UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES HUSBANDRY OF SCOTLAND. SKETCH OF CHAPTER II. ON THE PRACTICAL DETAILS OF THE SCOTCH SYSTEM OF HUSBANDRY. BY SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, BART. M. P. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY A. NEILL AND CO. TO THE READER. EFORE the following detailed account of the impro- co ved System of Husbandry adopted in Scotland, is com- ^ municated to the public, I feel it incumbent upon me, >- to give the intelligent Farmers of that part of the uni- ^ ted kingdom, from whom my information has been de- 3 rived, an opportunity of considering it, that the risk of any material error may be prevented. It would be impossible indeed, for one immersed in such a multitude of avocations, to hazard any publica- tion on so important a subject, without having it previ- ously considered by some intelligent friends, who will take the trouble of examining it, in the state of what may be called printed manuscript , and for the purpose of being favoured with their valuable remarks upon it, oo this paper is printed for circulation. It is therefore requested, that the reader, as soon as -o he can find leisure, thoroughly to examine the paper, * will please return it with his remarks, (in packets under CL. an ounce weight, if residing at a distance from Edin- burgh), addressed to Sir JOHN SINCLAIR, Bart., M. P. Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. 300967. SKETCH Ok CHAPTER II. ON THE PRACTICAL DETAILS OF THE .SCOTCH SYSTEM OF HUSBANDRY. JL HAVE always been of opinion, that however myste- rious the science or art of Agriculture has hitherto been considered, yet that it might be reduced to a few simple principles, and in many respects brought to almost mathe- matical precision. The reason why that has not yet been effected to the extent of which the subject was ca- pable, is, either that real practical men have rarely pu- blished the result of their experience and observation on agricultural questions, or that those who have written their sentiments, have seldom entered sufficiently into de- tail, so as to explain what may be called * the Mysteries " f Agriculture^' or those minute operations, on the due execution of which its success must in a great mea- sure depend. Besides, it is only within these few years that a judicious and economical System of Agriculture has been extensively carried into practice, or the prin- ciples on which it ought to be conducted has been tho- roughly ascertained. By the improvements, however, which have lately been introduced into that art, (which the minute inquiries carried on under the auspices of the Board of Agriculture, have fortunately brought to light), the principles are established, on which the territory of any country, at least of one possessing a soil and climate similar to Great Britain, may be culti- vated with profit and success. It may easily be supposed, that a person engaged in so many other occupations, could not have acquired suffi- cient personal knowledge of the agricultural practices o any extensive tract 01 country, to have hazarded such a work t'v present, grounded on his own personal ex- perience alone ; but having had the satisfaction of re- ceiving, from a number of the most intelligent farmers in Scotland, tne most di inc and valuable returns, of the state of their different possessions, and the man- ner in which they are respectively cultivated, he hopes it will be in his power to give a just aud authentic ac- count of the system on which agriculture is carried on in the more improved districts of North Britain. It may be proper, at the same time, to observe, that the present inquiry is confin u to lands strictly speaking arable, or subject to the convertible system of husbandry, and that farms purely grazing do not come within the scope of the present inquiry. I. POSITION OF THE FARM-HOUSE AND OFFICES. The first point that any judicious farmer would resolve to ascertain, in regard to any farm he would wish to occu- py, (more especially if it was of any extent, namely, from 300 to 500, or 1000 acres), would be, whether the farm- house and offices were properly situated, and erected as nearly as possible in the centre of the farm. In many cases, this would make a difference in point of rent of from 5 s. to even 10 s. per acre. The difference is calcu- lated by some intelligent farmers, as the expence of a plough, or L. 100 per annum. If a house is placed in the corner of a large farm, a part of it will often be ne- glected by the farmer ; less manure will be sent to it ; the expence of cultivation is materially increased i the horses have their strength uselessly wasted in going backwards and forwards, and die remote part of the farm is left in what in Scotland is called an outfield or after" 6 wall state, that is to say, in miserable pasturage occa- sionally broken up. In the improved districts of Scotland, this is a point as much attended to as the circumstances of the case will admit of, more especially when any new buildings are constructed *. How different from that state of feudal barbarism, (which may still be found in some districts in England), where all the farm-houses of a parish were col- lected into a village, for the sake of mutual protection and defence, and where all the neighbouring fields were culti- vated in common. There can only be one reason for having the farm- house and offices not in a central position, and that is, where a threshing-mill is to be driven by water f, and, in some cases, where wind cannot be commanded near the centre. That however is only an exception to the ge- neral rule ; for it may be laid down as an axiom in agri- culture, " "That the farm-house and offices, ought always to " be placed, as nearly as possible, in tbt centre of a farm.' 1 Where the circumstances of the case will admit of it, the farm-house and offices should front the south, and should also be placed on an elevated situation- It is not only healthier for the farmer, his family, and his servants, but carts will bring home the corn in harvest time, with least waste, when going up hill, and when empty, it can * It is remarked by an intelligent gentleman in England, that the farm buildings in Scotland are in general much more convenient than those in England. In a large farm there is th difference of at least the labour of one man throughout the year, between a convenient and inconvenient set of offices. f The only objections to water threshing-mills are, that they are useless in time of frost, tind in some places are liable to be overrun by water rats. The subject of water threshing- mills will be after more fully discussed. retura to .the harvest field, by a gentle trot, which will much expedite the getting home and securing the farm produce* The manure from the farm -yard so situated, will all be conveyed down*hill to the fields in the cheapest and most expeditious manner *. 2. THE BEST CONSTRUCTIOK OF A FARM-HOUSE AND OFFICES. This is a most material point for the consideration both of the farmer and of the landlord, and the rent to be paid, ought certainly in some measure to depend on the good- ness of the accommodations with which the occupier is furnished. With convenient offices, it is evident that the grain produced on the farm, can be better preserved, and more advantageously separated from the straw, and prepared for market. The live stock also on the farm, can be more easily and regularly fed, and being thus kept in better order, must consequently be fitter for their work, or for the market. The propriety also of having suitable accommodations for the farmer, his family and his servants, need not be dwelt upon. The expence of erecting such buildings must be considerable when first laid out, but no liberal landlord will grudge it for the comfort and advantage of an industrious tenant, who pays an adequate rent f. Every convenience afforded to the farmer, for enabling him to carry on his business with as little expence and to as much advantage as possible, must * From a communication by W. Money Hill, Esq; of Waterden, in Norfolk. f Even m'tnut'it may be of great consequence to a tenant ; for instance, in the erection of barns, more especially if the walls are rough, it is or importance to have a projecting stoiu or brick at every aperture for the admission of air, to prevent the access of vermin ; and in laying the foundation of barns, that material object, (the exclusion of vermin), ought always to be kept in view. indeed greatly enhance the value of the farm, and wil) insure to the landlord, should he have occasion to seek for a new tenant, abundance of competitors from among the most intelligent husbandmen in the neighbourhood, for that situation. Where convenience and utilitj are the objects princi- pally attended to, it is recommended by an intelligent agriculturist in Roxburghshire, who has had great ex- perience in the erecting of such buildings, (Mr Walker of Wooden,) to have the farm-house of three stories, the kitchen-storey half sunk. This makes the house itself drier, and saves the expence of roofing ; an engraving of that plan is herewith given. He adds, that he has made plans of farm-houses, both of that construction, and with only two stories, having the kitchen and dairy behind i but he knows that the house of three stories gives most satisfaction to the occupier. Others object to this plan, and prefer a wing and back jamb. In the half-sunk kit- chen storey, besides the danger of dampness, it is impos- sible to shut out the din of the kitchen, where, in the evenings, the unmarried lads must necessarily be along with the women. It is besides, more troublesome to the farmer's wife to be continually going up and down stairs. Hence a wing or back jamb is preferred by many farmers. In regard to the expence of erecting new farmsteads, it cannot be properly estimated, as the price of build- ing, and the expence of the materials, vary in every dis- trict. In some publications it is stated at from two and a half to three years rent of the farm. It is evident, at the same time, that the landlord can afford a higher al- lowance, where he receives a considerable rent. Regarding farm-houses and offices, the following axioms may be laid down, as principles which ought to be kept in view, when such buildings are to be erected. i. The house and offices should be on a scale propor- tionate to the size and produce of the farm, having uti- Jity and not ornament in view. Not only the original cost, but the very expence of keeping unnecessary build- ings in repair, is a heavy burden upon any proper- ty, which it is for the interest both of the landlord and of the tenant to avoid. The house and offices should af- ford ample convenience to the farmer in carrying on his business. On the other hand, all superfluous buildings, and useless decorations, ought to be avoided ; for, as Dr Coventry has well observed, durable economy should be preferred to shifting taste *. Nothing can be more absurd than the enormous barns usually attached to all the great farms in England. Grain in the straw keeps infinitely better in the open air than in close barns ; it is less apt to be destroyed by vermin, and saves the enormous ex- pence of building and repairing great barns. Threshing mills, when generally introduced, will soon prove the absurdity of much useless erections. 2. The accommodations really necessary, ought never to be straitened in regard to room. The threshing-barn, for instance, must be sufficiently spacious to contain two stacks of grain in the straw ; and the straw-barn, as re- commended by Mr Walker of Wooden, should be so large as to pile up the whole of that straw when thresh- ed, so that a considerable quantity of straw may al- ways be kept in good order for fodder. Where cattle are fed on straw, (which it would be better to dis- pense with, if richer food, as will afterwards be ex- plained, could be provided for them), the farmer would otherwise be obliged to thresh more frequently than he would wish to do. There ought to be a granary adja- cent to the barn, in which the grain, when threshed, B * See Discourses on Agriculture, p. 5. 10 may be put, the lower part of which will furnish space for a cart-shed, which ought to be large enough to hold two carts for every plough. The size of the stables, cow-houses, and feeding-sheds, must de- pend on the manner in which the farm is occupied ; in particular, as to the feeding-sheds, whether it is most advantageous to rear young cattle for the grazier, or to fatten older stock for the butcher ; but it is a rule that ought never to be departed from, not to scrimp them in point of space, but to give the stock ample accommoda- tion. 3. It is highly expedient that the farmer should see from a window in that room where he usually sits, what is going forward in the farm-yard, the very idea of which keeps the servants in awe, and may often prevent negligence and depredations. 4. The house should be situated a little out of the line of the square, but in general should form one of the sides, unless where the house is erected as an ornament to the neighbourhood. The three sides of the offices should be separated from each other by gates, which woirtd not only be an accommodation to the yard, but would be useful in case of fire, by which infinite damage might be done to a farmer, without such a precaution. Such a separation also greatly obstructs the increase of vermin *. 5. It is of great importance to have either a paved street, or a good road, all round the farm-yard and dung- pit. Farmers suffer more by having their carts and cat- tle struggling in farm-yards through piles of straw and * In exposed situations, and cold climates, these gates may be objected to, even though the gable-e: da of the back-wing are on a line with the back of the others. 11 dung where this is neglected, than is commonly ima- gined. 6. It is also highly expedient to have two reservoirs for urine. As soon as one is full, it should remain in that state to ferment, previous to its being taken away, and the other in the mean time may be filling. This plan is strongly recommended by Mr Allan of Craig- crook, near Edinburgh. It is likewise proper, in order that the urine may be as strong as possible, and to pre- vent an accumulation of wet, that the buildings should not admit water to go inwards from the roof, or it should be taken away by spouts and drains *. . 7. It is evident that the access to the house and offices should be as commodious as possible. The road should be kept in good order. The corners of the garden and inclosures to be rounded instead of square, by which many accidents may be prevented, injurious both to the carts and to the cattle. 8. A command of water is essential ; it is desirable, therefore, that the house should be situated near some river or stream ; but if that cannot be obtained, ponds and wells, and the means of conveying water by troughs to the feeding-houses, both for horses and cattle, and to the dairy, are essential. Nothing can be more injurious to stock, than to compel them to drink at ponds full of every nastiness, which the farmer ought to appropriate to useful purposes. 9. As an appendage to farm-houses, a kitchen garden is of infinite importance, and may be more profitable to It is said, that where abundance of litter is given in the yards, it hardly ever happens that too much wet gets to them, and that there is sometimes a want of moisture in dry win- ters. This ought to be prfivid*d for. It the occupier, than any part of his farm. This is certainly less essential, since potatoes, turnips, and other articles have been cultivated in the fields ; but still, it is expedi- ent for a farmer, for a variety of other articles, to en- able him to try experiments, with new plants, on a small scale ; to train up his rising family to an attention to such objects, and to furnish his table with small domes- tic luxuries, which no farmer would be willing to pur- chase, if he can procure them at home. Attending to these principles, the annexed sketch has been drawn up, pointing out the proper position of farm- house and offices ; together with the plan of a farm which is probably as perfect as any that has hitherto been suggested. It would be entering into too wide a field to dwell on the various offices necessary for the accommodation of a large farmer, more especially, as that subject is very fully detailed in a valuable paper, printed in the com- munications to the Board of Agriculture *, and will be fully explained in the general report on the agricultural state of Scotland, now preparing to be laid by the Board of Agriculture before his Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament ; but it may be necessary to dwell on one point, regarding the construction of convenient places for feeding cattle, for the purpose both of consuming the turnips, and the straw raised on the farm ; and for converting the surplus straw into dung. Three plans have been formed for that object : The ist, is to feed them in open large yards ; the ad, in feeding-houses, * See a paper on Farm-buildings in general, by Robert Beatson, Esq; Communications to the Board of Agriculture, vol. i. p. 3. 15 and the 3d, in open sheds, or what, in Berwickshire, arc known under the name of Hammfls, or Hemmels *. The plan of fold-yards is certainly the cheapest, being in general formed by the offices which afford shelter to the cattle ; but where a number of animals, of all sorts and ages, are suffered to mingle together, many accidents must happen, and the cattle must often be injured, by going through a yard full of straw and dung, and often very deep, in which they must frequently sink. Though this plan might answer for young cattle, where divisions are made by walls or hurdles, yet it would never answer for feeding valuable cattle for the butcher. In a well-regulated extensive farm, employed in' the convertible husbandry, it is contended, that fold^yards, divided for stock of different ages, are indispensably ne^ cessary, as no farm can possibly feed the whole cattle- stock during winter, which is requisite for grazing in summer. This important question will be afterwards discussed. Feeding-houses are, in some respects, well calculated for fattening cattle. The ' animals are kept warm and quiet, and each can have the portion of food allotted to him ; but the animals having no exercise when thus stall- fed, become unhealthy, the meat unwholesome, and the legs of cattle, when confined to one spot, are so apt to swell, that they are unable to go to market. On the whole, the 3d plan seems to me the best ; name-' ly, that of hammels, which I first had the satisfaction of seeing, at Mr Robertson's of Ladykirk, in Berwickshire. * It is said, that this is an English word, and hence that Hemel-Hampstead is derived. But Hammel is probably de- rived from hum, a habitation. 14 An engraving of this excellent plan is annexed, which will give an idea of the form of the construction. The advantages of it are described by Mr Robertson in the following terms : " I have found these hammels or cat- " tie-sheds, much better than any large or open court " and yard. Cattle kept in great numbers waste more " straw, they fight, and hurt one another with their " horns. All this (is prevented when they are kept in " separate divisions, and above all in these hammels, *' we can give them what meat we choose, and in what " proportion we think proper ; and can separate those " of different ages, who ought not to be associated to- " gether." Two points on the subject of farm houses and offices, require, however, some attention, i. By whom they ought to be erected; and, 2. By whom they ought to be kept in repair. In regard to the first point, it is certainly desirable, that the landlord, who has a permanent interest in the soil, should, if he can afford it, be at the expence of all substantial improvements *. But how can that be expect- ed in the case of entailed estates, where the proprietor has only a life interest in the property. Frequently, * Mr Church of Hitchill in Dumfries-shire, observes, that the onstead or buildings, ought to be erected free of expence to thejtenant. Many a farmer has undeservedly got the cha- racter of a bad one, by exhausting his capital on buildings, so much as to disable him from bestowing it on the cultivation of the soil. Inclosing ought to be done at the expence of the landlord, and the fences reared or maintained at the mutua expence of landlord and tenant. In short, all great perma- nent improvements on a farm should be executed by the land- lord, and in consideration of these, let the tenant pay a higher rent. also, the tenant has a greater command of ready money than the landlord, and will lay it out with more econo- my, and to more advantage. In that case it may be most advisable for both parties to arrange a plan, by which the buildings are to be erected by the tenant, the farm being let proportionally, at a lower rent, and he receiving a certain sum for those buildings, if valued to that amount, at the termination of his lease *. As to repairs, the farm-houses and offices in Scotland, are built in a more substantial manner than those of England ; and it is in general the practice in Scotland, that the tenant shall keep the house in repair. - It is a great addition to the landlord's income, to be exonerated from so heavy a charge, and in Scotland it is rarely found to be attended with any material loss f. * Mr Milne of Alvah, near Banff, remarks on the subjecl of farm-buildings, that few farmers have capital sufficient for a farm of 200 acres, the expence of stocking which, at a moderate computation, costs L. 2000 Sterling ; and, if new houses are required, which very often happens, a great deal more is necessary. Any allowance the proprietor gives for building, is seldom or ever paid until the end of the lease ; the tenant's capital is thereby very much drained, before the fields can receive much benefit. It also often happens, that the outgoing tenant has a considerable claim for houses, and in many instances they are so ruinous, that the , f :irmer can neither trust himself or cattle with any degree of safety, but he must be at a great expence in repairing them. In such cases, the landlord should certainly give every assistance he can afford. f The case in England is otherwise, and the celebrated Arthur Young remarks, that there is not a more mischievous system, than that of trusting repairs entirely to the tenants : ample experience has proved this. It is much better to charge them with a per-centage on the expence, and with all the carting of materials, and finding beer for all artizans. 