nmrn^^ W^^i:^^'^/WB CATALOGUE LIBKAEY THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS A-G LONDON: ^ublisljci bg tijc institution, GKEAT GEOEGE STKEET, WESTMINSTEK, S.W. [Telegrams : "Institution, London'." Telephone, "3051."] 1895. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. V.I PREFACE. The present Catalogue has been formed by abbreviation and amalga- mation of the Catalogue printed in 1866, and the titles written for books acquired since that date. Considerable changes have been made in the methods of selecting the headings, and dates or conjectural dates have with a few exceptions been assigned to the books. The headings are selected according to the following plan : I. Non-official publications appear under the authors' names ; failing such names, under those of the persons, places, etc., of which they treat ; failing that, under the heading Anonymous. Journals and periodicals are arranged in alphabetical order under the heading Periodical Publications. Works entered under the two last-named headings also appear under the names of their authors, when possible. II. Official publications relating to particular persons, places, etc., appear under such names ; those of a general nature under the Govern- ments or corporate bodies issuing them. Official publications also appear in many cases under the names of their authors. Owing to the doubtful orthography of Indian names, these are all grouped together under the heading India, instead of appearing in their proper alphabetical order. The larger non-personal headings, such as London, Edinburgh, have been sub-divided according to suhject. Societies appear under their respective names, when these are well known, but otherwise under the places where they meet : e.g. Royal Society. LiitiGE. — Association des ingenieurs sortis de VEcole de Liege. In order to make the Catalogue complete to the close of the year 1894, the titles of works acquired while it was in the press, as well as of those omitted from the general body of the work, have been included in the Addenda. The Catalogue of the Horological Library, bequeathed to the Insti- iv PREFACE. tutiou by the late B. L. Vulliamy, Assoc. Inst. C.E., forms an appendix. The volumes now issued do not contain the index of subjects. This part of the Catalogue is in preparation, and will be issued separately at as early a date as possible. It has, howe\er, been judged advisable that publication even in part should not be Ljnger delayed, the more so as the arrangement now adopted for the first portion has resulted in its containing much of the information usually found in a subject- catalogue. It only remains to add that it is proposed to take advantage of the increased room which will be afforded by the new library, when the rebuilding of the premises is completed, to rearrange the books, the scattered nature of the accommodation in the late buUding having gradually become the source of trouble and inconvenience. Much sim- plification will also result from numbering the cases and lettering the shelves, instead of the converse practice which existed in the old library, and in the course of time led to the compulsory use of three forms of each letter of the alphabet. LIBRAEY CATALOGUE THE INSTITUTION OF CIYIL ENGINEERS. A. ABADIE, A. Etude sur les chemins cle fer de montagne du systeme Abt. Tract, ito. vol 104. Paris, 1886. 4to. ABATE, F. Progetto per la condotta in Napoli di 100,000 metricubi al giorno delle acque di Serine. Tract. Ato. vol. 76. Napoli, 1870. 4to. Studii suir acquidotto Claudio e progetto per fornire d'acqua potabile la citta di Napoli. Tract. Ato. vol. 76. Najwli, 1864. 4to. ABBATT, R. A treatise on the Calculus of Variations. Lond. 1836. 12mo. ABBOT, G. An Essay on the Mines of England, their importance as a source of national wealth, etc. Lond. 1833. 8vo. (Printed for private circulation.) [Observations on the proper selection and administration of the Metalliferous Mineral Royalties and Properties of this country.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Lond. [1840?] 8vo. ABBOT, H. L., U.S. Army. Course of lectures upon the Defence of the Sea-coast of the United States, etc. Neio York, 1888. 8vo. The Earth Wave at the destruction of Flood Rock. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Neio York Harbour, 1885. 8vo. On the velocity and transmission of Earth Waves. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Neio York Harbour, 1878. 8vo. Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi : reply to criticisms by Dr. Hagen. 1878. See Humphreys, A. A., and Abbot, H. L. Recent progress in High Explosives and their uses in war. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. [1886?] 8vo. Report respecting the Rackarock to be used in the explosion at Flood Rock. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Neif York Harbour, 1886. 8vo. B 2 ABBOT — ABEL. ABBOT, H. L., U.S. Army. Report upon experiments and investiga- tions to develop a system of Submarine Mines for defending the Harbors of the United States, etc. [Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 23.] Washington, 1881. 4to. Shock of the Explosion at Hallet's Point. Tract. Svo. vol. 406. [1876?] 8vo. Siege Artillery in the campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the 15-inch gun, including an algebraic analysis of the trajectory of a shot in its ricochets upon smooth water. [Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 14.] Neio TorJc, 1868. Svo. ABBOTSBURY RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic and Schedule of Maxi- mum Rates, etc. Land. 1891. folio. ABBOTT, A. V. Testing Machines ; their history, construction and use. Neio York, 1884. 12mo. ABBOTT, F., Lieut.-Col. Practical treatise on permanent Bridges for Indian rivers. 2nd edition. With a description of the use of wells for foundations, by Captain P. T. Cautley. Tract. Svo. vol 394. Agra, 1850. 8vo. (From the " Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal," 1839.) ABBOTT, W. The South Eastern Railway. A few facts on its management under Sir Edward Watkin, Bart., M.P., during the years from 1866 to 1888, and its prospects for the future, from a continuance of a system of " supreme authority." Tract, ito. vol. 112. Lond. 1888. 4to. ABDANK-ABAKANOWICZ, Br. Les integraphes. Etude sur un nouveau systeme d'integrateurs mecaniques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 429. Paris, 1886. 8vo. ABEL, C. D. The action of the Patent Laws in promoting invention. Tract. Svo. vol. 139. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Rudimentary and elementary principles of the Construction and working of Machinery. (Atlas of plates.) Lond. 1860. 8vo. and 4to. ABEL, C. D., and Imray, J. Patents, designs and trade marks, British and foreign. Lond. 1886. 8vo. ABEL, Sir F. A. Accidental Explosions produced by non-explosive liquids. Tract. Svo. vol. . Lond. 1885, 8vo. Address as President of the British Association. Tract. Svo. vol. 497. Leeds, 1890. 8vo. Address delivered at the opening of the session of the Society of Arts. Tract. Svo. vol. 395. Lond. 1884. Svo. [Another edition.] Tract. Svo. vol. 408. Lond. 1885. Svo. Les agents explosifs appliques dans I'industrie. Traduit par G. Richard. Tract. Svo. vol. 343. Paris, 1881. Svo. ABEL ABEKDEEN. €> ABEL, Sir F. A. — continued. Final report on Experiments bearing upon the question of the condition in which Carbon exists in Steeh Tract. 8vo. vol. 391. Lond. 1885. 8vo. The Flashing Test for Petroleum. Tract. Svo. vol. 433. Manchester, 1883. 8vo. Hardening, etc., of Steel. Report on further experiments. Tract. Svo. vol. 437. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Mining Accidents and their prevention : with discussion by leading experts. Also the United States, British and Prussian laws regulating the working of coal mines. New YorJc, 1889. Svo. On Accidental Explosions. Tract. Svo. vol. 435. Woolwich, 187 5. 8vo. On recent investigations and applications of Explosive Agents. Tract. Svo. vol. 225. Edinburgh, 1871. Svo. (From the " Proceedings of the British Association.") Presidential address delivered at the meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, May 6, 1891. Tract. Svo. vol. 522. Lond. 1891. Svo. Report ... on the results of investigations ... on the appli- cation of Electricity ... to the Explosion of Gunpowder. 1861. See Wheatstone, iSir C, and Abel, Sir F. A. Researches on Explosives. 1875. See Noble, W. H., and Abel, Sir F. A. Smokeless Explosives. Tract. Svo. vol. 490. Lond. 1890. Svo. (Read before the Royal Institution.) The work of the Imperial Institute, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 445. Lond. 1887. Svo. ABEL, Sir F. A., and Deering, W. H. Notes on the condition in which Carbon exists in Steel. Tract. Svo. vol. 466. Lond. 1883. Svo. (From the Journal of the Chemical Society.) ABEL, N. H. Oeuvres completes. 2 vols, in 1. Christiania, 1881. 4to. ABELL, W. P. The Automatic "Megass Firemen." Tract. Svo. vol. 505. Demerara, 1892. Svo. ABERCARNE COLLIERY. Report of the Commissioners sent down by the Government to watch the Abercarne [Colliery Ex- plosion] Inquest, etc. Lond. 1879. folio. ABERCROMBIE, C. Report respecting a new line of road from Hamilton to Elvanfoot. Tract, ito. vol. 4. Glasgow, 1813. 4to. ABERCROMBY, Hon. R. Principles of Forecasting by means of Weather Charts. Lond. 18S5. Svo. ABERDARE CANAL. Act. Lond. 1793. folio. ABERDEEN. — Boijal Infirmary. Description of designs, plans and bird's-eye view of the proposed enlargement. Tract. 4to. vol. 106. [1887?] 4to B 2 4 ABERDEEN — ABNEY. ABERDEEN, Steamer. Report on an explosion on board the Steamer "Aberdeen," 1 March, 1884, by Major Cundill. Lond. 1884. folio. ABERDEEN HARBOUR. Amended Act, and act for improvement of Aberdeen Harbour. Land. 1810-29. folio. Evidence of proceedings in the committee of the House of Commons in regard to the Aberdeen Harbour Bill. Aberdeen, 1839. 8vo. Minutes of e^ddence taken before the Committee of the House of Commons, session 1828, on the Aberdeen Hai-bour Bill; with the speeches of counsel, etc. Aberdeen, 1828. 8vo. Reports by Smeaton, Rennie and Telford upon the Harbours of Aberdeen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 400. Aberdeen, 1834. 8vo. ■ Report by the Harbour Engineer on the Propriety of extending the North Pier and on the improvement of the Harbour Entrance. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. Aberdeen, 1876. 8vo. ABERDEEN MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. Catalogue of the library. Tract. 8ro. vol. 121. Aberdeen, 1854. 8vo. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1893-94, etc. Aberdeen, 1893, etc. 8vo. ABERDEENSHIRE CANAL. Act, amended act, and act for raising money. Lond. 1796, 1809. folio. ABERDOVEY. Plan of Aberdovey deviation. Aberdoveij, 1865. 12mo. ABERGr, E. Irrigacion y eucalyptus. Buenos Aires, 1874:. 8vo. ABERNETHY, J. Remarks on certain poi'tions of the supplementary report of the Royal Commission on Harbours of Refuge. Tract, folio, vol. 7. Lond. 1859. folio. Report to the trustees of Birkenhead Docks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 218. Liverpool, 1850. 8vo. River Ouse Improvement. Report. Lond. 1876. folio. ABERNETHY, J. P. The modern Service of Commercial and Rail- way Telegraphy, in theory and practice. 6th edition, enlarged. Cleveland, Ohio, 1887. 8vo. ABERT, J. J., Col. Report on the Canal to connect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the city of Baltimore. Tract. 4:to. vol. 74. Washington, 1874. 4to. ABERYSTWITH AND WELSH COAST RAILWAY. Plans and sections. [ ] 12mo. ABNEY, W. de W., Ca2)t. Cantor lectures on Photography and the Spectroscope. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Cantor lectures on recent advances in Photography. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Instruction in Photography. Tract. 8vo. vol. 220. Chatham, 1871. 8vo. ABNEY — ACADEMIE. O ABNEY, "W. de W., Cajyt. — continued. Notes on the Chemistry of Building Materials, etc., being a synopsis of the course undertaken in the chemical laboratory at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. 3rd edition, etc. Chatham, 1888. Svo. Photography. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. I.] Land. 1878. 8vo. ABORN, F. Elementary Mechanical Drawing. Cincinnati, 1886. 8vo. ABRAM COLLIERY. Explosion. Report by A. Young. Lond. 1882. folio ABT, R. Das System Abt fur combinirte Adhiisions- und Zahnrad- bahnen, 1888. See Bock, F., and Abt, R. Die Construction der Zahnschienenbahnen. Tract. S-yo. TFttrzfcm-^ [1886?] 8vo. • Die drei Rigibahnen und das Zahnradsystem. Zurich, 1877. 4to Die Rhone-Bahn : ein Beitrag zur Losung der Simplon-Frage. Tract, folio, vol. 40. Wiirzburg, 1886. folio. • Die Rhone-Bahn Brig-Airolo. Tract, folio, vol. 41. Luzern, 1887. folio. Secundiirbahnen im Gebirge. Zahnradbahnen (System Riggen- bach), [Abdruck aus dem Handbuch fiir specielle Eisenbahn- Technik, herausgegeben von E. Heusinger v. Waldegg.] Tract. 8ro. vol. 482. [1878.] 8vo. Zahnradbahnbetrieb, Zahnstange und Zahnrad - Locomotive. Tract. 4/0. vol. 111. Luzern, 1888. 4to. ABT, R., and Neveu, A. Notice sur le projet de chemin de fer funicu- laire a cremaillere, systeme Abt, de Cauterets a La Raillere. Tract. 4to. vol. 111. Paris, 1883. 4to. ACADEMIA ESPANOLA. See Real Academia Espanola. ACADEMIA IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA. See St. Peters- BURG. — Academia, etc. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des seances. Vol. 1, (2, etc.). Paris, 1835, etc. 4to. Connaissance des temps au meridien de Paris, public par Ford re de I'Academie des Sciences. 30 vols. Paris, 1759-1815. 8vo. (Imperfect.) Discours prononces au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle sur le centenaire de M. Chevreul. Tract. 4:to. vol. 105. Paris, 1886. 4to. • Elements d'astronomie. Par M. Cassini. Paris, 1740. 4 to. Elements de la geometrie de I'inlini. Paris, 1729. 4to. Journal du voyage fait par ordre du Roi a I'equateur, servant d'introduction historique a la mesure des trois premiers degres du meridien. Par M. de la Condamine. Paris, 1751. 4to. 6 AOADEMIE. ACADl^MIE DES SCIENCES— coH//«HCf?. La mcridienne de I'obser- vatoire royal de Paris. Par M. Cassini de Thury. Paris, 1744. 4to. •^ Meinoires de I'lnstitut de France. 1816-1877. 41 vols. Paris, 1818-77. 4to. ]M(' moires de I'lnstitut National des Sciences et Arts, pour Fan iv de la rcpublique. Sciences, matheruatiques et physiques. 14 vols. Paris, 1799-1818. 4to. Mumoires de Mathematiques. (Tables gen. dcsmatieres.) 1699- 1790. 103 vols. Paris, 1732-1809. 4to. Memoires presentes a I'lnstitut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts par divers savans et lus dans ses assemblees. 25 vols. Paris, 1805-77. 4to. Mesure des trois premiers degres du meridien dans I'hemisphere austral. Par M, de la Condamine. Paris, 1751. 4to. Passage de Venus sur le soleil. 3 vols. Paris, 1877-78. 4to. • • Rapport sur les nouveaux precedes introduits dans I'art du doreur, par MM. Elkington et De Ruolz. Tract ito. vol. 38. (From the Comptes rendus.) Paris, 1842. 4tO. Tables astronomiques dressees et mises en lumicre par les ordres de Louis le Grand. Par M. de la Hire. Paris, 1735. 4to. • Tables astronomiques du soleil, de la lune, des planetes, des etoiles fixes, et des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne. Par M. Cassini. Paris, 1740. 4to. Traite physique et historique de I'aurore boreale. Par de Maizan. [Second edition.] Paris, 1754. 4to. ACADEMIE FRANgAISE. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Frangaise. [6th edition.] 2 vols. Paris, 1835. 4to. ACADEMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE. ■ Annuaires de I'Academie. 1836-76. Bruxelles, 183Q-7 6. 12mo. (Vols, for 1837, 52, 55, 59, and 65, missing.) • Bulletins de I'Academie. Vols. 1 to 23. Bruxelles, 1836-56. 8vo. (Vols. 5, 10 pt. 1, 17 pt. 2, 20 pt. 2, 21 and 22 pt. 1, are missing.) 2™'' serie. 50 vols. Bruxelles, 1857-80. 8vo. ■ Z"^" serie. Vol. 1, etc. Bruxelles, 1881, etc. 8vo. ■ Annexe aux bulletins. 1853-54. Bruxelles, 1854. 8vo. -. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de I'Academie Royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles. Tract. 8vo. vL 121. Bruxelles, 1842. 8vo. -^ Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. le Baron de Stassart, leguee a I'Academie Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1863. 8vo. Centieme anniversaire de fondation (1772-1872). 2 vols. Bruxelles, 1872. 8vo. Memoires. 4 vols. Bruxelles, 1777-83. 4to. ACADEMIE — ACHARD. 7 ACADEMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQU'E:— continued. Memoires couronnees par FAcademie. "Vol. 12, etc. Bruxelles, 1837, etc. 4to. (Title altered at vol. 15, 2nd part, 1843, to "Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangeres public- par, &c. ;" and again vol. 19, 1847, to "Memoires, &c., publie par I'Aca- demie royale des sciences, des belles lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique.") Nouveaux memoires de I'Academie. Vols. 10-47. Bruxelles, 1837, etc. 4to. (Title altered at vol. 20 to " Memoires, &c. des lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique.") Memoires couronnees par I'Academie et autres memoires. Vol. 1, etc. Bruxelles, 1840, etc. 8vo. ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Atti. Serie terza. Transunti. 8 vols. Boma, 1877-84. 4to. Memorie ... 19 vols, in 10. Boma, 1877-84. 4to. Atti. Serie quarta. Rendiconti. Vol. 1, etc. Boma, 1885, etc. 4to. Memorie . . . Vol. 1, etc. Boma, 1885, etc. 4to. ACCADEMIA PONTIFICIA DE' NUOVI LINCEI. Atti. Vol. 33 (pt. 1) and vol. 34, etc. Boma, 1880, etc. 4to. (Imperfect. Parts wanting in vols. 35, 43-45.) Atti . . . Serie iniziata per ordine della S. D. N. S. Pape Leone XIII. 6 vols. Boma, 1887-90. 4to. ACCRINGTON. Form of Tender, specifications, conditions 'and bill of quantities for the construction of Public Abattoirs . . . for the Accrington Corporation. Accrington, 1889. 4to. ACCUM, F. A practical Treatise on Gaslight. . . . With remarks on the utility, safety, and general nature of this new branch of civil economy. 2nd edition. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Description of the process of manufacturing Coal-gas : with eleva- tions, sections, and plans of the most approved sorts of apparatus, etc. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 2nd edition. Land. 1820. 8vo. ACHARD, A. De la transmission et de la distribution des forces motrices a grande distance. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Description d'une roue hydraulique avec arbre en tole. Tract. 8vo. vol. 231. Paris, 1872. 8vo. Une distribution municipale de force motrice. Tract. 8vo. vol. 496. Paris, 1891. 8vo. La securite publique sur les chemins de fer et dans les usines a vapeur par I'embrayage 61ectrique. Tract. 8vo. vol. 182. Grenohle, 1861. 8vo. Public Security on Railways, and in factories where steam-power is applied, by means of the " embrayage electrique." Tract. 8v >. vol. 182. 1862. Svo. Travaux publics. La distribution de I'eau et de la force motrice a Geneve. Tract. 4to. vol. 117. Pans, 1890. 4to. O ACHARD — ADAM. ACHARD, F. K. A. [A Biography of Achard. From the " Allge- meino Biographic."] (M.S.) Tract. Svo. vol. 449. Berlin, 1887. 8vo. ACLAND, C. T. D. Railway Rates. Tract. 8vo. vol. 435. [Lond. 1887.] 8vo. (An extract from the "Contemporary Revlew."J ACLAND, Dr. H. W. Memoir on the Cholera at Oxford in the year 1854. Lond. 1850. 4to. ACREFAIR, N. Wale>^. Report on Boiler Explosions, Acrefair, North Wales, New British Iron Co.'s Works. Lond. 1882. folio. ACWORTH, W. M. The Railways of England. Lond. 1889. 8vo. The Railways of Scotland : their present position. With a glance at their past and a forecast at their future. With a map. Lond. 1890. 8vo. The Railways and the Traders : a sketch of the railway rates question. Lond. 1891. 8vo. ADAIR, S., Baron Wavenei/. The Defence of London : an address delivered at the Royal United Service Institution, July 13th, 1860. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [I860.] 8vo. The Defences of Portsmouth : a lecture delivered at the Royal United Service Institution. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [I860.] 8vo. The Lines of London : defences by works and manoeuvre in the field. With an Appendix. Tract. 8vo. vol. 132. [1862.] 8vo. A Memoir on the defence of East SujQfolk. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [I860.] 8vo. Militia sketch maps. 3 folding in 8vo. Lond. 1855. 8vo. The Militia of the United Kingdom ; with suggestions for the permanent organization of the force. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [18591] 8vo. The national Defences and Organization of the Militia of the United Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [18591] 8vo. The Organization and Duties of the Militia of the United Kingdom, considered with reference to invasion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 128. Lond. [1858?] 8vo. ADAM, Robert. Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian, at Spalatro, in Dalmatia. Lond. 1764. folio. ADAM, Robert and J. The works in Architectui-e of R. and J. Adam, etc. [Two vols, bound in one. English and French.] Lond. 1778-9. folio. ADAM, Robert. Report respecting the financial affairs of the Edin- burgh and district Water Trust. Tract, folio, vol. 26. Edinhurgh, 1879. folio. ADAM, W. The gem of the Peak ; or Matlock Bath and its vicinity. An account of Derby, etc. 3rd edition. Lond. 1843. 8vo, ADAMS — ADAMS. 9 ADAMS, C. F., jun. Notes on Railroad Accidents. New Yorl; 1879. 12mo. Railroads, their origin and problems. Keto York, 1879. 8vo. The Regulation of all Railroads through the state ownei'ship of one. Tract. Svo. vol. 485. Buxton, 1873. 8vo. ADAMS, E. The Polychromatic Ornament of Italy. Part I. Land. [1849.] 4to. ADAMS, G. An essay on Electricity ; to which is added an essay on Magnetism. Lond. 1784. 8vo. Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of the Mathematical Instruments used in geometry, civil and military surveying, levelling and perspective, etc. Corrected and enlarged by W. Jones. 3rd edition. Lond. 1803. 8vo. ADAMS, H. Apparatus for Weighing. Tract. 8vo. vol. 497. [1889.] 8vo. Designing Wrought and Cast Iron structures. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Handbook for Mechanical Engineers. 2nd, (3rd) edition. Lond. 1891, 93. 8vo. Hydraulic machinery, past and present. Tract. 8vo. vol. 362. Lond. 1880. 8vo. Inaugural address as President of the Society of Engineers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 497. • Lond. 1890. 8vo. Joints in Woodwork. Tract. Svo. vol. 361. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Notes on Mechanical Engineering. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Opening address as President of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, Session 1889-90. Tract. Svo. vol. 497. Lo7id. 1890. Svo. Strains in Ironwork. Lond. 1884. Svo. The Strength of Iron and Steel. Tract. Svo. vol. 495. Lond. 1887. Svo. Timber Piling, in foundations and other works. Tract. Svo. vol. . (Proceedings, Society of Architects.) Lond, 1891. 8vo. The use and care of Chains for lifting and hauling. Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Land. 1887. Svo. ADAMS, J. The Elements of the Ellipse, together with the radii of curvature, etc., relating to that curve ; and of centripetal and centrifugal forces in elliptical orbits ; to which is added the first of Dr. M. Stewart's tracts. Tract. Svo. vol. 30. Lond. ISIS. Svo. ADAMS, J. C. An explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of disturbances caused by a more distant planet. Tract. Svo. vol. 190. Lond. 1846. Svo. ADAMS, J. Q. Reports upon Weights and Measures. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo. 10 ADAMS — ADAMSON. ADAMS, J. R. Dulwich College and the Endowed Schools' Commis- sioners. Tract. 8ro. vol. 229. Lond. 1873. 8vo. ADAMS, J. W. Aniericau Interoceanic Ship Canals. Tract. 8w. vol. . New YorJc, 1870. 8vo. (Trans. Aui. Soc. Civil Engineers, 1870.) Interoceanic Canal Projects. Discussion. Tntci. 8vo. vol. 451. New Ym-h, 1880. 8vo. (Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Kngineers.) lleport to the trustees of the Petroleum Light Company, on petroleum as fuel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 287. Neiv York, 1865. 8vo. Sewers and Drains foi' populous districts, with rules and formulte for the determination of their dimensions, etc. New Yorlc, 1880. 8vo. ADAMS, "W. Solar Heat a substitute for Fuel in tropical countries, for heating steam boilers and other purposes. Bombay, 1878. 8vo. ADAMS, W. B. English pleasure Carriages ; their origin, history, varieties ; with an analysis of the construction of common roads and railroads. Lond. 1837. 8vo. Railway practice and railway possibilities as affecting dividends and safety, with (diagrams of engines, trains, and brakes. Tract. 8vj. vol 166. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Road Progress ; or amalgamation of railways and highways for agricultural improvement and steam farming, in Great Britain and the Colonies, Tract. 8vo. vol. 117. Lond. 1850. 8vo. The construction and duration of Permanent Way of Railways in Europe, and the modifications most suitable to Egypt, India, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 500. Lond. 1854. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) ADAMS, W. G. Cantor lectures on the scientific principles involved in Electric Lighting. Lond. 1881. 8vo. The Alternate-Current Machine as a Motor. Tract. 8vo. vol. 410. [1884.] 8vo. Inaugural address, delivered as President of the Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians for 1884. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. [Lond. 1884.] 8vo. On the application of Screw Blades as floats for paddle-wheels. Tract. 8vo. vol. 158. [Lond. 1865.] 8vo. On the application of the principle of the Screw to the Floats of paddle-wheels. Tract. 8vo. vol. 158. [Lond. 1865.] 8vo. ADAMS, "W. H. D. Lighthouses and Lightships. New edition. Lond. 1878. 8vo. ADAMSON, D. On High Pressure Steam generally, and its appHca- tion to quadruple engines. Tract. 8vo. vols. 250 and 463. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875. 8vo. On some of the Properties of Puddled Iron, ingot iron, and steel, for constructive purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 413. Mancliester, [181 b'(\ 8vo. ADAMSON — ADELAIDE. 11 ADAMSON, D. On the mechanical and other properties of Iron and mild Steel. Tract. Svo. vol. 413. Manchester, 1878. 8vo. ADAMSON, Hev. J. Sketches of our information as to Railroads : also an account of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 294. Neivcastle, 1826. 8vo. AD AN, M. E. Le calendrier. Tract. 8vo. vol. 367. Bruxelles, 1879. 8vo. ADCOCK, H. A letter by H. Adcock to the mine proprietors of Great Britain and Ireland, on his Spray Pump. Tract. Svo. vol. 78. ' BirmingJiam, 1846. 8vo. ADCOCK, T. Engineers' pocket-book for 1861 (1863, 1865, 1867-75, 1886-88). Land. 1861-88. 12mo. ADDENBROOKE HOSPITAL, Cambridge. Act for establishing Addenbrooke Hospital, Cambridge. Land. 1767. folio. ADDIS, F. H. Self-sustaining pulley-block and buckle. [Description in manuscript and drawing.] Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Bajputatia, 1890. Svo. ADDIS, H. B. The Battle of the Gauges : being a cojjy of a letter addressed to the " Times of India," 2nd December, 1870. Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Allahabad, 1873. 8vo. ADDIS, W. J. Map of Bombay. Bombay, 1866. folio. Specifications and comparative statements of patent single, doul^le, and treble-headed Rails for railways, combining longitudinal sleeper and fishplate. Tract, folio, vol. 11. Lond. 1868. folio. ADDY, J. The parts of Holland and Bedford Level water-supply. Tract. Svo. vol. 4:96. Stamford, 187 S. 8vo. Proposed Nottingham, Stamford, and Huntingdon Railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Stamford, 1882. 8vo. Report on the Drainage of Peterborough. Tract. Svo. vol. 236. Peterborough, 1874. 8vo. Water Supply for the borough of Peterborough. Tract. Svo. vol. 249. Peterborough, 1874. 8vo. ADELAIDE. Drainage of the city of Adelaide. (Official Report.) Adelaide, 1878. folio. Proposed North Adelaide Reservoir. Adelaide, [1878.] folio. Railway Bridge Plans to Morphett Street Bridge. Adelaide, 1882. folio. Reports by Messrs. Brown and Clark on Water Supply and Water Works. Adelaide, 1877-78. folio. Sewers Act . . . together with rules and regulations. Adelaide, 1878-82. 4to. Telegraphs. Plan of the Adelaide and Port Darwin Line. Adelaide, 1871. Jubilee International Exhibition, 1887. Proclamation, list of officers, &c. Tract. Svo. vol. 420. Lo7id. 1886. Svo. 12 ADELAIDE — ADMIRALTY. ADELAIDE -PHTLOSOPHTCAL SOCIETY. Transactions, pro- ceedings, and report for 1877-1880. 3 vols, in 2. N Adelaide, 1878. 8vo ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY. Calendar for . . . 1888, (1889, etc.) Adelaide, 1888, etc. 8vo. ADEN. Three hours in Aden ; a short descriptive account of the settlement, for the use of passengers, etc. Bomhay, 1891. 8vo. ADENAW, A., and Kaven, A. von. Die Baracken-lazarethe des Yereins fiir den Regierungs-bezirk Aachen im Kriege 1870-1871. Tract. Svo. vol. 232. Aachen, 1872. 8vo. ADGER, J. B. Report on the trial of the " City of Fall River." 1884. See Sague, J. E., and Adger, J. B. ADHEMAR, A. d', Count. Traito pratique de la construction des tramways, chemins de fer a chevaux, dits chemins de fer americains. Tract. Svo. vol.283. Pans, [I860?] 8vo. ADIE, A. J. On the Expansion of different kinds of Stone from an increase of temperature, with a description of the pyrometer used in making the experiments. Tract, ito. vol. 38. Edinburgh, 1835. 4to. (From the Trans. Royal Society of Edinburgh.) ADLER, M. N. The Temple of Jerusalem : with a report of the remarks of . . . Sir Charles Warren. Tract. Svo. vol. 433. Lond. 1887. 8vo. ADLEY, C. C. Anglo-Indian Telegraphs, or communication with London in six hours. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Calcutta, 1854. 8vo. The Electric Telegraph : its history, theory, and practical appli- cations. Tract. Svo. vol. 500. Lond. 1854. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) The Last Chance Silver Mining Company of Utah. Report to the shareholders. Tract. Svo. vol. 273. Neiv York, 1877. 8vo. The Port of Calcutta : with special reference to the late Cyclone. Tract. Svo. vol. 154. Lond. 1864. 8vo. The story of the Telegraph in India. Lond. 1866. 8vo. ADMIRALTY. Admiralty administration : its faults and its defaults. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Catalogue of charts, plans, views, and sailing directions, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 387. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Catalogue of the library of the Admiralty. Lond. 1858. 8vo. [Another edition.] Lond. 1875. 4to. ■ A collection of all such Statutes and parts of Statutes as in any way relate to the Admiralty, Navy, and ships of war, and other incidental matters. Lond. 1742. 4to. Chain cables, mooi'ing chains, On the phcenomena of Newton's Rings when formed between two transparent substances of different refractive powers. Tract. Svo. vol. 101. Cambridge, 1832. 8vo. (From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.) On the position of the Ecliptic, as inferred from observations with the Cambridge transit and mural circle made in the year 1834. Tract. Uo. vol. 101. 1835. 4to. On the preparations to be made for observation of the Transit of Venus, 1882, December 6. Tract. Svo. vol. 432. Lond. 1880. Svo. (From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) On the probable condition of the Interior of the Earth. Tract. Svo. vol. 432. 1878. 8vo. (From the Transactions of the Cumberland Association.) On the Regulator of the Clock-woi*k for effecting uniform move- ment of Equatorials : and supplement. Tract, ito. vol. 102. •1840. 4to. On the results of recent calculations on the eclipse of Thales and eclipses connected with it. Tract. Svo. vol. 432. 1853. 8vo. On the Strains in the interior of Beams. Tract, ito. vol. 48. [Lond.] 1862. 4to. (From the Philosophical Transactions for 1862.) On the Strains in the interior of Beams and Tubular Bridges. Tract, ito. vol. 103. Lond. 1862. 4to. (From " The Athenajum.") On the substitution of methods founded on ordinary Geometry for methods based on the general doctrine of Proportions in the treatment of some geometrical problems. Tract, ito. vol. 102. Cambridge, 1858. 4to. 22 AIRY. AIllY, Sir G. B. — contlnnciJ. On the supposed possil>le effect of Friction in the Tides, in influencing the apparent acceleration of the moon's mean motion in longitude, and on a method of computing interpolations to the second order without changes of algebraical sign. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Land. 1866. 8vo. On the theoretical explanation of an apparent new Polarity of Light. Tract, ito. vol. 101. Lond. 1840. 4to. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) On the theoretical value of the Acceleration of the Moon's mean motion in longitude produced by the change of eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Lond. 1880. 8vo. (From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) On the Tides at Malta. Tract, ito. vol. 102. Lond. 1878. 4to. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) ■ On the Topography of the " Lady of the Lake." Tract. 8vo. vol. 431. Lond. 1873. 8vo. On the total Solar Eclipse of 1851, July 28. Tract. 8m vol. 432. 1851. 8vo. On the Transit of Venus, 1882, December 6. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Lond. 1864. 8vo. (From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) On the use of Silvered Glass for the mirrors of Reflecting Telescopes. Trad. ito. vol. 102. Cambridge, 1824. 4to. (From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.) On the Vibration of a Free Pendulum in an Oval differing little from a straight line. Tract, ito. vol. 102. 1851. 4to. On the Wave-lengths corresponding to Kirchhoff''s lines in the Solar Spectrum. Tract, ito. vol. 101. 1867. 4to. On the weights to be given to the separate results for Terrestrial Longitudes determined by the observation of transits of the moon and fixed stars. Tract, ito. vol. 101. 1850. 4to. Preparations for the observation of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8-9. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. [Lond.] 1874. 8vo. if From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) Proposed devotion of an Observatory to observation of the pheno- mena of Jupiter's Satellites. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Lond. 1872. 8vo. (From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) Reduction of the observations of Halley's Comet made at the Cambridge Observatory in the years 1835 and 1836. Tract, ito. vol. 101. 1847. 4to. Remarks on a correction of the Solar Tables required by Mr. South's observations. Tract, ito. vol. 101. Lond. 1827. 4to. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) ^ Remarks on Dr. Faraday's paper on Ray-vibrations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. 1846. 8vo. AIRY. 23 AIRY, Sir G. B. — continued. Remarks on Professor Challis's reply to Mr. Airy's objections to the investigation of the resistance of the atmosphere to an oscillating sphere. Tract. Svn. vol. 431. (From the Philosophical Magazine.) [iojiri.] 1841. 8vo. Remarks on Professor Challis's theoretical determination of the Velocity of Sound. Tract. 8vo. vol. 431. 1848. 8vo. • Report on Steam-boiler Explosions. Tract. Svo. vol. i'M. 1863. Svo. Results deduced from the measures of terrestrial Magnetic Force in the horizontal plane at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1841 to 1876. Tract, ito. vol. 102. Lond. 1885. 4to. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) Science and art. Tract. 4/0. vol. 103. Lond. 1874. 4to. (From "The Athenaium.") Six lectures on Astronomy, delivered at . . . Ipswich. Lond. 1849. Svo. [Syllabus of preceding.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Ipswich, 1848. Svo. Steam Navigation, etc. Lond. 1858. folio. Suggestion of a proof of the theorem that every Algebraic Equation has a root. (Supplement.) Tract, ito. vol. 102. Cambridge, 1859-60. 4to (From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.) Supplement to a paper on the Intensity of Light in the neighbour- hood of a Caustic. Tract, ito. vol. 101. Cambridge, 1848. 4to. (From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.) Syllabus of a course of three lectures on " Magnetical errors, compensations, and corrections, with special reference to iron ships and their compasses." Tract. 8vo. vol. 431. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Syphon Barometers. Tract, ito. vol. 103. Lond. 1861. 4to. (From "The Athenaeum.") The Transits of Venus, 1874 and 1882. On the preparatory arrangements for the observation of the transits. Tract. 8vo. vol. 432. Lond. [1880 ?] Svo. (From the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.) Trigonometry. On the figure of the Earth. Tides and waves. (From the Encyclopedia Metropolitana.) [1850 ?] 4to. University of Cambridge. Syllabus of lectures on Magnetism. 1869. Easter term. Tract. 8vo. vol. 431. Lond. & Cambridge, 1869. Svo. AIRY, W. Iron Arches : the practical theory of the continuous arch. Tract. 8vo. vol. 206. Lond. 1870. Svo. The Scoop-Wheel : remarks on the construction of the course, and designs for a new and improved scoop-wheel. Tract. 4S'/V J. Existing and projected Telegi*aph Routes to India considered. Tract. 8vo. vol. 262. Lond. 1886. 8vo. Some observations upon the sources of errors in practical Telegraphy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 295. [Lond.] 8vo. (Heprinted from the "Electrician.") Statement of services performed by Sir J, Anderson. Tract. 8vo. vol. 240. . Land. 1873. 8vo. Statistics of Telegraphy. Zand. 1872. Svo. (Read before tlie Statistical Society.) The Strength of Materials and Structures. Lond. 1872. 8vo. System of National Defence. Tract. 8vo. vol. 120. Edinburgh, 1853. 8vo. ANDERSON, J. C, and Fife, J. E. Report on the Upper Godavery works. 1866. See India. — Godavaei, Biver. ANDERSON, J. W. The Prospector's Handbook. 2nd edition. Lmd. 1887. 8vo. D 2 36 ANDERSON — ANDRAUD. ANDERSON, R. Lightning Conductors — their history, nature, and mode of application. Loud. 1879. 8vo. [Third edition.] Land. 1885. 8vo. On Lightning Conductors and accidents l)y lightning. Tract. 8vo. vol 308. Loud. 1878. 8vo. ANDERSON, T. Report on the i-efuse matters of the St. Rollox Works and their ell'ect on the water of the River Clyde. Tract. 8vn. vol. 314. Glasgoiv, 1865. 8vo. ANDERSON, T. and Bateman, J. F. Report on the means of de- odorising the Sewage of Glasgow. Tract. 8v(). vol. 105. Glas(joio, 1858. 8vo ANDERSON, W. London Bridge. 1823. See Tyrrell, C, and Anderson, W. ANDERSON, W., Col. Sketch of the mode of manufacturing Gun- powder at the Ishaphore Mills in Bengal. With notes and additions by Lieut. Col. Parlby. Lond. 1862. 8vo. ANDERSON, W., F.B.S., M.Inst.C.E. Howard lectures on the Con- version of Heat into useful work. Tract. 8vo. vol. 412. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Hydraulic Machinery. Lectures. Chatham, 1880. folio. Hydro-pneumatic gear for siege and heavy Ordnance. Lond. 1885. 8vo. On Hydraulic Machinery for obtaining small motive power. Tract. 8vo. vol. 327. Buhlin, 1871. 8vo. (From the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland.) On new applications of the mechanical properties of Cork to the arts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. Lond. 1866. 8vo. On Railway Bridges of small span, and cross beams of railway bridges. Tract. 8vo. vol. 157. Diiblin, 1866. 8vo. (From the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland.) On the Conversion of Heat into Work : a practical handbook on Heat-Engines. . Lo7id. 1887. 8vo. . Second and enlarged edition. Lond. 1889. 8vo. On Water SuiDplies suited to Farms and Villages. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. Lond. 1887. 8vo. The practical application of the modern Theory of Heat to the Steam Engine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 427. Warrington, 1886. 8vo. ■ The Revolving Purifier for treatment of potable waters by means of metallic iron. [Lund. 1891.] folio. ANDES. Some particulars with reference to the concession for the construction of the Great Andino- Argentine Railway. Tract, ito. vol. 82. Lond. 1879. 4to. See also Argentine Republic. [Bailways.] ANDRAUD, — . De I'air comprime et dilate comme moteur. Seconde edition, augmentee d'une partie experimentale. Paris, 1890. 8vo. ANDRE — ANDREW. 37 ANDRE, F. F. Andre, 1847-1888: sa A'ie, ses ceuvres. Avec une notice biographicjue par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1889. 8vo. ANDRE, G. Gr. A descriptive treatise on Mining Machinery, tools, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1877-78. 4to. A pi'actical treatise on Coal Mining. 2 vols. Lond. 1875-76. 4to. Rock Blasting : a pi'actical treatise, etc. Lond. 1878. Svo. ANDREE, R. Allgemeiner Handatlas. [Bielefeld,] 1881. folio. ANDREOSSY F., General. Constantinople et le Bosphore de Thrace, pendant les annees 1812, 1813, et 1814, et pendant I'annee 1826. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1828. Svo. and 4to. Histoire du canal du Midi, connu prccedemment sous le nom de canal de Languedoc. Paris, 1799. Svo. [Another edition.] 2 vols. Paris, 1803. 4to. ANDREW, Sir W. P. The advance of Russia. With an appendix containing remarks on the canals and resources of Babylonia and European colonisation, by Dr. A. Sprenger. Tract. Svo. vol. 426. Lond. 1886. Svo. Break of Gauge in India. Reports by Messrs. John Fowler, John Hawkshaw, George P. Bidder, and Guilford L. Molesworth, etc. [Edited by W. P. Andrew.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 221. Lond. 1872. Svo. 2nd edition, containing a further report by Lieut.-Col. J. P. Kennedy, R.E. Tract. 8w. vol. 227. Lond. 1873. Svo. The Bolan and Khyber Railways. Tract. Svo. vol. 302. Lond. 1879. Svo. The Euphrates route to India. Letters addressed to the British and Turkish governments, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 210. Lond. 1871. Svo. The Euphrates Valley Railway. Letters addressed to Her Majesty's Secretaries of State. Tract. Svo. vol. 195. Lond. 1S70. Svo. The Euphrates Valley Route to India. A paper read liefore the British Association. Tract. Svo. vol. 227. Lond. 1873. Svo. The Euphrates Valley Route to India. An examination by two travellers of the Memoir published by Mr. W. P. Andrew. Tract. Svo. vol. 442. Lond. 1857. Svo. The Euphrates Valley Route to India in connection with the Central Asian question. A lecture, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 462. Lond. 1873. Svo. India and her Neighbours. Lond. 1878. Svo. — Indian Railways as connected with British empire in the East. Lond. 1884. Svo. The Indus and its provinces, considered in connection with improved means of communication. Lond. 1857. Svo. Letter to the Secretary of State for India on the Euphrates Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 11. Lond. 1867. folio. 410518 38 ANDREW — ANDREWS. ANDREW, Sir W. P. — conthmed. Letter to Viscount Palmerston on the Euphrates Valley Railway. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 442. Lond. 1857. 8vo. ■ Memoir of the Euphrates Valley Route to India ; with official correspondence. Lond. 1857. 8vo. On the completion of the Railway system of the Valley of the Indus : a letter to His Grace the Duke of Argyll. Tract. 8vo. vol. 184. Lund. 1869. 8vo. Our Scientific Frontier. Lorid. 1880. 8vo. The Scinde Railway and its relations to the Euphiates valley and other routes to India. Land. 1856. 8vo. ANDREWS, E. B. and Ballatine, W. G. State of Ohio. Maps of grouped sections, second geological district, 1870. 1870. folio. ANDREWS, G. R. The rise and progress of Bournemouth, and the public works in connection therewith. Tract. 8vo. vol. 462. 1885. 8vo. ANDREWS, J., Capt. A letter to the directors of the Calcutta Railway Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 79. Lond. 1837. 8vo. ANDREWS, J. J. F. On Ship Caissons for dock basins and dry docks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. Lortd. 1891. 8vo. ANDREWS, T. The action of Tidal Streams on metals during diffusion of salt and fresh water. Lond. 1885. 8vo. ■ The effect of Chilling on the Impact Resistance of Metals. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 1890. 8vo. The effect of Temperature on Strength of Railway Axles. 3 pt. (Two vols, of Photographs.) Lond. 1886-91. 8vo. and folio. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Electro-chemical Effects on Magnetising Iron. 3 pt. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) [Land.] 1887-89. 8vo. Heat Dilatation of Metals from low Temperatures. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) [Land.] 1887 . 8vo. Observations on Pure Ice. Parts I. and II. Tract. 8vo. vol. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) Lond. 1890. 8vO. ' Observations on pure Ice and Snow. Tract. 8vo. vol. 437. Lond. 1886. 8vo. On Galvanic action between Wrought-iron, cast metals, and various steels during long exposure in sea-water ; corrosion of metals during long exposure in sea- water ; apjDarent lines of force on passing a current through water ; variations in the composition of river waters ; some curious concretion balls derived from a colliery mineral water. [Five papers in one vol.] Lond. 1875-85. 8vo. A paper on the Strength of wrought-iron Railway Axles, etc. Sheffield, 1890. 8vo. ANDREWS —ANNESLEY. 39 ANDREWS, T. — continued. The Passive State of Iron and Steel. 3 pt. Land. 1890-91. 8vo. -The relative electro-chemical positions of Wrought-iron, Steels, Cast Metal, etc., in Sea Water and other solutions. [Edinburgh,] 1887. 8vo. ■ Some curious Concretion Balls derived from a colliery mineral ■water. Head before the British Association. Tract. 8vo. vol. 338. 1879. 8vo. ANDREWS, W. D. Circuit Court of the United States, District of Massachusetts. Driven Wells. W. D. Andrews et al. : v. F. A. Kennedy. Depositions of J. C. Hoadley and C. R. Cross, Boston, 1882-84. Boston, 1882-84. 8vo. ANGELL, J., Elements of Magnetism and Electricity, with practical instructions. New edition. Lond. [1882.] 8vo. ANGELL, J. B. University of Michigan. Report as president to the Board of Regents. Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Ann Arhor, 1887. 8vo. The Higher Education : a plea for making it accessible to all. An address, June 26th, 1879. Tract. Svo. vol. 395. Ann Arbor. 1879. Svo ANGELL, L. Report on the Sewerage of the Borough of Portsmouth. Tract. Svo. vol. 133. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Sanitary Legislation and " local surveyors." Copy of correspond- ence with the Royal Sanitary Commission, the Home Secretary, and the Local Government Board, 1870-1. Tract. FoUd. vol. 14. Lond. [1871.] folio. Sanitary science and the Sewage question : a lecture. Lond. 1871. 8vo. ANGELL, S. An historical sketch of the Royal Exchange. Tract. Svo. vol. 216. Lond. 1838. Svo. ANGLIN, S. The Design of Structures : a practical treatise, etc. Lond. 1891. Svo. o ANGSTROM, C. A. Handbok for berakning och byggnad af turbiner och turbin-pumpar. 2 pt. (Atlas.) Tract. Svo. vol. 392. StocJi-holm, 1880. Svo. Om anviindning af hydrauliskt tryck sasom drifkraft for atskilliga i mekaniska verkstader och for jernhandteringen be- gagnade arbetsmaskiner. Tract. Svo. vol. 438. StocJcholm, 1886. Svo. ANKLAMM, G. Die Wasserwerke der Stadt Berlin am Tegeler See. Tract, folio, vol. 39. Berlin, 1886. folio. ANNABLE, W. On the Compression of Eluid Steel. Tract. Svo. vol. 466. (Iron and steel Institute.) [1882.] SvO. ANNANDALE, C. A concise Dictionary of the English language. Lond. 1886. Svo. ANNESLEY, W. A new system of Naval Architecture. Lond. 1822. 4tu. 40 ANONYMOUS. ANONYISIOUS. An account of the origin of Steam Boats, in Spain, Great Britain, and America ; and of their introduction and employment upon the river Thames, between London and Graves- end, to the present time. Trad. 8vo. vol. 55. Loud. 1831. 8vo. An account of the Proceedings in order to the discovery of the Longitude. . . . By a Member of the Royal Society [John Hai-rison]. Tract, ito. vol. 21. Loud. 1763. 4to. Account of the rise and progress of the present system of con- tracting for the conveyance of the Public Mails. Tract. 8vo. vol. 20i. [1847.] Svo. . Adhiision oder Zahnstange. Tract, folio, vol. Ai. 1888. folio. Agricultural Drainage : being an extract of the practical part of an essay which appeared in the Quarterly Review, No. 171. Tract. Svo. vol. 118. Lond. 1850. 8vo. L'album de la fabrique, guide international de I'acheteur en gros et annales de I'industrie et du commerce. Par L. B. 2 vols. Paris, 18G9-74. folio. All about the Telephone and Phonograph. Xonc?. [1883.] Svo. The Amalgamation of Railways considered as affecting the internal commerce of the country. Tract. Svo. vol. 458. Lond. 1846. 8vo. ■ — — American Catalogue of Books : or English guide to American literature, giving the full title of original works published in the United States since the year 1800. With especial reference to works of interest to Great Britain. Tract. Svo. vol. 386. Lond. 1856. Svo. Another Story of the Guns, or Sir E. Tennent and the Whitworth Gun. By the Eraser Reviewer. Lond. 1864. Svo. An appeal to the public on the right of using oil-cement or composition for Stucco, &c., containing provisoes in letters patent, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 74. Lond. 1778. Svo. Are we ready ? or a few facts regarding England's Navy. By an Old Salt. Tract. Svo. vol. 280. Lond. 1877. Svo. Around the World by steam via Pacific Railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 439. Lond. [1871.] Svo. The Artificial Clock -maker, a treatise of Watch and clock-work. [By W. Derham.] Lond. 1734. Svo. Astronomie et physique du globe. Tract. Svo. vol. 86. [Bruxelles, 1850.] Svo. (From the Bulletin de I'Academie Royale de Belgique.) The Atlantic Telegraph : a descriptive history. Lond. 1857. Svo. The Atlantic and South Atlantic Telegraphs. By a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Tract, Svo. vol. 119. Land. 1859. Svo. Atlas de choix, ou recueil des meilleures cartes de geographic. Paris [1862.] folio. ANONYMOUS. 41 ANONYMOUS. Battle of the Bridges ; Free trade, an appeal to the public. Tract. 8ro. vol. 338. Land. 1882. 8vo. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des amerikanischen Miihlenwesens und der Mehlfabrikation. Berlin, 1832. 4to. Biographia Britaniiica Literaria. Prospectus. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Lond. 1839. 8vo. The Bramah Lock controversy. Extracts from the Press. Tract. 8vo. vol. 99. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Die Bremsen fiir Eisenbahn-Fahrzeuge. Tract. 8vo. vol. 532. Wien, 1891. Bvo. Bricks and Brickmaking ; an historical, technical, and descriptive sketch. Birminrjliam, 1878. 8vo. Bridge to carry a single line of railway over an occupation road and a stream immediately under the road. Plate folding in 8vo. case. 8vo. Bridges. [A collection of photographs of various bridges and rail- ways abroad.] folio. Bridges. [Various engravings relating to bridges.] folio. British Catalogue. See London Catalogue. British Railways and Canals in relation to British trade and government control. By Hercules. Lond. [1885.] 12mo. ■ The bursting of a " bubble " ; or, the birth of a new era ; a national event, hourly expected at No. 12, "Westminster Hall. [On the introduction of railways.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 1. Lond. [1830 ?] 8vo. The Builders' Price-book, containing a correct list of the prices allowed l:)y most surveyors in London to the several artificers comiected with building, including the journeymen's prices. 9th edition. Tract. 8l-o. vol. 59. Lond. 1792. 8vo. A liuoyant float Paddle-wheel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 55. [MS. sketches.] (From the * Mechanics' Magazine.') Lond. 1837. 8vO. The Bryce-Douglas patent Valve Gear for marine and locomotive engines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 416. Glasgoio [1886.] 8vo. Canal. [The article " Canal " from Rees' Encyclopaedia.] [Lond. 1819 ?] 4to. [Collection of maps of English Canals and Navigations.] [ .] folio. Canals. [Materials for a history of Canals, including aqueducts and railways : consisting of MS. notes and newspaper cuttings.] [1835?] 4to. Carmina Barbarica Latine reddita. By an old Westminster. Lond. 1890. 8vo. Carnet de topographic conforme au cours de topographic professe a I'Ecole des Mines de Paris en 1880. 10 vols. Paris, [1880.] 8vo. 42 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. The case of tlie Railways considered, especially with reference to Railway Accidents, and the operation of Lord Camp- bell's Act. By a Shareholder. Tract. 8vo. vol. 127. Lond. 1852. 8vo. The case of the Window Duties. Tract. 8vo. vol. 85. Land. 1844. 8vo. Catalogue of current literature, containing the full titles of books now in print and on sale, with the prices, etc. Land. 1889. 8vo. Centrifugal Castings. Tract. Ato. vol. 109. 1883. 4to. Chemins de fer atmospheriques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 77. (From the " Moniteur Industriel.") Paris, 1844. 8vO. Les chemins de fer depuis la guerre. Tract. Svo. vol. 300. (From the " Revue (les Deux Moudes.") Paris, 1872. 8vo. Chemins de fer europeens. Recettes comparatives des annees, 1860 et 1861. (Lithographed.) 1862. Chemistry, theoretical, practical and analytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. By Writers of Eminence. 2 vols. Lond. [ .] 8vo. Cholera Morbus ; its causes, prevention, and cure, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 69. Lond. 1831. 8vo. The Civil Engineer. Being a collection of notices relative to chain and other iron bridges, tunnels, canals, harbours, etc. [1820 ?-40?] folio. Circular exhibit of the Nautilus Diving Bell. Tract. 4:to. vol. 69. Lond. [1858.] 4to. Classical instruction : its use and abuse. Tract. 8vo. vol. 178. (From The " AVestminster Review.") Loild. 1854. 8vO. The Coal Trade. Tract. 8vo. vol. 284. Lo7id. [1830.] 8vo. A collection of papers on Naval Architectui^e ; originally com- municated through the channel of the wrapper of the "European Magazine." 2 vols. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Colliery Explosions and the weather of 1885. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Manchester, 1886. 8vo. The complete Atlas of modern, classical, and celestial maps, etc. Lond. 1859. folio. A complete scientific and popular Treatise upon Perspective, with the theories of Reflection and Shadows. By a Pupil of J. P. Thenot. Lond. 1836. Svo. Compound Locomotives. Tract, folio, vol. 37. Lond. 1885. foHo. ■ A concise History of the origin and progress of Printing. Lond. 1770. Svo. The condition and treatment of the Children employed in the Mines and Collieries of the United Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 284. Lond. 1842. Svo. ANONYMOUS. 43 ANONYMOUS. Conferences, faites a, Ijord du vaisseau-ecole le Louis XIV. sur Temploi des torpilles pour la defense des ports. 1868. 4to. Construzione ed esercizio delle strade ferrate e delle tramvie. B(ma, 1888. foHo. Continuous Railway Brakes. By a Frequent Railway Traveller. Tract. 8vo. vol. 279. Lond. [IS7 7 1] 8vo. The conversion of English Timljer. Lond. [1886.] 8vo. (Timber-trade Handbooks, No. 1.) Conveyance upon Canals and Railroads compared. By Detector. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4. Lond. 1831. 8vo. Course of practical Geometry [as applied to the study of fortifica- tion]. [Chatham, 1885?] 8vo. The Currency : its laws, evils, and remedies, etc. By Publicola. Trad. 8ro. vol. 63. Lond. 1840. 8vo. The Currency laws and their operation, with suggestions for their amelioration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 119. Lond. [1848?] 8vo. Cursory thoughts on some natural phenomena bearing chiefly on the primary cause of the Succession of new Species, and on the unity of force. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. New Yoi-l; 1862. 8vo. Decimal Coinage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 139. [Lond. 1855.] 8vo. (From The Times.) Decimal Coinage : a short and easy method of changing the present currency into the decimal system. By a Retired Merchant. Tract. 8vo. vol. 119. Lond. 1854. 8vo. The Decimal System adapted to our present Coinage. By J. S. Tract. 8vo. vol. 202. Lond. 1857. 8vo. Decimalism. By a Commercial Traveller. Part I. Tract. 8vo. vol. 202. Lond. 1855. 8vo. De la navigation du Rhin, consideree dans ses rapports avec le royaume des Pays-Bas. Traduit de I'allemand. Tract. 8vo. vol. 24. Cologne, 1827. 8vo. De la necessite de creer des bibliotheques scientifiques industrielles, ou au moins d'aj outer aux bibliotheques publiques une division des sciences appliquees aux arts et a I'industrie. Tract. 8vo. vol. 97. Paris, 1847. 8vo. Derrick and Drill ; or an insight into the discovery, development, and present condition and future prospects of petroleum in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, etc. New Yo^-l; 1865. 12mo. [Description and plans of a Screw Steamer. In Swedish.] [ .] 8vo. Description de divers procedes pour extraire la sonde du sel marin. Tract. 4:to. vol. 68. Paris, [1794.] 4to. Description des phares existants sur le littoral maritime du globe. Nouvelle edition . . . avec un supplement general au 1"'' juillet, 1884. [By P. J. Coulier.] Puris, 1884. 8vo. 44 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. The description of a new universal Mici'oscope, which has all the uses of the simple, compound, opake, and aquatic microscopes ; also the improved solar micioscope with megala- scope, and a catalogue of all the principal microscopic objects. Tract. 8vo. vol. 57. Land. 1786. 8vo. A descriptive account of the mechanism, propeities, and com- parative advantages of the new Hydrostatic Ship. Tract. 8vo. vol. 26. Lond. 1815. Svo. Diamond Drill. Tract. Svo. vol. 233. iVew York, 1871. 8vo. — — Dictionary of Engineering terms, in German-English and English- German. Tract. Svo. vol. 183. Lond. [1869.] 8vo. (A Supplement to " The Engineer.") Dictionnaire polyglotte militaire et naval : fran^ais, allemand, anglais, neerlandais et japonais, etc. Nouvelle edition. (Atlas of Plates.) 2 vols. Totw [1881 ?] 8vo. Dictionnaire universel des synonymes de la langue fran^aise. 2 vols. Paris, 1822. 12mo. Les differents systemes de telephone et leur application. Tract. Ato. vol. 89. Paris, [1882.] 4to. The effects of Roads on Population. Tract. Svo. vol. 20. Lond. 1831. Svo. Electricity versus Gas. Tract. 4to. vol. 87 and Svo. vol. 308. [Lond.] 1877. 4to. and 8vo. The Elevation of Fluids. [An article reprinted from the Supple- ment to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.] Tract. Ato. vol. 27. [Lond. 1824.] 4to. Employment, Christmas 1869. Tract. Svo. vol. 178. Lond. 1869. Svo. Encyclopedic methodiqvie, ou par ordre de matieres ; par una Societe cle gens de lettres, de savants et d'artistes ; precede d'un vocabulaire universel, etc. 171 vols. Liege and Paris, 1782-92. 4to. (Incomplete.) Encyclopedie technologique, dictionnaire des arts et manufac- tures, description des precedes de I'industx'ie fran(;'aise et etrangere. 2 vols. Paris, 1845-47. Svo, The Engineer and Machinist's Assistant : a series of plans, sections, and elevations of stationary, marine, and locomotive engines, water wheels, spinning machines, tools, etc. • With detailed descriptions. New . . . edition. Glasgow, 1853. folio. The Engineer and Machinist's Drawing Book, . . . forming a pro- gressive series of lessons in drawing, and examples of approved construction. On the basis of the works of MM. Le Blanc and Armengaud. Glasgow, 1855. folio. Engineering Estimates, Cost, and Accounts : a guide to com- mercial engineering . . . By a General Manager. Lond. 1890. Svo. ANONYMOUS. 45 ANONYMOUS. The Engineering Plagiarist; or Dodd from Phillips exposed. Tract. Svo. vol. 91. Neiccastle, 1795. 8vo. Engineers and Officials : an historical sketch of the progress of " Health of Towns Works." Land. 1856. 8vo. The Engineer's Guide to the Royal and Mercantile Navies. By a Practical Engineer. 4th edition. Lond. 1866. 12mo. Engineers of the Royal Navy. Ti-act. Svo. vol. 219. Lond. 1859. 8vo. English and foreign Mining Glossary, to which ai*e added the smelting terms used in France, Spain and Germany. 3rd edition. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Epistemonie, ou tables generales d'indications des connaissances humaines. Tract. Svo. vol. 53. [1850?] 8vo. Ernstige gedachten over onze landsverdediging en ons budget in 1870 van Leonidas [P. J. de Quartel]. Tract. Svo. vol. 210. Utrecht, 1870. 8vo. — — An Essay on the many advantages accruing to the community, from the . . . Embellishments of great and capital Cities, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 216. Lond. 1754. 8vo. Every Farmer his own Land Surveyor : for the use of Emigrants. Lond. 1856. Svo. Experimental Proofs that the surface of standing water is not convex but horizontal. By Parallax. [J. Hampden.] Tract. Svo. vol. 194. Lond. 1870. Svo. The experiments used by a Captain of a Man-of-war, for promot- ing conversation by pictures, and other mediums. By a Person sent from the ships for that end. Tract. Svo. vol. 36. Lond. 1751. Svo. Explosives : a brief sketch of their history and use. Tract. Svo. vol. 527. [Lond. 1892.] Svo. Exposition of the real State of the Coal Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 284. Durham [1830.] 8vo. Facts and Scientific Opinions about Wood preserved by hydro- carbon oils. Trad. Svo. vol. 485. San Francisco, 1869. Svo. Facts concerning Armour. 1888. 8vo. ■ Facts for the times ! By B ■. No. 2. Railway finance. Tract. Svo. vol. . Lond. 1867. Svo. (From the " Pall Mall Gazette.") A few general Observations on the principal Railways executed, in progress, and projected in the Midland Counties and North of England. Lond. 1838. Svo. A few plain Reasons why the Gauge Commissioners' Report should receive legislative sanction. By One of the Public. Tract. Svo. vol. 260. Lond. 1846. Svo. The Finger-post ; or direct road from John O'Groat's to the Land's End : being a discussion of the Railway Question. By ? 1 ? Tract. Svo. vol. I. ^Lond. [1825.] Svo. 46 ' ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. FurtherResearchesinMathom.atic.il Science. Tract. 8ro. vol. 245. Bridgioater, 1875. 8vo. [Furniture. A series containing forty-four engravings, in colours, of fashionable furniture.] Loud. 1823. 4to. The Gatling Gun. Official reports of trials, description, general directions, targets, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 367. Hartford, Conn., 1878. 8vo. Gauge Question. Dialogues of the gauges. Tracts. 8vo. vols. 70 and 4:Q1. (From the " Railway Record.") Lorul. 18iQ. 8vo. General Classification of Goods by merchandise trains on railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 256. Land. 1874. 8vo. General Specifications for Iron Highway (and Railroad) Bridges and Viaducts. Tract, folio, vol. 37. New York, 1885. folio. Die Geschichte und Entwickelung des elektrischen Fernsprech- wesens. Tract. 8vo. vol. 329. Berlin, 1880. 8vo. Gleanings in Science ; contributions on various subjects, embrac- ing physical and economical inquiries pursued in India. 3 vols. Calcutta, 1829-31. 8vo. A Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 5th edition. 3 vols. Oxford and Lond. 1850. 8vo. God's Truth or Man's Science, etc. (What is the shape of a Level ? Are rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans flat or round, plane or spherical ?) [J. Hampden.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 194. Swindon, [1870.] 8vo. The grammar of House Planning : hints on arranging and modify- ing plans of cottages, street-houses, farm-houses, etc. By M. S. A. and M. R. A. S. Edinh. 1864. 8vo. Handbuch der Baukunde . . . Eine systematische und voll- stiindige Zusammenstellung der Resultate der Bauwissenschaften mit den zugehorigen Hiilfswissenschaften. Veranstaltet von den Herausgebern der Deutschen Bauzeitung und des Deutschen Baukalenders. In 3 Abtheilungen. I. Hiilfswissenschaften zur Baukunde. II. Baukunde des Architekten. III. Baukunde des Ingenieurs. Berlin, 1885, etc. 8vo. Health in country homes : the Disposal of Sewage. A series of articles reprinted from the Neio York Evening Post. Tract. 8vo. vol. 520. Neio York, [ .] 8vo. Hints to Steamship Owners in relation to the economy and efficiency of marine engines. By a Consulting Engineer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 327. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Histoire des torpilles. Tract. 8vo. vol. 271. Paris, 1877. 8vo. The history and description of Fossil Fuel, the collieries, and coal trade of Great Britain. By the author of the "Treatise on manufactures in metal " in the Cabinet Cyclopsedia \i.e. John Holland]. 2nd edition. Lond. 1841. 8vo. The history and philosophy of Earthquakes, By a Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin. Lond. 1757. 8vo. ANONYMOUS. 47 ANONYMOUS. The History of Inland Navigations ; particularly those of the Duke of Bridgewater, in Lancashire and Cheshire ; and the intended one in Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire. [By J. Brindley.] 2 parts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 95. Lond. 1766-69. 8vo. 3rd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 25. Lond. 1779. 8vo. Addenda, (Second addenda.) Tract, ito. vol. 58. 1793,94. Hiilfswissenschaften zur Baukunde : unter Mitwirkung von Fachnuinnern der verschiedenen Einzelgebiete, bearbeitet von den Herausgebern der Deutschen Bauzeitung und des Deutschen Baukalenders, etc. [Handbuch der Baukunde. Abt. I.] Berlin, 1885. 8vo. Human Industry ; or, a history of most manual arts, deducing the original, progress, and improvement of them, etc. Land. 1661. 12mo. Hydraulics. [Signed H. W.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 296. [ .] 8vo. Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom. By various well- know» Experts. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch. Herausgegeben von dem Verein "Hiitte." Berlin, 1887. 8vo. . . 15th edition. 2 vols. Berlin, 1892-93. 8vo. An Inquiry into the National Debt and Sinking Fund. By F. C. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Lond. 1856. 8vo. Instructions for the establishment of Benefit Building Societies. Tract. 8vo. vol. 180. Lond. i'838. 8vo. Instructions for the establishment of Friendly Societies. Tract. 8vo. vol. 180. Lond. 1838. 8vo. Instructions for the establishment of Parochial Societies for grant- ing Government Annuities. Tract. 8vo. vol. 180. Lond. 1837. 8vo. • Insulation for Submarine Telegraphy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 136. [Lond. 18601] 8vo. The interest of Great Britain in supplying herself with Iron impartially considered. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56. [ .] 8vo. An introduction to the present practice of Surveying and Level- ling, etc. By a Civil Engineer. Lond. 1846. 8vo. The " Iron Question " vindicated ; and the reviewers reviewed. By Observer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 196. Lond. 1857. 8vo. The Joint Education of the Artillery and Engineers injurious to the public service. By a Field Officer. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 229. Lond. 1873. 8vo. Key to Steam Engineering : a . . . catechism of the Steam Engine and Boiler . . . By W. R. B. Also the Combustion of Coal, chemically and practically considered. By H. S. AV. Boston, 1890. 8vo. 48 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. Lectures on Polarized Light, delivered l)efore the Pharmaceutical Society, etc. Land. 1843. 8vo. Letter from a young Oxonian, to one of his fellow pupils, upon the subject of Magnetism. Trad. 8j;o. vol. 3G. Loud. 1G97. 8vo. [Letter on Railroads and Canals. MS.] Tract. 4fo. vol. 36. [1825?] 4to. A Letter to a friend, containing observations on the comparative merit of Canals and Railways, occasioned by the reports of the Committee of the Liverpool and Manchester railway. By F. P. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4. Lond. 1832. 8vo. 2nd edition, with additions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 60. Lond. 1832. 8vo. Letter to James Caldwell, on Canals and Rail-roads. Tract. 8vo. vol. 503. Lond. 1825. A letter to Lord Dalhousie, submitting reasons for preferring the original recommendations of the Gauge Commissioners, to the recent proposals of the Board of Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 461. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Lighthouse Management. The Report of the Royal Commis- sioners on lights, buoys, and beacons, 1861, examined and refuted : by an Englishman. Tract. Svo. vol. 125. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Locomotive Adhesion. Remarks upon a Paper entitled " On the adhesion of locomotive engines, and certain expedients for in- creasing or supplementing that function," by a Member of the Society of Engineers. Tract. Svo. vol. 157. Lond. 1865. Svo. Logarithms of numbers from 1 to 10,000, calculated, stereo- moulded, and printed by machinery. Tract. Svo. vol. 103 [1850?] Svo. London Catalogue of Books, with their sizes, prices, and pub- lishers, containing the books published in London, and those altered in size and price, since the year 1814 to 1839. Lond. 1839. Svo. Supplement from 1846 to 1849. Lond. 1849. Svo. [Continued as :] The British Catalogue, 1837-49, compiled by Sampson Low & Co. Lond. 1858. Svo. [Continued as :] The English Catalogue ; comprising the contents of the " London " and the " British " catalogue, and the principal works published in the United States of America and continental Europe, with the dates of publication, in addition to the size, jDrice, edition, and publisher's name, from 1835, etc. Compiled by Sampson Low & Co. Lond. 1864, etc. Svo. Manuel des lois du batiment. Paris, 1863. Svo. Memoire explicatif sur un appareil dit avertisseur, ou signal d'arret des trains. Tract, ito. vol. 4:2. [1850?] 4to. ANONYMOUS. 49 ANONYMOUS. Memoire sur les ecluses des canaux et navigation. In MS. [ ] folio. Memoire sur un nouvean moyen d'emplir et de vider les ecluses, suivi de notes sur I'ecoulement des fluides. Considerations sur le developpement et la largeur a donner aux courbes des canaux. Par J. P. Gt. Tract, iio. vol. 51. Paris, 1825. 4to. Memoires sur la fortitication perpendiculaire. Par plusieurs Officiers du Corps Royal du Genie. Paris, 1786. 4to. Memoranda relating to the formation of the Bridges and the requisite Exercise of the Men. [Mihtary Pontoons.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 335. (Lithographed.) [1835?] 8vo. Metal Turning. By a Foreman Pattern-Maker. Lond. 1890. 8vo. Metropolitan experience of the unsuccessful results of the system of Pipe Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 105. Lond. 1852. 8vo. (From The Times of Sept. 29, 1852.) Minium compared with Lead-minium and other colours. Tract. 8vo. col. 126. Brussels, 1860. 8vo. Modern Villa and Cottage Architecture. [1850 ?] Oblong 4to. (Atlas only.) Le moniteur des architectes. [A series of plates only.] 4 vols. Tracts ito. vol. 59. Paris, [1850?] 4to. Narrow and wide Gauges considered ; also effects of competition and Government supervision. Tract. 8vo. vol. Lond. 1845. 8vo. Native Guano versus Sewer Water. A practicable plan, and where attainable, for cleansing and draining populous towns, without poisoning of rivers, or destroying all the best manure to use the worst. By a Scavenger. Tract. 8vo. vol. 105. Land. 1849. 8vo. New experiments touching the relation betwixt Flame and Air, and particularly betwixt air and the flamma vitalis of animals : to which are annexed two attempts ; the one, to produce living creatures in Vacuo Boyliano ; the other made upon gnats in the same vacuum. Tract. 8vo. vol. 35. [1704?] 8vo. A new map from the mouth of the Thames to the Severn. 1798. 8vo. The new pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and Enghsh languages. 2 parts. Lond. 1809. 12mo. Normen fiir einheitliche Lieferung und Priifung von Portland- cement. Tract. Ato. vol. 106. Stettin, 1887. 4tu. Notes on Art. British Sculptors. Sculpture and our public monuments. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Notes on Building and Road Making, with rules for estimating repairs to tanks and channels. 4th edition. Madras, 1856. 8vo. Notes on Building Construction : arranged to meet the require- ments of the Science and Art Department. [By Major Percy Smith.] 4 vols. Lond. 1879-91. 8vo. E 50 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. Notes on the application of Manganese bronze as a material for Steamship Propellers. Tract. 8»,'o. ml. 349. Lorid. [1883.] 8v. 8vo. On a new mode of Secret Writing. [By R. P.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 504. [Lond. 1829.] 8vo. On a new Projection of the Sphere. Investigation of the con- ditions under which a spherical surface can be projected on a plane, so that the representation of any small portion of the surface shall be similar in form to the original. Tract. 8vo. vol. 130. ^Lond. [I860.] 8vo. (From the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.) On national Defences, and on the war in Caffraria. By an Un- attached. Tract. 8m vol. 120. Lo7id. 1852. 8vo. On the alleged Decline of Science in England. By a Foreigner. Tract. 8vo. vol. 192. Lond. 1831. 8vo. ANONYMOUS. 51 ANONYMOUS. On the destructive effects of Red Lead upon the bottoms of iron and steel ships. Tract. Folio, vol. 43. [1872?] folio. ■ On the Dredging-machine. Tract. Svo. vol. 36. Lond. 1843. Svo. (From Weale's (.Quarterly I'apers on Engineering.) On the gnomic Projection of the Sphere. Tract. Svo. vol. 193. [1851.] Svo. On the introduction and progress of the Screw Propeller ; with statistics of the comparative economy of screw ships and paddle vessels for Her Majesty's service, etc. Greemoich, 1856. ito. On the Manufacture of Locomotives. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56. [1831.] Svo. On the Motion of Fluids in Pipes. Tract. Svo. vol. 103. [1850?] Svo. On the Organisation of Science : being an essay towards systematisation. By a Free Lance. Tract. Svo. vol. Lond. 1892. Svo. On the principles of Algebra. Tract. Svo. vol. IdS. [1848?] Svo. (Cuttings from the Meclianics' Magazine.) On the Selection of Projected Lines, with description of the Railway Scale. Tract. Svo. vol. 77. Lond. [lSi7 1] Svo. On the use of Mechanical Power, in draught on turnpike roads, with reference to the new system of Wood Paving. 2nd edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 201. Lo7id. 1842. Svo. On Tunnels and Inclined Planes as forming parts of railways. [By Investigator.] Tract, ito. vol. 36. [Manchester, 1830?] 4to. The Originator of the Electi'ic telegraph. Tract. Svo. vol. 308. [1870.] Svo. Ought the State to buy the Railways ? A Question for Every- body. By a Midland Shareholder. Tract. Svo. vol. Lond. 1873. Svo. (Reprinted, with aiWition?, from the " British Quarterly Review.") Our Roadways : by Viator. Tract. Svo. vol. 270. Lond. 1876. Svo. The Overseer's Manual : or, a guide to the Canelield and the Sugar Factory . . . New and enlarged edition. Demcrara, 1887. Svo. Patent Law and Practice : by a Practitioner. With a chapter on patent agents. Lond. 1871. 12 mo. Patent Law Reform. Tract. Svo. vol. 509. [Lond. 1893.] Svo. (Reprint from " Engineering.") Pattern Making : a practical treatise embracing the main types of Engineering Construction. By a Foreman Pattern-Maker. Lond. 1885. Svo. Personal recollections of English Engineers, and of the introduc- tion of the railway system into the United Kingdom. By a Civil Engineer. [F. R. Conder.] Lond. 1868. Svo. E 2 52 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. Petition against a Bill to amend the law relating to Copyright, which has been read a first time in the House of Commons. Tract. Svo. vol. G3. [1840 ?] 8vo. A philosophical Inquiry into the properties of Electricity. In a letter to a friend. Land. 1746. Svo. Plan for lessening Taxation Ly state Purchase of Hallways. By a Civil Engineer [J. Mitchell]. Land. 1860. 8vo. Plans for a Submarine Communication between England and France, 1858. Tract. Svo. vol. 115. Dublin, 1858. 8vo. A Plan for the Employment of Natural Forces, now allowed to go to waste, as a substitute for coal. By Indicator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219. Lond. 1871. Svo. Polytechnische Bibliothek. Verzeichniss der in Deutschland und im Auslande neu erschienenen Werke aus den Filchern der Mathe- matik und Astronomic, der Physik und Chemie, der Mechanik und des Maschinenbaues, der Baukunst und Ingenieurwissenschaft, des Berg- und Huttenwesens, der Mineralogie und Geologie. 1868— 78. 7 vols. Leipzig, 1868-78. 8vo. — — The Practical Builder's perpetual price-book ; with the customs of measuring and valuing, etc. Lund. 1825. 4to. Practical Carpentry, joinery, and cabinet-making ; being a new and complete series of lines for the use of workmen. Lond. 1826. 4to. The "Practical Engineer" Pocket Book and Diary, 1891, (1892, etc.) Edited [after 1892] by W. H. Fowler. Lond. 1891, etc. obi. 8vo. ■ Practical hints for levelling. By an Engineer. Tract. Svn. vol. 158. Lond. 1865. 8vo. Practical Masonry, Bricklaying, and Plastering . . . and practical treatises on slating, plumbing, painting, and glazing. Lond. 1830. 4to. Practical remarks on Cements, for the use of civil engineers, architects, builders, etc. [By a C. E. and F. G. S.] 2nd edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 15. Lond. 1832. 8vo. Practical rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass, caused by the iron in a ship. Tract. Svo. vol. 103. Loud. 1852. 8vo. [Another edition.] Tract. Svo. vol. 103. Lond. 1855. 8vo. - A practical treatise on the Steam Engine Indicator and indicator diagi-ams. By AMICE., enlarged by W. W. Beaumont. Lond. 1888. 8vo. - Practice with Science. A series of agricultural papers. 2 vols. Lond. 1867-69. 8vo. - Precis d'une nouvelle methode pour reduire a de simples procedes analytiques la demonstration des principaux theoremes de la geometric, et la degager des figures et constructions qu'on y a employes jusqu'a present. Par J. G. C[orancez]. Tract. 4to. vol. 77. Paris, 1798. 4to. ANONYMOUS. 53 ANONYMOUS. The Prevention of Panics : or suggestions for an economical system t)f national finance in connexion with the construction of public works. By a Civil Engineer. Tract. 8«o vol. 155. Lond. 1866. 8vo Prevention of Railway Accidents. By a Practical Engineer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 225. Kingston, 1853. 8vo. The proposal to place the Electric Telegraphs throughout the kingdom under the control of the Post OiEce is not novel, and was not first made by the Post Ofiiee. Tract, folio, vol. 40. 1868. folio. Proposals and inducements — for a . . . number of people to join in the purchase of . . . drein'd and derelict lands ; . . . most of these . . . having been under the same circumstances with those of Bedford Level, the history of that Level is annexed, etc. By R. S. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12. Lond. 1726. 8vo. Proposals at large, for the easy and effectual amendment of the Roads. By a Gentleman. Tract. 8vo. vol. 270 and .316. Lond. 1753. 8vo. Proposed standard rules for the uniform supply and testing of Portland Cement. MS. Tract. Folio, vol. 3d. " [1885 ?] folio. Protection to Home Industry. [Two pamphlets.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 483. Philadeljyliia, [1879.] 8vo. Public reasons against Rail-roads with Locomotive Motions. [With replies by William Cubitt.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 503. 1825. folio. Published official accounts of competitive trials of Steam Fire Engines. Tract, folio, vol. 11. 1862. folio. The Pursuit of Knowledge under difficulties ; illusti-ated by anecdotes [of men distinguished in philosophy, literature and art. Library of Entertaining Knowledge]. Land. 1830. 8vo. The Quadrature of the Circle. By Geometricus. Tract. 8vo. vol. 212. Liverpool, 1870. 8vo. The Question of the Gauges commercially considered by a Practical Man. Tract. 8i-o. vol. 461. Lond. 1846. 8vo. La question sanitaire. Tract. 8vo. vol. 452. Lond. 1886. 8vo. (From the " Eevue Internationale.") Railway passenger duty. Public meeting at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, London, March 16th, 1875. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Lond. 1875. 8vo. Railway Reform, its expediency and practicability considered. With a copious appendix, containing a description of all the rail- ways in Great Britain and Ireland ; fluctuations in the prices of shares ; statistical and parliamentary returns, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 470. Lond. 1843. 8vo. 3rd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 77. Lond. 1844. 8a'o. - Railway Traveller's reasons for adopting uniformity of gauge, addressed to I. K. Brunei, Esq. 3rd edition. Tract, ito. vol. 36. Lond. [1846?] 4to. 54 ANONYMOUS. ANONY]\IOUS. The Railway War. Competition, combination, or regulation? Tract, iivo. vol. 347. New Yorh, 1881. 8vo. (From tlie "New York Times.") Railways. [Various new.spapei' cuttings.] folio. Railways compared with Canals and Common Roads, and their uses and advantages explained ... by C. M. Tract. Svo. vol. 201. Edinburgh, 1825. Hvo. ' Railways, tlu'ir uses and management. Tract 8vo. vol. 228. Land. 1842. 8vo. Reuucil de planches sur les sciences, les arts liberaux et les arts mechani(|ues ; avec leur explication. [3rd edition.] 2 vols. Livourne, 1771-72. folio. Relatorio acerca da arborisa(;!ao geral do paix. Ltshoa, 1868. 8vo. Remarks on an arrangement of a IMarine Engine, emljodying im- portant impi'ovements in working when going at reduced speeds. With a description and plate of the three-cylinder disconnecting marine engine for the Russian ironclad " Nicolas I." Tract, folio, vol. . Lond. [1888?] folio. Remarks on the comparative merits of cast metal and malleable iron Railways ; and an account of the Stockton and Darlington railway, and the Liverpool and Manchester railway, etc. (Appen- dices.) Newcastle, 1832. 8vo. Remarks on the expedience and utility of improving the Waste Lands in the Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. Norwich, 1787. 8vo. Remarks on the maintenance of Macadamized Roads. By J. F. B. Tract. 8vo. vol. 311. Dublin, 1843. 8vo. Report on Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 1. Liverpool, 1824. 8vo. (Imperfect, wanting all after p. 36.) A report on the Sanitary Condition of the Army, particularly during the late war with Russia. By a Non-Commissioner. Tract. 8vo. vol. 182. [I860?] 8vo. Retrospect of philosoj^hical, mechanical, chemical, and agri- cultural discoveries : being an abridgement of the periodical and other publications, English and foreign, etc. 6 vols. Lond. 1806-11. 8vo. The Revival of British Industries. Tract. 8vo. vol. 412. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Revolution destinee a changer la face du monde, proposee ouverte- ment. Par un Agitateur. Tract. 8vo. vol.53. Land. 1841. 8vo. Roads. [Surveys.] [1800?] folio. Roads and Railroads : vehicles and modes of travelling of ancient and modern countries. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Rough notes of a course of lectures on apparatus used in Military Telegraphy and firing mines. Chatham, 1877. folio. (Delivered before the School of Military Engineering.) ANONYMOUS. 55 ANONYMOUS. Rough notes of eleven lectures on the use of certain Electrical Apparatus. Tract. Folio, vol. 19. [1875?] folio. Rudimentary and practical instructions on the science of Railway Construction, etc. Land. 1866. Svo. Rudiments of ancient Architecture. 5th edition. Land. 1821. 8vo. • Ihe Ruthven hydraulic Propeller versus the Screw and Paddle. Tract. Svo. vol. 183. Lond. 1869. 8vo. • A Sanitary Crusade through the East and Australasia. [By R. Boyle.] Lond. 1892. 8vo. Sanitary Legislation. Session 1887. Tract. Svo. vol. 426. [1888 ?] Svo. Sanitary Reform and sanitary reformers ; for the information t)f Metropolitan vestries and local boards of health, with an appendix of the Metropolitan Local Management Act abridged. Tract. Svo. vol. 109. Lond.^lSob. 8vo. Sanitary Siftings ; or. Results of Sewage Systems compared. By a Naval Officer. Tract. Svo. vol. 203. Lond. 1868. 8vo. The Scheme delivered to the Members of the Hon. House of Commons for raising X60,000, to build a bridge after the manner of that at Thoulouse. By a Private Gentleman. Tracts, folio, vol. 11. [ ] folio. A scheme for the effectual Drainage of Towns, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 24. Lond. 1855. 8vo. A Scheme of Prices for performing mast-makers' work (boat builders' work ; capstan, top, and pump-makers' work ; caulkers' work ; smiths' work ; joiners' and house carpenters' work ; wheel- wrights', turners', and screw-cutters', and oar and tree-nail makers' work ; stonemasons' and bricklayers' work ; painters' and glaziers' work ; sawyers' work ; scavelmen and labourers' work ; and sail-makers' work by task and job). Nos. 3-13, and 15. Lond. 1829. folio. A scheme to secure and extend the Credit and Strength of the British nation. Tract. Svo. vol. 33. Lond. 1742. Svo. The Shell Trials at Shoeburyness. Tract, ito. vol. 81. (Reprinted from r/ie Mmes.) Lond. 1878. 4to. Ships and Railways. Tract. Svo. vol. Lond. 1846. Svo. A short description and explanation of the advantages arising from the use of Patent Wooden Block Pavement, etc. By Viator. Tract. Svo. vol. 201. Lond. 1S39. Svo. A short treatise of the Description of the Sector. Tract. Svo. vol. 219. Lond. 1697. Svo. Situation generale des chemins de fer du globe au 31 Decembre, 1860, avec un supplement pour I'annee 1861. 1862. folio. (Lithographed.) Snowstorms of January 17th to 21st, 1881. Tract. Svo. vol. 418 (From "Symons' Monthly Meteorological Magazine.") [1881.] Svo. 5(5 ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS. Der sogeuannte Deutsche Rhein-See Canal von Sachverstiindigen beleuchtet. Papcnhurg, 1888. 4to. Solution of pi'obloms relative to Protection and Free Trade. [By J. Du Mt'.snil-Maiigny.] Tract. 8i;o. vol. 137. [Paris, 18G0?] 8vo. Spectacle de la nature ; or nature displayed. Translated from the French [of A. N. de la Pluche] by S. Humphreys. 7 vols. Lond. 1744-53. 8vo. Statement of proportionate weights, capacities, and bearing powers of "Wagons on several lines. Tract, ito. vvo. vol. 351. Montreal, 1882. 8vo. ANSPACH, L. Le role de I'eau dans les cylindres a vapeur, etc. Trad. 8vu. vol. 529. Liege, 1892. 8vo. ANSTED, D. T. The Applications of Geology to the arts and manu- factures. Lond. 1865. 8vo. An elementary course of Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography. Lond. 1850. 8vo. The Goldseeker's Manual. Lond. 1849. 8vo. On the absorbent power of Chalk, and its water contents under different conditions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. Lond. 1851. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) On the decay and preservation of Building Materials. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Physical Geography. 3rd edition. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Scenery, Science, and Art ; being extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineer. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Water and "Water Supply, chiefly in reference to the British islands. Surface waters. Lond. 1878. 8vo. ANSTIE, J. The coalfields of Gloucestershii-e and Somersetshire and their resources. Lond. 1873. 8vo. ANSTRUTHER. Correspondence relating to Anstruther Harbour. Lond. 1871. folio. ANSTRUTHER, P, An attempt to deduce initial velocity from given range, elevation, and time of flight. Tract. 8vo. vol. 168. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Gunnery. [Notes for lectures.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 131. [1861.] 8vo. The Flight of Projectiles. Tract. 8vo. vol. 168. Lond. 1866. 8vo. On the Trajectory of a Projectile. (Appendices.) Tract. Ato. vol. 68. 1868. 4to. Table showing the fall by Gravity in the atmosphere. Tract. 8vo. vol. 212. Edinhurgh, 1866. 8vo. Theory of Gunnery. Tract. 8vo. vol. 206. Lond. 1871. 8vo. GO ANTHRACITE — ANTONl. ANTHRACITE Patent Company. Prospectus and rp.])orts. Tract. Ato. vol. G8. Luiul. 1(^40. 4to. ANTHRACITE, S.S. Report on the Machinery of the Steamer "Anthracite." Tract. Svo. vol. . Washiiit/to,i, 1880. 8vo. {Official Report.) ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY of London. Memoirs. 3 vols. Land. 18G5-70. 8vo. ANTI-CORN-LAW CONFERENCE. Report of the statistical committee, 1842. Tract. Svo. vol G9. Loud. [1842.] Svo. ANTINORI, V. Archivo meteorologico centrale italiano nell' I. E. R. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale. Prima pul)l)licazione. Firenze, 1858. Svo. ANTISELL, T. The manufacture of Photogenic or Hydro-carbon Oils, from coal and other bituminous substances, etc. New York and Land. 1860. Svo. ANTOINE, C. Chaleur totale des vapeurs. Tract. Svo. vol 517. [Paris, 1892.] Svo. De la densite et de la compressibilite des gaz et des vapeurs. TracL Ato. vol 98. Lorient, 1886. 4to. Deux applications du calcul de resistance des materiaux. Rivetage des carenes en fer. Fatigue d'un solide inflechi. Tract, ito. vol 91. Brest, 1882. 4to. Du coefficient de dilatation des gaz et des vapeurs .sous pressions constantes. Tract. 4to. vol 98. Lorient, 1885. 4to. Relation entre le volume, la pression et la temperature de diverses A^^peurs. Tract, ito. vol 113. Brest, 1890. 4to. Sur I'equation caracteristique de diverses vapeurs. Tract, ito. vol 118. Paris, 1892. 4to. Sur I'equation caracteristique de la vapeur d'eau. Tract. 4to. vol 118. [Paris, 1892.] 4to. Sur les variations de temperature des gaz et des vapeurs qui conservent la meme quantite de chaleur, sous des tensions differentes. TracL Ato. vol 108. Paris, 1888. 4to. Tensions des vapeurs. Tract. Svo. vol 517. Paris, 1891. Svo. Variation de temperature d'un gaz ou d'une vapeur qui se com- prime ou se dilate, en conservant la meme quantite de chaleur. Tract. Uo. vol 108. Paris, 1887. 4to. Variations de temperature d'une vapeur comprimee ou dilatee, en conservant la meme chaleur totale. (MS.) Tract, folio, vol 41. Brest, 1886. folio. Volume, chaleur totale, chaleur specifique des vapeurs saturees. (MS.) Tract. Folio, vol 40. Brest, 1886. folio. ANTONl, A. V. P. d'. a treatise on Gunpowder ; a treatise on fire- arms ; and a treatise on the service of artillery in time of war. Translated from the Italian. Zo«d. 1789. 8vo. ANTWERP — AEAGO. 61 ANTWERP.— ^.i/i/6«V/o7i of 1885. Rapport du Coniite de Findus- trie, etc. Bruxelles, 1887. 4to. Rapports des members du jury international des recompenses. 6 vols. Bruxelles, 1886-87. 8vo. Soeiete commerciale, industrielle, etc. Mouvement commercial, industriel et maritime de la place d'Anvers. Exercices 1877—79. Anvers, 1878-80. 8vo. APEDALE CANAL. Act for Canal from Apedale to Newcastle- under-Lyme. Lond. 1775. folio. APEDALE COLLIERY. Report on Explosion, June 20, 1885. Lond. 1885. folio. APJOHN, J. Manual of the Metalloids. Lond. 1864. 12mo. On the value of the numerical coefficient, in the formula for the force of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere. Tract. 8vo. vol. 189. (From the " Philosophical Magazine.") Lond. [1845?] 8vO. APPLEBY BROTHERS. Illustrated handbook of Machinery and Ironwork, with the cost, the working expenses, and results obtained, &c. Lo7id. 1869. 8vo. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Lond. 1877-78. 8vo. APPLEDORE HARBOUR. Reports on the Harbours of Appledore, Bideford, and Barnstable, Admiralty Harbour Dep. Tract. folio, vol.27. (Pub. by the Admiralty.) [LoncL1848.] folio. APPLEGATH, A. A letter to Alfred Russell, Esq., chairman of the Board of Health. Tract. 8vo. vol. 115. Dartford, 1853. 8vo. APPLEGARTH, F., Maj.-Gen. Indian rivers; how to form reservoirs on them to provide irrigation, and to render some of them navigable for eight months out of the twelve. Tract, folio, vol. 30. Lond. "1881. folio. APPLETON, D. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of applied Mechanics. See Benjamin, P. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of drawing, designed as a text-book for the mechanic, architect, engineer, and surveyor . . . Enlarged edition. New York, 1869. 8vo. Appleton's Dictionary of Machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. 