HWND BOOK OF THE NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE JULY, 1910 "'•sifip^ iH^J LIBRARY OF THE University of California. OIFT OF Class ,v HAND BOOK OF THE New York Fire Insurance Exchange CONTAINING THE agreement, LIST OF MEMBERS, GENERAL RULES AND RATES, CLAUSES AND PRIVILEGES, FORMS AND GENERAL MINIMUM RATES FOURTH EDITION } — >— H — *■ Computed and Revised to Jui^y, 1910 fee c ' <^ * -^ . ' Ind ex. Accrued Warehousemen's Charges 83 Acetylene (Calcium Carbide) 54 Additional Premiums 28 Adoption of Name 5 Affidavit risks excepted from rule regarding Re-Insurance 30, 31 Agency 19-25 None in Manhattan and the Bronx .... 19, 20 Exceptions 20 Not entitled to membership 19 To equal Head Office in rank 19 Agency Members, List of 34 Agents. Amenable to rules and rates ..... 23 Appointment of, must be reported in seven days . 25 Appointments if objected to 25 Must be revoked 25 Appeals 25 Not to be given to persons acting as solicitors only 19 Brooklyn Districts defined 22 Compensation . 21, 22 Failing to file Premium Certificates to be reported . 27 Forms of Premium Certificates to be issued by . 26, 27 Hoboken Agents not to write in New York . . 23 Hudson County Agents not to write in New York . 23 Jersey City Agents not to write in New York . 23 Names and addresses to be filed with Manager . 25 New Jersey Resident Agents 23 None in Manhattan or the Bronx .... 19 Of Exchange companies may not represent Non-Ex- ^ change companies 19 Offices must be in districts for which appointed . 22 Outside, prohibited from writing risks in Exchange territory 14 Statement of payment of premiums to be filed by . 26, 27 Agreement 5-32 Allowance of discount for cash payment a violation . 27, 48 For Automatic Fire Alarm 39 For Automatic Sprinklers . . y . . . 39, 40 For Improvements 77 For Sole Occupancy, when not permissible . . 77 227490 INDEX. u Alterations and Repairs. Extraordinary (Builder's Risk) Ordinary (Mechanic's Privilege) Amendments (changes in Agreement) . Annual Risks Apartment Hotels, household furniture in Apartment Houses Area of Definition of ^Manager authorized to rate specifically Personal Property Limitation Clause Removal from Branch Office Class does not abro- gate Apartment House Personal Property Limitation Clause When Branch Offices may write Appeals Application for rate .... Pass to accompany if needed . Applications regarding transfers from storage stores Appointments of Agents and Branch Managers must be reported in seven days Appraisals for Co-Insurance . Appraisers of Valuation for Co-ilnsurance, names of Certificate to be issued by . . . Requirements for position Removals of Arbitration Committee Accused member shall not serve thereon Alphabetical retirement of members Appeals from decisions of . . . Certificates mailed to Local Companies Certificates mailed to outside Companies Chairman Composed of Decisions to be abided by . Fines may be imposed .... May authorize substitution of policies . Power to examine books .... Power to examine under oath . Refusal to reply, considered an admission of truth Shall employ an accountant or auditor Subjects of submission to Terms of office Architects' Offices. Must be specifically rated . Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering Area of Operation Arrangements against rules to be relinquished Information as to such arrangements . 53 67 31 15 45 40,41 40 40,44 40 85 78,85 41,44 13 54 55 16,17 25 86,87 87,88 86 86 87 10-14 10,11 10 13 11 11 10 10 5 12 13,14 11 11 11 11 5 10 55 97 14 32 3J ^2 • INDEX. iii Ash or Waste Cans 118 Assessments for Expenses 8 Assignments of elevator or warehouse policies ... 17 Automatic Fire Alarm 39 Allowances for 39 In Listed Storage Stores 39 No permit granted for inoperative condition . . 39 Owned or installed by a Broker 49 Automatic Sprinklers (see also Sprinklers) .... 39,40,41 Allowance for 39, 40 No permit granted for inoperative condition . . 40 On separate floors 40 Owned or installed by a Broker 49 Automobiles, privilege to keep 88, 123, 124 Storage, stables for 88 Average Clause, Eighty per cent 92 One Hundred per cent 95 Average Rates . 42, 43 For Blanket Policies may be made only by Manager 43 Bakeries in Stores and Dwellings 77 Basement, or Grade Floor Limitation 62 Basements sprinkled 41 Discount for 41 Benzine 100, 102 Bin for Excelsior or Packing Materials .... 119 Binders. Form for shall be prepared 15 Must be at rates in cabinets 41 On rated risks 41 May cover but one term of insurance .... 15 Name and address of Broker may be printed on . 15 Not required between companies when re-insuring risks one with another 15,41 Binding Risks 41 Blanket Policies 42, 43 Average rates for, may only be made by Manager . 43 Covering in yards or on streets 42, 60, 96 Highest rate must be charged 42 On building, machinery and stock, allowance for . 42 On merchandise, furniture and fixtures, allowance for 42 On merchandise in cars on rails 43 On merchandise in or on piers 43 Under Restricted Schedule * 43, 70 On two or more buildings communicating ... 42 On two or more buildings not communicating, no deduction 42 Blower System 118 Boarders in dwelling, presence of 91 Boiler Room . . . ^ 118 Brackets, Gas 119 INDEX. iv Branch Offices and Branch Managers Amenable to rules and rates 23 Apartment Houses may be written by, when . . 41,44 Appointment of, must be reported in seven days . 25 Appointment of, if revoked, not to be employed . 24. 25 Brokerage not allowable to employee not holding Certificate 19 Brooklyn Offices 22 Buildings in course of construction, when they may write 21, 51 Can act also as head office agent 44 Classes of risks allowed to be written .... 21,22,23 Commission on specifically rated store and dwell- ing risk 18,44 Compensation of Managers 21,22 Contingent commission to 22 Convents may be written by 21 Form of Premium Certificates, to be made by . . 26 If appointments objected to 25 Must be revoked 25 Appeals 25 Managers 19, 24, 43, 44, 45 Maintained by two or more members .... 44 Must do business at assigned location solely . . 24 Must provide cabinet for list of Brokers ... 45 Names and addresses to be filed with Manager . 25 None allowed in certain districts 20 Omission to send out cancellation notices ... 27 Penalty for violations 24, 25 Policies executed in blank by Head Office prohibited 21,43 Restricted in Borough of the Bronx to west of Bronx River 21,45 Risks interdicted not to be written by or through . 43 Risks permitted to be written by . ... 20 Removal from Branch Office class does not abro- gate Apartment House Personal Property Limitation Clause • 78, 85 Specifically rated risks written by 44 Stables, written by 44 Territory allowed 19, 20 Brick stores and dwellings with frame extensions take frame rate . . .- 52 Brokers. Business not to be purchased 18 Certificates 9 May be revoked 9 Clerks or employees of assured not eligible ... 9 Failure to pay for unnecessary inspections . . . 118 Failure to renew Certificate in season .... 10, 49 INDEX. Brokers — Continued. Handlers of single lines not eligible .... 9 Held responsible for an employee's violations . . 46 Gifts to 43 May not act as agents for Non-Exchange Companies 48 Must not install protective equipments of any kind . 49 Not to receive more commission from Non-Exchange than from Exchange Companies ... 47 Pledge required 9 To sign an agreement 9 Pledge, Class I 38 Pledge, Class II 38 Presents to 48 Right of appeal to Arbitration Committee ... 10 Brokerage and Commission 17, 45, 47 Allowance of rebate forbidden 45, 46 Not allowed to Broker prior to date of application for Certificate 47 Not allowed under certain conditions .... 12, 13 When commission on risks outside of Exchange ter- ritory may be allowed 29, 46 Offer of rebate 45 On additional premiums 47 On buildings occupied as dwellings and stores . . 47,48 On furniture in apartment hotels 46 On household furniture in storage warehouses . . 46 On policy covering in territory of Exchange and Suburban Fire Insurance Exchange . . 46 On risks cancelled by order of Arbitration Com- mittee . 48 On risks outside Exchange territory .... 45,46,47 On risks rated under Restricted Sprinkler Schedule 70 On tornado insurance . ...... 46 Prior to date of application for Broker's Certificate . 47 To employee not holding Certificate .... 47 Brokerage Committee . = . .... 8-10 Alphabetical rotation of members 9 Chairman 9 Composed of 9 Certificates to be revoked by 9 New Certificate issued to such Broker, how . 10 Revoke right to receive commissions for a stated period 13 Right of Broker to appeal to Arbitration Committee 9 Shall secure information regarding applicants . . 9 Terms of office ... 9 To certify applicants 9 Brooklyn Branch Offices and Agencies 22 Buckets 118 Builder's Permits, renewal of 53 Builder's Risk (extraordinary alterations and repairs) . 53 Building Signal Warranty, Special 98 INDEX. vi Buildings. Brick stores and dwellings with frame addition or extension take frame rate 52 Communicating . 57,58 Blanket policy on 57 With Subway 57 Frame attachments to brick buildings .... 52 Frame 122 Improvements to 63 In course of construction 49—53 Intended to be rated at completion under Restricted Sprinkler Schedule . 51, 52 Must not include machinery, etc 50 Rates for 49 Requirements for policies covering .... 49, 50 Outbuildings 131 Policies covering contingent liability on . . . 59 Unoccupied 81 Building Rates 52 Cabinets and rate cards, property of the Exchange . 15 Calcium Carbide (Acetylene) 54 Privilege to use 101 Cancellation and Rebates 16 Cancellations, because of violations 13, 48 Cancellations, Pro Rata, of Risks transferred to Restricted Sprinkler Schedule 70 Cancellations for non-payment of premiums ... 26, 27 Cancellation Notices 26, 27 Cancelling and Rewriting Policies ...... 16 Cards and rate cabinets, property of the Exchange . 15 Cards found incorrect must be reported .... 55 Cash payments, discount for, a violation . . . . 27, 48 Ceilings 118 Certificates under Open Entry Policies .... 54 May not be signed and/or issued by insured . . 54 Certificate, Premium, form of 26, 27 Failure to file to be reported *. 27 Certificating Cotton 64 Changes of interest not to be recognized in advance . 56 Changes of Occupancy, Construction or Hazard . . 54 Binders on rated risks 56 New rate issued same day as application, governs . 56 Pass, when required, to accompany application for rate 55 Privilege to open new communications .... 56 Reductions in rate must not be dated back . . 55 INDEX. vn Changes. In Agreement 31 In Committees, notice of 10 Charge for endorsement for extra premium ... 72 for new communication or other increase of hazard shall be from date of binding . . 55 if less than 25c. may be waived .... 73 Charges against a fellow member 13 How made 13 Source not to be indicated 13 Charges, Warehousemen's Accrued . . . . 83, 84 Church, Chapel or Sunday School Form .... 103, 104 Cigar Factories and Stores 56 Clauses, Privileges, and Warranties 85-102 Must be attached in full 89, 90 Apartment House, Personal Property Limitation . 85 Automatic Fire Alarm 88 Automatic Sprinkler 88 Automobile Storage Stables (Garages) .... 88 Average, Eighty per cent 92 One Hundred per cent 95, 96 Certificate of valuation for Co-Insurance . . 86 Clear Space Warranty 89 Co-Insurance, Eighty per cent . .... 92 One Hundred per cent 95,96 Consequential Loss Exclusion 90 Distribution 90 Dwelling Warranty 90, 91 Dynamo 91,92 Eighty per cent Average 92 Electric Light . 93-95 Flat House Warranty 90,91 Floor Clause in Fireproof Buildings .... 99 Materials, Work and 100-102 Occupancy Warranty 95 One Hundred per cent Average 95, 96 Other Floor Clause in Fireproof Buildings. . . 99 Pattern Limitation 96,97 Personal Property Limitation 85 Private Warehouse Warranty 97 Property Held on Storage and /or for Repairs . . 89 Rent 97 Rental Value 98 Special Building Signal 98 Telephone and Telegraph Station 98, 99 Theatre Warranties 99 Transit Clause in Fireproof Buildings .... 99 Waiver, in violation 82, 83 Watchman and Clock 99 Wharf 100 Work and Materials . 100-102 INDEX. viU Clear Space Warranty 89 Clerk of assured, no brokerage to 9 Clothing Manufacturing 127 Clothing, oiled. Stocks of in Stores and Dwellings . . 77 Co-Insurance 59,60,92,93,95,96 Appraisals for 86-88 Covering household furniture 62, 63 Eighty per cent rules 59 Eighty per cent Clause 92 One Hundred per cent^rules 60 One Hundred per cent Clause 95 In building policy . , . . . . . ' . 60 May be modified ...?.... 59 May be dispensed with 59 Working a hardship to assured 59 Cold Storage, Consequential Loss in 58 Commission not to be allowed for re-insurance of Non- Exchange companies by members ... 30 Commissions and Profits, no allowance for Full Co-Insur- ance Clause 56 Rate for 56 Committees. Arbitration 10-14 Brokerage 8-10 Executive 8 Nominating 6, 7 Rate 8 Common Carriers 104-106 Communicating Buildings 57, 58, 119 Blanket policies covering on .... 42, 43, 57, 58 Privilege to open new communications .... 58 With non-approved doors 57 Communications 57, 58 Companies represented by members 35-37 Company Members 33, 34 Company to notify Manager whether Agent or Company to vote 7 Compensation of Branch Managers 21,22,24 Composition of Membership 6 Competitive Rates 58 Condition 119 Consequential Loss in Cold Storage 58 Loss Exclusion Clause 58 Construction, fireproof and superior 59 Contingent Liability on buildings 59 Contingent Commission to Branch Managers . . 22 Convents may be written by Branch Managers . . 23 Correction or Cancellation of policies .... 12 Correction of Deficiencies, Requirements in . . . 118-120 * '..*i INDEX. « Cotton Floaters 110-113 Credit for full return premiums a violation ... 27 Debris, Removal of 69 Decisions to be abided by 5 Deductions, Order in which shall be made .... 67 Defective Electrical or Heating Apparatus, charge for . 81, 82, 122 Deficiencies, Requirements in Correction of. Ashes 118 Blower System 118 Boilers 118 Buckets 118 Ceilings or side walls 118 Communications 119 Conditions 119 Drying 119 Fire Extinguishers 119 Fire Heat . 119 Flues 119 Floor Openings 119 Gas Brackets 119 Heating 119 Lighting 119 Oily Waste or Rags 119 Packing Materials 119 Pails 119 Shavings Vault 120 Shutters . 120 Skylight 120 Storage of Oils, etc 120 Unsafe Heating Apparatus . . . . . . 120 Waste or Rags, oily 119 Watchman and Clock 120 Watchman's Lantern 120 Dental tools and physician's implements .... 129, 140 Diagrams, plans, schedules, etc., must be filed with an interested member 67 Discount for cash payment a violation .... 27,48 Distribution Clause * • 90 Rules covering apply when policy is written under an average rate 42 Districts defined. Brooklyn ....... 22 Doors, non-approved 57 Dressmakers and Milliners in dwellings ... 79, 130, 139 Drying 119 Dwelling Occupation, Warranty for 90, 91 Dwellings. Charge if personal property is included in building form 63 Dressmakers and milliners in 79, 130, 139 English Basement 78 INDEX. Dwellings — Continued. Fireproof 59,130,131 Floater covering in 47 High Stoop 78 Long Island City 63 Stores and dwellings 63 Presence of boarders in 91 Warranty 90,91 Dynamo Clause 91, 92 Educational Institutions 20,21 Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies cover- ing 97 Eighty per cent Co-Insurance or Average Clause . . 92 Election of Officers 6 Electric Light Clause 93-95 For Electric Car Barns 94 For Electric Light and Power Stations .... 94 For Listed Cold Storage Stores ...... 65 Electrical and Heating Apparatus, defective, charge for 122 Employees of Exchange 7 Employee of Broker not holding a Certificate, brokerage not allowed to 19, 47 Employment of an employee, agent or Branch Manager of a Non-Exchange company .... 23 Endorsement for payment of extra premium, failure to charge for 72 Error and Omission Policies 84 Excavations 61 Excelsior, Bin for 119 Exchange business, brokerage on 17-20 Exclusion from policy form of any rated property a vio- lation 60,61,92 Executive Committee 8 Alphabetical retirement of members .... 8 Chairman of 8 Change bi-monthly 8 Composed of 8 Expenses, assessment for 8 Explosives, permission to use ...... 100-102 Exposures under Long Island City rates .... 65, 66 Extensions, frame, make brick stores and dwellings rate as frame 52 Extension of time for payment of premiums ... 28 Extinguishers, Fire 119 Ex-officio members of Standing Committees ... 6 Factories, Cigar 56 Failure to attend meetings, fine for 7 To charge for endorsement for extra premiums . 72 To correct or cancel a policy in error a violation . 6 To renew Broker's Certificate in season ... 10 INDEX. xi Ferry Property 5g Fines by Arbitration Committee 12 Fine for non-attendance at meetings 7 Fire Alarm, Automatic 39 Allowance for 39 Allowance when in listed storage stores ... 39 Inoperative condition of 39 Owned or installed by a broker . . ... 49 Fire Extinguishers 119 Fire Heat 119 Fireproof Construction 59 Fireproof Dwellings ......... 59, 130, 131 Fireworks 132 Charges for . 132 Fixtures 61 Flat House Warranty 90,91 Household furniture transferred to ... . 80 Defined . . '. 131 Floating Policies covering outside jurisdiction, brokerage on 45,46,47 Floater covering in dwellings or stores and dwelhngs . 47 Floater Forms 107-114, 115, 116 Floor Clause in Fireproof Buildings 99 Floor Openings 119 Flues 119 Forms 103-117 Broad Excess Cotton Floater 112, 113 Broad Excess Floater, Excluding Cotton . . . Ill, 112 Broad Limited Cotton Floater 113, 114 Broad Limited Floater, Excluding Cotton . . . 112 Chapel . 103, 104 Church 103, 104 Common Carrier . . . . . . . . 104-106 Floater 107-114, 115, 116 For Minimum Rated Risks 117 For policies and a binder to be prepared ... 15 Graded Grain Clause 114 Grain on Track at Railway Terminals .... 114 Jewelry 114, 115 Legal Liability 104-106 Manufacturing Floater 115, 116 Ordinary Excess Cotton Floater 110 Ordinary Excess Floater, Excluding Cotton . . 109, 110 Ordinary Limited Cotton Floater 110, 111 Ordinary Limited Floater, Excluding Cotton . . 109, 110 Pawnbrokers 116, 117 Substitution of new 79 Sunday School 103, 1(H Foundations below the level of the ground ... 61 Of machinery may not be excluded .... 61 INDEX. xii Fractional part of a cent in calculating premiums . . 72 Frame Buildings 122 Frame extensions or additions to Stores and Dwellings make brick buildings rate as frame ... 52 Full Co-Insurance or 100 per cent Average .... 60 As to policies covering in yards or on streets . . 42,60,96 Full term of Builder's Risk 53 Furniture, Household 62,63 Co-Insurance 62, 63 Policies covering may not include Office Furniture and Fixtures 61 Transfer of policies covering 62, 63, 80 Furniture and fixtures 61 When electrical apparatus included 61 Furniture Stocks in Stores and Dwellings .... 77 Garages 88 Private Family or Business ...... 124 Gas Brackets 119 Gas engine in store and dwelling risk .... 78 Gasolene, privilege to use 100^102 General Minimum Rates 121-147 General waiver of Work and Materials Clause . . . 100 Gifts to Brokers 48 Goods in Fireproof Safes 142 Grade floor and basement, limitation ..... 62 Graded Grain Clause 114 Grain on Track at Railway Terminals ..... 114 Grievance or Arbitration Committee 10-14 Gunpowder, privilege to use 100-102 Hay and Straw in Stores and Dwellings .... 77 Hazard, changes of • 54-56 Heating 119 Heating and electrical apparatus, defective, charge for 81, 82, 121, 122 High stoop dwellings '''8 Hoboken Agents not to write in New York ... 23 Hotels. Hotel furniture 83 Household furniture in 63 Household furniture in Apartment Hotels ... 46 Raines Law ^^ Household Furniture 62, 63 Co-Insurance Clause required 62 In apartment hotels 46 In hotels 63 In living apartments 62 In storage warehouses • 46,62 Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering ^6 Personal property of guests of hotels .... 63 Transfer of policies covering 62 INDEX. xiii Hudson County Agents not to write in New York . . 23 Hudson River Stores, Consequential Loss Clause in . 90 Improvements to buildings 63 Increase in amount of insurance on risks not permitted to be written by Branch Managers must be at short rates 72 Increase of hazard without notice . . ... 55 Ineligibility to membership 6 Information as to arrangements against rules to be fur- nished 32 Inspections, unnecessary 118 Insurance . In non-Exchange companies 45, 46 Marine ... 26 Tornado 26, 45 Jersey City Agents not to write in New York ... 23 Jewelry Form 114, 115 Jobbing Painters, subject to specific rate .... 77 Junk Stocks in Stores and Dwellings 77 Leases 63, 64 Policies blanketing household furniture .... 64 Pro rata rate 64 Legal Liability Forms 104-106 Liability for rent of piers and bulkheads .... 69 Libraries. Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering 97 Lighting, requirements for . 119 Limitation Clause, Personal Property, in apartment houses , 85 List of Members 33,34 Listed storage stores 64, 65 Local tariff to govern property outside the Exchange . 29 Long Island City dwellings 65,66 Long Island City rates 65, 66 Long Island City stores with dwelling above grade floor 65, 66 In rows of three or more frame buildings adjoining 66 Eighty per cent Clause required 66 Loss, consequential, in cold storage stores .... 58 Machinery at building rates 66 Foundation of, may not be excluded .... 61 Make-up or Schedule of Rate 71 Manager of Exchange 7 Manager's Request for Correction or Cancellation of Policies 12 Managers, Branch. Amenable to rules and rates 23 Apartment houses may be written by, when ... 41, 44 Appointment of, must be reported in seven days . 25 INDEX. XIV Managers, Branch — Continued. Appointment of, if revoked, not to be employed . 24, 25 Brokerage not allowable to employee not holding Cer- tificate 19 Brooklyn Offices 22 Buildings in course of construction, when they may write 21,51 Can also act as head office agent 44 Classes of risks allowed to be written . . . .21, 22, 23 Compensation of 21,22 Contingent commission to 22 Convents may be written by 21 Dealings must be confined to members represented . 22 Form of Premium Certificates, to be made by . . 26 If appointments objected to 25 Must be revoked 25 Appeals 25 Maintained by two or more members .... 44 Must do business at assigned location solely . . 24 Must provide cabinet for list of Brokers ... 45 Names and addresses to be filed with Manager , . 25 None allowed in certain districts ..... 20 Omission to send out cancellation notices ... 27 Penalty for violations 24, 25 Policies executed in blank by Head Office prohibited 21, 43 Restricted in Borough of the Bronx to west of Bronx River 21,45 Risks interdicted not to be written by or through . 43 Risks permitted to be written by .... . 20 Specifically rated risks written by 44 Stables, written by 44 Territory allowed 19, 20 Manufacturing Floater 115, 116 Manufacturing Risks 138 Hand power, shall include 138 Steam power, shall include 138 Marine insurance 26 Market Price 66 Mattress Makers in Stores and Dwellings .... 77 Mechanic's Privilege-ordinary alterations and repairs . 67 Alterations and repairs, ordinary ..... 67 Elevator shafts 53 Endorsement, full term 53 Fireproof risks 53 Standard Policy 53 Mechanic's Tools . 67 Meetings 7 Fine for non-attendance 7 INDEX. 34 Members. Agency . . . . . . . ^ Companies represented by, list of 35-37 Company 33, 34 List of 33, 34 Not having offices in New York not to be fined for non-attendance at meetings ... 7 Must not employ employees of Non-Exchange com- panies 23 Not to write risk which Branch Manager has can- celled by order of Arbitration Committee . 13 Not to write risk cancelled by order of Arbitration Committee in other companies represented . 13 Pledge of 32 Re-insuring Non-'Exchange companies-not to allow commission 30 Signature to Agreement and Pledge .... 32 Membership, Composition of 6 Merchandise. In cars on tracks 43 Policies on, in storage stores, may not be changed to cover other merchandise 65 Policies on stock of, if written for more than one year 79 Merchandise Forms may not be substituted one for an other or for specific insurance Milliners and Dressmakers in dwellings Minimum Rates Minimum Rated Risks, Policy Form for Moulds, patterns, etc., policies covering Moving Picture Exhibition in Store and Dwelling Museums. Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering 97 Name, adoption of 5 Naphtha, privilege to use 100-102 New communications, privilege to open .... 68 New Jersey Resident Agents 23 No brokerage to clerk of assured 18 No other kind of risk to be covered in Fire Policy . . 26 Nominating Committee 6,7 Non-attendance at meetings, fine for 7 Notice of changes in Committees 10 As to who shall answer roll call 7 Of cancellation 26 Object of Exchange 6 Objection to appointment of Agent or Branch Manager 25 Occupancy (see also Sole Occupancy) 95 Changes of 54-56 65 79, 130, 139 121-147 117 96 78 INDEX. xvi Office Furniture and Fixtures. May not be included in Household Furniture Form 61 Officer or employee of, or person sharing office accommo- dation with, Non-Exchange Company ineligi- ble to membership 6 Officers, election of 6 Of Exchange, to be ex-officio members of Committees 6 Offices of Agents must be in District for which appointed 22 Oil and Petroleum Stocks in Stores and Dwellings . . 