A A : 5 : 6 1 : 9 4 : 9 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CENSUS OF MANITOBA 1885-6. EECENSEMENT DE MANITOBA OTTAWA: PEINTBD BY MACLEAN, EOGER & CO., WELLINGTON STREET. 1881. I HA GENERAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS OF THE REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA, 1886. TABLE G^Nl^RALE DES MATIBHES DU RAPPORT DU RECENSENMENT DE LA PROVINCE DE MANITOBA, 1886. GENERAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS or THB KEPORT OF THB CENSUS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA, 1886. PAOES. Peesentation of the Report to His Excellency the Governor General viiii Letter submitting the result of the Census to the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture x Introduction, containing remarks on the system adopted for the taking of the Census and the working staff employed thereon xii Table I — Areas, Dwellings, Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condi- tion 2 Table II — Religions of the People » 10 Table ITT~Origins of the People,.... 18 Table IV — Birth places of the People 26 Table V — Ages of the People. 34 Table VI — Ages of the Married 84 Table VII— Ages of the Widowed 92 Table VIII— Ages of the Blind 100 Table JX — Ages of the Unsound of mind 100 Table X— Going to School; Deaf and Dumb 101 Table XI — Occupations of the People 106 Table Xli— Statement of the Number of Churches, and of. Benevolent, Educational and Penal Sstabliehments 112 Table X III— Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied »..,., 120 TABLE GENERALE DES MATIERES DU RAPPORT DU RECENSEMENT DB LA PROVINCE DE MANITOBA, 1886. Pages. Presentation du rapport a Sou Excellence le Gouverneur General ix Lettre a I'honorable ministte de rAgriculture, soumettant le rapport xi Introduction, contenant les remarques sur le system© adopte pour le denom- brement et sur le personnel employe xiii Tableau I — Saperficie, demeures, menages, population, sexes, etat de manage 2 Tableau II — Population parcultes. 10 Tableau III — Population par nationalites 18 Tableau IV — Population par lioux do naissance 26 Tableau V — Population par figes 34 Tableau VI — Ages dos maries 84 Tableau VII — Ages dea veufs et veuves 92 Tableau VIII— Ages des aveugles 100 Tableau tX— Ages des alienes 100 Tableau X— Allant a I'ecole ; sourds-muets 101 Tableau XI— Occupations 106 Tableau XII — Etat des etablissements du culte, de bienfaisance, d'education et de repression 112 Tableau XIII— Occupants de terres et terres occupees,.., 120 vi GENERAL TABLE OP SUBJECTS. Page. Table XIY — Animals and Animal Products 12S Table XV— Field Products...... 136 Table XVI— Furs and Pelts 144 Table XVII — Shipping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest 162 Table XVIII— Industrial Establishments... 160 Table XIX — Average quantity of Lands, Products and Animals, per Family ITO Table XX—Field Products— Yield per Acre 178 Table XXI— Eatios 182 Table XXII — Comparative Statement of the Censuses of 1881 and 1886 .... 188 Index of Sub-Districts 198 Analytical Table of Subjects 200 TABLE G^NERALE DES MATIERES. vii Page. Tableau XIV — Animaux et produits 128 Tableau XV- Produits des champs 136 Tableau XVI — Fourrnres et pelleterios..... 144 Tableau XVII — Navigation, pecheries et produits de la foret 152 Tableau XVIII — Etablissements industriels 160 Tableau XIX— Quantity moyGnno des terreB, produits et animaux, par famille 170 Tableau XX — Produits des champs — Eendement par acre 178 Tableau XXI— Proportions 182 Tableau XXII — Btat comparatif des recensements de 1881 et 188our obtonir los renseignements concernant la population aborigene, ne s'api^liquent qu'aux Sauvages des Traites ayant droit de recevoir I'annuite du gouvernement, et pour laquelle ces registres sont tenus. xiv INTRODUCTION". and this explains v^y the information concerning the ages, the conjugal condition and the religions of the Indians has been left out oi the present report. Other information, such as that relating to furs, fisheries, &c., is furnished by the returns of the Indian Office, but in a different form from the Census schedules : the value instead of the quantity being giA^en in each case. The topography of the several Reserves situated in the Province was carefully established, and the population as well as the quantity of pro- ducts returned by the Indian Office, w^ere added to the returns made by Census enumerators, each Reserve within its respective municipality or sub-district. The Province was divided into five districts, for Census purx^oses, corresponding exactly with the five Electoral Districts of Selkirk, Mar- quette, Provencher, Lisgar and Winnipeg. These five districts were in turn divided into one hundred and six sub-districts, in accordance with the Manitoba Statutes (4t Victoria, Cap. XI). The organization and superintendence of the Census was confided to Mr. E. H. St. Denis, Acting Statistical Officer, who went to Winnipeg in order to instruct and initiate the several Census officers in their respective duties. The Census stafi" consisted of Mr. Stewart Ilulvey, as staff" officer for the Province, and the following gentlemen, as com- missioners for the five Districts : Messrs. C. Cliff", E. McDonald, J. E. Tetu, John MacBeth, M.P.P., and H. S. Donaldson. In addition, eighty- nine enumerators were appointed for the several sub-districts comprised in the Province. Every one of these officers, besides having been supplied with a manual containing the Census Act and the necessary instructions for the taking of the Census, as well as with a set of specimen schedules, to be used as a guide in making entries, underwent a course of oral instructions ; so that when the time came for the taking of the Census everyone was thoroughly acquainted with the work to be performed ; as a result of this the returns were all received in a very satisfactory condition The schedules used for the enumeration were five in number. Schedule 1 contained twenty-two columns of information into which • were registered the name, the age, the place of birth, the religion and the origin of every person enumerated ; also the residence, the conjugal condition and the occupation of every family, together with the number of children going to school and the number of persons afflicted with infirmities, such as Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Unsound of Mind. INTEObUCTION. xv Ces rapports ne contieunent pas, cependant, tons los renseignemeuts compris dans les tableaux du receiisemeut ; et ce fait explique comment les iuformatious coucernaut les ages, I'etat de mariage et les religions des Sauvages ne sont pas dounees dans Ic present rapport. D'autres renseignements, tels que ceux concernant les fburrures et la peche y sont donnes, mais sous une forme differentedecelledurecensement, la valeur et nonla quantite de ces produits etant rapportee dans chaque cas. La toi)ograpliie des differentes Reserves situees dans la province a ete soig-neusement etablie, et la population ainsi que les produits divers dont il a ete fait rapport par le Bureau des Sauvages, out ete ajoutes aux rapports des enumerateurs du recensement, chaque Reserve dans samuni- cipalite ou son sous-district respectif. Pour les fins du recensement, la province a ete divisee en cinq dis- tricts correspondant en tous points aux cinq districts electoraux sui- vants : Selkirk, Marquette, Provencher, Lisgar et Winnipeg ; ces cinq districts ont ete a leur tour divises en cent six sous-districts, en coufor- mite de la loi de Manitoba. — 4Y Victoria, chap. XI.) L'organisation ainsi que la direction de tous les travaux du recense- ment ont ete confiees a Monsieur E. H. St. Denis, faisant fonctions d'offi- cier de la statistique, qui se rendit a Winnipeg pour y instruire les offieiers du recensement et les initier dans leurs fonctions respectives. Le personnel charge de faire le denombrement, secomposait de monsieur Stewart Mulvey, comme officier en chef pour la province, et de MM. C. Cliff, E. McDonald, J. E. Tetu, JohnMacBeth, M.P.P., etH. S. Donald- son, comme commissaires pour les cinq districts plus haut mentionnes ; de plus, quatre-vingt-neuf enumerateure pour les differents sous-districts compris dans la province. Chacun de ces offieiers, apres avoir ete muni d'un manuel d'instruc- tions contenantla loi du recensement, ainsi qu'uu Cahier-Exemple devant Bervir de modele aux enumerateurs pour procederaTenregistrement, eut a subir un cours d'instructions orales. De cette manieretous etaientpar- faitement au fait de leur besogne quand vint la date fixee pour la prise du recensement, et le resultat o]:)tenu a ete en effet des plus satisfaisants. Les cahiers dont on a fait usage pour le denombrement etaient au nombre de cinq. Le cahier No. 1 contenait vingt-deux colonnes de renseignements, dans lequel ont ete enregistres le nom, I'age, le pays de naissance, la religion et la nationalite de chaque personne, avec la demeure, Tetat de mariage et I'occupation de chaque famille ; de plus le nombre des enf ants allant a I'ecole et celui des personnes afiiigees d'infirmites, telles que aveugles, sourds-muets et alienes. xvi INTEODUCTION. The number of Public Institutions with their inmates and the num- ber of Industrial Establishments were registered in Schedule 2. Schedule 3 contained twenty-seven columns for the purpose of regis- tering the quantity of land occupied and cultivated, also the quantity of grain and other field products harvested during the year 1885. In Schedule 4 the live stock and farm products, as well as the quau- tity of furs and pelts were registered. In the last Schedule was registered information relating to Ship- ping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest. These five Schedules, enclosed in a portfolio, were filled up by the enumerators going from house to house, each within his enumeration division. EEMARKS ON THE SEVERAL TABLES CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT. Table I shows with the area for each district, the number of dwellings, the number of families, the population by sexes and the conjugal con- dition of the people, for each sub-district. In the columns headed " Married," " Widowed " and " Children and Unmarried," the Treaty Indians, for reasons already given, were not counted. Table II comprises the religions, and the figures given in the last column, headed " not given," refer mostly to Treaty Indians. Table III gives the origins of the j)eople, and needs no further explanation than the pointing out of the fact that in previous Censuses no special notice was taken regarding the origin of Half-Breeds ; the French Half-Breed, the Scotch Half-Breed, &c., were then returned as " French," " Scotch," &c., and were, as a matter of course, classed with the whites. Table IV needs no explanation. Table V gives the ages of the people as they were recorded by the enumerators ; the column headed " Under one year," being a greater or lesser fraction of one year,|'and the columns headed 1 to 2, 2 to 3, &c., represent the number of persons living in the Province on the day appointed for the taking of the Census, at one year of age last birthday, two years of age last birthday, &c., the column headed " Not given," in this table, is also composed of all the Treaty Indians, besides a number of whites, whose ages could not be obtained by the enumerators. INTEODUCTIOK xvii Dans le cahier No. 2 ont ete enregistres les renseignements concer- nant les Institutions Publiques et les Etablissements Insdustriels, avea le nombre de personnes internees dans chaque institution et le nombre de personnes emx)loyees dans les differentes industries. Dans le cahier No. 3, contenant vingt-sept colonnes, ont ete enre- gistres le nombre d'acres de terre occupes et le nombre d'acres sous culture, avec la [quantite de grain et autres produits des champs, recoltes durant I'annee 1885. Dans le cahier No. 4, le nombre d'animaux et la quantite de pro- duits de ferme, ainsi que les pelleteries et fourrures ont ete enre- gistres. Dans le cinquieme et dernier cahier, les renseignements concernant la navigation et la peche, ainsi que les produits de la foret ont ete enregistres. Ces cinq cahiers, renfermes dans un portefeuille, ont ete remplis par les enumerateurs allant de maison en maison, chacun dans sa division respective, REMARQUES" SUR LES TABLEAUX CONTENUS DANS CE RAPPORT. Le Tableau I donne, avec la superiicie de chaque district, la popula- tion, le nombre de families, le nombre de demeures, ainsi que I'etat de mariage de lalpopulation, pour chaque sous-district. Les Sauvages des Traites, pour les raisons deja mentionnees, ne sont pas compris dans les colonnes ayant les en-tetes suiv antes : "Maries," "Veuvage,"et " Enfants et non maries." Le Tableau II, a trait aux differentes religions. Les chiffres contenus dans la^derniere colonne de ce tableau se rapportent presque totalement a la population sauvage. Le Tableau III a rapport aux nationalites ; une seule remarquc suffira pour ce tableau, et elle s' applique aux Metis ; dans les recensements precedents, les ^" Metis Fran^ais," les "Metis Ecossais," etc., ont ete enregistres^comme etant d'origine " Fran9aise," " Ecossaise," etc., et ont ['ete^par consequent classes parmi les blancs. Le Tableau IV ne demande aucune explication. Le Tableau^V contient les ages tels qu'ils ont ete enregistres par les enumerateurs. La colonne portant i>our en-tete : " Au-dessous d'un an," etant une plus ou moins grande partie d'un an, tandis que les colonnes ^marquees respectivement 1 a 2, 2 a 3, etc., representent le nombre de F-B xviii INTEODUCTION. Tables VI, VII, VIII, IX and X require no special explanation, except a word respecting table VIII, in which, it will be observed, the number of persons afflicted with blindness is rather small compared to that reported by the Census of 1881 ; this is accounted for by the fact that the infirmities of Indians were given in that Report while they are left out of the present one. Table XI gives the occupations of the people, arranged by classes. Itwillbenoticed, on comparing the figures of this table with those of the corresponding table for the Census of 1881, that the number of occupa- tions comprised in the category of the " Not classified," was larger iu 1881 than it is in 1886, on account of the occupations of Indians not having been reported in the present Census, while they were mostly all recorded as Hunters and Fishermen in the previous one. In the classifi- cation of 1881, the farm labourers were also put amongst the " Not classi- fied" while they are in the present report with the " Agricultural class." Tables XII, XIII, XIV and XV require no special explanation. Table XVI is a statement of the number of fur-bearing animals caught or killed by hunters or others during the Census year. The quantity of furs and pelts, as given in this table, is not to be taken, however, as the actual number of animals caught or killed in the sub- district into which they were registered, as the greater part of these furs and pelts were returned by hunters and traders, whose hunting and trading operations extended beyond the limits of their sub-districts, and sometimes from one end of the Province to the other. Particular care was taken in order to avoid double registration of furs and pelts, which might have occurred by getting the same infor- mation from two different sources : from the hunter first and then from the trader. As already explained above, the returns of the Indian Office only give the value and not the quantity of furs and pelts, which value, for all the Indian Reserves of the Province, amounts to $28,680, the greater part of which was of course sold to Traders, who made a return, of the same to enumerators. Table XVII deals with Shipping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest, and requires a word of explanation : — The "Census Standard" log represents 100 feet (board measurement). With regard to that part of this table, which relates to Fisheries, the remarks which were made in the preceding table about the collection of furs and pelts, may also be applied to fish, with this difference, however, that the fish caught by Treaty la- ENTEODUCTION. xix persounes demeurant dans la province, lors de la prise du recensemont, a I'age de nn an au dernier anniversaire, de deux ans au dernier anniver- saire, etc. La colonne marquee " Non donnes " comprend tons les Sau- vages des Traites aiusi qu'un certain nombre de blancs dont les ages n'ont pn etre obtenus par les enumeratenrs. Les Tableaux YI, VII, VIII, IX et X ne demandeut aucune explica- tion, excepte un mot sur les ages des aveugles. Tableau VIII. En com- parant les cbifFres de ce tableau avec ceux du tableau correspondant pour 1881, ou remarquera en effet que le nombre des aveugles y est moindre qu'il nc I'etait en 1881 ; ceci s'explique par le fait que les infirmites des Sauvages, rapportees dans le recensement de 1881, ne sont pas comprises dans le present rapport. Le Tableau XI contient les occupations disposees par classes. Si Ton compare encore les chifFres de ce tableau avec ceux du tableau correspondant, pour le recensement de 1881, on verra que le nombre des occupations comprises dans la categoric des " Non classifiees," etait plus eleve en 1881 qu'il ne Test dans le present rapport ; la cause de ceci, c'est que les occux^ations des Sauvages, presque tons enregistres comme chasseurs ou pecheurs en 1881, n'ont pas ete rapportees dans le recensement de 1886. Les "Journaliers de ferme" ont aussi ete, con- trairement a la classification de 1881, separes d'avec les "Journaliers" et mis dans la categoric plus appropriee de la "Classe Agricole." Les Tableaux XII, XIII, XIV et XV n'ont besoin d'aucune explica- tion. Le Tableau XVI contient un etat du nombre d'animaux a fourrure, tues ou pris par les chasseurs ou autres, durant I'annee du recensement. La quantite des pellcteries et des fourrures, telle que donnee dans ce rap- port, ne represente pas, efFectivement le nombre d'animaux tues ou pris dans le sous-district memo dans lequel les renscignements ont ete obtenus, vu que la plui)art de ces renscignements ont ete donnes par des personnes dont les operations, comme chasseurs ou traiteurs, s'etendent au dela des limites de leurs sous-districts, et souvent meme d'un bout de la province a Tautre. Des soins j)articuliers ont ete apportes par les enumerateurs dans I'enregistrement des fourrures, afin d'eviter qu'elles ne fussent inscrites deux fois, chose qui aurait pu arriver en obtenant le meme renseignement de deux personnes difFerentes : du chasseur d'abord et du traiteur ensuite. Comme il est dit plus haut, le rapport du Bureau des Sauvages donne la valeur et non la quantite des fourrures ; cette valeur pour toutes les XX INTKODUCTION. dians was principally all consumed by themselves, and not sold, as in the case of furs and pelts, to traders and others. The total value of fish caught by Treaty Indians, as reported by the Indian Office, amounts to $24,580. Table XYIII is a statement of all Industrial Establishments, in operation in the Province, except those small domestic industries such as cloth making, furniture and carriage building and reparing, &c., exercised individualy by farmers or others, for their own use. A certain number of establishments do not employ, during the whole year, the number of hands returned, and, therefore, the amount given for wages is not to be taken here as having been paid for the year, as some of these industries are only in operation for a part of that time. Tables XIX, XX, XXI and XXII need no other explanation than those already given on the first page of this Introduction. INTllOr)XJCTI0>3'. xTTi Eeserves comprises dans la Province, s'eleve a ^28,680. II va sans dire que les fourrures ainsi evalnees ont ete presque toutes vendues aux traiteurs qui, eux, en ont fait rapport aux enumerateurs. Le Tableau XYII a trait a la Navigation, aux Pecheries et aux Pro- duits de la Poret. ITn mot suffira pour expliquer le mesurage des billots ; chaque billot d'apres Vetalon de recensement comprend 100 pieds de bois, mesure de planche. Quant a la partie de ce tableau qui a trnit aux pecheries, les remarques faites sur le tableau precedent au sujet des fourrures et des pelleteries peuvent lui etre appliquees, avec cette diffe- rence, cependant, que le poisson pris par les iSauvages des Traites a ete consomme en grande partie par eux-memes, et non vendu, comme les fourrures et les pelleteries, aux traiteurs ou autres. La valeur totale du poisson pris par les Sauvages des Traites, d'apres le rapport du Bureau des Sauvages, s'eleve a ^24,5 80. Le Tableau XVII 1 donne un etat de.tous les etablissements industriels, en operation dans la Province, a I'exception cependant, des industries doinestiquos, telles que le tissage des etoffes, la confection des meubles et des voitures, etc., exercees individuellementparles cultivateurs ou autres pour leuT utilite personnelle. Plusieurs etablissements n'emploient pas durant I'annee entiere le nombre d' employes enregistres dans ce tableau, et j)ar consequent le montant paye pour gages ne doit pas etre pris ici comme I'ayant ete pour les douze mois indiques, vu qu'un grand nombre de ces industries ne sont en operation que bien peu de temps durant I'annee. Les Tableaux XIX, XX, XXI et XXII n'ont pas besoin d'autres expli- cations que celles dcj^ donnees a la premiere page de cette Introduction. F-o TABLE I. AEEAS, DWELLINGS, FAMILIES, POPULATION, SEXES, CONJUGAL CONDITION. TABLEAU I. SUPERFICIES, DEMEUEES, MANAGES, POPULATION, SEXES, ^TAT DE MAKIAGB. F—l 2 CENSUS, 188S— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Table I — Areas, Dwellings, Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition. DISTRICTS. Areas— SopERPiciBS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. I. Selkirk I (a. ' b. c. d. e. /• h. 9 200 I square miles. ' \ milles Carres . \ Rhinelaad Dufferin, South — Sud.. Carleton Dufferin, North — Nord. Douglas Louise. Derby Argyle Lome Oakland Glenwood Whitehead Gornwallis Elton Daly Turtle Mountain Deloraine >...... Whitewater Riverside Medora u. Arthur , V. Inchiquin w. Brenda X. Sifton y. Pipestone z. Wallace aa Woodworth 66 Brandon, City — Ville. cc. Nelson, Town — Vzlle... dd. Pilot Mound, Town- V. Total Dwellings — Demeures. Temporary. Temporaires. Ves- eels. Navi- res. Shanties, Wigwams and Tents. Chan tiers, Wig- wams et Teute Houses — Maisons. Inha- bited. Habi- tees. 40 47 28 17 31 1 10 79 29 8 5 16 32 45 125 1 61 26 605 717 621 265 323 470 450 284 397 403 227 197 181 239 228 148 250 263 202 203 235 137 30 76 122 93 481 243 459 18 13 Un- inha- Being bited. built. Inoc- Ina- cu- che- pees. vees. 7,975 a. Elm River. 6. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud... d. 'Horio^k, North— Nord. e. Cypress, South — Sud... f. Cypress, North— Nord. g. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale y. Lansdowne k, Rosedale I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah 6 41 16 10 27 1 11 4 10 80 487 218 184 224 343 308 58 122 113 203 9 179 12 21 22 58 5 4 22 >^ 18 2 4 4 17 3 8 ••«••• • 5 4 40 4 26 38 6 3 1 7 2 1 10 9 4 317 2 4 6 2 3 1 8 11 10 4 8 7 1 13 16 10 25 3 177 Total occu- pied. Total habi- tues. 3 3 11 4 22 18 3 1 7 8 7 3 32 17 15 10 25 5 7 10 3 1 11 8 19 1 717 621 266 324 472 450 284 397 443 227 197 228 267 245 179 251 273 281 232 243 142 46 108 167 218 482 304 485 18 13 8,580 86 529 264 184 234 343 335 59 122 124 207 19 179 DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DB MANITOBA. Tableau I— Superficies, Demeures, Menages, Population, Sexes, Etat de Mariage. Fami- lies. Mena- ges. Total Popula tion totale. Sexes. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Married — Maries. Fe- Males. males. Hom- Fem- mes. mes. — Total. Widowed. Veavage. Fe- Males. males. Hom- Fem- mes. mes. — — Total Ghildrea & Uaraarried. EafaatB et aoQ-maries. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total- 732 621 266 333 530 450 284 397 456 227 212 229 268 257 179 252 273 314 258 262 193 57 142 167 235 482 337 489 18 13 8,932 3,964 2,069 2,535 1,445 878 484 1,358 774 2,681 1,384 1,940 1,102 966 564 1,286 742 1,814 998 939 553 835 495 917 574 1,049 606 i,ei9 589 644 365 894 527 962 582 997 615 828 757 448 99 352 563 837 1,184 1,136 2,348 73 54 34,356 477 470 281 74 224 334 463 764 645 1,240 44 27 19,501 1,895 1,090 394 584 1,297 838 402 544 816 386 340 343 443 430 279 367 380 382 351 287 167 25 128 228 384 420 491 1,108 29 27 14,855 707 436 141 215 492 316 173 222 '279 156 133 157 158 167 104 166 170 159 135 144 78 14 60 89 *76 184 *179 428 14 12 5,764 703 420 145 207 489 311 159 213 271 145 126 149 149 160 100 152 161 141 12S 130 72 12 57 84 68 177 170 419 13 12 5,541 1,410 856 286 422 981 627 332 435 550 301 259 306 307 327 204 318 331 300 261 274 150 26 117 173 144 361 349 847 27 24 11,305 14 27 15 18 11 12 5 11 11 6 8 11 6 10 6 5 13 5 13 6 7 1 2 18 2 25 16 12 1 297 13 30 12 17 22 18 5 20 18 7 1 8 11 15 11 2 7 11 9 7 4 1 2 5 13 12 20 1 1 303 27 57 27 35 33 30 10 31 29 13 3 19 17 25 17 7 20 16 22 13 11 2 2 20 7 38 28 32 2 1 600 1,348 982 328 541 881 774 386 509 636 391 354 406 442 412 245 356 399 451 329 320 196 59 162 227 208 555 407 800 29 15 13,148 1,179 640 237 360 786 509 238 311 445 234 213 186 283 255 178 213 212 230 216 150 91 12 71 142 133 230 263 669 15 14 8,715 2,527 1,622 565 901 1,657 1,283 624 820 1,081 625 567 692 725 667 423 569 611 681 545 470 287 71 233 369 341 785 670 1,469 44 29 21,863 86 536 290 193 254 345 350 62 122 138 210 20 183 356 2,956 1,080 716 792 1,493 1,597 292 553 593 679 80 691 197 1,665 683 405 475 840 836 167 318 321 392 41 413 159 1,291 397 311 317 653 761 125 235 272 287 36 278 59 *416 185 127 142 234 •246 *49 97 •76 *102 •6 117 55 412 160 132 126 234 244 47 94 75 100 6 111 114 823 345 259 268 468 490 96 191 151 202 12 228 4 31 8 2 11 13 11 7 4 7 6 1 7 4 37 6 7 9 17 13 3 5 7 2 8 68 14 9 20 30 24 10 9 14 8 1 14 134 1,157 490 276 322 593 534 111 217 210 225 13 289 F—V. i * Ihe conjugal couditioa of ladiaus is not given. • L'etat de mariage dea sauTages n'eat pas doaa 100 772 231 172 182 402 466 75 136 159 140 7 160 234 1,929 721 448 504 995 1,000 186 353 369 365 20 449 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table I — Areae, Dwellinge, Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition. DISTRICTS. Absas — Scpebficies. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Dwellings — Demeures. Temporary. Temporaires. Tea- sels. Navi- res. Shanties, Wigwams and Tents. Ghantiers, Wig- wams et Tentes. Houses — Maisons. Inha- bited. Habi- tees. Un- inha- bited. Inoc- cu- pees. Being built. Ina- che- vees. S. Marqaette., 91 ofto i square miles. 21^000 1 milles Carres. ^ 3. Provenclicr., 71. Saskatchewan o. Blanchard p. Clanwilliam q. Harrison r. Strathclair „ «. Oak River... t. Miniota u. Archie .... V. Shoal Lake w. Birtle X. Ellice,. y, Ro.-sburn z. Silver Creek aa. Kussell ....o bb. Shell River re. Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Town— Ville ee. Gladstone, yown — V.. Jf. Neepawa, Town — Ville gg. Minnedosa, Town — V hh. Rapid City, Town-V.. ii. Birtie, Town — Ville... I Total 30 7 1 1 26 35 21 253 130 185 102 40 122 125 181 60 152 212 92 59 129 118 128 22 284 7i 52 109 60 61 5,C94 32 30 8 5 38 39 27 2 36 £9 22 32 6 8 9 4 70 23 1 14 14 4 638 K -r\i\ f square miles. ^'^*^" i milles Carres. a. Franklin...... b. Montcalm c. LaBroquerie d. Hanover e. DeSalaberry J. Morris , g. Youville , " Tache OuG* .&rin6 1******** ■•••••! Hespeler k. Cartier I. St. Norbert m. St. Boniface -. n, Emerson, Town — Ville. 0. Morris, Town — Vdle. p. St. Boni face, jPown — V. h Total. 127 "l 1 131 260 20 4 277 36 15 3 6 183 5 8 140 7 5 136 42 2 44 115 18 11 248 27 19 180 1 190 25 2 161 5 4 23 184 64 45 36 251 44 311 2,473 62 a. St. Andrews.. b. St. Ulements, 10 58 379 376 25 11 12 28 Total occu- pied. Total habi- tees. 130 135 102 40 123 125 211 67 153 213 92 85 129 153 128 22 405 73 52 112 £0 63 5,348 387 277 37 183 140 137 44 115 2^8 180 190 162 23 184 45 252 2,6C4 389 435 DENOMBRBMENT, 1886— PROYINCE DB MANITOBA. & '- 1 TABfiEAU I— Superficies, Demeures, Me nages, Population, Sexe.s, Etatde Mariago. 1 Widowed i. Children & Unmarried. Sexes. 1 Marriel— Uaries. | — — Veurage , Enfmts et non-maries. Fami- Total — ' _- ^ ' ' -"" ' '^ ' ■— -. •^ ' lies. Popula- Fe- ■ Fe- Fe- Fe- tion Males. males. Vlales males. Hales males. Jfales. males. Mdaa- gea. totale. — — — — Total. — — rotal . — — Total. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- 3om- Fera- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 130 597 327 270 101 103 204 7 10 17 219 157 376 135 473 264 209 84 80 164 3 3 6 177 126 303 104 349 219 130 57 50 107 1 4 5 161 76 237 47 215 125 90 32 34 66 2 1 3 91 55 146 124 632 295 237 91 87 178 6 7 13 198 143 341 125 478 279 199 81 82 163 9 6 15 189 111 300 216 859 4b6 373 *115 111 226 5 6 11 298 186 484 68 256 155 101 38 38 76 4 4 8 113 69 172 153 585 355 230 95 94 189 9 6 15 251 130 381 237 755 458 2&7 128 121 249 2 4 6 328 172 500 95 378 212 166 70 67 137 9 5 14 133 94 227 88 333 182 151 *38 37 7) 94 54 148 130 404 239 165 61 59 120 4* 4 8* 174 102 276 164 550 302 248 •59 67 116 6 3 9 166 82 248 129 397 245 152 59 49 108 5 5 10 181 93 279 24 61 38 23 12 10 22 1 1 25 13 38 405 2,028 1,039 989 •339 348 687 23 38 61 677 603 1,280 75 299 160 139 54 53 1C6 2 3 5 104 84 188 52 256 119 136 48 46 94 2 5 7 69 85 154 113 549 305 244 96 9o 192 5 4 9 204 144 348 51 258 130 128 41 45 86 1 5 6 88 78 166 63 261 143 12,833 118 43 48 96 2 2 93 70 165 5,517 22,750 9,917 3,e03 3,510 7,113 220 240 460 8.604 5,724 14,328 402 1,664 886 778 •202 200 402 18 12 30 465 353 818 306 1,544 836 708 267 264 551 16 10 26 553 434 987 37 163 85 77 25 25 53 4 1 5 56 51 107 2lt4 1,095 564 5U 201 201 403 5 9 14 358 321 679 144 777 404 373 127 125 252 6 8 14 271 240 511 143 774 439 335 121 122 24J 14 4 18 304 209 513 44 217 127 90 33 32 65 3 2 5 91 56 147 119 598 32i 274 m 86 172 6 12 18 232 176 4C8 253 1,285 667 618 210 210 420 15 8 23 442 400 842 184 1,012 527 485 165 164 329 4 9 13 358 312 670 193 870 452 418 153 149 302 8 8 16 291 261 552 165 822 446 376 129 129 253 6 17 2 J 311 230 5U 23 135 74 61 23 18 41 1 6 6 50 38 8S 185 79(3 414 382 157 156 313 8 8 16 249 218 467 45 210 121 89 40 41 84 1 1 81 44 125 256 1,449 710 739 208 205 413 ""lb" 21 31 492 4,604 513 1,005 8,450 2,713 13,410 7,076 6,334 3,147 2,130 4,277 124 135 259 3,856 402 2,061 1,034 1,027 •239 237 476 18 51 69 517 496 1,043 447 1,800 943 857 •160 158 318 13 21 34 335 243 678 * The conjugal coadilioa of iniians is not given. •L'etat de manage des sauvages n'est p^s donne. CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Taslb I — Areas, Dwellings, Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition. DISTRICTS. A K K AS — SUPBEFICIES. SUB-DIbTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Dwellings — Demeures. Temporary. Temporaires. Ves- sels. Navi- res. Shanties, Wigwams and Tents. Chantiers, Wig- wams et Tentes. Houses — liaisons. Inha- bited. Eabi- tees. Un- inha- bited Inoc- cu- pees. Being built. Ina- che- vees. Total occu- pied. Total habi- tees. 4. Hs§:ar. 2».»«{s;i^cS: c. d. e. / P' h. i. J- k. I. m, n. 0. P- 9- T. S. Plessis Rockwood Gimli Varennes .-. lUacdonald Springfield Assiniboia Kildonan St. Paul > Belcourt St. Fran^ois-Xavier ... Woodlands St. Laurent Posen Fairford Selkirk, Town—Ville. Selkirk, East-Est,T-V. Total , 248 22 3 10 9 4 183 551 38 460 2 59 6 183 3 6 51 3 1 43 253 179 95 86 11 29 19 8 7 1 95 10 4 126 9 2 216 41 9 94 11 6 75 2 6 15 6 134 57 6 256 2 2,955 89 'l 5. W^innipeg....... \ d. rjQ.oQ f square miles. \ miUes carres. Ward No. 1, Quartier. Ward No 2, Quartier, Ward No. 3, Quartier. Ward No. 4, Quartier. Ward No. 5, Quartier. Ward No. 6, Quartier.. Total . 1 67 7 7 66 148 101 23 1 870 109 10 78 ' 1,317 13 140 44 1,203 135 12 114 16 436 3 3,683 70 286 460 183 73 46 253 189 104 86 95 127 219 94 79 198 135 57 3,508 102 937 85 1,324 1,269 114 3,831 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selbirk 2. Blarqnette .... 3. ProTencber. , 4. liisgar 5. Winnipeg 605 7,975 317 177 253 5,094 638 147 131 2,473 311 62 551 2,955 25'3 89 148 3,683 436 70 8,580 5,348 2,604 3,508 3,831 lotals of Manitoba » an Knn f square miles ) Totaux de Manitoba j °"i'>'^*^ | miilea carres ) "• 1,688 22,180 1,958 545 23,871 DENOMBREMENT, 1886— PKOYINCE BE MANITOBA. Tableau I — Superficies, Demeures, Menages, Population, Sexea, Etat de Mariage. Seses. Fami- Total lies. Popula- tion Mana- ges, totale. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Married — Maries. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males< Fem- mee. Total. Widowed. Venrage. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fern- mes. Children & Unmairied. Enfants et non-tnaries. Males. Total. — Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. TotaL 319 460 188 81 61 253 207 104 87 95 127 219 94 84 229 137 69 3,643 1,335 2,264 889 347 251 1,345 1,125 574 477 513 826 1,098 576 423 967 705 310 17,886 682 1,228 457 206 146 733 604 285 246 277 457 652 306 233 4S6 422 171 9,578 653 1,036 432 141 105 612 621 289 231 236 369 446 270 190 471 283 139 8,308 •29 28 57 3 1 374 368 742 13 24 168 166 334 15 26 *39 37 76 1 1 44 40 84 2 2 190 187 377 20 17 176 176 352 16 23 87 85 172 8 21 72 73 145 5 11 88 88 176 3 10 133 128 261 10 12 161 161 322 17 7 98 98 196 3 10 79 73 162 4 9 •18 16 34 1 126 115 241 10 12 50 48 98 4 3 2,331 2,282 4,613 166 260 4 37 40 2 4 37 39 29 16 13 22 24 13 13 1 22 7 426 62 841 273 108 100 623 412 190 169 186 315 474 205 150 35 286 117 6,328 33 644 242 46 63 408 322 183 147 138 230 278 162 108 21 156 88 4,008 95 1 485 615 154 163 931 734 373 316 324 645 762 367 268 66 442 205 9,336 106 1,068 90 1,478 1,503 116 4,360 577 4,981 486 6,812 6,812 670 20,238 269 2,520 248 3,583 3,685 301 308 2,461 238 3,229 3,127 269 10,606 9,632 95 860 78 1,199 1,213 99 3,544 99 862 77 1,181 1,192 97 3,508 194 1,722 155 2,380 2,405 196 7,052 4 40 4 58 61 6 172 21 89 16 148 137 8 419 25 129 20 206 198 13 691 170 1,620 166 2,326 2,411 197 6,890 188 1,510 145 1,S00 1,798 164 6,705 358 3,130 311 4,226 4,209 361 12,695 GRAN DS TOTAUX. 8,932 5,517 2,713 3,643 4,360 34,356 22,750 13,410 17,886 20,238 19,501 12,833 7,076 9,678 10,606 14,855 9,917 6,334 8,308 9,632 5,764 3,603 2,147 2,331 3,644 5,641 .^,510 2,130 2,282 3,508 11,305 7,113 4,277 4,613 7,052 297 220 124 166 172 303 240 135 260 419 600 460 259 426 691 13,148 8,604 4,604 6,328 6,890 8,715 5,724 3,866 4,008 5,706 21,863 14,328 8,460 9,336 12,595 25,165 108,640 69,594 49,046 17,3S9 16,971 34,360 979 1,357 2,336 38,574 28.008 66,582 * The conju]i:al condition of Indians is not given. * L'6tat de mariage des sauFages n'est pas doone. TABLE 11. EBLIGIONS OF THE PEOPLE. TABLEAU IL POPULATION PAB OULTBS. 10 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCB OF MANITOBA. Table II — Eeligions of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Ad- ven- tists. Baptists. Bap- tists. Free. Bre- thren. Catho* lies Roman. Catho- liques Romains Church of England Eglise d'An- gleterre Con- grega- tional Dis ci- pies 1. Selkirk. a. b. c. d. e. f. 1 i. J- k. I. m. n. o. q T. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. aa. bb. ce. dd. Rhineland Dufferin, South — Sud .... Carleton Dufferin, North — Nord.. Douglas — Louise Derby Argyle Lome Oakland Glenwood , Whitehead Cornwallia Elton Daly -,.., ,... Turtle Mountain Deloraine v,.......- Whitewater Riverside Medora Arthur Inchiquin Sifton Pipestone- Wallace Woodworth Brandon, City — Ville.... Nelson, Toibn — Ville.... Pilot Mound, Town—V. Total. 11 99 5 64 6 112 43 14 33 28 23 16 51 24 24 15 32 60 54 72 29 12 9 2 23 24 162 1,050 a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud..... d. Norfolk, North— Nord. e. Cypress, South — Sud.... /. Cypress, North— Nord. g. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale j. Lansdowne A. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain.. I m. Odanah 74 31 9 34 22 50 3 33 20 4 37 27 1 56 72 51 30 20 53 32 665 24 41 36 25 23 79 23 52 18 48 6 3 2 143 5 36 79 131 1,749 18 726 268 237 45 288 233 177 275 198 205 203 251 203 214 239 244 255 181 103 110 12 59 135 116 350 233 579 22 17 6,196 10 217 41 40 13 8 48 247 7 19 73 1 27 58 712 304 154 219 217 489 28 89 69 67 20 109 54 3 3 22 13 7 5 12 4 1" 1 3 17 4 8 3 "i 15 1 1 35 219 1 10 42 SI 5 32 ••>••« 1 *•••• 10 40 1 7 i' 18 5 "i" DfiNOMBEEMJlNT, 1886— PEOVINCB DB MANITOBA. 11 Tableau II — Population par Cultes. Je-WB. Joifs. Luthe- rans. Liith6- riens. Methodists. Church of Canada. Eglise du Canada. Bible Chris- tian. Men- noni- tes. Presby- terians. Presby- teriens. Uni- Univer- Pro- Qua- tarians. salists. tes- kers. "■" — tants. Uni- Univer- taires. salistes. Other Denomi- nations. Antres Confes- sions. No Reli- gion. Sans Reli- gion. Not given. Non donncs. 12 9 34 '""s 27 16 4 328 9 6 22 10 9 •••••• •••■' 2 10 1 25 5 1 14 535 8 667 184 545 19 686 254 388 243 330 269 291 339 278 174 229 325 293 286 283 107 41 142 89 174 271 346 623 23 6 7,913 2 14 9 18 2 1 5 15 30 842 256 167 346 394 218. 67 195 200 184 1 231 2 lu 26 3,917 135 2,487 6,540 793 349 445 65 732 363 323 390 3^5 273 331 358 466 225 324 327 313 254 231 175 25 137 181 179 468 368 771 28 24 9,253 46 981 417 272 175 745 499 179 209 221 22S 11 263 15 1 7 16 13 52 5 11 10 34 •«•••• •■•••• 29 14 112 7 11 2 10 1 16 13 3 2 •155 1 6 12 17 2 •345 5 •89 15 654 3 '133 2 38 1 •83 •59 •104 •47 * Indians — Sauvages. 12 CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table II — Religions of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Ad- ven- tists. Baptists. Bap- tists. Free. Catho- Church lics of Roman. England Con- Bre- — — grega- thren. Catho- Eglise tional liques d'An- Remains gleterre Dis- ci- ples 4 2. niarqnette , 3. Provencher. 77. Saskatchewan 0. Blanchard p. Clanwilliam q. Harrison.. r. Strathclair \ s. Oak River , I t. Miniota ,.... I u. Archie I V. Shoal Lake ..... w Birtle X EUice y. Roesburn z. Silver Creek , aa. Russell , bb. Shell River cc. Boulton dd Portage la Prairie T:wn—Ville ee. Gladstone, Town—ViUe ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville gg. Minnedo8a,7'oww — ViUe hh Rapid City, Toiun—V.. ii. Birtle, Town — VUle xotai ..«•...•.... a. Franklin ... b Mom calm c LaBroquerie d. Hanover e. DeSalaberry /. Morris „ g. YouviHe A Tache ■{ «' Ste. i^nne j. Hespeler , k. Cartier I. St. Norbert m St. Boniface .... n. Emerson, Town — Ville Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Town — V Total. 12 53 11 16 66 5 36 8 81 108 9 16 13 12 9 102 24 1 22 16 14 937 5 19 61 14 6 13 1 169 1 2 4 3 96 2 29 6 1,110 56 83 85 15 68 90 209 40 101 197 33 14 79 119 147 18 494 54 35 120 70 52 4,714 85 28 76 5 217 123 916 130 728 190 129 532 1,002 8 799 748 108 81 16 1,348 6,858 127 146 13 16 67 41 12 82 8 16 24 6 234 55 51 1,048 fa. St. Andrews i b. St. Clements, 40 53 1,274 600 2 2 3 23 5 13 '"4' 1 12 148 15 23 1 4 139 DENOMBREMENT, 1885— PEOYINCB DE MANITOBA. 13 Tableau II — Population par Cultes. Jews. Juifs. Luthe- rang. Luth6- riens. Method Church of Canada. Eglise du Canada ists. Bible Chrie- tian. Men- noni- tes. ■Presby- terians. Presby- teriens. Pro- tes- tants. Qua- kers. Unita- rians. Uni- taires. Univer- salists. Univer- salistes. Other Denomi- aations. Autres Confes- sions. No Reli- gion. Sans Reli- gion. Not given. Non donneg. 5 6 41 143 187 82 34 58 114 154 39 100 146 72 51 60 26 36 9 447 75 104 90 60 79 320 171 138 143 329 26* 246 155 270 238 87 102 234 207 185 34 822 142 111 269 106 100 8,920 ""39" 1 ••••» k«.** - i' '■'•139" 1 6 11 5" 6 ...... > •>• •••• 10 9 •126 '''ii'i' 3 2 2 10 1 16 1 2 •■•>• •■••. .«•(•• •••■• .••.i" ...... " "io i" 14 1 7 7 10 •*•«•... 7 •■ •• •<•■• .-:•• !•••> 7 1 3 948 1 2 180 5,297 1 200 24 1 41 14 1 286 e3 I 80 27 19 20 20 27 "236 i','(J89 "290" "95*6 2,571 461 13i lif 19 133 10 28 123 16 15 43 18 195 73 32 "'60' 'l"2 3* '2 1 12 *418 i" '2 ^■^■^ 8 4 .••••• •••«•- 4 .■•••• ••••«■ 7 4 7 2 9 1 2 194 58 12 1 1 i' 1 1 14 32 827 1,327 67 1 1 11 2 424 1 *••••»•»* 9 1 1 •473 •870 ^ • Indians — Saurages. 