2 vols. New York, 1857. 8vo. European Guide-Book for English-speaking travellers . . . 28th edition. 2 vols. New York, 1891. 8vo. APPLETON, H. D. Rural Sanitary Authorities, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 520. Lond. 1887. 8vo. ARAGO, F. (Euvres completes publiees . . . sous la direction de M. J. A. Barral. 17 vols. Paris, 1854-62. 8vo. Filtrations publiques et particulieres. Notice. Rapport de M. Arago et decision de I'Academie des sciences. Tract. 4/o. vol. 68. Paris, [1837.] 4to. Historical eloge of James Watt. Translated from the French. Lond. 1839. 4to. C)2 ARAQO ARCHITECTURAL. ARAGO, F. — conihnted. Lemons d'astronoiuie professees a I'Oljserva- toire royal. 4'^' edition. Paris, 1845. 12mo. ARAMBURU, F. Examen microscopico del trigo y dc la harina. . Tract. 8vo. vol. 408. Madrid, 1883. 8vo. Molineria y panaderia en Alemania. Tract. 8ro. vol. 408. Madrid, 1885. 8vu Motores de viento. Descripcion de los sistonias inodernos Americanos. 3Iadrid, 1888. 8vo. ARBROATH, Burgh of. Memorial by the Magistrates and Town- Councils of the Royal Burghs of Arbroath and Forfar ; submitted to the consideration of the Honourable the Freeholders, Justices of the Peace, and Commissioners of Supply of the County of Forfar. Tract, ito. vol. 7. Forfar, 1824. 4to. ARCET, J. P. J. d'. Instruction relative a Fait de I'affinage. Tract. 4to. vol. 68. Paris, 1827. 4to. ARCH^OLOGICAL INSTITUTE of Great Britain and Ireland.. Proceedings . . . Api'il 7, May 5, and June 2, 1848. Tract. 8vo. vol. 86. [Lond. 1848.] 8vo. ARCHER, T. A letter to the . . . Earl of Hardwicke, on the use of the under-excavating or steam dredging engine in deepening the rivers in the Bedford Level ; with observations on the effects of the Eau-Brink cut, etc. Tract. 8m vol. 159. Ely, 1829. 8vo. ARCHER, W. H. Abstracts of English and colonial patent specifica- tions relating to the Preservation of Food, etc. (Supplement.) 2 pts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 195. Melbourne, 1870. 8vo.' Statistical notes on the progress of Victoria (1835-60). First series. Tract. 4:to. vol. 31. Melbourne, 1861. 4to. The statistical register of "Victoria, from the fouiadation of the colony; with an astronomical calendar for 1855. Melbourne, 1854. 8vo. ARCHIBALD, C. D. Two letters ... to the Duke of Newcastle on the importance and necessity of carrying out the Intercolonial and Atlantic and Pacific Railways continuously through the . British North- American Possessions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 439. Lond. 1860. 8vo. ARCHITECTURAL MUSEUM. See Royal Architectural Museum. ARCHITECTURAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Dictionary of Architecture. 8 vols. Lond. [1853J-92. folio. ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY, London. Essays. 2 vols. Lond. 1808-10. 8vo. ARCHITECTURAL TILE COMPANY. Prospectus and descriptive Statement of the Architectural Tile Company's Patent Roofing and Facing Tiles, and of Dampier's patent concentric press machine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 84. Lond. [1840?] 8vo. ARCHITEKTEN ARGENTINE. 63 AKCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR - VEREIN ZU HAN- NOVER. Die Feier des zehnjiihrigen Stiftungsfestes ... 1861. Tract. Si'o. vol. 476. Hannover, 1861. 8vo. Die Kunst im Gewerbe. Vols. 1-6. Hannover, 1872-77. folio. Notizblatt. Vols. 1-3. Hannover, 1851-54. 4to. Zeitschrift. Vol. 1, (2, etc.). Hannover, 1855, etc. folio. ARCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR-VEREIN fiir Niederrhein und Westfalen. Coiner Thorburgen und Befestigungen. Coin, 1884. folio. ■■ Koln und seine Bauten. Koln, 1888. 8vo. Notizblatt. 2 vols. Cd7n, 1876-77. 4to. Protokoll der 11. Hauptversammlung am Samstag den 21 Januar, 1882. Tract. Svn. vol. 476. Koln, 1882. 8vo. ARCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR-VEREIN in Bohmen. Mittheilungen. Vols. 9-17. Prag, 1874-82. 4to. [Continued as : ] Szpravy spolku Architectie a inizenyru v kralovstvi ceskem. Praze, 1883, etc. 4to. ARCHITEKTEN-VEREIN ZU BERLIN. Berlin und seine Bauten. Berlin, 1877. 8vo. Architektonisches Album, redigirt vom Architecten-Verein zu Berlin. Vols. 1-3. Potsdam, 1838, 39. folio. ARCHITEKTU a Inizenyrii v Kralovstvi Ceskem. See supra, Archi- TEKTEN- UND InGENIEUR-VeREIN IN BOHMEN. ARDEER. Report on an Explosion which occurred in the Factory of Nobel's Explosives Co., Ardeer, 8 June, 1882, by Capt. J. P. Cundill, R.A. Lond. 1882. foHo. Report on the circumstances attending an Explosion at a Cartridge Hut, Ardeer. Lond. 1884. foUo, ARDR0S8AN. Act for Ardrossan Harbour. Lond. 1805. folio. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Letters concerning the country of the Argentine Republic. Tract. 8vo. vol. 176. Lond. 1869. 8vo. [Congreso Nacionafl 1. Diario de sesiones de la Camara de Diputados, 1884-88. 10 vols. 8vo. Buenos Ah-es, 1885-89. 8vo. 2. Diario de sesiones de la Camara de Senadores, 1884-87. 4 vols. ito. Buenos Aires, 1885-88. 4to. 3. Memoria de relaciones exteriores presentada al Congreso Nacional, 1884-87. 4 vols. 8ro. Buenos Aires, 1884-87. 8vo. 4. Memoria del Departamento de Hacienda, 1884-86. 6 vols. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1885-87. 8vo. 5. Memoria presentada al Congreso Nacional de 1884-90 por el Ministro de Justicia, Culto e Instruccion publica, 1884-90. 15 vols. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1884-90. 8vo. 6. Rejistro Nacional de la Republica Arjentina, 1884-90. 12 vols. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1885-89. 8vo. 64 ARGENTINE — ARMENGAUD. ARGENTINE nEFVnhlC—eonil,med.--[En(ji,iecrh,g, ctr.] Momoria . . . sobre los trabajos ejecutados durante los auos de 187G-83. [Departamento de ingenieros civiles.] 2 vols. Buenos Aires, 1879-84, 8vo. ■ [Another copy.] 187G-78 (and 1880). BncHos Aires, 1879-81. 8vo. [Finance.] Infornie del presidente del credito publico, etc. Buenos Aires, [3Iines.'] Departamento de obras publicas — Seccion de Minas. Infornie del primer ano 1885. Buenos Aires, 1886. 8vo. [Pifhlic TTor/fs.] Memoria del Departamento de obras publicas de la nacion. 1884. Buenos Aires, 1885. 8vo. [Bailways.] Departamento de Ingenieros Civiles. Ferro-Carril Andino. Seccion de San Luis a la Paz y Mendoza, etc. Buenos Aires, 1884. 8vo. Estudio de la prolongacion del ferro-carril Andino : seccion de Villa Mercedes a San Luis. Buenos Aires, 1881. 8vo. Ferro-carril Central del Norte. Ramal a Santiaga del Estero. Informe general del projecto con las espicificaciones, analisis de precios, etc. Buenos Aires, 1882. 8vo. Ferro-carril Central Norte. Seccion de Tucuman a Metan : informe general del projecto con las espicificaciones, analisis de precios, etc. Buenos Aires, 1885. 8vo. Memoria sobre ferro-carriles nacionales, etc. [Departamento de Ing. Civ.] Buenos Aires, 1883. 8vo. Memoria sobre ferro-carriles nacionales y estado de valores, al 30 de Junio de 1883. Buenos Aires, 1883. 8vo. Ramal a La Rioja y Catamarca. Seccion segunda, de Chumbicha a La Rioja. Informe general, etc. Buenos Aires, 1883. 8vo. \Weiglits and Measures.] Sistema de medidas y pesas de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1881. 8vo. Sistema de medidas y pesas de la Republica Argentina. Rectifi- cacion de las medidas de longitud y de superticie de la provincia de Tucuman. Buenos Aires, 1883. 8vo. ARGYLL, DuTce of [George Douglas Campbell]. His Grace the Duke of Argyll on Indian Public Works and Coopers Hill College. A reply, with correspondence between the Duke of Argyll and the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 338. Lond. 1882. 8vo. ARKANSAS SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS, Architects and Sur- veyors. Transactions. Vol. I. Little Bock, 1887. 8vo. ARKLOW. Reports to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland regarding Arklow Harbour. Dublin, 1886. folio. Further Correspondence. Dublin, 1886. folio. ARMENGAUD, C. Formulaire de I'ingenieur. Paris, 1865. 8vo. Installation et exploitation des lignes tulephoniques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 328. Paris, 1881. 8vo. ARMENGAUD — ARMOUR. 65 ARMENGAUD, C L'ouvrier-mecanicien, Guide de mecanique pratique, precede des notions elementaires d'arithmetique decimale, d' algebre et de geometrie indispensables pour Tintelligence et la solution des diverses applications qui y ont rapport. Avec tables et calculs. 8° edition. Parin, 1867. 8vo. See also Armengaud, J. E. and C, and Amouroux. ARMENGAUD, C. E. See Armengaud, J. E. Publication indus- trielle des machines outils, etc. [Continued by C. E. Armengaud.] 1876, etc. ARMEXGAUD, J. E. Metallurgie : preparations . . . fonte, fer, acier, forgeage, fonderie, etc. Paris, [1882.] folio. Publication industrielle des machines outils, et appareils les plus perf'ectionnes et les plus recents employes dans les diSerentes branches de I'industrie fran^aise et etrangere. [Continued after vol. 23 by C. E Armengaud.] 28 vols. (Atlas of plates with each vol.) Pans, 1847-82. 8vo. (Vol. 1, 4th edition ; Vols. 2, 3, 4, 3rd edition.) Traite pratique des moteurs hydrauliques et t\ vapeur. Paris, 1844. 8vo. Traite theorique et pratique des moteurs a vapeur. 2 vols. Paris, 1861-62. 4to. Le Yignole des mecaniciens : essai sur la construction des machines, etudes des elements qui les constituent, types et pro- portions des organes qui composent les moteurs, les transmissions de moitvement et autres mecanismes. (Atlas of plates.) 2 vols. Paris, 1863-65. 4to. ARMENGAUD, J. E., and C. Le genie industriel, etc. 1851-71. See Periodical Publications. ARMENGAUD, J. E. and C, and Amouroux. Etudes completes d'ombres et de lavis appliquees au dessin de machines et d'archi- tecture, ou recueil methodique de planches teintees, coloriees et lavees a I'effet formant un atlas de luxe avec un texte special et tres etendu. Paris, 1849. folio. Nouveau cours raisonne de dessin industriel applique principale- ment a la mecanique et a Farchitecture. Paris, 1860. 8vo. The practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design : forming a complete eourse of mechanical engineering and architectural drawing. Translated from the French . . . Re-written and arranged, with additional matter and plates ... by W. Johnson. Lond. 1853. 4to. ARMIT, R. H., Lt. The Wind in his Circuits, with the explanation of tlae origin ... of circular storms and equinoctial gales. Lond. 1870. 8vo. ARMOUR, J. Angus and Mack on the Air path. Tract. 8vo. vol. 269. Greenicich, [1877 ?] 8vo. Iron and Heat. 2nd edition. Lond. 1874. 8vo. Power in Motion. 2nd edition. Lond. 1875. 8vo. The Winged Aerostat. Tract. 8vo. vol. 414. Lo7id. 1885. 8vo. F 66 ARMOUR — ARMSTRONG. ARMOUR, J.—confiniinl. Voices in the Air. Tract. Svn. vol. 295. (j'reenwicfi, [1878?] 8vo. ARMSTRONG, G. F. A lecture on the pro-j^ress of higher Technical Instruction at home and al)roa(l. Tract. Svo. vnl. 414. Edmhmjh, 1885. 8vo. ■ Inaucfural lecture of the Department of Practical Science in McGiil University, Montreal. Tract, ito. vol. 69. Montreal, 1872. 4to. ARMSTRONG, H. E. Address delivered as vice-president of the Junior Engineering Society, on relation of Chemistry to En- gineering. Tract. Svo. vol. 448. Loud. 1887. 8vo. Report on the Water-Supply of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, etc. 1884. See Laws, W. G., and Armstrong, H. E. ARMSTRONG, J., Col. Report, with proposals for draining the fens and amending the harbour of Lynn. Tract, ito. vol. 54. 1724. 4to. ARMSTRONG, R. Chimneys for furnaces, fire-places, and steam- boilers. An essay, etc. Tract. d>vo. vol. 211. Lond. 1866. Svo. The construction and management of Steam-Boilers. 5th edition. Lond. 1866. 8vo. An Essay on the Boilers of Steam Engines, etc. 8vo. New edition. Lond. 1839. 8vo. High speed navigation and steamship perfection, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 111. Lond. 1859. 8vo. On the mercantile and Admiralty rules for calculating the power of Marine Steam Engines. Tract, folio, vol. 9. Lond. [1870 ^ folio. The modern Practice of Boiler Engineering . . . Revised ... by John Bourne. Lond. 1856. 8vo. ARMSTRONG, "W. An account of tapping and closing the Spring of hot-water, at Mr. Pinch's brewery, Bath ; showing the effects produced on the j)ublic baths. Tract. Svo. vol. 78. Bristol, 1838. 8vo. ARMSTRONG, Sir W. G., Lord. Address as President of the In- stitution of Mechanical Engineers. Newcastle meeting. Tract. Svo. vol. 178. Neiocastle, 1869. Svo. The Armstrong Guns. Letter to the Times dated 25 November, 1861. Tract. Svo. vol. 131. Lond. 1861. 8vo. The Coal Supply, being the Presidential address of Sir TV. G. Armstrong to the members of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Tract. Svo. vol. 235. Newcastle, 1873. 8vo. Mechanical Science. Address to the mechanical section of the British Association, 1881. Tract. Svo. vol. Neivcastle-on-Tyne, [1881.] 8vo. The new Naval Programme. . Tract. Svo. vol. 481. Lond. 1889. 8vo. (From the Mueteenth Centurj-.') ARMSTRONG — AROCENA. 67 ARMSTRONG, Lord, and Otiikus. The industrial resources of the district of the three northern rivers, the Tyne, "Wear, and Tees, inckiding the reports on the local manufactures read before the British Association in 1863. With notes and apj^endices. 2nd edition. Newcastlt'-un-Tj/iie, 18G4. Svo. ARMSTRONG, Lord, Longridge, J. A., and Richardson, T. Three reports on the use of the Steam Coals of the Hartley District of Northumberland in marine boilers. Tract. Svo. vol. 111. Neiocastle-on-Tyne, 1858. Svo. ARMYTAGE, G. L. A new table for setting out Curves of any Radius by any system of measurement. Tract. Svo. vol. 212. Lond. 1867. 8vo. ARNAL, L. Traitu de mecanique, etc. Yols. 1 and 2. [Encyclo- pedie theorique et pratique des connaissances civiles et militaires.] Pam, [1892?] Svo. ARNAO, J. G., and Others. Memoria sobre los medios de reducir los gastos de primer establecimiento de los ferro-carriles secun- darios. 8v'o. Madrid, 1869. Svo. ARNOLD, J. An answer to an anonymous letter on the Longitude. Tract. 4:to. vol. 21. Lond. 1782. 4to. Certificates and circumstances relative to the going of INIr. Arnold's Chronometers. Tract. 4:to. vol. 21. Lond. 1791. 4to. ARNOTT, N. Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, general and medical, explained independently of technical mathematics, etc. 3rd edition. Lond. 1828. Svo. 4th edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1829. Svo. (Part 2, vol. 2, on Astronomy, wanting.) [6th edition.] 2 vols. Lond. 1864-65. Svo. On Warming and Yentilating ; with directions for making and using the thermometer-stove . . . and other new apparatus. Lond. 1838. Svo. The Smokeless Fireplace, chimney-valves, and other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventilation. Lond. 1855. Svo. ARNOTT, N., and Page, T. Reports on an inquiry ordered by the Secretary of State, relative to the prevalence of disease at Croydon, and to the plan of sewerage, etc. Lond. 1853. folio. ARNTZ, R. R. The Board of Works for the Westminster district. An attempt to determine the circumstances under which, with a view to economy. Paved and Macadamised Roadways should respectively be formed. Tract. Svo. vol. 117. Lond. 1857. Svo. — Report with reference to the working of Steam Rollers upon macadamised roads, and as to other matters connected with the management of the city of Paris. Tract. Svo. vol. 153. Westminster, 1S66. Svo. AllOCENA, C. A. Anuario hidrogratico del Rio de la Plata para el alio 1891. Montevideo, 1891. Svo. F 2 G8 ARROL — ASHTABULA BRIDGE. ARROL, W. [SiieciHcation of] Improved Machines for punching and rivctini,' lari^e or heavy Plate Work, etc. Tract, itu. vol. 117. Lond. 1878. 4to. [Spci-ilication of] Improvements in the mode of . . . constructing AV'rought-iron Gii-ders ... of largo dimensions. Tract. 4vo. vol. 322. Bombay, 1880. 8vo. A Manual for Tidal Observations. Lond. 1886. 8vo. BAIRD, A. W., Major, and Roberts, C. Tide tables for the Indian ports, 1881 and 1882. Xo«d[1880?] 8vo. BAIRD, H. Report on the proposed Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal. Tract. Uo. vol. 7. Edinburgh, 1813, 14. 4to. See also Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal. Observations . . . With appendix, containing the Reports of Messrs. Telford and Baird, 1817. BAIRD, R. H. The American Cotton Spinner, and managers' and carders' guide : a practical treatise on cotton spinning. Philadelphia, 1866. 12mo. BAKER, — . Patent anti-incrustator apparatus for removing Scale from Steam-boilers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 153. Lond. [1866.] 8vo. BAKER and Son. Fielder's patent for improvements in the construc- tion of iron beams or girders. Tract, folio, vol. 11. Lond. [ .] folio. BAKER, Sir B. The actual Lateral Pressure of Earthwork. Neio York, 1882. 8vo. (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Address as President of the Mechanical Science Section of the British Association. Tract. 8vo. vol. 414. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Bridging the Firth of Forth. Lecture, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 107. Lond. 1887. 4to. Diagrams giving Weights of Iron Girders ujd to 200 feet span. Lond. [1875?] 4to. The Forth Bridge. Read at the British Association, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 359. Lond. 1882. 8vo. The Forth Bridge. Tract, ito. vol. 93. Lond. 1884. 4to. Long-span Railway Bridges, etc. Revised edition. Lond. 1873. 8vo. BAKER — BAKE WELL. 85 BAKER, Sir B. — confirmed. On the Strengths of Beams, Columns and Arches. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Sweet-Water Canal through Egypt. 1884. See Fowler, Sir J., and Baker, Sir B. BAKER, Sir B., and BiNNiE, A. R. Main drainage of London. Joint report, February, 1891. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Lond. 1891. 8vo. BAKER, H. F. Improvement in Steam-boiler Furnaces. Patented 1847. Tract. 8vo. vol. 84. Loiid. 1848. 8vo. BAKER, J. O. A treatise on Masonry Construction. 3rd and revised edition. New York, 1890. 8vo. BAKER, J. P. Gases and Mining. Tract. 8vo. vol. 298. 1870. 8vo. BAKER, M. N. The manual of American Waterworks. 1888-90. Neio York, 1889-90. 8vo. Sewage Disposal in the United States. 1894. See Rafter, G. W., and Baker, M. N. BAKER, Sir S. W. Eight years in Ceylon. New edition. Lond. 1874. 8vo. BAKER, T. Elementary treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying, etc. New edition. Lond. 1859. 8vo. Elements of Mechanism : elucidating the scientific principles of the practical construction of machines. Lond. 1852. 8vo. The Elements of Practical Mechanism and machine tools. With remarks on tools and machinery, by James Nasmyth. 3rd edition. Lond. 1867. 8vo. The Laws relating to Public Health, sanitary — medical — pro- tective, etc. Lond. 1865. 8vo. The principles and practice of Statics and Dynamics, embracing a clear development of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and pneu- matics, etc. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Railway Engineering ; or, field work preparatory to the construc- tion of railways, etc. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Rudimentary treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying. New edition. Lond. 1873. 8vo. Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of the Steam-engine . . . 3rd edition. Lond. 1865. 12mo. BAKER, W. L. The Beam : or, technical elements of Girder Con- struction. Lond. 1892. 8vo. The great Bell of Westminster : a letter to E. B. Denison, Esq. Tract. 8vo. vol. 115. Westminster, 1857. 8vo. BAKEWELL, F. C. Considerations respecting the Figure of the Earth, in relation to the action of centrifugal force and to the attempts to determine the ellipticity of the globe by pendulum observations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 139. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Electrical science ; its history, phenomena, and applications. Lond. 1853. 8vo. 80 BAKEWELL — BALDWIN. BAKE WELL, F. C. — continued. Geology for schools and students, etc. Lund. 1854. 8vo. Natural evidence of a Future Life, etc. Lund. 1835. Bv^o. BAKEWELL, R. An introduction to Geology. . . I'nd edition. Loud. 1815. 8vo. BALBRECK, — . Instruments de precision, etc. Tract, ito. vol. Paris, [ .] 4to. BALCH, L. Prevention of Diphtheria. Tract. 8vo. vol. 484. [1889.] 8vo. BALD, R. Report of a Mineral Survey along the track of the proposed north or level line of canal betwixt Edinburgh and Glasgow, as projected by J. Rennie in 1798, etc. Tract. 4^to. vol. 7. LeitTi, 1814. 4to. Report regarding the Steam-boat proposed to be established at the Alloa ferry passage, in place of the present boats with oars. Tract, ito. vol. 38. [1822.] 4to. BALD, W. General report on a part of the River Clyde, between Jamaica-sti'eet bridge and the Glasgow waterworks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 71. Glasgoiv, 1839. 8vo. Report on the Harbour of Drogheda. Tract. Svo. vol. 75. Droglieda, 1837. Svo. BALD AGO I, L. Quelques observations sur le tremblement de terre survenu a I'ile d'Ischia, le 28 Juillet, 1883. Tract. 8m vol. 401. Liege, 1883. 8vo. Tremblement de terre survenu a File d'Ischia, en juillet, 1883. Nouvelles observations. Tract. Svo. vol. 390. Liege, 1883. Svo. BALDAMUS, E. Die Erscheinungen der deutschen Litteratur, 1870-74, (1875-79), auf dem Gebiete der Bau-Maschinen- und Eisenbahnkunde und des Telegraphenwesens. Mit Anhang : Bergbau und Huttenkunde, etc. 2 pt. Tract. Svo. vols. 334, 371. Leipzig, 1S75. Svo. BALDAQUE, A. A. Etude sur I'amelioration des ports etablis sur les cotes basses et sablonneuses. Lishonne, 1888. Svo. BALDRAGGO, G. Cenni sulla costituzione metallifera della Sardegna. Torino, 1854. Svo. BALDREY, G. The Ship's Rudder-stem versus stern, and screw-pro- peller versus rudder. Tract, folio, vol. 28. Madras, 1879. folio. (Lithographed.) BALDUS, B. De verborum Vitrvvianorvm significatione : siue perpetuus in M. Vitruuium Pollionem commentarius. Auctore Bernardino Baldo . . . Accedit vita Vitruuij, eodem auctoi'e. Augustse Vindelicorum, 1612. 4to. BALDWIN, J. S. A new system of Transportation. Tract. Svo. vol. 402. Newark, N. J. 1884. Svo. Power without Fuel, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 175. Neiv York, 1869. Svo. BALDWIN — BALFOUR. 87 BALDWIN, W. J. Steam Heating for buildings. New York, 1882. 8vo. BALE, M. P. A Handbook for Steam users, etc. Lond. 1887. 8vo. 3rd edition. Lond. 1890. 8vo. How to manage a Steam-engine. Lond. [1880.] 8vo. . Modern Shafting and Gearing, and the economical Transmission of Power, etc. Lond. [1894.] 8vo. Pumps and pumping ; a handbook for pump users, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo Saw -mills ; their arrangement and management, and the economi- cal conversion of timber. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Stone-working Machinery, and the rapid and economical conversion of stone; Lond. 1884. 8vo. Steam and Machinery management. Lond. 1884. 8vo. "Wood-working Machinery, etc. Lond. 1880. 8vo. BALFOUR, D. Cocken New Bridge over the Wear betwixt Durham and Sunderland. Proceedings at the opening ceremony ... in- cluding a description of the bridge by the engineer, D. Balfour. Tract. Svo. vol. 435. Durham, 1886. 8vo. — — Penshaw New Bridge over the River Wear . . . Proceedings at the opening ceremony . . . including a view and description of the Bridge. Report of public meeting on 5th February, 1891, for the promotion of a Bridge over the River Wear at Hylton, near Sunderland, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 510. Sunderland, 1891. 8vo. Report on a scheme of Sewage-Disposal for the Town of Alnwick. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Alnwick, 1892. 8vo. Report on a scheme for the . . . Sewage-Disposal Works and Main Sewei'age System of . . . Skegness, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Skegness, 1892. 8vo. Report on main Sewerage, and Sewage Disposal Works, proposed at the town of Chester-le-Street. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. Sunderland, 1877. 8vo. Report on proposed main Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Works for the Houghton-le-Spring Rural Sanitary Authority. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. Sunderland, 1876. 8vo. Report on Sewage Disposal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 247. Sunderland, 1875. Svo. - Road Legislation and Surveying ; or, the goveriunent and the high- way and turnpike acts for England. Tract. 8vo. vol. 270. Sunderland, 1876. 8vo. - Road Legislation : past, present and prospective. Tract. Svo. vol. 270. Sunderland, 1876. 8vo. - The Water supply of Villages, and the practical operation of the Public Health Act (Water), 1878. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Lond. 1883. Svo. 88 BALFOUR — BALLARD. BALFOUR, E. Cycloppedia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia. 5 vols. Madras, 1871. 8vo. BALFOUR, G., Major-General. On the Budgets and Accounts of England and France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 156. Lond. 1866. 8vo. (From Journal of the Statistical Society of London. )j BALFOUR, J. M. New Zealand Exhibition, 1865. Results of a series of experiments on the strength of colonial Woods ; being Appendix C of the jurors' reports. Tract. 8vo. vol. 155. [1865.] 8vo. BALL, J. Report to the Corporation, of Bristol on the proposed schemes for the construction of docks at Avonmouth, etc. 1872. See Stevenson, D., and Ball, J. BALL, Sir R. S. Experimental Mechanics : a covirse of lectures, etc. Lond. 1871. 8vo. 2nd edition, Lond. 1888. Svo. The Theory of Screws : a study in the dynamics of a rigid body. Dublin, 1876. 8vo. • Time and Tide : a romance of the moon, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. BALL, V. The Diamonds, Coal and Gold, of India : their mode of occurrence and distribution. Lond. 1881. 8vo. BALL, W. W. R. Mathematical Recreations and Problems of past and present times. 2nd edition. Lond. 1892. 8vo. BALLAARAT SCHOOL OF MINES. Annual Report, 1876. Ballaarat, 1877. 8vo. BALLANTINE, J. Essay on Ornamental Art as applicable to trade and manufactures. Tract. 4:to. vol. 39. Lond. 1847. 4to. BALLANTINE, W. Stone breaking by machinery, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 475. FaUdrh, 1886. Svo. BALLANTYNE, J. Refutation of the mis-statements and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhai't's life of Sir W. Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. Tract. 8no. vol. 67. Lond. 1838. 8vo. BALLARD, E. D. Report in respect of the inquiry as to Effluvium Nuisances arising in connection with various manufacturing and other branches of industry. Lond. 1882. Svo. Report on alleged Nuisances from Noxious Trades carried on , along the shores of the Thames. Tract. 8vo. vol. 325. Lond. 1874. Svo. BALLARD, M., v. Tomlinson, W. J. Judgments of Mr. Justice Pearson of Feb. 13th, 1884, and of the Master of the Rolls and Lords Justices Cotton and Lindley of Feb. 17th, 1885 (Underground water rights). Tract, folio, vol. 37. Lond. 1885. folio. BALLARD, R. The solution of the Pyramid Problem ; or, pyramid discoveries, etc. New York, 1882. Svo. BALLHORN — BANISTER. 89 BALLHORN, F. Gr.ammatography ; a manual of reference to the alphabets of ancient and modern languages, based on the German compilation of F. Ballhorn. Lond. 1861. 8vo. BALLINASCARTHY AND TIMOLEAGUE JUNCTION LIGHT RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade . . . on the Classi- fication of Merchandise Traffic and Schedule of Maximum Rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. BALLING, C. A. M. Die Metallhiittenkunde. Gewinnung der Metalle und Darstellung ihrer Yerbindungen auf den Hiitten- werken. Berlin, 1885. 8vo. Grundriss der Elektrometallurgie. Stuttgart, 1888. 8vo. BALLYCASTLE RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade . . . on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic and Schedule of Maxi- mum Rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. BALLYCOTTIN. Copy of Report on the Pier at Ballycottin, county Cork, by Mr. J. W. Barry. Lond. 1889. folio. BALMOKAND, L. Description of Jama Masjid, Delhi. Delhi, 1881. folio. BALRANALD. Report on an Outbreak of Fever at Balranald caused by polluted water. By J. A. Thompson. Sydney, 1889. folio. BALTARD, V., and Callet, F. Monographic des halles centrales de Paris. Paris, 1872-73. folio. BALTIMORE. Annual Report of the Health Department, 1883-86. 4 vols. Baltimore, 188-1-87. 8vo. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Annual Report. Tract. Svo. vol. 531. Baltimore, 1882. 8vo. A history and description of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. By a Citizen of Baltimore. Tract. 8i70. vol. 393. Baltimore, 1853. 8vo. Lectures delivered to the employes. Baltimore, 1882. 8vo. BALY, P. P. Report on Baths and Washhouses for the working- classes. Tract. 4^0. vol. 41. Lond. 1852. 4to. BANCROFT, R. M. and F. J. Chimney construction. Read before the Society of Civil and Mechanical Engineers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 361. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Tall Chimney construction. Manchester, 1885. 8vo. BANDERALI, D. Les chemins de fer metropolitains a New York et dans les grandes cites americaines. Tract. 8vo. vol. Paris, 1886. Svo. BANISTER, F. D. The modern history of Newhaven Harbour, with proposals for its improvement. Lond. 1879. Svo. BANISTER, H. Gas manipulation ; with a description of the various instruments and apparatus employed in the analysis of coal and coal-gas. Enlarged by W. T. Sugg. Lond. 1867. Svo, 90 BANKS — BARANOWSKI. BANKS, E. llcport on the pnictic;il)iliiy and expense of n navigable Canal proposed to be made Ijetwecn the Grand Southein Canal, near Copthorne Common and Mcrstliam, to communicate with the river Thames at "Wandsworth, by means of tlie Surry iron railways. Tract, ito. vol. 7. Loud. 1810. 4to. BANKS, J. A Treatise on Mills, in four parts. Lond. 1795. 8vo. On the Power of Machines . . . With the method of computing their force, etc. Kendal, 1803. Svo. BANN, Miver. An Act, (and amended Act) for the Improvement of the Navigation of the River Bann. Lond. 1817-3G. folio. Report from the Select Committee on the Bann Drainage Bill. Lond. 1889. folio. BANNISTER, L. Something about Natural Gas, etc. Tract. 8w. vol. 479. New Yorl, 1886. Svo. BANNISTER, S. Pictorial Maps for the illustration of the land, the sea, and the heavens . . . Being a letter to C. L. Eastlake, Esq., R.A. New edition. Tract. 8vr>. vol. 85. Lond. 1849. Svo. Records of British Enterprise beyond sea, from the earliest original sources to the present times. Vol. 1. Part. 1. Lond. 1849. Svo. BANTI, A. II trasporto di energia elettrica da Tivoli a Roma. Tract, folio, vol. 48. Boma, 1893. folio. BAPST, G. Etudes sur I'etain dans I'antiquite et au moyen age. Paris, 1884. Svo. BAPTISTA, J. N. These de concurso para a cadeira de physica experimental da Escola de Marinha. Pontos : Estudo dos pheno- menos physicos devidos a ac^ao das forcas moleculares. Tract. 9>vo. vol. 349. Bio de Janeiro, 1882. Svo. BAR, F. J. Die Wasser- und Strassenbau-Verwaltung in dem Gross- herzogthum Baden. Karlsruhe, 1870. 4to. BARABANT, — . Note sur les questions de viabilite, nettoiement, empierrement, pavage en pierre et en bois, asphalte et tramways. Tract. 4:to. vol. 93. Paris, 1884. 4to. BARANOWSKI, J. J. Automatic Railway Signals invented by J. J. Baranowski. Tract. 4:to. vol. 106. Lond. 1887. 4to. Biography of J. J. Baranowski, and observation upon his work to be shortly published under the title of "Anglo-Polish Lexicon." Tract. Svo. vol. 445. Paris, 1881. Svo. Inventions mecaniques et travaux litteraires de J. J. Baran- owski. Tract. Ato. vol. 106. Paris, 1886. 4to. Materiel des chemins de fer. Nouveaux systemes des signaux- disques sans contre-poids, et des lanternes sans poulies ni chaines. Tract. 4:to. vol. 46. Turin, 1864. 4to. BARANOWSKI — BARBIER. 91 BARANOWSKI, J. J. — continued. Patent automaton Distant Signal, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 42. Lond. 1859. 4to. Patent automaton Railway Signals, etc. Tract. 4:to. vol. 42. Land. 1858. 4to. Specifications des signaux-disques sans contre-poids (ordinaires et automatiques), Iantei*nes sans poulies ni chaines, et appareils de manoeuvre laissant toujours le til de fer en dilatation libra. Tract. Ato. vol. 45. Turin, 1864. 4to. Vade-Mecum de la langue frangaise, etc. Varsovie, 1883. 12mo. BARBA, A. A. The Art of Metals ; written originally in Spanish . . . Translated by the Earl of Sandwich in 1669. Lond. 1738. 12mo. BARBA, J. Etude sur I'emploi de I'acier dans les constructions, expose de la methode a sui^•re pour la mise en oeuvre des toles et barres protilees en metal fondu. 2""^ edition. Paris, 1875. 8vo. The use of Steel for constructive purposes ; translated from the French, etc. New York, 1875. 8vo. BARBE, P. Etudes pratiques sur la dynamite et les diverses applica- tions a Fart militaire. Tract, ^vo. vol. 225. Paris, [1872.] 8vo. BARBER, — . Picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight. Lond. 1850. 8vo. BARBER, F. M., Lieut., U.S.N. Lectui-e on drifting and automatic movable Torpedoes, Submarine Guns, and Rockets. Tract. 8vo. vol. 271. Neivport, 1874. 8vo. Lecture on the Whitehead torpedo. Tract. 8vo. vol. 271. Newport, B.L 1874. 8vo. BARBER, J. SjDecification of a method of smelting and purifying metallic Ores. Tract. Ato. vol. 31. Lond. 1856. 4to. BARBER, J., Capt. A letter on Steam-navigation with India, and suggesting the best mode of carrying it into effect via the Red Sea. Tract. 8vo. vol. 163. Lond. 1837. 8vo. " Philojohannes " unmasked, and the truth told relative to the East India Company's management of steam communication with India. Tract. 8vo. vol. 163. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Steam Communication with India. Tract. 8vo. vol. 163. Lond. 1839. 8vo. The Court of Directors of the East India Company versus Her Majesty's Ministers : the resolutions of the House of Commons, and the public of India and England, as regards a complete plan of steam-communication between the two empires. Tract. 8vo. vol. 163. Lond. 1839. 8vo. BARBER, T. W. The engineer's Sketch-book of Mechanical Move- ments and details employed in the design and construction of machinery, etc. Lond. 1889. Svo. BARBIER and Fenestre. Note sur un nouvel appareil lenticulaire, hyper-radiant, de 2™. 66 de diametre interieur. Tract. Ato. vol. 105, ' Paris, 1886. 4to. 02 BARCELONA — BARKHAU8EN. BARCELONA — Asocinclon fie IngoiciruK IiKhiKinalcn. Catalogo cle la biblioteca. Barcelona, 1891. 8vo. Revista technologico-industrial. 1881, etc. See Period- ical Publications. Internatianal Exhibition, 1887-88. General Regulations. Tract. 4to. vol. 100. [Barcelona, 1887.] 4to. BARCLAY, T. The future Water Supply of Birmingham : a lecture, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 506. Birmingham, 1891. 8vo. BARDE, C. Salubrite des habitations et hygiene des villcs. Geneve, 1891. 8vo. BARDWELL, W. The alternating system : a brief account of Mr. Bardwell's " Improved method of utilizing Sewage, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 143. Lo7ul. 1865. 8vo. BARENDT, A. H. Prize essay on Machine Belting. Tract. Svo. vol. 371. Liverpool, 1883. 8vo. BARET, L. Cie. des chemins de fer de Paris a Lyon et a la Mcditer- ranee. Ligne du Boui'bonnais. Recueil de documens relatifs au materiel roulant. Dresse sous la direction de MM. Bazaine et Fevre. [Atlas of plates.] Paris, 1859. 4to. and folio. BARETTI, G. A Dictionary of the English and Italian languages ; to which is prelixed an Italian and English grammar, etc. [8th edition.] 2 vols. Loncl. 1831. 8vo. A new Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based on that of Baretti. 1873. See Comelati, G., and Davenport, J. A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 1854. See Neuman, H., and Baretti, G. BARFP, E. S. An introduction to scientific Chemistry. 4th edition. Land. 1872. 8vo. Carbon and certain Compounds of Carbon, treated principally in reference to heating and illuminating purposes. Lond. 1874. 8vo. (Cantor Lecture^.) — : On Silicates, Silicides, Glass, and glass painting : seven lec- tures, etc. Lond. 1872. 8vo. BARIOLA, H., and Hees, P. de. Chemins de fer de Thessalie. Tract, ito. vol. 89. Constantinople, 1883. 4to. BARKER, ■ — . Improved Tramway, as adopted for the Manchester tramways. Manchester, [ .] Svo. BARKER, D. W. See Wilson-Barker, D. BARKER, G. F. Address by retiring President of the American Association, on " Some modern aspects of the Life-question." Tract. Svo. vol. 465. Salem, 1882. 8vo. BARKER, W. C, Capt., I.N. On the Lighting up of the entrance to Bombay Harbour. Tract. Svo. vol. 382. Bombay, 1863. 8vo. BARKHAUSEN, G. Biegungsspannungen in Blechen und Bandern infolge von einseitiger Verlaschung oder von Ueberlappungsver- bindungen. Tract, ito. vol. 116. Berlin, [1892.] 4to. Die Forth-Briicke. Berlin, 1889. 4to. BARKHAUSEN— BARLOW. 93 BARKHAUSEN, G., Nessenius, — , and Houselle, — . Erd- arbeiten ; tStrassen])au ; Briickeiibau, (Handbuch der Baukunde. Abt. III.) Berlin, 1892. 8vo. BARKING. The Barking Parish Act. 1888. Lond. 1881. folio. Report on the cultivation of Lodge Farm, Barking, by means of Sewage Irrigation. Tract. 4:to. vol. 83. Lond. 1872. 4to. BARKLY, ;S'//- H. Royal Society of Victoria. President's inaugural address for 1860. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12o. [I860.] 8vo. BARLOW, C. The New Tay Bridge : a course of lectures, etc., 1888. Lond. 1889. folio. 'See also Barlow, W. H. and C. BARLOW, E. An exact survey of the Tide. With a preliminary treatise concerning the origin of springs, generation of rain, and production of wind. Lo7}d. 1717. 8vo. BARLOW, P. An account of the experiments made on boai'd H.M.s ships Leven, Conway, and Griper, for correcting the local attraction of those vessels. Tract. Svo. vol. 18. Lond. 1824. Svo. An essay on Magnetic Attractions ; particularly as respects the deviation of the compass on shipboard, etc. Lond. 1820. 8vo. An essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber, founded upon experiments ; preceded by an historical reA'iew of former theories and experiments, with numerous tables ; also an appendix, on the strength of iron, and other materials. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lo7id. 1824. 8vo. Experiments on the transverse Strength and other properties of Malleable Iron, with reference to its uses for railway bars, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 56. Lond. 1835. 8vo. An investigation into the power of Locomotive Engines, and the effect produced by that power at different velocities. Tract. 4io. vol. 41. (From the Trans. lust. C.E.) [Lo7ld. 1839.] 4tb. A new Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary ; comprising an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are sus- ceptible of mathematical investigation, etc. Loud. 1814. 8vo. New Mathematical Tables, containing the factors, squai-es, cubes, square I'oots, cube roots, reciprocals, and hyperbolic logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 10,000, etc. Lond. 1814. Svo. [Another edition.] Lond. 1840. Svo. Report on the weight of the Rails, description of the chairs and fastenings, the distance of the supports, and the size of the blocks of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Tract. Sco. vol. 302. Lond. 1837. Svo. - A treatise on the Manufactures and Machinery of Great Britain : to which is prefixed an introductory view of the prin- ciples of manufactures, by C. Babbage. Lond. 1836. 4to. ("From the Eric-yclopa'dia Metiopolitana.) 94 BARLOW. BARLOW, P. — conti lined. A treatise on tlie Rtren^th of Materials ; with rules for ajiplication . , . Edited by William lLuiiil>er. Loud. 18G7. 8vo. A treatise on the Strength of Timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials ; with rules for application in architecture, construction of suspension bridges, railways, &c. With an appendix on the power of locomotive engines, and the effect of iuclincsd planes and gradients. 4th edition. Land. 1837. 8vo. A new edition, revised and corrected by J. F. Heather, M.A. To which is added an essay on the effects produced by causing weights to travel over elastic bars : by the Rev. Robert Willis, M.A., F.R.S. Loud. 1851. 8vo. BARLOW, P. W. Comparative advantages of the Atmospheric Rail- way System, etc. Tract. 8wo. vol. 500. Lnnd. 1845. 8vo. Experiments and observations, which prove that by lighting fires at or near the top, under which a plate has been fixed so as entirely to exclude the air, great economy of coal will arise. Tract. 8vo. vol. 486. Loud. 1882. 8vo. An investigation of the Laws which govern the Motion of Steam Vessels, deduced from experiments. Tract. 4to. vol. 9. (From Phil. Trans.) Loud. 1834. 4t0. Investigation of the power consumed in overcoming the Inertia of Railway Trains, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 82. Lorid. 1848. 8vo. Observations on the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge . . . On the practicability of connecting Liverpool and Birkenhead, and New York and Brooklyn, by wire susjjension bridges of one span ... A suggestion for a viaduct across the Holborn Valley, etc. Appendix. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Land. 1860. 8vo. On the relief of London street Traffic, with a description of the Tower Subway, now shortly to be executed. Tract. 8vo. vol. 270. Lond. 1867. 8vo. Report to the directors of the South-Eastern Railway Company on Permanent Way. Tract. 4:to. vol. Qd. Lond. [18701] 4to. Reports on the proposed new Bridge at Londonderry. 1857. See CuBiTT, Sir W., and Barlow, L. W. Section of the North Kent Railway, showing proposed method of supplying London with spring Water. Lond. [1850 f\ 8vo. Smoke Abatement. Tract. Svo. vol. 338. Loud. 1882. 8vo. To the Directors of the S. E. Railway. On the Supply of Water to be obtained from the North Kent distinct. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88. Lond. [ .] 8vo. The Tower Bridge : observations to prove that a new bridge east of London is unnecessary. Tract. 8vo. vol. 288. Lond. 1878. 8vo. BARLOW, W. H. On the adaptation of different modes of illumi- nating Lighthouses, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 38. Lond. 1837. 4to. (From Phil. Trans.) BARLOW — BARNARD. 95 BARLOW, W. H. — continued. On the construction of Permanent Way of Railways ; with an account of the Wrought-Iron Per- manent Way ... on the . . . Midland Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. bOO. (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lotul. 1850. 8vo. On the existence (practically) of the line of equal Horizontal Thrust in Arches, and the mode of determining it by geometrical construction. Tract. 8vo. vol. 499. Land. 1846. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) BARLOW, W. H., and C. Plan of the New Tay Viaduct. Lond. [1882?] 4to. BARNABY, J. F. Effects of Heat on the bending qualities of Ii'on Plates. Admiralty report. Tract, folio, vol. 32. Lond. 1882. folio. Experiments made to show the effect of repeated heating and cooling on the strength of Steel and Iron. Tract, folio, vol. 32. Land. 1882. folio. Influence of temperature on the strength and ductility of Steel and Iron Plates. Tract, folio, vol. 29. Lond. 1882. folio. Letter and lithographs showing the results of a series of Tests made from specimens of Siemens and Bessemer Steel. Tract, folio, vol. 38. Sheffield, 1880. folio. BARNABY, Sir N. The best Ship of War. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. [New YorJc, 1893.] 8vo. The Naval Review of British, French, Italian, German, and Russian large ships of war ; being an inspection of 253 sea-going fighting ships. Land. [1886.] 8vo. BARNABY, S. W. Marine propellers. Lond. 1885. 8vo. 3rd edition. Lond. 1891. 8vo. BARNARD, E. G. Report of a trial in the cause Barnard v. Hai-ford, in the Court of Common Pleas, 1837, respecting the form and manufacture of Iron Rails. Lond. 1838. 8vo. BARNARD, J. G. The Delta of the Mississippi considered in relation to an " open river mouth." Tract. 8vo. vol. 252. [Neio York, 1875.] 8vo. (From the Trans. American Society of C.E.) The Isthmus of Tehuantepec ; being the results of a survey, etc. (Atlas of plates.) New York, 1852. 8vo. On the causes of deviation in elongated projectiles. Tract. 8vo. vol. Ii7. [New ' Haven,] 18G0. 8vo. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts.) The phenomena of the Gyroscope, analytically examined, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 122. New York, 1858. 8vo. A Report on the Defences of Washington. [Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 20.] Washington, 1871. 4to. 96 BARNARD — BARNSLEY COLLIERIES. BAUNAllD, J. G. — coiitiiined. Report on Li^'hihouse ]*]ni,auceriiig, as exhibited ;it the Centennial International ExliiWition, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol 473. [New Ym-k,] 1879. 8vo. (From the Trans. American Society ofC.K.) ' Repoit on the North Sea Canal of Holland ; and on the im- provement of navi>^ation from Rotterdam to the sea. [Pro- fessional Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 22.] Washington, 1872. 4to. BARNARD, J. G., and Others. Report on the fabricaticjn of Iron for defensive purposes, and its uses in modern fortifications ; especially in works of coast defence. (Supplement.) [Pro- fessional Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 21.] Washington, 1871-2. 4to. BARNES, J. Report and estimate, made under the direction of the Company of Proprietors of the Leicestershire and Ncjrthampton- shire Union Canal, etc. Tract. Ato. vol. 7. Banbury, 1802. 4to. BARNES, J. S., Lieut.-Commander. Submarine "Warfare, etc. New York, 1869. 8vo. BARNES, P. The present technical condition of the Steel Industry of the United States. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 25.] Washington, 1885. 8vo. BARNES, R. Third quai-terly report on the Health and Sanitary Condition of Shoreditch for the quarter ending December 27, 1856. Tract, folio, vol. 6. Lond. 1857. folio. BARNETT, E., Gapt. The West India Pilot. 4th edition. Vol. I. With supplement. Lond. 1883. 8vo. BARNETT, J. D. The warming, ventilating, and lighting of Railway Cars. Tract. 8w. vol. 457. Montreal, 1887. 8vo. (From the Trans. Canadian Soc. of C.E.) Workshops — their design and constructions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. Montreal, 1889. 8vo. BARNHAM, Richardson and Co. Letters, papers, and data in reference to the merits and economy of the American cast-iron chilled disc Railway Wheels. Tract. 8vo. vol. 294. New York, 1877. 8vo. BARNS, J. W. Canal irrigation report of the Bahawalpur State, 1876. See India. — Bahawalpue. BARNSLEY CANAL. Act (and amended Act) for making and maintaining the Barnsley Canal Navigation, etc. Lond. 1793, 1808. folio. Barnsley Navigation Bill. Minutes of Evidence and Speeches before the Select Committee on the Barnsley Canal and Aire and Calder. Lond. 1871. folio. BARNSLEY COLLIERIES. Narrative of sudden outbursts of Gas in collieries working the Barnsley thick coal and the Silkstone coal in the Barnsley Collieries. Tract. 8vo. vol. 477. Leeds, 1879. 8vo. BAROIS — BARRET. 97 BAROIS, J. L'irrigation en Egypte. Paris, 1887. 8vo, (From the Eiilletin de la Direction dc I'HydrauIique Agricole.) Reservoirs in British India. [5//* Int. Confjr. Inl. Nav.^ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. BAROJS", H. Catalogue descriptif des modeles, instruments et dessins des galeries de I'Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees. 1873. See Pauis. — Ecole nationale, etc. BAROZZIO, J. DE. Vignole, ou etudes d'architecture. Ouvrage con- tenant le traite des cinq ordres, avec un choix de portes, fenetres, balustz-ades, acroteres, etc. : pris dans les edifices que Vignole a batis, ete. 3^ edition. Pam [1840?] 4to. BARR, A. The Engineer of the Futui'e : an introductory lecture, etc. Trad. 8vo. vol. 476. Leeds, 1888. 8vo. James Watt and the application of science to the mechanical arts ; an inaugural address, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. Glasgow, 1889. 8vo. BARR, H. J., Maj.-Gen. Automatic Danger Signal for Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 238. Aberdeen, 1874. 8vo. BARR, W. M. A practical treatise on high pressure Steam Boilers, etc. Indianapolis, 1880. 8vo. Pumping Machinery, etc. Philadelphia, 1893. 8vo. BARRAL, J. A. Les irrigations dans le departement de Yaucluse. Paris, 1877. 4to. Les irrigations dans le departement des Bouches-du-Rhone. Rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1876, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1876-78. 4to. Manuel du drainage des terres arables. Paris, [18.54.] 12mo. BARRAL^D, H. Improved Chronometers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 465. Land. 1850. 8vo. BARRAULT, A. Politique du canal de Suez, questions techniques et economiques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 112. Paris, 1856. 8vo. BARRAULT, A. and E. Le canal de Suez et la question du trace. Tract. 8vo. vol. Paris, 1856. 8vo. BARRE, A. A short description of the Gliding Railway on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Trad. 8vo. vol. 531. Lond. 1891. 8vo. BARREAU, — . Etude sur les qualites et essais des ciments a prise lente dits Portland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 475. [1881.] 8vo. BARR^S DU MOLARD, de, Viscount. Nouveau systeme de ponts a, grandes portees, ou moyen economique de construire des arches de toutes grandeurs. Paris, 1827. 4to. BARRET, L. Memoire sur un nouveau systeme de chaudieres tubulaires a courant d'eau continu. Tract. 4:to. vol. 84. Marseille, 1868. 4to. Note sur I'amenagement des ports de commerce. Paris, 1875. Svo. H 98 BATIRETT — BARRY. BARRETT, A. International Association for ol)taining a uniform decimal system of measures, etc. 1860. Sec Yates, J., and Barrett, A. BARRETT, J. On the construction of Fire-proof Building's. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Loud. 1853. 8vo. BARRETT, W. F. Elementary Acoustics, and its application to the construction of buildings. Two lectures. Chatham, 1869. folio. On the physical properties of Manganese Steel. Tract. 8vo. rol 437. 1886. Svo. Sensitive Flames as illustratiAe of Sympathetic Vibration. [Science Lectures at South Kensington, vol. 2.] Loud. 1879. Svo. BARRON, L. La Loire. Paris, 1888. 8vo. BARROSO, Z. Pharoes : estudos sobre a illuminacao da costa do Brazil. Tract. 8vo. vol. 302. Lund. 1868. 8vo. BARROW, J. Archimedis opera : Apollonii Perg;Bi conicorum libri iv. Theodosii sphterica : methodo nova illustrata, et succincte demon- strata per J. Barrow. Loridim, 1675. 4to. (Contains autograph of Labelye, 1725.) BARROW, K. Sketch of proposed mid-channel Telegraph Stations. Tract, folio, vol. 11. Land. 1869. folio. BARROW-IN-FURNESS.— J'ree Public Library. Annual Report. Barroiv, 1885, etc. Svo. Catalogue of the Library. Barroiv, 1885. Svo. BARROWMAN, J. A glossary of Scotch Mining Terms. Hamilton, 1886. Svo. BARRUS, G. H. Boiler Tests. Bosto7i, 1891. Svo. BARRY, Bev. A. The architect of the new Palace at Westminster : a reply to a pamphlet by E. W. Pugin, entitled "Who was the art-architect of the Houses of Parliament 1 " Tract. Svo. vol. 165. Lo7id. 1868. Svo. The Life and Works of Sir Charles Barry. Lond. 1867. Svo. BARRY, C, Jun. Some description of the mechanical Scaffolding used at the new Palace at Westminster, particularly in reference to the three main towers of the building. Tract, ito. vol. 49. (Read at the Inst. Brit. Archt.) \Lond. 1857.1 4to. BARRY, E. M. Lectures on Architecture. Delivered at the Royal Academy. Tract. Svo. vol. 205. Loud. 1871. Svo. [Another Series.] Tract. Svo. vol. 245. Lond. 1874. Svo. Lectures on Architecture delivered at the Royal Academy . . . 1874-80. Edited with introductory memoir by A. Bariy. Lond. 1881. Svo. The new Law Courts, and the National Gallery : facts relating to the late competitions, with a reply to portions of Mr. Street's recent pamphlet. Tract. Svo. vol. 220. Lond. 1872. Svo. BARRY — B ARTELS. 99 BARRY, F. [Reports on drainage and improvement of Lands in various districts of Ireland.] Dublin, 1847-52. 8vo. BARRY, H. Russian Metallurgical Woi'ks, iron, copper, and gold, concisely described. Lond. 1870. 12mo. BARRY, J. An inquiry into the real and imaginary obstructions to the acquisition of the Arts in England. Lund. 1775. 8vo. BARRY, J. D. Report on the Claremont Peak gravel mine, called the Miriam and Caroline claims. Tract, folio, vol. 29. San Francisco, 1880. folio. Report on the property of the Homer Mill and Mining Company, Homer Mining District. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. San Francisco, 1880. 8vo. Report on the proposed Eocene Tunnel at Big Bend on the north fork of the Feather River. Tract, folio, vol. 30. San Francisco, 1880. folio. BARRY, J. "W. Presidential Address to the Junior Engineering Society, November, 1893. Tract. 8vo. vol. 522. Lotid. 1893. 8vo. Railway Appliances : a description of details of railway con- struction subsequent to the completion of the earthworks and structure. Lotid. 1876. 12mo. Report on the Pier at Bally cottin. 1889. See Ballycottin. Ribble Navigation Commission. Reports, etc. 1889-91. See Nares, Sir G. S., Hartley, Sir C. A., and Barry, J. W. BARRY, J. W., and Bramwell, Sir F. J. Railways and Locomotives. Lectures delivered at the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, 1877. Lond. 1882. 8vo. BARRY, P. Dockyard Economy and Naval Power. Lond. 1863. 8vo. The Dockyards and the private shipyards of the Kingdom. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 387. Lond. 1863. 8vo. The Dockyards, shipyards, and marine of France. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Report made to the Cork Harbour Commissioners on the general improvement of the harbour and river of Cork. Tract. 8vo. vol. 305. Corl-, 1874. 8vo. Shoeburyness and the Guns : a philosophical discourse. Lond. 1865. 8vo. BARRY, T. D. The present state of the Sewage question. Tract. 8vo. vol. 307. Liverpool, 1870. 8vo. BARRY DOCKS AND RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade ... on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic, and Schedule of Maximum Rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. BARTELS, H. Bericht iiber einige sogenannte Secundar-bahnen insbesondere Schmalspurbahnen in Amerika. Tract. 8co. vol. 289. Berlin, 1878. 8vo. H 2 100 BARTELS — BARUS. BARTELS, H. — continued. Betriebs-Einrichtungen uuf amerikan- ischen I'ii.scnbalincii. I. Bahuhofsaiilageii nnd Signale. Berlin, 1879. 8vo. BARTIIlfcLEjMY, A. J. Momoire sur IV'tahlisscnuiut d'uiie com- munication cntre Bruxelles et Charleroy, au moyen d'un canal de petite dimension, a I'instar de ceux qui sont en usage en Angleterre et dans I'Amei'ique septentrionale, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 11. Bruxelles, 1817. 8vo. BARTH^LEMY SAINT-HI L AIRE, J. B. Lettres sur r%ypte. Paris, 1857. 8vo. BARTHOLOMEW, A. Hints relative to the construction of tire- proof buildings, occasioned by the late destruction of the Royal Exchange, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 59. Land. 1839. 8vo. BARTHOLOMEW, J. Handy reference Atlas of the World, with complete index and geogra^ihical statistics. Land. 1887. 8vo. BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. The pocket Gazetteer of the World : a dictionary of general geography. Land. 1888. 12mo. BARTLETT, — . Index Geologicus. Exeter, [ .] 8vo. BARTLETT, J. H. District Steam Supply : heating buildings by steam from a central source. Tract. Svo. col. 381. Montreal, 1884. 8vo. The Manufacture, consumption and production of Iron, steel and coal in the dominion of Canada. Tract. Svo. vol. 421. Montreal, 1885. 8vo. BARTLETT, W. H., and Others. Finden's views of the ports, harbours, and watering-places of Great Britain. With descrip- tions, continued by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. Lojid. [ .] Svo. BARTOL, B. H. A treatise on the Marine Boilers of the United States. Philadelphia, 1851. Svo. BARTOLE, Da Sasferrato. La Tiberiade . . . Del modo di dividere I'alluuione, I'isole, et gl'aluei. Con I'annotatioui et espositio di Claudio Tobaldutii da Montalboddo. Mama, 1587. Svo. BARTON, J. On the Economic Distribution of Material in the sides, or vertical portion of Wrought-Iron Beams. Tract. Svo. vol. 499. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 1856. SvO. BARTON MOSS, near Manchester. Report . . . on the . . . Ex- plosion at a small Firework Factory at Barton Moss . . . 26th October, 1892. Lond. 1893. folio. BARUS, C. The Compressibility of Liquids. [U.S. Geol. Surveij. Bulletin No. 92.] Washington, 1892. Svo. ' High Temperature Work in Igneous Fusion and Ebullition, chiefly in relation to Pressure. \TJ.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 103.] Washington, 1893. Svo. The Mechanism of Solid Viscosity. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bul- letin No. 94.] Washington, 1892. Svo. Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 36.] Washington, 1886. Svo. BAEUS — BAS8INGHYLL. 101 BARUS, C. — continued. The Viscosity of Solids. [U.S. GeoJ. Survey. Bulletin No. 73.] Washiugton, 1891. 8vo. The Volume Thermodynamics of Liquids. [U.S. Geol. Surceij. Bulletin No. 9G.] Washington, 1892. 8vo. BARUS, C, and Strouhal, V. The Electrical and Magnetic Properties of the Iron-Carburets. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 14.] WasMugfon, 1885. 8vo. Physical Properties of the Iron-Carburets. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 35.] Washington, 1886. 8vo. BARWICK. Report ... on the destruction by explosion and tire of a Drying-House at the Factory of the Smokeless Powder Com- pany at Barwick, on 26th May, 1893. Lond. 1893. folio. BASHFORD, J. L. Elementary Education in Saxony. Tract. 8vo. vol. 333. Lond. 1881. 8vo. BASHFORTH, F. Description of a Chronograph, adapted for measur- ing the varying velocity of a body in motion through the air, and for other purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Lond. 1866. 8vo. Description of a machine for finding the numerical roots of eauations, and tracing a variety of useful curves. (Brit. A*ssoc. 1845.) Tract. 8m vol 336. [Lond.] 1845. 8vo. (Lithographed.) Reprint of " A description of a machine for finding the numerical roots of equations and tracing . . , curves." Tract. 8vo. vol. 518. Camhridge, 1892. 8vo. A general Table for facilitating the calculation of Earthworks for railways, canals, &c., with a table of proportionate parts. Lond. 1847. 8vo. A mathematical treatise on the Motion of Projectiles, founded chiefly on the results of experiments made with the author's chronograph. Lond. 1873. 8vo. On the Resistance of the Air to the motion of elongated Projectiles having variously formed heads. Tract. 4to. vol. 68. (From the rhilosophioal Transactions.) [Lond. 1868.] 4t0. Tables of remaining Velocity, time of flight, and energy of various Projectiles calculated from the results of experiments made with the Bashforth chronograph, 1865-70. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Lond. 1871. 8vo. BASINGSTOKE CANAL. An Act for making a navigable Canal from Basingstoke ... to communicate with the RiA-er Wey, etc. (Imperfect.) Lond. 1778. folio. Observations on the proposed junction Canal between Winchester and the Basingstoke Canal ; with an appendix. Tract. 8ro. vol. 5. Lond. 1808. 8vo. BASSINGHYLL. Report on an Explosion at Bassinghyll Gunpowder Mills, June 15th, 1883, by Capt. J. P. Cundill. Lond. 1883. folio. 1 02 BASSET — BATEMAN. BASSET, N. Guide j^ratique du f;il)riciuit de sucre. Nouvelle edition. 3 vols. Paiia, 1872-75. 8vo. BASSETT, A. On Patent Fuel, or the utilisation of small-coal. Tract. 8vo. vol. IGl. Kewj^ort, 1867. 8vo. BASSETT, J. D. Elementary thoughts on Political Economy. Tract. 8vo. vol. G3. L'rud. 1819. 8vo. BASTELICA, M. C. dk. Les torrents, leurs lois, leurs causes, leurs effets. Paris, 1874. Svo. BATAAFSCH GENOOTSCHAP DER PROEFONDERVIND- LIJKE WIJSBEGEERTE. Nieuwe verhandelingen. 2 vols. Botterdam, 1844-51. 4to. BATAVIA. Description de " Tandjong Priok," port de Batavia. Tract. Svo. vol. 481. ' La Haye, 1888. 8vo. Specification and conditions for the construction of a new harbour for Batavia at Tandjong Priok ; with a canal and a railway from Batavia to the new harbour. Tract, folio, vol. The Hague, 1876. folio. BATE, J. Emigration to the British colonies of North America, Australia, New Zealand, the Cape of Good Hope, and Natal, showing their extent, products, resources, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 140. Lond. 1862. Svo. BATEMAN, F. F. Reply to the Montreal Harbour Engineer's Report on the St. Lawrence Bridge and manufacturing scheme. Tract. 4.to. vol. 89. Montreal, 1882. 4to. BATEMAN, J. F. La T. Belfast Waterworks. Report on the supply of Water to the town of Belfast, together with a report on the improvement of the old works, by 0. Lanyon ; and analyses of water, by Professor T. Andrews. Tract. Svo. vol. 194. Manchester, 1856. Svo. City of Buenos Ayres improvements. Report on the Drainage and Sewerage and Water-supply of the city of Buenos Ayres. Lond. 1871. folio. Description of the Manchester Waterworks. Tract. Svo. vol. 194. Birmingham, 1866. Svo. Dundee Corporation Waterworks. Observations on the various routes which have been proposed for conveying water from Lin- trathen to Dundee. Tract. Svo. vol. 215. Westminster, 1872. Svo. Glasgow Corporation Waterworks. City piping. Report on the rearrangement and extension of the water-pipes in the city. Appendices. Tract. Svo. vol. 110. Glasgow, 1858. Svo. Glasgow Waterwoi'ks. Supply of Water from Loch Katrine. Summary of description given to Section G. of the British Asso- ciation, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 194. 1859. Svo. History and description of the Manchester Waterworks. Lond. 1884. 4to. BATEMAN. 103 BATEMxVN, J. F. La T. — continued. Inquiry into the extent and causes of the Shannon Floods. Tract. 8vo. vol. 262. Duhlin, 1863. 8vo. Irwell Floods, 1866. Report to the Corporation of Manchester. Tract. 8vo. vol. 169. Manchester, 1868. 8vo. Meteorology. Rainfall. Read before the Victoria Institute. Tract. 8vo. vol. Soi. Lond. [1881 1] 8vo. Metropolis Water Supply. On the supply of water to London from the sources of the river Severn. Tract. 8vo. vol. 151. Westminster, 1865. 8vo. Observations on the relations which the fall of Rain bears to the water flowing from the ground ; and report upon the fall of rain along the lines of the Rochdale, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Peak Forest canals, and at other places during the year 1844. Tract. 8vo. vol. 80. Manchester, 1845. 8vo. On a constant ^yater-supply for London. Tract. 8vo. vol. 194. Westminster, 1887. 8vo. On the present state of our knowledge on the supply of "Water to Towns. Tract. 8vo. vol. IIQ. Lond. I8b^. 8vo. (From the Report of the British Association.) Port of Buenos Ayres. Reports to Senor Don P. Agote, the Minister of Finance of the province of Buenos Ayres, on improved Harbour accommodation. Lond. 1871. folio. Port of Ipswich. Report on the proposed new Lock Entrance and improvements in the river Orwell. Tract, ito. vol. 90. 1872. 4to. Reports on the large Sluice Cocks or valves employed in the execution of the Loch-Katrine Waterworks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 140. Glasgow, 1859. 8vo. Reports on the various schemes for supplying Glasgow with Water, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 110. Manchester, 1853. 8vo. Report to the corj^orations of Edinburgh, Leith, and PortobeUo. Tract. 8vo. vol. 306. 1869. 8vo. Returns of the Rainfall in the Glasgow, Manchester, Ashton, Dewsbury, Halifax, Blackburn, Stockport, Oldham and Batley waterworks districts for 1866-1868 and 1873-1883. 4to. 1866- 1868. Tract, folio, vols, '^b and 2>^. Westminster, 18^1-8^. folio. 1884. Tract, folio, vol. 34. Lond. 1884. 8vo. . 1885. Tract, ito. vol 97. Lond. 1885. 4to. 1886. Lond. 1886. 4to. 1887-88, by Bateman, Parsons and Bateman. Lond. 1887-88. 4to. — — Some account of the Suez Canal. (Suez Canal Tracts. Vol. 2.) (from the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) 1870. 8vO. 104 BATEMAN — BAUDRAND. BATEMAN, J. F. La T., and Rkvv, J. J. Channel Itailway : description of a proposed cast-iron tul)c for carrying a railway across the Channel between the coasts of England and France. Trad. ito. vol. 61. Limd. 1SG9. 4to. BATES, O. Pine-stringers and floor-beams for bridges. Tract. Svo. vol. 510. [New York,] 1890. 8vo. (From the Trans. Am. Soc. C.E.) BATESON, P. Fuel Purification. Tract. 8vo. vol. .519. [Lond. 1892.] 8vo. BATESON, Peter. Some papers relating to the; general Draining of Marsh Land in the county of Norfolk ; with Mr. Berners's oljjec- tions and proposals, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 12. 1710. 8vo. BATH AND BRISTOL CANAL. Act for Bath and Bristol Canal and Bristol Waterworks. Lond. 1811. folio. Prospectus relative to the Bath and Bristol Canal. Tract. Svo. vol. 66. Lond. 18n. 8vo. BATHO, W. F. Oude and Rohilkund railway bridge over the Ganges at Benares. Specification of steel superstructure. Tract, folio, vol. 31. Lond. 188L folio. BATHURST, N.S.W. Report by W. Clark on the Water-Supply of Bathurst. Sydney, 1877. folio. BATLEY. Report by Major J. P. Cundill on the circumstances attending an accident at a display of fireworks at Batley on the 24th December, 1886. Lond. 1887. folio. BATTEL Y, J., Archdeacon. The antiquities of Richborough and Reculver. Lond. 1774. 12mo. BATTEN, J., Jun. The Stanneries Act, 1869. Edited with notes, etc. Lond. 1873. 8vo. BATTERSBY, C. J. Inny district, counties of Meath, West Meath, Cavan and Longford. Supplemental report to the commissioners, showing the present state of the works, etc. Dublin, 1851. 8vo. BATTYE, R. F. Upon certain important matters in relation to the areas of Circles and Squares : a geometrical brochure. Tract. Sm. vol. 172. Lond. 1869. 8vo. BATURITE RAILWAY. Estrada de Ferro de Baturite. [Album of photographs.] [1880.] folio. BAUDE, J. J. De I'enquete sur les fers. Tract. Svo. vol. 298. Paris, 1829. Svo. De la Loire au-dessus de Briare ; aper^u des avantages qui resul- teraient . . . de I'ouverture d'un canal lateral a cette riviere, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 11. Paris, 1822. 8vo. BAUDOT, M. Le nivellement general de la France et le nivellement de precision de la Suisse. Tract. Svo. vol. 313. Paris, 1874. 8vo. BAUDRAND, R. P. Les carrieres maritimes et les moeurs casanieres. Tract. Svo. vol. 300. Paris, 1870. 8vo. BAUDRILLART — BAUMEI8TER. 105 BAUDRILLART, H. Manuel d'^conomie politique. 5™-^ edition. Paris, 1883. 8vo. BAUDRY, C. Chemins de fer de Paris a Lyon et a la Mediterranee. Note sur les locomotives compound. Tract, folio, vol. 48. Paris, 1889. folio. BAUDSON, E. Trace des chemins de fer, routes, canaux et tramways, etc. Paris, [1884.] 8vo. BAUER, G. t4edachtnissrede auf Otto Hesse. Tract. Ato. vol. 113. Miinchen, 1883. 4to. BAUERMAN, H. Coal. Tract, ito. vol. 80. Edinh. 1877. 4to. (From the Encyclopsdia Britannica, 9th edition.) A descriptive catalogue of the Geological, Mining, and Metallur- gical Models in the Museum of Practical Geology. Lond. 1865. 8vo. Note on a rare Blast Furnace Slag of gehlenite. Tract. 8vo. vol. 425. A text-book of descriptive Mineralogy. A treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron, etc. 4th edition. 5th edition. 6th edition, enlarged. he composition of Lond. 1886. 8vo. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Lo7id. 1868. 8vo. Lond. 1874. 8vo. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Lond. 1890. 8vo. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Text-book of systematic Mineralogy. BAUERNFEIND, C. M. vox. Das bayerische Pracisions-Nivelle- ment. Siebente Mittheilung. Tract, ito. vol. 113. Milnclien, 1884. 4to. Elemente der Vermessungskunde : ein Lehrbuch der technischen Geometrie. [5th edition.] 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1876. 8vo. Gedachtnisrede auf Joseph von Fraunhofer zur Feier seines hundertsten Geburtstags. Tract. 4^o. vol. 113. Miinchen, 1887. 4to. Vorlegeblatter zur Briickenbaukunde. Miinchen, 1853. 4to. BAUM, C. Les Chemins de Fer de I'Etat et les chemins de fer concedes a des compagnies privees. Tract. 8vo. vol. 279. Lille, 1876. 8vo. Un Chemin de Fer militaire en Prusse. Tract. Svo. vol. 304. Paris, 1877. 8vo. BAUMANN, A. Tafeln zur Gasometrie. Miinchen, 1885. 8vo. BAUMEISTER, R. Stadtisches Strassenwesen und Stiidtereinigung, etc. [Handbuch der Baukunde, Abt. III.] Berlin, 1890. 8vo. The Cleaning and Sewerage of Cities : adapted from the German, by J. M. Goodell. Neio York, 1891. 8vo. BAUMHAUER, E. H. von. The Teredo navalis, and the means of preserving wood from its ravages. Tract. Svo. vol. 288. 1878. 8vo. 106 BAUSOHINGER — BAYNE8. BAUSCHINGER, J. Elemente der graphischen Statik. Miinchen, 1871. 4to. Indicator- Versuche an Locomotiven, angestellt unter ]\Iitwirkung des Konigl. Maschinenmeisters Zorn in Augsburg. Trad. ito. vol. 69. Leipzig, 1868. 4to. INIittheilungen aus dem mechanisch-technischen Laboratorium der K. technischen Hochschule in Miinchen. See Munich. — Kvnitjliche iechiiscJie Hochschdc. Versuche iiber Ehisticitiit und Festigkeit verschiedener Materia- lien angestellt in der Baierischen Lands-Industrie-Gewerbe- und Kunstausstellung in Niirnberg, Tract. 4/o. rid. 111. 3Iunchen, 1882. 4to. BAUSCHINGER, J., and Others. Beschliisse der Cunferenzen zu Miinchen am 22-24 September, 1884, und Dresden am 20 und 21 September, 1886, iiber einheitliche Untersuchungs-jMethoden bei der Priifung von Bau und Constructions-Materialien auf ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften. Tract. 8vo. vol. 457. Miinchen, 1887. 8vo. BAVIER, S. Die Strassen der Schweiz. Zurich, 1878. 4to. BAYER Y BOSCH, J. Construcciones e industrias rurales. 2 vols. Barcelona, 1889-90. 8vo. BAYERISCHER ARCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR-VE- REIN. Zeitschrift. Vols. 6-8. Miinchen, 1874-77. 4to. ("Title changed in 1878 to " Zeitschrift fiir Baukunde," See Periodical Publications.) BAYLDON, J. S. The art of Valuing Rents and Tillages, and the tenant's right on entering and quitting farms . . . 3rd edition, corrected. Land. 1827. 8vo. BAYLDON, R. Advantages of reducing the Hours of the Miner's labours. Tract. 8vo. vol. 284. Leeds, 1860. 8vo. BAYLE, E. Cours de mineralogie et de geologie. Tract. 4:to. vol. 94. (Lithographed.) Paris, 1869. 4to. BAYLES, J. C. House Drainage and Water Service. Neio York, 1882. 8vo. BAYLEY, T. The Assay and Analysis of Iron and Steel, iron ores and fuel. Land. 1884. 8vo. BAYLIS, B. On Puddling. Lond. 1866. 12mo. BAYLIS, E. A. Reports in relation to the Advertising Stations (Rating) Act, 1889. 1891. See Haywood, W., and Baylis, E. A. BAYLISS, J. Manslield and Southwell Railway. [Photographs.] Nottingham, 1872. 4to. BAYNES, J. A. Indian Railways. Comparative statement of con- struction, cost, receipts, working charges, and net earnings, for the years 1871-74. Tract, folio, vol. 36. Lond. 1872-75. folio. Memorandum on the cost, traffic and working of the railways in the United Kingdom, and in India, for the years 1873 and 1874, compared with 1872 and 1873. Tract, folio, vol. 36. Lond. 1874-75. folio. BAZAINE — BAZALGETTE. 107 BAZAINE, D., and Chaperon, — . Chemins tie fer d' Alsace, etc. Paris, [1844.] 4to. BAZALGETTE, C. N. London Water Supply. Tract. 8i-o. vol. 378. Lond. 1884. 8vo. The Sewage Question ; with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. Tract. 8vo. vol. 372. Lond. 1877. 8vo. KFrom Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) BAZALGETTE, Sir J. W. Communications between the north and south of the Thames below London Bridge. Tract. 8vo. vol. 369. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Data employed in determining the sizes and estimating the cost of the works designed for the Main Drainage of the Metropolis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 108. Lond. 1855. 8vo. A lecture on the Main Drainage of the Metropolis, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol 105. Lund. 1857. 8vo. Letter from the Thames conservators relative to the deposit in the bed of the river at Halfway Reach. Tract. 8vo. vol. 261. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Letter to the Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage Board. MS. Lond. 1879. folio. Metropolitan Bridges. Report as to repairs urgently necessary. Tract. 8vo. vol. 443. Lond. 1880. 8vo. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Reports by the engineers, on the extension of the late Mr. F. Forster's plan for the main drainage of the districts south of the Thames and modification of its branches. Appendix. Tract. 8vo. vol. 108. Lond. 1855. 8vo. Metropolitan Main Drainage and intercepting works. Contract drawings. 15 vols. Lond. 1859-73. folio. Containing, Northern division — Abbey Mills pumping station. Main line and Hackney Wick branch. Middle level sewer. Northern low level sewer. Northern outfall reservoir. Northern outfall sewer. Western sewers. Southern division — Deptford pumping establishment, engines and pumps. Engine-houses, reservoirs, etc., at Crossness Poiiit. Pumping engines at Crossness Point. Southern high level sewer. Southern low level sewer, Bermondsey Branch. Southern low level sewer, main line and Bermondsey branch. Southern outfall sewer. 108 BAZALGETTE. BAZALGETTE, Sir J. Vi .—continued. IMeti-opc.litan Main Drain- age and intercepting works. Specifications. 10 vols. Lond. 1859-73. folio. Containing, Northern (li\ision — Middle level sewer. Northern low level sewer. Northern outfall sewer. Southern division — ■ Doptford pumping establishment, engines and pumps. Engine-house and reservoirs, Crossness Point. Pumping-engines, Crossness Point. Southern high level sewer. Southern outfall sewer. On the Metropolitan system of Drainage, and the interception of the sewage from the river Thames. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. (From the Mill, of I'loc. Inst. C.E.) Loiid. 18(J0. 8vo. Peply to the Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage Board. MS. Lond. 1879. folio. Repoi't as to the vise of Asphalte for foot Pavements. Tract. 8vu. vol. 478. Loud. 1871. 8vo. Report on an Inspection of Manure and Chemical "Works, etc. 1865. See Letheby, H., and Bazalgette, Sir J. W. Report on [J. W. Bazalgette's] connection with a contract for the execution of certain works at Odessa. (Met. Board of Works.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 152. Lond, 1863. 8vo. Report on the Sewage interception and main drainage of the districts north (south) of the Thames. Tract. 8vo. vol. 133, 108. Land. 1856. 8vo. Report on the Sewerage and Sanitary Condition of Brighton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Brighton, 1883. 8vo. Report on the tenders for the southern Sewage of the Meti^opolis. 1867. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. Lond. 1867. Svo. Report on the tenders for the southern Sewage, with appendices containing the tenders, and the communications referred to therein. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. Lond. 1865. Svo. Report on the whole question of the northern and southern Drainage, with comparative estimates of different points of outfall and modes of disposing of the sewage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 152. Lond. 1856. 8vo. Report relative to the requirements which the Main Drainage is, and is not intended to answer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. Lond. 1871. Svo. Report upon metropolitan and other Railway schemes of session 1864. Lond. 1864. Svo. Report upon metropolitan Tramways, 1871. Lond. 1870. Svo. Report upon the Drainage and Water supply of Rugby, Sandgate, Tottenham, St. Thomas's, Exeter, and Barnard Castle. Tract. 8vo. vols. 108, 358. Lond. 1854. Svo. BAZALGETTE — BEAMISH. 109 BAZALGETTE, Sir J. W. — continued. Report iijwu the position, character, and cost of a proposed Bridge o\er the Thames below London Bridge. Tract. 8vo. vol. 309. Lond. 1878. 8vo. Reports on the Boring operations at the Crossness pumping station, with communications on the subject. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Lond. 1869. 8vo. Further report : with communication from F. E. Houghton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Lond. 1869. 8vo. Reports relative to the experimental operations of the Native Guano Company. 1873. See Native Guano Company. Reports upon Metropolitan Railway and other schemes, 1867, 1871, and 1874. Lond. 1867, 71, 74. 8vo. A short descriptive account of the Thames Embankment, and of the Abbey Mills pumping station. 30th July, 1868. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Thames Conservancy and Main Drainage Outfalls. Report on the arbitration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 358. Lond. 1880. 8vo. 'Thames Sewerage Commission. Description of plan for purifying the Thames from Sewage between the Metropolis and Windsor. Tract. 8vo. vol. 247. Lond. 1871. 8vo. See also, London. — [Drainage^, [Lighting'], [Servers], [Water- Supphj], etc. See Roe, J. Report in respect of . . . the Northern Drainage. Together with the reports ... of J. W. Bazalgette, etc. 1854. BAZALGETTE, Sir J. W., and Others. Report on the Diversion of the Sewage of Cambridge. See Cambridge. [Reports . . . upon the condition of the river Thames with reference to certain allegations contained in a report dated Oct. 15, 1877, by Capt. Calver, R.N. Tract. 8vo. vol. 288. And Appendix, map. Tract, folio, vol. 30. Lond. 1878. 8vo. and folio. BAZIN, H. Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. Paris, 1888-1890. 8vo. Recent experiments on the Flow of Water over Weirs. Translated by A. Marichal and J. C. Trautwine, jun. Tract. 8vo. vol. 514. [Philadelphia,] 1888. 8vo. (From " Annales des Ponts et Chaussees.") • Recherches hydrauliques, etc. 1865. See Darcy, H., and Bazin, H. BAZLEY, T. The Barton Aqueduct. Tract. 8vo. vol. 404. Manchester, 1859. 8vo, BEACH, A. E. The Pneumatic Dispatch, with illustrations ; including descriptions of sub-aqueous and other tunnels. New Yorl; 1868. 8vo. BEAIVIISH, J. C. Observations on the present state of Naval Archi- tecture in Great Britain. Tract. 8ivi. vol. 286. Crrh, 1836. 8vo. 110 BEAMISH — BEAUDEMOULIN. BEAMISH, R. Memoir of tho life of Sir M. I. Brunei. Loud. 18G2. 8vo. BEARDMORE, N. Hydraulic Tables to aid the calculation of Water and Mill Power, water supply, drainage and navigable rivers : with synopsis of rainfall in Great Britain, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 375. Land. 18.50. Bvo. ■ [Another edition.] Lond. 1852, Bvo. Letter to Viscount Ebrington on proposed modifications and extensions of the "Water Supply to the borough of Plymouth. Tract. Svo. vol. 110. Ply month, 1848. 8vo. Manual of Hydrology, etc. Lond. 1862. Bvo. Report on the improvements of the River Lee navigation. Tract. Bm vol. 173. Hertford, 1859. Bvo. Suggestions for a new Street through the city of London, from Waterloo Bridge to the Commercial Road, with a leading aqueduct sewer, from the extreme west of the metropolis to the Thames at Barking Creek, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 88. Lo7id. 1850. Bvo. BEARDMORE, S. The Globe Telegraph : an essay on the use of the earth for the transmission of electric signals. (Appendices.) Tract. Svo. vol. 119. Lond. 1859. Bvo. Terra- Voltaism : remarks on the application of a terra-voltaic couple to submarine telegraphs. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Lond. 1860. Bvo. BEARDMORE, W. L. The Drainage of Habitable Buildings. Lond. 1892. Bvo. BEARDSLEE, L. A. Experiments on the Strength of Wrought Iron and of Chain Cables. Revised and abridged by W. Kent. New York, 1879. Bvo. BEATON, A. C. Quantities and Measurements ; how to calculate and take them . . . 4th edition. Lond. 1875. Svo. [Another edition.] Lond. 1885. Bvo. BEATSON, R. An Essay on the comparative advantages of vertical and horizontal Windmills : containing a description of an horizontal windmill and water-mill, upon a new construction, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 22. Lond. 1798. Bvo. BEAUDEMOULIN, L. A. Considerations sur la navigation des I'ivieres et description d'un nouveau systeme de barrage et d'ecluse propre a leur procurer a pen de frais une canalisation complete. Trad. ito. vol. 47. [I860?] 4to. (Lithographed.) Etudes sur une propriete speciale du sable et sur ses applications. Tract. Svo. vol. 235. Paris, 1874. Bvo. Memoire sur quelques procedes, outils, machines, employes a la construction des radiers en beton du pont de Tours. Tract. Svo. vol. 145. Paris, 1841. Bvo. BEAUDEMOULIN — BEOHMANN. Ill BEAUDEMOULIN, L. A. — contimied. Recherches theoriques et pratiques sur la fondation par immersion des ouvrages hydrau- liques, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 47. Paris, 1829. 4t(». BEAU DE ROCHAS, A. Amenagement des cours d'eau a debit inter- mittent. Vincennes, 1889. Bvo. BEAUFORT, Sir F. Notice of Rear- Admiral Sir F. Beaufort. Trad. 8fo. vol. 134. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Report on the Docks at Birkenhead, etc. 1851. See Stephenson, R., and Beaufort, F. BEAUFOY, M., Cul. Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous scientific miscellanies. 3 vols. Lond. 1834. 4to. (Incomplete ; wants 2nd and 3rd vols.) BEAUMONT, A. Hints for preventing damage by Fire in the con- struction and warming of buildings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 267. Lo7id. 1835. 8vo. Suggestions for a Thoroughfare through the metropolis, with similar additions to St. James's and Hyde Parks. Tract, folio, vol. 29. [I860.] "folio. BEAUMONT, F. W. Report on a design for the Improvement and deepening of the Bay and Harbour of Dublin, and of the river Anna Liflfey, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 10. Dublin, 1839. folio. BEAUMONT, G. B. D. The Law of Fire and Life Insurance, with the latest decisions, etc. 2nd edition. Lond. 1846. 8vo. BEAUMONT, J. B. A. L. L. E. de. See Elie de Beaumont, J. B. A. L. L. BEAURIN-GRESSIER, — . Dues on Inland Navigation. [5^/t Int. Congr. Lil. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. BEAUREGARD, T. de. Chemin de fer metropolitain parisien. Comparaison des deux principaux projets. Tract. 8vo. vol. 365. Paris, 1883. 8vo. BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRE, C. F. An Introduction to the practice of Nautical Surveying and the construction of sea-charts. Translated from the French by Capt. R. Copeland, with an appendix con- taining Mr. Dalrymple's essay on marine surveying ; and the description of observations by which the longitudes of places on the coast of Australia . . . have been settled by Capt. M. Flinders, R.N. Lond. 1823. 4to. BEAZELEY, A. On Coast Fog-Signals. Tract. 8vo. vol. 218. Lond. 1872. 8vo. Tables of Circular Arcs in terms of radius : calculated to twelve jDlaces of decimals. Tract. 8vo. vol. 172. Lond. [1869?] 8vo. Tables of Tangential Angles and multiples for setting out curves from 5 to 200 radius. Lond. 1865. 8vo. BECHMANN, G. De la distribution dans les villes de deux eaux de qualite differente par des canalisations distinctes. [1891.] folio. — — Salubrite urbaine ; distributions d'eau : assainissement. Paris, 1888. 8vo. 112 BECK — BECQUEREL. BECK, R. A cursory view of a proposed Canal from Kendal to the Duke of Bridgwater's canal, etc. 17G9. See Buhdett, P. P., and Beck, R. BECK VON NORDENAU, O., and Juda, A. Der Bau der Eisenbahn- Briicke iiber die Save bei Brood, 1878-79. Wieii, 1880. Svo. BECKENSTEINER, C. ttndes sur I'electricite. Traitement de la choive ou danse de St. Guy par I'electricite statique. Tract. Sco. vol. 446. Paris, 1860. Svo. BECKER, A. R. von. Arktische Reise der englischen Yacht Pandora, ini Jahre 1876, unter Commando Capt. A. Young. Tract. 8vo. vol. 314. Pola, 1878. Svo. BECKER, B. H. Scientific London. Lond. 1874. Svo. BECKER, G. F. Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District. (Atlas.) [U.S. Geol. Survey. Monograph III.] Washington, 1882. 4to. Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope. (Atlas.) [U.S. Geol. Survey. Monograph XIII.] Washington, 1888. 4to. Notes on the Stratigraphy of California. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 19.] Washington, 1885. Svo. BECKER, M. Handbuch der Ingenieur-Wissenschaft. 5 vols. Zweite Auflage [Atlas of plates.] Stuttgart, 1857-61. Svo. and folio. BECKER, M. J. Why do Rail-Joints and Splice-bars break ? Tract. Svo. vol. 413. Pennsylvania, 1885. Svo. BECKERT, T. Leitfaden zur Eisenhuttenkunde. Berlin, 1885. Svo. BECKET, J. B. An Essay on Electricity. Tract. Svo. vol. 380. Lond. 1773. Svo. BECKETT, Sir E. [Lord Grimthorpe.] Speech before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the London Water Supply. Tract. Svo. vol. 523. Lond. 1880. Svo. BECKMANN, J. A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, [j'^j Translated from the German by W. Johnson ; revised and enlai-ged by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. 4th edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1846. Svo. BECKTON. Report on the Sulphur Purification at Beckton and Bow Gasworks, by the Gas Referees : copies of further reports, etc. Lond. 1872. folio. BECKWITH, A. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report on Asphalt and Bitumen, etc. Washington, 1868. Svo. BECKWITH, L. F. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report on beton-Coignet, its fabrication and uses. Washington, 1868. Svo. BECQUEREL, A. C. Memoire sur la conservation de cuivre et du fer dans la mer. Tract, ito. vol. 63. Paris, 1864. 4to. Traite com^Dlet du magnetisme. Paris, 1846. Svo. BECQUEREL — BEDFORD LEVEL. 113 BECQUEREL, A. C. Traite experimental de I'electricite et du magnetisme et de leurs rapports avec les phenomenes naturels. 7 vols. Paris, 1834-40. 8vo. BECQUEREL, A. E. Des forces physico-chimiques et de leur in- tervention dans la production des phenomenes naturels. (Atlas of plates.) Parin, 1875. 8vo. and folio. BECQUEREL, H. Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur es sciences physiques. Ire These. — Recherches sur I'absorption de la lumiere. 2e These. — Propositions donnees par la Faculte. Paris, 1888. 4to. BECQUEY, L. Rapport au roi . . . sur la navigation interieure de la France. Tract. 4/o. vol 14. Paris, 1820. 4to. Rapport au roi . . . sur la situation des canaux, au 31 Mars, 1823. Tract. 4:to. vol. 8. Paris, 1823. 4to. BEDBROOK, J. A. Report on the working of the Sennett System of Smoke Prevention. Tract. 4:to. vol. 119. Land. 1891. 4to. BEDDOES, T. Observations on the nature of Demonstrative Evidence ; with an explanation of certain difficulties occurring in the elements of geometry : and reflections on language. Land. 1793. 8vo. BEDFORD. Report on a Gunpowder Explosion at Bedford. By Maj. A. Ford. Loiid. 1877. folio. BEDFORD COLLIERY. Special Report by J. Dickinson respecting the Explosion of Firedamp which took place on the 13th August, 1886, in the Crumbouke Mine at Wood End Pits. Lond. 1887. folio. BEDFORD LEVEL. Bedford Level petition presented to the House of Commons, 10 Feb. 1777. Tract. 8m vol. 159 Loiid. 1777. 8vo. [A collection of Acts relating to the Drainage of the Great Level of the Fens, or Bedford Level.] Lond. 1685-1762. foHo. An historical account of the North Level of the Fens, referring to legal decisions connected with such ancient laws of sewers, contracts, and Acts of Parliament, as the claims are founded upon, with respect to the equal rights of drainage and preservation of the whole North Level, including Porsand and the uninclosed parts of that level. Tract, ito. vol. 54. Lond. 1809. 4to. An Inquiry into facts, and observations thereon : humbly sub- mitted to the candid examiner into the principles of a bill intended to be offered to Parliament, for the preservation of the great Level of the fens, and the navigation through the same, by a tax on the lands and a toll on the navigation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 159. Lond. 1777. 8vo. Observations relative to a bill intended to have been presented to Parliament this session for the better draining the Middle and South Bedford Levels, and the improvement of navigation. [By A. B.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 159. 1778. 8vo. I 114 BEDFORD LEVEL — BEKE. BEDFORD LEVEL — n>ittiii»c(l. lU'port of tho joint committee of drainage and navigation relating to the Eau Bi-ink cut. Tract. 8vo. vol. 18. Lynn, 1823. 8vo. Substance of ]\[essr.s. Walker and Burgess's Reports on the Middle Level Drainage. Tract, folio, vol. 26. [Cnmhrid(ie,'] 1848. folio. BEECHEY, F. S. Electro-Telegraphy. 2nd edition. Loud. 1881. Svo. BEECHEY, F. W., Capt. Remarks upon the tidal phenomena of the river Severn, and a description of the strata passed through in boring into the bed of the river. (Atlas of plates.) Loud. 1851. folio. BEECROFT, G. Comprehensive Price Tables, specially designed for use in the iron, steel, lirc, trades. Lond. 1877. 8vo. BEEK, J. Plan of the Tower Hamlets, comprehending the various alterations and improvements to the year 1843, from actual survey, etc. Lmd. [I8b0 1] 4to. BEEKMAN, A. A. Nederland als Polderland. Zutfeii, 1884. Svo. BEER, C, and Dwelshauvers-Dery, V. A. E. Theorie nouvelle des regulateurs. Tract. Svo. vol. 473. Liege, 1877. 8vo. BEESLEY, G. Specifications of improvements in the application of the motive power to the propellers of locomotive and marine engines. Tract. Svo. vol. 279. Lo7id. [1877.] Svo. BEETON, S. O. Beeton's Ready Reckoner ; a business and family arithmetic. Loud. [1872.] 12mo. BEETZ, W. Der Antheil der k. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften an der Entwickelung der Electricitatslehre. "Vortrag, etc. Tract. Uo vol. 113. Miinchen, 1873. 4to. BEGAT, P. Traite de geodesie a I'usage des marins, etc. Paris, 1839. Svo. BEHR, F. B. Lightning Express Railway service: 120 to 150 miles per hour. Lond. 1893. 4to. BEHR, F. B., and Petit, G. The Lartigue Elevated Single Rail Railway. Lond. 1886. 4to. BEIELSTEIJSr, W., Jun. Die Installation der Warmwasseranlagen. Theoretisch-praktische Darstellung aller Systeme zur Erzeugung von Warmwasser fiir Leitungszwecke in Wohnhausern, etc. Weimar, 1889. Svo. BEILBY, G. The Production of Ammonia from the Nitrogen of Mmerals. Tract. Svo. vol. 425. Lond. 1884-85. Svo. BEKE, C T. An inquiry into M. Antoine d'Abbadie's journey to Kaffa, in the years 1843 and 1844, to discover the source of the Nile. (Appendix.) Tract. Svo. vol. 100. Lond. 1851. Svo. On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldfea. Tract. Svo. vol. IOC. Leipzig, 1839. Svo. A summary of recent Nilotic discovery. Tract. Svo. vol. 100. Lond. 1851. Svo. BELANGER— BELFAST. 115 BELANGER, J. B. Essai sur la solution numerique de quelques problemes relatifs au mouvement permanent des eaux courantes. Tract. 4.to. vol. 47. Paris, 1828. 4to. Note sur le cours d'Hydraulique. Paris, 1854-55. 4to. Resume de legons de geometrie analytique et de calcul iniinitesimal ... 2° edition. Paris, 1859. 8vo. Resume du cours de mecanique et machines. Paris, 1857. 4to. Theorie de la resistance et de la flexion plane des solides dont les dimensions transversales sont petites relativement a leur longueur. Tract. 8vo. vol. 245. Paris, 1858. 8vo. BELCHER, Sir E. A treatise on Nautical Surveying, etc. Lond. 1835. 8vo. Narrative of a Voyage round the world, performed in Her Majesty's ship " Sulphur," during the years 1836-1842. 4 vols. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang," during the years 1843-46 ; employed surveying the islands of the Eastern Archi- pelago, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1848. 8vo. The Last of the Arctic voyages ; being a narrative of the expedi- tion in H.M.S. " Assistance," under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852-53-54, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1855. 8vo. BELCSAK, C. Hardy's Vacuum-Bremse. Tract. %vo. vol. 340. Wien, 1879. 8vo. BELELUBSKY, N. Aus der Praxis des Baues eiserner Briicken. Tract. 8w. vol. 462. Biga, 1888. 8vo. Iron superstructure of a 20 sagenes (140 feet) Lattice Bridge. Type for jfive railways. [In Russian.] (Atlas of plates.) St. Petersburg, 1881. 8vo. and folio. Laboratoire mecanique de ITnstitut Imperial des Ingenieurs des voies de communication, 1875-86. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg, 1886. 8vo. Die Oka-Briicke bei Alexin und die Ranowa-Briicke bei Rjaschk. St. Petersburg, 1882. folio. Reconstruction of Bridge over Uvod River. Superstructure of the Parabolic system : span 350 feet. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg, 1884. 8vo. The Uniform Testing of Materials. [In Russian.] Tract. 8w. V'jI. 491. St. Petersburg, 1888. 