his jaws in expectation of his share. No one ever molested him, and therefore he continued quite harmless. This sort of proceeding will sometimes take place with a whole pack. Mr. Ruxton one day killed an old buck, and left it on the ground, where six small wolves were in attendance. Ten minutes after he left his game the six wolves came up with him, one of which had his nose and face be- smeared with blood, and he seemed to be almost burst- ing. Thinking it impossible they should have devoured the buck in so short a time, he had the curiosity to. re- turn and see what impression they had made upon it, and why they had left it. To his astonishment he found only the bones and some of the hair remaining, the flesh having been taken off as if it had been scraped with a knife. They flourish their tails, snarl, bite, squeak, and swallow the whole time of their meal ; and if kindly treated, will come and warm themselves by the fires of the hunters when they are asleep, and sit nodding their own heads with drowsiness. The Esquimaux dogs, though very bold when attack- ing bears, are so much afraid of wolves that they scarcely 142 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. make any resistance when set upon by them. Sir John Richardson tells us that a wolf, wounded by a musket- ball, returned after dusk, and carried off a dog from among fifty others, who howled piteously, but did not dare to try and rescue their companion. Several wolves will combine, and forming a semi- circle, creep slowly towards a herd of deer, if there be a precipice near, and hemming them in gradually, so as not to alarm them suddenly, drive them to the edge of the precipice. Then they all at once set up the most terrific yells, and taking flight, the poor deer leap over the precipice, where the wolves follow them at their leisure by a safer path, to feed on their mangled carcases. On one occasion a troop of nine white wolves endeavoured to practise the same trick upon Sir John Richardson, evidently intending to drive him into the river. However, when he rose up they halted, and on his advancing, made way for him to go to the tent. The lovers of tragic histories will find many of the most fearful kind among the legends of all countries where wolves abound, all probably founded on fact, but mostly interwoven with romance. There cannot be any- thing much more shocking than that of the solitary traveller galloping into a village pursued by these beasts, and knocking at the doors, earnestly entreating for refuge. The inhabitants were mostly buried in sleep ; some few heard and did not move ; others had a dim, confused notion of what was passing, and also remained in their beds ; while others again did not hear anything The next morning the sad event was told by finding the traveller's cloak and a few bones. FOXES. 143 FOXES. STEALING along in the dark of evening, the cunning and rapacious Fox (Canis Vulpes) leaves his hole in the earth, and roams in search of his prey. The poultry- yards, rabbit-warrens, and the haunts of game, tell of his skilful depredations ; but he is not at all difficult in his appetite. To be sure, when he can get ripe grapes, he has a feast. If young turkeys and hares are not to be had, he puts up with a young fawn, a wild duck, or even weasels, mice, frogs, or insects. He will also walk down to the sea-shore, and sup upon the remains of fishes, or arrest the crabs and make them alter their side- long course so as to crawl down his throat. Reynard also has an eye to the future, for he never lets anything escape which conies within his sharp bite ; and as there must be a limit to the quantity which any animal can contain, when he cannot possibly eat any more, he in various spots, well marked by himself, buries the remain- der for the morrow's meal. With only his toes touching the earth, he prowls about with noiseless steps; his nose and ears alive to the faintest sound or odour ; his cat-like eyes, with linear pupil, gleaming like coals of fire ; and he suddenly springs upon his victims before they are aware of his vicinity. His bushy tail is the envied trophy of the huntsman, who calls it a brush. His colours are white, black, red, yellow, bluish, or variegated ; and in cold climates he always turns white in winter. The father takes no care of his children ; but the mother performs her duty with the most exemplary devotion for four months. The fox is generally a solitary, suspicious animal ; 144 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. even when as much tamed as he can be, he seems to think he is going to be deceived and ill-treated. Perhaps he judges of others by himself. He lives very often in a burrow called an earth, belonging to somebody else, for he has very lax morals concerning property, and a great idea that right is established by possession. If he should be caught and put in confinement, he is very ferocious, or dies of ennui ; but he is much too coy and clever to be easily en- trapped. His cry is a sort of yelp, which, however, he is much too cautious to utter when he is earning his living. Occasionally the fox has been caught in a trap, and there is the history of one who escaped and left one of his fore-feet behind him. After a lapse of time his trail was to be seen in various places, and was of course easily recognised. This continued for two years, when he was chased by Mr. St. John and easily killed. An- other who was unearthed by the dogs, instead of run- ning after the usual fashion of these beasts, turned suddenly upon each dog that came up and jumped over him. This could not last long, although it puzzled the dogs very much ; he was taken, and then only was the reason for his manoeuvre discovered by finding that he had only three feet. . Mr. St. John relates the following history of the cunning of a fox : i Just after it was daylight I saw a large fox come very quietly along the edge of the plantation. He looked with great care over the turf wall into the field, and seemed to long very much to get hold of some of the hares that were feeding in it, but apparently knew that he had no chance of catching one by dint of running. After considering a short time, he FOXES. 145 seemed to have formed his plans, examined the dif- ferent gaps in the wall, fixed upon one which appeared to be most frequented, and laid himself down close to it in an attitude like that of a cat at a mouse hole. In the meantime I watched all his plans. He then with great care and silence scraped a small hollow in the ground, throwing up the sand as a kind of screen. Every now and then, however, he stopped to listen, and sometimes to take a most cautious peep into the field. When he had done this, he laid himself down in a con- venient posture for springing on his prey, and remained perfectly motionless, with the exception of an occasional reconnoitre of the feeding hares. When the sun began to rise, they came, one by one, from the field to the plantation : three had already come without passing by his ambush, one within twenty yards of him ; but he made no movement beyond crouching still more flatly to the ground. Presently two came directly towards him, and though he did not venture to look up, I saw, by an involuntary motion of his ear, that those quick organs had already warned him of their approach. The two hares came through the gap together, and the fox, springing with the quickness of lightning, caught one and killed her immediately ; he then lifted up his booty and was carrying it off, when my rifle-ball stopped his course.' In Captain Brown's Popular Natural History I find the following : ' In the autumn of the year 1819, at a fox-chase in Galloway, a very strong fox was hard run by the hounds. Finding himself in great danger of being taken, Reynard made for a high wall at a short distance, and springing over it, crept close under the other side. The hounds followed, but no sooner Lad K 146 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. they leaped the wall, than he sprang back again over it, and by this cunning device gave them the slip, and got safe away from his pursuers.' An American gentleman of Pittsfield, accompanied by two bloodhounds, found a fox and pursued him for nearly two hours, when suddenly the dogs appeared at fault. Their master came up to them near a large log of wood lying on the ground, and felt much surprise at their making a circuit of a few roods without any object in view ; every trace of the fox seemed to have been lost, while the dogs still kept yelping. On looking 'about him, the gentleman saw the fox stretched upon the log, apparently lifeless. He made several unsuccessful efforts to direct the attention of the dogs towards the place, and at length he approached so near as to see the animal breathe. Even then Reynard did not show any alarm ; but his pursuer aimed a blow at him with the branch of a tree, upon which he leaped from his lurking-place, and was taken. One of the drollest incidents in fox-hunting was that at Newry, in Ireland, when, being pursued very hotly, the fox leaped on to the top of a turf-stack, where he laid himself down quite flat. At last one of the hounds perceived him, and he was obliged again to run. After this he climbed up a stone wall, whence he sprang on to the roof of a cabin near by, and mounting to the chimney top, from thence inspected his enemies. An old hound, however, followed him, and was on the point of seizing him, when Reynard dropped down the chimney into the lap of an old woman, who was smoking her pipe at the corner. The hound did not dare to follow, but the sportsmen came up, and entering the cabin, found it in possession of the fox ; the frightened woman and chil- FOXES. 147 drcii huddled into one corner, and the fox (who was taken alive) grinning at them. In all ages of fable the fox has been the principal hero. The most ancient fables on record, those of Lokman the Arabian, from whom JEsop took most of his, gives him a very conspicuous place among the crafty courtiers of the lion. The chief phrase of which the wily flatterer makes use, as he bows with affected humility to his sovereign, is, c Oh, Father of Beauty,' by which indirect compliment he generally gains his wishes. The early German writers have also chosen him as the principal hero of various histories ; and the poem of ' Reynard the Fox ' will live as long as printers and illustrators exercise their art and talent. The Arctic Fox is smaller than ours ; even the sole? of his feet are covered with fur, like those of the hare, and he is altogether more thickly clothed. He has often been supposed to be pied in colour, but this is only in process of turning to the hue of winter. He is in these climates a much more gregarious animal, and several families live in the same earth. Bishop Heber mentions one in India, which feeds chiefly on field-mice and white ants ; and this probably is the species of which the natives say that he can turn nine times within the space of his own length. He is about half the size of the European. Much valuable fur is derived both from European and American foxes, where there is a great variety of colour, not depending on temperature. In Ireland there is a small animal called a fox which does not eat flesh, but contents itself with vegetable, and is so perfectly harmless that it roams about un- molested even by dogs. I 48 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. HYAENAS. THERE cannot be a much more uninteresting animal than the hard-hided, knock-kneed Hyaena, which is pre- eminently African, although he is found in the East ; having, according to the opinion of some naturalists, migrated thither in the wake of caravans. He has a ferocious, ill-natured look, yet the first impression made by his appearance can only be expressed by the word 4 sneaking.' He is of a tawny colour, more or less dusky till it approaches black, and is generally spotted or striped. He has a mane continued all along the spine ; his ears are long and erect ; he is digitigrade ; his claws are strong and not retractile ; he possesses a gland which sends forth a disagreeable odour ; and his eyes have a pupil which is contracted at the top and round at the bottom, which gives them a singular expression. The great peculiarity of form in the hyaena is the disproportionate smallness about his hind quarters ; be- sides which the vertebrae of his neck very often become stiffened, in consequence of the strain put upon them by the powerful muscles of that part and of the jaws. So firm is the hold which they take, that nothing will make them leave what they have once seized. They devour bones as well as muscles, rejecting only hoofs, horns, and skull ; and this power must have existed in former ages, for in the caves which they inhabited, and into which they dragged their prey, their fossil remains are found with those of gigantic mastodons, etc., on which their teeth had made impression. This stiffness of the neck has caused many to imagine that it was composed of one joint only, and led the Arabs to make hyaenas the symbols of obstinacy. HYAENAS. 