HF B3M4L UC-NRLF b 3 Dbb ^s^ 8061 12 W IVd A -N'asn; ,UA S ] aiaajspj "SOJg pjQ] j CIRCULAR No. 32A Public Service Commission OF MARYLAND Regulations Prescribing a Uniform System of Accounts for Gas Corporations ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION June 12, 191 BALTIMORE 1911 CIRCULAR No. 32A Public Service Commission OF MARYLAND Regulations Prescribing a Uniform System of Accounts for Gas Corporations ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION June 12, 1911 BALTIMORE 1911 of INDEX LIST OF ACCOUNTS. SCHEDULE A: BALANCE SHEET OR INDICANT ACCOUNTS. FIXED CAPITAL. Page. 1 Fixed Capital, June 30, 1911 M 11 Organization 1° 12 Royalties, Franchises and Licenses H 13 Manufacturing Plant H 131 Land ] 1 132 Buildings and Structures 12 133 Holders 12 134 Furnaces, Boilers and Accessories 12 135 Steam Engines 13 136 Gas Engines I 3 137 Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment 13 138 Benches and Retorts I 4 139 Water Gas Sets and Accessories 14 140 Purification Apparatus I 4 141 Accessory Equipment at Works • I 4 15 Transmission and Distribution I 4 151 Land 14 1 52 Trunk Lines and Mains 15 153 Street Mains, Extension and Improvements 15 154 Gas Services 1 R 155 Gas Meters 1 fi 1 56 Gas Meter Installation 16 1 6 Municipal Street Lighting Fixtures 17 17 Gas Engines and Appliances 17 18 General Office and Branches 1* 181 Land 1* 1 82 Buildings and Structures 18 183 Furniture and Fixtures IS 19 Other Equipment T9 191 Land 19 192 Buildings and Structures 19 193 Gas Tools and Implements 20 194 Laboratory Equipment 20 195 Storeroom Equipment 20 196 Stable Equipment 20 20 Miscellaneous Expenditures during Construction 21 201 Engineering and Superintendence 21 202 Law Expenditures 21 203 Taxes 21 204 Interest 22 205 Injuries 22 206 General Construction Expenses 22 21 Other Tangible Gas Capital 22 22 Other Intangible Gas Capital 23 23 Tangible Capital in other Departments 23 FLOATING CAPITAL. 251 Cash 23 252 Bills Receivable 24 253 Accounts Receivable ttWAH'A'Zy 24 Index 254 Other Current Assets 24 255 Materials and Supplies 24 256 Investments 25 257 Sinking Funds, Invested 25 258 Sinking Funds, Uninvested 25 259 Special Deposits 2(5 260 Prepayments 26 261 Unextinguished Discount on Securities 26 262 Suspense 27 263 Re-acquired Securities 27 DEBT. 271 Funded Debt 28 Unfunded Debt 29 272 Taxes Accrued 29 273 Interest Accrued on Funded Debt 30 274 Interest Accrued on Unfunded Debt 30 275 Judgments, Unpaid 30 276 Receiver's Certificates 31 277 BMls Payable 31 278 Consumer's Deposits, Gas 31 279 Accounts Payable 31 280 Dividends Payable 32 281 Other Unfunded Debt 32 RESERVES. 282 Sinking Fund Reserves 32 283 Reserve for Accrued Depreciation 32 284 Optional Reserves 33 285 Premiums on Capital Stock 34 CAPITAL STOCK. 286 Common Stocks 34 286A Preferred Stocks 34 SCHEDULE B: INCOME ACCOUNT. Operating Revenues. 301 Municipal Street Lighting 38 302 Municipal Mixed Lighting and Power 38 303 Municipal Power 38 304 Commercial Lighting 38 305 Commercial Power 38 306 Miscellaneous Sales of Gas 39 307 Sales of Residuals and Byproducts 39 308 Miscellaneous Gas Revenue 39 Non-operating Revenues. 321 Rent from Lease of Gas Plant 40 322 Rent from Lease of Real Estate or Buildings 40 323 Interest Revenues 40 324 Dividends Declared 40 325 Miscellaneous Non-operating Revenue 40 OPERATING EXPENSES. I. Production Expenses. Page. 401 Superintendence and Labor 41 (a) Works, Superintendence 41 (b) Boiler House Labor 41 ( c ) Retort House Labor 42 (d) Generator House Labor 42 (e) Miscellaneous Labor at Works 42 402 Boiler Fuel 42 403 Fuel under Retorts 42 404 Coal Carbonized 43 405 Generator Fuel 43 406 Coal Gas Enricber 43 407 Oil (Water Gas) 43 408 Water 44 409 Purification Labor 44 410 Purification Supplies 44 411 Miscellaneous Works Expense 44 412 Repairs of Works and Stations 44 413 Repairs of Power Plant 45 (a) Furnaces, Boilers and Accessories 45 (b) Steam Engines ; 46 (c) Gas Engines 46 (d) Miscellaneous Power Plant : 46 414 Repairs of Gas Apparatus 46 (a) Benches and Retorts 47 (b) Water Gas Sets and Accessories 47 (c) Purification Apparatus 47 (d) Holders 47 (e) Miscellaneous Equipment 47 415 Repairs of Works Tools 48 416 Gas Storage 48 417 Purchased Gas 48 418 Residual Expenses 48 II. Transmission and Distribution Expenses. 421 Transmission Pumping 49 422 Distribution Superintendence 49 423 Distribution Supplies and Expenses 49 424 Gas Meter and Installation Work 49 425 Gratuitous Work 50 426 Repairs of Gas Mains 50 427 Repairs of Gas Services 51 428 Repairs of Gas Meters 51 429 Repairs of Distribution Tools 51 430 Repairs of Gas Appliances 51 III. Municipal Street Lighting Expenses. 441 Street Lamp Operating 52 IV. Commercial Expenses. Page. 442 Commercial Expense 52 (a) Collection Expense 52 (b) Office Expense 555 (c) Office Salaries 52 443 New Business 52 ( a ) Advertising 53 (b) Appliance Demonstrations 53 (c) Soliciting 53 ( d ) Gas Appliances 53 (e) Gas Engine Expense 53 (f ) House Fitting 53 V. General and Miscellaneous Expenses. 451 Salaries — General 53 452 Expense — General Office 54 453 Insurance 54 454 Accidents and Damages 54 455 Relief Department and Pensions 55 456 General Law Expenses 55 457 Stable Expenses 55 458 Storeroom Expenses 55 DEDUCTIONS FROM INCOME. 459 Taxes 56 460 Uncollectible Bills 56 461 Interest on Funded Debt 56 462 Interest on Unfunded Debt 56 463 Inventory Adjustments 56 464 Miscellaneous Non-operating Expense 57 APPROPRIATIONS. 501 Extinguishment of Discount on Securities 57 502 Depreciation of Plant 58 503 Sinking Funds 59 504 Optional Reserves 59 505 Dividends Declared 59 506 Miscellaneous 60 Bad debts collected or written off. ... , Expenses elsewhere Unprovided for Additions to Surplus Deductions from Surplus REGULATIONS ISSUED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF MARYLAND PRESCRIBING A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR GAS COR- PORATIONS. Issued under order of the Commission of June 12th, 191 1. 1. On and after July 1, 1911, every gas corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of gas, and every gas- corporation not engaged in operation, shall keep upon ils hooks the accounts prescribed or defined in "Schedule A" so far as the said accounts are pertinent to the facts and cir- cumstances of the said corporation. The term gas corporation is used herein in the sense defined in the Public Service Com- mission Law. 2. < )n and after the date of service of this order on any such gas corporation, such corporation shall not charge to any account representing cost of property any discount or com- mission on securities issued by the said corporation, but shall charge all such discounts, commissions, and other expense con- nected with the issue of securities subsequent to the said date of service in accordance with the directions contained in the definitions of the account named "Organization," and the ac- count named "Unextinguished Discount on Securities," in the said "Schedule A." :>. On and after July 1, 1911, every such gas corporation shall keep upon its books the accounts prescribed or defined in the schedule marked "Schedule B," so far as the same are pertinent to the facts and circumstances of the said corpo- ration. 4. On and after July 1, 1911, any such gas corporation may keep upon its books the accounts prescribed or defined in the uniform system of accounts for gas companies adopted by the American Gas Light Association on October 15, 1902, so far as the same are pertinent to the facts and circumstances of said corporation, in lieu of the accounts prescribed or defined in the schedules marked "A" and "B"; provided, however, that there be tiled with the Public Service Commission a statement containing a list of said accounts and the definitions thereof; provided further, that nothing herein shall contravene the pro- visions of paragraph 2 with reference to the account named "Organization" and tlie account named "Unextinguished Dis- count on Securities" set forth in the said -Schedule 'A.' " nor with the account named "Depreciation of Plant" as specified in the said "Schedule 'B;'" and provided further, that every such gas corporation may also keep upon its hooks any other or additional accounts prescribed or denned in the said "Schedule ' A' " or "Schedule 'B;'" hut no change shall he made in the primary accounts prescribed in either of said schedules. 5. For the purpose of improving the efficiency of administra- tion and operation, any corporation may unless or until other- wise ordered keep upon its books any temporary or experi- mental accounts and any accounts covering particular divisions of its operations, hut no change shall be made in the primary accounts prescrihed in either "Schedule 'A' " or "Schedule 'B' " or in the accounts prescribed in the uniform system of accounts for gas companies adopted by the American Gas Light Associa- tion on October 1."), 1902, without the assent of the Public Service Commission being first obtained. 6. All notices herein required to be filed covering accounts shall be upon sheets Sy 2 inches by 11 inches in size, and shall be entitled in the name of the corporation tiling said notices, followed by a brief statement of the character of the accounts covered by the notice. SCHEDULE A. BALANCE SHEET OK INDICANT ACCOUNTS. 1 GAS CORPORATIONS AND GAS OPERATIONS DEFINED. Section 1 of the Public Service Commission Law defines a Gas Corporation as follows: The term "Gas Corporation" when used in I his Act, includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees of receivers appointed by any Court whatsoever, owning, operating, man- aging or controlling any plant or property for manufacturing and distributing and selling for distribution or selling or dis- tributing illuminating gas (natural or artificial or manu- factured, and wheresoever and howsoever derived or obtained) for light, heat, fuel or power, or for any public use whatever. Gas Operations, As the term is hereinafter used, include all acts and trans- actions directly connected with the operation of a plant for the production of gas (whether natural or manufactured), the transmission thereof and the supply thereof to consumers for light, heat or power, and all operations incident thereto, in- cluding the collection of revenues therefor and the disposition of byproducts produced in connection therewith. ACCOUNTS TO 1510 KEPT BY DOUBLE-ENTBY METHOD. All accounts kept by any corporation or person within the scope of the present order shall on and after June 30, 11)11, be kept by the double-entry method. NOTE. — This requirement is not intended to apply to purely statis- tical accounts. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. By Capital as herein used, is meant all property of a corpo- ration devoted to the rendering of the services or the produc- tion of the commodities which are within the purposes of the corporation. FIXED CAPITAL. Fixed Capital is capital which has an expectation of life in service of more than one year (exception being made of hand and other small portable tools liable to be lost or stolen). Fixed Capital is divisible into: (a) Original Capital. That put into service at the outset of an enterprise. (b) Additions. Such additional .structures, facilities or equipment as do not take the place of anything previously existing. (c) Betterments. The enlargement or improvement of existing structures, facilities and equipment. (d) Fate teals. All extensions of terms of years in land and tangible fixed capital and all extensions of the life period of franchises and other intangible fixed capital. (e) Replacements. All substitutions for capital exhausted or become inadequate in service, the substitutes having practically no greater capac- ity than the things for which they were substituted. When through wear and tear or through casualty it be- comes necessary to replace some part of any structure, facil- ity or unit of equipment and the extent of such replacement docs not amount to a substantial change of identity in such structure, facility or unit of equipment, the replacement is to be considered a repair, and the cost of such repair is to be treated as an operating expense and must not be charged as a replacement in any capital account. Fixed Capital is also divided into landed capital and non- landed capital. Landed Capital includes all interests in land (exclusive of improvements thereon) the term of which is more than one year. All other fixed capital is herein called Non- Landed Capital. Intangible and Tangible Capital Defined. Non-landed capital is divisible into intangible ami tangible. Intangible capital comprises organization, franchises, patenl rights, and all other intangible property within the definition of fixed non-landed capital as above stated. Tangible Capital comprises structures and equipment having- an expectation of life in service of more than one year. Because of their liability to loss or theft, hand and other small portable tools are ex- cepted from tangible capital, and the cost of such tools is re- quired to be treated as a part of the expenses. Hand and other small portable tools when first acquired and before issued for use may be charged to the "Materials and Supplies" account, and when issued charged to the appropriate expense account and the account "Materials and