UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Eugene L. Prussing :X^.-^' c^^ y ',^!n-. ' ^Cc/^^ y. nn/IL SCTTLEHENT W THE Estate, GEHERAIi GEOHGE UlRSHlHGTOH, Estate, IiawFenee Lemis, (Washinqton's Executor,) Estate, Iiorenzo liemis, (Lawrenoe Lewis' Executor,) BY ORDER OF CATALOCVCt, PRICE (RIK'' CATALOEUt WITI YOU TO OBTAIN AOMItliON TO THE EXHIBITION. H. L. b. LEWI5. (ADMINISTRATOR TO ESTATE MRS. LORENZO LEWIS.) Thomas Birch's Sons, AuonoNEERi, 1110 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 5 7 ? -' 4 y z^'/4^^ y -y Catalogue No. 657. This Valuable and Extraordinary Collection of the Effects of QENEK/IL QEOKQE W/ISHINQTON and of his Executor and Nephew, Lawrence Lewis, and Grand-Nephew, Lorenzo Lewis, is sold by order of n. L. D. Lewis, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Lorenzo Lewis, and embraces Washington's Private Account Books, Letters and Documents; Wash- ington's Personal Effects, kept by his relatives as Mementoes; a Number of Books from Washington's Library, and that of his Mother, IVfeiry Washington. Martha Washington's Family Bible. The Music Books and Miscellaneous liooks owned by Nelly Custis, Washington's Adopted Daughter. The Valuable Library of Lawrence Lewis, Washington's P'avorite Nephew, and the Library of Lorenzo Lewis, Son of Lawrence Lewis; — also — Washington's Famous Letter to Genl. Lee, relative to the Capture of Benedict Arnold. Benj. Franklin's noted Letter, Written in the Market, to his Friend Jimmy (Jas. Reed). A Large and Important Collection of Americana, Franklin and other Imprints. Scarce Washington Portraits, American Maps and Plans. — together \\rrn — A Very Rare Collection of Books on the Black Arts, being the Library of a noted Astrologer. TO BE SOLD "Wednesday, Tliursday and Friday, DECEMBER 10, 11 and 12, 1890, Commencing on the evening of Dec. lo, at 8 o'clock, Afternoon of December 1 1, at 3 o'clock, and Afternoon of December 12, at 3 o'clock, IN OtlR ART SALESROOM, SEGOND FLOOR. Sale Conducted by Mr. Stan. V. Henkels. THOS. BIRCH'S SONS, AUCTIONEERS, mo Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ON EXHIBITION DEC. 5 TO DEC. 9. For those who cannot attend the sale, bids will be executed by JOSEPH F. SABIN, 21 and 23 Ann Street, N. Y, J. W. BOUTON, 706 Broadway, New York. WM. J. CAMPBELL, 740 Sansom Street, PWla. C. L. TEA VER, 108 Green Street, Trenton, N. J. DAVID G. FRANCIS, 17 Astor Place, New York. A. L. LUYSTER, 98 Nassau Street, New York. ' GEO. E. LITTLEriELD,67 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. WM. LOVVDERMILK, 1424 F St., Washington, D.C. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati, OWo. A. C. McCLURG & CO., Chicago, 111. C. De F. burns, 49 Chambers Street, N. Y. WALTER R. BENJAMIN, 30 West 23d St., N. Y. MITCHELL'S, 830 Broadway, N. Y. PORTEU & COATE.S, 9th & Chestnut Sis., PhUa. Or by the Auctioneers. Terms of Sale— Cash. Bids are always so much per volume or piece. o^ ■z. Berryville, Clarke Co., Va., Oct. 28th, i8go. > I do hereby certify that all the Books, Relics and other articles men- tioned in this Catalogue, from Nos. i to 494 inclusive, are from the Estate of the late Gcnl. Geo. Washington ; the Estate of Maj. Lawrence Lewis, the p; nephew and last surviving executor of Genl. Washington, and of his son Lorenzo Le^vis, Esq. H. L. D. LEWIS, Admr. of Mrs. Lorenzo Lewis, {deed.) lU Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of Oct. 1890. jAs. W. Luke, N. P., o Berryville, Clarke Co., Va. 279521 PHILADELPHIA: THE BICKING PRESS, No. I S. Tenth St. PRKFACK. lieforc entering into a detailed catalogue of this valualjlc collection it will be necessary to give a few lines explanatory of the same; The sale is made by the order of H. L. D. Lewis, Adminis- trator of the Estate of Mrs. Lorenzo Lewis, who was the wife of Lorenzo Lewis, son of Lawrence Lewis, ( Washington's favorite nephew, hiisl land of Nelly Cuslis and son of Wash ington's sister, Betty. ) One of the first Administrators of the Estate of Genl. George Washington. This sale embraces •all the D.icuments, Letters, etc., used by the E.rbpciiy. This determinulion has undeiirone no diminution, but is strengthened by the con- nexion which one of them bus formed with my family. The expense at which I live and the unprodnctiveness of my Estate, together, will admit of no diminution of income, while I n-nuiin in my ])i-c?ient situation; on the contrary, were It not for occasional supplies of money, in payment tor Lands sold within the last four or live years, to the amount of upwards of Fifty thousand dollar-.; I should not be able to support the foi'mer without invnlvinj; myself in debt and diltlculties ISut. as it has been understood from ex|)ressious occasionally dropped from ^N'elly Cnstis, now) vour wife, tliat it Is the wish of you b ilh to settle in this neighborhood {contiguous to her friends) and as it would be inexpedient, as well as expensive for you, to make a purchase of land when amvisure whieb is in contemplation would place yon <»n more eligiljle ground. 1 shall inform you. that in the will which I have by me. and have no disposition to alter, that part of my Mouni Vernon tract whicli lyes north west of the public road leading from the Gum Spring to Colchester (from a certain point whicli 1 have marked) containing about two thousand acres of Land, with the Doguc run Farm— Mi. 1— Distillery— (iray's heights, &c., is bC ^' ^l 4 THE WRAPPER IN WHICH THE ABOVE LETTER WAS Enclosed, with Autograph Address by Geo. Washington, with Seal in Black Wax. 4°. Mr Lawrence Lewis at iMr Charles Carters in Culpeper County— near Free Stevensburgli. Geo Washington On the reverse, Washington has written "I have just received an account of the death of my brother which is the occasion ot my sealing with black.'" 5 AUTOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED, OF GENL. GEO. WASHING- TON, to Lawrence Lewis, dated Mount Vernon 28th Sep 1799. 4°. 4 pages. This Interesting letter relates to the former. It speaks in decided though kind toiTns of his dissatisfaci ion with his overseer, Ml'. Anderson, and explains more fully his intended generous gift of Lands to his adopted Daughter Nelly and Lawrence Lewis. He also mentions his reasons loi* wishing them to take at a fair rental the Dogue Ilun Farm, Mill &c., that he may do without the services of an Overseer, and attend to his Estate himself, if he should not be again called in- to the Public Service of the Country. Dear Sib 6 AUTOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED, OF GENL. GEO. WASHING- TON to Lawrence Lewis. 4°, 3 pages. Mount Vei'iion, -Ith Aug. 1797 Your letter of the 24ih ulto has been received, and I am sori-y to hear of the los3 of your servant ; but it is my opinion these elopements will be much more, before they are less frequent: and that the persons iiialving them should never be retained, if they are recovered, as they are sure to contaminate and discontent others. 1 wish from my soul that the Legislature of this Stale could see the policy of a gradual Abolition of Slavei-y ; It would prev't much future mischief. Whenever it is convenient to you to make this place your home 1 shall be glad to see you at it for that purpose and that there may be no misunderstanding in the matter, 1 shall inforui you beforehand, that yoii, servant (if you bring one) and horses, will fare in all respects as we & mine do. but that I shall e.\pt^ct tio Services from you for which pecuniary compensation will be made. — -I have already as many on wages as are suTlicient lo carry on my business, and more indeed than 1 can tind "means to' pay, conveniently. As both your aunt and 1 are in the decline of life, and regular in our habits, especially in our hours of rising Si going to bed, 1 require some person (fit and Proper) tocase me of tbe trouble of entertaining company ; particularly of nights, as it is my inclinsition to retire (and unless prevented by very particular comi)any, always do retire) either to bed, or to my study, soon after candle-light. In taking these duties (which hosi)itality obliges one to bestow on company) off my hands, it would render me a very accept- able service, and for a little time only, to come, an hour in the day, now and then, devoted to the recordin of some Papers which time would not allow me to complete before I left Philadelphia, would also be acceptable, Besides there is nothing at present, that would require any portion of your time, or attention ; both of which, if you have inclination for it, might be devoted to Reading, as i have a great nuiny instructive Books, on many subjects, as well as amusing ones, &c. &c &c Your Auut unites with me in best regards for you, and I am your sincere friend and AtTectionate Uncle Mr Lawrence Lewis GEO WASHINGTON. \i AUTOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED, OF GENL. GEO. WASHING- TON to Maj. Lawrence Lewis, dated Philadelphia, 2d Dec, 1798. 4", 2 pages. In this letter Washington mentions the trouble he has, the twelve new regiments, &e. in making a selection of Officers for 8 AUTOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED, OF GENL. GEO. WASHING- TON to Capt. Fielding J. Lewis, dated Mount Vernon, Feby. 27, 1784. 4°, 2 pages. Torn in three parts. This letter lo his Sister Betty's son, coinnienees : '-You vei;y much mistalvC my circumstan- ces, when you siipi)OSc n^e in a cfindition to advance money, 1 made no money from my Estate during the nine years I was absent fi'f>m it, and Ijrouglit none home with me. Those who owed mc — for the greater ])art — took advantage of the depreciation & paid nie otf with six pence on the pound Those to wlioni I was Indeljted, I have yet to pay, without other means, if they will not wait, than selling part of my EstJite or distressing those who were loo honest to take advan- tage of the Tender Laws to quit scores with me" 9 LETTER-PRESS COPY OF AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF GENL. Geo. Washington to Sani'l M. Fox, dated Mount Vernon, 25th June, 1799. 4°, I page. Uusincss lettur in rulatiou to Bonds deposited In the Bank of I'ennsylvania for Collection. 5 10 I,ETTER-l'RES.SCOPYOF/\UTOGRAI'II LETTER OF (iENL. Geo. Washington to Ilon'l Jas. Ross, dated Mount Vernon, 25th June, 1799. 4°, 2 pages. Meditating' a Hiitt at law. 11 LETTER PRESS COPY OF AUnjGRAPH LliTFER OF GENL. Geo. Washington to Sam'l Washington, dated Mount Vernon, Jan., 1799. 4°, 2 pages. In aiiHWor toil letter from lilH nephew, in which a I'cfiuost hits been mude for llic loiiii of ii ceriiiln Huni of ni(iney. • / 12 AUTOGRAPH CONTRACT OF GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON'S ' ''" for the Sale of Ceilain Lands to Geo. Bali, dated April lO, 1797. X^"^^ /»/ 7/ 4°, 2 pages. ^ '^/^ ^^^Uc^t< The whole of this couliucl is in the hand writing of Genl. G(;o. Wuslitntjloii, and Ih signi-d ^ ^f) twice by him, three times by Geo. Jiall and once by \Vm. Wirt. f >^^ 13 AUTOGRAPH RECEIPT OF GENL. GF:0. WASHINGTON TO Geo. Ball and a memoi-andum of the terms on which he sold him (Geo. Ball) Land in Gloucester County, Va., dated April 10, 1796. 4°. 2 pages. All In the hantlwriting of lienl, (Jeo. Washington. Signed twice hy hiiri and twice by Geo. Ball. 14 AUTOGRAPH PliTITION OF GF:NL. GEO. WASHINGTON, praying to have certain I'oads changed which pass through his lands on Little Hunting Ci'eek. 4°, 3 pages. Cont4ilns three signatures of Genl. Gen. Washiniflon in the body of the document. 15- AUTOGRAPH SURVEY, WITH PLAN, BY GENL. GEO. WASH- INGTON. Folio, I page. Plan and survey of lands on Ooeg's Creek, made for John liro\^n. 16 AUTOGRAPH COPY BY GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON OF A Survey and Plan made by Jno. Warner, of certain Lands on Uoeg Creek. Folio, 2 pages. 17 AUTOGRAPH MEMORANDUM BY GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON of a survey made by him, endeavoring to find the Courses and Contents of the land bought bj^ him of Capt Darrell. Folio, 2 pages. A beautiful specimen of Genl. Geo. Washingtrfn's penmanship. 18 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CHAS. WEST AND GENL. GEO. Washington, dated 28th May, 1772, for the sale of Land in Fairfax County, lying on Doeg Creek. Signed by Genl. Geo. Washington, Chas. West, Bryan Fairfax and Thos. Chinn. Folio, 2 pages. This doeuuieut is all in tile handwriting of Genl. Geo. Washington, and contains Ws signa- ture six times i!i tlie body ot the agreement, once at the end and once ou tile back. 19 LEASE BFTWEEN CHAS. WEST AND GENL. GEORGE Washington, dated the 27th Day of October, 1772. Signed by Chas. West, G. Johnston, John Thornton, John Gunnell and Matthew Campbell, and by P. Wagcner, Clerk of the Court. This document is in tlie handwriting of Genl. Geo. Washington, and contains his signature Hve times iu the body. / / ^ iX V t 20 ESTIMATE OF THE RENT OF UOGUE RUN FARM, HIRE OF the Negroes thereon and of other expenses, as also of the probable produce of the farm (independent of the lands annexed thereto) in ordinary years. In making this estimate, every debit that could be recollected is charged and the yield thereof, on a moderate calcu- lation, is credited. Large 4°, 2 pages. This estiniatt- iu the handwriling of Gciil. Geo. Washington was evidently made for the Ijeneflt of His nephew, Lawrence Lewis, the huslxuid of his adopted daughter, Nellie Custis. 21 FOUR SPECIMENS OF GENL. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S Handwriting. Exhibiting nine pages from his memorandum survey btiok. 22 SPECIMENS OF GENL. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S HAND- WRITING. MtrmoiaiKlurus of surveys. 23 RECEIPT OF SAMUEL WASHINGTON BY WILLIAM BROWN, Yor monies loaned by Genl. George Washington, dated Mount ./ Vernon, May 6th, 1799. Small 4°. In the handwriting of Ucnl. George Washington, with his signature in the body of the docu- ment. ti' ' 24 A LIST OF THE CERTIFICATES SENT TO DR. STUART TO exchange for cash, agreeable to the resolution of the assembly. Small 4°. In the ! andwriting of Genl. Geo Washington, with the signature on the back, aelinowledg- ing the receipt of the cash for the above certiticates. 25 A SIGHT DRAFT, DRAWN ON GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON > ,' by William Augustus Washington, for $500, dated Haywood, June 15th, 1799 Small 4=. Has Washington's signal nre on the back, accepting the same. 26 A SIGHT DRAFT, DRAWN ON GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON by William Augustus Washington, for jSiOO, dated Haywood, July 1 2th, 1799. Has Washington's signature on the back, accepting the same. 27 TRANSFERENCE OF TRAVERS'S PATENT ACCORDING TO Col. George Mason. 4°. In the handwriting of Gen. George Wa.sliington. 28 A RELEASE OF CHAS WEST TO GEN. GEO. WASHINGTON, dated the 28th day of October, 1772, signed twice each by Chas. West, G. Johnston, John Thornton, John Gunnel and Matthew Campbell, and by P. Wagener, Clerk of the Court. Large 4°. In the handwriting of (ieo. Washington, with his signature teti times in the body of the document. 29 COPY OF A WRITING CilVEN TO MR. JAMES WELCH, October nth, 1798. 4=". In the handwriting of, and signed by Genl. Geo. \Vashingtou. 30 PLAN OF THE TOWN AT THE CONFLUENCE OF THE Ohio and G. Kanhawa. 4°. Drawn by Genl. Geo. Washington, a Iwaulil'ul specimen of his handiwork. 31 COURSES, t;TC., OF 72 ACRES OF LAND, WHICH IS TO BE conveyed to Col. Fairfax by Geo. Washington, out of 484 acres purchased of Mr. Chas. West, together with the plan. In the handwriting of Gen. Geo. Washington, signed by him, together with his signature twice in the body of the document. >7i/^ JteZ.^^ 32 COPY OF A BOND GIVEN 15Y MATTHFAV RITCHIE TO (jco. Washington, June 1st, 1796, for the payment of g8,820, with / interest, signed by Mattiiew Ritchie. Echo. 2 pages. \/ AH 111 \\w liiUidwiillnK of i:c:ii. (Jrii. WuHlihi^loii, with hlH Hlu'iiHtiin! twice In Ihe body uiiU twice ijii the ImuU of the aocuinciil, ami liln iiutngraph leceliil fur 1 lie II rut Inalullnicnt in purl payment of the said bond. 33 THE COURSiCS Ol" DERRICK AND WELLS' PATENT, together with the plans. Ill the luiiidwillliig of Gcnl. Ueo. \Vushiiiyl^- ^^ «---2-'C — They were employed at his Mansion House, .Muddy Hole Farm, River Farm, Uogue Kun Farm, /I Vl«4<^vo. and Union Farm. irlJf'' 7^^- / ^^■'%- A magnificent specimen of his uccuraU; iiccounliny;, with two signatures. .U j^ / (m l^ 36 LIST OF THE UNITED STATES LOAN OFFICE CERTIFICATES w • . in Possession of and ]?cIonging to Geo. Washington. Payable in i/^^ Virginia, Payable in Maryland and Payable zX the United States ^ Office. Large folio, size 35x15 inches. In the handwriting of Genl. Geo. Wivsliington, with liis signature twice in llie body of the document. A iiittgnilicent specimen of his penmanship and accounting. 37 GENL. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S LEDGER, KEPT BY HIS Secretary, Tobias Lear, at the time Washington run the Mount Vernon Distillery and Fishery, in the Year 1799. Large folio, half bound. On page 37, Washington has written : Mount Vkbson, April 5, 1799. The above, and foregoing cash ace. has been examined all the articles of which have been found talrly stated, and satisfactorily vouched, and certified accordingly by GEO. WASHIXGTON. On page ;i'.) is u similar voucher in Washington's handwriting. Tliroughonl th(^ book will be found lunnci-ous intercsling iti'ins. In the lid^'cr liushrod Washington is charged with 29^gals, flue reetifled whiskie. $-27.04; James WilUinson witli .'ll-'i, gallons whi.skie, $18.60; Wm. A. Washing- ton with 219 gallons whiskie, $127.75; and Mrs. Sarah (jiiicUester with, 7000 lierrings, $7.00. 