UC-NRLF B M DED Em ''ry-.v. ',;?.'! A'-^-^r ■Chinook-English SONGS FIRST HOUSE BUILT IN PORTLAND Price 50c TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED BY LAURA B. DOWNEY- BARTLETT Chinook-English SONGS TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED BY LAURA B. DOWNEY- BARTLETT MAMOOK POTLATCH. Kopa ankutta tellicum, mitlite okoke hy-as klcsh illahee, yah-ka man pee kah-kwa kloochman, konsi chaco, kah-kwa, yah- ka kopet nanich klosh tellicum sl-yah kopa sun chaco, steg-wah. pee sitcum sun illahee; spose yah-ka chaco klonas mitlite chick- chick, moos-moos mamook haul, klonas mitlite ship yaka chaco si-yah pee okoke nose yah-ka nem, Horn; mamook chee illahee. Mesika man, kah-kwa kloochman, konaway, hy-iu mesah-chie, kuU, kah-kwa hy-iu mamook, mitlite hy-iu sahale skookum stick, kopa kah, mitlite hy-iu masah-chie shah-wash, kah-kwa lemolo chet- woot, swaa-wa; yah-ka mamook whim stick pee mamook house. Pee kah-wa yah-ka chaco mamook kah-kwa, konaway klosh chaco okoke illahee. Kopa konaway ankutta tillicum mitlite, kah-kwa wake kopet kum-tux tellicum klatawa kopa Sahale Papa house, nika potlatch okoke t'zum. MAMOOK T'ZUM. ', / *. • ,'; ■' ; DEDICATED To the pioneers, of this great Northwest, the men and women jvh() 'left '.their' .Vi.O'iP'9 and loved ones in the far east, south and "niiddle west; who came by ox teams across the plains, or around Cape Horn, in sailing vessels and builded up a new country; men and women who suffered extreme hardships, surrounded by forests which were infested with savage Indians and wild ani- mals; who felled trees, builded homes and made possible the wonderful development of this grat Northwest; to the remaining few and in memory of those departed this little book is respect- fully dedicated. „ _ ,_„^„ THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. The object in presenting to tlie public this little book of Chinook translations of folk lore songs is with the hope that it will interest the rising generation and thereby assist in perpet- uating the life of the Chinook jargon, which has filled such an important part in the early life of the pioneers of this great Northwest. ^^^ AUTHOR. Copyfiu'ht ApDlled for June 19, 1914. Published by Kubli-Miller Company, 8t Fourth St., Portland, Oregon. i):^:^:v74 C H I N K - E N G L I S H SONGS BOSTON ILLAHEE. let. Xika illahee, kah-kwa mika, ,T'see illahee, wake e-li-te, Kah-kwa. mika, nika shunta. Illahee, k^h uika papa mamoloos, Illahee klosh tellicum chaco; Kee-Kwllla konaway lemoti, Mamook wake e-li-te tin-tin. Mox. Nika Boston illahee, Illahee, klosh wake e-li-te; Mika nem, nika tikegh. Nika tikegh, mika stone, pee chuck, Mika stick, klosh house pee lemoti, Nika tum-tum chaco kwann, Yah-kwa mitlite sahale. Klone. Mamook tin-tin konaway pee wind, Kah-kwa kopa kanaway stick, T'see wake e-li-te shunta; Tellicum la-lang kopet moosum, Kah-kwa mitlite klosh mamook, Kopet okoke stone, wake mamook, La-tlah klatawa kah. Locket. Nika papa, Sahale Tyee pee Mika, Kah, chaco wake e-li-te: Kopa Mika nesika shunta. Yoult-cut nesika illahee te-wagh, Mitlite wake e-li-te chaco tah-manawis, Nanich nesika, kah-kwa mika skookum, Sahale Papa, nesika Tyee. C H I N O O K - ENGL ISH SONGS AMERICA. My country 'tis of thes, Sweet land of liberty, Of tliee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride; From every mountain side, Let freedom ring. My native country thee. Land of the noble free — Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hi'ls; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake. Let all that breathe partake. Let rocks their silence break — The sound prolong. Our fathers' God! to. Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; • Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King! CHINOOK -ENGLISH SONGS OLE KENTUCKY ILLAHEE, KLOSH POLAKELY. let. Okoke sun konaway f wagh, mitlite Kentucky illahee, Yah-ka warn, pee klale tellicum hy-iu hee-hee; Yesolth sahale chaco klosh, kah-kwa tupso pee il'ahee; Kah kula-kula kwanisum shunta, kcnaway sin. Tenas man, pee kah-kwa kloochmen, keelapy kee-kvv'iHa kopa house, Hy-iu shunta, hy-iu hee-hee, hy-iu t'wagh, Alki hy-as klaw-how-iam chaco ko-ko nika leport, Nika cle Kentucky house, klosh polakely. Konaway Shunta. Kopet cly nika t'sladie, Nah, wake cly okoke sun; Nesika shunta ict sante, pee ole Kentucky illahee. Pee ole Kentucky illahee, si-yah. Mox. Yah-ka kopet klatawa poo, ict possum, kah-kwa coon, Kopa kee-kwilla, lemoti, pee chuck illahee, Nesika kopet shunta, kopa t'wagh pee okoke moon. Lashase klah-hanee kopa house leport; Ict sun klatawa, nika