77 Oiled Clothing Stocks in Stores and Dwellings ... 77 Oils, storage of 119 Oily Waste and Rags 119 Oil, when privilege to use for heat or power may be granted 102 Omission and Error policies 84 One Hundred per cent Average or Full Co-Insurance Clause 95 Required on policies covering in yards or on streets 42, 60, 96 Open Entry Policies, Certificates under .... 54 May not be signed and/or issued by insured . . 54 Open Entries 28 Rate 28 Time of closing 28 Order in which deductions shall be made .... 67 Order of business 7 Other Floor Clause in Fireproof Building .... 99 Out-buildings 131 Out-of-town Companies 6 Not having offices in New York exempt from fine for non-attendance at meetings .... 7 Signatures of 32 Outside risks, brokerage on 29 Packing materials, bin for , 119 Pails 119 Painters, jobbing, subject to specific rate .... 77 Painters' Supplies in Stores and Dwellings ... 77 Paper Stocks in Stores and Dwellings ..... 77 Pass to accompany application for rate if needed . . 55 Pattern Limitation Rule and Clause 96, 97 Pawnbrokers 116,117 Penalty for violations 12 Personal Property Limitation Clause in Apartment Houses 85 Petroleum Stocks in Stores and Dwellings ... 77 Pew Rents 70 Photograph Galleries in Stores and Dwellings ... 77 Physicians* implements and dental tools .... 129, 140 Plans, diagrams, schedules, etc., must be filed with an interested member 67 .}sr INDEX. xvii Pledge of Member 32 Pledges of Broker 38 Policies, Forms for, to be prepared 15 Blanket 42, 43 Average rate 43 Co-Insurance Clause in 42, 43 Covering merchandise in cars on tracks . . 43 On communicating buildings 42 Rates to be charged 42 Standard Distribution Clause in ... . 42 Cancelled and immediately rewritten ... 16 Cancelled pro rata 16 Covering contractors on Public School Buildings . 50,51 Covering Interest Dependent on Duration or Inter- ruption of Business 82 Covering Patterns, Moulds, etc 96 Executed in blank by Head Office prohibited . . 43 In error, failure to correct or cancel a violation . 6 May not be cancelled pro rata 16 On Merchandise, may not be changed to cover other Merchandise 65 Ordered cancelled. By whom rewritten 13 No brokerage on rewritten policy .... 12, 48 Reinstated after a fire 73 Term 79,80 Definition of 79 On hotel furniture 63 On household furniture 63 Substitution of 13, 14 Use and Occupancy 82 Warehousemen . 83, 84 Policy covering in and outside Exchange territory . . 29 Policy Form for Minimum Rated Risks .... 117 Power and Electric Light Stations Clause .... 94 Preamble to Agreement 5 Premium Certificate, Form of 26, 27 Failure to file to be reported 27 Premiums. Additional 28 Cancellation notice withheld on account of credit due broker 27 Charges under 25 cents may be waived .... 28 Checks dated later than time fixed 28 Checks in payment held more than 24 hours . . 28 Collection of on policies located outside jurisdiction 28 Direct 27 Manager shall report names of delinquents . . 27 Notice of cancellation for non-payment of . . . 26 Payment of 26 Re-Insurance 28 Time for payment may be extended .... 28 INDEX. xviii Presence of boarders in dwelling 91 Presents to Brokers 48 Printers in Stores and Dwellings 77 Private Warehouses 68 Privileges, Clauses, and Warranties 85-102 Privilege for use of Benzine and similar articles . . 100-102 To keep automobiles 88, 123, 124 To open new communications 58 To use oil for heat or power, when may be granted 102 Profits and Commissions 56, 57 Property held on Storage and/or for Repairs. ... 89 Property in yards, rates on 56 Property outside Exchange territory, local tariff to govern 29 Pro rata renewals 72, 73 On Term Policies 79, 80 Public Schoolhouses in Course of Construction . . 50 Quorum 8 Rags in Stores and Dwellings 77 Railroad Property 68 Raines Law Hotels 69 Rate, Application for 54 Cabinets and cards, the property of the Exchange . 15 Rates 15 Building 52 Buildings in Course of Construction .... 49-52 Cards found to be incorrect 55 Competitive 58 General Minimum 121-147 Governing Re-Insurance written within, on Policies covering outside Exchange territory . . 30 Long Island City 65,66 New rate on day of application 56 On brick buildings 52, 121, 122 On merchandise in Frame, and Brick and Frame Buildings 122 On property in yards 56 On Stores and Dwellings 77-79, 144 Reduction of . • . . 16, 69 Tables of short 74-76 Rate Committee 8 Composed of 8 Chairman of 8 Alphabetical retirement of members .... 8 Ratings to be recommended and changes thereof . . 15 Rebates and cancellations 16 Rebates on Plate Glass, Casualty, etc 45 INDEX. xix • Rebates not allowed 18 Reduction of Rate without change of hazard ... 67 Reductions in rate must not be dated back ... 55 Re-instatement after loss 73 Re-Insurance 30 Affidavit risks excepted 30 In companies not admitted to transact business in Exchange territory 30 In outside Companies 31 May be at rate of original policy 30 Of Marine Insurance Companies 30 Of Non-Exchange Companies by members, no com- mission to be allowed 30 Of policies issued prior to the Exchange ... 31 Railroad terminal property excepted . . . . 31, 68 Written within, on policies covering outside Ex- change territory, rates governing ... 30 Removal of debris 69 Renewals 41 Notice of, if signed, becomes a Binder .... 41 Rent and Rental Value Clause 97, 98 Rents 69 Liability for on piers and bulkheads .... 69 Pew 70 Repairs and Alterations 53, 67 Requirements in Correction of Deficiencies .... 118-120 Resident Agents, New Jersey 23 Resignations 31 Restricted Sprinkler Schedule, Rules and Commission . 70 Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering 97 Risks transferred to, from Other Schedules ... 70 Return Premiums, Credit for full, a violation ... 27 Risks. Annual 14 Builders 53 Manufacturing 138 Hand power shall include 138 Steam power shall include 138 No other kind in fire policies 26 Short term 14 Specifically rated, written by Branch Manager . . 44 Term 14,15,79 Unrated 14 Written at Brooklyn Branch Offices .... 22 Roll Call, notice as to who shall answer .... 7 Rules to apply to all risks 19 Schedule or make-up of Rate 71 Schedules, plans, diagrams, etc., must be filed with an interested member 67 INDEX. Schoolhouses 20,21,50 Sculptors' Studios. Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering 97 Shavings Vault 120 Short Rates 71-73 Tables of 74-76 Short term risks 14 Shutters 120 Signatures of out-of-town Companies 6 Skylight 120 Sole Occupancy 77 Allowance for 77 In risks not specifically rated '^'^ When not permissible 77 Solicitors 77 Agents' appointments not to be given to persons act- ing as solicitors only 19 Space Clause (Clear Space Warranty) 89 Special Building Signal 98 Sprinklers, Automatic 39, 40, 41 Allowance for 39, 40 Clause 88 In basement, allowance for 41 Inoperative condition 40 Owned or installed by a Broker 49 Sprinkler equipments on separate floors .... 40 Stables 143,144 Automobile, storage in 123, 124 Written by Branch Managers ...... 44 Standard Distribution Clause 90 Statements to be filed ^5 Storage, Cold, Loss in 90 Storage of oils, etc 120 Storage Stores, Listed 64,65 Private 68 Stores and dwellings 77-79 Cigar 56 Dressmaking and millinery carried on in . . 79, 130, 139 English basements "^8 Floater covering in 47 Gas engine in "^^ High stoop "^8 In Long Island City with dwellings above grade floor 65,66 Jobbing Painter in "^"^ Moving Picture Exhibition in 78 Rates on stocks in (see General Minimum Rates) . 121-147 Warranty *^^ Withdrawal of warranty < . * « » • • 7* nv INDEX. xxi Stoves, unsafe 120 Straw and Hay in Stores and Dwellings .... 77 Studios, Artists' or Sculptors'. Pattern Limitation Clause not required on policies covering 97 Subjects of submission 5 Substitution of new form on policies 79 Subway, Buildings Communicating with .... 57 Superior Construction 59 Sunday School Form 103, 104 Synagogues, Church, Chapel or Sunday School Form covering 103, 104 Term Risks 14, 15 Telephone and Telegraph Station Clause .... 98, 99 Term Policies 79, 80 On Household, Store and Office Furniture and Fix- tures 79 On Mercantile or Manufacturing Risks .... 79 Territory excluded from the Exchange . . . , . 14 Theatre Warranties 99 Theatrical Floater, Rebate on a violation .... 47 Time for payment of premiums may be extended . . 28 Tools 67 Tornado Insurance 26, 45 Transfers 16, 17 From listed storage stores 16, 17 Limited to thirty days 17 Of insurance written by Non-Exchange Companies . 46 Of policies covering household furniture . . . 17, 80 To or from a warehouse, public or private ... 80 Transit Clause in Fireproof Buildings .... 99 Treasurer under bond 6 "Two-Family Houses" may not have Apartment House Personal Property Limitation Clause attached to policies 85 Unnecessary Inspections 118 Unoccupancy Warranty 50, 81 On apartment houses when not required ... 81 On buildings in course of construction . . . .49, 50, 81 Unoccupied Buildings 81 In Course of Reconstruction 51, 81 Unrated Risks 14 Unsafe Flues 120 Heating apparatus 81,82,121,122 Stoves 120 Upholsterers in Stores and Dwellings 77 Use and Occupancy 82 Per Diem Indemnity 83 INDEX. xxii Valuation of buildings for Co-Insurance .... 86,87 Vault for shavings 120 Violation of rules by an employee 46 Violations, penalty for 12 Waiver Clauses in violation 82,83 Waiver of acts of tenants or insured 83 Warehousemen's Policies 83, 84 Accrued charges 83 Errors and omissions 84 Warranties. Automatic Fire Alarm 88 Automatic Sprinkler 88 Clear Space 89 Flat House 90,91 For dwelling occupation 90, 91 Occupancy . 95 Private Warehouse 97 Sole Occupancy 77 Special Building Signal 98 Unoccupancy 81 Theatre 99 Watchman and Clock 99,100 Warranties, Clauses and Privileges 85-102 Waste or ash cans 118 Waste and Paper Stocks in Stores and Dwellings . . 77 Watchman and Clock 120 Watchman's Lantern 120 Wharf Clause 100 Withdrawals . 31 Woodworkers in Stores and Dwellings .... 77 Work and Materials Clause 100-102 For Transportation Companies 101 Workingmen's Tools 67 Writing risks in Exchange territory by outside agents pro- hibited 14 fB ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT. The Order of Arrangement by Sections in this Book is as follows : AGREEMENT UNDER WHICH EXCHANGE IS ORGANIZED. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE AGREEMENT. LIST OF COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS AND AGENTS. broker's PLEDGES. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. CLAUSES AND PRIVILEGES. FORMS. REQUIREMENTS IN CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES. GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. RULINGS in the Agreement Section are indicated by being printed in HEAVY- FACE TYPE; in other parts of the book by having the subject printed in HEAVY-FACE TYPE; and the authority making them is indicated as follows: A. C. FOR ARBITRATION COMMITTEE. b. c. (t BROKERAGE « E. c. s 1 €t EXECUTIVE *t R. c. « RATE tt S. v^. c. (( STORAGE WAREHOUSE COMMITTEE. M, It MANAGER. And when a date only is given it indicates that it is a vote of the Exchange. The number of the Circular on which the ruling or vote was promulgated precedes the authority making it. \\ V ^ 4 t> NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE. AGREEMENT UNDER WHICH ORGANIZATION WAS EFFECTED MARCH 8th, 1899. Preamble Objects of Association Section i. Whereas, the association of underwriters for mutual counsel and comparison of experience is necessary for the determination of adequate and just rates of premium, the economical con- duct of the business, the prompt and equitable adjustment of losses, the ascertainment of proper and safe methods of construction of buildings, and the prevention and extinction of fires; and whereas, such an association of underwriters is in the mutual interest of the underwriter and the property owner; there- fore, Name adopted Subjects of Submission to Arbitration Committee Decisions to be abided by Section 2. In pursuance of Section 21* of the By-Laws of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, the subscribers hereto, by our signatures, af- firm our support and membership in the New York Fire Insurance Exchange. We agree to submit any doubtful questions as to rates, rules, commission or brokerage that may arise under this Agreement to the Committee on Arbitration or Grievances, hereinafter pro- vided for, and we bind ourselves to abide by their decision, whatever it may be, subject to appeal to the Exchange as hereinafter pro- vided, to the end that harmony and goodfel- lowship may continually prevail. •Now Article V of By-laws, adopted Feb. 21. 1906. ■: C { I < ' < AGREEMENT When a member calls the attention of an- other member to an error under the rules in a policy issued by such other member, the mem- ber at fault shall correct or cancel such policy within ten days, and failure to either correct or cancel the policy within the time specified will be regarded as a wilful violation of the rules of the Exchange. Circ. 102, A. C. 12-21-99. f Composition of Membership Section 3. This Exchange shall be composed of officers! of local companies and managers and agents! of out-of-town companies having jurisdiction! over the Metropolitan District, and in fixingi the number of Agencies and Branch Offices] each local company, each manager, and each I Metropolitan agent shall be placed upon thej same footing. While the membership and ob- ligation are personal, the signature of an officer of each out-of-town company to the Agreement shall be required. The privilege of membership to any person who is at the same time an officer or employee of, or shares an office accommodation with, a Company not a member of the Exchange, is against the spirit and letter of the Agreement, and such person or the Company he represents is ineligible to membership. Circ. 301-12-11-01. Officers Elected Annually Nominating Com- mittee to be appointed Section 4. (a) Its officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary, who shall also act as Treasurer. Such officers shall be elected by ballot, annually, by a plurality vote of all the members present and voting. The Treasurer shall furnish a bond for the faithful performance of duty, and the Exchange shall fix the place of deposit for funds. The officers of the Exchange shall be ex officio members of all Standing Committees. A person who is not a member of the Exchange may be elected Secretary and Treasurer, in which case he shall not be an ex officio member of any committee. (b) It shall be the duty of the President at least two weeks previous to the annual meeting to appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of seven members, three members representing Local Companies, two represent- ing Agency Companies, and two representing AGREEMENT Foreign Companies, who shall nominate a ticket for the ensuing year, and such nomina- tions shall be published to members at least one week previous to the annual meeting. Manager and Employees Section 5. The Exchange shall elect a Manager and such assistants and pay them such salaries as the Executive Committee shall recommend and the Exchange approve by a ninety per cent vote of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called. Meetings Order of Business Fine for Failure to Attend Meetings Section 6. (a) Meetings of the Exchange shall be held at such times as the Executive Committee shall direct or may be called by the President at the written request of any five members. Regular (Meetings shall be held on the Second Wednesday of each month; the meeting in March shall be considered the Annual Meet- ing. (b) At all regular meetings the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Calling the roll. 2. Reading the minutes. 3. Reports of standing committees in following order: Ar- bitration, Brokerage, Executive, Rate. 4. Re- ports of special committees. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New business. (c) Any member failing to attend any regu- larly called meeting, either personally or by qualified representative, shall pay into the treasury of the Exchange for each such meet- ing at which such member is not represented the sum of One Dollar, which shall be applied toward defraying the expenses of the Ex- change. In the case of a member not having an office or representative in New York, no fines shall be imposed for non-attendance at meetings. Where a member is represented by an agent who is also a member, the Company Member shall notify the Manager in writing as to whether the Company itself or its agent shall answer to the roll call, be subject to fine for absence, and exercise the privilege of voting. The vote of the member so indicated shall be binding upon the Company represented for the whole of the territory covered by the Ex- change. 12-11-01. AGREEMENT 8 Section 7. One-third of the members of the Exchange shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Quorum Assessment for Expenses Section 8. Each member shall be required, at such times as the Executive Committee may fix upon, to file with the Treasurer a sworn state- ment of the gross premiums written in the territory of this Exchange by each Company, separately, represented by such member for the time specified by the Executive Commit- tee, and the Executive Committee shall then recommend to the Exchange the percentage assessment on such gross premiums required for the maintenance of the Exchange; and upon the adoption of such assessment resolu- tion by a ninety per cent vote of the mem- bers present and voting at a meeting regu- larly called, the same shall be binding on all members, who shall forthwith remit to the Treasurer the amount due from each member or company. Executive Committee and Committee on Rates Composed of Shall be changed Bi-Monthly Chairman Brokerage Committee Composed of Section 9. (a) There shall be an Executive Committee and a Committee on Rates, which Committees shall consist of seven each. Such Commit- tees shall be uniformly composed of three members representing Local Companies, two representing Agency Companies and two rep- resenting Foreign Companies. The Commit- tees shall change bi-monthly, by the retire- ment each two months of one member, whose place shall be filled by the member next in order on an alphabetical list of membership. The retiring member each two months shall be the one who has served longest on the Committee, and his successor shall be chosen from the class of companies. Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member be- longs. The Chairman of the Committee shall be the member who has served longest upon it. The concurrence of four members of a Committee shall be necessary to a finding in any matter coming before them. (b) There shall be a Brokerage Committee, consisting of seven members, composed uni- formly of three representing Local Companies, i I AGREEMENT Terms of Office Chairman To Certify Applicants upon Information Obtained Shall secure Information Broker to Sign an Agreement Clerks or Employees of Assured not Eligible Pledge required Certificates to be Revoked Right of Appeal two representing Foreign Companies and two representing Agency Companies, and the mem- bership of the Committee shall change bi- monthly by the retirement each two months of one member, whose place shall be filled by the member next in order on an alpha- betical list of membership. The retiring mem- ber each two months shall be the one who has served longest on the Committee, and his successor shall be chosen from the class of companies. Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member belongs. The Chairman shall be the member who has been longest on the Committee. It shall be the duty of such Committee to issue a Broker's Certificate to an applicant duly qualified to receive such Certificate, ai^d no brokerage shall be paid to any person not so certified? The Brokerage Committee shall secure infor- mation in regard to applicants from all avail- able sources and shall be authorized to re- ceive complaints against holders of Certifi- cates or applicants from any party presenting such complaints. They shall before issuing a \ Broker's Certificate receive from the Broker a signed agreement to abide by the rules herein provided. The concurrence of five members of the Committee shall be necessary for a decision revoking any Broker's Certifi- cate, and the concurrence of four members shall be necessary to a finding in all other matters coming before them. (c) No Certificate shall be issued to any clerk or employee of the assured (other than a Certified Broker), nor shall any person be certified as a Broker who handles insurance for only one person or firm or individual mem- bers of such firm. Certified Brokers shall pledge themselves to receive no higher rate of brokerage from companies or agents not members of the Exchange than the rate per- mitted by the rules of this Exchange. (d) The Brokerage Committee shall revoke \ the Certificate of any Broker who is proved / to have violated his Pledge or Agreement to / this Exchange, after giving him an opportunityj to be heard in his defense. Such Broker shall have the right of appeal to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee, whose decision shall be final, such appeal to be made within ten days from the date of mailing a registered letter to the Broker giving notice of the action of the Brokerage Committee in revoking the Certifi- AGREEMENT 10 Failure to Renew Certificate in Season Notice to all of Changes in Committees cate. Any Broker whose Certificate has been so revoked shall not be eligible to receive a new Certificate except on the recommendation of the Brokerage Committee and a vote of ninety per cent of the members of the Ex- change present and voting at a meeting regu- larly called. When a Broker fails to renew his Certificate in season, thereby causing his name to be with- drawn from the list, and subsequently within six months asks for a renewal, such renewal shall not be granted unless, in addition to the regular charge for a Certificate, the sum of $3.00 is paid to cover cost of withdrawing and re-instating such Broker's name. Circ. 355-4-9-02. (e) At the time of creating any committee or filling any vacancy, the names of the com- mitteemen shall at once be communicated to all the members. Arbitration or Grievance Committee Composed of Terms of Office Alphabetical Retirement Chairman An Accused Member of Committee shall not Serve Section 10. (a) There shall be an Arbitration or Griev- ance Committee, consisting of seven members, which shall be uniformly composed of three members representing Local Companies, two representing Agency Companies and two rep- resenting Foreign Companies, and the mem- bership of the Committee shall change bi- monthly by the retirement each two months of one member, whose place shall be filled by the member next in order on an alphabetical list of membership. The retiring member each two months shall be the one who has served the longest on the Committee, and his suc- cessor shall be chosen from the class of com- panies. Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member belongs. The Chairman shall be the member who has been longest on the Committee. The concurrence of five mem- bers of the Committee shall be necessary for a decision affecting or interpreting the Agree- ment or any rule adopted by the Exchange, and the concurrence of four members shall be necessary to a finding in all other matters coming before them. (b) In case of a charge being brought against any member or employee of any mem- ber, if the accused member or accuser shall happen at the time of such charge to be a member of the Committee, such accused mem- AGREEMENT 11 Certificate to be Mailed each Director of a Local Company in Violation ber or accuser shall not serve on the Com- mittee while his own case is being adjudicated, but if the accused member shall be found guilty of a wilful violation of any rule or rate he shall retire from the Committee until he has been again elected to serve thereon. (c) If any local company, member of the Exchange, shall be charged with a wilful vio- lation of any rule or rate, and after investiga- tion such charges shall be sustained by a vote of not less than five of the seven members of the Arbitration or Grievance Committee and confirmed by a ninety per cent vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Exchange regularly called, a certificate setting forth such finding shall be forthwith mailed to each Director of such company. (d) If any agent or manager of a company having its home office outside of the City of New York shall be charged with a wilful vio- lation of any rule or rate, and after investi- gation such charge shall be sustained by a vote of not less than five of the seven mem- bers of the Arbitration or Grievance Com- mittee and confirmed by a ninety per cent vote of those present and voting at any meet- ing of the Exchange regularly called, a cer- tificate setting forth such findings shall be forthwith mailed to the President or the Gen- eral Manager of the Company at its home office. Certificate to be Mailed to Presi- dent or General Manager of an Outside Company in Violation 1 Power to Exam- ine Books and under Oath Shcdl employ Accountant or Auditor Refusal to reply an Admission of Truth Section ii. (a) The Arbitration or Grievance Commit- tee shall have power to examine the books of any office, Agency or Branch Office, and also to examine under oath any person or persons connected with such office. Agency or Branch Office; such power to be exercised upon a majority vote of the Committee after a com- plaint made, or upon the Committee's own initiative if so voted unanimously by its mem- bers. The Committee shall, when necessary or desirable, employ a professional accountant or auditor, who shall have power to examine the books of any office, Agency or Branch Office alleged to have deviated, when directed so to do by the Committee. The refusal of any member to testify to any question per- tinent to the complaint, or his refusal to sub- mit to the examination ordered by the Arbi- tration or Grievance Committee, shall be (■■ AGREEMENT 12 Fines / No Brokerage or Commission to be Allowed under Certain Conditions ) deemed an admission of the truth of the charge under investigation. (b) The Arbitration or Grievance Commit- tee may impose penalty or fines not exceeding $100 for any one violation of rule or rate, and (or) require that the member found in viola- tion shall cancel his policy or policies, and (or) that the member shall remain off the risk for the term of one year thereafter, in which case the member shall not be per- mitted to participate in the risk for such period either directly or by way of reinsur- 1 ance. ' Any ruling or request put out by the Man- ager's office calling for the correction or can- cellation of policies must be complied with, or an appeal entered therefrom, within fifteen days, and advice shall be given within that time to the Manager of the course intended to be pursued; and for each and every day of delay after fifteen days from the issuance of such ruling or request, a fine of $i.oo will be im- posed. Circ. 325, A. C. 2-10-02. In matter of fine for violations members are liable upon the basis of the insurance written by them, and may not reduce the same by tak- ing credit for reinsurance. The member who accepts the business is responsible for its being in accordance with rules and rates and for any penalties that may result from viola- tions. Circ. 673, A. C. 10-24-04. The responsibility for obtaining correct rate for a minimum rated risk rests with the mem- ber accepting same; and the attachment of certain warranties to a policy, or the showing made by the map, do not relieve members from the penalties of violation in case such a risk is subsequently shown to be written at a rate lower than that required by the rules. Circ. 632, A. C. 6-1-04. When the Arbitration or Grievance Commit- tee has ordered a policy or policies to be can- celled in consequence of having adjudged a member of the Exchange, or an Agent who is not a member but holds a Broker's Certificate, guilty of an infraction of the rules of the Ex- change, then such member or Agent shall not V be allowed to receive any commission or 1 brokerage for the placing of such risk during the term for which the i^jember is himself / ordered to keep off of such risk, and in addi- / tion, if the gravity of the offense warrant it, / the facts connected with the case shall be at/ AGREEMENT 13 Appeals once communicated to the Brokerage Com- mittee, that they may revoke the right of such member or Agent to receive any commission or brokerage on any business for such time as they may deem fit. Circ. 304-12-11-01. When in consequence of deviation or viola- t tion any member has been directed by the Arbitration Committee to cancel a policy and .remain off the risk for one year, such risk may not be re-written by such member in any com- pany represented in the office of such mem-, ber. Circ. 885, A. C. 3-18-07. When in consequence of deviation or viola- tion any Member has been directed by the Arbitration Committee or by the Exchange to cancel a policy written through a Branch Manager or Agency representing such Mem- ber and to remain off the risk for one year, the risk in question shall not be written by or through any other Member represented by such Branch Manager or Agent during the stated term of one year. Circ. 455, A. C. 1-21-03. (c) Appeal from the decision of the Com- mittee may be made at any meeting regularly called, notice of such appeal having been pre- viously given to each member of the Ex- change, and the finding shall be confirmed unless a majority of those present shall vote otherwise. (d) In case any member shall report the dereliction of any other member coming to his knowledge, it shall be optional with him to make a charge in writing, over his own signature, to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee; or he may, in preferring charges, first submit the actual or supposed facts to two or more members, who shall, if they are thought by them to be sufficiently reasonable and clearly warranted, unite with him in mak- ing the charges, which must be in writing; the members so uniting in the charges may report to any one member of the Grievance Committee, who shall not in any way, directly or indirectly, indicate the names or identity of such members. Said Grievance Committee shall thereupon investigate the charges. The Arbitration or Grievance Committee are n empowered, in cases where in their discretion // it is necessary to obtain such evidence from // the assured as will secure the conviction of a 11 memjDer or broker violating the rules or rates II of the Exchange, to authorize the substitution! of the policy of any other member for that of/ Charges against a Fellow Member How made Source not to be Indicated May authorize Substitution of Policies % AGREEMENT 14 Area of Operation Territory Excluded Outside Agents may not write in Exchange Territory Rates Unrated Risks Short Term Risks Annual Risks Term Risks the company under which a deviation has been // made on the same or better terms, provided i there shall be produced and delivered to said / Committee the proof satisfactory to them of/ such violation of the rules or rates. [ Circ. 50-6-29-99. Section 12. The rules and rates of this Exchange shall apply on all risks located in the Borough of Manhattan and in the Borough of the Bronx, west of the Bronx River, and in the Borough of Brooklyn, and in Long Island City, and on the American Dock stores and piers in the Borough of Richmond, all in the City of New York; and the said rules shall apply on all risks located in Hudson County, New Jersey, east of the Hackensack River. The Boroughs of Queens, and Bronx, and Richmond, outside the territory above named, being now in the territory of the Suburban Association, are ex- cluded until such time as this Exchange by a ninety per cent vote of those present and voting at a meeting regularly called shall decide otherwise. The writing of a policy on any risk located within the territory under the jurisdiction of this Exchange by any Agent outside of said territory is prohibited, and the member em- ploying such Agent will be held responsible for any violation. Circ. 156, A. C. 8-1-00. / Section 13. (a) At the first meeting of the Exchange, rates shall be adopted to apply on all risks in the territory specified; and such rates, and the commission rules as provided in the Agree- ment, shall apply immediately. (b) No unrated risk shall be written except subject to a rate to be made by the Exchange; and such rate shall apply from the assumption of the insurance. (c) Rated risks, when taken for periods of less than a year, shall be taken only at the rates named in Short Rate Tables of this Exchange. (d) No policy shall be written for more than one year on stocks of merchandise, or upon machinery, stock, or supplies in manufactur- ing risks except at full pro rata rates. No policy shall be written upon other property for t AGREEMiENT 15 Must be Rated Ratings to be recommended and changes thereof Adjusted upon a Discriminating Basis Rate Cabinets are Property of Exchange more than one year, except with the addition of three-fourths of the annual premium for each year after the first. For fractional parts of a year in excess of one year a pro rata of such three-fourths annual rate shall be added. No policy shall be written for a longer term than one year, until the risk has been rated. (e) The Committee on Rates shall recom- \ mend ratings to the Exchange, when, if the same are adopted by a vote of ninety per cent of the members present and voting at a meet- ing regularly called, they shall become opera- tive; and to change a rate once established, a vote of ninety per cent of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called shall j be required. (f) Rates of premium shall be adjusted upon a discriminating basis which recognizes merits and faults of construction, fire extin- guishing appliances and percentage of insur- ance to value. Rate cabinets and cards are the property of this Exchange, being loaned to members only for their information while members, and such cabinets and cards must be surrendered to the Exchange in case a member retires from busi- ness or withdraws from the Exchange. Circ. 355-4-9-02. a ^ Forms for Policies and Binder Section 14. The Exchange shall as rapidly as possible prepare proper forms for policies, the use of which shall be obligatory. A form of binder with a fifteen day limit clause shall also be prepared and its use required. A Binder Form may cover but one term of insurance and such term may run from one date only; and it is a violation to enter a second date intended to take effect at the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the first or original date, or to subsequently grant an extension by entry on the original binder. Circ. 708, A. C. 3-8-05. The Exchange Form of Binder is not re- quired to be used between Companies when reinsuring risks one with another. Circ. 412-10-9-02. The name and business address of a broker may be printed upon Exchange watermarked Binders after same have been purchased. 10-8-02. % AGREEMENT 16 / Cancellations and Rebates 7 Section 15. No policy, renewal or certificate of insur- ance shall be cancelled, pro ra ta, at request of the assured, except in cases where the insur- ance is immediately re-written, or placed with the same company or member, the re-written policy covering in the same location. In case ^ of reduction of rate without change of hazard, \ C 4 no policy shall be cancelled pro rata and re- ^* ^ written at the lower rate, and no rebate shall be made on such policy. A clause reading "It is understood and / agreed that in event of reduction of the tariff [ rate during the term of this policy, return pre- mium will be rendered accordingly, pro rata," or any clause involving an agreement to the same effect, is a violation. Circ. 193, M. 12-17-00. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be can- celled pro rata at request of the assured and re-written at short rates on the same mer- chandise but under a different name. Circ. 289, R. C. 11-6-01. A policy cancelled and immediately re-writ- ten by the same company to cover on the same property in the same location but for a different assured may be cancelled pro rata, provided that such policy does not cover in a private or public storage warehouse. Circ. 316, A. C. 1-17-02. / Transfers Section 16. (a) No policy or Certificate of insurance covering in any elevator or storage warehouse, private or public, shall be transferred to any other elevator or storage warehouse; provided, however, that where any listed storage store shall be torn down or changed to another occu- pancy by the owner thereof, the Arbitration or Grievance Committee shall, after considera- tion of the facts of the case, have power to promulgate, for the benefit of all members, permission to transfer insurance on merchan- dise belonging to other persons than the ware- house owner or lessee in such listed storage store to any other listed storage store. The Arbitration Committee will not con- sider an application for permission to transfer insurance from a listed storage store unless such application is accompanied by an affidavit AGREEMENT 17 Transfers (concluded) Assignments from the storekeeper setting forth the facts as to change of occupancy or demolition of such listed storage store, and also stating the time within which all goods will be removed and the use of the premises for their present purposes be discontinued. Circ. 225, A. C. 4-27-01. When permission is granted to transfer pol- icies from a listed storage store to other listed storage stores, as per Section i6 (a) of Agree- ment, as amended April loth, igoi, such trans- fers shall be made within thirty days from the date of promulgation of such permission, and after the lapse of that period the permission shall be void. Circ. 481, A. C. 3-16-03. The provisions of Section i6 of Agreement do not apply to the transfer of Personal Household Furniture from a storage ware- house to a dwelling. Circ. 140, A. C. 6-1-00. A policy covering Household Furniture may be transferred to cover in a storage warehouse at the pro rata charge of the difference in rate for the time that the policy covers in the warehouse. Circ. 356, A. C. 4-15-02. (b) No policy or certificate of insurance cov- ering in any elevator or storage warehouse, private or public, shall be assigned, except to cover the merchandise described in the policy and in the same location. Brokerage Section 17. (a) No brokerage or commission shall be paid or allowed on policies of insurance or re- insurance in excess of five per cent upon risks located in the Borough of Manhattan between Chambers and New Chambers Streets (in- cluding both sides of the streets) on the south and 14th Street (including both sides of the street) on the north, except on risks of a class permissible to be written at Branch Offices, upon which, within the district named, the rate of brokerage or commission shall be twenty per cent; nor shall any brokerage or commis- sion be paid or allowed on policies of insur- ance or reinsurance upon risks located in the remainder of the territory of this Exchange in excess of ten per cent, except on such risks as are permitted by Section 18 to be written at Branch Offices, on which a brokerage or commission not exceeding 20 per cent may be paid; provided, however, that any of the above named brokerages or commissions may be in- creased five per cent if the party receiving the AGREEMENT 18 Brokerage (concluded) Broker's business not to be purchased Exchange Business No Brokerage to Clerk of Assured Rebates not allowed Broker's Certificate shall agree that he will give the preference in placing his business to mem- bers of this Exchange, and that he will not place any risks with those not members, un- less sufficient insurance cannot be obtained from members. The vote of the Exchange of May 4, 1906, naming a "Congested District," contemplated a southern boundary for such district running from river to river; and such boundary is ac- cordingly held to include both sides of James Slip along with both sides of New Chambers Street and Chambers Street. Circ. 883, A. C 3-11-07. Commissions on risks rated under Restricted Sprinkler Schedule are limited to five (5) per cent. Circ. 743, 6-23-05. Ruled as to above Section that the words "such risks as are permitted by Section 18 to be written at Branch Offices" include all churches and schoolhouses and their contents, dwellings and their contents, private stables and their contents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies and their contents, located within the territory covered by the Exchange. Circ. 22, A. C. 4-28-99. Branch Office commission must not be paid or allowed on a specifically rated store and dwelling risk, unless the rate card applying to such risk contains the notation "Branch Office risk." Circ. 947, M. 1-27-08. (b) No member shall purchase the business of any broker on other terms than the rate of brokerage or commission fixed by the Ex- change. (c) Members of the Exchange shall be al- lowed to receive the regular brokerage or commission, as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, on Exchange business. (d) No brokerage shall be paid to any clerk of the assured, nor to any employee (other than a Certified Broker), nor shall any person be certified as a Broker who handles insurance for only one person or firm, or individual members of such firm. (e) No rebate shall be allowed either by members of the Exchange, or by Brokers, directly or indirectly; nor shall brokerage or commission be paid to, or divided with, any uncertified broker or other person. V AGREEMENT 19 Rules apply to all risks The allowance by a member of commission or brokerage to any clerk or employee of such member who does not hold a Broker's Certifi- cate will be regarded as a violation of this paragraph. Circ. 170, A. C. 10-12-00. ' (f) The rules of this Exchange, as to broker- age and commission, apply to all risks where- soever located, whether afloat or ashore, and whether rated or not rated, when written in the territory covered by this Exchange. The Broker's Pledge, wherein it is promised and agreed that no commission or brokerage will be paid to or divided with any persons not holding a Broker's Certificate, does not apply to any insurance on risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange, provided the re- strictions named in Section 21 of the Agree- ment are observed. Circ. 465, A. C. 2-16-03. Agency Branch Offices No Agencies in Manhattan and the Bronx Section 18. (a) Where the word "Agency" is used, it is understood to be equal to a Head Office in rank in the Exchange, although not entitled to membership; for instance, the Agents in Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, Long Island City, etc. Where the words "Branch Office" are used, they shall be understood as referring to a sub-office, restricted as below, and not en- titled to independent control. All such Offices shall report to Plead Offices in New York or Brooklyn respectively, and are confined to the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, and the Borough of Brooklyn. v An Agent representing Exchange companies V may not act as Agent for non- Exchange com- \ panics or for any outside organization trans- 1 acting a fire insurance business. j Circ. 346, A. C. 3-19-02. "^ The issuing of agents* appointments or com- missions to parties who are to exercise no priv- ileges as such, but are expected to act only as solicitors, is in violation, and no agents may be appointed or commissioned, either in fact or in form, in excess of the number permitted under the Agreement. Circ. 941, A. C. 12-17-07. (b) No member shall have any Agency or Agencies in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, nor shall any company have such Agency or Agencies other than the Agency of the member of this Exchange. m. AGREEMENT 20 Exceptions No Branch Offices — where Branch Offices; territory allowed May write only in Manhattan and the Bronx Classes of risks allowed (c) This rule, however, shall not apply to the present existing offices of the Germania and Peter Cooper Insurance Companies, nor to the present office of the New York Under- writers' Agency located within the district do- scribed in paragraph (d). A re-insurance company that is a member of the Exchange may have but one office or con- nection in Manhattan and the Bronx for the transaction of business; and an arrangement to accept business for account of, or any bind- ing arrangement, in addition to such office or connection, is equivalent to another agency and is in violation. Circ. 664, A. C. 9-26-04. (d) There shall be no Branch Offices in the following districts in the Borough of Manhat- tan, viz: south of a line drawn, commencing at West Houston Street, including both sides of said street, and North River, running easterly along West Houston Street to Elizabeth Street, thence southerly along Elizabeth Street to Grand Street, thence easterly along Grand Street to East River. (e) Any member of the Exchange may have not exceeding two Branch Offices in the terri- tory between the line above mentioned and 42d Street (on either side of said street) and not exceeding four north of 42d Street in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. A Branch Office located on 426. Street must be considered, according to paragraph (e), Section 18 of Agreement, as being for the territory south of 426 Street. Circ. 268, A. C. 9-14-01. (f) The Managers of such Branch Offices shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, nor shall such Branch Offices write on any risk other than churches and schoolhouses and their contents, dwellings and their contents, private stables and their contents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores, and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies, and their contents. The term "schoolhouses" in above paragraph shall be held to cover all educational institu- tions occupying buildings solely for their own use. Circ. 267-9-11-01. Buildings occupied solely by Colleges for their own use, and their contents, are the only class of risk that may come within the term "educational institutions," as used in vote of September nth, 1901, defining what the term m. AGREEMENT 21 "schoolhouses" in paragraph (f), Section i8 of Agreement shall be held to cover. Circ. 510-6-10-03. The words, "shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx" prohibit the issuance from the office of any Branch Manager of any policy which might have been previously executed in blank at the Head Office, and a strict compliance with the letter and spirit of this rule requires that no such policies shall be executed at the Head Office except in their entirety. Circ. 90, A. C. 10-24-99. Convents may be classed as school or church property and subject to the commission allowed thereon. Circ. 50-6-29-99. Branch Managers located in the Borough of the Bronx are restricted to the writing of risks located within so much of that territory as is under the jurisdiction of this Exchange; that is to say, west of the Bronx River. Circ. 263, A. C. 9-7-01. Branch Managers are allowed to write Build- ings in Course of Construction, provided poli- cies are in the following form: "On building while in course of construction or while occupied for [here in- sert intended occupancy, which must be that of a risk which a Branch Manager may write]." Circ. 387-7-9-02. (ff) Branch Managers may be given Certifi- cates by the Brokerage Committee upon ex- ecuting the usual Pledges and Agreements re- quired from brokers, and such Certificates may be revoked or withheld by the Brokerage Committee for the same reasons as would ap- ply to other brokers. In case of revocation of a Certificate the Brokerage Committee, if it deems sufficient cause is shown, may present the case to the Arbitration Committee and ask that the appointment of such Branch Manager be recalled. (g) Managers of Branch Offices shall be compensated by a commission only, and all ex- penses of whatsoever name or nature shall be paid by them. Such commission shall be 25% upon all business of a class permitted to be written by Branch Offices, as set forth in para- graph (f) of this section, together with an over-riding commission of not exceeding 12^%. They shall be entitled as brokers to place any business controlled by them of a May hold Certifi- cates as brokers To be compen- sated by com- mission only Over-riding AGREEMENT 22 Contingent Net profits ^ Agencies non-Branch Office class and to receive there- for only the brokerage allowed by the rules of this Exchange. The allowance to a Branch Manager of a contingent upon the profits of his office is forbidden, except that in lieu of the over-riding commission mentioned in this paragraph, he may be allowed a reduced over-riding commission with a contingent; commission upon the net profits of his office ; accruing during a period of not less than one ' year, such net profits to be arrived at by deducting from the gross premiums written all return premiums, reinsurance premiums^ commissions, state and local taxes, losses ivf- curred and the expenses of adjustments, and such contingent commission not to exceed three times the amount of the reduction in the over-riding commission. (h) Each member of the Exchange may have one Head Office or Agency in the Western District and one in the Eastern District of the Borough of Brooklyn, also one in Long Island City, all of whose writings shall be entirely confined to risks upon Long Island. The