THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ballads of Boy and Beak J. Miller and Son, Printers, Edinburgh To F. M. B. A Rondeau Two Boys Two Masters Ad Be(a)tulam Rondeau of my Private School Ballade of the mild Usher An Usher's Duties . An Usher's Duties, A Ballad from another point of view . Ballade of Burdens . Ballade of the Teach-Pidgin-Man Ballade of the Boys' Own Paper Rondeau of the Foolish Fag Villanelle of the Lazy Lout Pantoum from between the Sheets The Sweet Little Muff Boarding School Ballads— I. The Refined Academy . n. The Hamper III. The Bully A letter of advice to F. S. in his first term at a Public School V I 3 4 5 7 9 10 12 H t6 18 20 22 23 24 20 29 35 41 47 CONTENTS O^^^QO €^e QOQ The Lady and the Angel-Boy ... 50 Legend of the giddy Grandfather and the wise youth, his Grandson . . 53 A Banjo Song after R, K 56 An Alphabet 60 J TNLINKED by any ties of kin XO F. M. B. ^^ I chanced into your caravan^ You entertained afid took me in — No angel ^ but a prickly man. You made me welcome to your best^ A nd gave me^ stranger and unknown^ As brother rather than as guest ^ A home more homelike than my own. If to my sight have been unfurled Some glimpses of the point of view ^ From which the boy surveys the world^ I learnt it every whit from you. From you and from your Mother — she Whose gentle influence controlled With guiding hand we did not see., A nd touch that turned our dross to gold. For idle tongues.^ that scattered free Their froth of gossip fleck' d with gall, Would hush their chatter to agree — ' She sits apart above us all. ' You never show'd by word or sign, That boyish faults had power to fray Your patience at its edge, when mine Wore threadbare twenty times a day. I Vcur only fault to one who scannd A critic eager to complain^ That when you smote you stay d your hand, And halv'd the necessary pain. Upon your slowly circling wheel You strive to work your vessels pure Of flaw and blemish, and anneal Their temper, steadfast to endure. Kind potter, yours the patient skill. And tireless fingers deft to train. And mould the mind and wakening will Their part hereafter to sustain. Alas ! as up life's hill they, trudge, If one should stumble in the dust. He will not find another judge As patient, and as kindly just! UPON the world's capacious lap A RONDEAU I cast my book — a tiny scrap — To push and jostle for a place In the mad scurry of life's race ; If it can find some humble gap. ' Poor fool ! Their fingers men will snap At this in scorn, nor care a rap ; Your book will die and leave no trace Upon the world This is your honest verhim sap ? What then ? It were no great mishap. I never dream'd I should outpace The rest in beauty, wit or grace ; Nor burst— a deafening thunder-clap Upon the world ! TWO BOYS A YOUTH of high degree, '^~*- His wavy locks well smalmed with redolent cosmetic, Who goes, like Agag, somewhat mincingly — ' Bad form to seem too energetic ! ' An oily placid smirk Plays softly round the cherub's angel features, To show the scorn that in his heart must lurk For all his paltry fellow- creatures. A chubby, grubby, boy, Whose face and collar frequent drops of ink be- spatter. Mere dirt cannot his happiness destroy, Whose motto is ' It doesn't matter.' His rebel hair is rough. With tie ill-tied, and boots both innocent of laces, His fingers ' sicklied o'er ' with sugar stuff. His only art is making faces. The one ' a little dear,' His mother says, nor marks his most offensive swagger, The other, no such paragon I fear, But just ' a jolly httle beggar.' 4 irpATUOUS, fussy, severe, TWO ■*- Thinning the trouser by friction ; MASTERS Prone to the box on the ear — Such is the master in fiction. Primly precise in his diction, When he proses (more vulgarly ' gasses.') Impressed with the rooted conviction That boys are unspeakable asses. This is all very well as a hit Of the kind that is knoTsm as rhetorical ; Yet we're bound as a fact to admit, That the portrait is scarcely historical. Squeers is no longer the oracle, Nor that portly old fraud Dr Grimstone. They have passed into realms allegorical, Along with the treacle and brimstone. Resolute, manly, and kind, Striking awe to the heart of the lurker ; A fell nemesis, ever behind The slow, shuffling steps of the shirker. No invertebrate, plausible smirker ; But honest, alert, energetic ; A patient, untiring worker — Strong, yet withal sympathetic. 