Supplies" credited with same. FLOATING CAPITAL. Capital other than fixed capital is called floating capital. PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER CAPITAL PURCHASED. When any fixed capital in the form of a going or completed plant is purchased, an appraisal of such capital so acquired shall be made, and the different constituent elements of the plant, equipment or other capital acquired shall be appraised at their then structural value; that is to say, at the estimated cost of replacement or reproduction less a proper allowance for depreciation based upon the length of time the plant has been in service and for such part of the plant as may be ob- solete or inadequate for economical use. If the actual money value of the consideration given for the. plant or other capital was, at the time of acquisition, in excess of such appraised value, the excess shall be charged to the account "Other Intangible Gas Capital" and the appraised values of the constituent parts shall be charged to the appro- priate accounts as designated in the following definitions of accounts for fixed capital. If the actual money value of the consideration given was not in excess of such appraised value, such money value shall be distributed through the said accounts in proportion to the said appraised value of the constituent parts appropriate to the respective accounts. Full report of the contract of acquisition, the consideration given therefor, the determination of the actual money value of such consideration, the appraisal and the amounts charged to the respective accounts for each plant or other such fixed capital purchased, will be required to be made to the Public Service Commission. COSTS OF NEW CAPITAL. All charges made to capital or other accounts on or after July 1, 1911, shall l>e the actual money cost of the things in respect of which they are made. When the consideration actually given for. the thing in respect of which a charge to a, capital account is made is anything other than money, the actual consideration shall be described in the entry with suf- ficient fullness and particularity to identify it, and the amount charged shall be the actual money value of such considera- tion at the time of the transaction. COSTS OF LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. Cost of labor (employed in construction I includes not only wages, salaries and fees paid employes, but also such personal expenses of employes as are borne by the corporation. Cost of materials and supplies consumed in construction is the cost at the place where they enter into construction, in- cluding cost of transportation and inspection when specifically assignable. DISCOUNTS ON SECURITIES. Discounts upon securities or commercial paper issued in pay- ment for capital are to be provided for in other accounts ami must in no case be charged to capital accounts. WITHDRAWALS OK RETIREMENTS. When anything is withdrawn or retired from service, the amount at which such thing stood charged in the capital ae- count shall be credited to the capital account in which it stood charged at the time of withdrawal, and the entry of such credit shall give by name and page of book or other record the original entry of cost of the thing withdrawn. If there is no such original entry, that fact shall be stated in connection with the credit entry. If such amount is not known, it shall be estimated, the facts upon which the estimate is based shall be shown and the amount thus estimated to be the original charge in respect of such thing withdrawn shall be credited. PARTICULARS REQUIRED TO BE SHOWN IX ENTRIES. Every charge made to a capital account on and after July 1. L911, shall show whether the thing in respect to which the charge is made is original capital, or an addition, a betterment, a renewal or a replacement. If the thing is a betterment, re- newal or replacement the entry shall designate the thing en- larged, improved, renewed or replaced and shall state by name and page of book or other record of entry the original cost of such thing enlarged, improved, renewed or replaced. If there is no entry in the accounts showing the cost ( to the corpora- tion ) of such thing bettered, renewed or replaced that fact shall be stated in the entry, and the cost shall be estimated, if not known, and when estimated the basis of such estimate shall be shown. If any betterment involves the partial destruction or partial reconstruction of the thing bettered, only such portion of the cost of the change shall be charged as a betterment as will when added to the original cost (estimated if not known) of the thing bettered give the cost of reconstruction or replacement of the thing as bettered, and the remainder of the cost of change (account being taken of any salvage) shall be charged to the appropriate repair account. First entries to all capital accounts in respect of any par- ticular thing shall describe it with such particularity as to en- able its identification and shall give it a. distinguishing name, number, or other designation by which it shall thereafter be designated in every entry in any capital account which in any way concerns it. 10 DEFINITIONS. OF FIXED CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. In the following definitions of accounts the numbers pre- fixed to the titles are inserted solely for convenience of refer- ence and are no part of the titles or definitions. The initials "P. A." affixed to the titles indicate the "Primary accounts." I— FIXED CAPITAL JUNE 30, 1911. Charge to this account all the Fixed Capital (that is, the total cost of all land, plant, equipment, apparatus, etc., other than materials and supplies, hand and other small tools) of the accounting person or corporation as such capital stood at the close of June 30, 1911. Such charges shall be made at the figures at which such capital was carried on the books of the said person or corporation on that date. When any capital included in such account is retired from service, the amount at which it is charged therein shall be credited to this account ; and the amount originally charged to capital, less any salvage that may occur, shall be concurrently charged to the account "Reserve for Depreciation" (or equivalent account carried on the books on June 30, 1911, unless there was carried on the books at that date a reserve to cover retirements of capital from service, in which case the said concurrent charge shall be made to such retirement account. If the amount at which said capital in service on June 30, 1911 (and subsequently re- tired from service) was included in the said account is not disclosed on the books and records of the accounting person or corporation and is not within the knowledge of such person or corporation or officers or other employes thereof, it shall be estimated and such estimated amount shall be treated as is above directed for the actual amount, the fact of estimation be- ing stated in the entry. The Following Capital Accounts Are Prescribed For Trans- actions Subsequent to June 30, 1011. II— ORGANIZATION.— P. A. Charge to this account all fees paid to governments for the privilege of incorporation, and all office and other expenditure 11 incident to organizing the corporation or other enterprise and putting it in readiness to do business. This includes cost of preparing and distributing prospectuses, cost of soliciting sub- scriptions for stock (but not for loans nor for the purchase of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness), cash fees paid to promoters, and the actual cash value at the time of organiza- tion of securities paid to promoters for their services in organ- izing the enterprise, counsel fees, cost of preparing and issuing certificates of stock, and cost of procuring certificates of neces- sity from state authorities, and other like costs. Like costs incident to preparing and filing certificates of authorization of increase of capital stock, and to the negotiation and issue of stock thereunder, shall be classed as additions. Cost of preparing and filing certificates of amendment of articles of incorporation shall be classed as a betterment. This account shall not include any discounts upon stocks or other securities issued, nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans or selling bonds or other evidence of indebtedness. 12— ROYALTIES, FRANCHISES AND LICENSES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of royalties or licenses paid to licensors, and payments to city, town or state (exclusive of taxes) for franchises. If any such franchise has a life of not more than one year after the date when it is placed in service, it shall not be charged to this account, but to the appropriate accounts in "Operating Expenses," and in "Prepayments'' if extending beyond the fiscal year. 13— MANUFACTURING PLANT.— P. A. 131 — Land. Charge to this account the cost of all land used in the opera- tions of the corporation, including rights of way for transmis- sion and distribution lines and for canal and pipe lines, water rights, rights of pondage, flowage and submersion. Such cost includes cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, conveyancer's and notary's fees, purchasing agent's com- mission or fees, or purchasing agent's salary, taxes accrued to 12 date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title acquired; also costs of obtaining consents and payments for abutting damages. This account should also include the cost of wreck- ing or removing any buildings thereon, less the salvage, to pre- pare the land for the corporation's purposes. NOTE. — Cost of buildings and other improvements must not be in- cluded in this account. 132 — Buildings and Structures. Charge to this account the cost of the power plant, sub- station, and all other buildings, also of all fixtures perma- nently attached thereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for lighting, warm- ing and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for lighting, elec- tric wiring and fixtures for lighting, signaling, and the like, elevators and the motive power for operating same, and heat- ing apparatus. This account also includes stacks and such piers and other foundations for machinery and apparatus as are designated to be as permanent as the buildings in which they are constructed and to outlast the first machinery or ap- paratus mounted thereon. Charge also the cost of architect's plans and of superintendence of construction. 133 — Holders. Charge to this account the cost of all holders at works and outlying stations, including tanks, foundations, holders, frame work, guides, pulleys, etc., and inlet and outlet valves of such holders. 134 — Furnaces, Boilers and Accessories. Charge to this account the cost of all furnaces, boilers, and boiler apparatus and accessories devoted to the production of steam for use in producing gas and in furnishing motive power in gas works and stations. This includes boilers and valves thereto attached, appurtenant furnaces and grates, and Hues leading to smokestacks and chimneys, and the specially pro 13 vided foundations and settings of such boilers and appur- tenances; also iron smokestacks. It also includes mechanical stokers and other like apparatus for regulating the supply of fuel, feed a^id hot water heaters and economizers, injectors, filters, feed pumps, blower engines, coal conveyors, ash con- veyors, water pipes, steam traps, drains, and separators, and pipes for conducting steam from the boiler to engine, to con- densers, or to the gas generators, exhaust pipes, etc. It does not include steam pipes whose primary purpose is the heating of buildings. 135 — Steam Engines. Charge to this account the cost of all steam engines devoted to use as prime movers in gas works. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings of such engines. The engine, whether reciprocating or rotary (such as steam turbines), shall be considered to include the throttle or inlet valve and the governor; also condensers and air pumps, but not the steam pipe leading from the boiler, nor the exhaust pipe. 136 — Gas Engines. Charge to this account the cost of all gas engines devoted to use as prime movers in gas works and stations. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings of such en- gines. The engine includes the inlet valve and governor, and ignition and starting apparatus, but not the pipe leading from the gas holder, nor the exhaust pipe. 137 — Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all miscellaneous power plant equipment at gas works which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes such mechanical ap- paratus as belts, pulleys, hangers, countershafts, and other ap- paratus intermediary between prime movers and the apparatus operated, cranes, hoists, etc., and machine tools and such other tools at power plants as are proper to be capitalized, etc. 14 138 — Benches and Retorts. Charge to this account the cost of all benches and retorts devoted to the production of coal gas. This iucludes the cost of the specially provided foundations and settings and auxili- ary piping, including foul and hydraulic mains. 