UC-NRLF ^B SE7 flS3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementsofplanetOOIeverich THE ELEMENTS OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. THE ELEMENTS OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY BY ^i--^ R LEVETT, SECOND MASTER AND M.A. C. DAVISON, M.A. MATHEMATICAL MASTER KING Edward's high school, Birmingham MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 All 7'ighfs reserved LA ^^. /X. PREFACE. In this treatise on the Elements of Plane Trigonometry the subject is divided into three parts, dealing respectively with arithmetical, real algebraical, and complex, quantity. Such an arrangement appears to be a natural one, and has the advantage of introducing the new names and formulae that belong to the subject before the student encounters the difficulty of the application of signs to denote the sense and direction of lines. Part I. is further simplified by the postponement of the treatment of the circular measurement of angles. For many practical purposes, e.g. in surveying and in the applica- tion of trigonometry to elementary mechanics, the short introduction to the subject comprised in Part I. will be found useful. The immediate substitution of the real for the tabular logarithm of the trigonometrical ratios was recommended by Professor De Morgan, and seems likely to be generally adopted as the simpler method in teaching and the more expeditious and more accurate one in working. In Part II. the theory of the Circular and Hyperbolic Functions, for real variables, is presented in some detail, the analogy between the circular and hyperbolic 797949 vi PREFACE. functions is exhibited by similarity of method of treat- ment, and an essay has been made to lead the student to deal with infinite series with due caution. The chapter on the Solution of Triangles and the applications to Surveying has been made as practical as possible, in order to add to the interest the student will find in this part of the subject. The chapter on Factors is a de- velopement of the consequences of the elegant theorem given by Professor Adams in the Transactions of the Carnhndge Philosophical Society. No apology is needed for the introduction of geometrical methods in Part TIL The methods are essentially general, and the student who learns to think of complex numbers as lines will gain a clearness of conception and a means of testing results he can acquire in no other way. Abundant examples for exercise have been collected from University and other examination papers. The student is advised to work through the shorter sets in order to gain skill and readiness in using formulae, and to select from the longer sets such examples as may appear interesting or useful. The sets marked A and B are alternative and may be used when the same portion of the subject is read in class in consecutive terms. Some of the longer sets of examples have been divided into sections, arranged in order of difficulty. The repetition of matter the student will have read elsewhere has, so far as possible, been avoided. In Chapters I.-X. a knowledge of Euclid and a few well-known additional theorems in Geometry and of elementary Algebra, including simple properties of logarithms, is assumed ; Chapters XL-XXII. will probably be read in connection with Geometrical Conies and the PREFACE. vii more advanced Algebra given in such treatises as those of Ur. Todhunter, Mr. Charles Smith, or Messrs. Hall and Knight. A text-book of Plane Trigonometry, intended for use in schools, can, from its nature, contain little original matter. The present work differs mainly from those most generally read in the extent to which the treatment adopted by Professor De Morgan has been followed. The influence of De Morgan's writings will be seen throughout the book, and, in particular, in the use of the negative hypotenuse in defining the ratios (necessary if the proofs of some of the fundamental theorems are to be general), in the more definite meaning assigned to the notation for inverse functions, the manner in which the addition formulae are extended to any number of variables, the geometrical treatment of the hyperbolic functions and of complex numbers, and in the two-fold generalisation of a logarithm to a given base. Our acknowledgements are due to Professor Chrystal for the aid we have derived from his masterly and ex- haustive work on Algebraical Analysis. In the classifi- cation and terminology of convergent and divergent series, in the use made of the continuity of a series up to the limit of convergence, and in the geometrical form given to the proof of the Binomial Theorem we have followed his treatment. The chapters dealing with imaginary quantities and infinite series must, of necessity, contain much that is due directly or indirectly to Cauchy's Analyse Algehrique. Arts. 183, 239 are derived from recent numbers of Mathesis ; Arts. 210, 211 from Schlomilch's Homdhnch der algehraischen Analysis. The short chapters on the direct and inverse exponential viii PREFACE. functions follow the lines laid down in the early para- graphs of Professor Cay ley's Article on Functions in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. We are under great obligations to Mr. R. Tucker, of University College School, for the very valuable assist- ance he has given while the work has passed through the press, and for his kindness in testing the results of examples ; and our best thanks are also offered to Mr. E. M. Langley, of the Bedford Modern School, and to our past and present colleagues, Mr. C. H. P. Mayo, Mr. W. H. Wagstaff and Mr. F. O. Lane for the kindly interest they have taken in the book, and the pains they have given to make it as free from error as possible. Our thanks are due to the publishers for permission to make use of a portion of the map of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni given in the Life and Letters of Professor Forbes. R LEVETT. C. DAVISON. King Edward's School, Birmingham, January, 1892. CONTENTS. PART L— ARITHMETICAL QUANTITY, CHAPTER I. Measurement of Angles. ARTS. PAGE 1. Sexagesimal Measure, , . 1 Examples I. a, b, . . . . . . . . . 2 CHAPTER II. Trigonometrical Ratios of Acdte Angles. 2-5. Definitions, 4 6-14. Relations between the Ratios, ...... 5 15-20. Ratios of 0°, 18°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, ..... 10 Viv^ Voce Examples, • . . 13 21, 22. Variations in the Ratios, . . . . . . .14 23. Solution of Equations, 15 Examples II. A, B, .16 Examples III. , 19 CHAPTER III. Trigonometrical Ratios of Compound Angles. 24-29. Ratios of a ±/3, 21 30-34. Ratios of 2a, 3a, etc., 25 35. Products expressed as the Sum or Difference of Ratios, . 29 Viva Voce Examples, .29 36. Sums or DiflFerences expressed as Products of Ratios, . . 30 Viva Voce Examples, . 33 ix X CONTENTS. AKT8. PAOB 37. Transformations and Solution of Equations, .... 34 Examples IV. a, B, 35 Examples V., 42 CHAPTER IV. Use of Mathematical Tables. 38-43. Logarithms of Numbers, 44 44-47. Logarithms of Trigonometrical Ratios, .... 48 Examples VI. a, b, 61 CHAPTER V. )LUTioN OF Right- Angled Tbllngles and Practical Applications. 48-57. Solution of Right-Angled Triangles, .... 54 Examples VII. a, b, 59 58-63. Heights and Distances, 60 64. Dip of the Horizon, 62 65. Dip of a Stratum, 63 Examples VIII. a, b, 63 Miscellaneous Examples I., 70 PART II.— REAL ALGEBRAICAL QUANTITY. CHAPTER VL CracuLAR Measure of Angles. 66-76. Definitions and Fundamental Propositions, ... 76 77-79. Change of Units of Angular Measurement, ... 83 Viva Voce Examples, 85 Examples IX. a, b, 86 Examples X., 88 CHAPTER VII. General Definitigns of the Circular Functions. Formulae INVOLVING One Variable Angle. § 1. Definitions. 80-82. Sense of Lines and Angles, 91 83. Projection of Point and Line, 92 84. Extended Definitions of the Ciicular Functions, ... 93 CONTENTS. xi § 2. Fundamental Properties of the Circular Functions. ARTS. PAGE 85. Circular Functions one-valued, 94 86, 87. Signs of the Functions, 95 88-90. Periodicity and Continuity of the Functions. Formulae, 97 Viv4 Voce Examples, 101 § 3. Reduction of Functions of nZ^O. 2 91,92. Even and Odd Functions, 102 93-97. Functions of n'^±d expressed as Functions of ^, . . 103 Viva Voce Examples, 107 98. Geometrical Proofs, . . . ^ 108 § 4. Inverse Functions. 99. Definitions of COS" ^ a, Cos" ^a, etc., 109 100-106. Expressions for all Angles which have a given Circular Function, . .111 Viva Voce Examples, 116 § 5. Curves of the Circular Functions. 107, 108. Curves, 117 Examples XI. A, b, 122 CHAPTER VIII. Circular Functions of Two or More Variable Angles. 109-112. General Proofs of the Addition Formulae, . . .124 113-115. cos a and sin a in terms of cos 2a or sin 2a, . . .129 Viv4 Voce Examples, 133 116. Ex. 1, 2. If J +5 + (7= 180°, then 2 sin ^= 411 cos :|, Scos2^+2ncos^ = l, 133 Ex.4. tan"^a; + tan"^v = ?i7r + tan"^ ^^ , where 7i = or +1, 134 i-xy Ex. 5. Euler's and Machin's Values of - , 4 Ex.8. Solution of a cos ^ + 6 sin ^ = c. Examples XII. A, B, 117. Illustrative Examples, .... Examples XIII. , . . . . 135 137 139 148 150 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Relations between the Elements of a Triangle. Solution OF Triangles and Practical Api'lications. § 1. Relations between the Elements of a Triangle. ARTS. PA6> 118-121. a = 6co8(7+ccos5, 186 a/sm A = 6/sin B = r/sin 0. a2 = 62 + c2-2&ccos^. 122-125. cos^=^«"(^^ sin ^=^£1^15, sm A =2Slbc, 167 126. tan^Z^=J^cot^-, 170 2 b + e 2 127. Illustrative Examples, 171 Ex. 4. Relation between the six lines joining four points in a plane 172 Examples XIV. a, b, 172 Examples XV., 175 l__ 128-140. § 2. Solution of Triangles. 179 Examples XVI. A, b, 188 Examples XVII., 189 / § 3. Practical Applications. 141-147. Use of Chain and Theodolite, 191 148-151. Survey of Mer de Glace by Prof. Forbes, . . .199 152-154. Measurement of Heights, 204 155. Dip of a Stratum, 207 Examples XVni., 208 CHAPTER X. Applications to the Geometry of Triangles, Polygons AND Circles. 156. Enunciations of Geometrical Theorems, 157. *S' = ^bc sin A = sfsis - a)(8 - 6)(.s - c), 158. Q = ^^/{{s - a){s - b){s - c)(« -d)- abed cos-w} / 159, 160. Area of Polygons, .... ^ 161. JR = al2 8UiA=abcl4JS, .... 219 220 221 222 223 CONTENTS, xiii ARTS. PA.GE 162. r = >S'/s = 4i?sin^sin:|sin^, 224 163. ?-i = *9/(,9-a) = 4i?sin^cos:|cos^, 225 Ji "Ji z 164. SO"^ = R'^{1- 8 COS A cos Bco^C), .226 SP = B^~-2Rr. OP ^2r^-4R^-cos A COS B COB C. 165. Feuerbach's Theorem, ........ 228 166. 167. Area of Circle, 228 168. Illustrative Examples, 229 Examples XIX., 231 Miscellaneous Examples II., . 247 CHAPTER XI. Hyperbolic Functions. 169, 170. Definitions, 257 171-173. Elementary Relations between the Hyperbolic Functions, 260 174-176. Geometrical Properties of the Rectangular Hyperbola, . 262 177-179. Addition Formulae, 265 180. Gudermannian Function, 267 181. Curves of the Hyperbolic Fvmctions, 268 Examples XX., . . , 271 CHAPTER XII. Inequalities and Limits. § 1. Inequalities. 182-184. sin d>e- 6^6, cos ^ < 1 - 6^2 + 6^/24, tan ^ > ^ + d^/-i, . 274 185. sinh X > a: > tanh x% cosh a; > 1 + a;-/2, 277 186. Ex. 1. Jsin^>^> Jvers^, 277 Examples XXI. , 279 §2. limits. 187. 188. Fundamental Propositions, 281 189-191. i.4^"'^'^\ i.^. fcos-Y%tc., 283 a:=0\ X I n=a)\ ul Examples XXII., .286 xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. Series. arts. page 192-199. § 1. The Addition Formulae Extended. 288 § 2. Series of Powers of a Cosine or Sine. 200-204. 2cosn^ = (2cos^)"-'i(2co8^)"-2 + ^(n-3)i(2co8^)«-''-... + (-l)'-*V-r-l)^_i(2co8^)"-2'-+...,etc., . 296 r § 3. Summation of Series. 205, 206. '^ S cos(a + rj8) = co8(a + (7i-l)^}8in^/8in^, . . 306 r=0 *• ^-' ^ I ^ 207. Table of Diflference-forms, 309 208. Illustrative Examples, 310 209-214 § 4. Convergency and Continuity of Series. 312 § 5. Infinite Series for Cosines and Sines. 215-217. cosa; = S(-lf'J'*, cosh a: = 2^ 321 [2r I2r sin r = S( - 1 Y^ — -, sinh x = S-^- - , . ^ ' 2r+l \2r+l '218-221. cosha; = ^(e* + e-*), sinha: = i(ef-e-'), . . . .326 Examples XXm., ........ 329 CHAPTER XIV. Factors. § 1. Fundamental Theorem on Trigonometrical Factors. 222-228. If v„ = 2 cos nx, 2 cosh nx, or a;" + — , then will v„-2coana = ~ll^(vi-2cos(a + r—\\ . . .339 §2. Products for cos w^, =^, coshmt, ~^' . wsin^ wsinhw 229-232. cos nd = cos"^ II 1 1+ tan ^/tan — ^ ir j ; etc. , . .348 CONTENTS. XV § 3. Infinite Products for the Cosines and Sines of x. ARTS, PAGE where l>i^^>l ^^^;etc., . . . .354 (r-- l)7r-^ Examples XXIV., .363 CHAPTER XV. Approximations. 237-241. § 1. Approximations and Errors, 369 Examples XXV., 376 242-249. §2. Theory of Proportional Parts, 380 Miscellaneous Examples III. , 388 PART III. -COMPLEX QUANTITY. CHAPTER XVI. Complex Numbers. 250, 251, Representation of Numbers by Straight Lines, . . 398 252-258. Addition and Multiplication of Complex Numbers, . 401 259. Conjugate Complex Numbers, 405 260. Powers and Roots, 405 261. Resolution of Complex Numbers. Demoivre's Theorem, . 409 262. 263. Some Applications of Complex Numbers, . . . 412 Examples XXVI., 419 CHAPTER XVII. Series of Complex Numbers. 264-270. Convergency and Continuity of Series of Complex Numbers, 424 271,272. Summation of Series, 431 Examples XXVII., 434 CHAPTER XVIII. 273-277. The Binomial Theorem, 437 Examples XXVIII., 441 xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. The Exponential Series, artb. page 278, 279. exp(a;)xexp(y) = exp(a: + y), 444 280. exp(arO = cos a: + » sin x, 445 281,282. exp(a; + yi) = exp(a;)(co8 y + e sin y), .... 446 Examples XXIX 447 CHAPTER XX. Logarithms of Complex Numbers. 