tum-tum hy-as sick; Tenas ankutta nika kwanisum by-iu hee-hee; Ict sun chaco, konsi tellicum klatawa kah, Nika ole Kentucky house, klosh polakely. Konaway Shunta. Kopet Kly, Klone. Lagh nika letate, kah-kwa emeek chaco kee-kwil'.a, Konsi kah, klale tellicum klatawa; Wake hy-iu sun, tum-tum chaco halo sick, Kopa illahee, kah sugar stick mitlite; Wake hy-iu sun nika klatawa lo-lo ictas, Kwanisum lo-lo ictas, mamook nika till, Tenas hy-iu sun, nika hul-hul kopa o'e'hut, Nika ole Kentucky house, klosh polakely. Konaway Shunta, Kopet cly ets. CH INOO K - ENGLISH SONGS MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME, GOOD-NIGHT. The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home, 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay; The corn-top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom. While the birds make music all the day; The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy and bright, By'n-by hard times comes a knocking at the door. Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night! Chorus. Weep no more, my lady. Oh, weep no more to-day! We will sing one song for the old Kentucky Home, For the old Kentucky Home, far away. 2 They hunt no more, for the 'possum and the coon. On the meadow, the hill, and the shore. They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon, On the bench by the old cabin door; The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart, With sorrow, where all was delight; The time has come when the darkies have to part. Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night! Chorus, Weep no more, etc. The head must bow and the back will have to bend, Wher'ever the darkey may go; A few more days and the trouble all will end. In the field where the sugar-cane grow; A few more days for to tote the weary load. No matter, 'twill never be light, A few more days till we, totter on the road, Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night. Chorus, Weep no more, etc. C H I N K - E N G L I S H SONGS KOPET ICT TUPSO KOPA, VVAM. let. Kopet ict tupso kopa warn, Mitlite kopet ict; Konaway yati-ka klosh tellicam; Chaco spooh pee klatawa; Halo tupso tellicum mitlite, Tenas tupso, wake si-yah, Kee-lipi pill-pill kopa see-owist, Pee tum-tum hooe-hcce. Mox. Nika wake klatawa, kopet ict, Mika sick tum-tum kopa stick, Mika tellicum konaway .moosum, Klatawa moosum mika klaska; Klosh spose nika m.arsh konaway kali, Mika tpuso kopa bed, Kah mika tellicum kopa klosh illihee Kee-kwilla pee mamoloos. Klone. Tinas alki nika klatawa, Konsi tellicum chaco halo, Tik-egh t'wagh kweu-kweu, Klatawa kee-kwilla kah, Konsi klosh tum-tum mamoloos. Pee klosh tellicum chaco halo; Nah: konsi tik-egh mitlite, Klale illihee, kopet ict? CHINOOK -ENGLISH SONGS THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER. 'Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone, All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rosebud is nigh To reflect back her blushes. Or give sigh for sigh. I'll not leave thee thou lone one, To pine on the stem, Since the lovely are sleeping. Go sleep thou with them; Thus kindly I scatter Thy leaves o'er the bed, Where thy mates of the garden ■ Lie scentless and dead. So soon may I follow, When friendships decay. And from love's shining circle The gems drop away; When true hearts lie withered. And fond ones are flown. Oh, who would inhabit This bleak world alone? 10 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS BEN BOLT. let. Nah! wake kopet kum-tux t'see Alice, Ben Bolt, T'see Alice, klaksta yet-so tenas klale, Yah-ka cly, kah-kwa hee-hee, spose mlka se-owist klosh. Pee hul-hul, kah-kwa kwass mika sullux; Mitlite ole chucli illahee, kee-kwilla, Ben Bolt, Teuas yah-wa halo nanlch copet let, Yah-ka marsh le-plash, mamook stone le-glay. T'see Alice, kee-kwilla kopa stone, Yah-ka marsh le-plash, mamook stone le-glay, T'see Alice, kee-kwilla kopa stone. Mox. Wake kopet kum-tux okoke stick, Bent Bolt, Tenas si-yah te'wagh whem lemoti, Konsi, nesika shunta, kee-kwilla hy-as stick. Pee ko-ko kah-kwa wau-wau okoke moo-lah; Alta okoke moo-lah chaco halo Ben Bolt, Wake la'tlah, konaway kah, Nanich ole stick pee house, kah-kwa tupso t'see Mamook konaway, kah kee-kwilla illahee, Nanich ole stick pee house, kah-wka tupso t'see Mamook konaway kah kee-kwilla illahee. Klone. Wake kopet kum-tux, okoke kum-tux house Ben Bolt, Mamook kum-tux man, delate hy-as klosh, Klosh tenas illahee, wake siyah eooley chuck, Kah nesika iskum tupso, chaco hy-as. Kopa kum-tux man, mamoloos house, hy-iu tupso, Pee tenas eooley chuck chaco dly, Konaway nesika tellicum mitlite kum-tux house, Yah-kwa mitlite Ben, kopet kona-mox Konaway nesika tellicum, mitlite kum-tux house, Yah-kwa mitlite Ben, kopet kona-mox. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 11 BEN BOLT. O! don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt, Sweet Alice, with hair so brown. She wept with delight when you gave her a smile, And trembled with fear at your frown. In the eld church yard, in the valley, Ben Bolt, In a corner obscure and alone, They have fitted a slab cf granite so grey, And sweet Alice lies under the stone, They have fitted a slab of granite so grey, And sweet Alice lies under the stone. Don't you remember the wood, Ben Bolt, Near the green sunny slope of the hill. Where oft we have sung neath its wide-spreading shade, And kept time to the klick of the mill. The mill has gone to decay, Ben Bolt, And a quiet now reigns all around; See the old rustic porch, with its roses so sweet. Lies scattered and fallen to the ground. See the old rustic porch, with its roses so sweet. Lies scattered and fallen to the ground. Oh! don't you remember the school, Ben Bolt, And the master, so kind and so true, And the little nook, by the clear running brook. Where we gathered the flowers as they grew? On master's grave grows the grass, Ben Bolt, And the running little brook is now dry, And of all the friends who were school mates then. There remains, Ben, but you and I, And of all the friends who were school mates then. There remains, Ben, but you and I. 12 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS NAU HY-AS SALT CHUCK. let. let warn polakely, nika tum-tum inttick, Xika klatawa kopa nau-its mah-thlinnie, Kali mitlite mamook kultus tenas hee-hee. Nika koku-mulh nau ankutta sun, Nika koku-mulh nau ankutta sun. Cooley chuck ten-ten kopa kee-kwilla, Wau-wau pee nika tikegh le-mcle, Tamah-nawis chaco kee-kwilla nika, Nika tum-tum spose chaco tenas. Tamah-nawis chaco kee-kwilla nika, Nika tum-tum spose chaco, chaco tenas. Mox. Nika mit-whit kopa nau-its mathllnnie, Kokumulk ictas kopa konawav kah, Pee iskum mitlite nika lemah. Nika marsh konaway, let, pee ict, Nika marsh konaway, ict, pee ict. Nah! nika wau-wau konaway kah-kwa: Kopa ictas nesika tikegh mamook pelton. Nesika iskum nau kah-kwa tenas, pee man. Nesika wake iskum kah-kwa tenas, Nesika iskum nau, kah-kwa tenas, pee man, Nesika wake iskum kah-kwa, kah-kwa tenas. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 13 SHELLS OF OCEAN. 1 One summer eve, with pensive tliougbt, I wandered on the sea-beat shore, Where oft in heedless infant sport, I gathered sliells in days before, I gathered shells in days before. The splashing waves like music fell, Responsive to my fancy wild, A dream came o'er me like a spell, I thought I was again a child, A dream came o'er me like a spell, I thought I was again, again a child. I stood upon the pebbly strand To cull the toys, that round me lay; But as I took them in my hand, I threw them, one by one away, I threw them, one by one away. Oh! thus I said, in every stage, By toys our fancy is beguiled; We gather shells from youth to age. And then we leave them like a child, We gather shells from youth to age. And then we leave them, leave them, like a child. 14 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS NIKA WAKE SHUNTA OLE SANTE. let. . Xika wake shunta ole sante, Nika shunta ankutta ict ccle, Nika tum-tum pee-wau-wau, wake tikegh, Pilton chuck chaco nika see-owist, Ankutta sun chaco nika tum-tum, Pee konaway kum-tux sante Wake nika shunta ole sante, Kopet kum-tux pee moosum, Wake nika shunta ole sante, Kopet kum-tux pee moosum. Mox. Xika wake shunta ole sante, Klosh mamook, nika tum-tum sick, Klaska sante mamook kum-tux nika, Ankutta sick tum-tum pee moosum Kegh-t-chie nika kopet kum-tux, Sick tum-tum t'see yah-ka, Xika wake shunta ole sante, Kah-kwa klosh pee nika. Xika wake shunta ole sante, Kah-kwa klosh pee nika. Klone. X^ika wake shunta ole sante; Tah-manawis chee chaco, Ankutta t'zum moosum, Hy-iu ict cole tum-tum sick, Klonas alki nika kopet mitlite; Xika tah-manawis klatawa kah, Nika wau-wau kumtuv ole sante, Pee konaway kwanisum; Nika wau-wau kumtuv ole sante, Pee konaway kwanisum. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 15 I CANNOT SING THE OLD SONGS, I cannot sing the old songs I sang long years ago, For heart and voice would fail me, And foolish tears would flow; For by-gone hours come o'er my lieart, With each familiar strain, 1 cannot sing the old songs, Or dream those dreams again, I cannot sing the old songs. Or dream those dreams again. I cannot sing the old songs, Their cliarm is sad and deep; Their melodies would waken Old sorrows in their sleep, And tho' all unforgotten still, And sadly sweet tliey be, I cannot sing the old songs, They are too dear to me; I cannot sing the old songs. They are too dear to me. I cannot sing the old songs, For visions come again, Of golden dreams departed And years of weary pain. Perhaps when eartlily fetters shall Have set my spirit free. My voice may know the old songs, For all eternity, My voice may know the old songs. For all eternity. 16 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS OLE KULL STICK TAMOLITSH. let. Kah-ta klosh nika tum-tum, nanitcli kab-kwa nika tenas. Klosh wake kopet kum-tux chaco pee nika, Le-pome stick, whim tupso, kah-kwa lemo^o stick, Konsi nika tikegh kum-tux pee nika tenas. Hy-as kluk-uhl chuck, ict moo-lah, wake si-yali, E-nati chuck stick, ict stone, kah-kwa kee-kwilla chuch, Tenas house pee nika papa, to-tcosh house, wake si-yah. Pee ict ole tamolitsh, kopa kee-kwilla chuck. Konaway Shunta. Ole kull stick tamolitsh, chickemon pee kah-kwa, Yah-ka tupso tamolitsh, mitlite kee-kwilla chuck. Mox. Okoke tupso tamolitsh, nika wau-wau klcsh tum-tum, Sitkum sun nika chaco, kopa klosh illahee, Kah-kwa nika tum-tum yah-ka delate youlth, Klosh pee t'see, spose yah-ka konaway potlatch. Nika hy-ak iskum, kah-kwa pil nika lemah. Marsh yah-ka kee-kwilla, tekope stone whim, Chee yah-ka chaco, pee hy-iu chuck mitlite, Kee-kwilla cole, okoke chuck chaco sahale. Klone. Kah-ta t'see pechugh tupso, okoke chuck nika iskum, Sahale okoke stick, whem chaco nika la-boos, Wake pahtl pil ooskan mamook nika klatawa. Keghtechie kah-kwa okoke .Jupiter iskum, Alta nika si-yah kopa nika tikegh illahee, Chuck kopa see-owist kwanisum chaco, Nika pittick, klatawa, papa illahee, Sick tum-tum nika kopa tamolitsh whim chuck. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 17 THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view! The orchard, the meadow, the deep tangled wild-weed, And ev'ry loved spot, which my infancy knew; The wide spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it, The bridge and the rock where the cataract fell; The cot of my father, the dairy house nigh it. And e'en the rude bucket that hung in the well. Chorus. The old oaken bucket, the iron bound bucket, The moss covered bucket, that hung in the well. That moss covered bucket, I hail as a treasure. For often at noon, when returned from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure. The purest and sweetest that nature can yield. How ardent I seized it, with hands that were glowing. And quick to the white pebbled bottom it fell. And soon, with the emblem of truth overflowing, And dripping with coolness, it rose from tha well. Chorus: The old oaken bucket, etc. How sweet from the green messy brim to receive it, As, poised on the curb, it inclined to my lips I Not a full blushing goblet could tempt me to leave it, Tho' filled with the nectar that Jupiter sips. And now far removed from the loved habitation, The tear of regret will intrusively swell. As fancy reverts to my father's plantation, And sighs for the bucket that hung in the well. Chorus: The old oaken bucket, etc. 18 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS HY-IU MOO-LOK MITLITE. let. 'Nanich hy-iu Moo-lok mitlite, Kopa okoke town, Potlatch le-mah kopa yah-ka, Marsh tupso konaway kah, Konaway Shunta. Konaway tellicum, lope mika kah-moox, Hy-iu Moo-lok mitlite town, Klonas yah-ka marsh Moo-lok konaway, Spose yah-ka cooley kah. Mox. Konaway man, pee kah-kwa kloochman, Klosh tum-tum kopa mesika, Mitlite sahale ka-wak chack-chack; Kwanisum nanich mesika, Konaway Shunta. Klone. Hy-iu hee-hee hy-ia muck-a-muck. Tellicum konaway kah; Klosh alki mesika chaco kwanisum, Kopa nesika illahee. Konaway Shunta. Chee mamook t'zum okoke sante pee konaway mitlite Moo-lok, tlkegh klosh chaco kopa tellicum Moo-lok, mitlite hy-iu Moo-lok Hee-Hee, kopa Potlan, Olegon, Sin-na-mox moon, Tah-tlum-twaist Tah-ka-monuk-Tah-tlum-mox, pee kimtah mamook kum-tux. Momook t'zum okoke, mitlite okoke klosh tupso, kah-kwa kula-kula town, spose wake tikegh copet kum-tux, okoke ankutta tellicum. yah-ka nem, Charles E. Vivian, klaks-ta ankutta mamook iskum ko-ku-inulh. hee-hee tellicum, pee mamook chaco skookum "Moo-lok Tellicum." CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 19 MANY ELKS ARE IN OUR TOWN. 1 Attention, friends, the Elks are here. They've come to our town, Greet them, with a hand of welcome; Scatter roses all around. Chorus. All good friends, tie up your dogs, While