8vo. I'.ELFAST. History of Belfast Harbour; compiled by the Harbour Department of the Admiralty. Lond. 1852. folio. Local Acts, 1845 to 1884 : and two Acts, 1887. Belfast, 1885, 87. 8vo. Main Drainage. Contract No. 1. Specification and drawings. J. C. Bretland, Engineer, 1888. Belfast, 1888. 8vo. and folio. I 2 116 BELFAST — BELGIUM. BELFAST — continued. New Lai^Mii ])ridgc. Specification and contract drawings. J. C. Bretland, Engineer, 1888. Belfast, 1888. 8vo. and folio. Reclamation of Slob Lands. Lond. 1876. folio. Specification, Schedule of quantities, and Form of tender, for retort liouse extension, cannel store, &c., to be erected on their works, Orinean Road, Belfast. 2 parts. Belfast, 1890. folio. [Queen's College.] Calendar . . . 1885-6 (1887, etc.). Belfast, 1885, etc. 8vo. BELGIUM.— [(7a«Ze.] Arrete du roi, du 6 Juin, 1836, sur le mode de constater le poids du betail. Tract. 8vo. vol. 53. [Bruxelles, 1836.] 8vo. [Finance.] Budget des recettes et depenses du Royaume de Belgique, pour I'exercice, 1842. Bruxelles, 1841. folio. (Imperfect.) [Geology.] Commission de la carte geologique de la Belgique. Textes explicatifs. (Atlas of maps.) Bruxelles, 1880-81. 8vo. and folio. [Harhours.] Rapport [to the Dutch Government] . . . over hun bezoek van eenige havens in Belgie en Frankrijk. 's Gravenliage, 1864. 4to. [Hydraulic Worhs.] Travaux hydrauliques. Bruxelles, 1878. folio. [Inland Navigation.] Album des depenses et des recettes faites par I'Etat sur le reseau des voies navigables, de 1830 a 1880. [Bruxelles, 1881.] folio. La navigation de la Belgique vers Paris. Bruxelles, 1840. folio. Profils en long des voies navigables de la Belgique. (Atlas.) Bruxelles, 1880. folio. Voies navigables de la Belgique. Guide du batelier. Tract. 8w. vol. . [Bruxelles,] 1880. 8vo. Edition 1889. Public par A. Dufourney. (Annexes I. et II.). 3 vols. Bruxelles, 1889-93. 8vo. Voies navigables de la Belgique. Recueil de renseignements. 2 vols. Bruxelles, 1880. folio. Voies navigables de la Belgique. Statistique du mouvement des transports. (Atlas.) Bruxelles, 1879. 8vo. and folio. [Jj'on.] Commission pour I'etude et la recherche des moyens d'etendre I'emploi du fer. Rapports et documents. (Atlas of plates.) Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo. and folio. [Lamps.] Lampes de silrete. Instruction pratique sur I'emploi de la lampe de M. I'ingenieur Mueseler, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Bruxelles, 1843. 8vo. [ilfmes.] Commission pour la redaction d'un programme des etudes a faire sur les explosions de gaz grisou. Rapport, proces- verbaux des seances, et documents. Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo. BELGIUM. 117 BELGIUM. — [ilfines] — continued. Compte rendu des operations pen- dant I'annee 1881. (Extrait.) Tract, folio, vol. 36. Bruxelles, 1882. folio. Etat des industries minieres et metallurgiques et des carrieres. Annee 1861 a 1875. Bruxelles, [1876.] 4to. Mines exploitees avec ou sans concession. [1835.] folio. Organisation du service et du corps des ingenieurs des mines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 115. Bruxelles, 1856. 8vo. Rapport presente a la Chambre des Representants. Bruxelles, 1839. folio. Reglement general de police. Tract. 8vo. vol. 466. Bruxelles, 1884. 8vo. Belgian Mine Regulations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. [Brussels, 1884.] 4to. Statistique des mines, minieres, carrieres, usines metallurgiques et appareils a vapeur de Belgique pour I'annee 1881. Tract. 8vo. vol. 466. Bruxelles, 1883. 8vo. [Public Health.] Police des etablissements dangereux, insalubres ou incommodes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 239. Bruxelles, 1873. 8vo. [Public Works.] Annales des travaux publics de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1843, etc. 8vo. [Bailways.] Chemin de fer de I'Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse. Etudes et convention provisoii'e, etc. Bruxelles, 1844. folio. Chemins de fer : exploitation. Arretes du roi et reglement general du 1" septembre, 1838. Tract. 8vo. vol. 81. Bruxelles, 1838. 8vo. Correspondence respecting Tariffs for Goods and Passengers on Belgian State Railways, and Returns for 1888 showing the working of Belgian and of Austrian and Hungarian State Rail- ways. (House of Commons Return.) Lond. 1891. foHo. Ligne du Hainaut. Enquete. Bruxelles, 1837. folio. Memorial des chemins de fer de I'Etat. Bruxelles, 1879-81. folio. Rapport presente aux Chambres legislatives, 1841, (1842, etc.). Bruxelles, 1841, etc. folio. Rapports de la commission des tarifs, instituee par arrete Royal du 14 juin, 1841. Bruxelles, 1841. folio. [Boads.] Direction des routes : cartes indiquant le developpement progressif des routes de 1830 a 1880. [Administration des Ponts et Chaussees.] [Bruxelles, 1881.] folio. Routes. Emploi du credit des six millions. Bruxelles, 1838. folio. [Savings Banks.] Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs. Examen des comptes pour I'annee 1879, (1880-1882). Tract. 8vo. vols. 343, 360, 463. Bruxelles, 1881-84. 8vo. 118 BELGIUM — BELIDOR. BELGIUM — continued. — [Steam Engines.] Arretes du Roi et regle- ment general du V septembre, 1838. (Machines a vapeur.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 81. Bnudles, 1838. 8vo. Machines a vapeur. Arretes et instructions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 314. BmxelleH, 1839. 8vo. Reglement de police et instructions. Machines a vapeur. Tract. 8vo. vol. 463. Bruxelles, 1884. 8vo. [Surrey.'l Compte rendu des operations de la Commission in- stituee par M. le Ministre de la guerre pour etalonner les regies qui ont ete employees ... a la mesure des bases geodesiques beiges, etc. Bruxelles, 1855. 4to. Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique, etc. Bruxelles, 1867. 4to. See also Brussels. — Institut cartographique militaire. [TratZe.] Statistique de la Belgique. Table generale du com- merce avec les pays etrangers, 1874-79. 2 vols. Bruxelles, 1875-80. folio. BELGRAND, E. L'age des tourbes dans la vallee de la Seine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 253. 1869. 8vo. Atlas des egouts de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1875. folio. Note sur le regime des pluies et des cours d'eau dans le bassin de la Seine a I'epoque quaternaire. Tract. Ato. vol. 76. Versailles, 1869. 4to. Plan des conduites d'eaux de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1875. folio. Recherches statistiques sur les sources du bassin de la Seine qu'il est possible de conduire a Paris, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 66. Paris, 1854. 4to. Les Travaux souterrains de Paris, etc. (3 atlases of plates.) 8 vols. Paris, 1873-87. 8vo. and folio. BELGRAND, E., and Lemoine, G. Notice sur les crues des principales rivieres de France, en Mars, 1876. Paris, 1877. 4to. Observations sur les cours d'eau et la pluie centralisees, par le Service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine. 1871, etc. See France. — [Hydrology.'] BELIDOR, B. F. de. Architecture hydraulique, etc. 4 vols. Paris, 1737-53. 4to. Nouvelle edition, avec des notes et additions par M. Navier. 1 Partie. Tom. 1. Paris, 1819. 4to. - La science des ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de fortification et d'architecture civile. 2 vols. Paris, 1739. 4to. [Another edition.] 2 vols. Paris, 1789. 4to. CEuvres diverses concernant I'artillerie et la genie. Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1764. 8vo. BELL. 119 BELL, A. ]\Iatheinatical Tables ; consisting of logarithmic and other tables required in the various branches of practical mathematics. Edinburgh, 1844. 12mo. ■ A treatise of Practical Mathematics. 2 vols, Edinburgh, 1847. 12mo. BELL, A. N. Rival Systems of Heating. Tract. 8vo. vol. 381. 1884. Bvo. BELL, Sir C. The Hand, its Mechanism, etc. 1837. See Bridge- water Treatises, No. 4. BELL, C. N. Drift-material of New Zealand Beaches, and their effect on Harbour-works and Rivers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. 1892. 8vo. Presidential address to the Australasian Association for the advancement of Science . . . Section J., Engineering and Archi- tecture. Tract. 8vo. vol. 522. [Hobart, 1892.] 8vo. [The various reports by C. N. Bell on Engineering and other Public Works in Tasmania, are catalogued under the names of the places and works to which they refer.] BELL, D. Lecture on various matters connected with the improve- ments of the river Clyde and the harbour of Glasgow. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. Glasgoio, 1837. 8vo. BELL, E., Major, and Tyrrell, P. Public Works and the public service in India. Lond. 1871. 8vo. BELL, H. P. Report on . . . Survey for a railway to connect the Canadian Pacific Railway with Barkerville, etc. 1887. See Canadian Pacific Railway. BELL, Sir I. L. Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelting, etc. Lond. 1872. 8vo. The Chemistry of the Blast-Furnace. Tract. Svo. vol. 174. Lond. 1869. 8vo. The Iron and Steel Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 437. [1886.] 8vo. ■ Notes of a visit to Coal and Iron Mines and Ironworks in the United States, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875. 8vo. Notes on the manufacture of Iron in the Austrian Empire. Tract. Svo. vol. 273. Gateshead, 1865. 8vo. Notes on the progress of the Iron Trade of Cleveland, etc. Middlesborough, 1878. 8vo. On a method of recovering Sulphur and Oxide of Manganese as practised at Dieuze, near Nancy, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1867. 8vo. On Mr. Ferrie's covered Self-cooking Furnace. [1867 ?] 8vo . On Price's Patent Retort Furnace, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875. 8vo. 120 BELL. BELL, Sir I. L. — vontinnefl. Discussion on . . . Price's Patent Retort Furnace. Ncwcantlc-npon-Ti/iie, 1876. 8vo. On some supposed changes Basaltic Veins have suffered during their passage through, and contact with stratitied rcjcks, etc. (From I'roc. Roy. Soc.) [L(md. 1875.] 8vO. On the conditions which favour, and those which limit the economy of fuel in the Blast Furnace for smelting Iron, etc. Land. 1872. 8vo. On the development and appropriation of Heat in Iron Blast Furnaces of difterent dimensions, etc. Newcastle-ujyon-Ti/ne, 1869. Svo. On the preliminary treatment of the materials used in the manufacture of Pig Iron in the Cleveland district. Birmingham, [1871.] Svo. On the separation of Carbon, Silicon, Sulphur and Phosphorus in the refining and puddling furnace in the Bessemer Process : with some remarks on the manufacture and durability of railway bai's. Two parts. Newcastle-ujxm-Tyne, 1877. 8vo. On the Sum of Heat utilised in smelting Cleveland Ironstone, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875. 8vo. On the use of Caustic Lime in the Blast Furnace, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875. Svo. Opening Address of the President of the Iron and Steel Institute, at the meeting held at Liege, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1873. Svo. A paper on our Foreign Competitors in the Iron Trade, etc. Neivcastle-upon-Tyne, [1868.] Svo. The present state of the Manufacture of Iron in Great Britain, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1867. Svo. Presidential Address to the Members of the Iron and Steel Institute ... at the annual meeting held in . . . London, April 29, 1873. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1873. Svo. President's Address [to the Iron and Steel Institute] delivered in London, 6th May, 1874, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1874. Svo. Principles of the manufacture of Iron and Steel, with some notes on the economic conditions of their production. Lond. 1884. Svo. Report on the Iron Manufacture of the United States of America, and a comparison of it with that of Great Britain. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Revues etrangeres. The Iron Trade Review. Meeting trimestriel du nord de I'Angleterre, tenu a Newcastle le 29 Septembre, 1868. [Resume of a paper by Sir I. Lowthian Bell, by G. Rocour.] Tract. 8w. vol. 174. Liege, 1868. 8vo. The Smelting of Iron Ores chemically considered. Tract. 8vo. vol 495. Lond. 1890. Svo. BELL — BELLOC. 121 BELL, Sir I. L. — continued. The Waste of Heat ... in smelting Ores of Iron. Tract. 8vo. vol. 534. Land. 1894. 8vo. BELL, J. Pantheon ; or historical dictionary of the gods, demi-gods, heroes, and fabulous persons of antiquity . . . Compiled from the best authorities. 2 vols, in 1. Lund. 1790. 4to. BELL, J., and Son. Bell's Asbestos. Tract. 8vo. vol. 427. Lond. 1886. 8vo. BELL, J. F. Water Gas : a paper, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 479. Lo7id. 1889. 8vo. BELL, L. The Electric Railway, etc. 1892. See Crosby, O. T., and Bell, L. BELL, R. The Forests of Canada. Tract. 8vo. vol. 420. Montreal, 1886. 8vo. BELL, R. B. On patent Slip Docks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 154. Glasgow, 1869. 8vo. (From the Minutes of Proceedings Institution Engineers in Scotland.) BELL, R. B., and Miller, D. Belfast Harbour. Report upon the Harbour and Dock accommodation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 305. Glasgow, 1862. 8vo. BELL, R. B., Newton, — , Major-Gen., and Fleming, S. Report on a Scheme of Improvements for the Harbour of Montreal. 1877. 8vo. BELL, T. History of the Cincinnati Waterworks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 341. Cincinnati, 1881. 8vo. BELL, W. Report on the question of the Strength of the Cylinders of the bridges on the Oude and Rohilkund Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 15. Lond. 1872. "folio. BELLAMY, C. J. Tables for the use of Engineers and Architects in taking out quantities of masoiuy, etc. Lond. 1873. 8vo. BELLASIS, E. S. " Inundation Canals " and " Gauges in shifting rivers, etc." ItoorJcee, 1886. folio. A paper on the Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments. [Lond.] 1886. 8vo. BELLEFONDS, L. de. Memoires sur les principaux travaux d'utilite publique executes en Egypte. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1872-73. 8vo. and folio. BELLEVILLE, G. Balisage et eclairage de I'estuaire de la Seine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 505. Bouen, 1893. 8vo. BELLIN, S. Le petit atlas maritime ; recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde, etc. 1764. 4to. BELLINGRATH, E. Studien iiber Bau und Betriebsweise eines Deutschen Kanalnetzes. Mit einem Atlas von 1 1 Tafeln. Berlin, 1879. 8vo. BELLINGRATH, E., and Dieckhofp, — . Traction on the Elbe and Oder. [5th Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. BELLOC, A. La telegraphic historique depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1888. 8vo. 122 BELL0RIU8 — BENE8T. BELLORIUS, P. Fragmenta vestigii veteris Roma\ Roma, 1673. folio. BELLY, F. Percement tie I'isthme de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua. Paris, 1858. 8vo. BELOE, C. H. Handbook of the Liverpool Waterworks. Tract. 8vo. vol. 152. Land. 18G9. 8vo. On the Construction of catch-water Reservoirs in mountain dis- tricts. Lond. 1872. 8vo. BELPAIRE, A. Traitc des depenses d'exploitation aux chemins de fer, etc. Anvers, 1847. 8vo. BELPAIRE, T. Etude sur la marche des crues. JVaci. 8vo. vol. 348. Gand, 1881. 8vo. BELSON, J. Memorial relating to the Mooring of Ships in the port of London. Tract. 8vo. vol. 213. Lond. 1786. 8vo. BELUCHISTAN. Report connected with the Zhara Karez Irriga- tion Scheme. [Selections from the Records of the Government of India. P.W.D. Serial. No. 11.] Calcutta, 1887. folio. BELVILLE, J. H. A Manual of the Barometer. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 229. Lond. 1849. 8vo. BENAZE, O. D. de. Recherche de la profondeur a laquelle se transmet I'agitation produite a la surface de la mer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 331. Pam, [1880?] 8vo. BENAZE, O. D. de, and Risbec, P. Memoire sur le mouvement complet du navire oscillant sur eau calme, etc (Atlas of plates.) Brest, 1873. 4to. and folio. BENAZZO, E. Circa la estensione del servizio economico sulle linee secondarie della rete ferroviaria dell' alta Italia. Tract, ito. vol. 85. Milano, 1880. 4to. II canale sussidiario Cavour. Ihrino, [1875.] 8vo. BENDER, C. Practical treatise on the properties of continuous Bridges. New York, 1876. 12mo. Proportions of Pins used in Bridges. New YorJc, 1873. 8vo. (Van Nostrand's Science Series.) BENDER, C. B. Principles of Economy in the design of metallic Bridges. Neio York, 1885. 8vo. Suspension Bridges of any desired degree of stiffness. Tract. folio, vol. 29. Lond. 1881. folio. BENEDICT, E. Bhatinda Bikanir Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 48. Pafiala, 1890. folio. Cast-iron Pipes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 315. Lond. 1878. 8vo. BENEDIKT, R. The Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours . . . Translated from the German, and edited, with additions, by E. Knecht. Lond, 1886. 8vo. BENEST, H., Capt. Coast Telegraph Communication [with light- houses, lightships, etc.l. Tract. Uo. vol. 115. Lond. [1892.] 4to. BENET — BENNION. 123 BENET, S. W., Lieut. -Co/., U.S.A. Electro-ballistic Machines and the Schultz Chronoscope. New York, 1866. 4to. BENGAL. See India. — Bengal. BENHAM, R, F. The Supply of Water to our homes ; showing the impracticability of the regulations made in pursuance of the Metropolis Water Act, 1871. Tract. 8vo. vol. 341. Loud. 1882. 8vo. BENJAMIN, P. The Age of Electricity, from amber-soul to telephone. Neio York, 1886. 8vo. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics. 2 vols. New York, 1880-81. 8vo. Modern Mechanism : exhibiting the latest progress in machines, motors, and the transmission of power. London, 1892. 8vo. Wrinkles and Recipes, compiled from the Scientific American. New York, [1870?] 8vo. BEN LOMOND, Tasmania. Report on the Ben Lomond and St. Paul's River Tin Deposits. By G. Thureau. [Hohart,] 1881. folio. BENN, W. L. Clongill District, county of Meath. Report ... on the Drainage, etc. 1847. See Packer, G., and Benn, W. L. BENNETT, A. R. Electric Traction, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 479. Edinburgh, 1889. 8vo. On the Telephoning of Great Cities, and an Electrical Parcel Exchange System. Revised edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 515. Lond. 1892. 8vo. BENNETT, F. J. Our Sewage System. Tract. 8vo. vol 407. [1886.] 8vo. BENNETT, J. Result of Experiments on the Stifftiess of a few of the various Woods from the Andaman Forests, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 15. Port Blair, 1872. "folio. Suggestions for the Reform of Patent Laws. Tract. 8vo. doZ. 116. Lond. 1855. 8vo. BENNETT, W. The Esquimault Graving Dock Works, British Columbia. Tract. 8vo. vol. 488. Montreal, 1889. 8vo. BENNETT, W. B. G. Description of the Sanitary Works and Sewage Disposal of Southampton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Southampton, 1891. 8vo. The new Sanitary Works of Southampton. Utilization of town refuse, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 482. Southampton, 1889. 8vo. BENNETT, W. H., and Valon, W. A. Report on Electric Lighting on the JablochkoflP system at Westgate-on-Sea. Tract. 8vo. vol. 308. Lond, 1879. 8vo. BENNION, J. A. Report of the Director of Technical Instruction, County Palatine of Lancaster for 1892. See Lancaster, County of. 124 BENNOOH — BENTHAM. BENNOCH, F. The Bridges of London. Are more l)rid,i(es needed 'I Trait, ^vo. vol. UG. Loud. 1853. 8vo. • A Paper on Metropolitan Improvements and Thames Embank- ment, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 14.'3. Lond. 1857. Svo. BENOIT, P. M. N. Guide du meunier et du constructeur de moulins. 2 vols. Paris, 1863. Svo. BENEATH, H. E. Die Glasfabrikation. Braunschweig, 1875. 8vo. BEN-SAUDE, A. Anomalias opticas de crystaes tessei-aes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 433. Lisboa, 1884. 8vo. Da incongruencia entre a observagao e a theoria em alguns crystaes cubicos. Tract. 8vo. vol. 433. Lisboa, 1884. 8vo. Note sur la nature minerologique de quelques instruments de pierre trouvcs en Portugal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 433. Lisbonne, 1884. 8vo. Note sur une meteorite ferrique, trouvee a S. Juliao de Moreira, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 488. Lisbonne, 1888. Svo. Ueber den Analcim. Inaugural-Dissertation, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 433. Stuttgart, 1881. Svo. Ueber den Perowskit. Tract. Ato. vol. 105. Gottingen, 1882. Svo. BEN-SAUDE, J. Mittheilungen iiber den Hafen von Cette. Tract, folio, vol. 39. Hannover, 1885. folio. On the projected Lisbon Harbour Works. Tract. Svo. vol. 451. 1887. Svo. BENSON, Sir J. Cork Harbour. Report on the River Lee. The dredging plant at work, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 251. Cork, 1872. Svo. BENT, S. An Address . . . upon the thermal paths to the Pole, the Currents of the Ocean, and the influence of the latter upon the climates of the world. St. Louis, 1872. Svo. BENTHAM, Sir S. Naval Papers and Documents referred to in " Essays on the Management of public concerns." Lond. 1827. Svo. Answers to the Comptroller's objections, &c., &c. Lond. 1800. Svo. Breakwaters. [Lond. 1844.] Svo. Correspondence on the subject of various improvements in His Majesty's Dock-yards, etc. Lond. 1795-99, Svo. Desiderata in a Naval Arsenal, etc. Lond. 1814. Svo. Financial Reform scrutinized in a letter to Sir Henry Parnell, Bart, M.P. Lo7id. 1830. Svo. Letters and Papers relative to the mode of arming Vessels of War. Lond. 1828. Svo. - Letters on certain experimental Vessels, on Contracts for pro- viding Naval Stores, etc. Chatham and Lond. 1779-1813. Svo. BENTHAM — BERGEK. 125 BENTPIAM, ^)> ^.—contirmecl Letter to Lord Viscount Melville, respecting the real causes of the Defeat of the English Flotilla on the lake Erie, etc. Land. 1814. 8vo. Representations on the cause of decay in Ships of War, together with proposals for effecting the due seasoning of timber, etc. Land. 1814. 8vo. Statement of services rendered in the Civil Department of the Navy. Land. 1827. 8vo. Supplement to Naval Papers, No. 3. Lond. 1795-1801. BENTLY, C. S. A new Theory of the Tides, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 26. 1879. folio. BENTON, J. G., Brevet-Col. A Course of instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery, prepared for the use of the Cadets of the United States' Military Academy. 3rd edition. Neio YorTi, 1867. 8vo. BEOTHY, A. Machine locomotive a grande vitesse de 750 chevaux- vapeur. Tract. 8«;o. vol. 479. Paris, 1889. 8vo. B;ERARD, A. Epuration de la houille. Tract. 8vo. vol.117. (From the Annates des Mines.) Paris, 1856. 8vo. Procede Berard pour la transformation directe de la fonte en acier. Notice explicative. Tract. 8vo. vol. 196. Bruxelles, 1870. 8vo. BERARD, E. Le Mont Blanc et le Simplon consideres comme voies Internationales. Tract. 8vo. vol. 318. Turin, 1880. 8vo. BERARD, E. P. Rapport sur un four destine a la fabrication du gaz de I'eclairage. Tract. 4:to. vol. 118. Paris, 1889. 4to. BERESFORD, Lord C. Protection of the Mercantile Marine during War : address to the London Chamber of Commerce. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. [Lond. 1893.] 8vo. BERETTA, C, and Desnos, E. Les nouvelles chaudieres a vapeur, notamment celles qui ont figure a I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1881. 4to. BERG, D. Das neue Wasserwerk der Ktiniglichen Residenzstadt Hannover, etc. Hannover, 1880. folio. BERG, D. C. La vida y costumbres de los Termitos. Trad. 8vo. vol. 474. Buenos Aires, 1880. 8vo. BERG, L. DE C. Safe Building : a treatise giving . . . the prac- tical and theoretical rules and formulae used in the construction of buildings. 2 vols. Boston, 1890-92. 8vo. BERGEN, W. C. " Bergen's Marine Engineer." North Shields, 1880. 8vo. BERGER, C. H. The Metric System. Tract. 8vo. vol. 202. [18701] 8vo. BERGER, F., and Others. Debatte iiber die Wienfluss-Regulirung und Stadtbahn-Frage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 430. Wien, 1883. 8vo. 126 BERGER — BERKLEY. BERGElt, 11. Redo gehalten Ijci dcr EutliullunL,' ihv Prechtl-Buste, etc. 18'J2. Sec KoLUE, J., and Beiujeh, K. BERGERON, C. Commission d'onqueto sur les chemins de fer. Rapport de . . . M. Bergeron (Mission en Angleterre). 1862. See Lan, C, Moussette, — , Bekgekon, C, and L)uBocy, C. Improvements in the Permanent Way of Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 340. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Les chemins de fer Suisses et le railway-clearing-house de Londres. Tract. 8vo. vol. 179. Lausanne, 1863. 8vo. Reforme de la voie permanente des chemins de fer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 470. Paris, 1883. 8vo. Reformes dans la pose et I'entretien de la voie des chemins de fer. Tract. 4^0. vol. 82. (Lithographed.) Loiid. 1880. 4to. BERGERON, Dr. G. Assainissement de la Seine. Tract, folio, vol. 21. Paris, 1876. folio BERGERON, L. E. Manuel du tourneur. 3 vols. Paris, 1792-96. 4to. [2nd edition.] 3 vols. Paris, 1816. 4to. BERGHAUS, Dr. A. Max Maria Freiherr von Weber, ein Lebens- bild. Tract. 8vo. vol. 333. Berlin, 1881. 8vo. BERGHAUS, H. Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection. 11th edition. Gotlia, 1886. folio. BERGIN, T. F. Observations on the Report of Lieut. -Col. Sir F. Smith, R.E., and Professor Barlow, on the Atmospheric Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 81. Dublin, 1843. 8vo. BERGMAN, T. Sciagraphia regni mineralis, secundum principia proxima digesti. Londini, 1783. 8vo. BERGSMA, C. A. Handleiding tot de vervaardiging der Dornsehe leemdaken. Tract. 8vo. vol. 198. TJtreclit, 1840. 8vo. BERGUE, C. de. Patent Permanent Way. Tract. Ato. vol. 46. [1880?] 4to. BERIGNY, C. Navigation maritime du Havre a Paris, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 16. Paris, 1826. 8vo. BERINGER, A. Kritische Vergleichung der elektrischeu Kraftiiber- tragung mit den gebriiuchlichsten mechanischen Uebertragungs- systemen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 3.52. Berlin, 1883. 8vo. BERKHOUT, J. J. P. T. van. Beschrijving van de booten der Stoomvaartmaatschappij "Zeeland," etc. 1891. See Huet, A., and Berkhout, J. J. P. T. van. BERKLEY, Sir G. Examination of the construction and working of Fairlie's Engines. Tract, folio, vol. 22. Westminster, 1870. folio. BERKLEY — BERLIN. 1 27 BERKLEY, Sir G. — continued. The peculiar features of the Atmo- spheric Railway System. Tract. Svo. vol. 500. Lond. 1845. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Preliminary experiments on the mechanical and other properties of Steel ... by a Conmiittee of Civil Engineers. G. Berkley, Secretary. Lond. 1868. folio. Experiments on the mechanical and other properties of Steel ... by a Committee of Civil Engineers. G. Berkley, Secretary. Lond. 1870. folio. Report on the causes of an accident on the Bhore Ghat incline of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 12. 'Lond. 1869. folio. BERKLEY, J. J. An Address delivered at the annual meeting of the Bombay Mechanics' Institution. Tract. Svo. vol. 117. Bombay, 1857. 8vo. Paper on the Bhore Ghaut railway incline, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 117. Bombay, 1858. 8vo. [Another edition.] With an appendix by A. A. West. Tract. Svo. vol. 144. Bombay, 1863. Svo Paper on the Thul Ghaut railway incline, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Bombay, 1861. 8vo. BERLEPSCH, H. A. Die Gotthard-Bahn, Beschreibendes und Geschichtliches. Tract, ito. vol. 99. Gotha, 1881. 4to. BERLIER, J. B. The Pneumatic Transmission of messages and parcels between Paris and London. Tract, folio, vol. 37. Lond. 1885. folio. BERLIN. — \I)raii}age.'\ Reinigung und Entwasserung Berlins. 13 Ilefte. (Atlas.) Berlin, 1879. 8vo. and folio. [Public Health.] Die Anstalten der Stadt Berlin fiir die offent- liche Gesundheitspflege und fiir den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. [Bailways.] Die Bauwerke der Berliner Stadt-Eisenbahn. (Official.) Berlin, 1886. folio. [Sewerage.] Bericht der Deputation fiir die Yerwaltung der Kanalisationswerke, 1882-83, (1883-84, etc.). [Yerwaltungs-Be- richt des Magistrats zu Berlin.] Berlin, 1883, etc. 4to. (1S85-86 is ia Svo.) [Another edition of 1884-85.] Berlin, 1885. 8vo. General-Bericht iiber die Arbeiten der Stadtischen gemisch- ten Deputation fiir die Untersuchung der auf die Kanalisation und Abfuhr beziiglichen Fragen. [Signed R. Yirchow.] Tract. Svo. vol. 438. Berlin, 1872. 8vo. [WaterworJcs.] See Hong Kong. Report on proposed Water Ordinance . . . [containing Tariff and regulations of the Berlin Waterworks of 1878.] 1883. Architektenverein zu Berlin. [Catalogue of the Library.] Berlin, 1887. 8vo. 128 BERLIN — BERN AYS. BERLIN — continued. — Kdnif/Jirhe Ban-AJcadmiie. Verzeichniss der Unterrichts-CegenstilndV, 1867-68, 1868, 1870, 1870-71. Berlin, 1867, etc. 8vo. KoniglicJie Gewerhe-Akademie. Regulativ f iir dio Orfjanisation derAkademie. Tract. 8vo. vol. i72. [Berlin, 18()Q 1] Svo. Verzeichniss der Unterrichts-Gegenstiinde fiir das Sommer- Semester 1868. Berlin, 1868. Svo. Konigliches Gewerhe-Institut. Regulativ fiir die Organisation des . . . Instituts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 476. Berlin, 1860. Svo. Konigliclies Gewerbehaus. Reglement iiber die Benutzung der Bibliothek. Trad. Svo. vol 472. Berlin, 1857. Svo. KoniglicJie Technische Hochschule. Festschrift der . . . Hoch- schule . . . zur Feier der Einweihung ihres neuen Gebaudes am 2 Nov., 1884. Berlin, 1884. 4to. Katalog der Bibliothek. Berlin, 1885. Svo. Programm fiir das Studienjahr 1881, (1885-86, etc.). Berlin, 1881, etc. Svo. • Vorschriften iiber die Diplom-Priifung fiir die Abtheilungen II., III., u. IV. Tract. Svo. vol. 454. Berlin, 1S8S. 8vo. KoniglicJie TecJiniscJie VersucJisanstalten. Mittheilungen, 1883, e^c. Berlin, 1883, etc. 4to. Verein fiir EisenhaJinkunde. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzig- jahrigen Bestehens des Vereins am 11 Oktober, 1892. [Berlin,] 1892. Svo. ■ Fragebogen, betreifend den Eisenbahn-Oberbau. Tract, folio. vol. 47. Berlin, 1891. folio. Verhandlungen, 1878, (1879, etc.). Berlin, 1878, etc. Svo. BERLY, J. A. Universal Electrical Directory and Advertiser, etc. Lond. 1889, etc. Svo. BERMONDSEY. Report on the Water-Supply of Bermondsey. Lond. 1872. folio. BERMOUTH, Dr. C. Technologische Hand-Encyclopadie. Stuttgart, 1850. Svo. BERMUDA, Floating DocJc. Narrative of the Voyage of the Floating Dock " Bermuda," from England to Bermuda ; written in the form of a diary. By One of Those on Board. Lond. [1869.] Svo. BERNAN, W. On the history and art of Wanning and Ventilating rooms and buildings, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1845. Svo. BERNARD, C. E. An essay on Arithmetical Perspective. Lond. 1839. Svo. BERNAYS, E. A. Chatham Dockyard extension works. Lectures, etc. Old Brompton, 1872-79. folio. Portland Cement and some of its uses : a lecture. CJiatJiam, 1879. folio. BERNAYS — BERTRAND. 129 BERNAYS, J. Inaugural Address delivered as President of the Society of Engineers, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 476. Land. 1880. 8vo. BERNOULLI, C. Anfangs-Griinde der Dampfmaschinenlehre fur Techniker und Freunde der Mechanik. Basel, 1824. 8vo. BERNOULLI, D. Hydrodynamica, sive de viribus et motibus Huidorum commentarii, etc. Argentorati, 1738. 4to. BERNOULLI, James. Opera. 2 vols. Genevse, 1744. 4to. BERNOULLI, John. Opera omnia, tarn antea sparsim edita, quam hactenus inedita, etc. 4 vols. Lausannse et Genevse, 1742. 4to. BERRA, D. Dei prati del basso Milanese. Milano, 1822. 8vo. BERTHAUD, M. Canal et Port St. Louis et jonction du Rhone a la Mediterranee. Tract. 8vo. vol. 249. Paris, 1870. 8vo. BERTHAULT-DUCREUX, — . Manuel du cantonnier des chemins vicinaux. Paris, 1845. 16mo. BERTHELOT, M. P. E. Essai de mecanique chimique fondee sur la thermochimie. 2 vols. Paris, 1879. 8vo. Sur la force des matieres explosives d'apres la thermochimie. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1883. 8vo. Explosives and their Power : translated and condensed from the French . . . by C. N. Hake and W. Nacnab, etc. Lond. 1892. 8vo. BERTHOLLET, C. L. and A. B. Elements of the art of Dyeing. 2nd edition. Translated from the French by Dr. A. Ure. 2 vols. Lond. 1824. 8vo. BERTHON, Bev. E. L. The Fareham Life-Boat. Tract. 8m vol. 374. FareJiam, 1853. 8vo. Berthon's Patent Collapsing Life-Boat. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. FareJiam, 1854. 8vo. BERTHOT, P. Traite de Televation des eaux : calculs et renseigne- ments pratiques, etc. Paris, 1893. 8vo. BERTHOUD, F. Eclaircissemens sur I'invention, la theorie, la con- struction, et les epreuves des nouvelles machines proposees en France, pour la determination des longitudes en mer par la mesure du temps. Paris, 1773. 4to. BERTIN, L. E. Experiences de roulis factices du " Mytho " ; experi- ences complimentaires sur le fonctionnement de I'oscillographe double. Tract. Uo. vol. 91. Cherboimj, 1880. 4to. Notes on Waves and Rolling. Tract. 8vo. vol. 241. Lond. 1874. 8vo. BERTRAND, J., Thermodynamique. Paris, 1887. 8vo. BERTRAND, P. Avis important sur le canal de I'Ourcq. Tract. 8vo. vol. 11. Paris, 1805. 8vo. Memoire et discussion sur les moyens de rendre le Doubs navigable, pour operer la jonction du Rhone au Rhin, suivant le projet imprune en mars 1792. 2™* edition. Tract, ito. vol.11. Paris, 1804. 4to. K 130 BERTRAND — BESSON. BERTRAND, P.^ — continnrd. Pivcis cle I'affaire conceriiaiit le canal propose sous la citadclle cle Bosan(;'on, pour la jouctiou du Rhone au Rhin. Tract. 8vo. vol. 11. Parts, 1803. 8vo. BERZELIUS, J. J. Liirbok i Kemien. 2 vols. Stockhnhn, 1808-12. 8vo. Lehrbuch der Chemie. . . . Uebersetzt von F. Wuhlei-. 10 vols. Dresden and Leipsuj, 1835-41. 8vo. Traite de chimie, minerale, vegetale et aniiuale. Seconde edition fran^aise, traduite par MM. Esslinger et Hoefer. G vols. Paris, 1845-50. 8vo. Theorie des proportions chimiques, et table synoptique des poids atomiques des corps simples ... 2^ edition. Paris, 1835. Svo. The Use of the Blowpipe in chemical analysis, and in the examina- tion of minerals. Translated from the French of M, Fresnel, by J. G. Children. Lond. 1822. 4to. BESANT, W. H. A Treatise on Hydromechanics. 3rd edition. Cambridge, 1877. 8vo. BESEKE, C. Der Nord-Ostsee-Kanal : seine Entstehungsgeschichte, sein Bau und seine Bedeutung in wirthschaftlicher und mili- tarischer Hinsicht, etc. Kiel, 1893. 8vo. BESENQON, — . Une visite au Chateau Caradoc [par C. D.'. Lettres d'un touriste [sur le Chateau Caradoc, par M. Besenijon . Tract. Svo. vol. 160. JBayonne, 1866. 8vo. BESSEGES. Compagnie Houilliere de Besseges. Guide. [Maps in case.] Alain, 1882. 8vo. BESSEL, F. W. Fundamenta astronomiiv pro anno 1755 deducta ex observationibus J. Bi^adley in specula asti^onomica Grenovicensi per annos 1750-62 institutis. JRegiomonti, 1818. folio. (With autograph letter of presentation from the Author to Dr. Young.) BESSEMER, Sir H. Letters-patent for " Improvements in the manu- facture of iron and steel." Tract. Ato. vol. 61. Lond. 1857. 4to. Letters-patent for the invention of " Improvements in shaping, pressing and rolling malleable iron and steel." Tract, ito. vol. 106. Lond. 1856. 4to. Letters-patent for the invention of " Improvements in the manu- facture of ii'on and steel." Tract. 4:fo. vol. 106. Lond. 1886. 4to. On the resistance of the Atmosphere to Railway Trains . . . together with an account of some improvements in railway-carriage axles. Tract. 4to. vol. 36. Ijond. 1847. 4to. Specifications of letters-patent granted to H. Bessemer for in- ventions relating to the prevention of sea sickness, by steadying the cabins of steam or sailing vessels. 1872. 8vo. BESSON, J. II Theatro de gl' instrumenti et machine di M. Jacopo Bessoni, . . . con una brieve necessaria dichiaration dimos- trativa di F. Beroaldo. Lione, 1582. folio. BESSON BE VAN. 131 BESSON, J. — contihHed. Teatro de los instrumentos y figuras mate- maticas y mecauicas . . . Nuevamento irapresso. Leon, 1602. folio. BETANCOURT, — de. Analytical essay on the Construction of Machines, etc. 1820. See Lanz, — , and B£tancourt, — de. Description de la salle d'exercice de Moscou. St. Petersbourg, 1813. folio. Memoire sur un nouveau systeme de navigation interieure, etc. Tract. 4/0. vol. 86. [Paris, 1807.] 4to. BETH ELL, J. Description of a Patent for rendering "Wood more durable, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 72. ioHcZ. '[I860 ?] 8vo. Extracts from the "Compte rendu des operations" of the Belgian State Railway and from the " Annales des travaux publics de Belgique," relating to the . . . Creosoting Process. Tract. 8vo. vol.^137. Lond. 1863. 8vo. New Patent Improvements in preserving Timber, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 89. Lo7id. 1850. 8vo. Results of the Creosoting-Process for preserving Timber. Tract. 8vo. vol. 195. Bath, 1866. 8vo. Short Description of the improved Diving Dresses, as used by the Lords of the Admiralty, etc. Tract. 4:to. vol. 42. [Lond. 1838?] 4to. Testimonials as to the success of his Patent Creosoting Process for preserving timber. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. Lond. 1851. 8vo. BETTOCCHI, A. Delle acque pubbliche nelle citta ed altri centri di popolazione, distribuzione, etc. Tract. Ato. vol. 76. Itoma, 1865. 4to. BEUDANT, F. S. Essai d'un cours elementaire et general des sciences physiques. Paris, 1815. 8vo. Mineralogie et geologie. 14™'' edition. Paris, 1874. 8vo. BE VAN, G. P. The British Manufacturing Industries : edited by G. P. Bevan. 12 vols. Lond. 1876-77. 8vo. Vol. 1. Iron and steel, by W. M. Williams ; Copper smelting, by J. A. Phillips ; brass, tin, and zinc, by W. Graham. Vol. 2. Metallic mining, by W. W. Smyth ; coal, by A. Galletly ; collieries, by W. W. Smyth ; building stones, by Prof. Hull ; explosive compounds, by W. M. Williams. Vol. 3. Guns, nails, locks, wood-screws, hinges, buttons, pins, needles, saddlery, electroplate, by W. C. Aitken ; pens and papier mache, by G. Lindsey ; cutlery, by F. Callis. Vol. 4. Acids and alkalies, by Prof. Church ; oils and candles, by W. M. Williams ; gas and lighting, by R. H. Patterson. Vol. 5. Wool, by Prof. Archer ; flax and linen, by W. T. Charley ; cotton, by I. Watts ; silk, by B. F. Cobb. Vol. 6. Hosiery and lace, by W. Felkin ; carpets, by C. Dresser ; dyeing and bleaching, by T. Sims. K 2 132 BEVAN — BEYER. BEVAN, G. p. — The British Manufacturing Industries — continued. Vol. 7. Pottery, by L. Arnoux ; glass and silicates, by Prof. BarfF; furniture and woodwork, by J. H. Pollen. Vol. 8. Paper, by Prof. Archer ; printing and bookbinding, by J. Hatton ; engraving, by S. Davenport ; photography, by P. Le Neve Foster ; toys, by G. C. T. Bartley. Vol. 9. Tobacco, by J. Dunning ; hides and leather, gutta- percha and India rubber, by J. Collins ; fibres and cordage, by P. L. Sinimonds. Vol. 10. Shipbuilding, by Capt. B. Pirn, R.N. ; telegraphs, by R. Sabine ; agricultural machinery, by Prof. J. Wrightson ; railways and tramways, by D. K. Clai'k. Vol. 11. Jewellery, by G. Wallis ; gold working, by Rev. C. Boutell ; watches and clocks, by F. J. Britten ; musical instruments, by E. F. Rimbault. Vol. 12. Salt, preserved provisions, bread, by J. J. Manley ; sugar refining, by C H. Gill ; butter and cheese, by M. Evans ; brewing and distilling, by T. Pooley. Vols. LSifc 14. The Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics. 2 vols. The London Water-supply, its past, present, and future. Trad. 8vo. vol. 378. Land. 1884, 8vo. The Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland and Ireland, contain- ing 45 maps with text. Edinburgh and Lond. 1882. folio. BEVAN, J. [Reports on Drainage and Improvement of Lands in various districts of Ireland.] Dublin, 1846—47. 8vo. BEVAN, W. Report ... on Player's method of burning Anthracite. 1840. See Schafhautl, Dr. C., and Bevan, W. BEVERLEY, W. On the Magic Square of the Knight's March. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. Lond. 1848. 8vo. BEVERLEY AND BARMSTON. Beverley and Barmston Drain- age Bill. Lond. 1880. folio. Drainage Report of the Commissioners, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1804. 8vo. BEVIS, Dr. J. An experimental Inquiry concerning . . . the two mineral waters lately discovered at Bagnigge Wells, near London, etc. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 69. Lond. 1767. 8vo. BEWICK, J. Geological treatise on the district of Cleveland, in North Yorkshire, etc. Lond. 1861. 8vo. BEWICK, T. J. Our home Metalliferous and Mining Industries : can they be revived and developed, and how 1 Tract. 8vo. vol. 525. Lond. 1892. 8vo. BEYER, C. Description of the Luggage Engine "Atlas," made . . . for the Manchester and Sheffield Railway, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 84. Manchester, 1848. 8vo. BEZOUT — BIDONE. 133 BEZOUT, E. Cours de mathematiques a I'usage du corps de I'artillerie. 4 vols. Paris 1795-99. 8vo. (Vols. 1 and 2, 1st cd. ; vols. 3 and 4, new ed.) BIADEGO, G. B. Fondazioni ad aria compressa. Ponti metallici. 8vo. Plates. Torino, 1886. BIANCHI, Gerolamo. New System of Sails for Steamers. Tract. Svo. vol 464. [1888.] 8vo. BIANCHI, Giuseppe. L'impianto e Tesercizio dei tramways nella provincia di Milano. Milano, 1883. 8vo. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Lond. 1831. 8vo. BICALHO, H. Improvement of the Bar of Rio Grande do Sul. Trad. 8vo. vol. 430. Bio de Janeiro, 1884. Svo. BIDDER, G. P. Account of the Swing Bridge over the River Wensum at Norwich, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 499. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) iowd. 1846. 8v0. Address to the Mechanical Science Section of the British Association. Tract. Svo. vol. 168. Norimeh, 1868. 8vo. Letter on the Main-drainage of the Metropolis, to the Metro- politan Board of Works. Tract, folio, vol. 12. Westminster, 1858. folio. Report on Narrow gauge Railways for India. Tract, folio. vol. 15. Westminster, 1870. folio. Report on the improvement of the River Nene, etc. 1858. 4to. See Stephenson, A., Bidder, G. P., and Stephenson, G. R. Tables showing the Contents of Excavations, Area of Slopes, etc. Lond. [ .] 12mo. [For Reports, etc., on the Drainage of the Metropolis : ] See London. — Drainage. BIDDULPH, M.A., Lieut.-Col. Report, explanatory of a map of the Telegraph Lines of the Ottoman Empire . . . With an appendix, containing correspondence and papers relating to the line of telegraph between Constantinople and Bassorah. Tract, folio, vol. 15. Lond. 1860. folio. BIDLAKE, W. H. Dry Rot in Timber. Lond. 1889. Svo. BIDONE, G. Experiences sur divers cas de la contraction de la veine fluide, etc. Turin, 1823. 4to. Experiences sur la depense des reservoirs et sur I'acceleration et la courbure qu'ils occasionnent a la surface du courant. Turin, 1824. 4to. Experiences sur la forme et sur la direction des veines et des courans d'eau lances par diverses ouvertures. Turin, 1829. 4to. Experiences sur la percussion des veines d'eau. Turin, 1836. 4to. Experiences sur la propagation du remous. Turin, 1825. 4to. 134 BIDONE — BILBAO. BIDONE, G. — covtinneiJ. Experiences sur le r(!inou.s et sur la propagation des ondes. Turin, 1820. 4to. Momoire sur la determination theorique de la section contractee des veines liquides. Turin, 1829. 4to. Recherches experim en tales et theoriques sur les contractions partielles des veines d'eau et sur I'ecoulement par des tuyaux additionnels interieurs et exterieurs. Turin, 1836. 4to. BIELEFELD, C. F. Portable Buildings, designed and built by C. F. Bielefeld. Tract. 8vo. vol. 381. Land. 1853. 8vo. BIENAYM;^, a. Les machines marines, etc. Paris, 1887. 4to. BIGELOW, F. H. Notes on a new method for the discussion of Magnetic Observations. [U.S. Dep. of Agriculture. Weather Bulletin, 2.] Washington, 1892. 8vo. BIGELOW, Hon. J. Report of the Hon. J. Bigelow, delegated by the Chamber of Commerce of New York to assist at the inspec- tion of the Panama Canal in February, 1886. Tract. 8vo. vol. 417. New Torlc, 1886. 8vo. BIGG, H. H. Orthopraxy : the mechanical treatment of deformities, etc. Lond. 1865. 8vo. BIGG, J. General Railway Acts : a collection of the public general acts for the regulation of railways . . . 1830-63. With a copious index. 10th edition. Westminster, 1864. 8vo. Clauses Consolidation Acts : a collection of Public General Statutes. 2nd edition. Lond. 1877. 8vo. BIGG, R. H. Artificial Limbs and Amputations. Lond. 1885. 8vo. ■ The Orthopragms of the Spine : an essay on the curative mechanisms applicable to spinal curvature. Land. 1880. 8vo. Spinal Curvature. Lond. 1882. 8vo. BIGGS, C. H. W. First Principles of Mechanical Engineering, etc. 1892. See Imray, J., and Biggs, C. H. W. BIGG-WITHER, T. P. Pioneering in South Brazil. 2 vols. Lond. 1878. 8vo. BIGLAND, W. The Mechanic's Guide ; or, a treatise on the laws of mechanics, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 181. Margate, 1797. 8vo. (Imperfect.) BIGNAMI-SORMANI, E. I canali nella citta di Milano. 2'^ edizione. Tract. 8vo. vol. 169. Milano, 1868. 8vo. La fognatura di Torino. Tract. 8vo. vol. 415. Milano, 1885. 8vo. BIGSBY, J. J. Thesaurus Siluricus : the flora and fauna of the Silurian period, etc. Lond. 1868. 4to. BILBAO. Memoria sobre el progreso y adelanto que han tenido las obras de mejora de la Ria de Bilbao, 1879-80, (1880-81, etc.). Bilbao, 1880, etc. 4to. BILES— BINNIE. 135 BILES, J. H. Ocean Passenger Steamships. [2ju? Int. Mar. Congr.A^ [Load. 1893.] 8vu. BILGRAM, H. Slide Valve Gears, etc. Philadelphia, 1878. 8\o. BILGRAMI, S. H., and Willmott, C. Historical and descriptive Sketch of His Highness the Nizam's Dominions. 2 vols. Bombay, 1883-84. 8vo. BILISTEIN, C. L. A. de. Essai de navigation Lorraine, etc. Amsterdam, 1764. 12mo. BILLAUDEL, J, B. Les landes en mil huit cent vingt-six. Tract. 4[to. vol. 37. Bordeaux, 1837. 4to. BILLING, S., and Prince, A. The Law and Pi^actice of Patents and Registration of Designs, etc. Lond. 1845. 8vo. BILLINGS, E. Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of . . . Anticosti. 1866. See Canada. — [Geological Surcey.] Paleozoic Fossils. 1865-74. See Canada. — [Geological Survey.] BILLINGS, J. S. The Principles of A^entilation and Heating, etc. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Report on the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States. [U..S.A., lOth Census. Vols. 11 and 12.] Washington, 1885. 4to. BILLINGS, R. W. The Power of Form applied to Geometric Tracery : one hiindred designs, etc. Lond. 1851. 8vo. BIMETALLIC CONFERENCE. The proceedings of the Bi-MetalKc Conference, held at Manchester, etc. Manchester, 1888. 8vo. BINNEY, E. W., and Co. E. W. Binney and Co. versus The Clydes- dale Chemical Co. Edinburgh, 1860. 4to. BINNIE, A. R. Address . . . on " Heat in its relation to Coal, with remarks on the conversion of heat into work." Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Bradford, 1888. 8vo. Bradford Corporation Waterworks. Prevention of the waste of water. Reports, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. Bradford, 1885-86. 8vo. Bradford Corporation Waterworks. Upper Barden reservoir and conduits. Specification, tender for work, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 21. Bradford, 1876. folio. Description of the Nagpur (Ambajhari) waterworks, projected and carried out 1869-72. See Morris, J. H., and Binnie, A. R. Lectures. Water-supply ; rainfall, reservoirs, conduits, and distribution, etc. Chatham, 1878. folio. 2nd edition, revised. Chatham, 1887. 8vo. London Water-Supply Inquiry. Engineer's reports, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. . Lond. 1890-91. 8vo. Nagpur Waterworks. Report (m the Ambajerry Projects, 18G9. See India. — Nagpur. 13t) BINNIE — BIRCH. JilNNIE, A. R. — ioiiihutcd. Public "Works in India. A letter addressed to the Right Hon. W. E. (Gladstone and the other uiemlnirs of Her Majesty's Uoveinment. Tract. 8ro. vol. 332. Lvo. vol. 132. \Lond.^ 1862. 8vo. Remarks on the System of Ordnance calculated to prove the most efficient against iron-clad ships and batteries. Tract. 8vo. vol. 131. Woolwich, 1862. 8vo. Remarks on the System proposed by the Royal Commissioners for the Defence of the country. Tract. 8co. vol.132. Woolwich, 1862. 8vo. An answer to a Pamphlet written by Col. Lefroy, in reply to the author's Remarks on the system proposed by the Royal Commis- sioners for the Defence of the country. Tract. 8vo. vol. 132. Woohvich, 1862. 8vo. BOXER, F. N. Hunter's Handbook of the A^ictoria Bridge : also, a shoi't sketch of the lives of the celebrated Stephensons. Tract. 8vo. vol. 183. Montreal, 1860. 8vo. BOYCE, G. B. Remarks on the different Systems of Warming and Ventilating Buildings, with reference ... to an improved . . . calorific apparatus. Tract. 8vo. vol. 58. Land. 1824. 8vo. BOYD, C. Marine Viaduct, or Continental Railway Bridge, between England and France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 224:. Barnes, 1857. 8vo. BOYD, I. Asbestos and its Applications. Trrict. 8vo. vol. 427. Lo7id. 1886. 8vo. BOYD, R. N. Address as President of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, etc. (Petroleum). Tract. 8vo. vol. 522. Lond. 1890. 8vo. Boring for Petroleum in Galicia, Austria, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 484. Lond. 1889. 8vo. Coal Mines Inspection : its history and results. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Coal Pits and Pitmen : a short history of the Coal Trade and the legislation affecting it. Lond. 1892. 8vo. Notes on the Panama Canal, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. Lond. 1887. 8vo. BOYDELL, J., Jun. Particulars of . . . Iron Work manufactured by the Oak Farm Iron Company, at their works near Dudley, in- cluding manufactures under patent rights granted to J. Boydell, Jun. Lond. 1843. 4to. BOYER und Consorten. Die patentirten Caloriferes-Heizungen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 145. Mannlieim, 1861. 8vo. BOYER, A., and Others. Dictionnaire anglais-franq-ais et fran^ais- anglais . . . Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1829. 4to. BOYES, J. Scheme for a central Fish Market. 1881. See Cayley, J. J., BoYES, J., and Bridgman, H. H. 166 BOYLE — BOYNTON. BOYLE, C. B. A Catalogue and Bibliography of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata. [U.S. Geol. Survcij. Bulletin No. 102.] Washington, 1893. 8vo. BOYLE, F. The Ancient Tombs of Nicaragua. Tract. 8uo. vol. 440. 8vo. The Free Indian Tribes of Central America. Tract. Svo. vol. 440. Lond 1867. Svo. BOYLE, Hou. R. Certain Physiological Essays, etc. Lond. 166L 4to. A Defence of the Doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air . . . against the objections of Franciscus Linus, etc. Loud. 1682. 4to. New Experiments, Physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects, made for the most part in a new pneumatical engine. Third edition. Lond. 1682. 4to. A continuation. Parts 1 and 2. 1669-82. 4to. An Examen of Mr. T. Hobbs, his Dialogus physicus de natura aeins, as far as it concerns Mr. Boyle's Book of New Experiments touching the Spring of the air, etc. Lond. 1682. 4to. Some Considerations touching the usefulnesse of Experimental Naturall Philosophy . . . Second edition, etc. 2 vols.. Oxford, 1664-71. 4to. BOYLE, R. A Sanitary Crusade through the East and Australasia. [By R. Boyle.] 1892. See Anonymous. BOYMAN, R. Descent by Ladders ... to the Great Consols Copper Mine, near Truro, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 78. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Pilbrow's Condensing Cylinder Steam-engine. Tract. Svo. vol. 62. Lond. 1841. Svo. Steam Navigation . . . with authentic tables of the steam marine of all parts of the globe contrasted with the steam power of the British Empire, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 55. Lo7id. 1840. Svo. BOYNE, Biver. Report of a committee appointed by the River Boyne Company, to inquire into the advantage expected to derive from a navigation to extend from Dublin to the northern counties of Ireland, and to the south by a communication with the Grand Canal. Tract. Svo. vol. 10. Droglieda, 1801. Svo. BOYNE BRIDGE. The Boyne Bridge: its history, as originally designed and constructed by Sir John Macneill, together with the correspondence . . . between the directors of the Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway Company and Sir John Macneill, respecting its state in 1858-59. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Belfast, 1860. Svo. BOYNTON, C. B. The Navies of England, France, America and Russia, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 147. New Yorh, 1865. Svo. BOYNTON, E. C, Maj. History of West Point, and the origin and progress of the United States Military Academy. New Tori, 1871. Svo. BOYNTON — BRADLEY. 167 BOYNTON, F. Barrack Damages : a handbook for . . . ofHcers when taking over or handing over Barracks and Camps. York, 1891. 8vo. BRABAZON, W. The Deep-sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland : with suggestions for the working of a fishing company. Ilkistrated by WilHam Cooper. Tract. Svo. vol. 394. Dublin, 1848. 8vo. BRABY, F., and Co. Instructions for, and examples of, the applica- tion of Zinc for covering houses, railway stations, platforms, etc. Lond. 1869. Svo. BRADDOCK, J. A Memoir on Gunpowder. Lond. 1832. Svo. BRADFIELD, J. E. The Public Carriages of Great Britain. Tract. Svo. vol. 183. Lond. 1855. 8vo. BRADFORD. — [Libraries and Museum.] Annual Report. Bradford, 1885, etc. Svo. [Technical College.] Calendar, 1889-90. Bradford, 1889. Svo. Prize Distribution, November 14, 1888. Masters' Reports. Bradford, 1888. Svo. Prospectus of the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department. Session 1885-86. Bradford [1885.] Svo. [Water Supply.] Bradford Water Supply. The prevention of waste. Tract. 8vo. vol. 438. Lond. 1886. A copy of all Correspondence which has been addressed to or from the Home Office, and any reports relating to the unsafe state of the . . . Reservoirs, since the 1st day of December last. Lond. 1866. foho. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Bradford Waterworks Bill. Lond. 1S69. folio. BRADFORD CANAL. Minutes of Evidence before a Select Com- mittee of the House of Lords on the Bradford Canal and Leeds and Liverpool Canal Company. Lond. 1867. folio. (Incomplete). BRAD LEE, N. J. History of the Introduction of pure Water into the city of Boston, with a description of its Cochituate Waterworks. Boston, Mass. 186S. Svo. BRADLEY, Dr. J. A letter to the Earl of Macclesfield, concerning an apparent motion observed in some of the Fixed Stars. Tract. 8vo. vol. 33. Lond. 1747. 8v(). Miscellaneous works and correspondence of J. Bradley ; edited by S. P. Rigaud, etc. Uo. Oxford, 1832-33. 4to. BRADLEY, J. See Bessel, F. W. Fundamenta astronomise . . . deducta ex observationibus J. Bradley, etc. 1818. BRADLEY, J. W. Report on . . . Slaughter-houses within the borough of Nelson, etc. 1893. See Nelson. 168 BBAD8HAW — BRAMAH. BRADSHAW, G. Map of Canals, Navigable Rivers, Railways, in England, from actual survey, shewing the heights of the pools on the lines of navigation, etc. (Appendix. Lengths and Levels.) 2 pt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 98, etc. Manchester, [1820-82.] 8vo. Shareholder's Guide, Railway Manual and Directory for 1854, 1857, 1860-72, 1874, 1875, 1877, etc. Lond. 1854, etc. 8vo. Tables of the Gradients to Bradshaw's Map of the Railways of Great Britain, etc. Manrhenter, 1839. 8vo. BRADSHAW, J. New Zealand as it is. Lonfl 1883. 8vo. BRADY, F. Dover Coal Boring : observations on the correlation of the Franco-Belgian, Dover, and Somerset Coal Fields. With reports by V. Watteyne, J. McMurtrie and R. Zeiller. 1892. 8vo. Specifications and Particulars of Works. South Eastern Railway. Lond. 1874-85. folio. BRADY, J. Water supply to the City of Brisbane, Queensland. Tract, folio, vol. 21. Brishane, 1866. folio. BRAET, G. Note sur la construction et la stabilite des cheminees en ma^onnerie. Tract. 8vo. vol. 454. Bruxelles, 1885. 8vo. Note sur la determination des dimensions des murs de soutene- ment. Tract, folio, vol. 29. [Bruxelles, 1882 ^ folio. Note sur la determination des dimensions principales des voutes. Tract, folio, vol. 29. [Bruxelles, 1882 ?] folio. Note sur les moyens de prevenir les amoncellements de neige. Tract, folio, vol. 33. Bruxelles, [18G0 1] folio. BRAHAM, C. B. Report on an improvement to the Water Supply of Bombay, 1876. ^ee India. — Bombay. BRAID WOOD, J. Fire-prevention and Fire-extinction ; including fire-proof structures, fire-proof safes, public fire-brigades, etc. Lond. 1866. 8vo. On Fire-proof Buildings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. Lond. 1850. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) On the construction of Fire-engines and Apparatus, the training of firemen, etc. Edinburgh, 1880. 8vo. On the means of rendering large supplies of AVater available in cases of Fire ; and on the aiDplication of manual power to the working of Fire-Engines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 1844. 8vo. BRAITHWAITE, F. On the Infiltration of Salt Water into the Springs of Wells under London and Liverpool. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 1856. 8vo. BRAMAH, J. A Dissertation on the Construction of Locks. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 57. Lond. 1815. 8vo. The Lock Controversy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 295, Lond. 1851. 8vo. Specification of Patent, for a new improved Engine, or Machine, on a rotative principle, dated Jan. 15, 1790. Tract. 8vo. vol. 62. [1790?] 8vo. BRAMAH — BRaMWELL. 169 BRAMAH, J. — continued. Speciiication of Patent for improvements in the method of constructinj^, laying down, and organizing the main and other pipes, for conveyance of water for the supply of the metropolis, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 78. Lond. 1812. 8vo. A letter to Sir James Eyre ... on the subject of the Cause, Boulton and Watt v. Hornblower and Maberley, for Infi'inge- ment on Mr. Watt's Patent for an Improvement on the Steam Engine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 504. Lond. 1797. 8v(». BRAMALL, H. The Mineral Resources of New Zealand. Liverpool, 1883. 8vo. Modern Progress in Mine Engineering. Tract. 8vo. vol. 360. Liverpool, 1884. 8vo. BRAIME, E. Etude sur les signaux de chemins de fer a double voie. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1867. 8vo. BRAMWELL, Sir F. J, Address to the British Association [on the; Work of the Civil Engineer]. Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Address to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers [on the Profession of the Mechanical Engineer]. Tract. 8vo. vol. 249. Lond. 1874. 8vo. Address to the Mechanical Section of the British Association [on the use and abvise of Coal], Brighton, 1872. Tract. 8v(i. vol. 229. [Lond. 9 1872.] 8vo. Boiler Explosion Committee. Heads of the evidence given by F. Bramwell, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 450. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Boro' of Liverpool. Waste Water Meter recently patented. Re- port of Mr. Bramwell. Tract. 8vo. vol. 236. Liverpool, 1874. 8vo. — The Expediency of Protection for Inventions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 254. Lond. 1875. 8vo. London (below bridge) North and South Communication : a lecture, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 359. Lond. 1884. 8vo. On some of the Developments of Mechanical Engineering during the last half-century. Tract. 8vo. vol. 336. Lond. 1882. 8vo. On the Influence of Form considered in relation to the strength of Railway Axles, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 212. 1869. 8vo. On the Steam Engine. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. 1.] Lond. 1878. 8vo. Our Big Guns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 424. Lond. 1886. Svo. Paper on London Water Supply. Tract. 8vo. vol. 407. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Railway Safety Appliances. Tract. 8vo. vol. 256. Bristol, 1875. 8vo. Railways and Locomotives, 1882. See Barry, J. W., and Bramwell, Sir F. J. Report by Messrs. Bazalgette, Bramwell and Easton on . . . an efficient supply of Water for Extinguishing Fire.s, etc. 1877. See LoNDOX. — [Water Suj^pih/.] 170 BllAMWELL BRASHER. BRAMWELL, Sir ¥. .^ .—continued. Talking by Electricity : Tele- phones. Tract. 8uo. vol. 361. Southport, 1883. Svo. The " Thunderer " gun explosion. Lecture, etc. (Sequel to the "Thunderer" gun explosion.) Tract. Sco. vol. d2S. Loud. 1879-80. Svo. BRAMWELL, Sir F. J,, and Andkrson, W. Report of the Consulting Engineers on the trials of poi-table agricultural steam engines at Newcastle. Tract. Svo. vol. 451. Loud. 1887. Svo. BRAND, A. B. The Beaufort Dam. Tract. 8w. vol. 477. [Cape Town,] 1883. Svo. BRAND E, W. T. An Introductory Discourse [to a course of lectures on Chemical Science], delivered in the amphitheatre of the London Institution. Tract. Svo. vol. 188. Lond. 1819. Svo. A Manual of Chemistry. 2 vols. 6th edition. Lond. 1848. Svo. Outlines of Geology. Lond. 1829. 12mo. BRANDE, W. T., and Cox, Bev. G. W. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, etc. 3 vols. Lond. 1865-67. Svo. BRANDIS, D., and Stewart, J. L. The Forest Flora of North- West and Central India, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Lond. 1874. Svo. and 4to. BRANDLING, R. W. Junction Railway to connect the towns of Gateshead, South Shields, and Monk Wearmouth ; to facilitate the communication between the adjacent towns of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, North Shields, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 234. Lond. 1835. Svo. BRANDT, E. Lehrbuch der Eisen-konstruktionen, mit besonderer Anwendung auf den Hochbau, etc. Berlin, 1865. Svo. BRANFILL, J. The Earthwork Measurer. Tract. Svo. vol. Lond. 1877. Svo. BRANNT, W. T. The Metal Worker's Handy-book of receipts and processes. Philadelphia, 1890. Svo. BRANSBY, J. Properties of a Right-angled Triangle : and of the lines drawn and figures formed in and alaout the diagram of the 47th proposition of the 1st Book of Euclid's Elements. Tract. Svo. vol. 504. Lond. [ ] Svo. BRANSFORD, Dr. J. F. Sanitary Notes on the Nicaragua Canal. Tract. Uo. vol. 92. New York, 1883. 4to. BRANT, J. C. Specification of improvements in laying Rails, Chairs, and Sleepers for the permanent way of railways. Tract. 4:to. vol. 41. Lond. 1855. 4to. BRASHEAR, J. A. The Lick Telescope. Tract. Uo. vol. 105. Pittsburgh, 1886. 4to. BRASHER, A. The International Telegraph Convention concluded at St. Petersburgh, 1875. Lond. 1876. folio. BRASHER — BRAYLEY. 171 BRASHER, A. — continued. The International Telcgraph'Convention : revised at Rome, 1872. Translation adopted by the Post Office, and by the Indian and other administrations of telegraph. Lond. 1872. foli.>. International Telegraph Convention with Berlin : revision of service regulations and tariffs, 1885. Lond. [1885.] foli... International Telegraph Convention with London : revision of service regulations and tariffs, 1879. Land. [1879.] folio. BRASSEY, Lord. The British Navy. 5 vols. Lond. 1882-83. 8vo. Foreign Work and English Wages considered with refei'ence to the depression of trade. Lond. 1879. 8vo. ^— Lectures on the Labour Question. 3rd edition. Lond. 1878. 8vo. The Naval Annual, 1886, etc. See Periodical Publications. Unarmoured Ships. Tract. 8vo. vol. 254. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Wages in 1873. Tract. 8vo. vol. 24:0. Lo7id. IS7 '3. 8vo. BRASSINGTON, C. P. Report on the valuation of the lands pro- posed to be drained in the Ballinamore and Ballyconnell district, in the counties of Cavan, Fermanagh, and Leitrim. Dublin, 1845. 8vo. District of the Deel. Report ... on the drainage and im- provement of lands in the district. Dublin, 1846. 8vo. BRAUN, E. Le canal de Terneuzen, etc. 1881. See Bruneel, 0., and Braun, E. Notice sur le canal de Terneuzen et le port de Gand. Gand, 1885. 8vo. BRAUN, F. Uber elektrische Kraftiibertragung, inbesondere iiber Drehstrom, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 517. Tiibincjen, 1892. 8vo. BRAVAIS, A., and Martins, C. Notice preliminaire sur les series meteorologiques correspondantes a celles du Faulhorn et du Mont- Blanc. Tract, ito. vol. 45. [Paris, 1851.] 4to. BRAVAIS, A., Peltier, A., and Wachsmuth, F. Series meteoro- logiques faites au sommet du Faulhorn, au grand plateau du Mont-Blanc, a Brienz, et a Chamonix, en 1841, 1842, et 1844. Tract. 4^0. vol 45. [Paris, 1844.] 4to. BRAYLEY, E. W. Abstract of a lecture on the Nature and Physical History of Glass. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. [Lond. 1845.] 8vo. Abstract of a lecture on the Nature and Physical History of Porcelain and Earthenware. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. [Lond.] 1845. 8vo. An Account of the Parish Church of St. Pancras, etc. 1824. See Britton, J., and Brayley, E. W. BRAYLEY, E. W., and Britton, J. The History of the ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, etc. Lond. 1836. 8vo. 172 BRAZIL — BREGUET, 15RAZTL. — [AfjriciiUurc] Comniissao do INIini.sterio d.i A<,'iieultur;i, Coiumercii) e Obras Publicas na Euntpa e uus E-stados IJnidtjs da America do Norte. Relatorio apresentado pelo Cliefc; da inesma Coinmissao. Paris, 1887. 4to. [Public Worls.] A exposi^ao de o])ra.s publicas em 1875. Rio (Je Janeiro, 1876. 8vo. [liailicaijs.] As estradas de ferru tlu Brazil em 1879. pt. 1. Bio de Janeiro, 1880. 8vo. Conipanliia geral de estradas de feri'o Brazileiras. Mappa geral mostrando a estrada de ferro de Pai-anagua a Corityba e seu pro- longamento atu a foz do Rio Iguassu. [Bio de Janeiro ?] 1883. 8vo. BRAZILL, T. Report to the Corporation of Dublin on the proposed supply of the City and Suburbs with pure water at high pressure. Tract. 8vo. vol. 110. Duhliu,lSrA. 8vo. BRAZOS RIVER, Texas. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting a report of the survey at the mouth of Brazos River, Texas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 486. Washington City, 1888. 8vo. BREAN DOWN. Brean Down : festivals and events of 2000 years. By Silver Spur. Lond. [l^^'d X\ 8vo. BREAREY, F. W. Paper on the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 224. Loud. 18G6. 8vo. BRECKENRIDGE, C. R. Speech in the House of Representatives on Rivers and Harbours. Tract. 8vo. vol. 376. Washington, 188.5. 8vo. BRECKNOCK AND ABERGAVENNY CANAL. Acts for con- structing the Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal, and for raising money. Lond. 1793, 1804. folio. BRECKON, J. R. Facts and Figures concerning the manufacture of Coke and the collection of bye-products by the Simon-Cawe's process. Tract. 8vo. vol. 391. Mancliester, 1884. 8vo. BRECON AND MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade ... on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic and the schedule of maximum rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. BREEN, H. On the corrections of Bouvard's elements of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. 1869. See Greenwich Observatory. BREES, S. C. A Collection of working Plans and practical details of construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. Series 1-4. 4 vols. Lond. 1837-47. 4to. A Glossary of Civil Engineering, comprising its theory and modern practice. Lond. 1841. 8vo. The illustrated Glossary of Practical Architecture and Civil Engineering, etc. Lond. 1853. 8vo. BREGUET, L. Essai sur la force animale, et sur le principe du mouvement volontaire. Tract. 8vo. vol. 266. Paris, 1811. 8vo. BREGUET — BRESSE. 173 BREGUET, L. — continued. Report on the competition relative to the construction of a Machine fit for grinding Optic Lenses, etc. Tract. 8w. vol. 57. Pari^, 1825. 8vo. BREMNER, D. The Industries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. BREMNER, J. Account of the town and harbour of Pulteney-town, Wick, Caithness . . . and description of the casks used for floating large stones, to construct sea-walls in deep water. Tract. 8vO. vol. 76. (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. ISii. 8vo. Explanation of a Machine for lifting a cargo of iron sunk in Sinclair's-birth Bay, in 1829, Ijuried in the sand 6 feet deep, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 62.' Wick, 1836. 8vo. General Remarks on the Machinery employed in the rebuilding of the harbour of Sarclet, in the parish of "VVick, etc. Tract. 8r<>. vol. 62. Wicl- [1836 ?] 8vo. Treatise on the Planning and Constructing of Harbours in deep water, applicable to the deepening and cleaning of rivers for navigation, etc. Tract. 8ro. vol. 75. Wicl; 1845. 8vo. BREMONTIER, N. T. Extrait du recueil des portraits et histoire des hommes utiles, bienfaiteurs et bienfaitrices de I'huiuanite, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 53. Paris, 1839. 8vo. Recherches sur le mouvement des ondes. Paris, 1809. 8vo. BRENAN, G. W. Healthy Homes : or the necessity of soil-pipe venti- lation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 325. Inverness, 1880. 8vo. BRENNECKE, L. Der Grundbau, etc. [Handbuch der Baukunde, Abt. III.]. Berlin, 1887. 8vo. BRENT, H W. The Law of Port Helm, etc. 1866. See ColoxMb, P. H., and Brent, H. W. BRENTFORD. The Brentford and District Tramways Act. Loud. 1885. folio. Brentford and District Tramways (Abandonment) Act, 1890. Lo7id. 1890. folio. BRERETON, R. M. Norfolk. Report on the County and Public Bridges and Fords and Bridge Statutes. Tract, ito. vol. 87. Norwich, 1881. ito. Project for English middle and yeoman class colonies for California. Tract. 8vo. vol. 249. Westminster, [1875?] 8vo. Report of the County Road Surveyor, Norfolk. First and third special reports. Tract, ito. vol. 87. Noricich, 1879. 4to. • Report on the Highway Management and Audit Systems in the County of Norfolk. Tract, ito. vol. 93. Norwich, 1884. 4to. BRESSANT, A. H. P. See Piton-Bressant, A. H. liRESSE, J. A. C. Cours de mecanique appliquee, prof esse a I'Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. . 3 vols. Po>/s, 1859-65. 8vo. (Vol. 2, second edition.) ■ [Another edition.] 3 vols. (With atlas of plates to vol. 3.) Pa7-is, 1865-80. 8vo. and 4to. (Vols. 1 and 2 are of the 3rd edition, and vol. 3 is of the 1st editiou.) 174 BRE88E — BREWER, BRESSE, J. A. C. — continued. Water-wheels ; or, hydraulic motors : translated from the " Cours de mccanique appli(|uc(!." New edition. ^Vew Yorlc, 1876. 8vo. Cours de mecanique et machines. 2 vols. Paris, 1885. Svo. Recherches analytiques sur la flexion et la resistance des pieces courbes, accompagnees de tables numeriques pour calculer la poussee des .arcs charges de poids, etc. Paris, 1854. 4to. BRESSON, G. Les aciers, leurs proprietes, leur fabrication, leurs emplois. Paris, 188G. 8vo. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Siderurgie. Tract. Svo. vol. 488. [Paris,] 1889. Svo. BRETLAND, J. C. Belfast Main Drainage. Contract Drawings, 1889-93. Belfast, 1883. obi. folio. BRETLAND, J. C, and Bazalgette, Sir J. W. Reports on proposed permanent bridge in lieu of Albert Bridge and the improvement of the River Lagan. Tract. Svo. vol. 428. Belfast, 1886. 8vo. BRETON, E. Pompeii decrite et dessinee, suivie d'une notice sur Herculaneum. Paris, 1855. 8vo. Traite du lever des plans et de I'arpentage. Paris, 1865. 8vo. Traite du nivellement. 3™"' edition. Paris, 1873. 8vo. BRETON, P. Memoire sur les barrages de retenue des graviers dans les gorges des torrents. Paris, 1867. 4to. lEtude d'un systeme general de defense contre les torrents, concertee entre les fonctionnaires des forets et des ponts et chaussees. Paris, 1875. 4to. BRETT COLLECTION. Catalogue of the Brett Collection of Pictures, and other works of art. Lond. 1864. 8vo. BRETT, H. Brett's Auckland Almanac. See Periodical Publica- tions. BRETT, Henry. Lough Alick district, county of Mayo. Report on the drainage of the lands in the above district. Vol. I. Dtihlin, 1846. Svo. Mullyfarry Lake district, county of Mayo. Report on the drainage and improvement of the lands in the above district. Dublin, 1846. 8vo. BRETT, J. W. On the Origin and Progress of the Oceanic Electric Telegraph. Tract. Svo. vol. 380. Lond. 1858. Svo. BRETT, Dr. R. H., and Others. Testimonials to Mr. Williams' Mode of effecting the combustion of Coal in furnaces. Tract. Svo. vol. 58. Liverpool, 1841. 8vo. BRETT, Dr. R. H., and Little, — . Compendium of the improvements effected in Electric Telegi'aphs . . . with a description of their patent electro-telegraphic converser. Tract. Svo. vol. 82. Lond. 1847. Svo. BREWER, T. Memoir of John Carpenter, town clerk of London in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI. Tract. Svo. vol. 403. Lond. 1836. Svo. BREWSTER. 175 BREWSTER, - Supply.] Purification and increase of the Water Supply of Brisbane. Brisbane, 1886. folio. Report ... by J. B. Henderson. Brisbane, 1880. folio. Reports on the Water Supply of Brisbane, by J. Brady. Brisbane, 1866-68. folio. Report of the Hydraulic Engineer on purifying the Water of Brisbane. Brisbane, 1886. folio. [Wliarfage.] Plan showing soundings in front of Wharves, and design for the extension of wharfage and Harbour Accommoda- tion. Brisbane, 1878. folio. BRISBANE, Biver. Report on the Dredging of the Brisbane River. Brisbane, 1877. folio. BRISBANE AND IPSWICH RAILWAY. Papers relating to the Construction of the Railway. Brisbane, 1873. folio. Progress Report. Brisbane, 1875. folio. Report . . . from R. Watson. Brisbane, 1876. folio. Reply to Report by R. Watson. Brisbane, 1876. folio. BRISSE, A., and Rotrou, L. de. Dessechement du lac Fucino execute par S. E. le Prince Alexandre Torlonia. Precis historique et technique. (Atlas of plates.) [Fr. and Eng.] Borne, 1876. 4to. BRISSE, C. Cours de mecanique a I'usage des eleves de la classe de mathematiques speciales, etc. Paris, 1892. 8vo. BRISTOL. An Engineer's views on the Government of Bristol. [By E. R. Salwey.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 522. [Bristol, 1893.] 8vo. The Improvement of Bristol : a report by the Water-Supply, Drainage and Towns Improvement Company. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Mechanics' Institution. Fifteenth Annual Report, for the year 1839. Tract. 8vo. vol. 68. Bristol, 1840. 8vo. Mercliant Venturers' School. Prospectus, 1886-87 to 1889-90. 4 vols. Bristol, 1886-89. 8vo. Mining School. Lectures delivered at the Bristol Mining School, 1857. Bristol, 1859. 8vo. N 2 180 BHISTOL — BRITANNIA. BUli>>T01,— continued.— Uiiiversitij College. Calondur . . . 1878-79, (1880-81, 1883-84, etc.). Bristol, 1878, etc. 8vo. [Ninth Annual] Meeting of the Governors, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 414. Bristol, 1885. 8vo. [Bocl-H.'] Bristol Docks. Dockising the River Avon. Reports on Flouds, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 30. Bristol [1881.] folio. Explanration of the Phm for improving the Harbour of Bristol. Tract, folio, vol. 47. Bristol, 1802. folio. A Plain Statement of Facts : wherein the differences . . . existing between the Bristol Dock Company and the inhabitants of Bristol upon the Bill now before Parliament are briefly considered. By a Bristol merchant. Tract. 8vo. vol. 75. Bristol, 1807. 8vo. Report on the circumstances attending the destruction of the Petroleum-laden vessel " United," in Bristol Docks, on the 21st November, 1888, by Col. V. D. Majendie. Lond. 1889. folio. [Education.] Statistics of Education in Bristol : by a Committee of the Statistical Society of Bristol. Tract. Svo. vol. 69. Lond. 1841. 8vo. [Water-Supply.] An Act for supplying with Water the City of Bristol and certain Parishes adjacent thereto, etc. Lond. 1846. folio. An Act for better supplying with Water the town of Bristol, etc. Lond. 1850. folio. An Act to authorize the Waterworks Company to raise a further sum of money. Lond. 1850. folio. Minutes of Evidence l:)efore the Select Committee on the Bristol Consumers Water Bill. Lond. 1887. folio. BRISTOL CANAL. Inquiry into the utility of a Canal from Bristol to Bath. Tract. Svo. vol. 66. Bristol, 1795. 8vo. BRISTOL NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. 5, Part II. (1886-87). Bristol, 1887. 8vo. BRISTOW, H. W. The Geology of the Isle of Wight. 2nd edition, etc. [3Iemoirs of the Geological Survey.] Lond. 1889. Svo. A Glossary of Mineralogy. Lond. 1861. Svo. On the Lower Lias or lias conglomerate of a part of Glamorgan- shire. Tract. Svo. vol. 161. Lond. 1867. 8vo. BRISTOW, H. W., and Whitaker, W. On the formation of the Chesil bank, Dorset. Tract. Svo. vol. 175. Lond. 1869. Svo. BRITANNIA BRIDGE. General description of the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges on the Chester and Holyhead Rail- way. By a Resident Assistant. Tract. Svo. vol. 82. Lond. 1849. Svo. BRITISH. 181 BRITISH AND FOREIGN RAILWAY COMPANY. New and profitable Railway Investments. Tract. Svo. vol.221. Leeds, 1872. Svo. BRITISH AND FOREIGN RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE COMPANY. Prospectus. Tract. Svo. vol. 229. Lond. 1847. Svo. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Reports of the meetings, 1831, (1832, etc.). Lond. 1835, etc. Svo. Instructions for Observers of the Aurora Borealis. Tract. Svo. vol. 432. York [1835 ?] Svo. Report on the subject of a series of Resolutions adopted by the . . . Association (on the subject of Terrestrial Magnetism). [By Sir J. Herschel and H. Lloyd.] Tract. Svo. vol. 130. Lond. 1840. Svo. Report of the Committee appointed for the reduction of Meteorological Observations. By Sir J. F. W. Herschel. Tract. Svo. vol. 130. Lond. 1843. Svo. Report of a Committee appointed at the tenth meeting of the Association for experiments on Steam Engines. Tract. Svo. vol. 96. Lo7id. 1845. Svo. Sixth report of the Committee, consisting of Sir J. Herschel [and others] . . . appointed to conduct the co-operation of the British Association in the system of simultaneous Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. Tract. Svo. vol. 130. Lond. 1845. 8vo. Report of a Committee, consisting of Sir J. Herschel [and others] . . . appointed . . . for revising the Nomenclature of the Stars. Tract. Svo. vol. 130. Lond. 1848. Svo. Report from a Committee appointed ... to enquire into the defects of the present methods of measuring and registering the tonnage of shipping, as also of marine engine power, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 31. Lond. 1857. 4to. Suggestions to Astronomers for the observation of the total Eclipse of the Sun on the 28th of July, 1851. Drawn up by a Committee of the . . . Association [consisting of Sir J. Herschel and others.] Tract. Svo. vol. ISS. Lond. [1858.] Svo. Second (third) report of Committee on steamship performance. Tract, folio, vols. 5 and 40. Lond. 1860-61. folio. Report of the committee on uniformity of Weights and Measures. Trad. Svo. vol. 202. Nottingham, 1866. Svo. First report on the Stability, propulsion, and sea-going qualities of Ships. Tract. Svo. vol. 206. Exeter, 1869. Svo. Report of the Committee of the British Association on the Treatment and Utilisation of Sewage. Tract. Svo. vols. 203, 223, 232. Lond. 1871-73. 8vo. 182 BRITISH ASSOCIATION — BRITISH MUSEUM. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIE'^CE — coiitimicd. Montreal Meeting, 1884. Canadian Economics ; being papers prepared for reading before the Eco- nomical Section, with an introductory report. Land. 1885. 8vo. Reports of the Committee on the Erosion of the Sea-coasts of England and Wales. Tract. 8vo. vol. 420. Lond. 188G-88. Svo. Manchester Meeting, 1887. Reception room at the Owens College. Programme of local arrangements, with map of Man- chester, plan of Owens College and plan of the Exhibition. Tract. Svo. vol. 448. Manchester, 1887. Svo. The President's Address and the sectional addresses, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 448. Lo7id. 1887. Svo. Bath meeting, 1888. Proceedings. Bath, 1888. folio. Stars of the constellations of Bode visible in the latitude of Greenwich. Lond. [ .] folio. BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF GAS MANAGERS. See Incor- porated Gas Institute. BRITISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Paris. See Paris.— British Chamber of Commerce. BRITISH COLUMBIA. [A MS. letter, describing the country with a view to a Survey for a Railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 439. [1860 ?] 8vo. Report of the Hon. H. L. Langevin on Public "Works. Ottawa, 1872. Svo. BRITISH GUIANA. Report on the Drainage of Berbice, Alary and West Coast Districts, by H. Siccama. Demerara, 1879. folio. Royal Agricultural and Commercial Societij. Journal. Vol. I.— IV. Bemerara, 1882-90. Svo. BRITISH IRON TRADE ASSOCIATION. Annual Reports, 1877-1890. Lond. 1878-91. Svo. — ■ — Comparative Statistics of English and foreign Railways. Tract. Svo. vol. 402. [1885.] Svo. English and foreign Railway Rates on iron, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 402. Lond. 1885. Svo. BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS., with indexes, etc. 4 vols. Lond. 1808-12. folio. A catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum ; with indexes of persons, places and matters. Lond. 1819. folio. A catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. Lond. 1802. folio. Two reports on the condition, management, and affairs of the Museum. 2 vols. Lond. 1835-36. folio. BRITISH RECORD SOCIETY BRITTON. 183 BRITISH RECORD SOCIETY. Prospectus, specimens of the Publications, etc., of the Society. Tract. 8vo. vol. 508. Lond. 1893. 8vo. BRITISH SHIPMASTERS AND OFFICERS PROTECTION SOCIETY. Tenth Annual Report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 399. Sunderland, 1883. 8vo. BRITISH SOCIETY OF MINING STUDENTS. Journal. Vol. vii. No. 2, etc. Sheffield, 1882, etc. 8vo. BRITTAIN, H. Notes on the Broads and Rivers of Norfolk and Suffolk. Noridcli, [1887.] 8vo. BRITTEN, B. The Armstrong Gun compared with rifled cast-iron Service Guns, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Cast-iron Guns : the debate in the House of Commons, June, 1873. Tract. 8vo. vol. 229. Bedhill, 1873. 8vo. Heavy rifled Ordnance, Cast-iron and Wrought-iron. Review of the Report of the late Ordnance Select Committee, on the trial of unstrengthened rifled cast-iron service guns, under the altered circumstances now arising from the adoption of pebble powder. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Muzzle-loading Rifled Ordnance. On the adaptation of the principle of the Minie rifle to cannon, and the advantages of large calibre. Tract. 8vo. vol. 287. Lond. 1878. 8vo. Pebble Powder and cheaper Guns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 229. Bedhill, 1873. 8vo. Rifled Cast-iron Ordnance : correspondence with the War Office, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 206. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Rifled Cast-iron Ordnance : the power and endurance of the smooth-bore and rifled cast-iron ordnance of the United States, employed in the late American war. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Lond. [1872.] Svo. Rifled Cast-iron Service Guns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Bedhill, 1862. Svo. Rifled Ordnance : correspondence with the War Office. Tract. 8vo. vol. 229. Lond. 1873. 8vo. Rifled Ordnance : origin of the System now applied to all the largest guns in H.M. Service. Correspondence with the War Office respecting the invention. Tract. 8vo. vol. 336. Lond. [1881.] 8vo. Rifled Ordnance : remarks on the Report of the Ordnance Select Committee on competitive rifled guns, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 131. Lond. 1863. 8vo. BRITTON, J. The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated ; including a biographical memoir of Lieut.-Col. I. Barre. Lond. 1848. Svo. The autobiography of J. Britton, etc. [With an account of his works, by T. E. Jones.] 2 vols. Loiid. 1849-50. 4to. 184 BRITTON — BROAD8TAIB8. BRITTON, J. —continued. Specimen of the Autobiography of J. Britton, including a tabular view of testimonials, etc. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 88. Loud. 18r)0. 8vo. Brief Notices of the Works and Life of Thomas Cubitt. 1856. 12mo. • A Diction;iry of the Architecture and Archivology of the Middle Ages. Land. 18.38. 4to. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wells ; including biographical notices ... of the bishops of the See of Bath and Wells. Wells. 1847. 8vo. The History of the ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, etc., 1836. See Bbayley, E. W., and Britton, J. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, etc., 1838. See PuGiN, A., and Britton, J. Lecture on the Roadways of England, pointing out the peculiarly advantageous situation of Bristol . . . with remarks on the benefits likely to arise from a railroad between that port and London. Tract. Svo. vol. 179. Bristol, 1833. 8vo. Memoir of the Life, Writings, and Character of H. Hatcher ; with a prospectus of the autobiography of J. Britton. Tract. Svo. vol. 70. Lond. 1847. 8vo. See Bourne, J. C. Drawings of the London and Birmingham Railway. With . . . account by J. Britton, 1839. BRITTON, J. and Brayley, E. W. An Account of the Parish Church of St. Pancras, London. Tract. 4to. vol. 38. Lond. 1824. 4to. BRITTON, T. A. A Treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and cure of Dry Rot in timber, etc. Lond. 1875. 8vo. BRIX, A. F. W. Abhandlung iiber die Cohasions- und Elasticitiits- Verhaltnisse einiger nach ihren Dimensionen beim Bau der Hangebriicken in Anwendung kommenden Eisendriithe des In- und Auslandes. Tract. 4:to. vol. 93. Berlin, 1837. 4to. BRIX Br. P. W. Annalen der Telegraphie. Heft 1. Tract, ito. vol. 93. Berlin, 1872. 4to. Untersuchungen iiber die Heizkraft der wichtigeren Brennstoffe des Preussischen Staates, etc. Berlin, 1853. BROADFOOT, Capt., B.E. Note on Floods in the River Indus, 1875. See India. — Indus, Biver. BROADHEAD, G. C, Meek, P. B., and Shumard, B. F. Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, 1855-71. JefferKon City, 1873. 8vo. BROADSTAIRS. Act for repairing or removing the Pier adjoining to the Harbour of Broadstairs and the Isle of Thanet, and an amendment of this Act. Lond. 1805. Svo. BROCK — BROOKS. 1 85 BROCK, C. T., and Co. [For Reports on Accidents which have occurred on vai'ious occasions at Brock's Firework Factory, South Norwood, see Norwood.] BROCKEDON, "VV. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2 vols. Loncl. 1828-29. 4to. BROCKHAUS, F. U. Conversations-Lexikon. Zwolfte Auflage. 15 vols. Leipzig, 1875-79. 8vo. BRODIE, Sir B. C, Bart. Address to the Ethnological Society of London. Tract. 8w. vol. 118. Lond. [1854.] 8vo. BRODIE, R. Rules for ranging Railway Curves with the theodolite and without tables. Tract. Ato. vol. 39. Lond. 1847. 4to. BROECK, E. VAN DEN and Rutot, A. Un nouvel appareil portatif de sondage pour reconnaissance rapide du terrain. Bruxelles, 1888. 8vo. BROISE, — , and Thieffry, N. Album encyclopedique des chemins defer. (Atlas of plates.) Pam, 1861. folio. BROKEN HILL and District Water Supply Company. Prospectus of the Darling River and Lake Speculation scheme. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Sydneij, 1891. 8vo. BROKEN HILL Proprietary Company. Reports and statements of account for half-year ending 31st May, 1889. Melbourne, 1889. 4to. BROMFIELD-INGERSOLL Rock Drill Company. Bromfield-Inger- soll hand-power Rock-drill. Leeds, 1890. 8vo. BROMLEY, M. Thirty Days in the States. Tract. 8co. vol. 269. Lond. 1876. 8vo. BROOK, J. French Measure and English Equivalents. Sheffield, 1873. 12mo. BROOKER, A. Electrical Engineering for electric light artizans, etc., 1890. See Slingo, W., and Brooker, A. BROOKES, Dr. R. The general Gazeteer, or compendious geo- graphical dictionary. 11th edition. Montrose, 1801. 8vo. BROOKLYN LIBRARY. Catalogue. 3 vols. Brooklyn, 1877-80. folio. BROOKLYN WATERWORKS. Reports by mechanical engineers on trials of duty made in 1857 and 1859, upon the Brooklyn, Hartford, Belleville, and Cambridge pumping-engines. Tract. 8w. vol. 326. New York, 1860. 8vo. Reports on Pumping Engines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 326. New York, 1862. 8vo. BROOKS, C. P. Cotton Manufacturing. Lond. 1888. 8vo. BROOKS, F. Comparative size of metric and old units with reference to convenience and report of Committee on Weights and Measures. Tract. 8vo. vol. 427. New York, 1886. 8vo. The Division of the Circle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 414. [Bosto7i ?] 1878. 8vo. 186 BROOKS — BROTHERTON. BROOKS, F. — continued. The Division of the Day. Tract. 8vo. vol. ili. [Boston?] 1S7S. 8vo. BROOKS, M., jind Stkwaud, J. E. Some experiments upon the ♦' Otto " gas engine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 468. 1883. Bvo. BROOKS, S. H. Rudimentary treatise on the Erection of Dwelling- houses, etc. Land. 1868. 8vo. BROOKS, W. A. Euphrates : the Road to the East. Tract. 8vo. voh. 221 and 442. Lund. [1857?] 8vo. • Honduras and the Inter-Oceanic Railway. Tract. 8/;o. vol. 256. Lond. 1874. 8vo. The Navigation of the river Hooghly, and the proper means to be adopted for its amelioration, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 154. Loud. [184:0 1] 8vo. Observations and reports on the Channel Refuge-harbours and naval stations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 102. Gateshead, 1856. 8vo. On the cause of the formation of Bars at the mouths of Rivers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 135. Lond. [1863.] 8vo. On the improvement of Tidal Navigations and Drainages. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4:98. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Loild. 1854:. 8vO. Proposed Asylum Harbour and naval station at Redcar, on the coast of Yorkshire, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 13. Lond. 1834. 8vo. Remarks on the proposed Spithead Forts in connection with the advanced sea works advocated by Mr. W. A. Brooks, C.E., for the defence of Portsmouth and the adjacent anchorage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 132. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Reply to the letter of Mr. Calver on the Tyne improvement. Tract. 8vo. vol. 135. Gateshead, 1852. 8vo. Report on the formation of an Asylum Harbour at Redcar, on the south side of the Tees Bay. Tract. 4io. vol. 34. Stocldon-on-Tees, 1832. 4to. Report on the general Improvement of the Navigation of the river Tyne. Tract. 8vo. vol. 71. Newcastle, 1843. Svo. To the members of the Ship-owners' Society. Letter relating to Port William at Redcar. Tract, folio, vol. 28. Bedcar, 1838. folio. Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers, etc. Lond. 1841. 8vo. BROOM, G. J. C. Short history of the Wolverhampton Sewerage scheme, with a few hints on the ventilation of house drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 297. Wolverhampton, 1878. 8vo. BROSIUS, J., and Koch, R. Das Lokomotivfiihrer Examen-Frage- Buch, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 383. Wiesbaden, 1879. 8vo. Die Schule des Lokomotivfiihrers, etc. Wiesbaden, 1879. Svo. BROTHERTON, W. The Olive, the Rape, and the Flax: their products and their cultivation. Tract. 8vo. col. 115. Lond. 1857. Svo. BROUGH — BROWN. 187 BROUGH, B. H. Cantor Lectures on Mine Surveying, etc. Lond. 1892. 8vo. A treatise on Mine-surveying. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Use of Cement in Shaft-sinking, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 525. Lond. 1893. 8vo. Use of the Magnetic Needle in exploring for iron ore. Tract. 8vo. vol 443. [1887.] Svo. BROUGHAM, Lord. Practical observations upon the Education of the People, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 69. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Tracts Mathematical and Physical. Lond. 1860. 8vo. BROUGHAM, Lord, and Routh, E. J. Analytical view of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. Lond. 1855. 8vo. BROUGHTON COPPER COMPANY. Weight of seamless Copper Tubes. Tract. 8vo. vol 263. Manchester, [187 4: ^ Svo. BROUGHTON, F. The Inter-State Commerce Bill. Practical objec- tions to some of its features. Tract. Svo. vol. 435. 1886. 8vo. BROUGHTON, T. Appliances for erecting all classes of Concrete Buildings, walling, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 475. Lond. 1876. 8vo. BROUGHTON, U. H. The Shone Hydro-pneumatic system of Sewer- age. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. New York, 1887. 8vo. BROUN, J. A. On the Combined Motions of the Magnetic Needle, and the Aurora Borealis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 188. [Edinburgh, 1850 1] 8vo. Report to Gen. Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., on the completion of the publication, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, of the observations made in his Observatory at Makerstoun. Tract. 