283-285. Log(r, ^) = log r + (^ + 27i7r)i, 449 286. When a: is real, ((a))* = exp{a:Loga), 451 287-290. Logarithmic Series, .452 291, 292. Gregory's Series. Numerical Value of tt, . . . 456 293. Some Trigonometrical Series, 457 Examples XXX., 463 CHAPTER XXI. 295-300. Complex Indices, 467 Examples XXXI. , 472 CHAPTER XXII. CiRCCJLAR AND HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX NUMBERS. 301-305. Definition and Fundamental Properties of Circular and Hyperbolic Functions of a Complex Variable, , . 474 306. Formulae of Interchange of Circular and Hyperbolic Functions, 479 307-309. Inverse Functions, 481 Examples XXXII., 486 Miscellaneous Examples IV. , , . . . . . 489 Mathematical Tables, ....... 498 Answers to Examples, 501 PART I. AKITHMETICAL QUANTITY. ''And to fuch as delight in matter feruifable for the State J hope this Introduction fhal not he umvelcome : meaning as I fee the fame gratefully accepted, hereafter to impart the reft, leaving at this time farther to tvade in the large Sea 0/ Algebra d: numbers Cofsical."— Stratioticos. CHAPTER I. MEASUEEMENT OF ANGLES. 1. In selecting a unit of angular measurement for practical purposes, it is necessary that the unit should be : (1) constant, (2) easily obtained, and (3) of such a magnitude that the angles most frequently measured may be expressed by integers that are as a rule not very great. A right angle satisfies the first two of these conditions, and, by sub-division, the third also. It has therefore been adopted as the primary unit in the only system now in use for the practical measurement of angles. In this system, a right angle is divided into 90 equal parts called degrees, a degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and a minute into sixty equal parts called seconds. An angle containing 47 degrees, 39 minutes, 17 seconds is written 47° 39' 17". (g A 2 l^EA&UREMENT OF ANGLES. Examples I a. 1. Reduce 57° 14' 46" to seconds, and 121475" to degrees etc. 2. Express 69° 47' 42" and 58° 12' 18'' as decimals of a right angle. 3. Find the number of degrees in the angle of a regular octagon. 4. Find the number of sides in the regular polygon each angle of which contains lo7|°. 5. The angles of a triangle are in arithmetical progression, and the greatest angle is double of the least. Find the number of degrees in each angle. 6. The angles of a triangle are such that the first contains a certain number of degrees, the second 10 times as many minutes, and the third 120 times as many seconds. Find the angles. 7. The numerical measures of the angles of a quadrilateral when referred to units containing 1°, 2°, 3°, 4° respectively, are in arithmetical progression, and the difference between the second and fourth is equal to a right angle. Find the angles. Examples I. b. 1. Reduce 35° 18' 47" to seconds, and 210501" to degrees etc. 2. Express 8° 15' 81" and 85° 3' 2" as decimals of a right angle. 3. Find the number of degrees in the angle of a regular quindecagon. 4. Find the number of sides in the regular polygon each angle of which contains 162°. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 3 5. An isosceles triangle has each of the angles at the base double of the third angle. Find the number of degrees in each angle. 6. The angles of a quadrilateral are in arithmetical pro- gression, and the difference between the greatest and least is a right angle. Find the number of degrees in each angle. 7. One regular polygon contains twice as many sides as another, and an angle of the first is double an angle of the second. Find the number of sides in each polygon. CHAPTER II. TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 2. Let POM be an acute angle, and let it be denoted ^ by a. From P, any point in either of the bounding lines, draw PM perpendicular to the other. The following are called the trig- ^ j^^— ooiometrical ratios of the angle a : Base Oif /hypotenuse OP is the cosine of a. Perpendicular Pi//hypotenuse OP is the sine of a. Perpendicular PM /h&se DM is the tangent of a. H3^potenuse OP/base OM is the secant of a. Hypotenuse OP/perpendicular PM is the cosecant of a. Base Oif /perpendicular PM is the cotangent of a. These ratios are written as follows : cos a, sin a, tan a, sec a, cosec a and cot a. 3. Powers of trigonometrical ratios may be denoted in the usual way, as (cos a)^ (tan a)^ etc ; but positive inte- gral powers are generally written thus : cos^a, sec^a, etc. 4. Inverse Notation. — A notation similar in form is used to denote angles having a given cosine, etc. The angle whose cosine is J is written cos~^|, the angle whose tangent is 3 is written tan-^S, etc. It should be borne TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS. ' 5 in mind that these expressions are entirely different from the first negative powers of the ratios, which are written in the usual way, as (cos a)"^ (tan a)"\ etc. 5. The cosine of an angle depends on the angle only. Let POM be the given angle, and let it be denoted by a. Let P, P' be any „ points on one bounding r^ line of the angle, and P" p^ any point on the other. From P, P\ F' draw perpendiculars Pif , P'M\ q P"M" to the other bounding line. Now, the angle POM is common to the three triangles POM, PVM\ P'VM") and the right angles PMO, FM'O, P"M"0 are equal. .-. the triangles POM, FOM\ F'OM" are similar (Eucl. VI. 4). OMIOP = OMjOP' = OM"IOP", i.e. the cosine of the angle a is the same wherever the point P be taken on either bounding line. .•. the cosine of an angle depends on the angle only. Cor. — Similarly, it may be shewn that the other trigon- ometrical ratios of an angle depend on the angle only. Relations between the Trigonometrical Ratios of an Acute Angle. 6. To shew that the cosine and secant of an angle are reci'procal, and likewise the sine and cosecant, and the tangent and cotangent. Let POM (see figure of art. 2) be the given angle, and let it be denoted by a. Then TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS OM OP , cosa.seca = ^.^ = l, cosa = l/seca and seca = l/cosa \ PM OP Also, sin a . cosec OL—TTp ' -pTf = 1, sin a = 1/cosec a and cosec a = 1/sin a . . . . . , , . PM OM ^ And, tana.cota=^p^-p^=l, tan a = 1/cot a and cot a — 1/tan a. (A)' 7. If the sum of two angles is equal to a right angle, each angle is called the complement of the other. 8. To shew that the cosine of an angle is equal to the sine of its complement, the tangent of an angle to the cotangent of its complement, and the secant of an angle to the cosecant of its complement Let POM (see fig. of art. 2) be the given angle, and let it be denoted by a. The angle 0PM is the comple- ment of a, since the angle OMP is a right angle. Now, cos a = OMjOP = sin 0PM = sin(90° - a),\ sin a=^PM/OP= cos 0PM = cos(90°-a), t3ina = PM/0M= cot 0PM = cot(90°-a), sec a = OP/OM= cosec 0PM = cosec(90° - a), cosec a =OP/Pif= sec OPif= sec(90°-a), cot a =Oilf/Pif= tan OPif= tan(90°-a),> 9. To prove that tan a = » and cot a = '■ cos a sm a Let POM (see fig. of art. 2) be the given angle a. Then * Formulae that should be remembered are denoted by capital letters at the end of the lines in which they occur. •(B). OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. sin a _PM OM_PM_ cosa~ OP ' OP~OM~^''''' cos a _0M PM_OM_ sin a OP ' OP~PM~^'^^''' ...(C). 10. To prove that cos^a4-sin2a = l, l-\-tein^a = sec^a, and cot^a + 1 = cosec^a. Let POM (see figure of art. 2) be the given angle a. Since OMP is a right angle, 03P + PM' = 0P\ (End I. 47.) Dividing both sides by OP^, we have 0M\ PM^_ cos^a + sin^a = 1 (D) . Again, dividing both sides of the first equation by Oilf ^ we have PM''_ OP^ 1 + tan^a = sec^a, (D). Lastly, dividing both sides of the same equation by PM\ we have 01/2 + 1 OP^ PM^ ' PM^ cot^a+l =cosec%, (D). V 11. Example.— Prove that 2(cos'5a + sin^a) - 3(cos*a + sin^a) +1=0. 2(cos<'a + sin'^a) - 3(cos*a + sin''a) + 1 = 2(cos-a + sin2a)(cos^a ~ cos^a sin^a + sin^a) — 3{(cos2a + sin^a)^ - 2 cos^a sin^a} + 1 = 2(cos*a - cos^a sin^a + sin-^a) - 3( 1 - 2 cos^a sin^a) + 1 = 2{(cos% + sin^a)^ - 2 cos^a sin^a - cos^a sin^a} -3(1-2 cos-a sin^a) + 1 = 2(1-3 cos^a sin^a) - 3(1 - 2 cos2a sin^a) + 1 = 0. 8 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 12. The cosine of an angle being given, to express the other trigonometrical ratios in terms of it. Let a denote the angle whose cosine is given. (1) Algebraical method. — By art. 10, we have cos^a + sin^a^l, sin a = V(l — cos^a). Again, tan a = sin a/cos a (art. 9), = ;^(1— cos2a)/cosa. Also, sec a = 1/cos a, cosec a = l//v/(l — cos^a), cot a = cos al^{\ — cos^a). (2) Geometrical method. — Let POM be the angle a, and let its cosine be denoted by c. Regarding the hypotenuse OP as the unit of length, the base OM contains c of these units, and there- fore the perpendicular PM contains ^(l-c2) units (Eucl. I. 47). .-. sin a = PM/OP = V(l - o2)/l = ^(l _ cos^a), tan a = PMJOM = s/{\- c^)/c = J(l - cos^aVcos a, sec a = OP/OM = l/c = 1/cos a, cosec a = OP/PM = 1/^(1 - c^) = 1/^^(1 - cos^a), cot a = OM/PM= cj JO - c2) = cos aj J{1- cos^a). Cor. — Similarly, the trigonometrical ratios may be ex- pressed in terms of the sine, secant, or cosecant of the angle. 13. Example. — If cos a =f, find the other trigonometrical ratios of a. . P Let POM be the angle a. Regarding the hypotenuse OP as containing 5 units of length, the base OM contains 4 such units, and therefore the perpendicular PM con- tains 3. (Eucl. I. 47.) .'. sina = f, tana = f, seca = f, cosec a = |, and cot a =|. OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 9 14. The tangent of an angle being given, to express the other trigonometrical ratios in terms of it Let a denote the angle whose tangent is given. (1) Algebraical method. — By art. 10, we have sec^a = 1 + tan^a, cos a = 1/sec a = 1/^(1 +tan2c(). Also, sin a/cos a — tan a, sin a = tan a . cos a = tan aU{ 1 + tan'^a) ; and sec a = ^/O- + tan^a), cosec a = jj{ 1 + tan^a)/ tan a, cot a — 1/tan a. (2) Geometrical method. — Let POM be the angle a, and let its tangent be denoted by t. Regarding the base OM as the unit of length, the perpendicular PM contains t of these units, and there- fore the hypotenuse OP contains s/il+f^) units (Eucl. I 47). .-. cos a=OM/ OP = l/J{l-ht^) = l/^(i+ta.n^a), sin a = PM/OP = tlJ{l + f") = tan «/ V(l + tan^a), sec a = OP 1 031 = J(l+ 1^)/! = J(l + tan^a), cosec a = OPIPM= ^(1 + t^)lt = ^(1 + tan2a)/tan a, cot a = 1/tan a. Cor. — Similarly, if the cotangent of an angle be given, the other trigonometrical ratios may be expressed in terms of it. 10 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS Trigonometrical Ratios of Particular Acute Angles. 15. To find the trigonometrical ratios of angles of G0° and 30^ Let ABC be an equilateral triangle. Draw BD per- j3 pendicular to AG. Then BD bisects both the angle ABC and the base AG (Eucl. I 26). Then, angle 5^D = 60°, and angle ABD = ^0\ Now, BD^=AB^-AD^ ' =AB^-iAB^=iAB\ BD^^.AB. COS 60° = sin 30° = AB\AB=\AB\AB = \, sin 60°= cos^O° = BDIAB=^^ABIAB = '4 tan 60°= cot30° = J5i)/^i)=^^5/J^j5 = V3, sec60° = cosec30° = 2, 2 cosec 60° cot 60° sec 30° = tan 30' x/3' 1 73' The values of these ratios may be remembered by the aid of the accompanying figure. 16. To find the trigonometrical ratios of an angle of 4)5°. B Let ABG be an isosceles triangle, right- angled at (7, so that each of the angles A and B is 45°. Now, AB'' = AG''^BG'' = ^AG'' = 2BG\ AG=BG=^.AB. v2 OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 11 cos 45° = sin 45° = ^(7/^5 ^^ABIAB. 1 tan45° = cot45° = 50/Aa=l, sec 45° = cosec 45° = ^2. The values of these ratios may be remembered by aid of the accompanying figure. 17. Definition of a Limit. — If two quantities, A and B, be so connected that, when any change is made in B, a corresponding change is consequently made in A, the limit of A for a given value of B is that value towards which A (from and after a certain value) continually approaches, and from which it can be made to differ as little as we please by making B approach near enough to its given value. For example, let APB be a circular arc, OA and OB radii perpendicular to one an- other, and OP any other radius. " Draw PM perpendicular to OA. Then the lengths of PM and OM depend upon the magni- tude of the angle AOP. As this angle diminishes, the length of PM (from and after the value OB) continually diminishes, and 6 M A may be made to diflfer from zero as little as we please by making the angle AOP small enough. Thus, the limit of PM, when the angle AOP vanishes, is zero; or, the length of PM is ultimately zero. In like manner, the limit of OM, when the angle AOP vanishes, is OA. And, when the angle A OP is a right angle, the limit of PM is OB or OA, and the limit of OM is zero. 12 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 18. To find the tHgonometrical ratios of an angle of 0°. Let AOP be a very small angle, APsl circular arc with centre 0. Draw PM perpendicular to OA. O M Then, by the preceding article, when the angle AOP vanishes, the limit of OM is OA, and the limit of PM is zero. Hence, when the angle AOP vanishes, the limit of OMjOP is unity, i.e. the limit of cos ^ OP is unity. This is usually written, for brevity, cosO° = l. Similarly, sin 0" = 0, tan 0° = and sec 0° = 1. Again, when the angle AOP vanishes, the limit oi PM is zero. Hence, the limit of OP/PM is infinitely great, cosec 0° = 00 , and, similarly, cot 0° = x . 