139 — Water Gas Sets and Accessories. Charge to this account the cost of sets and accessories de- voted to the production of water gas, including the cost of specially provided foundations and settings for such sets. This also includes the cost of generators, carbureters, super- heaters, seals and piping connected therewith and blast ap- paratus, oil and steam supplying apparatus, oil heaters, etc. It does not include pipes whose primary purpose is the warm- ing of buildings. 140 — Purification Apparatus. Charge to this account the cost of all purification apparatus, such as condensers, washers, scrubbers, purifiers, tar extract- ors, etc., and their auxiliary apparatus and piping, including the cost of specially provided foundations and settings. 141 — Accessory Equipment at Works. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment at works, substations and holder stations which is not includible under any of the foregoing accounts. This includes exhausters, sta- tion meters, governors, etc.; apparatus for charging retorts; conveyors for disposing of coke and other products and re- siduals ; tar and ammonia apparatus, pumps, pipes, tanks, etc. 15— TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION.— P. A. I % 1 151 — Land. Charge to this account (he cost of all land used in the opera lions of the corporation, including rights of way for transuiis 15 sion and distribution lines and for canal and pipe lines, water rights, rights of pondage, flowage and submersion. Such cost includes cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, conveyancer's and notary's fees, purchasing agent's com- missions or fees, or purchasing agent's salary, taxes accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title acquired; also costs of obtaining consents and payments for abutting damages. This account should also include the cost of wreck- ing and removing any buildings thereon, less the salvage, to prepare the land for the corporation's purposes. NOTE.— Cost of buildings and other improvements must not be in- cluded in this account. 152 — Trunk Lines and Mains. Charge to this account the cost of all trunk lines and mains in place on June 30, 11)11. This includes all pipe lines from yard connections to district holders, and from the works gov- ernors to the beginnings of services, including the cost of all trenching, etc., necessary to the placing of the pipe, and the cost of filling trenches, restoring the surface to its former con- dition or to that required by the municipal authorities at the time the line is installed. I53 — Street Mains, Extension and Improvement. This account is intended to show the total cost of labor and material of all new mains laid and the cost of laying new street mains to replace old mains subsequent to July 1, 1911. In case new mains are laid charge this account with the cost of all labor and material, including cartage, city permits, trenching, paving, etc. In case of old mains, laid before July 1, 1911, replaced by mains of larger size, charge this account and credit "Trunk Lines and Mains" with the original cost of old mains when laid, less present value of material recovered and taken into storeroom. If original cost cannot be arrived at, use estimated cost based upon present cost of laying same size pipe. 16 In case of old main, laid before July 1, 1911, and abandoned and left in the ground, charge "Reserve for Depreciation" and credit "Trunk Lines and Mains" with the original cost of the old main when laid. If original cost cannot be arrived at, use estimated cost based upon present cost of laying same size pipe. NOTE.— Debits to this account and to "Reserve for Depreciation" for mains abandoned must be analyzed in the report to the Public Service Commission. 154 — Gas Services. Charge to this account the cost of the corporation's property in service pipes and appurtenances in or leading to consumers' premises. This includes the cost of material in place, cost of trenching for placing services, and of filling trenches and re- storing surface to proper condition. NOTE A. — When consumers are required to pay some or all of the cost of services only that portion of the cost not chargeable to the con- sumer is chargeable to this account. NOTE B— The cost of renewing or modifying services shall not be charged to this account. 155 — Gas Meters. Charge to this account the cost of the corporation's property in all meters and appurtenances used in measuring the gas delivered consumers. , NOTE A. — This account does not include the cost of the corporation's meters at the works. Such cost shall be charged to account No. 23, "Accessory Equipment at Works." NOTE B— The cost of setting, removing, or re-setting such meters shall not be charged to this account. 15 6 — Gas Meter Installation. Charge to this account the cost of labor and materials (ex- clusive of cock and connections) of the first set ling of meters for determining the amount of gas delivered to consumers, in IT case it is the policy of 1h< corporation to capitalize the cost of such setting. 16— MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING FIXTURES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of the corporation's property in the lamps, posts, and auxiliary apparatus and appliances used in lighting streets for a municipal corporation. Such cost includes not only cost of material but also cost of first setting and coupling up. It does not include cost of removal or change of position. NOTE. — Where the municipality requires for its special benefit the extension of mains and services for street lighting, such extensions may, so long as used solely for street lighting, be charged to this ac- count, provided a full description of the extensions so charged and the amounts charged in respect thereof be filed with the Public Service Commission on or before the date when the entry thereof is made upon the books of the corporation. 3 7— (IAS ENGINES AND APPLIANCES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of the corporation's property in gas engines leased to consumers (including municipal corpo- rations), but not those held for purposes of sale. Such en- gines include all appliances for the production of mechanical motion through the consumption of gas. Also charge to this account the cost of the corporation's property in all gas stoves and other heating appliances leased to consumers, but not those held for purposes of sale. This includes stoves, ranges, heaters, hot plates, sadirons, tailors' irons and gooses, and other like devices and appliances consuming gas for the direct production of heat. NOTE. — The cost of setting and connecting such engines and heating appliances on the premises of consumers and the cost of re-setting or of removal shall not be charged to this account. 18 IS— GENERAL OFFICE AND BRANCHES.— P. A. 181 — Land. Charge to this account the cost of all land used in the opera- tions of the corporation, including rights of way for transmis- sion and distribution lines and for canal and pipe lines, water rights, rights of pondage, flowage and submersion. Such cost includes cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, conveyancer's and notary's fees, purchasing agent's com- missions or fees, or purchasing agent's salary, taxes accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title acquired ; also costs of obtaining consents and payments for abutting damages. This account should also include the cost of wreck- ing or removing any buildings thereon, less the salvage, to prepare the land for the corporation's purposes. NOTE. — Cost of buildings and other improvements must not be in- cluded in this account. 182 — Buildings and Structures. Charge to this account the cost of the power plant, sub- station, and all other buildings, also of all fixtures perma- nently attached thereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for lighting, warm- ing and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for lighting, electric wiling and fixtures for lighting, signaling, and the like, eleva- tors and the motive power for operating same, and heating apparatus. This account also includes stacks and such piers and other foundations for machinery and apparatus as are designated to be as permanent as the buildings in which they are constructed and to outlast the first machinery or apparatus mounted thereon. Charge also the cost of architect's plans and of superintendence of construction. 183 — Furniture and Fixtures. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of general offices, such as desks, chairs, tables, movable safes, filing 19 cases, drafting room equipment, and other like office appliances and equipment ; also engineering instruments. 19— OTHER EQUIPMENT.— P. A. 191 — Land. Charge to this account the cost of all land used in the opera- tions of the corporation, including rights of way for transmis- sion and distribution lines and for canal and pipe lines, water rights, rights of pondage, tiowage and submersion. Such cost includes cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, conveyancer's and notary's fees, purchasing agent's com- missions or fees, or purchasing agent's salary, taxes accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title accrued to date of transfer of title and all liens upon the title acquired; also costs of obtaining consents and payments for abutting damages. This account should also include the cost of wreck- ing or removing any buildings thereon, less the salvage, to pre- pare the land for the corporation's purposes. NOTE. — Cost of buildings and other improvements must not be in- cluded in this account. 192 — Buildings and Structures. Charge to this account the cost of the power plant, sub- station, and all other buildings, also of all fixtures perma- nently attached thereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for lighting, warm- ing and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for lighting, elec- tric wiring and fixtures for lighting, signaling, and the like, elevators and the motive power for operating same, and heat- ing apparatus. This account also includes stacks and such piers and other foundations for machinery and apparatus as are designated to be as permanent as the buildings in which they are constructed and to outlast the first machinery or apparatus mounted thereon. Charge also the cost of architect's plans and of superintendence of construction. 20 193 — Gas Tools and Implements. Charge to this account as follows : (a) The cost of all tools and implements coming within the scope of the definition of fixed capital (that is, having an ex- pectation of life in service of more than one year) and not cov- ered by any of the foregoing equipment accounts. 194 — Laboratory Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all physical and chemical apparatus used in testing, and other technological work, and of all equipment in laboratories used for technological work, such as calorimetry, photometry, chemical analysis, and the like; also all equipment for testing building and other materials used in the engineering operations of the company. NOTE. — This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. 195 — Storeroom Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment in store- rooms, such as counters, shelving, carts, barrels, trucks and other apparatus and appliances used in the handling of mate- rials and supplies. NOTE. — This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. 196 — Stable Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of general stables, including horses, harness, drays, wagons, automobiles and other vehicles. NOTE. — This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. 21 20— MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION EXPENDI- TURES.— P. A. Charge to this account expenditures during construction, as follows : 201 — Engineering and Superintendence. Charge to this account all expenditures for services of engi- neers, draftsmen and superintendents employed on preliminary and construction work, and all expenses incident to the work, when such disbursements can not be assigned to specific con- struction. 202 — Law Expenditures. Charge to this account all expenditures incurred in connec- tion with the construction of a gas plant, such as the pay and expense of all counsel, solicitors and attorneys, their clerks and attendants, and expenses of their offices, printing of briefs, legal forms, testimony reports, and the like ; payments to arbi- trators for the settlement of disputed questions, costs of suit and payments of special fees, notarial fees and witness fees, and expense connected with taking depositions; also all legal and court expenses. When any of the expenditures above enumerated can be charged directly to the account for which incurred, they should be so charged, and not to this account. Expenditures in connection with the acquisition of the right of way or other land should be charged to Land. Law ex- penditures in connection with the organization of the corpora- tion should be charged to Organization. 203 — Taxes. Charge to this account all taxes and assessments levied and paid on property belonging to the corporation while under construction and before the plant is opened for commercial operation. 