38 GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON'S PRIVATE MEMORANDUM Book. From Sept. 29, 1794 to Sept., 1797. 16°, boards. This valuable relic is on sixty closely written pages, in the handwriting of Genl. George Washington, and contains much matter of the greatest interest, he having enumerated all the various items for which he expended money, whether for charity, traveling expenses, household expenses, or otherwise. We quote a few of the most interesting. Sept. 29, 1794. To Cash received from the Treasury of the U. States & charged to me by Mr. B. Uandridge, 1000 Dollars. Oct. 4. By Servants & charity on the Road from Phila. to Carlyle, jEI. 10. 0. Nov. 20. By Cash sent Mr. Wm. Pearce to pay Mr. Lund Washington my donation to the Charity School m Alexandria, and Subscription to the Salary of the Kev. Mr. Davis, Incunib't of Fairfax Parish, 1300 Dollars. Feby. 20, 1795. Cash paid Mr. John Greenwood of the City of Xew York in lull for his services as Dentist to the present date, viz 00 Dollars, sent by Post In B. Notes. June 27. To cash rec'd for Margaret an Indented Serv't who redeemed her time, viz Sixty Dollars. July 24. Charge for a Box of Claret bo't 27 Doll. Aug. Expenses of my Journey to Philadelphiaeth At Wise'33— 9. Turnpike 1—8. Ferriage •>• 1/ / Geo Town 7 6- 7th Bill at Suteis 2. G. 7; Servants D 3. 9. Bill at Bladensb'g 8— 9; Servants at Do 3 lo' Bill at Vanhornes 15. 6 Servants Do 1. 10^- Getting horses ont of the Mire 1. 7. 6; 8lh Bill at Spurriors 1.-14-0. Servants Do 11. 1% ; ferriage Elkridse 2. 8. Bill at Baltimore 14. 1. Servants atDo3 9- <)th Billat Wehstersl. 10. «. Servants at Do ■>. 0. Kill at Hartloras. 9. Servants Do 3.0. Bill at'Snsquehanna 14. 8. Servants at Do 1. lOJ^ inth Bill at Charlestown 1 1. 8. Servants at D 1 lOVi Bill at Elkton 14. 8. Servants at Do 1. 10"^. Porier at Mitchells 3. c. Bill at the Bear s' lOVS'' Ditto at Newcastle 11. 10. Ferry over Christa 2. 10; 11th Bill at Wilmington 1. 2. 10. Ser- vants Do 11 7K Ferry over Brandy-Wine 2. 10. Bill ut Chester 10-9. Servants Do 2. 0. Ferry over Schuylkil 1 I. 6. Sundries pd for besides the above 1. 10. !1. loth by chanty 7-8. Given away 3—9. Do Do 3. 9. Oct. 10. Gave Nelly Custis, -for Pocket Money, 75 Gain.- £8. 15. 0. Nov 1 Sent Col. Carringtoii's expenses of an express to Mr. Patrick Henry, 25 Dollars. This snin ought to be charged to the public, being for a public purpose. Nov. 15. Lent Madame de Segor, a French Lady In distress. Fifty Dollars. May 7. By cash to Mrs. Washington, to pay sundry accts., Forty Dollars. .June 7. Received on account of my oompensation from the Treasury, the whole of what is, and will be due up to the last of this mo., amounting to $4596. July 10th, 1796. By cash sent Harriet M'ashingtou to buy her wedding cloaths, 100 Dollars. Oct. 20. By 90 out ot the 100 Hollars left with Mr. Thos. Peter lor the suffers by Arc, returned, he having disposed of only ten of them. Nov. 3. Gave Geo. W. Fayette, for the purpose of getting himself such small articles of clothing as he might want, and not chusc to ask for, 100 Dollars. Feb. 27, 1797. Gave Mrs. Washington, for her own purposes, 150 Dollars. June 6." Paid a clock maker lor setting my clock agoing, 9s. July 17. Paid for a lock and Roll of Pomatum, 2s. 6d. Aug 29 Sent Dr. Smith, President of Princeton College, on acet. of G. Washington Custis's board, schooling & expenses, 150 Dollars, & 40 Dollars more to be given to Mr. Custis to bear his expenses home at vacation. 39 GENERAL GEO. WASHINGTON'S LAST PRIVATE MEMO- randum book, Sept. i, 1797 to Dec. 3. 1799. Oblong, small 4°, Red boards. Thi'* book, which is on 81 closely written pages, in the handwriting of Genl. Geo. Washington, was used for a similar purpose to the one above ; is even more Interesting, as it contains the last item he wrote only a few days before his death. We quote a few from it. Sept. 23, 1797. Paid Peter Gilllng (French cook) 2 dollars. Oct. 8. Gave Mr. G. W. La Fayette a check on the Bank of Alexandria for the purpose of defraying his expenses to France, $300. Oct. 18. Gave my servant Christopher, to bear his expenses to a person at Lebanon, in Pennsylvania, celebrated for curing persons bit by mad animals, $25. Oct. 23. Christopher leturned of the above $12. Feby. 4, 1798. By cash paid Mr. Marshall ( Music ^Master) for tuning Miss Custis' Harp, $8. Feby. 13. By subscription to Mr. Bushrod Washington's proposed Chancery Keports, 1—10-0. April 7. By cash paid for taking up Caisar, a llunaway Negro, $25. July 4. By expenses at the Anniversary of ludopendenco in Alexandria, 1. 4. 0. Sep. 10. Sent as a donation for the distres-ed inhabitants of Philadelphia, to Mr. Jones and the Managers, $200. Dec. 7. To Two Months pay, Italions and forage rec'd from the public by \\'arrai)t from the Secretary of War, $1039..'i0, Dec 7 By cash paid for the following articles bought, for Miss Custis, Muslin, $65. A Thread Case for .Mrs. W., $7. A Doll for Eleanor Peter, $2..')0. Dee. 13. By cash paid for a Gold Watch for Washington Custis, $00, a Gold Watch Key, $2, Washed Chain, $1. Feby. 28. 1799. By cash i)aid .M r. W m. Herbert lor 4 setts of Belknap's Biography, subscribed for by me", $14. Dec. 3. Charge Mr. Lawrence Ijewis with cash $100, and with a check on the Bank of Alex- andria, $400. Credit the Bank therefor $100. ^^»^ This is the last memorandum Washington made in this book. 40 GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON'S MEMORANDUM OF SURVEYS, made from March 17, 1770 to Aug. 28, 1778, and from April 3 to April 20, 1799. 8°. Green vellum. This bookoontaiiis 78closely written pages, in the haiuiwriling of Genl. Geo. Washington; to the last survey entered he has alMxed bis signature. The breach which occurs between 1772an(l 1779 was covered by his services to his country. The book itself goes to show how correct he was ami how minutely he entered Into every detail of his business. ( am 41 TWO BONDS OF INDKMNITY GIVEN BY HKNRY LKK, Daniel I'ayne and Wni. Sava^^c, dated April 24tli, 1767, to Geo. W. Fairfax and Geo. Washington. Folio. 42 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM I IIS NEPHEW, Sam). Washington, dated Charles Town, July 7, 1797. 4'^ 2 pages. Gonl. Geo. \V»s)iiii(;tOTi has willleii on Uiu back, I' roiu All'. Saiiil. Wuxhlngton, 7lli July, 1707. 43 ARTICLES OF AGREEMICNT BICTWEEN GENL. GEORGE Washington and Israel Shreve, in relation to the sale of lands, . ^r dated March 3, 1795. Folio. 2 pages. l/^ Signed by Uuul. Geo. Wiishlngton, Col. Israel Shreve, Jus. R08s, Sbaldlock Negus and Saml. Jones. 44 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN GENL. GEORGE Washington and Thos Green, House Joiner & Carpepter, dated Oct. 2, 1793. Folio. 3 pages. <• signed by Genl. Goo. Wasliiugton, Thos. Green and B. Dandridge. The document la in the liandwrlting of Dandridge. 45 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM GEO. MASON, in reference to the sale of lands, dated Gunston Hall, 9th April, 1768. Folio. 4 pages. To the end of this letter Washington has written:— The Jjlnes to which this letter has reference, were settled by & between Col. .Masnn and my- self the 19 of April, 17(i'.l, as will appear (if there should ever be occasion to recur to it) by a Survey thereof made on that day in hi.s i)resence and with his approbation Entered among other pro- ceedings of a like sort'and tied up in a Hook wiih a green parchment cover, which Book is deposited along Willi my I. ami i'upers. Feby 'iSd, 178'.). GEO. WASHINGTON. 46 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM G. W. FAIR- FAX, dated Bel voir, Nov. 16th, 1765, in reference to Lands. Folio. Washington has written on the back ; "Sundry Plaits & Courses of Lands Copied from some Papers sent l>y Col Fairfa.v with the Inclos'd Letter 17(i5. These are no otherwise of conse- quence than as they show the contiguity w ith the Land bought of Charles West & Whiting." 47 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM G. W. FAIR- FAX. No Place. No Date. P'olio. Referring to Lands. Washington has written on the back "Letters from The lion G. W. Kairfa-t." 48 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM HIS NEPHEW, Sam'l Washington, dated Charles Town, April 25th, 1799. Folio, 2 pages. Washington has written on the back "From Mr Saml Wiushingtou ijth .\piil 17S9." 49 LETTER TO "HIS EXCELLENCY, LIEUT. GENL. WASHING- TON," from Alc.x. Addison, dated Pittsburgh, Nov. 8th, 1799. 4°. "The Event of our election for Governor by theintluence of abominable lies on the Germans has been unexpectedly unfortunate." Washington has written on the back "From Alex Adilison Ksq Sth Nov. 1799." 50 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM JAS. ROSS, \/" dated Pittsburgh, 2d Oct., 1797. 3 pages, 4°. Washington has written on the back "From tlie Hon Jas Uoss Oct '2d 1797." 51 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM ALEX. Addison, dated Washington, 22d Aug., 1798. 4'-', 2 pages. Washington has written on the back "From Alex Addison Esq i2d Aug 1798." / V lO 52 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM ALEX. McCauI, dated Camberwell (near London), Aug. 12, 1799, with postscript by Wm. Smith. FoHo, 3 pages. In reference to Mr. Kolit. Stobo's title to lands in Virginia, on account of his appointment in the Virginia regiment. 53 DEED OF TOBLA.S LEAR TO GEO. WASHINGTON, OF Shares in the Potomac Company, dated April 10, 1796. Folio, 2 pages. t / Signed by Tobias Lear, Robt. T. Hooe, George Gilpin and \^in. Hartshorne, and P. Wagener, \/ Clerk of the Court. 54 COL. CLEMENT BIDDLE'S ACCOUNT WITH GENL. GEO. Washington, together with Letter and Receipt from Col. Biddle, dated Phila., Jan. 12, 1802. 4°, 2 pieces. 55 DEED OF FEOFFMENT OF THE TRUSTEES OF ALEX- ANDRIA to Geo. Washington, dated Oct. 21, 1765. 4°. Signed by John Muirand Harry Piper. 56 BOND OF CHAS. WEST, FRANCIS PEYTON AND LEVIN Powell to Geo. Washington, dated Sept. 30th, 1772. Folio. 57 DEED OF TOBIAS LEAR TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON, for 15 shares of the Potomac Country, dated May 9, 1797. Folio. 2 pages. Signed by Tobias Lear, Geo. Gilpin, Uobt.T. Hooe, Zacha. Muncaster, Wm. Hartshorne and P. Wagener. 58 LETTER TO GENL. GEIO. WASHINGTON .FROM WM. Hartshorne, dated Alex., March 27, 1798, enclosing receipt for 20 shares in the Potomac Company, together with receipt. Folio and 4°. 2 pages. / 59 AUTOGRAPH PROPOSALS FROM MR. J. DANDRIDGE. 4°. Washington has written on the back, "Proposals from Mr. Jno. Dandridge, with a list of Slaves in his, or his Mother's possession, purchased for and belonging to G. W n. Sep. 1795." 60 COPY OF A POWER OF ATTORNEY GIVEN TO JAS. ROSS. 4°- Washington has written on the baclc, " Copy of a Power given to .James Uoss, Esq., relative to the land sold Mr. Xalh. Ritchie, 1st Jan., 17'.IG. 61 LETTER TO GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON FROM PEYTON Short, dated Woodford County, Kentucky, Nov. 1st, 1798. 8°. 2 pages. Relative to the payment of taxes. Washington has wrilt(;n on the back, "From ACr. Peyton Short, 1st Nov., 17il8." 62 LETTER FROM J. DANDRIDGE TO DR. DAVID STUART, dated Brandon, June 13, 179S. 8'^. 63 lp:tti<:r from lawrence lewis to bushrod Wash- ington, dated Wood Lawn, Feby 13, 1810, with the Lewis seal in red wax. 4°. 2 pages. Husband of Xelly Custis, and Washington's favorite nephew. 64 LETTER OF PHILIP B. KEY TO LAWRENCE LEWIS, Jan., 1813. 4=. Regretting his inability lo attend the .Sale of Genl. Washington's Estate. This letter Is much worm oaten and In bad condition. Mr. Key was the author of the " Star Spangled Banner." 1 1 65 LETTER FROM JOHN MARSHALL TO HON. B. HASSETT, C'hiff .luMlU't: ol Ihf United SLiit'tM, 'J'lil.s U-ltor Ih niiicfi worm nileii. 66 CilRTHnCATE OF PURCHASI': TO GENL. GEO. WASHING- TON, for lot.s in tlie City of Washington, dated Sept. 25tii, 1798. Folio. 67 GENL. G1':0. WASHINGTON'S MEMORANDUM SURVEY Book, from Nov. i6tli, 1767 to March 17th, 1770. I2°. CoiiHlstliig of 41 olosoly written piigoa In the lnuulwrltliig of Ouiil. Geo. Wa^^lilngloM. 68 LOT OF MEMORANDUMS OF SURVEYS IN THE HAND- WRITING of Genl. Geo. Washington. 69 LEASE OF GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON TO JAMES WELCH, and Deed of Trust of James Welch to Genl. Geo. Washington, both dated Dec. i6th, 1797. Tsvo (iocMiMK'iils of extiiioi'dinaiy leiigtli. eiich signed by UcnI. Geo. Wasliiiigton iind James Weleli; lliese liocuini-Mti are necomiiaiiied wltli a wrajjper, on wliicli Waslilngton ha.'* written, " Washington to \V<-I(!li — lAiase;'' and " W'eleli to Wusltiiigton, Deed of Trust." 70 A COPY OF THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST FROM JAMES Welch to George Washington. Tliis e.vceediiigiy Ijeautiful memento is on eight foiio pages, in the liandwriting of Genl. Geo. Washington; tliroiighont the body of tlie doetimeni, iiis signature appears eighteen times. The speeiiniMi of NVashington's htiudwrltiiig in the sale. 71 A COPY OF A LEASE FROM GEIORGE WASHINGTON TO James Welch, dated Dec. l6th, 1797. Folio, 12 pages. On the baeli of this Washington has written: "Copy, Lease from G. Washington to James Welsh dated 16th Dec. 1797." y2 TWO LETTER-PRESS COPIES OF LETTERS WRITTEN BY Genl. George Washington. 73 A DEED OF ROBERT PETER TO GEORGE WASHINGTON, dated May nth, 1795. 4°, parchment. 74 THREE PATENTS FOR LAND ISSUED BY BEVERLEY Randolph, Governor of Vii'ginia, to Genl. Geo. Washington, dated Dec. 7, 1773. 4°, parchment, 3 pieces. Kach has aflixed the signature of Gov. Ueveriey liandolpli and the ancient seal of Virginia. 75 A GRANT OF LAND ISSUED BY GEORGE III. TO JOSEPH Jones, dated July 7th, 1763, through his secretary, Fran. Fauquier. 4°, parchment, with the ancient Colonial Seal. 76 THEORIGINALCONTRACTENTEREDINTOBYLAWRENCE Lewis (executor of the estate of Genl. George Washington) with William Yeaton, for 5600 for building the wall around the tomb of Genl. George Washington at Mount Vernon, dated the 26th day of June, 1835, with the original sketch of the gate-way. •jy THE ORIGINAL BILL OF JOHN AND JAMES S. SCOTT TO the executors of the estate of Genl. George Washington for making mourning apparel for various members of the Washington family to attend the funeral of Genl. George Washington, dated Alexandria, Dec, 23d, 1799. Folio, 2 pages. /c ^JjJr^ l/lmnA i/vm .fUM^ ^^ "*^ Washington, consisting of i8 pieces of various denominations, with 12 78 COL. JOHN CANNON'S ACCOUNT OF RENT COLLECTED for Genl. George Washington. 4 pages, folio. Genl. George Wnshingtou h;is written on the biiek of this doeumcnl "Col. -Jiio. Cannous acct. of rents 23 April 173.5." 79 TWO ACCOUNTS OF SALES, EACH FOR 25 HOGSHEADS of tobacco, received and sold by James Maury, August, 1795, for the account of Genl. George Washington. 80 VIRGINIA PAPER CURRENCY OWNED BY GENL. GEORGE J/f^-/'^^^^^^ Washington, consisting of 79 pieces of various denominations, with ' tlM^^ Aceompaniea by a wrapper in which the money was enclosed, upon which Washington has /)/ It'^ O ^vritten "Given in by Gill SimiDSon. 19th June 1784, to G. Washington." ,^ '^, 8 1 VIRGINIA PAPER CURRENCY OWNED BY GENL. GEORGE /^ .^^f^S^ list of the .same Jy¥ 83 LOTTERY TICKETS OWNED BY GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON, consisting of 6 tickets in the Delaware Lottery, for land belonging I i ^ to the Earle of Sterling, in the provinces of New York and New Ajf ' ^i^ Jersey, together with the printed scheme of the lottery. On the bottom of the scheme of the lottery Washington has written, " 5298 to 5303 inclusive, kept by G. W. ; these numbers agree with the numbers on the lottery tickets, which are all in one piece, and signed by the Earle of Sterling. 84 LOTTERY TICKETS OWNED BY GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON, consisting of tickets in the United States Lottery, promulgated by a resolution of Congress passed at Philadelphia, Nov. iSth, 1776. All signed by John Purvianee. 85 OIL PORTRAIT OF BETTY WASHINGTON, from life, by Wertmuller. Life Size. Betty was the sister of Genl. Geo. Washington. This is the only portrait of this personage known to exist. 86 OIL PORTRAIT OF COL. FIELDING LEWIS, by Wertmuller. Col. Lewis, the fathei" of Lawrence Lewis {who was the husband of Nelly Custis, Washing- ton's adopted daughter) was Washington's greatest friend, and husband of his sister, Betty Washington. Life size. 87 GENL. GEO. WASHINGTON'S HALL, OR SIDE TABLE, mahogany, with fluted legs and Egyptian marble top. In an excellent state of preservation. 88 LARGE ROSE CHINA PUNCH BOWL. Owned by Genl. Goo. Washington, The bowl is KJ inches in diameter, was broken in half, but has been cleverly repaired. 89 SOLID SILVER PUNCH LADLE, WITH TWISTED WHALE- BONE handle. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington ; an exquisite piece of work ; curious shaped bowl. 90 CANTON CHINA SMALL TUREEN, WITH LID. This matches some other pieces of china now in possession of the Mount Vernon Society. It was decorated to order, at Canton, China, with the American eagle, for Genl. Geo. Washington. 91 TWO SILVER-PLATED, ON COPPER. SECRETARY CANDLE- STICKS. Owned bj' Genl. Geo. Washington, and used by him at his secretary when he was prono to write letters by candle light. A' 13 92 2 OLD ENGLISH SILVER I'LATED ON COPPER MANTEL Ciiiiillesticks. OwiMiil by Gcnl. \Vu«liinf;l'Hi, 93 OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATED ON COPPER HIGH LAMP Stand. Ownnd by (Jeiil. Wiishliifiton. 