140 The habits of hyaenas accord with their outward ap- pearance. They are nature's scavengers, and feed on everything, being, with the jackal and Genet cat, the especial robbers of the cemetery. Many are the stories told of their cruel depredations, such as their stealing into the kraals of the Caffres and Hottentots, and ab- stracting the sleeping infant from under the kaross of its mother, who only becomes conscious of her loss when she hears the cries of the victim. Major Denham, in his Travels, tells us of a village stormed by them at night, when they carried off asses and other animals. My own impressions of the hyaena are, that he is a timid, cowardly animal. I always found them shun my approach ; and my uncle has told me that when he often encountered them during his command of the outpost of Tantum Querry, on the leeward coast of Africa, they invariably turned from him, and slunk out of sight with their dragging, shuffling gait. I cannot say that they disturbed the stillness of the night, because a tropical night never is still ; but their cry used suddenly to come upon our ears, and, I know not why, always seemed to be close to us. The roar of a leopard or lion is most grand, however terrific ; but what is called the laugh of the hyaena is just like the triumphant exultation of a fierce madman when he reaches his long-sought victim. All the natives of the Gold Coast bear witness to the powers of mimicry evinced by the hyaena. They say that he hides himself in the jungle, and imitates the cries of other beasts till he allures them to his side, when he falls upon and devours them. A gentleman who long commanded a fortress on the Gold Coast told me the following story, which confirms the above assertion : 1 Some women from the neighbouring village were ac- 150 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. custonied to pass the walls of the fort to fetch water after sunset, at the dinner-hour of this officer, and made so much noise that they disturbed him, so he ordered them to take another path. The next evening the noise recurred, and the same order was repeated the next morning ; on which the women protested they had gone quite another way. On the third evening, when the laughing and talking were apparently recommenc- ing, a serjeant sallied forth to bring the delinquents into the fort; but, to his surprise, there were only three hyaenas to be seen, whose imitation of human sounds had deceived all those who had heard them on the preceding occasions.' It was long supposed that the hyaena was incapable of attachment ; but Mr. Burchell brought one with him from South Africa to this country, which loved his master, and was jealous of other animals. Colonel Sykes procured one in India who followed him about like a dog, played with the sailors on board ship with the greatest good humour, and never forgot his first owner. He was placed in the Zoological Gardens, where, although Colonel Sykes^ paid him rare visits, he always recognised him amidst the crowd. One day when the hyaena was asleep, this gentleman suddenly called him by his name. The poor beast as suddenly started to his legs, looked up, rubbed his head against the bars of his cage, bounded about uttering short cries, looked sorrowful at Colonel Sykes when he went away, and repeated these manifestations of joy when he returned. The Spotted Hyama has been called the llycena Capensis from the belief that it only inhabited Sout h Africa; but it is found as frequently in Guinea as the HYENAS. 151 striped variety, and has just the same propensities. Near the Cape, however, it does more mischief, because colonists have settled themselves there, and their farms afford more valuable prey. They are said to prefer making an attack on strong, vigorous animals, because they run away, and the hyamas can follow them ; but the weaker animals turn round and face their enemy, which always intimidates them. Mr. Steedman, a South African traveller, gives an unmitigated bad character to the spotted hyenas, and says that such is their preference for human flesh, that they will even pass by the cattle and seize on children as old as eight years. The Straand Wolf of the Dutch, or the Villose Hysena of Dr. Andrew Smith, who has done so much for the natural history of Southern Africa, is less com- mon than the other species, and often feeds on the shore, from its preference for those dead animals which are cast up by the sea. If, however, it be pressed by hunger, it commits just as many depredations as the others. It is extremely cunning, conceals itself by day among the mountains or thick patches of forest, and preys at a great distance from its habitation. Mr. Pringle confirms Mr. Steedman's accounts of the terrible havoc occasioned by the hyaenas of South Africa, and says that in the district of Somerset they destroyed seventy foals in one year belonging to the farmers. He, however, believes that they never attack human beings by night or by day, and that they come in packs and play the part of four-footed vultures, even devouring their own kindred if they should chance to be killed ; but no other beasts of prey will eat them, from the offensive rankness of their flesh. 152 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. The den of a spotted hyaena that was kept in the Tower about twenty years ago, required some repair. The carpenter nailed a thick oaken plank upon the floor, about seven feet long, putting at least a dozen nails into it, each longer than his middle finger. At one end of this piece of wood there was a small projec- tion, and not having a proper chisel with him by which he might remove it, the man returned to his shop to fetch one. While he was absent some persons came to see the animals, and the hyaena was let down by the keeper into the part of the den in which the carpenter had been at work. Directly the beast saw the project- ing piece of wood he seized it with his teeth, tore the plank up, and drew out every nail with the utmost ease ; which action will give a good idea of the muscu- lar strength of this creature. It is impossible to say why there should be such con- flicting accounts of the hyaena given by those whose veracity is undoubted. No one dreads them on the Gold Coast, but they seem to be the terror of all the inhabitants at and to the north of the Cape, also in Abyssinia, where Bruce called them ' the plagues of their lives ;' and we can scarcely forbear a smile when we read that one of them stood by his bed-side, with a purloined bunch of candles in his mouth, having found his way to him even through the streets of Gondar. THE CAT TRIBE. LIONS. I MUST be allowed to give a somewhat more lengthened description than I have bestowed on other animals to the Felidae, or Cat tribe, because the same characters LIONS. 153 serve for all ; size and colour being almost the only difference among those of which I shall treat. Grace and strength are their universal attributes, the latter lying chiefly in the fore parts of their frames, such as their paws, legs, shoulders, neck, and jaws ; the former in their arched and rounded form, and the extreme suppleness of their joints. Their muzzle is short and round ; some of their teeth are of enormous size and strength ; their sight is very acute both by night and day ; their eyes are set obliquely in the head, and always glare in the dark, and sometimes by day when they are in a rage. It is only in the smaller tribes that the pupil is vertically linear, when the full light causes it to contract. The ears are large, and the sense of hearing much developed. Their smell is not equally perfect, and the roughness of the tongue shows that their taste cannot be very delicate. This roughness is caused by the horny papillae, or small projections, with points directed backwards, which cover the tongue, and enable it to lick the flesh from the bones of their food. They have long bristles on each side of the mouth, which form the most sensitive organs of touch, each bristle being inserted in a bed of glands under the skin, communicating with a nerve. The claws of the Felidae are extremely strong, sharp, and crooked ; and all four feet are fur- nished with them five before and four behind ; and the most effective system of muscular contrivance not only gives such force to the fore-paws that a blow from one of these will fracture a man's skull, but keeps these claws from touching the ground, and enables the animal to draw them back into a sheath. In aid of this, the sole of the foot and each of the toes has a soft, elastic pad or cushion under it, on which they walk ; and as 154 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. they never set the heel to the ground, their footsteps are noiseless, unless they choose them to be otherwise. It is with their formidable claws, and still more formid- able teeth, that they tear their prey to pieces. None of the feline tribe will eat vegetables unless domesticated, and even then but rarely; and in their wild state, unless pressed by hunger, they will only eat what they themselves have killed. They have an ab- horrence of anything which is decomposed. The fur, with the exception of the lion's mane, and that of the cat, is short, close, and soft, capable when dressed of receiving a high polish. Many are striped and spotted with black, and the larger kinds are generally of a warm, fulvous colour. The domestic cat is, however, often white, black, grey, and brindled ; some leopards are black; and there is a small, beautiful wild cat marked like the panther. All are very wary and cunning, and seldom face their foes. They lie in ambush for them, and suddenly spring upon them, seeming to take a pleasure in prolonging their torments. They are very sensible to caresses and affection, but a blow or angry word rouses them to fury. They are certainly capri- cious, and sometimes, without - any apparent cause, burst into fits of ill-temper ; therefore are by no means to be trusted, even in the midst of love and docility. The backward carriage of his head, his majestic stride, and the deliberate manner in which he looks at his enemy, have caused the Lion to be called the king of beasts. He is only occasionally seen in the forests, and inhabits plains, where rocks or low jungle afford him a shelter. He, however, retreats before the advance of men, and has now deserted many of those regions where he was once undisputed lord of the country. The Lion LIONS. 155 of America is altogether different ; therefore, it may be said that only Central Asia and almost all Africa are traversed by him. Formerly the eastern boundary of Europe scarcely formed a limit to his presence. The Arabian literature is full of allu^ons to him, and the Holy Scriptures constantly attest his presence in Syria during the times in which they were written. The beauty of the lion's mane is well known. Ac- cording to Mr. Gordon Gumming, its colour varies with age, being fulvous and bright when young, black when the animal is in his full strength, and grisly with old age. There has been, however, a species recently dis- covered in Guzerat, which has but little or no mane ; it also has shorter limbs and tail, the latter having a larger brush at the end. It is bold, commits great havoc among the cattle, and is supposed to have been driven out of Cutch by the practice adopted by the natives of burning their grass. A nail or prickle at the end of a lion's tail is often found, but has nothing to do with the caudal vertebrae. It is probably a hardened piece of skin, or a mass of agglutinated hairs, in the manner of horn. It comes off with only a slight touch. Lions come to their full strength at five years, but live a long time ; for instance, one from the Gambi'u was proved to be sixty-three years of age. They sleep by day and feed by night, lap their drink, and delight in coming forth in the midst of furious storm, when they add their mighty roars to those of the elements. Seldom does a tempest rage in tropical Africa but its fearful sounds are increased by the din of wild animals, that of the lion being heard above all others. Countless are the histories of his depredations, and numerous are the daring and gallant exploits performed by Europeans 15G ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. against this noble game. The following is an abridg- ment of a narrative from the pen of the Marchioness of Hastings, and published in the Miscellany of Natural History, herself being the heroine of the chase : ' The field was taken in quest of three lions, supposed to be lurking near the tents. The ground was flat and ploughed. When we came to the edge of the jungle, we halted a little ; the people came round in crowds, and in a few minutes the trees were covered with men, placed there by Fraser for observation. When we were sent for, we found Eraser by the side of the great canal. He had received intelligence of both a lion and a tiger, and he desired Barton and myself to go down upon an elephant, watch the bed of the canal, and move slowly to the south, while he advanced in a contrary direction. The rest of the party were to beat the jungle above, which was too thick to admit the passage of an elephant through it. We fell in with Fraser where the canal was a little wider, and neither of us had been success- ful, though we had searched every bush with our eyes in passing along. He desired us to wait till he had mounted the bank to look after the rest of the elephants. He had hardly gone away before a lioness crossed the narrow neck of the canal, just before us, and clambered up the opposite bank. I fired, but missed her, and she ran along the bank to the westward. We turned round, and had the mortification of seeing her again go through the water, at which our elephant became refractory, wheeled about, and was so unsteady as to prevent us from firing. We followed her up to the thicket, put the elephant's head into it, and we heard the lioness growl- ing close to us. Just as we were expecting her charge and had prepared our guns, round wheeled the elephant LIOXS. 