i fc BERKELEY .IBRARY TY OF CALIFORNIA J SKETCH OF THE SIKHS; Si lingular Ration, WHO INHABIT THE PROVINCES OF THE PENJAB, SITUATED BETWEEN C6e Etocttf 3[umna anD 3[ntw& LIEUTENANT-COLONEL MALCOLM, AUTHOR OF THE POLITICAL SKETCH OF INDIA. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, By James Moyes, Greville Street, Hatton Garden. 1812. ADVERTISEMENT. This Sketch has already appeared in the eleventh volume of the Asiatic Researches : but, as that va- luable work is not in common circulation, it is now republished ; and may prove acceptable, as a short and clear account of an oriental people, of singular religion and manners, with whose history the European reader can be but little acquainted. 076 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS INTRODUCTION. W^HEN with the British army in the Penjab, in 1805, I endeavoured to collect materials that would throw light upon the history, manners, and religion of the Sikhs. Though this subject had been treated by several English writers, none of them had possessed opportunities of obtaining more than very general information regarding this extraordinary race; and their narra- tives therefore, though meriting regard, have served more to excite than to gratify curiosity. In addition to the information I col- lected while the army continued within the 2 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. territories of the Sikhs, and the personal observations I was able to make, during that period, upon the customs and manners of that nation, I succeeded with difficulty in obtaining a copy of the Adi-Grant'h *, and of some historical tracts, the most essential parts of which, when I returned to Calcutta, were explained to me by a Sikh priest of the Nirmala order, whom I found equally intelligent and communi- cative, and who spoke of the religion and ceremonies of his sect with less restraint than any of his brethren whom I had met with in the Penjab. This slender stock * The sacred volume of the Sikhs. The chief, who gave me this copy, sent it at night, and with either a real or affected reluctance, after having obtained a pro- mise that I would treat it with great respect. I under- stand, however, that the indefatigable research of Mr. Colebrooke has procured not only the Adi- Grant'h, but also the Dasima Padshah ka Grant'h : and that, consequently, he is in possession of the two most sacred books of the Sikhs. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 3 of materials was subsequently much en- riched by my friend Dr. Leyden, who has favoured me with a translation of several tracts written by Sikh authors in the Pen- jabi and Duggar dialects, treating of their history and religion ; which, though full of that warm imagery which marks all oriental works, and particularly those whose authors enter on the boundless field of Hindu my- thology, contain the most valuable veri- fications of the different religious institu- tions of the Sikh nation. It was my first intention to have endea- voured to add to these materials, and to have written, when I had leisure, a history of the Sikhs ; but the active nature of my public duties has made it impossible to carry this plan into early execution, and I have had the choice of deferring it to a distant and uncertain period ; or of giv- ing, from what I actually possessed, a short and hasty sketch of their history, customs, and religion. The latter alternative I have 4 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. adopted : for, although the information I may convey in such a sketch may be very defective, it will be useful at a moment when every information regarding the Sikhs is of importance ; and it may, perhaps, sti- mulate and aid some person, who has more leisure and better opportunities, to ac- complish that task which I once con- templated. In composing this rapid sketch of the Sikhs, I have still had to encounter various difficulties. There is no part of oriental biography in which it is more difficult to separate truth from falsehood, than that which relates to the history of religious impostors. The account of their lives is generally recorded, either by devoted dis- ciples and warm adherents, or by violent enemies and bigotted persecutors. The for- mer, from enthusiastic admiration, decorate them with every quality and accomplish- ment that can adorn men : the latter mis- represent their characters, and detract from SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 5 all their merits and pretensions. This general remark I have found to apply with pecu- liar force to the varying accounts given, by Sikh and Muhammedan authors, of Nanac and his successors. As it would have been an endless and unprofitable task to have entered into a disquisition concerning all the points in which these authors differ, many considerations have induced me to give a preference, on almost all occasions, to the original Sikh writers. In every re- search into the general history of mankind, it is of the most essential importance to hear what a nation has to say of itself; and the knowledge obtained from such sources has a value, independent of its historical utility. It aids the promotion of social intercourse, and leads to the establishment of friendship between nations. The most savage states are those who have most prejudices, and who are consequently most easily conciliated or offended: they are 6 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. always pleased and flattered, when they find, that those whom they cannot but admit to possess superior intelligence, are acquainted with their history, and respect their belief and usages : and, on the con- trary, they hardly ever pardon an outrage against their religion or customs, though committed by men who have every right to plead the most profound ignorance, as an excuse for the words or actions that have provoked resentment. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. SECTION I. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE OF THE SIKHS ; WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THEIR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, USAGES, MANNERS, AND CHARACTER. Nanac Shah, the founder of the sect, since distinguished by the name of Sikhs*, was born in the year of Christ 1469, at a small village called Talwandi-f, in the district of Bhatti, in the province of Lahore. His father, whose name was CaldJ, was of * Sikh or Sicsha, is a Sanscrit word, which means a disciple, or devoted follower. In the Penjabi it is corrupted into Sikh : it is a general term, and appli- cable to any person that follows a particular teacher. f This village, or rather town, for such it has become, is now called Rayapur. It is situated on the banks of the Beyah, or Hyphasis. J He is called, by some authors, Kalu Vedi ; but Vedi is a name derived from his tribe or family. 8 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the Cshatriya cast, and Vedi tribe of Hindus, and had no family except Nanac, and his sister Nanaci, who married a Hindu of the name of Jayaram, that was em- ployed as a grain-factor by Daulet Khan Lodi, a relation of the reigning emperor of Delhi. Nanac was, agreeably to the usage of the tribe in which he was born, married to a woman of respectable family, at an early age*, by whom he had two sons, named Srichand and Lacshmi Das. The former, who abandoned the vanities of the world, had a son called Dherm Chand, who founded the sect of Udasi ; and his descendants are yet known by the name of Nanac Putrah, or the children of Nanac. Lacshmi Das addicted himself to the plea- sures of this world, and left neither heirs nor reputation. * Several Sikh authors have heen very precise in establishing the date of the consummation of ihis mar- riage, which they fix in the month of Asarh, of the Ilind6 aera of Vicramaditya, 1545. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 9 Nanac is stated, by all Sikh writers, to have been, from his childhood, inclined to devotion ; and the indifference which this feeling created towards all worldly concerns, appears to have been a source of continual uneasiness to his father ; who endeavoured, by every effort, to divert his mind from the religious turn which it had taken. With a view to effect this object, he one day gave Nanac a sum of money, to purchase salt at one village, in order to sell it at another; in the hope of enticing him to business, by allowing him to taste the sweets of com- mercial profit. Nanac was pleased with the scheme, took the money, and pro- ceeded, accompanied by a servant of the name of Bala, of the tribe of Sand'hu, towards the village where he was to make his purchase. He happened, however, on the road, to fall in with some Fakirs, (holy mendicants,) with whom he wished to com- mence a conversation; but they were so weak, from want of victuals, which they 10 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. had not tasted for three days, that they could only reply to the observations of Nanac by bending their heads, and other civil signs of acquiescence. Nanac, af- fected by their situation, said to his com- panion, with emotion : " My father has " sent me to deal in salt, with a view to " profit ; but the gain of this world is " unstable, and profitless ; my wish is to " relieve these poor men, and to obtain " that gain which is permanent and eter- " nal." His companion* replied: " Thy " resolution is good : do not delay its exe- " cution." Nanac immediately distributed his money among the hungry Fakirs ; who, after they had gained strength from the refreshment which it obtained them, entered into a long discourse with him on the unity of God, with which he was much delighted. He returned next day to his father, who * Bala Sand'hu, who gave this advice, continued, through Nanac's life, to be his favourite attendant and disciple. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. H demanded what profit he had made ? " I " have fed the poor," said Nanac, " and " have obtained that gain for you which " will endure for ever." As the father hap- pened to have little value for the species of wealth which the son had acquired, he was enraged at having his money so fruitlessly wasted, abused poor Nanac, and even struck him ; nor could the mild repre- sentations of Nanaci save her brother from the violence of parental resentment. For- tune, however, according to the Sikh nar- rators of this anecdote of their teacher's early life, had raised him a powerful pro- tector, who not only rescued him from punishment, but established his fame and respectability upon grounds that at once put him above all fear of future bad usage from his low-minded and sordid father. When Nanac was quite a youth, and em- ployed to tend cattle in the fields, he hap- pened to repose himself one day under the shade of a tree ; and, as the sun declined 12 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. towards the west, its rays fell on his face, when a large black snake*, advancing to the spot where he lay, raised itself from the ground, and interposed its spread hood between Nanac and the suns rays. Ray Bolar-f , the ruler of the district, was pass- ing the road, near the place where Nanac slept, and marked, in silence, though not without reflection, this unequivocal sign of his future greatness. This chief overheard Calu punishing his son for his kindness to the Fakirs. He immediately entered, and demanded the cause of the uproar ; and, when informed of the circumstances, he severely chid Calu for his conduct, and * The veneration which the Hindus have for the snake is well known ; and this tradition, like many others, proves the attachment of the Sikh writers to that mythology, the errors of which they pretend to have wholly abandoned. f Ray, a title inferior to that of a Rajah, generally applied to the Hindu chief of a village, or small district. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 13 interdicted him from ever again lifting his hand to Nanac, before whom, to the asto- nishment of all present, he humbled himself with every mark of the most profound vene- ration. Though Calu, from this event, was obliged to treat his son with more respect than formerly, he remained as solicitous as ever to detach him from his religious habits, and to fix him in some worldly occupation ; and he prevailed upon Jayram, his son-in- law, to admit him into partnership in his business. Nanac, obliged to acquiesce in these schemes, attended at the granary of Daulet Khan Lodi, which was in charge of Jayram ; but though his hands were em- ployed in this work, and his kindness of manner made all the inhabitants of Sultan- pur, where the granary was established, his friends, yet his heart never strayed for one moment from its object. It was incessantly fixed on the Divinity ; and one morning, as he sat in a contemplative posture, a holy Muhammedan Fakir approached, and ex- 14 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. claimed : " Oh Nanac ! upon what are thy " thoughts now employed ? Quit such oc- " cupations, that thou mayest obtain the " inheritance of eternal wealth." Nanac is said to have started up at this exclamation, and after looking for a moment in the face of the Fakir, he fell into a trance ; from which he had no sooner recovered, than he immediately distributed every thing in the granary among the poor* : and, after this act, proceeded with loud shouts out of the gates of the city, and running into a pool of water, remained there three days ; during which some writers assert he had an inter- view with the prophet Elias, termed by the Muhammedans, Khizzer, from whom he learnt all earthly sciences. While Nanac remained in the pool, * This remarkable anecdote in Nanac's life is told very differently by different Sikh authors. I have followed the narrative of Bhacta Malli. They all agree in Nanac's having, at this period, quitted the occupations of the world, and become Fakir. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS 1$ abstracted from all worldly considerations, holding converse with a prophet, poor Jayram was put in prison by Daulet Khan Lodi, on the charge of having dissipated his property. Nanac, however, returned, and told Daulet Khan that Jayram was faultless ; that he was the object of punish- ment ; and that, as such, he held himself ready to render the strictest account of all he had lost. The Khan accepted his pro- posal : Jayram's accounts were settled ; and, to the surprise of all, a balance was found in his favour ; on which he was not only released, but reinstated in the employ- ment and favour of his master. We are told, by the Sikh authors, that these won- derful actions increased the fame of Nanac in a very great degree ; and that he began, from this period, to practise all the au- sterities of a holy man ; and, by his frequent abstraction in the contemplation of the divine Being, and his abstinence and virtue, 16 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. he soon acquired great celebrity through all the countries into which he travelled. There are many extravagant accounts re- garding the travels of Nanac. One author*, who treats of the great reform which he made in the worship of the true God, which he found degraded by the idolatry of the Hindus, and the ignorance of the Muhammedans, relates his journey to all the different Hindu places of pilgrimage, and to Mecca, the holy temple of the Mu- hammedans. It would be tedious, and foreign to the purpose of this sketch, to accompany Na- nac in his travels, of which the above-men- tioned author, as well as others, has given the most circumstantial accounts. He was accompanied (agreeable to them) by a cele- brated musician, of the name of Merdana, and a person named Bala Sand'hu ; and it * Bhai Guru Vali, author of the Gnyana Ratnavali, a work written in the Sikh dialect of the Penjabi. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 17 is on the tradition of the latter of these disciples, that most of the miracles* and wonders of his journies are related. In Bengal, the travellers had to encounter all kinds of sorcerers and magicians. Poor Merdana, who had some of the propensities of Sancho, and preferred warm houses and good meals to deserts and starvation, was constantly in trouble, and more than once had his form changed into that of a sheep, and of several other animals. Nanac, however, always restored his humble friend to the human shape, and as constantly read him lectures on his imprudence. It is stated, in one of those accounts, that a Raja of Sivanab'hu endeavoured to tempt Nanac, by offering him all the luxuries of the world, to depart from his austere habits, but in vain. His presents of rich meats, * Though his biographers have ascribed miracles to Nanac, we never find that he pretended to work any : on the contrary, he derided those who did, as deriving power from evil spirits. C 18 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. splendid clothes, and fair ladies, only af- forded the Sikh teacher so many oppor- tunities of decrying the vanities of this worid, and preaching to the Raja the bless- ings of eternal life ; and he at last succeeded in making him a convert, and resided at Sivanab'hu two years and five months ; during which period he composed the Pran Sancali*, for the instruction of his fol- lowers. After Nanac had visited all the cities of India, and explained to all ranks the great doctrines of the unity and omni- presence of God, he went to Mecca and Medina, where his actions, his miracles, and his long disputations with the most celebrated Muhammedan saints and doc- tors, are most circumstantially recorded by his biographers. He is stated, on this oc- casion, to have maintained his own prin- ciples, without offending those of others ; always professing himself the enemy of dis- * It is believed th.it this work of Nanac has been incorporated in the first part of the Adi-Grant'li. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 19 cord, and as having no object but to recon- cile the two faiths of the Muhammedans and Hindus in one religion ; which he en- deavoured to do by recalling them to that great and original tenet, in which they both believed, the unity of God, and by reclaim- ing them from the numerous errors into which they had fallen. During his travels, Nanac was introduced to the emperor Baber*, before whom he is said to have defended his doctrine with great firmness and eloquence. Baber was pleased with him, and ordered an ample maintenance to be bestowed upon him ; which the Sikh priest refused; observing, that he trusted in him who provided for all men, and from whom alone a man of virtue and religion would consent to receive favour or reward. When Nanac returned from his travels, he cast * This interview must have taken place in 1526 or 1527 ; as it is stated to have been immediately after Daulet Khan Lodi had visited Paniput, in 1526; where that prince had fought, and subdued Ibrahim, emperor of Hindustan, 20 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. off the garments of a Fakir, and wore plain clothes, but continued to give instructions to his numerous disciples ; and he appears, at this period, to have experienced the most violent opposition from the Hindu, zealots, who reproached him with having laid aside the habits of a Fakir, and with the impiety of the doctrines which he taught. These accusations he treated with great contempt ; and an author, before cited, Bhai Guru Das Vali, states, that when he visited Vatala, he enraged the Yogis waras* so much, that they tried all their powers of enchantment to terrify him. " Some," says this writer, " assumed the " shape of lions and tigers, others hissed " like snakes, one fell in a shower of fire, " and another tore the stars from the firma- " ment;" but Nanac remained tranquil: and when required to exhibit some proof of his powers that would astonish them, he * Recluse penitents, who, by means of mental and corporeal mortifications, have acquired a command over the powers of nature. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 21 replied : " I have nothing to exhibit worthy " of you to behold. A holy teacher has " no defence but the purity of his doctrine : " the world may change, but the Creator " is unchangeable." These words, adds the author, caused the miracles and enchant- ments of the Yogiswaras to cease, and they all fell at the feet of the humble Nanac, who was protected by the all perfect God. Nanac, according to the same authority, went from Vatala to Multan, where he communed with* the Pirs, or holy fathers of the Muhammedan religion of that country. " I am come," said he, when he entered that province, " into a country full of Pirs, " like the sacred Ganga, visiting the ocean/' From Multan he went to Kirtipur*, where he threw off his earthly shape, and was buried near the bank of the river Ravi, which has since overflowed his tomb. Kir- tipur continues a place of religious resort * Kirtipur Dehra, on the banks of the Ravi, or Hydraotes. 