12 S7 MASONIC TEMPLE. Home of Live Oak Lodg-e, No. 61. Dedicated Feb. 22, 1881. SOUVENIR Fortieth Anniversary LIVE OAK LODGE No. 61, F. & A. M OAKLAND, CAL. Instituted Friday Evening, August 19, 1854 Anniversary Exercises, held Friday Evening, August 17, 1894 including History of Lodge and Roll of Members. // Brazen Pillars, Hall of LivefiOakiLodgre. .'570744 1854 1894 FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF LIVE OAK LODGE, NO. 61. F. and A. M. OF OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. HELD AT MASONIC TEMPLE, AUGUST 17, 1894. At stated meeting of June i, 1894, the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: — Whereas, Live Oak Lodge, No. 61, F. and A. M., was organ- ized August 19, 1854, thereby becoming the pioneer of Masonry in Alameda County, and Whereas, we find ample cause for gratitude that under the guidance of the Supieme Grand Master, we are enjoying an era of prosperity and perfect harmony, within our own por- tals, and with the fraternity in general, therefore be it Resolved, that the Worshipful Master be and is hereby authorized to appoint a committee of five, in addition to him- self (he to act as ex-officio chairman), with power to formulate a program and make all necessary arrangements for an even- ing's entertainment some time in August, which will be a fit- ting celebration of so important an event in the history of Live Oak Lodge as the Fortieth Anniversary of its Organiza- tion. In conformity with the above resolution the Master appointed the following: The v Senior Warden. John A. 3 4 Beckwith; the Secretary, J. J. Warner; Past Masters, Harry C. Bush and A. W. Bishop; Musical Director, George H. Carleton. Charles E. Haven, W. M., Chairman. The committee arranged the following program: — LIVE OAK LODGE, NO. 6l, F. & A. M. 1854 — OAKLAND, AUG. I 7 — 1 894. FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY. PROGRAM Quartet, "Annie Laurie" D. Buck Masonic Quartet Prayer, - Rev. Alfred T. Perkins, Grand Chaplain Greeting, - - - - J. C. Martin, P. M. "Welcome, welcome do I sing-, Far more welcome than the Spring-.'* Song, "Flight of Ages" - Bevan Mrs. Olive Reed Batchelder Chronicle, A. W. Bishop, P. M. "The bell strikes one; we take no note of time but from its loss. To give it then a tongue is wise in man." Song, "Rose Marie" Molloy Ben Clark Address, "Masonry — Its Cardinal Virtues" Brother D. L,. Smoot "Here wisdom calls, 'Seek virtue first, be bold; As gold to silver, virtue is to gold.' " 5 Song, "For all Eternity" Mascheroni Mrs. Martin Schultz French horn solo (selected) Joseph Reiter, late soloist of Vienna Prater Orchestra Address, "The Grand Lodge of Masons of California" M. M. Estee, P. G. M. "For we are the same that our fathers have been; We see the same lights that our fathers have seen; . We drink the same stream, we view the same sun, And run the same course that our fathers have run." Song, "The Gallant Vaquero" M. \\ r atso>i H. H. Lawrence, Jr. Intermission — Ten-minutes' social Song, "Snow" - - Parker Mrs. Martin Schultz Address, : Brother H. C. McPike "Lady," he cried, "I have sworn to-night On the word of a fairy knight To do my sentence task aright." Duet, "The Moon Has Raised Her Lamp above - Jules Benedict Ben Clark and H. H. Lawrence, Jr. Goodnight, J. R. Glascock, P. M. "Whene'er we grasp the hand of those We would be forever nigh. The flame of friendship bursts and glows In warm, frank words, 'Goodbye!'" CHARLES EDWARD HAVEN. Born in San Jose, Cal., Aug-. 7, 1861. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Dec. 10, 1886. The Present Master, 1894. Quartet (selected), Masonic Quartet Benediction, Rev. Benj. Akerly, P. M. Masonic Quartet: Ben Clark, H. M. Baker, H. H. Lawrence, Jr., George H. Carleton. Accompanists: Brother H. O. Hunt, Martin Schultz, and Louis Homeier. The Lodge was opened at 7:30 p. m. on the third degree, and then adjourned to the large hall on the second floor of the temple, which was tastefully decorated with a representation of a live oak tree back of the stage, draped with the stars and stripes, the stage being surrounded by a variety of foliage. When the hour for the opening of the exercises had arrived (eight o'clock), the hall was completely filled by the Masonic fraternity, their families, and friends. Among the distinguished members of the fraternity pres- ent were: M. W. Morris March Estee, Past Grand Master; R. IV. James Baunty Stevens, Deputy Grand Mas- ter; V. W. George Johnson, Grand Secretary; W. Elias C. Hare, Grand Lecturer; Brother Edwin A Sher- man, National President, Masonic Veteran Association of the United States, and Secretary of the Masonic Veteran Association of the Pacific Coast; Ebenezer Winchester, Past Master of American Union Lodge, No 1, Marietta, Ohio. The Worshipful Master, Charles E. Haven, pre- sided, and, on calling the assemblage to order, he stated that seats had been provided near the stage for all present who had been Master Masons forty years or more, and invited all such to come forward and occupy them. The following brethren responded to the invitation: — Edwin A. Sherman. Ebenezer Winchester. Franklin Warner. Orville K. Stampley. Richard Gassidy. Andrew J. Snyder. Charles B. Rutherford. Joseph R. Kendall. Reynolds Landon. The Worshipful Master then announced the object of the meeting in a few well-chosen words, when the Masonic Quartet sang the first number on the program, "Annie Laurie, " Brother H O Hunt, organist of Live Oak Lodge, playing the piano accompaniment. Then followed an eloquent invocation to the Great Architect of the Universe for his blessing upon the Lodge and its members, and the craft in general, by Rev. Alfred T. Perkins, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Califor- nia. *£ v . Tl>e ferre^tio®. The "Greeting" address was then delivered by Brother James C. Martin, P. M., as follows: — It is a pleasant duty on this the fortieth anniversary of Live Oak Lodge to salute all here with words of greeting and of welcome. Forty years is along span in human life. All who may now be considered young were unborn when Live Oak Lodge was started upon its mission. Those who were in- fants then are now passing the meridian of life. Those who were then young are now growing old, and all who were then old are dead. But how short is this span in the life of Freemasonry; its authentic history runs back more than three thousand years. During its existence a procession of more than one hundred and fifty generations of mankind have successively arisen and have successively passed on into eternity. But its lights are not dimmed, its supports are not weakened, and its beauties are not faded. It was never brighter, it was never stronger, its teachings and its truths were never fresher, than now. There have been times in the world's history when almost all the germs of human progress were guarded, fortified, and nourished by Freemasonry. There are places in the world where almost all that tends to make men better and nobler is clustered about its altars. There is no country in which its lodges do not exist; there is no language in which its ritual is not spoken; and 9 JAMES CHRISTOPHER MARTIN. Born in Morgan County, Illinois, Nov. 14, 1839. M. M. Chico Lodge, No. Ill, Chlco, Cal., 1865. Was W. M. in 1875-1880-81. always and everywhere it has been the friend and advo- cate of advancement, of learning, of literature, of the arts and sciences, of order, of law and of liberty. It has never made war upon organized society or upon established governments. It as never assailed an honestly entertained religious belief or creed. It addresses itself to individual conscience and individ- ual intelligence and thus reaches the utmost limits of the circle in which the individual moves. The time may come when its light will be extinguished, its altars abandoned and its temples deserted, but that can only be when the passions and prejudices of men shall need no restraint, when there shall be no imposition or oppression; when there shall be no distress; when the mil- lennium shall full}' come. Every lodge in the world is devoted to the same end and purpose with all other lodges and is especially entitled to consideration with all others. But it is but natural that the members of Live Oak Lodge should feel .special pride in its history, and it was a happy and loyal expression that suggested this association to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of its establish- ment. By our presence here we express our high esteem for its founders and for all who have preceded us in faithful membership, we pay merited tribute to the memory of our honored dead, and we are enabled to exchange with the living mutual encouragement and congratulations. And while bespeaking some indulgence for fervid ex- pression of pardonable pride on the part of its members, Live Oak Lodge, with such entertainment as it may offer, greets each indivdual, anointed friend or brother, in hearty Saxon, with good hail and welcome. AMASA WRIGHT BISHOP, (Historian I Born in Wallingford, Vermont, Aug-. L8, 183 M. M. White Rock Lodge, U. D., I8S8. Was W. M. Vesper Lodge, No. 84, 1863-4-5 Member Live Oak Lod^e since 1876. Y o p t y Years Ago J5 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE LODGE, BY AM ASA WRIGHT BISHOP, P. M., HISTORIAN. RETHREN AND FRIENDS: The pleasant duty assigned me this anniversary evening is that of presenting to you a historical sketch of Live Oak Lodge, embracing a period of forty years, from the date of its institution to the present. The greatest difficulty which I have encountered in the prepa- ration of this sketch, is that of condensation to limits that would not tire your patience, and still be satisfactory as a history of the lodge. As I delved in the must)' records of the past and dug from their graves the ghosts of departed years, resurrecting the names of the old brotherhood, the thought came over me, how few the number of those present would recog- nize the pioneer brethren of our sodality, fraters of a past generation. There are three important periods in the life of man, each distinct from the others. First: Boyhood or youth, the years of which are lived in the aspirations and hopes of the gilded future. And the days and mouths and years of this period are all too slow that keeps ardent youth from the enjoyment of the highly wrought pictures of that future. The second is that of mature manhood, the period when H man lives in the present; when all of his energies are de- voted to the present; and the years are less roseate than the youth's dream of the future: for he has learned that "life is real, life is earnest;" that life has its shadows and shades