Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN VOCABULARY OF WORDS CONTAINED IN THE FOUR GOSPELS AND THE ACTS. EDITION. FOR THE USE OF CHARTERHOUSE SCHOOL. LONDON: TAYLOE AND FEANCIS, BED LION COUET, FLEET STEEET. 1869. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. VOCABULARY OF WORDS CONTAINED IN THE FOUR GOSPELS AND THE ACTS. The mark ; implies Derivation. The mark : implies Composition. 'AAPii'N m. Hebrew undeclined. Aaron, son of Amram, grandson of Levi and Jochebed ; elder brother of Moses ; first High-Priest to the Israelites. 'A/3/3d m. Heb. und. Father. "A/3e\ m. Heb. und. Abel, Adam's second son. 'A/3ia m. Heb. und. Abia. 1. Second King of Judah, grandson of Solomon, Matth. \. 7. 2. A descendant of Aaron, at the head of a Sacerdotal family, the eighth in the order of the Classes appointed to serve in the temple, Luke i. 5. 'AfttaQap m. Heb. und. A High-Priest of the Jews, a faithful friend of David. 'AfitXrivos -/} -ov ; "A/3i\a, of Abila. used substantively without \upa, Abilene, a Region of Syria, between Libanus and Hermon. 'A/3iouo m. Heb. und. Abiud, son of Zorobabel. 'A/3paa/n m. Heb. und. Abraham, son of Tera, to whom the promise of the Saviour in his seed was given. /3u<7/ -or good. ayaXXiaats -''6r}Ka, j/yyojj/mt know not. ayroia -as ; ayiws. ignorance. ayvwiTTOs -ov : a not, yrtaaros knoicn : yvov know, un- known. ayopads ; dye/pw assemble, assembly, market. uyopda> ; ayopd market, dyopaadi, 7/yopaca, >/yopaa- /mi buy. ayopa. 1. of the market, vulgar. 2. agr. of the court, court-day. -as catching, in hunting or fishing, that which is caught. aypufjt^aros -ov : a not, ypa.pp.aTos ; ypap.pa letter, illi- terate. dypawX^w ; uypawXos folding in the field : ay pos field, avXtjfold. aypavXi'tvui, rjypavXrjKa keep watch in the fields. uypeyw ; aypa catching, a'ypeuo-w, ijypevita, fiypf.vp.cu catch. d'ypios -a -ov ; ay pos field, wild. 'Ayp/TTTras -a m. Agrippa. 1. son of Aristobulus and grandson of Herod the Great ; King of Judsea and Trachonitis ; caused St. James the Elder to be put to death, and died at Csesarea. 2. son of the former, and king of Chalcis, in whose presence St. Paul was tried by Festus. aypos -ov field. dypvTrj'ew ; aypvTri'os sleeping in the field : aypos field, inri'os sleep, aypwirvi'iffu), ijypv7rt'T)Ka am watchful like the shepherd, who, if he sleeps, is ready in the field to protect the sheep, and is awakened by the least noise. iiyd), o,i;w, J?x a 3yp ai > iiyayov lead, betake oneself. dywi'ta -as ; a'yi>itrfjia.i strive. 'AtSa/x m. Heb. und. red earth. Adam. 'Accl m. Heb. und. Addi, a Jew of the family of David. dce\fi -rjs sister. s -ov brother. -ov ; a. not, SrjXos manifest, obscure. ; dcrjfjLwv overwhelmed with grief, dcr^fjiuvi^o), am greatly grieved, am depressed with sorrow. -ov Hades, place of departed souls. mtKtui ; U.LIKOS unjust, dcwi/aw, jj&KTjKa, iictKtjpcu injure, wrong. -ros ; aeew. unjust act, wrong. Kta -as ; dStKos unjust, injustice. -ov : d not, /ioj justice, unjust. os -ov ; 'ASpapvrreiov, Adramyttium, a city of jEolia. of Adramyttium. 'Acpias -iov, Adria, Adriatic Sea. dvvaTew ; dovvaros impossible, dcvvaTi'ivia, ycvvdrrjKa cannot. 3rd pers. is impossible. dcvvaros -ov : d not, ^vvaros possible ; Cvrapai am able. impossible. a'et Adv. always. 'deros -ov eagle. : dnot, Zvpi) leaven ; ^ew ferment, unleavened, m. Heb. und. Asor, a Jew of the family of David. "Awros -ov f. Azotus, a seaport of Philistia, called in O. T. Ashdod. cti/p, epos ; dia blow. air. a0e/Litros -ov : d not, fleets -iros divine law. prohibited by divine law, unlawful. a'Qerew ; aOeros displaced : dnot, Oeros ; deu place, dde- ri'iam, qderriKn, y'Wer///iat annul, reject, render useless. 'Adrjvat -t ; aivos praise, aivetrw ->/) point of a spear, aXwros ; take, captive. vos m. age, generation, life. -ov ; aiwv age. of age, eternal. dxadapcria -as ; aKadapros unclean, uncleanness. aKaOapTos -ov : dnot, Kadapros ; Kadalpa) cleanse, unclean. cixavda -07js thorn. -ij -ov ; axavfta thorn, of thorns. -TTOV : d not, KapTros fruit, unfruitful, aicara'cptros -ov : a not, KaraKpiTos ; KaruKpivu condemn. uncondemned. -as ; aVarairraros unsettled : d not, Kard- ; Kadiarrjpi : Kara down, tonj/ii place ; ardw. unsettled state. a Syriac und. n. field of blood, Aceldama. 8 -ov : ti not, Kcpaios ; Kepas horn (as symbolic of injury) . harmless . point, ace. a'tyo)*/, to this point of time, still. i) -rjs ; OKOVW hear, hearing. aKoXovdeu ; duoXovSos attendant. dKoXovQ>ih>vla ; 0wr?j voice. cock-crowing, the third watch of the night. d\Krwp -ropos m. cock. 'AXefavSpeiis -us ; 'AXe^av^pe/a, Alexandria, a city of JSgypt : Alexandrian. -ov Alexandrian. "AXearpos -pov Alexander. 1. son of Simon of Gyrene. 2. one of the family of the High-Priest Annas. a\evp(>v -ov flour. uXi'ldetn -ns ; aXrjdijs true, truth. a\r)d>]s -es : d not, Xrjdi]s ; Xyjdw conceal, true. a\r)divos -} -ov ; aXrjQ>)s true, of truth, genuine. aXi'idb) ; dXew. dX//<7w, ?jX?;/cri, jjXTjoyzat grind. a\T]Ows ; aXr)dr}$ true, truly. dXieus -eos ; dXs sea. fisherman. aXtevw ; aXievs fisherman, dXteufrw, ^X/evia fish. ; aXs salt. aXivw, ijXiKa, ijXiffpai season with salt. -fj.aros ; aXtuyew pollute, pollution. dXXa ; aXXos other, but. dXXdrrw ; ciXXos other. dXXd^w, >/XXa^a, fjXXaypat change. dXXa^oQei' ; dXXos other, from another place. dXXi'jXioi', -Xots -Xctis, -Xous -Xas -Xa ; ciXXos other, one another. dXXoye'//s : ctXXos other, yevj/s ; yevos family, stranger. dX\ofiai ; aXs sea. aXovpai, ifX/jat, aXOtjao/jtai leap, spring. aXXos -Xrj -Xo other. dXXo-ptos -a -ov ; aXXos other, of another. dXXo^vXos -ov : ciXXos other, vXos ; vXi) tribe of another tribe, foreign. iiXoyos -oi' : a not, Xoyos reason, unreasonable. dXoij -TJS Aloe, an aromatic tree used by the ^Egyptians in embalming the dead. dXs, dXos f. sea : n. salt. u\vtns -cws : d not, Xvvis ; Xww loose, chain. 'AX0aIos -ov Alphseus, called also Cleophas, brother of Joseph the husband of the Virgin Mary, and father of James the less, and Matthew. tiXinv -ttivos m. f. threshing-floor. oXwTi} -Treicos f. fox. d^a together. 10 ; /Kiprew. dpapri'iaw, i )f jiaprnKa, miss the mark, sin. -fiaTos ; d/mprea>. offence. ayuapr/a -as ; dfiapTtw. sin. d/xdprvpoi -ov : a wo, paprvp witness, without witness. ayuaprwXos -Xov ; d/xaprew. sinful. a/xeXeo) ; d/ieX?)s negligent : a no, /xeXj/s ; /ueXew care. ajueX?/' -w^os m. ; a^/7reXo$ m'ne. vineyard. ), d/xu^w, assist, wzzo*. requite, punish. ayu^t round, /3dXXw c#. u^(^/3X>/ja>, d/^- (piftefiXrjka, a/*0i/3e/3Ajtyzat, ap^teftaXov cast around. a.fji(f>ift\r)aTpoy -rpov ; d/jt around, ^VVV^L ; ew ^JM# on. d/^it<7w, gti, upifJlfj.ai or ^ju^t'eo-juot clothe. -ews. Amphipolis, a city of Macedonia on the river Strymon. ifyocov -ov : &n/ffo/uaf, ara fiffirjm, dvifir]v intrans. go up. ava/3XXw : dvd wp, /3a\Xw throw. drafiXijffui, dra/3e- pXrjKa, dya/3e/3Xjj^ai, throw up, wzz'rf. put off, remand. aYa/3i/3ow : dra i/p, /3'a/3e/3t'/3ar/iat make to go up. ava/3Xe7rw : ara ?//), /3Xe?rw *ee. dva/3Xe^w, d>'a/3e/3Xe^a look up : dva 6ac. receive sight. drn/3Xei//ts -ews ; dva/3Xt7rw receive sight, receiving of sight. dra/3ociw ; dva up, /3oaw ; jSoiy cry. dva/3o/ffw, dvafteftorjKa cry aloud. dva/3oX() -jjs ; aVa/SdXXw. delay. aVayyeXXw : ara i//), dyyeXXw ^e/^. dvayyeXw, avr)-y- yeXca, a'vJ/yyeX/iai tell aloud, announce. dvayiyj'WT*:w : dva up, ytyvwffcw ; yyow know, ara- yrwaop.ai, ai'eyrwKu, ave.yrwap.ai, drey^wv read. ; avdyKif necessity. avayKiiaw, TjVa'yraica, ^vdy- compel. amyjcalos -a -ov ; dvdyKTj necessity, necessary, ultimate, di'dycr; -KTJS necessity. avayrwpl^w : at'd up, yi wpifa acquaint ; yt ow, drayyw- piffw, aveyi wptKa, ureyvoipiff/iat make known. dvdyvwais -ffeois ; dj'ayty>'t show. aVaoe/w, , at aoecety/nai show publicly, appoint pub- licly. rji cetis -ews ; awttbcigripu. public appearance. di'ace%of*at : dvd up, ^e\ofj.ai take, aVa?eojuai, dya^e^e- y/iai receive. Yaic/ii : ova M^), Zidwfjii give, dvalwau), dt deliver. 12 dfa^dw : aVd back, aw live, dva'tfiau, dvi'^Ka revive. dva7/rew : dm back, ^J/rea* seek. aVajjr/)0-a>j aYe^Y/rjjK-a, aVe?/r?7/mi seek that which has been lost. oVd0e/ua -ros ; aVaTt'0?;/ii se wp. devoted victim, curse. l^tD ; dvdfleyua ; dvariOr^ii. amde/mr/ow, ?}i t, ?/va0e^a'rj;a devote, bind by curse. aVa0ewpew : aYa M/>, deajpew look, 6ebipr)Ka, dvaredeuiprifiai, behold. dvddrifia -/naros ; dvaridrifjii set up : aYa ?/ place, ornament hung up in a temple. oVa/iieia -as ; aVat>)s shameless : a wo, modesty, shamelessness, importunity. dvalpeois -crews ; a'raipew destroy, destruction, death, execution. aVatpew : aVci z'a.Kadito : dm up, (caflt'^w sit. dyOKadlfv sit up. : dj'a back, va'/uTrrw bend. aVaicdyn^/w, dva- turn back. : aVa MJ9, cet^dt ; KCW Zz'e. dt'CLKeiffopai recline. : aVa M^),- jcXiVw 5enc?. aVacXivw, make to recline, vd z$ ; dvaK-pn'w examine, examination. ava up, ci/Trrw fienc?. aVa/an//w, draKecv0a raise up the body after stooping. aVaXa/j/3a'' : aVd up, Xaju/3aVa> ; X?J/3w take. dvaXj;//o- ^uat, dvei\iia, dve/Xj//x/uat. aVeXa/3o>/ take up. -ews ; aVaXi;/3w /Xw)uat expend, destroy. 13 etvaXos : a not, dXos ; aXs salt, saltless, insipid. avaXvio : avd back, Xva) loose. aiaXvffu), uvaXeXvKa, ava- XeXvuai unloose the cable, depart. avauapTTjTos : a not, duaprnros ; duaprew err. not liable to err, without sin. avautuvi'iaKoi : avd back, fiiuvfitrKtt) ; p.vdaiv(i> : dvd up, Qaii'ta show, dvatyavw, dvaTretyayica* dvair(f>auuai. dvtyavov display. aVa0epw : aVa up, (jiepw bear, droicrw ; dvoiw, dvijveyKa ; dveveyKw bear up. dvatt)Vu> : dvd up, (puveta : 0wv; voice. dva(j)tav{)artt), dva- iru>vT)Ka cry aloud. : dvd back, ^wpew go. dva^tapjjffu, dt>aK\w- go back. is -ews ; dva^v%ti) cool, refreshing, s -ov Andrew, one of the Twelve, brother of Peter. -TOV : a not, ecXeiTrros ; fKXeiirwfail. un- failing. dveKros -TOV ; dve\(i> endure, tolerable. -ov wind. 15 -rov : a not, ei'SeKrbs ; ej question, aVerdaw. put to the torture, examine. avev Prep. gen. without. dvevderos -ov : d not, evderos well-placed, ill-situated. avevpiffKw : di'd up, evplffKM find, dvevpijaw, avevprjKu, dvevprj/nai -pefj.cn. dvevpov ; aVeupew. find out. aVe^M : dvd up, &^ey%a, dvewy/uat open, ?/vota or dvewa. avoi)(dt](Topat. avey^drjr. : dvd up, oiKo^o^tew build. dvoticouyu/(7a>, Ka, avtt>Ko^6pr}pai build up, rebuild, dvo/tt'a, -as ; aropos breaker of a law. iniquity. li.vop.os -ov : a not, ropos law. without law, breaker of law. avopdob) : ava. up, opdow ; dpdos erect, avopftwaw, avup- 6d)Ka, avb>p6(t)fj.ai set upright. diraXXay/ua -fiaros ; draX\a exchange, price of exchange. : avrl in turn, airo back, ^/3wjUi ; Sow give. ro^eSuKa, dvraTroSeSo/uat repay. -paras ; diraTro^i^wyut repay, repayment. uvrcnroKpl'rofjia.1 : dvrl in turn, aVo back, Kpirw separate. answer in turn. i in turn, eirw say. dt'rciirov gainsay. e\o) : dvrl against, e^w hold. dv0e^w hold against, mid. hold firmly to. a'vrt Pr. gen. for, instead of, comp. against, in turn. djTi/3dXXw : aVrt in turn, /SciXXw cast. aVrt/3Xi/(rw, arrt- (3ej3\r)Ka, aVr/3e/3XT?/uat cast in turn. aVrt'cocos -ov : dvrt against, SIKT] law-suit, opponent. aVricaXew : dvrt in turn, (caXew call. dvTuca\4ffv, dvn- Ka, d)'TiKeK\iifiai invite in turn. : dvrt against, icelpai lie. dyriKfiirofiat op- pose. dvriKpv ; di'rt against, over against, opposite. dfTiXapfiarw : dvrt in turn, Xu/jjSurw ; X'//?w seise, din- X//4/ojuaj, di>Tei\r)a, dvre/Xjjjiifjai lay hold of. dvrtXeyw : dvri against, Xeyw speaJe. drrtXt^w, dvri- XeXoya, dvrtXeXey/xat speak against. 17 ct jrt/uerpew : aVrt against, /uerpew measure. ari/zerp//rtreray/xat oppose, mid. resist. ; avrXos hold of a ship. avrXijtru, /vrX/ta, ^i'- draw out. a.yT\r}fj.a -paros ; dvrXew. instrument to draw water. : dvrt against, o^ftaX/uew ; 6da\/j,6s eye, a.vTO(f>da\fjir]ff(t}, avrmfydaXfJUiKa, atT(iXj)Qa\pr)fji(u. look in the face. vSpos -ov : a not, vfiwp water, dry. ia Adv. above, upward. -ov : civw above, yeov ; 7/7 earth, upper chamber. ; avw above, from above. ; avwrepos higher, upper, dvwrepos -a -ov ; a.vw above, higher. d&Vty -j;s axe. atos -a -ov deserving. /^/w/ca, >}/w/uai think worthy. ciTrayyeXXw : OTTO from, dyyeXXw tell. drrayyeXw, air- ?;yyeX:a, aTr^yyeXjuat report. 18 : OTTO from, ay^u suffocate, a-rrdyfo, a destroy by strangulation. uTTfiyw : OTTO from, ciyw lead. a7raw, a.TrrJx a > lead away. uTrcu'pw : rnrofrom, dipu> raise, airapw, airfjpKa, i take away. ttTrairew : OTTO from, 0.176(1) ask. a^-ain/ffw, aTrjjrijica, cnrr]- TTjftai demand back. ttTraXXa (7(7w : ctTro from, a'XXa<7<7w change. a7ra\\aa, a7r//XXa)(a, aVi/XXay/zat get rid of. araXos -) -oj' soft. aVaj'raw : dirufrom, dvrao) meet. cnraiTJ/ffw, aVj'/vrr/K'a meet. a7ravr?j(ris -irews ; aravraw wzee^. meeting. dirapveofirtt : aVo from, dpveofiai deny. aVnpj'7/0-Ojuat, deny, renounce. os -pov ; etTrapri^w perfect, completing, aims -aera -av, -a'70$ all. ' deceit. aVeifl/ys unbelieving. aTretO/'/aw, ijTreidqKa disbe- lieve, obey. aTreidiis -es : dnot,Trei6>]s ; 7re/fla persuade, unbelieving. aVeXe ; aVetXj) threat, ct7ret\i)<7w, jjTret'XjjKa, ijTreiXrifjiai. threaten. an^etX)) -77$ threat. a.Tret/j.1 : dirofrom, eljui wzV^ ^ro. 2 aor. dirfjv. depart. ui'w : CITTO from, eXauvw ; eXctw drive, aVeXa'aw, , aTreXijXapat drive away. os /uov ; an-eXeyxw confute, confutation, con- tempt. : dirofrom, eX7nw Aope, aVeXTr/o-w, aV>/X7rtKa, ifTfjiai hope to receive in return. ' Adv. ^ew. ; dirofrom, ev in, dvrl against, over against. : aVo from, eveyKU bear, bear off, 1 aor. aV/- 19 dirpirpr)Tos -ov : d not, TrepirprjTos circumcised ; circumcise, uncircumcised. : dirofrom, ep-^opat go. depart. ajreXeuffo/icu, : aVo from, e^w Aat'e. ctyeu> receive all that is due tr.&m distant intr. direct translated Mark xiv. 4 1 . it is enough, the purport for which I was sent is re- ceiving its full completion. aTriorew ; UTTIOTOS faithless, dinar ^ata, 7/7rt'0T77ca disbe- lieve. aVi, aVo/5c- fi\T)Ka, a7ro/3e/3\7j^ai cast off. a7ro/3o/\>) -77 s ; aVo/SaXXw ccs^ o^". rejection, loss. n) -TJS ; aVoypa'0w enrol, enrolment. : diru from, ypuQui write. ctTroypa'^w, ctTroye- a, diroyeypappat describe, enrol, tax. : aVo from, ^eiKvvfjii show. aVo3ew, ciTrote- * ct7roce^eiy/Ltat demonstrate, show. : aVo from, cerarow ; Cesaros tenth. aVoce- icarwirw, diro^eSeKdrij)Ka, a7roOece/caVa/uat pay tithe. : diro from, ^e^o/iac receive. d;rooeojuaj, d?ro- receive. a7ro()7?juew : aVo from, c^tw ; Srjjuos people. aVor^Tjirw, diro%eCrifj.r)Ka go abroad. rnrocT7/ios -/^o' : etTro from, crjfjios people, living abroad. a7roct'ow^/i : air o from, ^i^wfii ', cow give. aTr , ajroce^ojuat give back, repay. w : OTTO from, ^oKt/ua'^oj prove. , dTroCeSoKip.acrp.at reject. 