157 again, and became perfectly unmanageable. During the scuffle between the elephant and his driver, we heard the cry that the lioness was again off. She again crossed the Nullah, and just as we had got our elephant to go well in, the lioness ran back and crouched under a thicket on our left, where she had been originally started. All this happened in less than a minute. Eraser then called to us to come round the bush, as the lioness being on a line with us, we prevented him from firing. Just as we got out of his reach, he fired, and when the elephant stopped I did the same. Both shots took effect, and the lioness lay and growled in a hollow, mellow tone. After a few discharges she tried to sally forth, but her loins were cut to pieces, which was fortunate for us, as her fore parts seemed strong and unhurt. She reared herself upon them, and cast towards us a look that bespoke revenge, complaint, and dignity. Her head, half averted from us, was turned back as if ready to start at us, if the wounds in her loins had not disabled her. As it was now a mercy to put an end to her sufferings, I took a steady aim, and shot her through the head. She fell dead at once, and her lower jaw was carried away. She was drawn up the bank and pronounced to be two years old. She had thrown one man down, and got him completely under her with his turban in her mouth, when a shot grazed her side. She immedi- ately left her hold and crossed the canal, where we first perceived her.' There used to be, and perhaps is still, a lion in the Menagerie of Brussels, whose cell requiring some repairs, his keeper desired a carpenter to set about them ; but when he saw the lion, he drew back with terror. The keeper entered the cell, and then led the animal to the 158 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS, upper part of it, where lie amused himself by playing with him, and then fell asleep. The carpenter, fully trusting to the vigilance of the keeper, pursued his work, and when he had finished, called to him to inspect what lie had done. The man made no answer. The carpenter called again and again, but to no purpose ; and being alarmed, went to the upper part of the den, and looked through the railing. Seeing the lion and his keeper sleeping side by side, he uttered a loud cry. The lion suddenly awakened, started up, looked furiously at the carpenter, and placing his paw on the breast of his keeper, lay down to sleep again. The carpenter was dreadfully frightened, and ran out telling what he had seen. Some of the attendants went and opened the door, which the carpenter had secured with several bars, and contrived to wake the keeper, who, on opening his eyes, did not appear to be in the least frightened at his situation. He took the paw of the lion, shook it, ami quietly led him down to the lower part of his residence. It is from Mr. Pr ingle and Mr. Gordon Gumming that we derive the most stirring adventures with lions ; and I profit by the advantage afforded me by their pages. The first was a relation of mine by marriage ; and I have enjoyed frequent conversations with him concerning his travels, rendered the more extraordinary by his lameness, which proved the energy of that mind which could thus surmount bodily infirmity. Mr. Gumming still lives to tell his own tales ; and no one can hear or read his words without seeing that he has one of those ardent spirits which loves danger for the sake of danger, and that his indomitable courage and hardihood, from his early years, when he killed the deer on his father's domains, prepared him to be what LIOXS. 159 he now is, the most successful of all men in his warfare with wild animals. In a note to the Poetical Remains of Mr. Pringle, I find the following remarkable escape : ' Lucas Yan Buren usually carried a huge elephant gun, as long and unwieldy as himself ; but left it at home one day when he had most need of it. He was riding across the open plains near the Little Fish river, one morning about daybreak, when observing a lion at a distance, he endeavoured to avoid him by making a circuit. There were thousands of springboks scattered over the extensive flats ; but from the open nature of the country the lion had probably been unsuccessful in his hunting. Lucas soon perceived that he was not dis- posed to let him pass without further parlance, and that he was rapidly approaching to the encounter. Being without his gun, the farmer, little disposed to cultivate his acquaintance, turned his horse off at right angle, and galloped for life. But it was too late ; the horse was fagged, and bore a heavy man upon his back ; the lion was fresh, furious with hunger, and came down upon him like a thunderbolt. In a few minutes he brought man and horse to the ground. Luckily the man was not hurt, and the lion was too much occupied with the horse to pay any attention to him. Hardly knowing how he escaped, he contrived to do so, and reached the nearest house. His remarks, when he re- lated his adventure, were concerning the audacity of the lion in attacking a Christian man ; but his chief vexation was about the saddle. He returned to the spot the next day, and found the horse's bones picked clean, lion and saddle having both disappeared. Lucas said he could excuse the beast for killing the horse, as he had allowed himself to escape j but the abstraction of 160 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. the saddle, for wliich, he added, the lion could not possibly have any use, raised his spleen, and called down a shower of abuse whenever he related the story.' 'We had,' says Mr. Pringle, 'been to tea with Captain Cameron's family, to whom, as we were only three miles distant, we considered ourselves next door neighbours ; and as the weather was fine, we rode home by moonlight, jesting all the way about wild beasts and Caffres, and not at all suspecting that a lion was dogging us through the bushes all the way home. ' About midnight I was awakened by an unusual noise in the cattle-fold, and looking out, saw all our horned cattle spring over the high thorn fence, and scamper round the place. Fancying that a hya3na, which I had heard howling when I went to bed, had alarmed the animals, I sallied forth to have a shot at it. I, however, could not find any cause for the disturbance, and calling a Hottentot to drive back the cattle and shut them in, I again went to bed. The next morning Captain Cameron rode over to say his herdsman had discovered that a large lion had followed us up tli3 valley, and then on further inspection we found he had visited the fold and carried off a sheep. He appeared to have retreated to the mountains, and we did not pursue him. 4 The lion, however, was not disposed to let us off so easily. He returned that night, and killed my favourite riding-horse, a little more than a hundred yards from my door. I then considered it right to take measures for defence, and called forth a party for his pursuit ; the Hottentots saying that as he had only eaten a small part of the horse, he would be in the vicinity. Seventeen horsemen, mulattoes and Hottentots, and a number of strong hounds, soon assembled. LIONS. 161 c The Hottentots traced the lion on foot, discovering his spoor or track with surprising dexterity, and found him in a large thicket about a mile distant. The dogs failed to dislodge him ; the mulattoes rode round the jungle, and fired into it, but without effect. At last three Scotchmen determined to march in, provided the mulattoes would support their fire. Regardless of the warnings of more prudent men, they went in, and, as they thought, found the lion crouched among the roots of a large evergreen bush, glaring at them from under the foliage. They fired and struck, not the lion, but a great block of sandstone, which they had mistaken for him, but beyond which he was actually lying. With a furious growl he bolted from the bush; the mulattoes fled helter-skelter, leaving the Scots with empty guns, tumbling over each other in their haste to escape. In a twinkling he was upon them, with one stroke of his paw dashed John Rennie to the ground, and with one foot upon him, looked round upon his assailants in con- scious power and pride, and with the most noble and imposing port that could be conceived. It was the most magnificent thing I ever witnessed; but the danger of our friends was too great to enjoy the picture. We expected every minute to see one or more of them torn to pieces ; and yet in their position, one lying under the lion's paw, and the others scrambling towards us, we dared not fire. Fortunately, however, the lion, after steadily surveying us, turned calmly away, drove off the hounds with his heels as if they had been rats, and bounded over the adjoining thicket like a cat, clearing bushes twelve or fifteen feet high, as if they had been tufts of grass. 4 Our comrade had sustained no other injury than a L 1 G2 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. scratch upon the back and a severe bruise, and we re- newed the chase. We found the enemy standing at bay under a mimosa tree. The dogs barked round him, but were afraid to approach ; for he growled fiercely, and brandished his tail in a manner that showed that he meditated mischief. The Hottentots by taking a circuit reached a precipice above him, another party of as occupied a position on the other side of the glen, so that the lion was between two fires. He became con- fused, we battered away at him, and he fell, pierced with many wounds. He appeared to be full grown, and six years old. measuring eleven feet from the nose to the tip of the tail. His fore-leg, below the knee, was so thick that I could not span it with both hands ; his head was almost as large as that of an ordinary ox. His flesh, which I had the curiosity to taste, resembled rery white, coarse beef, and was insipid rather than disagreeable.' The ensuing histories are from Mr. Gordon Curmning's pen. 4 A buffalo was wounded, and two hunters in pursuit of him were joined by three lions, who also gave chase, and getting before the gentlemen, sprang upon the buffalo. The latter, being very large, struggled much. The hunters fired upon the lions, and as each ball struck, the latter seemed to think the blood which flowed camo from the buffalo's bones ; consequently two were easily secured, but the third had the sense to walk away. 4 The oryx sometimes fights the lion, and is victori- ous ; but the bodies have been seen lying close together, the lion having been pierced through by the horns of the gemsbok, and as he could not draw them out again, each died from the mortal blow inflicted by at least one of them. LIONS. 163 'Hendrick and Ruyter lay on one side of the fire under one blanket, and John Stefolus on the other ; the fire was very small, and the night was pitch dark and windy. Suddenly the appalling and murderous voice of an angry, bloodthirsty lion burst upon my ear within a few yards of us, followed by the shrieking of the Hottentots. Again and again the terrific roar of attack was repeated. We heard John and Ruyter shriek, " The lion ! the lion ! " Still for a few minutes all thought he was only chasing one of the dogs round the kraal ; but the next instant John Stefolus rushed into the midst of us almost speechless with fear, his eyes bursting from their sockets, and shrieked out, " The lion ! the lion ! he lias got Hendrick ; he dragged him away from the fire ; I struck him with the burning brand upon his head, but he would not let go his hold. Hendrick is dead ! Let us take fire and look for him ! " The rest of my people rushed about, shrieking and yelling as if they were mad. I was angry with them for their folly, and told them if they did not stand still and keep quiet, the lion would have another of us ; most likely there was a troop of them. The dogs were let loose, and the fire increased. Hendrick's name was shouted ; but all was then still. I told the men he was dead, and had everything brought within the cattle-fold, lighted a fire, and closed tho entrance as well as we could. We sat with our guns in our hands till daylight, expecting a lion every moment. The dogs fought one another, then got scent of the lion, and barked at him till day broke, he now and then driving them back ; and he lay all the night within forty yards of the party, having dragged the man into a littlo hollow at the back of the bush. He had grappled him with his claws, and bitten him in the breast and shoulder, 1G4 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. all the while feeling for his neck, and when he got hold of that, dragged him into the shade. The poor man cried, " Help me, help me, God ! Men, help me ! " Then all was still, except that his comrades heard the cracking of his bones. The beast did not heed the beating about the head with the burning wood. The lion dragged the remains of him away the next morning, but in the hollow was found one of poor Hendrick's legs, the shoe still on the foot, with fragments of his coat. The next day came the lion's turn ; for the party, by killing him, avenged the death of poor Hendrick.' It has often been said that the human voice has great power over the fiercest animals ; and I do not think a stronger proof of it can be met with than in this adventure of Mr. Gordon Cumming's : ' I fired at the nearest lioness, having only one shot in my rifle. The ball told badly. The lioness at which I had fired wheeled right round and came on, lashing her tail, showing her teeth, and making that horrid, murderous, deep growl which an angry lion generally utters. Her comrade hastily retreated. The instant the lioness came on I stood up to my full height, holding my rifle, and my arms extended high above my head. This checked her in her course ; but on looking round and missing her comrade, and observing Ruyter slowly advancing, she was still more exasperated, and fancying that she was near being surrounded, she made another forward movement, growling terribly. This was a moment of great danger. I felt that my only chance of safety was extreme steadiness ; so, standing motionless as a rock, with my eyes firmly fixed upon her, I called in a clear, commanding voice, " Holloa, old girl ! what's the hurry? take it easy ! Holloa, holloa ! " She once more halted LIONS. 165 and seemed perplexed, looking round for her comrade. I then thought it prudent to beat a retreat, which I very slowly did, talking to the lioness all the time. She seemed undecided as to her future movements, and was gazing after me and snuffing the ground when I last beheld her.' I copy the ensuing anecdote from Mr. Campbell's Second Journey to Africa. l A lion had been near to a bushman's hut the whole night, waiting, it was supposed, for the arrival of his companions to assist in attacking the family ; and if they had made the attack in conjunc- tion with each other, it is probable they would have met with success. Two Bootchuana herdsmen, attend- ing near the place next morning, saw him and ran to inform the people. On their way they met six Griquas coming to attack the formidable creature, having already heard he was there. Advancing towards him, they fired, and wounded but did not disable him. Enraged by pain, he advanced to take revenge on his assailants. On seeing him approach, the Griquas leaped from their horses, formed them into a close line with their tails to- wards the lion, and took their stand at the horses' heads. The enraged animal flew upon a Bootchuana who was not protected by the horses, and who tried to defend himself with his kaross or skin cloak. The lion, how- ever, caught him by the arm, threw him on the ground ; and while the poor man still tried to defend himself by keeping the kaross round him, the lion got under it, and gnawed part of his thigh. His Bootchuana com- panion at that time threw his assagai, which entered the lion's back. The Griquas would have fired, but were afraid of shooting the man. In order then to drive him away, they made a great noise, and threw some stones. 