as well as its sunshine; its disappointments as well as its successes; he has learned patience — learned to labor and to wait. The third period is that of age, when man lives mostly in the past. The farther he descends the western decliv- ity of the hill of life toward the sunset, and as he ap- proaches the period when life's shadows are meeting eterni- ty's day, and the gates of the sunset are opening for ad- mittance to the night which precedes the morn of eternal life, the more he lives in the past. And while memory may fail to retain the impressions of the few preceding years, or even months, the panorama of his early life becomes more vivid, and the incidents of early days stand out in bold relief, as if they had transpired only in the yesterdays just past. This evening I shall be able to present only a skeleton panorama of the past forty years, leaving to you, my hearers, the pleasing duty of filling in the woof that shall make the perfect web — the shadings that shall make the perfect picture. Let your imagination go back to the Oakland of forty years ago — to the little hamlet of a few hundred people — and compare it with the magnificent city, the Oakland of to-day, with its 60,000 people, and as you follow the his- tory of Live Oak Lodge, let your imagination note the wonderful changes in this city, as well as those of the lodge, as the years pass in review. Contrast the primi- tive lodge room over a stable on the water front with this magnificent temple, and the Masonic band of a score of Masons with the thousand or more which now swell the ranks of the fraternity of this city. The Grand Master of Masons of California granted a dispensation to certain brethren of Oakland to open a lodge of Master Masons, and to initiate, pass and raise all good men and true who might apply, they finding them worth}-. On Friday evening, August 19, 1S54, just forty years ago this Friday night, these brethren met in a building owned by Edsou Adams, at the foot of Broadway, near the wharf, the then business center of the embryo city, and organized Live Oak Lodge, the following brethren acting as officers: Lawrence C. Owen, Worshipful Master; Isaac E. Paddock, Senior Warden; Jeremiah E. Whitcher, Junior Warden; and Samuel H. Robinson, Secretary. Of these officers not one remains on earth to-day. All have responded to the call of the Supreme Grand Master of the universe — "Come up hither!" — and they have taken their stations in the Celestial Lodge above, accord- ing to their true merits, tried by the square of virtue and morality. Brother Lawrence C. Owen, the Master, for many years filled the office of Assistant Grand Secretary, also Secre- tary of the Grand Chapter and Recorder of the Grand Commandery. The last years of his life were years of misfortune and reason dethroned. Brother Isaac E. Paddock, the Senior Warden, was elected the first Master of the lodge under its charter. After serving his term he left Oakland for the southern part of the State, where he engaged in business, and where he died a few years thereafter. Brother Jeremiah E. Whitcher, the Junior Warden, was elected Master of the lodge in 1859, and again in i860. He was city engineer during the years of 1854-55-56, LAWERAXCE COXLEY OWEN". Born in New York State. 1837. M. M. Geo. Washing-ton Lodge, No. 65. New Orleans. 1X5.2. Petitioner for Dispensation and Charter Member. Was Master under Dispensation. 1x54 Died Dec. 21, 1874. '7 laid out and made an official map of a large portion of the city. He at one time was a wealthy man, but the depres- sion of the real estate market in 1870, which continued for several succeeding years, made his financial burdens greater than he could bear, and disaster following thick and following faster, brought at last impoverishment, and a few years ago his brethren laid him away among the flowers of that other, and rapidly growing but silent city, "Mountain View." Brother Samuel H. Robinson, the Secretary, was elected Master in 1858, serving one term. He was elected Mayor of Oakland and served the term of 1856 and 1857. At the first meeting of the lodge in its humble and primi- tive lodge room, petitions were received from A. D. Mc- Devitt, Sam. Bell McKee, H. A. Higley and F. K. Shat- tuck. Brother Shattuck is the only living representative of that quartet. I find these petitions were referred to committees com- posed of the following brethren: Malachi Fallon, A. M. Barnard, B. F. Jones, P. Hayes, J. F. Whitcher, Solomon Beel, L. Lengfeld and J. P. M. Davis. All but one of these brethren have crossed over to the immortal shore. On Friday evening, September 2, 1854, the second meet- ing of the lodge was held — same officers present, with H. C. Spicer, Treasurer; A. M Barnard, Senior Deacon; Solomon Beel, Junior Deacon and P. Hayes, Tyler. The petitioners of the former meeting were all elected to receive the degrees. Petitions for the degrees were also received from Fdson Adams and M. Parker. At this meeting each member paid one year's dues in advance, and Sam. Bell McKee and Francis K. Shattuck were initiated Entered Apprentice Masons. The third meeting was held September 9, at which a ISAAC E. PADDOCK. Petitioner for Dispensation and Charter Member. First Master under Charter. 1885. Deceased. 19 Brother Griswold acted as Senior Deacon, probably a vis- itor, as his name does not appear again in the records of the lodge. Also Brother Franklin Warner, our venerable Past Master, acted as Tyler. At this meeting Most Worshipful Charles M. Radcliffe, Past Grand Master, visited the lodge, and the first degree was conferred upon A. D. McDevitt and H. A. Higley. On September 25, Brothers McKee, Shattuck and Hig- ley were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. October 7, Joseph Black and M. Parker were elected, and received the Entered Apprentice degree the same even- ing. October 22, Brothers McKee and Higley were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason — the first Master Ma- sons made in Alameda County. On October 28, Brother Black was made a Master Ma- son, the third in honor. On November 4, petitions were received for the degrees from J. Kellersberger and D. S. Lacy, and from Brother Franklin Warner for affiliation. At this meeting Brother F. K. Shattuck received the degree of Master Mason — the fourth on the roll of honor. At the meeting January 21, 1855, the lodge was visited by the Grand Master, William H. Howard, accompanied by Brother George J. Hobe, Master oi Golden Gate Lodge, No. 30, of San Francisco. The third degree was conferred upon Brothers Parker and Lacy; and after the labors of the evening the brethren were called to refreshment, and sat down to a banquet given in honor of the visit of the Grand Master. The last meeting held under dispensation was April 6, [855, at which $20 was voted to the Grand Lodge fund to furnish a memorial stone tor the Washington monument, Bon HORACE A. HIGLEY. in Pensacola, Florida, about 1827. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, U. D ., Oct. 22, 1854. Was W. M. in 1856. Died in Mobile, Alabama, about 1874. 21 which perfect ashlar graces the now completed monument, bearing the proper inscription : ' 'Presented by the Masonic Fraternity of California. ' ' UNDER THE CHARTER. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge, held at Sacramento, commencing May i, 1855, a charter was granted, and on May 9, the lodge was constituted, under the title of Live Oak Lodge, Xo. 61, Free and Accepted Masons. The brethren named as charter members were as follows: Lawrence C. Owen, Isaac E. Paddock, Jeremiah E. Whitcher, Samuel H. Robinson, Sam. Bell McKee, Francis K. Shattuck, Joseph Black, Solomon Beel, Mala- chi Fallon, P. Hayes, J. P. M. Davis, A. M. Barnard, B. L. Jones, L. Lengfeld, Franklin Warner and H. C. Spi- cer. Of these pioneer Masons of Alameda County only three remain, F.K. Shattuck, Franklin Warner, and Mal- achi Fallon — and only two, Brothers Shattuck and Warner, have maintained their membership in the fraternity, and are present with us this evening. Of the departed members I have already referred to Brothers Owen, Paddock, Whitcher, and Robinson. Brother Shattuck is still with us, honored and respected. He was the first clerk of the city of Oakland, and held the position in 1852-53-54 and 1864-65-66-67; was member of the City Council in 1856-57-58; was Mayor of the city in 1859-60, and Superintendent of Schools in 1862-63. He represented the county in the State Legislature, and held the office of Supervisor for a dozen years or more. Sam. Bell McKee held the office of County Judge, was for a long series of years District Judge, and was finally promoted to the bench of the Supreme Court. Brother H. C. Spicer died in 1856. Brother J. P. M. Davis was City Marshal and Tax Col- SAMUEL BELL McKEE. Born in Black Abbey, Grey Abbey, Port Ferry, near Belfast, Ireland. Aug., 1822. M. M. Live Oak Lodg-e, Oct. 22, 1854. Was W. M. in 1857. pied March 2, 1887. 23 lector in 1855-56-57-58, and Mayor in 1860-61-62. Brother Franklin Warner was one of the early educa- tors of this city, was School Director in 1866-67, was Councilman in 1872-73-74. Of the balance of these pioneers I have been unable to gather data for this sketch. On May 9, 1855, the lodge was opened by John F. Damon, Past Master of Lebanon Lodge, No. 49, Acting Master, when the following were elected the first officers under the charter: Isaac E. Paddock. Worshipful Master; Jeremiah E. Whitcher, Senior Warden; H. A Higley, Junior Warden; Samuel H. Robinson, Treasurer; Sam. B. McKee, Secretary. The following were the appointed officers: James Black, Senior Deacon; John Scott, Junior Deacon; Franklin Warner, Tyler. One week after the constitution a meeting of the lodge was called for the purpose of taking action upon the death of the first Grand Secretary, Worshipful Levi Stowell, and the lodge resolved to attend the funeral the next day, Saturday, May 18, 1855, in a body. The services were held in San Francisco, under the direction of the Grand Lodge, and Brothers Shattuck, Robinson, Higley, and Black were appointed a committee from Live Oak Lodge to accompany the remains to San Jose, where the body was given Masonic burial. The membership at this time was 24. There were ini- tiated from August 16, 1854, to Ma}* 1, 1855, 10; passed 9; raised, 9. Total receipts, $888; total expenditures, The first recorded case of charity was at the meeting of the lodge September 7, 1855, when Brother Shattuck re- ported that Mrs. — — , a widow of a Past Grand Master of Louisiana, was in sore need. It is hardly necessary to SAMUEL HAYWARD ROBINSON. Born in Dudley. Mass.. Nov. 16, 1825. Petitioner for Dispensation and Charter Member. Was W. M. in 1858. Died Oct 24, 1875. 