19. To find the trigonometrical ratios of an angle of 90°. Let AOP be an angle very nearly equal to 90°, APB a quadrant, centre 0. Draw PM perpendicular to OA. Then, by art. 17, when the angle AOP is a right angle, the limit of OM is zero, and the limit ofPif is 05 or OP. Hence, when the angle AOP is a right angle, the limit of OM/OP is zero, i.e. the limit of cos J. OP is zero. This is usually written, for brevity, cos 90° = 0. Similarly, sin 90° = 1, tan 90° = oo , sec 90°= oo , cosec 90° = 1 and cot 90° = 0. O M OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 13 20. To find the sine of 18°. Let ABC be a triangle having each of the angles at the base BG double of the third angle A, D a point in AB such that the rect. AB . BD is equal to the square on AD \ then AD is equal to BG (Eucl. IV. 10). '> " . 0.\j " Draw AE bisecting the angle BAG, and therefore bisecting the base BG at right angles (Eucl. I. 4). The angles A, B, C are in the propor- B tion of 1 : 2 : 2, and therefore the angle BAG=\ of 2 right angles = 86°; therefore angle 5^^=18°. Let AB = a, AD = x; 80 thsit BE =x/2. Then, a{a — x) = x\ x^ + ax — a^ = 0, X- 2 - 2 • The + sign must be taken in this expression, for the — sign would give a value numerically greater than a. sin 18 =-i-^=— ^^ AB '. ■^a V5-1 Viva Voce Examples. Express in degrees the following angles : 1. cos-ii 7. tan-il. 2. tan-V^- 8. sin-^O. 3. cosec"^l. 9. cos"^0. 4. cot-V3. 10. sec-V2. 5. sec~^l. 6. sec-^x 11. cosec"^ V3- 12. tan'^oo. 13. cot-n. 14. 15. • 1 1 16. sin-ij. 17. tan-iQ.' 18. 19. cosec-^2. 20. cos-^1. 21. ^-.f. 14 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 22. sec -12. 23. cosec-^oo. 24. cot"ioo. 25. sin'U. 26. tan-i-io- 27. cosec'V^. 2 28. sec-i-7K- 29. cos-i^o- 30. cot- 10. Variations in the Trigonometrical Ratios when the Angle changes. 21. To find the limits between which the trigonometrical ratios of an acute angle lie. Let POM (see figure of art. 2) be an acute angle ; from any point P, in either bounding line, draw PM perpen- dicular to the other. Since the angle PMO is a right angle, it is not less than either of the angles 0PM or POM, .-. the side OP is never less than either of the sides OM or PM, .'. OMjOP and PM/OP are never greater than unity, while OP/OM and OP/PM are never less than unity, i.e. the cosine and sine of an angle are never greater than unity, and the secant and cosecant are never less than unity. Again, when the angle POM is zero, the limit of OM OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 16 is OP, that of PM is zero ; and, when the angle POM is a right angle, the limit of OM is zero, and that of PM is OP. Hence, the values of the cosine and sine of an acute angle lie between and 1, those of the tangent and cotangent lie between and oo , and those of the secant and cosecant between 1 and oo . 22. To trace the changes in the trigonometrical ratios of an angle as the angle increases from 0° to 90°. Let AOB be a quadrant (see the figure of art. 17), OA and OB its bounding radii ; and let the radius OP re- volve from the position OA to the position OB, so that the angle AOP increases from 0° to 90°. Draw PM perpendicular to OA. As the angle AOP increases from 0° to 90°, OM diminishes from OA to zero, and PM increases from zero to OB or OA. Hence, as the angle AOP increases from 0° to 90°, cos A OP decreases from 1 to 0, sin ^ OP increases from to 1, tan A OP increases from to oo, sec -4 OP increases from 1 to oo, cosec -4 OP decreases from oo to 1, cot -4 OP decreases from oo to 0. 23. Example 1. — Solve the equation * 6cos2(9+17sin(9=13. Since cos2^=l-sin2^, 6-6sin2^+17sin^=13,' 6sin2(9-17sia(9 + 7 = 0, (2sin6'-l)(3sin(9-7)=--0, sin^ = ^or|. *In Part I. the phrase " Solve the equation" must be understood to mean ' ' Find the angle or angles between 0° and 90° inclusive, which satisfy the equation." IC TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS Of these roots, only the first is admissible, since the sine of an angle cannot be greater than unity. Now, the sine of 30° is ^, ^=30''. Example 2. — Solve the equation 6 tan ^ + 5 cot ^=11. Since cot 6= 1/tan 6, 6tan^+-A-.=ll, tan^ 6tan2^-lltan^+5 = 0, (tan^-l)(6tan^-5)=0, tan ^=1 or f . Both of these roots are admissible, since the tangent of an angle can have any value between and c» ; ^=45° or tan~^f. Example 3. — To eliminate 6 between the equations acos ^ + 6sin ^=c and 6cos ^-asin^=o?. Squaring both sides of each equation, we have a''^cos-^+ 2a6 cos 6 sin 6-\-hHin-$=c'^, \ h\os''6 - 2ab cos ^ sin ^ + a^sin"^ = d\ Vdding a-(cos-^ + sin^^) + b-{cos^e + sin^^) ^(r+d', Examples II. a. I Prove the following identities - 1. (cos a + sin a)^ = 1 + 2 cos a sin a. tan^a + l^cot^a + l .« o cot^a ^4. tan a + cot a = sec a cosec a. 5. sin^a sec^^S + tan^^ cos^a = sin^a + tan-^. 6. { ;y/(sec a + tan a) + ^/(sec a — tan a) }^ = 2( 1 + sec a). 7. cos^^a + sin^a = 1-3 sin^a + 3 sin^a. „ cosec a — sec a _ cot a — tan a cot a + tan a cosec a + sec a OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 17 9. tan^a sec^a + cot-acosec^a = sec^acosec^a-Ssec^acosec^a. ^_ l+sin« — cosa , l+sina + cosa _ 1 0. r--^ , h , ,— ^ = 2 cosec a. 1 + sin a + cos a 1 + sin a — cos a 11. If cos a = ^, iind sin a, tan a and cosec a. 12. If sin a = fy, find cot a, sec a and cosec a. 13. If tan a = Yy find cos a, cot a and sec a. *yi3 14. If sec a = "—- , find cos a, sin a and tan a. 2 15. If cot a = —7^, find sin a, sec a and cosec a. 16. If tan a = -?, — Thy find cos a and sin a. 17. Find cos 18°. Prove that : 18. cosec 60°cot 30° = sec245°. 19. tan260°- 2 tan245° = cot^SO"- 2 sin^SO"- f cosec245°. 20. cos 30°sin 30° + cos 45°sin 45° + cos 60°sin 60° = sin 30° + sin 60°. 21. sin 90° + cos260° = (2 sin 18° + sin 30°)^. Find the value of: 22. tan 60°cos 80° - cos 0°tan 45° + 4 sin 18°. 23. cosec "^x + cos -^0 — sec "^2. 24. 2cos-il+cot-i0-3sec-ii 25. 2 cosec -12 -cos -1-^ + 3 cos-i^-sin-^l. 26. tan-^Go — cot'^— T^ + sin-^^ — cot'^l. Solve the equations : 27. tan = cot a 28. cos20 + sin0 = l. 29. V3(tan0 + cot0) = 4. 18 TRIGONOMETIUCAL RATIOS 30. sec20=^3taue + l. 31. 2cos3e + sm2a-l=0. 32. If cos = tan ft prove that sin = 2 sin 18°. Eliminate between the following equations : 33. cot^ = a, sec = 6. 34. a sec — c tan Q = dy 6 sec 0+ cZ tan Q = c. 35. a tan20 + & tan + c = 0, acoi'^O + 6'cot + c' = 0. Examples II. b. Prove the following identities : 1. cos^a tan^a + sin^a cot2a = 1. 2. sec^a + cosec^a = sec^a cosec^a. 3. l+TH = seca. 1+seca J. cos g + cos ^ sing + sin ;g sin g — sin (3 cos g — cos/3 ~ * 5. (cot0 + 2)(2cot0+l) = 2cosec2e + 5cota 6. sin2g(l + n cot^g) + cos2g(l + n tan^a) = sin2g(7i + cot^g) + co^\{n + tan^g \ • 7. sec^g — tan^g = 1 + 3 tan^g sec^g. 8. (4 cos^g — 1 )2tan^g + (3 — 4 cos^g)^ = sec^g. 9. (tan^a -f tan2/3)cos2g cos"^^ = cos^g + cos2;5-2 cos^a cos^/?. 10. (1 + secg + tan g)(l + cosecg4-cotg) = 2(1 + tan g + cot g + sec g + cosec g). 11. If cos g = W, find sin g, tan g and cot g. 12. If sin g = y^^, find cos g, cot g and sec g. 13. If tan g = if, find cos g, sin g and cosec g. 14. If sec g = ||-, find sin g, tan g and cosec g. 15. If cosec g = f¥» ^^^^ ^^^ «> *^^ « and cot g. 2771/ 16. If cosg = 3-- — 9, find sing and tang. 1+m^ 17. Find tan 18°. OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 19 Prove that 18. tan230° + 3 sin245° = sec245° - J cot^GO^. l + cot60° ^/ l + cos30Y l-cotG0°""Vl-cos30V* 20. sin 90°cot 30° - cot 45'tan 60° = cosec245'^ - 8 siii230°. 21. 2 cos218° - sec245° = cos 72° - siii245°. Find the value of: 22. (2 cos 0°sin 30°tan 45° +COS 30°sin 45°tan 60°-cosec 30''cos245°)2 23. sin-iO + 2 sec-loo -3tan-V3. 24. 4tan-i0+3sec-V2-2cosec-i-^. 25. cos-ii + sin-i-y^-cosec-il+tan-U-2cot-V3. 26. 2cosec-V2 + sin-i^-3sec-n-5tan-ii . Solve the equations : 27. 2 sin = tan a 28. 2cos20 + llsin0-7 = O. 29. 3tan20-7sece+5 = O. 30. cot20(2 cosec - 3) + 3(cosec - 1) = 0. 31. sec cosec — cot = 2. 32. tan 0+ sec = 2. Eliminate between the following equations : 33. sec = (X, cosec = 6. 34. ^ cosec +g' cot = r, s cosec — r cot = g. 35. m cos20 + -71 cos = p, m'sec20 + Ti'sec =_p'. Examples III 1. Simplify ( — ^— ^ -\ ^ r-^ ) x cos^a sin^a. •^ Vsec^a — cos^a cosec^a — sin^a/ 20 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS. " ^ Vcos a + tan'^a sin a cos a cot^a + sin a/ sec a cosec a — 1 cosec a — sec a 3. Express sec^0 in terms of tan Q. 7— a; 4. If cos a= ^ :r> and a? be positive, show that x can- not be less than 2. 2 4- cc 5. If cosec a = ^ «> show that x cannot be greater than 5. G. If ^ = ^2, and ^^ = ^3, find a and ^. sinj8 ^ tan^ ^ ' '^ 7. If sin a = m sin ^8 and cos a = ti cos /3, find tan a and tan ;8. Vtan ^/ Vtana/ • Vtan^/' / 1 Y ^ / cos e y / sin^ Y Vsin cf)) Vsin a/ Vsin /3/ 9. If a tan a = 6 tan /3, and a^^^ = a^ — 6-, show that (1 - aj2sin2^)(i _ x^co^^a) = l-x\ 10. Eliminate Q between cos — sin = a and tan Q=c sec^0. 11. Eliminate between cosec ^ — sin = a, sec — cos = 6. 12. Find the least value of a^sec^^ + ^^cos^^, where a and h are constant quantities. <9^ CHAPTER III. TEIGONOMETEICAL EATIOS OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 24. The principal object of the present chapter is to express the trigonometrical ratios of the sum or difference of two or more angles in terms of the ratios of the com- ponent angles, and those of the multiples or sub-multiples of a given angle in terms of the ratios of that angle. In the latter part of the chapter, we shall shew how these relations may be used for effecting the transformation of trigonometrical expressions. Throughout the chapter every angle, both component and compound, is supposed to be acute ; but it should be remarked that this limitation only applies to the first two propositions. These propositions are shewn to be true for all real values of the angles in Chapter VIII. . 25. To exijress the cosine and sine of the sum of tiuo angles in terms of the cosines and sines of the angles themselves. Let the given angles be denoted by a and /3. Draw- the angle AOB equal to a and BOG equal to ^, so that AOG is equal to the compound angle a + j3. In OC, one of the bounding lines of the compound angle, take any point P. Draw PM and PK perpen- 21 22 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS dicular to OA and OB, KL perpendicular to OA arid KR to PM. Then, in the triangle PRK, the angle KPR is equal to a, for angle KPR = complement of PKR = angle RKO = angle AOB. Now, , , ^, OM OL--ML OP OL-RK OP PK OP _qL^ OK RK ~OK'OP PK = cos a cos ^ — sin a sin /3 KL+RP .(A) ., . , ^ r.. PM MR+RP Also, 8in(a + i8) = ^p= ^ — OP ^KL OK RP PK OK' OP"^ PK' OP = sin a cos /3 + cos a sin /3., (B) 26. To express the cosine and sine of the difference of two angles in terms of the cosines and sines of the angles themselves. Let the given angles be denoted by a and ^. Draw the angle AOB equal to a, and BOD equal to ft so that AOD is equal to ' the compound angle a-/3. In OD, one of the bounding lines of the compound angle, take any point Q. Draw QiV and QK perpendicular to OA and OB, KL perpendicular to OA and KS to NQ pro- Also, sin(a — /3) OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 23 duced. Then, in the triangle QSK, the angle KQS is equal to a, for angle iiTQ/Sf = complement of QKS = bx\^q SKB = angle AOB. , ^, ON OL + LN OL+KS Now, cos(a-/5) = -^^=— ^g— =— ^g— _0L OK KS QK ~0K' OQ^QK'OQ = cosaCOs/3 + sin a sin/3 (C) QN_ JNS-QS _ LK-Q8 0Q~ OQ OQ _LK OKQS QK ~OK'OQ QK'OQ = sin a COS ^ - cos a sin fi (D) 27. To express the tangent of the sum and difference of two angles in terms of the tangents of the angles themselves. Let the given angles be denoted by a and ^. (1) Algebraical proof ( I Q\ _ ^^"(<^ + /^) _ ^^^ g cos ^ + cos a sin /3 tan(a + ^)- ^^^^^ _^ ^^ - ^^^ ^ ^os ^ - sin a sin /3' Dividing the numerator and denominator of this frac- tion by cos a cos /3, we have sin g sin ^ ^ , , ^. cos a cos/3 tan a + tan 8 .j.. ^°(" + ^^ = ^-iWihr^ = l-tanatan/3 (^> COS a cos /3 . . ^ . r,. sin(a-/3) sinacos^-cosasin^ Again, tan(a--/3)= — 7 ^ = 15-, — — o ^ ' ^ ^^ cos(a — j5) cosaCOs/5 + smasm/5 _ tan a — tan /3 /-px "r+tana'tajT/S ^ 24 TRIGONOMETRIC A L RA TIOS (2) Geometrical Proof. — (See figure of art. 25.) , . ^ox P^^ MR+RP LK,RP LK RP OL^OL OL^OL RK ._^PP OL RP'OL Now, the triangles KPR, KOL are similar, for the angles KPR and KOL are equal, and the angles KRP and KLO are right angles. RP_PK_. ^ OL~OK~^^^f^' ^ '^^ 1 — tan a tan /5 Similarly, making use of the figure in Art. 26, we may show that t8Lu(a — 8) = ^ . J^ r — ^. ^ '^^ 1+tanatanp Govs. — Similarly, it may be shewn, both algebraically and geometrically, that ., , Q. cotacotiS — 1 C0t(a + /3) = — 7 — , ^. o ' ^ ^^ cota + cot/3 J x/ m cot a cot -5+ 1 and cot(a-/3) = — -^ — ^^^ — • ^ '^^ cot p — cot a 28. The formulae of the preceding articles may be used to obtain the trigonometrical ratios of angles which are the sums or diflferences of angles whose ratios are known. For example, cos 75° = cos(45° + 30°) = cos 45°cos 80° - sin 45°sin 30° _J JS 1 i_V-^-i J2' 2 J~2'2~ 2\/2 ' OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 25 sin 75° = sin (45° + 30°) = sin 45°cos 30° + cos 45°sin 30° = _L x/? , J 1_ V3 + 1 V2' 2 "^V2'2~ 2V2 ' , ^j,o , //i-o , oAox tan 45° + tan 30° tan 75 = tan(4a + 30 ) = r — r — — ^r — ^7^ ^ ^ 1 — tan4o tan 30 ^+73 V3+t 4 + 2^/3 Similarly, or by art. 8, it may be shewn that cosl5°=^^±i, sin 15°-^^2^,andtanl5° = 2-V3. 