14 CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table II — Eeligions of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOCrS-DISTRICTS. 4. liisgar. c. d. e. /■ 9- h. i. J- \k. I. m. n. 0. P- 9- r. 8. Plessis Rockwood Gimli Varennes Macdonald ~ Springfield Assiniboia Kildonan .. .., St. Paul Belcourt St. Fran^ois-Xavier... Woodlands , St. Laurent V Oo"Xl ••••*•••• •*••!••••• »•• Fairford Selkirk, Town—Ville„ Selkirk, East, Town—V. Total. Ad- ven- tists. Baptists. Bap- tists. Free. 119 18 28 11 1 8 7 1 10 18 8 239 Bre- thren, Catho- lics Roman. Catho- liques Romains Church of England Egliae d'An- gleterre Con- grega tional 84 19 2 43 35 13 417 54 22 386 593 71 531 195 1 78 53 2,690 35 701 7 49 77 356 502 143 318 58 82 451 16 159 76 308 74 5,286 5. Winnipeg Ward No. 1, Quartier... Ward No. 2, Quartier... Ward No 3, Quartier.., Ward No. 4, Quartier... Ward No. 5, Quartier... Ward No. 6, Quartier... Total 3 183 19 303 335 4 847 15 5 21 146 584 87 767 653 7 2,244 222 1,836 177 1,594 1,840 293 5,962 Dis- ci- ples 4 13 '"4 9 44 14 224 9 203 127 2 584 4 5 4 13 GRAND TOTALS. 1. SellKirk , 2. Marqnette 3. Provencber 4. Iiisgar .5. Winnipeg Totals of Manitoba 1 Totaux de Manitoba j 1 12 1,050 937 217 239 817 27 61 4 1 21 1,749 1,110 6,858 2,690 2,244 6,196 4,714 1,048 5,286 5,962 219 148 2 44 584 42 139 1 4 13 18 3,290 114 14,651 23,206 997 199 D^NOMBREMBNT, 1886--PROVINCB DE MA^NITOBA. 15 Tableau H — Population par Cultes. Jews. Juifs. Luthe- rans. Luth6- riens. Method Church of Canada Eglise du Canada lists. Bible Chris- tian. Men- noni- tes. Presby- terians. Presby- teriens. Pro- tes- tants. Qua- kers. Unita- rians. Dni- taires. Univer- salists. Dniver- salisles Other Denomi- nations. Autrea Confes- sions. No ReU- gion. Sans Reli- gion. Not given. Non donn63. 1 24 3 836 1 8 5 7 2 5 9 489 24 21 23 208 28 44 27 30 34 259 33 61* 34 3 927 20 91 98 721 152 324 79 32 114 277 28 34 14 161 116 •1,179 5 1 .....•»■ 1 1 5 3 •117 3 1 ••••van* 3 • ••• 5 2 8 • •••• •••••• 1 *2 6 •876 15 • ••• «••• t*M)** •••■•• l" 15 I 1 -a 22 4 • - ••«••* 1 1 3 1,027 1,363 4 3,635 2 12 4 16 8 3,547 ""23 '"isV 336 51 188 71 462 576 9 30 630 70 1,279 1,119 69 100 1,289 48 1,894 1,754 186 1 'i"o8 '3' "1 1 8 2 1 3 1 1 1 5 '2 1 • ••<>• ■••••• • •••• ••••«• 20 12 31 510 1,357 3,217 5,271 109 5 11 3 21 7 46 GRANDS TOTAUX. 14 2 14 3 510 535 180 32 1,027 1,357 7,913 5,297 827 1,363 3,217 26 1 4 6,540 1 2,571 9,253 8,920 1,327 3,635 5,271 52 200 67 109 34 24 1 2 5 .6 1 1 12 11 2 29 41 14 16 21 14 14 2 8 7 654 948 424 3,547 46 4 3 513 3,131 18,617 31 9,112 28,406 428 68 31 9 121, 45 5,619 Indians— Sauvages . TABLE III. OBIGINS OF THE PEOPLE. TABLEAU III. POPULATION PAE NATIONALIT^S F— 2 18 CEXSaS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table III — Origins of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Afri- can. Noirs. Chi- nese. Chi- noia Dutch Hol- lan- dais English. Anglais. French. Fran- cjais. Ger- man. Alle- mands Indian. Sau- vages. I. Selkirk r a. Rhineland 24 827 218 354 53 686 288 273 317 388 294 304 390 295 305 276 352 316 300 228 184 33 113 167 198 497 229 856 21 21 3,926 229 22 60 2,542 43 15 37 81 22 6 38 46 3 34 11 19 8 9 22 20 4 22 b. Dufferin, South — Sud 7 9 65 29 1 8 24 6 597 c. Carleton d. Dufferin, North— Nord. e. Douglas /. Louise a. Dei'bv ■■•**»^a< 8 1 2 h. Argyle i. Lome 1 155 y. Oakland k. Glenwood I. Whitehead 13 13 7)1. Cornwallis n. Elton 22 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain 2 47 2 23 9 2 q. Deloraine r. Whitewater s. Riverside .. 24 t. Medora u. Arthur - V. Inchiquin 10. Brenda 1 X. Sifton 101 5 7 44 50 y. Pipestone 2. Wallace 3 4 22 20 77 345 aa. Woodworth 66. Brandon, City — Ville cc. Nelson, Town — Ville. .. .. dd. Pilot Mound, Town— Ville Total 4 114 10 2 1 2 10 2 70 8,807 1,057 7,344 618 fa. Elm River 47 625 374 236 326 3S9 224 39 181 166 137 21 216 11 10 22 1 5 1 13 1 53 40 7 7 20 3 8 1 14 6. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud d. Norfolk, North— Nord e. Cypress, South — Sud f. Cypress, North — Nord g. Westbourne k. Osprey i. Glendale /. Lansdowne 3 132 5 1 2 3 83 2 1 5 59 105 48 k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain wi. Odanah. 2 5 D^NOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOYINCB DE MANITOBA. 19 Tableau III — Population par Nationalites. I Eng- lish. An- glais. lalf-Br Fren- ch. Fran- 9ai3. Beds — I Irish. Irian- dais. letis. Scot- ch. Ecos- sais. Un- defi- ned. In- defi- nis. Ice- lan- dic I3- lan- dais Irish. Irlan- daia. Ita- lian Ita- li'DS Jew- ish. Juifs. RU3 sian and Pol- ish Rus ses et Po- lo- n&is Scan dina- vian. Scan dina- ves. Scot- ch. Ecos- sais. Spa- nish and Por- tu- guese. Espa- gnols et Por- tu- gais. Swiss. Suis- ses. Welsh Gal- lois. Va- rious other ori- gins. Di- verses autres ori- ginea. Not given. Xon don- nes. ""9* 1 10 ""u 1 10 2 ' "1*3 31 4 8 5 3 778 334 489 34 490 373 329 290 224 310 271 251 360 87 295 295 412 252 240 115 37 128 115 84 242 354 596 29 "22' ""e 2 11 3 3' 8 ■""3" ■"'5' '""5" 6 '■•••• • • ••••• •> ""10" 10 1 16 7" 1 2 633 233 382 41 701 249 277 348 297 215 284 349 3c3 214 260 256 236 258 260 121 25 79 150 197 397 354 740 22 26 •••••••»• 6 6 1" r 1 r 1 7 >' •••«•• 8 1 .*•■•«•. 1 5* 8 1 328' "1" •*. ••■•• ...... >• ••••■■• i" '2 ""10 1 i" 3" 3 7 10 ' .... 1 4" •«•••• • '4 • ••••■ • • ••••• • *« ••■•••• 6* 4 *•■«•• • "'"19" ••••*«••• ••••■. • •••••••• 20 10 r • «,^i>a*«< 3 .... ■••*■• 347 2 119 103 8 12 7,817 7,939 1 2 47 4 27 5 19 "33' ■ ••••• • i' 176 10 271 .. ..„^.. 3 1 25 94 10 "220* r 2 "1 25" 3 39 937 256 199 289 434 366 116 240 141 165 ""162 "l "l 1 1 1 • ••• u" 2 ""s 12 1 8 11 ""2 "12' "12" 42 1,055 340 256 158 641 371 127 124 212 179 11 274 4" 3 1 1 9' ""io 1 1 '"49" ""u 3 •••»••• •••« k ^•-2^ 20 CENSUS, 1886-PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. 1 Table III— Or igins of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Afri- can. Noirs. Chi- nese. Chi- nois. Dutch Hol- lan- dais English. Anglais. French. Fran- 9ais. Ger- man. Alle- mands Indian. Sau- vages. 2. Marquette.. 71. Saskatchewan 0. Blanchard 1 155 145 97 37 73 89 259 57 121 344 78 41 81 161 137 22 539 86 91 200 87 86 4 26 20 1 8 5 11 2 36 18 3 21 2 p. Clanwilliam q. Harrison 1*. Strathclair 1 7 s. Oak River t. Miuiota 4 7 9 142 u, Archie V. Shoal Lake 2 w. Birtle X. Ellice 4 5 5 2 7 lib" y. Rossburn « 2. Silver Creek ., ........ aa. Russell.-. 2 177 bb. Shell River cc. Boulton - dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town — Ville, .. 26 6 2 20 22 1 i'f 8 360 121 ff. Neepawa, Town— Ville.... gq. Minnedosa, Town — Ville.. h'h. Rapid City, Town— Ville. 2" a. Birtle, Town — Ville Total 60 5,967 143 977 'a. Franklia b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie d. Hanover „... e. De Salaberry /. Morris 3 2 404 154 13 'i'i' 60 31 15 84 11 35 21 3 288 69 90 115 774 129 '*" 399' 147 73 300 573 3*69' 254 70 53 5 1,063 9 241 i','695 1 272 6 '5 963 414 1 g. Youville , 3. Proven cber. h. Tache ^ i. Ste. Anne j. Hespeler •— • k. Cartier I. St. Norbet m. St. Boniface _ n. Emerson. Toivn — Ville 28" 2 39 12 1 0. Morris, Town— Ville p. St. Boniface, Town— Ville. Total 11 35 1,295 4,26i 2,644 426 f 1 a. St. Andrews b. St. Clements... , i' 3 1 128 124 13 3 ' 13 473 876 DISNOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 21 Tableau III — Population par Nation alites. ] Eng- lish. An- glais. ?alf-Br Fren- ch. Fran- ?ai3. eeds— Irish. Irian- dais. Metis. Scot- ch. Ecos- SdiS. Un- defi- aed. In- defi- nis. Ice- lan- dic. Is- lan- ■iais Iri3h. Irian- dais. Ita- lian Ita- li'ns Jew- ish. Juifs. Rue sian and Pol- ish. Rus ses et Po- lo- uais Scan iina- vian. Scan dina- ves. Scot- ch. Ecos- sais. Spa- nish and Por- tu- guese. Espa- gnola et Por- tu- gai3. Svriss. — Sui- ses. Welsh Gal- lois. Va- rious other ori- gins. Di- verse? aucres ori- gines Not given. Noa don- ucs. ••••» • '"10" 7" i" 1 4 9 3" '3 "'"1 .... 124 171 83 65 91 189 226 78 116 142 46 44 112 75 148 7 496 88 109 99 56 58 "43' 3 288 136 125 103 346 192 217 110 297 241 71 133 187 122 91 32 765 115 55 214 98 98 -*•••••■• •0O*»*«. 1 1 ■••■•• • ■*"io" ""3" 71 '"139' i 608 ..... 3 ""2 i" 3' "10 1 ■ • ••••••• ..... "24 "i 5 "i 14 "1 45 5 7 2 1 3 2" 1 T 7 ""'9' ...... ""19" 2 *2* 4 383 5,967 1 23 153 7,826 4 30 94 17 2' 4 10 i 17 "115 '29'6 29 47 179 388 '462 467 37 4 "l46 3 15 4 ""21' .„. "5" 5 302 140 11 38 120 25 50 92 10 41 26 10 193 56 73 7 44 "ii* "3 58 ""s* 7' ■■"2' 3 23 402 118 9 14 102 27 26 136 10 18 16 11 172 65 36 15 7" "i'l" 1* 1 1 •*■■•••• , •••• •■•••••• 1 • **0**h- 1* 6 •••••••• • ■••<••• 1 1 '""i'i """1**3 5 2,170 12 56 1,187 7 1,162 7 33 3 872 178 13 38 " le" 240 333 "e 3 3 75 16 1* "5" "25' 239 147 -•«»••*«■ ....,.„. '"12" 2 1 1 22 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVIXCE OF MANITOBA. Table III — Oz-igics of People. DISTRICTS. StJB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Afri- can. Jfoirs. Chi- nese. Chi- nois. Dutch Hol- lau- dais. English. Anglais. French. Fran- •jais. Ger- man. Alle mauds Indian. Sau- vages. 4. Iii8g:ar i c. Plessis - d. Rockwood e. Gimli y. Varennes g. Macdonald h. Springfield i. Assiniboia j. Kildonan k. 8t. Paul I. Belcourt m. St. Fran^oia-Xavier n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Posen „ q. Fairford r. Selkirk, Town — Ftlle s. Selkirk, East— Est, T—V. Total. 10 5 2 2 29 7 839 7 41 56 378 232 131 77 50 65 415 5 106 4 199 70 2,934 a. b. c. 5. Winnipeg ■{ d. e. f. Ward No. 1, Ward No. 2, Ward No. 3, Ward No. 4, Ward No. 5, Ward No. 6, Quartier. Quartier. Quartier. Quartier. Quartier. Quartier. Total. 13 5 19 16 1 12 16 21 50 soo 1,877 205 2,129 2,282 253 6,916 51 3 1 18 9 9 88 30 12 39 311 42 41 33 37 7 747 53 3 9 12 6 21 5 2 16 25 1 2 15 6 189 1,189 115 "To 2 3 4 877 3,652 15 158 15 276 143 3 610 6 99 15 183 228 14 545 GRAND TOTAL 3 1. SclUirli , 2. niarqnette. .. 3. Provenchcr. 4. I^is^ar 5. lrVinui|>eg.... 10 1 19 Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba J 30 16 70 8,807 1,057 7,344 60 5,967 143 360 35 1,295 4,264 2,644 29 2,934 747 189 50 6,946 61C 545 618 977 426 3,552 2 18 244 25,949 6,821 11,082 5,575 ri^NOMEEEMENT, 1886--PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 23 Tableau III — Population par Nationalites. Eng- lish. An- glais. Half-E Fren- ch Fran- 9ais. treeds- Irish. Irian- dais. -Metis. Scot- ch. Ecos- sais. Un- defi- ned In- defi nis Ice- lan- dic Is- Ian- dais Irish. Irlan- daia. Ita- lian Ita- li'ns Jew- ish. Juifs. Ruf sian and Pol- ish. Rus ses et Po- lo- nais Scan dina- vian. Scan dina- ves. Scot- ch. Ecos- gais. Spa- nish and Por- ta- gnese. Espa- gnols et Por- tu- gais. Swiss. Sais- ses. Welsh Gal- lois. Va- rious other ori- gins. Di- verses autres ori- gines. Not given. Non don- nea ■"64 14 1 1 13 9 12 25 67 180 17 190 17 8 7 23 39 56 21 36 ■"3 24 1 835 "2 5 2 2 7 451 '"72 107 271 135 42 41 40 68 270 52 35 70 76 3* 2 1 25 836 31 69 58 571 140 297 77 67 155 302 25 32 5 205 88 .•••••«>• 1 • ••a 3 '""{'o "1 •- 9 87 8 48 24 2 17 12 42 10 91 4 1,448 11 1 1 4 2 203 22 21 263 200 " "414 130 15 6 1 48 2 2 2 3 1 1 • ■••••*•« 9 6 9 .... £;;;: i' '7 2 9 • •••• 38 17 932 1 . • .•>•»« ""5 "'is' 2 2" 1,353 74 1,293 1,818 5 2 5 58 3,369 2 41 20 5 12 9 31 3 18 2 76 76 5 24 20 10 5 13 5 5 14 49 28 50 174 64 410 441 1,13'J 78 1,183 54 1,584 1,402 90 "1 52" 240 1 10 8 54 136 2 211 119 1,359 65 1,912 1,749 176 1* 8 ""33 4 2 13 "37" 9 23 '""35" 3 1 12 1 32 13 . .. 13 39 1 18 9 59 293 135 5 114 4,391 61 5,380 14 9 78 57 29 GRANDS TOTAUX. 20 71 17 1,448 75 103 608 2,170 1,353 135 8 4 12 74 5 12 388 56 ],293 114 5 5 9 347 45 5 932 1,139 7,817 5,967 1,187 1,818 4,391 7 1 5 69 1 7 2 61 2 23 58 5 293 119 153 23 58 211 7,939 7,826 1,162 3,369 6,380 1 2 4 7 9 47 30 33 41 78 4 94 3 20 57 27 17 2 14 5 29 1,631 4,369 103 1,863 19 2,408 21,180 72 71 381 564 25,070 17 22 229 178 78 t TABLE 17. BIETH PLACES OF THE PEOPLE. TABLEAU 17. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCB. 26 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table IV— Bii rth Places of the People. i DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. British Isl< lies Britanni Eng- land and Ire- Wales, land. Angle- Ir- terre lande. et Galles. 53. "iues. Scot- land. Ecos- se. Prince Edward Island. He du Prince- Edouard Canada. New Nova Bruns- Scotia. wick. Nou- Nouv.- velle- Bruns- Ecosse. wick. Quebec. Quebec. '' 1. Selkirk^...... fa. Rhineland 6 243 106 68 17 181 123 95 109 116 100 170 144 130 181 les 112 87 104 67 58 12 20 84 77 263 76 315 5 7 2 67 54 41 3 57 67 35 53 32 85 33 46 63 12 22 27 54 28 18 21 1 7 12 16 60 34 68 10 1 138 102 93 6 88 48 £6 43 78 39 55 98 54 81 80 74 62 49 18 23 10 20 35 62 160 49 149 3 6 b. Dufferin, South — Sud.. c. Carleton 5 30 7 5 4 6 10 14 22 48 14 28 43 46 3 3 10 4 13 20 ■ 12 11 3 26 26 84 5 4 82 60 d. Dufferin, North— Nord e. Douglas f. Louise ..,., 12 1 1 16 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 53 g. Derby. ....••• 8 47 358 1 5 39 A. Arervle 4 5 i. Lome •>'. Oakland k. Glenwood... .4 7 14 2 6 7 1 1 4 8 7 I. Whitehead m. Cornwallis 50 n. Elton 34 0. Daly .... 2" 7 p. Turtle Jloantain q. Deloraine 82 23 r. Whitewater. «. ... a. Riverside— ..». t. Medora 1 7 23 39 2 19 5 12 93 8 41 53 91 u. Arthur V, Inchiquin „, w. Brenda X. Sifton _ V. Pipestone 4 1 38 6*7" 1 1 z. Wallace ,... aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, Oity—Ville. ce. Nelson, Town—Ville. dd. Pilot Mcund.yoww-K. Total 3 1 3,182 1,028 1,780 58 508 189 1,283 fa. Elm River 38 155 151 126 134 88 71 5 63 67 44 9 89 3 100 53 43 23 47 49 9 35 19 32 ■'"20' 10 153 70 92 56 94 78 32 17 65 25 '""86 3 37 19 13 28 23 46 49 16 22 b. Portage 1« Prairie c. Norfolk, South— Sud... d. J^OTMk,North—Nord. e. C jpvess, South— Sut... /. Cypregg,iVorlfi B29 6S8 477 519 246 47 231 170 268 468 621 1,218 23 21 1,505 538 199 339 1,028 382 162 257 538 126 120 118 129 187 113 130 154 103 93 88 48 12 41 119 396 97 253 286 24 18 "l 1 2*" i 2 , , 1 i" 1 1 2 20 1 2 21 4 1 20 9 lb 2 8 3 8 2 2,409 85 "i',476 3 4 71 1 17 25 19 18 7 96 3 9 25 23 4 7 38 18 18 8 4 6 3 19 4 6 14 46 2 1 15 4" 2 8 3 2 "i 4 "2 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 i 6 '""i 2 1 7 2 1 "237 1 1 2 15 '"l" 1 5 2 ***** 3 '2 8 1 5 4 2 4 3 1 1 2 '2 4 3 1 .••••«:. 4 5 1 1 " i' ...... 1 . ..^. 6 1 6 7 12 ■;;;;■ 8 *••• . 4 i" 2 2 i 6 "i" 11 2 5 135 2 1 2 1 1 i' 2 13 6 1 2 1 3 48 13,592 7,613 19 11 2 48 11 248 3,975 74 513 34 50 1,204 462 242 380 915 406 189 281 254 264 11 319 225 1,173 228 111 114 296 826 51 128 165 249 58 135 1 4 29 1 " 1 2 1 1 1 1 "■"2" 4 1 15 8 6 1 6 "1 1 "lb" ■"4 1 4 31 25 30 12 8 23 4 11 13 3 s" 3 ■5" 1 2 83 1 14 *1 1 1 25 3 1 7 10 1 7 6 1 1 7' 1 ...... .. 2 1 r 2 "1 i' ""43" 7" • ■•• > 1 2 i 23 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table IV — Birth Places of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. British Isles, lies Britanniqaes. Eng- land and Wales. Angle- terre et Galles. Ire- land. Ir- lande, Scot- land. Ecos- se. Canada. Prince New Edward Nova Bruns- Island Scotia. wick. Iledu Nou- Noav.- Prince- velle- Bruns- Edouard Ecosse. wick. Quebec. Quebec. 2. Marquette. n Saskatchewan 0. Blanchard if. ClRnwilliam q. Harrison r. Stratliclair \i. Oak hiver t. Miniota , u. Archie , V, Shoal Lake , w. Birtle , X. EUice , y. Rossburn z. Silver Creek _... aa. Russell hb. Shell River cc. Boulton dd Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville Gladstone, Town — V . Neepawa, Town — V.. gg. Minnedosa, Town — V fih. Rapid City, Town—V a. Birtle, Town — Ville ee. Total. 50 37 46 7 27 18 141 24 39 107 30 18 32 74 64 12 142 16 14 69 40 29 2,066 13 26 15 6 14 16 47 12 28 42 9 13 16 38 43 5 82 17 9 11 9 10 914 64 40 23 28 64 84 91 38 76 65 25 27 24 36 37 9 109 32 7 33 15 19 1,729 17 2 1 1 10 1 9 3 2 3 22 13 16 6 2 1 38 4 3 4 1 51 249 12 8 4 4 1 5 69 /• 9- h. S. PrOTencher. \ i. J- k. I. a. Franklin b. Montcalm c. LaBroqnerie d. Hanover DeSalaberry Morris ^ Youville ., Tache Ste. Anne Hespeler Cartier St. Norbort. m. St. Boniface n- Emerson, Toivn — Ville. 0. Morris, Town — Vtlle... 'p. St. Boniface, Town — V Total. {a. St. Andrews.. 1 b. St. Clements.. 109 36 6 9 28 10 10 25 4 15 15 5 69 20 34 395 36 21 13 23 13 12 11 2 13 3 1 37 4 12 201 29 93 22 9 89 29 9 5 16 2 4 27 1 6 7 1 19 22 7 244 23 I 4 41 4 1 18 27 45 52 10 19 1 19 3 10 45 11 16 7 1 4 7 30 1 2 7 6 4 423 88 522 84 183 111 53 202 233 220 128 34 50 7 713 2,628 15 10 DJ^NOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 29 Tableau IV — Population par lieux de Naissance. On- tario. Cana Mani- toba. da. B'sh Co- lum bia. Co- lom bie- Brit The Terri- tories Lea Terri- toires Other Autres r^ew- foand land Terre- neuve B'sh P poss'n Chan- nel Is- land. Ilesde la Man- che. oss'ns 8 Brit. Other Pos- ses- sions. Autres Pos- ses- sions. Fran- ce. Fran- ce. Ger ma- ny- Alle ma- gne. Ice- land. Is- lande. Ita- ly- Ita- lic. Rus- sia and Po- land. Rus- sie et Polo- gne. Swe- den, ^^ and Den- mark Su6de Nor- v6ge, Dane- mark. Uni- ted States Etats- Cnis. Other Coun- tries. Autres cou- tr6es. At Sea. En mer 1 Not gi- veu. Non don nes. 304 270 136 124 253 260 305 87 285 350 99 106 246 132 162 26 953 121 150 270 120 131 135 66 67 40 130 83 233 38 116 128 183 150 76 251 80 7 549 94 57 109 56 33 1 2 2 4 5 4 " ""2 ""44" 3 3 6 5 4 6 2 2 10 11 10 12 3 1 3 " 2 3 "l 9 3 1 "i" 11" 1 12 1 • •••• 2 1 1 128 •• •••••■ 1 ■ - ^aae*. ••••••«•• 1 2 • >•*• 3 1 1 1 1 1 ""5 I "2 1 3 '5 2 2 2" 3 1 r 2 3 1 2 ■ ■*••• 1 • • 3 2 1 1 4 3 9' 1 82 3 6 17 7 13 378 , 1 '"15" 1' "1 3 4 7 88 1 5 9,867 6,440 60 2 3 35 11 36 2 101 83 582 211 12 2 39 156 41 24 138 36 43 23 11 373 95 79 705 491 31 439 445 250 87 322 735 413 530 614 68 166 47 463 1 *•• t«rf»« 4 •••••••■ • •••»•••• 1 "10" "i" i'49 36 81 17 "i" 2 '""io ' " 1 '""{q 3 2 i" 22 ""ii 2 2 "Vo 53 1 1 1 ""1" 649 "ieV r 7 3 CO 18 10 18 68 1 18 18 4 38 6 91 ••••••••I 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 2 2 5 .... 641 1 12 8 5 • ••••*••• 4 2 3 .... 1 7 3 1 32 3 1 15 1 1 69 i 1,865 5,806 1 8 1 1,504 19 484 17 1 4 49 45 1,809 1,446 " 1 70 76 2 22 4 12 13 5 .... 3 1 1 10 » 30 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCB OF MANITOBA. Table IV — Birth Places of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. British Islea. lies Britanniques. Eng- land and Ire- Wales. land. Angle- Ir- terre lande. et Galles. Scot- land. Ecos- se. Canada. Prince Edward Nova Island. Scotia. Iledu Nou. Prince- velle- Edouard Ecosse. New Bruns- wick. Nouv.- Bruna- wick. Quebec. Quebec. 4, liis^ar c. Plessis d. Rockwood e. Gimli y. Varennes g. Macdonald h. Springfield i. Assiniboia J. Kildonan ■{ k. St. Paul _ I. Belcourt m. St. Fran^ois-Xavier ... n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Posen q. Fairford r. Selkirk, Town—Ville.. s. ^QVkivk, East-Est,T-V. I Total 1 2 257 79 1 18 27 25 33 189 49 102 45 59 14 41 19 9 4 39 7 265 51 1 25 86 6 1 69 13 41 7 1,331 412 4 173 14 16 15 87 54 32 20 11 26 69 5 13 1 67 22 726 22 1 40 2 9 2 9 11 117 5. Winnipeg..., ■ a. Ward No. 1, Quartier. b. Ward No. 2, Quartier c. Ward No. 3, Quartitr, d. Ward No. 4, Quartier, e. Ward No. 5, Quartier. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier. Total . 75 911 103 862 1,227 170 3,348 22 261 6 323 431 23 1,066 37 321 16 377 701 51 1,503 3 13 1 24 12 53 8 119 124 140 II 402 1 18 10 2 5 1 2 1 17 1 18 29 116 1 36 1 128 135 2 303 37 40 ' 16 ' 14 39 74 18 16 17 93 18 37 16 21 11 492 23 347 35 467 272 6 1,150 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selbirfe 2. Marqnette... 3. Provenclier. 4. !Ll»igar 5. Winnipeg:.... 3,182 1,028 2,066 914 395 201 1,331 412 3,348 1,066 1,780 1,729 244 726 1,503 58 508 189 51 249 69 9 41 27 9 117 116 53 402 303 1,283 423 2,628 492 1,150 Totals of Manitoba Totaux de Manitoba I- • ••••• MCSJi 10,322 3,621 5,982 180 1,317 704 5,976 D^NOMBREMENT, 188^— PEOVINCB BE MAXITOBA. 31 Tableau IV — Population par lieux do Naissance. On- tario. Cana Mani- toba. ia. B'sh Oo- lum bia. Co- lom bie- Brit The Terri- tories. Les Terrl- toires. Other ] Autres New- found- land. Terre- aeuve B'sh P( poss'a Chan- nel Is- land. lies de la Man- che. )S8'n3. 3 Brit. Other Pos- ses- sions. Autros Pos- ses- sions. Fran- ce. Fran- ce. Ger ma- ny- Alle ma- gne Ice- land. Is- lande. Ita- ly. Ita- lic. Rus- sia and Po- land. • RU3- sie et Polo- gne. Swe- den, N.and Den- mark . SuSde Nor- T6ge, Dane- marl£. Uni- ted States Btats- . Unis. Other Coun- tries. Vutres con- trees. At Sea. En mer Sot gi- ven. Mon don nes. 13 885 16 64 102 39J 106 80 47 60 67 331 18 40 6 Ui 69 1,241 732 252 181 60 512 704 330 301 369 527 300 450 240 952 297 90 • •••• "4" ...... 3 " 1' 12 11 1 3 14 12 14 17 38 3 23 6 6 10 6 <•••••••• 5' 1 1 2' 1 • •••• 2 "2 5 1 "17" 1 1 "i 58 19 1 694 2" 1 ""29" 16 •••••• ■■•(«■ • •••• • ••«• '4" T 2" 2 1 2 2 r 4 24 ""12' '"'ii' 15 3 9 15 12 10 6 6 .....„„ 3 4 "i" ■■■4" "3" ■"5" r 1 2 1' 2 1 7" 3* •••••• r 4 4 4 1 5" 5 3 1 2 4 17 2,512 10,793 15 322 3 2 23 15 676 2 24 194 23 156 1,686 64 2,611 1,643 125 173 883 157 1,045 1,055 159 3,472 1 4 "i" 6 11 8 6 10 12 3 1 8 1 4 5 1 1 24 4 55 127 4 215 45 147 51 370 424 "2' '24" 3 29 ■■■40" 184 1 9 5 24 113 2 17 153 33 269 271 10 1 13 ""3*4" 27 1 "2" 2 1 2 ..„. 5 11 1 1 4 15 1 1 1 15 2 13 7 1 6,285 50 22 2 38 20 1,037 241 154 753 76 GRANDS TOT AUX. 13,592 9,867 1,865 2,612 6,285 7,613 6,440 5,806 10,793 3,472 2 2 1 15 6 19 60 69 322 50 11 2 1 3 22 2 3 2 2 48 35 8 23 38 11 11 53 15 20 135 88 32 58 215 243 36 1 676 1,037 S 4 29 3,975 2 1,504 2 241 74 101 19 24 154 513 378 484 191 753 34 88 17 23 76 3 3 1 2 48 128 4 17 11 34,121 34,124 26 520 39 9 152 110 528 1,998 38 5,724 372 2,322 238 9 208 TABLE V. AGES OP THE PEOPLE. TABLEAU V. POPULATION PAR AGES. F— 3 34 CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table Y — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Popu- lation. Under 1 year. Moins d'un an. Males. Hom- mea. males Fern- mes. 1 to 2. 1^2. Males. Hotn- mes. Fe- males 2 to 3. 2^3. Males. Fem- Hom- mea. mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. i. Selkirk. a. b. c. d e. f 9- h. %. 5 k. L m. n. P- ? r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. aa Rhineland Dufferin, South- Oarletoa -Sud. Dufferin, North — Nord. Douglas Louise M j_/erDy* .......•• • • ...i Argyle. Lome Oakland Glen wood, Whitehead Gornwallis Fnton « Daly Turtle Mountain.. Deloraine .......~. Whitewater Riverside Medora Arthur laehiquin Brenda Sifton Pipeslone_ Wallace Woodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville ce. Nelson, Toiun — Ville dd. Pilot Mound, Town — VM 3,984 2,535 878 1,358 2,681 1,940 966 1,286 1,814 939 835 917 1,049 1,019 644 894 962 997 828 757 448 99 352 562 837 1,184 1,136 2,348 73 54 TotaL. 34,356 82 25 3 14 69 38 16 21 33 15 12 14 n 19 14 22 12 16 9 10 6 1 5 6 9 10 19 ?,Q 1 1 549 83 30 7 26 55 30 14 24 41 12 15 17 12 27 8 15 18 14 13 13 5 2 8 9 6 17 17 44 1 1 584 88 41 12 19 38 35 10 23 31 16 15 13 12 17 9 12 14 9 13 16 10 1 2 5 4 12 21 40 2 540 95 41 16 15 38 34 10 22 22 13 16 13 12 22 13 19 8 16 13 9 7 2 6 5 5 10 15 22 I 2 521 86 60 18 39 68 43 15 26 41 12 11 19 16 18 9 15 24 16 14 17 9 3 4 12 13 13 21 38 1 1 682 I {a. 6. c. d. e. f. 9- h. i. J- k. I. m Elm River ,. Portajje la Prairie Norfolk, South— Sud.... Norfolk, North — Nord. Cypress, South — Sud. . Cypress, North — Nord. Westbourne Osprey , Glendale Lansdowne Rosedale ., Riding Mountain..—,... Odanah 356 1 2,956 37 1,080 ■J.1 716 13 792 n 1,49.=! 33 1,597 23 292 7 553 15 593 6 679 7 80 1 691 6 11 ?.5 19 11 14 28 18 6 12 14 6 3 10 4 37 13 15 9 31 21 3 8 11 5 16 8 37 13 6 12 23 27 7 15 6 6 11 6 45 21 12 13 26 30 3 8 6 18 14 95 51 21 21 83 32 16 22 44 15 13 8 9 15 12 9 18 18 17 13 4 1 7 4 5 11 17 35 2 618 3 43 21 14 16 29 45 2 14 7 19 1 8 DEXOMBREMENT, 1886— PROYINCB DE MANITOBA. 35 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 3 to 4. 3 ii 4. 4 to 5. 4 5. 5. 5 to 6. 5 i\ 6. 6 to 7. 6 a 7. 7 to 8. 7 ii 8. 8 to 9. 8 a 9. 9 to 10. 9 a 10, 10 to 11. 10 a 11. M. if ales. Fe- males ilales, Fe- males Vfales. Fe- males Males. Fe- males ^ales. Fe- males Males. Fe- males Males Fe- males H. Hom- ines. Fern- mee Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 88 45 22 28 61 30 13 28 26 14 9 16 18 13 7 16 19 10 13 10 5 3 8 11 4 14 14 23 3 1 562 79 41 6 18 74 40 10 18 30 17 18 14 14 14 13 16 11 10 6 9 4 "4 9 5 9 12 34 1 536 83 45 11 23 C6 •24 15 17 24 13 14 9 18 14 11 11 16 17 9 16 6 4 12 6 16 12 29 95 38 12 16 63 28 8 18 28 8 7 9 12 16 3 8 16 11 8 8 5 1 2 5 7 9 16 37 1 1 542 501 65 38 15 21 46 40 11 16 29 10 16 5 16 9 7 9 7 10 9 11 5 ""' 4 4 5 12 17 22 3 61 33 15 13 56 23 6 16 27 11 13 15 10 15 4 12 9 11 12 ^■ ( 7 462 5 13 7 11 16 30 2 1 74 •29 15 16 36 26 17 14 ■>3 12 6 11 8 7 6 11 12 11 11 17 4 4 12 8 18 11 27 461 451 66 27 12 19 44 26 13 16 17 12 13 12 15 11 7 11 18 13 14 10 4 1 12 6 7 13 37 1 1 458 46 40 11 13 31 22 13 20 24 15 10 8 10 11 14 11 16 II 9 13 3 7 10 7 12 10 23 3 1 62 28 14 18 42 15 13 21 27 3 7 12 14 8 10 8 4 9 9 4 7 1 3 6 5 8 14 25 424 397 61 38 3 17 37 20 11 14 28 16 12 9 12 16 2 14 16 17 9 22 6 1 2 6 3 11 10 30 2 1 446 51 24 11 14 43 28 9 17 18 12 10 6 13 10 8 n 9 7 8 9 2 1 3 7 5 13 17 24 1 391 42 26 8 23 26 21 7 17 21 11 7 13 21 6 6 12 6 16 9 6 4 I 8 4 5 10 13 21 372 39 20 13 13 33 20 15 16 21 9 10 8 8 5 6 13 6 9 12 4 7 3i3 68 40 10 12 36 26 11 16 27 17 9 8 12 10 7 11 13 15 6 11 3 1 7 7 11 3 6 25 423 55 30 10 14 31 30 11 8 21 14 4 7 12 12 4 10 8 12 12 11 2 1 2 6 7 18 11 19 1 386 6 41 10 7 10 25 19 7 9 11 9 2 14 7 39 22 15 15 23 27 4 6 9 4 "13 4 38 24 11 8 29 30 4 12 11 12 "20" 10 49 9 12 10 24 32 5 11 6 16 4 36 14 6 7 18 24 4 6 6 4 5 50 9 12 6 19 19 3 7 7 8 1 9 6 33 13 9 7 15 27 4 9 8 13 4 39 14 10 11 19 27 3 6 9 13 11 5 47 13 9 10 21 18 5 8 7 4 3 37 10 6 5 20 22 5 3 10 4 6 32 16 8 15 11 21 2 8 7 7 5 29 8 5 5 21 28 3 4 5 11 1 10 5 34 12 7 9 16 24 7 6 7 3 10 6 31 5 7 6 19 14 5 3 9 i. 3 45 13 8 13 12 19 2 6 8 8 1 9 5 32 10 6 7 13 19 4 4 7 10 F-3^ 36 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. II to 12. 11 ^12. Males. Fe- males. Hom- ines. Fem- mes. 12 to 13. 12 h 13. Males. Fe- males. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 13 to 14. 13 b. 14. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 14 to 15. 14^ 15. Males Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 1. Selkirk, a. Rhiaeland b. Dufferin, South — Sud c. Carleton , d. DuSe^rin, North— Jford e. Douglas y. Louise, , ff. Derby h. Argyle. i. Lome J. Oakland.... k. Glenwood /. Whitehead m. Cornwallis n. Elton .... 0. Daly , p. Turtle Mountain q. Deloraine » r. Whitewater s. Riverside , t. Medora , u. Arthur -........„ V. Inchiquin ■w. Brenua z. Sifton y. Pipestone , z. Wallace aa. Woodworth „. bb. Brandon, City — Ville , cc. Nelson, Town — F»Zfe.. ...... dd. Pilot Mound, Town- Ville Total a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud d. Noifolk, North— Nord , e. Cypress, South— Sud f. Cypress, North— Nord ff. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale j. Lansdowne k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah 35 19 8 12 27 24 13 18 29 7 10 7 12 9 8 11 5 8 14 3 4 1 3 4 1 6 10 18 3 1 330 29 25 16 23 16 16 12 8 18 6 7 5 15 8 8 12 4 15 5 9 2 3 6 5 13 8 25 319 44 29 10 17 21 24 11 12 20 15 10 9 15 10 8 11 11 12 17 8 3 1 5 12 5 17 10 27 1 1 396 49 21 14 18 26 13 12 12 16 12 7 4 18 17 4 7 11 10 6 9 4 1 1 3 6 9 7 16 1 334 35 25 8 16 32 15 16 15 15 4 5 6 13 7 4 7 4 8 13 3 6 2 1 4 2 11 7 20 306 28 23 10 11 25 18 12 15 19 6 6 4 13 5 3 9 9 6 8 O 6 4 4 3 11 8 18 287 4 3 4 31 29 30 6 8 15 8 6 6 8 6 13 14 12 15 19 19 21 5 5 3 3 8 6 8 7 8 5 3 12 1 1 6 5 8 5 30 9 3 6 16 25 3 7 10 4 5 33 9 11 9 17 21 3 4 6 3 1 4 2 33 4 7 2 7 18 4 5 11 3 46 21 8 20 29 19 10 13 15 16 4 9 12 16 6 4 5 12 8 9 3 "*2 7 6 13 10 21 2 346 2 30 9 6 9 16 21 4 8 7 6 46 22 12 15 30 20 12 7 15 14 7 2 11 8 12 6 6 9 16 7 5 T 5 4 8 8 16 325 3 22 13 4 9 12 15 4 5 4 DENO:tIBEElIENT, 1886— PEOYINCB DE MAXITOBA. 3T Tableau V— Population par Ages. 15 to 16. 16 to 17. 17 to 18. 18 to 19. 19 to 20. 20 to 21. 21 to 22. 22 to 23. 15 i 16. 16 a 17. 17il8. 18 k 19. 19 a 20. 20 h. 21. 21^22. 22 i 23. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- 1 Fe- M. P. Males. males ilales rn alfs. ilales. males. ilales. males. ilalea. males ilales. males ilales. males. H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Rom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. mes. med. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 49 35 58 47 39 46 54 40 48 27 42 39 37 39 28 31 23 22 24 22 27 23 23 17 19 18 12 24 34 21 34 34 9 7 7 9 5 7 13 8 10 6 10 3 8 8 23 8 14 11 18 17 9 13 19 14 15 11 13 10 22 10 18 11 24 17 32 26 39 23 29 22 24 23 21 29 29 26 25 20 19 24 18 13 17 12 40 15 28 12 19 14 20 14 25 16 8 11 14 7 13 9 11 10 10 7 13 8 11 6 23 5 10 10 9 10 12 5 10 12 13 7 10 8 17 8 16 11 12 13 14 15 18 11 18 21 16 8 15 11 16 12 26 11 7 7 14 6 8 11 10 10 6 8 iO 9 10 7 19 10 9 7 10 5 7 5 9 11 10 8 16 6 19 4 13 7 9 3 8 2 16 5 ]2 6 12 12 17 3 14 10 30 10 8 11 9 10 15 10 10 8 15 10 13 9 17 6 21 12 6 8 14 8 12 3 18 6 14 8 11 7 19 7 17 8 2 4 7 10 5 8 9 10 8 4 10 4 10 2 9 9 8 7 7 6 9 6 7 7 9 2 9 10 10 9 10 13 2 10 6 5 13 2 13 5 9 6 10 11 li 11 19 9 7 2 8 12 n 7 13 9 12 5 12 4 21 8 20 6 9 8 9 6 3 5 10 5 9 10 11 8 12 3 10 6 5 2 8 3 3 4 O 5 5 4 4 3 10 3 10 3 2 5 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 1 5 1 4 5 8 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 7 2 5 5 6 3 6 5 5 3 6 2 3 8 9 1 4 12 5 1 7 10 10 3 5 3 U 3 3 9 5 5 4 5 4 10 6 9 3 3 12 7 15 1 13 6 9 3 11 7 7 10 7 6 15 9 22 10 25 12 22 11 11 11 6 13 6 11 15 8 It 12 11 6 12 8 20 9 14 28 15 19 15 17 20 19 15 32 21 37 21 14 4-2 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 .2 1 1 . ....^ 1 449 1 1 291 280 343 288 325 215 394 292 360 259 367 293 264 616 309 8 6 1 3 6 2 4 5 6 2 1 3 2 2 6 4 34 34 37 30 39 35 40 31 38 18 45 23 4t 19 61 38 6 8 14 7 6 8 11 7 17 8 9 9 15 6 22 4 7 8 4 8 9 7 10 5 6 4 7 7 6 5 8 4 6 4 10 9 G 8 20 7 7 4 10 9 13 8 8 9 17 9 13 16 19 23 16 9 15 7 14 15 19 16 24 19 17 23 12 17 19 I'J 8 14 16 14 3 10 21 14 19 13 6 7 3 1 2 5 4 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 1 6 4 8 6 7 3 7 3 10 2 5 2 5 6 10 7 4 5 6 8 6 3 5 4 5 1 3 4 8 3 5 4 1 5 3 6 1 5 2 9 6 4 4 5 6 1 19 5 1 1 • • •■• • 2 .,,;,,.. 1 1 3 4 4 10 6 1 8 6 7 5 9 3 15 J 16 5 38 CENSUS, 188S -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 23 to 24. 23 h 24. Malea. Hom- mes. Fe- males, Fem- mes. 2i to 25. 24 h 25. Males. Hcm- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 25 to 26. 25 h. 26. Males Hom- mes. Fe- male?. Fem- mes 26 to 27. 26 h 27. Males. Horn- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mc3. 1. Selkirk. a. b. c. d. e. y. 19- h. i. }• k. I. m. n. 0. P- u- r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. aa. bb. cc. dd. Rhineland . Dufferin, South — Sud Carleton ... DaflFerin, North — Nord. . Douglas .... Louise Derby Argyle Lome Oakland Glen wood ... Whitehead Cornwallis Elton Daly., , Turtle Mountain Deloraine Whitewater , Riverside Aledora ... Arthur , Inchiquin Brenda Sifton Pipestone Wallace . Woodworth . Brandon, City — Ville ... Nelson, Town — Ville. .. Pilot Mound, Toivn—V. Total a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud. . d. Norfolk, North — Nord e. Vypresa, South — Sud., J. Cypress, North — Nord g. Westbourne h. Osprey %. Glendale j. Lansdowne k. Kosedale I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah 39 33 45 36 21 44 10 6 12 27 12 14 25 19 20 26 16 25 19 7 18 17 9 J9 13 9 24 20 7 17 25 11 17 21 10 2i 16 3 20 14 13 12 11 6 8 7 5 13 16 9 27 16 5 21 17 9 13 16 6 16 13 4 14 3 2 1 7 1 10 4 2 9 4 4 9 32 14 49 16 10 28 20 31 27 1 1 491 285 552 43 23 4 12 20 21 5 9 7 8 7 12 11 9 5 7 9 U 4 6 6 2 2 6 14 12 37 33 43 8 12 25 28 13 21 19 20 12 23 15 19 10 14 18 28 14 13 13 3 8 15 9 24 22 42 312 525 23 29 6 11 15 16 9 10 18 9 7 9 11 11 6 8 7 9 7 8 4 6 6 5 8 7 36 2 303 32 42 9 11 25 27 13 17 IS 22 11 22 18 10 10 21 18 21 13 23 13 1 7 11 6 27 22 33 1 1 604 8 5 5 2 5 2 4 38 16 45 30 47 27 38 13 10 19 9 22 6 21 16 7 8 5 15 7 16 12 7 10 9 16 7 19 22 14 22 12 25 16 27 19 17 19 16 12 12 18 6 2 4 3 2 3 3 10 4 7 3 10 8 8 3 4 3 3 7 4 10 7 21 "'is' 9 3" 10 ■"lb" 3 1 11 22 4 5 25 21 9 12 20 19 10 12 14 10 8 7 13 12 6 6 15 8 5 8 8' 1 5 5 4 8 8 30 309 1 27 8 7 8 11 11 1 4 4 4 DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOVIXCE DE MANITOBA.. 39 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 27 to 28. 27 b. 28. M. F. 28 to 29. 28 u 29. Males Fe- males, 29 to 30. 29 a 30. Males. Fe- males, 30 to 31. 30 a 31. Males. Fe- males 31 to 32. 31 ii 32. Males 32 to 33. 32 u 33. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males 33 to 34. 33 i 34. Males. Fe- males. 34 to 35. 34 h 35. Males. Fe- males. H Hcm- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- me s. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Ffm- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 23 95 30 20 5 6 17 15 •il 20 2! 20 8 8 18 8 23 9 8 6 17 2 17 8 17 3 19 10 9 3 15 12 17 10 19 7 14 6 13 o e 5 4 1 4 3 4 3 10 3 25 7 14 11 31 31 1 2 1 •••••• 437 269 5 31 19 8 13 16 8 3 9 4 3 2 25 7 4 4 11 10 2 11 4 1 40 41 11 22 36 28 11 23 24 17 14 13 12 21 11 17 20 22 14 14 12 1 5 13 10 22 12 56 1 543 I 3 42 28 5 3 21 20 3 10 3 14 ""s 24 30 6 13 22 21 6 12 8 6 9 5 8 8 9 11 7 9 6 5 2 1 4 4 4 10 14 31 300 2 18 15 5 8 16 13 2 2 2 7 1 5 30 30 10 14 20 21 11 19 23 12 9 13 10 19 10 12 18 12 7 8 10 6 8 6 33 18 29 1 419 2 19 19 6 7 15 8 3 7 5 5 1 8 21 20 4 8 18 10 9 10 9 6 7 8 6 6 6 4 8 4 3 7 1 4 8 3 12 9 21 1 1 234 3 9 7 9 12 7 o 4 2 3 30 34 14 18 22 28 18 19 18 15 9 18 12 21 12 17 23 13 8 9 10 4 7 10 3 32 15 37 476 4 32 23 12 12 27 13 4 7 6 8 25 25 9 10 19 17 10 11 10 9 y 7 5 9 4 8 9 8 8 8 4 "2 6 4 10 8 23 278 24 21 31 20 13 8 18 8 18 17 20 19 12 5 13 10 13 10 11 8 6 2 13 5 8 3 17 7 10 2 10 2 18 8 14 6 6 7 9 7 7 2 4 1 5 1 7 1 2 1 22 8 13 7 40 16 384 212 3 19 8 6 5 15 8 2 7 4 6 1 3 2 25 21 11 11 20 13 1 7 5 5 1 7 1 16 6 4 4 15 4 1 5 3 4 17 33 8 19 16 20 15 11 17 11 7 10 8 13 10 12 12 11 8 15 7 2 3 4 :-i 18 10 25 1 2 348 5 23 16 6 14 16 10 2 2 7 4 2 10 11 18 21 24 6 3 9 12 15 25 13 14 4 5 9 5 11 8 3 4 5 8 5 4 6 8 7 8 2 2 6 8 7 5 3 5 4 7 7 8 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 4 8 12 6 4 23 20 1 1 198 235 2 12 9 2 5 10 10 1 1 "e 5 15 17 5 9 19 11 1 6 6 1 17 17 1 8 16 12 3 11 10 2 2 7 5 2 2 4 "e 5 4 1 1 5 1 2 3 7 13 167 1 9 3 3 "i 6 2 2 6 1 17 23 10 16 18 19 6 14 12 6 It) 8 10 6 4 13 8 8 8 5 3 ""5 4 18 10 22 2 1 289 1 18 14 4 7 9 2 1 1 2 11 16 17 5 3 13 11 6 8 12 4 2 8 5 5 5 5 8 7 8 3 3 "1* 4 2 7 4 18 190 2 13 4 2 2 9 9 2 3 3 6 40 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCB OF MANITOBA Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 35 to 36. 35^36. itfales. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 36 to 37. 36 h. 37. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males Fem- mes. 37 to 38. 37 h 38. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 38 to 39. 38^39. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 1. Selkirk ■ a. Rhineland b Dufferin, S'oM^A — Sud.... c. Carleton d. Dufferin, North — Nord.. e. Douglas f. Louise g. Derby h. Argyle.. i. Lome j. Oakland k. Glenwood I. Whitehead wi. Oornwallis n. Eltoa 0. Daly ~ p. Turtle Mountaia.. q. Deloraine r. Whitewater s. Riverside t. Medora M. Arthur V, Inchiquin w. Brenda , X. Sifton y. Pipestone z, Wallace. aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville... cc Nelson, Toivn — Ville .. dd. Pilot Mound, Town- Ville Total 20 20 28 20 10 4 10 9 17 16 16 11 5 4 17 5 17 12 8 5 9 5 12 3 10 5 8 1 4 4 9 7 8 2 11 7 7 6 8 1 7 3 2 2 4 2 7 2 16 4 12 S 38 20 1 1 324 186 19 24 9 13 14 21 9 11 12 6 6 10 11 7 4 8 7 9 5 9 6 10 13 26 283 22 14 13 13 16 17 4 19 6 6 4 10 8 8 4 5 12 8 8 9 12 11 1 15 8 4 4 4 6 U 3 16 11 9 6 9 4 6 3 3 3 3 2 9 5 4 1 6 8 5 10 4 3 4 4 8 2 2 3 1 2 13 2 6 3 1 8 4 6 7 2 9 7 4 2 4 3 6 3 6 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 2 *2* 6 6 8 5 3 8 3 6 6 18 13 13 20 1 1 1 185 178 116 207 a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud.... d. Norfolk, North— Nord. e. Cypress, South— Sud. .. f. Cypress, iVbriA — Nord. g. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale j. Lansdowne... k. Rojedale I. Riding Mountaia m. Odanah 4 23 13 8 9 12 15 1 2 1 17 6 4 6 3 7 2 5 20 11 3 6 13 10 1 4 6 10 1 12 6 4 4 7 5 1 3 3 3 1 21 3 3 2 9 10 2 5 1 3 1 11 9 3 12 10 4 2 4 4 16 8 5 7 16 12 5 5 8 1 2 5 3 4 4 1 6 5 4 6 4 1 5 3 3 1 14 155 1 10 7 2 4 2 4 4 r 2 I 1 r^XOilBREilBNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DS MANITOBA. 41 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 39 to 40. 40 to 41. 41 to 42. 42 to 43. 43 to 44. 41 to 45. 45 to 46. 46 to 47. 39 h. 40. 40 h. 41. 41 h 42. 42 k 43. 43 u 44. 44i45. 45 i 46. 46 i 47. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males H. P. Hom- Fem- Hom- Pem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mea. ! 17 16 23 19 16 19 18 17 15 15 8 18 17 11 22 10 16 5 21 9 17 6 19 3 8 5 10 4 12 6 9 7i 2 1 8 6 4 7 3 3 6 2 5 3 1 5 6 4 9 6 5 5 7 6 2 5 5 1 6 3 4 6 la 13 15 10 12 5 20 12 6 5 10 12 13 10 11 8 11 5 12 8 11 7 8 7 12 8 6 2 9 3 8 8 9 2 9 5 3 2 2 5 5 1 4 1 6 6 3 1 11 4 11 2 6 2 5 4 3 7 4 7 6 6 6 3 8 4 5 8 7 3 11 5 4 2 11 5 6 5 3 4 4 2 9 3 6 4 1 3 5 5 1 3 8 4 6 5 4 4 5 1 7 10 3 4 5 8 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 5 3 6 2 2 2 2 2 ■••• •••• 3 6 5 7 8 4 5 9 3 4 7 3 2 3 4 6 I 4 9 6 2 4 5 3 3 3 7 4 4 4 2 ! 5 1 8 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 4 2 7 7 9 7 6 4 8 5 6 1 1 1 3 2 5 2 G 3 8 7 2 4 1 2 4 4 2 6 1 7 2 4 3 7 5 9 4 7 3 2 3 2 5 6 5 6 4 fi 1 9 3 5 2 2 6 4 2 5 2 6 3 6 2 6 5 4 7 3 4 7 3 3 4 2 1 6 1 4 2 1 2 2 3 "'i' 3 1 3 I 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 1 2 " "{' 1 i" 1 1 1 * 1 1 3 4 li 1 2 4 5 2 13 3 3 6 3 2 7 3 5 1 4 1 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 7 2 4 2 2 7 2 4 2 5 2 8 2, 5*' 1 4 3 3 1 7 2 5 2 3 4 2 5 2 8 5 3 4 12 5 27 11 10 9 16 4 12 8 9 7 14 8 7 5 2 185 ^C9 1 1 156 1 1 1 2 2 103 1 262 163 104 179 110 125 95 128 174 103 145 100 f "lo' 3 8 6 16 "lo" 1 16 2 7 2 17 ■ s' 1 10 1 9 3 15 1 1 9 9 13 9 fl 10 1 12 3 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 4 8 3 , 6 .... 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 7 4 1 2 1 5 2 9 5 7 3 3 1 5 1 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 10 5 9 3 3 3 3 5 8 9 6 3 3 4 6 8 7 7 6 8 5 4 5 3 6 9 4 8 4 2 ' 4 3 7 2 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 3 2 1 ' 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 7 2 3 1 5 1 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 1 2 5 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYIXCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 47 to 48. 47 u 48. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males Fem- me3. 48 to 49. 48 h 49. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fern- mes. 49 to 5C. 49 a 50. Males. Fe- males Hom- mes Fern- mes. CO to 51. 50 i 51. Males. Hom- mes Fe- males. Fern- nies. 1. SelMirb.. a. b. c. d. e. f. 9- h. i. J- k. I. m. n. o. ■! Q- r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- aa. bb. ec. dd. Rhineland Dufferin, South — Sud Carleton DufFerin, North — Nord... Douglas Louise Derby Argyle. Lome Oakland Gleowood Whitehead Cornwallis Elton Daly Turtle Mountain Deloraiue Whitewater _ Riverside >.. Medora Arthur Inchiquin.r Brenda, Pifion Pipestone Wallace Woodworth ,. Brandon, City — Ville.... Nelson, Town — Vtlle Pilot Mound, Town—V.. Total. 11 8 3 1 8 8 6 5 I 2 7 4 2 4 4 3 3 1 3 4 106 14 2 76 8 11 4 4 3 4 4 6 1 3 103 10 89 19 3 5 3 5 6 4 7 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 "*1 1 :■< 6 3 8 117 a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Noifolk, ^onth — Svd. .. d Norfolk, Non/i — Kord. e. Cypress, South — Sud. ., /. Cypress, North— Kord. p. W'estbourne h. Osprey t. Glendftle.. j. Lansdowne k. Rosedale /. Riding Mountain »ra. Odanah 11 5 7 5 5 5 o 10 2 3 3 6 6 16 5 2 2 8 4 3 5 8 2 3 1 3 2 85 21 6 6 6 6 9 5 6 7 5 146 2 12 5 4 6 6 9 17 8 3 3 6 5 4 7 6 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 5 7 7 10 124 1 9 3 4 3 4 JDlfiNOMBKEMENT, 1886~PEOYTNCE DE MANITOBA. 4a Tableau V — Population par Ages. 51 to 52. 52 to 53. 53 to 54. 54 to 55. 55 to C6. 56 to 57. 57 to 58. 58 to 59. 