22 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. and worship ; and a small piece of Nanac's garment is exhibited to pilgrims, as a sacred relic, at his Dharmasala, or temple. It would be difficult to give the character of Nanac* on the authority of any account we yet possess. His writings, especially the first chapters of the Adi-Crant'h, will, if ever translated, be perhaps a criterion by which he may be fairly judged ; but the great eminence which he obtained, and the success with which he combated the oppo- sition which he met, afford -ample reason to conclude that he was a man of more than common genius : and this favourable im- pression of his character will be confirmed * He is, throughout this sketch, called Nanac. Muhammedan historians generally term him Nanac Shah, to denote his being a Fakir, the name of Shah being frequently given to men of celebrity in that sect. The Sikhs, in speaking of him, call him Baba Nanac, or Guru Nanac, father Nanac, or Nanac the teacher; and their writers term him Nanac Nirinkar, which means Nanac the omnipresent. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 23 by a consideration of the object of his life, and the means he took to accomplish it. Born in a province on the extreme verge of India, at the very point where the reli- gion of Mnhammed and the idolatrous worship of the Hindus appeared to touch, and at a moment when both these tribes cherished the most violent rancour and ani- mosity towards each other, his great aim was to blend those jarring elements in peaceful union, and he only endeavoured to effect this purpose through the means of mild persuasion. His wish was to recall both Muhammedans and Hindus to an exclusive attention to that sublimest of all principles, which inculcates devotion to God, and peace towards man. He had to combat the furious bigotry of the one, and the deep-rooted superstition of the other; but he attempted to overcome all obstacles by the force of reason and hu- manity. And we cannot have a more con- vincing proof of the general character of 24 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. that doctrine which he taught, and the inof- fensive light in which it was viewed, than the knowledge that its success did not rouse the bigotry of the intolerant and tyrannical Muhaminedan government under which he lived. Nanac did not deem either of his sons, before mentioned, worthy of the succession to his spiritual functions, which he be- queathed to a Cshatriya of the Trehun tribe, called Lehana, who had long been attached to him, and whom he had initiated in the sacred mysteries of his sect, clothed in the holy mantle of a Fakir, and honoured with the name of Angad*, which, accord- ing to some commentators, means own body. Guru Angad, for that is the name by * This fanciful etymology represents the word Angad as a compound of the Sanscrit Jug, which signifies body, and the Persian Khiid, which signifies own. This mixture of language is quite common in the jargon of the Penjab. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 25 which he is known by all Sikhs, was born at the village of Khandur, on the bank of the Beyah, or Hyphasis, in the province of Lahore. His life does not appear to have been distinguished by any remarkable actions. He taught the same doctrine as Nanac, and wrote some chapters that now form part of the Grant'h. He left two sons, Vasu and Datu, but neither of them was initiated ; and he was succeeded, at his death*, which happened in the year A. D. 1552, and of the Sam vat 1609, by Amera Das, a Cshatriya of the tribe of B'hale, who performed the duties of a me- nial towards him for upwards of twelve years. It is stated, that the daily occu- pation of Amera Das was to bring water from the Beyah river, a distance of six miles, to wash the feet of his master ; and that one night, during a severe storm, as he * Angad died at Khandur, a village about forty miles east of Lahore. 26 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. was returning from his journey, his foot slipped, and he fell and broke the vessel that contained the river water, opposite the door of a weaver, who lived next house to Angad. The weaver, startled at the noise, demanded, in a loud voice, of his wife, from whence it proceeded. The woman, who was well acquainted with the daily toils and the devotion of Angad's servant, replied, " It was poor Amera Das, " who knows neither the sweets of sleep by " night, nor of rest by day/' This conver- sation was overheard by Angad ; and when Amera Das came, next morning, to per- form his usual duties, he treated him with extraordinary kindness, and said : " You " have endured great labour; but, hence- " forward, enjoy rest/' Amera Das was distinguished for his activity in preaching the tenets of Nanac, and was very suc- cessful in obtaining converts and followers ; by the aid of whom he established some temporal power, built Kujarawal, and sepa- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 27 rated from the regular Sikhs the Udasi sect, which was founded by Dherm-Chand, the son of Nanac, and was probably con- sidered, at that period, as heretical. Amera Das had two children, a son named Mohan, and a daughter named M6- hani, known by the name of B'haini; re- garding whose marriage he is stated to have been very anxious : and as this event gave rise to a dynasty of leaders, who are almost adored among the Sikhs, it is recorded with much minuteness by the writers of that nation. Amera Das had communicated his wishes, regarding the marriage of B'haini, to a Brah- men, who was his head servant, and di- rected him to make some inquiries. The Brahmen did so, and reported to his master that he had been successful, and had found a youth every way suited to be the husband of his daughter. As they were speaking upon this subject in the street, Amera Das 28 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. asked what was the boy's stature ? " About " the same height as that lad," said the Brahmen, pointing to a youth standing near them. The attention of Amera Das was instantly withdrawn from the Brahmen, and intently fixed upon the youth to whom he had pointed. He asked him regarding his tribe, his name, and his family. The lad said his name was Ram Das, and that he was a Cshatriya, of a respectable family, of the Sondi tribe, and an inhabitant of the village of Gondawal. Amera Das, pleased with the information he had received, took no more notice of the Brahmen and his choice of a son-in-law, but gave his daughter to the youth whom fortune had so casually introduced to his acquaintance*. Amera * Though a contrary belief is inculcated by Nanac, the Sikhs, like the Hindus, are inclined to be predesti- narians, and this gives their minds a great tendency to view accidents as decrees of Providence; and it is probable that this instance of early good fortune in SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. %g Das died in the year A. D. 1574, and of the Sam vat 16*31, at the village of Gondawal, in the province of Lahore, and was suc- ceeded by his son-in-law, Ram Das*, whom he had initiated in the sacred mysteries of his holy profession, and who became famous for his piety, and still more from the im- provements he made at Amritsar, which was for some time called Rampur, or Ram- daspu'r, after him. Some Sikh authorities ascribe the foundation of this city to him, which is not correct, as it was a very ancient town, known formerly under the Ram Das, by impressing his countrymen with an idea of his being particularly favoured of Heaven, gave rise to an impression that promoted, in no slight degree, that success which it anticipated. * No dates of the events which occurred during the rule of Ram Das are given in any of the authorities from which this sketch is drawn. One author, how- ever, states, that he lived in the time of Akber, and was honoured with the favour of that truly tolerant and great emperor. 30 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. name of Chak. He, however, added much to its population, and built a famous tank, or reservoir of water, which he called Ara- ritsar, a name signifying the water of im- mortality, and which has become so sacred, that it has given its name, and imparted its sanctity, to the town of Ramdaspur, which has become the sacred city of the Sikh nation, and is now only known by the name of Amritsar. After a life passed in the undisturbed propagation of his tenets, in explanation of which he wrote several works, he died, in the year A. D. 1581, and of the Samvat 1638, at Amritsar, leaving two sons, Ar- junmal and Bharatmal. He was succeeded by the former*, who has rendered himself * Arjunmal, or Arjun, as he is more commonly called, according to B'hai Guru Das B'hale, the author of the Gnyan Ratnavali, was not initiated in the sacred mysteries of his father. This author says, that Arjun, though a secular man, did not suffer the office of Guru, or priest, to leave the Sondi tribe. " Like a SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 31 famous by compiling the Adi-Grant'h *. The Adi-Grant'h, or first sacred volume of the Sikhs, contains ninety-two sections : it was partly composed by Nanac and his immediate successors, but received its pre- sent form and arrangement from Arjunmalf, " substance," he adds, " which none else could di- " gest, the property of the family remained in the « family." * Grant'h means book ; but, as a mark of its supe- riority to all others, is given to this work, as " The " Book." Adi Grant'h means, the first Grant'h, or book, and is generally given to this work to distin- guish it from the Dasama Padshah ka Grant'h, or the book of the tenth king, composed by Guru Govind. f Though the original Adi-Grant'h was compiled by Arjunmal, from the writings of Nanac, Angad, Amera •Das, and Ram Das, and enlarged and improved by his own additions and commentaries, some small portions have been subsequently added by thirteen different persons, whose numbers, however, are reduced, by the Sikh authors, to twelve and a half: the last contri- butor to this sacred volume being a woman, is only admitted to rank in the list as a fraction, by these ungallant writers. 32 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. who has blended his own additions with what he deemed most valuable in the com- positions of his predecessors. It is Arjun, then, who ought, from this act, to be deemed the first who gave consistent form and order to the religion of the Sikhs : an act which, though it has produced the effect he wished, of uniting that nation more closely, and of increasing their numbers, proved fatal to himself. The jealousy of the Muhammedan government was excited, and he was made its sacrifice. The mode of his death, which happened in the year of Christ 1606, and of the Samvat 1663, is related very dif- ferently by different authorities : but several of the most respectable agree in stating, that his martyrdom, for such they term it, was caused by the active hatred of a rival Hindu zealot, Danichand Cshatriya, whose writings he refused to admit into the Adi- Grant'h, on the ground that the tenets incul- cated in them were irreconcileable to the pure doctrine of the unity and omnipotence SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 33 of God, taught in that sacred volume. This rival had sufficient influence with the Muhammedan governor of the province to procure the imprisonment of Arjun ; who is affirmed, by some writers, to have died from the severity of his confinement ; and, by others, to have been put to death in the most cruel manner. In whatever way his life was terminated, there can be no doubt, from its consequences, that it was consi- dered, by his followers, as an atrocious murder, committed by the Muhammedan government ; and the Sikhs, who had been, till then, an inoffensive, peaceable sect, took arms under Har Govind, the son of Arjun- mal, and wreaked their vengeance upon all whom they thought concerned in the death of their revered priest. The contest carried on by Har Govind against the Muhammedan chiefs in the Penjab, though no doubt marked by that animosity which springs from a deep and implacable sense of injury on one part, and D 34 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the insolence and violence of insulted power on the other, could not have been of great magnitude or importance, else it would have been more noticed by contemporary Muhammedan writers ; but it was the first fruits of that desperate spirit of hostility, which was soon after to distinguish the wars between the followers of Nanac and those of Muhammed : and, from every ac- count of Har Govind's life, it appears to have been his anxious wish to inspire his followers with the most irreconcileable hatred of their oppressors. It is stated, that this warlike* Guru, or * Several historical accounts of the Sikhs, par- ticularly that published by Major Browne, which is, in general, drawn from authentic sources, appear to be in error with regard to the period at which this race first took arras, which the last author states to have occurred under Guru G6vind; but several Sikh au-> thors, of great respectability and information, agree in ascribing to the efforts of Har Govind, the son of Arjun, this great change in the Sikh commonwealth; and their correctness, in this point, appears to be placed SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 35 priest militant, wore two swords in his girdle. Being asked why he did so : " The " one/' said he, " is to revenge the death " of my father ; the other, to destroy the " miracles of Muhammed." beyond all question, by a passage in the Ratnavali of B'hai Guru Das B'hale ; who observes, " That five phials " (of divine grace) were distributed to five Pirs (holy " men), but the sixth Pir was a mighty Guru (priest). " Arjun threw off his earthly frame, and the form " of Har Govind mounted the seat of authority. The " Sondi race continued exhibiting their different forms " in their turns. Har Govind was the destroyer of " armies, a martial Guru (priest), a great warrior, and " performed great actions." The mistake of some European writers on this subject probably originated in a confusion of verbal accounts ; and the similarity of the name of Har Govind, the son of Arjunmal, and Govind, the last and greatest of the Sikh Gurus, the son of Tegh Bahadur. In the Persian sketch, which Major Browne translates, the name of Har Govind is not mentioned. The son of Arjunmal is called Guru Ram Ray, which is obviously a mistake of the author of that manuscript. 3(5 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. Har Govind is reputed, by some authors, to have been the first who allowed his fol- lowers to eat* the flesh of all animals, with the exception of the cow : and it appears not improbable that he made this great change in their diet at the time when he effected a still more remarkable revolution in their habits, by converting a race of peaceable enthusiasts into an intrepid band of sol- diers -f. He had five sons, Babu Guru- daitya, Saurat Singh, Tegh Bahadur, Anna Ray, and Atal Ray. The two last died * Nanac had forbidden hog's flesh, though a com- mon species of food among the lower tribe of Hindus, in compliance with the prejudices of the Mu- bammedans, whom it was his great wish to recon- cile to bis faith by every concession and per- suasion. f It is stated, by a Sikh author named Nand, that Har Govind, during his ministry, established the prac- tice of invoking the three great Hindu deities, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva: but this is not confirmed by any other authority which I have seen. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 37 without descendants. Saurat Singh and Tegh Singh, or Tegh Bahadur, were, by the cruel persecution of the Muhammedans, forced to fly into the mountains to the northward of the Penjab. His eldest son, Gurudaitya, died early, but left two sons, Daharmal and Har Ray ; the latter of whom succeeded his grandfather, who died in the year A. D. 1644, and of the Samvat 1701. It does not appear that Har Ray enjoyed much temporal power, or that he entered into any hostilities with the Muhamme- dans : his rule was tranquil, and passed without any remarkable event; owing, pro- bably, to the vigor which the Muham- medan power had attained in the early part of the reign of Aurungzeb. At his death, which happened in the year A.D. 1661, and of the Samvat 1718, a violent contest arose among the Sikhs, regarding the succession to the office of spiritual leader; for the temporal power of their ruler was, at this period, little more than 38 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. nominal. The dispute between his sons, or, as some Sikh authors state, his son and grandson, Har Crishn and Ram Ray, was referred to Dehli, whither both parties went ; and, by an imperial decree of Aurungzeb, the Sikhs were allowed to elect their own priest. They chose Har Crishn, who died at Dehli in the year A. D. 1664, and of the Samvat 1721 ; and was succeeded by his uncle, Tegh Behadur. He, however, had to encounter the most violent opposition from his nephew, Ram Ray*, who remained * The violent contests of the Sikhs are mentioned by most of their writers ; and, though they disagree in their accounts, they all represent Tegh Behadur as falling the innocent sacrifice of Muhammedan des- potism and intolerance ; which, from the evidence of all respectable contemporary Muhammedan au- thors, would appear not to be the fact. Tegh Be- hadur, agreeable to them, provoked his execution by a series of crimes. He joined, they state, with a Moslem Fakir, of the name of Hafiz ed Din ; and, supported by a body of armed mendicants, commit- ted the most violent depredations on the peaceable SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 39 at Dehli, and endeavoured, by every art and intrigue, to effect his ruin: he was seized, and brought to Dehli, in conse- quence of his nephew's misrepresentations ; and, after being in prison for two years, was released at the intercession of Jayasingh, Raja of Jayapur, whom he accompanied to Bengal. Tegh Behadur afterwards took up his abode at the city of Patna* ; but was pursued, agreeable to Sikh authors, to his retreat, with implacable rancour, by the jealousy and ambition of Ram Ray ; who at last accomplished the destruction of his rival. He was brought from Patna, and, by the accounts of the same authors, pub- licly put to death, without even the alle- gation of a crime, beyond a firm and inhabitants of the Penjab. The author of the Seir Mutakhherin says he was, in consequence of these excesses, put to death at Gwalior, and his body cut into four quarters, one of which was hung up at each gate of the fortress. *■ A Sikh college was founded in that city. 40 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. undaunted assertion of the truth of that faith of which he was the high priest. This event is said to have taken place in the year A. D. 1675, and of the Samvat 1732 : but the Sikh records of their own history, from the death of Har Govind to that of Tegh Behadur, are contradictory and unsatisfactory, and appear to merit little attention. The fact is, that the sect was almost crushed, in consequence of their first effort to attain power, under Har Go- vind ; and, from the period of his death to that of Tegh Behadur, the Mogul empire was, as has been before stated, in the zenith of its power, under Aurungzeb : and the Sikhs, who had never attained any real strength, were rendered still weaker by their own internal dissensions. Their writers have endeavoured to supply this chasm in their history by a fabulous account of the numerous miracles which were wrought by their priests, Ram Ray, Har Crishn, and even the unfortunate T6gh Behadur, at SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 41 Dehli, all of whom are said to have asto- nished the emperor and his nobles, by a display of their supernatural powers : but their wide difference from each other, in these relations, would prove, if any proof was wanting, that all the annals of that period are fabricated. The history of the Sikhs, after the death of Tegh Behadur, assumes a new aspect. It is no longer the record of a sect, who, revering the conciliatory and mild tenets of their founder, desired more to protect them- selves than to injure others ; but that of a nation, who, adding to a deep sense of the injuries they had sustained from a bigotted and overbearing government, all the ardour of men commencing a military career of glory, listened, with rapture, to a son glow- ing with vengeance against the murderers of his father, who taught a doctrine suited to the troubled state of his mind, and called upon his followers, by every feeling of man- hood, to lay aside their peaceable habits, to 42 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. graft the resolute courage of the soldier on the enthusiastic faith of the devotee, to swear eternal war with the cruel and haughty Muhammedans, and to devote themselves to steel, as the only means of obtaining every blessing that this world, or that to come, could afford to mortals. This was the doctrine of Guru Govind, the son of Tegh Behadur; who, though very young at his father's death, had his mind imbued with the deepest horror at that event, and cherished a spirit of im- placable resentment against those whom he considered as his murderers. Devoting his life to this object, we find him, when quite a youth, at the head of a large party of his followers, amid the hills of Srinagar, where he gave proofs of that ardent and daring mind, which afterwards raised him to such eminence. He was not, however, able to maintain himself against the prince of that country, with whom he had entered into hostilities; and, being obliged to leave it, SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 43 he went to the Penjab, where he was warmly welcomed by a Hindu chief in re- bellion against the government. This chief gave Govind possession of Mak'haval*, and several other villages, where he settled with his followers, and repaid his benefactor by aiding him in his depredations. Govind appears, at this moment, to have been uni- versally acknowledged by the Sikhs, as their Sat-gurti, or chief spiritual leader ; and he used the influence which that station, his sufferings, and the popularity of his cause, gave him, to effect a complete change in the habits and religion of his countrymen-)-. It would be tedious and useless to follow the Sikh writers through those volumes of fables in which they have narrated the wonders that prognosticated the rise of this, * A town on the Satlej. + Guru Govind is stated, by a Sikh author of re- spectability, B'hai Guru Das B'hale, to have been fourteen years of age when his father was put to death. 