22 204 — Interest. Charge to this account the interest accrued upon all moneys and credits available upon demand, acquired for use in con- nection with the construction and equipment of the property, from the time of such acquisition until the construction is ready for use. Interest receivable accrued upon such moneys and credits should be credited to this account. To this ac- count should also be credited discounts realized through prompt payment of bills incurred for the particular construc- tion involved. 205 — Injuries. Charge to this account all expenditures incident to injuries to persons when caused directly in connection with construc- tion of the plant or equipment, including payments to physi- cians and surgeons, nursing and hospital attendance, medical and surgical supplies, transportation for conveying injured persons and attendants, funeral expenses and all like costs in- cident thereto. 206 — General Construction Expenses. Charge to this account the salaries and expense of executive and general officers of the plant under construction, clerks in general offices engaged on construction accounts or work, rent and repair of offices when rented for construction purposes with the office expenses, insurance during construction ; also all construction and equipment items of a special and inci- dental nature that can not be charged to any other account in this classification. 21— OTHER TANGIBLE GAS CAPITAL.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all tangible gas capital not elsewhere provided for. 23 22— OTHER INTANGIBLE GAS CAPITAL.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all other property coming within the definition of intangible capital and devoted to gas operations. All entries of charges to this account shall de- scribe the acquired property with sufficient particularity clearly to identify it, and shall show specifically the principal from whom acquired and all agents representing such prin- cipal in the transaction ; also the term of life of such property, estimated if not known, and if estimated, the facts upon which the estimate is based. 23— TANGIBLE CAPITAL IN OTHER DEPART- MENTS.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all property of the corpo- ration coining within the definition of tangible capital devoted to other than gas operations. DEFINITIONS OF FLOATING CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. Floating Capital is divided into two groups, of which the first is herein called Current Assets and the second Materials and Supplies. In the following definitions the figures prefixed to the titles of the accounts are no part of the titles and are inserted merely for convenience of reference. 251— CASH.— P. A. Charge to this account all money coining into the possession of the corporation and in which the corporation has the bene- ficial interest. This includes coin of the United States, United States treasury notes, gold and silver certificates and green- backs, and bank bills payable to bearer. Also charge to it all bank credits, checks and drafts receivable, subject to satisfac- tion or transfer upon demand (whether payable to bearer or to order). Credit this account with all cash disbursements of the corporation. 24: 252— BILLS RECEIVABLE.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all bills receivable (ex- cept as below provided) which are the property of the corpo- ration and upon which solvent concerns are liable or which are sufficiently secured to be considered good. This account includes demand notes, drafts, etc., issued by others than banks, and time notes, drafts, etc., by whomever issued. This account does not include investments (for which see below) ; nor does it include interest coupons. 253— ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.— P. A. Charge to this account all amounts owing to the corporation upon open book accounts with solvent concerns and individ- uals (other than cash deposited in banks) ; also the cost of all accounts and claims upon which responsibility is acknowledged by solvent concerns or which are sufficiently secured to be con- sidered good, and of all judgments against solvent concerns Avhere the judgment is not appealable or suspended through appeal. This account does not include negotiables. 254— OTHER CURRENT ASSETS.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all current assets of the corporation which are not includible under any of the last three foregoing accounts. By current assets are meant only those things which are readily convertible into money and which are held with the intent of being presently converted into money and not as investments. 255— MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (including transportation) of all materials and supplies which are not debited, on re- ceipt, directly to the construction or operating expense ac- count for which they are purchased, regardless of whether the same are intended to be consumed in construction or in opera- tion, or later to be sold. Where discounts recovered through prompt payment arc not credited to the particular bills, the cost at which such ma- terials and supplies shall be charged shall be the invoice price and any discounts later recovered through prompt payment for such bills and supplies shall be credited to this account. When any materials or supplies, the cost of which has been charged to this account, are issued for use, the cost of the same shall be credited to ''Materials and Supplies" and debited to the proper construction or operating expense account. Inventories of materials and supplies shall be taken at least annually, and any shortages or overages xlisclosed by such in- ventories shall be credited or debited to this account and debited or credited to the operating expense account No. — , "In- ventory Adjustments," in case they cannot be assigned to specific accounts. L »r,(i— l NVESTMENTS.— P. A. By Investments, as here used, are meant all properties or se curities acquired for use in present operations, as a means of obtaining or exercising control over other corporations, or for income to be derived from them, or for a rise in value, or for devotion to future operations at a time when it seems probable that they cannot be so advantageously acquired as at the time of actual acquisition. The cost of the corporation's title to any property or securities held as an investment for other than the Sinking Funds shall he charged to this account. 257— SINKING FINDS, INVESTED.— P. A. To this account should be charged the cost of live securities in the hands of trustees for the purpose of redeeming outstand- ing obligations. This should not include any reacquired securi- ties issued by the respondent. 258— SINKING FINDS, UNINVESTED.— P. A. To this account should be charged the amount of cash set aside for investment for the Sinking Funds; also amounts de- posited with a trustee on account of mortgaged property sold. 26 259— SPECIAL DEPOSITS.— P. A. By Special Deposits, as here used, are meant amounts <»t' money and bank credits in the hands of fiscal or other agents of the corporation for the payment of coupons, dividends or other .special purposes. Charges to this account shall specify the purpose for which the deposit is made. When such purposes are satisfied this account shall be credited with the amount specially deposited to provide such satisfaction. 260— PEEPAY^I ENTS.— P. A. When prepayments for taxes, insurance, rents and the like are made in advance of the actual accrual thereof, the amount of the advance payment shall be charged to this account. As such taxes, etc., accrue this account shall be credited and the appropriate expense or income account be charged. When prepayments are made for any other thing than taxes, insurance and rents, etc.. such prepayments shall be charged to this account; and as the purpose of prepayment is satisfied, proportionate amounts shall be credited monthly to this ac- count and charged to the appropriate expense or income ac- count. NOTE. — By the accrual of taxes, insurance, rents, etc., is meant their accumulation when considered as spread uniformly over the period to which they apply. Thus, if the rent fixed by contract of leaso for a certain property is $600 for a calendar year, this accrues at the rate of $50 each month, regardless of the actual times when the rent matures; $50 should thus (if the rent has been prepaid) be credited each month to this account and concurrently charged to the appro priate account in the "Income" account. Similarly in the case of other prepayments. 261— UNEXTINGUISHED DISCOUNT ON SECURI- TIES.— P. A. When capital stocks, funded debt, securities and other evi- dences of indebtedness are disposed of for a consideration whose cash value is less than the sum of the par value of the securities or other evidences of indebtedness and of the interest thereon accrued at the time the transfer takes place, the ex- cess of such sum of the par value and accrued interest over the cash value of the consideration received shall be charged to this account. To this account shall also be charged all expense connected with the issue and sale of evidences of debt, such as fees for drafting mortgages and trust deeds, fees and taxes for record- ing mortgages and trust deeds, cost of engraving and printing- bonds, certificates of indebtedness and other commercial paper having a life of more than one year, fees paid trustees provided for in mortgages and trust deeds, fees and commissions paid underwriters and brokers for marketing such evidences of debt and other like expense. At or before the close of each fiscal period thereafter, a proportion of such discount and expense based upon the life of the security to maturity shall be cred- ited to this account and charged to account No. , "Extin- guishment of Discount on Securities." Such discount and ex- pense may, it' desired, be extinguished more rapidly through charges of all or any part of it, either at the time of issue or later, to the year's ''Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account. •nvi— scspexse.— 1». a. To this account shall be made all debits not elsewhere dis- tributed or provided for, or the final disposition of which is un- certain. This will include all such matters as expense of work not yet completed and of preliminary surveys, plans, investiga- tions, etc.. made for determining the feasibility of projects under contemplation. Should any such project later be carried to completion, such amounts shall be credited to this account and charged to the proper capital or expense account. Should it be abandoned, such amounts shall be charged to "Miscellaneous Non-Oper- ating Expense" account. 263— RE- ACQUIRED SECURITIES.— 1\ A. When securities, whether funded debt or stocks, have been actually issued to bona fide holders for value (or after such issue by another corporation have been assumed by the ac- 28 counting' corporation), and after such issue (or assumption) have been acquired by the corporation under circumstances which requires that they should not be treated as paid or re- tired, they shall be charged at their cost to this account. DEBT DEFINED. The word debt, as here used, covers all absolute obligations to pay money at a definite time or times, or at a time or times which are capable of being made definite by demand, or other act of the creditor. It does not cover contingent obligations, such as obligations to pay rent for future enjoyment of the term, liabilities of indorsers upon paper not yet defaulted, etc. Debt is divided into Funded Debt and Unfunded Debt. 271— FUNDED DEBT.— P. A. Funded Debt comprises all debt which by the terms of its creation does not mature until more than one year after date of creation. Funded Debt is classified as: (a) Real Estate Mortgage Bonds. Those secured by a pledge of real estate through mortgage or trust deed, or equivalent instrument or act. Such mort- gage may also include equipment, securities and other chattels. (5) Collateral Trust Bonds. Those secured by a pledge of Securities or other commercial paper through trust deed or equivalent instrument or act, but not covering real estate or equipment. (c) Equipment Trust Obligations. Those secured by a lien upon equipment, such lien being created in connection with lite acquisition of the equipment. (d) Plain Bonds. Those not secured by any Special mortgage or other lien, but supported only by the general credit of the issuer. 29 (e) Debentures. Unsecured certificates of indebtedness. Debentures with mortgage rights are those entitled, in ac- cordance with the terms of the contract under which they are issued, to participate in the benefits of any subsequently created mortgages. If debentures run in perpetuity, subject 1o an annual interest charge, they are called debenture stock. (f) Income Bonds. Those upon which the obligation to pay interest is contingent upon the income of the corporation not required for the dis- charge of superior obligations. (g) Miscellaneous. Including real estate mortgages, pledging specified real es- tate to secure payment of a debt not evidenced by a note, bond or other negotiable paper; and chattel mortgages, pledging specified chattels to secure the payment of a debt not evidenced by a note, bond or other negotiable paper. Also promissory notes, running for more than one year from the date thereof, not secured by mortgage or other lien. UNFUNDED DEBT. The accounts for unfunded debt are defined as follows : 272— TAXES ACCRUED.