20 -KTJS ; aVort'Ojj/u place away, store-room. aVo0Xt'/3w : dnofrom, QXifiwpress. dirodXtyw, di aVoreOXi/z/zai press on all sides. dirodvi)aK(i> : dirofrom, dri'iaw ; Qaviu die. dirodavov/jiai, aYoreOvTjra die. diroKa6iffT7]fjii : dirofrom, Kara down, 7ffr//jui place. aVo- Karaor//(Tw, diroKaQeffnjKa set right again. aVoKa XUTTT-W : aVo from, fca\v?rrw cover. dTTOKa\v\^(t>, , a7ro/ce(caXu^/uat uncover, reveal. s ; aTrocaXvVrw reveal, revelation. diroKardffraffts -trews ; diroKadiffTTJUt re-establish, re-esta- blishment, restitution. aTTOKelfjiai : O.TTO from, Ke?/mi /ze. diroKtiffOpat am laid by. dTroK.ea\iw : OTTO 0^", Ke^aXi^u) ; (ce^aXj) head. (fiaXiffta, aVoiceK'e^dXtKa, dTroKeKa, aTTOKeKpvfJifJiai conceal. diroKpva, ci7ret'Xij^/iat take from, receive. a7roXe/x w : dTTofrom, Xet'x w ^ c ^ diroXelfa lick. diroXXv/JLt : aVo /rom, oXXvpi destroy. diroXiao*, aVo- , aTrwXeyuat ; ctTroXew. lose, destroy. -as ; 'ArroXXwv Apollo. Apollonia, a city of Macedonia. 21 -u Heb. Apollos, a Jew of Alexandria, in- structed in Christianity by Aquila and Priscilla. a-rroXoyeopai : diro from, Xoyeopai ; Xoyos speech. O.TTO\O- yjjo-ojucu, aTToXeXoyTj/iat defend myself. tnroXoyla -as ; tnroXoyeofjiai defend oneself, apology, de- fence. : euro from, Xovw wash. arroXovffw, anoXeXovKa, oif. cnroXvrpuHrts - loose. aTroXvea), aVoXeXuKa, aTro- loose from, set free. a.TTop.a.aa : aVo from, p.u.aa wipe. aTroyua^w, aTro^e- , a7rofj.efj.ay[ia.t wipe oif. : airofrom, viirrti) wash the hand or foot. aVo- , aVofert^o, a7rove>'j///iat wash off. w : aVo from, Triirru), ireveu) fall, di 2 aor. aTteireaov fall from. : cnrofrom, irXavcua make to err. , a.TroweTrXdvr)fJ.a.i seduce. : CITO from, TrXew *az7. aTronXevffb), a Ka sail away. : aVo from, TrXvvu wash a garment or vessel. 'w, a7ro^-e7rXvyca, aVo7rt7rXv/^cu wash clean. 7ro7r'l'yw : aVo from, irviyu choke. i choke. ; airopos distressed : a not, iropos means. a j;7rop?;:a am perplexed. diropia -as ; airopos distressed, perplexity. : d-iro from, ptVrw ca*#, a7ro|0pti//w, direppi^a, cast off. : aro from, (TKevatn) ; CTKCVOS vessel, aVo- o, aVeffk-euaKa, aTreer/ceuaff/iai carry away furni- ture, prepare for departure. aVoiorripi separate, separa- tion, defection. uiroaratriov -ov ; aVoorar^s ; di ffrrjpt separate, divorce. a7rodeyyofia.i : dfrofrom, Qeyyop.ai speak. aVo00ey^o//at speak out. a7ro0oprt'o^cu : aVo from, 0oprio/zcu ; 0opros freight. diro<(iopTiffOfj.at, a7ro7re^opTio-/zai discharge freight. ew : aVo from, ^upeu) ffO. aTro^wpJ/fTW, txTrok'e^a;- k-a depart. ifa : dirbfrom, x^p^w separate ; ^^pa region. TTOKe^uipiKa, dnoK-^iapi(T/jai separate. diro\Lv ^w : d?ro from, ^v-^w breathe on. aVo^ii^w, d?re- dwtyvy/jia.1 deprive of breath r. faint 23 -ov. Appius Claudius Ceecus, a Roman censor, under whose direction the Appian road from Rome to Capua was constructed. awpocrKoxos : d not, TrpocrKoiros ; 7rpo stumble, with- out stumbling, void of offence. i?^a, ri/jpai fasten, kindle, mid. touch. eu), d-rrwdu) : aVo from, wftew, &d(i> thrust, diru)Q{](na, , airwdrjKa, aVwica, a7ra0i/jua<, dirufffim thrust away, reject. uTrwXeta -as ; aVw\j)s ; diroXXv/jii destroy, destruction, apa therefore, apa interrogat. 'Apctju. m. Heb. und. Aram, an Israelite of the tribe of Judah. "A/octi^ -afios Arabian. dpyos or depyos ->} -ov : a not, epyov work. idle. dpyvpios -a -ov ; apyvpos silver, of silver, dpyvpiov used without Subst. royuto-jua silver piece of money. dpyvpoKGTTos -ov : apyvpos silver, KOTTOS ; Koirrta cut. worker in silver. dpyvpovs -rj -ovv ; apyvpos silver, of silver. "Apeios -a -ov ; "Apqs Mars, of Mars. "Apeo-7rdyos Mars-hill, Areopagus. 'Apeo7raytrr/s -ou ; "Apeios-irdyos. of Areopagus, Areo- pagite. a'pe'o-KW ; a'pew. dpecrw, f/pexa please. dpetrros -rfi -rov ; dpeoncw. pleasing. ; dpidfjios. dpi6fjir]ffw, ripldur)Ka, ?/p/0/i?juai number. OV number. 'Api/za0a/a -as Arimathaea, a city of the Jews. 'Apiffrap^os -ov Aristarchus, a Christian of Thessalonica, companion of St. Paul. a'ptoraw ; apioTov. dpicrnjfftt), ripiffTijKa breakfast, dptorepos -pd -pov left. dpiv-ov -TOV breakfast, feast, a'piceros -} -ov ; a'pc^w satisfy, sufficient, dpicew, dpKctTb), ijpKeKa satisfy, assist. -p.aTos ; aiptti raise, chariot. dpviop.aL, dpt't'iaopai, ijpvr)fjiui deny. dpviov -ov dim. ; ups lamb, little lamb. aporpidu ; aporpov. dpOTpidvw, ijporplaKa, plough. dpoTpov -ov ; dpoai plough, plough. apirayr) -fjs ; apirdfa seize, rapine. apirdfa, apTrdffdi, ijpiraKa, fjpiraancii, or ^.pird^u, fjpira\a, rjpTrayfjiai seize. dpna -irayos ravenous. appaos -ov : d not, pdos ; pdirru) sew. unsewed. appwaros -ov : d not, pworos ; pow strengthen, infirm. aps, dpvos m. lamb. -irev, -aevos male. -ios, & IDS Artemis, Lat. Diana. -ovos ; apra'w suspend, mainsail. Adv. now. as -TOV bread. dprvato, i']OTVKU, ijpTVfJiai season. dc m. Heb. und. Arphaxad, son of Shem. | cos -a -ov ; dp^t] beginning, of old. -ov : apx w command, Xaos people. Archelaus, son of Herod, King of Judaea. fi -xjs beginning, command. dp\T)yos -you : dp%ij command, dyos ; ayw lead, leader, prince. apxicpariKos -6v ; dp^iepevs High-Priest, of the High- Priest. dpyiepivs -eos : dp\d> command, iepevs priest ; iepbs sa- cred. High-Priest. dp\t command, rpels three, 25 couch, master of the feast at which couches were set, each adapted to hold three persons. "p w > WX a > Wyp-* 11 command mid. begin. ap-^mv -^ovros ; apx w command, ruler, apw/na -fiaros spice. 'A)p m. Heb. und. Aser, the eighth son of Jacob. aydeveia -as ; aadfvijs infirm, infirmity. ; affdevris, aaQevijau), JiadevvKo. am infirm, sick. : a not, adevrjs ; ardevos strength, infirm, weak, -as Heb. 1. Asia. 2. Asia Minor. 3. Proconsu Asia or Ionia. 'Aertavos -ov ; 'A/orpa0a lighten. dorpov -pou ; dorr/p *#r. constellation. -ov : a no, avpfyuvos agreeing : avv with, 7 voice, disagreeing. : a not, ovveros ; trvviefjiat understand, with- out understanding. do^idXeia -as ; afftyaXrjs secure, security, certainty. ao(f>a\Tjs : a not, rr^a/X^s ; cr^aXXw trip up. secure, safe. make secure. ; daipeaivdvt0yzcu make unseen, make unseemly. -rov '. a not, 0avros ; ^atVw show, out of sight, -wvos : a? from, e<5pwv ; e^pa seat, the draught ybr excrement. aits -ews ; drftKveo/zai arrive. 1. arrival. 2. departure. u : O.TTO from, "iffrrj/Jii place. , au)pifffjLai separate. dpbs foam, d^p/o-w, j/piica foam. a prove, jailer. fidaavos -ov f. touchstone, torture. /3a;Xa>/iia< profane. 30 &ec\cftov\ m. Heb. und. Beelzebul, chief of the evil spirits. Bertapn> Heb. und. son of the right hand. Benjamin. BepvtKT) -ris Bernice, sister of Herod Agrippa, king of Chalcis. Bepoia -as Bersea, a city of Macedonia. Bepoicuos -at'a -aioi' ; Bepoia Bersean. Brtdafiapd -as Bethabara, Heb. house of passage, a vil- lage near the Jordan. Rr]6ai'ia -as Bethany, a village near the mount of Olives, 15 Stadia distant from Jerusalem. Br)6effM -as Bethesda, Heb. house of mercy, a pool near the Temple in Jerusalem, to which the sick repaired to be healed. Br)6\p. f. Heb. und. house of bread. Bethlehem, a city of Judaea not far from Jerusalem towards the South, the city of David, in which Jesus was born : called Ephrata, to distinguish it from Bethlehem belonging to the tribe of Zabulon. Be0ayri -fjs Heb. place of Jigs. Bethphage, a tract of country at the foot of the Mount of Olives. fifjfjia. -paras ; /3ciw step, step, raised place, judgment- seat. ftia -as force. /3taw ; fiia force, fltdou, fiefiiaKa, fttftiaoftai force. fiiatos -a -ov ; flia force, violent. /5(aar/s -row ; /3iaw force, violent. v -ov ; dim. /3t'/3\os biblus. small book. -ov f. biblus, an Egyptian plant, the bark of which was used for writing, book. v ; /3po'o>. ftpwffti), /3e/3pwtt-a, /3e/3pw/uat eat. -as Bithynia, a province at the north of Asia Minor. 31 ftifis -ov life. /3/wTis -ews ; j3t6(t> live, mode of living. /3tw-t*:6s -fi -ov ; ftiwros ; /3tciw live, belonging to life. pXaTrrw, /3Xdi//, /3e/3Xar}^r]ain, blaspheme, calumniate. iia -as ; /3Xa(7a, /3e/3Xe/x/^at see. Boorepyes m. ^Te5. MWC?. Boanerges, *o/w q/ thunder. Sur- name of James and John. /3or'i> ; /;o/} cry. fioriaw, fiefiorjica, cry out. /3o7;0ein -as : fiurjdew help. /3o;0ew ; /3oijtfos assistant. fioriOrjaui, /3e/3o/;0?j(ca assist. pudvvos -ov pit. ^ -77$ ; /3aXXw ca#. throw. X/^w ; /3oXis /3e/3pox, /3e/3pey/icu, efipaxov wet. tj -TTJS thunder. -ty* ; /3pex w shower. jopvyfios -p.ov ; fipv^u gnash the teeth, gnashing. , fipvfo, fiefipv%a, fiefipvypai gnash the teeth. -paras ; /Spow ea. food. -ov ; fipou) eat. eatable. j ; fipob). fipwcrw, /3e/3pu>f.a, /3e/3pa/iui eat. -etas ; /3p6w ea^. eating, food. t'w ; /3v0os depth, fivdiffta, fiefivtitKtt, /3e/3u0tT^ai sink in deep sea. fivpvevs -ews ; ftvpaa hide, tanner. /3uff(7os -crov f. fine linen. o$ -ov ; /3aw *^ep. altar. r. ra/3/3a0d f. ^e6. wwrf. Gabbatha, a raised pavement. m. Heb. und. the Angel Gabriel. bs -vrj -vov ; Tadapa, a city to the South-east of the Lake of Gennesaret. of Gadara. aa -TJS Gaza, a city of the Philistines. yaa -rjs Persian, treasure. yao(j>v\aKiov -ov : ya%a. treasure, (f>v\aKio>> ; 33 . Galilee, a region of Palestine bounded on the North by Mount Libanus, on the East by the River Jordan, on the South by Samaria, on the West by the Mediter- ranean. FaXXtW -wvos Gallic, Proconsul of Achaia, elder brother to Seneca. rapa\irj\ Heb. und. m. Gamaliel, an eminent Pharisee, teacher of St. Paul. ya/uew ; yap.os marriage. yapy, yajuw, yeyd/iijica, marry. The husband is properly said ya- ducere, the wife ya/jeto-flai nubere. w, yayuiw ; yap.os marriage, yap'taw, yeyapiKu, give in marriage. -ov marriage, marriage-chamber, ydpoi marriage- feast. yap for. yaffTTjp -repos, -rpos f. stomach, womb, ye at least. FeeVj^a -vjs Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom an Israelite, in which the image of Moloch was once placed ; but after the worship of the true God had been restored, every kind of filth, and dead carcases being thrown into it, worms were always to be found ; and fires were frequently kindled to burn the remains, and to prevent pestilence. reSffrifinrfj Heb. und. Gethsemane, a place at the foot of the Mount of Olives, yet'rwv -TOVOS m. f. neighbour. yeAfiw ; yeXws laughter. ye\ci, yeyepiKa, fill. ye/uw, yepdj am full, yei'ca -as generation. yeverrtos -a -nv ; yeveais birth, of birth, yeveo-is -aei>>s ; yevew am born, birth, generation. 34 jj -174 ; yevew am born, birth. yevvuu ; yevva race, yevvfjaw, yeyevvqica, generate. yewrina -paras ; yewaw generate, generation, produce. Fevj'T/ffaper f. Heb. und. Gennesaret, a region of Galilee, which gave a name to the northern lake formed by the waters of the River Jordan. yevvj/ffis -crews ; yei'vaw generate, generating, birth. yevvT)Tos -rrj -rbv ; ye.vva.ta generate, born. yevos -eo$ race, family. Tepyeffrivos-vrj-vov ; Fepyefra, a townattached to Gadara. of Gergesa. yepovffia -as ; yepwv old man. senate. yepwr -OVTOS old man. yeu'w, yeujpaw ; yrjpas old (tge. yj/paera;, yey//pa/;a grow old. yiyvo/jiai, yevew ; yevos race. yevi}aop.ai, yevriOrfaofjiai, yeyova, yeyevj/^at, Eyvo/j.r)v am born, become, eyei- vdftr\v ; yevoujuat gave birth to. ; yvow. yvwao^ai, eyj'WKa, eyvweus -eos ; yvciTrrw card, fuller. jjs ; yvow know, determination. ; yvow know, yvwpiau, eyvupiKa, tyvw make known. yvwots -crews ; yvow Awoto. knowledge. 35 -ov ; yvow know, one who knows. yvworos -TT) -TOV ; yvow know, known. yoyyv'w, yoyyvirw, yeyoyyvra murmur. yoyyvff/jios -juou ; yoyyv'w murmur, murmuring. FoXyofla /Ze6. wwe?. Golgotha, or Calvary, Place of a Skull : a small hill near Jerusalem where our Saviour was crucified. Fofioppa -pas, -pa -pwv Gomorrha, a town to the East of Judea, destroyed by God, on account of the detest- able crimes of the inhabitants. yofios -ov ; yifita am full, cargo. yoveiis -ews ; yovos offspring, parent. yovv, yovaros knee. yovvTrerea) ; yovvTrerr/s : yovv knee, irfreiafall. fall on the knee. ypdfifj.a -p.aTOS ; ypdtyw. letter. ypapparevs -ews ; ypdppa letter, scribe. ypa(j>T) -f)s ; ypaQw. Scripture. ypdtyto, ypd\jjti), yeypa^a, yey/oa/z/uat write. yprjyopeti), yprfyoprjffw, eypjjyopjjica wake. yvpvos -vr) -vov naked. yvvTj, yvvatKos woman, wife. y & via -as corner. A. Aa/3o m. Heb. und. David, son of Jesse, king of Judea, of whose family the Saviour was born. ifjiiav evil spirit. Sat/xovtVw, SeSatfjioi'wa, 2e- afflict with an evil spirit. ov -ov ; cieu'/iwv. evil spirit. -fjLovos ; caiu know. m. evil spirit. cdicpv -pvos, Sdicpvov -ov, tear. ; cdicpv. caKpviria, cetidupvKa, ce^aKpvfiai weep. -ov ; caKTv\os ring. 63 -ov finger. d Heb. und. Dalmanutha, a village near Mag- dala. d(i>, Cardan), SetSd/naKa, 2ea/xa<7/zat subdue. Damaris. Kos -ov f. Damascus, the capital of Syria. ()avet'w ; cdvos gift, loan. Saveiaw, (Je^aVeu'a, give, lend. mid. borrow. Saveiov -ov ; Sdvos loan. debt. rji -TOV ; $a.t>ei//<7w, ($eiTrvT)Kj -?/s Derbe, a city of Lycaonia. Seppanvos -77 -ov ; Seppa skin ; Sept* flay. of skin. c"epw, Sepw, (JeSapiea, ^ecap^tai. eSapov ; Sapew flay, beat. bind with chains. os. leapiaw, ^eSeff/zjjKa, Se^eff/iTj/^ai bind. Seffp.fi -fjs ; fieo; 5mc/. bundle. -a -ov ; Seffjuos bound. os -ov, pi. (ieffpa ; ew fiz'wc?. chain, bond. -KOS : Seffpbs bond, v\a keeper, keeper of prison, jailer. iov -ov ; SeoyjWDjp ; oeoyxow ; cevpus. prison. -ov ; deffpos bond, prisoner. -ou, woe. oeffTrora Master. . hither. Seure ^rfw. come. Sevrepaios -aia -alov ; Sevrepos Second, of the second day. devrepoVpwros -ov : Sevrepos second, Trpwros first, first reckoned from the second day of the feast. " counted from the morrow after" the festival. Levit. xxiii. 15. Sevrepos -a -ov second. Styopai, Cefypai, SeSeypai receive. Sew, c^ffM, 2e^7/Ka, 8e2c/zat bind. 3ei must. 5eo*/ |)ar<. Mew. necessary. 17 m truth. <5fj\os -77 -ov manifest. Sriprj-yopeb) ; (Sjj/zjjyopos public speaker ; fifjpos people, riyopos ; ay ope w harangue, c'lj/ijjyopijffw speak pub- licly. 38 -ov Demetrius, people. Sr)fji6ffios -a -ov ; lfjp.os people, public. ltip.oai(f. agr. publicly. Srjvapios -a -ov ; denarius of ten ; deni ten. used Subst. without voptapa, Denarius, coin of "ten Asses," of which the value was 7 pence 3 farthings, dr/irore : Sf) in truth, TTOT& some time, in truth ever, diet Pr.gen. ace. through, comp. often asunder, in different directions. Sia/3cuvw : did across, paivta go. Siaj3i}aofjia.i, Sa/3e/3?j(ca go across. <$icr/3aXXw : ^ta through, /SaXXw cast. ^m/3\j/o-w, ^ta/3e- )3\7jca, ia/3e/3A.j?yuai cast through, calumniate, accuse. <5ia/3\e7rw : 2id through, fiXtirwsee. Sia/3A.eji/w see through, see clearly. -ov ; diafia\\w. accuser, adversary, calumniator. ta through, ayyeXXw tell. ^tayyeXw, yeXica, ^t;yyeXjuai divulge, proclaim. : Sid through, y/yvoyuai am. intervene. : Sia through, yiyi'wo'cw know, di Sieyvwa/xai, 2 aor. ^i^yj/w*', discern, know thoroughly. : Std through, yvwpiC, w make known. myvw- make known abroad. discern, discernment, de- cson, diayoyyw^w : ^ia through, yoyyvw murmur. Stayoy- yu, ^taycyoyyuKa murmur. 