16 AND SHAPE Ot FIElDS. This ij a point, which, in so far as regards arable culture, has been brought to a considerable degree of perfection, according to the system of husbandry adopt- ed in the more improved districts of Scotland. No- tJiing can be more absurd, with a view to the cul- ture of grain, than to have a number of small inclo- stires, irregularly shaped, surrounded with high hedges and trees ; and such a system general perhaps in a flat country, where shelter is unnecessary. Such a plan is peculiarly reprehensible, where horses and cattle are the principal objects of attention, as soiling, (or giving them cut grten food in yards or houses), is greatly pre- ferable to pasturage : yet so inveterate is the prejudice -for small fields, that though the expence of inclosures has now become enormous, they are still persevered in, even in new inclosures, under the authority of acts of Parlia- ment, by which the charges of that foundation of agri- cultural improvement are greatly increased, to the in- jury, and not to the advantage of the property inclosed. We shall proceed, therefore, to state, what in Scotland is considered to' be the best size of fields in an impro- ved arable district, and the principles on which the system is founded. The circumstances on which the size of fields ought t depend, are principally the following : The expence of repairs varies so exceedingly, according to the age of buil iin^s, their number, and the nature and price of materials, ihat it is impossible to draw arcrages : in Suf- folk, I should gue main in pasture for four years, and when broken up, to take oats -, then to follow the same rotation as at first. The four small inclosures should be made upon the best and strongest part of the farm, and the rotation I would follow, would be a plain fallow, wheat, 12 Ib. or 14 Ib. of red clover, and two pecks of annual rye-grass per acre sown along with it ; then to cut green what is necessary for soiling the woik horses, and the remainder made into hay for them in the spring; then oats, and the same rotation as at first. If this plan of ma- nagement is followed upon a soil that will improve itself in pasture, I am certain a good crop may always be depended upon, and with little cxpence. For a farm of 300 acres, the same number as the one of aco, only larger, that is to say, eight of 30 acre>, and the four small inclosures, fifteen acres, and the same rotation fol- lowed. For a farm < Deep ploughing is of infinite conse- quence, not only by furnishing more pasture to the roots of the plants, but above all, by preventing the in- jurious consequences of either too wet or too dry a sea- son. If the season is wet, there is a greater depth of soil for absorbing the moisture, so that the plants are not likely to have their roots immersed in water ; and in a dry season, it is still more useful, for in the lower part of the cultivated soil, there is a reservoir of moisture, which is brought up to the roots of the plants by the evaporation which the heat of the sun occasions. 3. By deep ploughing, also, the ground may be more effectual- ly cleared of roots and weeds of every description : at the same time, where they abound, it is a good rule, not to bury them by the first ploughing, otherwise it becomes difficult afterwards to clean the land : But after the land is cleaned, it is then proper to raise fresh mould, to in- corporate with the manure to be afterwards applied. 4. An intelligent farmer, after pointing out that deep ploughing increases the staple of the soil, keeps the roots of the corn from being injured by wetness, and also enables the crop longer to resist drought, adds : " / bow- 41 " ever found deep ploughing attended with good crops, " when ridges, shallow ploughed, in the same field, were " but indifferent. A decisive proof in favour of deep " ploughing *." ' The Norfolk farmers, generally possessing a thin light soil, with a poor and barren subsoil, prefer shallow plough- ing at all times, and argue that it is easier to keep a small quantity of soil in good hearr, than a greater quantity, which would be formed by deep ploughing, and also that it is easier to keep it clean of root-weeds. Mr Church has heard the farmers in that county say, that the land was ; Iways injured when the pan, or surface of the subsoil, was broken by deep ploughing, which was never done but by a careless, or bad ploughman. There may be some ground for their partiality in favour of their mode of ploughing thin and light soils ; and it would not be advisable for them to alter their system, unless they fallowed their lands, gradually deepened them, and limed and dunged the new soil. But if on these principles they were to increase the surface of their soil, their crops would be more certain and abundant, more especially in dry seasons. The follow- ing valuable hints on this subject, is drawn up by one of the most intelligent farmers in Scotland, whose name, if he had permitted me to use it, would have done credit to any publi- cation. " After shallow ploughing, the crop, in heavy rains, is very apt to be socked about the roots, in consequence of which the straw is whitened prematurely, and the grain does not come to perfection ; hence the necessity, when the surface is thin, of thickening it by deep ploughing. I have seen deep ploughing this kind of land, for the first, and even the se- cond year, after ploughing up the under-soil, produce a team- ing crop of thirties, which was hurtful to ihe corn crop ; but after the cold soil is well mixed with the old surface soil, and after the lime and dung applied to it, ivhcn summer-fallowed, has begun to operate on the new soil, I have found great be- nefit from this operation ; but it is the winter furrow before the summer fallow that should be ploughed deep; the lime and dung applied to the fallow, as I have already mentioned, operate strongly on the fresh soil. I would recommend ploughing even light lands, although thin, to a proper depth, though gravel, stones, or dead sand, is turned up and mix- ed with the surface soil. I have found no inconveniency by F 42 But although deep ploughing, to a certain extent, is advisable, yet there is a medium in this as well as in other things, and ploughing too deep, has not been found to answer. Mr Hope of Fenton, an intelligent farmer in East Lothian, states, that he repeatedy 'tried the ex- periment of ploughing very deep with four horses, and that the result was far from encouraging a continuance of the practice. In one case, where he ploughed part of a field of fallow with four horses, at fourteen inches deep, the crop of wheat was evidently worse than upon the rest of the field, that was ploughed in the usual man- ner ; the land at the same time was of good quality, suf - ficient to have admitted a furrow much deeper than what was given. The reason of the inferiority of the crop upon the deep ploughed part* appeared to be, in conse- quence of that part of the soil, which had for ages been regularly manured, being turned down below the reach of the roots of the plants, and soil of a poorer quality brought up in its place. He is therefore inclined to think, that it is unnecessary to plough deeper, than where there is a fair probability of the different kinds of plants sending their roots ; and as beans, clover, and turnips, the only tap-rooted kinds usually cultivated in this it. Both turnips and corn crops, as well as pasture grass, stand out better, both in wet and dry seasons, when a shal- low surface soil is deepened, even by an under-stratum that may appear very worthless. As proof of the utility of deep- ening surface soils, both wet and dry bottom'-, look at the patches of gardens that have received deep digging or shallow trenching, belonging to the cottages placed on the skirts of the, rnuirs all over Scotland, and you will observe the additional verdure and luxuriance of crop upon these patches, more than upon the lands ;i.!joinin, the surface of which is often very little more than scratched by the plough, and the dung and other manure applied to it, lias not deepness of soil to operate upon, so as to produce a good crop," 45 country, seldom send their shoots above seven or eight inches down into the soil, and the culmiferous species not so far, it is probable, from these circumstances, that from seven to nine inches may be deep enough for all the purposes of ordinary culture. Occasionally, how- ever, ploughing deeper, in the course of a rotation, for* the reasons formerly assigned, is certainly advisable. The following points remain to be touched upon, re- garding ploughing, i. The angle at which the furrow slice should be laid in particular cases : 2. The best mode of ploughing steep lands : 3. The advantages of water furrowing ; and, 4. The rate of ploughing with a pair of horses. 1. As one principal object in ploughing is, to lay the land so that the harrows may, in the most effectual man- ner, raise mould to cover the seed, this object is most effectually accomplished by ploughing land of every de- scription, with a furrow-slice about seven inches deep, and which, if about io|. inches broad, raises the furrow- slice with a proper shoulder ; thus endeavouring to form, by the shoulder of each furrow, the angle 45, the point which ought to be referred to, when determining between the merits of different specimens of ploughing. That is best obtained, by allowing the plough to incline a little upon the left side, and making the breadth of the fur- row always bear a due proportion to its depth, which is about two-thirds, or as six deep and nine broad *. 2. When a field is exceedingly steep, some farmers plough only down hill, the plough being drawn up hill empty. By this method the horses travel up hill in less than half the time they could go with a furrow, and by being quite fresh at the top, they come down with spirit ; and by giving the direction a little to * Remarks by Mr Hope of Fenton, 44 the left as you go down, the furrow falls away from the plough freely, every inch of the sail is perfect- ly raised, and lies so close together, that lying in that state for one year in some soils, and in others for two years, the sod rots, and being all laid one way, cuts easi- ly by the plough ; whereas, when attempting to plough against hill, the ploughing is not half done, grows up in grass, and, when cross ploughed, makes a bad appear- ance ; and the fighting against hill, hurts a horse, in one day, more than three days' ploughing in the way pointed out. Only one fourth of the time is lost, but that is doubly repaid, by getting the work properly done, and the advantage in the after ploughing. Mr Blackie of Holydown, in Roxburghshire, who makes this remark, states, that he has cultivated a great deal of ground on thi principle, and that he is never afraid of any land, howe er steep, if there is soil enough ; and that by this mode laud may be ploughed, which would otherwise be impracticable. In similar situations other judicious hus- bandmen prefer ploughing in diagonal ridges, so con- structed as to admit of ploughing up hill without mate- rial injury to the horses ; and in this way the furrows are much less apt to be run away or sanded by heavy rains. Where the land is excessively steep, it is often necessary to plough directly across, throwing the plaits or furrow slices all down hill ; and, with the ordinary plough, going back empty. But where there is much land of this excessive steepness to cultivate, a plough with a shifting mould -board, usually called a turn-wrest plough, admits of ploughing both backwards and for- wards, shifting the mould board in such a manner as al- ways to throw the furrow- slice down hill. These two last methods have been suggested by Mr Kerr of Ayton, in his BeYwickshire Report, who has seen and practised both. 45 3- In preparing land for a crop, water -furrowing is a very important operation, more especially in wet soils and climates , indeed not only are these water-furrows, or surface-drains made and dressed by the plough, but a spade-man, is also employed, to clear them out, as soon as the ridge is ploughed : the land is thus never injured by surface-water *. 4. An intelligent farmer, (Mr Blackie of Holydown), has sent me the following statement of the number of miles his ploughs travel in a day. An acre of land, he observes, is ten chains long, and one broad ; one chain is 66 fe'et : divide that into 80 furrows, which is as narrow as any body ploughs, the whole furrows in one acre measure no more than eight miles. An acre in one day is 'very good work for two horses, yet is a very slow pace when divided into eight hours work, one mile per hour. Turning at the ends of the land takes up one tenth of the time. In dry fine soil, and level ground, a pair of good horses will plough twelve chains ; on wet heavy land, nine, sometimes not more than eight chains ; in crossing or stirring turnip land in summer or spring they will do sixteen chains, and in some very fine free land two acres. Mr Erskine of Mar, who has paid much successful at- tention to many branches of husbandry, calculates, that the number of yards travelled in ploughing an acre and a half with a sixteen inch furrow slice, is 16,320 yds. And with a furrow-slice of 18 inches, - 14,4x0 The furrow-slice of 8 inches, 32,640 9 ^ - 29,040 To the same intelligent correspondent, I am also in- debted for the following tables. * Hints from Mr Peter Jack, of Moncur. This plan is adopted, not only in the Carse of Cowrie, but in all die best cultivated districts in Scotland. Talles slewing tie Quantity of Ground ploughed, accord- ing to tie different Breadths of tie Furrow-slices, and the rates of the Horses walking. o ", sis m > ti S JK 3 2 : 6 _S 3 " Q O IM O E *s^ >,T3 o * ~ 3 ^ U 5, 4J W 'Z -O JS -C - " JO "5 ; tj c "* S 3 "5 c V M).S 3 w *"* ee Jj "o o"i ** ^ Q ^3 ^3 ~i C^a. E B rc - - t ; In. i Yards. Roods. Poles. In. i _ I. Yards. tloods. Poles. 8 ! -- 14,144 2 I4 6 i 28.168 5 7 9 - - 4'57 2 37 9 28,191 S 33 1C - - 14.^48 3 it 10 - 28,188 6 21 it -' - '4-'S7 3 22 ii - 18,215 7 S The Rate of walking being i Mile I The Rate of walking being 3 Miles, and half a Furlong. 8 1 ,14.960 2 3 S 42,2 V 7 31 9 15004 3 4 9 - U-3S 3 i 3 in 15,012 3 '9 10 -- **,33 04 The real spring or summer wheat, has been of late intro- duced in various districts in Scotland. It possesses many- advantages, being for a much shorter period in the ground ; and though sown in the end of April, or the be- ginning of May, will ripen as early as winter sown wheat. It is certainly, however, not so productive as wheat sown in winter, or even winter wheat sown in spring ; and the ear being shorter, the crop cannot be equally productive. It will probably, however, be a great acquisition in districts, where winter wheat does not answer, and more especially where the vegetation is ra- pid. In regard to the culture of wheat in general, manj in- telligent agriculturists begin to be apprehensive, that from the high price of that article, farmers have been tempted to sow it too often, and that it comes round too ther a more rapid vegetation docs not take place in the vale* adjoining mountainous districts, than at a distance from them ? It is very proper in you to say, " winter wheat sown " in spring," because a discrimination is highly necessary between winter wheat sown in the spring, and the Siberian, or real spring wheat. We tried the real spring wheat se- veral years, but in both quantity and quality, it was inva- riably much inferior to the winter wheat sown in spring !" " Prior to our coming into this district, no wheat was grown in Glend.tle, except in the haughs by the river sides, or some particular pieces of strong land, unfit for turnips. But now, and for many years, thousands of acres of spring- sown wheat have been grown with the greatest success, which had never produced any wheat before ; and until these last unfortunate years, we seldom produced less than from three to four quarters per acre after turnips, and fre- quently more. Upon the weaker turn'.p soils, we ourtelves sow a red wheat, the seed of wh ; ch we got several years since-from a village called Bnrwell, in Cambridgeshire, an excellent and productive kind." 65 frequently in the rotation. This may contribute to the mildew, which has of late affected that species of crop, and which was certainly never formerly known to such an extent in Scotland. 2. Barley. This species of grain was formerly the great favourite of the Scotch farmers *, before that, by the introduction of fallows, crops of wheat were rendered more certain and productive ; but now barley is condemned as the least profitable of any of the white crops, as not being so prolific as oats, nor so profitable as wheat. It is remar- ked, that all crops are robbers of the earth, in propor- tion as they are heavy in grain upon the acre, and pro- duce the least weight of straw, to be converted into ma- nure. Hence barley ought, in general, to be accounted a more severe crop than either wheat or oats, because the straw neither gives equal food to the animal, nor dung to the earth, and of course is not so profitable to the farmer, unless upon particular soils f . Good far- mers, therefore, will not persist in barley, if their lands are suitable for wheat or oats. Whilst barley is thus condemned, the culture of bear or big is strongly recommended, more especially in the northern districts. An intelligent farmer in the Mearns assigns the following reasons for preferring* bear. The I * Some farmers particularly recommend sowing barley as early as the beginning of March, as the best means of se- curing an abundant crop. f Clover succeeds better after wheat than after barlef, probably owing to the straw beirg stronger. 06 crop of grass, he observes, is almost constantly good or bad, in proportion as the ground is more or less pulve- rised j and as bear may be sown three, or perhaps four weeks later than barley, it may be done at a season when the land can be brought to a finer tilth. If the grain crop should happen to fall over, as bear will be sooner ripe than barley, by being earlier taken off the ground, the danger of rotting the grass is less ; besides, that it has thus an opportunity of being well advanced before winter, if the autumn should prove good ; and in this climate October is often a mild month. In northern dis- tricts the earliest grains ought to be cultivated ; and barley is not only later than bear, but it requires to stand longer in the stook before it be fit for stacking. No doubt bar- ley is the more valuable grain of the two ; but that can- not be put in competition with the risk of a late and pre - carious harvest, and perhaps the loss, or at least the de- terioration of the two following crops of grass, and by which, not only the food for cattle is lessened, but the land becomes fouler ; for weeds will vegetate if the land be unoccupied. The produce also from bear will be found to be greater than from barley, although perhaps overlooked by the farmer, as he generally sows the lat- ter on his best land. On tolerable farms, the inferior land will yield nearly as much bear as the best will bar- ley ; and had bear been substituted on the latter, the pro- duce would have been much greater. But on ordinary land, yielding a tolerable crop of bear, there will be a considerable deficiency of barley *. How unfortunate * Mr Grierson, late corn merchant in Leith, who had much experience and knowledge in the corn-trade, transmitted to 07 it is, that the culture of so useful a crop should be check- ed by improvident sanction, and the laying an unequal me the following obsenrations on the subject of bear, and on the feeding of horses with that article. " When bear, or what is called big in England, is of the same weight, I give the preference to big, i. Because it pro- duces the finest worts and distilled spirits; and, 2. Because it has less draff or grains. 3. It will produce more meal, finer, fairer, and more palatable for bread. 4. It is better calculated for pot barley, because it is shorter in the grain than the two-rowed barley, therefore not so much waste to bring it to shape ; it boils softer and eats sweeter. 5. It is brtter for feeding horses than barley, and better than oats for horses not much wrought in dry countries, but not so good as oats in wet countries, or in wet roads, where horses require more heating food *. But were I to feed horses to most advantage, I would feed with beans and oats, but ground as small as malt. It is hardly to be conceived, the difference of the ease to a hard-wrought horse who has ground meal to eat, and one that has his oats to eat whole, as he has not half the time to rest as the one that has ground corn, and cannot perform the same libour, or last so long. This is a most important consideration where so many horses are ne- cessary tor agriculture ; and a very trifling expence would add a grinding machine to the thrashing-mills, for all jtfis corn necessary for feeding the horses and pigs on a farm, The difference of price between barley and bear can only bt from the weight, and perhaps something in the soil, and ear- liness or lateness of the harvest ; but both being equal, I would give the best price for bear, for eirher beer, spirits, or bread-corn. That bear is not more cultivated and in higher request, is owing more to prejudice than any thing else j for it is well known, that it produces more seeds than barley, and is less injurious to the ground ; and may be sown for twenty years r>u the same ground, without either lessening the produce or impairing the quality, provided the land is fallowed before * According to this remark, big would he the bet food for Uor? In England and Scotland, during tbe um;er wtion. which wo"H be * JJTV point to establish. 66 and disproportionate duty on the malt made from bear, compared to that made from barley. 