51 h 52. 52 b. 53. 1 53 h 54. 54 ^ 55. 55 h 56. 56 h 57. 57 k 58. 58 ;\ 59. i Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- i Fe- M. F. Males. males. Males males. Males. males Males. males. Males. maUs Males. males Males. males . H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Ftm- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. mes. mes. ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 20 13 9 10 8 6 6 9 10 8 10 6 10 4 9 1 1 3 6 7 9 7 7 4 5 9 11 5 4 5 5 2 2 6 . 5 2 1 4 1 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 , 5 3 1 1 4 3 7 1 8 •3 6 4 1 1 3 1 ' 6 7 5 6 9 3 10 3 8 6 2 6 4 3 5 4 1 6 4 1 3 6 5 4 1 6 2 4 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 3 1 2 4 2 4 4 5 3 2 3 1 ; 3 3 5 3 2 I 2 1 3 1 5 5 5 2 3 1 4 1 9 5 8 3 2 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 "l 2 2 2 7 5 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 4 1 2 9 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 5 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 •*•••••• 3 3 6 4 5 4 5 4 3 X 1 1 2 1 2 ^ 1 2 5 2 2 4 1 "■"2 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 2 2 1 3 } 4 2 2 1 4 3 3 1 9 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 6 2 8 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 ' 2 1 2 2 2 5 3 1 ... ,^.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 5 4 1 2 2 •1 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 4 ■ ■ t > • 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 : 8 3 1 4 2 1 3 3 6 3 7 1 1 2 • j 2 3 1 4 2 4 1 8 2 4 2 4 1 2 11 2 4 4 6 4 6 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 120 79 1 90 87 97 51 88 60 114 57 92 51 65 34 63 36 ■ 1 "io ■y 1 13 2 7 i 1 3 1 5 1 8 1 6 1 7 1 6 G 1 5 5 1 ■ 3 .... 3 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 i 3 3 1 4 4 1 1 3 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 5 1 1 3 1 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 1 4 2 7 4 4 1 4 1 2 1 7 3 5 7 2 5 3 3 3 6 5 3 3 6 3 2 5 2 1 2 "2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 '2 2 i" 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 , i 44 CENSUS, 18S6—PROyiNCB OF MANITOBA. Table V— Ages of the People. .DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SODS-DISTRICTS. • 59 to 60. 69 k 60. 60 to 61. 60^61. 61 to 62. 61 k 62. 62 to 63. 62 h. 63. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Pem- mcB. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 1. Selkirk 'a. Rhineland b. Dufferin, South— Sud.^.... c. Carleton 9 3 2 6 2 1 1 6 2 1 2 2 10 5 3 3 6 4 1 2 3 5 3 2 5 2 2 2 3 1 i" i 1 2 1 5 3 8 3 2 1 7 5 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 3 8 4 3 2 5 4 i 3 3 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 6 7 6 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 d. Duiferin, North — Nord .... 4 2 2 3 2 6 1 2 3 i' 1 2 ""'"1 1 e. Douglas.... . / Louise g. Derby h. Arp'vle 5 2 2 2 4 2 1 i. Lome j. Oakland ' k. Glen wood , I. Whitehead 1 3 '*" 2 1 3 r m. Cornwailis ., n. Elton .... 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain q Deloraine. -,.,. 2* 2 2 1 1 r. Whitewater s. Riverside t Mftiiora ....... ....^^ .. 1 ••••••••a 2 u. Arthur 1 1 i 1 2 V. Inchiquin w, Brenda X. Sifton y. Pipestone 1 z. Wallace aa Woodworth bb. Brandon, Oity — Ville cc. Nelson, Town— Ville dd. Pilot Mound, Towra-Fz^e. Total 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 42 36 76 64 50 31 53 39 fa. Em River 1 7 5 2 4 3 6 "'"3 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 3 4 < 2 2 1 1 2" 1 6 3 2 2 1' *2* 2* i" i 5 4' 1 r 1 1 "1* 2 b. Portaere la Prairie 3 2 1 1 c. Norfolk, South— Sud d. Norfolk, NoTth—Nord .... e. Cypress, South— Sud /. Cyprees, North— Nord..,. 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 r p. Westbourne h. Osprey 1 1 1 1 2 1 '2 i. Glendald. j. Lansdowne k. Rosedale '. I. Ridingr Mountain m. Odaaah ~ 2 DENOMBREMENT, 1886— PRO YINCE DE MANITOBA. 4& Tableau V — Population par Ages. 63 to 64. 63 h 64. 64 to 65. 64 i\ 65. 65 to 66. 65 h 66. 66 to 67. 66 h 67. 67 to 68. 67 b. 68. 68 to 69. 68 i\ 69 69 to 70 69 i 70. 70 to 71. 70 i 71. 71 to 72. 71 k72. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. e. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 2 8 i 2 3 8 2 1 2 2 1 7 4 2 1 5 • >•«••*. 1 3" 2 1 ']" 2 2 i" 1 3 2 1 1 2 4 3 '""3 1 "3 "1 1 "2 "i" 19 9 5 1 1 5 3 2 1 6 2 3 r 3 1 2 6 3 7 1 3 1 4 2 2' 2 1 1 1 1 1 "1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 2 "i' 1 3 1 1 1 "1 1 1 1 2 "*1 "1" 3 3" ""i 3 "1 2 3 1" 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 " "1 2 '3 1 37 "3 2 1 "i" 1 2 2 2 1 1 ••••••••• 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3' :::: i 3 1 1 1 "1 1 1 2" 3 2 "3* 1 1 "1 2 t« •• • "2 2 35 1 1 1 "1" "1 i* 2" 2 1 1 • •• •• 1 '2* "3 1 2 1 3 i ' 2 1 3* 1* 3 1 1 "2" "2 "T "i 22 4 2 1 -•• 1 1 "1 1 1 1 ' "2 "1" i* "1 2 1 ""1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 •••••»••« 1 1 1 " " 1 1 "i" .... ' 1 9 *■ 2 1 2 1 2 ""2" 3 1 "1 1 16 36 29 44 47 17 20 6 12 16 21 16 17 1 6 'b 2 1 1 1 5 3 1 6 1 2 6 1 1 2 2 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 "'2 '""1 ""1 "1 1 4 1 3 3 "1 1 1 1 2 1 "4" 1 1 "i 2" "i 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 i 3 "1 3 1 1 "1" 6 1 1 2 1 1 i 1 "1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 "1 1 3 1 1 i" 3 1 2 "3 1 3 1 2 1 • •••■ 2 2 1 46 CENSUS, 1886-PflOVINCE OF MANITOBA.. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 72 to 73. 72 i\ 7.3. M. F. H. F. 73 to 74. 73 i 74. M. F. H. F. 74 to 74^1 M. H. r5. F. F. 75 to 76. 75 a, 76. M. F. H. F. 76 to 77. 76 h. 77. M. F. H. P. ( ' a. Rhineland 1 1 1 1 1 "2 2 1 1 I "2' "'2' 1 1 i 2" 1 ..... ^ i r 1 1 "1 1 "1 ■■*2 "1 1 1 1 2 I 2 2 1 "1 1 1 "1 2 2 "1 "1 "1" ""i 1 1 i" 1 ••• ■ 1 b. DufFerin, South— Sud e. Carleton \ d. Dufferin, North — Nord.... e. Douglas /. Louise 1 g. Derby h. Argyle 2 1 *, »'. T.nmft i". Oalrlanfl 1. Selkirk k. Glenwood I. Whitehead m. Cornwallia ' ' '1 1 «• * *•*•■ • ••• 6 *••••••• n. Elton 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain q. Deloraine r. Whitewater s. Riverside t. Medora u. Arthur - V. Inchiquin w. Brenda..., X. Sifton y. Pipestone z. Wallace. i 1 1 i" 1 • ••• • • t* • "T 1 "i 2 i • a... "1 .... aa. W^oodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville.... cc. Nelson, Town — Ville 1 1 1 1 dd. Pilot Mound, Tow7i—V.. Total 6 14 10 4 13 7 14 7 4 (a. Elm River 1 2 • «•*- 2" i 1 ■•••••*•• "3 * "1 "i 1 3 2 I "i 1 1 "1 1 3 "i" b. Portage la Prairie e. Norfolk, South — Sud d. Norfolk, North— Nord. ... e. CjiiTesa, South— Sud. /. Cypress, North — Nord... g. Westboume h. Osprey i. Glendale j. Lansdowne k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain 7?t. Odanah 2 1 1 I 3 1 1 ""1 1 1 i" "1 .... ........ DENOMBREMENT, I8S6— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 4t Tableau V — Population par Ages. 77 to 78. 77 k 78. m to 79. 79 to 80. 80 to 81. il to 82. 82 to 83. 33 to 84. 78 ii 79. 79 11 80. 80 i. 81. 8li82. 82 ii 83. 83 a 84. 84 to 85. 84 k 85. 85 to 86. 85 b. 86. i 86 to 87. 86 i 87. M. E. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. I F. F. 'A. 3. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. P. F. il. H. F. F. H. F. F. 1 ••••• • 1 • •a* • ""2 1 • ••» ■ ""1 1 ' 1 1 • ••• ■ 1 "1 T • *••! 4 • ■•■ "l •••••■ _. ••• • •••• ■ •■• •■••>' 1 1 "1 '1 "1 1 5 ""1 • ■••■ • ••>• "1 ""i" 2 "1 • • ■■■ 1 "1 1 * ••• t ■ •■• "1 1 1 "1 i" 1 1 1 1 ~ "* I • •• • » ■ """1" "V • •••• i" I "T" 3 "1" 3 " i' .••* •■ 2 3 8 1 3 2 "■"2 • •• ■ 1 "1 "1 2 • •« ' 1 "1 "2 2 "1 1 1 "i" T 2 "1 1 "2 "1 "1 "i" "i" .... " i" "1 "1 "1 "1 "1 "1 "1 1 A "1 1 1 ■ •••••••• • 1 •••••••• 1 1 1 • •». • •■••■•••• 1 .... ft 43 CENSUS, 188t>— PROVINCE OF AliNITOBi. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 7 tc 88. 87 Ji '8. 88 to 89. 88 h 89. 89 to SO. 89 k 90. 90 to 91. 90^91. 91 to 92 91 h 92. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. P. 1. Selkirk a. Rhineland b. Dufferin, South— Sud c. Cfirleton . d. Dufferin, North— Nor d ... e. Douglas /. Louise.... ff. Derby A Arcvle l" ""l 1 "i" ■••*•• »• ...... .... .... j Tiftrnfi - ........*.- ..... ■i. Oakland k (rlenwood I. Whitehead m. Cornwallia »•*» ..... n. Elton „ 0. Daly ^ p. Turtle Mountain , o. Deloraine. r Whitewater s. Riverside t. Medora ■«•**• ■•••■• • •••• u. Arthur 1 V. Inchiauin w. Brenda , X. Sifton J/. Pipestone z. Wallace .... ■ »•••§ *••■•• aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville.... cc Nelson, Town — Ville.... dd. Pilot Mound, 2'owra-I'i/^ Total .... 1 1 1 "•• ••••• « a. Elm River 6. Portapre la Prairie c. Norfolk, South— Sud d. Norfolk, North— Nerd... e. Cypress, South— Sud y. Cypress, North— .Vord... fl. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale i* "l "i" 'i .... 1 "l' ■'•••■ • ••••* ■ ••••r 9. Lanadowne k. Rosedale ■ •••■ .•••»* /. Riding Mountain... m. Odanah .. .„ (• ••• k DENOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOYINCE DE MANITOBA. 49 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 92 to 93. 92 u 93, 93 to 94. 93 ii 94. 94 to 95. 94 a 95. 95 to 96. 95 b. 96. 96 to 97. 96 h 97, 97 to 98. 97 h 98, 98 to 99. 98 i 99. 99 to 100. 99 h 100. 100 & over. 100 et plus Not given. Son donnea. M. H. P. P. M. H. P. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. P. M. H. F. P. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. .••••• 1 I ..'".'.'.J (••••( • • ••• ••«••• «•■ • •••.• i 73 3 1 ] 82| .... • ^••» •• ••• • *•• •' 1 1"; 3 j i1 - •••••••• ' •••••>«•• 2 •• •■• • •«••■■ ■ ••• 1 .... «••• ■ •«•' .(•ac i .«••■ • *••■•• ••••••'•• .... ■*••••••* 1 2 1 6 4 14 "167 '""43 3 "178* 40 1 .... • ••■ •#>•«•> •• ••• 1 • ■•>-•»«•. '»••• — ...... ■•■■•• ■'••■ 1 321 314 ••■••■ «••••• .»•••■ 1 .••■•' 3 6.3 1 4 46 70 1 ■ ■••••••• 3 33 "31" 45 23 .... 1 •••• .... (••■ • ••• ••••• • * •••• .... ■ ■•••• >•••• 28 59 24 _ ' ■ ■•••••• F— 4 so CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCB OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTaiCTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SODS-DISTRICTS. Popu- lation. Under 1 year. Uoins d'un an. Males. Hom» mes. Fe- iiales Fem- mes. 1 to 2. 1 k 2. Males. Fe- males flom- mes. Pem- mes. 2 to 3. 2^3. Males. Fe- males. Hom- mes. 2. Slarqaette . 3. Pyovcncber, \ n. S.asbatchevran 0. Blanchard p. Clanwilliam , q. HarriiOQ —, T. Strathclair s. Oak River t. Miniota u. Archie , V. Shoal Lake w. Birtle —.. X. Ellice y. Rossburn z. Silver Creek , aa. Russell - bb. Shell River cc. Bculton dd Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town—Ville... ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville... gg. Miunedosajyowre — ViUe.. hh. Rapid City, Town—Ville ii. Birtle, Town — Ville 597 473 349 215 532 478 859 256 585 755 378 333 404 550 397 61 2,028 299 255 549 258 261 22,750 11 7 8 9 6 4 2 2 11 14 10 12 13 11 3 7 11 13 19 17 9 6 10 3 11 9 5 9 3 10 1 1 37 47 12 9 5 8 6 10 3 5 7 3 396 403 9 5 4 1 12 11 12 3 11 8 6 3 4 4 6 1 32 4 5 11 2 1 6 2 5 4 9 7 16 4 7 5 7 1 1 4 5 29 4 7 11 5 4 329 314 13 9 5 3 10 14 10 9 14 21 11 2 8 9 5 1 48 7 4 9 4 4 422 'a. Franklin ., b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie , d. Hanover e. De Salaberry , g, Youville A Tache \i. Ste. Anne - j. Hespeler k. Cartier I. St. Norbert m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town — Ville.. o Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Toton — V. I Total. (a. St. Andrews. I b. St. Ckments, 1,664 1,544 162 1,095 777 774 217 598 1,285 1,012 870 822 135 796 210 1.449 13,410 2,061 1,800 13 13 36 32 3 5 24 21 15 16 9 15 I 1 11 13 29 27 25 25 23 18 20 24 2 1 14 14 5 5 27 30 256 260 20 25 3 29 14 29 4 9 26 19 9 9 3 16 3 23 232 10 25 32 43 3 24 27 10 20 12 12 3 3 6 12 26 27 18 19 12 16 10 17 1 6 9 13 2 6 28 29 206 275 26 30 15 15 32 15 18 10 8 16 D^NOMBEEMEXT, 1886~PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 51 Tableau V— Population pa r Ages. 3 to 4. 4 to 5. 5 to 6. 6 to 7. 7 to 8. 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 11. 3 i 4. 4^5. 5^6. 6 il 7. 7 i 8. 8 k9. 9 i 10. 10 a 11. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. ilales. males. ilales. aiales. ilalee. males. ilales. males. Males. males. Males. males Males. males. 1 H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- 3om- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- mes. mes. mes. iiies. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 11 13 17 10 13 9 8 6 8 8 7 8 6 7 4 7 4 9 5 7 7 6 2 3 8 5 4 7 6 3 8 7 2 6 7 3 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 7 2 6 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 6 9 15 6 6 10 6 3 4 10 5 10 4 6 1 7 6 3 5 5 13 5 3 7 4 6 5 10 4 5 5 8 6 14 11 . 7 3 9 6 5 10 10 6 9 8 8 10 5 3 4 4 4 2 5 3 1 7 2 5 4 6 2 3 3 6 10 12 9 8 6 13 9 8 6 9 3 4 3 4 9 11 8 14 10 8 7 10 10 10 9 14 10 11 7 9 13 2 5 5 8 5 4 5 6 4 3 5 3 3 8 5 4 7 5 5 3 7 2 3 2 7 1 5 4 3 1 4 2 2 4 5 2 5 4 5 1 4 4 3 2 7 2 6 7 6 6 5 1 6 7 3 2 5 4 2 2 4 3 5 5 3 1 9 2 5 4 6 8 4 3 2 1 1 5 4 3 1 1 1 43 27 30 22 37 26 28 25 29 31 29 23 30 29 21 32 5 5 3 9 4 6 4 8 5 7 4 7 3 3 4 3 fi 2 10 6 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 4 3 I 8 11 9 8 8 7 6 15 6 4 8 8 4 6 7 5 7 4 3 4 4 3 9 5 1 5 5 2 4 5 4 6 2 331 3 i60 6 2 2 1 1 291 1 2 1 245 2 1 2 1 4 4 360 334 279 275 299 284 288 245 262 214 272 259 22 35 20 22 18 18 22 20 15 21 22 20 16 18 13 18 3?. 30 26 28 28 25 19 26 16 25 22 19 15 20 16 9 •> 5 3 3 3 1 6 2 6 1 1 5 3 3 3 26 19 15 20 16 23 17 19 10 17 22 16 10 14 19 16 1.^ 25 10 13 16 13 16 13 12 11 9 19 11 7 12 11 17 16 19 13 14 9 11 10 11 7 8 15 9 9 9 8 5 4 9 1 4 1 5 5 3 1 6 5 3 2 3 3 13 13 11 8 10 10 12 7 15 7 9 5 12 4 ft 8 22 28 19 19 21 29 17 15 22 20 23 21 1 14 16 21 17 26 18 14 14 22 22 19 16 12 18 17 16 18 15 11 U 17 16 10 8 13 15 12 6 11 13 17 8 12 15 16 14 10 18 11 13 14 13 15 9 9 13 H 7 8 14 9 4 1 2 1 2 3 >!«••« •- 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 .«••,..• 14 18 8 15 12 12 7 6 12 17 9 9 12 11 7 8 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 2 1 1 25 248 20 272 23 IG 20 24 2'.0 18 197 21 i9o 18 27 21 200 ■:6 19 22 15 19 221 198 203 173 199 202 170 155 167 161 25 26 29 23 26 27 30 20 27 20 25 23 20 20 2'< 21 19 13 ly 16 10 12 17 21 7 15 17 11 10 7 14 10 >& F-41 52 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 11 to 12. 11 h 12. Males. Hom- ines. 12 to 13. 12 h 13. Fe- males. Males, Fe- males. Pem- Hom- mea. f me3. Fern- mes. 13 to 14. 13 k 14. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fern- mes. 14 to 15, 14^15. Males. Horn' mes. Fe- males. 3. Marquette., n. Saskatchewan. o. Blanchard p. Clanwilliam.... q, Harrison r. Strathclair...... ■ s. Oak River t. Miniota M. Archie. ........ .. V. Shoal Lake Birtle Ellice , Rossburn..... .. Silver Creek..,. . Russell 10. X. y- z. aa hb. Shell River cc. Boulton, .... dd. Portage la Prairie, Townl — Ville , ee. Gladstone, Town — Ville.. ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville... gg. Minnedosa, Toivn — Ville.l hh. R>xpid City, Tovm — Ville ii. Biitle, Town — Ville I Total. 19 5 3 4 8 2 223 3. Provenclier. { i. J- k a. Franklin.,... ,....., b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie...., d. Hanover „.,. e. De Salaberry ,.,.,, /. Morris g. Youville , h. Tacho ,...,... Ste. Anne Hespeler Cartier , I. Si. Norbert... ni. St. Boniface., n. Emerson. Town — Ville.. o. Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Town — Ville] 11 18 2 5 4 10 5 7 18 15 6 11 2 8 4 24 I Total 150 (a. St. Andrews.. j b. St. Clements, 23 11 5 6 1 1 9 3 11 1 5 5 4 1 3 2 3 22 2 202 15 12 22 4 1 6 6 4 265 8 19 12 17 1 1 14 11 10 8 13 13 3 4 7 7 20 12 3 14 11 14 6 13 3 9 8 3 1 24 20 143 166 26 18 8 2 10 5 6 6 3 2 6 4 1 28 3 3 6 237 1 2 6 4 1 219 13 20 2 13 11 4 5 10 17 10 11 8 1 4 2 17 14 15 148 16 14 8 2 9 10 11 13 14 1 8 3 11 149 3 6 6 3 5 A 8 1 O /J 8 2 3 2 14 9 4 3 4 185 19 5 4 6 1 2 232 10 12 10 13 8 4 4 18 8 3 7 1 9 1 12 18 20' 3 10 6 13 3 4 14 12 10 11 8 2 13 120 ! 147 26 9 12 6 15 10 23 12 DENOMBEEMENT, 1885— PROVIXCE DE MANITOBA. 53 Tableau "V — Population par Ages. 15 to 16. 16 to 17. 17 to 18. 18 to 19. 19 to iJO. 20 to 21. 21 to 22. 22 10 23. 15 h 16. leii 17. 17 5,18. — J -*^ 18 k 19. 19 h 20. 20 ii 21. 21 Ji 22 i23. 1 Fe- Fe- Fe- * Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. Males. males Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. M&.le3. males Males. males \Iale3. males. H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fern- Hom- Fem- mea. mes. ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. raes. mea. mes. mea. 6 5 1 6 4 5 6 2 7 4 4 5 11 3 3 4 8 3 2 5 4 i 8 4 3 5 4 3 6 5 6 3 5 5 4 2 3 3 4 3 5 2 6 3 2 5 7 3 1 3 1 2 2 8 2 7 2 4 1 2 2 5 4 1 3 4 8 4 6 5 5 3 3 5 5 2 7 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 4 2 4 3 5 6 4 4 7 4 8 4 10 7 4 6 7 4 14 7 13 6 13 6 17 6 4 5 1 3 3 6 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 7 1 6 3 5 7 5 7' 7 6 2 6 5 13 5* 2 8 5 4 4 5 4 15 7 6 2 7 2 8 8 10 4 4 5 6 3 2 3 9 5 4 1 3 1 5 6 7 4 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 ** 4 2 5 3 4 4 4 4 6 3 4 3 6 2 9 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 2 4 4 1 3 2 2 5 4 13 ; 3 2 3 3 3 5 2 4 4 10 6 9 3 5 1 r 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 .•••■•■ft 18 15 19 15 12 27 20 18 12 19 14 22 21 22 12 25 '""2" 4 1 1 3 1 6 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 5 4 2 2 5 I 1 6 1 2 6 4 7 2 2 8 3 2 6 1 3 5 5 3 6 2 5 6 2 3 4 1 1 7 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 208 4 182 3 3 1 199 2 4 4 3 2 5 3 2 - 6 2iti 201 203 253 194 240 151 216 184 285 181 342 211 10 8 11 9 17 15 17 12 15 9 13 11 10 11 17 12 21 9 H 18 21 11 18 19 17 9 12 16 15 14 IS 12 1 2 1 5 2 1 11 1 11 1 1 •) 2 11 7 15 16 14 14 11 11 10 8 13 13 11 16 10 13 7 3 12 7 6 12 3 11 9 5 8 2 10 2 7 9 11 7 11 8 8 12 10 4 8 2 12 5 10 3 4 10 1 6 3 6 4 10 4 9 1 9 1 5 1 9 2 3 2 5 1 6 3 7 3 1 2 1 5 6 8 13 16 14 13 7 14 15 11 11 18 17 12 8 9 9 8 12 23 lij 10 11 14 10 10 8 8 10 14 11 11 8 6 5 10 17 11 7 5 8 9 10 14 8 11 6 9 9 14 7 10 11 7 5 11 16 6 7 10 5 8 6 10 6 1 3 A 2 3 1 2 1 4 4 1 2 1 ,,^ 7 12 7 4 7 6 10 4 5 6 6 9 7 •1 7 "is' 130 19 115 •J 11 2 14 3 16 3 23 2 9 2 10 1 15 « 3 9 3 9 4 17 15 150 13 ' 15 154 1 153 112 146 160 122 lie 128 114 131 1 100 128 113 14 15 23 20 13 22 20 26 13 19 9 18 12 15 11 12 14 7 12 9 5 6 12 7 14 7 9 9 6 ■ 7 12 8 ^ 54 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 23 to 24. 23 II 24. 24 to 25. 24 k 25. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. illales, Fem- i Som- mes. i rnes. 25 to 26. 25 k 26. Fe- males. Males Fem- mes. Hem- med. Fe- male?, Fem- mes. 26 to 27. 26 k 27. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. S. Marquette. . -j n Saskatchewan 7 7 3 2 6 2 5 0. BlanchHrd... 9 4 2 2 5 11 3 7 6 10 6 10 7 p. Cli-nwiiliam q. Harrison 7 3 4 1 2 1 3 r. St.rathclair 4 6 6 2 6 6 7 «. Oak iiver.. 8 3 5 5 11 10 7 t. Mmiota 12 5 13 7 8 6 19 u. Archie 1 10 3 3 13 4 3 6 10 f 5 5 ». Shoal Lake ..... w. Birtle. 7 4 15 9 10 10 X. Ellice..... 2^. Rossburn , 3 3 4 4 6 5 4 3 2 3 3 4 "2 4 3 z. Silver Creek 6 6 6 15 3 12 aa. Russell 7 1 rj 4 11 5 9 bb. Shell River • S o 4 10 3 4 8 9 cc. Boulton 2 1 dd Portage la Prairie, Town —rule 13 13 17 21 20 20 18 ee. Gladstone, Hoion — Ville . 4 1 7 4 1 1 3 ff. Neepawa, Town — VUle... 5 2 4 11 4 2 2 qq. MinnedoiJa, Tmcn — ViUe. 7 4 12 6 6 8 11 hh. Rardd Citv, Toion — ViUe 1 2 2 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 351 1 a. mvHQ, Town— Ville 1 Total.... 2S9 167 332 214 331 209 a. Franklin 6. Montcalra c. La Broquerie. d. Hanover e. De Salaberry. /. .Vorris ,, g. YouviUe h. Tache Provemcher. \ i. Ste. Anne J. Hespeler , k. Cartier I. St. Norbert 7». St. Boniface «. Emerson, Town — Ville 0. Morris, Town — Vdle p. St. Boniface, Town — ViUe. I Total. 12 17 2 10 6 11 1 S 10 9 11 10 1 5 1 9 118 6 7 2 8 11 11 1 12 11 1 8 2 9 104 5 10 2 14 9 7 1 7 14 3 9 6 1 12 100 5 16 3 9 7 8 2 7 9 6 10 5 1 4 11 15 1 14 5 9 2 3 8 4 13 9 106 14 Yc lis 12 11 15 13 2 2 8 8 8 5 3 6 3 6 1 5 8 3 8 12 10 7 7 2 2 6 10 4 7 12 99 107 fa. \b. St. Andrews.. St. Clements. 9 11 17 14 11 15 19 10 7 12 12 10 9 8 6 6 2 4 o 9 2 5 6 5 2 5 5 3 1 19 3 9 6 1 195 9 11 1 7 1 2 9 9 7 9 2 2 9 2 12 92 13 5 DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 55 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 27 to 28. 27 ii 28. M. F. 28 to 29. 28 k 29. Males. Fe- males. 29 to 30. 29 a, 30. Fe- \IaIes.!niaIe9 30 to 31. 30 a 31. Males. Fe- males 31 to 32. 31 h 32. Males Fe- males 32 to 33. 32 b. 33. Males. Fe- males. 33 to 34. 33 i 34. Males Fe- males. 34 to 35l 34 k 35. Male3, Fe- males H. Horn- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Horn- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hem- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 3 3 5 7 10 7 4 11 5 5 10 1 5 2 5 3 1 4 1 2 7 8 10 4 11 2 5 6 3 6 15 7 5 3 9 1 6 6 1 11 3 7 8 3 16 6 13 8 16 7 1 3 4 ' 1 4 • •••• 3 3 2 8 2 6 3 % 6 2 7 4 2^ 7 3 11 2 6 2 .... 2 1 1 21 32 26 18 22 1 5 1 2 3 5 4 4 2 5 8 5 b 7 6 •••••• 3 3 3 6 2 193 2 2 4 275 306 183 235 4 • 3 4 2 14 2 1 6 2 2 138 8 6 7 4 8 5 4 1 11 5 7 4 7 6 2 3 14 8 12 6 6 5 1 1 7 3 9 3 7 1 20 17 5 4 10 < 1 3 6 5 314 186 7 5 2 2 9 6 9 4 11 10 5 4 8 5 8 21 4 3 8 264 15 2 2 2 3 1 8 1 4 2 3 8 10 4 8 10 4 4 3 4 4 2 16 4 2 2 3 2 20 2 2 2 3 2 135 225 138 17 5 1 7 190 93 16 2 ] 4 4 3 162 13 1 2 4 1 2 118 18 10 11 16 9 11 12 12 11 8 8 9 7 5 11 18 11 20 4 12 11 16 17 13 11 11 9 13 4 9 4 ■••f '3 5* 3 12 2 3 3 5 1 8 1 7 1 3 3 6 2 8 1 5 5 3 4 6 7 7 10 5 3 8 6 9 6 6 9 7 2 7 6 8 4 5 6 1 6 4 3 4 6 3 11 7 ' 4" 9 2 1 15 1 1 5 1 4 4 ""5" 7 3 5 9 4 8 7 1 1 7 1 3 3 5 »> 4 8 3 9 6 9 2 11 9 6 4 4 8 3 7 4 4 6 6 9 2 5 6 2 6 3 3 5 4 4 3 8 5 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 12 7 9 5 8 6 8 8 5 4 8 9 5 3 7 2 2 1 2 1 • •••-•«w 1 3 1 1 1 12 13 9 14 10 8 10 10 13 6 7 2 7 4 6 1 1 2 1 3 5 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 1 3 10 13 11 13 8 8 13 11 6 10 21 14 12 8 U 120 98 113 83 100 85 117 110 93 78 95 78 86 64 86 6 3 10 66 11 9 17 7 10 11 11 9 10 6 8 6 3 5 4 6 4 5 7 7 4 11 5 10 3 5 4 8 1 1 56 CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OF MA.NITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICrS. SOU3-D!STRI0T3. 35 to 36. 35 h 36. ilales Hom- ines. Fe. males 36 to 37. 36 h, 37, Males Pem- mes. 2. Martinette... ■{ Saskatchewan * ... Blaachard Olanwilliam Harrison Straihclair Oak River Miniota.. , Archie , Shoa! Lake Birtle Ellice, , rtossburn Silver Greek , , an. Russell , bb. Shell River. .' , fC Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville Gladstone, Town — Ville. Necpawa, Town — VUle... Minnedosa, Town — Vtlle Rapid City, Town— V die Birtle, Town — Ville ee. //■ 99 hh ii. 6 5 6 3 4 9 8 2 7 8 2 3 5 6 5 2 16 3 3 5 3 5 Total. 211 I 1 16 2 2 2 2 2 Hom- ines. 119 6 3 4 3 2 8 6 2 6 7 3 3 4 2 4 1 10 2 2 10 3 6 189 Fe- males, Fem- mes. 37 to 38. 37^38. Males. Hcm- mes. Fe- males 38 to 39. 38 h. 39. Males Fem- Hom- mes. mes. Fe- males •i 1 1 11 1 2 4 122 20 161 73 ■ ffl. Franklin b. Montcalm.., c. La Broquerie d. Hanover e. De Snlaberry f. Morris „ g. Youville h. Tache 3. Proveiicher li. Ste Anne j. Hespeler k. Cartier I. St. Norbert m. St. Bonifjice n. Emerson, I'own — Ville 0. Morris, Town — Ville. - p. St. Boniface, Tbwre — Ville. 14 11 I Total. 5 6 6 3 3 10 3 5 4 6 2 11 89 4 6 4 8 3 1 7 2 10 74 13 11 6 4 3 1 8 9 8 7 8 1 9 2 13 103 3 1 10 6 4 3 12 11 10 6 4 3 1 3 6 3 9 1 2 8 10 77 3 7 1 3 c\ 1 1 2 6 6 3 4 1 3 1 16 59 {a. St. Andrews., I b St. Clements. 11 6 10 3 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 20 1 1 3 4 3 128 9 13 1 2 3 7 4 4 10 6 5 4 7 1 12 88 10 6 Fem- mes. 5 2 1 2 2 3 5 17 2 3 3 1 96 6 10 3 4 5 5 2 3 7 3 3 4 2 6 2 7 72 DllNOilEREMENT, 1886— PKOVINCE DE MANITOBA. St - Tableau V — Population par Ages. 39 to 40. 40 to 41. 41 to 42. 42 to 43. 43 to 44. 44 to 45. 45 to 46. 46 to 47. 39 h 40. 40 hU. 41 a 42. 42 a 43. 43 a 44. 44 h. 45. 45 k 46. 46 i 47. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. H. P. Hom- Pem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fesa- ines. me3. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mcs. mes. mes. mes. mea. 4 1 7 3 7 3 1 3 2 4 1 2 5 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 6 3 2 2 2 I 3 5 2 1 1 2 •■«••■ • ••»* 4 4 2 5 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 i 1 '"""2" 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 3 6 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 2 i 2 1 3 2 4 4 3 1 1 2 7 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 2 5 1 2 4 4 3 4 ••••>••* 1 1 4 I "I "i 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 "'■5 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 "T 1 2 , 2 4 2 2 3 4 2 i 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 —'•"•■ 8 9 16 13 12 11 14 3 4 4 9 8 13 7 11 10 2 1 5 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ti 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 6 1 4 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 3 105 1 60 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 — 69 168 101 120 68 101 77 78 69 79 125 81 78 65 6 6 12 7 7 5 7 3 2 8 7 4 9 5 7 4 7 5 13 8 8 7 14 7 2 2 10 3 5 2 3 3 2 5 3 2 3 1 4 1 7 1 1 6 1 2 I 6 3 6 6 4 6 8 4 2 3 5 4 1 2 2 3 1 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 3 7 2 6 7 3 2 2 2 3 2 5 4 2 1 ""i" 1 2 1 6 1 2 .... .^ '"5 1 3 1 6 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 l\ 1 7 10 6 9 5 4 4 6 6 8 1 8 3 6 4| 5 6 5 6 6 6 7 5 5 6 2 6 5 5 5 3 4 6 1 4 2 1 5 3 4 3 1 2 4 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 3 "Tz' 63 1 7 3 8 4 1 6 1 5 2 2 5" 2 6 2 5 1 3 1 1 1 8 3 10 73 3 1 5 5 2 12 3 I 2 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 4 3 46 88 61 64 42 43 37 62 53 33 70 43 45 42 9 6 11 9 7 7 7 6 6 3 6 3 9 7 7 G\ 2 4 5 6 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 3 7 ■ 7 6 4 Bi 53 CENSUS, 1886 -PRO VIXCE OF MANITOBA. Table V— A ges of the People. DISTRICTS. ' 47 t 47 i SUB-DISTRICTS. Males. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Hom- ines. 48. 1 48. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 48 to 49. 48 b. 49. Fe- Males, males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 49 t( 49 u Males. Hom- mes. D 50. I 50. Fe- males, Fem- mes. EO to 51. 50 h. oh Fe- Males. males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 2. Marquette ... n. Saskatchewan 1 2 3 1 1 3 r 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 6 0. Blanchard V. Clanwilliam 1" n Harrison 1 1 1 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 1 3 6 2 r 1 2 T. STrathclair 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 . 1 2 4 a. Oak River 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 r 2 1 1 3 2 1 t. Miniota M. Archie .- V. Shoal Lake..... 1 5 1 • 1 1 1 4 2 5" w. Birtle X. Ellice 3 2 V. Roasburn.. z. Silver Creek aa. Russell 1 1 6 1 1 2 bb. Shell River ee. Bouiton dd. Portag:e la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town — Ville. if. Neepawa, Town—Vtlle... pg. Minnedosa, Town — Ville. 'hh. Rapid City, Town— Ville. ii. Birtle, Town— Ville Total ., 5 2 2 1 1 1 60 1 1 1 2 1 1 54 82 52 63 37 £7 65 3. Provenchcr. 'a. Franklin b. Montcalm , 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 6 4 3 2 3 4 3 1 7 7 4 3 4 5" 1 2 6 2 6 2 1 2 2 7 2 4 2 1 1 7 3 4 5 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c. La BroQuerie d Hanover 4 1 1 5 2 3 I 6 4 4 ""V 6 3 ?, 1 S 6 3 7 3 • 1 2 2 5 e. De Salaberry ,„. f. Morris ., g. Youville ■..,...,. h. Tache = i. Ste. Anne ., j. Hespeler k. Cartier . 1 5 7 1 1 l' " 8 2 6 2 7" 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 23 I. St, Herbert.. m. St. Boniface n. Emerson. Town— Ville.... o. Morris. Town — fj'/e 3 p. St. Boniface, lown — Ville Total 7. 4 £ 34 29 53 47 49 65 37 15 5 a. St. Andrews _ b. St, Clements 4 3 3 6 5 6 6 4 2 7 4 3 5 9 DilNOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOYINCE DE MANITOBA. 5^ Tableau V — Population par Ages. 51 to 52. 52 to 53. 53 to 54. 54 to 55. 55 to 56. 66 to 57. 57 to 58. 58 to 59. 51 h 52. 62 & 63. 53 h 5i. 54 Jk 55. 55 & 56. 56 i 57. 57 k 58. 58 ;\ 59. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. Malea. males. Males. males. Males. males Males. males. Males. males Malci. males. Males. males -1 H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Bom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. metj. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. me s. mes. 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 "" 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1' T" 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ""*1 2 2 ""2 2 3 3 2 1 2 6 1 2 2 2 3 2 "3 3 2 2 1 .... ^ 3 1 i"' 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 i" 2 2 1 3 1 1 ' "1 1 1 1 2 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "1 1 1 1 2 • *•■•••• 1 ■••••• • 4 1 2 2 2 i 1 2 2 1 "1 2 '2" 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ' "1 2 1 1 1 1 5 7 1 6 "•"*•*' 5 6 1 5 7 4 2 5 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 •••••»•»« 1 1 1 1 1 ""2 64 i 38 2 2 1 1 3 "1 1 i" 1 1 i 1 • •••••••« 1 1 ........ 2 2 1 1 1 1 31 56 54 49 52 45 62 56 60 38 22 30 42 21 6 1 6 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 5 9 2 4 5 5 3 4 3 3 1 ■ «■•• 1 1 • t«*> 5 3 3 2 4 6 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 2" 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 ■■••r 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 . 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 "1 1 1 5 2 6 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 3 5 3 1 2 5 5 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 6 1 3 5 1 6 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 4 9 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 i 2 5 2 1 5 1 1 7 2 2 2 6 5 i '2 1 1 1 1 i 2 "1 i ...... 2 3 5" 1 2 5 3 38 30 49 24 36 SO 35 31 28 30 21 2i 28 20 21 19 4 6 5 4 4 c 4 5 6 4 6 4 3 1 5 6 4 2 5 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 7 €0 CENSUS, 1S8S— PROYINCB OF iI.\NITOBA.. Table V — Ages of the Pooplo. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SODS-DISTRICTS. 59 to 60. 59 h 60. Wales. Hom- mes. Pe- males Pem- mes. 60 to 61. 60 a, 61. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 61 to 62. 61 h 62. Males. Hom- mes. Fe. males. 62 to 63. 62 4 63. &lales. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fern- mes. 3. Provenetiei'., I 1 n. 0. P- i- 3iarq«ctte ... \ r. s. t. u. \ V. w. X. y- z. a a bb cc. dd. I ee. If- 99- hh a. Saskatchewan ., Blanchard , ClanwiIUam , , Harrison Strathclair , Oak River , Miniota ..., Archie Shoal Lake Birtle , Ellice , Rossburn , Silver Creek Russell , Shell River , Boalton Portage la Prairie, Town — Vide Gladstone, Town — Villa. Neepawa, Totcn — Ville... Minnedosa, Town — Ville.. . Rapid City, Town— Ville. Birilc, Town— Ville Total. a. b. c d. e. f- 9- h. i. J- k. I. m. n. 0. P- Franklin Montcalm La Brcquerie „ Hanover ., , De Salaberry Morris Youviile , Tache Ste. Anne Hespeler.... Cartier St. Norbert St. Bcnifacf^ Emerson, Town— Ville . ... Morris, Toton — Ville— ..... St. Bcuiface, Town — Ville. Total. fa. St. Andrews. I 6. St. Clements. 20 13 1 1 71 2 59 1 31 12 1 28 1 17 43 32 16 2 2 1 1 2 12 27 25 2 1 2 1 1 21 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 11 5 1 D:^NOMBRBiIENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 61 t Tableau V — Population par Ages. 63 to 64. 63 h 6i. 64 to 65. 64 lies. 65 to 66. 65 h 66. 66 to 67. 66 k 67. 6 7 to 68. 67i68. 68 to 69. 68 i\ 69. 69 to 70 69 a 70. 70 to 71. 70 b. 71. 71 to 72. 71 h 72. H. F. F. M. E. F. F. E. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 i* 1 1 "i 1 1 1 J. 1 2 "i" 2 1 "i" 27 1 2 2 1" 1 "1 "2 1 1 "1' 1 1 1 "i" 2" ... .„ 1 "i" 1 "2" 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 T 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 "*1 r 1 1 1 1 "2" 2" i "2" '""1 1" 2 3 "1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 .1. 1 1 1 1 1 2 r 5 ""1 1 ■ 2 1' ...... 1 "1 14 1 " i* .... 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 ■"2" r ""1" •••'••"• 1 1 i* 26 14 4 16 4 26 23 25 42 24 29 12 10 26 15 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 ••••••■•- 2 ij 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 "3 "i "T 1 1 "1 8 4 4 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 '2 2 3" 1 "1 1 1 "'"1 3 ..... "i 10 2 4 1 2 1 3 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 "i 1 1 '1 2 "1 8 1 "1 1 "2 2 1 1 3 1" 2 1 1 •1 1 "1 "1 1 2 "2 1 "1 ""'4 13 1 "1 1 I 2 1 10 1 1 "l 1 13 "2 1 "i 2 ..... 8 1 i" 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1. 1 3 "1 i 1 i" ■■2' *T' 6 2 2 1 3 5 ........ i" 2*" "1 6 22 13 11 24 9 8 15 13 4 3 2 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 11 ^ 4 I 1 2 1 2 2 3 . 1 2 1 3 3 62 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCB OF MANITOBA. Table V— Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 72 to 73. 72 k 73. 73 to 74. 73 i 74. 74 to 75. 74 k 75. 75 to 76. 75 h. 76. 76 to 77. 76 k 77. M. H. P. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. P. F. M. H. F. F. 2. Marquette ... n. Saskatchewan • ■••••■*• 3 "l 1 1 ( * • « • : »■ 1 1 0. Blanchard 1 i" "l T 2 1 •■•••• p. Clanwilliam q. Harrison r Strathclair 1 s Oak River.... i. Miniota u Arctiie ""i ' " 1 8 1 1 i 1 V- Shoal Lake 1 1 w. Birtle.. ,.,. z. Ellice ■ • «••• 2 10 • ••• 2 y. Rossburn ., . z. Silver Creek. .,..., 1 1 1 1 12 6 aa. Russell ................ ...... bb. cihell River.. , cc. Boulton ..... dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville.. ee. Gladstone, Town— Ville. fj. Neepawa, Toxvn — Ville. (/g. Minnedosa, Town— Ville hh. Rapid City, Town— Ville ii. Binle, Town— Ville- Total 1 "l 8 44 *•>•• 2 13 11 8 3. Provenclier. ■ f a, Franklin 1 3 i' 1 ' "i "i 2 1 "l • i" 2 '"T " 1 1 3 ■ •••' "'2" 2 f b. ilontcalm , c. La Brcquerie ... d. Hanover. e. De Salaberry , /. Morris 2 !'.,. '"'> g. Youville - h. Tache -..-... «. I. Sle Anne j. Hespeler k. Cartier...., ■•• •*••• 1 1 1 "i" 4 1 1 1 1 "i* 4 I. St. Norbert 1 m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town — Ville.... 0. Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Toww—FeWf Total 8 7 5 6 4 0. St. Andrews 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 b. St. Clements DISNOMBREMBNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DB MANITOBA. 62 Tableau V- -Population par A get ). 77 to 78. 77 h. 78. (-3 to 79. 78 t. 79. 79 to 80. 79 k 80. 80 to 81 . 80 Ji8l. 31 to 82. 81 il82. 32 to 83. 82 ^83. 33 to 84. 83 k 84. 84 to 85. 84 k 85. 85 to 86. 85 k 86. 86 to 87. 86 k 87. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. M. H. ! F. F. :::::: :::::: ,-;:::. t : : • ••••• •••••• ••••■•••• 1 T .... ••••■ 7 5 2 "1 • •••• "1 1 "1 "1 4 I 1 ■ ••*■■ 4 3 1 • ••« • • «•••• 2 • ••• ...... ■•••*■ .... 1 1 1 •••••r •< i" 1 ••••••«•• .. -. ••• 1 1 8 7 1 .««•.■•• 1 1 2 2 n 1 .... "i" *i 1 4 "1 1 "i" 1 .... ■ •••• t •••• ••• t • .... "1 "T 3 1 .... "1 — •• 1 "2" "1" 1 2 "l ••••#- .... •••••• .... •••••••• 1 ""i 2 3 3 1 — 1 .... 2 1 X 1 ..... 1 1 1 .... 1 4 1 1 2 1 * ••••••• '"'• 64 CENSUS, 1S86— PEOVINCE OF MAl^ITOBA Table V — Ages of the People. • DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 87 to 88. 87^89. 88 to 89. 88 ^ 89. 89 to 90. 89 h 90. 90 to 91. 90 Ji91. 91 to 92 91 i\ 92. M. H. F.r. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. S. Siarqnettc ... fj. Saakatchewan 1 •«■•• ••■■••■•> ••••a '•••••*•• B 1 1 ••»••* 0. Blanchard p. Clanwilliam. ........ q. Harrison T Strathclair \ s. Oak River t. Miniota .... ••oil 1 .... u. Archie V. Shoal Lake. 1 ■ ••• w. Birtle z. Ellice y. Ro3sburn z. Silver Creek 1 1 1 aa. Russell.. ... bb. Shell RiTer ce. Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ,. ee. Gladatone, Town — Vdle. ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville.. gq. Minnedosa, Town — Ville hh. Rapid City, Town—Villt ii. Birtle, Town — Ville ••• .»•• ' 1 3 .... Total 2 1 2 3 2 . f a. Franklia 1 ...... ' 1 b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie ,. d. Hanover e. De Salaberry • •••• *1 ......... }. Morris g. Youville h. Tache 3. Proven clier. i. Stc. Anne , . .... • *••• /. Hespeler ; k. Cartier i I. St. Norbert 771. St. Boniface n. EmeroOD, Town— Ville.... 0. Morris, Town — Vdle p. St. Bofliface, Town — Ville , »,,.,,. 1 1 1 1 1 [ Total 1 ] '■fl. St. Andrews. 1 b. St. Clement'^ • •• .- 1 DENOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DB MANITOBA. 65 Tableaxj V — Population par Ages. 92 to 93. 92 ^ 93. 93 to 94. 93 h 94. 94 to 95. 94 h 95. 95 to 96. 95 L 96. 96 to 97. S6 h 97. 97 to 98. 97 h 98. 98 to 99. 98 k 99. 99 to 100. 99 h 100. 100 & over. 100 et plus. Not given. Non donneg. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 51. H. « F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. .■••• * !<•• ,.,... .... ....... *•••"•*' 1 1 .... 68 2 5 3 62 ""n 3 70 1 • «• • «•<■■ 1 1 ri« ■ -3 a • ( ■ .... . J*** ■ -•«■>• — .... .... • •• •- • ••••■ • .••■••• "*6l"; 'io6 <**••• .... • ••■ .... «••• = 443 1 i" .... .... *•••• 2 .»••* .... .... 450 .... • ••••» •««• •- • •< * ••• t*' > >.«■••• 203 213 ••••■* • •»«• *•«•»'> ••••••••a 1 «••••• .••*•' .... *■•• -... b«««* • •••< •r" .... .... .... • •••<•••• .... 214 214 250 435 1 •••••••■ 237 435 I'--5 m CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OP MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Uader 1 year. \Ioiii9 d'un an. Popu- lation. Males. Horn* mes. Fe- Tialea. F^m- mes. 1 to 2. 1 & 2. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 2 to 3. 2^3. Males, Fe- males. Hom- mes. Fem- mea. c. Plessia d. Rock wood e. Gimli y. Varennes — ff. Macdonald k. Springfield i. Assiniboia J. Kildonan 4. £.iss;ar •{ k. 6t. Paul I. Belcourt m.Bt. Fran^oia-Xavier n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Posen q. Fairford r- Selkirk, Town — Ville s. Selkirk, Uast—Bst, T—V. Total.. 1,335 5 2,264 37 889 12 347 7 251 6 1,345 21 1,125 13 574 5 477 8 513 12 826 17 1,098 19 576 14 423 7 967 I 705 12 310 6 17,886 243 5 51 22 4 4 27 21 8 15 11 10 18 15 12 3 12 5 291 5. WiMuij>es .... • a. Ward No. 1, Quartier., b. Ward No. 2, Quartier., c. Ward No. 3, Quartier., d. Ward No. 4, Quartier,, e. Ward No. 5, Quartier,, /. Ward No. 6, Quartier.. Total. 577 4,981 486 fi,812 6,812 570 20,238 11 76 6 119 139 9 360 6 78 10 103 127 10 334 4 32 26 4 6 13 20 9 3 4 14 12 8 4 1 10 1 196 1 4 35 41 19 23 4 9 4 3 15 21 14 14 11 4 3 6 8 9 15 21 9 25 6 11 1 10 1 5 7 14 2 5 178 273 11 80 9 82 96 6 234 9 10 75 77 5 9 81 82 89 126 7 12 266 316 2 35 14 4 1 26 18 4 5 8 10 18 8 9 I 11 8 15 59 9 115 121 10 329 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk , 3. j^Iarqnette.. . 3. Provencher 4. Liisgar 3. Winnipeg.... 34,356 549 584 540 521 682 22,750 396 403 329 314 422 13,410 256 260 232 206 275 17,886 243 291 196 178 273 20,238 360 334 284 266 316 618 399 267 212 329 Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba j 108,640 1,804 1,872 1,581 1,485 1,968 1,825 D^NOMBKEMENT, 1886— PROYINCE DB MANITOBA. 6T Tableau V — Population par Agep. 3 to 4. 4 to 5. 5 to 6. 6 to 7. 7 tc 8. 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 11. 3^4. 4^5. 5 k 6. 6 i 7. 7 k 8. 3 a 9. 9 k 10. 10 X 11. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- :.M. F. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males. H. F, Hom- Fern- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 4 35 4 36 3 39 3 48 2 37 2 46 3 31 ""3*8" 1 40 2 34 2 33 2 36 1 35 2 33 49 46 8 18 10 12 14 11 14 22 16 17 14 19 10 14 12 10 2 5 6 1 4 3 4 1 3 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 5 4 3 5 2 1 4 3 2 4 5 2 2 3 19 17 13 25 20 18 23 22 18 15 21 17 17 19 19 17 17 17 13 14 16 12 20 16 12 15 5 22 13 9 14 15 12 5 4 6 5 8 6 11 5 3 3 8 3 7 3 7 3 8 7 6 5 7 8 6 5 10 6 4 6 9 9 7 7 8 18 10 12 10 7 6 7 12 13 11 7 6 10 17 11 17 14 13 9 12 10 12 11 22 8 13 8 12 10 20 10 24 9 18 12 16 18 11 14 21 21 16 8 20 15 11 8 10 10 9 9 10 13 8 8 13 7 9 4 8 5 7 9 8 9 7 4 3 10 4 5 9 5 3 5 4 2 2 7 3 10 3 9 ""io 2 2 ""lb" 1 9 1 12 1 7 ""i'o 2 7 1 7 2 8 1 11 ■•••••••• 3 7 6 4 216 4 6 6 7 4 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 2 5 224 243 218 220 200 230 238 191 202 229 216 187 171 196 176 10 8 12 10 8 12 12 3 8 5 8 6 6 6 5 3 71 72 46 49 55 55 46 57 38 63 51 53 70 43 5/ 36 6 8 6 3 7 10 5 4 6 4 8 7 3 3 6 3 100 60 77 81 67 72 82 69 72 67 61 68 78 72 73 63 102 85 78 86 92 78 83 78 90 87 92 82 82 81 72 87 7 12 6 7 11 12 17 9 5 4 9 8 5" 7 9 4 296 245 225 236 240 239 245 220 219 230 229 224 244 211 217 196 GRANDS TO T AUX. 562 536 542 501 462 461 451 458 424 397 446 391 372 343 428 386 331 350 360 334 279 275 291 299 384 245 288 245 262 214 272 259 248 272 221 198 203 220 197 195 173 199 200 202 170 165 167 161 224 216 243 218 220 209 230 238 191 202 229 216 187 171 196 176 296 245 225 236 240 239 245 220 219 230 229 224 244 211 217 196 1,661 1,01!) 