29. The product of the sines of the sum and difference of two angles is equal to the difference of the squares of the sines of the component angles. Let the angles be denoted by a and /5. Then, sin (a + /5)sin(a - ^) = (sin a cos |8 + cos a sin /3)(sin a cos ^ — cos a sin /3) = sin^a cos^yg — cos^a sin^/^ = sin^a — sin^^ (G) Cor. 1. — sin(a + |8)sin (a — /3) = cos^/3 — cos^a. Cor. 2. — Similarly it may be shewn that cos(a+/8)cos(a — P) = cos^a — sin^/^ = cos"/3 — sin^a. 30. To express the cosine of 2a in terms of the cosine and sine of a. (1) Algebraical proof cos 2a = cos(a + a) = cos a cos a — sin a sin a = cos^a — sin^a (H) Putting sin^a = 1 — cos^a in this equation, we obtain an expression for cos 2a in terms of cos a, namely, cos 2a = cos^a — (1 — cos^a) = 2 cos^a — 1 (I) 26 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS Again, putting cos^a = 1 — sin^a in (H), we obtain an expression for cos 2a in terms of sin a, namely, cos 2a = 1 — sin-a — sin^a = 1 — 2 sin^a (J) (2) Geometrical proof. — Let AG he the diameter of a circle, centre 0. Draw the angle GAP equal to a : then the angle- GOP is equal to 2a. Draw PM perpendicular to AG, and join PG. Then APG is a right angle, and angle (7Pif= complement of angle PGA = angle PAG= a. T., „ OM 2.0M {2.0G-2.MG) Now, cos2a = ^ = 2-^ = ^^jj^ _ AM-MG _AM AP^MG PG^ ~ AG ~AP'AG PG'AG = cos^a — sin^a. The formulae (I) and (J) may be obtained in a similar manner. Govs. — From equations (I) and (J) we have cos2a = Kl+cos2a) (K) and sin2a = J(l — cos2a) ; (L) equations which give the cosine and sine of an angle in terms of the cosine of double the given angle. OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 27 31. To express the sine of 2a in terms of the cosine and sine of a. (1) Algebraical jpr oof sin 2a = sinfa + a) = sin a cos a + cos a sin a = 2 cos a sin a (M) (2) Geometrical jproof — (See figure of Art. 30.) • 9 _PM_2.PM_2PM AP ^'"^ ''~0P~2.0P~ AP 'AG = 2 sin a cos a. 32. To express the tangent of 2a in terms of the tan- gent of a. (1) Algebraical proof tan 2a = tan (a + a) tan a + tan a 1 — tan a . tan a 2 tana 1 — tan^a *'" (2) Geometrical proof — (See figure of art. 30.) PM 2PM 2PM m tan 2a = OM 20M~AM-MG 2PM AM 2 tan a . MG PM 1-tanV pm'am Gor. — 2 cot 2a = cot a — tan a, for o .o 2(l-tan2a) 1 2cot2a = -^T7T -=7 tana Z tan a tan a = cot a — tan a. 28 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 33. To express the tAgonometrical ratios of 3a in tervis of those of a. cos 3a = cos(2a + a) = cos 2a cos a — sin 2a sin a = (2 cos^a — l)cosa — 2 sin a cos a . sin a = 2 cos^a — cos a — 2 cos a(l— cos^a) = 4 cos^a — 3 cos a (O) sin 3a = sin(2a + a) = sin 2a cos a + cos 2a sin a = 2 sin a cos a . cos a + (1 — 2 sin2a)sin a = 2 sin a(l — sin^a) + sin a — 2 sin^a = 3 sin a — 4 sin^a (P) tan 3a = tan(2a + a) _ tan 2a + tan a ~1— tan 2a . tan a 2 tan a 1 — tan^a + tana ^ 2tana . 1 — ^ — 77 — o- . tan a 1 — tan'^a _ 2 tan a + tan a — tan^a 1 — tan^a — 2 tan^a _ 3 tan a — tan^a l-3tan2a * 34. The cosine and sine of any multiple of a may thus be expressed in terms of the cosine and sine of a. The general formulae for obtaining them are cos(n + l)a = 2 cos na cos a — cos{n — l)a, sm(n + 1 )a = 2 sin na cos a — ^m{n — l)a, formulae which may be easily proved by means of t])e results obtained in Arts. 25, 26. Putting 7i = 3, 4, 5, etc., successively in the formulae, we find the cosines and sines of 4a, ba, 6a, etc. OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 29 Trigonometrical Transformations. 35. We have already proved that ' ::i cos(a + /3) = cos a cos P — sin a sin ^, cos(a — j8) = cos a cos /3 + sin a sin ^, . ^ sin(a + /3) = sin a cos ^ + cos a sin ^, sin(a — ^) — sin a cos /3 — cos a sin /3. By addition and subtraction of the first and second of these formulae, and also of the third and fourth, we obtain, 2 cos a cos /3 = cos(a + /3) + cos(a — P); 2 sin asin/5 = cos(a — /3) — cos(a + ^),l /qx 2 sin acos P = sin(a + /3) + sin(a — ^), 2 cos asin/3 =sin(a4-/3) — sin(a — /3).- By means of these formulae, we can express twice the product of two cosines, or of two sines, or of a sine and cosine, as the sum or difference of two cosines or sines. It should be noticed that the third formula is used when we have the sine of the greater angle, and the fourth when we have the cosine of the greater angle ; also, that, in the second formula, the cosine of the greater angle, a + ^, is subtracted from the cosine of the lesser, a — /3: for the cosine of an angle diminishes as the angle increases. YiVA Voce Examples. Transform the following expressions into the sums or differences of two cosines or sines : 1. 2 cos 4a cos 2a. 7. 2 sin 7a sin 4a. 2. 2 cos 5a cos a. 8. 2 sin 10a sin 3a. 3. 2 cos 10a cos 7a. 9. 2 sin 4a sin 3a. 4. 2 cos a cos 3a. 10. 2 sin 5a sin 5a. 5. 2 cos 7a cos 6a. 11. 2 sin 3a sin 18a. 6. 2 cos 3a cos 13a. 12. 2 sin a sin 12a. 80 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 13. 2 sin 6a cos 4a. 14. 2 sin 5a cos a. 15. 2 sin 11a cos 9a. 16. 2 sin 3a cos 2a. 17. 2 sin 7a cos 4a. 18. 2 sin 10a cos a. 19. 2 cos Hasina. 20. 2 cos 14a sin 3a. 21. 2 cos 10a sin 5a. 22. 2 cos 2a sin a. 23. 2 cos a sin a. 24. 2 cos 7a sin 2a. 25. 2 cos a sin 15a. 26. J sin 3a cos 8a. 27. cos 3a . cos 7a. 28. sin 3a. sin 11a. 29. 2sin(2a + 3/3)cos(a-i8). 30. cos(2a+;8)cosa. 31. cos(a-)8)cos(2a + 4^). 32. sin3asin(2/3-3a). 33. cos(5a-2/3)sin(a-4^). 34. sin(8a-3/3)sin(5/3-3a). 35. sin(45° + a)sin(45° — a). 36. cos(30° + 2a)sin(30°-a). 36. The four formulae (Q) of the preceding article serve also for expressing the sum or difference of two cosines or sines as the product of sines or cosines. But they may be put into a more convenient form by writing a+/3 = o- and a — /8 = <5, so that + S and /? = ' The formulae thus become COSO-+COS 8 cos ^ — coso-: sin (T + sin 6 2 cos — y- cos -^ 2 sin --r— sin —^ 2 sin ^7^- cos sin 0- — sm d = 2 cos — 7^— sin 2 .(R) 2 "" 2 They may be thus expressed : The sum of the cosines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the cosine of half their sum by the cosine of half their difference. OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 31 The difference of the cosines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the sine of half their sum by the sine of half their inverted difference. The sum of the sines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the sine of half their sum by the cosine of half their difference. The difference of the sines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the cosine of half their sum by the sine of half their direct difference. Geometrical 'proof . — Draw the angle AOG equal to o-, and the angle AOD equal to S, so that the angle GOD is equal to o- — ^. Bisect the angle GOD by OB, making the angles BOD, GOD each equal to ^{cr — S), and, consequently, the angle AOB equal to ^ + i(a--^), i.e. to In OB take any point K, and o through K draw PKQ perpendicular to OB, meeting OG OD in P, Q. Draw KL, PM, QN perpendicular to OA, and through K draw RKS perpendicular to PM and NQ produced. Then, by elementary geometry, we have OP=OQ, PM+ QF= 2KL, PM- QN= 2PE, 0M+0N=20L, and ON-OM=2ML = 2RK. Also, in the triangle PRK, we have angle ZPJS = complement of angle PKR angle EKO = cr + (5 82 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS „ ^ , OM ON OM+ON Hence, cos ^+^^^^ = 'qp+-qq = — Qp — 201 _qL OK ~ OP ~ OK OP = 2 cos — ^— cos — o— • ON-OM 2RK cos 6-C03(r = ^p =-Qp- RK PK ~ PK OP = 2 Sin ^-sin-g-. . . , . , PM+QN 2KL sin o-+sin S= QjT— = ^TT _^ OK ~ OK' OP = 2 sin ^— cos sin a — sin S = 2 2 PM-QN_2PR OP ~ OP PR PZ "^PZ" OP „ cr + S . (T — S = 2 cos ^ sm 2 2 Oo7's. — The cosine of an angle being equal to the sine of its complement, we have coso-+sin ^ = 2 cosf 45°+^-s~) cos f 45° — 2 + S' cos 0- — sin (5 = 2 sin (45° +^-2—) sin f45° — ^^^ OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 83 Viva Voce Examples. Transform the following expressions into the products of sines and cosines : — 1. cos 5a + cos a. 2. cos 7a + cos 3a. 3. cos 10a + cos 2a. 4. cos 1 5a + cos 3a. 5. cos 9a + cos 8a. 6. cos 2a + cos a. 7. cos a — cos 3a. 8. cos3a — cos9a. 9. cos 5a — cos 6a. 10. cos 8a — cos 11a. 11. cos 5a — cos 10a. 12. cos 6a — cos 16a. 13. sin 6a + sin 4a. 14. sin 4a + sin2a. 15. sin 9a + sin a. 16. sinl3a + sinlla. 17. sin 1 2a + sin 7a. 18. sin 8a + sin 5a. 19. sin 9a — sin 3a. 20. sin 11a — sin a. 21. sin 10a — sin 2a. 22. sin 5a — sin 4a. 23. sin a- sin |. 24. sin 3a — sin a. 25. sin 3a — sin 5a. 26. sin 7a + sin 13a. 27. cos 3a + cos 9a. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. cos 9a — cos 2a. sin 11a — sin 15a. cos 1 la + cos 2a. • a .3a sin ^ — sin— . 5a a cos y- cos 2- . K .5a sin 7a — sin -^. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. sin a + sin 3a cos 9a + cos 10a. sin 11a — sin 7a. . 7a . 11a o ^a cos 8a — cos -^. . 5a , . 3a sm-^ + sin-. 3a cos-j — cos 4 sin. -sin .a .a sm^-sin^. 11a 4 ' 15a sin(2a+3^)+sin(2a+/3). cos(3a-j8) + cos(a + 5/3). cos(2a-/3)-cos3/3. 34 TRIOONOMETRWAL RATIOS 46. 8in(3a+8/3)-sin(7a-3/3). 49. sin 63° -- sin 27°. 47. cos 12° -cos 48°. 50. cos 60° + cos 20". 48. sin 75° + sin 15°. 51. cos{a + (r-J)/3}-cos{a + (r+J)^}. 52. sin{a + (r + i)^}-sin{a + (r-J)^}. 37. The following examples are given to shew the use of the formulae proved in this chapter : — Example 1. — Prove that tana=-«Hl2^=lz^^, and tan^a-^ "^^'^a 1 + cos 2a sin 2a 1 + cos 2a sina_ 2sinacosa _ sin 2a cos a 2 cos^a 1 + cos 2a' 2 sin^a 1 - cos 2a 2 sin 2a 1 - cos 2a 1 — cos 2a tana= Also, tana=^ . . « 2 sin a cos a sm 2a Hence, by multiplication, tan^a . . 1 + cos 2a sin 2a 1 + cos 2a Example 2. — Prove that sin a + 2 sin 3a + sin 5a _ , o„ cos a + 2 cos 3a + cos 5a sin a + 2 sin 3a + sin 5a _ (sin 5a + sin a) + 2 sin 3a cos a 4- 2 cos 3a + cos 5a (cos 5a + cos a) + 2 cos 3a _ 2 sin 3a cos 2a + 2 sin 3a 2 cos 3a cos 2a + 2 cos 3a _ 2 sin 3a(cos 2a + 1 ) 2cos3a(cos2a+l) = tan 3a. Example 3. — Prove that 3 sin 3a ,. 3 cos 3a sin 4a cos^a . — - — + siira . ^ — = — - — 3 3 4 «"^^ + sin^a . 2^^ 3 3 = ^[cos*a(3 sin a - 4 sin^a) + sin'a(4 cos^a - 3 cos a)] = ^(3 cos^a sin a - 3 sin^a cos a) = cos a sin a(cos^a — sin'^a) =^ sin 2a. cos 2a =1 sin 4a. OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 85 Example 4. — If tana=| and tail ^8 = ^, find tan(2a-/3). l-tan^a 1-^ ^' tan(2a- ^)^ tan 2a-tan/? _i-i ^ ^ ^ '^^ l+tan2atan/? l+l-i Example 5. — Express 4 cos a cos /? cos y as the sum of four cosines. 4 cos a cos /8 cosy = 2 cos a . 2cos /3cosy = 2cosa{cos(/8 + y) + cos(/8-y)} = 2 cos a cos(/3 + y) + 2 cos a cos(^ - y ) = cos(a + /? + y) +cos(^ + y - a) + cos(y + a - /S) + cos(a + /S - y). Example 6. — Solve the equation 2sin^sin3^=sin22(9. 2sin6'sin36'-sin22l9=0, cos 2(9 - cos 4^ - sin22(9 = 0, cos W - (2 cos22^ - 1 ) - ( 1 - cos22^) - 0, cos2^-cos22(9=0, cos 2(9(1 -cos 2(9) = 0, cos 2^=0 or 1, 2^=90° or 0°, (9=45° or 0°. Examples IV. a. Find the values of : 1. cos(a+j8) and sin(a — /?), if sma = xT ^^^ mi\^ = -^^. 2. cos(a — /8) and sin(a + /3), if sin a = f and cos/3 = ^|. 3. cos(a + /3) and sin(a + /5), if tana = ^f and cot|8 = ff. 4. tan(a — /5), if tan a = a_/^ and tan /5 = xt^q' 5. cot(a + 18), if cot a = 7 and cot |8 = f . 6. Shew that tan 75° + cot 75' = 4. 7. The value of cos(7i + l)a cos(7i — l)a4-sin(7i + l)a sin(?i — l)a is independent of n. 8. sinacos(/3+y) — sin /5cos(a + y) = sin(a — /9)cosy. 36 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS A L ^ I o sin(/5±a) 9. cota±cot/8 = -^-^^^-^ — 5. ' sin a sin p iA / _L /o\ sec a sec /3 10. sec(a±/3) = 7TrT r^-^- '^^ 1 + tan a tan ^ 11. cos^a - cos a cos(60° + a) + sin2(80° - a) = f . 12. Find cos(a+/3+y) in terms of the cosines and sines of a, /5, y; and hence shew that, if a+/3+y = 90°, tan |8 tan y + tan y tan a + tan a tan ^ = 1 . 13. Find tan(a + j8 + y) in terms of the tangents of a, /3, y ; and hence shew that, if a+/3+y = 90°, tan |8 tan y + tan y tan a + tan a tan ^ = 1. 14. cos^a + cos2/3 — 2 cos a cos /3 cos(a + /3) = sin2(a + ^8). 1 5. tan^a — tan^/S = sin(a + /5)sin(a — ^)sec^a sec^/?. 16. sin44"cos74° = l-sinn4°. Find the values of : 17. cos 2a, when (1) cos a = f, (2) sin a = i, (3) cos a = f . 18. sin 2a, when (1) cosa = -^f, (2) tana = ^V 19. tan 2a, when (1) tan a = A, (2) cot a = 4. 20. cos a, sin a, and tan a, when cos 2a = f i. 21. tan a, when (1) tan 2a = ^8, (2) cos | = i- 22. tan(a + 2/3), when tan a = ^3 and tan /3 = 2 - ^3. /3 / 3 — 1 23. cos 3a, when cos a = '^- ; sin 3a, when sin a= - ^ /o > and tan 3a, when tan a = i- 24. Find the cosine, sine and tangent of 22^°, and shew that 2 cos 11° 15'= V {2+ V(2+ V2)}. 25. sin 18° and sin 54° are roots of the equation 4»2_2^5i»+l=0. o^ n 1 " tan^a 26. cos2a = =-rT — 2- l + tan^a 27. 2 cosec 2a = sec a cosec a. 28. sec 2a — OF COMPOUND ANGLES. 37 cot a + tan a cot a — tan a 29. tan(45° + a)=sec2a + tan2a. 30. Simplify Z^^^ + ^^^y. ^ *" l + cosa + cos2a Q^ c<- i-r 2(l + tanatan2a) 31. Simplify y, , . 7 — ^. ^ ^ 2 + tan a tan 2a 32. tan(45°-|) + tan(45°+|) = 2seca. 33. sin2(22r + 1) - sin2(22i° - 1) = -1 sin a. l-tan2(45°-|) 34. Simplify ^-• l + tan2U5°-|j 35. Simplify cos(36°+a)cos(36°-a)+cos(54°+a)cos(54°-a). 36. cos^a + sin^a cos 2(3 = cos^^ + sin^^ cos 2a. 37. {cos2a + cos2^ + 2cos(a + |8)}2 + {sin2a + sin 2/3 + 2 sin(a + iS)}2 = 16 cos*^^. 38. tan 3a tan 2a tan a = tan 3a — tan 2a — tan a. 39. cos4a = 8cos*a — 8cos2a + l. 40. Find the value of 4 tan-i^ 41. Express cos Qa in terms of cos a. 42. sin 3a = 4 sin(60° - a)sin a sin(60° + a). 43. tan 3a = tan(60° - a)tan a tan(60° + a). 44. ^i^«^ = tan4^. cosa + cos/5 2 sin a — Sin |8 2 2 46. cos(4a + /5) = 2 cos a cos(3a + /5) - cos(2a + /5). 47. sin 1 1 a sin a + sin 7a sin 3a = sin 8a sin 4a. 48. sin a(cos 2a + cos 4a + cos 6a) = sin 3a cos 4a. 38 TRlGONOMEriUOAL RATIOS 49. Simplify '^'°"+""f"+^'"f ^. cos a + cos 2a + cos 3a 50. Simplify si" «-«'" 4«+8i n 7«-sin 10a COS a — COS 4a + COS 7a — COS 1 Oa 51. sin 10°+ sin 50° = sin 70°. 52. cos 55° + sin 25° = sin 85°. 53. sina+sin(72°+a)+sin(36°- a) = sin(72°- a)+sin(36°+a). 54. Prove geometrically that cot(a+j8)= ^ ^ , To • 55. Also that tana = =— ; =r-- 1 + cos 2a Solve the equations : 56. sin(e+a)-sin(0-a) = ^2sina. 5/. -^sm0+^cose = ^2- 58. 2cos20-2sine-l = O. 59. (1 + V3)tan20(l~tan0) = 2tana 60. sin 7^ + sin 30 = cos 2a 61. sin 20 + 1= cos + 2 sin a 62. cos 60 + cos 40 + cos 20 + 1 = 2 cos 20 cos 0. 63. cos + ^3 sin = ^3 cos - sin = 2 cos(0 +
tan 20 = c.