3. Oats. There is no species of grain that succeeds better in Scotland than the oat, and some farmers have given up sowing barley, as it never comes within two or three bolls per acre of oats, as the straw of it is much inferior, either for feeding live stock, or for producing manure, and as the sale of it is uncertain. Oats are also preferred, in some cases even to wheat, as it has been found that sowing oats after grass, is more advantageous than sow- ing wheat, however profitable that^article may be *. Oats also are a better crop after pease, than even after grass f- It is well known, that various sorts of oats are culti- vated in Scotland, as the Dutch, the Blainsley, &c. In sheltered situations, and in rich soils, the variety called the Potato Oat is to be preferred ; but in exposed fields, Mr Brodie of Garvald greatly prefers the red oats. They unite the advantages of earliness, good grain, and a power of resisting the wind, equal to any other ; and by growing them, farmers are enabled to cultivate higher grounds, than otherwise they could venture to do, with every prospect of reaping the fruits of their labour. winter, and tw ce ploughed before sowing, with a sprinkling of dung. It is very seldom more than ten weeks on the ground in favourable situations, and barley never less than fourteen* * Remarks by Mr Trotter of Newton in Linlithgowshire. f Remark by Mr Charles Alexander, Easterhaprew near Peebles. It is proper to observe, that when a fit-Id is fallow- ed, any mossy part of it should be sewn with oats instead of wheat. 69 Another variety, called Church's Oats, are much in request *. And there is also a kind of oat called the * The following particulars regarding Church's oats have been transmitted to me by the son of the farmer by whom they were first propagated. They are generally sown, he states, from the middle of March till the end of April, but if they are grown for early cutting, they are sown somewhat sooner. They ripen a fortnight or ten days earlier than the potato oats sown on the same soil at the same time, and are generally cut in the first or second week of August. As they are subject to shake, they require to be cut before they are quite ripe, or when the stalk immediately below the ear is of a pale pink colour, inclining to yell -w. They are sown at the rate of about six Winchester bushels, per acie, and yield from sixty to eighty Winchester bushels per English acre, and there are instances of their doing more. They require to be sown on dry land in good condition, and prove most productive on a friable loam, either after grass or turnips ; on such land they are perhaps not surpassed in increase by any other. They are a round plump oat, rescmbl ng in this respect the potato sort ; but they are larger in the grain . and rather thicker in the husk or skin. They sometime^ have a small bosom pickle attached, and frequently none, and when they are good, they have scarcely any or no caii Being of an early quality, they have treqiu ntiy proved a public benefit, by being made into meal, and s>'Ui before ge- neral harvebt. Some years ago they were generally cultiva- ted in the most improved dis'ncrs in the nonh of ilngland and south of Scotland, till the potato oat began .o supers-de them, as they were foun.i nea-ly as produ< uvc, and tioi quite so liable to shake ; neither do ihey require the land to be in so rich order to produce a tjood crop. The first his ta'her got was from an acquaintance, and only amounted to sixty grains. He planted them on the I4th June 1776, and for twenty-five ye.irs or upwaids, h: i:rew them on the same kind of s'il, without degenerating ; but they have now ra- ther declined in quality, (pe'haps owing to want of care in preparing and selecting the seed . since the potato oat has interfered, to dimini-h their reputation. The farmers on the east coat, are n^w begii-nin^ to grow them to a greater ex- tent than they have done fur some years, and that a farmer 70 Barbauchlin Oat, which is much recommended. Mr Blackic of Holydown, has had a few acres of them for years back. They are coarse in the grain, but very pro- lific ; the straw, which is strong, answers very well for cattle in a straw yard, and they produce one fourth more straw than any other kind. They give perhaps one- tenth part less meal than potato oats, but they ripen nearly as early. It is supposed that they would answer very well in the northern districts, where the soil is sandy with a kind of gravel. They now sow a considerable chare of them in Galawater. 4. Rye. This species of grain is not very extensively cultivated in Scotland and the winter sort, without which the countries on the coasts of the Baltic could hardly be sub- sisted, is almost unknown. My principal reason for mentioning it at all is, that in the opinion of a most in- telligent practical farmer in Roxburghshire, rye, on moorish grounds, is a more certain crop than oats ; a fact little known, but of infinite importance in carrying on the improvement of our barren districts. 5. Pease. For some years past pease have been a precarious crop in Scotland, principally owing to the continual rains in there, had last year potato and Church's oats sown on a rich field of equal soil, at the same time, ami that Church's oats yielded fifteen "Winchester bushels per English acre more than the other. It would be very important to raise a variety from Church's, or some other species of oat, without a bo- som pickle as the grain would be more equal in point of size and quality, and lets liable to (hake. 71 the month of August, which kept the pease constantly in a growing state, in consequence of which the pods did not fill till the frost came on. Had there been dry wea- ther in the months of July and August, the crops would probably have been abundant *. It is now, however, pretty well ascertained, by the experience of Norfolk, that a crop of pease will not succeed, if sown on the same land, above once in ten years. Some farmers who find that clean pease will not an- swer, sow pease and beans alternately, with a hand drill, the rows at twenty seven inches distance, so as to admit the horse, and the hand hoe at discretion. Mr Hope of Fenton, finds, that this plan answers better than sowing these crops separately. It is surprising that the tenants near Edinburgh have not attempted to raise early pease, an article which sells at so high a price in the Edinburgh market, during the month of July. About twelve years ago a gentleman sowed two acres with white pease, and sold the whole by the middle of July, at L. 35 per acre. Immediately afterwards, he prepared the ground for turnips, which were sown by the end of that month, but unluckily the seed was bad, and the turnip crop almost totally failed. He had no doubt of his making from L. 40 to L. 50 ptr acre of the two crops. 6. Beans. It would be a very great improvement in husbandry, * Observations by Mr Neil Ballingall, in Fife. Mr Hume of East Barns, near Dunbar, remarks, that pease is not worth the raising. They can grow plenty of pease straw any year, but their produce in grain will, in most cases, not pay the erpence of labour. Ought not the early white Norfolk pea to be tried ? 7i more especially in Scotland, if an early bean could be discovered, which would bear to the common bean, the same qualities, that the hot seed does to the cold seed pea : this would remove the principal obstacle to the bean husbandry in Scotland, the lateness of the crop ; and it is certainly lamentable to see the bean crop out in the fields, while with a better climate, the land ought to have been sown with wheat. Some improvements, how- ever, in the harvesting of beans will be afterwards de- scribed, which may tend to remove that objection. Some farmers prefer broad-cast to drilled beans. A spirited farmer, during the three first years of his lease, tried the following experiment. He had part drilled, and part broad-cast, but the broad- cast always turned out best. The drilling of land in beans suffers some- times (when done either across, or to angle the ridges) in the dressing, the furrows always filled up in the tiov of horse -hoeing, and in wet weather, which often hap- pens when the land is so laid down, sours the furrows, spoils the crop, and destroys the land for after cropping. Whereas when sown broad cast the furrows are cleared, and stand so from seed-time till harvest, and generally a weightier crop, which pulverizes the soil, and keeps the land clean, equally if not better. He admits, however, that upon easier soils than what he possesses, the drilling of beans is an excellent system, when the land is clean of couch-grass *. Communicaton from Mr Henry Thomson of Muir- town of Balhousie near Perth. Mr Hume of Last Barns, ob- serves, that be ins cannot be planted too near the surface, if they are covered at all. 73 7. "Tares. This article is not much cultivated in Scotland, a few acres on every farm being only raised for soiling horses, between the cuttings of clover-, but a spirited and intelli. gent farmer near Edinburgh, (Mr Allan of Craigcrook), has carried it to a still greater extent. He considers tares one of the most valuable crops he can cultivate. If taken to market green, they bring L.2j per acre ; and when kept for seed, twelve bolls may be got per acre, which, Mr Allan says, will fetch from L. 3 to L. 4 per boll. The proper time for sowing tares for x.*ed, is about the second week of March *, in drills about thirty inches wide ; and three firlots of tares, is, in that case, a sufficient quantity of seed, but it is thought better to sow rows of beans and tares alternately, as the beans keep up the. tares ; in that case, half a boll of tares, and the same quantity of beans, is sufficient for seed. In favour of * Mr Kerr observes, that the time mentioned is very pro- per for a crop of tares intended for seed. But what are wanted for cutting or soiling, ought to be sown two or three times, to give a succession. The first as early in February as the season will allow, to come in immediately after the first cur- ting of clover. A second crop, in the beginning or middle of March, to stand for seed. And a third sowing in the end of March or beginning of April, to cut green for the horses during harvest. Beans answer excellently, to stake the tares intended for seed ; but those which are meant to be cut green, ought to have a small admixture of oars ; which both serves to hold them up, admits the air, aids the scythe, anj increases the food. It is a pity our Scots climate does not answer for winter tares. Mr Kerr tried them twice ineffectually ; but was told they sometimes come forward to cut before clover, but very rarely. The earliest sown tares in spring, should, however, be of the winter sort, being the hardiest. K 74 this crop, it is asserted by Mr Allan, that a crop of wheat after tares, without dung, will be as good as after drilled beans with dung. It may be proper here to observe, that tares delight in a new, and even tilly soil. It is possible, therefore, that they might answer on fallowed grounds sown as late as May, and might be cut in time enough for sowing wheat. The soil might be protected by them from the exhaling influence of the sun, and kept in a moist and mellow state for the reception of the seed wheat. This plan, however, will not answer, where the land is not clean, as it would interfere with the fallow process, 8. turnips. Drilled turnips is one of the great boasts of Scottish agriculture, and though the idea of drilling them was originally taken from the celebrated Tull, yet the pre- cise mode of conducting this operation, now universal in this country, certainly originated in North Britain. It is unnecessary to detail a process so well known, and which has been so frequently described. It may not be improper, however, briefly to consider the fol- lowing particulars : i. The different sorts of turnips cul- tivated in Scotland; 2. The produce of each sort; 3. The manner of consuming them ; 4. The modes of preserving them ; and, lastly, Any miscellaneous parti- culars, which may be entitled to notice. I. The sorts commonly cultivated in Scotland, are known under the name of the Common Globe Turnip, the Yellow Turnip, and the Swedes, together with the White Norfolk, for early eatage by sheep. An interesting experiment has been tried by Mr Blaikie, a native of Roxburghshire, but bailiff to the Earl of Chesterfield, with the three first sorts. The globe 75 turnip produced the largest crop, but was the most ten- der ; the yellow proved a fine crop, was more nutritious than the globe, and stood the winter better : the Swedish turnips maintained their superiority for hardiness ; the yellow Scotch was next in rotation in regard to that very essential quality. The yellow Scotch field turnip may be considered as a valuable acquisition, for the following reasons : i. It is more hardy than the globe, decanter, tankard, red top, green top, or any variety of the Norfolk turnip. 1. It does not draw more nourishment from the ground than any of those varieties, consequently does not require that any extra preparation should be made for it. 3. It is not so hardy as the Swedish, but has the advantage, in not requiring so much manure ; does not draw the ground so much, nor does it require to be sown so early by a month, which gives time for cleaning and preparing the fallows, which are too often but imperfectly cleaned when the Swedish are sown. 4. The yellow Scotch is also a good table vegetable, being palatable, more nutri- tious, and not so watery as the Norfolk varieties. When Swedish, yellow Scotch, and Norfolk turnips were strewed indiscriminately over a field, and cattle and sheep turned to them, the stock were observed to select the yellow Scotch, after being nsed to them. It may be proper to add, that the yellow is by far the best turnip for milch cows, and that they thrive much better than the Swedes in light soils. In regard to the Swedes or rut a baga, they are of so hard a nature, as to be very pernicious to the teeth of stock, particularly the very young or the very old. They require also rich land, or a great deal of manure. They may be transplanted, but in that case do not come to the same size as those which grow upon the spot where they were originally raised. 76 2. The produce of the turnip crop necessarily varies. Mr Paterson of Castle Huntly found that his globe or common turnip weighed fifty tons per acre, when entire, but only forty-six tons when the tops and tails were cut off. Mr Allan of Craigcrook states, that on his farm at Oldliston, the common white turnip weighed from forty to fifty tons per Scotch acre, and the tuta baga from fifty to sixty tons. 3. The mode of consuming turnips, by feeding cattle and sheep, is well known -, but there is one mode of giv- ing them to sheep, adopted by Mr Hunter of Tynefield in East Lothian, which seems to be peculiar, and to merit paiticular attention. He states, that he has been in use for seveial years past, to turn part of his straw into manure in winter, by folding sheep, and giving them turnip on the top of ihe straw. In 1808, he had 300 sheep, mostly black-faced wedders, three year old from the Highlands, at L. 20 per score, fed on turnip in the following manner. A fold, containing an EnglUh acre, was made in the corner of a field on a sputhern exposure, sheltered from the north and west by a strong thorn hedge : the whole fold was then covered with straw a fo<>t thick. The sheep were turned in, and turnips carted and laid on half of the fold upon the straw, and a daily supply was continued on the same half till the straw under them was a little wet : the turnip was then Liid on the other half, covering that part where the turnip had been first laid with fresh straw, and he continued to change from side to side once in two or three days, always giving fresh straw the whole season. The sheep lay very dry, the straw serving as a drain to receive moisture. As the palm or chaff upon the straw was eaten by the sheep, they fatted apace, and were sold in March at L. 42 per score. The quantity of manure produced was very great, (no doubt partly depemlin 77 the quantity of straw used), in one year not less than 800 tons of the best manure he ever saw on his farm. He pre- fers this method to wintering of cattle on it, first, because the sheep eat less, of course more manure is gained ; , and in the second place, because he finds the quality richer. This excellent mode of raising abundance of rich ma- nure, cannot be too strongly recommended. Several intelligent farmers have of late years grown ruta bag* or Swedish turnips, for horses and for other stock, during that critical period when the common tur- nips fail, and grass has not yet become abundant, and for these purposes this esculent is invaluable. But Mr Church of Hitchell observes, that where the soil is thin and dry, it is impossible to raise a good crop of Swedes under any management. He therefore begins to enter- tain an idea of substituting potatoes in their room *. 4. Mr Blair of Montague, near Perth, on the first ap- pearance of severe frost, has been accustomed, for thirty years past, to store up turnips, cutting off their tops and tails, and thus preserving them sound and good for three months, much to the advantage of his farm ; and Mr John Shirreff has received a gold medal from the Society of Arts, for communicating to that public spirited institu- tion, a simple mode of drawing and stacking, either the * Mr Kerr observes, that potatoes, he understand*, are now very extensively applied to the use of caule and horses in Lanarkshire. If this is ultimately found to answer, and the practice become universal, it will secure the country against the possibility of famine in the very worst of years. It will become a source of tangible humansGojxl, usually ap- plied to animals, who may be supplied from other sources calculated for their subsistence. In a year of dearth, the high price of potatoes, will naturally induce the farmers to stint their cattle, for the supply of ihe people, and to replenish their own pockets. 78 whole, or the greatest part of his turnip crop for several years in autit-vn, intended to be consumed during the following winter and spring, a practice which he found attended with much convenience, economj and emolu- me>); * 5. The celebrated George Culley, has communicated to ->e a f .:>, whir!;, "hough perhaps.known to many intel- ligent farmer , may no. be so universally propagated as it deserves to be. It i; this ; that all crude soils, or even such soils as iuive been cultivated, but which have had little or no calcareous matter mixed with them, will pro- duce better turnips, with a good dose of lime or shell marl only, without any dung whatever, than with dung without any lime or other calcareous substance. This he finds from long and repeated experience. It is said that the turnips in Berwickshire are seldom injured by the fly. This may perhaps be attributed to the superior culture, for which that district is so much distinguished, by means of which the young plants are enabled to push away at the beginning with more vigour than when the management is less perfect; for it is a ge- neral observation, that the more rapid the vegetation of the plant, the better is it able to withstand the effect of the insect's depredacions. It has been remarked in Banffshire, that mixing earth or moss with the offals of fish, makes an excellent com- post, particularly for turnips, and that the best turnips are always after fish dung. This should be attended to ou the sea coast, where such quantities of fish, and of fish offal may be had. ? It may be proper to add, that since the stoppage of the distillery, and the scarcity of grain for feeding milch- This useful communication is printed in the 22d vol. of the Transactions cf ihc Society of Arts, p. 118. 79 cows, turnips have been the most valuable crops raised in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, and that thej have sometimes sold so high, as from L. 30 to L. 36 per Scotch acre. 9. Carrots. This species of crop is not so much cultivated in Scotland as it ought to be. Its culture seems to be at- tended with no more difficulty than that of cabbage, po- tatoes, or turnip?, and if properly cultivated, with little or perhaps no more expence. An active improver, (Mr Alexander Guthrie,) states, that in his attempts to raise the carrot, with hardly any exception, he has succeed- ed beyond expectation. For working-horses, he knows no food equal to carrot, and of this he has had complete experience. Were the growth of carrots general over the country, and used as food for working-horses, he LJ of opinion that two-thirds of the oats consumed for that purpose might be saved. In years of scarcity, this would be of great advantage to the nation, and a blessing to the poor. Mr Buttervvorth informs me, that he has cultivated carrots for seven years upon the same ground, without dunging, and with great success, and had one year twenty acres, which he sold at 5 d. per stone, and two acres and a half for L. 60 Sterling, without being at the expence of raising them. He ploughed the ground in October* in the common and ordinary way ; in March he ploughed it again, in the same manner, and harrowed it well, and where it was sheltered, he sowed the seed immediately after the harrowing, that the weeds might not get start * In Suffolk, autumnal ploughing is found much to in- crease weeds, and to add to the expence of hoeing. 80 of the seed, which is of great consequence : the drills * were made at one foot asunder. He then rolled the ground with a heavy roller, drawn by two horses : when the rows appeared, he run the Dutch hoe betwixt the rows, and hand-weeded the rows, leaving the plants four inches asunder : in about three weeks after he weeded a second time, and kept them very clean. In October, he cut off the tops with a scythe, and raised the carrots by plough- ing the ground in the ordinary way, as many as he want- ed ; but where the ground was dry, he let them remain with their tops on, to guard them from the frost, and rai- sed them as he had occasion : frost destroys them if left in wet ground during the winter ; but in dry ground they keep best tilt the spring, when they begin to grow, and should be raised in March. He sowed about 7lb. of seed f per acre, and they yielded a profit equal to wheat, and improved the ground till it was absolutely too rich for carrots, and he had the best crops of barley and wheat after, that could be imagined : one acre produced nineteen bolls and a half of wheat, and was very indifferent ground before it was improved by the cultivation of carrots. He sold the spot, which was at Burnhead and Stonehouse, near Liber ton, twelve years ago, at more than double the price he paid for it, without any improvements, except by cultivating carrots upon it ; on an average he had about * Drilling has been tried in Suffolk, but did not succeed. Here is no mention of steeping the seed, which is found very important in Suffolk. f Never more than 5 lh. of seed sown in Suffolk broad- cast by the best farmers ; the seed being good, that is to say new. 81 42oo stones per acre *. Where the ground was cold, and not sheltered, he did not sow till April. Mr Guthrie adds, that in the attempts he made to steep the seed, he partly succeeded, and partly failed ; the seed being bad, it was steeped in pure water twenty-four hours. He has tried to transplant carrots, but did not find it answer. He does not think it a good plan to cut off the tops, the second growth coming too late to pro- tect the carrots from the frost, as he allowed them to re- main in the ground during the winter. He has given them to his horses during the whole of April quite sound and fresh, and they eat the tops as well as the root. Mr Paterson of Castle-Huntly also cultivates carrots. He cuts the tops as required, and gives them to the cows ; the produce of one acre of which, this year, served to support nine milch-cows for a fortnight ; after which the carrots were taken up with the plough ; the remainder of the tops cut quite close to the body before housing. Mr John Shirreff has made an interesting experiment, on a small scale, to ascertain, whether carrots are dete- riorated, or otherwise, by cutting off their tops in sum- mer, and converting them into hay. Weight of the roots of the carrots, grown on a small, piece of ground, drawn and weighed on the Ib. oz.