44 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the most revered of all their priests, to power; or to enter, at any length, into those accounts which they, and Govind himself, for he is equally celebrated as an author and as a warrior, have given of his exploits. It will be sufficient, for the pur- pose of this sketch, to state the essential changes which he effected in his tribe, and the consequences of his innovations. Though the Sikhs had already, under Har Govind, been initiated in arms, yet they appear to have used these only in self- defence : and as every tribe of Hindus, from the Brahmen to the lowest of the Sudra, may, in cases of necessity, use them without any infringement of the original institutions of their tribe, no violation of these insti- tutions was caused by the rules of Nanac ; which, framed with a view to conciliation, carefully abstained from all interference with the civil institutes of the Hindus. But lus more daring successor, Guru Govind, saw that such observances were at variance SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 45 with the plans of his lofty ambition ; and he wisely judged, that the only means by which he could ever hope to oppose the Muhammedan government with success, were not only to admit converts from all tribes, but to break, at once, those rules by which the Hindus had been so long chained ; to arm, in short, the whole population of the country, and to make worldly wealth and rank an object to which Hindus, of every class, might aspire. The extent to which Govind succeeded in this design will be more fully noticed in another place. It is here only necessary to state the leading features of those changes by which he subverted, in so short a time, the hoary institutions of Brahma*, and excited # The object of Nanac was to abolish the distinc- tions of cast amongst the Hindus, and to bring them to the adoration of that Supreme Being, before whom all men, he contended, were equal. Guru Govind, who adopted all the principles of his celebrated prede- cessor, as far as religious usages were concerned, is 46 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. terror and astonishment in the minds of the Muhammedan conquerors of India, who saw the religious prejudices of the Hindus, which they had calculated upon as one of the pillars of their safety, because they limited the great majority of the population to peaceable occupations, fall before the touch of a bold and enthusiastic innovator, who opened at once, to men of the lowest tribe*, the dazzling prospect of earthly glory. All who subscribed to his tenets were upon a reported to have said, on this subject, that the four tribes of Hindus, the Brahmen, Cshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra, would, like pan (betle-leaf), chunam (lime), sitpari (betle-nut), and khat (terra japonica, or catechu), become all of one colour, when well chewed. * Some men of the lowest Hindu tribe, of the occu- pation of sweepers, were employed to bring away the corpse of Tegh Behadur from Dehli. Their success was rewarded by high rank and employment. Several of the same tribe, who have become Sikhs, have been remarkable for their valour, and have attained great reputation. They are distinguished, among the Sikhs, by the name of Ran-Rata Singh. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 47 level, and the Brahmen who entered his sect had no higher claims to eminence than the lowest Sudra who swept his house. It was the object of Govind to make all Sikhs equal*, and that their advancement should solely depend upon their exertions: and well aware how necessary it was to inspire men of a low race, and of groveling minds, with pride in themselves, he changed the name of his followers from Sikh to Singh, or lion; thus giving to all his followers that honourable title which had been before exclusively assumed by the Rajaputs, the first military class of Hindus : and every * That is, equal in civil rights. He wished to re- move the disqualifications of birth, and do away cast. That he did not completely effect this object, and that some distinctions of their former tribes, par- ticularly those relating to intermarriage, should still be kept up by the Sikhs, cannot be a matter of asto- nishment to those acquainted with the deep-rooted prejudices of the Hindus upon this point; which is as much a feeling of family pride as of religious usage. 48 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. Sikh felt himself at once elevated to rank with the highest, by this proud appellation. The disciples of Govind were required to devote themselves to arms, always to have steel about them in some shape or other ; to wear a blue dress ; to allow their hair to grow ; to exclaim, when they met each other, Wd ! Gurdji kd khdlsah ! Wd ! Guruji ki futteh ! which means, " Success to the " state of the Guru! Victory attend the " Guru* ! The intention of some of these institutions is obvious : such as that prin- ciple of devotion to steel, by which all were made soldiers ; and that exclamation, which made the success of their priest, and that of the commonwealth, the object of their hourly prayer. It became, in fact, the watchword which was continually to revive, in the minds of the Sikh disciple, the obli- gations he owed to that community of * Spiritual leader. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 49 which he had become a member, and to that faith which he had adopted. Of the causes which led Govind to enjoin his followers to regard it as impious to cut the hair of their heads, or shave their beards, very different accounts are given. Several Muhammedan authors state, that both this ordination, and the one which directed his followers to wear blue clothes, was given in consequence of his gratitude to some Afghan mountaineers, who aided his escape from a fort, in which he was besieged, by clothing him in a chequered blue dress, and causing him to allow his hair to grow, in order to pass him for one of their own Pirs, or holy fathers ; in which they succeeded. This account, however, is not supported by any Sikh writer; and one of the most respectable and best in- formed authors of that sect states, that when Guru Govind first went to Anandpur Mak'haval, which was also called Cesgher, or the house of hair, he spent much of his E 50 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. time in devotion, at a temple of Durga Bhavani, the goddess of courage, by whom he was directed to unloose his hair and draw his sword. Govind, in consequence of this pretended divine order, vowed he would preserve his hair, as consecrated to that divinity, and directed his followers to do the same*. The origin of that blue chequered f dress, which was at one time worn by all Govind's followers, and is still worn by the Acalis, or never-dying, (the most remarkable class of devotees of that sect,) is differently stated by different au- thors : but it appears probable, that both these institutions proceeded from the policy f The goddess Durga Bhavani is said, by a Sikh author, to be represented, in some images, with her hair long and dishevelled. f This institution is also said to be borrowed from the Hindu mythology. Bala Ram, the elder brother of Crishna, wore blue clothes ; from which he is called Nilambar, or the clothed in dark blue ; and Shitivas, or the blue clothed. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 51 of Govind, who sought to separate his fol- lowers from all other classes of India, as much by their appearance as by their reli- gion : and he judged with wisdom when he gave consequence to such distinctions; which, though first established as mere forms, soon supersede the substance of belief; and, when strengthened by usage, become the points to which ignorant and unenlightened minds have, in all ages of the world, shown the most resolute and uncon- querable adherence. Guru. Govind inculcated his tenets upon his followers by his preaching, his actions, and his works ; among which is the Dasama Padshah ka Grant'h, or the book of the tenth king or ruler; Guru Govind being the tenth leader of the sect from Nanac. This volume, which is not limited to reli- gious subjects, but filled with accounts of his own. battles, and written with the view of stirring up a spirit of valour and emu- lation among his followers, is at least as 52 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. much revered, among the Sikhs, as the Adi-Grant'h of Arjunmal. Govind is said to have first instituted the Guru Mata, or state council, among the Sikhs ; which meets at Amritsar. The constitution and usages of this national assembly will be described hereafter: it is here only neces- sary to observe, that its institution adds one more proof to those already stated, of the comprehensive and able mind of this bold reformer, who gave, by its foundation, that form of a federative republic, to the commonwealth of the Sikhs, which was most calculated to rouse his followers from their indolent habits, and deep-rooted pre- judices, by giving them a personal share in the government, and placing within the reach of every individual the attainment of rank and influence in the state. It could not be expected that Guru Govind could accomplish all those great schemes he had planned. He planted the tree ; but it was not permitted, according to SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 53 Sikh writers, that he should see it in that maturity which it was destined to reach : and this, these authors state, was foretold to him by some Brahmens, skilled in necro- mancy. It would be tedious to dwell on such fables*; and it is time to return to the * One of the most popular of these fables states, that in the year of the Hijerah 1118, Guru Go- vind, agreeably to the directions he had received from two Brahmen necromancers, threw a number of magical compounds, given him by these Brahmens, into a fire, near which he continued in prayers for several days. A sword of lightning at last burst from the flame of fire; but Govind, instead of seizing this sword in an undaunted manner, as he was instructed, was dazzled by its splendour, and shrunk from it in alarm. The sword instantly flew to heaven ; from whence a loud voice was heard to say, " Guru G6- " vind! thy wishes shall be fulfilled by thy posterity, " and thy followers shall daily increase." The Brah- mens were in despair at this failure ; but, after deep reflection, they told Govind, there was still one mode of acquiring that honour for himself, which appeared, by the decree that had been pronounced, doomed for his posterity. If he would only allow them to take off his 54 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. political life of Go vine! , which is marked by but few events of importance. These are either related by Muhammedan authors, who detract from all the pretensions of this enemy of their faith and name ; by his dis- ciples, .who exalt the slightest of his actions into the achievements of a divinity ; or by himself, for he wrote an account of his own wars. This last work, however, is more calculated to inflame the courage of his followers, than to convey correct in- formation of actual events. Guru Govind Singh, in the Vichitra Na- tac, a work written by himself, and inserted in the Dasania Padshah ka Grant n, traces lhc descent of the Cshatriya tribe of Sondi, to which he belongs, from a race of Hindu head, and throw it into the fire, he would he resus- citated to the enjoyment of the greatest glory. The Guru excused himself from trying this experiment, deelaring that he was content that his descendants should enjoy the fruits of that tree which he had planted. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 55 Rajas*, who founded the cities of Casur and Lahore. He was born, he stales, at Patan, or Patna, and brought up at Madra Des, in the Penjab. lie went, after his father's death, to the banks of the Cal'mdi, or Yamuna, and addicted himself to hunt- ing the wild beasts of the forest, and other manly diversions : but this occupation, he adds, offended the emperor of Dchli, who ordered chiefs, of the Muhammedan race, to attack him. Guru Govind describes, in this work, with great animation, his own feats, and those of his friends -j-, in the first * These Rajas appear, from the same authority, to be descended in a direct line from Hindu gods. f The following short extract from the translation of the Vichitra Natac, will show that Govind gave his friends their full meed of praise, and will also exhibit the character of his style : " Cripal rages, wielding his " mace : he crushed the skull of the fierce Hj'at " Khan. He made the blood spurt aloft, and scat- " tered the brains of the chief, as Crishna crushed the " earthen vessel of butter. Then Nand Chand raged " in dreadful ire, launching the spear, and wielding 56 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. of his actions ; in which, by his account, the arrows of the Sikhs were victori- " the sword. He broke his keen scimitar, and drew u his dagger, to support the honour of the Sondi race. " Then my maternal uncle, Cripal, advanced in his u rage, and exhibited the skilful war-feats of a true " Cshatriya. The mighty warrior, though struck by " an arrow, with another made a valiant Khan fall " from his saddle, and Saheb Chand, of the Cshatriya " race, strove in the battle's fury, and slew a blood- " thirsty Khan, a warrior of Khorasan." After record- ing the actions of many others, Govind thus describes his own deeds : " The blood-drinking spectres and ¥ ghosts yelled for carnage; the fierce Vetala, the " chief of the spectres, laughed for joy, and sternly " prepared for his repast. The vultures hovered " around, screaming for their prey. Hari Chand, (a " Hindu chief in the emperor's army,) in his wrath, " drawing his bow, first struck my steed with an " arrow : aiming a second time, he discharged his " arrow; but the Deity preserved me, and it passed " me, and only grazed my car. His third arrow struck " my breast : it tore open the mail, and pierced the " skin, leaving a slight scar; but the God whom 1 " adore saved me. When I felt this hurt, my anger " was kindled; I drew my bow and discharged an SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 57 ous over the sabres of the Muhamme- dans *. This first success appears to have greatly increased the number of Guru Govind's followers, whom he established at Anand- pur, Khilor, and the towns in their vici- nity ; where they remained, till called to " arrow : all my champions did the same, rushing " onwards to the battle. Then I aimed at the young " hero, and struck him. Hari Chand perished, and " many of his host ; death devoured him, who was " called a Raja among a hundred thousand Rajas. " Then all the host, struck with consternation, fled, " deserting the field of combat. I obtained the vic- " tory through the favour of the Most High; and, " victorious in the field, we raised aloud the song of " triumph. Riches fell on us like rain, and all our " warriors were glad." * Hyat Khan and Nejabet Khan are mentioned as two of the principal chiefs of the emperor's army that fell in this first action. Govind, speaking of the fall of the latter, says : " When Nejabet Khan fell, the " world exclaimed, Alas ! but the region of Svvarga " (the heavens) shouted victory." 58 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. aid the Raja of Nadon*, Bhima Chand, who was threatened with an invasion by the Raja, of Jammu ; who had been excited to hostilities by Mia Khan, a Mogul chief, then at war with Bhima Chand. Guru Govind gives an account of this war, which consisted of attacking and de- fending the narrow passes of the moun- tains. He describes Bhima Chand and him- self as leading on their warriors, who ad- vanced, he says, to battle, " like a stream " of flame consuming the forest." They were completely successful in this expe- dition ; the Rajd of Jammu, and his Mu- * A mountainous tract of country, that borders on the Penjab. It lies to the N. W. of Srinagar, and the S. E. of Jammu. The present Raja, Sansar Chand, is a chief of great respectability. His country has lately been overrun by the Raja of INcpal and Gorc'ha. 1 derived considerable information regarding this family, and their territories, from the envoy of Sansar Chand, who attended Lord Lake, in 1805, when the British army was in the Penjab. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 59 hammedan allies, having been defeated, and chased with disgrace across the Satlej. Guru Govind next relates the advance of the son of Dilawer Khan against him. The object of the Muhammcdan chief appears to have been, to surprise Govind and his followers at night : but, when that project was defeated, his troops were seized with a panic, and fled from the Sikhs with- out a contest. The father, enraged at the disgraceful retreat of his son, collected all his followers, and sent Ilusain Khan, who made successful inroads upon the Sikhs, taking several of their principal forts *. A * Though the account of this war is given iti a style sufficiently inflated for the wars of the demons and angels ; yet, as Govind relates, that Husain Khan returned a messenger, which one of the principal liajas had sent him, with this message to his master ; " Pay " down ten thousand rupees, or destruction descends " on thy head ;" we may judge, both from the demand, and the amount of the contribution, of the nature of this contest, as well as its scale. It was evidently one of those petty provincial wars, which 4 took place in 50 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. general action at last took place, in which the Khan, after performing prodigies of valour, was defeated, and lost his life. Guru Govind was not present at this battle. " The lord of the earth/' he says, " de- " tained me from this conflict, and caused " the rain of steel to descend in another " quarter/' Dilawer Khan and Rustam Khan next marched against the Sikhs, who appear to have been disheartened at the loss of some of their principal chiefs, and more at the accounts they received of Aurungzeb's rage at their progress, and of his having detached his son to the district of Madra*, every remote part of the Indian empire, when it was distracted : and, at this period, Aurungzeb was wholly engaged in the Dek'hin, and the northern provinces were consequently neglected, and their governments in a weak and unsettled state. # This must have been in the year 1701, when Bahader Shah was detached from the Dek'hin to take charge of the government of Cabul, and was probably ordered, at the same time, to settle the disturbances in the Penjab. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 61 in order to take measures to quell them. At the prince's approach, " every body," says Guru Govind, " was struck with terror. " Unable to comprehend the ways of the " Eternal, several deserted me, and fled, " and took refuge in the lofty mountains. " These vile cowards were," he adds, " too " greatly alarmed in mind to understand " their own advantage; for the emperor " sent troops, who burnt the habitations of " those that had fled." He takes this oc- casion of denouncing every misery that this world can bring, and all the pains and horrors of the next, on those who desert their Guru, or priest. " The man who " does this," he writes, " shall neither have " child nor offspring. His aged parents " shall die in grief and sorrow, and he " shall perish like a dog, and be thrown " into hell to lament." After many more curses on apostates, he concludes this ana- thema by stating, that the good genius of prosperity in this world, and eternal 62 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. blessings in the next, shall be the certain reward of all who remain attached to their Guru : and, as an instance, he affirms, that not one of those faithful followers, who had adhered to him at this trying crisis, had received the least injury*. Guru Govind closes his first work, the Vichitra Natac, with a further representa- tion on the shame that attends apostasy, and the rewards that await those that prove true to their religion ; and he concludes by a prayer to the Deity, and a declaration of his intention to compose, for the use of his disciples, a still larger work ; by which * There is a remarkable passage in this chapter, in which Guru Govind appears to acknowledge the supremacy of the emperor. " God," he says, " formed " both Baba (Nanac) and Baber (the emperor of that " name). Look upon Baba as the Padshah (king) of " religion, and Baber, the lord of the world. He " who will not give Nanac a single damri, (a coin the " sixteenth part of an ana,) will receive a severe a punishment from Baber." SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 5*3 the Sikhs conceive that he meant the rest of the Dasama Padshah ka Grant'h, of which the Vichitra Natac forms the first section. An account of Govind's war with the Raja of Kahilur*, is found in a work writ- ten in the Dugar, or mountain dialect of the Penjabi tongue, which gives an account of some other actions of this chief. Though this account is greatly exaggerated, it no doubt states some facts correctly, and there- fore merits a brief notice. According to this authority, the Rajas of Kahilur, Jiswal, and others, being defeated and disgraced in several actions, applied to the court of Aurungzeb for aid against Guru Govind, from whom, they stated that they had received great injuries. When the emperor * Kahilfir, or Kahlore, is situated on the Satlej, above Mak'haval. It is near the mountains through which that river flows into the Penjab. Another place of the name of Kahlur, or Kahlore, is situated a short distance from Lahore, to the N. E. of that city. 64 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. asked who made the complaint, the answer was: " It is the chief of Kahilur, thy " servant, who has been despoiled of his " country by violence, though a faithful " Zemindar (landholder), and one who has " always been punctual in paying his con- " tributions." Such were the representa- tions, this author states, by which they obtained the aid of an army from the emperor. Their combined forces proceeded against Guru Govind and his followers, who were obliged to shut themselves up in their fortresses, where they endured every misery that sickness and famine can bring upon a besieged place. Govind, after suffering the greatest hardships, deter- mined to attempt his escape. He ordered his followers to leave the fort, one by one, at midnight, and to separate the moment they went out. The misery of this separa- tion, which divided the father from the child, the husband from the wife, and SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 6$ brothers from sisters, was horrible; but it was the only chance which they had of safety, and his orders were obeyed. He himself went, among the rest; and, after undergoing great fatigue, and escaping many dangers, he arrived at Chamk6ur, by the Raja of which place he was received in a kind and friendly manner. His enemies had entered the fortress which Govind left, the moment he fled, and made many pri- soners ; among which were his mother and his two children, who were carried to Foujdar Khan, the governor of Sirhind, by whose orders they were inhumanly mas- sacred*. The army of the emperor, aided by the Rajas hostile to Govind, next marched to Chamkour, and encompassed it on all sides. Govind, in despair, clasping his hands, called upon the goddess of the sword -j\ " The world sees," he exclaimed, * The Muhammedan authors blame Vizir Khan for this unnecessary and impolitic act of barbarity, f Bhavani Durga. F 66 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. " that we have no help but thee ! " saying which, he prepared, with his few followers, to make the most desperate resistance. The emperor's army, employed at this period against Govind, was commanded by Khwajeh Muhammed and Nahar Khan, who deputed, at the commencement of the siege, an envoy to the Sikh leader, with the following message : "This army is not one " belonging to Rajas and Rands : it is that " of the great Aurungzeb : show, therefore, " thy respect, and embrace the true faith." The envoy proceeded, in the execution of his mission, with all the pride of those he represented. " Listen/' said he, from him- self to Guru Govind, " to the words of the " Nawab : leave off contending with us, " and playing the infidel ; for it is evident " you never can reap advantage from such " an unequal war." He was stopped by Ajit Singh, the son of Govind, from saying more. That youth, seizing his scimetar, exclaimed : " If you utter another word, I SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 67 " will humble your pride : I will smite " your head from your body, and cut you " to pieces, for daring to speak such lan- " guage before our chiefs/' The blood of the envoy boiled with rage, and he returned with this answer to his master. This effort to subdue the fortitude and faith of Govind having failed, the siege commenced with great vigour. A long description is given by B'hai Guru Das B'hale and other Sikh authors, of the ac- tions that were performed. Amongst the most distinguished, were those of the brave, but unfortunate, Ajit Singh*, the son of * In the Penjabi narrative of B'hai Guru Das B'hale, the actions of Ajit Singh, and Ranjit Singh, sons of Govind, are particularly described ; and, from one part of the description, it would appear that the family of Govind, proud of their descent, had not laid aside the zunar, or holy cord, to which they were, as belonging to the Cshatriya race, entitled. Speaking of these youths, the author says : " Slaughtering every " Turk and Pahlan whom they saw, they adorned 68 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. Guru Govind, whose death is thus recorded r " A second time the Khan advanced, and " the battle raged. Some fought, some " fled. Ajit Singh, covered with glory, " departed to Svvarga (heaven). Indra*, " first of the gods (Devatas), advanced " with the celestial host to meet him ; he " conducted him to Devapur, the city of " the gods, and seated him on a celestial " throne : having remained there a short " time, he proceeded to the region of the " sun. Thus/' he concludes, " Ajit Singh " departed in glory ; and his fame extends " their sacred strings, by converting them into sword- " belts. Returning from the field, they sought their " father, who bestowed a hundred blessings on their " scimetars." * The Sikh author, though he may reject the super- stitious idolatry of the Hindus, adorns his descriptions with every image its mythology can furnish ; and claims for his hero the same high honours in Swarga, that a Brahmen would expect for one of the Pandu race. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 69 " over three worlds, for the fame of the " warrior lives for ever/' Though Govind showed an invincible spirit, and performed prodigies of valour, having killed, with his own hand, Nahar Khan, and wounded Khwajeh Muhammed, the other leader of the emperor's troops, it was impossible to contend longer against such superior numbers ; and he at last, taking advantage of a dark night, fled from Chamkour, covering his face, according to the Sikh author, from shame at his own disgrace. This sketch of the life of Govind is com- piled from his own works, and those of other Sikh writers, such as Nand and B'hai Guru Das ; and the events recorded, allow- ing for the colouring with which such nar- ratives are written in the East, appear to be correct : the leading facts are almost all established by the evidence of contemporary Muhammedan writers, to whom we must trust for the remainder of his history ; as 70 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the authorities we have followed end at the period of his flight from Chamkour. Most accounts agree that Guru Govind, after his flight, was, from a sense of his misfortunes, and the loss of his children, bereft of his reason, and wandered about for a considerable time in the most de- plorable condition. One account states, that he died in the Penjab; another, that he went to Patna, where he ended his days ; a third, taken from a Sikh authority*, as- serts that Gtiru Govind, after remaining some time in the Lak'hi-Jungle, to which he had fled, returned without molestation * Mr. Foster has followed this authority in his account of the Sikh nation : and I am inclined to believe that the part of it which relates to Guru G6- vind's dying at Nader, in the Dek'hin, of a wound received from a Patan, is correct; as it is written on the last page of a copy of the Adi-Grant'h, in my pos- session, with several other facts relative to the dates of the births and deaths of the principal high priests of the Sikhs. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 71 to his former residence in the Penjab ; and that, so far from meeting with any per- secution from the Muhammedan govern- ment, he received favours from the em- peror, Bahader Shah ; who, aware of his military talents, gave him a small military command in the Dek'hin, where he was stabbed by a Patan soldier's son, and ex- pired of his wounds, in the year 1708, at Nader, a town situate on the Godaveri river, about one hundred miles from Haiderabad. It is sufficiently established, from these contradictory and imperfect accounts of the latter years of Guru Govind, that he per- formed no actions worthy of record after his flight from Chamkour: and when we consider the enthusiastic ardour of his mind, his active habits, his valour, and the insa- tiable thirst of revenge, which he had cherished through life, against the mur- derers of his father, and the oppressors of his sect, we cannot think, when that leading passion of his mind must have been in- 72 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. creased by the massacre of his children, and the death or mutilation* of his most attached followers, that he would have remained inactive ; much less that he would have sunk into a servant of that govern- ment, against which he had been in con- stant rebellion : nor is it likely that such a leader as Guru Govind could ever have been trusted by a Muhammedan prince : and there appears, therefore, every reason to give credit to those accounts which state, that mental distraction, in consequence of deep distress and disappointment, was the cause of the inactivity of Guru Govind's declining years. Nor is such a conclusion at all at variance with the fact of his being killed at Nader, as it is probable, even if he was reduced to the state described, thai he continued, till the close of his existence, * Both at Chamkour, and other forts, from which the famished Sikhs attempted to escape, many of them were taken, and had their noses and ears cut off. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 73 that wandering and adventurous life to which he had been so early accustomed. In the character of this reformer of the Sikhs, it is impossible not to recognise many of those features which have dis- tinguished the most celebrated founders of political communities. The object he at- tempted was great and laudable. It was the emancipation of his tribe from op- pression and persecution ; and the means which he adopted, were such as a compre- hensive mind could alone have suggested. The Muhammedan conquerors of India, as they added to their territories, added to their strength, by making proselytes through the double means of persuasion and force ; and these, the moment they had adopted their faith, became the supporters of their power against the efforts of the Hindus ; who, bound in the chains of their civil and religious institutions, could neither add to their number by admitting converts, nor 74 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. allow more than a small proportion of the population of the country to arm against the enemy. Govind saw that he could only hope for success by a bold departure from usages which were calculated to keep those, by whom they were observed, in a degraded subjection to an insulting and intolerant race. " You make Hindus Mu- " hammedans, and are justified by your " laws," he is said to have written to Au- rungzeb : " now I, on a principle of self- " preservation, which is superior to all " laws, will make Muhammedans Hindus*. " You may rest," he added, " in fancied " security : but beware ! for I will teach " the sparrow to strike the eagle to the " ground." A fine allusion to his design of * Meaning Sikhs; whose faith, though it differs widely from the present worship of the Hindus, has been thought to have considerable analogy to the pure and simple religion originally followed by that nation. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 75 inspiring the lowest races among the Hindus with that valour and ambition which would lead them to perform the greatest actions. The manner in which Govind endea- voured to accomplish the great plan he had formed, has been exhibited in the im- perfect sketch given of his life. His efforts to establish that temporal power in his own person, of which he laid the foundation for his tribe, were daring and successful in as great a degree as circumstances would admit : but it was not possible he could create means, in a few years, to oppose, with success, the force of one of the greatest empires in the universe. The spirit, how- ever, which he infused into his followers, was handed down as a rich inheritance to their children ; who, though they consider Baba Nanac as the author of their religion, revere, with a just gratitude, Guru Govind, as the founder of their worldly greatness and political independence. They are con- scious, indeed, that they have become, from 76 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the adoption of his laws and institutions, the scourge of their enemies ; and have con- quered and held, for more than half a century, the finest portion of the once great empire of the house of Taimur. . Guru Govind was the last acknowledged religious ruler of the Sikhs. A prophecy had limited their spiritual guides to the number of ten; and their superstition, aided, no doubt, by the action of that spirit of independence which his institutions had introduced, caused its fulfilment. The suc- cess, however, of Banda, a Bairagi, who was the devoted follower and friend of Guru Govind, established their union under his banners. A short period after Govind's death, the grief of Banda at the misfortune of his priest, is said, by Sikh authors, to have settled into a gloomy and desperate desire to revenge his wrongs. The con- fusion which took place on the death of Aurungzeb, which happened in the year 1707, was favourable to his wishes. After SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 77 plundering the country, and defeating most of the petty Muhammedan chiefs that were opposed to him, he thought himself suffi- ciently strong to venture on an action with Foujdar Khan, the governor of the province of Sarhind, and the man of all others most abhorred by the Sikhs, as the murderer of the infant children of Guru Govind. This action was fought with valour by the Mu- hammedans ; and with all that desperation on the part of the Sikhs, which the most savage spirit of revenge could inspire : and this, aided by the courage and conduct of their leader, gave them the victory, after a severe contest. Foujdar Khan fell, with most of his army, to whom the enraged Sikhs gave no quarter. Nor was their savage revenge satiated by the destruction of the Muhammedan army: they put to death the wife and children of Vizir Khan, and almost all the inhabitants of Sarhind. They destroyed or polluted the mosques of that city ; and, in a spirit of wild and brutal 78 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. rage, dug up the carcasses of the dead, and exposed them to be devoured by beasts of prey. Encouraged by this suc- cess, and hardened by the lessons of Banda to deeds of the most horrid atro- city, the Sikhs rushed forward, and sub- dued all the country between the Satlej and the Jumna; and, crossing that river, made inroads into the province of Sa- haranpur*. It is unnecessary to state the particulars of this memorable incursion, which, from all accounts, appears to have been one of the severest scourges with which a country was ever afflicted. Every excess that the most wanton barbarity could commit, every cruelty that an unappeased appetite of revenge could suggest, was in- flicted upon the miserable inhabitants of the provinces through which they passed. Life was only granted to those who con- * This province lies a few miles to the N. E. of Dehli, between the rivers Jumna and Ganges. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 79 formed to the religion, and adopted the habits and dress of the Sikhs ; and if Be- hadur Shah had not quitted the Dek'hin, which he did in A. D. 1710, there is reason to think the whole of Hindustan would have been subdued by these merciless in- vaders. The first check the Sikhs received was from an army under Sultan Kuli Khan. That chief defeated one of their advanced corps at Panipat'h, which, after being dis- persed, fled to join their leader Banda, at Sarhind. The death of Behadur Shah pre- vented this success from being pursued ; and the confusion which followed that event, was favourable to the Sikhs. Banda de- feated Islam Khan, the viceroy of Lahore, and one of his fanatic followers stabbed Bayezid Khan, the governor of Sarhind, who had marched out of that town to encounter this army. This, however, was the last of Banda's successful atrocities. Abdal Samad Khan, a general of great 80 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. reputation, was detached, with a large army, by the emperor Farakhseir, against the Sikhs, whom he defeated in a very des- perate action ; in which, agreeable to Mu- hammedan authors, Banda performed pro- digies of valour, and was only obliged to give way to the superior numbers and dis- cipline of the imperialists. The Sikhs were never able to make a stand after this defeat, and were hunted, like wild beasts, from one strong hold to another, by the army of the emperor; by whom their leader, and his most devoted followers, were at last taken, after having suffered every extreme of hunger and fatigue*. Abdal Samad Kh&n put to death great * They were taken in the fort of Lohgad, which is one hundred miles to the north-east of Lahore. This fortress was completely surrounded, and the Sikhs were only starved into surrender, having been reduced to such extremes, that they were reported to have eaten, what to them must have been most horrible, the flesh of the cow. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 81 numbers of the Sikhs after the surrender of Lohgad, the fortress in which they took refuge ; but sent Banda, and the principal chiefs of the tribe, to Dehli, where they were first treated with every kind of obloquy and insult, and then executed. A Mu- harnmedan writer* relates the intrepidity with which these Sikh prisoners, but par- ticularly their leader, Banda, met death. " It is singular," he writes, " thai these " people not only behaved firmly during " the execution, but they would dispute " and wrangle with each other who should " suffer first ; and they made interest with " the executioner to obtain the preference. " Banda/' he continues, " was at last pro- " duced, his son being seated in his lap. " His father was ordered to cut his throat, " which he did, without uttering one word. " Being then brought nearer the magis- * The author of the Seir Mutakherin. G 32 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. " trate's tribunal, the latter ordered his " flesh to be torn off with red hot pincers ; " and it was in those moments he expired : " his black soul taking its flight, by one of " those wounds, towards the regions for " which it was so well fitted." Thus perished Banda; who, though a brave and able leader, was one of the most cruel and ferocious of men, and endea- voured to impart to his followers that feel- ing of merciless resentment which he che- rished against the whole Muhammedan race, whom he appears to have thought accountable for the cruelty and oppression of a few individuals of the persuasion*. * It is necessary, however, to state, that there is a schismatical sect of Sikhs, who are termed Bandai, or the followers of Banda, who totally deny this account of the death of Banda, and maintain that he escaped severely wounded from his last battle, and took refuge in B'habar, where he quietly ended his days, leaving two sons, Ajit Singh and Zorawcr Singh, who success- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 83 Though the Sikhs, from being animated by a similar feeling, and encouraged by his first successes, followed Banda to the field, they do not revere his memory; and he is termed, by some of their authors, a heretic ; who, intoxicated with victory, en- deavoured to change the religious institu- tions and laws of Guru G6vind, many of whose most devoted followers this fierce chief put to death, because they refused to depart from those usages which that revered spiritual leader had taught them to consider sacred. Among other changes, Banda wished to make the Sikhs abandon their blue dress, to refrain from drinking and eating flesh ; and, instead of exclaim- ing Wd I Gdruji ki Futteh ! Wd ! Khdlsaji ki Futteh ! the salutations directed by G6- vind, he directed them to exclaim, Futteh fully propagated his doctrine. This sect chiefly re- sides in Multan, Tata, and the other cities on the banks of the Indus. They receive the Adi-Grant'h, but not the Dasama Padshah ka Grant'h. 84 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. D'herm ! Futteh dersan ! which means, " Success to piety! Success to the sect!" These innovations were very generally re- sisted ; but the dreaded severity of Banda made many conform to his orders. The class of Acalis*, or immortals, who had been established by Guru Govind, con- tinued to oppose the innovations with great obstinacy ; and many of them suffered mar- tyrdom, rather than change either their mode of salutation, diet, or dress ; and, at the death of Banda, their cause tri- umphed. All the institutions of Guru Go- vind were restored : but the blue dress, instead of being, as at first, worn by all, appears, from that date, to have become the particular right of the Acalis, whose valour, in its defence, well merited the ex- clusive privilege of wearing this original uniform of a true Sikh. # An account of this class of Sikhs will be hereafter given. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 85 After the defeat and death of Banda, every measure was taken, that an active resentment could suggest, not only to de- stroy the power, but to extirpate the race, of the Sikhs. An astonishing number of that sect must have fallen, in the last two or three years of the contest with the im- perial armies, as the irritated Muhamme- dans gave them no quarter. After the execution of their chief, a royal edict was issued, ordering all who professed the reli- gion of Nanac to be taken and put to death, wherever found. To give effect to this mandate, a reward was offered for the head of every Sikh ; and all Hindus were ordered to shave their hair off, under pain of death. The few Sikhs, that escaped this general execution, fled into the moun- tains to the N. E. of the Penjab, where they found a refuge from the rigorous per- secution by which their tribe was pursued ; while numbers bent before the tempest which they could not resist, and abandoning 86 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. the outward usages of their religion, satis- fied their consciences with the secret practice of its rites. From the defeat and death of Banda till the invasion of India by Nadir Shah, a period of nearly thirty years, we hear nothing of the Sikhs ; but, on the occur- rence of that event, they are stated to have fallen upon the peaceable inhabitants of the Penjab, who sought shelter in the hills, and to have plundered them of that property which they were endeavouring to secure from the rapacity of the Persian invader. Enriched with these spoils, the Sikhs left the hills, and built the fort of Dalewal, on the Ravi, from whence they made preda- tory incursions, and are stated to have added both to their wealth and reputation, by harassing and plundering the rear of Nadir Shah's army, which, when it returned to Persia, was encumbered with spoil, and marched, from a contempt of its enemies, with a disregard to all order. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 87 The weak state to which the empire of Hindustan was reduced ; and the confusion into which the provinces of Lahore and Cabul were thrown, by the death of Nadir ; were events of too favourable a nature to the Sikhs to be neglected by that race, who became daily more bold, from their num- bers being greatly increased by the union of all those who had taken shelter in the mountains; the readmission into the sect of those who, to save their lives, had ab- jured, for a period, their usages; and the conversion of a number of proselytes, who hastened to join a standard, under which robbery was made sacred ; and to plunder, was to be pious. Aided with these recruits, the Sikhs now- extended their irruptions over most of the provinces of the Penjab : and though it was some time before they repossessed them- selves of Amritsar, they began, immediately after they quitted their fastnesses, to flock to that holy city at the periods of their 88 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. feasts. Some performed this pilgrimage in secret, and in disguise : but in general, ac- cording to a contemporary Muhammedan author, the Sikh horsemen were seen riding, at full gallop, towards " their favourite " shrine of devotion. They were often " slain in making this attempt, and some- " times taken prisoners ; but they used, on " such occasions, to seek, instead of avoid- " ing, the crown of martyrdom : and the " same authority states, that an instance " was never known of a Sikh, taken in his " way to Amritsar, consenting to abjure his " faith." It is foreign to the object of this sketch to enter into a detail of those efforts by which the Sikhs rose into that power which ihey now possess. It will be sufficient lo glance at the principal events which have marked their progress, from the period of their emerging from the mountains, to which they had been driven after the death of Banda, to that of the conquest and subjec- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 89 tion of those fine provinces over which their rule is now established. This sect, as has been before stated, have never admitted a spiritual leader since the death of Guru Govind. It was success, and the force of a savage but strong genius, which united them, for a period, under Banda; and they have, since his death, had no acknowledged general, leader, or prince. Each individual followed to the field the Sirdar or chief, who, from birth, the possession of property, or from valour and experience, had become his superior. These chiefs again were of different rank and pretensions: a greater number of followers, higher reputation, the possession of wealth, or lands, constituted that difference ; and, from one or other of these causes, one chief generally enjoyed a decided pre-eminence, and, consequently, had a lead in their military councils. But, nevertheless, they always went through the form of selecting a military leader at their Guru-mata, or national council; where, 90 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. however, influence prevailed, and the most powerful was certain of being elected. Such a mode of government was in itself little calculated to give that strength and union which the cause of the Sikhs re- quired : but the peculiarities of their usages, the ardent character of their faith, the power of their enemies, and the oppression they endured, amply supplied the place of all other ordinances. To unite and to act in one body, and on one principle, was, with the first Sikhs, a law of necessity : it was, amid the dangers with which they were surrounded, their only hope of success, and their sole means of preservation : and it was to these causes, combined with the weakness and internal contests of their ene- mies, to which this sect owes its extraordi- nary rise, — not to their boasted constitution ; which, whether we call it an oligarchy, which it really is ; or a theocracy, which the Sikhs consider it ; has not a principle in its composition that would preserve it one day SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. gx from ruin, if vigorously assailed. But of this their history will furnish the best example. Encouraged by the confusion which took place on the first Afghan* invasion, the Sikhs made themselves masters of a con- siderable part of the Duab of Ravi and Jalendra-f-, and extended their incursions to the neighbouring countries. They, how- ever, at this period received several severe checks from Mir Manu, the governor of Lahore, who is said, by Muhammedan authors, to have been only withheld from destroying them by the counsel of his minister, Koda Mai, who was himself a Sikh of the KhalasaJ tribe. Mir Manu * A. D. 1746. f The country between the rivers Ravi and Beyah, and that river and the Satlej. J A sect of non-conformist Sikhs, who believe in the Adi-Grant'h of Nanac, but do not conform to the insti- tutions of Guru Govind. They are called Khalasa. This word is said, by some, to be from khalis, pure or 92 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. appointed Adina Beg Khan to the charge of the countries in which the Sikhs main- tained themselves ; and, as that able but artful chief considered this turbulent tribe in no other light than as the means of his personal advancement, he was careful not to reduce them altogether; but, after defeat- ing them in an action, which was fought near Mak'haval, he entered into a secret understanding with them, by which, though their excursions were limited, they enjoyed a security to which they had been unac- customed, and from which they gathered strength and resources for future efforts. At the death of Mir Manu*, the Sikhs took all those advantages, which the local distractions of a falling empire offered them, of extending and establishing their power. select, and to mean the purest, or the select : by others, from khalas,free, and to mean the freed or exempt, alluding to the tribe being exempt from the usages imposed on the other Sikhs. * A. D. 1752. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 93 Their bands, under their most active leaders, plundered in every direction, and were suc- cessful in obtaining possession of several countries, from which they have never since been expelled : and their success, at this period, was promoted, instead of being checked, by the appointment of their old friend, Adina Beg Khan, to Lahore; as that brave chief, anxious to defend his own government against the Afghans, imme- diately entered into a confederacy with the Sikhs, whom he encouraged to plunder the territories of Ahmed Shah Abdali. The Afghan monarch, resenting this pre- datory warfare, in which the governor of Lahore was supported by the court of Dehli, determined upon invading India. Adina Beg, unable to oppose him, fled ; and the Sikhs could only venture to plunder the baggage, and cut off the stragglers of the Afghan army ; by which they so irritated Ahmed Shah, that he threatened them with punishment on his return ; and, when he 94 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. marched to Cabul, he left his son, Taimur Khan, and his vizir, Jehan Khan, at La- hore, with orders to take vengeance on the Sikhs for all the excesses which they had committed. The first expedition of Taimur Khan was against their capital, Amritsar, which he destroyed, filling up their sacred tank, and polluting all their places of wor- ship: by which action he provoked the whole race to such a degree, that they all assembled at Lahore, and not only at- tempted to cut off the communication between the fort and country, but collected and divided the revenues of the towns and villages around it. Taimur Khan, enraged at this presumption, made several attacks upon them, but was constantly defeated ; and being at last reduced to the necessity of evacuating Lahore, and retreating to Cabul, the Sikhs, under one of their cele- brated leaders, called Jasa Singh Calal, im- mediately took possession of the vacant Subah of Lahore, and ordered rupees to be SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 95 coined, with an inscription to the following import: " Coined by the grace of Khal- " sah ji, in the country of Ahmed, con- " quered by Jasa Singh Calal." The Sikhs, who were so deeply indebted to the forbearance of Adina Beg Khan, now considered themselves above the power of that chief; who, in order to regain his government from them and the Afghans, was obliged to invite the Mahrata leaders, Raghunat'h Rao, Saheb Pateil, and Malhar Rao, to enter the Penjab. Aided by these chiefs, he first advanced to Sarhind, where he was joined by some Sikhs that remained attached to him. Samad Khan, the officer who had been left in charge of Sarhind by Ahmed Khan, found himself obliged to evacuate that place ; which he had no sooner done, than the Sikhs began to plunder. The Mahratas, always jealous of their booty, determined to attack and punish them for this violation of what they deemed their exclusive privilege : but Adina Beg 96 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. receiving intelligence of their intentions, communicated it to the Sikhs ; who, taking advantage of the darkness of the night, saved themselves by flight. After the fall of Sarhind, the Mahratas, accompanied by Adina Beg Khan, ad- vanced to Lahore, and soon expelled both the Sikhs and the Afghans from the prin- cipal towns of the provinces of Sarhind and Lahore ; of which they not only took pos- session, but sent a governor to the province of Multan ; and Saheb Pateil advanced to the Attock*, where he remained for a few months. But the commotions of Hindus- tan and the Dek'hin soon obliged these foreigners to abandon the Penjab; which they did the same year they had reduced it. They appointed Adina Beg Khan go- vernor of Lahore. He died in the ensuing # The empire of the Mahratas had, at this proud moment, reached its zenith. The battle of Panipat'h took place soon afterwards; since which it has rapidly declined. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 97 year ; and, by his death, afforded an oppor- tunity to the Sikhs, which they eagerly seized, to make themselves again masters of the province of Lahore. Their success was, however, soon checked by Ahmed Shah Abdali ; who, irritated by their unsub- dued turbulence, and obstinate intrepidity, made every effort (after he had gained the victory of Panipat'h, which established his supremacy at Dehli) to destroy their power ; and, with this view, he entered the Penjab early in 1762, and overran the whole of that country with a numerous army, defeat- ing and dispersing the Sikhs in every direc- tion. That sect, unable to make any stand against the army of the Abdali, pursued their old plan of retreating near the moun- tains ; and collected a large force in the northern districts of Sarhind, a distance of above one hundred miles from Lahore, where the army of Ahmed Shah was en- camped. Here they conceived themselves to be in perfect safety : but that prince H 98 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. made one of those rapid movements for which he was so celebrated, and reaching the Sikh army on the second day, com- pletely surprised, and defeated it with great slaughter. In this action, which was fought in February, 1762, the Sikhs are said to have lost upwards of twenty thousand men, and the remainder fled into the hills, aban- doning all the lower countries to the Af- ghans, who committed every ravage that a barbarous and savage enemy could devise. Amritsar was razed to the ground, and the sacred reservoir again choaked with its ruins. Pyramids* were erected, and covered with the heads of slaughtered Sikhs : and it is mentioned, that Ahmed Shah caused the walls of those mosques, which the Sikhs had polluted, to be washed with their blood, # This is a very common usage amongst eastern conquerors. The history of Jenghiz Khan, Taimur and Nadir Shah, afford many examples of this mode of treating their vanquished enemies. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 99 that the contamination might be removed, and the insult offered to the religion of Mu- hammed expiated*. This species of savage retaliation appears to have animated, instead of depressing, the courage of the Sikhs ; who, though they could not venture to meet Ahmed Shah's army in action, harassed it with an inces- sant predatory warfare ; and, when that sovereign was obliged, by the commotions of Afghanistan, to return to Cabul, they attacked and defeated the general he had left in Lahore, and made themselves masters of that city, in which they levelled with the ground those mosques which the Afghans had, a few months before, purified with the blood of their brethren. Ahmed Shah, in 1763, retook Lahore, and plundered the provinces around it ; but, being obliged to return to his own country in the ensuing year, the Sikhs again expelled his * Foster's Travels, Vol. I. p. 279. 10 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. garrison, and made themselves masters of the Penjab; and, from that period until his death, a constant war was maintained, in which the enterprise and courage of the Afghans gradually gave way before the astonishing activity and invincible perseverance of their enemies ; who, if unable to stand a general action, retreated to impenetrable mountains, and the moment they saw an advantage, rushed again into the plains with renewed vigour, and recruited numbers. Several Sikh authors, treating of the events of this period, mention a great action having been fought, by their countrymen, near Amritsar, against the whole Afghan army, commanded by Ahmed Shah in person ; but they differ with regard to the dale of this battle, some fixing it in 1762, and others later. They pretend that the Sikhs, inspired by the sacredness of the ground on which this action was fought, contended for victory against superior numbers with the most desperate fury, and that the battle termi- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. iQl nated in both parties quitting the field, without either being able to claim the least advantage. The historians of Ahmed Shah are, however, silent regarding this action; which, indeed, from all the events of his long contests with the Sikhs, appears un- likely to have occurred. It is possible the Sikhs fought, at Amritsar, with a division of the Afghan army, and that might have been commanded by the prince; but it is very improbable they had ever force to en- counter the concentrated army of the Ab- dalis ; before which, while it remained in a body, they appear, from the first to the last of their contests with that prince, to have always retreated, or rather fled. The internal state of Afghanistan, since the death of Ahmed Shah, has prevented the progress of the Sikh nation receiving any serious check from that quarter; and the distracted and powerless condition of the empire of India has offered province after province to their usurpation. Their 10 2 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. history, during this latter period, affords little but a relation of village warfare, and predatory incursions. Their hostilities were first directed against the numerous Mu- hammedan chiefs who were settled in the Penjab, and who defended, as long as they could, their jagirs, or estates, against them: but these have either been conquered, or reduced to such narrow limits, as to owe their security to their insignificance, or the precarious friendship of some powerful Sikh chief, whose support they have gained; and who, by protecting them against the other leaders of his tribe, ob- tains a slight accession of strength and influence. The Sikh nation, who have, throughout their early history, always appeared, like a suppressed flame, to rise into higher splen- dour from every attempt to crush them, had become, while they were oppressed, as formidable for their union, as for their deter- mined courage and unconquerable spirit of SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 103 resistance : but a state of persecution and distress was the one most favourable for the action of a constitution like theirs ; which, formed upon general and abstract prin- ciples, required constant and great sacri- fices of personal advantage to the public good; and such can alone be expected from men, acting under the influence of that enthusiasm, which the fervor of a new religion, or a struggle for independence, can alone impart, and which are ever most readily made, when it becomes obvious to all, that a complete union in the general cause is the only hope of individual safety. The Sikhs would appear, from their own historians, to have attributed the conquests they made entirely to their valour, and to have altogether forgot that they owed them chiefly to the decline of the house of Tai- mur, and the dissensions of the government of Cabul. Intoxicated with their success. 