25 state that the lodge came to her relief, as it never has failed to do from that day to this in similar cases. If there be a pleasure on earth which angels cannot en- joy, which they nrght almost envy man the possession of, it is the power of relieving distress, and more than angelic happiness and satisfaction lies in the disposition to relieve distress. The first annual meeting of the lodge under its charter was held December 7, 1855, when the following officers were elected: Horace A. Higley, W. M. ; Joseph Black, S.W.; S. B. McKee, J. W. ; J. P. M. Davis, Treasurer; M. Evans, Sec. The installation was held on the even- ing of St. John the Evangelist's Day. Membership, 27. From this period I am obliged to treat very briefly the historical events of the lodge to bring myself within the time allotted me. At the second annual election, December 5, 1856, Sam. Bell McKee was chosen Master. In those early days pro- motion was not the rule. The brethren considered quali- fication first of importance, which was both wise and just. On January 2 1857, the first offshoot from the lodge took place. Several brethren dimited for the purpose of forming a lodge at San Leandro, which town had become the county seat. The result was the institution of Eden Dodge, No. 113, Live Oak's first daughter. The offshoot crippled the lodge for a time, and the next two years were years of struggle, which tested the char- acter of the lodge and determined that it was entitled to the name. "Live Oak." And the old 'Live Oak" ship has weathered many a storm since then. And now, in her old age, still sound, staunch, and true, is sailing the peaceful and untroubled waters of prosperity in the fore- front of all the lodges of this State for work unexcelled. JEREMIAH ELKIXS WHITCHER. Born, Andover, Merrimac Co., N. H., June 13, 1S17 Petitioner for Dispensation and Charter Member. Was W. M. in 1859. Died Jan. 24. 1888. 27 character and vigor of its members, deeds of charity, and financial success. December 5, 1857, Samuel H. Robinson was chosen Master. The returns to the Grand Lodge May, 1858, showed a membership of only 16. At the fourth annual election, December 3, 1858, Jeremiah E. Whitcher was chosen Master, with F. K. Shattuck Senior Warden, and Judge George M. Blake Junior War- den — a strong team, and from that da}- the lodge took a new start on the road of prosperity. August 6, 1859, the lodge voted the use of the lodge room for the purpose of forming a chapter of Royal Arch Masons. The result was Oakland Chapter No. 26. The fifth annual election was held December 2, 1859, when the same officers were re-elected. On December 23, Rev. Benj. Akerly was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Father Akerly, though past his fourscore years, is still with us, honored and re- spected, as he deserves. About this time the lodge treasury must have been plethoric, as a resolution was adopted authorizing the loaning of the surplus funds at two per cent interest per month. At the meeting held April 6, i860, the lodge appropri- ated $100 for relief of the needy. And these golden drops have fallen like the dews of heaven upon the violet beds, distilling perfumes of sweetness these fort}- long years. "We are rich only in what we give, and poor only in what we refuse" has ever been the motto of the lodge. Roll of membership 29. The sixth annual election was held December 7, i860, at which Brother Francis K. Shattuck was promoted to the Oriental chair and served the lodge with good judgment and #• %*- FRANCIS KITTRIDGE SHATTUCK. Born in Crown Point, New York, March 16. 1X25. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Nov. 4, 1854. Was W. M. in 1861. 2 9 ability. The result was a membership of thirty-five. At the seventh annual election, December 6, 186 c , Brother George M. Blake was elected Master, and another year of good results followed. During this year the lodge followed the tide of improve- ment up Broadway and moved to the brick building of Judge McKee, on the corner of Fourth Street. The lodge room was fitted up with a new carpet, pictures and a library was started. The older brethren will remember that in Maj- of this year the Grand Lodge laid the corner stone of the State capitol at Sacramento, when there was the largest gather- ing of the fraternity which had ever taken place in this State. At the eighth annual election, December 5, 1862, Rev. Benjamin Akerly was elected Master — taken from the floor of the lodge. Membership 37. On June 15, 1863, the lodge laid the corner stone of the new and large building for Mrs. Blake's Seminary for Young Ladies, one of the early educational institutions of the State, organized in 1858. The ninth annual election, December, 1863, retained Father Akerly in the East. This year Alameda Lodge, No. 167, was instituted at Centerville, with 14 members — the second daughter of Live Oak Lodge. On September 20, 1864, the lodge gave Masonic burial to Brother J. P. M. Davis, who had faithfully served the lodge as treasurer for ten years. Forty-one members were reported this year. At the tenth annual election, December, 1864, Brother Akerly was elected to retain the gavel for the third term. At the stated meeting, held May 5. 1865, appropriate resolutions upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, GEORGE MANSFIELD BLAKE. Bora in Elizabethtown, Mew York, March 16. 1821 M. M. Live Oak Lodge Sept. 5, 1856. Was W. M. in 1862. Died Oct. 16, 1875. 3i the wise and revered President of this nation, its distin- guished citizen and upright Mason, were unanimously adopted. Roll of membership, 50. At the eleventh annual election, December, 1865, Brother Franklin Warner was called to the chair and ably presided over the lodge. Brother Warner is still with us, an hon- ored and respected member. Membership 53. November 22, 1866, the lodge again moved, occupying Shattuck Hall, corner of Broadway and Eighth Streets, and $100 was appropriated to fit up the lodge room. The twelfth annual election, December, 1866, called Brother James O. Miner to the Master's chair. During this administration the first movement was made for the erection of a Masonic Temple. The result was the incorporation of the Masonic Fund Association — through which, twelve years later, Live Oak Lodge took one-tenth of the stock of the present Masonic Temple As- sociation — and at the present time owns one-sixth of the stock. Number of members, 59. At the thirteenth annual election, December 6, 1867, Brother James Lentell was chosen Master — one of the few Past Masters left and the most faithful attendant at lodge meetings of all its members. At the stated meeting, February 7, 1868, a petition from Brother N. W. Spaulding and thirteen other brethren was presented, asking the lodge to recommend the granting of a dispensation for the formation of Oakland Lodge (now 188), which petition was granted and the use of the lodge room tendered this third daughter of the mother lodge Number of members this year, 64. At the fourteenth annual election, December, 1868, Brother James C. Kyte was chosen Master. His admin- istration was marked for the amount of work done. Dur- FRANKLIN WARNER. Born in Phtsford, Rutland Co., Vermont, Sept. 16, 1818. M. M. Miami Lodge, Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio, Dec. 1841. Was'W. M. in 1866. 33 iug one month there were eight called meetings for wink. Number of members this year, 77. The fifteenth annual election, December 3, 1869, hon- ored Brother Kyte with a re-election. In March, 1870, the lodge through the Masonic Fund Association, and in its name, purchased the property on the northeast corner of Tenth and Franklin Streets, ioox 62^ feet, which property was sold three years ago at an ad- vance of some $20,000. Number of members this year, 90. At the sixteenth annual election, December 2, 1870, Brother Thatcher P. Wales was chosen Master. On March 3, 1871, the lodge adopted a resolution rec- ommending the organization of a lodge at Alameda — aft- erwards christened Oak Grove, No. 215 — the fourth daughter of the mother lodge. Number of members 99. At the seventeenth annual election December 1, 1871, Brother Wa'es was re-elected Master. At the stated meeting, March 1, 1872, the use of the lodge room, free of rent for six months was granted to Oak Leaf Chapter, No. 8, Order of the Eastern Star, which had just been organized. October 4 of the same year, Brother Henry Cooms donated to the lodge a beautiful al- tar — the same altar which now graces the lodge room in this temple. At the stated meeting, December 6, 1872, seventeen brethren residing in East Oakland — then called the town of Brooklyn — asked for recommendation for dis- pensation to form a lodge, which was granted, and the fifth daughter was instituted and christened Brooklyn Lodge, No. 225. The number of members this year, 107. At the eighteenth annual election, December 6, 1872, the lodge honored Brother Wales by continuing him in the Master's chair for the third term. Number of mem- bers this year. 1 19. * JAMES OGDEN MINER. Bora in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 28, 1835. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Sept. 7, 18b0. Was W. M. in 1867. 35 At the nineteenth annual election, December, 1873, Brother Wales was again re-elected Master. But after six months' service, he was called away, and there being a vacancy in the office of Senior Warden, under dispensa- tion from the Grand Master, a special election was held August 5, 1874, and Brother James C. Martin was elected to fill the unexpired term of Master. Number of mem- bers 118. At the twentieth annual election, December 3, [874, Brother Martin was continued in the Master's chair, and under his adm 'lustration the membership increased to 127. At the twenty-first annual election, December 3, 1875, Brother H. B. Pomroy was chosen Master. October 6, 1876, the lodge granted the petition of thirty brethren of West Oakland for the institution of a lodge, and a sixth daughter was christened Alcatraz Lodge, No. 244. Number of members this year, 128. At the twenty-second annual election, December 1, 1876, Brother James T. Gardiner was called to the East. Number of members, 124. At the twenty-third annual election, December 7, 1877. Brother John C. Marsh was chosen Master. June 7, 1878, a committee of the lodge appointed for the purpose reported in favor of the building of a Masonic Temple — all of the bodies of Masonry of Central Oak- land acting in unison. The lodge voted to subscribe for 1,000 of the 10,000 shares of the capital stock. Member- ship, 113. At the twenty-fourth annual election, December'), [878, Brother John R. Glascock was called to the East. Mem bership, 104. At the twenty-fifth annual election, December 5, [879, JAMES LEXTELL. Born near Waltham, Middlesex Co., Mass., Oct. 6, L818. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Jan. 21, 1859. Was \V. M. in 1868 37 Brother James C. Martin was again returned to the Mas- ter's chair. Januar5 r 10, 1880, the corner stone of this temple was laid by the Grand Lodge. In the sealed receptacle placed in the cavity prepared for that purpose was a list of the charter members, historical sketch and names of all the members of this lodge. Membership, 103. At the twenty-sixth annual election, December 3, 1880, Brother Martin was again elected to wield the gavel for the fourth term. The first stated meeting after the elec- tion, February^ 1881, was held in the new temple, it hav- ing been duly dedicated by the Grand Lodge, assisted by delegations from all the grand bodies of Masonry, and a multitude of the Sons of Light from different sections of the State. Membership, no. At the twenty-seventh annual election, December 2, 1881, Brother John A. Mattingly was chosen Master. Mem- bership, 105. At the twenty-eighth annual election, December, 1882, Brother Robert J. Beeby was chosen Master. Brother Beeby was an efficient officer, a good and true man, and an upright Mason. He passed to his reward only a few months ago. This year the roll showed 1 1 2 members. At the twenty-ninth annual election, December 7, 1883, Brother Beeby was continued Master. During this admin- istration the Masonic Board of Relief was organized by a compact, dated August 29, 1884, between Live Oak Lodge and Oakland Lodge — and for nearly four years these two lodges, unaided, maintained the board alone — when, on April 4, 1888, Brooklyn Lodge joined in the compact. Roll of members this year showed 118. At the thirtieth annual election, December 5. [884, Brother Edward C. Robinson was chosen Master. Mem- bership, 1 r 5. .'J70744 JAMES CARTER KYTE. Born in Geneva, Ontario Co., New York, Sept. 2'>. If33. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Nov. 3, 1859, Was W. M. in 1869-70. 39 At the thirty-first annual election, December 4, 1885. Brother Henry P. Dalton was called to the chair. During the year the lodge held a series of meetings for the delivery of essays upon Masonic literature and kindred topics, which were very interesting and instructive. Dur- ing the month of October the lodge held seven called meet- ings for work, and five called meetings for work were held in November, besides work at the stated meetings. Membership, 118. At the thirty-second annual election, December 3, 1886, Brother W. Francis Perry was chosen Master. The roll of membership showed 136. At the thirty-third annual election, December 1, 1887, Brother Marcus D. Hyde was called to the chair. The roll of membership showed 143. At the thirty-fourth annual election, December, 1888, Brother Perry w T as again called to preside. Membership, 159- At the thirty-fifth annual election, December, 1889, Brother Perry was again re-elected. Membership, 174. At the thirty-sixth annual election, December, 1890, Brother Harry C. Bush was called to preside. This exceeded all the previous years, save one, in gain of mem- bership. The roll showed 193. At the thirty-seventh annual election, December, 1891, Brother Frank N. Dalton was chosen Master. Prosperity still continued. Membership, 203. At the thirty-eighth annual election, December, 1892, Brother Junia J. Warner was called to preside. Again the lodge forged ahead. Membership, 213. At the thirty-ninth annual election, December, 1893, Brother Charles E. Haven, the present Master, waschosen. THATCHER PETER WALES. Horn in Syracuse. N. V.. Feb. 5, 1824. Was W. M. in 1871-72-75-74. Died Sept. 22, 1893. The lodge has been visited by death so far this year five times, taking three Past Masters. Roll of membership at date, 212. The fortieth annual election will occur next December. The lodge has had forty elections under the charter, but the first election was held, at its institution in May. 1855, while the first annual election occurred the following De- cember. There have been elected twenty-nine Masters of the lodge, of whom ten have passed from earth; and nineteen are still living, all of whom are residing in Oak- land save one, Brother Mattingly, now living in Fresno. The Daughters of Dive Oak Dodge are: Eden, No. 113, San Leandro, instituted May 14, 1857; Alameda, 167, Cen- terville, October 13, 1864; Oakland, 188, Oakland, October 15, 1868; Oak Grove, 215, Alameda, October 14, 1871; Mosaic, 218, Divermore, October 11, 1872; Brooklyn, 225, East Oakland, October 28, 1873; Eucalyptus, 243, Hay- wards, October 12, 1876; Alcatraz, 244, West Oakland, October n, 1877; Durant, 268, Berkeley, October 11, 1883, and the baby daughter, Alisal, under dispensation, Pleasanton, born July 17, 1894. And between these daughters and the mother lodge the most fraternal harmony and good will prevails. And in the name of the mother lodge I extend to her daughters the motherly greeting of good fellowship and that mater- nal love and kindness that good daughters deserve. And may it ever be said of yon," Behold how good and how pleasant it is for daughters to dwell together in unity." HORACE BARTON POMROY. Born in Spring-field. Mass., Nov. 17, 1816. M M. Carson Lodge, No. 1, Carson City, Nev., March 13, 1860. Was W. M. in 1876. Died Jan. 20, 1883. JTC. JIT. E^te^ 5)is(fo^jpse^ Or) tb^ (good /^ccOnr)plied . ^g^ AST GRAND MASTER MORRIS M. ESTEE, I ^^ having been invited to visit the lodge and make ■^j^/ an address, said: — HJSl I believe in Masonry as one of the civilizing and one of the Christianizing institutions of the country. It has survived through many centuries, until now it is practically universal. It is known in every country and its rituals are repeated in every tongue. It is said that age gives knowledge to man. If that be so with man in the brief period of his existence, what must be the effect upon an institution like Masonry, which lives through all the centuries ? A distinguished religion- ist was once asked what he could say to prove that the Christian religion was what it purported to be, and that Christ had come to the world and died to save sinners. He was not a learned man in religious controversy, but with the promptness and the generous impulse of one whose faith was born in love and inspired by the great Su- preme Ruler, he said: "The Christian religion has lived eighteen hundred years, and it has improved the condition of mankind every year of its existence. There are more Christians to-day than ever before. It has saved the souls of countless millions, and never wronged a single human being. ' ' 43 44 For similar but less potential reasons we say the antiq- uity of Masonry, the fact that it has never injured a hu- man being, that it has benefited and exalted the human character, shows that it is one of the grandest and the most beneficent of human institutions. Masonry is indeed a colossal edifice, erected only for the purpose of benefit- ing the distressed of this life. Its chief ambition and greatest achievements have been to make men happier and better. I remember a legend of a rich man who had three sons, and who was in doubt as to which one to make his heir. He called the three to him, and addressing the eldest, asked what he would most like to accomplish in this life. The son replied that it would be his ambition to be the greatest general in the world — to conquer the whole world and to establish empires. Upon the second son being asked the same question, he replied that his ambition would be to accumulate wealth, create commerce, con- struct ships and be the greatest merchant the world had ever known. The father finally turned to the youngest and asked, ' What would be your ambition?" ' He replied : "I do not want to conquer the world; by doing that I would have to injure someone. I do no: want to accumu- late vast wealth, as by doing that I must unjustly take the property of others. My ambition would be gratified if I could dry up the tears of sorrow, if I could relieve the wants of the needy, if I could feed the hungry and com- fort the distressed and bury the dead. ' ' And upon him the father conferred his name and wealth. This to me seems to be an instructive lesson, showing to us that our first duty is to others, our last to ourselves. This is the mission of Masonry. And yet we must admit that, being a human institution, many bad men may be 45 members thereof; but it could be truly said that even- man who is a Mason is better for being such. Although Masonry 7 is as old as civilization, yet even- day of its existence presents new light to both old and young Masons. If it is old it is so only in the same sense that a devoted son's mother was old to him when he said that he saw nothing but perpetual youth in her face He noted none of the wrinkles which to others marked the ap- proach of age. He only fathomed the depths of her soul, and read over and over again in his own recollection the beaut\ of her life. He saw again her motherly devotion to him when a child, her Christian spirit, which had given inspiration to her whole life, and so he said, and truly too, that she might be old in years, but to him she would be always young. -fs*^ *fc JAMES TODD GARDINER. Born in Leeds, Yorkshire, Engiand, May 9, 1835. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, March 20, 1874. Was W. M. in 1877. ^dclp^^s of Bro. iDa\ } id J*, ^nrjoot. MASONRY, ITS CARDINAL VIRTUES. /^^•■^HE Cardinal Virtues of Masonry was the theme / 1 assigned to Brother David L. Smoot, who sub- ^^^^ stan tially said: Ladies, Friends, and Brethren: It has been said that this ancient order originally traveled through the civilized world, erecting temples, cathedrals, and churches by the aid of a mystic art that so exactly prepared each stone at the far-distant quarry for its particular place in the rising structure, that no waste material was transported, and the polished ashlars were lifted into place without change or the sound of hammer. In those days, Masons were brown-handed sons of toil, practicing the cardinal virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice, and though the order has passed from the hard lines of operative or practical Masonry to the delicate refinements of speculative or theoretical Masonry, yet, in obedience to hallowed tradition, the order is not deaf to the plea of labor or blind to its sacred rights, nor does it cease to cultivate temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice. The order is to each member what the home place and the home friends are to the traveler. A great soldier, as distinguished guest, passed around the world in a glow of national hospitality, but it is said that he never really 47 JOHN CARLTON MARSH. Born in Petersburg-, Menard Co , Illinois, Oct. 21, 1848. M. M. Live Oak Lodg-e, April 11, 1873. Was W. M. in 1878 49 smiled until he reached the home place and the home friends of Galena. It was his lodge, a place of repose, A refuge of friends, a refuge from foes. Another great soldier, with the wreckage of disaster strewn hopelessly about him, and the future confronting as a starless night, was asked by one of his fearless lieuten- ants what would become of them. With a placid gran- deur born of something more than mortal, he replied: "Surely human virtue is equal to human calamity." He was a Mason, and this was fortitude. Address of gro. JH. (p. /i\cikc. ' 'our wives, sisters, daughters, and sweethearts. ' ' MORSHIPFUL MASTER, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It has fallen to my lot to be required to participate in these exercises to the extent of having something to say in behalf of the fair sex. It is customary for all extem- pore speakers to come prepared for the occasion, and I have not departed from this in the least. I have in my pocket a manuscript, with the contents of which it is my purpose to inflict you, and I wish to say at the outset that such a course is the result of wilful and deliberate premed- itation on my part. Most any attorney at law ought to be able to talk a great deal and say very little on the shortest notice, but I do not propose to permit an}- temer- ity I may possess in this regard to betray me into an op- portunity to allow my mind to run riot and wanton with an unbridled tongue upon so delicate a subject as "the ladies. ' ' You maj- find during the course of my written remarks that I have reached after some witticisms. If you should happen to discover that particular part, and do not feel that it stirs you up to an}- sudden flood of mirth, just con- sider how different it might have sounded had I spoken it with an air of spontaniety, as if it had occurred to me on the moment, instead of reading it to you. Wit should 50 5i come forth like the bursting of a fountain from the earth, in original, natural force, so say the critics. But one of the accredited wittiest men of histon is Richard Brindsley Sheriian. He was so witty that his shafts often penetrated a London fog, and wrinkled the face and shook the sides of the stolid Briton. He was a lawyer, and when he died, as is frequently the case, his entire estate was found to consist of papers. When these papers were examined by his creditors, it was found that his famous witticisms did not spring full-armed from his intellect, like Minerva from the head of Jove, but had been gradually evolved, like the human race from one of Mr. Darwin's monkeys. Besides the witty portion of my address, you will ob- serve, if you pay close attention, that I have not com- mitted myself upon anything. In fine, as I said before, this subject is an "edged tool," and any man who ven- tures to handle it is but a child. I have, therefore, care- fully abstained from saying anything which I will have to take back, and I don't propose to take back anything I haven't said; so, with these few premonitory remarks I will, with your kind attention, read what I have written. Inasmuch as it is the 40th anniversary of the birth of our lodge that we are celebrating to-night, I do not pro- pose to go further back in the past than that number of years for any personal reminiscences which 1 may have to offer, and as it is never considered polite to call the atten- tion of ladies to matters which occurred early in their lives, I shall not pain even the youngest here by again referring to what happened in eighteen hundred and fifty-four. You will pardon me if I appear a little ill at ease this evening, for I never found myself in quite this predicament before. I am expected to discourse to you about "<>m JOHN ANDREW MATTINGLY. Born in Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1852. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Dec. 2. 1881. Was W. M. in 1882. 53 mothers, our sisters, our daughters, our wives and our widows. ' ' Just how a man can be a good Mason and talk about his own widow, is a problem I do not care to ex- plain, therefore, if I happen to slight my own widow in these remarks, please excuse me on the plea of the weak- ness of human nature, and extend to her your quiet sym- pathy. Ladies, Masonry was organized for several purposes, chief among which was to give you an object lesson — to teach you that man can keep a secret. It was also organ- ized to keep your curiosity aroused. We Masons know that just as soon as the ladies find out what we are up to all curiosity will die a natural death. Let me tell you, ladies, Masonry was organized by King Solomon. King Solomon was the wisest of all men, and probably the most benevolently disposed. It is a cardinal principle of the order, to make provisions for the widows of the members. It is related of King Solomon that he expected to have no less than seven hundred wid- ows, and looking down the vista of time, he imagined that it would be just the thing to have them taken care of; therefore, he organized the first Lodge of Masons. Brother Masons, I appeal to you ! There are objects in nature which, when we contemplate them, excite in our breasts so much awe and reverence that in their pres- ence speech feels herself rebuked, and we remain silent and contemplative, unwilling or unable to break the spell by making vocal the delicious sentiments which they awaken. The broad, restless ocean, supporting on her bosom the vaulted heavens; the mountain peaks, receiving the earli- est kisses of the dawn, or holding upon their summits the last lingering rays of departing day; the angry thun- ROBERT JOHN BEEBY. Born in Central Square, Oswejro Co., New York. Jan. 24, ls:9. M. M. Central Square Lodge, No. 622, Sept.. 1870. Was W. M in 1883-34. Died May 38, 1894. 55 derbolt fraught with heaven's artillery ; the genial sunshine, giving to the earth its hues and to the sky its tints — all, all of these, turn the mind in upon itself, and hold it enchanted and voiceless. This is our experience while viewing inani- mate grandeur. What must it be when we come to con- sider the "last reserved of God," the newest creature in the universe, lovely woman ! You can better imagine than I describe. The world owes her a debt of gratitude which can never be paid. It owes its civilization to her. She rode the crest of every wave of progress which has swept over the conditions of man, from the day when he stood clothed in nothing but the hillsides, and with no covering for his head but the sky, down to the day when he was able to read the history of creation in those hills, and weigh the stars that blaze in the "canopy of heaven." In verification of this, I might cite you to many illus- trious women from the pages of history, whose names and characters tower above the age in which they lived, like a church steeple above the houses in a large city. I might look around me and point to women in our own day, who are far in advance of even this age of progress, but it is not of them I would speak, they are standing in the gaze of a nation. But those of whom I do speak, are our own mothers, our sisters, our daughters and our wives — our everyday home people right here in Oakland. There are among them many whose daily acts of goodness, whose bravery in time of trouble, whose devotedness, fortitude and self-sacrifice if published to the world would place them beside the acknowledged heroines of the earth. What man is there here present who has a wife, a mother or a sister, who can gainsay my words? What widow is EDWARD CONSTANT ROBINSON. Born near Jacksonville, Jackson Co., Or., Feb. 6, 1855. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, July 22, 1831. Was W. M. in 1885. 57 there among you who cannot say that if her husband had but taken her advice in many things pertaining to his health and welfare, her widowhood would have been postponed to a later period of her life. How triumphantly forgiving she looks when she says. "I told you so," and how disastrously meek we feel when, standing amidst the wreck and ruin of blasted hopes, we are compelled to acknowledge that she did. Ladies, L,ive Oak Lodge greets you, and feels herself honored by your presence. It is proud of you. Her mem- bers love you. Basking in your smiles, encouraged by your words, sustained and soothed by your loving, tender sympathy, we feel that all the clouds which may gather over the heads of any of our members will surely ' 'roll by' ' — that life is anything but a failure; home a comfort, and God's latest gift the greatest boon to the world. JOHN RAGLAND GLASCOCK. Born in Panola Co., Miss., Aug-. 25, 1845. M. M. Live Oak Lodtre. July 9, 1875, Was W. M. in 1879. (flc^ii)© y^dclp^s op (good Jsfi^lpf. BY PAST MASTER JOHN R. GLASCOCK. XADIES, BRETHREN, AND FRIENDS: Every selection made in carrying out these exercises has its undoubted fitness. It was difficult at first to see the appropriateness of placing so young a man as myself at the end of the program, but events have proved the wisdom of the committee. It was not unfitting that our youthful Brother Martin should stand at the gates of sunrise to give you greeting, that the meridian sun of Brother Estee should disclose to you the beauties of Masonry, and that in the west the contempo- rary of those who have passed from us to join the silent majority on the other shore should linger to say "good night." If I did not see the justice of my selection at first, I see it now. I thought I was young; I find myself a running mate with the past. What a flood of half- forgotten memories came in upon me at the reading of the history of our lodge! Names linked with the founding and growth of our city, names as sociated with honor and held in loving remembrance by friends as well as brethren, carried me back to the times when Oakland was a park shaded by oaks and carpeted with wild flowers, where now stately buildings rear their fronts — Davis, Black, Higley, McKee, and a host of oth- ers too numerous to mention. I knew them all. Good men they were in the lodge and out of it; and who shall 59 *^r REV. BENJAMIN" AKERLY. Born in New York City, Oct. 28, 1812 M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Dec. 23, 1859. Was W. M. in 1863-64-65. 