- joth November 1810, 16 4 Ditto of the leaves, - - 80 24 4 Ditto of the leaves cut on the 7th of August, 7 8 Total, 31 i a * The produce, which is 13^ tons per acre, is a fiir com- mon crop in Suffolk on good lands. 82 Weight of the roots and leaves of carrots grown on an equal extent of land, and of similar quality, drawn and weighed on the 3Oth of November Ib. oz. 1810, 46 2 Weight of the leaves alone, 13 ja Roots alone, 30 Thus it appears, that the roots alone of the carrots, the leaves of which were not cut till they were drawn in November, amount to a greater weight than both the leaves and the roots of the carrots that were trimmed over on the yth August, and that the difference on the whole was nearly 50 per cent, on the one produce, and to 30 per cent, on the other. It is also proper to observe, that the weight of root, which is the most valuable part of the plant, is nearly double in what was uncut in summer, whereas the extra growth of leaf in consequence, of summer cutting, is on- ly about 1 ^ per cent, at the utmost. In regard to the culture of carrots in Scotland, it has been ascertained, in the most satisfactory manner, that they can be raised on peaty soils with the greatest suc- cess. The following account of this important fact I have received from a respectable proprietor in the county of Fife *. * It is well known, that carrots delight in a soil, where they find no difficulty in striking their roots downwards. Deep sandy soils were therefore recommended for that va- luable article, but there is reason to believe, that peaty soils will be found greatly preferable. A gentleman in the north of Scotland, being desirous of cultivating that root, and understanding that celery throve 83 10. Potatoes. The culture of potatoes has greatly increased in Scot- land, owing to the following circumstances, r. The ex- well on peat, he resolved to try, whether carrots, also, would not answer; and he pitched on an acre of low meadow- ground for that purpose, which might have been converted into peats for fuel. It was trenched in November 1805, anl a crop of oats taken in 1806. After the oats were removed, a moderate quantity of rotten dung, and some lime, were laid on the ground, it was then dug over with the spade, and in spring 1807, sown with carrots in drills. In the beginning of the year 1808, the ground got a small quantity of dung, and was again dug over with the spade, and sown with carrots. The crop was very abundant, and some of the carrots measured eighteen inches in length, although the ground was only trenched to the depth of a foot. The quantity per acre was from thirteen to fourteen tons, which was sold, when delivered at Leith, for 7 s. 6 d. per cwt., or L. 7, IDS. per ton. The produce of an acre, there- fore, when the crop answers, is immense. The value of carrots, as food for cattle, is well known, r and it must be of peculiar consequence, therefore, in the Highland districts of the country, to cultivate that root. From 1 68 to 200 carrots weighed one cwt., and, whrn sold in the Edinburgh market, fetched, even the small sized, i d. per piece, and the larger sorts i-J d., and even ;zd. each. The principal difficulty is to get good seed. If that can be obtained, no crop will repay so well the expence of cul- tivation on a peaty soil. Suffolk is the best county for ob- taining it. The quantity of good seed required per English acre, is from 61b. to 8 Ib. As farm-servants are not Well acquaint- ed with the culture, it is best to sow the larger quantity. The price varies, according to the season, from is. 6d. to 2 s. per Ib. The proper season for sowing field carrots, is from the middle to the end of March. They should be ' sown in drills, but not in raised ridges like tuunips, and not rolled. The drills should be eighteen inches apart, if drilled 84 cellent mode in which they are raised, a. The demand for them at market. 3. Their proving so valuable a preparation for crops of wheat ; and, 4. The custom adopted by farmers, of giving portions of land for raising potatoes, both to their own servants, and to the inhabi- tants of any neighbouring town or village. i. Nothing can be superior to the mode of raising po- tatoes by the plough, and in drills. The following ac- count of that process, though peculiarly applicable to the neighbourhood of Glasgow, does not vary material- ly from the practice usually adopted in other parts of the kingdom. The ground is prepared for a potato crop by plough- ing in winter, or rather in autumn ; and to keep it dry, during winter, the ridges are gathered, and the furrows kept clear. It is sometimes ploughed once, and some- times twice, and well harrowed during the spring, and the drills being formed, the dung and cuttings are put in and covered with the plough. In sandy ground the cuttings are put below, and in heavy soil above the dung. The potatoes are dressed in summer in the ordinary way, the drills being pared or sliced, horse-hoed, hand-hoed, weed- ed, &c. as in other parts of the country. In regard to the produce and value, that must va- ry according to the condition of the ground, the time and manner of culture and cropping, the season, and on level ground with a hoe ; but if done with a plough as turnips, they would require two feet. To those who have peaty soils already in cultivation f, a trial of so promising an experiment, is earnestly recommend- ed, and that they would be pleased to communicate the re- sult, to the President of the Board of Agriculture. f When peaty soils arc first cultivated, they ought always to be trenched in the beginning of winter, and exposed to frost. If dug in summer, the heat of the sun hardens them, and converts them into peat for fuel. But old peaty soils, may be trenched for carrots in spring. The produce has amounted even to 16 ton per Scotch acre. 85 other relative circumstances. A potato crop will average from 40 to 50 bolls per acre. They will sometimes fall short of 40, but many have reaped more than 60 bolls from one acre. General Spense sold last year a po- tato crop, for part of which he was paid L. 29 per acre, and potatoes were raised from part of the field, at the va- lue of 80 bolls per acre. Andrew Moodie, Esq; reaped, for a first crop, upon deep moss, near Paisley, from 17^ acres, near one acre of which was occupied with roads, ditches, &c. 774 bolls of potatoes, which he sold at L. 418 : 6 : 2. Robert Cameron, in East Walking- shaw, near Paisley, raised 60 bolls per acre, from moss- ground. Potatoes are usually sold at from L. 18 to L. 28 per acre, the purchaser digging up and removing the crop. In a field, near Elderslee House, potatoes, plant- ed without dung, after a crop of oats, from old rested land, to which no manure had been given, sold at L. 27 per acre. Mr Andrew of Tillilumb, near Perth, adopts the fol- lowing plan in the cultivation of potatoes, i. He cross- ploughs. 2. Puts in the dung. 3. Ploughs a second time ; and, 4. The ground is either drilled for potatoes, or another ploughing given, and the potatoes planted af- ter the plough in every third furrow. He usually fol- lows the last mode, as he thinks it best calculated to do justice to the ground, and generally brings a good crop. The expences, besides rent and dung, may be stated as follows : Seed per acre, 2f bolls, (32 stone Amsterdam,) at 12 s. per boll, " ( L. i 10 o Cutting seed, 026 Planting, 040 Cleaning, after being horse-hoed, o ia o L.a 8 6 86 Potatoes at Perth sold this year at about L. 15 or 15 gui- neas^. Scotch acre; and if L.j is supposed for rent, and L5 for dung, it will appear that there is not too much for so much labour, and that the chief profit lies in the state of preparation the ground is brought into for the succeeding crop. In a wet season, potatoes do not answer upon heavy land *. The average produce of potatoes near Edinburgh, is from 40 to 60 bolls per Scotch acre, and the average va- lue from L. 20 to L. 25. 2. The consumption of potatoes is annually increasing in Scotland, every prejudice against the wholesome- ness of that root having been long ago exploded. The simple modes in which they can be prepared for the ta- ble, is of the utmost advantage to the poor ; and by the addition of salted herring, both the taste, and the nou- rishment afforded by that useful article, maybe improved. It is difficult indeed to conceive how the people of this country could have subsisted, had it not been for the for- tunate introduction, and extensive culture of, this most valuable plant. 3. Potatoes are found an excellent preparation for crops of wheat. The frequent ploughings necessary for raising * The following is the expence of cultivating one acre of potatoes near Dalkeith. Dung, 40 single-horse carts, at 55. L. 10 o o Three ploughings and harrowings, a o o Seed, cleaning with horse and hand-hoe, 3 10 o Taking up and housing, - 2 ze o Rent, 55 L. 23 5 o 87 that article ; the quantity of dung allotted for it, the frequent hoeings, the stirring which the ground receives when they are gathered, (sometimes perhaps more than is necessary), and the favourable period of the year when they are taken up, are excellent preparations for the cul- ture of that important grain. Wheat after potatoes, therefore, is almost universal, wherever both are culti- vated. 4. The culture of potatoes is very much increased by two practices : i. That of farmers giving a certain por- tion of land for raising potatoes to their servants, they furnishing the dung, and the farmer the plough and the horses ; and, 2. By a practice of farmers in the neigh- bourhood of towns and villages letting land to the inha- bitants for the same purpose, they furnishing both dung and labour. Near Cullen, in Banffshire, they get a fall of ground for a load of dung, which the farmer puts on his turnip field, as the people consider the potatoes of a better quality when raised without dung. Mr Stewart of Hillhead, by letting an acre for potatoes, gets the la- bour of 12 o reapers *. They give the seed only, and take up the crop. The land is let to labourers and trades- men in a neighbouring village. The value of the pota toes is more than ordinary wages, and they are maintain- ed the days they work, but it is a great advantage to have * An acre of potatoes gives 120 days reaping, (s&earing,) at 55 yards for each day, the drill being 34 inches wide. The acre thus pays L. 9, the reaper furnishing seed ; the wages, reckoned at is. 6cJ. besides victuals, which together make 2s. 2 d. per day. The reaper (shearer) has his pota- toes at nearly 20 s. the ton, often much less : the advantage of the farmer is, having these reapers at his call, and only ou the days when required. 88 a number of labourers at command, more especially du- ring a critical harvest. Attentive farmers do not neglect to cut off the tops of potatoes and jams, if possible before the commencement of frost, and at any rate before they take up the roots, which is the means of saving food that otherwise would be lost, and at any rate the tops make good dung. Mr Church of Hitchel states, that he has grown, with- in these few years past, a variety of the potato, more productive than even the Surinam potatoe or yam, and they have also this advantage over the latter, that they boil or steam readily, which the yam does not. He has had from ten to twelve tons per Scotch acre of them, which is a greater weight than he ever obtained of Swe- dish turnips. These newly- introduced potatoes have a dark green haulm, and no blossom or apple. Sheep stock seem to thrive upon these potatoes, in even a raw state, as he fed his breeding ewes for some weeks upon them last spring, which he was under the necessity of doing by he failure of his turnip crop. From the great size to which they attain, they have lately been distinguished, in the county of Dumfries, by the name of the Patagonian Potato. In Cumberland, they are called the Bullock, being much used there for the purpose of feeding cattle. Their cultivation is in all respects the same as that of the common potato. Mr Church having a considerable stock of them, can supply any person with seed. II. Cabbages and Kale. It is said that cabbages, when properly cultivated, yield more food for cattle than any other crop whatever. Mr Waddell at Dockenyfauld, near Glasgow, raised cab- bages on his farm, at the rate of 50 tons per acre, and 89 putting them up to the neck in earth, and covering them with straw, he thus preserves them for his cows till the month of February. Mr Scott of Craiglockhart observes, that an inexhaust- ible fund of manure might be obtained, by cultivating cabbages for autumn food. A careful hand will find as marly pickings from an acre of thriving cabbages, as will plentifully feed six or seven head of catde, from the mid- dle of September to the middle of November. Feed- ing solely on them much longer is not so proper. The same intelligent farmer observes, that cabbages should be cultivated as green food for cattle in autumn, and green kale for the same purpose during the months of March and April, which last is certainly the scarcest period of the year for food to stock, more especially in high situations. To what extent cabbages ought to be cultivated in Scotland, will be the subject of future consideration. 12. Artificial Grasses. Red clover, with a mixture of rye-grass ; white clover and yellow clover, and sometimes rib-grass, are the gras- ses almost universally sown in Scotland. Some experi M * Two experiments have been reported to me of the cul ture of lucern in Scotland, on by a proprietor near Edin- burgh, who has about three acres of this plant, with which he maintains ten or twelve horses during the summer season. The other is by Mr Uuffin, vinegar merchant at the Abbey. He has had it for several years growing in a plot of his gar- den ; the plot is not near a rood, and it maintains one horse to him during the summer months : he has three luxutiant cuttings, and an after cutting in the end of autumn. From the first sowing it grows annually ; it lasts from ten to fcur- 90 ments have been tried with lucern *, sainfoin, chicory, &c., but not to an extent entitled to anj particular no- tice. The introduction of red clover is one of the most for- tunate circumstances that could have happened to the husbandry of Scotland, more especially since the mode of cutting it green for stock, or soiling, has been adopt- ed ; the produce is immense, whilst from the size of its root, which remains in the ground, it does not exhaust, as otherwise would be the case. It is also an excellent preparation for other crops. Many people imagine, that the land grows sick of clover, but, to any extent, that is to be attributed to the want of deep ploughing, as clover delights in new soil, in so much that when it is at first tried, in any ground tolerably fertile, the produce is hard- ly to be credited. The propriety of cultivating rye-grass, is an import- ant subject of discussion. Mr Arthur Young informs me, that the English farmers, who are eminent in their business, abhor rye grass on strong lands, from a multi- tude of observations on the wheat which follows it, for the cases are many, in which fields, partly sown with clo- ver alone, and partly with clover and rye-grass, where the superiority of the wheat after the clover alone, in- duced them to resolve on the omission of rye-grass in future. He adds, that cocksfoot answers all the pur- teen years, yielding good crops, and perhaps may remain in vigour much longer. He has tried transplantation, and it answers to his wish, for lucern throws out a number of fresh shoots from its root. It requires to be hoed clean from any other grass or vreeds. There cannot be a doubt of its thriving well in Scotland, in rich deep soils, which it requires, as its shoots go far into the ground ; hence a tilly or rocky bottom is improper for it. 91 poses of rye-grass, particularly as a mixture with clover, supports more stock, and does not equally exhaust. In regard to rye-grass, either cut green, or converted into hay, a person of much experience in the management of horses, (Mr Alexander Maclaurin of Edinburgh), consi- ders rye-grass mixed with clover, as a strong, pleasant and substantial food for horses even at hard work, and every season he has given it green, even to post-horses, in the stable, and it has answered well. He is also of opinion, that hay made of clover and rye-grass, if cut at a proper season, (before the plants are too ripe,) if safe- ly got in, and properly thatched, so as to prevent it from the winter rains, instead of becoming dry and husky, as some people imagine, improves by time, and is much fit- ter for the use and benefit of horses, than if used some months before, and indeed will retain this perfection all the ensuing summer, autumn, and next winter ; on the supposition, always, that it is preserved from rain. Good old hay, for that reason, always gives a higher price than new. In a comparative view of rye-grass, mixed with clover, and meadow hay, the former is to be accounted far preferable to the other, on account of its strength and substance, by which horses are enabled the better to stand hard work. The fibres of meadow-hay are soft and small, and according to Mr Maclaurin's opinion, dissolve sooner in a horse's stomach, consequently not so proper for hard- working horses as the other. If cocksfoot, however, would answer all the purposes of rye- grass, without exhausting the land, what an advantage ? ^ The cultivation of artificial grasses in Scotland, is al- ' ready so generally known, and will be so fully detailed, in he General Report now drawing up, of the Husban- dry of Scotland, that it does not seem necessary to dwell upon it longer in this place. We shall proceed, there- fore, to consider how far the crops above enumerated, ought to be sown broadcast, or drilled. Hints as to Drilling. It has long been a subject of dispute, whether it is most advisable to sow the different crops usually culti- vated on arable land, drilled or broadcast. Without en- tering into so wide a controversy, I shall endeavour short- ly to state the opinions entertained by the intelligent far- mers, with whom I have lately corresponded, on the sub- ject of Scottish Husbandry. It seems to be universally admitted, that it is the most advantageous system, to drill turnips and potatoes, and that drilling, in regard to these articles, is greatly prefe- rable to the broadcast mode, for the following reasons : x. As it carries off the extra moisture in wet soils : a. As t exposes more surface to atmospheric influence, by which the soil is meliorated ; and, 3. As it gives an ad- ditional opportunity for the vegetation and the destruc- tion of weeds *. It would appear likewise, from the experiments of Mr Butterworth and others, that drilling carrots is an advantageous system, as the plant can thus be cultivated on soils, where otherwise it would hardly be practicable, the drills furnishing an artificial depth of soil in which they can be raised. * Remarks by Captain John Henderson of Aimster in Caith- ness. Some prefer turnips broad cast, imagining that they are better protected from the frost, by the earth, than when raised in ridges ; iu which case the earth is apt to fall from them. 93 Many also approve of the system of drilling beafts, as the pods of beans are placed on the stem from the root upward, and of course derive essential benefit, when fill- ing, from the open space left between the drills. This is admitted on light or loamy lands ; but where the soil is of a strong and clayey nature, the broadcast system is frequently preferred, more especially in the Carse of Gowrie, as in a rainy season it is found very difficult to perform the necessary drilling operations in clay, which renders the crop uncertain and precarious, and not a cleaning one *. Many farmers also drill their pease, more especially in light and pliable lands ; but on strong clays, it is said that pease broadcast succeed better. It is remarked by Mr Stuart of Hillhead, that pease sown in drills may be calculated for cleaning the land, but not for obtaining a crop j and Mr Charles Alexander observes, that he has several times attempted the drilling of pease, but never with success ; the slender nature of that plant not admit- ting of horse-hoeing, except when young ; and as it is not of upright growth, not well then. As that plant supports itself by the plants taking hold of one another, the interstices prevent the tendrils from getting hold, ex- cept in the row, when the wind blowing across the drills lays them over on one side, and retards their podding. In regard to white crops, some eminent farmers, Mr Brown of Marlde in particular, consider the ad- vantages of that system to be at best but proble- matical f. The intelligent farmers, however, in the * Observations by Mr Peter Jack of Moncur. f One of my correspondents remarks, that in regard te the drilling of white or culmiferous crops, he has had no ex- 94 eighbourhood of Dunbar, whose lands are subject to annual weeds, and who sow a great deal of wheat in spring, have adopted the drilling system with much success, and consider it essential for the culture of their land. Some experiments made by Mr Hope of Fenton, East Lothian, are among the most satisfactory and decisive I have met with, OB the subject of drilling. From these experiments, he is inclined to draw the following conclu- sions : i. That it is of no advantage to drill winter sown wheat, as the crop is never injured by annual weeds, and where the soil is infested with root weeds, as the crop, in ordinary caes, will completely meet in the rows, be- fore the root weeds make much appearance, it is impos- sible, without injuring the crop, to render much benefit to the land with the hoe. a. On all land, however, where annual weeds are abundant, he considers it of great importance, to use the drill for sowing white crops of every description, it being understood at the time, that plenty of hands can at all times be obtained for using the hoe ; for it is better to sow in the common method broad- cast, than drill without hoeing. Mr Hope adds, that an experiment was tried in his neighbourhood, which places the advantage of drilling in a very favourable point of view. A field of grass land, of good quality, which, in consequence of having been always cultivated in the broadcast manner, was full of annuals, was all drilled, with the exception of six ridges in different parts of the field, which were sown broad - perience ; but it appears to him that the operation is tedious and minute, without any adequate benefit. The drilling of these can nerer be meant for cleaning the ground ; a very good farmer will have it clean before they are sown in it. It is net so easy, however, to get the better of annual weeds. 