THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID HISTORY OF THE INDUCTIVE SCIENCES. VOL. I. y/.l TO SIR JOHN FREDERICK WILLIAM HERSCHEL, K. G. H. MY DEAR HERSCHEL, IT is with no common pleasure that I take up my pen to dedicate these volumes to you. They are the result of trains of thought which have often been the subject of our conversation, and of which the origin goes back to the period of our early companionship at the University. And if I had ever wavered in my pur- pose of combining such reflections and researches into a whole, I should have derived a renewed impulse and increased animation from your delightful Discourse on a kindred subject. For I could not have read it without finding this portion of philosophy invested with a fresh charm; and though I might be well aware that I could not aspire to that large share of popularity which your work so justly gained, I should still have reflected, that something was due to the subject itself, and should have hoped that my own aim was so far similar to yours, that the present work might have a chance of exciting an interest in some of your readers. That it will interest you, I do not at all hesitate to believe. If you were now in England I should stop here : but when a friend is removed for years to a far distant land, a 2 iv DEDICATION. we seem to acquire a right to speak openly of his good qualities. I cannot, therefore, prevail upon myself to lay down my pen without alluding to the affectionate admiration of your moral and social, as well as intel- lectual excellencies, which springs up in the hearts of your friends, whenever you are thought of. They are much delighted to look upon the halo of deserved fame which plays round your head; but still more, to recol- lect, as one of them said, that your head is far from being the best part about you. May your sojourn in the southern hemisphere be as happy and successful as its object is noble and worthy of you ; and may your return home be speedy and prosperous, as soon as your purpose is attained. Ever, my dear Herschel, Yours, 22 March, 1837. W. WflEWELL. P. S. So I wrote nearly ten years ago, when you were at the Cape of Good Hope, employed in your great task of making a complete standard survey of the nebulae and double stars visible to man. Now that you are, as I trust, in a few weeks about to put the crowning stone upon your edifice by the publication of your " Obser- vations in the Southern Hemisphere," I cannot refrain from congratulating you upon having had your life ennobled by the conception and happy execution of so great a de- sign, and once more offering you my wishes that you may long enjoy the glory you have so well won. TRINITY COLLEGE, W. W. Nov. 22, 1846. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE demand for a new edition of my History of the Inductive Sciences imposes upon me the welcome duty of correcting the mistakes and supplying some of the deficiencies of the former edition. In doing this, I have for the most part made only slight changes in the text, and such as were required to rectify absolutely erroneous assertions. I have not even altered the references to the time and circum- stances which were present when I formerly wrote, but have reserved for Notes the notices of subse- quent events, and the other additions which I thought necessary. I have followed this plan, as the best, both for the reader and the subject. Those who already know the work, if they wish again to refer to it, will naturally think of it such as it is, and not such as I might make it by writing- it afresh. To attempt to incorporate with the former narrative of the progress of each science, a view of its most recent advance, would really be to write each portion of the history from a new vi PREFACE TO THE point of view, and thus, to write a new work, not to publish a new edition. I have, however, in Notes at the end of each Book, given an account of some of the most impor- tant recent advances in each subject, considered as an Inductive Science. I introduce this limitation, because it is my justification, as well in the present as in the former edition, for the omission of many topics which are of great interest, both in a prac- tical and in a scientific view, but which are applica- tions of discoveries already made, not steps towards discovery ; deductive results of laws of nature, not inductions of such laws from observation. This was my reason for passing over such inventions as printing and porcelain, glass and gunpowder, steam- boats and rail -roads, gas -lighting and chemical bleaching, in the former edition ; this is my excuse for saying nothing now of photography, the electric telegraph, and other striking recent inventions. I have omitted, for like reasons, many remarkable inventions, still more directly bearing upon the progress of science, as Daniel's galvanic battery, and the very ingenious battery of Mr. Grove. Even implements of scientific research, if we are not able to bring into view the points to which they lead, cannot be put in their place in the history of SECOND EDITION. Vll science ; just as in a history of a present war, those military operations of which the aim and effect are yet unknown, cannot be rightly narrated. From this cause, it can hardly happen but that such a work as this must fail to give to some distinguished contemporary labourers in the field of science the pre-eminence and lustre which their activity and intelligence merit ; because their labour is not yet crowned by its result. For such cases, my office is like writing the story of Columbus while he was still sailing westwards. So far as I have ventured to deal with lines of scientific research at present incomplete, what I have to offer is rather a discussion of principles than a narrative of facts ; and accordingly, such discussions, on several points now in question, will be found in the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences ; sufficient, I hope, to show that I have stopped where I have, out of no want of sympathy with the ulterior progress of know- ledge. In correcting the errours of the work, I have availed myself of all the critiques of the former edition which have come under my notice, without regard to the spirit in which they were written, whether hostile or friendly. I have not noticed such criticism in any other way than by thus using vni PREFACE TO THE it. A series of controversial Notes would have been of little value to the reader ; and I trust my critics will be content without further acknowledgment of the assistance which I have derived from them. Those who wrote kindly will, I am sure, willingly bestow upon me this additional kindness; and if any have criticized me in another temper, I hope they will not be sorry to see that I have no wish to perpetuate our hostilities. But it is only justice to the work to say that the errours which required correction were neither numerous (considering its extent,) nor fundamental. And there is one circumstance which gives me a hope that this essay may have some permanent value. The attempt to throw the histories of all the Sciences into Inductive Epochs, each Epoch having its Prelude and its Sequel, and thus to combine the persons and the events which fill these histories into intelligible groups, was, so far as I know, new. To these Epochs, as they are selected and presented in this work, I have seen no objection made; and it would seem, therefore, to be generally allowed that the Epochs here marked out, are the cardinal points of scientific history. Nor have I seen any complaint (with one exception, of slight importance, but fully noticed in this edition,) that the principal figures SECOND EDITION. JX in each Epoch are not properly chosen. I have had, therefore, little to alter, either in the general outline or in the detail of the work. The German translator of this History, the late Director of the Imperial Observatory at Vienna, M. Littrow, has added to his translation, besides other valuable notes, a biographical notice of each of the persons mentioned in the work. But though these additions are very interesting, they did not belong to the plan of the work as I had conceived it, and would have greatly augmented its bulk. I have, therefore, with a few exceptions, omitted them. I have not introduced any new branches of science into this edition, and on this account, among others, I have said nothing of the recent progress of Organic Chemistry. The discoveries which are alleged to have been made in that department will require to have many intermediate steps clearly marked and fairly established, before they can stand by the side of Historical Chemistry as examples of Inductive Science. Still less have I attempted to introduce any notice of recent steps in the sciences which I have more especially termed Organic, as Zoology and Physiology. I am aware that the study of the nervous system, for instance, has been prose- cuted with highly interesting results. But I never X PREFACE TO THE pretended to do more than give some examples of the historical progress of this subject, and shall not presume to carry the account further than I have already done. I do not deviate from my original plan in thus limiting my narrative. For, as was formerly stated, the main object of the work was to present such a survey of the advances already made in physical knowledge, and of the mode in which they have been made, as might serve as a real and firm basis for our speculations concerning the progress of human knowledge, and the processes by which sciences are formed. And an attempt to frame such speculations on this basis was made in the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, which was published shortly after this History. To that work I must refer, for a further explanation of any views respecting the nature and progress of science which may here appear defective or obscure. It is my intention to prepare for the press a new edition of the work, as soon as I shall have finished the pre- paration of the present publication. I add a Postscript, containing a notice of a few points in the history of science which have come into view during the printing of the following pages. SECOND EDITION. xi POSTSCRIPT TO THE SECOND EDITION. (1). The planet exterior to Uranus, of which the existence was interred by M. Le Verrier and Mr. Adams from the motions of Uranus (vol. n. Note (L) ), has since been discovered. This confirmation of calculations founded upon the doctrine of universal gravitation, may be looked upon as the most re- markable event of the kind since the return of Halley's comet in 1757 ; and in some respects, as a more striking event even than that; inasmuch as the new planet had never been seen at all, and was discovered by mathematicians entirely by their feeling of its influence, which they perceived through the organ of mathematical calculation. There can be no doubt that to M. Le Verrier belongs the glory of having first published a pre- diction of the place and appearance of the new planet, and of having thus occasioned its discovery by astronomical observers. M. Le Verrier's first prediction was published in the Comptes Rendus de I'Acad. des Sciences, for June 1, 1846, (not Jan. 1, as erroneously printed in my Note.) A subsequent paper on the subject was read Aug. 31. The planet was seen by M. Le Galle, at the Observatory of Berlin, on September 23, on which day he had received an xii PREFACE TO THE express application from M. Le Verrier, recommend- ing him to endeavour to recognize the stranger by its having a visible disk. Professor Challis, at the Observatory of Cambridge, was looking out for the new planet from July 29, and saw it on Aug. 4, and again on Aug. 12, but without recognizing it, in consequence of his plan of not comparing his obser- vations till he had accumulated a greater number of them. On Sept. 29, having read for the first time M. Le Verrier's second paper, he altered his plan, and paid attention to the physical appearance rather than the position of the star. On that very evening, not having then heard of M. Le Galle's discovery, he singled out the star by its seeming to have a disk. M. Le Verrier's mode of discussing the circum- stances of Uranus's motion, and inferring the new planet from these circumstances, is in the highest degree sagacious and masterly. Justice to him cannot require that the contemporaneous, though unpublished, labours of Mr. Adams of St. John's College, Cambridge, should not also be recorded. Mr. Adams made his first calculations to account for the anomalies in the motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of a more distant planet, in 1843 1 . At 1 Mr. Adams informs me that as early as 1841 he conjectured the existence of a planet exterior to Uranus, and recorded in a SECOND EDITION. xiii first he had not taken into account the earlier Greenwich observations; but these were supplied to him by the Astronomer Royal, in 1844. In Sep- tember, 1845, Mr. Adams communicated to Prof. Challis values of the elements of the supposed disturbing body ; namely, its mean distance, mean longitude at a given epoch, longitude of perihelion, eccentricity of orbit, and mass. In the next month, he communicated to the Astronomer Royal values of the same elements, somewhat corrected. The note, p. 306, vol. n., of the present work, in which the names of MM. Le Verrier and Adams are men- tioned in conjunction, was in the press in August, 1846, a month before the planet* was seen. As I have stated in the text, Mr. Adams and M. Le Ver- rier assigned to the unseen planet nearly the same position; they also assigned to it nearly the same mass ; namely, 2^ times the mass of Uranus. And hence, supposing the density to be not greater than that of Uranus, it followed that the visible diameter memorandum his design of examining its effect : but deferred the calculation till he had completed his preparation for his exami- ntion in January 1843. He was the Senior Wrangler on that occasion. The conjecture of an exterior planet was not quite new. It had occurred to Mr. Hussey, M. Alexis Bouvard, and and M. Hansen, as early as 1834. See Mr. Airy's Account read to the Royal Astronomical Society, Nov. 13, 1846. xiv PREFACE TO THE would be about 3", an apparent magnitude not much smaller than Uranus himself. M. Le Verrier has mentioned for the new planet the name Neptunus; and probably, deference to his authority as its discoverer will obtain general cur- rency for this name. (2). To the account of Tables of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, given vol. n. p. 304, I may add a notice of an important volume recently published ; Reductions of the Observations of Planets made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1750 to 1830, (1845). These Reductions were made under the superintendence of the Astronomer Royal, the computations being executed by order of the Lords of the Treasury, and published by order of the Lords of the Admiralty. The volume contains the observations reduced and compared with Lindenau's Tables of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and with Bouvard's Tables of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The object of the work is stated to be (Introd. p. xxx.) "the comparison of a long series of observed places with theoretical places, computed by means of the same fundamental elements (duly corrected for perturbation) throughout." The ultimate end contemplated by such a work is the correction of the fundamental elements of the planetary motions. SECOND EDITION. xv (3). Upon a reconsideration of Mr. Airy's Trea- tise On Tides and Waves, I am no longer disposed to say, as I have said vol. n. p. 311, that for the actual case of the distribution of land and water, nothing has been done to bring the hydrody- namical theory of oceanic tides into agreement with observation. In this admirable work, Mr. Airy has, by peculiar artifices, solved problems which come so near the actual cases that they may repre- sent them. He has, in this way, deduced the laws of the semi-diurnal and the diurnal tide, and the other features of the tides which the equilibrium theory in some degree imitates ; but he has also, taking into account the effect of friction, shown that the actual tide may be represented as the tide of an earlier epoch ; that the relative mass of the moon and sun, as inferred from the tides, would depend upon the depth of the ocean (Art. 455) ; with many other results remarkably explaining the observed pheno- mena. He has also shown that the relation of the cotidal lines to the tide waves really propagated is, in complex cases, very obscure, because different waves of different magnitudes, travelling in differ- ent directions, may coexist, and the cotidal line is the compound result of all these. xvi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. (4). Page 509. Mr. Airy's explanation of the phenomena termed by Sir D. Brewster a new pro- perty of light, is completed in the Philosophical Magazine for Nov. 1846. It is there shown that a dependence of the breadth of the bands upon the aperture of the pupil, which had been supposed to result from the theory, and which does not appear in the experiment, did really result from certain limited conditions of the hypothesis, which condi- tions do not belong to the experiment; and that when the problem is solved without those limita- tions, the discrepance of theory and observation vanishes : so that, as Mr. Airy says, " this very remarkable experiment, which long appeared inex- plicable, seems destined to give one of the strongest confirmations to the Undulatory Theory." TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, November 7, 1846. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. AT the present day, any endeavour to improve and extend the Philosophy of Science may hope to excite some interest. All persons of cultivated minds will agree, that a very important advantage would be gained, if any light could be thrown upon the modes of discovering truth, the powers that we possess for this end, and the points to which these may most profitably be applied. Most men, too, will allow, that in these respects much remains to be done. The attempts of this kind, made from time to time, are far from rendering future efforts superfluous. For example, the Great Reform of Philosophy and Method, in which Bacon so eloquently called upon men to unite their exertions in his day, has, even in ours, been very imperfectly carried into effect. And, even if his plan had been fully executed, it would now require to be pursued and extended. If Bacon had weighed well all that Science had achieved in his time, and had laid down a complete scheme of rules for scientific research, so far as they could be collected from the lights of that age, it would still be incumbent upon the philosophical world to aug- ment as well as preserve the inheritance which he left ; by combining with his doctrines such new views as the advances of later times cannot fail to produce or suggest ; and by endeavouring to provide, for every kind of truth, methods of research as effective VOL. I. b xvin PREFACE TO THE as those to which we owe the clearest and surest portions of our knowledge. Such a renovation and extension of the reform of philosophy appears to belong peculiarly to our own time. We may discern no few or doubtful presages of its approach ; and an attempt to give form and connexion to the elements of such a scheme cannot now be considered pre- mature. The Novum Organon of Bacon was suitably ushered into the world by his Advancement of Learn- ing ; and any attempt to continue and extend his Keform of the Methods and Philosophy of Science may, like his, be most fitly preceded by, and founded upon, a comprehensive Survey of the existing state of human knowledge. The wish to contribute some- thing, however little it may be, to such a Eeform, gave rise to that study of the History of Science of which the present Work is the fruit. And the effect of these researches has been, a persuasion, that we need not despair of seeing, even in our own time, a renovation of sound philosophy, directed by the light which the History of Science sheds. Such a reform, when its Epoch shall arrive, will not be the work of any single writer, but the result of the intel- lectual tendencies of the age. He who is most for- ward in the work will wisely repeat the confession of his sagacious predecessor : Ipse certe (ut ingenue fatear) soleo sBstimare hoc opus magis pro partu Tem- poris quam Ingenii. To such a work, whensoever and by whomsoever executed, I venture to hope that the present Volumes may be usefully subservient. But I trust, also, that FIRST EDITION. XIX in its independent character, as a History, this book may be found not altogether unworthy of the aim which its title implies. It is impossible not to see that the writer of such a history imposes upon himself a task of no ordinary difficulty and delicacy ; since it is necessary for him to pronounce a judgment upon the characters and achievements of all the great physical philosophers of all ages, and in all sciences. But the assumption of this judicial position is so inevitably involved in the functions of the historian (whatever be his sub- ject), that he cannot justly be deemed presumptuous on that account. It is true, that the historian of the progress of science is required by his undertaking to judge of the merits of men, in reference to subjects which demand a far intenser and more methodical study than the historian of practical, life gives to the actions of which he treats ; and the general voice of mankind, which may often serve as a guide, because it rarely errs widely or permanently in its estimate of those who are prominent in public life, is of little value when it speaks of things belonging to the region of exact science. But to balance these disadvan- tages, and to enable us to judge of the characters who must figure in our history, we may recollect that we have before us, not the record only of their actions, but the actions themselves ; for ,the acts of a philosopher are his writings. We do not receive his exploits on tradition, but by sight ; we do not read of him, we read him. And if I may speak of my own grounds of trust and encouragement in venturing on such a task, I knew that my life had XX PREFACE TO THE been principally 'spent in those studies which were most requisite to enable me to understand what had thus been done ; and I had been in habits of inter- course with several of the most eminent men of science of our time, both in our own and in other countries. Having thus lived with some of the great intellects of the past and the present, I had found myself capable of rejoicing in their beauties, of admiring their endow- ments, and, I trusted, also, of understanding their discoveries and views, their hopes and aims. I did not, therefore, turn aside from the responsibility which the character of the Historian of Science im- posed upon me. I have not even shrunk from it when it led me into the circle of those who are now alive, and among whom we move. For it seemed to me that to omit such portions of the history as I must have omitted to avoid thus speaking of my contemporaries, would have left my work mutilated and incomplete ; and would have prevented its form- ing a platform on which we might stand and look forward into the future. I trusted, moreover, that my study of the philosophers of former times had enabled me to appreciate the discoveries of the pre- sent, and that I should be able to speak of persons now alive, with the same impartiality and in the same spirit as if they were already numbered with the great men of the past. Seeking encouragement in these reflections, and in the labour and thought which I was conscious of having bestowed upon my task, I have conducted my history from the earliest ages of the speculative world up to our own days. To some persons it may appear that I am not FIRST EDITION. XXI justified in calling that a History of the Inductive Sciences, which contains an account of the progress of the physical sciences only. But it would have conveyed a false impression of my purpose, had I described my history in any manner which implied that the sciences which it embraces are partially selected or arbitrarily limited. Those of which the progress is exhibited in the present volumes, appear to me to form a connected and systematic body of knowledge. And if there be branches of know- ledge which regard Morals, or Politics, or the Fine Arts, and which may properly be called Inductive (an opinion which I by no means gainsay) ; still it must be allowed, I think, that the processes of col- lecting general truths from assemblages of special facts, and of ascending from propositions of a limited to those of a larger generality, which the term Induc- tion peculiarly implies, have hitherto been far more clearly exhibited in the physical sciences which form the subject of the present work, than in those hyper- physical sciences to which I have not extended my history. I will further add, that if I should be ena- bled hereafter to lay before the world a view of the Philosophy of Inductive Science in its general bearings, it will be requisite, in order to exhibit, in its due light the state of the philosophy of morals, or art, or any similar subject, to give a view of the steps by which it has reached its present position ; and thus such a work will supply that which some may judge wanting to fill up the outline of this historical undertaking. As will easily be supposed, I have borrowed. xxn PREFACE TO THE largely from other writers, both of the histories of special sciences and of philosophy in general*. I have done this without scruple, since the novelty of my work was intended to consist, not in its supe- riority as a collection of facts, but in the point of view in which the facts were placed I have, how- ever, in all cases, given references to my authorities, and there are very few instances in which I have not verified the references of previous historians, and studied the original authors. According to the plan which I have pursued, the history of each science forms a whole in itself, divided into distinct but connected members, by the Epochs of its successive advances. If I have satisfied the competent judges in each science by my selection of such epochs, the scheme of the work must be of permanent value, however imperfect may be the execution of any of its portions. With all these grounds of hope, it is still impos- sible not to see that such an undertaking is, in no small degree, arduous, and its event obscure. But all who venture upon such tasks must gather trust 1 Among these, I may mention as works to which I have peculiar obligations, Tennemann's Geschiohte der Philosophic, Degerando's Histoire Comparee des Systemes de Philosophic, Montucla's Histoire des Mathematiques, with Delalande's continuation of it, Delambre's Astronomic Ancienne, Astronomic du Moyen Age, Astronomic Moderne, and Astronomic du Dixhuitieme Siecle ; Bailly's Histoire d' Astronomic Ancienne, and Histoire d'Astronomie Moderne, Voiron's Histoire d'Astronomie (published as a continuation of Bailly), Fischer s Geschichte der Physik, Gmelin's Geschichte der Chemie, Thomson's History of Chemistry, Sprengel's History of Medicine, his History of Botany, and in all branches of Natural History and Physiology, Cuvier's works, in their historical, as in all other portions, most admirable and instructive. FIRST EDITION. xxin and encouragement from reflections like those by which their great forerunner prepared himself for his endeavours ; by recollecting that they are aiming to advance the best interests and privileges of man ; and that they may expect all the best and wisest of men to join them in their aspirations and to aid them in their labours. " Concerning ourselves we speak not ; but as touching the matter which we have in hand, this we ask ; that men deem it not to be the setting up of an Opinion, but the performing of a Work ; and that they receive this as a certainty ; that we are not laying the foundations of any sect or doctrine, but of the profit and dignity of mankind : Further- more, that being well disposed to what shall advan- tage themselves, and putting off factions and preju- dices, they take common counsel with us, to the end that being by these our aids and appliances freed and defended from wanderings and impediments, they may lend their hands also to the labours which remain to be performed : And yet, further, that they be of good hope ; neither feign and imagine to themselves this our Eeform as something of infi- nite dimension and beyond the grasp of mortal man, when, in truth, it is, of infinite errour, the end and true limit ; and is by no means unmindful of the condition of mortality and humanity, not confiding that such a thing can be carried to its perfect close in the space of one single age, but assigning it as a task to a succession of generations." Instaur. Mag. Prcef. ad fin. CONTENTS THE FIRST VOLUME. INTRODUCTION . . 3 BOOK I. HISTORY OF THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY, WITH REFERENCE TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE. CHAPTER I. PRELUDE TO THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. Sect. 1. First Attempts of the Speculative Faculty in Phy- sical Inquiries ...... 25 Sect, 2. Primitive Mistake in Greek Physical Philosophy . 34 CHAPTER II. THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. Sect. 1. The general Foundation of the Greek School Phi- losophy . ... 39 Sect. 2. The Aristotelian Physical Philosophy . . 43 Sect. 3. Technical Forms of the Greek Schools . . 57 1 . of the Aristotelian Philosophy . 57 2. of the Platonists ... 61 3. of the Pythagoreans . . 64 4. of the Atomists and others . . 66 CHAPTER III. FAILURE OP THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. Sect. 1. Result of the Greek School Philosophy . . 69 Sect. 2. Cause of the Failure of the Greek Physical Phi- losophy ....... 74 xxvi CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. BOOK II. HISTORY OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN ANCIENT GREECE. PAGE Introduction ......... 95 CHAPTER I. EARLIEST STAGES OF MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS. Sect. 1. Mechanics ....... 97 Sect. 2. Hydrostatics 101 CHAPTER II. EARLIEST STAGES OF OPTICS . .105 CHAPTER III. EARLIEST STAGES OF HARMONICS . 109 BOOK III. HISTORY OF GREEK ASTRONOMY. Introduction . . . . . . .121 CHAPTER I. EARLIEST STAGES of ASTRONOMY. Sect. 1. Formation of the Notion of a Year . . .123 Sect. 2. Fixation of the Civil Year . . .126 Sect. 3. Correction of the Civil Year. (Julian Calendar) . 132 Sect. 4. Attempts at the Fixation of the Month . . 135 Sect. 5. Invention of Lunisolar Years . . . .138 Sect. 6. The Constellations 145 Sect. 7. The Planets 149 Sect. 8. The Circles of the Sphere . . . . 153 Sect. 9. The Globular Form of the Earth . . .159 Sect. 10. The Phases of the Moon .... 163 Sect. 11. Eclipses 164 Sect. 12. Sequel to the Early Stages of Astronomy . 167 CHAPTER II. PRELUDE TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. . . . .170 CHAPTER III. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. Sect. 1. Establishment of the Theory of Epicycles and Eccentrics . ..... 182 CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. xxvii PAOK Sect. 2. Estimate of the Value of the Theory of Eccentrics and Epicycles . . . . . . 102 Sect 3. Discovery of the Precession of the Equinoxes . 199 CHAPTER IV. SEQUEL TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. Sect. 1. Researches which verified the Theory . . 203 Sect. 2. Researches which did not verify the Theory . 207 Sect. 3. Methods of Observation of the Greek Astronomers 210 Sect. 4. Period from Hipparchus to Ptolemy . .219 Sect. 5. Measures of the Earth .... 224 Sect. 6. Ptolemy's Discovery of Evection .... 22(5 Sect. 7. Conclusion of the History of Greek Astronomy . 234 Sect. 8. Arabian Astronomy 236 BOOK IV. \ HISTORY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Introduction . . . . . .' .251 CHAPTER I. ON THE INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. . 251 1 . Collections of Opinions ..... 255 2. Indistinctness of Ideas in Mechanics . .257 3. shewn in Architecture . . 263 4. in Astronomy .... 264 5. shewn by Skeptics . . 265 6. Neglect of Physical Reasoning in Christendom . . 268 7- Question of Antipodes .... 269 8. Intellectual Condition of the Religious Orders . . 273 9. Popular Opinions ....... 276 CHAPTER II. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT OF THE MIDDLE AGES 280 1. Natural Bias to Authority 282 2. Character of Commentators ..... 284 3. Greek Commentators of Aristotle .... 287 xxvm CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. 4. Greek Commentators of Plato and others . . . 291 5. Arabian Commentators of Aristotle . . . 292 CHAPTER III. OF THE MYSTICISM OF THE MIDDLE AGES 297 1. Neoplatonic Theosophy ...... 299 2. Mystical Arithmetic . . . . . . . 305 3. Astrology 309 4. Alchemy 320 5. Magic 323 CHAPTER IV. OF THE DOGMATISM OF THE MIDDLE AGES. 1. Origin of the Scholastic Philosophy .... 328 2. Scholastic Dogmas .... . 333 3. Scholastic Physics .... . 341 4. Authority of Aristotle among the Schoolmen . . 342 5. Subjects omitted. Civil Law. Medicine . . . 346 CHAPTER V. PROGRESS OF THE ARTS IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 1. Art and Science ... ... 349 2. Arabian Science ....... 355 3. Experimental Philosophy of the Arabians . . 356 4. Roger Bacon ........ 359 5. Architecture of the Middle Ages . . . .361 6. Treatises on Architecture . 365 BOOK Y. HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY AFFER THE STATIONARY PERIOD. Introduction ........ 375 CHAPTER I. PRELUDE TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS .... 379 CHAPTER II. INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. THE HELIO- CENTRIC THEORY ASSERTED ON FORMAL GROUNDS . 388 CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. xxix PAGE CHAPTER III. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. THE RECEPTION AND DEVELOPEMENT OF THE COPERNICAN THEORY. Sect. 1. First Reception of the Copernican Theory . . 401 Sect. 2. Diffusion of the Copernican Theory . . 404 Sect. 3. The Heliocentric Theory confirmed by Facts. Galibo's Astronomical Discoveries . .412 Sect. 4. The Copernican System opposed on Theological Grounds . . .418 Sect. 5. The Heliocentric Theory confirmed on Physical Considerations. (Prelude to Kepler's Astro- nomical Discoveries.) .... 426 CHAPTER IV. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OP KEPLER. Sect. 1. Intellectual Character of Kepler . . . 432 Sect. 2. Kepler's Discovery of his Third Law . . 437 Sect. 3. Kepler's Discovery of his First and Second Laws. Elliptical Theory of the Planets . . 443 CHAPTER V. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF KEPLER. RECEPTION, VERIFICATION, AND EXTENSION OF THE ELLIPTICAL THEORY. Sect. 1. Application of the Elliptical Theory to the Planets 453 Sect. 2. Application of the Elliptical Theory to the Moon . 455 Sect. 3. Causes of further Progress of Astronomy . . 458 CORRECTIONS. Vol. I. p. 158, note 45 , for Acronical read Acronycal (ctKpoi/uao Kpe/jacrav aynvpas vnepBev Xpva-eav xeipeo-0-i Xa/3toj/ (piaXav 'Ap%os cv 7rpvp.vq Trarep 'Eyx fLK *P avvov Z^a, Kai arcay pinas, dvcpav T' e/caXei, , Kal TTOVTOV KeXtvBovs, "Ap.aTa T evfppova, KOI VWTOI.O fioipav. PINDAR. Pyth. iv. 124, 349. Whence came their voyage ? them what peril held With adamantine rivets firmly bound? But soon as on the vessel's how The anchor was hung up, Then took the Leader on the prow In hands a golden cup, And on great Father Jove did call, And on the Winds and Waters all, Swept by the hurrying blast; And on the Nights, and Ocean Ways, And on the fair auspicious Days, And loved return at last. BOOK I. HISTORY OF THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY, WITH REFERENCE TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE. CHAPTER I. PRELUDE TO THE GREEK. SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. Sect. 1. First Attempts of the Speculative Faculty in Physical Inquiries. AT an early period of history there appeared in men a propensity to pursue speculative inqui- ries concerning the various parts and properties of the material world. What they saw excited them to meditate, to conjecture, and to reason : they endea- voured to account for natural events, to trace their causes, to reduce them to their principles. This habit of mind, or, at least that modification of it which we have here to consider, seems to have been first un- folded among the Greeks. And during that obscure introductory interval which elapsed while the specu- lative tendencies of men were as yet hardly disentan- gled from the practical, those who were most eminent in such inquiries were distinguished by the same term of praise which is applied to sagacity in matters of action, and were called wise men vo signified at first the beginning ; and in its early philosophical applications implied some obscure mixed reference to the mechanical, chemical, organic, and historical causes of the visible state of things, besides the theological views which at this period were only just beginning to be separated from the physical. Hence we are not to be surprised if the sources from which the opinions of this period appear to be derived are rather vague suggestions and casual analogies, than any reasons which will bear examination. Aristotle conjectures, with considerable probability, that the doctrine of Thales, according to which water was PRELUDE. 29 the universal element, resulted from the manifest importance of moisture in the support of animal and vegetable life 3 . But such precarious analyses of these obscure and loose dogmas of early antiquity are of small consequence to our object. In more limited and more definite examples of inquiry concerning the causes of natural appear- ances, and in the attempts made to satisfy men's curiosity in such cases, we appear to discern a more genuine prelude to the true spirit of physical in- quiry. One of the most remarkable instances of this kind is to be found in the speculations which Herodotus records, relative to the cause of the floods of the Nile. " Concerning the nature of this river," says the father of history 4 , " I was not able to learn anything, either from the priests or from any one besides, though I questioned them very pressingly. For the Nile is flooded for a hundred days, be- ginning with the summer solstice; and after this time it diminishes, and is, during the whole winter, very small. And on this head I was not able to obtain anything satisfactory from any one of the Egyptians, when I asked what is the power by which the Nile is in its nature the reverse of other rivers." We may see, I think, in the historian's account, that the Grecian mind felt a craving to discover the reasons of things which other nations did not feel. The Egyptians, it appears, had no theory, and felt 3 Metaph. i. 3. 4 Herod, ii. 19. 30 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. no want of a theory. Not so the Greeks ; they had their reasons to render, though they were not such as satisfied Herodotus. " Some of the Greeks," he says, "who wish to be considered great philosophers, ('EAA>/Vft)i/ Tive$ eTTicriiiJiOi /3ov\o/jLvoi yeveaOai cro(pir)v) have propounded three ways of accounting for these floods. Two of them," he adds, "I do not think worthy of record, except just so far as to mention them." But as these are some of the earliest Greek essays in physical philosophy, it will be worth while, even at this day, to preserve the brief notice he has given of them, and his own reasonings upon the same subject. " One of these opinions holds that the Etesian winds [which blew from the north] are the cause of these floods, by preventing the Nile from flowing into the sea." Against this the historian reasons very simply and sensibly. "Very often when the Etesian winds do not blow, the Nile is flooded nevertheless. And moreover, if the Etesian winds were the cause, all other rivers, which have their course opposite to these winds, ought to undergo the same changes as the Nile ; which the rivers of Syria and Libya so circumstanced do not." "The next opinion is still more unscientific, (av7ri(TTritJiov6crTpr)) and is, in truth, marvellous for its folly. This holds that the ocean flows all round the earth, and that the Nile comes out of the ocean, and by that means produces its effects." "Now," says the historian, "the man who talks about this PRELUDE. 31 ocean-river, goes into the region of fable, where it is not easy to demonstrate that he is wrong. I know of no such river. But I suppose that Homer or some of the earlier poets invented this fiction and introduced it into their poetry." He then proceeds to a third account, which to a modern reasoner would appear not at all unphilo- sophical in itself, but which he, nevertheless, rejects in a manner no less decided than the others. " The third opinion, though much the most plausible, is still more wrong than the others ; for it asserts an impossibility, namely, that the Nile proceeds from the melting of the snow. Now the Nile flows out of Libya, and through Ethiopia, which are very hot countries, and thus comes into Egypt, which is a colder region. How then can it proceed from snow ?" He then offers several other reasons " to show," as he says, " to any one capable of reasoning on such subjects" (avSpi ye XoyifyaOai TOIOVTWI/ Trepi dtp Te eovTi), that the assertion cannot be true. The winds which blow from the southern regions are hot ; the inhabitants are black ; the swallows and kites (iKrlvoi) stay in the country the whole year; the cranes fly the colds of Scythia, and seek their warm winter-quarters there; which would not be if it snowed ever so little." He adds another reason, founded apparently upon some limited empirical maxim of weather-wisdom taken from the climate of Greece. " Libya," he says, " has neither rain nor ice, and therefore no snow ; for, in five days after ;i 32 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. fall of snow there must be a fall of rain ; so that if it snowed in those regions it must rain too." I need not observe that Herodotus was not aware of the difference between the climate of high mountains and plains in a torrid region; but it is impossible not to be struck both with the activity and the co- herency of thought displayed by the Greek mind in this primitive physical inquiry. But I must not omit the hypothesis which Hero- dotus himself proposes, after rejecting those which have been already given. It does not appear to me easy to catch his exact meaning, but the statement will still be curious. "If," he says, "one who has condemned opinions previously promulgated may put forwards his own opinion concerning so obscure a matter, I will state why it seems to me that the Nile is flooded in summer." This opinion he pro- pounds at first with an oracular brevity, which it is difficult to suppose that he did not intend to be impressive. " In winter the sun is carried by the seasons away from his former course, and goes to the upper parts of Libya. And there, in shoi% is the whole account; for that region to which this divinity (the sun) is nearest, must naturally be most scant of water, and the river-sources of that country must be dried up." But the lively and garrulous Ionian immediately, relaxes from this apparent reserve. "To explain the matter more at length," he proceeds, " it is thus. The sun, when he traverses the upper parts of Libya, PRELUDE. 33 does what he commonly does in summer; he draws the water to him (e\/cet evr' ewi/rov TO vSwp), and having thus drawn it, he pushes it to the upper regions (of the air probably,) and then the winds take it and disperse it till they dissolve in moisture. And thus the winds which blow from those coun- tries, Libs and Notus, are the most moist of all winds. Now when the winter relaxes and the sun returns to the north, he still draws water from all the rivers, but they are increased by showers and rain-torrents, so that they are in flood till the summer comes ; and then, the rain failing and the sun still drawing them, they become small. But the Nile, not being fed by rains, yet being drawn by the sun, is, alone of all rivers, much more scanty in the winter than in the summer. For in summer it is drawn like all other rivers, but in winter it alone has its supplies shut up. And in this way, I have been led to think the sun is the cause of the occurrence in question." We may remark that the historian here appears to ascribe the inequality of the Nile at different seasons to the influence of the sun upon its springs alone, the other cause of change, the rains, being here excluded: and that, on this supposition, the same relative effects would be pro- duced whether the sun increase the sources in winter by melting the snows, or diminish them in summer by what he calls drawing them upwards. This specimen of the early efforts of the Greeks in physical speculations, appears to me to speak VOL. i. D 34 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. strongly for the opinion that their philosophy on such subjects was the native growth of the Greek mind, and owed nothing to the supposed lore of Egypt and the East; an opinion which has been adopted with regard to the Greek philosophy in general by the most competent judges on a full survey of the evidence 5 . Indeed, we have no evi- dence whatever that, at any period, the African or Asiatic nations, (with the exception perhaps of the Indians,) ever felt this importunate curiosity with regard to the definite application of the idea of cause and effect to visible phenomena ; or drew so strong a line between a fabulous legend and a reason rendered; or attempted to ascend to a natural cause by classing together phenomena of the same kind. We may be well excused, therefore, for believing that they could not impart to the Greeks what they themselves did not possess ; and so far as our survey goes, physical philosophy has its origin, apparently spontaneous and independent, in the active and acute intellect of Greece. Sect. 2. Primitive Mistake in Greek Physical Philosophy. WE now proceed to examine with what success the Greeks followed the track into which they had thus struck. And here we are obliged to confess that 5 Thirlwall, Hist. Gr., ii. 130; and, as there quoted, Ritter, Geschichteder Philosophic^ i. 159173. PRELUDE. 35 they very soon turned aside from the right road to truth, and deviated into a vast field of error, in which they and their successors have wandered almost to the present time. It is not necessary here to inquire why those faculties which appear to be bestowed upon us for the discovery of truth, were permitted by Providence to fail so signally in answering that purpose ; whether, like the powers by which we seek our happiness, they involve a responsibility on our part, and may be defeated by rejecting the guidance of a higher faculty ; or whether these endowments, though they did not immediately lead man to profound physical know- ledge, answered some nobler and better purpose in his constitution and government. The fact un- doubtedly was, that the physical philosophy of the Greeks soon became trifling and worthless; and it is proper to point out, as precisely as we can, in what the fundamental mistake consisted. To explain this, we may in the first place return for a moment to Herodotus's account of the cause of the floods of the Nile. The reader will probably have observed a re- markable phrase used by Herodotus, in his own explanation of these inundations. He says that the sun draws, or attracts, the water; a metaphorical term, obviously intended to denote some more gene- ral and abstract conception than that of the visible operation which the word primarily signifies. This abstract notion of ' drawing' is, in the historian, as D2 36 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. we see, very vague and loose ; it might, with equal propriety, be explained to mean what we now un- derstand by mechanical or by chemical attraction, or pressure, or evaporation. And in like manner, all the first attempts to comprehend the operations of nature, led to the introduction of abstract con- ceptions, often vague, indeed, but not, therefore, unmeaning ; such as motion and velocity, force and pressure, impetus and momentum (/WJ). And the next step in philosophizing, necessarily was to en- deavour to make these vague abstractions more clear and fixed, so that the logical faculty should be able to employ them securely and coherently. But there were two ways of making this attempt ; the one, by examining the words only, and the thoughts which they call up; the other, by attending to the facts and things which bring these abstract terms into use. The latter, the method of real inquiry, was the way to success; but the Greeks followed the former, the verbal or notional course, and failed. If Herodotus, when the notion of the sun's at- tracting the waters of rivers had entered into his mind, had gone on to instruct himself, by attention to facts, in what manner this notion could be made more definite, while it still remained applicable to all the knowledge which could be obtained, he would have made some progress towards a true solution of his problem. If, for instance, he had tried to ascer- tain whether this Attraction which the sun exerted upon the waters of rivers, depended on his influence PRELUDE. 37 at their fountains only, or was exerted over their whole course, and over waters which were not parts of rivers, he would have been led to reject his hypothesis; for he would have found, by observa- tions sufficiently obvious, that the sun's Attraction, as shown in such cases, is a tendency to lessen all expanded and open collections of moisture, whether flowing from a spring or not ; and it would then be seen that this influence, operating on the whole surface of the Nile, must diminish it as well as other rivers, in summer, and therefore could not be the cause of its overflow. He would thus have corrected his first loose conjecture by a real study of nature, and might, in the course of his medita- tions, have been led to available notions of Evapora- tion, or other natural actions. And, in like manner, in other cases, the rude attempts at explanation, which the first exercise of the speculative faculty produced, might have been gradually concentrated and refined, so as to fall in, both with the requisi- tions of reason and the testimony of sense. But this was not the direction which the Greek speculators took. On the contrary ; as soon as they had introduced into their philosophy any abstract and general conceptions, they proceeded to scrutinize these by the internal light of the mind alone, with- out any longer looking abroad into the world of sense. They took for granted that philosophy must result from the relations of those notions which are involved in the common use of language, and they 38 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. proceeded to seek their philosophical doctrines by studying such notions. They ought to have reformed and fixed their usual conceptions by Observation; they only analyzed and expanded them by Reflec- tion: they ought to have sought by trial, among the Notions which passed through their minds, some one which admitted of exact application to Facts ; they selected arbitrarily, and, consequently, erro- neously, the Notions according to which Facts should be assembled and arranged : they ought to have collected clear Fundamental Ideas from the world of things by inductive acts of thought ; they only derived results by Deduction from one or other of their familiar Conceptions (B). When this false direction had been extensively adopted by the Greek philosophers, we may treat of it as the method of their Schools. Under that title we must give a further account of it. 39 CHAPTER II. THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. Sect. 1. The general Foundation of the Greek School Philosophy. THE physical philosophy of the Greek Schools was formed by looking at the material world through the medium of that common language which men employ to answer the common occasions of life; and by adopting, arbitrarily, as the grounds of com- parison of facts, and of inference from them, notions more abstract and large than those with which men are practically familiar, but not less vague and obscure. Such a philosophy, however much it might be systematized, by classifying and analyzing the conceptions which it involves, could not overcome the vices of its fundamental principle. But before speaking of these defects, we must give some indi- cations of its character. The propensity to seek for principles in the com- mon usages of language may be discerned at a very early period. Thus we have an example of it in a saying which is reported of Thales, the founder of Greek philosophy 1 . When he was asked "What is the greatest thing?" he replied, " Place; for all other 1 Pint. Conv. Sept. Sap. Diog. Laert. i. 35. 40 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. things are in the world, but the world is in it." In Aristotle we have the consummation of this mode of speculation. The usual point from which he starts in his inquiries is, that tee say thus or thus in common language. Thus, when he has to discuss the question, whether there be, in any part of the universe, a Void, or space in which there is nothing, he inquires first in how many senses we say that one thing is in another. He enumerates many of these 2 ; we say the part is in the whole, as the finger is in the hand ; again we say, the species is in the genus, as man is included in animal; again, the government of Greece is in the king; and various other senses are described or exemplified, but of all these the most proper is when we say a thing is in a vessel, and generally, in place. He next examines what place is, and comes to this conclusion, that "if about a body there be another body including* it, it is in place, and if not, not." A body moves when it changes its place; but he adds, that if water be in a vessel, the vessel being at rest, the parts of the water may still move, for they are in- cluded by each other ; so that while the whole does not change its place, the parts may change their places in a circular order. Proceeding then to the question of a void, he, as usual, examines the dif- ferent senses in which the term is used, and adopts, as the most proper, place without matter ; with no useful result, as we shall soon see. 2 Pbvsic. Ausc. iv. 3. ITS FOUNDATION. 41 Again 3 , in a question concerning mechanical action, he says, "When a man moves a stone by pushing it with a stick, we say both that the man moves the stone, and that the stick moves the stone, but the latter more properly." Again, we find the Greek philosophers applying themselves to extract their dogmas from the most general and abstract notions which they could detect; for example, from the conception of the Universe as One or as Many things. They tried to determine how far we may, or must, combine with these con- ceptions that of a whole, of parts, of number, of limits, of place, of beginning or end, of full or void, of rest or motion, of cause and effect, and the like. The analysis of such conceptions with such a view, occupies, for instance, almost the whole of Aristo- tle's Treatise on the Heavens. The Dialogue of Plato, which is entitled Par^ menides, appears at first as if its object were to show the futility of this method of philosophizing; for the philosopher whose name it bears, is represented as arguing with an Athenian named Aristotle, (c) and, by a process of metaphysical analysis, reduc- ing him at least to this conclusion, "that whether One exist, or do not exist, it follows that both it and other things, with reference to themselves and to each other, all and in all respects, both are and are not, both appear and appear not." Yet the method of Plato, so far as concerns truth of that 3 Phvsic. Ausc. viii. 5. 42 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. kind with which we are here concerned, was little more efficacious than that of his rival. It consists mainly, as may be seen in several of the dialogues, and especially in the Timwus, in the application of notions as loose as those of the Peripatetics; for example, the conceptions of the Good, the Beau- tiful, the Perfect ; and these are rendered still more arbitrary, by assuming an acquaintance with the views of the Creator of the universe. The philo- sopher is thus led to maxims which agree with those of the Aristotelians, that there can be no void, that things seek their own place, and the like 4 . Another mode of reasoning, very widely applied in these attempts, was the doctrine of contrarieties, in which it was assumed, that adjectives or sub- stantives which are in common language, or in some abstract mode of conception, opposed to each other, must point at some fundamental antithesis in nature, which it is important to study. Thus Aristotle 5 says, that the Pythagoreans, from the contrasts which number suggests, collected ten principles, Limited and Unlimited, Odd and Even, One and Many, Right and Left, Male and Female, Rest and Motion, Straight and Curved, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Square and Oblong. We shall see hereafter, that Aristotle himself deduced the doc- trine of Four Elements, and other dogmas, by oppo- sitions of the same kind. 4 Timaeus, p. 80. 5 Metaph. 1. 5. ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 43 The physical speculator of the present day will learn without surprise, that such a mode of discus- sion as this, led to no truths of real or permanent value. The whole mass of the Greek philosophy, therefore, shrinks into an almost imperceptible com- pass, when viewed with reference to the progress of physical knowledge. Still the general character of this system, and its fortunes from the time of its founders to the overthrow of their authority, are not without their instruction, and, it may be hoped, not without their interest. I proceed, therefore, to give some account of these doctrines in their most fully developed and permanently received form, that in which they were presented by Aristotle. Sect. 2. The Aristotelian Physical Philosophy. THE principal physical treatises of Aristotle are, the eight Books of " Physical Lectures," the four Books "Of the Heavens," the two Books "Of Pro- duction and Destruction:" for the Book "Of the World" is now universally acknowledged to be spurious ; and the " Meteorologies," though full of physical explanations of natural phenomena, does not exhibit the doctrines and reasonings of the school in so general a form ; the same may be said of the "Mechanical Problems." The treatises on the various subjects of Natural History, " On Ani- mals," "On the Parts of Animals," "On Plants," "On Physiognomonics," "On Colours," "On Sound," 44 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. contain an extraordinary accumulation of facts, and manifest a wonderful power of systematizing ; but are not works which expound principles, and there- fore do not require to be here considered. The Physical Lectures are possibly the work concerning which a well-known anecdote is related by Simplicius, a Greek commentator of the sixth century, as well as by Plutarch. It is said, that Alexander the Great wrote to his former tutor to this effect ; " You have not done well in publishing these lectures ; for how shall we, your pupils, excel other men, if you make that public to all, which we learnt from you." To this Aristotle is said to have replied ; " My Lectures are published and not pub- lished ; they will be intelligible to those who heard them, and to none beside." This may very easily be a story invented and circulated among those who found the work beyond their comprehension; and it cannot be denied, that to make out the meaning and reasoning of every part, would be a task very laborious and difficult, if not impossible. But we may follow the import of a large portion of the Physical Lectures with sufficient clearness to appre- hend the character and principles of the reasoning ; and this is what I shall endeavour to do. The author's introductory statement of his view of the nature of philosophy falls in very closely with what has been said, that he takes his facts and generalizations as they are implied in the structure of language. " We must in all cases proceed," he ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS -15 says, "from what is known to what is unknown." This will not be denied ; but we can hardly follow him in his inference. He adds, " we must proceed, therefore, from universal to particular. And some- thing of this," he pursues, "may be seen in lan- guage ; for names signify things in a general and indefinite manner, as circle, and by defining we un- fold them into particulars." He illustrates this by saying, " thus children at first call all men father, and all women mother, but afterwards distinguish." In accordance with this view, he endeavours to settle several of the great questions concerning the universe, which had been started among subtle and speculative men, by unfolding the meaning of the words and phrases which are applied to the most general notions of things and relations. We have already noticed this method. A few examples will ' illustrate it further : Whether there was or was not a void, or place without matter, had already been debated among rival sects of philosophers. The an- tagonist arguments were briefly these: There must be a void, because a body cannot move into a space except it is empty, and therefore without a void there could be no motion : and, on the other hand, there is no void, for the intervals between bodies are filled with air, and air is something. These opinions had even been supported by reference to experiment. On the one hand, Anaxagoras and his school had shown, that air when confined, re- sisted compression, by squeezing a blown bladder, 46 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. and pressing down an inverted vessel in the water ; on the other hand, it was alleged that a vessel full of fine ashes held as much water as if the ashes were not there, which could only be explained by supposing void spaces among the ashes. Aristotle decides that there is no void, on such arguments as this 6 : In a void there could be no difference of up and down; for as in nothing there are no differences, so there are none in a privation or negation ; but a void is merely a privation or negation of matter; therefore, in a void, bodies could not move up and down, which it is in their nature to do. It is easily seen that such a mode of reasoning elevates the familiar forms of language and the intellectual con- nexions of terms, to a supremacy over facts ; making truth depend upon whether terms are or are not privative, and whether we say that bodies fall na- turally. In such a philosophy every new result of observation would be compelled to conform to the usual combinations of phrases, as these had become associated by the modes of apprehension previously familiar. It is not intended here to intimate that the com- mon modes of apprehension, which are the basis of common language, are limited and casual. They imply, on the contrary, universal and necessary con- ditions of our perceptions and conceptions : thus all things are necessarily apprehended as existing in Time and Space, and as connected by relations of 6 Physic. Ausc. iv. 7- P- 215. ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 47 Cause and Effect ; and so far as the Aristotelian phi- losophy reasons from these assumptions, it has a real foundation, though even in this case the con- clusions are often insecure. We have an example of this reasoning in the eighth Book 7 , where he proves that there never was a time in which change and motion did not exist ; " For if all things were at rest, the first motion must have been produced by some change in some of these things; that is, there must have been a change before the first change ;" and again, " How can before and after apply when time is not ? or how can time be when motion is not ? If," he adds, " time is a numeration of motion, and if time be eternal, motion must be eternal." But he sometimes introduces principles of a more arbitrary character ; and besides the general relations of thought, takes for granted the inven- tions of previous speculators ; such, for instance, as the then commonly received opinions concerning the frame of the world. From the assertion that motion is eternal, proved in the manner just stated, Aristotle proceeds by a curious train of reasoning, to identify this eternal motion with the diurnal motion of the heavens. " There must," he says, " be something which is the First Mover 8 :" this follows from the relation of causes and effects. Again, "motion must go on constantly, and, therefore, must be either continuous or successive. Now what 7 Physic. Ausc. viii. 1. p. 251. 3 Physic. Ausc. viii. 6. p. 258. 48 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. is continuous is more properly said to take place constantly, than what is successive. Also the con- tinuous is better ; but we always suppose that which is better to take place in nature, if it be possible.. The motion of the First Mover will, therefore, be continuous, if such an eternal motion be possible." We here see the vague judgment of better and worse introduced, as that of natural and unnatural was before, into physical reasonings. I proceed with Aristotle's argument 9 . "We have now, therefore, to show that there may be an infinite, single, continuous motion, and that this is circular." This is, in fact, proved, as may readily be conceived, from the consideration that a body may go on perpetually revolving uniformly in a circle. And thus we have a demonstration, on the principles of this philosophy, that there is and must be a First Mover, revolving eternally with a uni- form circular motion. Though this kind of philosophy may appear too trifling to deserve being dwelt upon, it is important for our purpose so far as to exemplify it, that we may afterwards advance, confident that we have done it no injustice. I will now pass from the doctrines relating to the motions of the heavens, to those which concern the material elements of the universe. And here it may be remarked that the tendency (of which we are here tracing the developement) to extract specu- 9 viii. 8. ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 49 lative opinions from the relations of words, must be very natural to man ; for the very widely accepted doctrine of the Four Elements which appears to be founded on the opposition of the adjectives hot and cold, wet and dry, is much older than Aristotle, and was probably one of the earliest of philosophical dogmas. The great master of this philosophy, how- ever, puts the opinion in a more systematic manner than his predecessors. " We seek," he says 10 , " the principles of sensible things, that is, of tangible bodies. We must take, therefore, not all the contrarieties of quality, but those only which have reference to the touch. Thus black and white, sweet and bitter, do not differ as tangible qualities, and therefore must be rejected from our consideration. "Now the contrarieties of quality which refer to the touch are these : hot, cold ; dry, wet ; heavy, light; hard, soft; unctuous, meagre; rough, smooth; dense, rare." He then proceeds to reject all but the four first of these, for various reasons ; heavy and light, because they are not active and passive quali- ties; the others, because they are combinations of the four first, which therefore he infers to be the four elementary qualities. ""Now in four things there are six combina- tions of two ; but the combinations of two opposites, as hot and cold, must be rejected ; we have, there- fore, four elementary combinations, which agree 10 De Gen. et Corrupt ii. 2. " iii. 3. VOL. I. E 50 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. with the four apparently elementary bodies. Fire is hot and dry; air is hot and wet (for steam is air); water is cold and wet, earth is cold and dry." It may be remarked that this disposition to as- sume that some common elementary quality must exist in the cases in which we habitually apply a common adjective, as it began before the reign of the Aristotelian philosophy, so also survived its influence. Not to mention other cases, it would be difficult to free Bacon's Inquisitio in naturam calidi, "Examination of the nature of heat," from the charge of confounding together very different classes of phenomena under the cover of the word hot. The correction of these opinions concerning the elementary composition of bodies belongs to an ad- vanced period in the history of physical knowledge, even after the revival of its progress. But there are some of the Aristotelian doctrines which parti- cularly deserve our attention, from the prominent share they had in the very first beginnings of that revival, I mean the doctrines concerning motion. These are still founded upon the same mode of reasoning from adjectives ; but in this case, the re- sult follows, not only from the opposition of the words, but also from the distinction of their being absolutely or relatively true. "Former writers," says Aristotle, "have considered heavy and light relatively only, taking cases, where both things have weight, but one is lighter than the other ; and they ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 51 imagined that, in this way, they defined what was absolutely (aTrAoJs) heavy and light." We now know that things which rise by their lightness do so only because they are pressed upwards by heavier sur- rounding bodies; and this assumption of absolute levity, which is evidently gratuitous, or rather merely nominal, entirely vitiated the whole of the succeeding reasoning. The inference was, that fire must be absolutely light, since it tends to take its place above the other three elements ; earth abso- lutely heavy, since it tends to take its place below fire, air, and water. The philosopher argued also, with great acuteness, that air, which tends to take its place below fire and above water, must do so by its nature, and not in virtue of any combination of heavy and light elements. " For if air were com- posed of the parts which give fire its levity, joined with other parts which produce gravity, we might assume a quantity of air so large, that it should be lighter than a small quantity of fire, having more of the light parts." It thus follows that each of the four elements tends to its own place, fire being the highest, air the next, water the next, and earth tile lowest. The whole of this train of errors arises from fallacies which have a verbal origin; from consi- dering light as opposite to heavy; and from con- sidering levity as a quality of a body, instead of regarding it as the effect of surrounding bodies. It is worth while to notice that a difficulty which E2 52 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. often embarrasses persons on their entrance upon physical speculations, the difficulty of conceiving that up and down are different directions in dif- ferent places, had been completely got over by Aristotle and the Greek philosophers. They were steadily convinced of the roundness of the earth, and saw that this truth led to the conclusion that all heavy bodies tend in converging directions to the centre. And, they added, as the heavy tends to the centre, the light tends to the exterior, " for Exterior is opposite to Centre as heavy is to light 12 ." The tendencies of bodies downwards and up- wards, their weight, their fall, their floating or sink- ing, were thus accounted for in a manner which, however unsound, satisfied the greater part of the speculative world till the time of Galileo and Ste- vinus, though Archimedes in the mean time pub- lished the true theory of floating bodies, which is very different from that above stated. Other parts of the doctrines of motion were delivered by the Stagirite in the same spirit and with the same suc- cess. The motion of a body which is thrown along the ground diminishes and finally ceases; the motion of a body which falls from a height goes on becom- ing quicker and quicker ; this was accounted for on the usual principle of opposition, by saying that the former is a violent, the latter a natural motion. And the later writers of this school expressed the 12 De Coelo, iv. 4, ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 53 characters of such motions in verse. The rule of natural motion was 13 Principium tepeat, medium cum fine calebit. Cool at the first, it warm and warmer glows. And of violent motion, the law was Principium fervet, medium calet, ultima friget. Hot at the first, then barely warm, then cold. It appears to have been considered by Aristotle a difficult problem to explain why a stone thrown from the hand continues to move for some time, and then stops. If the hand was the cause of the mo- tion, how could the stone move at all when left to itself? if not, why does it ever stop? And he answers this difficulty by saying 14 , "that there is a motion communicated to the air, the successive parts of which urge the stone onwards;, and that each part of this medium continues to act for some while after it has been acted on, and the motion ceases when it comes to a particle which cannot act after it has ceased to be acted on." It will be readily seen that the whole of this difficulty, concerning a body which moves forwards and is retarded till it stops, arises from ascribing the retardation, not to the real cause, the surrounding resistances, but to the body itself. One of the doctrines which was the subject of the warmest discussion between the defenders and opposers of Aristotle, at the revival of physical 13 Alsted. Encyc. torn i. p. 687- M Phys. Ausc. viii. 10. 54 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. knowledge, was that in which he asserts 15 "That body is heavier than another which in an equal bulk moves downward quicker." The opinion maintained by the Aristotelians at the time of Galileo was, that bodies fall quicker exactly in proportion to their weight. The master himself asserts this in express terms, and reasons upon it 16 . Yet in another passage he appears to distinguish between weight and actual motion downwards 17 . "In physics, we call bodies heavy and light from their power of motion ; but these names are not applied to their actual opera- tions (evepyeiais) except any one thinks momentum (poTrrj) to be a word of both applications. But heavy and light are, as it were, the embers or sparks of motion, and therefore proper to be treated of here." The distinction just alluded to between Power or Faculty of Action, and actual Operation or Energy, is one very frequently referred to by Aristotle ; and though not by any means useless, may easily be so used as to lead to mere verbal refinements instead of substantial knowledge. The Aristotelian distinction of Causes has not any very immediate bearing upon the parts of phy- sics of which we have here mainly spoken ; but it was so extensively accepted, and so long retained, that it may be proper to notice it 18 . " One kind of 15 De Coelo, iv. 1, p. 308. 16 De Ccelo, iii. 2. 17 De Coelo, iv. 1, p. 307- 18 Phys. ii. 3. ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 55 Cause is the matter of which any thing is made, as bronze of a statue, and silver of a phial ; another is the form and pattern, as the Cause of an octave is the ratio of two to one ; again, there is the Cause which is the origin of the production, as the father of the child ; and again, there is the End, or that for the sake of which anything is done, as health is the cause of walking." These four kinds of Cause, the material, informal, the efficient, and the final, were long leading points in all speculative inquiries; and our familiar forms of speech still retain traces of the influence of this division. It is my object here to present to the reader in an intelligible shape, the principles and mode of reasoning of the Aristotelian philosophy, not its results. If this were not the case, it would be easy to excite a smile by insulating some of the passages which are most remote from modern notions. I will only mention, as specimens, two such passages, both very remarkable. In the beginning of the book " On the Heavens,'' he proves 19 the world to be perfect, by reasoning of the following kind : " The bodies of which the world is composed are solids, and therefore have three dimensions ; now three is the most perfect number ; it is the first of numbers, for of one we do not speak as a number ; of two we say both ; but three is the first number of which we say all; moreover, it has a beginning, a middle, and an end." 19 De Coelo, i. 1. 56 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. The reader will still perceive the verbal founda- tions of opinions thus supported. " The simple elements must have simple motions, and thus fire and air have their natural motions upwards, and water and earth have their natural motions downdards; but besides these motions, there is motion in a circle, which is unnatural to these elements, but which is a more perfect motion than the other, because a circle is a perfect line, and a straight line is not; and there must be something to which this motion is natural. From this it is evident," he adds, with obvious animation, "that there is some essence of body different from those of the four elements, more divine than those, and superior to them. If things which move in a circle move contrary to nature, it is marvellous, or rather absurd, that this, the unnatural motion, should alone be continuous and eternal; for unnatural motions decay speedily. And so, from all this, we must col- lect, that besides the four elements which we have here and about us, there is another removed far off, and the more excellent in proportion as it is more distant from us." This fifth element was the " quinta essentia" of after writers, of which we have a trace in our modern literature, in the word quint- essence. ITS TECHNICAL FORMS. 57 Sect. 3. Technical Forms of the Greek Schools. WE have hitherto considered only the principle of the Greek Physics ; which was, as we have seen, to deduce its doctrines by an analysis of the notions which common language involves. But though the Grecian philosopher began by studying words in their common meanings, he soon found himself led to fix upon some special shades or applications of these meanings as the permanent and standard notion, which they were to express; that is, he made his language technical. The invention and esta- blishment of technical terms is an important step in any philosophy, true or false ; we must, there- fore, say a few words on this process, as exemplified in the ancient systems. 1. Technical Forms of the Aristotelian Philo- sophy. We have already had occasion to cite some of the distinctions introduced by Aristotle, which may be considered as technical; for instance, the classification of Causes as material, formal, efficient, and final; and the opposition of Qualities as absolute and relative. A few more of the most important examples may suffice. An analysis of objects into Matter and Form, when metaphorically extended from visible objects to things conceived in the most general manner, became an habitual hypothesis of the Aristotelian school. Indeed this metaphor is even yet one of the most significant of those which we can employ, to suggest one of the most compre- 58 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. hensive and fundamental antitheses with which phi- losophy has to do; the opposition of sense and reason, of impressions and laws. In this application, the German philosophers have, up to the present time, rested upon this distinction a great part of the weight of their systems ; as when Kant says, that Space and Time are the Forms of Sensation. Even in our own language, we retain a trace of the in- fluence of this Aristotelian notion, in the word Information, when used for that knowledge, which may be conceived as moulding the mind into a definite shape, instead of leaving it a mere mass of unimpressed susceptibility. * <; Another favourite Aristotelian antithesis is that of Power and Act (3i/Va/xis, evepyeia). This distinc- tion is made the basis of most of the physical phi- losophy of the school; being, however, generally introduced with a peculiar limitation. Thus, Light is defined to be " the Act of what is lucid, as being lucid. And if," it is added, "the lucid be so in power but not in act, we have darkness." The reason of the limitation, " as being lucid," is, that a lucid body may act in other ways ; thus a torch may move as well as shine, but its moving is not its act as being a lucid body. Aristotle appears to be well satisfied with this explanation, for he goes on to say, " Thus Light is not Fire, nor any body whatever, or the emanation of any body, (for that would be a kind of body,) but it is the presence of something like Fire in the ITS TECHNICAL FORMS. f>9 body; it is, however, impossible that two bodies should exist in the same place, so that it is not a body;" and this reasoning appears to leave him more satisfied with his doctrine, that Light is an Energy or Act. But we have a more distinctly technical form given to this notion. Aristotle introduced a word formed by himself, to express the act which is thus opposed to inactive power: this is the celebrated word tWeXe'^eia. Thus the noted definition of Mo- tion in the third book of the Physics 20 , is that it is "the Entelechy, or Act, of a moveable body in respect of being moveable;" and the definition of the Soul is 21 that it is " the Entelecliy of a natural body which has life by reason of its power." This word has been variously translated by the followers of Aristotle, and some of them have declared it untranslateable. Act and Action are held to be inadequate substitutes; the very act, ipse cursus actionis is employed by some; primus actus is employed by many, but another school use pri- mus actus of a non-operating form. Budseus uses efficacia. Cicero 22 translates it "quasi quandam continuatam motionem, et perennem ;" but this pa- raphrase, though it may fall in with the description of the soul, which is the subject with which Cicero is concerned, does not appear to agree with the general applications of the term. Hermolaus Bar- barus is said to have been so much oppressed with 20 Phys. in. 1. 2 ' De Anima. ii. 1. 22 Tusc. i. 10. 60 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. this difficulty of translation, that he consulted the evil spirit by night, entreating to be supplied with a more common and familiar substitute for this word : the mocking fiend, however, suggested only a word equally obscure, and the translator, discon- tented with this, invented for himself the word per- fectihabia. We need not here notice the endless apparatus of technicalities which was, in later days, introduced into the Aristotelian philosophy; but we may re- mark, that their long continuance and extensive use show us how powerful technial phraseology is, for the perpetuation either of truth or error. The Aris- totelian terms, and the metaphysical views which they tend to preserve, are not yet extinct among us. In a very recent age of our literature it was thought a worthy employment by some of the greatest writers of the day, to attempt to expel this system of technicalities by ridicule. "Crambe regretted extremely that substantial forms, a race of harmless beings, which had lasted for many years, and afforded a comfortable subsist- ence to many poor philosophers, should now be hunted down like so many wolves, without a possi- bility of retreat. He considered that it had gone much harder with them than with essences, which had retired from the schools into the apothecaries* shops, where some of them had been advanced to the degree of quintessences. 23 Martinus Scriblerus, cap. vii. ITS TECHNICAL FORMS. 61 We must now say a few words on the technical terms which others of the Greek philosophical sects introduced. 2. Technical Forms of the Platonists. The other sects of the Greek philosophy, as well as the Aristotelians, invented and adopted technical terms, and thus gave fixity to their tenets and consist- ency to their traditionary systems ; of these I will mention a few. A technical expression of a contemporary school has acquired perhaps greater celebrity than any of the terms of Aristotle. I mean the Ideas of Plato. The account which Aristotle gives of the origin of these will serve to explain their nature 21 . " Plato," says he, " who, in his youth, was in habits of com- munication first with Cratylus and the Heraclitean opinions, which represent all the objects of sense as being in a perpetual flux, so that concerning these no science nor certain knowledge can exist, entertained the same opinions at a later period also. When, afterwards, Socrates treated of moral sub- jects, and gave no attention to physics, but in the subjects which he did discuss, arrived at univer- sal truths, and before any other man, turned his thoughts to definitions, Plato adopted similar doc- trines on this subject also ; and construed them in this way, that these truths and definitions must be applicable to something else, and not to sensible 24 Arist. Metaph. i. 6. The same account is repeated, and the subject discussed, Metaph. xii. 4. 62 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. things : for it was impossible, he conceived, that there should be a general common definition of any sensible object, since such were always in a state of change. The things, then, which were the subjects of universal truths he called Ideas ; and held that objects of sense had their names according to Ideas and after them ; so that things participated in that Idea which had the same name as was applied to them." In agreement with this, we find the opinions suggested in the Parmenides of Plato, the dialogue which is considered by many to contain the most decided exposition of the doctrine of Ideas. In this dialogue, Parmenides is made to say to Socrates, then a young man 25 , " Socrates, philosophy has not yet claimed you for her own, as, in my judg- ment, she will claim you, and you will not dishonour her. As yet, like a young man as you are, you look to the opinions of men. But tell me this : it ap- pears to you, as you say, that there are certain Kinds or Ideas (ei^) of which things partake and receive applications according to that of which they partake : thus those things which partake of Like- ness are called like ; those things which partake of Greatness are called great ; those things which par- take of Beauty and Justice are called beautiful and just" To this Socrates assents. And in another part of the dialogue he shows that these Ideas are not included in our common knowledge, from whence 26 Parmenid. p. 131. ITS TECHNICAL FORMS. 63 he infers that they are objects of the Divine mind. In the Phsedo the same opinion is maintained, and is summed up in this way, by a reporter of the last conversation of Socrates 26 elvai TL eVaa-roi/ ru>v , Kal TOVTWV -r'aXAa /uLeTaXanfidvovTa avTwv TOVTWV yew \ " that each Kind has an exist- ence, and that other things partake of these Kinds, and are called according to the Kind of which they partake." The inference drawn from this view was, that in order to obtain true and certain knowledge, men must elevate themselves, as much as possible, to these Ideas of the qualities which they have to consider : and as things were thus called after the Ideas, the Ideas had a priority and pre-eminence assigned them. The Idea of Good, Beautiful, and Wise, was the " First Good," the " First Beautiful," the "First Wise." This dignity and distinction were ultimately carried to a large extent. Those Ideas were described as eternal and self-subsisting, forming an " Intelligible World," full of the models or archetypes of created things. But it is not to our purpose here to consider the Platonic Ideas in their theological bearings. In physics they were applied in the same form as in morals. The primum calidum, primum frigidum, were those Ideas or fundamental Principles by participation of which, all things were hot or cold. 28 Pheedo, p. 102. 04 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. This school did not much employ itself in the developement of its principles as applied to physical inquiries : but we are not without examples of such speculations. Plutarch's Treatise Uept TOV Tipwrov ^v^pov 9 " On the First Cold," may be cited as one. It is in reality a discussion of a question which has been agitated in modern times also ; whether cold be a positive quality or a mere privation. " Is there, O Favorinus," he begins, " a First Power and Essence of the Cold, as Fire is of the Hot ; by a certain pre- sence and participation of which all other things are cold : or is rather coldness a privation of heat, as darkness is of light, and rest of motion ?" 3. Technical Forms of the Pythagoreans. The Numbers of the Pythagoreans, when propounded as the explanation of physical phenomena, as they were, are still more obscure than the ideas of the Platonists. There were, indeed, considerable re- semblances in the way in which these two kinds of notions were spoken of. Plato called his Ideas unities, monads ; and as, according to him, Ideas, so, according to the Pythagoreans, Numbers, were the causes of things being what they are 87 . But there was this difference, that things shared the nature of the Platonic Ideas "by participation," while they shared the nature of Pythagorean Numbers "by imitation." Moreover, the Pythagoreans followed their notion out into much greater developement than any other school, investing particular numbers 27 Arist. Metapb. i. 6. ARISTOTELIAN PHYSICS. 65 with extraordinary attributes, and applying them by very strange and forced analogies. Thus the number Four, to which they gave the name of Tetractys, was held to be the most perfect number, and was conceived to correspond to the human soul, in some way which appears to be very imper- fectly understood by the commentators of this phi- losophy. It has been observed by a distinguished modern scholar 28 , that the place which Pythagoras ascribed to his numbers is intelligible only by supposing that he confounded, first a numerical unit with a geo- metrical point, and then this with a material atom. But this criticism appears to place systems of phy- sical philosophy under requisitions too severe. If all the essential properties and attributes of things were fully represented by the relations of number, the philosophy which supplied such an explanation of the universe, might well be excused from ex- plaining also that existence of objects which is dis- tinct from the existence of all their qualities and properties. The Pythagorean love of numerical speculations might have been combined with the doctrine of atoms, and the combination might have led to results well worth notice. But so far as we are aware, no such combination was attempted in the ancient schools of philosophy; and perhaps we of the present day are only just beginning to perceive, through the disclosures of chemistry and 28 Thirl wall's Hist. Gr. ii. 142. VOL. I. F 66 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. crystallography, the importance of such a line of inquiry. 4. Technical Forms of the Atomists and Others. The atomic doctrine, of which we have just spoken, was one of the most definite of the physical doctrines of the ancients, and was applied with most perseverance and knowledge to the expla- nation of phenomena. Though, therefore, it led to no success of any consequence in ancient times, it served to transmit, through a long series of ages, a habit of really physical inquiry; and on this account, has been thought worthy of an historical disquisition by Bacon 29 . The technical term, Atom, marks sufficiently the nature of the opinion. According to this theory, the world consists of a collection of simple particles, of one kind of matter, and of indivisible smallness, (as the name indicates,) and by the various confi- gurations and motions of these particles, all kinds of matter and all material phenomena are produced. To this, the Atomic Doctrine of Leucippus and Democritus, was opposed the Homoiomeria of Anax- agoras; that is, the opinion that material things consist of particles which are homogeneous in each kind of body, but various in different kinds : thus for example, since by food the flesh and blood and bones of man increase, the author of this doc- trine held that there are in food particles of flesh, w Parmenidis et Telesii et praecipue Democriti Philosophia, c., Works, vol. ix. 317. ITS TECHNICAL FORMS. (17 and blood, and bone. As the former tenet points to the corpuscular theories of modern times, so the latter may be considered as a dim glimpse of the idea of chemical analysis. The Stoics also, who were, especially at a later period, inclined to ma- terialist views, had their technical modes of speak- ing on such subjects. They asserted that matter contained in itself tendencies or dispositions to certain forms, which dispositions they called \oyoi cnrepiuLariKol, seminal proportions, or seminal rea- sons. Whatever of sound view, or right direction, there might be in the notions which suggested these and other technical expressions, was, in all the schools of philosophy (so far as physics was con- cerned), quenched and overlaid by the predominance of trifling and barren speculations ; and by the love of subtilizing and commenting upon the works of earlier writers, instead of attempting to interpret the book of nature. Hence these technical terms served to give fixity and permanence to the tradi- tional dogmas of the sect, but led to no progress of knowledge. The advances which were made in physical science proceeded, not from these schools of philo- sophy, (if we except, perhaps, the obligations of the science of Harmonics to the Pythagoreans,) but from reasoners who followed an independent path. The sequel of the ambitious hopes, the vast schemes, the confident undertakings of the philosophers of 68 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. ancient Greece, was an entire failure in the phy- sical knowledge of which it is our business to trace the history. Yet we are not, on that account, to think slightingly of these early speculators. They were men of extraordinary acuteness, invention, and range of thought; and above all, they had the merit of first completely unfolding the speculative faculty; of starting in that keen and vigorous chase of knowledge, out of which all the subsequent culture and improvement of man's intellectual stores have arisen. The sages of early Greece form the heroic age of science. Like the first navigators in their own mythology, they boldly ventured their untried bark in a distant and arduous voyage, urged on by the hopes of a supernatural success ; and though they missed the imaginary golden prize which they sought, they unlocked the gates of dis- tant regions, and opened the seas to the keels of the thousands of adventurers, who, in succeeding times, sailed to and fro, to the indefinite increase of the mental treasures of mankind. But inasmuch as their attempts, in one sense, and at first, failed, we must proceed to offer some account of this failure, and of its nature and causes. CHAPTER IIL FAILURE OF THE PHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE GREEK SCHOOLS. Sect. 1. Result of the Greek School Philosophy. THE methods and forms of philosophizing which we have described as employed by the Greek Schools, failed altogether in their application to physics. No discovery of general laws, no explana- tion of special phenomena, rewarded the acuteness and boldness of these early students of nature. As- tronomy, which made considerable progress during the existence of the sects of Greek philosophers, gained perhaps something by the authority with which Plato taught the supremacy and universality of mathematical rule and order ; and the truths of Harmonics, which had probably given rise to the Pythagorean passion for numbers, were cultivated with much care by that school. But after these first impulses, the sciences owed nothing to the phi- losophical sects ; and the vast and complex accumu- lations and apparatus of the Stagirite do not appear to have led to any theoretical physical truths. This assertion hardly requires proof, since in the existing body of science there are no doctrines for 70 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. which we are indebted to the Aristotelian School. Real truths, when once established, remain to the end of time a part of the mental treasure of man, and may be discerned through all the additions of later days. But we can point out no physical doc- trine now received, of which we trace the anticipa- tion in Aristotle, in the way in which we see the Copernican system anticipated by Aristarchus, the resolution of the heavenly appearances into circular motions suggested by Plato, and the numerical rela- tions of musical intervals ascribed to Pythagoras. But it may be worth while to look at this matter more closely. Among the works of Aristotle, are thirty-eight chapters of " Problems," which may serve to exem- plify the progress he had really made in the reduc- tion of phenomena to laws and causes. Of these Problems, a large proportion are physiological, and these I here pass by, as not illustrative of the state of physical knowledge. But those which are properly physical are, for the most part, questions concerning such facts and difficulties as it is the peculiar busi- ness of theory to explain. Now it may be truly said, that in scarcely any one instance are the answers, which Aristotle gives to his questions, of any value. For the most part, indeed, he propounds his answer with a degree of hesitation or vacillation, which of itself shows the absence of all scientific distinctness of thought ; and the opinions so offered never appear to involve any settled or general principle. ITS FAILURE. 71 We may take, as examples of this, the problems of the simplest kind, where the principles lay nearest at hand, the mechanical ones. "Why," he asks 1 , " do small forces move great weights by means of a lever, when they have thus to move the lever added to the weight? Is it," he suggests, "because a greater radius moves faster ?" " Why does a small wedge split great weights 2 ? Is it because the wedge is composed of two opposite levers ?" " Why 3 , when a man rises from a chair, does he bend his leg and his body to acute angles with his thigh ? Is it be- cause a right angle is connected with equality and rest?" "Why 4 can a man throw a stone further with a sling than with his hand ? Is it that when he throws with his hand he moves the stone from rest, but when he uses the sling he throws it already in motion ?" " Why 5 , if a circle be thrown on the ground, does it first describe a straight line and then a spiral, as it falls ? Is it that the air first presses equally on the two sides and supports it, and after- wards presses on one side more?" " Why 6 is it dif- ficult to distinguish a musical note from the octave above ? Is it that proportion stands in the place of equality ?" It must be allowed that these are very vague and worthless surmises ; for even if we were, as some commentators have done, to interpret some of them so as to agree with sound philosophy, we should still be unable to point out, in this author's 1 Mech. Prob. 4. 2 Ib. 18. 3 Ib. 31. * Ib. 13. 6 Uepi 'A^xct. 11. 6 Uepi 'Ap^ov. 14. 72 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. works, any clear or permanent apprehension of the general principles which such an interpretation implies. Thus the Aristotelian physics cannot be con- sidered as otherwise than a complete failure. It collected no general laws from facts ; and conse- quently, when it tried to explain facts, it had no principles which were of any avail. The same may be said of the physical specula- tions of the other schools of philosophy. They arrived at no doctrines from which they could de- duce, by sound reasoning, such facts as they saw; though they often venture so far to trust their prin- ciples as to infer from them propositions beyond the domain of sense. Thus, the principle that each element seeks its own place, led to the doctrine, that, the place of fire being the highest, there is, above the air, a Sphere of Fire; of which doctrine the word Empyrean, used by our poets, still con- veys a reminiscence. The Pythagorean tenet that ten is a perfect number 7 , led some persons to as- sume that the heavenly bodies are in number ten ; and as nine only were known to them, they asserted that there was an antichthon, or counter-earth, on the other side of the sun, invisible to us. Their opinions respecting numerical ratios, led to various other speculations concerning the distances and positions of the heavenly bodies : and as they had, in other cases, found a connexion between propor- 7 Arist. Metaph. i. 5. ITS FAILURE. 73 tions of distance and musical notes, they assumed, on this suggestion, the music of the spheres. Although we shall look in vain in the physical philosophy of the Greek Schools, for any results more valuable than those just mentioned, we shall not be surprised to find, recollecting how much an admiration for classical antiquity has possessed the minds of men, that some writers estimate their claims much more highly than they are stated here. Among such writers we may notice Dutens, who, in 1766, published his "Origin of the Discoveries attributed to the Moderns; in which it is shown that our most celebrated Philosophers have received the greatest part of their knowledge from the Works of the Ancients." The thesis of this work is at- tempted to be proved, as we might expect, by very large interpretations of the general phrases used by the ancients. Thus, when Timseus, in Plato's dialogue, says of the Creator of the world 8 , " that he infused into it two powers, the origins of motions, both of that of the same thing, and of that of dif- ferent things ;" Dutens 9 finds in this a clear indica- tion of the projectile and attractive forces of modern science. And in some of the common declamation of the Pythagoreans and Platonists, concerning the general prevalence of numerical relations in the. universe, he discovers their acquaintance with the law of the inverse square of the distance by which gravitation is regulated, though he allows 10 that it 8 Tim. 96. a 3d ed. p. 83. 10 Ib. p. 88, 74 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. required all the penetration of Newton and his fol- lowers to detect this law in the scanty fragments by which it is transmitted. Argument of this kind is palpably insufficient to cover the failure of the Greek attempts at a general physical philosophy; or rather we may say, that such arguments, since they are as good as can be brought in favour of such an opinion, show more clearly how entire the failure was. I proceed now to endeavour to point out its causes. Sect. 2. Cause of the Failure of the Greek Phy- sical Philosophy. THE cause of the failure of so many of the at- tempts of the Greeks to construct physical science is so important, that we must endeavour to bring it into view here; though the full developement of such subjects belongs rather to the philosophy of in- duction. The subject must, at present, be treated very briefly. I will first notice some errors which may na- turally occur to the reader's mind, as possible causes of failure, but which, we shall be able to show, were not the real reasons in this case. The cause of failure was not the neglect of facts. It is often said that the Greeks disregarded experi- ence, and spun their philosophy out of their own thoughts alone ; and this is supposed by many to be their essential error. It is, no doubt, true, that the disregard of experience is a phrase which may be CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 75 so interpreted as to express almost any defect of philosophical method; since coincidence with ex- perience is requisite to the truth of all theory. But ff we fix a more precise sense on our terms, I con- ceive it may be shown that the Greek philosophy did, in its opinions, recognize the necessity and para- mount value of observations ; did, in its origin, pro- ceed upon observed facts; and did employ itself to no small extent in classifying and arranging phenomena. We must endeavour to illustrate these assertions, because it is important to show that these steps alone do not necessarily lead to science. 1. The acknowledgment of experience as the main ground of physical knowledge is so generally understood to be a distinguishing feature of later times, that it may excite surprise to find that Aristotle, and other ancient philosophers, not only asserted in the most pointed manner that all our knowledge must begin from experience, but also stated in language much resembling the habitual phraseology of the most modern schools of philoso- phising, that particular facts must be collected; that from these, general principles must be obtained by induction ; and that these principles, when of the most general kind, are axioms. A few passages will show this. "The way 11 must be the same," says Aristotle, in speaking of the rules of reasoning, " with respect to philosophy, as it is with respect to any art or 11 Anal. Prior, i. 30. 76 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. science whatever ; we must collect the facts, and the things to which the facts happen, in each subject, and provide as large a supply of these as possible." He then proceeds to say that " we are not to look at once at all this collected mass, but to consider small and definite portions"..." And thus it is the office of observation to supply principles in each subject ; for instance, astronomical observation sup- plies the principles of astronomical science. For the phenomena being properly assumed, the astro- nomical demonstrations were from these discovered. And the same applies to every art and science. So that if we take the facts (rd vTrap^ovra) belonging to each subject, it is our task to mark out clearly the course of the demonstrations. For if in our natural history (/cara Triv \aTopiav) we have omitted nothing of the facts and properties which belong to the subject, we shall learn what we can demonstrate and what we cannot." These facts, TO. vira^ovra^ he, at other times, in- cludes in the term sensation. Thus he says 12 , " It is obvious that if any sensation is wanting, there must be also some knowledge wanting which we are thus prevented from having, since we arrive at know- ledge either by induction or by demonstration. Demonstration proceeds from universal proposi- tions, induction from particulars. But we cannot have universal theoretical propositions except from induction ; and we cannot make inductions without 12 Anal. Post. i. 18. CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 77 having sensation ; for sensation has to do with par- ticulars." In another place 13 , after stating that principles must be prior to, and better known than conclu- sions, he distinguishes such principles into absolutely prior, and prior relative to us ; " The prior princi- ples, relative to us, are those which are nearer to the sensation; but the principles absolutely prior are those which are more remote from the sensa- tion. The most general principles are the more remote, the more particular are nearer. The ge- neral principles which are necessary to knowledge are axioms." We may add to these passages, that in which he gives an account of the way in which Leucippus was led to the doctrine of atoms. After describing the opinions of some earlier philosophers, he says 14 , "Thus, proceeding in violation of sensation, and disregarding it, because, as they held, they must follow reason, some came to the conclusion that the universe was one, and infinite, and at rest. As it appeared, however, that though this ought to be by reasoning, it would go near to madness to hold such opinions in practice, (for no one was ever so mad as to think fire and ice to be one,) Leucippus, therefore, pursued a line of reasoning which was in accordance with sensation, and which was not irreconcileable with the production and decay, the motion and mul- titude of things." It is obvious that the school to 13 Anal. Post. i. 2. u De Gen. et Cor. i. 8. 78 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. which Leucippus belonged (the Eclectic) must have been, at least in its origin, strongly impressed with the necessity of bringing its theories into harmony with the observed course of nature. 2. Nor was this recognition of the fundamental value of experience a mere profession. The Greek philosophy did, in its beginning, proceed upon ob- servation. Indeed it is obvious that the principles which it adopted were, in the first place, assumed in order to account for some classes of facts, however imperfectly they might answer their purpose. The principle of things seeking their own places, was in- vented in order to account for the falling and float- ing of bodies. Again, Aristotle says, that heat is that which brings together things of the same kind, cold is that which brings together things whether of the same or of different kinds : it is plain that in this instance he intended by his principle to explain some obvious facts, as the freezing of moist sub- stances, and the separation of heterogeneous things by fusion ; for, as he adds, if fire brings together things which are akin, it will separate those which are not akin. It would be easy to illustrate the remark further, but its truth is evident from the na- ture of the case ; for no principles could be accepted for a moment, which were the result of an arbi- trary caprice of the mind, and which were not in some measure plausible, and apparently confirmed by facts. But the works of Aristotle show, in another way, CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 79 how unjust it would be to accuse him of disregarding facts. Many large treatises of his consist almost entirely of collections of facts, as for instance, those "On Colours," "On Sounds," and the collection of Problems to which we have already referred; to say nothing of the numerous collection of facts bearing on natural history and physiology, which form a great portion of his works, and are even now treasuries of information. A moment's reflection will convince us that the physical sciences of our own times, for example, mechanics and hydrostatics, are founded almost entirely upon facts with which the ancients were as familiar as we are. The defect of their phi- losophy, therefore, wherever it may lie, exists neither in the speculative depreciation of the value of facts, nor in the practical neglect of their use. 3. Nor again, should we hit upon the truth, if we were to say that Aristotle and other ancient philosophers, did indeed collect facts ; but that they took no steps in classifying and comparing them; and that thus they failed to obtain from them any general knowledge. For, in reality, the treatises of Aristotle which we have mentioned, are as remark- able for the power of classifying and systematizing which they exhibit, as for the industry shown in the accumulation. But it is not classification of facts merely which can lead us to knowledge, except we 1 adopt that special arrangement, which, in each case, brings into view the principles of the subject. We may easily show how unprofitable an arbitrary or 80 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. random classification is, however orderly and syste- matic it may be. For instance, for a long period all unusual fiery appearances in the sky were classed together as meteors. Comets, shooting-stars, and globes of fire, and the aurora borealis in all its forms, were thus grouped together, and classifications of considerable extent and minuteness were proposed with reference to these objects. But this classification was of a mixed and arbitrary kind. Figure, colour, motion, duration, were all combined as characters, and the imagination lent its aid, transforming these striking appearances into fiery swords and spears, bears and dragons, armies and chariots. The facts so classified were, notwithstanding, worthless; and would not have been one jot the less so, had they and their classes been ten times as numerous as they were. No rule or law that would stand the test of obser* vation was or could be thus discovered. Such clas- sifications have, therefore, long been neglected and forgotten. Even the ancient descriptions of these objects of curiosity are unintelligible, or unworthy of trust, because the spectators had no steady con- ception of the usual order of such phenomena. For, however much we may fear to be misled by precon- ceived opinions, the caprices of imagination distort our impressions far more than the anticipations of reason. In this case men had, indeed we may say with regard to many of these meteors, they still have, no science : not for want of facts, nor even foi; CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 81 want of classification of facts ; but because the clas- sification was one in which no real principle was contained. 4. Since, as we have said before, two things are requisite to science, Facts and Ideas; and since, as we have seen, Facts were not wanting in the physical speculations of the ancients, we are naturally led to ask, Were they then deficient in Ideas ? Was there a want among them of mental activity, and logical connexion of thought? But it is so obvious that the answer to this inquiry must be in the negative, that we need not dwell upon it. No one who knows anything of the history of the ancient Greek mind, can question, that in acuteness, in ingenuity, in the power of close and distinct reasoning, they have never been surpassed. The common opinion, which considers the defect of their philosophical character to reside rather in the exclusive activity of such qualities, than in the absence of them, is at least so far just. 5. We come back again, therefore, to the ques- tion, What was the radical and fatal defect in the physical speculations of the Greek philosophical schools ? To this I answer : The defect was, that though they had in their possession Facts and Ideas, the Ideas were not distinct and appropriate to the Facts (D). The peculiar characteristics of scientific ideas, which I have endeavoured to express by speaking VOL. i. G 82 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. of them as distinct and appropriate to the facts, must be more fully and formally set forth, when we come to the philosophy of the subject. In the mean time, the reader will probably have no difficulty in conceiving that, for each class of Facts, there is some special set of Ideas, by means of which the facts can be included in general scientific truths; and that these Ideas, which may thus be termed appropriate, must be possessed with entire distinctness and clear- ness, in order that they may be successfully applied. It was the want of Ideas having this reference to material phenomena, which rendered the ancient philosophers, with very few exceptions, helpless and unsuccessful speculators on physical subjects. This must be illustrated by one or two examples. One of the facts which Aristotle endeavours to explain is this ; that when the sun's light passes through a hole, whatever be the form of the hole, the bright image, if formed at any considerable dis- tance from the hole, is round, instead of imitating the figure of the hole, as shadows resemble their objects in form. We shall easily perceive this appearance to be a necessary consequence of the circular figure of the sun, if we conceive light to be diffused from the luminary by means of straight rays proceeding from every point of the sun's disk and passing through every point within the boundary of the hole. By attending to the consequences of this mode of conception, it will be seen that each point of the hole will be the vertex of a double cone of CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 83 rays which has the sun's disk for its base on one side and an image of the sun on the other ; and the figure of the image of the hole will be determined by supposing a series of equal bright circles, images of the sun, to be placed along the boundary of an image equal to the hole itself. The figure of the image thus determined will partake of the form of the hole, and of the circular form of the sun's image: let these circular images become larger and larger as they are farther from the hole, while the central image of the hole remains always of the original size ; and thus at a considerable distance from the hole, the trace of the hole's form is nearly obli- terated, and the image is nearly a perfect circle. Instead of this distinct conception of a cone of rays which has the sun's disk for its basis, Aristotle has the following loose conjecture 15 . "Is it because light is emitted in a conical form ; and of a cone, the base is a circle ; so that on whatever the rays of the sun fall, they appear more circular?" And thus though he applies the notion of rays to this problem, he possesses this notion so indistinctly that his explanation is of no value. He does not introduce into his explanation the consideration of the sun's circular figure, and is thus prevented from giving a true account of this very simple optical phenomenon. Again, to pass to a more extensive failure : why was it that Aristotle, knowing the property of the Problem. 15. oo-a /jia^^/uaTtx^?, &o. G2 84 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. lever, and many other mechanical truths, was unable to form them into a science of mechanics, as Archi- medes afterwards did ? The reason was, that, instead of considering rest and motion directly, and distinctly, with reference to the Idea of Cause, that is Force, he wandered in search of reasons among other ideas and notions, which could not be brought into steady connexion with the facts; the ideas of properties of circles, of proportions of velocities, -the notions of "strange" and "common," of "natural" and "unnatural." Thus, in the Proem to his Mechanical Problems, after stating some of the difficulties which he has to attack, he says, " Of all such cases, the circle contains the principle of the cause. And this is what might be looked for ; for it is nothing absurd, if something wonderful is derived from some- thing more wonderful still. Now the most won- derful thing is, that opposites should be combined; and the circle is constituted of such combinations of opposites. For it is constructed by a stationary point and a moving line, which are contrary to each other in nature; and hence we may the less be surprised at the resulting contrarieties. And in the first place, the circumference of the circle, though a line without breadth, has opposite qua- lities; for it is both convex and concave. In the next place, it has, at the same time, opposite mo- tions, for it moves forward and backward at the same time. For the circumference, setting out from CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 85 any point, comes to the same point again, so that by a continuous progression, the last point becomes the first. So that, as was before stated, it is not surprising that the circle should be the principle of all wonderful properties." Aristotle afterwards proceeds to explain more specially how he applies the properties of the circle in this case. " The reason," he says, in his fourth Problem, " why a force, acting at a greater distance from the fulcrum, moves a weight more easily, is, that it describes a greater circle." He had already asserted that when a body at the end of a lever is put in motion, it may be considered as having two motions ; one in the direction of the tangent, and one in the direction of the radius; the former motion is, he says, according to nature, the latter, contrary to nature. Now in the smaller circle, the motion, contrary to nature, is more considerable than it is in the larger circle. "Therefore," he adds, "the mover or weight at the larger arm will be trans- ferred further by the same force than the weight moved, which is at the extremity of the shorter arm." These loose and inappropriate notions of " na- tural" and " unnatural" motions, were unfit to lead to any scientific truths ; and, with the habits of thought which dictated these speculations, a per- ception of the true grounds of mechanical proper- ties was impossible. Thus, in this instance, the error of Aristotle was the neglect of the Idea appropriate to the facts, 86 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. namely, the Idea of Mechanical Cause, which is Force; and the substitution of vague or inappli- cable notions involving only relations of space, or emotions of wonder. The errors of those who failed similarly in other instances, were of the same kind. To detail or classify these would lead us too far into the philosophy of science ; since we should have to enumerate the Ideas which are appropriate, and the various class of Facts on which the different sciences are founded, a task not to be now lightly under- taken. But it will be perceived, without further explanation, that it is necessary, in order to obtain from facts any general truth, that we should apply to them that appropriate Idea, by which permanent and definite relations are established among them. In such ideas the ancients were very poor, and the stunted and deformed growth of their physical science was the result of this penury. The Ideas of Space and Time, Number and Motion, they did in- deed possess distinctly ; and so far as these went, their science was tolerably healthy. They also caught a glimpse of the Idea of a Medium by which the qualities of bodies, as colours and sounds, are perceived. But the idea of Substance remained barren in their hands; in speculating about elements and qualities, they went the wrong way, assuming that the properties of the Compounds must resemble those of the Elements which determine them ; and their loose notions of Contrariety never approached the form of those ideas of Polarity, which, in mo- CAUSE OF ITS FAILURE. 87 dern times, regulate many parts of physics and chemistry. If this statement should seem to any one to be technical or arbitrary, we must refer, for the justi- fication of it, to the Philosophy of Science, of which we hope hereafter to treat. But it will appear, even from what has been here said, that there are certain Ideas or Forms of mental apprehension, which may be applied to Facts in such a manner as to bring into view fundamental principles of science ; while the same Facts, however arrayed or reasoned about, so long as these appropriate Ideas are not employed, cannot give rise to any exact or substantial know- ledge. We shall, in the next Book, see the influence of the appropriate general Ideas, in the formation of various sciences. It need only be observed, before we proceed, that, in order to do full justice to the physical knowledge of the Greek Schools of philo- sophy, it is not necessary to study their course after the time of their founders. Their fortunes, in respect of such acquisitions as we are now considering, were not progressive. The later chiefs of the Schools fol- lowed the earlier masters; and though they varied much, they added little. The Romans adopted the philosophy of their Greek subjects ; but they were always, and, indeed, acknowledged themselves to be, inferior to their teachers. They were as arbitrary and loose in their ideas as the Greeks, without 88 THE GREEK SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY. possessing their invention, acuteness, and spirit of system. In addition to the vagueness which was com- bined with the more elevated trains of philoso- phical speculation among the Greeks, the Romans, introduced into their treatises a kind of declamatory rhetoric, which arose probably from their forensic and political habits, and which still further ob- scured the waning gleams of truth. Yet we may also trace, in the Roman philosophers to whom this charge mostly applies (Lucretius, Pliny, Seneca), the national vigour and ambition. There is something Roman in the public spirit and anticipation of uni- versal empire which they display, as citizens of the intellectual republic. Though they speak sadly or slightingly of the achievements of their own gene- ration, they betray a more abiding and vivid belief in the dignity and destined advance of human know- ledge as a whole, than is obvious among the Greeks. We must, however, turn back, in order to de- scribe steps of more definite value to the progress of science than those which we have hitherto no- ticed. 89 NOTES TO BOOK I. (B.) p. 38. THE course by which the Sciences were formed, and which is here referred to as that which the Greeks did not follow, is described in detail in the Philo- sophy, Book XL, Of the Construction of Science. (c.) p. 41. This Aristotle is not the Stagirite, who was forty-five years younger than Plato, but one of the " thirty tyrants," as they were called. (D.) p. 81. This account of the cause of failure in the physical speculations of the ancient Greek philoso- phers has been objected to as unsatisfactory. I will offer a few words in explanation of it. The mode of accounting for the failure of the Greeks in physics is, in substance ; that the Greeks in their phy- sical speculations fixed their attention upon the wrong aspects and relations of the phenomena ; and that the aspects and relations in which phenomena are to be viewed in order to arrive at scientific truths may be arranged under certain heads, which I have termed Ideas ; such as Space, Time, Number, Cause, Likeness. In every case, there is an Idea to which the phenomena may be referred so as to bring into view the Laws by which they are governed ; this Idea I term the appropriate Idea in such case ; and in order that the reference of the phenomena to the Law may be clearly seen, the Idea must be dis- tinctly possessed. Thus the reason of Aristotle's failure in his attempts at Mechanical Science is, that he did not refer the facts 90 NOTES TO BOOK I. to the appropriate Idea, namely Force, the Cause of Motion, but to relations of Space and the like ; that is, he introduces Geometrical instead of Mechanical Ideas. It may be said that we learn little by being told that Aristotle's failure in this and the like cases arose from his referring to the wrong class of Ideas; or, as I have otherwise expressed it, fixing his attention upon the wrong aspects and relations of the facts ; since, it may be said, this is only to state in other words that he did fail. But this criticism is, I think, ill-founded, The account which I have given is not only a statement that Aristotle, and others who took a like course, did fail ; but also, that they failed in one certain point out of several which are enumerated. They did not fail because they neglected to observe facts ; they did not fail because they omitted to class facts ; they did not fail because they had not ideas to reason from ; but they failed because they did not take the right ideas in each case. And so long as they were in the wrong in this point, no industry in collect- ing facts, or ingenuity in classing them and reasoning about them, could lead them to solid truth. Nor is this account of the nature of their mistake without its in- struction for us ; although we are not to expect to derive from the study of their failure any technical rule which shall necessarily guide us to scientific discovery. For their failure teaches us that, in the formation of science, an Errour in the Ideas is as fatal to the discovery of Truth as an Errour in the Facts ; and may as completely impede the progress of knowledge. I have in Books ir. to x. of the Philosophy, shown historically how large a portion of the progress of Science consists in the esta- blishment of Appropriate Ideas as the basis of each science. NOTES TO BOOK I. 91 Of the two main processes by which science is con- structed, as stated in Book xi. of that work, namely the Explication of Conceptions and the Colligation of Facts, the former must precede the latter. In Book xn. chap. 5, of the Philosophy, I have stated the maxim concerning ap- propriate Ideas in this form, that the Idea and the Facts must be homogeneous. When I say that the failure of the Greeks in physical science arose from their not employing appropriate Ideas to connect the facts, I do not use the term "appropriate" in a loose popular sense ; but I employ it as a somewhat technical term, to denote the appropriate Idea, out of that series of Ideas which have been made (as I have shown in the Philosophy) the foundation of sciences; namely Space, Time, Number, Cause, Likeness, Substance, and the rest. It appears to me just to say that Aristotle^s failure in his attempts to deal with problems of equili- brium, arose from his referring to circles, velocities, no- tions of natural and unnatural, and the like, conceptions depending upon Ideas of Space, of Nature, &c which are not appropriate to these problems, and from his missing the Idea of Mechanical Force or Pressure, which is the appropriate Idea. I give this, not as an account of all failures in attempts at science, but only as the account of such radical and fundamental failures as this of Aristotle ; who, with a knowledge of the facts, failed to connect them into a really scientific view. If I had to compare rival theories of a more complex kind, I should not necessarily say that one involved an appropriate Idea and the other did not, though I might judge one to be true and the other to be false. For instance, in comparing the emissive and the 92 NOTES TO BOOK I. undulatory theory of light, we see that both involve the same Idea ; the Idea of a Medium acting by certain mechanical properties. The question there is, what is the true view of the mechanism of the Medium I The other example of Aristotle's failure in physics, given in p. 82, namely, his attempted explanation of the round image of a square hole, is a specimen rather of in- distinct than of inappropriate ideas. In the first edition I had not accurately represented Aristotle's statement. The geometrical explanation of this phenomena, which I have inserted in the text, was given by Maurolycus, and before him, by Leonardo da Vinci. BOOK II. HISTORY OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN ANCIENT GREECE. de Orjpapai Trvpos ^v K\oiraiav, rj dida/cXacns. See Olympiodorus in Schneider's Eclogce Phy- sicce, vol. i. p. 397. And Refraction had been the sub- ject of special attention among the Greek Mathematicians. Archimedes had noticed (as we learn from the same writer) that in certain cases, a ring which cannot be seen over the edge of the empty vessel in which it is placed, becomes visible when the vessel is filled with water. The same fact is stated in the Optics of Euclid. We do not find this fact explained in that work as we now have it : but in Ptolemy's Optics the fact is explained by a flexure of the visual ray : it is noticed that this flexure is dif- ferent at different angles from the perpendicular, and NOTES TO BOOK II. 115 there is an elaborate collection of measures of the flexure at different angles, made by means of an instrument devised for the purpose. There is also a collection of similar measures of the refraction when the ray passes from air to glass, and when it passes from glass to water. This part of Ptolemy's work is, I think, the oldest extant example of a collection of experimental measures, in any other subject than astronomy ; and in astronomy, our measures are the result of observation, rather than of experiment. As Delambre says (Astron. Anc. vol. ii. p. 427.) " On y voit des experiences de physique bien faites, ce qui est sans example chez les anciens." Ptolemy's Optical work was known only by Roger Bacon's references to it (Opus Majus, p. 286, &c.) till 1816: but copies of Latin translations of it were known to exist in the Royal Library at Paris, and in the Bodleian at Oxford. Delambre has given an account of the contents of the Paris copy in his Astron. Anc. ii. 414. and in the Connoissance des Temps for 1816; and Prof. Rigaud's account of the Oxford copy is given in the article Optics, in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ptolemy shews great sagacity in applying the notion of Refraction to the explanation of the displacement of astronomical ob- jects which is produced by the atmosphere, Astronomical Refraction, as it is commonly called. He represents the visual ray as refracted in passing from the ether, which is above the air, into the air ; the air being bounded by a spherical surface which has for its center " the center of all the elements, the center of the earth;" and the refraction being a flexure towards the line drawn perpendicular to this surface. He thus constructs, says Delambre, the same figure on which Cassini afterwards founded the 12 116 NOTES TO BOOK II. whole of his theory ; and gives a theory more complete than that of any astronomer previous to him. Tycho for : instance believed that astronomical refraction was caused only by the vapours of the atmosphere, and did not exist above the altitude of 45. Cleomedes, about the time of Augustus, had guessed at Refraction as an explanation of an eclipse in which the sun and moon are both seen at the same time. " Is it not possible, 1 ' he says, " that the ray which proceeds from the eye and traverses moist and cloudy air may bend down- wards to the sun, even when he is below the horizon 2" And Sextus Empiricus, a century later, says, " The air being dense, by the refraction of the visual ray, a constel- lation may be seen above the horizon when it is yet below the horizon." But from what follows, it appears doubtful whether he clearly distinguished Refraction and Reflec- tion. In order that we may not attach too much value to the vague expressions of Cleomedes and Sextus Empi- ricus, we may remark that Cleomedes conceives such an eclipse as he describes not to be possible, though he offers an explanation of it if it be : (the fact must occur whenever the moon is seen in the horizon in the middle of an eclipse) : and that Sextus Empiricus gives his sug- gestion of the effect of refraction as an argument why the Chaldean astrology cannot be true, since the con- stellation which appears to be rising at the moment of a birth is not the one which is truly rising. The Chal- deans might have answered, says Delambre, that the star begins to shed its influence, not when it is really in the horizon, but when its light is seen. (Ast. Anc. vol. i. p. 281, and vol. ii. p. 548.) NOTES TO BOOK If. 117 It has been said that Vitellio, or Vitello, whom we shall have hereafter have to speak of in the history of Optics, took his Tables of Refractions from Ptolemy. This is contrary to what Delambre states. He says that Vitello may be accused of plagiarism from Alhazen, and that Alhazen did not borrow his Tables from Ptolemy. Roger Bacon had said (Opus Majus, p. 288), " Ptolemeus in libro de Opticis, id est, de Aspectibus, seu in Perspec- tive, sua, qui prius quam Alhazen dedit hanc sententiam, quam a Ptolemaeo acceptam Alhazen exposuit." This re- fers only to the opinion that visual rays proceed from the eye. But this also is erroneous; for Alhazen maintains the contrary: "Visio fit radiis a visibili extrinsecus ad visum manantibus." (Opt. Lib. i. cap. 5.) Vitello says of his Table of Refractions, " acceptis instrumentaliter, prout potuimus propinquius, angulis omnium refractionum . . . invenimus quod semper iidem sunt anguli refractionum: ...secundum hoc fecimus has tabulas." (G.) p. 110. Nicomachus says that Pythagoras found the weights to be, as I have mentioned, in the pro- portion of J 2, 6, 8, 9 ; and the intervals, an Octave, corresponding to the proportion 12 to 6, or 2 to 1 ; a Fifth, corresponding to the proportion 12 to 8, or 3 to 2; and a Fourth, corresponding to the proportion 12 to 9, or 4 to 3. There is no doubt that this statement of ; the ancient writer is inexact as to the physical fact, for the rate of vibration of a string, on which its note de- pends, is, other things being equal, not as the weight, but as the square root of the weight. But he is right as to the essential point, that those ratios of 2 to 1, 3 to 2, and 4 to 3, are the characteristic ratios of the Octave, Fifth and Fourth. In order to produce these intervals, 118 NOTES TO BOOK II. the appended weights must be, not as 12, 9, 8, and 6, but as 12, 6|, 51, and 3. The numerical relations of the other intervals of the musical scale, as well as of the Octave, Fifth and Fourth, were discovered by the Greeks. Thus they found that the proportion in a Major Third was 5 to 4 ; in a Minor Third 6 to 5 ; in a Major Tone 9 to 8 ; in a Semitone or Diesis 16 to 15. They even went so far as to deter- mine the Comma, in which the interval of two notes is so small that they are in the proportion of 81 to 80. This is the interval between two notes each of which may be called the Seventeenth above the key-note ; the one note being obtained by ascending a Fifth four times over ; the other being obtained by ascending through two Octaves and a Major Third. The want of coincidence between these two notes is an inherent arithmetical imperfection in the musical scale, of which the consequences are very extensive. The numerical properties of the musical scale were worked out to a very great extent by the Greeks, and many of their Treatises on this subject remain to us. The principal ones are the seven authors published by Meibomius*. These arithmetical elements of Music are to the present day important and fundamental portions of the Science of Harmonics. * Antiques Musicce Scriptores septem, 1652. BOOK III. HISTORY OF GREEK ASTRONOMY. ToSe 8e fjLrjbeis ITOTC (frofirjQfi TOOI/ 'EXX^'i/coi;, cos ov xP'n 7rf P l r " 6ela TTOTe TrpayparevccrBai BVTJTOVS omas' Trav Se TOVTOV diavorjdfjvai 0)S O0T6 a i; e3eta, rets -re 3i' Kai 2etpto? e? jj.e6neva). We possess two treatises written by Autolycus 42 (who lived about 300 B.C.) which trace deductively the results of the doctrine of the sphere. Supposing its diurnal motion to be uniform, in a work entitled Uepl Kivovpevrjs S^cujoa?, "On the Moving Sphere," he demonstrates various properties of the diurnal risings, settings, and motions of the stars. In another work, Uepl 'E7m-oAdw KCU AJo-eow, "On Risings and Settings 43 ," tacitly assuming the sun's motion in his circle to be uniform, he proves certain propositions, with regard to the risings and settings of the stars, at the same time when the sun rises and sets 44 , or vice versa* 5 ; and also their apparent risings and settings when they cease to be visible after sun-set, or begin to be visible after sun-rise 46 . Several of the propositions contained in the former of these treatises are still necessary to be understood, as fundamental parts of astronomy. The work of Euclid, just mentioned, is of the 42 Delambre, Astron. Ancienne, p. 19. 