//^Jj5MN!l-lWV i^ (^^ iL. c? *i dUi-.ViLL 'TUNIVER^-//; . — y v^ Ifei lO-J o '^UNIVER% '^•SOJIlVDiO^ ^H\ f .\\v :s- ^^AHvaaii^' ERy//^ ^ Mi vvlOS-ANCElfj-^ o ER% ^ ^lOSMElfr; o ^^^-lIBRARYOc -^ -j^^HIBRARYG^ Mil i(4S, ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OF-CAIIFO% ,AWEUNIVER% iilJlJNVSO]- 1" %ojnvD-jo'^ ^OFCAlIFOff^ UNIVERS"//, f awfuniver% o 'VAa3AINn3UV O %H3AlNa-3\t^ ^OJITV ^OF-CAllFO/i',^ ^C 61st Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Document 2d Session. ) (No. 627. WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. LETTER FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE WASHINGTON RAIL- WAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, TRANSMITTING THE REPORT OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 1909. February 1, 1910. — Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Washington Railway and Electric Company, Washington, D. C, February 1, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit heremth report of the Wash- ington Railway and Electric C^oinpanv for the year ending December 31, 1909. Very respectfully, Geo. H. Harries, Vice-President. Hon. Joseph G. Cannon, SpeaJcer House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Report of the Washington Raihvay and Electric Company, December 31, 1909. Amount of capital stock $15, 000, 000. 00 List of stockholders and the amount of stock held by each: « Amount of capital stock paid in 1-5, 000, 000. 00 Total amount now of funded debt 13, 073, 518. 49 The above capital stock and funded debt also cover the following securities of sub- sidiary companies owned by the Washinoton Railway and Electric Company: $1,993,250 capital stock of the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company. $108,250 capital stock and $100,000 bonds of the Brightwood Railway Company. $1,530,100 capital stock of the City and Suburban Railway of Washington. $156,650 capital stock and $100,000 bonds of the Georgetown and Tenuallytown Railwav Company. $197,150 capital stock and $250,000 bonds of the Washington and Glen Echo Rail- road Company. $50,000 capital stock and $45,000 bonds of the Washington and Rockville Railway Company. $25,000 capital stock and $32,000 bonds of the Washington, Woodside, and Forest Glen Railway and Power Company. $5,000,000 capital stock of the Potomac Electric Power Companv. $333,400 capital stock of the Great Falls Power Company. o Shown in Appendix B, hereto attached. 448'724 2 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. Amount of floating debt None . Average rate per annum of interest on funded debt per cent. . 4, 5, and 6 Amount of dividends declared: 5 per cent on $8,500,000 preferred stock $425, 000. 00 1 per cent on $6,500,000 common stock 65, 000. 00 $490, 000. 00 Total cost of property $28, 023, 193. 84 Total cost of property includes, in addition to railroads actually owned and operated, the following securities of subsidiary companies owned by the Washington Railway and Electric Company: $1,993,250 capital stock of the Anacostia and Potomac River Rail- road Company. $108,250 capital stock and $100,000 bonds of the Brightwood Rail- way Company. $1,530,100 capital stock of the City and Suburban Railway of Washington . $156,650 capital stock and $100,000 bonds of the Georgetown and Tennallytown Railway Company. $197,150 capital stock and $250,000 bonds of the Washington and Glen Echo Railroad Company. $50,000 capital stock and $45,000 bonds of the Washington and Rockville Railway Company. $25,000 capital stock and $32,000 bonds of the Washington, Wood- side, and Forest Glen Railway and Power Company. $5,000,000 capital stock of the Potomac Electric Power Company. $333,400 capital stock of the Great Falls Power Company. Length of road in miles: In District $26. 08 In Maryland 3. 20 29.28 Length of double track, including sidings: In District 20. 36 In Maryland 2. 97 23. 33 Total length of track figured in miles of single track 57. 73 Weight of rail by yard : Slot '. pounds. . 67 Tee do 56 to 85 Girder do. ... 83 to 104 Number of cars and horses: Cars 552 Horses 20 Number of motors 797 Total number of passengers carried in cars (including transfers) 48, 030, 142 Average fare per passenger carried (including transfers) $0. 0288 Average time consumed by passenger cars in passing over the road : Ninth street line minutes. . 29 Georgetown line do. ... 41 Connecticut avenue line do 35 Great Falls line do 27 Columbia line do . — 19 Chesapeake Junction line do 17 Kenilworth line do 15 Receipts from passengers: In District $1,360,428.89 In Maryland 24, 700. 17 1, 385, 129. 06 Receipts from chartered cars 1, 030. 75 Receipts from freight and express 58. 43 Receipts from mail 332. 92 Receipts from advertising 5, 220. 00 Receipts from switching 6, 463. 90 Receipts from sale of power 82, 111. 75 Receipts from rent of tracks, land, and buildings 11, 544. 01 Receipts from interest and dividends on securities owned 428,449.46 Total receipts from all sources during year $1, 920, 340. 28 WASHINGTON EAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 3 Total cost of maintaining road and real estate $187, 044. 09 ^ — Total cost of maintaining equipment 107, 183. 97 — — ' -'' Cost of general superintendence, salariesof officers, clerks, and agents; office, legal, and miscellaneous expenses. 67, 847. 51 yV-f" /)/ 2^^ Wages paid conductors and motormen 272,281.13 , , , ^ All other transportation expenses 230, 334. 98 Damages to persons and property, including medical attendance 41, 790. 46 Total expenses of operating road and repairs $906, 482. 14 Less: Credit on account of power furnished other com- panies 159, 253. 66 Credit on account of cars used by other companies. . 41, 569. 50 200,823.16 705, 658. 98 Charges for interest 522, 370. 00 Taxes 66, 143. 20 Wages of special policemen 16, 521. 82 605, 035. 02 Total operating expenses and fixed charges 1, 310, 694. 00 Net income for the year 609, 646. 28 Applied as follows: (K Dividend on preferred stock 425, 000. 00 ^^ Dividend on common stock 65, 000. 00 *^ Depreciation in equipment sold and retired during ^ year 51,278.30 V 541, 278. 30 I Balance credited to profit and loss — surplus 68, 367. 