95 cast, that the difference of produce between the two might be ascertained. The drills were made at a foot distance between the rows, and the drilled part of the field was hand-hoed, during the summer, at the cxpence of one gui- nea per acre . The difference of produce was very great, for the broadcast yielded only 9 bolls per Scotch acre, whereas not less than 15 bolls was the produce of the other. Among the advantages of drilling, Mr Hope states, that he has uniformly found the expence of cutting a drilled crop in harvest less than what was sown broadcast ; the difference he has always found to be in this propor- tion, that three reapers will do as much work in the for- mer case as four in the latter. Mr Church of Hitchel recommends drilling wheat crops, not only for the purpose of having an opportunity to eradicate weeds by hoeing, but to give the grain a good hold of the ground, which may prevent the frost throwing it so easily out in the spring, and the wind loosening the roots of it so readily when it is in ear and beginning to fill. On light land, he has sometimes obser- ved the grain make no farther progress towards per- fection, after a high wind at this period, which he pre- sumes is owing principally to the roots being loosened, the ascension of nutriment to the ear_ being thereby pre- vented. * Mr Scott of Craiglockhart recommends the Dutch hoe as the best, for the operator proceeds backward, leaving the wrought ground and cut weeds untrod : the work is also much lighter, as less force is requisite, and stooping unnecessary. If taken in time, before the weeds get rough, a girl will hoe with ease the fourth part of a Scotch acre per day. 90 Mr Robertson of Ladykirk is of opinion, that the pro- priety of drilling turnips, beans and potatoes, cannot be doubted, and that the more labour and hoeing bestowed on the crops, with judgment, and in dry weather, the bet- ter will be the returns. He has also observed, that drilled crops are less apt to be beat down in wet sea- sons. It is remarked, from the highest authority in the Carse of Cowrie, that the culture of white corn crops by the drill, might be a beneficial mode of husbandry in that valuable district, as it would be the means of extirpating the growth of annual weeds, which are so destructive to the spring crops in the Carse, particularly the beans, the pease, and the oats sown early upon well frosted land, which are often rendered not half a crop by the growth of wild mustard. An intelligent farmer near Arbroath, (Mr Rennie of Kinblethmont), states it as his opinion, that the drill sys- tem ought to be adopted, wherever turnips, potatoes, beans, or even pease, are sown ; the intervals not less than twenty-seven inches, regularly horse-hoed, and the rows hand-weeded by women ; which, if properly exe- cuted, leaves the ground in as good order as if it had undergone a naked fallow. None of the above-men- tioned crops can be cultivated to advantage broadcast ; for in case of its failure, the ground is sure to be left in a wretched state indeed. In case of the soil being light, and much infested with annual weeds, the drill system may with great propriety be adopted with wheat, bar- ley, and oats ; but in that case the intervals should not exceed nine inches, to be either hand-hoed, or done with a machine made for the purpose. The seed to be deposited by a sowing-machine, and the grass-seeds co- 97 vtrfed in with the last hoeing, which answers perfectly The following, on the whole, seems to be the result that may be drawn from this important discussion. I. That turnips and potatoes ought to be drilled in all cases. a. That drilling carrots is advisable, more especially where there is not a great depth of soil. 3. That beans should be drilled on light and loamy soils, but not on very harsh, strong, and stubborn clays. 4. That pease may be drilled in dry soils a; d climates, where the object is to clean the land ; but where the land is clean, sowing broadcast suits better the nature of that plant. 5. That autumn or winter sown wheat may be culti- vated broadcast, but that spring sown crops, whether wheat, barley or oats, are most likely to be productive, where annual weeds abound, when cultivated in drills. It may be proper at the same time to observe, that in several districts in England, particularly in some parts of Norfolk, and Suffolk, they carry their ideas in favour of the drilling system, in so far as regards crops of grain, still farther. 8. ROTATION or CROPS. Of all the subjects included in the present inquiry, this, perhaps, is the most important, and the most diffi- cult to discuss *. The returns transmitted to me regard- ing this single point, exceed eighty in number, and would form a moderate volume. It is my duty to en- N * Even in gardening a rotation of crops is advisable. See Nicol's Gardener's Kalendar, p. 21. 98 deavour to compress this mass of useful information, within a moderate compass. With that view, I shall endeavour briefly to point out the best modes of crop- ping suggested in the course of the inquiry. It must depend upon the judgment of the farmer, to adopt those which are best suited to the climate where he resides, the nature of the soil he cultivates, the size and situation of his farm, and a variety of other circumstances which will necessarily require his attention, In determining which ought to be preferred *. Every farmer must be aware, in fixing on his rotations, that it is necessary for him to ascertain, not only the va- rious articles for the production of which his farm is calculated and which are likely to yield him the greatest profit ; but also the succession in which these articles ought to be raised, so as not to diminish the fertility of his soil j or, as Lord Kames has well observed > so to in- termix his crops, as to make the greatest possible profit, consistently with keeping his land in order. The subject of judicious rotations, has been very ably touched upon in one of the first reports drawn up for the Board of Agriculture, (that of Huntingdonshire), by Mr Maxwell of Fletton. That intelligent farmer having suggested a course of crops, the propriety of which will be afterwards discussed, very justly remarks, that after all the volumes that have been written on farming, a rational system is the only true groundwork of general * Mr Church of Hitchel, remarks, that to adopt a judici- ous mode of cropping, requires a degree of judgment in the occupier, which can only be obtained by experience and ob- servation. Much depends, however, on the manner in which the different processes are executed. The best arranged rota- tion may be of little use, if these are done improperly. 99 improvement, and that those who carry into execution a profitable system of management, bid fair to engage the notice of the neighbourhood, in spite of the impression of those habits which attach to unlettered farmers, and thus may be the source of essential service, both to the cause of agriculture and to their country. On this part of the subject it may be sufficient to add, that almost the same crops, which, under one system, would be extremely unprofitable to the farmer, and in- jurious to his land, under another rotation, with an in- tervening crop or fallow, might be not only profitable, but might promote its fertility *. lu considering this important subject, it is proposed shortly to discuss the following particulars: i. The principles or maxims on which rotations ought to be ar- ranged : 2. The various sorts of rotations which have been adopted in Scotland, for various periods of two, three, four, five, or for a longer period of years: 3. Of double rotations, where two systems are in a manner carried on at the same time : and, 4. Any miscellaneous particulars connected with this branch of the inquiry. X. Of the principles on which Rotations ought to be ar~ ranged. I have endeavoured, in the preceding section, to point out the various articles which are principally cultivated in Scotland. These articles must be raised, either con- * Compare, for instance, the old course in the Curse of Gowrie. i. Wheat. 2. Barley. 3. Oats. 4. Ptase and beans, when the crops were trifling, with the new system, i. Fallow. 2. Wheat. 3. Beans. 4. Barley. 5. Grass. 6. Oats. Under the first course, the rent was only from 25 s. to 30 s. per acre. Under the second, it has in many case* risen to L. 5 or L.Gfer acre, and upwards. 100 stantly on the same ground, or one year must be appro- priated for the growth of one sort, and the next for the production of another. There are few cases where the same land will constantly yield one and the same plant, or where a repetition of the same crop, or indeed of the. same species of grain, without some interval, is not found to be injurious. Hemp is the principal exception to that general rule ; for in Russia, the same ground invaria- bly produces it, without either fallow or any intermix- ture of crops. It appears from Mr Butterworth's expe- riments already mentioned, that carrots have been suc- cessfully cultivated for seven years, on the same ground, with increasing fertility. In some instances, bear or big, has been sown for years on the same ground. But in ge- neral, a change or rotation of crops, has been found not only expedient, but necessary. The propriety of adopting any rotation must depend on a variety of circumstances, more especially the fol- lowing, i. On the climate. Whether it is wet or dry. Wet climates, for instance, are favourable to the produc- tion of potatoes and oats, dry climates for pease and beans-, and the rotations to be adopted in each climate ought to be formed accordingly. ^. On the sot/ ; for clay, loam, or sand, have each various crops best calculated for them. 3. A rotation must also depend upon the si- tuation of a farm> in reg4rd to the probable sale of its productions : for instance, a large field of potatoes, which might be worth L. 25 per acre, near a great town, might not be worth L. 5, in a remote part of the coun- try *. 4. On the means of improvement by extra manure, That able reporter, Mr Kerr, in his account of the Ber- wickshire husbandry, remarks, that unless near large towns, where potatoes are substituted for fallow or turnips, they never constitute a complete pan of any rotation, because in . 101 at lime, marl, sea-ware, town dung, &c. The celebrat- ed Dunbar rotation, of, i. Turnips; 2. Wheat; 3. Grass ; and, 4. Wheat, could not be possibly carried on, without the command of sea-ware, which that neigh, bourhood possesses : and, 5. The rotation must also de- pend on the state or condition of the soil, whether it be old cultivated land, or a new improvement. We shall now proceed to state the maxims, which have been recommended, as the best calculated, to lay the foun- dations of judicious systems of rotation. i. It is proper to have various articles on your farm , so as not to run too much risk, either in regard to the season, or to the sale of the produce afterwards. If s farmer were to cultivate but one crop, he might often be materially injured by one unfavourable season ; or if the article which he raised was not saleable, the land had better have remained unploughed. a. To have the crops so arranged, that the labour of ploughing for each, of sowing, weeding, reaping, &c. shall proceed in a regular succession, and that the labour or business be not too much crowded on the farmer, at any one season of the year, nor any extra stock rendered necessary; but that the crops produced on the farm, shall be cultivated by the same hands, and with the same cattle. To this general rule, hand-hoers in spring and summer, and reapers in autumn, must form an excep- tion. 3. To avoid forcing crops, or frequent repetitions of the same articles or species, a diminution both in quan- saleable, unless at prices inferior to their cultivation, and if universal, or even but a little more extended, they would be unsaleable almost at any price. Berwickshire Report, p. 214. IOC tity and quality, except in very rare instances, never fails to be the consequence. By frequent repetitions of the same crops, (as Mr Scott of Craiglockhart remarks), the soil loses stamina, which neither manure nor cul- tivation can renovate. Great luxuriance in vegetation can be made to take place, without much real produc- tiveness, as we see where grain is sown on the sites of dunghils *. 4. To ayoid two white crops in succession, but alter- nately o have white and green crops. To this general rule there is an exception, when old leys are broken up, in which case, two crops of oats ought always to be taken, the second crop being uniformly the best. On this head, an intelligent farmer in Berwickshire ob- serves, that it is impossible to lay down general rules, without modifying them by such circumstances as are often only to be known by real practitioners : and though the system of alternate green and corn crops, is, beyond question, an excellent one in general, deviations from it may sometimes be admitted. 5. To avoid crops likely to encourage weeds ; and, founded on this principle, Lord Kames objects to the culture of pease, which, if not an extraordinary crop, are apt to foster weeds. If the land has been previous- ly fallowed for wheat, and thus cleared of weeds, pease, after wheat, he thinks, may be hazarded f. * Mr Andrew of Tillilumb, near Perth, finds, that if clover is cultivated only once in eight years, the produce is not only about double, but that the succeeding crop of oats is better by two bolls per acre. In regard to crops of wheat, Mr Pringle of Ballcncrief, in East Lothian, remarks, that he does not observe the crops of that grain falling off, though they are more frequently introduced than formerly ; in many instances, once in three years. f Gentleman Farmer, p. 143. 103 6. To raise those crops the most likely to be produc- tive of manure ; hence green crops are to be recom- mended, and barley is to be avoided, producing, when compared to other crops, the smallest quantity of straw *. 7. To arrange the crops so as to keep the land in good condition, and increasing, rather than diminishing in point of fertility f. This is best accomplished by the convertible husbandry, (or white and green crops in suc- cession), and giving every part of a farm the advantage of being occasionally pastured. 8. To commence a lease with a meliorating system, but during the remainder of the term, to crop the land in such a manner, as to reap, in moderation, the advantage of the improvement that has been made. In forming a rotation, therefore, those articles should be included, which are the most likely to afford a profitable return to the farmer. Keeping these maxims in view, we shall now proceed to consider, the various rotations which have either been adopted by, or recommended to, the attention of the far. mers in Scotland. * A fair average of straw produced by the different crops, according to Mr Brown of Markle's calculation, is, Wheat, 1 60 stone; Beans and pease, 130; Oats, 120$ and, Barley, only 100, per Scotch acre. f Mr Andrew of Tillilumb justly remarks, that it ought to be a leading maxim with all farmers, never to take a crop but when their ground is in such situation that, if the season favours, it may give us good a crop as such land will carry. Hence their first care and chief study ought to be, how they may bring their ground into, and keep it in the best order, and not what they can draw or take ; for if they are kind and generous, the grateful earth certainly w\}\ give. 104 2. Of tl>e various sorts of Rotations. It is not unusual, in treating of this part of the sub- ject, to consider rotations as they are applicable to dif- ferent soils, for instance, clay, loam, &c. ; but I think it on the whole more expedient, to discuss the different courses of crops, according to the number of years they respectively require to finish the rotation ; some occupy- ing two years, some three, some four, some five, &c. Under each head it will be proper to explain, for what description of soil each rotation is best calculated. IIJOQ years Rotation. In particular cases, some farmers have adopted a rota- tion of two crops. A field belonging to the Honourable George Abercromby, embanked from the Forth, car- ried, for several years, beans and wheat alternately. Upon his best loams, Mr Brown of Markle also, takes wheat and beans alternately, summer-fallowing the ground, when its condition requires that process. Mr Fairie of Farme, near Glasgow, has adopted the same system, giving a moderate dressing of dung every fourth year. Dr Charles Stuart, on his farm near Edinburgh, has tried a similar system on four acres and a half of loam, the rotation being wheat and green crops alter- nately ; but the latter were alternate potatoes and beano, both drilled. In the course of fourteen years, he has had, on this field, four crops of potatoes, three of beans, and seven of wheat. To every green crop, putrescent manure was applied ; thirty toms at least to potatoes, and twenty-five to beans. The potato crops were all good : The two first crops of beans were very good : The third, indifferent. The crops of wheat were large, pro- 105 ducing from ten to thirteen bolls, LinUthgow measure, per Scotch acre. The only deficiency was in crop 1789, which averaged but nine bolls />?; acre ; that might be ascribed, however, to a season peculiarly unfavourable. There is no evidence of diminished fertility in the field, for it is now, (August iSic), covered with a luxuriant crop of turnips. It is perfectly free from couch-grass, and rooted perennial weeds, which are now in a great measure extirpated by hoeing and weeding, but it is still much infested with annual weeds, particularly the wild mustard and radish, which may be imputed to the ne- glect of the farmers in the neighbourhood, and to the use of Edinburgh dung, stored with the seeds of these and other injurious plants, which the richness of the soil brings both speedily and universally to vegetate. Dr Stuart adds, that the quantity of produce from the above rotation has not diminished, but that both the wheat and beans have at least degenerated in quality, and on this account, though the result might not be thought unfa- vourable by many, he would not adopt it, if he had a larger space of land en his farm calculated for wheat. It is evident, that it is only in the richest loams, and most fertile soils, that such a rotation is at all practicable. Ihree years Rotation. We shall next proceed to consider rotations of three r crops. Mr Arbuthnot, whom Mr Arthur Young considers to be the ablest farmer he ever knew in the course of his long experience, practised, for nine years, a three course system, viz. i. Beans ; z. Wheat ; 3. Clover, and when he quitted the farm where that plan was adopted, he was fully persuaded, that he could have continued that rotation for many years longer. This, however, was effected by means of London dung, which he Usui at O 106 command, and which he gave to the bean crop. He also ploughed nine inches deep, with a plough, which Mr Young denominates the best tool ever invented *. Others have also followed a similar system; for in- stance, x. Potatoes, cabbages, or hoed crops, with ma- nure; 2. Wheat ; and, 3. Clover or grass : Or, i. Hoed crop, with manure ; 2. Half oats, and half barley; 3. Clover or grass. Dr Coventry has made some observations upon these courses, to which he urges the following objections. i. That there is rather too large a proportion of fallow or cleansing crop, more than what can be wanted in or- dinary situations, to preserve the land free of weeds. 2. By there being but one-third bearing corn, it is less pro- fitable than it might be. 3. There are two species of crops in the first example ; which circumstance does not permit the labour to be sufficiently divided and extend- ed over the year, and leaves too much to be risked on the success of a particular crop. 4. The quantity of straw obtained for food or litter, to live stock, must b rather scanty, or in a deficient proportion to what will in general be wanted. The advantages of such a system, he states, in the fol- lowing terms, i. From the great proportion of green crops in this course, much manure will be procured, somewhat more, perhaps, than may be necessary. 2. This scheme is calculated to render or preserve the land very clean of weeds. It may therefore answer as a be- ginaing course, in situations where the ground is foul, * Mr Young proposes drawing up for the Board of Agri- culture, an account of this eminent farmer ; to which ho in- tends to add the lives of Bakcwell and of Ducket. 