Eastern District of Brooklyn is defined as follows: All that portion of the Borough of Brooklyn lying North of Flushing Avenue from Washington Avenue to Broadway and up Broadway to East New York, including both sides of the avenues named. The Western District is all that portion of the Borough of Brooklyn (or Kings County) not described as comprised in the Eastern District. Circ. 26-5-4-99. Agents must have a bona fide office located in the district for which they are ap- pointed. Circ. 543, A. C. 9-17-03. (i) Such Managers of Head Offices or Agencies may be compensated in such manner as their principals may desire. (j) Any member of the Exchange or Head Office may have not exceeding two Branch Offices in the territory known as the Western, and one in the Eastern District of the Borough of Brooklyn. (k) Such Managers of Branch Offices shall be compensated only in the manner and form set forth in paragraph (g) of this section. (1) The Managers of such Branch Offices shall write no risk except in the Borough of Brooklyn, nor shall any such Branch Offices write on any risk other than churches and schoolhouses and their contents, dwellings and Brooklyn Districts defined Compensation of Agents Branch Offices in Brooklyn Compensation of Branch Managers Must write in their own districts AGREEMENT 23 • their contents, private stables and their con- tents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores, and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies, and their contents. Convents may be classed as school or church property and subject to the commission al- lowed thereon. Circ. 50-6-29-99. Jersey City, Hoboken and Hudson County Agents not allowed to write in New York New Jersey Resident Agents Agents and Branch Offices Amenable to rules and rates Declaration to be filed (m) Each member may have two Head Offices or Agencies in Jersey City, one in Hoboken, one in Bayonne, and one in the re- maining portion of Hudson County east of the Hackensack River. Such Agents shall not be allowed to write risks located in the City of New York. They may be compensated in such manner as their principals may desire. For the purpose of complying with the Resi- dent Agents law of New Jersey, the appoint- ment of a resident of that state, but employed in a clerical capacity in New York, whose powers are restricted to the countersigning of policies covering property in New Jersey which may be issued at the main office of a member, such Agent not being a Certified Broker, and to whom no commission is al- lowed, is not in violation of the rules of the Exchange, and such appointee shall not be re- garded as one of the agencies authorized in Jersey City, Hoboken and the adjacent terri- tory under Section i8, paragraph (m) of the Agreement. Circ. 21, A. C. 4-28-99. (n) Head Offices or Agencies and Branch Offices and companies represented by them shall be held amenable to the rules and rates of this Exchange; and the member or company represented by a member having such Agency or Branch Office shall be responsible for its proper conduct. The employment by a member, or by an Agent, Branch Manager, or other representa- tive of a member, of an Agent, Branch Man- ager, or employee of a non-Exchange company will be regarded as a violation and so dealt with. Circ. 170, A. C. 10-12-00. (o) On August 1, 1908, and on February 15th of each year thereafter, each member shall file with the Manager a declaration executed (if a company) by its Manager, or President, or Secretary; or (if an agency) by the agent him- self or by a member of the agency firm; in the following form: AGREEMENT 24 Form Separate declara- tion for each Branch Office Must do business at assigned location solely Penalty for violation "I, on behalf of (name company or agency) do hereby declare that the compensation paid, or agreed to be paid by this office to Branch Manager.., having an office at does not exceed a commission of 25% upon all business written by such Branch Manager., (such business being limited to churches and schoolhouses and their contents, dwellings and their contents, private stables and their con- tents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores, and above the gradp floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies, and their contents), with an over-riding com- mission thereon of . . .% and with a contingent commission of ... % upon the net profits of the branch office; and that no compensation greater than 15% (or 10% if the business is located in the "Congested District" of Manhat- tan) has been, or is agreed to be, paid to such Branch Manager.., upon business written by this office on account of such Branch Man- ager.., the same being business which such Branch Manager,, is /are not permitted to write direct; and I further declare that no ar- rangement has been, or will be entered into whereby any greater compensation will be al- lowed, or paid directly or indirectly, to said Branch Manager.., or on his /their account or on his / their behalf." (Signed) A separate declaration as above shall be filed with reference to each and every Branch Office which each member may have in the territory of the Exchange, and any failure to file such declaration on or before the first day of August, 1908, and on February 15th, of each year thereafter, shall be forthwith reported to the Arbitration Committee, and that Commit- tee shall thereupon fine the principal maintain- ing such office $50 per diem until such declara- tion is filed. (p) Branch Managers will be in violation of the rules unless they are in charge of bona fide insurance offices located in the district as- signed them, and unless they transact their in- surance business at their assigned location solely. (q) Any Branch Manager having been proven to have wilfully broken a rate, or to have paid a brokerage in excess of that per- mitted by the rules of this Exchange shall, AGREEMENT 25 Not to be em- ployed by any other member Names and addresses to be filed Within seven dayi If appointments objected to Must be revoked Appeals Shall file a Pledge Form upon being found guilty to the satisfaction of the Arbitration or Grievance Committee, have his appointment immediately revoked, and no member shall again employ him in the capacity of Branch Manager, The findings of said Committee shall, however, be open to appeal to the Exchange as provided in this Agree- ment. (r) The name and address of every Agent and Branch Manager shall be promptly filed with the Manager of this Exchange, who shall keep a list of the same in a book to be prepared for that purpose, which list shall be open to the inspection of the members of the Exchange at all convenient times. Failure to give notice to the Manager of the appointment of an Agent or Branch Manager within seven days after such appointment is made will be regarded as a violation of Sec- tion i8 (r). Circ. 294, A. C. 11-19-01. (s) If any member shall object to any such appointment, the question shall be referred to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee; and if said Committee shall decide that such ap- pointment has been made in violation of the letter or spirit of this Agreement, it shall be immediately revoked upon their request. An appeal to a general meeting against any deci- sion rendered may be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The rules of this Exchange, as to brokerage and com- mission, apply to all risks wheresoever located, whether afloat or ashore, and whether rated or not rated, when written in the territory cov- ered by this Exchange. I (t) Every Agent and Branch Manager shall file with the Manager of this Exchange a pledge reading as follows: | " hereby promise and agree that will observe the Agreement, rates, rules and regulations of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange in letter and spirit so long as shall hold an appointment as ; for any member of the Exchange." j I and refusal to file such a pledge shall be suffi- cient ground for the Arbitration Committee to request the immediate revocation of appoint- ment of such Agent or Branch Manager, I # AGREEMENT 20 No other kinds of risk to be included in fire policies Section 19. No member shall include in a fire policy, or by endorsement thereon, any risk other than that of fire and lightning, and any company granting marine or tornado insurance, or giv- ing any privileges, or doing anything that re- sults in lowering the regular rates, is in viola- tion of the rules and rates of this Exchange. The issuing of floaters covering automobiles not only against fire but also against marine perils while on board steamers, and against loss or damage resulting from derailment of cars while in course of transportation, is a violation of Section 19 of the Agreement, which forbids the granting of marine or tor- nado insurance, or the giving of any privilege, or doing anything that results in lowering the regular rates. Circ. 637, A, C. 6-10-04. Payment of Premiums Notice of Cancellation Form of Premiiun Certificate Section 20. (a) All premiums shall be due upon the de- livery of the policy, and if not paid by the tenth day of the second month following the month in which the insurance takes effect, notice of the cancellation as required by the Standard Policy shall be sent to the assured direct (and, if the policy be held as collateral, to the party also, to whom it is payable) not later than the twelfth of the said second month, or if the twelfth falls on Sunday or a holiday, then on the next working day; and if the premiums be not paid within five days fol- lowing the service of such notice, the policies shall be cancelled, and notice that they have been cancelled shall be sent to the assured direct, not later than the 20th of the month. On the 20th of each month (or, if the 20th shall fall upon a legal holiday, on the next working day) each member of the Exchange, and also each Agent and Branch Oflfice Manager within the jurisdiction of the Exchange, shall make a statement as per following form, and deliver same to the Manager of the Exchange: — "The undersigned, member of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, or Agent or Branch Office Manager of the Insurance Company, hereby certifies that all the pre- miums on all the policies issued by the said member. Agent or Branch Office Manager, and taking effect in the month of were paid on the 20th inst., or, if any were AGREEMENT 87 unpaid at that date, all such policies have been cancelled for non-payment and notices of such cancellations have been sent to the assured and to the payee, if any." Date, Signature , Manager shall report names Payment of Premiums The Manager pf the Exchange shall report to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee the names of all members, Agents or Branch Offices, if any, who fail to promptly file the statement above required. When a member has been obliged to cancel a policy for non-payment of premium he shall furnish a statement to that effect to the Man- ager, covering the name of the Company, name and location of risk, amount, date of com- mencement of insurance, and the name of the broker. Circ. 710-3-8-05. Any omission to send out cancellation no- tices based upon an agreement that the Broker guarantees payment of the premiums before the 2oth of the month will be regarded as a violation and dealt with accordingly. Circ. 93, A. C 11-8-99. The fact that a broker has a credit in the hands of an office issuing a policy, does not permit cancellation notice to the assured to be withheld if premium on such policy is not paid when due under the rules. A. C. 2-18-01. The allowance of a discount for cash pay- ment of premiums will be regarded as a re- bate and violation and dealt with accordingly. Circ. 193, B. C. 12-17-00. The allowance of credit for full return pre- miums, or for any other than the proper un- earned premiums, upon policies that have been settled for under the rules, but which are sub- sequently returned with the claim that they have never been paid for by the insured, is a violation, the clear intent of section 20 of Agreement being that policies shall not only be paid for within the required time, but that such payment shall be regarded as a bona fide premium which shall not be subsequently re- turned except subject to the earned premium for the elapsed time. Circ. 993, A. C. 7-20-08. AGREEMENT 28 Open entries, time of closing and rate Time for payment of premiums may be extended The provisions of Section 20 relating to the Collection of Premiums apply only on policies covering risks located within the jurisdiction of this Exchange. Circ. 114, A. C. 2-1-00. Re-insurance premiums as well as direct pre- miums must be paid within the time stipulated, viz: "by the tenth day of the second month following the month in which the insurance takes effect." Circ. 43, A. C. 6-16-99. The acceptance of a check in payment of premiums, no matter when dated, which shall be held by the member receiving it for more than twenty-four hours (Sundays and holidays excepted) after the time specified by Section 20 of the Agreement, as amended, will be re- garded as a deviation and so dealt with. Circ. 78, A. C. 9-21-99. The acceptance of a check dated later than the time fixed for the payment of premiums under the rules of the Exchange must be re- garded as a deviation and so dealt with. Circ. 72, A. C. 8-30-99. Additional Premiums charged under endorse- ments on policies shall be treated in the same manner as if they were original premiums, and are subject to Exchange rules regarding can- cellation of policies for non-payment of pre-, miums within the time prescribed by above section. Circ. 107, A. C. 1-10-00. Where an additional premium is required under the rules of the Exchange which would amount to less than 25 cents the charge there- for may be waived. Circ. 216-3-20-01. (b) All insurance effected upon open entry, or carried on binder, must be closed and pre- mium thereon paid within the time above specified. In closing same it shall be on the basis of rate existing at the time insurance was made binding. (c) The Arbitration or Grievance Committee shall have authority to extend the time for the payment of premiums, in specific cases, on ac- count of sickness or absence of an assured, or similar sufficient excuse, on the written re- quest of the member interested. Requests for extension of time for payment of premiums cannot be considered unless placed in the hands of the Committee on or before the seventh day of the second month following the month in which the insurance took effect. Circ. 610, A. C. 3-28-04. AGREEMENT 29 Section 21. Outside Risks, brokerage on Local tariff to govern (a) No brokerage in excess of ten per cent shall be paid on any risk outside the territory included in this Agreement, except when such risk is within the jurisdiction of local boards whose rules allow a higher brokerage than ten per cent, and then such brokerage must not be exceeded. An allowance of brokerage in excess of ten per cent on floating policies covering outside the territory of this Exchange is a violation, whether such policies also cover within such territory or not. Circ. 396, 8-13-02. The provisions of Section 21 (a) do not ap- ply to Floater Forms 5, 6, 7 and 8, because when those forms were adopted Staten Island was within the territory of the Tariff Associa- tion. Circ. 543, A. C. 9-17-03. (b) In case any risk on property located out- side the territory of this Exchange be written or accepted otherwise than through a local agent of the company, the rate at which the risk is accepted shall be that of the local tariff of the place where it is located, and the policy shall conform to rules and forms there re- quired. This provides that members shall not write in their offices situated in the territory covered by this Exchange in violation of the tariff rate of any local board. Where a policy covers property located within the territory of the Exchange, and also property located outside of such territory, the rate on the property located outside of the ter- ritory of the Exchange shall be in accordance with the rules and rates of the locality where the property is located, but in no case less than the rate of the New York Fire Insurance Ex- change on the property located within its terri- tory. Circ. 134, R. C. 4-25-00. The Broker's Pledge, wherein it is promised and agreed that no commission or brokerage will be paid to or divided with any persons not holding a Broker's Certificate does not apply to any insurance on risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange, provided the re- strictions named in Section 21 of the Agree- ment are observed.. Circ. 465, A. C. 2-16-03. / AGREEMENT 30 Re-Insurance Affidavit Risks excepted Section 22. (a) No member or company represented by a member shall effect, here or abroad, any re- insurance upon risks located in the territory of this Exchange, otherwise than with mem- bers of the New York Fire Insurance Ex- change. A re-insurance company that is a member ol the Exchange may have but one office or con»> nection in Manhattan and the Bronx for the transaction of business; and an arrangement to accept business for account of, or any binding arrangement in addition to, such office or con- nection is equivalent to another agency and is in violation. Circ. 664, A. C. 9-26-04. It is a violation of the rules of the Exchange to effect re-insurance in any Company not legally admitted to transact business in that portion of the territory of the Exchange in which re-insurance is desired; but this does not apply to so-called Affidavit Risks. Circ. 117, A. C. 2-10-00. If a policy written at tariff rate is reinsured in whole or in part the reinsurance may be written at the same rate as that which the re- insured policy bears at time of reinsurance even though a higher rate may have subse- quently been promulgated. Circ. 1102, A. C. 8-12-09. Re-insurance written within the jurisdiction of this Exchange on policies covering risks located outside the territory of this Exchange must be written at the tariff rate of the local board having jurisdiction. Circ. 141, A. C. 6-13-00. The rules of the Exchange do not affect the commission paid by one company to another, both being members of the Exchange, for the re-insurance of risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange. Circ. 72, A. C. 8-30-99. Exchange members may re-insure non- Exchange companies upon risks located within the jurisdiction of the Exchange, provided no commission or brokerage thereon is paid to the re-insured company, or to the broker, or agent. Circ. 160, A. C. 8-11-00. (b) The above restrictions shall not apply to such risks as, under the provisions of the Statutes of New York State, may be placed AGREEMENT 31 Affidavit risks excepted (Concluded) by licensed brokers in companies not duly ad- mitted to transact business in the State, nor shall it apply to buildings or contents of rail- road terminal property. As to the right of companies to effect Re- Insurance in outside Companies, all Exchange companies being full, it is ruled that the same privilege would extend to companies effecting Re-Insurance as is given to Brokers imder Pledge Class 2, they also rendering to the Manager a statement of the amounts of such insurance and the companies in which it is effected similar to the statement required from Brokers under same circumstances. Circ. 70, A. C. 8-21-99. In the matter of re-insurance of policies is- sued prior to organization of the Exchange and commissions allowed thereon, it is ruled that any policy, whether direct or by way of re-insurance, written subsequent to March 8, 1899, should conform fully to tariff require- ments as to rates and rules. Circ. 88, M. 10-17-99. Re-insurance of fire liability of Marine In- surance Companies on merchandise either specific or by floating policies must conform to all Exchange rules and rates. Circ. 94, A. C. 11-10-99. Withdrawals Section 23. Any member may withdraw from this Ex- change on giving thirty days notice in writing to the President of the Exchange of his inten- tion to do so; it being understood that, at the end of such thirty days and on such with- drawal any other member may withdraw at the same time, provided he has given, at least, five days notice in writing to the President of the Exchange of his intention to do so. Notices of resignation shall be immediately communicated to all the members. Changes in Agreement Section 24. No change shall be made in this Agreement until written or printed notice of a proposition to amend has been sent to every member not less than one week in advance of the day fixed for its discussion; and no change or addition shall be made if a ny member present at such meeting shall vote Tn the negative AGREEMENT 32 Arrangements to be relinquished Section 25. (a) All companies having arrangements which, in accordance with the rules now adopted, will have to be relinquished or read- justed shall, as the alternative of immediate acquiescence, file with the Arbitration Com- mittee a statement of such arrangements, ac- companied by an application for time in which to reform the same; and the maintenance of such arrangements in the absence of the sub- mission of such application shall be held to be in violation of the rules of the Exchange. (b) The Arbitration Committee shall there- upon, with due diligence, proceed to pass upon the applications filed; and the decision of such Committee when rendered shall be final and conclusive; and the said Committee shall, upon request of any member, furnish him with full information as to any such arrangements filed. Information as to such arrangements Pledge of Member Section 26. I hereby agree for myself and the company or companies which I represent that I will observe the foregoing Agreement and all the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, in letter and in spirit, until I am released from its obliga- tions, as therein provided. I have not any agreement or contract with brokers, or others, not in accordance with its provisions, nor will I make any such while I am a member of this Exchange. Signature of member to foregoing Agreement and Pledge List of Members An asterisk (*) indicates that the company does business only in that portion of Exchange territory which is located in New Jersey. COMPANY MEMBERS. Ltd The Aachen & Munich Fire Ins. Co. Adirondack Fire Insurance Co. Assurance Company of America Atlas Assurance Company Caledonian American Insurance Co Caledonian Insurance Co. City of New York Insurance Co. Cologne Reinsurance Co. Colonial Assurance Co. . Commercial Union Assurance Co., Commercial Union Insurance Co. Commonwealth Insurance Co. Continental Insurance Co. Empire City Fire Insurance Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. First Russian Insurance Co. . German Alliance Insurance Co. German American Insurance Co. Germania Fire Insurance Co. . Globe & Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Hamilton Fire Insurance Co Hanover Fire Insurance Co. Home Insurance Co. International Insurance Co. Jakor Insurance Co. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co London Assurance Corporation London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Lumber Insurance Co Merchants Fire Assurance Corporation Moscow Fire Insurance Co. . Munich Re-Insurance Co. Nassau Fire Insurance Co. . *National Fire & Marine Insurance Co New Amsterdam Fire Insurance Co. . New York Underwriters Agency Niagara Fire Insurance Co. . ix-la-Chapelle, Germany New York New York . London, England New York Scotland New York Cologne, Germany New York St England New York New York New York New York New York Petersburg, Russia New York New York New York New York Hamburg, Germany New York New York New York New York . Moscow, Russia Liverpool, England New York . London, England Liverpool, England New York New York . Moscow, Russia .Munich, Germany New York . Elizabeth, New New New N. J. York York York 33 LIST OF MEMBERS 34 North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. Northern Insurance Co. . North River Insurance Co. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society- Pacific Fire Insurance Co. Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Pelican Assurance Co. Peter Cooper Fire Insurance Co. Phoenix Assurance Co. Queen Insurance Co. Richmond Insurance Co. Rossia Insurance Co. Royal Insurance Co. Russian Re-msurance Co. Salamandra Insurance Co. Skandia Insurance Co. * State Fire Insurance Co. Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Sun Insurance Office United States Fire Insurance Co. Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co. Liverpool, England New York London, England New York New York Norwich, England New York Manchester, England New York New York London, England New York New York St. Petersburg, Russia Liverpool, England St. Petersburg, Russia St. Petersburg, Russia Stockholm, Sweden Liverpool, England New York London, England New York New York New York b AGENCY MEMBERS. Brown & Co., T. Y. Brown & Co., Willard S. Cluff, Edward Crum & Forster Darby, D. M. Frelinghuysen, J. S. Hall & Henshaw Hampton, Howard Herrick, Harold Hilliard, J. G. James & Co., Fred. S. Kelly & Fuller Kelly, Fuller & de Rivera McDaniel, F. S. Miller, A. E. Montgomery & Fountain Newman & MacBain Ogden & Son, W. B. Pawley, F. A. Perrin & Son, W. L. Reid, Wallace Ross, F. H. Sammis & Co., W. D. Smith, C. G. Sohmer, Wm. Starkweather & Shepley Talbot & Co., John M. Talbot, Wallace & Co. Ward & Crawford Wayland, Curtis C. Weed & Kennedy Whilden & Hancock White, Major A. Whiton & Merges Withers & Mills ■b < COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS 35 COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS AND AGENTS. The following is a list of Companies represented by Members of the Exchange and by Agents under Exchange jurisdiction as re- corded at the Manager's Office up to July ist, 1910. o. yEtna Insurance Co. Agricultural Insurance Co. Albany Insurance Co. American National Insurance Co. . Allemania Fire Insurance Co. Alliance Insurance Co. . American Central Insurance Co. . American Fire Insurance Co. American Insurance Co. Atlanta-Birmingham Fire Insurance C Atlanta Home Insurance Co. Austin Fire Insurance Co. Ben Franklin Fire Insurance Co. . Boston Insurance Co. British America Assurance Co. Buffalo Commercial Insurance Co. Buffalo German Insurance Co. California Fire Insurance Co. Calumet Insurance Co. . Camden Fire Insurance Association Capital Fire Insurance Co. Central National Fire Insurance Co. Citizens' Fire Insurance Co. Citizens' Insurance Co. . Commerce Insurance Co. Commonwealth Insurance Co. . Concordia Fire Insurance Co, Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. Cooper Fire Insurance Co. . County Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Delaware Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Dixie Fire Insurance Co. Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Dutchess Insurance Co * Eastern Fire Insurance Co. Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Farmers* Fire Insurance Co. Fire Association of Philadelphia . Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Firemen's Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J. ^Florida Home Insurance Co. . Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Freeholders Insurance Co . Hartford, Conn. Watertown, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. . Rock Island, 111. . Pittsburgh, Pa. . Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. . Philadelphia, Pa. Newark, N. J. Birmingham, Ala. . Atlanta, Ga. Austin, Texas Allegheny, Pa. Boston, Mass. . Toronto, Canada Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. . Chicago, 111. Camden, N. J. Concord, N. H. . Chicago, 111. Charlestown, W. Va. St. Louis, Mo. Albany, N. Y. Dallas, Texas . Milwaukee, Wis. . Hartford, Conn. Dayton, Ohio . Philadelphia, Pa. . Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit, Mich. Greensboro, N. C. Dubuque, Iowa Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Atlantic City, N. J. . Providence, R. I. York, Pa. . Philadelphia, Pa. San Francisco, Cal. Newark, N. J. Marianna, Fla. . Philadelphia, Pa. Topeka, Kan. COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS 36 o. Georgia Home Insurance Co. German American Fire Insurance Co. . German American Fire Ins. Co. of Pennsylvania German Fire Ins. Co. of the City of Pittsburgh German Fire Insurance Co. . . German Fire Insurance Co. . . Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. . Glens Falls Insurance Co. Granite State Fire Insurance Co. . Hartford Fire Insurance Co. . Hawkeye Insurance Co Humboldt Fire Insurance Co. Imperial Fire Insurance Co. . Insurance Co. of North America . Insurance Co. of the State of Illinois Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania Jefferson Fire Insurance Co. . Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Ins. Co Lumbermen's Insurance Co. . Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance C Mechanics* and Traders* Insurance Co. Mechanics* Insurance Co. Michigan Commercial Insurance Co. . Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Millers' National Insurance Co. . Milwaukee Fire Insurance Co. Milwaukee Mechanics* Insurance Co. . Monongahela Insurance Co. . National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford National Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania National Lumber Insurance Co. National Union Fire Insurance Co. Netherlands Fire Insurance Co. . Newark Fire Insurance Co. . New Brunswick Fire Insurance Co. New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriters* Agency . Norfolk Fire Insurance Co. . Northwestern Nat. Ins. Co. of Milwaukee, Wis. Old Colony Insurance Co. Orient Insurance Co Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. . People's National Fire Insurance Co. . Phoenix Insurance Co Providence-Washington Insurance Co. . Prussian National Insurance Co. . Queen City Fire Insurance Co. Reliance Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Rhode Island Insurance Co. . Rochester German Ins. Co. of Rochester, N. Royal Exchange Assurance . St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. The New Columbus, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Peoria, 111 Wheeling, W. Va. . Philadelphia, Pa. Glens Falls, N. Y. Portsmouth, N. H. Hartford, Conn. Des Moines, la. Allegheny, Pa. Denver, Colo. Philadelphia, Pa. . Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. London, England Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. New Orleans, La. Philadelphia, Pa. Lansing, Mich. Detroit, Mich. . Chicago, 111. Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. Pittsburgh, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Allegheny, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Hague, Holland Newark, N. J. Brunswick, N. J. Manchester, N. H. New York . Norfolk, Va. . Milwaukee, Wis. Boston, Mass. . Hartford, Conn. . Philadelphia, Pa. . Philadelphia, Pa. . Hartford, Conn. . Providence, R. I. . Stettin, Germany Sioux Falls, South Dakota . Philadelphia, Pa. . Providence, R. I. Y. . Rochester, N. Y. . London, England St. Paul, Minn. Edinburgh, Scotland COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS 37 Security Insurance Co. of New Haven . Shawnee Insurance Co Southern National Insurance Co. . Sovereign Fire Insurance Co. . Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Spring Garden Insurance Co. . Standard Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford Standard Fire Insurance Co. of New Jersey- State Insurance Co Sun Insurance Co Svea Fire and Life Insurance Co. . Teutonia Insurance Co Teutonia Fire Insurance Co. of Allegheny- Union Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Washington Fire Insurance Co. . Western Assurance Co Western Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Reserve Insurance Co. William Penn Fire Insurance Co. . City New Haven, Conn. Topeka, Kan. Austin, Tex. . Toronto, Canada . Springfield, Mass. . Philadelphia, Pa. . Hartford, Conn. Trenton, N. J. Omaha, Neb. . New Orleans, La. Gothenburg, Sweden New Orleans, La. Allegheny, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, Va. Seattle, Wash. Toronto, Canada Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio Pottsville, Pa. An asterisk (•) indicates that the Company does business only in that portion of Exchange territory which is located in New Jersey. v^-^ V Broker's Pledges A Broker signing Pledge Classes I and II may receive a First- Class Certificate; a Broker signing Pledge Class I only may receive a Second-Class Certificate; in the case of a firm the individual signa- tures of its members must follow that of the firm; in the case of a member of a firm partners must also individually sign. CLASS I. In consideration of the commissions or brokerages at the current rate that may be fixed and established for the time being by, and to be paid by members of, the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, I hereby promise and agree that I will not, directly or indirectly, make any rebate to the assured nor, directly or indirectly, pay to or divide with any person not holding a Broker's Certificate, any commission or brokerage, nor will I receive from any Company or Agent, directly or indirectly, any remuneration for business placed with them in excess of that permitted by the rules of the Exchange. To be signed by the principal, not employee. In presence of CLASS II. In consideration of the payment to be made to me of an ad- ditional five per cent to the commissions or brokerages as provided "^-u^ for in Broker's Pledge, Class I, signed by me, I hereby promise and agree in addition to said pledge, that in placing insurance, I ""^ will give the preference to the members of the New York Fire In- surance Exchange, and that I will not place any risk with those not members unless I cannot secure sufficient insurance on such risks from members of the Exchange, in which case I agree to file with the Secretary of the Exchange, within one week of so placing, a list of such outside Company or Companies in which same has been placed, with the name of the assured, location of risk and the amount of insurance given them. To be signed by the principal, not employee, principal having first signed Pledge, Class I. In presence of The Broker's Pledge agreeing to report to the Exchange any lines placed with outside Companies requires that policies covering Affidavit Risks, so-called, shall be reported to this Exchange. Circ. 622, A. C. 5-2-04. 38 General Rules and Rates ALLOWANCE FOR AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM. On all risks an allowance may be made for an approved Auto- matic Fire Alarm as follows: Rates 1 per cent or less ... 10 per cent. Rates over 1 per cent .... 10 cents. No allowance to specifically rated risks for Sole Occupancy, Automatic Fire Alarm, or Automatic Sprinklers shall be made at the counter, but all such allowances shall be computed in the Man- ager's office and the resulting net rate promulgated; it being under- stood that listed storage stores are not to be considered as included under this vote, so far as may relate to allowance in them of 10 per cent or ten cents, as the case may be, for automatic fire alarm, and for percentage allowance for automatic sprinklers. Circ. 722-4-12-05. In Listed Storage Stores equipped with automatic fire alarm and (or) automatic sprinklers, allowance as above may be made from the rate for merchandise arrived at by adding Alphabetical List charge to the base rate for merchandise named on card. Al- lowance as above may also be made in rate for building as given on card. Warranty required on building policies only. No permit shall be granted for an inoperative condition of an automatic sprinkler or automatic alarm equipment for any cause without advancing the rate by the pro rata of the original allowance for the unexpired term. No allowance may be made for automatic sprinklers or alarm for a stipulation for an intended installation at a later date, but the charge must be made for the full term under the conditions existing at the date of the policy. No allowance shall be made for any such installation until certificate and notification are regularly issued. 2-6-96. For Automatic Fire Alarm Clause see page 88. ALLOWANCE FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS. In entire Metropolitan District no allowance shall be made for an approved Automatic Sprinkler System, imless a warranty is placed on policies providing that a watchman shall be maintained nights, Sundays and holidays, or when the premises are not in operation or use; or that the sprinkler system be connected electri- cally by a suitable device with the Central Office of an automatic fire alarm system, so arranged that it will give immediate notice in case the water flows in the pipe system. (See clause, page 88.) 39 GENERAL RULES AND RATES 40 No permit shall be granted for an inoperative condition of an automatic sprinkler or automatic alarm equipment for any cause without advancing the rate by the pro rata of the original allowance for the unexpired term. No allowance may be made for automatic sprinklers or alarm for a stipulation for an intended installation at a later date, but the charge must be made for the full term under the conditions existing at the date of the policy. No allow- ance shall be made for any such installation until certificate and notification are regularly issued. 2-6-96. Not exceeding five (5) per cent commission shall be paid on risks rated under the "Restricted Schedule." Circ. 742-6-22-05. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER EQUIPMENTS ON SEPARATE FLOORS. An equitable recognition shall be made of sprinkler equipments on separate floors of fireproof buildings occupied for mercantile purposes where the entire building is not equipped, based upon such percentage of the regular sprinkler allowance as the floor area ^ so equipped bears to the total floor area of the entire building, it being understood that no allowance shall be made for equipments covering less than an entire floor of a building, and that the per- centage deduction to be allowed shall be only on contents of the floor or floors directly protected by such equipment. Circ. 164-9-12-00. APARTMENT HOUSES. The Manager is required to rate specifically all apartment houses of over 2,500 square feet in ground area which are over five stories in height, and also all apartment houses of over 4,000 square feet area, no matter what their height, and members, when binding lines or issuing policies on completed risks of this class, must apply to the Manager for specific rates on such as come within these limita- tions. Circ. 768-10-11-05. Buildings occupied as stores on the first floor with exclusively dwellings above, the latter being rented to tenants whose house- keeping is conducted in their own apartments (see next paragraph), are apartment houses and, as such, come under the rule making them subject to specific rate if certain limits of height and area are exceeded. Circ. 780, M. 12-14-05. For the guidance of members an "Apartment House" is defined as follows, viz.: a building in which apartments are rented to ten- ants whose housekeeping is conducted in their own apartments respectively. Circ. 40, A. C. 6-2-99. The Unoccupancy Warranty is not required on policies covering / Apartment Houses in course of construction that are not subject to specific rating, but policies covering on Apartment Houses which come under the ruling of the Exchange as to area and height must have the Unoccupancy Warranty attached, except as stated on page 49. Circ. 140, R. C. 6-1-00. / GENERAL RULES AND RATES 41 Apartment houses and stores and dwellings which are or may be hereafter specifically rated may be written at Branch Offices, and the commission payable on such risks under the Agreement is 20 or 25 per cent, as provided by Section 17 (a) of Agreement. Circ. 22, A. C. 4-28-99. BASEMENTS SPRINKLED. Where basements and sub-basements are fully protected with an approved system of automatic sprinklers, the Rate Committee may make an allowance therefor of not exceeding 10 per cent. This discount shall not be made in addition to the discount for fully sprinkled risks. Circ. 438-12-10-02. / BINDING RISKS. Policies must be issued immediately as soon as a risk is bound at the proper rate then existing and not held open for an anticipated change in the rate, subject to rules regarding Changes of Occu- pancy, Construction or Hazard, on pages 54-56. No insurance shall be made binding, whether by verbal agree- ment, binder, renewal receipt, new policy, certificate, or otherwise, to take effect beyond the calendar month succeeding date of appli- cation, unless the insurance so arranged for in advance shall be taken subject to the tariff rate in force at the time such insurance is to take effect. Circ. 195-12-18-00. The Exchange Form of Binder is not required to be used be- tween Companies when re-insuring risks one with another. Circ. 412-10-9-02. The Exchange Form of Binder is meant to be used in all cases where a binder is required, except as between members when effect- ing re-insurance of individual risks. Circ. 415 M. 10-13-02. A so-called Notice of Renewal becomes, if signed and returned to the broker, a binder, and thereby a violation of the Agreement which requires all binders to be effected under the uniform water- marked binder adopted and issued by the Exchange. Circ. 1127 M. 12-17-09. It is a violation of the Agreement for members to give brokers authority to bind insurance over night. Circ. 756, A. C. 8-17-05. A Binder Form may cover but one term of insurance and such term may run from one date only; and it is a violation to enter a second date intended to take effect at the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the first or original date, or to subsequently grant an extension by entry on the original binder. Circ. 708, A. C. 3-8-05. When binders are issued on rated risks such binders must be at the rates in cabinets, and the issuance of such binders at less than tariff rate will be regarded as a violation and dealt with accordingly. Circ. 140, A. C. 6-1-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 42 BLANKET POLICIES. Policies covering on and (or) in two or more buildings not com- municating must have the 100 per cent Average Clause attached, without deduction for the same. Blanket policies may be written covering in two or more com- municating buildings having approved fire doors at all communi- cating openings, at the highest rate, with the 80 per cent Average Clause and the Standard Distribution Clause, and 10 per cent allow- ance may be made for 100 per cent Average Clause in such cases. In case of doubt arising as to whether or not the Distribution Clause is required on blanket policies covering in two or more buildings having communications protected by approved or non- approved fire doors, the question shall be referred to the Manager's office, which will thereupon reprint the rate cards applying with the statement that the Distribution Clause is required, if such is the case. Circ. 1048, R. C. 1-22-09. Policies insuring contents of building or buildings, i. e., ma- chinery and stock, under one item, must have the 100 per cent Average Clause attached and the usual 10 per cent deduction may be made therefor, provided the blanket policy covers in one building only, but if in two or more buildings not communicating no de- duction may be made. Where a policy form, in addition to covering in one or com- municating buildings, also includes a clause reading "and in yards" or "and in yards or on streets," or any similar clause which extends the policy to cover other than in one or communicating buildings, the Full Average Clause must be attached thereto without deduction for same. (See next paragraph.) Circ. 1119, A. C. 11-1-09. The above ruling has been modified so as to permit either of the following clauses to be used: "and in yards immediately ad- joining the above described premises" or "and in yards and on streets immediately adjoining the above described premises." Circ. 1129, A. C. 1-3-10. (See ruling, under Communicating Buildings, page 57, on the subject of non-approved doors.) The usual allowance may be made for 100 per cent Average Clause on policies covering blanket on building, machinery and stock, providing the blanket policy covers in one building only, but if in two or more buildings not communicating no deduction may be made. Circ. 121, R. C. 2-21-00. The rules covering attachment of the Standard Distribution Clause apply when policies are written under an average rate the same as if written under a blanket rate. Circ. 244, R. C. 7-20-01. When a policy blankets merchandise and furniture and fixtures the 100 per cent Average Clause is required and the usual allowance of 10 per cent may be made therefor. Circ. 356, R. C. 4-15-02. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 43 The ruling reading, "When a policy blankets merchandise and furniture and fixtures the 100 per cent Average Clause is required and the usual allowance of 10 per cent may be made therefor," is not intended to apply where policies cover ales, wines, liquors, cigars, and similar supplies along with the other contents of hotels, clubs, and (or) restaurants. In such cases, however, such supplies must not be referred to as "merchandise." Circ. 625, R. C. 5-12-04. A policy covering merchandise in or on the piers of any specified terminal may include merchandise in cars on tracks of that terminal and be considered not as a floater, but as a blanket policy, and may be written at the rate of the contents of the pier or shed of that terminal having the highest contents rate. Such policies must have the 100 per cent Average Clause with no deduction therefor. Members are also reminded that in case of blanket policies on buildings or their contents, not communicating as well as com- municating, the highest rate included under the blanket must be charged. Members may not under any circumstances make average rates for blanket policies covering two or more risks. In all cases the rule must be observed that the highest rate must be charged. Average rates for blanket policies may be made only by the Man- ager, acting under the rules, and no average rate may be allowed until regularly published on the card. 7-10-96. If a blanket policy covers on any property rated under Restricted Schedule the entire policy becomes subject to the rate of commis- sion applying to a Restricted Schedule policy. Circ. 904, R. C. 6-29-07. Blanket rates upon risks rated under Restricted Schedule being based upon values existing at the time they are made, policies written at such rates may not be written for a longer period than one year, except at full pro rata of the annual rate. Circ. 912, R. C. 7-26-07. BRANCH MANAGERS. The conditions under which Branch Managers may be appointed as to territory, compensation, classes of risks permitted to be writ- ten, etc., are fully set forth in Section 18 of Agreement, and in connection therewith the following rulings have been made. The words in Agreement, Section 18 (f), "shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx," prohibit the issuance from the office of any Branch Manager of any policy which may have been previously executed in blank at the Head Office, and a strict compliance with the letter and spirit of this rule requires that no such policies shall be executed at the Head Office except in their entirety. Circ. 90, A. C. 10-24-99. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 44 Branch Office Commissions must not be paid or allowed on a specifically rated store and dwelling risk, unless the rate card ap- plying to such risk contains the notation, "Branch Office risk.** Circ. 947, M. 1-27-08. When in consequence of deviation or violation any Member has been directed by the Arbitration Committee or by the Ex- change to cancel a policy written through a Branch Manager or Agency representing such Member, and to remain off the risk for one year, the risk in question shall not be written by or through any other Member represented by such Branch Manager or Agent during the stated term of one year. Circ. 455, A. C. 1-21-03. A person may act as Head Office Agent in the Borough of Brooklyn for one member and, at the same time, as Branch Office Manager in the Borough of Brooklyn for another member in the territory assigned to Branch Offices in the Borough of Brooklyn. Circ. 1034, A. C. 12-16-08. It is not in violation of the rules of the Exchange for two or more members to maintain jointly such Branch Offices as are per- mitted by the rules of the Exchange. Circ. 8, A. C. 3-21-99. It is a violation for a Branch Manager and a broker to have their business address in, or to transact business from, the same office, or in or from offices adjoining and communicating. Circ. 705, A. C. 2-24-05. Apartment houses and stores and dwellings which are or may be hereafter specifically rated may be written at Branch Offices, and the commission payable on such risks under the Agreement is 20 or 25 per cent, as provided by Section 17 (a) of Agreement. Circ. 22, A. C. 4-28-99. For the guidance of members an "Apartment House*' is defined as follows, viz: a building in which apartments are rented to tenants whose housekeeping is conducted in their own apartments respec- tively. Circ. 40, A. C. 6-2-99. Private stables and their contents which may be written by managers of Branch Offices include private family stables; also private business stables, provided same be owned or occupied by parties who are engaged in such a class of business as may be written at Branch Offices. Circ. 40, A. C. 6-2-99. The above rule is to be understood as applying also to private family garages and private business garages (for definitions of which see page 124). Its benefits do not apply if the tenant of a private business stable or garage is engaged in a class of business that may not be written at a Branch Office. Circ. 919, M. 9-17-OZ. A Branch Office located on 42d Street must be considered, ac- cording to paragraph (e). Section 18 of Agreement, as being for the territory south of 42d Street. Circ. 268, A. C. 9-14-01. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 45 Branch .Managers located in the Borough of the Bronx are restricted to the writing of risks located within so much of that territory as is under the jurisdiction of this Exchange; that is to say, west of the Bronx River. Circ. 263, A. C. 9-7-01. Branch Offices must provide proper cabinets for reception of cards containing List of Brokers, which must be accessible to the card distributers during business hours, and failure to provide such cabinets and maintain such accessibility will be ground for requir- . ing a Branch Office to be discontinued. Circ. 402-9-10-02. BROKERAGE AND COMMISSION. The rules of this Exchange as to brokerage and commission apply to Tornado Insurance as well as Fire Insurance. Circ. 114, A. C. 2-1-00. The payment of any brokerage or other compensation in excess of the brokerage allowed by the rules of the Exchange to any person holding a certificate as a broker, on any risk located outside the territory of the Exchange, for the purpose of influencing business located in the territory of the Exchange, whether by agreement or otherwise, is a violation of the rules of this Exchange as to brokerage and a proper subject of inquiry. Circ. 13, A. C 4-7-99. The brokerage of 20 per cent and 25 per cent respectively may be paid only on such risks as are permitted, under the Agreement, to be written at Branch Offices. Circ. 12, A. C. 4-7-99. The offer of brokerage or division of brokerage, whether given or not, to or with any person, firm or corporation not holding a Broker's Certificate of this Exchange, and (or) the offer of rebate, whether given or not, or offer of reduction of rate below tariff, unless such reduction is in accordance with the rules of the Ex- change, and the reason for such reduction or rebate explained to the insured, will be considered as a violation of the Broker's Pledges and treated accordingly. Circ. 790-1-10-06. If sufficient insurance cannot be procured in Exchange com- panies at tariff rates, it is a violation of Broker's Pledge to place insurance with non-members without filing with the Exchange, within one week, a memorandum to that effect. Circ. 25, A. C. 5-4-99. The making of rebates on plate glass, casualty, employers' lia- bility, sprinkler leakage, and similar policies, as an inducement to secure the fire insurance business of the party to whom such rebates are made, is a violation of the Broker's Pledge, and will be treated accordingly. Circ. 39, A. C. 6-1-99. Not more than 15 per cent commission may be paid under insurances covering buildings and their contents which are occu- pied for mercantile purposes on the first and second floors and for dwellings above. Circ. 39, A. C. 6-1-99. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 46 Only 15 per cent commission may be paid under a policy covering household furniture in an Apartment Hotel, as it comes under the designation of Hotel. Circ. 40, A. C. 6-2-99. It is a violation to allow in excess of 15 per cent commission on policy covering Household Furniture contained in specifically rated storage buildings. Circ. 69, M. 8-21-99. Any violation of the Rules or the Agreement committed by an employee of a Broker will be construed as an act of the employer. Circ. 137-5-9-00. Brokerage may not be paid on any portion of a combined policy (meaning thereby a policy covering on property located in the territory of both the New York Fire Insurance Exchange and the Suburban Fire Insurance Exchange), unless the broker placing same holds a brokerage certificate of both Exchanges; and then a brokerage in excess of ten per cent (10%) may not be paid upon that portion applying in the territory of the Suburban Fire Insur- ance Exchange. Circ. 991-7-9-08. It is a violation for a broker to place business covering a risk located within Exchange territory with a non-Exchange company or companies unless it has first been offered to all Exchange mem- bers at proper card rates, and under a correct form as to Exchange rules and requirements. Circ. 1103, A. C. 8-21-09. When insurance has been effected for proper reasons in non- Exchange companies and such insurance has been promulgated, and subsequently the insured moves to another location and such non- Exchange insurance is transferred to cover in the new location, it is not necessary to promulgate such transferred insurance, it being understood that at expiration such insurance shall be offered to Exchange companies before being again offered to non-Exchange companies. Circ. 58, A. C. 7-25-99. Section 21 (a) prohibits the payment of any brokerage in excess of ten per cent on any risk written in the territory of the Ex- change and located outside of the territory included in the Agree- ment, except only where a local board, having jurisdiction of the territory in which the risk is located, has a specific rule allowing more than ten per cent, in which case such higher brokerage may be allowed; and in case there is no local board, or in case a local board exists but has no specific rule on brokerages, the brokerage allowed on such risks shall in no case exceed ten per cent. Circ. 52, A. C. 7-12-99. The provisions of Section 21 (a) do not apply to Floater Forms 5, 6, 7 and 8, because when those forms were adopted Staten Island was within the territory of the Tariff Association. Circ. 543, A. C. 9-17-03. The rules of the Exchange do not affect the commission paid by one company to another, both being members of the Exchange, for the reinsurance of risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange. Circ. 72, A. C. 8-30-99. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 47 The allowance of a rebate under a policy covering property wherever located, if written at any office or agency of a member in the territory under the jurisdiction of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, would be a violation of the Broker's Pledge and of the rules of the Exchange; and if written by the local agent of the member in the town or city where the risk is located and the local board of such city or town prohibits rebates, then the member can- not pay a broker any commission or brokerage unless he agrees not to rebate any portion thereof to the assured. The allowance of such a rebate under a policy written at any office or Agency, wherever located, for the purpose of securing an insurance or insurances on property situate in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Ex- change would be a violation of the Broker's Pledge and rules of the Exchange, and in either case would be subject to the penalties provided. Circ. 109-1-10-00. The Broker's Pledge, wherein it is promised and agreed that no commission or brokerage will be paid to or divided with any per- sons not holding a Broker's Certificate, does not apply to any in- surance on risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange, provided the restrictions named in Section 21 of the Agreement are observed. Circ. 465, A. C. 2-16-03. The allowance by a member of cammission or brokerage to any clerk or employee of such member who does not hold a Broker's Certificate will be regarded as a violation. Circ. 170, A. C. 10-12-00. Members must not pay brokerage to any certified broker on business placed prior to the date of such broker's application for his Certificate. Circ. 178-11-20-00. The payment to a non-certified broker of brokerage or commis- sion on additional premiums upon policies placed by such broker while holding a Certificate from this Exchange is a violation. Circ. 156, A. C. 8^1-00. A commission not exceeding 15 per cent may be allowed upon a floater covering property located only in dwellings and in buildings occupied for stores on the first floor and exclusively dwellings above. Circ. 281, A. C. 10-23-01. If Theatrical Floaters or Floaters covering on Personal Effects wherever they may be in the United States are written at an office within the jurisdiction of this Exchange, a rebate on such policies will be a violation. Circ. 281, A. C. 10-23-01. An allowance of brokerage in excess of ten per cent on floating policies covering outside the territory of this Exchange, whether such policies also cover within such territory or not, is a violation. Circ. 396-8-13-02. Certified Brokers under their pledges to this Exchange are not permitted to receive greater remuneration for business placed with non-Exchange companies after first having offered same to all Ex- change companies than is permitted to be paid them by members of the Exchange. Circ. 218, A. C. 3-23-01. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 48 When the Arbitration or Grievance Committee has ordered a policy or policies to be cancelled in consequence of having ad- judged a member of the Exchange, or an Agent who is not a mem- ber but who holds a Broker's Certificate, guilty of an infraction of the rules of the Exchange, then such member or Agent shall not be allowed to receive any commission or brokerage for the placing of such risk during the term for which the member is himself or- dered to keep off of such risk, and in addition, if the gravity of the offense warrant it, the facts connected with the case shall be at once communicated to the Brokerage Committee, that they may revoke the right of such member or Agent to receive any commis- sion or brokerage on any business for such time as they may deem fit. Circ. 304-12-11-01. Certified Brokers may not act as Agents for non-Exchange Com- panies. Circ. 325, A. C. 2-10-02. The allowance of a discount for cash payment of premiums will be regarded as a rebate and violation and dealt with accordingly. Circ. 193, B. C. 12-17-00. The giving of envelopes, bill heads, letter heads, or other articles of stationery, or gifts of any description whatsoever, to brokers or brokers' employees, directly or indirectly, will be regarded as a re- bate and in violation of the rules and treated accordingly. Circ. 192, A. C. 12-12-00. The ruling prohibiting the making of gifts of any description to brokers is modified to exempt Calendars and Blotters from the operation of such ruling, providing that such Calendars and Blotters do not contain any matter advertising the broker. Circ. 197, A. C. 12-26-00. A broker may place insurance with non-Exchange companies at the request of the insured, provided he does not receive any brokerage or commission or any compensation whatsoever therefor, and provided further that he shall file with the Exchange within the time allowed under his Pledge a list of such outside companies, with the name of insured, location of risk, and the amount of insur- ance given them, together with a statement that such insurance has been placed in an outside company at request of the insured, and that he (the broker) has received and is to receive no brokerage or commission or any compensation whatsoever therefor. Circ. 154, A. C. 7-25-00. If a policy is issued covering store and dwelling risk with war- ranty attached, and subsequently a request is made to remove the Store and Dwelling Warranty for the reason that merchandise is then contained above first floor, the company must cancel the policy pro rata and re-write to expiration, and commission upon such re- written policy shall not exceed that which under the rules is per- mitted to be paid on risks other than those which may be written by Branch Managers, viz.: 15 per cent. Circ. 341, A. C. 3-12-02. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 49 / / From and after twelve o'clock noon of May 28, 1902, if any auto- matic sprinkler, automatic fire alarm, or any other fire extinguishing, fire signaling, or any other appliance or improvement whatever, in- stalled in or appertaining to any risk, be owned or installed at the whole or partial, direct or indirect, expense of any person, firm or corporation holding a Broker's Certificate from this Exchange, it shall be deemed a rebate and a violation of the Broker's Pledge. Circ. 372-5-28-02. When a Broker fails to renew) his Certificate in season, thereby causing his name to be withdrawn from the list, and subsequently within six months asks for a renewal, such renewal shall not be granted unless, in addition to the regular charge for a Certificate, the sum of $3.00 is paid to cover cost of withdrawing and re-instat- ing such Broker's name. Circ. 355-4-9-02. BUILDINGS IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. Annual rates as follows shall apply continuously until building is occupied and rated: — Fireproof buildings in course of construction . .30 Policies which cover all of the work, or which cover all of the work except foundations, or which cover only foundations, masonry or struc- tural metal work, may be written at the above rate. Policies which cover other than as stated in the previous paragraph 50 Brick buildings in course of construction . . .50 Contractors for a portion of the work only . .75 Frame buildings in course of construction . .70 Piers in course of construction .... 1.00 Contractors' or builders' tools, implements, etc., while in tool house or in front of, or ad- joining or within the building in course of con- struction 1.00 Buildings in course of construction, without regard to ultimate use or occupancy, must be written at the minimum rate charged for buildings in course of construction, unless specifically rated. Such risks may only be written at the head office of a member, and only for a term not to exceed one year (except as stated below), and the Unoccupancy Warranty is required. Exception in regard to the Unoccupancy Warranty may be made on buildings Branch Offices are allowed to write when completed, the intended occu- pation thereof to be expressed in the policy, as follows: "On building while in course of construction or while occupied for (here insert occupancy, which must be of a class Branch Managers are permitted to write)." When written under this form the Unoccupancy Warranty need not be attached to policy. / GENERAL RULES AND RATES 50 Note carefully the following as well as the foregoing require- ments for policies in or on buildings in course of construction, whether rated specifically or under general minimums. 1. Unoccupancy Warranty required. 2. Policies covering contents must not be written for more than one year. 3. Privilege for occupancy must be granted only subject to specific rate and with application for same, Unoccupancy Warranty: Warranted by the assured that the building hereby insured is unoccupied, and that when occupied in whole or in part, this Company is to be notified and rate adjusted; unless so notified and endorsed hereon this policy shall be void. Policies covering Buildings in Course of Construction may be written for a longer term than one year, but not exceeding a total of 23 months, at pro rata of the annual rate applying, all other re- quirements of the rules relating to Buildings in Course of Con- struction remaining unchanged. Circ. 739-6-14-05. Policies written for a term of years on a building in course of construction "with privilege to complete" are a violation of the rule limiting Builders' Risks to one year. Public School Buildings or additions to old public school build- ings in the City of New York, being required by law to be fire- proof, may be written while in course of construction at 30 cents. 4-8-97. If public schoolhouses (fireproof) in course of construction are written strictly under the form set forth on page 49, the Unoccu- pancy Warranty need not be attached and the rate will properly be 30 cents; but if written under any other form without the Unoc- cupancy Warranty the rate must be that required by ruling of April 30, 1902 (page 50), viz: 40 cents. Circ. 514, M. T-l-O: )3. When a specifically rated risk is torn down or otherwise re- moved to make way for a new building, a specific course of con- struction rate for the latter must be applied for, and insurance may only be written subject to such specific rate. Circ. 869, R. C. 12-14-06. Policies covering buildings in course of construction may not include hoisting engines, machinery, tools, implements, apparatus, etc., along with the building and materials entering into its con- struction without rendering the entire item subject to the rate for contractor's tools. Circ. 1056, R. C. 2-17-09. The following or similar endorsement may not be made, viz: "Builder's Risk granted until notified to discontinue, when charge, if any, will be made." A definite time must be stated for Builders' Risks not to exceed one year. Circ. 48, M. 6-24-99. In the case of policies covering contractors on public school buildings in course of construction where the city declines to accept GENERAL RULES AND RATES 51 such policies unless the Unoccupancy Warranty is stricken out, the rate charged must be that required under the minimums for school- houses plus the charge for Builder's Risk. Circ. 363, R. C. 4-30-02. Buildings in course of construction constitute a class by them- selves no matter what occupancy they may be designed for, and such buildings may not be otherwise classified until they are com- pleted and ready for occupancy, when they may be written, subject to rules, at proper specific rates or under general minimums. Circ. 322, A. C. 2-3-02. The rates to be charged on policies covering buildings in course of construction must be those named above, and no other rates may be charged, no matter what the occupancy of the buildings is to be or what warranty may be contained in policies as to such future occupancy. Circ. 321, A. C. 1-28-02. Buildings in course of construction intended for occupancy as dwellings or as stores with exclusively dwellings above must be written as in course of construction at the rate applying to them as such, and for a term not exceeding twenty-three months. Unoccupied buildings in course of reconstruction no matter what their previous occupancy was, whether dwellings or otherwise, must be written at the Unoccupied building rate plus district or other advance (if any) plus charge for builder's risk. Unoccupied buildings in course of reconstruction may not take advantage of the rules applying to buildings in course of construction. Circ. 1038, iM. 12-29-08. Policies covering dwellings or stores with exclusively dwellings above must not be written with "permission to complete" or any words to that effect Until completed, a building is considered as in course of construction and must be so written. Privilege for Ordinary Alterations and Repairs may be attached to policies covering dwellings or buildings occupied above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings without extra charge if the form of privilege used is exactly as set forth on page 67 of Hand Book, but any other form must be charged for. When Buildings in Course of Construction are of a class per- mitted to be written by Branch Managers (that is, intended for an occupancy which would permit Branch Managers to write them at completion), they may be written by Branch Offices, but they must be written as in course of construction, and the policies must be in the following form : "On building while in course of construction or while occupied for " When a fireproof, semi-fireproof or standard slow-burning build- ing in course of construction is intended to be equipped with an installation of automatic sprinklers, and such risk upon completion will be eligible for rating under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule, the Manager may state upon the rate card that insurance upon such building at the usual rate for a building in course of con- struction, may be written subject to an understanding that when GENERAL RULES AND RATES 52 . > . the risk is completed, equipped, Restricted Schedule rates named thereon, and permanent insurance written thereon in stock com- panies, a pra rata return premium from inception of risk will be allowed upon the course of construction policies equal to the differ- ence between the rate charged for them and the Restricted Sched- ule rate as promulgated, the commission upon such course of con- struction policies to be the same as if the building was rated under the Restricted Schedule from the outset, viz: five per cent. Circ. 884, 3-12-07. BUILDING RATES. All buildings in entire Metropolitan District not rated by gen- eral minimum or specific rate, contents of same being rated (whether by Specific, Minimum, Class of Hazards or Dry Goods District rate), shall be rated as follows: Brick buildings, 40 per cent of highest contents rate; but in risks written under general minimum, stocks marked in the list of general minimums with a star shall not operate to rate the building containing them higher than 24 cents. No building under this rule shall rate below 20 cents. Frame buildings rate same as lowest contents except as stated on page 122 of Hand Book, when they take rate of highest contents. 5-29-95. Where in the list of minimums a special minimum rate is men- tioned for building (as in the case of hospitals, schools, lodging houses, etc.), the same applies only to "brick buildings, and, unless otherwise specified, frame, or brick and frame, buildings in such cases take the same rate as contents. 5-29-95. Where a frame building occupied as store on the first floor and dwellings above has a small frame extension adjoining and com- municating, which is occupied as a business stable (not a private family stable), the rate on such building and contents must be that of the stable; that is to say, 1.50. A specific rate will be issued upon such risks upon application to the Manager. Circ. 63, M. 8-4-99. Where a brick store and dwelling has a frame extension or addition more than one story in height or exceeding 650 square feet in area, such building must be classed as brick and frame and must take the rate for frame. Circ. 790-1-10-05. The presence of a frame veranda, or stoop, or porch, or bulk- head door, in connection with a brick building does not operate to class that building as brick and frame. Circ. 365, M. 5-5-02. If policies covering buildings are written to include liability for loss occasioned by the operation of ordinances or laws requiring the replacement of entire buildings in case of fire damage exceed- ing a given percentage of value, the rate on such buildings shall be double that which is shown on rate cards if risk is specifically rated, or double that required under general minimums or rules if risk is not specifically rated. Circ. 312-1-8-02. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 53 m i BUILDER^S RISK; EXTRAORDINARY ALTERA- TIONS AND REPAIRS. Any privilege for alterations or repairs, except that given under the head of Mechanics' Privilege, Ordinary Alterations and Repairs, and that given in the body of the policy, shall be charged on build- ings of ordinary construction and on their contents 25 cents, and on buildings of fireproof construction and on their contents 15 cents, or the short rates thereof. No Builder's Risk may be granted for a term longer than one year. The Builder's Risk charge for fireproof risks may be made only where the risk has been promulgated as in the fireproof class. The fifteen days Builder's Risk allowed by the Standard Policy requires no charge. Charge must be made for the full term of endorsement, unless endorsement distinctly states that the fifteen days allowed by the Standard Policy is included in the term thereof. Specific permission for the construction or reconstruction of an elevator shaft so as to conform to the Building Laws may be allowed without charge. The charge for Builder's Risk is net, and subject to no deduc- tion or allowance of any kind. Circ. 407, R. C. 9-10-02. A definite time, not to exceed one year, must be stated for Builder's Risks. Circ. 48, M. 6-24-99. The Short Rate Rules set forth in Hand Book apply to all short rate business, including Builder's Risk, and it is a violation to allow renewals of builders' permits for such extra premium as would represent the difference between the original term and that which might have been charged for had the permit been taken out for the total time covered. Circ. 84, R. C. 10-4-99. If in connection with a Builder's Risk, privilege is included to keep and use gasolene, gunpowder, dynamite, or other high inflam- mable or explosive in connection with the builder's work, to be kept in quantities permitted by law and not exceeding limitations named in the privilege, the rate for such Builder's Risk shall be increased to 50 cents per annum. Circ. 743, R. C. 6-26-05. For Mechanics Privilege; Ordinary Alterations and Repairs, see page 67. % GENERAL RULES AND RATES 54 CALCIUM CARBIDE. Not more than 100 pounds of Calcium Carbide may be per- mitted without extra charge, the same to be kept according to law and in waterproof metallic cans. Circ. 879, 2-13-07. CERTIFICATES UNDER OPEN ENTRY POLICIES. The appointment by members of persons to countersign certifi- cates in their behalf under existing policies is not a violation, pro- vided no compensation is paid for such service and no new insur- ance is made, and provided only the following form of Certificate is used; viz: No, $ New York This certifies that ha insurance by the Insurance Company of under Policy No Entry No to the amount of Dollars on terminating day of at noon. Loss, if any, in conformity with the conditions of said policy, to be adjusted with and payable to only on presentation of and surrender of this Certificate. Circ. 7, A. C. 3-20-99. It is a violation to authorize or permit the insured to sign and /or issue certificates under open entry policies or specific policies. Circ. 1119, A. C. 11-1-09. CHANGES OF OCCUPANCY, CONSTRUCTION OR HAZARD. Whenever application is made for an endorsement to policies on buildings or any contents of any risk already specifically rated permitting any occupancy or change in occupancy, hazard or con- struction, or whenever insurance is accepted on any new building erected on the lot, or on any new tenant in such risk not yet specifi- cally rated, or any new tenant (not yet specifically rated) in a build- ing which is specifically rated as unoccupied, the member granting such endorsement, permit or insurance shall apply immediately to the Manager for a revision of rate. Meantime, he shall not issue the endorsement, permit or policy, but may hold the same bound subject to the revised rate. This rule shall not apply to risks written under General Mini- mums. The above does not apply to risks where no specific rate exists covering any risk, past or present, on the lot. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 55 « — —J The purpose of the rule is to prevent the gradual lapse of spe- cifically rated risks back into the minimum class, on account of changes which have not come to the notice of the Manager's office. Where a privilege is granted for a new communication, or any other increase of hazard, and this office is asked for a new rate covering the same, it is a violation to charge for such privilege from the day that the new card appears, the rule being that the revised rate shall date from day of binding. Circ. 493, M. 4-20-03. When a specifically rated risk is torn down or otherwise re- moved to make way for a new building a specific course of con- struction rate for the latter must be applied for, and insurance may only be written subject to such specific rate. Circ. 869, R. C. 12-14-06. No form of privilege for occupancy shall be given upon, or in- cluded in, policies covering dwellings or stores and dwellings, ex- cept such as may be conveyed by the Dwelling Warranty, or Flat House Warranty, or Store and Dwelling Warranty, required, under the rules, to be attached thereto. Circ. 934, R. C. 11-14-07. When the specific rating of a store and dwelling risk because of height and area results in the promulgation of rates no higher than the regular minimums applying thereto, no application for rerating on account of a change of occupancy need be made, unless such change involves entry into the risk of a. class of hazard like print- ers, upholsterers, woodworkers, etc., which, under the rules, takes the risk out of the class of stores and dwellings permitted to be written by Branch Offices, and makes it subject to specific rating. Circ. 939-12-11-07. Architects' offices may not be written at the rate for "offices," but should be specifically rated; and where rates for "offices" and "studios" appear on the same card, or in connection with the same risk, an architect's office located therein, and not specifically rated, must take the rate stated for studios. Circ. 1067, R. C. 4-9-09. Reductions in rate must in no case be dated back of the date of the card promulgating the reduced rate. 2-1-96. In cases where cards in cabinets may be found to be incorrect, by reason of change since cards were issued or otherwise, such cases must be reported to the Manager, and new rates made as promptly as possible, and policies shall not be issued in such cases until new rates shall have been made. Circ. 1-3-8-99. When an application is made to rate a risk requiring a pass from some source before examination thereof can be made, such pass must be sent in with the letter making application for the rate. Circ. 78, R. C. 9-21-99. * The following clause is a violation in that it permits an increase of hazard without notice, viz: — "Should any more hazardous occupation occur, this policy shall continue to cover, and the rate of premium to be fixed shall be paid from the date any increase of hazard takes effect." Circ. 124, R. C. 3-12-00. m GENERAL RULES AND RATES 56 Where privilege is asked for to open new communications with adjoining buildings, such request must be referred to the Man- ager's office for readjustment of rate, and failure so to do is in violation of rule under "Communicating Buildings," on page 58. Circ. 138, M. 5-14-00. When binders are issued on rated risks, such binders must be at the rates in cabinets, and the issuance of such binders at less than tariff rate will be regarded as a violation. Circ. 140, A. C. 6-1-00. Where rate cards as published in cabinet cover buildings and (or) contents at certain street numbers named on rate card, the highest of such contents rates is to be understood as applying also to any property contained in yards or otherwise located outside of the buildings designated by such street numbers, unless a specific rate on such outside property is shown on the card. Circ. 206, R. C. 2-9-01. When an application is accepted for insurance and a new rate on the risk comes out on the same day, the policy must be written at the rate named on the new card. Circ. 322, M. 2-3-02. A clause reading, "It is understood and agreed that this insur- ance is not prejudiced by change of interest subsequent to the date of this policy," is contrary to the rules, and will be considered a violation. Circ. 370, A. C. 5-24-02. CIGAR FACTORIES AND CIGAR STORES. In buildings occupied as stores on the first floor and the upper part by tenants as dwellings, and for the manufacture of cigars, commonly called tenement house cigar factories, such tenant dwell- ings should not be rated as cigar manufactories, and the same are not considered as dwellings above the first floor, but should take the rate for stock of cigars, 75 cents. Buildings occupied as cigar stores on the first floor, and for the manufacture of cigars on the upper floors, and where the hands do not reside, no matter what number of hands are employed, take the minimum for cigar factories. 12-19-96. Cigar store with not over ten hands making cigars, if entirely dwelling above the grade floor, and so warranted in the policy, takes the rate for stock of cigars. COMMISSIONS AND PROFITS. To take same rates as merchandise. Circ. 15-4-11-99. In policies insuring on merchandise under usual form, the fol- lowing clause is prohibited, viz: "Including commissions thereon." 5-16-95. No allowance may be made for 100 per cent Average Clause. Circ. 135, R. C. 5-1-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 57 In the case of a Commission Clause reading: "On merchandise, hazardous, not hazardous, and extra hazardous, the property of the assured, or held in trust or on commission, or sold but not de- livered or removed, or held on joint account with others, or for which the assured are liable," the addition of the words, "or in which they may have any other form of insurable interest," or any similar phrase, is unnecessary and undesirable. Circ. 725, A. C. 5-3-05. COMMUNICATING BUILDINGS. Where buildings written under general minimum rates adjoin or communicate through walls or bridges, unless separated by a secure brick or stone wall, and all openings protected with fire doors or fire shutters, as required by the specifications of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters (which are accepted as a stand- ard), the higher rate on either side of the wall shall prevail. Circ. 768-10-11-05. In cases where privilege is asked for on specifically rated risks to communicate with adjoining buildings, such request shall be referred to the Manager's office for readjustment of rate, and to make an additional charge if necessary. Circ. 768-10-11-05. Privilege to communicate with a public transportation subway may be given only under a charge therefor to be included in the specific rates promulgated on cards. Circ. 912, R. C. 7-26-07. In case of doubt arising as to whether or not the Distribution Clause is required on blanket policies covering in two or more buildings having communications protected by approved or non- approved fire doors, the question shall be referred to the Manager's office, which will thereupon re-print the rate cards applying with the statement that the Distribution Clause is required, if such is the case. Circ. 1048, 1-22-09. Blanket policies may be written covering in two or more com- municating buildings having approved fire doors at all communi- cating openings, at the highest rate, with the 80 per cent Average Clause and the Standard Distribution Clause, and 10 per cent allow- ance may be made for 100 per cent Average in such cases. The intention of this rule is that the introduction of approved fire doors should not prejudice a risk in any way. It is, therefore, held that even where fire doors separating two or more communi- cating buildings are not approved, blanket policies written cover- ing in such buildings if written with the 8o per cent Average Clause require the Distribution Clause just as in the case where the doors are approved;' that is to say, the Distribution Clause is re- quired where blanket policies are written with the 80 per cent Average Clause, and covering in two or more communicating buildings separated by fire doors, whether the latter are approved or not approved. But policies written with the 100 per cent Average Clause do not require the Distribution Clause in any case, even where covering in or on two or more communicating build- ings, whether separated by approved or non-approved fire doors, / GENERAL RULES AND RATES 58 Where privilege is asked for to open new communications with adjoining buildings, such request must be referred to Manager's Office for readjustment of rate. Circ. 138, M. 5-14-00. A clause giving "Privilege to communicate with adjoining build- ings," or any similarly worded clause which in effect grants permis- sion to make communications other than those existing at the time the rate was made, is in violation. Circ. 305, R. C. 12-31-01. COMPETITIVE RATES. No rate on a so-called competitive basis disregarding schedules or other rules of the Exchange shall be made or promulgated un- less approved by a go per cent vote of the members present, and voting at a regular meeting or a meeting specially called. In all cases where competitive rates, made without reference to existing schedules or rules of the Exchange, are reported to that body for its consideration, the fact that such rates are competitive rates shall be stated at the meeting at which the vote is taken. Circ. 216-3-20-01. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS IN COLD STORAGE STORES. Policies written on risks involving cold storage hazard (other than breweries) may be written at the Exchange rate if the Con- sequential Loss Exclusion Clause is attached as follows: — "This Company shall not be liable under this policy for loss occasioned through partial or total disablement of any refrigerating plant, or by interruption of connection therewith, whether such disablement or interruption is caused by fire or otherwise." Double the Exchange rate shall be charged on policies written on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard if written without the above clause being attached. Circ. 142-6-14-00. The Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause must be attached to policies covering goods on cold storage in Hudson River Stores. Circ. 139, R. C. 5-24-00. Policies covering merchandise in cold storage, and written at cold storage rates, may have, if desired, a clause attached to poli- cies reading: "Property of the insured while in this building in transit to or from refrigerator rooms is covered under this policy." Circ. 665, R. C. 9-29-04. The Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause must be attached not only to policies covering in cold storage stores but to all policies on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard. Circ. 165, M. 9-24-00. For Clause see page go. / GENERAL RULES AND RATES 59 CONTINGENT LIABILITY. If policies covering buildings are written to include liability for loss occasioned by the operation of ordinances or laws requiring the replacement of entire buildings in case of fire damage exceeding a given percentage of value, the rate on such buildings shall be double that which is shown on rate cards, if risk is specifically rated, or double that required under general minimums or rules if risk is not specifically rated. Circ. 312-1-8-02. EIGHTY PER CENT AVERAGE RULES. All rates, whether by Schedule Rate, General Minimum Rate, Specific Rate, or Dry Goods District Rate, and class rates of every kind, made and promulgated, and all rates heretofore promulgated in the entire 'Metropolitan District, including the Area of Opera- tion, shall be based upon 80 per cent insurance guaranteed in the policy. Whenever the Rate Committee shall be satisfied that the Average Clause will work a hardship to the insured, on account of his in- ability to procure such an amount of insurance, because of the magnitude of the risk, they are authorized to prescribe the terms on which the Average Clause may be dispensed with or modified. 4-26-92. A form covering hotel keeper's liability for personal effects of guests and carrying a co-insurance clause reading: "It is under- stood and agreed that the total insurance to be carried concurrent with this form of policy on the above property is $15,000, and in the event of this amount not being maintained the assured is to be a co-insurer for any deficiency," is in violation of the rule which requires 80 per cent co-insurance guaranteed in the policy. Circ. 1069, M. 4-15-09. For 8o per cent Average Clause see page 92. FIREPROOF AND SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. Allowance of 25 per cent for contents of buildings of superior construction, and 40 per cent for contents of buildings of fireproof construction, may be made by the Manager or Committee on Rates, but not by members. The Manager is authorized to specifically rate any dwelling house of fireproof construction upon survey and satisfactory proof that the construction is of fireproof character, the rate to be 60 per cent of the minimum rate for a brick, stone, or iron dwelling of non-fireproof construction, but no member shall make any al- lowance at the counter for fireproof construction of a dwelling. Circ. 554-10-14-03. The Manager is authorized, when specifically rating private dwellings of fireproof construction, to make an allowance of 25 per cent on contents thereof; but no allowance for fireproof construc- tion is to be made at the counter. Circ. 1087, 6-9-09. 'iU GENERAL RULES AND RATES 60 FULL CO-INSURANCE, OR 100 PER CENT AVERAGE. Discount of 10 per cent for 100 per cent Average Clause may be allowed on all policies except floating policies, policies covering in or on two or more buildings not communicating, contents of public storage stores and grain elevators, merchandise on or contents of piers, rents, commissions and profits, leasehold, and use and occu- pancy. Where a policy form, in addition to covering in one or com- municating buildings, also includes a clause reading "and in yards" or "and in yards or on streets," or any similar clause which ex- tends the policy to cover other than in one or communicating build- ings, the Full Average Clause must be attached thereto without deduction for same. (See next paragraph.) Circ. 1119, A. C 11-1-09. The above ruling has been modified so as to permit either of the following clauses to be used: "and in yards immediately adjoining the above described premises" "and in yards and on streets imme- diately adjoining the above described premises." Circ. 1129, A. C. 1-3-10. The Exchange having voted 80 per cent co-insurance on House- hold Furniture in use in living apartments, policies taking effect on and after May 22, 1905, and covering such property, may have the usual allowance of lo per cent in rate therefor if the 100 per cent Average Clause is attached. Circ. 735, R. C. 5-26-05. The 100 per cent Average Clause is required on Building Policy covering premises occupied as a power house and electric light sta- tion with form including "electric apparatus, dynamos, engines, boil- ers and connections." Circ. 58, M. 7-25-99. When a policy blankets merchandise and furniture and fixtures the 100 per cent Average Clause is required and the usual allowance of 30 per cent may be made therefor. Circ. 356, R. C. 4-15-02. The rates of this Exchange being based upon the carrying of insurance equal to at least 80 per cent of the value of the prop- erty, any exclusion in the policy form of any portion of the prop- erty rated, except cost of excavations and foundations below the level of the ground, amounts to an unauthorized reduction of rate and is a violation. Circ. 421, R. C. 10-28-02. For 100 per cent Average Clause see page 95. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 61 FOUNDATIONS. Foundations of buildings below the level of the ground may be excluded from policy, but not being so excluded, cannot be re- lieved from the operation of the Average Clause. Circ. 1061, 3-10-09. Clauses excluding Foundations from the operation of Average Clause must refer to "foundations below the level of the ground," and no change in such wording is permissible. Circ. 274, M. 10-3-01. If desired the words "Cost of excavations and" may be prefixed to "Foundations below the level of the ground," thereby making the clause read, "Cost of excavations and foundations below the level of the ground." Circ. 569, 12-9-03. Foundations, excavations and (or) piling may not be excluded in policies covering on piers. Circ. 864, R. C. 12-6-06. Rule permitting foundations below the level of the ground to be excluded from policy, refers to the foundations of buildings and not to the foundations of machinery. Circ. 946, M. 1-22-08. FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. Furniture and Fixtures (except where otherwise specified in Gen- eral Minimum Rates) rate same as contents, and are subject to same deductions as contents policy. 11-2-92. It is not permissible to include office furniture and fixtures in a household furniture form. Circ. 962, A. C. 3-18-08. General Minimums rate not only stocks of merchandise, but also all property connected with the same. This prohibits the writing of furnituie and fixtures at a rate lower than contents rate. 11-2-92. When a policy on Furniture and Fixtures is so worded as to make it cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any description (whether exciters, lamps, motors, switches or any other apparatus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating, or distributing elec- tricity) the Dynamo Clause set forth on page 91 of Hand Book must be attached to policies. It is not necessary that the electrical ap- paratus shall be mentioned in specific terms, the clause in question being required to be attached if the wording of the policy is such as to cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any description what- ever. Circ. 352, R. C. 4-7-02. No policy may be written on contents of any rated building oc- cupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes for any longer period than one year at less than pro rata of the annual rate apply- ing thereto, except that household, store and office furniture and fixtures in use, wherever contained, may be subject to rule gov- erning the insurance of building for a term of years. 1-21-97. 1/ GENERAL RULES AND RATES 62 GRADE FLOOR AND BASEMENT. / All policies taking advantage of a reduced rate on account of goods being entirely in grade floor and basement must contain in the form a stipulation that this is the only portion of the build- ing in which they cover. 11-2-92. The matter under heading "Grade floor and Basement" does not refer or apply to policies written on risks rated under Exchange Mercantile Schedule. Circ. 591, R. C. 2-18-04. / HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Household Furniture in living apartments shall take the 8o per cent Average or Co-Insurance Clause; but an endorsement reading, In case of loss if the value of the property described herein does not exceed $2,500, the 80 per cent Average or Co-Insurance Clause shall be waived," may be attached to policies covering such prop- erty when the same is not contained in a hotel or an apartment hotel. Circ. 733-5-22-05. It is not necessary to attach the Co-insurance Clause to policies covering household furniture when same are transferred to a new locality if the existing contracts did not under the rules require co-insurance to be attached in the old location, and if the new location is not a furniture warehouse or apartment hotel or other class of risk where co-insurance was required on household furni- ture even before the vote of May 10, 1905, was passed. Circ. 748, R. C. 7-11-05. If Household Furniture in use in living apartments is insured under a policy which also covers under a separate item other prop- erty like merchandise or building, the clause required by the rules, and reading, "In case of loss if the value of the property described herein does not exceed $2,500, the 80 per cent Average or Co- Insurance Clause shall be waived," shall be made to refer and apply to the household furniture only. Circ. 762, R. C. 9-14-05. It is not permissible to allow for 100 per cent Average on poli- cies covering in household furniture storage warehouses. R. C. 10-21-99. Household Furniture in any Storage Warehouse may not be written for more than one year except at full annual rates for each year. Circ. 48, M. 6-24-99. Where the card does not mention household furniture, and names no general rate for other contents, household furniture takes the rate of the highest rated contents. 2-28-96. Where the card does not mention household furniture by name, but does name a general rate for other contents, household furni- ture takes such genersd rate for other contents. 2-28-96. / GENERAL RULES AND RATES 63 The rule making rate for household furniture 50 per cent of highest contents applies only to risks rated under general mini- mum, and not to specifically rated risks. 2-28-96. Hotel furniture and fixtures may not be written for three years at two and one-half annual premiums unless stock, materials and supplies are excluded therefrom. Circ. 1061, 3-10-09. Household furniture in hotels belonging to guests may be writ- ten at 2y2 times the annual rate. Circ. 356, A. C. 4-15-02. Household Furniture in Hotels, whether property of landlord or guest, is subject to 80 per cent Average Clause. Also the usual allowance may be made upon such risks for 100 per cent Average Clause. Circ. 94, M. 11-10-99. If a dwelling-house building form includes "shades, mats, car- pets, and other floor coverings," or other items of personal prop- erty properly insurable as contents of such dwelling, the entire policy must take the highest contents rate instead of the usual building rate. Circ. 118, R. C. 2-13-00. A policy covering Household Furniture may be transferred to cover in a storage warehouse at the pro rata charge of the differ- ence in rate for the time that the policy covers in the warehouse. Circ. 356, A. C. 4-15-02. In transferring policies on Household Furniture to cover in risks coming under the rates for Flat Houses, it is not necessary to charge additional premium unless the rate in new location on basis of new rates is higher than the rate in old location on same basis, in which case the difference of rate must be charged for. Circ. 363-4-30-02. IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILDINGS. Where improvements to buildings are written separate from the insurance upon the building they must take the rate of the build- ing with 25 per cent of the building rate added thereto, unless such increase shall make the rate higher than the highest contents rate, in which case the highest content*^, rate shall prevail. Subject to the same rules as building. Circ. 542-9-9-03. LEASES. To take same rate and rules as building. Same commission as the building. Eighty per cent Average Clause required. No al- lowance permitted for 100 per cent Average Clause. If policy specifies so much reduction per month, extinguishing itself by the end of the entire term, rate may be pro rata, so that, for example, a three year policy would be charged two annual rates. 