6i say that they were not better men for being good Masons? It was not given to all of them to stand in the prominent walks of life, but each in his own way wrought out a life squared with the principles of his order, and the sum of their efforts has gone to build up and beautify humanity. Their lives have taught us that if there is any one prin- ciple that, more than another, typifies the true spirit of Masonry, that lifts human life out of the rut of commer- cial accommodation into a broader touch with humanity and a closer communion with the divine, it is human love. This is the sum and the essence of Mason ry, and the Mason who has lifted the veil and failed to interpret this inscription written in words of fire upon his lodge's altar has failed to grasp the full sublimity of Masonic teaching. Do not understand that the words ' 'human love' ' are used in any restricted sense. It is not that love which gives for a return, but that which gives because it is right to give and because it cannot help giving, and which grows richer and stronger for the giving — such a love a-- Mrs. Browning spoke of when she said — "Thy love Shall chant itself its own beatitudes After its own life working - . A child's kiss Set on thy sighing" lips shall make thee glad; A poor man served b) r thee shall make thee rich; A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong: Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense Of service which thou renderest." With such love woven into the fiber of its being, Ma sonry cannot die. Its sun, risen upon so boundless a field of divine activity, not all the starry hosts of time, not all the glory spaces of eternity, can say to Masonry "good night." The entertainment was closed by the venerable Dr. Akerly, Past Master of the lodge, leading the audi- ence standing in a recital of the Lord's prayer, and then dismissing it with a benediction. Past Master's Jewel. Live Oak Lodge, No. 61 (Dispensation. Granted by \ Grand Master W. H. Howard to institute Live Oak Lodge, U. D., on August 16, 1854. The follow- ing named brethren signed the petition for dispensation, and met and organized August 19, 1854: — *L. C. Owen. ^Patrick Hayes. *I. E. Paddock. *L. Lengfeld. *J. E. Whitcher. *H. C. Spieer. *S. H. Robinson. *B. L. Jones. *Malachi Fallon. *K. Alexander. *A. M. Barnard. *Solomon Beel. *Wm. T. Brown. * Not now members. Charter granted May 4, [855. Signed by - W. H. Howard, G. M. N. Greene Curtis, D. G. M. R. E. Cole, S. G. W. R. N. Wood, J. G. W. Adelison Martin, G. Treas. L. Stowell, G. S. List of Names ox Charter of Live Oak Lodge. tL. C. Owen, tl. E. Paddock. +J. E. Whitcher. tS. H. Robinson. tS. B. McKee. tj. Black. tS. Beel. * Not now member. F. Warner. *M. Fallon. tP. Hayes !-J. P. M. Davis. tA. M. Barnard. j 1!. L. Jones. i"L. Lengfeld. H. C. Spieer. I Deceased. £ S 65 Past Masters of Live Oak Lonci:. No. 61. r Lawrence C. Owen, 1854. tlsaac E. Paddock, 1855. fHorace A. Higley, 1856. rSamuel B. McKee, 1857. rSamuel H. Robinson, 1858. tjeremiah E. Whitcher, 1859, '60. Francis K. Shattuek, 1861. tGeo. M. Blake, 1862. Benjamin Akerly, 1863, '64, '65. Franklin Warner, 1866. James O. Miner, 1867. James Lentell, 1868. James C. Kyte, 1869, '70. -i-Thatcher P. Wales, 1871/72, "73 James C. Martin, 1875, '80. '8i. r Henry B. Pomroy, 1876. James T. Gardiner, 1877. John C. Marsh, 1878. John R Glascock, 1879. *John A. Mattingly, 1S82. rRobertJ. Beeby, 18S3, '84 Edward C. Robinson, 1S85. Henry P. Dalton, 1886. *W. Francis Perry, 1887, '89, '90. Marcus D. Hyde, 1888. Harry C. Bush. 1891. Frank X. Dalton, 1892. Junia J. Warner, 1893. Charles E. Haven, 1894. * Not now members. Deceased. HENRY PHILIP DALTON. Born in Jacksonville, Tuolumne Co.. Cal., April 27, 1X60. NT. M. Live Oak Lod^e, Sept. 22, 1882. Was W. M. in 1886. 6 7 Past Masters by Affiliation. Amasa W. Bishop. Frank H. Brooks. Nelson Carr. Noble Hamilton. William R. Hatfield. Julius Samuels. First Officers under the Charter. Lodge Constituted, May 9, 1855. Isaac E. Paddock, W. M. Jeremiah E. Whitcher, S. W. Horace A. Higley, J. \Y. Samuel H. Robinson, Treas. Samuel B. McKee, Sec. James Black, S. D. John Scott, J. D. Franklin Warner, Tyler. Officers 1894. Charles E. Haven, W. M. John A. Beck with, S. W. Edward H Hart, J. W. William F. Blood, Treas Junia J. Warner, Sec. George W. Sweeney, Chaplain. James P. Edoff, Marshal. Walter G. Manuel, S. D. James W. Nelson, J. D. James Shakespeare, S. S. Norman A. Parrish, J. S. Henry O. Hunt, Organist. Orville K. Stampley. Tyler. MARCUS DARIUS HYDE. Born in Jamaica, West Indies (of American parents) May 14, 1849. M. M. L,ive Oak Lodge, Nov. 23, 1883. Was W. M. in 1888. 69 Honorary Life Members. Benjamin Akerly. Samuel Bookstaver Bell. Amasa Wright Bishop. Frank Howard Brooks. James Lentell. Francois Reinstadler. Franklin Warner. EXPLANATORY. In March, 1870, this lodge purchased a lot on the northeast corner of Tenth and Franklin Streets, going in debt for a portion of the purchase price of same. Later a committee was appointed to devise measures by which the lodge could free itself from debt, and the action of this committee resulted in the incorporation August 17, 1 87 1, of the Masonic Fund Association. Its object was to represent and protect the interests of this lodge, in the property standing in the name of said Masonic Fund Association. This Fund Association is in existence to this date and this lodge is the owner in fact of all its stock. In March, 1891 the above lot was sold and the Associ- ation (which is the lodge) is now free from debt, and its assets are as follows: — ASSETS. Oakland Masonic Temple Association Stock.. .$16,330 00 Certificate of Deposit in Central Bank, Cash. . 6,900 00 Note of J. T. Gulick, Secured by Mortgage 1,000 00 Total Assets of the Lodge held by Masonic Fund Association . .$24,230 00 The income from above is now being paid into the treasury of the lodge, and is used for current expenses. J5?«Uaw>8 of Hive ©ak Hobge, Ho 61 BOopteD at its states meeting, 3ul£ 7, 1893. ARTICLE I. NAME AND OFFICERS. Section i. This Lodge shall be known by the name of Live Oak Lodge, No. 6i, of Free and Accepted Masons, and its officers shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, a Marshal, two Stewards, a Tyler, and such other officers as the Lodge may deem proper to appoint. ARTICLE II. elections and appointments. Section i . The Master, the Senior and Junior Ward- ens, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall be elected by ballot, in conformity with Section i, Article I, Part IV, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The other offi- cers shall be appointed by the Master, except the Junior Deacon, who may be appointed by the Senior Warden. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS OF THE EODGE. Section i . The stated meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the first Friday in each month. 70 Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called from time to time as the Lodge, or the presiding officer thereof, may direct. ARTICLE IV. INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP. Section i. All petitions for initiation or affiliation must be signed by the petitioner and be recommended by two members of the Lodge. Every such petition shall be referred to a committee of three, whose duty it shall be to report thereon at the next stated meeting (unless further time be granted), when the applicant shall be balloted for and received or rejected. Sec. 2. If an applicant, elected to receive the degrees in this Lodge, does not come forward to be initiated within three months thereafter, the fee shall be forfeited, unless the Lodge shall otherwise direct. Sec 3. Every person raised to the degree of Master Mason in this Lodge (except when such degree shall have been conferred at the reqtiest of another Lodge), or elected to be a member thereof, shall sign its By-Laws. ARTICLE V. THE TREASURER. Section i. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys from the Secretary, shall keep an accurate and just ac- count thereof, and shall pay the same out only upon an order duly signed by the Master, and countersigned by the Secretary. He shall, at the stated meetings in June and December of each year, submit a report in full of the mon- etary transactions of the Lodge. The Lodge m a \ also, at any time when considered necessary, canst- him to presenl an account of his receipts and disbursements, and of the amount of funds on hand. i HARRY CHARLES BUSH. Born in Erie, Pa., May 12, 1858. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Dec. 2, 1886. Was W. M. in 1891. Now Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge. 73 Sec. 2. He shall, if required by the Lodge, execute a good and sufficient bond to the Master, for the faithful performance of his duties. ARTICLE VI. THE SECRETARY. Section i. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all proceedings proper to be written; shall transmit a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge when required; shall keep a separate account for each member of the Lodge; shall report, at the stated meetings in June and December of each year, the amounts due by each; shall receive all moneys due the Lodge, and pay the same monthly to the Treasurer; and shall perform all Mich other duties as may properly appertain to his office. Sec. 2. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Lodge may direct; and shall, if required by the Lodge, execute a good and sufficient bond to the Master for the faithful performance of his duties. ARTICLE VII. THE TYLER. Section i. The Tyler, in addition to the necessary duties of his office, shall serve all notices and summons, and perform such other services as may be required of him by the Lodge. Sec. 2. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Lodge may direct. ARTICLE VIII. FEES. Section i. The table of fees for this Lodge shall be as follows: For the three degrees, the sum of fifty dollars; for FRANK NORRIS DALTON. Born in Pacheco, Contra Costa Co., Cal., March 25. 1863. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Oct. 16, 1885. Was W. M. in 1892. 