107 nd manure wanted ; but it may be relinquished after - wards for a better one. It is not indeed in general use in any district, and has only been followed by some in- dividuals, who have found it of benefit in the respects above mentioned. Four years Rotation. Rotations of four crops, however, are by far more ge- neral, and will require more ample discussion. The first to be pointed out, is the celebrated Norfolk system, namely, i. Turnips; 2. Barley; 3. Clover; and, 4. Wheat. Even in Norfolk, however, this course is no Jonger so generally recommended. It is considered pre- judicial to the landlord; and, on a lease of twenty- one years, if constantly persevered .in, it is contended, would not be found profitable to the tenant. Half the farm has annually a white straw crop, which, from the frequency of the repetition, would not be productive ; be* sides which, the number of sheep and cattle kept under this system is comparatively trifling *. It may be proper to compare this rotation, with others qn a similar principle, for dry soils. In Roxburghshire, Mr Walker of Mellendean's rota- tion is in turnip and drilled beans ; in wheat and bar- ley after turnips and beans, and sown down with grass- seeds ; ^ in hay, soiling, and pasture-grass ; and in wheat or oats, after hay and pasture. In the light soils of Norfolk, neither beans or oats are cultivated. * See a communication on this subject from Mr Money Hill, Esq; of Waterden to the author. Dr Coventry re- marks, on the Norfolk system, that though the land on which this scheme is pursued, seldom, if ever, becomes by it less fer- tile, yet for poor ground it seemi not to be sufficiently mclio- 106 Mr Rcnnic of Fantassie, and Mr Brown of Markle, generally adopt, in their turnip soils, the following ro- tation : i. Turnips ; 2. Winter wheat, sown in spring *, or barley ; 3. Clover ; and, 4. Oats. This is certainly a productive rotation, and it is strongly in its favour that it is recommended by such eminent farmers, who are justly accounted at the head of their profession. Mr Hunter of Tynefield s rotation is, i. Turnips , 2. Wheat ; 3. Grass, (mostly sheep fed), 4. Four-fifths winter wheat sown in spring, and one-fifth oats. He adds, that under this rotation, the produce of his farm has been improved, both in quality and in quantity, since its commencement to the present time, and continues to improve. The additional quantity is to the amount of no leas than i boll per acre. I have now to state a course of cropping still more serere, which I think may be called the Dunbar Rota- tion, as hitherto it has only prevailed in that neighbour- hood. The course is, i. Turnips; 2. Drilled wheat ; rating, or fined soon to raise land to that degree of produc- tiveness, in which it is found to be the most valuable to die cultivator. * In regard to winter wheat sown in spring, after turnips, an experienced farmer, (Mr Dudgeon of Prora), observes, that it may be safely sown as late as the middle of March, and has succeeded even later, and that on fine land it may be safely taken in preference either to barley or oats, if sheep have eat the turnips upon the ground. This is the most valuable, and the least expensive method of using them. But fine land, by this scheme, would be over-dunged, were it not for the practice adopted of stripping out a part of the turnips, to the amount of one fourth, one third, or even one half, (leaving the alternate rows), and carrying those drawn out to the cat- tle. When a certain breadth is thus stripped, the sheep- flakes can be set upon the diills which remain, and the strip- ping be carried on, as they need more ground. 3- Clover ; 4. Drilled wheat. Being extremely anxious to ascertain, not only the details of this system, but also whether the plan, when persevered in, continued tobe pro- ductive, I procured the following particulars regarding it, from Mr-Hume of East Barns, and Mr Rennie of Ox well Mains, two respectable farmers, by whom it is adopted. They informed me, that some deviations were occasion- ally made from the plan, (but not such as to alter the general system), by cultivating, on rich spots, pease, or beans, or potatoes, in lieu of turnips, and by having three green crops in succession, when the soil is much subjected to the growth of annual weeds, or requires to be refreshed. It would appear, however, that without a good climate, such as they enjoy in the lower part of East-Lothian, and great quantities of sea-ware, or other adventitious manure, it would be impossible to conti- nue such a rotation. The quantity and sorts of dung usually applied, is, to the amount of about thirty double horse cart-loads per Scotch acre, to the land intended for turnips. The turnips are always eaten on the ground by sheep, which is, (where the situation will admit of it), by far the best and cheapest method. The same quantity of dung or sea-weed, is also applied on the grass land before ploughing. It is found, that applying the sea-weed early in spring, on the clover to be cut, if laid on in dry weather, answers well for the succeeding crop of wheat. The soil where this rotation prevails, is of a dry qua- lity. If such a rotation were attempted on wet soils, it would be advisable to sow oats after the grass, instead of wheat *, (and that is in general the preferable system), * Upon the trial of a small piece of grass, partly wheat, and partly oats, both close together, Mr Dudgeon of Prora actually had thirteen, bolls of oats, and only seven of wheat 110 but in land of a very dry quality, the drought is fre- quently very prejudicial to the crop of oats, which re- quire moisture, and consequently should be sown early in dry soils and climates. per acre. It may be proper to explain the circumstances as they really stood. Upon entering to a field of three year old grass, he was urged to sow it with wheat in the spring, but declined to adopt such a scheme, as having something in it to him quite novel. He was induced, therefore, by the advice of an emi- nent agriculturist in East Lothian, who much disapproved of the wheat scheme, to make the above trial. When told the re- suit, and when asked, if wheat would do much better after one crop of clover, though it might alter the case a little, he gave a decided opinion in favour of oats, even in that case. What induced some to approve of wheat upon old grass af- ter pasture, in this case, was, the superior excellence of the soil, and its uncommon tenderness. The wheat and; oats were both sown near the middle of February, both equally well harrowed, and covered with the mould ; but the former, besides being deficient in quantity, was much infe- rior to good wheat, while other spring-sown wheat, on such land, but not sown after pasture, was as rine as usual. Other intelligent farmers, also, object to wheat after grass. Mr Andrew or Tillilumb, near Perth, states, that if only one ploughing is given, to wheat after grass, the slug-snail eats it up. This is also partly the case, though it gets several ploughings, unless they are given very early in the season, as thus he apprehends the ground does not yet get time to rot and pulverize, so as to gather that firmness and closeness which would prevent their lodging therein ; and besides, he thinks that there is a something about the ground after grass, which is not congenial to wheat : hence, though the snail may not devour it about this time or in winter, it dies away in the spring, or blights in summer. Another farmer remarks, that he sometimes sows a few acres of wheat, by preparing it with rag-fallow; that is, by giving the ley two or three furrows, and proper harrowings, to reduce the turf. However, if the loss of winter pasture, extra work beyond what an oat-crop requires, and the foul state the land is commonly left in, by this practice for fallow, is put to the debtor side of the wheat account, perhaps this method of growing wheat, does not prove more profitable than an oat crop. He has tried, he adds, wheat after grass, but never found it answer with only one furr*w. Ill The principal objection to this System, according to Dr Coventry, is, that too much labour comes to be per- formed at one period of the year, and that too much is risked, or left dependent on the success of a single spe- cies of crop. One most important observation on this subject has been made by Mr Rennie of Oxwell Mains, namely, that wheat sown after grass, early in autumn, often fails ; but if sown in spring, it generally succeeds. It is ne- ver at the same time so good in quality, or so produc- tive in quantity, as wheat after turnips, or even after pease and beans *. Mr Hume of East Barns observes, that it is more in the rotation, than in the mode of ploughing, that most farmers are deficient. He is convinced from experience, that pease are not calculated for East-Lothian to any ex- tent : if his lands therefore were unfit to carry beans, and were dry enough for turnips, he would consider the four- course shift of i. Turnips ; 2. Oats, Barley, or Wheat; 3. Grass, and 4. Oats, as the best mode ; and if the farm were so situated, as not to be able to give a thin dung- ing every fourth year, in the turnip drills, in that case let the grass remain two, or even three years old, so as * It would be well worth while for some English farmers to try winter wheat, accustomed to be sown in spring, on their clover leys, particularly where any failure in their win- ter sown crops had taken place. The best plan would be, to sow turnips early on the clover ley, to eat them off with sheep in spring, and then to sow winter wheat. The dung of the sheep, would occasion rapid vegetation. There would be no risk from the frost, or the wire- worm, which last the tread- ing of the sheep, with perhaps some yonng cattle, would ef- fectually destroy, and the land would be in excellent order for the production of wheat. This plan, if it succeeded, would render this country at once independent of foreign nations for bread corn. 112 to require a fifth or sixth part annually dunged. If the lands were clay, consequently unfit for turnips, he would take fallow, wheat, grafs, and oats ; the grass to remain one, two, or three years, as above. The grass, after the first year, would pay little on clay lands, but when in grass, there is no expence, and all the other crops must be good ; but on land that will carry beans, he thinks, the six-course shift the best, viz. I. Tur- nips, or Fallow ; 2. Oats, Barley, or Wheat ; 3. Grass j 4. Oats ; 5. Beans ; and 6. Wheat. This, on its proper soil, he considers as the best mode of the whole, conse- quently such lands are able to pay the highest rent. Another rotation of four crops is adopted in Ayr- shire, namely, i. Fallow, or Fallow Crops ; 2. Wheat ; 3. Clover ; 4. Oats ; and by adopting that rotation, an active and intelligent farmer, (John Tennant, Esq; of Girvan Mains), has gradually been enabled to stock three different farms ; and beginning with a rent of onJy L. 50 per annum, he now annually pays L. 2700, or ffty-four times the sum he originally paid when he com- menced his professional business. There can hardly be a stronger argument in favour of that system. Mr Brodie of Garvald, in an upland farm, where the fixing of a proper rotation, is of peculiar importance, adopts the following course, i. Turnips; 2. Barley ; 3. Grass ; 4. Oats. He recommends the red oat in par- ticular for such situations, and in the more northern or higher situations and districts, it is probable that bear or big would be better than barley. The rotation of four crops adopted near Edinburgh, .namely, i. Potatoes; 2. Wheat; 3. Clover ; 4. Oats, is unfortunately only calculated for the neighbourhood of great towns. There cannot be a better preparation for wheat than potatoes, nor one more valuable, in respect of produce. 113 but they require a great quantity of dung, and arc no: always marketable. We shall now proceed to state rotations of four in clayey soils. In thin clays, a four course shift is the best ; as, i. Fal- low ; 2. Bear or Barley ; 3. Clover ; and 4. Oats ; be- cause such soils, the longer they remain in grass, the worse they become. On the estate of Monorgan, in the Carse of Gowrie, the following rotation was adopted on a fine friable dry clay, and has been for many years followed with much success : i. Fallow ; 2. Wheat ; 3. Drilled Beans ; and, 4. Wheat. A farmer, who has taken about 300 acres in that dis- trict, at the rent of about L. 6, 10 s. per Scotch acre, proposes, I am informed, to adopt the following course, and expects to derive from it, at a moderate calculation, the following produce and value : ear. . i i 3 4 Crop. Produce. Price. Value. Beans, Wheat, Hay, Wheat, ii bolls, n bolls, 300 stones, 10 bolls, 285. 35 s - 9 d. 35 s - 4 L. 15 S 9 5 i 1 5 17 10 c )L.6 3 8 c Average per acre per annum, L. 15 17 o This sum might be divided in the following manner : i. Two-fifths for seed and labour, L. 6 6 9^ a. Two-fifths for rent, 66 9^ 3. One fifth for tenants' profit, interest of capital, &c. 335 L.i 5 i? 114 There is certainly a risk that the above rotation will not keep the land sufficiently clean, on which account it might be advisable, to drill the crops of wheat, and perhaps, instead of wheat, to sow oats after clover. Five y tars Rotation. Rotations of Jive crops have in many cases been recom- mended both for strong and light lands. Above forty-two years ago, John Mackenzie, Esqi of Glasgow, adopted the following system : i Pota- toes ; 2. Wheat ; 3. Grass ; 4. Pasture ; 5. Oats ; a plan which he observes, has not yet been improved upon, ex- cept by keeping a greater number of cows for the dairy. On the subject of cropping, Mr Mackenzie makes the following important observation. Whenever the far- mer discovers that he can be as well paid by cultivating for the use of cattle as for man, and whenever Britain serves herself in butchers' meat, butter and cheese, she will cease to find it necessary to import grain. It is an unimportant queftion to discuss, whether an acre will support more of the human species by grain, or by ani- mal food. The nation which lives most on animal food, will, under a proper system, have more grain than those who live mostly upon it ; this is caused by the increase of manure. Grain, he adds, should never be sown, but when laying down to grass or ploughing from it. Mr Boyd of Powis, near Stirling, prefers the follow- ing rotation on a strong carse soil, and he has followed it with much success, for some years past : i. Fallow ; 2. Wheat ; 3. Hay ; 4. Oats ; 5. Beans. On dry black land, if there is the command of a suf- ficiency of dung, the following rotation of cropping, is recommended by Mr Drummond of West Bank, in the 115 parish of Longfofgan, namely, i. Grass; 2. Wheat; 3. Barley; 4. Green crop; 5. Oats. On light soils of moderate quality, a five field course is recommended by that intelligent farmer Mr Alexan- der, viz. i. Turnips; 2. Grain; 3. Grass; 4. Grass; 5. Grain. Upon moss or peaty soils, after effectual draining, the following course is recommended : i. Potatoes or tur- nips ; 2. Barley or Bear; 3. Clover; 4. Pasture ; and, 5. Potato Oats, a most advantageous crop. Mr Maxwell of Fletton, in his Report of Hunting- donshire, considers the following course of crops for five years, as preferable to every other, i. A clean- sing crop of whatever kind is best suited to the soil, 29 turnips, tares, or cole-seed, to be hoed, but not to stand for seed ; 2. A crop of white corn of the kind best suited to the soil, to be laid down with clover ; 3. Clo- ver, either grazed or mowed; 4. Beans, sheep-fed and hoed, or some such meliorating crop adapted to the soil ; 5. White corn suited to the soil : and he contends, that however various our soils, and however different in their nature, the same order or course of cropping ought to be pursued, (fen lands always excepted), changing only the species of our corn and vegetables, and adapt- ing them to the nature of the soil we have to work upon. It is certain, that by such state of cropping, a soil of tolerable natural fertility, .might not only be supported without foreign aid, but might increase in fertility ; tut Dr Coventry on this subject has well observed, that when crops, intended to ripen their seed, are objects of culture, there is only wanted a degree of vigour and luxuriance in the plants, sufficient for that purpose ; and if the fertility of the soil be raised to a higher pitch 116 than is necessary, or consistent with that object, inju- rious, rather than beneficial effects, may be the conse- quence. Land may be too rich for corn crops, and it is better to keep it in a well balanced condition, or in a me- dium state of productiveness, than in too fertile a con- dition ; besides the climate may be unfavourable for pulse crops, in which case a second year of herbage would be preferable to beans or pease. It is proper now to state, the improved systems of cropping in Norfolk, a district from which Scotland has derived so much valuable information. The courses, as recommended by that eminent agriculturist Mr Coke, consist either of five or six crops. The five course is, i. Wheat ; 2. Turnips ; 3. Barley ; 4. Clover ; 5. Grass. The six course is, I. Pease ; 2. Wheat -, 3. Turnips ; 4. Barley ; 5. Clover ; 6. Grass. It is now ascertained, that for a district possessing a soil and climate similar to that in the neighbourhood of Holkham, the alternate use of the five and six course system, is the best husbandry, because pease will not succeed more than once in ten years. We shall now proceed to consider the rotations of six crops adopted in Scotland, where it is a favourite system. Six years Rotation. In a light soil near Alloa, Mr Kerr of Lome's Hill has adopted the following rotation : i. One half pota- toes, one-half turnips ; 2. One-half wheat after pota- toes, one -half oats after turnips; 3. Hay; 4. Pasture; 5. Oats ; 6. Barley. Mr Robertson of Ladykirk proposes the following rotations on a good soil, i. Potatoes or turnips ; 2. Bar- ley ; 3. Grass 5 4. Potato oats; 5. Beans; 6. Wheat. 117 On inferior soils, i. Turnips or fallow ; a. Wheat ; 3. Clover ; 4. Pasture ; 5. Pasture ; 6. Angus oats. On all the strong lands in the Carse of Gowrie, and in other fertile districts in Scotland, the following ro- tation of six crops, with some variations, is considered as preferable to every other. I. Fallow; a. Wheat; 3. Beans ; 4. Barley; 5. Grass ; 6. Oats ; and indeed if it is admitted, that fallow is necessary once in six years, there cannot, on the whole, be a better system, for strong or rich soils. Where wheat can be taken the fourth year instead of barley, the produce is still more va- luable. By some farmers, the course is altered in the following manner : i. Fallow; 2. Wheat; 3. Clover; 4. Oats ; 5. Beans ; 6. Wheat. Since the decrease of the value of barley, and the great demand for wheat, they have, in the Carse <5f Gow- rie, in some degree, deviated from the regular system above pointed out, by sowing about one-half of the fourth division with wheat and with grass-seeds, to bring the grounds again into a proper rotation, in order that the whole fifth division may be under grass ; and still farther to increase the quantity of wheat, a great part of the sixth division is often sown with wheat in- stead of .oats. By thus stealing from the barley and oat divisions, which is done only in favourable seasons, there is often one-third part of the farm in wheat, in- stead of one-sixth part, as the rotation before points out. On the subject of this rotation, it is only necessary to add, that some intelligent farmers disapprove much of sow- ing wheat on limed fallows, being so frequently thrown out of the soil by the alternate frost, and fresh weather in the spring, and which often presents little more than half a crop of inferior wheat. Some change, there- 118 fore, in the rotation in this respect, or some other mode of application for the time, would be advisable. Mr Dudgeon of Prora suggests, that perhaps barley on the fallow, having been BO little sown for many years past, would be extremely productive, but barley is a preca- rious crop without dung or some substitute, and the price of wheat is so much better, that until some change takes place in that respect, a different system can hardly be adopted. It is singular that this suggestion should correspond with the rotation most common in Essex, namely, i. Fallow ; i. Barley; 3. Clover; 4. Wheat; 5. Barley or oats,-; the dung being laid on the fallow for barley, and some on the clover for wheat. The Es- sex farmers have, it is said, found by long experience, that barley is a better crop after fallow, than wheat, the great pulverization that the soil receives during the fal- low, being admirably calculated for that crop. Siien years Rotation. Some farmers have tried a rotation of seven crops. Mr Cunninghame, near Perth, who rents about L. 1200 per annum, has adopted the following course : i. One- seventh potato and naked fallow; 2. Wheat; 3. Beans; 4. Wheat, when the season admits ; 5. Barley; 6. Grass ; 7. Oats, or sometimes a few acres after grass sown with wheat, after three furrows and a little dung. Mr Allan of Craigcrook near Edinburgh has adopt- ed the following rotation with success : I. Fallow ; 2. Wheat without dung; 3. Drilled Pease and Beans with dung, or Tares without dung ; 4. Wheat ; 5. Beans, or Tares with dung ; 6. Wheat ; 7. Beans and Tares. ng- Eight years Rotation. The last rotation which it is necessary to point out, is a course of eigLt crops, an example of which has been transmitted to me bj Mr Andrew of Tillilumb near Perth. His plan is, i. Fallow or Potatoes ; 2. Wheat ; 3. Beans; 4. Wheat ; 5. Barley, 6. Grass; 7. Oats; 8. Wheat ; but he does not recommend this rotation ex- cept in situations where the ground is good, and of some strength, and where there is a command of town ma- nure. His great object in following this plan is, to re- move his grass crops at a great distance from one ano- ther, and he thinks they are so much the better. Last year he had a field in grass, the one half of which happened to be the fifth year from a former grass, and the other the eighth. That in the eighth year had near- ly one-half more of grass upon it than the other, and this year he is persuaded that it will produce two bolls more of oats per acre, though they had been both equal- ly dunged and dressed for the barley. $-Of double Rotations. There is a mode of cropping to which I think the name of a double rotation may be given. It is where a particular course is laid down, but where part of the farm is alternately put under different crops, so as to prevent too frequent a repetition of the same sort of grain, on the same spot. Mr Wood of Milrig proposes, on that principle, to cultivate 1000 acres of convertible land, under the following system : 120 > SecondRound Acres. - of dropping. I. Summer-fallow, turnips 1 ^ , ,. . J. ist division, 200 2d divis. and beans, 3 3. Wheat, ad, 200 3d, 3. Clover, one year old, 3d, 200 4th 4. Clover, two years old, 4th, 2co 5th 5. Wheat and oats, jth, 200 ist Total, 1000 It is intended to shift the turnip and the bean allot- ments every time to different ground. By sowing down with clover the second division an- nually, and breaking up annually the fourth, it comes into the place of the fifth, which is taken off regularly for summer fallow after the wheat and oats. It is thus placed into the first division, and of course changes all the divisions round, as often as that mode of agriculture is followed. By this means, the farm is always kept under the same crops, only the different divisions are changed alternately. Mr Wood considers this system as peculiarly calculated for farms at a distance from large towns, as all the divisions would be maintained in a high state of cultivation and fertility. Another sort of double rotation is, where a part of a farm is preserved in grass for three, four or five years ; then brought into the regular rotation, and another field taken out of it. An intelligent farmer, Mr Thomson at Bewlie in Roxburghshire, has adopted this plan with much success. His rotation upon the dry soil division of his farm is, i. Turnips or fallow i 2. Wheat, barley, or oats ; 3. Clover, partly cut and partly pastured ; and, 121 4- Partly wheat, but principally potato oats j but he has a fifth division which is kept in grass, and which is thrown out of the rotation for three, four or five years, and then brought in again; so that in the course of a twenty-one years lease, each division, in its turn, remains in grass for that period of time. In lands which are not naturally fertile and productive, this plan must be at- tended with very advantageous consequences. Every part of a farm thus derives a proportional share of the advantage of being kept in grass, which is infinitely pre- ferable to the plan of preserving one part of a farm con- stantly in grass, and the other half in pasture. 