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With autograph letter, — Songs without Music. 1889. i vol, JVith autograph letter, ALCIATO Diverse imprese Tratte da gli Emblemi del Al- ciATO. In Lione, 1564. i vol, ALCOCK, Sir RUTHERFORD, k.c.b. The Capital of the Tycoon. London, 1 863. 2 vols. 'vV 149 L'ALCORAN DES CORDELIERS tant en Latin qu'en Francois. Par Guillaume de Laimarie. Geneva, 1578. i vol. From the library of Qomte de Hoyniy with his coat of arms stamped on the sides, ^ound by 'Padeloup, Vide Bindings. ALDINE PRESS Poliphili Hypnerotomachia ubi humana omnia non nisi omnium esse docet atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna commemorat, Italice (auc- ^ tore F. Columna). Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi Ma- I^^jJUaU /Wt>>ftt^tii^i499' I -^ol. First edition, beautiful wood-engravings [from designs by Carpaccio)y with all the plates {including the worship of Tri~ apus) in perfect condition, C^lf g' ^' Very scarce. The designs have also been ascribed to Bellini and 31antegna:^ — Sancta Catharina da Siena (Epistole Devo-' tissime de). Stampato in la Inclita Cita de Venetia in Casa de Aldo Manutio Romano a di XV Sep- tembrio, 1500. i vol, " One of the best monuments of the Tress of the elder t^ldus'* Vide Catharina. — Martialis Epigrammata. Venetiis. In Aedibus Aldi, 1 501. I vol. Fine large copy of this rare book, ^ound by Bozerian jeune, — Lo'nferno e'l Purgatorio e'l Paradiso di Dante Alighieri. Venetiis in Aedib. Aldi. Accuratis- sime men. a.u.g. 1502. i vol. The first portable edition. — ViRGiLius. Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi et Andreae, 2 I Aldine Press (continued) Soceri. Mense Odobri, 15 14. i vol. From Syston 'Park Collection, Vide ViRGiLius. — Musaeus et Orpheus. Venet. Aldus. Mensi Novembri, 15 17. i vol. This copy has the Latin version of the iMusaeus, From Sys- ton *Park Collection. — Cicerone. Le Epistole famigliari Tradotte se- condo i veri sensi dell' autore et con figure pro- prie della lingua volgare. Vinegia. Aldus. 1545. I vol. — IlPetrarca. In Venetia Aldi Filii. 1546. i vol. — Meliadus. Gli egregi fatti del gran re Melladus con altre rare prodezze del re Artu, di Palamides, Amoraultd'Irlandajilbuonocavalieresenzapaura, Gallehault il Bruno, Segurades, Galaad et altri va- lorosi cavalieri di quel tempo. Aldus. In Venetia, 1560 (in fine, 1558). ^^fjj i vol. Rel. yanseniste de Niedree. 4 Folume de la plusgrande r arete et qui manque aux plus celebres collections t^ldines. T^ans aucune Biblioth^que excepte S. Marc a Venise. ALDRICH, T. B. Tom Bailey's Adventures, or. The Story of a Bad Boy. Toronto, 1878. Taper ^ i vol. — Wyndham Towers. 1889. i vol. With autograph. First edition. — The Little Violin Player. 1880. Tapr^ i vol. First edition. 3 ALEMANO Histoire de rAdmirable Don Guzman d'Al- farache. Paris, 1695. i6mo, 3 vols. Frontispiece and fine plates, *Bound by Sanford, ALEXANDER, F. Christ's Folk in the Apennine. 1888. i vol, — The Story of Ida. By Francesca. Edited with preface by John Ruskin, d.c.l. 1883. i vol, — Roadside Songs of Tuscany. Edited by John Ruskin, 1884. i vol, ALFIERI, VITTORIO Tragedie. Siena, 1783. i vol. With autograph writing on fly-leaf , AMBASSADE de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies Vers L*Empereur de la Chine ou Grand Cam de Tartaric. A Leyde. Par Jacob de Meurs. 1665. I vol, AMBASSADES MEMORABLES de la Compagnie des Indes orientales des Pro- vinces Unies vers les Empereurs du Japon. Chez Jacob de Meurs. A Amsterdam, 1680. i vol, AMERICAN BOOK BINDINGS In the Library of Henry William Poor. i vol. This is No, 28 of the copies on Imperial fapan 'Paper, AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL and Advocate of Internal Improvements. Pub- lished by D. K. Minor, Editor and Proprietor. New York, 1832. 2 vols. AMORY, MARTHA BABCOCK John Singleton Copley. Boston, 1882. i voL Les amours de daphnis et chloe Avec figures par un eleve de Picart. A Londres, 1764. I vol, " Les pettts pieds,^^ ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN The Nightingale. The Merrymount Press, Bos- ton, 1896. I vol, ANNALES ET CHRONIQUES DE FRANCE Chez Gabriel Buon, at Tenseigne Sainte Claude. A Paris, 1562. i vol, ARETINO, LIONARDO La Historia universale de' suoi Tempi. Appresso Fran. Sansovino. In Venetia, 1560. i vol, ARIOSTO,. BERNI fc^ Satirici e Burleschi del Secolo XVI. Presso An- tonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1787. i vol, ARIOSTO, LODOVICO Comedia intitolata Cassaria. Stampata in Vinegia par Niccolo di Aristotile detto Zoppino. 1525. I vol. First authorized edition, ^ound by Hardy 3Iesnil, — Orlando Furioso. In Vinegia, 1595. i 'uoL With woodcuts, r Ariosto, Lodovico (continued) — Orlando Furioso. Appresso Felice Valgrisi. In Venetia, 1603. i vol, T)edicated to c/ilfonso da Este^ T^rincipe dt Ferrara, — Orlando Furioso. Appresso Gio. Battista Brigna. In Venetia, 1656. i voL — Roland Furieux. Tradudion nouvelle par M. d'Ussieux. Chez Brunet a Paris, 1775. 4 vols, AUCASSIN AND NICOLETE Done into English by Andrew Lang. London, 1887. ^ '^^^* 'Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Five hundred copies only, dedicated to yames Russell Lowell, Vide Bindings. AUGUSTINI, AURELlJ^ Confessionum. Libri XIII. Opera et Studio R. P. H. Somalii, Soc. Jesu. Apud Danielem Elzevirum. Lugduni, 1675. i vol, BACHELLER, IRVING The Story of a Passion. The Roycroft Shop, 1 899. I vol. BACON, Sir FRANCIS Essaies. i vol. First part published in 1597. J^^^^ -^'^ ^^Py^ ^'^^ ^" ^^^' of arms and tMS. notes. Vide Autographs. BALZAC, Le Sieur H. de Les cent Contes Droslatiques, Colligez es Abbaies de Touraine et mis en lumiere pour Tesbattement des Pantagruelistes et non aultres. ha este im- prime a Brussel, 1837. i vol. First complete edition, BARBARIGO Ragguaglio della vita di Barbarlgo i vol. This copy belonged to Clement XI I L Vide Bindings. BARBIER, JOURNAL DE oij^Chronique de la Regence et du Regne de Louis XV. Paris, 1857. 8 vols, T^remiere edition complete, BARBOUR, JOHN Life and Ads of the Most Vidorious Conqueror Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. Carefully cor- reded from the edition printed by Andro Hart in 1620. Edinburgh, 1758. i vol, ^lack letter. Fine copy from the Library of the Marquis of Hastings^ with the Earl of Moird*5 autograph on page 9. BARRETT, FRANCIS Simon Magus, Celestial Intelligencer. London, 1 801. I vol, BARTON, G. E. Libretto of "The Pipe of Desire." Opera by Frederick S. Converse. Boston, 1905. i vol. With tiMS, letter of Converse, BATRACOMIOMACHIA, La di Omero. Greca, Latina e Italiana. In Venezia, 1744. I vol, BAUCHART, ERNEST QUENTIN Les Femmes Bibliophiles de France, XVI, XVII & XVIII Siecles. Paris, 1886. 2 vols. With coat ofarms^ examples of binding s, vignettesy head and tail pieces^ &c. 300 exemplaires numerotes sur papier de Hoi- lande. No, 54. BAUCHMONT, SANNIER de Lettres sur la Musique ancienne et moderne a ^me. 1^ Duchesse de . . . avec des anecdotes in- teressantes. Par S. de B. : musicien. Chez la Veuve Pissot, Quai de Conti, au coin de la rue de Nevers. A la Croix d'Or. A Paris, 1743. i vol. This copy formerly belonged to Edmond de Qoncourt. In it are his name and autograph letters. Vide Autographs. BEMBO, MoNsiGNOR PIETRO [ist part.] Prose, scritte al Cardinale de Medici che poi e statto creato a Sommo Pontefice, e detto Papa Clemente Settimo. [2d part.] Rime. [3d part.] Gli Asolani nellequali si ragiona d'Amore. In Venetia, 1540. i vol, BENNETT Proverbs. London, 1859. i vol, BERHNGER, P. J. DE Chansons anciennes nouvelles et inedites. Avec des vignettes de Deveria et des dessins colories de 8 Berenger, p. J. DE (continued) Henri Monnier. Paris, 1828. 2 vols, beautifully illustrated with fine plates after Deveria^ fo- hannoty Vernet and others, India proofs and coloured plates by Monnier, BERENSON, BERNHARD Venetian Painters. 1894. i vol, — The drawings of Florentine Painters. Classified and described with a copious catalogue raisonne, and about one hundred and eighty facsimile illus- trations. John Murray, London, 1903. 2 vols, BERGOMENSIS, Fr. JACOBI PHILIPPI De Plurimis claris sceletisque Mulkribus. Lau-^ rentius de Rubeis. Ferrakiae, 1497."^ t-ruou^ One hundred and forty-seven remarkably fine woodcuts. One of the most beautiful of the illustrated books of the fifteenth cen- tury, *Bound by Roger de Qo^^^h* BIBLES BiBLiA cum Summariosuz.Anno Dni 1515. Jacobi SaconijLugduni. i vol. Woodcut of Hieronimo on title-page, — BiBLiA Sacra Latina. Impressum Parrisiss, 1528. I vol. Rare specimen of 'Pruel, — BiBLiA Sacra. Francofurti, 1697. ^ '^^^- — Bible, History of the. With 260 full-page en- gravings, besides maps and cartoons of Raphael from Hampton Court. London, \_circa\ 1700. i vol. Bibles (continued) — Historien des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. T' Amsterdam, Mortier, 1700. 