5taypjyopew : 2ia through, ypj/yop^w wake, VK- vffii), diavevvKrepevKo. pass the whole night. vw : 2i through, dviita accomplish, Siavvaw. StyvvKa, complete. os : 2ta through, Travros aZ/, agr. ^ovou. con- tinually. oTrepaw : 2ta through, Trepaw pass. Siairepaffu, paca pass over. ew : Sect through, TrXew 5t7. ^taTrXeuo- sail through. ew : 2ia through, Trorew ; Troves labor. $iatrovi]ff break. Sieppjj^a, Sieppr}yfjiai break, tear asunder. ew : Sid through, ffapew ; ara^rjs manifest. Sia- tra<(>i]ff(i>, SiaaevdfyrjKa, Siatrffd(f)r)fj.ni give informaton. Siaffeiu : Sid through, cret'w shake. Siaaeiffw, Sia.aeffeirriJ.ai disturb, molest. Sia sow. di- spersion. ^taoreXXw : cia asunder, (rreXXw send. SiavrtXw, Ste- a, SieffTpapfjiai, Sieffrpufyov pervert. w^dJ : Sid through, r)p,iw ; ^;/Lt>) report, , Sia7re0^'ju(o-/Ltai speak of throughout. Siadeip(t) : Sta through, tj>6eipi>> corrupt. 2te<^0ap/iat corrupt, destroy, as ; ta00e/pw, corruption. 3ta through, QvXuerau) guard. , $ta7re0v'Xay/utu guard throughout. Sia.\etp((i> : 2m through, -^eipi((o handle ; y^e'ip hand. Sta- Stauee^e/puctti SmKexe/pioymi take in hand. . put to death. Sid asunder, ^wp/fw ; x^P os place. $ia\w- i, Sia/ce)(WpiKa, SiaKe^wpitr/uai separate. -r>; -roi/ ; Sja, SiTjpphvevKa., diTipfj.fivevp.ai interpret. 2tep)(o/iat : Sta through, ep-^op.ai go. Xv0a ; ^teXeuflw. go through, go over. : cia through, epwraw inquire, ^te ), %ir)pa)T7)Ka, 2tr/pwrj//iai find by inquiry, -es : Sis twice, en)s ; eros year, two years old. oierm -as ; <5ier/)s. space of two years. 6ir)yeopai : Sta through, ^fyeo/xai ^ea /aai narrate, tell. 3t7jyj?<7ts -ews ; du/yeo^uai narrate, narration. SiOaXacrcros -ov : 2t$ twice, OaXacrffa sea. between two seas. SUOTIJ/U : ^ta asunder, toTT//ni place, ^taor^aw, Sieorrijca set apart ^r. stand apart zVtfr. (!>ti(r)(ypi ' Sta. through, tff^vpii^d) ; lar^vpos strong. toiiirYvpim, ^tia^vpiKa, Siiffj^vptafjiai exert all strength, affirm strongly. < iKtuos -a -ov ; SIKT), just. CiKatovvvT) -jjs ; SiKaios, justice. iKai6(t) ; SiKaios. oiKaujjab), (teSiKaiwKa, Se^tk'atw/uai jus- tify, value justly, sentence with justice. SiKaioui. sentence, ordinance. ; 2/Katos, justly. s -row ; ^im^w adjudge ; d/iaj *MzV. arbitrator. -r]s suit, justice. -ov ; SI'KW throw, net. 44 co : Sta through, o which, cause -xprifia. wherefore. ioc*euw : & through, ocevw ; oos way. journey through. s -ov ; AioVueros Dionysus, Lot. Bacchus, Diony- sius. toireTTjs -es : Atos of Jupiter Trerfis ', irerw, fallen from Jupiter. : diet through, opvaffia dig. Siopv dig through. 2 a. Stwpvyov. : Aios of Jupiter, Kovpoi young men sons of Jupiter, viz. Castor and Pollux. : 5ta on account of, on which, for the reason that, because, interr. why. (WXcrepos -n -ov ; $lir\oos. double. Us Adv. twice. ; ?ts twice, ^toratrw, $eciaTa%a doubt, t -at -a : &s twice, ^I'Xtot thousand, two thou- sand. : ^td through, vX/^w ; {;X?; matter, dregs. SivXiaw, a, (iivXitTfjiai strain through a sieve. ; a'^ os ^0- $i\a.ffii), ^e^t'^a/ca, ^e^i^ufffjia.i set at varance. two, ropos ; rc^rw c<. ^t- e^f^oro/JHjfjiat cut in two. thirst. li\^{]aw, 8e3tvl'j;ca thirst, tos -//ov ; r or ow, ^e^o/cr/ica, ^e^oyyum think, appear. fioKipij proving. ^oKifjiaa prove, as metals, distinguish. ovXfi tribe, nation of 12 tribes. -p.aros ; ejuw build, house. a -as ; cwpov. gratuitous gift. ace. gratuitously. ew ; Bwpov. ^wpjjffw, ^e^wprjica, Be^wpr/ynai present, -pou ; 3o'w ^rze. gift. 46 E. eav Conj. if. eavrov -TTJS -TOV or avrov -riys -TOV : e him, avros self. properly of 3rd person, himself, herself, itself, plur. themselves, used in the 1st and 2nd person also, myself, thyself, plur. ourselves, yourselves. ea'w, ed, eyKeK\r)Ku, kyui- K\rip.ai summon, accuse, implead. eyKaraXetTrw : evtn.icara down, XetVw leave. eyKaraXe/j//a>, eyicaraXeXotTra, eycaraXeXet/z^ai leave behind in. tfyicXjj/za -fjLaTos ; ty/cXew summon, charge. eyKOTrrw : ev in, KOTTTW cut. eyKttyti), eyKtKofya, eyKenop- fiai impede an enemy by cutting trenches, delay, eycpa'reta -as ; eygparqs temperate : ev in, icparr/s ; vpa'ros power, temperance. 47 : ev in, jfpwVrw hide. eyK/sui^/w, eyceicpv^a, ey- KeKpvp.fj.ai hide in. eyirvos -ov f. pregnant. eyo), e/uou I. ea0/w ; eScupos soil. ISa^t'ffw, jya0iica, ))<$a0ioy*ai level with the ground. eSatyos -cos soil. 'EeKias -ov Ezekia, 12th king of Judah, son of Ahaz. ; eflos. ediffti), eWeica. eidifffiai accustom. -if -ov ; edvos. of the nations, Gentile. -eos nation. G- e N n L-J. eflos -eos custom. e0w, e'itoda, am accustomed. ei if. wec? wzYA indicat. and optat. el^os -^eos appearance, species. tS^, eiaopat, ol$a see, know. plup. -ov : e'i^wXov, dvros ; 0u'w sacrifice, sacrificed to idols. etSwXov -ou ; eldos appearance, form, image. etc^ rashly, without cause. eticom twenty. eiKwv -KOVOS f. ; CIKU am like, image. eifjit, ew. eVojucu, 170 am. imp. 771' and rifj,t)v. el/itt, etw. eiffOfj.ni, rja go, will go. 2 a. 'iov. elprjvevti) ; elprfvr) peace, etprjrevab), etpyvevKa. have peace. elpqvr) -J'TJS peace. elpTjfoiroios -ov : elprjt'T), TTOWS ; TTOICW make, peace-maker. ets Prep. ace. to, into. els, fJ.ia, ev, eras, f4ias, evos, one. eladyta : els to, ctyw lead. etrraw, eto-jj^a, ettrrjyjuat lead in. eio-atou'w : ets #0, aKou'w hear. elffaKOvaofjiat, elffUKrjKoa listen to. : ets #o, eljut will go. Att. imperf. etVjj'etv enter. 48 eij(yw, eiffTreTTTl^ica, etoTreTTij^/nai leap into. eicnropevofiai : eis iw^o, Tropevoftat go. eiffiropevaofjiai, ela- TreTrdpeu/iat enter. elfflpdp.u obs. pres. in use etorpexw. 2 aor. etere^pa- ftoy. elra ^?w. then. etre : ei if, re aw?. whether, or if. CK bef. consonant. e bef. vowel. Prep. gen. out of, from. eKaoros rij -rov each. eicarov hundred. twv -ov : e/carov, TrXafftwv. hundred-fold. " ou : c/carov hundred, ap-^rjs commander. centurion. eKaro>Tpx os ~ ov ' e/carov hundred, ap^os commander. centurion. eic/3aXXw : out, /3aXXw ca*#. eic/3Xj/(Ta;, eic/3e/3X7j(ca, eic- fteftXrifiai cast out. e/c/3oXi) -gs ; eK/3eiXXw co^ OM#. casting out. Kyap.i(a, eKyaplffKti) : e/c OM^, ya/itt^w ; yd/jios mar- riage. e/cya/zt'ffw, ecyeya/itf:a, e/cyeya^ttr/zai give in marriage. K%e\0[jLai : CK OM^, ^e\ofjiai receive. K^e.,op.ai, eiceey/za receive from, expect. K^i^(t)fii : K from, ^t'Sw/^t ^ze. e/cSwffw, t-K^e^uKa, ec- deliver, wiz'e?. let out. : CK OM<, ^i^yeo/xat relate. etcStrj-ygyofJiai, CK- ai relate throughout. 49 ew : etc out, tk'ew ; cVc?/ suit, tcdtd^ avenge. ec2un}9is -cws ; luSiKtu avenge, avenging. eccfwcw : K out, IIUKW pursue. e<^to>w, i expel. -ov ; faSiivftt give up. given up. )iiw : K off, Svit). tKcivaw, excecvxa put off, strip. 2 a. . there. ; e:el. thence. e/cei>'os -VTJ -vo that. ; ficet there, thither. tD : tc out, r/rew *ee^. seek from. ew : ec OM^, 8a/j/3ew ; dapfios astonishment, e^dafji- /3>/y/ui place, exposed. grow sluggish, faint, ew : K out, (cevrew goad. CKKC eKAcecevTJy/xat pierce. K\T)ffia -as ; eK loose. ecXuffw, eKXeXuica, eicXeXvjuui loose from, enervate, weary. (Kpaaffu) : K out, paffffti) wipe. t-KpaZw, e>/je/jaxa> e- fjLkp.uyp.at wipe. ticftvitnpi* : e/c OM#, fivKT7)pi, tKireaew : CK out, iciicTiafall. cKTrXew : etc out, irXew *az7. e/CTrXeuirw, CKTren-Xeuca sail out. ow : eic out, irXripoti) Jill. ecn-Xjjpwir fulfil, accomplish. -ews ; eiCTrXijpow fulfil, fulfilment. ef OM#, TrX^affw strike. t*cirXt/w, cKTreT strike hard, strike with astonishment. fKirveu) : CK out, Trveti) breathe, eicrrrevao), CK'TrtTD evva expire. ekTTopevw : CK out, Tropeww make to go. eKiropevffuj, eKire- iropevKa, Kirtir6pevfj.at make to go out, mid. go out. tcpi^ow : ex out, p'iou> ; pla root. fKpi^wow, e^eppi^Ka, root up. -ews ; k^iarijpi place out. ecstasy, trance. : e*: out, Tapdacu) trouble. eKrapu,ti>, tKreraf u- , tkrera'pay^at trouble exceedingly. 51 : CK out, reivw stretch. e ere yw extend, stretchout. eKTTO.Ka, fKTerafjiai ; eicraw. kT\eti) : CK out, reXeio perform. c:reXe(To>, ecrereXeica, ekTereXej, CKredeiKa. e*,Tc- expose, set forth. : ec off, rivdaffoj shake. e.KTiva,, eKTeriva^a, eKrerlvaypai shake off. -TT] -TOV ; e^ six. sixth. eicros Adv. gen. without. K<]>epevyd) fly. ec^eu^w, KTre(J>vya, eic- rrevd) produce. eK^vati), eiore^vKa put forth, shoot forth. : fK out, \i(>>, \vu, \vvw, pour . eKKf-^vpai pour out. ew : etc out, ^uipeui ffO . eK^uprjtjd), eKKe^^prjKa go out. ou t> ^^\ w co l by breathing ; x^vx*/ breath. ek'4/yw, c^e^/ux a > e^evpuy^at hreathe out. eA.am -as olive-tree. -ov oil. >wros ; e\a'a oZz'pe. oliveyard. 'E\a/iz(V//s -ou Elamite ; native of Elymais or Persia, from Elam, son of Shem. e\diTffwy -aov, -crows comp. less, pcpos, eXax^* little. diminish, lessen. rw, eXaon tXetffw, eXjXa*ra, eXt'yXa^mi drive. os ; e\aos staff, -a -ov light. ffTos -7j -roi' ; tXax^s ft^/e. least. E2 52 EXedp m. Heb. und. Eleazar, a Jew of the family of David. &J, eXeyu>, eXj/Xey^a, eXjj'Xey/nat prove, reprove, bring to light. ew ; eXeos pity. eXe^irw, f/XeT/Ka, jyXei/juai pity. \f.r)p.oavvr) -TJS ; eXe>/^j' pitiful, pity, alms. \t')ptjjv -fjiov, -JMVOS ; l\e(t> pity, pitiful. eXeos -ou m. cn? cos n. pity, mercy. eXev0epos -o -ov free. ; eXevdepos. eXeuSepwcrw, ?}Xev0fpwk'a, ?}\ei>0f'- set free. eXevffts -ews ; eXev'Ow ofi*. co?e. coming. 'EXicu-elju m. fi^ei. wwd. Eliakim, a Jew of the family of David. 'E\it'ep m. Heb. und. Elieser, a Jew of the family of David. 'EXioOti m. Heb. und. Eliud, a Jew of the family of David. 'EXifiiti afflict with sores, vw, eXicw. eXtcvirw, e'iXxvKa, e"iXKvp.ai draw. ^w, elXx> elXy/xa* draw. 'EXXas -a^os. Hellas, sometimes considered as inclusive, sometimes as exclusive of Peloponnesus. "EXXijv -Xijros Hellen, Greek. -KTJ -KOV ; "EXXqj'. Grecian. ^ls -v/Sos f. ^EXXijv. Greek woman. 'EXXr)vt(TTr)s -ov ; 'EXX^v/^w, act as Greek, Hellenist, Jew living in foreign country and speaking Greek lan- guage. 'EXXr)vi fill. efnrXr], e/nreTrXr^a, c/i- 7re7r\j?avfis -s : ev in, tyaviis ; ^>atVw show, manifest. eyu0av/w : ev in, (j)avita ; (paivw show, e/n^avtff ., /jTre(pa.vifffjtai manifest. -ov : ev in, Qofiosfear. affrighted. ev on, (pvffdii) ; (f>vaa bellows. fj.^>vvvTos -ov : ev in, $VTOS ; ^>ww produce, implanted, ev, evl Prep. dot. in, on, at. evayKa.Xlu) : ev in, ayicaXt^w ; aycaXi; arm. evayKaXiffta, e vTjyKdXtKa., evrjyKa.Xiap.at put in arms. evavn : ev in, avri against, before, over against. evavrios -a -ov ; evavn over against, opposite, contrary. evoefis -es : ev in, Serjs ; eel there is need, in want. froeKa : ey one, ceita ten. eleven. evceKaros -jj -ov ; evtieKa. eleventh. voe\ofjini : ev in, oe^opai receive. evco/ueu, evtieSeypai receive, admit of. 3rd pers. is possible. evciovaKti), evlvta : ev on, ^wVtcw, ^vu) put. evEvff,ev$e- IVKO, evcedvfjiai put on. eveSuv ; ev5v/it. ei^o^os -ov : ev in, Sd^a glory, glorious, splendid. ei'Cvfjia -TOS ; evSvw put on. raiment. ti-r.vraf.i6M : ev in, IwafjLuii) strengthen ; fivvafiis strength. , ev$e^vvdf^>f^a^ strengthen, bear, see cw. 55 eve?pa -as : ev in, e?pa seat, ambush. : ev in, edpevw ; ecpa seat, evecpevaw, evq set ambush. -ov : ev, edpa. ambush. evetXew : kv in, eJXew roll, eve iXiycrw, evet'Xjj/ca, ei'eiXrjp involve, wrap. evetpi : kv in, el/jii ; eo> am. kvkaopai, evrja am in. eveKa, evcKev, e'iveKa, etvcKev Adv. yen. on account of. evepyew : ey in, epyew ; epyovwork. evepyr/uw, err/ rripyr}fiai work, effect. evevXoyew : ev on, evXoyew bless. eveuXoyi/ffw, e yr)Ka, vev\6yrffj.ai bless. eve-% : ev in, e^w have, evefe bind tr. press upon, threaten intr. ei'Oade : et'da here, e to. hither, here. i'dv/j.eo/j.ai : kv in, 6vp.eopai ; Ovpos mind, evdvpri nopal, kvQv{jLj]Q{] ffofiai, kvTeQvp.rip.ai, think upon, meditate. evdvfjLTjais -ews ; kvBvp.kofj.ai. thought. eviavros -rov year. : ev in, Itr-^yd) ; iff^ws strength, kvicrxyait), kvi- a., tvltrjQffuu strengthen. -ij -ov ; ev^ea. ninth. kwka nine. kvvevfixovraevvka: kt>vevt]KovTaninety,kvvka. ninety-nine. evveos -ov speechless. kvvevd) : kv on, reuw nod. kvvevaio, kvvkrevKa make signs. evvopos 'ov '. ev in, vopos law. lawful. -ov : ev in, vv-^os ; vvt, night, nightly, by night, -ov ; eve-^ta press on. subject. -p.a.Tos ; evreXXw. precept. ^M : ev in, raiaw ; ra^os grave. i>Taia.ffw, kv- /aica, evrera^>ta(T/zai prepare for burial. os -p.ov ; evra^ici^w. preparation for burial. ereXXw : eV in, reXXw. evreXw, evreraX*:a, eVreraX/uca charge, command. : evOa there, Oevfrom. thence. 66 -fiov : ev in, ripfj worth, costly, noble. t) -77$ ; evreXXu). commandment. -ov : ev in, TOTTIOS ; TOTTOS place. inhabitant. eiTos ; ev in. within. ei'Tpeirio : ev on, Tpeirw turn. evrpe^u), errerpOTra, evre- i, everpawov turn at, mid. revere. -ov : ev in, rpo/uos tremor : rpefidi tremble. trembling. Tvy^avh) : ev on, rvyyavw fall by chance, lifevfouat, 2 aor. everv^pi'. interpose, intercede. : ev in, rvXioeiti wrap. ivrvXlfcu, evrerv\i-%a, wrap in. ; evvnviov dream ; evvirviaai>n>ws m. Heb. und. Enos, son of Seth. : er in, Artfopuu ', wra ears, listen. - Heb. und. Enoch, a descendant of Adam, translated into heaven on account of his distinguished holiness. e six. eayw : c out, ayta lead. eaw, e^^a, e^yyuat lead out. ecup*fu> : e^ out, aipew take, e^aipt'iffu), er)pr)Ka, etypepui take out, select. e^elXov. i^nireii) '. e out, aired) ask. ecur*/ffw, e^jj'rfjKa, er}TT)nui beg of. e&tyvns : e$ of, alvr)s sudden, on a sudden. f^ttXei^ii) : e^ out, a\e/0o> anoint. ea\en^w, fi]\ei(f>a, t'i- j/Xet/j/uat wipe out. t^aXXofjtat : eout, iiXXofiai leap. e^aXovfjiai, e up. efavareXXw : et, out, ava up, reXXw. f^aiareXu, f T eroXa arise, shoot up. 57 : e out, avd up, Iffrrjfjit ; oraw place. eai'a- /fTw, elavecm]Ka raise up r. rise up zw#r. : e o/j otTrtva or a'i^i-jjs sudden, on a sudden. t-o7rooreXXw : e OM, riTro from, oreXXw *ew?. ea;ro- , ea7reorctX^ru send away from. dprt'^w ; aprios complete, e finish. : eS, from, aorpaVrw lighten. e shine like lightning. efavrijs : e avr^s or wpas in the same hour, imme- diately. e'eijut : e^from, et^ut am. M*ec? 3rc? jjer. eie<7ri, e^jfv is permitted. e^et/zt : e OM#, el/xt w?7/ $ro. e^e/o-o^at, e^pa go out. eeXw : e ow#, eXw e. e^eZXoj/. take out. : e OM^, eyeyvw 5er. bear out. eic^epw. - go out, depart. eeXew- eera;w : e OM, era^w examine. ra.aij.ni inquire, ask. e^T/yeojtmi : e OM^, 7/yeo^ai Zeac?. e lead out, relate, explain. e^KOvrn sixty. e^s ; e'^w AoW. continuously, in order. et : e OM, oXoflpeuw ; oXe.^pos destruction. eo- Xodpeiiau), eu)\60pevKa, eojXo0peujuat destroy utterly, cut off. eo|/o\oyew : e OM^, 6/^oXoyea ; 6/ioXoyos agreeing in speech. eo/uoXoy?jp*: ewpf,-r^at bind by oath, adjure. eopKtor>)s -ou ; eooKt(n adjurer, exorcist. 