Examples IV. b.
Find the values of :
1. cos(a + ^) and cos(a — /3), if cos a = f f and cos /9 = f f .
2. sin(a + /8) and am(^ — a), if sin a = H ^^^ cos ^ = |f .
3. cos(a + ^) and sin(a - ^), if tan a = V- and cot /S ^
4. tan(a + P) and tan(a — /3), if tan a = J and tan ^ = J.
5. cot(a - B). if sin a = tVt and cos (3 = f f.
6. Shew that 4 sin 75° sin 15° = 1.
^ ^. yn tan('yi + l)a — tsin(n — l)a
7. bimplity i_|_tan(7i+l)atan('^-l)a'
8. cos(a + /3)sin ^ — cos(a + y)sin y
= sin(a + /5)cos ft — sin(a + y)cos y.
f^ i. _L.j. /o sin(a±/8)
9. tana±tan/3= ^ '^i-
'^ cos a cos /5
, . ^. cosec a cosec /3
10. cosec(a±/5) = -^^-^^^^-.
11. sin2a-sinasin(60° + a) + cos2(30°-a) = f.
12. Find sin(a + /3 + y) in terms of the cosines and sines of
a, A y.
1 3. Find tan(a + /5 + y), when tan a = J, tan /5 = f , tan y = | .
14. cos^a + cos2/3 — 2 cos a cos ft cos(a — ft) = sm\a — ft).
1 5. sin(a + /5)sin(a — ft) = (sin a + sin /3)(sin a — sin ft),
16. sin55°cos25° = f — sin25°.
Find the values of:
17. cos 2a, when (1) cosa = H» (2) sin a= iV» (3) sin a = 4-
18. sin 2a, when (1) sin a = f, (2) tan a = ^^!^.
19. tan 2a, when (1) tana = f, (2) sin a= — ^ — r-
20. cos a, sin a and tau a, when cos 2a = 2^.
21. tan a, when sec 2a = 3; and tan ^, when sin a = ff.
22. tan(2a + iS), when tana = l and tan^ = J.
23. cos 3a, when cos a= \^',^ ; sin 3a, when sina = J;
and tan 3a, when tana = -y-.
Shew that :
24. seen 5° = 4 tan 1 5°, and tan 7° 30' = ^6 + v^2- 2- ^3.
25. 4sml8°cos36° = l.
2 tan a
26. sin 2a
27. sec 2a =
1 + tanV
2 — sec^a'
28. 2 cosec 2a = tan a + cot a.
29. c»««+8in« = sec2a+tau2a.
COS a — sin a
30. cot§— cota = coseca.
31. l±sina = 2sin2('45^±«Y
32. cot(45" + a) + cot(45° - a) = 2 sec 2a.
33. cot<45° + ^) = |^^^^^|^^«.
\ 2/ 2 cosec 2a 4- sec a
34. 224|5;±2_) = sec2a-tan2a.
cos(4o —a)
„^ cos 2a sin 2a _ 1
cos a + sin a cos a — sin a ~~ v^2 cos(a + 45°)'
36. sin^a — cos^a cos 2/3 = sin^^ — cos^/S cos 2a.
.37. seca-^^2_^^^2 + 2cos4a)r
38. From the expressions for cos(a + /3 + y), sin(a + iS + y)
and tan(a + i5 + y), deduce the values of cos 3a,
sin 3a and tan 3a.
39. 4 cos^a — 4 sin^a = 4 cos 2a — sin 2a sin 4a.
40. Express tan 4a in terms of tan a.
41. Express sin 5a in terms of sin a.
42. sin 3(a - 15°) = 4 cos(a - 45°)cos(a + 15°)sin(a - 15°).
43. tan 3a = tan a cot(30° - a)cot(30° + a).
COS p — COS a '1
45. 52i^±£^=cot^cot^«.
COS a — cos/3 2 2
46. sec(45° + a)sec(45° — a) = 2sec2a.
47. sin 2a sin 5a + sin 3a sin 10a = sin 5a sin 8a.
48. sin 2a(cos 3a + cos 7a + cos 1 la) = sin 6a cos 7a.
An o- Ti* sin a + 2 sin 3a + sin 5a
49. Simplify -.— - — , ^ . „ — ;— r— ^_-.
^ "^ sin 3a + 2 sm 5a + sin 7a
-A o- vr cosa — cos 3a + cos 5a — cos 7a
oO. bimplity ^ — ; -. ^ =— .
'^ "^ cos 2a + cos 4a — cos 6a — 1
51. cos 25° — sin 5° = cos 35°.
52. sin 33° + cos 63° = cos 3°.
53. 4sin20°sin40°sin80° = sin60°.
54. Prove geometrically that cot(a — /3) = ^ — ^— ^ .
^ ^ V A-/ cot/3-cota
55. Also that 2 cot 2a = cot a — tana.
Solve the equations :
56. isin0+^cos^ = -^.
57. tan(45° + ^) = 4tan(45°-e).
58. sill 20 cos = sin 0.
59. coslie + cos50 = cos3a
60. cos 0- cos 90 = ^2 sin 4a
61. sin 20 + sin = cos 20 + cos a
62. sin 30 + sin 50-sin 7a- sin = 2^2 sin 20 sin 6.
63. 4 cos(0 + 60°) -J2 = jQ-4! cos(0 + 30°).
Eliminate between the following equations :
64. sin0 — cos = (X, sin 20 = 6.
65. cos20 + cos0 = a, sin20 + sin0 = 6.
66. atan(0 + a) = c, 6tan(0 + /3) = d
67. cos 30 + sin 30 = a, cos 0- sin = 6.
Examples V.
1. Prove geometrically, by means of Eucl. VI. 8, that
cos 75°=^^^ and cos 15° = ^5^^.
2. If tan Q = b/a, then a cos 20 +b sin 26 = a.
o. Express 4 sin a cos ^ cos y as the sum of four sines.
4. Find the maximum value of cos a + sin a.
5. Shew that cos 6 cos(a --0) is a maximum when 6 = Ja,
and that its value is then cos^^.
6. If a sin(e +a) = b am(d + fi), then
6 COS p — a cos a
7. Shew that acos(0+a)+6cos(0+iS) may be written
in the form ccos(0 + y), and find c and y in terms
of a, b, a and /3.
8. V3 + tan 40° + tan 80° = ^3 tan 40°tan 80°.
9. sin^a + sin*2a = f(l — cos a cos 3a) — J sin 3a sin 5a.
10. If tan a = tm% then 2 tan 2a = tan 2/3 sin 2/3.
11. If cos(a — y)cos /3 = cos(a — /3+y), then tan a, tan /3,
tan y are in harmonical progression.
12. If cos(a-^)sin(y-^) = cos(a + /3)sin(y+^), then
cot S = cot a cot ^ cot y.
13. If tan I = ^^7^^ , then sin = ^.
14. If tan /3 = ^£_«.^, then tan(a - iS) = (1 - ^)tan a.
1 5. If cot ^(tan^a - 1) = 2 tan /3, then
sin(a + |5)sec a = cos a cosec(a — /3).
16. Shew that {2«+icosec 2'^'ri^f
= (2^cosec 2^a)2 + (2^sec 2^a)\
irr Ti* COS a — COS i8 COS y ,,
17. If cos a = — —.—>,-. -^^ \ then
sin p sm y
1 — sec^a — sec2/3 — sec^y + 2 sec a sec /3 sec y = 0.
18. If tan0+tan0 = secO, find the relation between 6
and (p. .
19. If — a, 0, + a be three angles whose cosines are in
harmonical progression, then cos = ^2 cos J
20. If the angle ^J5(7 Ls divided by the straight line 5Q
into two angles, a and /?, and the circle ^P(7,
which touches AB and 5(7, is cut by BQ, in P, Q :
shew that sin a sin ^8 varies as the square of the
intercepted chord PQ of the circle.
38. The principal tables required in trigonometrical
calculations are: (1) a table of the logarithms of all
numbers from 1 to 100,000; (2) a table of the trigono-
metrical ratios of angles for every minute from 0° to 90° ;
and (3) a table of the logarithms of these ratios.
In the tables at the end of this book are given all
the logarithms of numbers, trigonometrical ratios and
logarithms of trigonometrical ratios that will be required
for the working of the examples given in the text. The
logarithms of numbers are printed in nearly the same
form as in books of Mathematical Tables. The reader
is, however, strongly recommended to obtain a collection
of tables, for example, Chambers' Mathematical Tables,
and to work exclusively with them.
(For the fundamental properties of logarithms and
their proofs, see C. Smith's Elementary Algebra, second
edition, or any other treatise on Algebra.)
Logarithms of Numbers.
39. The table of logarithms of numbers given at the
end of this book contains eleven columns. In the first
column, are the first four digits of the number, the fifth
and last digit being given at the head of each of the
remaining ten columns. In these columns, the mantissse
of the logarithms of the numbers are given to seven
places of decimals, the first three being given in the
second column only. The characteristic of the logarithm
is omitted, since it is easily determined by inspection of
the number.
For example, consider a number whose first four digits
are 2296. These digits are given in the first column.
In a line with them, and in the second column (headed
0), are the figures 3609719 ; these forming the mantissa
of the logarithm of 22960. In the same line, and in the
third column (headed 1), are the figures 9908, which form
the last four figures of the mantissa of the logarithm
of 22961, the three figures 360 being omitted, so that the
complete mantissa is 3609908. Again, in the same line,
and in the fourth column (headed 2), are the figures
0097, the bar above the figures * indicating that the last
of the three figures 360 is to be increased by 1 ; so that
the mantissa of the logarithm of 22962 is 3610097.
Thus, log 22960 = 4-3609719,
log 229610 =5-3609908,
log 2-2962 =0-3610097,
log 0-22963 =1-3610286,
log 0-00022964 = 4-3610475.
40. In the examples just given, the logarithms can be
found at once from the tables ; but, frequently, this is not
the case, the number whose logarithm is required lying
between two numbers in the tables.
The logarithm of 229613, for example, must lie be-
* Sometimes the bar is placed over the first figure only, thus : 0097.
tween the logarithms of 229610 and 229620, i.e., between
5-3609908 and 5-3610097. To determine log 229613, we
make use of the Principle of Proportional Parts, which
may be thus stated :
If there be three numbers such that the difference
between any two of them is small in comparison with
either, then the difference between any two of the
numbers is proportional to the difference between their
This theorem, it should be mentioned, is only approxi-
mately true. The limits between which it is applicable
are investigated in a later chapter.
Applying this principle to find log 229613, we have
the difference between 229610 and 229620 is to the
difference between 229610 and 229613 as the difference
between log 229610 and log 229620 is to the difference
between log 229610 and log 229613. The difference be-
tween log 229610 and log 229620 is '0000189: let the
difference between log 229610 and log 229613 be denoted
by 5; then 10 :3 :: -0000189 : 5,
from which we find ^ = '0000057
to seven places of decimals.
log 229613 = log 229610+^
= 5-6309908 + 00000057
= 5-6309965.