1,591 1,487 1,401 1,404 1,414 1,410 1,291 1,273 1 ,392 1,273 1,235 1,104 1,280 1,178 F-5J 68 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 11 to 12. 11 h,12. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males, Fem- mes. 12 to 13. 12 h 13. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 13 to 14. 13 k 14. Males, Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 14 to 15. 14 5,15. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 4. liisgar. c. d. e. /■ ff- h. i. J- I. m. n. 0. P- q- r. 3. Plessis Rock\rood Gimli , Varennes Macdonald Springfield Assiniboia Kildonan .. St. Paul......... Belcourt St. Fran^ois-Xavier Woodlands St. Laurent ,.... Posen Fairford , Selkirk, Town—Ville Selkirk, East— Est, T.— V. 2 29 13 2 1 18 14 8 10 1 8 19 8 4 Total. 11 9 191 17 9 2 4 13 15 3 6 7 13 8 7 4 143 22 7 2 23 16 8 7 10 7 16 8 8 2 7 4 191 20 13 2 3 18 14 7 7 10 12 13 10 3 172 2 22 9 2 3 19 9 3 7 3 11 18 6 4 1 8 6 151 f a. Ward No. 1, Quartier., 15. Ward No. 2, Quartier., c. Ward No. 3, Quartier 6. Winulpegr "! cJ- Ward No. 4, Quartier., e. Ward No. 5, Quartier,, /. Ward No. 6, Quartier,, Total 2 6 7 9 1 7 8 34 43 46 48 35 34 44 4 7 3 3 4 4 2 79 62 75 56 52 58 59 82 50 68 65 51 55 52 2 5 9 3 2 2 3 203 173 208 184 145 160 168 1 20 4 3 4 7 12 5 6 6 9 126 2 27 2 1 18 17 7 5 6 12 15 9 7 176 21 9 2 3 18 8 3 6 2 13 16 12 4 2 4 1 156 9 46 4 60 49 4 172 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 2. Marquette... 8< Provencber 4. Ijisgar ......... 5. Winnipeg'.... 330 223 150 191 20S Totals of Manitoba 1 Totaux de Manitoba j 1,097 319 396 334 306 287 346 202 265 237 219 185 232 143 166 148 149 120- 147 143 191 172 151 126 176 173 208 184 145 160 168 980 1,226 1,075 970 1,069 325 202 140 156 172 995 D:^N0MBKEMEN"T, ISSG-PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 69 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 15 to 16. 15 h 16. M. 16 to 17. 16 a 17. 17 to 18. 17 h 18. Males. Fe- males Males. Fe- males. 18 to 19. 18 h 19. Males Fe- males 19 to 20. 19 h 20. Males, Fe- males 20 to 21. 20 a. 21. Males. Fe- males 21 to 22. 21 Jl22. Males. Fe- males 22 to 23. 22 d. 23. Males. Fe- males H. F. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fern- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Eom- mes. Fem- mes. Horn- mes. Fern- mes. Hem- mes. Fern- mes. 20 8 1 6 12 12 7 6 3 11 16 8 5 1 8 4 156 3 17 4 2 2 12 16 5 5 6 10 16 9 2 5 4 139 31 11 2 4 15 19 4 3 4 15 10 6 4 2 173 1 19 3 1 15 10 9 « 2 5 8 '.> 2 2 ]?.8 15 5 2 6 14 8 5 2 7 6 18 6 3 9 3 127 1 20 2 2 2 13 9 4 5 8 7 12 136 3 1 24 17 6 2 2 1 2 3 20 22 14 19 2 6 7 6 5 2 16 9 15 10 6 3 8 3 ?, 7 4 1 5 172 146 1 21 7 1 3 15 7 6 2 5 4 18 5 5 1 5 2 135 1 13 2 3 10 12 8 3 4 9 16 8 3 2 8 3 131 I 3 4 20 15 20 • 5 6 2 2 4 1 4 14 10 17 6 u 17 7 9 5 6 5 9 7 .•■••>•- 7 8 8 6 6 2 14 4 8 7 5 3 5 3 1 2 6 7 7 3 4 3 ' 127 119 153 j 3 20 3 2 2 10 10 8 8 3 4 8 5 4 118 31 5 7 4 22 18 6 6 5 9 12 6 3 o 9 6 174 10 3 2 3 7 13 6 9 3 101 2 31 8 52 42 5 140 9 5 51 42 4 5 60 61 47 47 3 8 174 168 6 45 3 65 5G 7 3 30 2 55 44 3 182 137 4 1 13 47 44 £5 4 5 6 61 55 75 47 64 £6 2 5 •J 165 174 207 3 43 5 42 52 8 153 6 3 8 11 13 2 62 40 70 57 77 59 4 4 6 6 6 5 80 57 83 94 83 70 53 73 67 56 61 91 5 4 3 6 7 4 209 181 237 230 247 231 10 62 5 101 87 5 270 925 390 GRANDS TOTADX. 291 i80 343 208 182 216 130 115 154 156 139 173 140 174 168 293 201 150 128 182 325 199 153 127 137 275 394 292 360 259 367 293 449 264 516 203 253 194 210 151 216 131 285 181 342 112 146 160 122 110 128 114 131 100 128 136 172 146 125 131 127 119 153 118 174 165 174 207 153 209 131 237 230 247 231 1,054 959 941 891 1,139 999 1,010 860 1,019 947 1,248 910 1,391 309 211 113 101 270 1,004 *J0 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DliSTIlICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 23 to 24. 23 h 24. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 24 to 25. 24 h 25. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fern- mea. 25 to 26. 25 ii 26. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fern- mes. 26 to 27. 26 h 27. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem. mes. 4.. I.issar. -I 5. IViuulpeg ■I c. Plessis d. Rockwood e. Gimli y. Varennes ff. Macdcnald h. Springfield i. Assiniboia J. Kildonan k. St. Paul I. Belcourt m. St. Frangois-Xavier ...... n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Poaen q. Fairfoid r. Selkirk, Town — Ville s. Selkirk, JSasi- Est, T—V. Total a. Ward No. 1, Quartier.,... b. Ward No 2, Quartier.... c. Ward No. 3, Quartier.... d. Ward No. 4, Quartier.... e. Ward No. 5, Quartier f. Ward No. 6, Quartier Total 3 23 5 5 5 10 18 6 4 5 5 15 7 9 1 6 8 151 2 13 3 1 1 11 5 12 6 4 3 10 2 6 106 2 20 3 8 2 21 23 7 6 3 8 12 6 3 10 3 166 15 3 1 1 16 8 7 2 5 7 8 3 3 1 5 2 113 2 32 3 6 7 15 15 7' 4 3 7 16 6 2 5 8 2 166 1 16 3 2 5 11 8 9 7 1 6 7 5 4 1 8 1 123 2 21 5 2 3 14 17 4 3 4 10 2 6 1 9 4 125 2 4 5 4 4 8 4 58 82 68 80 72 73 86 7 6 8 4 10 5 7 89 100 87 95 104 114 97 75 89 96 89 115 82 111 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 235 286 269 277 310 288 312 3 17 4 3 12 9 11 4 4 5 6 1 4 1 8 2 112 5 76 10 97 98 11 297 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 2. Marqnette,.. 3. ProTencher 4. liisgar 5. Winnipeg.... 491 285 552 289 167 332 118 104 100 151 106 166 235 286 269 312 214 106 113 277 625 303 331 209 118 99 166 123 310 288 504 351 107 126 312 309 195 92 112 297 Totals of Manitoba 1 Totaux de Manitoba | 1,284 948 1,419 1,022 1,450 1,022 1,399 1,005 [ D^NOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOYINCE DE MANITOBA. 71 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 27 to 28. 28 to 29. 29 to 30. 30 to 31. 31 to 32. 32 to 33. 33 to 34. 34 to 35. 27 h. 28. 28 i X 29. 29 k 30. 30 i 31. 31 h 32. 32 k 33. 33 k 34. 34 k 35. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- M. F. Males. males. Males. males. Males. males Males males. Males. males. Males. males. MalcE. males. H. P. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Pem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- 'Hom- Fern- mes. mea. ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mts. mes. 4 12 1 15 2 22 1 17 2 16 2 14 1 15 1 19 '""id ■■"Yi' 1 25 1 16 '""19 "■"1*2" 11 18 6 3 3 9 1 4 9 8 2 7 8 7 7 2 8 7 4 5 5 3 3 2 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 3 2 ■•• ••••- 5 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 9 6 16 7 10 4 10 7 11 6 7 11 14 11 7 7 9 8 18 8 9 5 12 8 11 7 10 9 6 9 7 8 8 4 6 6 7 3 9 4 7 2 7 3 6 1 2 2 4 3 8 5 5 .,, 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 4 4 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 I 6 5 7 7 5 3 4 6 4 5 2 5 8 6 1 10 3 7 10 7 3 8 5 9 3 7 10 13 11 9 5 5 8 2 3 5 3 7 3 4 3 5 5 3 2 •2 2 4 3 1 7 9 4 1 3 5 2 7 2 10 3 1 7 3 10 4 9 2 1 9 1 2 3 4 9* 3 ' 9 2 2* 1 6 1 10 4 11 8 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 7 1 2 3 112 93 140 106 110 69 139 94 115 79 95 98 118 79 82 66 4 7 10 5 8 4 5 5 5 5 3 2 1 1 5 4 69 56 69 74 39 66 60 62 62 61 62 50 38 26 54 38 6 2 7 5 4 2 1 4 1 3 5 6 2 5 3 4 112 69 107 84 87 58 86 68 7i 68 74 50 59 47 76 45 79 61 110 79 88 54 98 66 75 68 100 62 59 55 67 36 9 279 5 200 2 7 4 4 188 8 7 5 6 2 1 4 6 5 6 305 254 230 258 212 222 211 246 171 163 140 210 133 GRANDS TOT AUX. 437 269 543 300 419 234 476 278 384 212 348 193 235 167 289 190 275 193 3C5 183 . 235 138 3U 186 264 135 225 138 190 93 162 118 120 98 112 83 100 85 117 110 93 78 95 78 86 64 83 66 112 93 140 106 110 69 139 94 115 79 95 98 118 79 82 66 279 200 305 254 230 188 258 212 222 211 246 171 163 140 210 133 1,223 853 1,405 926 1,094 714 1,304 880 1,078 715 1,009 683 792 543 829 573 ^2 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVmCB OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB -DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 35 to 36. 35 h 36. ^lales. Hom- ines. Fe- males Fem- mes. 36 to 37. 36 k 37. Males Fe- males. Males. Hcm- mes. 37 to 38. 37 h. 38. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fern- mes. 38 to 39. 38 i 39. Stales Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. 4. I. Gimli Macdonald h. Springfield i. Assiniboia j. Kildonan k. St. Paul I. Belcourt TO. St. Fran^ois-Xavier n. Woodlands St. Laurent Posen Fairford - Selkirk, Town — Ville.. Selkirk, East— Est, T.—V. Total. 2 48 33 1 11 4 '"2 5 3 4 2 2 5 5 66 a. Ward No. 1, Quartier. b. Ward No. 2, Quartier., c. Ward Mo. 3, Quartier., 5. "Winialpeg. .. ■{ d Ward No. 4, Quartier. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier,, /. Ward No. 6, Qoartier. Total. 1 7 5 1 1 35 13 22 14 3 69 33 3 15 2 21 23 3 67 53 55 35 2 9 4 2 1 11 4 1 2 1 2 6 3 2 3 5 2 74 6 4 1 2 1 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 59 ^ 2 13 3 19 11 18 5 2 1 2 18 22 20 24 22 19 10 20 1 1 1 2 60 59 50 70 3 20 2 22 14 3 64 ■ » GRAND TOTALS 1. Selkirk 2. 9[arqnette... 3. Provenclier 4. Iiisgar 5. VTlnnipeg:.... 06 76 103 54 60 82 34 29 53 48 33 66 69 33 67 89 52 47 53 60 117 63 49 55 59 85 37 23 35 50 146 97 55 74 70 124 65 37 69 64 Totals of Manitoba Totaux de Manitoba 311 231 371 301 343 230 442 349 DJ&NOMBEEMENT, 1886— PKOYINCE DE MANITOBA. •75- Tableau V— Population par Ages. 51 to 52. 52 to 53. 53 to 54. 54 to 55. 55 to 56. 56 to 57. 57 to 58. 58 to 59. 51 h 52. 52 & 53. 53 h. 54. 1 54 Ji 55. 55 h 56. 56 k 57. 57 h 58. 58 b. 59. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- 1 1 Fe- M. F. Males males. Males. males. Males. make Males males. Males. males Males. males. Males. males. H. F. Hom- Fem- Hom- Fern- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- Hom- Fem- ines. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. 1 4 ...„. 1 8 1 1 4 2 4 1 6 1 2 5" 3 3 5 3 5 1 3 7 5 4 3 2 4 4 4 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 4 2 2 7 "l 2 1 4 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 3' 1 5" 2 3 2 "'"2 2" i" ■■'■4" 1 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 i 1 i' 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 '2 1 5 2 4 3 3 3 7 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 2 ! 1 ...„. 1 3 1 *"l 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 ""i" 1 2 i '2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 I 4 2 3 5 .... ^ 2 1 1 1 ""T 3 1 1 49 42 42 36 38 34 46 28 47 31 49 25 32 22 26 24 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 19 13 15 13 11 5 15 10 11 7 14 7 2 2 2 4 2 26 I 22 "20 2 13 2 19 1 9 .... ^ 1 15 1 13 2 17 1 14 1 6 5 1 10 2 5 13 25 14 11 11 13 10 16 12 17 16 12 12 4 4 4 7 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 76 56 48 40 46 26 42 40 46 44 45 34 14 12 21 21 GRANDS TOTAUX. 120 79 90 87 97 54 88 60 114 57 92 51 65 34 63 36 64 38 5G 54 49 31 52 45 62 56 60 38 22 30 42 21 38 30 49 24 36 30 35 34 28 30 21 24 28 20 21 19 49 42 42 36 38 34 46 28 47 31 49 25 32 22 26 24 76 56 43 40 46 26 42 40 46 44 45 34 14 12 21 21 347 245 285 241 266 175 263 207 297 218 267 172 161 lis 173 121 1 16 CENSUS, 18S6-PKOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table V— Ages of the People . DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 59 to 60. 59 h. 60. Fe- ifales. males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 60 to 61. 60 h. 61. Fe- Males. males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 61 to 62. 61 h. 62. Fe- Males. males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 62 to 63. 62 si 63. Fe- Males. males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 4. liisgar e. Plessis 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2" 2 1 2" 1 2 4 2 4 4 1 2 2" 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 I 2 2 2 2* 2 2 d. Rockwood 3 3 1 "\ 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 7" 2 2 e. Gimli ...., y. Vareunes ff. Macdonald. k. Springfield i. Assiniboia J. Kildonan "3 2 4 ,. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1' 1 2 1 2 1 5" k St. Paul I. Belcourt 7/1. St. Francois Xavier 2* 1 3 3 *""l 2 n. Woodlands , ., 0. St. Laurent .„. p. Posen •••••**»^ ■*••••••• 1 1* q. Fairtord r. Selkirk, Town—Ville s. Selkirk, Hast— Est, T—V. Total "2" I 28 21 35 36 23 19 18 22 5. Winnipeg-,... ■ 'a. Ward No. 1, Quartier b. Ward No. 2, Quartier c. Ward No. 3, Quartier .... d. Ward No. 4, Quartier...... e. Ward No. 5, Quartier /. Ward No. 6, Quartier "3 " 4 6 4 2 5 4 4 8 1 12 12 1 38 1 8 3 6 10 1 5 I 9 11 5 1 4 8 1 5 1 6 6 4 6* 7 1 Total 13 15 29 26 19 18 IS GRAND TO TALS. 1. Selkirk • 42 20 28 28 13 •36 13 17 21 15 76 71 43 35 38 64 59 32 36 29 50 31 16 23 26 31 12 12 19 19 53 27 25 18 18 39 21 11 22 18 2. Marquette 3. Provencher 4. Iiis^ar 5. Winnipes' - - Totals Totaux of Manitoba ) 131 102 263 220 146 93 141 111 de Manitoba ) D^NOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. ir Tableau V— -Population par Ages. 63 to 64. 63^64. 64 to 65. 64 h b5. 65 to 66. 65 i 66. 66 to 67 66 k 67. 67 to 68. 67^68. 68 to 69. 68 h 69. 69 to 70. 69 u 70. 70 to 71. 70 h 71. 71 to 72. 71 h 72. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 4" 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 f 3 1 i" 2 2 1 2 • • •••••■ 4 1 1 3 2 "1 ...„. 1 "i" ...„. 3 2 3* 1 2 ...„. "2" ■"2" 2 2 2 1 2" 1 1' 2 1 1 "2 1 "1 1 2 1 "1 '""1 1 1 2 3 i" 1 2 1 1 r 2 1 i" 2 1 T 1 "1 "1 i" ■3 3 ...„ ■"2" 2 1 3* 1 1 i" 1 1' 1 3 1 "1 1 4 1 1 1 1 r 1" 1 1 1 3 T 1 "i "i 10 i" 1 2 "2" 2 1 10 i" 1 1 2 1 1 1 2" 1 "i" 1" 10 1 1 . ...^. 1 1 1 1 2 "1 15 i" 4 23 10 21 20 21 21 12 13 21 12 8 16 12 1 7 7 ""'5 1 3 6 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 3 ""2 2 1 10 1 1 4 1 2 9 "2" ■'"2" 4 4" 2* 5 1 2 1 13 1 2 '■'2' 1 1 2* 4* 2 \ 1 2 .... „. 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 r 1 •■■•■••*.« "i" 1 1 3 2 1 9 9 1 3" r 3 2 9 6 1 8 5 13 23 16 10 21 11 6 7 6 10 11 4 GRANDS TOTAUX. 36 26 22 21 13 29 23 13 20 23 44 25 11 21 16 19 26 8 15 10 47 42 24 21 21 35 27 12 23 10 37 24 10 12 9 22 14 10 13 8 17 29 13 21 11 16 12 8 10 13 20 12 9 12 5 6 14 8 10 7 12 10 8 8 6 16 4 6 10 5 21 26 15 16 10 16 16 13 10 11 17 15 4 12 4 9 4 6 4 3 118 108 117 78 155 107 92 67 91 59 53 45 44 41 88 63 52 26 78 CENSUS, 18S6— PKOVINCB OF MANITOBA. Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 72 to 73. 72 h. 73. 73 to 74. 73 k 74. 74 to 75. 74 h 75. 75 to 76. 75 k 76. 76 to 77. 76 k 77. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. F. H. F. 4. ILifsgar c. Pleesis d. Rockwood 1 3 3 '"i" " i "' 1 "i" " 1 1 ' 1 1 2 i 1 1 1 .... .^.. "i" "i "i 4 r "i" 1 1 3 1 1 i" r 1 1 1 1 1 "'i' "i '"2" 1 "l 1" e. Ginili /. Varennes ff. Macdonald h. Springfield 4. Assiiiiboia j. Kildonan k. St. Paul l. Belcourt m. St. Fra3<;ois-Xavier n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Posen 1 1 1 3 "i" 1 3 "1 2 10 1 1 ► * •••• r 6 1 q. Fairford r. Selkirk, Town — Ville,... s. Selkirk, East— Est, T.-V L Total 9 7 7 11 13 7 12 1 5. 'Wiunipes .... ' a. Ward No. 1, Quartier.... b. Ward No. 2, Quartier c. Ward No. 3, Quartier d. Ward No. 4, Quartier.... e. Ward No. 5, Quartier.... /. Ward xVo. 6, Quartier. ... Total '""i 1 1 "i 1 1 3 5 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 2" 1 1 "i" ""1 2 ••■•••••• 1* 1 1 "i 1 1 ■ 4 "1 1 2 • ••• ••■••• 2 2 4 3 10 4 2 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 13 12 7 11 3 6 6 8 7 3 7 8 5 13 10 6 8 4 4 S 14 13 6 7 4 7 2 4 6 2 4 11 4 12 2 14 8 3 10 4 10 10 2 9 2 4 2 7 4 3, 9Iar<|nette 3. Proveiicher ., 1. J.iisg'ar 5. Winnipegr Totals of Manitoba 1 46 30 43 27 44 21 33 39 33 17 Totaux . .. . de Manitoba ] 1 D^NOMBREMBrTT, 1886— PROYINCB DE MANITOBA. 19 Tableau V — Population par Ages. 77 to 78. 77 ^ 78. 78 to 79. 78 i 79. 79 to 80. 79 h 80. 80 to 81. 80 4 81. 31 to 82. 81 4 82. 82 to 83. 82 4 83. 83 to 84. 83 4 84. 84 to 85. 84 4 85. 85 to 86. 85 4 86. 86 to 87. 86 4 87. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. SI. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 1 1 "2 "1 1 "2 "1" 1 4 "1 1 1 1 ' 1 5 '1 •> 1 1 1 7 1 '1' 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 i 2 "1 1 "1 1 ■ ■■•' 4 '"l" '"i' 2 " i" 1 ...... 1 1 1 6 "1 ..(•a. ...... i* .... z. •••••••• ■••■ •••• r 1 1 4 1 1 • ■>■.■*••• • •• • • '""l ""l 1 "3 "1 7 "1 "'i' 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 "2 2 5 2 1 >•■•■ '"1 "2" 1 3 1 >•• • • 1 "2 2 4 "1 • •••» 1 1 3 .... •••••■ '••••• 1 1 .... i" 1 "1 1 1 I 3 "1 2 2 2 X 1 GRANDSTOTAUX. 8 S 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 5 3 7 3 7 4 5 3 6 2 2 1 4 3 1 1 5 1 5 8 4 7 4 1 7 1 12 3 2 4 2 1 3 6 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 2 ;22 13 23 20 10 8 28 24 7 5 8 10 5 8 7 7 4 10 5 4 k 80 CENSUS, 1SS6— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA Table V — Ages of the People. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. 87 to 88. 87il8S. M. F. H. F. 88 to 88 t\ M. H. 89. 89. F. F. 89 to 90. 89 h 90. M. F. H. F. 90 to 9L 90 h 91. M. F. H. F. ■91 to 92 91 h. 92. M. F. H. F, 4. JLisgar..... c. Ple53i3 ,.... d. Rockwood • .^..,~ e. Gimli y. Varennes .... « 1 (/■ Macdorald .... "T 1 • «•* "l 1 h Snrinffield "i"' "i • •>» • ••••> i. Assiaiboia :/. Kildonan , k. St. Paul I. Belcourt m. St. Francois Xavier n. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent "l ..... p. Poseu , q. Pairford .-- T. Selkirk, Town — Ville s. Seikkk^Fast—EstjT.—V. Total 2 1 1 1 1 1 5. "Wlnuipeg.... ■ f«. Ward No, 1, Quartier.... ... •••••• b. Ward iVo. 2, Quartier.... c Ward No. 3, Quartier. ... d. Ward No. 4, Quartier.... e. Ward No. 5, Quartier / Ward No. 6, Quartier.... Total a*** • •■•••a GRAND TOTALS. I. ScUcii-k 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2. BKarqaette 2 1 1 3. Pi'ovenclier ., - --- 1 4. liis^'ar « 1 2 5. WiMniipeg « Totals Totaux of Manitoba 4 4 5 6 1 2 5 4 2 de Manitoba J d:6nombeemext, isse— peovince de Manitoba, 81 a Tableau V — Population par Ages. 1 92 to 93. 93 to 94. 94 to &5 95 to 96 96 to 97. 97 to 98. 98 to 99. 99 to 100. 100 & over. Not given. 1 92 h 93. 93 i 94. 94 fi 95. 95 l 96. 96 h 97. 97 h 98. 98 a 99. 99 h 100. 100 et plus. S'on donncB. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. 588 591 .... .... • ••• .... .... 1 1 .,.. .... ..... .... .... 58 57 .•... .... ■ •«•■ ■ •••* .... .... .... .... '•• •• ' 3 6 2 ••••• • '""i"' '••■•• "l ^ .••••* .... ..-.- .... 1 .... 2" 434 442 .••••• .•••♦• 1 .... 1 .... .... 1 .'..... '••• •••. 1 1,770 1 1,772 •••■••• .... ,,,, -■••••••• 1 •••••• • •••••• • .«••. .... *«•••■ j .•••• 1 ...a*. » E 1 3 ■•••#' ■•••• ■ .... 1 .... 4 1 GRANDS TO TAUX. ...... 1 1 321 314 «•••■ • ••••• 2 .... 443 450 ••••r 1 1 1 .... 1 214 1,770 4 214 1,772 1 1 ... 1 1 3 1 .... 2 1 2,752 2,751 aw F— 6 TABLE VI. AGES OF THE MAEEIED. TABLE ilU VL AGES DES MAEI^S. F-6J S4 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table VI — Ages of the Married. DISTRICTS. 1. Selkirk. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Married — Marifes. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males, Fem- mes. Total. Under 16 years. Moins 16 ans Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males < Fem- mes. 16 to 21. 16^21. Klales Hom- mes. I ' a. b. c. d. e. / fff- h. i. 3- k. I. m. n. 0. P- iq. r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. aa. bb. cc. dd. Rhineland ,..«. Dufferin, South — Sud Carleton Dufferin, North— Nord. .. Douglas «... Lonise Derby , Argyle Lorne - Oakland Glenwood Whitehead Corn wal lis Elton.... Daly -, Turtle Mountain Deloraine Whitewater , Riverside Medora ,.. Arthur Inchiquin Brenda Sifton , Pipestone Wallace...... Woodworth Brandon, City — Ville..... Nelson, Town — Ville Pilot Mound, To%vn—V.. Total. 707 436 141 215 492 316 173 222 279 156 133 157 158 167 104 166 170 159 135 144 78 14 60 89 76 .184 179 428 14 12 5,764 703 420 145 207 489 311 159 213 271 145 126 149 149 160 IGO 152 161 141 126 130 72 12 57 84 68 177 170 419 13 12 5,541 1,410 856 286 422 981 627 332 435 550 301 259 306 307 327 204 318 331 300 261 274 150 26 117 173 144 361 349 847 27 24 11,305 a. Elm River.... b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud. .. d. Norfolk, North — Nord.. e. Cypress, South — Sud... y. Cypress, North — Nord. g. Westbourne h. Osprey J. Glendale j. Lansdowne k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain... ..... .m. Odanah , 69 416 185 127 142 234 246 49 97 76 102 6 117 65 412 160 132 126 234 244 47 94 75 100 6 111 114 828 345 259 268 468 490 96 191 151 202 12 228 Fe- males. Fem- mes. 23 16 5 8 40 6 7 5 20 6 3 6 5 8 3 7 3 2 4 5 2 a 14 1 1 218 7 11 3 7 7 6 13 3 3 2 12 The ladiaos are not counted in this Table. DENOMBREMBNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 85 Tableau VI — Ages des Maries. 21 to 31. 21 h 31. Males. Fe- males. 31 to 41. 31 hil. Males. Fe- males. 41 to 61. 41 ii 61. Males. Fe- males 61 to 71. 61 k 71. Males. Fe- males 71 to 81. 71 a 81. 81 to 91. 81 It 91. Males. Fe- males. Fe- Males. males 91 to 101, 91 k 101. M. Not given. Noa donaea. F. Males. Fe- males.! Hom- ines. Fern- mes. ,Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. H. F. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 234 264 171 108 185 176 27 59 55 53 91 81 174 182 136 67 131 126 46 61 52 48 89 86 79 94 91 45 55 48 26 53 49 44 69 58 36 46 60 52 73 51 29 40 29 64 71 57 58 81 47 32 59 64 32 41 45 35 53 68 24 34 25 2 5 7 15 26 21 22 35 26 16 24 23 55 81 63 55 81 59 121 191 175 2 8 8 2 4 6 1,592 2,286 1,943 175 119 40 56 130 91 42 51 82 33 29 38 52 33 27 40 40 44 43 47 18 6 14 21 18 42 42 134 247 129 51 65 154 107 64 77 90 53 50 48 63 55 36 52 57 54 51 46 26 3 17 37 33 62 53 122 4 3 1,510 1,9C9 199 89 37 45 119 70 42 62 70 47 36 32 40 44 26 33 35 35 35 20 17 1 15 25 20 47 37 76 4 3 1,361 42 23 5 13 21 11 10 9 16 6 6 6 7 8 10 3 8 7 4 5 2 '•"j 2 3 4 11 6 255 39 11 4 6 16 11 5 5 4 3 5 4 6 150 1 48 12 19 88 44 31 33 60 60 14 35 15 37 2 19 21 158 70 47 49 106 92 16 49 25 36 4 39 21 137 77 32 46 94 76 15 28 21 33 2 41 15 98 48 22 34 57 5S 16 21 24 26 1 34 14 138 52 54 51 67 88 14 29 35 26 2 40 8 114 35 46 34 60 73 9 19 22 21 1 25 1 38 8 7 10 8 15 4 2 4 3 13 3 25 3 8 2 2 6 2 1 2 3 10 2 13 2 2 1 4 5 2 2 1 2 Les sauvages ne sont pas compris dans ce Tableau. 86 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table VI — Ages of the Married. BISTKICTS. SUB-DIJSTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Married — Maries. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total. Under 16 years. Moins 16an8. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males. Fern- mes. 16 to 21. 16^21. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. S. aiarqnette , n. 0. P- g- r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- 2. aa. bb. ce. dd. ee. ff- 99 hh ii Saskatchewan , Blanchard Clan William Harrison ..>. Strathclair Oak River , Miniota ..., Archie Shoal Lake Birtle Ellice Rossburn Silver Creek « Russell Shell River Boulton -. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville Gladstone, Town — Ville. Neepawa, Town — Ville... Minnedosa, Town — Ville. . Rapid City, Town — Ville... Birtle, Town— Ville Total. 101 84 57 32 91 81 115 38 95 128 70 38 61 59 59 12 339 54 48 96 41 48 3,603 103 80 50 34 87 82 111 38 94 121 67 37 59 57 49 10 348 52 46 96 45 48 3,510 204 164 107 66 178 163 226 76 189 249 137 75 120 116 108 22 687 106 94 192 86 96 7,113 a. Franklin >.. b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie.. d. Hanover ...,., e. De Salaberry /. Morris g. Youville h. Tache ^ 3. Proven cber. ■{ t> Ste. Anne j. Hespeler k. Oartier I. St. Norbert TO. St. Boniface ..„.._ , n. Emerson, Town — Ville 0. Morris, Town — Ville. p. St. Boniface, Town — Ville I Total. 202 267 25 201 127 121 33 86 210 165 153 129 23 157 40 208 2,147 200 264 25 201 125 122 32 86 210 164 149 129 18 156 44 205 2,130 402 531 50 402 252 243 65 172 420 329 302 258 41 313 84 413 4,277 4 3 2 3 5 6 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 14 1 2 3 142 8 14 2 11 15 1 18 6 12 9 1 6 10 113 {a. St. Andrews. I 6. St. Clements. 239 160 237 158 476 318 13 10 The Indians are not counted in this Table. DfiNOMBREMENT, 1886--PEOYINCE DE MAmTOBA. 87 Tableau VI— Ages des IWaries. 21 to 31. 21^31. 31 to 41. 31 a,41. 41 to 61. 41 ii61. 61 to 71. 61 hn. 71 to 81. 71 ^81. 81 to 91. 81 h 91. 91 to 101. 91 k 101. Not given. Non donaes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. Uales. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. yfales. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males Fem- mes. M. H. F. F. Males. Hom- mes. ■ Fe- males. Fem- mes. 24 25 13 5 30 20 26 6 28 33 28 6 16 18 15 1 76 11 21 24 4 8 40 28 21 9 37 34 39 14 43 50 32 13 25 26 17 3 131 26 27 62 12 18 37 21 22 15 23 36 42 18 33 45 21 14 23 22 24 6 145 21 14 42 19 24 31 19 9 12 26 22 33 17 24 35 16 6 15 15 17 3 124 13 13 22 19 15 30 29 17 11 21 17 37 11 29 41 15 12 16 16 18 4 104 19 11 26 16 14 25 26 13 9 16 17 32 6 19 29 13 13 16 14 13 3 70 8 3 16 14 11 9 8 3 6 6 9 2 3 6 3 4 5 3 2 3 5 3 3 5 1 4 5 2 2 1 l" 2 2 1 i' 1 i" 1 i 1 ,.••••«•• 1 2 1 r 2 3 1 1 1 1 •••. »••• 2 1 9 2 1 2 I 1 6 2 1 3 1 6 2 1 1 i" 1 1 i" 894 1,409 1,300 960 1,124 853 199 117 61 19 8 5 2 9 4 35 73 9 66 42 33 6 14 53 44 41 39 5 36 7 45 71 98 12 75 41 48 12 34 65 53 48 47 4 72 19 76 79 95 10 49 36 36 10 30 61 46 46 44 5 66 16 90 63 73 7 43 36 28 8 22 70 46 41 32 7 42 14 74 76 71 6 69 41 42 14 38 80 65 48 34 10 43 16 63 716 52 70 4 64 29 41 12 25 50 62 38 35 5 31 10 40 11 23 5 8 1 3 1 15 6 5 4 3 13 6 9 9 2 11 1 9 7 4 2 4 6 5 5 3 1 3 1 5 2 2 4 1 3 6 3 1 1 1 2 i" i' .-••••••• 'i' 5 3 2 .... .•■>•*•« 1 ... 547 775 719 606 558 127 69 27 16 1 1 1 55 1 " 80 55 61 39 56 31 87 66 73 57 20 8 12 4 8 3 1 1 5 4 1 Lee sauvages ne sent pas comprLs dans ce Tableau. 88 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVmCE OF MANITOBA. Table VI — Ages of tho Marriod. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Married — Maries. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total. Under 16 years. Mycins 16 ana. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males, Fern- mes. 16 to 21. 16 5. 21. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 4. liisgar c. d. e f a. h. i. 5- m. n. 0. p. 1- r. &. Pleesis Rockwood Gimli Varennes » . Macdonald Springfield Assiniboia Kildonan St. Paul Belcourt St. Francois Xavier Woodlands St. Laurent Posen , Fairford Selkirk, Town — Ville Selkirk, Bast— Est, T.— V. Total. 29 374 168 39 44 190 176 87 72 88 133 161 98 79 18 126 50 28 368 166 37 40 187 176 85 73 88 128 161 98 73 16 115 48 2,331 2,282 frtj. Ward No. 1, Quartier. . j b. Ward No. 2, Quartier.. I e. Ward No. 3, Quartier.. 5, Winnipeg,... \ d. Ward No. 4, Quartier. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier.. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier. . Total 95 860 78 1,199 1,213 99 99 862 77 1,181 1,192 97 3,544 3,508 57 742 334 76 84 377 352 172 145 176 261 322 196 152 34 241 98 4,613 194 1,722 155 2,380 2,405 196 7,052 5 9 3 2 3 3 11 3 4 7 8 5 14 3 4 4 113 5 20 2 39 43 109 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 2> Marqnette 3. Provencher 4L. Liis^ar , 5. Winnipeg , Totals of Manitoba 1 Totaux de Manitoba > 5,764 5,541 3,603 3,510 2,147 2,130 2,331 2,282 3,544 3,508 11,305 7,113 4,277 4,613 7,052 218 142 113 113 109 17,389 16,971 34,360 38 695 The Lidians are act conated in this Table. DENOMBREKENT, 1886— PROVINCE DB MANITOBA. 89 Tableau VI— Ages dea Maries. 21 to 31. 31 to 41. 41 to 61. 61 to 71. 71 to 81. 81 to 91. 91 to 101. Not given. 21 k 31. 31 k 41. 41 k 61. 61 k 71. 71 k 81. 81 k 91. 91 k 101. Voa doimeg. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Vfales. Fe- males. Slales. Fe- males. .Vlales. Fe- males. .Males. Fe- males. M. F. Males. Fe- males. Hom- me3. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- ines. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. H. F. Hom- mes. Fem- meg. 10 56 20 14 14 29 53 22 14 18 37 24 32 28 6 24 4 10 119 35 17 16 54 63 33 21 31 38 48 30 31 5 46 16 4 165 56 7 11 68 55 24 19 31 35 57 28 17 5 45 22 6 130 59 10 6 62 51 19 22 29 32 50 22 14 3 37 15 11 132 87 16 16 81 52 28 31 25 47 63 28 30 6 49 22 5 91 65 8 13 59 43 23 23 11 41 51 23 24 3 26 15 1 19 5 1 2 7 9 8 6 5 3 13 7 2 2 13 4 i'" 8 5 7 3 4 6 7 5 1 2 10 T 5" 6 4 2 5 6 4 1 1 e" i' 1 2 1 1 .••■••• ..... 1" •■*••*«•• r r 3 ....... r • ••••••• .... 2" "**2* 4 3 4 r 2 *"l' •••••••• 1 6 1 2 1 •••••••• 502 748 739 653 877 654 123 84 59 23 10 4 9 6 27 237 20 316 365 18 41 400 25 522 516 31 31 363 24 490 505 38 33 272 29 371 395 40 33 228 26 363 311 37 19 154 18 232 220 23 2 24 6 26 26 6 1 12 2 16 15 3 7' 1 3 5 16 ""3' 1 1 3 i" *•••••«•• 983 1,535 1,451 1,140 998 666 90 49 8 1 GRANDS TOTAUX. 1,592 2,286 1,943 1,510 1,909 1,361 256 150 48 12 1 2 7 2 894 1,409 1,300 960 1,124 853 199 117 61 19 8 5 2 9 4 547 502 775 748 719 739 606 663 716 877 658 654 127 123 59 84 27 59 16 23 1 10 1 1 9 6 4 983 1,535 1,451 1,140 998 666 90 49 16 8 1 4,518 6,753 6,152 4,869 5,624 4,092 794 459 211 78 20 8 6 26 13 k Lea sauvagea ae sont pas compria dane ce Tableau^ TABLE Yll. AGES OF THE WIDOWED. TABLEAU VII. AGES DES TETJFS ET DES VEUVES. 92 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCB OF MANITOBA. ■ — Table VII— Ag es of the Widowed. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Wido\ Males. Hom- mes. ved— Veu Fe- males. Fem- mes. vage. Total. Under 16 years. Ikloins 16ans. Fe- males, males. Hom- Fem- mes. mes. 16 to 21. 16i21. Fe- Males. males. Hom- Fem- mes. mes. 1. Selkirk........ (a. Rhineland 14 27 15 18 11 12 5 11 11 6 8 11 6 10 6 6 13 5 13 6 7 1 2 18 2 25 16 12 1 13 30 12 17 22 18 5 20 18 7 1 8 11 15 11 2 7 11 9 7 4 1 27 57 27 35 33 30 10 31 29 13 9 19 17 25 17 7 20 16 22 13 11 2 2 20 7 38 28 32 2 1 b. Duflferin, South — Sud. c. Carletoa d. DuflFerin, North— Nord e. Douglas /. Louise a. Derby •■••••••a •• •••• • h. Arevle i. Lome •3. Oakland •••»••*> k. Glenwood ,..., I. Whitehead m. Corniyallis n. Elton ^ 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain - q. Deloraine r. Whitewater..... a. Riverside t. Medora.. u. Arthur ••••••«•* V, Inchiquin « w, Brenda z. Sifton « «. Pipestone .^ 2 5 13 12 20 1 1 z. Wallace aa. Woodworih bb. Brandon, Oity—Ville cc. Nelson, Town—Ville dd. Pilot Mound, Town- Ville. . Total • •••••««- 297 303 600 • * • \ a. Elm River 4 31 8 2 11 13 11 7 4 7 6 1 7 4 37 6 7 9 17 13 3 5 7 2 8 68 14 9 20 30 24 10 9 14 8 1 14 b. Portage la Prairie 1 c. Norfolk, South— Sud d. Norfolk, iVor .«•*•••** ********* j. Lansdowne , k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain. m. Odanah...... 7 — The Indians are not counted in this Table. D^NOMBRBMBNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 93 Tableau VII — Ages des Veafs et des Veuves. 21 t 21 i Males. Hom- ines. 31. i 31. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 31 t 31 i Males. Hom- mes. 3 41. i 41. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 41 t( 41 h Males. Hom- mes. 3 61. 61, Fe- males Fem- mes. 61 t( 61 t Males. Hom- mes. 3 71. I 71. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 71 to 81. 71 h 81. Fe- Males. males Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 81 to 91. 81 k 91. Fe- Males, males Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 91 to 101. 91 k 101. M. F. H. F. Not giTen. NoQ donnes. Fe- Males, males. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 3 2 l" 1 1 2 1 2* 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 10 12 6 3 2 3 3 5 5 6 3 4 8 3 2 7 2 7 2 2 1 5 2 12 12 4 3 18 8 5 7 6 2 10 8 2 4 7 1 5 3 4 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 " i 1 2 2 4 7 2 4 5 2 1 5 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 i' 1 1 1 2 1 5 6 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 ■ •^••••> • 1 1 4 1 4 3 5 2 1 i" 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 i 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 4 7 4 i 8 4 5 i' 1 4 6 4 5 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 '2" 1 i" 1 r 2 i 1 2 2 2" 1 1 1 1 2 1 i" i* i" ■ ••• • "i" "1" -■•••••• 2 2 1 1 '••■•• M • .«••••* 8 4*' 3 i 1 1 6 4 3 3 8 1 4 1 3 1 5 30 18 58 40 135 129 45 65 24 36 5 12 .... • 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 e' i" 1 1 2 " fl" 2 3 18 3 3 5 8 5 1 3 5 1 "5" 1 6 2 1 1 4 2 1 1* 2 4 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 .... .. ..^ i" 3 *3 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 l" 5 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 S 2 2 .... .^. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i" r 1 1 1 1 ■ ••• 2 1 1 1* 1 1 . ••••••• 1 ■. Les sauvages ne sont paa compris dans ce Tableau. ^4 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA* Table VII — Ages of the Widowed. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SODS-DISTRICTS. Widowed — Veuvage. Males. Hom- ines. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total. Under 1(J years. Moins 16an5< Males 3om- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 16 to 21. 16 h. 21. Males Hom- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 2. Slarqaette , n. 0. p. ?• s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. 99- hh ii. Saskatchewan Blanchard Clan William Harrison Strathclair Oak River. ,.., Miniota Archie Shoal Lake Birtle Ellice Rossburn.. Silver Creek Russell , Shell River Boulton Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville Gladstone, Town — Ville. Neepawa, Town — Ville... Minnedosa, Town — Ville.. . Rapid City, Town — Ville Birtle, Town— Ville Total. 4 6 5 1 23 2 2 5 1 2 220 3. Provenclier.. ■ a. Franklin b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie d. Hanover e. De tialaberry / Morris g. You ville h. Tache i. Ste. Anne .' jr'. Hespeler k. Cartier I. St. Norbert. ra. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town — Ville.... 0. Morris, Town — Ville... ..... p. St. Boniface, Town — Ville. Total. 18 16 4 5 6 14 3 6 15 4 8 6 1 8 10 124 10 3 4 1 7 6 6 4 6 4 5 17 6 5 3 13 15 11 8 15 6 14 38 3 5 4 5 8 9 10 1 61 5 7 9 6 2 240 460 12 10 1 9 8 4 2 12 8 9 8 17 5 8 1 21 135 30 26 5 14 14. 18 5 18 23 13 16 23 6 16 1 31 259 'a. St. Andrews. b. St. Clements. 18 13 51 21 69 34 1 3 •*•■»••• The Indians are not counted in this Table. DENOMBREMENT, 1886~PROVINCB DB MANITOBA. 95 Tableau VII — Agos des Yeufs et des Veaves. 21 to 31. 31 to 41. 41 to 61. 61 to 71. 71 to 81. 81 to 91. 91 to 101. Not given. 21 k 31. 31 h 41. 41 a 61. 61 k 71. 71 k 81. 81 h. 91. 91 k 101. N^on donnfia. Males. Fe- males. )ilales. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. M. F. Males. Fe- malee. Hom- tnee. Fem- mes. Hom- ines Fem- mes. Hom- mea. Fem- mes. Hom- mi^s. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. H. F. 'Hom- mes. Fern-) mea. 1 2 2 i i 2 2 l" 1 2 1 1 2 3 5 4* I 3 2" 1 3 1 9 1 1 3 1 9 2 1 I 5 2 i" 3 2 2 2 4 1 1" 1 3 r 2 1 1 3' 1 1 '2" 1 4 2 1 1" i" 1 1 i" '3" I "1 i* 2 2 2" 1 1 ZZ". (•••■•••• 1 i" 1 1 "1" 1 i" 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 •« ••••>■■ 1 2 7 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 .•...^ ••••••••• ••.-•••■•« 18 2 4 1 1 2 7 1" 1 2 2 2 1 1 20 42 26 1 ■■••••••« 16 46 24 79 123 37 22 11 10 1 1 1 1 5 3 2 1 9 6 4 5 3 4 5 1 "l "i 2" 1 1 2 2 l" i"' 1 1 1 3 i* 2 2 3 4 5 •3 1 5 4 3 2 4 '2 '5 2 2 1 4 2 2 5 9 2 3 1 11 68 2 '2 3" 3 '2 1 r * 2 1 1 1 i* 1 2 1" 2 T 2 3 "i 4 "2" 1 ••••••••• 3 1 5 1 2 1 2 3 '""2 3 4 3 6 2 3 2" 34 2 1 2 i" - - . -•■••••M ■••■«••*• 1 1 2 1 8 7 26 13 53 23 11 13 4 4 4 1 3 2 2 3 7 5 5 5 22 8 4 2 8 2 2 1 9 4 1 1 1 ...... ■ ••••••M I Les sauvageg ae sont pas comprJs dans ce Tableau. 96 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table VII— Ages of the Widowed. DISTRICTS. 4. Liisgar, c. d. e. J- i i. J- ■j k. I. m. n. 0. P- 9- r. s. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Widowed— Veuvage . Plessis Rockwood Gimli... Varennes.., Macdonald Springfield ... As3iniboia Kildonan St. Paul _ Belcourt St. Franqois-Xavier....... Woodlands St. Laurent , Posen Faiiford ...- Selkirk, Town — Ville Selkiik, Fast- Est, T—V.. Total. Males. Hom- mea. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total. Under 16 years. MoinslSans. Fe- Males, males Hom- mes. Fem- mes. 16 to 21. 16 h 21. Males. Hem- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. 3 13 15 1 2 20 16 8 5 3 10 17 3 4 1 10 4 166 1 24 25 1 2 17 23 21 11 10 12 7 10 9 12 3 260 4 37 40 2 4 37 39 29 16 13 22 24 13 13 1 22 7 426 5. Winnipeg.... ■ a. Ward No. 1, Quartier., b. Ward No 2, Qu artier. c. Ward No. 3, Quartier. d. Ward No. 4, Quartier. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier.. Total . 4 40 4 58 61 5 172 21 89 16 148 137 8 419 25 129 20 206 198 13 591 2 2 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 2. Slarqnette ,., 3. Provcuclier 4. Iilsgar 5. Wliinii>eg.... .297 220 124 166 172 Totals of Manitoba > Totaux de Manitoba j 979 303 240 135 260 419 1,S57 The Indiana are not counted in this Table. 600 460 259 426 591 2,336 3 5 1 2 II D^NOMBEEMENT, 1886 -PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 9r Tableau VII — Ages des Veufs et des Veuves. 21 to 31. 21 h 31. Males. Fe- males. 31 to 41. 31 ^41. Males. Fe- males. 41 to 61. 41 h 61. Males, Fe- males 61 to 71. 61 i 71. Males. Fe- males. 71 to 81. 71 h 81. Males, Fe- males 81 to 91. 81 ^91. Males Fe- males, 91 to 101, 91 a 101. M. Not piven.^ Non donuea. Males Fe- miles. Hom- ines. 20 Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Pern- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes, Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hom- mes. Fem- mes. Hrm- mes Fem- mes. H. F. Horn- Fem- mes. mes. 20 1 22 30 2 3 10 3 11 11 2 1 1". 1 1 7 4 12 6 5 7 3 1 4 3 2 3 2 11 2 2 ] 4 2 5 7" 3 1 1 3 24 78 104 54 16 38 12 16 2 6 3 5 9 11 20 20 42 5 1 1 2 2 7 16 11 31 26 69 4 19 10 28 30 66 8 1 1 2 1 47 34 88 8j l&O 17 6 14 2 22 17 3 64 IS 2 2 4 8 1 4 1 3 1 23 3 GRANDS TOTAUX. 30 20 7 20 16 9j 18 16 8 20 47 109 186 195 58 40 135 129 45 65 24 36 5 12 2 46 24 79 123 37 42 26 22 11 10 1 26 13 53 58 23 34 11 13 4 4 22 30 78 104 24 54 16 38 5 12 1 34 88 83 190 17 61 18 23 3 4 1 1 428 604 146 259 95 132 28 42 F-7 Les saavages ce soat p&s ccmpiis dans ce Tableau. TABLES VIII, IX, X. AGES OF THE BLIND, AGES OF THE UNSOUND OF MIND, GOING TO SCHOOL AND DEAF AND DUMB. TABLEAUX VIII, IX, X. AGES DES AVEUGLBS, AGES DES ALlfiNfiS, ALLANT A L'ECOLE ET SOUKDS-MUETS. F-7| 100 CENSUS, 18S6 -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table VIII— Ages of the Blind. Tableau VIII— Ages des Avenglea. Blind. Under 16 years . 16 to 21. 21 to 31 . 31 to 41 11 to 61 dl to 81 81 to 101. DISTRICTS. Areugles. Moins 16 ans. 16i21. 21 i31. 31 h4l. 41 h6l. 61 ^81. 81^101. M. F. To- M. F, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. H. F. tal. H. F. H. F. H. F. B. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. 1. Selkirk 3. Rlarqinctte 4 1 2 6 4 2 2 1 2 9 1 3. ProTeiicher 1 1 • >>4. 1 .... , 4. lilsgar 2 3 5 1 ..... 1 .... 1 1 .... 1 5. ^Viuuipeg .... .... ... .... Totals— Totaux 8 8 16 1 2 .... 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 Table IX— Ages of the Ud sound of Mind. ^ Tableau IX— Ages des Alienes. Unsound of Mind. Under 16 years. 16 to 21. 21 to 31. 31 to 41. 41 to 61. 61 to 81. 81 to 101. Alienes. Moins 16 ans. 16^21. 21 k 31. 31 ^41 41 ^61. 61 a 81. 81 hlOl. DISTRICTS. M. F. To- M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. \ H. F. tal. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. H. F. 1. Selkirk 2. Marqnette 10 B 6 6 16 9 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 3, I*rov<»iiclicr 1 33 3 13 4 46 2 1 2 1 1 1 11 1 4 8 1 3 9 5 1 >•••■ 4. risgrar , 5. M'iniil|)es -,... Totals- Totaux 5 52 3 31 8 83 1 4 3 1 .... 2 1 7 2 15 1 8 1 5 6 17 7 10 i ^ Infirmities of Indians aot reported. Dl^NOMEKEMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 101 Table X — Going to School ; Deaf and Dumb. Tableau X — Allant a I'Ecole ; Sourds-Muets. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Total Population. Population totale. Going to School. Allant ^I'Ecole. Fe- Males. males. aom- Fem- mes. mes. — — Total, Deaf and Dumb. Sourds-Muets. Males. Horn- mes. Fe- males, — Total. Fem- mes. 1. Selkirb (a. b. c. d. e. f. 9- h. i. J- k. ('. rn. n. 0. P- t. u. V. w. X. y- z. u.a hh. cc. dd. Rhineland Dufferin, South — Sud Carleton Dafftrin, North — Nord Douglas ~ Louise Derby •, Argyle Lome Oakland... Glenwood Whitehead Cornwallis .. Elton Daly Turtle Mountain Deloraine > Whitewater Riverside Medora Arthur , Inchiquin BrenJa Sifton Pipestone Wallace Woodworth _. Brandon. City — Ville Nelson, Toivn — Vtlle Pilot Mound, Town-Ville. Total 3,96} 297 2,5b5 265 878 65 1,358 121 2,681 195 1,940 201 966 84 1.286 93 1,814 138 939 64 835 73 917 48 1,049 109 1,019 60 644 34 894 87 962 73 997 58 828 68 757 43 448 20 99 8 352 21 562 27 837 37 1,184 57 1,136 71 2,348 212 73 8 54 8 34,356 2,655 262 219 86 109 194 191 88 82 116 52 72 28 124 52 39 79 69 51 64 31 21 3 17 32 40 68 74 231 4 5 2,533 559 514 151 230 389 392 172 180 254 116 150 76 233 112 73 166 142 109 132 74 41 11 38 59 77 125 145 443 12 13 5,188 14 10 a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South — Sud... d. Norfolk, North— Nord e. Cypress, South — Sui... t Cypress, North — Nord g. Westbourne h. Osprey i. Glendale j. Lansdowne k. Rcsedale I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah 3r6 2,916 1,080 716 792 1,493 1,597 292 553 593 679 80 691 24 293 96 46 54 123 151 31 60 69 67 4 55 20 268 60 3i 29 126 157 28 44 81 62 2 38 44 561 156 80 83 249 308 59 104 150 129 6 93 Les infirmites des sauvages ne eont pas donnces. 102 CENSUS, 1836-PEOVINCS OF MANITOBA. Table X— Going to School; Doaf and Dumb. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Total Population. Population totale. Going to School. AUant a,l'Ecole. Fe- Wales. males Hom- Fem- nies. mes. Total Deaf and Dumb. Sourds-Muets. Males. Horn- mes. Fe- males. Fem- mes. Total, S. Marquette ... n. ScskatchewEn o. Blanchaid p. ClanwiUiam q. Harrison r. Sfrathclair s. Oak River t, Miniota u. Archie V. Sbofel Lake...., , w. Birtle z. Rllice y. Ro35burn z. Silver Creek aa. Rusaell bb. Shell River cc. Boulton „... dd. Portagi^ la Prairie, Towr, — Ville.. ee. Gladstone, Town — Ville. ff. Neei;aw,a, Town — Ville.. gg. Minnedosa, Town — Ville. hh. Rapid City, Town — Ville ii. Birlle, Town— Ville I Total 597 473 349 2i5 632 478 859 256 585 75.fi b78 333 404 550 397 61 2,028 299 255 549 258 261 22,750 37 39 39 S2 31 27 19 16 42 45 44 23 46 o2 25 16 57 47 50 54 21 16 20 16 26 !9 13 4 36 23 201 212 36 31 19 16 53 52 46 29 22 17 1,956 1,745 76 71 58 35 87 b7 103 41 104 104 37 36 45 17 59 413 67 35 105 75 39 3,701 1 11 12 3. Provenchcr. \ i. J k l. Franklin Montcalm La Broquerie Hanover , e. De Salaberiy ...„ f. Morris g. Ycuville h. Tache Ste. Anne Hespeler Oartier St. Norbert. St. Boniface Emerson, Town- m. n. 0. ■Ville. Morris, Town — Ville. p. St. Boniface, Tcvm — Villt Total. 1,664 1,544 162 1,095 777 774 217 598 1,285 1,012 870 822 135 796 210 1,449 13,410 1,224 117 128 85 65 9 10 107 105 85 97 91 85 19 16 82 64 90 121 137 116 62 86 69 51 11 12 91 69 22 13 147 167 1,205 245 150 19 212 182 176 35 146 211 253 148 120 23 160 35 314 2,429 5 3 12 fa. St. Andrews.. I b. St. Clements 2,061 1,800 208 111 194 97 402 208 Infirmities of Indians not reported. DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOVIXCE DB MAls^TOBA. 103 Tableau X — Allant ii I'Ecole; Sourde-Muets. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Total Population. Population totale. Going to School. Allant ^rScole. Fe- Sdalus. males. Hom- Fem- mes. mes. — — Total Deaf and Dumb. Sourdg-Muets. Males. Hom- mes. Fe- males, Fem- mes. Total. 4, Iiisgar. c. d. e. /■ 1 i. J- k. I. m n. 0. P- T. Plessia Rockwood Gimli Varennes ■, Macdonald; Springfield Assiniboia Eildonan St. Paul Belcourt St. Francois Xavier Woodlands St Laurent , Posen Fairford Selkirk, Town—Ville.... Selkirk, East— Est, T—V. Total 1,335 2,264 889 347 251 1,345 1,125 574 477 513 826 1,098 576 423 967 705 310 17,886 38 287 42 22 128 101 38 52 54 57 110 59 'I'i 67 37 1,488 38 287 48 21 127 103 40 35 64 47 84 36 "ef 39 33 1,360 a. Ward No. 1, Quartier. 6. Ward No. ?, Quattier. c. Ward No. 3, Quartier 5. Winnipeg..,. ^ d. Ward No. 4, Quartier. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier. Total 577 42 4,981 409 486 35 6,hl2 614 6,812 565 570 59 20,238 1,724 45 430 37 572 557 48 1,689 76 574 90 43 255 204 78 87 118 104 194 95 J 44 106 70 2,848 11 87 1 2 3 839 72 1,186 1,122 107 "9 3,413 9 10 20 11 12 GRAND TO TALS — GRANDS TOTAUX 1. Selkirk 2. Marquette ....« 3 . Provcncber 4. I^is^ar 5. IViunipeg Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba j 34,356 2,655 2,533 5,188 14 10 22,750 1,956 1,745 3,701 11 1 13,410 1,224 1,205 2,429 5 1- 17,886 1,488 1,360 2,848 11 9 20,238 1,724 1,689 3,413 9 3 24 12 12 20 12 108,640 9,047 8,532 17,579 50 30 8C Lea infirmites des sauvages ne sont pas donnees. :<:»■ TABLE XL. OCCUPATIONS OP THE PBOPLE. TABLEAU XI. OCCUPATIONS. 106 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XI — Occupatioas cf the People. 1 ■ i OCCUPATIONS. Districts -" ^ -* y\ ■^-— ^ ^ rf * X3 o O > a a ! ci OS a 2 o bC -t-3 u ^ ts a • Cu X CO > o CO J a a o H 3 o OCCUPATIONS AGRICULTURAL CLASS— CLASSE AGRICOLE. Dairymen Farmers Farmers, Females Farmer'a sons Farm laborers Gardeners and nurserymen Herdsmen and cow boys.... Ranchers and stock raisers. Var. agricultural occups.... Totals. 7 4 5 9 74 99 7,697 4,521 1,933 2,071 154 16,381 88 36 31 23 1 179 1,689 1,193 885 893 19 4,679 733 362 •62 230 10 1,397 4 4 4 22 56 90 14 4 3 2 11 34 1 8 4 4 1 18 1 1 3 5 10,234 6,133 2,932 3,251 329 22,882 Laitiers. Cultivateurs. Oultivatears, femmes. Fils de cultivateurs. Journaliers de ferme. /ardiniers et pepinieristes. Proprietaires et gardiens de troupeaux. Eleveurs. Occupations agricolesdiver- ses. Totaux. COMMERCIAL CLASS— CLASSE COMMERCIALE. Acconnts. and book-keepers. Agents Auctioneers Bankers and money brokers. Boat and bargemen... Booksellers and stationers... Bottlers and storemen Brokers Commercial clerks Commercial traTcllera Dealers and traders Express employes Fruiterers Grain dealers Grocers Insurance employes Managers Mariners Merchants- , Packers Pedlars ^ Railway employes Store-keepers Telegraph employes.... Various commercial occup. 19 56 1 4 3 3 1 149 1 19 Totals. 3 27 17 28 2 4 4 2 62 134 1 94 24 5 2 552 3 2 2 5 4 92 115 25 7 2 39.5 11 2 1 1 1 2 38 1 59 35 "i'i 1 21 10 2 2 163 4 11 23 1 33 19 5 167 188 118 7 23 13 12 18 11 718 42 75 30 7 12 79 31 32 3 264 4 36 260 13 36 20 2,042 228 218 12 33 24 18 IS 14 1,002 43 141 33 10 45 82 34 46 19 562 6 36 523 91 55 26 3,319 Comptables et teneurs de livres. Agents. Eucanteurs. Banquiers. Bateliers. Libraires. Embouteilleurs, gardes- magasins. Oouniers. Commis marchands Commis voyageurs. Petits negociants. Employes de I'express. Fruiiiers. Marchands de grains. Epiciers. Employes d'assurances. Gerants. Marins. Marchands. Emballeurs. Marchands forains. Employes du chemin de fer. Boutiqniers. Employes au lelegraphe. Occupations commerciales diverses. Totaux. DOMESTIC CLASS-CLASSE DOMESTIQUE. Barbers and hair dressers. Bar-keepers Hospital attendants 10 11 5 2 3 2 2 6 30 38 6 50 53 12 Barbiers et coilfeurs. iubergistes. Gardes-malades. D^NOMBEEMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. lor Tableau XI — OccupatioDS. OCCUPATIO.VS. Districts. CO s-« ea -4-» Xi •^^ 0/ 0* o S D- .J 03 OS % I o .-Ti .t; c a ss OS S S I . !»- ':; o » s OUOUPATIONS. DOMESTIC CLASS,— C7oncZ«cfei—CLASSE DOMESTIQUE,— i-V/i- Hotel and boarding house keepers Lanndresses Messengers and porter? Midwives and nursee Servants, females Servants, males Yardmen , Var domestic occupations... Totals 80 6 5 209 67 388 34 2 5 2 104 38 192 19 3 92 40 157 15 2 1 74 74 176 134 78 77 26 764 138 6 14 1,311 282 88 88 31 1,2; 357 6 14 2,224 aoteller. etmais. de pension Slanchisseuses. Messagers et Portiers. Sages-femmes et nourrices. Serv&ntes. Serviteurs. hlomiiies de coor. ()ccup3. domestiq. diverses. Totaux. INDUSTRIAL CLASS-CLASSE INDUSTRIELLE. Aerated water manufactur's Articled apprentices Bakers Blacksmiths ...., Boat builders Boiler builders Bolt makers Book-binders Bool and shoemakers Box makers Brewers and distillers Bricklayers Brick -makers Brush and broom-makers.... Builders Butchers Cabinet makers Carders and weavers Carpenters and joiners Carriage builders Carvers and gilders Chemists and druggists Confectioners Contractors Coopers Dressmakers and milliners.. Dyers and scourers Engineers and machinists... Engravers and lithograph's. Foundrjmen Gold and silversmiths Hatters and furriers Last makers Lock and gunsmiths Lumbermen Maunfaciurers Mechanics Millers 1 1 11 95 1 24 2 11 1 2 28 7 7 8 64 134 9 12 1 39 31 5 2 33 13 1 16 3 1 110 5 21 30 2 1 6 2 2 34 1 2 7 19 1 2 21 1 1 10 1 1 50 3 2 3 18 1 9 6 38 1 67 4 4 11 3 14 *"l 1 i'o 1 14 3 29 34 86 2 16 I 8 41 1 1'^ 41 14 6 29 82 32 6 384 35 4 22 12 111 5 137 8 181 9 35 1 12 5 7 21 2 5 39 66 292 3 21 1 3 91 1 21 58 43 7 34 145 46 8 745 56 6 47 15 160 7 209 8 264 9 38 1 13 1 7 22 30 15 127 Fabricants d'eaux gazeuses. Apfirentis engages. Boulangers. Forgerons. Constructeurs dechaloupes. Fabricants de bouilloires. Fabricants de boulons. Relieurs. Uordonniers. Fabricants de boites. ^rasseurs et distillateurs. Briquetenrs. Briquetiers. Brossiers. Constructeurs. fio'jchers EbcDistes. Oardeurs et tiaserands. Oharpentiers et menuisiers. Carossiers. Ciseleurs et doreurs- Chimistes et droguistes. Confiseurs. i^Intrepreneurs. Tonneliers. Coutuneres et modistes. Veiuturiers et degraisseurs. Mccaniciens. Graveurs et lithographes. Fondeurs. Orfevres. Ghapeliers et pelletiers. Formiers. Serruriers et armuriera. Hommes de chantiers. Fabricants. Vlet-erS divers. yeuniers. 103 CENSUS, 188G— PROVINCE OP MANITOBA. Table XI— Occupations of the People. OCCUPATIONS. 02 Districts. S 1 § g be m J ti u OS S3 o fc4 CQ S a. O ^ o o OCCUPATIONS. PROFESSIONAL CLASS (Condwiei)— PROFESSIONS LIBER ALES (Fin). NuD3 Photographers Physicians and Surgeons.. Stenographers Students Students at Law Students in Medecine Teachers, Females Teachers, Males Var. professional occnpat. . Totals. 11 17 3 68 76 1 355 6 20 17 4 1 69 57 1 314 55 2 10 7 3 2 22 21 244 4 1 10 16 20 40 153 20 15 44 9 72 27 7 58 :-i3 13 792 90 27 113 9 129 37 10 237 227 15 1,858 '^eligieuses- Photo graphes. Medecins et chirurgiens. Stenographcs. Btudiants. Etudiants en droit. Etudiants ea molecine. (nstitutrices. [nstituteurs. Professions diverses. Totaux, NOT CLASSIFIED— NON GLASSIES. Cabmen and Draymen Firem«n Fishermen Foremen Gentlemen cf piivate means Hunters Keepers and Guards Laborers Livery stable keepers and employes. Pensioners Policemen and constables ... Speculators Teamsters and drivers ... Var. indefinite occupations. Totals. 32 1 7 343 50 16 2 462 4 2 17 16 3 388 11 1 2 23 3 474 1 1 11 1 2 198 2 13 2 239 1 3 60 1 13 36 18 407 3 3 2 654 19 42 2 13 31 49 579 61 24 7 125 25 977 33 49 67 17 104 54 79 1,915 127 4 34 7 181 35 2,706 Oochers et charretiers. Pompiers. Pe jheurs. Contre-maitres. Bourgeois-rentiers. Chasseurs. Gardiens. Journaliers. Propriutaires et employes d'ecuries de louage. Pensionnaires militaires. Sergents de ville. Speculateurs. Conducteurs d'attelages. Occupations diverges. Totaux. REC APITULATION, Agricultural Class Commercial Class. > Domestic Class Industrial Class. Professional Class, Not Classified Grand Totals.. 10,234 6,133 2,932 3,254 329 22,882 552 395 163 167 2,012 3,319 388 192 157 176 1,311 2,224 636 446 242 267 2,124 3,715 355 314 244 153 792 1,868 462 474 239 554 977 2,706 12,627 7,9.54 3,977 4,571 7,575 36,701 Classe agricole. Classe comraerciale. Classe domestique. Classe industrielle. Professions liberales. Non classees. Grands totaux. TABLE XII. STATEMENT OF NUMBER OF CHUECHES, OF BENEVOLENT, EDUCATIONAL AND PENAL ESTABLISHMENTS. TABLEAU XII. feTAT DES ETABLISSEITENTS DU CULTB, DB BIENFAISANCE, ©'EDUCATION ET DE REPRESSION. 112 CENSUS, 1886— PEOYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XII — Statement of number of Churches, of Benevolent, Educational and Penal Ehtabliehraonts. j DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Number of Churches. Nombre d'Eglisea. Chur- ches. Total. Eglises. Bap- tist. Bap- tiste. Ca- tho- lic. Ca- tholi- qae. Church of Eng- land. Ej;lise d'An- gleterre. Me- tho- dist Me- tho- diste. Pres- byte- rian. Pres- byte- rienne. Other chur- ches. Au- tres cglises 1 1. Selkirk.. ..... ■ a. Rhineland 6. Dufferin, South— Sud /• Oarlfton ., .....r.. 2 7 1 3 2 1 i" 2 2 1 2 1 i" 2 1 1 d. Duifurin, North— Nord ... e. Douglas /" Lonise .— ..*•* . 2 1 1 1 r 1 i 1 g. Derby h. Ar^yle ». i. Lome •3 Oakland 5 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 k, Gleowood I. Whitehead VI. Cornwallis n. Elton 1 1 "•• 1 0. Daly J). Turtle Mountain q. Deloraine r. Whitewater 1 s. Riverside t. Medora.. u. Arthur.... V. Inchiauin i' .,,,,.,. 1 • ■«••»•*« w. Brenda X. Sifton y. Pipestone z. Wallace 2 '3 1 5 1 '" i 1 1" 1 1 1 aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon. City—Vtlle cc. Nelson, Town—Ville dd. Pilot Mound, Town— Vllle Total 1 I 1 1 1 1 9 45 2 4 7 10 13 a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie 9" i 1 2 ... ...... 1 1 1" 5 3 .•«•••••• c. ^oifol^., South— Sui d Norfork, North— Nord e. Gypreas, South— Sud /. Cypress, North— Nord p. Westbouroe h. Osprey , 1 i 1 r i. Glendale i. Lansdowne.. k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah 2 .!•«*»»••• .••••»•»• PENOMBREMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 113 Tableau XII — Etat des Etablissements du Culte, de Bienfaisance, d'Education et do Repression. Hospitals. HSpitaux. Orphanages. Orphelinats Lunatic Asylums. Asiles d'Alienes. Various Asylums. Hopices divers. Universities and Classical Colleges. Dniver3it63 et colleges classiques. Boarding Schools for Young Ladies. Pensionats de jeunes perfaonnea. Penitentiaries and Gaols. Penitentiers et Prisons. No. In- matei Habi- tants. No. In- naates Habi- tants. No. In- mates Habi- tants, No. In- mates Habi- tants. No. In- mates. Habi- tants. No. Inmates. 3abitants. No. Inmates. HabiiantB. ^ • •••••v** ••■••• ••■•* -•••*•••• ••••• • •••fit <•• a**^** ••••»•••• . •••■••• • ■• *i •*• *■•••• •• ••*•■• •*•••»••• • •••■•*•* ■ ■■■•■■•• ••• « ■ ••«•• • • ■"'•••••• . • •• *■•■ !••••■••• «■••■• •••••«-•• ■•••»••• •••■• > t « ••••• • • • ••• M»«»«a»** ••••••>• ••••■* ■ ■■ ■.*••• •«•••• ••• ■••■ • ••*•« •■••• ■ 1 1 11 1 12 11 1 12 •••■•) ■- • •*•** •• ••••••••• •*.."••■. • »•••••• •••••••«. ■•••• ■ -• f***** .z:i:z. ■ #•■••■• •••■•■ .•••»••> » F~8 114 CENSUS, 18B6— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XII — Statement of number of Churchos, of Benevolent, EJacational and Ponal Establishments. DISTillCTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DiSTRIOTS. Chur- ches. Total Eglises. Bap- tist. Bap- tiste. Number of Churches. Nombre d'Eglisea. Church Ca- of Me- tho- Eng- tho- lic. land. dist G&- Eglise Me- tboli- d'An- tho- qae. gleterre diste. Pres- byte- rian. Prea- byte- rienne. Other chur- ches. Au- tres eglises 1 « SnatatY»InAwan _ 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 ... ..... 1 1 i" i' 2 i" *•••••••« 1 1 1 1 2 n Rlffif^hard o. Clanwilliam a Harrison •»••«•• 2. Ilarqaette... ■ r. Ktrathclair s. Oak River ■ca... ..... i" t. Miuiota. u. Archie V Shoal Lake i* 1 1 4 w. Birtle , X. Ellice ., y. Bossburn 2. Silver Creek ai Russell bb. Shell River..... ce. Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Towri — Ville , 5 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 ee. Gladsloue, Town— Ville. . ff. Necpawa, Town — Ville.... qq. Minnedosa, Town~-Ville kh. Rapid City, Townr— Ville. it. Birtle, Town — Ville l" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 46 7 12 17 7 [a. Franlflin 3 3 1 3 1 1 i 2 1 4 •>>•••• 1 i" I 1 1 1 3. Provencher. *. Montcalm.... e. La Broauerie .••«•••< ■•••■•• • 3 d. Hanover e. De S'ilaberry f. Morris ., a. You ville 1 i i' 1 3 1 I 1 1 h Tache t. Ste Ante j. Hespeler „.... k. Cartier I. St. Norbert m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town — Ville 0. Morris. Town — Ville 4 3 1 1" i" 1 1 1 1 p. ^t.'&onif&CQ, Town— Ville. Total 28 1 11 2 4 4 6 (a. St. Andrews 1 b. St. Clements 5 2 >••••••»' 4 '••••••' 1 2 [)ENOMBIJBMENT, 18S6— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 115 Tableau XII — ^'^tat des Etablissemerils du Culte, de BienfaiHance, d'Education j el de Eepress'on. i Hosp Hopi No. itals. taux In- mates Habi- tants. Orpha Orpbe No. aages linats. In- mates Habi- tants Lun Asyl Agi d' -^li No atic ums. les ^nes. In- mates Habi- tants. Var Asyl Hosr div( No, ous ams. )ices Brs. In- mates Habi- tants. Universities and Gla9sical Uolleges Universites et colleges classiques. In- mates. No. — Habi- tants. Soarding Schools for Young Laaies. Pensionnats de jeunes personnes. Inmates No. — Habitants. 1 Penitentiaries j and \ Gaols. Penitencieis et Prisons. Inmates. No. — 'Habitants.! 1 1 1 1 1 I • •> « t 1 > • f 2 1 1 t i ^ 1 2 ; 1 1 1 i i" "1 1 • 1 1 ■ I i 1 1 1 7" ■ «•■•■••• .■••• ■ . ••■•# • • 2 2 ""74 5 5" 1 ""38 5 1 75" 75 1 80 74 1 38 1 7 1 4 95 .••■•••• •••*•• F-8i 116 CENSOS, 1886~-PEOV[NC^ OF MANITOBA. 1 i Table XII— Statement of Nu.-uber < snd Penal F. '•'i Charchert. stablisbrnen!. of Benev^oleDt, Bducational • DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Number of Churches. Nombre d' Bglises. . Chur- ches Total. Eglise.-. Bap- list. Bap- tiste. iho- lic. G»- tholi- que. Church of Eng- land. Eg'lis*^ d' Kn- gleterre Me- tho- dist. Me- tho- diste. Pres- byte- rian. Pres- byte- rienne. Other chur- ches. Au- tres eglise 3 1 1 4. Lisgrar ■ j c. Pleseis . — d. Rockwood. e 'Timii / ''arenafs ... . p. Macdoaald h. Springfield 6 4 1 3' 1 3 i" 1 1 1 ""3* 1 ?. Assioibosa j. Kildoaan k St Pnul I. Belcourt . . m. St. Francois X.ivier 3 1 1 1 I 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l" • n. Woodlands .... 8t Laurnit p. Po-en .. q Fairford r. Selkirk, Town—ViUe s. Selkirk, Rast-Est, T — V Total .. 2 1 1 - »,'•• 1 2 8 34 « 5 9 6 1 'a. Ward No. 1, Quartier b Ward No /-, Quartier e. Ward No. 3, Quartier d. Ward No. 4, Quarlier. .... e. Ward No. 5, Quart'er f. Ward No. 6, Quartier Total '. 5 1 5 5 2 1 T ..... ...„ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2' I 1 5, Wiuuipeg ... i" 1 1 18 2 4 4 2 5 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 45 46 28 34 18 2 2 1 1 4 1 11 6 2 7 7 2 8 4 10 12 4 5 4 13 17 4 9 2 9 7 6 6 6 3« Slarqnette 3« Provencher 4. L.lsg'ar , 5. Winnipeg^ Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba j ° 171 6 24 28 35 45 33 D^NOMBEEMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 11*7 Tableau XII — Etat des Etablissements du Culte, de Bienfaisance, et de Eepression. d'Educaiiou Hoi H6p Nc. Ditals. itaux. In- mates Habi- tants. Orph£ Orph« No. inages jlinats In- mates Habi- tants. Lui Asy As d'Al No. latic ums. iles ien6s. In- mates Habi- tants Vai Asy Hos di^ No. -ious urns. pices 'ers. In- mates Habi- tants Universities and Classical Colleges. TJniversites et colleges classiques. In- mates. No. — Habi- tants. Boarding Schools for Young Ladies Pensionnats de jeunes personnee. Inmates No. - Habitants. 1 Penitentiaries ; and Gaols. 1 P6nitenciere et Prisons. Inmates. No. — Habitants. .•• '"68 68 " • •••••••• •« *aa ■ 1 89 • ■•••■ .■••• 1 6 •••• • • *•••••« . . . > ■ 1 1 1 1 6 89 •••••• • • i" 1 ""'67 67 1 i" i 1 3 28 « 17" 1 • ••••1 1 t 13 13 ......... 1 1 8 8 1" 1 173 '50 1 45 2 223 1 21 ; GRANDS TOTAUX. 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 12 2 i 89 i 21 2 74 1 1 38 13 7 1 75 4 1 2 95 6 223 68 1 67 1 8 3 45 3 141 2 51 1 68 2 15 4 120 8 335 4 124 * Medical College — The number of students is not returned. » r^^MX^^ A^ -«Aj-*: T „ 1 j__ i*..j: A_ _»_ 'j.^ TABLE Xlir. OCCUPIERS OF LANDS AKD LAKDS OCCUPIED. TABLEAU XIIL OCCUPANTS DE TEBRES ET TEEEES OCCUPIES. 120 CENSUS, 1S86— PEOVINCE OF illXITOBA. Table XIII— Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupiod. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SODS-DISTRICTS. Total Popula- tion. Popula- tion Totale. Numbe Nombre Total Jccupiero. Total Occupants r of Occupiera of La des Occupants de T Being Being Owners. Tenants Pro- Fer- prietaires. miers. knde. erres. Em- ployes. 1. Solliirfa [a. Rhineland ■ 3,964 2,535 878 1,358 2,681 1,940 966 1,286 1,814 939 835 917 1,048 1,019 644 894 962 997 828 757 448 99 352 562 837 1,184 1,136 2,348 73 54 658 400 266 305 447 398 261 390 448 259 205 222 262 260 179 242 240 331 257 257 189 40 141 151 242 391 3^4 112 12 6 619 355 245 266 401 375 253 381 437 244 196 199 223 245 162 241 235 325 254 252 186 37 140 149 233 390 341 106 10 4 36 45 21 38 46 21 8 8 11 14 9 19 33 14 14 1 5 5 3 6 2 2 1 2 9 1 3 6 2 2 3 b. Dufiferin, South — Sud c. Cai'leton ,..,. d Dufferin, North — Nord e. Douglas.... /. Louise h. Argyle _ J. Lome j. Oakland k. Glenwood, /. V»'hitehead.. _•. m. Cornwallis 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain.. _ q Delorainc r. Whitewater s. Riverside t. Medora u. Arthur V. Inchlquia w. Brenda z. Sifton y, Pipestone—, z. Wallace aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville cc. Nelson, Town — Ville itf. Pilot Mound, Town— Ville Total 1 i 1 • •«•«• •«•«•• 'X"" 34,356 7,915 7,504 391 20 a. Elm River 5. Porta<-''e la Prairie...., 356 2,956 1,080 716 792 1,493 1,597 292 553 593 679 80 691 74 495 263 167 239 313 285 65 121 142 175 20 180 64 413 243 169 229 295 265 63 118 135 166 20 174 9 79 '1 10 17 19 2 3 7 8 5*' 1 3 3 c. Norfolk, South— Slid. d. Norfolk, North — Nord e. Cypress, South — Sud , /. Cypress, North— Nord y. Wesibourne h. Osprey 1 1 i. Gl uidale .- J. Lansdowue k. Rosedale 1 i" 4 I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah d:6nombeement, isss— peovincb de Manitoba. 121 Tableau XIII — Occupants de Torres et Terres Occupees. Number of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 80 Acres and under, 80 Acres et moias. 81 Acres to 160. 81 Acres 160. 161 Acres to 320. 161 Acres II 320. 321 Acres to 640. 321 Acres h 640. 641 Acres and over. 641 Acres et pins. Lands Occupied and Cultivated. Terres Occupeea et Uultivees. Total Occupied. Total Occup6. Acres. Total Cultivated. Total Cullivc. Acres. I Prairie Lands. Terres de Prairies. Acres broken Fall 1885, and Spring of 18S6. Ac. labour es automne de 1885 et prin- temps de '86. Acres seeded in' 1886. Acres ensemen- cesen 1886. 61 9 4 9 56 4 2 4 12 2 1 13 2 1 1 1 • ••••«• •••••• 193 556 187 120 124 346 138 73 ISl 227 103 76 82 126 144 62 23 37 91 85 53 41 16 35 75 137 136 163 41 2 3,480 32 157 134 151 42 226 174 195 202 110 101 103 92 99 103 212 175 227 162 189 141 21 99 59 83 236 168 45 2 4 3,744 9 44 8 14 3 26 11 8 7 36 17 33 27 12 10 6 20 11 9 11 7 3 5 12 13 18 12 16 3 8 10 4 4 3 411 87 106.259 99,142 65,574 81,542 71 ,598 114,882 73,198 98,597 102,452 77,581 68,793 66,927 68,371 64,860 51,570 75,1.')6 80,751 98,543 71,360 79, 200 55,267 11,040 41,248 41,626 60.509 107,'205 86,980 36,277 3,834 1,495 2,060,337 34,479 23,347 10,405 19,064 24,776 29,597 10,333 13,230 9,461 20,519 17,281 25,8^8 19,296 21,598 9,867 10,929 8,915 13,743 7,220 7,040 6,732 2,005 5,242 10,792 6,312 20,178 20,500 7,358 406 285 416,448 3,556 1,507 1,327 2,441 3,707 5,547 3,718 4,290 3,691 3,875 2,455 4,134 3,057 2,598 2,491 3,053 3,904 5,604 5,553 3,050 2,156 576 2,331 3,052 3,281 5,706 4,956 1,539 138 30 93,3 25 27,779 21,974 1,092 432 24,365 26,956 9,064 10,869 10,702 20,637 12,418 17,765 18,453 17,012 9,577 8,539 10,3i4 18,044 9,570 8,733 4,265 1,215 4,346 7,631 8,997 15,o05 16,251 3,107 65 193 3i5,705 4 35 10 1 11 2 2 32 204 116 119 129 152 210 34 74 71 99 13 89 38 196 128 36 91 124 47 27 41 52 69 5 80 45 9 8 19 20 2 2 6 5 4 2 8 15 3 6 24 12 "3 17,400 123,874 63.703 37,980 60,387 85,2.5 71,797 15,070 28,040 42,300 40,2S0 4,730 45,397 1,304 47, 5! 8 8,772 4,165 19,247 37,995 6,073 4,376 6,:ui 3,774 3,756 98 4,331 442 10,226 4,194 2,181 3,361 4,338 899 1,134 1,237 90S 1,880 61 1,603 1,031 42,294 8,830 6.056 13,942 838 5,457 3,S45 7,775 2,840 4.497 42 5,270 122 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVmCB OP MANITOBA. Table XIII — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occapied. DISTRICTS. ■ S. Slnrquette , 'i i SDB-DISTRIOTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Total Popula- tion. Popula- tion Totale. A n. o. P- S- r s. t. u. V. w. X. y- s. aa. bb. cc dd. ee. 99 hh. si. Saskatchewan Blanchard ClauwilUam.o... Harrison Strathclair Oak River Miniota Archie , Shoal Lake Birtle EUice Rossbarn '.. Silver Creek . Russell.. ... „ . Shell River Boulton Portage la Prairie, Town — Vtlle,. Gladstone, Town — Ville.. Neepawa, Town — Vtlle... . Minnedosa, Toton — Ville.. . Rapid City, Town — Ville. Birtle, Town — Ville Total 597 473 349 215 5T2 478 869 256 £85 755 378 333 404 550 397 61 2,028 299 255 549 258 261 Number cf Occupiers of Lands. Ncmbre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers; Total Occupants Being Owners. Proprie- taires. Being Tenants Fer- miers. 133 134 104 41 111 145 248 78 138 271 87 86 129 160 102 22 10 24 10 5 6 5 22 ,750 4,588 124 128 98 38 107 143 244 73 135 261 79 83 125 156 100 22 10 16 10 4 6 5 4,311 3. Pawvcsieher. 1 i a. b. e. d. e. /■ ff- h. Franklin Montcalm La Brcquerie Hanover ...., De Salaberry Morris Yonville Tache .„. Ste. Anne Hespeler. Cartier St. Norbert St. Boniface Emerson, Town— Ville Morris, Town— Ville St. Boniface, 7'owK — Ville. Total. fa. St. Andrews.. I b. St. Clements. 1,664 1,544 I6i 1,095 777 774 217 598 85 1,012 870 822 135 796 210 1,449 1 13,410 2,061 1,800 385 274 37 195 135 135 43 94 218 170 167 132 22 9 17 2,033 356 244 36 194 120 117 42 85 200 161 149 106 18 7 15 1,850 251 407 208 387 Em- ployes. 9 5 6 3 4 2 4 4 3 10 7 3 4 4 2 263 29 29 I 1 13 18 1 9 18 9 18 25 4 2 2 179 40 20 14 DENOMEREMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MAOTTOBA. 123 Tableau XIII — Occupants de Terres et Terreo Occupees. "t - 80 Acres and under. 80 Acres et moine. Number of Occupiers ot Nombre d'Occupants de 641 Acres and over. 641 A cres et plus. Lands Occupied and Cultivated. Terres Occupfios et Cultivees. Prairie Lands. Terres de Prairies, i k Acres broken Fall 1885, Acres and Spring seeded in , of 1886. 1883. 1 Ac laboures Acres automne de ensetnen- j 1885 et prin- ccs en temps de '86 1886. 81 Acres to 160. 81 Acres h. 160. 161 Acres to 320. 161 Acres b. 320. 321 Acres to 640. 321 Acres t\ 640. Total Occupied. Total Occupc. Acres. Total Cultivated. Total Cultiv^. Acres. 1 53 57 62 11 22 58 92 35 29 34 30 55 21 13 14 2 3 9 8 1 2 2 73 70 32 27 68 79 129 37 83 230 45 30 106 98 86 20 4 2 3 2 6 5 8 2 17 7 17 4 22 5 6 35,152 36,395 25,608 13,280 39,357 38,110 65,536 21,699 47,124 81,633 27,777 42,820 37,411 55,638 29,778 6,720 533 3,179 1,285 1,241 1,760 1,440 7,040 5,028 2,805 2,008 4,741 5,525 10,710 2,380 5,-; 36 7,136 3,473 1,683 4,156 3,557 2,002 513 379 931 294 475 395 179 443 592 359 249 309 7,291 2,348 369 351 469 476 187 3,918 3,234 119 5,725 5,104 2,271 1,581 3,7^8 . 4,878 1 7,337 1,873 4,161 4,248 2,2.-0 1 1,087 1 2,530 1 2,023 ; 1,167 228 1 2 2 1 4 1 5 2 2 5 2 . 4 4 1 1 5 2 1 44 7 10 2 2 1 70 29 10 10 25 833 282 1 16i 445 1 100 1 1 110 1,955 2,158 277 88 1,249,729 218,596 63,320 164,862 ; 16 38 1 13 43 6 3 20 37 6 80 57 10 2 3 84 149 28 151 48 80 30 40 128 115 44 40 8 5 11 261 73 8 22 35 35 9 27 45 36 38 27 3 2 3 24 12 9 8 11 1 6 8 12 4 6 87,085 51,372 7,040 35,470 19,551 29,181 7,174 15,044 34,220 36.593 19,200 17,895 3,081 1,170 2,473 13,045 19,880 401 4,503 3,920 7,961 697 1,921 5,918 5,839 3,532 1.804 504 403 1,302 5,482 1,631 92 3,833 4,011 484 616 1,858 359 335 2,800 221 '39" 96 11,929 19.949 . ■333 j 3,820 ' 3,6i!5 1 7,746 662 1,863 1 4,130 1 5,400 2,691 1,528 i 255 1 859 • •••■■ • • ••■^•a 2 1 3 1 i 1 2 1 335 961 624 101 12 366,549 71,633 21,857 64,850 118 97 113 29 17 6 4 1 1 27,246 38,336 3,210 886 223 107 2,033 583 1 24 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINGE OF MANITOBA. Table XIII — Occupiers of Lands and Land-^ Occupied. DISTRICTS. SDB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Total Popula- tion. Popula- tion Totale. Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terrea. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants Being Owners. Pro- prietaires. Being Tenants Fer- miers. 'Jm- ployeg. 4. liis^ar c. d. \ *• U' g. I h. \% \k. I. m n. 0. P- 9- r. s. Plessis. Rockwood Gimli Varennes Macdonald..... Springfield Assiniboia .^.. KUdonan Ht. Paul Belcourt St. Fran^ois-Xavier Woodlands ..- St. Laurent Posen Fairford Selkirk, Town—Ville Selkirk, East— Est, T—V. Total. 1,335 2,264 889 347 261 1,345 1,125 574 477 513 826 1,098 576 423 967 705 310 17,886 304 356 160 61 46 241 148 94 81 89 114 207 83 63 222 19 35 2,981 301 318 150 55 37 220 109 75 66 49 92 190 72 62 220 16 28 2,655 5. TViuiiipeg fa. Ward No. 1, Qnartier.. I b. Ward No. 2, Quartier.. ! c. Ward No. 3, Quartier,. •{ d. Ward No. 4, Quartier.. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier.. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier.. Total, 577 4,981 486 6,812 6,812 570 20,238 9 23 54 2 5 13 31 2 38 10 6 9 21 34 19 15 40 21 17 10 1 2 3 7 315 22 11 GRAND TOTALS. 1. ScIUii'k 2. Marquette , 3. Provenclier , 4. tissar 5. AVinnipeg Totals of Manitoba > Totaux de Manitoba J ' 34,356 22,750 13,410 17,886 20,238 7,915 4,588 2,033 2,981 54 7,504 391 4,311 263 1,850 179 2,655 315 31 22 20 14 4 11 1 108,640 17,571 16,351 1,170 50 DfiNOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOYINCE DB MANITOBA. 125 Tableau XIII — Occupants de Teires ot Torres Occupees. 80 Acres and under. SO Acres et moins. Numbe Nombr 81 Acres to 160. 81 Acres h. 160. r of Occupi e d'Occupa 161 Acres to 320. 161 Acres ti 320. era of nts de 321 Acres to 640, 321 Acres h. 640. 641 Acres and over. 641 Acres et plus. Lands Occupied and Cultivated. Prairie Lands. Terres Occupees et Terres de Prairies. Cultivees. Acres broken Fall 1885, Acres Total Total and Spring seeded in Occupied. Cultivated. of 1886. 1886. Total Total Ac. labourfes Acres Occupe. Cultive. automne de ensemen- — — 1885 et prin- ce.? en Acres. Acres. temps de '86. 1886. 8 23 9 19 6 11 42 47 16 26 8 7 64 14 4 17 33 291 248 116 11 23 173 23 26 26 53 25 132 15 40 7 2 2 3 6-2 5 31 12 45 38 17 30 7 59 47 4 8 211 2 21 45,609 68,349 24,930 10,139 11,071 48,526 40,080 9,7S9 16,247 12,441 28,742 48,247 4,704 15,089 42,850 478 392 235 12,505 1,547 239 2,090 7,441 6,007 1,651 1,754 753 2,296 4,127 131 175 151 67 97 19 2,309 119 46 493 8,565 466 91 167 284 444 519 12 64 1 3 9 18 7,697 265 22 263 7,332 233 1,218 1,387 1,386 2,302 3.515 122 93 )6 27 59, 2 3 10 32 3 8 3 19 17 2 2 13 1 1 3 4 1 744 1,453 625 128 31 493,265 45,362 13,941 28,574 8 9 18 63 32 859 347' 43 61 26 394 28 23 5 ' "i 4 8 47 7 • ,.*■ 1,344 532 GRANDS T T ADX. 193 110 335 744 47 3,480 1,955 961 1,453 7 3,744 2,158 624 625 411 277 101 128 87 88 12 31 2,060,337 1,249,729 366,549 493,265 1,344 416,448 218,596 71,633 45,362 532 93,322 53,320 21,857 13,941 345,705 154,862 64,850 28,574 1,429 7,856 7,151 917 218 4,171,224 752,571 152,440 593.991 TABLE XIV, ANIMALS ASD ANIMAL PEODUCTS. TABLEAU XIV. ANiMAUX ET PKiODUITS. 128 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA.. Table XIV — Animals and Animal Products. DISTRICTS. SQB-DISTRIOTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Working Animala. Animaux de Travail. Horse- 3 over 3 years. Cbevaux au-des9U3 de 3 ans. Colts and Fillies under 3 years. Poulains et Pouliches an-dessous de 3 ans. Mules. Mulets. 1. Selkirk..... ■ a Rbineland — , 6. Dufferin, South — Sud^ 1,637 990 428 542 1,073 830 370 372 429 548 368 .'524 563 500 337 325 413 516 243 299 154 31 186 237 276 460 474 471 23 14 452 327 199 212 205 385 95 135 165 85 88 71 184 102 69 126 155 77 53 63 37 i'o" 2 22 c. Carleton d. Daff'eriu, North — Nord. e. Douglas,... „.. y. Louise ,. ' g. Derby h. Arsyle 6 2 6 12 10 8 21 26 7 8 2 11 25 4 3 12 i. Lome -..., j. Oakland _. , k. Glenwood I. Whitehead , m. Cornwallis n. Elton 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain 0. Deloraine r. Whitewater s. Riverside..... , t. Medora «. Arthur , V. Inchiquin w. Brenda X. Sifton y. Pipestone z. Wallace aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, Oity — Ville 41 54 26 42 101 46 8 6 10 6 5 9 9 6 cc. Nelson, Town — Ville dd. Pilot Mound, Toivn—V. Total 13,653 3,608 242 fa. Elm River.. 69 1,443 377 170 388 767 352 120 212 147 226 29 190 17 488 129 45 64 249 99 40 45 33 35 25 80 b. Portage la Prairie c. Norfolk, South— Sud d. Norfolk, North— Nord e. Cypress, South — Sud 21 23 14 8 12 £1 7 2 5 4 y. Cypress, North-Nord g. Westbourne h. Osprey ». Glendale , j. Lanadowne k. Rosedale I. Riding Mountain..... \. m. Odanah , , 2 D^NOMBREMENT, 1886— PEOYINCB DE MANITOBA. 129 Tableau XIV — Animaux et Prodaits. Farm Stock. Animaux de Rente. Working Oxen. Boeufs de labour. Milch Cows. Vaches laitieres. Other horned Cattle. Autre betail de race bovine. Sheep. Moutons. Swine. Cochona. Products. Produita. Home-made Butter, lbs. Livres de Benrre. Home- made Cheese, lbs. Livres de Fromage de menage. 487 247 210 230 383 204 239 353 266 181 109 148 116 158 96 183 181 231 225 211 137 32 83 131 231 499 259 26 5,858 1,601 1,351 974 852 1,150 1,138 433 737 792 359 279 294 538 483 314 479 394 328 285 278 146 31 138 2C9 300 398 477 199 53 15 15,025 2,687 2,248 1,758 1,791 2,003 2,001 813 1,232 1,691 595 534 458 822 790 555 792 708 511 526 487 269 54 254 406 536 594 810 143 72 14 683 238 249 694 657 310 159 331 279 34 16 93 233 69 66 63 292 26,154 175 22 11 23 13 167 71 11 4,9-19 3,868 3,007 1,773 2,159 2,523 4,043 1,510 2,229 2,413 2,126 2,411 2,011 2,041 1,474 1.821 1,776 2,077 2,488 1,793 1,524 846 220 813 1,147 806 1,526 1,988 297 38 12 52,762 65,247 108,980 97,980 77,085 110,143 65,570 29,005 39,738 54,202 43,760 26,305 38,794 66,316 35,560 22,202 39,899 28,466 38,010 27,270 2:;,492 11,449 2,920 12,270 17,800 20,232 23,907 53,459 7,700 1,640 950 1,179,351 35 350 610 2,448 4,287 1,169 705 320 330 105 400 990 180 1,304 640 1,180 25 50 3.'>5 180 4,167 1,105 250 120 21,305 84 259 174 179 148 136 315 31 107 122 159 12 192 170 1,748 514 462 3*4 690 1,084 155 275 474 414 44 381 312 5,043 947 1,001 550 1,189 1,991 324 631 846 467 68 861 529 89 33 102 13 98 3 22 68 75 402 219 2,865 1,614 782 1,897 2,928 969 492 873 646 525 55 1,155 7,!^ 05 191,464 49,510 34.257 36.885 90,605 61,860 10,545 26,795 42,313 35,625 1,600 46,831 1,160 3,650 114 i 170 8,365 1,690 405 2,639 40 1,300 1,788 F— 9 130 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Tableau XIV — Animals and Animal Products. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRIOTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Horses over 3 years. Chevaux au-dessus de 3 ans. Working Animals. Animaux de TravaiL Colts and Fillies under 3 years Poulains et Pouliches au-dessous de 3 ans. Males. Mnlets. 2> Mai>4iiiette i S, Provencber i n. Saskatchewan 228 189 72 65 193 142 278 76 194 231 97 68 115 193 122 11 256 70 51 70 55 60 97 70 25 36 92 39 91 20 128 129 30 46 58 48 85 4 49 29 11 16 16 19 1 4 2* o. Blanchard J). Clanwilliam a. Harrison........ r Strftthclair s. Oak River t. Miniota 8 28 u. Archie V. Shoal Lake 12 tV t Dinde ■• ....... •...*....................• X. EUice y. Rossburn... 2. Silver Creek. aa. Russell , 66. Shell River cc Boulton , dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — ViUe ee. Gladstone, Town — ViUe f/. NeeDawa. Toion — Vtlle 2 6 2 3 4 ffg. Minnedosa, Town — Vdle kk. Rapid City, Town— Vdle it. Birtle, Town — Ville 2" Total 7,316 2,487 181 a. Franklin ,.. 6. Montcalm ^ c. La Broqnerie 462 683 13 250 202 334 56 184 348 294 310 207 50 104 60 88 109 , 140 4 91 99 88 3 93 171 96 112 55 13 14 14 10 1 5 d. Hanover _ e. De Salaberry , 2 6 /. Morris g. Youville .• h. Tache 2 i Ste. Anne „... j. Hespeler k. Cartier 4 I. St. Norbert wi. St. Boniface _ n. Emerson. Town — Ville 0. Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Town — Ville Total 4' 3,645 1,112 24 fa. St. Andrews 1 b. St. Clements 411 119 149 35 11 2 D^NOMBKBMENT, 1886-PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 131 Tableau XIV — Animaux et Produits. Farm Stock. 1 1 Products. Animaux de Rente. Produits. Working Other horned Home-made Home-made Oxen. Milch Cows. Cattle. Sheep. Swine. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Bojufs de Vachea Autre Moutons. Cochons. Livres de Livres de labour. laiti^rea. betail de race bovine. Beurre. Fromage de mea&ge. 97 468 842 372 1,219 43,620 190 105 376 820 309 1,137 45,190 1,890 81 282 661 243 695 23,916 242 47 251 554 216 608 15,320 650 67 390 814 151 1,448 33,042 2,005 173 305 557 281 1,354 22,185 370 258 383 954 259 1,900 38,173 1,650 71 115 195 30 553 11,045 450 109 500 904 113 1,008 37,565 1,240 144 420 803 171 908 32,960 1,290 83 201 403 171 663 10,460 250 76 157 331 62 275 12,120 290 147 231 468 156 543 20,985 640 128 280 471 479 378 9,080 1,210 121 206 545 208 289 16,600 2,000 29 65 123 2 27 5,310 365 15 239 177 8 274 3,075 20O 27 162 391 14 203 14,250 200 4 34 87 1 182 1,202 , ••! 4 6 81 95 82 91 180 120 3,040 2,209 100 50 130 45 43 60 3,278 300 3,710 12,041 24,546 4,800 29,049 1,044,825 36,903 202 853 1,440 163 1,449 64,585 1,110 199 676 1,021 164 1,984 28,685 350 54 307 79 615 139 1,343 881 149 923 3,125 29,000 724 142 547 158 658 37,846 1,900 82 437 705 68 943 31,850 757 38 146 122 652 175 8S1 285 728 9,130 57,125 262 292 892 1,905 330 1,296 91,832 1,235 286 719 1,588 534 56 1 43,185 170 558 1,038 58 661 35,490 11,463 17,895 14,456 124 15 405 185 1,011 191 36 11 481 114 2 134 96 22 284 240 8 94 153 1 leo 6,953 150 37 198 122 •••» •••• •»••*•••• ••• 317 1,400 1 2,103 7,066 12,689 2,526 10,993 484,020 5,732 1 319 983 1 981 367 889 52,015 17,025 1 1 174 332 918 413 363 850 I F-9^ 132 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XIV — Animals and Animal Products. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Working Animals. Aaimaui de Travail, Horses over 3 years. Chevaax au-dessus de 3 ans. Colts and Fillies under 3 years. Poulains et Pouliches au-dessous de Sans. Mules. Mulets. 4. l.isg'ar , 6. Winnipeg'. c. Piegsis...., d. Rockwood e. Gimli y. Varennes ff. Macdonald h. Springfield e. Assiniboia J. Kildonan ^ k. St. Paul., I. Belcourt 7n. St. FraoQois-Xavier. «. Woodlands 0. St. Laurent p. Posen q. Faiiford. r. Selkirk, Town — Ville. s. Selkirk, East-Est, T—V.. 13 544 9 12 84 517 523 220 169 112 275 263 83 66 44 53 20 Total. ?,537 ■! [a. Ward No. 1, Quartier. b. Ward No 2. Quartier. c. Ward No. 3, Quartier. d. Ward No. 4, Quartier. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier. 34 261 87 302 244 71 Total 999 2 196 19 186 137 60 31 22 84 112 18 20 7 11 5 1,094 1 2 7 4 14 6 34 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirfe 2. SSarqnette,.. 3. Provencher 4. liisgar 5. Winnipeg^-'. 13,653 7,316 3,645 3,537 999 3,608 2,487 1,112 1,094 34 I. Totals of Sfanitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba j 29,150 3,335 D^NOMBREMENT, 1886— PROVDsCB DE M.VXITOBA. 133 Tableau XIV — Animaux et Produits. Working Oxen. Boeufs de labour. Farm Stock. Animaux de Rente. Milch Cows. Vaches laiti^res. Other horned Cattle. Autre betail de race boviae. Sheep. Moutons. Swice. Cochons. Products. Produits. Home-made Butter, lb3. Livres de Beurre. Home-made Cheese, lbs. Livres de Fromaee de mecage. 2,116 61 72 407 1,849 160 439 2 20 46 237 119 1,61* 74 1,119 42 511 72 433 73 385 121 732 187 1,010 70 293 80 265 73 131 24 101 12 48 10,626 86 4,013 684 31 563 3,432 1,599 89t 801 813 1,487 2,010 659 547 239 144 67 20,998 39 663 850 13 389 413 5 176 69 309 42 7 18 3,778 76 J,S50 10 369 1,064 922 256 272 275 614 861 140 180 38 76 70 8,325 175,037 18,520 500 14,840 173,234 46,041 37,645 24,510 10,070 56,342 80,650 20,575 16,850 450 2,274 2,710 743,288 90O :,6?.6 605 2,684 1,138 1,072 710 1,200 20O I ? 835 6 15 84 207 151 261 337 410 i ,450 12 33 60 32 78 73 288 40 94 108 13 45 62 351 690 1,540 4,750 60 7,380 3,620 18,040 GRANDS TOTAUX. 