19 Inches in height, with base H Itichen In dlumctcr. Thl» could easily be iiHcrod Into u candlestick, 94 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS FRUIT DISH. Owned by (Jenl. Washington. I'oifect In every reBpcct. 95 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS WATER PITCHER. Owned by Gml. Washington, tutting being of diapuiy design. 96 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS CRFIAM PITCHER. Owned by tienl. Washington. Perfect In every respect. 97 8 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS PUNCH GLASSES- Owned by Oenl. Washington. Kluled lops with handles. Will be sold separately. 98 I DITTO. DAMAGED. 99 5 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS JELLY TUMBLERS. Owned by Genl. Washington. Flntedtops. To bcsold separately. 100 7 OLD ENGLISH DIAMOND ENGRAVED AND CUT MA- DEIRA Glasses, with square bases. Owned by Genl. Washington. To be sold separately . loi OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS BUTTER DISH. Owned by Genl. Washington. Fluted top. 102 2 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS SALT CELLARS. Owned by Genl. Washington. Fluted tops. 103 5 TALL HOCK GLASSES. Owned by Genl. Washington. 104 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS SHERRY. Owned by Genl. Washington. 105 2 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS MADEIRA DECANTERS. Owned by George Washington. 106 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS BRANDY DECANTER. Owned by (Jeul. Washington. Diamond and fan pattern. 107 2 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS PRESERVE DISHES. Owned by Genl. Washington. Fluted tops. 108 2 DITTO. SOMEWHAT SMALLER. Owned by Genl. Washington. To be sold sepamtely. 109 2 DECORATED FRENCH CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS. Owned by Genl. Washington. 1 10 DECORATED FRENCH CHINA CUP AND SAUCER. Owned by Genl. Washington. 1 1 1 DECORATED FRENCH CHINA CUP. Owned by Genl. Washington. >^^ J^ "JiwiH^*^ 14 1 1 2 PAIR PORCELAIN MANTEL VASES. Owned by Genl. Washiiigloii. These vases, which were made by the flrst porcelain manu- lUetorv, situated at Phihideli)hia nearthe river Schuylliill, are decorated with palmed medallions of scenes from Don Quixote, Naval Battle, etc., with gilded griffin handles, and highly burnished gold bases. They were no doubt presented by the manufacturer to Genl. Washington. 113 2 WHITE CANTON CHINA DESSERT PLATES, GILT DECO- RATIONS. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 114 WHITE CANTON CHINA BERRY DISH, GILT DECORA- TIONS. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 115 FINE OLD FRENCH MARBLE MANTLE CLOCK. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. This clock has the old-fashioned bull's eye face, with brass hands ; the works ai-e supported bv four columns of black marble resting on a marble base, and supporting a white marble top piece, surrounded by ISuhl work emblematic of the American eagle; the pendulum represents the San with divulgent rays. The whole is a work of ai-t such as will be hard to And even in this period of excellence in manufacture and taste. Made by Ureul, of raris. 116 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS CANDELABRA BASE, with one arm piece. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. Can be altered into a beautiful one-light candlestick. 117 CARVED MAHOGANY PIANO STOOL. Owned by Xelly Custis, adopted daughter of Genl. Geo. Washington, and wife of Lawrence Lewis. The seat represents two dolphins, their tails forming a back rest. The base, which is handsomely carved, is supported by lour dolphins. 118 OLD ENGLISH OPENWORK SILVER PLATED ON COPPER, Cake Basket. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 119 BRANDY CASTER, CONTAINING AN EXQUISITELY CUT glass decanter, and 8 cut gkiss brandy tumblers, resting on fire-gilt tray, inlaid with decorated mirror Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. A beautiful specimen of cut glass. 120 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS CELERY HOLDER. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 121 OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATED ON COPPER, LIQUOR Caster, with 4 exquisite cut glass bottles. Owuca by Liiwrencc Lewis, favorite nephew of Genl. Geo. Wabhiu^ton, and husband ol Nelly Custis, and supposed to have also been the i^roperty of Genl. Geo. Washington. 122 OLD ENGLISH CUT ROSE GLASS SHERRY DECANTER. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 123 3 CURIOUSLY CARVED INDIAN CLAY PIPES, WITH Stems. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington, and presented to him by various Indian Chiefs. Not only rare on account of thidr relationship to Washington, but exquisite pieces of North American Indian worlcmanshfp. 124 OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATED ON COPPER, CANDLE Snuffer Tray. Owned by Genl. Geo. Washington. 15 125 NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN WAR CLUB, WITH SPEAR blade, the liandlc is studded with brass nails and bound with raw hide. Owned by J.iiwicnt'i: I.cwln. 126 MALAY CREASE, WriH WOODEN SCABBARD AND CURI- OUSLY carved cocoa wood handle. Owned by Lawrence Lewis. 127 OLD ENGLISH WEDGEWOOD WATER PITCHER. Owned l>y Lawienee Lewis. 128 ENGLISH CHINA FRUIT PLATE. Owned liy Lawrence Lewis. 129 2 FRENCH CHINA WATER PITCHERS, DECORATED WITH gilt bands. Owned by Mrs. Lorenzo Lewis, wile uf the MOn of Lawrence Lewis. 130 SMALL CARARA MARBLE BUST OF GENL. ZACKARY Taylor. Presented to Nelly Custis, adopted daughter of Genl. Washington, by (ien. Taylor him- self, an exquisite piece of seulpluie. 131 BRONZE POMPEIAN LAMP, DECORATED Willi NUDE figures. Supposed to have been the property of Gcnl. Washington. 132 OLD ENGLISH CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS GOBLET with square base. Owned by Lawrence Lewis ; engraved with the letter, square base. 133 OLD ENGLISH SOLID SILVER PEPPER BOX. 134 4 CUT GLASS ASSORTED WINE. 135 12 PURPLE GLASS HOCKS. 136 REVOLUTIONARY POWDER FLASK, MADE OF OX HORN, inlaid with white bone. 137 MEXICAN CURBED BIT, WITH PLATED HORSE HIDE reins. 138 PAIR HANDSOMELY CARVED WOOD MEXICAN STIR- RUPS, captured at the Battle of Monterey. 139 MEXICAN EMBROIDERED LEATHER SADDLE BAG, captui-ed at the Battle of Monterey. 140 MAROON CLOTH PIANO COVER. Handsomely embroidered by Nelly Custis, adopted daughter of Gcnl. George Washington. /^r^ '^^^Mc' 141 OVAL PORCELAIN PLACQUE, WITH BUST OF BENJ. Franklin in relief, surrounded by a wreath of roses and lilies in J high relief. Presented to Genl. Geo. Washington by some of his admirers. This is no doubt unique and Is an exquisite piece of workmanship iii porcelain, size of placque sy^ in. by 8^ in. J^ i6 THE LIBRARY. 142 Home, Henry. Loose hints upon education, chiefly concerning the culture of the heart. 8°, calf. Edingurgh, 1782 From the librai-y of Geul. Ueo. Washiiiston, with his autograph on the title page. 143 Ramsay, Allan. The tea table misccllanj', or a choice collection of ,f songs, Scots and English, 12th edition, portrait. 4 vols, in i. 12°, old calf. Edinburgh, 1760 This volume of Facitious Poetry contains ou the title page the autograph of "Martha Parke Custis, 1768," hofore she became Mrs. Geul. George Washington. ^^ 144 Hervey, James. Meditation and contemplations. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 12°, old calf. London, 1750 These voIaniRs contain4aulographsof Mary Washington, mother of Genl. Geo. Washington: she has once written her name on the back of each frontispiece, and twice on the title page of vol ""1 Mary Washington's autograph is the rarest of all the Washington family. >>^ 145 The Female Spectator. Frontispiece. Vol.2. 12°, old calf. London, 1750 Has the autograph of Mary Washington on title page. 146 Ditto. Vol. 3. Has the autograph of Mary Washington on title page. 147 Ditto. Vol. 4. Has the autograph of Mary Washington on title page, and a letter-press copy of a letter of Genl. George Washington, inserted. 248 Williams, Helen Maria. Letters from France, containing a great variety of original information concerning the most important events that have occurred in that country in the years 1790-91- 92-93. 6 vols, in 3. 12°, calf, gilt. Dublin, 1794 Has the autograph of M. Washington in two of the volumes. 149 Sharp, Dr. John. A Sermon preached before the Queen at St. James' Chapel, on Good Friday, March 26th, 1703. 12°, boards. London, 1778 Has the autograph of M. Washington on the second page. 1 50 The Bee, or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, by James Anderson. Vol 7. 12°, old calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1792 Has written on the title page "Given to Eleanor Parke Lewis by herbeloved Grand Mamma." This volume was evidently taken fi'omthe Library of Genl. Geoige Washington, as several volumes of this same work appeared in the catalogue of his library which was sold in 1876, and were bound to match this one. 151 Rigg, Edward. The new American Latin Grammar. i6°, sheep. A school book used by George Washington Parke Curtis, Washington's adopted soi his autograph on title page as also his autograph written out in full on Ihe inside of cover. ^^Tyf^M'*'*'^ 152 Gray, Mr. Poems by. 120. London, 1768 ' ' Hiis the antoiiranh on title page ".John Kandolph, Virginia, 1787." Originally bound in old Has the autograph on title page ".John Kandolph, Virginia, 1787." Originally bound in old calf, one side of cover missing. 153 White, John. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales, with 65 plates of nondescript Animals, Birds, Lizards, Serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions. 4°, old calf, gilt. London, 1790 The prints In this book were colored by Kleanor Parke Lewis, in the year 1801. '7 154 Iicland, Sanuicl. Picturesque views on the River Wye, from its source at I'linlimnion Mill to its junction with the Severn below Chepstow, with observations on tiic Public J^uildings and other works of art in its vicinity, with 31 aquetints. Small 4'^, half roan. London, 1797 I-ari^o impcr t'opy, fr*>ui llie author, with the uutotrruph of Kleitiior J'iirkt: LcwiH on llrHl pngo ol' piffiice. 155 Grammatical Exercise Book, in the handwriting of Eleanor Parke Curtis, Washington's adopted daughter, with her autograph in several places throughtout the book. 1 56 Thomas, Robt. The Modern Practice of Physic. 8°, sheep. New York, 1871 Willi uulogi'u|)h of EliMiMoi- I'aike Lewis on title page. 157 Roscoe, Wm. The Life of Lorenzo De Medici, call the n-agnificent. , (^f'*-'^^^ , Portrait. 2 vols. 8°, old calf. Philadelphia, 1803 ' On each title piijje is written In NellioCustis' humiwiiting "Eleanor P. Lewis For mychild George Wushinglun (Justls Lewis." 158 Roscoe, Wm. The Life and Pontificate of Leo X. Portraits. 4 vols. f^^t^i /^ 8°, old calf, gilt, Philadelphia, 1805 '^ On each litU; page is written " Eleanor I*arlve Lewis, Marchlth, 1311, For my child Lorenzo Lewis." 159 A collection of Poems. Vol. 6. 12°, old calf. London, 1766 With the Ijcwis Book Plate, and autograph of Eleanor Parlce Custis Lewis. 160. Smith, Charlotte. Montalbcit, a novel. 2 vols. 12°, sheep. Printed by Geo. Kline. Philadelphia, N D Has antograpli of Kleanor Parke Lewis on each title page. 161 Bloomfield, Robt. The wild flowers, or Pastral and Local Poetry. Illustrated with wood engravings. 12°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1806 Contains the poem on Dr. Jenncr's Celebrated Discovery of Vaccination. Has autograph of Kleanor Parke Lewis on title page. 162 La Fontaine, Augustus. The Village Pastor and his Children. 2 vols. 12°, boards, uncut. New York, l8lO Has autograph of Eleanor Farke Lewis on title page. 163 Rowson Mrs. The Inquisitor, or Invisible Rambler. 3 vols, in I. 12°, old calf. Philadelphia, 1794 lias .lutograpU of Klean<»r Parke Ciislis twice on V)ack of title and twice on tirst page of preface. i6.| Porter, Afiss Jane. The Scottish Chiefs. 3 vols., 12^, sheep. Philadelphia, 1810 On the flrsl page of preface is written "Eleanor Parke Lew-Is, Aug., 1810. Headers are re- qtiested not to fold down the leaves of this book, or hold them too near the Are." 165 Porter, jVnna Maria. The Lake of Killarney. A Novel. 2 vols., 12°, half bound. Philadelphia, iSio Has autograph of Eleanor Parke Lewis on each title page. 166 Roche, Maria Regina. Nocturnal Visit. A Tale. 2 vols., 12°, sheep. Dublin, 1801 • Has autograph of Eleanor Parke Lewis on each title page. Wants one side of cover of Vol. 3. 167 Cormack, Rev. Jno. Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. Translated from the French of Fcnclon. 2 vols., i6°,calf, neat. Eldinburgh, 1 808 Has written on each title page "Eleanor Park Lewis, For my child, Lorenzo Lewis, 18U.'* /^L^'/T^ i8 ^lyuJ/V' 1 68 Beattie, James. Works of. Portrait, i o vols., 1 6°, calf, gilt. ' f}^ Philadelphia, 1809 Has autograph of Eluauor 1". Lewis on each title page. 169 Bloomfield, Robt. The Banks of Wye. A Poem. i6°, boards. New York, 1812 Owned by Eleanor P. Lewis. 170 Vega, Lope dc. Poesias Escogidas de, y dc D. Juan de Jauregui. 16°. calf. Madrid, 1821 Has written on the fly leaf "Mrs. Lewis will please accept this little volume from a grateful representative of a survivor of 'Tli—'^'ai/i/wi'/oB." "O Libertart preeiosa, no comparaaa ae oro— La Fayette.'''' ^ I \/ 171 The Literary Miscellany of Prose and Poetry. Frontispiece. V^r 16°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1795 Has autograph of "Eleanor Parke Custis, 1798" on liack of title page. 172 Fenelon's Adventure de Telemaco. Portrait. 2 vols., i6°, sheep. London, i8oi Has written on title page "Presented bv Mr. deCezeron to Eleanor Parke Lewis, at Bath, Aug. nth, 181-2." 173 Scottj Walter. Marmion. A Tale of Flodden Field. 16°, calf Philadelphia, 1 807 With autograph of E. P. LcVis on fly leaf. 174 Three Odd Volumes of Novels, Etc. 12°, sheep. All with autograph of Eleanor Parke Custis on title page. 175 Volume of Piano Music owned by Eleanor Parke Custis, with her autograph in several places throughout the book. Containing Overture to the Deserter. Philadelphia, printed for A. Reinagle. A selection of the most favorite Scot's tunes, with variations for the piano forte or harpsicorde. Composed by A. Reinagle, Phila- delphia ; printed for the author, John Aitken, sculpt. Federal March as performed in the grand procession in Philadelphia, July 4th, 1788, composed by Alex. Reinagle. Chorus, sung before Genl. Washington as he passed under the triumphal arch, raised on the bridge of Trenton, April 21st, 1789, set to music and dedicated by permission, to Mrs. Washington, by A. Reinagle, Philadelphia. Printed for the author. C. Tibout, Sculp. A collection of favorite songs, sung at Vaux Hall. Rendered for the piano-forte by Alex. Reinagle, Philadelphia. Printed for A. Reinagle. J. Aitken, Sculp. Parts I and 2, also several other pieces of music bearing early Philadelphia imprints. 176 Volume of Piano Music, owned by Eleanor Parke Custis, with her autograph on the title page, containing The President's March. Arranged for two performers on one piano by R. T. Taylor, Phila- delphia. F^ngraved and published by Wm. Priest. A Poor Little Gypsy, composed by Dr. Arnold and published by Mr. Trisobio, No. 66 North Front Street, Philadelphia. President's March and Caira, publi.shed by Carr & Co., Philadelphia, and several other pieces of music bearing early Philadelphia imprints. 177 3 Volumes of I'iano Music, owned by Eleanor Parke Custis, including several pieces of music, the score and words written by various members of her family. 19 17S Volume (jl Music bclon^'iiif; to Eleanor I'arkc Custis, coiUainiii^ the Battle of Trenton, a Sunato for the piano forte, dedicated to Gcnl. Washington, New York. Printed and sold by James I fcwitt, together with several other pieces of early music. 'I'Ik^ |i1ortriilts. 179 Volume of Piano Music, the words written and the score drawn by — Martha Parke Custis, wife <)( Genl. George Washington, with iier name on fly leaf, written by Genl. Washington, " Martha Parke j/^^^^^^ Custis, March, 1768." Oblong. 4°, sheep. 180 3 Volumes of Piano Music, owned by Eleanor Parke Custis, containing Major Andre's Complaint. Philadelphia. Printed at Carr & Co.'s Musical Repository, together with several other pieces of music, bearing early Philadelpliia imprints. 181 2 Volumes of Opera Music, owned by Eleanor Parke Custis. Oblong. 4°. On the title page of one is inscribed, " l^rouglit from Rome for K. P. Curtis, and presented by Signer Cerrachi, 1704." 182 Episcopalian Harmony, containing hymns of the Protestant Episco- palian Church, set to music. Oblong. 4°, boards. Owned by Eleanor Parke Lewis, with her autograph on cover. 183 Seven Volumes Music owned by various members of the Washington Family. All of the following books are from the estate of the late La-wrence Lewis, and his son Lorenzo Lewis, many of them, no doubt, are from Gen'l. George Washington's Library. 184 Birch's Views. The City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania, North America, as it appeared in the year 1 800, consisting of 28 plates, drawn and engraved by W. Birch & Son, published by W. Birch, Springland Cot, near Neshaminy Bridge, on the Bristol Road, December 31st, 1800. Oblong, imperial 4°. Original boards. A (roinplc'tc copy ot this exoeeiluiiily rai'e work, in which the plates are all colored, some- what water .