4to. vol. 39. Edinburgh, 1850. 4to. BROUN, J. A., and Russell, E. Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology, made at Makerstoun, in Scotland, in the Observatory of Gen. Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., in 1841-46. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1845-49. 4to. (Trans, of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) BROUN, T. Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. 7 pt. in 3 vols. [Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department.^ Wellington, 1880-93. 8vo. BROUZET, — . Memoire a messieurs les membres du conseil muni- cipal de Nismes. [Relative to a scheme for Waterworks.] Tract. 4tto. vol. 34. Nismes, 1840. 4to. BROWN ANIMAL SANATORY INSTITUTION. Man's Injustice to Animals : the Brown Animal Sanatory Institution, etc. 2nd edition. Lond. 1888. 8vo. 3rd edition. With additions. Lond. 1888. Svo. BROWN, A. On Dredging and Dredge Plant. Tract. 8vo. vol. 251. Glasgoio, 1874. Svo. 188 BROWN, BROWN, A. On Dredging, and Dredging Appliances. Tract. Svo. vol. 479. Glasgow, 1889. 8vo. A practical treatise on the construction of the Power-loom and the Art of Weaving. 5th edition, revised. Dundee, 1887. Svo. BROWN, A., and Boobbyer, P. Meteorological observations, Not- tingham, 1889-{90, etc.) [Nottingham,] 1889, etc. Svo. See Nottingham. The Meteorology of Nottingham for 1891. Observations by Arthur Brown and P. Boobbyer, 1892. BROWN, A., and Whitelegge, B. A. Meteorological Observations, Nottingham, 1887 and 1888. Nottingham, 1887-88. Svo. BROWN, A. B. See Periodical Publications. Engineering Facts and Figures : edited by A. B. Brown, 1863-68. (Vol. for 1863 of the 2nd edition.) BROWN, C. The speech of C. Brown delivered at the public meeting held at Norwich, Sept. 1818, together with Mr. Cubitt's report. Trad. Svo. vol. 5. Norwich, 1818. Svo. BROWN, F. Description of patent metallic Zinc Colours, prepared from the zinc of the Vieille Montagne. Tract, ito. vol. 40. (Lithographed.) [1851.] 4to. BROWN, G. P. Sewer-gas and its Dangers. Chicago, 1881. Svo. BROWN, H. Railway Accidents, Railway Amalgamation, and Railway Management, in a series of letters to The Morning Chronicle, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. . Loud. 1853. Svo. BROWN, H. P. The comparative Danger to Life of the alternating and continuous Electrical Currents. Tract. Svo. vol. 479. Neio YorJc, 1889. Svo. Electrical Distribution of heat, light, and power. With partial list of deaths from electrical lighting appai'atus, and address by J. M. Mitchell, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 490. New York, 1889. Svo. BROWN, H. T. Five hundred and seven Mechanical Movements, embracing all those which are most important in dynamics, hydraulics, and hydrostatics. . . . 16th edition. New Tori, 1888. Svo BROWN, H. Y. L. Map of part of the colony of Western Australia, showing the progress of the Geological Survey, from August, 1870, to June, 1872. Melbourne, 1872. Svo. Report on journey from Warrina to Musgrave Ranges. See South Australia. — [Geology.'] 1890. folio. BROWN, J. E. A practical treatise on Tree Culture in South Australia. 3rd edition. Adelaide, 1886. Svo. BROWN, James. The Forester : or, a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest trees. Edinburgh and Lond. 1871. Svo. BROWN, James T. Photometry and Gas Analysis. Lond. [1883.] Svo. BROWN. 189 BROWN, John, M. Inst. C.E. Description of some Borings on the Clifton Estate, and of the sinking at Clifton Colliery, Nottingham. Tract. Sw. vol. 324. Lond. 1881. 8vo. BROWN, John, of Barnsley. On cast iron Tubing used in sinking shafts. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 136. [Lond. 1861.] 8vo. BROWN, John A. The Water-bearing Strata of the Ealing District. Tract. 8vo. vol. 407. Ealing, 1882. 8vo. BROWN, John C. Hydrology of South Africa ; or, details of the former hydrographic condition of the Cape of Good Hope, etc. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Pine Plantations on the Sand-wastes of France. Edinburgh, 1878. 8vo. Reboisement in France ; or, records of the re-planting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with trees, herbage, and bush, etc. Lond. 1876. 8vo. The Schools of Forestry in Europe. Tract. Svo. vol. 288. Edinburgh, 1877. 8vo. Water Supply of South Africa, and facilities for the storage of it. Edinburgh, 1877. 8vo. BROWN, M. W. A further attempt for the Correlation of the Coal Seams of the carboniferous formation of the North of England, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 447. Neivcastle-upo.t-Tyne, 1887. 8vo. On a form of Apparatus for the rapid determination of specific gravities of bodies. Tract. 8vo. vol. 449. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1887. 8vo. BROWN, R. H., 3Iajor. The Fayiim and Lake Ma?ris. With . . . illustrations from photographs by the author. Lond. 1892. 4to. BROWN, S. S. A lay Lecture on Sanitary Matters. Tract. 8vo. vol. 223. Clifton, 1871. 8vo. BROWN, Sir Samuel, Commander B.N. Description of a bronze or cast-iron columnal Lighthouse, with references to a model of one-fourth the full size, designed for the Wolf Rock, situated between the island of Scilly and the Land's End, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 70. Edinburgh, 1836. 4to. Private Report of the present state of Westminster Bridge, etc Tract. 8vo. vol. 264. Brighton, 1836. 8vo. Re^Dorts and observations on his patent Iron Cables. Tract. 8vo. vol. 15. Liverpool, 1816. 8vo. Specification of a Bridge of suspension over the river South Esk, at Montrose. Tract. Uo. vol. 13. Montrose, 1824. 4to. BROWN, Samuel, M. Inst. C.E. Report on great storm of 29th and 30th May, 1889, Hong Kong. Tract, folio, vol. 45. Hong Kong, 1889. folio. Three months in Cyprus during the winter of 1878-79. Tract. 8vo. vol. 310. Lond. 1879. 8vo. 190 BROWN — BRUCE. BROWN, T. Questions on subjects connected with the Marine Steam- engine, etc., 1857. See Main, D. D., and Bkown, T. BROWN, T. R Paper on the Coal Question read before the . . . British Association, Cardiff, 1891. Cardiff, 1891. 8vo. BROWN, W. Decimal Coinage : a letter to Francis Shand, Chair- man of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce . . . 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol 119. LomJ. 1854. 8vo. BROWN, W. L. Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper, and Lead Ores. Revised by A. B. Griffiths. Lond. 1890. Svo. BROWNE, A. J. JUKES-. See Jukes-Browne, A. J. BROWNE, C. O., Captain, B.A. Ammunition: a descriptive treatise on the different projectiles, charges, fuzes ... at present in use for land and sea service, etc. 2 pt. Land. 1870. Svo. (Part I missing.) Armour and its Attack by Artillery. Woolwich, 1887. Svo. BROWNE, H. J. The higher branch of Science or Materialism refuted by facts. Tract. Svo. vol. . Melbourne, 1884. Svo. BROWNE, J., Major. Proposition for establishing a Balloon Railway across the Sahara desert, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 89. Lond. 1850. Svo. BROWNE, J. H. B. Water Supply. Lond. 1880. Svo. See Neville, R., and Macnamara, W. H. Reports of Cases decided by the Railway Commissioners. [Vols. 4-7 by J. H. B. Browne and W. H. Macnamara, 1874. BROWNE, R. E. Water Meters. New York, 1885. 12mo. BROWNE, R. G. M. Astronomical Geology, etc. Lond. 1865. Svo. BROWNE, W. R. On Robert's patent Communicator for railway trains. Tract. 8vo. vol. 256. Bridgwater, 1875. Svo BROWNING, H. B. An Algebra of Ratios, with a theory of exponents, and the propositions of the fifth book of Euclid easily and symbolically deduced. Stamford, 1849. Svo. A proposed System for the more ready and correct valuation of carpenters' and joiners' works, as depending on the prices and quantities of materials used, etc. Stamford, 1847. Svo. BROWNLOW, H. A. Enquiry into the possibility of the use of Wind Power for irrigation. Tract. Svo. vol. 514. Boorhee, 1877. Svo. BRUCE, A. B. The Life of W. Denny, ship-builder, Dumbarton. Lond. 1888. Svo. See RiBES, S. To the Rev. A. B. Bruce. Answer to . . . his book . . . "The Life of William Denny," etc., 1889. BRUCE, Sir G. B. Memorandum on Street Railways. Tract. Svo. vol. 179. Westminster, 1860. Svo. BRUCE, R. G., Lieut., B.E. Considerations on the Establishment of the British Engineers. Lond. 1768. Svo. BRUCE — BRUNEL. 191 BRUCE, W. D. An account of the "Works constructed in the Port of Calcutta, between 1870 and 1880. Tract. 4/o. vol 120. Land. [ .] 4to. BRUCKMANN, A. E. On negative Artesian Wells, or absorbing bored wells, as a means of draining lands, farms, &c. Tract. 8vo. vol. 118. [1855?] 8vo. BRUECKMANN, E. G. M. Roentgen, der Erfinder der Mehrfach- Expansions-Dampfmaschine. Tract, ito. vol. 115. Berlin, 1892. 4to. BRUERE, — . Memoire sur les assainissements et consolidations de talus. Tract. 8vo. vol. 117. Paris, 1858. 8vo. BRUFF, R A treatise on Engineering Field-woi*k . . . 2nd edition. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Report, and supplementary Report, on the Navigation of the River Colne, with a proposition for constructing a ship canal from Wivenhoe to Colchester, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 66. Lond. and Colchester, 1842. 8vo. BRUFF, W. F. The West Wisconsin Railway, U.S. Second annual report to the Trustees for the Bondholders, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 9. Lond. 1871. folio. BRUIGNAC, A. D. de. Recherches sur la navigation aerienne. Tract. 8vo. vol. 314. Paris, 1875. 8vo. BRULL, A. Etudes theoriques et pratiques sur la nitroglycerine et la dynamite. Tract. 8vo. vol. 312. Paris, 1875. 8vo. Memoire sur la chaine flottante des mines de fer de Dicido, Santander. Tract. 8vo. vol. 466. Paris, 1884. 8vo. Memoire sur les pompes centrifuges Farcot de I'usine elevatoire de Khatatbeh. Tract. 8vo. vol. 435. [Paris, 1887.] 8vo. BRUMELL, C. A preliminary Report on the Sea Embankments of British Guiana. Tract. 8vo. vol. 321. Westminster, 1858. 8vo. BRUN, A. F. Traite pratique des operations sur le terrain, com- prenant les traces et les nivellements necessaires a la construction des chemins de fer, routes et canaux. Tract. 8vo. vol. 223. Paris, 1860. 8vo. BRUNEEL, O., and Braun, E. Le canal de Terneuzen. Gand et ses installations maritimes. Tract, folio, vol. 30. Gand, 1881. folio. BRUNEL, I. The life of I. K. Brunei, civil engineer. Lond. 1870. 8vo. BRUNEL, I. K. Railway Eccentrics. Inconsistencies of men of genius exemplified in the practice and precept of I. K. Brunei, and in the theoretical opinions of C. A. Saunders. [A pamphlet on the Gauge Question.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 260. Lond. 1846. 8vo. View of the Clifton suspension bridge (proposed design). [An engraving presented by Brunei to Maria Edgeworth about 1830, and by her to the late J. Bell : with a letter from Miss Edge- worth to Mr. Bell, and explanatory letter by James Bell, M. Inst. C.E.] 192 BRUNEL — DKUNTON. BRUNEL, Sir M. T. An ExpLuuitiou «>£ the Works of the Tunnel uiuler the Thames from Rotherhithe to Wa^jpin^'. Land. 18."38. 4to. A letter to the Proprietors of the Thames Tunnel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 492. Land. 1829. 8vo. A new plan of Tunnelling, calculated for opening a I'oadway under the Thames, Tract. Svo. vol. 15. Loiid. 1823. 8vo. Particulars of some Experiments on the mode of binding Brick Construction. Tract. 4to. vol. 71. [Lond.] 1836. 4to. The Thames Tunnel : an exposition of facts and circumstances relating to the tunnel under the Thames, etc. Load. 1833. 4to. BRUNET, F. Dimensions des fers qui doivent former la coupole de la Halle aux grains, calculees d'apres la composition de M. Belanger, etc. Paris, 1809. folio. BRUNFANT, J. Etude sur les voies de transport en France. Paris, 1876. Svo. BRUNINGS, C. Antwoord op de vraag ... is de algemeene grond- regel der hydrometrie, dat de grootste diepten steeds op de naauwste plaatsen der Rivieren bevonden worden, insgelyks toepasselyk op de zeeboezems, gelyk het ye, alwaar de stroom door de getyen veroorzaakt word ? Tract. Svo. vol. 162. [1780?] 8vo. Verhandeling over de snelheid van stroomend water, en de middelen, om dezelve op allerleie diepten te bepaalen. Tract. Svo. vol. 1Q2. [1798?] Svo. Abhandlung liber die Geschwindigkeit des fliessenden Wassers und von den Mitteln dieselbe auf alien Tiefen zu bestimmen, etc. Franhfurt am Maun, 1798. 4to. BRUNLEES, J, On the construction of the Sea Embankments across the Estuaries Kent and Leven, in Morecambe Bay, for the Ulver- stone and Lancaster Railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 502. (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Loild. 1855. 8vO. Report on the proposed Wet Docks at Whitehaven. Tract, folio. vol. 27. Westminster, 1870. folio. [Report] to the directors of the Bristol Port and Channel Dock Company [re site for proposed docks at Portishead]. Tract, folio, vol. 27. Westminster, 1871. folio. BRUNLEES, J., and Webb, E. B. Proposed Ship-railway across the Isthmus of Suez. Tract. Svo. vol. 112. Lo7id. IS59. 8vo. BRUNNER Feeres. Omnibus a vapeur : resultats de I'exploitation sur le chemin de fer regional de Lausanne a Echaltens. Trait. Svo. vol. 283. Zurich, 1877. 8vo. BRUNTON, Bev. A. Prayer for the use of those employed in the Lighthouse Service of Scotland. Tract, ito. vol. 70. [1820 ?] 4to. BRUNTON, R. A Compendium of Mechanics, etc. Glasgow, 1824. 8vo. BRUNTON — BRUSSELS. 193 BRUNTON, R. H. Public Works, Japan. Trad. %w. vol 267. Yokohama, 1875. 8vo. BRUNTON, T., Middleton and Co. Observations on Chain Cables, etc. Tract. Siw. vol. 15. Lond. 1815. 8vo. BRUNTON, T. L. Apparatus for Physiological Chemistry. [Science Lectures at South Kensington, vol. 2.] Loral. 1879. 8vo. BRUNTON, W. An Address to the shareholders of the Punjab Railway Company. Tract. Svo. vol. 123. Loud. 1861. 8vo. Machinery and Tools at the end of 18th century. MS. [1850?] 4to. On the Ventilation of Coal Mines. Tract. Sco. col. 97. Land. 1849. 8vo. BRUSCHETTI, G. Delle acque d' irrigazione nella Lombardia. Tract. Svo. vol. 118. [1847.] 8vo. Delle macchine locomotive e stazionarie ad uso di motore pei trasporti celeri sopra le vie di terra e di acqua in Lombardia. Tract. Svo. vol. 62. Milano, 1840. Svo. Istoria del progetti e delle opere per la navigazione interna del Milanese. Milano, 1821. 4to. (With autograph letters from the Author and Signer C. Parea to Col. F. Page.) 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Milano, 1830. 4to. Storia dei progetti e delle opere per 1' irrigazione del Milanese. Lugano, 1834. 4to. BRUSSELS. — Concours International de 1881, cu/ant pour objet le meilleur ouvrage siir les nioyens d'ameliorer les ports etahlis sur les cotes basses et sahlonneuses, comme celles de la Belgique. Rapport du Jury. Tract. Svo. vol. 451. BruxeUe>^, 1887. 8vo. Exhibition of 1887. Grand Concours International des Sciences et de rindustrie et Exposition Universelle Internationale. [Rules and Regulations.] Tract, folio, vol. 41. Brussels, 1887. folio. — — Institut Cartographique Militaire. Compte rendu des operations de la Commission instituee . . . pour etalloner les regies qui ont ete employees a la mesure des bases geodesiques Beiges. Bruxelles, 1855. 4to. Triangulation du Royaume de Beige. (Supplement.) Pt. 1. Bruxelles, 1867-78. 4to. Nivellement general du Royaume de Belgique. Nivellement de base. Tract. 4vo. vol. 308. Cleveland, 1879. 8vo. BRUTI, O. R. See Revesi Bruti, O. BRUYERE, L. Etudes relatives a I'art des constructions, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1823-28. folio. BRYAN, C. W. Theory and practice of Framed Structures. 1893. See Johnson, J. B., Bryan, C. W., and Turneaure, C. E. BRYAN, W. B. Report to the Sewerage Committee of the corporation of Burnley, on the intercepting and outfall works, etc. Tract. Ato. vol. 81. Burnley, 1878. 4to. BRYAS, C. DE. Expose des travaux de drainage et de dessechement executes dans sa propriete du Taillan. Tract. 8ro. vol. 217. Paris, 1855. 8vo. BRYCE, J. Geology of Clydesdale and Arran. Lond. and Glasgow, 1859. 8vo. BRYCE, J., and Johnston, K. The Library Cyclopedia of Geography. Lond. and Glasgoio, 1880. 8vo. BRYNMALLY COLLIERY. Report on an Accident at the Pendwll Pit of the Brynmally Colliery at Moss on the 13th March, 1889 ; by H. Thomas. Lond. 1889. folio. BRYSON, A., Jr. The New York and Brooklyn Bridge. Plans of the Rapid Transit Cable Company, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 492. 1890. Svo. The Return of Power in Electric and Cable Traction. Tract. Svo. vol. 490. New York, 1889. Svo. BRYSON, J. M. Remarks upon the Drainage of London, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 105. Lond. 1858. Svo. BUCCLEUCH BUCHANAN. 195 BUCCLEUCH, DuU of. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensbeny, K.G., and the Metropolitan Board of Works. [Concerning an arbitration award respecting property on the Thames Embank- ment.] [Land. 1870.] 4to. BUCHAN, A. Handy-book of Meteorology. 2nd edition. Edinburgh and Lond. 1868. Bvo. The Temperature of the British Islands. Tract. 8ro. vol. 212. Edinburgh [1871.] Bvo. BUCHAN, H. J. Established Compositions for the bottoms of . . . vessels. 1870. See Peacock, G., Caj^t., and Buchan, H. J. BUCHAN, J. H. The Real del Monte Mining Company, Mexico. Tract. 8vo. vol. 298. Lond. 1855. 8vo. BUCHAN, W. P. Plumbing : a text-book to the practice of the art or craft of the plumber, etc. Lond. 1876. Bvo. BUCHANAN, G. Report on the erecting of low-water landing-places on the coast between Kinghorn and Pettycur, with estimates. Tract. 8vo. vol. 75. Edinburgh, 1827. Bvo. Report on the present state of the wooden bridge at Montrose, and the practicability of erecting a suspended bridge of iron in its stead. Tract. 4:to. vol. 13. Montrose, 1824. 4to. BUCHANAN, Dr. G. Electricity in Surgery ; Faure's storage battery, also Swan's electric light. Tract. 8vo. vol. 329. Glasgow, 1881. Bvo. Report on the schemes for the Lower Thames Valley Drainage, submitted to the joint board, October 2nd, 1878. MS. 1878. folio. Report to the Local Government Board on an epidemic of Enteric Fever at Croydon in 1875. Tract, folio, vol. 21. Lond. 1876. folio. BUCHANAN, J. Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand. \Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department.^ Wellington, 1880. Bvo. BUCHANAN, J. Y. The Exploration of the Gulf of Guinea. Tract. 8vo. vol. 454. [Edinburgh,] 1888. Bvo. BUCHANAN, R. Essay on the Shafts of Mills. Lond. 1814. Bvo. ■■ A Treatise on the economy of Fuel and management of Heat, etc. Glasgow, 1815. Bvo. Practical essays on Mill Work and other Machinery, etc. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1823. Bvo. 3rd edition.. 2 vols. Revised ... by G. Rennie. Lond. 1841. Bvo. Supplement. By G. Rennie. Lond. 1B42. Bvo. BUCHANAN, W. M. Notes towards a solution of the Smoke Nuisance question. Tract. 8vo. vol. 111. Glasgow, 1852. Bvo. o 2 ] 90 BUCHETTI — BUCKLER. BUCHETTI, J. Guide pour Tessai des machines a vapeur, et la pro- duction econc^nique do la vapeur. Paris, 1884. 8vo. Les machines li vapeur actuelles. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1881-83. 8vo. and 4to. • Supplement. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1888. 8vo. and 4to. BUCHHOLTZ, F. H. Die Kriegstelegraphie. Trarf. 8vo. vol. 308. Berlin, 1877. 8vo. BUCHNER, Dr. L. Force and Matter : or, principles of the natural order of the Universe, with a system of morality based thereon. Edited by J. F. Collingwood. Third English edition. Land. 1881. 8vo. BUCK, A. H. A Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. 2 vols. LoiuJ. 1879. 8vo. BUCK, C. On the beauties, harmonies, and sublimities of Nature. 4 vols. Lond. 1821. 8vo. BUCK, G. W. A practical and theoretical Essay on oblique Bridges. Lond. 1839. 4to. 3rd edition, revised by J. H. W. Buck. . . . With de- scription to diagrams for facilitating the construction of oblique bridges, by W. H. Barlow. Lond. 1880. 8vo. BUCK, J. H. W. The Construction of large Tunnel Shafts. Loud. 1880. 8vo. • General Eai'thwork table. Lond. 1885. folio. Graphic table for facilitating the computation of the "Weights of Wrought Ii^on and Steel Girders. Lond. [1883.] folio. BUCK, L. L. Report on the renewal of Niagara Suspension bridge, 1880. Tract. 8vo. vol. 344. New York, 1881. 8vo. BUCKHAM, E. Borough of Ipswich. Information obtained from other towns as to steam Road Rolling. Tract, folio, vol. 28. Ipswich, 1879. folio. Information obtained from other towns as to ventilating and flushing Sewers. Tract, folio, vol. 33. Ipstvich, 1884. folio. BUCKLAND, W. Address to the mayor and members of the Artesian Well Committee of Southampton, July 27, 1844. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Southampton, 1844. 8vo. Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. See Bridgewater Treatises, No. 6. 1837. 2nd edition. 1837. 8vo. A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, on Easter Sunday, April 23, 1848, on the occasion of the re-opening of the choir, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 85. Lond. 1848. 8vo. BUCKLE, J. Useful Information for Bricklayers, being an improved method for setting out gauged arches. Bradford, [1886,] 4to. BUCKLER, T. H. [A Letter on the necessity of a Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans] to the Right Hon, Hugh C. E. Childers, M.P, Tract. 8vo. vol. 483. Paris, 1886. 8vo. BUCKLER — BUENOS AYRES. 197 BUCKLER, T. H. — continued. Darien v. the Suez Canal. 1876. See Darien Canal. BUCKLEY, A. B. A short History of Natural Science. Lond. 1876. 8vo. BUCKLEY, R. B. Irrigation Works in India and Egypt. Lond. 1893. 8vo. The Irrigation Works of India and their financial results. Lond. 1880. 8vo. BUCKLEY RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade ... on the Classification of Merchandise Tratfic and Schedule of Maximum Rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. BUCKMAN, J., and Newmarch, C. H. Illustrations of the remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, the site of ancient Corinium. Lond. 1850. 4to. BUCKNALL, H. L. A Search for Fortune : the autobiography of a younger son. Lond. 1878. 8vo. BUDAN DE BOISLAURENT, F. D. Nouvelle methode pour la resolution des equations numeriques d'un degre quelconque, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 77. Paris, 1822. 4to. BUDDLE, J. An account of the Explosion which took place in Jarrow colliery, August 3, 1830. Tract. Uo. vol. 3. Newcastle, 1831. 4to. The first Report of a Society for preventing Accidents in Coal Mines, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Newcastle, 1814. 8vo. Narrative of the explosion which occurred at Wallsend colliery on the 18th June, 1835. Tract. 4/o. vol. 80. [Newcastle,] 1835. 4to. Synopsis of the several seams of Coal in the Newcastle district. Tract, ito. vol. 3. Newcastle, 1831. 4to. BUEL, R. H. The Cadet Engineer; or, steam for the student. 1865. See Long, J. H., and Buel, R. H. Safety Valves. New York, 1875. 12mo. BUELL, G. P. General report made to the board of the Texas Pacific Railroad. Tract. 8vo. vol. 234. New York, 1871. 8vo. BUELNA, E. Compendio historico geografico y estadistico del estado de Sinaloa. Tract. 8vo. vol. 86. Mexico, 1877. 8vo. BUENOS AYRES. Annuaire statistique . . . 1882. Buenos Aijres, 1883. 8vo. Censo general de la provincia de Buenos Aires . . . 1881. Buenos Aires, 1883. folio. City Improvements. Correspondence between the Special Com- mission in London and Local Commission at Buenos Ayres. Tract. 8vo. vol. 236. Buenos Ayres, 1874. 8vo. El clima de Buenos Aires. [Annales de la oficina meteorologica Argentina. By B. A. Gould.] Buenos Aires, 1878. 8vo. 198 BUENOS AYRES — BULL. BUENOS AYRES — continued. Debates de la Convencion consti- tuyente de Buenos Aires, 1870-1873, etc. 2 vols. Buenos Aires, 1877. 8vo. Informe sobre la futura capital de la pro\incia. Tnut. 8<;o. vol. 476. Buenos Aires, 1881. 8vo. Mensage a la honorable legislatura referente a la capital de la provincia. Tract. 8vo. vol. 476, Buenos Aijres, 1882. 8vo. Obras de salubridad . . . Reglamento para la construecion y funcionamiento de las obras domiciliarias de desague y provision de agua en el interior de los edificos. [With MS. translation.] Tract, ito. vol. 108. Buenos Aires, 1887. 8vo. Biblioteca Nacional. Catalogo metodico. Torno primero. Ciencias y artes. Buenos Aires, 1893. 8vo. BUFF, H. Familiar letters on the Physics of the Earth, etc. Lond. 1851. 8vo. BUFFALO. Some Things in and about Buffalo. 1884. 8vo. BUFFON, N. DE. Cours d'agriculture et d'hydraulique agricole, comprenant les principes generaux de I'economie rurale, etc. 3 vols, in 4 parts. Paris, 1852-58. 8vo. Hydraulique agricole. Des submersions fertilisantes, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1867. 4to. and 8vo. Hydraulique agricole. Applications. Des canaux d'irrigation de ritalie septentrionale, etc. 2nd edition. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1861-62. 4to. and 8vo. Traite theorique et pratique des irrigations. 3 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1843-44. folio and 8vo. BUGGE, T. Observationes astronomical annis 1781, 1782 & 1783. institutes in observatorio Regio Havniensi, etc. Haunice, 1784. 4to. BUILDERS' SOCIETY. Acts regulating Buildings in the Metropolis : a digest of the law as it now stands with reference to building and matters connected therewith in the metropolis and parts adjacent thereto. Prepared for the Builders' Society by the Hon. Sec. Lond. 1856. 8vo. BUIST, Dr. G. Notices of the most remarkable Meteors in India, of the fall of which accounts have been published. Tract. 8vo. vol. 188. [1850?] 8vo. On Hailstorms in India. Tract. 8vo. vol. 188. 1850. 8vo. BULHOES, A. M. de O. Estudos definitivos de Alagoinhas ao Joazeiro e Casa Nova. Tract. 4:to. vol. 79. [1880 ?] 4to. BULKLEY, T. A. Report on the Victoria Water Supply. Victoria, 1872. 8vo. BULL, W. Bull's patent tubular Tiles, and method of manufacture, etc. Tract, folio, vol. U. [1887?] folio. — — Description of Automatic Gear for working the larger sizes of Bull's patent dredgers. Tract, folio, vol. 41. Boorkee, 1886. folio. BULL — BUNTE. 199 BULL, W. J. Public works in New Zealand from 1870 to 1877. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 293. Christckurch, N.Z. 1877. Bvo. BULLER, W. L. Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand. Dunedin, 1865. 8vo. Manual of the Birds of New Zealand. Wellington, 1882. 8vo. BULLOCK, R, Capt., B.N. The Refuge Beacon erected on the Good- win Sands. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. Lond. 1842. 8vo. BULLOCK, F., Capf., B.N., and Burstal, E. River Thames from London to Gravesend, surveyed 1830-3, etc. Lond. 1856. 8vo. BULLOCK, "W. Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America ; with a description of Cincinnati in 1826, by B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 396. Lond. 1827. 8vo. BULLOCK ISLAND, iV.-S^.TT. Report . . . relating to the proposed Bridge to connect Bullock Island with the mainland at Newcastle. Sydney, 1890. folio. BUNAU-VARILLA, P. Panama, le passe, le present, I'avenir. Ouvrage accompagne de vues photographiques, de cartes et plans et d'un atlas. Paris, 1892. 4to. BUNKER'S HILL COLLIERY. Report by T. Wynne on the Ex- plosion. Lond. 1875. folio. RUNNING, J. B. Isometric view, ground plan, and elevations of the improvements in the neighbourhood of Smithtield, proposed by the Corporation of London, 1851. Lond. 1851. folio. BUNSEN, R. Gasometry, comprising the leading physical and chemical properties of gases. Translated by H. E. Roscoe. Lond. 1857. 8vo. BUNT, T. G. Pendulum Experiments. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. [Lond.] 1851. 8vo. Report on the application of the sum assigned for tide calcula- tions to Mr. Whewell. Tract. 8vo. vol. 65. Lond. 1840. 8vo. BUNTE, H. Berichte der Heizversuchsstation Mtinchen. Tract. 8vo. vols. 353 and 382. Miinclien, 1879-82. 8vo. Beschrankung der Wasservergeudung. 1885. See Schilling, N. H., and Bunte, H. Mittheilungen iiber neuere Versuche zur Bestimmung des Heiz- werthes der Kohlen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 519. [Niirnherg, 1892.] 8vo. Die Miinchener Generator-Oefen. 1882. See Schilling, N. H., and Bunte, H. Naphtalin und Benzol im Leuchtgas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 519. [Miinchen, 1892.] 8vo. • Die Resultate der Heizversuchsstation Miinchen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 470. Munchen, 1882. 8vo. Zur Heizgasfrage. 1883. See Schilling, N. H., and Bunte, H. Zur Werthbestimmung der Kohle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 519. Berlin, [ ] 8vo. 200 BUODO — BURDETT. BUODO, P. Estuario Veneto, fiume Po. Tmcl. Rvn. vol 261. Padova, 1873. 8vo. BUQUET, A. De la traction a vapeur sur les rivieres et les canaux. Notes et documents. Tract. 8vo. vol. 164. Paris, 1868. 8vo. Touage sur cable metallique, systeme de Mesnil. Tract. Svo. vol. 185. Paris, 1869. 8vo. BURAT, A. Comite des houilleres f ran^aises. Situation de I'industrie houillere, 1859-75. (Atlases of plates.) Paris, 1860-76. folio & 8vo. Cours d'exploitation des mines. 2nd edition. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1876. 4to. Geologic aj^pliquee. Traite du gisement et de I'exploitation des mineraux utiles. 3'' edition. (Supplement.) Paris, 1855, 65. 8vo 5" edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1870. 8vo. Les houilleres a I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. 4to. Les houilleres en 1872. (Atlas.) Paris, 1872. 4to. Le materiel des houilleres en France et en Belgique. Description des appareils, machines et constructions employes pour exploiter la houille. (Atlas.) Paris, 1861, 64. folio and 8vo. BURBAGE. Report on the circumstances attending an Explosion, on the 1st March, 1890, at the Grin Quarries, Burbage, near Buxton. Loncl. 1890. folio. BURBURY, S. H. The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. 1885. See Watson, H. W., and Burbury, S. H. BURGH, G. J. A Manual of Electrical Science, etc. [University Extension Series.] Land. 1893. 8vo. On a method of determining the value of Rapid Variations of a difference of Potential by means of the Capillary Electrometer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 517. [Lond. 1890 1] 8vo. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) On the Time-relations of the Excursions of the Capillary Electro- meter, with a description of the method of using it for the investi- gation of Electrical Changes of short duration. Tract. 4fo. vol. 116. (Trausactiousof the Royal Soc. of London.) Lond. 1892. 4to. BURDACH, D. C, and Reisig, J. B. De vi aeris in sono, etc. Tract. 4. [1870?] 4to. The Indicator Diagram practically considered. Lond. 1869. 8vo. Link-motion and Expansion Gear, practically considered. Lond. 1870. 4to. Modern Marine Engineering. (Supplement.) Lond. 1869, 73. 4to. Practical illustrations of modern land and marine engines, showing in detail the improvements, etc. Lond. 1864. folio. Practical treatise on Boilers and Boiler-making. Lond. 181^. 4to. A practical treatise on the Condensation of Steam. Lond. 1871. 8vo. A practical treatise on modern Screw-propulsion. Lond. 1869. 4to. A treatise on Sugar Machinery, etc. Lond. 1863. 4to. BURGH, T. A Method to determine the Areas of Right-lined Figures universally ; with tables of latitude and departure. Tract. 4vo. vol. 404. Lond. 1885. 8vo. BURRUM COAL MINES, Queensland. Report. Brisbane, 1878. folio. BURRUM RAILWAY, Queensland. Report of the Select Committee on the Bill, etc. Brisbane, 1879. folio. BURSTAL, E., Capt., B.N. Observations on the reply of Sir Joseph Bazalgette, and Messrs. Law and Chatterton, to Capt. Calver's report on shoals formed in the river Thames by mud from the sewers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 291. Lond. 1878. 8vo. River Thames from London to Gravesend, etc. 1856. See Bul- lock, F., Capt., B.N., and Burstal, E. Tidal observations on the river Thames, at Sheerness, Blackwall, London Docks, Blackfriars, Westminster, Chelsea and Wands- worth. Lond. 1856, 4to. BURSTAL, E. K. Metropolitan Water Supply, etc. 1892. See Stevenson, E. H., and Burstal, E. K. Precedents in Private Bill Legislation affecting Gas and Water undertakings. 1891. See Stevenson, E. H., and Burstal, E. K. Tabulated abstract of Acts of Parliament relating to Water Undertakings, 1879 to 1887. Lond. 1888. 8vo. BURT — BU8HNAN. 205 BURT, BouLTON, and Haywood. Catalogue of Products obtained from the residual substances of Gas Manufacture. Tract. 8vo. vol. 353. Lond. 1883. 8vo. BURT, A. Life-assurance : an historical and statistical account of the population, the law of mortality, and the different systems of life-assurance, etc. Lond. 1849. 8vo. BURT, H. P. On the nature and properties of Timber : with . . . particulars of several methods . . . for its preservation from decay. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. Lond. 1854. 8vo. (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) BURTON, R. Report ... on the proposed Navigation to Knaresboro'. Tract. Svo. vol. 6. York, 1802. 8vo. BURTON AND FRADLEY CANAL. Bill. Tract. Svo. vol. 48. [Lond. 1794.] Svo. BURTY, P. Chefs-d'ceuvre of the industrial arts. Pottery and porcelain, glass, enamel, metal, goldsmith's work, jewelry, and tapestry. Lond. 1869. Svo. BURWELL, L. C. Steam Boilers ; their construction, setting, and management, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 487. [U.S.A.,] 1884. 8vo. BURWELL, W. M. Memoir explanatory of the Transunion and Tehuantepec Route between Europe and Asia. Tract. Stio. vol. 227. Washington, 1851. 8vo. BURY. An Act for granting more effectual Powers for supplying with Water the Town of Bury, etc. Lond. 1846. folio. BURY, Biver. Bury, Lougher and Shedi Rivers Improvement Act. Lond. 1813. folio. BURY, E. Recollections of E. Bury : by his widow. Tract. Svo. vol. IM. Windermere, [ISQ0 1] Svo. BURY, T. T. Rudimentary Architecture : the history and descrip- tion of the styles, etc. Lond. 1849. Svo. ■ Coloured views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with plates of the coaches, machines, etc. Lond. 1831. 4to. BURY, W. The Resistance and the Proportions of Screw Propellers. Lond. 1883. 4to. The Power and Speed of Steam Vessels. Lond. 1878. 4to. BUSBRIDGE, W. Portfolio of working drawings of the most important parts of Machines and Engines. 2 vols. Woohvich, [1882.] folio. BUSCHMAN, M. v. La organizzazione del servizio economico sulle ferrovie. [Translated from the German by M. Ferraris.] Tract. ito. vol. 85. [1881.] 4to. BUSH, G. Portland Breakwater. Report to the provisional Com- mittee of the proposed Breakwater Company. Tract, folio, vol. 30. [Lond.] 1836. folio. BUSHNAN, J. S. The moral and sanitary aspects of the new Central Cattle Market, as proposed by the Corporation. Tract. Svo. vol. 216. Lond. 1851. Svo. 206 BUSING BUYS. BUSING, F. W. Die Sicherheit in Theatern und in griisseren Ver- sauinilunjfs-llauineu. [Handbuch der Hygiene, herausgegebeu von. T. Weyl. Bd. 6.] Jena, 1894. 8vo. BUSK, H. Handbook for Hythe : comprising a familiar explanation of the laws of projectiles. Loud. 18G0. 8vo. Steam Life-ships and how to build them. Land. 1870. 4to. BUSLEY, C. Die SchifTsmaschine, ihre Construction, Wirkungsweise und Bedienung. (Atlas of plates.) 2 vols. Kiel, 1884. 8vo. and folio. The INIarine Steam Engine, etc. Kiel and Leipzig, 1892, etc. 8vo. Die techiiische Entwicklung des Norddeutschen Lloyds, etc. 1893. See Haack, R., and Busley, C. BUSSER, O., Electric Towage. [5^/t Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Pari.% 1892.] 8vo. BUSSY, M. A. L. DE. Rapport sur les travaux de I'Ecole d'appli- cation de genie maritime. Tract, ito. vol. 177. Paris, 1890. 4to. (From the Comptes rendus des seances de I'Academie des Sciences.) BUSTAMANTE, F., and Co. Memoria y documentos referentes al ferro-carril interoceanico. Tract. 8vo. vol. 428. Buenos Aires, 1886. 8vo. BUTLER, J. W. Paper on Silicated Stone Pipes, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 469. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Stone caissons for . . . foundations manufactured in Ransome's patent stone, or Portland cement concrete. Tract. 8vo. vol. 209. Lo7id. 1871. 8vo. BUTLER, W. F. A small Colliery in North Wales, etc. [The Cae- Pen-Ty Colliery.] Lond. 1880. 8vo. Ventilation of Buildings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 351. Lond. 1873. 8vo. BUTLIN, W. H. On the Northampton Iron Ore District. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4:80. Lond. [18801] 8vo. BUTTERWORTH, A. K. The practice of the Railway and Canal Commission, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. BUTTERWORTH, A. K., and Ellis, C. E. A treatise on the Law relating to Rates and Traffic on Railways and Canals, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. BUTTON, F. S. County Borough of Burnley. A historical and detailed description of the Sewage Disposal Works. Burnley, 1893. 4to. BUTTS, F. B. The loss of the "Monitor." Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. 188.5. 8vo. BUYS, P. H. A. M., and KocK, A. W. T. Notice sur les grands ponts fixes pour chemins de fer dans les Pays-Bas. 2 vols. Botterdam, 1885. 8vo. BUZZI — BYRNE. 207 BUZZI, Br. L. Cenni biografici del fu ingegnere Carlo Cav. Ghega : descrizione della ferrovia sul Semmering. Tract. 8yo. vol. 467. Trieste, 1879. 8vo. Dilucidazioni sul porto-canale Rieter. Tract, ^to. vol. 60. Trieste, 1863. 4to. La ferrovia metropolitana di Berlino. Tract, folio, rol. 32. Trieste, 1883. folio. Le ferrovie russe negli ultimi tempi. Tract. 8ro. vol. 428. Trieste, 1882. 8vo. Le pont sur le Volga pres de Batraki, etc. Trieste, 1887. folio. Progetto di comunicazione dei due porti di Trieste mediante un canale di navigazione attra verso la citta. Project eines Haf en- canals als Verbindung der Buchten von Triest und Muggia. Tract. Uo. vol. m. Tnes^e [1870?] 4to. SuU' applicazione della geologia in ispecie all' iiige'gneria. Tract. 8co. rol. 363. Trieste, 1878. 8vo. Sulla ferrovia di raccordamento fra I'attuale stazione e quel la della nuova ferrovia Trieste-Erpelie. Tract. 8vo. vol. 458. Trieste, 1885. 8vo. Sulle ferro\'ie russe. Tract. 8vo. vol. 363. Trieste, 1881. 8vo. Sul sistema costruttivo e dispositivo delle nostre abitazioni in relazione all' igiene. Tract. 8vo. vol. 363. Trieste, 1879. 8vo. Die Triester ZoUanschlussbauten, etc. Tract. 4fo. vol. 120. Wien, 1892. 4to. Ueber die vergleichenden Betriebskosten und Frachtsiitze auf den projectirten Eisenbahnlinien Triest-Laak und Trieste-Predil- Tarvis. Tract. Uo. vol. 93. Trieste, 1875. 4to. BYAM, G. Wanderings in some of the western republics of America : with remarks upon the cutting of the great ship canal through Central Amei'ica. Lond. 1850. 8vo. BYLES, J. B. A practical treatise of the Law of Bills of Exchange, promissory notes, bank-notes, etc. 2nd edition. Lond. 1834. 12mo. BYRNE, A. T. A Treatise on Highway Construction, etc. New York, 1892. 8vo. BYRNE, O. The art of Dual Arithmetic, which entirely supersedes the use of logarithms. Tract. 4to. vol. 81. Philadelphia, 1878. 4to. The doctrine of Proportion clearly developed . . . or, the fifth book of Euclid simplified. Lond. 1841. 8vo. The essential elements of Practical Mechanics, etc. Lond. 1867. 8vo. • General method of solving Equations of all degrees, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 212. Lond. 1868. 8vo. 208 BYRNE — BYRON BAY. BYRNE, O. — confimied. Spons' dictionui-y of on^ineerin*,' . . . With technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. (Sup- plement.) 11 vols. Land. 1869-81. 8vo. Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Neic Jerseii, 1876. 4to. The young Dual Arithmetician ; or, dual arithmetic. A new art, efc. Land. 1866. 8vo. BYRON BAY, iV^./S.TF. Report . . . relating to the proposed Break- water at Byron Bay. Sydney, 1890. folio. CABALLERO — CAGNOLI. 209 c. CABALLERO, R Fomento de la poblacion rural de Espana. 2* edicion. Madrid, 1863. 12mo. CABANES, F. X. de. Memoria que tiene por objeto manifestar la posibilidad j facilidad de hacer navegable el rio Tajo desde Aran- juez hasta el Atlantico, etc. Madrid, 1829. folio. CACHEUX, E. Etat des habitations ouvrieres a la fin du XIX'' siecle. Paris, 1891. 8vo. Etude des moyens pratiques de detruire la misere, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 311. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Les habitations ouvrieres en tous pays. 1879. See Mueller, E., and Cacheux, E. CACHIN, J. M. F. Memoire sur la digue de Cherbourg, comparee au breakwater ou jetee de Plymouth. Tract. Ato. vol. 8. Paris, 1820. 4to. Memoire sur la navigation de I'Orne inferieure, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 8. Paris, 1786. 4to. CAD ART, A. ISTote sur I'accident survenu le 18 avril, 1882, a I'ascenseur hydraulique d'Anderton. Tract, folio, vol. 29. Langres, 1882. folio. CAD ART, G. Des elevateurs et plans inclines pour bateaux, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 521. Paris, 1889. 8vo. The Reservoirs of the Department of the Haute-Marne. [5th Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] Paris, 1892. 8vo. CAD ELL, W. A. On the lines that divide each semidiurnal arc into six equal parts. Tract. 4to. vol. 25. Edinhurgh, 1816. 4to. CADET, S. Intorno un parelio e intorno una modificazione proposta per le navi da vapore. Tract. 4vo. vol. 68. Cambridge, 1840. 8vo. CAMBRIDGE CANAL. A brief Review of the Arguments for and against the intended Canal from Cambridge to the river Stort, as produced at Chesterford on the 5th of September, 1788, etc. By Y. Z. Tract. 8vo. vol. 93. Lond. 1788. 8vo. CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY. Astronomical observations . . . for the years 1828-35 : by G. B. Airy. For the years 1836-60 : by the Rev. J, Challis. For the years 1861-65 : by J. C. Adams. 21 vols. Cambridge, 1829-79. 4to. CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Cambridge, 1843, etc. 8vo. Transactions. Vol. 5, etc. Cambridge, 1835, etc. 4to. CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT COMPANY. An improved form of Temperature Regulator. Account by the Cambridge Scientij&c Instrument Company of experiments made by them for the Board of Trade. Cambridge, 1885. folio. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Calendar for the year 1871, (1881, etc.). Cambridge, 1871, 81, etc. 8vo. [Lihrarij.'] Twenty-eighth annual Report to the Senate. Tract. Uo. vol. 117. 1882. 4to. CAMDEN, J. N. The Standard Oil Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 360. [Boston, U.S.A.] 1883. 8vo. (From the North American Review.) CAMERA CLUB. Catalogue of the . . . Photographic Library. 2nd edition. [Lond. 1893.] 8vo. Proceedings. Lond. 1886. 8vo. CAMERE, — . Traction on Canalized Rivers (the Lower Seine). [bth Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. CAMERON, H. The manufacture of large Forgings for Marine purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 415. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1886. 8vo. CAMERON — CAMPBELL. 215 CAMERON, W. H. Memorandum as to the expediency of con- structing the Denscleugh Reservoir, 1876. See Leslie, James, and Cameron, W. H. CAMERTON COLLIERY. Report ... on the Explosion in the " New Pit" on the 13th November, 1893 : by J. S. Martin. Land. 1894. folio. CAMMELL, ,S'(V C, and Co. "Wilson " compound steel-faced Armour Plate tested on board H.M.S. " Nettle." Portsmouth, 1888. 4to. CAMPBELL, A. Memorandum on a proposed line of branch railway from the Delhi line at Deobund, to Roorkee. Hurdwar and Dehra, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 15. BoorJcee, 1868. folio. CAMPBELL, C. Report on the Indore Railway, 1871. See India. — Indore. CAMPBELL, D. Proposed Supply of Water to . . . Maidstone, etc. 1858. See Lankester, E., and Campbell, D. Railway Amalgamations : their bearing on the interests of Scotland ; with special reference to the proposed amalgamation between Midland and Glasgow and South Western Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Greenock, 1873. 8vo. Report upon the Fuel of the South Western Railway. Tract. folio, vol. 6. Lo7}d. 1855. folio. CAMPBELL, F. A treatise on the culture of Flax and Hemp : being a reprint of the letters of Robin Coodfellow. 2nd edition. Sydney, 1845. 8vo. CAMPBELL, F. A. Experiments upon the Hardwoods of Australia. Tract. Svo. vol. 473. Melbourne, 1881. 8vo. The Stability of Structures in regard to Wind Pressures. Tract. Svo. vol. 427. Melbourne, 1886. 8vo. CAMPBELL, G. C. J. Ward v. Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Company. Abstract Pleadings, etc. 1859. See Judd, N. B., and Campbell, G. C. CAMPBELL, J. Report of a Mineral Survey along the tract of the Union Canal, etc. 1814. See Lauder, J., and Campbell, J. Specifications of Floating Docks. Tract. 4to. vol. 61. Lond. 1869. 4to. CAMPBELL, J. R., Capt. Range-finding for the service of Artillery : with a description of Campbell's range indicator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 240. Lond. 1874. 8vo. CAMPBELL, L., and Garnett, W. The life of James Clerk Maxwell, etc. Lond. 1882. Svo. CAMPBELL, T. H., Col. Military department, Madras. [Paper relating to an Iron Shield for ships, and a method of converting- Ordnance, invented by Col. Campbell.] Tract, folio, vol. 10. [1864-65.] foHo. Notes on the Construction of Iron-clad Ships of War. Tract. 8vo. vol. 131. [Madras, I860?] 8vo. 216 CAMPBELL — CANADA. CAMPBELL, T. H., Col. — continned. On four exporimental Carriages of Major Campbell's pattern. Tract. 8w. vol. 131. [Madras ^ 1860. Bvo. On Iron Shields for Ships of War, etc. Tract. 9>vo. vol. I3L Bangalore, 1861. 8vo. CAMPIN, F. Details of Machinery. io«r?. 1883. 8vo. Materials and Construction. Lond. 1881. 8vo, On the construction of Iron Roofs, etc. Lond. 1850. 4to. A practical treatise on Mechanical Engineering, etc. Lond. 1863. 8vo. A treatise on the Application of Iron to the construction of Bridges . . . and other works. 3rd edition. Lond. 1883. 8vo. CAMUS, C. E. L. A treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, Pinions, etc. Translated from the French . . . and enlarged, by J. I. Hawkins. Lond. 1806. 8vo. 2nd edition, Lond. 1837: Bvo. CANADA. Guide Book containing information for intending Settlers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 398. Ottatva, 1882. Bvo. Handbook to the Dominion of Canada. Tract. 8vo. vol. 398. Lond. 1883. Bvo. Maps to be added to the correspondence relative to the re-union of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. (Correspondence wanting.) lo4U. lOllO. [Astronomi/.'\ Report of the Canadian observations of the Transit of Venus, 6th December, 1882. Tract. 4:to. vol. 91. Toronto, 1883. 8vo. [Canals.^ Canal Commission. Letter respecting the Improve- ment of Inland Navigation of . . . Canada. (Appendices.) Ottawa, 1871. Bvo. Canal Statistics for 1877. Ottawa, 1878. 8vo. See also infra : [Hallways.^ Report of the Chief Engineer of Canals. Ottawa, 1880. Bvo. [Geology.^ Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of the economic Minerals of Canada, by the Geological Corps, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 426. Lond. 1886. Bvo. Map of the Dominion of Canada, geologically coloured. 1842-82. Bvo. Publications of the Geological Survey. Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology : by J. T. Whiteaves. Vol. I., pts. 1 and 2. Montreal, 1885-89. Bvo. Catalogue of a Stratigraphical Collection of Canadian Rocks : prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, by W. F. Ferrier. Ottaiva, 1893. Bvo. • Catalogue of Canadian plants. Part II. Gamopetalse : by John Macoun. Montreal, 1884. 8vo. CANADA. 217 CANADA. — Publications of the Geoloi/ical Survey — continned. Catalogue of Section I. of the Museum of the Geological Survey, embracing the systematic collection of minerals and the collections of economic minerals and rocks, and specimens illustrative of structural geology : by G. C. Hoffmann. Ottawa, 1893. 8vo. Catalogue of a collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, and notes on a stratigraphical collection of rocks. Montreal, 1876. 8vo. Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the island of Anticosti : by E. Billings. Montreal, 1866. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Economic Minerals of Canada, and of its crystalline rocks, sent to the London International Exhibition for 1862. Montreal, [1862.] 8vo. Figures and descriptions of Canadian Oi'ganic Remains. Decades I. to IV. 4 vols. Montreal, 1859-68. Svo. Fossil Plants of the Devonian and upper Silurian formations of Canada : by J. W, Dawson. Montreal and Lond. 1871. 8vo. List of Publications. Tract. Svo. vol. 401. Montreal, 1873. 8vo. Mesozoic Fossils : by J. T. Whiteaves. Vol. I., pts. 1 and 2. Montreal, 1876-79. Svo. On the Laurentian Limestones of North America : by T. Sterry Hunt. Reprinted, with additions, from Report for 1863-66. Albany, 1871. Svo. Palaeozoic Fossils : by E. Billings. Vol. I. and Vol. II., pt. 1. Montreal, 1865-74. Svo. Plans of various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron and the river Ottawa to accompany the Geological Reports for 1853-56. Toronto, 1857. 4to. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carbonifei-ous and millstone grit formations of Canada : by J. W. Dawson. Montreal, 1873. 8vo. Reports of progress of the Survey, from its commencement, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Lund, and Montreal, 1863, etc. Svo. and 4to. [Inland Revenue.^ See infra : [Itailways.'\ [Intercolonial Bailway.] See Intercolonial Railway. [Legislative Assembly.] Journal . . . vol. 16, Nos. 2, 5, 7. (Appendices 2-4, 13-20, 29-43.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1858. Svo. [Marine and Fisheries Department.] Annual Reports . . . 1868- 85. Ottaica, 1869-86. 8vo. (Reports for 1872 and 1884 wanting.) Reports of the Chairmen of the Boards of Steamboat Inspection and examiners of masters and mates, the Toronto, Montreal, Quebec and Picton Harbour Commissioners. Ottawa, 1878. 8vo. [Military College.] Syllabus of the Course of Instruction. 1885. Svo. 218 CANADA — CANADIAN. CANADA — continued. — [MeteoroUxjij.^ lleports of the Meteorological Office. 1872-82, (1884, e i);iyinent of the pruvinciul contribution of .£42,000 to the Canterbury Branch Railways. Wellington, 1872. folio. Public AVorks of Canterbury. Appendices. 16 vols. [/vrr/ojts ^>/aces], 1861-68. 8vo. and folio. a. Pro\incial Eniijineer's Reports. h. Returns showing the cost of tlie pul)lic works and of the working of the Road Boards. c. Papers relating to the Sumner Road and the Heathcote Navigation. d. Railway Reports. e. Reports on the passes through the New Zealand Alps. /. Reports on the encroachments of the Waimakariri river. {J. Papers relating to the Lyttelton Harbour Works. li. Telegraph Department of New Zealand. ?'. Statistical maps. Tc. Topographical maps. /. Maps and sections illustrating the several plans for con- necting Port Lyttelton with the Canterbury Plains. m. Little River and Great Southern Railways. 0. Timber Bridges. p. Lyttelton Tunnel : engineering details. q. Lyttelton Tunnel : geological section. r. Views illustrating the physical geography of Canterbury. CANTERBURY COLLEGE, New Zealand. See New Zealand University. CANTON, Ohio. Report of the . . . Sewer Commissioners . . . October 30th, 1880— April 1st, 1893. Canton, 0., 1893. 8vo. CANTU, C. and Others. Milano e il suo territorio. 2 vols. Milano, 1844. 8vo. CAPE, G. A., Jun. Baths and Wash-houses, etc. Tract. 4to. vol. 41. Lond. 1854. 4to. CAPE COLONY. Blue-Book for 1881, (1883-85). 4 vols. Cape Town, 1882-86. folio. [Continued under the title of:] Statistical Register of the Colony ... for 1886, (1887, etc.). Cape Town, 1887, etc. folio. [Cape Colony. Maps and triangulations.] [1860-70?] folio. History, Productions, and Resources of the Cape of Good Hope. Official Handbook, edited by John Noble. Cape Toion,\%^Q. Svo. [^Astronomy.'] See Cape Town. — [Observatory.'] \Bwildings.] Report of the Chief Inspector for 1864. Cape Town, 1865. folio. See also infra : [Boads.] [Census.] Results of a Census ... as on the night of Sunday, 5th April, 1891. Cape Toicn, 1892. folio. [Civil Service.] The Cape of Good Hope Civil Service List : also the Civil Service Calendar, 1887, (1888, etc.). Cape Toivn, 1887, etc. 8vo. CAPE COLONY. 221 CAPE COLONY — continued. — [Coal.] Coal Deposits in. the Indwe Basin and Stormberg Range of mountains. Report by W. Gal- loway. Cape Town, 1889. folio. [Engineerinr/.] Report of the Colonial Engineer, for 1863. Cape Town, 1864. folio. [Geoloqt/.] Reports of the Geological and Irrigation Surveyor, 1888-90. Cape Toiou, 1891-91. folio. \IIarljours.'\ Inspection of Harbours, by Sir John Coode. [Cori-espondence.] [Cape Town,] 1876. folio. [Hydraulics.] Report of the Hydraulic Engineer, 1877 (-1887). Cape Town, 1877-87. folio. (The Reports for the years 18»6-87 were published in the Reports of the Inspector of Public Works for those years : since 1»H7 they have appeared as the " Reports of the Geological and Irrigation Surveyor." See supra : Ideology. ]) [Intoxicating Liquors.] Report of the Liquor Laws Commission, 1889-90 : with Minutes of Evidence, etc. Cape Town, 1890. folio. [Irrigation.] See supra : [Geology] and [Hydraulics]. [Literature and Science.] Reports of the Board of Public Examiners. Tract. 8vo. vol. 148. Cajoe Toicn, 1861-65. 8vo. [Meteorology.] Reports of the Meteorological Commission, etc. Cape Town, 1861, etc. folio. (No reports were issued in the years 1869-74.) [Parliament.] Acts of the Parliament of the Colony, 1883, (1884, etc.). Cape Town, 1884, etc. folio. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Cape Town, 1867. folio. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (Appendices). Cape Town, 1884, etc. folio and 8vo. [Public Works.] Annual Report of the Chief Inspector, 1866 (-1882). Cape Town, 1867-83. folio. (Imperfect : wanting several years.) [Bailways.] Contract with specifications, etc., of a Railway from Orange River to Kimberley. Ccq)e Town, 1885. folio. Copies of Reports from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly, and from the Colonial Civil Engineer, at the Cape of Good Hope, relating to the proposed construction of a railwav between Cape Town and Wellington. Tract. Sro. vol. 207. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Report from the Select Committee on the Railways Bill. Cajje Toivn, 1865. 8vo. Report of a recent examination of the Country to be traversed by a Junction Line between the Midland and Eastern Railways : by Mr. F. G. Slessor. Cape Town, 1886. folio. Report of a speech delivered in the House of Assembly by the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Public Works, upon the motion of Mr. C. T. Jones, M.L.A., for a Select Committee upon the management of the Railways, 1886. Tract. 8vo. vol. 416. Cajje Town, 1886. 8vo. 222 CAPE COLONY— CAPE TOWN. CAPE COLONY. — [Bailwaiii<] — continued. Report of the General Miiniigor, 1880(-85), 1888, etc. Cape Town, 1881, etc. folio. Report of the Select Committee on Railway Management. Cape Toion, 1886. 8vo. Statement showing Expenditure incurred in construction. 1885. Cape Town, 1886. folio. [Bereniie.] Sources of Revenue of the Colony, 1884 (-85), 1887. Cape Town, 1884-87. Svo. [Boads.] Report of the Chief Commissioner for 186.3. Cape Town, 1864. folio. Report of the Chief Inspector of Roads, Bridges, and Buildings for 1864 (-66). Cajxi Toion, 1865-67. foUo. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1889-90. Cape Town, 1889. Svo. CAPE TOWN.— [fl'arZjott;'.] Report from the Select Committee appointed to report upon the safety of the port of Table Bay, and the facilities for landing and shipping goods. Tract. Svo. vol. 102. Cajje Town, 1854. Svo. Report of the Select Committee appointed by the Legislative Council to consider and report upon the Eastern Harbour Works. Cape Town, 1867. 8vo. [Meteorology.'] Report of the Meteorological Committee. Part I. July 1837. Tract. 8vo. vol. 130. Cape Town, 1837. Svo. See also infra : [Ohservatoryl, and supra : Cape Colony. [Observatory.] The Cape Catalogue of 1159 stars, deduced from observations at the . . . Observatory, 1836 to 1861, reduced to the epoch 1860, under the superintendence of E. J. Stone. Cape Town, 1873. Svo. The Cape Catalogue of Stars, deduced from observations made 1834 to 1840, and reduced to the epoch of 1840, under the super- intendence of E. J. Stone. Cape Town, 1878. Svo. Observations made at the . . . Observatory by Lieut.-Col. E. Sabine. Vol. I. Magnetical Observations, 1841 to 1846, with abstracts of the observations from 1841 to 1850 inclusive. Vol. II. Meteorological Observations, 1841 to 1846. Lond. 1851. 4to. Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834-38 at the Observatory, being the completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825. By Sir J. F. Herschel. Lond. 1847. 4to. Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1856-57 (and during 1876) by E. J. Stone, under the superin- tendence of Sir T. Maclear. 2 vols. Cape Town, 1871-79. Svo. Results of Meteorological Observations by E. J. Stone, under the superintendence of Sir T. Maclear. Cape Town, 1871. Svo. Verification and extension of La Caille's Arc of Meridian at the Observatory. By Sir J. Maclear. 2 vols. 1866. 4to. CAPE TOWN — CARDERERA. 223 CAPE TOWN — continued. — [Baihcays.] Copies of reports from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly and from the Colonial Civil Engineer, relating to the proposed railway between Cape Town and Wellmgton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 207. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Report of the proceedings at the first half-yearly general meeting of the Railway and Dock Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 138. Lond. 1858. 8vo. [Sewerage.] Report on the Sewerage of the City of Cape Town . . . By C. Dunscombe, M.A. Cape Town, 1891. foHo. CAPEL, — . Letter to the Hon. H. L. Corry on the use of High- pressure Steam, etc. 1846. See Seaward, J., and Capel, — . CAPELLO, J., and Stewart, B. Results of a comparison of certain traces pi'oduced simultaneously by the self-recording magneto- graphs at Kew and at Lisbon ; especially of those which record the magnetic disturbance of July 15, 1863. Tract. 8vo. vol. 142. [Lond. 1864.] 8vo. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) CAPPER, C. The Port and Trade of London ; historical, statistical, local, and general. Lond. 1862. 8vo. CAPPER, C. H. Observations on " Investigator's "' pamphlet relative to Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 179. Lond. 1831. 8vo. CAPPER, J., Col. Observations on the Passage to India through Egypt and across the Great Desert. 2nd edition, with additions. Lond. 1784. 4to. Observations on the Winds and Monsoons. Lond. 1801. 4to. CAPPER, R. Plan of Swansea Harbour . . . Corrected up to 1879. 4to. C APRON, J. R. Aurora? : their characters and spectra. Lond. 1879. 4to. CAPTAIN, H.M.S. Minute by the First Lord of the Admiralty, with reference to H.M.S. " Captain " : with minutes of proceedings of the court martial, etc. Lond. 1871. folio. Reply from Sir Spencer Robinson with reference to H.M.S. "Captain." Lo7id. 1871. folio. CAPTIER, G. Le marinier. [5th Lit. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Faris, 1892.] 8vo. Stoppages on Canals and Canalised Rivers in France, [pth Lnt. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. CARACCIOLUS, J. B. De lineis curvis liber. Pisis, 1740. 8vo. CARBUTT, Sir E. H., Bart. Our Guns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 419. Lond. 1886. 8vo. CARBUTT, M., Lady. Five months' fine weather in Canada, Western U.S., and Mexico. Lond. 1889. 8vo. CARDERERA, M., and Alonso y Millan, J. Taquimetria : expo- sicion de los metodos modernos para el levantamiento de pianos, etc. Madrid, 1877. 8vo. 224 CARDIFF — CARLISLE. CARDIFF. An Act for supplying with water tlie Town and Port of Cardirt; etc. ' Lond. 1850. folio. .Minutes of proceedings and minutes of evidence, before the Select Connnittee on the Cardiff Corporation liill [for enabling tlie Mayor and Corporation to obtain an additional .sui)ply of Water from the River Taft' Fawr, and for other purposes of improvement.] Lond. 1884. folio. Port of Cardiff. Plan of the proposed new woi-ks. 18G5. 8vo. Free Librari/, Mmemn and Science and Art Scliooh. Annual Report, 1888-89. Cardiff, 1889. 8vo. University College of South Wales and Monmouth. Calendar, 1888-89, (1889-90, etc.). Cardiff, 1888, etc. 8vo. Prospectus, 1891-92. Cardiff, 1891. 8vo. CARDIFF AND MONMOUTHSHIRE VALLEYS RAILWAY. Minutes of proceedings, evidence and speech taken before the Select Committee of the House of Lords. Lond. 1887. folio. CARDINALI, F. Raccolta (Nuova raccolta) d'autori italiani che trattano del moto dell' acque. 4* edizione. 17 vols, Bologna, 1821-45. 4to. CAREY, A. Specification [for] improvements in Machinery for Digging Land. 1881. See Crossby, W. E., and Carey, A. CAREY, A. E. The Harbours and Ferry System of Denmark. [2nd Int. 3Iar. Congr.] Lond. 1893. 8vo. The La Guaira Harbour Works, Venezuela. [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] Lond. 1893. 8vo. CARGILL, T. Sewage, and its general application to grass, cereal, and root Crops, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 169. Lond. 1869. 8vo. The Strains upon Bridge Girders and Roof Trusses. Lond. 1873. 8vo. CARLETTI, C. Riflessioni sulla cubatura delle terre, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 338. Torino, 1882. 8vo. CARLILE, H. Allgemeine Darstellung des centralen Eisenbahn- Abrechnungs-Systems in England und Betrachtungen iiber die Vortheile der Einfiihrung dieses Systems in Russland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 319. BIga, 1880. 8vo. [Another edition : in Russian.] Tract. 8ro. vol. 319. Biga, 1880. 8vo. Report on trials made with the Heberlein self-acting Railway- break on the Bergisch-Markisch Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 25. Biga, 1880. folio. CARLILE, W. O., Lieut., B.A., and Martindale, B. H., Lieut.-Col. Recollections of Canada. Quebec. Lond, 1873. . 4to. CAPtLISLE. Copy of Report to the Board of Trade ... on the Railway Accident at Carlisle (Citadel) Station : by Col. Rich. Lond. 1890. folio. CARLISLE — CARNOT. 225 CARLISLE — continued. Report from the Committee on the Roads between Carlisle and Port Patrick. Lond. 181 L folio. [Sewage.li Information [on Sewage Disposal] obtained ... on the visit of a deputation fi'om the Town Council of . . . Carlisle to Doncaster, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 341. Carlisle, 1880. 8vo. [Water Supply.'] Prospectus of a proposed Joint Stock Company to be formed for supplying the City of Carlisle and its environs with Water from the river Eden. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 68. Carlisle [l8?,0^ 8vo. CARLISLE CANAL. An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from Carlisle to the Solway Frith, etc. Lond. 1819. folio. CARLSRUHE. — Grossherzogliche Ingenieurschule. Die Eisenbahn- bauten bei Kehl : Rheinliriicke, Bahnhof, Kinzig und Schutter- briicke. Nach den Materialen der Grossherzoglich Badischen Ober- direktion des Wasser- und Strassenbaues. Carlsrulie, 1860. folio. Polytechnische Schule. Programm fiir das Jahr 1868-69. Karlsruhe, 1868. 8vo. Wasser- und Strassenbau-Amt. Kanalisation der Haupt- und Residenzstadb Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe, [1881.] folio. CARMICHAEL, A., and Brownlie, J. The Edinburgh Smoke- doctor. Tract. 8vo. vol. 211. Edinburgh, 1757. 8vo. CARMICHAEL, J. A letter to Lord Palmerston on the destruction of Greytown by 'the United States corvette " Cyane " on the 13th July, 1854. Tract. 8vo. vols. 440 and 439. Liverpool, 1856. 8vo. CARMICHAEL, W. V. Liquid Fuel in Ocean Steamers. [Papers of the Shipmasters' Soc, No. 9.] Lond. 1891. 8vo. CARMIGNANI, F. Nuova raccolta d'autori che trattano del moto deir acque. 7 vols. Parma, 1766-68. 4to. CARNARVONSHIRE RAILWAY. Plans of the Carnarvonshire Railway, with the Aberystwith and Welsh Coast Railway. [ .] 8vo. — — Plans and section of the Carnarvon Railway. [ .] 12mo. CARNEGIE, Phipps and Co. Pocket companion, containing useful information and tables appertaining to the use of Wrought-Iron and Steel. Pittsburg, Pa., 1889. 8vo. CARNOT, L. N. M. De la defense des places fortes. Paris, 1812. 4to. Memoire sur la relation qui existe entre les distances respectives de cinq points quelconques pris dans I'espace ; suivi d'un essai sur la theorie des trans versales. Paris, 1806. 4to. ■ Principes fondamentaux de I'equilibre et du mouvement. Paris, 1803. 8vo. Reflexions sur la metaphysique du calcul infinitesimal. 4® edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 160. Paris, 1860. 8vc. Q 226 OARNOT — CARRINGTON. CARNOT, N. L. S. Reflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu. Paris, 1878. 4to. Reflections on the Motive-power of Heat, and on machines fitted to develop that power. Edited by R. H. Thurston. Lond. 1890. 8vo. CAROLINA OIL AND CREOSOTE COMPANY. Carbonized and creosoted timber and cross-ties and wood creosote oil. Tract. Svo. vol. 489. Wilmington, N.C., [ ] Svo. CARPENTER, A. Some points in the physiolof,'ical and medical aspect of Sewage Irrigation ; to which is also appended a paper on the . influence of sewer gas on the public health. Tract. Svo. vol. 203. Lond. 1870. Svo. CARPENTER, W. Is Water convex after all 1 A renewal of the protest against Mr. J. H. "Walsh's decision in the Bedford Level Survey. Tract. Svo. vol. 212. LeioisJiarn, 1871. Svo. Water not convex : the earth not a globe. Demonstrated by A. R. Wallace, by experiments conducted on the old Bedford Canal. Tract. Svo. vol. 212. Lond. 1871. Svo. CARPMAEL, A. and E. Patent Laws of the world, etc. Lond. 1885. Svo. CARPMAEL, W. Law Reports of Patent Cases. Lond. ISiZ. Svo. The Law of Patents for Inventions, familiarly explained. Lond. 1832. Svo. 5th edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 365. Lond. 1852. Svo. 6th edition. Lond. 1860. Svo. CARR, G. S. A synopsis of elementary results in Pure Mathematics : containing propositions, formula?, and methods of analysis, with abridged demonstrations. Supplemented by an index to the papers on pure mathematics, which are to be found in the prin- cipal journals and transactions of learned societies, both English and foreign, of the present century. Lond. 1886. Svo. CARR, H. Metropolitan Street Traffic. Suggested improvements. Tract. Svo. vol. 234. Lond. 1871. Svo. Our Domestic Poisons; or the poisonous effects of certain Dyes and colours used in domestic fabrics. 2nd edition. Lond. 1879. Svo. 3rd edition. (Sequel.) Lond. 1880. 8vo. Blackfriars Bridge. Contract for removal of existing bridge and for building the proposed new bridge, etc. 1869. See Cubitt, J., and Care, H. The Bridges of London. Tract. Uo. vol. 68. Lond. 1871. 4to. (From the Trans. Inst. British Architects.) CARR, R., and DUCKHAM, F. E. The Docks of London on the North of the Thames and their equipment. \2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] [Lond. 1893.] Svo. CARRINGTON, F. A. Plan of the town and part of the settlement of New Plymouth, New Zealand. [ .] Svo. CAKRINGTON — CARTER. 227 CARRINGTON, R. C. Glossary of French terms .adopted on French charts and maps, and in sailing directions. Calcutta, 1879. 8vo. Return of Wrecks and casualties in Indian waters for 1877. Tract, folio, vol. 28. Calcidta, 1878. folio. • Spheroidal Tables, showing the length in feet of a degree, minute, and second of latitude and longitude. Tract. 8co. vol. 290. BoorJcce, 1876. 8vo. — — Table for converting French metres and decimetres into English feet and fathoms. Tract. 8vo. vol. 172. Lond. 1865. 8vo. ■ 2nd edition. Tjw/. 8 w. roZ. 433. iond 1871. 8vo. Table of Distances at which objects can be seen at Sea. Tract. folio, vol. 40. _ [1875?] folio. Table of Natural Scales, showing the proportion which the space representing a mile, on a chart or map, bears to the actual mile on the earth's surface. Tract. 8vo. vol. 433. Calcutta, 1877. 8vo. CARRINGTON, T. H. "Wire Tramways : a description of the various systems of wire-rope transport. Tract. 8vo. vol. 301. Lond. [1878?] 8vo. CARRO, T. Navigation des fleuves et rivieres ; canalisation au moyen de barrages automobiles ; emploi des forces hydrauliques a la traction des bateaux. Tract. 8vo. vol. 477. Meaux, 1887. 8vo. CARROLL, E. B. Comparison of the Rajpootana meti'e gauge Rail- way with the G. I. P. and B. B. and C. I. standard gauge- railways. Tract, folio, vol. 25. Bomhai/, 1879. folio. CARRON, W. Narrative of an expedition for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York. Tract. 8vo. vol. 396. Sydney, 1849. 8vo. CARRUTHERS, G. T. The Cause of Electricity ; with remarks on chemical equivalents. Tract. 8vo. vol. 429. Benares, 1886. 8vo. The Cause of Light. Tract. 8vo. vol. 480. Suhatlm, 1888. 8vo. The Cause of Magnetism. Tract. 8vo. vol. 457. Suhatlm, 1888. 8vo. The Cause of Terrestrial Magnetism. Tract. 8vo. vol. 457. Suhafhu, 1888. 8vo. The Planets upon Cardioides. Tract. 4:to. vol. 111. Subatliu, 1888. 4to. CARSTAIRS, MITCHELL and Co. Dundee Harbour Arbitration. Representation to J. Hawkshaw, Esq., the arbiter. Tract. 4:to. vol. 49. [Dundee ^ 1863. 4to. CARSWELL, T. P. Automatic Electric Lighting of Trains. Tract. 8vo. vol. 515. Glascjow, 1887. 8vo. CART, Biver. Report of the Committee on the River Cart Survey. Tract. 8vo. vol. 102. Paisley, 1854. 8vo. CARTER, H. Sanitary Science and Practice. Prospectus of the Sanitary Engineering and Ventilation Company. Tract. 4to. vol. 87. Lond. 1881. 4to. Q 2 228 CARTER — CASONI. CARTER, H. J. Geological papers on Western India, including Cutch, Sindo, and the south-east coast of Arabia ; to which is appended a summary of the geology of India genci-ally. (Atlas of plates and maps.) Bombay, 1857. 4to. CARTER, J. R. Observations on the proposed Improvement of the Nene outfall, in i-eference to the drainage of South Holland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12. Spaldhuj, 1822. 8vo. CARTER, S. Railway Legislation. Trad. Svo. vol. 435. Lonfl. 1874. 8vo. CARTIER, A. DE. Manufactory of Iron-Minium situate in Anderghem, near Brussels, e^c. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. Brusseh [ISQOI^ 8vo. CARUSSO, C. D. Notice sur les cartes topographiques de I'etat- major general d'Autriche-Hongrie. Geneve, 1887. 8vo. Importance de la cartographic officielle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 410. Geneva, 1886. 8vo. CARUS-WILSON, C A. On the behaviour of Steel under mechanical stress. Tract. 8vo. vol. 495. [Lond.] 1890. 8vo. (From the " Philosophical Magazine.") The rupture of Steel by longitudinal stress. Tract. 8vo. vol. 517. Lond. 1890. 8vo. (From the rroceedings of the Royal Society.) CARYALHO, J. C. de. 1" conferencia sobre o projecto da estrada de ferro D. Pedro I. Tract, folio, vol. 39. Bio de Janeiro, 1885. folio. Signaes electricos a noite organisados para uso da marinha de guerra Brazileira. Tract. 8vo. vol. 424. Bio de Janeiro, 1886. 8vo. Viagens as provincias do sul do Brazil. Tract. 8vo. vol. 426. Bio de Janeiro, 1884. 8vo. CARVER, J. Travels through the interior parts of North America in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Lond. 1778. 8vo. GARY, J. A new map of Monmouthshire. Lond. 1828. 8vo. Inland Navigation ; or select plans of the several navigable canals throughout Great Britain. Lond. 1795. 4to. CASA-CARADOC. A Visit to the Chateau Casa-Caradoc. Tract, folio, vol. 35. Lond. 1875. folio. CASALONGA, D. A. Elements proportionnels de construction mecanique. Paris, 1874. 4to. CASALONGA, D. A., and Casalonga, C. Etude comparative des marteaux-pilons et presses hydrauliques pour le ti'avail des grosses pieces de forge. Paris, 1888. 8vo. (From the Bulletin de la Societe des Anciens Eleves des Ecoles nationales d'Arts et ili'tiors.) CASONI, G. Estratto di un ragguaglio . . . intorno ad un opera inedita del commendatore A. Cialdi sulla navigazione del Tevere e sulla foce di Fiumicino. Tract. 8vo. vol. 309. Ve7iczia, 1846. 8vo. CA8PERSS0N — GATANEO. 229 CASPERSSON, C. A. Om den vid bessemerblasningar radande vtirmegradens inflytande pa de bekomna gotens egenskaper. Tract, ^vo. vol. 466. StocMolm, 1882. 8vo. CASPIAN SEA. [Report by the Russian Hydrographic Dept.] St. Petersburg, 1877. 8vo. CASS AGNES, G. A. La steno-telegraphie. Tract. Ato. vol. 105. Paris, 1886. 4to. Steno-telegraphy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 361. Paris, 1884. 8vo. CASSAL, C. E. First report upon investigations in connection with the "Amines" process [for purifying sewage]. Tract. 8vo. vol. 496. Lond. 1890. 8vo. CASSE, E. Epure et construction des aerostats et montgolfieres. Tract. Svo. vol. 363. Paris, 1883. 8vo. CASSELS, W. R. Cotton : an account of its culture in the Bombay Presidency. Pombay, 1862. 8vo. CASSINI DE THURY, C. F. Elements d'astronomie. 1740. See ACAD^MIE DES SCIENCES. La meridienne de I'observatoire royal de Paris. 1744. See ACAD^MIE DES SCIENCES. Tables astronomiques, etc. 1740. See Academie des Sciences. CASTELLANI, J. Dell' immediata influenza delle selve sul corso delle acque, etc. [2 parts.] Torino, 1818-19. 4to. CASTLE, E. J. A practical treatise on the Law of Rating. Lond. 1879. 8vo. CASTLE, H. J. Engineering Field Notes on parish and railway Surveying and Levelling. 2nd edition. Lond. 1847. 8vo. On Railway Curves. Tract. Svo. vol. 70. Limd. [184:5 1] 8vo. CASTLE, H. J., and E. J. Practical remarks on the principles of Rating as applied to the proper and uniform assessment of railways, gasworks, waterworks, mines, cemeteries, etc, Lond. 1869. 8vo. CASTLETON. Report on an explosion at Castleton, near Manchester, occurring on Mr. Riley's premises : by Capt. J. P. Cundill. Lond. 1882. folio. CASTOR, A. Recueil d'appareils a vapeur employes aux travaux de navigation et de chemins de fer. (Atlas of plates.) Tract. Svo. vol. 160. Paris, 1860. 8vo. and folio. CASTRO, M. F. de. Descripcion de un sistema de senales electricas para evitar accidentes en los caminos de hierro, y examen de los demas sistemas electricos propuestos, con un prologo de D. Meliton Martin. Madrid, 1858. 8vo. L'electricite et les chemins de fer : description et examen de tous les systemes proposes pour eviter les accidents sur les chemins de fer au moyen de l'electricite. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. 8vo. CATANEO, P. I quattro primi libri di architettura, etc. Vinegia, 1554. folio. 230 CATARACT — CAVALLI. CATARACT Construction Company. Annual report, July, 189k New York, 1891. 4to. CATES, W, L. R. A Dictionary of general Biography. 3rd edition. Lond. 1881. 8vo. CATON, J. D. Artesian Wells. Tract. 8vo. vol. 296. Chicar/o, 1874. 8vo. CATTERMOLE, W. The advantages of Emigration to Canada. Trad. Sro. vol. 67. Woodhridge, 1831. 8vo. CAUCHY, A. L. Rapport sur un memoire de L. Lalanne. 1843. See ]6lie de Beaumont, J. B. A. L., Lam^, G., and Cauchy, A. L, CAUCHY, P. F. Memoire couronne en reponse a la question pro- posee par I'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres de Bruxelles ; " decrire la constitution de la province de Namur, les especes minerales et les fossiles accidentels que les divers terrains renferment, avec I'indication des localites et la synonymie des auteurs qui en ont deja traite." Tract, ito. vol. 22. Bruxelles, 1825. 4to. CAUMONT, A. DE. Histoire de I'architecture religieuse au Moyen Age. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1841. 8vo. CAUS, S. DE. Les raisons des forces mouvantes avec diverses machines. Francfort, 1615. folio. New and rare inventions of Water-Works, shewing the easiest waies to raise water higher than the spring . . . Translated into English by J. Leak. Lond. 1659. folio. CAUTLEY, Sir v. T., Col. A disquisition on the heads of the Ganges and Jumna canals, North- Western Provinces, in reply to strictures by Major-General Sir A. Cotton. Lond. 1864. 8vo. The Ganges Canal : a reply to statements made by Major- General Sir Ai'thur Cotton on the projection of the Ganges canal works. (Printed for private circulation.) Loud. 1863. 8vo. On the use of Wells, in Foundations ; as practised by the natives of the northern Doab. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 54. [Calcutta, 1839.] 8vo. Report on the Ganges Canal works from their commencement until the opening of the canal in 1854. (Atlas of plans.) 4 vols. Lond. 1860. 8vo., 4to., and folio. A valedictory note to Major-General Sir Arthur Cotton respecting the Ganges Canal. (Primed for private circulation.) Lond. 1864. 8vO. CAUTY, W. Nature, Philosophy, and Art in friendship, an essay in four parts. I. Demonstrating the necessity and practicability of building all manner of houses proof against fire and vermin, etc. II. An entire new plan of constructing chimnies, so as the smoke cannot reverberate, etc. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 211. Lo7}d. 1775. 8vo. CATJVIN, J. A treasury of the English and German Languages. Lond. 1870. 8vo. CAVALLI, G. Apergu sur les canons rayes se chargeant par la bouche et par la culasse et sur les perfectionnements a apporter a I'art de la guerre en 1861. Turin, 1862. 4to. (From the Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences de Turin.) CAVALLI — CAWSTON. 231 CAVALLI, G. — continued. Memoire sur la theorie de la resistance statique et dynamique des solides, surtout aux impulsions comme celles du tir des canons. Turin, 1863. 4to. (From the Memoires de TAcademie des Sciences de Turin.) Memoria su varii perfezionamenti militari che comprende alcuni cenni sui cannoni caricantisi dalla culatta e sui cannoni rigati per I'artiglieria . . . e dissertazioni relative ai mezzi di accrescere la mobilita dell' artiglieria, etc. Torino, 1856. 4to. (From the I\Iemorie della R. Academia delle Scienze di Torino.) Memoria sui delineamento equilibrato degli archi in muratura e in armatura. Torino, 1859. 4to. (From the Memorie della Reals Academia delle Scienze di Torino.) CAVALLO, T. A complete treatise of Electricity in theory and practice. Land. 1777. 8vo. 4th edition. .3 vols. Lond. 1795. 8vo. Description and use of the Telescopical Mother-of-Pearl Micro- meter. Tract. 8vo. vol. 504. Lond. 1793. 8vo. The history and practice of Aerostation. Lond. 1785. 8vo. A treatise on Magnetism, in theory and practice : with original experiments. 2nd edition, with a supplement. Lond. 1795. 8vo. CAVAN, LEITRIM, AND ROSCOMMON LIGHT RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY. Report by the Board of Trade on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic, and schedule of maximum rates. Lond. 1891. folio. CAVANI, P. Corso di celerimensura. Bologna, 1883. 8vo. CAVENDISH, Hon. H. An account of a new Eudiometer. Tract, ito. vol. 20. Lond. 1783. 4to. (Read at the Royal Society, January 16, 1783.) Electrical Researches. Edited by J. C. Maxwell. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. CAVENDISH SOCIETY. Works of the Cavendish Society. Chemical Method : notation, classification, and nomenclature. By A. Laurent, etc. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Chemical Keports and Memoirs . . . Edited by T. Graham. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. By. G. Bischof. 3 vols. Lond. 1854-59. 8vo. Handbook of Chemistry. By L. Gmelin. 19 vols. Lond. 1848-72. 8vo. Life of the Hon. Henry Cavendisli, including abstracts of his . . . Scientific Papers. By G. Wilson. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Eesearches of John Dalton. By W. C. Henry. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Physiological Chemistry: by C. G. Lehmann. Translated by G. E. Day. 3 vols. Lond. 1851-54. 8vo. Atlas of Physiological Chemistry ... A Supplement to Lehmaun's Pliysiological Chemistry. By O. Funke. Lond. 1853. 4to. CAVOUR CANAL. Italian Irrigation Canal Company (Canal Cavour). [Prospectus.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 133. Lond. 1862. 8vo. CAWSTON, A. A comprehensive Scheme for Street Improvements in London. Lond. 1893. 4to. 232 CAXTON — CERBELAUD. CAXTON, W. Caxton and the art of printing. James Watt and the steam engine. Lond. [1852.] 8vo. CAY, W. D. On the construction of Marine Works with Concrete bags and on the phmt used for their deposit : being a papcsr read before the Royal Scottish Society of Arts on December 12, 1887. Tract. Svo. vol 457. Edivhimjh, 1888. 8vo (From the Transactions of the Society. J CAYLEY, A. Collected Mathematical Papers. 6 vols. (In progress.) Cambridge, 1889-93. 4to. [A collection of Mathematical Papers by A. Cayley. 1852-67.] 4to. List of Cayley's mathematical works, 1841-62. Lon^Z. [1863?] 8vo. CAYLEY, Sir C, Bart. Essay on the means of promoting Safety in Railway Carriages. Trad. 8vo. vol. 79. Lond. 1841. 8vo. CAYLEY, J. J., BoYES, J., and Bridgman, H. H. Scheme for a central Fish Market for London. Tract, folio, vol. 29. Lond. 1881. folio. CAZIN, A. Traite theorique et pratique des piles electriques. Annote et public par A. Angot. Paris, 1881. 8vo. CEARD, N. Memoire et observations historiques et critiques sur la route du Simplon. Tract. 4,to. vol. 4. Paris, 1820. 4to. CEFFALONIE, M. C. de. Count. Monument eleve a la glou-e de Pierre-le-Grand, ou relation des travaux et des moyens mecan- iques, etc. Paris, 1777. folio. CELLE, E. Hygiene pratique des pays chauds, etc. Paris, 1848. 8vo. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN CABLE EXPEDITION. Soundings taken by the Central and South American Cable Expedition, 1881-1882, the Spanish National Cable Expedition, 1883-1884, the India Rubber, Gutta-Percha and Telegraph Works Company, Limited, 1884-1885 and 1885-1886. Land. 1881-1886. 8vo. CENTRAL ARGENTINE RAILWAY. Report of proceedings at the fifth yearly ordinary general meeting. Tract. Svo. vol. 179. Lond. 1869. 8vo. ■ Specifications for Bridge Work, roofing, steel rails, etc. 1884-86-87. folio. CENTRAL KENTISH RAILWAY, and SANDWICH HARBOUR COMPANY. [Prospectus, etc.] Tract, folio, vol. 49. Lond. [1836.] foho. CENTRALVEREIN pur Hebung der Deutschen Fluss- und Kanalschifffahrt. Bericht der Kommissiun f lir Vermessung der Binnenschifie iiber die verschiedenartigen SchiflTsverinessungen auf der Elbe und den ostlichen Wasserstrassen, sowie Vorschlage beziiglich einer einheitlichen Vermessung. Berlin, 1888. 4to. CERBELAUD, G. Les chemins de fer. 1888. See Lefevre, P., and Cerbelaud, G. CERDA — CHADWICK. 233 CERDA, I. Teoria general de la urbanizacion y aplicacion de sus principios y doctrinas a la reforma y ensanche de Barcelona. 2 vols. Madrid, 1867. 8vo. CERERO, R. Estudio sobre la resistencia y estabilidad de Ids editicios sometidos a huracanes y terremotos. Madrid, 1890. 8vo. Estudios sobre las maquinas empleadas en las construcciones y aplicacion de la fuerza motora del vapor en los trabajos publicos. Tract. Svo. vol. 160. Madrid, 1865. 8vo. - Memoria sobre las armaduras destinadas a sostener las cubiertas de los edificios. Tract. 8vo. vol. 141. Madrid, 1863. 8vo. Noticia sobre el uso y aplicaciones del cemento fabricado en las provincias Vascongadas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 209. Madrid, 1871. 8vo. CERMOISE, H. Deux ans a Panama. Tract. 8vo. vol. 417. Paris, 1886. 8vo. CERNUSCHI, H. Bi-metallism at 15^, a necessity for the Con- tinent, for the United States, for England. Land. 1881. 8vo. Bi-metallism in England and abroad : an answer to a letter from H. H. Gibbs. Lond. 1879. 8vo. The Great Metallic Powers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Lond. 1885. 8vo. CESARINI, G. Sulla inalveazione del Tevere nei prati di Castello. Tract. 8vo. vol 322. Boma, 1880. 8vo. Un altro modo di provvedere alia sistemazione del Tevere. Tract. Uo. vol. 83. Milano, 1878. 4to. CESSART, L. A. de. Description des travaux hydrauliques de L. A. de Cessart. 2 vols. Paris, 18Q6-08. 4to. CEYLON. See India. Ceylon. CHABANNES, — de, Marquis. Explanation of a new method for Warming and Purifying the Air in private houses and public buildings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 26. Lond. 1815. 8vo. On conducting Air by forced Ventilation, and regulating the temperature in dwellings. Lond. 1818. 8vo. CHABRIER, E. Les chemins de f er d'interet local sur routes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 304. Paris, 1879. 8vo. Rapport sur les chemins de fer economiques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 238. Pans, 1874. 8vo. • Societe des agriculteurs de France : memoire a I'appui d'une proposition sur I'organisation du service vicinal en France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 223. Paris, 1871. 8vo. CHADWICK, D. Borough of Salford. Report on the proposed establishment of a Police Superannuation Fund. Tract. 8vo. vol. 117. Salford, 1858. 8vo. Free public Libraries and Museums ; their usefulness ... as coni- pared with the libraries of Sunday-schools, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 155. Lond. 1887. 8vo. 234 CHADWICK. CHADAVICK, D.—c(mthmeil. Is Profit-Shuriii-,' desiraljle ? In what trndes is it practicable? Tract. Svo. vol. 4SD. Loud. 1890. 8vo. On the Social and Educational Statistics of Manchester and Salford. Tract. Svo. vol. 134. Manchester, 1862. 8vo. CHADWICK, Sir E. Address as President of the Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors on House Draina<,'e. Tract. 8/;o. vol. 452. Loml. 1884. 8vo. Alternative remedies for Ireland. Trad. 8ro. vol. 452. Lond. 1887. Svo. Authoritative Recognition of distinguished public services [more particularly those of Sir E. Chadwick]. Tract. Svo. vol. 483. [1888?] Svo. Commentaries on the Report of the Royal Commission on Metro- politan Sewage discharge . . . 3rd edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1885. Svo. Committee on Sanitary Organization. Dedications and testimonies to Edwin Chadwick, Esq., C.B. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1884. Svo. The Duration of Life. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1885. Svo. Economical results of different principles of Legislation and Administration in Europe. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1859. Svo. Educational progi'ess : a memoir of the late Horace Grant, Esq., as a successful experimentalist to determine the receptivity of children in primary education. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. [1880?] Svo. The Elementary Education Question and the half-time system. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1887. Svo. Explanation of the character of the Lambeth Parish Half-time School at Norwood. See Norwood. — Lambeth Parish Half -Time School. Royal Visit, etc. 1887. The Financial Value of Sanitary Science. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1887. Svo. Form of Statistical Returns for the promotion of preventive as well as of curative science. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Loud. [1870 ^ Svo. The general History of principles of Sanitation. Tract. Svo. vol. 490. Lond. 1889. Svo. The Jubilee of Sanitary Science : being the annual address at the anniversary dinner of the Association of Public Sanitary In- spectors, February 5, 1887. Tract. Svo. vols. 438 and 452. Lond. 1887. Svo. A lecture on the . . . importance of open Competitive Examina- tions for admission to the public service. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1857. Svo. CHADWICK. 235 CHADWICK, Sir E. — continued. The metropolitan and provincial Police. Tract. 8w. vol. 452. Lond. 1886. 8vo. National Gains by Sanitation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 452. (¥toui Sanitary Engineering.) Lond. 1887. Svo. On County Government in combination with Union Organisation. Tract. Svo. vols. 311 and 452. Lond. 1879. Svo. On imperfect Local Self-government and its results in Manchester. Tract. 8vo. vol. 452. Lond. 1883. Svo. On international Securities for the Lives and Health of Travellers. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. 1887. Svo. On the economical principles of a reform of the legislation and administration for the Conveyance of Passengers and Goods on Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 146. Lond. 1865. Svo. On the efifect of Manufacturing Distress, on manufacturing pro- gress, and on the improvement of the condition of the wage classes, in agriculture as well as in manufactures. Tract. Svo. vols. 146 and 452. Lond. 1864. Svo. On the Ea^Is of Disunity in central and local administration, especially with relation to the Metropolis ; and also on the new centralisation for the people, together with improvements in codi- fication and in legislative procedure. Lond. 1885. Svo. • On the Manual Labourer as an investment of capital. Tract. Svo. vol. 134. Lond. 1862. Svo. ' On the sanitary and economical Advantages of smooth and im- permeable Street Surfaces. Tract. 4:to. vol.67. Lo7id. 1871. 4to. ( From the Journal of the Society of Arts.) Avantages sanitaires et economiques des rues a surfaces unies et impermeables. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Londres et Paris, 1871-72. Svo. • Position of Sanitation in England. Tract. Svo. vols. 418 and 452. Lond. 1884. Svo. The present and general condition of Sanitary Science. Tract. Svo. vol. 482. Lond. 1889. Svo. The present Epidemic in the Metropolis. Prevention of children's epidemics by sanitation. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. East Sheen, 1887. folio. — — — Presidential Address to the delegates of the Congress held at Amsterdam. Tract. Svo. vol. 306. Lond. 1879. Svo. Public Health. Tract. Svo. vol. 297. Lond. 1877. Svo. Public Health : specifications of the sanitary requirements for house construction. Tract. Svo. vol. 182. Lond. 1868. Svo. - Public Health local sanitary organisation : the ofiicer of health. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1878. Svo. - Report on Dwellings characterised by cheapness combined with the conditions necessary for health and comfort. Tract. Svo. vol. 181. [Lond. 1869.] Svo. 236 CHADWICK — 0HALL18. CHADWICK, Sir E. — conthuted. Sanitary principles of School Con- struction. Tract. 8vo. vol. 216. Land. 1871. 8vo. Siuiitary Progress : circulation or stagnation. Tract. 8vo. wZ. 325. L(nid. 1881. Svo. Sanitary Progress : prevention of epidemics. Tract. Svo. vols. 341 and 452. Loud. 1882. 8vo. Sanitary Progress : progress in preventive, as compared with that in curative science. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Sanitary Review of the Session. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Land. 1885. 8vo. (Read at the monthly meeting of the Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors.) The Sanitation of London and the suburbs. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1886. 8vo. Sanitation versus Militarianism. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Loud. 1886. 8vo. Sewage Farming : example of the separate system. Tract. Svo, vol. 452. [Lond. 1885.] 8vo. Suggestions for the Competition in the Sanitation of the Dwellings of the wage classes for the prize to be awarded Ijy the King of the Belgians. Tract. Svo. vol. 281. Loud. 1877. 8vo. Trade Unionists and Drill in Schools. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Loud. 1885. 8vo. University of London Election : address to the members of convocation, and a letter from J. Stuart Mill, Esq., M.P. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. Lond. 1867. 8vo. Women's position as Sanitarians. Tract. Svo. vol. 452. [Lond.] 1887. Svo. CHADWICK, Commander F. E. The Development of the Steamship, and the Liverpool Exhibition of 1886. Tract. Svo. vol. 443. New York, 1887. 8vo. CHADWICK, O. Reports on Hong Kong. 1882. See Hong Kong. CHAIX, A. ET C'*'. Annuaire officiel des chemins de fer, contenant un recueil special de legislation et de jurisprudence. Paris, 1866. 12mo. CHALLENGER, H.M.S. Reports of Capt. G. S. Nares (and Capt. F. T. Thomson) on Ocean Soundings and Temperature. [Hydro- graphic Proceedings of H.M.S. Challenger.] Lond. 1873-76. folio. 1. North and South Atlantic Oceans. 2. Antarctic Sea, Australia and New Zealand. 3. New Zealand to Torres Strait, Manihx and Houg Kong. 4. Pacific Ocean, China and adjacent Seas. 5-6. Pacific Ocean. 7. Atlantic Ocean. CHALLIS, Bev. J. Notes on the principles of Pure and Applied Calculation ; and applications of mathematical principles to theories of the physical forces. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. CHALLOT — CHAMBERLAIN. 237 CHALLOT, p. Tramways et chemiiis de fer sur routes historiques : jurisprudence, reglementation. Paris, 1877. 8vo. CHALMERS, C. Thoughts on Electricity, with notes of experiments. 3rd edition. Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. CHALMERS, J. The Channel Railway, connecting England and France. Lcmd. 1861. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1867. 8vo. Naval Armour. Tract. 8vo. vol. 147. Loud. 1865. 8vo. CHALMERS, J. B. Graphical determination of Forces in Engineering Structures. Lond. 1881. 