58 : e out, opvtrtTM dig. eopyw, e^wpv^a, e^wpvy- break through by digging. e out, ovlevuta ; ou^eis none, tZovSevwvv, c- , tov&tt/un set at nought. : (E,out,ovdeveu ; oufiets or ovets none, eov0e- vQevnKa, eovdfvr)fj.ai value at nought, slight, despise. -as ; eov being allowed, power, authority. ^tit ; i^ovtrla power, k^nvaidaii), eouira/ca, k^ovai- a eex w ^ OM ^ or over ^X prominence, authority. ei/7r>'/w : eout, i/7rrt'w ; inrvos sleep. e wake from sleep. -ov : e OM<, VTTVOJ sleep, awakened. ew ; e^ out. without. !w0ei' : e^w without, Oevfrom. from without. , (U9w thrust. -a -ov ; '<> without, outer. eoprfl -rqs holiday, festival. ^TrayyeXt'a -as : e7rayye\Xo^/ai promise, promise. CTrayyeXXw : enl to, ayyeXXw tell. erayyeXw, CTrjjyyeXica, eirjjyyeX^at announce, mid. promise. ejrayw : ewi to, ayw /ea back, ep^ofjiai go. return to. c7rai'tffTT)t;a raise up tr. rise up intr. : CTTI to, dfta upward, above, /a -as : eirap^os governor, Lot. procurator, pro- vince governed by a procurator. eiravXis -ews : iirl at, avXts ; avXfifold. fold. Adv. kirl to, avpiov to-morrow, to-raorrow. : e?rt on, avros self, (pdjpus ; (pup thief, in the very fact, cjreyeipw : liri on, eyet'pw raise, eireyepto, eirrjyepKa, k-nrj- yepfjiai. raise against, eirei when, after. cTrei^rj : exe! after, Srj truly, after, since, eTre/ojTrep whereas. 7rei3a> : eirl on, ett'w look, eweiffop.a.1, eTrelfiov visit. eTreip.1 '. eirl to, efyzi will go. Trei : eTrt ow, /3c'e\Xw ca*. eirifiefiXTipai cast upon, add to, rush upon intr. e7ri/3/3a : eTrt ow, /3i/3au> ma/re o^ro ; /3a'w. cTrtfiifid e7rj/3e/3//3aica, ext/3e/3//3ay counsel, plan, plot. e7rtyci/j/3peu(i) : e7rt ^o, yapftpevw ; yap.f3pos related by marriage. eiriyapftpevaiD, 7rtyeya/i/3pevKO connect bv marriage. eTrj'yeios -ov : eirt ow, y; earth, earthly. fTTiyiyi'O^.a.1 : CTTI ow, yiyvop.ai become. eirtyeyijffOfjiai, eiriyeyfvnp.at. 2 aor. eTreyevoyuT?*' supervene, arise. t tTt #0, yiyj-'woxw ; yrow know, ei i, 7rey>'ta>KO, eTreyvuap.a.1 know, acknowledge, eiriypari 'fjs ; eirtypdtyw inscribe, inscription. : e?rt on, ypdii> write. Viypd\^ui inscribe. : eiri to, e/vv/u ; ^eticw show, > e7rt6e^eiy/uai show, display. eiri #0, ^e^ofjiui receive. eTriS receive. : eiri$T)pos sojourning, eiri^n^au sojourn. 61 eiric?('3/u : CTri to, BiSotfjii ; Sowffive. e7rtSwrw, eiride give to. -as ; tTrteiKjys equitable : CTTI to, et'icw yield. equity, clemency. irtijreu) : eirl to, ^Tjrew seek. CTTI 77717 / wait. CTripevw, eiripfpevijKa. await, persevere. ejriveuw : eirl to, vevu nod. tirivevau, evirei'evKa. nod assent. -as ; eTrtvoew conceive : CTTJ, yoew think ; vovs m?. conception, thought. etit : e?ri against, opcew ; eJ'picos oA. eTriopiayeTw, eTrt- swear falsely. eiriovfftos -a -oi> : CTTI #o, oufftos ; wf being, necessary to subsistence. CTriTrtTrrw : eTrt ow, TrtVrw, 7re : CTTI to, Trvt'yw suffocate. eTrtTrv/^w, eTrtTreTrj't^a, eirtTTCTrytyyuai choke. eTrnropevofjiai : eirl to, TropevojJtai go. eTrnropevvopai, eiri- go to. w ^0. 2 a. ireppt(f>ov. : 7rt ow, p'/Trrw c*^. e-n-ipptyw, eireppupa, eirep- ptpp.cu cast upon. -/uov : CTTI ow, ) -^s ; eiriffK^Trrofjiai. visitation. -ov ; eiriffKeTTTopat. overseer, Bishop. apny know. -ar7js -ov ; jpt^a;, eT eire(rrripiyp,ai. confirm. r/ -^i ; e7ri(rre\Xw send, letter. 63 e^w : eirl to, orpe^w turn, eirtarpe^cj, cT TT(TTpafjfjia.i turn to. eTrtarrpoa\rjs ; : irl to, reXew ; reXos end. 7rireXe, reXoca, eTrtrereXcff/xat accomplish. ivtrldrifj.1 : ITTI on, to, TidijfAt ; 6ew place. eTriOjyo-w, ITTI- TedeiKa, eTTiTedeifiai place on, add. 7rirZ/naw : eiri to, rlfiau ; rt/xj value. eTTiripfiffd), ejrtre- Tt'/iTjKa, eTrtrert/iTj^ai increase value, impose fine, re- prove, forbid. : CTTJ ^o, rpeiriD turn, efftrpe^w, eTrtrerpOTra, CTTI- rerpa/z/mi turn to, commit to the charge. -js ; cTrirpeTrw entrust, commission, -ou ; cTTtrpeTrw. steward. '. ezri ^o, (jtaivti) show. eTTKfMivtS, eTrnre(f>T)va show light, shine. -es : e:rt ^o, d)av?j$ ; i^atVw show, remarkable. : evrt #o, 0e'pw 6ear. eiroivdj, aor. eTr/j^eyica bring to, lay an accusation. ew : eVt #0, ^wrew ; ^wyTj voice, eirt^wv^ffw, eTTt- speak in addition, make acclamations. : eTri #0, tywarKb) ', aos light, dawn, ew : eVi zn^o, j^eipew ; j^eip hand. irf)(cipii, eirt- Ke%etpr]Ka., e-m^e'^eiprj^ai take in hand. F2 64 : CTTI on, \^t>) pour. pour on. : eTrt on, XP tw anoint, e anoint. : CTTI to, otKolopeu) build. ewoiKodofjiriffb), CTTW- Ka, eira>Ko^6pr)^at build up, strengthen. : CTT* to, oseXXw push. eiroKeXui, cTraiiccXica, e:rw- push to shore. eirovpavtos -ov : CTTI zw, ovpanos ; ovpavos heaven, hea- venly. 7rra seven. 7rrai$ seven times. 67TW say, call. 1 a. euro, 2 a. eiTroi'. "Epaoros -ou. Erastus, a companion of St. Paul. epya^ofJiai ; epyov work, kpya.aop.a.1, eipya.ap.ai work. epyaaia, -as ; epyarrjs workman, labor, gain. ipyarrjs -ov ; epya&fjiai work, workman. flpyoj' -yov work. tpei'cw, epeiffw, epypeiKa, epijpeia^iai fix. epeuyw, epeu^o/iai ^peuyyuai emit from the mouth, utter. epeuvaw, epeuvjP a - wilderness. ; eprj/jios. cpTj/xoxrw, ^pjjjuwKa, 7/p^wjuai desolate. -ews ; eprffiou. desolation. w ; epis strife, ept'o-w, eprjptKa strive. eptyiov -ou : e'pt^os. dim. goat. eios -ov m. f. kid. -as ; 'Epprjs Hermes, interpretation. ju^s Hermes, epfjirjt'evab), ijp^vevKa, J/p/ur;- vev/j.ai interpret. 'Epju^s -/uou ; ep^w ^eW. Hermes, ifltf. Mercurius. ep?rerov -ou ; epirw creep, reptile. cpvdpos -a -ov : epevdos redness, red. with 0nAao-. serene sky. ; CV^OKOS ; eu well, 2ocos ; 2of:ew think, evcoioyo-w, fca think right, am well pleased, evco/cat -as : ev ^eZ/, co*c*a ; 3o:etJ think, good will. euepyeoYa -as : ew well, epyatria ; epyov work, benefit, euepyerew ; euepyerjjs benefactor, evepyerqoo), euepyerij- KO, ewepyerij/mi benefit. evepyerjjs -ou : eu toW, epyeV^s ; epyov work, benefactor, evfleros -ov : ev weW, tieros ; deu place, well-disposed, fit. 66 evBews ; evBvs straight, immediately. lew : evdvSpofjios straight -runner : evdvs straight, course. evdvSpop.riarii), ev6v$p6/j.r)Ka. run straight, e'w ; evdvpos courageous, evBv^rjam, evdvfj.rjKa. am courageous. evdvfios -ov : ev well, BV/J.OS mind, courageous, comp. ev- dvp.6repos. evBv vw ; evdvs straight, evdvvtii, evdvyKa, ev6vp.p.ai make straight, prepare. evBvs -Qela -6v straight. Adverb, immediately. evKaipeti) ; evKaipos. cvKaiprjau}, r^vKaiprjKa. have oppor- tunity. evKaipia ; eincaipos. opportunity. evKaipos -ov : ev well, Katpbs opportunity, seasonable. evKaipws ; evtcaipos. opportunely. evKo-rros -ov : ev well, KOTTOS labor, easy. ev\afteo/j.ai; ev\af3rjs cautious. ewXa/37;0>/ao//at,Tji;Xa/37;/iat, aor. i}v\afiiiQr)v . take care. pass, with mid. sense. evXaftijs -es : ev well, Xaftrjs ; X///3o; take, easy to hold, taking good hold, cautious. eu'Xoyew ; evXoyos : ev well, Xoyos speech. fv\oyiiau>, ev- XoyriKa, euXoyjjjuai bless. evXoyrjTOS -TTJ -rov ; ew'Xoyew. blessed. ewVocw : evvovs well-disposed, evvofiffu, evvoyKo. am well- disposed. uii> ; evvov-^as eunuch, evvow^iata, evvovj^iKa, ev- Tfiai make eunuch. -ov : evvrj bed, o%os ; e^w have, eunuch, guard- ian of the bed. ieo> ; einropos well-provided ; ev well, iropos passage. >, r)VTropr)Ka, rjvTroprjfJiai have good provision. evTropia. -as ; eviropos. good provision, profit. evpiaKu) ; ei/pew. ei/p/ffo>, evprjKa, evpr^fjiai find. EvpoicXv^wv -wi'os : Evpos East wind, KXvduv wave. stormy East wind. Euroclydon. evpv%u)pos -pov : evpvs wide, x&pa region, wide. 67 evffe/3eta -as ; euVe/3>/s reverential, reverence, piety. euVe/3ew ; euVe/3;;s reverential. evVe/Sj/ow, evtrefir)Ka, eu- aefirifjiai. reverence, worship. jJs -es : evwell, cre/Sfjs ; paiv(o ; ev well-minded. v(j>paviS, ev^payra, eil- (j)pafjL/j.ai cheer. ev(f>po(Tvvi] -fjs ; ew' well-minded, cheerfulness. ; eu^opt<7ros grateful, ev^apiffrffffii), ev^a- Ka give thanks. la -as : eu'^apioros grateful, gratitude. ~*i s w i g h> prayer. ; ev^rj. evofjtai pray. -ov ; eJ we^, tivvfjia. sEol. for civojua name. having favourable omen, left. aXXojucu : e?rt on, aXXoyuat ?eff/p. e^>aXou//at, e^TjX/iat. leap on. -a -ov ; "E0eewpaKa, e^ewpa- /xat. look on, visit. 0pal/u f. ITeS. MWC?. Ephrahn, a city two miles to the North-east of Jerusalem. have, esteem, followed by infinitive, can. Iws until relat. how far interrogat. Z. Za/3ovXwv m. .Hei. dwelling. Zabulon, Jacob's tenth son. ZOKXCUOS -ov Zacchaeus, a rich publican, very anxious to see Jesus, and receive him at his house. Zupa m. Heb. und. Zara, son of Juda. Zaxapias -ov Zacharias. 1 . a Priest, Father of John the Baptist. 2. a Prophet, son of Barachias. inf. rjv live. Ze/3e3tuos -ov Zebedee, a Jew, father of John and James. evyos -eos yoke, pair. %VKTr)pia -as ; euyw join. band. Zevs, Aiot, Ait, Ata, voc. Zev ; ^dw live. Zeus, Jupiter. ^w, ^e;jm'afine. ^rjfituffw, f^rj/jiiwKa, t';r;/atw/iai mulct, destroy. , e^rrjica, t^//rij/iat seek. r/rrj|ua -^taros ; ^i/rew question. jrij ; ijrca. questioning, seeking. taviot> -ov zizanium, a weed which grew in Palestine with the wheat, not unlike it in appearance. Zopo/3aj3eX m. ffei. wwc?. Zorobabel, leader of the Jews at the return from captivity. vyos -ov ; evyu) join. yoke. 69 '(,V\LT\ -j?s ; ew ferment . leaven. leaven. ; wypos : wos alive, aypa catching, take alive. -TJS ; aw fte. life. -VTJS ; a/w ^zVrf. girdle. C^UIKU, eW/zai gird. : wos alive, yvvos progeny, fao- yovr\a(a, e^woydj'r/K'a, e^woyovj^ai bring forth alive, quicken. or -ov ; dw ^'e. animal. : wo7Toios : ^wos alive, TTOICW make. quicken. H. 7} or, M>Z'^ comparativesthan. pdXXov omitted, rather than. ^ surely. fjye/jLOvevw ; f]yep.wi>. i]yep.ovevad), fiyepovevKo. lead on the way, exercise dominion. 7/ye/uo^t'a -as ; T/ye/zwy. reign, government. r/ye/^wv -o^os m. ?/yeo/iat. leader, governor, title given to the Roman Procurator. 1v Tjyf.op.cu, rjyrjcrofj.ai, ijyrj^at lead. 7/Sews ; >;^i)s sweet, sweetly, pleasantly. i'iy^us sweet, oy/jios ; ow smell, mint. T/CJ, 7'/w am come. 'HXi Ifei. " my God." 'HXt m. Heb. und. Eli, a Jew, father of the Virgin Mary. 'HXms -ov Elias, or Elijah, a celebrated Prophet during the reigns of Ahab and Ahaziah, kings of Israel. 7;Xiua -as ; 7/Xkos how great, stature, age. 7/Xtos -ov sun. jjXos -Xou nail. 70 sit perf. ijpTjy plup. -as day. jj/*erepos -a -ov ; fyuels we. our. ris : 77^1 half, dayfis ; davew die. half-dead, -em -v half. Hp m. Heb. und. Er, a Jew of the family of David. "HpwSrjs -$ov Herod. 1 . Herod the Great, King of Judaea, in whose reign John the Baptist and our Saviour were born. 2. Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, Te- trarch of Galilee, who put to death John the Baptist. 3. Herod Agrippa, king of Chalcis, son of Aristobulus grandson of Herod the Great. 4. Grandson of Ari- stobulus, succeeded his father in the kingdom of Chalcis. 'HpwSiavol -wv ; 'Hpw'Sjjs. Herodians, men devoted to the cause of Herod. 'HpuSias -ados ; 'HpwSjjs. Herodias, the illegal wife of Herod Antipas, taken by force from her husband Philip Herod's brother ; she instigated Herod to the murder of John the Baptist. 'Hffcuas -ov Isaiah, the most celebrated of the Jewish prophets. ffwxps quiet. ?/ffv^a(rw, >/a, redan/Mi bury. Qdpa m. Heb. und. Thara, father of Abraham. flapfftw ; ddpffos. Qapo-jjcrw, -eBdpmjKa have confidence. Odpvos -, Tedcf^eXiuKa Xt'oytcu found. ; 6e6f^a\os. deo^a-^iiau, Tedeofid^Ka fight with God. 0eo/ua)(os -ov : 0eos. /ua^o/iiai fght. fighter with God. Geos -ov God. 0eoffe/3i)s : 0eds, tXos friend. Theophilus. Qepaireia -as ; 0eoa-os servant, service, household. Qepairevcj ; 6ipmros servant, depairevtrw, redepdirevKa, TeQepaTrevfj.au serve, heal. 0ep/w : depos. 6epi(rw, TeOepitca, TedepiiTfjiai reap. depifffios -JJLOV ; depifa. reaping, harvest. 72 -TOV ; depifa. reaper. 6epp.aivu ; depfios hot ; depos. deppavw, deppappai warm, heat. 6eppr) -firjs ; depicts warm, heat. depos -eos summer. QeaffoXoviKevs -eos ; Geo-ffaXovnoj Thessalonica. of Thes- salonica. QecraaXoviKr) -TJK. a city of Macedonia, formerly called Therma, called Thessalonica by king Philip. Qevcds -a. Theudas. 0ewpco> ; Oeufios spectator. 0ewp/'/o-a, reOewjOJjKa, reflew- prjfiai see. Oe-wpia -as ; dewpos spectator, sight. 6)'iKr) -K-JJS ; 0ea> place, repository, scabbard. 6t]\a(i> ; dT)\T) breast. OriXavti), re0>y\aca, re0jj'\a ; dopvpos. dopvftijau, TedopvfiijKa. make a noise, or disturbance. dopvpos -ov noise of a multitude, a noisy multitude. dpavd), dpavata, redpavKa, redpuvfffj.a.1 break. -fjLaros ; rpetf>u) nourish, cattle. ; Oprjfos. dpT)vi](Tw, reQpqvriKa., make lamentation. Oprjvos -vov dirge, lamentation. 6/)j;o-(cet'a -as ; QpfjvKos religious, observance of religious ceremonies, religious worship, f. hair. 73 0poew ; flpoos clamor, dporiffw, redporiKa, redponpai make a clamor, confuse with clamor. Qpopfios -fiov drop. Qpovos -ov seat, throne. &va-eipa -wv Thyatira, a town of Mysia. dvya.TT)p -repos -TOOS daughter. &ir/a-piov -ou dim. ; dvyarrjp. little daughter. dvuiapa -paras ; 6vp.iau burn incense. License. 6vfjua.il), Qvfjna.a(a, reflu/u'aica burn incense. &vfj.ofjLo\ew ; Ov/jLOfjia^os enraged. dv^o/jLa-^t'ioia. am en- raged. tbs -p.ov mmd, anger. ; 8vfj.6s. Qvnuaia, re0v/xw:a, re0u/xw/uat irritate. Qvpa -as gate, door. 6vpls -idos : dvpa door, small door, opening, window. Qvpwpos -pov : dvpa, >pa care, keeper of the door, porter. dvffia -as 6vii). sacrifice. -ov ; dvtrtaui ; Qvaia. altar. eOvKa, redvpai burn, incense, sacrifice, slay. pass. fut. TvdrjffOfJiai. uotas -p.5. Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles. Heb. twin. I. 'laetpos -pov Jairus, a ruler of the Jewish synagogue, whose daughter was restored to life by our Saviour. 'Iaicw/3 m. Heb. und. supplanter, Jacob, younger son of Isaac. 'loKwfios -fiov James. 1. a son of Zebedee, called the Great, put to death by Herod Agrippa I. 2. a son of Alphseus and Mary, cousin to our Lord, called the Less, first Bishop of Jerusalem. 'lawa m. Heb. und. Janna, a Jew of the family of Da- vid. i, laffOfjLai, lafiai heal. G 74 Taped" m. Heb. und. Jared, a descendant of Seth. 'iaais -ews ; laouat. healing. 'laffwr -ovos. Jason. mrpos -ov ; laopai. physician. JSea -as ; eit'(?w see. appearance. tSios - -ov his own, private. JciwrT/s -ov ; tStos private, private person. loov ; e'iSw see. 2 aor. imperat. Adverbially, behold. 'iSovfiaia -as (yrj) Idumsea, a region to the south of Judsea, the land of Edom, or Esau. vs -wros m. sweat. -as ; lepos. ministry of a priest. iepareww ; Jepos. leparevcrcj, iepdrevKa discharge the office of a priest. 'lepe/zms -ov Jeremia, son of Hilkiah, a celebrated Prophet from the reign of Josiah till the captivity of Judah. iepevs -ews ; lepos priest. 'IeptX<> Jericho, a town to the north-east of Jerusa- lem. iepos -a -ov sacred. Neuter without ottcr^a, temple. 'lepoffoXu/ia -rjs, f. and -wv n. or 'lepovaaXfifi f. und. Je- rusalem, the metropolis of Palestine, situated on the confine of Juda and Benjamin. 'lepoffoXu/uVr/s -TOV ; 'lepoffoXvpa, man of Jerusalem. tep6ruXos -ov : tepof temple, av\d(t> rob. temple-robber, sacrilegious person. 