4S Ib. p. 25. 44 Cosmical setting and rising. 45 Acronical. 46 Heliacal. ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 159 same kind. Delambre 47 finds in it evidence that Euclid was merely a book-astronomer, who had never observed the heavens. We may here remark the first instance of that which we shall find abundantly illustrated in every part of the history of science ; that man is prone to become a deductive reasoner ; that as soon as he obtains principles which can be traced to details by logical consequence, he sets about forming a body of science, by making a system of such rea- sonings. Geometry has always been a favourite mode of exercising this propensity: and that science, along with Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, to which the early problems of astronomy gave rise, have, up to the present day, been a constant field for the exercise of mathematical ingenuity ; a feAv simple astronomical truths being assumed as the basis of the reasoning. Sect. 9. The Globular Form of the Earth. THE establishment of the globular form of the earth is an important step in astronomy, for it is the first of those convictions, directly opposed to the apparent evidence of the senses, which astro- nomy irresistibly proves. To make men believe that up and down are different directions in dif- ferent places; that the sea, which seems so level, is, in fact, convex; that the earth, which appears to rest on a solid foundation, is, in fact, not sup- 47 A. A. p. 53. 160 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. ported at all ; are great triumphs both of the power of discovering and the power of convincing. We may readily allow this, when we recollect how recently the doctrine of the antipodes, or the existence of inhabitants of the earth, who stand on the opposite side of it, with their feet turned towards ours, was considered both monstrous and heretical. Yet the different positions of the horizon at different places, necessarily led the student of sphe- rical astronomy toward this notion of the earth as a round body. Anaximander 48 is said by some to have held the earth to be globular, and to be detached or suspended ; he is also stated to have constructed a sphere, on which were shown the extent of land and water. As, however, we do not know the arguments upon which he maintained the earth's globular form, we cannot judge of the value of his opinion ; it may have been no better founded than a different opinion ascribed to him by Laertius, that the earth had the shape of a pillar. Probably, the authors of the doctrine of the globular form of the earth were led to it, as we have said, by observing the different height of the pole at different places. They would find that the space which they passed over from north to south on the earth, was proportional to the change of place of the horizon in the celestial sphere ; and as the horizon is, at every place, in the direction 48 See Brucker, Hist. Phil vol. i. p. 486. ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 1G1 of the earth's apparently level surface, this obser- vation would naturally suggest to them the opinion that the earth is placed within the celestial sphere, as a small globe in the middle of a much larger one. We find this doctrine so distinctly insisted on by Aristotle, that we may almost look on him as the establisher of it 49 . "As to the figure of the earth, it must necessarily be spherical." This he proves, first by the tendency of things, in all places, downwards. He then adds 50 , " And, moreover, from the phenomena according to the sense : for if it were not so, the eclipses of the moon would not have such sections as they have. For in the con- figurations in the course of a month, the deficient part takes all different shapes; it is straight, and concave, and convex ; but in eclipses it always has the line of division convex; wherefore, since the moon is eclipsed in consequence of the interposi- tion of the earth, the periphery of the earth must be the cause of this by having a spherical form. And again, from the appearances of the stars, it is clear, not only that the earth is round, but that its size is not very large: for when we make a small removal to the south or the north, the circle of the horizon becomes palpably different, so that the stars overhead undergo a great change, and are not the same to those that travel to the north 19 Arist. de Coelo. Lib. ii. cap. xiv. ed. Casaub. p. 290. 50 p. 291 C. VOL. I. M 162 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. and to the south. For some stars are seen in Egypt or at Cyprus, but are not seen in the countries to the north of these ; and the stars that in the north are visible while they make a com- plete circuit, there undergo a setting. So that from this it is manifest, not only that the form of the earth is round, but also that it is a part of not a very large sphere : for otherwise the dif- ference would not be so obvious to persons making so small a change of place. Wherefore we may judge that those persons who connect the region in the neighbourhood of the pillars of Hercules with that towards India, and mho assert that in this way the sea is ONE, do not assert things very improbable. They confirm this conjecture more- over by the elephants, which are said to be of the same species (761/0?) towards each extreme ; as if this circumstance was a consequence of the con- junction of the extremes. The mathematicians, who try to calculate the measure of the circum- ference, make it amount to 400,000 stadia ; whence we collect that the earth is not only spherical, but is not large compared with the magnitude of the other stars." When this notion was once suggested, it was defended and confirmed by such arguments as we find in later writers: for instance 51 , that the ten- dency of all things was to fall to the place of heavy bodies, and that this place being the center of the 51 Pliny, Nat. Hist. ii. LXV. ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 163 earth, the whole earth had no such tendency ; that the inequalities on the surface were so small as not materially to affect the shape of so vast a mass; that drops of water naturally form them- selves into figures with a convex surface ; that the end of the ocean would fall if it were not rounded off; that we see ships, when they go out to sea, disappearing downwards, which shows the surface to be convex. These are the arguments still em- ployed in impressing the doctrines of astronomy upon the student of our own days ; and thus we find that, even at the early period of which we are now speaking, truths had begun to accumulate which form a part of our present treasures. Sect. 10. The Phases of the Moon. WHEN men had formed a steady notion of the moon as a solid body, revolving about the earth, they had only further to conceive it spherical, and to suppose the sun to be beyond the region of the moon, and they would find that they had obtained an explanation of the varying forms which the bright part of the moon assumes in the course of a month. For the convex side of the crescent- moon, and her full edge when she is gibbous, are always turned towards the sun. And this expla- nation, once suggested, would be confirmed, the more it was examined. For instance, if there be near us a spherical stone, on which the sun is M2 164 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. shining, and if we place ourselves so that this stone and the moon are seen in the same direction, (the moon appearing just over the top of the stone,) we shall find that the visible part of the stone, which is then illuminated by the sun, is exactly similar in form to the moon, at whatever period of her changes she may be. The stone and the moon being in the same position with respect to us, and both being enlightened by the sun, the bright parts are the same in figure ; the only dif- ference is, that the dark part of the moon is usually not visible at all. This doctrine is ascribed to Anaximander. Aris- totle was fully aware of it 52 . It could not well escape the Chaldeans and Egyptians, if they spe- culated at all about the causes of the appearances in the heavens. Sect. 11. Eclipses. ECLIPSES of the sun and moon were from the earliest times regarded with a peculiar interest. The notions of superhuman influences and relations, which, as we have seen, were associated with the luminaries of the sky, made men look with alarm at any sudden and striking change in those objects; and as the constant and steady course of the celestial revolutions was contemplated with a feel- ing of admiration and awe, any marked interrup- 52 Probl. Cap. xv. Art. 7- ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 165 tion and deviation in this course, was regarded with surprize and terror. This appears to be the case with all nations at an early stage of their civilization. This impression would cause Eclipses to be noted and remembered ; and accordingly we find that the records of Eclipses are the earliest astro- nomical information which we possess. When men had discovered some of the laws of succession of other astronomical phenomena, for instance, of the usual appearances of the moon and sun, it might then occur to them that these unusual appearances also might probably be governed by some rule. The search after this rule was successful at an early period. The Chaldeans were able to predict Eclipses of the Moon. This they did, probably, by means of their cycle of 223 months, or about 18 years ; for at the end of this time, the eclipses of the moon begin to return, at the same intervals and in the same order as at the beginning 53 . Pro- bably this was the first instance of the prediction of peculiar astronomical phenomena. The Chinese have, indeed, a legend, in which it is related that a solar eclipse happened in the reign of Tchong- kang, above 2000 years before Christ, and that the emperor was so much irritated against two great officers of state, who had neglected to predict this eclipse, that he put them to death. But this can- ' 3 The eclipses of the sun are more difficult to calculate ; since they depend upon the place of the spectator on the earth. 166 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. not be accepted as a real event: for during the next ten centuries, we find no single observation, or fact, connected with astronomy, in the Chinese histories ; and their astronomy has never advanced beyond a very rude and imperfect condition. We can only conjecture the mode in which the Chaldeans discovered their period of 18 years; and we may make very different suppositions with re- gard to the degree of science by which they were led to it. We may suppose, with Delambre 54 , that they carefully recorded the eclipses which hap- pened, and then, by the inspection of their registers, discovered that those of the moon recurred after a certain period. Or we may suppose, with other authors, that they sedulously determined the mo- tions of the moon, and having obtained these with considerable accuracy, sought and found a period which should include cycles of these motions. This latter mode of proceeding would imply a consider- able degree of knowledge. It appears probable rather that such a period was discovered by noticing the recurrence of eclipses, than by studying the moon's motions. After 6585J days, or 223 lunations, the same eclipses nearly will recur. It is not contested that the Chaldeans were acquainted with this period, which they called Saros ; or that they calculated eclipses by means of it. 54 A. A.; P . 212. ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 167 Sect. 12. Sequel to the Early Stages of Astronomy. EVERY stage of science has its train of practical applications and systematic inferences, arising both from the demands of convenience and curiosity, and from the pleasure, which, as we have already said, ingenious and active-minded men feel in exer- cising the process of deduction. The earliest con- dition of astronomy in which it can be looked upon as a science, exhibits several examples of such applications and inferences, of which we may mention a few. Prediction of Eclipses. The cycles which served to keep in order the calendar of the early nations of antiquity, in some instances enabled them also, as has just been stated, to predict eclipses ; and this application of knowledge necessarily excited great notice. Cleomedes, in the time of Augustus, says, "we never see an eclipse happen which has not been predicted by those who make use of the Tables." (VTTO TU)V KCIVOVIKWV.) Terrestrial Zones. The globular form of the earth being assented to, the doctrine of the sphere was appplied to the earth as well as the heavens ; and its surface was divided by various imaginary circles; among the rest, the equator, the tropics, and circles at the same distance from the poles as the tropics are from the equator. One of the curious consequences of this division was the assumption, that there must be some marked difference in the 168 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. stripes or zones into which the earth's surface was thus divided. In going to the south, Europeans found countries hotter and hotter, in going to the north, colder and colder; and it was supposed that the space between the tropical circles must be uninhabitable from heat, and that within the polar circles, again, uninhabitable from cold. This fancy was, as we now know, entirely unfounded. But the principle of the globular form of the earth, when dealt with by means of spherical geometry, led to many true and important propositions con- cerning the lengths of days and nights at different places. These propositions still form a part of our Elementary Astronomy. Gnomonick. Another important result of the doctrine of the sphere was Gnomonick or Dialling. Anaximenes is said by Pliny to have first taught this art in Greece ; and both he and Anaximander are reported to have erected the first dial at Lace- demon. Many of the ancient dials remain to us; some of these are of complex forms, and must have required great ingenuity and considerable geometrical knowledge in their construction. Measure of the Suns Distance. The explana- tion of the phases of the moon led to no result so remarkable as the attempt of Aristarchus of Samos to obtain from this doctrine a measure of the dis- tance of the sun as compared with that of the moon. If the moon was a perfectly smooth sphere, when she was exactly midway between the new ITS EARLIEST STAGES. 169 and full in position (that is a quadrant from the sun) she would be somewhat more than a half moon ; and the place when she was dichotomized, that is, was an exact semicircle, the bright part being bounded by a straight line, would depend upon the sun's distance from the earth. Aristar- chus endeavoured to fix the exact place of this Dichotomy ; but the irregularity of the edge which bounds the bright part of the moon, and the dif- ficulty of measuring with accuracy, by means then in use, either the precise time, when the boundary was most nearly a straight line or the exact dis- tance of the moon from the sun at that time, rendered his conclusion false and valueless. He collected that the sun is at 18 times the distance of the moon from us ; we now know that he is at 400 times the moon's distance. It would be easy to dwell longer on subjects of this kind ; but we have already perhaps entered too much in detail. We have been tempted to do this by the interest which the mathematical spirit of the Greeks gave to the earliest astrono- mical discoveries, when these were the subjects of their reasonings : but we must now proceed to con- template them engaged in a worthier employment, namely, in adding to these discoveries. CHAPTER II. PRELUDE TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. WITHOUT pretending that we have exhausted the consequences of the elementary disco- veries which we have enumerated, we now proceed to consider the nature and circumstances of the next great discovery which makes an Epoch in the history of astronomy ; and this we shall find to be the Theory of Epicycles and Eccentrics. Before, however, we relate the establishment of this theory, we must, according to the general plan we have marked out, notice some of the conjectures and attempts by which it was preceded, and the grow- ing acquaintance with facts, which made the want of such an explanation felt. In the steps previously made in astronomical knowledge, no ingenuity had been required, to devise the view which was adopted. The motions of the stars and sun were most naturally and almost irresistibly conceived as the results of mo- tion in a revolving sphere ; the indications of posi- tion which we obtain from different places on the earth's surface, when clearly combined, obviously imply a globular shape. In these cases, the first conjectures, the supposition of the simplest form, PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 171 of the most uniform motion, required no after-cor- rection. But this manifest simplicity, this easy and obvious explanation, did not apply to the move- ment of all the heavenly bodies. The planets, the "wandering stars," could not be so easily under- stood ; the motion of each, as Cicero says, " under- going very remarkable changes in its course, going before and behind, quicker and slower, appear- ing in the evening, but gradually lost there, and emerging again in the morning 1 ." A continued attention to these stars would, however detect a kind of intricate regularity in their motions, which might naturally be described as " a dance." The Chaldeans are stated by Diodorus 2 , to have observed assiduously the risings and settings of the planets, from the top of the temple of Belus. By doing this, they would find the times in which the forwards and backwards movements of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars recur; and also the time in which they come round to the same part of the heavens 3 . Venus and Mercury never recede far from the sun, and the intervals which elapse while either of them leaves its greatest distance from 1 Cic. de Nat. D. lib. ii. p. 450. " Ea qua; Saturni stella dicitur, ^cuWque a Grascis nominatur, quas a terra abest pluri- mum, xxx fere annis cursum suum conficit ; in quo cursu multa mirabiliter efficiens, turn antecedendo, turn retardando, turn ves- pertinis temporibus delitescendo, turn matutinis se rursum ape- riendo, nihil immutat sempiternis sseculorum aetatibus, quin eadem iisdem temporibus efficiat." And so of the other planets. 2 Del. A. A.; i. p. 4. 3 Plin. H. N. ii. p. 204. 172 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. the sun and returns again to the greatest distance on the same side, would easily be observed. Probably the manner in which the motions of the planets were originally reduced to rule was something like the following : In about 30 of our years, Saturn goes 29 times through his Anomaly, that is, the succession of varied motions by which he sometimes goes forwards and sometimes back- wards among the stars. During this time, he goes once round the heavens, and returns nearly to the same place. This is the cycle of his apparent motions. Perhaps the eastern nations contented them- selves with thus referring these motions to cycles of time, so as to determine their recurrence. Some- thing of this kind was done at an early period, as we have seen. But the Greeks soon attempted to frame to themselves a sensible image of the mechanism by which these complex motions were produced : nor did they find this difficult. Venus, for instance, who, upon the whole, moves from west to east among the stars, is seen, at certain intervals, to return or move retrograde a short way back from east to west, then to become for a short time stationary, then to turn again and resume her direct motion westward, and so on. Now this can be explained by supposing that she is placed in the rim of a wheel, which is turned edgeways to us, and of which the center turns round in the heavens PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 173 from west to east, while the wheel, carrying the planet in its motion, moves round its own center. In this way the motion of the wheel about its center, would, in some situations, counterbalance the general motion of the center, and make the planet retrograde, while, on the whole, the wes- terly motion would prevail. Just as if we suppose that a person, holding a lamp in his hand in the dark, and at a distance, so that the lamp alone is visible, should run on turning himself round; we should see the light sometimes stationary, some- times retrograde, but on the whole progressive. A mechanism of this kind was imagined for each of the planets, and the wheels of which we have spoken were, in the end, called Epicycles. The application of such mechanism to the planets appears to have arisen in Greece about the time of Aristotle. In the works of Plato we find a strong taste for this kind of mechanical speculation. In the tenth book of the " Polity," we have the apologue of Alcinus the Pamphylian, who, being supposed to be killed in battle, revived when he was placed on the funeral pyre, and re- lated what he had seen during his trance. Among other revelations, he beheld the machinery by which all the celestial bodies revolve. The axis of these revolutions is the adamantine distaff which Destiny holds between her knees ; on this are fixed, by means of different sockets, flat rings, by which the planets are carried. The order and 174 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. magnitude of these spindles are minutely detailed. Also, in the "Epilogue to the Laws" (Epinomis), he again describes the various movements of the sky, so as to show a distinct acquaintance with the general character of the planetary motions : and, after speaking of the Egyptians and Syrians as the original cultivators of such knowledge, he adds some very remarkable exhortations to his countrymen to prosecute the subject. " Whatever we Greeks," he says, " receive from the barbarians, we improve and perfect; there is good hope and promise, therefore, that Greeks will carry this know- ledge far beyond that which was introduced from abroad." To this task, however, he looks with a due appreciation of the qualities and preparation which it requires. "An astronomer must be," he says, " the wisest of men ; his mind must be duly disciplined in youth ; especially is mathematical study necessary; both an acquaintance with the doctrine of number, and also with that other branch of mathematics, which, closely connected as it is with the science of the heavens, we very absurdly call geometry, the measurement of the earth 4 1 ." These anticipations were very remarkably veri- fied in the subsequent career of the Greek astro- nomy. The theory, once suggested, probably made rapid progress. Simplicius 5 relates, that Eudoxus 4 Epinomis, pp. 988, 990. 5 Lib. ii. de Ccelo. Bullialdus, p. 18. PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 175 of C nidus introduced the hypothesis of revolving circles or spheres. Calippus of Cyzicus, having visited Polemarchus, an intimate friend of Eudoxus, they went together to Athens, and communicated to Aristotle the invention of Eudoxus, and with his help improved and corrected it. Probably at first this hypothesis was applied only to account for the general phenomena of the progressions, retrogradations, and stations of the planet ; but it was soon found that the motions of the sun and moon, and the circular motions of the planets, which the hypothesis supposed, had other anomalies or irregularities, which made a further extension of the hypothesis necessary. The defect of uniformity in these motions of the sun and moon, though less apparent than in the planets, is easily detected, as soon as men endea- vour to obtain any accuracy in their observations. We have already stated (Chap. I.) that the Chal- deans were in possession of a period of about 18 years, which they used in the calculation of eclipses, and which might have been discovered by close observation of the moon's motions; although it was probably rather hit upon by noting the recur- rence of eclipses. The moon moves in a manner which is not reducible to regularity without con- siderable care and time. If we trace her path among the stars, we find that, like the path of the sun, it is oblique to the equator, but it does not, like that of the sun, pass over the same stars in 176 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. successive revolutions. Thus its latitude, or dis- tance from the equator, has a cycle different from its revolution among the stars ; and its Nodes, or the points where it cuts the equator, are perpe- tually changing their position. In addition to this, the moon's motion in her own path is not uniform ; in the course of each lunation, she moves alter- nately slower and quicker, passing gradually through the intermediate degrees of velocity ; and goes through the cycle of these changes in something less than a month : this is called a revolution of Anomaly. When the moon has gone through a complete number of revolutions of Anomaly, and has, in the same time, returned to the same posi- tion with regard to the Sun, and also with regard to her Nodes, her motions with respect to the sun will thenceforth be the same as at the first, and all the circumstances on which lunar eclipses de- pend being the same, the eclipses will occur in the same order. In 6585J days there are 239 revolutions of anomaly, 241 revolutions with regard to one of the nodes, and, as we have said, 223 lunations or revolutions with regard to the sun. Hence this period will bring about a succession of the same lunar eclipses. If the Chaldeans observed the moon's motion among the stars with any considerable accuracy, so as to detect this period by that means, they could hardly avoid discovering the anomaly or un- equal motion of the moon ; for in every revolution, PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 177 her daily progression in the heavens varies from about 22 to 26 times her own diameter. But there is not, in the existence of this period, any evidence that they had measured the amount of this varia- tion ; and Delambre 6 is probably right in attribut- ing all such observations to the Greeks. The sun's motion would also be seen to be irregular as soon as men had any exact mode of determining the lengths of the four seasons, by means of the passage of the sun through the equi- noctial and solstitial points. For spring, summer, autumn, and winter, which would each consist of an equal number of days if the motions were uniform, are, in fact, found to be unequal in length. It was not very difficult to see that the mecha- nism of epicycles might be applied so as to explain irregularities of this kind. A wheel travelling round the earth, while it revolved upon its center, might produce the effect of making the sun or moon fixed in its rim go sometimes faster and sometimes slower in appearance, just in the same way as the same suppositions would account for a planet going sometimes forwards and sometimes backwards: the epicycles of the sun and moon would, for this purpose, be less than those of the planets. Accordingly, it is probable that, at the time of Plato and Aristotle, philosophers were already endeavouring to apply the hypothesis to 6 Astronomic Ancienne, i. 212. VOL. I. N 178 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. these cases, though it does not appear that any one fully succeeded before Hipparchus. The problem which was thus present to the minds of astronomers, and which Plato is said to have proposed to them in a distinct form, was, " To reconcile the celestial phenomena by the com- bination of equable circular motions." That the circular motions should likewise be equable, was a condition, which, if it had been merely tried at first, as the most simple and definite conjecture, would have deserved praise. But this condition, which is, in reality, inconsistent with nature, was, in the sequel, adhered to with a pertinacity which introduced endless complexity into the system. The history of this assumption is one of the most marked instances of that love of simplicity and symmetry, which is the source of all general truths, though it so often produces and perpetuates errour. At present we can easily see how fancifully the notion of simplicity and perfection was interpreted, in the arguments by which the opinion was de- fended, that the real motions of the heavenly bodies must be circular and uniform. The Pythagoreans, as well as the Platonists, maintained this dogma. According to Geminus, "They supposed the mo- tions of the sun, and the moon, and the five planets, to be circular and equable: for they would not allow of such disorder among divine and eternal things, as that they should sometimes move quicker, and sometimes slower, and sometimes stand still; for PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 170 no one would tolerate such anomaly in the move- ments, even of a man, who was decent and orderly. The occasions of life, however, are often reasons for men going quicker or slower, but in the incor- ruptible nature of the stars, it is not possible that any cause can be alleged of quickness and slow- ness. Whereupon they propounded this question, how the phenomena might be represented by equable and circular motions." These conjectures and assumptions led natu- rally to the establishment of the various parts of the Theory of Epicycles. It is probable that this theory was adopted with respect to the planets at or before the time of Plato. And Aristotle gives us an account of the system thus devised 7 . "Eudoxus," he says," "attributed four spheres to each Planet : the first revolved with the fixed stars (and this produced the diurnal motion) ; the second gave the planet a motion along the ecliptic (the mean motion in longitude) ; the third had its axis perpendicular 8 to the ecliptic (and this gave the inequality of each planetary motion) ; the fourth produced the oblique motion transverse to this (the motion in latitude)." He is also said to have attributed a motion in latitude and a correspond- 7 Metaph. xi. 8. a Aristotle says " has its poles in the ecliptic," but this must be a mistake of his. He professes merely to receive these opinions from the professed astronomers "e'/c T^ olK.eioTa.Tris perhaps, surprise some readers to be told, that the author of this next great step in astronomical theory, Copernicus, adopted the theory of epicycles; that is, he employed that which we have spoken of as its really valuable characteristic. "We 14 must confess," he says, "that the celestial motions are circular, or compounded of several circles, since their inequalities observe a fixed law and recur in value at certain intervals, which could not be, exr cept they were circular ; for a circle alone can make that which has been, recur again." 14 Copernicus. De Rev. I. i. c. 4. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 199 In this sense, therefore, the Hipparchian theory was a real and indestructible truth, which was not rejected, and replaced by different truths, but was adopted and incorporated into every succeeding astronomical theory ; and which can never cease to be one of the most important and fundamental parts of our astronomical knowledge. A moment's reflection will show that, in the events just spoken of, the introduction and esta- blishment of the theory of epicycles, those charac- teristics were strictly exemplified, which we have asserted to be the conditions of every real advance in progressive science; namely, the application of distinct and appropriate Ideas to a real series of Facts. The distinctness of the geometrical concep- tions which enabled Hipparchus to assign the orbits of the sun and moon, requires no illustration ; and we have just explained how these ideas combined into a connected whole the various motions and places of those luminaries. To make this step in astronomy, required diligence and care exerted in collecting observations, and mathematical clearness and steadiness of view exercised in seeing and showing that the theory was a successful analysis of them. Sect. 3. Discovery of the Precession of the Equinoxes. THE same qualities which we trace in the researches of Hipparchus already examined, diligence in col- lecting observations, and clearness of idea in repre- 200 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. senting them, appear also in other discoveries of his, which we must not pass unnoticed. The Pre- cession of the Equinoxes, in particular, is one of the most important of these discoveries. The circumstance here brought into notice was a Change of Longitude of the Fixed Stars. The longitudes of the heavenly bodies, being measured from the point where the sun's annual path cuts the equator, will change if that path changes. Whether this happens, however, is not very easy to decide ; for the sun's path among the stars is made out, not by merely looking at the heavens, but by a series of inferences from other observable facts. Hippar- chus used for this purpose eclipses of the moon ; for these, being exactly opposite to the sun, afford data in marking out his path. By comparing the eclipses of his own time with those observed at an earlier period by Timocharis, he found that the bright star, Spica Virginis, was six degrees behind the equi- noctial point in his own time, and had been eight degrees behind the same point at an earlier epoch. The suspicion was thus suggested, that the longi- tudes of all the stars increase perpetually ; but Hip- parchus had too truly philosophical a spirit to take this for granted. He examined the places of Re- gulus, and those of other stars, as he had done those of Spica; and he found, in all these instances, a change of place which could be explained by a cer- tain alteration of position in the circles to which the stars are referred, which alteration is described as the Precession of the Equinoxes. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 201 The distinctness with which Hipparchus con- ceived this change of relation of the heavens, is manifested by the question which, as we are told by Ptolemy, he examined and decided ; that this mo- tion of the heavens takes place about the poles of the ecliptic, and not about those of the equator. The care with which he collected this motion from the stars themselves, may be judged of from this, that having made his first observations for this purpose on Spica and Regulus, zodiacal stars, his first suspi- cion was that the stars of the zodiac alone changed their longitude, which suspicion he disproved by the examination of other stars. By his processes, the idea of the nature of the motion, and the evidence of its existence, the two conditions of a discovery, were fully brought into view. The scale of the facts which Hipparchus was thus able to reduce to law, may be in some measure judged of, by recol- lecting that the precession, from his time to ours, has only carried the stars through one sign of the zodiac ; and that, to complete one revolution of the sky by the motion thus discovered, would require a period of 25,000 years. Thus this discovery con- nected the various aspects of the heavens at the most remote periods of human history; and, ac- cordingly, the novel and ingenious views which Newton published in his chronology, are founded on this single astronomical fact, of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The two discoveries which have been described, 202 , THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. the mode of constructing Solar and Lunar Tables, and the Precession, were advances of the greatest importance in astronomy, not only in themselves, but in the new objects and undertakings which they suggested to astronomers. The one detected a constant law and order in the midst of perpetual change and apparent disorder; the other disclosed mutation and movement perpetually operating where everything had been supposed fixed and stationary. Such discoveries were well adapted to call up many questionings in the minds of specu- lative men; for, after this, nothing could be sup- posed constant till it had been ascertained to be so by close examination ; and no apparent complexity or confusion could justify the philosopher in turnr ing away in despair from the task of simplification. To answer the inquiries thus suggested, new me- thods of observing the facts were requisite, more exact and uniform than those hitherto employed. Moreover the discoveries which were made, and others which could not fail to follow in their train, led to many consequences, required to be reasoned upon, systematized, completed, enlarged. In short, the Epoch of Induction led, as we have stated that such epochs must always lead, to a Period of Developement, of Verification, Application, and Extension. 203 CHAPTER IV. SEQUEL TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. Sect. 1. Researches which verified the Theory. THE discovery of the leading Laws of the Solar and Lunar Motions, and the detection of the Precession, may be considered as the great positive steps in the Hipparchian astronomy; the parent discoveries, from which many minor improvements proceeded. The task of pursuing the collateral and consequent researches which now offered them- selves, of bringing the other parts of astronomy up to the level of its most improved portions, was prosecuted by a succession of zealous observers and calculators, first, in the school of Alexandria, and afterwards in other parts of the world. We must notice the various labours of this series of astro- nomers ; but we shall do so very briefly ; for the ulterior developement of doctrines once established, is not so important an object of contemplation for our present purpose, as the first conception and proof of those fundamental truths on which sys- tematic doctrines are founded. Yet Periods of Verification, as well as Epochs of Induction, de- serve to be attended to ; and they can nowhere be 204 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. studied with so much advantage as in the history of astronomy. In truth, however, Hipparchus did not leave to his successors the task of pursuing into detail those views of the heavens to which his discoveries led him. He examined with scrupulous care almost every part of the subject. We must briefly mention some of the principal points which were thus set- tled by him. The verification of the laws of the changes which he assigned to the skies, implied that the condition of the heavens was constant, except so far as it was affected by those changes. Thus, the doc- trine that the changes of position of the stars were rightly represented by the precession of the equi- noxes, supposed that the stars were fixed with regard to each other; and the doctrine that the unequal number of days, in certain subdivisions of months and years, was adequately explained by the theory of epicycles, assumed that years and days were always of constant lengths. But Hipparchus was not content with assuming these bases of his theory, he endeavoured to prove them. 1. Fixity of the Stars. The question neces- sarily arose after the discovery of the precession, even if such a question had never suggested itself before, whether the stars which were called fixed, and to which the motions of the other luminaries are referred, do really retain constantly the same relative position. In order to determine this funda- SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 205 mental question, Hipparchus undertook to construct a Map of the heavens ; for though the result of his survey was expressed in words, we may give this name to his Catalogue of the positions of the most conspicuous stars. These positions are described by means of alineations ; that is, three or more such stars are selected as can be touched by an apparent straight line drawn in the heavens. Thus Hippar- chus observed that the southern claw of Cancer, the bright star in the same constellation which pre- cedes the head of the Hydra, and the bright star Procyon, were nearly in the same line. Ptolemy quotes this and many other of the configurations which Hipparchus had noted, in order to show that the positions of the stars had not changed in the intermediate time ; a truth which the catalogue of Hipparchus thus gave astronomers the means of ascertaining. It contained 1080 stars. The construction of this catalogue of the stars by Hipparchus is an event of great celebrity in the history of astronomy. Pliny 1 , who speaks of it with admiration as a wonderful and superhuman task (" ausus rem etiam Deo improbam, annumerare pos- teris stellas") asserts the undertaking to have been suggested by a remarkable astronomical event, the appearance of a new star ; " novam stellam et aliam in sevo suo genitam deprehendit ; ej usque motu, qua die fulsit, ad dubitationem est adductus anne hoc ssepius fieret, moverenturque et eae quas puta- 1 Hist. Nat. Lib. ii. (xxvi.) 206 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. mus affixas." There is nothing inherently impro- bable in this tradition, but we may observe, with Delambre 2 , that we are not informed whether this new star remained in the sky, or soon disappeared again. Ptolemy makes no mention of the star or' the story; and his catalogue contains no bright star which is not found in the " Catasterisms" of Eratos- thenes. These Catasterisms were an enumeration of 475 of the principal stars, according to the con- stellations in which they are ; and were published about sixty years before Hipparchus. 2. Constant Length of Years. Hipparchus also attempted to ascertain whether successive years are all of the same length ; and though, with his scrupulous love of accuracy 3 , he does not ap- pear to have thought himself justified in asserting that the years were always exactly equal, he showed, both by observations of the time when the sun; passed the equinoxes, and by eclipses, that the difference of successive years, if there were any difference, must be extremely slight. The obser- vations of succeeding astronomers, and especially of Ptolemy, confirmed this opinion, and proved, with certainty, that there is no progressive increase or diminution in the duration of the year. 3. Constant Length of Days. Equation of Time. The equality of days was more difficult to ascertain than that of years ; for the year is mea- sured, as on a natural scale, by the number of 2 A. A. i. 290. 3 Ptolem. Synt. iii. 2. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 207 days which it contains; but the day can be sub- divided into hours only by artificial means; and the mechanical skill of the ancients did not enable them to attain any considerable accuracy in the measure of such portions of time; though clep- sydras and similar instruments were used by astro- nomers. The equality of days could only be proved, therefore, by the consequences of such a suppo- sition ; and in this manner it appears to have been assumed, as the fact really is, that the apparent revolution of the stars is accurately uniform, never becoming either quicker or slower. It followed as a consequence of this, that the solar days (or rather the nycthemers, compounded of a night and a day,) would be unequal, in consequence of the sun's unequal motion, thus giving rise to what we now call the Equation of Time, the interval by which the time, as marked on a dial, is before or after the time, as indicated by the accurate time-pieces which modern skill can produce. This inequality was fully taken account of by the ancient astro- nomers ; and they thus in fact assumed the equality of the sidereal days. Sect. 2. Researches which did not verify the Theory. SOME of the researches of Hipparchus and his fol- lowers fell upon the weak parts of his theory; and if the observations had been sufficiently exact, must have led to its being corrected or rejected. 208 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. Among these we may notice the researches which were made concerning the Parallax of the heavenly bodies, that is, their apparent displace- ment by the alteration of position of the observer from one part of the earth's surface to the other. This subject is treated of at length by Ptolemy; and there can be no doubt that it was well examined by Hipparchus, who invented a parallatic instru- ment for that purpose. The idea of parallax, as a geometrical possibility, was indeed too obvious to be overlooked by geometers at any time; and when the doctrine of the sphere was established, it must have appeared strange to the student, that every place on the earth's surface might alike be considered as the center of the celestial motions. But if this was true with respect to the motions of the fixed stars, was it also true with regard to those of the sun and moon? The displacement of the sun by parallax is so small that the best observers among the ancients could never be sure of its existence ; but with respect to the moon, the ease is different. She may be displaced by this cause to the amount of twice her own breadth, a quantity easily noticed by the rudest process of in- strumental observation. The law of the displace- ment thus produced is easily obtained by theory, the globular form of the earth being supposed known; but the amount of the displacement de- pends upon the distance of the moon from the earth, and requires at least one good observation SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 209 to determine it. Ptolemy has given a table of the effects of parallax, calculated according to the apparent altitude of the moon, assuming certain supposed distances ; these distances, however, do not follow the real law of the moon's distances, in consequence of their being founded upon the Hypo-. thesis of the Eccentric and Epicycle. In fact this Hypothesis, though a very close representation of the truth, so far as the positions of the luminaries are concerned, fails altogether when we apply it to their distances. The radius of the epicycle, or the eccentricity of the eccentric, are determined so as to satisfy the observations of the apparent motions of the bodies : but, inasmuch as the hypothetical motions are different altogether from the real motions, the Hypothesis does not, at the same time, satisfy the observations of the dis- tances of the bodies, if we are able to make any such observations. Parallax is one method by which the distances of the moon, at different times, may be compared ; her Apparent Diameters afford another method. Neither of these modes, however, is easily capable of such accuracy as to overturn at once the Hypo- thesis of epicycles; and, accordingly, the Hypothesis continued to be entertained in spite of such mea- sures; the measures being, indeed, in some degree falsified in consequence of the reigning opinion. In fact, however, the imperfection of the methods of measuring parallax and magnitude, which were VOL. i. P 210 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. in use at this period, was such, their results could not lead to any degree of conviction deserving to be set in opposition to a theory which was so satisfactory with regard to the more certain obser- vations. The Eccentricity, or the Radius of the Epicycle, which would satisfy the inequality of the motions of the moon, would, in fact, double the inequality of the distances. The Eccentricity of the moon's orbit is determined by Ptolemy as T ^ of the radius of the orbit ; but its real amount is only half as great; this difference is a necessary consequence of the supposition of uniform circular motions, on which the Epicyclic Hypothesis proceeds. We see, therefore, that this part of the Hippar- chian theory carries in itself the germ of its own destruction. As soon as the art of celestial mea- surement was so far perfected, that astronomers could be sure of the apparent diameter of the moon within sV or 5^ of the whole, the inconsistency of the theory with itself would become manifest. We shall see, hereafter, the way in which this inconsistency operated; in reality, a very long period elapsed before the methods of observing were sufficiently good to bring it clearly into view. Sect. 3. Methods of Observation of the Greek Astronomers. WE must now say a word concerning the Methods above spoken of. Since one of the most important SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 211 tasks of a period of verification is to ascertain with accuracy the magnitude of the quantities which enter, as elements, into the theory which occupies men during the period ; the improvement of instru- ments, and the methods of observing and experi- menting, are principal features in such periods. We shall, therefore, mention some of the facts which bear upon this point. The estimation of distances among the stars by the eye, is an extremely inexact process. In some of the ancient observations, however, this appears to have been the method employed : and stars are described as being a cubit or two cubits from other stars. We may form some notion of the scale of this kind of measurement, from what Cleomedes remarks 4 , that the sun appears to be about a foot broad ; an opinion which he confutes at length. A method of determining the positions of the stars, susceptible of a little more exactness than the former, is the use of alineations, already noticed in speaking of Hipparchus's catalogue. Thus, a straight line passing through two stars of the Great Bear passes also through the pole-star: this is, indeed, even now a method usually employed to enable us readily to fix on the pole-star ; and the two stars, j3 and a of Ursa Major, are hence often called " the pointers." But nothing like accurate measurements of any portions of the sky were obtained, till astronomers 4 Del. A. A. i. 222. P2 212 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. adopted the method of making visual coincidences of the objects with the instruments, either by means of shadows or of sights. Probably the oldest and most obvious measure- ments of the positions of the heavenly bodies were those in which the elevation of the sun was deter- mined by comparing the length of the shadow of an upright staff or gnomon, with the length of the staff itself. It appears 5 , from a memoir of Gautil, first printed in the Connaissance des Temps for 1809, that, at the lower town of Loyang, now called Hon-anfou, Tchon-kong found the length of the shadow of the gnomon, at the summer solstice, equal to one foot and a half, the gnomon itself being eight feet in length. This was about 1100 B.C. The Greeks, at an early period, used the same method. Strabo says 6 that " Byzantium and Marseilles are on the same parallel of latitude, because the shadows at those places have the same proportion to the gnomon, according to the state- ment of Hipparchus, who follows Pytheas." But the relations of position which astronomy considers, are, for the most part, angular distances ; and these are most simply expressed by the inter- cepted portion of a circumference described about the angular point. The use of the gnomon might lead to the determination of the angle by the graphical methods of geometry ; but the numerical expression of the circumference required some pro- 5 Lib. U. K. Hist. Ast. p. 5. Del. A. A. i. 257. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 213 gress in trigonometry ; for instance, a table of the tangents of angles. Instruments were soon invented for measuring angles, by means of circles, which had a border, or limb, divided into equal parts. The whole cir- cumference was divided into 360 degrees : perhaps because the circles, first so divided, were those which represented the sun's annual path; one such degree would be the sun's daily advance, more nearly than any other convenient aliquot part which could be taken. The position of the sun was de- termined by means of the shadow of one part of the instrument upon the other. The most ancient instrument of this kind appears to be the Hemi- sphere of Berosus. A hollow hemisphere was placed with its rim horizontal, and a style was erected in such a manner that the extremity of the style was exactly at the center of the sphere. The shadow of this extremity, on the concave surface, had the same position with regard to the lowest point of the sphere which the sun had with regard to the highest point of the heavens. But this instrument was in fact used rather for dividing the day into portions of time than for determining position. Eratosthenes 7 observed the amount of the obli- quity of the sun's path to the equator; we are not informed what instruments he used for this purpose : but he is said to have obtained, from the 7 Delambre, A. A. i. 86. 214 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. munificence of Ptolemy Euergetes, two Armils, or instruments composed of circles, which were placed in the portico at Alexandria, and long used for observations. If a circular rim were placed so as to coincide with the plane of the equator, the inner concave edge would be enlightened by the sun's rays which came under the front edge, when the sun was south of the equator, and by the rays which came over the front edge, when the sun was north of the equator : the moment of the transi- tion would be the time of the equinox. Such an instrument appears to be referred to by Hippar- chus, as quoted by Ptolemy 8 . " The circle of cop- per, which stands at Alexandria in what is called the Square Porch, appears to mark, as the day of the equinox, that on which the concave surface begins to be enlightened from the other side." Such an instrument was called an equinoctial armil. A solstitial armil is described by Ptolemy, con- sisting of two circular rims, one sliding round within the other, and the inner one furnished with two pegs standing out from its surface at right angles, and diametrically opposite to each other. These circles being fixed in the plane of the meri- dian, and the inner one turned, till, at noon, the shadow of the peg in front falls upon the peg behind, the position of the sun at noon would be determined by the degrees on the outer circle. In calculation, the degree was conceived to 8 Ptol. Synt. iii. 2. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 215 be divided into 60 minutes, the minute into 60 seconds, and so on. But in practice it was impos- sible to divide the limb of the instrument into parts so small. The armils of Alexandria were divided into no parts smaller than sixths of degrees, or divisions of 10 minutes. The angles, observed by means of these divi- sions, were expressed as a fraction of the circum- ference. Thus Eratosthenes stated the interval between the tropics to be ^J of the circumference 9 . It was soon remarked that the whole circum- ference of the circle was not wanted for such observations. Ptolemy 10 says, that he found it more convenient to observe altitudes by means of a square flat piece of stone or wood, with a quadrant of a circle described on one of its flat faces, about a center near one of the angles. A peg was placed at the center, and one of the extreme radii of the quadrant being perpendicular to the horizon, the elevation of the sun above the horizon was determined by observing the point of the arc of the quadrant on which the shadow of the peg fell. As the necessity of accuracy in the observations was more and more felt, various adjustments of such instruments were practised. The instruments were placed in the meridian by means of a meridian 9 Delambre, A. A. i. 87- It is probable that his observation , . A * 9 , r - ,. 47$ 143 11-13 11 gave him 47| degrees. The fraction m jl which is very nearly ^ . 10 Synt. i. 1. 216 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. line drawn by astronomical methods on the floor on which they stood. The plane of the instrument was made vertical by means of a plumb-line : the bounding radius, from which angles were measured, was also adjusted by the plumb-line 11 . In this manner, the places of the sun and of the moon could be observed by means of the shadows which they cast. In order to observe the stars' 2 , the observer looked along the face of the circle of the armil, so as to see its two edges apparently brought together, and the star apparently touch- ing them 13 . It was afterwards found important to ascertain the position of the sun with regard to the ecliptic : and, for this purpose, an instrument, called an astrolabe, was invented, of which we have a de- scription in Ptolemy 14 . This also consisted of cir- cular rims, moveable within one another, or about poles; and contained circles which were to be brought into the position of the ecliptic, and of a plane passing through the sun and the poles of the ecliptic. The position of the moon with regard to the ecliptic, and its position in longitude with 11 The curvature of the plane of the circle, by warping, was noticed. Ptol. iii. 2. p. 155, observes that his equatorial circle was illuminated on the hollow side twice in the same day. (He did not know that this might arise from refraction.) 12 Delamb. A. A. i. 185. 13 Ptol. Synt. i. 1. 'Qa-irep KeKoAAf/jme'i/o? TCUS eTTKpaveiais o da-Ttjp ev T(O Bt' auTtoi/ eirnre 14 Synt. v. 1. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 217 regard to the sun or a star, were thus deter- mined. The astrolabe continued long in use, but not so long as the quadrant described by Ptolemy ; this in a larger form, is the mural quadrant, which has been used up to the most recent times. It may be considered surprising 15 , that Hip- parchus, after having observed, for some time, right ascensions and declinations, quitted equatorial armils for the astrolabe, which immediately refers the stars to the ecliptic. He probably did this because, after the discovery of precession, he found the latitudes of the stars constant, and wanted to ascertain their motion in longitude. To the above instruments, may be added the dioptra and the parallactic instrument of Hippar- chus, and Ptolemy. In the latter, the distance of a star from the zenith was observed by looking through two sights fixed in a rule, this being an- nexed to another rule, which was kept in a vertical position by a plumb-line; and the angle between the two rules was measured. The following example of an observation, taken from Ptolemy, may serve to show the form in which the results of the instruments, just described, were usually stated 16 . " In the 2nd year of Antoninus, the 9th day of Pharmouthi, the sun being near setting, the last division of Taurus being on the meridian (that is, 14 Del. A. A. 181. " Del. A. A. ii. 248. 218 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. 5^ equinoctial hours after noon), the moon was in 3 degrees of Pisces, by her distance from the sun (which was 92 degrees, 8 minutes) ; and half an hour after, the sun being set, and the quarter of Gemini on the meridian, Regulus appeared, by the other circle of the astrolabe, 57^ degrees more forwards than the moon in longitude." From these data the longitude of Regulus is calculated. From what has been said respecting the obser- vations of the Alexandrian astronomers, it will have been seen that their instrumental observations could not be depended on for any close accuracy. This defect, after the general reception of the Hip- parchian theory, operated very unfavourably on the progress of the science. If they could have traced the moon's place distinctly from day to day, they must soon have discovered all the inequalities which were known to Tycho Brahe ; and if they could have measured her parallax or her diameter with any considerable accuracy, they must have obtained a confutation of the epicycloidal form of her orbit. By the badness of their observations, and the imperfect agreement of these with calcu- lation, they not only were prevented making such steps, but were led to receive the theory with a servile assent and an indistinct apprehension, instead of that rational conviction and intuitive clearness which would have given a progressive impulse to their knowledge. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 219 Sect. 4. Period from Hipparchus to Ptolemy. WE have now to speak of the cultivators of astro- nomy from the time of Hipparchus to that of Ptolemy, the next great name which occurs in the history of this science ; though even he holds place only among those who verified, developed, and extended the theory of Hipparchus. The astro- nomers who lived in the intermediate time, indeed, did little, even in this way ; though it might have been supposed that their studies were carried on under considerable advantages, inasmuch as they all enjoyed the liberal patronage of the kings of Egypt 17 . The " divine school of Alexandria," as it is called by Synesius, in the fourth century, appears to have produced few persons capable of carrying forwards, or even of verifying, the labours of its great astronomical teacher. The mathematicians of the school wrote much, and apparently they ob- served sometimes; but their observations are of little value : and their books are expositions of the theory and its geometrical consequences, without any attempt to compare it with observation. For instance, it does not appear that any one verified the remarkable discovery of the precession, till the time of Ptolemy, 250 years after; nor does the statement of this motion of the heavens appear in the treatises of the intermediate writers ; nor does Ptolemy quote a single observation of any person 17 Delamb. A. A. ii. 240. 