8vo. CHALMERS, P. How James Chalmers saved the Penny Postage scheme : letter of the Dundee bankers and merchants to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury. Lo7id. 1890. 8vo. The Penny Postage scheme of 1837 : was it an invention or a copy? Tract. 8vo. vol. 332. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Opinions fi'om the Press upon the Penny Postage scheme, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 332. Wimbledon, 1882. 8vo. Opinions of the Press (fresh series) upon the Letter and Parcels Post and the Adhesive Stamp. Tract. 8vo. vol. 363. Wimbledon, 1883. 8vo. The position of Sir Rowland Hill made plain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 338. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Robert Wallace, M.P., and James Chalmers, the Scottish postal reformers : letters, recent press articles, and recognitions at home and abroad. Lond. 1890. 8vo. A short re^dew of the Adhesive Stamp. Tract. 8vo. vol. 354. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill Committee. 2nd edition, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 427. Lond. 1886. 8vo. CHALMERS, Dr. T. The Adaptation of External Nature to the moral . . constitution of man. 1835. See Bridgewater Treatises, No. 1. CHALON, P. F. Les explosifs modernes, etc. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Le tirage des mines par I'electricite. Paris, 1888. 8vo. CHALONER, E., and Fleming, — . The Mahogany Tree, etc. Liverpool, [1850.] 8vo. CHAM, Hiver. Amended Act for the Improvement of the River Cham. Lond. 1813. folio. CHAMBERLAIN, Henry. A new and compleat history and survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of South- wark, and parts adjacent, from the earliest accounts to the beginning of the year 1770. Lond. [1770.] folio. CHAMBERLAIN, Humphrey. Brickmaking. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. [1857?] 8vo. 238 CHAMBERLIN — CHAMIER. CHAMBERLTN, T. C. The Ethical Functions of Scientific Study. An acUh-ess, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Ami Arbor, 1888. 8vo. Observations on tlie junction between the Eastern Sandstone and the Keweenaw Series. 1885. See Irving, K.])., and Ciiamherlin, T. C. See Wright, G. F. The Glacial Boundary in Western Penn- sylvania : with an introduction by T. C. Chamberlin. 1890. CHAMBERS, A., and Champion, W. H. Description of patent Rail- way Breaks. Tract, ito. vol. 42. [18.58] 4to. CHAMBERS, A. H. Observations on the formation, state, and condition of Turnpike Roads, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 4. Lond. 1820. Svo. . Description of the new patent system of constructing new, and of repairing the old Carriage Ways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4. Lond. 1842. 8vo. CHAMBERS, C. The Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency. (Atlas.) Lond. 1878. 4to and folio. • The Normal Winds of Bombay. Tract, folio, vol. 12. Bombay, 1869. folio. CHAMBERS, E. Cyclopa?dia : or an universal dictionary of ai'ts and sciences. 5th edition. (Supplement.) 4 vols. Lond. 1741-53. The Philosophical History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, etc. See Martyn, J., and Chambers, E. CHAMBERS, G. F. A digest of the Law of Public Health and local government. Lond. 1875. Svo. The Law relating to Public Libraries and Museums. 2nd edition. Lond. 1879. Svo. CHAMBERS, O. Report on Irrigation from the Taptee River. 1861. See India. — Taptee, Biver. CHAMBERS, Sir W. A treatise on Civil Architecture. 2nd edition. Lond. 1768. folio. A treatise on the Decorative part of Civil Architecture : re\dsed and edited by W. H. Leeds. Lond. 1862. 4to. CHAMBERS, W. and R. Chambers' Encyclopaedia : a dictionary of universal knowledge. New edition. 10 vols. Lond. 1888-92. Svo. Chambers' Etymological English Dictionary. Lond. 1884. Svo. Chambers' Mathematical Tables. Lond. 1883. Svo. The Isthmus of Panama. Tract. Svo. vol. 309. Edinburgh, [ ] Svo. (From "Chambers' Papers for the People.") Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1854-56. 12mo. CHAMBRAY, R. F. de. See Fr^art de Chambray. CHAMIER, G. The utilisation of Water in South Australia. Adelaide, 1886. Svo. CHAMORRO — CHANNEL. 239 CHAMOPvRO, R. Nuevo sistema . . . para explicar el calor, la luz, la electricidad. Tract. Svo. vol. 196. Madrid, 1870. 8vo. CHAMPION, W. H. Description of patent Railway Breaks [1858]. See Chambers, A., and Champion, W. H. CHAMPIOIST, M. Les inondations en Fi-ance depuis le 6" siecle jusqu'a nos jours. . . . avec la bibliographie de tous les ouvrages publics sur les inondations. 6 vols. Paris, 1858-64. 8vo. CHAMPION, P. La dynamite et la nitroglycerine. Paris, 1872. 12mo. CHANCE Brothers. List of dioptric lights and accessories. 1856-85. Birmingham, 1886. 4to. Photographs of dioptric lights. [1876.] folio. CHANCE, H. M. La construction des coupes geologiques : traduit et annote par Ad. Pirket. Tract. 8ijo. vol. 474. Liege, 1881. 8vo. CHANDELON, J. Rapport sur I'explosion de la poudrerie royale de Wetteren. Tract. 8vo. vol 328. BruxeUes, 1889. 8vo. CHANDLER, C. F. Report on Petroleum as an Illuminator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 287. New York, 1871. 8vo. CHANEY, H. J. Equivalents of Metric and Imperial Weights and Measures. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Re-determination of the Mass of a cubic inch of Distilled Water. Tract, ito. vol. 116. Lond. 1892. 4to. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) ' Re-determination of the true Weight of a cubic inch of Distilled Water. Tract. 8vo. vol. 493. Lond. 1890. 8vo. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) CHANNEL BRIDGE AND RAILWAY COMPANY. Pont sur la Manche. Memoire justificatif de la demande en concession deposee avec les pieces a I'appui au Ministere des Travaux Publics. 3 pt. Paris, 1890-91. 8vo. Le pont sur la Manche : expose complet de la question, avec documents, carte et planches. Paris, 1892. 8vo. CHANNEL TUNNEL. A Bill to empower the Channel Tunnel Company, Limited, to make Railways in the County of Kent in connection with their Channel Tunnel. Lond. 1883. folio. ■ Correspondence between the Governments of France and England respecting the proposed Channel Tunnel Railway. [Fr. and Eng.^ Lond. 1875. 8vo. . Correspondence respecting the proposed Channel Tunnel and Railway. Lond. 1875. folio. Etude des courants et de la marche des alluvions, aux abords du detroit de Douvres et du Pas de Calais, sur les cotes de France et d'Angleterre. (Lithographed.) Paris, 1860-62. 4to. — — Extracts from Correspondence with reference to the proposed construction of a Channel Tunnel. Lond. 1873-82. folio. 240 CHANNEL — CHAPMAN. CHANNEL TUNNEL — continued, lleport of tl>e Commissioners. Loud. 187G. folio. Report of the Select Committee on the Channel Tunnel. Land. 1883. folio. CHANOINE, — . Notice sur les l)aiTvo. vol. 181. PariH, 1855. 8vo. CHANTRELL, G. R, Thorbukn, T. C, and Siioolhred, J. N. Three eveninj^s at the Liverpool Polytechnic Society, on the Sewage Question. Trad. Svo. vol. 203. Liverpool, 1871. 8vo. CHANUTE, O. Address at the annual convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Tract. 8co. vol. 522. (From Trans. Am. Soc. C.E.) NeiO Yorlc, 1891. 8vO. Aerial Navigation : a lecture. Tract. Svo. vol. 509. New York, 1891. 8vo. The Paris Exposition of 1889. Tract. 8vo. vol. 497. Chiccujo, 1890. 8vo. (From the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies.) CHANUTE, O., and Morison, G. The Kansas city bridge, with an account of the regimen of the Missouri river, and a description of methods used for founding in that river. 4to. New York, 1870. 4to. CHANUTE, O., Wallace, J. F., and Breitiiaupt, W. H. The Sibley bridge : with discussion by W. Scherzer. Tract. Svo. vol. 488. New York, 1889. 8vo. (From Trans. Am. Soc. C.E.) CHAPEL, F. See Siacci, F. Balistique exterieure . . . Suivie d'une note svir les projectiles discoides par F. Chapel. 1892. CHAPELLE, A. Traite d'hygiene publique. Paris, 1850. Svo. CHAPLIN, W. J. Letter by the chairman of the London and South Western Railway Company, to the shareholders in that company, on the pending differences between the London and South Western and the Great Western Railway Companies. Tract. Svo. vol. Lond. 1846. 8vo. CHAPMAN, E. T. Water Analysis, etc. 1874-88. See Wanklyn, J. A., and Chapman, E. T. CHAPMAN, F. H. de. A treatise on Shipbuilding, with explana- tions and demonstrations respecting the " Architectura Navalis Mercatoria." 2 vols. (Atlas.) Cambridge, 1820. 4to. CHAPMAN, H. Diagrams illustrative of the principles of Mechanical and Natural Philosophy. In three parts. Lond. 1842. folic. (Incomplete.) CHAPMAN, J. The Cotton and Commerce of India, considered in relation to the interests of Great Britain ; with remarks on rail- way communication in the Bombay Presidency. Lond. 1851. 8vo. CHAPMAN, R. A treatise on Rope-making. Revised edition. Lond. 1868. 8vo. CHAPMAN. 241 CHAPMAN, S. A comparative analysis of English Railway Passenger Traffic for the live years 1883-87. Lond. 1889. 8vo. CHAPMAN, W., Lietit. Report on proposed Canal and Railway in 8cinde. 1854. See India. — Sind. CHAPMAN, William. Address to the Commissioners of the harbour of New Shoreham. Trad. 8vo. vol. 38. Newcastle, 1823. 8vo. Address to the subscribers to the Canal from Carlisle to Fisher's Cross. Tract. 8w. vol. 47. Newcastle, 1823. 8vo. ■ A description of the port of Seaham, in explanation of the plan of the harbour. Tract. Uo. vol. 34. Newcastle, 1830. 4to. Estimate of the expenses of completing the navigation of the River Barrow from St. Mullin's to Athy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 94. Dublin, 1789. 8vo. Explanation of a plan of the Coast and Harbour of Seaham, with sailing instructions. Tract, ito. vol. 34. Newcastle, 1831. 4to. Facts and remarks relative to the "Witham and the "Welland, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12. Boston, 1800. 8vo. Reports on the Laneham Drainage. (Supplement.) 2 pt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Betford, 1813. 4to. General principles of Public Drains : addressed to the directors of the Muston drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Neiocastle, 1803. s.sh. folio. Letter to the subscribers of the Limerick Navigation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 37. Dublin, 1795. 8vo. Observations on Mr. John Sutcliffe's Report on a proposed line of canal from Stella to Hexham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 91. Newcastle, 1797. 8vo. Observations on Shoreham Harbour. Tract. 8vo. vol. 38. Newcastle, 1822. 8vo. Observations on the advantages of bringing the Grand Canal round by the circular road into the River LifFey. Tract. 8vo. vol. 37. Dublin, 1785. 8vo. Observations on the improvement of Boston Haven. 2 pt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 13. Boston, [1800?] 8vo. Observations on . . . forming a communication for the transit of merchandise and the produce of land to or from Newcastle and Carlisle, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 503. Newcastle, 1824. 8vo. Observations on the various systems of Canal Navigation, with inferences practical and mathematical, in which Mr. Fulton's plan of wheel-boats and the utility of subterraneous and of small canals are particularly investigated, including an account of the canals and inclined planes of China. Tract. 4,to. vol. 58. Lond. 1797. 4to. Reasons for not thinking a permanent overflow of one hundred yards expedient at Arram Beck. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1804. s.sli. 4to. R 242 CHAPMAN. CHAPMAN, William — rontlnnrd. Remarks on the proposed plan of an inland cut from ]>urn's Island to Lcijililin. Tract. Sro. vol.37. Carlow, 1791. 8vo. Report on Mr. Golborne's plan of draining K(;yiiighain Level. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1800. 4to. Report on the Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Bererley, 1806. 8vo.. Report on the Beverley and Barmston Drainage, 1804. See Jessop, W., Rennie, J., and Chapman, W. Report on the cost and separate advantages of a Ship Canal and of a railway from Newcastle to Carlisle. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vols. 4 and 504. Newcastle, 1824. 8vo. Report on the drainage and navigation of Keyingham Level, in Holderness. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Netvcastle-on-Tyne, 1797. 4to. Report on the drainage of the marshes from Ancroft Fen to Wainfleet Haven. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Louth, 1810. 8vo. Report on the harbour of New Shoreham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 38. BrigJiton, 1815. 8vo. Report on the Improvement of the Harbour of Arklow and the practicability of a navigation from thence. Tract. 8vo. vol. 37. DuUin, 1792. 8vo. Report on the Manchester and Dee Ship Canal. Tract, ito. vol. 7. Manchester, 1825. 4to. Report on the means of draining the low gi'ounds in the vales of the Derwent and Hertford, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Newcastle, 1800. 8vo. Report on the means of making Woodford River navigable, from Lough Erne to Woodford Lough. Tract. 8ro. vol. 37. Limerick, 1793. 8vo. Report on the means of obtaining a safe and commodious com- munication from Carlisle to the sea. Tract. 8vo. vol. 47. Carlisle, 1807. 8vo. Report on the means of perfecting the Navigation of the River Barrow from St. MuUins to Athy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 37. Dublin, 1789. 8vo. Report on the measures to be attended to in the survey of a line of navigation from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Irish Channel. Trad. 8vo. vol. 64. Newcastle-tijjon-Tyne, 1795. 8vo. [Another edition.] To which are added all the reports sub- sequent the survey, and the estimates of Messrs. Jessop and Chapman. Tract. 8vo. vol. 6. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1796. 8vo. - Report on the navigation of the River Shannon from Lough Allen to Killaloe, with estimates. Tract. 8vo. vol. 37. Limerick, 1791. 8vo. - Report on the projected patent wrought iron Suspension Bridge across the River Tyne at North and South Shields. Tract, ito. vol. 13. Newcastle-wpon-Tyne, 1825. 4oo. CHAPMAN — CHAPPELL. 243 CHAPMAN", "William — continued. Report on the proposed Branch Navigations from the River Hull, with estimates. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Newcastle, 1800. 8vo. Report on the proposed Canal from Castle Orchards, Sheffield, to the River Dun below Tinsley. Tract, ito. vol. 34. Sheffield, 1814. 4to. Report on the proposed Canal Navigation between Carlisle and Solway Firth. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 6. Carlisle, 1818. 8vo. Report on the proposed line of Navigation between Newcastle and Maryport, etc., 1795. See Jessop, "W., and Chapman, W. Report on the proposed Navigation between the east and west seas, as far as extends from Newcastle to Haydon Bridge, etc. 3 parts. Tract. 8co. vol. 6. Newcastle, 1795. 8vo. Report on the proposed Navigation to Knaresbro'. Tract. 8vo. vol. 6. Tori; 1802. 8vo. Report on the rise . . . and projected extension of the Harbour of Seaham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 13. Newcastle, 1832. 8vo. Report on the state of the Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol., 46. Srarhorough, 1804. 8vo. Report on the state of the Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Newcastle, 1809. 8vo. Report on various projected Lines of Navigation from Sheffield. Tract. Ato. vol. 7. Sheffield, 1813. 4to. Report respecting the Drainage of the low grounds lying below the "Wolds, on the west side of the River Hull, and in Frodingham Carrs, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hall, 1796. 8vo. Report to the chairman and commissioners of Shoreham Harbour. Tract. 8vo. vol. 38. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Report to the committee of the proprietors of the Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1801. 8vo. Reports on the Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Newcastle, 1803. 8vo. Reports on the state of the Beverley and Barmston Drainage, dated April 27th and May 18th, 1803. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Newcastle, 1803. 8vo. [Scarborough Harbour. A collection of Reports.] 32 pt. Tract, folio, vol. 3. 1800-30. folio. Sundry papers and reports relative, first, to the defence of the estate of Cherry Cobb Sands, against the Humber ; secondly, the draining of Keyingham Marshes ; and thirdly, the eventual im- provement and accretion of the fore shore opposite Foul Holme Sands. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Newcastle, 1800, and Lond. 1801. 8vo. Treatise on the manufacture of Cordage. 1808. 4to. CHAPPELL, E., Capt. Reports relative to Smith's patent screw- propeller. Tract. 8vo. vol. 55. Lond. 1840. 8vo. R 2 244 OHAPTAL — CHASLES. CHAPTAL, J. A. C. Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. 4 vols. Loud 1807. 8vo. CHARGUl^RAUD, A. The Port of Calais and its appliances. [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] [Land. 1893.] 8vo. CHARITABLE CORPORATION. Charitable corporation, for relief of industrious poor. Lorid. 1832, 33. folio. CHARLEROI CANAL. Rapport. Bruxellea, 1839. folio. CHARLESTON, S.C. Centennial celebration of the Incorporation of the city of Charleston, South Carolina . . . 1883. Charleston, 1884. 8vo. Examination by Government officers, of buildings injured by the earthquake at Charleston, 1886. Tract. 8vo. vol. 450. Wilmington, 1887. 8vo. Souvenir of the great earthquake at Charleston, S.C, August 31st, 1886. Photographs by G. L. Cook. Tract. 8vo. vol. 450. Charleston, 1886. 8vo. CHARLETON, A. G. The choice of Coarse and Fine-crushing Machinery and processes of Ore Treatment. 6 pt. in 1 vol. Lond. 1892-94. 8vo. (From Trans. Fed. Inst. Mining Engrs.) Tin : describing the chief methods of mining, dressing, and smelting it abroad, with notes upon Arsenic, Bismuth, and Wolfram. Lond. 1884. 8vo. CHARLEVILLE, Raucourt de. See Raucourt de Charleville. CHARLEY, W. Flax and its products in Ireland. Lond. 1862. 8vo. CHARNOCK, G. F. Exercises in Graphic Statics, with examples. Part I. Roof trusses, etc. Huddersjield [1888 ?] obi. 8vo. CHARNOCK, J. A history of Mai^ine Architecture, etc. 3 vols. Lond. 1800-02. 4to. CHARPIGNON, J. Physiologic, medecine, et metaphysique du magnetisme. Paris, 1848. 8vo. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Institute of. See Institute of Chartered Accountants. CHARTERS TOWERS. Charters Towers Water Supply. [Brisbane, 1887.] folio. CHARTON, E. Dictionnaire des professions ou guide pour le choix d'un etat. 3" edition. Paris, 1880. 8vo. CHARTON, J. Aper^u general des dispositions et installations de I'Exposition Universelle de 1889. Tract. 8vo. vol. 476. Paris, 1889. 8vo. CHASE, J. A practical treatise on Landscape Painting and sketching from Nature in water-colours. Edited by Rev. J. Harris. Tract. 8vo. vol. 385. Lond. [1863.] 8vo. CHASLES, M. Memoire sur les surfaces engendrees par une ligne droite, particulierement sur I'hyperboloide, le paraboloide, et le cone du second degre. Tract. 8vo. vol. 189. [1840 ?] 8vo. CHASLE8 — CHATWOOD. 245 CHASLES, M. — continued. Proprietes des surfaces du second degre analogues aux theoremes de Pascal et de M. Brianchon. Tract. 8vo. vol. 189. [1839?] 8vo. CHASSELOUP DE LAUBAT, F. de, Marquis. Description of Chasseloup de Laubat's system of Fortitication executed at Alex- andria. [By J. S. Macaulay.] Tract. Svo. vol. 335. Land. 1833. 8vo. CHATARD, T. M. Report of work done in the Washington Labora- tory, 1883-84. See Clarke, F. W., and Chatard, T. M. CHATEAU, T. Technologie du batiment ; ou, etude complete des materiaux de toute espece employes dans Fart de batir, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1863-66. 8vo. CHATEAUNEUF, A. de. Architectura domestica. [In German and English.] Hamburg, 1839. 4to. CHATELIER, H. le. See Le Chatelier, H. CHATFIELD, H. An elementary essay on the principle of Masting Ships : with graphic illustrations ... of a proposed new method of proportioning masts, yards, sails, etc. Tract. 4/o. vol. 64. Devonjjort, 1834. 4to. CHATHAM. Chatham Dockyard extension : correspondence re- lating to contracts. Lond. 1870. folio. Plan of H.M. Dockyard, Marine Barracks, and Naval Hospital. Lond. 18.58. 8vo. [Another edition, corrected.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. Report on progress of "Works. Lond. 1871. folio. Proposals of Prices for performing by contract several Works in the additional buildings proposed to be made to the Marine Barracks, Chatham. Tract, folio, vol. 49. \Lond. 1800?] folio. Pi'oposals of Prices for . . . the erection and completion of a Building . . . designed for a Chapel, and to be erected in H.M. Dockyard at Chatham. Tract, folio, vol. 49. [Lond. 1800?] folio. CHATIGNIER, L. Commentaire des clauses et conditions generales imposees aux entrepreneurs pour I'execution des travaux des ponts et chaussees. Tract. 8vo. vol. 419. Paris, 1857. 8vo. CHATTAWAY, E. D. Railways : their capital and dividends, with statistics of their working in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1855-56. 8vo. CHATTERTON, A. The prevention and extinction of Fires in Flour Mills. Tract. 8vo. vol. 465. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Proposals for utilizing Water Power in Southern India. Tract. 8vo. vol. 505. Madras, 1892. 8vo. CHATTERTON, B. The " Chatterton " [Gas] Engine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 512. Lond. 1892. 8vo. CHATWOOD, S. " The Battle of the Safes." Herring, New York V. Chatwood, Bolton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 449. [1886.] 8vo. 246 CHAUBART — CHELSEA. CHAUBART, L. AmtJlioratiou des cours d'oau dits navigables par Temploi du resillage luotallique. Tract. 8vu. vol. 322. Moissar, 1881. 8vo. — — Enrochomonts defensifs des ouvrages d'art en lits de riviere et de iner et digues proprement dites. Tract. 8vo. vol. 261. Toulouse, 1870. 8vo. CHAUDIERE BRIDGE. General Specification and form f>f tender for the iron superstructure of the Chaudiei-o Jiridg(^ [over the Ottawa River]. Tract, folio, vol. 25. Montreal, 1880. folio. CHAUMONT, De. See Fran5ois-de-Chaumont. CHAUVEAU, G. Traite theorique et pratique des moteurs a gaz, etc. Paris, 1891. 8vo. CHEESEWRIGHT, F. H. Harbours, natural and artificial. Tract. 8vo. vol. 524. Land. 1891. Svo. (From tlie " Journal of the Society of Arts.") CHEFFINS, C. E. North Staffordshire Railway. A collection of working drawings of the rolling stock. [ ] folio. CHEFFINS, C. F. Map of the Railway from Birmingham to Rugby, and from Birmingham to Wolverhampton. Lond. 1837. 12mo. Map of the London and Birmingham Railway from London to Boxmoor. Lond. 1837. 12mo. Map of Railways in England and Scotland, and of the main Roads throughout the kingdom. Lond. 1844. 8vo. Maps and sections of the grand Railway Communication from Lon- don to the North. Low?. [1840?] 8vo. CHELMER. Act for Chelmer and Black water Navigation. Lond. 1793. folio CHELSEA. [Vestry Surveyor's] report on overhead Wires and Cables, underground pipes, wires, cables, etc. By T. W. E. Higgens. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Chelsea, 1891. 8vo. CHELSEA BRIDGE. Return of all engineers' reports during the last three years respecting the strength of Chelsea Bridge. Lond. 1860-62. folio. CHELSEA EMBANKMENT. Chelsea Embankment and northern low level Sewer from Chelsea Hospital to Battersea Bridge. Specification of works. (Atlas of plates.) [Met. Board of Works.] Lond. 1871. folio. Chelsea Embankment. Descriptive Statement, etc. (Met. Board of Works.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. ■ See also Thames Embankment. Lond. 1871. 8vo. CHELSEA WATERWORKS. An Act for extending the Chelsea Waterworks : and for better supplying the City of Westminster . . . with Water. Lond. 1852. folio. See London.- — [Water Supphj]. Minutes of Evidence on the Water Supply of the Metropolis and the Chelsea Waterworks Bill, 1852. CHELTENHAM — CHERBOURG. 247 CHELTENHAM. Act for improving Cheltenham. Lond. 1852. folio. Report from the Surveying Officers, and minutes of evidence on the Cheltenham Waterworks Bill. Lond. 1847. folio. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Cheltenham Water Bill. (Group C) Land. 1878. folio. CHELTENHAM AND GREAT WESTERN UNION RAILWAY COMPANY. An Address from the Directors to the Share- holders. Tract. Svo. vol. 416. Cirencester, 1836. CHELTENHAM AND OXFORD RAILWAY. A Voice from Cheltenham, addressed to all whom it may concern and in par- ticular to the Shareholdei's in the Cheltenham and Oxford, and London and Birmingham Union Railway Company. Tract. Svo. vol. 416. Lond. 1836. 8vo. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library. Tract. Svo. vol 381. Lond. 1869. 8vo. [Another edition.] Lo7id. 1886. 8vo. Quarterly Journal, etc. Lond. 1849, etc. Svo. (Title altered In 1862 to Juurnal of the Chemical Society.) CHEMIN, 0., and Verdier, F. La houille et ses derives. Paris, 1888. 8vo. CHEMIN DE PER DE LA LOIRE. Proces verbaux des assemblees generales des 26 mars et 9 avril 1843 et 31 mars 1844, et rapports, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 81. Paris, 1844. 8vo. CHEMIN DE PER D'ORLEANS. Reseau central, ligne d'Arnant au Lot. Compte-rendu statistique provisoire de la construction de la section de Murat a Vic-sur-Cere. Tract. Ato. vol. 110. Paris, 1868. 4to. CHEMIN DE PER DE PARIS A LYON ET A LA MEDITER- RANEE. Dimensions principales des locomotives et tenders. 2 vols. Paris, 1869-71. 4to. Ligne du Rhone au Mont-Cenis, section de St. Michel au Mont- Cenis. Plan et profil en long. 1871. folio. CHEMIN DE PER DU NORD. Notice descriptive des appareils electriques exposes par la compagnie a I'Exposition Internationale d'Electricite, 1881. Tract, folio, vol. 29. Lille, 1881. folio. CHEMNITZ. — Kdnigliche Hohere Geiverhschule, Baugewerlcenschule und Werhmeisterscliule. Programm zu der am 10, 11, und 12 April, •1867, zu haltenden Priifung der Schiiler. Clieniuitz, 1867. 4to. Teclmische Staatslehranstalten. Programm . . . Ostern, 1886, etc. Chemnitz, 1886, etc. 4to. CHERBOURG. — Societe des Sciences Naturelles. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque, etc. [Cherbourg,] 1852. Svo. [Another edition.] [Cherhotirg,] 1870. 8vo. ) Memoires. Vol. 1 (2, etc.). Cherbourg, 1852, etc. Svo. 248 CHERNOFF — CHESTER. CHERNOFF, D. On the structure of Cast Steel Ingots. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. [Land. 1878.] 8vo. (From the Proc. lust. Mechanical Engineers.) ReniJirks on the manufacture of Steel, and the mode of working it. Tract. 8vo. vol. 273. Lond. 1876. 8vo. CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL COMPANY. Sixth general Report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 11. [Philadel2)hia,] 1825. 8vo. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL. Report by Col. J. J. Abert. Tract, ito. vol. 74. Washington, 1874. 4to. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. The Chesapeake and Ohio Line, late the Virginia Central Line. Tract. 8vo. vol. 435. Lond. 1868. 8vo. CHESBROUGH, E. S. Chicago Sewerage. Report of the results of examinations made in i-elation to sewerage in several European cities. Tract. 8vo. vol. 106. Chicago, 1858. 8vo. CHESHIRE. An Act for conferring further powers upon the Cheshire Lines Committee, etc. Lond. 1883. folio. Cheshire Lines Act, 1890. Lond. 1890. folio. CHESHIRE, E. The results of the Census of Great Britain in 1851, with a description of the . . . processes, etc. (Appendix.) Tract. 8vo. vol 116. Lo7id. 1853. 8vo. CHESNEY, C. C, Col. Essays in modern Military Biography. Lond. 1874. 8vo. CHESNEY, F. R., Lt.-Col. The Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris 1835 and 1837. Vols. 1, 2, and 5 (vols. 3 and 4 not published). Lond. 1850. 4to. [Another edition.] Vols. 1 and 2. Lotid. 1850. 8vo. CHESNEY, G., CoL, and Cotton, Sir A. Papers on land and water caiTiage in India. Tract. 8vo. vol. 225. Madras, 1871. 8vo. CHESSON, F. W. On Manitoba. Tract. 8vo. vol. 233. Lond. 1872. 8vo. CHESTER, F. D. The Gabbros and Associated Rocks in Delaware. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 59.] Washington, 1890. 8vo. CHESTER. Guide to Chester. Chester meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1884. Visits and excursions. Tract, ito. vol. Lond. 1884. 4to. Reports on the best means of promoting the improvement of the port and harbour of Chester ; and of Robert Stevenson and Sons relative to the improvement of the navigation of the River Dee. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. Chester, 1839. 8vo. CHESTER AND BIRKENHEAD RAILWAY. Minutes of evi- dence taken before the Lords' Committee. Lond. 1837. folio. CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY. Memorial of the promoters. 1840. folio. Mr. Renders Report. Lond. 1844. folio. CHESTER — CHIANA. 249 CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY— continued. Copy of Report to the Commissioners of Railways on the fatal accident on the 24th May, 1847, by the falling of the Bridge over the River Dee. Lond. 1847. folio. CHESTER CANAL. An Act for making a navigable Cut or Canal from the River Dee within the Liberties of the City of Chester to Middlewich and Nantwich. Lond. 1777. folio. An Act for . . . enlai'ging the powers of [the Chester Canal Act of 1777]. Lond. 1777. folio. CHESTERFIELD. Chesterfield Borough Extension and Improve- ment Bill. Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Com- mittee on private bills. Tract. 8vo. vol. 267. Lond. 1876. 8vo. CHESTERFIELD AND MIDLAND COUNTIES INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS. [Formerly the Chesterfield and Derby- shire Institute op Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers.] Transactions, vol. 1 (2, etc.) Lond. 1873, etc. 8vo. CHETHAM, W. An Act for rendering valid certain Letters Patent granted to William Chetham for " Improvements in self-acting temples for Looms." Lond. 1883. folio. CHEVALIER, A. Traite elementaire des reactifs. 1822. See Payen, A., and Chevalier, A. CHEVALIER, M. L'isthme de Panama : examen historique et geographique des diflerentes directions suivant lesquelles on pour- rait le percer, . . . suivi d'un aperQu sur l'isthme de Suez. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. Paris, 1844. 8vo. Des interets materiels en France. Travaux publics. Routes : canaux : chemins de fer. Paris et Bruxelles, 1838. 8vo. Histoire et description des voies de communication aux Etats-Unis et des travaux d'art qui en dependent. (Atlas of plates.) 3 vols. Paris, 1840-41. 4to. and folio. CHEVERAU, L'Ahbe. Discours prononce a la reunion generale de la Societe frangaise pour la conservation des monuments. Tract. 4/0. vol. 57. Caen, 1837. 8vo. CHEVREUL, E. See Ebelmen, J. J. Recueil des travaux scientifiques de M. Ebehnen . . . Precede d'une notice sur M. Ebelmen par M. E. Chevreul. 1855. CHEYNE, A., Capt. Answers for Capt. Cheyne, to the report, pur- porting to be made by the aggregate committee of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, appointed ... to inquire into the affairs of the company. With Appendices containing declarations and correspondence. Tract. 8vo. vol. 7. Edinburgh, 1829. 8vo. CHEYNE, C. Narrative report of construction of Holkar State Rail- way. Tract, folio, vol. 31. Neemuch, 1878. folio. CHIANA, Biver. Profilo di livellazione della Chiana e dell' Ai*no dair argine di separazione presso Chiusi sino al mare, e della Sieve da San Piero a Sieve sino al suo sbocco in Arno, rilevato coUa direzione di A. Manetti, Direttore generale delle acque e strade, dalF ing. F. Renard. 1848. folio. 250 CHICAGO. CHICAGO. The Climate of Cliicago : l.y H. A. Hazen. Wa^hinyton, D.C., 1893. Specitications for the construction of a Tunnel eight feet in diameter, from a point on the Lake Park, to be built in an easterly direction under the bed of Lake Michigan, to a distance of about four miles. Tract, folio, vol. 41. Chicago, 1887. folio. [Commission on Drainage and Water Skjjj)!!/.] Preliminary Report, etc. Chicago, 1887. 8vo. [Exhihition of 1893.] Catalogue of Articles in the Exhibit of the Lehigh University, at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Tract. 8vo. vol . South Bethlehem, Pa., 1893. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Albums, Memoirs and Designs exhibited by the Society of Portuguese Civil Engineers. Lisbon, 1893. 8vo. Notices sur les appareils d'eclairage . . . exposes dans le Palais de I'Electricite par le Service des Phares. Paris, 1893. 8vo. Notice on Apparatus for Illumination . . . exhibited in the Palace of Electricity by the Lighthouse Service [of the French Republic]. Paris, 1893. 8vo. [Papers presented by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the International Engineering Congress will be found in the Transactions for 1893.] Proceedings of the General Committee of Engineering Societies, etc. [Chicago,] 1891. 8vo. Royal Commission for the Chicago Exhibition. Handbook of Regulations and general Information. April, 1892. Lond. 1892. 8vo. 3rd edition, August, 1892. Lond. 1892. 8vo. Final edition. May, 1893. Lond. 1893. 8vo. Royal Commission for the Chicago Exhibition. Official Catalogue of the British Section. Lond. 1893. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1893. 8vo. [Public Works.] Annual Report of the Board of Public Works, 1869-75. 7 vols. Chicago, 1869-76. 8vo. Annual Report of the Department of Public Works, 1876-88. 13 vols. Chicago, 1877-89. 8vo. [Pailways.] Terminal Commission. Report to the Mayor and Common Council of Chicago . . . Briefs . . . as to . . . the duty to the public, of Railroad Corporations whose lines cross the surface of streets in Chicago, and the remedy for its enforcement. Chicago, 1892. 8vo. [Bush Street Bridge.] Brief memorandum of its construction, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 93. Chicago, 1884. 4to. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. In- structions for employes in the Bridge and Building Department, etc. Chicago, 1893. 8vo. CHICAGO — CHILI. 251 CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY— tort- tinued. General specifications for wrought iron and steel struc- tures. July 1st, 1888. Tract, folio, vol. 42. 1888. folio. Howe Truss Bridge. Chicago, 1891. folio. CHICCHI, P. Corso teorico-practica sulla costruzione dei ponti metallici. (2 Atlases of plates.) 2" edizione. 3 vols, in 2. Torino, 1886. 8vo., 4to. and folio. [Appendix to the above.] Padova, 1882. folio. CHICKERING, J. W. Catalogue of phcenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants collected by Dr. Elliott Coues in Dakota and Montana. Tract. 8vo. vol. 474. WasMngton, 1878. 8vo. CHIESA, A., and Gambardini, B. Delle cagioni e de' rimedi delle inondazioni del Tevere. jRoma, 1746. 8vo. CHIGNECTO. Information respecting the proposed Marine Trans- port Railway across the Isthmus of Chignecto. Tract. 8vo. vol. 340. Ottawa, 1882. 8vo. CHILCOTT, J. New guide to Bristol, Clifton, and the Hotwells, etc. Bristol, 1826. 8vo. CHILD, G. W. Reports upon the Sanitary Condition of Oxfoi-dshire. 2 vols. Lond. 1874-77. 8vo. The present state of the Town Sewage Question. Tract. 8to, vol. 520. Oxford and Lond. 1865. 8vo. CHILDE, J., McAlpine, W. J., and Kirkwood, J. JP. Report on the improvement of the harbour of Montreal, and on the trade and navigation of the St. Lawrence. Tract. Ato. vol. 66. 1857. 4to. CHILDREN, J. G. On the use of a mixture of Spirit of wine and Camphine, as a light for optical purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. [1847.] 8vo. CHILDS, G. W. The Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. CHILDS, O. W. Engineer's report of the cost of constructing the Ship Canal of Nicaragua^ as estimated at New York prices. Tract. 8vo. vol. 112. New York, 1852. 8vo. Map and profile of the route for the construction of a Ship Canal . . . across the isthmus of Nicaragua, Central America. New Tori-, 1852. 8vo. Report of the survey and estimates of the cost of constructing the inter-oceanic Ship Canal ... in the state of Nicaragua, Central America. Tract. Svo. vol. 112. New York, 1852. 8vo. CHILL — [Industry and Public Works.] Anuario del Ministerio . . . 1888-90. Santiago, 1889-91. 8vo. Boletin. Santiago, 1887-90. Svo. Memoria del Ministerio . . . 1888-89. Santiago, 1888-89. 8vo. [Pailways.] Estadistica de los ferro-carriles del Estado, 1888. Valparaiso, 1889. folio. 252 CHILI — CHRISTIAN. CHILI. — [Railways] — continued. Infonne i documentos relatives al Ferroearril Trasandino . . . por D. Domingo de Toro i Herrera. Santiago, 1892. 8vo. MeDioria presentada por el Director Jeneral de los Ferrocarriles del Estado. 1888. Val2)amiHo, 1889. 8vo. CHILWORTH. Report on an Explosion at Chilworth, near Guild- ford : by Maj. V. D. Majendie. Lond. 1879. folio. Report on an Explosion at Chilworth Gunpowder Factory. Lond. 1884. folio. CHINA. A Complete View of the Chinese Empire ; exhiliited in a geographical description of that country, a dissertation on its antiquity, and a genuine . . . account of Earl Macartney's embassy, etc. Lond. 1798. 8vo. [Customs.] Customs Gazette. No. 43-60. Shanghai, 1879-84. 4to. Returns of Trade at the Treaty Ports, 1878 (1882-83). 3 vols. Shanghai, 1879-84. 4to. [Lighthouses, etc.] Return relating to Lighthouses, Light-vessels, Buoys and Beacons, 1872 (1874-77, 1879, etc.). Shanghai, 1872, etc. 4to. CHIOLICH-LOWENSBERG, H. von. Anleitung zum Wasserbau. 3 pt. Stuttgart, 1864-65. 4to. CHISHOLM, G. G. Europe. 1885. See Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. G. CHISHOLM, H. W. On Balances. [Science Lectures at South Kensington, vol. 2.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. On the Science of Weighing and Measuring, etc. Lond. 1877. 8vo. CHLADNI, E. F. F. Traite d'acoustique. Paris. 1809. 8vo. CHONTALES GOLD AND SILVER MINING COMPANY. Re- port of the directors. Tract. 8vo. vol. 440. Lond. 1866. 8vo. CHORLEY. An Act for the better supplying with Water the Town of Chorley, etc. Lond. 1846. folio. An Act to authorize the Waterworks Company to raise a further sum of money (1851). Lond. 1852. folio. CHOWNE, W. D. Experimental researches on the Movement of atmospheric Air in Tubes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 103. [Lond. 1855.] 8vo. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society.) CHRETIEN, J. Chemin de fer electrique des boulevards de Paris. Tract, ito. vol. 85. Paris, 1881. 4to. CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. Correspondence relating to the erection of Government Buildings in Christchurch. Christchurch, 1875. folio. CHRISTIAN, G. J. Traite de mecanique industrielle, ou expose de la science de la mecanique, etc. (Atlas.) 4 vols. Paris, 1822-25. 4to. CHRISTIE — CHURCH. 253 CHRISTIE, J. H., Capt. Report on the Anchorage of the proposed Harbour of refuge at Holyhead. Tract, folio. Liverpool, 1847. folio. CHRISTIE, S. H. On Magnetic Influence in the Solar Rays. Tract. 4:t0. vol. 15. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) Lond. 1826. 4tO. CHRISTIE, W. B. European Hospital, Darjeeling. With drawings. Tract, folio, vol. 41. [1885.] folio. CHRISTIE, W. H. M. Universal Time. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. Lond. 1886. 8vo. Astronomical . . . Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. See Greenwich Observatory. CHRISTOPHER, J. C. Notes of a visit to Northwoods, Gloucester- shire. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88. Lond. 1848. 8vo. CHRISTY, F. C. Improvement of the Water Communication between Melbourne and Hobson's Bay. Tract. 8vo. vol. 305. Melbourne, 1879. 8vo. CHRISTY, S. B., Prof. On the losses in roasting Gold Ores, and the volatility of gold. " [New Yorl; 1889.] 8vo. (From the Trans. Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers.) Quicksilver-condensation at New Almaden, California. Tract. 8vo. vol. 415. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo. CHRISTY, T., and Vetillart, M. M. New commercial Plants and Drugs. Part 1. Fibres : their botanical sources, etc. Part 2. New plants and drugs : their cultivation and uses. Tract. 8vo. vol. 336. Lond. 1882. 8vo. CHRISTY, W. J. A practical treatise on the Joints made and used by Builders. Lond. 1882. Svo. CHROCKATT DE SA, J. Brazilian Railways : their history, legis- lation and development. Bio de Janeiro, 1893. 8vo. CHROCKATT DE SA, J., and Thompson, E. A. G. Mappa do Estado. Minas Geraes. [Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil.] Pio do Janeiro, [1893.] 4to. CHUBB, J. On the construction of Locks and Keys. Tract. 8vo. vol. 502. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Low^. [1850.] 8vO. CHURCH, Dr. Drawing of Dr. Church's London and Birmingham coach, built at Birmingham, 1833. Tract, ito. vol. 73. [1835?] 4to. CHURCH, Prof. A. H. Cantor Lectures on some points of contact between the scientific and artistic aspects of Pottery and Porcelain. Lond. 1881. 8vo. The Laboratory Guide for Agricultural Students. Lond. 1882. 8vo. CHURCH, G. E. The route to Bolivia via the River Amazon. Tract. 8vo. vol. 322. Lond. 1877. 8vo. CHURCH, J. Inaugural address as President of the Society of Engineers, 5th February, 1883. Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Lond. 1883. Svo. 254 CHURCH — CIALDI. CHURCH, J. A. The Comstock Lode : its foi-m.-itiou ;iiul history. Neic York, 1879. 4to. CHURCH, J. P. Mechanics of Engineering. New York, 1888. 8vo. CHURCH, W. C. The life of John Ericsson. 2 vols. Loml 1890. 8vo. CHURTON, E. The Railroad Book of England. Land. 1851. 8vo. CIALDI, A. A^'^-iso ai na^'iganti ed agl' idraulici sul Poi'tosaido, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 218. Boma, 1872. 8vo. Cenni sul moto ondoso del mare e sulle correnti di esso. Tract. 4:fo. vol. 50. Boma, 1856. 4to. Considerazione teorico-pratiche iutorno ai movimenti ed agli etieti del vento e del mare specialmente presso il porto di Genova. Tract. 4:to. vol. 78. Boma, 1876. 4to. Dei movement! del mare. Boma, 1876. 8vo. Delle barche a vapore e di alquante proposizioni per rendere piii sicura e piii agevole la navigazione del Tevere e della sua foce in Fiumicino. Boma, 1845. 8vo. Le dighe de Portosaido ed il loi*o insabbiamento sino al giorno della solenne apertura del bosforo di Suez. Tract. 8vo. vol. 173. Boma, 1869. 8vo. Les jetees de Port Said et leur ensablement. Tract, ito. vol. Gl. Borne, 1869. 4to. Continuazione della storia degii insabbiamenti in Portosaido, etc. (Suez Canal Tracts, Vol. I.) Milano, 1870. 8vo. Effetti del moto ondoso allegati nella geografia fisica del mare e sua meteorologia, scritta dal Maury . . . Lettera al direttore della " Revista Marittima." Tract. 8vo. vol. 218. Boma, 1872. 8vo. II porto di Genova e il voto del Consiglio superiore dei lavori pubblici innanzi alia scienza ed all' arte. Tract. 4:to. vol. 78. Boma, 1876. 4to. [Another edition.] Milano, 1878. 8vo. Impressioni intorno . . . al porto di Genova. Tract, ito. vol. 78. Boma, 1876. 4to. L' ingegno di Fez'dinando de Luca. Tract. 8vo. vol. 196. Boma, 1870. 8vo. Le phenomene du flot courant a propos du naufrage de la fregate russe Alexandre-Newski. Tract. 8vo. vol. 177. Bome, 1869. 8vo. Les ports-chenaux et Port-Said. Bome, 1870. 8vo. (Suez Canal Tracts, Vol. I.) Note sur les moles a piles et acceaux dans les ponts a bassin, et sur I'usage qu'en ont fait les Romains, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. St. Germain, 1879. 8vo. CIALDI — CINCINNATI. 255 CIALDI, A. — continued. Notice sur les travaux de M. le comin. A. Cialdi. Tract, ito. vol. 80. [1877.] 4to. Nozioni preliminari per un ti-attato sulla costruzione dei porti nel Mediterraneo. Tract. 8vo. vol. 241. Boma, 1874. 8vo. (From the " Gioruale dell' Mg. Arche. ludust.") [Another edition.] Boma, 1874. 8vo. [Another edition.] Tract. 8vo. rol 251. Milano, 1875. 8vo. Osservazioni idraulico-nautiche sui porti Neroniano ed Innocen- ziano in Anzio. Tract. 8vo. vol. 280. Boma, 1848. 8vo. Port Said : lettre a M. F. de Lesseps. Borne, 1888. 8vo. (Suez Canal Tracts, Vol. I.) Risultate di studi idrodinamici, nautici e commerciali sul porto di Livorno e sul miglioramento ed ingrandimento del medesimo. Appendice seconda. Tract. 8vo. vol. 140. Boma, 1855. 8vo. Se portolevante escluda il fluttocorrente come causa del suo insabbiamento. Tract. 4:to. vol. 63. Boma, 1870. 4to. Sintesi di fatti per dimostrare come il moto ondoso del mare anziche la corrente littorale e la cagione precipua del protendi- mento delle spiagge e della ostruzione de' poi'ti, applicandone il risultamento all' ingresso del bosforo di Suez nella rada di Pelusio. (Suez Caual Tracts, Vol. II.) Boma, 18Q0. 8vo. Sul moto ondoso del mare e su le correnti di esso specialmente su quelle littorali. Boma, 1866. 8vo. Les ports-canaux : article extrait de I'ouvrage sur le mouA'ement des ondes, sur les courants de la mer, et specialement sur les courants littoi-aux. Tract. 8vo. vol. 160. Borne, 1866. 8vo. Sul porto-canale di Pesaro, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 140. Pesaro, 1857. 8vo. CIALDI, A., and Others. Relazione . . . intorno all' ingrandimento ed ordinamento migliore del Porto di Genova. Tract, ito. vol. 78. Firenze, 1876. 4to. CIMINO, G, and Verdinois, C. Rock Dredging Works in some Italian Harbours (Leghorn, Genoa, Palermo). [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] [Lond. 1893.] 8vo. CINCINNATI.— iJx7«'6«7/oH. Report of the Board of Commissioners. Cincinnati, 1875. 8vo. Millers' International Exhibition. Report of the Expert on the test trials of Automatic Cut-otf Steam Engines at the First Millers' International Exhibition, Cincinnati, June, 1880. Tract. 8vo. vol. 470. Cincinnati, 1880. CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Report on the progre&s of work, cost of construction, etc. Cincinnati, 1875. 8vo. CINCINNATI, WILMINGTON, AND JANESVILLE RAIL- ROAD. President's reports dated June 1 and May 20, 1857, and May 18, 1858, and Receiver's repoi't dated May 1, 1859. Tract. 8vo. vol. 123. [1859.] 8vo. 256 CINI — CLAEY8. CINI, T. Del raodo di niigliorare 1' arte del ferro in Toscano. Tract. 8w. vol 391. Firenze, 1849. 8vo. CIPOLLETTI, C. Canale Villoresi. Trad. 8i'o. vol. 417. Milano, 1886. 8vo. CIRENCESTER.— i?o//aZ Agricultural College. Prospectus, 1886- 88, (1890.) 1886-90. 8vo. CISNEROS, F. J. Ferro-carril de Antioquia. New York, 1878. 8vo. Ferro-carril del Cauca. Report, etc. New York, 1878. 8vo. Ferro-carriles de via estrecha. Nueva York, 1872. 8vo, Girardot Railway. Report and estimate, with contract and map. Tract. 8vo. vol. 453. Loml. and New York, 1887. 8vo. La Dorada Railway. Report, contracts, estimates, etc. Tract. 8w. vol. 453. Lond. 1887. 8vo. Reglamentos para la organizacion de los trabajos de construccion y de servicio de explotacion de ferrocarriles. Tract. 8vo. vol. 393. Bogota, 1884. 8vo. ■ Report and documents on the Bolivar Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 453. Lond. 1887. 8vo. CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Programmes, reports, etc., 1885-6. Lond. 1884-86. 8vo. CITY OF LONDON COLLEGE. Calendar. Session 1885-86, (1886-87, etc.). Lond. 1885, etc. 8vo. CITY OF PARIS, S.S. Copy of Report of the Inquiry into the causes of the accident which recently happened to the passenger ship "City of Paris." Lond. 1890. folio. CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' SOCIETY. Trans- actions. 1872-73—1879-80, (1882-83, etc.). (Several Papers of 1879-80 wanting.) Lond. 1874-78, 1883, etc. 8vo. CIVIL ENGINEERS, American Society of. See American Society OF Civil Engineers. CIVIL ENGINEERS, Institution of. See Institution op Civil Engineers. CIVIL ENGINEERS' CLUB OF THE NORTH-WEST. Incor- porated in 1880 with the "Western Society of Engineers." Papers read before the Club. Vol. 1, 3, 4. Chicago, 1876-79. 8vo. • Partial Report of the Committee on adoption of the Metric System. Tract. 8vo. vol. 471. [Chicago,] 1878. 8vo. CIVIL ENGINEERS OF IRELAND. See Institution of Civil Engineers op Ireland. CLAEYS, J. Les vitesses simultanees du piston et du tiroir des machines a vapeur. Tract. 8vo. vol. 484. Gand, 1889. 8vo. CLAEYS — CLARK. 257 CLAEYS, J. — continued. Nota su di un. diagramma rappresentante le posizioni siraultanee dello stantuffo e della cassetta. Tract. 8vo. vol. 479. Milano, 1888. 8vo. Nouveau systeme de machine a vapeur a detente variable automatique. Tract, folio, vol. 46. Gand, 1888. folio. (Lithographed.) CLANNY, W. R. On the Safety Lamps of M. Mueseler and Dr. Reid Clanny. 1843. See Mueseler, — , and Clanny, W. R. Priority of the invention of the Safety-Lamp. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Gateshead, 1844. 8vo. CLAPEYRON, B. P. E. Vues politiques . . . sur les travaux publics de France. 1832. See Lam6, G., and Clapeyron, E. CLAPP, G. H., and Hunt, A. E. On the Inspection of Materials of Construction in the United States. Tract. 8vo. vol. 495. [Land.] 1890. 8vo. CLARE, J. Life-preserving Ships : a broadside for the Admiralty. Tract. Svo. vol. 177. Lond. 1860. 8vo. CLARE, P. Report on the quantity of Rain falling along the lines of the Rochdale, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Peak Forest Canals. Tract. Svo. vol. 194. Manchester, 1854. 8vo. CLARENCE, Biver, N.S.W. Report . . . relating to the proposed improvements to the entrance of the River Clarence. Sydney, 1890. folio. CLARK, D. K. The Construction of Roads and Streets. 1877. See Law, H., and Clark, D. K. An elementary treatise on Steam and the Steam Engine, etc. Land. 1885. Svo. The Exhibited Machinery of 1862 ; a cyclopitdia of the machinery represented at the International Exhibition. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Fuel : its combustion and economy, etc. Lond. 1879. 8vo. London and Mid-Western Railway : statistical and engineering evidence in favour of this railway, founded on the observed mag- nitude and development of traffic on railways now in operation. Tract, ito. vol. 52. Lond. 1853. 4to. A Manual of Rules, tables, and data for Mechanical Engineers. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Railway Machinery : a treatise on the mechanical engineering of railways, embracing the principles and construction of rolling and fixed plant. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1855. folio. The Steam Engine : a treatise on Steam Engines and Boilers, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1892. Svo. Specification for " Improvements in Filter presses." Tract, ito. vol. 106. Lond. 1887. 4to. Tramways : their construction and working. (Supplementary volume.) 2 vols. Lond. 1878, 82. 8vo. CLARK, D. K., and Colburn Z. Recent practice in the Loco- motive Engine. Glasgow, 1860= folio. S 258 CLARK. CLARK, E. The liritanni.i and Conway tul)ular Bridges, etc. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Loud. 1850. 8vo. and folio. The Britannia Tul>ular Bridge, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 344. MarJow, 1881. 8vo. Clarence Hydraulic Dock at Malta. [MS. Plates and photo- graphs.] 1872. 4to. Letter to Captain Huish, as to proposed improvements in the Electric Telegraph System, for the service of the L. and N. W. 11. Co. Tract. 8vo. vol. 145. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Report upon the accident to the Hydraulic Canal lift at Anderton. Tract, folio, vol. 29. Lond. 1882. folio. A Visit to South America. Loiid. 1878, 8vo. CLARK, E., Standpield, J., and Clark. Hydraulic Lift at La Louviere, on the Canal du Centre, near Mons, Belgium. Clai'k, Standfield and Clark, engineers. Tract, folio, vol. 43. Lond. 1889. folio. Hydraulic Lift at Les Fontinettes, on the NeufFosse Canal, near St. Omer, France. Clark, Standfield and Clark, engineers. Tract, folio, vol. 43. Lond. 1888. folio. Improved injection entrances to Hydraulic Presses. Tract, folio. vol. 28. (Lithographed.) Lu7ld. 1882. folio. CLARK, E. H. Specification of a new Aerating Flowei'-Pot. Tract. 8vo. vol. 413. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Specification of a new means of Propelling Ships, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 93. Lond. 1884. 4to. Specification of improvements in Floating Breakwaters. Tract. 8«;(». vol. 413. Lond. 1884. 8vo. CLARK, Mrs. E. T. L. Important . . . invention. " Improvements in hardening and preserving Plaster-Paris Casts and moulds. Tract, folio, vol. 41. Lond. 1887. folio. CLARK, G., M.E. The Industries of Ulster. Tract. 4to. vol. 92. Belfast, 1882. 4to. CLARK, George. Model Lodging-houses in France : a new system, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 181. Lond. 1855. 8vo. CLARK, George T. Report to the General Board of Health on . . . the Sewerage, Drainage, and Supply of Water, and the sanitary condition of the borough of Newport. Tract. 8vo. vol. 133. Lond. 1850. 8vo. CLARK, H. J. Trinidad : a field for emigration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 426. Port-of-Sj)ain, 1886. 8vo. CLARK, J. E. Ferrocarriles central de Corrientes y de Monte-Caseros a Misiones. Buenos Aires, 1887. 8vo. CLARK, J. M. A new system of laying out Railway Turnouts instantly, by inspection from tables. Neio York, 1884. 8vo. CLARK, L. A Dictionary of Metric and other useful Measures. Lond. 1891. 8vo. CLAKK. 259 CLARK, L. — continued. An. elementary ti^eatise on Electrical Measurement. Lond. 1868. 8vo. . Traite elementaii*e de la mesure electrique. Tract, 8vo. vol. 380. Paris, 1872. 8vo. Trattato elementario delle misurazioni elettriche. Translated from the English by L. T. Picco. Genova, 1874. 12mo. Experimental investigation of the laws which govern, the Propa- gation of the Electric Current in long submarine Telegraph Cables, conducted for the joint committee appointed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade and the Atlantic Telegraph Company. Lond. 1861. folio. (From the Report of the Committee.) Inaugural address before the Society of Telegraph Engineers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 249. Lond. 1875. 8vo. On the Birmingham Wire-Gauge. Papers read before the mechanical section of the British Association ... in September, 1867, and ... in August, 1869. Tract. 8vo. vols. 182 and 168. Lond. 1867, 69. 8vo. The Transit Instrument. Lond. 1882. 8vo. [Another edition.] Lond. 1884. 8vo. Transit Tables for 1883-87. Lond. 1883-87. 8vo. CLARK, L., and Sabine, R. Electrical Tables and Eormulaj, for the use of telegraph inspectors and operators. Lond. 1871. 12mo. CLARK, N. G., and Others. A scale of prices for job work, on old ships : carefully arranged and compiled for the shipwrights of the river Thames. Lond. 1825. 8vo. CLARK, Dr. T. A practical view of the amendments needful in the existing AVeights and Measures of the United Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 57. Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo. On the application of Hot-Blast in the manufacture of Cast Iron. Tract, ito. vol. 35. Edinburgh, 1835. 4to. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) CLARK, W. Adelaide Waterworks. Adelaide, 1877. folio. Drainage of the town and port of Adelaide. Adelaide, 1878. folio. Drainage scheme for Christchurch and suburbs. Folio. Christchiirch, 1878. folio. Letters patent for his Invention of " Improvements in Lubi'icating apparatus." Tract, ito. vol. 50. Lond. 1858. 4to. . Report on Goulburn Water Supply. 1877. See Goulburn. ■ Report on the Drainage of Madras. Tract, folio, vol. 26. Madras, 1875. folio. Report on the Drainage of the City of Wellington and disposal of the sewage. Tract, folio, vol. Wellington, 1878. folio. s 2 260 CLARK — CLARKE. CLARK, "W. — contmned. See India. — Calcutta. [Drninage.] Letter from the Municipal Commissioners, forwarding Report ... by W. Clark. 1855. CLARK, W. B. Correlation Papers. — Eocene. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 83.] WaHhingUm, 1891. 8vo. The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 97.] Washington, 1892. 8vo. CLARK, W. T. An account, with illustrations, of the Suspension Bridge across the river Danube, uniting Pesth with Buda. (Atlas of plates.) Lond. 1852-53. Svo. CLARKE, Sir A., Lieut.-Oen., B.E. Minute on the Engineer Estab- lishment of the Indian P. W. D. 1877. /See India. — [Engineers.'] Report on the [Suez] Maritime Canal, etc. 1870. See Richards, G. H., and Clarke, A. Report on the Vyrnwy Masonry Dam. Tract. 8vo. vol. 417. Liverpool, 1886. 8vo. CLARKE, A. R., Col., B.E. Account of the observations and calcu- lations, of the principal triangulation ; and of the figure, dimensions and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived therefrom, etc. (Ordnance Trigonometi'ical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland.) 2 vols. Lond. 1858. 4to. Determination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest, longitude stations on the great European arc of parallel ; being an appendix to the account of the principal triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1867. 4to. Geodesy. Oxford, 1880. 8vo. CLARKE, C. Observations on the intended Tumiel beneath the river Thames. Gravesend, 1799. 4to. CLARKE, C. C. P. The true method of Representation in Large Constituencies. Tract. Svo. vol. 485. New York, 1873. Svo. CLARKE, E. C. City Scavengering at Boston. Tract. 8vo. vol. 325. [1879.] Svo. Main Drainage works of the city of Boston. Boston, 1885. Svo. 3rd edition. Boston, 1888. 8vo. CLARKE, E. D. A syllabus of lectures in Mineralogy. Cambridge, 1807. Svo. CLARKE, F. W. A Table of Specific Gravity for solids and liquids. (Constants of Natui'e : Part I.) New edition, enlarged. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics . . . during the year 1883-84 (1884-85 1889-90). [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin Nos. 9, 27, 42, 60, 64, 78.] Washington, 1884-91. Svo. Weights, Measures and Money of all nations. Netv York, 1876. Svo. CLARKE, G. R. The Reform of the Sewers. . . or, manure wasted and land starved. Tract. Svo. vol. 156. Lond. 1860. Svo. CLARKE. 261 CLARKE, G. S. Perspective explained and illustrated. Loud. 1884. 8vo. Practical Geometry, Perspective and Engineering Drawing. 2nd edition. (Atlas.) 2 vols. Lond. 1884. 8vo. and 4to. The principles of Graphic Statics, Lond. 1880. 4to. CLARKE, H. Colonization, Defence, and Railways, in our Indian empire. Tract. 8vo. vol. 123. Lond. 1857. 8vo. A comparison of Morecambe Bay, Barrow-in-Furness, North Lancashire, West Cumberland, etc. 1836 and 1883. Tract. 8vo. vol. 393. Barroiv, 1884. 8vo. Contributions to Railway Statistics in 1845, (1846-48). Tract. 8vo. vols. 69 and 82. Lond. 1846, 49. 8vo. On Copper Smelting. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Ottoman Railway Company. Report on the traffic of Smyrna. Tract. 8vo. vol. 317. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Practical and theoretical considerations on the Management of Railways in India. Tract. 8vo. vol.82. [1847?] 8vo. The Railway Portfolio. Vol. 1. Lond. 1846. 8vo. The statistics of Belgian Railway Traffic in 1844 and 1845. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Theory of Investment in Railway Companies. Tract. 8vo. vol. 77. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Two articles on the Gauge Question, and on the performance of the Great Western leviathan locomotive. Tract. 8vo. vol. 77. Lond. 1846. 8vo. CLARKE, H. W., Col. Calculations to ascertain the transverse strength of a Railway Rail. Tract, folio, vol. 46. Calcutta, 1890. folio. Note on Elephants. Report on the transporting of elephants by railway. Tract, folio, vol. 25. Calcutta, 1879. folio. CLARKE, J. F. M. The Geology of the Bridgwater Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. Bath, 1891. 8vo. Three weeks in Norfolk ; being a portion of the " Rover's " log. Lond. 1887. 8vo. CLARKE, J. M. On the Higher Devonian Faunas of Ontario County, New York. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 16.] Washington, 1885. 8vo. CLARKE, T. C. An account of the iron Railway Bridge across the Mississippi river, at Quincy, 111. New York, 1869. 4to. The Greatest Bridge in the World [i.e. the Forth Bridge]. Tract. 8vo. vol. 510. NeiD York, 1891. 8vo. CLARKE, T. C, and Others. The American Railway : its construc- tion, development, management, and appliances. New York, 1889. 8vo. 262 CLARKE — CLAUSIUS. CLARKE, T. C, Reeves, D., and Co. Album of designs of the Phtt'nixville Bridge Works. (Supploment.) Tract. 4to. vols. 83 and 84. Philadelphia, 1873. 4to. CLARKE, Ilei\ W. B. On the progress of Gold Discovery in Aus- tralasia from 1860 to 1871. Tract, ^vo. vol. 263. Sydney, 1871. 8vo. Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. 4th edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 390. Si/dney, 1878. 8vo. CLARKSON, E. The Suez Navigable Canal, for accelerated com- munication with India. 2nd edition. Tract. 8ro. vol. 163. Loud. 1843. 8vo. CLARKSON, T. Researches on the Dry Concentration of the Sulphides of the Barrier Range, New South Wales, with a pro- posed system of treatment by the Clark son-Stanfield Concentrator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 530. [Land. 1893.] 8vo. CLAUDE, G. Les inconvenients des canalisations a courant continu. Tract. 4to. vol. 116. [Paris, 1892.] 4to. CLAUDEL, J. Formules, tables et renseignements pratiques ; aide- memoire des ingenieurs, etc. 5""^ edition. Paris, 1860. 8vo. Introduction theorique et pratique a la science de Fingenieur. 2""" edition. Paris, 1857. 8vo. La theorie des paralleles selon les geometres jaj^onais. Tract. Sro. vol. 245. Bruxelles, 1875. 8vo. CLAUDEL, J., and Laroque, L. Pratique de Fart de construire : ma^onnerie, terrasse, et platrerie. 2™*= edition. Paris, 1859. 8vo. CLAUDET, A. A. Claudet, F.R.S. : a memoir. Tract. Svo. vol. 183. Lond. 1868. 8vo. CLAUSIUS, R. J. E. Die mechanische Wiirmetheorie. 2 Bde. Zweite Auflage. Braunschweig, 1876-79. 8vo. The Mechanical Theory of Heat, with its applications , . . Edited by T. A. Hurst, with an introduction by Professor Tyndall. Lond. 1867. 8vo. The Mechanical Theory of Heat : translated by W. R. Brown. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Theorie mecanique de la chaleur. 2 vols. Paris, 1868-69. 8vo. • Examen des objections faites par M. Hirn a la theorie cinetique des gaz. Tract. Svo. vol. 420. Bruxelles, 1886. 8vo. Die Potential-function und das Potential. Tract. Svo. vol. 272. Leipzig, 1877. Svo. ■ Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen den Einheiten des Magnetis- mus und der Electricitat. Tract. Svo. vol. 468. Leipzig, 1882. 8vo. ■ ttber den zweiten Hauptsatz der mechanischen Warmetheorie. Tract. Svo. vol. 281. Braunschweig, 1867. 8vo. Ueber die Ableitung eines neuen elektrodynamischen Grund- gesetzes. Tract. Ato. vol. 96. [Berlin, 1877.] 4to. GLAUSIUS — CLEEMAN. 263 CLAUSIUS, R. J. E. — continued. Ueber die Anwendung des electro- dynamischen Potentials zur Bestimmung der ponderomotorischen und electromotorischen Kriifte, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 331. [Bonn, 1880.] 8vo. Ueber die Behandlung der zwischen linearen Stromen und Leitern stattfindenden ponderomotorischen und electromotorischen Kriifte nach dem electrodynamischen Grundgesetze. Tract. Svo. vol. 281. Bonn, 1876. Svo. Ueber die verschiedenen Maasssysteme zur Messung der electri- schen und magnetischen Grossen. Tract. Svo. vol. 337. Bonn, 1882. Svo. Zur Theorie der dynamoelectrischen Maschinen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 468. Leipzig, 1883. Svo. On the Theoiy of the Dynamo-Electric Machine. Translated and abstracted by Paget Higgs. Tract. 8vo. vol. 479. Bond. 1884. Svo. Zur Theorie der Kraftiibertragung durch dynamoelektrische Maschinen. Tract. Svo. vol. 380. Leipzig, [1884.] Svo, CLAUSSEN, E. Die Kleinmotoren und die Kraftiibertragung von einer Centralen : ihre wirthschaf tliche Bedeutung fiir das Klein- gewei'be, ihre Konstruktion und Kosten, etc. Berlin, 1891. Svo. CLAUSTHAL. — Konigliche BergaJcademie. Programm, 1890-91. Leipzig, 1890. Svo. CLAUZEL, G. Etude sur le rivetage. Paris, 1882. 4to. CLAVERING, R. An essay on the construction and building of Chimneys. Tract. Svn. vol. 211. Lond. 1779. Svo. CLAY, Sir W., Bart. Remarks on the Water Supply of London. Tract. Svo. vol. 109. Lond. 1849. Svo. CLAY CROSS COLLIERIES. Report by A. Morley . . . on . . . a fatal accident . . . 1882. Lond. 1SS2. folio. CLAYE, A. D-. See Durand-Claye, A. CLAYE, L. D-. See Durand-Claye, L. CLAYTON, A. G., Capi. Notes on Gas Supply and distribution. Chatham, 1883. Svo. Notes on Joinery : doors and windows. Chatham, 1883. Svo. CLAYTON, J. Observations on the proposed Decimal Coinage. Tract. Svo. vol. 202. Lond. 1856. Svo. CLAXTON, Capt. B.N. A description of the " Great Britain " Steam- ship. Tract. Svo. vol. 280. Bristol, 1845. Svo. CLEARING HOUSE. See Railway Clearing House. CLEATOR AND WORKINGTON JUNCTION RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade ... on the Classification of Mer- chandise Traffic, and Schedule of Maximum Rates, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. CLEEMAN, T. M. The Railroad Engineer's Practice. New York, 1880. Svo. 2nd edition. New York, 1883. Svo. 264 CLEGG — CLEMENTS. CLEGG, S. Description of S. Clegg's dry Gas-meter. Tract. 8vo. vol. bS. LoHr/. [1838?] 8vo. Description of S. Clegg's patent Atmospheric Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 81. Loud. 1839. 8vo. CLEGG, S., and Samuda, J. Atmospheric Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 138. Lo7id. 1840. 8vo. CLEGG, S., Jan. Architecture of Machinery ; an essay on propi-iety of form and proportion. Lond. 1842. 4to. Introductory lecture on Civil Engineering and Architecture. Tract. 8vo. vol. 84. Lond. 1849. 8vo. —— Lectures on Architecture. [Lond. 1852.] 4to. A practical treatise on the manufacture and distribution of Coal Gas. Lojid. 1841. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1853. 4to. 3rd edition. Lond. 1859. 4to. CLEGRAM, W. Sailing directions for New Shoreham Harbour. Tract. 8vo. vol. 38. 1823. 8vo. CLEGRAM, W. B. Gloucester and Berkeley Canal. Report on Mr. E. Leader Williams's pamphlet, entitled " The Severn as it was, is, and ought to be." Tract, folio. 1863. folio. CLEGRAM, W. B., and Others. Report on Wilts and Berks Canal and Thames and Isis Navigation. Tract, folio, vol. 45. Gloucester, 1883. folio. CLELAND, J. Description of the Banquet given in honour of Sir R. Peel, Bart., M.P., on his election as Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow : with plans of the temporary banqueting hall. Glasgow, 1837. 4to. Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the city of Glasgow and county of Lanark, for the government census of 1831, etc. Glasgoiv, 1831. folio. Exemplilication of the Weights and Measures of the city of Glasgow and the under ward of Lanarkshire ; together with an account of the weights and measures of several towns in Scotland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 15. Glasgow, 1822. 8vo. A historical account of Bills of Mortahty, and the probability of human life in Glasgow and other large towns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 19. Glasgow, 1836. 8vo. Report to the Hon. the Lord Provost ... of Glasgow, respecting the operation of boring for Coal in the Green of Glasgow. Tract. Ato. vol. 16. Glasgow, 1822. 4to. CLEMENCEAU, P. Les machines dynamo-electriques de leur origine jusqu'aux derniers types industriels. Pan's, [1889?] .8vo. CLEMENTS, E. Taxes and Tolls upon the Inland Navigations of the United Kingdom. [5th Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.'\ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo CLEMES — CLEVELAND. 265 CLEMES, J. P. Reports on the Silver Mines of Almada, etc. 1867. See Petherick, J,, and Clemes, J. P. CLEMINSHAW, C. G. Gas : its price and quality. Tract. 8ro. vol. 283. Lond. 1865. 8vo. CLERC, A. Memoire sur une nouvelle theorie de la resistance des poutres. Tract. 8vo. vol. 412. Paris, 1880. 8vo. Notes sur les machines Dubois et Frangois permettant de sup- primer I'emploi de la poudre dans I'exploitation des mines de charbon a grisou. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Paris, [1883.] 8vo. CLERCQ, G. A. de. La pisciculture et le repeuplement des eaux beiges. Tract. 8vo. vol. 349. Bruxelles, 1881. 8vo. CLERGEAU, E. Guide pratique du chauffeur et du mecanicien sur les bateaux-torpilleurs. Paris, 1888. 8vo. CLERICETTI, C, Prof. II ponte-acquedotto . . . di Spoleto. Tract. 4:to. vol. 93. Milano, 1854. 4to. II pi'incipio della cerniera nelle volte. Tract. 8vo. vol. 245. Milano, 1873. 8vo. R. Istituto Tecnico Superiore. Esperienze sui materiali. Seconda serie 1871. Esperienze sui calcestruzzi. Tract. 4:to. vol. 69. Milano, 1871. 4to. Recerche sull' architettura Lombarda. Tract. 8vo. vol. 245. Milano, 1869. 8vo. Scienza delle costruzioni. Sulla determinazione dei coefficenti di sforzo specifico pel ferro, indipendentemente dai numeri di Wohler. Tract. 8vo. vol. 472. Milano, 1883. 8vo. Teoria dei composti in generale e specialmente di moderni ponti sospesi americani. Tract. Ato. vol. 83. Milano, 1878. 4to. In memoria del Profre. Ingre. C. Clericetti morto il 30 maggio, 1887. Tract. 8vo. vol. 449. Milano, 1887. 8vo. CLERK, D. The Gas Engine. Lond. 1886. 8vo. CLERK, H., Colonel P. A. Experiments on Friction. Tract. 8vo. vol. 165. Woolwich, 1868. 8vo. On the application of Hydraulic Buffers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 166. Woolwich, 1868. 8vo. CLERK-MAXWELL, J. See Maxwell, J. C. CLERKS OF WORKS ASSOCIATION of Great Britain. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Lond. 1883, etc. 8vo. CLERKS OF WORKS SOCIETY. Reports . . . with cash state- ments for the years 1842-3, 6, 7, and 8, and Catalogues of the Books in the Library. Tract. 8vo. vols. 68 and 86. Lond. 1843-49. 8vo. CLEVELAND, Tories. Notes on the industries of Cleveland and South Durham, prepared for the use of the Iron and Steel Insti- tute, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Middleshrough, 1885. 8vo. CLEVELAND, Mount. Reports on the Specimen [Gold] Reef, near Mount Cleveland and the Corinna Gold Field : by G. Thureau. [Rohart,] 1884. folio. 2G6 CLEVELAND — CLOOKMAKERS. CLEVELAND, Ohio.- Civil Eiujineers' Clnh. Tiuiisiictions. See Association of ExtaNKEKiNci Societies. Journal. Civil Enriineers' Convention. Proceedings. Bulletin 2. Tract. Svo. vol. 508. Cleveland, 1885. 8vo. Em/inecriiKj Societies. Proceedings of the Council of Engineering Societies on National Public Works, held at Cleveland, Ohio. Bulletins, Nos. 13 and 15. Tract. 8vo. vol. 508. Cleveland, 1886. 8vo. CLEVELAND, Queensland. Cleveland Branch Railway. Report from the Select Committee, etc. Brisbane, 1886. folio. CLEVELAND INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS. Proceedings, 1870, etc. Middlesbrough, 1870, etc. 8vo. CLIFFORD, E. Arithmetic considerations on Marquoi's parallel scales and the protractor. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Lond. 1841. 8vo. ■ Fractional Arithmetic reviewed. Lond. 1842. 12mo. CLIFFORD, W. K. The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. 3rd edition. [International Scientific Series.] Lond. 1822. Svo. Elements of dynamic : an introduction to the study of motion and rest. Part I. Kinematic. Lond. 1878. 8vo. Lectures and Essays : edited by L. Stephen and F. Pollock. With an Introduction [containing a biographical notice of the author and selections from his letters] by F. Pollock. 2nd edition. Lond. 1886. 8vo. Mathematical Papers. Edited [with a preface, biographical and bibliographical] by R. Tucker, etc. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Seeing and Thinking. [A series of Lectures on the Eye and Brain.] Lond. 1890. 8vo. CLIFTON, E. C, and Grimaux, A. A new Dictionary of the French and English languages. New edition. 2 vols. Pans, [1886?] folio. CLIFTON BRIDGE. A Bill for building a Bridge over the River Avon from Clifton ... to the opposite side, etc. Lond. 1830. folio. CLIFTON HALL COLLIERY. Report by Arnold Morley upon the explosion which occurred on the 18th of June, 1885, in the Trencherborne Mine of the Clifton Hall Colliery. Lond. 1885. folio. CLINTON, H. F. Fasti Hellenici, etc. O.vford, 1824. 4to. CLISSOLD, S. A letter addressed to the Earl of Stradbroke, as to the expediency of improving the harbour of Southwold, by means of the river Blyth. Tract. Svo. vol. 75. Ealesworth, 1840. 8vo. CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY. Catalogue of the Library of the Company. Lond. 1830. Svo. CLOCKMAKERS — CLYDE. 267 CLOCKMAKERS' COMV ANY— continued. A statement of the various proceedings and transactions between the Court of Assis- tants of the Clockmakers' Company of the City of London, and his Majesty's Government, in relation to the importation of foreign clocks and watches into these realms from 1787 to 1841 ; with addenda, containing address to the ti'ade and the public. Tract. Svo. vol. .385. Loud. 1841. 8vo. CLOQUET, J. B. Nouveau traite elementaire de perspective a I'usage des artistes. Tract, ito. vol. 77. [Paris, 1823.] 4to. CL0U:6,G. Le filage de Fhuile. 3-« edition. Pans, 1887. 8vo. CLOWES, W. L. Report on the proposed Pauper Lunatic Asylum, for the County of Derby, etc. 1844. See Oakes, J., Clowes, W. L., and Bent, J. CLUTHA, River, N.Z. Report of the Commission on the Floods in the River Clutha. Wellington, 1880. folio. CLUTTERBUCK, Bev. J. C. An Answer to Mr. Stephenson's Second Report to the Directors of a Proposed Company [for supplying London with water from the Cohie Valley]. Tract. 8i;o. vol. 78. Watford, 1842. 8vo. A Letter to Sir J. Sebright, Bai-t., on the effects which will be produced by taking a supply of water to the Metropolis from the valley of the Colne, by the proposed London and Westminster Water Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Watford, 1841. 8vo. Observations on the periodical Drainage and replenishment of the subterraneous reservoir in the Chalk Basin of London. Tract. Svo. vol. 78. Lond. 1843. 8vo. On the periodical Alternations and progressive permanent Depression of the Chalk Water Level under London. Tract. Svo. vol.501. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Land. 1S50. 8vo. Water-supply. Tract. Svo. vol. 151. Lond. 1863. Svo. CLUYSENAAR, J. P. Chemin de fer de Dendre et Waes. Bati- ments des stations et maisons de garde. Bruxelles, 1855. folio. CLYDE, Biver. An Act for building a Bridge over the River Clyde near the Town of Hamilton, etc. Lond. 1770. folio. Amended Act for the Navigation of the River Clyde. Lond. 1809. foHo. Clyde Navigation Bill. Minutes of Evidence. Tract, folio. vol. 8. Lond. 1840. folio. Report on the plans [submitted to the Parliamentary Trustees of the Clyde] for preventing Accidents on board of Steam vessels. Tract. Svo. vol. 286. Glasgow, 1839. Svo. Report on an Explosion of Dynamite on the River Clyde off Gravel Point, near Greenock, 16 April, 1881. Lond. 1881. folio. Report of Sir John Hawkshaw as to the Purification of the River Clyde. Lond. 1876. foHo. Reports on the improvement and management of the River Clyde and harbour of Glasgow from 1755 to 1853, (from 1853 to 1869) 2 pt. Glasgoiv, 1854-70. 8vo. See also Deas, J. 268 CLYDE — CORNE. CLYDE STEAM AND SAILING SHIPOWNERS' ASSOCIA- TIONS, GLASGOW. Lectures delivered during tlie winter. 1887-88. Glasfjoio, 1887-88. 8vo. COATES, T. Notes on the present condition of Railway Legislation. Tract. Svo. vol. . Land. 1854. 8vo. Railway deposits discussed, in a Letter to the Chairman of the Committee. Tract. Svo. vol. . Loud. 1864. 8vo. COCHRAN-PATRICK, R. W. Early records relating to Mining in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1878. 4to. COCHRANE, A. A., Bear-Admiral. Report on the uses of Bitumen, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 209. Land. [18701]. 8vo. COCK, D. A Treatise on the nature, production, and uses of China Clay, etc. Land. [1880.] 8vo. COCKER, E. Arithmetic : being a plain and familiar method, etc. 55th edition. Loud. 1758. 8vo. COCKERILL, J. Portefeuille, ou description des machines construites dans les etablissements de Seraing. 4 vols. (Atlases of plates.) Paris and Liege, 1859. 4to and folio. COCKERMOUTH, KESWICK, AND PENRITH RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade ... on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic and Schedule of Maximum Rates, etc. Land. 1891. folio. COCKLE, James. Horse Algebraicte. VIII. A new Algebra, [the Algebra of impossible quantities]. Tract. Svo. vol. 193. Lond. 1848. Svo. COCKLE, John. Report on the proposed Sewage Farm at East Molesey, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 511. Lond. 1879. Svo. COCKRILL, J. W. Borough of Great Yarmouth electric light. Information supplied by the engineers and surveyors of various cities and towns. Tract, ito. vol. 119. Great Yarmouth, 1S91. 4to. CODRINGTON COLLEGE, Barbados. [Reports for 1886-88.] Barbados, [1886-88.] 8vo. CODRINGTON, T. Macadamised Roads. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Lond. 1892. 8vo. The Maintenance of macadamised Roads. Lond. 1879. Svo. Report on Road Maintenance. Tract. Svo. vol. 490. Lond. 1889. Svo. Report on the Destruction of town Refuse. Tract. Svo. vol. 456. Lond. 1888. Svo. COELLO, Don F. Proyecto de las lineas generales de navegaciony de ferro-carriles en la peninsula Espanola. Madrid, 1855. Svo. COENE, J. DE. Amelioration de I'estuaire de la Seine et de I'entree du port du Havre. Tract. Svo. vol. 418. Bouen, 1886. Svo. Les chemins de fer en Angleterre : construction et exploitation des gares a marchandises dans les grandes villes. Tract, folio, vol. 22. Bouen, 1875. folio. COENE — C0I8NE. 269 COENE, J. DE — continued. Etude sur le chomage des canaux et des rivieres canalisees. Tract. Svo. vol. 521. Bouen, 1892. 8vo. i^tude sur les experiences de M. Vernon-Harcourt et le Congres Maritime a I'exposition a propos des projets d'amelio ration du port du Havre et des Passes de la Seine, suivi de la traduction de la Note de F. Vernon-Harcourt relatant les experiences sur les digues de I'Estuaire de la Seine. Tract. Svo. vol. 494. Bouen, 1890. Svo. (Extrait du " Bulletin de la Societe industrlelle de Rouen," Annee 1890.) Memoire sur les ameliorations a apporter au Port du Havre et dans I'estuaii'e de la Seine et Memoire de M. le Brun (Raymond). Tract. 8t'o. vol. 430. Paris, 1886. Svo. Memoire sur I'organisation des associations pour prevenir les accidents du travail : role de I'initiative privee en matieres de preventions. [Congres des accidents du travail, Berne, 1891.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 513. Bouen, 1891. Svo. Rapport sur les travaux du Congres international de navigation interieure tenu a Paris en 1892. Tract. 8vo. vol. 521. Bouen, 1893. Svo. La Seine rade de guerre. Tract. Svo. vol. 528. Bouen, 1892. Svo. COGHLAN, F. The Iron Road Book and Railway Companion from London to Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, etc. Lond. 1838. 12mo. COGHLAN, T. A. Handbook to the Statistical Register of the colony of New South Wales for the year 1886. Revised edition. Sydney, 1887. Svo. A Statistical Account of the seven colonies of Australasia. Sydney, 1890. Svo. [Another edition.] Sydney, 1S93. Svo. The Wealth and Progress of New South Wales . . . 4th, (5th- 7th) issue. Sydney, 1890-93. Svo. COHN, G. Englische Eisenbahnpolitik. 2 vols, in 1. Leipzig, 1874-75. Svo. Supplement. Leipzig, 1883. Svo. COIGNET, F. Betons agglomeres appliques a I'art de construire, notamment a I'etat monolithe . . . et a I'etat de pierres artificielles. Paris, 1861. Svo. Sur I'emploi des betons monies et compi'imes dans la construction des murs en elevation. Tract. Svo. vol. 160. Paris, 1855. Svo. COIGNET, P. Note sur les chapes de routes en mastic bitumineux de Seyssel a I'epreuve de la bombe. Tract. Svo. vol. 264. Paris, 1875. Svo. COISNE, C. Notes sur la preparation des bois. MS. Gand, 1868. folio. Note sur les bois prepares exposes a Paris en 1867, suivie de quelques considerations sur les bois injectes en Belgique. [ms.] [Gami, 1868.] folio. 270 COKE — COLE. COKE, R. G. The Pollution of Rivers and Streams, a source of injury to the land owner, tenant fanner, and the public health. Tract. 8vo. vol 236. Lo7ul. 1874. 8vo. (From the Tiaiisaetions of tlic ('hostcrlieUl Ir.stitute of Engineers.) COLA, P. R. How to develop Prt)ductive Industry in India and the East, etc. Lond. 18G7. 8vo. COLANGE, L. db. The National Gazetteer : a geographical dictionary of the United States. Cincinnati, 1884. 8vo. COLBURN, Z. The Gasworks of London. Tract. 8vo. vol. 248. Lond. 1865. 8vo. An Inquiry into the nature of Heat, and into its mode of action in the phenomena of combustion, vaporisation, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 373. Lond. 1863. 8vt>. Locomotive Engineering, and the Mechanism of Railways . . . (Atlas of plates.) Lond. 1871. 4to. Recent practice in the Locomotive Engine, etc. 1860. See Clark, D. K., and Colburn, Z. Steam Boiler Explosions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 122. Lond. 1860. 8vo. COLBURN, Z., and Holley, A. L. The Permanent Way and coal- burning locomotive boilers of European railways ; with a com- parison of the working economy of European and American lines, etc. Neio Yorl; 1858. folio. COLBURN, Z., and Maw, W. H. The Waterworks of London, to- gether with a series of articles on various other waterworks. (Reprinted from " Engineering.") Lond. 1867. 8vo. COLBY, T. Abstracts of principal Lines of Spirit-Levelling in Ireland, carried on during the years 1839 to 1843. Lond. 1855. 4to. An Account of the Trigonometrical Survey 1801-1809. 1811. See MuDGE, W. Lieut.-Col., B.A., and Colby, T. Ordnance Survey of the county of Londonderry. Vol. 1. Parish of Templemore, etc. Dublin, 1837. 4to. COLBY, T., and Yolland, W. Ordnance Survey : astronomical observations with Ramsden's zenith sector, etc. Lond. 1842. 4to. COLCOCK, D. D. On Mechanical Filtration. Tract. 8t?o. vol. 444. New Orleans, 1887. 8vo. COLDING, L. A. An Examination of Steam Engines and the power of steam, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 99. Copenhagen, [1851.] 8vo. Ueber die Zugverhaltnisse in verschiedenen Abtheilungen der Retortenofen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 250. Miinchen, 1874. 8vo. COLDSTREAM, Dr. J. On the structure and habits of the Limno^-ia Terebrans ; a minute crustaceous animal, destructive to marine wooden erections, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 19. Lond. 1834. 8vo. COLE, A. S. Cantor Lectures on the art of Lace-making, etc. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Cantor Lectures on the arts of Tapestry-making and Embroidery, etc. Lond. 1886. 8vo. COLE — COLENSO. 271 COLE, C. N. A collection, of Laws which form the constitution of the Bedford Level Corpoi'ation . . . 2nd edition. Lond. 1803. 8vo. Extracts from the report of a view of the South Level, part of the Great Level of the Fenns, called Bedford Level ; taken in the summer of the year 1777, e/c. Trad. 8i;o. vol. 159. 1784. 8vo. COLE, E. M. Notes on the Geology of the Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding Junction Railway and Dock. Hull, 1886. 8vo. COLE, F. N. The Diurnal Variation of Barometric Pressure, [U.S. Dep. of Agriculture. Weather Bulletin, 6.] Washington, 1892. 8vo. COLE, G. The Contractor's Book of working drawings of tools and machines used in constructing canals, railroads, and other works, with bills of timber and iron : also tables and data for calculat- ing the cost of earth and other kinds of work. Buffalo, 1855. 4to. COLE, G. A. J. Aids in practical Geology, etc. Land. 1891. 8vo. COLE, G. F. Royal Mejratu (Iceland) Sulphur Explormg Company. Engineer's report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 263. Land. 1875. 8vo. The Saltpetre Deposits of Peru. Tract. 8vo. vol. 253. (From the Journal of the Society of Arts. ) Lond. 1875. 8 VO. COLE, H., C.B. Observations on the expediency of carrying out the proposals of the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 for the promotion of institutions of science and art at Kensington, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 115. Lond. 1853. 8vo. A special report on the annual International Exhibitions of the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. Lond. 1875. 8vo. COLE, H. W. Saint Augustine : a poem in eight books. Edinhurgli, 1877. 8vo. COLE, J. A. Anchor Ice as affecting Public Water Supply. Tract. 8vo. vol. 455. [Chicago, 1879.] 8vo. COLE, P., Lieut, B.E. Lectures on the Harmony of Sound and Form. Tract. 8vo. vol. 243. Chatham, 1865. 8vo. COLE, T. Steam Tramways, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 531. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Enemies to Timber in Marine Work, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. Lond. 1880. 8vo. COLE, W. H. Notes on Permanent- Way Material, plate-laying, and points and crossings. Lond. 1890. 8vo. • Notes on Plate-Laying, maintenance, curves, and points and crossings. Lond. 1885. 8vo. COLEMAN, J. J. On the methods in use for determining the value of Animal and Vegetable Oils. Tract. 8vo. vol. 253. Glasgow, 1874. 8vo. (Read before the Chemical Section of the PhilosopWcal Society of Glasgow.) COLENSO, Bev. J. W. The Elements of Algebra adapted for teachers and students in the university. Lond. 1849. 8vo. COLENSO, W. Essay on the Botany of the north island of New Zealand. Dunedin, 1865. 8vo. 272 COLEORTON — COLLADON. COLEORTON RAILWAY. Coleorloii K.-iilway Bill. Land. 1883. folio. COLERAINE. Minutes of E\4dence ... on the System of Naviga- tion which connects Coleraine, Belfast and Limerick. DMin, 1882. folio. COLES, C. P., Capt. Captain Coles and the Admiralty : with an enquiry into the origin and qualities of the Turret System of armour-clad War Vessels. By the Son of an Old Naval Officer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Land. 1866. 8vo. Correspondence with the Admiralty on giving free publication to his views on Ironclads. Tract. 8vo. vol. 299. Ventnor, 1866. 8vo. English V. American Cupolas : a comparison between Capt. Coles and Capt. Ericsson's turrets. Tract. Svo. vol. 299. Lond. 1864. Svo. Evidence before, and letter to the Royal Defence Commission. Tract. 8vo. vol. 299. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Letters ... to the Admiralty on sea-going Turret Ships. Tract, Svo. vol. 299. Portsea, 1865. 8vo. Letters . . . and the opinion of the Press on Turrets. Tract. Svo. vol. 299. Lond. 1866. Svo. Our National Defences. Tract. Svo. vol. 132. Lond. 1861. Svo. Spithead Forts : reply to the Royal Commissioners' second report on our national defences. With an appendix. Tract. Svo. vol. 132. Lond. 1861. Svo. The Turret v. the Broadside system. Tract. Svo. vol. 299. Lond. 1867. Svo. COLIBAN, Victoria. Report on the Coliban and Geelong schemes for Water Supply. Melbourne, 1871. folio. Schedule of Works of the Coliban Scheme showing cross sections and discharges on main channel from Malmsbury Reservoir to Crusoe. Melbourne, 1889. folio. Report of Lieut. -Col. Sankey, R.E., on the Cost of completing the Coliban Waterworks. Melbourne, 1871. foUo. COLIN, E. Notice sur I'eclairage aux huiles minerales. Paris, 1870. Svo. COLLADON, D. Description de la terrasse d'alluvion sur laquelle est batie la ville de Geneve. Tract. Svo. vol. 233. Geneve, 1870. Svo. Execution des tunnels a del ferme par I'emploi de Fair comprime, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 462. Paris, 1887. Svo. Experiences relatives a la production et a la transmission des sons dans I'eau, faites dans le lac de Geneve. Tract. Svo. vol. 53. Geneve, 1841. Svo. Memoire sur les effets de la foudre sur les arbres et les plantes Hgneuses, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 71. Geneve, 1872. 4to. COLLADON — COLLIGNON. 273 COLLADON, D. — continued. Note sur I'emploi de la vapeur d'eau pour eteindre les incendies dans les usines et les bateaux a vapeur. Tract, ^vo. vol. 53. Geneve, 1840. 8vo. Notes et documents sur la question Simplon ou Mont Blanc. Geneve, 1880. 8vo. Resume historique des etudes geologiques et des travaux d'ex- cavation entrepris en France et en Angleterre, en vue de I'execu- tion d'un chemin de fer sous la Manche. Tract. Svo. vol. 462. Parw, 1883. 8vo. Sur les degats causes par un coup de foudre d'une intensite exceptionnelle. Tract, ito. vol. 106. Paris, 1887. 4to. Sur les origines du flux electrique des nuages orageux. Tract. 4to. vol. 106. Paris, 1886. 4to. ■ Sur les tourbillons ascendants dans I'air et dans les liquides : reponse aux observations de M. Faye (seance du 14 Mars). Tract, ito. vol. 106. Paris, 1887. 4to. Terrasses lacusti'es du lac Leman et constitution de la terrasse d'alluvion sur laquelle est construite la ville de Geneve. Tract. 8«o. vol. 332. Meulan, 1875. 8vo. COLLADON, D., and Sturm, C. Memoire sur la compression des liquides et la vitesse du son dans I'eau. Sur la transmission des sons dans I'eau, par D. Colladon. Tract, ito. vol. 110. Geneve, 1887. 4to. COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS. Calendar, 1887, (1888, etc.). Lond. 1887, etc. 8vo. COLLES, W. M. Literature and the Pension List, etc. Lond. 1889. Svo. COLLET, C. D. Reasons for the repeal of the Railway Passenger Duty. Tract. 8vo. vol. 435. Lond. 1877. 8vo. COLLIER, E. H. Copy specification of improved patent Steam- Boilers. Lond. 1837. 8vo. COLLIER, P. Sorghum : its culture and manufacture, economically considered as a source of sugar, syrup and fodder. Cincinnati, 1884. 8vo. COLLIER, W. F. The Trade of Plymouth: a lecture, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 344. [Plymouth,] 1878. 8vo. COLLIGNON, C. Du concours des canaux et des chemins de fer et de I'achevement du canal de la Marne au Rhin. Tract. Svo. vol. 300. Paris, 1845. 8vo. COLLIGNON, E. L'Association Frangaise en 1885-86. Tract. Svo. vol. 445. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Un calendrier perpetuel. Tract, ito. vol. 113. Paris, [1890.] 4to. Les chemins de fer russes de 1857 a 1862. 2"'' edition. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1858. 4to. T 274 COLLIGNON. COLLTGNON, E. — coniinncd. Cours de mocanifiue appliquee aux constructions. Premiere partie : Resistance des inateriaux. Deux- i6me partie : Hydraulique. 2 vols. Pans, 1869-70. 8vo. 2'"" edition. Faris, 1877-80. Svo, 3'"" edition, l""" partie. Parw, 1885. 8vo. Examen de certaines series numeriques et application a la geo- metrie. Tract. 8vo. vol. 464. Paris, 1888. 8vo. Examen de ceitains cas-limites de la loi de I'attraction newtonienne. Tract. Svo. vol. 445. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Examen d'un lieu geometrique. Tract. Svo. vol. 518. Paris, 1890. 8vo. Examples de I'application de la statique a la geomt'trie. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 240. Paris, 1873. Svo. Une methode graphique de quadrature. Tract. Svo. vol. 435. Paris, 1887. Svo. Note sur la determination des limites de I'efFort tranchant dans les poutres droites. Tract. Svo. vol. 476. Paris, 1889. Svo. Note sur la determination graphique des moments flechissants dans les pieces chargees de poids discontinus. Tract. Svo. vol. 408. Paris, 1885. Svo. Note sur la flexion des pieces droites comprimees. Tract. Svo. vol. 476. Paris, 1889. Svo. Note sur la resistance des arcs paraboliques surbaisses. Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Paris, 1890. Svo. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. E. Phillips. Tract. 4:to. wZ. 113. Pans [1890?] 4to. Note sur le calcul des ponts metalliques. Tract. Svo. vol. 462. Paris, 1888. Svo. Note sur les courbes circulaires synchrones. Tract. Svo. vol. 491. Paris, 1889. Svo. Observations au sujet de la rencontre de deux points mobiles dans unplan. Tract. Svo. vol. 4:91. Paris, 1889. Svo. Probleme de geometric. Tract. Svo. vol. 422. Paris, 1885-86. Svo. Probleme de mecanique. Tract. Svo. vol. 457. Paris, 1887. Svo. Probleme de mecanique. Tract. Svo. vol. 517. Paris, 1890. Svo. Recherches sur la courbe d'ombre d'un piquet vertical. Tract. Svo. vol. 464. Pans, 1888. Svo. Une remarque sur la dynamique. Tract. Svo. vol. 422. Paris, 1885. Svo. Remarques sur le choc de deux corps elastiques [et] problemes surs les corps flottants. (Association fran^aise pour I'avancement des sciences . . . Congres de Pau, 1892.) Tract. Svo. vol. 517. Paris [1893 ?] Svo. COLLIGNON — COLLINS. 275 COLLIGNON, E. — continued. Kemarques sur le travail des moteurs employes aux transports. (Association frangaise pour I'avance- ment des sciences. Congres de Marseille, 1891.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 517. Paris, 1891. 8vo. La science et Fart de I'ingenieur. Tract. 8vo. vol. 522. Paris, 1892. Sur certaines series de triangles et de quadrilateres. (Association fran^aise pour I'avancement des sciences. Congres de Marseille, 1891.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 518. Paris, 1891. 8vo. Sur une methode approximative pour la trisection de Tangle, imaginee par M. E. Fortin. Tract. 8vo. vol. 457. Pans, 1887. 