98 Statement shovnng number and character of accidents occurring on the lines of the Wash- ington Raihray and Electric Company during the year 1909. Character of accident. ^; stepping off moving car c:::^;^ttempting to board moving car . ^ Xar started while getting on Car started while getting off ^\ Collisions with pedestrians ^ Collisions with vehicles ^ Collisions with bicycles Collisions with cars Fell off moving ear While on car ' Stealing ride Standing cars Struck by brake Employees injured t5 Total. Number. 496 In two of the above cases persons injured died. We, George H. Harries, vice-president, and W. F. Ham, treasurer, of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, do hereby sol- .emnly swear that the foregoing and annexed statement is just and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Geo. H. Harries, Vice-President. W. F. Ham, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, A. D. 1910. [seal.] E. B. Burritt, Notary Public, District of Columbia. 4 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. Appendix A. Washington Railivay and Electric Company and subsidiary raibvay cor)ipanies. The following sworn statement of the gecurities, receipts, and disbursements of the Washington Railway and Electric Company and subsidiary railway companies for the year ending December 31, 1909, although not required by law, is submitted for the information of Congress. Amount of capital stock outstanding: Washington Railway and Electric Company $15, 000, 000. 00 Subsidiary railway companies |4, 333, 500. 00 Less amount owned by Washington Railway and Electric Company 4, 060, 400. 00 273, 100. 00 Total capital stock outstanding 15, 273, 100. 00 Total amount of funded debt outstanding: Washington Railway and Electric Company 13, 073, 518. 49 Subsidiary railway companies |5, 514, 000. 00 Less amount owned by Washington Railway and Electric Company 527, 000. 00 4, 987, 000. 00 Total funded debt outstanding 18, 060, 518. 49 The above capital stock and funded debt include cost of $5,000,000 capital stock of the Potomac Electric Power Company and $333,400 capital stock of the Great Falls Power Company. Amount of floating debt None. Average rate per annum of interest on funded debt per cent. . 4, 5, and 6 Amount of dividends declared: 5 per cent on $8,500,000 Washington Railway and Electric Company, preferred stock $425, 000. 00 1 per cent on $6,500,000 Washington Railway and Electric Company, common stock 65, 000. 00 $490, 000. 00 Length of road in miles : In District 59. 97 In Maryland 23. 29 83.26 Length of double track, including sidings: In District 49. 50 In Maryland 8. 38 57.88 Total length of track figured in miles of single track 150. 51 Number of cars and horses: Cars 722 Horses 26 Number of motors 1, 153 Number of passengers carried in cars: Pay passengers 59, 295, 727 Free transfers 25, 598, 153 Free passes 699, 938 85, 593, 818 Average fare pay passenger carried $0. 0430 Average fare per passenger carried, including transfers . 0298 Receipts from passengers: In District $2, 392, 740. 73 In Maryland 157, 106. 47 2, 549, 847. 20 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 5 Receipts from chartered cars $1, 513. 13 Receipts from freight and express 1, 984. 69 Receipts from mail 1, 109. 77 Receipts from sale of power 93, 527. 94 Receipts from switching 6, 463. 90 Receipts from advertising 9, 000. 00 Receipts from rent of track and equipment, land and buildings 7, 981. 06 Receipts from interest 36, 142. 56 Receipts from miscellaneous 190. 00 Total receipts from all sources during year .... $2, 707, 760. 25 Total cost of maintaining road and real estate 320, 221. 64 Total cost of maintaining equipment 179, 734. 55 Cost of general superintendence, salaries of officers, clerks, and agents; office legal and miscellaneous expenses 120, 767. 69 Wages paid conductors, motormen, and other car service employees - 637,454. 13 All other transportation expenses 236, 545. 26 Damages to persons and property, including medical attendance 76, 827. 57 Total expenses of operating road, and repairs 1, 571 , 550. 84 Charges for interest 782, 556. 48 Taxes Ill, 506. 37 Wages of special policemen 23, 778. 58 Depreciation in equipment sold and retired 60, 000. 00 977,84L43 Total operating expenses and other charges 2, 549, 392. 27 Net income for the yeai from operation of railway properties. . 158, 367. 98 We, George H. Harries, vice-president, and William F. Ham, treasurer of the Wash- ington Railway and Electric Company, do hereby solemnly swear that the foregoing annexed statement is just and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Geo. H. Harries, Vice-President. W. F. Ham, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, A. D. 1910. [seal.] E. B. Burritt, Notary Public, District of Columbia. Appendix B. List of stockholders of the Washington Raihvay and Electric Company, December 31, 1909. Name. Mary Laimbeer Abbot Jessie B. Acker William Hayes Acklan Cora Y. Adams Cyrus F. Adams Hugh M. Adams Ulysses L. Adams Anthony C. Addison Clara G." Addison Alvey A. Adee G. M. Adee Mary E. Ailes Milton E. Ailes William C. Alexander Thos. G. Allen Almas Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S Shares. 38 20 SO 5 4 74i 20' 12 150 15 40 1 147 10 15 9 Reese F. Alsojj Alumni Association, George Washington TTniversity Sebastian Aman American Security and Trust Co American Security and Trust Co., trustee. American Security and Trust Co.. surviv- ing trustee under will of Francis S. Dodge American Securitv and Trust Co., trustee for Mary H. Eddy, u. t. a., dated June 19,1909 " American Security and Trust Co., trustee u/w Benjamin H. Warder American Securitv and Trust Co., trustee for Ethe G. Weiler, u. t. a., dated March 4,1908 Shares. 15 20 a 25 20 50 800 6 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, 1909 — Continued. Name. Henry E. Amosso E. M. Anderson Mary B. Anderson (Miss) John F. Anderson J. B. Anderson, M. D Jeannette Porter Anderson W. W . Anderson Martha H. Anderson Martha H. Anderson Antoinette S. Angle Alice Ruth Andrus Burt W . Andrews Jane A . Andrews John Taylor Arms Mary W". Arms (Miss) Margaret Ash Eugene Atwood Joseph S. Auerbaeh Caroline E . Austin (Mrs.) James B . Austin Lorraine V. Austin Minnie H. Aydelotte Ella Rodman .