'Ie ; tfjidrtov. ipariffta, /\ m. Heb. und. Prince with God. Israel, name given to Jacob. ^IffpanXirrjs -TOV ; 'Iffpat'iX. Israelite. Itrrdu), iffrdna, torri^i ; ardui. orj/trw, effrijKa place transit. G2 76 pret. imperf.future, Istaor. act. stand intrant, perfect, pluperf. 2 aor. act. l(T\vpos -pk ~pov ; itrxys. strong. -\vos f. strength. US. l(r%v(Tw, 'layyKo. have strength. ; 'iffos equal, equally, perhaps. 'IraXt'a -as. Italy. -rj -or ; 'IraXt'a. Italian. -as sc. yrj Itursea, a region to the north-east of the River Jordan, subjected at one time to the go- vernment of the Tetrarch Philip, brother of Herod Antipas. l^dv^iov -ov dim. l^dvs. little fish. i)(dvs -Ovos m. fish. 'luddap, m. Heb. und. Joatham, 10th king of Judah, son of Uzziah. ' Iwawa -VTJS Johanna, wife of Chusa, Herod's steward. Iwavvds -va Johannas, a Jew of the family of David. 'Iwdwrjs -vov, Heb. joy. John. 1. The Baptist, son of Zacharias. 2. An Apostle and Evangelist, son of Ze- bedee. 3. One of the family of the High-priest An- nas. 4. The name of Mark, nephew to St. Barnabas. 'IwTjX Heb. und. Joel, son of Pethuel, one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. 'Iwvav m. Heb. und. Jonan, a Jew of the family of Da- vid. 'Iwvds -yd" Jonas. 1. The son of Amittai, who prophe- sied against Nineveh. 2. The father of two Apo- stles, Simon and Andrew. 'Iwpa/z m. Heb. und. Joram, fifth king of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat. 'Iwpelfi m. Heb. und. Jorim, a Jew of the family of David. 'IwoaQarm.Heb.und. Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah, son of Asa. Tjs m. Heb. und. Joses. 1. A Jew of the family of 77 David. 2. a cousin of Jesus. 3. the name of St. Barnabas. m. Heb. und. adding. Joseph. 1. The favourite son of Jacob. 2. The husband of the Virgin Mary. 3. A counsellor of Arimathea, who buried our Sa- viour. 4. A name of Barsabas. 5, 6, 7. Jews of the family of David. -ov Josias, loth king of Judah, son of Amon. n. und. Iota, the name of the smallest letter, jot. K. : Kara according to, a which things, as. : Kara, down, aipeut take. KaOatpriaw, take down, take away. lptt ; ^aOapos. KaOapw, KemOapKa, KeKatiuu/jLui clean. : KOTO down, aim>> fasten. tirj/j.fj,ai. lay hold of. ib> ; Katiapos. KaQapiaw, purify. KaOapia/jios -fj.ov ; Kadapifa. purification. Katiapos -d -ov pure, clean. -pas : caret down, epa seat. seat. : Kara down, eofiat sit. KaO^ovfjiat sit down. imperf. eKa6e6/jr)v. : Kara down, e\w take. KadeXai take down. 2 a. : Kurd down, e^s ; e^w will hold, in order. : Kara down, ei/(5w sleep, sleep, imp. eKaOevcov. -TOV ; Katirfyeopat lead, leader, master. rjKtit : Kara according to, TJKW am come, used as impers. i is fit. part. KadrJKov fittuig. : Kara down, quai sit. sit down. imp. e^ ros -rj -ov, Kara according to ; ///ueptvo* ; ii day. daily. 78 ifa : Kara down, tw place. Kudiaw make to sit, sit. : Kara, down, tr)[u ; ?w send. KuOrjau, irafleura, let down. Kat)iffTT)fjit, Ka.8iffTa.M, Kadiardvw : Kara down, ttrnjjn ; craw place. Kara : Kara down,oir\i(t> ; oir\ov armour. KaQo-rrXi- Tr\KT/j.ai arm. addon. : Kara as to, on which, inasmuch as, because. k-adws : Kara according to, us in which manner, as. mi and, also, even, yet. KaVa'0as -a Caiaphas, a high-priest of the Jews. KatVaV m. Heb. und. Cainan. 1. son ofEnos. 2. grand- son of Shem. Kaivos -vij -vov new. Kaipos -pov season, -os Csesar. -as Csesarea. 1. A city of Palestine on the shore of the Mediterranean to the north of Joppa. 2. Csesarea Philippi, an inland cityofPhrenicia at the foot of Mount Libanus. : rat, rot, ye. and yet. Kad). icavffw, KCKavKa, KCKavfiai burn. a. 1. eriju. -as ; KO.KOS evil, wickedness, evil. ; caco\oyos : KO.KOS evil, Xoyos speech. KO.KO- \oyi](n>>, KeicaKoXoyrjKa speak evil of. : KOKOTrotds. KaKOTrotrjaui, KeraicoiroiifMl do evil, os -ov : KO.KOS evil, TTOIOS ; TTOICW do. evil-doer, cos -77 -oV evil, bad, wicked. -ov : KUKOS, epyov deed, evil-doer. Ka.Ko) -or beautiful, honest, honourable, good. , KeKaXv^a, KeicaXv/i/uai cover. ; /caXos well. os -Xov m. f. camel. -ov m. f. furnace. Ka.pp.va> : Kara down, p.vuj shut. KappiKT shut the eye. Kava f. Heb. und. Cana, a village of Galilee near Caper- naum. Ka.vavirr)s -row Canaanite, surname of Simon, signifying the same with Zr;Xr??s zealot. KavSrkr/ -rjs, Candace, the name of many Ethiopian Queens. KaTrepi'oouyu f. Heb. und. Capernaum, a city at the N.W. of the lake of Galilee. KCUTVOS -ov ; ica/w burn, smoke. KaTTTratio/a'a -as Cappadocia, a Province at the E. of Asia Minor. Kapdia -as heart. Kapc:io-yi'U)aTT]s -ov : Kapoia heart, yvwaTT)s knower ; yrov know, that knows the heart. Kaptros -TTOV fruit. ew ; KapTro6pos : Kapiros fruit, <[>6pos ; (f>ep bear. ), KKap7ro(f>6pT]Ka. bear fruit. -ov : KapTros fruit, 6pos ; ^>epw bear, fruit- bearing. Kuptyos -(jteos particle of dry dust. Kara Prep. gen. down, against, upon, ace. according to. KUTafiaivta : KO.TO. down, fiaivtit : flaw go. Karaftrjaofjiat, KaTaj3eftr]Ka descend. Kare/3?jv ; mra/3///i. Kara/3aXXa> : cara down, flaXXut cast. cara/3XJ7trw, icara- /3e/3X/Ka, Karaj3eftXr)/j.ai cast down. 2 a. KareflaXov. -etas ; icara/3aw go down, descending. dfa : Kara down, flifldfa ; /Saw make to go. rara- /3t/3acrw, Kara/3e/3t/3ak-a, :ara/3e/3i'/3affjuat make to go down. 80 ii -jjs ; *:ara/3aAXw. laying down, foundation. KurayyeXevs -eos ; KarayyeXXw announce, announcer. KarayyeXXu) : Kara down, ciyyeXXw briny news. Karuyye- XtJj, Karfiyye\Ka, (car>'/yye\/uai announce. KarayeXdo) : Kara against, yeXdcj laugh. KarayeXdau, KarayeyeXaKa, (carayeyeXaa/iat deride. Karayw, Karayvvia, Kurdyvvui : Kara down, uyrvfjit : ayw break. Karaw, Karea'w break down. If. KUTO- ytlffOfjtai, 2 . Karedyiyv. Kardyw : Kara down, ayw lead. *cardw, rari^a, Kar^ i. bring down, q/"a sAz/), to land. ew : Kara, Sew bind. Kara^/7w, taraSeoiyica, carad^- Se/zac. bind up. d(i) : Knrd against, iticd^ta ; ^ticij suit, /cara- ediKaKa, KaraSe^iKaa^at pass sentence against, condemn. : cara against, ^tw^w pursue. , (cara^e^twy^tat persecute. : Kara down, fivvacrreiiw subject ; fi potentate ; Svvap.ai am able, (cara^vraffrei/aw, (furace- , KaTafiecvvdffTevfiat. hold in subjection. : Kara, down, alff^v'vta ; ala\os shaun'. Karrja%vyKa, KaT^a-^v^.p.at cover with shame. : caret down, Kai : Kurd down, K\du) break. cXciffw, KaraKCKXaKa, (caraceKXaff^tat break down. KaraicXeiu : Kara down, (cXeiw shut. KaTOK\eiffw, icek'Xetica, KaTaKexXeiafjun shut up. icaracXT/po^orew ; Kara down, ncXjjpo^oreoj allot ; K\npoco- TT)S allotter : K\rjpos lot, Morris giver ; deiw give, /cara- settle by allotment. 81 w : Kara down, K\IVW bend. KaratcXtvw, Kara- , KaraKeK\tfj.ai make to recline. xaTa.K\vff[Jios -uov ; corocXv^M : Kara doicn, KXvw dash with water, flood. : Kara down, aicoXovdeu follow. KaraKoXov- i, Ka.TTjKo\ov6r)Ka. follow. : Kara down, KOITTU cut. KuraKO-J/w, Kara*^- a, KaraKeKo/u/uai cut to pieces. 2 a. KCITCKOTTOV. '. Kara down, KpT)p.vi^'. KarayLtaprvpew : Kara against, juaprupew ; fiaprvp witness. Kara^iaprvp; : Kara against, ava0e/uartw ; d curse. Karavafle/mriCTw, bind down by curses. Ka.Ta.vevw : Kara down, vevia nod. Karavevow, VCVKO. signify by nod. Karavoew : Kara down, void) ; voos mind. Karai'eveiijKa, karavevoTjfjiai observe. Karavrdw : Kara down, dvrciw meet. KaravrJ/ffw, Ka meet, arrive. Karat'Vffffw : Kara down, vv a a a prick. Karavvfo, Kuravi- vv)(a., KaTavevv/nai. prick, vex. Kara down, a^tow ; aios worthy, jcara^iwffw, i^itttfjiai think worthy. : Kara down, Trarew tread ; irdros path. KO.TO.- irar>/7w, (caraTreTrar^ica, (.araxeTrdr^at tread down, cardrrauffis -news ; caraTraw'w cause to rest. rest. *ara7rava : Kara down, iravw cause to rest. Karwtuvow, Ka, KaTa-Treiravfiai, cause to rest, restrain. -fiaros ; Karairerd^w : Kara down, ireraw extend, curtain, veil. : KOTO, down, vivta drink, drink down, swallow. KaraireirujKa., Karairo6)i ; aicevos vessel. Kara- ), (oaretrceuaica, k-areo-Keuao-^at make ready. : Kara down, ffKrjvoin ; eriojvjj tent. Karaancr)' ), KarfffK)]vu)Ka fix tent, dwell. -cw$ ; KaraaKrjvod). dwelling. Kara(70(j)i(i> '. Kara against, <700t'w make wise. icara<7od> : ayta eat. devour. 2 a. rare^ayov. : Kara down, 0epw 6ear. Karoiffw, cari/veyica. bear down. 84 : Kara down, tyzvyu flee. Kara<2>evo)uat, fow. Kara^iXi/o-w, /cara- irei\r)Ka, KaraTre^t'X^/iat cover with kisses, kiss. : Kara down, think. K-ara^poia/crw, Ka.raTre(j>p6t>T]Kct despise. -rov ; Kara0povew. despiser. : Kara down, ^ewpour. Kara^eudw, carace)(u:a, pour down. : fara down, \fjv\w cool. Kara^uw, icare\//uxa, cool. Karet'2w\os -ov : /cara down, elSuXor idol, sunk in idols- try. KarevaiTi : Kara rfoww, evavn opposite, over against. Kareouff(ao> : Kara down, eou ; Kepp.a. money-changer. K, KKivr)Ka, KCKivrinai move. Kivr)tris -trews ; Kivea) move, moving. Kts Heb. und. Cis, father of Saul. oVicos -ov ', K\dti). branch. K\aiw, K\avar(i), KK\avKa weep. K\dffis -ews ; K\a'w. breaking. K\dfffia -[laTos ; k'Xdw. fragment. KXavS?j ->js. Clauda, an island at the S.W. of Crete. KXavtiios -ov Lot. Claudius. 1. the fifth Roman Em- peror. 2. the Roman governor of Jerusalem. K\avdfji6s -pov ; icXm'w. weeping. k-Xuw. cXa^w. cXa'ffw, k'eK'Xaico, KetcXafffiai break. cXets, icXetSos f. key. pi. tcXel^es, (cXets. icXetw ; icXels. icXeiaoi, KeicXeiKa, KticXeiafJiai shut. KXeojras, KXwiras -a Cleophas, called also Alphseus, bro- ther of Joseph the husband of the Virgin Mary. -TOV thief. KXe^/o;, KecXo^a, KeicXe/zyuai steal. -paras ; KXa'w. branch. inherit. inheritance. 87 KXrjpovouus -ov : K\rjpos, vouos ; ve/iw divide, inheritor. KXrjpos -pov lot. K\T]rbs -rrj -TOV ; raXew. called. icXtftavos, icpifiavos -ov oven. K\ivi) -vjjs ; (cXtW. couch, bed. -ov dim. ; icXivri. small couch. Xivw, (cecXtKa, KeicXiyuai recline. /cXrt'a -as ; icX/vw. row of persons sitting. rj -rjs ; KXeTrrw. theft. -wi/os m. j KXw'^w 6?aA. wave. -ov f. Cnidus, a city and peninsula of Caria at the S.W. of Asia Minor. cofymjTT/s -row ; quadrans Lat., the fourth part of the Roman " as" farthing. KoiXia -as ; cotXos hollow, stomach, womb. KOI paw, KOipiffd), KKoipr)Ka, KKoipr)paL lay to sleep. -ews ; cot/iaw. laying to sleep, -vrj -vov common. ; KOIVOS common. BOO&W, KeicoivuKa, KeKoivupai communicate, pollute. -as ; KOIVOS. communion, fellowship. os -ov ; cotvos. sharer, partner. -TT)S bed. v -wvos ; KoiTr) bed. bed-chamber. -T) -ov ; KOKKos berry used in dyeing, purple. KOKKOS -KOV grain, berry. icoXaw, KoXriffw, KKO\aKa, KeKoXaafjiat punish. KoXaats -ews ; KO\Uitca, KKo\a(j)ifffjiai buffet. jcoXXaw ; :dXXa glue. coXXr/(rw, KeKoXXrjKa, ceicoXXrj//at fasten, join. KoXXvftiff-rjs -TOV ; KoX\vfiitt) ; KoXXvftos small coin, mo- ney-changer. :oXo/3ow ; KoXo/3os curtailed. KoXofiuau, KeKoXofiuica, ice- ai shorten. H2 88 KO\TTOS -nov bosom, bay, gulf. Ko\vju/3dw, KoXv/Jiftrjaw, KeKO\vpflr)Ka dive, leap out to swim. K0\vp.ftt]dpa -as ; KoXvpftaw dive. pond. -as Lot. colonia. colony. , Kopicrd), KCKOfjuKa, KCKOfiifffjiai bear. mid. receive. -17 -6v neat in dress, well in health. KOVi&Z* ; Kovia dust. KOVIUOW, KtKoviaKa, KCKO- cover with dust, whiten. Koviopros -TOV : KUVIS dust, opTos ', opw raise, raised dust. KOTT(ld) ; KOTTOS toil. KOTTCtffW, KKOTTO.Ka T6St frOm toil. -TOV ; coTTro/ioi beat the breast, wailing. ; KOTOS. KOTTiaodf, KeKOTTiaica labour. KOTTOS -ov toil, trouble. Koirpia -as ; Korrpos. dung. KCJTrrw, KO\IHI>, Keicotya, KeKop/jiai cut. mid. beat my breast, lament. 2 a. eKorrov. Kopa -OKOS raven. Kopatriov -ov dim. ; Kopa. damsel. Kop/3di/ und. Kop/3avds -a Corban, Hebrew word signify- ing gift, sacred treasury. Kopfvvvfjii ; Kopeo). Kopeaw, KKopeKa, KeKopecrpai satisfy. KoplvOios -a -ov ; Kopivdos. Corinth. Corinthian. Ropivdos -ov f. Corinth, a celebrated city on the Isthmus which joined Peloponnesus to Northern Greece. Kopj'j/Xtos -ov. Lat. Cornelius. Kopos -ou Corus, a Jewish measure equal to 30 bushels. KOfffien) ; KOfffjLos. coff/iTJffw, KCKoapriKa, neKofffJtrjpai order, arrange, adorn. Koopos -fjiov ornament, world. Kovpi Heb. rise thou. Koi/ffrojBt'a -as ; " custodia " Lat. custody. KOVl< ', KOWpOS light. KOVtyiffW, KCKOWfttKU, KeKOV(f)l(TfJiai lighten. KoQtvos -ov basket. Kpaftftaros -ov bed. 89 , Ketcpdya cry aloud. KpanrdXrj -r)s surfeit. cpaviov -ov dim. ; ra'pd head, skull. pdaireSov -ov fringe, pctrcuow ; Kparaios strong ; cparos. cparatatffw, /ce*pa- rcuWa, /ce/cparcu'w/Lieu. strengthen. KpaTew ; Kpdros. (cpan;<7w, Keicparr/ica, Ke/cparTj/nat master, lay hold of. KpaTiaTos -TTJ -TOV ; Kpdros. most powerful. Kpdros -ens might, power. Kpavya^ta ; K'pauy?}. cpauyaVw, Kecpauyaica cry out. Kpavyr) -y^s cry. Kpepdw, Kpepdwvfjii. (cpejuaTw, KeKpefiaica, KKpefj,aafjiai hang. k-p?/xvos -i/ou precipice. Kprjs -ros Cretan. -TJS Crete, an island at the S. of the ^Egeau. os -T) -ov ; cpldi} barley, of barley. -fjiaros ; cptVw. judgement, sentence. -ov lily. , (cptj'w, KeKptKa, KeKpipai sift, separate, judge. (cptVis -ews ; xpiVw. separating, judging, judgement. Kpi'ern-os -ou i#. Crispus. icptr/)s -ov ; /cptVw. judge. KpOVUi, KpOVffti), KEKpOVKO., KKpOVfffJiai kllOck. os -rr) -TOV ', KpvTTTU). hidden. ), Kpv\^(t), KeKpvtyci, KeKpvp.fj.at hide. 2 a. eKpvfiov. KTaopai, KTT](rofj.ai, KeKrr)p.at acquire, possess. Krfjfj.0. -paTos ; k"rao/ucu. possession, (cr^i'os -veos beast of burden. Krr]Tti)p -ropos ; KTa.ofj.ai acquire, possessor. KTia), Kriffti), eicriKa, eKTicrpai create. -e[j.ai encircle. 90 KvXitTbi, KeKvXiKa, KtxuXtcrpui roll. KvXXbs -Xi} -Xoj' maimed. -/AUTOS wave. -ov cummin. Kvvdpiov -ov dim. ; KVUV. dog. KvTrptos -a -ov ; Kvirpos. of Cyprus. Kun-pos -ov f. Cyprus, a large island at the extreme E. of the Mediterranean. KVWTW, KV^to), KKV(f>a StOOp. Kvprjvalos -a -ov ; Kvprjvr) Cyrene. I. A most celebrated city of Africa. 2. A city of Palestine, of Cyrene. Kvprffios -ov Cyrenius or Quirinius, a Roman governor of Syria. Kvptevw ; Kvptos. Kvpievau, KtKvpicvKa act as lord. Kvpios -ov ; Kvpos authority. Lord. KVIOV, KVVOS m. f. dog. Kw\v) -ro*' ; Xaei/w Aew stone ; Xas. of hewn stone. Xaos -ou people. Aao-ata -as. Lasaia, a seaport of Crete. Xaro/zew ; Xuropos : Xas stone, rofjios ; re/xvw CM#. Xaro- /u?/<7to, XeXaro^iTjk'a, XeXard^jjyuai cut out of stone. Xarpeta -as ; Xarpeuw. service. Xarpevw, Xarpeuffw, XeXarpeuKa serve. Xa^avoi' -ou herb. Ae/3/3a?os -ou Lebbseus, a surname of the Apostle Jude, who was also called Thaddeus. Xeyewv -wos m. f. "legio" Lat. legion. Xeyw, Xe^w, XeXoya, XeXey/^ai speak, say, tell. Xetos -a -ov smooth. XeiTTw, Xetyu), XeXonra, XeXeifjifJiat leave, intr. fail. XeiTovpyew ; Xeirovpyos minister : Xetros or Xrjtros public, epyos ; epyov work. Xeirovpy/jtw, XeXeiroupy7;ca mi- nister. Aetrot/py/a -as ; Xetrowpyot minister, ministry. Xevnov -ou ; "linteum" Lat. linen. rts -t'^os ; XCTTW jpeeZ. scale. -pas ; XCTTOS bark of a tree, leprosy. 