8vo. Theorie des petites oscillations d'un point pesant sur une surface de revolution a axe vertical. Tract, folio, vol. 18. Paris, 1874. folio. Traite de mecanique. 4 vols. Paris, 1873-74. 8vo. See Reyxaud, L. Les travaux publics de la France, (torn. 2. Chemins de fer. Par E. Collignon.) 1838. COLLIN, A. Atmidometrie. Recherches experimentales sur I'evapora- tion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 250. Orleans, 1866. 8vo. Les voies navigables de I'Empire fran^ais, de la Belgique et des provinces de la rive gauche de Rhin. Orleans, 1865. 8vo. Recherches experimentales sur les glissements spontanes des terrains argileux, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1846. 4to. COLLIN, A. Z. Engelsk-Svensk Ordbok. 1875. See Nilsson, L.G., WiDMARK, P. F., and Collin, A. Z. COLLINGS, G. Circular Work in Carpentry and Joinery. Lond. 1886. 8vo. COLLINGWOOD, C. On the oppoiiiunities of advancing Science enjoyed by the Mercantile Marine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 134. Liverpool, 1862. 8vo. COLLINGWOOD, F. Progress of work at the East River Bridge. Tract. 8vo. vol. 327. [Neio TorJc, 1880.] 8vo. Repoi't on the protection of the city of Elmira, N.Y., against Floods. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. 1890. 8vo. COLLINGWOOD, F., Martin, C. C, and Abbott, A. V. Report of a scientific test of the Pontifex Refrigerating Machines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 446. 1887. 8vo. COLLINS, D. L. A few words on Portland Cement . . . 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 477. Lond. 1888. 8vo. ■ Six years' Experience of Chemical Analysis in relation to quality in the manufacture of Portland Cement. Trad, folio, vol. 42. [1880 ?] folio. COLLINS, Capt. G. Great Britain's Coasting Pilot, . , . being a new and exact survey of the sea-coast of . . . England and Scotland, etc. Lond. 1693. folio. T 2 276 COLLINS — COLORADO. COLLINS, H. R. The Auriferous Conglomerate of the Transvaal and " How to mine it," etc. Tract. 8ro. vol 457. Johannesburg, 1888. Svo. COLLINS, J. Answer to Mr. Mansfield's letter to the (lovernor- Genernl of India ... on the Indus Valley Railway. Tract, folio, vol. IL KurracJiee, 1866. folio. COLLINS, J. H. A handbook to the Mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon. Truro, 1871. 8vo. Mineralogy, etc. Lotid. and Glasgow, 1883. 8vo. (Collins' Advanced Science Series.) On the Geology of the Rio Tinto Mines ; with some general remarks on the Pyritic region of the Sierra Morena. Tract. Svo. vol 406. Lond. 1885. Svo. COLLINS, L. Advertisers' Guardian, 1885. Lond. 1885. Svo. COLLINSON, J. Descriptive account of Captain Bedford Pirn's project for an International Atlantic and Pacific Junction Rail- way across Nicaragua. Report and estimate of cost. Tract. 8vo. vols. 289, 439 and 440. Lond. 1866. Svo. COLLINSON, Lieut.-Col T. B. Lectures on the construction of Walls to resist Artillery. Tract. Svo. vol. 243. Chatham, 1864. Svo. COLLYER, G. C. Proposed works for the prevention of the inunda- tion of the city of Rome by the overflow of the river Tiber, and for the improvement of the Roman Campagna. Tract. Svo. vol 412. Borne, 1875. Svo. COLOGNE. Bericht iiber den Betrieb der Gaswerke der Stadt Koln fiir das Jahr 1875-76 (-77). Tract, ito. vol 80. Koh, 1876-77. 4to. Bericht iiber den Betrieb der Stadt-Kolnischen Wasserwerke, 1875-77. Tract. Uo. vol 80. Kohi, 1876-77. 4to. COLOMB, P. H., and Brent, H. W. The Law of Port Hehn : an examination into its history and dangerous action, etc. Lond. 1866. Svo. COLOMBAT, — . Navire insubmersible. 1874. See Crouzet, J. B., and COLOMBAT, — . COLOMBO, G. Le gallerie delle macchine del lavoro e del materiale ferroviario all' Esposizione Nazionale di Milano, 1881. Colla collaborazione dei Signori Saldini, G. Ponzio, E. Carmagnola. 3Iilano, 1882. folio. Manuel de I'ingenieur. [Translated by Marcillac] Milan, 1888. 8vo. COLOMBO. See India.— Colombo. COLONIAL^AND INDIAN EXHIBITION. See London.— Exhi- bitions. COLONIAL INSTITUTE. See Royal Colonial Institute. COLORADO. Biennial Report of the Board of Capitol Managers, etc. Denver, 1886-88. Svo. COLORADO — COLUMBIA. 277 COLORADO — continued. Biennial Report of the State Inspector of Coal Mines for 1885-88. Denver, 1887-88. 8vo. Report of the State Engineer, 1883-84, 1889-90. 4 vols. Denver, 1885-90. 8vo. Agricultural College. Fourth Annual Register, 1881-83. Tract. 8vo. vol. 398. [Fort Collins, 1883.] 8vo. COLORADO, Bii-er. Report on the Colorado River, explored in 1857-58 (and 1869-72), etc. Washington, 1861-75. 4to. COLQUHOUN, A. R. Across Chryse; being the narrative of a journey of exploration through the South China border lands, from Canton to Mandalay. 2 vols. Lond. 1883. 8vo. The prospects of trade extension between Burmah, the Shan country, and S. W. China. Tract. 4io. vol. 92. Lond. 1882. 4to. COLQUHOUN, A. R., and Hallett, H. S. Report on the Railway connection of Burmah and China. Lond. 1887. folio. COLQUHOUN, W. Blast furnace practice; in the United States. Tract. 8w. vol. 530. [1891.] 8vo. Notes on the Iron and Steel Industries of the United States, etc. Lond. [1892.] 8vo. (From Journal of Iron and Steel Institute — Special Volume.) COLSON, C, et Roume, E. L'organisation financiere des ports maritimes de commerce en Angleterre. Paris, 1888. 8vo. COLSON, R. L'energie et ses transformations. Paris, 1889. Svo. COLT, S., Colonel. Armsmear : the home, the arm, and the armory of S. Colt. A memorial. New York, 1866. 4to. On the application of Machinery to the manufacture of rotating chambered-breech Fire Arms, and their peculiarities. Tract. Svo. vol.131. (From the Min. Proc. Inst. C. E.-) Lond. 1854:. 8v0. [Another edition.] Tract. Svo. vol. 502. Lond. 1S55. Svo. De I'application des machines a la fabrication des armes a feu a culasse tournante et a leurs systemes particuliers. Tract. Svo. vol. 120. Bruxelles, 1854. 8vo. Patents for Repeating Firearms previous to 1851. Washington, [1852 1] 4to. Reports on the repeating pistols invented by Col. Colt and other inventors. Tract. Svo. vol. 120. 1851. 8vo. COLTHURST, J. Dwellings for the poor. Tract. Svo. vol. 137. Lond. 1863. Svo. Experiments in a running stream on the Resistance of Floating Bodies. Tract. Svo. vol. 314. Cork, 1863. Svo. COLUMBIA. Report upon the Sewerage of the District of Columbia. By W. Hering [and others]. Washington, 1890. Svo. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. — /ScAooZ of Mines. School of Mines Quarterly. Vol. 1, (2, etc.). New Yorl; 1879, etc. Svo. 278 COLWELL — COMMERCIAL. COLWELL, C. Liv(> and learn : or, . . . how (o prevent Fogs in London ; also . . . how to prevent Colliery Explosions, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 525. Great Yarmouth, 1892. 8vo. The Miner's Friend ; or, an effectual remedy foi- Colliery Ex- plosions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 284. Lond. 1861. 8vo. COLWILL QUARRY. Nitro-glycerine explosion at the Colwill Quarry. Report by Major J. P. Cundill. Loud. 1890. folio. COLYER, F. Gas works ; their arrangement, construction, etc. Loud. 1884. 8vo. Hydraulic, steam and hand-power lifting and pressing Machinery. Lond. 1884. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. I8d2. 8vo. Public Institutions ; their engineering, sanitary and other ap- pliances. Lond. 1889. 8vo. Pumps and pumping machmery. 2 vols. Lond. 1882. 8vo. 2nd edition, revised, enlarged, etc. Part I. Lond. 1892. 8vo. A treatise on modern Steam Engines and Boilers. Lond. 1886. 4to. Treatise on the working and management of Steam Boilers and Engines. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Treatise on Water Supply, drainage, and sanitary appliances of Residences, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. COMBES, C. Recherches theoriques et experimentales sur les roues a reaction ou a tuyaux. Tract. 4/o. vol. 32. Paris, 1843. 4to. Rapport sur le frein automateur de M. Guerin. 1857. 8vo. See PiOBERT, G., Combes, C, and Couche, C. ■ Traite de Fexploitation des mines. (Atlas of plates.) 4 vols. Paris, 1844-5. 8vo. and 4to. COMELATI, G., and Davenport, J. A new Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages : based upon that of Baretti, He. 2 vol. Lond. 1873. 8vo. COMITE DES FORGES DE FRANCE. Bulletin, etc. Paris, 1865, etc. 4to. L'industrie siderurgique a I'Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, 1889. 8vo. COMITE INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES. Tra- vaux et Memoires du Bureau International. Vol. 1, (2, etc.) Paris, 1881, etc. folio. COMMERCIAL DOCKS, London. Report of the capabilities of the Commercial and East India Dock roads, with reference to the projected railways to the East and West India docks and Black- wall. Tract. Svo. vol. 228. Lond. 1835. 8vo. COMMERCIAL RAILWAY. Observations upon the proposed extension of the Commercial Railway from the Minories to Leadenhall Street. By a Citizen. Tract. Svo. vol. 260. Lond. 1837. 8vo. COMMERCIAL — COMMISSIONERS. 279 COMMERCIAL ROAD, London. [A collection of Acts relating to this Road, and streets connected with it.] Lond. 1802-55. foHo. COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE pour la Statistique des Chemins de Fer. Statistique des cheniins de fer de I'Europe pour Fannee 1882. Vienna, 1885. 8vo. COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents. Acids, alkalies and oxides, 1622-1866. Lond. 1869. 12mo. Aeronautics, 1815-66. Lond. 1869. 12mo. Agriculture. Division I. Field implements, 1618-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1876-78. 12mo. Division II. Barn and farmyard instruments. Pt. I. 1636-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1879. 12mo. Division III. Agricultural and traction-engines, 1618- 1866. Lond. 1884. 12mo. - Anchors, 1796-1866. Lond. 1874. 12mo. - Artificial leather. Floorcloth, oilcloth, oilskin and other water- proof fabrics, 1627-1876. 2pt. Lond. 187 6-8i. 12mo. - Artists' instruments and materials, 1618-1866. Lond. 1872. 12mo. - Bleaching, dyeing, and printing calico and other fabrics and yarns ; including the manufacture of rollers, engraving, the pre- paration of drugs and other processes, 1617-1876. 3 pt. Lond. 1859-78. 12mo. - Books, portfolios, card-cases, etc., 1768-1866. Lond. 1870. 12mo. - Brewing, wine-making, and distilling alcoholic liquids, 1634— 1866. Lond. 1881. 8vo. - Bricks and tiles, 1619-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1862-71. 12mo. - Bridges, viaducts, and aqueducts, 1750-1866. Lond. 1868. 12mo. - Brushing and sweeping, 1699-1866. Lond. 1872. 12mo. - Carriages and other vehicles for common roads, 1625-1866. Lond. 1880. 8vo. - Casks and barrels, 1797-1866. Lond. 1875. 12mo. - Chains, chain cables, etc., 1634-1876. Lond. 1877-78. 12mo. - Cooking, bread-making, and the preparation of confectionery, 1634-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1873-82. 12mo. - Cork, preparing and cutting, bottling liquids, securing and open- ing bottles, etc., 1777-1883. 3 pt. Lond. 1872-85. 12mo. - Drain tiles and pipes, 1619-1855. • Lond. 1857. 12mo. - Drains and sewers, including the manufacture of drain tiles and pipes, 1619-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1874, 1885. 12mo.. 280 COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents — continueil. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics and manufacturing felted fabrics, 1620-1876. 3 pt. Lond. 1878-80. 12mo. Electricity and magnetism, 1766-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 18.59-70. 12mo. Engines, air, gas, and other motive power, 16.35-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1873-81. 12mo. Farriery, 1719-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1872-80. 12mo. Fire engines, extinguishers, escapes, alarms, etc., 162.5-1866. Lond. 1877. 12mo. Firearms and other weapons, ammunition, and accoutrements, 1588-1866. 2 pt. in 1. Lond. 1859-70. 12mo. Firearms, ammunition, etc. Firearms and similar weapons. Cartridges, projectiles, and explosives, 1867-83. 4 vols. Lond. 1883-86. 12mo. Food, preservation of, 1691-1866. 2 pt. in 1. Lond. 1857-1870. 12mo. Fuel, preparation and combustion of, 1620-1865. Lond. 1867. 12mo. Furniture and upholstery, 1620-1866. Lond. 1869. 12mo. Gas, productions and applications of {excepting gas engines), 1681-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1860-71. 12mo. Part II., 1859-66. 2nd edition. Lond. \^1b. 12mo. Grinding grain and dressing flour and meal, 1623-1866. Lond. 1876. 12mo. Harbours, docks, canals, etc., 1617—1866. Lond. 1876. 12mo. Hinges, hinge-joints, and door-springs, 1775-1866. Lond. 1873. 12mo. Hydraulics, 1617-1865. Lond. 1868. 12mo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1874. 12mo. - Ice-making machines, ice-safes, and ice-houses, 1819-76. 2 pt. Lond. 1877-82. 12mo. - India-rubber (caoutchouc) and gutta percha : including air, fire, and water proofing, 1627-1857. Lond. 1859. 12mo. - India-rubber and gutta percha, preparation of, 1791-1866. 2nd edition. 2 pt. Lond. 1875-84. 12mo. - Instruments, optical, mathematical, etc., 1636-1866. Lond. 1875. 12mo. - Iron and steel, manufacture of, 1621-1857. 3 pt. Lond. 1857-58. 12mo. Part II., 1*867-76. Lond. 1880. 12mo. - Lace and other looped and netted fabrics, 1675-1864. Lond. 1866. 12mo. COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. 281 COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents — continued. Lace-making, knitting, netting, braiding, and plaiting, including also the manufacture of fringe and chenille, 1675-1866. 2nd edition. Loud. 1879. 12mo. Lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers, and other illuminating apparatus, 1637-1866. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Letterpress and similar printing, 1858-76. 2 pt. 2nd edition. Lond. 1878-80. 12mo. Locks, latches, bolts, and similar fastenings, 1774-1866. Lond. 1873. 12mo. Locomotion, aids to, 1691-1856. Lond. 1858. 12mo. Manure, 1721-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1857. 12mo. Marine propulsion (excluding sails). Pt. I-IV. 1618-1866. Lond. 1857-72. 12mo. Pt. IL, 1867-76. Lond. 1883. 12mo. - Masts, sails, rigging, etc., including apparatus for raising and lowering ships' boats, 1625-1866. Lond. 1874. 12mo. - Medicine, surgeiy, and dentistry ; including artificial limbs, teeth, etc., apparatus for invalids, medical baths, etc., 1620-1866. 2nd edition. Lond. 1872. 12mo. - Metals. Plating or coating with metals, 1637-1866. 2 pt. (Pt. 2. 2nd edition.) Lond. 1862-72. 12mo. - Metals and alloys (excepting iron and steel), 1623-1876. 3 pt. Lond. 1861-86. 12mo. - Milking, churning, and cheese-making, 1777-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1874-83. 12mo. - Mining, quarrying, tunnelling, and well-sinking, 1618-1866. Lond. 1874. 12mo. - Music and musical instruments, 1694-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1864-81. 12mo. - Nails, rivets, bolts, screws, nuts, and washers, 1618-1866. Lond. 1873. 12mo. - Needles and pins, 1755-1866. Lond. 1871. 12mo. - Oils, fats, lubricants, candles, and soap, 1617-1866. 2nd edition. Lond. 1873. 12mo. - Paints, colours, and varnishes, 1618-1866. Lond. 1871. 12mo. - Paper : cutting, folding, and ornamenting, 1636-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1881. 8vo. - Paper, pasteboard, and papier mache, 1665—1866. 3 pt. Photography, 1839-83. 4 vols. Pipes and tubes, metallic, 1741-1876. Pottery, 1626-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1858-76. 12mo, Lond. 1861-85. 12mo. 2 pt. Lond. 1874-81. 12mo. Lond. 1863-70. 12mo. 282 COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. COMMTSSTONERS OF PATENTS. Abridgments of Specifications of PatoTits — continued. Printing : including therein the production of copies on all kinds of materials (excepting felted and textile fabrics), by means of types, stereotype blocks, plates, stones, dies, stencil plates, paper writings, electro-chemicals, and light, 1533-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1859-78. 12mo. Purifying and filtering water, 1675-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1876-79. 12mo. Railway Carriages and other vehicles for railways, 1807—66. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Railway signals and communicating apparatus, 1840-66. Loud. 1869. 12nio. Railways, 1803-76. 2 pt. Lond. 1873-84. 12mo. Raising, lowering and weighing, 1617-1866. 2 pt. (Pt. 2, 2nd edition.) Lovd. 1867-72. 12mo. Roads and ways, 1619-1866. Lond. 1868. 12mo. Saddlery, harness, stable fittings, 1625-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1868-83. 12mo. Safes, strong rooms, tills and similar depositories, 1801-66. Lond. 1873. 12mo. Sewing and embroidery, 1755-1866. 2 pt. Lond. 1857-71. 12mo. Ship building, repairing, sheathing, launching, 1618-1866. 2 vols. Lond. 1862-69. 12mo. Skins, hides and leather, 1627-1866. Lond. 1872. 12mo. Spinning, including those relating to the preparation of fibrous materials, and the doubling of yarns and threads, 1864-66. Pt. II. Lond. 1868. 12mo. Starch, gum, size, glue, and other stiffening and adhesive mate- rials, 17n-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1884. 12mo. Steam Culture, 1618-1856. Lond. 1858. 12mo. Steam Engine, 1618-1866. 4 vols. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Steering and manoeuvring vessels, 1763-1866. Lond. 1875. 12mo. Sugar, 1663-1866. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate, cocoa, etc., 1704-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1877-83. 12mo. Tobacco; preparation and use, 1721-1866. Lond. 1870. 12mo. Toys, games, and exercises, 1672-1866. Lond. 1871. 12mo. Trunks, portmanteaus, boxes, and bags, 1635-1866. Lond. 1876. 12mo. Umbrellas, parasols, and walking sticks, 1780-1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1871-80. 12mo. Unfermented beverages, aerated liquids, mineral waters, 1774— 1876. 2 pt. Lond. 1877-83. 12mo. COMMISSIONErvS OF PATENTS. 283 COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents — continued. Ventilation, 1632-1866. Lmd. 1872. 12mo. Washing and wringing machines, 1691-1876. 2 pt. Land. 1872-78. 12mo. Watches, clocks, and other timekeepers, 1661-1876. 3 pt. Land. 1858-83. 12mo. Water-closets, earth-closets, urinals, etc., 1775-1866. Land. 1873. 12mo. Wearing apparel. Division 1. Head covei'ings, 1637-1866. Division 2. Body coverings, 1671-1866. Division 3. Foot cover- ings, 1693-1866. Division 4. Dress fastenings and jewellery, 1631-1866. 4 vols. Loud. 1874-76. 12mo. Weaving, 1620-1876. 3 pt. Loud. 1861-83. 12mo. Writing instruments and materials, 1635-1876. Lond. 1869-82. 12mo. [A New Series of Abridgments, covering the period, 1877-83, is now in progress.] Abstract of replies to the Secretary of State's Circular Despatch of July 11, 1856, on the subject of the Extension of Patents for Inventions to the Colonies. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Alphabetical Index (Name Index) of Patentees and Applicants for Patents, 1852-74, (1880, etc.). Lond. 1857, etc. 8vo. Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions, from March 2, 1617, to October 1, 1852. Lond. 1854. 8vo. Appendix to the Specifications of English Patents for Reaping Machines : by B. Woodcroft. Lond. l^bo. 8vo. Catalogue of Portraits of Inventors, Discoverers and Introducers of useful arts. 5th edition. Lond. 1859. 12mo. Catalogue of the Library of the Great Seal Patent Office. 2 vols, in 3. Lond. 1857-58. 8vo. Catalogue of the Library of the Patent Office. 2 vols. Lond. 1881-83. 8vo. Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents applied for and Patents granted, 1867-75. With indexes of names and subjects. 9 vols. Lond. 1868-76. 8vo. Chronological Index of Patents applied for and Patents granted from October, 1852, to December, 1853 : by B. Woodcroft. Lond. 1860. 8vo. . 1854-1868. 15 vols. Xo«cZ. 1855-69. 8vo. - [Circular relating to the mode of proceeding to obtain Patents for Inventions in the United Kingdom.] Tract. 4. Whitehaven Harbour. Report on the wet dock. Tract. 8i7'>, vol. 305. Lond. 1866. 8vo. COODE, Sir J., and Calver, E. K. Report to the conservators of the River Thames upon a proposed weir and lock near Brentford. Tract. Svo. vol. 357. Lo7id. 1873. 8vo. COOK, G. H Geology of New Jersey. (Atlas.) Newark, 1868. 8vo. and 4to. COOK — COOLEY. 291 COOK, J. Cursory remarks on the subject of Wheel Carriages. Tract. 8vo. vol. 394. Lond. 1817. 8vo. COOKE, A., Major, B.E. Lectures. Remarks on the study of Geology and on its value to the military engineer. Tract. 8ro. vol. 243. Chatham, 1864. 8vo. COOKE, A. C, Colonel. Aide-memoire for the use of officers of Royal Engineers. Formulfe, tables, etc. (Pt. 2 by Col. Seddon.) 2 vols. Lond. 1876-83. 12mo. COOKE, A. R A text-book of Naval Ordnance and gunnery, pre- pared for the vise of the cadet midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. Neio York, 1880. 8vo. COOKE, C. J. B. British Locomotives ; their history, construction, etc. Lond. 1893. 8vo. COOKE, C. J. B., and Others. Round the "Works of our Great Rail- ways ; by various authors. Lond. [1893.] 8vo. COOKE, C. W. Automata, old and new. [Sette of Odd Volumes. No. xxix.] Lond. 1893. 12mo. COOKE, E. W., and Rennie, G. Views of the old and new London Bridges. Land. 1833. folio. COOKE, G. A. Topographical and statistical description of the county of Kent. Lond. [18201] 12mo. COOKE, S. The Forest Question in India : being letters to the editor of the " Bombay Gazette." Tract. 8vo. vol. 332. [1879.] 8vo. Practical Chemistry : tables for qualitative analysis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 281. Bombay, 1876. 8vo. Rudiments of Astronomy. The solar system. Poona, 1875. 8vo, COOKE, Bev. T. F. Authorship of the practical Electric Telegraph of Great Britain ; or, the Brunei award vindicated, etc. Lond. 1868. 8vo. COOKE, Sir W. F. The Electric Telegraph: was it invented by Professor Wheatstone ? Lond. 1854:. 8vo. ■ [4th edition.] iond 1866. 8vo, A reply to Mr. Cooke's pamphlet, " The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Professor Wheatstone f [By Sir C. Wheatstone.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 119. Lcmd. 1855. 8vo. The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Prof. Wheatstone 1 A Reply to Mr. Wheatstone's answer. Lond. 1856. 8vo. The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Pi'ofessor Wheat- stone ? 2 vols. Vol. I. Pamphlets of 1854-56. Vol. IL Arbitration papers and drawings. Lond. 1856. 8vo. Telegraphic Railways ; or, the single way recommended. Lond. 1842. 8vo. COOLEY, A. J. Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades. 6th edition . . . enlarged by R. V. Tuson. 2 vols. Lond. 1880. 8vo. u 2 292 cooLEY — cooper's hill. COOLEY, L. E. The Lakes and (iulf Waterway, as related to the Chicago sanitary problem, etc. Chicago, 1891. 8vo. COOLEY, W. D. Physical Geography, etc. Land. 1876. 8vo. COOMBE HILL CANAL. An Act for making ... a Canal from the foot of Coombe Hill in the parish of Leigh, Glcjucestershire, to join the River Severn at Fletcher's Leap, Deerhurst, etc. Land. 1792. folio. COOPER, A. J. How to Forecast the Weather, months in advance. Tract. Sw. vol. 493. Lond. 1890. 8vo. COOPER, C. H. Chalk Water. Tract. 8i'o. col. 359. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Extract from a Paper on " Recent Progress in Sewage Treatment." Tract. 8i'o. vol. 496. 1890. 8vo. Treatment of Sewage at Wimbledon, etc. Tract. 8ro. vol. 456. Lond. 1887. 8vo. COOPER, J. H. A treatise on the use of Belting for the Transmission of Power. Philadelphia, 1878. 8vo. 4th edition. PhiladeJphia, 1891. 8vo. COOPER, R. T. Our Empire of Rivers : with special reference to the reforesting of hills and uplands, and the clearing and deepening of the river and stream channels of the country. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. Lond. 1886. 8vo. COOPER, Theodore. American Railroad Bridges. New York, [1889.] 8vo. General specifications for Iron and Steel railroad Bridges and viaducts . . . Revised edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 488. New York, 1889. 8vo. COOPER, Thompson. Men of the time : a dictionary of contem- poraries. 9th edition. Lond. 1875. 8vo. 11th edition. Lond. 1884. 8vo. COOPER UNION. Second, (25th-32nd) annual report of the Trustees. Tract. 8vo. vol. 125. New York, 1861-91. 8vo. COOPER'S HILL. Boyal Indian Engineering College. Calendar . . . 1871, (1875-76, etc.) Lond. 1871, etc. 8vo. Copy of all CoxTespondence ... in reference to the Establish- ment of an Engineering College at Cooper's Hill. Lond. 1871. folio. Copy of the Appendix to the revised Prospectus of the College for the year 1871. Lond. 1889. folio. Further papers relating to the College. Lond. 1871. folio. The Indian Civil Engineering College : remarks by a Civil Engineer. [Signed, H. W.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 205. Lond. 1871. 8vo. [Returns relating to Cooper's Hill College.] Lond. 1881-85. folio. COOTAMUNDRA — CORDIER. 293 COOTAMUNDRA. Report . . . relating to the proposed Railway from Cootamundra to Temora. Sydney, 1890. folio. COPE, E. D. I. The Relations of the Horizons of Extinct Verte- brata of Europe and North America. II. Observations on the Fauna of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon. Tract. 8vo. vol. 481. Washington, 1879. 8vo. (From the " Bnlletin uf the U.S. CtBoI. ami Geogr. Survey.") COPELAND ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE. Correspondence respecting the improvement of Copeland Island Light, and the adoption of Gas instead of Oil, etc. folio. Lond. 1880-82. folio. COPENHAGEN. Betsenkning angaaende Kj0benhavns Banegaards Udvidelse. Tract. 4to. vol. 90. Kj^lenliavn, 1881. 4to. Kj0benhavns Havneraads Plan for Havnens Udvikling. Tract. 4:to. vol. 90. Kjphenhavn, 1881. 4to. Tabelva?rk til Kj0benhavns Statistik, Nr. 3. (Statistique de Copenhague. Tableaux statistiques concernant le port de Copen- hague.) Copenhague, 1878. 4to. COPLAND, J. On the Drainage and Sewage of London and of large towns. Tract. 8vo. vol. 106. Lond. 1857. 8vo, CORADI, G. An account of Hohmann-Coradi's Precision-Planimeters. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Franl-fort-on-Main, 1855. 8vo. CORBETT, J. On the Re-housing of the Poorer Classes of Central London. [WestgartJi Prize Essay.^ Lond. 1886. 8vo. CORBETT, R. S. The universal Mining Code, 1890. See Stevens, J., and CoRBETT, R. S. CORDEMOY, C. J. de. Essai d'une theorie elementaire des marees. Tract. Svo. vol. 494. Dunherque, 1890. 8vo. Estudio relativo a los puertos de Constitucion y Corral : y a las mejoras de los rios Maule y Valdivia. Traducido del frances por A. Capdeville. [Span, and Fr.] Santiago de Chile, 1893. 8vo. Le Havre et les ports de la Seine. Tract. Svo. vol. 455. Paris, 1888. 8vo. Le port de Saint Pierre (He de la Reunion). Tract. Svo. vol. 455. Paris, 1888. 8vo. Travaux maritimes et construction des ports. Paris, 1883. 4to. CORDIER, — . Notes bibliographiques sur la question des essais et laboratoires d'essais des materiaux de construction en France et a I'etranger. [Paris, 1892-93.] folio. CORDIER, E. Equilibre stable des charpentes en fer, bois, et fonte. Paris, 1872. 4to. CORDIER, J. De la navigation interieure du departement du Nord, et particulierement du canal de la Sensee, (et particuliere- ment des travaux du port de Dunkerque). 2 vols. Lille, Paris, 1820-28. 4to. 294 CORDIER — CORNAGLIA. CORDTEIl J. — continued. Histoiro de la iiavi;,';ili()ii intorieure ; Vol. I. Particuliorement do celle d'Angleton-c, juscju'en 1803, traduite de I'ouviage de Phillips, et de celle de la France. Vol. II. Particulierenient de celle des Etats-Uiiis d'Amerique ; traduit de I'ouvrage de A. Gallatin par M. J. Cordicr. 2 vols. Pans, 1819-20. Svo. Memoire sur le canal de jonction de la Saone a la Moselle de Chalons a Youle. Tract, ^vo. vol. 323. Paris, 1828. 8vo. Memoire sur les projets presentes pour la jonction de la ]\Iarne a la Seine, la derivation de la Seine et les docks ou bassins-ecluses a etablir dans les plaines de Choisy, d'lvry et de Grenille. 3 parts. Paris, 1827-29. 8vo. Ponts et chaussees : essais sur la construction des routes des canaux, des ponts suspendus, des barrages, &c., et la legislation des travaux publics, extraits de divers ouvrages anglais. 2 vols, atlas. Lille and Paris, 1823-28. 8vo. and folio. CORDOBA, Argentine Bepublic. — Exjyosicion Nacional. Boletin oficial. 7 vols. Buenos Aires, 1870-73. 8vo. COREA. Report by Vice-Consul Carles of a journey from Soul to the Phyong Kang Gold Washings. Lond. 1885. 8vo. CORFIELD, W. H. A digest of facts relating to the Treatment and Utilization of Sewage. 2nd edition. Lond. and New York, 1871. 8vo. Dwelling houses : their sanitary construction and arrangements. [Cantor Lectures.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. 3rd edition. Lond. 1894. 8vo. Water-supply, Sewerage, and Sewage Utilization. [Chatham Lectures.] Chatham, 1874. folio. The Laws of Health. Lond. 1880. 8vo. CORINTH CANAL SOCIETY. Provisional Regulations for Navi- gation for the year 1893. [Greek, French, and English.] Tract. Uo. vol. 115. [Athens, 1893.] 4to. CORIOLIS, G. Traite de la mecanique des corps solides et du calcul de I'effet des machines. 2°"" edition. Paris, 1844. 8vo. CORK.— Qiteen's College. Calendar . . . 1851, (1880, etc.) Cork, 1851, 80, etc. CORLETT, H. L. Rails and Railways. Tract, ^vo. vol. 138. [I860.] 8vo. CORNAGLIA, P. A. De la propagation des ondes dans les liquides. Tract. 8w. vol. 106. Paris, 1884. 4to. Delle spiaggie. Tract. 4:to. vol. 110. Itoma, 1888. 4to. (Reale Accademia dei Lincei.) Du flot de fond dans les liquides en etat d'ondulation. Trad. Svo. vol. 344. Paris, 1881. 8vo. Sul regime delle spiaggie e sulla regolazione dei porti. Torino, 1891. Svo. CORNAGLIA — CORPORATION. ' 295 CORNAGLIA, P. A. — continued. Sulla veriticazione clegli apparechi lenticolari per fari. Tract. 8vo. vol. 345. Milano, 1857. 8vo. CORNBROOK. Report ou a Fire and Explosion at Cornbrook on 22nd June, 1887. folio. Lond. 1887. folio. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, N.Y. Annual Report of the President, 1887-88. Ithaca, 1888. 8vo. Library. Special lists, No. 1. Mathematics. Tract 8vo. vol. 377. Ithaca, 1883. 8vo. Register. Session 1870-71, (1885-86, etc.) Ithaca, 1871, 85, etc. 8vo. CORNET, F. L. Considerations sur la production et I'emploi de I'air comprime dans les travaux d'exploitation des mines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 268. MoHs, 1878. 8vo. Le grisou et les perturbations atmospheriques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. Bruxelles, 1881. 8vo. CORNIL, — . Rapport fait [au Senat] au nom de la commission chargee d'examiner le projet de loi, adopte par la Chambre des Deputes, ayant pour objet I'utilisation agricole des eaux d'egout de Paris et I'assainissement de la Seine. Paris, 1888. 4to. CORNISH, J. Cornish's Grand Junction and the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Companion, containing an account of Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. Birmingham, 1837. 8vo. CORNISH, T. A lecture on our Gold Supply : its effect on finance, trade, commerce and industries. Tract. 8vo. vol. 513. Lond. 1887. Svo. CORNU, L. Guide pratique pour I'etude et I'execution des construc- tions en fer. Paris, 1887. Svo. CORNUT, E. Congres international de mecanique appliquee. Con- ference sur les essais des fers et des aciers et les laboratoires de mecanique. Lille, 1890. Svo. Essais dynamometriques, indicateur de Watt. Tract. Svo. vol. 268. Lille, 1873. Svo. CORNWALL, H. B. Manual of Blowpipe Analysis . . . with a complete system of determinative mineralogy. New York, 1882. Svo. CORNWALL MINERS' ASSOCIATION. See Miners' Association OP Cornwall and Devon. CORNWALL MINING INSTITUTE. See Mining Institute op Cornwall. CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. See Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. CORNWALL ROYAL INSTITUTION. See Royal Institution OP Cornwall. CORPORATION OF FOREIGN BONDHOLDERS. Annual Reports of the Council. Lond. 1874-79. Svo. 296 . COEROZA — COSELEY. CORROZA, C. Proyecto para mejorar la navegacioii del Rio Guadal- quivir en su region niaritima. Madrid, 1859. 8vo. CORSEPIUS, M. Lcitfadcn zur Construction von Dynamo-maschinen und 7Air Berechnung von elektrischen Leitungen. Berlin, 1891. 8vo. CORT, C. Petition to the Commons of the United Kingdom, from the only surviving son of H. Cort. Tract, folio, vol. 19. Westminster, 185G. folio. CORT, H. Henry Cort's Inventions. Opinions of the press. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. [18.59.] 8vo. Observations, shewing the real value of Rolled Iron for free trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 126. Westminster, 1860. 8vo. CORT, R. Review of the report of the committee of the House of Commons on the petition of Mr. Coningsljy Cort, for sei'vices rendered to the iron trade, and to the British nation by the late Mr. Henry Cort, patentee of the puddling and rolling inventions for making bar iron. Tract. Svo. vol. 101. Lond. 1855. 8vo. CORTHELL, E. L. The Atlantic and Pacific Ship-railway across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Tract. 8vo. vol. 404. New York; 1886. 8vo. Canals and Railroads. Ship canals and ship railways. Tract. Svo. vol. 406. 1885. 8vo. An enlarged Waterway between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Seaboard, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 521. Montreal, 1891. Svo. A history of the Jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river. Neio Yorlc, 1880. 8vo. Improvement of River Mouths, \ptli Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.^ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. The Inter-Oceanic pi'oblem and its scientific solution. Tract. Svo. vol. 408. Ann Arbour, 1885. 8vo. The Isthmian Ship-railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 435. 1886. Svo. Remarks at a meeting of the Western Society of Engineers, June 4, 1890, on the resolution to co-operate in erecting a monu- ment to the late James B. Eads. Tract. Svo. vol. 509. 1890. Svo. A paper in English, French, and Spanish, on a proposition to erect a Monument in honour of the late J. B. Eads, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 534. [Chicago, 1891.] Svo. The South Pass jetties : ten years' practical teachings in river and harbour hydraulics. Tract. Svo. vol. 430. [New Yorh,] 1884-86. Svo. The Tehuantepec Ship-railway. Tract. Svo. vol. 404. Philadelphia, 1884. Svo. COSELEY, Staffordshire. Report ... on the . . . Explosion at Mr. Joseph Green's small Firework Factory at Coseley . . . 6th August, 1892. Lond. 1893. folio. COSSIGNY — COTTEEILL. 297 COSSIGNY, J. C. DE. Notions elementaires theoriques et pratiques sur les irrigations. Paris, 1874. 8vo COSSOUX, L. Sexploitation du Canal de Panama. Tract. 8vo. vol. 471. Bruxelles, 1888. 8vo. Ville d'Ostende, jetee-promenade : description. Tract, folio. vol. 44. Bruxelles, 1888. folio. COSTA, J. Traite elementaire de Fair comprime. Paris, 1888. 8vo. COSTA ALVES, H. E. da. Estrada de ferro da Victoria para minas. Relatorio. Tract. 8vo. vol. 345. Bio de Janeiro, 1876. 8vo. COSTA RICA. Contract between the Supreme Government of the Republic of Costa Rica and the Costa Rica Railroad Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 441. Neiv Yorl; 1867. 8vo. Report of the Commission of Enquiry in reference to the proposed settlement of the External Debt of the Republic of Costa Rica. Tract. Svo. vol. 414. Land. [ ] 8vo. COSTE, H., and Maniquet, L. Traite theorique et j^ratique des machines a vapeur au point de vue de la distribution. Paris, 1886. 8vo. COTARD, C. Congres Agricole de Toulouse, mai, 1885. Amenage- ment des eaux. Tract. Svo. vol. 430. Toulouse, 1885. Svo. La crise economique et agricole : amenagement des eaux pour irrigation. Tract. Svo. vol. 486 Paris, 1888. 8vo. Le NH et I'Egypte. Tract. Uo. vol. 112. Paris, 1884. 4to. COTELLE, L. B. Cours de droit administratif applique aux travaux publics. 3" edition. 4 vols. Paris, 1859-62. 8vo. • Legislation frangaise des chemins de fer et de la telegraphie electrique. 2*" edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1867. 8vo. COTGREAVE, A. Library appliances : a description of various inventions, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 473. Bichmond, [1882 ^ Svo. Library Indicators versus Book-keeping. Tract. Svo. vol. 422. Lond. 1SS5. Svo. COTSELL, G. A treatise on Ships' Anchors. Lond. 1856. 12mo. COTTA, B. VON. Die Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. 2 vols. Zweite Auflage. Freiberg, 1859-61. Svo. A treatise on Ore Deposits : translated from the second German edition, by F. Prime. New York, 1870. 8vo. COTTAM, E. No Frog, no Foot. Observations on the " Goodenough " system of Shoeing Horses. Tract. Svo. vol. 180. Lond. 1869. Svo. COTTERILL, J. H. Applied Mechanics. Lond. 1884. Svo. • 3rd edition, revised. Lond. 1892. Svo. The Steam-engine considei-ed as a Heat Engine. Lond. 1878. Svo. 2nd edition, enlarged. Lond. 1890. Svo. 208 COTTON — COTTRAU. COTTON, Sir A. Lectures on Irrigation Works in India. Chatham, 1875. folio. Papers on land and water Carriage in India. 1871. See Chesney, G., Col., and Cotton, Sir A. Profits upon British capital expended on Indian public works. Tract. 8fo. vol 332. Limd. 1856. 8vo. Public works in India : their importance. Revised Indian edition. Madras, 1854. 8vo. Reply to Colonel Sir Proby Cautley's "Disquisition" on the Ganges Canal. Lond. 1864. 8vo. Reply to Sir Proby Cautley's valedictory note on the Ganges Canal. (Printed for private circulation.) Lond. 1865. 8vo. Study of Living Languages for colloquial purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 249. Dorking, 1875. 8vo. Thorough Cultivation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 513. DorJcing, 1887. 8vo. COTTON, Sir A., and Cautley, Sir P. T., Colonel. The Ganges Canal : a discussion regarding the projection and present state of the Ganges Canal, and the measures required to make it reliably useful and profitable. Lond. 186i. 8vo. COTTON, A. T., and Taylor, J. N. Reports on the Harbour of Beitkul. 1858. See India. — Beitkul, COTTON, F. C, Lieut.-Col. Report of a tour of Inspection of the Northern Littoral Districts of the Madras Presidency. 1856. See India. — Madbas. COTTON, C. P. Loans Manual : a compilation of tables and rules for the use of local authorities. Lond. 1890. 8vo. A Manual of Procedure by provisional order under or relating to the Public Health (Ireland) Act, the Artisans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Acts ; the Labouring Classes' Lodging- Houses and Dwellings (Ireland) Acts ; the Gas and Waterworks Facilities Acts ; the Electric Lighting Act, the Housing of the Working Classes Act. Dublin, 1887. 8vo. Manual of Railway Engineering. 2nd edition. Lond. 1874. 8vo. Manual of Railway Engineering in Ireland. Dublin, 1861. 8vo. COTTON, J. S., and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies. Part I. India. By J. S. Cotton. Part II. The Colonies. By E. J. Payne. Lond. 1883. 8vo. COTTON, W. A bi'ief memoir of the late Captain Joseph Huddart, F.R.S., and an account of his inventions in the manufacture of cordage. Lond. 1855. 4to. COTTONIAN LIBRARY. See British Museum. COTTRAU, A. New patented system of Locomotives, with wheels with two tires. [In Italian, French and English.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 340. Napoli, 1882. 8vo. COUAILHAC — COURTIN. 299 COUAILHAC, V. Fers et aciers : examen cle la situation faite a la metallurgie par les differents precedes de fabrication inventes dans ces dernieres annees ; suivi du manuel pratique du puddleur pour la fabrication des fers fins. Tract. Svo. vol. 174. Liege, 1860. Svo. COUCHE, C. Rapport sur le frein automateur de M. Guerin. 1857. Svo. See PiOBERT, — , Combes, C, and Couche, C. Voie, materiel roulant, et exploitation technique des chemins de fer. 3 vols. Paris, 1867-76. Svo. Permanent Way, Rolling Stock and technical Working of Rail- ways. . . . Translated from the French, etc. (Atlases of Plates.) 6 vols. Lond. and Paris, 1877-1884. 4to. Rapport sur le systeme de locomotive articulee et a douze roues couplees propose par M. L. Rarchaert. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. [1863.] Svo. COUCHE, t. Les eaux de Paris en 1884. Tract, folio, vol. 34. Paris, 1885. folio. COXJES, E., and Yarrow, H. C. Notes on the Herpetology of Dakota and Montana. Tract. 8vo. vol. 481. Washington, 1878. Svo. CFrom the Bulletin of the U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey.) COUHARD, Caj)!. An abstract of Couhard's Cellular theory of Steel. Tract. Svo. vol. 457. Woolwich, 1888. Svo. COULTER, P. J. Description generale des phares et fanaux. 1"^ edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 424. Paris, 1855. Svo. Edition de septembre, 1880, avec deux supplements. Paris, 1884-86. Svo. COULOMB, C. A. Memoires sur I'electricite et le magnetisme. Paris, 1785-89. 4to. Theorie des machines simples, en ayant egard au frottement de leurs parties et a la roideur des cordages. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1821. 4to. COULON, R. Rapport comparatif sur I'eclairage des quais de Rouen. Tract. Svo. vol. 321. Paris, 1880. Svo. COULSON, S. A treatise on the Engineer's and Mechanic's Slide-rule. Stohesley, 1842. 12mo. COULTHARD, H. C. Blast-engines : containing plates to scale. Lond. 1867. folio. Description of the new Iron Works at Grosmont. Tract. Svo. vol. 136. [Lond. 1863.] Svo. (From the Proc. Inst. M.E.) COURTEMANCHE, R. Description d'un navire aerien pouvant servir a une locomotion atmospherique. Tract. Svo. vol. 429. Pam, [1882?] Svo. COURTIN, — . Travaux des ponts et chaussees depuis 1800, ou tableau des constructions neuves, etc. Paris, 1812. Svo. 300 CODRTIN — COWLEY. COURTIN, A. J. La flialt'ur et ses applications aux iiiacliines a air chaiul, aux machines a air coniprinie et aux niacliinos a vapeur. 2""' edition. P((ri8, 1878. 8vo. COURTNEY, J. The Boilermaker's Assistant. Edited by D. K. Clark. Lond. 1880. 8vo. The Boilermaker's Ready Reckoner. . . . Edited by D. K. Clark. 2nd edition. Lond. 1885. 8vo. COURTNEY, W. P. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, etc. 1874-82. See BoASE, G. C, and Couktney, W. P, COURTOIS, C. Traite des moteurs hydrauliques, etc. Paris, [1865?] 8vo. COUSINS, R. H. A theoretical and practical treatise on the Strength of Beams and Columns. Neio York, 1889. 8vo. COUVREUR, L. Of Tolls and Pees collected on Navigaljle Ways. [5///. Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.'\ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. COVENTRY CANAL. An Act for the Construction ... of a Canal from Coventry to Oxford. Lond. 1769. folio. An Act [1774] to amend [the Coventry Canal Act of 1769]. Lond. 1824. folio. An Act for amending several Acts . . . relating to the Coventry Canal. Lond. 1819. folio. COVINGTON AND CINCINNATI BRIDGE COMPANY. Annual Report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 197. Trenton, 1867. 8vo. CO WD IN, J. Description and testimonials of the patent Locomotive steam double Pile driving and railway grading machine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 77. Lond. 1842. 8vo. COWDON, J., Cajyt. Testimony before the special committee for examination into the subject of the work of the Mississippi River Commission and the lever and outlet systems. Tract. 8vo. vol. 348. Washington, 1883. 8vo. COWE, Bev. J. The Meteorological Register kept at Sunbury Vicarage, Middlesex, 1795 to 1839. Lond. 1889. folio. COWEN, R. On the application of the Syphon for Drainage. Trad. 8vo. vol. 105. Carlisle, 1853. 8vo. COWIE, M. Letter to the Duke of Buccleuch, on the education at Putney College. Tract. 8vo. vol. 97 . Lond. [18501] 8vo. A programme of the subjects of examination for the diploma of the College for Civil Engineers . . . Putney. Tract. 8vo. vol. 178. [Loticl] 1844. 8vo. COWLEY, J. L. An appendix to the elements of Euclid ... by which the doctrine of solids in . . . Euclid is illustrated, etc. 2nd edition. Lond. [1766.] 4to. COWLEY, J. L., and Jones, W. An illustration and mensuration of Solid Geometry. 3rd edition. Lond. 1787. 4to. OOWPER — COXWOKTHY. 301 COWPER, E. A. Cowper's patent method of casting Railway Chairs. Tract. 8vo. vol. Westminder, [ .] 8vo. Description of an improved Suspension Bridge, etc. Birmingham, 1847. 8vo. The Writing Telegraph, with samples of writing. Tract. Svo. vol. 308. [Lond. 1879.] Svo. COWPER, E. A., and Anderson, W. Experiments on the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat on a large scale. Tract. 8vo. vol. 450. Lond. 1887. 8vo. COWRA, N.S.W. Report . . . relating to the proposed Iron Bridge at Cowra. Sydney, 1890. folio. COX, E. W. The new Law and practice of Joint-stock Companies. 2nd edition. Lond. 1856. 12mo. COX, G. Agricultural Chemistry. Tract. Svo. vol. 373. Bedford, 1844. 8vo. COX, Bev. Sir G. W., Bart. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art, 1865-67. See Brande, W. T., and Cox, Bev. Sir G. W. COX, H. Manual of the Differential Calculus. Cambridge, 1851. 8vo. The Law and Science of Ancient Lights. Tract. Svo. vol. 182. Lond. 1869. 8vo. COX, J. H. Borough of Bradford. Queries and replies re Tramways. Tract, folio, vol. 42. 1882. folio. COX, J. N. Report on Irrigation in the Vere district of the parish of Clarendon, Jamaica. Tract, folio, vol. 26. [Kingston, Ja.,] 1879. folio. COX, P., Lieut.-Col. Report of 1876 upon the union proposed by the Surbiton Commissioners (Lower Thames Valley Drainage). MS. Lond. 18>6. folio. Thames Valley Sewerage. Report upon an application from the Local Board of Hampton Wick to the Local Government Board. MS. Lond. 1877. folio. COX, S. E. Notes on the present use of Portland Cement and Con- crete. Trad. Svo. vol. 477. [BoorJcee,] 1881. Svo. On Brick and Tile manufacture in England. Tract. Svo. vol. 483. [Boorkee,] 1881. Svo. COXE, E. B. A new method of Sinking Shafts. Tract. Svo. vol. 485. [New York,] 1872. Svo. OOXWORTHY, F. Condition of the Earth and Atmosphere, during the years 1845 and 1847. Tract. Svo. vol. 149. Lo7id. 1848. Svo. Electrical Condition applied to facts connected with heat crystallisation, meteoi'ology, evaporation, magnetic condition of the earth, gravitation, chemical affinity, respiration, ventilation, constitution of the atmosphere, agriculture, and geology. Tract. Svo. vol. 100. Lond. iS48. Svo. 302 COXWORTHY — CRAIG. COXWORTHY, F. — continued. (Jovcrnnient : its uses and abuses. Tract. 8i-o. vol. 100. Lond. 1852. 8vo. On the Constitution of the Atmosphere. Tract. 8vo. vol. 149. Lond. 1847. 8vo. The Potato Disease and bad ventilation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 149. Lond. 1847. 8vo. CRABB, G. English Synonymes explained. Gth edition. Lond. 1837. 8vo. CRACE-CALVERT, F. Conductibility of Mercury and Amalgams. Tract, ito. vol. 48. Lond. 1859. 4to. Dyeing and Calico Printing. 2nd edition. Manchester, 1876. Svo. Experiments on the Oxidation of Iron. Tract. 8vo. vol. 233. Manchester, 1872. 8vo. Note sur la preparation du coke destine a la fabrication de la fonte. Tract, ito. vol. 48. [Paris, 1852.] 4to. On the increased Strength of Cast Iron, produced by the use of improved Coke : with a series of Experiments by William Fairbairn. Tract. 8vo. vol. 501. Lond. 1855. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E:) CRACE-CALVERT, F., and Johnson, R. On the relative powers of metals and alloys to conduct heat. Part 1, Tract, ito. vol. 41. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) Lond. 1858. 4t0. On the Specitic Gravities of Alloys. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. (From the Philosophical Magazine.) [Lond. 1859.] 8vo. CRACKNELL, E. W. Passenger and Warehouse Lifts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 361. Sydney, 1882. Svo. CRADDOCK, T. Description, with experiments, etc., of a patent universal Condensing Engine. Tract, ito. vol. 37. Biriningham, 1844. 4to. The History of Wisbech and the Fens. 1849. See Walker, N., and Craddock, T. CRADLEY HEATH. Report on an Explosion of Gunpowder at Cradley Heath, Staffordshire, on the 7th April, 1887. Lond. 1887. folio. CRAIG, Forfarshire. Report on an Explosion of Nitroglycerine at Craig, near Montrose, 5th March, 1880. By Major A. Ford. Lond. 1880. folio. CRAIG, A. Craig's patent Rotary steam-engine explained and illustrated ; with a concise review of the invention of the piston engine, and a comparative estimate of their relative power and advantages. Tract. 8vo. col. 62. Lond. 1841. 8vo. CRAIG, T. On the Motion of a Solid in Fluid. New Yorl; 1879. 8vo. Wave and Vortex Motion. Neio York, 1879. Svo. CRAIG, W. J. Scientific Tri-Unities. Stratford, 1889. Svo. (From Trans. Inst. Marine Engineers.) CRAIK CREED. 303 CRAIK, D. Practical American Millwright and Miller. Philadelphia, 1877. 8vo. CRAM, T. J. Report upon the Decay and Preservation of Timl)er. Tract. 8vo. vol. 226. Washington, 1871. 8vo. CRAMER, J. A. Elements of the art of Assaying Metals. ' Loud. 1744. 8vo. Second edition. Land. 1764. 8vo. CRAMPTON, T. R. New design for Locomotive Engines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. '"[1886.] 8vo. CRANE, G. V. Price and Others. [Report of a trial in the Court of Common Pleas, Westminster, February 11, 1840, for an infringe- ment of Crane's Patent for the use of anthracite combined with hot blast in the smelting of iron.] Land. 1840. folio. CRANE, W. J. E. The Sheet-metal worker's guide. Lond. 1883. 8vo. The Smithy and Forge ; a rudimentary treatise, etc. Land. 188.3. 8vo. CRANSTONHILL WATERWORKS, Glasgow. An Act to enable the . . . Proprietoi's ... to improve their Works (1819). Lond. 1834. folio. CRARAE QUARRY, Loch Fynr. Report by Col. A. Ford on an Explosion at Crarae Quarry, Loch Fyne. Lond. 1887. folio. CRAWFORD, A. Papers relating to a proposal for the establishment of a harbour and dock trust, and for the construction of a wet dock in Moody Bay. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. Bomhay, 1867. 8vo. See India. ^ — Bombay. Annual Report of the Municipal Com- missioner [A. Crawford]. 1868. CRAWFORD, J. C, Essay on the Geology of the North Island of New Zealand. Dunedin, 1865. 8vo. (Bound with Reports, Exhibition, New Zealand, 1866.) CRAWFORD, J. L. Forth and Clyde Ship Canal in relation to the development of commerce. Glasgoiv and Lond. 1891. 8vo. CRAWFORD, R. Report upon the proposed Transandine Railway, to connect Buenos Ayres with Chile, by a line over the Planchon pass. Tract. 8vo. vol. 227. Buenos At/res, 1872. 8vo. CRAWFURD, O. Report on the bar and navigation of the Douro. Tract. 8vo. vol. 154. Ojjorto, 1866. 8vo. CREAMER, W. G. Railway Safety. Tract. 8vo. vol. 138. Lond. 1863. 8vo. CREASSY, J. Report on the Drainage and improvement of the Keyingham Level and the adjoining country. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1801. 8vo. CREED, H. H., and Williams, W. Handicraftsmen and Capitalists : their organisation at home and abroad. Tract. 8vo. vol. 167. Birmingham, 1867. 8vo. 304 CREHORE — CRIMP. CREn()l\E, J. I). Mechanics of the (iiicler: a treatise on Bridges and K(j<.fs. New York, 1886. Bvo. CRELLE, A. L. Journal fiir die iciiie und angewandte Mathematik. See Periodical Publications. Moinoire sur les diffcrentes manieres de se servir de Tolasticite de Fair atmospherique comme force niotrice sur les chemins de fer. Berlin, 1846. 4to. Rechentafeln. Funfte Auflage. Berlin, 1880. folio. CRELLIN, W. Complete Traverse Table. (Reading instrument in case.) Mdhonrne, 1881. 4to. CREMONA, L. Graphical Statics : two treatises on the graphical calculus and reciprocal figures in graphical statics, etc. Oxford, 1890. 8vo. CRESSON, J. C. Report to the trustees of the Philadelphia Gas- works. Philadelphia, 1841. 8vo. CRESSWELL, D. An elementary treatise on the geometrical and algebraical investigation of Maxima and Minima, etc. Cambridge, 1817. Bvo. CRESWELL, C. E. Ventilation of Sewers and Drains. Tract, folio, vol. 34. Lond. 1884. folio. CRESY, E. An analytical index to An historical Essay on Architecture, by the late Thomas Hope. Lond. 1863. Bvo. An Encycloptedia of Civil Engineering. 2 vols. Lond. 1847. Bvo. A practical treatise on Bridge-building, and on the equilibrium of vaults and arches. (incomplete.) Lond. 1839. folio. CREUSOT. Rapport sur les etablissemens du Creusot, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 6. Paris, 1828. 4to. CREUZE, A. F. B. Papers on Naval Architecture, etc. 1827, etc. See Morgan, W., and Creuzb, A. P. B. See Murray, A. The Theory and Practice of Ship-Building. AVith portions of the Treatise on Naval Architecture, by A. F. B. Creuze. 1861. CREW, B. J. A practical treatise on Petroleum : together with . . . an appendix on the oil regions and the geology of natural gas in Pennsylvania and New York, by C. A. Ashburner. Lond. 1887. 8vo. CREWE. The Jubilee of Crewe. Containing a brief history of the . . . borough . . . with an account of the Jubilee rejoicings, etc. Greive, 1887. 4to. CRIMP, W. S. A paper on the Wimbledon Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal works, 1888. Tract. 8vo. vol. 469. [Lond.] 1888. Bvo. Road-watering. Tract. Svo. vol. 419. [1886 ?] Bvo. CRIMP CROES. 305 CRIMP, W. S. — continued. Sewage Disposal Works : a guide to the construction of works for the prevention of the Pollution by Sewage of rivers and estuaries. Lond. 1890. 8vo. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Lond. 1894. 8vo. Sewage Treatment and Sludge Disposal. Land. 1893. 8vo. Sewer Ventilation. [Loh^. 1891.] folio. Some general notes on the Working of the London Main Drainage System. Tract. 8vo. vol. 511. Lond. 1893. 8vo. CRINAN CANAL. An Act for . . . the Payment of Money to be applied in completing the Canal, etc. Lond. 1816. folio. See also Forth and Clyde Canal. Act, etc., 1799. CRIPPS, F. S. The Flow of Gases and Proportioning Gas Mains, etc. With four diagrams. Lond. 1892. 4to. and folio. Gasholders with or without framing . . . With a synopsis of the principal literature on Gasholder Construction. 1893. See Pease, E. L., and Cripps, F. S. The Guide-framing of Gasholders, and other papers. Lond. 1889. 8vo. CRIPPS, H. L. The Position of the London Water Companies, con- sidered from a Parliamentary and Legal point of view, etc. Lond. [1892.] 8vo. CRISTOFORIS, L. de. Relazione . . . sopra alcune macchine da lui specialmente esaminate all' Esposizione di Londra del 1851. Tract. 8vo. vol. 181. Milano, 1852. 8vo. CRIYELLI, J. Nouvelle machine qui offre trois forces motrices en meme tems . . . Projet pour changer avec avantage les deux roues des bateaux a vapeur actuellement existantes ; reunion du baril americain au semoir italien. Tract. 8vo. vol. 504. BruxeUes, 1827. 8vo. CROCKETT, J. B. Gas Furnaces, generative or recuperative. Tract. 8oo. vol. 406. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. CROES, J. J. R. Memoir of the construction of a Masonry Dam for a Storage Reservoir. New York, 1875. 8vo. Report on the extent of the first works to be constructed for supplying Water to Syracuse, N.Y. Tract. 8vo. vol. 496. New TorJc, 1890. 8vo. Report on the Sewage Problem in East Orange. Tract. 8vo. vol. 372. East Orange, 1884. 8vo. The Rivers at Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Report to the Board of Trade of the city of Johnstown, June 15, 1891. New York City, 1891. 8vo. • The Sewerage of Geneva, N.Y. Tract. 8vo. vol. 358. New York, 1884. 8vo. ■ The Skaneateles Lake Water Supply. Tract. 8vo. vol. 496. 1889. Svo. Statistical Tables ... of American Waterworks, 1883, (1885- 87.) 2 vols. Neio York, 1883-87. 8vo. Statistical Tables of American Waterworks, 1887. 1887. 8vo. X 306 CR0E8— CR00KE8. CROES, J. J. R., and HowKLL, G. W. Newark Aqueduct Board. Report oil additional Water Supply. Newark, U.S., 1879. 8vo. CROFTON, M. W. Lectures on the elements of Applied Mechanics, etc. 2nd edition. Lmid. 1H86. 8vo. CROIZETTE-DESNOYERS, P. Cours de construction des ponts. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1885. 4to. and folio. Notice sur les travaux publics en Hollande. Paris, 1874. 4to. CROLL, A. A. The Great Central Gas Company ; its origin and history. Tract. Svo. vol. 248. Lond. 1875. 8vo. On the construction and use of Gas Meters. Tract. Svo. vol. 502. (From Mill. I'roc. Inst. C.E.) Land. 184:5. 8v0. On the purification of Coal Gas, and the application of the products to Agricultural and other purposes. Tract. Svo. vol.502. (From Mill. Proe. Inst. C.E.) XoMC?. 1844. 8vO. CROMBIE, J. M. The Geological Relations of the Alpine Flora of Great Britain. Tract. Svo. vol. 474. Lewes, [1870 ?] Svo. CROMFORD CANAL. An Act for making and maintaining a Canal from . . . Cromford Bridge to join the Erewash Canal at Langley Bridge, etc. Land. 1789. folio. ■ An Act to alter and amend the [Cromford Canal Act, 1789]. Lond. 1790. folio. CROMPTON, R. E. System of Electric Lighting. Tract, ito. vol. 87. [1881.] 4to. The Electric Light for industrial uses. Tract. Svo. vol. 329. [1880?] 8vo. CROMPTON, R. E., and Co. Note book . . . with useful formulae. Lond. 1886. 12mo. CROMWELL, J. H. A treatise on Belts and Pulleys. NeiD York, 1885. Svo. A treatise on Toothed Gearing. Neto York, 1884. Svo. CRONSTEDT, A. F. An essay towards a System of Mineralogy. Second edition. Lond. 1772. 8vo. CROOK, H. T. The maps of the Ordnance Survey : as they are and as they ought to be. Tract. Svo. vol. 521 . Manchester, 1892. Svo. A scheme for the Water Supply of south-east Lancashire : proposed Derwent waterworks. Tract. Svo. vol. 378. Manchester, 1885. Svo. CROOKES, W. Dyeing and tissue printing, etc. Lond. 1882. Svo. On the manufacture of Beet-root Sugar in England and Ireland Lond. 1870. Svo. A practical handbook of Dyeing and Calico-printing. Lond. 1874. Svo. • The profitable Disposal of Sewage. Tract. Svo. vol. 307. Land. 1876. Svo. CROOKES — CROYDON. 307 CROOKES, W.—conihmed. Report on recent trials of the A B C process [of purifying sewage] made by the Leeds Corporation at Knostrop, Leeds. Tract. 8vo. vol. 307. Land. 1876. 8vo. Select methods in Chemical Analysis (chiefly inorganic). Lond. 1886. 8vo. A Solution of the Sewage Problem. Tract. 8vo. vol. 372. Lond. 1873. 8vo. Twelve months' experience with the ABC process of purifying Sewage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 307. Lond. 1872. 8vo. CROOKES, W., and Rohrig, E. A practical treatise of Metallurgy, adapted from the last German edition of " Professor Kerl's Metallurgy." 3 vols. Lond. 1868-70. 8vo. CROOKES, W., Odling, W., and Tidy, C. M. London Water Supply. Report on the composition of daily samples of the Water supplied to London. No. 1, etc. Lond. 1881, etc. 4to CROSBY, O. T., and Bell, L. The Electric Railway in theory and practice. New York, 1892. 8vo. CROSLEY, H. Practical observations on the Pneumatic Process ; or, the improved method of expelling the molasses and syrup from raw Sugar. Tract. 8vo. vol. 57. Lond. 1830. 8vo. CROSS, C. F., and Bevan, E. J. A text book of Paper-making. Lond. 1888. 8vo. CROSS, C. S. Engineer's Field Book. 3rd edition. Neio York, 1890. 8vo. CROSS, W., and Hillebrand, W. F. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulle- tin No. 20.] Washington, 1885. 8vo. CROSSBY, W. E., and Carey, A. Specification [for] improvements in Machinery for Digging Land. Tract, ito. vol. 117. Lond. 1881. 4to. CROUCH, A. P. On a Surf-bound coast ; or. Cable-laying in the African tropics. Lond. 1887. 8vo. CROUCHER, J. Analytical hints on the patent Marine Time- keeper. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4:Q5. Lo/ic?. [1820?] 8vo. CROUZET, J. B., and Colombat, — . Navire insubmersible. (Nouvelle application de I'air comprime.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 241. Paris, 1874. 8vo. CROWELL, J. F. Uniform Practice in Pile-Driving. [New York, 1892.] 8vo. CROYDON. Croydon Improvement Act, 1890. Lond. 1890. folio. Remarks on the proposition to discharge a portion of the Sewage of the parish of Croydon into a sewer under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works at Bell Green, in the parish of Lewisham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 133. [Lond.l 1862. 8vo. X 2 308 CROYDON — CRULS. CROYDOl^—conthuieil Reiwrts by N. Arnott and T. Page relative to the prevalence of disease at Croydon and to the plan of sewer- age. Lond. 1853. folio. Report of T. AVicksteed on the state of the works of Drainage anil Sewerage oi Croydon, and on the measures proposed to remedy its defects. Lond. 1853. folio. Further Report from the consulting engineer to the General Board of Health on the Croydon Sewerage. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Statement of the preliminary inquiry l)y T. Southwood Smith, M.D., and J. Sutherland, M.D., on the epidemic at Croydon. Lond. 1853. 8vo. CROYDOX AXD EPSOM RAILWAY. Atmospheric Railways; minutes of evidence of the engineers before the Committee on the Croydon and Epsom and South Western railway. Lond. 1844. folio. CROYDON AXD NORWOOD TRAMWAYS COMPANY. An Act to amalgamate . . . the Croydon Tramways Company and the Norwood District Tramwavs Company, etc. Lond. 1883. folio. CROYDON CANAL. An Act for making and maintaining a Navig- able Canal from Croydon . . . into the Grand Surrey Canal : and for supplying the towns of Croydon, Dulwich. Norwood and Sydenliam with Water from the said Canal. Lond. 1801. folio. An Act for enabling the proprietors to complete the Canal. Lond. 1808. foUo. An Act for enabling the proprietors to complete the Canal and Works and for amending former Acts. Lond. 1811. foHo. CRUDEN, R. P. The history of the town of Gravesend . . . and of the port of London. Lond. 1843. 8vo. CRUGNOLA, G. Dizionario di ingegueria e di architettura nelle Ungue italiana, francese, inglese e tedesca, etc. (In progress.) Torino, 1S84:, etc. 8vo. Sui muri di sostegno delle terre. Torino, 1883. 8vo. CRUICKSHANK, W. D. On the strength of Shafting. Tract. Svo. vol. 363. Si/dnei/, 1880. 8vo. Strength and construction of Steam Boilers. Tract. Svo. vol. 362. Si/dnei/, 1882. 8vo. CRULS, L. clima do Rio de Janeiro. [Port, and Fr.] Bio de Janeiro, 1892. folio. Descripcao e theoria do barometro differencial destinado aos nivelameutos barometricos. Tract. Svo. rol. 468. Bio de Janeiro, 1888. 8vo. Instruccoes para as Commissoes Brazilekas que tem de observer a passagem de Yenus. Tract, -ito. vol. 110. Bio de Janeiro, 1882. 4to. CRYSTAL PALACE CUBITT. 309 CRYSTAL PALACE, Sydenham. The great triennial Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace. Programme of arrangements. Tract. 8vo. vol. 137. Lond. 1862. 8vo. The Handel Commemoration festival at the Crystal Palace in 1859. Programme of arrangements. Tract. 8vo. vol. 115. Lond. 1859. Svo. • International Electric Exhibition, 1881-82. See London. — Exhi- bitions. Electrical E.ihihition, 1892. See London. — Exhibitions. International E.vhihition of Mining and Metallurgy, 1890. See London. — Exhibitions. School of Practical Engineering. List, Syllabus, and Curriculum. 1886 and 1887. 1886-87. 8vo. CSATARY, L. de. L'hygiene des chemins de fer et des voyageurs. Lond. [1891.] folio. CUBA. Cuba and Nassau, the winter sanitariums. Tract. 8vo. vol. 426. Neio Tork, [1886.] 8vo. CUBITT, C. Floscularia coronetta, a new species ; with observations on some points in the economy of the genus. Tract. Svo. vol. 178. Lond. 1869. Svo. CUBITT, J., and Carr, H. Blackfriars-bridge. Contract for removal of existing bridge and for building the proposed new bridge. A reprint from the edition of 1864. [Lond.'\ 1869. folio. CUBITT, L. Conditions of contract and specification of works (with ten accompanying drawings) prepared for the works to be done in the construction of iron roofing to adjoin the buildings of the per- manent goods and temporary passenger station. Maiden-lane, near King's Cross, London. (Atlas of plates.) Tract, folio, vol. 5. Lond. 1850. folio. CUBITT, Sir W. Address to the Institution of Civil Engineers, Jan. 8th, 1850. Tract. 8vo. vol. 499. Lond. 1850. 8vo. Description of a plan for a central union Canal, which will . . . unite the Birmingham, Warwick and Birmingham, Coventry, and Oxfoi^l canals. Tract. 8vo. vol. 5. Lond. 1832. 8vo. Description of the Treadmill invented by Sir W. Cubitt for the employment of prisoners, and its application to a corn and flour- mill. Tract. 8vo. vol. 62. Lond. 1822. Svo. Dublin Harbour, Report to the commissioners. Tract. Svo. vol. 305. 1835. Svo. Public reasons against Railroads. [With replies by W. Cubitt.] 1825. See Anonymous. Report on Falmouth Harbour. Tract. 4to. vol. 16. Falmouth, 1835. 4to. A report on the best line of Railway Communication between Boulogne and Amiens. Tract. Svo. vol. 77. Boulogne, 1843. Svo. dn French and English.) 310 CUBITT— CULLEN. CUBITT, Sir W. — continued. A report on the Boulogne and Amiens railway. Tract. 4/o. vol. 3G. Paris, 1844. 4to. Report on the improvement of the Port and Harbour of Belfast. Tract, ^vo. vol. 286. Belfast, 1835. 8vo. Report on the London and Blackwall Railway. 1837. See London and Blackwall Railway. Report upon the Sewerage and Water-supply of Oxford. Amersliam, 1851. 8vo. CUBITT, Sir W., and Barlow, P. W. Proposed new Bridge at Londonderry. Reports. Tract, folio, vol. 10. Westnmister, 1857. folio. CUBITT, Sir W., and Sopwith, T. The Sambre and Meuse Rail- way. Tract. Uo. vol. 81. Lond. 1844. 4to. CUCINIELLO, D., and Bianciii, L. Viaggio pittorico nel regno delle due Sicilie. 3 vols. Napoli, [ .] folio. CUENTO, J. DE. Will a Drowned person be raised by the discharge of a Cannon? Tract. 8vo. vol. 473. [Philadelphia,'] 1884. 8vo. CULCAIRN. Report . . . relating to the proposed Railway from Culcairn to Corowa. Sj/dney, 1889. folio. CULCHETH, W. W. Irrigation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 471. Melbourne, 1886. 8vo. Irrigation in India : its lessons for Australia. Tract. 8vo. vol. 514. Melbourne, 1891. 8vo. Irrigation Works in Australia : how they may be made remu- nerative. Tract. 8vo. vol. 514. Melbourne, 1891. 8vo. The late Flood in Melbourne. Tract. 8vo. vol. Melbourne, 1891. 8vo. Quantity of Water consumed in Irrigation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 455. Melbourne, 1882. 8vo. Shingle on the east coast of New Zealand. Tract. 8vo. vol. 473. Melbourne, 1884. 8vo. CULLEN, E. Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal ; with a full history of the Scotch colony of Darien. 2nd edition. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Letters on the Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal, with Commander Prevost's report, showing the results of the Darien expedition of . . . 1854. Tract. 8vo. vol. 112. Lond. 1857. 8vo. Over Darien by a Ship Canal : reports of the mismanaged Darien expedition of 1854. Tract. 8vo. vol. 112. Lond. 1856. 8vo. CULLEN, E. A. Tide-tables for the Port of Brisbane . . . for . . . 1892. Brisbane, 1892. 8vo. CULLEN, W. A practical treatise on the construction of the Turbine, or horizontal Water-wheel. Tract. 4to. vol. 52. Lond. 1860. 4to. 2nd edition, enlarged. Lond. 1871. 8vo. CULLEN BULLEN COAL AND COKE COMPANY, LIMITED. Directors' reports, 1889-90. Sydney, 1889-90. folio. CULLEY CUNDILL. 311 CULLEY, R. S. A Handbook of practical Telegi-aphy. Lond. 1863. 8vo. 5th edition. Lond. 1871. 8vo. 8th edition. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Lectures on the construction and maintenance of Telegraph Lines. Tract. 8vo. vol. 243. Woolwich, 1869. 8vo. CULLUM, G, W. In memoriam, Brevet Brigadier General C. S. Merchant, U.S.A. West Point Alumni annual reunion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 333. 1880. 8vo. Register of the officers and graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, at West Point, N.Y., from March 16, 1802, to January 1, 1850. Tract. 8vo. vol. 120. New YorA-, 1850. 8vo. Systems of Militaiy Bridges in use by the United States Army, those adopted by the great European powers, and such as are employed in British India. 2nd edition. New York, 1869. 8vo. CULMANN, K. Die graphische Statik. Zurich, 1866. 8vo. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1875. 8vo. Druck kreisformiger Tonnengewolbe auf ihre Lehrgeriiste. Tract. itp. vol. 68. [1871?] 4to. CUMBERLAND. A Bill to extend the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887, to the Iron Ore Mines of Cumberland and Lancashire. Lond. 1888. folio. CUMMING, A. Observations on the . . . effects which Carriage Wheels with I'ims of cylindrical and of conical shape have on the roads, and on the Labour of Cattle, etc. (Supplement.) Lond. 1809. 4to. GUMMING, J. A manual of Electro Dynamics, chiefly translated from the " Manuel d'electricite dynamique" of J. F. Demonferrand. Cambridge, 1827. 8vo. GUMMING, Bev. J. G. The Isle of Man : its history. Lond. 1848. 8vo. GUMMING, L. An introduction to the Theory of Electricity. 3rd edition. Lond. 1885. 8vo. GUMMING, T. G. Description of the iron Bridges of Suspension now erecting over the strait of Menai . . . and over the river Conway . . . Also some account of the diflerent bridges of suspension in England and Scotland, e^c. Tract. 8vo. vol. 14. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Illustrations of the origin and progress of Rail and Tram-roads and Steam-carriages, or Locomotive-Engines ; also descriptive par- ticulars of the principal railways in the United Kingdom, etc. Tract. 8vo. vols. 1 and 503. Benhigh, 1824. 8vo. GUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Official guide and album. Lond. 1878. 8vo. The Cunard Line and the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Lond. 1893. obi. 8vo. CUNDILL, J. P., Major. A Dictionary of Explosives. Chatham, 1889. 8vo. 312 CUNDY — CUNNINGTON. CUNDY, N. W. Imperial Ship Caii;il from London to Portsmouth. Trnri. 8?w. col. 66. Limvo. vol. 101. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. DAVIS, A. T. Stratford-on-Avon Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 407. [1886.] 8vo. DAVIS, C. H. Narrative of the North Polar Expedition, U.S. ship " Polaris," Captain Hall commanding. Washington, 1876. 8vo. Report to the Secretary of the Navy in relation to the various proposed lines for Interoceanic Canals and Railroads between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Washington, 1866. 8vo, DAVIS, C. H., and Rae, F. B. Handbook of Electrical Diagrams and connections. Neiv York, 1876. 8vo. DAVIS, C. T. A practical treatise on the manufacture of Bricks, Tiles, terra-cotta, etc. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo. A treatise on Steam-boiler Incrustation and methods for pre- venting corrosion and the formation of scale. Lond. 1884. 8vo. DAVIS, D. L. Improved method of confining India-rubber, or other elastic bearings, for railroad chairs and rails. Tract. 8vo. vol.117. Boston, 1856. 8vo. DAVIS, G. E. The Distillation of Coal and recovery of hydrocarbons from the gas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 413. Manchester, 1884. 8vo. DAVIS, G. G. Ligeros apuntes sobre el clima de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1889. 4to. DAVIS, H. A reply to Lord Wharncliffe's letter on Draining, in the Royal Agricultural Society's Journal, 1851. Tract. 8vo. vol. 217. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Farming Essays (third series). Tract. 8vo. vol. 217. Lond. 1855. 8vo. DAVIS — DAVY. 323 DAVIS, James. On the manufacture of Basic open-hearth Steel. Trad. 9>vo. vol. 530. Middleshroiujh, 1891. 8vo. DAVIS, John. Historical records of the 2ncl Royal Surrey, or Eleventh Regiment of militia. Lond. 1877. 8vo. DAVIS, John W. Formuke for the calculation of Raiboad Excava- tion and embankment and for finding average haul. New York; 1877. 8vo. DAVIS, M. M. The Quadruplex. 1885. See Maver, W., and Davis, M. M. DAVIS, T. H. Notes on the Corrosion of Iron and Steel, especially of iron and steel ships. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Liverpool, 1886. 8vo. DAVIS, W. A treatise on Land-Surveying, by the chain, cross, and ofiset staffs : also, a description of the plan and map meters. 6th edition. Lond. 1816. 8vo. DAVISON, R., and Symington, W. Description of Cask-cleansing and purifying process. Tract. 8vo. vol. 62. Lond. 1846. 8vo. DAVISON, S. The discovery and geognosy of Gold Deposits in Aus- tralia ; with comparisons and accounts of the gold regions in California, Russia, India, Brazil, etc. Lond. 1860. 8vo. DAVOUT D'ECKMUHL, A. L., Marquise de BlocqueviUe. See Blocqueville, Marquise de. DAVY, C. The Architect, Engineer, and Operative Builder's Con- structive Manual. . . 2nd edition. Lond. 1839. 8vo. DAVY, Sir H. Collected Works. Edited by his brother, J. Davy :— Vol. 1. Memoir of the life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Vol. 2. Early miscellaneous papers from 1799 to 1805: with an introductory lecture, and outlines of lectures on chemistry, delivered in 1802 and 1804. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Vol. 3. Researches, chemical and philosophical ; chiefly con- cerning nitrous oxide or dephlogisticated nitrous air, and its respiration. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Vol. 4. Elements of chemical philosophy : as regards the laws of chemical changes : undecompounded bodies and their primary combinations. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Vol. 5. Bakerian-lectures and miscellaneous papers from 1806 to 1815. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Vol. 6. Miscellaneous papers and researches, especially on the safety lamp and flame, and on the protection of the copper sheathing of ships, from 1815 to 1828. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Vols. 7 and 8. Discourses delivered before the Royal Society, and the Board of Agriculture. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Vol. 9. Salmonia, or days of fly-fishing ; in a series of conversa- tions : with some account of the habits of fishes belonging to the genus salmo. — Consolation in travel, or the last days of a philosopher. Lond. .1840. 8vo. 324 DAVY — DAWSON. DAVY, Sir H. — continued. An account of some Galvanic Com- binations, formed by the anangomcmt of single metallic plates and fluids. Tract. Uo. vol. 19. Lon>J. 1801. 4to. (From the I'liil. Trans.) The Bakerian lecture on some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. Tract. 4/0. vol. 19. (From the Phil. Trans.) Land. 1807. 4to. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Lond. 1813. 4to. On the Safety Lamp for coal-miners ; with some researches on flame. Tract. 8vo. vol. 45. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Six discourses delivered before the Royal Society at their anniver- sary meetings, on the award of the Royal and Copley medals ; preceded by an address to the Society, on the progress and pro- spects of science. Tract. 4to. vol. 56. Lond. 1827. 4to. DAVY, M. See Mari6-Davy, H. DAWBARN, G. On the Flooding of Rivers and formation of Con- servancy Boards. Tract. 8vo. vol. 291. Wisbech, 1878. Svo. DAWES, Bev. R. Lessons on the phenomena of Industrial Life, and the conditions of industrial success. Lond. 1854. 8vo. DAWKINS, Prof. W. B. Inaugural address to the Manchester Geo- logical Society. Tract. Svo. vol. 253. Manchester, 1874. 8vo. Memorandum on the proposed Channel Tunnel. Tract, folio. vol. 44. 1883. folio. On some deposits of Apatite near Ottawa, Canada. Tract. Svo. vol. 379. Manchester, 1884. 8vo. DAWNAY, A. D. A treatise upon Railway Signals and Accidents. Tract. Svo. vol. 238. Lond. 1874. 8vo. DAWSON, A. English Landscape Art in the year 1877. Tract. Svo. vol. 449. Lond. 1877. 8vo. DAWSON, G. J. C. A brief sketch of the Introduction of Railways into this country. Tract. Svo. vol. 260. Tamworth, 1875. Svo. Street Pavements ; a paper. Tract. Svo. vol. 270. Liverpool, 1876. Svo. Future prospects of the Civil Engineering Profession. Tract. Svo. vol. 402. Lond. 1870. 8vo. DAWSON, Sir G. M. Comparative Vocabularies of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia. 1884. See Tolmie, W. F., and Dawson, Sir G. M. Descriptive Sketch of the physical geography and geology of Canada. 1884. See Selwyn, A. R. C, and Dawson, Sir G. M. The Mineral Wealth of British Columbia. Montreal, 1888. 8vo. DAWSON, J. Canal Extensions in Ireland, recommended to the Imperial Legislature. Tract. Svo. vol. 10. Dublin, 1819. 8vo. DAWSON, J. W. Fossil Plants of . . . Canada. 1871. See Canada. — [Geological Survey.^ DAWSON — DAY. 325 DAWSON, R. Statement of services as chief agent of the Australian Agricultural Company ; with a narrative of the treatment ex- perienced from the late committee at Sydney, and the Board of Directors in London. With an Appendix containing Mr. J. M' Arthur's report to the committee. Tract. 8vo. vol. 61. Land. 1829. 8vo. DAWSON", S. J. Report on the exploration of the country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. Toronto, 1859. 4to. DAWSON, William. Holyhead, and Roads to it, from Shrewsbury and Chester. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4. Dublin, 1811. 8vo. DAWSON, William, Commander, B.N. Naval Guns and naval gunners. Tract. Svo. vol. 214. 1872. 8vo. Offensive Torpedo Warfare. Tract. Svo. vol. 271. Lond. 1871. 8vo. DAWSON, William, Engineer, of E.veter. Sketches on the South Devon Railway. Part 1. Exeter, [ .] folio. Account ... of Land-Slips on the east coast of Devon, etc. See CoNYBEARE, W. D., and Dawson, W. DAWSON, William B. Rapid methods in Topographical Surveying. Tract. Svo. vol. 462. [New York,] 1882. 8vo. (From the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers.) DAY, D. T. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1886, (1887, etc.). [U.S. Geol. Survey.] Washington, 1887, etc. 8vo. DAY, F. J., Capt. Catalogue of the Royal Engineers Corps Library. 1885. See Vetch, R. H., and Day, F. J. DAY, J. A practical treatise on the Construction and formation of Railways. . . . 3rd edition. Lond. 1848. 8vo. DAY, M. S. Report of the Trigonometrical Survey of the Island of Hokkaido. New TorJc, 1876. 4to. DAY, R, E. Electric Light Arithmetic. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Exercises in Electrical and Magnetic Measurement. Lond. 1876. 8vo. 3rd edition. Lond. 1885. 8vo. DAY, St. J. V. On Asbestos, with special reference to its use as steam-engine " packing." Tract. Svo. vol. 220. Glasgow, 1872. 8vo. On certain points in the manufacture of Malleable Iron, with special reference to the Richardson process. Tract. Svo. vol. 164. Glasgow, 1868. 8vo. (From " Trans. Inst. Engineers in Scotland.") On Patents for Inventions. Glasgow, 1870. Svo. On some evidences as to the very early use of Iron, and on certain old bits of iron in particular. Tract. Svo. vol. 209. Edinburgh, 1871. 8vo. 326 DAY — DEAL. DAY, St. J. V. — continued. On some evidences as to the very early use of Iron. Tmc/. 8w. w/. 233. Edinburgh, 1873. 8vo. (Second Communication to the Pliilosopliical Society of (ilosgow.) On the high Antiquity of Iron and Steel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 255. Lond. 1874. 8vo. (Head before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow.) On the present state of some branches of Iron Metallurgy, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 174. Glaxgoiv, 18G8. 8vo. Papers on the Great Pyramid ; including a critical examination of Sir Henry James' " Notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt." Edinburgh, 1870. 8vo. The prehistoric use of Iron and Steel, etc. Lond. 1877. 8vo. DAYMAN, J., Lieut. -Commander, B.N. Deep-sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean, between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M.S. Cyclops, in June and July, 1857. Tract. Svo. vol. 165. Lond. 1858. 8vo. DAYMARD, V. Memoire sur de nouvelles courbes servant a repre- senter et a mesurer la stabilite statique des na vires sous toutes les inclinaisons possibles. Marseilles, 1883. 4to. DAYTON AND CINCINNATI (SHORT LINE) RAILROAD. Second annual report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 123. Cincinnati, 1854. Svo. DEACON, G. F. The constant Supply and Waste of Water. Tract Uo. vol. 92. (From the Joum. See. Arts.) Lond. 1882. 4to. • Note on the Glacial Geology of the Vyrnwy Valley. Tract. Svo. vol. 526. Liverpool, 1889. 8a-o. Waste-water Meter System. Tract, folio, vol. 40. Lond. 1885. folio. ■ [For Reports issued as Borough Engineer of Liverpool :] See Liverpool. — [Electric Light^, [Train-ways^, [Water Supply']. DEACON, W. Remarks on Conical and Cylindrical Wheels, public roads, wheel carriages, etc. Lond. 1808. Svo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1810. Svo. DEAKIN, A. Irrigated India : an Australian view of India and Ceylon, their Irrigation and Agriculture. Lond. 1893. Svo. ■ Irrigation in Western America, so far as it has relation to the circumstances of Victoria. Tract. Svo. vol. 417. Melbourne, 1885. Svo. ■ Water-supply and irrigation, Victoria. Tract. Svo. vol. 430. Melbourne, 1886. Svo. DEAL. Proposals of Prices for . . . the erection and completion of a Building ... in H.M. Naval Yard at Deal. Tract, folio, vol. 4:9. [Lond 1800?] folio. Prospectus of the Deal Pier Company. Tract, folio, vol. 49. Lond. 1837. folio. DEAN — DEAS. 327 DEAN, G. A. A plea for an Arterial Drainage, Embankment, and improvement Act, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 392. Stratford, 1861. 8vo. DEAN LANE COLLIERY. Reports on the Dean Lane Colliery Explosion. Lorid. 1887. folio. DEANE,A. Ceylon. Tract. 8vo. vol. S55. Lond. 1875. 8vo. DEANE, C. A. Submarine researches on the wrecks of H.M. late ships Royal George, Boyne, and others, in his improved diving apparatus ; with an introductory account of the loss of the Royal George by two of her seamen, who are yet survivors of that awful catastrophe. Tract. 8vo. vol. 65. Lond. 1836. 8vo. DEANE, J. Manual of the History and Science of Firearms. Lond. 1858. Svo. DEARN, T. D. W. An historical, topographical, and descriptive account of the Weald of Kent. CranhrooJc, 1814. 8vo. DEARNE AND DOVE CANAL. An Act for making a Canal from the River Dun Navigation Cut in the Township of Swinton, to Barnsley, etc. Lond. 1793. foUo. DEAS, J. The Clyde. Glasgow, 1884. 8vo. Clyde Navigation. Map and longitudinal section of the river Clyde ; showing the greatest depths of the Channel in the years 1758, 1824, 1838, 1858, 1861, and 1871. Glasgoiv, 1871. 8vo. Clyde Navigation. Quarterly reports to the trustees. 1873, 1880, etc. Glasgoiv, 1873, 80, etc. 8vo. Clyde Navigation. Report as to results of Immersion of Metal Sheathing in harbour, 24 November, 1879. Glasgow, 1879. 8vo. Description of a Crane Seat, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. [Glasgow, 1893.] 8vo. Description of a new Dredging Plant [for the Clyde Navigation]. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. [Glasgow, 1892.] 8vo. Description of the Gardner process of seasoning and preserving Timber. Tract. 8vo. vol. 269. Glasgoiv, 1877. Svo. (Read before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow.) On the Improvement of the Clyde above port Glasgow. Tract. 8V0. vol. 4:55. (From Min. of Proc. lust. Mech. Eng.) Lond. 1887. 8vo. Plans of the Harbour of Glasgow and section of the river Clyde. (Maps in case.) 1876. folio. Report on the deepening, widening, and improving the River Clyde under the jurisdiction of the Clyde trustees. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Glasgow, 1885. 8vo. Report on Tidal Velocities in River Clyde between Glasgow and Greenock. Glasgow, 1884. 8vo. • The River Clyde : an historical description of the rise and progress of the harbour of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1876. 8vo. The River Clyde. Tract, ito. vol. Ul. Lond. 1888. 4to. (Frum Trans. Inst. Nav. Arch.) The River Clyde and harbour of Glasgow. Tract. 8vo. vol. 321. Glasgow, [1881.] Svo. 328 DEAS — DECIMAL. DEAS, J. — continued. Speech delivered ... at the annual dinner of the Clyde Trust Ollicials on 22nd February, 1894. Tract. 8vo. vol. 534. [Glasgow,] 1894. 8vo. The Weirs across the Clyde at Glasgow ; theii' history, and results of their removal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Glasgow, 1886. 8vo. DEBAUVE, A. Manuel de I'ingenieur des ponts et chaussees. 19 vols. Paris, 1871-78. Procfjdus et materiaux de construction. 3 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1885. 8vo. and 4to. DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED MINES. Annual report, 1890. Lond. 1890. folio. Underground De Beers ; being notes in elucidation of the model shown at the Grahamstown exhibition, December, 1887. Tract, folio, vol. 42. Grahamstown, 1887. folio. DEBENHAM, J. A new theory of the Tides ... 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. Land. 1847. 8vo. DE BERENGER, — , Baron. Reflections and appeals ... on the Game Laws, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Lond. 1828. 8vo. DEBIZE, A. Lemons sur les machines a vapeur. 1885. SeeHiRScn, J., and Debize, A. DE BOTWOR, C. H. B. The Lightning Calculator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. Lond. [1890.] 8vo. DEBRAY, P. Permeability of Cements. 1889. See Durand- Claye, L., and Debray, P. DEBY, J. Report on the Progress of the Iron and Steel Industries in Foreign Countries. 1878. See Iron and Steel Institute. DECAUVILLE, P. Le chemin de fer Decauville pendant I'Ex- position de 1889. Tract. 8vo. vol. 531. 1890. 8vo. DECHARME, C. Marche de I'evaporometre au sulfure de carbone comparee a celle de I'evaporometre a eau et des autres pheno- menes meteorologiques concomitants. Tract. 8vo. vol. 248. 1875. 8vo. Note sur la relation entre la temperature des metaux et leurs colorations thermiques. Tract. 8vo. vol. 255. Angers, 1875. 8vo. Nouvelles flammes sonores. Tract. 8vo. vol. 255. Angers, 1875. 8vo. DE CHAUMONT. See Francois de Chaumont, F. S. B. DECHEN, H. VON. Geognostische Umrisse der Rheinliinder, etc. 1825. See Oeynhausen, C. von, Dechen, H. von, and La Roche, H. von. DECIMAL ASSOCIATION. Answers to fallacies on the Decimal Question. Balance of trade, exchanges, and common coins. Tract. 8vo. vol. 139. [1854?] 8vo. International Moneys. Tract. 8vo. vol. 139. [1854?] 8vo. ■ Proceedings. With an introduction by Professor De Morgan, and notes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 139. Lond. 1854. 8vo. DECIMAL DEGRAND. 329 DECIMAL ASSOCIATION— cowimwecZ. Weights, Measures, and Money simplified by the adoption of a decimal system of units. Tract. 8vo. vol. 497. Lond. [1890.] 8vo. DEE, Itiver. An Act for confirming an agreement between the Pro- prietors of the Dee Navigation and certain Lords of Manors, etc. Lond. 1791. folio. Admiralty Inquiry, Dee Navigation Improvement, Chester. Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and plans. Tract, folio, vol. 26. Lond. [1849.] folio. [Letter] to the Committee appointed to consider the best plan of improving the River Dee, and the Port and Hai"bour of Chester : a reply to Mr. John Scott Russell's Letter. By Mercator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. Chester, 1839. Report of J. M. Bloxam and J. Abernethy vipon the River Dee Navigation Improvements : with Minutes of Evidence. Lond. 1850. folio. • Statement concerning the navigation of the Dee. Tract. 8vo. vol. 286. Cliester, 1839. 8vo. DEEBLE, E. B. Plan for the introduction of the patent Metallic Caisson, in forming piers, harbours, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 76. Lond. 1827. 8vo. DEERING, W. H. On some points in the examination of Tallow and some commercial Oils, especially for acidity. Tract. 8vo. vol. 381. Manchester, 1884. 8vo. Recent inventions in Gunpowder and other Explosives. Tract. 8vo. vol. 479. Lond. 1889. 8vo. DE FOREST, E. L. Interpolation and adjustment of Series. Tract. 8vo. vol. 272. New Haven, 1876. On Adjustment Formulas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 290. loiva, 1877. 8vo. On repeated Adjustments and on signs of Residuals. Tract. 8vo. vol. 290. loim, 1878. 8vo. DEGHILAGE, A. L., and Morandiere, J. Les locomotives a I'exposi- tion de Vienne en 1873. Notices et dessins. 1'", 2" et 3" parties. Tract, folio, vol. 35. Paris, 1874-76. 4to. DEGLAUDE, G. Examen des divers moyens preconises pour sous- traire aux inondations les grandes plaines du cours moyen et inferieur des fieuves. Tract. 8vo. vol. 252. Paris, 1872. 8vo. DEGOUSEE, — , and Laurent, C. Guide du sondeur, ou traite theorique et pratique des sondages. 2" edition. (Atlas of plates.) 2 vols. (Platesbelongtoflrst edition, 1847.) Pam, 1861. 8vo. DEGRAND, E., and R^sal, J. Ponts en mayonnerie. Avec une introduction, par M. C. Lechalas. 2 vols. Paris, 1887-88. 8vo. DEGRAND, L. Extraits d'un memoire sur le balisage et I'eclairage maritime en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Tract. 8vo. vol. 103. Paris, 1856. 8vo. 330 DEHARME — DELAITRE. DEHAllME, — , et Dksnos, — . Plan do la ville et fauxbourgs de Paris. Paris, 1788. 4to. DEHxiRME, E. Chemins de fer. Superstructure. (Atlas of Plates.) Paris, 1890. 8vo. and 4to. DEIDIER, - — ., Ahhe. Le parfait ingenieur frangois, ou la fortification oft'eiisive et defensive . . . Nouvelle edition . . . augmentee de la relation du siege de Lille, et du sieges de Namur, et enrichie de plus de cinquante planches. Paris, 1742. 4to. DEKING-DURA, A. Dues and Tolls on Navigable Ways in the Netherlands. [6fh Lit. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. DE LA BECHE, Sir H. T. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, on the 18th of February, 1848 (1849), etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 118. Lond. 1848, 49. 8vo. A Geological Manual. 2nd edition, Lond. 1832. 8vo. 3rd edition. Lond. 1833. 8vo. The Geological Observer. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Geology : how to observe. 2nd edition. Lond. 1836. Svo. Museum of Practical Geology. Government school of mines and of science applied to the arts. Inaugural discourse, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 100. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey.^ Lond. 18'39. Svo. Researches in Theoretical Geology. Lond. 1834. 8vo. DE LA GARDE, P. C. Memoir of the Canal of Exeter, from 1563 to 1724 : with a continuation from 1819 to 1830 and . . . Reports on the Canal, by James Green. Tract. 8vo. vol. 498. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 184:5. 8vO- DELAHAYE, P. L'annee electrique, ou expose annuel des travaux scientifiques, des inventions et des principales applications de I'electricite a I'industrie et aux arts. 8 vols. Paris, 1885-91. 8vo. L'eclairage electrique par le moteur a gaz. Tract. 8vo. vol. 515. Paris, 1890. Svo. > Les applications du gaz en 1889. Tract. 8vo. vol. 519. Paris, 1890. Svo. DELAIRE, A. La constitution de I'Angleterre. 1875. See Le Play, F., and Delaire, A. DELAISTRE, H. Carte de la navigation, et des routes de I'interieur de I'empire fran9ais, annee 1812. Paris, 1812. Svo. DELAISTRE, J. R. Encyclopedie de I'ingenieur, ou dictionnaire des ponts et chaussees. 3 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1812. Svo. and 4to. DELAITRE, — . Rapport sur la boite a graisse de M. Proust, a I'usage des chemins de fer. Tract. 8vo. vol. 179. Orleans, [1856 ?] Svo. DELAMAKCHE DELCROS. 331 DELAMARCHE, A. Elements cle telegraphic sous-marine. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 145. Paris, 1858. 8vo. DELAMBRE, J. B. J. Analyse des travaux de I'Academie Royale des Sciences, pendant I'annee 1819 ; partie mathematique. Tract. 4to. vol. 18. Pan's, 1820. 4to. Astronomic theorique et pratique. 3 vols. Paris, 1814. 4to. Base du systeme metriquc decimal, etc. 1806-21. See Mechain, P. F. A., and Delambre, J. B, J. DE LA MOTTE, P. H. On the A^arious applications of Anastatic Printing and Papyrography : with illustrative examples. Land. 1849. 8vo. DELANO, W. H. Twenty years' practical experience of Natural Asphalt and Mineral Bitumen. Loid. 1893. 8vo. DELAPORTE, G. Nouvel eclairage par Tclectric-gas, lumiere simili- electrique sans electricite. Tract . 8vo. vol. 4:50. Paris, 1886. 8vo. DE LA RUE, W. On the Solar Eclipse of August 18, 1868. Tract. 8vo. vol. 210. Lond. [1869.] 8vo. DELAUNAY, C. Cours elementairc de mecanique theorique et applique. . . 2" edition. Paris, 1852. 12mo. DELAUNAY-BELLEVILLE, L. Lois et reglements concernant les chaudieres a vapeur. Paris, 1886. 8vo. On the Commercial Regime of the Inland Navigation Ports in France. [5//* Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. DELAUNE, C. D. Faunce. See Faunce-Delaune. DELAUNEY, J. See Piton-Bressant, A. H. Melanges . . . [Avcc une notice biographique sur I'auteur par J. Delauney.] 1892. DE LA VERGNE REFRIGERATING MACHINE CO. Mechani- cal refrigeration. New York, 1883. 8vo. DELAVILLE-DEDREUX, — . La navigation aerienne en Chine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 429. Pans, 1863. 8vo. DELAWARE CANAL. Report by the Commissioners appointed by the State of New Jersey to explore the route of a Canal to unite the River Delaware, near Easton, with the Passaic, near Newark. Tract. 8vo. vol. 335. Morris Toirn, 1823. 8vo. DELBOS, L. Nautical terms in English and in French, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. DELBRtJCK, — . Ueber die Entwickelung der deutschen Cement- industrie. Tract. 