\yres Douglas J. Bacon L. Seward Bacon James H. Baden Alice C. Bailey Anna D. Bailey (Miss) Bernard Bailey Charles B. Bailey Edward S. Bailey James A. Bailey , Lillian M. Baier Mabel F. Bailey , Maria Forrest Bailey Olive R. Bailey Arthur G. Baker , Chas. A. Baker R. W. Baker Irving O. Ball R. Carter Ballantyne Leonora E. Barber (Mrs.) John Barbey Jas. F. Barbour Sarah M. Barden William J. Barden (Capt.) Elizabeth H. BarndoUar B. E. Barnes Mary A. Barnes Fannie J. Barrett Ellen D. Barry E. J. Bastable Martha S. Baum Mary J. Baxter Charles A. Bayles Marie Beale . . ". , Truxton Beale, trustee Truxton Beale, trustee, trustee of estate of Mary E. Beale Nannie Lewis Beall Rosa Stuart Beardsley Marv J. Beatt V Sophia R. Beatty M. Corinne Beavans Cornelia E. Beckford Anne Beers Edwin B. Behrend Isaac Behrend L. Behrends Melvin Behrends Bell&Co Charles J. Bell Charles J. Bell and American Security and Trust Co., trustees for C. A. and "A. I. Bell C. J. Bell, trustee for Augusta G. McCurdy, James Walker Benet Elise A. Benisch A. B. Bennett, jr Andre R. Benson Leonard Bergmark Shares. 5 550 10 20 100 6 30 12 41 22i 10 10 a 350 25 7 27.^ 330 10 20 30 10 10 2 100 8 11 16 20 102 5 1 40 11 9 20 2 470 130 60 2 10 37J 60 15 20 5 10 30 198 13 10 33 15 11 35 570 450 50 30 10 3 35 10 10 50 1 400J 120 37 50 Name. Bastein Bermaim Isidor Bermann Lillian H. Bermann (Mrs.) Rufus Bermann L. Alice Berry Emma Frances Berry J. E. Berry M. Virginia Berry Norman Bestor Selina Bestor Virginia T. Bestor Leopold Beyer Bertha C. Bingham Francis B. Bishop Emily P. Bissell Joseph F. Bixler Anne W. Blagden Gist Blair Woodbury Blair Bai)ette Blumenfeld Katie A. Boak S. D. Boak Siebert D. Boak Bessie McE. Bolgiano Frank W. Bolgiano Joseph A. Bolgiano \\ alton Bolgiano Winifred Bolgiano S. Hazen Bond Mable Cornish-Bond Saml. R. Bond Emma K. Bonney Anne P. Boorman Justin Bourey Eugenie Bourney Setn T. Bowen Edward A. Bowers Elinor C. Bowie Francis \V. Boyce Lucy G. Boyce Elsie M. Boyd IdaC. Boyd Elisha R. Brace Helen D. Brace, estate of Sophia K. Brace William D. Brace Chas. S. Bradley and Robt. O. Bradley surviving trustees '. Kate Bradley Nettie G. Bradley James F. Brady Lizzie M Brady Margaret F. Branch Clarence A . Brandenburg E.G. Brandenburg Edwin C. Brandenburg Emma V. Brandenburg F. Walter Brandenburg Wilbur H. R. Brandenburg (Dr.) Katherine A. Brastow Kittle Brawley (Miss) Mary A , Brawley Susan Brawner William J. Breed Elfriede C. Brewer Emma J. Brewer Horatio J. Brewer William O. Briesen Mary Bright Alexander Britton Louise R. Britton G. Clymer Brooke Brown Bros, tt Co Montgomery Blair , Chapin Brown Clarisa B. Brown Edward J. Brown Helen ClilTord Brown L. S. Brown Lorenzo S. Brown Philip G. Brown Shares. WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, 7 List of stockholders of the Washington Railiraij and Electric Company, December 31, 1909— Continued. Name. Shares. Philip G. Brown, trustee for Nathan C Brown, u/w Philip Henry Brown S. Thomas Brown William A. Brown Wm. B. Brown , C E. Brown , Arthur S. Browne ' Emmilly Browne , Virginia W. Lowery Brunetti I Arthur L. Bryant Wilhelmus B. Bryan Elizabeth Marion Bryce (Mrs.) Josephine M. Buel Leo N. Burger Emily Burgess W. P. Burnham Anna B. Burritt (Miss) Nathaniel P. Butler Jacob B. Cahn Joseph Cahn Julia S. Caine, executrix estate Alexander C. Caine Julia S. Caine Gertrude L. Calhoun M. V. Callan Robert Callahan John T. Cam Lyda W . Cam Louisa E. Cam mack Sarah F. Camp Charles M. Campbell Gordon Campbell Mary Price Campbell Washington L. Capps Washington Lee Capps Alice Ethel Card (Miss) Edith Hunter Card (Miss) Ada Carman (Miss) L. D. Carman Maria G. Carman John R. Carmody Chas. J. Carpenter Frank G. Carpenter , Joanna D. Carpenter Wm. K. Carr William S. Carroll Mary A. Carson Mary Mercer Carter Wm". P. Carter Jessie M. Cassanova John Caspari E. Schle.v Cassin Fannie M. Ca.ssin (Miss) C. M. Cauldwell Edward F. Caverl v Central Trust Co., Camden. N. J Katherine C. Chamberlain Oliver H. Chamberlain Elizabeth Kevser Chambers Florence H. Chandler Lucy B . Chandler Bloom D. Chapman Eleanor A. Chatard Thomas M. Chatard Kitty Cheston Elizabeth Bertha Chinn Virginia S. Chinn W. A. H. Church Agnes D. Cissel Catherine B. Clagett Charles T. Clagett Henrietta E. Clagett Leta Lutz Clagett A. G. Clapham Allen C. Clark Clark, Dodge & Co Henry W. Clark Jessie S. Clark , Margaret Clark , Mary F. Clark , Sarah P. Clark 71 130 325 20 50 30 20 200 10 100 30 5 100 3 5.J 15 6 100 20 50 20 1 tiO 30 10 2 10 9 50 120 400 50 400 30 30 10 10 .5 100 152.^ 200 10 50 100 21 50 10 10 30 25 3 28 2 3 35 20 55 1 20 50 100 20 13 20 100 20 2 1 100 1 2 50 45 200 4 31 25 10 1 Name. Susan Frances Clark (Mrs.). . Alfred J. Clarke Anthony J. Clarke Julia V. S. Clarke (Mrs.) Martha E. Clarke (Mrs.) Una A. Clarke Watson F. Clarke Frank M. Cleaver Powell Clayton Helen A. Claytor Thomas A. Claytor Thomas P. Cleaves Eudora Miller Clover Richardson Clover Bertha Coblenzer WiUiam H. Coffin Mever Cohen L N. C. Cole Elizabeth F. Coleman W. N. Coler, jr Hermione Lenore CoUamer. . W. Hayden Collins B. M. Connelly Anne S. Connolly (Miss) Eleanor Connolly Genevieve Coimblly Nora O. Connor Ralph W. Cook Harriet B. Coolidge (Mrs.). . Ellen Coombs Wm. D. Coombs Ellen D. Copp Edythe Patten Corbin Isabella A. Corkran John Herbert Coming Clarence Corson Esther S. Cottrell Benjamin W. Cox Chas. H. Cragin Crane, Parris & Co Rosa B. Crockett Elton V. Crocker Bessie B. Croffut William A. Croffut Wm. Nelson Cromwell Sarah E . Crook Josiah Q . Crosby Mary C . Crounse William Crozier William B. Culverwell Annie Cunningham Annie Cunningham Louis Cunningham Thomas J. Cunningham Louis Curtis Edwin S. Dailey Frances B. Balgleish John S. Barbour Dangerfield Joseph W. Dare Jennie M. Dauchy Duncan Davenport C. D. Da\is Chas. W . Davis Eldred G. Davis Ella P. Davis Geo. B. Davis Lillian C. Daw H. D. Dawson Fannie E . Davton Henry B. Deale (Dr.) Charles R . Dean Cora B. Deeble Elizabeth Deeble Mary Elizabeth Deeble W. il. Deming Mary M. Dehaven Stella E. Delaney (Miss) Phineas J. Dempsey John W. DeMaine EUzabeth B. Denby Eva V. Denhem 50 15 50 10 10 6 17 150 50 22 200 120 200 50 30 65 200 25 16 28 16 5 5 3 2 4 3 100 15 30 20 25 2 5 30 50 8 10 500 160 2 46 75 