220 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. made in this long interval of time ; while his refer- ences to those of Hipparchus are perpetual ; and to those of Aristyllus and Timocharis, and of others, as Conon, who preceded Hipparchus, are not un- frequent. This Alexandrian period, so inactive and barren in the history of science, was prosperous, civilized, and literary ; and many of the works which belong to it are come down to us, though those of Hip- parchus are lost. We have the " Uranologion" of Geminus 18 , a systematic treatise on Astronomy, ex- pounding correctly the Hipparchian Theories and their consequences, and containing a good account of the use of the various cycles, which ended in the adoption of the Calippic period. We have likewise "The Circular Theory of the Celestial Bodies" of Cleomedes 19 , of which the principal part is a developement of the doctrine of the sphere, including the consequences of the globular form of the earth. We have also another work on "Spherics" by Theodosius of Bithynia 20 , which con- tains some of the most important propositions of the subject, and has been used as a book of in- struction even in modern times. Another writer on the same subject is Menelaus, who lived some- what later, and whose Three Books on Spherics still remain. One of the most important kinds of deduction from a geometrical theory, such as that of the 18 B. c. 70. 19 B. c. 60. 20 B. c. 50. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 221 doctrine of the sphere, or that of epicycles, is the calculation of its numerical results in particular cases. With regard to the latter theory, this was done in the construction of Solar and Lunar Tables, as we have already seen ; and this process required the formation of a Trigonometry, or system of rules for calculating the relations between the sides and angles of triangles. Such a science had been formed by Hipparchus, who appears to be the author of every great step in ancient astronomy 21 . He wrote a work in twelve books, "On the Con- struction of the Tables of Chords of Arcs ;" such a table being the means by which the Greeks solved their triangles. The Doctrine of the Sphere required, in like manner, a Spherical Trigono- metry, in order to enable mathematicians to cal- culate its results ; and this branch of science also appears to have been formed by Hipparchus 22 , who gives results that imply the possession of such a method. Hypsicles, who was a contemporary of Ptolemy, also made some attempts at the solution of such problems : but it is extraordinary that the writers whom we have mentioned as coming after Hipparchus, namely, Theodosius, Cleomedes, and Menelaus, do not even mention the calculation of triangles 23 , either plane or spherical; though the latter writer 24 is said to have written on "the Table of Chords," a work which is now lost. 21 Delamb. A. A. ii. 37. 22 A. A. i. 117. 83 A. A. i. 249. a4 A. A. ii. 37. 222 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. We shall see, hereafter, how prevalent a dis- position in literary ages is that which induces authors to become commentators. This tendency showed itself at an early period in the school of Alexandria. Aratus 25 , who lived 270 B.C. at the court of Antigonus, king of Macedonia, described the celestial constellations in two poems, entitled " Phenomena," and "Prognostics." These poems were little more than a versification of the treatise of Eudoxus on the acronycal and heliacal risings and settings of the stars. The work was the subject of a comment by Hipparchus, who perhaps found this the easiest way of giving connexion and cir- culation to his knowledge. Three Latin translations of this poem gave the Romans the means of be- coming acquainted with it : the first is by Cicero, of which we have numerous fragments extant 26 ; Germanicus Caesar, one of the sons-in-law of Au- gustus, also translated the poem, and this transla- tion remains almost entire. Finally, we have a complete translation by Avienus 27 . The "Astro- nomica" of Manilius, the "Poeticon Astronomicon" of Hyginus, both belonging to the time of Au- gustus, are, like the work of Aratus, poems which combine mythological ornament with elementary astronomical exposition ; but have no value in the 26 A. A. i. 74. 26 Two copies of this translation, illustrated by drawings of different ages, one set Roman, and the other Saxon, according to Mr. Ottley, are described in the Archceologta, vol. xviii. 27 Mont. i. 221. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 223 history of science. We may pass nearly the same judgment upon the explanations and declamations of Cicero, Seneca, and Pliny, for they do not apprize us of any additions to astronomical knowledge; and they do not always indicate a very clear ap- prehension of the doctrines which the writers adopt. Perhaps the most remarkable feature in the two last-named writers, is the declamatory expres- sion of their admiration for the discoverers of physical knowledge ; and in one of them, Seneca, the persuasion of a boundless progress in science to which man was destined. Though this belief was no more than a vague and arbitrary conjec- ture, it suggested other conjectures in detail, some of which, having been verified, have attracted much notice. For instance, in speaking of comets 28 , Seneca says, "The time will come when those things which are now hidden shall be brought to light by time and persevering diligence. Our posterity will wonder that we should be ignorant of what is so obvious." " The motions of the planets," he adds, "complex and seemingly confused, have been reduced to rule; and some one will come hereafter, who will reveal to us the paths of comets." Such convictions and conjectures are not to be admired for their wisdom; for Seneca was led rather by enthusiasm, than by any solid rea- sons, to entertain this opinion ; nor, again, are they to be considered as merely lucky guesses, implying 28 Seneca. Qu. N. vii. 25. 224 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. no merit : they are remarkable as showing how the persuasion of the universality of law, and the belief of the probability of its discovery by man, grow up in men's minds, when speculative know- ledge becomes a prominent object of attention. An important practical application of astrono- mical knowledge was made by Julius Caesar, in his correction of the calendar, which we have already noticed: and this was strictly due to the Alexan- drian School : Sosigenes, an astronomer belonging to that school, came from Egypt to Rome for the purpose. Sect. 5. Measures of the Earth. THERE were, as we have said, few attempts made, at the period of which we are speaking, to improve the accuracy of any of the determinations of the early Alexandrian astronomers. One question na- turally excited much attention at all times, the magnitude of the earth, its figure being universally acknowledged to be a globe. The Chaldeans, at an earlier period, had asserted that a man, walking without stopping, might go round the circuit of the earth in a year; but this might be a mere fancy, or a mere guess. The attempt of Eratos- thenes to decide this question went upon principles entirely correct. Syene was situated on the tropic ; for there, on the day of the solstice, at noon, ob- jects cast no shadow ; and a well was enlightened to the bottom by the sun's rays. At Alexandria, on the same day, the sun was, at noon, distant SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 225 from the zenith by a fiftieth part of the circum- ference. These two cities were north and south from each other : and the distance had been deter- mined, by the royal overseers of the roads, to be 5000 stadia. This gave a circumference of 250,000 stadia to the earth, and a radius of about 40,000. Aristotle 21 says that the mathematicians make the circumference 400,000 stadia. Hipparchus con- ceived that the measure of Eratosthenes ought to be increased by about one tenth 30 . Posidonius, the friend of Cicero, made another attempt of the same kind. At Rhodes, the star Canopus but just appeared above the horizon: at Alexandria, the same star rose to an altitude of ^ th of the cir- cumference ; the direct distance on the meridian was 5000 stadia, which gave 240,000 for the whole circuit. We cannot look upon these measures as very precise ; the stadium employed is not certainly known ; and no peculiar care appears to have been bestowed on the measure of the direct distance. When the Arabians, in the ninth century, came to be the principal cultivators of astronomy, they repeated this observation in a manner more suited to its real importance and capacity of exactness. Under the Caliph Almamon 31 , the vast plain of Singiar, in Mesopotamia, was the scene of this un- dertaking. The Arabian astronomers there divided themselves into two bands, one under the direction 29 De Ccelo. ii. ad fin. 30 Plin. ii. (cviii.) 31 Montu. i. 357. VOL. I. Q 226 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. of Chalid ben Abdolmalic, and the other having at its head Alis ben Isa. These two parties pro- ceeded, the one north, the other south, determining the distance by the actual application of their mea- suring-rods to the ground, till each was found, by astronomical observation, to be a degree from the place at which they started. It then appeared that these terrestrial degrees were respectively 56 miles, and 56 miles and two thirds, the mile being 4000 cubits. In order to remove all doubt concerning the scale of this measure, we are in- formed that the cubit is that called the black cubit, which consists of 27 inches, each inch being the thickness of six grains of barley. Sect. 6. Ptolemy s Discovery of Evection. BY referring, in this place, to the last-mentioned measure of the earth, we include the labours of the Arabian as well as the Alexandrian astrono- mers, in the period of mere detail, which forms the sequel to the great astronomical revolution of the Hipparchian epoch. And this period of verification is rightly extended to those later times; not merely because astronomers were then still employed in determining the magnitude of the earth, and the amount of other elements of the theory; for these are some of their employments to the present day; but because no great inter- vening discovery marks a new epoch, and begins a new period; because no great revolution in SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 9 the theory added to the objects of investigation, or presented them in a new point of view. This being the case, it will be more instructive for our purpose to consider the general character and broad intellectual features of this period, than to offer a useless catalogue of obscure and worth- less writers, and of opinions either borrowed or unsound. But before we do this, there is one writer whom we cannot leave undistinguished in the crowd ; since his name is more celebrated even than that of Hipparchus ; his works contain ninety-nine hundredths of what we know of the Greek astronomy; and though he was not the author of a new theory, he made some very re- markable steps in the verification, correction, and extension of the theory which he received. I speak of Ptolemy, whose work, " The Mathematical Con- struction" (of the heavens), contains a complete exposition of the state of astronomy in his time, the reigns of Adrian and Antonine. This book is familiarly known to us by a term which contains the record of our having received our first know- ledge of it from the Arabic writers. The " Me- giste Syntaxis," or Great Construction, gave rise, among them, to the title A I Magisti, or Almagest, by which the work is commonly described. As a mathematical exposition of the Theory of Epi- cycles and Eccentrics, of the observations and calculations which were employed in order to ap- ply this theory to the sun, moon, and planets, and Q2 228 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. of the other calculations which are requisite, in order to deduce the consequences of this theory, the work is a splendid and lasting monument of diligence, skill and judgment. Indeed, all the other astronomical works of the ancients hardly add any- thing whatever to the information we obtain from the Almagest ; and the knowledge which the student possesses of the ancient astronomy must depend mainly upon his acquaintance with Pto- lemy. Among other merits, Ptolemy has that of giving us a very copious account of the manner in which Hipparchus established the main points of his theories; an account the more agreeable, in consequence of the admiration and enthusiasm with which this author everywhere speaks of the great master of the astronomical school. In our present survey of the writings of Pto- lemy, we are concerned less with his exposition of what had been done before him, than with his own original labours. In most of the branches of the subject, he gave additional exactness to what Hipparchus had done ; but our main business, at present, is with those parts of the Almagest which contain new steps in the application of the Hipparchian hypothesis. There are two such cases, both very remarkable, that of the moon's Elec- tion, and that of the Planetary Motions. The law of the moon's anomaly, that is, of the leading and obvious inequality of her motion, could be represented, as we have seen, either by an SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 229 eccentric or an epicycle ; and the amount of this inequality had been collected by observations of eclipses. But though the hypothesis of an epicycle, for instance, would bring the moon to her proper place, so far as eclipses could show it, that is, at new and full moon, this hypothesis did not rightly represent her motions at other points of her course. This appeared, when Ptolemy set about measuring her distances from the sun at dif- ferent times. " These," he 32 says, sometimes agreed, and sometimes disagreed." But by further atten- tion to the facts, a rule was detected in these dif- ferences. "As my knowledge became more complete and more connected, so as to show the order of this new inequality, I perceived that this difference was small, or nothing, at new and full moon ; and that at both the dichotomies (when the moon is half illuminated,) it was small, or nothing, if the moon was at the apogee or perigee of the epicycle, and was greatest when she was in the middle of the interval, and therefore when the first inequality was greatest also." He then adds some further remarks on the circumstances according to which the moon's place, as affected by this new inequality, is before or behind the place, as given by the epicyclical hypothesis. Such is the announcement of the celebrated discovery of the moon's second inequality, after- wards called (by Bullialdus) the Ejection. Ptolemy M Synt. v. 2. 230 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. soon proceeded to represent this inequality by a combination of circular motions, uniting, for this purpose, the hypothesis of an epicycle, already employed to explain the first inequality, with the hypothesis of an eccentric, in the circumference of which the center of the epicycle was supposed to move. The mode of combining these was some- what complex; more complex we may, perhaps, say, than was absolutely requisite 33 ; the apogee of the eccentric moved backwards, or contrary to the order of the signs, and the center of the epicycle moved forwards nearly twice as fast upon the cir- cumference of the eccentric, so as to reach a place nearly, but not exactly, the same, as if it had moved in a concentric instead of an eccentric path. Thus the center of the epicycle went twice round the eccentric in the course of one month : and in this manner it satisfied the condition that it should vanish at new and full moon, and be greatest when the moon was in the quarters of her monthly course (G). The discovery of the Evection, and the reduction of it to the epicyclical theory, was, for several reasons, an important step in astronomy; some of these reasons may be stated. 1. It obviously suggested, or confirmed, the 33 If Ptolemy had used the hypothesis of an eccentric instead of an epicycle for the first inequality of the moon, an epicycle would have represented the second inequality more simply than his method did. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF H1PPARCHUS. 237 suspicion that the motions of the heavenly bodies might be subject to many inequalities ; that when one set of anomalies had been discovered and re- duced to rule, another set might come into view ; that the discovery of a rule was a step to the discovery of deviations from the rule, which would require to be expressed in other rules ; that in the application of theory to observation, we find, not only the stated phenomena, for which the theory does account, but also residual phenomena, which remain unaccounted for, and stand out beyond the calculation; that thus nature is not simple and regular, by conforming to the simplicity and regularity of our hypotheses, but leads us forwards to apparent complexity, and to an accumulation of rules and relations. A fact like the Evection, explained by an Hypothesis like Ptolemy's, tended altogether to discourage any disposition to guess at the laws of nature from mere ideal views, or from a few phenomena. 2. The discovery of Evection had an import- ance which did not come into view till long afterwards, in being the first of a numerous series of inequalities of the moon, which result from the Disturbing Force of the sun. These inequal- ities were successively discovered; and led finally to the establishment of the law of universal gravi- tation. The moon's first inequality arises from a different cause; from the same cause as the inequality of the sun's motion ; from the motion 232 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. in an ellipse, so far as the central attraction is undisturbed by any other. This first inequality is called the Elliptic Inequality, or, more usually the Equation of the Center (H). All the planets have such inequalities, but the Evection is peculiar to the moon. The discovery of other inequalities of the moon's motion, the Variation and Annual Equation, made an immediate sequel in the order of the subject to the discoveries of Ptolemy, al- though separated by a long interval of time ; for these discoveries were only made by Tycho Brahe in the sixteenth century. The imperfection of astronomical instruments was the great cause of this long delay. 3. The Epicyclical Hypothesis was found capable of accommodating itself to such new dis- coveries. These new inequalities could be repre- sented by new combinations of eccentrics and epicycles: all the real and imaginary discoveries of astronomers, up to Copernicus, were actually embodied in these hypotheses; Copernicus, as we have said, did not reject such hypotheses; the lunar inequalities which Tycho detected might have been similarly exhibited ; and even Newton 34 represents the motion of the moon's apogee by means of an epicycle. As a mode of expressing the law of the irregularity, and of calculating its results in particular cases, the epicyclical theory was capable of continuing to render great 34 Principia , lib. iii. prop. xxxv. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 233 service to astronomy, however extensive the pro- gress of the science might be. It was, in fact, as we have already said, the modern process of representing the motion by means of a series of circular functions. 4. But though the doctrine of eccentrics and epicycles was thus admissible as an Hypothesis, and convenient as a means of expressing the laws of the heavenly motions, the successive occasions on which it was called into use, gave no countenance to it as a Theory ; that is, as a true view of the nature of these motions, and their causes. By the steps of the progress of this Hypothesis, it became more and more complex, instead of be- coming more simple, which, as we shall see, was the course of the true Theory. The notions con- cerning the position and connexion of the heavenly bodies, which were suggested by one set of phe- nomena, were not confirmed by the indications of another set of phenomena; for instance, those relations of the epicycles which were adopted to account for the Motions of the heavenly bodies, were not found to fall in with the consequences of their apparent Diameters and Parallaxes. In reality, as we have said, if the relative distances of the sun and moon at different times could have been accu- rately determined, the Theory of Epicycles must have been forthwith overturned. The insecurity of such measurements alone maintained the theory to later times (i). 234 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. Sect. 7. Conclusion of the History of Greek Astronomy. I MIGHT now proceed to give an account of Ptolemy's other great step, the determination of the Planetary Orbits ; but as this, though in itself very curious, would not illustrate any point beyond those already noticed, I shall refer to it very briefly. The planets all move in ellipses about the sun, as the moon moves about the earth ; and as the sun apparently moves about the earth. They will therefore each have an Elliptic Inequality or Equation of the center, for the same reason that the sun and moon have such inequalities. And this inequality may be represented, in the cases of the planets, just as in the other two, by means of an eccentric ; the epicycle, it will be re- collected, had already been used in order to repre- sent the more obvious changes of the planetary motions. To determine the amount of the Eccen- tricities and the places of the Apogees of the planetary orbits, was the task which Ptolemy un- dertook; Hipparchus, as we have seen, having been destitute of the observations which such a process required. The determination of the Eccentricities in these cases involved some pecu- liarities which might not at first sight occur to the reader. The elliptical motion of the planets takes place about the sun ; but Ptolemy considered their movements as altogether independent of the sun, SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 235 and referred them to the earth alone; and thus the apparent eccentricities which he had to account for, were the compound result of the Eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, and of the proper Eccentricity of the orbit of the Planet. He explained this result by the received mechanism of an eccentric Deferent, carrying an Epicycle; but the motion in the Deferent is uniform, not about the center of the circle, but about another point, the Equant. Without going further into detail, it may be sufficient to state that, by a combination of Eccentrics and Epicycles, he did account for the leading features of these motions; and by using his own observations, compared with more ancient ones, (for instance, those of Timocharis for Venus,) he was able to determine the Dimensions and Positions of the Orbits (j). I shall here close my account of the astrono- mical progress of the Greek School. My purpose is only to illustrate the principles on which the progress of science depends, and therefore I have not at all pretended to touch upon every part of the subject! Some portions of the ancient the- ories, as for instance, the mode of accounting for the motions of the moon and planets in latitude, are sufficiently analogous to what has been ex- plained, not to require any more especial notice. Other parts of the Greek astronomical knowledge, as, for instance, their acquaintance with refraction, did not assume any clear or definite form, and can 236 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. only be considered as the prelude to modern discoveries on the same subject. And before we can with propriety pass on to these, there is a long and remarkable, though unproductive inter- val, of which some account must be given. Sect. 8. Arabian Astronomy. THE interval to which I have just alluded may be considered as extending from Ptolemy to Coper- nicus; we have no advance in Greek astronomy after the former; no signs of a revival of the power of discovery till the latter. During this interval of 1350 years 35 , the principal cultivators of astronomy were the Arabians, who adopted this science from the Greeks whom they conquered, and from whom the conquerors of western Europe again received back their treasure, when the love of science and the capacity for it had been awakened in their minds. In the intervening time, the precious deposit had undergone little change. The Arab astronomer had been the scrupulous but unprofitable servant, who kept his talent without apparent danger of loss, but also without prospect of increase. There is little in Arabic literature which bears upon the progress of astro- nomy; but as the little that there' is must be considered as a sequel to the Greek science, I shall 35 Ptolemy died about A. D. 150. Copernicus was living A. D. 1500 SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 237 notice one or two points before I treat of the stationary period in general. When the sceptre of western Asia had passed into the hands of the Abasside caliphs 36 , Bagdad, " the city of peace," rose to splendour and refine- ment, and became the metropolis of science under the successors of Almansor the Victorious, as Alex- andria had been under the successors of Alexander the Great. Astronomy attracted peculiarly the favour of the powerful as well as the learned ; and almost all the culture which was bestowed upon the science, appears to have had its source in the patronage, often also in the personal studies, of Saracen princes. Under such encouragement, much was done, in those scientific labours which money and rank can command. Translations of Greek works were made, large instruments were erected, observers were maintained; and accordingly as observation showed the defects and imperfection of the extant tables of the celestial motions, new ones were constructed. Thus under Almansor, the Grecian works of science were collected from all quarters, and many of them translated into Arabic 37 . The translation of the "Megiste Syntaxis" of Pto- lemy, which thus became the Almagest, is ascribed to Isaac ben Homain in this reign. The greatest of the Arabian astronomers comes half a century later. This is Albategnius, as he is commonly called; or more exactly, Muhammed 46 Gibbon, x. 31 37 Id. x. 36. 238 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. ben Geber Albatani, the last appellation indicat- ing that he was born at Batan, a city of Mesopo- tamia 38 . He was a Syrian prince, whose residence was at Aracte or Racha in Mesopotamia ; a part of his observations were made at Antioch. His work still remains to us in Latin. " After having read," he says, "the Syntaxis of Ptolemy, and learnt the methods of calculation employed by the Greeks, his observations led him to conceive that some improvements might be made in their re- sults. He found it necessary to add to Ptolemy's observations, as Ptolemy had added to those of Abrachis" (Hipparchus). He then published Tables of the motions of the sun, moon, and planets, which long maintained a high reputation. These, however, did not prevent the publication of others. Under the Caliph Hakem (about A.D. 1000,) Ebon lounis published Tables of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, which were hence called the Hakemite Tables. Not long after, Arzachel of Toledo published the Tdetan Tables. In the 13th century, Nasir Eddin published Tables of the Stars, dedicated to Ilchan, a Tartar prince, and hence termed the Mckanic Tables. Two centuries later, Ulugh Beigh, the grandson of Tamerlane, and prince of the countries beyond the Oxus, was a zealous practical astronomer; and his Tables, which were published in Europe by Hyde in 1665, are referred to as important authority by modern astronomers. 38 Del., Astronomic du Moyen Age, 4. SEQEUL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 239 The series of Astronomical Tables which we have thus noticed, in which, however, many are omitted, leads us to the Alphonsine tables, which were put forth in 1488, and in succeeding years, under the auspices of Alphonso, king of Castile ; and thus brings us to the verge of modern astronomy. For all these Tables, the Ptolemaic hypotheses were employed; and, for the most part, without alteration. The Arabs sometimes felt the extreme complexity and difficulty of the doctrine which they studied ; but their minds did not possess that kind of invention and energy by which the phi- losophers of Europe, at a later period, won their way into a simpler and better system. Thus Alpetragius states, in the outset of his "Planetarum Theorica," that he was at first asto- nished and stupified with this complexity, but that afterwards " God was pleased to open to him the occult secret in the theory of his orbs, and to make known to him the truth of their essence, and the rectitude of the quality of their motion." His system consists, according to Delambre 39 , in attri- buting to the planets a spiral motion from east to west, an idea already refuted by Ptolemy. Geber of Seville criticizes Ptolemy very severely 40 , but without introducing any essential alteration into his system. The Arabian observations are in many cases valuable ; both because they were made with more skill and with better instruments than those 39 Delambre, M. A. p. 7- 40 M. A. p. 180, &c. 240 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. of the Greeks ; and also because they illustrate the permanence or variability of important ele- ments, such as the obliquity of the ecliptic and the inclination of the moon's orbit. We must, however, notice one or two peculiar Arabian doctrines. The most important of these is the discovery of the Motion of the Sun's Apogee by Albategnius. He found the Apogee to be in longitude 82 degrees; Ptolemy had placed it in longitude 65 degrees. The difference of 17 degrees was beyond all limit of probable errour of calcu- lation, though the process is not capable of great precision ; and the inference of the Motion of the Apogee was so obvious, that we cannot agree with Delambre, in doubting or extenuating the claim of Albategnius to this discovery, on the ground of his not having expressly stated it. In detecting this motion, the Arabian astrono- mers reasoned rightly from facts well observed ; they were not always so fortunate. Arzachel, in the llth century, found the apogee of the sun to be less advanced than Albategnius had found it, by some degrees; he inferred that it had receded in the intermediate time ; but we now know, from an acquaintance with its real rate of moving, that the true inference would have been, that Albategnius, whose method was less trustworthy than that of Arzachel, had made an errour to the amount of the difference thus arising. A curious, but utterly false hypothesis was founded on observations thus erro- SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF H1PPARCHUS. 241 neously appreciated; namely, the Trepidation of the fixed stars. Arzachel conceived that a uniform Precession of the equinoctial points would not ac- count for the apparent changes of position of the stars, and that for this purpose, it was necessary to conceive two circles of about 8 degrees radius described round the equinoctial points of the im- moveable sphere, and to suppose the first points of Aries and Libra to describe the circumferences of these circles in about 800 years. This would pro- duce, at one time a progression, and at another a regression, of the apparent equinoxes, and would moreover change the latitudes of the stars. Such a motion is entirely visionary ; but the doctrine made a sect among astronomers, and was adopted in the first edition of the Alphonsine Tables, though afterwards rejected. An important exception to the general unpro- gressive character of Arabian science has been pointed out recently by M. Sedillot 11 . It appears that Mohammed- Aboul Wefa-al-Bouzdjani, an Ara- bian astronomer of the tenth century, who resided at Cairo, and observed at Bagdad in 975, dis- covered a third inequality of the moon, in addition to the two expounded by Ptolemy, the Equation of the Center, and the Evection. This third inequa- lity, the Variation, is usually supposed to have been discovered by Tycho Brahe, six centuries 41 Sedillot, Nouvelles Rech. sur 1'Hist. de 1'Astron. chez les Arabes. Nouvean Journal Asialif/ue. 1836. VOL. I. R 242 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. later. It is an inequality of the moon's motion, in virtue of which she moves quickest when she is at new or full, and slowest at the first and third quarter ; in consequence of this, from the first quarter to the full, she is behind her mean place ; at the full, she does not differ from her mean place ; from the full to the third quarter, she is before her true place ; and so on ; and the greatest eifect of the inequality is in the octants, or points half-way between the four quarters. In an Almagest of Aboul Wefa, a part of which exists in the Royal Library at Paris, after describing the two inequalities of the moon, he has a Section ix., " Of the Third Anomaly of the Moon called Mu- hazal or Prosneusis." He there says, that taking cases when the moon was in apogee or perigee, and when, consequently, the effect of the two first inequalities vanishes, he found, by observation of the moon, when she was nearly in trine and in sextile with the sun, that she was a degree and a quarter from her calculated place. " And hence," he adds, "I perceived that this anomaly exists independently of the two first : and this can only take place by a declination of the diameter of the epicycle with respect to the center of the zodiac." We may remark that we have here this in- equality of the moon made out in a really philoso- phical manner; a residual quantity in the moon's longitude being detected by observation, and the SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF HIPPARCHUS. 243 cases in which it occurs selected and grouped by an inductive effort of the mind. The advance is not great; for Aboul Wefa appears only to have detected the existence, and not to have fixed the law or the exact quantity of the inequality ; but still it places the scientific capacity of the Arabs in a more favourable point of view than any cir- cumstance with which we were previously ac- quainted. But this discovery of Aboul Wefa appears to have excited no notice among his contemporaries and followers ; at least it had been long quite for- gotten when Tycho Brahe rediscovered the same lunar inequality. We can hardly help looking upon this circumstance as an evidence of a servility of intellect belonging to the Arabian period. The learned Arabians were so little in the habit of considering science as progressive, and looking with pride and confidence at examples of its progress, that they had not the courage to believe in a discovery which they themselves had made, and were dragged back by the chain of authority, even when they had advanced beyond their Greek mas- ters. As the Arabians took the whole of their theory (with such slight exceptions as we have been noticing) from the Greeks, they took from them also the mathematical processes by which the con- sequences of the theory were obtained. Arithmetic and Trigonometry, two main branches of these R2 244 THE GREEK ASTRONOMY. processes, received considerable improvements at their hands. In the former, especially, they ren- dered a service to the world which it is difficult to estimate too highly, in abolishing the cumbrous Sexagesimal Arithmetic of the Greeks, and intro- ducing the notation by means of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, which we now employ 42 . These numerals appear to be of Indian origin, as is acknowledged by the Arabs themselves ; and thus form no exception to the sterility of the Arabian genius as to great scientific inventions. Another improvement, of a subordinate kind, but of great utility, was Arabian, being made by Albategnius. He introduced into calculation the sine, or half- chord of the double arc, instead of the chord of the arc itself, which had been employed by the Greek astronomers. There have been various con- jectures concerning the origin of the word sine; the most probable appears to be that sinus is the Latin translation of the Arabic word gib, which signifies a fold, the two halves of the chord being conceived to be folded together. The great obligation which Science owes to the Arabians, is to have preserved it during a period of darkness and desolation, so that Europe might receive it back again when the evil days were past. We shall see hereafter how differently the European intellect dealt with this hereditary trea- sure when once recovered. 42 Mont. i. 376. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF H1PPARCHUS. 245 Before quitting the subject, we may observe that Astronomy brought back, from her sojourn among the Arabs, a few terms which may still be perceived in her phraseology. Such are the zenith, and the opposite imaginary point, the nadir; the circles of the sphere termed almacantars and azimuth circles. The alidad of an instrument is its index, which possesses an angular motion. Some of the stars still retain their Arabic names; Aide- bar an, Rig el, Fomalhaut; many others were known by such appellations a little while ago. Perhaps the word almanac is the most familiar vestige of the Arabian period of astronomy 43 . 13 It is foreign to my purpose to note any efforts of the intel- lectual faculties among other nations, which may have taken place independently of the great system of progressive European culture, from which all our existing science is derived. Other- wise I might speak of the astronomy of some of the Orientals, for example, the Chinese, who are said, by Montucla (i. 465) to have discovered the first equation of the moon, and the proper motion of the fixed stars (the Precession), in the third century of our era. The Greeks had made these discoveries 500 years earlier. 246 NOTES TO BOOK HI. (G.) p. 230. I WILL insert here the explanation which my German translator, the late distinguished astronomer Littrow, has given of this point. The Rule of this In- equality, the Evection, may be most simply expressed thus. If a denote the excess of the Moon's Longitude over the Sun's, and b the Anomaly of the moon reckoned from her Perigee, the Evection is equal to l.3.sin (2a -b). At New and Full Moon, a is or 180, and thus the Evection is - l.3.sin&. At both quarters, or dicho- tomies, a is 90 or 270, and consequently the Evection is + l.3.sin b. The Moon's Elliptical Equation of the center is at all points of her orbit equal to 6. 3 . sin b. The Greek Astronomers before Ptolemy observed the moon only at the time of eclipses ; and hence they neces- sarily found for the sum of these two greatest inequalities of the moon's motion the quantity 6. 3 . sin 5 - l.3.sin&, or 5. sin b : and as they took this for the moon's equation of the center, which depends upon the excentricity of the moon's orbit, we obtain from this too small equation of the center, an excentricity also smaller than the truth. Ptolemy, who first observed the moon in her quarters, found for the sum of those Inequalities at those points the quantity 6 . 3 . sin b + 1 . 3 . sin b, or 7 . 6 . sin b ; and thus made the excentricity of the moon as much too great at the quarters as the observers of eclipses had made it too small. He hence concluded that the excentricity of the Moon's orbit is variable, which is not the case. NOTES TO BOOK III. (H.) p. 232. The Equation of the Center is the difference between the place of the Planet in its elliptical orbit, and that place which a Planet would have, which revolved uniformly round the Sun as a center in a circular orbit in the same time. An imaginary Planet moving in the manner last described, is called the mean Planet, while the actual Planet which moves in the ellipse is called the true Planet. The Longitude of the mean Planet at a given time is easily found, because its motion is uniform. By adding to it the Equation of the Center, we find the Longitude of the true Planet, and thus, its place in its orbit. Littrow's Note. I may add that the word Equation, used in such cases, denotes in general a quantity which must be added to or subtracted from a mean quantity, to make it equal to the true quantity : or rather, a quantity which must be added to or subtracted from a variably increasing quantity, to make it increase equably. (i.) p. 233. The alteration of the apparent diameter of the moon is so great that it cannot escape us, even with very moderate instruments. This apparent diameter contains, when the moon is nearest the earth, 2010 seconds, when she is farthest off, 1762 seconds; that is, 248 seconds; or 4 minutes 8 seconds, less than in the former case. [The two quantities are in the proportion of 8 to 7, nearly]. Littrow's Note. (j.) p. 235. Ptolemy determined the Radius and the Periodic Time of his two circles for each Planet in the following manner : For the inferior Planets, that is, Mercury and Venus, he took the Radius of the Deferent equal to the Radius of the Earth's orbit, and the Radius of the Epicycle equal to that of the Planet's orbit. For 248 NOTES TO BOOK III. these Planets, according to his assumption, the Periodic Time of the Planet in its Epicycle was to the Periodic Time of the Epicyclical Center on the Deferent, as the synodical Revolution of the Planet to the tropical Revo- lution of the Earth above the Sun. For the three supe- rior Planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the Radius of the Deferent was equal to the Radius of the Planet's orbit, and the Radius of the Epicycle was equal to the Radius of the Earth's orbit ; the Periodic Time of the Planet in its Epicycle was to the Periodic Time of the Epicyclical Center on the Deferent, as the synodical Revolution of the Planet to the tropical Revolution of the same Planet. Ptolemy might obviously have made the geometrical motions of all the Planets correspond with the observa- tions by one of these two modes of construction ; but he appears to have adopted this double form of the theory, in order that in the inferior, as well as in the superior Planets, he might give the smaller of the two Radii to the Epicycle : that is, in order that he might make the smaller circle move round the larger, not vice versa. Littrovfs Note. BOOK IV. HISTORY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES; OR, VIEW OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD OF INDUCTIVE SCIENCE. In vain, in vain! the all-composing hour Resistless falls , As one by one, at dread Medea's strain, The sickening stars fade off th' ethereal plain ; As Argus' eyes, by Hermes' wand opprest, Closed one by one to everlasting rest; Thus at her felt approach and secret might, Art after art goes out, and all is night. See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistiy heaped on her head; Philosophy, that reached the heavens before, Shrinks to her hidden cause, and is no more. Physic of Metaphysic begs defence, And Metaphysic calls for aid to Sense: See Mystery to Mathematics fly! In vain! they gaze, turn giddy, rave, and die. Dunciad, B. iv. INTRODUCTION. WE have now to consider more especially a long and barren period, which intervened between the scientific activity of ancient Greece, and that of modern Europe ; and which we may, therefore, call the Stationary Period of Science. It would be to no purpose to enumerate the vari- ous forms in which, during these times, men repro- duced the discoveries of the inventive ages : or to trace in them the small successes of Art, void of any principle of genuine Philosophy. Our ob- ject requires rather that we should point out the general and distinguishing features of the intellect and habits of those times. We must endeavour to delineate the character of the Stationary Period, and, as far as possible, to analyze its defects and errours ; and thus obtain some knowledge of the causes of its barrenness and darkness. A^e have already stated, that real scientific pro- gress requires distinct general Ideas, applied to many special and certain Facts. In the period of which we now have to speak, men's Ideas were ob- scured, their disposition to bring their general views into accordance with Facts was enfeebled. They were thus led to employ themselves unprofitably, among indistinct and unreal notions. And the evil 252 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. of these tendencies was further inflamed, by moral peculiarities in the character of those times ; by an abjectness of thought on the one hand, which could not help looking towards some intellectual superior, and by an impatience of dissent on the other. To this must be added an enthusiastic tem- per, which, when introduced into speculation, tends to subject the mind's operations to ideas altogether distorted and delusive. These characteristics of the stationary period, its obscurity of thought, its servility, its intolerant disposition, and its enthusiastic temper, will be treated of in the four following chapters, on the Indistinctness of Ideas, the Commentatorial Spirit, the Dogmatism, and the Mysticism of the Middle Ages. 253 CHAPTER I. ON THE INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. THAT firm and entire possession of certain clear and distinct general ideas which is necessary to sound science^ was the character of the minds of those among the ancients who created the several sciences which arose among them. It was indis- pensable, that such inventors should have a luminous and steadfast apprehension of certain general relations, such as those of space and num- ber, order and cause ; and should be able to apply these notions with perfect readiness and precision to special facts and cases. It is necessary that such scientific notions should be more definite and precise than those which common language conveys; and in this state of unusual clearness, they must be so familiar to the philosopher, that they are the language in which he thinks. The discoverer is thus led to doctrines which other men adopt and follow out, in proportion as they seize the fundamental ideas, and become acquainted with the leading facts. Thus Hipparchus, con- ceiving clearly the motions and combinations of motion which enter into his theory, saw that the 254 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. relative lengths of the seasons were sufficient data for determining the form of the sun's orbit; thus Archimedes, possessing a steady notion of mechani- cal pressure, was able, not only to deduce the pro- perties of the lever and of the center of gravity, but also to see the truth of those principles respect- ing the distribution of pressure in fluids, on which the science of hydrostatics depends. With the progress of such distinct ideas, the in- ductive sciences rise and flourish ; with the decay and loss of such distinct ideas, these sciences become stationary, languid, and retrograde. When men merely repeat the terms of science, without attaching to them any clear conceptions ; when their appre- hensions become vague and dim; when they assent to scientific doctrines as a matter of tradition, rather than of conviction, on trust rather than on sight; when science is considered as a collection of opinions, rather than a record of laws by which the universe is really governed ; it must inevitably happen, that men will lose their hold on the know- ledge which the great discoverers who preceded them have brought to light. They are not able to push forwards the truths on which they lay so feeble and irresolute a hand ; probably they cannot even prevent their sliding back towards the obscurity from which they had been drawn, or from being lost altogether. Such indistinctness and vacillation of thought appear to have prevailed in the station- ary period, and to be, in fact, intimately connected INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 255 with its stationary character. I shall point out some indications of the intellectual peculiarity of which I speak. 1 . Collections of Opinions. The fact, that mere Collections of the opinions of physical philosophers came to hold a prominent place in literature, already indicated a tendency to an indistinct and wandering apprehension of such opinions. I speak of such works as Plutarch's five Books " on the Opinions of Philo- sophers," or the physical opinions which Diogenes Laertius gives in his "Lives of the Philosophers." At an earlier period still, books of this kind appear ; as for instance, a large portion of Pliny's Natural History, a work which has very appropriately been called the Encyclopaedia of Antiquity ; even Aris- totle himself is much in the habit of enumerating the opinions of those who had preceded him. To present such statements as an important part of physical philosophy, shows an erroneous and loose apprehension of its nature. For the only proof of which its doctrines admit, is the possibility of applying the general theory to each particular case : the authority of great men, which in moral and practical matters may or must have its weight, is here of no force; and the technical precision of ideas which the terms of a sound physical theory usually demand, renders a mere statement of the doctrines very imperfectly intelligible to readers familiar with common notions only. To dwell upon such collections of opinions, therefore, both 256 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. implies, and produces, in writers and readers, an obscure and inadequate apprehension of the full meaning of the doctrines thus collected ; supposing there be among them any which really possess such a clearness, solidity, and reality, as to make them important in the history of science. Such diversities of opinion convey no truth; such a multiplicity of statements of what has been said, in no degree teaches us what is ; such accumula- tions of indistinct notions, however vast and varied, do not make up one distinct idea. On the contrary, the habit of dwelling upon the verbal expressions of the views of other persons, and of being content with such an apprehension of doctrines as a tran- sient notice can give us, is fatal to firm and clear thought : it indicates wavering and feeble concep- tions, which are inconsistent with sound physical speculation. We may, therefore, consider the prevalence of Collections of the kind just referred to, as indicating a deficiency of philosophical talent in the ages now under review. As evidence of the same character, we may add the long train of publishers of Abstracts, Epitomes, Bibliographical Notices, and similar wri- ters. All such writers are worthless for all purposes of science, and their labours may be considered as dead works; they have in them no principle of philosophical vitality; they draw their origin and nutriment from the death of true physical know- ledge ; and resemble the swarms of insects that are INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. born from the perishing carcass of some nobler animal. 2. Indistinctness of Ideas in Mechanics. But the indistinctness of thought which is so fatal a feature in the intellect of the stationary period, may be traced more directly in the works, even of the best authors, of those times. We find that they did not retain steadily the ideas on which the scientific success of the previous period had de- pended. For instance, it is a remarkable circum- stance in the history of the science of Mechanics, that it did not make any advance from the time of Archimedes to that of Stevinus and Galileo. Archi- medes had established the doctrine of the lever; several persons tried, in the intermediate time, to prove the property of the inclined plane, and none of them succeeded. But let us look to the attempts ; for example, that of Pappus, in the eighth Book of his Mathematical Collections, and we may see the reason of the failure. His Problem shows, in the very terms in which it is propounded, the want of a clear apprehension of the subject. " Having given the power which will draw a given weight along a horizontal plane, to find the additional power which will draw the same weight along a given inclined plane." This is proposed without previ- ously defining how Powers, producing such effects, are to be measured ; and as if the speed with which the body were drawn, and the nature of the surface of the plane, were of no consequence. VOL. i. S 258 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES The proper elementary Problem is, To find the force which will support a body on a smooth inclined plane; and no doubt the solution of Pappus has more reference to this problem than to his own. His reasoning is, however, totally at variance with mechanical ideas on any view of the problem. He supposes the weight to be formed into a sphere ; and this sphere being placed in contact with the inclined plane, he assumes that the effect will be the same as if the weight were supported on a horizontal lever, the fulcrum being the point of contact of the sphere with the plane, and the power acting at the circumference of the sphere. Such an assumption implies an entire absence of those distinct ideas of force and mechanical pressure, on which our perception of the identity or difference of different modes of action must depend; of those ideas by the help of which Archimedes had been able to demonstrate the properties of the lever, and Ste- vinus afterwards discovered the true solution of the problem of the inclined plane. The motive to Pap- pus's assumption was probably no more than this ; he perceived that the additional power, which he thus obtained, vanished when the plane became horizontal, and increased as the inclination became greater. Thus his views were vague; he had no clear conception of mechanical action, and he tried a geometrical conjecture. This is not the way to real knowledge. Pappus (who lived about A.D. 400) was one INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 259 of the best mathematicians of the Alexandrian school; and, on subjects where his ideas were so indistinct, it is not likely that any much clearer were to be found in the minds of his contempo- raries. Accordingly, on all subjects of speculative mechanics, there appears to have been an entire confusion and obscurity of thought till modern times. Men's minds were busy in endeavouring to systematize the distinctions and subtleties of the Aristotelian school, concerning Motion and Power ; and, being, thus employed among doctrines in which there was involved no definite meaning capable of real exemplification, they, of course, could not acquire sound physical knowledge. We have already seen that the physical opinions of Aristotle, even as they came from him, had no proper scientific precision. His followers, in their endeavours to perfect and develop his statements, never attempted to introduce clearer ideas than those of their master ; and as they never referred, in any steady manner, to facts, the vagueness of their notions was not corrected by any collision with observation. The physical doctrines which they extracted from Aristotle were, in the course of time, built up into a regular system ; and though these doctrines could not be followed into a prac- tical application without introducing distinctions and changes, such as deprived the terms of all steady signification, the dogmas continued to be repeated, till the world was persuaded that they S2 260 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. were self-evident ; and when, at a later period, ex- perimental philosophers, such as Galileo and Boyle, ventured to contradict these current maxims, their new principles sounded in men's ears as strange as they now sound familiar. Thus Boyle promul- gated his opinions on the mechanics of fluids, as " Hydrostatical Paradoxes, proved and illustrated by experiments." And the opinions which he there opposes, are those which the Aristotelian philo- sophers habitually propounded as certain and indis- putable ; such, for instance, as that " in fluids the upper parts do not gravitate on the lower;" that "a lighter fluid will not gravitate on a heavier;" that " levity is a positive quality of bodies as well as gravity." So long as these assertions were left uncontested and untried, men heard and repeated them, without perceiving the incongruities which they involved : and thus they long evaded refu- tation, amid the vague notions and undoubting habits of the stationary period. But when the controversies of Galileo's time had made men think with more acuteness and steadiness, it was dis- covered that many of these doctrines were incon- sistent with themselves, as well as with experiment. We have an example of the confusion of thought to which the Aristotelians were liable, in their doctrine concerning falling bodies. "Heavy bodies," said they, " must fall quicker than light ones ; for weight is the cause of their fall, and the weight of the greater bodies is greater." They did not hN DISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 261 perceive that, if they considered the weight of the body as a power acting to produce motion, they must consider the body itself as offering a resist- ance to motion ; and that the effect must depend on the proportion of the power to the resistance ; in short, they had no clear idea of accelerating force. This defect runs through all their mecha- nical speculations, and renders them entirely value- less. We may exemplify the same confusion of thought on mechanical subjects in writers of a less technical character. Thus, if men had any distinct idea of mechanical action, they could not have accepted for a moment the fable of the Echineis or Remora, a little fish which was said to be able to stop a large ship merely by sticking to it. Lucan 1 refers to this legend in a poetical manner, and notices this creature only in bringing together a collection of monstrosities ; but Pliny relates the tale gravely, and moralizes upon it after his man- ner. " What," he cries 2 , " is more violent than the sea and the winds? what, a greater work of art than a ship ? Yet one little fish (the Echineis) 1 Lucan is describing one of the poetical compounds intro- duced in incantations. Hue quicquid fbetu genuit Natura sinistro Miscetur: non spuma canum quibus unda timori est, Viscera non lyncis, non durae nodus hyaenas Defuit, et cervi pasti serpente medulla; Non puppes retinens, Euro tendente rudentes In mediis Echineis aquis, oculique draconum. Etc. Pharsalia, iv. 670. 3 Plin. Hist. N. xxxii. 1. 262 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. can hold back all these when they all strain the same way. The winds may blow, the waves may rage ; but this small creature controls their fury, and stops a vessel, when chains and anchors would not hold it : and this it does, not by hard labour, but merely by adhering to it. Alas, for human vanity ! when the turretted ships which man has built, that he may fight from castle-walls, at sea as well as at land, are held captive and motionless by a fish a foot and a half long. Such a fish is said to have stopt the admiral's ship at the bat- tle of Actium, and compelled Antony to go into another. Airtl in our own memory, one of these animals held fast the ship of Caius, the emperor, when he was sailing from Astura to Antium. The stopping of this ship, when all the rest of the fleet went on, caused surprize; but this did not last long, for some of the men jumped into the water to look for the fish, and found it sticking to the rudder; they showed it to Caius, who was indig- nant that this animal should interpose its prohi- bition to his progress, when impelled by four hundred rowers. It was like a slug; and had no power, after it was taken into the ship." A very little advance in the power of thinking clearly on the force which is exerted in pulling, would have enabled the Romans to see, that the ship and its rowers must pull the adhering fish by the hold the oars had upon the water; and that, except the fish had a hold equally strong on some external body, it could not resist this force, INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 3. Indistinctness of Ideas shown in Architec- ture. Perhaps it may serve to illustrate still fur- ther the extent to which, under the Roman empire, men's notions of mechanical relations became faint, wavered, and disappeared, if we observe the change which took place in architecture. All architec- ture, to possess genuine beauty, must be mecha- nically consistent. The decorative members m ust represent a structure which has in it a principal of support and stability. Thus the Grecian colonnade was a straight horizontal beam, resting on vertical props; and the pediment imitated a frame like a roof, where oppositely-inclined beams support each other. These forms of building were, therefore, proper models of art, because they implied sup- porting forces. But to be content with colonnades and pediments, which, though they imitated the forms of the Grecian ones, were destitute of their mechanical truth, belonged to the decline of art ; and showed that men had lost the idea of force, and retained only that of shape. Yet this was what the architects of the empire did. Under their hands, the pediment was severed at its vertex, and divided into separate halves, so that it was no longer a mechanical possibility. The entablature no longer lay straight from pillar to pillar, but, projecting over each column, turned back to the wall, and adhered to it in the intervening space. The splendid remains of Palmyra, Balbec, Petra, exhibit endless examples of this kind of perverse 264 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. inventiveness ; and show us, very instructively, how the decay of art and of science alike accompany this indistinctness of ideas which we are endea- vouring to illustrate. 4. Indistinctness of Ideas in Astronomy. Returning to the sciences, it may be supposed, at first sight, that, with regard to astronomy, we have not the same ground for charging the stationary period with indistinctness of ideas on that subject, since they were able to acquire and verify, and, in some measure, to apply, the doctrines previously established. And, undoubtedly, it must be con- fessed that men's notions of the relations of space and number are never very indistinct. It appears to be impossible for these chains of elementary perception ever to be much entangled. The later Greeks, the Arabians, and the earliest modern astronomers, must have conceived the hypotheses of the Ptolemaic system with tolerable complete- ness. And yet, we may assert, that, during the stationary period, men did not possess the notions, even of space and number, in that vivid and vigor- ous manner which enables them to discover new truths. If they had perceived distinctly that the astronomical theorist had merely to do with rela- tive motions, they must have been led to see the possibility, at least, of the Copernican system ; as the Greeks, at an earlier period, had already per- ceived it. We find no trace of this. Indeed the mode in which the Arabian mathematicians pre- INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 265 sent the solutions of their problems, does not indi- cate that clear apprehension of the relations of space, and that delight in the contemplation of them, which the Greek geometrical speculations imply. The Arabs are in the habit of giving con- clusions without demonstrations, precepts without the investigations by which they are obtained; as if their main object were practical rather than speculative, the calculation of results rather than the exposition of theory. Delambre* has been ob- liged to exercise great ingenuity, in order to dis- cover the method by which Ibn lounis proved his solution of certain difficult problems. 5. Indistinctness of Ideas shown by Skeptics. The same unsteadiness of ideas which prevents men from obtaining clear views, and steady and just convictions, on special subjects, may lead them to despair of or deny the possibility of acquiring certainty at all, and may thus make them skeptics with regard to all knowledge. Such skeptics are themselves men of indistinct views, for they could not otherwise avoid assenting to the demonstrated truths of science; and, so far as they may be taken as specimens of their contemporaries, they prove that indistinct ideas prevail in the age in which they appear. In the stationary period, more- over, the indefinite speculations and unprofitable subtleties of the schools might further impel a man of bold and acute mind to this universal skep- 3 Dfclamb. M. A. p. 125-8. 266 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. ticism, because they offered nothing which could fix or satisfy him. And thus the skeptical spirit may deserve our notice as indicative of the defects of a system of doctrine too feeble in demonstra- tion to control such resistance. The most remarkable of these philosophical skeptics is Sextus Empiricus; so called, from his belonging to that medical sect which was termed the empirical, in contradistinction to the rational and methodical sects. His works contain a series of treatises, directed against all the divisions of the science of his time. He has chapters against the Geometers, against the Arithmeticians, against the Astrologers, against the Musicians, as well as against Grammarians, Rhetoricians and Logicians ; and, in short, as a modern writer has said, his skep- ticism is employed as a sort of frame-work which embraces an encyclopedical view of human know- ledge. It must be stated, however, that his objec- tions are rather to the metaphysical grounds, than to the details of the sciences; he rather denies the possibility of speculative truth in general, than the experimental truths which had been then obtained. Thus his objections to geometry and arithmetic are founded on abstract cavils concerning the na- ture of points, letters, unities, &c. And when he comes to speak against astrology, he says, " I am not going to consider that perfect science which rests upon geometry and arithmetic; for I have already shown the weakness of those sciences ; nor INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 267 that faculty of prediction (of the motions of the heavens) which belongs to the pupils of Eudoxus, and Hipparchus, and the rest, which some call Astronomy; for that is an observation of pheno- mena, like agriculture or navigation; but against the Art of Prediction from the time of birth, which the Chaldeans exercise." Sextus, therefore, though a skeptic by profession, was not insensible to the difference between experimental knowledge and mystical dogmas, though the former had no- thing which excited his admiration. The skepticism which denies the evidence of the truths of which the best established physical sciences consist, must necessarily involve a very indistinct apprehension of those truths ; for such truths, pro- perly exhibited, contain their own evidence, and are the best antidote to this skepticism. But an incredulity or contempt towards the asserted truths of physical science may arise also from the attention being mainly directed to the certainty and import- ance of religious truths. A veneration for revealed religion may thus assume the aspect of a skepticism with regard to natural knowledge. Such appears to be the case with Algazel or Algezeli, who is adduced by Degerando 4 as an example of an Arabian skeptic. He was a celebrated teacher at Bagdad in the ele- venth century, and he declared himself the enemy, not only of the mixed Peripatetic and Platonic philosophy of the time, but of Aristotle himself. 