5-25-96. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 64 If a leasehold policy specifies so much reduction per month, thereby extinguishing itself by the end of its own term, no Average Clause shall be required thereon. Circ. 554-10-14-03. If policies on Leasehold or Use and Occupancy are made to blanket Household Furniture or similar personal property they must take same rate as Contents. Circ. 69, M. 8-21-99. The rate, or principal sum, may not be "pro-rated" in the case of a policy written for one year and containing a monthly reduc- tion clause. Circ. 669, R. C. 10-10-04. LISTED STORAGE STORES. Non-fibre, Fibre, and General Order Stores include stores un- der the supervision of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters which are regularly inspected and published in book, entitled "List of Storage Stores in the Metropolitan District." Listed non-fibre storage stores are rated under Mercantile Schedule with a special allowance for occupancy, resulting in a building rate as well as in a base rate for merchandise. These rates are promulgated on cards in cabinet, and the final rates for specific kinds of merchandise contained in such storage stores are obtained by adding to the base rate named the charge shown in "Alpha- betical List of Charges for Merchandise in Listed Storage Stores," which list is published separately from this Hand Book. If it is not desired to write merchandise under a "Specific Form" it may be written under one of the forms named below at the charge indicated. "Merchandise General;" add to the Base Rate of warehouse 100 cents. "Merchandise Form A;" add to the Base Rate of warehouse 40 cents. "Merchandise Form B;" add to the Base Rate of warehouse 25 cents. "Linen and Jute Form," add to the Base Rate of warehouse 20 cents. All these forms are printed on watermarked paper by the Ex- change, and none other than those so printed are permitted to be used. No allowance may be made on contents of listed storage stores for 100 per cent Average Clause. Allowance of 10 per cent or 10 cents, as the case may be, for automatic fire alarm and (or) percentage allowance for automatic sprinklers may be made on policies covering listed non-fibre stor- age stores, building and contents, when so stated on rate cards. No clause agreeing to pay the cost of certificating or re-certifi- cating cotton shall be attached to policies. Circ. 914, S. W. C. 8-21-07. '7 GENERAL RULES AND RATES 65 ^. , - m. ■ — ■ I . M .^^^ — — .-I — .1-1. I I ■ I ■ ■ I. -■ ■— ■ ■■■'■ ■ ..- . I , I , ,.^ A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the insured and re-written at short rates on the same merchandise but under a dif- ferent name. Circ. 289, R. C. 11-6-01. Policies covering specific merchandise at a given rate may not be changed by endorsement to cover other specific merchandise at a lower, or a higher, or the same rate, but in either case the policy must be cancelled at short rates and a new policy issued; neither may any of the Merchandise Forms be substituted one for another or for specific insurance. Circ. 627, S. W. C. 5-17-04. Where a Listed Storage Store has cold storage and is equipped with electric lights under permission from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, the Electric Light Clause need not be at- tached to policies covering contents. Circ. 380, R. C. 6-16-02. Forms printed on the watermarked paper of this Exchange must not be curtailed or added to by the tearing off of any portion there- of or by the attachment thereto of additional matter, it being the intention of this Exchange that nothing shall be inserted in filling out such forms except a description of the property insured and its location, the name of the company issuing the policy, and the number of the policy to which such form is attached, and any other treatment of such forms shall be regarded as a violation. Circ. 781-12-13-05. It is permissible to add a clause to the policy to the efifect that Duties are or are not included, but it is not permissible to attach any clause or wording to our watermarked forms to that effect. Circ. 781-12-13-05. LONG ISLAND CITY DWELLINGS AND STORES WITH EXCLUSIVELY DWELLINGS ABOVE GRADE FLOOR. Bldg. H. h. f. Brick dwellings, either detached or in a row . .20 .24 Frame dwellings, detached 25 feet or more . .30 .30 Frame dwellings, detached less than 25 feet, or two or three together 40 .40 Detached private stables, brick or frame, build- ing and contents , '30 Brick, not detached, no increase for frame in row. In frame rows of three or more buildings adjoining or detached less thar 3 feet, add to the detached rate of each frame dwelling or frame private stable and to contents 5 cents for each additional frame dwelling or frame private stable in the row, and 10 cents for each frame store and dwelling or other frame risk in the row. 3-10-96. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 66 Bldg. H. h. f. Min. for Stock. Brick store and dwelling, either detached or in row 25 .35 .50 Bldg. All Con. Frame store and dwelling, detached 25 feet or more .50 .60 Frame store and dwelling, detached less than 25 feet, or two or three together .70 .80 In frame rows of three or more frame buildings adjoining, or detached less than 3 feet, add to the detached rate of each frame store and dwelling, or other frame risk, and to their contents, 5 cents for each frame dwelling or frame private stable in the row, and 10 cents for each additional frame store and dwelling or other frame risk in the row. Eighty per cent Average Clause required. Term rates (regular Exchange rule) and all Exchange rules to apply. 12-26-95. Any frame building within twenty-five feet of a frame risk brings such risk within the rates prescribed above for "frame dwellings or frame stores and dwellings detached less than twenty- five feet." Circ. 218, M. 3-23-01. General Minimum Rates as printed in Hand Book shall apply to Stocks in Long Island City Stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor, except in cases where such rates are less than the minimums required above, when the latter shall apply. Circ. 170, R. C. 10-12-00. MACHINERY AT BUILDING RATES. Machinery pertaining to the service of the building, or the furnishing of power therein, if the property of the owner of the building, may be insured with the building at the building rate; but no manufacturing machine or apparatus shall be included in the above. 7-31-95. MARKET PRICE. The use of the following or any similar clause is prohibited: — "It is a further condition of this insurance that in estimating any loss on said merchandise, the current market price shall be consid- ered the actual or sound value." 5-16-95. A clause reading, "It is understood and agreed that in case of loss under this policy the amount for which this company shall be liable is limited to the invoice cost to the Branch, plus freight charges actually incurred, but subject to a suitable allowance for depreciation, if any depreciation is shown to exist," is in violation. Circ. 227, R. C. 5-6-01. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 67 MECHANICS' OR WORKINGMEN'S TOOLS Are exempted from the Ratings and Rules in Woodworkers and other establishments, insurance on same not to exceed $200, and no other insurance to be permitted. They may not be written at Branch Offices. Circ. 84, R. C. 10-4-99. MECHANICS' PRIVILEGE; ORDINARY ALTERA- TIONS AND REPAIRS. The following privilege may be allowed without charge: — "Permission for mechanics to be employed for ordinary altera- tions and repairs in the within described premises, but this shall not be held to include the constructing or reconstructing of the building or buildings, or additions, or the enlargement of the prem- ises." Any other form must be charged for on all classes of build- ings or hazards. The 15 days Mechanics' Privilege allowed by the Standard Policy requires no charge. The insertion of the words "without limit of time/' in the above clause after the words "within described premises," is held to be allowable if desired — inasmuch as the meaning of the clause is not thereby changed. 11-19-96, For Builder's Risk; Extraordinary Alterations and Repairs, see page 53. ORDER IN WHICH DEDUCTIONS SHALL BE MADE. Deductions from minimum rates as promulgated, if permissible, must be made in the following order: — 1. Allowance for Sole Occupancy. 2. Allowance for Automatic Fire Alarm. 3. Allowance for 100 Per Cent Average Clause. 4. Allowance for Automatic Sprinklers. Circ. 26-5-4-99. PLANS, DIAGRAMS, ETC., FILED FOR REFERENCE. When reference is made in a policy form to a schedule, plan, diagram, drawing, or similar supplementary paper, such schedule, etc., shall be filed with an interested member and the name of such member must be stated in the policy form. Circ. 728-5-10-05. When in a policy form reference is made to a building as bear- ing an arbitrary designation such as "A," "B," "1," "2," etc., a plan, diagram, drawing, or map, whereon such building with the designa- tion indicated is shown, must be filed with an interested member and referred to in such policy form. Circ. 768-10-11-05. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 68 PRIVATE WAREHOUSES. Private Warehouses shall be understood to be such as are occu- pied exclusively by the insured for the storage of the insured's own merchandise in original packages, including merchandise held on commission, or sold but not delivered; in which no cotton or fibre is stored; in which the general business of trading is not car- ried on; in which no work is done except occasionally breaking packages; packing, repacking, sampling and sorting piece goods and strapping boxes; in which no lights are permitted unless contained in enclosed locked lanterns containing candles or lamps filled with lard, sperm, whale, or signal oil; in which no fire or steam heat is used other than in the office of the storekeeper, and for hoisting; and in which smoking is not permitted on the premises; and an allowance in rate on such risks may be made if a warranty based upon the maintenance of the conditions stated is filed with the Manager. Circ. 379-6-14-02. Private Warehouses being rated under the Mercantile Schedule as mercantile risks, policies covering merchandise therein may have allowance for 100 per cent Average Clause. Circ. 363, R. C. 4-30-02. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the insured and rewritten at short rates on the same merchandise but under a different name. Circ. 289, R. C. 11-6-01. Policies covering buildings which are stated on rate cards to be occupied as private warehouses need not have the Private Ware- house Warranty attached; but such warranty must be attached in all cases where policies cover contents of a private warehouse. Circ. 632, R. C. 6-1-04. For Listed Storage Stores see pages 64, 65. For Private Warehouse Warranty see page 97. RAILROAD PROPERTY. All property of Railroad Companies insured under general nchedule, also re-insurance of surplus of line of any item of such ichedule, is exempt from rules and rates. 12-16-96. This rule applies only to steam railroads carrying freight and passengers, and does not apply to any elevated or trolley road located wholly or in part within the jurisdiction of this Exchange. Circ. 142-6-14-00. Schedule specifically covering boats and similar floating equip- ment of a railroad within the territory of this Exchange is subject in all respects to tariff rates and rules. Ferry property of a railroad, consisting of piers, piling, founda- tions, bulkheads, bridges, ferry houses, etc., unless written under a general railroad schedule covering all railroad property of the company wherever located, must be written at specific rates. Circ. 534, R. C. 8-15-03. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 69 RAINES LAW HOTELS. A Raines Law Hotel in which the occupancy above grade floor is only nominally and not actually that of a hotel is not subject to specific rate, and may be written at the minimum for Stores and Dwellings, provided the Store and Dwelling Warranty is attached to policies without any qualification whatever, such as, "Privilege to be occupied as Raines Law Hotel," etc. If any clause or privilege is added which in any way restricts or defines the Store and Dwell- ing Warranty, the risk is taken out of the Store and Dwelling class and becomes subject to the following rates, if not specifically rated, viz: If brick, Contents of Saloon 60 cents, Household Furniture 30 cents. Building 24 cents; if frame, Building and All Contents 75 cents. When a Raines Law Hotel is specifically rated there is no ex- emption from such specific rate for the attachment of the Store and Dwelling Warranty. Card rates must be charged, and no changes in occupancy may be recognized until published on rate cards. REDUCTION OF RATE. A policy that has been written and gone into effect may have the rate reduced thereon in case that a new lower rate card is put in the cabinet, provided such new lower rate is the result of a change of hazard, and such change may be taken for granted in the case of cards issued after the date of this ruling unless the card has printed thereon the words, "Reduction of Rate Without Change of Hazard" (see Agreement, Section 15). Circ. 53-7-12-99. REMOVAL OF DEBRIS. If policies cover cost of removal of debris a specific amount must be named thereon and ten times the building rate charged therefor. Circ. 159-8-8-00. RENTS AND RENTAL VALUE. Rents written under Exchange Rent Clause, "occupied only" form (use of which is obligatory) shall take same rate as building, less 25 per cent. Rental Value shall take same rate as building; Exchange Rental Value Clause, "occupied or vacant" form to be used in all cases. Circ. 628-5-11-04. When rents are written to cover a portion of a building they shall take same rate as contents of such portion less 20 per cent, but in no case to be less than the building rate. If there is more than one contents rate applying to such portion the highest shall be used. Circ. 749-7-12-05. Insurance covering liability of lessees for rent of piers held under lease from the City may be written at a rate 25 per cent less than that of the pier structure. Circ. 589-2-10-04. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 70 Pew Rents may be written at the rates provided for by rule relating to Rents. Circ. 300, R. C. 12-7-01. Same rules and commissions as the building, but the 80 per cent Average Clause need not be attached, and no allowance may be made for the 100 per cent Average Clause. 10-30-96. For Rent and Rental Value Clauses see pages 97, 98. / RESTRICTED SPRINKLER SCHEDULE. Rates made under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule are strictly net, being based upon 90 per cent co-insurance and "subject to no further deductions whatever." Accordingly no allowance may be made for full co-insurance when that instead of 90 per cent is guar- anteed. The requirement of 90 per cent co-insurance applies to blanket policies as well as to specific policies covering risks rated under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule. Circ. 787, M. 1-4-06. When a fireproof, semi-fireproof or standard, slow-burning build- ing in course of construction is intended to be equipped with ein installation of automatic sprinklers, and such risk upon completion will be eligible for rating under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule, the Manager may state upon the rate card that insurance upon such building, at the usual rate for a building in course of construction, may be written subject to an understanding that when the risk is completed, equipped. Restricted Schedule rates named thereon, and permanent insurance is written thereon in stock companies, a pro rata return premium from inception of risk will be allowed upon the course of construction policies equal to the difference between the rate charged for them and the Restricted Schedule rate as pro- mulgated, the commission upon such course of construction policies to be the same as if the building was rated under the Restricted Schedule from the outset, viz: five per cent. Circ. 884, 3-12-07. If a blanket policy covers on any property rated under Restricted Schedule the entire policy becomes subject to the rate of com- mission applying to a Restricted Schedule policy, viz.: five per cent. Circ. 904, R. C. 6-29-07. Blanket rates upon risks rated under the Restricted Schedule being based upon values existing at the time they are made, policies written at such rates may not be written for a longer period than one year, except at full pro rata of the annual rate. Circ. 912, R. C. 7-26-07. Where a risk already rated under some other schedule is rated under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule, existing policies, if offered for reduction to new rate, must be cancelled pro rata with proper return of commission paid on the unearned premium, and rewritten at the new rates subject to 5 per cent commission. This shall also apply in those cases where a policy is offered for transfer from a risk rated under some other schedule to a risk rated under the Restricted Sprinkler Schedule. Circ. 1145, R. C. 3-24-10. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 71 SCHEDULE OR MAKE-UP OF RATES. No copy of Schedule or Make-up of Rate shall be given out on a manufacturing risk upon which a full survey and full rating have not been made within two years, nor upon any other class of risk upon which a full survey and full rating have not been made within three years, reckoning in each case from the first of the month fol- lowing the date of the last full survey; and no specifications in cor- rection of faults of management shall be given out in any case where conditions of the risk have not been inspected within six months preceding; nor shall any allowance be made for correction of faults of management that have not been inspected within six months preceding. Circ. 69'9-2-8-05. SHORT RATES. All insurances for a term less than a year shall be charged ac- cording to the scale for periods less than one year, but such insur- ance may be once renewed for the ratio of the premium required for the term for which the original policy or last renewal was made, provided the renewal is made within ten days from the expiration of the policy, and provided the last preceding term was one year, or a term charged for according to the scale of insurance for less than a year, and provided that such policy does not cover in a private or public storage store. Circ. 1003-9-9-08. All insurances for a term less than one month shall be charged for the portion of a month, according to the short rate scale; but in no case shall this clause be so construed as to conflict with the following clause relating to cancellations, viz: — A policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the insured, in which case the Company shall retain the customary short rate for the term the policy has been in force; but in all cases ex- cept that of policies on contents of listed storage stores (also grain elevators) written for a month or more, fractional parts of a month shall be charged the full month's premium; no return to be made on a policy written for a period less than one month. The intention of the above is ruled to be as follows, viz: Policies on contents of listed storage stores may be cancelled for less than one month at short rates for the fractional part of a month; but if both written and carried for more than one month, fractional parts of a month may not be allowed for in cancellations. 6-1-95. When a policy written for one year and time, at the rate of one year and pro rata thereof, is returned for short rate cancellation at any date after the period of one year, the time for which the policy has still to run shall be considered as representing the unearned time upon an annual policy, and short rates for the earned time shall be charged upon such annual basis; the difference between that amount and the annual premium being the return premium. Giro. 917-9-12-07. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 72 These rules apply to all short rate business, including Builder's Risk. Circ. 84, R. C. 10-4-99. In order to secure uniformity of practice in computing short rate of any rate not mentioned in the Uniform Short Rate Table, if the resulting short rate contains a fraction less than one half, such fraction shall be dropped, but if the result contains a fraction equal to or exceeding one half then the rate shall include the next higher unit figure. Circ. 72, R. C. 8-30-99. Where a premium calculated at proper tariff rate results in a fractional part of a cent, if such fraction is less than ^ cent it shall be dropped from the premium, but if equal to or exceeding ^ cent, a full cent shall be added to the premium. Circ. 121, A. C. 2-21-00. An increase in the amount of insurance under a policy covering a risk other than those permitted to be written by Branch Offices must be at the short rate called for by the rules for the time for which the increase is made. Circ. 165, R. C. 9-24-00. Short Rate Tables are to be used when cancelling policies as well as when writing short term insurance, and such cancellations must be based upon the premium earned at the short rate shown in tables, and must not be calculated at a percentage of the premium shown in policy. The use in cancelling policies of any other scale of charges than those given in Short Rate Tables is a violation. Circ. 181, M. 11-20-00. When a cancellation is being made under the Annual Short Rate Table at a rate not mentioned in that Table, the earned premium shall be arrived at by taking such percentage of the rate involved as is indicated in the 100 Column of the Table for the time required. Example: Rate 2.30, time 20 days, per cent shown in 100 Column for 20 days = 17; then 17 per cent of 2.30 = .39. Circ. 743, R. C. 6-26-05. In making pro rata cancellations the earned premium must be based upon the number of days that the policy has run, counting 365 days to the year. Circ. 864, R. C. 12-6-06. Failure on the part of a member to charge for an endorsement calling for the payment of an extra premium amounting to 25 cents or more, will be regarded as a rebate and a violation and dealt with accordingly. Circ. 189, A. C. 12-3-00. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the insured, and rewritten at short rates on the same merchandise but under a differ- ent name. Circ. 289, R. C. 11-6-01. Pro rata renewals may not be made on Term Policies, such renewals being permissible only on annual policies or on policies issued at proper short rates for a term less than a year, and in no case are such renewals allowable unless made within 10 days from expiration of the policy. Circ. 289, R. C. 11-6-OJ. GENERAL RULES AND RATES 73 In reinstating a policy after a fire to the original amount, same may be done at pro rata rates, it being understood that such rein- statement is subject to the rates then in cabinet. Circ. 403, R. C. 9-23-02. In writing at short rates, if any percentage allowance is called for, as, for example, full co-insurance, the same must be made from the annual rate, and must not be made from the premium as arrived at by the short rate, nor from the short rate itself. Circ. 561, R. C. 11-9-03. The reinstatement of a policy under which a partial loss has occurred without charging the proper premium on the amount of such reinstatement at the rates then in the cabinet is a violation, unless the additional premium amounts to less than 25 cents, in which case it may be waived. Circ. 924, A. C. 10-9-07. Pro rata renewals for periods less than a year may not be made of policies covering goods contained in household furniture ware- houses. Circ. 1091, M. 6-26-09. •s^O 8 o o S CO CO o CO CO 00 O o 1— t O in T-t O o o (M o o CO o »o CO to co Tl* CO o to tP »o rt4 •scjo o o 00 1-i CO s o 00 o CO o Oi CO O 00 1-H WO o r- »o 1-H CO CO o CO CO CO 8 Tj4 00 CO ■<5' •sc^O o 00 CO g o CO CO § o (>< 1— t o CO 1—1 O o o o § 00 o CO o 00 o CD CO o *s^0 £5 00 1^ 05 CO C<1 00 CO o CO o >o CO 1-H 1-t o 1-1 00 CO 1-t Oi 1-H 00 o o CO Oi 1-H CO 00 CO to CO s'^O o 00 t- 00 1-H ^ iS ^ 00 o s y-t o to 1-t o 1-H to CO CO o 00 CO 00 Oi CO »o 1-H CO i s:»0 CO t- CO 1-i CO ^ CO CO CO T»4 ■^ o CO 00 C5 o CO tH CO CO T-t Oi T-t 00 rt4 o CO C O 1-1 1-4 o o ta o CO o Ci § CO r-t 1-H o CO 00 CO — ( to CO CO -H •s^O 2 CO lO CO 00 00 CO 1-i 1-t ^ 00 CO o to co CO 00 00 Ttt Oi o o tH CD o 1-H CO T-t 1—4 Oi T-t 1-H a •s;o o > o •s?0 o o CO to CO to o CO 00 CO CD ^ n •s^O CO r^ CO CO Tl* Tl« t- o 1-i T-t ^ O o CO 00 o> CO CO Oi CO KO to Ci to CO CO o •sc^O o CO i-H (N CO "^ '^ co 00 o tH ^ .00 1-H o CO o CO to rJ4 00 1-H to to tO •s^O o o *H 0 1-H c^ » (N "^ to co r- 1—1 1-H 1-H 00 1-4 T-H lO o CO 00 CO o CO CO CO 00 CO •s^O o CO r-( rH CO •s?0 »-< rH »H