— P. A. Credit to this account at close of each month the taxes ac- crued during the month, and make corresponding charges to the "Taxes" account. Credits to the account "Taxes Accrued'' will necessarily be based upon estimate until the amount of tax levied for the tax period is known ; such estimates shall be based upon the best data available and as soon as the amount of tax for the period is known the account shall be adjusted to conform. When any tax is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to "Cash" or other suitable account. 30 273— INTEREST ACCRUED ON FUNDED DEBT.— P. A. Credit to this account, as it becomes payable (or monthly if desired) the interest accrued on the funded debt of the cor- poration and charge same to the account No. — , "Interest on Funded Debt." When such interest is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to "('ash" or other suit able account. 274— INTEREST ACCRUED ON UNFUNDED DEBT.— P. A. Credit to this account, at the close of the year, all accrued interest on the unfunded debt of the corporation and charge same to the account No. — , "Interest on Unfunded Debt.'' This does not include any interest on judgments, nor that on receiver's certificates. The interest accruing on any judgments against the corporation or upon any receiver's certificate shall be credited to the account to which such judgment or receiver's certificate stands credited and charged to the account No. — , "Interest on Unfunded Debt." 275— JUDGMENTS UNPAID.— P. A. "When any judgment of indebtedness is rendered by a Court of competent jurisdiction against the corporation, or any fine or penalty requiring the payment of money is assessed by such a court against the corporation, and no appeal accompanied by stay of execution has been taken therefrom within the time allowed by law for such appeal, the amount of such judgment shall be credited to this account, and the entry shall designate the action or suit as a consequence of which such judgment is pronounced or such fine or penalty assessed. The designation ojf the action or suit shall show the court, the term thereof, the parties and the character of the action or suit. Interest accruing upon any such judgment shall be credited to this account and charged to the account No. 4G2, "Interest on Un- funded Debt." 31 276— RECEIVER'S CERTIFICATE. When any receiver acting under the orders of a competent Court is in possession of the property of the corporation and under the orders of such court issues certificates of indebted- ness chargeable upon such property, the par value of such cer- tificates shall be credited to this account. Interest accruing upon such certificates shall also be credited monthly or quar- terly to this account and charged to the account No. — , "In- terest on Unfunded Debt." 277— BILLS PAYABLE. When any note, draft or other bill payable which matures not later than one year after date of issue, or of demand, or assumption by the corporation of primary liability thereon, is issued or assumed, the par value thereof .shall be credited to this account and when it is paid it shall be charged to this ac- count and credited to "Cash" or other suitable account. 278— CONSUMER'S I >EP< >SITS— GAS. Credit to this account, as such deposits are made, all cash deposited with the corporation as security for the payment of gas bills. Deposits refunded shall be charged to this account and credited to "Cash." Deposits applicable to uncollectible or worthless gas bills shall, at the close of the fiscal year (or earlier, at the option of the accounting corporation) be credited to the account of the consumer involved and debited to this account. 279— ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Credit to this account when incurred all liabilities of the corporation upon open accounts, except those provided for in the foregoing account, "Consumer's Deposits." This shall in- clude at the close of the fiscal year all unpaid bills for appara- tus, materials and supplies, not previously credited, ami also all salaries and wages due and unpaid. 32 280— DIVIDENDS PAYABLE. When any dividend is declared it shall be credited to this account and here remain until it is paid, when it shall be charged to this account and credited to "Cash" or other suit' able account. 281— OTHEB UNFUNDED DEBT. Credit to Ihis account all unfunded debt upon which the corporation is liable and which is nut elsewhere provided for. RESEBYES. Beserves shall be classirted as Contractual and Optional. Contractual Reserves are reserves necessitated by contracts of the corporation as e. g. reserves to cover sinking funds pro- vided for in mortgages. Optional Reserves are such tem- porary reserves as are created solely within the discretion of the corporation. 2S2— SINKING FUND RESERVES.— P. A. Credit to this account all appropriations and accumulations made in accordance with the contract provisions provided for in mortgages, etc., or which shall be required by action of the corporation. 283— BESERVE FOB ACCRUED DEPKECIATION.— P. A. At the close of each year, after July 1. 1911, the amounts charged to the various repair (or Maintenance) accounts dur- ing the year shall be compared with the amount estimated to be necessary to cover such wear and tear and obsolescence ami inadequacy as have accrued during the year in the tangible capital of the corporation, such portion of tin 1 life of the intan- gible fixed capital as has expired or been consumed during the year, and the amount estimated to be necessary to provide a reserve to cover the cost of property destroyed by exlraordi- narv casualties. If the estimated deterioration exceeds the total repairs, the accounl "Depreciation of Plant" shall be debited and the reserve account No. , "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation," credited with an amount equal to the excess; if the sum of the repairs exceeds the estimated deterioration, the account "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation" shall be debited and "Depreciation* of Plant" credited with an amount equal to the excess. The net amount charged (or credited! to this ac- count for any year, and concurrently credited (or charged) to the reserve account "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation" must be sufficient to provide in that account in respect of the sev- eral items of plant, by the time such items go out of service, a reserve equal to the original cost thereof, less salvage. 284— OPTIONAL RESERVES.— P. A. When any admitted liability arises because of loss or dam- age to the property of others, or of injuries to employes or other persons, the amount of the liability may (if not pre- viously provided for by insurance or self-insurance) be charged to the appropriate expense or other accounts and credited to this account, against which (in such case) the actual cost of satisfaction of the liability shall be charged when the matter is determined. If the extent of the liability can not be ascer- tained promptly after the liability arises, it may be estimated as accurately as practicable for the purpose of determining the immediate charge to the expense or other appropriate account, in which case the matter shall be adjusted when the extent of the liability is definitely ascertained. If the loss is of such character that it is in whole or in part indemnifiable under any contract of insurance carried by the corporation, the indemni- fiable portion of the loss shall be charged to the insurer and credited to "Optional Reserves." When any amount is set aside for any special reserve not provided for heretofore, a sub-account shall be made for each particular reserve and its title shall designate the purpose of such reserve, and the first entry therein shall express in full such purpose. 285— PREMIUMS ON CAPITAL STOCK.— P. A. When any capital stocks are disposed of for a consideration whose cash value is greater than the sum of the par value of such stocks, the excess of the cash value of such consideration over the sum of the par value of the stocks shall be credited to this account. At the close of each fiscal year a proportion of such premium based upon the life of the stock shall be charged to this account and credited in the "Revenue" account ; or at the option of the corporation such premium may be extin- guished more rapidly through credits of all or any part thereof, either at the time of issue or later, to the year's "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account. CAPITAL STOCK. By stocks of a corporation are meant those securities which represent permanent interests in the corporation or interests which, if terminal, are so only at the option of the corporation. Stocks are classified as common stocks and preferred stocks. 286— C< )M M( )N ST< )( 'K— P. A. Common stocks are those whose claims in the distribution of dividends are subordinate to the claims of all other stocks. 286A— PREFERRED STOCKS. Preferred stocks are those which have the first claim upon such dividends as may be distributed. They may be cumu- lative or non-cumulative, participating or non-participating. If cumulative, the amount by which the dividend, at any dividend period fails to reach the stipulated rate, is carried forward to continue as a claim upon dividends until satisfied, if non-cumulative, such amount lapses. If a preferred stock is participating, it is not limited to the Stipulated rate in the amount of dividends which it may re- ceive, but is entitled to participate, in accordance with the terms of the contract under which it is issued, in further divi- dends; if non-participating, it is limited to the stipulated rate. 35 A separate account shall be kept for each class of stock is- sued, and no two stocks shall be considered of the same class unless tbey are equal in tbeir interest or dividend rights, their voting rights and the conditions under which they may be re- tired. The characteristics of any class of stocks in these re- gards shall be designated in the title of the account raised to cover such stocks and shall be clearly expressed in the first entry in such account. If such issue is for money, that fact shall be stated; and if for any other consideration than money, the person to whom issued shall be designated and the consideration for which is- sued shall be described with sufficient particularity to identify it. If the fair cash value of the consideration realized upon the issue of any amount of stock is greater than the par value of such stock, the excess shall be credited to the account No. 285, "Premiums on Capital Stock." SCHEDULE B. INCOME AND INDICANT ACCOUNTS COMPARED. A comparison of the balances in the foregoing accounts (Schedule A.) at any time will, if the accounts have been prop- erly kept, show the then existing condition of a corporation's affairs so far as such condition can be shown through accounts. The group of accounts just defined is sometimes called the Balance Sheet or Indicant accounts. Their balances indicate the condition of the corporation at any particular time. These accounts with their subsidiary accounts are all that is neces- sary prior to the time when the corporation becomes what may be called a "going concern. " When a corporation begins operations it requires an addi- tional group of accounts in which to classify in convenient form the accounting history of its operations. Such a group of accounts brings together, or accumulates, the account of the various incidents of the corporation's operations. This group of accounts may be called the Income account. They are made up usually on a yearly basis and are closed into one grand ac- count called "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" which ties together this group of accounts and the preceding group (Schedule A.) 3G INCOME ACCOUNT. Divisions of Income Account. The principal divisions of this group of accounts are the Revenue accounts, the Revenue Deduction accounts, the In- conic Deduction accounts and the Appropriation accounts. REVENUES DEFINED. By Revenues, Are meant all amounts of money which the corporation re- ceives or becomes lawfully entitled to receive for services ren- dered, for products sold, as gross profits on merchandise sold, or as a return upon its property, or interests in property. Revenues are classified as : (301-309) Operating Revenues. Those derived from the sale of products and merchandise, from services rendered and from returns on property used by the person or corporation in its own operations. (321-325) 2V on-Operating Revenues. Those derived as a return upon property of the corporation in the bands of others, or from its interests in property in the hands of others. They may be sub-classified as Rents, Interest, Dividends and Miscellaneous. REVENUE DEDUCTIONS DEFINED. Revenue Deductions include: Operating Expenses. Those necessary l<> the production of the commodities sold and the services rendered and to the collect ion of the revenues. ;:: Stable Expenses. NOTE.— This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. Storeroom Expenses. NOTE.