25 22 60 100 3 2 5 50 5 105 6 20 10 70 8 11 60 2 10 40 20 10 5 35 10 30 25 2 20 25 12 6 2 5 5 10 8 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stocl-hohlers of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, i 909— Continued. Name. Charles S. Dennison Geo. S. Derrick Laura R. DeRussy M. Virginia Devine GeorgeDewej' (administrator) Victor B . Dey ber Minnie V. Dickins (Mrs.) A. L. Dickinson Louisa H . Dickinson Henrietta G. Dickson Frederick W. Dieste Wm. Dinguid Cora L. Dinwiddie Addie Divine (Miss) Bessie May Dodge Helena S. Dodge Horace A. Dodge William C. Dodge William W . Dod ge L. F. Dommerich Blanche O. Donaldson (Miss) R. B. Donaldson, estate of Maud M. Donaldson (Miss) Walter Donaldson William Donaldson Frances W. X. Donohoe Laura Lee Dorsev E. Grimes Doughty Florence M. Dowden Rossa F. Downing Susie Geoghegan Downs Anna B. Doyle Edith Lee Draper Anna Droop (Mrs.) Edward F. Droop Samuel A . Drurv Ella S. Du Bois '. James G. Du Bois R. C. Du Bois . . : Arthur C. Du Cat Elise S. Ducat Clarence S. Du Four (Dr.) Mary Dugan H. Rozier Dulany William B. Dulany Andrew Dunlop G. Thomas Dunlap Jeannette McCook Dunlop Katherine W . Dunlop Kate M. Dunlop Esther Dunning H. A. du Pont H. F. Du Pont H. Rieman DuvaL Clarence Dunning Edith Le Ban Dyer Rosa Eberly (Miss) Hector D. Edmonds, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of estate of Sarah \. Edmond, deceased Charles A. Edwards William D. Edwards Fred B . Eichelberger Lewis Eiseman A. Eisemann Moses Eisemann Jessie Newland Eldridge Lewis A. Eldridge Roswell Eldridge Lida M. EUinger Ellen R. Elliot (Mrs.) Marian V. Elliott Mary Lavine Elliott Wm". K. Ellis Zaida M. Elton (Mrs.) Julius L. Engel Clara r. Ennis Equitable Industrial Life Insurance Co. of the District of Columbia Josejih G. Kskriflge Florence A . Estes 55 110 20 100 75 50 20 150 35 19 20 20 45 13 2 10 70 55 40 45 12 100 6 50 20 100 11 10 10 32 30 3 10 1 25 150 25 5 10 42 18 10 5 10 30 30 100 200 6 21 40 100 10 75 1,000 600 30 100 10 9 10 10 40 40 55- 115 400 100 10 224 10 10 2 10 55 Shares. Julia W. Estes Kate M. Estey Charlotte T. Evans S. S. Everett William W . Everett Joanna T. Eversfield Emma E. Exel C. F. Fadeley Marion H. Belt Fairchild Joseph E. Falk John Farnsworth Emily C. Farrell E va M . Fay Augustus F. Fechteler CaroUne E. Felt (Miss) Fidehty Trust Co., trustee u/w Albert H Dingle deceased John JP. Fillebrown Charles H. Fisher Chas. S. Fisher David Fisher , Howard C. Fisher L. B. Fisher : , Thos. J. Fisher V. R. M. Fisher Chas. A. Fiske , Charles F. Fitts Martha M. Fitts Aileen Fitzgerald .Mice Fitzpatrick (Miss) Martha Fitzpatrick (Miss) , Emma .\. Flather (Mrs.) Henry H. Flather Henry H. Flather, agent Katherine W . Flather Lucy Nevins Flather Wm. J. Flather Wm. J. Flather. jr , Benjamin W. Fleisher Moyer Fleisher Milton Fleisher Samuel S. Fleisher Simon B. Fleisher Fannie R . Fleming John Fleming Frank F. Fletcher Louis C. Fletcher Mary L. Fogg (Mrs.) Sherman I. Folsom Mary 1 felen Forrest Rudol])h Forster Bernard H. Fowler Marie Washburn Fowler Albert F. Fox Mary G. Fox Agnes Eraser Daniel Eraser Elenora T. Franz Kvelyn F. Freeman Florence S. French George H. French H. O. French , Minna French William H. Frey Kate C . Friedman Annabel Lee Fry Edith Gilliss Fry Gertrude Campbell Fry Elizabeth A. S. Fuller II. W. Fuller Jennie D . Fuller Thomas J. D. Fuller Eleanor Fulton (Miss) Anthony Gaegler Matilda J. Gallagher Patrick J. Galligan Anna L. Galloway James H. Gait , Saul Ganz Louis F. Gardner Theodore L. Gardner 20 1 30 25 250 1 10 25 23 25 451 10 100 20 10 48 20 15 12 32 4 15 5 10 33 5 25 6 5 5 11 20 1 6 101 137 37 150 280 110 100 500 10 6 150 100 15 1 7 40 100 100 20 8 20 700 10 5 35 35 20 18 35 15 70 20 20 65 600 92 1,075 10 31 2 5 15 30 100 10 20, ( WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 9 List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December SI, 1909— Continued. Name. A. Y. P. Garnett Ellen Garaett (Miss) Philip M . Ganiett Edwardo H . Gato Charles D. Galloway E . Jane Gay Carrie Geddes Eliza I. Geiger Ruth S. Geiger (Miss) Wm. P. Gest Franklin C. Getzendamer James T. Giblis Eleanor C. Gibson Mary "Wright Gill Chas. J. Giliiss Julia M. Giliiss Julia S. Giliiss (Mrs.) William W. Giliiss Girard Trust Co., trustee u/w William B. Scott, deceased David L. Gitt & Co Isaac Glaser Chas. C. Glover Charles Carroll Glover, jr Marj' W. Godeharles Martha VV . Goddard Emma L. Godey (Miss) Isaac Goldenberg Joseph Goldenberg M. Goldenlierg Minnie E. Goodwin Erskine Gordon John Blake Gordon Mary E. Gortner Emma I. Gower Susan A. Grady August Grages Cecelia A. Graham George C. Graham A. B. Grandstaff (Mrs.) Benjamin S . Graves E. Charton Graves Edward Graves George E . Graves Jennie A . Graves Sarah L. Graves M ry N . Gregory Emily Claytor GrifRn Albert (jrimes. -. Clara Greacen ( Miss) James M. Green Nancy Green Sarah T. Grigg Mabel C. Grimes A. B. Grunwell Charles V. Grunwell Jane E . Grunwell John R. Grunwell M. Louise Grunwell Philip Guiliani Sarah B. Gunnison Benjamin W . Guy William C. Gwynn Morris Hacker." Morris Hacker Sue W. C. Hacker Cornelia J. Hagen Randall H. Hagner Norman Hall Hallgarten & Co Aline W. Halstead Sarah E. Hallev (Miss) GrifTm Halstead & Co Abbie L. Ham Marv C. Ham W. F. Ham Cecelia P. Hamilton, guardian of Sophie Hamilton John J. Hamilton John P. Hamilton Shares. 