2 vols. Over four hundred copper plates. — De Historien van dei Oude en Nieuwe Testa- ment par Basnage avec 139 Planches par R. de Hoogue. Amsterdam, 1704. i vol. Original gold-stamped calf, — Testament (Oude en Nieuwe) Afbeeldingen. Der Merkwaardigste Geschiedenissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Amsterdam, 1729. I vol. Sixty-two large folio plates and sixty-two smaller y by Luyken, oiwWl^ jPvfi/ml^UAjbproduced in facsimile from one of the copies in the British Museum by J. Ph. Berjeau. London, 1854. i vol, BLAKE, W. Songs of Innocence and Experience. Published by Basil Montagu Pickering. London, 1 866. i vol, BOCCACCIO, Messer GIOVANNI, Ciitadino FlORENTINO II Decameron. Nella Stamperia de i Giunti. In Fiorenza, 1573. i vol, — II Decamerone. In Venetia, 1602. i vol. Illustrated with woodcuts, — II Decameron. In Amsterdamo, 1679. 2 vols. 10 BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA Orlando Innamorato. Appresso Michel Bonelli. In Venetia, 1574. i vol. BOISSARDUS, JANUS JACOBUS VESUN- TINUS Emblemes Latins de J. J. Boissard avec Tinter- pretation Fran^oise de J. Pierre Joly Messin. Jani Aubriitypis. Metis, Excudebit Abrahamus Faber. 1588. I vol, BORGO, Frater LUCAS PATIOLUS Divina Proportione. Venetiis, 1509. i vol, T)iagrams^ initials and ^J full-page woodcuts of geometrical figures and letters of the alphabet after Leonardo da Vinci, Bound by Riviere, BOSCOBEL or, The History of the Most Miraculous Preserva- tion of King Charles II after the Battle of Worces- ter, September ^"^ 1651. London, 1743. i vol, BOSTON Heliotype pidures of the Great Fire. i vol, BOURGET, PAUL Cosmopolis. Paris, 1894. i vol. With manuscript letter. This copy ^^ specialement tire pour Madame John L, Qardner,^^ > BOWES, JAMES L. A Vindication of the Decorated Pottery of Japan. Printed for Private Circulation, not on Sale. Liv- erpool, 1 89 1. I vol. It BREYDENBACH de SPIRENSE, BERNARD Pei^rinations. Spirense, 1502. i vol, "Black letter. Small folio. BRIMMER, MARTIN Egypt. 1892. I vol, BROWN, JOHN, M.D. John Leech. James R. Osgood & Co., Boston, 1877. I vol, BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT Sonnets from the Portuguese. University Press. Copeland & Day, Cornhill, Boston, 1896. i vol. Vide Bindings. BROWNING, OSCAR The Life of Bartolomeo Colleoni of Anjou and Burgundy. Printed for the Arundel Society, 1 891. I vol, BROWNING, ROBERT The Inn Album. London, 1875. ^ '^^^* 'Bound by Zaehnsdorf, BRUANT, ARISTIDE Dans la Rue. Chansons et Monologues. Dessins de Steinlen. Paris. 1 vols. La BRUYERE CEuvres de La Bruyere, Maximes de La Roche- foucauld et Introduction a la Connaissance de r Esprit humain de Vauvenargues. Paris, 1834. Vide L. I vol. 12 BUDE, Mai^tee GUILLAUME Sommaire ou Epitome du livre de Asse fait par le commandement du Roy par Maistre Guillaume Bude. Galliot du Pre, Paris, 1529. i voL *Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, BURGESS, GELETT The Lark. William Doxey, San Francisco, 1896, 1897. BURNS, ROBERT Poems, chiefly in Scottish Dialed. Second Edition. (First Edinburgh Edition.) Portrait by Nasmyth. Edinburgh, 1787. i vol. ^ound by Tout, BURY, Lady CfycJL^ltC Diary of the Times of George IV. 4 vols, BUSSY-RABUTIN, Le Comte ROGER de Histoire Amoureusedes Gaules. Paris, 1 754. 5 vols. — Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules. Liege, [n. ^.] . I vol. *Bound by Thibaron. Elegant copy of the famous Elzevirian Edition "^7 la C^oix de Malte^^^ containing the extra leaf {the key) giving the real names of the persons alluded to. BUTLER, ISABEL Translation into English from Old French,of Our Lady's Tumbler. i vol. »3 c CALDERINI, DOMITII Commentarii in M. Valerium Martialem cum De- fensione. Venet. Jac. de Rubeis, 1474. i vol. The last twenty-seven pages are ^^sine loco aut anno^ CALENDER Pidure of Humiliation of Emperor Henry IV at Canossa. Luxembo u rg ^ ^^^^'^uM^^tdi^ '^^^' CAMPARDON, E. La Cheminee de Madame de la Poupeliniere. Paris. I vol. Relates to the famous liaison of Richelieu and 3\dadame de la T^oupelinihe, CANTERBURY RITUAL A.D. 1474. I vol, tMS. partly on paper ^ partly on velluniy having at end: ** Sxhortatis 'Beati tdnselmi C^nthuariensis Spiscopiy'^ &c. Inserted are two old woodcuts " The T)ead Christy^ dated 1537, ^^^ " ^^^ Crucifixion,^* A rare Canterbury Processional with music, CARDUCCI, GIOSUE Odi Barbare. In Bologna, 1878. i vol, CARO, COMMENDATORE ANNIBAL L'Eneide di Virgilio. Per Francesco Osanna. In Mantova, 1586. i vol, CARO, TITO LUCREZIO Delia Natura delle Cose. Libri Sei tradotti dal Latino in Italiano de Alessandro Marchetti. Am- 14 Caro, Tito Lucrezio (continued) sterdam (Paris), 1754. SvOy 2 vols. Illustrated with exquisite full-page plates^ vignettes and culs- de-lampe from designs by Sisen and Cochin. In the original red morocco, tooled backs, a broad floriated border on the sides, with a coat of arms in the centre, gilt edges, by T>erome, ^^A coloured large paper copy of this elegant book in a genuine Jerome binding and in a beautiful state of preservation P Vide Bindings. CARROLL, LEWIS Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With forty- two illustrations by John Tenniel. London, 1872. I vol, — Through the Looking-Glass, and what Alice found there. With fifty illustrations by John Ten- niel. London, 1872. i vol. — The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits. With nine illustrations by Henry Holiday. London, 1876. i vol. First edition, CATALOGUES Catalogue de La Bibliotheque de M. Le Baron S. De La Roche Lacarelle. Paris, 1888. i vol, — Catalogue of the Library of Caroline Furbush. Privately printed. E. Hill, New York, 1903. i vol. — Catalogue of Books of John Chipman Gray. Boston, 1904. I vol. Le CATECHISME DE LA PENITENCE Traduit du Latin de TAbbe Rancour par Dom 15 Le Catechisme de la Penitence (continued) Gabriel Gerberon. A la Fleur de Lys d'Or. A Paris, 1677. I voL Red morocco "^ la Du Seui/,^* CATHARINA da SIENA, Sancta Epistole Devotissime. Stampato in la Inclita Cita de Venetia in Casa de Aldo Manutio Romano a di XV Septembrio, 1500. i vol, " One of the best monuments of the 'Press of the elder t^ldus^ Vide Aldine. CAXTON CELEBRATION Catalogue of Loan Colledion of Antiquities, Curi- osities, and Appliances conneded with the Art of Printing. Edited by George Bullen. London, 1 877. I vol. Only 150 copies on hand^made paper. This is No, 108. CHAMPFLEURY Grandeur et Decadence d*une Serinette. Paris, 1857. I vol, — La Caricature au Moyen Age et sous la Renais- sance. Paris. I vol. — La Caricature sous la Reforme et La Ligue. Paris. I vol, — La Caricature sous la Republique, L'Empire et la Restauration. Paris. i vol, — La Caricature Antique. Paris. i vol, — Les Chats. Paris, 1870. i vol, 16 Champfleury (continued) — Les Enfants. Paris. i vol, — Le Violon de Faience. Paris. i vol, CHAP BOOKS History of Whittington and his Cat. Hartford, 1788. I vol, — The Wisdom of Crop the Conjuror. Worcester, 1794. I vol, — Children in the Wood, The AflFeding History of the. Hartford, 1796. i vol, — Moses in the Bulrushes. 1802. i vol. First Worcester edition, — Tom Jones, Remarkable History of. Hartford, 1806. I vol, — Hermit of the Forest. Litchfield, 1808. i vol, — The History of Little Phoebe. Hartford, 1 8 1 2. I vol, CHARLES I Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraiture of his Sacred Majestie King Charles in his Solitudes and Suffer- ings. London, 1649. ^ '^^^• With autograph. Vide Autographs. CHARLES II ••^^^ Ristretto del Discorso Fatto sopra la Causa del Monferrato. In Torino, 161 8. i vol. 17 Charles II (continued) Charles IPs copy with his crowned chiffre at each of the cor- ners and on the back. Vide Bindings. CHENEY, EDWARD Illuminated Venetian Manuscripts. i mL With autograph letter to C* ^. Norton^ 187 1. This^^Mr. NortorCs copy, CHOISEUL-MEUSE, Mme. FELICITE de Entre Chien et Loup. Sur L'Imprimerie de Ham- burg. Bruxelles, 1809. i vol. CHRONICON CATHOLICUM Amsterdam, 1752. i vol, CHRONIQUE, La du treschrestien et Vidorieux Roy Loys unziesme du nom (que Dieu absolue) avec plusieurs his- toires advenues tant es pays de France, Angleterre, que Flandres et Artois. Galliot du Pre, Paris, 1558. \imOy I vol, beautiful copy. Bound by Chcimbolle-T)urUy with arms of France on the sides, COGNEL, FRANCOIS Vie Parisienne sous Louis XVI. Paris, 1882. i vol, COLERIDGE, S. T. Poems on Various Subjeds. London and Bristol, 1796. I vol. First edition, *Bound by Sanford. Full brown crushed levant ^omd b) en'nnishy morocco, fansen'pnish, uncut edges, — The Ancient Mariner. Roycroft Shop, 1899. 