92 Xeirpos -a -ov ; Xeiros bark of a tree, rough, leprous. XeTrros -rij -TOV ; XCTTW strip the bark. thin. Xeirrov i. e vofjufffjia thin coin, mite. Aeut m. und. Aevis, Aevtv Heb. joined. Levi. 1 . The third son of Jacob. 2. The name of two Jews of the family of David. 3. The apostle Matthew. Aev'tTrjs -roi; ; Aevl. Levite, of the family of Levi. XevKCtivw ; XCVKOS. Xevjcavw, XeXeujrayra, XeXev/ca/u/mi whiten. \evKos -K>) -KOV white. \Tjvbs -vov wine-press. X?7pos -pov trifle. \ytrriis -TOV ; XTJJ'^W spoil ; Xet'a prey, robber. Xc'av very. \iftavos -ov frankincense-tree, frankincense. Aifieprtvos -ov ; Libertines, people of Libertum, a town in Africa near Gyrene, or liber tint, manumitted Ro- man slaves become proselytes to Judaism. -as Libya, a region of Africa to the W. of Egypt. aw ; \idos. Xtflauw, XeXt'0a:a, XeXidaafiai stone. Xtdivos -rj -ov ; Xidos. of stone. Xt0o/3oXew ; XidofioXos : \idos, (36Xos ; /SaXXw. XidoftoXrj- learn, disciple. fj.adT)Tpia. -as ; paQeu) fern, disciple. MadovadXa m. Heb. und. Mathusala, grandfather of Noah. m. Heb. und. Hainan, of the family of David. ; fjidvos raging, ftavoiftat, /ze/zpva am mad. > ; paKap blessed. fiaKapiffu, /uaicapi(J, /ue^ia- , fjiefiaicdpifffiai call blessed. -a -ov ; fidicap. blessed. MaKecovia -as ; MaKeSbv. Macedonia, a region of Greece at the N. of Thessaly. MaiceSwv -oVos Macedonian. fiaicpodev ; paicpos. from far. ; fiaKpodv/jios : paicpos long, 6vf.ios mind, fta- , fjie/JiaKpodiiprjKa suffer long. ; p.aKp6QvfjLos patient, patiently. uaKpbs -a -6v long. paKpav i. e. b$bv far. -as ; /uaXcucos. softness, infirmity. 95 paXaKos -ij -ov ; paXaaau) soften, soft. MaXaXerjX m. Heb. und. Malaleel, a descendant of Seth. fAaXiara ; fjiaXa very. most. /idXXov ; fjtaXa very, more, rather. Mfi\xos -ov Malchus, a servant of the high-priest, whose ear was cut off by Peter. ftafjifjiuras -va. mammon, a Syrian word signifying riches. Mavarjit Heb. und. Manaen, a Christian foster-brother to Herod Antipas. Mavaffafjs -rj Heb. forgot. 1. eldest son of Joseph. 2. 13th king of Judah, son of Hezekiah. vw, paded), p.aQi}aw, fiepadr)Ka, fj.epuOr)/j.ai learn. -as ; pavos raging, madness. n. Heb. und. manna, the food with which the Israelites were fed in the Wilderness. /lavreuo/ucu ; P.CLVTIS diviner, fjiavreiiffo/jiat, /ue^iavreu/uai. divine. fjia.pya.pl' TTJS -rov ; fj.apyapov. pearl. Mdp6a f. Heb. und. Martha, sister of Lazarus. Mapia -as, Maptafj. und. Mary. 1. The Mother of Jesus. 2. A Woman of Magdala. 3. Sister of Lazarus and Martha. 4. Mother of James and John, sister of Mary the mother of Jesus. 5. Wife of Cleophas. Mapjcos -ov Lat. Marcus. Mark, the surname of John, nephew to St. Barnabas, companion to him and St. Paul in their first journey. paprvp -rvpos, -TVS -TVOS witness. fjiapTvpeti), paprv'pb) ; pdpTvp. fiaprvp^trio, fj.efiapTvpr)iJLai testify. paprvpia -as, -ov -ov ; fjidprvp. testimony. scourge. scourge. -rtyos f. scourge. -TOV pap. 96 fidraios -a/a, atov ; pdrrjv. vain. ndrriv in vain. Mar0aTos -ou Matthew, called also Levi, an Apostle and Evangelist, son of Alphseus ; before his conversion to Christianity a collector of imposts. Marddv m. Heb. und. Matthan, of the family of David. MarQar m. Heb. und. Matthat, two of the name, of the family of David. Mardias -a Heb. gift of God. Matthias, successor of Judas in the Apostleship. Marradd. m. Heb. und. Mattatha, grandson of David. Marra0/as -ov Mattathias, two of the name, of the family of David. -pas sword. , fj.a.-)(i} # partake. -eo/j,ai : nerd after, ^teXojuat care, t, fjiTafjiXr}d{i(TOfj.ai, yueru/aejueX^/xat repent. Hra/j.op((>6(t} : /nera mjjZ. change, fiop^ou ; pop^t) form, p.erafjiop(pu)(T : fierd impl. change, orpe^w iLd), uTearpo(f>a, juereffrpa^^uai. 2 fut. ^ai convert. /ierar/0T7/ui : /xera w/>^. change, ridij/jn place, peraredeiKa, peTaTedefiai remove. uerewpt'w ; ^uer^wpos on Az^A, /^erewptdw keep in sus- pense, metaphor taken from a ship tossed on the deep. ta -as ; juerot/cew migrate, sojourning abroad, /^w : //era z'wzp'. change, oiKtfa settle ; okos dwell- 99 ing. peroiKicrw, peruKiKa, pe-uKurpai change dwelling, remove. peroxos -ov ; pere^w share, partner. perpeu) ; perpov. perpi'iau), peperprjKa, peperprjpat measure. peTprjTtis -TOV ; perpeti). measurer, firkin. perpiws ; perpios moderate ; perpov. moderately. perpov -ov measure. peXP l > P-eXP 15 before a vowel. Adv. gen. until. pij not. ; prfapos none ; price not even, apos any. by no means. /5e : prj not, e on the other hand, nor, not even. jSeis, pncepia, prfev : prjce not even, els one. none. -ov ; Madai Heb. 3rd son of Japhet. Mede. pT)Ken : prj not, ert any longer, no longer. priKv'vw ; pfjKos length. priKvvui, pepfavyKa, pepr]Kvppat lengthen. piiv, pffvos m. month. pqvv'tii, prfvvtrti), peprivvica., pepi'jvvpai point out. prire : prj not, re and. neither, not. pi'irrjp -repos mother. pirris : pr) not, TIS any : no one. used interrogatively, when negation is implied, is any ? does any ? pfirpa -as womb. ili'ia, piavw, pepiayxa, peplappat pollute. -paras ; piyw mix. mixture. uyvvu) ', piyb). pifcw, peptva, peptypai mix. piKpos -a. -uv little. Mt\;ros -ov f. Miletus, a celebrated city on the sea- coast of Caria. pi\iov -ov ; mille thousand, mile, 1000 paces. pi/Tew : p'lffos hatred, piaycrta, peplaTjKa, pepivTjpai hate. piaOtos -a -ov ; piados. hired. purOos -dov hire. ou ; piffGos. piardijjffw, pepiodwKa, pepiffdupai. let out act. hire mid. i2 100 -pa-ros ; piffdow. thing hired, lodging. os -rj -ov ; p.taQ6w. hireling. -T]S Mitylene, the chief city of Lesbos. -as, [tva. -us mina, an Attic coin equal to 100 drackmce=3l. 4s. 7d. es Mnason. pip.vri(TKi3). pniow, fienrrjKa, pept'iifjat remind act. remember mid. gen. jjtvijfjia -fiaros, prijpelov -ov ; fivao). monument, memorial. p.vT)fj.ovev(i) ; firrinwv mindful. /zj'?7^(^euT] -(j>TJs form. juo<7xToiw : n6 ; nvpov. fjivpiffbi, /jLep.vpiKa, fjie/jLvpiafiat anoint, -at -a ten thousand. -ov aromatic ointment. Muir/a -as Mysia, a province at the N.W. of Asia Minor. fivffrt'ipiov -ov ; pvarus ; pvta shut, mystery, a doctrine that is, or was, concealed. fiwpaivw ; juwpos foolish, /iwparw, /JLCfjuapayKa, fiepw- paf.ii.iaL render foolish, insipid. potpos -a -ov fooUsh. MWa/}\ m. Heb. und. Nathanael, the same as Bartho* lomew, one of the Twelve. vat yea, verily. Natv f. Heb. und. Nain, a town of Galilee. vaos -ov temple. Naov/it m. Heb. und. Naum, a Jew of the family of Da- vid. vapSos -ov m. nard. a root or shrub from which a pre- cious ointment was extracted, f. the ointment extracted from it. vavK\ripos -ov : vavs ship, K\rjpos possession, shipmaster. 102 va.vs, vaos. rrjvs, VTJOS ; raw float, ship. vavrrjs -} not, sens ; ecw eat. fasting. Ntyep und. Lat. Niger. Nticct^wp -opos : rtKTj victory, dr)o man. Nicanor, one of the seven deacons. ; VIKT) victory. vtc'/(rw, rei'iKtjKa, vevtKTjpai conquer. -pov : VIKOS, cijfios people. Nicodemus, a Pha- risee who visited Jesus by night. NieoXttos -ov : r'iKos victory, \ctbs people. Nicolaus or Ni- colas, one of the seven deacons. VIKOS 'Keos A'ictorv. 103 Nt^ew f. Heb. und. Nineveh, the metropolis of Assyria. Nivevi'rrjs -TOV ; Nivewi. man of Nineveh. -Tripos ; vtTTTii). bason. i't'^/w, vevitya, revippai wash hands, or feet. voeu> ; voos. vojja-w, verorfKa, vevoripai observe, under- stand. rj -rjs ; vepwfeed. pasture. iu) ; v6p.os law. vopiaw, i-evofjuKa, vevoynff^LaL esta- blish by law, think. vopiKvs -ov ; v6p.os law. lawyer, expounder and inter- preter of the Mosaic law. vofjiKT^ia -fj,aros ; vo/u/w establish by law. custom, coin. vopoci<>aaKa\os -ov : vofjios, CioaaKaXos. teacher of law. vop.os -ov ; vepto distribute, law. voarjfjLO. -/JO.TOS ; votriti) ; ruoos. disease. roiros -ov f. disease. voiTtTiu, reoaaia -as ; veoacrus young animal, brood. vofferlot', veoaaiov -ov dim. ; veoGiros. chicken. yoir^/^w ; roa(f>i apart, voo-^tcrw, vevoafyiKa, vevdofyiafjLai. reserve, keep back. YO-OS -ov South wind. vov6erew : vows mind, 6eTeu) ; Oew obs. place. voi/0e-J/(rw, vevovQerr^a. remind, admonish. , vowels ; rowers prudent, prudently. vovs, vixjs, vov mind. -(prjs bride, daughter-in-law. s -ov ; rvfitprj. bridegroom. wv -wros m. ; fvuij. chamber of the bride. vvv now. vv, VVKTCS f. night. ', I'euw. j/1/oraiw, veruora^a nod, inclining to sleep. v/'iw, vevv\a., vevvyjuat pierce. Nwe m. Heb. und. Noah, a just man saved at the time of the universal deluge in the ark, with his wife, his three sons, and their wives. 104 m. ia -as ; e/os. hospitality. eviti) ; ei os. Zeviau, k&viKa, efeviffpai entertain. livos -ov stranger, host, guest. ZeffTqs -TOV ; ew polish, polished vessel. %,-qpai.id) ; fypos. fyparui, etypayKa, c^pa/u/uat dry up. ripos -pit -pov dry. v\ot> -ov wood. Zvpau) : frpbs razor ; uw scrape. vpf)ffu), t^u )uoi shave. O. 6, //, TO the. ; (krw eight, TIKOVTO. ten. eighty. oycoos -T) -ov ; oicrw. eighth. o$e, ijSe, ro^e ; 6 Me, Se. this. 6$u ; bdrjyos. ofirjyi'iffu), wfiiiyriKa, wr;y7jjucu guide in the way. oSjjyos -you : o^os, ^yos ; ayw Zeae?. guide. oSotTropew ; bfionropos wayfarer, vfionropi'icru, ySoiiropTjKa travel. bdotiropia -as ; bSonropos : 6%os, iropos pass, journeying. 6os -ou f. way. oSous, odovTos m. tooth. oturciw ; 6$vvT) pain. O'^UVJ/CTW, w^uj'TjK'a, w()vvj)^ai pain. 6Svpfj.os -p.ov ; o'Swpo/zai lament, lamentation. 'O/as -ov Uzziah, ninth king of Juda, also called Aza- riah. u%w, o^ew. ; os who. whence, from which. ofld>'tj -T)S linen-sheet. oQitviov -ov ; 6Q6vri linen, linen-napkin. 105 -ov ; olcos. domestic. ; OIKOS. olKt'icru, UKTJKO., uKrjuai inhabit. oiKovpevt) i. e. 717 inhabited world. oiKrjfjLa -paras ; otKeta inhabit, house. oiKta -as ; oLcos. house. os -ov ; olKia. of the household. -ov : ou'os, ^eoTTorrjs master, master of house. ; oiKuSopos : OIKOS, Souos ; ce^tw build. oiKodo- Ko^ofjLi]Ka, uKoc6fj.rjfj.ai build. } -rjs ; otcoco^ew. building. ; oiKovofjLos. oiKovofju'iffk), o>Kov6fj,T]Ka am steward. iia -as ; oiKovopos. stewardship. -ov : O!KOS, vop.os ; refjua regulate, steward. OIKOS -KOV house. olicripijuay -fjiov ; oiKreipw ; OIKTOS pity, merciful, oto/nat, olfjiai, oa/froyuat, MT)fj,at. suppose. olvoTrorrjs -ov : o!vos, iroTrjs ; TTOOJ drink, wine-drinker. olyos -vov wine. olos -a -ov ; os. of which kind, as. oiw, bear. See 0epw. oKveu ; UKVOS sloth. oKvi'jffijj, untvrjKa.. delay. oKvrjpos -pa -pbv ; OKVOS sloth, slothful. und. eight. -ov : 6\iyos. TTKJTOS faithful, of little faith. o\/yos -jj -ov little. aros ; bXoKavTOtJ ', bXoKavros '. o\os, Kavros ; t'w burn, holocaust, burnt-oifering. 6\oK\T)pia -as ; 6\oK\T]pos entire : o\os ivhole, K\rjpos lot. integrity, soundness. oXos -ij -ov whole, all. oAws ; o\os. wholly. ofjippos -ov shower of rain. bpJiXeu} ; 6/j.lXos company. d^ztXi'/o-w, wjUtXTjica, tl>fj,i\r)fjiai associate. 6ufj,a -juaros ; oTrrojuat. eye. op,vvfj.i ; o[J,6(i>. bfJLoaw, opupoKa swear. 106 dd? ; opodvpos : opossame, Qv^os mind, with one mind. opotafa ; o/xotos like. o/zoia'? r^. of same art or trade. bpov : bfjivs same, together, oyuwj ; 6fj.os same, nevertheless, ovap n. und. dream. ovapiov -ov ; ovos. foal of an ass. o>etta> ; oveilos. ovcidiaw, wveiSiKa, wi/e/^tff/iat reproach. ovettios -Seos reproach. OVIKOS -q -bv ; o^os c*. moved by an ass. CLTOS name. ; ovofia. ovofjiaffu), utvofiaKa, wv6fjiaafj.ai name. ovos -ov ass. ovTus ; wv ; et/xt am. truly, ci^os -eos ; ovs sharp, vinegar. virtaQev : OTT/O-W, 0e'. from behind. 6irlff<>> after. o?rXov -ou implement, armour. oTroTos -a -ov ; OTTOS, of what kind, relative. orrore ; OTTOS, when, relative. OTTOV ; OTTOS, where, relative, oirravofjiai ; oirro/jLai see, show oneself. OTrrafft'a -as ; oirrofiat. vision. onrofiai, o^opai, tJ^i/iat see. oVros -ri) -roi' ; oirraw, roast, roasted, on-ws ; OTTOS, in which manner, that, how, relative, opdfia -(J.O.TOS ; opau. vision. 107 is -) see. vision. opati), o^o/Jiat, 6pa ; opyt). dpyiaw, &pyiKa, wpyior^cu irritate, dpyvia -as : dpeyw stretch, yvlov limb, measure of both arms extended horizontally, i. e. about six feet, fa- thom. opeivbs -vij -vbv ; opos. mountainous. 6p9bs -) -bv straight, upright. opdpifa ; opdpos. opBpiaw, dpdpiKu. come early. opdpios -a -of ; opdpos. early in the morning. opdpos -ov early morn. opdws ; dpQbs right, rightly. opt'4'o) ; opos boundary, bpiau), &PIKCL, (jjpiap.ni deter- mine. optov -ov ; opos boundary, confines, region. bpKi^d) ; opicos. ipKiatt), dpttco, wpiaayicu adjure, opens -KOV oath. bpfj.a(i} ; bpfirj impulse, opju^erw, wp/Jr/ica, up/.tr]fj.ai incite trans, rush intr. opprj -175 ; opu) rush, impulse, attack. opvls -j'I0os m. f. bird, hen. opodeffta -as ; o'poflerew set bound : opos bound. 6ereu ; 0ew obs. place, limit. opos -eos mountain. opu<7<7u>, opv^w, opwpux a wpuy/^ai dig. dpipavos -r; -by orphan, desolate. o'pxe w > o'px'/o'W' wpx/Ka, oipx'jf t make to dance, mid. dance. os, ?'/, 5 who, which, ov gen. where. offios -a -ov holy. 6ffioTT}s -jjros ; oe<'\w owe. debt. , o^ei\j/(TW, w^et'Xj/ca, uxpeiXrjfiai owe. o(f>\ov I would, optative. 0aX/zos -ynou eye. is -eos -ews m. serpent. 109 6pvs -vos f. brow. o'xXew ; o x \os. o'xXr/<7w, &x\r) K a, &x^W at molest. tew ; o X Xo7rotds : 6'xXos crowd. TTOLOS ; Troiew wa/te. 'xXoTrotVa. makp a crowd. exXos -ov crowd. di/'dptoi' -ov cftjw. ; oi^ov. food, delicacy, fish. d^e late. oi/aos -a -oi' ; o'^. late. ctyis -eos ; oirrop.a.i. sight, face. -ov ; o\l/ovfood. provision, soldier's allowance. n vdi ; Tray/s. irayidevffiD, ireva-yiSevKa, TreTray^eu^iat ensnare. ts -t'^os f. noose. Trayos -ou hill. os -ov ; iradeot suffer, capable of suffering. v -ov ; irais. little boy, girl. ; irais. iraidevaw, TreTraiSevica, TreTraftevpai in- struct, scourge. iraiSioOev : Tra^iov, Qev. from a child. xaiSiov -ov dim. ; TTOIS. little child. TTCUS, Trat^os m. f. boy, girl, servant. Traiw, iraiffb), TreiraiKa, irf.irai.ap.ai. strike. n-dXat long since, of old, TraXaios -a -ov ; TraXat. ancient. TraXcuow ; TraXaids. TraXaiwcrw, TreTraXatWa, TreTraXatw- fiat destroy by age. TraXiyyeveat'a -as : TrdXiv, yeveat'a generation, regene- ration. TraXtf again. irafiir\T)dei Adv. : iras, ir\f)dos. in the whole multitude. irdfjLTToXvs, Tra/iTTo'XXj/, Trd/iTToXv : Traj, TroXvs. very great. llapT\i]S -es : irds, re\j)s ; reXos ew ca^. TrapacX^ffa;, Trapa/ce- , ~apaKK\r)nai call to one, exhort, beseech, comfort. %% TrapacaXuirrw : Trapa iy, caXuTrrw AzWe. TrapacaXwv^a;, , TrapafceicdXv/^yLtat conceal. 2 a. Trapeita- -a, Trapet'X?j/n/zai receive, take to one. 2 a. irapeXaftov. K2 112 TropaXeyw : irapd beside, Xeyw choose. irapaXefo, irapa- XeXexa, 7rapaXeXey/mi. mid. sail by, coast. irapdXios -ov : irapd by, aXtos ; aXs sea. by the sea. apaXvTiKos -uv ; irapaXvu. paralytic. TtapaXvit) : irapd by, Xvu) loose. TrupuXvffw, irapaXeXvica, TrapaXeXvp.cn loosen, paralyse, enervate. : irapd by, ptfco/mt ; pvdos speech, irapa- 7rapa/i^iv07j/zat console. ^w ; Trapavo/uos transgressor : irapd beyond, vd/joc law. irapavopfjow. transgress law. TrapajrXcw : Ttapa beside, irXew sail. irapairXevffw, irapa- TreirXevica. sail beside. TrapaTropeuo/nat : irapd by, iropevojjiai go. irapairopevtrofiai, irapaireiropevpat go by. irapaiTTWfJia "paros ; irapairrou : Trapd by, TTTOW fall. stumble, offence. 