33 50 20 157i 70 20 75 30 8 30 50 30 37J 5 26 1 26 3 110 33 50 1,393 17 12 80 20 200 1 50 5 90 50 1 24 15 100 10 11 5 100 15 200 70 100 ■ 20 4 7 25 10 50 10 10 15 235 8 120 6 1 4 100 100 200 10 15 10 15 100 700 420 3 5 20 37 130 1,055 32 50 20 John P. Hamilton, guardian of Francis Hill Hamilton Lizzie Hamilton Louise Merrick Hamilton Lucy H. Hamilton (Miss) William H. Hamilton Charles M. Hammett (Dr.) May S. Handy W illiam M . Hannay Suzanne M. Ham (Mrs.) Thomas J. Hardester Bernard L. Hardin , Julian O. Hargrove Marion C. Hargrove , Carolyn J . Harper J. W. Harper Robert N. Harper , Wells A. Harper George H. Harries , Wm. A. Harries William A. Harries Warren G. Harries Augusta C. Harris , Harriet D. Harris (Mrs. ) Hattie Harris, Leon H. Ruzenstein, Philip King, trustees Mamie R. Harrison (Mrs.) S. B. Harrison Wilhelmina C. Hartman Huxley Harvey Jas. S. "Harvey Hetty A. Hasson , Frances E lien Hatfield Robert L. Haycock Samuel V. Hayden Harry V. Haynes James P. Hayne Anna S. Hazelton (Miss), treasurer Colum- bian Women Nathan Hazen W. P. C. Hazen Henry Heide Margaret Helme. , Sarah Elizabeth Harries Edward C. Heald E. C. Heald Emma B. Heald J. C. Heald, Geo. E. Hamilton, and D. W. Baker, committee of estate of Eugene Peters Jonas W. Hechinger Charles W. Ileider Chas. S. Heinline Heiskell and McLeran Henrietta B . Heiskell Jesse L. Heiskell Charlotte Heller J. M. Helm (Capt.) Leona B. Helm Bertha L. Henderson Grace M. Henderson Mary E . Henderson , J. T. Hendrick Frances B. Henry Edwin S. Henry". Mary C. Henry". Alice A. Hercus Monnie Herman Geo. A. Herman A. B. Hesler Hugo AV. Hesselbach Louisa Hettmever (Miss) W. B. Hibbs..: W. B. Hibbs&Co Henry Hicks , Thomas H. Hicks J. Geo. Hiden , George H. Higbee Nora M.Hill. , Lucy Owen Hilton (Miss) 27 21 3 3 200 25 15 40 5 15 100 20 10 25 10 150 10 2,793 5 20 2 22 "2 60 500 64 30 16 15 50 10 14 .30 50 20 10 50 200 187* 10' 65 10 1 5 50 50 150 3 100 90 30 30 5 50 11 40 10 12 20 20 400 8,05«> 250 750 90 5 10 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December .31, 1909 — Continued. Name. Eleanor O'Donnell Hinckley Louis Hirsh " Francis R. Hitchcock Margaret Dwight Hitchcock Martha R. Hitchcock Lydia B. Hobart (Miss) Ernest S. Hobbs Anna E . Hodges Marie L. Hodgson Honora Jane Hoffliger Philip J. Hoffliger John T. Hoge Alice Hogue Lizzie M. Holland Mary E. Holland Ella G. Holtzman Holy Cross College Z. M. Honey John J. Hood Anna M. Hopkins Lauta B . Hornor Mary J. Hosack I. G. Hoskinson Genevieve P. Hosley Harriet A. Hosmer Elizabeth W. Hotchkiss Ellen E. House E. K. Houser Addie M. Howard Anna M. Howard Francis Howard B. L. Howell D.J. Howell Eva C. Howison Ridie M. Howison Gerald L. Hovt Gerald L. Hoyt, Dallas B. Pratt, Arthur Coppell, and Herbert Coppell, trustees u. d. t. executed by Wm. R. Redwood. . Gerald L. Hoyt, trustee for Agnes Frances Redwood, u/w William R. Redwood Gerald L. Hoyt , surviving trustee for Mary .^ppleton Hoyt, u/w Geraldine L. Hoyt. Gerald L. Hoj't , trustee for Stewart Lang- ford Redwo'oci, u/w Wm. R. Redwood.. Mary A . Hoyt Gertrude M. Hubbard John Hubbard Mary F. Hubbard (Mrs.) Julia Huggins Julia McC. Huggins Chas. F. Hughes C. R. Hughes Carl J. Hugle George W. Huguely Frank Hume (Incorporated) Thomas L. Hume M. V. Humphrey Nannie G. Hungerford Reid Hunt Ehza B. Hunter (Mrs.) Joseph H. Hunter Manls Hyams James P. Hoyne Alfred Mitchell Innes Integrity Title Insurance Trust and Safe Deposit Co H . A . Ison W. O. Ison Benjamin L. Jackson Delia S. Jackson Harry Jackson William Bladen Jackson Williard C. Jackson Matilda V. James Violet Blair Janin Ernest N. Janson Hilda Eberly Janson Alice Jenkins Caroline E. Jenkins Sarah E. Jenkins 47 50 400 17 2 55 2 10 35 5 4 10 10 100 15 7 5 10 37 170 12 6 2 3 20 4 15 50 30 5 175 1 150 2 5 10 50 35 300 50 25 24 76 15 5 10 2 13 10 7^ 20 20 1,040 7 20 50 120 9 10 100 50 38 201 37 (1 57 100 Name. Thomas B. Jewell A. Geary Johnson Alfred W. Johnson (Lieut.). Bertha B. Johnson Enoch G. Johnson Laura Zeh Johnson Lewis Johnson & Co Lucinda Johnson (Miss) Margaretha Johnson O. H. P. Johnson Virginia T. Johnson Annie E. Johnston George W. Johnston (Dr.). . James M. Johnston W. Tracy Johnston Mary E. "Johnston (Mrs.) Mary H. Johnston Charles M. Jones Orlando A. Jones S. Minot Jones Janet Juliand S. Kann Sons & Co Josef Kaspar Jennie V'. KaulTman Jessie C. Kauffmann Jessie K. Kauffmarm Rudolph Kauflmann Victor Kauflmann Nellie Keating Alfred II. Keim Christian Keim LiU}' Keim Mary G. Kelly Alice S. Kemp (Miss) Peyton B. Kemp Agiies Kennedy Crammond Kennedy Britannia W. Keinion Sophie B. Kent William Q. Kent J. Miller Kenyon Rudolph Keppler John Kerman Catherine R. W. D. Kern... Dennis Kerr Sothoron Key Bessie J. Kibbey James J. Kilroy Charles P. Kiridleberger Annie E. King Clara B. King Clarence P. King Claude F. King Nerval W. King Rosa E. King Florence S. Kingsburg Julia Catherine Kinne (Mrs.) Geo. D. Kirkpatrick (Dr.)... Marion W. Kirkus Florence J. Kirtland Mary P. Kitchtn H. K. Knapp Mary W. Knapp Bertie E . Knight William T. Knight Ella V. Knowles Carrie Clifton Koenig Fred J. Kohler Edward Kohner J. Leo Kolb H. KoUme^'er Johanna KoUmeyer A. L. and Inez B. Koones... Ella M. Krause James B. Kremer, jr Frederick M'. Krichelt Julie A. Kupfer James B. Lackey Katherine P. Lackey Katherine Lackey Marie Holland Lackey , Shares. 40 100 55 24 100 105 [,707 3 125 3 5 10 30 100 32 18 5 10 200 27i 7 50 11 25 55 32 84 261 2 10 15 10 70 £0 280 5 100 20 100 25 10 50 5 6 30 20 50 60 13 82 40 500 1 25 40 50 10 40 15 10 5 540 40 11 2 6 3 20 10 2 100 18 10 2 50 20 10 055 2 7 1 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, 11 List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, 7909— Continued. Name. Mary Lackey Delia Lally (Miss) G. Hoyt Lamb Maude C. Lambert Mildred B. Lambert Louisa Lander Francis G . Landon Joseph Langenbaeh Nannie T. Langhorne John S. Larcomlie Catherine E . Lamer Christianna Lamer Fannie D . Lamer John B. Lamer John B. I^amer, trustee for Noble D. Lar- ner Mary L. Lamer Marj' V. Lamer Philip F. Larner, treasurer District of Co- lumbia Society Sons of the American Revolution Flora C. Lathrop Mary J. Latimer M. J. Laughlin Jane Lea Mary Lea Lee, Higginson & Co Carrie K. S. Lee Joseph 1 1 . Lee Ralph W. Lee Alfred B. Leet, in trust Harry B. Leary Grace Ljnnan Leetch Virginia G. LeMerle W. 1. Lempkey Wm . Lennox Kate Lenz Constance D. Leupp (Miss) Francis E . Leupp , Ethel ly. Leupp (Miss) Kathleen B. Leupp (Miss) , Sara R. Levy David W. Lewis Henry C. Lewis Isis F. Lewis NeUie Lichtenstein Chas. A. Lieb Chas. C. Lieb Carrie W. Linn Howard M. Linn , D. Lisner Fannie Lisner , Laura A. Lisner Laura H. Lisner , Frank B. Littell PauUne Lockett (Mrs.) Charlotte E. Lockwood Margaret M. Lockwood Sarah V. Lockwood William I^oeb, jr Charles F. Longfellow Reginald B. Looker H. C. Loudenslager H. C. Loudenslager, executor and trustee estate Daniel J. Packer Kate L. Loudenslager Mary B. C. Lovering Louisa D . Lovett Leon C. Lovell Harriet B . Loving A. Maurice Low R . M. Lowitz Sylvan J. Luchs W. W. Ludlow Samuel S. Lutz Charles B. Lyddane John Lynch, jr R. B. I^. Lyon Mary L. Macartney