1G6 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. The lion tlieii left the man and rushed on them, when they again checked his attack by turning the horses round. He next crept under the belly of a mare, and seized her by the fore-legs, but with a powerful kick she made him let go his hold. In revenge, and b) one stroke of his paw, he tore open the body of the mare, and retired. After this he tried to get round the horses o the men ; but when on the point of making a spring, he was happily killed by a musket ball, the ball pene- trating behind the ear.' * It is singular,' says Mr. Span-man in his African Travels, ' that the lion is reported frequently, although provoked, to content himself with sometimes only wound- ing the human species, or at least to wait some time before he gives the fatal blow to the unhappy victim he has got under him.' A farmer had the misfortune to see a lion seize two of his oxen at the very instant he had taken them out of the waggon, but they fell down dead, having had their backs broken. A father and two sons were in search of a lion, when he rushed upon them, threw one of them under his feet ; but he received no great hurt, for the two others shot him dead on the spot. Another farmer had lain some time under a lion, received several bruises from the beast, and was a good deal bitten by him in one arm ; but the noble animal as it were gave him his life. Nevertheless, others say that if a lion once tastes human blood, he for ever after thirsts for it. So strong is this opinion in India, that an officer who was asleep with his left hand out of bed, was awoke by his pet lion licking him. Of course the rough tongue brought blood, and he tried to withdraw his hand. The lion gave a slight growl, upon which the officer took a loaded pistol from under his pillow LIONS. 167 and shot him dead, feeling convinced if he escaped then, he should never again be safe. I might multiply my stories of destruction and escapes till they alone would form a volume, but I would rather give a few instances of the gratitude of this magnificent creature. ' One day,' relates Mr. Hope, 4 the company attended the Duchess of Hamilton to see her lion fed ; and while they were teazing and provoking him, the porter came and said that a sergeant with some recruits at the gate begged to see the lion. Her Grace afforded permission. The lion was growling over his prey. The sergeant advanced to the cage, called, "Nero, Nero, don't you know me ? " and the animal instantly raised his head, rose, left his food, and wagging his tail went if the bars of his cage. The man patted him, and then said it was three years since they had seen each other, that he had taken charge of the lion from Gibraltar, and he was glad to see the poor beast show so much gratitude. The lion, indeed, seemed to be perfectly pleased, went to and fro, rubbing himself against the place where his old friend stood, and licked the ser- geant's hand as he held it out to him.' A lion, which for its extreme beauty was to be sent to Paris from Senegal, fell sick before the departure of the vessel, and was let loose to die on an open space of ground. A traveller there, as he returned home from a hunting excursion, found him in a very exhausted state, and compassionately poured a quantity of milk down his throat. Thus refreshed, the poor beast recovered. From that time he became so tame, and was so attached to his benefactor, that he afterwards ate from his hand and followed him like a dog, with only a string tied round his neck. 1G8 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. M. Felix, one of the keepers of the animals of the menagerie in Paris, became so ill that another person was obliged to perform his duty. A male lion whom, with a female, he himself had brought to the place, remained constantly at one end of his cage, and refused to eat anything given him by the stranger, at whom he often roared. He even disliked the company of the female, and paid no attention to her. The animal was supposed to be ill, and yet no one dared to approach him. At length M. Felix recovered, and intending to surprise the lion, showed his face between the bars. In a moment the beast made a bound, leaped against the bars, caressed him with his paws, licked his face, and trembled with pleasure. The female also ran to him, but the lion drove her back, as if she were not to snatch any of the favours from Felix, and he was about to quarrel with her. The keeper then entered the cage and caressed them by turns, and after that often went to them, and had complete control over them. They would obey all his commands, and all their recompense was to lick his hands. A curious circumstance took place at New Orleans in the year 1832, when a bear was let down into the cage of an old African lion, supposing it would be torn to pieces. Many people were assembled to see the barbarous exhibition. The bear placed himself in a fighting posture, and flew at the lion ; but, to the great disappointment of all present, the lion placed his paw upon the bear's head, as if to express his pity, and tried to make friends with him. He took the bear under his protection, suffered no one to approach close to the cage, and did not sleep till he was exhausted, so closely (lid he watch over his new friend. He suffered the LIONS. 1G9 bear to eat, but long refused food for himself, and when the last accounts were received, continued to guard the bear as jealously as possible. The lioness has no mane, is smaller and more slender in her proportions than the male ; she carries her head even with the line of her back, and wants the majestic courage of the lion, but she is more agile. Her temper is more irritable, and Mr. Gordon Gumming says, ' She is more dangerous before she has been a mother ; yet every vestige of tameness or docility vanishes when she is a mother, and she is then in a constant state of excite- ment, getting into the most violent fury if any one should attempt to touch her cubs.' The story of the lioness which one night attacked one of the horses of the Exeter mail has been told so many different ways that I am glad to copy the correct account from Captain Brown's Popular Natural History : ' She had made her escape from a travelling menagerie, on its way to Salisbury fair, and suddenly seized one of the leading horses. This of course produced great alarm and confusion, which was not lessened by perceiving what the enemy was, and two inside passengers took refuge in a house. A large mastiff attacked the intruder, upon which she quitted the horse and turned upon him. He fled, but she pursued and killed him after running forty yards. On the alarm being given, her keepers went after her, till she took refuge under a granary, with the dog still within her teeth. They barricaded her there to prevent her escape, and she roared there so loudly that she was heard half a mile off. She was afterwards secured and taken to her den, and of course her adventure increased the celebrity of the menagerie to which she belonged. Before this happened she was considered as very tame, 170 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. and never had given any signs of ferocity. She therefore affords another example that it is not safe to trust these animals. Of course the poor horse was dreadfully torn, and the expressions of his agony were most affecting. The lioness, however, had missed the vital parts. The Puma or Couagar of North and South America is generally called a lion, but he has no mane or tufted tail, and when young his pale fawn coat is striped with blackish brown. These marks, however, disappear witli age. He is the largest of the feline tribe on that con- tinent, and is very destructive to smaller animals. He rarely attacks man, and on some occasions evinces as much courage as the true lion ; and a curious observa- tion has been made by travellers, that he becomes less bold as he approaches to the north. One given to Professor Jamieson of Edinburgh seemed to delight in playing with a tub of water. He also played with dogs and monkeys without the slightest interruption to their good understanding ; but if a goat or a fowl came in sight, they were snapped up immediately. He made his escape one night in London, and offered no resist- ance when caught by a watchman. He is hunted on the Pampas by dogs, and the Indians secure him with the bolas or the lasso. He climbs trees with great facility. His skin makes excellent gloves, and many persons consider his flesh dainty food. Mr. Waterton, in one of his essays, makes some remarks and relates a story which ought to be inserted in every book which treats of feline animals. Therefore, and although many others have quoted them, I do not apologize for inserting an abridgment of them here. He says all animals of the dog tribe must be combated with might and main, and with unceasing exertion, in LIONS, 171 their attacks upon man ; for from the moment they obtain the mastery, they worry and tear their victim as long as life remains in it. On the contrary, animals of the cat tribe, having once overcome their prey, cease for a time to inflict further injury upon it. Thus, during the momentous intervals from the stroke which has laid a man beneath a lion to the time when a lion shall begin to devour him, the man may have it in his power to rise again, either by his own exertions, or by the fortunate intervention of an armed friend. But then all depends upon quiet on the part of the man, until he plunges his dagger into the heart of the animal ; for if he tries to resist, he is sure to feel the force of his adversary's claws and teeth with redoubled vengeance. Many years ago, Colonel Duff, in India, was laid low by the stroke of a Bengal tiger. On coming to him- self, he found the animal standing over him. Recol- lecting that he had his dirk by his side, he drew it out of the case in the most cautious manner possible, and by one happy thrust quite through the heart he laid the tiger dead at his side. The particular instance, however, to which Mr. Waterton alludes, and which was told him by the par- ties themselves, I now briefly give. The weather was intolerably sultry. After vainly spending a consider- able time in creeping through the grass and bushes, with the hope of discovering the place of the lion's retreat, they (the party) concluded that he had passed quite through the jungle and gone off in an opposite direction. Resolved not to let their game escape, Lieu- tenants Delamain and Lang returned to the elephant, and immediately proceeded round the jungle, expecting to discover the route which they conjectured the lion 1 72 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. had taken. Captain Woodhouse, however, remained in the thicket, and as he could discern tho print of the animal's foot on the ground, he boldly resolved to follow up the track at all hazards. The Indian game- finder, who continued with his commander, at first espied the lion in the covert, and pointed him out to the Cap- tain, who fired, but unfortunately missed his mark. There was now no alternative left but to retreat and load his rifle. Having retired to a distance, he was joined by Lieutenant Delamain, who had dismounted from his elephant on hearing the report of the gun. This unexpected meeting increased the Captain's hopes of ultimate success. He pointed out to the Lieutenant the place where he would probably find the lion, and said he would be up with him in a moment or two. Lieutenant Delamain, on going eight or ten paces down, got a sight of the lion and discharged his rifle at him. This irritated the mighty king, and he rushed towards him. Captain Woodhouse now found himself placed in an awkward situation. He was aware that if he retraced his steps in order to put himself in a better position for attack, he would just get to the point to which the lion was making ; wherefore he instantly re- solved to stand still, in the hope that the lion would pass by at a distance of four yards or so, without perceiving him, as the intervening cover was thick and strong. In this, however, he was deceived ; for the enraged lion saw him as he passed, and flew at him with a dreadful roar. In an instant, as though it had been done by a stroke of lightning, the rifle was broken and thrown out of the Captain's hand, his left leg at the same moment being seized by the claws, and his right arm by the teeth, of liis desperate antagonist. Lifuteuant Delamain ran up LIONS. 173 and discharged his piece full at the lion ; and this caused the lion and the Captain to come to the ground together, whilst the Lieutenant hastened out of the jungle to reload his gun. The lion now began to crunch the Captain's arm ; but the brave fellow, notwithstanding the pain, had the cool determined resolution to lie still. The lordly savage let the arm drop out of his mouth, and quietly placed himself in a couching position, with both his paws upon the thigh of his fallen foe. While things were in this untoward situation, the Captain, un- thinkingly, raised his hand to support his head, which had got placed ill at ease in the fall. No sooner, how- ever, had he moved it, than the lion seized the lacerated arm a second time, crunched it as before, and fractured the bone still higher up. This additional memento mori from the lion was not lost on Captain Woodhouse ; it immediately put him in mind that he had committed an act of imprudence in stirring. The motionless state in which he persevered after this broad hint showed that he had learnt to profit by the painful lesson. The two Lieutenants were now hastening to his assistance, and he heard the welcome sound of feet approaching ; but unfortunately they were in a wrong direction, as the lion was betwixt them and him. Aware that, if his friends fired, the balls would hit him after they had passed through the lion's body, Captain Woodhouse quietly pronounced, in a low and subdued tone, 4 To the other side ! to the other side ! ' Hearing the voice, they looked in the direction from whence it proceeded, and to their horror saw their brave comrade in his utmost need. Having made a circuit, they cau- tiously came up on the other side; and Lieutenant Delamain, whose coolness in encounters with wild 174 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. beasts had always been conspicuous, from a distance of about a dozen yards fired at the lion over the per- son of the prostrate warrior. The lion merely quivered, his head dropped upon the ground, and in an instant he lay dead on his side, close to his intended victim. TIGERS. THE Tiger is exclusively an Asiatic animal, and liia range extends not only over the more southern part of that continent, but to the larger islands of the Archi- pelago, where he is particularly destructive. He is as tall as the lion, but not quite so powerful. He is, however, more agile, more graceful, and more insidious. He crouches and mostly springs in the same manner as the lion and other feline animals ; he is more ferocious, and will even fight with the lion. He seems to delight in blood itself ; for he will kill several victims, suck their blood, and leave their carcases to be devoured at another opportunity. The colour of the tiger is a bright orange tawny, white underneath, and broad black stripes on the back, sides, and tail. His head is rounder than that of the lion, and he takes the most enormous leaps. He is to be tamed to a certain extent, but never trusted. He prowls both night and day, and in some places the de- vastation he has caused is terrific. Nothing can exceed the tragic tales which are told of him in the countries where he exists in numbers ; and in one part of India it is said that at least three hundred lives were taken every year within a district containing seven villages, independent of an enormous number of sheep, goats, TIGERS. 