18 ^ ^^^- COLLINI, COME ALEXANDRE Mon Sejour aupres de Voltaire. Paris, 1 807. i vol, COLVIL, EDWARD Fifteen Days. An Extrad from his Journal. Bos- ton, 1866. I vol, COMMINES, PHILIPPE de Les Memoires sur les principaux faids et gestes de Louys XI et de Charles VIII son fils. A Paris, 161 5. I vol, CONFUCIUS, VIE DE Celebre Philosophe Chinois. Orne de 24 Estampes gravees parHelman,d*apres les Dessins originaux de la Chine envoyes a Paris par M. Amiot, Mis- sionnaire a Pekin, et tires du Cabinet de M'- Ber- lin M'^'- et ancien ^'^- d*Etat. A Paris. i vol, COPLV DE UNA LETTERA DI NAPOLI che contiene li stupendi & gran prodigij appar si sopra a Pozzolo. In Roma per Antonio Blado d'Asola, 1539. I vol, Terfe£i copy y from Syston Tark Qoll^^ion, CORONELLI Blazone Veneto. i vol, COSTELLO, LOUISA STUART The Rose Garden of Persia. London, 1845. i vol, COSTELLO, LOUISA STUART (Compiler) Specimens of the early poetry of France from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri Quatre. William Pickering, Lon- don, 1835. Sm, 8w, I vol, 19 CRAWFORD, F. MARION Mr. Isaacs. 1882. i vol. First copy of first edition. With 3IS. Sonnet, Les crimes DES ROIS DE FRANCE Par G. Touchard-Lafosse. Paris, 1839. i vol, CRONOLOGIA VENETA da Fedele Honofri. Per Francesco Ginammi. In Venetia, 1663. i vol, CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE Cruikshankiana, an Assemblage of the Most Ce- lebrated Works of George Cruikshank. London. I vol. La CUISINIERE BOURGEOISE Suivi de TOffice. A Bruxelles, 1777. i vol. Copy once belonging to 'Benjamin Franklin^ with the auto- graph of W, T, Franklin, CUST, Lady ELIZABETH Some Account of the Stuarts of Aubigny in France. London, 1891. i vol. T> DAME, LA GRANDE Revue de TElegance et des Arts. Edition du Fi- garo. Paris. 24 numbers, DANDOLO, T. Lettera su Firenze. Milano, 1827. i vol. DANIEL Prophetie de Daniel Sainde & Admirable, inter- 20 Daniel (continued) pretee du regne de la mort du Chef des heretiques qui se pretend Roy de Navarre, & veut envahir la Couronne de France. A Tholose. Par Jaques Coulombier Imprimeur, 1591. i vol. Vide Bindings. DANTE Comento di Christophoro Landino Fiorentino, so- pra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta Fio- rentino. Impresso in Firenze per Nicholo di Lo- renzo della Magna a di xxx d'Agosto, 148 1. i vol. With nineteen illustrations by ^acio ^aldini from designs of Sandro Botticelli, Enormously rare. There are generally only two illustrations. This copy is hound by Bedford. It was bought from Lord Crawford, InijSi it belonged to the 'Duke of Qra fton. I vol. of graft on. -fi^Vero Comedia del Divino Poeta Fiorentino Danthe Alighieri, col comento di Landino. Bressa, per Boninum de Boninis. Ultimo di Mazo, 1487. I vol. Sixty-eight fine full-page woodcuts^ enclosed in Arabesque bor- ders^ two pages thereof illuminated^ one of which bears the arms of the original owner. Bound by Riviere. This copy be- longed to y. Ruskin and has his autograph. Excessively rare. There are but few specimens in existence of the Bonini Bress at Brescia, — Date Alighierj da Firenze. i vol, 31 S. of the fourteenth century on vellum; finely painted and richly illuminated initials^ the first of which contains a min- iature portrait of Dante; another, one of Christ blessing, &c. From Lord guildford's and the Barrois CoH^^ion, at the t/fshburnham Sale, June 10, 1 90 1. 21 Dante (continued) — Lo'nferno e*l Purgatorio e*l Paradise di Dante Alaghieri. Venetiis in Aedib. Aldi. Accuratissime men. a.u.g. 1502. i voL The first portable edition. — Con Tespositioni di Christoforo Landino e d' Al- lessandro Vellutello sopra sua Comedia delF In- ferno; del Purgatorio e del Paradiso. Con tavole etc., par Francesco Sansovino Fiorentino. Ap- presso Giouambattista Marchio Sessa e Fratelli. In Venetia, 1578. \ voL — La Divina Commedia. Presso Antonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1784. i vol. Illustrated, — The First Ten Cantos of the Inferjio. Newly translated into English Verse by T. W. Parsons. Boston, 1843. ^ '^^^* — Seventeen Cantos. T. W. Parsons. Boston, 1865. I voL — G. G. Warren [Lord Vernon]. L'Inferno di Dante Alighieri. Londra. Per Tommaso e Gu- glielmo Boone. Stampato a Firenze da T. Barac- chi e figlio. 1858. 3 vols. — Tutte le opere di Dante Alighieri nuova- mente rivedute nel testo dal Dr. E. Moore. Nella Stamperia dell* Universita. Oxford, 1894. i vol, DAUDET, ALPHONSE Tartarin sur les Alpes. Edition du Figaro. Paris, 1885. I vol. 22 Daudet, Alphonse (continued) — Contes Choisis. Charpentier, Paris, 1886. i vol. — Souvenirs d'un Homme de Lettres. Paris, [_n.d,'] . I vol. DAUMIER, H. Caricatures. 39 Planches de Daumier. Paris, 1840-50. I vol, DEFOE, DANIEL Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Phila- delphia, 1849. I '^^^' DE GOURMONT, REMY Le Livre des Masques. Les Masques au nombre de XXX, dessines par F. Valloton. Paris. 1 vols. DELVAU, A. Les Dessous de Paris. Paris, i860. i vol. Etchings by Flameng. Rare first edition from Prince T)emi- doff^s library. DES-PORTES, PHILIPPES Les Premiers CEuvres. Mamert Patisson, Paris, 1600. I vol. " Edition la plus complhe et la plus belled"* Bound by Hardy y gilding by Marius tMichel, DES REAUX, TALLEMAN^U Les Historiettes. Paris, 1840. 10 vols. DICKENS, CHARLES Christmas Carol. Illustrated by I. M. Gaugengigl and T. V. Chominski. Boston, 1887. i vol. Japanese paper edition. No. 15. 23 / DISCOURS JOYEUX des Friponniers et Friponnieres. A Rouen chez Richard Aubert. Paris, 1 83 1 . i voL ^ound by ^auzonnet^ with arms of tdudenet. t^ facsimile of this binding is given in T^late 46 in Brunet*s " Reliure Ancienne^ DONNE, IL MERITO DELLE In Venetia. Presso Domenico Imberto. M. D. C. Vide Bindings. i vol, DOYLE, RICHARD Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe. 1849. I voL — The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson, being the History of what they saw, and did in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. London, 1855. i vol, — Bird's Eye Views of Society. London, 1864. I vol, DU-BELLAY Les CEuvres Francoises de Joachim Du-Bellay. Gentil homme Angeuin & Poete excellent de ce Temps. Reveues & de nouveau augmentees de plusieurs Poesies non encores auparauant impri- mees. Au Roy Treschrestien Charles IX. De Tlm- primerie de Federic Morel. Paris, 1569. 1 vols, 'Bound by P, B, Sanford. This colleSiion of Du-Bellafs works^ published separately^ with a general title as above^ con- tains the following^ with a title-page to each: La Defense et Illustration de la langue Francoise, 1569, L'Olive et autres CEuvres po^tiques, 1568. 24 Du-Bellay (continued) Receuil de poesie presente a Madame Marguerite, 1568. Deux livres de TEneide, 1569. Diverse Po6mes, 1568. Les Regrets, 1568. Divers Jeux rustiques, 1568. Epithalame sur le Mariage du Due de Savoye, 1568. DU-BELLAY, MARTIN Memoires de Mess. Martin Du-Bellay, etc. Paris, 1 571. I vol, ^ound by Sanford, DUBOIS, J. A. (L'Abbe) Description of the Charader, Manners, and Cus- toms of the People of India. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 vols, DUGUET, JOSEPH Lettres d'une religieuse Carmelite a une Personne engagee dans Theresie, touchant la Communion des deux especes avec les motifs de la conversion de Madame la Duchesse d'Yorck. Paris, 1749. 'Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet. I vol. DUJARDIN, EDOUARD Le Chevalier du Passe. Leon Vannier, Paris, 1 892. ^t/i la memoire de Jules LaforgmJ^ I vol, DU PRAT Portrait du Marechal de Gassion. Paris, 1666. I vol. Small oSfavo in original red morocco^ extra. Entirely covered with Jleur-de-lys stamped in gold, Presentation copy to the Duke of Tor k {afterwards James II\ with autograph letter respecting the work of the author. Vide Bindings. DURER, ALBRECHT Passio Christi ab Alberto Durer Nurenbergen- sis effigiata, etc. [The little Passion.] 1510. i voL This is the artistes original edition of the thirty-four woodcuts printed on the two inner faces of each folded leaf^ the backs being left blank. Original hogskin binding, D'URFE, HONORE Le Sireine. Jouxte la coppie imprimmee. A Paris, 161 8. I vol, *Bound by Chambolle-Duru, EDEN, F. A Garden in Venice. 