5,858 3,710 2,103 2,116 15 13,802 15,025 12,041 7,066 10,626 1,450 46,208 26,154 24,546 12,689 20,998 288 84,675 4,949 4,800 2,526 3,778 52,762 1,179,351 21,305 29,049 1,044,825 35,903 10,993 434,020 5,732 8,325 743,288 IC 885 361 18,040 16,053 101,490 3,469,524 74,825 TABLE XV. FIELD PRODUCTS. TABLEAU XV. PEODUITS DES CHAMPS. 136 CENSUS, 1886-PSOVINCB OF MANITOBA. Table XV— Field Products. I DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. I. Selkirk. I a. b. c. d. e. /• 9- h. i. J- k. l. m. n. 0. P- 1- r. s. t. u, V. w. X. y- z. aa. bb. cc. dd. Rhineland Duflferin, South — Sud..... CarletOQ Dufferin, North — Nord.. Douglas Louise Derby. Argyle Lome Oakland Glenwood Whitehead Cornwallis ,.,. Eltoa Daly Turtle Mountain ..., Deloraine Whitewater.... Riverside Medora. Arthur Inchiquin Brenda Sifton Pipestone Wallace „ ... Woodworth Brandon, Oity— Ville Nelson, Town— Ville Pilot Mound, Town- Ville. Total. Wheat— Ble. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. 16,411 14,521 5,655 12,209 13,732 14,100 5,029 5,908 5,170 13,237 7,445 10,911 11,613 9,788 5,853 3,769 5,661 9,556 4,449 4,327 1,956 624 2,449 4,134 4,312 10,838 10,111 3,595 42 145 217,549 226,460 329,645 124,468 191,231 216,547 226,135 70,312 99,730 96,552 240,543 158,199 226,604 223,616 169,271 114,042 76,364 119,608 227,286 82,716 77,938 38,176 9,066 61,762 86,335 94,761 190,535 196,896 69, 130 1,020 2,270 4,047,218 Barley — Orge. Acres. 2,782 2,206 1,070 1,916 1,367 2,185 613 501 995 691 513 591 740 640 673 814 388 613 457 196 160 50 170 291 349 519 1.002 113 5 4 22,614 a. b. c. d. e. /■ 9- h. i. J- k. I. m. Elm River Portage In Prairie Norfolk, South— Sud.... Norfolk, North — Nord. . Cypress, SoMiA — Sud Gjprea3,North — Nord. . Weatbourne Osprey „ Glendale Lansdowne Rosedale _ Riding Mountain Odanah „, 650 25,121 5,435 2,818 8,209 18,856 2,604 2,499 3,9U3 1,654 2,302 11 2,546 9.918 568,999 122,643 55,342 178,054 363,988 46,145 42,704 70,638 31,171 52,810 295 57,348 88 2,241 528 220 631 1,341 676 180 382 313 340 5 524 Bushels. Bois- seaux. Oats— Avoine. Acres. Bosbels, Bois- seaax. 55,535 69,970 32,795 36,826 34,728 48,926 10,298 11,157 22,347 15,658 14,585 16,134 18,347 13,979 14,793 18,487 9,924 17,329 10,615 4,082 3,779 1,093 4,761 7,581 7,818 11,025 20,286 2,655 160 84 535,817 5,721 4,708 2,604 3,835 3,731 4,805 2,043 1,989 2,301 3,957 2,359 2,906 3,933 3,196 2,060 2,030 2,077 2,823 1,870 1,533 757 183 865 1,319 1,231 3,532 2,811 1,003 15 58 72,305 1,915 219 60,929 9,835 14,331 1,702 5,386 794 16,628 2,488 34,199 7,326 17,631 1,227 3,552 917 9,427 1,653 6,953 702 9,115 1,074 120 20 12,507 839 147,787 154,555 88,958 115,627 142,306 167,302 49,997 65,105 72,526 137,125 88,394 109,000 137,796 119,703 59,406 68,517 71,933 109,667 61,916 47,259 24,113 5,465 36,129 52,832 51,735 101,169 89,636 32,175 500 1,990 2,410,613 6,975 427,157 57,411 23,042 95,642 261,156 42,728 24,765 63,259 20,843 30,530 550 29,862 DENOilBKEMENT, 1886— PEOVINGE DB MANITOBA. 13T Tableau XV — Produits des Champa. Basbels of Rye. Boia- seaux de Seigle Bushels of Peas and Beaas. Bois- seaux de pois et feves BiiBhels of Flax Seed. Bois- 3eaux de graine de lin. Potatoes; Pommes de terre. Acres. Basbels. Boisseaux Bushels of Turnips Bois- seaux de navets. Cultivated Hay. Foin Oultiv6. Bushels of other Roots. Boisseaux d'autres Racines . Acres Tons. Ton- neaux. Prairie Hay, Tons cut. Foin de prairie, Tonneaux conpes. Lbs. scutched Flax and Hemp. Lbs. de filasae de Lin et de Chanvre. 1,055 243 100 90 1,483 40 1,803 140 44 134 88 10 150 368 187 391 46 132 110 80 814 230 344 212 138 375 281 182 1,253 418 181 145 8,2S6 33,776 858 100 49 21,643 80 54 316 506 20 63 142 114 24 26 38 13 69 25 500 58,416 355 282 161 124 142 123 93 87 128 95 87 148 153 132 69 79 71 96 96 75 48 7 27 69 60 120 116 44 5 1 3,093 30,795 30,215 37,105 17,570 14,358 21,173 9,930 14,010 21,081 12,069 16,280 23,005 •26,036 20,345 9,713 11,698 9,281 15,822 12,196 8,472 6,234 742 4,540 11,175 12,383 16,886 15,587 6,305 1,110 200 436,320 40 800 24,775 4,775 970 3,265 1,761 1,555 840 490 5,955 8,085 4,610 3,015 1,840 4,864 400 4,810 7,870 2,245 3,990 400 1,395 1,280 3,070 7,270 2,895 650 700 16,445 525 1,132 SCO 14 50 50 155 250 765 255 33 129 50 330 495 775 112 40 18 328 61 919 162 1,211 62 14 219 218 151 23 179 217 21 16 47 41 12 6 7 104,615 50 942 2^0 100 160 7 12 1 79 223 15 23,397 4,274 19 474 93 974 285 1,492 52 16 303 228 184 30 202 240 9 13 55 52 25 4 11 12 14 2 106 278 30 5,203 20,706 10,496 8,073 8,579 14,665 8,553 4,668 7.304 8,290 4,985 4,007 6,436 4,80S 4,133 3,898 6,738 3,091 4,767 3,621 3,128 1,948 534 1,597 3,187 2,964 5,324 6,561 1,659 179 127 60 164,044 60 240 • ••• ■ 40 88 197 40 35 80 36 80 13 29 288 80 54 36 207 174 37 41 49 41 3 120 150 5 26 15 4,045 61,496 14,230 9,223 3,910 46,635 21,741 5,020 5,577 7,040 9,205 490 16,793 1,995 1,535 300 650 6,830 425 900 30 1,718 310 5 440 220 650 405 675 40 225 565 100 376 120 54 510 588 646 139 187 14 14 130 230 1,106 884 6 8 110 90 33 26 6 8 5 5 2l" "is" 1,451 20,820 4,594 2,959 3,569 3,116 9,678 480 2,113 3,620 4,349 413 4,971 800 2,000 60 138 CENSUS, 1886-PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XV— Field Products. I DISTRICTS. , SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Wheat— Ble. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. Barley— Orge. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. Oats— Avoine. Acres. Bushels. Bois- Beaux. 2. i n. o. P- 9fRrqnette-{ r. s. Saskatchewan Blanchard ... Clanwilliam Harrison Strathclair Oak River Miniota Archie Shoal Lake Birtle Ellice Rossburn , Silver Creek „., aa. Russell bb. Shell River ce. Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town — Ville ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville. . yg. Minnedosa, Town — Ville hh. Rapid City, yown — Ville it. Birtle, Town — Ville a. Franklin b. Montcalm ,„., c. La Broquerie d Hanover , e. De Salaberry f. Morris , g. Youville h. Tache „.. S.Pjrovenclier { t. Ste. Anne _ J Hespeler A. Canier , I. St. Norbert m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town — Vitie.. 0. Morris, Town — Ville p. St. Boniface, Town — Ville Total. 2,886 2,278 875 499 1,443 2,702 3,927 901 1,776 2,074 951 806 957 734 394 78 240 324 112 328 182 59 161,134 46,209 649 37,324 678 15,945 540 11,754 344 23,668 443 41,309 535 60,771 361 11,642 175 28,289 659 29,586 541 12,686 151 10,459 230 21,629 545 14,740 183 6,229 262 1,562 45 4,570 76 5,745 78 2,880 21 7,975 17 3,518 10 860 22 1,999,605 14,034 14,401 15,632 15,004 8,039 9,216 8,904 6,835 2,554 12,070 10,512 '.',585 3,825 13,358 3,685 4,242 1,030 1,010 1,625 625 356 300 316 328,811 6,144 9,692 31 2,189 1,689 3,504 164 644 1,616 2,677 964 369 101 200 478 30,462 79,406 137,348 617 25,906 21,474 52,977 1,710 10,049 23,476 35,199 12,181 4,953 2,310 2,200 8,335 418,141 906 1,416 55 264 420 921 72 311 710 489 342 177 88 18 70 6,259 15,908 27,755 922 4,393 5,600 17,272 625 5,846 11,714 8,962 5,154 3,177 1,340 230 1,450 110,347 'a. St. Andrews.. b. St. Clements . 627 156 9,301 2,758 347 93 5,808 1,456 1,532 1,363 442 510 1,196 1,507 1,367 516 1,240 1,142 569 282 947 1,008 488 104 2 173 127 73 23 31 43,478 57,090 40,197 li<,778 15,380 37,946 38,725 40,826 9,942 31,351 25,201 12,189 8 074 34.940 36,845 13,411 2,990 100 5,526 4,600 2, .550 920 666 1,517,166 2,960 3,607 82 1,179 855 2,111 80 759 1,437 1,746 1,251 384 80 55 142 .16,728 69,667 111,034 1,770 29,023 16,447 60,908 896 16,955 36,497 42,711 23,881 8,806 2,315 1,160 4^072 426,440 328 145 10,752 2,812 D]fiNOMBEBMENT, 1886— PKOYINCE DE MANITOBA. 13S Tableau XV — Produits des Champs. Bushels Bushels ot Peaa Bushels of and of Flax Rye. Beans. Seed. Bois- Boig- Bois- seaux dt seanx de seaux de Seigle. pois graine et f^ves. de lin. Potatoes. Pommes de terre. Acres. Bushels. Boisseaux Bushels Bushels of of other Turnips. Boots. Bois- Boisseaux seaux de d'autres navets. Racines. Cultivated Hay Foin Caltiv6. Acres. Tons. Ton- neaus. Prairie Hay, Tens cut. Foin de prairie, Tonneaux coupes. Lbs. scutched Flax and Hemp. Lbs. de filasse de Lin et de Chanvre. 722 10 1,012 10 25 90 119 55 28 28 90 30 1,046 11 2 22 ""i ""e 50 305 74 83 37 33 40 67 72 23 55 97 27 22 73 62 47 7 18 5 2 5 2 14,825 15,480 9,162 6,515 7,740 9,972 10,082 2,444 9,955 13,231 3,550 3,635 12,4C0 11,410 10,495 3,035 1,700 2,805 660 300 1,050 3S0 2,022 359,241 3,380 700 50 1,665 924 550 700 3,030 330 360 550 5,195 1,000 50 18 "'lib' 210 3i,058 940 212 435 40 900 300 25 35 6,827 19 9 3 10 41 59 24 21 39 63 15 1 2,462 19 11 3 19 34 32 24 30 31 95 15 1 2,430 3,712 3,999 1,867 2,206 3,141 3,457 4,075 1,067 4,696 4,499 1,314 1,573 3,981 2,239 1,533 535 1,994 99 305 287 171 108,883 2,860 154 144 29 142 20 420 343 491 379 158 2,280 140 1,747 63 1 103 252 " '20 2,326 160 U7 25 118 86 77 73 166 182 75 130 110 54 20 6 1,429 21,891 16,740 2,610 10,863 8,081 9,996 5,247 25,365 26,130 8,975 13,604 10,646 5,565 2,150 930 168,793 3,495 1,300 164 103 399 1,540 1,065 867 69 50 432 260 5 200 287 200 10 80 234 60 160 8,232 772 140 306 16,159 75 100 20,300 3 62 11 36 7 100 70 40 329 3 57 14 49 12 79 118 60 392 9,153 9,664 824 5,984 4,301 5,183 1,415 5.510 8,544 8,040 8,360 8,249 1,744 302 831 78,104 60 12 119 163 14,459 12,310 185 645 575 26 52 891 5 6 19,164 4,294 140 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA* Table XV— Field Products. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Wheat— Ble. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. Barley — Orge. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. Oats — Avoine. Acres. Bushels. Bois- seaux. 4. liissrar. c. d. e. /■ 9- h. i. j i ^• I n. » 0. \p- \q. r. g. I Plessis Rockwood , Gimli Varennes , Macdonald Springfield Aesiuiboia Kiljouan St. Paul..... Belcourt , St. Frau<}oi3-Xavier Woodlands .... St. Laurent Posen ....; Fairford ,.,, Selkirk, Town—Ville.... Selkirk, East— Est, T.— V 10 4,627 19 24 1,032 2,527 2,489 260 361 362 924 1,106 2 7 2 7 2 Total 14,544 188 10 77,5'i2 916 476 450 6 16,068 243 45,123 680 40,869 653 4,029 115 6,435 1S6 4,941 81 17,056 315 20,033 278 35 17 85 6 38 7 130 5 55 6 245,642 3,864 132 20,775 100 3,779 13,637 10,993 2,624 3,584 1,800 6,881 6,789 323 136 132 120 65 79,134 19 4,075 8 20 606 3,320 1,852 380 398 268 796 1,370 10 19 2 13,622 5. WlnuipegT- fa. b. c. \d. !e. /■ I Ward So. Ward No. Ward No Ward No. Ward No. Ward No. Total Quartier., Quartier.. Quartier.., Quartier.. Quartier. Qutirtier.. 45 45 680 680 125 125 20 7 111 145 238 112,490 285 455 18,389 76,644 59,715 10,486 12,664 9,323 24,531 44,233 180 250 30 80 383,558 400 250 2,290 30 200 3,170 GRAND TOTALS 1. Selkirk 3. Marquette 3. ProveMcher 4. liisgar ., 5. Winnipeg: Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba! 217,549 101,134 30,462 14,544 45 4,0i7,218 ,999,505 418,141 245,642 680 22,614 14,034 6,259 3,864 5 535,817 72,305 328,811 43,478 110,347 16,728 79,134 13,622 125 145 2,410,613 1,517,166 426,440 383,558 3,170 ;363,734 6,711,186 46,776 1,054,234 146,273 4,740,947 DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 141 Tableau XV — Produits des Champs. Bushels of Rye. Bois seaux de Sejgle Bushels of Peas Bushels and of Flax Beans. Seed. Bois- Bois- seaux de seaux de pois grame et f^ves de lin. Potatoes. Pommes de terre. Acres. Bushels. Boioseaui Bushels Bushels of of other Turnips Roots. Bois- Boisseaux seaux de d'autres navets. Racines. Cultivated Hay. Foin Cultiv6. Acres. Tons. Ton- neaux. Prairie Bay, Tons cut. Foin de prairie, Tonneaux coupes. Lbs. scutched Flax and Hemp. Lbs. de filasse de Lin et de Chanvre. 70 70 ]4 39 47 40 30 78 27 538 106 35 7 1,033 560 30 536 26 1,156 86 258 117 30 28 214 192 149 69 36 118 152 56 32 63 7 37 1,916 7,500 38,844 7,072 3,150 4,670 23,368 27,877 22,675 10,004 4,056 14,505 14,523 6,258 2,680 3,830 1,080 3,035 221 906 32 2,145 18 400 120 250 2,281 676 1,050 250 480 875 250 22 9,679 6 4,810 279 460 100 1,389 1.087 110 442 1,598 911 175 7 505 l.%3i8 62 15 660 100 1 175 209 10 54 61 19 729 40 2 146 332 13 125 72 105 1,389 1,630 329 10,191 2,834 99 2,25i 13,114 11,207 5,199 5,203 2,910 6,474 9,551 2,638 2,317 603 180 125 89,686 40 40 205 80 90 375 7 8 69 17 14 105 850 1,350 9,040 3,975 2,100 17,315 200 130 850 600 10 1,790 '/90 7,500 900 175 8,865 28 28 30 30 347 347 GRANDS TOTAUX. 1,488 8,296 58,416 3,093 1,012 1,046 305 2,202 4 2,280 2,326 1,429 70 1,033 1,156 1,916 375 105 2,574 13,030 62,203 8,565 436,320 104,615 359,241 34,058 108,793 8,232 221,906 9,679 17,315 1,790 1,203,57c 158,374 23,397 4,274 5,203 6,827 2,462 2,430 20,300 329 392 13,348 1,389 1,630 8,865 28 30 72,737 8j482 9,635 164,044 108,883 78,104 89,686 347 441,06i 60 2,860 40 2,860 TABLE XVI. FTJES AND PELTS. TABLEAU XVI. FOURRTJEES ET PELLETERIES. F— 10 144 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XVI— Furs and Pelts. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Beaver. Castor. Bear. Ours. Fisher. Pekan. Pox. Renard. Lynx. Loup- Oervier. 1. Selkirk... fa. Rhiueland b. Duflferin, South — Sud. c. Cai'leton 1 200 6 106 6* 7 1 5 19 174 6 7 10 13 55 1 79 10 52 35 1 1 7 62 8 33 187 37 65 1 1 23 d. Dufferin, North — Nord e. Douglas — , f. Louise 2 15 ••••• •■•••• .... .^. •••••• •«■••• 'f T5" 20 2 30 1 2 2' 1 2 49 2 20 2 1 70 17 5 1 1 4 6 1 85 12 66 4 4 69 29 2 2 11 38 13 3 1 13 14 1 26 1,204 3,480 35 921 71 172 15 6 53 54 760 187 2 328 21 66 844" 1,219 ""2i283' 45 67 ""5,635 4 61 ■"""122" 10 137 39' 49 3 10 18 61 4 3 8 6 8 "■■■75" 4 iV 2 20 • •••• •••••• 5 10 26 3 1 • •■••• ••••t* 8 30 10 "'3 is' ii 21 4 81 22 82 11 5 94 17 24 3 "T,r6o 7 30 2 1 10 1 1 1" 4 8 4 1 10 2 20 1 1 F-UiJ 146 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCB OF MAJTITOBA. Table XVI— Furs and Pelts. DISTRICTS. t SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Beaver. Castor. Bear. Ours. Fisher. Pekan. Fox. Renard. Lynx. Loup- Cerrier. 3. Marquette • fi. Saskatchewan 6 61 12 35 32 63 17 43 117 1 0. Blancbard , p. Clan William q. Harrison . r. Strathclair •••••• •••••1 5. Oak River t. Miniota > 1 • ••••1 v^*** u. Archie - , V. Shoal Lake w . Birtle 3 3 4 1 22 z. Ellice V Roasburn 10 10 21 1*6*2" 10 20 168 z. Silver Creek aa. Russell - , bb. Shell River 133 2 7 162 ce. Boulton « dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, ^oww — Ville ff. Neepawa, Town — RWe 2 1 32 256' gg. Minnedosa, Town — Ville hh. Rapid City, Town— Ville 12. Birtle, Town — Ville 7 5*2 1 5 16 '9*1" 9 Total 276 49 34 1,168 696 3. ProTen«lier f a. Franklin 26 4 ••••■• ••••! 5 4 1 9 23 4 b. Montcalm e. La Broquerie d. Hanover 7 4 7 1 2 3 4 e. De Salaberrv • ••«• 1 •••••• J. Morris g. Youville h. Tache ., .^ J. Ste. Anne 9* 1 7 13 2 j. Hespeler. k. Cartier ^ /. St. Norbert 1 2 •••••• »••••* Ti" m. St. Boniface n. Kmeraon, Town — Ville 0. Morris, Town — Vtlle 2 ' ta«>** •••••• p. St. Boniface, ybwn—Fi^Z* Total 41 31 75 9 \ a. St. Andrews 1 4 ' b. St. Clements 2 5 •••••■•••••• DENOMBKEMBNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 147 '" ■ 1 Tableau XVI — Foarrures et Pelleteries. Marten. Martre. Mink. Vison. Musk Rat. Bat Masque. Otter. Loutre. Skunk. Putois. Wild Cat. Chat Sauvage Wolt. Loup. Wol- verine. Glouton Cariboo Caribou • Deer, Ante- lope, &c. Che. vreuil, Anti- lope, etc Moose. Orignal. Other Furs and Pelts. Autres Foar- rures et Pelle- teries. 2 48 22 7 16 2 6 10 17 3 28 1 24 257 15 1 1 3 2 84 7 • ••• •••■ 3 • ••••• •••••. i' 1 4 2 18 2 15 20 1 1 41 65 8 26 9 27 5 1 3 8 117 300 4 50 6 1 5 1 49 10 3 5 58 51 10 118 9 10 2 4 1,310 1 .••-•• •••••• 2 125 1,580 62 •••••• «•!•• 31 2 1 6 12 247 250 10 120 4 43 4 12 4 60 2,379 14,191 52 934 26 393 13 4 160 47 241 3 10 12 13 291 45 9* 108 12 460 593 43 4 301 45 16" ( 1 : . . 1 1 1 61 89 228 H* 124 • •■••• ••••• 4 5 1 7 6 5 17 2 1 8 1 4 32 47 1* 1 47 128 26 5 7 22 8 15 7 4 1 ••■•• *...•• «••••« «••■•• I,,,,, 9 572 1,588 49 614 7 32 1 7 13 3 14 3 •••••• ■••••• 69 788 1 1 2 3 1 k 148 CENSUS, 1886— PE07INCE OF MANITOBA. Table XVI— Furs and Polls. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Beaver. Castor. Bear. Ours. Fisher. Pekan. Fox. Renard. Lynx. Loup- Oervier. 4. liisgar ■ c. Ples3i3 - d. Rockwood 588 78 14 23 68 e, Gimli 12r. 9 7*' 2 /. Varennea ^ ff. Macdonald h. SorinsTfield 5 i. Aasiniboia ......^.. ...... j. Kildonan k. m. Paul , I. Belcourt ,••*•« ••••»* •*■>•■• ••••• m. St. Fran^ois-Xavier n. Woodlands 47 114 36 23 0. St. Laurent p. Posen q. Fairford 9 7 8 19" 6 6 145 182 52 r. Selkirk, Town — Ville 5. Selkirk, Uast — Fst, T^V. 2 Total 590 137 45 255 447 5, Winnipeg - fa. Ward No. 1, Quartier b. Ward No. 2, Quartier 1 c. Ward No. 3, Quartier d. Ward No. 4, Quartier , e. Ward No. 5, Quartier.. /. Ward No. 6, Quartier 1 Total 1 1 GRAND TOTALS. 1. Selkirk 221 275 41 590 133 49 31 137 1,083 1,168 75 255 1 64 596 9 447 1 2. Marquette 34 3. Provencher ■4. liisgrar 45 5. Winnip^ Totals of Ma mitoba ) 1,127 350 79 2,682 1,117 Totaux de W anitoba j DiJNOMBKEMENT, 1886— PKOYINCE DE MANITOBA. U9 Tableau XVI — Fourrures et Pelleteries. Marten. Martre. Mink. Vison. Musk Rat. Rat Mu3qu§. Otter. L outre. Skunk. Putois. Wild Cat. Chat Sauvage ;woif. Loup. Wol- verine. Glouton Cariboo Caribou Deer, Ante- lope, &c. Che- vreuil, Anti- lope, etc Moose. Orignal. Other Furs and Pelts. Autres Four- rurea et Pelle- teries. 101 I'l' 319 75 4,710 ioi 58 13 61" 6 T5 4 1 *••• •••••• •••••• t***a> '25* 6 1 19 !••>•• •••••• 4* • ••••• *••••■ «••••• •••••• 3" 3 3 187 172 50 15 433 172 112 9 200 6,535 4,050 380 eb" 12 6 10 •••••t •••••■ 2 9 4 11 12 12 7 34 1 68 119 1,210 16,825 520 1 6 75 18 41 25 .••••• .•*•< '•' .... , — •• *•••■■ •• • ■••«•• •••»> GRANDS TOTADX. 26 9 119 1,204 2,379 572 1,210 3,480 14,191 1,588 16,825 35 52 49 68 921 934 614 520 71 26 7 1 172 393 32 34 15 13 6 4 1 75 53 160 7 18 54 47 18 41 760 241 3 26 6 214 5,366 36,084 204 2,989 105 631 34 86 238 155 1,029 TABLE XVII. SHIPPING, PISHBEIES AND PEODUCTS OF THE FOBBST. TABLEAU XVIL NAVIGATION, PfiCHERIES BT PEODUITS DB LA FORfiT. 152 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XVII — Shipping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Steam Vessels. Navires. Shipping— Navigation. Vessels — Vapeurs. Barges. Average Tonnage size. Number, owned. Tonnage. — — — Tonnage Nombre. Tonnage moyen. pos86d6. 1. SemUrb.... r a. Rhineliind 6. Dufferin, South— Sud i* Carlftton d. Dufferin, North — Nord. ... e. Doufflas /. Louise g. Derby h. Argyle „ i. Lome „... 1. Oakland.... k, Glenwood....« I. Whitehead „ >•••»• •••»••«•< «•«■•»•«•• «•»•■• m. Cornwallis n. Elton 0. Daly.... , p. Turtle Mountain *••••»••• ••••»■ r. Whitewater 5. Riverside t. Medora u. Arthur V. Inchiquin w. Brenda X. Sifton ^.. y. Pipestone t •«•••• •••*••*•• «•••*••■ •••••» z. Wallace aa. Woodworth bb. Brandon, City — Ville cc. Nelson, Town — Ville )>•••••••• •• •• dd. Pilot Mound, Town— Ville Total \ a. Elm River 212 2r2 • ••••• •••**«a*« b. Portaere la Prairie 1 c, Norfolk, South — Sud d. Norfork, North — Nord e. Cypress, iSouiA — Sud. y. Cypress, North — Nord *••••••' •••••• I. Riding Mountain » m. Odanah 1 25 DfiNOMBRBMENT, 1886— PRO YINCB DE MANITOBA. 153 Tableau XVII — jSTavigation, Pecheries et Produits de la Foret. Fisheries— PScheries. Products of the Forest. Produits de la Foret. Boats. Bateaux. Men. Hommes. Nets, Fathoms. Brasses de filets ou seines. White Pish, Barrels of. Barils de poisson blanc. Catfish, Barrels of. Barils de barbues. Other Fish, Barrels of. Barils d'autres poissons. Pine Logs, Census Standard. Billots de pin, etalon de Recen- sement. Spruce Logs, Censns Standard. Billots de pruche, etalon de Recensement Other Logs, Census Standard. Autres billots, Etalon de Recensemeut ,,,,,, .,,, • ••••■••• M»t*a 1 i' '2 '7 1,460 2 2 100 25 19 - 1 1 5 150 90 934 •••■•f •••••••• •«•»•••• «•■••••*. ■••«••••• •••••••■• 4 4 100 2 56 150 2,484 ••*«•••• • ••* 8 ■ •■•• ••••••«•■•«■ 44 5,499' 4,180 30' 342 90*200 478 20 25' 35 36* 'ii575 4ii" 29' .•••••••« •••••• '6,600 •••••• •• ■•«••• 1 1 ioo 200 7,730 100 • ....•••• 154 CENSUS, 1886— PKOVINCE OF MANITOBA. \ Table XVII— Shipping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest. •f DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Shipping— Navigation. \ Steam Vessels. Navires. Vessels— 1 Tonnage. ^apeurs. Average, size. Tonnage moyen. Bar Number. Nombre. ges. Tonnage owned. Tonnage poss6de. r 2. aiarquette... - n. Saskatchewan , 0. Blanchard •••••• ••^•••■•ff p. Clanwilliam y q. Harrison r. Strathclair ••■••• «•••••••» «. Oak Rirer t. Miniota • - u. Archie ■•*••• t«*«4«a ' V. Shoal Lake to. Birtle z. Ellice V, Rossburn z. Silver Creek ,. aa. Russell bb< Shell River. •••..•••... ......... ee, Boulton dd. Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town— Ville... ff. Neenawa. Town — Ville ■ •••»••■• •••••» !••••• •« ••••••• • •.<•••«•« ••••• ■•••• ••••«•••• gg, Minnedosa, Town — Ville... ' hh. Rapid City, Town—Vtlle.. , ii. Birtle, Town — Ville Total 1 212 212 1 25 S. PreveBclier. . a. Franklin b. Montcalm c. La Broquerie d. Hanover •••' e. De Salaberry f. Morris a. Youville • • ■•■• ••••• •• h. Tache I. Ste. Anne 9. HesDeler _ ... k. Cartier .c '. I. St. Norbert m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, Town— Ville 0. Morris, Town— Ville p. St. Boniface, ^own — Ville.. • ••••a •••••••• • • ••••• **»r m»f i i fa. St. Andrews b. St. Clements DJ^NOMBREMENT, 1836— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 155 Tableau XVII — Navigation, PScheries et Produits de ]a ForSt. Fisheries — PScheries. Products of the Forest. Produits de la ForSt. Boats. Bateaux. Men. Hommes. Nets, Fathoms. Brasses de filets ou seines. White Fish, Barrels of. Barils de poiason blanc. Catfish, Barrels of. Barils de barbuea. Other Fish, Barrels of Barils d'autres poissons. Pine Logs, Census Standard. Billots de pin, etalon de Recen- sement. Spruce Logs, Census Standard. Billots de pruche, 6talon de Recensement Other Logs, Census Standard. Autrea Billots, 6talon de Recensement •••••• ••*•••••■ • •••••0* •#•••. <••*••••• *••••-••• 4,0C0 •••••t •■•)•••• >>••••*•■ •••r** ••••••••• *••■•• !•••••••« ••••• ••••••••• •■••>•«•• 7,000 •••••••■« ••••■•••• 36 37 1,«75 440 606 24,999 100,351 5 4 5 85 1T6 !•>•••••• ■••••• 10 12 385 50 1,281 1 2 200 V 15 102 1 *.. 23 •••••■••• •••••• •■ 16,063 • ••••• • ••••■• 2 200 15 9 216 22 435 16,520. 74 13 74 420 2,737 160 6 10 31 614 k 156 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Tableau XVII — Shipping, Fisheries and Products of the Forest. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Shipping — Navigation. Steam Vessels— Vapeurs. Vessels. NaTires. 4, lilsgar c. d. e. / ff- h. i. J- k. I. m. n. 0. P- 1- r. s. Plessis Rockwood Gimli Varennes ■ Macdonald, Sprinefield Assiniboia Eildonan St. Paul Belcourt St. Fran9ois Xavier. Woodlands St. Laurent Posen Fairford Selkirk, Town—Ville^ Selkirk, East- -Est, T—V. Total Tonnage. Average size. Tonnage moyen. 180 180 5. Winnipeg^ a. Ward No. 1, Quartier b. Ward No. 2, Quartier c. Ward No. 3, Quartier. ... d. Ward No. 4, Quartier...^. e. Ward No. 5, Quartier /. Ward No. 6, Quartier Total , 526 769 1,295 Barges. Number. Nombre. 45 45 175 192 185 Tonnage owned. Tonnage poBsede. 10 10 329 335 1,487 1,487 1. Selkirk , 2. Marqaette ... 3. Provencher. 4. liisgar 5. Winnipeg: .... GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Manitoba ) Totaux de Manitoba j 212 12 180 1,295 212 1,687 45 185 141 7 10 18 25 335 1,487 1,847 Dl&NOMBEEMKNT, 1886— PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 157 Tableau XVII — Navigation, Pecheries et Produits de la Foret. Boats. Bateaux. Fisheries— -P^cheries. Products of the Forest. Produits de la Forfit. Men. Hommes. Nets, Fathoms. Brasses de filets on seines. White Fish, Barrels of. Barils de poissoa blanc. Catfish, Barrels of. Barils de barbues. Other Fish, Barrels of. Barils d' autre 3 poissons. Pine Logs, Census Standard. Billots de pin, 6talon de Recen- sement. Spruce Logs, Census Standard. Billots de prache, 6taIon de Recensement Other Logs, Census Standard. Aatres Billots, etalon de Recensement 3 3 160 10 14 27,000 14,000 200 154 184 20,850 329 51 952 1,064 25,000 100 • •••• ■••••• •••«•• §••••••• ••••• 1 4 1 5 40 73 24 560 4 26 34 19 16 3 9 34 19 16 10 9 'e'.oTi' 3,589 3,714 5,000 328 "*230 250 749 240 1,200 1,126 305 59 950 58 100 400 100 10,000 5 328 368 42,963 3,168 92 4,693 27,100 50,064 800 • •••• •»««ai.«a , GRANDS TO TAUX. 4 36 1 328 4 37 2 368 100 1,675 200 42,963 2 56 506 216 4,693 150 24,999 435 50,064 2,484 100,351 16,520 800 440 15 3,168 9 92 22 27,100 369 411 44,938 3,623 103 5,470 27,122 75,648 120,155 TABLE XVIIL INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. TABLEAU XVIIL fiTABLISSEMENTS INDUSTEIELS. F— 11 160 CENSUS, 1886~PROYINCB OF MANITOBA. Table XVIII — Indaetrial Establishments. DISTRICTS. N"umber of Esta- blish- ments. Vombre d'Eta- blisse- ments. Hands Employed. Employes. Over LGyre. Plus 16 ang. Men. Hom- ines. Wo- men. Fem- mes. Under 16. Moins 16. Boys. Gar- ?oas. Girls. Filles. Capit il invested. Capital place. Total yearly wages. Salaires annaels. Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des matierea premieres. $ Total value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ AESATKD WATER MAKING— FAB RIQUE3 D'EAUX GAZEUSES. JK»»t-quette Totals— Totaux. 2 2 7 6 1 2 3 5 15. 3 5,000 25,000 17,000 47,000 l,20i) 4,300 1,700 7,200 2,500 6,0U0 13.500 21,000 6.400 15,000 44,000 65,400 AXLE GREASS WORKS— FABRIQOE DE GIIAISSE POUR ES3IBUX. Wi»ni|»e£ 6,000 2,500 10,000 15,000 BAKERIBS-BOULAN^GBRIES. Selk'rk 2ra»r«)iu«^tte ... Proveuclier. £ii«i»-.»r Wiuuipeg ..., Totals— Totaux. 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 15 1 1 1 i "'"2" 13 28 5 2 3. COO 1,600 3,000 1.000 14,300 • 22,900 2,550 2,664 2,200 1,000 10,430 18,844 3,200 3,575 7,200 2.500 23,400 39,875 6,600 7,900 12,500 4,300 46,200 77,500 BAKIlVG POWDER MAKhVG— FABRIQUE DE POUDRE-LEVAIff. Winnipeg. 5,500 575 1,000 BiRBED WIRE FACrORY—FABttlQUE DS FIL MfilALLIQUE BARBELE. 1,800 Wlnaipegr- 'Wlauiil*«'S- 17,000 750 1,290 BISCUIT FACIORY-FABRIQUS DE BLSOUlTS. 19 30,000 7,500 18,000 BLACKSMrTUIN-(:i^— FORGES. 2,387 38,000 Selkirk B»rovfiicher., B.i<ir ^Viiiuipej^..... Totals — Totaux , 59 74 39 53 i 17 22 21 24 1 6 13 142 186 2 20,050 21.650 7,173 6 900 63,850 26,670 24,879 6,810 7,fc-85 6,(00 72,741 13,290 10,075 9,085 3,460 4,310 40,220 58 000 47,975 23,335 16,520 18,500 164,330 BOAT BUILDING— CONSTRUCTION OS CHA;.OU?ES. Winnipeg . 1,000 500 1,000 3,500 DENOMBEEMENT, 188^~PROYINCE DB M.^JETITOBA. 161 Tableau XVIII —Etablissoments Indastriels. DISTRICTS. Number of Eita- bliah- ment? N'ombre d'Eta- blisse- ments. Handa Employed. Employes. Over 16 yrs. Plus 16 ans. Men. Horn- mes. Wo- men. Fem- mes. Under 16. Moins 16. Boys. Gar- 50US Girls. Filles Capital invested. Capital place. Total yearly wag8s. Sil aires auDuels. $ Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des mati feres premieres. Tot^l value of articles produced. V&leur des articles prodaita. BOOK-BISDING— RELIURB. Winnipeg 3 29 10 2 64,000 13,500 14,000 45,000 BOOTS AND SHOES— OORDONNERIE. Selkirk Marquette ... Provenclier, I/t>«gar Winuipcg: •■•• Totals— Totaux., 28 17 7 4 I 16 45 3,540 6,340 5,8^0 500 9,325 25,525 5,400 3,100 1,700 300 9,900 20,4C0 4,715 2,400 1,550 600 14,930 24,095 ERE SVERIE3— BRASSERIES 14,800 6,403 3,900 1,200 32,050 68,358 Selkirk SEarqaette..., Prove «i Cher l.l<4i8rar. ^Vinnipegr .... Totals — Totaux. 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 2 34 ••••••■ 1 7 46 I 6,000 15,000 2,500 3,000 127,000 153,500 3,000 i,or.o 640 600 25,200 30,340 3,600 6,500 600 730 41,500 62,830 BRICK-MAKING— BRIQDETE SIES. 7,500 18,000 1,200 .^,000 201,500 231,200 Relkirk Provenclier T.i<4S:ar •■■•••• >-»«LO Winaipes Totals— Totaux. 1 3 15 30 2 2 7 1 1 10 ••V- 1 14 1 3 9 6 69 1 1,500 11,500 1,000 4.800 18,800 3.rco 2,718 1,500 3,500 10,718 200 80 1,000 1,280 5 000 16,000 1,600 10,000 33,600 BROOM MAKING— PABRTQUE DB BALAIS. Winnip^g^ 2,000 1,500 7,500 15,000 CABINET AND FURNITURKMAKING-FABRIQUES DB MKDBLES. BfarQui»tte ... ProvcMclicr Wiunipeg ... To-als— Totaux.... Jb— ill 1 1 3 2 1 5 4 5 8 4 1,400 2,000 4,000 7, '.00 l.COO 800 3 6-0 4,900 2,0C0 90 6,6i.O 8,'93 2,t0) 40.J 20,600 24,^00 162 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OP MANITOBA. Table XVIII— Industrial Establisbmentn. DLSTRIOTS. Number of Esta- blish- ments- Nombre d'Eta- blisse- ments. Hands employed. Employes. OverlSyrs. I Under 16. Plus 16 ans. I Moins 16. Men. Hom- mes. Wo- men. Boys. Fem-| Gar- mes. I 5ons. Girls. Filles Capital invested. Capital place. Total yeaily wages. Sal aires aauuels. Total value of Raw- Materials. Valeur des mati^res premieres. Total i value of articles Droduced. Valeur des articles produits. CARPENTERS' SHOPS— CHARPENTERIE. Marijnctte. ^ViMMipeg.. Totals— Totaux , 2 6 2 28 8 30 '*«>•••*•• B 1,125 13,680 14,805 400 18,875 19,275 655 20,700 21,255 1,6C0 53,200 54,800 CARRIAGE MAKING— PABRfQUES DE V0ITURE3. Selkirti Marquette... Proven cber . Winnipeg:..... Totals — Totaux ... 8 2 2 5 17 19 5 2 31 57 9,400 2,500 1,!00 30,100 43,100 11,700 2.200 700 20.100 £4,700 9,100 5,200 3)0 18,800 33,410 32,550 10,500 1,550 48, COO 92,600 CARVING AND GILDING— CI3ELURE ET DORURB. 'Wiainipeg. 12,000 2,900 9,000 14,000 OBEESS FACTORIES— FROMAGERIES. Selkirk Marquette ... Provemclier. lilsgar Totals— Totaux. 1 5 1 3 10 16 1,200 6,250 1,200 4,950 13,600 200 8c0 300 790 2,140 2,000 6,239 1,000 3,776 13,015 2,500 8,650 1,500 6,327 18,977 CHEMICAL ESTABLISHMENTS— FABRIQDES DE PRODUITS CEIMIQUES. Provencher 1 VFinnipegr 2 Totals— Totaux 3 10 4,000 8,800 12,800 1,000 6,150 7,150 100 10,100 10, 'J 00 .^,000 27,OCO 30,000 CIGAR FACTORIES— PABHIQUES DE CIGARES. TVinuipeg ,600 1,000 600 4,960 COFFEE AND SPICE MILL— MOULIN A CAFfi ET 1 EPICES. Winnipeg,. 13,000 2,550 12,000 16,000 CONFECTIONERY— CONFISERIE. Winnipeg:. 3,300 840 1,250 6,600 Dl^NOMBREMENT, 18S6— PEOYIXCB DB MANITOBA. 163 Tableau XVIII— Etablissements lodu^triels. DISTRICTS. Number of Esta- blish- ments. Nombre d' Eta- bliase- ments. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 yrs. Plus 16 ana. Men. Hom- mes. Wo- men. Fem- mes. Under 16. Moing '6. Boys. Car- bons. Girls Fille3 Capital invested. Capital place. Total yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des matiiires premieres. $ Total value of articles produced. Yaleur des anicles produits. COOPERAGE— TONNELLERIE. TFinnipegT- 150 200 150 375 CREAMERIES— CREMERIES. Selkirk I^isarar... Totals -Totaux. 1,500 5,400 6,900 150 2,200 2,350 720 6,012 6,732 1,440 9,000 10,440 DRESS MAKING AND MILLINERY— BOUTIQUES DE MODISTES. Selkirk Marqnette ,.,.... 'Winnipeg'.. Totals — Totaux.. 2 4 6 1 1 3 7 16 ■'•••••• 3 12 26 3 3,200 2,400 17,275 22,875 820 1,900 4,820 7,540 3,500 2.100 22,125 27,725 5,800 4,300 31,297 41,397 FISH CURING— SALAISONS DE POISSON. Llssrar . :i,ooo 1,575 1,000 4.000 FLOUR AND GRIST MILLS— MOULINS A FaRINS. Selkirk Marqnette..., Proveoclier, I'iNg^ar Winnipeg: ... Totals— Totaux.. 12 13 5 3 4 37 64 46 14 5 113 242 226,800 210,864 57,500 23,000 342,000 860,164 26,100 23,211 5,767 2,590 65,800 123,468 418,500 152,957 38,625 21,900 787,000 1,418,982 605,9->0 300,073 51,130 23,000 1,062,500 2,017,653 FOUNDRIES AND BOILER MAKING— FONDERIES ET FABRIQUES DE CHAUDIERES. Marquette, Winnipeg'.. Totals— Totaux.'. .. 4 86 90 9,900 311,500 321,400 l.COO S9,415 40,415 500 153,600 154,100 3,600 260,900 264,500 b^URRIERS, HATTERS, ETC.— PELLETERIRS, CHAPELLEalES, ETC. Winnipeg 13 15,000 7,300 55,000 87,000 Winnipeg. GAS WORKS— USINE aU GAZ. » ••••• ••• 1 1 9 335,936 8,791 11,650 29,865 164 CENSUS, 1886— PROVINCE OF MANITOBl. Table XVIII— Tadu^trial E^tablir-hments. DISTRICTS. Number of Esfa- blish- meuts. Nombr* d'Et*- bli38e- ments. Hands Employed. Employ 63. Over 16yrs. Plus 16 ana. Men. Hom- mes. Under 16. Moins 16. Wo- men. Fern- mes. I Qons. Boys Oar- Girls. Filles Cnpital invested. Capital place. Total yearly wages. Salairea annuels. Total Tal.i(» of Raw Al.ite rials, YAletir des maiieres premieres $ Total value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produils. $ GR vlN CHOPPING AND CRUSHING MILLS— MOULIVS A CONGASSER LES ORAINS. SelkirU Martiii'-ite .. ProieMclier Totals— Totans 1 3 1 1 2 1 ...... 3 6 .3, COO 800 14,000 17,800 100 100 180 380 210 4,000 10,000 14,210 451 4,800 11.450 16,700 GUN^MITHING— ARMURERIE Winn I peg 2,500 1,200 700 5,000 JEWELLER;:; AND WATOHMAKERS-OHKEVRERIE ET HORLOGERIE. Marquette ...... Provfiieljer..... '^ViHtijj>»'g Totals -Totaux... 3 1 3 7 4 1 IL r 1 1 1 2,300 2,&C0 15,500 20,300 2,i00 475 7,500 10,075 500 25 10,500 11,025 4,400 500 24,000 28,900 LliiE KILNS-POURS A CHaUX. Selkirk MarQMCtte ... Provc'U«-Uer. l.isg-ar Totals — Totaux. ...j 10 18 1 13 42 22 25 5! 29 7'3 1,119 694 50 16,800 18,S63 Ml 659 2,680 4,190 161 576 15 3,025 3,777 2) 3oo 2,36^ 75 11,710 16, .009 LINoEKD OIL, MILL— r.lOULIN A EXI'RAIRE L'HUILE DE LIN. TVinuiptg^ 90,000 2,850 25,000 38,000 LITbOGRAPHINQ— LITHOGRAPHIE. fVluu i j>eg 8,000 2,500 2.400 5,000 P.'.CKING CASi!i MaNUFACIORY— MANUF.^UTIJRE DK BOITES D'SiiBALL AGE. l¥iU31iJ>«>fJ I 1 7,000 1,7£0 2,8C0 6,000 Wiuuipes PAPER BAG MA-NUFACTORY— FABRIQUE DB SACS DE PAPIER. 5,000 I 2,500 l_il 2,000 5,000 PHOTOGRAPHIG GALLERliSS— ATELIBRS DE PHOTOaiiAPHIE. Selkii-lc Jt»i*»»v«iiclier Wiuulpeg' , Totals — Totaux.... 1 I 11 2 1 16 3 19 3 4,000 200 29,500 33,700 900 150 10,901) 11,950 9;)0 50 10,850 11,800 4,500 ■200 44,000 48,700 d:6nombeement, isss— peovince de Manitoba. 16&> Tableau XVIII— Etablissements Industriels. DISTRICTS. Number of Esta- blish- ments. Nombre d' Eta- blisse- ments Hands Employed. Employes. Over 16 yrs. Plus 16 ans. Men. Hom- mes. Wo- men Fern- mes. Under 16. Moins 16. Boys. Gar- dens Girls. Filles Capital invested. Capital place. $ Total yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des matidres premieres. $ Total V«l'lf of sriicles produced. Vjtlear articles produita. PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY— PABRIQUE DE CADRES A GRA.VURES. IVinnipeg 500 600 250 2,000 PLANING MILLS— MOULINS 1 R\BOTER. MArqnette ... Prov«-ncl»er I^si-iyar Winnipeg .... Totals— Totaux. 1 1 1 1 4 6 10 12 -*"~"- 4 32 6,000 2,000 6,0 23,000 37,000 2,464 550 6,200 7,500 16,714 14,000 2,000 12,100 30,000 58,000 24,000 S,500 2?i.000 5C,000 102,500 i i POTTERY-POTERIE. Lilsgar 1 4 •>••••• 1,500 2,4C0 40 4,000 PRINTING OFFICES— IMPRIMERIES. Selkirli Blarqncttc .. Provenclicr. l.ii'g'ar Winnipeg^ — Totals— Totaux., 3 16 1 3 12 2 2 3 16 1 2 6 124 I'.O 3 6 9 16 5 18,000 25,000 27,000 2,200 140,500 212,700 7,750 7,900 9,600 780 97,800 123,830 2,600 12,100 5,600 226 54,600 75,126 14.700 .-^1,500 28,600 2,000 238,000 316,700 PUMP FACTORIES— FABRIQUE3 DE POMPES. fSellcirk Marquette ... Provenclier. Winnipeg . ... Totals— Totaux. 3 2 3 4 1 3 1 2 7 12 2,200 2,900 Ij.'SOO 2,600 9,200 1,700 2,240 1,200 1,126 6,265 676 650 3,000 800 5,125 2 990 3,400 7,500 3,000 16,890 SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING-SELLERIE. Selkirk Marqnet.te Proveuclier ... x.i*«gHr , Winnipeg . ..... Totals— Totaux. 7 6 3 1 3 20 14 10 4 1 30 ,. ... 69 30,450 9,140 2,700 500 59,500 Wi,19) 7,400 4,082 1,050 300 27,250 40,083 35,800 7,175 1,250 600 66,500 111,225 6'^,960 12,082 i 3,900 800 116,000 ; 185,742 U6 CENSUS, 18S6-PROYINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XVIII — Industrial Establishments. DISTRIOTS. Number of Esta- blish- ments. Nombre d'Eta- blisse meut3 Hands employed. Employ63. Capital invested. Capital place. Total yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des mati^res premieres. Total value of ariclea produced. Valeur des articles prodaita. $ SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACT0RIE3-FABRIQUES D3 PORTES BT FSNfirRBS- Selkirk .... Win ai peg;. Totals —Totaux.. 12 35 47 8,000 57,000 65,000 4,000 18,000 22,000 36,000 67,000 103,000 50,600 108,000 158,600 SAW MILLS— SCIERIES. Selkirk , 2Sa>r<|nette .. Provencher lil^igar Winnipegr. • •••• • I Totals — Totaux ... . 6 12 8 40 24 95 33 189 35 376 5 2 12 19 24,600 162,400 27,325 104,000 50,000 368,225 5,860 17,161 1,710 35,060 10,000 69,791 13,700 65,050 2,890 45,335 20,000 146,975 27,640 126,010 6,156 105,905 40,000 305,711 SOAP MAKING— SA70NNER1E. Prove acker , 25,000 6,000 12,000 STONE AND MA.R3LR CCTriNG— MARBRERIE. Marrinette Winnipeg . Totals— Totaux 1 2 4 29 .*•••»■•• 3 33 * 2,500 12,000 14,500 1,200 19,000 20,200 900 10,500 11,400 25,000 3,500 38,000 41,500 TAILORING AND CLOTHING ESTABLISHilSNTS— BODTlQUSS DS TaILLEURS. Selkirk filarqinette .., Prov<«ncSier Winnipeg; ... Totals— Totaux.. • •••• • 20 14 9 1 38 62 21 9 10 51 J! 91 19,900 lb', 1 00 700 63,450 97,150 17,500 7.750 2,500 41,600 69,350 17,150 12,000 17,(00 72,850 119,000 43,132 2?,'500 25,000 126,700 218,332 TANNERIES. lil^igrar "Winnipeg^ .. Totals— Totaux., 1 1 «••••••> 2 7 1 _ 3 % '1 5,000 30,600 35,600 600 4,500 6,100 5,000 13,600 18,500 6,500 30,200 36,700 DENOMBKSMEXT, 1886-PEOYINCS DE MANITOBA. 167 Tableau XVIII — Etablissements Indastriels. DISTRICTS. Number of Esta- blish- ments. Nombre d'Eta- biisse- mente. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 yrs. Plus 16 ans Men. Hom- mes. Wo- men. Fem- mes. Under 16. Moins 16. Boys. Gar- f;ons. Girls. Filles Capital invested. Capital place. $ Total yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Total value of Raw Materials. Valeur des matiferea premieres. $ Total value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ TENT MAKING— FABRIQUE3 DE T3NTE3. Selkirk Totals — Totaux.. .., 1 1 3 1 1 8 10 13 2 9 1 1,000 15,000 16,000 2,500 5,000 7,500 2,C00 3,000 5,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKING— FERBLANTERIE ET TOLERIB. Selkirk JHarquette ..,.: ... Provenclier Wiunipeg Totals— Totaux IVionipe^ 7 12 4 17 11 20 7 77 •••••••*- 1 2 2 40 115 5 11,100 29,150 3,200 80,400 123,850 5,885 9,710 2,900 61,850 80,345 14,800 l'i,450 1,460 85,475 116,185 27,800 32,150 5,700 317,900 383,550 VINEGAR FACTOaY— VINTAIGRSRIE. 1 3 9,000 1,000 6,400 10,500 WOOLEN MILL-MANUFACTURE DE LAINAGE. Provencher 1 14 3 3 10,000 9,000 9,000 30,000 SUMMARY— SOMMAIRE Selkirk Blarqinette... Provencher Iii< ...... dd. Derby. Argyle Lome..... ~ Oakland „ .. Gleowood Whitehead Coruwallis Elton, Daly Tunle Mountain - Deloraine Whitawatar Riverfide Medora Arthur Inch'qaln Brenda. Stfton M. Pipestone ^ ...^ Wallace . Woodworth Brandon, Oity — Ville Nelson, Toivn — Ville Pilot Mound, Town-Ville. Fer the District ) Pour le District j 145-16 159-64 246-51 244-87 135-09 255-29 257-70 248 -35 225-17 341-76 324-49 292-25 256-98 252-37 288-10 298-24 295-79 307 -46 276-59 302-29 286-35 193 -63 209-48 249-26 257-48 222-42 258 -39 74-19 213-00 11500 230 -67 47'10 37-60 39-12 57-25 46-75 65-77 36 38 33-32 20-77 90-39 81-51 112-87 72-00 84-04 55-12 43-37 32-67 43-77 27-98 26-87 34-88 35-18 36 92 64-62 26-86 41-86 5'3-94 15-05 22-56 21-92 46-62 a. Elm Rirer. b. Portage ift Prairie , c. ' ' d. e. /• 9- h. i. 3- k. I. m. Norfolii, South— Sud.... ^ orf o\k,North—Nord.. Gj\>res3, South — Sud...