5 In the dust of a kindlier age Lies the tomahawk buried for ever ; And no more shall hostility rage 'Twixt the taught and the tutor. For never Shall mortal be found to endeavour To promote such a signal disaster, As the friendly relations to sever, Which now bind the boy to the master. "1 1 rHEN bowed by the breath of the breezes, AD * '^ Thou bendest thy head to the sky, be(a)TULAM Thy traceried elegance pleases Both the crude and the critical eye. Thou art peerless, unmatched, tho* creation Be ransacked with the strictest research ! Then to thee let us pour a libation, O beautiful birch ! Oh curly and crisp and caressing Is the lingering lick of the cane ; As it clings, an equivocal blessing. To the sufferer writhing in pain. Has one failed in his duties scholastic ? Is he rude, insubordinate, slack ? Then sinuous, lithe, and elastic It falls on his back. The ash-plant, abrupt and aggressive. Is clumsy, and raises a lump ; And the pain it produces excessive. As is also the case with a stump. Epidermis is apt to be made dough By the fives-bat's too forcible flout; Which is worse than the brute bastinado, Or barbarous knout. 7 Objections to that and to this stick Are freely and frequently raised ; But the birch is humane and artistic; And can never too highly be praised. For making the cuticle tender, What better could anyone wish, Than the tremulous twigs of the slender And delicate swish ? So the Sybarite scion of Eton Treats thee, fitly, with reverent awe Whene'er by thy boughs he is beaten. And his back rendered rosily raw, His sense of thy charms not yet fled, dead, He gracefully yields thee thy due ; And ties thee up over his bed-head. In ribbons of blue. TV /r Y private school, elect, serene, RONDEAU ^^^ To you I went, when young and green ; oF MY And learned, from your injunctions strict, PRIVATE That ' it is rude to contradict,' SCHOOL And ' boys should not be heard when seen.' The soap-like cheese, the chill sardine, And thin-spread oleo-margarine. Still aid my memory to depict My private school. They'd run with pots of vaselim^ And plasters oipommade divine^ If one his little finger pricked. Of harshness you could ne'er convict That grand-maternal teach-machine — My private school ! T F your boys only do as they're told, "*• It is all very well to be kind, BALLADE OF THE "" -It IS all very MILD USHER On the plan of the people who hold That small boys as a race are maligned ; But as soon as they see you're inclined To let minor delinquencies pass, As a ruler your death-warrant's signed — They will think you a thundering ass. When you mildly admonish and scold, It is clearly their duty to mind, But they don't — and you feel you are sold, And have wasted your words on the wind. For an average boy you will find Has a scorn, that is harder than brass, For a threat which has nothing behind, And will think you a thundering ass. And they promptly grow cheeky and bold When they ' twig ' that you're calmly resigned To the fact that they're badly controlled ; And your discipline's then undermined. If your wrath to mere ' jaw ' is confined, They will reckon you greener than grass. Unless pain with reproof is combined, They will think you a thundering ass. 10 Envoy Mild usher, your method refined Doesn't really go down with your class, Who will merely suppose you are blind, And will think you a thundering ass. T T needs no great ambition to aspire ■*■ To teach the British boy his A, B, C, It does not take a very brilliant flyer To drum at mensa^ or the rule of three ^ You merely want a 'Varsity degree, (It is not hard to shuffle through the schools !) To make you all a pedagogue should be ; For any fool can teach a pack of fools. A scathing tongue is what you most require — The not uncommon gift of repartee ; The knack of hinting that a boy's a liar, While seeming to applaud his probity. Or, if a boy should dare to disagree With what you say, a sneer is cheap, and cools His ardour, and cuts short his rising glee ; For any fool can teach a pack of fools. The man who's judged it prudent to retire From making tombstones, or retailing tea ; Or failed in his endeavour to acquire A practice as a lawyer or M.D. The man who's chucked away his last half ' d ' In backing horses, or in ' option pools—' Who better fitted for the post than he ? For any fool can teach a pack of fools. 12 Envoy You do not think so ? Ask A. G. & T., In Sackville Street, enthroned upon their stools ; I think you'll find them ready to agree That any fool can teach a pack of fools. 