A. G. Sanderson Macey J. T. Macev , 100 29 35 155 1,128 50 20 20 20 100 100 3 2 10 150 3 15 513 50 150 25 2 30.5 10 159 1 2 2 4,6.50 10 10 100 10 20 31 20 7 4 5 200 10 10 50 50 600 13 17 10 10 Juan E. Macias Mackay & Co Fred D. Mackay Irene E . Mackay Mary E. Mackey George R. Mackenzie Nannie R. Macomb Samuel Maddox Sanuiel Maddox and Ambrose K. Michler D. W. Magrath George II. Magruder John H . Magruder Irene L. Maiian Jules Maillet Maitland, Coppell & Co Annie M. Maloy Annie M. Maloy Alice R. Mangum Donald II. Manning Fanny B. Manning (Mrs.) Wm. J. Manning Ella S. Mannix (Mrs.) Albert Marburg Amelia Marburg (Miss) Emma Marburg (Miss) Wm. A. Marburg Clement March Jeanne Maret (Miss) Louise Maret Catherine M. Markward (Mrs.) Charles L. Marlatt Helen S. Marlatt E. S. Marlow Ellen G . Marshall Thos. Marshall Berthunia Panuill Martin Carl A. Martin (Capt.) E. R. Mason (Mrs.) N. E. Mason W. M. Mason Arthur Mathewson William W. Mathewson A . E . Matthews Albert E. Matthews Clara S. May Frank P. May Miriam B. May May H . Mead G. "p. Meade Meadville Theological School Wm. A. Mearns Herman Meins Jennie S. Mendenhall Charles D. Menzies and J. Wilson Brodie. Merchants Transfer and Storage Co Margaret Merrick Mary V. Merrick Mildred C. Merrick Chas. M. Merrill Mary E. Merrill (Mrs.) Stephen O. Metcalf Arthur Meyer Mary C. Metzger Marie L. Michie (Miss) EUaH. Micon Benj . Micon .4nna M. Milburn Anna Maud Milburn Charles C. Milburn Robert L. Middleton Bertha S. Miller (Mrs.) Catherine S. Miller Crosby P. Miller Eleanor G. H. Miller (Mrs.) Jessie D. Miller M. Louise Miller Mary Fyffe Miller Anson Mills Betty Eppes'Minetree C. Matilda Minke Virginia M. Minor 5 20O 10 1» 5 359 40 103 115 lOO S 225. 5 50 97S 30O 350 5 1 2- 5 50 27 27 27 222- 200 6. 3. 35 50 200 375 2. 20 10 90 12 15 10 25 25 10 35 22 40 10 2 50 150 90 10 10 500 160 36. 50 40 20 lOO 120 28- 62 20 60 15 25 50 75 10 70 5 10 5 187i. 100 5 1,000 10 5 15 12 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, 1909— Continued. Name. Elizabeth Mitchell Edward A. Mitchell, guardian Harriet D. Mitchell James F. Mitchell (Dr.) Leonard H Mitchell L. P. Mitchell Louise Mitchell Margaret M. Mitchell Oscar L. Mitchell M. M. Moffett Baron Ludovic Moncheur Moore & Schley Juliet A. Montgomery Pauldi Montagliari (Marquis). Mary E. Moran P. T. Moran Angelica L. Morgan Elonzo T. Morgan J. Gales Moore Jeannie R. B. Moore (Mrs.)... Jas. Dudley Morgan Thomas P. Morgan Augusta E. Morhart Agnes T. Moore John H. Moore (Capt.) Joseph H. Moore Kate V. Moore Lorain H. Moore Millard J. Moore Mamie H. Morhart Emma Morris Henry Lewis Morris Nancy C. Morrison Emeline L. Morse (Miss) Estelle Moses W. H. Moses •Gertrude B . Moss •George W. Moss Louise Muehleisen Wm. E. Muffley May R. Mullan (Miss) Kate H. Muller Mary S. Munger Henry B. Munn Annie E . Murphy Grace F. Murphy Jessie A. Murphy (Miss) Mary S^ Murphy William A. Murphy C Everett Murray Mary R. C. Murray (Mrs.) Ellen S . Mussey C. C. Mussina Lucille Mussina Lucetta Mussina Mason Mussina William B. Mussina Ida Gilbert Myers Viola W . Myer Sarah Q. Myers Georgia P. MacLeod (Mrs.) .. . John F. MacNab Chas. E. McNabb Gertrude E . McNabb Kate B. MacNutt Esther L. Mc Adory Mary A. McBride Owen McCabe John J. and Ella McCarthy Frances McCauley A. R. McChesney Frank McClelland A. G. McClintock Edward M. McComas (Dr.) . . . Abram S. McCoy Augusta G. McCurdy J. A. McDannel Jessie C. McDonald N. D. McDonald (Mrs.) John F. McElfresh J. NotaMcGill Name. Shares. 20 1 10 100 20 700 350 15 10 5 63 100 10 I 100 17 75 15 : 2 112 . 75 30 407 I 30 40 30 15 100 5 10 20 10 75 5 3 26 74 165 220 50 ^5 4 125 20 120 50 2 100 20 10 1,000 10 10 14 1 4 2 5 225 50 20 80 60 50 50 10 40 33 171 10 90 25 20 2 10 20 4 10 I 10 1 50 10 10 Jos. D. McGuire John E. McGrath Thyrza V. Mcllhenny , Frances B. Mclntire Lizzie P. Mclntire (Mrs.) , Mary Mcintosh Lalittle I. McKaig Annie C. McKenna , Patrick E . McKenna , Ida H. McKnew Fannie A. McKnight T. N. McLaughUn Mary A. McManus. Frances J. McMillan Luna A. McMillan Emma T. McNair M. Alice McNantz Edward McQuade E. J. McQuade.... F. W. McReynolds .\nnie H. Nashe (Miss) National Commercial Bank, Albany, N. Y. National Rifles Association of District of Columbia National Savings and Trust Co., trustee for Gertrude W. Myer National Savings and Trust Co., trustee for Walden Myer Axel Nelson Charlotte Campbell Nelson Edgar A. Nelson , Robert E. Nelson Arthur Neuman Lester Neuman Anna M. Neurath Avon M. Nevins Fleming Newbold Frances K. Newbold (Mrs.) John L. Newbold Simon Newcomb Edith Mc.VIlister Newlands Ehzabeth R. Nicholls (Miss) ". . Juanita L. Nicholls Harry W. Nichols Martha E . Nichols James B. Nicholson Mary T. Nicholson Marian E. Nicolai De Laney Nicoll Priscilla A. Nicolson Irene H. Noble Angeline Nolan Thomas B . Nolan Herman H. Noltenius John J. Noonan Benjamin Nordlinger, jr Ben. J. Nordlinger. jr Clarence F. Norment Zoe Norris M. M. Norton (Mrs.) Ehzabeth S. and Theodore W. Noyes, trustees u/vv Crosby S. Noyes J. G. Noyes Mary P. Noyes Fanhv Nutt Ruth'M. Oberly Margaret Agnew Offley .\lice Oge Rebecca S. Oge Laura F. Olney Warren H. Orcutt Henry Orth Charles N. Osgood Mary A. Ossire (Miss) Isaac Ostheimer Caroline R. Owen Laura A . Owens ( Miss) Nora O'Connor Johanna F. O'Brien (Mrs.) Martin O'Brien Clara M. O'Leary 103 25 25 50 5 S6 30 4 12 25 10 15 50 6 10 40 20 3 202 470 5 m 28 79 94 3 6 20 15i 3 3 10 23 300 150 2,140 15 75 13 2 1 5 10 50 100 300 14 103 20 80 15 630 201 10 4,135 5 10 1,600 10 245 12 20 37 3 1 50 20 125 50 10 30 35 20 2 3 4 10 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 13 List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December Sly 1909— Continued. Name. Shares. Agatha O'Neals (Miss) Mary L. Packard Percival Padgett Rosa M. Padgett Marion A. Page Sidney Paige Helen O. Paine Jennie Palmer Robert F. Palmer Marie Parkes (Miss) Sam. T. Parks A. IC. Parris Juliet H . Parris Morris A . Parris Harry Parsons Mary C. Parsons D. J. Partello Emma L. Patten Mary E . Payne Leilia M. Peachy William S. Peachy John R. Peak Fredelena A. Pearce Helen K. Pearl Anna L. Peck Mary A. Peck Robert G. Peck Stanton J. Peelle A. W. Pentland Elizabeth E. Pentland (Mrs.) R. Ross Perry, jr Robert S. Person Agnes Peter Ellen