8vo. vol. 415. Stettin, 1885. 8vo, DELCROS, — . Description des barometres a niveau constant et a niveau variable. Tract. 8vo. vol. 313. Paris, 1841. 8vo. Notice sur les altitudes du Mont-Blanc et du Mont-Rose, deter- minees par des mesures barometriques et geodesiques. Tract, ito. vol. 45. Versailles, [1851.] 4to. 332 DELESSE — DELGADO. DELESSE, A. Carte agricole dc la France. Trad. S>vo. vol. 254. Paris, 1862. 8vo. . Carte agronomique des environs de Paris. Tract. 8w. vol. 134. Paris, 1874. 8vo. Carte agronomique du departement de Seine-et-Marne. Tract. 8w. vol. 332. Paris, 1880. 8vo. Cartes geologiques et hydrologiques de la ville de Paris. Tract. 8vo. Paris, [ .] 8vo, Distribution de la pluie en France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 1 49. Pan".s, 1868. 8vo. Exposition universelle de 1862. Materiaux de construction. Tract. Svo. vol. 136. Paris, 1863. 8vo. La machoire humaine de Moulin-Quignon. Tract. Svo. vol. 175. Paris, [1863.] Svo. Materiaux de construction de I'exposition universelle de 1855. Paris, 1856. 8vo. Les oscillations des cotes de France. Tract. Svo. vol. 218. Paris, 1872. Svo. Rapport [by the Acad, of Sciences] sur un memoire de M. Delesse, intitule, " Etude des deformations subies par les terrains de la France. Tract. Uo. vol. 69. Paris, 1872. 4to. Recherches sur I'eau dans I'interieur de la terre. Tract. Svo. vol. 13Q. Paris, ISQl. Svo. Recherches sur I'origine des roches. Tract. Svo. vol. 126. Paris, 1858. Svo. . [Another edition.] Tract. Svo. vol. 160. Paris, 1865. Svo. Sur les etudes de geologie agronomique aux Etats Unis et en particulier sur celles de M. G. H. Cook dans le New Jersey. (Soc. Nationale d'Agricult. de France.) Tract. Svo. vol. 332. Paris, 1880. Svo. Sur les gisements de chaux phosphatee de I'Estramadure. Tract. Svo. vol. 269. Paris, 1877. 8vo. DELESSE, A., and Others. Rapport au sujet de I'inondation sou- terraine qui s'est produite dans les quartiers nord de Paris en 1856. Tract. Uo. vol. 30. Neuillij, 1861. 4to. DELESSE, A., and Lapparent, A. de. Revue de geologie. See Periodical Publications. DELESSE, A., and Laugel, A DiCAL Publications. . Revue de Geologie. See Perio- DELFT. — Polytechnische School. Annales. Liv. 1-3. Leiden, 1884-85. 4to. Programma der lessen, 1867- -68. Delft, 1867-68. Svo. Reglement. Delft, [1884.] Svo. DELGADO, J. Museo espanol de antigiiedades. Vols. 1-9. Madrid, 1874-77. folio. DELIUS — DEMOULIN. 333 DELIUS, C. F. Ti'aito sur la science de I'exploitation des mines, par theorie et pratique. [Translated from the German.] 2 vols. Paris, 1778. 4to. DELIVET, E. L'exageration des charges militaires et les prix de revient, etc. Havre, 1890. 8vo. DELLWIK, C. A. Experiences de force et de traction sur des toles suedoises produites par des procedes divers. Tract, ito. vol. 81. Stockholm, 1878. 4to. DEL MAR, A. A history of the Precious Metals. Lond. 1880. 8vo. DELOCRE, E. Papers on Dams of Masonry. 1869. See Geaepf, M., and Delocre, E. DELPRAT, J. P. See Bordes, J. P. de, and Others. Het leven en de werken van den Generaal-Majoor Dr. J. P. Delprat. 1882-83. DEMANET, A. Cours de construction professe a I'Ecole militaire de Bruxelles (1843 a 1847). Connaissance des materiaux. Emploi des materiaux. Theorie des constructions. Bruxelles, 1847. 8vo. Exploitation des mines : nouvelle machine d'extraction. Tract. Svo. vol. 175. Liege, 1859. 8vo. Gisement, extraction et exploitation des mines de houille. Paris. 1 2mo. Memoire sur I'architecture des eglises. 2® edition. Tract. 4/o. vol. 59. Bruxelles, 1847. 4to. DEMANET, C. Fours a coke du systeme Semet-Solvay pour la recuperation des sous-produits. Tract. Svo. vol. 519. Liege, [1890.] 8vo. The Semet-Solvay Coke Oven with recovery of bye-products. Tract. Svo. vol. 519. Paris, 1890. 8vo. DEMERARA. Report on the Sea Defences of the West Coast of Demerara : by H. Siccama. [Demerara,] 1879. folio. Report on the Water Supply of Demerara : by H. Siccama. Lond. 1879. folio. DEMERARA, Biver. Report upon the Bar of the Demerara River and the Port of Georgetown : by H. Siccama. Demerara, 1880. folio. DEMEURE, A. [For works by V. Watteyne and A. Demeure :] See Watteyne, v., and Demeure, A. DEMOLY, A. Comparaison des prix de revient des traverses en bois et des traverses en fer pour I'etablissement et I'entretien des voies. Tract, folio, vol. 4:4:. Alger, 1882. folio. !6tude sur les traverses en bois de diverses essences. Tract. folio, vol. Alger, 1880. folio. DEMOULIN, M. ]&tude sur les locomotives anglaises. Tract, Svo. vol. 429. Paris, 1885. 8vo. 334 DEMOULIN — DENHAM. DEMOULIN, 'M.—rontinned. Nouvelles machines marines des bail- ments ji grand vitesse des torpilleurs et des embarcations a vapeur. Paris, 1888. 4to. DEMPSEY, G. D. The Inventor's Manual, e/^-. 1843. 5ee Danson, J. T., and Dkmpsky, G. D. Troll Roofs : a series of examples, etc. Lond. 18.50. 4to. The Machinery of the Nineteenth Century ; illustrated from original drawings, etc. Parts 1-5. Lond. 1852. folio. The practical Railway Engineer : a concise description of the engineering and mechanical operations and structures which are combined in the formation of railways for public traffic, etc. 4th edition. Lond. 1855. 4to. Railways : papers on the mechanical and engineering operations and structures combined in the working of a railway. Lond. 1845-46. 4to. (From vols. 1 and 8 of Papers on Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers.) Rudimentary treatise on the Drainage of districts and lands. 3rd edition, revised and greatly extended. Lond. 1859. 8vo. 4th edition. Lond. 1857. 8vo. -: Rudimentary treatise on the Drainage of Towns and Buildings . . . 4th edition. Lond. 1867. 8vo. — ■ — [Another edition.] On the drainage of Lands, Towns, and Build- ings. . . . With large additions ... by D. K. Clark. Lond. 1887. 8vo. A rudimentary treatise on the Locomotive Engine . . . 3rd edition. Lond. 1866. 12mo. [Another edition.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. Tubular and other iron Girder-Bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges : with a sketch of iron bridges, and illustrations of the application of malleable iron to the art of bridge-building. 3rd edition. Lond. 1865. 8vo. 4th edition. Lond. [1877?] 8vo. DEMPSEY, J. M. Our Ocean Highways : a condensed universal route-book, by sea, by land, and by rail, etc. Lond. 1870. 8vo. DEMPSTER, H. The Fisheries and Fish-markets of Great Britain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 254. Edinburgh, 1874. 8vo. DEN GOLD FIELD, Tasmania. Report on the Mineral Resources and Permanency of the Den Gold Field. By G. Thureau. [Hohart,] 1882. folio. DENAMIEL, E. Notes sur I'exposition universelle de Vienne. Tract, ^vo vol. 245. Marseille, [1873.] 8vo. Notice sur la construction des bassins de radoub de Marseille. Tract. 8vo. vol. 251. Marseille, 1873. 8vo. DENFER, J. Architecture et constructions civiles. Ma^onnerie. 2 vols. Paris, 1891. 8vo. DENHAM, — , Captain. Journals kept during a captivity in China, etc. 1844. See Gully, R., and Denham, — , Capt. DENHAM DENT. 385 DENHAM, H. M., Go)im., B.N. Sailing directions for the Bristol Channel. Land. 1839. 8vo. Sailing Directions from Point Lynas to Liverpool, with tidal courses and tide gauge table, for navigating the Dee and Mersey, including the latest alterations. Liverpool, 1840. 8vo. DENHAM, H. M., Comm., B.N., and Others. A chart of the ap- proaches to Liverpool for the years 1835, 1837-40, 1846, 1849, 1852-54, 1856, 1857, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1868-71, 1873-1883. Atlases folding in 8vo. Liverpool, 1835-83. 8vo. (Wants 1S16.) DENHAM, J., and Others. Manor of Imber, otherwise Imworthes. A survey made the 1st March, 1607. Lower Thames Valley main sewerage. MS. [ .] folio. DENISON, Sir W. Roads and Railways in New South Wales and India, with remarks explanatory of the advantages likely to result from the employment ... of animal power, instead of steam power. Tract. 8vo. vol. 145. Madras, 1864. 8vo. Varieties of Vice-regal Life. 2 vols. Lond. 1870. 8vo. DENMARK. Statsbanedriften, 1867-1892. [Copenhagen, 1892.] 8vo. DENNY, A. On Shipowners and Shipbuilders in their technical relationships, and some points of interest for their mutual con- sideration. [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.'] [Lond. 1893.] 8vo. DENNY, W. Lectures on Building Materials ; delivered at the Royal Engineer establishment, Chatham. Cliatliam, 1868-78. folio. On Cooking and Heating by Gas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 345. Dumbarton, 1881. 8vo. On Cross Curves of Stability, their uses, and a method of con- structing them, obviating the necessity for the usual correction for the differences of the wedges of immersion and emersion. With discussion. Tract. Uo. vol. 109. Lond. 1884. 4to. (Proc. lustitution of Naval Architects.) " On Launching Velocities," and " On the Reduction of Trans- verse and Longitudinal Metacentric Curves to Ratio Curves." With discussions. Tract. 4/o. vol. 109. Lond. 1882. 4to. (Proc. Institution of Naval Architects.) On Mr. Mansel's and the late Mr. Froude's methods of analysing the results of progressive Speed Trials. Tract. 8vo. vol. 414. Glasgow, 1885. 8vo. On the Speed and carrying of Screw Steamers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 349. Greenocl; 1882. 8vo. DENT, E. J. An abstract from two lectures on the construction and management of Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks ; delivered before the members of the United Service Institution, May, 1841. With an Appendix on the errors of chronometers, and an explana- tion of a new construction of the compensation-balance. Tract. 8vo. vol. 72. Lo7}d. 1842. 8vo. 336 DENT — DENTON. DENT, E. J. — continued. A description of the Diplcidoscope, or double- rertecting meridian and altitude instrument ; with plain instructions for the method of using it in the correction of time-keepers. Tract. 8w. vol. 72. Lond. 1843. Svo. A paper on the patent Azimuth and Steering Compass. Tract. d)VO. vol. 65. (Read before the British Association.) Lond. 1844. 8vo. A treatise on the Aneroid, a newly invented portable Barometer ; with a short historical notice of barometers in general, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 84. Lond. 1849. 8vo. DENT, H. C. A year in Brazil, etc. Lond. 1886. 8vo. DENT, W. Y. Cantor lectures on Building Materials, etc. Lond. 1887. Svo. DENTON, E. F. B. Handbook of House Sanitation. Lond. 1882. Svo. The Disposal of the Sewage of the Metropolis : a lecture, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 106. Lond. 1887. 4to. DENTON, J. B. Agricultural Drainage. Lond. 188.3. Svo. The Agi'icultural Labourer. Trad. 8vo. vol. 269. Lond. 1868. Svo. A description of the A Level, for the use of workmen in the drainage of land . . . and all works requiring a regular fall. Tract. Svo. vol. 61. Lond. [18 i3 f] Svo. Drainage of Lands, and the sewerage of towns, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 223. Lond. 1849. Svo. The Farm Homesteads of England : a collection of plans, etc. Lond. 1864. folio. Land Drainage and Drainage Systems : a paper read before the London Central Farmers' Club, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 118. Lond. 1855. Svo. The Management of Rivers. Tract. Svo. vol. 342. (From the Journal of the Farmers' Club.) Lond. 1881. 8 VO. The Marshes of south Italy : a few words bearing upon land speculation and cotton-growing in Italy, — malaria and brigandage. Tract. Svo. vol. 173. Lond. 1865. Svo. On the Advantages of a daily Register of the Rainfall throughout the United Kingdom, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 52. Lond. 1858. 4to. (From the Journal of the Society of Arts.) On the progress and results of the Underdrainage of Land in Great Britain. Tract. Svo. vol. 148. Lond. 1856. Svo. (From the Journal of the Society of Arts.) Outline of a method of Model Mapping ; with a view to append, by an application of the art of levelling to that of area surveying, the advantage of a section of elevations and depressions, to the uses of a map of superficial contents . . . 2nd edition. Liverpool, 1841. Svo. The question What can now be done for British Agriculture ? answered . . . Advocating a general and uniform system of drain- age, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 61. Lond. 1842. Svo. DENTON — DENY. 33? DENTON, J. B. — continued. Remarks on the Land Drainage Act, 1861, in three letters reprinted from the "Agricultural Gazette." Tract. 4:to. vol. 49. Land. [1862.] 4to. Sanitary Engineering : a series of lectures given before the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, 1876. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Sanitary Works and Sewage Utilization. Tract. 8vo. vol. 203. Land. 1869. 8vo. Sewage Disposal : intermittent downward filtration per se and in combination with surface irrigation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 307. Lond. 1879. 8vo. ■ Sewage disposal : ten years' experience in works of intermittent downward filtration. With notes on the practice and results of Sewage Farming. Tract. 8vo. vol. 325. Lond. [1881.] 8vo. • 2nd edition, with additions. Tract. 8vo. vol. 372. Lond. 1885. 8vo. ■ Sewage Farming : — No. 1. With some remarks on the position of sewer authorities in relation to lands to which sewage is applied. Tract. 8vo. vol. 203. Lond. 1870. 8vo. Sewerage of London : a communication addressed to the Com- missioners of Sewers, conveying a proposal for improved drainage of the metropolis, and an improved supply of water to its inliabi- tants. Tract. 8vo. vol. 83. Lond. 1849. 8vo. The Storage of Water. Tract. 8vo. vol. 274. Lond. 1874. 8vo. The Water question : a letter addressed ... to the Earl of Derby, explaining a proposal for the supply of the Metropolis from the higher sources of the Thames in connection with the storage of surplus waters. Tract. 8vo. vol. 151. Lond. 1866. 8vo. Water Supply and domestic Filtration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 307. [1879.] 8vo. DENTON, Rev. W. Observations on the Displacement of the Poor, by Metropolitan Railways and by other public improvements. Tract. 8vo. vol. . Lond. 1861. 8vo. DENVER. Annual Report of the City Engineer. Denver, 1887. 8vo. Society of Civil Engineers and Architects. Transactions. Vol. I., Jan.-June, 1890. Denver, Colo., 1890. 8vo. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILWAY. Specifications for a stock car body. Tract, folio, vol. 4:4,. [1883.] folio. Specifications of a tank -switching Locomotive Engine, class 48. Tract, folio, vol. 44. [1883 ?] foHo. DENY, E. ChaufFage et ventilation rationelle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 361. Paris, 1883. 8vo. Traite theorique et pratique des machines soufflantes. Paris, 1887. 8vo. z 338 DENYS — DERHAM. DENYS, R. On the Water Supply of Canals, especially in the eastern ro.ujion of France. [5//t Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Pariit, 1892.] 8vo. DE PENNING, G. A. The nature and cause of the Resistance of Water to a vessel passing throuifli it. Also the best form of fast vessel, its propeller, and engincjs. Tract. 8vo. vol. 482. Lond. 1889. 8vo. A paper on the effect of Gravity. Tract. 8vo. vol. 410. Calcutta, 1885. 8vo. DEPOUHON, — . Du mode d'execution du systeme des chemins de fer en Belgique. Tract. 8vo. vol. 81. BruxelJcs, 1833. 8vo. DEPTFORD. Plan of H. M. Dockyard and Royal Victoria Victualling Yard. Land. 1858. 8vo. [Another edition, corrected.] Lond. 1878. 8vo. Specification of the Masonry, Brick- Work, etc., of a new Entrance to the Basin at the Royal Dock Yard . . . and also for the building of a river wall, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 49. Lond. 1830. folio. DEPTFORD AND DOVER RAILWAY. Deptford and Dover subscription list. Speeches of counsel before a Committee of the House of Commons. Tract. 8vo. vol. 228. Loud. 1837. 8vo. DE RANCE, C. E. Borough of Warrington. Report on the water of the Winwick area. Tract. 8vo. vol. 506. Warrington, 1890. 8vo. Notes on some Triassic Borings. Trad. 8ro. vol. 326. [Manchester,] 1879. 8vo. Further notes on some Triassic Borings near Warrington. Tract. 8vo. vol. 326. [Manchester,] 1880. 8vo. Map of River Basins in England and Wales in County Council groups. Manchester, 1893. 8vo. Notes on Undei'ground Water Supply and river floods. Tract. 8vo. vol. 506. 1889. 8vo. The Secondary Rocks of England as a source of Water Supply for towns and districts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 326. [Manchester,] 1878. 8vo. ■ The Water Supply of England and Wales. Lond. 1882. 8vo. DERBY. An Act for better supplying with Water the Borough of Derby. Lond. 1848. folio. Reports and resolutions on the Removal of the Manure depot by the treatment of refuse. Tract. 8vo. vol. 341. Derhij, 1878. 8vo. Free Library and Museum and Art GaUerij. Annual Reports, etc. Derby, 1886, etc. 8vo. DERBY CANAL. Act for making a Canal from the River Trent at or near Swarkstone Bridge to and through Derby to Little Eaton, etc. Lond. 1793. folio. DERHAM, W. Artificial Clock-maker, 1734. See Anonymous. DEROME — DESCHANEL. 339 DEROME, — . Stoppages on Canals and Canalised Rivers in the northern and eastern regions of France. \J)th Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. . Traction on Canals [in the] regions of the North and East of France, [bth Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. DEROSNE, C, et Cail, J. F. Notice sur chacun des ob jets figurant a I'Exposition universelle de 1855. Tract, ito. vol. 52. Paris, 1855. 4to. DERRIEN, R. Notice historique et descriptive sur la route du Mont- Cenis. Tract, ito. vol. 4. Angers, 1816. 4to. DERRY, W. Boro' of Leeds. Abstract of accounts, 1878. Leeds, 1878, 8vo. DERYAL, E. Etude sur la navigation aerienne. Paris, 1889. 8vo. DERVILLE et Cie. Exposition universelle d' Amsterdam, 1883. Notes sur les marbres exploites et exposes par Derville et Cie. Tract. Uo. vol. 94. Paris, 1883. 4to. DERWENT VALLEY, Tasmania. Detail Drawings of the Derwent Valley Line. Hoharf, 1885. folio. Report on Derwent Valley Bridges : by W. C. Kernot. [Hohart,] 1886. folio. DESAGULIERS, J. T. A course of Experimental Philosophy. 2 vols. Lond. 1734. 4to. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1763. A dissertation concerning Electricity : to which is annex'd, a letter from President Barbot. Tract. 8vo. vol. 493. Lond. 1742. 8vo. DE SALIS, J., Count. Considerations on the propriety of a general Draining Bill, for the whole British Empire ; and of a commutation of tythes for Ireland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 217. Armagh, 1813. 8vo. DE SALIS, R. Tables giving hydraulic mean depth and area of Circular Sewers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 418. Lond. 1884. 8vo. DESBRIERE, T. M. A. Etudes sur la locomotion au moyen du rail central, contenant la relation des experiences entreprises par MM. Brassey, Fell, et Cie., pour la traversee du Mont-Cenis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 157. Paris, 1865. 8vo. DESCARTES, R. Geometria, anno 1637 gallice edita ; postea autem una cum notis Florimondi de Beaune . . . opera atque studio . . . recognita Francisci a Schooten. Amstelodami, 1683. 4to. Passiones animse. Amstelodami, 1656. 4to. Principia philosophise, etc. Amstelodami, 1656. 4to. • Specimina philosophise : seu dissertatio de methodo recte regend* rationis, et veritatis in scientiis investigandie ; dioptrice, et meteora, etc. Amstelodami, 1656. 4to. DESCHANEL, A. P. Elementary treatise on Natural Philosophy. Edited by J. D. Everett. 4 parts. Lond. 1870-72. 8vo. z 2 340 DE8HAYE8 — DEUTSCHER. DESHAYES, V. Classement et omploi dos aciers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. Pam, [1880?] 8vo. DESMOND, C. Electricity for En^'iiieers : a clear and comprehensive treatise . . . Part. I. Constant current. Revised edition. Bridgeport, Conn., 1891. 8vo. DESNOS, — . Plan de la ville et fauxbourgs de Paris 1788. See Deiiarmk, — , and Desnos, — . DESNOS, E. Les nouvelles chaudieres a vapeur, etc. 1881. See Bkretta, C, and Desnos, E. DESNOYERS, Ph. C. See Croizette Desnoyers, Ph. DESORMEAUX, p. L'art du tourneur. 2 vols, in 1. (Atlas of plates. Paris, 1824. 8vo. DESPEISSIS, L. H. La steno-telegraphie : systeme nouveau de tele- graphie brevete, par M. G. A. Cassagnes. Tract. 8«o. vol. 437. Paris, 1886. 8vo. DESPLACES, E. Le canal de Suez : episode de I'histoire du XIX^ siecle. Paris, 1858. 12mo. DESPREZ, H. Porte du Havre. Notice sur le Bassin Bellot. Havre, 1887. 8vo. Port du Havre. Notice sur le Bassin Bellot. Paris, 1889. 8vo. (Extralt dos " Annales des Fonts et Chaussees.") Port du Havre. Memoire, etc. 1887. See Widmer, E., and Desprez, H. DESSABLES, — . Manuel du tourneur. 2 vols. Paris, 1831. 8vo. DESSOYE, J. B. J. Guide pratique de I'emploi de I'acier : ses pro- prietes, etc. Paris, [1858.] 12mo. DETHRIDGE, F. a Handbook on the Electric Lighting Act, 1882, etc. 1882. See Poley, A. P., and Dethridge, F. DEUTSCH, H. Le petrole et ses applications. Paris, 1891. 8vo. DEUTSCH, J. Die Uberschwemmung und ihre Ursachen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 282. Wien, 1877. 8vo. DEUTSCHE EISENBAHN - TECHNIKER - VERSAMMLUNG. See Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege zu Berlin. Die Verhandlungen iiber Canalisation und Berieselung in den Sitzungen am. 29 Januar, 26 Februar, 19 Miirz u. 23 April, 1883. Mit einem Anhange, Bericht des K. Gesundheitsamtes und des Herrn Professor Dr. Tiemann zu Berlin. Tract. 8vo. vol. 477. Berlin, 1883. 8vo. DEUTSCHER ARCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR-VEREIN. ProtokoUe der Konferenz der Abgeordneten technischer Hoch- schulen behufs Berathung iiber einheitliche Bezeichnung mathe- matisch-technischer Grossen, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 331. Berlin, 1880. 8vo. DEUTSCHER GEOMETER VEREIN. Zeitschrift fiir Yermessungs- wesen. Bd. 1, (2, etc.) Stuttgart, 1872, etc. 8vo. DEUT8CHER — DEVONSHIRE. 341 DEUTSCHER POLYTECHNISCHER VEREIN IN BOHMEN. Vierteljahrschrift. Bd. 1, (2 etc.) Prag, 1869, etc. 8vo. DEUTSCHER VEREIN VON GAS- UND WASSERFACHMAN- NERN. Festschrift zur XXIII. Jahresversammlung . . . Berlin, 1883. [Die Beleuchtung, Wasserversorgung und Kanalisation der Stadt Berlin.] Berlin, 1883. 4to. DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FORDERUNG DER LUFT- SCHIFFFAHRT. Zeitschrift. Bde. 5-6. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1886-87. 8vo. [Continued as : — ] Zeitschrift fiir Luftschilffahrt. Bd. 7, (8, etc.) Wien, 1888, etc. 8vo. DEUTSCH-OSTERREICHISCHER TELEGRAPHEN- VEREIN. Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der Koniglich Preussischen Tele- graphen-Direction. Redigirt von Dr. P. W. Brix. Bde. 2-16. Berlin, 1854-69. 4to. DEVERELL, F. G. [Reports on the Improvement and Drainage of Lands in various districts of Ireland.] Duhlin, 1847-50. 8vo. DEVEY, J. The Life of Joseph Locke. Lond. 1862. 8vo. DEVILLEZ, A. De I'exploitation de la houille a la profondeur d'au moins mille metres. 2' edition. Liege, 1859. 8vo. Des travaux de percement du tunnel sous les Alpes, et de I'emploi des machines dans I'interieur des mines. Liege, 1863. 8vo. Elements de constructions civiles. 3*" edition. Mons, 1878. 8vo. Elements de mecanique consideree comme science naturelle. l"^*" partie. Corps solides. Mons, 1873. 8vo. Theorie generale des machines a vapeur, mise a la portee des personnes qui n'ont point etudie les mathematicjues superieures. Liege, 1861. 8vo. Traite elementaire de la chaleur au point de vue de son emploi comme force motrice. 2 vols. Mons, 1881-82. 8vo. Ventilation des mines. Mons, 1875. 8vo. DEVONPORT. Plan of H. M. Dockyard, and Keyham Steam Yard. Lond. 1858. 8vo. [Another edition, corrected.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. DEVONSHIRE. Return relating to Metalliferous Mines in Devon and Cornwall. Lond. 1890. folio. DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION. [Proceedings.] Vols. 1-20. Lond. 1863-88. 8vo. DEVONSHIRE, E. L'application pratique du fer a la purification des eaux alimeutaires. Tract. 8vo. vol. 407. Anvers, 1885. 8vo. Rapport sur I'eau de la distribution pendant I'ete de 1885 Ville d'Anvers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. Anvers, 1885. 8vo. Three years' experience of Water Purification by means of Iron, in Anderson's revolving iron purifier. Lond. 1888. 8vo. o42 DEVOOGHT — DICKINSON. DEVOOGHT, F. Cable-Railroad aiul Tianiways without locomotives nor liorses, the carriage rolling alone. Tract. Hro. vol. 340. Antwerp, [1882.] 8vo. DEWEY, ¥. P. The Department of Metallurgy and l^k-onomic Geology in the United States National Museum. Trad. 8vo. vol. 495. [New York,] 1890. 8vo. The Heroult process of smelting Aluminum Alloys. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4:95. [PhihuleJphia'!] 1H90. 8vo. The Lewis and Bartlett Bag-process of collecting Lead Fumes at the Lone Elm Works, Joplin, Missouri. Tract. Svo. vol. 495. [Philadeljyhial] 1890. 8vo. A preliminary Descriptive Catalogue of the Systcmiatic collec- tions in Economic Geology and Metallurgy in the U.S. National Museum. 1891. See United States of America. — National Museum. Bulletin No. 42. DEWEY, M. Decimal Classification and Relativ Index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. Fourth edition, enlarged. Boston, 1891. 8vo. DEYKES, W. Considerations on the defective state of the Pavement of the Metropolis, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 4. Lond. 1824. 8vo. (With autograph letter of presentation to Telford.) DIAMANT, J. Utilisation de la force motrice des marees. Tract. Svo. vol. 494. Paris, 1890. 8vo. DIBDIN, W. J. Sewage Treatment at Barking and Crossness. 1891. See BiNNiE, A. R., and Dibdin, W. J. Some new phases in Photometrical Practice. Tract. Svo. vol. 517. Lond. 1885. 8vo. DICEY, W. T. Y., Capt. Dover to Calais, Newhaven to Dieppe, without Sea Sickness : a letter showing its accomplishment. Tract. Svo. vol. 241. Lond. 1874. 8vo. DICK, A. B. Notes on a new form of Polarizing Microscope. Lond. 1890. 8vo. DICKENS, C. Dictionary of the Thames, from Oxford to the Nore. Tract. Svo. vol. 369. Lond. 1882. 8vo. DICKENS, C. H. Project for Canals of Irrigation . . . from the River Sone. 1861. See India. — Sone. DICKERSON, E. N. The argument of E. N. Dickerson, with his notes and explanations ; the charge of judge Nelson ; and the verdict of the jury, in the case of Sickels v. Borden, defended by " the Novelty Iron Works," and Mr. H. Allen. Appendix. Tract. Svo. vol. 116. New York, 1856. 8vo. The Navy of the United States : an exposure of its condition, and the causes of its failure. Tract. Svo. vol. lil. New Yorl, 1864. Svo. DICKINSON, A. Electric Tramways. Tract, folio, vol. 50. (From " The Financial World.") * [iowflf. 1893.] folio. DICKINSON — DIGBY. 343 DICKINSON, A.— continued. The South Staffordshire Electric Tram- way. Tract, folio, vol. 50. [Lond. 1893.] folio. (From " Money and Trade.") The South Staffordshire Tramways Company. Tract, folio. vol.50. (From " The Financial World.") [iow^. 1893.] "folio. DICKINSON, J. On the Marsaut Safety Lamp. Tract. 8vo. vol. 360. [Manchester, 1883.] 8vo. The Flora of Liverpool. Land. 1851. 8vo. The progress of Mining and Geology. Read before the Manchester Geological Society, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 447. [Manchester,] 1887. 8vo. DICKINSON, T., Cajjt., B.N. A narrative of the operations for the recovery of the public stores and treasure sunk in H.M.S. "Thetis." Land. 1836. 8vo. DICKSON, Dr. R. A lecture on the Dry Rot, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 72. Lond. 1838. Svo. DICKSON, "W., and Co. South African Diamond-tields : a guide to travellers and emigrants. Tract. 8vo. vol. 195. Cajje Town, 1870. 8vo. DIDCOT, NEWBURY AND SOUTHAMPTON RAILWAY BILL. INIinutes of Speech, Evidence and Proceedings. Lond. 1887. folio. DIDION, J. Lois de la resistance de I'air sur les projectiles. Tract. 9>vo. vol. 214. Paris, 1857. 8vo. DIECKHOFF, — . Traction on the Elbe and Oder. 1892. See Bellingrath, E., and Dieckhoff, — . DIEDRICHS, J. H. The Theory of Strains : a compendium for the calculation and construction of bridges, roofs and cranes. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. DIENNE, — DE, Count. Histoire du dessechement des lacs et marais en France avant 1789. Paris, 1891. 8vo. DIETRICH, E. Die Asphaltstrassen. Berlin, 1882. 8vo. Die Baumaterialien der Asphaltstrassen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 330. Berliri, 1881. 8vo. ■ ■ Die Baumaterialien der Steinstrassen; Beschaffenheit, Yorkommen uud Gewinnung derselben. Berlin, [1885.] 8vo. Die Yerbesserung des Portland-Cementes durch Beimischungen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 413. Berlin, [1885.] 8vo. Die zukiinftige Entwicklung der Berliner Yerkehrsverhaltuisse. Tract. 8m. vol. 330. Berlin, [1880.] 8vo. Ueber Stampf- Asphalt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 413. Berlin, 1885. 8vo. DIEUDONNE, C. Chemins de fer, etc. 1868. See Yuillemin, L., GuEBHARD, A., and Dieudonne, C. DIGBY, W. India for the Indians — and for England. Lo7id. 1885. 8vo. 344 DILKE — DISLERE. DILKE, Sir C. W., 1st Bnrt. Catalogue of a collection of works on or having reference to the Exhilntion of 1851, in the possession of C. W. Dilke. (printed for primte circulation.) LoikL 1855. 8v0. DILLER, J. S. A late Volcanic Eruption in Northern California and its peculiar Lava. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Jjulletin No. 79.] Washington, 1891. 8vo. Notes on the Geology of Northern California. [ U.S. Geol. Svrvey. Bulletin No. 33.] Washim/fon, 1886. 8vo. Peridotite of Elliott County, Kentucky. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 38.] Washington, 1887. 8vo. DILLWYN, L. L. Our Railway System. Tract. 8vo. vol 416. Lond. [1886.] 8vo. DIMOND, E. W. The Chemistry of Combustion, applied to the economy of fuel, with special reference to the construction of fire chambers, for steam boilers. Worcester, 1867. 8vo. DINAS COLLIERY. Dinas Colliery Explosion : report ... on the Inquest, with notes of evidence. Lond. 1879. folio. DINES, G. Rainfall of the London district. Plate, in folio. 1872. folio. DINGLER, J. G., and E. M. Poly technisches Journal. See Periodi- cal Publications. DINI, F. Sulla vinificazione. Tract. 8vo. vol 160. Milano, 1865. 8vo. DIRCKS, H. Contribution towards a history of Electro-Metallurgy, etc. Lond. 1863. 8vo. The Life, times, and scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester : to which is added a reprint of his " Century of inventions," 1663, with a commentary thereon. Lond. 1865. 8vo. The policy of a Patent Law : a paper read at the Social Science Congress, Bristol, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol 180. Lond. 1869. 8vo. Worcesteriana : a collection of literary authorities, affording . . . notices relating to Edward Somerset, sixth Earl and second Marquis of Worcester, inventor of the steam-engine, etc. Lond. 1866. 8vo. DIRCKS and Co. The Smoke nuisance. The Argand furnace of Mr. C. W. WilHams, and its imitation by Mr. T. Symes Prideaux. Tract. 8vo. vol 111. Lond. 1854. 8vo. DIRKS, J. Waarde van het Panama Kanal voor den wereldhandel. Tract. 8vo. vol 323. Amsterdam, 1880. 8vo. DISLERE, P. Die Kreuzungsschifie und der Kaperkrieg. Pola, 1876. 8vo. Die PanzerschifFe. Wien, 1874. 8vo. Die Panzerschiflfe der neuesten Zeit. Tract. 8vo. vol 292. Pola, 1877. 8vo. ' La guerre d'escadre et la guerre de cotes. (Les nouveaux navires de combat.) Paris, 1876. 8vo. DISTRICT — DOBSON. 345 DISTRICT RAILWAY. Metropolitan District Railway Bill. Minutes of Evidence and Speeches. Lond. 1883. folio. DIX, T. A. Treatise on Land-surveying . . . 4th edition, etc. Lond. 1819. 8vo. DIXEY, W. A. The Aneroid Barometer : plain directions for its use. Tract. Svo. vol. 518. Lond. [1892.] 8vo. DIXON, C D., MaJ. Report on Tank Embankments constructed in the Ajmere district during 1814. Tract. Svo. vol. 359. Agra, 1845. 8vo. DIXON, H. Cantor lectures on the use of Coal Gas, etc. Lond. 1855. 8vo. DIXON, J. Correspondence relating to Mr. J. Dixon's Claim against the Portuguese Government. Lond. 1882. folio. On the Resistance to Traction on Railways from friction and. gravitation. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Darlington, 1861. 8vo. The Staithes Viaduct. On the use of wrought-iron and concrete columns for the construction of bridge piers. Tract. Svo. vol. 455. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Traction on Railways and the alleged loss of power at high speeds practically considered. Tract. Svo. vol. 144. 1864. Svo. DIXON, S. Modern Machine Tools. Inaugural address, etc. Tract. Svo. vol 457. Manchester, 1888. 8vo. DIXON, T. Combined Circular Slide Rule and scale tables of natural and logarithmic sines, rumb points, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 433. Bradford, 1886. 8vo. DOAB CANAL. Doab Canal : watercolour sketches of works. 2 vols. 1832-38. DOBBERT, E. Die Kunstgeschichte als Wissenschaft und Lehr- gegenstand. Rede, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 98. Berlin, 1886. 4to. DOBBS, A. E. By Meter or by Annual Value ? A question for metropolitan water consumers arising out of the meaning and effect of the judgment of the House of Lords in Cooke v. The New River Company. Tract. Svo. vol. 487. Lond. 1890. 8vo. DOBERCK, W. Observations and researches made at the Hong Kong Observatory. See Hong Kong. — Ohservatorij. DOBSON, E. Address on the Progress of Applied Science in Canter- bury, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 327. Christchurch, N.Z., 1880. Svo. Foundations and Concrete Works. . . New edition, revised by George Dodd. Lond. 1867. Svo. The function of the Civil Engineer in the work of Colonization. Tract. Svo. vol. 448. Christchurch, N.Z., 1887. Svo. • An historical, statistical, and scientific account of the Railways of Belgium, from 1834 to 1842. Lond. 1843. Svo. An inquiry into the influence of Railway Gauge upon the con- structive cost and working expenses of railways. Tract. Svo. vol. 207. Christchurch, N.Z., 1871. 8vo. 34 G D0B80N — DODD. DOBSON, E. — continued. Pioneer Engineering : a treatise on the engineering operations connected with the settlement of waste lands in new countries. Loud. 1877. 8vo. The Railways of Belgium in 1842. 8vo. Lond. 1842. 8vo. Report to the Secretary for Public Works upon the practicability of constructing a bridle-road through the gorge of the Otira, ami upon the character of the passes through the dividing range of the Canterbury province. Appendix. Christchnrch, N.Z., 1865. folio. Rudimentaiy treatise on Masonry and 8tone-cutting ; in which the principles of masonic projection and their application to the construction of oblique bridges, and Roman and Gothic vaulting are concisely explained. (Atlas of plates.) Tract, ito. vol. 93. Lond. 1842. 8vo. & 4to. Rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. Lond. 18.50. 8vo. 5th edition. Revised ... by C. Tomlinson, with addi- tions by R. Malet. Loiid. 1873. Svo. 7th edition. [Practical Brick and Tile Book. Part 1.] Lond. 1882. Svo. - Rudiments of the art of Building . . . 10th edition. Lond. 1877. 8vo. - Synopsis of a course of four lectures on Foundations, etc. Tract. 8ra. vol. 155. Christchurch, N.Z., 1866. 8vo. - The student's guide to the practice of Measuring and Valuing Artificers' Works : By a Late eminent Surveyor. [Edited by E. Dobson.] Lond. 1843. 8vo. 5th edition . . . with . . . additions ... by E. W. Tarn. Lond. 1884. 8vo. DOBSOJST, S. Report on experiments made on board the Isabella Croll (screw steamer), at Cardifi', in December, 1858, for the pur- pose of ascertaining the comparative economic value and usefulness, for marine purposes, of the steam coals of Aberdare, in South Wales, and of Hartley, in Northumberland. Tract. Svo. vol. 111. Newport, 1859. 8vo. DODD, G. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining Machinery and the industrial arts. Lond. 1876. 8vo. DODD, R. Introductory report on the proposed Canal Navigation from Croydon to the river Thames at Rotherhithe. Tract. 8i-o. vol. 64. Lond. 1799. 8vo. Letters to a merchant, on the improvement of the Port of London ; demonstrating its practicability without wet docks, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 218. Lond. 1798. 8vo. Observations on Water ; with a recommendation of a more con- venient and extensive supply of Thames water to the metropolis. Lond. 1805. 12mo. Practical observations on the Dry Rot in Timber, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 361. Lond. 1815. 8vo. DODD — DODSON. 347 DODD, R. — continued. A report and estimate on the projected dry Tunnel or subterraneous passage under the river Tyne, to communicate with the two towns of North and South Shields. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. North Shields, 1797. 8vo. Report on the first part of the line of Inland Navigation from the East to the West Sea by way of Newcastle and Carlisle, and the continuation of the river navigation into the North Sea ; with estimates, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 6. Newcastle, 1795. Svo. Report on the intended North London Canal Navigation ; with general estimate, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 58. Lund. 1802. 4to. Report on the line of Inland Navigation from the city of Durham to the navigable part of the river Wear ; from thence down the vale of Team to the river Tyne ; and the branch by Beamish to Kyo West Houses. Tract. 8vo. vol. 94. Durham, 1796. 8vo. Report on the line of Inland Navigation from Stockton to Winston, by way of Darlington and Staindrop, with projected branches to Durham, Northallerton, Thirsk, and Boroughbridge. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. Stockton, 1796. 8vo. A report on the projected measures for the Defence of the Coal Mines, in the county of Durham, drawn up at the request of the Lord Bishop of Durham. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. 1798. Svo. Report on the proposed Canal navigation, forming a junction on the rivers Thames and Medway ; with general estimates, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. Lambeth, 1799. Svo. Report on the state of London Bridge, showing the necessity for the erection of a new bridge. Tract. 4/o. vol. 13. Lond. [1820 ?] 4to. Report, (fee, on the pi'esent state of Tynemouth harbour, with projected improvements : as surveyed by order of the committee for obtaining a better navigation. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. 1796. Svo. Report, with plans, sections, &c., of the proposed dry Tunnel, or passage, from Gravesend, in Kent, to Tilbury, in Essex ; also on a canal from near Gravesend to Stroud. Tract, ito. vol. 5. Lond. 1798. 4to. Reports to the honourable Commissioners of the river Wear on the state of the river, harbour, piers, etc., of the port of Sunder- land. Tract. Svo. vol. 94. Sunderland, 1794. Svo. DODGE, Y. R. Statistics of manufactures of Tobacco and of its commercial distribution, exportation and prices. [U.S.A. 10th Census, vol. 3.] Washington, 1883. 4to. DODSON, T. On the manufacture of Raw Sugar, etc. 1834. See Oaks, V., and Dodson, T. DODSON, W. Col. The designefor the perfect Draining of the Great Level of the Fens, (called Bedford Level), as it was delivered to the honourable corporation for the draining of the said great Level the 4th June 1664; as also several objections answered since the delivery of the said designe, with objections to the designe now in agitation. Tract. Svo. vol. 12. Lond. 1665. Svo. 348 DOE PARK — DONALDSON, DOE PARK. Correspondence (Further Correspondence) relating to tlie J)oe P;irk and Bradford Reservoirs. 2 pt. Lond. 1865, 66. folio. DOEMMTNG, Von. Building and Working of the TnJan.l Naviga- tion Ports in the Elbe and Oder basins. [5//* Int. Ct. Vestbanernes og Drammen-Skienbanens Renta- bilitet og Bygningsmaade, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 303. [^Christiania,] 1877. Svo. ERICSSON, John. Contributions to the Centennial Exhibition. New York, 1876. 4to. Description of the Caloric Engine. Tract. Svo. vol. 22. Lond. 1833. Svo. The Lunar Surface and its Temperature. Tract. Svo. vol. 427. Neiv York; 1886. Svo. Monitor of 1854. Tract, folio, vol. Neic York, [1854.] folio. The Monitors. Tract. Svo. vol. 409. [Neio York,] 1885. Svo. Movable Torpedoes. Tract. Uo. vol. 71. New York, 1873. 4to. 394 ERICSSON — ETHELSTON. ERICSSON, John — continued. Solar Investigations. Trad. 4to. vol. 79. New York, 1876. 4to. The Torpedo Question. Tract, ito. vol. 71. New York, 1873. 4to. ERIE CANAL. Laws of the State of New York in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, etc. 2 vols. Albany, 1825. 8vo. ERLACH, R. D'. Rapport sur la locomotive a grande vitesse avec avant-train mobile. Tract. 8vo. vol. 179. ( Paris, 1855. 8vo. ERLENMEYER, E. Die Aufgabe des chemischen Unterrichts gegenliber den Anforderungen der Wissenschaft und Technik. Tract, ito. vol. 68. Milnchen, 1871. 4to. ERNI, H. Coal-Oil and Petroleum, etc. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo. Mineralogy simplified ; with an introduction to Modern Chemistry. 2nd edition, enlarged. Philadeljjhia, 1885. 8vo, ERNST, A. Die Hebezeuge. Theorie und Kritik ausgefiihrter Konstruktionen. (Atlas of plates.) Berlin, 1883. 4to. ERSKINE, R. A Dissertation on Rivers and Tides : intended to demonstrate in general the effect of bridges, cuttings, removing of shoals and imbankments ; and to investigate in particular the consequences of such works on the river Thames. Tract. 8vo. vol. 8. Lond. 1770. 8vo. ESCAUT. See Scheld. ESCOSURA Y MORROGH, L. de la. Historia del tratamiento metalurgico del azogue en Espaua. Madrid, 1878. 8vo. ESPINOSA, P. C. Manual de construcciones de albanileria. Madrid, 1859. 8vo. ESPITALLIER, G. Les ballons et leur emploi a la guerre. Pans, [1888?] 8vo. ESPY, J. P. The Philosophy of Storms. Lond. 1841. 8vo. ESQUIMALT. Description of the Esquimalt Graving Dock Works, British Columbia. Tract. 8vo. vol. 494. Greenock, 1888. 8vo. ESSEX. Act for improving Roads in . . . Essex. Lond. 1785. foHo. Act for reclaiming . . . Lands on . . . the E. and S.E. coast of Essex. Lond. 1852. foho. Essex Estuary. Land Reclamation and improvement of the rivers Crouch and Blackwater : plans and sections by Sir J. Rennie and G. Remington. Lond. 1851. folio. ESSON, W. B. See Glasee de Cew, G. Magneto- and Dynamo- electric Machines . . . 2nd edition ... by W. B. Esson. 1887. ESTIGNARD, X. Reconnaissance hydrographique de 1875 a I'em- bouchui'e de la Seine. Rapport. 1877. foUo. (Lithographed.) ET HELSTON, C. G. Notes of a visit to the Works of the St. Gothard Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 317. Lond. 1881. 8vo. ETHERIDGE — EUROPEAN. 395 ETHERIDGE, R., and Jack, R. L. Catalogue of works, papers, reports and maps on the Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy . . . of the Australian Continent and Tasmania. LoivL 1881. 8vo. ETHEROW, Biver. Report from the Surveying officers, and minutes of evidence on the Etherow Reservoirs Bill. Lond. 1847. foHo. ETNA, Mount. Rapport des ingenieurs du corps royal des mines d'ltalie sur I'eruption de I'Etna en 1879. 2 pt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 456. Liege, 1879. 8vo. ETZEL, C. VON. See Austria. [Bailways.] Oesterreichische Eisen- bahnen entworfen und ausgefiihrt . . . unter der Leitung von C. von Etzel. 1868? EUCLID. The Elements of Euclid explain'd in a new, but most easie method, etc. [From the French of F. C. F. Milliet de Chales.] Sixth edition. Lond. 1720. 12mo. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson, with explanatory notes ; together with a selection of geometrical exercises ... by Robert Potts. Lond. 1845. 8vo. EULER, L. Elemens d'algebre, traduits de I'allemand. 2 vols. Lyon, 1795. 8vo. Introduction a I'analyse infinitesimale. [Translated from the Latin.] 2 vols, in 1. Paris, 1796-97. 4to. Letters on different subjects in Physics and Philosophy, trans- lated from the Fi'ench . . . 2nd edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1802. 8vo. Mechanica sive motus scientia analytice exposita. 2 vols. Petropoli, 1736. 4to. EUPHRATES VALLEY RAILWAY. The Euphrates route to India. [A review of W, P. Andrew's " Memoir on the Euphrates Valley Route."] Tract. Svo. vol. 442. Lojjd. 1857. Svo. The Euphrates Railway : the shortest route to India. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 442. Lond. 1857. 8vo. (From The Times.) Euphrates versus Suez : or, which is the shortest 1 By a Barrister. Tract. Svo. vol. 261. Lond. 1857. Svo. Reports from the Select Committee on the Euphrates Valley Railway. Lond. 1871-72. foUo. Reports on Communication with India through Turkey, by the Euphrates Valley Route. Lond. 1872. foHo. EUREKA, Nevada. Seven Silver-Lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada : by J. S. Curtis. (U.S.A. Geoi. Survey.) Washington, 1884:. foho. EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY. Plan for shortening the time of passage between New York and London, with documents relating thereto, including the proceedings of the Railway Convention at Portland, Maine, and the charter of the European and North American railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 89. Portland, 1850. Svo. 39L) EVANS. EVANS, E. On some Sections of Chulk botweoii Croydon ;ind Oxted with observations on the Classification of the Chalk, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 474. Lewes, 1870. 8vo. EVANS, G., Admiral. Certificate, etc., of the services of Admiral G. Evans. Tract. 8vo. vol. 254. Lond. 1870. 8vo. The Management of Iron Ships abroad. Tract, folio, vol. 19. Liverpool, 1864. folio. A Mode for purifying the Thames. Tract. Sco. vol. 247. [1870?] Svo. Report on the Navigation of the Mersey. Tract. 8vo. vol. 102. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Report on the present State of the Navigation of the river Mersey. Tract. Svo. vols. 71, 212, 169, and 252. [Lond.] 1844, 68, 70, 75. Svo. EVANS, G., and Co. G. Evans and Co., against the State of New York. Testunony. Tract. Svo. Albany, 1869. 8vo. EVANS, Sir J. Flint Implements in the Drift ; being an account of further Discoveries on the Continent and in England. Tract. Uo. vol. 46. Lond. 1862. 4to. Hertfordshire and its Water Supply. Tract. Uo. vol. 117. [Hertfordl] 1893. 4to. Unwritten History, and how to read it, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 473. Lond. 1882. 8vo. EVANS, O. The young Mill-wright and Miller's Guide. 4th edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 90. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo. The young Steam Engineer's guide. Tract. Svo. vol. 90. Philadelphia, [1S101] Svo. Manuel de I'ingenieur mocanicien constructeur des machines a vapeur. Traduit de I'anglais, par I. Doolittle. 2""* edition. Paris, 1825. Svo. EVANS, R. A Report upon the strength and other properties of Anthracite Pig Iron, conducted at Messrs. Whitworth and Co.'s works, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 56. Manchester, 1840. Svo. EVANS, T., Lieut., B.N. A Chart of Liverpool and Chester Rivers, and of the Coast and Harbours to Holyhead. 3rd edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 18, Liverpool, 1821. Svo. EVANS, W. J. The Sugar-planter's Manual, etc. Lond. 1847. Svo. EVANS, W. W. The Abt System of Railway for Steep Inclines. Tract. Svo. vol. 416. [New York,] 1886. Svo. American Engines and FairHe Engines compared. Tract. Svo. vol. 298. New York, 1877. Svo. American v. English Locomotives, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 451. New York, 1880. Svo. A chapter in the History of the Queen's Cup won by the Yacht " America" in 1851. Tract. Svo. vol. 449. New York, 1885. Svo. EVANS — EVERETT. 397 EVANS, W. W. — continued. A letter on Crank -Axles in Locomotives and their demerits. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. New York, 1884. 8vo. Letter on Plan of Bulkheads and Docks for the City of New York. Tract. 8vo. vol. 344. New York, 1881. 8vo. A Letter on Railway Gauges, and construction, machinery, economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 227. Neio Yorlf, 1872. 8vo. A Letter on rapid Transit for New York City. Tract. 8vo. vol. 256. New Yorl; 1875. 8vo. A Letter ... on Railway Gauges and Construction, Economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 238. New York, 1873. 8vo. Carta . . . sobre medida de anchura de los caminos de hierro, i sobre su construccion, maquinaria, economia, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 227. Nueva York, 1872. 8vo. A letter to the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the United States, being a fagot of Yankee sticks, tough if not telling, con- sisting of quotations, opinions, free-trade fancies, protection blessings, political economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 451. New York, 1885. Bvo. Memoir of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Poland's hero and patriot. New York, 1883. 4to. Memoranda in reference to Engine Comparisons. Tract. 8vo. vol. 220. New York, 1870. 8vo. EVANS, W. W., and Others. American v. English Locomotives : correspondence, criticism and commentaries respecting their relative merits. Tract. 8vo. vol. 318. Neio York, 1880. 8vo. [Another edition.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 318. Leeds, 1880. 8vo. EVELYN, J. An Account of Architects and Architecture, etc. Lond. 1706. folio. Eumifugium : or, the inconveniencie of the aer and smoak of London dissipated. Together with some remedies humbly pro- posed by J. E. Esq., etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219. Lond. 1661. 8vo. A letter . . . concerning the Spanish Sembrador, or new Engine for Ploughing, and equal sowing all sorts of grain . . . Translated from the Spanish. Tract. 4cto. vol. 20. Lond. 1670. 4to. (From Phil. Trans.) [A Parallel of Ancient Architecture with the Modern . . . From the French of Roland Freart, Sieur de Chambray, etc.'\ (Title page wanting.) [XowcL 1664.] folio. EVEREST, G., Col. An Account of the Measurement of two Sections of the Meridional Arc of India. Lond. 1847. 4to. Rectification of Logarithmic Errors in the measurement of two sections of the Meridional Arc of Lidia, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 122. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) Lond. [1859.] 8vO. EVERETT, A. Map of Victoria, showing the distribution of Forest Trees. 1866. 8vo. 398 EVERETT EWING. EVERETT, (I. The Pathway to Peace and Profit : or, Truth in its plain Dress. Wherein is methodically set forth a sure . . . way for the more speedy and effectual building their Majesties' Royal Navy, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 72. Lovd. 1G94. 8vo. EVERETT, G. A. Water Supplies : a statistical compilation from the official reports of the Water Boai-ds in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Canadian Provinces, etc. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 236. Land. 1874. 8vo. EVERETT, J. D. Illustrations of the centimetre gramme-second System of Units. Tract. 8vo. vol. 266. Lond. 1865. 8vo. Units and Physical Constants. 2nd edition. Lond. 1879. 8vo. Vibratory Motion and Sound. Lond. 1882. 8vo. EVERS, H. Steam and other Prime Movers, etc. Lond. [1889.] 8vo. ■ Steam and the Steam Engine. 32nd thousand. Glasgoio, 1887. 8vo. EVRARD, A. Les moyens de transport appliques dans les mines, les usines, et les travaux publics. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1872. 8vo. and 4to. . Traite pratique de I'exploitation des mines. Vol. 1. (Atlas of plates.) Mons, 1879. 8vo. and folio. EWALD, A. C. The complete Guide to the Home Civil Service. Lond. 1885. 8vo. EWART, C. B. Report on the proper principle of Drainage to be adopted in the towns of Oxford, Eton, Windsor, and Abingdon. Tract. 8vo. vol. 223. Lond. 1868. 8vo. EWART, John. A letter to C. Dundas, Esq., M.P., on the intended Kennet and Avon Canal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 66. Bath, 1796. folio. EWART, Joseph. The sanitary Condition and Discipline of Indian Jails. Lond. 1860. 8vo. EWBANK, T. A descriptive and historical Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern, etc. Lond. 1842. 8vo. 4th edition. 13th edition. EWING, J. A. Earthquake Measurement Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals. Lond. 1891. 8vo. Report on trials of Parsons' Condensing Steam Turbine, using superheated steam. Newcastle-on-Ti/ne, 1892. obi. 8vo. " Seismometric Measurements of the Vibration of the New Tay Bridge during the passing of Railway Trains." Tract. 8vo. vol 462. Lond. 1888. 8vo. Neio York, 1850. 8vo. New York, 1854. 8vo. Tract, ito. vol. 91. ToMo, 1883. 4to. EWING EYTH. 399 EWING, J. A. — continued. The Steam Engine, and other Heat Engines. Loud. 1894. 8vo. EXCHAQUET, H. Dictionnau^e des ponts et chaussees, contenant les regies de la construction, les usages, les ordonnances de police, et les arrets qui concernent I'entretien des grands chemins, etc. Lausanne et Paris, 1787. 8vo. EXETER. Report by Captain Eyre M. Shaw, C.B., concerning the Fire which occurred at the Theatre Royal, Exeter, on the 5th of September, 1887. Lond. 1888. folio. Reply of the Local Magistrates to the Report of Captain Shaw on the late Fire at Exeter Theatre. Lond. 1888. foHo. Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, Schools of Science and Art, and Free Library. Annual reports. Tract. 8vo. vol. 421. Exeter, 1886-90. 8vo. EXHIBITIONS. [Works relating to Exhibitions are catalogued under the place at which each Exhibition was respectively held.] EXNER, Dr. F. Vorlesungen iiber Elektricitat, etc. Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. EYES, E. A littoral Survey of the port of Liverpool, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 198. Liverpool, 1870. 8vo. EYTELWEIN", J. A. Handbuch der Mechanik fester Korper und der Hydraulik. Leipzig, 1842. 8vo. Handbuch der Statik fester Korper, mit vorziiglicher Riicksicht auf ihre Anwendung in der Architektur. 3 vols. Berlin, 1808. 8vo. Observations sur les efFets et I'application avantageuse du beher hydrauHque. Paris, 1822. 4to. Recherches sur le mouvement de I'eau, en ayant egard a la contraction qui a lieu au passage par divers orifices, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 17. Paris, 1826. 8vo. EYTH, M. Wanderbuch eines Ingenieurs. 3 vols. Heidelberg^ 1871. 8vo. 400 FABER — FAHIE. F. FABER, R. S. Catalogue of the Library of the French Protestant Hospital. 1887. See French Protestant Hospital. FABRE, J. A. Essai sur la maniere la plus avantageuse de construire les machines hydrauliques, et en particulier les moulins a bled. Paris, 1783. 4to. Essai sur la theorie des torrens et des rivieres, contenant les moyens les plus simples d'en empecher les ravages, d'en retrecir le lit, et d'y faciliter le navigation, le hallage, et la flottaison ; accompagne d'une discussion sur la navigation in- terieure de la France ; et termine par le projet de rendre Paris port maritime, en faisant remonter a la voile, par la Seine, les na vires qui s'arretent a Rouen. Paris, 1797. 4to. FABRE-DOMERGUE, P. Manuel pratique d'analyse micrographique des eaux. Paris, 1890. 8vo. FABRETTUS, R. De aquis et aquseductibus veteris Romse disserta- tiones tres. Ronise, 1680. 4to. FACCIOLI, C. R. Archiginnasiodi Bologna. Omaggio del CoUegio degli Ingegneri ed Architetti di Bologna agli scienziati com- memoranti F ottavo centenario dello Studio Bolognese. Bologna, 1888. folio. FADDA, S. Locomotiva. (Estratto dell' Enciclopedia delle arti e industrie.) Tract, folio, vol. 38. Torino, 1886. folio. Nuovo tipo di caldaia per locomotiva. Tract, folio, vol. 46. Milano, [1890.] foHo. FADDA, S., Olivetti, A., and Silvota, G. La locomotiva, sua costruzione ed arte di guidarla : manuale compilato sull' opera di Brosius e Koch, etc. 3 vols. Torino, 1880-1890. 8vo. Dizionario tecnologico italiano, francese, tedesco e inglese, con- cernente la locomotiva e le strade ferrate ; indice alfabetico dei nomi contenuti nell' opera " La locomotiva." Torino, 1891. 8vo. FAHIE, J. A. On Magneto and Dynamo-Electric Machines. 2nd edition. . .enlarged. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Buhlin, 1884. 8vo. FAHIE, J. J. An Episode in the early History of the Telegraph. Trad. 8«0. wZ. 468. (From "The Electrician.") Lond. ld>d>2>. 8v0. Historic Notes on the Telephone. Tract. Sw. vol. 468. (From " The Electrician.") Loncl. 1883. 8vo. A History of Electric Telegraphy to the Year 1837. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Honour to whom Honour is due ! Edward Davey and the Electric Telegraph. Tract. 8i-o. vol. 468. Lond. 1883. 8vo. (From " The Electrician.") FAHR^US — FAIRBAIRN. 401 O FAHR^US, E. Administratif och statistisk handbok, sasom bihang till Sveriges statskalender. Tredje upplagan. Stockhohn, 1872. 8vo. FAIJA, H. On the Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement. Tract, folio, vol. 4:1 . [Lond] 1893. foUo. Portland Cement for users. Land. 1881. 8vo. FAIR, R. Report on Holyhead and Port Dynllaen Harbours, 1844. See Holyhead Harbour. FAIRBAIRN, H. A plan for converting Turnpike Roads into Railroads ; and for suspending the whole of the joint-stock railway schemes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 201. Lond. 1836. 8vo. A treatise on the Political Economy of Railroads, etc. Lond. 1836. 8vo. FAIRBAIRN, T. Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges : truths and tubes on self-supporting principles, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 278. Lond. 1849. 8vo. FAIRBAIRN, Sir W. An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges ; with a complete history of their progress, from the conception of the original idea to the conclusion of the elaborate experiments which determined the exact form and mode of construction ultimately adopted. Lond. 1849. 8vo. An experimental inquiry into the relative powers of the Locomo- tive Engine, and the resistance of railway gradients. Tract. 8vo. vol. 100. [Manchester, 1851.] 8vo. An experimental inquiry into the Strength and other properties of Cast Iron, from various parts of the kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 384. Manchester, 1838. 8vo. An experimental inquiry into the Strength and other properties of Anthracite Cast Iron, being a continuation of a series of ex- periments on British irons, from the various parts of the United Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56. Manchester, 1840. 8vo. An experimental inquiry into the Strength of "Wrought-iron Plates and their riveted joints, as applied to Shipbuilding and vessels exposed to severe strains. Tract, ito. vol. 52. (From the Phil. Trans.) Lond. 1850. 4to. Experimental researches intp the properties of the Iron Ores of Samakoff, in Turkey, and of the Haematite ores of Cumberland, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56. Lond. 1844. 8vo. (From Min. rioc. Inst. C.E.) Experimental researches to determine the strength of Locomo- tive Boilers, and the causes which lead to explosion. Tract. 8vo. vol.111. (From Report of the British Association.) Lond. 1854. 8vO. Experiments to determine the effect of Impact, Vibratory Action, and long continued Changes of Load on Wrought-Iron Girders. Tract. Uo. vol. ^1. (From tlie Phil. Trans.) [Londl864.] 4to. 2 D 402 FAIUBAIRN. FAIRBAIRN, Sir W. — continued. Experiments to determine the Properties of some mixtures of Cast Iron and Nickel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12G. Manchester, 1858. Svo. Iron ; its History, Properties, and processes of Manufacture. Edinhmjh, 1861. Svo. 3rd edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. Lancashire and Cheshire, etc., 1868-69. See Baines, T., and Fairbairn, W. The Life of Sir W. Fairbairn, partly written by himself. Edited and completed by W. Pole. Lond. 1877. Svo. [Another edition], abridged. Lond. 1878. Svo. ■ Observations on Improvements of the Town of Manchester, particularly as regards the importance of blending in those im- provements, the chaste and beautiful, with the ornamental and useful. Tract. 4:to. vol. 70. Manchester, 1836. 4to. On governmental Boiler Inspection. Tract. Svo. vol. 195. Manchester, 1870. Svo. On the application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building purposes. Lond. 1854. Svo. • On the Comparative Value of various kinds of Stone, as exhibited by their powers of resisting compression. Tract. Svo. vol. 126. Manchester, 1857. Svo. On the Mechanical Properties of Metals as derived from repeated meltings, exhibiting the maximum point of strength and the causes of deterioration. Tract. Svo. vol. 101. Lond. 1854. Svo. (From Report of British Association.) On the Resistance of Tubes to collapse. Tract, ito. vol. 48. (From tlie Phil. Trans.) io?i<^. [1858.] 4t0. On the Strength and other properties of Cast Iron obtained from the hot and cold blast. Tract. Svo. vol. 56. (From Report of the British Association.) Lond. 1838. Svo. On the Tensile Strength of Wrought Iron at various tempera- tures. Tract. Svo. vol. 126. Lond. 1857. Svo. (From Report of the British Associatiou.) On Tubular Girder Bridges. Tract. Svo. vol. 499. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. IS51. SvO. On Water-wheels with ventilated Buckets. With an Abstract of the Discussion upon the paper. Tract. Svo. vol. 456. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) XoncZ. 1849. SvO. Remarks on Canal Navigation, illustrative of the advantages of the use of steam, as a moving power on canals, etc. Manchester, 1831. Svo. Report on the Chester and Holyhead Railway. 1846. See Ste- phenson, R., Fairbairn, Sir W., and Hodgkinson, E. FAIRBAIRN. 403 FAIRBAIRN, Sir W. — contiyiued. Report on the construction of Fire-proof Buildings : with introductory remarks, by 8. Holme. Tract. 8vo. vol. 67. Liverpool, 1844. 8vo. Report on the Consumption of Fuel and the Prevention of Smoke. Tract. 8vo. vol. 58. Lond. 1845. 8vo. (From Report of the British Association.) Reservoirs on the River Bann for supplying the Mills with Water. Tract. 8vo. vol. 6. Manchester, 1836. 8vo. The rise and progress of Manufactures and commerce and of Civil and Mechanical Engineering in Lancashire and Cheshire. Manchester, 1869. 4to. (From " Lancashire and Cheshire," etc., by T. Baines and W. Fairbaim.) Three lectures, on the rise and progress of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and on popular Education. Tract. 8vo. vol. 126. Derby, 1859. 8vo. Treatise on Iron Ship Building ; its history and progress as com- prised in a series of experimental researches on the laws of strain, the strengths, forms, and other conditions of the material ; and an inquiry into the present and prospective state of the navy, including the experimental i-esults on the resisting powers of armour plates and shot at high velocities. Lond. 1865. 8vo. Treatise on Mills and Millwork. 2 vols. Lond. 1861-63. 8vo. Two Lectures on the Construction of Boilers, and on boiler Explosions, with the means of prevention ; delivered before the Leeds Mechanics' Institution : also a paper on the Consumption of Fuel and Prevention of Smoke, read before the British Associa- tion. Trad. 8vo. vol. 99. Leeds, 1851. 8vo. Useful information for Engineers ; being a series of lectures deUvered to the working engineers of Yorkshire and Lancashire, together with a series of Appendices, containing the results of experimental inquiries into the strength of materials, the causes of boiler explosions, etc. Lond. 1856. 8vo. Second series : containing experimental researches on the collapse of boiler flues and the strength of materials, and lectures on popular education, and various subjects connected with mechanical engineering, iron ship-building, the properties of steam, etc. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Third series : as comprised in a series of lectures on the applied sciences, and on other kindred subjects ; together with treatises on the comparative merits of the Paris and London Inter- national Exhibitions, on roofs, on the Atlantic cable, and on the effect of impact on girders. Lond. 1866. 8vo. - See Brewster, Sir D. On "Wrought-iron Tubular Cranes de- signed by W. Fairbairn. 1852. - See Crace-Calvert, F. On the increased Strength of Cast Iron by use of improved coke : with experiments by W. Fairbairn. 1855. 2 D 2 404 FAIRBAIRN — FALCONER, FAIRBAIRN, Sir W., and Otiikrs. Report of the Committee on Shippiiijj; Statistics ; presented to the British Association, Sep- tember, 1858. Trad. Svo. vol. 177. Land. 1858. 8vo. ■ Steam Navigation : Vessels of Iron and Wood ; the Steam Engine ; and on Screw Propulsion. Together with Results of Experiments on the Disturbance of the Compass in Iron-Built Ships : by G. B. Airy, Esq. Lond. 1858. folio. FAIRBANKS, — . Description of Fairbanks' Patent Weighing Machines. Tract, ito. vol. 39. [1840 ?] 4to. FAIRBANKS, S. P. Nova Scotia Mines and Minerals. Tract, folio. vol. 10. Halifax, 1864. folio. FAIRCHILD, C. B. Street Railways : their construction, operation, and maintenance. New York, 1892. 4to. FAIRFAX, J. The Colonies of Australia : their formation, progress and present state. Discovery of the goldfields. Tract. Svo. vol. 263. Lond. 1852. Svo. FAIRLEY, T. On the various forms of Filter Pumps or Water-Jet Aspirators. Tract. 8vo. vol. 435. Manchester, 1887. Svo. (From the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry.) FAIRLEY, W. Notes on the Purification of Sewage. Tract. Svo. vol. 483. Edinhurgli, 1889. Svo. FAIRLIE, R. F. Correspondence in refutation of the attacks made upon the Fairlie Engine. Lond. 1876-78. 8vo. Locomotive Engines : what they are and what they ought to be. Tract. Svo. vol. 279. Lond. 1864. Svo. Observations on the Construction of Railway Carriages ; together with a paper on railways and their management. Tract. Svo. vol. 166. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Opinions of the press on the Fairlie Engine. Tract. Svo. vol. 164. Lond. 1868. Svo. Railways or no Railways. Narrow Gauge, economy with efl&ciency, v. Broad Gauge, costliness with extravagance. Lond. 1872. Svo. Result of Experiments with the Fairlie Locomotive. Tract. folio, vol. 9. (Lithographed.) 1870. folio, The Safes' Challenge Contest at the International Exhibition of Paris, 1867, etc. See Mallet, R., and Fairlie, R. F. FAIRMAN, E. St. J. A treatise on the Petroleum Zones of Italy. Tract. Svo. vol. 208. Lond. 1868. Svo. FALCK, N. D. An Account and Description of an improved Steam Engine ; which will, with the same quantity of fuel, and in an equal space of time, raise above double the quantity of water than any lever engine of the same dimensions. Tract. Svo. vol. 225. Lond. 1776. Svo. FALCONER, H. Report on Teak Forests. 1852. See India.— Tenasserim. FALCONER — FARADAY. 405 FALCONER, W. A new Universal Dictionary of the Marine : being a copious explanation of the technical tei'ms and phrases, illustrated with a variety of modern designs of shipping, etc. ; to which is annexed, a vocabulary of French sea-phrases and terms of art, . . . Enlarged by W. Burney. Lond. 1815. 4to. FALCONIERI, C. New Process for laying the Submarine Telegraph Cable. [1870?] /S^ee Landi, T., and Falconieri, C. FALCONNET, G. P., MnJ., B.E. Brick and Tile Manufacture at Allahabad. BoorJcee, 1874. 8vo. FALKINER, T. H., and Tancred, T. S. Thames Valley Drainage Acts, 1871 and 1874. Report on the Drainage of Lands within the Jurisdiction of the Commissioners, July 28, 1876. Tract. 4oilers, with a review of the principal types of Engines for manufacturing purposes. [U.S.A. 10th Census. Vol. 22.] Washington, 1888. 4to. Report on the Manufacture of Fire- Arms and Ammunition. Tract, ito. vol. 109. Washington, 1882. 4to. (Kxtra Census Bulletin, U.S.A.) Report on the Manufacture of Hardware, Cutlery, and Edge- Tools; also, Saws and Files. [U.S.A. lOth Census. Vol. 2.] Washington, 1883. 4to. Report on the Manufactures of Interchangeable Mechanism. [U.S.A. lOth Census. Vol. 2.] Washington, 1883. 4to. FITCH, T. W. Bessemer Steel. Ores and Methods. St. Louis, 1882. 8vo. FITTON, W. H. Inquiries respecting the geological relations at the beds between the Chalk and the Purbeck Limestone in the south-east of England. Lond. 1833. 4to. FITZGERALD, D. Address as President of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers at their Annual Meeting. Tract. 8vo. vol. 476. [Chicago,] 1889. 8vo. Analysis of the Rainfall at Lake Cochituate, Mass., 1852-1883. Tract. 8vo. vol. 368. Boston, 1884. 8vo. Evaporation. [New YorJc,] 1886. 8vo. Rainfall, Flow of Streams and Storage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 527. [New York, 1892.] 8vo. Yield of the Sudbury River water-shed in the freshet of February 10th to 13th, 1886. Tract. 8vo. vol. 527. [New York,] 1891. 8vo. FITZGERALD, J. V. V. The Public Health and Local Government Act 1875, and the Statutes incorporated therewith, including the Law as to Election of Members of Local Boards as amended by the Corrupt Practices Act 1883, with short explanatory notes. 5th edition. Lond. 1886. 8vo. FITZGERALD, L. M. Labourers' Prize Cottages. Tract. Uo. vol. 92. ^Cork, 1883. 4to. FITZGERALD, M. [Reports on the Drainage and Improvement of Lands in various districts of Ireland.] Dublin, 1846-47. 8vo. FITZGERALD, M. F. Note to the Paper on the theory of the Screw Propeller, read before the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, on March 4, 1890. Tract. 8vo. vol. 493. [Belfast,] 1890. 8vo. FITZGERALD — FLACHAT. 419 FITZGERALD, P. The great Canal at Suez : its political, engineer- ing, and financial history. 2 vols. Lond. 1876. 8vo. FITZGERALD, R. D. Australian Orchids. 3 parts. Sydney, 1877. folio. FITZGERALD, W. The Boston Machinist : being a complete school for the apprentice as well as the advanced machinist. With a treatise on screw and gear cutting. New Yorh, 1868. 12mo. FITZROY, River, Queensland. Report on Fitzroy River Improve- ments. Brisbane, 1877. folio. Sir John Coode's Report. Brisbane, 1888. folio. FITZROY, R., Admiral. Considerations on the great Isthmus of Central America. Tract. 8vo. vol. 96. [Lond. 1851.] 8vo. Great Circle Sailing. Tract. Svo. vol. 431. [Lond.l 1858.] 8vo. [Three numbers of meteorological papers of the Board of Trade.] Lond. 1857-58. 4to. The Weather-book : a manual of practical Meteorology. 2nd edition. Lond. 1863. 8vo. FLACHAT, E. Address on taking the chair as President of the Society of Engineers of France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 178. Paris, 1859. 8vo. De la traversee des Alpes par un chemin de fer. Neuilly, 1859. 8vo. (From the Memoires de la Societe des Ingenieurs civils.) Part 2. Developpements. Etude du passage par le Simplon. Paris, 1860. 8vo. Isambard Brunei : Robert Stephenson. Tract. Svo. vol. 127. Neuilly, 1859. 8vo. Navigation a vapeur transoceanienne. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1866. Svo. Systeme general de I'education professionnelle de I'ingenieur en France. Tract. Uo. vol. 111. Pam, 1868. 4to. Vues . . . sur les travaux publics de France. 1832. See Lame, G., Clapeyron, B. p. E., and Flachat, S. and E. FLACHAT, E., Barrault, A., and Petiet, J. Traite de la fabrica- tion de la fonte du fer envisagee sous les trois rapports chimique, mecanique et commercial. 3 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1842-46. 4to. and folio. FLACHAT, E., and Petiet, J. Calculs et tableaux sur I'avance du tiroir, les tuyaux d'echappement, les conduits de vapeur et de f umee dans les machines locomotives ; precedes d'une lettre a M. Arago. Tract. Svo. vol. 62. Paris, 1839. 8vo. Guide du mecanicien-conducteur de machines locomotives, etc. Paris, 1840. 8vo. 2 E 2 420 FLACHAT — FLATTIOH. FLACHAT, S. Histoire cles travaux et de ramenagement cles eaux du can.il Caledonien. (Atlas of plates.) Parix, 1828. 4to. and folio. L'liulustrie. Exposition de 1834. Traite elementaire de me- caiui|iic industrielle. Manuel et code des routes et dos chemins vicinaux, Paris, 183.5. 8vo. Vues . . . sur les travaux publics de France. 1832. See Lame, G., Clapeyron, B. p. E., and Flachat, S. and E. FLACHAT, S., and Bayard de la Vingtrie, — . Canal maritime de Paris a Rouen. 2 vols. Paris, 1829. 8vo. FLAGER, D. W. A history of the Rock Island Arsenal from ... 1863 to... 1876. Washington, 1S7 7. 4to. FLAM ACHE, A., and Huberti, A, Traite d'exploitation des chemins de fer. Bruxelles, 1885, etc. 8vo. FLAMANT, A. Compte rendu des experiences hydrauliques faites a Roorkee par Captain A. Cunningham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 471. Amiens, 1882. 8vo. Courbes representatives des lois du choc longitudinal et du choc transversal d'une barre prismatique, dressees par feu de Saint- Venant. Tract. Uo. vol. 112. Paris, 1889. 4to. Mecanique appliquee hydraulique. Paris, 1891. 8vo. (Encyclopedie des travaux publics fondee, par M.-C. Lechalas.) Plan incline pour bateaux de navigation interieure, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 521. Paris, 1890. 8vo. • Le pont du Forth, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 510. Paris, 1892. 8vo. Projet de chemin de fer metropolitain pour Paris, dresse par M. le Chatelier. Tract. Svo. vol. 487. Paris, 1889. 8vo. Stabilite des constructions. Resistance des materiaux. Paris, 1886. 8vo. FLANAGAN, T. Railways in Portugal : an account of the seizure by the Portuguese government of the works on the Central Peninsular Railway ; with some words of advice to English speculators in foreign schemes. Lond. 1855. 8vo. FLANNERY, J. F. The Transport of Petroleum in Bulk. [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] [Land., 1893.] 8vo. FLATHER, J. J. Dynamometers and the Measurement of Powers . . . With a description of the methods and apparatus employed in measuring Water-power. Neio York, 1892. 8vo. FLATTICH, W. Beschreibung von auf den Linien der Siidbahn ausgefiihrten Hochbauten mit Angabe ihrer Kosten. Tract. Svo. vol. 257. Wie7i, 1870. 8vo. Der Eisenbahn-Hochbau in seiner Durchfiihrung auf den Linien der K.K. Pr. Siidbahn-Gesellschaft. (Atlas of plates.) Wien, 1873-77. 8vo. and folio. FLEISCHER — FLETCHEll. 421 FLEISCHER, E. Der Hydromotor. Trad. 8vo. vol. 313. Kiel, 1879. 8vo. FLEMING, — . The Mahogany tree, etc., 1850. See Chaloner, E., aud Fleming, — . FLEMING, C, and Tibbins, J. Royal Dictionary, EngHsh and Fi-ench, and French and English. 2 vols. Paris, 1841-44. 4to. FLEMING, H. Narrow Gauge Railways in America. Tract. 8vo. vol. 257. Lancaster, Pa., 1875. 8vo. FLEMING, J. A. The Alternate Current Transformer in theory and practice. 2 vols. Lond. 1889-93. 8vo. Short Lectures to Electrical Artisans, etc. Lond. 1886. 8vo. FLEMING, S. An appeal to the Canadian Institute on the Rectification of Parliament, etc. Toronto, 1892. 8vo. Terrestrial Time. Tract. 8vo. vol. 449. Lond. [1878 ?] 8vo. The Intercolonial : a historical sketch of the inception, location, construction and completion of the Hne of railway uniting the inland and Atlantic provinces of the Dominion of Canada. Montreal, 1876. 8vo. Papers on Time-Reckoning and the selection of a Prime Meridian to be common to all nations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 331. [Toronto, 1880.] 8vo. Time-Reckoning for the twentieth century. Tract. 8vo. vol. 518. Washington, 1889. 8vo. (From the Smithsonian Report.) [For Reports on Canadian Pacific Railway :] See Canadian Pacific Railway. See Grant, G. M. Ocean to Ocean. S. Fleming's Expedition through Canada, 1873. FLEMING, W. The Index to our Railway System and our leading lines. Lond. 1877, etc. 8vo. Railway Time-Table and Speed-Calculator, etc. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 166. Duhlin, [1868?] 8vo. FLETCHER, B. Ai'bitrations ; a text-book for siirveyors, in tabu- lated form. Lond. 1875. 8vo. Dilapidations : a text-book for architects and surveyors, in tabu- lated form. 3rd edition, etc. Lond. 1883. 8vo. Light aud Air : a text-book for architects and surveyors. Lond. 1886. 8vo. The Metropolitan Building Acts : a text-book for architects, sur- veyors, builders, etc. Lond. 1882. 8vo. Quantities : a text-book for surveyors, in tabulated form. Lond. 1888. 8vo. FLETCHER, H. A. Archeology of the West Cumberland Iron Trade. Tract. 8vo. vol. 324. Kendal, 1880. 8vo. 422 FLETCHER — FLOOD. FLETCHER, T. Archaeology of the West Cumberland Coal Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 298. Kendal, 1878. 8vo. FLETCHER, J. A dreadful Phenomenon described and improved : being a particular account of the sudden stoppage of the river Severn, and of the terrible desolation that happened at the Birches between Coalbrook-dale and Buildwas bridge in Shrop- shire, on Thursday moi'ning, May tlie 27th, 1773 ; and the substance of a sermon preached the next day on the ruins, to a vast concourse of spectators. Shreicshury, 1773. 8vo FLETCHER, L. E. Description of the Landore Viaduct, on the . . South Wales Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 499. Lond. 1856. 8vo (From Mill. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Engineer's Report to the coroner on the Bolton Boiler Explosion Tract. Svo. vol. 250. Manchester, 1874. 8vo Letter on a national system of Steam Boiler Inspection. Tract Svo. vol. 457. Manchester, 1870. 8vo On the Lancashire Boiler, its construction, equipment and setting 1876. 8vo Wigan Coal Trials, 1867-68. Manchester, 1867-68. 8vo FLETCHER, W. The abuse of the Steam Jacket practically con- sidered. Tract. Svo. vol. 287. Lond. 1878. 8vo. FLETCHER W. I., and Bowker, R. R. The Annual Literary Index, 1892 [etc.] : including periodicals . . . essays, book-chapters, etc. New York, 1893, etc. 8vo. (Succeeds to and includes the Cooperative Index to Periodicals.) Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 1888, etc. See Poole, W. F., and Fletcher, W. I. FLEURY, J. Respective uses of Water-ways and Railroads. [5tJi Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.'\ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. Voies navigables et chemins de fer. 1887. See Pontzen, E., and Fleury, J. FLIEGNER, A. Aus- und Einstromen elastischer Fliissigkeiten bei variabelen Preussungen. Tract. Svo. vol. 249. Zurich, 1874. 8vo. Die Uetlibergbahn. Tract. Uo. vol. 74. 1875. 4to. FLINT, H. M. The Railroads of the United States ; their history and statistics ... To which are added a synopsis of the raih'oad laws of the United States, and an article on the comparative merits of Iron and Steel Rails. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. FLINT CANAL. Act for the Construction of the Flint Canal. Lond. 1778. foho. FLOOD, E. S. Observations upon the present position of the Water- ford and Wexford Railway Company, and the best means of developing its traffic. Tract. Svo. vol. '221. Dublin, 1873. 8vo. FLORENCE — FODOR. 423 FLORENCE. Relazione della Commissione incaricata dello studio di un nuovo acquedotto fiorentino. [With map.] Firenze, 1893. folio. CoUegio degli Architetti ed Ingegneri. Atti. Vol. 2 (3, etc.). Firenze, 1877, etc. 8vo. FLOWER, L., Major. Marching out; a manual of Surveying and Field-sketching, etc. Lond. 1859. 16mo. The River Lee : a paper read at the Parkes Museum, May, 19, 1887. Tract. 8vo. vol. 444. Lond. 1887. 8vo. The River Lee "up to date": a paper read at the Parkes Museum, 1887, . . . revised and brought up to date by the author. Tract. 8vo. vol. 516. Lond. 1893. 8vo. Sewage Disposal : a precis of the report of a committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. Lond. 1877. 8vo. FLOWER, Sir W. H. On Whales, past and present, and their probable origin. Tract. 8vo. vol. 465. Lond. 1883. 8vo. The Wings of Birds. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. Lond. 1886. 8vo. FLOYER, E. A. Etude sur le Nord-Etbai entre le Nil et la Mer Rouge. Le Caire, 1893. 8vo. FLUGEL, J. G. A complete Dictionary of the English and German Languages, etc. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Leipsic, 1856. 8vo. A universal English-German and German-English Dictionary. Fourth, entirely remodelled, edition of J. G. Fliigel's Dictionary . . . Two parts in three vols. BriinsivicJc, 1891. 8vo. FLYNN, P. J. Flow of Water in Open Channels, Pipes, Sewers, Conduits . . . with Tables based on the formulae of D'Arcy, Kutter and Bazin, etc. New Yorlc, 1886. 8vo. Flow of Water in Open Channels, with Tables based on Kutter's Formula. Tract. 8vo. vol. 514. [New Yorl,] 1890. 8vo. Hydraulic Tables based on the formuke of D'Arcy and Kutter. Tract, 8vo. vol. 415. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. Hydraulic Tables for the Calculation of the Discharge through Sewers, Pipes and Conduits ; based on Kutter's Formula. New York, 1883. 16mo. Irrigation Canals and other Irrigation Works : including the Flow of Water in Irrigation Canals and open and closed channels generally, etc. San Francisco, 1892. 8vo. Shrinkage of Earthwork. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. FODEN, J. Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Companion. [Lond. 1869.] 8vo. Mechanical Tables. 4th edition. [Lond. 1886 ?] 8vo. FODOR, E. DE. Die elektrische Schweissung und Lothung. Wien, 1892. 8vo. 424 rODOR — FONTAINE. FODOR, J. VON. Hygiene ties Bodens : niit besonderer lliicksicht auf Kj)idemiologio uiul ]').iuwe.sen. \Ilandhucli der llij(jiene : lieraiix(jc(jehen von Dr. T. Weyl. Band 1.] Jena, 181)3. 8vo. FOGERTY, J. Lauterdale : a story of two generations. 3 vols. Lond. 1873. 8vo. Vienna Girdle Railway and proposed Branches. Copies of plans, sections and documents. Lond. 1882. folio. FOGGO, G. Results of Parliamentary Inquiry relative to Arts and Manufactures. Tract. Svo. vol. 19. Lond. 1837. 8vo. FOLEY, N. The Mechanical Engineer's Oliice Book. P.oiler Con- struction. Lund. 1881. folio. The Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book for Machine and Boiler Construction. Lond. 1891. folio. FOLKESTONE. Promenade Pier and Pavilion at Folkestone. [Prospectus.] Tract, folio, vol. 42. [1887.] folio. FOLSCH, A. Erinnerungen aus dem Leben eines Technikers. Hamburg, 1889. Svo. Hamburger Stadtwasserkunst. Gutachten iiber das Project der Filtration. 188L /S^ee Gill, H., and Folsch, A. Die Stadt-Wasserkunst in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1851. 8vo. FOLSCH, A., and Hornbostel, C. Wien's Wasserversorgung. Wien, 1862. 4to. FOLSOM, C. F. Metropolitan Main Drainage : remarks before the joint Committee on improved sewerage. Tract. Svo. vol. 297. Boston, U.S., 1876. Svo. The Pollution of Streams, Disposal of Sewage, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 282. [Boston, U.S., 1877.] Svo. The Present Aspect of the Sewage Question as applied to Boston. Tract. Svo. vol. 297. Boston, U.S., 1877. Svo. FONTAINE, A. J. B. Reservoirs of Water Supply [on the] Canal of the Centre and the Burgundy Canal. \pth Int. Congr. Inl. Nav.] [Paris, 1892.] Svo. FONTAINE, H. Description des machines les plus remarquables et les plus nouvelles a 1' Exposition de Vienne en 1873. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1874. Svo. and folio. Eclairage a I'electricite : renseignements pratiques. Paris, 1877. Svo. 2°'« edition. Paris, 1879. Svo. ■ Electric Lighting : a practical treatise. Translated from the French by Paget Higgs. Lond. 1878. Svo. Electrolyse : renseignements pratiques sur le nickelage, la dorure, I'argenture, i afldnage des metaux et le traitement des minerals au moyen ue I'electricite. Paris, 1885. Svo. 2'"« edition. Paris, 1892. Svo. FONTAINE — FOOTE. 425 FONTAINE, H. — continued. Electrolysis : a practical treatise on nickeling, coppering, gilding, silvering, the refining of metals and ti'eatment of ores, by means of electricity. Translated from the French by A. Berly. Loud. 1885. 8vo. Exposition universelle de 1889. Eclairage electrique. Mono- graphie des travaux executes par le Syndicat international des electriciens. Paris, 1890. 8vo. Transmissions electriques : renseignements pratiques. Paris, 1885. 8vo. FONTAINE, J. A. Expose d'un nouveau systeme d'aerostats dirige- ables a propulsion atmospherique. Tract. 4:to. vol. 100. Paris, 1886. 4to. FONTAINE, W. M. Contributions to the knowledge of the older Mesozoic Flora of Virginia. [U.S. Geological Sarveij. Mono- graph VI.] Washington, 1883. 4to. The Potomac or younger Mesozoic Flora. [U.S. Geological Survey. Monograph XV.] Washington, 1889. 4to. FONTANA, C. Utilissimo trattato dell' acque correnti ... nel quale si notificano le misure, ed esperienze di esse, i giuochi, e scherzi, 11 quale per mezzo dell' aria e del fuoco, vengono operati dall' acqua. Boma, 1696. folio. FONTANA, D. Contignationes, ac pontes Nicolai Zabaglia, etc, 1743. See Zabaglia, N., and Fontana, D. FONTANE, M., and Riou, F. Le canal maritime de Suez illustre, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 15. Paris, 1869. folio. FONTENAY, A. de. Exposition universelle de 1875. Note sur les pieces de bronze phosphure. 1878. See Ruolz-Moutchal, H. DE, and Fontenay, A. de. Note sur les combustibles employes pour le service de quelques chemins de fer fran^ais. Tract. 8vo. vol. 175. Paris, 1855. 8vo. FONTENAY, T. Construction des grands tunnels. Tract, folio, vol. 28. (Lithographed.) Grenoble, 1863. folio. Construction des viaducs, ponts-aqueducs, ponts, et ponceaux en ma^onnerie. Description du viaduc de I'Indre et des precedes employes dans sa construction, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1852. 8vo. and folio. FONVIELLE, H. de. Filtrations publiques : reponse aux detrac- teurs. Tract, ito. vol. 68. Paris, 1839. 4to. FOORD, G. A Lecture on Alchemy. Tract. 8vo. vol. 473. Ballaarat, 1882. 8vo. FOOTE, A. [For Reports by A. Foote as Borough Engineer of Oldham :] See Oldham. FOOTE, A. R. Economic Value of Electric Light and Power. Cincinnati, 1889. 8vo. 426 FORBES. 'PORBES, D. Report on the pro^jress of tho Iron and 8teel In- dustries in foreign countries. Tract. Sco. vol. 2.05. NewcafttIe-o)t-Ti/iie, 1873. 8vo. (From the " Journal of the Iron and SU-el Institute.") FORBES, E. On the Educational uses of Museums. Tract. Svo. vol. . Lond. 1853. Svo. On tho Tertiary Fluvio-marine formation of the Isle of Wight. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey. '\ Lond. 18.56. 8vo. The Relations of Natural History to Geology and the Arts. Tract. Svo. vol. 100. Lond. 18.51. Svo. EORBES, F. The Improvement of Waste Lands, viz., wet, moory land, land near rivers, peat land, and propagating oak and other timber upon neglected and waste land. Lond. 1778. 8vo. FORBES, G. Cantor Lectures on Distribution of Electricity, etc. Lond. 1885. 8vo. Electric Lighting from Central Stations : a lecture, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 479. Lond. 1887. Svo. The Electrical Transmission of Power from Niagara Falls. Tract. Svo. vol. 534. [Lond.] 1893. Svo. Experimental Determination of the Velocity of white and of coloured Light. 1882. See Young, J., and Forbes, G. ■: On the Relation which ought to subsist between the Strength of an Electric Current and the diameter of Conductors to prevent overheating. Tract. Svo. vol. 380. Lond. 1884. Svo. Radiation. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. 1.] Lond. 1878. Svo. Thermal Conductivity and Thermo-Dynamics. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. 2.] Lond. 1879. Svo. The Velocity of Light. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. 2.] Lond. 1879. Svo. FORBES, J. Remarks on Lifeboats, and on the management of Ship Boats, with a proposition for a ship life boat ; also, a description of a new method of lowering and raising ship boats. Tract. Svo. vol. 134. Hanlei/, [1855?] Svo. FORBES, J. D. Account of a remarkable Meteor, seen the 19th of December, 1849. Tract. Svo. vol. 193. [Edinhurgh, 1849.] Svo. (From the " Proceedings of the Royal Society of Kdiiiburgb.") Address to the British Association . . . delivered on the occasion of the opening of the fourth general meeting at Edinburgh. Tract. Svo. vol. 192. Edinhurgh, 1834. Svo. Fourteenth (fifteenth) Letter on Glaciers. Tract. Svo. vol. 193. Edinhurgh, 1847-48. Svo. (From the "Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.") Occasional papers on the Theory of Glaciers, now first collected and chronologically arranged, etc. Svo. Edinhurgh, 1859. Svo. FORBES — FORDE. 427 FORBES, J. D. — continued. On the Alleged Evidence for a Physical Connection between Stars forming binary or multiple groups, deduced from the doctrine of chances ; and from their proximity alone. Tract. 8vo. vol. 188. Lond. 1849-50. 8vo. (From the " Philosophical Magazine.") FORCHHEIMER, P. Die Eisenbahn von Ismid nach Angora. Tract. 8vo. vol. 531. Berlin, 1891. 8vo. Eiserne Wasser-, Oel- und Gasbehalter-Bassins nach den Berech- nungen und Constructionen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 375. Miinchen, 1884. 8vo. • Englische Tunnelbauten bei Untergrundbahnen, sowie unter Flussen und Meeresarmen. Aachen, 1884. 8vo. Grundziige der stiidtischen Wasserversorgung. [Musterbuch der Actien-Gesellschaft Bergwerks-Verein Friedrich-Wilhelms-Hiitte zu Millheim.] Dilsseldorf, 1893. 8vo. Neuere Bagger- und Erdgrabemaschinen. 1880. See Salomon, B., and FORCHHEIMER, P. Ueber die Ergiebigkeit von Brunnen-Anlagen und Sickerschlitzen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 430. Hannover, 1886. 8vo. Ueber die Erwiirmung des Wassers in Leitungen. Tract, folio. vol. 42. Hannover, 1888. foHo. Ueber Sanddruck und Bewegungs-Erscheinungen im Inneren trockenen Sandes. Aaclien, 1883. 8vo. Ueber Temperaturanderung von Metalldriihten wiihrend der Dehnimg. Tract. Uo. vol. 94. Aachen, [1885.] 4to. Verfahren zur Berechnung von Schwimmdocks, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 528. Berlin, 1892. Svo. FORD, A. H. The DweUings of the Poor, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 281. Portsmouth, [1877.] 8vo. Sewer Ventilation, etc. Tract, ito. vol. Ill, 1889. 8vo. FORD, J. The Atlantic and Great Western reorganization Trustees in account with the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad Company as representing the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company. Tract, folio, vol. 44. Lond. 1881. foHo. FORD, W. W., and Rathbone, J. Practical Suggestions as to In- struction in Farming in Canada and the United States of America and Tasmania. 17th edition, revised. Tract. 8vo. vol. 4:34: . Lond. 1887. 8vo. FORDE, A. W. Railway Extension in India, with special reference to the export of Wheat. Tract. 8vo. vol. 393. Bomhaij, 1884. 8vo. FORDE, E. A Design for bringing a navigable River from Rick- mansworth in Hertfordshire, to St. Giles's-in-the-fields, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 5. Lond. 1720. 8vo. 428 rORDHAM — FORREST. FORDHAM, H. G. A Record of Water-Levcl in a deep Chalk Well at Barley, Herts, 1864-86. Tract. Hro. vol. 471. [Watford,] 1888. 8vo. A Record of Water-Level in a deep Chalk Well at Odsey Grange, Royston, 1878-1888. Tract. Svo. vol. 506. [Watford,] 1890. 8vo FORDYCE, D. G. Account of a new Pendulum. Tract. Svo. vol. 41. (From the rhil. Trans.) LoHcZ. 1794. 4to. FORDYCE, W. A history of Coal, Coke, Coalfields . . . Iron, its ores, and processes of manufacture, etc. Lond. 18G0. folio. FOREL, F. A. Le Leman : monographic limnologique. Lausanne, 1892, etc. Svo. FOREST, H. Sifflet electro-automateur, etc. 1873. See Lartigue, E., and Forest, H. FORESTIER, A. Memoire sur la conservation des bois a la mer, au point de vue surtout de leur preservation contre les attaques du taret. (Atlas of plates.) Tract. 4:to. vol. 63. Paris, 1868. 8vo. and 4to. Preservation des bois contre les attaques du taret. Experiences faites au port des Sables d'Olomie, en Angleterre, en Belgique et en Hollande. (LUhograpiied.) [1866-67.] folio. FORFAR, Burgh of. Memorial by the Magistrates and Town- Councils of the Royal Burghs of Arbroath and Forfar, etc. 1824. See Arbroath, Burgh of FORLONG, J. G. R. Report on the Tounghoo Mountain Road, 1856. See India.— Tounghoo. FORMANOIR, A. de. Conferences militaires beiges. Des cheroins de fer en temps de guerre. 2'"'' edition augmentee. Tract. Svo. vol. 294. BruxelJes, 1871. Svo. FORNEY, M. N. The Carbuilder's Dictionary, an illustrated vo- cabulary of terms, etc. New York, 1879. Svo. Revised and enlarged edition, to which has been added a vocabulary of the leading terms used in English railway carriage and wagon construction. New Torh, 1888. Svo. Catechism of the Locomotive. New York, 1875. Svo. Locomotives and Locomotive Building : being a brief sketch of the growth of the Railroad system and of the various improve- ments in Locomotive Building in America, together with a history of the origin and growth of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works, Paterson, N.J. New York, 1886. Svo. Memoir of Horatio Allen. Tract. Svo. vol. 497. New York, [1890.] 8vo. FORREST, A. and C. Patent Concentrator, a mechanical Dryer of liquid, semi-liquid, pulp, paste, coagulation, or powder. Tract. folio, vol. 29. Manchester, [1881.] folio. FORRESTER — FORTH. 