1903. i vol, EDWARD VI Aristotelis de Arte Rhetorica et de Poetica. B. Za- netti, Venetiis, 1536. i vol, Edward the Sixth's copy with his autograph E. R. and his motto ^^Crux Christi Clavis Coeli" in his handwriting; it subsequently belonged to Thomas Taylor^ the Platonist, and has his autograph signature and note on the king's motto on title- page, 'Books from Edward the Sixth's library are among the rarest of provenances, ELIOT, GEORGE Romola. i vol. With autograph letter signed " ^, E, Lewes'' ELLIS, HENRY Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China. Philadelphia, 18 18. i voL 26 ELSON, LOUIS C. American Music. Macmillan & Co., 1904. i voL EMERSON, RALPH WALDO Poems. 1847. I "voL First edition, y — Representative Men. Boston, 1850. i vol. First edition. With autograph letter. Vide Autographs. — Condud of life. i860. i vol. First edition, • — Culture, Behavior, Beauty. Boston, 1875. ^ '^^^' — Letters and Social Aims. Boston, 1876. i vol, — Power, Wealth, Illusions. Boston, 1876. i vol, ENGLAND, THE BEAUTIES OF or a Comprehensive View of the Public Strudures, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, etc. London, 1757. I vol, ERASMUS L'Eloge de la Folic. Traduit en Francais. Amster- dam, 1728. I vol, l'ESCOLE D'AMOUR ou les Heros Dodeurs, par M.D.L.C. R. Gre- noble, 1665. I vol, 'Bound by Thibaron, EWING, JULIANA HORATIA Jackanapes. London, 1884. i vol. 27 FAGAN, LOUIS Colledors' Marks. London, 1883. i vol. ©klAFAYETTE cUl Les Memoires de Hollande et La Princesse de Cleves. Elzevir, 1678. i vol, FERAND, A. J., and LAMARQUE, J. de Histoire de la Revolution Franc^aise. Paris, 1846. 6 vols, FIELDING, HENRY The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Lon- don. 6 vols. First edition. Bound by 3Iathews, FIELDING, THOMAS Seledt Proverbs of All Nations, etc., and a Sum- mary of Ancient Pastimes, Holidays & Customs, etc. New York, 1825. i vol. With tMS, notes and autograph of Charles Stewart, my uncle, I, S. g, FIELDS, Mrs. J. T. Life of Charles Dudley Warner. i vol, FITZGERALD, EDWARD Six Dramas of Calderon, freely translated by Fitz- gerald. 1853. I vol. This is his own copy , with 31 S, corrections. Bound by Zaehns- dorf, FLISCUS, MAURITIUS Typis KempfFerianis. Francofurti, 1665. i vol, 28 FLORIAN CEuvres Completes. A Neuchatel, 1789. 8 vols, in 4 FLORIAN, CLARIS de Estelle. Paris. 6/[mo^ i vol, t/i curiosity of hookmaking, FORD, RICHARD Murray's Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain & Readers at Home. John Murray, London, 1845. 2 vols, FORESTIERE ILLUMINATO Intorno le cose piu rare e curiose, antiche e mo- derne della citta di Venezia. In Venezia, 1740. . I vol, FRANCE, Marie-Therese-Charlotte de Memoire. Acheve d'imprimer a Paris le 1 5 Oc- tobre, 1892. Par E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie. i vol. No, 36. FRANCIS OF ASSISI The Mirror of Perfedion, being the Oldest Life of the Blessed Francis of Assisi by his Beloved Disciple, Brother Leo. Translated by Sebastian Evans from the Latin original recently discovered by Paul Sabatier and now published in English for the first time. i vol. GARIMBERTO, HIERONIMO La prima parte delle Vite, overo Fatti, Memora- bili d'alcuni Papi. In Vinegia, 1567. i vol, 29 gautIier, theophile Emaux et Camees. Paris, 1887. i vol. With one hundred and twelve designs by Qustave Fraipont. Bound by Lortice, GAVARNI Les Debardeurs. 66 Planches. i vol, — Le Diable a Paris. Paris et les Parisiens, etc. Texte par MM. George Sand, P. J. Stahl, Leon Gozlan, P. Pascal, Frederic Soulie, Charles No- dier, Eugene BrifFault, S. Lavalette, De Balzac, Taxile Delord, Alphonse Karr, Mery, A. Junce- tis, Gerard de Nerval, Arsene Houssaye, Albert Aubert, Theophile Gautier, Odave Feuillet, Al- fred de Musset, Frederic Herat. Illustrations: Les Gens de Paris — Series de gra- vures avec Legendes. Par Gavarni. Public par J. Hetzel, Paris, 1845. ^ '^^^- — Le Diable a Paris. Paris, 1 845 and 1 846. 2 vols, GEORGE I A Form of Prayer to be used in all Churches and Chapels on Friday the i6th Day of September. London, 1720. 4/^?, i vol. ^lack morocco, George Ps copy, an extraordinary bindings with his arms and crowned monogram. Elaborate tooling in blind tooling. Vide Bindings. GILBERT, W. S. The "Bab" Ballads. London, 1869. i vol. 30 GIROFFLIER AUX DAMES, Le Ensemble ledit des sibiles. Imprime a Paris par Michel Lenoir. Paris, \n,d,'\, i voL "Black letter. Bound by Cape, GOETSCHY, G. Lesjeunes Peintres Militaires — de Neuville,De- taille, Dupray. Paris, 1878. i vol, GOLDONI, CARLO, Signor Awocato Veneziano Delli Componimenti diversi. Par Giambattista Pasquali. In Venezia, 1764. 2 vols, — Memorie, per servire alia Storia della sua Vita, ed a quella del suo Teatro. Dalle Stampe di An- tonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1788. 3 vols, — Commedie. Dalle Stampe di Antonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1788. 10 vols, — Commedie BufFe. In prosa. Dalle Stampe di Antonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1790. 12 vols, — Commedie e Tragedie. I n Verso di Vario metro. Dalle Stampe di Antonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1792. 12 vols, — Drammi Giocosi. Dalle Stampe di Antonio Zatta e figli. Venezia, 1794. 10 vols, GRANADA Historia de los Vandos, &c. Madrid, 1733. i vol, Robert Southey*s copy^ with his autograph ^^ Robert Southey Lisbon 1800." 3» GRIMM, Le Baron de, et DIDEROT Correspondence Litteraire. Paris, 18112. 17 vols, — Agent secret a Paris. Memoires traduits de TAUemand. Paris, 1830. 2 vols, GRIMM, HERMAN A Letter from Herman Grimm on The Destruc- tion of Rome. Boston, 1886. Taper y i vol, GROTIUS, HUGO De Veritate Religionis Christianae. Ex officina Elzeveriana, 1680. i vol, GUISE, Mlle. de Les Amours du Grand Alcandre. Paris, 1786. 2 vols. GUNN, ALEXANDER The Hermitage-Zoar Note Book and Journal of Travel. 1902. i^vol, — Letters. 1902. i vol, GUSTAVUS in Balance Politique de TEurope. Stockholm, 1790. I vol. With the chiffre of Qustavus HI on the side. His own copy. Vide Bindings. H HALES, JOHN G. A Survey of Boston and its Vicinity. Boston, 1 8 2 1 . 1 vol. 3a HAMILTON, Lady ANNE Secret History of the Court of England, from the Accession of George III to the Death of George I V, including Full Particulars of the Mysterious Death of the Princess Charlotte. London, 1832. 2 vols. One of the scarcest of modern booisy having been rigidly sup- pressed, A^^i^^ ^2*^51. 2-«-p^^^ HAMILTON, ANTOINE Memoires de la Vie du Comte de Grammont, con- tenant particulierement Thistoire amoureuse de la cour d'Angleterre sous la regne de Charles II. Co- logne, 1 7 13. I vol. Original edition. Bound by Chambolle-DurUy Janseniste style, HAWTHORNE Twice Told Tales. 1842. i vol, EUistsditimt, — The Scarlet Letter. 1850. i vol. First edition, — The House of the Seven Gables. 1851. i vol. First edition, — Life of Franklin Pierce. 1852. Taper, i vol. First edition. — The Blithedale Romance. 1852. i vol, — Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys, being a Second Wonder-Book. 1853. i vol. First edition, — The Marble Faun. i860. 2 vols. First edition, 33 Hawthorne (continued) — The Snow Image. 1866. i vol. First edition. — Passages from the American Note Books. 1868. First edition, 2 vols, — Fanshawe and Other Pieces. 1876. i vol. First edition, — Mosses from an Old Manse. Riverside Press, 1883. I vol, HAY, JOHN Pike County Ballads and Other Pieces. Boston, 1 871. I vol. First edition, HENRI n Ovidii Amatoria. Lugduni, 1555. iimo^ i vol. Calf, Henri IV s copy^ with a raised and gilded medallion of his head on cover. Vide Bindings and Ovid. HENRI III Vita di Ezzellino. Terzo da Romano. Venetia, 1560. I vol, ^ound by Clovis Eve for Henri HI, with his arms impressed on sides. The binding is a matchless example of Eve*s skill. Vide Bindings. HENRI IV Apologie pour Jehan Chastel parisien, execute a mort, et pour les peres et escho|jfct^e la Societe de Jesus, bannis du Royaume de France, contre 34 Henri IV (continued) r Arrest diCParlement, donne contre eux a Paris le Decembre 29, 1594, par Francois de Verone. Paris, 1595. 1 vol, ^ound by Duru, Beautiful copy of very scarce and historical tra£fy relating to the excommunication of Henri de Navarre (Henri IF) and Henri de Valois, — Histoire prodigleuse d'un detestable parricide entrepris en la personne du Roy, par Pierre Bar- riere, dit La Barre et comme sa Majeste eu fut miraculeusement garantie. Avec TExtraid: du pro- ces criminel faid au did Barriere. S. L. 1594. ^ound by Duru, I VoL HERALDRY IN MINIATURE Containing all the Arms, Crests, Supporters and Mottoes of Peers, Peeresses and Bishops of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland. Plates. London, 1788. I vol, HERBERT, GEORGE (Oratxjr of the Univer- sity OF Cambridge) A Priest to the Temple. Imprimatur. Ex. Md, Lambethanis. Mali 24, 1671. Tho. Tomkyns. I vol, HERON-ALLEN, EDWARD Dadylomancy. London, 1883. ^ '^^^• No, 108. — Love Letters of a Vagabond. London, 1889. TJie author^s own copy, I '^ol, — Fidiculana. London, 1890. i vol. Two hundred and ten copies made. This is No, 38. 