In practice, this example should be written out as
in the first of the following article.
41. Example 1.— To find log 229613.
log 229620 = 5-3610097,
log 229613=5-3609908 + 8,
log 229610=5-3609908,
10: 3:: -0000189: 8,
8= -0000057.
log 229613= 5-3609908
= 5-3609965.
Example 2.— To find log 0-0356124
log 0-035613 =2-5516086,
log 0-0356124 = 2-5515964 + 8,
log 035612 =2-5515964,
10 : 4 :: 0-0000122 : 8,
8 = 0-0000049,
log 0-0356124= 2-5515964
+ 0-0000049
= 2-5516013.
42. In a similar manner, we find a number whose
logarithm is known from the two numbers (given in
the table) whose logarithms have mantissse respectively
just greater and less than that of the given logarithm.
Example 3. — To find the number whose logarithm is 3*5970721.
3-5970806 = log 0-0039544,
3-5970721 = log (0-0039543 + 8),
3-5970696 = log 0*0039543,
110 : 25 :: 22 : 5 :: 00000001 : 8,
8 = 0-000^005-7-22 = 0-00000002, nearly,
3-5970721 = log 0*00395432, nearly.
43. Example 4.— To find the 61st root of 329 x 3079-i-425130 to
six places of decimals.
The logarithm of the required root
= 6\(log 329 + log 3079 -log 451230)
-^1 + 3-.
^1 / 6-0056056 \
^V- 5-6543980/
= ^^ of 0-351 2076 = 0-0057575.
Now, 0-0057809 = log 1-0134,
0-0057575 = log( 1-0 133 + 8),
0-0057380 = log 1-0133,
429: 195:: -0001 : 8,
the required root = 1 '01 3345.
Logarithms of Trigonometrical Ratios.
44. It is unnecessary to give examples of finding by-
means of tables the trigonometrical ratios of angles;
the method being, in every respect but one, the same as
that for finding the logarithms of the same ratios. It
differs only on account of the form in which the ratios
and their logarithms are printed in the tables.
The cosines and sines of all acute angles, the tangents
of angles less than 45°, and the cotangents of angles
greater than 45°, being less than unity, the logarithms of
all such ratios have negative characteristics. To avoid
printing such characteristics, it is usual to add 10 to the
logarithm, forming the tabular logarithm of the ratio,
written L cos a, etc. The letter L is used as an abbrevi-
ation of the words ' tabular logarithm ' ; thus,
Xcos a = log cos a + 10.
In working with the tables, however, the tabular loga-
rithm should not be used : the 10 should be subtracted
from it whilst copying the logarithm. For example, we
should write at once,
logcos 57° 10' = 1-7341572,
log sin 1° =2-2418553,
W tan 49° 13' = 00641 556.
45. In finding the logarithms of trigonometrical ratios
which are not given exactly in the tables, it is necessary
to distinguish the cases in which the ratio increases or
decreases as the angle increases. The sine, secant, and
tangent of an angle increase as the angle increases, while
the cosine, cosecant, and cotangent decrease as the angle
increases (Art. 22), Taking, first, an example of the
former, let us find the logarithm of sin 16° 23' 27".
From the table, we find log sin 16° 23' = 1-4503452, and
log sin 16° 24' = 1-4507747. The required logarithm must
therefore lie between these values. To obtain it, we
make use of the Principle of Proportional Parts, as
enunciated above (Art. 40), with the requisite verbal
The limits between which the principle is applicable
in this case are investigated in chapter xv. : for the
present, it may be stated that the result will not be
accurate to the seventh place of decimals if the angles
differ by less than a few degrees from 0° or 90°.
Now, the difference between 16° 23' and 16° 24' is 60";
and that between 16° 23' and 16° 23' 27" is 27". Again,
the difference between log sin 16° 23' and log sin 16° 24' is
0-0004295. Let the difference between log sin 16° 23' and
log sin 16° 23' 27" be denoted by S. Then
60 : 27:: 00004295 :^,
from which we find S = 00001933.
log sin 16° 23' 27" = log sin 16° 23'+^
= T'4503452 + 00001933
= 1-4505385.
In practice, we should work this example as follows :
Example 5.— To find log sin 16° 23'_27".
log sin 16° 24' =1-4507747,
log sin 1 6° 23' 27" == 1 '4503452 + 8,
logsinl6°23' =14503452,
60 : 27 : : 0-0004295 : 8.
20 ) -0038655
log sin 16° 23' 27"= 1-4503452
+ 0-0001933
= T-4505385
46. Similarly, we find an angle the logarithm of whose
sine is given, from the two angles (given in the table) the
logarithm of whose sines are respectively just greater and
just less than the given logarithm.
Example 6. — To find the angle the logarithm of whose sine is
i -9658931.
1 -9659285 = log sin 67° 36',
1-9658931 =log sin 67° 35' S",
1 -9658764 = log sin 67° 35',
521 ) 10020 ( 19", nearly.
r9658931 =log sin 67° 35' 19".
47. Example 7.— To find log cos 53° 14' 51".
log cos 53° 14' =1-7771060,
log cos 53° 14'51"=T-7771000-S,
log cos 53° 1 5' =1-7769369,
-60 :-51 :: -0001691: 8.
60 ) -0086241
•0001437 = 8.
• •
log cos 53° 14' 51"= 1-7771060
- 0-0001437
= 1-7769623.
Example 8.-
—To find the angle the logarithm of whose cosine is
1-9447862= log cos 23° 17',
1-9447435 = log cos 23° 17' 8",
1-9447182 = log cos 23° 18',
680: 427:: -60 -.-8.
34 ) 1281 ( 38", nearly.
1-9447435 =log cos 23° 17' 38", nearly.
Examples VLa.
Find the logarithms of the following numbers :
1. 249317. 4. 9152-06.
2. 0-751204. 5. 539-005.
3. 39172500.
Find the numbers whose logarithms are :
6. 5-2471903. 9^ 2-3058769.
7. 8-7192855. 10. 21572693.
8. 4-2145028.
Find the values of :
_, 72x5301 , „ , CA ' ^
6 19x70 025' P ^^^^ decimals.
12. 4/(3914-26 X 130-72), to 4 places of decimals.
,^ (1-0012)2 X (-059)^
13. ^ '7 a.qi9q\4 — > ^° ' places oi decimals.
Find the logarithms of:
14. sin 17° 13' 28". 17. sin 54° 15' 2".
15. tan 19° 57' 12''. 18. tan 17° 41' 39".
16. cos 78° 24' 50". 19. cos 11° 3' 12".
Find the values of a, when :
20. log sin a = 1-5127043. 23. log sin a = 1-8318514.
21. log tan a = 1-4587148. 24. log tan a = 0-7974903.
22. log cos a = 1-9849418. 25. logcos a = r9447285.
26. sin 12° 3' 12". 28. cot 52° 41' 21".
27. cos 71° 14' 39".
Find the values of a, when :
29. sin a = -37 14051. 30. cos a = "2.
Examples VI. b.
Find the logarithms of the following numbers :
1. 632503. 4. 0-000531058.
2. 00513517. 5. 7912-02.
3. 73-1459.
Find the numbers whose logarithms are :
6. 0-2175004. 9. 5-3971142.
7. 1-3721153. 10. 4-2456173.
8. 1-3190725.
Find the values of:
.. 035 X 1-2502 , ^ , rA ' ^
11. .,-, -, o — ,, ^r,m > to 9 places or decimals.
12. a/ L^^3 ,^ J, to 5 places of decimals.
13. (0001528x517)7, to 6 places of decimals.
Find the logarithms of:
14. sin 52° 15' 17''. 17. sin 5° 51' 22".
15. tan 74° 11' 9". 18. tan 14° 19' 38".
16. cos 32° 30' 14". 19. cos 12° 43' 18".
Find the values of a, when :
20. log sin a = 1-9703652. 23. log sina = ro012301.
21. log tan a = 0-5175023. 24. log tan a = 1-8115891.
22. log cos a = 1-6838142. 25. log cos a = 1-5354010.
Find :
26. sin 19° 12' 37". 28. cosec 24° 14' 9".
27. cos 43° 15' 5".
Find the values of a, when :
29. sin a = -5502471. 30. cos a = "8026140.
Solution of Right-Angled Triangles.
48. In every triangle there are six elements, the
three sides and the three angles. If any three of these
elements, except the three angles, be given, they are, as a
general rule, sufficient to enable the other three to be
determined. The process by means of which the remain-
ing elements are found is called the solution of the
triangle. In the present chapter, we confine ourselves to
the solution of right-angled triangles.
It is obvious that, if two angles of a triangle be known,
the third may be determined from the fact that the three
angles are together equal to two right angles. And, in
a right-angled triangle, if one acute angle be known, the
second may be found in the same way.
We have thus four cases to consider, in which we are
given (1) the hypotenuse and one acute angle; (2) one
side and one acute angle; (3) the hypotenuse and one
side; and (4) the two sides.
49. If ABC be any triangle, the length of the sides
BG, GA, and AB, opposite respectively to the angles J.,
j5, and 0, will be denoted by the letters a, 6, and c.
En^Fish Miles
50. Case I. — The hypotenuse and one acute angle being
given, to find the two sides and the other angle.
Let C be the right angle, and let the hypotenuse c and
the angle A be given. ^
We have 4+^ = ^0",
B = 90°-A.
Also, a/c = sin A and b/c = sin B,
a = c sin A and 6 = c sin i?, a
.-. log a = log c+ log sin J. and log6 = logc + logsin5.
51. Example l.~If c = 3701 and ^ = 41° 13' 24", to find a, b ami B.
B=m°- 41° 13' 24" =48° 46' 36".
log sin 41° 14' =1-8189692,
log sin 41° 13' 24" = 1-8188250 + 5,
log sin 41° 13' =1-8188260,
60'': 24":: -0001442: 8,
8= -0000577,
log sin 41° 13' 24"= 1-8188827.
log a=log 3701 + log sin 41° 13' 24"
= 3-5683191
+ 1-8188827
= 3-3872018.
Now, 3-3872118 = log 2439-0,
3-38720 1 8 = log(2438-9 + S),
3-3871940 = log 2438-.9,
178:78 :: -1 : 8,
8=0-04, nearly,
« = 243^-94.
Similarly, we find log sin 48° 46' 36" =1-8763025, log 6 = 3-4446216,
and therefore 6 = 2783-69.
a = 2438 -944, ^
6=2783-69. J
52. Case II. — One side and one acute angle being
given, to find the hypotenuse, the other side and the
other angle.
Let G be the right angle, and let the side a and the
angle B be given.
Then, ^ = 90' -5.
Also, cja = sec B and hja = tan B,
c = a sec jB and 6 = 66 tan 5,
log c = log a H- log sec B and log 6 = log a + log tan B.
53. Example 2.— If a = 374 and B=2V 34', to find c, 6 and A.
^ = 90°-2r34'=68°26'.
Now, c = a sec i5,
log c = log 374 + log sec 21° 34'
= 2-5728716
+ 0315215
= 2-6043931.
Now, 2-6043989 = log 402-16,
2-6043931 = log(402-15 + 8),
2-6043881= log 402-15,
108 : 50:: -01 : 8,
8 =-005, nearly,
c = 402-155.
Again, h = a tan 5,
log 6 = log 374 + log tan 2 r 34'
= 2-5728716
+ 1-5968776
= 2-1697492.
Now, 2-1697626 = log 147-83,
2-1697492 = log(147-82 + 8), •
2-1697332 = log 147-82,
294 : 160:: -01 : 8,
8 =-005, nearly,
A = i
54. Case III. — The hypotenuse and one side being
given, tojind the other side and the tivo acute angles.
Let C be the right angle, and the hypotenuse c and the
iide a be given.
' Now, c2 = a2 + &^
62^c2-a2 = (c + aXc-«),
log6 = Hlog(c+«) + log(c-a)}.
Also, H\nB = hlc,
log sin B = log 6 — log c.
55. Example 3. — If c = 569, and a =435, to find b, A, and B.
b = J{c + aXc - «) = Vl004 X 1 34,
log6=Klog 1004 + log 134)
^i/ 3-001 7337 \
^V + 2-1271048/
= 1(5-1288385)
= 2-5644193.
Now, 2-5644293 = log 366-80,
2-5644193 = log(366-79 + 8),
2-5644175 = log 366-79,
118: 18:: -01: 6,
8 = -0015, nearly,
6 = 366-7915.
Again, sin B=blc,
log sin ^ = log 6 - log 569
= 2-5644193
= 1.8093070.
Now, 1 -80941 89 = log sin 40° 9',
1 -8093070= log sin 40° 8' 8",
1-809269 1 = log sin 40° 8',
1498: 379:: 60": 8,
8=15", nearly,
5=40° 8' 15", and therefore yl = 49° 51' 45",
6 = 366-7915
.4 = 49° 51' 45"
5=40° 8' 15"
58 iii(!iiT-Ai\(Uj':ii rniAMUJCS
66. Case IV. — The. Uvo sidcH co7itainin sm2a,
W ={h — a) cos sin ^ + A, cos 20,
})=a sin^^ — 2/i cos sin 6+h coa^O,
a'cos\ ?x,
= (p+n'7r, where ti is an integer.
122. If x = y cos Z+z cos Y,
2/ = cos X+ a? cos Z,
and if jr+ Y+Z be an odd multiple of tt, prove
that = oj cos F+ 2/ cos X.
Hence, prove that
C0SZ = ^^^— ^TT .
^go Tf sin ra _ sin (9* + 1 )a _ sin(r + 2)a
I ~ 7n ~ n '
, cos ?-a _ cos(r + l)a _ cos(r + 2)a
^., 2m2 — ^(Z+'yi)~ 7n{n — l) ~n{l+n) — 2m^'
l24i. If tan (cot 0) = cot (tan 6), shew that the real values
1 of are given b}^
sin 20 = 7^5 TT^'
72, being any integer, positive or negative, except
1 2o. cos*^ + cos^-^- + cos*-^ + cos^^ = jg.
126. sec*^+sec4^ +sec*-|" + sec'i^ = 1120.
10H. TT 27r 3x 47r Stt Btt Ttt /IV
127. cos ZTF cos vv cos 7^ cos :rr cos TV cos ^r^ cos T^ = 7: ) '
15 lo 15 15 15 15 lo \2/
1 28. Solve the equations
cos (0-\-a) = sin sin ^8,
cos(^ + /3) = sin sin a,
and shew that, if 0^, ^g ^c two values of not
differing by a multiple of tt,
, /^ , J \ sin 2^
tan (0, + 02) =sIn2-^_cos2^s^^-
129. If -^ — h 7- 7) have its least positive value, prove
that 6 is greater than ^3 — 1.
130. If A, B, G be the angles of a triangle, and x, y, z
any real quantities satisfying the equation
2/ sin (7—0 sin J5 _ sin J. — ic sin C
aj— 2/ cos 0—0 cos ^ 2/~^cos^— ajcos C
sin A sin B sin C
131. If (sin^a — sin2^)(sin2a — sin^y) = sin2^sin2y cos*a,
then tan^a = tan^/? + tan^y.