104 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. they have given way to all those passions which assail the minds of men in the pos- session of power. The desire, which every petty chief entertained, of increasing his territories, of building strong forts, and adding to the numbers of his troops, in- volved them in internal wars ; and these, however commenced, soon communicated to numbers, who engaged in the dispute as passion or interest dictated. Though such feuds have, no doubt, helped to maintain their military spirit, yet their extent and virulence have completely broken down that union, which their great legislator, Govind, laboured to establish. Quarrels have been transmitted from father to son ; and, in a country where the infant is de- voted to steel, and taught to consider war as his only occupation, these could not but multiply in an extraordinary degree ; and, independent of the comparative large conquests in which the greater chiefs occa- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 105 sionally engaged, every village* has become an object of dispute ; and there are few, if any, in the Penjab, the rule of which is not contested between brothers or near rela- tions f. In such a state, it is obvious, the Sikhs could alone be formidable to the most weak and distracted governments. Such, indeed, was the character, till within a very late period, of all their neighbours ; and they continued to plunder, with im- * All the villages in the Penjab are walled round; as they are in almost all the countries of India that are exposed to sudden incursions of horse, which this defence can always repel. f When the British and Mahrata armies entered the Penjab, they were both daily joined by discon- tented petty chiefs of the Sikhs, who offered their aid to the power that would put them in the possession of a village or a fort, from which, agreeably to their statement, they had been unjustly excluded by a father or brother. Holkar encouraged these appli- cations, and used them to his advantage. The British commander abstained from all interference in such disputes. 106 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. punity, the upper provinces of Hindtistan, until the establishment of the power of Daulet Rao Sindia, when the regular bri- gades, commanded by French officers in the service of that prince, not only checked their inroads, but made all the Sikh chiefs, to the southward of the Satlej, acknowledge obedience and pay tribute to Sindia: and it was in the contemplation of General Perron, had the war with the English government not occurred, to have subdued the Penjab, and made the Indus the limit of his possession : and every person ac- quainted with his means, and with the condition and resources of the Sikhs, must be satisfied he would have accomplished this project with great ease, and at a very early period. When Holkar fled into the Penjab, in 1805, and was pursued by that illustrious British commander, Lord Lake, a com- plete opportunity was given of observing the actual state of this nation, which was SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 107 found weak and distracted, in a degree that could hardly have been imagined. It was altogether destitute of union. And though a Guru-mata, or national council, was called, with a view to decide on those means by which they could best avert the danger by which their country was threat- ened, from the presence of the English and Mahrata armies, it was attended by few chiefs : and most of the absentees, who had any power, were bold and forward in their offers to resist any resolution to which this council might come. The intrigues and negotiations of all appeared, indeed, at this moment, to be entirely directed to objects of personal resentment, or personal aggran- dizement; and every shadow of that con- cord, which once formed the strength of the Sikh nation, seemed to be extinguished. 108 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. SECTION II. Neither the limits of this sketch, nor the materials from which it is drawn, will admit of my giving a particular or correct account of the countries possessed by the Sikhs, or of their forms of government, manners, and habits : but a cursory view of these subjects may be useful, and may excite and direct that curiosity which il cannot expect to gratify. The country now possessed by the Sikhs, which reaches from latitude 28° 40' to beyond latitude 32° N., and includes all the Penjab*, a small part of Multan, and most * A general estimate of the value of the country possessed by the Sikhs may he formed, when it is stated, that it contains, besides other countries, the whole of the province of Lahore ; which, agreeable to Mr. Bernier, produced, in the reign of Aurungzeb, two SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 109 of that tract of country which lies between the Jumna and the Satlej, is bounded, to the northward and westward, by the terri- tories of the king of Cabul ; to the east- ward, by the possessions of the mountaineer Rajas of Jammu, Nad6n, and Srinagar; and to the southward, by the territories of the English government, and the sandy deserts of Jasalmer and Hansyd Hisar. The Sikhs, who inhabit the country between the Satlej and the Jumna, are called Malawa Singh, and were almost all converted from the Hindu tribes of Jats and Gujars. The title of Malawa Singh was conferred upon them for their extra- ordinary gallantry, under the Bairagi Banda, who is stated to have declared, that the countries granted to them should be fruitful hundred and forty-six lacks and ninety-five thousand rupees ; or two millions, four hundred and sixty-nine thousand, five hundred pounds sterling. HO SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. as Malwa, one of the provinces* in India. The principal chiefs among the Malawi Singhs, are, Saheb Singh, of Patiala; B'hang& Singh, of Thanesur ; B'hag Singh, of Jhind ; and B'hailal Singh, of Keintal. Besides these, there are several inferior chiefs, such as Gurudah Singh, Jud'h Singh, and Carm Singh ; all of whom have a few villages, and some horse, and consider themselves independent; though they, in general, are content to secure their possessions by at- taching themselves to one or other of the more powerful leaders. The country of the Malawa Singh is, in some parts, fruitful: but those districts of it, which border on Hansya and Carnal, are very barren ; being covered with low wood, and, in many places, almost destitute of water. Sarhind was formerly the capital of * This province now forms almost the whole terri- tory of Daulet Rao Sinclia. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. m this country ; but it is now a complete ruin, and has probably never recovered the dreadful ravages of the Bairagi Banda, who is stated not only to have destroyed its mosques, but to have levelled all its palaces and public buildings with the ground. Patiala is now the largest and most flourish- ing town of this province, and next to it T'hanesur, which is still held in high reli- gious veneration by the Hindtis ; who have also a very high reverence for the river Serasweti, which flows through this pro- vince. The territories of the chiefs of Ma- lawa Singh are bounded to the N. W. by the Satlej ; between which and the Bey ah, is the country called the Jalendra Beit, or Jalendra Duab; the Sikhs inhabiting which are called the DtiaM Singh, or the Singhs who dwell between the rivers*. The * With the chiefs of the Sikhs in the Jalendra Duab we are little acquainted. Tara Singh is the most 112 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. country of Jalendra Duab, which reaches from the mountains to the junction of the Satlej and the Beyah, is the most fruitful of all the possessions of the Sikhs ; and is, perhaps, excelled in climate and vegetation by no province of India. The soil is light, but very productive : the country, which is open and level, abounds with every kind of grain. That want of water, which is so much felt in other parts of India, must be here unknown ; as it is found every where in abundance, within two, or at furthest three, feet from the surface of the soil. The towns of Jalendra and Sultanpur are the principal in the Duab. The country between the Beyah and Ravi rivers is called Bari Duab, or Manj'ha ; and the Sikhs inhabiting it are called considerable ; but he and the others have been greatly weakened by their constant and increasing internal divisions. v SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 113 Manj'ha Singh. The cities of Lahore and Amritsar are both in this province; and it becomes, in consequence, the great centre of the power of this nation. Ranjit Singh, of Lahore ; Fateh Singh*, of Alluwal ; and Jud'h Singh, of Ramgadia-f ; are the prin- cipal chiefs of this country. The country of Bari is said to be less fertile, particularly towards the mountains, than Jalendra ; but, as it lies on the same level, it must possess nearly the same cli- mate and soil. The inhabitants of the country between the Ravi and Chanhab, are called D'harpi Singh, from the country being called D'harpi. The D'hanigheb Singh are be- yond the Chanhab J, but within the Jeha- lam river. / * Fateh Singh is, like Ranjit Singh, of a Jat family. f Jud'h Singh, of Ramgadia, is of the carpenter cast. I The term Gujarat Singh is sometimes given to the inhabitants of this Duab, of which the chiefs of Gujarat and Rotas are the principal rulers. I 1X4 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. The Sind Singh is the term by which the inhabitants of the districts under the Sikhs, bordering on the Sind, are known; and Nakai Singh is the name given to the Sikhs who reside in Multan. With the leaders of the Sikhs in these provinces, the extent of their possessions, or the climate and productions of the country under their rule, I am little acquainted. Those in Multan, as well as those settled on the river Jehalam, are said to be constantly engaged in a predatory warfare, either with the officers of the Af- ghan government, or with Muhammedan chiefs who have jagirs in their vicinity. The government of the Sikhs, considered in its theory, may, as has, been before stated, be termed a theocracy. They obey a temporal chief, it is true ; but that chief preserves his power and authority by pro- fessing himself the servant of the Khalsa*, * The word Khalsa, which has before been ex- plained to mean the state or commonwealth, is sup- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 115 or government, which can only be said to act, in times of great public emergency, through the means of a national council, of which every chief is a member, and which is supposed to deliberate and resolve under the immediate inspiration and impulse of an invisible being; who, they believe, always watches over the interests of the common- wealth. The nature of the power established by the temporal chiefs of the Sikhs, has been sufficiently explained in the narrative of their history. It will be necessary, before any account is given of the forms and actions of their Guru-mata, or great national council, which is intended to have a su- preme authority over their federative re- posed, by the Sikhs, to have a mystical meaning 1 , and to imply that superior government, under the protec- tion of which " they live, and to the established rules " and laws of which, as fixed by Guru G6vind, it " is their civil and religious duty to conform." n g SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. public, to take a view of that body of Acalis, or immortals, who, under the double character of fanatic priests and desperate soldiers, have usurped the sole direction of all religious affairs at Amritsar, and are, consequently, leading men in a council which is held at that sacred place, and which deliberates under all the influence of religious enthusiasm. The Acalis* are a class of Sikh devotees ; who, agreeably to the historians of that nation, were first founded by Guru Govind, whose institutes, as it has been before stated, they most zealously defended against the innovations of the Bairagi Banda. They wear blue chequered clothes, and bangles, * Aca.li, derived from Acal, a compound term of cal, death, and the Sanscrit privative a, which means never-dying, or immortal. It is one of the names of the Divinity; and has, probably; been given to this re- markable class of devotees, from their always exclaim ing Acal ! Acal ! in their devotions. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 117 or bracelets of steel*, round their wrists, initiate converts, and have almost the sole direction of the religious ceremonies at Am- ritsar, where they reside, and of which they deem themselves the defenders ; and, con- sequently, never desire to quit it unless in cases of great extremity. * All Singbs do not wear bracelets ; but it is indis- pensable to bave steel about their persons, which they generally have in the shape of a knife or dagger. In support of this ordinance they quote the following verses of Guru Govind : Saheb bea ki rach'ha hamne, Tuhi Sri Saheb, churi, kati, katar— Acal puvukh ki rach'ha hamne, Serv loh di rach'ha hamne, Servacal di rach'ha hamne, Serv lohji di sada rach'ha hamne. which may be translated : " The protection of the " infinite Lord is over us : thou art the lord, the cut- " lass, the knife, and the dagger. The protection of " the immortal Being is over us : the protection of " all-steel is over us : the protection of all-time " is over us : the protection of all-steel is constantly u over us." H8 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. This order of Sikhs have a place, or Bunga*, on the bank of the sacred reser- voir of Amritsar, where they generally resort, but are individually possessed of properly, though they affect poverty, and subsist upon charity ; which, however, since their num- bers have increased, they generally extort, by accusing the principal chiefs of crimes, imposing fines upon them ; and, in the event of their refusing to pay, preventing them from performing their ablutions, or going through any of their religious cere- monies at Amritsar. It will not, when the above circumstances * The Shahid and Nirmala, two other religious tribes among the Sikhs, have Bungas, or plaees, upon the great reservoir of Amritsar; but both these are peaceful orders of priests, whose duty is to address the Deity, and to read and explain the Adi-Grant'h to the Sikhs. They are, in general, men of some education. A Sikh, of any tribe, may be admitted into either of these classes, as among the Acalis, who admit all into their body who choose to conform to their rules. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. ||g are considered, be thought surprising, that the most powerful of the Sikh chiefs should desire to conciliate this body of fanatics, no individual of which can be offended with impunity, as the cause of one is made the cause of the whole ; and a chief, who is become unpopular with the Acalis, must not only avoid Amritsar, but is likely to have his dependants taught, when they pay their devotions at that place, that it is pious to resist his authority. The Ac&lis have a great interest in main- taining both the religion and government of the Sikhs, as established by Guru G6vind ; as, on its continuance in that shape, their religious and political influence must de- pend. Should Amritsar cease to be a place of resort, or be no longer considered as the religious capital of the state, in which all questions that involve the general interests of the commonwealth are to be decided, this formidable order would at once fall from that power and consideration which 120 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. they now possess, to a level with other mendicants. When a Guru-mata, or great national council, is called, (as it always is, or ought to be, when any imminent danger threatens the country, or any large expedition is to be undertaken,) all the Sikh chiefs assemble at Amritsar. The assembly, which is called the Guru-matd, is convened by the Acalis ; and when the chiefs meet upon this solemn occasion, it is concluded that all private animosities cease, and that every man sacri- fices his personal feelings at the shrine of the general good ; and, actuated by prin- ciples of pure patriotism, thinks of nothing but the interests of the religion, and com- monwealth, to which he belongs. When the chiefs and principal leaders are seated, the Adi-Grant'h and Dasama Padshah ka Grant'h are placed before them. They all bend their heads before these scrip- tures, and exclaim, Wli ! Guruji ka Khalsa ! W& ! Giiriyi hi Fat eh ! A great quantity of SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 121 cakes, made of wheat, butter, and sugar, are then placed before the volumes of their sacred writings, and covered with a cloth. These holy cakes, which are in comme- moration of the injunction of Nanac, to eat and to give to others to eat, next receive the salutation of the assembly, who then rise, and the A calls pray aloud, while the musicians play. The Acalis, when the prayers are finished, desire the council to be seated. They sit down, and the cakes being uncovered, are eaten of by all classes* of Sikhs: those distinctions of original tribes, which are, on other occasions, kept up, being on this occasion laid aside, in token of their general and complete union * A custom of a similar nature, with regard to all tribes eating promiscuously, is observed among the Hindus, at the temple of Jagannath, where men of all religions and casts, without distinction, eat cf the Maha Prasad, the great offering; i. e. food dressed by the cooks of the idols, and sold on the stairs of the temple. 122 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. in one cause*. The A calls then exclaim : " Sirdars! (chiefs) this is a Guru-mata!" on which prayers are again said aloud. The chiefs, after this, sit closer, and say to each other : " The sacred Grant'h is betwixt " us, let us swear by our scripture to forget " all internal disputes, and to be united/' This moment of religious fervor and ardent patriotism, is taken to reconcile all ani- mosities. They then proceed to consider the danger with which they are threatened, to settle the best plans for averting it, and to choose the generals who are to lead their * The Sikh priest, who gave an account of this custom, was of a high Hindu tribe ; and, retaining some of his prejudices, he at first said, that Muham- medan Sikhs, and those who were converts from the sweeper cast, were obliged, even on this occasion, to eat a little apart from the other Sikhs : but, on being closely questioned, he admitted the fact as stated in the narrative; saying, however, it was only on this solemn occasion that these tribes are admitted to eat with the others. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 123 armies* against the common enemy. The first Guru-mat& was assembled by Guru Govind ; and the latest was called in 1805, when the British army pursued Holkar into the Penjab. The principal chiefs of the Sikhs are all descended from Hindu tribes. There is, indeed, no instance of a Singh of a Mu- hammedan family attaining high power-f-: a circumstance to be accounted for from the hatred still cherished, by the followers of Guru Govind, against the descendants of * The army is called, when thus assembled, the Dal Khalsa, or the army of the state. f The Muhammedans who have become Sikhs, and their descendants, are, in the Penjabi jargon, termed Mezhebi Singh, or Singhs of the faith; and they are subdivided into the four classes which are vulgarly, but erroneously, supposed to distinguish the followers of Muhammed, Sayyad Singh, Sheikh Singh, Moghul Singh, and Patan Singh; by which designa- tions the names of the particular race or country of the Muhammedans have been affixed, by Hindus, as distinctions of cast. 124 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. his persecutors : and that this rancorous spirit is undiminished, may be seen from their treatment of the wretched Muhamme- dans who yet remain in their territories. These, though very numerous, appear to be all poor, and to be an oppressed, despised race. They till the ground, and are em- ployed to carry burdens, and to do all kinds of hard labour : they are not allowed to eat beef, or to say their prayers aloud, and but seldom assemble in their mosques*; of which few, indeed, have escaped destruc- tion. The lower order of Sikhs are more happy : they are protected from the tyranny and violence of the chiefs, under whom they live, by the precepts of their common religion, and by the condition of their coun- try, which enables them to abandon, when- * The Muhammedan inhabitants of the Penjab used to flock to the British camp; where, they said, they enjoyed luxuries which no man could appreciate that had not suffered privation. They could pray aloud, and feast upon beef. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 125 ever they choose, a leader whom they dislike; and the distance of a few miles generally places them under the protection of his rival and enemy. It is from this cause that the lowest Sikh horseman usually assumes a very independent style, and the highest chief treats his military followers with attention and conciliation. The civil officers, — to whom the chiefs intrust their accounts, and the management of their property and revenue concerns, as well as the conduct of their negotiations, — are, in general, Sikhs of the Khalasa cast ; who, being followers of Nanac, and not of Guru Govind, are not devoted to arms, but edu- cated for peaceful occupations, in which they often become very expert and in^ telligent. In the collection of the revenue in the Penjab it is stated to be a general rule, that the chiefs, to whom the territories belong, should receive one half of the pro- 126 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. duce*, and the farmer the other : but the chief never levies the whole of his share : and in no country, perhaps, is the Rayat, or cultivator, treated with more indulgence. Commerce is not so much encouraged ; heavy duties are levied upon it by all petty rulers through whose districts it passes : and this, added to the distracted state in which the Penjab has been, from the internal disputes of its possessors, caused the rich produce of Casmir to be carried to India by the difficult and mountainous tract of Jammu, Nad6n, and Srinagar. The Sikh chiefs have, however, discovered the injury which their interests have suffered from this cause, and have endeavoured, and not with- out success, to restore confidence to the merchant ; and great part of the shawl trade now flows through the cities of Lahore, Amritsar, and Patiala, to Hindustan. * Grain pays in kind; sugar-cane, melon?, 8cc. pay in cash. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 127 The administration of justice in the coun- tries under the Sikhs, is in a very rude and imperfect state ; for, though their scriptures inculcate general maxims of justice, they are not considered, as the Old Testament is by the Jews, or the Koran by the Mu- hammedans, as books of law : and, having no fixed code, they appear to have adopted that irregular practice, which is most con- genial to the temper of the people, and best suited to the unsteady and changing character of their rule of government. The following appears to be the general outline of their practice in the administration of justice. Trifling disputes about property are set- tled by the heads of the village, by arbitra- tion*, or by the chiefs. Either of these * This is called Penchayat, or a court of five ; the general number of arbitrators chosen to adjust dif- ferences and disputes. It is usual to assemble a Pan cbayat, or a court of arbitration, in every part of India, under a native government; and, as they are always 12 8 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. modes, supposing the parties consent to refer to it, is final ; and they must agree to one or other. If a theft occurs, the pro- perty is recovered, and the party punished by the person from whom it was stolen, who is aided on such occasions by the inha- bitants of his village, or his chief. The punishment, however, is never capital*. Murder is generally revenged by the rela- tions of the deceased, who, in such cases, rigorously retaliate on the murderer, and often on all who endeavour to protect him. chosen from men of the best reputation in the place where they meet, this court has a high character for justice. * A Sikh priest, who has been several years in Cal- cutta, gave this outline of the administration of justice among his countrymen. He spoke of it with rapture ; and insisted, with true patriotic prejudice, on its great superiority over the vexatious system of the English government; which was, he said, tedious, vexatious, and expensive, and advantageous only to clever rogues. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 129 The character of the Sikhs, or rather Singhs, which is the name by which the followers of Guru Govind, who are all devoted to arms, are distinguished, is very marked. They have, in general, the Hindu cast of countenance, somewhat altered by their long beards, and are to the full as active as the Mahratas ; and much more robust, from their living fuller, and enjoying a better and colder climate. Their courage is equal, at all times, to that of any natives of India; and when wrought upon by pre- judice or religion, is quite desperate. They are all horsemen, and have no infantry in their own country, except for the defence of their forts and villages, though they gene- rally serve as infantry in foreign armies. They are bold, and rather rough, in their address ; which appears more to a stranger from their invariably speaking in a loud tone* * Talking aloud is so habitual to a Sikh, that he bawls a secret in your ear. It has often occurred to me, that they have acquired it from living in a country K 13 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS of voice : but this is quite a habit, and is alike used by them to express the senti- ments of regard and hatred. The Sikhs have been reputed deceitful and cruel ; but I know no grounds upon which they can be considered more so than the other tribes of India. They seemed to me, from all the intercourse I had with them, to be more open and sincere than the Mahratas, and less rude and savage than the Afghans. They have, indeed, become, from national success, too proud of their own strength, and too irritable in their tempers, to have patience for the wiles of the former ; and they retain, in spite of their change of man- ners and religion, too much of the original where internal disputes have so completely destroyed confidence, that they can only carry on conversation with each other at a distance : but it is fairer, perhaps, to impute this boisterous and rude habit to their living almost constantly in a camp, in which the voice cer- tainly loses that nice modulated tone which distin- guishes the more polished inhabitants of cities. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 131 character of their Hindu ancestors, (for the great majority are of the Hindu race,) to have the constitutional ferocity of the latter. The Sikh soldier is, generally speaking, brave, active, and cheerful, without polish, but neither destitute of sincerity nor attach- ment ; and if he often appears wanting in humanity, it is not so much to be attributed to his national character, as to the habits of a life, which, from the condition of the society in which he is born, is generally passed in scenes of violence and rapine. The Sikh merchant, or cultivator of the soil, if he is a Singh, differs little in cha- racter from the soldier, except that his oc- cupation renders him less presuming and boisterous. He also wears arms, and is, from education, prompt to use them when- ever his individual interest, or that of the community in which he lives*, requires him * The old Sikh soldier generally returns to his native village, where his wealth, courage, or experience, always obtains him respect, and sometimes station and 132 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. to do so. The general occupations of the Khalasa Sikhs has been before mentioned. consequence. The second march which the British army made into the country of the Sikhs, the head- quarters were near a small village, the chief or' which, who was upwards of a hundred years of age, had been a soldier, and retained all the look and manner of his former occupation. He came to me, and expressed his anxiety to see Lord Lake. I showed him the general, who was sitting alone, in his tent, writing. He 3iniled, and said he knew better : " The hero who had " overthrown Sindia and Holkar, and had conquered " Hindustan, must be surrounded with attendants, and " have plenty of persons to write for him." I assured him that it was Lord Lake; and, on his lordship coming to breakfast, I introduced the old Singh, who seeing a number of officers collect round him, was at last satisfied of the truth of what I said ; and, pleased with the great kindness and condescension with which he was treated by one whom he justly thought so great a man, sat down on the carpet, became quite talkative, and related all he had seen, from the inva- sion of Nadir Shah to that moment. Lord Lake, pleased with the bold manliness of his address, and the independence of his sentiments, told him he would grant him any favour he wished. " I am glad of it," SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 133 Their character differs widely from that of the Singhs. Full of intrigue, pliant, versatile, and insinuating, they have all the art of the lower classes of Hindus, who are usually employed in transacting business : from whom, indeed, as they have no distinction of dress, it is very difficult to distinguish them. The religious tribes of Acalis, Shahid, and Nirmala, have been noticed. Their said the old man ; " then march away with your army 4< from my village, which will otherwise be destroyed." Lord Lake, struck with the noble spirit of the request, assured him he would march next morning, and that, in the mean-time, he should have guards, who would protect his village from injury. Satisfied with this assurance, the old Singh was retiring, apparently full of admiration and gratitude at Lord Lake's goodness, and of wonder at the scene he had witnessed, when, meeting two officers at the door of the tent, he put a hand upon the breast of each, exclaiming at the same time, " Brothers ! where zcere you born, and where are <( you at this moment?" and, without waiting for an answer, proceeded to his village. 134 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. general character is formed from their habits of life. The Acahs are insolent, ignorant, and daring : presuming upon those rights which their numbers and fanatic courage have established, their deportment is hardly tolerant to the other Sikhs, and insufferable to strangers, for whom they entertain a contempt, which they take little pains to conceal. The Shahid and the Nirmala, particularly the latter, have more know- ledge, and more urbanity. They are almost all men of quiet, peaceable habits; and many of them are said to possess learning. There is another tribe among the Sikhs, called the Nanac Pautra, or descendants of Nanac, who have the character of being a mild, inoffensive race ; and, though they do not acknowledge the institutions of Guru. Govind, they are greatly revered by his followers, who hold it sacrilege to injure the race of their founder ; and, under the advantage which this general veneration af- fords them, the Nanac Pautra pursue their SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 135 occupations ; which, if they are not mendi- cants, is generally that of travelling mer- chants. They do not carry arms ; and pro- fess, agreeably to the doctrine of Nanac, to be at peace* with all mankind. The Sikh converts, it has been before stated, continue, after they have quitted their original religion, all those civil usages and customs of the tribes to which they belonged, that they can practise, without infringing the tenets of Nanac, or the insti- tutions of Gurd Govind. They are most par- ticular with regard to their intermarriages ; and, on this point, Sikhs descended from Hindus almost invariably conform to Hindti. customs, every tribe intermarrying within * When Lord Lake entered the Penjab, in 1805, a general protection was requested, by several principal chiefs, for the Nanac Pautra, on the ground of the veneration in which they were held, which enabled them, it was stated, to travel all over the country with- out molestation, even when the most violent wars existed. It was, of course, granted. 136 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. itself. The Hindu usage, regarding diet, is also held equally sacred ; no Sikh, descended from a Hind 6 family, ever violating it, ex- cept upon particular occasions, such as a Guru-mata, when they are obliged, by their tenets and institutions, to eat promiscuously. The strict observance of these usages has enabled many of the Sikhs, particularly of the Jat* and Gujarf* tribes, which include almost all those settled to the south of the Satlej, to preserve an intimate intercourse with their original tribes ; who, considering the Sikhs not as having lost cast, but as Hindus that have joined a political associa- * The Jats are Hindus of a low tribe, who, takinc 7 ' o advantage of the decline of the Moghul empire, have, by their courage and enterprise, raised themselves into some consequence on the north-western parts of Hin- dustan, and many of the strongest forts of that part of India are still in their possession. f The Gujars, who are also Hindus, have raised themselves to power by means not dissimilar to those used by the Jats. Almost all the thieves in Hindustan are of this tribe. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 137 tion, which obliges them to conform to general rules established for its preservation, neither refuse to intermarry* nor to eat with them. The higher cast of Hindus, such as Brah- mens and Cshatrijas, who have become Sikhs, continue to intermarry with converts of their own tribes, but not with Hindus of the cast they have abandoned, as they are polluted by eating animal food ; all kinds of which are lawful to Sikhs, except the cow, which it is held sacrilege to slay-f. Nanac, whose object was to conciliate the Muhammedans to his creed, prohibited hog's flesh also; but it was introduced by his successors, as much, perhaps, from a spirit of revenge against the Moslems, as from considerations of indulgence to the * A marriage took place very lately between the Sikh chief of Patiala, and that of the Jat Raja, of B'haratpur. f Their prejudice regarding the killing of cows is stronger, if possible, than that of the Hindus. 138 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. numerous converts of the Jat and Gujar tribe, among whom wild hog is a favourite species of food. The Muhammedans, who become Sikhs, intermarry with each other, but are allowed to preserve none of their usages, being obliged to eat hog's flesh, and abstain from circumcision. The Sikhs are forbid the use of tobacco*, but allowed to indulge in spirituous -j* liquors, which they almost all drink to excess ; and it is rare to see a Singh soldier, after sunset, quite sober. Their drink is an * The Khalasa Sikhs, who follow Nanac, and reject Guru Govind's institutions, make use of it. f Spirituous liquors, they say, are allowed by that verse in the Adi-Grant'h, which states, " Eat, and give " unto others to eat. Drink, and give unto others to " drink. Be glad, and make others glad." There is also an authority, quoted by the Sikhs, from the Hindu Sastras, in favour of this drinking to excess. Durga, agreeably to the Sikh quotations, used to drink, because liquor inspires courage; and this goddess, they say, was drunk when she slew Mahishasur, SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 139 ardent spirit*, made in the Penjab; but they have no objections to either the wine or spirits of Europe, when they can obtain them. The use of opium, to intoxicate, is very common with the Sikhs, as with most of the military tribes of India. They also take B'hang-f, another inebriating drug. The conduct of the Sikhs to their women differs in no material respect from that of the tribes of Hindus, or Muhammedans, from whom they are descended. Their moral character with regard to women, and # When Fateh Singh, of Aluwal, who was quite a young man, was with the British army, Lord Lake gratified him by a field review. He was upon an ele- phant, and I attended him upon another. A little before sunset he became low and uneasy. I observed it ; and B'hag Singh, an old chief, of frank, rough man- ners, at once said, " Fateh Singh wants his dram, but " is ashamed to drink before you." I requested lie would follow his custom, which he did, by drinking a large cup of spirits, f Cannabis sativa. 140 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. indeed in most other points, may, from the freedom of their habits, generally be con- sidered as much more lax than that of their ancestors, who lived under the restraint of severe restrictions, and whose fear of ex- communication from their cast, at least obliged them to cover their sins with the veil of decency. This the emancipated Sikhs despise : and there is hardly an in- famy which this debauched and dissolute race are not accused (and I believe with justice) of committing in the most open and shameful manner. The Sikhs are almost all horsemen, and they take great delight in riding. Their horses were, a few years ago, famous ; and those bred in the Lak'hi Jungle, and other parts of their territory, were justly cele- brated for their strength, temper, and ac- tivity : but the internal distractions of these territories has been unfavourable to the encouragement of the breed, which has consequently declined ; and the Sikhs now SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 141 are in no respect better mounted than the Mahratas. From a hundred of their cavalry it would be difficult to select ten horses that would be admitted as fit to mount native troopers in the English service. Their horsemen use swords and spears, and most of them now carry matchlocks, though some still use the bow and arrow ; a species of arms, for excellence in the use of which their forefathers were celebrated, and which their descendants appear to abandon with great reluctance. The education of the Sikhs renders them hardy, and capable of great fatigue; and the condition of the society in which they live, affords constant exercise to that restless spirit of activity and enterprise which their religion has generated. Such a race can- not be epicures : they appear, indeed, gene- rally to despise luxury of diet, and pride themselves in their coarse fare. Their dress is also plain, not unlike that of the Hindus, 142 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. equally light and divested of ornament. Some of the chiefs wear gold bangles ; but this is rare ; and the general characteristic of their dress and mode of living, is simplicity. The principal leaders among the Sikhs affect to be familiar and easy of intercourse with their inferiors, and to despise the pomp and state of the Muhammedan chiefs : but their pride often counteracts this disposi- tion; and they appeared to me to have, in proportion to their rank and conse- quence, more state, and to maintain equal, if not more, reserve and dignity with their followers, than is usual with the Mahrata chiefs. It would be difficult, if not impracticable, to ascertain the amount of the population of the Sikh territories, or even to compute the number of the armies which they could bring into action. They boast that they can raise more than a hundred thousand horse: and, if it were possible to assemble every Sikh horseman, this statement might SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 143 not be an exaggeration : but there is, per- haps, no chief among them, except Ranjit Singh, of Lahore, that could bring an effec- tive body of four thousand men into the field. The force of Ranjit Singh did not, in 1805, amount to eight thousand; and part of that was under chiefs who had been subdued from a state of independence, and whose turbulent minds ill brooked an usur- pation which they deemed subversive of the constitution of their commonwealth. His army is now more numerous than it was, but it is composed of materials which have no natural cohesion ; and the first serious check which it meets, will probably cause its dissolution. 