H. Peter Annistead Peter, jr Annie Sophia Peters (Mrs.) Landon C. Peters Henrv Pfister Orla G. Phillips Sarah L. Phillips Duncan C. Phillips Fenton L. Piggott Richard E. Pilkinton M. Pisani John Pitcher Baron E. Mayor des Planches Arthur G. Plant F. L. Pleadwell, U. S. Navy Theodosia Wallace Pleadwell George Plitt August H. Plugge Emma Plugge Frederick Plugge Isabella G. Polk Harriet G. Polkinhorn L. Blanche Polkinhorn E. S. Pollock Anna C. Poole Florence P. Poole Cordelle O. Poole Mary W. Poole Mary W. Poole, guardian of Mary W., Mabel, Wilson G., Sallie D., Eleanor L., Rosa E., and Grace C. Poole Sophie R. Poole (Mrs.) Mary Frances Pool Carolyn E. Porte Carrie E. Porter D. S. Porter Geralda Potter Fannie Grifflss Potts (Mrs.) Horace T. Potts Mary M. Potts Louise Powers Chas. Pratt & Co Eleanor G. Preston Robert L. Preston F. von Preuschen J. Hanson Price Lillie C . F. Prince Jose de la Puente 45 10 12 ti 45 10 10 100 100 2 3 1 10 16 m 10 3 1 50 20 50 30 30 le 95 150 10 20 50 10 5 20 10 10 6 50 10 21 400 6 50 5^ 30 120 10 18 25 15 25 100 20 15 14 15 50 5 33 44 205 10 10 30 40 107 20 45 30 20 550 5 30 10 2 260 1 Name. Shares. Puritan Life Insurance Association. Arthur de Pury Ellen L. Quarles E. F. Qualtrough Ellen 11. Quick Ida M. Quick R. L. Quigley RadclilTe College Ann Radford Jessie L. Rainey Joseph Rakemann Susan L. F. Rand Helen Randall (Miss) Jane E. Randall (Mrs.) W. II. Rapley Rasmus & Co Ross Leslie Ray Mary E. Ra>^nond (Mrs.) Maybella Ra.vanond (Miss) Frances M. Ream Lazarus L. Reamey (commander) . Charles C. Redwood Mary K. Redwood Stewart Langford Redwood William Davton Redwood Elizabeth c! II. Reed Henry W. Reed Emilie W. Reich William Reid Hugh Reilly Mary E . Reilly Etha Dahlgren Rhett Henry J. Rhett (Dr.) Mabel Rhett Grade K. Richards Isabel A. Richards Thomas T. Richards Harriet M. Richardson ^lary E . Richardson William Richardson W . T. Richardson George E. Ricker Upton 11 . Ridenour, jr Ellen T. Rider Catherine G. Riggs Louisa Riley Jeannie T. Rives Thaddeus F. Robbins R. H. Robertson William Francis H. C. Robertson. . Agnes C. Robinson (Miss) Leigh Robinson Elizabeth M. Robinson (Miss) Jesse D. Robinson M. L. Robison Samuel S. Robison Samuel S. Robison (Lieut.) Nora Roche Tiny Speed Rodgers Washington A. Roebling Kalherine A. Reed Emil Roetschi Mary M. C. Rogers Alice V. Rohrer Karl Rohrer J. E. Rosenthal Rosa Rosenstein Worth G. Ross (Capt.) Elsa E. Rothrock Caspar O . Reudy Sterling Rufnn Henry C. Rogers Daniel H. Rucker Webster S . Ruckrnan Blanche Russ Maggie D . Russ Marjorie Russ Lizzie Russell Sophia L. Rutherford Matthew Ryan George P. Sacks 5 45 15 o 37 10 97 33 10 10 2 10 10 200 27J 6 54 5 47 120 30 40 10 39 » 345 55 70 900 30 105 30O 10 20 30 1,607 5 22 7i 5 20 100 5 50 2 5 10 75 20 50 20 10 6 5 14 5 75 4,500 45 20 20 27 150 100 50 10 10 15 20 23 22 15 2 16 1 5 6 13 50 448724 14 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stockholdeis of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, i909— Continued. Name. John Sailer Anna E . Salmon David A. Salmon David H. Salomon L. J. Salomon Abraham L. Saltzstein Thomas B . Sanders Kate Laimbeer Sanford Alice B. Sanger (Miss) Harriet J. Sartain Alice N. Sawyer E. B. Sawver Eunice B. Sawyer (Mrs.) E. Edna Sawyer Laura L. Savles D. F. Scanlan Evelvn S. Schaeffer Gertrude K. S. Schaeffer Ferd T . Schneider Joseph Schneider Julius M. Schneider Bertha Schott F. H . Schott Elizabeth Davis Schi-einer Mary J. Sehiiver Hattie Scroggins Julius Schi'otz Elizabeth M. Schwan Theodore Schwan C. Schwartz Samuel Schwarz Maria P. Sckoppeglia Pierre A. Sckoppeglia Charles H. Scott Guy T. Scott (Capt.) John C. Scott Lula B. Scott Nathan B. Scott (Hon.) William O. N. Scott J. Albert Schaffer L. E . Schreiner Edwin S. Schoonmaker Scottish Northwestern Investment Trust (Limited), The John S. Scully Clement M. Seaman Henry S. Selden, administrator Ernest A. Sellhausen Harriet G. Seymour, administratrix J. Albert Shaffer Charles Shaler Edward L. Shankle Daniel C. Shankle Anna M. Shaw Frank S. Shaw John W. Shaw (Dr.) M. E. Sheads Azenia Shepherd Lydia Shepherd R. D. Shepherd Michael V. and Irene R. Sheridan, trustees estate of Philip H. Sheridan Raleigh Sherman C. Walton Shoemaker Francis D . Shoemaker Frances W . Shoemaker Laura D. Shoemaker Edgar A. Shreve Mary A. Shufeldt (Miss) Wm. F. Sicard Marie H. Siebert -Vbram Simon Christianna Simpson Loui.se Simpson Alice G. Sims L. E. Sinclair Mary B. Sinkinson Mary J. Sitgraves Jennie F. Skinkle (Miss) Thomas II. Slavens Edith Slaybough Shares. 100 5 6 30 37 40 100 36 16 15 23 10 22 19 5 50 58 21 10 20 10 17 7* 5' 40 25 7i 47 53 25 40 10 5 55 150 100 50 500 5 ■ 20 733 1.000 100 100 38 25 120 150 270 10 40 28 8 900 85 50 100 5 100 33 20 64 17 5 10 5 12 10 8 10 15 134 5 625 5 30 15 60 15 I Shares. John B. Sleman, jr., trustee for Minna Partridge Gill u;w Minna Wright Annie E. Smith Annie E. Smith (Miss) Anna II. Smith (Mrs.) Bessie M. Smith Dyer Smith Edward S. Smith E. Quincv Smith Helen A. 'Smith Herbert Smith Herbert D. Smith Jane H. Smith Luther R. Smith Odell S. Smith Sarah N. Smith Jane K. Smoot John D. K. Smoot Southwark National Bank Anne C. Snyder H. W. Snyder John W . Snyder Florence K. Solger J. Sondheimer Laurence Sondheimer Philip G. Soney Elmer Sothoron Margaret Southerland Josephine G. Sowers Charles A. Spalding J. O. S. Spangler William W. Spaid, jr Ellis Spear James Speer William E . Spear WiUi Spiegelburg Margaret Powell Spindle (Mrs.) Maurice Splain Portia C. Sprague Ben C. Spransy E. Slater Spransy George Spransy George Spransy, guardian for Brewer C. Spransy Joseph W. Spransy Wilber F. Spransy Wilber F. Spransy, guardian for Milton R. Spransy Wm. M. Sprigg William Mercer Sprigg Charles H. Squire Mary L. Squires L. Virginia Staub (Miss) Emma Louise Stealey O. O. Stealey Lollie Sherley Stealey Ysabel Johnson Steel George Steiger Annie E. SteUwagen Charlotte M. SteUwagen Edward J. SteUwagen Edith C. Stephens John F. Stephenson, jr Joseph W . Stephenson Frank Stevens Frederick C. Stevens R. W. Stevenson Chas. A. Stewart Ahna D. Stier Marie C. Stillwell (Miss) Henry L. Stimson L. B. Stine EmUy A. Stockdale John W. Stockett Mary El . Stockett Auguste M. Stoll Kate C. Stone K. Virginia Stone Myron L. Story Kate O. Stratton Benj. Strauss 6 10 30 10 200 100 . 