132. If ^+5+0=7r,
and sin^ft) = sin (J. — w) sin {B — o)) sin ((7— o)),
then cot ft) = cot^+cot.B+cot 0,
and cosec^a) = cosecM+cosec^-B + cosec^C.
133. If C0s(^-y) + C0s(y-a) + C0s(a-/5)=-f,
then cos(a + 0) + cos(/3 + 0)+cos(y + 0)
and sin (a + 0) + sin (^8 + 0) + sin (y + 0)
vanish whatever be the value of 0.
134. If cos(/3-y) + cos(y--a) + cos(a-)8) = -f,
prove that cos na + cos ^1/3 + cos ny is equal to zero,
unless 71 is a multiple of 8, and that, if ti be a
multiple of 3, it is equal to 3cos j7i(a+/3-f y).
135. If cos2a(2/^cos2y8 + 2;2cos2y — aj^cos^a)
= cos2|8(2;2cos2y + aj^cos^a — y^cos^fi)
= cos2y(a32cos2a + y^co^^^ — z^co^^y),
and if cos^a + cos^/S + cos'^y = 1 ,
then ±^ — = ± . o = ^— — •
sm a sin p sm y
136. If coso+cos/8+cosy+cosacos/3cosy = 0,
cosec^a + cosec^/3 + cosec^y ± 2 cosec a cosec /3 cosec y = 1 .
137. If ^+5+a=27r,
and if
2/^+2;2_22/2;cos-4=2;^+a;2 — 22^fl3cos5=a;2+2/^- 2£C2/cos C,
prove that each of these quantities is equal to
2 .
'^z sin J. +0£c sin B+xy sin 0).
§ 1. Relations between the Elements of a Triangle,
118. If ABC be any triangle, we denote, as in Chapter
v., the lengths of the sides opposite the angles A, B, and
G by a, h, and c respectively.
119. In any triangle, a = b cos (7+c cos B, etc.
Let ABC be the triangle, the angle C being either
acute, obtuse or right. Draw AT) perpendicular to BG,
produced if necessary.
Then 5(7=^5 cos 5+^0 cos (7, if G be acute or right,
or AB cos B — AG cos(7r — G), if G be obtuse or right,
BG = AB GOB B + AG cos G, in every case,
i.e. a = 6 cos (7+ c cos B.
6 = c cos ^ + a cos (7, and c = a cos 5+ 6 cos A.
Cor. — If cZ, e, /denote the lengths of the altitudes AD^
BE, OF respectively, it may be shewn that
2cZ = 6sin(7+csin5, 2e = c sin J. + a sin (7,
and 2/= a sin 5 4- 6 sin J..
120. The sides of a triangle are proportional to the
sines of the opposite angles.
Using the figure and construction of the last article, we
have AD = ABsmB.
Also AD = AG sin G, if G be acute or right,
or AGsm(7r — G), if G be obtuse or right,
AD = AG ain G, in every case.
ABBmB = AGsmG,
6 : c = sin5:sinC.
Similarly, a:b = 8mA : sin B,
a _ b _ c
sin A sin B sin G
It will be seen, in the next chapter, that each of these fractions is
equal to the diameter of the circumcircle of the given triangle.
121. To find the cosines of the angles of a triangle in
terms of the sides.
(See figure and construction of art. 119.)
By Euclid II. 13 and 12, we have
A^ = AG^+BG^-2BG.GD, if G be acute or right,
or AG^+BG^+2BG. GD, if G be obtuse or right.
Now, GD = AG cos G, if G be acute or right,
or AG cos(Tr — G), if G be obtuse or right,
A^ = AG-^+ BG^ - 2BG .AG cos G, in every case,
i.e. c^ = a^ + h^- 2ab cos G..
a2 = 62_j_c2-26ccos^ and h'^ = c^+a^-2caco^B,
and cos C=
It will be noticed that each of these expressions is a proper
fraction, if (taking the first) b^+c^-a'^<2bc, i.e. if })^ + G^-2hc b^+c^, i.e. as A is acute or obtuse.
122. To find the cosines of the semi-angles of a
triangle in terms of the sides.
2 cos^-^ = 1 + cos A
_ 62 + 02-02
~ ^ "^ 26c
~ 26c
(6 + c)2-a2
_(6 + c+a)(6 + c-a)
~~ 26c
Let a + 64-c, or the perimeter of the triangle, be de-
noted by 2s. Then, 6 + c — a = 2s - 2^^,
^A 2s.2(s-a)
C0S^-^= -~r -,
2 46c
A ls(s - a
o- -1 1 ^ Ms -6) , G ks-c)
Similarly, cos ^ = ^^ ^^ and cos^ = ^^ ^^ >
Each of the expressions under the radical sign is positive,
for «-a, 8-h and s-c are all positive (Eucl. I. 20). Again, each
is a proper fraction, for (taking the first), s(5-a)<6c, if
(6+c)2-a2<46c, i.e. if h^-'ibc+c'^Ka?^ i.e. \ih-cSf/a6.
As before, the expression under the radical sign is positive.
Also, 2Slbc is a proper fraction,
if As{s-a){s-bXs-c) r47°44^
In the above account the principal parts only of a
simple theodolite are described : no reference is made to the
details which are required for securing the correct adjust-
ments of the instrument, for it may be assumed that as
far as possible these adjustments are already made by
the maker.
144. In setting up the theodolite for use, the tripod is
firmly planted on the ground, its position being indicated
by a mark made below a plummet suspended from the
head of the stand exactly beneath the centre of the instru-
ment ; and the legs of the tripod are arranged so that the
vernier-phite is roughly horizontal. The instrument is
then turned so that the two levels L are parallel to the
line joining two of the levelling-screws K ', and, by
means of these screws, the vernier-plate is set exactly
horizontal, the bubbles of the two levels being then in the
centres of their ranges. If the vertical axes have been
accurately adjusted, the bubbles of the levels will keep
their positions while the instrument is turned completely
The object-glass and eye-piece of the telescope are then
adjusted for the distance of the object to be observed and
for the eye-sight of the observer ; both the object and the
cross-wires must at the same time appear well-defined.
145. To measure the horizontal angle between any two
objects, i.e. the angle between the projections, on the
horizontal plane through the observer, of the straight
lines joining the observer to the objects, we proceed as
follows :
Turn the vernier-plate round until the zero-line of the
vernier (indicated by the arrow-head) coincides nearly
with the zero-line (marked 360°) of the horizontal circle.
Clamp the vernier-plate by the screw G, and make the
two lines coincide exactly by the tangent-screw H.
When this is the case, the zero-line of the second vernier
should coincide with the line marked 180° of the hori-
zontal circle. Loosen the screw E, and turn the instru-
ment round until the intersection of the cross-wires
coincides nearly with the centre of one of the objects;
then clamp the instrument by the screw E, and make the
intersection of the cross- wires coincide exactly with the
centre of the object by the tangent-screw F, Now, loosen
the clamp 0, and the rest of the instrument being still
fixed by the clamp E, turn the vernier-plate round until
the intersection of the cross-wires coincides nearly with
the centre of the second object ; clamp the vernier-plate
by the screw (r, and make the intersection of the cross-
wires coincide exactly with the centre of the object by the
tangent-screw H\ having previously, however, adjusted
the telescope, if the difierence of the distances of the two
objects is great compared with that of either. Read the
angles indicated by both verniers, and the mean of the
two readings will give the required angle.
If the instrument has been correctly adjusted, the zero-
lines of the vertical circle and the vernier X will coincide
when the vernier-plate has been set horizontal and the
axis of the telescope is also horizontal. Thus, the angle
of elevation of any object can be obtained by means of
the vernier X.
146. Trigonometrical Survey. — Let the length of a
base-line AB be measured on level ground, the ends A
and 5 being marked by flagstaffs or other prominent
and well-defined objects. c
Let (7 represent a similar
object on the same hori-
zontal plane with A and
By and let the angles
BAG, ABC be measured
with a theodolite. We D^
have thus sufiicient data for calculating the angle AGB
and the lengths of the lines AC, BC (art. 129) ; though, in
practice, the angle AGB would be measured from the
station G to test the accuracy of the other measurements.
In a similar manner, if D represent another object in the
same plane, we can determine the lengths of the lines
AD, BD. Then, in the triangle AGD, knowing the
angle GAD and the sides AG, AD, we can find the length
of the line GD (art. 131). Now, proceeding to the points
represented by G and D, and selecting other suitable
objects E, F in the same plane as before, and measuring
the angles DGE, GDE, DGF and GDF, we can calculate
the lengths of the lines GE, DE, GF and DF ; and, from
these data, again, the length of EF can be found.
Proceeding in this manner, we may imagine a network
of triangles to be formed, increasing in size and spreading
over the whole surface of a country, the magnitudes of
the sides and angles determining the distances and bear-
ings of a series of conspicuous objects from one another.
This, briefly, is an outline of the manner in which a
trigonometrical survey of a country is carried out.
147. We have supposed, for simplicity, that the base
line AB is horizontal. This, however, is not necessary,
and, in practice, the base-line may be inclined at a small
angle to the horizon, but the requisite correction is easily
applied if the slope of the ground be known (art. 149).
Again, it will rarely, if ever, be the case that the
selected objects, G, D, E, etc., are in the same horizontal
plane with A and B. The angle GAB will not then be
the angle subtended at A by the line BG, but the angle
between the projections of the lines AG, AB on the
horizontal plane through A ; and the line AG represents,
not the actual distance between A and G, but the hori-
zontal distance between them, i.e. the projection of the
line AG on the horizontal plane through A. Thus, the
figure of the preceding article represents, in this case, the
relative positions of the points A, B, (7, etc., as they
would be indicated on a map of the country.
148. Now, it is obvious that, if the lengths of the
sides of the triangle be appreciable fractions of the
radius of the earth, the triangles will no longer be plane,
but spherical, or rather spheroidal, triangles. In all the
great trigonometrical surveys that have been carried out
■ this is the case, the sides being sometimes as much as 50,
or even 100, miles in length. A detailed description of
such surveys must therefore lie beyond the scope of a
work on Plane Trigonometry.
If, however, the sides be short, say, not more than a
few miles in length, then, for all practical purposes, the
triangles may be treated as if they were plane triangles.
This is the case in the survey of the Mer de Glace and
tributary glaciers, executed in 1842 by Prof J. D. Forbes.
An account of this survey, though it was carried out
on a small scale and without many of the refinements
necessary in extensive operations, will illustrate some
of the more important features of a trigonometrical
149. Forbes' Survey of the Mer de Glace.— TAe Base-
Line. — The site chosen for the base-line was a road in
the valley of Chamouni, joining the villages of Les Praz
and Les Tines, and passing a short distance from the
foot of the glacier. At the time the survey was made,
this road was formed of dry, well-compacted gravel, and
its surface was apparently level, though in reality sloping
upwards towards Les Tines at an average angle of 44'.
Opposite the foot of the glacier, the road for a distance
of 1000 yards is absolutely straight, and along this
portion of it the base-line NO (see map) was measured.
The two ends of the line were marked by nails driven
into the to(>8 of long pins of hard wood fixed in the
ground, and at each end is an object visible from at least
one other station used in the survey. The station N is
exactly at the eastern end of the beam which forms the
south side of a wooden bridge near Les Praz ; and, close
to the station 0, there is a solitary tree with its lower
branches lopped off.-
The length of the base-line was measured with a ten-
metre chain and a steel tape divided into English feet
and inches. It was found to be 91 chains and a fraction,
the fraction being approximately two-fifths of a chain,
but determined more accurately by the steel tape to be
26 ft 2'50 ins. Thus, the length of the base-line was
91 chains -h 26 feet +2*50 inches.
The chain, being compared with the steel tape, was found
to be 32 ft. 10*675 ins. long, giving for the length of the
2992-95 English feet,
a result shewn, by re-measurement of part of the base, to
be probably correct to within about an inch, or about
1/36000 of the length of the base.
The road, however, being inclined at an average angle
of 44' to the horizon, this length should be multiplied by
the cosine of 44', or 099991 81 ; but as this would result
in shortening it only by about 1/12000, the correction was
not applied.
150. ThA Triangtdation, — The form of the glacier,
and the series of triangles by which it was deter-
mined, arc shewn in the accompanying map, which
is reduced from that of Professor Forbes. The sta-
tions, forming the angular points of the triangles,
and lettered /, L, F, G, 11, B, £, were chosen on the
rocks bounding the glacier and at some height above
it, HO that from each station two or more of the others
wam visible.
In many ways the survey was carried out under serious
disadvantages. " The walls of the glacier are excessively
rugged, often maccessible. The stations are difficult to
choose so as to be visible from one another, owing to the
intricate windings of the ice-stream and the enormous
height of the rocks. The fundamental triangulation
ijjust be carried up a valley, whose extremities, independ-
ent of mountains, differ in level by 4400 feet." The
triangles on these accounts ^re badly shaped and few in
number. In the triangle FOB, for example, two of the
angles are very small, and it is obvious that a very small
error made in the measurement of either of them would
'^'ive rise to disproportionately large errors in the lengths
of the calculated sides. A " well-conditioned " triangle
should be as nearly equilateral as possible, and in none
of the triangles employed in the survey are the sides
even approximately equal in length. With one excep-
tion, however, the three angles of every triangle are
irioasured, and in one only of the six other triangles does
the sura of the angles differ by more than a minute from
two right angles.
The third station /, forming with N and the first
triangle, is a rock above the Chapeau, distinctly visible
from both ends of the base-line. The observed angles of
this triangle were
NIO= 18° 55' 50''
/OiV= 127° 54' 0"
ONI^ 33° 8' 40"
179° 58' 30"
The sum of the angles of this triangle being 1' 30" less
than 180°, each angle is increased by one-third of this
amount; and a similar correction is also made in the
other triangles. Since iVO = 2992-95 feet, angle ION
= 127° 54' 30" and angle Oi\^/ = 33° 9' 10", we have,
i\r/= 7275-78 feet,
70 = 504304 „
The fourth station L is a projecting mass of rock on
the ridge extending above the Montanvert towards the
Aiguille des Charmoz. From this point the stations /
and could be seen ; the west end N of the base-line
being, however, invisible. The observed angles were
OLI= 3G°18'20"
LIO= 84° 56' 21"
XQ/= 58° 45' 40"
180° 0'2r
giving (since 70 = 5 043 04 feet),
70 = 8484-49 feet,
77=7282-61 „
The fifth station F is on the promontory of Les Echelets,
about 150 feet above the glacier, and from it the four
stations 7, 7, G and B were visible. The angles of the
triangle 777" are
LFI= 48° 30' 15"
ILF=10r W 10"
FIL= 28° 48' 50"
179° 59' 15"
giving IF= 9485-56 feet,
Zi^= 4686-50 „
The sixth station G is marked by a pyramid of stones
on a large rock on the ridge of Tr^laporte ; it is about
300 feet above the glacier, and commands a view of the
three stations L, F, and B. Only two of the angles of
triangle LFG were measured, namely,
Zi^(^ = 122°37'45",
FLG= 28° 37' 50",
giving 6^i^= 4670-18 feet,
G^Z = 8208-28 „
The seventh station 5 is a pyramid of stones built on
the promontory of the Tacul, and is seen from five of the
other stations. The angles of the triangle FGB are
GBF= 11° 42' 0"
GFB= 16° 25' 5"
179° 59' 30"
giving i?'5 = 108531 feet,
OjB = 6508-75 „
The eighth station H is at the foot of the Couvercle,
and is opposite station B. The angles of the triangle
GBH are
GBH= 66° 40' 10"
BHG= 87° 48' 5"
HGB= 25° 32' 30"
180° 0' 45"
giving GF= 5980-79 feet.