35 HERON-ALLEN, EDWARD, and FRITH, HENRY Chiromancy. London, 1883. i vol. Heron- AllerC s own copy with cMS, notesy given to me by him. 1. s. g. HIPKINS, A. J., F.S.A.,LOND. Musical Instruments, Historic, Rare and Unique. Illustrated by a Series of Fifty Plates in Colours: drawn by William Gibb. Adam and Charles Black. Edinburgh, 1888. i vol, HOHENLOHE-WALDEMBOURG, Prince Frederic de Notes Venitiennes. Acheve d'Imprimer le 15 De- cembre, 1899, par Charles Renaudie. Paris, i vol. HOLBEIN, HANS L'Alfabeto della Morte. , i vol. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Poems. 2 vols, t/tutograph poem on fly-leaf. Les HOMMES D'AUJOURD'HUI Librairie Vannier. Paris. The collection not complete, HOOD, THOMAS Poems. I vol. With autograph. HOPPIN, AUGUSTUS On the Nile. Boston, 1 874. 1 vol. ^36 HORACE [QuiNTus Horatius Flaccus] Trajedi Bq^avorum. 17 13. i vol, — CEuvres d'HoRACE. Tradudion nouvelle par Leconte de Lisle. Paris, 1873. 2 vols, HOURS, BOOKS OF — HoRAE DiuRNAE. Breviarii Romani. Ex Archi typographia Plantlniana. Antverpiae, 1770. i vol, — Les presentes Heures a lusaige de Rouan au long sans requerir — ont este imprimees pour Sy- mon Vostre Libraire; demourant a Paris. 1508. I vol, With twenty-six large full-page wood- engravings and wood- cut borders to each page, — Heures a lusaige de Rome au long sans Reqrir avec les figures & signes du Lapo Calipse, &c. Simon Vostre. Paris, 15 14. 8w, i vol, 'Printed on vellum. This volume belonged to Catherine de tMedicisy Francois II {her son\ 3\darie R, {^een of Scots), Cardinal de Lorraine (her uncle)^ and has their autographs, HOVEY, RICHARD Seaward, an Elegy on the Death of Thomas Wil- liam Parsons. Boston, 1893. ^ '^^^• ^^Ex dono the author'' HOWARD, Honorable E. The Women's Conquest. A Tragi-Comedy, as it was aded by his Highness the Duke of York's Servants. London, 1671. i vol. 37 HOWE, JULIA WARD Passion Flowers. 1854. i vol. — Later Lyrics. Poems of the War. 1887. i voL HUGO, VICTOR La Legende des Siecles. Paris, 1859. 2 vols. First edition, — Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois. Paris, 1 8 84. I vol, HUMPHREYS, Colonel The Miscellaneous Works of Colonel Hum- phreys. New York, 1790. i vol, 'Dedicated to the Duke de Rochefoucault. Les images de la mort A Lyon. Par Jean Frellon. 1562. i vol, ^^-U Edition la plus complete,''^ Brunei. 7 JAMES, HENRY Life of Hawthorne. 1879. i vol, JAMES I Opera. 1619. i vol. The king^s own copy. One of the finest royal bindings in exis- tence. Vide Bindings. JAPANESE FAIRY-TALE SERIES Eight volumes are first editions, 1 6 vols, 38 JEWETT, SARAH ORNE Strangers and Wayfarers. 1890. i vol. With, autograph letter » JOINVILLE, JEAN de Chronique du tres Chrestien et Vidorieux Roy Loys onziesmeau nom (que Dieu absolue) &c. Galliot du Pre, Paris, 1558. Bound by Chambolle-Duru, — UHistoire et Chronique du tresChrestien Roy S. Loys, IX du nom, et XLIIII Roy de France. Escritte par feu Jan Sire Seigneur de Jon- viLL [sic] . Et maintenant mise en lumiere par An- toine Pierre de Riens. De rimprimerie d'Enguil- bert de Marnef; Poitiers, [«. ^.], 1561. Sm, ^to, I vol. Bound by Thibaron Echaubard in the Du Sieuil style. Very fine copy of the rare second edition^ with two scarce old prints. — Histoire de S. Loys, IX du nom Roy de France, par Messire Jean Sire de Joinville. Seneschal de Champagne en la Boutique de Nivelle. Chez Sebastien Cramoisy. A Paris, 1617. i vol, — Histoire de Saint Louis. Texte original ac- compagne d'une traduction. Par M. Natalis de Wailly. Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & Cie., Paris, 1874. I vol, JONSON, BEN Stobaeus (Jo.) Dida Poetarum que Exstant. Em- endata et latino Carmine reddita ab Hugone Gro- tio. Parisiis, 1624. i vol. Clean copy^ old calf original binding. From the library of 39 JoNSON, Ben (continued) ^en JonsoYiy with his autograph and motto on the title-page: ^^Sum Ben: yonsonii" ^'Tanquam Exploratory JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS Histoire des Juifs traduit par Arnauld d*An- DiLLY. Amsterdam, 1700. i vol, — The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem, i vol, — The Genuine & Complete Works of Flavius JosEPHUS. Edited by George Henry Maynard. London. i vol. K KAY, CHARLES de Life and Works of Barye. New York, 1889. i vol. No, 25. KEATS, JOHN Poems. I vol. ^^'Sold by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, Finished Jth day of Marchy 1894." KNIGHT Modern and Antique Gems. Edinburgh, 1828. I vol, KNIGHT, SARAH The Private Journal kept by Madam Knight, of a Journey from Boston to New York in the Year 1704. Albany, 1865. 1 vol. 40 LA BRUYERE CEuvres de La Bruyere. Maximes de la Roche- foucauld et Introdudion a la Connaissance de TEsprit humain de Vauvenargues. Paris, 1834. I vol, LA FONTAINE Fables Choisies. A Amsterdam, 1693. ^ '^^^* De la FONTAINE et AUTRES Contes et nouvelles en vers. A Londres, 1778. 4 vols. LAFORGUE, JULES CEuvres. Paris, 1902. i vol, LAMB, CHARLES Beauty & the Beast with an Introdudion by An- drew Lang. The Leadenhall Press, London, i vol, LANDON Annales du Musee et de L*Ecole Moderne des Beaux Arts. Chez C. P. Landon. A Paris. 20 vols, he Premier Volume dedie a Madame Bonaparte. LANGLET DUFRESNOY, NICOLAS Les Arrets d' Amour. Par Martial d'Auvergne. Paris, 1 73 1. I vol. With the ticket " Relie par Padeloup le jeune Place Sorbonne a Paris:* 41 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales. Paris, 1 671-1678. I vol, Firmin Didofs copy^ with his ex libris. Bound by Duru. LEAR, EDWARD Book of Nonsense. i voL — Laughable Lyrics. London, 1877. i vol. LEECH, JOHN Follies of the Year. 1 844-1 864. i vol, LE GENDRE, LOUIS Vie du Cardinal d*Amboise, Premier Ministre de Louis XIL A Rouen, 1724. i vol, LE SAGE Translation of Le Diable Boiteaux. New York, 1824. I vol, LETHWIDGE, ARNOLD The Bookbindings of Ralph Randolph Adams. Privately printed. New York, 1 904. Taper, i vol, LEVI, CESARE AUGUSTO Navi Venete. Venezia, 1892. i vol, LEWIS XV The Private Life of Lewis XV. Translated from the French by J. O. Justamond, f. r. s. Dublin, 1 78 1. I vol, LISIEUX, ISIDORE (Publisher) Divers Jeux rustiques et autres oeuvres de Joa- chim Du-Bellay. Paris, 1875. ^ '^^^• 42 LisiEux, Isidore (continued) — De la Demonialite et des animaux Incubes et succubes, par le R. P. Louis Marie Sinistrari d' Amiens. Paris, 1875. i '^^l- — Julius. Dialogue entre Saint Pierre et le Pape Jules II a la Porte du Paradis, attribue a Erasme. Paris, 1875. I '^oL — Le Passavent de Theodore de Beze traduite du Latin macaronique. Paris, 1875. ^ '^^^' — Les Epitres Amoureuses d'ARisTiNET tour- nees de Grec en Francais. Paris, 1876. i vol, — Point de Lendemain, conte dedie a la reine. Paris, 1876. I vol, — Advis pour dresser une Bibliotheque par Ga- briel Naude. Paris, 1876. I vol, — La Vie de Moliere,par J. L. Le Gallois. Paris, 1877. I vol, — La Nuit et le Moment, par Crebillon fils. Paris, 1879. I '^^^' — La Conference entre Luther et le Diable, au sujet de la Messe, racontee par Luther lui-meme. I vol, LIVIUS, TITUS Historiaruny Quod extat. Apud Danielem Elze- virium. Amstelodami. A- 1678. i vol, ^ound by Simier, Remarkably large copy. 43 LOMBARD, PETER Commentaries on the Incarnation of the Word, etc. Jehan Petit, Paris, 1510. i vol, ^lack letter. Mentioned by Brunet, Bound by Emile Rousselle, LONGFELLOW, H. W. In the Harbor. Ultima Thule, Part II. Boston, 1882. I vol. 'Published for the first time after the poet's death, LORRIS, GUILL de Le Rommant de la Rose. Paris, 1538. i vol, 'Black letter. Bound by Sanford, LOUIS XIII Les Chroniques et Annales de Pologne. Paris, 1573. I vol. Black morocco. Bound by Le Qasconfor Louis XIII and t/Inne d'Autriche. ^ truly magnificent binding. Vide Bindings. — Homelies des Croix ct Afflidions. Paris, 1626. I vol. Superbly bounds with his arms on sides of cover. Vide Bindings. LOUIS XIV Proserpine Tragcdie en Musique. Paris, 1680. I vol. Red morocco, Louis the Fourteenth's copy. The sides entirely covered with fieurs-de-lys, Fx^ntispiece , Bound by Ruette.^ Vide Bindings. *" •»^-.^=-— '^ LOUIS XIV, FILS DE Office de la Semaine Sainde. i vol, 44 Louis XIV, Fils de (continued) tdux armes du Grand Dauphin^ fils de Louis XIV, Bound by Le Gascon. Vide Bindings. LOUIS XV Office de la Semaine Sainte en Latin et en Fran- cais a Tusage de Rome. Sm, 8w, i vol. ^ound in old morocco. Tooled with royal arms on sides, in Le Qascon style. Paris, 1728. Vide Bindings. — Histoire de TOrdre du S. Esprit. 