the Elks are in our town, For they would surely scatter the herd; If left loose running around. All the people in our town. Have good hearts for you, While high above us flies the eagle, Guarding you so true. Chorus: All good friends, etc. A round of pleasure, with plenty to eat. And friends on every hand, We wish you would return to us, And live in every land. Chorus: All good friends, etc. This song was originally written, to be used as a welcome to the visiting Elks, to the Elks' Carnival, which was held in Portland, Oregon, in July, 1912, but too late for use, and was written on the 1st day of July, 1912, in the City of Roses and Birds, and dedi- cated to the memory of Charles E. Vivian, who years ago, gathered together his theatrical friends and perfected the organization, of what is now the great "Order of Elks." 20 CHINOOK-ENGL. ISH SONGS WAH, HY-AS CHUCK COOLEY. let. Hy-as chuck cooley, Kwanisum wau-wau sick tum-tum, Wau-wau pee nika, alki nika nanicli tellicum; Alki yah-ka chaco, Alki yali-ka cliaco, Wau-wau pee nika, mika tum-tum alki chaco? Nesika alki mltlite sahale, Kah, halo snass pee cole chaco, Mitlite nika nanich kopa Sahale Papa house. Sahale Tah-manawis, Mika halo mamook, Nah-witka, halo mamook mitlite Sahale Papa hor.s; Nika win-a-pie pee yoult-cut, Wake nanich yaka chaco, Hy-as chuck lo-lo nika kopa Sahale Papa house, Delate mika wau-wau, yah-ka wake chaco, Nika tikegh nanich yah-ka let sun, Tah-manawis chaco, lo-lo nika, Tah-manawis chaco, lo-lo nika, Lo-lo nika, lo-lo nika, Kopa Sahale Papa house, Cooley, chuck, wah cooley chuck. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 21 0, RESTLESS SEA. O, restless sea, Still murm'ring thy sad strain. Tell me, O tell" me, shall we ne'er meet again. Will he return, will he return? Tell me, O tell me, will he ne'er return? Meet him above, Where storms can ne'er come. There you will meet, in a bright future home. Immortal soul, For thee there is rest. Yes, there is rest in that bright future home. I've waited so long. Will he never return? Restless sea, take me home to that bright future home. Is it true, shall I never more behold thee? O, could I but meet him once more on earth. Angels come, bear me home, Angels come and take me home, Take me home, O take me home, To that bright future home, O, restless sea, O, restless sea. 22 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS LILLY DALE, let. Halo wind polakely, yah-ka moon fkope te'wagEi, Konaway lemoti. pee illahee, Yah-ka tellicum tum-tum sick, chaco nanich mamoloos bed", Mitlite nika klosh Lilly Dale, Konaway Shunta. 00, Lilly, t'see Lilly, Klosh Lilly Dale, Alta tupso mitlite kopa yah-ka tenas mamoloos house, Kee-kwilla stick poe tupso, klosh illahee. Mox, Nika klatawa, yah-ka wau-waii, kopa illahee, halo mamook. Pee e'lip nika skookum klatawa, Nika yi-em kopa kah, mika mamook mamoloos bed, Mitlite marsh klosh Lilly Dale. Konaway shunta, OO, Lilly- Klone, Kee-kwilla kopa tuka-willa stick, konaway lemola tupso kah, Tenas chuck klatawa mitlite illahee; Kah kula-kula kwanisum shunta mitlite chee warn, Yah-wa, yah-ka marsh Lilly Dale. Konaway shunta, 00, Lilly. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 23 LILLY DALE. 1 "Twas a calm still night and the moon's pale light. Shone soft o'er hill and vale. When friends mute with grief, stood around the death bed Of my poor lost Lilly Dale, Chorus O, Lilly, sweet Lilly, Dear Lilly Dale, Now the wild rose blossoms o'er her little green grave, ■"Neath the trees in the flowery vale, 2 "'I go," she said, "to the land of rest. And ere my strength shall fail, I must tell yon where, near my own loved home, You must lay poor Lilly Dale." Chorus, O, Lilly, etc. "Neath the ches'nut tree, where the wild flowers grow> And the stream ripples forth thro' the vale. Where the birds shall warble, their songs in spring. There lay poor Lilly Dale." Chorus, O, Lilly, etc 24 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS KLOSH POLAKELY T'SLADIE. let. Klosh polakely t'sladie! Klosh polakely t'sladie! Klosh polakely t'sladie! Nesika klatawa, alta. Konaway Shunta. Hee-hee nesika cooley kah, Cooley kah, cooley kah, Hee-hee nesika cooley kah, E-niti hy-as chuck. Mox. Kla-how-ya t'sladie! Kla-how-ya t'sladie! Kla-how-ya t'sladie! Nesika klatawa alta. Konaway Shunta. Klone. T'see moosum t'sladie! T'see moosum t'sladie! T'see moosum t'sladie! Nesika klatawa alta. Konaway Shunta. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 25 GOOD NIGHT LADIES. 