4. Miscellaneous Particulars. _, . . . , ..,.:.. There still remain some particulars, winch it was dit ficult to comprehend under any of the preceding beads. I. When any farm or district begins to be improved, it is necessary to commence with what may be called gentle rotations ; that is to say, with crops Hot likely to exhaust the soil. When the late Earl of Fimllater be- gan his improvements in the county of Banff, every field was kept for four or five years in grass before any white crops were taken from it. Ihe soil was thus enriched, and is now enabled to undergo more severe cropping. Fairley's rotation in Ayrshire was of the same descrip- tion : the land was pastured with dairy stock for six or nine years ; some dung or lime were then applied, and three successive crops of oats were taken ; then a crop of hay, and afterwards the land was pastured as formerly. This system, though now reprobated, was suited to the times when it was established, and has laid the foundation of the present fertility of Ayrshire. Mr Church of Hitchell observes, that for moderate soils, ha- 122 i ving no other manure than what they produce, these ro- tations must at first be extremely gentle, if ever they are intended to be put in a progressive state of improve- ment. Mr Park of Windy Mains, near Dalkeith, ob- serves, that he is also under the necessity of adopting a gentle rotation, as his land is of very weak quality, ori- ginally all outjield, being mostly covered with whins and heath not many years ago. i. It is remarked, that near towns, where adventitious manure may be obtained at pleasure, any fixed rotation, to be invariably followed, is not so necessary ; on the contrary, that farmers, in such situations, ought to alter their systems, according as a demand is likely to arise for different articles. 3. Mr Drummond of West Bank, in the Carse of Gow- rie, has tried flax on strong lands as a preparation for wheat, but he found that flax is by no means a sure crop in that description of soil, and that the succeeding crops were very deficient, although the ground got more ma- nure. He found at the same time, that the wheat after flax was better in quality than after any other crop, but it was deficient in quantity about one-fourth, compared to wheat after fallow, and the after crops were still more so, in proportion. 4. It may be proper to conclude with observing, that in the opinion of a most intelligent agriculturist, (Mr Logan of Fish wick), farmers have been induced, in many parts of Scotland, from the high prices of corn, to plough too much ; and there is reason to apprehend, that that great source of manure, namely stock, being neglect- ed, sold off, or almost given up, that the soil will be ex- hausted by the severity and weight of cropping, a cir- cumstance, which in the course of a few years, must pro- duce serious mischiefs. Importation being permitted, 123 grain cannot rise in price in proportion to the decrease oi' its produce, in consequence of the land not being freshen- ed, and enriched by grass and stock. The result must be, that the price of stock will rise enormously on account of its scarcity, a circumstance that cannot be remedied under a succession of years : for first, the lands worn out must be fallowed, and laid down to grass ; and next, stock must be bred for pasturing the land w after it is laid down. The supply of Highland cattle has been much less than formerly, of course, the prices higher, which also will raise the price of other breeds. Another difficulty will also occur ; farmers, who had excellent flocks of sheep of the Leicestershire breed, have rashly parted with them, for the purpose of turning their whole farms into tillage, and cannot get such flocks again, but at great expence, and after a lapse of years. On the whole, the convertible system of husbandry is in general to be recommended, where one-half of a farm is in grain, and the other half in grass and green crops. By the grain, a sufficient quantity of straw is provided as food for cattle, where that mode of feeding is adopted, or for being converted into dung, in addition to a reason- able profit to be derived from the grain. By the grass and green crops, a number of cattle are well kept both in summer and winter ; and being well littered as well as fed, a regular and sufficient supply of dung is secured. By this means also, the cattle are so well kept during the ' winter, that should a late spring ensue, or a scarcity of grass be apprehended, and consequently an overstocking, (an event which cannot be too anxiously guarded against by the farmer), a ready market will be insured for them *. * Remarks by a farmer in the Mearns. It is to be hoped, that with the assistance of the facts and observations above detailed, no farmer will find any dniiculty in arranging his crops, so as to produce profit to himself, without injuring the fertility of his farm, or diminishing that great source of national prosperity and subsistence. 9. HARVESTING GRAIN. This is a point on which it is not proposed to dwell at any considerable length, but merely to detail any pecu- liarities in the Husbandry of Scotland, in regard, i. To cutting down ; 1. To carrying in ; or, 3. To stacking the crop. i. In Scotland, the crop is almost universally cut down by the sickle or hook, the scythe being very rarely used ; and notwithstanding the liberal premiums offered by a respectable and public -spirited Institution, the Dalkeith Farming Society, no reaping machine has yet been in- vented, likely to answer the object in view. Indeed it is almost necessary to cut down with the sickle, where threshing-mills are in use, for the grain must either be regularly bound, where that operation is performed, or it must pass twice through the mill. In many of the more fertile districts, bands from the Highlands, both male and female, flock down to reap the crops, receiving a certain sum per day, and their victuals, for the work they perform. In the Carse of Gowrie, the harvest was formerly performed by men and women hired expressly for that purpose ; the men at a guinea, and the women 153. for the harvest ; during which time * 125 they got a breakfast and dinner of bread and beer, and one half lippie of oatmeal every day for supper, which they generally took up entire at the end of harvest. At that time the harvest used to cost about 5 s. per acre, in- cluding all expences. Some time after that, the harvest wages rose to 30 s. for the men, and 20 s. for the women, more or less, as the farmer and they could agree ; but the expence was siibject to variation, according to the price of meal, and the length of the harvest, from a favour- able season, or the contrary, and it has been so high as 9 s. or IDS. per acre. About fifteen or sixteen years ago, some men came to the Carse as contractors, and agreed to cut down the crops at so much per acre, but that plan did not continue long. About six years ago, another practice took place in that district, which continues to this day. It is called threading, and now almost universally prevails. By this plan the reapers are paid in money, without victuals, so much for every threave they cut down. For a threave of wheat, consisting of twenty-eight sheaves, each sheaf mea- suring thirty inches round, 4 d. ; and for a threave of bar- ley, oats, or pease, of twenty-four sheaves, each thirty inches round, 3 d. This mode of harvesting is certainly of very great advantage to the country in general : for whole fami- lies turn out together, men, women, and children ; they bring their provisions with them, remain in the field the whole day ; the old teach the young to cut down ; every one does something ; and according to what they per- form, they are paid. A hundred, or a hundred and fifty persons, young and old, may frequently be seen in a field at the same time, and besides the advantage of get- ting such a quantity of ripe corn cut down in a day, per- ' ' -_ '>* , 126 haps it is an excellent school to fill the whole corn-field with good reapers or shearers *. In order to train up reapers or shearers, an intelligent farmer, Mr Mitchell of Balquhain, puts four or five, ac- cording to their ability, on a separate ridge, and gives them, as an awkward squad, a sum in proportion to three on a common ridge. Attentive farmers take special care to cut the crop very low ; for by high cutting, besides the unavoidable waste, a great deal of manure is lost. By attending to this, and converting the straw into dung at a proper season, a sufficient quantity may be procured, to raise good crops of turnips, the greatest part x>f which being eat up on the ground by sheep, ensures a succession of good crops of grain till it falls again to be turnips. 1. Grain is now uniformly carried in by single horse, or two horse carts, to which limbers, shafts, or frames, are fixed, in order that the cart may convey a greater quantity of grain at a time. Carts in this way will ea- sily carry at once from ten to twenty threaves, according to the siz of the sheaves. In a note will be found the * Communication from George Paterson, Esq; of Castle- Hvmtly. Another respectable correspondent from that dis- trict observes, that the growing crops of corn are now cut down by the threave. The wheat-th reave consists of twen- ty-eight sheaves, each sheaf measuring thirty-six inches in girth, at the band ; for cutting and binding of which, is paid in his neighbourhood 6 d. per threare. The barley, oats, and pease, or bean thrcave, consists of twenty-four sheaves, cf thirty inches girth, for cutting and binding of which is paid 4 d. each threave. These dimensions of the sheaves arc varied, according to the fancy of the fanner, and the price is cither more or less, according as the size of the sheaf is in- creased or diminished. Hence what may cost 6d. and 4d. in one part of the district, may be charged only 4 d. and 3 d. in another. 127 different modes of making and fixing these frames *, which, are found highly advantageous. It is certain that carts are more easily managed than waggons 9 and that by using them, the operations of har- vest go on more rapidly. When the carts come into the corn-yard, there are two modes of managing the grain. In some parts of the country, it is the common practice for the driver, to unyoke the horses, to turn up the cart, and then to return immediately to the field for another load. Another person, with a pitchfork, throws up the grain to the builder, and to prevent any corn from being lost, by being thrown off in this manner, there is com- monly a large piece of canvas spread upon the ground, to receive it from the cart. In other parts of the country, it is customary for the driver to stand upon the top of the cart, and to fork the grain up to the builder. By the first of these methods, the man and his cart are not * There are three different modes of fitting up the carts for harvesting grain or carrying hay. I. By the first, the lim- bers or shafts, are fixed together by cross spars, and the up- per framing mortised into the limbers. 2. Another method is, to fix the limbers together by cross spars, but the upper framing is fixed together separate from the limbers, and fix- ed upcn them by screws. Both these plans are thought pre- ferable to the first, because the shafts are not so much weaken r ed by so many mortises cut in them, besides the advantage of the upper framing being easily taken off, so that the cart can at any time be made use of for carrying wood, large stones, &c. This frame will cost from L. 2 to L. 3, according to the quality of materials, and goodness of the workmanship. 3. A frame, called a hay-top, is occasionally fixed iipon the common coup-cart, either with small ropes or iron-chains. These frames will cost from 15 s. to L. i, zos. or L. i, 15 cording to the materials and quantity of iron-bolts made use of in fixing them together. Communicaiion from Mr Aa- drew Gray. 128 detained for any time. By the second, a person to fork up the grain is saved. Some farmers approve of the first method, and some of the latter. 3. It is well known, that with the exception of the ce- lebrated barns at Inverary, where the Duke of Argyle is obliged, from the unceasing raininess of the climate, not only to preserve, but actually to dry his corn in large buildings erected for that special purpose, that the corn in Scotland is almost universally kept in stacks. At Lord Haddington's seat at Tynninghame, the stacks are built on stone-pillars, which is found to be a very advantageous system. It takes nine pillars with capes to a stack. The price of these depends very much on the convenience of getting the stones. There they can be quarried, carted home, wrought, and put up, for about 3 s. each. It will require about twenty feet of timber to make the frame that goes on the pillars ; the price of which also depends on the situation, and whether it can be got by short carriage. From the present high price of timber even there, including every expence, a complete set of nine pillars, and the timber necessary for a stack, cannot cost less than L. 3. The advantages resulting therefrom, when vermin is the object to be kept free from, may be about two bolls in thirty ; but in a wet season, such as the last, (1809,) they are found very useful for drying the corn, when not put into the stack in the best condi- tion, as they allow a free circulation of the air under, and the corn is not injured by imbibing moisture, as it must necessarily do, when set down on the ground in a wet state *. Communication from Mr David Buist, overseer at Tyn- ningbame. Near Alloa, they have invented cast-iron pillars fot' stacks, which seems to be a useful invention where stone cannot be had. These pillars are two and a half feet long, and the round bonnet on each end is one foot in dia- meter. After levelling the ground intended for the stack, so that all the seven pillars may stand plumb, and level on the top, they are placed on the level surface, and require neither building nor flag. Being placed in this way, they can be removed with very little trouble or expence. Vermin have also no way of getting up cast- iron pillars of the above description ; and neither rat nor mouse have been found in any stack properly standing upon cast-iron pillars. The price of seven pillars is 50 s. and the frame, which is made of the very coarsest of tim- ber, may be valued, (including workmanship and nails,) at 8 s. ; so that one stack costs 58 s *. There is another invention, which I believe is peculiar to Scotland, called bosses. These, with cast-iron pillars, are admirably calculated for harvesting beans in wet sea- sons. The process is thus described. A triangle is first erected on the middle of the frame to hand on the cross binders of the frame, and which forms a boss of about three feet wide ; railing must be nailed across the boss so close as to preserve the sheaves falling into the boss ; but when railing is not at hand, a strong straw rope may be made to answer in its stead. After the binder has reach- ed the top of the boss, he places therein a sack filled with straw, which, when he builds round, he pulls up until he reaches the top of the stack ; so that by the vent left by R * Communication from Mr John Laing, overseer at Tul- libody. 130 the sack, the air reaches even to the top of the stack. As to the question, how soon beans can be put in, by means of bosses, that depends upon what state the beans were in when cut. It is therefore necessary to mention three dif- ferent cases in which beans are cut : First, before either leaves or pods have changed their colour , if cut in this green state, they will require from fourteen to twenty days, in a bad season, with bosses, and twenty-eight with- out them. Secondly, when above half of the pods have turned yellow, and part of the leaves fallen off; when cut in this state, (which is thought much the best), they will require from seven to eight days with bosses, and fourteen without them. And, thirdly, when the pods have all turned blackish, and the leaves fallen off, in this state three or four days may do with bosses, and seven or eight without them. On the whole, it may be affirm- ed, that beans, by this mode may be harvested in half the usual time. It is supposed that the beans grow up- on strong clay, or carse land ; on dry land, they will re- quire much shorter time in the stook. Any thing that would tend so materially to improve our mode of harvesting beans and pease, (for the latter crop might be treated in the same manner), the culture of both of which is so desirable, is of the most essen- tial consequence to Scottish Husbandry. IO. THRESHING AND CLEANING GRAIN. We next proceed to the process of separating the grain from the straw, and cleaning it afterwards, operations which have been carried, in Scotland, to a degree of per- fection, altogether unrivalled in any other country *. In As a proof of the great number of threshing- mills and fanners erected in Scotland, it may be stated, on the autlio- 1S1 regard to the first, many attempts have been made, at va- rious times, for constructing machines competent to the task of threshing ; but I am fully convinced, that had it not been for the superior ingenuity of Andrew Meikle, no threshing -mill would have been brought to any tolerable degree of perfection in our time. To him may be justly attributed the merit of the feeding-rollers, and the drum ; the plan of the flax- mill having been adopted in other cases. Every friend to merit, must re- joice to hear, that the inventor of so important a ma- chine, will be rendered comfortable in his old age, by the voluntary donations of his grateful countrymen *. It is not intended, in this place, to give any description of the nature of the machinery, but it may be proper shortly to lay before the reader, i. An account of the different powers used in driving the machine ; 2. A short view of the advantages resulting from the invention ; and, 3. Some hints regarding the improvements of which it is susceptible. Threshing-mills are driven, i. By horses ; 2. By oxen ; 3. .By wind ; 4. By wind or horses ; 5. By water ; 6. By water or horses ; or, 7. By steam. Some small ma- chines of this sort are driven by manual labour, but they do not merit any particular notice, and in general it is observed, that unless machines are of a strong and power- rity of Mr Jack of Moncur, that in the Carse of Gowrie dis- trict alone, which is a tract of about fourteen miles long, and four miles broad, there are no less than 1 20 threshing-mills driven by horses, and ten by water ; and that there is hardly a farm of any extent in Scotland without fanners. Mill- wrights also have now become a separate trade, or occupa- tion, from other branches of mechanism. * The history of the origin of the threshing-mill is Tcry ably explained in the Farmer's Magazine. ful construction, they are constantly going wrong, and re- quire perpetual reparation *. i. Where a command of water cannot be obtained, which is certainly the least expensive power that can be employed, horses are commonly made use of; and when the farms are rather of a moderate size, and where the horses are rarely employed in that labour, some farmers state, that they consider it rather advantageous than pre- judicial to their health f ; as they are worked also, only in bad weather, when other business out of doors could not be attempted, they consider the threshing by horses, as attended with little or no expence ; but where the crop is large, and in particular where a considerable proportion of it consists of wheat, and where the machine is heavy, the labour must be severe. This additional la- * Mr Neil Ballingal states, that the advantage of a mill, strong and well constructed, well managed, and with fanner-,, is of the greatest importance. But a slight mill, constant- ly breaking, and with no fanners, no farmer would accept of in a present. f Mr Jack of Moncur, in the Carse of Cowrie, remarks, thrtt he finds his horses, since threshing-mills have become universal, mugh fairer wrought, as they are every day at work, and he does not think the threshing, if the mill is of a good construction, an hnrllul esercUe for the horses in winter, Another farmer, (Mr Andrew of Tillilumb), observes, that he dees not find much inconvenience in threshing his mill by horses, nor does he think the horses much, if any thing the worse for it, indeed he sometimes thinks them better, as he can thus give them regular exercise even in the worst any animal employed in machinery. These are considerations which merit well the atten- tion of every farmer in the kingdom ; and it now can hardly be doubted, that for working in the threshing- mills, and other extra labour, a few oxen on a farm might be attended with infinite advantage. 