1740. i vol. This copy belonged to Louis XV. It has his coat of arms on the side. Vide Bindings. LOWELL, EDWARD J. The Hessians. New York, 1884. i '^^^• LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL Poems. 1844. I vol. First edition. — A Fable for Critics. 1848. i vol. First edition. — My Garden Acquaintance. James R. Osgood & Co., Boston, 1877. * '^^^- — Last Poems. Riverside Press, 1895. i vol. LUSSAN, Mademoiselle de Annales Galantes de la Cour de Henri Second. Amsterdam, 1749. 2 vols. Fille naturelle du Prince Thomas de Savoie, Comte de Soissons. 45 LYSONS, Rev. SAMUEL The Model Merchant of the Middle Ages. Lon- don, i860. I vol. First edition, M MAISTRE, XAVIER de Voyage autour de ma chambre. Paris, 1883. i vol, MALLARME, STEPHANE Vers et Prose avec un portrait par James M. N. Whistler. i vol, t^utograph of Whistler. MALLOCK, W. H. The Heart of Life. London, 1895. 3 vols. First edition, With autograph letter. MALVASIA, CARLO CESARE Felsina Pittrice. Vite de Pittori Bolognesi. In Bo- logna, 1678. 1 vols, MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE Heptameron Fran9ois. Chez la nouvelle Societe typographique. 1780-81. 3 vols. Qenuine original impression of the engravings and full mar- ginSy with the numbers at the bottom of the plates. There are three frontispieces by Dunker^ engraved by Eichlern; seventy- three full plates by Freudenburg; seventy-two vignettes, and seventy-two culs-de-lampe by Dunker. MARGUERITE DE VALOIS Salmi di David. Paris, 1588. i vol. 'Bound by Clovis Eve for Marguerite de Valois. Her arms 46 Marguerite de Valois (continued) on the front cover and her motto ^^Spes mea^^ {Deus) on the hack. On the last leaf is a motto in Italian^ written by Cath- erine de Medici^ who gave this book to Marguerite de Valois, Vide Bindings. — La Ruelle mal assortie. A Paris, 1854. i vol, MARIE ANTOINETTE Office de la Semaine Sainde. Paris, 1773. i vol. Marie Antoinettes copy^ with her arms on sides. Vide Bindings. MAROT, CLEMENT ^ > Les CEuvres. A Paris, 1571. I vol. ^ound by Chambolle-Duru, MAROT, L\N, DE Caen Sur les deux heureux voyages de Genes et Venise, vidorieusement mys a fii^ Par le treschretien Roy Loys Douziesme de ce nom, Imprime par Maistre Geoffroy Tory de Bourges Imprlmeur du Roy. Paris, 1532. I vol. Original edition, MARTIALIS, M. VAL. Epigrammata ex Musaeo Petri Scrivery. Ant- verpiae, 1696. / i vol, *Bound by Bozerian jeune, MASSILLON, J. B. Petit Careme. Paris, [». «/.] . i vol. MEDICI Poesie del Magnifico Lorenzo de Medici. Ap- presso Pietro Lancellotti. Bergamo, 1763. i vol. 47 MEDO, LA DUCHESSE DE Nouvelle historique etGalante. Paris, 1692. 2 vols, 'Bound by Chambolle-Duru, MESCHINOT, JEHAN Les Lunettes des Princes . . . nouvellement coposees par noble home Jehan Meschinot Escuier. Imprime par Philippe Pigouchet pour Simon Vostre. Paris, 1499. i vol. Black letter. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, This is Cardinal Temeniz's copy, with his book-plate. MEURSif ;^, JOANNIS Cecropia. Lugduni Batavorum. Excudebat Godfridus Basson. Ex Officina Elzeviriana. CID ID C XXIV. I vol. MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI Le Rime. Pubblicate da Cesare Guasti. Firenze, 1863. I vol. MISSALE ROMANUM Ex Decreto Sacro-Sandi, &c., &c. Pii V. Pont. Max. Parisiis, 1578. Folio, i vol. Bound with crossed keys and flames on covers. Vide BrNDiNGS. Novum MISSALE ROMANUM Ex Decreto Clement VIII Augustae Vindele- corum. 171 7. I '^ol. Superb binding, dated 1719. Vide Bindings. MOLMENTI, P. G. La Vie Privee a Venise depuis les premiers temps 48 MOLMENTIj P. G. (continued) jusqu'a la chute de la Republique. Ferdinand On- gania, Venise, 1882. i vol. — Vecchie Storie. i vol, MONTAGU, Lady MARY WORTLEY Letters, with Preface by a Lady written in 1724. I vol. The Select CoUe£f ion here published was faithfully transcribed from the original manuscript of Her Ladyship at Venice, MOORE, CHARLES LEONARD Book of Day Dreams. Philadelphia, 1888. i vol, MOORE, Rev. EDWARD, d.d. Time References of Divina Commedia. London, 1887. I vol. MOREAS, JEAN Le Pelerin Passionne. Leon Vannier, Paris, 1893. I vol, MUSSET, ALFRED de Nouvelles et Contes. Charpentier, Paris, 1881. I vol. K NAPOLEON I Receuil des Lois, etc. Paris, 181 1. i vol. With autographs ^^ Bonaparte" and ^*' Napoleon." NAPOLEON III Histoire de Jules Cesar. Imprimerie Imperiale. Paris, 1855. 2 vols. 49 NAPOLI Museo-Nazionale di Napoli. Stamperia della R. Universita Napoli, 1865. i vol, NEAL, DANIEL, M. A. History of the Puritans. Newburyport, Mass., 1 816. 5 vols. NEWDEGATE, Lady NEWDIGATE The Cheverels. London, 1898. i vol. NOAILLES, ADRIEN MAURICE, Due de Memoires Politiques et Militaires. Chez Mou- tard. A Paris, 1777. 6 vols. NORTON, C. E. The New Life of Dante Alighieri, translated by C. E. N. Boston, 1867. i vol. — Historical Studies of Church-Building in the Middle Ages. New York, 1880. i vol. — The Poet Gray as a Naturalist. Boston, 1903. I vol. NOSTRADAMUS, M. MICHEL Les Propheties. The second part printed. A Lyon, 1644. I vol. Las NOVELAS AMOROSAS Carlos Aubert. Traduccion de J. Tandince. I vol. NUREMBERG CHRONICLE ScHEDEL (Hartmann) Chronicarum Liber con figuris et ymaginibus. A. Koberger, Nurembergae, 1493. ' '^^^' 50 Nuremberg Chronicle (continued) With fine impressions of all the large woodcuts oftowns^ his- torical events^ portraits, &c. Royal /blioy in the original broad binding. Fine copy, with the scarce map at the end and all the blank leaves, o OFFICE DE LA SEMAINE SAINCTE Imprimerie Jaques Colombat. 1732. i vol. Vide Bindings. OFFICIUM B. MARIAE VIRG. Venetiis, 1663. i vol, ^Delicious little book. Old silver binding. Vide Bindings. OKAKURA-KAKUZO The Ideals of the East. New York, 1904. i vol, — The Awakening of Japan. New York, 1904. T^th autograph letter. ^ I vol. ORVIETO / Stampe del Duomo di Orvieto dedicato alia San- tita di nostro Signore Pio Sesto, pontifico Mas- simo. Roma, 1 79 1. I vol. OVID La Metamorphose d'OviDE figuree. Lyon, 1563. I vol. e// beautiful copy of the celebrated Lyons edition, with 178 vi- gnettes and ornamental borders by Petit Bernard. Small ^to, full blue morocco, yanseniste style, gilt edges, by Duru. ** Bernard^ s masterpiece," Didot, 51 Ovid (continued) " e/f wonderful little volume . . . executed with a brilliancy and precision which must render all rivalry hopeless^"* Dibdin. — Les Epistres d'OviDE traduites en vers francais avec les commentaires fort curieux par Claude Gaspar Bachet de Meziriac. Bourg en Bresse, 1626. 3 vols. The first book printed in Bourg en Br esse. From the library of the Marquis d"" AntragueSy with his mono- gram stamped on the back, — Les Metamorphoses en Latin et Francois divi- sees en 15 livres de la tradudion de M'- Pierre Du-Ryer Parisien de TAcademie franc^oise. A Bruxelles, 1677. i vol. — Metamorphoslbn. 1568. i vol. *Bound in original hogskin. Vide Bindings. — Amatoria. Lugduni, 1555. iimo^ i vol. Calf. Henri IPs copy^ with a raised and gilded medallion of his head on cover. Vide Bindings and Henri II. T PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER The Golden Treasury. Cambridge, 1863. i vol. La PAPESSE JEANNE Etude historiqueetlitteraire par Philomneste Jun- ior. Edition augmentee et illustree de curieuses gravures sur bois des XV^*^'"*^ et XVI I P^^"^" siecles. Bruxelles, 1880. i vol. 52 La Papesse Jeanne (continued) — Roman Historique par Emmanuel RhoMis, avec etude critique par J. Barbey d'Aurevilly. II- lustree d'un portrait de Tauteur, d*un portrait de la Papesse, et de fac-simile justificatifs. Maurice Dreyfous, Paris, 1881. i vol, PAPILLON DE LA FERTE La Vie des Peintres par M. P. D. L. F. A Paris, 1776. 2 vols, PARIS A Few Weeks in Paris during the Residence of the Allied Sovereigns in that Metropolis. John Eliot, Printer. 18 14. i vol. First American edition. PATER, WALTER Marius the Epicurean. London, 1885. 2 vols, With autograph letter, PENHALLOW, SAMUEL History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians. Boston, 1726. i vol, PERCIER, CHARLES, et FONTAINE, P. F. L. Choix des plus celebres maisons de Plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. A Paris, 1 809. i vol. PERRY, M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squad- ron to the China Seas & Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854 under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, 53 Perry, M. C. (continued) by Order of the Government of the United States. Washington, 1856. 2 vols, PETAVII DIONYSII Rationarium Temporum. Parisiis, 1633. Vide Bindings. PETER MARTYR De Rebus Oceanicis et novo orbe, etc. Coloniae, 1574. I vol. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO Rime. Pisa, 1805. 1 vols. PETRONIUS I vol. ^ound by Padeloup^ exquisite mosaic in 1 720. Vide Bindings. PICf S, JOANNI, DE MIRANDULAE Auree Epistole. Impressum p. Michaele Le Noir. Paris. Anno 1499. i vol. Woodcut on title-page. Black letter. PLACCI, CARLO Un Furto. Milano, 1892. i vol. Les plaisantes journees de SR. FA- VORAL Paris, 1637. I vol. "Bmind by Trautz-Bauzennet. PLATO Synopsis ofWorks by Floyer Sydenham. Printed by S. Richardson. London, 17J9. i vol. 54 PLUTARQUE Epitome ou abrege des Vies de Cinquante et Quatre Notables, etc. Paris, 1558. i vol, 'Printed in ^^Civiiite^* or cursive charaSfers, POE, E. A. Tales of the Grotesque & Arabesque. Lea & Blanchard, 1840. 1 vols. First edition, POLIPHILI HYPNEROTOMACHIA Ubi humana omnia non nisi omnium esse docet atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna com- memorat, Italice (audore F. Columna). Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi Manutii, 1499. i vol. First edition, 'Beautiful engravings [from designs by C^r- paccio) with all the plates [including the worship of 'Priapus) in perfect condition. C^fft g- ^» Very scarce. The designs have also been ascribed to 'Bellini and Mantegna. Vide Aldine Press. The PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR The New Guide of the Conversation in Portu- guese and English by Pedro Caroling. Peking, and to the house of all the booksellers of Paris. 1869. I vol. POURTRAICTS DE LA COUR, etc. Louis XIV, Prince de Conty, Mademoiselle de Montpensier, Monsieur de Guise, Cardinal de Retz, Cardinal Barberini, Fouquet, Colbert, due de Mazarin, etc. Cologne (Holland^lzevir), 1667. I vol. From the Hamilton Palace Library ^ with a manuscript note by Beckfird. Bound by MouilUe. 55 PREVOST D'EXILES, L'Abbe Memoires d'un Honnete Homme. A Amster- dam, 1745. I vol, Le promptuaire des Conciles de Leglise Catholique faid par lehan Le Maire de Beiges. A Lyon, 1533. Vide Bindings. Les PSEAUMES de DAVID En Vers Francais. Geneve, 1720. i voL La puce de MADAME DES ROCHES qui est un recueil de divers poemes grecs, latins, et fran^ois, composez par plusieurs dodes person- nages, aux grans jours a Poitiers Tan 1579. Pour Abel L*angellier. Paris, 1582. i vol. Tall copy of original edition. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet. PUNCH'S ALMANACKS 1842-1861. 1 vol. ^ QUILLER-COUCH, A. T. The Oxford Book of English Verse. Oxford, 1 904. I vol. QUINTIL|.L\N Lugduni, 1544. i vol. Covered with fleurs-de-lys. Belonged to Henry IF. Vide Bindings. 56 K RABELAIS, FRANCOIS Les CEuvres. A Lyon, 1588. i vol, ^ound by Sanford, — QEuvres. Elzevir, 1663. 1 vols. With the coat of arms of Madame de 'Pompadour, RACHEL d'apres sa correspondanc^par Georges d'Heylli. Paris, 1882. I vol. RAIKES, THOMAS A Portion of the Journal kept from 1 83 1 to 1 847. London, 1856. 4 vols. ROBBINS, M. C. The Rescue of an Old Place. 1900. i vol, RODD, RENNELL Rose Leaf & Apple Leaf, with an Introdudion by Oscar Wilde. Philadelphia, 1882. i vol. Two copies of this, — The Unknown Madonna. London, 1888. i vol, With autograph letter, — The Violet Crown. London, 1891. i vol. With autograph, ROMAIN, HENRY Compendium hystorial des polices des Empires Royaulmes et Choses publicques. Imprime par Nicolas Contreau le xx jour d'odobre pour Gal- 57 RoMAiN, Henry (continued) liot du Pre. Nouvellement translate de latin en Francoys. Paris, 1528. i vol. Black letter. Small folio. Vellum, RONSARD, PIERRE Les CEuvres. Paris, 1555. i vol, t^ll first editions^ except les tumours, Reliure de Hardy. Dorure de Marius Michel, ^^Uune rarete prodigieuse," Brunet, ROPES, JOHN C. The First Napoleon. Boston, 1885. i vol. ROSA, SALVATOR Satire. Londra, 1791. i vol. Lord ByrorCs copy, with his name on title-page and a most interesting note written by him at the end of the book^ dated Qenoay t^pril ()y 1823. Vide Autographs. ROSARIO Rosario della gl^°'" V«'"' Maria. Marchio Sessa e Piero de la Serena. Venetia, 1524. i vol. The second edition of the Essa Rosary ^ with 188 wood-engrav- ings and a woodcut border to each page, ROSCOE, WILLIAM Life of Lorenzo de Medici. London, 1797. 2 vols. ROS ROSARUM Ex Horto Poetanim. Dew of the Ever-living Rose. Gathered from the Poets' Garden of many Lands by E. V. B. Chiswick Press, London, 1885. I vol, 58 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA G. Verses. Dedicated to her mother. Privately printed. 1847. I vol.. Fine copy of the first edition^ with the author's autograph on the cover^ which is bound in. With a very interesting auto^ graph letter. ROUSSEAU, J. J. Julie, ou la Nouvelle Heloise. Lettres de deux Amans habitans d*une petite ville au pied des Alpes. Amsterdam, 1761. 6 vols, bound in 3 vols. Original edition. RUBY, The containing The Pensioner's Legacy, The Peacock and The Miller's Daughter. Published by Josiah Adams, New York, 1847. i '^^^• RUSH, RICHARD A residence at the Court of London from 1825 to 1837. London, 1833. i vol. RUSKIN, JOHN St. Mark's Rest. George Allen: Sunnyside, Or- pington, Kent, 1877. I vol. T^ree parts and supplement. — Arrows of the Chace. George Allen, 1 8 80. 2 vols. First edition, RYDER, ARTHUR W. The Little Clay Cart. A Hindu Drama. Trans- lated from the original Sanskrit and Prakrits into English Prose and Verse. Published by Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1905. i vol. It is Volume Nine of the Harvard Oriental Series. 59 \ SAINTE-BEUVE Nouvelle Gallerie de Femmes celebres. Paris, 1865. I vol, Presentation copy^ with autograph of author, SANGIORGI Colledlion Carrand au Bargello. i vol. T>edicated to L S, Q. SANTAYANA, GEORGE Sonnets & Other Verses. 1894. i vol. With MS, sonnet, — Sonnets & Other Verses. Stone & Kimball, 1896. I vol, — Lucifer. 1899. i vol, SAPPHO, ADVENTURES OF Translated from original Greek, newly discovered. In English & Italian. London, 1789. 2 vols, SARGENT, CHARLES SPRAGUE Forest Flora of Japan. Riverside Press, Cam- bridge, 1894. I vol, SCHEDEL, HARTMANN Chronicarum Liber, cu. figuris et ymaginibus. [Nuremberg Chronicle.] A. Koberger, Nurem- bergae, 1493. ' '^^^' IVith fine impressions of all the large woodcuts oftowns^ his- torical eventSy portraits^ ^c. Royal folio^ in the original board binding. Fine copy^ with the scarce map at the endy and all the blank leaves, 60 SCHEDEL, HaRTMANN (cONTINUEd) The original Latin edition. The great piSfur e-book of the Mid- dle Ages. It contains 22 50 woodcuts of the principal events^ chara^ers and cities^ described in the work^ executed in a mas- terly and spirited style by Michael Wolgemuth and William Tleydenwurff. SCHREINER, OLIVE Dreams. 1891. i vol. tduthor*s edition? SCHELLING'S, JACHT TER Verboorlyke Schipbreuk van't Oostendiesch. Harlem, 1742. i vol. La science DES MEDAILLES A Paris, 1739. i vol. SCOTT, WALTER The Antiquary. Edinburgh, 18 16. 3 vols. — Tales of my Landlord. Edinburgh, 1 8 1 6. 4 w/j. The seven volumes from the Beckford Library^ with MS. notes by Beckford. SEDGWICK, Miss Morals of Manners. New York, 1 846. i vol. SEVIGNE, Marquise de, MARIE RABUTIN- CHANTAL Lettres a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan, sa fille. A La Haye, 1726. i vol. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Edition dite de Rouen^ publiee la meme annee que P edition originale. 61 SFORZA, LA VITA DI Valorissimo Capitano. Appresso Giovanni de* Rossi. In Venetia, 1549. i vol, SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works. Oxford, 1744. 6 vols, SHAKE-SPEARE Poems, written by Wil Shake-speare, Gent. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes and are to be sold by John Benson, dwelling in St. Dunstan's Church Yard. 1640. i vol. Original edition. Bound by !P. Ruban, t/in excellent example of the excessively rare first edition of Shakespeare's poems^ with both title-pages^ and in perfeSf con- dition with the exception of MarshaWs portrait^ which is in facsimile, SHARP, WILLIAM [Fiona Macleod] Life of Heinrich Heine. London, 1888. i vol, — From the Hills of Dream. Portland, Maine, 1904. I vol, SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE The Shelley Society's Publications. Of the Second Series there are : Adonais ; Review of Hogg's Memoirs of Prince Alexy HaimatoiF; Alastar and Other Poems; Hellas; An address to the Irish People; Epipsychidion; The Wandering Jew. Of the Fourth Series there are : The Shelley Li- brary, an Essay in Bibliography; A Memoir of Shelley; The Cenci. And from the Extra Series: Hellas, a Lyrical Drama with the Choruses set to Music. 