175 and cattle. Horses will not stand in his presence with any steadiness; and the elephant is restless when in his vicinity. This sagacious animal often manages to shake him off ; and if he have taken hold of his trunk, he tramples on him with his fore-feet, and so destroys him. If he cannot dislodge him from his body, he lies down upon him, and attempts to kill him by rolling his ponderous weight upon him. Seldom, however, is the tiger the aggressor, unless he be driven to it by hunger or maddened by pain and despair, and then he struggles till he dies. He hides himself with such caution and skill, that travellers are laid hold of without being aware of his vicinity. The bride has been snatched from her camel, the sportsman from his elephant, and the child from its mother. There is a tradition in India, however, that when tigers have fed on human flesh they become mangy. Tigers are much more easily caught in traps than lions ; and those most used are made so as to fall upon them when they seize the bait. In Sumatra the natives poison the carcases which are left for them, or they fasten these baits to a stake or tree, and place a vessel filled with arsenic and water near by, of which the tiger invariably drinks, after making a full meal. A tiger is easily startled by a sudden noise, as tho well-known story of Mrs. Day and her umbrella will prove ; but I have another and more recent instance of this, which occurred to my brother. He was one evening on his return to his own house from that of a brother officer, with whom he had been dining, and he was met by his servants, who entreated of him to make haste home, for there was a tiger prowling round ; and in fact a jackal was close to him, who so often accompanies 176 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. the tiger when seeking his prey. My brother had been two or three years in India, and yet had never seen one of these animals ; so he told his men they might return, but he should stay, for he much wished to see a tiger. They in vain tried to dissuade him ; but fancying the beast was close by, they all ran away, and left him to his fate. He sat down quietly by the bank of his garden, and had not been there long when the tiger actually appeared. He stopped, looked very grand, and seemed doubtful whether he should make an attack on the motionless person before him ; and there never was a more beautiful animal than he appeared to be. He uttered a sort of growl, and crouched down, as the cat often does when tormenting a mouse ; and my brother almost gave himself up for lost. He fancied that he had been hidden, and that the tiger could not perceive him as he passed ; but he took off his grenadier cap, which was large, and covered with bear's skin, and putting it before his face, roared in it as loudly as he could. The noise and the action so surprised the tiger, that he turned round and leaped into the neighbouring thicket. My brother hastened away, and met his servants, who, now the danger was over, were coining to protect their master with drums and torches. The tiger has been known to snatch without springing, of which the following anecdote, told me by a friend, is a confirmation. He was going up one of the rivers in Assam, at the time when our troops took possession of that country, in a covered boat, and his principal servant retired on to the roof of the covering, to smoke at his ease. The river was narrow, the banks very high, and they were going on at a leisurely pace, when my friend heard a slight scuffle over his head, then a scream, TIGERS. 177 followed by the cries of his party. On inquiring the cause, the latter told him that a tiger had crept on to the top of the boat, put out his paw, laid hold of the man as the boat passed, and dragged him into the jungle. The history of an unfortunate guide is an instance of the immediate mischief which ensues from the first blow of one of these powerful creatures. The poor man remonstrated with the officer whose party he was conducting, on the imprudence of marching before daylight ; but the officer, supposing it to be laziness, threatened to punish him if he did not go on. The man took his shield and sword, and walked along the narrow path, bordered on each side by high grass and bamboo. After going five miles, the officer heard a tremendous roar ; and a large tiger passed him so closely that he nearly brushed his horse, and sprang upon the guide. The latter lifted up his shield, but he was down in an instant, and under the tiger's paws, who seized him with his teeth, growled, and looked at the officer. The tiger was attacked, and so severely wounded that he dropped his victim. But it was all over with the poor guide ; the first blow had literally smashed his head to pieces. In a plain near the Narbudda river, a party were hunting a tiger ; but the beast did not seem inclined to come to battle with his antagonists. He trotted across the plain, and as he passed an unfortunate cow, he raised his paw, gave her a blow on the shoulder, and she fell. He went on ; and when the hunters examined the cow, she was dead, he having left the print of every toe, and in fact every part of his paw, upon the shoulder- blade, without making the smallest wound. The following anecdotes have been obtained from. M 178 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. various sources, and some of the narrators were actors in the scenes described : A tiger had sprung upon the shoulder of Lieutenant Colnett's elephant, who in this situation fired at him, and he fell. Conceiving him to be disabled, the Lieutenant descended from the elephant for the purpose of despatching him with his pistol ; but in alighting he came in contact with the tiger, who had only crouched for a second spring, and who, catching hold of him by the thigh, dragged him some distance along the ground. Having succeeded in drawing one of a brace of pistols from his belt, Lieutenant Colnett fired, and lodged a ball in the body of the tiger, when the beast became enraged, shook him violently without letting go his hold, and made off towards the thickest part of the jungle with his prey. In the struggle to disengage himself from the clutches of the animal, the Lieutenant caught hold of the tiger by both his ears, and succeeded after some time in throwing the beast on his side, when he availed himself of his momentary release to draw forth the remaining pistol, and placing the muzzle at the breast of the tiger, shot him through the heart. He then returned to his elephant, which he mounted without assistance, feeling at the moment little pain from his wounds, although he received no fewer than thirty-five, from the effects of which he long after- wards continued to suffer. A very large royal tiger descended from some heights. After he had settled himself, a party advanced, and he seemed anxious to charge, but showed great reluctance to quit the spot where he had rested. Several balls struck him in the flanks, and a musket ball having pierced his side obliquely, passed through his liver, and he did not rise again. His skin measured ten feet four TIGERS. 179 inches and a half, and lie was ten years of age ; for he had ten lobes to his liver, and it is by the appearance of the tiger's liver that the natives ascertain the age. 1 have quoted the above anecdote, not to prove the truth of the circumstance as regards the tiger's liver, but as a tradition among the inhabitants. The people of Chittagong were alarmed by the ap- pearance of a tigress, who was first discovered among some cattle that were grazing at the mouth of the river. On the first alarm the natives of the vicinity assembled with all speed and advanced against her. Irritated by this, she sprang furiously on the person nearest to her, and wounded him severely. The immediate attack of the crowd, however, was successful in rescuing the man from her grasp. On this the tigress, finding herself hemmed in on all sides, and seeing no way of avoiding the multitude except by the river, took to the water and swam about five miles, closely pursued by the natives in their boats, until she landed under a tree in a dockyard. Here she laid herself down, apparently much fatigued ; but before the people in the yard could get their firearms ready, she had in a great degree recovered her strength. Several shots were fired at her, and two of them penetrated her body, one of which lamed her. Rendered desperate by this, she advanced against her new opponents, and singling out a European gentleman in the yard, who was provided with a cutlass, she sprang upon him before he could make use of his weapon, knocked him down with her fore-paw, seized his head in her mouth, bit off a considerable part of the skin of his forehead, and wounded him in several places. After this she sprang upon a native, fractured his skull, and otherwise lacerated him so dreadfully that he died 180 AXECDOTES OF ANIMALS. next day. She then entered a thicket close by, where she was allowed to remain unmolested. On the morning of the following clay she had got about a mile farther from the water side, and near to a Sepoy village. Here she was surrounded by about a thousand natives, when, although she was very lame, she sprang furiously on several of them, and wounded one poor woman so dreadfully as to occasion her death. A fortunate shot, however, laid the animal prostrate. There is an account of a tame tiger which was brought from China in the ' Pitt ' East Indiaman, * who was so far domesticated as to admit of every kind of familiarity from the people on board. He seemed to be quite harmless and as playful as a kitten. He fre- quently slept with the sailors in their hammocks, and would suffer two or three of them to repose their heads upon his back, as upon a pillow, while he lay stretched upon the deck. In return for this, he would, however, now and then steal their meat. Having one day carried off a piece of beef from the carpenter, the man followed the animal, took it out of his mouth, and beat him severely for the theft, which punishment he suffered with all the patience of a dog. He would frequently run out upon the bowsprit, climb about like a cat, and perform a number of tricks with astonishing agility. There was a dog on board with whom he often played in the most amusing manner. He was only a month or six weeks old when he was taken on board, and arrived in England before he had completed a year.' The tiger is not as fond of his children as the lion is, and often abandons the female while she is rearing her young. The tigress will destroy her offspring as the cat does ; but the following is an instance of her affection, TIGERS. 181 taken from Captain Williamson's Oriental Field Sports. This officer had two tiger cubs brought to him, which had been discovered, with two more, by some villagers, while their mother had been in quest of prey. The Captain put them into a stable, where they were very noisy during the night. A few days having elapsed, their mother at length discovered where they were, camo to relieve them, and replied to their cries by tremendous howlings, which induced their keeper to set the cubs at liberty, lest the dam should break in. She had carried them off to an adjoining jungle before morning. Bishop Heber happily compares the slight movement of the long grass of the jungle, which betrays the pre- sence of the tiger, to the bubbles which rise to the sur- face of water, and show the lurking-place of the otter. The immense strength of the tiger is frequently shown by the manner in which he throws his prey over his shoulder, and conveys it to his lair to be devoured. One is said to have carried a buffalo in this manner, which weighed a thousand pounds. Cap- tain Brown gives the following account of the innate love of flesh displayed by the tiger: C A party of gentlemen from Bombay, one day visiting the stupen- dous temple of Elephanta, discovered a tiger's whelp in one of the obscure recesses. Desirous of kidnap- ping the cub without encountering the fury of its dam, they took it up hastily and cautiously retreated. Being left entirely at liberty and extremely well fed, the tiger grew rapidly, appeared tame, and in every respect domesticated. At length, when it had attained a great size, and, notwithstanding its apparent gentle- ness, began to inspire terror by its tremendous powers of doing mischief, a piece of raw meat, dripping with 182 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. blood, fell in its way. Hitherto it had been studiously kept from animal food ; but the instant it had dipped its tongue in blood, something like madness seemed to have seized upon the animal. A destructive principle hitherto dormant was awakened. It darted fiercely and with glaring eyes upon its prey, tore it to pieces with fury, and, roaring in the most fearful manner, rushed at once into the jungle.' I am not sorry to end this account of the tiger with an old story, which places the fierce beast of prey in rather a more amiable light than most of the previous histories. ' A tigress of great beauty, from Bengal, being extremely docile on her passage home from Cal- cutta, was allowed to run about the vessel, and she became exceedingly familiar with the sailors. On her arrival in the Thames, however, her temper became very irascible, and even dangerous. She was placed in the Tower, where she for some time continued to exhibit a sulky and savage disposition. One day the person who had charge of her on board the ship, visited the Tower, and begged permission of the keeper to be allowed to enter her den, to which he at last agreed, though with much reluctance. No sooner did the tigress recognise her old friend, than she fawned upon him, licked and caressed him, exhibiting the most extravagant signs of pleasure ; and when he left her, ehe whined and cried the whole day afterwards. LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. THE Felis Leopardus and the Felis Pardus of author?, represent the Leopard and Panther ; but it has been LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. 