1 Good night ladies! Good night ladies! Good night ladieB! We're going to leave you now. Chorus Merrily we roll along, Roll along, roll along. Merrily we roll along O'er the dark blue sea. 2 Fare- well ladies! Fare-well ladies! Fare-well ladies! We're going to leave you now, Chorus, Merrily etc. Sweet dreams ladies! Sweet dreams ladies! Sweet dreams ladies! We're going to leave you now. Chorus, Merrily etc. 26 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS CHACO MITLITE SAPOLILL. let. \ah spose tellicum. nanicli tellicvim, Chaco kopa sapolill, Spose ict tellicum, ba-ba tellicum, Spose yah-ka tellicum cly? Konaway Sbunta. Konaway kloochman, igkum ict man, Halo nika, yah-ka wau-wau. Pee konaway man yah-ka hee-hee n'ka, Konsi chaco mitlite sapolill. Mox. Nah spose tellicum nanich tericiim, Chaco mitlite town, Spose tellicum, kwann waa-wau tellicum, Spose yah-ka kah-kwa sul-lux. Koanway Shunta. Klone. Konaway yak-wa, ict man mitlite, Nika tum-tum klosh pee yah-ka, Kah, yah-ka house, pee klaxta nem, Nika wake wau-wau pee mika. Konaway Shunta. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 27 COMIN' THRO' THE RYE. Old Scotch Air. Gin a body meet a body Comin' tliro' the rye. Gin a body kiss a body. Need a body cry? Chorus. Ev'ry lassie has laer laddie; Nane, they say, has I; Yet a' the lads tliey smile at me, When comin' thro' the rye. Gin a body meet a body Comin' frae the town. Gin a body greet a body. Need a body frown? Chorus, Ev'ry lassie, etc. Amang the train, there is a swain, I dearly lo'e my-sel,' But whaur his hame, or what his name, I dinna care to tell. Chorus, Ev'ry lassie, etc. 28 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS TENAS BED SANTE. let. Xah: nika teiias, kee-kwilla pee mocsani, Sahale Tah-manawis nanich mika bed, Kali-kwa Sahale klosh chaco, halo kwun-ura, Chaco kee-kwilla kopa mika letate, Konsi klosh kah-kwa, hy-iu nanich mika. Wake yah-ka iskum okoke Sahale Tenas Man, Yah-ka chaco kee-kwilla kopa illahee, Pee yah-ka chaco tenas, kah-kwa mika. Mox. Hy-as klimmin. wake kull mika bed, Mitlite Sahale Papa bed, kull, wake klosh; Chee yah-ka nanich, mitlite ict kuitan house, Yah-ka Sahale Tenas bed, dly tupso. Kwanisum nika yi-em konaway yah-ka, Mesah-chie tellicum mamook kopa Sahale Tyee; Kah-ta yah-ka mamoloos nika Sahale Pape? Mamook nika sulux, konsi nika shunta. Klone. Nah: nika tenas, wake sulux kopa mika, Klonas nika shunta, mika tiim-tum kull, Mika ma-ma mitlite kopa mika, Mitlite yah-ka lemah klosh nanich mika. Klosh mika tum-tum pee hy-iu kwass, Mamook kopa Sahale Tyee, konaway sun; Alki yah-ka klatawa, kwanisum mitlite, Wau-wau mika tum-tum hy-iu shunta. CHINOOK -ENGLISH SONGS 29 CRADLE HYMN. Kusli my child, lie still and slamber, Hcly angels guard tliy bed, Heavenly blessings with-out number. Gently falling on tliy head. How much better thou'rt attended, Than the Son of God could be; When from heaven He descended, And became a child like thee. Soft and easy is thy cradle, Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay; When His birth-place was a stable. And His softest bed was hay. Oh, to tell the won-drous story, How His foes abused their King; How they killed the Lord of glory. Makes me angry while I sing. Hush, my child. I did not chide thee. Though my song may seem so hard; 'Tis thy mother sits beside thee. And her arms shall be thy guard, May'st thou learn to know and fear Him, Love and serve Him all thy days; Then to dwell forever near Him. Tell His love and sing His praise. 30 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS OLE CHUCH fLLAHEE. let. Nah; chaco kah-kwa nika, kopa ole chucli illaliee, Nika kumtux o'eTiut, mi elite pe'chgli' tupso, Tellicura moosum mitlite, nesika tikegh klosh tum-tum, Xesika nanich nem, mitlite ole chucli illahee. Nah: mika kopet cly, yah-ka tum-tum halo sick, Wake m^ka cly, yah-ka copet cly, Kee-kwilla yah-ka moosum, kegh-techie cold pee kull, Yah-ka bed konaway kah-kwa mitlite ole chuch illahee. Mox. Xika tum-tum kah-kwa peelton, konsi teliicum mamoloos. Pee mamook klosh wau-wau, spose tura-tum sick, Nika tum-tum hy-iu hee-hee, klatawa konsi kah, Konsi nesika teliicum klatawa, kopa ole chuch illahee. Spose nika moosum kee-kwilla, kopa okoke stick, Kartah mika kly, klosh teliicum pee nika, Nika till, tum-tum sick, kartah nika winapie, Klosh klatawa, w^ake mamook, mitlite ole chuch illahee. Klone. Nika teliicum kwanisum mitlite delate t'see moosum, Si-yah kopa illahee, kah sick tum-tum, me-sah-shie mitlite, Konsi wake tikegh, wake mamook mitlite klosh teliicum, Mitlite wake mamook t'see ole chuch illahee. Pee wake nika mamook, alki chaco te'wagh sun, Konsi tcketee chaco pee skcoku'n house illahee, Konsi tah-manawis chaco wau-wau tin-tin Sahale Tyee, Mamook kumtux yah-ka mamoloos mitlite ole chuck illahee. Lockit. Nah; kopet cly mika, nika tikegh klatawa, Kopa halo mamook illahee,' kah see-owist chuck wake chaco; Wake nika kwass, klatawa mitlite klale house; Alki nika klatawa sahale, copet chuch illahee: Nah-witka. tenas alki nika klatawa sahale teliicum Kah hy-as klosh tah-manawis kopa Sahale Papa le-mah; Kwanisum konaway mitlite kopa okoke te'wagh house sahale Yaka mamook kopa tah-manawis kopet ole chuch illahee. CHINOOK-EN (jLISH SONGS 31 THE OLD CHURCH YARD. 