«Hiiiie(l, but on accounl of the extreme scarcity of the book it may be considered a fair copy, owned by Lawrence Lewis, with his auloy;iiiph on title. 185 Birch's Country Seats. The Country Seats of the United States of North ^t,-^^^"/^ America, with some scenes connected with them designed and pub- >>'^ lished by W. Birch, enamel painter, Springland, near Bristol, Pa., 1808. Oblong, 4°, half roan. Consisting of 13 plates, eoloicd by hnnd: portion of the margin of title page and preface has been cut off, very rare. 1 86 Wilson, Alexander. American Ornithology or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature. 9 vols. 4°, half roan. Philadelphia, 1808 Owned by Lawrence Lewis, wilh auto^iajib on tille, I he plates are foxed, which is usual with all copies of this work. J^ >w^~^ <}\^V~~~- 20 1S7 Dryden, John. The Tables of. Ornamt-ntcd with beautiful vignettes, and full page engravings from the pencil of the Hon. Lady Diana Beauclerc. Royal folio, old calf, gilt. London, 1797 188 Boswell, Henry. The Antiquities of England and Wales displayed, con- taining copius historical descriptions of the most remarkable and elegant ruins of ancient buildings, illustrated with old copper plates. Folio, old calf, binding broken. London, 1795 189 Cook, James. A Voyage toward the South Pole, and around the world in 1772-73-74-75. Illustrated with fine old copperplates, engraved by W. Wollett and others, and maps. 2 vols. 4°, sheep. London, 1784 190 Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel. A Voyage Around the World, but more particularly to the northwest coast of America, performed in 1785- 86-87-88. Illustrated with portrait and copper plates. 4°, calf gilt. London, 1789 191 Fenelon, Salignac De La Mothe. The Adventures of Telemachus. Translated by John Hawkesvvorth. Illu.strated with the beautifiul engravings after Stodhart. 2 vols, in i. 4°, half calf, gilt. London, 1795 192 Harleins Miscellany, A selection from the. Of Tracts which princi- pally regard the English History, of which many are referred to by Hume. 4°, calf, gilt. London, 1793 193 Hogarth, Wm. The Genuine Graphic work.s of. Consisting of 160 engravings, faithfully copied from the original by Thos. Cook. 4°, old calf. London, 181 3 194 Edward's Collection of scarce and Interesting Tracts, tending to eluci- date detached parts of the history of Great Brilian ; selected from Sommers' Collections, and arranged in chronological order. 4°, half calf, gilt. London, 1795 195 Gifford, John. The Reign of Louis XIV, and complete history of the French Revolution. 4°, old calf. London, 1795 196 Martyn, Wm. F. The Geographical Magazine or New System of Geography, with views, maps and globes. 2 vols. 4^^, half calf. London, 1784 197 Johnson, Saml. Dictionary of the Language. Portrait. 2 vols. 4°, half calf, calf London, 1822 198 Skinner's American Farmer, from the commencement, April, 1819 to March iSth, 1825. 6 vols. 4°, half Russia. Baltimore 199 Fox's Book of Martyrs, revised by the Rev. John Malliam. Illus- trated. 4°, half gilt. Philadelphia, 1830 200 Adams, Michael. New Royal System of Universal Geography, with plates and maps. 4°, calf. London, N D 201 Waldie's Select Circulating Library, 13 odd volumes. 4°, half roan. 202 Fac-simile of Washington's Accounts from June, 1775 to June, 1783. Folio roan. Washington, 1833 M^^-/^^ 21 203 Tliirty Colored Portraits in costume of noted French Actors and Actresses. Hound in i vol. Folio, half roan. 204 Thirty-seven Lithographic Portraits of Imminent I'Vench Characters of the period of the French Revolution. 1 vol. 4°, half roan. 205 Amos, Win. The Theory and Practice of Drill Husbandry. Illus- trated. 4°, boards, uncut. Boston, I 802 206 Miller, J. The Country Gentlemen's Architect. With 32 plates. 4°. j^^^^"'"' London, 1797 207 Thorsby, John. The History and Antiquities of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham. Containing the whole of Thoroten's account of that place and all that is valuable in Dccring. With portrait and numerous fine old etchings and copper plates. 4°, calf. • Nottingham, 179s 208 Simpson, Rev. Joseph. Science Revived ; or, the Vision of Alfred. A Poem. 4°, boards, uncut. London, 1802 209 Atkinson's Book of Nature. Numerous plates. Vol. i, 4^, boards. Philadelphia, 1834 210 The Cultivator. From March, 1834 to December, 1837. 4°, boards. Albany 211 The Literary Gazette; or, Journal of Criticism, Science and the Arts. January 6th to December 29th, 1 821. 4°, half bound. Philadelphia 212 Rees' Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art and Litera- ture. 41 vols, text and 6 vols, plates, together 47 vols. 4°, half roan. Philadelphia, N. D 213 Pinkerton, John. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interest- ing Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. Illu.strated with numerous engravings. 6 vols., 4°. Philadelphia, 1810 214 Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the Years 1838 to 1842. Illu-strated. 5 vols, and atlas, imperial 8°, uncut. Philadelphia, 1845 215 Longacre & Herring's National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. With all the portraits. 3 vols., royal 8°, half Russia. Philadelphia, 1834-36 216 Bentley's Miscellany. American Edition. With numerous illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, etc. 10 vols., 8°, half calf. New York, 1838-42 217 Penny Magazine. 3 odd vols., 8°. m^^C^ 218 Brownell, Thos. C. The Family Prayer Book. Imperial 8^, sheep. New York, 1841 219 Andubon, Jno. Jas. Ornithological Biography; or. an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States. Accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work, entitled the Birds of America. Royal 8^, muslin, uncut. Philadelphia, 1831 >^^^^^ yi4r 4maJ^- (( 22 220 Webber, C. W. The Hunter-Naturalist. Romance of Sporting ; or, Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Illustrated. Royal 8°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1852 221 Illustrations of the Celebrated Traj^edy of Faustus, by Goethe. En- graved by Henry Stone. Oblong 4°, boards. Washington, 1824 222 Combe, Wm. The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of Con- solation. Colored plates by Rowlandson. 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1822 223 McKenney, Thos. L. Memoirs, Official and Personal. With Sketches of Iravels among the Northern and Southern Indians. Illustrated. 8°, cloth. New York, 1846 224 Cuvier, Baron. The Animal Kingdom. The Crustacea, Arachnides and Insecta, by P. A. Latreille. Translated by H. McMurtrie. Illustrated. 4 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. -New York, 1831 225 Prescott, Wm. H. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Prelimi- nary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, cloth. New York, 1847 226 Moore, Thos. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. With Notices of his Life. Portrait. 2 vols., 8"^, boards, uncut. New York, 1830 227 Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets. 3 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1823 228 Scott, Sir Walter. The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1827 229 Davis, Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. With Miscellaneous Selections from his Correspondence. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. New York, 1S36 230 Buckland, Rev. Wm. Geology and Mineralogy. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1837 231 Le Sage's Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane Tran.slated by T. H SmoUet, with the illustrations by Smirke. ,» 3 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. New York, 1824 232 .Shaw, Geo. General Zoology. Illustrated. 8 vols., 8°, boards. London, 1825 233 Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of the State of New York. Vol. 2, 8°, boards, uncut. Albany, 1823 234 Lewis and Clark, Capts. History of the Expedition under the Com- mand of, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence Across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, in 1S04-S-6. 'With Maps. 2 vols, 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 18 14 235 Russell, Wm. The History of Ancient Europe, with a View of the Revolution in Asia and Africa; and The History of Modern Europe, with an account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Together 8 vols., 8°, calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1800-1 fl^ 23 236 Morris, (jouvcrncur. Tlic Life of. With Selections from Ills Corres- pondence and Miscellaneous Tapers. By Jared Sparks. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 237 Pitkin, Timothy. A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. 8°, boards, uncut. New York, 1817 Pruii«iitu11(iii copy to Lawrence Lewis from tlic uuthor. 238 Peale, Rembrandt. Notes on Italy. 8", boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1831 239 Parry, Wm. The Last Days of Lord liyron. With Mis Lordshiji's Opinions on Various Subjects. With colored plates. 8°, boards, uncut. London, 1825 Very rare. » 240 Browne, D. J. The Sylva Americana or a Description of the Forest Trees indigcneous to the United States. Practically and Botani- cally considered. Illustrated. S°, muslin, uncut. Bo.ston, 1832 Scarce. 241 Boaden, Jas. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. 8°, uncut. Philadelphia, 1827 242 Puckler-Muskau, Prince. Tour in England, Ireland and France. 8°, uncut. Philadelphia, 1833 243 Taylor, Gcnl. Z. Life and Public Services of. New York, 1846, and Genl. Taylor's Life, Battles and Dispatches, Philadelphia, 1847. In one volume. 8°, boards. 244 Hemans, Mrs. Felica. The Forest Sanctuary and other Poems, and The League of the Alps and other Poems. 2 vols. 8^, cloth uncut. Boston, 1826-27 245 Segur, Count. Memoir and Recollections of. 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1825 Willi uutoi^niph of Eleuiior Pivrke Lewis on title. 246 Virginia. Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of, for 1810. 8°, boards. Richmond, 181 1 247 Spanish Inquisition. Records of the. 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 248 Washington, Genl. Revolutionary orders of. Issued during the years 1778-80-81 and 82. Selected from the MSS. of Jno. Whiting. 8", cloth, uncut. New York, 1844 249 Saet, Henry. A Voyage to Abyssenia, and Travels in that Country. 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 18 16 250 Porter, Capt. David. Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, in the Lfnited States Frigate " Essex," in the years 1812-13 and 14. Illustrated. 2 vols in i. 8"", boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1815 251 Wood, Thos. The Mosaic History of the Creation of the World. 8°, cloth. New York, 1831 ^}f^^<^yr ;?^i.v^>^ ^^'-'^/r^ 'k'^^ 1 24 252 Hone, Wm. The Table Book, with 70 Engravings by Cruikshank and others. 2 vols. 8°, boards, uncut London, 1827 First edition. 253 Another copy, in the same condition. 254 American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine from the commence- ment, September, 1829, to August, 1834. Vol i to 5. 8°, half Russia. Baltimore Very scarce, with all the Plates and Portraits of Famous Horses, incliKliiig a View of "The Castle of the State in Schuylkill." 255 Co.xe, Jno. R. An Inquiry unto the Claim of Dr. Wm. Harvey, to the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood. 8°, boards. 2 copies. Philadelphia, 1834 256 Stephens, Jno. L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8°. cloth. New York, 1841 First edition. 257 Sanderson, Jno. Biography ot the Signers to the Declaration of Inde- pendence, with portraits. 9 vols., old tree calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1823 Fine copy. First issue. H 258 Clarenden, Edward, Earl of The History of the Rebelhon and Civil Wars in England. 6 vols., 8^, calf. Boston, 2827 259 Analectic Magazine. The. With all the Plates, Jan. 181 3 to Dec. 18 14. 4 vols., 8°, half roan. Philadelphia 260 Sporting Magazine. The. Or Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf. 'J he Chase and every other Diversion. Numerous plates. Oct. 1792 to Sep. 1795. 6 vols., 8°,old calf. London 261 Botta, Chas. History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8°, slieep. New Haven, 1834. 262 Vaillant, M. Le. Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, by the way of the CapeofGood Hope, in 1780, '81, '82, '83, '84 and '85. Illus- ti-ated with copper plates. 5 vols., 8^, call, gilt. London, 1796 263 Goldsmith, Oliver. A History of the Earth and Animated Nature. Illustrated. 5 vols., 8^, calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1825 264 Plutarch's Lives. Translated by Jno. and Wm. Langhorne. 4 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1825 265 Josephus, Flavins. The Genuine Works of. Translated by Wm. Whuston, revised by Rev. Saml. Burder. 4 vols., 8°, half calf. New York, 1823 266 Another copy. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1829 267 Byron, Lord. The Poetical Works of With Illustrations by Stothard. 4 vols., 8° calf, gilt, marble egde. Murray, London, 1815 268 Bisset, Robt. The History of the Reign of George III to the Termina- tion of the late War. 4 vols., 8°, sheep. Baltimore, 1810 25 269 Saint Picriu, J. 11. 15. I)c. Studies of Nature. Illustrated. 8°, calf London, 1798 270 Smollett, rcjbias. 'I'hc Miscellaneous Works of. With the Plates by "^^l.^—^ Rowlandson. 6 vols., 8°, sheep. Fldinburgh, 1780 271 Ilume, David. The History of Kngland. From the Invasion of Julius Ciesar to the Revolution in 1688. Portraits. 7 vols., 8'^, calf Baltimore, 18 10 Has a\ilO(;iupli ot Kloiinor rmko J.uwls on the title puges. 272 Smollett, T. The History of p^ngland from the Revolution to the Death of George II. Portraits. 4 vols., 8°, calf. Baltimore, 1810 Pi-eaentod to Lorenzo Lewis. By his mother, Eleanor Parke Lewis. 273 Tacitus, Cornelius. The Works of With an Essay on his Life and Genius. By Arthur Murphy. 6 vols., 8'-', paneled, calf, gilt. Washington, 1822 274 Charlevoix, Father. The History of Paraguay, containing amongst many other New, Curious and Interesting Particulars of that Country. 2 vols., 8°, old calf Dublin, 1769 27s Dwight, Timothy. Theology : Explained and Defended. 4 vols., 8°, sheep. New York, 1828 276 Accum, P'rederick. System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 18 14 277 Godman, Jno. D. American Natural History. Illustrated. 3 vols., 8^, sheep. Philadelphia, 1826 278 Spain. The History of I'roin the Establishment of the Colony of Gades by the Phoenicians to the Death of Ferdinand. 3 vols., 8°, calf. London, 1793 279 P'rance. The History of From the most early records to the Death of Louis XVI. The ancient Part by Wm. Beckford. 4 vols., 8°, sheep. London. 1794 280 Adams, Geo. Astronomical and Geographical Essays. 8°, old calf. Whitehall, 1800 281 Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Portraits. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1812 282 Marshall, H. The History of Kentucky. Exhibiting an account of the Modern Discovery, Settlement, Progressive Movement, Civil and Military Transactions, and the Present State of the Country. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. P'rankford, 1824 283 Register of the Times or Political Museum. Containing a Select, Impartial and Interesting Collection of Political Transactions and Occurences, with all the Portraits. Plates and Maps. Vols., i to 8. 8°, sheep. London, 1794-95 284 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Vols., 1 to 3, 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1S08-14 Contains a Statistical Account of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge, ISWi, with Plate. :w/K -M^ ft 26 285 Marsliall, Jno. The Life of George Washington. Portrait. 5 vols. Text 8°, and i vol. Maps. 4°. Together 6 vols., half roan. Philadelphia, 1804 286 Smith, Samuel -S. Sermons by. 2 vols. 8-^, .sheep. Philadelphia, 182 1 287 Perouse, J. F. G. De La. Voyage Round the World in 1785-86-87- 88. With Portraits and Maps. 3 vols., 8°, sheep. London, 1798 288 Port P'olio. The. A Monthly Magazine conducted by Oliver Old- school. From the Commencement January 1809, to July 1816. With all the Plates. 15 vols., 8^, half roan. Philadelphia Fine Set. 289 Bronson's Select Reviews and Spirit of the Foreign Magazine. Vols. I to 8. 8°, half roan. Philadelphia, 1S09-12 Rare. 290 English Review ; or, an Abstract of English and Foreign Literature. From January, 1783 to June, 1793. 21 vols., 8°, half calf. London 291 Coxe's Emporium of Arts and Sciences. May, 1812 to October, 1814. 5 vols., 8°, half roan. Philadelphia 292 Hall, Thos. A Complete Body of Husbandry. Illustrated. 4 vols., 8°, old calf. London, 1758 293 Denon, Vivant. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt Illu.strated. 2 vols., S'^, sheep. New York, 1803 294 Buffon's Natural History. Abridged. Illustrated; 2 vols., 8°, sheep. London, 1792 295 Volney, C. F. Travels Through Syria and Egypt in 1783-4-5. Illus- trated. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. London, 1788 296 Robert=on, Wm. The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles Y. 3 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 18 12 297 Shakespeare, Wm. The Plays of Illustrated with copper plates. 8 vols., 8°, sheep. London, 1796 298 Washington, Bushrod. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals, Virginia. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Richmond, 1798 299 Worthington, Wm. The Evidence of Christianity. 2 vols., 8°, old calf London, 1769 300 I'remont, J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 8°, cloth. Washington, 1845 301 Pike, Major Z. M. An Account of the Expeditions to the Source of the Mississippi and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte and Pierre Jaun Rivers. With illustrations. I vol. te.xt, 8°, and l vol. maps, 4° ; together, 2 vols. Philadelphia, 18 10 27 302 Smcllic, Win. The I'liilosophy of Natural History. 8'^, slicc[). Philadelphia, 1791 303 Davics, W'tii. Plays Written for a Private Theatre. 8°, calf. London, 1786 304 Money, J. The History of the Campaign of 1792 between the Armies of P" ranee and the Allies. 8*^, calf London, 1794 305 Burns, Robt The Works of. With Life. 8^^, sheep. New York, 1826 306 Carter, Geo. A Narrative of the Loss of the Grosvenor, East Tndia- man. Illustrated. 8°, old calf London, 1791 307 13un)'an, Jno The Pilgrim's Progress. 8°, calf. New York, 1822 308 Acts Passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia for 1807 and 1808. In one vol , 8°, boards. Richmond 309 Piorrow. Geo. The Bible in Spain. 8°, half roan. Philadelphia, 1843 310 Uwight, Timothy. Sermon, September 16, 181 3, before the American Board for P'oreign Mission. 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1 81 3 I'l'orientalion cojjy I'roju tlie luitlioi' to Mrs. Elcjinnr p. Lewis. 31 I Ruschenbergcr, W. S. W. A Voyage Round the World in 1835, '36 and '37. 8°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1838 312 Cruikshank's Universal Songster. Illustrated. Vol. i. 8^, half bound. London, 1825 313 Tucker, G. ICssays on Various Subjects of Taste. Morals and National Policy. 8°, calf, gilt. Georgetown, 1822 Piesentation copy from the author to E. 1*. Lewis. 314 Caustick, Christopher. The Modern Philosopher or Terrible Traclora- tion. 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1806 3 1 5 Warden, D. B. A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia. The Seat of the General Government of the United States. With an engraved plan of the District, and View of the Capitol. 8°, boards, uncut. Paris, 18 16 Exceedingly scurcc. 816 Roll, Mr. A New and Accurate History of South America. Contain- ing a particular account of some accidents leading to the discovery of the New World ; of the Discovery made by Columbus, and other Adventurers, of the several attempts made to find out a North East and North West Passage, and what Parts of America are subject to the different Euiopean Powers. With Map. 8°, old, calf. London, 1756 317 Der F"reischutz Travestic, l)y Septimus Globus, Esq. With 12 Etch- ings by Geo. Cruikshank, from drawings by an Amateur ; and The Original Tale. 8'^, boaids. London, 1824 318 Review of the Characters of the Principal Nations in Europe. 2 vols, in I. 8°, old, calf. Dublin, 1770 J^'^/^ 28 319 McMahon, Bernard. The Ameriean Gardener's Calendar. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, i8o6 320 Moore, Thos. The Poetical Work of. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1830 321 Winterbotham, W. An Historical, Geographical and Philosophical View of the Chinese Empire. 8°, half roan. London, N. D. 322 Teignmouth, Lord. Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspon- dence of Portraits. 8°, calf. Philadelphia, 1805 323 Chateaubriand, F. A. De. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbaiy. 8°, calf Philadelphia, 18 13 324 Anecdotes. Historical and Literary, or a Miscellaneous Selection of Curious and Striking Passages. 8°, calf London, 1796 325 Surrebutter, Jno. The Pleader's Guide. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1803 326 Buck, Rev. Chas. A Theological Dictionary. 8^, sheep. Philadelphia, 1 821 327 Boswell, Jas. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. With Saml. Johnson. 8°, half calf New York, 18 10 328 Smith, Sir James E. A Grammar of Botany. 8°, half calf New York, 1822 329 Abridgment of Mr. Edwards' Civil and Commercial History of the British West Indies. 8°, calf London, 1794 330 Wilson, Robt. T. History of the British Expedition to Egypt. With Portrait. 8°, sheep. 2 copies. Philadelphia, 1803 331 Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa in 1795-96- 97. Portrait and Illustrations. 8°, calf London, 1800 332 Terry, Edward. A Voyage to East India, wherein some things are taken Notice of in our Passage thither, but many more in our abode there. Portrait. 8°, calf. London, 1777 333 Amaranth, The. Or Religious Poems, consisting of Fables, Visions, Emblems, etc. Adorned with copper plates from the Best Masters. 8°, old calf. London, 1767 Has Autograph of Eleanor A'^ues Fieire Lewis on Title, and Hook Plate of the Lewis Family. 334 Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1831 335 Robison, Jno. Proofs of a conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe. 8°, old calf. London, 1798 336 Dagley, R. Death's Doings. Illustrated. Vol. 2, 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 337 Parkinson, Richd. The F^xpcricnced Farmer. 2 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1799 29 33^ Salzmann, C. O. Gymnastics for Youth, or a Practical Guide to Ifcaltli- ful and Amusing Exercises. Illustrated. 8^, calf. Philadeipliia, 1802 Tho First Book on Gymnastics PubllHhocl In this Country. 339 Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Vol. 31, for 1761. 8°, half bound. London 340 London Magazine and Monthly Chronology for 1742. 8^, old calf. London 341 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Vol. 5, 8°, old calf. London, 1735 Ocinipleto In Itsfll. Extremely Kucetlous, 342 Barry, Edwd. A Treatise on a Consumption of the Lungs. 8'^, calf. Dublin, 1726 343 Dumourier, Genl. Memoirs of. Translated by Jno. Fcnwick. Part i. 8*^, boards, uncut. Saml. H. Smith. Philadelphia, 1794 344 Aiken, J. Poems by. 8°, boards, uncut. London, 179 1 Presentation Copy from the .\iillior, 345 Letters of the British Spy. Originally published in the Virginia Argus in August and September 1803. 8°, boards. Richmond, 1803 346 Jefferson, Thos. Notes on the State of Virginia, with the appendixes, complete. 8°, old calf. Baltimore, 1800 347 Considerations on Criminal Law. 8°, calf. Dublin, 1772 348 Cheyne, Geo. The English Malady, or a Treatise of Nervous Diseases of all Kinds. 8°, calf. London, 1733 349 Gibson, Robt. Treatise of Practical Surveying. 8°, calf. Dublin, 1777 350 Graves, Geo. The Naturalist's Pocket Book. Illustrated. 8°, sheep. London, 1818 35 I Samouelle, Geo. The Entomologist's Useful Compendium or Introduc- tion to the Knowledge of British Insects. Illustrated. 8°, boards, uncut. London, 1819 352 Forsyth, VVm. Treatise on Fruit Trees. 8°, sheep. 2 copies. Philadelphia, 1802 353 Hayes, Richd. The Negociator's Magazine. 8°, calf. London, 1754 354 Tour through Germany. Containing full directions for traveling in that interesting Country. 8°, sheep. London, N D 355 Carr, Jno. The Stranger in France, or a Tour from Devonshire to Paris. 8°, uncut. Baltimore, 1805 356 Blodget, Saml. Eeonomica, a Statistical Manual for the United States of America. 8°, boards, uncut. Washington, 1806 30 357 The Echo, with other Poems. Illustrat'jcl by Tisdale. Engraved by Leiiey. 8°, half bound. Philadelphia, 1807 358 Hentzner, Paul. Travels in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, to which is now added Sir Robt. Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations in Queen Elizabeth's Times and Eavourites, with Portraits and Views. "8°, boards, uncut. London, 1797 Finn copy contains Ihe Bare Keclining Portrait of Lord Herbert; Portrait of Sir Philip :-y ; Robert Cecil, Hiirl of Salisbury ; and Cbas. Howard Ear!, of Nottingham, all of which are F Sydney printed in colons 359 Ferguson, Jas. Lectures on Select Subjects. 8°, sheep. London, 1784 360 Fuller, Thos. Phamacopoeia Extemporanea, or a Body of Medecines. 8^ sheep. London, 1719 361 Knapp and Baldwin's Newgate Calendar and Commerical Recorder. niustrated. Vols. 2 and 3. 8°, half calf n ii/' 362 Hood, Thos. Whims and Oddities. In Prose and Verse, with Forty T^*v Original Designs. 8°, boards, uncut. London, 1820 Very rare. Fine copy. 363 Babington, T. Practical View on Christian Education. i2°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1818 364 Ellis, Geo. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, chiefly written during the Early part of the 14th Century. 3 vols. 12°, ^ uncut. London, 181 1 365 Tales of Humour, Gallantry and Romance. Selected and Translated from the Italian. With 16 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 12°, boards, uncut. London, 1824 366 Warden, Wm. Letters Written on Board His Majesty's Ship, the Northumberland, and at St. Helena. 12^, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1817 367 Fairfield, Sumner L. The Cities of the Plain, with Other Poems. 12°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828 368 Ellis, Wm. Polynesian Researches. Illustrated. 4 vols, 12=, cloth. New York, 1833 . 369 Brown, Chas. Brockden. The Novels of 6 vols., 12°, boards, uncut. " Boston, 1827 370 Irviniit to death the idea which would accompany such an event would be ihat ruflluns had been lired io>*inate him, my aim Is to make a public example of him and Ihla should he strongly impiessed upon ihoye who are employed to bring him off. The Sergeant must bo very (^ircumspeet^ too much zeal may create suspicion, and too much precipitancy nniv defeat the project. The most Inviolable aecrecy must l)c observed on all hands. 1 send you live Guineas: but I am not satisfied of the propriety ()f the Scige:iuls appearing with much Specie. This eir- eunistanee nuiy also lead lo suspicion as it is but too well known to the enemy that we do not abound in this article. The interviews l)etween the parly in, and out of the City, should be man- aged with uinch caution and seeming InditVerenee, or else the frequency of iheir meetings &c. may bet ray the design & involve bad consequenee, but 1 tim pc^rsuadcd j-ou will place cveiy matter in a proper point of view to the conductors of this interesting business, & therefore I shall only add that I am Dr Sir Yr Obt & Affec'e Serv't MajrLee. GEO W ASIIIXGTOX. This mo8t important of all Genl. VVashington's KevolulioTiary lett(u-s is Icnown throughout the whole world. H is quoted by Waj'hinglon Irving in his '(anions life of (;cnl. George Washington, and was considered by him to be the nmst important of all the Washington letters that came under his perusal, and the onlj- one. to use his own words, which he desired to person- ally own. To Bibliographers in Washingloniuna this lelter has Ikmmi known the world ovei*. It has been in the possession of the present owner for uj^wards of fifty yeurs, and from whom it was borrowed by Irving for his work. It is hoped that this opportunity may be embraced to place it in the repository where the public cun at all limes view it. 496 LETTER WRITTEN BY BENJ. FRANKLIN TO HIS INTI- mate friend, James Reed. Folio. Saturday Moi-iig Aug 27 45 Dear Jimmv: I have been readinff vour Letter over again, and since you desire an Answer I sit nie down to write yon one; yet as I write in I he Marlcet, it will 1 believe, be lint a short one. the' 1 may be long about il.— I approve of vour Method of Writing ones Mind when one is too warm to speak it with Temper: lint being inyaelf quite cool In this AfTuir, 1 might a« well speak us write, if 1 bad an ilpportnnity.— Your Copy ol Kemfis must be a corrupt one, if it has that Passage as you quote it. In ojnniliHS Requiem Quaesiviy sed nom inveni nisi in an^ulo iitm Libeiio The good Father understood I'h'asure (Requicmj better, and wrote, in angitlo cum Piu-iia. Correct It thus, without Hesitation. 1 know there is another Reading, in angnlo Puellae ; but this reject tho' more to the Point, as an Kxpression too indeliealo. — Are you an Attorney by Pr^>fe 330 and 345, where there Is lot of duplicate pagination, as mentioned on last page of the Register. There are six sub-titles. On the reveise of page 1, there is a curious and gh-tstly wood cut of thirteen skulls with bones. Leaf I of the signature M is lacking in the Kegister. The book is otherwise so perfect, that we may be justitiedln expressing the doubt whether it "was issued with the book. Mr. Pennj-packer, the ablest authority we have, quotes the Ephrata books as the rarest and most sought after of American Imprints. 543 France. Traite d'amitie et de commerce conclu entre le Roi et les Etats- Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale le 6 Fevrier, 1778. 4°, 8 pages. Paris, 1778 Extremely scarce account of the first great Treaty with France. 544 (Franklin, Benjamin). An Historical Review of the Government and Con- stitution of Pennsylvania, from its origin ; So far as regards the several points of controversy which have from time to time arisen between the several Governors of that Province and their Several Assemblies. 8°, original calf. London, 1759 Fine Cojiy of the original edition. Gordon says (History of Pennsylvania, Philada., 1829, page 382); "In examining the conduct of the proprietaries, the author has not spared the memory of Penn, much less that of his children ; under his ha^ld the character of the early settlers of Pennsylvania rises in strong and pleasing leliel", and the contrast between them and" the proprie- taries is much to the advantage of the former." 545 The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, before an August Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, etc. Small, 8'^. pp. i6, uncut. N. P. N. D. Philadelphia, Hall & Sellers 17t;6. See Hikluburn, No. 2210. ip^ WALNUT ST. r/ie Ori/i/ Book Auctioneer in Piiiladelphia Expcri appraiser for Estates Sales of Books yiuto^mpds Paintings En^reivin^s Coins Stamps. Special Sales at RcsidcnceS. Sales solicited where expert Catala^ucin^ one/ i^nno'^infC are reQuisiio. fl^iladclphiGr. April 24, 1917 Eugene E. Pruss.lnR, T^sq., Chicago, Illinois. My dear Sir:- In answer to your inquiry of April GOth I will have to depend upon my memory alone to interpret who the buyers were. Byron Reed "'as of Denver, Colorado; Murphy v;as L'rs. Phoebe B. Hearst, S&n Francisco, Cali- fornifi; Mitchell was Judge Jfir^es T. Mitchell, who is nov; dead; Sabine was Joseph F. Ssbin, 22 Pine Street, New York City, Benjc>jnin is ^". R. Benjamin of 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Judge Hitchell was Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. I sold his collection for him before his death. It took in about thirteen catalogues, many of them are handsomely illustrated. He had one of the largest collections of Portraits of "Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lav/yers Judges, Military and Naval Heroes, T^resident.3, etc., of any man in the about tv;o years ago. To reach him golden wings as I under the gate. Country. He died _ ou would have to have know the Angel Gabriel let him slip tion. Sorry that I cannot give you any more informa- Yours truly. y^^C-^y^ r.O^ WALNUT ST. The Onlu Book Auciioneerin Philadelphia Expert appraiser for Estates Scj/es of Books yJuto^tapfis Paintings En^ravin^s Coins Stamps. Special Sales at RcsidimceS. Sales solicited where expert Catalo^ucirt^ and' Mana^in^ are reQuisiie. ^t)il(^iGi, npril 27, \^^ Wr. Eugene "trussing, Chicago, 111. Dear Sir:- Your favor of tho 26th at hanr!, The T'itchell who purcha.sed in the "/ashinfcton Sale vras not Judge Mitchell. I was lead to "believe it '.vas by tli.'s fa.ct of you putting his name in my mouth in your letter. It was the firm of T'itchello of "Tew York, consisting of George D. Smith, and A. J. Bovden. If you would -.vrite to George D. Smith, 547 Fifth Avenue, :Tew York City, he could probably tell you for whom they -ourchased. In that Sale I think I bought under the name of Grover for Judge Mitchell. ITo apology is needed ds I am always willing to assist '.vherever I can. Yours truly. 0^€i~^- C^^:^ J .'^^-c-c— »--e,yC ■I \, liIST OF PRICES AND NAnES » or * PeiRGHASERS Sale, December lOth, llth and 12th, 1890. THOMAS BIRCH'S SONS, Auctioneers. I Chapman $ SO 00 51 Sabin $9 OG lOG Bronson ^56 00 2 Ikadlcy 70 00 52 Sabin 8 GO lOI Bradley 18 GO 3 Aldrich 310 00 53 Sabin 5 GO 102 Lamborn, Dr. 2G GO 4 Aklrich 25 00 54 Mitchell 7 GO 'O3 Morristown Wash. 5 Sabin 130 00 55 Sabin 4 GO Ass'n 33 00 6 *MLlrpliy 380 00 56 Sabin 6 GO 104 Morristown Wash. 7 Prickcrt, T. J. 85 00 57 Mitchell 9 OG Ass'n 18 00 8 Sabin 55 00 58 Mitchell 3 OG 105 Mitchell 37 50 9 Prickett, T. J. 7 00 59 Mitchell 16 00 106 *Murphy 8g go lO Gillespie 1 1 00 60 Gillespie 5 OG 107 Morristown Wash II Sabin 8 00 61 Reed, Byron 4 GO Ass'n and Bradley 64 00 12 Mt. Vernon 30 00 62 Benjamin, W. E. 5 GO 108 Benjamin, W. R. 52 00 13 Sab=n 30 00 63 Gratz, Simon 8 GO 109 Palmer 35 00 14 Sabin 35 00 64 Out IIO Bradley 18 00 15 Benjamin, W. E. 30 00 65 Bradley 2 25 I II Morristown Wash. 16 Lamborn, Dr. 40 00 66 Morristown Wash. Ass'n. 8 GO 17 Bronson 5/ b^J Aoa'n I I r>o I 12 Mt. Vernon 34 00 18 Sabin 70 00 67 Benjamin, W. E. 145 OG 113 Morristown Wash. '9 Mitchell 25 00 68 Benjamin, W. R. 55 GO Ass'n 24 OG 20 Sabin 85 00 69 Reed, Byron 32 50 114 Morristown Wash. 21 Mitchell 25 00 70 Mitchell 90 00 Ass'n 26 OG 22 Lamborn, Dr. 32 50 71 Sabin 10 00 115 Mt. Vernon 105 00 23 O'Brien •5 00 72 Sabin 2 50 116 Bronson 10 GO 24 Sabin 20 00 73 Morristown Wash. 117 Mt. Vernon 132 50 25 Bronson 25 00 Ass'n 5 GO 118 Lamborn, Dr. 59 00 26 Morristown Wash 74 *Murphy 69 GO 119 Bronson 130 00 Ass'n 26 00 75 *Murphy 10 GO 120 Morristown Wash. 27 O'Brien 25 GO 76 Benjamin, W. R. 65 OG Ass'n 42 00 28 Mitchell 45 00 77 Bronson 90 GO 121 Grover 32 GO 29 Sabin 27 50 78 Sabin 12 GO 122 Morristown Wash. 30 Stoddart 35 GO 79 Chapman 6 GO Ass'n 27 50 31 Sabin 57 00 80 * Murphy 100 GO '23 *Murphy no CO 32 Mitchell 36 00 81 * Murphy 50 GO 124 Morristown Wash. 33 Morristown Wash 82 No Number Ass'n 30 GO Ass'n 35 00 83 *Mur[)hy 200 00 125 Grover 17 00 34 Prickett, T. J. 18 00 84 Sabin IG 00 126 Sabin 9 00 35 *Murphy 440 00 85 Chapman 360 OG 127 Lamboin, Dr. 17 GO 36 Sabin 70 GO 86 Chapman 270 OG 128 Benjamin, W. E. 5 00 37 Reed, Byron 140 00 87 Mt. Vernon 65 GO 129 Lewis 22 OG 38 Aldrich 400 GO 88 Mt. Vernon 250 OG 130 Cohen 20 00 39 Aldrich 760 OG 89 *Murphy 100 GO 131 Lamborn, Dr. 12 GO 40 Sabin 250 GO 90 *Murphy lOG 00 132 Palmer 5 50 41 Sabin 7 GO 91 * Murphy Soo GO «33 Marshall, F. I I 00 42 Sabin 9 00 92 *Murphy 200 OG 134 Lamborn, Dr. 3 00 43 Clarke 21 00 93 Randall 70 GO '35 Benjamin, W. E. 3 60 44 Sabin 21 OG 94 Golien 45 GO 136 ".Murphy IG GO 45 Bronson 40 GO 95 Lamborn, Dr. 39 GO 137 Chapman 3 00 46 Mitchell 12 00 96 Mitchell, Judge 25 GO 138 Lamborn, Dr. 5 00 47 Benjamin, W. R. 16 OG 97 Morristown Wash. 139 Clough 3 25 48 Sabin 13 GO Ass'n and Bradley 72 00 140 Morristown Wash. 49 Sabin 7 GO 98 Bradley 21 GO Ass'n 26 00 50 Gillespie 15 GO 99 Benjamin, W. R. 2? 