183 impossible to establish any characters which mark the difference between them. Size, colour, form, and posi- tion of spots have been resorted to, but age and locality have set all rules aside ; and therefore, in treating of them, I shall use the term indiscriminately. Their extreme beauty and their greater docility make them more interesting than the tiger ; nevertheless they, like others of the feline tribe, should not be treated too un- reservedly. Their internal anatomy and dentition agree with those of the tiger, but they are of smaller and slighter make, are natives of the East, but particularly abundant in most parts of Africa. They are exceed- ingly active and graceful ; swim, climb trees, or slide along the ground like a snake, and are very apt to spring upon their victims from the branches of trees. Their coat is of that beautiful shade of tawny which forms so good a contrast with their black rosettes or spots. My first personal acquaintance with leopards and panthers was made on the leeward coast of Africa ; and one of the latter, brought by Mr. Bowdich and myself in a living state to this country, at first delighted the men of science, because in his remarkably beautiful coat they hoped to find characters which would mark the difference between these two animals ; but as we produced skin after skin, they began again to doubt, and the problem still remains unsolved. My history of the Ashanti panther has been so often repeated iu various works, that I should hesitate to introduce it here, had it not more than once been presented to the public in a form which did not originate with myself. The only other account from my own pen was supplied to Mr. Loudon for his Magazine of Natural History, to which I now make a few additions. 184 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. The panther to which I allude was one of two cubs found in one of the forests of the kingdom of Ashanti. They were both taken to the king, and when Mr. Hut- chison (the resident left in Kumasi by Mr. Bowdich) came to headquarters, his Majesty desired this one to be presented to the Governor. He had suffocated his brother in a fit of romping, being much the larger of the two ; but he was extremely docile and good-tempered, and was led by a chain only, being let loose when eating was going forward, on which occasions he received his share. But he helped himself to a fowl once or twice ; and as he always gave it up to his master, he was occasionally employed to secure provisions when the natives surlily refused a supply. He was one day sit- ting behind Mr. Hutchison, with his chin on the latter's shoulder, when this gentleman refreshed himself by pouring some lavender water on his handkerchief. In an instant the panther tore it out of his hand, as if in a state of ecstasy, nor ceased to roll over it till the cambric was in fragments. The day after his arrival at Cape Coast he was led into the hall where we were all dining, and he received our salutations with apparent pleasure. On one occa- sion he stood on his hind-legs and put his fore-paws on the shoulders of an officer, who hastily retreated ; and it was amusing to see the unconquerable dread of him which assailed men who were undaunted where men only were conQerned. We named the panther Sai ' after the king, and he was kept in a small court ; his claws and teeth were filed, and no live food was given to him. A boy was appointed to watch him. He was perfectly harmless ; and the only violence he evinced was when a servant pulled his food from him, and he then tore a LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. 185 piece out of the man's leg. Once he escaped, and dashed on to the ramparts, where he caused a scene of confusion which was quite laughable. The sentinels fled, the officers closed their doors, the castle gates were shut ; but when he was tired of his scamper, the playful beast quietly laid himself down under a gun carriage, and suffered his attendant to lead him away. At last he was allowed to roam at large, orders being given to prevent his going beyond the gates ; and the boy was desired not to leave him. He, however, often fell asleep, on which occasions Sai would come stealthily behind him as he sat upright, and knock him over with a blow from his paw, when he wagged his tail with delight. His principal amusement was to stand on his hind-legs, his fore-paws resting on tlia sill of one of the windows, his chin between them, and there contemplate all that was going on in the town below. But this was also a favourite pastime with my uncle's children ; and there was not always room for all. so they often pulled him down by the tail, and took his place without exciting his anger. His attachment to my uncle was very great, and he chiefly lived in his room. He missed him one day when he was holding a great palaver in the hall, and wandered about in search of him. The multitude prevented the panther from seeing his friend, and he wandered to other parts of the castle, among others to my room, where he laid himself down witL a disconsolate look. The palaver over, the G overnor returned to his room to write, and the door being open, he heard Sai coming slowly up the stairs. The panther started when he saw the object of his search, and as he made one bound across the room, my uncle gave himself up for lost ; but the affectionate creature nestled bis head into his master's shoulder, rubbed his cheek againsi 186 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. him, and only tried by caresses to evince his happiness. He was very fond of hiding himself under one of the sofas in the hall, where a rustling noise, a protruding paw, or an occasional peep from behind the cover, alone betrayed his presence. The Governor was once enter- taining some officers from Elmina, when, in the midst of an animated discussion, they both turned pale and stopped speaking. Their host looked up. ' I beg your pardon,' said one of them, ' but are you aware what animal is now lying under that sofa T ' Sai,' said my uncle, ' come and speak to these gentlemen.' The pan- ther walked up to them, and both darted behind the Governor, nor did they feel comfortable when Sai was ordered back to his hiding-place. I bantered one of them about his fears when I met him at dinner, and he confessed that he had never been more frightened. One of the drollest circumstances attending Sa'i's presence at the castle occurred to a woman who swept the floor of the great hall every day before dinner was laid, with a little hand-broom called a prah-prah. She was en- gaged in her usual occupation, without knowing that Sai was there, and stooping almost on all fours ; when with a sudden impulse of fun the panther jumped upon her back, and stood there wagging his tail. Naturally supposing she was going to be devoured, the poor prah-prah woman screamed so violently as to bring the other servants, whereupon they, being of the same opinion as herself, and thinking their turn might come next, ran away ; nor was she released till the Governor, hearing the noise, came to her assistance. Before Sai was put on board the vessel in which we were to sail together, we had become the best friends possible ; and I and my uncle coaxed him into the cage LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. 187 made for his accommodation. He was put into a canoe, the men belonging to which were so alarmed when he moved, that they upset the canoe, and the poor animal was plunged into the sea. We were watching him from a window in the castle, and gave him up for lost ; but some of the sailors of the vessel seeing the disaster, stepped into a boat and rescued him. He was so sub- dued by his ducking, and the uncomfortable dampness of his cage, for no one dared to open it to wipe it out, that he rolled himself up in a corner, and only, after an interval of some days, was roused by my voice. When I first spoke he raised his head, held it first on one side, then on the other, and when I came fully in view, jumped upon his legs, and appeared frantic with joy. He rolled himself over and over, howled, opened his enormous jaws, and seemed as if he could tear his cage to pieces in order to get close to me. Gradually, however, his violence subsided ; he was amply caressed ; and from that time ate everything which was offered to him. Perhaps he had suffered from sea-sickness. I indulged him twice a week with some lavender water put into a cup made of stiff paper, but never allowed him to have it when his claws were pushed forth ; so that he learned to retract them at my bidding. While we lay for weeks in the river Gaboon, he was never suffered to leave his cage, because the deck was constantly filled with black persons, to whom he always manifested a decided aversion. I have already men- tioned his rage at seeing a chimpanzee and monkeys ; and only secondary to this was the approach of pigs, whom he seemed to long to devour. On the voyage to England direct, I thought he would have been starved to death ; for we were boarded by 183 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. pirates, who took almost all our provisions away, of course including our live stock ; and if it had not been for the numerous parrots in the vessel, Sai must have met with a melancholy death. Some died daily as we came into colder climates, and he was allowed one each day. It was just enough to keep him from starving ; and this sometimes made him seize it so ravenously, that he did not give himself time to pluck off tho feathers. These in process of time formed a hard sub- stance within the intestines, which made him very ill. He refused even his small portion of food, and I thought would have died ; but I made some pills of calomel, butter, and flour, and put them very far down his throat, while his particular attendant, one of the cabin boys, held his jaws open. The boy slept in the cage with him all night ; and the next morning I adminis- tered a further dose, which effected his cure. Having, after a long absence from England, no accommodation for such an inmate, we as speedily as possible sought a home for him. He was presented to the Duchess of York, who boarded him at Exeter Change, till she herself was going to Oatlands. I visited him more than once, and it was only by stratagem that I could get away without his following me. One morn- ing the Duchess called and played with him, when he appeared to be in perfect health. In the evening, when her coachman went to fetch him, he was dead, and his malady said to be inflammation of the lungs. The panther is considered as a sacred animal on tho Gold Coasts, and the priests demand a fine for each ono that is killed ; consequently, they and leopards (if there be any difference) are numerous, and occasionally commit nuch mischief. They leap over high walls or stockades, LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. 189 nnd take away the sheep and goats kept within, leaping back with them in their mouths. They come into the streets of the towns or villages at night, where I have often seen them jumping about and chasing each other. Our chief surgeon had a house on the outskirts of the forest, that he might enjoy more room than he could have in barracks ; and one night, while sleeping there, he thought he heard his servant-boys (who generally remained all night in the verandah) dancing outside his bed-room door. He called to them to be quiet, and for a minute or two the noise ceased. As this happened Feveral times, he rose, took a large stick, opened his door a little way, in order to punish them, when, instead of his sable attendants, he saw two large panthers per- forming their own dance ; and it is scarcely necessary to say that he quickly closed his door, and tolerated the nuisance. A woman at Annamaboo was very much scarred on one arm and shoulder, in consequence of a panther hav- ing sprung upon her when her child was at her back, and she was carrying a pitcher of water. The pitcher fell, and she made so vigorous an attack upon his eyes, that he became bewildered, and retreated. This is not the only instance I have heard of wild and ferocious animals being driven away by blows on this part. A little girl of fourteen, who was to have been my maid as soon as she was old enough, was not as fortu- nate as her neighbour, she being attacked by a panther who sprang upon her through an open window in a room where she was sleeping by herself. Her cries brought her family round her, and the beast made his escape as he had entered ; but having once tasted blood there, he was sure to return, and a trap was made which 190 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. caught him the ensuing night. The fine was paid, and the skin was given to me. The poor child had a piece of her scalp taken off, a triangular morsel had been bitten from her shoulder, and her throat had a gash on each side of her windpipe. All these wounds appeared as if they had been cut with a knife. None of them were mortal, but she had not strength to encounter the weakness they engendered. Her father brought her in a canoe to headquarters for the attendance of an English surgeon ; but she expired as she was carried ashore. A