'Oh come, ccme wiVa me, to the old cliurcli yard, I well know the path through the scft green sv.'ard; Friends slumloer there, we were want to regard, We'll trace out their names, in the old church .vard. Oh mourn not for them, their grief is o'er. Weep not for them, thev weep no more, For deep is their sleej), though cold and hard . Their pillow may be in the eld chnrch yard. 2 I knew it Ksenis vain when friends depart, To breathe kind words to the broken heart; I know that the joys of life seem marred, When we follow our friends to the old church yard^ Bit were I at rest beneath yon tree, Why should you weep, dear friends for me? I'm wayworn and sad. Oh wliy then retard The rest that I seek in the old church yrrd Our friends linger there in the sweetest repose. Released from the world's sad bereavem^ents and woes .And who would not rest with the friends they regard, In quietude sweet in the old church yard? AVe'll rest in the hope of that bright day. When beauty shall spring from the prison of clay. When Gabriel's voice, and the trump of the Lcrd, Shall awaken the dead in the old church yard. Oh! weep not for me, 1 am anxious to go To that haven of rest, where tears never flow; 1 fear not, to enter that dark lonely ward; For soon shall I rise from the old church yard; Yes, soon shall I join that heavenly band Of glorified souls at my Saviour's right hand; Forever to dwell in bright mansions, prepared For the saints, who shall rise from the old church yard. 32 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS WAKE SI-YAH NIKA SAHALE TYEE, KOPA MIKA. let. Wake siyah nika Sahale Tyee, i:ee Llika, Wake siyah kopa Mika, Kegh-techie yaka lo-cloa, Okoke mamook sahale nika, Konaway nika sante kwanisum, Wake siyah Sahale Tyee pee Mika, Walte siyah Sahale Tyee, Wake siyah kopa Mika. Mox. Kah-kwa nika t'so-lca, let sun klatawa kee-kwilla, Klale sahale kopa nika, , Xika bed ict stone. Klosh mitlite moosura nika. Wake siyah Sahale Tyee pee Mika, Wake siyah Sahale Tyee, Wake siyah kopa Mika. Klone. Klcsh kumtux kah Mika, Klatawa sahale illihee; Konsi Mika potlatch kopa nika, Chaco kah-kwa klosh tum-tum. Sahale tah-manawis tikegh nika; Wake siyah Sahale Tyee pee Mika, Wake siyah Sahale Tyee, Wake siyah kopa Mika. Klosh kah-kwa. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 33 NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en tho' it be a cross, That raiseth me. Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Tho' Wke a wanderer, The sun gone down, Darltness be over me. My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! There let my way appear. Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me. Nearer, my God. to Thee, Nearer, my God. to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 34 CHINOOK- ENGLISH SONGS MAMOOK, POLAKELY CHACO. let. Mamook, polakely chaco, Mamook, konaway chee sun, Mamook, konsi tenas chuck t'wagb, Mamook, mitlite chee chaco tupso, Mamook, konsi sun chaco fwagh, Mamook, mitlite hy-as wam sun, Mamook. polakely chaco; Konsi man kopet mamook, Mox. Mamook, polakely chaco, Mamook, mitlite sitcum sun, Pahlt t'wagh sun kopa mamook, Kopet mamook tenas alki. Potlatch konaway kawak sun. Mitlite, wake potlatch pee mika„ Mamook, polakely chaco, Konsi man kopet mamook. Klone. Mamook, polakely chaco, Kee-Kwilla kopa sahale sun, Konsi t'wagh fzum konaway kali Mamook, konaway sun klatawa, Mamook kah-kwa t'zum chaco halo, Klatawa, pee t'wagh wake chaco; Mamook, polakely klale chaco, Konsi man mamook copet. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 35 WORK FOR THE NIGHT IS COMINd. 1 Work for the night is coming, Work through the morning hotirs; Work while the dew is sparkling. Work "mid springing flowers; Work when the day grows brighter^ "Work in the glowing sun; Work for the night is comings When man's work is done. Work for the night is coming, Work tlirough the sunny noon; T'ill brightest hours with labor,. Rest comes sure and soon ; Uive every flying minute, Something to keep in store; Work for the night is coming. When man works no more. Work for the night is coming, Under the sun-set skies; While their bright tints are glowing, W^ork for daylight flies; Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more; Work while the night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. 