3. The next power is wind, and if water cannot be got, it is contended, that a wind- mill is greatly superior to one wrought by horses. Wind-mills, it is said, are now so nicely constructed, that the sails contract and di- late, according as the wind increases or decreases ; so that now the motion is much more uniform than that of a horse mill driven by the most careful driver. The next great advantage of the wind mill is its great power, which permits more work to be done in the same time, and at less expence, as the ordinary servants on the farm are capable of threshing a sufficient quantity after hay- ing gone their yoking or journey at either cart or plough, during the winter months ; besides, the expence of tear and wear of horses employed at the threshing- mill, is beyond calculation, as no work upon the farm is half so expensive*. MrRennieuf Oxwell tvin ins considers, that a wind threshing-mill, equal to the power of eight horses, will annually save, when compared to h. S * Communication from Mr Rcnnie of Ktnblethmont. L. 46 per annum, deducting the sinking of L.ioo addi- tional expence, in the erection of the machine; and Mr Wilson of Simprin in Berwickshire, is of opinion, that wherever a great quantity of wheat is grown, the resis- tance is so great, and 10 overcome it is so ruinous to horses, that a threshing mill ought to be driven either by wind or water. Others object to wind-machines, on account of the ex- pence of the erection, the uncertainty of their going in calm weather, and the danger attending them when the wind blows hard. Mr Brodie of Garwald, in particular, observes, that in hilly situations, the wind is apt to rise in such sudden squalls, as frequently to make that power inconvenient, and not unaccompanied by danger. Mr Neil of Kelso informs me, that the expence of & good wind threshing mill will be about L. 550, and that when a horse power is annexed to it, the additional ex- pence, according to the present price of timber, will be about L. no more, or L. 670 in all. 4. Aware of these objections to the power of wind alone, Mr Kennie of Fantassie, Mr Broun of Markle, and other respectable farmers, have erected threshing, machines, so constructed, as to be worked either ly wind or by Worses, as may be found necessary. They consider the power of wind to be so uncertain, that without the addition of horses, a great inconvenience would often be sustained. Mr Hume of East Barns has a machine of the same description, but owing to the vicinity of the sea, he has hardly ever had occasion for the horse power. He considers threshing-machines of great ad- vantage, even with horses ; but when wind or water can be obtained, it is worth, he states, on a farm of about 250 Scotch acres of arable land, from L. loc to L. ZOQ fer annum. 139 . Water is by far the cheapest and the test power t fee applied to threshing-mills. From the equality and the smoothness of the motion, the machine will last double the time to one drove by horses ; and as water- mills generally do much more work when in motion, they do not require to be so frequently used *. It is calculated, that in threshing a crop of any extent, a pair of horses may be saved upon the farm, by the use of a water-:: ill, which is a great consideration. Mr Stewart of Hilhead has a threshing mill driven by Water collected from springs in the upper part of his farm, and gathered in a dam. It has seldom been stopt for want of water, and then only in extreme frosts, when the ploughmen thresh, having little other work to do. Mr Stewart adds, that the barley is cleared of awns, by putting it through the mill with a grater upon it, which is done at the rate of three bushels in the minute. This seems to be a useful appendage to the threshing mill. 6. Mr Hunter of Tynefield has a threshing mill wrought by water, and by horse*, when water is scarce. About half his crop is* threshed by the water, which saves about TO per cent, on the expence, whereas, by the labour of horses only, about 5 per cent, is gained. I con- sider this to be a very useful suggestion. There arc many situations, where, by collecting spiings, and form- ing dams, half the labour of threshing might be done by 'water, without. much additional expence of machinery. 7. The last power to be applied is steam. It is said, that on some new plan, steam-engines have been invent- ed at Hull, which would furnish power sufficient to drive a threshing-machine, at the expence of about Remarks by Mr James Cuthbertson. 140 L. ace *. Where coal can be had at a moderate ex- pence, some would reckon steam superior even to water > but as fire is always a dangerous enemy to straw, and farm- servants often careless, it may be sometimes at- (.1 with risk. 2. Advantages of*fljresl>ing-mills. It is impossible to form an adequate idea of the ad- vantages which, have been derived from this important invention, without considering the manner in which threshing had been previously performed. There were two methods adopted for that purpose. The first was by a person who contracted to thresh the grain, giving twenty-four parts to the farmer, and reserving one twen- ty-fifth part to himself: The second method was, to hire a man to thresh the grain, at i s. 3 d, per boll. Both these modes evidently furnished an inducement to thresh the grain in a slovenly, rather than in a perfect manner ; for the more labour that was bestowed on die threshing, the less was the profit derived from it. The mischief was, that by these methods, every part of the business was a distinct process. In the first place, as many hands were collected to bring in the stack, and to build it into one end of the barn, as would, with the advantage of a mill, bring in, thresh, and clean the half of it, in the bame time -, next, the tasker had to take it from the mow, (as it is called), to lay it on the floor, to shake it well, and then to thresh it ; and when each floor is threshed, he must put the straw out of his way ; twice every day at least, he had to gather what corn he had Communication from Mr Brown of Cononsyth. Mr Freeman in Oxfordshire has erected a very large steam thresh ing-mill. 141 threshed from every corner of the barn, and to separate it 'distinctly from the straw; women had to attend twice a day to shake the straw, and men to carry it away ; and last of all, hands were collected to clean and prepare it for market, after lying perhaps fourteen days on a cold clay floor. Instead of all this, with the mill, and at most nine hands, often with only six or seven, and from four to six horses, the farmer can bring in, thresh, and partly clean, on an average, twenty- four bolls in four hours, at the same time, shaking and disposing of the straw ; and- before the women leave the mill, it is ready for the mar- ket, the door locked, and the key in his possession. What a difference, instead of being a sort of slave to taskers for at least nine months in the year. A baker also, will give 2 s. per boll more for wheat threshed by a mill, than by the flail *. The specific advantages resulting from this invention, may be thus stated, i. The threshing and shaking are so much better performed than they were by the flail, and by the hand, as to justify the opinion, that there is an advantage derived, equal to one boll in twenty, over the old-fashioned methods f. The foul threshing^ or grain left in the straw by the flail, was formerly so abominable, that a respectable farmer in the Carse of Gowrie, calculates, that to his certain knowledge, it was equal o the expence of keeping all the work-horses on his farm |, and the loss was so insufferable, that the far- * Communication from Mr Richard Sorrmer of Gilchris- ton. f Communication from Mr George Farme, Braidwcod, near Dalkeith, and Mr Brown of Cononsyth. J There is now no risk from foul-threshing, as every far- mer can distinguish, in a few minutes, whether the work i 144 er was afraid to go from home, for the eight months in the year during which the threshing lasted. 7. It is not only of importance, its being done in a much more perfect manner, but also, that it can be executed much more expeditiously *, in so much, that advantage may be taken of any sudden demand ; a scarce market may be supplied ; a stack of thirty to forty bolls may with ease be threshed in a day, and sent to market, or to the mil- ler; and all this may be done during weather, when the other farming operations must be at a stand. 3. It has been well observed by Mr Broun of Markle, that, if in the large farms of this country, hand labour were to be used for separating corn from the straw, a farmer's whole attention would be taken up by barn work, other- wise the work would be imperfectly executed ; whilst much pilfering would go on, unless he was constantly on the watch f. At a threshing-machine, any'thing of that kind can rarely happen, sn many people being employed together when the machine is at work, constantly under the eye of the master, or of some confidential servant, and when the work is finished, every door is instantly properly done or not ; but by the flail, he was almost always at die mercy of the thresher, who grew so weary of so tedi- ous an employment, that it is not to be wondered at he should execute it in a slovenly manner. Besides, the labour was an unwholesome employment, from the dust it was apt to raise, and those who worked at it seldom lived long. * Once putting it through the hand-fanners, completes it either for the nvll, or the merchant, and a stack can be threshed out. cleared, sacked, delivered, and might almost be ground, and baked into bread, in one aud the same day. f The doors, of the barns formerly were almost constantly op:n. us locked. 4. One important advantage attending the threshing-machine, worked by any power, is the supe- rior value of the grain ; as the speedy way in which the work is executed, prevents that waste and damp, which was produced from the long continuance of the corn among the chaff, thereby rendering it not so fit for meet- ing the market, and of inferior quality to the consumer*. Hence, as Mr John Shirreff well observes, the corn, instead of lying during one, two, or even three weeks, amidst the chaff and other rubbish, in the corner of a barn, till it becomes quite raw to the touch, and musty to the mall, or, if the floor is damp, sometimes in part, springs, grain when threshed by the machine, is instantaneously separated from both straw and chaff, as well as every other extraneous substance, and can be immediately measured up into bags, to be disposed of as may best suit the owner's interest. So great is the difference between grain threshed by the flail and the machine, that any person acquainted with the article, may go through a. corn market, blindfolded, and note every bag. 5. Ano- ther great advantage is, that the fanner can thresh his seed-wheat when in a soft state, recently cut and taken off the field, and without any injury what- * Communication by Mr James Cutbbertson. Mr Peter Jack of Moncur, observes, that when grain was threshed by the flail, it was ten or twelve days in the floor, the firat part of the grain lying on the floor so lon^, became damp and swelled, that though put to a proper granary, yet it soon be- came foisted, from the damp that it carried from the cold floor, and on dint account, n-ver ha i the fine flavour in flour, that meal of all kinds now h.tve, never b'.ing suffered to lie on the barn floor. North countiy oats and meal often lose a nuirket in the south, or. account of the tcistej taste, it is so apt 10 imbibe from damp floors. r 144 ever, which, before the invention of mills, it was hardly possible to get executed, in the harvest time, without the greatest difficulty, and at a heavy loss. He is thus also enabled to provide seed corn in the spring, which was not always an easy operation. When threshing for seed was done in a hurry, it may easily be supposed in how sloven- ly a manner the operation would be performed. In the busiest time of harvest also, straw can be got for cover- ing stacks, which formerly could hardly be obtained. 6. It is found that strong wheat-straw is more useful for cattle when threshed in a mill, it is so much more soften- ed than by the flail *. 7. If a stack of corn is brought from the field into the yard, too soon, and is heated, it is threshed in one day, goes to the kiln and suffers no loss ; but before the invention of mills, when threshed by the flail, it was so soured that it was almost unsaleable, and a loss of perhaps 20 per cent, was thereby sustained. 8. Mr John Shirreff remarks, that by the threshing-mill, the separation of the grain from the straw, is not only more complete than by any other known means, but the separation of the straw from the grain and the chaff, by the rake, and of the chaff and small seeds from the grain, by the fanners and skreens, all driven by the same machi- nery, are advantages not inferior, perhaps, to the separr- tion of the grain from the straw in the first instance. Taking all these circumstances into consideration, and that prior to the invention of threshing mills, drudgery, it may be said, stared the farmer in the face ; and that besides heavy losses, it was the source of endless trouble and vexation to every occupier of land, it is not to be wondered at, that the threshing-mill should be considered Communication fn.m Mr Peter Jack of Moncur. 145 ilie most useful and profitable instrument belonging to ft farm, and that its advantages should be accountid INCAL- CULABLE. Some estimates, however, have been made of the ad- vantages to be derived from this invention, which one far- mer calculates at the rate of 5 s. per acre *, whilst others state it at 5 s. per acre, with horse mills, but at full 10 s. per acre upon the whole lands under crop, when the ma- chine is driven by water, .by wind, or by oxenf. Mr Dudgeon of Primrose Hill$ from general observation, without entering into minute calculations, is of opi- nion, that the aggregate advantage derived from a well constructed threshing mill, wrought by water, and tinder proper management, (when compared with the old mode of threshing,) will be about 8 per cent, upon the corn threshed, including labour alone, but without ma- king any allowance for money sunk in erecting the mill, or repairing the machinery. It is calculated by an intel- ligent farmer, that a threshing-mill, saves, on an ave- rage, the expence of three men for nine months, which, on a farm producing loco bolls, is equal to about L. 70,' or is. 3d. per boll. Mr Dudgeon of Prora, has made a comparative estimate of the expence of threshing wheat by the mill and the flail, from which it appears that the saving of charges in threshing alone, independent of other advantages, though the work be performed by horses, and not by any cheaper power, is equal to 47 s. per 50 bolls, or ud. per boll. T .,.],... * Communication from Mr Charles Alexander of Easter Haprew. f Communication from Mr Wood of Milrig. Comparative Estimate between tie fire sling- Mili ani the Flail. Three pair of horses and the men, at 8s. ptr day foi each man and pair of horses ; hence for 50 bolls, - - - - L. i 4 o Three additional men, at a s. - 060 Four women at pd. - - 039 Expence of threshing per mill, L. I 13 o Which, per boll, is L. o o 7$ Dressing tie Corn. L. s. d. i man at is. 2 days, 04 o -\ a women at od. do , o 4 6 r ;... V9 S - or /^r boll, o o a Oil and other contm- C gencies, o o 6 ) Tot. per boll, o o 10 Lot for threshing 50 bolls per flail, 2 bolls at 40 . L. 4 o o Expence of threshing as above per mill, i 13 o Saved on 50 bolls, per mill, L. z 7 c, or n d. r boll. When the price of grain is higher than 40 s. per boll, the profit from the mill is still greater. 147 Improvements on the I'brt thing-Mill *. It is probable that several improvements will still be made on this machine. Amongst these, diminishing the * Mr Robert Ker states, that Mr Dun, a very ingenious mill-wright at Coldstream in Berwickshire, has made many useful improvements on threshing-mills, in particular on those which go by wind ; more especially, by causing the machinery to regulate the sails in proportion to the wind and work, in a most effective manner, with no trouble whatever to the people who feed the mill. He has likewise adapted a series or" buckets, resembling the chain-pump, which continu- ally return all ill-threshed grain, particularly ill-humbled bar- ley, to the threshing stai;e ; and has, be-ides, added an in- geniously-devised shaker, beyond the rake, for clearing all the loose grain from among the straw. On the whole, the machines erected by Mr Dun, Mr Ker is of opinion, have carried the threshing mill to its utmost perfection ; always supposing, however, that they possess sufficient moving power of water or wind ; for they re rather too much loaded to be driven with any tolerable ease by horses. The greatest objection to horse-machines, is the severity of labour which they require, besides often necessarily occupy- ing the time of the farm draughts, when much wanted f r other purposes. The capital defect of the threshing-mills which are driveen by wind, is the extreme uncertainty of that power. During the long-continued frosts of winter, when there is hardly any wind, they are often altogether use- less for weeks, when straw for litter and fodder cannot be dispensed with ; and the same thing sometimes happens dur- ing harvest, when straw is much wanted for thatch. Water- mills, whire that power can be hid, are certainly the best in every respect ; being more economical and steadier in their operation, than when driven either by horses or wind. But water is very apt to fail in autumn, and during long frosts. On theie accounts, both wind and water machines, except when the latter have an ample and ready supply of the mov- ing power, ought to be provided with horse wheels. 148 size of die drum, is certainly amongst the most im- portant. The drum should not exceed from two feet eight inches to three feet. That able mechanic, Mr An- drew Graj, is decidedly of opinion, that a small drum, with few beaters, is preferable to the larger one with a great number, the small drum making better work, Steam has been lately applied for the purpose of impelling threshing machines, a;;d is not liable to interruptions ; but there has not hitherto been iufficient experience to determine its comparative advantages and disadvantages. It is said that izcwt. of coals, are required to thresh cut 50 Berwick- shire bolls, or 300 bushels .of wheat. It is probable, however, that the alternation of heating and cooling the steam ap- paratus, may occasion much loss and expence in repairing the furnace and boiler ; and there is liule chance, in districts mere- ly rural, of btin^ readily able to procure work-people who are sufficiently conversant in steam engines, for keeping the valves, leathers, and other parts of such nice machinery in order. As to the expence of threshing, Mr Robert Ker is of opinion, that all the six horses in the mill, can easily be driven by one man, so that two of those in the preceding calculation may be deducted, which is equal to 4 s. of the whole expence. He also j thinks, that one day is sufficient for dressing 100 bolls, after going through the threshing machine. On the whole, he makes the following estimate of the expence of threshing and, dressing 50 bolls ot wheat : Three pair of horses at 6s. per pair, L. o 18 o Four men at 2 s. 6 d. each, c i o o Four women at i s. each, 040 I.. I jz o Incidents, as oil, &c. o o si L. i 12 3i which is at the rate cf 7^ J. per bo!l. In the wind or water machine, the exprnce of the horses is saved, by which the cost per boll is reduced to less than 3 By means of the steam power, the cost is restored to the same with ho: H9 not being so severe on the cattle, and less straining to the machinery. Although it is obvious that a drum three feet diameter, having four beaters, must take two revolutions for one of the drum six feet diameter, with eight beaters, it is evident that the circumference of the one will move with the same velocity as the other, because one turn of the large drum is equal to two turns of the small one, therefore they will give an equal number of strokes in the same time ; but it is found by experience, that the small drum threshes much cleaner, or makes better work than the larger one. The small drum is therefore to be prefer- red ; being easier driven, it must be less severe on the cattle, and by its striking the corn at a more acute an- gle, of course strips off the grain much cleaner from the straw *. Another great improvement is, that of making horses work equally, to obtain which object, a plan has lately been invented by Mr Walter Samuel, a smith near Edin- burgh, the apparatus of which is simple, and cheap, not exceeding 20 s. per horse, by means pf which all the horses must equally exert themselves in the machine ; a discovery for which the inventor deserves to be re- warded. * Mr Wood of Milrig remarks, that he has always found the moderate sized threshing-mill by far the nio,t useful, and less destructive to the animals which drive it, and sufficiently expeditious for the puipose of any farm ; and by employing a certain number of day labourers, which a farm of proper size has always at command, and by employing the ox ior threshing, your horses, and the men belonging to them, are never taken from other agricultural purposes, rery necessary perhaps to be carrying on at the same time. 150 Another improvement is, instead of two fluted roller*, to have one of them plain, but cliipt cross-ways, about half an inch deep in various places. This prevents the straw from rolling around the other fluted roller ; in which case the straw must be immediately cut, otherwise much mischief may be done. This is supposed to be a Scotch invention, for it was introduced into Northum- berland only in the year 1807. When chipped, the straw adheres to the roller, without lapping round it, which it is apt to do, when fluted, if the straw is damp. When horses are yoked in threshing-mills, they ought either to have goggles, or to be blinded, as they are so apt to look back. A.11 horses should have breechings to