75 141 *RIurphy 90 00 LIST OF PRICES AND NAMES OF PURCHASERS. 142 Mt. Vernon $ 85 00 208 Lamborn, Dr. $0 30 274 James ^3 00 143 Mt. Vernon 66 00 209 Traver, C. L. IG 275 Benjamin, W. R. 60 144 Mt. Vernon 154 00 210 O'Neill IG 276 Benjamin, W. R. 10 145 *Murphy 160 00 21 I Pollock 60 277 Grover 90 146 *Murphy 160 GO 212 Thomas 2 82 278 Mt. Vernon 90 147 *Murphy 160 GO 213 Traver, C. L. I 50 279 Benjamin W. R. 80 148 Cable 90 GO 214 Benjamin, W. E. 6 60 280 Mitchell 10 149 Cable 40 GO 215 Mt. Vernon 13 GO 28[ James 4 00 150 Mt. Vernon 14 GO 216 Sabin 5 GO 282 James ■ 14 00 151 Benjamin, W. R. 12 GO 217 Mt. Vernon 15 283 Benjamin, W. R. I 60 152 *Murphy 130 GO 218 Henderson 20 284 Randall 75 153 Cable 40 00 219 Mt. Vernon 2 25 285 Mt. Vernon 7 50 154 Chapman 7 00 220 Ben amin, W. E. I 50 286 Benjamin, W. R. 10 155 Benjamin, W. R. 2G 00 221 Mt. Vernon 90 287 Grover 4 80 156 Lamborn, Dr. 3 50 222 Mt. Vernon 5 25 288 Bronson '3 50 157 Mt. Vernon 17 00 223 Prickett, T. J. 3 25 289 Benjamin, W. R. 80 158 Mt. Vernon 13 GO 224 Thomas I 00 290 Mitchell I 05 159 Prickett, T. J. 10 00 225 Mitchell 3 45 291 Benjamin, W. R. 25 160 Sabin 2 50 226 Mt. Vernon I 20 292 Benjamin, W. R. 20 161 Lamborn, Dr. 8 50 227 Mt. Vernon 3 90 293 Benjamin, W. R. . 10 162 Mt. Vernon 2 GO 228 Lewis, E. P. C I 50 294 Benjamin, W. R. 20 163 Benjamin, W. E. 2 00 229 Mt. Vernon 3 60 295 Thomas 50 164 Bronson 18 GO 230 Jackson 10 296 Thomas 15 165 Sabin 2 GO 23' Mt. Vernon 2 70 297 Mt. Vernon 2 00 166 Mt. Vernon 2 20 232 Rogers 80 298 Mt. Vernon I 80 167 Cable 3 50 233 Scattergood 05 299 Benjamin, W. R. 10 168 Mt. Vernon 6 00 234 McClurg 43 00 300 * Murphy I 30 l6n T Tt-ol-i/^t-t-i T ^f 50 235 Benjamin, W. R. I 2G 301 McClurg 7 40 9 00 236 Mt. Vernon 2 40 302 Sabin 15 5 50 237 Benjamin, W. E. 80 303 Mitchell I 30 4 00 238 Benjamin, W. E. IG 304 Prickett. T. J. 60 I 50 239 Ml. Vernon 2 25 305 Scattergood 25 8 25 240 Cohen I 80 306 Thomas 65 90 00 241 Mt. Vernon 50 307 Lewis. E. P. C. 25 70 GO 242 Scattergood 10 308 Benjamin, W. E. 60 177 Cutter 39 00 243 Prickett, T. J. I 2G 309 Mitchell 10 178 Mitchell, Judge 115 CO 244 Benjamin, W. R. 20 310 Bronson 20 179 Mt. Vernon 50 00 245 Mt. Vernon I 50 311 Benjamin, W. E. 10 180 Sabin 27 GO 246 Benjamin, W. E. 50 312 Mt. Vernon 30 181 Cable 39 00 247 Mt. Vernon 70 313 Benjamin, W. R. 50 182 Lamborn, Dr. 20 00 248 Prickett, T. J. S 25 314 Pricket, T. J. 50 183 Benjamin, W. R. 14 GO 249 Benjamin, W. R. 10 315 Cohen 6 25 184 Benjamin, W. R. 90 GO 250 Walker I SO 3>6 James 3 00 185 Mt. Vernon 25 GO 251 Cohen 30 317 Mitchell 3 00 186 McClurg 54 00 252 Mt. Vernon 5 50 318 Mt. Vernon 25 187 Mt. Vernon 10 50 253 Mt. Vernon S GO 319 Gilliams 10 188 Mt. Vernon 5 GO 254 Cohen lO OG 320 Thomas 10 189 Mt. Vernon 13 GO 255 Gillespie 30 321 Thomas 10 190 Mt. Vernon 4 50 256 Benjamin, W- E. 4 6g 322 Rogers 60 191 Mt. Vernon 5 GO 257 Mt. Vernon 33 75 323 Thomas 10 2 00 258 Mt. Vernon I 50 324 Campbell 40 II 00 259 Sabin 6 GO 325 Mitchell, Judge 20 2 00 260 Bradley 18 GO 326 Lewis, E. p. C. 20 I 75 261 Cleveland I 20 327 Lewis, E. p. C 40 4 50 262 Gillespie 4 GO 328 Lewis, E. P. C. 20 2 GO 263 Benjamin, W. R. I GO 329 L.^wis, E. P. C. 10 7 8g 264 Benjamin, W. R I 60 330 Thomas 20 lyy -UL. V crnon 3 75 265 Prickett, T. J. 2 GO 331 Benjamin, W. R. 70 200 O'Brien 10 266 Gille.spie I GO 332 Benjamin, W. R. 50 201 Mt. Vernon I 30 267 Thomas 2 OG 333 Bronson 4 25 202 Prickett, T. J. 16 GO 268 Cohen 2 40 334 Lewis, E. P. C 25 2m Mitchell. ludee 00 269 Benjamin, W. R. 45 335 Lewis, E. P. C T^l. 25 1 r\ LIST OF TRICES AND NAMES OF PURCHASERS. 340 Benjamin, W. R. $0 10 406 Benjamin, W. R. $0 30 472 I loncyford $^ 00 341 Sabin 2 25 407 Prickett, T. J. 80 473 Honeyford 20 342 l^cnjamin, W. R. 10 408 Prickett, T. J. 80 474 I loneyford 25 343 Benjamin, W. R. 10 409 Mitchell '5 475 1 1 on ey ford J 7 20 344 Mitchell 40 410 Mt. Vernon I 20 476 Honeyford 4 GO 345 Randall I 30 411 Thomas ID 477 Honeyford I 60 346 *Murphy 2 30 412 Thomas ID 478 Honeyford 4 00 347 Benjamin, W. R. 10 413 Thomas 65 479 Benjamin, VV. R. 2 60 348 Benjamin, W. R. ■5 414 Campbell I 80 480 Benjamin, W. R. 10 349 Benjamin, W. R. >5 4'5 Thomas 25 48[ Benjamin, VV. R. 05 350 Lewis, E. P. C. 25 416 Campbell I 20 482 Honeyford ID 351 Lewis, E. P. C. 50 417 Benjamin, W. E. 10 483 Sabin 20 352 Mitchell 20 418 Mt. Vernon 50 484 Rogers 7 35 353 Benjamin, W- R. 20 419 Mt. Vernon 20 485 Benjamin, VV. R. 05 354 Mitchell 10 420 Mt. Vernon 20 486 Honeyford 60 355 Mitchell 10 421 Mt. Vernon 20 487 Honeyford ' 35 356 Ikonson 40 422 Mt. Vernon 20 488 Honeyford I 65 357 Cleveland I 00 423 Howard 80 489 Mt. Vernon 10 358 Mitchell, Judge 2 so 424 Scattergood 10 490 Honeyford 10 359 Benjamin, W. R. 10 425 Cleveland 60 491 Honeyford 60 360 Benjamin, W. R. 10 426 Rogers I 05 492 Honeyford 20 36. Benjamin, W. R. 10 427 Benjamin, W. R. '5 463 Mitchell 32 40 362 Mt. Vernon 2 25 428 Benjamin, W. E. 15 494 Benjamin, W. R. 2SO 00 363 Randall 80 429 McClurg I 00 59A. (Deed) Sabin 100 00 364 Mt. Vernon I 50 430 Mitchell 2 20 84I (Lottery Tickets) 365 McCliirg 7 10 431 Mitchell 80 Atwood 60 00 366 Campbell 50 432 Cohen 90 124B (2 Buttons) Mitchell. 367 Scattergood 20 433 Mitchell 10 Judge 22 00 368 Cleveland 20 434 Mt. Vernon 15 124B (i Button) Lam- 369 Mt. Vernon 6 00 435 Mt. Vernon 45 born, Dr. 9 00 370 Grover I 00 436 Thomas 50 J24B (2 Buttons) Stod- 371 Grover I 80 437 Thomas ' 15 dart 8 00 372 Mt. Vernon I 00 438 Cohen 2 20 (Knife and Fork) 173 Mt. Vernon 90 439 Thomas 05 Morristown ITA Campbell 25 440 Thomas 05 Wash. Ass'n 15 GO 375 Walker I so 441 Campbell 25 (Knife and Fork) 376 Mt. Vernon 2 20 442 Mt. Vernon 10 Lamboin, Dr. 9 00 177 Scattergood I 20 443 Mt. Vernon 20 (Martha Washing- 378 Prickett, T. J. 30 444 Lewis, E. P. C. 60 ton Portrait) 379 Mt. Vernon 60 445 Randall I 48 Mitchell 13 50 380 Mt. Vernon 2 00 446 Mt. Vernon 30 (Martha Washing- 381 Mt. Vernon 5 50 447 Mt. Vernon 35 ton Autograph) 382 Mitchell 2 00 448 Thomas 3 75 ^ Sabin 60 00 383 James 4 00 449 Mitchell 100 00 . (Fan) Cable 230 00 384 Gilliams 60 450 Honeyford 30 (Bible) Mitchell 760 00 3«5 Prickett 5 00 451 Sabin 4 SO (i Vol. Music) 386 Mitchell, Judge 12 so 452 Sabin 2 20 Lamborn, Dr. 2 50 387 Mt. Vernon I 70 453 Honeyford 20 (Treatise on Sheep 388 Benjamin, VV. R. 2 00 454 Honeyford 30 Pollock 3 00 389 Bronson 3 00 455 Sabin 80 (3 Morey Letters) 390 Gilliams 20 456 Sabin 3 50 Lamborn, Dr. II 2S 391 Mt. Vernon 60 457 Sabin 2 40 (J. P. Custis' Let- 392 Campbell 20 458 Sabin 10 ters) Honeyford 393 Grover 25 459 Honeyford 5 60 10 00 394 Lewis, E; p. C. 20 460 Honeyford 2 00 495 *Murphy .joo 00 395 Scattergood 20 461 Sabin 2 40 496 *Murphy 800 00 396 Pollock ' 20 462 Honeyford 50 498 I 00 397 Lewis, E. P. C- 30 463 Sabin 16 65 499 3 75 398 Mitchell 3 00 464 Honeyford '5 500 3 75 399 Rogers 70 465 Honeyford 05 SOI I 00 400 Benjamin, VV. R. 10 466 Honeyford 05 502 I 30 401 Sabin 30 467 Honeyford 65 503 I 30 402 Lewis, E. P. C. 3 00 468 Honeyford 2 30 504 I 00 403 Lewis, E. P. C. 2 10 469 Mt. Vernon 5 50 50s SO 404 McClurg 2 20 470 Honeyford 25 506 25 405 Benjamin, W. R. 20 471 Honeyford 05 507 4 25 LIST OF PRICES AND NAMES OF PURCHASERS. 508 509 510 5'i 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 C7a. $1 00 575 25 576 25 577 I 10 578 1 00 579 I DO 580 I 00 581 70 582 30 583 I 00 584 90 585 32 50 586 5 50 587 2 20 588 I 25 589 2 40 590 90 591 6 00 592 5 60 593 60 594 10 595 I 80 596 17 60 597 5 50 598 50 599 3 25 600 8 00 601 10 00 602 603 604 2 90 605 2 90 606 .1 20 607 2 so 608 31 00 609 II 00 610 4 25 611 4 75 612 15 00 613 6 50 614 13 00 6<5 24 00 616 31 00 617 19 00 618 5 50 619 3 40 620 I 70 621 II 00 622 80 623 15 00 624 80 025 675 626 I 00 627 25 628 3 75 629 70 930 5 50 631 I 10 632 80 633 I 50 634 3 10 635 29 00 636 5 00 637 60 638 5 00 639 6 lr ^ Art $2 00 60 25 00 22 50 40 00 10 00 3 00 2 00 2 75 2 00 I 50 I 5° 18 00 6 50 3 00 50 4 SO 30 '3 00 25 2 00 70 75 SO 6 50 5 50 6 00 15 2 75 3 25 12 00 18 00 2 50 10 CiO 2 75 75 7 50 13 00 I so 55 00 I 80 6 65 I 30 I 00 30 4 75 50 8 00 I 30 2 00 2 25 3 00 6 50 80 50 4 25 I 00 25 00 80 12 00 ' 75 80 1 10 15 » r 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 6(3o 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 69O 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 $1 10 I 20 I 20 10 I 80 I 50 70 00 20 00 3 50 78 oo 80 1 20 lo 50 2 00 I 00 I 00 OS 50 1 40 3 00 6 50 3 00 2 00 2 75 4 00 16 00 25 I 80 90 80 70 30 30 SO 25 2 25 25 25 10 10 50 20 2 20 2 00 6 00 6 50 60 2 00 3 25 90 2 10 4 00 3 25 31 SO 6 00 I 20 I 80 I 20 I 00 4 25 10 10 75 ■ I I 43 FRANKLIN IMPRINTS. 546 White-field. A Letter from the Reverend Mr. George Whtiefield, (sic) to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley, in answer to his sermon entitled Free Grace. 24*^. pp. 24, half calf. B. P'ranklin, 1741 Soil llliaulnini, .No. 73!l. 547 Barclay, Robert. The Anarchy of the Ranters, and other Libertines ; the Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other Pretended Churches, equally refused and refuted. Philadelphia. Reprinted and sold by B. I'Vanklin, and D. Hall, 1757. With an P^pistle to the National Meeting of Friends in Dublin, concerning good Order and Disci- pline in the Church. Written by Joseph Pike, Philadelphia. Re- printed and sold by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757. iC"^, old calf. llildeburii, 1516-1552. 548 Zinzendorff. Ludovici a Thurcustein in antiquissima fratrum ecclesia Ad kai ciisclumosyncn diaconi constituti et h. t. ecclesiae, qua; Christo Philadelphi;c inter Lutheranos colligitur, Pastoris, Ad Cogitatus Ingenuos Pium Desiderium h. e. Epistola ad Bonos Pensilvaniae, Cives Christo non Ininiicos, ob Conversationis diffi- cultatem taliter qualiter Latino Idiomate conscripta, Et dexteritati cordati interpretis, duce providentia pie concredita. Philadelphiae, Ex Oflicina Frankliniana, (1742). Small 4^, pp. 8, uncut. Htldebuin, "Oil, 549 Accrelius, Israel. Der Todt als eine Heligkcit fur diejenige, die in dem Herrn sterben wurde uber Offenbarung Johannis, l4Capitel. I 3, v. bey der am I2ten Febr. 1756, geschehenen Veerdigung Herrn Mat- thias Heinzelmans, treu fleiszig gewesenen Zweyten Evangelisch Lutherischen Predigers in Philadelphia, voreinerzahlreichen Leichen Versamlung in englischer Spracht vorgestellet von Magister Israel Accrelius, Sclnvcdischen Probst und Predigern in Christina und hernach auf Vieler Begehren aus dem Englischen ins Teutsche ubersetzt von Johann p'ridrich Handschuch, Evangelisch Luther- ischen Predigern nebst des Ubersetzers kleiner teutschen Rede. 16°, title and blank reverse, pp. (2), 31 and blank. Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu haben bey Benjamin Francklin und Anton Arm- breuster, 1756. with cancel of Ave lines pasted in at page '23. Hildeburn, No. 1448, gives a title from Selden- sticker's Blblioiiiapby wblch is far from correct. The above is the exact wording of the title, which will not be found elsewhere, as the boolc Is excessively rare. 550 (Scougal, Henry). Das Leben Gottes in derSeele des Menschen oder die Natur und Voitreflichkeit der Christlichen Religion, den Zerstreu- ten Kindern Gottes und verlohrnen Schafen vom Hause Israel in und ausser den mancherley Partien zum Dicnst, auf Veranstaltung der von einer loblichen Gesellschaft in London ernenten General Trustees aus dem englischen ins teutsche ubersetzt, nebst einer in ihrem Namen gestelten Vorrede, worin so wohl das Vorhaben dieser loblichen Gesellschaft als auch die eigentliche Absicht dicser gegenwartigcn Uebcrstzung vorgeleget wird. 16^. Philadelphia, Gedruckt und zu haben bey Benjamin Francklin, Post-Meister, und Ant. Armbruester, 1756. Ulldeburn, No. 1600. 44 551 Fislier, George, (Accomptant). The American Instructor, or Young Man's Best Companion. Containing Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, in an easier way than any yet published, etc. The Ninth Edition Revised and Corrected. Philadelphia, Franklin & Hall, 1748. 12°, old calf. Witb all the plates of penmanship, incUiding the folding one at page 377, seldom, if ever, found, in the hook. Making six plates in all. v// M^i^ 552 Giraud, J. P., Jr. The Birds of Long Island. 8°, original cloth. Wiley & Putnam, New York, 1844 See Tredwell's Mouograpli for the rarity of this book. Fine copy of the original edition. 553 Girdlestone, Thomas, Facts tending to prove that General Lee was never absent from this country for any length of time during the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, andthathe was the Author of Junius. Curious portrait of the General and his dog. 8^, boards, uncut. London, 1813 Charles Lee. 554 Gordon, Thomas F. The History' of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1829 First edition. 555 Gould, Jay. History of Delaware County, and Border Wars of New York, containing a sketch of the early settlements in the County, and a History of the late anti-rent difficulties in Delaware, with other historical and miscellaneous matter, never before published. Portrait. 12°, original blue cloth. Roxbury, Keeny & Gould, 1856 Fine copy of this worli of the great financier, written in his youth. It is said that he now buys and destroys such copies as he can And. It is a remarkably scarce book, the greater part of the edition having been destroyed by lire. 557 (Graydon, Alexander). Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsyl- vania within the last sixty years, with occasional remarks upon the general occuri'ences, character and spirit of that eventful period. ^^ 12°, original sheep. Harrisburgh, printed by John Wyeth, 181 1 ^ V Original edition. % « /' 558 Hamilton. Observations on certain documents contained in No. V y- and VI of "The History of the United States for the year 1796," .y in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. Written by him- self 8°, half Morocco, uncut edges. Pliiladelphia, printed for John Fenno, by John Bioren. 1797 Original Issue. 5 59 Hancock. Winfield Scott Hancock, In Memoriam. Tribute of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Fine portrait by Gutckunst. 8°, cloth, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1886 Autograph letter inserted. 560 Histoirc de la Conqueste de la Florida par les Espagnols, sous Ferdi- nand de Soto, ecrite en portugais par iin gentilhomc de la villc d'Elvas, par M. D. C. 12°, calf Paris, Denis Thierry, 1685 Thl8 translation by Cllri do la Uuclte, from tho original Portugese, Is extremely rare. 45 56i Morry, P. and Wccms, M. L. The Life of General Francis Marion. Eleventh edition, with plates. 12°, sheep. Frankford, J. Allen, 1825 562 Howard, John Eager. Document, Signed. Folio. 1798. 563 Jackson, .Andrew. The rare "Coffin Hand-bill," a foTio sheet printed within heavy mourning borders, thickly illustrated with coffins, headed "A Brief Account of some of the Bloody Deeds of General Jackson." (Published by John Binns, in his "Democratic Press," February 2, 1828). A flue copy of the oiiglmil Issue. 564 Jackson, Andrew. A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, by a Free Man. Portrait. 16'^. Original boards, uncut. Boston, 1 83 1 565 Janson, Charles Wm. The Stranger in America : containing observa- tions made during a long residence in that country, etc. Illustrated by engravings, aquatinted. 4°. Half bound. London, 1 807 A nerfoct copy, with iiU the plates, which incliid.i a view of I'hlladclphlu. ,Pl-'»,?i,f' ^'i?;?^,''. m'hH reel Sec .11(1 slivet, Bunk of the Unit, d States, Centre Square (vignette), Philadelphia Th.;atiiTai"d High str"6t^ iu commemoration of the dCLth of Gei.l. Washington. 566 Jones J. William. Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes and Letters of Genl Robert E. Lee. Portraits and cuts. Large 8^, original doth. silt. New York, 1875 cl 567 Lambert W. H. George H. Thomas, an Oration Delivered, etc. Royal 8°, cloth, uncut, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1884 Privately printed, only 65 copies. 