4 Degerando, Hist. Comp. des Systemes, iv. 224. 268 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. His work entitled The Destructions of the Philo- sophers, is known to us by the refutation of it which Averrhoes published, under the title of Destruction of AlgazeTs Destructions of the Phi- losophers. It appears that he contested the fun- damental principles both of the Platonic and of the Aristotelian schools, and denied the possibility of a known connexion between cause and effect; thus making a prelude, says Degerando, to the celebrated argumentation of Hume (K). 6. Neglect of Physical Reasoning in Christen- dom. If the Arabians, who, during the ages of which we are speaking, were the most eminent cultivators of science, entertained only such com- paratively feeble and servile notions of its doctrines, it will easily be supposed, that in the Christendom of that period, where physical knowledge was com- paratively neglected, there was still less distinctness and vividness in the prevalent ideas on such subjects. Indeed, during a considerable period of the history of the Christian church, and by many of its principal authorities, the study of natural philosophy was not only disregarded but discommended. The great practical doctrines which were presented to men's minds, and the serious tasks, of the regulation of the will and affections, which religion impressed upon them, made inquiries of mere curiosity seem to be a reprehensible misapplication of human powers; and many of the fathers of the church revived, in a still more peremptory form, the opi- INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 269 nion of Socrates, that the only valuable philosophy is that which teaches us our moral duties and religious hopes 5 . Thus Eusebius says 6 , " It is not through ignorance of the things admired by them, but through contempt of their useless labour, that we think little of these matters, turning our souls to the exercise of better things." When the thoughts were thus intentionally averted from those ideas which natural philosophy involves, the ideas inevit- ably became very indistinct in their minds ; and they could not conceive that any other persons could find, on such subjects, grounds of clear con- viction and certainty. They held the whole of their philosophy to be, as Lactantius : asserts it to be " empty and false." " To search," says he, " for the causes of natural things ; to inquire whether the sun be as large as he seems, whether the moon is convex or concave, whether the stars are fixed in the sky or float freely in the air ; of what size and of what material are the heavens ; whether they be at rest or in motion ; what is the magnitude of the earth ; on what foundations it is suspended and balanced ; to dispute and conjecture on such mat- ters, is just as if we chose to discuss what we think of a city in a remote country, of which we never heard but the name." It is impossible to express more forcibly that absence of any definite notions on physical subjects which led to this tone of thought. 7. Question of Antipodes. With such habits 3 Bnifker, iii. 317- Pra>p. Ev. xv. (51 ' Inst. 1. iii. init. 270 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. of thought, we are not to be surprized if the relations resulting from the best established theories were apprehended in an imperfect and incongruous man- ner. We have some remarkable examples of this ; and a very notable one is the celebrated question of the existence of Antipodes, or persons inhabiting the opposite side of the globe of the earth, and con- sequently having the soles of their feet directly opposed to ours. The doctrine of the globular form of the earth results, as we have seen, by a geometrical necessity, from a clear conception of the various points of knowledge which we obtain, bearing upon that subject. This doctrine was held distinctly by the Greeks ; it was adopted by all astronomers, Arabian and European, who followed them; and was, in fact, an inevitable part of every system of astronomy which gave a consistent and intelligible representation of phenomena. But those who did not call before their minds any distinct representa- tion at all, and who referred the whole question to other relations than those of space, might still deny this doctrine ; and they did so. The existence of inhabitants on the opposite side of the terraqueous globe, was a fact of which experience alone could teach the truth or falsehood ; but the religious re- lations, which extend alike to all mankind, were supposed to give the Christian philosopher grounds for deciding against the possibility of such a race of men. Lactantius 8 in the fourth century, argues this 8 Inst. 1. iii. 23. INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. L>71 matter, in a way very illustrative of that impatience of such speculations, and consequent confusion of thought which we have mentioned. " Is it possible," he says, " that men can be so absurd as to believe that the crops and trees on the other side of the earth hang downwards, and that men there have their feet higher than their heads? If you ask of them how they defend these monstrosities ? how things do not fall away from the earth on that side? they reply, that the nature of things is such that heavy bodies tend towards the center, like the spokes of a wheel, while light bodies, as clouds, smoke, fire, tend from the center towards the hea- vens on all sides. Now I am really at a loss what to say of those who, when they have once gone wrong, steadily persevere in their folly, and defend one absurd opinion by another." It is obvious that so long as the writer refused to admit into his thoughts the fundamental conception of their theory, he must needs be at a loss what to say to their arguments, without being on that account in any degree convinced of their doctrines. In the sixth century, indeed, in the reign of Justinian, we find a writer (Cosmas Indicopleustes 9 ) who does not rest in this obscurity of representa- tion ; but in this case, the distinctness of his pictures only serves to show his want of 'any clear conception 9 Montfaucon, Collectio Nova Pat rum, t. ii. p. 113. Cosmas Indicopleustes. Christianorum Opiniones de Mundo, sive Tb- pographia Christiana. 272 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. as to what suppositions would explain the pheno- mena. He describes the earth as an oblong floor, surrounded by upright walls, and covered by a vault, below which the heavenly bodies perform their re- volutions, going round a certain high mountain, which occupies the northern parts of the earth, and makes night by intercepting the light of the sun. In Augustin 10 (who flourished A.D. 400) the opinion is treated on other grounds ; and without denying the globular form of the earth, it is asserted that there are no inhabitants on the opposite side, be- cause no such race is recorded by Scripture among the descendants of Adam (L). Considerations of the same kind operated in the well-known instance of Virgil, bishop of Salzburg, in the eighth century. When he was reported to Boniface, archbishop of Mentz, as holding the existence of Antipodes, the prelate was shocked at the assumption, as it seemed to him, of a world of human beings, out of the reach of the conditions of salvation ; and application was made to Pope Zachary for a censure of the holder of this dangerous doctrine. It does not however appear that this led to any severity ; and the story of the deposition of Virgil from his bishopric, which is circulated by Kepler and by more modern writers, is undoubtedly altogether false. The same scruples continued to prevail among Christian writers to a later period; and Tostatus 1 ' notes the opinion of the rotundity of the earth as an "unsafe" doctrine, 10 Civ. D. xvi. 9. " Montfauc. Pair. t. ii. INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 273 only a few years before Columbus visited the other hemisphere. 8. Intellectual Condition of the Religious Or- ders. It must be recollected, however, that though these were the views and tenets of many religious writers, and though they may be taken as indi- cations of the prevalent and characteristic temper of the times of which we speak, they never were universal. Such a confusion of thought affects the minds of many persons, even in the most enlight- ened times ; and in what we call the Dark Ages, though clear views on such subjects might be more rare, those who gave their minds to science, enter- tained the true opinion of the figure of the earth. Thus Boethius 12 (in the sixth century) urges the smallness of the globe of the earth, compared with the heavens, as a reason to repress our love of glory. This work, it will be recollected, was trans- lated into the Anglo-Saxon by our own Alfred. It was also commented on by Bede, who, in what he says on this passage, assents to the doctrine, and shows an acquaintance with Ptolemy and his commentators, both Arabian and Greek. Gerbert, in the tenth century, went from France to Spain to study astronomy with the Arabians, and soon surpassed his masters. He is reported to have fabricated clocks, and an astrolabe of peculiar con- struction. Gerbert afterwards, (in the last year of the first thousand from the birth of Christ,) 12 Boethius, Cons. ii. pr. 7- VOL. I. T 274 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. became pope, by the name of Sylvester II. Among other cultivators of the sciences, some of whom, from their proficiency, must have possessed with considerable clearness and steadiness the elemen- tary ideas on which it depends, we may here men- tion, after Montucla 13 , Adelbold, whose work On the Sphere was addressed to Pope Sylvester, and whose geometrical reasonings are, according to Montucla 11 , vague and chimerical; Hermann Con- tractus, a monk of St. Gall, who, in 1050, published astronomical works; William of Hirsaugen, who followed this example in 1080 ; Robert of Lorraine, who was made Bishop of Hereford by William the Conqueror, in consequence of his astronomical knowledge. In the next century, Adelhard Goth, an Englishman, travelled among the Arabs for purposes of study, as Gerbert had done in the preceding age; and on his return, translated the Elements of Euclid, which he had brought from Spain or Egypt. Robert Grostete, Bishop of Lin- coln, was the author of an Epitome on the Sphere ; Roger Bacon, in his youth the contemporary of Robert, and of his brother Adam Marsh, praises very highly their knowledge in mathematics. " And here," says the French historian of mathe- matics, whom I have followed in the preceding relation, "it is impossible not to reflect that all those men who, if they did not augment the trea- sure of the sciences, at least served to transmit it, 13 Mont. i. 502. " Mont. i. 503. INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 275 were monks, or had been such originally. Con- vents were, during these stormy ages, the asylum of sciences and letters. Without these religious men, who, in the silence of their monasteries, oc- cupied themselves in transcribing, in studying, and in imitating the works of the ancients, well or ill, those works would have perished ; perhaps not one of them would have come down to us. The thread which connects us with the Greeks and Romans would have been snapt asunder; the precious productions of ancient literature would no more exist for us, than the works, if any there were, published before the catastrophe that annihilated that highly scientific nation, which, according to Bailly, existed in remote ages in the center of Tartary, or at the roots of Caucasus. In the sciences we should have had all to create ; and at the moment when the human mind should have emerged from its stupor and shaken off its slum- bers, we should have been no more advanced than the Greeks were after the taking of Troy." He adds, that this consideration inspires feelings to- wards the religious orders very different from those which, when he wrote, were prevalent among his countrymen. Except so far as their religious opinions inter- fered, it was natural that men who lived a life of quiet and study, and were necessarily in a great measure removed from the absorbing and blind- ing interests with which practical life occupies the T2 276 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. thoughts, should cultivate science more successfully than others, precisely because their ideas on specu- lative subjects had time and opportunity to become clear and steady. The studies which were culti- vated under the name of the Seven Liberal Arts necessarily tended to favour this effect. The Trivium, indeed, which consisted of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, had no direct bearing upon those ideas with which physical science is con- cerned; but the Quadrivium, Music, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, could not be pursued with any attention, without a corresponding improve- ment of the mind for purposes of sound know- ledge 16 . 9. Popular Opinions. That, even in the best intellects, something was wanting to fit them for scientific progress and discovery, is obvious from the fact that science was so long absolutely stationary. And I have endeavoured to show that one part of this deficiency was the want of the requisite clear- ness and vigour of the fundamental scientific ideas. If these were wanting, even in the most powerful and most cultivated minds, we may easily conceive that still greater confusion and obscurity prevailed in 15 Bruck. iii. 597- 1(5 Roger Bacon, in his Specula Mathematica, cap. i., says, " Harum scientiarum porta et clavis est mathematica, quam sancti a principio mundi invenerunt, etc. Cujus negligentia jam per triginla vel quadraginta annos destruxit totum studium Latinorum " I do not know on what occasion this neglect took place. INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 277 the common class of mankind. They actually adopted the belief, however crude and inconsistent, that the form of the earth and heavens really is what at any place it appears to be ; that the earth is flat, and the waters of the sky sustained above a material floor, through which in showers they descend. Yet the true doctrines of astronomy ap- pear to have had some popular circulation. For instance, a French poem of the time of Edward the Second, called Ymage du Monde, contains a metrical account of the earth and heavens, ac- cording to the Ptolemaic views; and in a manu- script of this poem, preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge, there are represen- tations, in accordance with the text, of a spherical earth, with men standing upright upon it on every side : and by way of illustrating the tendency of all things to the center, perforations of the earth, entirely through its mass, are described and de- picted; and figures are exhibited dropping balls down each of these holes, so as to meet in the interior. And, as bearing upon the perplexity which attends the motions of up and down, when applied to the globular earth, and the change of the direction of gravity which would occur in pass- ing the center, the readers of Dante will recollect the extraordinary manner in which the poet and his guide emerge from the bottom of the abyss; and the explanation which Virgil imparts to him of what he there sees. After they have crept through 278 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. the aperture in which Lucifer is placed, the poet says, "Io levai gli occhi e credetti vedere Lucifero com' io 1' avea lasciato, E vidile le gambe in su tenere." " Quest! come e fitto Si sottasopra?" .... " Quando mi volsi, tu passast' il punto Al qual si traggon d' ogni parte i pesi." Inferno, xxxiv. "I raised mine eyes, Believing that I Lucifer should see Where he was lately left, but saw him now With legs held upward." .... "How standeth he in posture thus reversed?" "Thou wast on the other side so long as I Descended; when I turned, thou didst o'erpass That point to which from every part is dragged All heavy substance." CARY. This is more philosophical than Milton's repre- sentation, in a more scientific age, of Uriel sliding to the earth on a sun-beam, and sliding back again, when the sun had sunk below the horizon. " Uriel to his charge Returned on that bright beam whose point now raised, Bore him slope downward to the sun, now fallen Beneath the Azores." Par. Lost, B. iv. The philosophical notions of up and down are too much at variance with the obvious suggestions of our senses, to be held steadily and justly by INDISTINCTNESS OF IDEAS. 279 minds undisciplined in science. Perhaps it was some misunderstood statement of the curved sur- face of the ocean, which gave rise to the tradition of there being a part of the sea directly over the earth, from which at times an object has been known to fall, or an anchor to be let down. Even such whimsical fancies are not without instruction, and may serve to show the reader what that vague- ness and obscurity of ideas is, of which I have been endeavouring to trace the prevalence in the dark ages. We now proceed to another of the features which appears to me to mark, in a very prominent manner, the character of the stationary period. 280 CHAPTER II. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT OF THE MIDDLE AGES. WE have already noticed, that, after the first great achievements of the founders of sound speculation, in the different departments of human knowledge, had attracted the interest and admira- tion which those who became acquainted with them could not but give to them, there appeared a dispo- sition among men to lean on the authority of some of these teachers ; to study the opinions of others as the only mode of forming their own ; to read nature through books; to attend to what had been already thought and said, rather than to what really is and happens. This tendency of men's minds requires our particular consideration. Its manifestations were very important, and highly characteristic of the stationary period ; it gave, in a great degree, a peculiar bias and direction to the intellectual activity of many centuries; and the kind of labour with which speculative men were occupied in consequence of this bias, took the place of that examination of realities which must be their employment, in order that real knowledge may make any decided progress. In some subjects, indeed, as, for instance, in THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 281 the domains of morals, poetry, and the arts whose aim is the production of beauty, this opposition between the study of former opinion and present reality, may not be so distinct ; inasmuch as it may be said by some, that, in these subjects, opinions are realities ; that the thoughts and feelings which prevail in men's minds are the material upon which we must work, the particulars from which we are to generalize, the instruments which we are to use ; and that, therefore, to reject the study of antiquity, or even its authority, would be to show ourselves ignorant of the extent and mutual bearing of the elements with which we have to deal; would be to cut asunder that which we ought to unite into a vital whole. Yet even in the provinces of his- tory and poetry, the poverty and servility of men's minds during the middle ages, are shown by indi- cations so strong as to be truly remarkable ; for instance, in the efforts of the antiquarians of almost every European country to assimilate the early history of their own state to the poet's account of the foundation of Rome, by bringing from the sack of Troy, Brutus to England, Bavo to Flanders, and so on. But however this may be, our business at present is, to trace the varying spirit of the physical philosophy of different ages; trusting that, hereafter, this prefatory study will enable us to throw some light upon the other parts of philo- sophy. And in physics the case undoubtedly was, that the labour of observation, which is one of 282 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. the two great elements of the progress of know- ledge, was in a great measure superseded by the collection, the analysis, the explanation, of previous authors and opinions ; experimenters were replaced by commentators ; criticism took the place of in- duction; and instead of great discoverers we had learned men. 1. Natural Bias to Authority. It is very evi- dent that, in such a bias of men's studies, there is something very natural ; however strained and tech- nical this erudition may have been, the propensities on which it depends are very general, and are easily seen. Deference to the authority of thoughtful and sagacious men, a disposition which men in general neither reject nor think they ought to reject in practical matters, naturally clings to them, even in speculation. It is a satisfaction to us to suppose that there are, or have been, minds of transcendent powers, of wide and wise views, superior to the common errors and blindnesses of our nature. The pleasure of admiration, and the repose of confi- dence, are inducements to such a belief. There are also other reasons why we willingly believe that there are in philosophy great teachers, so profound and sagacious, that, in order to arrive at truth, we have only to learn their thoughts, to under- stand their writings. There is a peculiar interest which men feel in dealing with the thoughts of their fellow-men, rather than with brute matter. Matter feels and excites no sympathies ; in seeking THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 283 for mere laws of nature, there is nothing of mental intercourse with the great spirits of the past, as there is in studying Aristotle or Plato. More- over, a large portion of this employment is of a kind the most agreeable to most speculative minds; it consists in tracing the consequences of assumed principles : it is deductive like geometry ; and the principles of the teachers being known, and being undisputed, the deduction and applica- tion of their results is an obvious, self-satisfying, and inexhaustible exercise of ingenuity. These causes, and probably others, make cri- ticism and commentation flourish, when invention begins to fail, oppressed and bewildered by the acquisitions it has already made ; and when the vigour and hope of men's minds are enfeebled by civil and political changes. Accordingly 1 , the Alex- andrian school was eminently characterized by a spirit of erudition, of literary criticism, of inter- pretation, of imitation. These practices, which reigned first in their full vigour in the Museum, are likely to be, at all times, the leading propen- sities of similar academical institutions. How natural it is to select a great writer as a paramount authority, and to ascribe to him ex- traordinary profundity and sagacity, we may see, in the manner in which the Greeks looked upon Homer ; and the fancy which detected in his poems traces of the origin of all arts and sciences, has, 1 Degerando, Hist, des Syst. de Philos. iii. p. 134. 284 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. as we know, found favour even in modern times. To pass over earlier instances of this feeling, we may observe, that Strabo begins his Geography by saying that he agrees with Hipparchus, who had declared Homer to be the first author of our geo- graphical knowledge : and he does not confine the application of this assertion to the various and curious topographical information which the Iliad and Odyssey contain, concerning the countries sur- rounding the Mediterranean ; but in phrases which, to most persons, might appear the mere play of a poetical fancy, or a casual selection of circum- stances, he finds unquestionable evidence of a correct knowledge of general geographical truths. Thus', when Homer speaks of the sun " rising from the soft and deep-flowing ocean," of his " splendid blaze plunging in the ocean ;" of the northern con- stellation "Alone unwashen by the ocean wave;" and of Jupiter " who goes to the ocean to feast with the blameless Ethiopians ;" Strabo is satisfied from these passages that Homer knew the dry land to be surrounded with water: and he reasons in like manner with respect to other points of geo- graphy. 2. Character of Commentators. The spirit of commentation, as has already been suggested, turns to questions of taste, of metaphysics, of morals, 3 Strabo, i. p. 5. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 285 with far more avidity than to physics. Accord- ingly, critics and grammarians were peculiarly the growth of this school ; and, though the commen- tators sometimes chose works of mathematical or physical science for their subject (as Proclus, who commented on Euclid's Geometry, and Simplicius, on Aristotle's Physics,) these commentaries were, in fact, rather metaphysical than mathematical. It does not appear that the commentators have, in any instance, illustrated the author by bringing his assertions of facts to the test of experiment. Thus, when Simplicius comments on the passage concern- ing a vacuum, which we formerly adduced, he notices the argument which went upon the asser- tion, that a vessel full of ashes would contain as much water as an empty vessel ; and he mentions various opinions of different authors, but no trial of the fact. Eudemus had said, that the ashes contained something hot, as quicklime does, and that by means of this, a part of the water was evaporated ; others supposed the water to be con- densed, and so on 3 . The commentator's professed object is to explain, to enforce, to illustrate doctrines assumed as true. He endeavours to adapt the work on which he employs himself to the state of information and of opinion in his own time; to elucidate obscurities and technicalities; to supply steps omitted in the reason- ing ; but he does not seek to obtain additional truths 3 Simplicius, p. 170. 286 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. or new generalizations. He undertakes only to give what is virtually contained in his author ; to deve- lope, but not to create. He is a cultivator of the thoughts of others: his labour is not spent on a field of his own; he ploughs but to enrich the granary of another man. Thus he does not work as a freeman, but as one in a servile condition ; or rather, his is a menial, and not a productive service : his office is to adorn the appearance of his master, not to increase his wealth. Yet though the commentator's employment is thus subordinate and dependent, he is easily led to attribute to it the greatest importance and dig- nity. To elucidate good books is, indeed, a useful task ; and when those who undertake this work execute it well, it would be most unreasonable to find fault with them for not doing more. But the critic, long and earnestly employed on one author, may easily underrate the relative value of other kinds of mental exertion. He may ascribe too large dimensions to that which occupies the whole of his own field of vision. Thus he may come to consider such study as the highest aim, and best evidence of human genius. To understand Aris- totle, or Plato, may appear to him to comprise all that is possible of profundity and acuteness. And when he has travelled over a portion of their domain, and satisfied himself that of this he too is master, he may look with complacency at the circuit he has made, and speak of it as a labour THE COMMENTATOR1AL SPIRIT. 287 of vast effort and difficulty. We may quote, as an expression of this temper, the language of Sir Henry Savile, in concluding a course of lectures on Euclid, delivered at Oxford 4 . "By the grace of God, gentlemen hearers, I have performed my promise ; I have redeemed my pledge. I have ex- plained, according to my ability, the definitions, postulates, axioms, and first eight propositions of the Elements of Euclid. Here, sinking under the weight of years, I lay down my art and my instru- ments." We here speak of the peculiar province of the commentator ; for undoubtedly, in many instances, a commentary on a received author has been made the vehicle of conveying systems and doctrines en- tirely different from those of the author himself; as, for instance, when the New Platonists wrote, taking Plato for their text. The labours of learned men in the stationary period, which came under this description, belong to another class. 3. Greek Commentators on Aristotle. The com- mentators or disciples of the great philosophers did not assume at once their servile character. At first their object was to supply and correct, as well as to explain their teacher. Thus among the earlier com- mentators of Aristotle, Theophrastus invented five moods of syllogism in the first figure, in addition to 4 Exolvi per Dei gratiam, Domini auditores, promissum ; liberavi fidem meam; explicavi pro meo modulo, definitiones, petitiones, communes sententias, et octo priores propositiones Elementorum Euclidis. Hie, annis fessus, cyclos artemque repono. 288 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. the four invented by Aristotle, and stated with additional accuracy the rules of hypothetical syllo- gisms. He also, not only collected much informa- tion concerning animals, and natural events, which Aristotle had omitted, but often differed with his master; as, for instance, concerning the saltness of the sea : this, which the Stagirite attributed to the effect of the evaporation produced by the sun's rays, was ascribed by Theophrastus to beds of salt at the bottom. Porphyry 5 , who flourished in the third century, wrote a book on the Predicables, which was found to be so suitable a complement to the Predicaments or Categories of Aristotle, that it was usually prefixed to that treatise ; and the two have been used as an elementary work together, up to modern times. The Predicables are the five steps which the gradations of generality and particularity introduce; genus, species, difference, individual, accident ; the Categories are the ten heads under which assertions or predications may be arranged ; substance, quantity, relation, quality, place, time, position, habit, action, passion. At a later period, the Aristotelian commentators became more servile, and followed the author step by step, explaining, according to their views, his expressions and doctrines ; often, indeed, with ex- treme prolixity, expanding his clauses into sentences, and his sentences into paragraphs. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, who lived at the end of the second 6 Buhle, Arist. i. 284. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 289 century, is of this class ; " sometimes useful," as one of the recent editors of Aristotle says 6 ; " but by the prolixity of his interpretation, by his perverse itch for himself discussing the argument expounded by Aristotle, for defending his opinions, and for refuting or reconciling those of others, he rather obscures than enlightens." At various times, also, some of the commentators, and especially those of the Alex- andrian school, endeavoured to reconcile, or com- bined without reconciling, opposing doctrines of the great philosophers of the earlier times. Simplicius, for instance, and, indeed, a great number of the Alexandrian philosophers 7 , as Alexander, Ammo- nius, and others, employed themselves in the futile task of reconciling the doctrines of the Pythagoreans, of the Eleatics, of Plato, and of the Stoics, with those of Aristotle. Boethius 8 entertained the design of translating into Latin the whole of Aristotle's and Plato's works, and of showing their agreement ; a gigantic plan, which he never executed. Others employed themselves in disentangling the confusion which such attempts produced, as John the Gram- marian, surnamed Philoponus, "the Labour-loving ;" who, towards the end of the seventh century, main- tained that Aristotle was entirely misunderstood by Porphyry and Proclus 9 , who had pretended to in- corporate his doctrines into those of the New Pla- tonic school, or even to reconcile him with Plato 9 Buhle, i. 288. 7 Buhle, i. 311. * Degerando, Hist, des Syst. iv. 100. 9 Ib. iv. 155. VOL. I. U 290 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. himself on the subject of ideas. Others, again, wrote Epitomes, Compounds, Abstracts ; and endea- voured to throw the works of the philosopher into some simpler and more obviously regular form, as John of Damascus, in the middle of the eighth century, who made abstracts of some of Aristotle's works, and introduced the study of the author into theological education. These two writers lived under the patronage of the Arabs ; the former was favoured by Amrou, the conqueror of Egypt ; the latter was at first secretary to the Caliph, but after- wards withdrew to a monastery 10 . At this period the Arabians became the fosterers and patrons of philosophy, rather than the Greeks. Justinian had, by an edict, closed the school of Athens, the last of the schools of heathen philo- sophy. Leo, the Isaurian, who was a zealous Ico- noclast, abolished also the schools where general knowledge had been taught, in combination with Christianity 11 ; yet the line of the Aristotelian com- mentators was continued, though feebly, to the later ages of the Greek empire. Anna Comnena 12 men- tions a Eustratus who employed himself upon the dialectic and moral treatises, and whom she does not hesitate to elevate above the Stoics and Pla- tonists, for his talent in philosophical discussions. Nicephorus Blemmydes wrote logical and physical epitomes for the use of John Ducas ; George Pachy- meus composed an epitome of the philosophy of 10 Deg. iv. 150. ll Ib. iv. 163, 12 Ib. 167. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 291 Aristotle, and a compend of his logic : Theodore Metochytes, who was famous in his time alike for his eloquence and his learning, has left a paraphrase of the books of Aristotle on Physics, on the Soul, the Heavens 13 , &c. Fabricius states that this writer has a chapter, the object of which is to prove, that all philosophers, and Aristotle and Plato in par- ticular, have disdained the authority of their prede- cessors. He could hardly help remarking in how different a spirit philosophy had been pursued since their time. 3. Greek Commentators of Plato and others. I have spoken principally of the commentators of Aristotle, for he was the great subject of the com- mentators proper; and though the name of his rival, Plato, was graced by a list of attendants hardly less numerous, these, the Neoplatonists, as they are called, had introduced new elements into the doc- trines of their nominal master, to such an extent that they must be placed in a different class. We may observe here however, how, in this school as in the Peripatetic, the race of commentators multiplied itself. Porphyry, who commented on Aristotle, was commented on by Ammonius; Plotiiius's Enneads were commented on by Proclus and Dexippus. Psellus 14 the elder was a paraphrast of Aristotle; Psellus the younger, in the eleventh century, at- tempted to restore the New Platonic school. The former of these two writers had for his pupils two 13 Deg. iv. 168. M Ib. iv. 169. U2 292 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. men, the emperor Leo, surnamed the Philosopher, and Photius the patriarch, who exerted themselves to restore the study of literature at Constantinople. We still possess the Collection of Extracts of Pho- tius, which, like that of Stobseus and others, shows the tendency of the age to compilations, abstracts, and epitomes, the extinction of philosophical vi- tality. 4. Arabian Commentators of Aristotle. The reader might perhaps have expected, that when the philosophy of the Greeks was carried among a new race of intellects, of a different national character and ' condition, the chain of this servile tradition would have been broken ; that some new thoughts would have started forth ; that some new direction, some new impulse, would have been given to the search for truth. It might have been anticipated that we should have had schools among the Arabians which should rival the Peripatetic, Academic and Stoic among the Greeks; that they would pre- occupy the ground on which Copernicus and Galileo, Lavoisier and Linnaeus, won their fame ; that they would make the next great steps in the progressive sciences. Nothing of this, however, happened. The Arabians cannot claim, in science or philosophy, any really great names ; they produced no men and no discoveries which have materially influenced the course and destinies of human knowledge; they tamely adopted the intellectual servitude of the nation which they conquered by their arms; they THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 293 joined themselves at once to the string of slaves who were dragging the car of Aristotle and Plotinus. Nor, perhaps, on a little further reflection, shall we be suprized at this want of vigour and productive power, in this period of apparent national youth. The Arabians had not been duly prepared rightly to enjoy and use the treasures of which they became possessed. They had, like most uncivilized nations, been passionately fond of their indigenous poetry ; their imagination had been awakened, but their rational powers and speculative tendencies were still torpid. They received the Greek philo- sophy without having passed through those grada- tions of ardent curiosity and keen research, of ob- scurity brightening into clearness, of doubt succeeded by the joy of discovery, by which the Greek mind had been enlarged and exercised. Nor had the Arabians ever enjoyed, as the Greeks had, the indi- vidual consciousness, the independent volition, the intellectual freedom, arising from the freedom of political institutions. They had not felt the con- tagious mental activity of a small city ; the elation arising from the general sympathy in speculative pursuits diffused through an intelligent and acute audience; in short, they had not had a national education such as fitted the Greeks to be disciples of Plato and Hipparchus. Hence, their new literary wealth rather encumbered and enslaved, than en- riched and strengthened them : in their want of taste for intellectual freedom, they were glad to 294 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. give themselves up to the guidance of Aristotle and other dogmatists. Their military habits had accus- tomed them to look to a leader ; their reverence for the book of their law had prepared them to accept a philosophical Koran also. Thus the Arabians, though they never translated the Greek poetry, translated, and merely translated, the Greek philo- sophy ; they followed the Greek philosophers with- out deviation, or, at least, without any philosophical deviations. They became for the most part Aristo- telians ; studied not only Aristotle, but the com- mentators of Aristotle ; and themselves swelled the vast and unprofitable herd. The philosophical works of Aristotle had, in some measure, made their way in the east, before the growth of the Saracen power. In the sixth century, a Syrian, Uranus 15 , encouraged by the love of philosophy manifested by Cosroes, had translated some of the writings of the Stagirite; about the same time, Sergius had given some translations in Syriac. In the seventh century, Jacob of Edessa translated into this language the Dialectics, and added Notes to the work. Such labours became numerous ; and the first Arabic translations of Aris- totle were formed upon these Persian or Syriac texts. In this succession of transfusions, some mis- takes must inevitably have been introduced. The Arabian interpreters of Aristotle, like a large portion of the Alexandrian ones, gave to the 16 Deg. iv. 196. THE COMMENTATORIAL SPIRIT. 295 philosopher a tinge of opinions borrowed from another source, of which I shall have to speak under the head of Mysticism. But they are, for the most part, sufficiently strong examples of the peculiar spirit of commentation, to make it fitting to notice them here. At the head of them stands 16 Alkindi, who appears to have lived at the court of Almamon, and who wrote commentaries on the Organon of Aristotle. But Alfarabi was the glory of the school of Bagdad ; his knowledge included mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy. Born in an elevated rank, and possessed of a rich patrimony, he led an austere life, and devoted him- self altogether to study and meditation. He em- ployed himself particularly in unfolding the import of Aristotle's treatise On the Soul 17 . Avicenna (Ebn Sina) was at once the Hippocrates and the Aristotle of the Arabians ; and certainly the most extraordi- nary man that the nation produced. In the course of an unfortunate and stormy life, occupied by politics and by pleasures, he produced works which were long revered as a sort of code of science. In particular, his writings on medicine, though they contain little besides a compilation of Hippocrates and Galen, took the place of both, even in the universities of Europe ; and were studied as models at Paris and Montpellier, till the end of the seven- teenth century, at which period they fell into an almost complete oblivion. Avicenna is conceived, 18 Deg. iv.187. 17 Ib. iv. 205. 296 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. by some modern writers 18 , to have shown some power of original thinking in his representations of the Aristotelian Logic and Metaphysics. Aver- roes (Ebn Roshd) of Cordova, was the most illus- trious of the Spanish Aristotelians, and became the guide of the schoolmen 19 , being placed by them on a level with Aristotle himself, or above him. He translated Aristotle from the first Syriac ver- sion, not being able to read the Greek text. He aspired to, and retained for centuries, the title of the Commentator; and he deserves this title by the servility with which he maintains that Aris- totle 20 carried the sciences to the highest possible degree, measured their whole extent, and fixed their ultimate and permanent boundaries ; although his works are conceived to exhibit a trace of the New Platonism. Some of his writings are directed against an Arabian skeptic, of the name of Al- gazel, whom we have already noticed. When the schoolmen had adopted the supre- macy of Aristotle to the extent in which Averroes maintained it, their philosphy went further than a system of mere commentation, and became a system of dogmatism; we must, therefore, in another chapter, say a few words more of the Aristotelians in this point of view, before we proceed to the revival of science; but we must previously con- sider some other features in the character of the Stationary Period. 18 Deg. iv. 206. 19 Ib. iv. 247- Averroes died A. D. 1206. 20 Deg. iv. 248. 297 CHAPTER III. OF THE MYSTICISM OF THE MIDDLE AGES. IT has been already several times hinted, that a new and peculiar element was introduced into the Greek philosophy which occupied the at- tention of the Alexandrian school ; and that this element tinged a large portion of 'the speculations of succeeding ages. We may speak of this peculiar element as Mysticism ; for, from the notion usually conveyed by this term, the reader will easily ap- prehend the general character of the tendency now spoken of; and especially when he sees its effect pointed out in various subjects. Thus, instead of referring the events of the external world to space and time, to sensible connexion and causa- tion> men attempted to reduce such occurrences under spiritual and supersensual relations and de- pendencies; they referred them to superior intel- ligences, to theological conditions, to past and future events in the moral world, to states of mind and feelings, to the creatures of an imaginary my- thology or demonology. And thus their physical Science became Magic, their Astronomy became Astrology, the study of the Composition of bodies became Alchemy, Mathematics became the contem- 298 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. plation of the Spiritual Relations of number and figure, and Philosophy became Theosophy. The examination of this feature in the history of the human mind is important for us, in conse- quence of its influence upon the employments and the thoughts of the times now under our notice. This tendency materially affected both men's spe- culations and their labours in the pursuit of know- ledge. By its direct operation, it gave rise to the newer Platonic philosophy among the Greeks, and to corresponding doctrines among the Arabians; and by calling into a prominent place astrology, alchemy, and magic, it long occupied most of the real observers of the material world. In this man- ner it delayed and impeded the progress of true science ; for we shall see reason to believe that human knowledge lost more by the perversion of men's minds and the misdirection of their efforts, than it gained by any increase of zeal arising from the peculiar hopes and objects of the mystics. It is not to our purpose to attempt any general view of the progress and fortunes of the various forms of Mystical Philosophy ; but only to exhibit some of its characters, in so far as they illustrate those tendencies of thought which accompanied the retrogradation of inductive science. And of these, the leading feature which demands our notice is that already alluded to ; namely, the practice of referring things and events, not to clear and dis- tinct relations, obviously applicable to such cases ; THEIR MYSTICISM. 299 not to general rules capable of direct verifica- tion ; but to notions vague, distant, and vast, which we cannot bring into contact with facts, because they belong to a different region from the facts ; as when we connect natural events with moral or historical causes, or seek spiritual meanings in the properties of number and figure. Thus the character of Mysticism is, that it refers particulars, not to generalizations homogeneous and immediate, but to such as are heterogeneous and remote; to which we must add, that the process of this re- ference is not a calm act of the intellect, but is accompanied with a glow of enthusiastic feeling. 1. Neoplatonic Theosophy. The Newer Pla- tonism is the first example of this Mystical Philo- sophy which I shall consider. The main points which here require our notice are, the doctrine of an Intellectual World resulting from the act of the Divine Mind, as the only reality; and the aspira- tion after the union of the human soul with this Divine Mind, as the object of human existence. The " Ideas" of Plato were forms of our knowledge ; but among the Neoplatonists they became really existing, indeed the only really existing, objects ; and the inaccessible scheme of the universe which these ideas constitute, was offered as the great sub- ject of philosophical contemplation. The desire of the human mind to approach towards its Creator and Preserver, and to obtain a spiritual access to Him, leads to an employment of the thoughts which 300 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. is well worth the notice of the religious philoso- pher; but such an effort, even when founded on revelation and well regulated, is not a means of advance in physics : and when it is the mere result of natural enthusiasm, it may easily obtain such a place in men's minds as to unfit them for the successful prosecution of natural philosophy. The temper, therefore, which introduces such super- natural communion into the general course of its speculations, may be properly treated as mystical, and as one of the causes of the decline of science in the Stationary Period. The Neoplatonic philo- sophy requires our notice as one of the most re- markable forms of this Mysticism. Though Ammonius Saccas, who flourished at the end of the second century, is looked upon as the beginner of the Neoplatonists, his disciple Plo- tinus is, in reality, the great founder of the school, both by his works, which still remain to us, and by the enthusiasm which his character and manners inspired among his followers. He lived a life of meditation, gentleness, and self-denial, and died in the second year of the reign of Claudius (A.D. 270). His disciple, Porphyry, has given us a Life of him, from which we may see how well his habitual manners were suited to make his doctrines im- pressive. " Plotinus, the philosopher of our time," Porphyry thus begins his biography, "appeared like a person ashamed that he was in the body. In consequence of this disposition, he could not THEIR MYSTICISM. 301 bear to talk concerning his family, or his parents, or his country. He would not allow himself to be represented by a painter or statuary; and once, when Aurelius entreated him to permit a likeness of him to be taken, he said, ' Is it not enough for us to carry this image in which nature has en- closed us, but we must also try to leave a more durable image of this image, as if it were so great a sight ?' And he retained the same temper to the last. When he was dying, he said, ' I am trying to bring the divinity which is in us to the divinity which is in the universe.'" He was looked upon by his successors with extraordinary admiration and reverence ; and his disciple Porphyry collected from his lips, or from fragmental notes, the six Enneads of his doctrines (that is, parts each con- sisting of nine Books,) which he arranged and annotated. We have no difficulty in finding in this remark- able work examples of mystical speculation. The Intelligible World of realities or essences corre- sponds to the world of sense 1 in the classes of things which it includes. To the Intelligible World, man's mind ascends, by a triple road which Plo- tinus figuratively calls that of the Musician, the Lover, the Philosopher 2 . The activity of the human soul is identified by analogy with the motion of the heavens. "This activity is about a middle point, and thus it is circular; but a middle point 1 vi. Ennead, iii. 1. Mi. E. ii. 2. 302 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. is not the same in body and in the soul ; in that, the middle point is local, in this, it is that on which the rest depends. There is, however, an analogy ; for as in one case, so in the other, there must be a middle point, and as the sphere revolves about its center, the soul revolves about God through its affections." The conclusion of the work is 3 , as might be supposed, upon the approach to, union with, and fruition of God. The author refers again to the analogy between the movements of the soul and those of the heavens. " We move round him like a choral dance ; even when we look from him we revolve about him ; we do not always look at him, but when we do, we have satisfaction and rest, and the harmony which belongs to that divine move- ment. In this movement, the mind beholds the fountain of life, the fountain of mind, the origin of being, the cause of good, the root of the soul 4 ." " There will be a time when this vision shall be continual; the mind being no more interrupted, nor suffering any perturbation from the body. Yet that which beholds is not that which is disturbed ; and when this vision becomes dim, it does not obscure the knowledge which resides in demon- stration, and faith, and reasoning; but the vision itself is not reason, but greater than reason, and before reason 5 .'* The fifth book of the third Ennead, has for its 3 vi. Eim. ix. 8. 4 Ib. 9. Ib. 10. THEIR MYSTICISM. 303 subject the Daemon which belongs to each man. It is entitled "Concerning Love;" and the doc- trine appears to be, that the Love, or common source of the passions which is in each man's mind, is "the Daemon which they say accompanies each man 6 ." These daemons were, however, (at least by later writers,) invested with a visible aspect and with a personal character, including a resemblance of human passions and motives. It is curious thus to see an untenable and visionary generalization falling back into the domain of the senses and the fancy, after a vain attempt to support itself in the region of the reason. This imagination soon pro- duced pretensions to the power of making these daemons or genii visible; and the Treatise on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, which is attributed to lamblichus, gives an account of the secret cere- monies, the mysterious words, the sacrifices and expiations, by which this was to be done. It is unnecessary for us to dwell on the progress of this school ; to point out the growth of the The- urgy which thus arose ; or to describe the attempts to claim a high antiquity for this system, and to make Orpheus, the poet, the first promulgator of its doctrines. The system, like all mystical systems, assumed the character rather of a religion than of a theory. The opinions of its disciples materially influenced their lives. It gave the world the spec- tacle of an austere morality, a devotional exaltation, 6 Ficinus, Comm. in v. Enn. iii. 304 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. combined with the grossest superstitions of Pagan- ism. The successors of lamblichus appeared rather to hold a priesthood, than the chair of a philoso- phical school 7 . They were persecuted by Constan- tine and Constantius, as opponents of Christianity. Sopater, a Syrian philosopher of this school, was beheaded by the former emperor, on a charge that he had bound the winds by the power of magic 8 . But Julian, who shortly after succeeded to the purple, embraced with ardour the opinions of lam- blichus. Proclus (who died A.D. 487,) was one of the greatest of the teachers of this school 9 ; and was, both in his life and doctrines, a worthy suc- cessor of Plotinus, Porphyry, and lamblichus. We possess a biography, or rather a panegyric of him, by his disciple Marinus, in which he is exhibited as a representation of the ideal perfection of the philosophic character, according to the views of the Neoplatonists. His virtues are arranged as physical, moral, purificatory, theoretic, and theurgic. Even in his boyhood, Apollo and Minerva visited him in his dreams: he studied oratory at Alex- andria, but it was at Athens that Plutarch and Lysianus initiated him in the mysteries of the New Platonists. He received a kind of consecration at the hands of the daughter of Plutarch, the cele- brated Asclepigenia, who introduced him to the traditions of the Chaldeans, and the practices of theurgy; he was also admitted to the mysteries 7 Deg. iii. 407- * Gibbon, iii. 352. 9 Deg. iii 419. THEIR MYSTICISM. 305 of Eleusis. He became celebrated for his knowledge and eloquence; but especially for his skill in the supernatural arts which were connected with the doctrines of his sect. He appears before us rather as a hierophant than a philosopher. A large por- tion of his life was spent in evocations, purifications, fastings, prayers, hymns, intercourse with appari- tions, and with the gods, and in the celebration of the festivals of Paganism, especially those which were held in honour of the Mother of the Gods. His religious admiration extended to all forms of mythology. The philosopher, said he, is not the priest of a single religion, but of all the religions in the world. Accordingly, he composed hymns in honour of all the divinities of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Arabia ; Christianity alone was excluded from his favour (M). 2. Mystical Arithmetic. It is unnecessary further to exemplify, from Proclus, the general mystical character of the school and time to which he belonged; but we may notice more specially one of the forms of this mysticism, which very frequently offers itself to our notice, especially in him ; and which we may call Mystical Arithmetic. Like all the kinds of Mysticism, this consists in the attempt to connect our conceptions of external objects by general and inappropriate notions of goodness, perfection, and relation to the divine essence and government ; instead of referring such conceptions to those appropriate ideas, which, by VOL. i. X 306 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. due attention, become perfectly distinct, and capa- ble of being positively applied and verified. The subject which is thus dealt with, in the doctrines of which we now speak, is Number; a notion which tempts men into these visionary specula- tions more naturally than any other. For num- ber is really applicable to moral notions, to emotions and feelings, and to their objects, as well as to the things of the material world. More- over, by the discovery of the principle of musical concords, it had been found, probably most unex- pectedly, that numerical relations were closely connected with sounds which could hardly be dis- tinguished from the expression of thought and feeling; and a suspicion might easily arise, that the universe, both of matter and of thought, might contain many general and abstract truths of some analogous kind. The relations of number have so wide a bearing, that the ramifications of such a sus- picion could not easily be exhausted, supposing men willing to follow them into darkness and vague- ness; which it is precisely the mystical tendency to do. Accordingly, this kind of speculation ap- peared very early, and showed itself first among the Pythagoreans, as we might have expected, from the attention which they gave to the theory of har- mony : and this, as well as some other of the doc- trines of the Pythagorean philosophy, was adopted by the later Platonists, and, indeed, by Plato him- self, whose speculations concerning number have THEIR MYSTICISM. 307 decidedly a mystical character. The mere mathe- matical relations of numbers, as odd and even, perfect and imperfect, abundant and defective, were, by a willing submission to an enthusiastic bias, connected with the notions of good and beauty, which were suggested by the terms expressing their relations ; and principles resulting from such a connexion were woven into a wide and complex system. It is not necessary to dwell long on this subject ; the mere titles of the works which treated of it show its nature. Archytas 10 is said to have written a treatise on the number ten : Telauge, the daughter of Pythagoras, wrote on the number four. This number, indeed, which was known by the name of the Tetractys, was very celebrated in the school of Pythagoras. It is mentioned in the "Golden Verses," which are ascribed to him: the pupil is conjured to be virtuous, Ncu fj.d TOV dpcTepa ^"X? Trapa<)ovTa TCTpaKTuv Ylaydv devvctov (pv(jew<$ By him who stampt The Four upon the mind, The .Fowr, the fount of nature's endless stream. In Plato's works, we have evidence of a similar belief in religious relations of Number ; and in the New Platonists, this doctrine was established as a system. Proclus, of whom we have been speaking, founds his philosophy, in a great mea- sure, on the relation of Unity and Multiple ; from this, he is led to represent the causality of the 10 Mont. ii. 123. X2 308 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Divine Mind by three Triads of abstractions; and in the developement of one part of this system, the number seven is introduced 11 . "The intelli- gible and intellectual gods produce all things tria- dically ; for the monads in these latter are divided according to number ; and what the monad was in the former, the number is in these latter. And the intellectual gods produce all things hebdomically ; for they evolve the intelligible, and at the same time intellectual triads, into intellectual hebdo- mads, and expand their contracted powers into intellectual variety." Seven is what is called by arithmeticians a prime number, that is, it cannot be produced by the multiplication of other num- bers. In the language of the New Platonists, the number seven is said to be a virgin, and without a mother, and it is therefore sacred to Minerva. The number six is a perfect number, and is con- secrated to Venus. The relations of space were dealt with in like manner, the geometrical properties being associated with such physical and metaphysical notions as vague thought and lively feeling could anyhow connect with them. We may consider, as an ex- ample of this 1G , Plato's opinion concerning the par- ticles of the four elements. He gave to each kind of particle one of the five regular solids, about which the geometrical speculations of himself and his pupils had been employed. The particles of n Procl. v. 3, Taylor's Translation. 12 Stanley, Hist. Phil. THEIR MYSTICISM. 309 fire were pyramids, because they are sharp, and tend upwards; those of earth are cubes, because they are stable, and fill space ; the particles of air are octahedral, as most nearly resembling those of fire ; those of water are icositetrahedron, as most nearly spherical. The dodecahedron is the figure of the element of the heavens, and shows its in- fluence in other things, as in the twelve signs of the zodiac. In such examples we see how loosely space and number are combined or confounded by these mystical visionaries. These numerical dreams of ancient philosphers have been imitated by modern writers; for instance, by Peter Bungo and Kircher, who have written De Mysteriis Numerorum. Bungo treats of the mystical properties of each of the numbers in order, at great length. And such speculations have influenced astronomical theories. In the first edition of the Alphonsine tables 13 , the precession was represented by making the first point of Aries move, in a period of 7000 years, through a circle of which the radius was 18 degrees, while the circle moved round the ecliptic in 49,000 years; and these numbers, 7000 and 49,000, were chosen pro- bably by Jewish calculators, or with reference to Judaical Sabbatarian notions. 3. Astrology. Of all the forms which mysticism assumed, none was cultivated more assiduously than astrology. Although this art prevailed most 13 Montucla, i. 511. 310 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. universally and powerfully during the stationary period, its existence, even as a detailed technical system, goes back to a very early age. It pro- bably had its origin in the East; it is universally ascribed to the Babylonians and Chaldeans; the name Chaldean was, at Rome, synonymous with mathematicus, or astrologer ; and we read repeat- edly that this class of persons were expelled from Italy by a decree of the senate, both during the times of the republic and of the empire 14 . The recurrence of this act of legislation shows that it was not effectual ; " It is a class of men," says Tacitus, "which, in our city, will always be pro- hibited, and will always exist." In Greece, it does not appear that the state showed any hostility to the professors of this art. They undertook, it would seem, then, as at a later period, to determine the course of a man's character and life from the configuration of the stars at the moment of his birth. We do not possess any of the speculations of the earlier astrologers ; and we cannot therefore be certain that the notions which operated in men's minds when the art had its birth, agreed with the views on which it was afterwards defended, when it became a matter of controversy. But it ap- pears probable, that, though it was at later periods supported by physical analogies, it was originally suggested by mythological belief. The Greeks spoke of the influences or effluxes (airoppotas) which 14 Tacit. Ann. ii. 32. xii. 52. Hist. I. 22, II. 62. THEIR MYSTICISM. 311 proceeded from the stars ; but the Chaldeans had probably thought rather of the powers which they exercised as deities. In whatever manner the sun, moon, and planets came to be identified with gods and goddesses, it is clear that the characters ascribed to these gods and goddesses regulate the virtues and powers of the stars which bear their names. This association, so manifestly visionary, was retained, amplified, and pursued, in an enthu- siastic spirit, instead of being rejected for more distinct and substantial connexions; and a pre- tended science was thus formed, which bears the obvious stamp of mysticism. That common sense of mankind which teaches them that theoretical opinions are to be calmly tried by their consequences and their accordance with facts, appears to have counteracted the pre- valence of astrology in the better times of the human mind. Eudoxus, as we are informed by Cicero 15 , rejected the pretensions of the Chaldeans; and Cicero himself reasons against them with ar- guments as sensible and intelligent as could be adduced by a writer of the present day; such as the different fortunes and characters of persons born at the same time ; and the failure of the pre- dictions, in the case of Pompey, Crassus, Csesar, to whom the astrologers had foretold glorious old age and peaceful death. He also employs an argument which the reader would perhaps not expect from 15 Cic. de Div. ii. 42. 312 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. him, the very great remoteness of the planets as compared with the distance of the moon. " What contagion can reach us," he asks, " from a distance almost infinite ?" Pliny argues on the same side, and with some of the same arguments 16 . "Homer," he says, "tells us that Hector and Polydamas were born the same night ; men of such different fortune. And every hour, in every part of the world, are born lords and slaves, kings and beggars." The impression made by these arguments is marked in an anecdote told concerning Publius Nigidius Figulus, a Roman of the time of Julius Ca?sar, whom Lucan mentions as a celebrated astro- loger. It is said, that when an opponent of the art urged as an objection the different fates of persons born in two successive instants, Nigidius bade him make two contiguous marks on a potter's wheel, which was revolving rapidly near them. On stopping the wheel, the two marks were found to be really far removed from each other; and Ni- gidius is said to have received the name of Figulus (the potter), in remembrance of this story. His argument, says St. Augustine, who gives us the narrative, was as fragile as the ware which the wheel manufactured. As the darkening times of the Roman empire advanced, even the stronger minds seem to have lost the clear energy which was requisite to throw 16 Hist. Nat. vii. 49. THEIR MYSTICISM. 313 off this delusion. Seneca appears to take the influence of the planets for granted; and even Tacitus 17 seems to hesitate. "For my own part," says he, " I doubt ; but certainly the majority of mankind cannot be weaned from the opinion, that, at the birth of each man, his future destiny is fixed ; though some things may fall out differently from the predictions, by the ignorance of those who profess the art ; and that thus the art is un- justly blamed, confirmed as it is by noted examples in all ages." The occasion which gives rise to these reflections of the historian is the mention of Thrasyllus, the favourite astrologer of the Emperor Tiberius, whose skill is exemplified in the follow- ing narrative. Those who were brought to Tiberius on any important matter, were admitted to an interview in an apartment situated on a lofty cliff in the island of Capreae. They reached this place by a narrow path, accompanied by a single freed- man of great bodily strength ; and on their return, if the emperor had conceived any doubts of their trustworthiness, a single blow buried the secret and its victim in the ocean below. After Thra- syllus had, in this retreat, stated the results of his art as they concerned the emperor, Tiberius asked him whether he had calculated how long he him- self had to live. The astrologer examined the aspect of the stars, and while he did this, as the narrative states, showed hesitation, alarm, increas- 17 Ann. vi. 22. 