- Cypress, A'orf/i — Nord. Westbourne Osprey Gienrlale Lansdcwae r ,. Rosedale Riding Mountain . Odanah 202-32 231-11 219-66 196-79 237-74 247-00 205-13 243 06 229-83 306-52 191-81 238-00 248-07 15-16 88-65 30-25 21-58 75-78 110-13 17 -35 70-58 51-98 27-35 17-89 4-90 23-67 309-37 530 -83 467-92 574-26 408-58 602-52 247-58 251-21 212-20 1,059 66 746-22 989-53 834-38 658-64 637-10 303-03 438-12 723-84 320-60 297-47 197-80 159-05 434-94 516-97 403-24 395-30 584-26 141-37 56-66 174-61 453-11 115-32 1,061.56 422-90 286-74 701-00 1,055 03 131-84 688 -77 579-00 225-87 251-47 14-75 313 38 75-94 112-67 123-28 110-58 65-52 108-72 36-26 28-10 49-11 68-97 68-79 70-45 63-45 54-39 82-64 73-36 36-35 55-18 41 14 15-58 19-58 19-17 33-52 45-39 33-26 22-87 60-19 5-42 8-88 6-46 59-99 22-26 113-67 49-41 27-90 65-46 99-12 60 37 57-29 77-27 50-38 43-40 6 00 68-34 Di]NOMBEBMENT, 1886— PKOYINCE DB MANITOBA. m Tableau XIX — Quantite moyenne des Terres, Produits et Animaux, par Famille. Oats, Bushels. Avoine, Boisseaux. Potatoee, Bushels. Pommes de terre, Boisseaux. Turnips and other Roots, Bushels. Navels et autres Racines, Boisseaux. Horses and Mules. Chevaux et Mulets. Horned Cattle. Betail de race bovine. Sheep. Moutons Swine. Cochons. Home-made Butter, lbs. Beurre de menage, lbs. 201-89 248-88 334-42 347-22 268 -50 371-78 176-04 163-99 159 -39 604-07 416-95 475 -98 514-16 465 -77 331-87 271 -89 263*49 349-25 239 98 180-37 124-93 95-87 254-42 316-29 220-14 209 -89 265 -98 65-76 27-77 153-07 269 -88 42-07 48-66 l?9-47 52-76 27-09 47-05 34-96 35-29 46-33 53-17 76-79 100-46 97-15 79-16 54-26 46-42 34-GO 50-39 47-27 32-34 32-30 13-02 31-97 66-92 52-7i 35-03 46-25 12-89 61-67 15 38 48-85 0-05 1--29 154-96 15-91 3-96 92 25 04 95 16 28-62 36-40 20-05 12-72 10-46 19 81 1-65 16-37 32 -42 11-52 21-25 2-85 2-13 2-36 2-33 2-41 2-75 1-64 1-29 1-33 2-83 2-19 2-69 2-88 2-37 2-31 1-80 2-12 1-97 •16 -39 6-52 6-19 1106 8-63 67 ■43 23 85 04 00 -5 3-93 50 57 39 77 4-70 72 83 66 13-28 17 03 9-30 1-53 47-77 14-33 r 1- 1-05 0-54 1-67 1-80 1-30 1-06 1-73 1-07 1-72 1-54 1-96 40 01 3-72 2-86 2-05 3-34 4-47 2 1- 0- 0- 0- 0-93 0-38 93 -08 ■24 •69 -56 -83 0-61 0-15 08 0-40 87 0-27 ©•31 0-25 1-07 4-54 3-09 4-58 075 6-94 2 38 5-26 68 OS 0-06 0-14 0-05 0-34 0-21 0-02 0-55 5-28 4-84 6-66 6-48 4-76 8-98 5-31 5-61 5-30 9-36 11-37 8 7 5 10 7 78 61 73 17 05 7-61 7-92 6 95 5-81 4-40 3-86 5-72 6-87 3-43 316 5-90 0-60 2-11 0-92 S-90 89-13 175-49 363-34 231-50 207-81 145-71 102-13 100 -09 119-12 192 -77 124 08 169-40 210-13 133-36 124-03 15S-33 104-27 121-05 105-62 85-84 59-ci2 51-23 86-40 106-69 86-09 49-60 158-63 15-74 91-11 73-08 132-03 81-10 796 93 197-97 119-38 376-54 756-97 122 08 399-43 618-51 151-03 145-38 27-50 163-18 47 -03 114 -73 49 07 47 79 15 39 135 •17 70 69 80 97 45 71 51 -01 43 8:^ 24 50 91 77 2-56 4-93 6-69 5-05 2-71 20-74 2-83 14-51 1-06 15-17 2-05 2-93 6-19 1-00 3-61 1-82 1-18 1-81 2 95 1-31 2-69 2-12 1-34 1-26 2-70 1-48 6-58 13-15 93 5-64 0-31 8-50 0-17 4-]0 0-40 5-84 0-04 9-68 0-28 8 32 0-05 8-30 0-18 10-45 0-42 4-95 0-36 6-20 7-83 2 20 2-44 91-92 5-34 .357 --20 5-56 170-72 4-05 177-50 4-47 141-28 8-48 262-62 2-67 176-74 7-93 170-08 7-15 219-63 4 68 306-65 2 50 169 -b4 2-75 80-fO 6-31 255 90 172 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table^XIX— Average quantity of Lands, Prodacts and Animals, per Family. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Lands Occupied. Terres Occupies. Acres. n. Saskatchewan 0. Blaachard p. Clanwilliam ... q^. Harrison r. Strathclair ...... 2. Marqnette . . -| s. Oak River , It. Miniota M. Archie V. Shoal Lake..... I w. Birtle X. Ellice I y. Rossburn z. Silver Creek., aa. Rusisell hb. Shell River cc. Boultoa dd Portage la Prairie, Tfjwn — Ville ee. Gladstone, Town—Ville ff. Neepawa, Town — Ville gg. Minnedosa.T'otora — ViUe ... hh. Rapid City, Town — Ville.... ii. Birtla, Town — Ville For the District ) Pour le Disti'ict J 270.40 2o9-59 216-23 282 55 317-39 304-88 303-41 318 10 308 00 344-65 292 39 486-59 287-77 339-26 2.30 83 280 00 1-31 42-38 24 71 10-98 34-51 22 86 226-52 Lands Cultivated. Terres Cultivees. Acres. Wheat, Bushels. Ble, Boisseaux. 54 15 37-24 26-97 42-72 38-23 44-20 49-58 35 00 35 53 30 11 36-56 19-13 31-97 21-69 15'52 21-38 94 12-41 5 65 4-20 7-75 2-84 39-62 3. Provencher... \ i J Franklin ... , Montcalm La Broquerie Hanover ,„.. De iSalaberry Morris « : . g, Youville , h. Tache Ste. Anne Heapeler k. Uartier — ... , I. St. Norhert m Sf- Boniface..,.. n. .Emerson, Town — Ville.. o Afonis, Tiwn — Vclle p. Sc. Bouitace, Towti — V.. For the District Pour le District 216-63 J67P8 190 27 16575 135 77 204-06 163-05 l'i6 42 135-26 198-87 93-48 108 45 13.^-96 6-32 54-86 135 11 32-45 64-97 10 84 21 04 27-22 55-67 1584 16-17 23-39 31 7S 18 30 10-9:5 21-01 2 18 2893 26-40 fa. St. Andre-ws.. I b. tit. Ckments.. 67-78 85-76 7-99 ] 93 355-45 276-47 15331 250 08 190-87 330-47 281 35 171-21 185-55 124-83 133-54 118-85 166-37 89 88 48 28 65-08 11-28 76-60 55-38 70-67 68 -P8 13-65 362-42 197-52 448 85 1667 121 06 119-12 370-47 H8 86 81*45 92-79 191 30 63-U 30-02 100-43 11 89 185-22 154-12 23-14 617 Barley, Bushels. Orge, Boisseaux. 1107 115-79 144'26 171-04 74-32 71-23 31-64 37 55 78 88 44-35 2721 43-46 102 75 22-46 32 88 4i-91 2 49 21-66 12-61 315 5 88 4.92 59-60 39-57 90-70 24-91 20 52 38-88 120-78 14-20 49 11 46 30 48-70 2*>-70 19 25 58 26 1-24 32-22 40 67 14-44 3-25 DENOMBEEMENT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 173 Tableau XIX- -Quantite moyeorie des Terres, Prcduits et Animanx, par Famille. Turnips and Horses OatH, Potatoes. other Roots, and ' Horned lome-made Bushels. Bushels, bushels. Mules. (Jaitle. Sheep. Swine. butter, lbs. Avoine, Pommes Navets Chevaux B6tail Moutons Cochons. Beurre de Boiaseaux. de terre, et antres 6t de race manage, lbs Boissea-jx, Raciaes, Boisseaux. Mulcts. bovine. 439-15 114-04 2-50 1082 2-86 9 37 335-54 2y7-75 11467 32 00 1-95 9 64 2 29 8-42 334-74 f32 48 8810 6-73 0-93 9-84 2 33 6-68 278 04 327 23 138-62 1-06 2-19 18«]2 4 60 12 93 326-00 S06-01 £09 80 62-42 79-78 2-30 1-51 10-25 8-28 1-22 2-25 11-68 10-83 266-46 177-48 iVs'i" 189 00 46-68 5-^6 1-84 7-38 I'JO 8 80 176-72 ! 146 20 35 94 8-09 1-41 5-60 0-44 8 13 162-43 204-90 65-07 4-57 2-18 9 89 0-73 6 59 245-52 106-33 55-83 14-62 1-52 5 77 0-72 3-83 139 07 128-30 37-37 3-90 1-36 7-23 1-80 7-03 11010 91-74 41*31 4-09 i-.so 6-41 0-70 312 137-73 268-76 96-38 4-23 1-33 fi-50 • 1-20 4-17 166 04 224 66 69-57 37-16 1-50 5-36 2-92 2 30 55 36 5.03-96 81-36 10-07 1-62 6-76 1-61 2-24 128-68 124-57 126-46 2 08 0-62 901 08 112 221-25 0-24 4-20 0-10 0-7fi 106 0-02 0-67 7-59 73 66 88 46 37-40 12-69 1-37 1-21 7-73 2-40 0-18 02 2-70 3 60 190 CO 23-11 2-11' 22 56 18 03 2 65 20 59 0-76 1-43 1-47 3 76 1-60 2 35 26-90 43-31 255" 1057 6-19 3-90 1-25 1-40 95 6203 275 00 65-12 7-41 181 7-30 87 5 26 189 38 174-04 54-45 11-34 1 42 6-20 0-40 3 60 160-65 362-85 54-70 7 08 2-70 6 20 0-53 6-48 93-74 47 »3 133 62 70-54 50 76 6-30 0-71 0-16 1 59 7 35 10-58 4 03 4-31 84-46 135-51 3-38 114 21 56 11 5 77 2-10 10 -9^ 1-10 4-57 262-82 425 93 69 90 1258 300 8-56 047 6 60 222-73 20-34 119-26 0-il 1 34 7-61 6-48 207-60 UA 48 213-15 1-68 2 :-5 13 ?.7 2-20 612 48004 H4-25 103-28 4-18 2-15 ; 1-30 5-12 36 J -97 2.^2 12 48-77 109 2-12 2-90 3 05 234-70 I2'i-1i 70-48 77 2-20 9 16 27 3-42 183-8S 53-36 64 52 2 34 1 69 9-33 0-22 2 91 6947 100-65 242-00 712-74 2-74 17 0(J 48 4-96 778-05 6 27 11-62 0-73 0-64 1-J5. 0-12 153 78-14 90-48 20-66 5-77 1-73 5 'J6 0-02 355 154-51 15718 62-21 10 51 0-33 1-76 1-89 8-05 1-23 4 -05 1 5-46 178-40 26-74 35-99 1-89 1-42 816 091 2-21 129-39 6-29 27-53 3-44 0-34 329 0-92 0-31 38-08 114: CENSUS, 1886— PEOVmCB OF MANITOBA. Table XIX — Average Quantity of Lands, Products and Animals, per Family. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Lands Occupied. Terres Occupees. Acres. Lands Cultivated. Terres Cultivees. Acres. Wheat, Bushels. Ble, Boisseaux. Barley, Bushels- Orge, Boisseaux. 4. I' Oakland k. Glenwood L Whitehead m. Cornwallis n Blton 0. Daly p. Turtle Mountain. q. Deloraine r. Whitewater s. Riverside t. Medora u. Arthur t). Inchiquin w. Brenda X. Sifton ^.. y, Pipestone......... '. 1-7 1-2 2 1-3 1-2 2 z. Wallace aa. Woodwortb bb. Brandon, dUj—ViUe cc. Nelaon, Toivn—Ville — dd. Pilot Mound, 'l^wi—Ville For the District \ Pour le District J 33 3 1'2 \a. Elm River b. Portage la Prairie 15-2 22'7 22 6 19 6 21-7 19 3 17-7 17-1 18-1 18 8 229 26-8 22-5 21-8 27-2 27-1 24-5 26-4 25-5 26-1 19-7 24 7 222 26-8 24 23-9 31-8 43-4 33-7 29 38-4 35-6 34 8 27-0 38-3 29-7 28-4 27-fi 139-5 213-6 177 9 170 8 108-6 225-3 142-2 135-7 136 143 7 224-5 163-3 139 9 1-1 1-3 1-0 1-8 08 13 0-8 8 1-3 10 c. Norfolk, SouthSud d. Norfork, North— Nord e. Cypreas, South— Sud / Cypreaa, North— Nord .... g. Wfestbourne h. Osprey , i, Giendale /. Lausdowne ..,. k. Rosedale .. I. Riding Mountain m. Odanah , 33 6 0-9 Df:NOMBEEMENT, 1886~PEOVINCE DE MANITOBA. 1*19 Tableau XX — Produits des Champs — Rendement pai* Acre. DISTRICTS. SUB-DIaTRI0T3. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Wheat, Bushels. Ble, Boisseaux. Barley, Bushels. Orge, Boisseaux. Oats, Bushels. Avoine, Boisseaux. Potatoes. Bushels. Pommes de terre, Boisseaux Culti- vated Hay, Tons. Foin, Cultiv6, Ton- neaux. 2. Marqnetle,. Saskatchewan Blanchard , Clanwilliam Harrison , Strathclair , Oak River , Miniota Archie , ShoaJ Lake Birtle Ellice , Hossburn , Silver Creek , Russell , Shell River. , Boulton Portage la Prairie, Town — Ville Gladstone, Town — Ville... Neepawa, To^on — Ville.... Minnedosa, Town — Ville... hh. Rapid City, Town — Vtlle.. Birtle, Town— Ville n. 0. P- ?• r. \s. t. u. V. w X. y- z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. If- 99 ti. For the District "I Pour le District J a. Franklin 6. Montcalm c. La Broquerie d. Hanover e. De Salaberry /. Morris g. Youville h. Tache 3. ProTcncher. \ i. Sto. Anne. ... j. Hespeler k. Cartier I. St. JSorbert m. St. Boniface n. Emerson, 7'own — Ville 0. Morris, Tozvn — Ville. p. St. Boml&ce, Town — Ville. For the District ) Pour le District ) 16-0 22-2 16-4 23-1 18 2 27-8 23-6 23-4 16-4 20-8 15-3 16-6 15-5 18-9 12 9 146 160 18-3 14-2 I9-4 133 17-1 12 9 16 6 22-6 24-5 20 1 201 158 16-2 20 22-9 19-0 133 17-7 20-8 25-7 29-8 U-2 20 9 19-3 30-0 14-6 14-1 19-7 23-4 13-7 12-9 17-6 14 2 19 6 19'9 16-8 11-8 16 6 12-7 13 3 15-1 18-8 10-4 8-7 15-6 18 8 14-5 16 5 13 1 18-3 12 6 151 13 4 17-9 229 152 no 128 17-4 20 7 17-6 a. b St. Andrews . St. Clements. 14-8 17 7 16 7 15-7 37 3 29 5 31-2 30' 31 25 29 19 25' 22 21-8 28-6 36 9 36-5 27-6 28 7 50 31-9 36-2 34-9 40-0 21 5 34 9 23 30 21 24 19 28 11 22 25 24 19 22 28 21 28 25 5 32 8 19-4 200 3 186-5 247 6 197-4 193 5 148-8 140 106-3 53 7 136-4 131-5 1652 169 9 184 223-2 252 9 242 9 155-8 132 160 210-0 195 177-6 136-8 113 9 104 4 92-1 94 129-8 71-9 152-8 143-6 119-7 104-6 96-8 103-1 107 5 155-0 118 1 121-6 75 5 1-0 1-2 1-0 1-9 08 05 1-0 1-4 08 15 10 1 1-0 1-0 0-9 1-3 1-4 17 0-8 • ••« •■• 1.7 1-5 1-2 2.0 1-2 180 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OP MANITOBA. Table XX— Field Products, Yield per Acre. Tableau XX — Produits des Champs — Eendement par Acre. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTRICTS. SOUS-DISTRICTS. Wheat, Bushels. Ble, Boisseaux. Barley, Bushels. Orge, Boisseaux. Oats, Bushels. Avoine, Boisseaux. Potatoes, Bushels. Pommes de terre Boisseaux. Culti- vated Hay, Tons. Foin, Oultiv6, Ton- neaux. 4. liissar. c. Plessis d. Rockwood e. Gimli , /. Varennes ff. Macdonald h. Springfield i. Assiniboia J. Kildonan .. -.. -I k. St. Paul , I. Belcouit m. St. PranQois-Xavier n. Woodlands ,... 0. St. Laurent p. Posen „.... q. Fairford r. Selkirk, Town—Ville «. Selkirk, East—Bst, T.— V. i For the District ) [ Pour le District j 18-8 16-8 25-1 18-7 15-6 17-8 16-4 15-5 17-8 13-6 18 18 17 12 19 18-6 27-5 16-9 a. b. c. d. 6. WInul]>egr \ e. /. Ward No. Ward No. Ward No Ward No. Ward No. Ward No. Quartier , Quartier.. Quartier. Quartier., Quartier. Quartier., For the District \ Pour le District j 151 15 1 13-2 22-7 16 15 20 19 22-8 19-3 22-2 21-8 24 19 22' 18' 240 10 8 20-5 12-5 27-6 35-6 22-7 30-3 23-1 32-2 27'6 31-8 34-8 30-8 32-3 18-0 13-2 15-0 13-3 28-2 25 25*0 20-0 35-7 20-6 15-0 40 21-9 87*2 150-6 60-4 105-0 166-8 109-2 145 152 •2 •2 169-6 112-7 122-9 95-5 111-7 83-8 60-8 154-3 82-0 115-8 121-4 168-8 153-2 233-8 150-0 164-9 1-1 1-5 1-2 1-1 1-1 REC APITULATION 1. Selkirk 3. Marqaette..., S. Provenclier 4. Iilsgrar , 5. WlBuipeg: For the Province > Pour la Province J 18-6 19-7 13"7 16-9 15-1 18-4 23-7 23-4 17-6 20-5 26 22'5 33-3 34 9 25-5 28-2 21-9 32-4 141-1 181-2 77-6 115-8 164-9 138-9 1-2 1-0 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-1 TABLE XXI. EATIOS. TABLEAU XXL PKOPOETION^S. 182 CENSUS, 1886— PKOVINCB OF MANITOBA. Table XXI — Katios. DISTRICTS. Persons to a Population par Square mile. Mille Carre. House. Maison. Fa- mily. M6- nage. Acres of Acres of un- Acres occupied occupied of land land laud to a to a to a person. person. person. Acres A. ores Acres de terre occupes non par per- par per- occupes sonne. scnae. parper- sonne. Families to a bouse M6nag:es par maison Ratio per cent. of acres and of Population between Districts. Proportion par cent des acres et de la population entre les Districts. Acres. Popula- tion, 1. Selkirk 2. Marqnette 3. ProveMcher 4. liisgar 5. Winnipeg Province of ) w •i„i,„ Province de } Manitoba. 3-7 1-1 2-5 08 996-9 1-8 4-0 4-2 5-1 5-0 5-2 4-6 3-8 171-4 60-0 111-4 4-1 590-7 54-9 535-8 4-9 252-9 27-3 225-6 4-9 89f5 27-6 866-9 4-6 0-6 0-1 0-5 4-3 356-5 38-4 318-1 1-04 1-03 1-Oi 1-03 1-13 1-09 15-20 34-69 8 78 41-30 0-03 100-00 31-6 21-0 12-3 16-5 18-6 100-0 RELIGIONS— RATIO TO 1,000 OF THE POPULATION. Adven- tists Bap- tists. Bre- thren. Catholics Roman. Catbo- liques Romaius. Church of England. Eglise d'Angle- terre. Con- grega- tional. Dis- ciples. Jews. Juifs. 1. Selkirk 2. Marqnette .. S. Proven Cher. 4. Iilserar 5. Winnipeg ... Province of Province de 0-03 0-53 Manitoba 0-24 0-17 30-56 41*18 16-18 13-42 42-10 30-34 0-79 2-68 0-30 0-05 1-04 105 50-90 48 79 511 -41 150 -40 110-88 134-86 180-35 207 -20 78" 15 295 -54 294-60 213-61 6-37 6-60 0-15 2-46 28-86 9-18 1-22 6-11 0-07 0-22 0-64 1-83 0-41 0-09 1-04 0-17 25-20 5-00 D^NOMBKEMENT, 1886— PEOYINCE DE MANITOBA. 183 Tableau XXI — Proportioos. Ratio to 1,000 of the Population. Proportion par 1,000 de Population. Males. Hommes Females Femmes Married. Maries. Widow- ed. Veu- vage. Un- married. Non- mariea. Ratio to 1,000 of each Se.x. Proportion par 1,000 de chaque Sexe. Married. Maries. Males. Hommes Females Femmes Widowed. Veuvage. Males Hommes Females. Femmes. Unmarried. Non-maries. Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 567-6 564-1 527-7 535-5 524-1 548-5 432-4 435-9 472-3 464-5 475-9 451-6 334-8 324 8 329-1 320-9 348 4 332-7 17-8 21-0 20-0 29 6 29-2 22 6 647-4 300-0 654-2 289 9 650-9 312-3 649-5 298 622-4 334-2 644-7 305-3 3810 370-4 348-0 348 4 364-2 366-3 15-5 17-7 18-0 21-2 16 2 17-3 200 25-4 220 39-6 43-5 29-2 684-5 692-4 669-7 680-8 649-6 677-4 599^0 6042 630-0 612-0 692-3 60i-5 CaLTES— PROPORTION PAR 1,000 DE POPULATION. Luthe- Metho- Presby- Unita- rans. dists. Menno- terians. Protes- rians. — — nites. — tants. Quakers — Luthe- Metho- Presby- Uni- riens. distes. teriens. taires. Univer- saligts Univer- salistes. Other Denomi- nations. Autres Con- fessions. No Religion. Sans Religion. Not given. Non donnes. 15-57 231-08 190-36 7-91 232 88 0-05 2-39 61-67 191-72 57-42 76 43 158-96 171-65 67-05 28-82 8387 269-33 392-09 98-95 20323 260 45 261-47 1-51 8-79 5-00 5-39 3-94 1-CO 0-17 1-06 0-05 0-03 0-08 0-11 0-68 0-24 0-54 0-60 0-29 8-06 22 15 0-03 0-84 1-80 1-04 0-89 1-04 1-11 0-41 0-62 015 0-45 0-35 0-41 19 04 41-67 31-62 198-31 2-27 61-72 184 CENSUS, 1886 -PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XXI— Ratio« ORIGmS-RATIO TO 1,000 OP THE POPULATION. African. Noirs. Dutch. Hollan- dais. English. Anglais French. FranQais. German. Alle- mands. Indian. Sau- Tages Icelan- dic. Islan- dais. Irish. Irian- dais. 1. Selkirk 2. Slarqnette .. 3. Provencher 4. Iiisgar , 5. Winnii>e^.. .... Province of Province de Manitoba. 0-29 06 0-94 0-27 2-04 2-64 2-61 1-62 2-47 2-25 256-34 262 28 96-57 164 64 343-21 238-85 30 76 629 317 90 41-77 30-14 62-79 213 76 18-00 10-10 15.83 42 95 1-98 197-17 31-77 0-38 10 57 198-59 52-11 26-93 0-10 56-28 102 06 51-31 2271 227-53 262-28 88 52 101-64 21697 194-96 BIRTH PLACES-RATIO TO 1,000 OF THE POPULATION. Canada. Prince Edward Island. He du Prince- Edouard Nova Scotia. Non- velle- Ecosse. New Bruns- ■wick. Nouv.- Bruns- wick. Quebec. Quebec. Ontario. Mani- toba. Briti^^h Colum- bia. Oolom- bie Bri- tannique The Terri- tories. Les Terri- toires. 1. Selkirk 2. Marquette 3. Provenclier 4. Ijisg-ar 5. Winnipeg... Provicce of "I „ ., , Province de ) Manitoba 1-69 2-24 0-67 50 2-62 1-66 14 79 10-95 366 6-54 19-86 12-1-2 5-50 3-03 2 01 6 49 14-97 6-4) 37 18 195 27 56 -34 -59 -97 -50 82 550a 395-62 221-59 06 433-71 283-08 09 139 08 432 96 0-07 140-44 603-43 84 310-56 171-56 0-30 31i-03 '^U-IO 0-24 0-56 2-64 5-15 18-00 2-47 4-79 DllNOMBEEMENT, 1886— PKOVmCE DE MANITOBA. 185 Tableau XXI— Proportions. xVATIONALITfiS — PROPORTIO>f PAR 1,000 DE POPULATION. Half-Breeds— Metis. ^ ^ — Ita- liaa. Jewish. Russian and Polish. Scandi- navian. Scotch. Welsh. Various other origins. Not given. English. French. Scotch. Un- defined. Ita- lians. Juifs. Rusces et Polo- Scandi- naves. Ecos- sais. Gallois. Diverses autres Xon donnes. — — — naiB. ongines Anglais Fran- 9ais. Eccs- sais. In- definis. 58 3-00 ©-35 0-23 0-06 3-46 23108 1-37 0-27 0-78 312 26-73 17-06 0-40 0-31 0-04 101 6-72 344-00 1-32 4-30 0-74 1-27 161-82 4-18 1-27 08 0-53 4-33 1-72 86 66 2-46 0-76 80-96 75-65 72-29 4 64 0-28 0-11 0-28 3-24 188 35 2-29 1-23 0-28 3-70 6-68 5-64 0-24 2'91 3-01 14-48 10-43 265-84 3-85 4-75 1-43 15-01 40-21 17-15 1-12 0-66 0-66 3-50 519 236-34 2-10 216 071 LIEUX DE NAI3SA1 ^CE— PROPORTION PAR 1,000 DE PO PULATI OX. Br itish Isles > lies Britannic [ues. British Posses- sions. Ger- many. Iceland. Rassia and Poland. Swpden, Niirway ami Den- mark. United States. Other Coun- tries. Not given. England and Wales. Angle- terre et Qalles. Ireland. Irlande. Scotland Ecosse. Posses- sions Britan- niques. France Alle- magne. Islands. Rassie et Pologne Su^de, >forv6ge et Dane- mark. Etats- Unis. Autres COQ- trees. Non- donnes. 92 61 2992 51-81 1.77 0-32 393 7 22 115-70 2-16 14-93 1-08 1*40 90-81 40-17 76-00 1-76 0-50 3-86 1-58 010 4-44 16 61 4 22 562 29-46 14 99 18-20 67 3 95 2-39 0-07 112-15 1-42 36 09 1-34 0-30 74-41 23-04 40 59 1-56 0-83 324 37 79 Oil 1 34 10 84 151 100 165-43 52-67 74-27 3 06 0-99 10 62 51-24 11-91 7-61 37-21 5-29 0-54 95-01 33-33 55-06 1-84 1-01 4-86 18-40 52-69 3-42 21-37 2-62 1-92 TABLE XXII. COM.PAEATIVB STATEMENT OP THE CENSUSES OF 1881 AND 1886. TABLEAU XXII. ETAT COMPAEATIF DE3 EBOBNSEMENTS DK 1881 BT 1886. 188 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Table XXII— Comparative Statement of the Censuses of 1881 and 1886. Census of Recensement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Nnmeri- que. Per cent. Par cent. AREA, DWELLINGS, FAMILIES, POPULATION, SEXES, CONJUGAL CONDITION. SUPERFICIE, DEMEURES, MANAGES, POPULATION, SEXES, ISTAT DB MARIAGE. Square Miles ..... r Inhabited.... Houses... •! Uninhabited (Being built. Families Population SfixPfl I Males Sexes_.... I Females Children T Males...'. and Un- -I married (.Females 123,200 12,102 796 1,136 13,357 62,260 34,903 27,367 10,317 9,917 498 891 24,088 16,549 60,520 22,180 1,958 545 25,155 108,640 59,594 49,046 17,389 16,971 979 1,357 38,674 28,008 —62,680 10,078 1,162 —691 11,798 46,380 24,691 21,679 7,072 7,064 481 466 14,486 11,459 —50-9 83-2 145 9 —52-0 88-3 74-6 70-7 79-2 68-8 71-1 96.6 52-3 60' 1 69-2 Milles carr6s. Habitees "j Inoccup§es. [-Maisons. Inachev6es. J Menages. Population. Hommes. Femmes. Hommes. Femmes. Eommes. Femmes. Bommes. Femmes. } Sexes. I Marias. [ Veuvage. Enfants et non-mari6a. RELIGIONS— CULTBS. Baptists Brethren. , Roman Catholics Church of England... Congregational Disciples Jews Lutherans Methodists Mennonites Presbyterians Protestants Quakers Other Denominations No Religion 1,629 29 11,679 13,715 343 102 33 911 9,382 7,776 13,897 45 42 105 16 3,296 114 14,651 23,206 997 199 543 3,131 18,648 9.112 28,406 428 66 179 45 1,667 85 2,972 9,491 654 97 510 2,220 9,266 1,336 14,509 383 24 74 29 102-3 293-1 25 69 190 95 1,645-4 243-7 98-7 17-2 104 851 57 70 181 Baptistes. Brethren. Catholiques Romains. Eglise d'Angleterre. Congregational. Disciples. Juifs. Luth6riens. Methodistes. Mennonites. Presbyteriens. Protestants. Quakers. Autres Confessions. Sans Religion. L^NOMBREMBrfT, 1886— PROVINCE DE MANITOBA. 189 Tableau XXII — Etat Comparatif des Recensements de 1881 et 1886, Census of Recensement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Num6ri- ques. Per cent Par cent. ORIGINS— NATIONALITfiS. African Chinese Dutch English - French German Icelandic Indian Irish Italian Jewish , Russian and Polish. Scandinavian Scotch Welsh Other Origins 26 4 151 11,476 9,684 8,631 773 4,611 9,886 38 18 18 169 16,032 103 30 30 18 244 27,580 11,190 11,082 2,468 5,575 21,283 72 71 381 564 27,53» 229 236 5 14 93 16,104 1,506 2,461 1,695 964 11,397 34 63 363 395 11,507 126 206 20-0 350-0 61 9 140-3 15 5 28-4 219-3 20-9 115-3 89-5 294-4 2,017-2 233-7 71-1 122-3 686-6 Moirs. Ghinois. HoUandais. Anglais. Fran^&is. Allemands. [£>landai3. Sauvages. Irlandais. Italiens. Jnifs. Russes et Polonais. Scandinaves. Scossais. Gallois. Autres Nationalites. BIRTH PLAOES-LIEDX DE NAISSANCE. Canada England and Wales - Ireland Scotland _ Other British Possessions- France , Germany Iceland Italy Russia and Poland Sweden, N and Denmark. United States Other Countries , 45,767 3,365 1,715 2,777 72 77 217 328 20 5,645 61 1,694 443 76,968 10,322 3,621 5,982 200 110 528 1,998 38 5,724 372 2,322 238 31,211 6,9G7 1,906 3,206 128 33 311 1,670 18 79 311 628 —205 68-2 207-6 111 1 115-4 177-7 42-8 143- -J 509-1 90-0 1-4 509-8 37-1 -46-3 Canada .-Vngleterre et Galles. Irlande. E?os9e. Autres Pos'sions Britanniq. France. Allemagne. islande. Italia. Russie et Pologne. Suede, Norv6ge, Danemark. Ktats-Unis. Autres Contrfies. 190 CENSUS, 1886— PEOVINCB OF MAiNITOBA.. Table XXII — Comparative Statement of the Censuees of 1881 and 1856. Census of Eecenaement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Numeri- que. Per cent. Par cent GOING TO SCHOOL— ALLANT 1 L'fiCOLE. Boys.. Girls. 3,603 3,176 9,047 8,532 5,444 5,356 151-1 168-6 Gargons. Filles. INFIRMITIES— INFIRMITfiS. B'-* {beta's Unsound of J Males .... Mind. I Females. Deaf and f Males.... Dumb. I Females. 12 19 22 17 19 30 8 8 52 31 50 30 —4 -11 30 14 31 Hommes. Femmes. Hommes. Femmes. Hommes. Femmes. [ Aveugles. [ Alienes. [ Sourds-muets. OCCUPATIONS Agricultural Class Commercial Class. Domestic Class Industrial Class.... Professional Class Not Classified 13,565 1,339 953 2,4.55 636 4,313 22,882 3,319 2,224 3,715 1,858 2,706 9,317 1,980 1,271 1,260 1,222 —1,607 68-6 U7-8 133-3 59-5 192 1 -37-2 Olasse Agricole. Olasse Commerciale. Olasse Domestiqae. Olasse Industrielle. Professions Liberates. Non Classees. CHURCHES— :fiGLISES. Baptists , Catholic Church of England Methodist - Presbyterian Other Churches 3 19 23 24 17 2 6 24 28 35 45 33 3 5 5 11 28 31 Saptiste. Oatholique. Eglise d'Angleterre. Methodiste. Presbyierienne. Autres Eglises. BENEVOLENT, EDUCATIONAL AND PENAL ESTABLISHMENTS. fiTABLISSEMENTS DE BIENFAISANCE, D'EDUCATION ET DE R^PaSSSION. Hospitals Orphanages , Lunatic Asylum Various Asylums Universities and Colleges. Boarding school for Girls.. , Penitentiaries and Gaols I Bopitaux. Orphelinats. Asile d' alienes. Hospices divers. Qniversites et Colleges. Pensionats de jeunes sonne^. Penitenciers et Prisons. per- D^NOMBKEMENT, 1886--PROVINCB DE MANITOBA. 191 Tableau XXII— Etat Comparatif des Receneements de 1881 et 1886. Census of. Recensement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Numeri- que. Per cent. Par cent. OCCUPIERS OF LANDS-OCCUPANTS DB TERRES. Owners.... Tenants.., Employes 8,742 301 34 16,351 1,170 50 7,609 869 16 870 288 7 47 Proprietaires. FermierH. Employes. ACRES OF LANDS OCCUPIED AND CULTIVATED. ACRES DE TERRES OOCUPfiS ET CULTIV^S. Lands occupied (Acres) , Lands cultivated (Acres).... Lands under crops (Acres). 2,384,337 250,416 230,26 V 4,171,224 762,571 593,991 1,786,887 502,155 363,727 79-9 300-5 257-9 Acres de terres occupes. Vcr^s (ie terres cultives. Acres de terres sous culture. ANIMALS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS— ANIMAUX ET PRODDITS. Horses and mules Colts and fillies Working oxen Milch cows Other horned cattle Sheep Swine Home-made butter (lbs) Home-made cheese (lbs) 1),189 2,229 12,215 20,296 27,611 6,071 17,282 957,152 19,613 29,150 8,335 13,802 46,208 84,675 16,053 101,490 .3,469,524 74,8i5 14,961 6,106 1,587 25,9U 57,064 9,931 84,208 2,512372 55,212 105 273 12 127 206 164 487 262 281 Chevaux et mulcts. Poulains et pouliches. Bcejfs de labour. Vaches laiiiores. Autre betail de race bovine. M jutons. Cochons. Livres de beurre. Livres de fromage. FIELD PRODUCT.S— PRODUITS DES CHAMPS. Wheat (bushels^ Barley (.bushels) , Oats (bushelf) _ „...., Rye (bushels).... - Peas and beans (bushels) Flax seed (bushele) Potatoes (bushels) • urnips (bushels?) Other Roots (bushels)-... Hay (tons) _ Flax and hemp (lbs) F— 13 1,033,673 253,604 1,270,268 1,203 8,991 556,193 149,025 49,096 185,279 2,148 6,711,186 1,054,234 4,740,947 2,674 13,030 62,203 1,203,575 158,374 72,737 460,749 2,960 5,677,513 800,630 3,470,6:9 1,371 4,039 647,382 9,349 23,641 265,470 812 549-2 315-7 273-2 113-9 44-7 116-4 6-2 48-1 Ui'i 37-8 Boisseaux de ble. " d'orge. K HIC GALLERIES— ATELIERS DE PHOTOGRAPHIE. Number of Establishments.... Hands employed (No.) Yearly wages in !^ 11 22 11,950 33,700 11,800 43,TC0 • ■a«a««M •■■•• N'ombre des etablissementa. -Vombre d'employes. Salaires annuels en $. Capital engage en $. Valeur des maticres pre- mieres ea $. Valeur des articles produits en $. Capital invested in $ Value of raw materials in $. . Value of articles produced inS. 1 P-iH 194 CENSUS, 1886--PEOyiNCE OF MANITOBA. Table XXII— Comparative Statement of the Censuses of 1881 and 1886. Census of Reccnsement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Per cent. Numeri- Par cent, que. PLANING MILLS— MODLINS A RABOTER. Number of Establishments ... Hands employed (No.) Yearly wages in $ 4 32 16,714 37,000 58,000 102,500 Nombre des etablissements. Nombre d 'employ eg. Salaires annuels en $. Capital invested in $ Value of raw materials in $. Value of articles produced in $. Capital engage eu $. Va eur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en %. PRINTING OFFICES-IMPRIMERIES. Number of Establishments. ... Hands employed (No.) Yearly wages in $ , Capital invested in $,. ,... 8 102 52,100 53,700 23,500 94,400 16 ft Mombre des etablissements. 184 123,830 212,700 75^126 316,700 82 71,730 159,000 51,626 222,300 137-7 296-1 219-7 235-5 Nombre d'employes. Salaires annuels en $. Capital engage en $. Valeur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en $. Value of raw materials in $. Value of articles produced in$. PUMPS FACTORIES— FABRIQUES DB POMPES. Number of Establishments . ... Hands employed (No.) 2 3 650 1,500 575 3,000 7 12 6,265 9.200 5,125 16,890 5 9 5,615 7,700 4,550 13,890 Nombre des etablissements. 863-8 513-3 791-3 463-0 Nombre d'employes. Yearly wasges in $ Salaires annuels en $. ('apital invested in $ Capital engage en $. Value of raw materials in $.. Value of articles produced in $. Vaieur des matieres pre- mieres en $ Valeur des articles produits enf. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING-SELLERIE. Number of Establishments Hands employed (No.) Yearly wages in $ 16 54 26,446 37,300 74,800 136,944 20 59 40,082 102,290 111,225 185,742 4 5 13,636 64,990 36,425 48,793 51-5' 182-3 48-7 35-6 Nombre des etablissements. Nombre d'employes. Salaires annuels en $. Capital invested in $ Capital engage en S- Valeur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en $. Value of raw materials in $.. Value of articles produced in$. D]^NOMBKEMENT, 1886— PEOVINCB DE MANITOBA. 195 ,-5 Tableau XXII — Etat Comparatif des Kecensements de 1881 et 1886. Census of Recensement de 1881. 1886. Increase since 1881. Augmentation depuis 1881. Numeri- cal. Percent. Numcri- Par cent, que. TAILORS AND CLOTHIES— BOUTIQUES DE TAILLSURS. Number of Establishments ... Hands employed (No.) Yearly wacres in 3S 9 85 30,292 29,800 43,700 99,420 20 165 69,350 97,150 119,000 218,332 11 80 39,058 67,350 75,300 118,912 Nombre des etablissements. Nombre d'employes. Salaires annuels en $. ('apital engag6 en S. Valeur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en $. 128-9 226-0 172-3 119-6 Capital invested in $ Value of raw materials in $. . Value of articles produced ia$. TANNERIES. Number of Establishments.... Hands employed (No ) Yearly waees in S 1 2 1,000 400 3,500 6,500 3 9 5,100 35,600 18,500 36,700 2 7 4,100 35,200 15,000 £0,200 Nombre des etablissements. Nombre d'employes. Salaires annuels' en $. Capital engage en $. Valeur des ma'lidres pre- mieres en $ Valeur des articles produits en $. 410-0 8,800-0 428-6 464-6 Capital invested ia $.. Value of raw materials in f . . Value of articles produced inf. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKING— FERBLANTERIB ET TOLERIE. Number of Establishments.... Hands employed (No.) 18 80 39,938 89,700 88,800 159,640 40 120 80,345 123,850 116,185 383,550 22 40 40,407 34,150 27,385 223,910 No-nbre des etablissements. Nombre d'employes. Salaires annuels en $. Capital engage en $. Valeur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en $. Yearly wages in $ Capital invested in S Value of raw materials in $. . Valne of articles produced in $. 101-2 38-1 30-8 140-2 SUMMARY OF AL L INDUSTRIAL E31 rABLISHMENTS. ]NTS INDUSTRISLS. SOMMAIRB DE TOUS LES ETABLISSEME Number of Establishments.... Hands employed (No.) Yearly wages in $ , , Capital invested in $ Value of raw materials in $. . Value of articles produced in$. 344 1,921 755,507 1,383,331 1,924,821 3,413,026 545 2,203 929,937 3,411,133 2,814,827 5,399,466 201 287 174,430 2,027,802 890,016 1,986,440 53-4 14-9 23-0 146-6 42-6 68-2 .Vombre des etablissements. Nombre d'employfis. Salaires annuels en $. 'Japital engag6 en $. Valeur des matieres pre- mieres en $. Valeur des articles produits en$. INDEX OF StJB-DISTBICTS. INDEX DES SOUS-DISTEICTS. 193 CENSUS, 1886~PK0V1NCE OF MANITOBA. I.VDEX OP SUB-DIST RIOTS, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. INDEX DES SOUS-DISTRICTS, PAR ORDRE ALPHABfillQUE. NAMES. NOMS. Number of District. Num6ro du District. Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. NAMES. NOMS. Number of District. Numero du District. Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. Archie Areryle Arthur Assiniboia . Belcourt. Birtle Birtle, Town- Blanohard .... Boultou Brandon Brenda ■ Ville Oarletoa Oartier Clanwilliam» Uornwallis Cjpress, North — Nord. Cypress, South — •Sud .... Daly Deloraine Derby DeSalaberry Douerls.8 Dufiferia, North — Nord... Duflerin, South — Sud.. ... Rllice Elm River Elton Emerson, Town—VtUe... Fairford Franlilia ,.. Gimli Gladstone, Town—Vi'le. Glendale Glenwood Hanover , Harrison He speler Inchiqain Kildonan LaBroquerie Lansdowne Lome Louise , Macdonald Medora. Miniota Minnedosa, Town— Ville. Montcalm Morris Morris, Town — Ville 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 I 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 3 4 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 3 3 u h u i I w a ec bb w c k P m f « o 9 9 e e d b X a n n a e ee i k d 1 J V J c J i f 9 t t 99 b o Neepawa, Town — Ville . . Nelson Norfolk, North— Nord.... Norfolk, South — Sud Oakland ... Oak River. Odanah .... Osprey Pilot Mound Pipestone Plessis Portage la Prairie , Portage la Prairie, Toivn-V. Posen Rapid City, Town- Rhineland Riding Mountain.., Riverside Rockwood Rose dale , Rossburn Russell ■ Ville. St. Andrews Ste Anne , St. Boniface St. Boniface, Town — Ville... St. Clements St. Frau^ois-Xavier St. Laurent , St. Norbert St. Paul Saskatchewan Selkirk, East -Est, Town-V. ;:^elkirk, Town— Ville Shell River Shoal Lake Sifton , Silver Greek Springfield Strathclair «... Tache , Turtle Mountain Varennes Wallace Westbourne Whitehead Whitewater Winnipeg, Citi/ — Ville- Woodlands Woodworth Youville. 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 I 4 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 1 I 2 1 1 5 4 1 ee d 3 s m k dd y c b dd P hh a I s d k y aa a i m P b m o I k n s r bb V X z h r h P f ff I n aa ANALYTICAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS. TABLE ANALYTIQUE DES MATIERES. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS A Pageg. Abobiginbs, population of. .... 18, 20,22 ACESAGB, field products ~ 136 to 141 " hav - 137, 139, 141 »* lands broken, fall 1885 and spring 1886 121, 123, 125 « « owned 121, 123,125 " " occupied and cultivated, increase from 1881 to 18S6 191 Acres cnltivated and occupied, number of 121, 123, 125 " of occupied and unoccupied land to a person 182 *« seeded in 1885 121,123, 125 Adventists, number of persons of this persuation 10, 12, 14 " ratio to 1,000 of the population ~ 182 ^a&TBD Watbb making .„ 160 " " increase from 188) to 1886 , 192 African, increase of African population from 1881 to 1886 189 *' origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 " population of African origin ., 18,20, 22 Ages of blind , - 100 " married persons 84 to 89 *' the people 34 to 81 " the unsound of mind 100 *' widowers and widows 92 to 97 AoesEGATE value of all industries 167 Agricultural Class of occupations, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 Anglican Chcrch, number of member of the 10, 12, 14 Akimals and animal products 128 to 133 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " number of working , 128 to 133 " products, lands, average quantity per family.. , 170 to 175 Aktelopb, deer, &c., skins of , - 145, 147, 149 Areas, dwellings, families, population, sexes, conjugal condition, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " for each district of Manitoba, in square miles 2, 4, 6 Authority for taking the Manitoba census xii AvEKAGE quantity of lands, products and animals per family 170 to 176 AXLE grease works 160 Bakeries , 160 " increase from 1881 to 1886 190 Baking Powder making. , 160 Baptist Churches, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 " increase of the members of Kaptist religion, from 1881 to 1886 188 " number of persons of this persuation , , 10, 12, 14 " " places of worshap 112, 114, 116 *' ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 JJahbed wire factory , 160 Barges, number of ^ 152, 154, 156 ILarley, average quantity per family 170, 172, 174 *« bushels of , 136, 138, 140 " increase of bushels from 1881 to 1886 191 " yield per acre - 178, 179, 180 Beams and Peas, bushels of... , 137, 139, 141 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 Bear, skins of 144, 146, 148 Beater, skins of 144, 146, 148 Bknsvolknt, educational and penal establishments, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 Birth Places, increase from 1881 to 1886 189 " places of , 26 to 31 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 184,185 JBiscDiT Factory ,... 160 TABLE ANALYTIQUE DES MATIERES, PAgbs. JkBORiGCNSS, maniere d'enregistrer les populations xiii " nombre d'aborigenes cusauvages ^ 18, 20, 22 AcBKB de terrea ensemences en 1886 121, 123,125 <' " labour6s dans I'automne de 1885 et 1^ printemp8 de 1886. 121, 123, 125 " •' occupes et cultiveg, augmentation depuia 1881 ii 1886 - 191 " " sous culture, augmentation depuis 1881 ii 1886 191 " " occupes et non occupes par personne 182 Advektists, ncmbre de personnea de cette confession 10, 12, 14 " proportion par 1,000 de population ~. - . 182 Asks de la population 34 ;\ 81 " des alifenes - 100 " des aveugles 100 *' des personnes mariees 84 ii 89 " des veufs et des veuves 92^97 AORICOLE, classe des oi-cupations, augmentation depuis 1881 i 1886 190 Alleuaone, augmentation de la population nee en Allemagne depuis 1881 t\ 1886 189 " nombre de personnes n6eB en..- 27,29,31 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 Allbhands, augmentation de la population allemande depuis 1881 5,1886 189 *• population d'origine allemande 18, 20, 22 ** proportion par 1,000 de population 184 AliSnes, S.ges et nombre des 100 " augmentation des ali6n63 depuis 1881 h 1886 190 Anql&is, augmentation de la population anglaise depuis 1881 h. 1886 If 9 *' augmentation des eglises aaglaises depuis 1881 i. 1886 190 " population d'origine anglaise 18, 20, 22 *' proportion par 1,000 de population 184 Anoletsrre, augmen-ation de la population nee en Angleterre depuis 1881 h 1886... 189 ♦' nombre de personnes nees en 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population - ,.. 185 Anglicans, nombre de personnes de I'Eglise d'Angleterre ~ 10, 12, 14 AifiMACX de travail, ncmbre d' 128 u 133 •' etproduits 128 i\ 133 " " augmentation depuis 1S81 i 1886 191 " produits, terres, quantitc moyenne par famille » 170 ii 175 Antilope, chevreuil, etc., peaux d' 145, 147, 149^ Arhdberie 164 AsiLEB d'aliSnes, augmentation depuis 1881 i\ 1886 190 " avec le nombre des habitants 113,115,117 AoTORiTE pour I'execution du recenaement de la province du Manitoba xiii AvBUGLKS, ages et nombre des .. _ ICO " diminution des aveugles depuis 1881 ^ 1886. (FoiV introduction) 190 AvoiNE, acres et boisseaux d' , 136,138,140 " augmentation des boisseaux d'avoine depuis 1881 ii 1886 191 " quantite moyenne par famille 171, 173, 175 " rendement par acre , 178,179,180 Baptistss, augmentation des eglises baptistes, depuis 1881 h. 1866 190 " nombre dei- edifices appartenant k cette religion 112, 114, 116 " augmentation de la population du culte bapiiste depuis 1881 h 1886 .. 188 " nombre de personnes de cette confession 10,12,14 " proportion par 1,C00 de population ~.. 182 BABBnES, barilsde , 153, 155, 157 Barges, nombre et tonnage 152, 154, 156 B6TAII, DE race bovine, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 ,.... 191 " " quantite moyenne par famille 171,173,175 Bktes BoviNEs, nombre aes 129, 131, 133 Bkdbrb, augmentation depuis 1881 ii 1886 ~ 191 " de manage, livres de 129, 131, 133 ** " quantite moyenne par famille 171,173,175 202 INDEX Pages. 6L&CESMiTtI[XG ,. 160 Blind, ages and number of the _ , 100 " decrease from 1881 to 1886 (see introduction) 190 Boarding Schools, with number uf inmates 113, 115, 117 Boat Buildins 160 BoiLBR making and foundries ^ 163 *• " increase from 1881 to 1886 «. ^ 193 Bookbinding 161 Boots and Shoes, manufactories of 161 Bbethrkn, increase from 1881 to 1886 ~ 188 " number of persons of this persuasion, 10,12,14 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 Brbweriiis -. ,., » ^ 161 •• increase from 1881 to 1866 192 Brick Making , ^ 161 British Columbia, number of persons born in the Province of. ^ 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , 184 British Isles, number of persons born in ..- 26, 28, 30 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 British Possessions, increase of the population born in the British Possessions, from 1881 to 188G 189 " number of persons born in 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 Broom Making 161 Bdtter, average quantity per familv , 171, 173, 1751 " increase from 1881 to 1886...'. 191 " pounds of 129, 131,133 c Oabinkt and furniture manufactories 161 Canada, imrrease of the population born in Canada, from 1881 to 1886 189 " number of persons born io the several provinces of 26 to 31 Capital invested in industrial establishments - 160 to 167 Cariboo, ekins of - 145, 147,149 Carpenters shop 162 Carriage Making ^ 162 Carving and gilding ...., , , 162 Catfish, barrels of 153,155,157 Oat Aolic Churches, increase from 1881 to 1886 « — 190 '' increase from 1881 to 1886 188 '* number of places of worship 112, 114, 116 " number of Roman Catholics 10, 12, 14 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 Census, authority for taking the Census of Manitoba lii " Law , ., xii " of 1881 and 1886 compared ,. 188 to 195 *' system adopted for taking the Census of Manitoba xii " year xii Channel Islands, number of persons born in »..~ , 27, 29, 31 •Cheese Factories „ 162 " homn-made, oounds of 129, 131, 133 " increase from" 1881 to 1886. ^ 191 Chemical Establishments 162 " " increase from 1881 to 1886 192 Children and unmarried, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " " number of (see introduction) 3,5,7 " attending school, number ot 101, 102,113 Chinese, increase of Chinese population, from 1881 to 1836 ,...- 189 " population of Chinese origin 18, 20, 22 Churches, increase from 1881 to 1S86 - 190 " total number of 112, 114, 116 ChiuRCH OF England, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " " number of members of the 10,12,14 '• " " places of worship 112,114,116 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 Cigar Factoriss 162 Clothing and tailoring establishments 166 " " increase from 1881 to 1&86 195 Coffee and spice mills ., - 162 Colleges and uuiversisies, increase from 1831 to 1886.. 190 " '* with number of inmates 113, 115,117 Colts and fillies, number of _ , 128, 130, 13i " " increase from 1881 to 1886 -. 