36 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS KOPA JORDON, HY-IU WIND ILLAHEE, NIKA MIT-WIT. let. Kopa Jordon. hy-iu wind illahee, nika mit-wlt. Pee nanich kah-kwa tikegh see-owist, Kopa Canaan, klosh, hy-iu hee-hee illahee; Kah nika konaway ictas kee-kwilla. Mox. Wahl okoke konaway klatawa nanich. Chaco sahale kopa nika see-owist! T'see klackan, yah-kwa mitlite pe-chuglie. Pee mitlite chuck delate youlth. Klone. Konaway kah, kopa hy-as illahee, Te'wagh kwanisum okoke sun; Kah Sahale Papa, Tenas Man kwanisum mitlite. Pee marsh polakely si-yah. SHUNTA KOPA SAKALE TYEE. Shunta Sahale Papa, kah konaway klosh chaco, Shunta Sahale Papa, konaway tellicum mitlite kee-kwi'Ia Shunta Sahale Papa, konaway tah-mannwis, Shunta Sahale Papa, Tenas Man, pee Sahale Tah-manawis. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 37 ON JORDAN'S STORMY BANKS I STAND. 1 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishfal eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, "Where my possessions lie. Oh I the transporting, rapturciis scene> That rises to my sight! Sweet fields arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight! All o'er these wide extended plains, Shines one eternal day: There God, the Son, forever reigns, And scatters night away. DOXOLOGY. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghcst. 38 CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS PEE SAHALE ILLAHEE. let. Nika Iskum Papa, mitlite ?ahale lUahee, Nika Iskum Papa, mitlite Sahale Illahee, Spose nika Papa, wau-wau. nika klatawa, Klosh nanich mitlite Sahale Illahee. Konawa Shunta. Klatawa, klatawa, kopa Sahale Illahee, Klatawa, klatawa, kopa Sahale Illahee, Spose nika Papa wau-wau, nika hy-ak klatawa, Klosh nanich mitlite Sahale Illahee. Mox. Nika iskum seah-po, kopa Sahale Illahee, Nika iskum seah-po, kopa Sahale Illahee, Spose nika Papa wau-wau, nika klatawa, Iskum seah-po mitlite Sahale Illahee. Konaway Shunta, Klatawa, klatawa. Klone. Nika tikegh nanich mika, mitlite Sahale Illahee. Nika tikegh nanich mika, mitlite Sahale Illahee, Kopa Sahale Papa, le-pea hy-iu hee-hee, Hy-iu shunta, kopa Sahale Illahee. CHINOOK-ENGLISH SONGS 39 THE PROMISED LAND. 1 I have a Father, in the Promised Land. I have a Father, in the Promised Land, My Father calls me, I must go. To meet Him, in the Promised Land. Chorus. I'll away, I'll away, to the Promised Land. I'll away, I'll away, to the Promised Land. My Father calls me, I must go, To meet Him in the Promised Land. I have a crown, in the Promised Land, I have a crown, in the Promised Land, When Jesus calls me, I must go; To wear it, in the Promised Land. Chorus, I'll away. I hope to meet you, in the Promised Land. I hope to meet you, in the Promised Land. At Jesus feet, a glorious band: We'll praise Him, in the Promised Land. INDEX. ■ Page. Boston Illahee Chinook 4 America Smith 5 Ole Kentucky Illahee Chinook 6 Old Kentucky Home Foster 7 Kopet let Tupso Kopa Warn Chinook 8 The Last Rose of Summer Moore 9 Ben Bolt Chinook 10 Ben Bolt Knass 11 Xau Hy-as Salt Chuck Chinook 12 Shells of Ocean Cherry 13 Xika Wake Shunta Ole Sante Chinook 14 I Cannot Sing the Old Songs Claribel 15 Ole Kull Stick Tamolitsh Chinook 16 The Old Oaken Bucket Woodworth . . 17 Hy-iu Moo-lok Mitlite Nesika Town Chinook 18 Many Elks Are in Our Town Bartlett 19 Wah! Hy-as Chuck Cooley Chinook 20 O, Restless Sea White 21 Lilly Dale Chinook 22 Lilly Dale Thompson ... 23 Kiosk Pcalkely T'sladie Chinook 24 Good Xight. Ladies 25 Chaco Mitlite Sapolill Chinook 26 ' Comin' Thro' the Rye Scotch Air ... 27 Tenas Bed Santa Chinook 28 Cradle Hymn Watts 29 Ole Chuch Illahee Chinook 30 The Old Church Yard 31 Wake Si-yah Xika Sahale Tyee Chinook ..... 32 Xearer, My God, to Thee Mason 33 Mamook Polakely Chaco Chinook 34 Work for the Xight is Coming ; . . . . Mason 35 Kopa Jordan, Hy-iu Wind, Xika, Mit-wit Chinook 36 Shunta Kopa Sahale Tyee Chinook 36 On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand 37 Doxology 37 Pee Sahale Illahee Chinook 38 The Promised Land 39 or to the ,ldQ 400, Richmond Field bTOTio 2-month loans may be reny ?;rioa'n?mavberecharg^^ days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR 16 2000 12,000(11/95) U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES '.)3;j.'i74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY yj