— This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating- accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. INCOME DEDUCTIONS DEFINED. Income Deductions include: Taxes. Uncollectible bills. Interest on Funded Debt. Interest on Unfunded Debt. Inventory Adjustments. Miscellaneous Non-Operating Expenses. APPROPRIATIONS 1 >EFINED. Appropriations include : Extinguishment of Discount on Securities. Depreciation of Plant. Sinking Fund payments. Optional Reserve. Dividends Declared. Miscellaneous. DEFINITIONS OF (iAS REVENUE ACCOUNTS. Credits to the various revenue accounts shall be made upon tbe basis of bills rendered or of gross prices. Discounts for prompt payment, corrections of overcharges, overcollections theretofore credited and afterward corrected, authorized abate- ments and allowances, and other corrections and deductions shall be charged to the revenue account to which they relate. In the following definitions of accounts the letters and num- 3S bers prefixed to the titles are inserted solely for convenience of reference and are no part of the titles or of the definitions. 301— MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from lighting- streets for municipal corporations by means of gas. or from supplying gas therefor. 302— MUNICIPAL MIXED LIGHTING AND POWER.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from lighting municipal buildings by means of gas, or from gas supplied for such purposes, or for heat or power in municipal buildings where such gas is supplied at lighting rates and is not sepa- rately measured. 303— MUNICIPAL POWER.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from municipal corporations for gas supplied at special heat or power rates to such corporations for the production of heat and power. 304— COMMERCIAL LIGHTING.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from all consum- ers except municipal corporations for gas measured through ordinary meters and supplied for lighting at lighting rates. NOTE. — Where gas flowing through any ordinary meter is used by any other consumer than a municipal corporation for lighting and inci- dentally for heating or power purposes, the revenues derived therefrom shall be credited to this account. Also, all revenues derived from the sale of prepaid gas delivered through so-called "prepayment meters." 305— COMMERCIAL POWER.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from all con- sumers except municipal corporations for gas supplied for heat or power at special heat or power rates. 306— MISCELLANEOUS SALES OF (IAS.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from gas sold or supplied to other gas corporations to be by them distributed through their own pipes to consumers. If any portion of such gas is incidentally consumed by such corporations for their own benefit, whether for light, heat, or power, it shall be in- cluded herein, if not separately measured, or if included under the same contract with that which is distributed by them to consumers. All revenue accruing to the corporation for distributing gas of other companies through its pipes and selling the same, and for all other services performed in connection therewith. 307— SALES OF RESIDUALS AND BYPRODUCTS.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues derived from the s;ile of residuals and byproducts. 308— MISCELLANEOUS CAS REVENUE.— P. A. Credit and charge to this account as follows: Credit all re- ceipts from the sale of gas merchandise and from gas jobbing. Charge the cost of gas merchandise sold, such cost including transportation charges paid on such goods. Also credit the profit or commission accruing on all jobbing work performed as agent under agency contracts, whereunder it undertakes to do jobbing work for another for a stipulated profit or commission upon its actual expense for labor, ma- terials and supplies. NOTE. — This should not include receipts from the sale of superseded equipment or of junk or other scrap or salvage. Credit to this account all revenue derived from the letting of gas engines, heating appliances, lamps and other gas ap- paratus and appliances (except prepaid meters). When the contract of letting names only a single consideration for both the letting and the maintenance of the appliances so let, the entire revenue shall be included in this account. 40 Credit to this account all revenues derived from others than municipal corporations for the supply of gas and from other gas operations not includible'in any of the foregoing accounts. NON-OPERATING REVENUES. 321— RENT FROM LEASE OF (IAS PLANT.— P. A. Credit to this account all revenues accruing to the corpora- tion from its interest in gas plant or equipment held by others under some form of lease whereby it surrenders possession of such property. 322— RENT FROM LEASE OF REAL ESTATE OR BUILDINGS..-P. A. Credit to this account all revenues accruing to the corpora- lion from leased property other than gas plant and equipment. Against this revenue should be charged all expense for the upkeep of the property so rented. 323— INTEREST REVENUES.— P. A. Credit to this account all interest accruing to the corpora- tion upon such of its interest-bearing investments, current as- sets and special deposits as are liabilities of solvent concerns and individuals. 324— DIVIDENDS DECLARED.— P. A. Credit to this account at their cash value, as of the date when collectible, all dividends declared by solvent concerns upon stocks held by the corporation among ils investments. 325— MISCELLANEOUS NON-OPERATING REVENUE.— P. A. ' Credit to this account all non-operating revenues accruing to the corporation and not provided for in any of the foregoing accounts. 41 DEFINITIONS OF GAS EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. In the following definitions of accounts the numbers pre fixed to the titles are inserted solely for convenience of refer ence and are no part of the titles or of the definitions. GENERAL ACCOUNTS. I. PRODUCTION EXPENSES. II. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES. III. MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING EXPENSES. IV. COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. V. NEW BUSINESS. VI. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. I.— PRODUCTION EXPENSES. 401— SUPERINTENDENCE AND LABOR.— P. A. Charge to this account all salaries and wages of men em- ployed in making gas. This account may be further classified, if desired, under the following headings, which shall be the titles of sub-accounts set up hereunder: (a) Works Superintendence. Charge to this account the cost of labor of the engineer in charge of works and his assistants, also day and night foremen and station clerks. (T>) Boiler Rouse Labor. Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in weigh- ing and handling coal, coke, and breeze from place of storage to boilers; labor employed in operating boilers and engines (including such labor as that of shovellers, weighers, boiler firemen and engineers, and oilers) ; and labor employed in pumping oil tar from generators through separators to storage tanks, and from storage tanks to boilers. Include also such labor as that of pump house men. 42 (c) Retort House Labor, Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in firing benches, charging and re-charging retorts, patching and scurf- ing retorts, cleaning pipes and lids, quenching and handling coke used under benches, and handling coal from place of stor- age to retort house. This includes such labor as that of fore- men, firemen, furnacemen, retort and boiler tenders, patchers, pipemen, lid cleaners, coke quenchers, guymen, riggers, shovel- lers and wheelers. (d) Generator Bouse Labor. Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in weigh- ing and handling coal and coke from place of storage to charg- ing floor, and in operating, firing, clinkering and cleaning gen- erators. This includes such labor as that of shovellers, weigh- ers, pumpers, generator firemen, and runners. (e) Miscellaneous Labor At Works. Charge to this account the cost of general labor in and about the works not specifically engaged in the manufacture of gas, such as that of watchmen, janitors, and messengers, laborers employed in cleaning up yards, removing snow, and cleaning- out refuse pile. 41)1'— BOILER FUEL.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (in storage pile) of fuel used under boilers. This includes cost of fuel used, freight, de- murrage charges, labor employed in discharging and trans- ferring fuel from point of shipper's delivery to place of stor- age, and cartage employed in discharging and transferring fuel from point of delivery to place of storage. 403— FUEL UNDER RETORTS.— P. A. Charge to lliis account the cost I in storage pile) of fuel used under retorts. This includes cost of fuel, used, freight, de- murrage charges, and labor and cartage employed in discharg- 43 ing and transferring fuel from point of shipper's delivery to storage pile. NOTE. — If fuel is delivered from storage to retort house by other than retort house labor, cost of such labor should be added to cost of fuel. 404— COAL CARBONIZED.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (in storage pile) of gas coal used in retorts. This includes invoice cost of coal used, freight, demurrage charges, and lahor and cartage employed in dis- charging and transferring coal from point of shipper's delivery to storage pile. 405— GENERATOR FUEL.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (in storage pile) of fuel used in generators. This includes invoice cost of fuel used, freight, demurrage charges, and labor and cartage employed in dis- charging and transferring fuel from point of shipper's delivery to storage pile. NOTE. — If generator fuel is delivered from storage to generator house by other than generator house labor, cost of such labor should be added to cost of generator fuel. 40G— COAL GAS ENRICHER.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (in storage) of enricher ma- terials used in enriching coal gas. This includes cost of en- richer used, freight, demurrage charges, and labor and cartage employed in transferring enricher from point of shipper's de- livery to storage. 407— OIL (WATER GAS.)— P. A. Charge to this account the cost (in storage tanks) of gas oil or naphtha used in making water gas. This includes invoice cost of oil used, freight, demurrage charges, and labor and cartage employed in getting oil from point of shipper's delivery to storage tanks. 44 408— WATER.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of water used for gas pro- duction. 409— PURIFICATION LABOR.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in chang- ing purifier boxes, revivifying oxide, and removing spent oxide to refuse pile. This includes such labor as that of foremen and laborers. 110— PURIFICATION SUPPLIES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of material used in gas puri- fication. This includes the average cost of oxide actually used (the invoice cost and freight, plus shavings, plus labor and cartage necessary to store it, plus the cost of mixing it), and the invoice cost of lime actually used. 411— MISCELLANEOUS WORKS EXPENSE. Charge to this account the cost of sundry supplies and ex- penses in connection with the works not includible in other ac- counts. This includes lubricating oil, waste and packing, and other small materials of like nature used in gas production; also incidental items, such as telephone, ice, brooms, mops, kerosene, soap, towels, and similar expenses. 412— REPAIRS OF WORKS AND STATION STRUCTURES. Charge to this account the cost of all repairs of works and station structures, including permanent piers and other foun- dations. Such structures include retort houses, generator houses, purifier houses, engine houses, boiler houses, meter houses, coal sheds, coke sheds, tar houses and wells, oil tanks, and other structures for storage of fuel to be consumed or car- bonized in the production of gas and the operations auxiliary I hereto; structures for residuals and byproducts; appurtenant 45 walks, fences, drives, tramways, trestles, etc., and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures and made a part thereof; also all buildings', holding- houses, and other struc- tures at outlying holder stations, except the holders and their appurtenances. NOTE. — Repairs of short-lived and especially provided foundations and settings for furnaces and boilers, steam engines, gas engines, pumps, generators, benches, condensers, washers, scrubbers, purifiers, etc., shall not be included herein. Such foundations and settings and the apparatus and machinery to which they pertain are not intended to be included under the term fixtures as above used. Nor shall repairs of gas holders be included in this account. 413— REPAIRS OF POWER PLANT.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of all labor and material for repairs to the power plant. This account may be farther classified, if desired, under the following headings, which shall be the titles of sub-accounts set up hereunder. («) Repairs of Furnaces, Boilers, and Accessories. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all furnaces, boilers, and boiler apparatus and accessories devoted to the production of steam for use in producing gas and in furnishing motive power in gas works and stations. This includes boilers and valves thereto attached, appurtenant furnaces and grates, and flues leading to smokestacks and chimneys, and the specially provided foundations and settings of such boilers and appurtenances. It also includes mechanical stokers and other like apparatus for regulating the supply of fuel, etc., feed and hot water heaters and economizers, injectors, filters, feed pumps, blower engines, coal conveyors, ash conveyors, water pipes, steam traps, drains and separators; and pipes for con- ducting steam from the boiler to the engine, to condensers, or to the gas producers, exhaust pipes, etc. It does not include steam pipes whose primary purpose is the heating of buildings. 46 (b) Repairs of Steam Engines. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all steam en- gines devoted to use as prime movers in gas works. This in- cludes the specially provided foundations and settings of such engines. The engine, whether reciprocating or rotary (such as steam turbines) shall be considered to include the throttle or inlet valve and the governor; also condensers and air pumps, but not the steam pipe leading from the boiler, nor the exhaust pipe. (c) Repairs of Gas Engines. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all gas engines devoted to use as prime movers in gas works and stations. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings of such engines. The engine includes the inlet valve, governor, and ignition and starting apparatus, but not the pipe Jeading from the gas holder, nor the exhaust pipe. (d) Repairs of Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all miscellaneous power plant equipment at gas works which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes such mechanical apparatus as belts, pulleys, hangers, countershafts, and other apparatus intermediary between the prime mover and the ap- paratus operated, cranes, hoists, etc., and machine tools and such other tools at power plants as are proper to be capital- ized, etc. ' 414— REPAIRS OF GAS APPARATUS. Charge to this account the cost of all labor and material for repairs to the gas apparatus. This account may be further classified, if desired, under the following headings, which shall be the titles of sub-accounts set up hereunder : 47 (c) Repairs of Benches and Retorts. Charge to this account the cost of all repairs of benches, in- cluding the retorts and their settings, and auxiliary piping, in- cluding ascension pipes, and foul and hydraulic mains. (6) Repairs of Water Gas Sets and Accessories. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all water gas generators and accessories devoted to the production of gas, the specially provided foundations and settings for such water gas sets, and the flues leading therefrom to smokestacks and chimneys. This account includes not only generators, carbu- reters, superheaters, seals, and piping connected therewith, but also blast apparatus, oil and steam supplying apparatus, oil heaters, etc. It does not include pipes whose primary pur- pose is the warming of buildings. (c) Repairs of Purification Apparatus. Charge to this account the cost of all repairs of the appa- ratus for purifying gas, including condensers, washers, scrub- bers, purifiers, tar extractors, etc., and their specially provided foundations and settings. id) Repairs of Holders. Charge to this account the cost of all repairs of gas holders and appurtenances at works and of those at district stations. (e) Repairs of Miscellaneous Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of repairing all accessory equipment and apparatus used in the production and storage of gas not specifically provided for in the foregoing accounts. This account includes repairs of exhausters, station meters, governors, etc.; apparatus for charging retorts; conveyors for disposing of coke and other products and residuals; tar and ammonia apparatus, pumps, pipes, tanks, etc. 4S 415— REPAIRS OF WORKS TOOLS. Charge to this account the cost of repairing such tools and implements used in the production and storage of gas as have been capitalized. 410— GAS STORAGE. Charge to this account the cost of labor and material (except repairs i employed in storing and regulating the how of gas to distributing mains by holder pressure. This includes labor of firemen, engineers, valve-men, and superintendents when en- gaged on gas storage: and cost of coal, coke, water, and inci- dentals. 417— PURCHASED GAS. Charge to this account the cash purchase price of gas bought from other companies for distribution through the system of the accounting corporation; also the corporation's proportion of the cost of production (including maintenance, but not in- cluding any pure rent or return upon the value of property em- ployed) of gas produced by another concern for the use of the corporation under any joint arrangement for the sharing of expense upon the basis of the relative amounts of benefit to the several participants. 418— R ESIDUA L E X 1 ■ E X S E . Charge to this account the labor and expense in handling aminoniacal Liquor, Coke and Tar. This includes pumping, barrels, bags, storage and other expenses incurred in the preparation or delivery of residuals made for sale. This account may be sub-divided, if desired, as follows: 418 a. Aminoniacal Liquor Expense. 1 is h. Coke Expense. 41 s c. Tar Expense. 49 II.— TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES. 421— TRANSMISSION PUMPING.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of pumping gas through mains to the distribution system, including inspection and regulation of booster governors. NOTE. — In gas operations, when gas is delivered to the supply sys- tem outside the works at substantially works pressure, the pipe system, including mains, feeders and services (and supply pipes to outlying holders, if any), shall all be classed in the distribution system. When the pressure is raised by means of boosters and the gas is delivered to the pipes at higher than works pressure, and is later reduced in press- ure and delivered to the distribution system proper, that portion of the pipe system used for conducting gas at the raised pressure shall be classed as the transmission system. 422— DISTRIBUTION SUPERINTENDENCE.— P. A, Charge to this account the cost of all labor employed in superintending the operation of the street department, fitting and repair shops, including the salaries of superintendents, foremen, clerks, timekeepers, messengers, watchmen, and jani- tors employed in the distribution department. 423— DISTRIBUTION SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of office maintenance and incidental expenses of the street and shop departments, includ- ing light, heat, telephone, water, ice, etc. NOTE.— When the distribution office is combined with the works office or commercial office charges like rent, light, etc., should be divided between them in a fixed ratio, based upon the relative amounts of use. 424— GAS METER AND INSTALLATION WORK.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of labor employed and mate- rial used in locking and unlocking meters, building inspection, pumping drip, cleaning service or house pipe with pump; set- ting, removing, re-setting and changing position of meters, and temporary repairs of leaks in house piping. 50 125— GRATUITOUS WORK.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of installing gas stoves and other appliances on the premises of consumers, and of work done for consumers in maintaining the efficiency of their serv- ice, including complaint work and other work done in houses beyond the end of the meter outlet connection. This includes the cost of adjusting or changing location of house pipes, gas burners, fixtures, stoves and appliances, and the cost of new pillars, tips, burners, or devices not chargeable to repair ac- counts ; it does not include such installation expense items as are provided for in the preceding account. Credit to this account the cost element of receipts for job- bing work which the accounting corporation has performed as agent, under agency contracts. NOTE. — If the accounting corporation desires, this account can be sub-divided as follows: 425 — Gratuitous Work. 425a — Complaint Expense. This account should show the cost of attending to complaints of con- sumers, so far as the same may involve work up to the end of meter (or governor) outlet connection. 420— REPAIRS OF GAS MAINS.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of labor and material em- ployed in repairing mains. This includes labor of foremen, in- spectors, caulkers, tappers, pavers, drillers, skilled laborers, general laborers, and similar workers on street department payrolls, while engaged in repairing, altering, overhauling, changing position of or removing street mains ; protecting ex- posed or undermined mains, searching for and repairing leaks in mains, and paving over any of the above work; also mate- rial and cartage in connection with the above work. NOTE. — This account must be so kept as to enable the corporation to show separately in its annual report to the Public Service Commis- sion the cost of repairing trunk lines and mains used for transmission of gas, and the cost of repairing those used for distribution. In gas operations, when gas is delivered to the supply system out- side the works at substantially works pressure, the pipe system -in- cluding mains, feeders and services (and supply pipes, to outlying 51 holders, if any) shall all be classed in the distribution system. When the pressure is raised by means of boosters and the gas is delivered to the pipes at higher than works pressure, and is later reduced in pres- sure and delivered to the distribution system proper, that portion of the pipe system used for conducting gas at the raised pressure shall be classed as the transmission system. 427— REPAIRS OF GAS SERVICES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of labor and material em- ployed in repairing services. This includes the same classes of labor as shown in the account "Repairs of Gas Mains," while engaged in repairing, altering, relaying, cutting off, increasing the size of and changing the position of services ; searching for and repairing leaks in services; and paving over any of the above work ; also material and cartage in connection with the work shown above. 428— REPAIRS OF GAS METERS.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of testing and repairing con- sumers' meters. 429— REPAIRS OF DISTRIBUTION TOOLS.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of sharpening and repairing tools and implements used in the street department and the fitting and repair shops and charged to capital accounts. NOTE. — If desired, depreciation, losses, etc., of tools and implements can be distributed to the proper expense accounts. 430— REPAIRS OF GAS APPLIANCES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of repairs of gas lamps, stoves, engines, and other appliances owned by the corporation and rented to consumers. 52 III.— MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING EXPENSES. 441— STREET LAMP OPERATING.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in clean- ing- and lighting street lamps, and extinguishing street lights ; in inspecting and supervising the street lighting district ; in re- porting on re-lights and discontinues, and watching the hours of lighting and extinguishing; and the incidental expenses of street lamp operating. Also the cost of labor and material consumed in fitting up new lamp posts, re-fitting stand-pipes, cleaning services, cutting off services, re-caulking columns, re- moving posts, re-setting posts, re-fitting columns, straightening posts, and all other work of a similar character necessary to maintain the street lighting system to the degree of efficiency required by the city ; also re-paving over openings made neces- sary by such work. iy .—COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. 442— COMMERCIAL EXPENSE.— P. A. Charge to this account labor and expenses of regular and prepayment collectors; also the cost of operating the com- mercial office; this includes labor, stationery, printing, tele- phone and telegraph service and incidental expenses; also the cost of labor of superintendents, chief clerks, stenographers, bookkeepers, general clerks, etc., employed in the commercial department. This account can be sub-divided, if desired, into the follow- ing sub-accounts : 442 a. Commercial Expense, Collection. 442 b. Commercial Expense, Office. 442 c. Commercial, Office Salaries. 443— NEW BUSINESS.— P. A. Charge to this account the matters prescribed under the fol- lowing headings, which can, if desired, be the titles of sub-ac- counts set up hereunder. 53 (a) Advertising. This covers the salaries and personal expenses of advertising manager and clerks; also the cost of commercial advertising sundries, including booklets, dodgers, newspaper advertise- ments and all related items. (b) Appliance Demonstrations. This covers the cost of labor and expenses incurred in demonstrating the use of gas appliances for the purpose of obtaining new business. (c) Expense Soliciting. This covers the expenses incurred in soliciting new business, including wages, commissions and personal expenses of can- vassers, car fares, etc., and office sundries in connection there- with. I d) Gas Appliances. This covers the cost of labor and material expended in setting and installing gas stoves and appliances. (e) Gas Engine Expense. This covers the cost of labor and material used in connect- ing, installing and maintaining gas engines whether owned or not. (f) House Fitting Expense. This covers the cost of labor and material installing Wels- bach lamps, gas fixtures, house piping, etc. V.— GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. 451— SALARIES, GENERAL.— P. A. Charge to this account the salaries and traveling and in- cidental expenses of the chairman of the board, president, vice- 54 president, treasurer, secretary, comptroller, general auditor, general manager, assistant general manager, chief engineer, general superintendent, purchasing agent, and all other officers whose jurisdiction extends to the entire system and whose services can not be satisfactorily allocated to the several de- partments ; also charge to this account the salaries and travel- ing and incidental expenses of general office auditors, book- keepers, cashiers, paymasters, stenographers, clerks, employed in counting cash, and all other clerks employed in the general office. NOTE. — Cost of labor of clerks in the commercial department shall be charged to the account No. — , "Commercial Administration — Gas." (See page — .) 452— EXPENSE, GENERAL OFFICE.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of office supplies, repairs of office furniture, and renewals of such furniture as has not been capitalized; wages of janitors, porters, and messengers; rent of room in office buildings, repairs of such rented rooms, and all other miscellaneous expenses of general offices. Office ex- penses of department officers must be charged to the proper departmental accounts. NOTE. — Rents charged to this account will be required to be reported separately. 453— INSURANCE.— P. A. Charge to this account premiums paid to insurance com- panies for fire, fidelity, boiler, casualty, burglar, and all other insurance; also amounts set aside as an insurance reserve. 154— ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES.— P. A. Charge to this account all expenses on account of persons killed or injured or damages to property. This includes casu- alty insurance premiums, damage done by company's employes to the property of others, legal expenses, medical expenses, set- tlement of claims, salary and expenses of (Maim Agent, wages 55 paid disabled employes while off duty, stoves and other appli- ances given to consumers in exchange for those destroyed by explosion or other accident. 455— RELIEF DEPARTMENT AND PENSIONS.— P. A. Charge to this account all salaries and expenses incurred in connection with conducting a relief department; also contribu- tions made to such department; also all pensions paid to re- tired employees, and expenses in connection therewith. 450— GENERAL LAW EXPENSES.— P. A. Charge to this account all law expenses except those incurred in the defense and settlement of damage claims. This includes salaries and expenses of all counsel, solicitors, and attorneys, their clerks and attendants, and expenses of their officers; cost of law books, printing briefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, etc., fees and retainers for services of attorneys not regular employees ; court costs and payments of special, notarial, and witness fees not provided for elsewhere, expenses connected with taking depositions, and all law and court expenses not provided for elsewhere. 457— STABLE EXPENSES.— P. A. Charge to this account the cost of feed, keep and shoeing of horses, wages of stablemen, hostlers, veterinary expenses, and all other expenses of stabling horses ; also the cost of repair- ing wagons and harness ; wages of chauffeurs, and repairs and other expenses of motor vehicles. NOTE. — This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. 458— STORE ROOM EXPENSES.— P. A. Charge to this account all labor and expenses in connection with store rooms, including cost of sending materials and sup- 56 plies from general store room to branch store rooms, and the collection of scrap material. NOTE. — This account can be distributed to the appropriate operating accounts monthly, or at close of year, if desired. 459— TAXES.— P. A. Charge to this account all taxes paid; this includes taxes on real estate, personal property, capital stock, gross earnings, franchises, etc. 460— UNCOLLECTIBLE BILLS.— P. A. When after a reasonably diligent effort to collect, any ac- count stated for gas sold has proved impracticable of collec- tion, it shall be charged to this account and credited to the ac- count receivable in which theretofore charged. 461— INTEREST ON FUNDED DEBT.— P. A. Charge to this account all interest accrued absolutely on the outstanding funded debt of the corporation. This includes mortgage bonds, income bonds (if interest on such be pay- able), debentures and mortgages and ground rents. 462— INTEREST ON UNFUNDED DEBT.— P. A. Charge to this account all interest paid or accrued on promis- sory notes or other unfunded debt of the corporation. 463— INVENT< >RY A I ).) CST.M ENTS.— P. A. Charge or credit to this account any shortages or overages shown by the inventory of .Materials ami Supplies which can not be distributed to the proper const ruction or operating ex- pense account. 464— MISCELLANEOUS NON-OPERATING EXPENSE.— P. A. Charge to this account: (a) All amounts accrued against the corporation for rent of plant and equipment which it holds under some form of lease from another company or corporation and of which it has the exclusive possession. (6) Where any plant or equipment is maintained or oper- ated by another corporation for the joint benefit of the account- ing corporation and others under a joint arrangement for sharing the expense (on the basis of the relative amounts of benefit to the several participants), if such joint arrangement provides for including in the charge again the accounting cor- poration any pure rent, profit, or return upon such plant or equipment over and above depreciation and othei* expense of maintenance and operation, such pure rent, or profit, or return upon property shall be charged to this account. (c) All non-operating expense not provided for in any of the foregoing accounts. APPROPRIATIONS. The balance resulting from closing the foregoing expense accounts for any fiscal period into Revenue accounts for That period gives the Net Corporate Income for that period. The Net Corporate Income should be closed into the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account. The group of accounts which show for any fiscal period the changes in the "Corporate Sur- plus or Deficit" account are designated the "Appropriation"' accounts, for the reason that substantially all of them are sub- ject only to the discretion of the corporation. At the end of each fiscal period each of the "Appropriation" accounts shall be closed info the year's "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account. 501— EXTINGUISHMENT OF DISCOUNT ON SECURITIES,— P. A. Charge to this account at the close of each year the propor- tion of the unextinguished discount on securities applicable to the period. This proportion shall be such an amount as will 58 completely wipe out the discount on the debt during the in- terval between issue and maturity of the same. The corporation may, if it so desire, earlier wipe out such discount by charging all or any portion thereof to the year's ••Corporate Surplus or Deficit." 502— DEPRECIATION OF PLANT.— P. A. At the close of each year, after July 1, 1911, the amounts charged to the various repair (or Maintenance) accounts dur- ing the year shall be compared with the amount estimated to be necessary to cover such wear and tear and obsolescence and inadequacy as have accrued daring the year in the tangible capital of the corporation, such portion of the life of the in- tangihle fixed capital as has expired or been consumed during the year, and the amount estimated to be necessary to provide a reserve to cover the cost of property destroyed by extraordi- nary casualties. If the estimated deterioration exceeds the total repairs, the account "Depreciation of Plant" shall be debited and the reserve account No. , ''Reserve for Ac- crued Depreciation'' credited with an amount equal to Hie excess; if the sum of the repairs exceeds the estimated dete- rioration, the account "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation" shall he debited and "Depreciation of Plant" credited with an amount equal to the excess. The net amount charged (or credited) to this account for any year, and concurrently cred- ited (or charged) to the reserve account "lieserve for Accrued Depreciation" must be sufficient to provide in that account in respect of the several items of plant, by the time such items go out of service, a reserve equal to the original cost thereof, less salvage. When any capital is retired from service, the amount (esti- mated if not known) originally charged to a capital account in respect thereof shall be credited to such capital account, and the original cost of such capital, less salvage, if any. shall he charged to the account "Reserve Cor Accrued Depreciation." Where capital is substantially continuous and cannot he satis- factorily individualized, it shall he kept in efficient operating condition through repair, and the renewals and replacements of parts thereof shall he considered repairs. In the case of 59 buildings and other separate structures capable of being read- ily individualized, charges to this account must be sufficient to provide in the account "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation" a reserve equal to the original cost thereof, less salvage, by the time such structures go out of service. NOTE.— Until otherwise ordered, the "amount estimated to he neces- sary to cover such wear and tear and absolescence and inadequacy as have accrued during" any year shall be based on a rule determined by the accounting corporation. Such rule may be derived from a consideration of the said, corpora- tion's history and experience during the preceding five years. Depre- ciation of intangible capital shall likewise be based on rule. What- ever may be its basis, such rules and a sworn statement of the facts and expert opinions and estimates upon which they are based shall be filed with the Public Service Commission on or before January 1, 1912. Each amendment of any such rule and a sworn statement of the facts and expert opinions and estimates upon which such amendment is based shall be filed with the Public Service Commission before it is used by the accounting corporation, and shall show the date when it is to be effective. Such rules and statements shall be filed upon sheets 8% by 11 inches in size, and shall be entitled "Rule of the (here naming the accounting corporation) concerning 'Reserve for Accrued Depre- ciation.' " 503— SINKING FUNDS.— P. A. Charge to this account and credit -Sinking Fund Reserves" the amount of all accruals required to be made to Sinking- funds in accordance with the provisions of mortgages or other contracts requiring the establishment of Sinking funds. 504— OPTIONAL RESERVES.— P. A. When any special reserve is created by the corporation, charge the amount set aside to this account and credit the special reserve, giving the account such title as shall clearly designate the purpose for which the reserve is created. 505— DIVIDENDS DECLARED.— P. A. Immediately upon the declaration of a dividend this ac- count should be charged the amount of such dividend and credit made to the account "Dividends Payable." GO 506— M I SC E LIjAS E< )US. BUd Debts. When any debt theretofore written off is collected, the amount of the collection, less expense involved in such col- lection, shall he credited to the year's "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account. Charge to the year's "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account any debts written off from the accounts of the corporation which are placed in the "Bad Debt" class. NOTE. — Such "uncollectible bills" as have been provided for in the heretofore denned "Uncollectible Bills" accounts must not be included in this account. Expenses Elsewhere Unprovided For. Charge to the year's "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account all expenses not chargeable as a part of operating expenses or of non-operating expenses, such as tines levied on the corpora- tion for violation of law, for misfeasance, for non-feasance, etc., fines levied on directors, officers and other employes and as- sumed by the corporation, donations to funds, to churches, and other associations, and other like expenses and outgoes. Other Additions to Surplus. Credit to the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account all ad- ditions to Surplus because of erroneous accounting in prior fiscal periods, and all other additions to Surplus not else- where provided for. Oilier Deductions from Surplus. Charge to the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit'' account all de- ductions from Surplus because of erroneous accounting in prior fiscal years, and all other deductions from Surplus not elsewhere provided for. NOTE. — A complete analysis of the "Miscellaneous Appropriations" will be required in the annual reports of corporations to the Public. Service Commission.