3 325 20 1 1 40 15 20 6 18 6 38 5 25 10 17 140 3 7i 150 5 5 1,900 15 1 40 1,000 10 23i 75 100 4 90 98 237 20 40 27 10 11 30 5 5 20 15 20 33 5 7i 100 200 27i 40 100 16 1 10 15 50 10 200 20 7 5 1 5 10 11 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. 15 List of storlchoMcrs of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, i90y— Continued. Name. Benj. Strauss, administrator of estate of William Strauss Mary S. Strider L. K . Stropp Jennie M. Sturgis Zerline Sugenheimer Jose])li D. Sullivan Elizabeth Sutton (Mrs.) Sussex National Bank Orville S. Swank Edward Sweet & Co J. Alfred Svenson Charles C . Swisher Conrad H . Syme Vive F. Syme Mary E . Symonds Thomas \\ . Symons Maria de las Mercedes Carlota Campos de Tagle Margaret A. Tally Estate of Z. L. Tanner (deceased) Edward Tarring Lloyd T. Tayloe Jennie M. Taylor William H. Tavlor Jared D. Terrili Frances G. Terry (Mrs.) Louisa M. Terry Nathaniel M. Terry (administrator) Mahlon D. Thatcher Edward P. Thebaud Emma Merlins Thom Corcoran Thom Artemisia H. Thomas John D. Thomas Flora B. Thompson Theresa Thompson Estate of W. S. Thompson Grace Thompson Henry C. Thompson Howard N. Thompson Josephine K. Thompson Charles Thomson S. Norris Thome Ward Thoron Annie C. Thrasher Warren P. Tilton Brainard ToUes Charles H. Tompkins Rita Tomson Katherine D. Townsend Lawrence Townsend and Natalie Town- send or the survivor Rosa Lewis Townshend R. J. Tracewell Edwina Votey Tracy Annette Trainer '. Jno. W. Trainer Veronica M. Trainham (Mrs.) Julia E. Trenis Otis J. Trenis Geo. W. Trowbridge Annie E. True E. R. True George Trucsdell Geo. E. Truett Lillie Truett (Miss) Julia Raffertv Trumbull H. St. George Tucker Martha S. Tucker Laura H. Tucker (Mrs.) Wolcott Tuckerman Anne Caroline Tuohy Francis Obold Tuohy , Harry L. Turner. . . ." Jane "W. Turner Lyttleton A. Turner Louise W. Turpin (Miss) , Richard K. Tyler Frank R. Underwood Norman Underwood 4 25 66 25 55 5 100 10 220 1 10 14 50 3 10 20 15 10 5 10 10 11 25 11 800 37 15 U 5 60 50 125 37J 4.53 22 80 22 200 27 3,816 5 10 100 5 4 20 20 7 175 50 10 45' 6 30 10 20 7i 25 2,500 100 1 12 50 100 7 35 10 10 1 12 10 5 20 10 10 Union Savings Bank and Trust Co Trustees of Central Council National Union No. 219 Louise Shepard Vail R. G. \alontine William R . \'ance Elizabeth L. de Marees Van Swinderen Sallic L. Varnell (Mrs.) Maria Garnett Venn Verner & Co Edward M. Vickery Fred L. Vogt Frederick 1,. Vogt and Rosina Kaiser, ex- ecutors of estate of John F. Vogt Carrie Voigt Elizabeth W . Voorhees Laura K. Voorhees Ida Le B. Van Voorhis > C ornsintiire Wade K ate A . Wade C. E. Wager C. Edward Wager I'3fhe J. Wagner Sophie B. Waite Orlando G. Wales Mary Wales Beatrice C. Walford Walker-Hughes Market Co Allan E. Walker Ernest G. Walker John C. Walker John C. Walker Nina Walker.. - Anne G. Wallace Rosa Wallach (Mrs. ) Helen Virginia Wallis Mary L. Wallis Anna Koster Walters Ethel Walters E. L. Walton (Miss) M. G. Waring (Mrs.) Annie Y. Warner Minnie A. Warrington William S. Washl)urn George A. Washington, jr Joseph E. Washington Mary B. Washington Richard W^ishington A\'ashington Railway and Electric Co Washington Railway Relief Association . . . Jas. H. Watmough Sarah A. Wayne Clarence A. Weaver James A. ^^■ebb James A. Webb Geo. W. Weber AVm. J. Weber Lam-a AVeightman F. A. Weiler Plenry Weiler Nathan Weill Samuel Weill Annie G. Weimer Mary C. Weir Annie Welch G. A. Weldon Rebecca H. Wellington Laura Clifford Wells Laura R. Wells (Mrs.) Lena layman Wells Edmund Wetmore Arthur A\' . Wheeler William Ingham Whitaker Christina White George While Wm. M. White Guy Fairfax Whiting May Lyman Whiting (Mrs.) J. G.White J. G. White & Co. (Incorporated) J. N. Whitney Shares. 15 35 25 11 15 80 102 6 75 25 5 5 20 11 55 5 3 40 30 20 20 ■^6 20 22 100 10 75 100 100 25 25 65 14 10 10 46* 2 3 5 3 SO 4 1,3.?0 340 5 877J 525 100 17 50 137i 50 451 25 10 25 20 25 100 10 50 5 10 2 3 10 15 15 50 82 10 15 109 590 10 400 700 34 16 WASHINGTON EAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. List of stockholders of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, December 31, 1909— Continued. Name. Margaret E. Wickware Theo. E. Wiedersheim Roval E. Wilbur R. C. Wilkins Susan W. Wight Jerome J. Wilbur Jane Wilkes (Miss) Marv F. Wilkie Estelle Wilkins Elizabeth H. Wilkins R. C. Wilk-ins Robert C. Wilkins AdahH. Willey Day Allen Willey Lizzie Lee Willey Chas. P. Williams Fannie E. Williams (Mrs.) J. Cassin Williams Jos. T. Williams Sarah Rutledge Williams - T. J. C. Williams George A. Williamson R. Parker Willis Benjamin T. Wills David Wills Caroline A. Wilmarth Clara Wilson Franklin P. Wilson Hannah Wilson Isabelle Wilson James H. Wilson Janet Wilson J. F. Wilson J. Ormond Wilson Louisa Wilson Sarah A. Wilson Paul Wilstach Alice V. Winship Margaret E. Winship Susie C. H. Winston Marv D. Winter SalinaH. Wolfe (Mrs.). . .. Paul A. Wolff Shares. 40 11 2 2 50 5 3 50 5 5 1 4 30 4 730 50 12 10 35 10 75 20 10 10 10 12 10 3 50 5 7 45 150 4 4 125 50 70 16 2 21 20 Name. Genevieve P. Wood Bertha Frances Wolfe Jack B. Wood James P. Wood (Judge) Charles O. Woodbury Estate of Henry E. Woodbury Levi Woodbury Nancy J. Woodbury Beatrice E. Woodford Eugenia F. AVoodville F. 1). Woodruff Milton Woodworth Augustus S. Worthington William C. Worthington John Newton Wright John Newton Wright, guardian for Albert Gleason Wright John Newton Wright, guardian for John Newton Wright, jr Eddah O. Wyekoff (Mrs.) Andrew Wylie Henry J. Wylie Horace Wylie Albert Xander Henry Xander Harriet W . Yarnall Lewis A. Yates Medora B. Yeatman Hannah A. Yerkes Frank B. Yingling M. F. Yingling Benj. F. Yohe Ida C. Yohe Thomas H. Young Sarah C. Young Giovanni M. Zerega Bellie F. Zevely Margaret S. Zimmele Lewis S. Wells and Anna V. Wells, or the survivor J. Waltman Wenner E. Keatts Rodgers Wescott (Mrs.) Louisa Westervelt Shares. 30 S 2 100 10 7i 200 9 10 5 SO 97J 500 4* 4. 5 2 3 1,500 200 15 1 10 30 10 2 22 50 10 70 11 2 6 10 100 6 5 30 ( ) UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNU AT LOS ANGELES LIBRj'iRY ^^Auvasn-i'^ ^^Aavaan-iv^' ^fiuDNVsoi^ "^/sa: ^UBRARYQc 5^lUBRARYQc. ^^WEUNIVER% ^lOS-ANCElfj^ -^l-lIBRARYQc ^| fojiTVDjo'^ %ojnv>jo'^