191 Commercial Class of occupations, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 Comparative Statement of the Censuses of 1881 and 1886 « 183 to 195 INDEX. 203 Pages. Billots, methode de mesurer lea xxi " nombre de3 ^ 153, 155, 157 BLfc, acres et boisseaux de 138, 133, 140 " augmentation depuis 1881 ^1886 191 " quantite moyenne par famille ^.. 170, 172, 174 " rendement par acre 178, 179, 180 B. 191 *' nombre des 129,131,133 BOCLANGBRIKS 160 " augmentation depuis 1881 h 1836 192 BOUT1QCE3 de modistes ■. 163 " de tailleurs 166 " augmeniatioa depuis 1881 11 1886 195 Bbasseries - - 161 '» augmentation depuis 1881 h 1886 192 Brkthren, augmentation de la population du culte brethren depuis 1881 ii 1886 188 " nombre de personnes de cetto confession 10, 12, 14 " proportion par 1,000 de population 182 BaiQirETEBIES 161 Canada, augmentation da la population nee en Canada depuis 1881 h 1886 189 " nombre de personnes nees dans les ditferentes proviaces du 26 h 31 Capital engage dans I'industrie 160 a 167 Caribous, peaux de » : 145, 147, 149 Castors, peaux de - 145, 147, 149 Catholiquks, augmentation des catholiques depuis 1881 ii 1886 188 *' augmentation des eglises caitoliques depuis 1381 ii 1886 190 " nombre des 10. 12, 14 " nombre des edifices appartenant Ji cette religion 112, 114, 116 " proportion par 1,000 de population 182 Champs, augmentation du produit des champs depuia 1881 ii 1886 , 191 " produits des -.... 136 i 141 Chantiers, wigwames et tentes, nombre de ces demeures temporaires 2, 4, 6 Chanvrb et lia, augmeutatioa des livres de filasse de chanvreetlin depui? 1881 h 1886 191 " livres de filasse de ^ 137, 139, 141 CuAFELLERiES, pelleteries « 163 Charpenterib 162 Chats 8AUVAGE8, peaux de 145, 147, li9 CHAUDiiRES, augmentation desfabricants de chaudi6res et des fonderies depuis 1881 ^1886 193 Chadx, fours a 164 Chevaux, augmentation depuis 1881 k 18&6 191 " et mulcts, quantito moyenne par famille , 171, 173, 175 " nombre de , 128, 130, 132 Chkvreuil, antilope, etc., peaux de 1^5, 147, 149 CiiiNOis, augmentation des— depuis 1881 ii 1886 189 " nombre de personnes d'origine cbinoise ~ 18, 26, 22 Cibklurb et dorure „ 162 Cochons, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 191 " nombre 129,131,133 " quantite moyenne par famille 171, 173, 175 Coll4geb et univereites, augmentation depuis 1881 ^ 1886 190 " " avec le nombre des habitants .- 113,116,117 Colombib-Btitannique, nombre de personnes nees dans la province de la - ~ 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,600 de population 184 Combierciale, classe des occupations, augmentation depuis 1881 h 1886 190 Confiserie 162 CokgrIigational, augmentation des congregationalists depuis 1881 k 1886.. 183 " nombre de personnes de cette confesbion 10, 12, 14 " proportion par 1,000 de population 182 Constrcction de chaloupes 160 CBfeMERIES 163 Uultes, augmentation des cultes depuia 1881 k 1886 - 188 population par s ....' 10 a !5 proportion par 1,000 de population 182, 183 t( D. Dankmabk, nombre do personnes nees en ,. 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 Dembdbes, Buperficie, menages, population, sexes, etat de mariage, augmentation dtpuis 1881 Ji 1886 188 " temporaires et permaneutes, habitees et non habite-,3... 2,4, 6 204 INDEX. Pagea. CONPECTIONEKY • - 162 CoNGRKGATioNALiST, iHciease from 1881 to 1886 188 " number of persons of this persuasion 10, 12,14 '« ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 Conjugal Condition, area, dwellings, families, population, sexes, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 COOPERAGB ~ 163 Cows, milch, increase from 1881 to 1886 , -...- 191 " number of 129, 131, 133 Creameries ~ • • 163 Cultivated hay <■ 137, 139, 141 " lands, acreage of 121, 123, 125 Deaf and Dumb, increase from 1881 to 1886 - 190 " «' number of 101, 102,103 Dker, antelope, &c., skins of ...~ 145, 147, 149 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, increase of the population born in Denmark, &c., from 1881 to 1886 ' 189 " number of persons born in = 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 Disciples, increase from 1881 to 1886 "- 188 " number of persons of this persuasion 10, 12, 14 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 182 Domestic Class of occupatioaa, increase from 1881 to 1886 , 190 Dress Making and millinery works ^ 163 Dutch, increase of Uutch origin, from 1881 to 1886 ...-c 189 " number of persons of Dutch origin 18,20, 22 " origin, ratio to 1, COO of toe population 184 DwEjiLiNQS, area, families, population, sexes, conjugal condition, increase from 1881 to 1886 «. 188 '• temporary and permanent, occupied and unoccupied 2, 4, 6 E Employes, occupiers of land - 122, 124,126 " of lands, increase from 1831 to 1886 191 England and Wales, increase of the population born in England and Wales, from 1881 to 1886 189 " " number of persons born in. 26,28,30 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population - 185 English Church, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 '■ " number of persons of the — 10,12,14 " half-breed, population of ~ 19, 21, 23 «* " ratio to 1,000 of the population ...., 185 " increase of English population, from 1881 to 1886 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 " population of English origin 18, 20,22 EstablishxMbnts, industrial, number, hands employed, capital invested, yearly wages, value of raw materials, value of articles produced 160 to 167 Families, area, dwellings, population, sexes, conjugal condition, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 »' number of „ 3,5, 7 " to a house , 182 Family, persons to a 182 Farm Stock 129, 131, 133 Field Products , . , 136 to 141 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " yield per acre 178,179,180 Fillies and Colts, increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " number of « 128, 130, 132 Fish Curing 163 Fisheries , , , 153, 155, 157 Fisher, ekins of., 144, 146, 148 Flax and hemp, increase from 1881 to 1886 191 pounds of scutched 137, 139, 141 Flaxseed, bushels of 137, 139, 141 ' increase of bushels from 1881 to 1886 , 191 Floor and grist mills „ 163 " " increase from 1881 to 1886 193 INDEX. 205 Pages, Disciples, augrmentation de la population da culte des Disciples depuia 1881 h 1886.. 188 ♦* Dombre de personnes de cette confession ■ 10, 12, 14 " proportion par 1,003 de population 182 DoMssTiQOB, clasae des occupations, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 190 DoRURK et ciselure -• •• - 1^2 E Eaux gazeuses, fab-iq'ies d' 160 " augmentaiion des fabriques d'eaux gazeuses, depuis 1881 h, 1886 192 ■EcoLEi, enfants allaut 5, 1' - 101, 102, 103 " " augmentation depuis 1881 L 1886 , 190 BcossAis, augmentation de la population ecossaise depuia 1881 k 1886 189 " population d'origine ecossaise 19,21,23 •' proportion par 1,000 de population ^^^.... 185 EoossE, augmentation de la population nee en Ecosse, depuis 1881 h, 1886 188 " nombre de personnes nees en 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 Bguse d' Amgletkbre, augmentation de la population appartenant ^ I'Eglise d'An- gleterre depuis 1881 a 1886 183 " " nombre de personnes de cette confession 10, 12, 14 «' " nombre des edifices du culte appartenant h cette confession... 112, 114, 116 " " proportion par 1,000 de population 182 " augmentation des eglises depuis 1881 ii 1886 190 " nombre total des .... 112,114, 116 Employes dans les industries, nombre des 160 k 167 " de terres, augmentation de 1881 k 1683 191 " occupants de terres 120, 122, 124 Enpants allant ti I'ecole, nombre d' 101,102, 103 '' et non-maries, augmentation depuis 1881 5, 1836 - , 188 " " nombre d'. ( Foer introduction) 3,5,7 EspAGNOiiS, population d'origine espagnole 19, 21, 23 Etablissements de bienfaisance, d'6ducation et de repression, augmentation de ces etablisaements depuis 1831 k 1886 ~ 190 " de photographie 164 •' industriels, augmentation des etablissements industriels depuis 1881^1883 195 *' industriels, nombre, employes, capital engage, salaires annuels, valeurs des maticres premieres, valeur des articles produits - 160 k 167 Etat comparatif des recensements de 1881 et 1886... 166 k 193 Etat de maiiage, enumeration selon 1'. (Voir introduction) , 3, 5, 7 " superficie, demeures, m6aage3, population, sexes, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 188 Etat des etablisaements du cuUe, de bienfaisance, d'education et de repression. 112 h, 117 Etats-Uni3, augmentation de la population nee aux Etats-Unis depuis 1881 k 18S6. , 189 " nombre de personnes nees aux ^..,.x. .. 27,29, 31 proportion personnes nees aux ......a. .. /:i, i par 1,000 de population ■ I..., 185 Fabriqdes de balais 160 •' de biscuits 160 " de cadres ii gravures 165 " de cigares i. 162 " d'oaux gazeuses 160 " de ff^netcea et portes - 166 ** de fil metallique barbele 160 " de grais:?e pour essieux : 160 " de meubles 161 " de pom pes 165 " de poudre-levain 160 " de produits chimiques 162 " de sacs en papier 164 " de voitures ,. 162 *' ou etablissements industriels 160 i 167 Familles, nombre de families ou manages 3, 5, 7 Faring, moulins ;\ 163 Fenetres et portes, fabriques de 166 Perblantkbik et tulerie 167 " augmentation depuis 1881 i\ 1886 195 Fermiers de terres " " 191 " nombre de 120, 122, 12* FivES et pois, augmentation des boisseaux de feves et pois depnis 1881 i\ 1886 - 191 " boisseaux de ^^.^ 137,139, 141 Filets ou seines, brasses de 153, 155, 157 206 INDEX. Pages. FoRSST, products of the - ^ 153,155, 157 Foundries and boiler making 163 " in. 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 " " population of ^ 18,20,22 FcRNiTURB and cabinet making 161 PoRRiEKS and hatters 163 Furs and pelts 144 to 149 G Gaols and penitentiaries, increase from 1881 to 1836 190 " with number of inmates 113,115, 117' Gas Works 163 General table of subjects iv Germans, increase of German population from 1881 to 1886 189 •' origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 *' population of German origin 18,20, 22 GiBMANY, increase of the population born in Germany from 1881 to 1886 189 " number of persons born in , , 27,29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 Grain chopping and crushing mills 164 GrBisT and fluuv mills 163 " increase from 1881 to 1886 193 Gubsmithinq , 164 H Half-Bbeeds origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 " popualtion of the ..., , 19,21, 23' Hands employed in industrial establishments. 160 to 167 Habness and saddle making ..... . 165 " " increase from 1861 to 1886 , > 194 Hatters, furriers, &c 163 Hay, acres and tons of cultivated 137, 139, 141 " increase of tons from 1881 .to 1885 , 191 " tons ol prairie ... , 137, 139, 141 " yield per acre ^ 178, 179, 180 Eemp and flax, increase from 1881 to 18S6 , , 191 " pounds of scutched 137,139, 141 Holland, number of persons of Dutch origin , ., 18, 20, 22. Horsed Cattle, average quantity per family... , 171, 173, 175 " increaee from 1881 to 1886 191 " number of other 129, 131, 133 Horses and mules, average number per family ..» 171, 173, 175 " increase from 18cl to 1886 , 191 Hospitals, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 '* with number of inmates .' 113, 115, 117 HocsES, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " ■ occupied, unoccupied and. being built ~.. 2,4, 6 ICBLANDEHS, increase ot Icelandic population from 1881 to 1886,... 189 " population of Icelandic origin 19, 21, 23 Icelandic origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 IcELAiiD, increase of the population born in Iceland from 1881 to 1886 187 " number of persons born in 27,29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , 185 Ikdex of sub-districts with reference to districts.. 198 Indian Origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 Indians, increase of Indians from 1881 to lJB8o .; 189 " population of , 18,20, 22 *' system for enumerating the '. - -. xii, xiv Ihdustbial class of occupations, increase from 1881 to 1886 - ISO " establishments, increase of all the industrial establishments from 1881 tol88G 195 " '• number, hands employed, capital invested, yearly wages, value of raw mateiials and value of articles produced. 160 to 16T INDEX. 207 Pages. FoiK, angmentation des tonneaux de foin depuis 1881 & 1886... 191 " cultive, acres et tonneaux de m^ ~ 137, 139, 141 " de prairie, tonneaux de -. 137, 139, 141 " rendementpar acre ~ 178, 179, ISO FONDEKiES, augmentation depuis 1881 h, 1886 ^ ~.... 193 " et tabriqufs de chaudi^res / 163 Fob£ts, pioiuits des 153, 155, 157 Forges - 160 FouBRURES et pelleteries - 144 a 149 Fours i\ chaux 164 Fbak^ais, augmentation de la population fran^aise depuis 1881 i 1886 ~ 189 " population d'origine Irangai&e ^ — ^- 18,20, 22 " proportion par 1,000 depopulation 184 France, augmentation de la population nee en France depuis 1881 i 1886 189 " Dombre de personnes neea en 27,29, 31 •* proponion par 1,000 de population 185 Fromage, augmentation des livres ae fromage depuis 1881 h. 1886 191 " de njenage, livres de '. 129,131, 133 Fromagebies, nombre des > 162 G. Gages des employes dans les etablissements industriels - 160 ii 167 Galles, augmentation de la population nee dans le pays de Galles depuis 1881 a 1886 • , 189 " nombre de personnes nees dans le pays de „ 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 Gallois, augmentation de la population galloise depuis 1881 h, 1886 ^ 189 " population d'origine galloise ^ 19, 21, 23 " proportion par 1,000 de population ^..^ 185 Gaz, usine au 163 Gloctons, peaux de > 145, 147,' 149 Grainb de lin, boisseaux de 137, 139,;14I Grains, moulins ^ concasaer les ^ ^ 164 Graissb pour esaieux, fabrique de ,..,. 160 HoLiiANDAis, augmentation des Hollandais depuis 1881 h 1886 ....^^ » 189 " nombre de personnes d'origine hoUandaise 18, 20, 22 " proportion par 1,000 de population « ,. . 184 HoPiTADX, augmentation des hSpitaux depuis 1881 h 1836 190 " avec le nombre des habitants ^ 113, 115, 117 HoBLOGEBiE, orftvrerie .- 164 " " augmentation depuis 1831 i 1886 193 EospicKS divers, augmentation depuis 1881 h. 1886 »..w.. 190 " avec le nombre des habitants 113, 115, 117 HuiLE DE LIN, moulins a extraire 1' » .._ 164 Ile du Prince-Edodabd, nombre de personnes n^es dans la province de I' 26, 28, 30 " " proportion par 1,000 de population 184 Ilbs Bbitanniqdks, nombre de personnes nees dans les ~..— 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 Ileb de la Manchb, nombre de personnes noes dans les ^> 27, 29, 31 Impbimeries 165 " augmentation depuis 1881 ii 1886 194 Index des sous districts se rcfcrant aux districts 198 Industrielle, classe des occupations — angmentation depuis 1881 h, 1886 190 Indcstkibs, augmentation des diver&es industries depuis 1881 h 1886 « 192 b. 195 Infibmites, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886.., 190 Introduction xiii Irlandais, augmentation de la population irlandaise depuis 1881 h 1886.. 1S9 " population d'origine irlandaise 19, 21, 23 •' proportion par 1,000 de population . 184 Iblande, augmentation de la population nee en Irlande depuis 1881 k 1886 189 •' nombre de personnes nees en . 26, 28, 30 " prop.)rtion par 1,000 de population - s 185 IsLANDAis, augmentation de la papulation nee en Islande depuis 1831 i 1«S6 189 " population d'origine islandaise ~ 19, 21, 23 " proportion par 1,00C depopulation .- 184 Islands, nombre de personnes nees en - « 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 de population 185 F— 14 208 INDEX. Page 9. Inddstbiks, increase from 1881 to 1836 of different industries 192 to 195 iNPiRMiTiBa, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 Introduction > - xii Ikeland, increase of the population bom in Ireland from 1881 to 1886 189 " number of persons born in 26,28, 30 " ratio to 1 ,OwO of the population „ - 185 Irish halt-beed, population of —...... 19,21, 23 " increase of Iridh population from 1881 to 1886 ~ 189 " origin, population of —•• 19,21, 23 " ratio to 1,000 of the population .• 184 Italian, increase of Italian origin from 1881 to 1886 ■ 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 '• population of Italian origia 19,21, 23 lo-ALY, increase of the population barn ia Italy from 1881 to 1886 189 «' number of persona bornin., 27,29, 31 J Jewellers and watchmakers -• 164 " increase from 1881 to 1886 193 Jewish, number of persons of Jewish religion m - 11, 13, 15 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 " population of Jewish origin ., 19,21, 23 " religion, increase from 1881 to 1886 » 183 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population. » ,. 182 K Kilns, lime • ' 164 , L ■ Lands occupied and cultivated 121,123, 125 " " average quantity per family < 170,172, 174 «' " and occupants of lands 120 to 125 " " cultivated and under crop, increase of acres from 1881 to 1886 191 " owners, employes, tenants and occupiers of, increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " prairie 121, 123, 125 " products and animals, average quantity per family 170 to 175 Law, Census •• ~ Lime Kilns - 164 Linseed Oil Mills > 164 LiTHOORAPHiNa Establishments » ^64. Logs, mode of measuring ~ xriii " various ~ 153, 155, 167 Lunatic Asyluu, increase from 1881 to 1886. ~. 190 " with number of inmates 113,115, 117 Ldthbrans, increase from 1881 to 1886. 188 '' number of persons of this persuasion - 11, 13, 15 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 183 Lynx, skins of ....~ 144, 146, 148 M Machines, grain chopping and crashing 164 Manitoba, number of pf^rsons in Manitoba born in the Province of 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , 184 Marble and stone cutting .- 166 Marriage state, number of persons under 3, 5, 7 Married, ages of the 84 to 89 " increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " ratio to 1,000 of each sex 183 " " population 183 Marten, skins of 145, 147, 149 Mennonitks, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " ratio to 1,000 of the population ., 183 Methodist churches, increase from 1881 to i886. ~.^ 199 " increase from 1881 to 1886 183 " number of persons of this persnasion 11, 13, 15 " number of places of worship 112, 114, 116 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 183 Millinery and dressmaking works 163 Mink, skins of - 145, 147, 149 MoosB " « 145, 147,149 Mules and horses, average number per family ,...^ 171, 173, 175 " number of - 128, 130, 132 Jd,U&£KATj 6K^II3 Ox •••*«••( »•*»•% •■#••»••• ««••«•»«« ■•••• ct* •««»«•« •«»!•««•« ttt**««ii « •••••••m .•<•■• »••■»••« i40| **'j 14V INDEX. 20» Pages Italie, augmentation de la population n6e en Italic depuis 1881 h. 1886 ~- 189 " nombre de personnes nees en • 27, 29, 31 Italiens, augmentation de la population italienne depuis 1881 h 1886 189 population d'origine italienne ...~ 19t 21, proportion par 1,000 de population 185 (I 23 JoiFS, augmentation des membres appartenant an cnlte juif depuis 1881 k. 1886 188 " augmentation de la population juive depuis 1881 a 1886 - ~ 189 *' Dombre de personnes de religion juive - H. 13, 15 " population Israelite •• - l^' 21, 23- •• proportion dea membres de religion juive par 1,000 de population ~ 182 " proportion d'origine juive, par 1,000 de population ~.,-.~ 185 L Lainagk, manufactnre de •• » 167 Lss Tkbritoiees, nombre de peraonnes nees dana 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 de population 182 LiEUX de naissance, augmentation de la population par lieux de naissance depuis 1881 k 1886 , 189 «* " population par ~ ~ 26^31 '« " proportion par 1,000 de population 184,185 Lis, augmentation dea boisseaui de graine de lin depuis 1881 i 1886 191 " boisseaux de graine de lin ...., 137, 139, 141 *• et chanvre, augment8,tion des livres de filasse de lin et chanvre depuis 1881 h 1886 191 «« «» livrea de filasse de ., 137,139, 141 LiTHOOBAPHiB, etablisseoient de - ~ 164 Loi du recensement ^^^ LouPS-CEBviERS, peaux de. - 144, 146, 148 " peaux de - 145, 147, 149 LouTRKS, peaux de • ,....,....,. 145, 147, 149 Ldthebibns, augmentation dea — depuia 1881 h 1886 ~ 188 " nombre de personnes de cette confession - Hi 13, " proportion par 1,000 de population - 183 15 M Maisons occupees, inoccupeea et en construction, augmentation depuis 1881 h 1886... 188 " occupees, inoccupees et en construction, nombre de 2, 4, 6 " population par - — 182 Makitoba, nombre de personnes n6e3 dana la province de - 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1, COO de population 184 Mahcfactures de boitee d'emballage ~ 164 ♦' ou fetablissements industriels 160 k 16T Mabbrkeie - 166 Mariks, uges des 84 i 89 " augmentations dea personnes mariees depuis 1881 k 1886 188 " proportion par 1,000 de population , 183 Maritime, proprict6 « 152, 154, 156 Martrbs, peaux de 146, 147, 14& Matierkh premieres, valeur des, dans les industries 160 i 167 MfcNAGK, population par ~ 182 MfeNAQEB par maison , 182 " Buperfieie, demeures, population, sexes, 6tat de mariage, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 188 Mennonites, augmentation de la population du cnlte mennonite, depuis 1881 k 1886. 188 " proportion par 1,0C0 de population 183 Mbb, nombre de peraonnes nees en , .— 27, 29, 31 MiTHODisTES, augmentation des 6gli9es methodistes depuia 1881 k 1886 190 " augmentation d^s methodistes depuis 1881 i!i 1886 188 " nombre de personnes de cette confession llj 13, 15 " " des cglises methodistes 112,114,116 " nroportion par 1,000 de population ~ 183 MiTis, population des 19, 21, 23 " proportion par 1,000 de population - 185 Mkubles, fabriques de 161 IfiLLES carrea, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 , » 188 " " population par 182 MouLiHS k cafe et Ji epicea 162 " si concasser lea grains - .••. •• '64 " ^ extraire I'huile ae lin 164 " Jifarine 163 " " augmentation depuis 1881 t\ 1886 „ 193 " iiraboter ! 165 " " et 5, faire les monlurc 8, augmentation depuis 1881 ii 1886 194 210 INDEX. N Pages. Net3, fathoms 153, 155, 157 New Brdnswick, number of persona bora in the Province of. ~.. , 26, 28, 30 " ratio to 1,000 of the population ., , 184 Newfoundland, number of persona born in the Province of. 27, 29, 31 No RELIGION, number of peraons of 11, 13, 15 Norway, Sweden, Denmarli, increase of the population born in Norway, &c., from 1881 to I8d6 ^ 189 " number of persons born in 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population >.... 185 Nova Scotia, number of persons born in the Province of. 26, 28, 30 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , 184 Number of occupiers of land 120, 122, 124 o Oats, acres and bushels of « 136, 138, 140 *' average quantity per family , 171, 173, 175 " increase of but hels from 1881 to 1886 > 191 " yield per acre , 178, 17S, 180 Occupations, agricultural class , 106 " commercial class ~. , 106 " domestic class , 107 " increase from 1881 to 1886 , 190 " industrial class 1 07, 108 " not classed 109 •' professional class 108, 109 " profession and trades , 106 to 109 " recapitulation of the , 109 Occupiers of lands and lands occupied 120 to 125 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " numberof 120, 122, 124 Ontario, number of persons born in the Province of 27, 29, 31 *' ratio to 1 ,000 of the population 184. Origins, increase from 1881 to 1886 _ .^ 189 *' of the people 18 to 23 ' ' ratio to 1,000 of the population , 184, 185 Orphanages, increase from 1881 to 1^86 « , , , 190 " with number of inmates 113, 115, 117 Otter, skins of. 145, 147, 149 Owners, land - 120, 122, 124 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 OxHN, increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " number of working 129, 131, 133 Packing case manufactories 164 Paper Bag manufactories 164 Peas and Beans, bushels of 137, 139, 141 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 Pelts and Furs 144 to 149 Penitentiaries and Gaols, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 " " with number of inmates 113,115,117 Persons to a house, family and square mile , 182 Photographic Galleries , 164 " " increase from 1881 to 1886 193 Picture frame manufactories 165 Pigs, number of 129, 131, 133 Pine Logs, numberof , 153, 156, 157 Planing Mills... 165 " increase from 1881 to 18SS , 194 Poland, increase of the population born in Poland from 1881 to 1886 -. 189 " number of p'^rpons born in 27,29,31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 Polks, population of Polishorigiu , , 19, 21, 23 Polish, increase of Polish population from 1881 to 1886 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population > 185 Population, area, dwellings, families, sexes, conjugal condition, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " total for each district and sub-district 3,5,7 Portugal and (Spain, number of persons born in c 27, 29, 31 Portuguese, population of Portuguese origin 19, 21, 23 Potatoes, acres and bushels of , 137, 139, 141 " average quantity per family 171, 173,175 " increase of bushels Irora 1881 to 1886 191 «' yield per acre 178, 179, 180 INDEX. 211 Pages. MouTONS, augmentation depuis 1881 h. 1886 191 " norobre de 129, 131, 133 " qnantite moyenne par famille -., «.... 171, 173, 175 McLETS et chevaux, quantite moyenne par famille 171, 173, 175 " nombrede 129, 131, 133 N NAtssANCE, population par lieux de 26 k 31 NiTioNALiris, population par ^..•., , 18 k 23 " proportion par 1,000 de population. „ „ 184, 185 Navets, augmentation des boisseaur de navets depui3 1881 k 1886 191 " boisseaux de ^^ - « 137, 139, 141 " et autres racines, quantite moyenne par famille , 171, 173, 175 Navigation, pecheries et produita de la foret 152 k 157 Navikes habiies comme demeure. 2, 4, 6 Negres, porulation noire 18, 20, 22 " proportion par 1,000 de population ^ 184 NoiRS, augmentation de la population noire depuis 1881 k 1886 189 NoN-MARiES, enfants et(Voir introduction) ^ 3, 5, 7 " proportion par 1,000 de chaque sexe , ^ 183 " " " depopulation , 183 NoETEGK, augmentation de la population n6e en Norv6ge depuis 1831 k 1886 189 " nombre de personnes nees en 27, 29, 31 " proportion }'ar 1,000 de population ..„ 185 Nouvbau-Bronswick, nombre de personnes ne^s dans la province du.. 26, 28, 30 '' proportion par 1,(00 de population 184 Nodvblle-Ecosse, nombre de personnes nees dans la province de la 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population „ 184 o Occupants de terres, augmentation des occupants de terres depuia 1881 k 1886 191 " " et terres occupees 120 i 125 '« " nombre d' 120, 122,124 Occupations, augmentation des occupations depuis 1881 k 1886 190 " classe agricole , 106 *• " commerciale 106 " " domestique 107 " " industrielle 107,108 " non classees 1G9 " professions et metiers 106 k 109 " " liberales 108,109 " recapitulation des ^^^ 109 Ontario, nombre de versonnes nees dana la province d' , ~ 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 de popmlation _.... 184 Orfevkerie et horlogerie., 164 " augmentation depuis 1881 ^1886 - ^ 193 Orge, acres et boisseaux d' ^,. 136, 138, 140 " augmentation dee boisseaux d'orge depuis 1881 i 1886 r 191 " quantite moyeane par famille 170, 172, 174 " rendement ])ar aoe ~~ 178, 179, 180 Orignabx, peaux d' 145, 147, 149 Orphelinats, augmentstion depais 1881 k 1886 - 190 " avec le nombre des habitants 113, 115, 117 OcRS, peaux d' 144, 146, 148 Pats de GALLKS,Jnombre de personnes nees dans le 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population - ~.. 183 Peaux, diverses « 145, 147, 149 P161CHE, bateaux de « 153, 155, 157 Pecheries... „ 153, 155, 167 P^cbeuks sur lea bateaux, nombre de ^« 153, 155, 157 Pekans, peaux de , 144, 146, 148 Pellbteries, chapelleriea, etc .... 163 " et fuurrures 144 k 149 PfeNiTENTiKRS 61 prisoHS, augmentation depuis 1881 li 1886 190 " " avec le nombre des habitants 113, 115, 117 PsNSiONATa, augmentation des pensionats dejeunes personnes depuis 1881 ^ 1886... ISO '' de jeunes personnes avec le nombre des habitants ^ 113, 115, 117 PHOTOGRAPHIE, augmentation depuis 1831 ^1886 193 " etabliasements de _ ~ 16t Pin-, billots de 153, 155, 157 Pois et ffevea, augmentation des boisseaux de pois et f^ves depuis 1881 k 1886 191 " boisseaux de ^ 137, 139, 141 212 INDEX. Pages. POTTGRIBS 165 Pbksbytkrian Churches, increase from 1881 to 1886 ^„ 190 " " " " 188 ** " number of persons of this persuasion 11,13,15 '* " number of places of worship 112,114,116 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 183 PfiiMCB Edward Island, number of pp.rsons born in the Province of 26, 28, 30 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 Printing Officbs 165 •» increaee from 1881 to 1886., 194 PRODtrcTs, animal 129, 131, 133 " lands and animal, average quantity per family 170 to 175 " of Iheforest 153, 155, 157 Professional class of occjpations, increase from 1881 to 1S86 190 Protestants, increase from 1881 to 1886 ^ .,~ 188 " not otherwise denominated 11, 13, 15. " ratio to 1,0C0 of the population 183 PcMP Factories 165 " increase from 1831 to 1886 191 Q QoAKERS, increase from 1881 to 1886 ,.....^ 188 " number of persons of this persuasion ,..., 11, 13, 15 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , ^ 183 Quebec, number of persons born in the Province ot 26, 28, 30 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 184 R Ratio per cent, of acres and of population between the districts 182 Baw material, value ot industrial establishments ,- 160 to 167 Heligjons, increase from 1881 to 1866 „ 188 "^ " :;'■ *' ofthepeople , 10tol5 ^"^ '.' " ratio to 1,000 of the population 182, 183 \,_,:r:Zl Sepoht laid before His Excellency the Governor General ^.. viii j " " the Minister of Agriculture - x Roots, other than potatoes and turnips, bushels of 137, 139, 141 Bpssia and Poland, increase of the population born in Russia and Poland from 1881 '~ to 1886 , 189 " " number of persons born in 27, 29, 31 1 ' " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 . •'_ ,f:J^ RtJSSiAN and Polish, increase of Russian population from 1881 to 1886 189 j ,',':i2' " " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 ' -"-' BcssiANS, population of Sclavonic origin ., ^ 19,21,23 Ete, bushels of 137, 139,141*1 .^ *' increase of bushels from 1881 to 1886 ... 191 s Sa»dlb and Harness making 165 " " increase from 1881 to 18S6 194 Saw Mills 166 Scandinavians, increase of Scandinavian population from 1881 to 1886 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 " population of Scandinavian origin -»« 19,21,23 ScHooLB, boarding, for girls, increase from 1881 to 18S6 190 " children attending 101, 102, 105 " " going to, increase from 1881 to 1886 190 Scotch Half Breed, population of 19, 21, 23 " " ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 " increase of Scotch populatio i from 1881 to 1886 189 " origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population , - 185 •' population of Scottish origin 19,21,23 Scotland, number of persons born in, 26,28, 30 " ratio to 1,000 of the population , 185 iSea, number of persons born at.. 27, 29, 31 SxxsB, area, dwellings, fauailies, population, conjugal condition, increase from 1881 to 1886 ,.. 188 " enumeration of 3,5,7 *' ratio to 1,000 of the population „ 183 Shanties, wigwams and tents, number of such temporary dwellings 2, 4, 6 Sheep, average number per family 171, 173, 175 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 " number of „ ^ - 129,jl31, 13$ INDEX. 213 Pages. PoissoN blanc, barils de 153, 155, 157 PoLOGNB, augmentation de la population nee en Pologne depuis 1881 h 1886 189 " ncmbre de personnes n6e8 en ^ 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 depopulation „ 185 PoLONAis, augmentation des Polonais depuis 1881 a 1886 „ ^ 189 " population a'origine polonaise , 19,21, 23 " proportion par 1,000 depopulation 185 PoMMES de terre, acres et boisaeaux de 137,139, 141 augmentation des boisseaux de pommes de terre depuis 1881 k 1886. 191 quantity moyenne par famillc ,.... 171, 173, 176 rendement par acre „.. 178,179, 180 POMPES, augmentation des fabriques de pompes depujs 1881 i 1886 194 " fabriques ae , 165 Population par ucjes 34i81 •' par maison et par mcaage _ 182 " par mille carr6 , , 182 " pour chaque district et soug-district 3,5, 7 " sexe, otat de mariage, superficie, demeures, menages, augmentation de- puis 1881 i\ lft86 » 188 PORTKS et fen6tres, fabriques de 166 PoRTtJGAis, population d'origine portugaise 19, 21, 23 PossBssioiS Britanniques, augmentation de la population nee dans lea possessions britanniques depuis 1881 b. 1886 189 " nombre de personnes nees dans les „.... 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,0C0 de population 185 POTKRIB . 165 PouLAiNS et pouliches, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 _ 191 " nombre de ^.,.. 128,130,132 PbesbytIirikns, augmentation des eglises presbyteriennes depuis 1881 i 1886 190 " " des Presbyteriens depuis 1881 ^ 1886 188 " nombre de personnes de cette confession 11, 13, 15 " " des eglises presbyteriennes 112,114,116 " proportion par 1,600 de population ]83 Pr&sentation du rapport & Son Excellence le gouverneur general ix " " an ministre de r Agriculture xi Prisons et penitenciers, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 190 " avec le nombre des habitants 113,115,117 Pbodcits chimiques, augmentation des fabriques de produits chimiques depuis 1881 k 1886 192 " delaforet 153, 155, 157 " des animaux , 129, 131,133 " des champs 136 i 141 " " augmentation depuis 1881 ;\ 1886 191 " " rendement par acre 178, 179,180 " terres, animaux, quantit6 moyenne par famille 170 i 175 Professions liborales, clasae des occupations, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886.. 190 Proportion par cent des acres et de la population entre les districts 182 PBOPRiiTAiRES des terres ." 120,122,124 " " augmentation depuis 1881 i!i 1886 , 191 Protestants, augmentation depuis 1881 ii 1886 188 " nombre des protestants non autrement designes 11, 13, 16 " proportion par 1,000 de population 183 Prcchb, billots de 153, 155^ 157 PuTois, peauxde „^ 146, 147, 149 Q Quakers, augmentation des Quakers depuis 1831 k 1886 188 " ncmbre de personnes de cette confession.. 11, 13i 15 " proportion par 1,000 de population 183 Quantity moyenne des terres, produits et animaux par famille..- 170 k 175 QuiBBC, nombre de personnes nees dans la province de 26, 28, 30 " proportion par 1,000 de population 184 R Racings, boisseaux, autresque pommes de terre et navels. 137, 139, 141 Bats musqufes, peauxde , 145,147, 149 Eecenskments de 1881 et 1886 compares 188 k 195 Ebliure 161 Religions, tableau des.. , 10 k 15 " proportion par 1,000 de population 182, 183 Renards, peaux de ,..*. , 144, 146, 143 Rendement des grains, par acre 178 k 180 RUBSES, augmenution des Russes depuis 1331 k 1886 189 " population d'origine slave ., 19, 21, 23 " proportion par 1,000 do population - , « 185 214 INDEX. n Pages. Shippimg - '.. 152, 154, 156 " fisheries and products of the forest ~ 152 to 157 BHOKS AND BcOTS 161 Skuhk, skins of 145, 147, 149 Soap making ..- ~ 166 Spanish, population of Spanish origin 19, 21, 23 tspRUCK Logs, number of , 153,155,157 Square Miles, decrease from 1881 to 1886. (iV« introduction) 188 " MiLB, persons to a 182 Statement of number of churches, of benevolent, educational and penal establish- ments 112 to 117 Steam Vessels r - 152, 164, 156 8tong and marble cutting ~ 16B Sub-Districts, Index of , 196, 197 Sweden, Norway, Denmark, increase of th3 population born in Sweden, &c., from 1881 to 1886 ..... 189 " number of persons born in 27,29,31 *' ratio to 1,000 of the population ,. « - 185 Swine, average number per family 17!, 173, 175 " increase from 1881 to 1886 ., » 191 " number of 129, 131 , 133- Swiss, population of Swiss origin 19, 21, 23 System adopted tor taking the Census of Manitoba xii T Area, dwellings, families, population, sexes, conjugal condition 2 to 7 Religion of the people JO to 15 Origins of the people 18 to 23 Birth-places of the people 26 to 31 Ages of the people 34 to 81 " married 84 to 89 " widowers and widows 92 to 97 The blind, by ages 100 Ages of the unsound of mind 100 X. Going to school, deaf and dumb. 101, 102, 103 Occupations of the people : 106 to 109 Statement of number of churches, of benevolent, educational and penal establishments 112 to 117 Occupiers of lands and lands occupied 120 to 125 Animals and animal products ~ 128 to 133 Field products ~ 136 to 141 Furs and pelts 144 to 149 Shipping, fisheries and products of the forest 152 to 157 Industrial establishments 160 to 167 Average quantity cf land '•oducts and animals per family 170 to 175 Field products, yield pei 178, 179, ISC- Ratios 182, to 185 " XXII. Comparative statement of the Censuses of 1881 and 1886 188 to 195 Table of subjects iv Tailoring and clothing establishments 166 " " increase from 1881 to 1886 - 195 Taknebies , ..■•• . • 166 " increase from 1881 to 1886 , _ 195 Tknakts of land 120, 122, 124 " increase from 1881 to 1886 191 Tbnt making 167 Tents, shanties, wigwams, number of such temporary dwellings 2,4,6 Territories, number of persons born in the , 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,000 of the population ...- 184 TiK and sheet iron working ., 167 ♦' " increase from 1881 lo 1836 195 TosNAGK of vessels 152, 154, 156 Totals of all industrial establishments, hands employed, capital invested, yearly wages, value cf raw materials, and value of articles produced 167 Turnips and other roots, average quantity per family..,.. 171, 173, 175 ^' bushels of 137,139, 141 " increaseof bushels from 1881 to 1886 191 U Usitarians, number of persons of this persuasion...... , ,. 11, 13, 15 " ratio to 1,000 of the population 183 Ukited States, increase of the population born in the U.S. from 18:il to 1886 i89 " number of persons born in ^ 27, 29, 31 " ratio to 1,OGO of the population 185 Table No. T . <( II. 11 III. it IV. It V. n VI. «i vir. (( VIII. (t IX. (I X. «( XI. *t XII. It XIII. i( XIV. * 2, 4, 6 Vinegar Factory ~ 167 W WAGEa of hands employed in industrial establishments 160 to 167 Wales and England, increase of the population born in, from 1881 to 1886 189 " " number of persons Dorn in - 26,28,30 Watchmakers 16* " increase from 188 to 1886 193 Welsh, increase of Welsh origin from 1881 to 1886 189 •' origin, ratio to 1,000 of the population 185 " population of Gaelic origin , 19,21,23 Wheat, acres and bushels of 136, 138, 140 " average quantity per family 170, 172, 174 " increase of bushels from 1881 to 1888 191 " yield per acre 178, 179, 180 Whitefish, barrels of ^ 153, 155, 157 WiDOWiSD, increase from 1881 to 1886 188 " ratio to 1,000 of each sex ...., 183 " " population 183 Widowers and widows, number of 3, 5, 7 Widowhood ages of the widowers and widows 92 to 97 Wigwams, shanties and tents, number of such temporary buildings 2, 4, 6 Wild Cat, skins of , 145, 147, 149 WoLP, skins of 145, 147,149 WoLTERisE, skins of. 145, 147, Woollen Mill , ., ».. 167 INDEX. 21T Pages. Territoirbs, notnbre de personnps nees daag lea , 27, 29, 31 " proportion par 1,000 de population.. 184 T6LKRIE et ferblauterie - 167 " augmentation depuis 1881 ^ 1886 195 Tonnage moyen des navires 152, 154, 156 TONNELLERIE 163 u UNiTAiaE3, nombre de peraonnes de cette confession , 11, 13, 15 " proportion par 1,000 de population 183 Univkrsklists, nombre de personnes de cette confession ~ 11, 13, 15 '• proportion par 1,000 de population 183 IJniversites, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886 190 " avecle nombre des habitants. , 113, 115, 117 UsiNB au gaz ,, 163 V Vachbs laitieres, augmentation depuis 1881 k 1886. « 191 " nombre des 129, 131, 133 VALEnRS des industries «. 167 Vapeors, nombre et tonnage , 152, 154, 156 Vbdfs et veuves, nombre des - 3, 5, 7 Vbdvage, ages des veufs et veuves depuis 1881 k 1886 - 92 ill 97 " augmentation des veufs et veuves 186 " proportion par 1,000 de chaque sexa , 183 " " " population 183 ViNAiaRERIB , «, 167 VisoNS, peaux de .r. 145, 147,149 w WiowAMES, chantiers et tentes, nombre de ces demeures temporaires ~ 2, 4, 6 Y Yield of field products, per acre 178 to 180 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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