party of us had gone to St. Mary's, near the mouth of the river Gambia.; and m the evening a bright moon- light induced us to take a walk. It was not very pru- dent ; but we started, the commandant, a Quaker lady, and myself, to the outskirts of the forest. My female companion, after we had advanced some distance, began to think of danger, and I, in mischief, rustled among the branches of the thicket in order to alarm her still more. We proceeded as far as a spring under a huge Baobab, where we stood for some time, till the monkeys began to pelt us from the tree over our heads. A slight move- ment in the bushes also seemed to say it was time to depart ; and then, expatiating on our own foolharcli- ness, we went on, and reached home in safety. The next morning we were informed that an enormous leopard had been caught in a trap close to the spring, half an hour after we had been there, and his footsteps had traced upon mine on the sand. We never could understand, humanly speaking, what saved us, unless it were the long white plumes which waved from the hat of the commandant. These traps are generally pit-falls, baited too often with a live kid, whose cries entice the beast of prey. LEOPARDS, PANTHERS, ETC. 191 The Jaguar is the leopard of America, and is also very destructive at times. Hunger, however, is the prompter ; and Baron Humboldt relates a story of a native woman whose children used to play daily with one which came from the forest close by. She dis- covered it in consequence of the cry of one of the children, who received a scratch in play from their com- panion, who was a little too rough. Had he required a supper, the wound would probably have been more than a scratch. D'Azara, however, says he is a very fero- cious animal, causing great destruction among horses and asses. He is extremely fond of eggs, and goes to the shores frequented by turtles, and digs them out of the sand. Two of the early settlers in the Western States of America, a man and his wife, closed their wooden hut, and went to pay a visit at a distance, leaving a freshly- killed piece of venison hanging inside. The gable end of this house was not boarded up as high as the roof, but a large aperture was left for light and air. By taking an enormous leap, a hungry jaguar, attracted by the smell of the venison, had entered the hut and devoured part of it. He was disturbed by the return of the owners, and took his departure. The venison was removed. The husband went away the night after to a distance, and left his wife alone in the hut. She had not been long in bed before she heard the jaguar leap in at the open gable. There was no door between her room and that in which he had entered, and she knew not how to protect herself. She, however, screamed as loudly as she could, and made all the violent noises she could think of, which served to frighten him away at that time ; but she knew he would come again, and 192 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. she must be prepared for him. She tried to make a large fire, but the wood was expended. She thought of rolling herself up in the bed-clothes, but these would be torn off. The idea of getting under the low bed- stead suggested itself, but she felt sure a paw would be stretched forth which would drag her out. Her hus- band had taken all their firearms. At last, as she heard the jaguar this time scrambling up the end of the house, she in despair got into a large store chest, the lid of which closed with a spring. Scarcely was she within it, and had dragged the lid down, inserting her fingers between it and the side of the chest, when the jaguar discovered where she was. He smelt round the chest, tried to get his head in through the crack, but fortunately he could not raise the lid. He found hel fingers and began to lick them ; she felt them bleed, but did not dare to move them for fear she should be suffo- cated. At length the jaguar leaped on to the lid, and his weight pressing down the lid, fractured these fingers. Still she could not move. He smelt round again, he pulled, he leaped on and off, till at last get- ting tired of his vain efforts, he went away. The poor woman lay there till daybreak, and then only feeling safe from her enemy, she went as fast as her strength would let her to her nearest neighbour's, a distance of two miles, where she procured help for her wounded fingers, which were long in getting well. On his re- turn, her husband found a male and female jaguar in the forest close by, with their cubs, and all were destroyed. As a proof that these animals are as soon startled as the tiger, we are told of an Indian who saw a fierce- looking jaguar standing directly in his path at a dis- tance of ten paces. At first he was extremely puzzled CATS. 193 to know what to do, but a sudden impulse prompted him to take off his broad-brimmed hat, make a low bow, and say, 'A very good morning to you, sir;' and to his surprise, the jaguar turned round and walked leisurely away. A very beautiful Ounce lived in the menagerie of the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris, which became extremely tame ; and Mdlle. Cuvier and I used very often to go and take him a walk, leading him from his den to a small space surrounded by high stakes. He required no other confinement to ensure his obedience than twisting our hands in the loose skin of his neck, and he never failed at all times to recognise us with plea- sure if we went into his vicinity. The Cheetah is gentle and affectionate, and success- fully trained for hunting. CATS. CATS are diminutive examples of the feline race ; but their fur is longer than that of others, and they bear a greater resemblance to leopards than to lions. The idea of majesty is not connected with them, but they are celebrated for grace, elegance, suppleness, and insidious- ness. There is yet a wild species in existence which inhabits the mountainous and wooded districts of the northern part of England, and also Scotland, where it used formerly to be very abundant. It is scarcely necessary to give a description even of the untamed species, so well known are the general characters of these animals. It will be quite sufficient to say that the head of the latter is triangular, the soles of the feet of the N 194 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. male are always black, their tails are bushy; they spring furiously upon whoever approaches, and utter unearthly cries. Mr. St. John, when walking up to his knees in heather over broken ground, came suddenly upon a wild cat. She rushed out between his legs, every hair stand- ing up. He cut a good-sized stick ; and three Skye terriers gave chase till she took refuge in a corner, spit- ting and growling. On trying to dislodge her, she flew at Mr. St. John's face, over the dogs' heads ; but he struck her while in the air, and she fell among the dogs. who soon despatched her, even though they say that a wild cat has twelve instead of nine lives. If one be taken, those in the neighbourhood are sure to be also secured, as they will all, in the manner of foxes, as- semble round the body of their relative. Domestic cats often run away to the woods and sub- sist on their own hunting ; but these are not to be taken for the real wild cat. The female of the latter is the smaller of the two ; and retires into the fissures of rocks, or takes possession of some large bird's nest, when she is about to have young ones. They are found all through Germany, Russia, Hungary, and the north of Asia, where their fur is much more valued than it is here, probably on account of the length and quality of the hair. Our house cats are by most naturalists supposed not to have descended from the above wild species. Pro- fessor Temminck ascribes their origin to the Nubian cat, found in that country by M. Riippell; but Mr. Bell differs from him. Cats were numerous in Egypt, where they were much prized, and honoured with being embalmed. In Abys- sinia they form part of a marriage dowry, for fear the CATS. 195 mice should eat up the other portions. Nevertheless it will be perhaps more like the truth if we give our cats an Asiatic origin. When they run wild, Mr. St. John says, they are often irreclaimable, and do in- credible mischief. There are instances, however, of their returning to their homes, bringing game with them. One known to the above gentleman used every winter evening to bring in a wood-cock ; another brought back rabbits and hares. The latter was constantly caught in traps, which accident did not cure him of his wanderings ; and he never struggled, but sat quietly till some one came and effected his release. All cats sleep lightly, raise their back, bristle up their hair, and swell up their tail when angry. Those which have been domesticated are very inquisitive concerning things rather than persons ; smell and inspect a new piece of furniture several times ; are attached to houses, and are extremely fond of scents, especially certain kinds emanating from plants. They seldom eat the rats which they kill, although they devour mice. If they should swallow a shrew, which is very rare, they almost imme- diately reject it. They will sit hour after hour watch- ing at the mouth of a hole ; and after seizing their prey, bring it to their favourites in the house to show their prowess, and strut about with a great air of self-satis- faction. They generally have a great dislike to water ; but they have been known to surmount this when they could catch a fish, for which species of food they have a great preference. The accusation that they play with you one minute and scratch you the next is too true. The change is not an act of treachery, but arises from excitement. I know not whence it is derived, but for centuries cats 196 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. have been connected with superstition and sorcery. Thoy have always been regarded as attendants upon witches; and witches themselves have been said to borrow their shapes when on their mysterious expeditions. I was once told that Lord Cochrane was accompanied by a favourite black cat in a cruise through the northern seas. The weather had been most unpropitious ; no day had passed without some untoward circumstance ; and the sailors were not slow in attributing the whole to the influence of the black cat on board. This came to Lord Cochrane's ears, and knowing that any attempt to rea- son his men out of so absurd a notion was perfectly useless, he offered to sacrifice this object of his regard, and have her thrown overboard. This, however, far from creating any satisfaction, only alarmed the men still more. They were sure that the tempests she would then raise would be much worse than any they had yet encountered ; and they implored his lordship to let her remain unmolested. 'There was no help, and they could only hope, if she were not affronted, they might at the end of their time reach England in safety/ Black cats were always more especially connected with superstitious feelings ; and I was once accosted by a peasant's wife, who, with a phial in her hand to contain it, requested I would give her a few drops of blood from the tail of my black kitten, not only to bring luck to her hearth, but to keep pestilence from her doors. Even lately a working woman told me not to turn a stray black cat from my house, for if I did, I should never have any prosperity afterwards. Captain Brown tells us that on Hallowe'en it was usual in Scotland for families to tie up their cat, in order to preserve it from being used as a pony by the witches that night. Those who no- CATS. 197 glected this precaution ran the risk of seeing their cat scampering through the fields, with a witch on its back, on the high road to Norway. A black cat was com- monly sacrificed by the ancients to Hecate, or among the Scandinavians to Frea, the northern Hecate. A black cat, sent with a prayer-book and a bag of sand into a new house, so as to precede the proprietor in possession, was formerly deemed essential to ensure prosperity to the person changing his abode. To steal a black cat and bury it alive is in the Irish Highlands considered as a specific for a disorder in cattle termed * black-legs,' which otherwise proves fatal. There is yet another peculiar feeling respecting cats, namely, the strange antipathy which some persons en- tertain towards them, and is equally unassailable with that of superstition. Of course, in many instances ill- ness and weak indulgence have greatly increased it ; but in some cases it has been unconsciously harboured, and in most is unconquerable. A friend of mine told me that through life this feeling had accompanied him, in spite of every endeavour made to eradicate it. When a little boy he awoke one night, with that trembling and cold perspiration which always assailed him when a cat was in his vicinity ; and screaming for help, he entreated the servant who entered, to take away the cat which was in the room. The man searched, but found no traces of puss. His young master still persisted she was there, but a renewed search proved equally unavail- ing ; nor could he compose himself to rest unless the servant remained in the room till he was asleep. This accomplished, the man left him ; and a second time my friend awoke in the same manner, with the same appeals for assistance. They were obeyed ; he himself joined 198 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. in the search, and he dragged out a cat from the close stove (for it was in Germany), which had taken refuge there, and been wholly unperceived by the man-servant. This gentleman's daughter inherited the same antipathy ; and neither the tenderest feelings towards other c dumb creatures/ nor the strongest efforts of a mind of unusual strength, could subdue the uncomfortable and distress- ing sensation which thrilled through her when a cat was in her presence. Where every house has a cat, many two, where every female cat at least twice in each year brings forth a litter of from three to five kittens, which are not all drowned, some idea may be formed of the untellable number of cats in London ; but it is only the dwellers in what is called a quiet out-of-the-way street in the metropolis who can form any notion of the noise and caterwaulings of this part of the population. All cats, on first taking possession with their owners of a house, are obliged