7rapa) -ijs ; Trapeyu/Sa'XXw throw in beside : Trapd, e/x- /3aXXw throw in. station for soldiers near a town, castle. Trapeveyk-w : Trapa beside, eveytco) bear, bear on one side. 1 a. Trap/7i>ey/ca. 2 a. Trapfiveynov. Trapevox\euj : irupd by, eyo^Xew ; ev, d^Xew trouble, ira- pei'ox\i'i, vapev sharpen ; olvs sharp, irapofavw, ka, Tcapwvp[iai irritate. -pov : vapo^vvu). irritation. iraporpvvti) : Trapa. by, orpvvu) urffe. Traporpuvw, Trapw- rpuyca. excite. -as ; Trapwt> present, presence, coming, /is -ios : Trapa by, 6\^ls ; o^ov provision, platter. 114 vappntrta -as : TTOS all, pr)oia ; pew speak, freedom of speech, dot. openly. irapptjoiaZopai ; irappriffia. Trappr)ffiaffo^ai, Treirappqoia- fffini speak freely, rrds, 7rdff[iat gird round. : irept around, ia, Trcpt/cecaXv/tt/zai cover around. 7repucei//cu : Trepi around, Ket/uat Zz'e. ireptKeiffOfjtat lie around. 7repticpar/)s -^s : Trept round, Kparfjs ; Kpnros power, pos- sessed of, able to hold. TcepiKpvirrb) : Trept around, Kpvirrb) hide, irepucpv^w, irepi- KeKpva, irepiK^KpvfjtfjLCLi conceal. 2 a. irepieKpvflov. KXoo) : Trepi around, KvicXow ; KVK\OS circle. ?rept- wirti), Trepice/cincXwKa, Treptce/cv'jcXw/Liat encircle. piXayuTrw : Trept around, Xafiiru shine. TreptXa/xi/'W shine around. -TTOV : Trept above, XV'TTJJ grief, exceeding sor- rowful. Trepi/ueVw : irept round, pivtawait. Trept/Ltecs ; ireida). faith. TTIOTOS -r/) -rov ; Treidw. faithful. irAavaw ; TrXavTj. TrXar^aw, TreTrXavTjica, TreTrXaV^at lead astray. -js error. itinerant impostor. ; TrXarvs. TrXaruvw, ireTrXdruyva, 7T7r\aru/i/zat widen. 119 irXarvs -eta -v wide. TrXareTa . e. 6$bs street. irXeiw ~ov ; TrXeos full. more. TrXeicw, TrXew, TreTrXo^a, TreTrXey/iai fold. TrXeove&'a -as : TrXeoi', e/a ; e^w have, covetousness. TrXevpa -pas side. , TrXevo-w, TreVXeuKa sail. fi -rjs ; TrXrjayitt strike, blow. -eos ; TrXeos full, multitude. increase, multiply. ifid), TrtyuTrXaw, n-/yu7rX?j/ii ; TrXeos full. 7rX//opii(Tb), TTf:TrXripo6pri^ai carry with full sail, ensure full belief. ; 7rXiyp;s. TrXj/pwtrw, TreTrX^pwica, TreTrXi'ipufiai complete, fulfil. -/xaros ; TrXTjpow. fulness, abundance. Adv. ; TreXas. near. -ou c?zz. ; TrXotov. little bark. irXotov -ou ; TrXeios sailing ; TrXew *az7. ship, boat. irXoos -ov contr, irXovs -ov ; TrXew. sailing, voyage. irXovtrios -a -ov ; TrXovros. rich. TrXourew ; TrXouros. 7rXour?j) -VTJS flock. TToifjviov -ov ; TToifjiVT). flock. TTOIOS -a -ov of what kind, what, inter. iro\fj.os -ov war. -cos city. -ov : TroXt'rjjs citizen, up^ij ; apj^w. ruler of citizens. TfoXireta -as ; 7roXtY??s. body of citizens, citizenship. TroXtreuojuai ; Tro\irt)S. iroXtrevaofjiai, weTroXirevfiai act as citizen, behave oneself. TroXl'rTjt -row ; Tro'Xts. citizen. TroXXa/cts ; TroXXos many, often. TroXXaTrXafff'wv -ov : TroXXos many, irXaffiuv. manifold. 7roXuXoy/a -as ; TroXuXoyos : TroXvs, Xoyos speech, much speaking. TroXus much. TToXu neut. TTO\VI> ace. Other cases from TroXXos -X?;, Xov. TToXureXiys -es : TroXus, reX/s ; reXos tribute, costly. iroXu'ri)uos -pov ; TroXvs, rifios ; r/w pay. precious. irovTipia -as ; Trovjjpds. wickedness. irovrjpos -pd -pov evil, wicked. ttovnos -ov Lot. Pontius, the name of Pilate. OOVTIICOS -K7J -KOV ? IIoiTOS. of PontUS. Ilovros -ov sea. Pontus, a province of Asia Minor, on the south-east shore of the Euxine Sea. noVXtos -ov Lot. Publius. iropeia -as ; Tropeu'w. journeying. Tropevu) ; Tropos pass, iropevatu, TreTropevica, TreTropeu/xat make to go. mid. go. ^w ; irepdw, wopdritrii), -irfiropdriKa, 7T7rop0?;/iat. waste. -ov~ Lot. Porcius. m -as ; iropvi), fornication. 121 -j/ijs harlot, far. ; TrcSppw. from far. ) ; TToppw. further. iropyvpa -as purple. iropyvpeos -a -ov ; iropfyvpa. of purple. TTOp^vpoVwXts -eos Alt. ews : Tropipvpa, TTwXis ; seller of purple. n-offaas ; TTOITOS how great, how often inter. iroffts -eus ; TTOW. drink. -; -ov how great inter. -ov river. os -/) -of of what size? of what nature ? t'nfer. Trdre when inter, at some time, once enclitic. irorepos -a -ov which of two ? jroTt'ipiof -ov ; now drink, cup. 7ror/o> ; Troros ; TTOW. wortCTW, 7re7rdr(ica, give driuk to. IlortoXoi -w>'. Puteoh', formerly Dicaearchia, a town of Campania. irov where inter, somewhere enclitic. TTOUS, nuoos foot. 7rpd-/p.a -paras ; Trpaaait). deed, thing, traffic. ; 7rpdyp,a. TrpayyuaretKrw, TreTTjoay^arcuica, ei^ccu traffic. i' -ou ; praetorium Za^. Governor's court, tent. TrpaKTwp -ropos ; TTpcHTffu. officer, exactor of punishment, irpa^ts -ews ; jrpaffa-w. act, office, manner of living. ?rpaos -a -ov and Trpavs. mild. 7rpa) court, fore- court. irpofiaivia : irpb forward, fiaivw ; flaw go. 7rpo/3//) -by ; Trpoftarov. of sheep. -ov sheep. arpo/3t/3aw : Trpb forwards, /3t/3a^w \ficuago. irpofiiflaffw, irpo/3e/3//3aica, 7rpo/3e/3//3a(T^at make to go forwards, set on. waKfii '. irpb before, yiyrwffKU) know. Trpoyruxrofjiai, Ka, Trpoeyvwa/uat. know before. npoyvwais -aetas ', TrpoytyvioaKdi. foreknowledge. 7rpo$6rT)s -ov ; Trpolifufjti : irpb forwards, li^wpi give, be- trayer. -rpolpap.i(tt : Trpo before, ^payu^w run. run forward. 2 a. iddJ : irpb before, et^w know, irpoeitro^at, irpodila, 2 aor. irpoe~i$ot>. foresee. TrpoeTrw : irpb before, CTTW tell, irpoelira, irpoeliroi'. foretell. Trpoepew : Trpo before, epew say. irpoepfiaw, irpoepw, irpoei- pr)Ka, irpoeipr)p.ai say before, predict. Trpoip\opai : irpb before, ep^o/nat come, precede, go for- ward. irpoeXevffOpai, 7rpoe\jj\v0a, Trpo^XQoi'; TrpoeXeuflw. Trpodetris -ews ; Trportfljj/u place before, setting forth. irpodvfjiia -as ; irpodvpos willing, willingness, zeal. irpodvfjios -fjof : Trpo forwards, dvpos mind, eager, willing. TrpotfarayyeXXw : Trpd before, rarayyeXXw announce, irpo- carayyeXw, Trpo/car/jyyeXica, TrpoKcm/yyeX/^ai an- nounce before, foretell. irpoKr)pvTT(t) : Trpo before, Krjpvrrw publish. irpoxripvt>), irpo- KKt]pv)(a., TrpoxeKiipvypai publish before. wpoKorrrw : Trpo forwards, KOTTTU) cut. Trpocd^w, irpoKCKo- -ov : irpo before, eraftftarov sabbath, day be- fore the sabbath. Trpofftiyw : Trpos, tiyw lead, irpoffdfo, irpoffrj^a, 7rpoy irpotnjnjKa, irpoffyrrffint ask in addition, beg. irpoaatTT}s -row beggar. i'afiaivb) : irpos to, avafiaivw : dva, /3a/ra>. irpoya- i, irpoffavafieflrfKa. ascend to. : irpos to, ava tip, aXiffKw, aXoio take, totrw, -rcpoaaviiXwKa, irpoaavii\Mp.ai expend in addition. irpoaaireiXed) : irpos in addition. aretXcw threaten, irpotr- aTretXi/dw, Trpo'f}ffw, Trpoa^e^aTraVjju'a, Trpoale^airarr)/jai expend in addition. : irpos in addition, fieofiai want, irpoffderjffofiai, i. want in addition. Tfpos to, ^e^ofjiai receive. Trpo ' irpos to, eyyiw ; eyyvs near, irpoaeyyltru, irpoaiiyyiica draw nigh. irpoaereyKb) : irpos to, eveyutt bear, bear to. aor. irpoai]- veyica. : ?rpos to, epyd&fjiai ; epynv work, irpoerfp- i, irpoffeipyuapai gain by traffic. trpoa, nfjiaL strike against intr. 2 a. iii) : irpos to, KvXlw roll. irpoffKvXlffu, XIKO, irpoffKeKvXi fall, irpoaireyovpai, fall at. ew : Trpos to, Trotew make. irpooTrotfiffw, 126 *oii)Ka, Trpotnreirotrjpai acquire for another act. claim for oneself, pretend mid. vpo(nropvofiat : Trpos to, Tropev'ojueu go. Trpomropevtrnpai, irpoffireiropevfjiai approach. Trpoorpr/yj'vp ; Trpos against, pjjyvvjui, pj 7 "P^X W rMW- TpoffdpeZw run to. -ou : Trpos #o, dyiov ; qdyw eat. any thing to eat. irpoatydrus : irpofftyaros ; Trpos to, 0aros ; 0a'w kill, newly killed, new. lately. epw : Trpos to, ';'a>, wpore- raca, Trpor^rajuat. extend. TrporpcTrw : Trpo v forwards, rpeiru) turn. Trporptvi/w, ir rpoira, Trporerpaynyuai recommend. : Trpo, rpe^w rww. TrpoOpe^w. * : Trpo before, ujrap^w ai. TrpovTrdp,u>, itpov- am before. -ews ; Trpo^rj/xt : irpo forwards, r)fjisay. pretext, pretence. 127 Trpo(f>ip(i> : irno forwards, 0epw bear. irpoi]veyKa bring for- ward. irpo(f>r)reia -as ; vpofyrjTevti). prophecy. vw : irpa before, ^jjrevw ; <[>I]TT}S ; 0aw say. irpo- tyt'/TevKa. prophesy. irpo<[>TiTi)s -row : irpb before, pqrqs ; 0avtt>, (pdataanticipate. Ka. anticipate. Trpoeeti) appoint by imposi- tion of hands : x e 'P> roveta, reivw stretch. Trpo^eipoTo- vi'iaa), irpoKe^eiporovrjKa, irpoKe^eipOTOvrjf.iai appoint before. Npoxppos -ov. Prochorus, one of the seven deacons. irpv/j.va. -i>T)s ; Trpv/jLvos last, stern of a vessel. Trpwi, in the morning. Adverb, irpoiios -a -ov ; irpta'i. of the morning. Trpwpa -as ; vpu forwards, prow. 7rparoica6eSpta -as : Trpwros first, nadefyia ; KadeSpa seat. foremost seat. irp(i)TOK\i, KTTTO^Ka, TrTor)pai frighten. ts -tCos. Ptolemais, formerly Acho, a seaport of Palestine near Mount Carmel, in the tribe of Zebulun. TTTVOV -ov fan, winnowing machine. 128 -paras ; TTTVM spit, spittle. ; irrvlfold. 7rruw, Trrv\a, eTrrvy/iai fold. Trruw, TTTVITM, eirrvica, eTrruo-^ai spit. -fiarus ; TTTOU fall. carcase. -ews ; Trrowfall. falling. ps -T} -6v poor, beggar. -fjs ; TTU| with the fist, closed fist. Tuy/nj over the fist, entirely. Rvduy -/yw. p)^w, eppri^a, epprjypat break. 2 a. eppayov. prjpa -paras ; pew. word. 'Prfaa m. Heb. und. Resa, a Jew of the family of David. p'/rwp -opos ; pew say. speaker, orator. p't'a -r)s root. ptTrrw, pt\|/w, eppi0a, eppippat cast. 'Poaia -as sword. 'PovQ f. Heb. und. Ruth, wife of Boaz. 'PovQos -ov, Lat. Rufus. pvp.r) -?js ; puwjlow. lane. pvais -ews ; pixajlow. flowing. pv -o/zcu, pvaofiai, eppvfint defend. pwfiaiKo* ->) -ov ; 'PW/J.TJ Rome. Roman, -a -ov ; 'PwfjtT] Rome. Roman, i ; 'Pw/jiT) Rome, in the Roman language. js. Rome. old verb poi>) . puirm, eppuica, epputftai. strengthen. eppuoo perf. pass, imper. farewell. Lat. vale. S. ffafia-)(davl Heb. "thou hast forsaken me." traflfiaTOv -ov sabbath, rest. pi. d. }\. m. und. Heb. heard by God. Samuel. -iov. dim. ffdvtiaXov. sandal. aavls -ioos. f. board. acurpos -a -ov ; ai]irop.ai rot. rotten, corrupt. SairtyeipT) -?/$. Sapphira, struck dead with her husband Ananias for falsehood. Sa'peTrra -rw' Sarepta, a city of the tribe of Aser, si- tuated between Tyre and Sidon. , aapKos f. flesh. m. Heb. und. Saruch, an ancestor of Abraham. ; ffaiptt) sweep, ffapwaw, oeodpiuKa, aeffdpu>[j.at cleanse with brooms. Sapwv -MVOS. Saron, a fertile plain and town of the tribe of Ephraim, near Joppa. Sard^ Heb. und. 2arvds -a Satan, adversary. trdrov -ov measure of corn, one bushel and half. SavXos -ov Heb. 2aov\, desired. Saul, the name of St. Paul before his conversion. a/Sej'j'ww, fffievvvfii, s -iov. Lat. Sergius, surnamed Paulus, proconsul of Cyprus. Si)0 m. Ileb. und. Seth, a son of Adam. m. Heb. und. Shem, second son of Noah. fjpa. ff/^uavw, a\ov -ov stumbling-block. ffKairrii), ffKa\pta, ffKaa, ecrKapfiiai dig. aKuQi] -TJS hull of a vessel, boat. -eos leg. -a Heb. Sceva, a Jew of Ephesus. axevos -eos vessel. r) -rjs furniture, tackle. TJ -i'T)s tent, tabernacle, habitation. ffKT)voirr)yia -as : (ncfjvos tent, irrjyia ; irt]y(it fix. fixing of tents, feast of tabernacles. -ov '. ffKTjyrj tent, iroios ; iroietit. tent-maker. ; ffKrjvos. ffKr)vwiT, etTKru'UKu dwell in tents, dwell. -p.aTos : ffKjjvow. tent, tabernacle. ia -as shade, shadow. fiffdi, ecrKipTr)Ka leap, exult. ^ia -as : Sodom, a city of Palestine, destroyed for the wickedness of its inhabitants. SoXo/xwv -WVTOS Solomon, son of David, King of Israel. ffopos -ov f. bier. BOS, or), ia -as ; aotyos. wisdom. (rofyos -T) -ov Wise. oirapaaaol, (rvapu^M, eoTrapa-^a, eT7rapay/iai tear. oirapyavoH) ; airapyava swaddling clothes, airapyavwaw, laTrapyavwica, effTrapyuvw/iai wrap in swaddling clothes. (TTrdw, ffira<7(i>, effvaKa, eWaffjuai draw. trrretpa -pas twisted rope, band of soldiers. anelpn), airepw, eenrapica, eWop/iat SOW. 2 a, eairapov. 135 Lot. "spiculator;" spiculum, dart, or "speculator;" specular, look, spearman, soldier. (TTrepjua -//aros ; aireipw. seed. airepfioXoyos -ov : airepfia. seed, Xoyos ; Xeyw pick, one that picks up seeds, trifler, babbler. airevCu, ffirevaw, eairevKa, eCTTreutr/ucu hasten. cnn'l\atov -ov ; tnreos. cave. inr\a.yyvov -you, -va -vwv bowels, pity. airXayxvifo ; ffTT\ay%vov . cnrXayxyiau, kairXny^vi- Ka, effirXa-yxviffnai move the bowels with compas- sion. OTtoyyos -you sponge. cnrocos ~ov ashes. (nropifios -ov ; (TTrdpos. sown with seed, neut. agr. vwpto*' corn-field. airopos -ov ; ffTretpw. seed. avovciaiias ; airovfiaios earnest ; tnrovSi]. earnestly. ffTTou^j) -^^s : ff7reu2w hasten, haste, eagerness. airvpls -icos basket. (rradios, araZtov -iov ; oraw. race-course, furlong. tnaffis -ews ; ora'b). standing, sedition. ; oreyw. ]pi ; orepeosfirm. /yeo/xat /earf. general. ffrparia -as ; trrparos. army, host. wrTjs -row ; orparta. soldier. /s -ow : orparo'Treoov band, apx 7 / 5 > "PX W command, commander of a band of soldiers. ffTparoTreSoy -ov ; orpards, IT icov ground, army, encamp- ment. ffrpe : avv with, KaXiu) call. avyicaXeaw, avyK- K\7)Ka, avyKeK\r)/j,at call together. avyKaXvTrrd) : avv with, (caXurrTw cover. ffvyKaXv^w, avy- KKia(i>, avyKare\^i]({>iKa, reckon with. avyKivew : avv with, Kivew move. avyKivt]aw, KCL, avyKeKivri^ai. stir up. avyK\ei(it : avv with, (cXet'tu shut. avyK\eiau, avyKeKXeiapai. enclose. avyKop.id) : avv with, KO/JLI^ carry. avyKopiaia, avyiceKO- [jiiKa., avyKeKoniapai. gather up, carry away. avyKvirrw : avv with, Kvirrui stoop. avyKvifsw, avyKCKviba. bend double. avyKvpia -as : avv with, Kvpia ; Kvpew meet with, chance, contingence. avy^aiptt) : avv with, \aipu) rejoice. avy\apiiaonai re- joice with. avy\eti), avy%i'V, x,evu), ^vvu, pour. avyyevaw, avyKe^vKa, avyKe^vfiai mix, confound. : avv with, ^pa'o^uu use. avy%pi']aouai, avy- communicate with. avyvyais -aios, Att. -aews ; avyxyw. confusion. 138 vy vvu> -vvp.i : avv with, evyvvi, '(evyujoin. ffvevw, a, avveevyp,ai join with. 2 a. ovve^vyov. : aw with, ^rew seek. av^i)Tt']av-et>> ; avKotyavros : av KOV fig, 0avros ; 0aVw show. (TvKoavTi]ffti), treffvKotjxivnjKa, o-e<7i/k-o0dVr7;/*at give in- formation respecting the importation of figs, give false information, gain by false information. (rvXXaXew : avv with, XaXew speak. 7//3w take. avXX^o/^ai, 'X?;^a, , (ruXXeXe^a, : ffvv with, /3a'XXw cast. /(Tw, surround : jrepij \a/z/3aj'w. avfj,irept\ii\^ofj.ai, av/jnrepieiXriqia, av/jt- 7reptet'\7?/u/Liat. surround, embrace. ovfj-irivd) : avv with, irivw drink, avveiriov. drink avfj.TT\T]p6ii) : avv with, TrXi/pdw ; irXqprjs full. aw, avfj.TreTrXi'ipdJKa, avp.Treir\r)p(i)fj.ai fill complet avfj.irv~iy : avv with, Trvi'yw suffocate, avfjurvi^u, avpire- TTvl-^a, avfj.ireirviyij.ai choke, press. 