314 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. ing terrour, and at last declared that, " the present hour was for him critical, perhaps fatal." Tiberius embraced him, and told him " he was right in supposing he had been in danger, but that he should escape it ;" and made him thenceforth his confidential counsellor. The belief in the power of astrological predic- tion which thus obtained dominion over the minds of men of literary cultivation and practical energy, naturally had a more complete sway among the speculative but unstable minds of the later philo- sophical schools of Alexandria, Athens, and Rome. We have a treatise on astrology by Proclus, which will serve to exemplify the mystical principle in this form. It appears as a commentary on a work on the same subject called " Tetrabiblos," ascribed to Ptolemy; though we may reasonably doubt whe- ther the author of the " Megale Syntaxis" was also the writer of the astrological work. A few notices of the commentary of Proclus will suffice 18 . The science is defended by urging how powerful we know the physical effects of the heavenly bodies to be. " The sun regulates all things on earth ; the birth of animals, the growth of fruits, the flowing of waters, the change of health, according to the seasons ; he produces heat, moisture, dryness, cold, according to his approach to our zenith. The moon, which is the nearest of all bodies to the earth, gives out much influence ; and all things, animate and 18 I. 2. THEIR MYSTICISM. 315 inanimate, sympathize with her; rivers increase and diminish according to her light; the advance of the sea, and its recess, are regulated by her rising and setting ; and along with her, fruits and animals wax and wane, either wholly or in part." It is easy to see that by pursuing this train of associations (some real and some imaginary) very vaguely and very enthusiastically, the connexions which astro- logy supposes would receive a kind of countenance. Proclus then proceeds to state 19 the doctrines of the science. "The Sun," he says, "is productive of heat and dryness ; this power is moderate in its nature, but is more perceived than that of the other luminaries, from his magnitude, and from the change of seasons. The nature of the Moon is for the most part moist ; for being the nearest to the earth, she receives the vapours which rise from moist bodies, and thus she causes bodies to soften and rot. But by the illumination she receives from the sun, she partakes in a moderate degree of heat. Saturn is cold and dry, being most distant both from the heating power of the sun, and the moist vapours of the earth. His cold, however, is most prevalent, his dryness is more moderate. Both he and the rest receive additional powers from the configurations which they make with respect to the sun and moon." In the same manner it is remarked that Mars is dry and caustic, from his fiery nature, which, indeed, his colour shows. Jupiter is well 19 I. 4, 316 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. compounded of warm and moist, as is Venus. Mer- cury is variable in his character. From these no- tions were derived others concerning the beneficial or hurtful effect of these stars. Heat and moisture are generative and creative elements ; hence the ancients, says Proclus, deemed Jupiter, and Venus, and the Moon, to have a good power; Saturn and Mercury, on the other hand, had an evil nature. Other distinctions of the character of the stars are enumerated, equally visionary, and suggested by the most fanciful connexions. Some are masculine, and some feminine : the Moon and Venus are of the latter kind. This appears to be merely a my- thological or etymological association. Some are diurnal, some nocturnal ; the Moon and Venus are of the latter kind, the Sun and Jupiter of the for- mer ; Saturn and Mars are both. The fixed stars, also, and especially those of the zodiac, had especial influences and subjects assigned to them. In particular, each sign was supposed to preside over a particular part of the body; thus Aries had the head assigned to it, Taurus the neck, and so on. The most important part of the sky in the astrologer's consideration, was that sign of the zo- diac which rose at the moment of the child's birth ; this was, properly speaking, the horoscope, the as- cendant, or the first house ; the whole circuit of the heavens being divided into twelve houses, in which THEIR MYSTICISM. 317 life and death, marriage and children, riches and honours, friends and enemies, were distributed. We need not attempt to trace the progress of this science. It prevailed extensively among the Arabians, as we might expect from the character of that nation. Albumasar, of Balkh in Khorasan, who flourished in the ninth century, who was one of their greatest astronomers, was also a great as- trologer; and his work on the latter subject, "De Magnis Conjunctionibus, Annorum Revolutionibus ac eorum Perfectionibus," was long celebrated in Europe. Aboazen Haly (the writer of a treatise "De Judiciis Astrorum,") who lived in Spain in the thirteenth century, was one of the classical authors on this subject. It will easily be supposed that when this apo- telesmatic or judicial astrology obtained firm pos- session of men's minds, it would be pursued into innumerable subtle distinctions and extravagant conceits; and the more so, as experience could offer little or no check to such exercises of fancy and subtlety. For the correction of rules of astro- logical divination by comparison with known events, though pretended to by many professors of the art, was far too vague and fallible a guidance to be of any real advantage. Even in what has been called Natural Astrology, the dependence of the weather on the heavenly bodies, it is easy to see what a vast accumulation of well-observed facts is requisite to establish any true rule ; and it is well 318 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. known how long, in spite of facts, false and ground- less rules (as the dependence of the weather on the moon) may keep their hold on men's minds. When the facts are such loose and many-sided things as human characters, passions, and happiness, it was hardly to be expected that even the most powerful minds should be able to find a footing sufficiently firm, to enable them to resist the impression of a theory constructed of sweeping and bold assertions, and filled out into a complete system of details. Accordingly, the connexion of the stars with human persons and actions was, for a long period, un- disputed. The vague, obscure, and heterogeneous character of such a connexion, and its unfitness for any really scientific reasoning, could, of course, never be got rid of: and the bewildering feeling of earnestness and solemnity, with which the con- nexion of the heavens with man was contemplated, never died away. In other respects, however, the astrologers fell into a servile commentatorial spirit; and employed themselves in annotating and illus- trating the works of their predecessors to a con- siderable extent, before the revival of true science. It may be mentioned, that astrology has long been, and probably is, an art held in great esteem and admiration among other eastern nations besides the Mohammedans : for instance, the Jews, the Indians, the Siamese, and the Chinese. The pre- valence of vague, visionary, and barren notions among these nations, cannot surprize us; for with THEIR MYSTICISM. 319 regard to them wo have no evidence, as with re- gard to Europeans we have, that they are capable, on subjects of physical speculation, of originating sound and rational general principles. The Arts may have had their birth in all parts of the globe ; but it is only Europe, at particular favoured periods of its history, which has ever produced Sciences. We are, however, now speaking of a long period, during which this productive energy was interrupted and suspended. During this period Europe descended, in intellectual character, to the level at which the other parts of the world have always stood. Her Science was then a mixture of Art and Mysticism ; we have considered several forms of this Mysticism, but there are two others which must not pass unnoticed, Alchemy and Magic. We may observe, before we proceed, that the deep and settled influence which Astrology had ob- tained among men, appears perhaps most strongly in the circumstance, that the most vigorous and clear-sighted minds which were concerned in the revival of science, did not, for a long period, shake off the persuasion, that there was, in this art, some element of truth. Roger Bacon, Cardan, Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Francis Bacon, are examples of this. These, or most of them, rejected all the more ob- vious and extravagant absurdities with which the subject had been loaded; but still conceived that some real and valuable truth remained when all 320 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. these were removed. Thus Campanella 50 , whom we shall have to speak of as one of the first op- ponents of Aristotle, wrote an " Astrology purified from all the Superstitions of the Jews and Ara- bians, and treated physiologically." 4. Alchemy. Like other kinds of Mysticism, Alchemy seems to have grown out of the notions of moral, personal, and mythological qualities, which men associated with terms, of which the primary application was to physical properties. This is the form in which the subject is presented to us in the earliest writings which we possess on the subject of chemistry ; those of Geber 21 of Seville, who is supposed to have lived in the eighth or ninth century. The very titles of Geber's works show the notions on which this pretended science proceeds. They are, "Of the Search of Perfec- tion ;" " Of the Sum of Perfection, or of the Perfect Magistery ;" " Of the Invention of Verity, or Per- fection." The basis of this phraseology is the dis- tinction of metals into more or less perfect ; gold being the most perfect, as being the most valuable, most beautiful, most pure, most durable; silver the next ; and so on. The " Search of Perfection," was, therefore, the attempt to convert other metals into gold ; and doctrines were adopted which re- presented the metals as all compounded of the same elements, so that this was theoretically pos- 20 Bacon, De Aug. Hi. 4. 2J Thomson's Hist, of Chem. i. 117. THEIR MYSTICISM. 321 sible. But the mystical trains of association were pursued much further than this; gold and silver were held to be the most noble of metals; gold was their King, and silver their Queen. Mytho- logical associations were called in aid of these fancies, as had been done in astrology. Gold was Sol, the sun ; silver was Luna, the moon ; copper, iron, tin, lead, were assigned to Venus, Mars, Ju- piter, Saturn. The processes of mixture and heat were spoken of as personal actions and relations, struggles and victories. Some elements were con- querors, some conquered ; there existed prepara- tions which possessed the power of changing the whole of a body into a substance of another kind : these were called magisteries 22 . When gold and quicksilver are combined, the king and the queen are married, to produce children of their own kind. It will easily be conceived, that when che- mical operations were described in phraseology of this sort, the enthusiasm of the fancy would be added to that of the hopes, and observation would not be permitted to correct the delusion, or to suggest sounder and more rational views. The exaggeration of the vague notion of per- fection and power in the object of the alchemist's search, was carried further still. The same prepa- ration which possessed the faculty of turning baser metals into gold, was imagined to be also a uni- versal medicine, to have the gift of curing or pre- 28 Boyle, Thomson's Hist. Ch. i. 25. Carolus Musitanus. VOL. I. Y 322 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. venting diseases, prolonging life, producing bodily strength and beauty : the philosophers' stone was finally invested with every desirable efficacy which the fancy of the " philosophers" could devise. It has been usual to say that Alchemy was the mother of Chemistry; and that men would never have made the experiments on which the real sci- ence is founded, if they had not been animated by the hopes and the energy which the delusive art inspired. To judge whether this is truly said, we must be able to estimate the degree of interest which men feel in purely speculative truth, and in the real and substantial improvement of art to which it leads. Since the fall of Alchemy, and the progress of real Chemistry, these motives have been powerful enough to engage in the study of the science, a body far larger than the Alchemists ever were, and no less zealous. There is no ap- parent reason why the result should not have been the same, if the progress of true science had begun sooner. Astronomy was long cultivated without the bribe of Astrology. But, perhaps, we may justly say this; that, in the stationary period, men's minds were so far enfeebled and degraded, that pure speculative truth had not its full effect upon them; and the mystical pursuits in which some dim and disfigured images of truth were sought with avidity, were among the provisions by which the human soul, even when sunk below its best condition, is perpetually directed to something THEIR MYSTICISM. 323 above the mere objects of sense and appetite; a contrivance of compensation, as it were, in the intellectual and spiritual constitution of man. 5. Magic. Magical Arts, so far as they were believed in by those who professed to practise them, and so far as they have a bearing in science, stand on the same footing as astrology; and, in- deed, a close alliance has generally been main- tained between the two pursuits. Incapacity and indisposition to perceive natural and philosophical causation, an enthusiastic imagination, and such a faith as can devise and maintain supernatural and spiritual connexions, are the elements of this, as of other forms of Mysticism. And thus that temper which led men to aim at the magician's supposed authority over the elements, is an additional ex- emplification of those habits of thought which prevented the progress of real science, and the acquisition of that command over nature which is founded on science, during the interval now before us. But there is another aspect under which the opinions connected with this pursuit may serve to illustrate the mental character of the stationary period. The tendency, during the middle ages, to at- tribute the character of Magician to almost all persons eminent for great speculative or practical knowledge, is a feature of those times, which shows how extensive and complete was the inability to Y2 324 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. apprehend the nature of real science. In cultivated and enlightened periods, such as those of ancient Greece, or modern Europe, knowledge is wished for and admired, even by those who least possess it: but in dark and degraded periods, superior knowledge is a butt for hatred and fear. In the one case, men's eyes are open; their thoughts are clear ; and, however high the philosopher may be raised above the multitude, they can catch glimpses of the intervening path, and see that it is free to all, and that elevation is the reward of energy and labour. In the other case, the crowd are not only ignorant, but spiritless ; they have lost the pleasure in knowledge, the appetite for it, and the feeling of dignity which it gives : there is no sympathy which connects them with the learned man : they see him above them, but know not how he is raised or supported: he becomes an object of aversion and envy, of vague suspicion and terror; and these emotions are embodied and confirmed by association with the fancies and dogmas of superstition. To consider superior knowledge as Magic, and Magic as a detestable and criminal em- ployment, was the form which these feelings of dislike assumed ; and at one period in the history of Europe, almost every one who had gained any eminent literary fame, was spoken of as a magician. Naudseus, a learned Frenchman, in the seventeenth century, wrote " An Apology for all the Wise Men who have been unjustly reported Magicians, from THEIR MYSTICISM. 325 the Creation to the present Age." The list of per- sons whom he thus thinks it necessary to protect, are of various classes and ages. Alkindi, Geber, Artephius, Thebit, Raymund Lully, Arnold de Villa Nova, Peter of Apono, and Paracelsus, had in- curred the black suspicion as physicians or alche- mists. Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon, Michael Scot, Picus of Mirandula, and Trithemius, had not escaped it, though ministers of religion. Even dignitaries, such as Robert Grosteste, bishop of Lin- coln, Albertus Magnus, bishop of Ratisbon, Popes Sylvester the Second, and Gregory the Seventh, had been involved in the wide calumny. In the same way in which the vulgar confounded the eminent learning and knowledge which had ap- peared in recent times, with skill in dark and supernatural arts, they converted into wizards all the best-known names in the rolls of fame ; as Aristotle, Solomon, Joseph, Pythagoras; and, finally, the poet Virgil was a powerful and skilful necro- mancer, and this fancy was exemplified by many strange stories of his achievements and prac- tices. The various results of the tendency of the human mind to mysticism, which we have here noticed, form prominent features in the intellectual charac- ter of the world, for a long course of centuries. The theosophy and theurgy of the Neoplatonists, the mystical arithmetic of the Pythagoreans and 326 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. their successors, the predictions of the astrologers, the pretences of alchemy and magic, represent, not unfairly, the general character and disposition of men's thoughts, with reference to philosophy and science. That there were stronger minds, which threw off in a greater or less degree this train of delusive and unsubstantial ideas, is true ; as, on the other hand, Mysticism, among the vulgar or the foolish, often went to an extent of extravagance and superstition, of which I have not attempted to convey any conception. The lesson which the pre- ceding survey teaches us is, that during the sta- tionary period, Mysticism, in its various forms, was a leading character, both of the common mind, and of the speculations of the most intelligent and pro- found reasoners; and that this Mysticism was the opposite of that habit of thought which we have stated Science to require ; namely, clear Ideas, dis- tinctly employed to connect well-ascertained Facts ; inasmuch as the Ideas in which it dealt were vague and unstable, and the temper in which they were contemplated was an urgent and aspiring enthu- siasm, which could not submit to a calm conference with experience upon even terms. The fervour of thought in some degree supplied the place of reason in producing belief; but opinions so obtained had no enduring value ; they did not exhibit a per- manent record of old truths, nor a firm foundation for new. Experience collected her stores in vain, THEIR MYSTICISM. 327 or ceased to collect them, when she had only to pour them into the flimsy folds of the lap of Mys- ticism ; who was, in truth, so much absorbed in looking for the treasures which were to fall from the skies, that she heeded little how scantily she obtained, or how loosely she held, such riches as might be found near her. 328 CHAPTER IV. OF THE DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. IN speaking of the character of the age of com- mentators, we noticed principally the ingenious servility which it displays; the acuteness with which it finds ground for speculation in the ex- pression of other men's thoughts ; the want of all vigour and fertility in acquiring any real and new truths. Such was the character of the reasoners of the stationary period from the first ; but, at a later day, this character, from various causes, was modi- fied by new features. The servility which had yielded itself to the yoke, insisted upon forcing it on the necks of others ; the subtlety which found all the truth it needed in certain accredited writings, resolved that no one should find there, or in any other region, any other truths; speculative men became tyrants without ceasing to be slaves; to their character of commentators they added that of dogmatists. 1. Origin of the Scholastic Philosophy. The causes of this change have been very happily ana- lyzed and described by several modern writers 1 . 1 Dr. Hampden, in the Life of Thomas Aquinas, in the Encyc. Metrop. Degerando, Hist. Comparee, vol. iv. Also Tennemann, Hist, of Phil. vol. viii. Introduction. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 329 The general nature of the process may be briefly stated to have been the following. The tendencies of the later times of the Roman empire to a commenting literature, and a second- hand philosophy, have already been noticed. The loss of the dignity of political freedom, the want of the cheerfulness of advancing prosperity, and the substitution of the less philosophical structure of the Latin language for the delicate intellectual me- chanism of the Greek ; fixed and augmented the pre- valent feebleness and barrenness of intellect. Men forgot, or feared, to consult nature, to seek for new truths, to do what the great discoverers of other times had done ; they were content to consult li- braries, to study and defend old opinions, to talk of what great geniuses had said. They sought their philosophy in accredited treatises, and dared not question such doctrines as they there found. The character of the philosophy to which they were thus led, was determined by this want of cou- rage and originality. There are various antagonist principles of opinion, which seem alike to have their root in the intellectual constitution of man, and which 'are maintained and developed by opposing sects, when the intellect is in vigorous action. Such principles are, for instance, the claims of Autho- rity and of Reason to our assent; the source of our knowledge in Experience or in Ideas; the superiority of a Mystical or of a Skeptical turn of thought. Such oppositions of doctrine were found 330 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. in writers of the greatest fame ; and two of those, who most occupied the attention of students, Plato and Aristotle, were, on several points of this nature, very diverse from each other in their tendency. The attempt to reconcile these philosophers by Boethius and others, we have already noticed; and the at- tempt was so far successful, that it left on men's minds the belief in the possibility of a great philo- sophical system which should be based on both these writers, and have a claim to the assent of all sober speculators. But, in the mean time, the Christian Religion had become the leading subject of men's thoughts ; and divines had put forward its claims to be, not merely the guide of men's lives, and the means of reconciling them to their heavenly Master; but also to be a Philosophy in the widest sense in which the term had been used ; a consistent speculative view of man's condition and nature, and of the world in which he is placed. These claims had been acknowledged ; and, un- fortunately, from the intellectual condition of the times, with no due apprehension of the necessary ministry of Observation, and Reason dealing with observation, by which alone such a system can be embodied. It was held, without any regulating principle, that the Philosophy which had been bequeathed to the world by the great geniuses of heathen antiquity, and the Philosophy which was deduced from, and implied by, the Revelations made DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 331 by God to man, must be identical ; and therefore, that Theology is the only true Philosophy. Indeed, the Neoplatonists had already arrived, by other roads, at the same conviction. John Scot Erigena, in the reign of Alfred, and consequently before the existence of the Scholastic Philosophy, properly so called, had reasserted this doctrine 2 . Anselm, in the eleventh century, again brought it forward 3 ; and Bernard de Chartres, in the thirteenth 4 . This view was confirmed by the opinion which prevailed, concerning the nature of philosophical truth ; a view supported by the theory of Plato, the practice of Aristotle, and the general propensities of the human mind : I mean the opinion that all science may be obtained by the use of reasoning alone ; that by analyzing and combining the no- tions which common language brings before us, we may learn all that we can know. Thus Logic came to include the whole of Science ; and accordingly this Abelard expressly maintained 5 . I have already explained, in some measure, the fallacy of this be- lief, which consists, as has been well said 6 , " in mis- taking the universality of the theory of language for the generalization of facts." But on all accounts this opinion is readily accepted ; and it led at once to the conclusion, that the Theological Philosophy which we have described, is complete as well as true. 8 Deg. iv. 351. 3 Ib. iv. 388. 4 Ib. iv. 418. 6 Ib. iv. 407. " Enc. Met. 807- 332 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Thus a Universal Science was established, with the authority of a Religious Creed. Its universality rested on erroneous views of the relation of words and truths; its pretensions as a science were ad- mitted by the servile temper of men's intellects ; and its religious authority was assigned it, by making all truth part of religion. And as Religion claimed assent within her own jurisdiction under the most solemn and imperative sanctions, Phi- losophy shared in her imperial power, and dissent from their doctrines was no longer blameless or allowable. Errour became wicked, dissent became heresy; to reject the received human doctrines, was nearly the same as to doubt the Divine declarations. The Scholastic Philosophy claimed the assent of all believers. The external form, the details, and the text of this philosophy, were taken,* in a great measure, from Aristotle ; though, in the spirit, the general notions, and the style of interpretation, Plato and the Platonists had no inconsiderable share. Various causes contributed to the elevation of Aristotle to this distinction. His Logic had early been adopted as an instrument of theological disputation; and his spirit of systematization, of subtle distinction, and of analysis of words, as well as his disposition to argumentation, afforded the most natural and grateful employment to the commentating pro- pensities. Those principles which we before noted as the leading points of his physical philosophy, DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 333 were selected and adopted ; and these, presented in a most technical form, and applied in a systematic manner, constitute a large portion of the philosophy of which we now speak, so far as it pretends to deal with physics. 2. Scholastic Dogmas. But before the com- plete ascendancy of Aristotle was thus established, when something of an intellectual waking took place after the darkness and sleep of the ninth and tenth centuries, the Platonic doctrines seem to have had, at first, a strong attraction for men's minds, as better falling in with the mystical speculations and contemplative piety which belonged to the times. John Scot Erigena 7 may be looked upon as the reviver of the New Platonism in the tenth century. Towards the end of the eleventh, Peter Damien 8 , in Italy, reproduced, involved in a theological discus- sion, some Neoplatonic ideas. Godefroy 9 also, cen- sor of St. Victor, has left a treatise*, entitled Micro- cosmus ; this is founded on a mystical analogy, often afterwards again brought forward, between Man and the Universe. " Philosophers and theolo- gians," says the writer, " agree in considering man as a little world ; and as the world is composed of four elements, man is endowed with four faculties, the senses, the imagination, reason, and understand- ing." Bernard of Chartres 10 , in his Megascosmus and Microcosmus took up the same notions. Hugo, 7 Deg. iv. 35. 8 Ib. iv. 367. 9 Ib. iv. 413. 10 Ib. iv. 419. 334 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. abbot of St. Victor, made a contemplative life the main point and crown of his philosophy; and is said to have been the first of the scholastic writers who made psychology his special study 11 . He says the faculties of the mind are "the senses, the imagination, the reason, the memory, the under- standing, and the intelligence." Physics does not originally and properly form any prominent part of the Scholastic Philosophy, which consists mainly of a series of questions and determinations upon the various points of a certain technical divinity. Of this kind is the Book of Sentences of Peter the Lombard (bishop of Paris), who is, on that account, usually called "Magister Sententiarum ;" a work which was published in the twelfth century, and was long the text and standard of such discussions. The questions are decided by the authority of Scripture and of the Fathers of the Church ; and are divided into four Books, of which the first contains questions concerning God and the doctrine of the Trinity in particular ; the second is concerning the Creation; the third, concerning Christ and the Christian Religion ; and the fourth treats of Religious and Moral Duties. In the second Book, as in many of the writers of this time, the nature of Angels is considered in detail, and the Orders of their Hierarchy, of which there were held to be nine. The physical discussions enter only as bearing upon the scriptural history of the crea- 11 Deg. iv. 4J5. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 335 tion, and cannot be taken as a specimen of the work ; but I may observe, that in speaking of the division of the waters above the firmament, from the waters under the firmament, he gives one opinion, that of Bede, that the former waters are the solid crystalline heavens in which the stars are fixed 12 , "for crystal, which is so hard and transparent, is made of water." But he mentions also the opi- nion of St. Augustine, that the waters above the heavens are there in a state of vapour (vapora- liter) and in minute drops; "if, then, water can, as we see in clouds, be so minutely divided that it may be thus supported as vapour on air, which is naturally lighter than water; why may we not believe that it floats above that lighter celestial element in still minuter drops and still lighter vapours ? But in whatever manner the waters are there, we do not doubt that they are there." The celebrated Summa Theologice of Thomas Aquinas is a work of the same kind ; and anything which has a physical bearing forms an equally small part of it. Thus, of the 512 Questions of the Summa, there is only one (Part I., Quest. 115) "on Corporeal Action," or on any part of the material world; though there are several concerning the celestial Hierarchies, as "on the Act of Angels," "on the Speaking of Angels," "on the Subordi- nation of Angels," " on Guardian Angels," and the like. This, of course, would not be remarkable in a 12 Lib. ii. Distinct, xiv. De opere secundce diei. 336 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. treatise on Theology, except this Theology were intended to constitute the whole of Philosophy. We may observe, that in this work, though Plato, Avecibron, and many other heathen as well as Christian philosophers, are adduced as authority, Aristotle is referred to in a peculiar manner as "the philosopher." This is nbticed by John of Salisbury, as attracting attention in his time; (he died A.D. 1182.) "The various masters of Dia- lectic," says he 13 , "shine, each with his peculiar merit; but all are proud to worship the footsteps of Aristotle ; so much so, indeed, that the name of philosopher, which belongs to them all, has been pre-eminently appropriated to him. He is called the philosopher autonomatice, that is, by excel- lence." The Question concerning Corporeal Action, in Aquinas, is divided into six Articles ; and the con- clusion delivered upon the first, is 14 , that "Body being compounded of power and act, is active as well as passive." Against this it is urged, that quantity is an attribute of body, and that quantity prevents action; that this appears in fact, since a larger body is more difficult to move. The author replies, that "quantity does not prevent corporeal form from action altogether, but prevents it from being a universal agent inasmuch as the form is individualized, which, in matter subject to quantity, it is. Moreover, the illustration deduced from the 13 Metalogicus, lib. ii. cap. 16. M Summce, P. i. Q. 115. Art. 1. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 337 ponderousness of bodies is not to the purpose ; first, because the addition of quantity is not the cause of gravity, as is proved in the fourth book, De Coelo and De Mundo" (we see that he quotes familiarly the physical treatises of Aristotle) ; " second, be- cause it is false that ponderousness makes motion slower ; on the contrary, in proportion as anything is heavier, the more does it move with its proper motion ; thirdly, because action does not take place by local motion, as Democritus asserted ; but by this, that something is drawn from power into act." It does not belong to our purpose to consider either the theological or the metaphysical doctrines which form so large a portion of the treatises of the schoolmen. Perhaps it may hereafter appear, that some light is thrown on some of the questions which have occupied metaphysicians in all ages, by that examination of the history of the Progressive Sciences in which we are now engaged ; but till we are able to analyze the leading controversies of this kind, it would be of little service to speak of them in detail. It may be noticed, however, that many of the most prominent of them refer to the great question, "What is the relation between actual things and general terms?" Perhaps in modern times, the actual things would be more commonly taken as the point to start from ; and men would begin by considering how classes and universals are obtained from individuals. But the schoolmen, founding their speculations on the received modes VOL. i. Z 338 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. of considering such subjects, to which both Aristotle and Plato had contributed, travelled in the opposite direction, and endeavoured to discover how indi- viduals were deduced from genera and species; what was "the Principle of Individuation." This was variously stated by different reasoners. Thus Bonaventura 15 solves the difficulty by the aid of the Aristotelian distinction of Matter and Form. The individual derives from the Form the property of being something, and from the Matter the property of being that particular thing. Duns Scotus 16 , the great adversary of Thomas Aquinas in theology, placed the Principle of Individuation in " a certain positive determining entity," which his school called Hcecceity, or thisness. " Thus an individual man is Peter, because his humanity is combined with Pe- treityT The force of abstract terms is a curious question, and some remarkable experiments in their use had been made by the Latin Aristotelians before this time. In the same way in which we talk of the quantity and quality of a thing, they spoke of its quiddity' 1 . We may consider the reign of mere disputation as fully established at the time of which we are now speaking ; and the only kind of philosophy hence- forth studied was one in which no sound physical science had or could have a place. The wavering abstractions, indistinct generalizations, and loose classifications of common language, which we have 15 Deg. iv. 573. 16 Ib. iv. 523. 17 Ib. iv. 494. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 339 already noted as the fountain of the physics of the Greek schools of philosophy, were also the only source from which the schoolmen of the middle ages drew their views, or rather their arguments : and though these notional and verbal relations were invested with a most complex and pedantic technicality, they did not, on that account, become at all more precise as notions, or most likely to lead to a single real truth. Instead of acquiring dis- tinct ideas, they multiplied abstract terms ; instead of real generalizations, they had recourse to verbal distinctions. The whole course of their employ- ments tended to make them, not only ignorant of physical truth, but incapable of conceiving its nature. Having thus taken upon themselves the task of raising and discussing questions by means of ab- stract terms, verbal distinctions, and logical rules alone, there was no tendency in their activity to come to an end, as there was no progress. The same questions, the same answers, the same diffi- culties, the same solutions, the same verbal subtle- ties, sought for, admired, cavilled at, abandoned, reproduced, and again admired, might recur with- out limit. John of Salisbury 18 observes of the Pa- 18 He studied logic at Paris, at St. Gene vie ve, and then left them. " Duodecennium mihi elapsum est diversis studiis oc- cupatum. Jucundum itaque visum est veteres quos reliqueram, et quos adhuc Dialectica detinebat in monte, (Sanctse Genovefae) revisere socios, conferre cum eis super ambiguitatibus pristinis ; ut nostrum invicem collatione mutua commetiremur profectum. Z 2 Inventi 340 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. risian teachers, that, after several years' absence he found them not a step advanced, and still employed in urging and parrying the same arguments; and this, as Mr. Hallam remarks 19 , " was equally appli- cable to the period of centuries." The same knots were tied and untied ; the same clouds were formed and dissipated. The poet's censure of " the Sons of Aristotle," is as just as happily expressed : They stand Locked up together hand in hand; Every one leads as he is led, The same bare path they tread, And dance like Fairies a fantastic round, But neither change their motion nor their ground. It will, therefore, be unnecessary to go into any detail respecting the history of the school philo- sophy of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. We may suppose it to have been, during the intermediate time, such as it was at first and at last. An occasion to consider its later days will be brought before us by the course of our subject. But, even during the most entire ascendency of the scholastic doctrines, the elements of change were at work. % While the doctors and the philosophers received all the ostensible homage of men, a doc- trine and a philosophy of another kind were gradu- Inventi sunt, qui fuerant, et ubi ; neque enim ad palmam visi sunt processisse ad quasstiones pristinas dirimendas, neque pro- positiunculam unam adjecerant. Quibus urgebant stimulis eisdem et ipsi urgebantur." &c. Metalogicus, lib. ii. cap. 10. 19 Middle Ages, iii. 537. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 341 ally forming: the practical instincts of man, their impatience of tyranny, the progress of the useful arts, the promises of alchemy, were all disposing men to reject the authority and deny the preten- sions of the received philosophical creed. Two an- tagonist forms of opinion were in existence, which for some time went on detached, and almost inde- pendent of each other ; but, finally, these came into conflict, at the time of Galileo ; and the war speedily extended to every part of civilized Europe. 3. Scholastic Physics. It is difficult to give briefly any appropriate examples of the nature of the Aristotelian physics which are to be found in the works of this time. As the gravity of bodies was one of the first subjects of dispute when the struggle of the rival methods began, we may notice the mode in which it was treated 20 . "Zabarella maintains that the proximate cause of the motion of elements is the form, in the Aristotelian sense of the term : but to this sentence we," says Keeker- man, "cannot agree; for in all other things the form is the proximate cause, not of the act, but of the power or faculty from which the act flows. Thus in man, the rational soul is not the cause of the act of laughing, but of the risible faculty or power." Keckerman's system was at one time a work of considerable authority : it was published in 1 614. By comparing and systematizing what he finds in Aristotle, he is led to state his results in the 20 Keckerman, p. 1428. 342 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. form of definitions and theorems. Thus, "gravity is a motive quality, arising from cold, density, and bulk, by which the elements are carried down- wards." " Water is the lower intermediate element, cold and moist." The first theorem concerning water is, " The moistness of water is controlled by its coldness, so that it is less than the moistness of the air; though, according to the sense of the vulgar, water appears to moisten more than air." It is obvious that the two properties of fluids, to have their parts easily moved, and to wet other bodies, are here confounded. I may, as a con- cluding specimen of this kind, mention those pro- positions or maxims concerning fluids, which were so firmly established, that, when Boyle propounded the true mechanical principles of fluid action, he was obliged to state his opinions as " hydrostatical paradoxes." These were, that fluids do not gravi- tate in proprio loco; that is, that water has no gravity in or on water, since it is in its own place ; that air has no gravity on water, since it is above water, which is its proper place; that earth in water tends to descend, since its place is below water; that the water rises in a pump or siphon, because nature abhors a vacuum ; that some bo- dies have a positive levity in others, as oil in water ; and the like. 4. Authority of Aristotle among the School- men. The authority of Aristotle, and the practice of making him the text and basis of the system. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 343 especially as it regarded physics, prevailed during the period of which we speak. This authority was not, however, without its fluctuations. Launoy has traced one part of its history in a book On the ntrious Fortune of Aristotle in the University of Paris. The most material turns of this fortune de- pend on the bearing which the works of Aristotle were supposed to have upon theology. Several of Aristotle's works, and more especially his metaphy- sical writings, had been translated into Latin, and were explained in the schools of the University of Paris, as early as the beginning of the thirteenth century 21 . At a council held at Paris in 1209, they were prohibited, as having given occasion to the heresy of Almeric (or Amauri), and because " they might give occasion to other heresies not yet in- vented." The Logic of Aristotle recovered its credit some years after this, and was publicly taught in the University of Paris, in the year 1215; but the Natural Philosophy and Metaphysics were prohi- bited by a decree of Gregory the Ninth, in 1231. The emperor, Frederic the Second, employed a number of learned men to translate into Latin, from the Greek and Arabic, certain books of Aristotle, and of other ancient sages ; and we have a letter of Peter de Vineis, in which they are recommended to the attention of the University of Bologna : pro- bably the same recommendation was addressed to other Universities. Both Albertus Magnus and " Mosheim, iii. 157- 344 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Thomas Aquinas wrote commentaries on Aristotle's works ; and as this was done soon after the decree of Gregory the Ninth, Launoy is much perplexed to reconcile the fact with the orthodoxy of the two doctors. Campanella, who was one of the first to cast off the authority of Aristotle, says, " We are by no means to think that St. Thomas aristotelized ; he only expounded Aristotle, that he might correct his errours ; and I should conceive he did this with the license of the Pope." This statement, however, by no means gives a just view of the nature of Albertus's and Aquinas's commentaries. Both have followed their author with profound deference 22 . For instance, Aquinas 3 attempts to defend Aris- totle's assertion, that if there were no resistance, a body would move through a space in no time ; and the same defence is given by Scotus. We may imagine the extent of authority and admiration which Aristotle would attain, when thus countenanced, both by the powerful and the learned. In universities, no degree could be taken without a knowledge of the philosopher. In 1452, Cardinal Totaril established this rule in the Uni- versity of Paris 24 . When Ramus, in 1543, pub- lished an attack upon Aristotle, it was repelled by the power of the court, and the severity of the law. Francis the First published an edict, in which he states that he had appointed certain judges, 22 Deg. N. 475. 23 F. Piccolomini, ii. 835. a * Launoy, pp. 108, 128. DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 345 who had been of opinion 25 , "que le dit Ramus avoit te te'meraire arrogant et impudent; et que parcequ'en son livre des animadversions il reprenait Aristotle, estait evidemment connue et manifeste son ignorance." The books are then declared to be suppressed. It was often a complaint of pious men, that theology was corrupted by the influence of Aristotle and his commentators. Petrarch says* 6 , that one of the Italian learned men conversing with him, after expressing much contempt for the apostles and fathers, exclaimed, " Utinam tu Aver- roen pati posses, ut videres quanto ille tuis his nugatoribus major sit!" When the revival of letters began to take place, and a number of men of ardent and elegant minds, susceptible to the impressions of beauty of style and dignity of thought, were brought in contact with Greek literature, Plato had naturally greater charms for them. A powerful school of Platonists (not Neoplatonists) was formed in Italy, including some of the principal scholars and men of genius of the time ; as Picus of Mirandula in the middle, Marsilius Ficinus at the end, of the fifteenth cen- tury. At one time, it appeared as if the ascen- dancy of Aristotle was about to be overturned; but, in physics at least, his authority passed un- shaken through this trial. It was not by disputa- tion that Aristotle could be overthrown; and the Platonists were not persons whose doctrines led 23 Launoy, p. 132. 2 < Hallam, M. A., iii. 536. 346 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. them to use the only decisive method in such cases, the observation and unfettered interpretation of facts. The history of their controversies, therefore, does not belong to our design. For like reasons we do not here speak of other authors, who op- posed the scholastic philosophy on general theore- tical grounds of various kinds. Such examples of insurrection against the dogmatism which we have been reviewing, , are extremely interesting events in the history of the philosophy of science. But, in the present work, we are to confine ourselves to the history of science itself; in the hope that we may thus be able hereafter, to throw a steadier light upon that philosophy by which the succession of stationary and progressive periods which we are here tracing, may be in some measure explained, We are now to close our account of the stationary period, and to enter upon the great subject of the progress of physical science in modern times. 5. Subjects omitted. Civil Law. Medicine. My object has been to make my way, as rapidly as possible, to this period of progress ; and in doing this, I have had to pass over a long and barren tract, where almost all traces of the right road disappear. In exploring this region, it is not with- out some difficulty that he who is travelling with objects such as mine, continues a steady progress in the proper direction ; for many curious and attractive subjects of research come in his way: DOGMATISM OF THE STATIONARY PERIOD. 347 he crosses the track of many a controversy, which in its time divided the world of speculators, and of which the results may be traced, even now, in the conduct of moral, or political, or metaphy- sical discussions ; or in the common associations of thought, and forms of language. The wars of the Nominalists and Realists; the disputes concerning the foundations of morals, and the motives of human actions; the controversies concerning pre- destination, free will, grace, and the many other points of metaphysical divinity; the influence of theology and metaphysics upon each other, and upon other subjects of human curiosity ; the effects of opinion upon politics, and of political condition upon opinion ; the influence of literature and phi- losophy upon, each other, and upon society; and many other subjects ; might be well worth exami- nation, if our hopes of success did not reside in pursuing, steadily and directly, those inquiries in which we can look for a definite and certain reply. We must even neglect two of the leading studies of those times, which occupied much of men's time and thoughts, and had a very great influence on society; the one dealing with Notions, the other with Things ; the one employed about moral rules, the other about material causes, but both for prac- tical ends; I mean, the study of the Civil Law, and of Medicine. The second of these studies will hereafter come before us, as one of the principal occasions which led to the cultivation of chemistry ; 348 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. but, in itself, its progress is of too complex and indefinite a nature to be advantageously compared with that of the more exact sciences. The Roman Law is held, by its admirers, to be a system of deductive science, as exact as the mathematical sciences themselves ; and it may, therefore, be use- ful to consider it, if we should, in the sequel, have to examine how far there can exist an analogy between moral and physical science. But, after a few more words on the middle ages, we must return to our task of tracing the progress of the latter. 349 CHAPTER V. PROGRESS OF THE ARTS IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 1. /4RT an d Science. I shall, before I resume ^LjL the history of science, say a few words on the subject described in the title of this chapter, both because I might otherwise be accused of doing injustice to the period now treated of; and also, because we shall by this means bring under our notice, some circumstances which were important as being the harbingers of the revival of progres- sive knowledge. The accusation of injustice towards the state of science in the middle ages, 'if we were to ter- minate our survey of them with what has hitherto been said, might be urged from obvious topics. How do we recognize, it might be asked, in a pic- ture of mere confusion and mysticism of thought, of servility and dogmatism of character, the powers and acquirements to which we owe so many of the most important inventions which we now enjoy? Parchment and paper, printing and engraving, improved glass and steel, gunpowder, clocks, tele- scopes, the mariner's compass, the reformed calen- dar, the decimal notation, algebra, trigonometry, chemistry, counterpoint, an invention equivalent to a new creation of music ; these are all possessions 350 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. which we inherit from that which has been so dis- paragingly termed the Stationary Period. Above all, let us look at the monuments of architecture of this period ; the admiration and the despair of modern architects, not only for their beauty, but for the skill disclosed in their construction. With all these evidences before us, how can we avoid allowing that the masters of the middle ages not only made some small progress in Astronomy, which has, grudgingly as it would seem, been ad- mitted in a former Book ; but also that they were no small proficients in other sciences, in Optics, in Harmonics, in Physics, and, above all, in Me- chanics ? If, it may be added, we are allowed in the pre- sent day, to refer to the perfection of our Arts as evidence of the advanced state of our physical philosophy; if our steam-engines, our gas-illumi- nation, our buildings, our navigation, our manu- factures, are cited as triumphs of science; shall not prior inventions, made under far heavier dis- advantages, shall not greater works, produced in an earlier state of knowledge, also be admitted as witnesses that the middle ages had their share, and that not a small or doubtful one, of science ? To these questions I answer, by distinguishing between Art, and Science in that sense of general Inductive Systematic Truth, which it bears in this work. To separate and compare, with precision, these two processes, belongs to the Philosophy of PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 351 Induction ; and the attempt must be reserved for another place : but the leading differences are suf- ficiently obvious. Art is practical, Science is spe- culative : the former is seen in doing ; the latter rests in the contemplation of what is known. The Art of the builder appears in his edifice, though he may never have meditated on the abstract pro- positions on which its stability and strength de- pends. The Science of the mathematical mechani- cian consists in his seeing that, under certain con- ditions, bodies must sustain each other's pressure, though he may never have applied his knowledge in a single case. Now the remark which I have to make is this : in all cases the Arts are prior to the related Sciences. Art is the parent, not the progeny, of Science ; the realization of principles in practice forms part of the prelude, as well as of the sequel, of theoretical discovery. And thus the inventions of the middle ages, which have been above enu- merated, though at the present day they may be portions of our sciences, are no evidence that the sciences then existed ; but only that those powers of practical observation and practical skill were at work, which prepare the way for theoretical views and scientific discoveries. It may be urged, that the great works of art do virtually take for granted principles of science ; and that, therefore, it is unreasonable to deny science to great artists. It may be said, that the 352 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. grand structures of Cologne, or Amiens, or Can- terbury, could not have been erected without a profound knowledge of mechanical principles. To this we reply, that such knowledge is mani- festly not of the nature of that which we call science. If the beautiful and skilful structures of the middle ages prove that mechanics then existed as a science, mechanics must have existed as a science also among the builders of the Cyclopean walls of Greece and Italy, or of our own Stone- henge; for the masses which are there piled on each other, could not be raised without consider- able mechanical skill. But we may go much fur- ther. The actions of every man who raises and balances weights, or walks along a pole, take for granted the laws of equilibrium ; and even animals constantly avail themselves of such principles. Are these, then, acquainted with mechanics as a science? Again, if actions which are performed by taking advantage of mechanical properties prove a know- ledge of the science of mechanics, they must also be allowed to prove a knowledge of the science of geometry, when they proceed on geometrical pro- perties. But the most familiar actions of men and animals do this. The Epicureans held, as Proclus informs us, that even asses knew that two sides of a triangle are greater than the third. And they may truly be said to have a practical knowledge of this ; but they have not, therefore, a science of geometry. And in like manner among men, if we PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 353 consider the matter strictly, a practical assumption of a principle does not imply a speculative know- ledge of it. We may, in another way also, show how in- admissible are the works of the master Artists of the middle ages into the series of events which mark the advance of Science. The following maxim is applicable to a history, such as we are here endeavouring to write. We are employed in trac- ing the progress of such general principles as constitute each of the sciences which we are re- viewing ; and no facts or subordinate truths belong to our scheme, except so far as they lead to or are included in these higher principles; nor are they important to us, any further than as they prove such principles. Now with regard to pro- cesses of art like those which we have referred to, as the inventions of the middle ages, let us ask, what principle each of them illustrates? What chemical doctrine rests for its support on the phe- nomena of gunpowder, or glass, or steel? What new harmonical truth was illustrated in the Gre- gorian chant? What mechanical principle unknown to Archimedes was displayed in the printing-press? The practical value and use, the ingenuity and skill of these inventions is not questioned; but what is their place in the history of speculative know- ledge? Even in those cases in which they enter into such a history, how minute a figure do they make ! how great is the contrast between their VOL. i. A A 354 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. practical and theoretical importance ! They may in their operation have changed the face of the world ; but in the history of the principles of the sciences to which they belong, they may be omitted without being missed. As to that part of the objection which was stated by asking, why, if the arts of our age prove its scientific eminence, the arts of the middle ages should not be received as proof of theirs ; we must reply to it, by giving up some of the pretensions which are often put forwards on behalf of the sci- ence of our times. The perfection of the mechani- cal and other arts among us proves the advanced condition of our sciences, only in so far as these arts have been perfected by the application of some great scientific truth, with a clear insight into its nature. The greatest improvement of the steam- engine was due to the steady apprehension of an atmological doctrine by Watt; but what distinct theoretical principle is illustrated by the beautiful manufactures of porcelain, or steel, or glass? A chemical view of these compounds, which would explain the conditions of success and failure in their manufacture, would be of great value in art ; and it would also be a novelty in chemical theory ; so little is the present condition of those processes a triumph of science, shedding intellectual glory on our age. And the same might be said of many, or of most, of the processes of the arts as now practised. PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 355 2. Arabian Science. Having, I trust, estab- lished the view I have stated, respecting the relation of Art and Science, we shall be able very rapidly to dispose of a number of subjects which otherwise might seem to require a detailed notice. Though this distinction has been recognized by others, it has hardly been rigorously adhered to, in conse- quence of the indistinct notion of science which has commonly prevailed. Thus Gibbon, in speaking of the knowledge of the period now under our notice, says 1 , "Much useful experience had been acquired in the practice of arts and manufactures ; but the science of chemistry owes its origin and improvement to the industry of the Saracens. They," he adds, "first invented and named the alembic for the purposes of distillation, analyzed the substances of the three kingdoms of nature, tried the distinction and affinities of alcalis and acids, and converted the poisonous minerals into soft and salutary medicines." The formation and realization of the notions of analysis and of affinity, were important steps in chemical science, which, as I shall hereafter endeavour to show, it remained for the chemists of Europe to make at a much later period. If the Arabians had done this, they might with justice have been called the authors of the science of chemistry ; but no doctrines can be ad- duced from their works which give them any title to this eminent distinction. Their claims are dis- 1 Decline and Fall, vol. x. p. 43. AA2 356 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. sipated at once by the application of the maxim above stated. What analysis of theirs tended to establish any received principle of chemistry? What true doctrine concerning the differences and affinities of acids and alkalis did they teach ? We need not wonder if Gibbon, whose views of the boundaries of scientific chemistry were probably very wide and indistinct, could include the arts of the Arabians within its domain; but they cannot pass the frontier of science if philosophically defined, and steadily guarded. The judgment which we are thus led to form respecting the chemical knowledge of the middle ages, and of the Arabians in particular, may serve to measure the condition of science in other depart- ments; for chemistry has justly been considered one of their strongest points. In botany, anatomy, zoology, optics, acoustics, we have still the same observation to make, that the steps in science which, in the order of progress, next followed what the Greeks had done, were left for the Europeans of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The merits and advances of the Arabian philosophers in astronomy and pure mathematics, we have already described. 3. Experimental Philosophy of the Arabians. The estimate to which we have thus been led, of the scientific merits of the learned men of the middle ages, is much less exalted than that which has been formed by many writers ; and, among the PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 357 rest, by some of our own time. But I am persuaded that any attempt to answer the questions just asked, will expose the untenable nature of the higher claims which have been advanced in favour of the Arabians. We can deliver no just decision, except we will consent to use the terms of science in a strict and precise sense 2 : and if we do this, we shall find little, either in the particular discove- ries or general methods of the Arabians, which is important in the history of the Inductive Sci- ences. The credit due to the Arabians for improve- ments in the general methods of philosophizing, is a more difficult question ; and cannot be discussed at length by us, till we examine the history of such methods in the abstract, which, in the present work, it is not our intention to do. But we may observe, that we cannot agree with those who rank their 2 If I might take the liberty of criticizing an author who has given a very interesting view of the period in question (Maho- metanism Unveiled, by the Rev. Charles Forster, 1829), I would remark, that in his work this caution is perhaps too little ob- served. Thus, he says, in speaking of Alhazen (vol. ii. p. 270), "the theory of the telescope may be found in the work of this astronomer ;" and of another, " the uses of magnifying glasses and telescopes, and the principle of their construction, are ex- plained in the Great Work of (Roger) Bacon, with a truth and clearness which have commanded universal admiration." Such phrases would be much too strong, even if used respecting the optical doctrines of Kepler, which were yet incomparably more true and clear than those of Bacon. To employ such language, in such cases, is to deprive such terms as theory and principle* of all meaning 358 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. merits high in this respect. We have already seen, that their minds were completely devoured by the worst habits of the stationary period, mysticism and commentation. They followed their Greek leaders, for the most part, with abject servility, and with only that kind of acuteness and independent speculation which the commentator's vocation im- plies. And in their choice of the standard subjects of their studies, they fixed upon those works, the Physics of Aristotle, which have never promoted the progress of science, except so far as they incited men to refute them ; an effect which they never produced on the Arabians. That the Arabian astronomers made some advances beyond the Greeks, we have already stated : the two great in- stances are, the discovery of the Motion of the Sun's Apogee by Albategnius, and the discovery (recently brought to light) of the existence of the Moon's Second Inequality, by Aboul Wefa. But we cannot but observe in how different a manner they treated these discoveries, from that with which Hipparchus or Ptolemy would have done. The Variation of the moon, in particular, instead of being incorporated into the system by means of an Epicycle, as Ptolemy had done with the Evection, was allowed, almost immediately, so far as we can judge, to fall into neglect and oblivion : so little were the learned Arabians prepared to take their lessons from obser- vation as well as books. That in many subjects they made experiments, may easily be allowed: PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 359 there never was a period of the earth's history, and least of all a period of commerce and manufactures, luxury and art, medicine and engineering, in which were not going on innumerable processes, which may be termed experiments; and, in addition to these, the Arabians adopted the pursuit of alchemy, and the love of exotic plants and animals. But so far from their being, as has been maintained 3 , a people whose " experimental intellect " fitted them to form sciences which the " abstract intellect " of the Greeks failed in producing, it rather appears, that several of the sciences which the Greeks had founded, were never even comprehended by the Arabians. I do not know any evidence that these pupils ever attained to understand the real prin- ciples of mechanics, hydrostatics, and harmonics, which their masters had established. At any rate, when these sciences again came progressive, Europe had to start where Europe had stopped. There is no Arabian name which any one has thought of interposing between Archimedes the ancient, and Stevinus and Galileo the moderns. 