13 AN usher's "\yHATEVER tasks they should fulfil, ' ' Alike the toilsome and the light — To set about them with a will, And work at them with all their might. Thinking no shame to take delight In practising what others preach ; To render sadder lives more bright — These are the things you have to teach. To choose the good, and shun the ill. Unfaltering and firm, in spite Of busy mockers, who would chill The ardour of a faithful knight. To be both manly and polite, And chivalrous in act and speech, To aid the weaker in the fight ; These are the things you have to teach. Pure tastes and manly to instil. High aspirations to excite ; That, climbing up life's rocky hill. They may attain its snow-clad height With faces set to use aright The talents God bestows on each. Until they pass into the night ; These are the things you have to teach 14 Envoy To strive with souls unsullied, white, Perfection's lofty goal to reach— This is the aim to keep in sight ; These are the things you have to teach. IS BALLADE OF 'T^HE burden of dull teaching. Small delight BURDENS Cometh to one that toileth all the day, Instructing brainless boys to read and write, And striving information to convey . For prematurely shall thy hair turn grey, In fathoming their depths of dulness dire ; They know not now what they knew yesterday — This is the end of every boy's desire. The burden of much nagging ; when, in spite Of all thine exhortations to obey, They disregard thy strict injunctions quite, And, when thou shoutest, look the other way. Thou to thyself strange oaths dost softly say, Consigning them to nether realms of fire ; Yet hast no power to scourge them, nor to flay. This is the end of every boy's desire. The burden of much running ; when in sight Of all the boys at football thou dost play ; And thy lean limbs, no longer nimbly light. Progress but slowly o'er the clinging clay. Then shall the heart of every boy wax gay. While thou dost most unpleasantly perspire, And, on thy shins, their wrongs they shall repay, This is the end of every boy's desire. i6 Envoy Usher, be calm, thou wilt not find it pay, When baited, to give vent unto thine ire. Thou Shalt be sacked, and swiftly sent away, This is the end of every boy's desire. 17 BALLADE OF THE TEACH- PIDGIN-MAN TT E t/ain dem in de way to go, "■■ ■■■ Good mo/al p/ecepts he supply — He teachee all day b'long to know, How to subt/act and multiply. But dough his pnnciple's so high, A//anged upon a first-chop plan, His best inst/uction dey defy, An'-g/ieve dat poor teach-pidgin-man. He not hab muchee cash, galow ! His purse /un often ve//y d/y. He not wear ve//y top-side clo', For not affordee dem to buy. An' so dey winkee wid deir eye, An' cockee Snook, wid out-sp/ead han', When his ole boots come bulgin' by ; An' g/ieve dat poor teach-pidgin-man. Dey th/owre pellets to an' f/o. An' chow-chow bulls eyes on de sly. Or t/ead upon de teach-man's toe — Chop-chop ! He jump ! An' sc/eam out ' Hi ! An' den dey laugh until dey c/y. An' fill his ink-pot up wid san'. To make him in a tant/um fly, An' grieve dat poor teach-pidgin-man. i8 Envoy Bad chilo ! when you know he t/y To help you eve/y way he can ! What for you make him g/unt an' sigh, An' g/ieve dat poor teach-pidgin-man 19 BALLADE OF THE boys' OWN PAPER T T E is not very good, •■• ■*• Nor beautiful, nor wise ; Thinks more about his food Than of his boots and ties Affects not to despise A periwinkle tea ; And yet he's sure to rise, He reads the B. O. P. The sad subjunctive mood He hates, without disguise ; And fain would see tabooed All'X's,' 'Z's,'and'Y's.' Will he secure the prize ? He shakes his head. ' Not he ! And truthfully replies, ^^^ reads the B. O. P.' He talks not of the flood. Nor of Queen Anne's demise ; Regards not Norman blood, Nor raves of hazel eyes At cocoa-nuts he shies, Propels the nimble pea, And when their glamour dies He reads the B. O. P. Envoy Is he a boy who tries To emulate the bee ? Who knows ? At least he buys And reads the B. O. P. 21 \7'0U little /oo//' I heard the tyrant say, ■^ (My fag-master to wit ! ) one luckless day, When I had blacked his toast, and made his tea With luke-warm water, burned his fricasee To shrivelled cinders of a ghastly gray. In wrath he spoke to me in deep dismaj', (I knew the tone too well to disobey). 'Just find my stick, and bring it here to me You little fool ! ' With practised hand he then began to lay That ash-plant on my back, nor did he stay His blows, till they had numbered three times three. Then, when a parting kick had set me free, I muttered softly, as I sped away, ' You /////7// of Print at present. A Random Itinerary and a Ballad. With a Fron- tispiece and Title-page by Laurence Housman. 600 copies. Fcap. 8vo, Irish Linen. 5s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. Ballads and Songs. With a Title-page and Cover Design by Walter West. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 5s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. DAWE (W. CARLTON). Yellow and White. {See Keynotes Series.) DE TABLEY (LORD). Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. By John Leicester Warren (Lord De Tabley). Illustrations and Cover Design by C. S. Ricketts. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. net. New York : Macmillan & Co. Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. Second Series, uni- form in binding with the former volume. Crown Svo. 5s. net. New York : Macmillan & Co, DIX (GERTRUDE). The Girl from the Farm. {See Keynotes Series.) DOSTOIEVSKY (F.). See Keynotes Series, Vol. iii. THE PUBLICATIONS OF ECHEGARAY (JOSE). See Lynch (Hannah). EGERTON (GEORGE). Keynotes. (6"^^ Keynotes Series.) Discords. {See Keynotes Series.) Young Ofeg's Ditties. A translation from the Swedish of Ola Hansson. With Title-page and Cover Design by Aubrey Beardsley. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. net. Boston : Roberts Bros. FARR (FLORENCE). The Dancing Faun. {See Keynotes Series.) FLEMING (GEORGE). For Plain Women only. {See Mayfair Set.) FLETCHER (J. S.). The Wonderful Wapentake. By *A Son of the Soil.' With 18 full-page Illustrations by J. A. 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Also 50 copies large paper. 12s. 6d. net. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR). His Life and His Work. With Selections from his Poems. By Louise Chandler Moulton. Por- trait and Cover Design. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. net. Chicago : Stone & Kimball. JOHN LANE OXFORD CHARACTERS. A series of lithographed portraits by Will Rothenstein, with text by F. York Powell and others. To be issued monthly in term. Each number will contain two portraits. Parts I. to VI. ready, 200 sets only, folio, wrapper, 5s. net per part ; 25 special large paper sets containing proof impressions of the por- traits signed by the artist, los. 6d. net per part. PENNELL (ELIZABETH ROBINS). The Feasts of Autolycus. {See Mayfair Set.) PETERS (WM. THEODORE). Posies out of Rings. Sq. i6mo. 3s. 6d. net. {In preparation. PIERROT'S LIBRARY. Each volume with Title-page, Cover Design, and End- papers designed by Aubrey Beardsley. Sq. i6mo. 2s. 6d. net. The following are in preparation. Vol. I. Pierrot. By H. de Vere Stacpoole. Vol. II. My Little Lady Anne. By Mrs Egerton Castle. Vol. HI. Death, the Knight and the Lady. By H. DE Vere Stacpoole. Vol. IV. Simplicity. By A. T. G. Price. Philadelphia : Henry Altemus. PISSARRO (LUCIEN). The Queen of the Fishes. A Story of the Valois, adapted by Margaret Rust, being a printed manu- script, decorated with pictures and other ornaments, cut on the wood by Lucien Pissaro, and printed by him in divers colours and in gold at his press in Epping. Edition limited to 70 copies, each num- bered and signed. Crown 8vo, on Japanese hand- made paper, bound in vellum, J[^\ net. i6 THE PUBLICATIONS OF PLARR (VICTOR). In the Dorian Mood : Poems. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. [/« preparation. PRICE (A. T. G.). Simplicity. [See Pierrot's Library.) RADFORD (DOLLIE). Songs and other Verses. With Title-page designed by Patten Wilson. Fcap. 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott Co. RAMSDEN (HERMIONE). See Hansson. RICKETTS (C. S.) and C. H. SHANNON. Hero and Leander. By Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman. With Borders, Initials, and Illustrations designed and engraved on the wood by C. S. Ricketts and C. H. Shannon. Bound in English vellum and gold. 200 copies only. 35s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. RHYS (ERNEST). A London Rose and other Rhymes. With Title-page designed by Selwyn Image. 350 copies. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co. ROBERTSON (JOHN M.). Essays towards a Critical Method. (New Series.) Crown 8vo. 5s. net. \_In preparation. ROBINSON (C. NEWTON). The Viol of Love. With Ornaments and Cover Design by Laurence Housman. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. Boston : Lamson, Wolffe & Co. ST. CYRES (LORD). The Little Flowers of St. Francis : A new ren- dering into English of the Fioretti di San Francesco. Crown Svo. 5s. net. {Lt p?-eparation. JOHN LANE SHARP (EVELYN). At the Relton Arms. {See Keynotes Series.) SHIEL(M. P.). Prince Zaleski. {See Keynotes Series.) SMITH (JOHN). Platonic Affections. {See Keynotes Series.) STACPOOLE (H. DE VERE). Pierrot. {See Pierrot's Library.) Death, the Knight and the Lady. {See Pierrot's Library.) STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). Prince Otto. A rendering in French by Egerton Castle. Crown 8vo. 5s. net, [In preparation. Also TOO copies on large paper, uniform in size with the Edinburgh Edition of the Works. A Child's Garden of Verses. With nearly 100 Illustrations by Charles Robinson. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. \_In preparation, STODDART (THOS. TOD). The Death Wake. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. net. Chicago : Way & Williams. STREET (G. S.). The Autobiography of a Boy. {See Mayfair Set.) Miniatures and Moods. Fcap. Svo. 3s. net. Transferred by the A uthor to the present Publisher. New York : The Merriam Co. SWETTENHAM (F. a.). Malay Sketches. With Title-page and Cover Design by Patten Wilson. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. New York : Macmillan & Co. i8 THE PUBLICATIONS OF SYRETT (NETTA). Nobody's Fault. {See Keynotes Series.) TABB (JOHN B.). Poems. Sq. 32rao. 4s. 6d. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. TAYLOR (UNA). Nets for the Wind, {See Keynotes Series. ) TENNYSON (FREDERICK). Poems oe the Day and Year. "With a Title-page by Patten \Vilson. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. Chicago : Stone & Kimball. THIMM (C. A.). A Complete Bibliography of the Art of Fence, Duelling, etc, AVith Illustrations. {In preparation. THOMPSON (FRANCIS). Poems. With Frontispiece, Title-page, and Cover Design by Laurence Housman. Fourth Edition. Pott 4to. 5s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. Sister Songs : An Offering to Two Sisters. With Frontis- piece, Title-page, and Cover Design by LAURENCE Housman. Pott 4to. 5s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. THOREAU (HENRY DAYID). Poems of Nature. Selected and edited by Henry S. Salt and Frank B. Sanborn, with a Title-page designed by Patten Wilson. Fcap. 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. \_In p7-eparation, Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co. JOHN LANE TYNAN HINKSON (KATHARINE). Cuckoo Songs, With Title-page and Cover Design by Laurence Housman. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. net. Boston : Copeland & Day. Miracle Plays : Our Lord's Coming and Childhood. With Six Illustrations and a Title-page by Patten Wilson. Fcap. 8vo. net. [In preparation. Chicago : Stone & Kimball. WATSON (ROSAMUND MARRIOTT). Vespertilia and other Poems. With a Title-page designed by R. Anning Bell. Fcap. 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. A Summer Night and Other Poems. New edition, with a decorative Title-page. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. net. Chicago: Way & Williams. [In preparation. WATSON (H. B. MARRIOTT). At the First Corner. {See Keynotes Series.) The King's Highway. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. [In preparation. WATSON (WILLIAM). Odes and Other Poems. Fourth Edition. Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 4s. 6d. net. New York : Macmillan & Co. The Eloping Angels : A Caprice. Second Edition. Square i6mo, buckram. 3s. 6d. net. New York : Macmillan & Co. Excursions in Criticism : being some Prose Recrea- tions of a Rhymer. Second Edition. Cr. 8vo. 5s. net. New York : Macmillan & Co. The Prince's Quest and Other Poems. With a Bibliographical Note added. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. 20 THE PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN LANE WATT (FRANCIS). The Law's Lumber Room. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net. Chicago : A. C. M^Clurg & Co. WATTS (THEODORE). Poems. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. \_In preparation. There ivill also be an Edition de Luxe of this volume printed at the Kelmscott Press. WELLS (H. G.). Select Conversations with an Uncle. {See May- fair Set.) WHARTON (H. T.). Sappho. Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings, and a Literal Translation by Henry Thornton Wharton. With three Illustrations in Photogravure, and a Cover designed by Aubrey Beardsley. Fcap. 8vq» 7s. 6d. net. Chicago : A. C. M^Clurg & Co. THE YELLOW BOOK An Illustrated Quarterly Pott 4to. 5^. net.l Volume i. April 1894. 272 pages. 15 Illustrations. [ Out of p'int. Volume 11. July 1894. 364 pages. 23 Illustrations. Volume III. October 1894. 280 pages. 15 Illustrations. Volume iv. January 1895. 285 pages. 16 Illustrations. Volume v. April 1895. 317 pages. 14 Illustrations. Volume vi. July 1895. 335 pages. 16 Illustrations. Boston : Copeland & Day. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below k PR Jnhn.qtone U826 Ballads of boy B 000 000 936 5 J61i8b and beak Mi-th "the Min. PR 1826 J6U8b