62 Shelley, Percy Bysshe (continued) — Pedigree of Percy Bysshe Shelley. i vol. Issue of fifty for England and fifty for America, This copy is No, 1 8, English issue, SHOBERL Russia. London, 1822. 4 vols. SILVESTRE, L. C. Marques Typographiques. A Paris, 1853. 2 vols. Uncut. More than i^OO plates of colophons^ marks^ fleurons, and other devices of French printers^ ^r., from the introduc- tion of printing in FrancBy 1470, to the end of the sixteenth century, SIMSON, EDWARD Chronicon Historiam Catholicom. Amsterdam, 1752. I vol. This copy contains the author's dissertation on the Sybils, Li- brary of Robert TraverSy Trinity CollegCy Dublin, SKISSER Reiselivet. 1865. ^ '^^^• SMITH, F. HOPKINSON Well-Worn Roads. 1890. i vol. SPECULUM HUMANAE SALVATIONIS Leaf from Speculum. MS. Londres, 1861. i vol. This leaf is laid in at the last page of this volume ^^ Speculum Humanae Salvationist^ which is ^^reproduit en facsimile etCy par J, Ph. Berjeau," SPENCE Parallel, in the manner of Plutarch, between a most celebrated man of Florence (Signor MagliabechiJ 63 Spence (continued) & one scarce ever heard of in England, 0ohn HiUg. 1758. I vol Printed at The Strawberry Hill Press by William Robinson, STAMPA, L'ARTE BELLA Ferd. Ongania, Venezia, 1895. ^ '^^^* STANDISH, CECIL Lettres. i vol, STANHOPE, Lady HESTER Memoirs. London, 1845. 3 '^^^^' — Travels. London, 1846. 3 vols, STEDMAN, EDMUND C. The Prince's Ball. A Brochure from Vanity Fair. With illustrations by Stevens, i860. i vol, STERNE, LAURENCE The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gen- tleman. 8 vols. The first volume is second edition ; the other seven are the ori- ginal edition. The autograph "Z. Sterne^* appears frequently in volumes v, vii and viii. — A Sentimental Journey through France & Italy by Mr. Yorick. London, 1768. 1 vols. First edition, — Letters from Yoorick to Eliza, &c. Dublin, 1776. 1 vols, STEVENS, HENRY Nuggets. Chiswick Press, Odober i, 1870. i vol, 64 STEWARTS OF APPIN, THE By John H. J. Stewart, f. s. a., scot., & Lieut.- Col. Duncan Stewart, Late 92nd Highlanders. Printed for private circulation by Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh, 1880. i vol. STORY, W. W. Graffiti d'ltalia. 1875. ^ '^^^• With MS, writing, STRETTEL, ALMA (translator) Spanish & Italian Folk Songs. i voL STRUYS, J. J. Reizen. Ze Haarlem, 1741. i vol, ^lack letter^ with illustrations, STUART, MARY History of Queen of Scots. From the Original & Unpublished MS. of Professor Petit, by Charles de Flandre, f. s. a., scot. Edinburgh, 1873. 2 vols, 'Printed for the Translator, — Mary Stuart. By John Skelton, c.b., ll. d. Boussod, Valadon & C% Paris, 1893. i vol, SULLIVAN, T. R. Day & Night Stories. 1890. i vol, SWIFT, JONATHAN Travels into several Remote Nations of the World ; in four parts, by Lemuel Gulliver. London, 1726. 2 vols. Fine portrait. Fine copy of first edition. Bound by Sanford, 65 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES William Blake, a Critical Essay. London, 1868. I vol, SYMONDS, MARGARET Days spent on a Doge's Farm. London, 1 894. i vol. TASSO, TORQUATO La Gierusalemme Liberata. Appresso Giacob Ton- son & Giovanni Watts. In Londra, 1724. 2 voh, TAYLER, WILLIAM Subjeds from Life — Indian & Anglo-Indian. London, 1842. i vol, TENNYSON, ALFRED Timbudoo. Cambridge, 1829. i vol. First edition, — Ballads & Poems. London, 1880. i vol. First edition, \ TERENTI NATES, Ambrosu Novidi Fracci Roma-, 1 547. I vol. The copy of Pope Julius Illy with his arms on the cover. Vide Bindings. TERENTIUS, PUBLIUS Comoediag sex. Lugd. Batavorum. Ex officina El- zeviriana. A-, 1635. ^ '^^^' From Sunderland Library^ Blenheim ^Palace, THACKERAY, W. M. The Rose & the Ring, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. New York, 1871. i vol. 66 THAXTER, CELIA Poems. 1884. ^ I vol, — Drift-Weed. 1885. 1 vol. Both volumes illustrated with water-colour illustrations by the author. THEOCRITUS, BION, and MOSCHUS Rendered into English Prose by A. Lang. Mac- millan, London, 1889. i '^^^• TIMES, JOHN, F.s. A. A Century of Anecdote. London, 1864. 1 vols, — Romance of London. London, 1865. 3 '^^^•^• TOLSTOI Works. Moscow, 1886. 6 vols. In Russian. TOMASO TOMASI Vita del Duca Valentino detto ilTirannodi Roma. In Monte Chiaro, 1670. i vol. TRENT, COUNCIL OF A Godly and necessarye admonition of the De- crees and Canons of the Council of Trent. Trans- lated out of Latine. London, February, 1564. i vol. VASARI, GIORGIO Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori. Appresso i Giunti. In Fiorenza, 1568. 3 vols. 67 VENEZIA II gran teatro delle Piu Insigni Prospettive di Ve- nezia. FoliOy i vol. VERLAINE, PAUL Chansons pour Elle. Leon Vannier, Paris, 1891. I vol. With Chanson xxiv in MS.y signed and dated, — Choix de Poesies. Paris, 1892. i vol. With autograph letter, VERON, Le Dr. L. Memoires d'un Bourgeois de Paris. Paris, 1856. 5 vols, in 3 VILLAHERMOSA, DuquE MARTIN DE BURREA Y ARAGON (DuquE de Villaher- MOSA, CONDE DE ReBARGOZa) Discursos de Medallas y Antiquedades. i vol, Sx dono La Duquesa de 'Villahermosa. VILLON, Maistre FRANCOYS Les CEuvres. A Tenseigne Saind Nicolas. On les vent a Paris a la rue neufue notre dame. Paris, 1533. I vol, ^ound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, VIRGILIUS L'Eneide di Virgilio del Commendatore Anni- bal Caro. In Mantova, 1596. i vol, — Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi. 15 14. i vol, Syston 'Park Qf^UeSiion, 68 w WANDGEMALDE Im Palazzo di Venezia zu Rom, herausgegeben von Hermann Ulmann. Miinchen, 1894. i vol, WARDEN, WILLIAM Letters written on board H.B. M. Ship North- umberland, & at St. Helena. 18 17. i voL WARNER, CHARLES DUDLEY My Summer in a Garden. Boston, 1871. i vol. First edition, — Back-log Studies. Illustrated by Augustus Hoppin. 1873. First edition. WASfflNGTON Official Letters to the Honourable American Con- gress written during the War between the United States & Great Britain by his Excellency George Washington, " Commander-in-Chief of the Con- tinental forces, now President of the United States. Boston, 1795." I vol, WENDELL, BARRETT Ralegh in Guiana. 1902. i vol, WHISTLER, J. A. McN. Whistler v. Ruskin. Art & Art Critics. 1878. I vol, — Etchings & Dry Points. Venice Second Series, 1883. I vol, 69 Whistler, J. A. McN. (continued) — "Notes," "Harmonies," " Nodurnes." May, 1884. I vol, — The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, i vol. First copy of first edition^ with two MS. letters, — Eden versus Whistler. The Baronet & the But- terfly. 1899. I vol. With MS. dedication. — Mr. Whistler's Lithographs. Compiled by Thomas R. Way. 1896. i vol, — Illustrated Catalogue of the Whistler Memo- rial Exhibition. New Gallery, London, 1905. i vol. Edition de luxe, WILDE, OSCAR Poems. London, 1881. i vol, — The Sphinx. London, 1894. i vol, T>edicated to Marcel Schwob, Edition limited to 200 copies, T)ecorations by Charles Ricketts. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK S. Our Iron Roads. London, 1852. i vol, WRAXALL, Sir C. E. LASCELLES Life & Times of Caroline Matilda. London, 1864. 3 vols. X XYLOGRAPHIE i vol. e/f« extremely important volume^ curiously illustrating the subjeSf of wood-engraving, 70 Xylographie (continued) i^ MS, volume of prayers^ in the Qerman language on paper, in which is inserted a leaf possessing two impressions [the Cru- cifixion and Christ in the lap of Mary) from wood-blocks exe- cuted in the very infancy of the art. This very interesting MS. y written anterior to the T>iscovery of Metal *Printingy was for many years the property of W, T, Ottley, He obtained a translation of a prayer in the volume. It is as follows : ^^In the name ofQod, Amen — 'Prologue — /, a poor cell monk ^"^ of the Carthusian Order ^ am so idle in my peaceful tran- ^^quility in consequence of the corrupted nature of my soul^ that " / must always devise ^ exercise some new a£f of ^evotion^ "^ as a New Tear is now begun [tAnno Domini 1 445) ^^ I feel disposed from that to send all hearts a New Tears ** gift that they may pray to Qod for my soul. Life is gone — ^-^ Time flies away — T>eath comes. The Lord grant that we ^^may die in a proper manner. In the V* place I shall compose " These short prayers for the Feast of Xmas^ likewise for all ^^the Festivals of our Lady ^Vlary^"* t^c. The woodcuts are opposite a prayer for Qood Friday, YEATS, W. B. Poems. London, MCMIV. i vol. YRIARTE, CHARLES Frangoise de Rimini, dans la Legende et dans rhistoire. Avec vignettes et dessins inedits d' Ingres et d'Ary SchefFer. Paris, 1883. i vol, Exemplair No. 331. HIM I A, V J. 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