75 degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason, when the first degree shall have been received in another Lodge, a sum sufficient to make a total of fifty dollars, but not less than twenty-five dollars: for the degree of Master Mason, when the first and second degrees shall have been received in another Lodge, a sum sufficient to make a total of fifty dollars, but not less than ten dollars; and for affiliation, the sum often dollars. Sec. 2. The fee for each of the foregoing shall accom- pany the several petitions or applications, else they shall not be presented by the Secretary to the Lodge. ARTICLE IX. DUES. Section i. The dues of each member of this Lodge shall be six dollars per annum, payable quarterly in ad- vance. Sec. 2. No member who shall be in arrears for dues at the time of the annual election shall be permitted to vote, or shall be eligible to any office. Sec. 3. An}- member who shall have been suspended for nonpayment of his dues shall be restored to member- ship upon payment of all arrearages within two years from date of suspension. Sec. 4. Any member who shall have been suspended for non-payment of his dues for two years or more, shall not be restored by payment of arrearages, or having his dues remitted by the Lodge, except by the votes of three- fourths of the members present at any stated meeting. Sec. 5. Any member in good standing may withdraw from membership by paying his dues and notifying the Lodge to that effect at a stated meeting, but no recom- mendatory certificate shall be issued to him unless ordered by the Lodge. JUNIA JOSIAH WARNER. Born in Almena, Van Buren Co., Mich. Aug. M. M. Live Oak Lodge, Feb. 8, 1889. Was W. M. in 1893. Now Secretary. i860. 77 ARTICLE X. COMMITTEES. Section i. The Master and Wardens shall be a Char- ity Committee, and shall have power to draw upon the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding ten dollars at any one time, for the relief of a distressed worthy brother, his wife, widow, or orphans. Sec. 2. The Master, at the stated meeting next suc- ceeding his installation, shall appoint an auditing com- mittee, whose duty it shall be to examine all accounts pre- sented against the Lodge. Sec. 3. All reports of committees shall be made in writing. ARTICLE XL REVEALING THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LODGE. Section i. When a candidate for initiation or affili- ation is rejected, or a brother reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, no member or visitor shall reveal, either directly or indirectly, to such person, or to any other, any transi- tions which may have taken place on the subject; nor shall any proceeding of the Lodge, not proper to be made public, be disclosed outside thereof, under the penalty of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion, as the Lodge may determine. ARTICLE XII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Section i. The regular order of business at every stated meeting of this Lodge shall be as follows: 1. Read- ing of the minutes, z. Reports of committees. 3. Hal - lotings. 4. Reception of petitions. 5. Miscellaneous and unfinished business. 6. Conferring degrees. 7° ARTICLE XIII. AMENDMENTS. Section i. These By-Laws, so far as relates to the times of meeting and the amounts of fees, dues, and dis- bursements by the Charity Committee, may be amended at any stated meeting, by the votes of two-thirds of the members present; provided that notice of such amendment shall have been given at the stated meeting next preceding; but such amendment shall have no effect until approved by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, and until such ap- proval shall have been transmitted to the Grand Secretary. StanMng IResolutions. Resolved, That any member having paid monthly dues to date may thereafter, upon the payment of the sum of one hundred dollars ($roo) become a Life Member of this Lodge, receive a certificate to that effect signed by the Secretary under seal of the Lodge, and shall be forever freed from dues. Resolved, That the expense in the matter of refresh- ments and music in all degrees, be left to the discretion of the Master and Wardens of this Lodge, who shall act as a Standing Committee, and their action thereon shall be final unless reversed by a two-thirds vote of the mem- bers present at any stated meeting. Resolved, That a Standing Committee of three be appointed by the Master at the Stated Meeting in January of each year (to include the Secretary) to whom all sub- ject matters of delinquent dues be referred, who may 79 report at any stated meeting with recommendations to the Lodge as to what should be done in individual eases they have investigated. Whereas, It is the duty of this Lodge to elect annually, seven of its members as Trustees of the Masonic Fund Association; therefore, be it Resolved, That four of such Trustees be its Master, Senior and Junior Wardens and Secretary elected at the annual meeting in December, and the other three Trus- tees be chosen as usual from the bod)- of the Lodge. Be it further Resolved, That the Trustees be instructed to elect as Secretary of the Masonic Fund Association the Secretary of this Lodge, and the salary of said officer as Secretary for both offices, shall be two hundred and fort}' dollars per year, payable from the funds 01 the Lodge. IRoll of Members, NAME. MADE A M. M. * Alexander, E A. Aug. 19, Akerly, Benjamin Dec. 23, *Ash, Herman A.April 1, ^Alexander, Henry A. April 2, *Andresen, Harold Sophus Jan. 22, Andrus, Washbourne Royal Jan. 3 1 , * Atkinson, William A. Jan. 6, Atkinson, Thomas Albion A. Jan. 4, Arper, Geo. Washington April 19, Akerly, James Clark Smith Nov. 29, Avery, Mark Herbert A. May 5 . *Beel, Solomon A. Aug. 19, *Bro\vn, Win. T A. Aug. 19, *Barnard, A. M A. Aug. 19, *Black, Joseph Oct. 28, *Blake, Geo. Mansfield Sept. 5, Bell, Samuel Bookstaver A. Oct. 3, *Beal, Samuel A. Mar. 4, *Bingham, Joseph Oct. 19, Blair, Geo. Washington A. Mar. 4, *Bostwick, J. D A. Sept. 2, :i: Black, George A.Dec. 1, *Bagge, Christian Dec. 15, *Bruguiere, Douis Gustave Dec. 23, *Block, Emanuel Daniel A. April 6, *Bagley, William Patrick Xov. 24, *Beal, Rufusjr Jan. 15, ^Baldwin, David Martin May 17, *Brooks, James Marcus June 25, ' i: Barnhisel, Charles Franklin A. Jan. 3, 80 854 8^9 864 869 875 879 882 893 854 854 854 854 856 856 859 860 S64 864 865 865 865 866 868 869 869 869 870 *Burnham, Andrew Willard June 11, [870 Bates, Charles David Sept. 30, 1871 *Baber, Andrew Jackson A. Jan. 6 *Bowen, William Jones June 23 *Brown, RoseweU Jackson .'v. Nov. 3 :;: Blake, John Joseph Mar. 22 *Balmforth, Ralph \. May 3 ;: Blake, George Franklin Feb. 21 ;:: Barnett, Rufus Putnam A. Mar. 7 • ;: Burner, John Davies Aug. 15 : ' : Bastian, Fritz Oct. 10 :: Baukhead, Hugh April 24 : ' : Bennison. George Edward Aug. 2s ::c Bolten, William A. Nov. 6 ^Buchanan, Alexander Aug. 13 Baker, Peter April 21 ;:: Brown, Brainard Charles June 16 *Beeby, Robert John A. Aug 3 Brooks, Frank Howard A. Jan. 4 Brown, Orson Dana A. Dec. 6 Broad, Charles Augustus A. April 4 Bishop, Amasa Wright A. Sept. 5 '-• : Bryan, Marshal Ney A. Sept. 2 Bruenn, Adolph A. Feb. 6, 1 Bush, Harry Charles Dec. 2 Blood, William Frank June 24, [887 Bowen, Thomas William A. Nov. 4. [887 ^Barnard, Ezra \. Feb. 1. [889 *Berry, Fred "T" A. Mar. 1, [889 Bennett, Robert Howard Jan. 30, [89] Bullock, Richard Steele A. Feb. 6, [89] Baab, Charles May 13. 1891 Beckwith, John Allison \. July 3, [89] Buteau, Samuel Hawkins Oct. 2S, Baumgartner, Andrew Fred A. Aug. 4, [893 Baldwin, Robert Oliver July 20, [894 Chappellet, Felix Nov. 30 -Carrick, John Willard A. Dec. 1 *Cordes, Paul Henry Dec. 22 871 871 87' 872 372 873 873 873 873 s 74 s 74 874 875 876 ■^77 878 879 879 SSI [860 865 ,865 82 ^Chapman, "L,. G." A. Nov. 2 *Crane, William Watrous May 24 *Caddy, John Nov. 27 *Chenhall, Nicholas June. 1 8 *Cooms, Henr)- Nov. 26 Carleton; George Henry June 1 3 ^Campbell, Peter Aug. 26 Clayton, William Burt Dec 30 *Coursen, Edgar Abraham A. Mar. 3 * Chamberlain, Alfred Mellen June 30 ^Chalmers, Robert Nov. 17 *Conley, Charles A. Dec. 1 ^Cameron, Duncan Jan 12 *Case, Isham Aug. 16 Clark, Marion A. Oct. 4 ^Cunningham, Patrick James May 30 *Collins, William Sept. 17 ^Cochran, Jesse Franklin A. Aug. 4 *Coburn, Thomas Cavanaugh Jul}' 12 *Chabot, Antone A. July 4 *Camp, Max April 30 Christy, Charles May 28 Cramer, Adolph Edward Henry April 8 Colvin, Charles Lewis July, 8 ^Chandler, Edward Doomis Oct. 20 Craig, Homer Alexander Sept. 25 *Cool, Geo. Washington Oct. 15 :;: Cattrell, Joseph Edward Oct. 22 *Cahn, Samuel A. April 1 Craft, Richard Corson A. Feb. 3 Cassidy, Richard A.June 1 Cron, William, Jr Aug. 31 Crane, Carlton Cyrus Mar. 15 Crosman, Cortland David A. Mar. 7 *Cornall, Peter Morris A. Nov. 7 Cook, William Coleman A. Nov. 7 Culver, William Lee A. Jul)' 3 Capwell, Harris Cebert A. Nov. 6 Carr, Nelson A. Feb. 5 Champion, Albert "C." A.June 1 83 Chesnut, John Augustus June 15, 1894 :;; Davis, James P. M Aug. 19 *Dieves, Joseph, Sr Sept. 10 *Davis, Richard A Oct. 19 *D'Auteuil, George April 9 *Dinsmore, Luther A. Dec. 6 *De Golia Darwin A. Sept. 1 Dalton, Henry Philip Sept. 22 *Dean, Samuel Case April 27 *Dargie, John A. Jan. 4 Dalton, Frank Xorris Oct. 16 Datgie, William Edward May 21 Draper, Thomas B June 26 Dalton, Henry Xorris A. Mar. 4 Du Bois, Elijah Jan. 19 *Evans, Morris Sept. 7 *Edmondsou, P. E Sept. 21 *Evans, C. W Jan. 4 Evers, John Henry July 26 "Estrada, Frederick Sept. 9, Eaton, Henry Jones Oct. 7 *Elliot, Matthew A.Jan. 7 Eastman, Moses Hayden A. Oct. 7 *Everett, Daniel Henry Jan. 19 Eusoii, James Henry April 11 Eby, John Douglas April 29 Ely, Ralph Asahel A.Jan. 3 Edoff, James "P." April 29 *Fallon, Malachi A. Aug. 19 *Fish, William H Sept. 10, Farrington, Elvin Dunn May 24 *Fairchild, Oscar Llewellyn Crandall A. July 5 *Fehr, John Lewis Aug. 30 *Farwell, George Elliott Nov. 29 *Francis Samuel \. Mar. 7 Furniss, Herbert Olmsted A. Jan. 1 Fletcher, Francis Alden May [6 Fisher, Charles Morrison July 31 Fisher, Philip Melanchton A. June 3 854 3 5 8 864 869 872 876 882 883 884 885 886 892 894 855 855 856 867 867 867 870 870 877 ss, 887 890 S92 854 858 872 872 872 879 886 890 891 ^Gieschen, John Dec. 24, 1861 :: Gunn, John Cristar A. June 2, 1865 Gleason, George July 1, 1867 *Gabb, William Moore Nov. 25, 1S67 : Gordon, Joseph S. G April 17, 1868 •Graham John P June 19, 1868 -Glass, Charles A. Mar. 5, 1869 Gibbons, William Peters, April 29, 1870 'Grosso, Constantine Feb. 23, 1872 Gray, Martin Luther A. May 2, 1872 Gross, Wilhelm Gustave Constantine May 27, 1872 ^Gemmell, Alexander April 19, 1872 ! 