2 a. avveirvlyov. avfj,iropevofj.ai : avv with, iropevofjiai go. av[J.iropevaofj.ai t avfjureiropevfiai go with. avfiiroaiov -ov : avv with, iroaiov ; irota drink, drinking together, company, ffu/i^epw : avv with, tyepia bear, bear with tr. conduce intr. av[j,v(i) : avv with, vveT)iii) : avv with, 4"?$''oj calculate ; ^ftyos pebble. avp\]sr)(fiiaw, avve\l/riiafj.ai count up. tftya, avfj.- '"A avfJirHfypw- pletely.^^ 140 avv with dot. avvdyo) : avv with, ayia lead, ovvdfa, avvfj^a, avviiyayov lead with, collect. avvayuyr} -yrjs ; avvdyio. synagogue. avvadpoi^it) : avv with, a.0puiu) ; adpoos thick. avvadpoi- au, avvi]dpoiKa, trvvi'idpotffpai collect together. avvatpii) : avv with, aiptit raise. avvapu, avvrjpKa, avvffp- p.a.1 assist in raising, reckon up. go. avv- i, avvavafiefirjKa ascend with. : avv with, avn up, celjuai lie. avvaveKeip.r]v, avravaKeiaopai recline with. avvavrdu) : avv with, dvraw meet ; O.VTO. opposite . avvav- riiad), tTvvi')i>TT)Ka. meet with. avvdvTijais -etus ; avvavrdb). meeting. avvavnXa.^dvd) : avv with, ctvrl in turn, Xapftavu, X^/3w take. avvavTiXji\l>op.ai, avvavTt\r}^>a, avvavTei\i]f*fjia.i take up with, mid. help. avvcnrodvriaKw : avv with, diro from, dvi'iaKu), duveu die. avvaTTodavov/JLai, avvairoTeQvriKa. die with. 2 a. avva- tredavov. avv with, apTrd^w seize. avvapTrdaia, avvrip- , awripvaafiai seize suddenly. avvavdvu> : avv with, avdvu), av^ew increase, avvav^aw, , avvr)v^rip.at increase with. -ov ; avv^eu bind together, bond. iarr)fju : avv with, e confine, seize with, constrain. avvi'ideia -us ; avvrjQr]s : avv with, j'jffys ; jdos custom. practice, habit. avv6\dii) : avv with, 6Xau) break. avvdXdaui, avvredXaKu, avvreQXaa^aL break in pieces. ow0\Z'/3w : avv with, 0/\t'/3w press. avvOXtyo), avvTfQXl) constrain, constraint. ovvrdaadi : avv with, Taaan) order, avvrd^d), avvrk.ra.yja, avvrera.'yp.ai set in order. 2 a. avverayov. avvreXfia -as ; avvreXrjs perfect : avv with, TeXrjs ; reXos end. completion. avvreXeti) : avv with, reXew ; reXos end. avvTeXeaw, avv- rereXe/ca, avvrereXeafiat complete. avvrriped) : avv with, rr/pew keep. avvrr]pTJaii), avvTrr)pi]Ka, avvTeTqpTinai keep together, watch closely. avvriQrjfj.1 '. avv with, rt'0^/zi ; 0ew place, avvdrjaw, avv- redeiKa, avvrede/Jiai place together, mid. agree toge- ther. avvTop.(t)s ; avvropos concise ; avv, ro/uos ; re/uvw cut. concisely, briefly. avvrpe^iu : avv with, rpe\tit run. avvdpefo run with. avvrpl'flv : avv with, rp'tflta rub. avvrpi^to, avvrtTpltya, avvTeTptfi/jLai break to pieces, bruise. 2 a. awerplftov. ovvrpufyos -ov : avv with, rpotyos ; rpe^w nourish, foster- child. avvTvy\av(u : avv with, Tvy^ava) ; rei/j^w meet with, avv- meet with. 2 a. 143 avvwpoaia -as ; avvop-vv^i, avvopow conspre '. avv, swear, conspiracy. HvpaKovaai -uv. Syracusse, Syracuse, a celebrated city on the E. coast of Sicily. Iivpia -as ; Su'pos. Syria, properly a region of Asia, bounded to the E. by the Euphrates and Arabia, to the N. by Cilicia and Armenia, to the W. by the Me- diterranean, to the S. by Phoenicia and Galilee ; but often used to include other regions, as Phrenicia and Palestine. Su'pos -ov Syrian. 'Sivpoipoiviaaa -ans Syro-Phcenician, a woman inhabitant of Syro-Phoenice, a small district between Syria and Phoenicia, in which the remnant of the Canaanites were settled. Svprts -tos, Att. -cuts, f. ; ffvpu draw, quicksand. Syrtis, name of two large quicksands off the coast of Africa. av'pii), avpw, treavpica, aeavppui, draw. avarrapdaaui : avv with, aTrapdaau) tear, avairapd^ta, avv- , avveaTfa.payp.ai tear in pieces. -uov : avv tcith, afjua sign, agreed signal. avaTafftaoTTjs -rov : avv with, araaiaarrjs ; araaia^ti) ; trraais sedition, joiner in a sedition. avaravpow : avv with, oravoow ; arttvpos cross, avaravpu- aw, avvearavpoiKa, aweaTavpatpai crucify together. owreAXw : avv with, oreAXw send. ervoreXw, avveara\Ka , avvara\nai. gather up, contract. avarpea ; cr^payis seal, (rtypayiffu, seal. -ov ; fffyvpa hammer, ancle. ; ff^ew, e^w A0/?. nearly. ff\i, ev^iKa, ear^iff^at rend, cleave. -fjiaros ; a\it>>. rent. ?zm. ; a\olvos rush. rope. ^0X0^0; ; a\o\rj cessation. aypXaatt), eo^oXafca am va- cant. -x7 -^s. cessation, period of cessation from business, school. ptt>v of sane mind, trw^povj/ffw, repoffvvr) -TJS ; (rw^pwr. soundness of mind, soberness. T. Ta/3epvt/ -/s L#. taberna, tavern. Tpels Ta/3epvat Three Taverns, a place near Rome, on the Appian Road. Ta/3i0a wwe?. f. the Syriac word which in Greek is ren- dered Dorcas. TCLKTOS -T) -6v ; rdffffw order, set, appointed. raXavrov -row talent, a weight of 125 pounds, or a sum of money equal to it. The Attic talent was equal to 60 Minse. TaXi0a Syriac word, talitha, Damsel. 145 -ov : re/ij/w cut. storehouse, closet. rcits -ews ; raaffti). order. raireivos -vrj -vov humble, lowly. raTreivotypoavvT) ; rcnreivoypwv : Tcnretvos humble, (f>pwv ; 0pj/i> mind, humility of mind. rairetvou ; Taneivos. raTretvaxrw, rerctTreiVw/ca, reraTret- vw/xcu humble. ra-rreivwais -news ; Tcnreii>6it). humble state. apa^h), rerdpa^a, rera'pay^uai disturb. t] -fjs ; rapafftru). disturbance. -ov ; rapdaaw. disturbance. Tapaevs -treus ; Ta'offos. of Tarsus. Taptros -ov f. Tarsus, or Tarsi, the capital of Cilicia. ra<7os -ov tomb. ra^ews ; ra^vs. quickly, comp. rd-^iov, sup. ra^tffra. rd\os -eos speed. ra^vs -e?a -v swift, comp. Ta-^iwv, superl. Ta\i0Tos. re both, and. Tel\os -eos. wall. TCKfu'iptov -lov ; TCKpap end. certain proof. reKviov -ov dim. ; TEKVOV. little child. TKVOV -OV ; TIKTd), TK(i) beget. SOU. reicrwv -rovos workman, smith, carpenter. reXeios -a -ov ; re\o$ end. perfect. reXeiow ; reXetot. reXetu6pos ; epjs ; reXew. end, death. N 146 reXew ; reXos end. reXeirw, reXw, rereXe)v month, of four months. rerpaTrXoos -Xojj -Xoov, -Xous -Xi^-Xovv ; rerpas ; Tevaapes, irXoos. fourfold. rerpdifovs -TTOVV : rerpa v s of four, TTOVS foot, four-footed. rerpoTro^a c^r. ^wa om. quadrupeds, rerpap^ea; ; rerpa'p^Tjj. rerpap^ffw, rererpdp^ica am tetrarch. TTpdp\ris -x ov ' rerpds consisting of four t op^s ; apx b; command, tetrarch, commander of a fourth part of a region. s > reu^' 1 ' make. art. -ov ; re^vi;. workman. ; njXavyjys : rrjXefar, avyr) splendour, clearly. rerJjpT/ica, T-er^pj/^ai keep, preserve, watch, -trews ; rrjpew watch, custody, prison. s -ados ; Ttfieptos. Tiberias, city of Galilee at the S. of the sea of Gennesaret. -ov Tiberius Caesar, the Roman Emperor in whose reign Jesus was crucified. TiQrjp.t ; 0ew. 07/opos : rpoTros, manner, ^opos ; ^opew aw, rerpoTro^op^fca bear manners. rpo0>) -^s ; rpecfua. food. Tp6'' rurros -ou ; ruVro*. stamp, type, copy. Tvirru), rvj/w, rervcpa, Tervpp.uL strike, beat. 2 c. ervirov. -ov. Tyrannus, an Ephesian in whose school St. Paul taught. a.u ; Tvppr] trouble. ri/p/3ct\6t*> ; rvfXos. ~v\u>ff(t>, -e-vtyXuKa, Terv\b>pat blind. rvti)i'iKos -1} -ov ; rvtiwv, Typhon, hurricane, rv^w. tem- pestuous. Ti/xcos -ou ; TV\TI fortune. Tychicus, a companion to St. Paul. Y. vflpifa ; vppis insolence. v/3p'p water, water-pot. vfiptirjriKos -ij -ov ; vdpwds dropsy, dropsical. vewp, vCaros n. ; via rain, water. veros ^v ; vw. rain. vJos -ou son. 150 -a -ov ; vp.<-1s ye. your. ; vuvos hymn. vp.vrjtru), vuvrjKa, vp.vrjfj.ai sing. : VTTO under, dyw lead. VTTQ^W, vTrij-^a, virrjyfjiai lead under, go, depart intr. :viro under, aKovtahear. viraKov(T(t),viraic>iKoa obey. : VTTO under, avraw ; O.VTO. opposite. vTravTrjav, meet. -etas ; viravTamt. meeting. vTrapis -ews ; virap^ut belong, possession. vrrap-^u : VTTO under, cip^ w begin, inraf^u, vTrijp^a take the lead, am, belong. vwapxpi'Ta goods. vTtep gen. for, concerning, ace. above, beyond. vTrepeiSeo) ; v7repetc)w : vTrep above, eifiew, etSw see. inrep- ol<5a overlook. 2 a. vvepeldov. vTrepeKxy'voi : virep above, CK out, \vvn), -^vwpour. vTrepeK- \vffb>, virepeKKexyica, vTrepeKKe^vfjiai pour out above measure. virepriqta.via. -as ; virepqtyavos. pride. fos -ov : vVcp above, (paivu) shew, haughty, proud. iffffws ; virepirepioffus. very exceedingly. -a -ov ; vTrepos ; VTrep above, upper, agr. ocJytta. upper chamber. vTTiiKoos -ov : VTTO under, rjKoos ; O.KOVOI hear, obedient. vTr^perew ; V7rj/p^r?js servant. vTreperi'iau), VTrrjpfTTjKa serve, minister. virTjpeTTis -ov : tiro under, eper>)s ; epeoffto, row. a rower under the command of another, servant, minister. VTTVOS -vov sleep. VTTO gen. dat. by. ace. under. v7ro/3a\Xuf : viro under, secretly, /3d\\u> cast. i)7ro/3\/ : VTTO under, uyios ; vyos yoke, subjected to the yoke. : virb under, uvwp.i, Wj/vo> ; ow 06*. 6erf. >, i/7rew/ca, {i7reW/zat pass ropes under the keel, undergird. : VTTO under, KO.TUI below, underneath. : VTTO secretly, Kpiv : virb under, p.ip.vriaKii) ; juvaw remind. VTTO- p.vi]), vwopefjivriKa, vTrop.ip.vr\p.ai remind. ri -rjs ; UTTO/ICVW persevere. , patience. : VTTO under, v OEM perceive. vT suppose, suspect. : VTTO under, irXew sail. viroTrXevfftt), vT KO. sail under. : UTTO under i. e. slightly. viroirvevfHa, blow softly. -OU : VTTO Under , TToStOV ; TTOVS foot, footstool. : VTTO under, et?. uTroirreXciJ, vire- , vVecrraX/xai lower, e. g. sails in a storm, with- draw, mid. shrink. \>iro(i) : VTTO under, arpetyb) turn. vTroarpe^/ia, vVe- , vTretrrpaju^at return. 2 a. vT 152 : I/TTO under, orpe0o> turn. vT trrpotya, vTreorpayujucu return. 2 a. vT TOffrpwj/vvw -yvpi : virb under, orpwvvv/ii, orpciw. VTTO- orpaaw, vVearpwKa, vTreorpwynai strew under. : VTTO under, raaata order. VTrorafo, vTTOTTa\a, set under, mid. obey. : VTTO under, rpe^w ?'Mra. vTrodpe^w, 2 a. vVe- ; vTro^pe^w, inrofipa/jiew run under. e : vwo secretly, ^wpew ^o. vTro^wpfiati), VTTOKC- wpTjKa depart secretly. a^w ; V7rw7rioj> : KTTO under, wTTiov ; wvp eye. VTTOI- Ka, vKwiriaafiai hit under the eye, bruise, trouble. -TTOU f. hyssop, a tall shrub. eu) ; vorepos. vaTepijow, varepTjKa am late, or defi- cient. vareprffjia -/iaros ; uorepe'w. poverty, defect. vffreprjffis -creus ; vorepew. deficiency. w0repos -a -oi^ later, after. vQavTos ~TI) -TOV ; vtyaivw weave, woven. tyr)\bs -\r) -\bv ; v^os. high. V^IOTOS -r7 -roi' ; vl/os. highest. tyos -eos height. v\l/6u) ; i!i|/os. vi^wffw, viI/wKO, v\^wp.ai lift up. -ou ; ^>ayw. glutton. (j>ayovp.at and ^ciyo/jat. eat. 2 a. ii'M ; tydvos. ^ai'ai, Tre^ayk'a, Tre^ajuynat shew, shine i?^r. eK m. /Ze6. MWC?. division. Phaleg, a descendant of Noah. os -a -oi' ; tj>aifta. manifest, apparent, w ; ^avcpos. 0avepwavepos. openly. av6s 'Ov ; aivu). light, torch. 4>avou)X m. Heb. und. Phanuel, father of the prophetess Anna. QavTaaia -as ; tyavTafa ; (pavros ; tyaivw shew, shew, pomp. tyavraana. -paras ; QavTafo. phantom, spectre. apay -yyos f. valley. apes m. Heb. und. separation. Phares, son of Judah. 3>api(ralos -ov ; apes. Pharisee, or separatist, one who affected to separate himself from the rest of the peo- ple, professing a greater degree of purity, and a more scrupulous adherence to the law of Moses. tyaais -ews ; ^JJ/LU, Qacj say. saying, report. (paaKttt ; ad). say. arrrj -vrjs manger, outer court. -X?/ -Xov contemptible, wicked. -yeos light. . 1 a. ijveyKa, 1 a. pass. evyti>, evopai, perf. mid. ire^etfya, iri^vy^ai fly. -LKOS : Lot. Felix, Antonius Felix, sent as a pro- curator of Judaea by Claudius, infamous for his mis- conduct. ^aw say. report. 776dfdeyyo[J.ai, <}>deyo[J.ai speak. 00ovos -ov envy, odium. yiXavdpuiria -as ; (piXdvdpwiros : tyiXos avQpuiros fond of man. friendliness. i\avdpunr(as ; 0iXav0pw7ros. kindly. 154 -ov : 0t'Xos, apyvpos silver, fond of silver. ; i\os. ^tX/ytrw, 7re0t'\7jk'a, Tre ; QiXtinros. Philippi, a city of Macedonia, whose name was changed from Crenidse by king Philip. i\oveiKia -as ; QiXoveinos : i\os, veiKos quarrel, dispute. i\os -ov friend. <[nX60oi\os friend, oofyos wise, friend of wise men, philosopher. ^iXo^ocivws ; 0t\o^pw/ of friendly mind : i\os, typiav ; ^pj/v. friendly. ifi6w ; d>Z/Ltos muzzle, ^i^wata, ireQifiuKa, Tre^t'/xwjuat muz- zle, silence. ^>Xo -oyos ; 0X^yw burn. fire. ^>o/3e'w ; 0o/3o$. 0o/3j/o/3ew. fearful sign. ^>o/3f>$ -ov ; 0e/3w. fear, terror. <&oiviKr) -r)s. Phoenicia, a maritime district at the N.W. of Palestine. 3>6lvi -VIKOS. Phoenix or Phcenice, a harbour on the S. of Crete. 0o(V( -VIKOS m. palm. ovevs -eos ; 6t>os. murderer. (povevut ; fyovos. (povevad), irefyovevKO., irf^ovev^at murder. 6vos -ov ; (ftevw kill, murder. (poped) : . 0op;erw, Treepw. tribute. ia<. Forum. ; (f>6pros ; papeap -arcs n. well. povpi]t' mind. Qpovijaw, TretipovrjKa, 7re$pd- understand, value. -ews ; ^povew. thought, wisdom. -ov ; 0pj/v- prudent. s. prudently. typvdrrw, ^pva'^w, Tre^pua^a, Tre^pvay/zat neigh, murmur. -ou ; ^puyw bake, faggot. ia. -as ; $pu. Phrygia, a province at the N.W. of Asia Minor. ^>uyw obs. flee, flight. . give in custody. v\a.KTi'ipiov -ov ; v\dffvrov. (pvTevffw, 7re0vreu/ca, TT(j>vTVf*ai plant. tyvnj ', if>vp.i. vffuv. os -ov hole, cave. ; (i)rri. (tm>viiff, TrefywvrjKa, Tre^wvTtyiat call, Speak. ws. light. s f. hand. Xetpaywyew ; xetpayo^yos. \ftpay myi'iffia lead by the hand. veipaywyos -ov : x e 'P hand, dywyos leader ; ayw lead. leader by the hand, guide. 157 -rov : \eip hand, 7rori>ia, K^fip!}T6t'i)/j.aL appoint by imposition of hands. Xetpwv -pot' worse. X'/P" -s widow. X#es yesterday. XiXt'apxs -\ov : "XJL'XIOI thousand, ap^os ; ap^u command. commander of a thousand men, tribune. XtXias -ados ; ^Z'Xioi thousand, a collection of a thousand. X/os -ov f. Chios, a large island at the E. of the ^Egean, between Samos and Lesbos. -OIV -wvos m. tunic, interior garment. uv -oi'os f. snow. av/jivs -iiSos cloak, robe. evaw ; \\evr) derision. ^Xevaffw, Ke^XevciKa deride, mock. -pa -pov ; x^ (}a 9 reen grass, green. -pou pig. ow ; \o\i], ^oXaaw. Ke^oXctKa am angry. >) ->js bile, bitterness. vdos -ov, x^ s X^ ' X^ w pour, raised earth, dust. os -ov chorus, band of singers. feed with grass, fill, satisfy. a -jitaros ; ^opru^ti) feed. food. \vpros -TOV grass. Xouds -'CCi Chusa, steward of Herod the Tetrarch. p/ycrw, (v-exp^a, Ke^prf^ai lend for use, deliver an oracle. wzzW. use dat. -as need. ew^etXerjjs -ov : ^peus debt, o^etXerjjs ; ixjieiXd) owe. debtor. -/uaros ; xp""]" 01 " i^s -wrds flesh, skin. XwAos -\^ -Xov lame. Xwpa -pas region, place, country. Xwpa(V, Xopa^J^ f. Chorazin, a town near the sea ot Galilee. \wpeti) ; -%wposplace. ^upt'iffw, ke\i)TT)s -TOV : i^ev^vs falsehood, irpoifitiTrjs prophet. false prophet. 159 -eos falsehood, wickedness. -TOV : ^/eu^os, Xptaros Christ, false Christ. \l/evffTr)s -TGV ; j^eu^w. liar. 4/j/Xa0dw, i//?jXa0r; life - -eos cold. 4>v)(jios -d -6v ; v//v^os. cold. 4/v^w, ei^v^a, e^vyjj.a.1 cool. -ov c?m. ; ^wfjLos. piece of bread. 'w^w, i//wt;w, e^/w^a, ei/'wyyuat rub. a. . O. ra. /7e6. MMC?. Obed, grandfather of David. wde ; o^e iM indicative or infinitive. &TIOV -ov dim. ; oi/s. ear. w0e\ew ; o*., proofs 7*. G