£ir= 280801 „
The ninth, and last, station ^ is on a rocky promontory
high up the Glacier de L^chaud. The angles of the
triangle BHE are
BEH=- 21° 24' r
HBE= 67° 50' 40"
EHB= 90° 45' 40"
180° 0'2r
giving ^^=7127-97 feet,
J5i7= 7695-66 „
151. The principal triangulation being completed, the
sides of these triangles were then used as base-lines for
determining the positions of several subordinate points,
and the outline of the glacier was drawn with the aid of
compass and tape measurements from known points and
152. Measurement of Heights. — In Chapter V., two
simple cases of the calculation of the height of a tower or
other object above a horizontal plane were explained : the
base-line in the first being measured on the plane from
the foot of the tower, etc. ; and, in the second, in the same
straight line with the tower, the foot of the tower being
supposed inaccessible. We shall now explain the method
by which the height of a mountain or any other object
may be determined, the base-line being measured in any
direction and not necessarily on level ground.
153. ^To find the height of a mountain.
(1) Let the length and bearing of the base-line AB be
measured on level ground, and
let G represent the summit of the
From the two ends of the
base-line, the bearings of G are
measured. Let the directions of
these bearings be represented by
AD, BD ; these two lines meet
in a point D, vertically below (7,
and in the same horizontal plane with. AB (Eucl. XL 19).
At one end of the base-line, say A, measure the angle
of elevation GAD of the summit G.
Now, in the triangle ABD, the base AB and the angles
BAD, ABD are known ; and from these the side AD is
calculated. Also GD = ADi^^GAD.
This equation gives the height of the summit G above
the base-line AB, and, consequently, above the level of
the sea, if the height of the base-line above the same
level be known.
(2) Let the base-line be inclined to the horizon at a
known angle.
Let B and D now be the projections, on a horizontal
plane through one end A of the base-line, of the other
end of the base and of the mountain summit (7; so that
A, B and D represent the positions of the ends of the
base, and of the summit, as they would be depicted on
a map.
The same measurements are made as before, namely,
the length and bearing of the base, the bearings of the
summit from the two ends of the base, and the elevation
of the summit from one end A ; and, in addition, the in-
clination to the horizon of the ground on which the base
is measured.
Thus, AB is now equal to the length of the base-line
multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to the horizon ;
and, precisely as in the first case, we find the height of
the mountain G above the horizontal plane through A.
154. Exam/pie. — In addition to making the survey of
the Mer de Glace described above, Prof Forbes deter-
mined the height of every station and of many of the
neighbouring summits of the Mont Blanc range by the
method explained in the preceding article. In this part
of his work it was necessary to take into account the
effects of atmospheric refraction and the curvature of the
earth ; but, in most xBases, both effects were eliminated by
observing, not only the elevation of one station above
another, but also the depression of the first station below
the second, and taking the arithmetic mean of the two
angles. We give one example, the height of the station G.
The line LF, determined from the triangle ILF to be
4686-50 feet long, is here the projection of the base-line
on the horizontal plane through F. The bearings of G
from the ends of the base-line are given by the angles
LFG and FLG, which are 122° 87' 45" and 28° 37' 50"
respectively, giving 4670-13 feet for the length of the
line GF.
The arithmetic mean of the elevation of G above F
and of the depression of F below G was found to be
4° 48' 15''.
The height Qi) of G above F in feet is therefore
4670-13 X tan 4° 48' 15';
log h = log 4670-13 + log tan 4^ 48' 15"
= 3-6693290
+ 2-9245144
= 2-5938434 = log 892-51.
Hence, the height of the station G above the station F
is 392-5 feet.
In a similar manner, it was found that the height of F
above the Montanvert is 523-5 feet. The height of the
Montanvert above the observatory of Geneva was deter-
mined by barometric measurement to be 4960 feet, and
the height of the Observatory above the level of the sea
was known to be 1343 feet. Hence, the height of the
station G above the sea-level
= 392-5 + 523-5 -1-4960-1- 1343 feet
= 7219 feet.
155. Example. — The apparent dips of a stratum in directions
inclined to one another at an angle $ are a and f3, respectively ;
to obtain equations for determining the amount and direction of
the true dip.
Let OA and OB be the directions in which the apparent dips,
a and (3, are measured, A and B being Cj^
points in the same horizontal plane
with 0, and a point in the plane
of the stratum vertically above 0.
Then, angle OAC = a and angle
0BC = f3.
Draw OB perpendicular to AB.
Then OD represents the direction of
the true dip, since AB is a. horizontal
line in the plane. Let 8 be the
amount of the true dip, and » the angle made by its direction
with OA.
Now, 0D = OA cos (f) — OC cot a cos <^ /
= OB cos(^ -4>) = OC cot ^ cos((9 - >),
tan /? cos ) = tan a(cos ^ cos ^ + sin ^ sin ^),
cos ^(tan /? - tan a cos 6) = sin ^ tan a sin ^ ;
tan<^=^^"^~^^"^^^"^=(tan/?cota-co3^)cosec^. ...(1)
tan a sm ^
Also, tang=^= ,^'^^ ^=tanasec> (2)
OD OC cot acoa GrSn-r is used as an
abbreviation for " the sum of all possible terms that can
be obtained from n angles, each term being the product
of the cosines of r angles and the sines of the remainin":
{n — r) angles." Thus, with two angles A^, A^, we have
(72 = cos A-^coa A^, 110^8^ = cos A^ sin ^2+ cos A^ sin A^,
/S'2 = sin J.isin^2 5 ^^^» ^^^^ three angles J.^, A^, A^, we
Cg = cos A^coa A2COS A^,
SCg/Sj = cos J.2C0S J-gsin J.^ + cos J.3COS ^.^sin A ^
+ COS J-^cos J-gsin A^,
1,0^82 = cos ^jsin A2sin ^3+ cos ^2sin A^^'m A^
+ cos ^gsin A-^sm A 2,
Sq = sin J-jSin J.2sin A^.
The number of terms in llCrSn-r is the number of
combinations of n things taken r at a time, or
— ^ , ,^ / — ^^ — -• This number is denoted by
1 .2.3. ...r -^
the symbol (n)r.
193. Formulae for the Cosine and Sine of the sum of
11 Angles. — To ijvove that
We know that Q,o^(A^ + A^=^C^ — S2y
^m{A^^Al) = ^GX.
and that co&{A^-{- A^-\-A^ = G^ — Y.G^Sc^,
sin(A, + ^2 + ^) = 2aA->Sf3.
Assume that
COS(^l + ^2+...+^„_l) = a„_i-S(7«_36f2 + 2Cn_6/Sf4-...,
sin(^, + ^2+"- + ^n-l) = 2C„_2^1-SCn-4^3
+ E(7n_6'Si6— ....
Then we have
C0S(^l + ^2+--+^n-l + ^n)
= C0S(^1 + J.2+ . . . +^7i-l)C0sJ.„
-sin(^i + ^2+ ••• +^«-i)sin^n
= ((7„_i-SC,_3 ,-^; (3) given x, y, 0, to find z, E. of N. where
, , tan a sin 6
tan 2. lO. 1.
1. cos ^(n + 1 )5 sin ^n^/sin i^. 2. sin^na/sina. 4. cos ^^ sin w^/sin i^.
6. |cos(a + 1^^ + ( - 1 )'»cos(a - ^^V) } / 2 cos ^
6. i(sin 2"+!^ - sin 2^). 7. coti^-cot2"-i.
8. cot^-2"cot2M. 9. tan 2"^- tan ^.
11. ^-cos(?i+l)^sinn&/2sin^. 13 ,-(2 cos 5 - cos 3^ - cos 5^).
2 lb
16. — — + — 17 ^^1^^^"^ sing 21.
* w' w 4}i' ' 2"cos2"g + l 2co8g+i"
23. sin 2na/2 sin a. 25. sin ^(3/i + 1 )a sin f wa/sin fa,
26. ^ + cos(n+l)asin7ia/2sina.
. lcos{3a + (n-I)|}sin^^/sin|^ + ^^os{a + (,.-l)^}sin|/sin|
28. ^-cos{2a + (?i-l)i3}sinw^/2sin/S. 33. l cot j^ - cot a ; --—!-.
^ Zi Jt n, tan ci
34. sin%S/sin^co8acos(a + w/3). 35. tan"^(l + 7i + »t2)_^.
36. cosec2a;--^(cot2^ + lY 87. sinwj8/4sini3-*icos{2a + (n- 1)^}.
38. w(r2 + \x-), r = rad. of incircle, x = dist. of point from the centre,
n = number of sides.
46. i(cosec g - cosec 3«g). 47. sin^g - 2"sin2^.
48. ^cosec-g-2"-icosec22«g. 49. ^t&n^n{n+l)e.
60. |(tan 3"a;/3" - tan ar). 61. —^{aeondaec{n+l)d-8&oe}.
53. a sin na/2 sin^a 8in(7i + !)«, where a = dist. of from AB.
64. (-l)'»-i?^. 66. 2«cosh«^sinh— .
i2n 2 2
lUin^^4lBu4-n]. 69. cot%-(lcot "V-f^f] _1).
2\ 2/ 2 J \2« 2"/ 3\ 4V
61. 2''-2cosec2«+ig-Jcosec2g.62. ^(tan 3"^ - tan g).
63. if cosec2^ - cosec2?^Y
SV 2 2 /
64. sin !| sin '^cos 'Lz\a + /3) /sin | sin |
14. w/2«-i. 18. 7r2/8; 7r796. 22. 7rV384. 23. tt^^.
25. ^(l-0 20. log(l-cos2^)-log(l-cos2^_^)-»log2.
43. (l)%even; (2) 7iodd.
4. 2. 7. ^ = 14° 54' 13", B = 75° 5' 47", h = 5598-37.
8. 5 = 149° 53' 7" -5, C = 6'52"-5.
lO c = a + 6-_^^ 4- «^ ab(a-b)d '^ „_ &g _ ah{a-b) d^
2(a + &)' a + 6 6(a + 6)3'' a + 6 6{a + 6)3 '
11. dab cos a, where a, b are the sides, a the included angle, and 6 the
change in the angle.
13. 6= -(f>- x//, y = {c(f> + b\f/ COS A +xsinB)cosec A.
z = {c(j) cos A+b\p-\-x sin C)cosec A ,
14. = (?/ sin (7 - 2 sin 5 - Z;^ cos C),
^ = (z sin ^ - y sin G -cd cos ^), x = y cos C + s cos B + 6b sin (7.
15. = f^-^ + ^cot^Van5, xly = (^-%- dcotA - d cotB)t3inB,
\b a I \a b I
z-{x-y cos G-Qb sin (7)sec B.
16. ^ = (a;-ycos(7-scos5)/6sinC, etc.
18. ^ = - W^ • ^, = - iVL^f ;/, = ^v^Tj^ . therefore 5 can be deter-
70 70 ^ 70
mined with the greatest accuracy.
10. 3960 miles. 20. ^fl-^"\ % 23. '07 inch.
a \ 2 / a-
24. -0000952. 26. Decreased by cd sin A sec C.
Miscellaneous Examples. III.
., - _i cos 5 + cos (7-
6. tan ^ . p — ^-p^
sin ZJ - sin G
a tun a ^ /.
tan /3 - tan a
1. 5v/3, Ln^^. 4. ~^a.
a. 2:3:3. 6. 7r + 4a-2sm2a : 7r-4a + 28in2a
1. 0, - a ; or . ^^ = -^- = -^ , where a = ^^ or ^.
sin 2a sin3o sin a 7 7
a. 0, -a, ^(tVS-l); ±a, 0, +a;
or ^A^ = J^. = . ^^ =^ , where a = Z^T or i^^.
sin2a 8in3a sin 4a sma 9 9
8. 008 1:, 008 1?. 4. xiu^'. sinlO^.
4. 21ogsin^-21ogsm- -7ilog2. 6. I/tt.
2. 2/m-^. 3. 3. 4. 7r3/16. 6. - ^.
Examples XXVI.
7. C08(4a; + 5y) + i8in(4a; + 52/). 8. cos(a + /3-7- 5), isin(a + j8-7-5).
9. cos(5a-4/3) + isin(5a-4^). lO. cos(10^ + 12a)-isin(10^ + 12a).
11.-2-'. 12.-2^0. 14.-1. 15. -^, i(±^3 + 0.
16. ±K^2(V3 + ^), ±i2(-l + iV3).
17. ±V2(co8^ + isin-^-), ±V2(sin^2-**^°«F2)'
V2(co8^^ + i8inj^), V2(co8^ + mn3i^), -;/2(8in^2 + *'^°«r^)-
^2(co8^..8in^'^), ^2(cos^^.^8inl^-),
20. cosC2r + ^y + isin^2r + ^'\|, whei'er = 0, 1,2, 3or4.
21. cos(2r+ 1)T +ism(2r + 1)^, where r = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 9.
22. ^^^f« - ^) {cos i(a + /?) + / sin i(a + /3)}.
25. 2-+i(-lfsin'»^-rJ'cos'^J^-\ weven;
2n+i( _ 1 )^'sin" t^ sin ^^+1), 71 odd.
26. /) = r"7^'", d = 7yia-na', where (r, a) = a+ <6, (r', a') = a' + e&'.
28. ^ cos = r'^cos ma + r'"cos na', J? sin = r"'sin ma + r'"sin na',
where (r, a) = a + i6, (r', a') = a' + i6'.
31. i-\ < cos??.a + wcos[ wa + M +w-cos( ?ia4--^ W.
33. ±i. 34. ±i.
35. sin(a + /3)cos(2^ + a + /3)
= sin(^ - ^)cos(^ + 2a + /3) - sin(<^ - a)cos(^ + a + 2/3).
4. 1,
Examples XXVII
(^'l)--«- »-(i'I
6. -y2iisina-2sinlla + sinl0a)/(5-4cosa).
7. (cosa-a;)/(l -2a;cosa + a:^). 8- a;sina/(l +2a;co&a + a;-).
9. {cos^^ sin d - cos"+i^ sin(ri + 2)^ + cos'*+2^ sin( w +J_ )^}/sin-^.
10. {cosa-a;cos(a-/3)-a;"cos(a + n^) + a;"+^cos(a + ?<-- lj8)}/(l-2a:cosj3 + x%
{sina-a;sin(a-j8) -a;"sin(a + n^) + a;"+isin(a + n- l/3)}/(l -2a: cos /3 + x^).
14. sin ^(cos ^ - sin ^)/( 1 - sin 2^ + sin^^), sin'-^/( 1 - sin 26 + sin^^).
11 6 = ^ , the series oscillate.
15. V2sin^/(3-2;^/2cos^).
■«+l n
16. {sin?i0 - ^/2sin(n+ 1)^ + 2 ^ sin ^}/{2-'(3- 2^/2 cos ^)}.
18. 0, cot 6, if d=\=mr ;