568 Lee, Charles Carter. Virginia Georgics, written for the Hole and Cor- ner Club of Powhattan, and published by the Club. 8°, half morocco. Richmond, 1858 The elder brother of Uenl. llobert E. Lee. 569 Livingston, John. Portraits of Eminent Americans now living, in- cluding President Pierce and his Cabinet, with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. 8*^, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1854 570 (Livingston, Wm.) A Review of the Military Operations in America, from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Interspersed with various observations, charac- ters and anecdotes, necessary to give light into the conduct of American transactions in general, and more especially into the political management of affairs in New York, in a letter to a noble- man; to which are added Col. Washington's Journal of his Expe- dition to the Ohio, in 1754. and several letters and other papers of consequence, found in the cabinet of :Major General Braddock, after his defeat near Fort Du Quesne, and since published by the French Court None of these papers are cortained in the English edition. 12°, original calf. Dublin, 1757 Very flue copy. Contains Colonel Washington's JouriKil in 17M. 46 57' Lussan. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud avec les Flibustiers de rAmerique en 1684, et annees suivantes par le Sieur Raveneau de Lussan. Small 12°, calf extra, gilt edges (Bedford). Paris, Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1690 Original edition. 5 72 Mayo, Robert. Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washington, in four parts, with annotations to each. Fac-simile of four-page letter of Andrew Jackson. 8°, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 573 Meade, Bishop. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. Plates. 2 vols. 8°, paper covers. Philadelphia, 1861 With all the edges uncut. 574 Mather, Increase, D.D. Sermons wherein Those Eight Characters of the Blessed, Commonly Called the Beautitudes, are Opened and Applied in Fifteen Discourses, to which is added a Sermon con- cerning Assurance of the love of Christ. 16°, original calf in cloth covers. Boston, N. E. Printed by B. Green for Daniel Hench- man, and sold at his shop, 17 19. 575 Moreau, J. B. Events in the history of New York City, with illustra- tions from Shakespeare, by a New Yorker. Shakespeare Calendar. 16°, cloth, uncut. Privately printed, 1881. Very few printed, for presents. 576 Morris, George P. The Little P"renchman and his Water Lots, with other sketches of the Times. With Etchings by Johnson. First edition. 12°, half roan. Philadelphia, 1839 Johnson is called the " American Cruikshank." 577 Mountgomery. A Discourse Concerning the designed Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina in the Most delightful Country of the Universe. By Sir Robert Mountgomery, Baronet. Plan. Small 8^, old calf. London, 1717 Extremely rare, with the Flan. ^^ 47 MAPS, PLANS, Etc. 578 Map of North America, I 597. Norunibcga ct Virginia, I 597. Louvain. This very rare map, besides being an early one of \'irginia, lays clown the site of tliat first of American cities, " Norumbega," con- cerning which so much ink has flowed from the jjens of able his- torians. 579 Novi Belgii, Nova;que Anglia.-, Nee Non Partis Virginiae Tabula, miiltis in locis cmendata per Nicolaum Vischer. Coloured and illus- trated. Amsterdam, circa 1680. At the IjotlDiM Is the view dI' "NIeuw AniHteiduni opt Kyhtiil MuiibatiuiiH," with Ue- scilpllon lepieseiitiiiii .Now Yoik. Th« size ( Delaware I?ay from the Sea Coast to Reedy Island. Containiut^ a lull and exact description of the Shores, Creeks, Harbors, .Soundings, Shoals, Sands and Hearinfjs of the most considerable Land Marks, with a Tide Table from the Capes to Philadelphia, and the Set of the Tide on the several Quarters of the I'^iood and I'-bb. KuKravctl by .Iiilm-H Ttll'licr ami pfiiitcd liy .!oliii DhvIh. t'Cit'; l(»r mid .^ol(l by tlu; ailtlior hi Phlhidrlphtii. .Vbout •i.')x47 Inclics, iiiouiiUmI on <'ai)VivH iiiiU I'oldcU. In lh(^ lower lel't^baud coi-nri- Is a ciMtillcutf ol' il.s uircunicy, si^^ncd by tin- jjilcHs and inusli'is of vchkcI.s. Noiccordol this chart can bo lound In liny ot the American iJIbliograiihleH, und no copy ha.s been sold ai any of the great sales. 608 Fisher. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River from the Capes to Philadelphia. Talcoi from the original chart published at Philadel- phia by Joshua Insher. Engraved by William Faden, 1776. 20x28 inches, mounted on canvas and folded. This establishes the authenticity of the former chart as published in fblladelpbia. No other copy of the original Is known. This smaller chart was t:vldcntly made for the use of the Urltlsh Navy, In their navigation of the Delaware. 609 Godefroy, F. The beautifully engraved print of John Malcolm, the Tax Gatherer of Boston, in the hands of the populace, by whom he was afterward tarred and feathered, 25th January, 1774. 4°, wide margins. Paris To which is attached one ot the original stamps, in line and perfect condition. This latter is of the utmost rarity, and is wanting iu most American collections. 610 New England Primer, the. Fac-siniile Reprint of the Edition of Boston, 1777, with the frontispiece of the Hon. John Hancock, and all the wood cuts. 48°, boards. Hartford, 1843 " Zaccheus he Did climb the tree Our Lord to see." so NEWSPAPERS. 6i I Public Ledger, the. Three pieces, including Vol. i. No. i, Friday morning, March 25, 1836. 612 Galveston News, the. The Tri-weekly News, Houston, March 11, 1863. Printed at Houston, the City of Galveston then having fallen into the hands of the Yankees. On coarse yellow paper. 613 Planter's Banner, the- Extra. March 18, 1863. Speech of Hon. S. S. Cox, of Ohio, on " Puritanism in Politics." On wall paper. 614 Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet. A Postscript to, for October 3d, 1776, (containing) The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as established by the General Convention elected for that purpose, and held at Philadelphia, July 15, 1776, and con- tinued by adjournment to September 28, 1776. 615 Pennsylvania Journal, the, and the Weekly Advertiser, Wednesday, June 28, 1775. Containing the first account of the battle of Bunker Hill, Thomas Gage's Proclamation, Lettei" from General Charles Lee, dated June 22, 1775, to his Majesty's Secretary of War, Lord Viscount Barrington, and in news column, " Friday last set out for the American Camp, at Boston, George Washing- ton, General and Commander-in-Chief of all the forces of the United American Colonies." 616 Old Philadelphia Papers, 1818-1868 — 18 pieces. 617 Philadelphia Daily Inquirer, the. 19 pieces. April to Nov., 1865. Announcing the fall of Richmond, fall of Mobile, assassination of President Lincoln, etc. 618 Daily Evening Bulletin, Evening Telegraph, Age, Public Ledger — 13 pieces, 1865. 619 Harper's Weekly, April 29 and May 6, 1865. Portraits of President Lincoln, Wilkes Booth, scene of the a.ssassination, etc 620 New St. Tammany Almanac for the year 1819. Cut. i6^\ uncut. Philadelphia 621 Notices of Plast Florida, with an account of the Seminole Nation of Indians, by a recent traveler in the Piovince. Small 8'\ boards, uncut. Charleston. Published by the author. A. E. Miller, printer, 1822. Willi vocabulary of the Seminole Inillans. Uare. 622 Old German Newspaper, 1784. With name of Abraham Lincoln in the list of Assemblymen. 5" 623 Oglethorpe, J. E. A New ;ind Accurate Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia, with many curious and useful obser- vations on the trade, navigation and jjlantalions of Great Britain, compared witii her most powerful maritime neighbors in ancient and modern times. Small 8-*, full calf, gilt lines. London, 1732 62.1. Oliver, Isabella (of Cumberland County, Pa.). Poems on Various Subjects. 16°, original calf. Carlisle, from the press of A. Lou- don, (Whitehall), 1805. Witli S li'jivi's of subscribers' mun(?s at cud. 625 Penii, riiomas. A. L. S. to Gov. Morris, dated July 2, 1755, wherein confidential instructions are given with reference to the Assembly, Braddock and his operations are mentioned, etc. 8 pages, 4"^. 626 Penn, John. A. L. S. dated Philadelphia, 15th December, 1767, to Sir William Johnson,, Baronet, concerning the Indian Troubles, etc. Folio, 3 pp. 627 Penn, John. A. L. S. dated Philadelphia, 25th December, 1766, to Sir William Johnson, Baronet, concerning boundaries. 2 pp., folio. 628 Panorama and Views of Philadelphia and its vicinity, embracing a col- lection of twenty views drawn on stone by J. C. Wild, from his own sketches and paintings. With poetical illustrations of each subject by Andrew McMakin. 4°, original cloth. J. B. Chevalier, Philadelphia, 1838 India I'loofs, containing lour plates of the I'anoiama, in additiou to the 20 enuiuei-atc-d on tltlc-pafie. There were two eflllions of this l)ool{ both dated the same year, one of which has the name of another pnljlisher on title. 629 Philadelphia City Troop. By-Laws, Muster-Roll, and Papers selected from the Archives of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, from November 17, 1774, to September 7, 1815. 12°, original boards. Philadelphia, 181 5 630 Philadelphia Taste Displayed, or, Bon-Ton Below Stairs, colored litho- graph of a scene in old Philadelphia, drawn on stone by James Aikin, Kennedy & Lucas, lithographic printers. 631 Pickett, .Vlbert James. History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. Plates. Second edition. 2 vols., 12°, original cloth. Charleston, 185 i 632 (Potter, William.) The War in Florida, being an exposition of its Causes, and an accurate History of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines and Scott. By a late Staff Officer. Large map and diagrams. Small 8°. original cloth. Baltimore, 1836 Fine cop.v. 633 Pittman, Captain Philip. The Present State of the European Settle- ments on the Mississippi ; with a Geographical Description of that River. Illustrated by Plans and Draughts. 4°, original boards, uncut. London, 1770 A very tine and large copy of this rare book, w ilh all the illustiations in rcrficl state. 52 634 Preble, George Henry. The Chase of the Rebel Steamer of War " Oreto," Commander J. N. Maffit, C. S. N. into the Bay of Mobile, by the United States Steam Sloop "Oneida," etc. Roy. 8°, paper. Cambridge, 1862 Privately printed, presentation copy inscribed by author. 635 Prince, Thomas. A Chronological History of New England in the form of Annals, being a summary and exact account of the most material transactions and occurrences relating to this country, in the order of time wherein they happened, from the discovery by Captain Gosnold in 1602 to the Arrival of Governor Belcher in 1730, etc. Vol. I, 16°, original, calf, broken. Kneeland & Green, for S. Gerrish. Boston, 1736 All published. Kubricated title page. Rare. S3 PHILADELPHIA IMPRINTS. 636 Bcnezct, Anthony. A Caution and Warning to Great Hritian and her Colonies, etc. 18°, unbound. Philadelphia, D. Hall & VV. Sellers, 1767 llll(I<-lmin,2277. 637 Christian Piety, freed from the many Delusions of Modern Enthusiasts of all Denominations. Hy Philalethes. With the Life of Armelle Nicolas. 1 8°, unbound. Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1767 Hildeburn, 2203- 638 Colman, George. The Man of Business, a Comedy. 1 8°, unbound. Philadelphia, John Dunlap, 1774 HlldcbJiin, 2993. ' ' ' ^ 639 Daily Conversation with God, exemplified in the Holy Life of Armelle Nicolas, etc. 18°, unbound. Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1767 ^Ildeburn, 22«!i. 640 An Extract from a Treatise by William Law, M. A. called the Spirit of Prayer, etc. 12°, unbound. Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1766 Hiiaeburn, 2231. 641 (Guion) Poems by a Lady, revised by William Cowper, Esq., of the Inner Temple. 24°, original calf. Wm. Young, Philadelphia, 1793 First American edition. 642 The Macaroni : a comedy, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal. 18°, unbound. Philadelphia, John Dunlap, 1774 Not mentioned by Hildeburn. No. 3029 was printed by Win. Woodhousc, 1774. 643 The Man of Real Sensibility : or the History of Sir George Ellison. 18°, unbound. Philadelphia, James Humphreys, Jr., 1884 By Sarab Scott. Hildeburn, 3102. 644 The School for Wives, a Comedy. 1 8°, unbound. Philadelphia, John Dunlap, 1774 64s Thoughts on the Nature ol War, and its repugnancj- to the Christian Life, etc. 18°, unbound. Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1766 646 Plutarch's Lives, translated from the original Greek. The First American edition. 6 vols., calf. Philadelphia, Published and printed by W. F. McLaughlin, No. 34, North Second Street, 1803 647 Another copy, first American edition. With portrait engraved by Edwin. 6 vols., calf. Philadelphia; Printed and published by J. Hofif, 48 Cherry Street, and W. F. McLaughlin, 34 North Second Street, 1803. Save the variations in llie title pages, the books are the same ; yot only one has the portrait. 54 PORTRAITS. 648 Mez/.otint Portrait of the Hon. Jolin Hancock, of Boston, in New Eng- land, President of the American Congress. Done from an original picture painted by Littleford. Folio. London, published as the Act directs, 25 October, 1775 A beauUful impression. 649 Mezzotint Portrait, oval, of Gilbert Mottier Lafayette, engraved by Levachez, beneath which is an etching, by Duplessi-Bertaux, of a scene during the French Revolution. 8^. Paris, I'An 6 de la Republique BciLiitiful impression. 650 Roger, Robert, le Major, Commandant en Chief les Troupes Indiennes au Service des Americains. 8°. A Paris, Chez Esnauts et Rapilly. 651 Portraits of der Americanische Gener. Arnold (Benedict), Lsrael Put- nam, Charles Lee, Commodore Hopkins, Dr. Benjamin Franklin and Commandeur Robert Rogers. Engraved about 1777 by a Ger- man artist. 6 pieces, 8°, wide uncut margins. These rare prints are unlcnown to most collectors. 652 Washington, 1772, aetat 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a Colonel in the Virginia service. Engraved by Geo. Parker, painted by C. W. Peale. Baker, No. 23. India proof. 653 Ditto. Bust, head to right. A. Wertmuller, Pt. H. B. Hall, Sc. Baker, No. 176. India proof. 654 Ditto. Three; one engraved by Mackenzie, iSoo; one engraved by Grainger, 1794; and one extremely rare engraved by J. Chap- man, from an original drawing taken at New York in 1791. Pub- lished by Wilkinson, London, 1793. Baker No. 284, 163 and 75. 655 Engraved by W. Angus, London, 1785. Baker No. 3. 656 Rare print from Murray's History of the American War. 8°. Baker No. 56. 657 Rare print, engraved 1777. Baker No. 54. 658 Puglia, James Ph. The Federal Politician. 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, Francis and Robert Bailey, 1795 659 Quarll. The Hermit ; or, the Unparalleled Sufferings and Surprising Adventures of Philip Quarll, an Englishman, who was discovered by Mr. Dorrington, a Bristol merchant, upon an luiinhabited island in the South Sea, where he lived about fifty years without any human assistance. 12°, old sheep. Printed at the Apollo Press, in Boston,Jby Joseph Belknap, MDCCXCV First American from the sixth London edition. 55 660 (Reed, William H.] Amonj,' My 15ooks. World Essays. i6°, original cUjth. Hale, New York, 1871 First cdilloii. 661 Sarjcant, Thomas. An Easy and Compendious System of Shorthand. Illustrated with ten copper plates (one a portrait of Mr. Thomas Gurney), all engraved by Hirch. 18°, original stiff paper covers, with label. I'hiladelphia, printed by T. Lang, sold by T. Dobson, 1792 Very early on iIiIh sublcol. Liiliul "Uuriiey's Biticliygmnhy IniproveU I'ricc One Dollar." 662 Shakespeare, William. The Poems of. Comprehending Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, and Poems on several occasions. 16°, original calf, yellow edges. Boston, 1808 First American edition. Very scarce. 663 Shumway, Nehemiah. The American Harmony. Containing, in a concise manner, the Rules of Singing, together with a collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems. Second edition. Small oblong 4'=, old calf. John M'CuUoch, Philadelphia, 1802 Contains some matter not in the flrst edition. 664 Smith, Captain John. His Works, 1608-1631. (The English Scholar's Library.) With fac-similes of the different maps and cuts as originally published. Square 8°, stiff paper covers, uncut. Birmingham, 1884 With all the matter in the original editions, a perfect set of which Is almost unattainable at this day, and which, if to be had, would cost several thousands of dollars. 665 Songs. The Songster's Companion. A New Selection of the most approved Songs, on various subjects, at present e.xtant. To which is added an Appendi.x, containing sev^eral new and popular songs on occasions produced by the late War with Great Britain. 12°, original boards, uncut. Brattleborough, Vt., 181 5 Rare. The songs In the appendix are nowhere else found. 666 Stiles, Henry Reed. Bundling ; its Origin, Progress and Decline in America. 16°, cloth. Albany, 187 1 667 Tailfer. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia in America. Containing the most Authentick Facts, Matters and Transactions therein, together with His Majesty's Charter, Repre- sentations of the People, Letters, etc., and a Dedication to His Excellency, General Oglethorpe. By Pat. Tailfer, M. D., Hugh Anderson, M. A., Dr. Douglas and others. Land Holders in Georgia, at present in Charles-Town in South Carolina. Small 8°, half calf. Charlestown, South Carolina, printed by P. Timothy for the authors, MDCCXLL 668 Tilden, Samuel J. Tilden Unmasked! By Benjamin E. Buckman, late Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police. Illustrated. 