429 FORRESTER, J. J. The Oliveira Prize Essay on Portugal. 1 Lond. 1853. 8vo. FORROW, A. The Thames and its Docks : a lecture. Lond. 1877. 8vo. FORSELLES, J. H. af. Hydrauliska forsok, etc. 1818-22. See Lagerhjelm, p., Forselles, J. H. af, and Kallstenius, G. S. FORSHEY, C. G. Memoir on the Physics of the Mississippi river and certain internal improvements in the state of Louisiana. Tract. 8vo. vol. 135. Neiv Orleans, 1850. 8vo. FORSTALL, T. Address dehvered at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Gas Light Association, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 467. Neio York, 1883. 8vo. FORSTER, A. South Australia : its progress and prosperity. Lond. 1866. 8vo. FORSTER, M., Cooper, J. T., and Jamieson, A. Reports on the Coal Mines and Iron Ores in the Asturias in Spain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 78. Lond. 1843. 8vo. FORSTER, T. J. M. Memoire sur les etoiles filantes, ainsi que sur les meteores en general, par rapport a leurs causes determinantes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 188. Bruges, 1846. 8vo. FORSYTH, W. Reports on the construction and working of the Barrages on the Seine, Marne, and Yonne, and their applicabihty to the circumstances of the River Shannon, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 252. Dublin, 1873. 8vo. [Reports on the Drainage and Improvement of Lands in various districts of Ireland.] Dublin, 1846-51. Svo. FORT PAYNE COAL AND IRON CO. Prospectus. Tract. 8vo. vol. 489. Boston, 1888. Svo. FORT ST. PHILIP CANAL. Reports upon Fort St. PhiHp Canal and construction of Jetties for the improvement of the mouths of the Mississippi. [Engineer Dept. U.S.A.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 237. Washington, 1874. 8vo. FORTH, Biver. Reports of surveys made for ascertaining the practi- cability of making a land communication by a tunnel under the river Forth at or near Queensferry. Tract. \to. vol. 86. [Edinburgh,] 1806. 4to. FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL. An Act for empowering the Proprietors ... to repay the sum advanced to them for completing the Navigation . . . and for enabling the Barons of the Court of the Exchequer in Scotland to advance part of the sum so received to the Proprietors of the Crinan Canal, etc. Lond. 1799. folio. Act for uniting the Forth and Clyde, and the Monkland Canal. Lond. 1790. folio. An Act for varying and extending the Powers of the , . . Pro- prietors, etc. Lond. 1787. folio. 430 FORTH — FOSSICK. FORTH AND CLYDE CA'N AL—contimicd Acts to ... amend the several Acts for making and uiaiiitaiiiing the Forth and Clyde Canal. Lovd. 180G, 14, 20. folio. Information, and Rules and Regulations for Traders, on the Forth and Clyde Canal Navigation. Tract. Svo. vol. 98. Glasgoio, 1820. 8vo. Remarks, submitted to the candid consideration of the inhabitants of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leith, and other places interested in the success of an inland navigation between the Firths of Forth and Clyde, etc. Tract. Sro. vol. 64. Edhthnrgh, 1814. 8vo. State of facts and observations, relative to the affairs of the Forth and Clyde Navigation submitted ... to the consideration of the whole body of proprietors. Tract, folio, vol. 16. Edirihurgh, 1816. folio. Observations . . . upon the answer by the Committee of Pro- prietors to the State of Facts submitted in January 1816. Tract. folio, vol. 16. [Edinburgh, 1816.] foUo. Table of Tolls, and Regulations for ascertaining Tolls. Tract. 8vo. vol. 98. [Glasgoio, 1821.] 8vo. Table of Abated Rates of Tolls. [Glasgoiv, 1822.] 8vo. FORTH BRIDGE. First (-28th) Report of Inspection of the works, ... by Maj.-Gen. Hutchinson and Maj. Marindin. Lond. 1883-90. folio. Forth Bridge Railway Bill, Minutes of Evidence. Lond. 1882. foHo. FORTUNE, F. Filth in the river Thames. Tract. 8vo. vol. 218. Lond. 1834. 8vo. London and Brighton Junction Railroad. Tract. 8vo. vol. 260. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Original sketches, etc., for the improvement of Newhaven Har- bour, and employing the bonding warehouses, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 13. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Proposals for raising a capital of £350,000 for forming a new street from Moorgate, to be called " New Mansion House Street." Tract, folio, vol. U. Lond. 1826. folio, FOSS CANAL. Act for making a navigable Communication from the junction of the Rivers Foss and Ouse at York to Stillington MiU, etc. Lond. 1793. folio. Acts to . . . amend the Act [of 1793]. Lond. 1801. folio. FOSSETT, F. Colorado : its gold and silver mines . . . and health and pleasure resorts. 2nd edition. Neiv Yorl:, 1880. 8vo. FOSSICK, W. G. Diagram showing the production of Iron in the United Kingdom, the Weight of Iron and Steel exported and the prices of typical descriptions of Iron, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 37. Lond. [1886.] folio. FOSSOMBRONI — FOTHERGILL. 43 1 FOSSOMBRONI, V., Count. Considei'azioui sopra il sistema idraulico dei paesi Veneti. Firenze, 1847. 8vo. FOSTER, C. Electrical Measurements. [Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. 1.] Lond. 1879. 8vo. FOSTER, C. Le N". Notes on Aberllefenny Slate Mine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 480. [Penzance, 1882.] 8vo. (Krom the Trans. R. Geol. Soc. of Cornwall.) Notes on the Van Mine. Tract. Svo. vol. 315. [Penzance, 1879.] 8vo. (l-'iom Trans. R. Geol. See. of Cornwall.) On the Occurrence of Cobalt Ore in Flintshire. Tract. Svo. vol. 338. [Penzance,] 1881. Svo. (From Trans. R. Geol. Soc. of Cornwall.) On the relative Dangers of coal and metal Mining in the United Kingdom. Tract. Svo. vol. 406. Lond. 1885. Svo. The Progress of the Art of Mining, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 525. Lond. 1891. Svo. A Report on the Mining Industries of the British Colonies. Tract. Svo. vol. 443. Lond. 1887. Svo. FOSTER, C. LE N., and Pike, W. Suggestions for the formation of a Miners' Permanent Club and Relief Society for Cornwall and Devon. Tract. Svo. vol. 4:26. Truro, [1SS5^ Svo. FOSTER, H. A. Central Station Management and Finance. New Yorl; 1891. Svo. FOSTER, J. Treatise on the Evaporation of Saccharine, chemical and other liquids by the Multiple System in vacuum and open air, etc. Sunderland, 1890. Svo. FOSTER, J. G., Lieut.-Ool. Design for an Improved Submarine Tunnel comprising a brick arch within a cast or wrought iron skin, laid in a trench dredged for that purpose. 1868. Washington, 1872. 4to. Submarine blasting in Boston Harbour. . . . Removal of Tower and Corwin rocks. New York, 1869. 4to. FOSTER, J. W. Mineral Wealth and Railroad development. Tract. Svo. vol. 221. New York, 1872. Svo. FOSTER, S. Elliptical or azimuthal Horologiography ; comprehending severall wayes of describing dials upon all kinds of superficies, etc. [Edited by J. Twysden and E. Wingate.] Lond. 1654. 4to. FOTHERGILL, B. Description of the multifarious Perforating Machine, manufactured by Messrs. Roberts, Fothergill, and Dobinson, Manchester. Tract. Svo. vol. 84. Manchester, 1848. Svo. (Read before the Inst. Mech. Engineers.) Report on the Coal and Coke burning Engines on the London and South- Western- Railway . Tract, folio, vol. Q. 1856, foHo. 432 FOTHERGILL — FOURNIER. FOTHERGTLL, B., Samuelson, and Smith, r. The Ashbury Railway Carria^'c and Iron Company. [Summing up.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 138. Lond. 1864. Svo. FOTHERGILL, J. R. Forced Draught. Read l)y n'(|U('st of the Council of the British Association, etc. Tract. Ato. vol. 111. [Lnnd.] 1886. 4to. . Forced Draught : with Discussion, liead at the Twenty-ninth Session of the Institution of Naval Architects, etc. Tract. 4to. vol. 111. Lond. 1888. 8vo. FOULERTON, R. A letter to the Lords of the Admiralty on the Ship-mancvuvrer ; with opinions of naval officers, etc. Tract. 8w. vol. 201. Lond. 1846. 8vo. FOULSTON, J. The Public Buildings erected in the West of England. Lond. 1838. 4to. FOURIER, J. B. J., Baron. Analyse des equations determinees. Premiere partie. Paris, 1831. 4to. Analyse des travaux de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences, pendant I'annee 1828. Tract, ito. vol. 6. [Paris, 1828.] 4to. • The Analytical Theory of Heat. Translated. . .by A. Freeman. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo. FOURNEL, H. Apergu du travail des hauts-fourneaux dans quelques Etats de I'Amerique du Nord, et de I'etablissement de hauts- fourneaux dans r Arkansas. Tract. 4:to. vol. 68. Paris, 1840. 4to. Description of the Asphaltic Mine of the Val-de-Travers, in the Canton of Neufchatel. With introductory observations by the Count de Sassenay. To which are appended, remarks on the woi'ks executed by the Seyssel and other Companies in Paris, and throughout France. By P. Muldoon. Tract. Svo. vol. 495. Lond. 1838. 8vo. FOURNET, J. J. Notice historique sur la vie et les travaux de J. J. Fournet. Tract. Svo. vol. 223. Lyon, 1870. 8vo. FOURNEYRON, B. Traite de la turbine Fourneyron. Tract. Svo. vol. 274. Paris, 1850. 8vo. FOURNIE, F. L., and V. See Reynaud L. Les travaux publics de la France. (Tom. 1. Routes et ponts. Par-F. L. et V. Fournie.) 1883. FOURNIE, V. Resume des experiences hydrauliques executees par le gouvernement americain sur le Mississippi. Paris, 1867. 4to. FOURNIE, v., and Lisboa, A. Melhoramento do porto de Per- nambuco. Tract. Svo. vol. 451. Pio de Janeiro, 1887. 8vo. FOURNIER, G. L'eclairage electrique dans les appartements, etc, 1889. See Juppont, P., and Fournier, G. La lumiere electrique. Paris, 1885. 8vo. FOURNIER FOWLER. 433 FOURNIER, G. — continued. Recueil general de tous les brevets d'invention ayant trait a I'electricite, pris en France depuis le 7 Janvier 1791 jusqu'a ce jour. Paris, 1881. 8vo. — — Les sonneries electriques, installation et entretien. Paris, 1886. 8vo. Terminologie electrique. Vocabulaire fran9ais-anglais-allemand des termes employes en electrieite. Paris, 1887. 8vo. FOVILLE, A. de. La transformation des moyens de transport et ses consequences economiques et sociales. Paris, 1880. 8vo. FOWKE, F., Gaj)f., B.E. Tables of the results of a series of experiments on British, Colonial and other Woods. Lond. 1867. 8vo. FOWLER, A. M. Borough of Salford. VentUation of Sewers. Report of the Borough Engineer and Surveyor. Tract. 8vo, vol. 482. Salford, 1873. 8vo. Disposal of Town Refuse. Tract. 8vo. vol. 372. [Manchester,] 1884. 8vo. Pamphlet in support of Mr. A. M. Fowler's patent self-acting Water Closet. Tract. 8vo. vol. 236. Manchester, 1874. 8vo. Utilization of Sewage Water and water of polluted streams. Tract. 8vo. vol. 236. Manchester, 1874. 8vo. FOWLER, F. H. The Government of London. Discussion upon Resolutions proposed at the Lambeth Vestry, May 19th, 1870. Tract. 8vo. vol. 478. Lond. 1870. 8vo. FOWLER, G. On the Mode of Working and the mechanical appli- ances employed in the Midland Coal Field. Tract. 8vo. vol. 209. Birmingham, 1870. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.) Papers on the Theory and Practice of Coal Mining. Lond. 1870. 8vo. FOWLER, John, and Co., of Leeds. [Steam Cultivation ; Smith v. Fowler.] See Hutchinson, S.] FOWLER, John, and Greig, D. On the application of Steam-power to Cultivation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 153. Birmingham, 1865. 8vo. (From Min. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.)j FOWLER, Sir John. Discours prononce le 9 Janvier 1866 par M. John Fowler, a son avenement a la presidence de I'lnstitut des Ingenieurs civils d'Angleterre. Precede d'une notice biographique par M. Andriel. Tract. 8vo. vol. 167. Paris, 1867. 8vo. Report on the best width for the proposed nari'ow gauge Railways for India, and their applicability to the Indus valley. Tract, folio, vol. 15. Lond. 1870. foho. Soudan Railway. Report on the Proposed Railway between Wady Haifa and Shendy ; and the ship incline at the First Cataract. Januaxy 1873. Tract, folio, vol. 48. Lond. 1873. folio. 2 F 434 FOWLER — FOX. FOWLER, Sir John — continued. The Suez canal : reprint of a letter from "The Times." Tract. 8vo. vol. 173. Lo/u/. 1869. 8vo. FOWLER, Sir John, and Bakkr, Sir B. A Sweet-Water Canal through Egypt. Tract. 8vo. vol. 357. Lond. 1884. 8vo. FOWLER, Sir John, and Ormsby, A. S. Report upon the proposed Railway from Dortmund in Prussia to Enchede in Holland. Tract. 8vo. vol. 157. Lond. 1866. 8vo. FOWLER, John C. Collieries and Colliers : a handbook of the law and leading cases relating thereto. 3rd edition. Lond. 1872. 12mo. FOWLER, T. A description of the patent Thermosiphon ; with some modes of applying it to horticultural and other processes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 58. Lond. 1829. 8vo. FOWLER, W. H. Specification for a Lancashire Boiler, 7 feet 6 inches diameter, with plan of setting and mode of staying. Tract, folio, vol. 42. Lond. 1888. folio. See Anonymous. The " Practical Engineer " Pocket Book . . . Edited [after 1892] by W. H. Fowler. 1891, etc. FOWNES, G. Rudimentary Chemistry for the use of beginners : to which is added, an essay on the application of Chemistry to Agriculture. Lond. 1859. 8vo. FOX and Barrett. On the Construction of Public Buildings and private Dwelling-houses, on a Fire-proof principle without increase of cost. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88. Lond. 1849. 8vo. FOX, Head and Co. The co-operative scheme of Fox, Head and Co., Newport rolling-mills, Middlesbrough, being the report of a meeting, consisting of the above employers and their workmen, to hear the report of the public accountants upon the works of the year 1871-73. Tract. 8vo. vols. 220, 229, 239. Middlesbrough, 1872-74. 8vo. FOX, Henderson and Co. Remarks on the advantages of Chameroy's system of wrought-iron pipes for gas, water, and drainage, as compared with cast-iron pipes in point of economy, efficiency, and durability. Tract. 8vo. vol. 83. BirmingJiam, 1849. 8vo. FOX, Sir C. On the Size of Pins for connecting flat Links in the Chains of Suspension bridges. Tract. 8vo. vol. 158. (From Proc. Royal Soc.) [ioHcZ. 1865.] 8vO. FOX, C. B. The Disposal of the Slop water of Villages. Tract. 8vo. vol. 259. Lond. 1875. 8vo. FOX, Sir D. Light and Temporary Railways. Lecture delivered at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Tract. 8vo. vol. 428. Chatham, 1881. 8vo. The Mersey Railway. Tract. 8vo. vol. 356. Lond. 1883. 8vo. FOX — FRANCE. 435 FOX, J. J. A Letter to "an inhabitant of Stamford," exposing the futility of his remarks on a letter addressed to J. J. Oddy, Esq., and on the projected Harborough and Stamford Canal ; with observations tending to demonstrate the supei'ior eligibihty of this canal, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 6. Loud. 1811. 8vo. FOX, R. The history of Godmanchester. Lond. 1831. 8vo. FOX, R. W. Description of Fox's Dipping-needle Deflector. Tract. 8vo. vol. 18. Falmouth, 1834. 8vo. Description of some improvements in the Dipping-needle De- flector, with a chart and table of the dip, and intensity of the terrestrial magnetism in some parts of England, Ireland, and Wales. Tract. 8vo. vol. 18. Falmouth, 1835. 8vo. FOX, W. H. Two papers on Continuous Railway Brakes, etc. Lond. 1872. 8vo. FOX-STRANGWAYS, C. The Jurassic Rocks of Britain. Vol. 1 and 2. Yorkshire. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey.] Land. 1892. 8vo. FOXWELL, E., and Farrer, Sir T. C. Express Trains, EngKsh and Foreign, being a statistical account, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. FOYE, J. C. Handbook of Mineralogy : determination, description, and classification of minerals found in the United States. New Yorh, 1886. 8vo. FRAISSE, W. Notice sur la correction du Rhin en Suisse. Tract, folio, vol. 30. Lausanne, 1868. folio. FRANC^AIS, J. F. Memoire sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps solide libre, autour de son centre de masse. Tract, ito. vol. 69. Paris, 1813. 4to. FRANCE. — \Agricidture.'\ Ministere de I'Agriculture. Bulletin (Annexe). Direction de I'hydraulique agricole. Paris, 1885, etc. 8vo. [ArtiJlery.'\ Experiences sur difierentes especes de projectiles creux faites dans les ports en 1829, 1831, et 1833. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Paris, 1837. 8vo. Memorial de I'artillerie de la marine. Vol. 2, (3, etc.) (Atlases of plates). Paris, 1875, etc. 8vo. and folio. [Baths and Washhouse8.'\ Bains et lavoirs publics. Commission instituee par ordre de M. le president de la Republique. Tract, ito. vol. 59. Paris, 1859. 4to. [Beacons.] See infra : [Lighthoiises and Beacons.] [Bridges and Boads.] Direction generale des ponts et chaussees et des mines. Situation des travaux. Paris, 1834. 4to. Tableau des principales dimensions de plusieurs ponts et viaducs. Tract, folio, vol. 18. [1870?] folio. [Ca7iah.] See infra : [Rivers and Canals.] 2 P 2 436 FRANCE. FKANCE—ronftnucd. — [Coal.] Question des houillos. Mission de M. de Ruolz en France et en Angleterre. 3 vols. Paris, 1872-75. 8vo. [CoJonlcs.] T;il)leaii de population, de culture, de commerce, et de navigation, forniant pour I'annee 1870 la suite des tableaux inseres dans les notices statistiques sur les colonies fran9aises. Tract. 8vo. vol. 239. Paris, 1874. 8vo. [Customs.] Nouveaux code et tarifs des douanes et de navigation ; avec un supplement toujours au courant. 'Tract, ito. vol. 14, Par /s, [1804?] 4to. Le regime douanier en 1860. 2 pt. Tract. Svo. vols. 174 and 176. Paris, 1860. 8vo. (A series of articles from the " Moniteur industiiel.") [Depot general de la guerre.] Memorial, 1802-77. (Imperfect : wanting vol. 8.) Prtr/s, 1826-77. 4to. [Drainage.] Instructions pratiques sur le drainage, reunies par ordre du Ministre de I'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics. Tract. 8vo. vol. 392. Paris, 1865. 12mo. [Dijnamite.] Rapport de la commission des depots de dynamite. Tract. 8vo. vol. 343. Alais, 1882. 8vo. [Education.] Commission de I'enseignement technique. Rapport et notes. Paris, 1865. 4to. [Electriciti/.] Carte et statistique des stations centrales de distribution d'energie electrique etablies en France au 1" Janvier 1894. 4i"e Edition. Tract. Uo. vol. 121. Paris, 1894. 4to. [Geologij.] Carte geologique de la France a I'echelle de million- ieme. Paris, [ .] 8vo. [Hijdrologii.] Resume des observations centralisees, par le service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine pendant les annees 1871 et 1872 (1873, etc.). [Atlases of plates.] Versailles, 1873, etc. Svo. and folio. [LigTithouses and Beacons.] Cartes des phares des cotes de France. Paris, 1855. 8vo. Catalogue des appareils d'eclairage et autres objets exposes au Musee des Phares. Tract. Svo. vol. 424. Paris, 1878. Svo. Etat de I'eclairage et du balisage des cotes de France. 2 vols. Paris, 1876-82. Svo. Memoire sur I'intensite et la portee des phares, par M. E. AUard. Paris, 1876. 4to. Phares des mers du globe. 1886. Svo. Serie A. Phares des cotes nord d'Europe et de la mer Baltique. Serie B. Phares des iles Britanniques. Se'rie C. Phares des cotes nord-ouest de France et des cotes oiiest d'Espagne et de Portugal. Se'rie D. Phares de la Me'diterrane'e, de la mer Noire et de la mer d'Azof. Se'rie E. Phares des cotes orientales de I'Ame'rique du Nord. Se'rie F. Phares du Mexique et de la mer des Antilles. FRANCE. 437 FRANCE. — [Lighthouses and Beacons.] Phares des mers du globe — continued. Se'rie G. Phares dcs cofes occideutales d'Afrique et des iles e'parses de I'ocean Atlantique. Se'rie H. Phares des cotes orientales de I'Amerique du Sud. Serie K. Phares des mers des Indes et de la Chine. Se'rie L. Phares du grand Oce'an, iles eparses et cotes occidentales d'Ame'rique. Phares electriques : rapport de la Commission nautique speciale, etc. Tract. Uo. vol 105. [Paris,] 1886. 4to. Phares et baHses. Instruction pour le service des phares elec- triques de la Here. Havre, 1866. 4to. See Chicago. — Exposition of 1893. Notice sur les appareils d'eclairage . . . exposes par la Service des Phares, 1893. [Limes, Cements and Mortars.] Commission des chaux, ciments et mortiers : documents lus a la seance du 17 juillet, 1890. Fasc. 3. Paris, 1890. foHo. [Jifa/Zs.] Du transport des correspondances entre la France et I'Angleterre. Examen des travaux de la Commission. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1851. 8vo. [Mines.] Comptes rendus des travaux des ingenieurs des mines pendant I'annee 1834. Paris, 1835. 4to. Resume des travaux statistiques de I'administration des mines. 1865-69. Paris, 1874. 4to. [Navigation.] Atlas des ports etrangers. Paris, 1886. 4to. [Pilote frangais : Charts of the Coasts of France.] 3 vols. Paris, 1802-46. folio. Recherches hydrographiques sur le regime des cotes. Premier (deuxieme) cahier. Paris, 1874, 77. 4to. [Navigation, inland.] See infra : [Itivers and Canals.] [Navy.] Comptes-rendus sommaires des principales experiences effectuees par les soins du Departement de la Marine de 1864 a 1876. Paris, 1864-1876. 8vo. [Pontoons.] Regiement sur le service et les manoeuvres des pon- tonniers. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1878. 8vo. [Ports and Harbours.] Plans des principaxix ports de France, tous reduits sur la meme echelle. [1795?] 4to. Les ports maritimes de la France. (Atlases of plates.) Paris, 1874, etc. Svo. Travaux maritimes du Departement de la Seine inferieure. [Drawings of details of construction.] [1795?] 4to. [Public Works.] Annuau-e du Ministere de I'agriculture du commerce et des travaux pubHcs pour 1866 (1869). Paris, 1866-69. Svo. Bulletin du Ministere des travaux publics. Vol. 1, (2, etc.) Paris, 1880, etc. Svo. 438 FRANCE. FRANCE— coutinued. — [Baihcays.] Chemim de fer. Conditions techniques d'etablissement. Parix, 1865. 4to. Chemins de fer fran^ais. Etat general des concessions. 1874—75. Paris, 1875-76. 4to. Chemins de fer fran(;ais. Situation au 31 decembre 1878 (longueurs et territoire desservi). Paris, 1879. 4to. Direction des chemins de fer. 3°^ division (exploitation). Com- mission chargee d'etudier les mesui-es a prendre pour assurer aux voyageurs en chemins de fer de nouvelles garanties de protection et de securite. Paris, 1886. foUo. Documents financiers. [1823-65.] Paris, 1868. 4to. Documents relatifs a la construction et a I'exploitation des chemins de fer. Paris, 1872. 4to. Documents statistiques relatifs a I'annee 1876, (1877, etc.) Paris, 1879, etc. 4to. Enqutte sur les moyens d'assurer la regularite et la surete de I'ex- ploitation sur les chemins de fer. Paris, 1858. 4to. Enquete sur les moyens de prevenir les accidents de chemins de fer. Questionnaire. Tract, folio, vol. 3Q. [1879.] folio. Enquete sur les moyens de prevenir les accidents de chemins de fer. 1879-1880. Paris, 1882. 4to. Enquete sur rexploitation et la construction des chemins de fer. Pari:^, 1862. 4to. Exploitation. Materiel roulant. 1869-75. Paris, 1877. 4to. Exploitation. (Personnel.) 1869-1875. Paris, 1876. 4to. - — — Exploitation. Prix du transport sur un kilometre. Paris, 1873-75. 4to. Exploitation. Recettes, depenses et produit net (y compris les annexes). 1869 a 1875. Paris, 1877. 4to. Exploitation. Releve des interets et dividendes attribues aux actions. 1859-75. Paris, 1876. 4to. Instruction speciale pour le transport des troupes d'infanterie par les voies ferrees. Paris, 1878. 12mo. Loi et reglements relatifs . aux chemins de fer d'interet local et atix tramways. Paris, 1881. 8vo. Mouvement des voyageurs et des marchandises dans les gares de Paris. " Paris, 1873-75. 4to. Profits particuliers que I'Etat retire de I'execution des chemins de fer. 1873-74. Paris, 187-3-74. 4to. Repertoire methodique de la legislation des chemins de fer. Paris, 1873. 4to. ■ Resultats d'exploitation. (Voyageurs et marchandises.) Paris, 187.3-75. 4to. FRANCE. 439 FRANCE. — [Bailways.'] — continued. Resultats generaux de I'exploita- tion (avec le detail des compagnies secondaires). 1874, 75. Paris, 1875, 76. 4to. Resultats generaux de I'exploitation des chemins de fer europeens. 1862-69. Paris, 1869-76. 4to. Resultats generaux de I'exploitation des compagnies principales. 1869 a 1875. Paris, 1876. 4to. Resultats generaux de I'exploitation (y compris les annexes), 1845 a 1875. Paris, 1876. 4to. Resume par ligne des depenses de premier etabKssement et des resultats de I'exploitation des six compagnies principales. Paris, 1872. 4to. Statistique centrale des chemins defer 1864, (1866-69, 71-75, 77.) Paris, 1864-78. 4to. Tarifs de transit et d'exportation appliques par les compagnies de chemins de fer. 1873, 75. Paris, 1873, 75. 4to. [Pivers and Canals.^ Guide officiel de la navigation interieure, avec itineraires graphiques des principales lignes de navigation et carte generale des voies navigables de France. 3"* edition. Paris, 1888. 8vo. 4'°* edition. Paris, 1889. 8vo. - Rapport au Roi sur la naviga,tion interieure de la France. (Mini- stere de I'interieur.) Tract, ito. vol. 8. Paris, 1820. 4to. - Rapport au Roi, sur la situation des canaux, au 31 mars, 1823. (Ministere de I'interieur.) Tract. 4:to. vol. 8. Paris, 1823. 4to. - Statistique de la navigation interieure. Depenses de premier etabKssement et d'entretien concernant les fleuves, rivieres et canaux : documents historiques et statistiques. Paris, 1888. 4to. - Statistique de la navigation interieure. Nomenclature et condi- tions de navigabiUte des fleuves, rivieres et canaxix. Releve generale du tonnage des marchandises, 1887-88. Paris, 1888-89. 4to. - [^Eoads.'\ Documents statistiques sur les routes et ponts. Paris, 1873. 4to. - Routes nationales. Determination directe de la qualite des materiaux d'entretien. Tract, ito. vol. 89. Paris, 1880. 4to. See also : [Bridges and Poads.^ - [Shij) Building.^ Report of the conunission charged to make experiments on the marine glue, at the port of Toulon. Translated from the French. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219. Lond. 1845. 8vo. - [Statistics.^ Description topogi'aphique et statistique de la France ; departement de la Cote d'Or. Tract. 4:to. vol. 38. [1810?] 4to. 440 FRANCE — FRANCIS. FRANCE. — [Stalisiics.] — continued. Progi-os de la France sous le gouvernement Imperial d'apres les documents officiels. Paris, 1869. folio. [Survey.] Nivellement general de la France. Reseau fonda- mental : repertoire graphique, definissant les emplacements et altitudes des reperes, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1889-91. 4to Nivellement general de la France. Resultats des operations executees pour retablissenient du reseau des lignes de base. 3 vols. Bourges, 1864. 8vo. [Transport.] Rapports au nom de la Commission des enquetes sur les moyens de transports. [Railways and Canals.] Par M. Krantz. Paris, 1872-1874. 4to. [TFrt/er Filtration.] Rapport de la commission superieure de la marine, chargee des experiences de filtrage a bord de la fregate la Thetis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219. Toulon, 1839. 8vo. FRANCE, R. S. Lord Redesdale and the new Railways : a review of his Lordship as a railway legislator. Tract. 8vo. vol. 179. Lond. 1867. 8vo. FRANCHIMONT, H. C. de. Construction and Working of the Dock of the Port of Bordeaux. [2nd Int. Mar. Conqr.] [Lond. 1893.] 8vo. FRANCHINI, P. Memoire sur I'integration des equations difFeren- tielles. Tract, ito. vol. 77. Paris, 1799. 4to. FRANCIS, G. Electrical Experiments. Lond. 1848. 8vo. FRANCIS, G. Grant-, Col. See Grant-Francis, G. FRANCIS, James B. Experiments on the Humphrey Turbine Water Wheel at the Tremont and Suffolk Mills, in Lowell, Mass. Experiments on the Flow of Water over Submerged Weirs. Tract. 8vo. vol. 456. [New Yorl;] 1884. 8vo. High Walls or Dams to resist the pressure of Water. Tract. 8vo. vol. 477. [New York,] 1888. 8vo, Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, being a selection from experi- ments on Hydraulic Motors, on the flow of Water over Weirs, and in Canals of uniform rectangular section and of short length, made at Lowell, Massachusetts. Boston, 1855. 4to. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. New York, 1868. 4to. . 3rd edition. New York, 1871. 4to. . 4th edition. New York, 1883. 4to. On the effect of a rapidly increasing supply of water to a Stream on the Flow below the point of Supply. With discussion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 514. [New York,] 1889. 8vo. —-— Tables for facilitating the computation of the quantity of Water flowing over Weirs. Tract, ito. vol. 69. [1872?] 4to. FRANCIS, James B., Clarke, E. C, and Herschel, C. A Report on the Prevention of Floods in the Valley of Stony Brook. Tract. 8vo. vol. 418. Boston, 1886. 8vo. FRANCIS FRANKEL. 441 FRAlsTCIS, John. A History of the English Railway ; its social relations and revelations, 1820-1845. 2 vols. Lond. 1S51. 8vo. FRANCIS, Joseph. Brevets Francis. Metal cannele par compression . . .pour bateaux de sauvetage. Tract. 8vo. vol. 391. Paris, 1856. 8vo. Francis' Metallic Life Boat Corporation. Communications to be addressed to the superintendent or treasurer . . . 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 374. New York, 1853. 8vo. FRANCKE, A. Mathematische Grundlagen der Wirthschaftslehre. Tract. 8vo. vol. 513. Berlin, 1892. 8vo. FRANCCEUR, L. B. Cours complet de mathematiques pures. 2 vols. Paris, 1809. 8vo. Lineal Drawing, and introduction to geometry, as taught in the Lancastrian schools of France. 2nd edition. Lond. 1835. 8vo. Traite elementaire de mecanique. 3°"' edition. Paris, 1804. 4to. 5°^" edition. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Uranographie ou traite elementaire d'astronomie, a I'usage des personnes peu versees dans les mathematiques. 2™** edition. Paris, 1818. 8vo. FRANQOIS, J. La science des eaux, etc. Pennes, 1663. 4to. FRANCOIS-DE-CHAUMONT, F. S. B., Surg.-Maj. Extract from official reports on a series of comparative trials of Water Filtration at the Army Medical School. Tract. 8vo. vol. 326. Lond. 1880. 8vo. FRANCQ, L. Chemin de fer metropolitain de Paris. Tract. 8vo. vol. 470. Paris, 1883. 8vo. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Memoire presente a MM. les membres du jury de la classe 61. (Locomotives sans foyer.) Tract, ito. vol. 119. Paris, 1889. 4to. La locomotive sans foyer : etude comparative des divers systemes de locomotive proposes pour la traction des chemins de fer vicinaux et des tramways. Paris, [1876.] 8vo. FRANCQ, L., and Lamm, E. Traction et moteurs a vapeur sans feu. Tract. Ato. vol. 119. Paris, 1889. 4to. FRANK, A. Berechnung der Kaniile und Rohrleitungen. Munchen, 1886. 8vo. Die Widerstande der Locomotiven und Bahnziige, der Wasser- und Kohlenverbrauch, sowie der Effect der Locomotiven. Tract. 8vo. vol. 416. Wiesbaden, 1886. 8vo. FRANKEL, W. Der Durchbiegungszeichner und seine Anwendung allein und in Yerbindung mit dem Dehuungszeichner. Tract, ito. vol. 93. [Leipzig,] 1884. 4to. -. Ueber einige Versuche mit dem " Dehnungszeichner." Tract. 4to. vol. 109. Leipzig, 1883. 4to. 442 FRANKEL — FRANKLIN. FRANKEL, W., and Kruger, M. Spannungs- und Formiinderungs- Messungen an dcm eisernen Pendelpfeiler-Viaducte iiber das Oschiitzthal bei Weida. Tract. 4to. vol. 107. [Leipzig,] 1887. 4to. FRANKFORT, on Main. Bau-Amt zu Frankfurt am Main. Bedin- gungen unter welchen die Entwiisserung der Gebaulichkeiten, Hofe, Garten, etc., in die neuen Caniile gestattet wird. [W. Lindley and J. Gordon, Engineers.] Tract, folio, vol. 14. Franl-furt a. M., 1872. folio. Handelskammer zu Frankfurt am jNIain. Jahres-Bericht fiir 1888. Franhfurt a. M., 1889. 8vo. FRANKFURTER ARCHITEKTEN- UND INGENIEUR- VEREIN. Frankfurt am Main und seine Bauten. Frankfurt, 1886. 8vo. FRANKLAND, E. An Examination of the figures and statements published as the result of the Analyses of Professor Frankland on the London Water Supply in 1876-77. By O. Tract. 8vo. vol. 296. Loud. 1878. 8vo. Experimental Researches in pure, applied, and physical Chemistry. Lond. 1877. 8vo. Report on communication from Dr. Letheby, with reference to the quantity of Arsenic in Perchloride of Iron. 1860. See HoFMANN, A. W., and Frankland, E. Water Analysis for Sanitary Purposes, with hints for the in- terpretation of results. Lond. 1880, 8vo. FRANKLAND, P. F. The Present State of our Kjiowledge con- cerning the Self -Purification of Rivers. [LontL 1891.] folio. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the Library. (Appendix.) Tract. 8vo. vol. 386. Philadelphia, 1851. 8vo. Journal. New series : edited by Dr. T. P. Jones. 26 vols. Philadelphia, 1828-40. 8vo. Third series : edited by Dr. T. P. Jones and others. Philadelphia, 1841, etc. 8vo. (The title Ims undergone several unimportant alterations, and is now " Journal of the Franklin Institute of tbe State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Jlechanic Arts," &c.) Ofiicial Catalogue of the International Electrical Exhibition at the Franklin Institute. Tract. Svo. vol. 380. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo. Report of the Committee on Explosions of Steam Boilers. Philadelphia, 1836-37. 8vo. Report of the Committee on Science and the Arts on the Cowper- Robertson Writing Telegraph. Tract. 4fo. vol. 114. Philadelphia, 1889. 4to. Report of the Managers ... in relation to Weights and Measures. Tract. 8vo. vol. 172. Philadelphia, 1834. 8vo. FKANKLIN — FRASER. 443 FRANKLIN ll. Pans, [1878?] 8vo. GERNAERT, J. Distribution d'eau a I'agglomeration bruxelloise, etc. Bruxelles, 1891. 8vo. GERNAERT, J., and Witmeur, H. Les travaux de percement du tunnel sous les Alpes entre Bardonneche et Modane. Tract. Svo. vol. 303. Bruxelles, 1869. Svo. GEROLD and Co. Die Literatur (1865-76) aus dem Gesammt- gebiete des Bau- und Ingenieurwesens. Wien, 1865-77. Svo. GERSTNER, F. J. von. Handbuch der Mechanik. Mit Beitragen von neuern engHschen Konstruktionen vermehrt. 3 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Prag, 1831-34. 4to. A treatise on Mechanics. Edited and considerably augmented by Chevalier F. A. de Gerstner. Tract. 4cto. vol. 46. (Atlas of plates wanting.) Vienna, 1834. 4to. Memoire sur les grandes routes, les chemins de fer et les canaux de navigation. Paris, 1827. Svo. GERVILLE, — DE. Essai sur les sarcophages, leur origine et la duree de leur usage. Tract. Ato. vol. 57. Poitiers, [1833 ?] 4to, 2 H 2 468 GE8ELL — GIBBS. GESELL, A. Geologische VerhJiltnisse des Steinsalzbergbaugebietes von St)6viir. Tract. Svo. vol. 420. Budapest, 1886. 8vo, GESNER, A. A practical treatise on Coal, Petroleum, and other distilled oils . . . 2nd edition. New York, 186.5. 8vo. GESSERT, M. A. The Art of Painting on Glass, or glass-staining : translated from the German by W. Pole. Tract, ito. vol. 38. Lond. 1844. 4to. GETHIN COLLIERY. Report of J. H. Blackwell on the accident in the . . . Colliery. Lond. 1863. folio. GETTYSBURG. [Three maps of the battlefield.] (Official.) Washington, 1876. 4to. GHEGA, Le CJicv. C. de. Atlas pittoresque du chemin de fer du Semmering : precede d'un aper^u historique et statistique sur les chemins de fer en exploitation en Autriche. Vienna, 1854. obi. Svo. GHENT. — Association des Ingenieurs sortis des Ecoles speciales de Gand. Annales, 1876-77 (1877-78, etc.). Bruxelles, 1877, etc. 8vo. Bulletins mensuels. 12 vols. Bruxelles, 1879-89. 8vo. University of Ghent. Dispositions concernant les ecoles prepara- toires et speciales du genie civil et des arts et manufactures. Gand, 1878-83. 8vo. Fetes du soixante-quinzieme anniversaire de la fondation de rUniversite de Gand. Gand, 1892. 8vo. Ouverture solennelle des cours. Rapport sur la situation de I'universite pendant I'annee 1886-87 (1890-91, etc. Gand, 1887, 90, etc. Svo. Programme des cours : annee academique 1878-79 (1885-90-91, etc.). Gand, 1878, etc. Svo. GHERCEVANOF, N. Canaux d'irrigation au Caucase. Tract. Svo. vol. 514. Paris, 1890. Svo. GIBBONS, B. On the Ventilation of Mines ; and especially of the thick or ten-yard coal mines of South Staffordshire. Birmingham, 1847. Svo. GIBBONS, D. A Manual of the Law of Fixtures. Lond. 1836. 12mo. Rudimentary treatise on the Law of Contracts for work and services. Lond. 1857. Svo. GIBBS, F. F. Remarks on the free Navigation of the Rhine, etc. 1829. See Rhine, Biver. GIBBS, H. H. The Double Standard ; with an introduction by H. R. Grenfell. Tract. Svo. vol. 421. Lond. 1881. Svo. GIBBS, H. H., and Grenfell, H. R. The Bimetallic Contro- versy : a collection of pamphlets, papers, speeches, and letters. Lond. 1886. Svo. GIBBS, James. Book of Architecture. 1728. foHo. GIBBS — GILBERT. 469 GIBBS, Joseph. Cotton Cultivation in its various details : the barrage of great rivers, and instructions for irrigating, embank- ing, draining, and tilling land in tropical and other countries, etc. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Report upon the Great Northern Railway. Tract, folio, vol. 37. Lond. 1835. folio. GIBBS, L. Map showing the Drainage of the Fenland. Tract, folio. vol. 43. 1888. folio. Map showing the low lands draining through the Trent. Tract. folio, vol. 43. 1888. foho. GIBRALTAR. Report on the Sanitary Condition of Gibraltar with reference to the epidemic cholera in the year 1865 : by Dr. Suther- land. Lond. 1867. folio. GIBSON, L. H. Gradual Reduction MilHng : a treatise on the art of modern milhng. Minneapolis, 1885. 8vo. GIBSON, T. The Ground Screw and its apphcation to Piles and Moorings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 3Q3. Lond. [18821] 8vo. GIERTH, C. A. Mappa geral do sul do Imperio do Brazil. . . . mostrando o systema de viagao ferrea existente e em projecto, etc. Paris, 1883. 8vo. GIFFARD, H. Notice theorique et pratique sur I'injecteur auto- moteur breveto, propre a I'alimentation des chaudieres a vapeur et a I'elevation de I'eau. 2" edition. Paris, 1861. 4to. GIGOT, A. Les caisses syndicales d'assurance mutuelle contre les accidents, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 513. Paris, 1892. 8vo. GILARDINI, G. Sul moto delle acque nei tubi ed alia sortita dalle bocche : formole teorico-pratiche independenti da coefficienti numerici, appUcazione, principj ed analisi. Milano, 1867. 8vo. GILBART, J. W. Lectures on the history and principles of Ancient Commerce. Lond. 1853. 8vo. GILBERT, A. P. M. Notice historique et descriptive de I'egUse cathedrale de Saint-Pierre de Beauvais. Tract. 4to. vol. 57. Beauvais, 1829. 4to. GILBERT, D. Addresses to the Royal Society at the anniversary meetings on St. Andrew's day, 1827, 1828, and 1830. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Lond. 1828-30. 8vo. An investigation of the methods used for approximating to the Roots of Affected Equations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. (From the Quarterly Journal.) \Lond. 1823?] 8vo. On some properties of the Catenarian Curve ; wdth reference to bridges by suspension. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Lond. [1821.] 8vo. (From the Quarterly Jonmal.) On the expediency of assigning specific names to all such Func- tions of Simple Elements as represent definite physical properties ; with the suggestion of a new term in mechanics, illustrated by an investigation of the machine moved by recoil ; and also by some observations on the steam-engine. Tract. 4to. vol. 9. (From the PhU. Trans.) Lond. 1827 . 4to. 470 GILBERT. GILBERT, D. — continued. On the general nature ami advantages of Wheels and Springs for Carriages, the draft of cattle, and the form of roads. Tract. Svo. vol. 15. Lond. [1825.] 8vo. On the mathematical theory of Suspension Bridges, with tables, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 9. Lond. 1826. 4to. (From the Phil. Trans.) On the nature of Negative and of Imaginary quantities. Tract. ito. wZ. 38. (From the I'hil. Trans.) Lond. 1831. 4to. On the progressive improvements made in the efficiency of Steam Engines in Cornwall. Tract. 4fo. vol. 37. Lond. 1830. 4to. (From the Phil. Trans.) On the Regular or Platonic Solids. Tract. 8w. vol. 54. (From the Phil. Mag. and Annals.) ior«:?. 1828. 8vO. On the Ventilation of Rooms, and on the ascent of heated gases through flues. Tract. Svo. vol. 54. Lond. 1822. 8vo. (From the Quarterly Journal.) On the Vibrations of heavy bodies in cycloidal and in circular Arches, as compared with their descents through free space, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Land. 1823. 8vo. (From the Quarterly Journal.) A plain statement of the BulHon Question, in a letter to a friend. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. Lond. 1819. 8vo. A table for facilitating the computations relative to Suspension Bridges. Tract. Ato. vol. 35. Lond. 1831. 4to. (From the Phil. Trans.) GILBERT, G. K. Lake Bonneville. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Mono- graph I.] Washington, 1890. 4to. See Call, R. E. On the quaternary and recent Mollusca of the Great Basin. . . . Introduced by a sketch of the quaternary lakes of the Great Basin, by G. K. Gilbert. 1884. GILBERT, Sir J. H. On some points in connection with Animal Nutrition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 269. Lond. 1876. 8vo. On some points in connection with Vegetation. Tract. 8vo. vol. 264. Lond. [1876.] 8vo. Results of experiments at Rothamsted on the growth of Barley. Tract. 8vo. vol. 427. Cirencester, 1886. 8vo. Results of experiments at Rothamsted, on the Growth of Legu- minous Crops, for many years in succession on the same land, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 492. Cirencester, 1889. 8vo. Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on the Growth of Root Crops for many years in succession on the same land, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 473. Cirencester, 1887. 8vo. [For works by Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert :] See Lawes, Sir J. B., and Gilbert, Sir J. H. GILBERT, W. De magneto, magneticisque corporibus, et de magno magnete teUure; physiologia nova, plurimis et argumentis et experimentis demonstrata. Londini, 1600. 4to. GILCHRIST — GILLESPIE. 471 GILCHRIST, p. C. The Basic Process as applied to Copper Smelting. Tract. 8vo. vol. 503. Lond. 1891. 8vo. The Manufacture of Steel and Ingot Iron, etc. 1882. See Thomas, S. G., and Gilchrist, P. C. ■ Progress of the Basic or Thomas-Gilchrist process for 1886. Tract, vol. 8vo. 530. 1886. 8vo. GILCHRIST, P. C, and Others. Debate at the Hampstead Liberal Club on Sanitation as applied to our Homes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 520. [1891.] 8vo. GILES, C. Why we do not adopt the French Metrical System, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 412. Lond. 1886. 8vo. GILL, H. Projekt des Direktors GiU, die Errichtung einer neuen Wassergewinnungs-Station am Miiggel-See betreffend. Tract. Ato. vol. 120. [Berlin, 1887.] 4to. GILL, H., and FoLSCH, A. Hamburger Stadtwasserkunst. Gutachten iiber das . . . Project der Filtration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 326. Hamburg, 1881. 8vo. GILL, J. An Essay on the Thermo-Dynamics of Elastic Fluids. Tract. 8vo. vol. 129. Lond. 1860-61. 8vo. GILL, T. Address to the proprietors of the South Devon Railway. With an Appendix containing the engineer's reports on the atmo- spheric system, and financial statements, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 82. Lond. 1848. Svo. Machinery improved, its Friction reduced, etc. Lond. 1839. Svo. GILL, T., and Cones, E. Material for a Bibliography of North American Mammals. Tract, ito. vol. 111. Washington, 1877. 4to. (From the Reports of the U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey.) GILL, W. Notes on the disposal of excreta and refuse in the Mining District of Triano. LucJiana, 1885. folio. Apuntes sobre el modo de disponer de la escreta e inmundicias en el distrito minero de Triano. Tract. 8vo. vol. 406. Bilbao, 1886. 8vo. GILLELEN, F. M. L. The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania, etc. Pittsburg, 1864. 8vo. GILLESPIE, — . Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie versus Messrs. J. Russel and Son, Ironmasters, Falkirk. Edinburgh, 1862. 8vo. GILLESPIE, W. M. A manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-Making. . . 6th edition. New York, 1853. 8vo. 10th edition : edited by C. Staley. New York, 1874. 8vo. A treatise on Land Surveying, etc. New York, 1855. Svo. [Another edition.] Revised and enlarged by C. Staley. New York, 1888. Svo. A Treatise on Levelling, Topography and higher Surveying. New York, 1870. Svo. 472 GILLMORE — QIOPPO. GILLMORE, Q. A. Enf^ineer and Artillery Operations a^jainst the defences of Charleston Harbour in 1863, etc. \Prof. Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 16.] New York, 1868. 8vo. Notes on the Compressive Resistance of Freestone, Brick Piers, Hydraulic Cements, Mortars and Concretes. New York, 1888. 8vo. Official report ... of the Siege and reduction of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, February, March and April, 1862. [Prof. Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 8.] JVew For/c, 1862. 8vo. Practical treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars. 3rd edition. New York, 1870. 8vo. A practical treatise on Roads, Streets, and Pavements. New York, 1876. 8vo. Report on Beton agglomere ; or, Coignet-beton and the materials of which it is made. [Prof. Papers, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. No. 19.] Washington, 1874. 8vo. Report on the Jetty System as applied to the channel of entrance to Cumberland Sound. Tract. 8vo. vol. 280. New York, 1876. Svo. GILLON, A, and Dujardin, — . Laminoir a trois cylindres pour toles, plaques de blindage, et longerons. Tract. Svo. vol. 250. [1873.] 8vo. GILLOT, C. L. Traite de fortification souterraine, ou des mines offensives et defensives, etc. Paris, 1805. 4to. GILMAN, D. C. The Building of the University [of California] : an inaugural Address delivered at Oakland. San Francisco, 1872. 8vo. Report on the National Schools of Science. Washington, 1872. 8vo. GILMAN, N. P. Profit Sharing between Employer and Employee, etc. New York, 1889. 8vo. GILOUARD, P. C. The Use of Railways for Coast and Harbour Defence. Tract. Svo. vol. 531. Lond. 1891. 8vo. GILPIN, E. The distinctive features of the various Nova Scotia Coal Fields. Tract. Svo. vol. 434. [1886 ?] 8vo. GILPIN, J. A Memoir on the rise, progress, and present state of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Wilmington, U.S., 1821. Svo. GIL Y MONTANA., J. Historia de los ferro-carriles desde su estable- cimento en differentes naciones hasta nuestros dias, sequida de una noticia sobre la aplicacion del vapor a la locomocion terrestre, etc. Barcelona, 1866. Svo. GIOPPI, U. Su alcune misure di portata e di rigurgito alle tombe del Canale Cavour. 1893. See Pasini, P., and Gioppi, U. GIOPPO, P. II tachigrafo : apparecchio automatico per controllo della trazione e del movimento dei convogli nelle strade ferrate. Firenze, 1884. Svo. GIORDANO — GIBARD. 473 GIORDANO, F. Esame geologico della catena Alpina de San Got- tardo. Tract, folio, vol. 17. Firenze, 1872. folio. Necrologie. Quintino Sella, homme d'Etat et savant italien. Tract. 8vo. vol. 455. Paris, 1884. 8vo. GIORGINI, C Sui fiumi nei tronchi sassosi e sull' Arno nel piano di Firenze. Discorso, etc. Firenze, 1854. 8vo. GIPPSLAND. Gippsland and Goulburn Valley Railways. Minutes. Melbourne, 1877-78. folio. GIPSY QUEEN, >S'7««>. Report on the Stranding of the Gipsy Queen. (Official.) Land. 1879. folio. GIRARD, A. Recherches sur le developpement de la betterave a Sucre. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1887. 8vo. and folio. GIRARD, L. D. Notice sur le chemin de fer glissant a propulsion hydraulique, systeme L. D. Girard, perfectionne par A. Barre. Tract. 8vo. vol. 490. Paris, 1889. 8vo. GIRARD, P. S. Considerations sur les canaux et sur le mode de leur concession. 2™'' edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 11. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Description generale des difFerens ouvrages a executer pour la distribution des eaux du canal de I'Ourcq dans I'interieur de Paris, et devis detaille de ces ouvrages. Tract, ito. vol. 17. Paris, 1812. 4to. Devis general du canal de I'Ourcq, depuis la premiere prise d'eau a Mareuil jusqu'a la barriere de Pantin. Tract. 4:to. vol. 47. 2-°^ edition. Paris, 1819. 4to. Devis general du canal St. Martin, et supplement. Tract. 4:to. vol. 17. Paris, 1820. 4to. Essai sur le mouvement des eaux courantes et la figure qu'il convient de donner aux canaux qui les contiennent. Tract, ito. vol. 51. Paris, 1804. 4to. Memoire sur le canal de Soissons destine a joindre le canal de I'Ourcq aux canaux des Ardennes et de Saint-Quentin. Tract. 4to. vol. 47. Paris, 1824. 8vo. Memoires sur le canal de I'Ourcq et la distribution de ses eaux ; sur le dessechement et I'assainissement de Paris, et les divers canaux navigables qui ont ete mis a execution ou projetes dans le bassin de la Seine pour I'extension du commerce de la capitale. 2 vols. Paris, 1831-43. 4to. and foho. Memoires : 1°. sur le mouvement des fluides dans les tubes capil- laires, et I'influence de la temperature sur ce mouvement. 2°. Sur I'ecoulement lineaire de diverses substances liquides par des tubes capillaires de verre. 3°. Sur les atmospheres liquides, et leur influence sur Faction mutuelle des molecules soHdes qu'elles envelop- pent. Paris, 1817-20. 4to. (From the Memoires de I'Academle Royale des Sciences.) Recherches sur les canaux de navigation, consideres sous le rapport de la chute et de la distribution de leurs ecluses. Tract. 4fo. vol. 11. Paris, 1820. 4to. (From the Memoires de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences.) 474 GIRARDIN — GLAISHER. GIRARDIN, E. de. La guerre. Tract. 8vo. vol 178. Paris, 1859. Svo. GIRARDIN, J., CoRDiER, — , and Burel, E. Rapport sur I'exposition universelle de 1855, suivi de la lists des exposants de la Seine- Inforieure, etc. Bouen, 1856. Svo. GIRDLESTONE, J. W. Application, with testimonials ... for the appointment of Chief Engineer of the London County Council, 1889. Tract. Svo. vol. 484. Bristol, 1889. 8vo. ■ Ordnance. Tract, folio, vol. 9. Lotid. 1871. folio. Report to the Docks Committee of the Council of Bristol on the new Dredger. Tract, folio, vol. 39. Bristol, 1886. folio. GIROLA, A. Sulla costruzione di fabbricati per scuole elementari. 1887. See Prinetti, T., and Girola, A. GISBORNE, L. Cavetown District, County of Roscommon. Sup- plemental Report to the Commissioners, showing the present state of the works, etc. Dublin, 1850. 8vo. ■ The Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Journal of the expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Lond. 1853. Svo. Longford District . . . Supplemental Report on drainage, etc. 1850. See Mulvany, T. J., and Gisborne, L. Thames Improvement, London. Statement of design. Tract Svo. vol. 291. Lond. 1853. 8vo. GJERS, J. A short historical Sketch of the . . . Cleveland Iron Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 255. Lond. 1875. 8vo. GLADSTONE, A. History of the London Water Supply, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 359. Lond. 1884. Svo. GLADSTONE, J. H. Michael Faraday. 2nd edition. Lond. 1873. 8vo. GLADSTONE, Bt. Hon. W. E. On Books and the Housing of them. Tract. Svo. vol. 496. Lond. 1890. Svo. (From the " Nineteenth Century.") GLAISHER, J. An Account of Meteorological and Physical Obser- vations made in five balloon ascents in the year 1863 (in continua- tion of eight made in the preceding year). Tract. Svo. vol. 142. (From the Report of the British Association.) \Lond. 1863.1 SvO. Meteorological Table, etc. See Woodcroft, B., and Glaisher, J. Quarterly Papers and Tables on the Meteorology of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Tract. Svo. vols. 135 and 246. Lond. 1848-61. Svo. Royal Microscopical Society. The President's address for the year 1867-68 (1868-69). Tract. Svo. vols. 167 and 198. [Lond. 1868, 69.] Svo. Travels in the Air. 2nd revised edition. Lond. 1871. Svo. IgLAMOKGANSHIRE — GLASGOW. 475 GLAMORGANSHIRE CANAL. Act for making ... a Canal from Merthyr Tidvile to and through a place called the Bank near Cardiff, etc. Lond. 1790. folio. Act to amend [the Act of 1790], and for extending the Canal to a place called The Lower Layer, etc. Lond. 1796. foHo. Minutes of proceedings and evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Glamorganshire Canal Dock Bill. Lond. 1878. foUo. GLASER, F. C. Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. See Periodical Publications. GLASER DE CEW, G. Die magnetelektrischen und dynamo- elektrischen Maschinen, und die sogennanten Secundiir-Batterien. Wien, 1883. 8vo. Magneto- and Dynamo-electric Machines . . . With many additions by P. Higgs. Lond. 1884. 8vo. Second edition . . . by W. B. Esson. Lond. 1887. 8vo. GLASGOW. — [Explosions.^ Report upon three Explosions on the 20th and 21st of January, 1883 ; by Col. V. D. Majendie. Lond. 1883. foUo. — — \B,oads.'\ Report from the Select Committee on the Roads between Glasgow and Port Patrick. Lond. 1823-24. folio. \Sewage.'\ Minutes of joint Committee of the Magistrates and Council, the Clyde Trustees, and the Board of PoKce, on the subject of the Sewerage of Glasgow, and the Purification of the River Clyde, with report by Messrs. Bateman and Bazalgette. Tract, folio, vol. 11. Glasgow, 1868. foUo. Report on the methods of Disposing of Sewage, adopted in various towns in England. Tract. 8vo. vol. 297. Glasgow, 1878. 8vo. • Report by the Deputation appointed by the Magistrates and Council of Glasgow to inquire into the treatment of Sewage in various towns in England, 1 Sept. 1880. Appendix by Dr. Wallace, 7 October, 1880. Tract. 8vo. vol. 325. Glasgoio, 1880. 8vo. [Water Supply.'] An Act for supplying the City and Suburbs of Glasgow with Water. (1806.) Lond. 1835. foHo. An Act for the further Supply of the City and Suburbs of Glasgow and places adjacent with Water. (1808.) Lond. 1834. foHo. An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Glasgow Waterworks to introduce an additional supply of water to the City and Suburbs of Glasgow. Lond. 1846. folio. Minutes of Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Private Bills on the Glasgow Corporation Water BiU. Lond. 1879. folio. 476 GLASGOW. GLASGOW. — [Water Supply] — continued. Glasgow Waterworks. Glasfjow, etc. 1853-55. 8vo. 1. Report by J. F. Lii T. Bateman. Maps and soctions. 2. Chemical reports on the quality of tlie water. 3. Additional cliemicul reports. 4. Reports of the Magistrates in council. 5. Report by R. Stephenson and I. K. Brunei. (). Table of rainfall in the Loeh Katrine district. 7. Table of ihe rise of tide in the river Fortli, and of the rise and fall of lakes and rivers, Loch Katrine district. Diagrams. [Weights and Measures.] Report from the select committee on the petition of the city of Glasgow, and minutes of evidence. Lond. 1824. foHo. College of Science and Arts, afterwards Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Syllabus of Classes for sessions 1885- 86 and 1886-87. Glasgow, 1885, 86. 8vo. Calendar 1887-88 (1888-89, etc.). Glasgow, 1887, etc. 8vo. Annual Report. Glasgow, 1884. 8vo. Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. 6 vols. Glasgow, 1865-80. 8vo. International Exhibition, 1888. The Official Catalogue. [Glasgow,] 1888. 8vo. The Official Guide, 1888. [Glasgow,] 1888. 8vo. Catalogue of the Fine Arts Section. [Glasgoiv,] 1888. 8vo. Mining Exhibition. Catalogue of Exhibits. Hamilton, 1885. 8vo. Mitchell Library. See Mitchell Library. Naval and Mariyie Engineering Exhibition, 1880-81. Lectures on Naval Architecture and Engineering ; with Catalogue of the Exhi- bition. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1844, etc. 8vo. Patents for Inventions : remarks by Sir W. Thomson on the petition to the Lord Chancellor. Tract. 8vo. vol. 473. Glasgow, 1877. 8vo. Reports relative to exhibition of Apparatus for the utihzation of Gas, Electricity, etc. Sept.-Oct. 1880. Tract. 8vo. vol. 337. Glasgow, 1882. 8vo. GLASGOW AND CLYDESDALE STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and Regulations. Tract. 4:to. vol. 58. Glasgoiv, 1836. 4to. GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic, and schedule of maximum rates. Lond. 1891. foKo. GLASGOW AND W^EST OF SCOTLAND SMOKE ABATEMENT ASSOCIATION. Report. Tract. 8vo. vol. 519. Glasgow, 1893. 8vo. GLASGOW GLEN. 477 GLASGOW CENTRAL RAILWAY. Select Committee on the Glasgow Central Railway Bill. Minutes of Evidence, etc. Lond. 1888. folio. Estimate of expense. Lond. 1888. folio. GLASGOW, PAISLEY AND ARDROSSAN CANAL. Act for the construction of the Canal (and amended act). Lond. 1806, 27. foho. GLASGOW, PAISLEY, KILMARNOCK AND AYR RAILWAY. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords' Committee from June 26 to July 5, 1837. Lond. 1837. foUo. Report of the Directors, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 60. Glasgow, 1839. Svo. GLASGOW RAILWAY. Reports and documents relative to the . . . Railway and Tunnel. Tract. Svo. vol. 60. Glasgow, 1829. Svo. GLASGOW UNION RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade, on the Classification of Merchandise Trafiic and schedule of maximum rates. Lond. 1891. foho. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1865-66, (1869-70, etc.) Glasgow, 1865, 69, etc. Svo. Syllabus of a course of Lectures on Civil Engineering and Mechanics. Tract. Svo. vol. 80. Edinburgh, 1841. Svo. GLASS, R. A. Glass v. Boswall. [An action for alleged wilful damage to a telegraph cable laid by plaintiff" from Dunwich to Zandvoort.] Transcript of Messrs. Cocks' shorthand notes. Tract. Svo. vol. 185. Lond. 1861. Svo. Glass V. Boswall. Afl&davits and arguments for a new trial. Tract. Svo. vol. 185. Lond. 1861. Svo. GLEIM, C. O., and Engels, H. Die Strassenbriicke iiber die Norder-Elbe bei Hamburg, etc. Berlin, 1890. folio. GLEN, A. Electric Lighting Act, 1SS2. See Glen, W. C, and Glen, A. The Highway Acts, 1862-1878 ; the Locomotive Acts, 1861- 1872 ; and the general provisions of the Turnpike Continuance Acts, 1863-1878 . . . 5th edition, with a paper on the Construc- tion and Repair of Roads, by W. Nethersole. Lond. 1879. Svo. The Law relating to the Lower Thames VaUey Main Sewerage Board. Lond. 1878. Svo. The Powers and Duties of Surveyors of Highways, etc. Lond. 1880. Svo. GLEN, W. C. The Law relating to Public Health and Local Govern- ment. 4th edition. Lond. 1866. Svo. See Atchley, — . Civil Engineers' and Contractors' Estimate Book. ... To which is added The Law of Contracts, by W. C. Glen. 1867. See Donaldson, T. L. Handbook of Specifications . . . with a review of the law of contracts . . . by W. C. Glen. 1859. 478 GLEN — GLYNN. GLEN, W. C. and Glen, A. The Electric Lighting Act, 1882, and the Acts therewith incorporated ; also the rules of the Board of Trade, of October, 1882, e/c. Land. 1882. 8vo. GLENELG. Estimated Cost of th(^ Glenelg Reservoir. (Official.) Adelaide, 1878. folio. GLIDDON, G. R. Ancient Egypt ... 12th edition. Tract, ito. vol. 59. Philadelphia, 1848. 8vo. GLOUCESTER, County of. Act for the Improvement of Roads in the County of Gloucester. Land. 1785. folio. Fourth (Fifth) Annual Report of the Highways and General Purposes Committee of the Gloucestershire Council. Gloucester, 1893. 8vo. GLOUCESTER AND BERKELEY CANAL. Act for making . . . a Canal from the River Severn at Gloucester to Berkeley Pill . . . and also a Cut to the Town of Berkeley. Lond. 1793. folio. Acts for authorizing the Proprietors to vary the Line of a part of the Canal, and to raise a further sum of Money : and for enlarg- ing the powers of the several acts for making the Canal. Lond. 1797, 1805, 18. folio. Bill for consolidating the several Shares of the Proprietors of the Canal, etc. Lond. 1832. folio. Minutes of speech, evidence, and proceedings, taken before the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Bill. Lond. 1874. folio. GLOVER, F. R. A. Harbours of Refuge. Tract. 8vo. vol. 524. Lond. 1846. 8vo. ■ Harbours of Refuge ; not " dangerous decoys," " ship traps," nor " wrecking pools." A reprint, in part, of a pamphlet (dated 1846), with some original papers, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 125. Lond. 1859. 8vo. GLOVER, G. Correct Gas Measurement. Tract. 8vo. vol. 308. Lond. 1879. 8vo. GLOVER, T. G., Lieut.-Col., B.E. The Ganges Canal : illustrated by photographs. Moorhee, 1867. 4to. Lectures delivered at the Thomason Civil Engineering College, Roorkee, 1865. See Medley, J. G., and Glover, T. G. GLOVSKINSKY, — , Prof. Russian Railways. [DetaUs of con- struction, etc.'\ Part 1. 1868. obi. folio. GLOYNE, R. M. Sanitary Engineering : tables for ascertaining the discharges at different depths in the same Sewers, and the heights of Weirs or Storm Overflows without repeated use of formula. Tract. 8vo. vol. 490. Manchester, 1890. 8vo. GLYNN, J. Description of a Sawing Machine for cutting Railway Bars. Tract. Uo. vol. 36. Lond. 1840. 4to. (From the Trans. Inst. C.E.) Draining Land by Steam Power. Tract. 8vo. vol. 22. (From the Trans, of the Society of Arts.) Lond. 1836. 8vO. GLYNN — GODSON. 479 GLYNN, J. — continued. Report on the application of Locomotive Steam Power to Railways generally. Tract. 8vo. vol. 2. Alfreton, 1833. 8vo. Report on the Turbine and horizontal Water- Wheel of France and Germany. Tract. 8vo. vol. 87. Land. 1848. 8vo. (From the Report of the British Association.) Report on Water-pressure Engines. Tract. Svo. vol. 96. (From the Report of the British Association.) Loud. 1849. 8vo. A review of the plans . . . for connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a navigable Canal. Tract. Svo. vol. 498. (From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.) Lond. 184:9. 8vo. Rudimentary Treatise on the construction of Cranes and Machi- nery for raising heavy bodies, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 383. Lo7id. 1849. 8vo. Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water, as applied to drive flour mills, and to give motion to turbines and other hydro- static engines. Lond. 1853. 8vo. GMELIN, L. Handbook of Chemistry . . . Translated by Henry Watts. 19 vols. [Cavendish Society.] Lond. 1858-72. 8vo. GOBERT. A. Le canal d'Anvers au Rhin et ses consequences. Tract. Svo. vol. 455. 1888. 8vo. De I'utilite des canaux maritimes dans la Belgique cismosane. Tract. Svo. vol. 376. Bruxelles, 1884. 8vo. Voyage a Vienne. [2""^ Congres international de navigation in- terieure.] Tract. 4:to. vol. 96. Bruxelles, 1886. 4to. Utihte des canaux maritimes. Vienne, 1886. 8vo. GOBIN, A. Des murs de soutenement et de la poussee des terres. Paris, 1884. Svo. GOBL, W. Montan-geologische Beschreibung des Pf ibramer Bergbau- Terrains, etc. Wien, 1892. 4to. GODALMING. Act for the Improvement of the town of Godal- ming. Lond. 1825. foHo. GODFREY, A. An Account of a new method of extinguishing Fires by Explosion and Suffocation. [With MS. notes by J. Farey relative to the author.] Tract. Svo. vol. 36. 1724. 8vo. GODFREY, R. The "Amines" Process of Sewage Treatment. Tract. Svo. vol. 496. 1889. 8vo. Way-Leaves and Easements. Tract. Svo. vol. 525. 1891. 8vo. GODKIN, J. The Land-war in Ireland : a history for the times. Lond. 1870. 8vo. GODREVY ISLAND. Communications ... on the subject of the erection of a Lighthouse on Godrevy Island, in St. Ives Bay. (Official.) Lond. 1858. folio. GODSON, R. A practical treatise on the Law of Patents for Inven- tions and of Copyright, etc. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 480 GODWARD — GOLDEN. GODWARD, W. Interpolation Tables, used in the Nautical Almanac OtHce. Tract. 8vo. vol. 114. Lojid. 1857. 8vo. GODWIN, G., Jun. An Appeal to the public on the subject of Rail- ways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 79. Lond. 1837. 8vo. Essay upon the Nature and Properties of Concrete, and its appli- cation to construction up to the present period. Tract, ito. vol. 28. (From Trans, of the Inst, of British Architects.) ionr?. 1836. 4tO. A Letter on the state of Architecture in the provinces. Tract. 8V0. vol.59. (From the Architectural Magazine.) Lond. 1836. 8vO. ■ On the Obelisk from Luxor, recently elevated in Paris ; with some few remarks on obelisks generally. Tract. 8vo. vol. 59. Lond. 1836. 8vo. GODWIN, H. C. Railroad Engineers' Field-book and Explorer's Guide. New York, 1890. 12mo. GOERING, A. Bemerkungen zu den 3 Aufsiitzen Uber " Railway Steep Inclines" vom 29 Januar 1889. Tract, ito. vol. 111. Berlin, 1889. 4to. GCEURY, — . Recueil polytechnique des ponts et chaussees, canaiix de navigation, ports maritimes, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1806-7. 4to. GOGORZA, A. A. de. Proposed Route for a Tide Level Canal from the Gulf of Uraba to that of San Michel, via the Atrato, Cacarica, Paya and Tuyra Rivers. Tract. 8vo. vol. 474. New York, 1888. 8vo. GOLAZ, L. Obus calorimetrique de P. Mahler. Tract. 8vo. wZ. 519. [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. GOLBORNE, J. Letter in reply to some questions respecting the Drainage of Keyingham Level. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Hull, 1800. 8vo. Report concerning the Drainage of the North Level of the Fens, and the outfall of the Wisbeach river. Tract, iio. vol. 54. Chester, 1769. 4to. Report in pursuance of several resolutions passed at a meeting of the Committee of Landowners, and others, interested in the im- provement of the outfall of the river Ouse. Tract, ito. vol. 54. Lynn, 1791. 4to. Report on the Drainage of Keyingham Level, in Holderness. Tract. 8vo. vol. 46. Cambridge, 1799. 8vo. Reports relative to a navigable communication betwixt the Firths of Forth and Clyde. 1768. See Brindley, J., Yeoman, T., and GOLBORNE, J. GOLDICUTT, J. The competition for the erection of the Nelson Monument critically examined. Tract. 8vo. vol. 59. Lond. 1841. 8vo. GOLDEN VALLEY RAILWAY. Report by the Board of Trade, on the Classification of Merchandise Traffic and schedule of maximum rates. Lond. 1891. folio. GOLDMANN — GOOD ALL. 481 GOLDMANN, N. Elementorum architecture militaris libri iv. 3 vols. Lugd. Batavor. 1643. 12mo. GOLDSMID, Sir P. J. On Communications with British India under possible contingencies. Tract. 8vo. vol. 442. Lond. 1878. Svo. • • Persia : its Language and Literature, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 522. Lond. 1892. 8vo. GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY. Advance Prospectus of the Gold- smiths' Company's Technical and Recreative Institute. Lond. 1891. Svo. GOLDSTRAW, W. A manual of the Building Regulations in force in the City of Liverpool. Liverpool, 1882. 8vo. GOLDSWORTHY, G. Report from the Select Committee on the case of Mr. G. Goldsworthy. Lond. 1834-35. folio. GOLOVATCHOFF, A. A. Istoria Jeleznodorojnavo dyelav Rossii. (History of Railway Management in Russia.) Tract. Svo. vol. 347. St. Petersburg, 1881. 8vo. GON^ALVES DE SA, C. Relatorio apresentado a assemblea geral dos accionistas do Banco do Commercio em 25 de Agosto de 1884. Tract. Svo. vol. . JRio de Janeiro, 1884. 8vo. GONDA, B. DE. La regularisation des portes de fer et des autres cataractes du bas Danube, \ptli Int. Congr. hil. Nav.^ [Paris, 1892.] 8vo. GONIN, E. Manuel pratique de construction. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1877. 8vo. and 4to. GONIN, L. Lifts and Pneumatic Railways exhibited at the Inter- national Exhibition at Liverpool, 1886. Tract. Svo. vol. 422. Lausanne, 1886. 8vo. Notice sur I'ascenseur a air comprime pour chemins de fer a fortes rampes et a profil varie. Tract. Svo. vols. 304 and 318. Lausanne, 1880. Svo. • Visite d'un ingenieur suisse aux travaux de reboisement des Alpes fran^aises dans la vallee de Barcelonnette (Basses Alpes). Notice. Tract. Svo. vol. 496. Lausanne, 1890. Svo. GOOCH, F. A., and Whitfield, J. E. Analyses of Waters of the Yellowstone National Park, with an account of the methods of analysis employed. [U.S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin No. 47.] Washington, 1888. Svo. GOODACRE, W. G. A scheme for drawing off and disposing of all Smoke, Waste Gases, Impure Air, etc. Tract. Svo. vol. 519. Wigan, [1891.] Svo. GOOD ALL, J. Notes on Blasting at Ahuriri Bluff, Napier, in con- nection with the construction of the breakwater. Tract. Svo. vol. 4:74.. [Wellington,] 1886. Svo. On the Formation of Timaru Downs. Tract. Svo. vol. 474. [Wellington,] 1886. Svo. 2 I 482 GOODELL — GOODWYN. GOODELL, J. M. The Prevention of Electrolysis of Water Pipes, etc. Tract. 8i'o. vol. 53 k BroaJdi/v, 1894. 8vo. GOODEVE, T. M. Abstract of reported cases relating to Letters Patent for Inventions (bringing the cases clown to the end of the year 1883). Lond. 1884. 8vo. The Elements of Mechanism : designed for students of applied mechanics. Lond. 18G0. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. 19,11. 8vo. Principles of Mechanics. Lond. 1881. 8vo. Text Book on the Steam Engine. Lond. 1879. 8vo. 8th edition. With a supplement on Gas Engines. Lond. 1887. 8vo. GOODEVE, T. M., and Shelley, C. P. B. The Whitworth measur- ing machine. Lond. 1877. 8vo. GOODRICH, A. T. The Northern Traveller ; containing the routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the springs, etc. New York, 1826. 12mo. GOODRIDGE, J. C. Beton Coignet and Goodridge System of con- structing and repairing Railway and other Structures. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. New York, 1883. 8vo. Modifying the climate by closing the Straits of Belle Isle. Tract, folio, vol. 38. New York, 1886. folio. Will the Washington Monument stand ? Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. [New York, 1885.] 8vo. GOODWIN, G. A. The relative merits of working Hoisting Machin- ery by Steam, Water, and Electricity. Tract, 8vo. vol. 534. [Neiv York,] 1893. 8vo. GOODWIN, J. M. The Panama Ship Canal and Inter-Oceanic Ship Railway Projects. Tract. 8vo. vol. 323. Cleveland, 1880. 8vo. GOODWIN, W. W. The Economy of Gas as a Fuel for Cooking purposes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 329. New York, 1879. 8vo. GOODWYN, H. Memoir of an improved system of Suspension Bridges on the principle adopted by Mr. Dredge. Tract, ito. vol. 32. (Lithographed.) Calcutta, 1843. 4to. Memoir on the application of Asphaltic Mastic to flooring, roofing, and hydraulic works in India. Tract. 4:to. vol. 39. (Lithographed). Calcutta, 1843. 4to. Memoir on Wrought-Iron Roofing, as applicable to every descrip- tion of building, and shewing the modification necessary to adapt the systems to European dwellings in India, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Calcutta, 1844. 4to. and folio. The theory and practice in the construction of Suspension Bridges, and the origin of the ' ' resultant tension " principle, having reference to the project for bridging the Hooghly. Tract. 4fo. vol. 68. Calcutta, 1854. 4to. GOODWYN — GOBDON. 483 GOODWYN, H. — continued. The first centenary of a series of . . . Tables of all the complete Decimal Quotients . . . from dividing a unit, or any whole number less than each divisor, by all integers from 1 to 1024, etc. Tract. Uo. vol. 117. Lond. 1818. 4to. GOODYEAR, W. A. The Coal Mines of the Western Coast of the United States. San Francisco, 1877. Svo. GORBALS. An Act for further and better supplying with Water the Barony or Regality of Gorbals. (1846.) Lond. 1851. folio. An Act to amend the " Gorbals Gravitation Water Company Act, 1846," to authorize the Extension of the Works and the Construction of new Works to supply . . . Rutherglen . . . with Water. (1850.) Lond. 1852. folio. GORDON, A. Circular relating to Lighthouses, Light Ships, Buoys, and Beacons. Trad. 8vo. vol. 137. [1863.] 8vo. Description of the Fumific Impeller ; showing the direct applica- tion of hot products of combustion to the bodies on which they are required to act, without the intervention of machinery. Tract. 8vo. vol. 80. Lo7id. 1845. 8vo. The fitness of Turnpike roads and Highways for . . . internal communication. Tract. Svo. vol. 4. Lond. 1835. 8vo. An historical and practical Treatise upon elemental Locomotion, by means of steam carriages on common roads. Lond. 1832. 8vo. A treatise upon Elemental Locomotion and interior communica- tion, of Steam Carriages, and the comparative value of turnpike roads, railways, and canals ; with an appendix, containing a description of a new road-surveying instrument. 3rd edition. Lo7id. 1836. 8vo. Journal of Elemental Locomotion, 1832, 33. See Periodical Publications. — — Lighthouses and Beacons of the British colonies ; what is required for them, and for their administration. In two letters to the Rt. Hon. T. M. Gibson, M.P., President of the Board of Trade. Tract. Svo. vol. 137. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Lighthouses of the British colonies and possessions abroad ; being a letter to J. Hume, Esq., M.P. Tract. Svo. vol. 87. Lond. 1847. 8vo. • Marine Steam-Engines of the Royal Navy. (Appendix.) Tract. Svo. vol. 201. Lond. 1843. 8vo. ■ Observations addressed to those interested in either Railways or Turnpike Roads ; showing the comparative expedition, safety, convenience, and public and private economy of these two kinds of road for internal communication. Tract. Svo. vol. 20. Lond. 1837. 8vo. Observations on Railway Monopolies and remedial measures. Tract. Svo. vol. 79. Lond. 1841. 8vo. 2 I 2 484 GORDON. GORDON, A. — continued. Past and present views of Railways. Tract. Sw. vol. 82. Loud. 1849. 8vo. GORDON, A., and Atherton, C. Rapport preliminaire (second rapport) sur les moyens d'ameliorer la navii^ation de la Dyle et de construire un port a Malines, etc. Tract, ^vo. vol. 75. Malines, 1832, 37. 8vo. GORDON, C. Report on Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, etc. [U.S.A. 10th Census. Vol. 3.] Washington, 1883. 4to. GORDON, E. S. On Fixing Positions by the more simple Astro- nomical Observations. Tract. 8vo. vol. 464. Woolwich, 1881. 8vo. GORDON, G. A paper on American and Australian Irrigation, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol 417. Melbourne, 1885. 8vo. GORDON, H. A. A Miners' Guide. [Wellington,] 1889. 8vo. GORDON, J., Master Mariner. Steam Navigation between the Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, Sierra Leone, Pernambuco, etc., and Great Britain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 201. Lond. 1846. 8vo. GORDON, James E. H. Four Lectures on Static Electric Induction. Lond. 1879. 8vo. . Improvements in Electrical Distribution— Tomlinson's Patents. Tract. 4:to. vol. 115. Lond. [1890?] 4to. A Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1883. 8vo. A practical Treatise on Electric Lighting. Lond. 1884. 8vo. GORDON, Joseph. Address as President of the Association of Muni- cipal and Sanitary Engineers, and Surveyors, at the Annual Meeting. Tract. 8vo. vol. 445. Leicester, 1887. 8vo. Aniage von Spiilkanalen in Stuttgart. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. Stuttgart, 1876. 8vo. ■ Erlauterungsbericht zu dem Dispositionsplan iiber die Aniage von Spiilkaniilen in Stuttgart. Tract. 4to. vol. 73. Stuttgart, 1874. 4to. Gutachten . . . iiber den von Ingenieur J. Gordon ausgearbei- teten Dispositionsplan . . . iiber die Aniage von Spiilkanalen in Stuttgart, etc. 1876. See Wijrtemberg. — Wiirtt. Verein fur SauJi'unde. Bericht iiber die Canalisation des Schleussengrabens der Stadt Ludwigshaven. Tract. 8vo. vol.309. Frankfurt a. M., 181 8. 8vo. Die Canalisation der Stadt Dortmund. 1878. See Michaelis, R., and Gordon, J. Canalisation der Stadt Heilbronn. Tract. 8vo. vol. 259. Heilhronn, 1876. 8vo. Die Canalisation der Kgl. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Miinchen. Miinchen, 1876. 4to. GOEDON. 485 GORDON, Joseph — continued. Some of the Public Works of Leicester. Tract, folio, vol. 33. Leicester, 1884. folio. Stenographischer Bericht liber das Gutachten des Herrn Ingenieur J. Gordon . . . hinsichtlich der Kanalisationsfrage in Niirnberg. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. [1876.] 8vo. See Frankfurt, on Main. Bau-Amt . . . Bedingungen unter welchen die Entwiisserung der Gebaulichkeiten, etc., in die neuen Caniile gestattet wird. [W. Lindley and J. Gordon, Engineers.] 1872. GORDON, L. D. B. On the most advantageous use of Steam. Tract. 8vo. vol. 224. Glasgow, 1845. 8vo. On the Supply of the City of Glasgow with Water from Loch Katrine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 110. Lond. 1853. 8vo. Railway Economy : an exposition of the advantages of locomotion by locomotive carriages instead of the present expensive system of steam-tugs. Tract. 8vo. vol. 82. Edinburgh, 1849. 8vo. Report to the committee of the Bedford Level Corporation, and to the Eau Brink commissioners on the Norfolk estuary scheme. Lond. 1849. 8vo. A short description of the plans of Captain J. Vetch, R.E., for the Sewerage of the Metropolis. Tract, folio, vol. 6. Lond. 1851. foho. University of Glasgow. Civil Engineering and Mechanics. En- gineering aphorisms and memoranda : a synopsis of lectures to be delivered, Session 1847-48. Glasgow, 1847. 4to. University of Glasgow. A Synopsis of Lectures on Civil Engineering and Mechanics. Glasgow, 1849. 4to. GORDON, L. D. B., and Liddel, C. Exposition of a plan for a Metropolitan Water Supply : showing that the Thames at Maple- Durham is the most eligible source, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 109. Lond. 1849. 8vo. GORDON, Mrs. M. M. The Home Life of Sir David Brewster. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 1870. 8vo. GORDON, R. Burmese Wood-carving. Tract, folio, vol. 33. Bangoon, 1882. folio. Fragment containing a discussion of a new Formula for the Flow of Water in open Channels. Tract, folio, vol. 18. Milan, 1873. folio. The Irawadi River. Tract. 8vo. vol. 376 Lond. 1885. 8vo. Notes on subjects connected with the works in the Irrawaddy Cii'cle, British Burma, etc. Tract, folio, vol. 42. Bangoon, 1883. folio. On the theory of the Flow of Water in open Channels. Tract. folio, vol. 21. Bangoon, 1875. folio. Report on the Hydrography of the Irrawaddy River, etc. (Atlas of plates.) Lond. 1879-80. folio. 486 GORDON — G08SI. GORDON, W., Lieut., B.N. The Economy of the Marine Steam Engine, etc. Lond. 1845. 8vo. GORE, G. The Art of Electro-Metallurgy. 8vo. Low!. 1877. 8vo. Electro-Chemistry : inorganic. 2nd edition. Lund. 1888. 8vo. GORE, H. Propulsion of Carriages on common Roads by power other than animal power : a short summary of the various parliament- ary inquiries, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 227. Lond. 1873. 8vo. GORE, J. E. A Catalogue of known variable Stars, with notes and observations, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 464. Dublin, 1884. 8vo. Formulae for Binary Stars. Tract. 8vo. vol. 433. Lond. 1886. 8vo. A Glossary of Fossil Mammalia, etc. Bcorkee, 1874. 8vo. GORMAN, W. A. On improved Appliances for working under Water, or in Irrespirable Gases. Tract. 8vo. vol. 475. (From Proc. Inst, of Mechanical Engineers.) Lond. 1882. 8vo. GORRINGE, H. H. Egyptian Obelisks. Lond. 1885. 4to. GOSCHLER, C. Note sur les chemins de fer suisses. Tract. 8vo. vol. 221. Paris, 1857. 8vo. Traite pratique de I'entretien et de I'exploitation des chemins de fer. Paris, 1865-68. 8vo. GOSLIN, S. B. How to avert or mitigate Famines and droughts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 288. Lond. 1878. 8vo. ■ The Musical Handbell-Ringer's Instructor. Part II. Tract. 8vo. vol. 334. Lond. 1879. 8vo. The Relative Advantages of Wind, Water, and Steam as motive powers, compared with each other. Tract. 8vo. vol. 314. Lond. 1879. 8vo. [Another edition.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 336. Lond. 1881. 8vo. A Review of the facts and records in connection with Kitchen Boiler Explosions of 1881, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 328. Lond. 1881. 8vo. What shall we Drink 1 Tract. 8vo. vol. 359. Ipswicli, 1883. 8vo. GOSSAGE, W. A history of the Soda-Manufacture. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219. Liverpool, 1861. 8vo. GOSSELET. J. Lemons sur les nappes aquiferes du nord de la France. Tract. 8vo. vol. 526. Lille, 1888. 8vo. GOSSELET, J,, and Others. The Geology of Belgium and the French Ardennes. Lond. 1885. 8vo. GOSSELIN, G. Considerations sur le lancement des projectils tres- lourds. Tract. 8vo. vol. 214. Metz, 1831. 8vo. GOSSI, M. New Patented System of Ventilation by means of com- pressed Air, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 520. Antioerp, [1891 ?] 8vo. G08TLING — GOULD. 487 GOSTLING, D. E. Suggestions for a comprehensive system of high pressure Water Supply from Tulsi and Vehar Lakes into Bombay, based upon Mr. Pedder's proposals. Tract, folio, vol. 18. Bombay, 1875. folio. GOTHARD. See St. Gothard. GOTHENBURG. — Chalmers Tehnislm Laroanstalt. Program. Gotehorg, 1890. Svo. GOTTGETREU, R. Physische und chemische Beschaffenheit der Baumaterialen. 2 vols, in 1. Berlin, 1880. 8vo. GOTTINGEIST. — Academia Georgia Augusta. Catalogus prttlectionum puhlice et privatim in Academia Georgia Augusta per semestre hibernum 1795-96 . . . habendarum. 2 pt. Tract, ifo. vol. 26. Gottingse, 1795-96. 4to. GOTTLIEB, D. J. Lehrbuch der reinen und technischen Chemie . . . Zweite Auflage. Braunsclmeig, 1861. 8vo. GOTTO, E. Metropolitan Sewers : report on Church Lane and Carrier Street, St. Giles's. Tract. 4to. vol. 49. Lond. 1849. 4to. GOTTSCHALK, E. G. Jahrbuch fiir das Berg- und Huttenwesen. See Periodical Publications. GOUD AL, — . Exposition universelle de Paris. Documents historiques, statistiques, et techniques sur les vins de France, principalement de la Gironde, et en particulier du premier cru de Chateau-Lahte. Tract. Uo. vol. 52. Paris, [1855.] 4to. GOUDRIAAN, B. H. Kaart van de rivieren de Boven en Neder-Rijn, de Lek en de Nieuwe Maas, van Lobith tot Brielle, in twintig bladen, benevens twee supplementaire bladen voor den Oude-Rijn en voor de Noord. [1840?] folio. GOUILLY, A. Transmission de la force motrice par air comprime ou rarefie. [With a bibliography.] Pam, [1890?] 8vo. GOUIN, E. Rapport a la commission de surveillance, sur le voyage d'essai de Marseille en Crimee du navire a vapeurs combinees d'eau et d'ether le " Bresil," de la compagnie Arnaud et Touache, systeme du Trembley. Tract, folio, vol. 1. Marseille, 1855. folio. GOUIN, L. See Gaudard, J. Notice sur I'application de la pro- pulsion pneumatique par Fair comprime. [With mtroduction by L. Gouin.] 1869. GOULBURN, N.S.W. Report by W. Clark on the Water Supply of Goulburn. Sydney, 1877. folio. Report . . . relating to the proposed railway from Goulburn to Crook well. Sydney, 1889. foho. GOULD, B. A. Defence of Dr. Gould by the scientific council of Dudley observatory. Appendix. 3rd edition. Tract. Svo. vol. 129. Albany, 1858. 8vo. Reply to the " Statement of the Trustees of the Dudley Observa- tory." Tract. Svo. vol. 129. Albany, 1859. Svo. 488 GOULD — GRAEFF. GOULD, N. Historical notice of the Commercial Docks, in the parish of Rotlierhitho, county of Surrey ; to which is added an account of the Howland great Wet Dock, in the parish of Rother- hithe. Lond. 1844. 4to. GOULIER, C. M. Etudes theoriques et prati(jues sur les levers topometriques et en particulier sur la tacheometrie. Paris, 1892. 8vo. GOURCY, C, Count. Notes extraites d'un voyage agricole dans I'ouest, le sud-ouest, le midi et le centre de la France, et le nord de I'Espagne. Tract. 8vo. vol. 217. Paris, 1851. 8vo. Voyage agricole en Belgique et dans plusieurs departements de la France, suivi de quelques articles extraits des journaux d'agri- culture anglais. Paris, 1849. 8vo. GOURNERIE, J. de la. See La Gournerie, J. de. GOURY, G. Souvenirs polytechniques, ou recueil d'observations, memoires, et projets, concernant la navigation interieure, les bacs, les depcchements, les ports maritimes, etc. (Atlas.) 2 vols, in 1. Paris, 1827. 4to. and folio. GOUX MANURE AND SANITARY COMPANY. On the Sanitary Improvement of Towns and the Utilization of the Refuse. De- scription of Goux's absorbent Closet System. Tract. 4fo. vol. 66. Lond. 1872. 4to. GOWEN, F. B. Argument . . . before the joint committee of the Legislature of Pennsylvania appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. Tract. 8vo. vol. 253. Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. GOWER, C. F. The Sewage Screening Machine. Tract. 8vo. vol. 483. Lond. 1889. 8vo. The Transmission of Sewage Sludge to the Land : with special reference to the Metropolis. Tract. 8vo. vol. 490. Lond. 1890. 8vo. GOWER, R. H. Description of a Life-Boat, built by subscription at Ipswich and stationed at Landguard Fort, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 504. (From the Philosophical Magazine.) \Lond. 1822.1 8vo. GRAQA, J. C. DA. Breve noticia historica do desenvolvimento da siderurgia e estatistica de algumas fabricas da Europa. Tract, folio, vol. 32. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. folio. Relatorio dos estudos mineralogicos e geologicos da provincia de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul. Tract. 8vo. vol. 360. Pio de Janeiro, 1883. 8vo. GRACEY, — , Lieut., P.E. Lectures on the Resistance of Iron Plates to impact. Tract. 8vo. vol. 243. Chatham, 1863. 8vo. GRAEFF, M. Appareil et construction des ponts biais. 2™* edition. Paris, 1867. 4to. Construction des canaux et des chemins de fer. Histoire critique des travaux executes dans les Vosges au chemin de fer de Paris a Strasbourg et au canal de la Marne au Rhin. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1861. 8vo. and 4to. GRAEPF — GRAHAM. 489 GRAEFF, M. — continued. Memoires sur le mouvement des eaux dans les reservoirs a alimentation variable, et sur Faction que la digue de Pinay exerce sur les crues de la Loire a Roanne. Paris, 1873. 4to. Trait6 d'hydraulique, precede d'une introduction sur les principes generaux de la mecanique. 3 vols. Paris, 1882-83. 4to. GRAEFF, M., and Delocre, E. Papers on Dams of Masonry for large Reservoirs. \B,ecords of the Bombay Govt. No. 9.] Bombay, 1869. 8vo. GRAETZ, Dr. L. Die Elektricitat und ihre Anwendungen zur Beleuch- tung, Kraftiibertragung, Metallurgie, Telephonie und Telegraphic. Stuttgart, 1883. 8vo. GRAFFIGISry, H. de. La navigation aerienne et les ballons dirige- ables. Paris, 1888. 8vo. GRAFTON. Report . . . relating to the proposed Railway from Grafton to the Tweed. Sydney, 1890. foUo. GRAHAM, A. J. S. A Manual on Earthwork. Lond. 1863. 12mo. GRAHAM, C. K., Gen., U.S.A. Report of Gen. C. K. Graham, engineer in chief of the department of docks for the year ter- minating April 30, 1875. Tract. 8vo. vol. 251. Neio Torlc, 1875. 8vo. GRAHAM, D. A. A Treatise on the comparative commercial values of Gas-coals, and Cannels. Lond. 1882. 8vo. GRAHAM, G., Lieut. -CoL, B.E. Lectures. The Principles of Re- served Defence appHed to detached forts. Tract. 8vo. vol. 243. Chatham, 1864. Svo. GRAHAM, George, F.B.S., Watchmaker. A contrivance to avoid the Irregularities in a Clock's Motion, occasioned by the action of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum. Tract. Svo. vol. 41. (From Phil. Trans.) Lond. 1726. 4tO, GRAHAM, George, Engineer. The Caledonian Railway : account of its origin and completion, etc. Glasgow, 1888. 8vo. GRAHAM, H. H. On the Progress and Work of the Institute of Patent Agents. Tract. 8vo. vol. 493. Lond. 1890. 8vo. GRAHAM, J. C. An Elementary Treatise on Steam, and the use of the Indicator. Lond. 1877. Svo. GRAHAM, J. D., Colonel, U.S. Army. Annual report for the year 1859 on the improvement of the harbors of lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain. Tract. Svo. vol. 135. Washington, 1859. 8vo. A liinar Tidal Wave in the North American lakes. Tract. Svo. vol. 122. Cambridge, U.S., 1861. 8vo. (From Proc. American Association.) Map of Chicago. Chicago, 1858. folio. 490 GRAHAM — GRAHAME. GRAHAM, J. IX, Colonel, U.S. Army — nmtinncfl. Map of Chicago Harbor and Bar, Illinois. Chlcorjn, 1857. 4to. lioport ill relation to the intersection of the; Ijoundary Lines of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, being a portion of Mason and Dixon's line. 2nd edition. Tract. 8«o. vol. 141. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. GRAHAM, R. H. Graphic and Analytic Statics in theory and com- parison : to which is added a chapter on Wind Pressure. Land. 1883. 8vo. GRAHAM, T. Chemical Reports and Memoirs ; on atomic volume, isomorphism, endosmosis, the simultaneous contrast of colours, the latent heat of steam at different pressures, the artificial formation of alkaloids, and volcanic phenomena. \Cacen(lish Societi/.] Lond. 1848. 8vo. GRAHAM, T., and Watts, H. Elements of Chemistry : including the application of the science in the arts. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1850-58. 8vo. GRAHAME, James, Advocate. Answer to a pamphlet entitled " Observations on the report of Mr. H. Baird, C.E., relative to the proposed Union canal," etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 7. Edinburgh, 1814. 8vo. GRAHAME, James, Chartered Accountant. A digest of the Opinion of Parliament on the Powers and Management of Rail- ways and Canals. Tract, folio, vol. 38. Glasgoio, 1886. folio. GRAHAME, T. Correspondence between the Board of Trade and T. Grahame on Railway and Canal Combination. Tract. 8vo. vol. 116. Lond. 1852. 8vo. Description of a plan for passing the CHvities on Canals, with little or almost no expenditure of water. Tract, ito. vol. 1. Glasgow, 1836. 4to. Essays and letters on subjects conducive to the Improvement and Extension of Inland Communication and transport. Tract. 4:to. vol. 1. Lond. 1835. 4to. A Letter addressed to N. Wood, Esq., on that portion of his Treatise on Railroads, entitled, " Comparative performances of Motive Power on Canals and Railroads." Tract. 8vo. vol. 4. Glasgow, 1831. 8vo. • A Letter addressed to the Proprietors and Managers of Canals and Navigable Rivers, on a method for tracking and drawing vessels by a locomotive engine boat, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 9. Lond. 1825. 8vo. A Letter on the present system of Legislation which regulates Internal Intercourse in Great Britain, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 1. Lond. 1836. 4to. A Letter to the Traders and Carriers on the Navigations con- necting Liverpool and Manchester, showing the means they possess of competing with the railway, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 1. Glasgow, 1833. 4to. GKAHAME — GRAND. 491 GRAHAME, T. — continued. A Treatise on Internal Intercourse and Communication in civilised states, and particularly in Great Britain. Tract. 8vo. vol. 23. Loud. 1834. 8vo. GRAHAM-SMITH, C. Address on the Education of a Civil Engineer, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 454. Lond. 1876. 8vo. GRAHN, E. Die Art der Wasserversorgung der Stadte des deutschen Reiches mit mehr als 5,000 Einwohnern, etc. Miinchen, 1883. 4to. Die stadtische Wasserversorgung. 1 Band. Statistik. Milnchen, 1878. 8vo. GRAHN, E., and Meyer, F. A. Reisebericht iiber kiinstliche centrale Sandfiltration. Hamburg, 1877. 8vo. GRAINGER, T. Address on the desirableness of obtaining Com- munications relative to the construction and details of Engineering and other Public Works, accompanied by the necessary models and drawings. Tract. 8vo. vol. 97. [Edinburgh,] 1849. 8vo. GRAINGER, T., and Miller, J. Report and estimate of the probable Expense of the proposed Extension of the Garnkirk and Glasgow Railway to Port Dundas. Tract, ito. vol. 36. Edinburgh, 1828. 4to. Report of a Survey undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the line by which the best Road from the city of Glasgow to Ayrshire (near Flockside), is to be obtained, etc. Tract, ito. vol. 35. Edinburgh, 1829. 4to. Report relative to the formation of a Harbour and Dock in Trinity Bay, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, etc. Tract. 4to. vol. 34. Edinburgh, 1834. 4to. ■ Report relative to the proposed Railway, to connect the Clydesdale, or upper coal-field of Lanai*kshire, with the city of Glasgow, and the east and west country markets. Tract, ito. vol. 36. Edinburgh, 1828. 4to. • Reports on Edinburgh, Glasgow and Leith Railway, 1831. See Edinburgh, Glasgow and Leith Railway. GRAND CANAL, Ireland. Report of the Directors. Tract. 8vo. vol. 98. Dublin, 1816. 8vo. GRAND COLLIER DOCKS, Botherhithe. Prospectus. Tract, folio, vol. 49. Lond. 1837. folio. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. Act for making a . . . Canal from the Oxford Canal Navigation at Braunston to join the River Thames at . . . Brentford, etc. Lond. 1793. folio. Act for making certain navigable Cuts from Buckingham, Ayles- bury, and Wendover, to communicate with the Grand Junction Canal, etc. Land. 1794. folio. Acts for authorizing the Company ... to vary the Course of a part of the Canal in the County of Hertford . . . and for amending the Acts relating to the said Canal. Lond. 1795, 1818. folio. 492 GRAND JUNCTION. GRAND JUNCTION CAN AJ^.— ronihmed. Act for enabling the CiJinpjuiy . . . more effectually to provide for tliiiT OF CALIFOKNli AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY L 006 011 160 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY f ACILITY AA 000 921 351 3 Z 5854 159 c 1895 v.l < o >•