to enter into an alliance offensive and de- fensive with the older inhabitants of the neighbourhood. In some instances the amicable arrangements, though less noisy, are the most troublesome ; of which I was convinced in one of my dwellings. The back overlooked a number of gardens, some of which were large ; and to enjoy these sufficiently, a small, leaded terrace was thrown out from the back drawing-room window. Here all the cats of all the gardens, the street, and the opposite square, used to hold their conversazioni; and I presume that my cats were particularly amiable, for often, if the drawing-room window had been left open during our absence, we found a select few, per- haps five or six, sitting within its precincts, as if ia friendly talk. CATS. 109 Every cat that comes to a new area in London, appears to me to be obliged to fight till he gains undisturbed possession of it; at least so it has been the case with my cats. A very fine, bold, powerful tabby did this twice with perfect success ; but after repeated combats, although victorious, the struggle made him fierce and occasionally sullen. Another, who was a very beautiful creature, but much weaker, used to come in with his handsome ears slit, his cheeks swollen, his fur torn off, his frolic and vivacity gone ; and he sat crouching by the fire all day. At night he was roused by the fierce defiance of his enemies ; and the contest continued till he died from his exertions. One cat belonging to me had a curious manner of showing her disappointment or anger, whichever it might be ; for the instant she was affronted she walked away, and seated herself with her back to the offending parties. A child of hers was an instance of the effect of judicious education, for fair and gentle treatment transformed her from a violent, outrageous kitten, to a well-behaved cat; and it was curious to see the instantaneous effect which the voice of his preceptress produced. Cats will learu all sorts of antics, and form all sorts of contradictory attachments ; young birds, puppies, rats, and mice, fre- quently being the objects. My mother-in-law had both a favourite canary and an equally beloved cat. The former lived in her bed-room ; and when alone, she suffered him to fly about the room, for she could there exclude the latter. Chance, however, discovered that puss was as fond of the canary as she was ; and to her surprise, on raising her head from her work one morning, she saw the bird perched upon the cat's body without fear, and the cat evidently delighted. After that there 200 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. was no further restraint, and the two pets were daily companions. Their mistress, however, received another fright ; for puss gave a slight growl, and seizing the bird in her mouth, leaped on to the bed, her tail swelled out, her hair erect, and her eyes as big as four. The bird was of course given up for lost : but the door being accidentally left open, a strange cat had come in ; and it was for the preservation of the bird that the cat had seized him, and as soon as the intruder was driven away, she set the prisoner at liberty. Cats have often been trained to act as game-finders, without offering the slightest damage to their capture. They have given the alarm when thieves have been breaking in; and manifested great proofs of reflection and thought, which may be called reason, without degrading this act of the intellect. One belonging to my sister invariably goes to her room when she rings her bell, but does not offer to stir when any other bell in the house is sounded. Another, in the service of a friend, was in the habit of going into the garden, catching a bird, and bringing it to the cook, appearing to ask her to dress it ; and yet it was perfectly her own suggestion. A brother of mine had a favourite tortoise-shell cat, named Monkey, who always sat on his shoulder when he was shaving, and evinced every sign of deep attach- ment. He left her under the care of some friends when he went abroad ; and two years after, these ladies were surprised the evening he was expected home, at the ex- treme restlessness of the animal. She heard the arrival of the carriage at the garden gate before they did ; and ere the bell was rung, she was furious to be let out to meet him. Her joy was indescribable ; and the next morning she took her place on his shoulder as usual, CATS. 201 when she saw him prepare his razor. Such attachments have been known to continue after death; and cats have died of grief on their master's grave. I have already noticed a great friendship between a pug-dog and a cat ; and the following proof of a similar strength of love is taken from the pages of M. Wenzel in his Observations on the Language of Brutes : ' I had a cat and a dog, which became so attached to each other that they would never willingly be asunder. Whenever the dog got any choice morsel of food, he was sure to divide it with his whiskered friend. They always ate socially out of one plate, slept in the same bed, and daily walked out together. Wishing to put this apparently sincere friendship to the proof, I one day took the cat by herself into my room, while I had the dog kept in another apartment. I entertained the cat in a most sumptuous manner, being desirous to see what sort of meal she would make without her friend, who had been hitherto her constant table companion. The cat enjoyed the treat, and seemed entirely to have forgotten the dog. I had had a partridge for dinner, half of which I intended to keep for supper. My wife covered it with a plate, and put it into a cupboard, the door of which she did not lock. The cat left the room, and I walked out on business ; my wife meanwhile sat at work in an adjoining apartment. When I returned home she related to me the following circumstances : The cat having hastily left the dining-room, went to the dog and mewed unusually loudly and in different tones, which the dog from time to time answered with a short bark. They went together to the door of the room where the cat had dined, and waited till it was opened. The two friends then immediately entered the apartment. 202 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. My wife rose from her seat, went softly to the door, which stood ajar, to observe what was going on. The cat led the dog to the cupboard which contained the partridge, pushed off the plate which covered it, and taking out my intended supper, laid it before her canine friend, who devoured it quickly/ The following anecdote almost places the cat on a level with the dog : l A physician of Lyons was requested to inquire into a murder that had been committed on a woman of that city. In consequence of this request, he went to the habitation of the deceased, where he found her extended lifeless on the floor, weltering in her blood. A large white cat was mounted on the cornice of a cupboard, at the far end of the apartment, where he seemed to have taken refuge. He sat motionless with his eyes fixed on the corpse, and his attitude and looks expressing horror and affright, The following morning he was found in the same sta- tion and attitude ; and when the room was filled with officers of justice, neither the clattering of the soldiers' arms, nor the loud conversation of the company, could in the least dogree divert his attention. As soon, how- ever, as the suspected persons were brought in, his eyes glared with increased fury, his hair bristled, he darted into the middle of the apartment, where he stopped for a moment to gaze at them, and then preci- pitately retreated under the bed. The countenances of the assassins were disconcerted, and they were now, for the first time, abandoned by their audacious effrontery.' There are several instances on record of cats finding their way back to their former abodes under circum- stances of great difficulty ; and the following appears to CATS. 203 me to be one of the most striking of them, and quoted from a letter : c When living at Four Paths, Clarendon, Jamaica, I wanted a cat, and had one given to me, which was nearly full grown. It was brought from Morgan's Valley Estate, where it was bred, and had never been removed from that place before. The distance was five miles. It was put into a canvas bag, and carried by a man on horseback. Between the two places there are two rivers, one of them about eighty feet broad and two feet and a half deep, running strong ; the other is wider and more rapid, but less deep. Over these rivers are no bridges. The cat was shut up at Eour Paths for some days, and when considered to be reconciled to her new dwelling, she was allowed to go about the house. The day after obtaining her liberty, she was missing ; and upon my next visiting the estate she was brought from, I was quite amazed to learn that the cat had come back again. Did she swim over the rivers at the ford where the horse came through with her, or did she ascend the banks for a considerable distance, in search of a more shallow place, and where the stream was less powerful I At all events she must have crossed the rivers, in opposition to her natural habits.' The following anecdote has been forwarded to me, and supplied by a lady who, to my regret, will not allow me to publish her name : An old woman of the village has a pet cat, who is affirmed to be ; as sensible as a Christian ' by her ad- miring mistress. One night the old lady felt very ill, and left the candle burning to enable her to take a certain medicine, if necessary. She was awake, and saw her cat fidget about the candle, as if she thought it wrong that it should be left alight ; and at last, not 204 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. being able to bear it any longer, she converted her paw into an extinguisher, and then quietly took up her abode on the old lady's pillow by her side. A singular malformation in the cat has been per- petuated, till a race of tailless cats is now in existence, and which is certainly no improvement on the original stock ; for nothing can be more graceful than the atti- tudes of the cat's tail, or more expressive of its feelings of joy or anger. SQUIRRELS. A PECULIAR formation of the incisors, or front teeth, groups a number of smaller animals together under the name of Rodentia, from the Latin word rodens, which signifies gnawing. These teeth act as files, so that the food on which their owners principally live is reduced by friction to a state which fits it for digestion. As the edges of these teeth become worn by constant use, they incessantly grow from the root. If one be broken, that opposite to it, in the other jaw, being deprived of its habitual wear and tear, grows so fast that it not only annoys its owner, but has caused his destruction by effectually closing the mouth. Their lower jaws can only move backwards and forwards. Some exclusively eat vegetables, others eat all things, and others again prefer flesh. Some carry their food to their mouths with their paws, and climb trees ; and in many the hinder limbs are so much longer than those in front, that they leap instead of walk. They are widely and numerously spread on the surface of the earth, and therefore bear strongly on its history ; but it is not SQUIRRELS. 205 among tlicm that we find the high intellectual develop- ment with which many other animals are gifted. Squirrels are some of the most beautiful of the Ro- dentia, and chiefly live in trees. The fur of some of the species is extremely beautiful and valuable. They are very active, elegant little creatures, and easily tamed, when they become very playful and affectionate. A friend of mine was deprived of her own daughter, and the lost one's pet squirrel was of course cherished and loved. The little creature used to run up the lady's arm, and seat itself on her shoulder, caress her with its head, nestle itself into her neck, and drink her tears. As long as it lived, it was never caressed by the mother without first looking in her face for the drops which it had been accustomed to remove. These animals have a large bushy tail, the hair of which spread out on each side like a feather ; and by it they are guided and supported when they leap. The flying squirrels, as they are called, have an expansion of the skin of the sides, which extends between the hind and fore-legs, by which they are suspended in the air when passing from tree to tree, and by it are enabled to go to greater distances, without being actually able to fly, as their name would imply. The general colour of the English squirrel is red in summer ; but in winter they often assume a greyish tint, at which time they have long pencils of hair at the top of their ears. This grey becomes more decided in more northern climates ; and occasionally they are black. They always live in pairs, and sometimes are gregarious, inhabiting burrows. They lay up stores of provisions in different places ; but they sleep the greater part of the cold months, their tails turned over them to keep them warm, having 206 ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS. beforehand made a very elaborate nest of moss, leaves, and interlacing fibres, in the hole of a tree or the fork of two branches. They exclusively eat vegetable food, and are occasionally themselves eaten by the larger birds of prey. Sir Francis Head gives us the following account of his meeting with a squirrel in Canada : ' I was waiting the approach of a large flock of wild fowl ; but a little villain of a squirrel on the bough of a tree close to me, seemed to have determined that even now I should not rest in quiet ; for he sputtered and chattered with so much vehemence that he attracted the attention of my dog. This was truly mortifying ; for he kept his eyes fixed on the squirrel. With my hand I threatened the little beast ; but he actually set up his back and defied me, becoming even more passionate than before, till all of a sudden, as if purposely to alarm the game, he dropped plump within a couple of yards of Rover's nose. This was too much for the latter to bear ; so he gave a bounce and sprang upon the impertinent squirrel, who in a second was out of his reach, cocking his tail and showing his teeth, on the identical bough where he had sat before. Away flew all the wild fowl, and my sport was completely marred. My gun went involuntarily to my shoulder to shoot the squirrel; but I felt I wa