8^, boards. New York, 1876 A specimen of campaign dirty work. The portrait of the alleged author, as frontispiece, gives the He to the title page. 56 669 Tizzard, Samuel. (Teacher of the English Language and Mathematicks in Carlisle.) The New Athenian Oracle ; or, Ladies' Companion. In two books. Book first — containing an extraordinary variety of questions in prose, on moral, philosophical and other subjects, together with a great number of enigmas, etc. Book second — containing answers and solutions in prose and verse, designed for the improvement of tlie fair sex, collected from the most eminent and approved writers. 8°, original sheep. Carlisle, from the press of A. Loudon (Whitehall), i8o6 670 Townsend, Joseph. Some Account of the Battle of the Brandywine. 8^, paper. Philadelphia, 1846 57 THEATRICAL. 67 1 Theatric li I'oster. Mrs. Knight's (from the Tlicatrc Royal, iJrury Lane) First Night, Monday Kvcning, January 29, 1827. At end is announcement of Mr. Hootli's. Third Night, in the " Merchant of Venice." Large double folio sheet. 672 Miss Chj^.rlotte Cushman's Farewell to the Stage, one week only, from Monday, November 9th, 1874. With fine portrait. Folio. 673 Mr. J.I. Toole, at the Academy of Music. Portrait. Folio. 674 Florence (Wm. J.) in the " Mighty Dollar." Portrait. Folio. 675 John S. Clarke, with portrait and ten character portraits. Folio. 676 Sothern , \i. A.) as " The Crushed Tragedian." Farewell Engagement at th^' Academy of Music, April 22, 1878. Fine portrait by Matt. Morgan. Folio. 677 Mr. Sothern as David Garrick, Brother Sam and Lord Dundreary, por- traits in the three characters, beautifully executed. Folio. 678 Edwin Booth (as) Shakespeare's Hamlet, Broad street Theatre, October 14. Fine portrait after life-photo. Folio. 679 Mr. Bar.y Sullivan, Walnut street Theatre, Sept. 20, 1875. Portrait. Folic. 680 Poster. Sharpley's Opera House, Second and Vine streets. No date. 681 Play Bill American Aquatic Theatre on Board U. S. Flagship Cum- bcrlaid, Wednesday evening, February 20, 1861. Programme: " The Rover's Bride," after which songs and dances, to conclude vk'ith •■ The Toodles ;" the whole programme executed in ink, within a coloured border. A unkiue soiivonlr of the War. 682 Versahiedere alter und ncuere Geschlichten Von Erscheinungen der Geister. 16°. Germantown, Christoph Saur, 1755 Wants title. Hildeburn, 1443. 683 Vocal Remembrancer, The. Being a choice selection of the mcst admi -ed songs, including the modern, to which are added favourite toasts and sentiments. 18°, old sheep. Phila., Wm. Spotswood, 1790 684 (Wain). The Hermit in America on a Visit to Philadelphia. Con- tainir^g some Account of the Beau.K and Belles, Dandies and Coquettes, Cotillion Parties, Supper Parties, Tea Parties, etc., etc., of that famous city. Edited by Peter Atall, Esq. Small 8°, original boards, uncut. Philadelphia. Published by M. Thomas (Johnson's Head) No. 52 Cl.tstnut street, 1819. First edition. 58 685 (Wain). The Hermit in America on a visit to to Philadelphia. Con- taining some account of the Human Leeches, Belles, Beaux, Co- quettes, Dandies, Cotillion Parties, Supper Parties, Tea Parties, etc., etc., of that famous city, and the poets and painters of America. Second edition, with corrections and additions. Embellished with four engravings. Edited by Peter Atall, Esq. Small 8°, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Published by M. Thomas, (John- son's Head), No. 52 Chestnut street, 18 19. First edition with the plates, which iir'e colourecl. The work id a satire on I'hiladL'lphia society of the clay it was written, and is very amusing, althougli nianj' of its allusions are "cavi- are" to the Philadelphians of this day. Two tiner copies wili never be fo'iud than these, both clean and perfect, and seldom found together. 686 Washington Pitcher. A Small Ironstone Pitcher, with the head of Washington printed on both sides of it. Interesting to a collector of, and extremely scarce. 687 Washington. Electrotypes in copper of the rare Boston medal. The obverse with head of Washington, and the legend, " Georgio Wash- ington Supremo Duci Exercituum Adsertori Libertatis. Comitia Americana." On the reverse, on an eminence overlooking a city, four horsemen, representing Washington and his staff, clearly de- fined. At the top the legend " Hostibus Prime Fugatis." At the bottom, " Bostonum Regeneratum XVII Marti MDCCLXXVI." 688 Baker, W. S. The Engraved Portraits of Washington, with Notices of the Originals and Brief Biographical Sketches of the Painters. 4°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1880 A model of hand-books. Only .000 printed. 689 Monuments of Washington's Patriotism : containing a fac-simile of his publick accounts kept during the Revolutionary War ; and some of the most interesting documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration ; embracing among others, the Farewell Address to the People of the United States, together with an Eulogium on the character of Washington by Major W. Jack- son, one of his Aids-de-Camp. Published for the benefit of Wash- ington's Manual Labour School and Male Orphan Asylum, City of Washington, P. Force, Printer, 1838. Folio, original roan, gilt. With plates on India paper, including portrait of Washington after Rembrandt Peale, not in Baker's " Engraved Portraits of Washington." Also engraved plate of fac-similes of the Con- tinental Currency. 690 Washington. The Universal Biographical Dictionary, etc. Three plates, one of Washington, by Edwin, same as Baker 385, James Beattie by Fekenino, and another. 12°, original sheep. Hartford, 1833 691 Weems, M. L. The Life of George Washington, etc. Six engravings, including portrait, by Dr. Anderson. J. Allen. 12°, sheep. Philadelphia, N. D The plates by Al(^'iander Anderson, the great American engraver and (alleged) rival of Bewick. 692 Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, by Phillis Wheatley, negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. Portrait. 12°, original calf. London, 1773 59 693 Whitcfickl, George. A Letter to the Reverend Dr. Chauncy, on account of some Passages relating to tlie Reverend Mr. VVhiteficld, in liis book entitled Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion, in New England. 24'^, half calf, pp. 32, uncut. \V. ikadford, Philadelphia, 1745 riildcVmi'ii No. 9S8. 694 Wilson, Samuel. An account of the Province of Carolina in America, togt.thcr with an abstract of the [latent and several other neces- sary and useful particulars, to such as have thoughts of transport- ing themselves thither, published for their information. Small 4-', calf, gilt, e.\tra, by Bedford. London, 1682. Kxuenicly ruiv. 6915 Pennsylvania. Acts of the General Assembly of the Common- wealth of. Carefully compared with the originals, and an Appendix containing the laws now in force, passed between the 30th day of Sept., 1775, and the Revolution, together with the Declaration ot Independence, the Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania, and the Articles of Confederation of the United States of America. Folio, old calf P'rancis Bailey, Philadelphia, 1782 696 Hume, Sophia. An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South Carolina to bring their deeds in the light of Christ in their own consciences. 8°, contemporary sheep. William Bradford. Philadelphia, (1748) Contains thn jioeni :il tlie ond ontiUed " Divine Love Coniinenioral''d." 697 Saur Imprint Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. 8°, contemporary calf, with clasps. Christo[)h .Saur, Germantown, 1744 698 Saur Imprint. Gcislliches Hlumen Gartlein, Inniger Seelen Oder Kurtze Schlusz-Reimen Betrachtungen und Lieder. 16°, contemporary calf, with clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1747 Bound wlih this volume is Wainung.s-Schrciben Mlder die Leiciitslnlgkeit. Christoph Baur, Germantown, 1718. 699 Philadelphia Reformed or else Destroyed. An address in Christian love to the inhabitants of Philadelphia on the awful dispensation of the yellow fever in 1798, by Thaddeus Bi'own. 12°, paper, untrimmed edges. R. Aitkeii, Philadelphia, 1798 Cue of the scarcest boolfs ou yellow lever. 700 Washington. Legacies of. Being a collection of the most approved writings of the late Genl. Geo. Washington, with an Appendix con- taining a sketch of the life of this illustrious patriot. With rare portrait by W. Harrison, Jr. 12°, contemporary sheep. Trenton, 1800 Very rare. See Balccr, No. 128. 701 Duche, Rev. Jacob. Caspipinas' Letters. Observations on a variety of subjects, literary, moral and religious. 12°, calf John Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1774 702 A Plan of the City of Washington in the year 1 800. 6o 703 An Elegiac Poem on the Death of General George Washington, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United- States, who died at Mount Vernon, Virginia, December 14th, 1799, age 69 years. Dedicated to the citizens of the United States, and printed on satin, by R. Aitken. Philadelphi;., Jan. 1st, 1800 704 A Unique Profile Plaster Bas-relief of Thomas Jefferson, by a French artist. Owucd by Charles Wilson Peale. Supposed to be unique. 6i WORKS ON THE BLACK ART. The Library of a Most Noted Astrologor. 705 Bohnicns, Jacob. Tlieosophiac Revelat.ic, Das ist: Allc dottiiche Schriftcii dcs Gottscligcn unci Hochcrlcucliteten Dcutschcn Tlitoso- phi. Vol. 2, 4"^, old calf. 1715 706 Fabri, Petri Johaiinis. Allc in Zwey Thcilc vcrfasscte Cl.ymisclic Schriften. I Die Universal Chymie oder Anatomie der gantzen Welt, der Lapis Philosophorum die Spagyrischc Kunst. IJ Die Univer.sal Weischeit oder Anatomic des Mcnschen und der Metallen. 2 Vols, in I. 4°, old calf. Hamburg, 171 3 707 Libellus Tiieosophiae de Veris BeliquLis Sev Semine dei in nobis post lapsum relicto, quo Sancti Patres et IVophctae in tantos viros ex- crcverunt, et Scrmo de Purgatorio par Philippi Thcophra.sti. 4'^, boards, Newstadt, 1618 708 Eckartshausen, Carl von. Aufschlussc zur Magie aus gepruftcn P>- fahrungen uder verborgene philosophische Wissenschaften und verdeckte der Natur. Numerous illustrations. 4 Vols., 8°, half calf. Munchen, 1791 709 Mistische Nachte oderder Schlussel zu den Geheimnissen des Wunder- baren cin Nachtrag zu den Aufschlussen uber Magie von dem Hofratii von Eckartshausen. Frontispiece. 8*^, calf. Munchen, 1791 710 A. B. C. von Stein der Weisen. Vols. 1, 3, 4. 12°, half roan. Berlin, 1778 711 Das Grab .Vllen Despoten. 2 vols, in i. 8°, half bound. Colin, 1796 712 Fietuld, Hermann. Das P^dcle Berlein und Thcurer Schatz der Himm- lischen Weisheit in Zwolff Koniglichen Palasten X'orgestellet und beschrieben. Nemlich wie der Stein der Weissen, und Anhang und Anwei.sung vom Chaos, 12°, boards, uncut. Franckfurt, 1734 713 P^in Grundliche Philosophisch Sendschreiben vom rechten und wahren Steine der Weischeit, und Antwort auf das philosophische Send- schreiben von Frou Theosophia Sternbucta. 8°, half bound. Berlin, 1779 714 Grundveste der Metallurgie oder Schlussel der Weisheit zu der hohen Pforte der Natur und dem grossen Geheimnisse der Metallurgie, P^ranci !rt 1763 — Des aufrichtigen Hermogenis Spagnrlches und Philosophisches Brunnlcin oder Hauptvvcrck und Essential Punct der hdchsten naturlichen Philosophia; und Alchymia;, Halle 1741 — Des aufrichtigen Hermogenis Philosophischer und Magischer P'euer Stab oder unvermeidlicher kunslgriff zu dem Philosophisclicn P'euer zu Gelangcn, Leipsig, 1741. Bound in i vol. 12°. boards. 715 Roth-Scholtzen, Friederich. Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, auf welchi.m derberuhmtesten Philosophen und Alchj-misten Schrifftcn. Die vcn dem Stein der Weisen. Portrait and Plates. Vol. 1, 12°, boards. Neunberg, 1728 62 7i6 Bohmen, Jacob. AlleTheosophische Wercken, Amsterdam, 1682. Die Wurtzel oder Mutter der Philosophiae Astrologiae und Theologiae, Amsterdam, 1682, De Signatura Rerum, Amsterdam, 1682. In I vol., thick 12°, vellum. 717 Bohmen, Jacob. Von der Menschwerdung Jesu Christi, Amsterdam, 1682. Von Sechs Puncten Hohe und tieffe Grundung, Amsterdam, 1682. Eine kurtze Erklarung nachfolgender Sechs Puncten, Amsterdam, 1682. Grundlicher Bericht vom Irzdischen und Heminlischen Mysterio, Amsterdam, 1682. Der Weeg zu Christo, Amsterdam, 1682. Das Vierdte Buchlein von W'ahrer Belass- enheit, Amsterdam, 1682. Das Funffte Buchlein de Regeneratione, Amsterdam, 1682. Das Achte Buchlein Epistola oder Send-bricf, Amsterdam, 1682. In all Twelve Books. In i vol., thick 12°, vellum. 718 Bohmen, Jacob. De Signatura Rerum, Amsterdam, 1682 Von der Henaden-Wahl oder dem Willen Gottes uber die Menschen, Amsterdam, 1682. Von Christi Testamenten Zwey Buchlein, Amsterdam, 1682. In i vol., thick 12°, vellum. 719 Bohmen, Jacob. Bedencken uber Esais Stiefels, Amsterdam, 1082, und Theosophische Send-Briefe, Amsterdam, 1682. In I vol., thick 12°, vellum. 720 Bohmn, Jacob. Beschreibung der drey Principien Gottliches Wesens. Amsterdam, 1682. Hohe und tiesfe Grunde von dem Dreyfachen Leben des Menschen, nach dem Geheininuss der dreyen Principien Gottliicher Offenbahrung, Amsterdam, 1682. In I vol. thick, 12°, vellum. 721 Bohmn, Jacob. Mysterium Magnum oder Erklarung uber das Erste Buch Von der Offenbahrung Gottiichen Worts durch die drey Principia Gottliches Wesens, audi vom Ursprung der Welt und der Schopffung. 12°, thick vellum. Amsterdam, 1682 722 Langen, Johann. Des Hochgelehrten Philalethac und anderer auserlesne chymische TractatleiH. 12°, half bound. 1749 723 Das Geheimnuss der Berwesung und Berbrenung aller Dinge, Rach seiner Wundern im Reich der Natur und Gnadc, Macro et Micro- cosmice. 12°, boards. Franckfurt, 1759 724 Aurea Catena Homeri, oder Eine Beschreibung von dem Arsprung der Natur und Naturlichen Dingen. 12°, roan. Franckfurt, 1723 725 Eine kurzc Eroffnung und Anweisung der drcycn Principien und Wclten im Menschen, in unterschiedlichcr Figurcr. i 2°, boards. Berlin, 1779 726 Fictuld, Herman. Hermetica Victoria. 12°, half bound. Leipzig, 1750 727 Biblisches und Emblematisches Worterbuch dem Tellerischen Worter- buch. 12°, boards. 1776 728 Wasserstein der Weisen der Chymischcs Tractatlcin. iMontispicce. 12°, half roan. F'rancklurt, 1760 63 729 Hns Biicli Amor Proximi Gcflosscn aus dcm OcliI tier Gottliclicn l?;uinliL'rlzit;kcit. (jcicliaiffct niit dcm Wcinder Wcisheit bckraff- tigcr mit dcm Saltz, iJcr Gottliclicn und Naturlichen Warhcit dcm armcn zvvisclicii llyciicho und I licrusalem. 12", boards. Franckfurt, 1746 730 Drcyfachcs Ilcrmctisclics Kiccbiat in wclchcm bcgriffcn drcycr vorn(,'li- mcn l^hiiosophorum herrliche Tractatlein, Das erstc von dcm Gchcimcn vvaaren Saltz dcr Philosophorum. Illustrated. 12°, vellum. Numberg, 1667 731 Vchmen, J. A. Sophia odcr Wcibliche Kkighcit. 12°. boards. Dresden, 1750 732 Koffskhij, Fratus Vinccntli. Hermetische Schriften deiien wahren Schulcrn und Nachlblgcrn, Numbcrg, 1786. Michaclis Send- ivgoii's funf und funfzig Briefs, Frankfurt, 1770, und Christophori Parisiensis' Elucidarius, Frankfurt, 1772. Bound in i Vol. 12°, clotii. 733 Das Aufrichtigen Hermogenis Philosophischcr und Magischer Feuer- Stab, der ; Unvermeidlicher Kunstgriff zu dcm Philosophischen Fcuer zu gelangen. 12°, boards. Leipzig, 1741 734 Hermes, Johann August. Handbuch der Religion. 2 vols, in 1. 1 2=, boards. Frankfort, 1792 735 Philosophia Salomonis ; odcr, Gclieimcs Cabinet der Natur und Kunst des VVeiscn Konigcs Salomons eroffnet durch den sogcnannten Gro»6en und Kleinen Bauer Wahren Besitzern des Koniglichen Steins. 12°, boards. Augsburg, 1753 736 Bohme, Jacob. Seraphinisch BIumcn-Gartlein oder Geistlische Ex- tracten aus alien Schrifften. 3 vols, in I , thick 1 2°, old calf. Amsterdam, 1700 737 Pordadsche, D. J oh. Gottliche und W'ahre Metaphysica. Vol. I, 12°, half bound. Franckfort, 171 5 738 Reisen von der SLindfiuth. Frontispiece. 12°, half old calf. Bagdad, 1795 739 Thomas von Kemper wie man Jesu Christo nachahmcn musee. 12°, boards. Basel, 1788 740 Pordadschens, D. Joh. Tractact von der Finstein W'clt in Drey Buchern. Thick 16°, half bound. N. P., N. D 741 Chymischer Wonden-Schein, VVorinnen nicht allein angezeiget wird, das mahre Subjectum Philosophic. Frontispiece. 1 2°, boards. Franckfort, 1730 This contiiiiis sevenil other rare works. 742 Microcosmiche Vorspicle des neuen Himmcls und der Neuen Erde. P'rontispicce. 12°, boards. Franckfort, 1784 743 Voni Mercurio. Das ist Ein Philosophisches Naturgemasz. Gross- netes Philosophisches Vatterhertz Straszburg 1682, und, Johannis, F, Helvctiii's Vitulus Aureus, Amshlodami 1667, in one vol. 12°. half roan. 64 744 Tiipus CheimicLis Sendivogianus, Dreysaches Chirnisches Kleinod. 12^, half roan. Straszburg, 1628 745 Hylealischen das ist Pri-Materialischen Catnolischen. 16^, half roan. Magdeburg, MDXCIIIX 746 Erofnetes Philosophisches Vater-Herz, Franckfurt, 1750. Philoso- phischer Phoenix, Nuenberg, 1668. Philippi Theophrasti Bombast von Hohenheim Paracelse genannt, Franckfurt, 1 750. 16°, boards. 747 Tractatus Pholyhistoricus Magico-Medicus Curiosu^ , von Eberhards Gockelio. Franckfurt 1717- Dr. Nicolai, Andry's Grunillicher Unterricht von Erzugung der Wurmer im Mt. nschlichen leibe Leipzig 1716, in one vol. 12°, vellum. 5 7 32 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. BBH^ vt4A Uj J\f27t Washington - . . . This valuahbe and extraordinary collection of the effects of General George Washington and *Z997 W27t