144 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. SECTION III. There is no branch of this sketch which is more curious and important, or that offers more difficulties to the inquirer, than the religion of the Sikhs. We meet with a creed of pure deism, grounded on the most sublime general truths, blended with the belief of all the absurdities of the Hindu mythology, and the fables of Muhamme- danism; for Nanac professed a desire to reform, not to destroy, the religion of the tribe in which he was born ; and, actuated by the great and benevolent design of reconciling the jarring faiths of Brahmd and Muhammed, he endeavoured to conciliate both Hindus and Moslems to his doctrine, by persuading them to reject those parts of their respective beliefs and usages, which, he contended, were unworthy of that God SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 145 whom they both' adored. He called upon the Hindus to abandon the worship of idols, and to return to that pure devotion of the Deity, in which their religion originated. He called upon the Muhammedans to ab- stain from practices, like the slaughter of cows, that were offensive to the religion of the Hindus, and to cease from the perse- cution of that race. He adopted, in order to conciliate them, many of the maxims which he had learnt from mendicants, who professed the principles of the Sufi sect; and he constantly referred to the admired writings of the celebrated Muhammedan Kabir*, who was a professed Stifi, and who * This celebrated Sufi, or philosophical deist, lived in the time of the Ernperor Shir Shah. He was, by trade, a weaver; but has written several admired works. They are all composed in a strain of universal philanthropy and benevolence ; and, above all, he in- culcated religious toleration, particularly between the Muhammedans and Hindus, by both of whom his memory is held in the highest esteem and veneration. L 146 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. inculcated the doctrine of the equality of the relation of all created beings to their Creator. Nanac endeavoured, with all the power of his own genius, aided by such authorities, to impress both Hindus and Muhammedans with a love of toleration and an abhorrence of war ; and his life was as peaceable as his doctrine. He appears, indeed, to have adopted, from the hour in which he abandoned his worldly occu- pations to that of his death, the habits practised by that crowd of holy mendicants, Sanyasis and Fakirs, with whom India swarms. He conformed to their customs ; and his extraordinary austerities* are a constant theme of praise with his followers. His works are all in praise of God ; but he * Nanac was celebrated for the manner in which he performed Tapasa, or austere devotion, which requires the mind to be so totally absorbed in the Divinity, as to be abstracted from every worldly thought, and this for as long a period as human strength is capable of sustaining. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 147 treats the polytheism of the Hindus with respect, and even veneration. He never shows a disposition to destroy the fabric, but only wishes to divest it of its useless tinsel and false ornaments, and to establish its complete dependence upon the great Creator of the universe. He speaks every where of Muhammed, and his successors, with moderation ; but animadverts boldly on what he conceives to be their errors; and, above all, on their endeavours to pro- pagate their faith by the sword. As Nanac made no material invasion of either the civil or religious usages of the Hindus, and as his only desire was to re- store a nation who had degenerated from their original pure worship* into idolatry, he may be considered more in the light of a reformer than of a subverter of the Hindu * The most ancient Hindus do not appear to have paid adoration to idols; but, though they adored God, they worshipped the sun and elements. !48 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. religion ; and those Sikhs who adhere to his tenets, without admitting those of Guru Govind, are hardly to be distinguished from the great mass of Hindu population ; among whom there are many sects who differ, much more than that of Nanac, from the general and orthodox worship at present established in India. The first successors of Nanac appear to have taught exactly the same doctrine as their leader; and though Har Govind armed all his followers, it was on a prin- ciple of self-defence, in which he was fully justified, even by the usage of the Hindus. It was reserved for Guru Govind to give a new character to the religion of his fol- lowers ; not by making any material altera- tion in the tenets of Nanac, but by esta- blishing institutions and usages, which not only separated them from other Hindus, but which, by the complete abolition of all distinction of casts, destroyed, at one blow, a system of civil polity, that, from being SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 149 interwoven with the religion of a weak and bigoted race, fixed the rule of its priests upon a basis that had withstood the shock of ages. Though the code of the Hindus was calculated to preserve a vast commu- nity in tranquillity and obedience to its rulers, it had the natural effect of making the country, in which it was established, an easy conquest to every powerful foreign invader; and it appears to have been the contemplation of this effect that made Guru Govind resolve on the abolition of cast, as a necessary and indispensable prelude to any attempt to arm the original native population of India against their foreign tyrants. He called upon all Hindus to break those chains in which prejudice and bigotry had bound them, and to devote themselves to arms, as the only means by which they could free themselves from the oppressive government of the Muhamme- dans; against whom, a sense of his own wrongs, and those of his tribe, led him to 150 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. preach eternal warfare. His religious doc- trine was meant to be popular, and it promised equality. The invidious appel- lations of Brahmen, Cshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra, were abolished. The pride of descent might remain, and keep up some distinc- tions ; but, in the religious code of Govind, every Khalsa Singh (for such he termed his followers) was equal, and had a like title to the good things of this world, and to the blessings of a future life. Though Guru Govind mixes, even more than Nanac, the mythology of the Hindus with his own tenets; though his desire to conciliate them, in opposition to the Muhammedans, against whom he always breathed war and destruction, led him to worship at Hindu sacred shrines ; and though the peculiar customs and dress among his followers, are stated to have been adopted from veneration to the Hindu god- dess of courage, Durga Bhavani ; yet it is impossible to reconcile the religion and SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 151 usages, which G6vind has established, with the belief of the Hindus. It does not, like that of Nanac, question some favourite dogmas of the disciples of Brahma-, and attack that worship of idols, which few of these defend, except upon the ground of these figures, before which they bend, being symbolical representations of the attributes of an all-powerful Divinity ; but it proceeds at once to subvert the foundation of the whole system. Wherever the religion of Guru Govind prevails, the institutions of Brahma must fall. The admission of pro- selytes, the abolition of the distinctions of cast, the eating of all kinds of flesh, except that of cows, the form of religious worship, and the general devotion of all Singhs to arms, are ordinances altogether irreconcil- able with Hindu mythology, and have ren- dered the religion of the Sikhs as obnoxious to the Brahmens, and higher tribes of the Hindus, as it is popular with the lower orders of that numerous class of mankind. 152 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. After this rapid sketch of the general character of the religion of the Sikhs, I shall take a more detailed view of its origin, progress, tenets, and forms. A Sikh author*, whom I have followed in several parts of this sketch, is very par- ticular in stating the causes of the origin of the religion of Nanac : he describes the different Yugas, or ages of the world, stated in the Hindu mythology. The Cali Yug, which is the present, is that in which it was written that the human race would become completely depraved : " Discord," says the author, speaking of the Cali Yug, " will " rise in the world, sin prevail, and the " universe become wicked ; cast will con- " tend with cast ; and, like bamboos in " friction, consume each other to embers. " The Vedas, or scriptures," he adds, " will " be held in disrepute, for they shall not " be understood, and the darkness of igno- * B'hai Gdr6 Das B'hale. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 153 " ranee will prevail every where f Such is this author's record of a divine prophecy regarding this degenerate age. He proceeds to state what has ensued : " Every one fol- " lowed his own path, and sects were " separated ; some worshipped Chandra " (the moon) ; some Surya (the sun) ; some " prayed to the earth, to the sky, and the " air, and the water, and the fire, while " others worshipped D'herma Raja (the " judge of the dead) ; and in the fallacy of " the sects nothing was to he found but " error. In short, pride prevailed in the " world, and the four casts* established a " system of ascetic devotion. From these, " the ten sects of Sanyasis, and the twelve " sects of Yogis, originated. Thejangam, " the Srivira, and the Deva Digambar, " entered into mutual contests. The Brah- " mens divided into different classes ; and # Brahmen, Cshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra. 154 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. " the Sastras, Vedas, and Puranas*, con- " tradicted each other. The six Dersans " (philosophical sects) exhibited enmity, " and the thirty-six Pashands (heterodox " sects) arose, with hundreds of thousands " of chimerical and magical (t antra mantra) " sects : and thus, from one form, many " good and many evil forms originated, " and error prevailed in the Cali Yug, " or age of general depravity." The Sikh author pursues this account of the errors into which the Hindus fell, with a curious passage regarding the origin and progress of the Muhammedan religion . " The world," he writes, " went on with " these numerous divisions, when Muham- " med Yara-f appeared, who gave origin * Different sacred books of the Hindus. t Yar signifies friend; and one of the prophet's titles, among his followers, is Yar-i-Khuda, or the friend of God. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 155 " to the seventy-two sects*, and widely " disseminated discord and war. He esta- " blished the Rozeh o Aid (fast and festi- " vals), and the Namaz (prayer), and " made his practice of devotional acts pre- " valent in the world, with a multitude of " distinctions, of Pir (saint), Paighamber " (prophet), Ulema (the order of priest- " hood), and Kitab (the Koran). He de- " molished the temples, and on their ruins " built the mosques, slaughtering cows " and helpless persons, and spreading trans- " gression far and wide, holding in hostility " Cafirs (infidels), Mulhids (idolaters), Ir- " menis (Armenians), Rumis (the Turks), " and Zingis (Ethiopians). Thus vice " greatly diffused itself in the universe." " Then," this author adds, " there were " two races in the world ; the one Hindu, " the other Muhammedan ; and both were * The Muhammedan religion is said to be divided into seventy-two sects. 15 6 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS, " alike excited by pride, enmity, and ava- " rice, to viotence. The Hindus set their " heart on Ganga and Benares ; the Mu- " hammedans on Mecca and the Caaba: " the Hindus clung to their mark on the " forehead and brahminical string; the " Moslemans to their circumcision : the " one cried Ram (the name of an Avatar), " the other Rahim (the merciful) ; one " name, but two ways of pronouncing it ; " forgetting equally the Vedas and the " Koran : and through the deceptions of " lust, avarice, the world, and Satan, they " swerved equally from the true path : " while Brahmens and Moulavis destroyed " each other by their quarrels, and the " vicissitudes of life and death hung always " suspended over their heads. " When the world was in this distracted " state, and vice prevailed," says this writer, " the complaint of virtue, whose dominion " was extinct, reached the throne of the " Almighty, who created Niinac, to en- SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 157 w lighten and improve a degenerate and " corrupt age : and that holy man made " God the Supreme known to all, giving " the nectareous water that washed his feet " to his disciples to drink. He restored to " Virtue her strength, blended the four " casts * into one, established one mode of " salutation, changed the childish play of " bending the head at the feet of idols, " taught the worship of the true God, and " reformed a depraved world/' Nanac appears, by the account of this author, to have established his fame for sanctity by the usual modes of religious mendicants. He performed severe Tapasaf*, living upon sand and swallow- wort, and sleeping on sharp pebbles ; and, after attain- * There is no ground to conclude that casts were altogether abolished by Nanac; though his doctrines and writings had a tendency to equalize the Hindus, and unite all in the worship of one God. "t* A kind of ascetic devotion, which has been before explained. 158 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. ing fame by this kind of penance, he commenced his travels, with the view of spreading his doctrine over the earth. After Nanac had completed his terres- trial travels, he is supposed to have as- cended to Sumeru, where he saw the Sidd'his*, all seated in a circle. These, from a knowledge of that eminence for which he was predestined, wished to make him assume the characteristic devotion of their sect, to which they thought he would be an ornament. While means were used to effect this purpose, a divine voice was heard to exclaim : " Nanac shall form his «« own sect, distinct from all the Yatis-f- " and Sidd'his; and his name shall be " joyful to the Cali Yug." After this, * The Sidd'his (saints) are the attendants of the gods. The name is most generally applied to those who wait on Gauesa. + The name Yati is most usually applied to the priests of the Jainas; but it is also applicable to San- yasis, and other penitents. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 159 Nanac preached the adoration of the true God to the Hindus; and then went to instruct the Muhammedans, in their sacred temples at Mecca. When at that place, the holy men are said to have gathered round him, and demanded, Whether their faith, or that of the Hindus, was the best ? " Without the practice of true piety, both/' said Nanac, " are erroneous, and neither " Hindus nor Moslems will be acceptable " before the throne of God ; for the faded " tinge of scarlet, that has been soiled by " water, will never return. You both de- " ceive yourselves, pronouncing aloud Ram " and Rahim, and the way of Satan pre- " vails in the universe." The courageous independence with which Nanac announced his religion to the Mu- hammedans, is a favourite topic with his biographers. He was one day abused, and even struck, as one of these relates, by a Moullah, for lying on the ground with his feet in the direction of the sacred temple of 160 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. Mecca. " How darest thou, infidel!" said the offended Muhammedan priest, " turn " thy feet towards the house of God V s — " Turn them, if you can," said the pious but indignant Nanac, " in a direction where " the house of God is not." Nanac did not deny the mission of Mu- hammed. " That prophet was sent," he said, " by God, to this world, to do good, " and to disseminate the knowledge of one " God through means of the K6ran ; but " he, acting on the principle of free-will, " which all human beings exercise, intro- " duced oppression, and cruelty, and the " slaughter of cows*, for which he died. — " lam now sent," he added, " from heaven, " to publish unto mankind a book, which " shall reduce all the names given unto " God to one name, which is God ; and he " who calls him by any other, shall fall into * Nanac appears on this, and every other occasion, to have preserved his attachment to this favourite dogma of the Hindus. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. i6'l " the path of the devil, and have his feet ** bound in the chains of wretchedness. ** You have/' said he to the Muhamme- dans, " despoiled the temples, and burnt ■" the sacred Vedas, of the Hindus; and " you have dressed yourselves in dresses of " blue, and you delight to have your u praises sung from house to house : but I, " who have seen all the world, tell you, " that the Hindus equally hate you and " your mosques. I am sent to reconcile " your jarring faiths, and I implore you to u read their scriptures, as well as your own : " but reading is useless without obedience " to the doctrine taught; for God has " said, no man shall be saved except he " has performed good works. The Al- " mighty will not ask to what tribe or " persuasion he belongs. He will only " ask, What has he done ? Therefore those " violent and continued disputes, which " subsist between the Hindus and Mosle- " mans, are as impious as they are unjust." M 162 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. Such were the doctrines, according to his disciples, which Nanac taught to both Hindus and Muhammedans. He professed veneration and respect, but refused adora- tion to the founders of both their religions ; for which, as for those of all other tribes, he had great tolerance. " A hundred thousand " of Muhammeds," said Nanac, " a million u of Brahmas, Vishnus, and a hundred " thousand Ramas, stand at the gate of the " Most High. These all perish ; God alone " is immortal. Yet men, who unite in " the praise of God, are not ashamed " of living in contention with each other ; " which proves that the evil spirit has *< subdued all. He alone is a true Hindu " whose heart is just: and he only is " a good Muhammedan whose life is " pure." Nanac is stated, by the Sikh author from whom the above account of his religion is taken, to have had an interview with the supreme God, which he thus describes : SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 163 " One day Nanac heard a voice from " above exclaim, N&nac, approach!" He replied, " Oh God ! what power have I to " stand in thy presence?" The voice said, " Close thine eyes." Nanac shut his eyes, and advanced : he was told to look up : he did so, and heard the word Wa ! or well done, pronounced five times ; and then Wa ! Guruji, or well done teacher. After this God said, " Nanac! I have sent thee into " the world, in the Cali Yug (or depraved " age) ; go and bear my name/' Nanac said, " Oh God ! how can I bear the mighty " burthen? If my age was extended to " tens of millions of years, if I drank of " immortality, aud my eyes were formed of " the sun and moon, and were never closed, " still, oh God! I could not presume to *' take charge of thy wondrous name." — " I will be thy Guru (teacher)," said God, " and thou shalt be a Guru to all mankind, M and thy sect shall be great in the world ; " their word is Puri Puri. The word 164 SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. " of the Bairasi is Ram ! Ram ! that of the 4C Sanyasi, Om ! Nama ! Narayen ! and the " word of the Yogis, Ades ! Ades ! and the " salutation of the Muhainmedans is Salam " Alikam ; and that of the Hindus, Ram ! " Ram ! but the word of thy sect shall be " Guru, and I will forgive the crimes of " thy disciples. The place of worship of " the Bairagis is called Ramsala; that of " the Yogis, Asan ; that of the Sanyasis, " Mat ; that of thy tribe shall be Dherma " Sala. Thou must teach unto thy fol- " lowers three lessons : the first, to worship " my name ; the second, charity ; the third, " ablution. They must not abandon the " world, and they must do ill to no being; " for into every being have I infused breath ; " and whatever I am, thou art, for betwixt " us there is no difference. It is a blessing " that thou art sent into the Cali Yug." After this, " Wa Guru I or zvell done, " teacher ! was pronounced from the mouth u of the most high Guru or teacher (God), SKETCH OF THE SIKHS. 165 " and Nanac came to give light and free- " dom to the universe." The above will give a sufficient view of the ideas which the Sikhs entertain regard- ing the divine origin of their faith ; which, as first taught by Nanac, might justly be deemed the religion of peace. " Put on armour," says Nanac, " that " will harm no one ; let thy coat of mail " be that of understanding, and convert " thy enemies to friends. Fight with va- " lour, but with no weapon except the " word of God." All the principles which Nanac inculcated, were those of pure deism ; but moderated, in order to meet the deep- rooted usages of that portion of mankind which he wished to reclaim from error. Thou