'Gerry, Thomas October 24, 1873 Gardiner, James Todd Mar. 20, 1874 Glascock, John Ragland July 9, 1875 Gruen, John "C" A. Feb. 4, 1876 Goodman, George .....A. Oct. 3, 1879 -Greenwald, Frank Julius A. Sept. 3, 1880 Grunebaum, William Bernard July 27, 1883 Goodfellow, George Emery June 24, 1885 : Gove, Henry Morris June 26, 1885 Gelder, John A. April 6, 1888 Glenn, John Quinn July 26, 1889 Gaskill, Yarney William Sept. 27, 1889 Glenn, Alexander Glenn Nov. 15, 1889 Gelder, David Dec. 11, 1891 Gardiner, William A. Oct 7, 1892 -Hayes, Patrick A. Aug. 19, 1S54 : Higley, Horace A Oct. 22, 1854 : Hurtzell, Lawrence A. July 6, 1855 Hirshberg, Samuel April 29, 1858 Heymann, Reuben Jan. 14, 1859 Hoag, Joseph W July 8, 1 859 Houghton, Frederick T Aug. 12, 1859 Hillebraud William A. Dec. 2, 1859 Hempel, Henry Mar 8, 1861 Hagy, Adam A. Sept. 6, 1861 Hodgson, Francis D A. Oct. 3, 1861 Haelke. Helwig Leopold A.Aug. 7, 1863 *Hise, John S Mar. 23, 1X64 85 *Howe, Micha Mead ... Dec. 2 *Hawkett, Arthur Wellington June 30 *Hiteheoek, Harry Elisha A. Mar. 5 : Hobbs, Levitt Moses V. Sept. 4 Henninger, Frederick A. Mar. 5 : Halley, John Charles July 19 ; Hartwig, Theodore A. Nov. 4 : Haiues, Rufus Rowe A. June 2 Hey wood, Samuel Mar. 27 : Haas, Bernhard Sept. 20 Harlow, William Sturtevant Mar 14 Hall, Joseph Lee Nov. 28 *Hill, William Henry A. Jan. 2 Harrison, William Greer April [3 'Hard, Roswell Butler A. Jan. 3 : Hershberg, Leon Feb. 27 Hall, Frank Bonaeina ^ug. 25 Hyde, Marcus Darius Nov. 23 *Hallahan, Andrew Feb. 29 Hamilton, Noble A. July 4 *Hersey, Edgar Amos Jan. 2^, ^Hammond, William Hall Dec. 19 Hayes, Daniel David A. Mar. 5 Haven, Charles Edward Dec. i<> Hardwick, Edward Newcomb Jan. 28 Hyde, Clarence April 22 *Handy, Brayton Everington A. Sept 7 Hewitt, Robert Ethelbert Aug. 30 Haven, Clarence Oct. [8 Holland, Arthur Percy Feb. 14 Hooe, Headley Smith Mar. 28 -'•Hall, Robert James A. June 6 Harmon, Dana A. Feb. 6 Hoppen, Alfred Feb. 7 Humphrey, Thomas Marshall \. Mar. 6 Hall, Edward Masser. Jr June 1 2 Hart, Edward Henry Aug. 21 Hunt, Henry Osgood \. Mar. 4 *Hamraon, Wendell Philucius A. April 1 Hough, George Walles \. Dei [864 865 868 868 [869 [869 [870 871 872 172 t8 7 3 873 [874 877 879 [880 882 [883 884 :88 4 [885 885 [886 886 887 [887 888 1889 889 1890 [890 890 89] 891 [891 891 891 *<)2 892 86 Hatfield, William Richy A. Mar. 3, 1893 *Irwin, William H Aug. 16, Irwin, John Clarke May 27 *Irish, John Powell Nov. 26 *Jones, Benjamin Lovie Aug. 19 ^Justice, Patterson C Aug5 *Johnson, Perry June 1 *Jahn, Henry Dee. 24 *Janssen, Frederick George Ernest Oct. 2 7 *Jose, William Hacking May 8 ^Jensen, Rasmus Feb. 19 Joyce, Austin Ambrose Sept 23 *Kellersberger, J Mar. 9 Kyte, James Carter Nov. 3 *Knawer, Frederick A . July 5 ^Kennedy, William A. May 2 *Kindgren, Christian Wilheim Jan. 17 ^Kennedy , James A . Sept. 3 *Knudson, Andrew July 28 *King, William Andrew A. Oct. 6 *Kahn, Israel A. Sept. 1 *Knapp, Charles Richard Sept. 9 Knight, Frederick Wales Sept. 29 Keesing, Henry Bernard Aug. 21 Kendall, Frank Irving July 22 Kelley, Charles Marsh A. Nov. 4 Kerr, Archie Fullerton A. Aug. 4 *L,engfeld, Fouis A. Aug. 19 *Lac) T , D. S Jan. 21 *L,inden, Henry April 29 L,en tell, James Jan. 21 *Fathrop, H. P March 25 *I/Utger, Gustavus March 9 *Feinhoop, Frederick Aprili5 *Laing, John Nov. 2 *Fittle, John Aug. 11 Fuelling, Oregon "C" April 30 *Lindeman, Henry A. Aug. 4 *Lamont, Thomas Aug. 11 *Logan, Oliver Cunningham A . April Lamoureux, Philias Henry .Aug. 26 Lebrecht, William April 27 ^Levy, Meyer Samuel May 25 ^Lilliencrantz, August A. Oct. 1 Lanyon, Joseph Henry A. May 3 Leber, Albert Lewis June 28 Lawrence, Henry Hathaway, Jr. Feb. 21 Lord, Leslie Howard June 30 Lindsay, Thomas A. Oct. 6 i: MeKee, Samuel Bell Oct. 22 *McDevitt, A. D March 30 *Myers, A. H V Jul Miner, James Ogden .Sept. 7 : ' : Mead. James Flendrowe Nov. 23 -Merritt, Frederick A April 21 *Massey, Benjamin Franklin May 28 *Maloon, Benjamin Aug. 20 *Mann, Benjamin Franklin Aug. 30 -Marshall, William Board A. Oct. 7 :: McKeever, Charles \. Dec. 2 *McKenzie, William William Aug. 25 *Matthews, JuliusCase A. June 7 *McConnel, James Daviseu A. June 7 *Marsh, Charles Pantier \. Sept. 6 Marsh, John Carlton April 11 Martin, James Christopher A. Nov. 7 * Mason, Joseph Robinson A. Jan. 2 *McCord, William "P" \. Nov. 6 ;: McKeen, Albert Atwater Feb. 2<> *McGregor, John Mar. 12 ;: McKee, Robert Linington Nov. 24 *McClure, Stewart Mar. 22 *Mattingly, John Andrew Mai'. 2 1 ;;: Maass, Aug. Nicolias William May 21 *Moore, John .Solon \ Feb. | [881 [883 891 . 893 893 [854 [860 [860 [867 [868 [869 869 1870 :8 7 2 872 872 873 873 874 • s 74 875 [875 876 878 •V- 880 SS| *Moore, Theodore Staunton A. June 3, [S8i Morrison, John June 17 *Murphy, John Henry A. Sept. 2 Matthews, Francis Ima Oct. 12 *Murphy, William Leander A. Sept. 7 Mayer, Leopold A. Jan. 4 *Mothersole, George John A. Aug. 1 *Merritt, Ambrose Sept. 19 Mueller, Herman Emanuel May 29 McCarron, David . Xov. 19 Mauzy, Byron Xov. 11 McMullen, David Alexander Feb. 17 Momyer. Henry Eastman A. Xov. 2 MePi'ke, Henry Clay Feb. 15 Metcalf, Victor Howard Sept. 13 McMullen, John C A. Jan. 3 Man. Charles Frederick Mar. 14 Morris, Benjamin Samuel May 23 McPherson, Alexander Eewis Aug. 8 McKenzie, William A. Jan. 2 McCarter, John A. Xov. 6 Morris, William A. Jan. 1 Manuel, Walter Griswold May 20 *Xolan, Stephen August 28 *Xieholson, Isaac Earnest A. Sept. 3 *Nielsen, Anders Peter William June 12 Naismith, George Semple A. June 4 Xordhausen, Charles Christian A. June 4 Nordhausen , Ernest Albert Aug. 20 Xorthey, Vernal Sidney A. May 7 Xelson, James Wesley Sept. 11 Newsom, Joseph Cather Xov. 2 7 :: 0\ven, E. C A. Aug. 19 *01tman, William Sept. 6 *Oakes, Daniel Briggs Feb. 9 *Owens, John July 18 *01msted, Sheldon Patterson A. Mar. 3 Outram, David John June 17 *Osborne, Orlando Canning July 8 Otto, Frederick G A. May i. [885 Oyler, Robert A. Feb. 5. Owen, Wm. Henry Searles April 24. 1891 Ogden, Frank Burroughs Sept. 28, [894 * Paddock, Isaac E A. Aug. 19, [854 *Parker, Marvel Jan 2 1 . [855 *Paul, Colin A. Aug. 3, 1866 *Pinkerton, Thomas Hamil A. July 5, [867 *Prosser, Walter A. Pel). 7. [868 *Pratt, Daniel Webster June 12, [868 *Partenscky, Charles March 26, 1869 *Pfiester, Julius A. Sept. 3, *Palmer, Smith Oct. 8, [869 *Palmer, George McKenzie Nov. 29, 1S69 *Patterson, William James June 9, 1871 *Pomroy, Horace Barton A.Aug. 2, [872 *Phelan, William Seymour ... A. Dec. 6, [872 *Po\vers ; Oliver Pollard A. Sept. 4. 1X74 *Pierce, John Hiram Nov. 19. [880 *Plunkett, James California June 10, [881 *Perry, William Francis July 29, 1881 *Patterson, John W T hiteley A. Sept. 2, i.s.s 1 Pierce, Charles Dexter Sept. 9, ixsi Parrish, William Henry Junes. [883 Patterson, Albert Lewis Crandall A. May 1. [885 *Peek, John Amma Aug. 27. [886 Price, Wallace Covert July 8, [887 *Perry, Arthur Miley A. Dec. 2. [887 Parrish, Norman Adolph Jan. 20. [893 *Robinson, Samuel Hayward A. Aug. 19, [854 *Riehards, William A. Feb. 4. [856 *Robertson, James A Nov. 12. [860 Reinstadler, Francois A.Dec. 5, [862 *Ross, John April 2s [865 *Read, W. D \. Dec. 1. [865 *Reetor, Ludwell James Nov. 9, [867 *Reyburn, Thomas Samuel M;i\ [6, [869 *Reid, Charles Wood Mar. 25, 1X7.. go * Reynolds, John Newton Sept. 9, Rosenberg, Morris April 21, *Robertson, Daniel A. June 7, Russell, Edward Knight A. July 5, *Richardson, Aaron Sandborn A. Dec. 6, Roff, Harry Loren Jan. 24, *Ruth, John.... April 18, Rasmussen, Hans Feb. 12, *Ryttenberg, Isaac David A. Aug. 3, Reichliug, Douis Frank July 30, Robinson, Edward Constant Jul}' 22, *Richardsou, Charles A.July 1, Richards, John Callahan A. Oct. 4, *Reckard, Edward Lockwood Mar. 30, Rogers, Josiah Barnes June 16, Reiuhardt, Joseph Oct. 27, Revalk, Richmond Emil A. Dec. 1, Rabe, John A Nov. 2, *Spicer, H. C A. Aug. 19, Shattuck, Francis Kittridge Nov. 4, *Scott, John April 27, *Stratton, James T Feb. 1 1 , *Smith, E. J A. Nov. 3, *Skinner, Chester Clark July 13, *Smith, George Frank May 31, Schmidt, John Carl Oct. 11, *Smith, Joseph A. Dec. 6, *Scott, John Vance Dec. 8, *Schneider, C. P A, Feb. 7, *Sidden, James Jan. 11, *Stone, Winfield Scott April 19, *Slicer, Hugh Sept. 3, *Spraul, Alonzo Thompson A. Oct. 1, *Simpson, Real Benjamin A. Ma}- 6, *Stevens, Francis .. A. July 1, *Snyder, Lyman Xutt June 14, *vStriker, John Wesley A. Dec. 6, *Schoffner, Friedrick A. March 7, Snyder, Andrew Jackson A. Aug. 1, 9i Simpson, Joseph Cairn A. March 5, 1875 *Stahl, Benjamin Franklin A. June 4, 1875 Sehaffer, Louis ( No. 1) Jan. 17, 1879 *Strathern, William April 11, 1879 Sehaffer, Louis (No. 2) Oct. 27, 1882 Smilie, Robert Nov. 17, 1882 Schuller, Antonio A. April 6, 1883 *Share, Alfred Joseph .June 29, 1883 Sutherland, Edwin A. Jul}- 4, 1884 Spiars, Frank William Oct 30, 1885 Samson, Martin Meyer A. Nov. 6, 1885 ^Steele, Spear Spencer Mar. 25, 1887 Schlarbaum, John Christian Benedict.. A. March 4. 1887 Steffauoni, Achilles April 12, 1887 *Stewart, Michael Young A.July 1, 1887 Stampley, Orville Knighton A. July 1, 1887 '•''Stephenson, John Calvin Sept. 15, 1887 *Snell, Richard Bailey Dec. 23, 1887 Samuels, Isaac Julius Aug. 17, 1888 Smoot, David Lowe A. Dec. 7, 1888 Smith, Benjamin John Jan. 25, 1889 Swain, Clinton Terr}- Feb. 22, 1889 Sweeney, George Wade A. Aprils, 1889 Stimpson, George Washington A. June 7, 1889 Sehlesinger, Adolph Charles... July 19, 1889 *Southard, William Freeman A. Sept. 6, 1889 Slemin, Charles, Jr . A. July 3, 1891 Samuels, Julius A. July 3, 1891 *Smith, Henry Talbot Oct. 9, 1891 Seaton, Horace Scott June 17, 1892 Schulze, Max Charles Sept. 23, 1S92 Shakespeare, James April 28, 1893 *Ticknor, Daniel Mar. 30, i860 Taylor, James A. Dec. 4, 1863 *Todtmann, Theodore Ernst July 26, 1872 *Tirrill, Layfayette A. Mar. 7, 1873 *Tilley, Gabriel Henderson A. Nov. 3, 1876 Troy, John Henry A. July 4, 1879 *Tillotson, Henry Ira Feb. 25, 1881 9 2 Thomson, Arthur Dalliba Mar. 26 Thompson, Frank Robert May ir Taylor, Charles Benjamin A. May 3 Taylor, Felton A.May 2 Turner, Joshua Nichols Oct. 31 Trensehel, August Frederick April 15 *Thomson, Stuart Coventry ...Aug. 19 Tozer, Charles Francis July 28 Tillson, Fred Minot Sept. 14 Trotter, John Nov. 30 Umphred, Frank Morris A. Feb. 7 Umphred, Joseph Wilson A. Feb. 6 *Van Voorhies, William A. March 4 *Vogt, David Jan. 22 Veitch, William Thomas Sept. 16 *\Vhitcher, Jeremiah Elkins A. Aug. 19 Warner, Franklin A. Dec. 2 *Willis, E.J A. Sept. 7, *Williams, Alpheus Fuller A. Mar. 4 *Wellendorf, Louis A. Feb. 3 *Willes, D. Ellis A. Feb. 3 *Walker, Lysander A.Jan. 4 * Webster, Johnathan Vinson July 30 *Ward, Robert April 4 *Wales, Thatcher Peter A. Sept. 6 *Wallis, Albert Mar. n * Watson, William Callaghan A. Nov. 3 *Watkins, Henry Percival A. Aug. 2 Wilson, James Mar. 21 Woolsey, Elliott Hartman A. Nov. 7 * Williams, Mark Anthony June 26 Williams, Nicholas Mar. 24 * Wright, Edward Lawrence Feb. 21 *\Yonderlich, John Peter A. April 4 * Wright, Williard Carroll Oct. 24 *Wallace, George May 22 *Weyhe, Charles Henry A. June 5 93 Westover, Clinton Nov. i8, [887 Warner, Junia Josiah Feb. 8, [889 *Wallace, Louis Burton June 13, 1890 Wines, Charles Latham Oct. 16, 1890 Wines, Charles Buckley A. Dec. 5, Wheeler, Roscoe, Jr Jan. 29. 1892 Wundsch, Joseph June 24. [892 Wilkinson, Edward Melville May 19, [893 Woods, William Fowler Sept . 3* >. 1 89 ; *Yard, George Malcomson A. Aug. 19. [854 Zabel, Julius A. Nov. 7. 1868 * Not now members A. 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