4. Roger Bacon. There is one writer of the middle ages, on whom much stress has been laid, and who was certainly a most remarkable person. Roger Bacon's works are not only so far beyond his age in the knowledge which they contain, but so different from the temper of the times, in his asser- tion of the supremacy of experiment, and in his 3 Mahometanism Unveiled, ii. 271- 360 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. contemplation of the future progress of knowledge, that it is difficult to conceive how such a character could then exist. That he received much of his knowledge from Arabic writers, there can be no doubt ; for they were in his time the repositories of all traditionary knowledge. But that he derived from them his disposition to shake off the authority of Aristotle, to maintain the importance of experi- ment, and to look upon knowledge as in its infancy, I cannot believe, because I have not myself hit upon, nor seen quoted by others, any passages in which Arabian writers express such a disposition. On the other hand, we do find in European writers, in the authors of Greece and Rome, the solid sense, the bold and hopeful spirit, which suggest such tenden- cies. We have already seen that Aristotle asserts, as distinctly as words can express, that all know- ledge must depend on observation, and that science must be collected from facts by induction. We have seen, too, that the Roman writers, and Seneca in particular, speak with an enthusiastic confidence of the progress which science must make in the course of ages. When Roger Bacon holds similar language in the thirteenth century, the resemblance is probably rather a sympathy of character, than a matter of direct derivation ; but I know 7 of nothing which proves even so much as this sympathy with regard to Arabian philosophers. A good deal has been said of late of the coin- cidences between his views, and those of his great PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 361 namesake in later times, Francis Bacon 4 . The re- semblances consist mainly in such points as I have just noticed ; and we cannot but acknowledge, that many of the expressions of the Franciscan friar remind us of the large thoughts and lofty phrases of the philosophical chancellor. How far the one can be considered as having anticipated the me- thod of the other, we shall examine more advan- tageously, when we come to consider what the character and effect of Francis Bacon's works really are (N). 5. Architecture of the Middle Ages. But though we are thus compelled to disallow several of the claims which have been put forwards in support of the scientific character of the middle ages, there are two points in which we may, I conceive, really trace the progress of scientific ideas among them ; and which, therefore, may be considered as the prelude to the period of discovery. I mean their practical architecture, and their architectural treatises. In a previous chapter of this book, we have endeavoured to explain how the indistinctness of ideas, which attended the decline of the Roman em- pire, appears in the forms of their architecture ; in the disregard, which the decorative construction exhibits, of the necessary mechanical conditions of support. The original scheme of Greek ornamental architecture, had been horizontal masses resting on 4 Hallam's Middle Ages, iii. 549. Forster's Mahom. U. ii. 313. 362 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. vertical columns : when the arch was introduced by the Romans, it was concealed, or kept in state of subordination: and the lateral support which it required was supplied latently, masked by some artifice. But the struggle between the mechanical and the decorative construction^, ended in the com- plete disorganization of the classical style. The in- consistencies and extravagancies, of which we have noticed the occurrence, were results and indications of the fall of good architecture. The elements of the ancient system had lost all principle of con- nexion and regard to rule. Building became not only a mere art, but an art exercised by masters without skill, and without feeling for real beauty (o). When, after this deep decline, architecture rose again, as it did in the twelfth and succeeding cen- turies, in the exquisitely beautiful and skilful forms of the Gothic style, what was the nature of the change which had taken place, so far as it bears upon the progress of science? It was this: the idea of true mechanical relations in an edifice had been revived in men's minds, as far as was requisite for the purposes of art and beauty: and this, though a very different thing from the possession of the idea as an element of speculative science, was the proper preparation for that acquisition. The notion of support and stability again became conspicuous in the decorative construction, and universal in the 5 See Mr. Willis's admirable Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, chap. ii. PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 363 forms of building. The eye which, looking for beauty in definite and significant relations of parts, is never satisfied except the weights appear to be duly supported", was again gratified. Architecture threw off its barbarous characters : a new decorative construction was matured, not thwarting and con- trolling, but assisting and harmonizing with the mechanical construction. All the ornamental parts were made to enter into the apparent construction. Every member, almost every moulding, became a sustainer of weight; and by the multiplicity of props assisting each other, and the consequent sub- division of weight, the eye was satisfied of the stabi- lity of the structure, notwithstanding the curiously- slender forms of the separate parts. The arch and the vault, no longer trammelled by an incompatible system of decoration, but favoured by more tract- able forms, were only limited by the skill of the builders. Everything showed that, practically at least, men possessed and applied, with steadiness and pleasure, the idea of mechanical pressure and support. The possession of this idea, as a principle of art, led, in the course of time, to its speculative deve- lopement as the foundation of a science ; and thus architecture prepared the way for mechanics. But this advance required several centuries. The inter- 6 Willis, pp. 15 21. I have throughout this description of the formation of the Gothic style availed myself of Mr. Willis'* well-chosen expressions. 364 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. val between the admirable cathedrals of Salisbury, Amiens, Cologne, and the mechanical treatises of Stevinus, is not less than three hundred years. During this time, men were advancing towards science, but in the meantime, and perhaps from the very beginning of the time, art had begun to decline. The buildings of the fifteenth century, erected when the principles of mechanical support were just on the verge of being enunciated in general terms, exhibit those principles with a far less impressive simplicity and elegance than those of the thirteenth. We may hereafter inquire whe- ther we find any other examples to countenance the belief, that the formation of Science is commonly accompanied by the decline of Art. The leading principle of the style of the Gothic edifices was, not merely that the weights were sup- ported, but that they were seen to be so ; and that not only the mechanical relations of the larger masses, but of the smaller members also, were dis- played. Hence we cannot admit as an origin or anticipation of the Gothic, a style in which this principle is not manifested. I do not see, in any of the representations of the early Arabic buildings, that distribution of weights to supports, and that mechanical consistency of parts, which elevates them above the character of barbarous architecture. Their masses are broken into innumerable members, without subordination or meaning, in a manner suggested apparently by caprice and the love of PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 365 the marvellous. " In the construction of their mosques, it was a favourite artifice of the Arabs to sustain immense and ponderous masses of stone by the support of pillars so slender, that the incum- bent weight seemed, as it were, suspended in the air by an invisible hand 7 ." This pleasure in the contemplation of apparent impossibilities is a very general disposition among mankind ; but it appears to belong to the infancy, rather than the maturity of intellect. On the other hand, the pleasure in the contemplation of what is clear, the craving for a thorough insight into the reasons of things, which marks the European mind, is the temper which leads to science. 6. Treatises on Architecture. No one who has attended to the architecture which prevailed in England, France, and Germany, from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, so far as to comprehend its beauty, harmony, consistency, and uniformity, even in the minutest parts and most obscure relations, can look upon it otherwise than as a remarkably connected and definite artificial system. Nor can we doubt that it was exercised by a class of artists who formed themselves by laborious study and practice, and by communication with each other. There must have been bodies of masters and of scholars, discipline, traditions, precepts of art. How these associated artists diffused themselves over Europe, and whether history enables us to trace them in a distinct form, I shall not here discuss. 7 Mahometanism Unveiled, ii. 255. 366 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. But the existence of a course of instruction, and of a body of rules of practice, is proved beyond dis- pute by the great series of European cathedrals and churches, so nearly identical in their general arrangements, and in their particular details. The question then occurs, have these rules and this system of instruction anywhere been committed to writing ? Can we, by such evidence, trace the pro- gress of the scientific idea, of which we see the working in these buildings? We are not to be surprized, if, during the most flourishing and vigorous period of the art of the middle ages, we find none of its precepts in books. Art has, in all ages and countries, been taught and transmitted by practice and verbal tradition, not by writing. It is only in our own times, that the thought occurs as familiar, of committing to books all that we wish to preserve and convey. And, even in our own times, most of the Arts are learned far more by practice, and by intercourse with prac- titioners, than by reading. Such is the case, not only with Manufactures and Handicrafts, but with the Fine Arts, with Engineering, and even yet, with that art, Building, of which we are now speaking. We are not, therefore, to wonder, if we have no treatises on Architecture belonging to the great period of the Gothic masters ; or if it appears to have required some other incitement and some other help, besides their own possession of their practical skill, to lead them to shape into a literary form the precepts of the art which they knew so PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 3G7 well how to exercise : or if, when they did write on such subjects, they seem, instead of delivering their own sound practical principles, to satisfy themselves with pursuing some of the frivolous notions and speculations which were then current in the world of letters. Such appears to be the case. The earliest trea- tises on Architecture come before us under the form which the commentatorial spirit of the middle ages inspired. They are translations of Vitruvius, with annotations. In some of these, particularly that of Cesare Cesariano, published at Como, in 1521, we see, in a very curious manner, how the habit of assuming that, in every department of literature, the ancients must needs be their mas- ters, led these writers to subordinate the members of their own architecture to the precepts of the Roman author. We have Gothic shafts, mouldings, and arrangements, given as parallelisms to others, which profess to represent the Roman style, but which are, in fact, examples of that mixed manner which is called the style of the cinque cento by the Italians, of the renaissance by the French, and which is commonly included in our Elizabethan. But in the early architectural works, besides the superstitions and mistaken erudition which thus choked the growth of real architectural doctrines, another of the peculiar elements of the middle ages comes into view ; its mysticism. The dimen- sions and positions of the various parts of edifices 368 PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. and of their members, are determined by drawing triangles, squares, circles, and other figures, in such a manner as to bound them: and to these geometrical figures were assigned many abstruse significations. The plan and the front of the Cathe- dral at Milan -are thus represented in Cesariano's work, bounded and subdivided by various equi- lateral triangles ; and it is easy to see, in the ear- nestness with which he points out these relations, the evidence of a fanciful and mystical turn of thought 8 . We thus find erudition and mysticism take the place of much of that developement of the archi- tectural principles of the middle ages which would be so interesting to us. Still, however, these works are by no means without their value. Indeed many of the arts appear to flourish not at all the worse, for being treated in a manner somewhat mystical ; and it may easily be, that the relations of geometrical figures, for which fantastical rea- sons are given, may really involve principles of beauty or stability. But independently of this, we 8 The plan which he has given, fol. 14, he has entitled " Ichnographia Fundamenti sacras JEdis baricephake, Germanico more, a Trigono ac Pariquadrato perstructa, uti etiam ea quse nunc Milani videtur." The work of Cesariano was translated into German by Gualter Rivius, and published at Nuremberg, in 1548, under the title of Fitruvius Teutsch, with copies of the Italian dia- grams. A few years ago, in an article in the Wiener Jahr- biichir, (Oct. Dec., 1821), the reviewer maintained, on the authority of the diagrams in Rivius's book, that Gothic archi- tecture had its origin in Germany, and not in England. PROGRESS OF THE ARTS. 369 find, in the best works of the architects of all ages (including engineers), evidence that the true idea of mechanical pressure exists among them more distinctly than among men in general, although it may not be developed in a scientific form. This is true up to our own time, and the arts which such persons cultivate could not be successfully exercised if it were not so. Hence the writings of architects and engineers during the middle ages do really form a prelude to the works on scientific mechanics. Vitruvius, in his Architecture, and Julius Frontinus, who, under Vespasian, wrote On Aqueducts, of which he was superintendent, have transmitted to us the principal part of what we know respecting the practical mechanics and hy- draulics of the Romans. In modern times the series is resumed. The early writers on architec- ture are also writers on engineering, and often on hydrostatics: for example, Leonardo da Vinci wrote on the equilibrium of water. And thus we are led up to Stevinus of Bruges, who was engineer to Prince Maurice of Nassau, and inspector of the dykes in Holland; and in whose work, on the processes of his art, is contained the first clear modern statement of the scientific principles of hydrostatics. Having thus explained both the obstacles and the prospects which the middle ages offered to the progress of science, I now proceed to the history of the progress, when it was once again resumed. VOL. i. BB 370 NOTES TO BOOK IV. (K.) p. 268. SINCE the publication of my first edition, an account of Algazel or Algazzali and his works has been published under the title of Essai sur les Ecoles Philoso- phiques chez les Arabes, et notamment sur la Doctrine cfAl- gazzali, par August Schmolders. Paris. 1842. From this book it appears that Degerando's account of Algazzali is correct, when he says T that " his skepticism seems to have essentially for its object to destroy all systems of merely rational theology, in order to open an indefinite career, not only to faith guided by revelation, but also to the free exaltation of a mystical enthusiasm." It is remarked by Dr. Schmolders, following M. de Hammer-Purgstall, that the title of the work referred to in the text ought rather to be Mutual Refutation of the Philosophers : and that its object is to shew that Philosophy consists of a mass of systems, each of which overturns the others. The work of Algazzali which Dr. Schmolders has published, On the Err ours of Sects, #c., contains a kind of autographi- cal account of the way in which the author was led to his views. He does not reject the truths of science, but he condemns the mental habits which are caused by laying too much stress upon science. Religious men, he says, are, by such a course, led to reject all science, even what relates to eclipses of the moon and sun ; and men of science are led to hate religion 2 . 1 Hist. Comp. iv. p. 227. 2 Essai, p. 33. NOTES TO BOOK IV. 371 (L.) p. 272. It appears however that scriptural argu- ments were found on the other side. St. Jerome says 8 , speaking of the two cherubims with four faces, seen by the prophet, and the interpretation of the vision ; " Alii vero qui philosophorum stultam sequunter sapientiam, duo hemispheria in duobus templi cherubim, nos et antipodes, quasi supinos et cadentes homines suspicantur." (M.) p. 305. The reader will find an interesting view of the School of Alexandria^ in M. Barthelemy Saint- Hilaire^s Rapport on the Memoires sent to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences at Paris, in consequence of its having, in 1841, proposed this as the subject of a prize, which was awarded in 1844. M. Saint-Hilaire has prefixed to this Rapport a dissertation on the Mys- ticism of that school. He, however, uses the term Mysticism in a wider sense than my purpose, which re- garded mainly the bearing of the doctrines of this school upon the progress of the Inductive Sciences, led me to do. Although he finds much to admire in the Alexan- drian philosophy, he declares that they were incapable of treating scientific questions. The extent to which this is true is well illustrated by the extract which he gives from Plotinus, on the question, "Why objects appear smaller in proportion as they are more distant." Plo- tinus denies that the reason of this is that the angles of vision become smaller. His reason for this denial is curious enough. If it were so, he says, how could the heaven appear smaller than it is, since it occupies the whole of the visual angle? (N.) p. 361. In the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, I have given an account at considerable length 3 Comm. in Ezech., i. 6. BB2 372 NOTES TO BOOK IV, of Roger Bacon's mode of treating Arts and Sciences ; and have also compared more fully his philosophy with that of Francis Bacon ; and I have given a view of the bearing of this latter upon the progress of Science in modern times. See Phil. Ind. Sc. B. xn. chaps. 7 and 1 1 . (o.) p. 362. Since the publication of my first edition, Mr. Willis has shown that much of the " mason-craft " of the middle ages consisted in the geometrical methods by which the artists wrought out of the blocks the complex forms of their decorative system. To the general indistinctness of speculative no- tions on mechanical subjects prevalent in the middle ages, there may have been some exceptions, and espe- cially so long as there were readers of Archimedes. Boetius had translated the niechanical works of Archi- medes into Latin, as we learn from the enumeration of his works by his friend Cassiodorus (Variar. lib. i. cap. 45), " Mechanicum etiam Archimedem latialem siculis reddidisti." But Mechanicus was used in those times rather for one skilled in the art of constructing wonderful machines than in the speculative theory of them. The letter from which the quotation is taken is sent by King Theodoric to Boetius, to urge him to send the king a water-clock. BOOK V. HISTORY OP FORMAL ASTRONOMY AFTER THE STATIONARY PERIOD. . . . Cyclopum educta caminis Maenia conspicio, atque adverso fornice portas. His demum exactis, perfecto munere Divse, Devenere locos laetos et amsena vireta Fortunatorum nemorum sedesque beatas. Largior hie campos aether et lumine vestit Purpureo: solemque suum, sua sidera norunt. VIRGIL, Mn. vi. 630. They leave at length the nether gloom, and stand Before the portals of a hetter land : To happier plains they come, and fairer groves, The seats of those whom heaven, benignant, loves; A brighter day, a bluer ether, spreads Its lucid depths above their favoured heads; And, purged from mists that veil our earthly skies, Shine suns and stars unseen by mortal eyes. INTRODUCTION. Of Formal and Physical Astronomy. WE have thus rapidly traced the causes of the almost complete blank which the history of physical science offers, from the decline of the Roman empire, for a thousand years. Along with the breaking up of the ancient forms of society, were broken up the ancient energy of thinking, the clearness of idea, and steadiness of intellectual action. This mental declension produced a servile admiration for the genius of the better periods, and thus, the spirit of Commentation: Christianity esta- blished the claim of truth to govern the world; and this principle, misinterpreted and combined with the ignorance and servility of the times, gave rise to the Dogmatic System : and the love of specula- tion, finding no secure and permitted path on solid ground, went off into the regions of Mysticism. The causes which produced the inertness and blindness of the stationary period of human know- ledge, began at last to yield to the influence of the principles which tended to progression. The indistinctness of thought, which was the original feature in the decline of sound knowledge, was in a measure remedied by the steady cultivation of pure mathematics and astronomy, and by the pro- 376 INTRODUCTION. gress of inventions in the arts, which call out and fix the distinctness of our conceptions of the re- lations of natural phenomena. As men's minds became clear, they became less servile : the per- ception of the nature of truth drew men away from controversies about mere opinion; when they saw distinctly the relations of things, they ceased to give their whole attention to what had been said concerning them; and thus, as science rose into view, the spirit of commentation lost its sway. And when men came to feel what it was to think for themselves on subjects of science, they soon rebelled against the right of others to impose opinions upon them. When they threw off their blind admiration for the ancients, they were dis- posed to cast away also their passive obedience to the ancient system of doctrines. When they were no longer inspired by the spirit of commentation, they were no longer submissive to the dogmatism of the schools. When they began to feel that they could discover truths, they felt also a persuasion of a right and a growing will so to do. Thus the revived clearness of ideas, which made its appearance at the revival of letters, brought on a struggle with the authority, intellectual and civil, of the established schools of philosophy. This clear- ness of idea showed itself, in the first instance, in Astronomy, and was embodied in the system of Copernicus; but the contest did not come to a crisis till a century later, in the time of Galileo INTRODUCTION. 377 and other disciples of the new doctrine. It is our present business to trace the principles of this series of events in the history of philosophy. I do not profess to write a history of Astro- nomy, any further than is necessary in order to exhibit the principles on which the progression of science proceeds; and, therefore, I neglect subor- dinate persons and occurrences, in order to bring into view the leading features of great changes. Now in the introduction of the Copernican system into general acceptation, two leading views operated upon men's minds ; the consideration of the system as exhibiting the apparent motions of the uni- verse, and the consideration of this system with reference to its causes ; the formal and the phy- sical aspect of the Theory ; the relations of Space and Time, and the relations of Force and Matter. These two divisions of the subject were at first not clearly separated ; the second was long mixed, in a manner very dim and obscure, with the first, without appearing as a distinct subject of atten- tion; but at last it was extricated and treated in a manner suitable to its nature. The views of Copernicus rested mainly on the formal condition of the universe, the relations of space and time ; but Kepler, Galileo, and others, were led, by con- troversies and other causes, to give a gradually increasing attention to the physical relations of the heavenly bodies; an impulse was given to the study of Mechanics (the Doctrine of Motion,) which 378 INTRODUCTION. became very soon an important and extensive science ; and in no long period, the discoveries of Kepler, suggested by a vague but intense belief in the physical connexion of the parts of the uni- verse, led to the decisive and sublime generali- zations of Newton. The distinction of formal and physical Astro- nomy thus becomes necessary, in order to treat clearly of the discussions which the propounding of the Copernican theory occasioned. But it may be observed that, besides this great change, Astro- nomy made very great advances in the same path which we have already been tracing, namely, the determination of the quantities and laws of the celestial motions, in so far as they were exhibited by the ancient theories, or might be represented by obvious modifications of those theories. I speak of new Inequalities, new Phenomena, such as Co- pernicus, Galileo, and Tycho Brahe discovered. As, however, these were very soon referred to the Copernican rather than the Ptolemaic hypothesis, they may be considered as developements rather of the new than of the old Theory ; and I shall, therefore, treat of them, agreeably to the plan of the former part, as the sequel of the Copernican Induction. 370 CHAPTER I. PRELUDE TO THE INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS. THE Doctrine of Copernicus, that the Sun is the true center of the celestial motions, de- pends primarily upon the consideration that such a supposition explains very simply and completely all the obvious appearances of the heavens. In order to see that it does this, nothing more is requisite than a distinct conception of the nature of Relative Motion, and a knowledge of the prin- cipal Astronomical Phenomena. There was, there- fore, no reason why such a doctrine might not be discovered, that is, suggested as a theory plausible at first sight, long before the time of Copernicus; or rather, it was impossible that this guess, among others, should not be propounded as a solution of the appearances of the heavens. We are not, therefore, to be surprized if we find, in the earliest times of astronomy, and at various succeeding periods, such a system spoken of by astronomers, and maintained by some as true, though rejected by the majority, and by the principal writers. When we look back at such a difference of opinion, having in our minds, as we unavoidably have, the clear and irresistible considerations by 380 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. which the Copernican Doctrine is established for us, it is difficult for us not to attribute superior sagacity and candour to those who held that side of the question, and to imagine those who clung to the Ptolemaic Hypothesis to have been blind and prejudiced; incapable of seeing the beauty of simplicity and symmetry, or indisposed to resign established errours, and to accept novel and com- prehensive truths. Yet in judging thus, we are probably ourselves influenced by prejudices arising from the knowledge and received opinions of our own times. For is it, in reality, clear that, before the time of Copernicus, the Heliocentric Theory (that which places the center of the celestial mo- tions in the Sun,) had a claim to assent so decidedly superior to the Geocentric Theory, which places the Earth in the center? What is the basis of the heliocentric theory? That the relative mo- tions are the same, on that and on the other sup- position. So far, therefore, the two hypotheses are exactly on the same footing. But, it is urged, on the heliocentric side we have the advantage of sim- plicity : true ; but we have, on the other side, the testimony of our senses ; that is, the geocentric doctrine is the obvious and spontaneous interpre- tation of the appearances. Both these arguments, simplicity on the one side, and obviousness on the other, are vague, and we may venture to say, both indecisive. We cannot establish any strong pre- ponderance of probability in favour of the former PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS. 381 doctrine, without going much further into the ar- guments of the question. Nor, when we speak of the superior simplicity of the Copernican theory, must we forget, that though this theory has undoubtedly, in this respect, a great advantage over the Ptolemaic, yet that the Copernican system itself is very complex, when it undertakes to account, as the Ptolemaic did, for the inequalities of the motions of the sun, moon, and planets ; and that, in the hands of Copernicus, it retained a large share of the eccentrics and epicycles of its predecessor, and, in some parts, with increased machinery. The heliocentric theory, with- out these appendages, would not approach the Ptolemaic, in the accurate explanation of facts; and as those who had placed the sun in the center had never, till the time of Copernicus, shown how the inequalities were to be explained on that sup- position, we may assert that after the promulga- tion of the theory of eccentrics and epicycles on the geocentric hypothesis, there was no published heliocentric theory which could bear a comparison with that hypothesis. It is true, that all the contrivances of epicycles, and the like, by which the geocentric hypothesis was made to represent the phenomena, were sus- ceptible of an easy adaptation to a heliocentric method, when a good mathematician had once pro- posed to himself the problem ; and this was pre- cisely what Copernicus undertook and executed. 382 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. But, till the appearance of his work, the helio- centric system had never come before the world except as a hasty and imperfect hypothesis ; which bore a favourable comparison with the phenomena, so long as their general features only were known ; but which had been completely thrown into the shade by the labour and intelligence bestowed upon the Hipparchian or Ptolemaic theories by a long series of great astronomers of all civilized countries. But, though the astronomers who, before Co- pernicus, held the heliocentric opinion, cannot, on any good grounds, be considered as much more enlightened than their opponents, it is curious to trace the early and repeated manifestations of this view of the universe. The distinct assertion of the heliocentric theory among the Greeks is an evidence of the clearness of their thoughts, and the vigour of their minds; and it is a proof of the feebleness and servility of intellect in the stationary period, that, till the period of Copernicus, no one was found to try the fortune of this hypothesis, modified according to the improved astronomical knowledge of the time. The most ancient of the Greek philosophers to whom the ancients ascribe the heliocentric doc- trine, is Pythagoras ; but Diogenes Laertius makes Philolaus, one of the followers of Pythagoras, the first author of this doctrine. We learn from Ar- chimedes, that it was held by his contempo- rary, Aristarchus. " Aristarchus of Samos," says PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS. 383 he 1 , makes this supposition, that the fixed stars and the sun remain at rest, and that the earth revolves round the sun in a circle." Plutarch 2 asserts that this, which was only a hypothesis in the hands of Aristarchus, was proved by Seleucus ; but we may venture to say that, at that time, no such proof was possible. Aristotle had recognized the existence of this doctrine by arguing against it. " All things," says he 3 , " tend to the center of the earth, and rest there, and therefore the whole mass of the earth can- not rest except there." Ptolemy had in like manner argued against the diurnal motion of the earth : such a revolution would, he urged, disperse into surrounding space all the loose parts of the earth. Yet he allowed that such a supposition would facilitate the explanation of some phenomena. Cicero appears to make Mercury and Venus revolve about the sun, as does Martianus Capella at a later period; and kSsneca says 4 , it is a worthy subject of contemplation, whether the earth be at rest or in motion: but at this period, as we may see from Seneca himself, that habit of intellect which was requisite for the solution of such a question, had been succeeded by indistinct views, and rhetorical forms of speech. If there were any good mathe- maticians and good observers at this period, they were employed in cultivating and verifying the Hip- parchian theory. 1 Archim. Arenarius. 2 Quest. Plat. Delamb. A. A. vi. 3 Copernic. i. 7- 4 Quest. Nat. vii. 2. 384 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. Next to the Greeks, the Indians appear to have possessed that original vigour and clearness of thought, from which true science springs. It is remarkable that the Indians, also, had their helio- centric theorists. Aryabatta 5 , (AD. 1322), and other astronomers of that country, are said to have advo- cated the doctrine of the earth's revolution on its axis ; which opinion, however, was rejected by sub- sequent philosophers among the Hindoos. Some writers have thought that the heliocentric doctrine was derived by Pythagoras and other European philosophers, from some of the oriental nations. This opinion, however, will appear to have little weight, if we consider that the heliocentric hypothesis, in the only shape in which the ancients knew it, was too obvious to require much teaching; that it did not and could not, so far as we know, receive any additional strength from anything which the oriental nations could teach; and that each astronomer was induced to adopt or, not by any information which a master could give him, but by his love of geometrical simplicity on the one hand, or the prejudices of sense on the other. Real science, depending on a clear view of the relation of phenomena to general theoretical ideas, cannot be communicated in the way of secret and exclusive traditions, like the mysteries of certain arts and crafts. If the philosopher do not see that the theory is true, he is little the better for 5 Lib. U. K. Hist. Ast. p. 11. PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS. 385 having heard or read the words which assert its truth. It is impossible, therefore, for us to assent to those views which would discover in the heliocentric doctrines of the ancients, traces of a more profound astronomy than any which they have transmitted to us. Those doctrines were merely the plausible conjectures of men with sound geometrical notions; but they were never extended so as to embrace the details of the existing astronomical knowledge ; and perhaps we may say, that the analysis of the pheno- mena into the arrangements of the Ptolemaic sys- tem, was so much more obvious than any other, that it must necessarily come first, in order to form an introduction to the Copernican. The true foundation of the heliocentric theory for the ancients, was, as we have intimated, its per- fect geometrical consistency with the general fea- tures of the phenomena, and its simplicity. But it was unlikely that the human mind would be con- tent to consider the subject under this strict and limited aspect alone. In its eagerness for wide speculative views, it naturally looked out for other and vaguer principles of connexion and relation. Thus, as it had been urged in favour of the geo- centric doctrine, that the heaviest body must be in the center, it was maintained, as a leading recom- mendation of the opposite opinion, that it placed the Fire, the noblest element, in the Center of the Universe. The authority of mythological ideas was VOL. i. C c 386 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. called in on both sides to support these views. Numa, as Plutarch 6 informs us, built a circular temple over the ever-burning Fire of Vesta ; typi- fying, not the earth, but the Universe, which, according to the Pythagoreans, has the Fire seated at its Center. The same writer, in another of his works, makes one of his interlocutors say, "Only, my friend, do not bring me before a court of law on a charge of impiety; as Cleanthes said, that Aristarchus the Samian ought to be tried for im- piety, because he removed that homestead of the universe." This, however, seems to have been in- tended as a pleasantry. The prevalent physical views, and the opinions concerning the causes of the motions of the parts of the universe, were scarcely more definite than those concerning the relations of the four elements, till Galileo had founded the true doctrine of motion. Though, therefore, arguments on this part of the subject were the most important part of the contro- versy after Copernicus, the force of such arguments was at his time almost balanced. Even if more had been known on such subjects, the arguments would not have been conclusive : for instance, the vast mass of the heavens, which is commonly urged as a reason why the heavens do not move round the earth, would not make such a motion impossible ; and, on the other hand, the motions of bodies at the earth's surface, which were alleged as inconsistent with its 6 De Facie in Orbe Lnnce, 6. PRELUDE TO THE EPOCH OP COPERNICUS. 387 motion, did not really disprove such an opinion. But according to the state of the science of motion before Copernicus, all reasonings from such prin- ciples were utterly vague and obscure. We must not omit to mention a modern who preceded Copernicus, in the assertion at least of the heliocentric doctrine. This was Nicholas of Cusa, (a village near Treves,) a cardinal and bishop, who, in the first half of the fifteenth century, was' very eminent as a divine and mathematician ; and who in a work, De Doctd Ignorantid, propounded the doctrine of the motion of the earth ; more, how- ever, as a paradox than as a reality. We cannot consider this as any distinct anticipation of a pro- found and consistent view of the truth. We shall now examine further the promulgation of the Heliocentric System by Copernicus, and its consequences. CC2 388 CHAPTER II. INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. THE HELIOCENTRIC THEORY ASSERTED ON FORMAL GROUNDS. IT will be recollected that the formal are opposed to the physical grounds of a theory; the former term indicating that it gives a satisfactory account of the relations of the phenomena in Space and Time, that is, of the Motions themselves; while the latter expression implies further that we in- clude in our explanation the Causes of the motions, the laws of Force and Matter. The strongest of the considerations by which Copernicus was led to invent and adopt his system of the universe were of the former kind. He was dissatisfied, he says, in his Preface addressed to the Pope, with the want of symmetry in the Eccentric Theory, as it prevailed in his days; and weary of the uncertainty of the mathematical traditions. He then sought through all the works of philosophers, whether any had held opinions concerning the mo- tions of the world, different from those received in the established mathematical schools. He found, in ancient authors, accounts of Philolaus and others, who had asserted the motion of the earth. "Then," he adds, " I, too, began to meditate concerning the motion of the earth : and though it appeared an INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. 38$ absurd opinion, yet since I knew that, in previous times, others had been allowed the privilege of feigning what circles they chose, in order to explain the phenomena, I conceived that I also might take the liberty of trying whether, on the supposition of the earth's motion, it was possible to find better explanations than the ancient ones, of the revolu- tions of the celestial orbs. "Having then assumed the motions of the earth, which are hereafter explained, by laborious and long observation I at length found, that if the motions of the other planets be compared with the revolution of the earth, not only their phenomena follow from the suppositions, but also that the several orbs, and the whole system, are so con- nected in order and magnitude, that no one part can be transposed without disturbing the rest, and introducing confusion into the whole universe." Thus the satisfactory explanation of the ap- parent motions of the planets, and the simplicity and symmetry of the system, were the grounds on which Copernicus adopted his theory ; as the crav- ing for these qualities was the feeling which led him to seek for a new theory. It is manifest that in this, as in other cases of discovery, a clear and steady possession of abstract Ideas, and an aptitude in comprehending real Facts under these general conceptions, must have been leading characters in the discoverer's mind. He must have had a good geometrical head, and great astronomical know- 390 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. ledge. He must have seen, with peculiar distinct- ness, the consequences which flowed from his sup- positions as to the relations of space and time, the apparent motions which resulted from the assumed real ones; and he must also have known well all the irregularities of the apparent motions for which he had to account. We find indications of these qualities in his expressions. A steady and calm contemplation of the theory is what he asks for, as the main requisite to its reception. If you suppose the earth to revolve and the heaven to be at rest, you will find, he says, "si serio animadvertas" if you think steadily, that the apparent diurnal motion will follow. And after alleging his reasons for his system, he says 1 , "We are, therefore, not ashamed to confess, that the whole of the space within the orbit of the moon, along with the center of the earth, moves round the sun in a year among the other planets ; the magnitude of the world being so great, that the distance of the earth from the sun has no apparent magnitude when compared with the sphere of the fixed stars." " All which things, though they be difficult and almost inconceivable, and against the opinion of the majority, yet, in the sequel, by God's favour, we will make clearer than the sun, at least to those who are not ignorant of mathematics." It will easily be understood, that since the ancient 1 Nicolai Copernici Torinensis de Revolutionibus Orbium Ccelestium. Norimbergae. M.D.XLIII. p. 9. INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS 391 geocentric hypothesis ascribed to the planets those motions which were apparent only, and which really arose from the motion of the earth round the sun in the new hypothesis, the latter scheme must much simplify the planetary theory. Kepler" enumerates eleven motions of the Ptolemaic system, which are at once exterminated and rendered unnecessary by the new system. Still, as the real motions, both of the earth and the planets, are unequable, it was requisite to have some mode of representing their inequalities; and, accordingly, the ancient theory of eccentrics and epicycles was retained, so far as was requisite for this purpose. The planets revolved round the sun by means of a Deferent, and a great and small Epicycle ; or else by means of an Eccen- tric and Epicycle, modified from Ptolemy's, for rea- sons which we shall shortly mention. This mode of representing the motions of the planets con- tinued in use, till it was expelled by the discoveries of Kepler. Besides the daily rotation of the earth on its axis, and its annual circuit about the sun, Coper- nicus attributed to the axis a " motion of declina- tion," by which, during the whole annual revo- lution, the pole was constantly directed towards the same part of the heavens. This constancy in the absolute direction of the axis, or its moving parallel to itself, may be more correctly vie\ved as not indi- cating any separate motion. The axis continues in 2 Myst. Cosm. cap. 1. 392 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. the same direction, because there is nothing to make it change its direction ; just as a straw, lying on the surface of a cup of water, continues to point nearly in the same direction when the cup is carried round a room. And this was noticed by Coper- nicus's adherent, Rothman 3 , a few years after the publication of the work De ftewlutionibus. " There is no occasion," he says, in a letter to Tycho Brahe, u for the triple motion of the earth : the annual and diurnal motions suffice." This errour of Copernicus, if it be looked upon as an errour, arose from his referring the position of the axis to a limited space, which he conceived to be carried round the sun along with the earth, instead of referring it to fixed or absolute space. When, in a Planetarium, the earth is carried round the sun by being fastened to a material radius, it is requisite to give a motion to the axis by additional machinery, in order to enable it to preserve its parallelism. A similar confusion of geometrical conception, produced by a double reference to absolute space and to the center of revolution, often leads persons to dispute whether the moon, which revolves about the earth, always turning to it the same face, revolves about her axis or no. It is also to be noticed that the precession of the equinoxes made it necessary to suppose the axis of the earth to be not exactly parallel to itself, but to deviate from that position by a slight annual 3 Tycho. Epist. i. p. 184, A. D. 1590. INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. 393 difference. Copernicus erroneously supposes the precession to be unequable ; and his method of explaining this change, which is simpler than that of the ancients, becomes more simple still, when applied to the true state of the facts. The tendencies of our speculative nature, which carry us onwards in pursuit of symmetry and rule, and which thus produced the theory of Copernicus, as they produce all theories, perpetually show their vigour by overshooting their mark. They obtain something by aiming at much more. They detect the order and connexion which exist, by imagining relations of order and connexion which have no existence. Real discoveries are thus mixed with baseless assumptions; profound sagacity is com- bined with fanciful conjecture ; not rarely, or in pe- culiar instances, but commonly, and in most cases ; probably in all, if we could read the thoughts of the discoverers as we read the books of Kepler. To try wrong guesses is apparently the only way to hit upon right ones. The character of the true philosopher is, not that he never conjectures hazard- ously, but that his conjectures are clearly conceived and brought into rigid contact with facts. He sees and compares distinctly the ideas and the things, the relations of his notions to each other and to phenomena. Under these conditions it is not only excusable, but necessary for him, to snatch at every semblance of general rule ; to try all promising forms of simplicity and symmetry. 394 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. Copernicus is not exempt from giving us, in his work, an example of this character of the inventive spirit. The axiom that the celestial motions must be circular and uniform, appeared to him to have strong claims to acceptation ; and his theory of the inequalities of the planetary motions is fashioned upon it. His great desire was to apply it more rigidly than Ptolemy had done. The time did not come for rejecting the axiom, till the observations of Tycho Brahe and the calculations of Kepler had been made. I shall not attempt to explain, in detail, Coper- nicus' s system of the planetary inequalities. He retained epicycles and eccentrics, altering their centers of motion ; that is, he retained what was true in the old system, translating it into his own. The peculiarities of his method consisted in making such a combination of epicycles as to supply the place of the equant\ and to make all the motions equable about the centers of motion. This device was admired for a time, till Kepler's elliptic theory expelled it, with all other forms of the theory of epicycles: but we must observe that Copernicus was aware of some of the discrepancies which be- longed to that theory as it had, up to that time, been propounded. In the case of Mercury's orbit, which is more eccentric than that of the other planets, he makes suppositions which are complex indeed, but which show his perception of the im- 4 See p. 235. INDUCTION Of COPERNICUS. 3{)f> perfection of the common theory ; and he proposes a new theory of the moon, for the very reason which did at last overturn the doctrine of epicycles, namely, that the ratio of their distances from the earth at different times was inconsistent with the circular hypothesis 5 . It is obvious, that, along with his mathematical clearness of view, and his astronomical knowledge, Copernicus must have had great intellectual bold- ness and vigour, to conceive and fully develope a theory so different as his was, from all received doctrines. His pupil and expositor, Rheticus, says to Schener, "I beg you to have this opinion con- cerning that learned man, my Preceptor; that he was an ardent admirer and follower of Ptolemy; but when he was compelled by phenomena and demonstration, he thought he did well to aim at the same mark at which Ptolemy had aimed, though with a bow and shafts of a very different material from his. We must recollect what Ptolemy says, Ae7 c eXevOepov elvai Trf yvcofirj TQV /ueXAoi/Ta (pt\ocro(j)it>. ' He who is to follow philosophy must be a free- man in mind.'" Rheticus then goes on to defend his master from the charge of disrespect to the ancients: "That temper," he says, "is alien from the disposition of every good man, and most espe- cially from the spirit of philosophy, and from no one more utterly than from my Preceptor. He 5 De Rev. iv. c. 2. 396 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. was very far from rashly rejecting the opinions of ancient philosophers, except for weighty reasons and irresistible facts, through any love of novelty. His years, his gravity of character, his excellent learning, his magnanimity and nobleness of spirit, are very far from having any liability to such a temper, which belongs either to youth, or to ardent and light tempers, or to those T&V /u.eya (ppovovvrtk 7rl Oewpiq. lAMpy, 6 who think much of themselves and know little,' as Aristotle says." Undoubtedly this deference for the great men of the past, joined with the talent of seizing the spirit of their methods when the letter of their theories is no longer tenable, is the true mental constitution of discoverers. Besides the intellectual energy which was re- quisite in order to construct a system of doctrines so novel as those of Copernicus, some courage was necessary to the publication of such opinions ; cer- tain, as they were, to be met, to a great extent, by rejection and dispute, and perhaps by charges of heresy and mischievous tendency. This last danger, however, must not be judged so great as we might infer from the angry controversies and acts of authority which occurred in Galileo's time. The Dogmatism of the stationary period, which identified the cause of philosophical and religious truth, had not yet distinctly felt itself attacked by the advance of physical knowledge ; and therefore had not begun to look with alarm on such move- INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. 397 ments. Still, the claims of Scripture and of eccle- siastical authority were asserted as paramount on all subjects ; and it was obvious that many persons would be disquieted or offended, with the new interpretation of many scriptural expressions, which the true theory would make necessary. This evil Copernicus appears to have foreseen ; and this and other causes long withheld him from publication. He was himself an ecclesiastic; and, perhaps by the patronage of his maternal uncle, was preben- dary of the church of St. John at Thorn, and a canon of the church of Frawenburg, in the diocese of Ermeland 6 . He was a student at Bologna, a professor of mathematics at Rome in the year 1500, and afterwards pursued his studies and ob- servations at Fruemburg, at the mouth of the Vis- tula 7 . His discovery of his system must have occurred before 1507, for in 1543 he informs Pope Paulus the Third, in his dedication, that he had kept his book by him for four times the nine years recommended by Horace, and then only published it at the earnest entreaty of his friend Cardinal Schomberg, whose letter is prefixed to the work. " Though I know," he says, " that the thoughts of a philosopher do not depend on the judgment of the many, his, study being to seek out truth in all things as far as that is permitted by God to human reason : yet when I considered," he adds, " how 6 Rheticus, Nar. p. 94. 7 Riccioli. 398 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. absurd my doctrine would appear, I long hesitated whether I should publish my book, or whether it were not better to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and others, who delivered their doc- trines only by tradition and to friends." It will be observed that he speaks here of the opposition of the established school of Astronomers, not of Divines. The latter, indeed, he appears to con- sider as a less formidable danger. " If perchance," he says at the end of his preface, "there be na- ratoXoyoi, vain babblers, who knowing nothing of mathematics, yet assume the right of judging on account of some place of Scripture perversely wrested to their purpose, and who blame and attack my undertaking ; I heed them not, and look upon their judgments as rash and contemptible." He then goes on to show that the globular figure of the earth (which was, of course, at that time, an undisputed point among astronomers,) had been opposed on similar grounds by Lactantius, who, though a writer of credit in other respects, had spoken very childishly in that matter. In another epistle prefixed to the work (apparently from ano- ther hand, and asserted by Kepler" to be by Andreas Osiander), the reader is reminded that the hypo- theses of astronomers are not necessarily asserted to be true, by those who propose them, but only to be a way of representing facts. We may ob- 8 See the motto to Kepler's De Stella Martis. INDUCTION OF COPERNICUS. 399 serve that, in the time of Copernicus, when the motion of the earth had not been connected with the physical laws of matter and motion, it could not be considered so distinctly real as it necessarily was held to be in after times. The delay of the publication of Copernicus's work brought it to the end of his life : he died in the year 1543, in which it was published. His system was, however, to a certain extent, promul- gated, and his fame diffused before that time. Car- dinal Schomberg, in his letter of 1536, which has been already mentioned says, "Some years ago, when I heard tidings of your merit by the constant report of all persons, my affection for you was augmented, and I congratulated the men of our time, among whom you flourish in so much honour. For I had understood that you were not only acquainted with the discoveries of ancient mathe- maticians, but also had formed a new system of the world, in which you teach that the earth moves, the sun occupies the lowest, and conse- quently, the middle place, the sphere of the fixed stars remains immoveable and fixed." He then proceeds to entreat him earnestly to publish his work. The book appears to have been written in 1539 9 , and is stated to have been sent in 1540 by Achilles P. Gessarus of Feldkirch to Dr. Voge- linus of Constance, as a Palingenesia, or New Birth of Astronomy. At the end of the De Revolutioni- 9 Ma3stlin. 400 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. bus is the Narratio of Rheticus, already quoted. Rheticus, it appears, went to Copernicus for the purpose of studying his theory, and speaks of his fc ' Preceptor" with strong admiration, as we have seen. " He appears to me," says he, " more to re- semble Ptolemy than any other astronomer." This, it must be recollected, was selecting the highest known subject of comparison. 401 CHAPTER III. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. THE RECEPTION AND DE- VELOPMENT OF THE COPERNICAN THEORY. Sect. 1. First Reception of the Copernican Theory. THE theories of Copernicus made their way among astronomers, in the manner in which true astronomical theories always obtain the assent of competent judges. They led to the construction of Tables of the motion of the sun, moon, and planets, as the theories of Hipparchus and Ptolemy had done ; and the verification of the doctrines was to be looked for, from the agreement of these Tables with observation, through a sufficient course of time. The work De Revolutionibus contains such Tables. In 1551 Reinhold improved and repub- lished Tables founded on the principles of Coper- nicus. "We owe," he says in his preface, "great obligations to Copernicus, both for his laborious observations, and for restoring the doctrine of the Motions. But though his geometry is perfect, the good old man appears to have been, at times, care- less in his numerical calculations. I have, there- fore, recalculated the whole, from a comparison of his observations with those of Ptolemy and others, VOL. i. D D 402 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. following nothing but the general plan of Coperni- cus's demonstrations." These Prutenic Tables were republished in 1571 and 1585, and continued in repute for some time; till superseded by the Ru- dolphine Tables of Kepler in 1627. The name Prutenic, or Prussian, may be considered as a tribute to the fame of Copernicus, for it shows that his discoveries had inspired his countrymen with the ambition of claiming a place in the literary community of Europe. In something of the same spirit, Rheticus wrote an Encomium Borussice which was published along with his Narratio. The Tables founded upon the Copernican sys- tem were, at first, much more generally adopted than the heliocentric doctrine on which they were founded. Thus Magin published at Venice, in 1587, New Theories of the Celestial Orbits, agreeing with the Observations of Nicholas Copernicus. But in the preface, after praising Copernicus, he says, " Since, however, he, either for the sake of show- ing his talents, or induced by his own reasons, has revived the opinion of Nicetas, Aristarchus, and others, concerning the motion of the earth, and has disturbed the established constitution of the world, which was a reason why many rejected, or received with dislike, his hypotheses, I have thought it worth while, that, rejecting the suppositions of Copernicus, I should accommodate other causes to his observations, and to the Prutenic tables." This doctrine, however, was, as we have shown, SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 403 received with favour by many persons, even before its general publication (p). We have already seen the enthusiasm with which Rheticus, who was Co- pernicus's pupil in the latter years of his life, speaks of him. " Thus," says he, " God has given to my excellent preceptor a reign without end; which may He vouchsafe to guide, govern, and increase, to the restoration of astronomical truth. Amen." Of the immediate converts of the Copernican system, who adopted it before the controversy on the subject had attracted attention, I shall only add Msestlin, and his pupil, Kepler. Maestlin pub- lished in 1588 an Epitome Astronomies, in which the immobility of the earth is asserted; but in 1596 he edited Kepler's Mysterium Cosmogmphicum, and the Narratio of Rheticus; and in an epistle of his own, which he inserts, he defends the Coper- nican system by those physical reasonings which we shall shortly have to mention, as the usual arguments in this dispute. Kepler himself, in the outset of the work just named, says, " When I was at Tiibigen, attending to Michael Msestlin, being disturbed by the manifold inconveniences of the usual opinion concerning the world, I was so de- lighted with Copernicus, of whom he made great mention in his lectures, that I not only defended his opinions in our disputations of the candidates, but wrote a thesis concerning the First Motion which is produced by the revolution of the earth." This must have been in 1590. DD2 404 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. The differences of opinion respecting the Coper- nican system, of which we thus see traces, led to a controversy of some length and extent. This controversy turned principally upon physical con- siderations, which were much more distinctly dealt with by Kepler, and others of the followers of Copernicus, than they had been by the discoverer himself. I shall, therefore, give a separate consi- deration to this part of the subject. It may be proper, however, in the first place, to make a few observations on the progress of the doctrine, in- dependently of these physical speculations. Sect. 2. Diffusion of the Copernican Theory. THE diffusion of the Copernican opinions in the world did not take place rapidly at first. Indeed, it was necessarily some time before the progress of observation, and of theoretical mechanics, gave the heliocentric doctrine that superiority in argument, which now makes us wonder that men should have hesitated when it was presented to them. Yet there were some speculators of this kind, who were at- tracted at once by the enlarged views of the uni- verse which it opened to them. Among these was the unfortunate Giordano Bruno of Nola, who was burnt as a heretic at Rome in 1600. The heresies which led to his unhappy fate were, however, not his astronomical opinions, but a work which he published in England, and dedicated to Sir Philip SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 405 Sydney, under the title of Spaccio delict Bestia Trionfante, and which is understood to contain a bitter satire of the Catholic religion and the papal government. Montucla conceives that, by his rash- ness in visiting Italy after putting forth such a work, he compelled the government to act against him. Bruno embraced the Copernican opinions at an early period, and connected with them the belief in innumerable worlds besides that which we inhabit ; as also certain metaphysical or theological doctrines, which he called the Nolan Philosophy. In 1591 he published De innumerabilibm Mundis et infigurabili, sen de Universo et Mundis, in which he maintains that each star is a sun, about which revolve planets like our earth; but this opi- nion is mixed up with a large mass of baseless verbal speculations. Giordano Bruno is a disciple of Copernicus on whom we may look with peculiar interest, since he probably had a considerable share in introducing the new opinions into England 1 . He visited this country in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and speaks of her and of her councillors in terms of praise, which appear to show that his book was intended for English readers ; though he describes the mob which was usually to be met with in the streets of London, with expressions of great disgust: "Una plebe la quale in essere irrespettevole, incivile, 1 See Burton's Anal. Mel., Pref. "Some prodigious tenet or paradox of the earth's motion," &c. " Bruno," c. 406 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. rozza, rustica, selvatiea, et male allevata, non cede ad altra che pascer possa la terra nel suo senoV The work to which I refer is La Cena de le Cenere, and narrates what took place at a supper held on the evening of Ash Wednesday (about 1583, see p. 145 of the book), at the house of Sir Fulk Gre- ville, in order to give " II Nolano" an opportunity of defending his peculiar opinions. His principal antagonists are two " Dottori d' Oxonia," whom Bruno calls Nundinio and Torquato. The subject is not treated in any very masterly manner on either side ; but the author makes himself have greatly the advantage not only in argument, but in temper and courtesy : and in support of his representations of " pedantesca, ostinatissima igno- ranza et presunzione, mista con una rustica inci- vilita, che farebbe prevaricar la pazienza di Giobbe," in his opponents, he refers to a public disputation which he had held at Oxford with these doctors of theology, in presence of Prince Alasco, and many of the English nobility 3 . Among the evidences of the difficulties which still lay in the way of the reception of the Coper- nican system, we may notice Bacon, who, as is well known, constantly refused his assent to it. It is to be observed, however, that he does not reject the opinion of the earth's motion in so pe- remptory and dogmatical a manner as he is some- times accused of doing: thus in the Thema Cceli 2 Opere di Giordano Bruno, vol. i. p. 146. 3 vol. i, p. 179. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 407 he says, "The earth, then, being supposed to be at rest (for that now appears to us the more true opinion)." And in his tract On the Cause of the Tides, he says, " If the tide of the sea be the ex- treme and diminished limit of the diurnal motion of the heavens, it will follow that the earth is immovable ; or at least that it moves with a much slower motion than the water." In the Descriptio Globi Intellectualis he gives his reasons for not accepting the heliocentric theory. " In the system of Copernicus there are many and grave diffi- culties: for the threefold motion with which he encumbers the earth is a serious inconvenience; and the separation of the sun from the planets, with which he has so many affections in common, is likewise a harsh step : and the introduction of so many immovable bodies into nature, as when he makes the sun and the stars immovable, the bodies which are peculiarly lucid and radiant; and his making the moon adhere to the earth in a sort of epicycle ; and some other things which he as- sumes, are proceedings which mark a man who thinks nothing of introducing fictions of any kind into nature, provided his calculations turn out well." We have already explained that, in attri- buting three motions of the earth, Copernicus had presented his system encumbered with a complexity not really belonging to it. But it will be seen shortly, that Bacon's fundamental objection to this system was his wish for a system which could be 408 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. supported by sound physical considerations; and it must be allowed, that at the period of which we are speaking, this had not yet been done in favour of the Copernican hypothesis. We may add, how- ever, that it is not quite clear that Bacon was in full possession of the details of the astronomical systems which that of Copernicus was intended to supersede ; and that thus he, perhaps, did not see how much less harsh were these fictions, as he called them, than those which were the inevitable alternatives. Perhaps he might even be liable to a little of that indistinctness, with respect to strictly geometrical conceptions, which we have remarked in Aristotle. We can hardly otherwise account for his not seeing any use in resolving the appa- rently irregular motion of a planet into separate regular motions. Yet he speaks slightingly of this important step 4 . "The motion of planets, which is constantly talked of as the motion of regression, or renitency, from west to east, and which is ascribed to the planets as a proper motion, is not true ; but only arises from appearance, from the greater advance of the starry heavens towards the west, by which the planets are left behind to the east." Undoubtedly those who spoke of such a motion of regression, were aware of this ; but they saw how the motion was simplified by this way of conceiving it, which Bacon seems not to have seen. Though, therefore, we may admire Bacon for the 4 Thema Cceli, p. 246. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 409 stedfastness with which he looked forwards to phy- sical astronomy as the great and proper object of philosophical interest, we cannot give him credit for seeing the full value and meaning of what had been done, up to his time, in Formal Astro- nomy. Bacon's contemporary, Gilbert, whom he fre- quently praises as a philosopher, was much more disposed to adopt the Copernican opinions, though even he does not appear to have made up his mind to assent to the whole of the system. In his work, De Magnete, (printed 1600,) he gives the principal arguments in favour of the Copernican system, and decides that the earth revolves on its axis 5 . He connects this opinion with his magnetic doctrines ; and especially endeavours by that means to account for the precession of the equinoxes. But he does not seem to have been equally con- fident of its annual motion. In a posthumous work, published in 1651, (De Mundo Nostro Sublunari Philosophia Nova) he appears to hesitate between the systems of Tycho and Copernicus". Indeed, it is probable that at this period many persons were in a state of doubt on such subjects. Milton, at a period somewhat later, appears to have been still undecided. In the opening of the eighth book of the Paradise Lost, he makes Adam state the dif- ficulties of the Ptolemaic hypothesis, to which the archangel Raphael opposes the usual answers ; but 5 Lib. vi. capp. 3, 4. 6 Lib. ii. cap. 20 410 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. afterwards suggests to his pupil the newer sys- tem: . . . . What if seventh to these The planet earth, so stedfast though she seem, Insensibly three different motions move? Par. Lost, B. viii. Milton's leaning however, seems to have been for the new system ; we can hardly believe that he would otherwise have conceived so distinctly, and described with such obvious pleasure, the motion of the earth : Or she from west her silent course advance With inoffensive pace, that spinning sleeps On her soft axle, while she paces even, And bears thee soft with the smooth air along. Par. Lost, B. viii. Perhaps the works of the celebrated Bishop Wilkins tended more than any others to the dif- fusion of the Copernican system in England, since even their extravagancies drew a stronger attention to them. In 1638, when he was only twenty-four years old, he published a book entitled The Dis- covery of a New World; or, a Discourse tending to prove that it is probable there may be another habitable World in the Moon ; with a Discourse concerning the possibility of a passage thither. The latter part of his subject was, of course, an obvious mark for the sneers and witticisms of critics. Two years afterwards, in 1640, appeared his Discourse concerning a new Planet ; tending to prove that it SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 411 is probable our Earth is one of the Planets : in which he urged the reasons in favour of the helio- centric system ; and explained away the opposite arguments, especially those drawn from the sup- posed declarations of Scripture. Probably a good deal was done for the establishment of those opinions by Thomas Salusbury, who was a warm admirer of Galileo, and published, in 1661, a trans- lation of several of his works bearing upon this subject. The mathematicians of this country, in the seventeenth century, as Napier and Briggs, Horrox and Crabtree, Oughtred and Ward, Wallis and Wren, were probably all decided Copernicans. Kepler dedicates one of his works to Napier, and Ward invented an approximate method of solving Kepler's problem, still known as " the simple ellip- tical hypothesis." Horrox wrote, and wrote well, in defence of the Copernican opinion, in his Kep- lerian Astronomy defended and promoted, com- posed (in Latin) probably about 1635, but not published till 1673, the author having died at the age of twenty-two, and his papers having been lost. But Salusbury's work was calculated for another circle of readers. " The book," he says in the intro- ductory address, "being, for subject and design, intended chiefly for gentlemen, I have been as care- less of using a studied pedantry in my style, as careful in contriving a pleasant and beautiful im- pression." In order, however, to judge of the advantage under which the Copernican system now 412 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. came forwards, we must consider the additional evidence for it which was brought to light by Gali- leo's astronomical discoveries. Sect. 3. The Heliocentric Theory confirmed by Facts. Galileos Astronomical Discoveries. THE long interval which elapsed between the last great discoveries made by the ancients and the first made by the moderns, had afforded ample time for the developement of all the important consequences of the ancient doctrines. But when the human mind had been thoroughly roused again into acti- vity, this was no longer the course of events. Dis- coveries crowded on each other; one wide field of speculation was only just opened, when a richer promise tempted the labourers away into another quarter. Hence the history of this period contains the beginnings of many sciences, but exhibits none fully worked out into a complete or final form. Thus the science of statics, soon after its revival, was eclipsed and overlaid by that of dynamics ; and the Copernican system, considered merely with re- ference to the views of its author, was absorbed in the commanding interest of physical astronomy. Still, advances were made which had an impor- tant bearing on the heliocentric theory, in other ways than by throwing light upon its physical prin- ciples. I speak of the new views of the heavens which the Telescope gave ; the visible inequalities SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 413 of the moon's surface ; the moon-like phases of the planet Venus; the discovery of the satellites of Jupiter, and of the ring of Saturn. These dis- coveries excited at the time the strongest interest ; both from the novelty and beauty of the objects they presented to the sense ; from the way in which they seemed to gratify man's curiosity with regard to the remote parts of the universe ; and also from that of which we have here to speak, their bearing upon the conflict of the old and the new philo- sophy, the heliocentric and geocentric theories. It may be true, as Lagrange and Montucla say, that the laws which Galileo discovered in mechanics implied a profounder genius than the novelties he detected in the sky : but the latter naturally attracted the greater share of the attention of the world, and were matter of keener discussion. It is not to our purpose to speak here of the details and of the occasion of the invention of the Telescope ; it is well known that Galileo constructed his about 1609, and proceeded immediately to apply it to the heavens. The discovery of the Satellites of Jupiter was almost immediately the reward of this activity : and these were announced in his Nuncius Sidereus, published at Venice in 1610. The title of this work will best convey an idea of the claim it made to public notice : " The Sidereal Messenger, announcing great and very wonderful spectacles, and offering them to the consideration of every one, but especially of philosophers and 414 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. astronomers ; which have been observed by Galileo Galilei, &c. &c., by the assistance of a perspective glass lately invented by him ; namely, in the face of the moon, in innumerable fixed stars in the milky- way, in nebulous stars, but especially in four planets which revolve round Jupiter at different intervals and periods with a wonderful celerity; which, hitherto not known to any one, the author has recently been the first to detect, and has decreed to call the Medicean stars" The interest this discovery excited was intense : and men were at this period so little habituated to accommodate their convictions on matters of sci- ence to newly-observed facts, that several of " the paper-philosophers," as Galileo termed them, appear to have thought they could get rid of these new objects by writing books against them. The effect which the discovery had upon the reception of the Copernican system was immediately very consider- able. It showed that the real universe was very different from that which ancient philosophers had imagined, and suggested at once the thought that it contained mechanism more various and more vast than had yet been conjectured. And when the sys- tem of the planet Jupiter thus offered to the bodily eye a model or image of the solar system according to the views of Copernicus, it supported the belief of such an arrangement of the planets, by an analogy all but irresistible. It thus, as a writer 7 of 7 Sir J. HeracheL SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 415 our own times has said, "gave the holding turn to the opinions of mankind respecting the Copernican system." We may trace this effect in Bacon, even though he does not assent to the motion of the earth. "We affirm," he says 8 , "the sun-following arrangement (solisequium) of Venus and Mercury ; since it has been found by Galileo that Jupiter also has attendants." The Nuncius Sidereus contained other disco- veries which had the same tendency in other ways. The examination of the moon showed, or at least seemed to show, that she was a solid body, with a surface extremely rugged and irregular, This, though perhaps not bearing directly upon the ques- tion of the heliocentric theory, was yet a blow to the Aristotelians, who had, in their philosophy, made the moon a body of a kind altogether dif- ferent from this, and had given an abundant quan- tity of reasons for the visible marks on her surface, all proceeding on these preconceived views. Others of his discoveries produced the same effect; for instance, the new stars invisible to the naked eye, and those extraordinary appearances called nebula. But before the end of the year, Galileo had new information to communicate, bearing more decid- edly on the Copernican controversy. This intelli- gence was indeed decisive with regard to the mo- tion of Venus about the sun ; for he found that that planet, in the course of her revolution, assumes the 8 Thema Cceli, ix. p. 253. 416 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY same succession of phases which the moon exhibits in the course of a month. This he expressed by a Latin verse : Cynthiae figuras aemulatur mater amorum : The queen of love like Cynthia shapes her forms: transposing the letters of this line in the published account, according to the practice of the age; which thus showed the ancient love for combining verbal puzzles with scientific discoveries, while it betrayed the newer feeling, of jealousy respecting the priority of discovery of physical facts. It had always been a formidable objection to the Copernican theory that this appearance of the planets had not been observed. The author of that theory had endeavoured to account for this, by supposing that the rays of the sun passed freely through the body of the planet; and Galileo takes occasion to praise him for not being deterred from adopting the system which, on the whole, appeared to agree best with the phenomena, by meeting with some appearances which it did not enable him to explain 9 . Yet while the fate of the theory was yet undecided, this could not but be looked upon as a weak point in its defences. The objection, in another form also, was embar- rassing alike to the Ptolemaic and Copernican sys- tems. Why, it was asked, did not Venus appear four times as large when near her perigee, as when near her apogee? The author of the epistle pre- 9 L. U. K. Life of Galileo, p. 35. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 417 fixed to Copernicus's work had taken refuge in this argument from the danger of being supposed to believe in the reality of the system ; and Bruno had attempted to answer it by saying, that luminous bodies were not governed by the same laws of per- spective as opaque ones. But a more satisfactory answer now readily offered itself. Venus does not appear four times as large when she is four times as near, because her bright part is not four times as large, though her visible diameter is ; and as she is too small for us to see her shape with the naked eye, we judge of her size only by the quantity of light. The other great discoveries made in the heavens by means of telescopes, as that of Saturn's ring and his satellites, the spots in the sun, and others, belong to the further progress of astronomy. But we may here observe, that this doctrine of the motion of Mercury and Venus about the sun was further confirmed by Kepler's observation of the transit of the former planet over the sun in 1631. Our countryman Horrox was the first person who, in 1639, had the satisfaction of seeing a transit of Venus. These events are a remarkable instance of the way in which a discovery in art, (for at this period, the making of telescopes must be mainly so con- sidered,) may influence the progress of science. We shall soon have to notice a still more remarkable example of the way in which two sciences (Astro- nomy and Mechanics) may influence and promote the progress of each other. VOL. i. E E 418 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. Sect. 4. The Copernican System opposed on Theological Grounds. THE doctrine of the Earth's motion round the Sun, when it was asserted and promulgated by Coper- nicus, soon after 1500, excited no visible alarm among the theologians of his own time. Indeed, it was received with favour by the most intelligent ecclesiastics ; and lectures in support of the helio- centric doctrine were delivered in the ecclesiastical colleges. But the assertion and confirmation of this doctrine by Galileo, about a century later, excited a storm of controversy, and was visited with severe condemnation. Galileo's own behaviour appears to have provoked the interference of the ecclesiastical authorities ; but there must have been a great change in the temper of the times to make it possible for his adversaries to bring down the sentence of the Inquisition upon opinions which had been so long current without giving any serious offense (Q). The heliocentric doctrine had for a century been making its way into the minds of thoughtful men, on the general ground of its simplicity and symmetry. Galileo appears to have thought that now, when these original recommendations of the system had been reinforced by his own discoveries and reasonings, it ought to be universally acknow- ledged as a truth and a reality. And when argu- ments against the fixity of the sun and the motion SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 419 of the earth were adduced from the expressions of scripture, he could not be satisfied without main- taining his favourite opinion to be conformable to scripture as well as to philosophy; and he was very eager in his attempts to obtain from authority a declaration to this effect. The ecclesiastical autho- rities were naturally averse to express themselves in favour of a novel opinion, startling to the com- mon mind, and contrary to the most obvious mean- ing of the words of the Bible ; and when they were compelled to pronounce, they decided against Gali- leo and his doctrines. He was accused before the Inquisition in 1615 ; but at that period the result was that he was merely recommended to confine himself to the mathematical reasonings upon the system, and to abstain from meddling with the scripture. Galileo's zeal for his opinions soon led him again to bring the question under the notice of the Pope, and the result was a declaration of the Inquisition that the doctrine of the earth's motion appeared to be contrary to the sacred scripture. Galileo was prohibited from defending and teaching this doctrine in any manner, and promised obedi- ence to this injunction. But in 1632 he published his Dialogo delli due Massimi Sistemi del Hondo, Tolemaico e Copernicano:" and in this, he defended the heliocentric system by all the strongest argu- ments which its admirers used. Not only so, but he introduced into this Dialogue a character under the name of Simplicius, in whose mouth was put the EE 2 420 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. defence of all the ancient dogmas, and who was represented as defeated at all points in the discus- sion ; and he prefixed to the Dialogue a notice, To the Discreet Reader, in which, in a vein of trans- parent irony, he assigned his reasons for the pub- lication. " Some years ago," he says, " a wholesome edict was promulgated at Rome, which, in order to check the perilous scandals of the present age, imposed silence upon the Pythagorean opinion of the motion of the earth. There was not wanting," he adds, "persons who rashly asserted that this decree was the result, not of a judicious inquiry, but of a passion ill-informed ; and complaints were heard that counsellors, utterly unacquainted with astronomical observations, ought not to be allowed, with their undue prohibitions, to clip the wings of speculative intellects. At the hearing of rash la- mentations like these, my zeal could not keep silence." And he then goes on to say that he wishes, by the publication of his Dialogue, to show that the subject had been fully examined at Rome. The result of this was that Galileo was condemned for his infraction of the injunction laid upon him in 1616; his Dialogue was prohibited; he himself was commanded to abjure on his knees the doc- trine which he had taught ; and this abjuration he performed (R). This celebrated event must be looked upon rather as a question of decorum than a struggle in which the interests of truth and free inquiry were SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 421 deeply concerned. The general acceptance of the Copernican System was no longer a matter of doubt. Several persons in the highest positions, including the Pope himself, looked upon the doc- trine with favourable eyes; and had shown their interest in Galileo and his discoveries. They had tried to prevent his involving himself in trouble by discussing the question on scriptural grounds. It is probable that his knowledge of those favourable dispositions towards himself and his opinions led him to suppose that the slightest colour of pro- fessed submission to the church in his belief would enable his arguments in favour of the system to pass unvisited : the notice which I have quoted, in which the irony is quite transparent and the sarcasm glaringly obvious, was deemed too flimsy a veil for the purpose of decency, and indeed must have aggravated the offense. But it is not to be supposed that the inquisitors believed Galileo's ab- juration to be sincere, or even that they wished it to be so. It is stated that when Galileo had made his renunciation of the earth's motion, he rose from his knees, and stamping on the earth with his foot, said, E pur si muove " and yet it does move." This is sometimes represented as the heroic soli- loquy of a mind cherishing its conviction of the truth in spite of persecution : I think we may more naturally conceive it uttered as a playful epigram in the ear of a cardinal's secretary, with a full 422 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. knowledge that it would be immediately repeated to his master. The ecclesiastical authorities having once de- clared the doctrine of the earth's motion to be contrary to scripture and heretical, long adhered in form to this declaration, and did not allow the Copernican system to be taught in any other way than as a "hypothesis." The Padua edition of Galileo's works, published in 1744, contains the Dialogue which now, the editors say, "Esce final- mente alia luce colle debite license ;" but they add, " quanto allo Quistione principale del moto della terra, anche noi ci conformiamo alia ritrazione et protesta dell' autore dichiarando nella piu solenne forma, che non pero ne dee ammetersi se non come pura Ipotesi Mathematice, che serve a spiegare piu agevolamento certi fenomeni." And in the edition of Newton's Principia, published in 1760, by Le Sueur and Jacquier, of the Order of Minims, the edi- tors prefix to the Third Book their Dedaratio, that though Newton assumes the hypothesis of the mo- tion of the earth, and therefore they had used similar language, they were, in doing this, assuming a character which did not belong to them. " Hinc alienam coacti sumus gerere personam." They add, "Ca3terum latis a summis Pontificibus contra tel- luris motum Decretis, nos obsequi profitemur." By thus making decrees against a doctrine which in the course of time was established as an SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 423 indisputable scientific truth, the See of Rome was guilty of an unwise and unfortunate stretch of eccle- siastical authority. But though we do not hesitate to pronounce such a judgment on this case, we may add that there is a question of no small real difficulty, which the progress of science often brings into notice, as it did then. The Revelation on which our religion is founded, seems to declare, or to take for granted, opinions on points on which Science also gives her decision; and we then come to this dilemma, that doctrines, established by a scientific use of reason, may seem to con- tradict the declarations of revelation, according to our view of its meaning; and yet, that we can- not, in consistency with our religious views, make reason a judge of the truth of revealed doctrines. In the case of Astronomy, on which Galileo was called in question, the general sense of cultivated and sober-minded men has long ago drawn that distinction between religious and physical tenets, which is necessary to resolve this dilemma. On this point, it is reasonably held, that the phrases which are employed in Scripture respecting astro- nomical facts, are not to be made use of to guide our scientific opinions; they may be supposed to answer their end if they fall in with common no- tions, and are thus effectually subservient to the moral and religious import of revelation. But the establishment of this distinction was not accom- plished without long and distressing controversies. 424 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. Nor, if we wish to include all cases in which the same dilemma may again come into play, is it easy to lay down an adequate canon for the purpose. For we can hardly foresee, beforehand, what part of the past history of the universe may eventually be found to come within the domain of science ; or what bearing the tenets, which science esta- blishes, may have upon our view of the provi- dential and revealed government of the world. But without attempting here to generalize on this sub- ject, there are two reflections which may be worth our notice : they are supported by what took place in reference to Astronomy on the occasion of which we are speaking; and may, at other periods, be applicable to other sciences. In the first place, the meaning which any gene- ration puts upon the phrases of Scripture, depends, more than is at first sight supposed, upon the received philosophy of the time. Hence, while men imagine that they are contending for Reve- lation, they are, in fact, contending for their own interpretation of Revelation, unconsciously adapted to what they believe to be rationally probable. And the new interpretation, which the new phi- losophy requires, and which appears to the older school to be a fatal violence done to the authority of religion, is accepted by their successors without the dangerous results which were apprehended. When the language of Scripture, invested with its new meaning, has become familiar to men, it is SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. found that the ideas which it calls up, are quite as reconcileable as the former ones were, with the soundest religious views. And the world then looks back with surprize at the errour of those who thought that the essence of Revelation was involved in their own arbitrary version of some collateral circumstance. At the present day we can hardly conceive how reasonable men should have imagined that religious reflections on the sta- bility of the earth, and the beauty and use of the luminaries which revolve round it, would be inter- fered with by its being acknowledged that this rest and motion are apparent only. In the next place, we may observe that those who thus adhere tenaciously to the traditionary or arbitrary mode of understanding Scriptural expres- sions of physical events, are always strongly con- demned by succeeding generations. They are looked upon with contempt by the world at large, who cannot enter into the obsolete difficulties with which they encumbered themselves ; and with pity by the more considerate and serious, who know how much sagacity and right-mindedness are re- quisite for the conduct of philosophers and religious men on such occasions; but who know also how weak and vain is the attempt to get rid of the difficulty by merely denouncing the new tenets as inconsistent with religious belief, and by visiting the promulgators of them with severity such as the state of opinions and institutions may allow. The 426 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. prosecutors of Galileo are still held up to the scorn and aversion of mankind ; although, as we have seen, they did not act till it seemed that their position compelled them to do so, and then pro- ceeded with all the gentleness and moderation which were compatible with judicial forms. Sect. 5. The Heliocentric Theory confirmed on Physical considerations. (Prelude to Kepler s Astronomical Discoveries.) BY physical views, I mean, as I have already said, those which depend on the causes of the motions of matter, as, for instance, the consideration of the nature and laws of the force by which bodies fall downwards. Such considerations were necessarily and immediately brought under notice by the exa- mination of the Copernican theory ; but the loose and inaccurate notions which prevailed respecting the nature and laws of force, prevented, for some time, all distinct reasoning on this subject, and gave truth little advantage over errour. The for- mation of a new Science, the Science of Motion and its Causes, was requisite, before the heliocen- tric system could have justice done it with regard to this part of the subject. This discussion was at first carried on, as was to be expected, in terms of the received, that is, the Aristotelian doctrines. Thus, Copernicus says that terrestrial things appear to be at rest when they have a motion according to nature, that is, SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 427 a circular motion; and ascend or descend when they have, in addition to this, a rectilinear motion by which they endeavour to get into their own place. But his disciples soon began to question the Aristotelian dogmas, and to seek for sounder views by the use of their own reason. " The great argument against this system," says Msestlin, "is that heavy bodies are said to move to the center of the universe, and light bodies from the center. But I would ask, where do we get. this experience of heavy and light bodies ? and how is our know- ledge on these subjects extended so far that we can reason with certainty concerning the center of the whole universe ? Is not the only residence and home of all the things which are heavy and light to us, the earth and the air which surrounds it? and what is the earth and the ambient air with respect to the immensity of the universe ? It is a point, a punctule, or something, if there be anything, still less. As our light and heavy bodies tend to the center of our earth, it is credible that the sun, the moon, and the other lights, have a similar affection, by which they remain round as we see them, but none of these centers is necessarily the center of the universe." The most obvious and important physical diffi- culty attendant upon the supposition of the motion of the earth was thus stated. If the earth move, how is it that a stone, dropped from the top of a high tower, falls exactly at the foot of the 428 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. tower? since the tower being carried from west to east by the diurnal revolution of the earth, the stone must be left behind to the west of the place from which it was let fall. The proper answer to this was, that the motion which the fall- ing body received from its tendency downwards was compounded with the motion which, before it fell, it had in virtue of the earth's rotation : but this answer could not be clearly made or appre- hended, till Galileo and his pupils had established the laws of such compositions of motion arising from different forces. Roth man, Kepler, and other defenders of the Copernican system, gave their reply somewhat at a venture, when they asserted that the motion of the earth was communicated to bodies at its surface. Still, the facts which indicate and establish this truth are obvious, when the sub- ject is steadily considered; and the Copernicans soon found that they had the superiority of argu- ment on this point as well as others. The attacks upon the Copernican system by Durret, Morin, Riccioli, and the defence of it by Galileo, Lansberg, Gassendi 10 , left on all candid reasoners a clear impression in favour of the system. Morin at- tempted to stop the motion of the earth, which he called breaking its wings; his Alee Terrce Fractce was published in 1643, and answered by Gassendi. And Riccioli, as late as 1653, in his Almagestum Novum, enumerated fifty-seven Copernican argii- 10 Del. A. M. vol. i. p. 594. SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS: 429 ments, and pretended to refute them all : but such reasonings now made no converts ; and by this time the mechanical objections to the motion of the earth were generally seen to be baseless, as we shall relate when we come to speak of the pro- gress of mechanics as a distinct science. In the mean time, the beauty and simplicity of the helio- centric theory were perpetually winning the admi- ration even of those who, from one cause or other, refused their assent to it. Thus Riccioli, the last of its considerable opponents, allows its superiority in these respects ; and acknowledges (in 1653) that the Copernican belief appears rather to increase than diminish under the condemnation of the de- crees of the Cardinals. He applies to it the lines of Horace 11 : Per damna per caedes, ab ipso Sunrit opes animumque ferro. Untamed its pride, unchecked its course, From foes and wounds it gathers force. We have spoken of the influence of the motion of the earth on the motions of bodies at its surface ; but the notion of a physical connexion among the parts of the universe was taken up by Kepler in another point of view, which would probably have been considered as highly fantastical, if the result had not been, that it led to by far the most magni- ficent and most certain train of truths which the whole expanse of human knowledge can show. I 11 Almag. Nov. p. 102. 430 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. speak of the persuasion of the existence of numeri- cal and geometrical laws connecting the distances, times, and forces of the bodies which revolve about the central sun That steady and intense conviction of this governing principle, which made its deve- lopement and verification the leading employment of Kepler's most active and busy life, cannot be considered otherwise than as an example of pro- found sagacity. That it was connected, though dimly and obscurely, with the notion of a central agency or influence of some sort, emanating from the sun, cannot be doubted. Kepler, in his first essay of this kind, the Mysterium Cosmographicum, says, " The motion of the earth, which Copernicus had proved by mathematical reasons, I wanted to prove by physical, or, if you prefer it, metaphy- sical." In the twentieth chapter of that work, he endeavours to make out some relation between the distances of the planets from the sun and their velocities. The inveterate yet vague notions of forces which preside in this attempt, may be judged of by such passages as the following : " We must suppose one of two things : either that the moving spirits, in proportion as they are more removed from the sun, are more feeble ; or that there is one moving spirit in the center of all the orbits, namely, in the sun, which urges each body the more vehe- mently in proportion as it is nearer; but in more distant spaces languishes in consequence of the remoteness and attenuation of its virtue." SEQUEL TO COPERNICUS. 431 We must not forget, in reading such passages, that they were written under a belief that force was requisite to keep up, as well as to change the motion of each planet ; and that a body, moving in a circle, would stop when the force of the central point ceased, instead of moving off in a tangent to the circle, as we now know it would do. The force which Kepler supposes is a tangential force, in the direction of the body's motion, and nearly perpen- dicular to the radius ; the force which modern phi- losophy has established, is in the direction of the radius, and nearly perpendicular to the body's path. Kepler was right no further than in his suspicion of a connexion between the cause of motion and the distance from the center; not only was his know- ledge imperfect in all particulars, but his most general conception of the mode of action of a cause of motion was erroneous. With these general convictions and these phy- sical notions in his mind, Kepler endeavoured to detect numerical and geometrical relations among the parts of the solar system. After extraordinary labour, perseverance, and ingenuity, he was emi- nently successful in discovering such relations ; but the glory and merit of interpreting them according to their physical meaning, was reserved for his greater successor, Newton. 432 CHAPTER IV. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. Sect. 1. Intellectual Character of Kepler. SEVERAL persons 1 , especially in recent times, who have taken a view of the discoveries of Kepler, appear to have been surprized and some- what discontented that conjectures, apparently so fanciful and arbitrary as his, should have led to important discoveries. They seem to have been alarmed at the Moral that their readers might draw, from the tale of a Quest of Knowledge, in which the Hero, though fantastical and self-willed, and violating in his conduct, as they conceived, all right rule and sound philosophy, is rewarded with 1 Laplace, Precis, de I' Hist. d'Asl. p. 94. " II est affligeant pour 1'esprit humain de voir ce grand homme, meme dans ses dernieres ouvrages, se complaire avec delices dans ses chimeriques speculations, et les regarder comme Tame et la vie de 1'astronomie.' Hist, of Art., L. U. K., p. 53. "This success [of Kepler] may well inspire with dismay those who are accustomed to consider experiment and rigorous induction as the only means to interrogate nature with success." Life of Kepler, L. U. K., p. J4, " Bad philosophy." P. 15, " Kepler's miraculous good fortune in seizing truths across the wildest and most absurd theories." P. 54, " The danger of attempting to follow his method in the pursuit of truth." INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 4M:} the most signal triumphs. Perhaps one or two reflections mav in some measure reconcile us to / this result. In the first place, we may observe that the leading thought which suggested and animated all Kepler's attempts was true, and we may add, saga- cious and philosophical ; namely, that there must be some numerical or geometrical relations among the times, distances, and velocities of the revolving bodies of the solar system. This settled and con- stant conviction of an important truth regulated all the conjectures, apparently so capricious and fanci- ful, which he made and examined, respecting par- ticular relations in the system. In the next place, we may venture to say, that advances in knowledge are not commonly made without the previous exercise of some boldness and license in guessing. The discovery of new truths requires, undoubtedly, minds careful and scrupulous in examining what is suggested ; but it requires, no less, such as are quick and fertile in suggesting. What is Invention, except the talent of rapidly calling before us many possibilities, and selecting the appropriate one? It is true, that when we have rejected all the inadmissible suppositions, they are quickly forgotten by most persons; and few think it necessary to dwell on these discarded hypo- theses, and on the process by which they were con- demned, as Kepler has done. But all who discover truths must have reasoned upon many errors, to VOL. i. F F 434 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. obtain each truth ; every accepted doctrine must have been one selected out of many candidates. In making many conjectures, which on trial proved erroneous, Kepler was no more fanciful or unphilo- sophical than other discoverers have been. Dis- covery is not a "cautious" or "rigorous" process, in the sense of abstaining from such suppositions. But there are great differences in different cases, in the facility with which guesses are proved to be errours, and in the degree of attention with which the errour and the proof are afterwards dwelt on. Kepler certainly was remarkable for the labour which he gave to such self-refutations, and for the candour and copiousness with which he narrated them ; his works are in this way extremely curious and amusing ; and are a very instructive exhibition of the mental process of discovery. But in this respect, I venture to believe, they exhibit to us the usual process (somewhat caricatured) of inventive minds : they rather exemplify the rule of genius than (as has generally been hitherto taught,) the exception. We may add, that if many of Kepler's guesses now appear fanciful and absurd, because time and observation have refuted them, others, which were at the time equally gratuitous, have been confirmed by succeeding discoveries in a man- ner which makes them appear marvellously saga- cious ; as, for instance, his assertion of the rotation of the sun on his axis, before the invention of the telescope, and his opinion that the obliquity of the INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 435 ecliptic was decreasing, but would, after a long-con- tinued diminution, stop, and then increase again 2 . Nothing can be more just, as well as more poetically happy, than Kepler's picture of the philosopher's pursuit of scientific truth, conveyed by means of an allusion to Virgil's shepherd and shepherdess : Malo me Galatea petit, lasciva puella Et fugit ad salices et so cupit ante videri. Coy yet inviting, Galatea loves To sport in sight, then plunge into the groves ; The challenge given, she darts along the green, Will not be caught, yet would not run unseen. We may notice as another peculiarity of Kep- ler's reasonings, the length and laboriousness of the processes by which he discovered the errours of his first guesses. One of the most important talents requisite for a discoverer, is the ingenuity and skill which devises means for rapidly testing false sup- positions as they offer themselves. This talent Kepler did not possess : he was not even a good arithmetical calculator, often making mistakes, some of which he detected and laments, while others escaped him to the last. But his defects in this respect were compensated by his courage and perseverance* in undertaking and executing such tasks ; and, what was still more admirable, he never allowed the labour he had spent upon any con- jecture to produce any reluctance in abandoning the hypothesis, as soon as he had evidence of its 2 Bailly, A. M. iii. 175. FF2 436 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. inaccuracy. The only way in which he rewarded himself for his trouble, was by describing to the world, in his lively manner, his schemes, exertions, and feelings. The mystical parts of Kepler's opinions, as his belief in astrology, his persuasion that the earth was an animal, and many of the loose moral and spiritual as well as sensible analyses by which he represented to himself the powers which he sup- posed to prevail in the universe, do not appear to have interfered with his discovery, but rather to have stimulated his invention, and animated his exertions. Indeed, where there are clear scientific ideas on one subject in the mind, it does not appear that mysticism on others is at all unfavourable to the successful prosecution of research. I conceive, then, that we may consider Kepler's character as containing the general features of the character of a scientific discoverer, though some of the features are exaggerated, and some too feebly marked. His spirit of invention was undoubtedly very fertile and ready, and this and his perseverance served to remedy his deficiency in mathematical artifice and method. But the peculiar physiognomy is given to his intellectual aspect by his dwelling in a most prominent manner on those erroneous trains of thought which other persons conceal from the world, and often themselves forget, because they find means of stopping them at the outset. In the beginning of his book (Argumenta Capitum) he INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 437 says, " if Christopher Columbus, if Magellan, if the Portuguese when they narrate their wanderings, are not only excused, but if we do not wish these pas- sages omitted, and should lose much pleasure if they were, let no one blame me for doing the same." Kepler's talents were a kindly and fertile soil, which he cultivated with abundant toil and vigour; but with great scantiness of agricultural skill and implements. Weeds and the grain throve and flourished side by side almost undistinguished ; and he gave a peculiar appearance to his harvest, by gathering and preserving the one class of plants with as much care and diligence as the other. Sect. 2. Kepler's Discovery of his Third Law. I SHALL now give some account of Kepler's specu- lations and discoveries. The first discovery which he attempted, the relation among the successive dis- tances of the planets from the sun, was a failure ; his doctrine being without any solid foundation, although propounded by him with great triumph, in a work which he called Mysterium Cosmogra- phicum, and which was published in 1596. The account which he gives of the train of his thoughts on this subject, namely, the various suppositions assumed, examined, and rejected, is curious and instructive, for the reasons just stated ; but we shall not dwell upon these essays, since they led only to an opinion now entirely abandoned. The doctrine 438 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. which professed to give the true relation of the orbits of the different planets, was thus delivered 3 " The orbit of the earth is a circle ; round the sphere to which this circle belong describe a dode- cahedron; the sphere including this will give the orbit of Mars. Round Mars describe a tetrahedron ; the circle including this will be the orbit of Jupiter. Describe a cube round Jupiter's orbit; the circle including this will be the orbit of Saturn. Now inscribe in the Earth's orbit an icosahedron; the circle inscribed in it will be the orbit of Venus. Inscribe an octahedron in the orbit of Venus ; the circle inscribed in it will be Mercury's orbit. This is the reason of the number of the planets." The five kinds of polyhedral bodies here mentioned are the only " regular solids." But though this part of the Mysterium Cosmo- grapliicum was a failure, the same researches con- tinued to occupy Kepler's mind; and twenty-two years later led him to one of the important rules known to us as "Kepler's laws;" namely, to the rule connecting the mean distances of the planets from the sun with the times of their revolutions. This rule is expressed in mathematical terms by saying that the squares of the periodic times are in the same proportion as the cubes of the distances ; and was of great importance to Newton in leading him to the law of the sun's attractive force. We may properly consider this discovery as the sequel 3 L. TJ.-K. Kepler, 6. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 439 of the train of thought already noticed. In the beginning of the My sternum, Kepler had said, " In the year 1595, I brooded with the whole energy of my mind on the subject of the Copernican system. There were three things in particular of which I pertinaciously sought the causes why they are not other than they are ; the number, the size, and the motion of the orbits." We have seen the nature of his attempt to account for the two first of these points. He had also made some essays to connect the motions of the planets with their distances, but with his success in this respect he was not himself completely satisfied. But in the fifth book of the Harmonice Mundi, published in 1619, he says, "What I prophesied two-and-twenty years ago as soon as I had discovered the five solids among the heavenly bodies; what I firmly believed before I had seen the Harmonics of Ptolemy ; what I pro- mised my friends in the title of this book (On the most perfect Harmony of the Celestial Motions), which I named before I was sure of my discovery ; what sixteen years ago I regarded as a thing to be sought; that for which I joined Tycho Brahe, for which I settled in Prague, for which I have devoted the best part of my life to astronomical contem- plations; at length I have brought to light, and have recognized its truth beyond my most sanguine expectations." The rule thus referred to is stated in the third chapter of this fifth book. "It is," he says, "a 440 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. most certain and exact thing that the proportion which exists between the periodic times of any two planets is precisely the sesquiplicate of the proportion of their mean distances ; that is, of the radii of the orbits. Thus, the period of the earth is one year, that of Saturn thirty years ; if any one trisect the proportion, that is, take the cube root of it, and double the proportion so found, that is, square it, he will find the exact proportion of the distances of the earth and of Saturn from the sun. For the cube root of 1 is 1, and the square of this is 1 ; and the cube root of 30 is greater than 3, and therefore the square of it is greater than 9. And Saturn at his mean distance from the sun is at a little more than 9 times the mean distance of the earth." When we now look back at the time and exer- tions which the establishment of this law cost Kep- ler, we are tempted to imagine that he was strangely blind in not seeing it sooner. His object, we might reason, was to discover a law connecting the dis- tances and the periodic times. What law of con- nexion could be more simple and obvious, we might say, than that one of these quantities should vary as some power of the other, or as some root, or as some combination of the two, which in a more general view, may still be called a power f And if the problem had been viewed in this way, the question must have occurred, to what power of the periodic times are the distances proportional ? And INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 441 the answer must have been, that they are propor- tional to the square of the cube root. This ex-post- facto obviousness of discoveries is a delusion to which we are liable with regard to many of the most important principles. In the case of Kepler, we may observe, that the process of connecting two classes of quantities by comparing their powers, is obvious only to those who are familiar with general algebraical views ; and that in Kepler's time, alge- bra had not taken the place of geometry, as the most usual vehicle of mathematical reasoning. It may be added, also, that Kepler always sought his formal laws by means of physical reasonings; and these, though vague or erroneous, determined the nature of the mathematical connexion which he assumed. Thus in the Mysterium he had been led by his notions of moving virtue of the sun to this conjecture, among others, that, in the planets, the increase of the periods will be double of the dif- ference of the distances; which supposition he found to give him an approach to the actual pro- portion of the distances, but one not sufficiently close to satisfy him. The greater part of the fifth Book of the Har- monics of the Universe consists in attempts to ex- plain various relations among the distances, times, and eccentricities of the planets, by means of the ratios which belong to certain concords and dis- cords. This portion of the work is so complex and laborious, that probably few modern readers have 442 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. had courage to go through it. Delambre 4 acknow- ledges that his patience often failed him during the task; and subscribes to the judgment of Bailly; "After this sublime effort, Kepler replunges himself in the relations of music to the motions, the dis- tance, and the eccentricities of the planets. In all these harmonic ratios there is not one true rela- tion ; in a crowd of ideas there is not one truth : he becomes a man after being a spirit of light." Cer- tainly these speculations are of no value, but we may look on them with toleration, when we recol- lect that Newton has sought for analogies between the spaces occupied by the prismatic colours and the notes of the gamut 5 . The numerical relations of concords are so peculiar that we can easily sup- pose them to have other bearings than those which first offer themselves. It does not belong to my present purpose to speak at length of the speculations concerning the forces producing the celestial motions by which Kepler was led to this celebrated law, or of those which he deduced from it, and which are found in the Epitome Astronomies Copernicance, published 1622. In that work also (p. 554), he extended this law, though in a loose manner, to the satellites of Jupiter. These physical speculations were only a vague and distant prelude to Newton's discoveries ; and the law, as a formal rule, was complete in itself. We must now attend to the history of 4 A. M. a. 35a 6 Opticks, B. 2. p. iv. Obs 5. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 443 the other two laws with which Kepler's name is associated. Sect. 3. Kepler's Discovery of Ms First and Second Lares. Elliptical Theory of the Planets. THE propositions designated as Kepler's first and second laws are these: that the orbits of the planets are elliptical; and that the areas de- scribed, or swept, by lines drawn from the sun to the planet are proportional to the times employed in the motion. The occasion of the discovery of these laws was the attempt to reconcile the theory of Mars to the theory of eccentrics and epicycles; the event of it was the complete overthrow of that theory, and the establishment, in its stead, of the Elliptical Theory of the planets. Astronomy was now ripe for such a change. As soon as Copernicus had taught men that the orbits of the planets were to be referred to the sun, it obviously became a question, what was the true form of these orbits, and the rule of motion of each planet in its own orbit. Copernicus represented the motions in longitude by means of eccentrics and epicycles, as we have already said; and the motions in latitude by certain librations, or alternate elevations and depressions of epicycles. If a mathematician had obtained a collection of true positions of a planet, the form of the orbit, and the motion of the star would have been determined 444 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. with reference to the sun as well as to the earth; but this was not possible, for though the geocentric position, or the direction in which the planet was seen, could be observed, its distance from the earth was not known. Hence, when Kepler attempted to determine the orbit of a planet, he combined the observed geocentric places with successive modifi- cations of the theory of epicycles, till at last he was led, by one step after another, to change the epicy- clical into the elliptical theory. We may observe, moreover, that at every step he endeavoured to support his new suppositions by what he called, in his fanciful phraseology, " sending into the field a reserve of new physical reasonings on the rout and dispersion of the veterans (s) :" that is, by connect- ing his astronomical hypotheses with new imagina- tions, when the old ones became untenable. We find, indeed, that this is the spirit in which the pursuit of knowledge is generally carried on with success: those men arrive at truth who eagerly endeavour to connect remote points of their know- ledge, not those who stop cautiously at each point till something compels them to go beyond it. Kepler joined Tycho Brahe at Prague in 1600, and found him and Longomontanus busily employed in correcting the theory of Mars ; and he also then entered upon that train of researches which he published in 1609 in his extraordinary work On the Motions of Mars. In this work, as in others, he gives an account, not only of his success, but of his INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 445 failures, explaining, at length, the various suppo- sitions which he had made, the notions by which he had been led to invent or to entertain them, the processes by which he had proved their falsehood, and the alternations of hope and sorrow, of vexa- tion and triumph, through which he had gone. It will not be necessary for us to cite many passages of these kinds, curious and amusing as they are. One of the most important truths contained in the motions of Mars is the discovery that the plane of the orbit of the planet should be considered with reference to the sun itself, instead of referring it' to any of the other centers of motion which the eccentric hypothesis introduced; and that, when so considered, it had none of the librations which Ptolemy and Copernicus had attributed to it. The fourteenth chapter of the second part asserts, " Plana eccentricorum esse ardXavra ;" that the planes are unlibrating ; retaining always the same inclination to the ecliptic, and the same line of nodes. With this step Kepler appears to have been justly delighted. His reflections on it are very phi- losophical. "Copernicus," he says, "not knowing the value of what he possessed (his system), under- took to represent Ptolemy, rather than Nature, to which, however, he had approached more nearly than any other person. For being rejoiced that the quantity of the latitude of each planet was in- creased by the approach of the earth to the planet, according to his theory, he did not venture to 446 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMV. reject the rest of Ptolemy's increase of latitude, but in order to express it, devised librations of the planes of the eccentric, depending not upon its own eccentric, but (most improbably) upon the orbit of the earth, which has nothing to do with it. I always fought against this impertinent tying to- gether of two orbits, even before I saw the obser- vations of Tycho ; and I therefore rejoice much that in this, as in others of my preconceived opinions, the observations were found to be on my side." Kepler established his point by a fair and laborious calculation of the results of observations 3f Mars made by himself and Tycho Brahe; and had a right to exult when the result of these cal- culations confirmed his views of the symmetry and simplicity of nature. We may judge of the difficulty of casting off the theory of eccentrics and epicycles, by recollect- ing that Copernicus did not do it at all, and that Kepler only did it after repeated struggles; the history of which occupies thirty-nine chapters of his book. At the end of them he says, " This prolix disputation was necessary, in order to pre- pare the way to the natural form of the equations, of which I am now to treat 6 . My first errour was, that the path of a planet is a perfect circle ; an opinion which was a more mischievous thief of my time, in proportion as it was supported by the authority of all philosophers, and apparently agree- 6 De Stella Martis, iii. 40. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 447 able to metaphysics." But before he attempts to correct this erroneous part of his hypothesis he sets about discovering the law according to which the different parts of the orbit are described in the case of the earth, in which case the eccentricity is so small that the effect of the oval form is in- sensible. The result of this inquiry was 7 the Rule, that the time of describing any arc of the orbit is proportional to the area intercepted between the curve and two lines drawn to the extremities of the arc. It is to be observed that this rule, at first, though it had the recommendation of being selected after the unavoidable abandonment of many, which were suggested by the notions of those times, was far from being adopted upon any very rigid or cautious grounds. A rule had been proved at the apsides of the orbit, by calculation from observations, and had then been extended by con- jecture to other parts of the orbit; and the rule of the areas was only an approximate and inac- curate mode of representing this rule, employed for the purpose of brevity and convenience, in consequence of the difficulty of applying, geome- trically, that which Kepler now conceived to be the true rule, and which required him to find the sum of the lines drawn from the sun to every point of the orbit. When he proceeded to apply this rule to Mars, in whose orbit the oval form is 7 Ibid. p. 194. 448 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. much more marked, additional difficulties came in his way ; and here again the true supposition, that the oval is of that special kind called ellipse, was adopted at first only in order to simplify calcu- lation 8 , and the deviation from exactness in the result was attributed to the inaccuracy of those approximate processes. The supposition of the oval had already been forced upon Purbach in the case of Mercury, and upon Reinhold in the case of the Moon. The center of the epicycle was made to describe an egg-shaped figure in the former case, and a lenticular figure in the latter 9 . It may serve to show the kind of labour by which Kepler was led to his result, if we here enu- merate, as he does in his forty-seventh chapter 10 , six hypotheses, on which he calculated the longi- tudes of Mars, in order to see which best agreed with observation. 1. The simple eccentricity. 2. The bisection of the eccentricity, and the duplication of the superior part of the equation. 3. The bisection of the eccentricity and a sta- tionary point of equations, after the manner of Ptolemy. 4. The vicarious hypothesis by a free section of the eccentricity made to agree as nearly as pos- sible with the truth. 8 De SteM Martis, iv. c. 47- 9 L. U. K. Kepler, p. 30. 10 De Stella Martin, p. 228. INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 44<) 5. The physical hypothesis on the supposition of a perfect circle. 6. The physical hypothesis on the supposition of a perfect ellipse. By the physical hypothesis, he meant the doc- trine that the time of a planet's describing any part of its orbit is proportional to the distance of the planet from the sun, for which supposition, as we have said, he conceived that he had assigned physical reasons. The two last hypotheses came the nearest to the truth, and differed from it only by about eight minutes, the one in excess and the other in defect. And, after being much perplexed by this remaining error, it at last occurred to him 11 that he might take another ellipsis, exactly intermediate between the former one and the circle, and that this must give the path and the motion of the planet. Making this assumption, and taking the areas to represent the times, he now saw 12 that both the longitude and the distances of Mars would agree with ob- servation to the requisite degree of accuracy. The rectification of the former hypothesis, when thus stated, may, perhaps, appear obvious. And Kepler informs us that he had nearly been anticipated in this step. (c. 55.) "David Fabricius, to whom I had communicated my hypothesis of cap. 45, was able, by his observations, to show that it erred in 11 De StelM Martis, c. 58 12 Ibid. p. 235. VOL. I. G G 450 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. making the distances too short at mean longitudes ; of which he informed me by letter while I was labouring, by repeated efforts, to discover the true hypothesis. So nearly did he get the start of me in detecting the truth." But this was less easy than it might seem. When Kepler's first hypothesis was enveloped in the complex construction re- quisite in order to apply it to each point of the orbit, it was far more difficult to see where the errour lay, and Kepler hit upon it only by noticing the coincidences of certain numbers, which, as he says, raised him as if from sleep, and gave him a new light. We may observe, also, that he was perplexed to reconcile this new view, according to which the planet described an exact ellipse, with his former opinion, which represented the motion by means of libration in an epicycle. "This," he says, "was my greatest trouble, that, though I considered and reflected till I was almost mad, I could not find why the planet to which, with so much probability, and with such an exact accord- ance of the distances, the libration in the diameter of the epicycle was attributed, should, according to the indication of the equations, go in an ellip- tical path. What an absurdity on my part ! as if libration in the diameter might not be a way to the ellipse!" Another scruple respecting this theory arose from the impossibility of solving, by any geome- INDUCTIVE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 451 trical construction, the problem to which Kepler was thus led, namely, " to divide the area of a semi- circle in a given ratio, by a line drawn from any point of the diameter." This is still termed " Kep- ler's Problem," and is, in fact, incapable of exact geometrical solution. As, however, the calculation can be performed, and, indeed, was performed by Kepler himself, with a sufficient degree of accuracy to show that the elliptical hypothesis is true, the insolubility of this problem is a mere mathematical difficulty in the deductive process, to which Kepler's inductions gave rise. Of Kepler's physical reasonings we shall speak more at length on another occasion. His numerous and fanciful hypotheses had discharged their office, when they had suggested to him his many lines of laborious calculation, and encouraged him under the exertions and disappointments to which these led. The result of this work was the formal laws of the motion of Mars, established by a clear in- duction, since they represented, with sufficient ac- curacy, the best observations. And we may allow that Kepler was entitled to the praise which he claims in the motto on his first leaf. Ramus had said that if any one would construct an astronomy without hypothesis he would be ready to resign to him his professorship in the University of Paris. Kepler quotes this passage, and adds, "it is well, Ramus, that you have run from this pledge, by GG2 452 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. quitting life and your professorship 13 ; if you held it still, I should, with justice, claim it." This was not saying too much, since he had entirely over- turned the hypothesis of eccentrics and epicycles, and had obtained a theory which was a mere re- presentation of the motions and distances as they were observed. 13 Ramus perished in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 453 CHAPTER V. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF KEPLER. RECEPTION, VERIFICATION, AND EXTENSION OF THE ELLIPTI- CAL THEORY. Sect. 1. Application of the Elliptical Theory to the Planets. THE extension of Kepler's discoveries concern- ing the orbit of Mars to the other planets, obviously offered itself as a strong probability, and was confirmed by trial. This was made in the first place upon the orbit of Mercury ; which planet, in consequence of the largeness of its eccen- tricity, exhibits mere clearly than the others the circumstances of the elliptical motion. These and various other supplementary portions of the views to which Kepler's discoveries had led, appeared in the latter part of his Epitome Astronomice Coper - nicance, published in 1622. The real verification of the new doctrine con- cerning the orbits and motions of the heavenly bodies was, of course, to be found in the construc- tion of tables of those motions, and in the con- tinued comparison of such tables with observation. Kepler's discoveries had been founded, as we have 454 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. seen, principally on Tycho's observations. Longo- montanus (so called as being a native of Langberg in Denmark,) published in 1621 in his Astronomia Danica, tables founded upon the theories as well as the observations of his countryman. Kepler 1 in 1627 published his tables of the planets, which he called Rudolphine Tables, the result and applica- tion of his own theory. In 1633, Lansberg, a Bel- gian, published also Tabulae Perpetuce, a work which was ushered into the world with considerable pomp and pretension, and in which the author cavils very keenly at Kepler and Brahe. We may judge of the impression made upon the astronomical world in general by these rival works, from the account which our countryman Jeremy Horrox has given of their effect on him. He had been seduced by the magnificent promises of Lansberg, and the praises of his admirers, which are prefixed to the work, and was persuaded that the common opinion which preferred Tycho and Kepler to him was a prejudice. In 1636, however, he became acquainted with Crab- tree, another young astronomer, who lived in the same part of Lancashire. By him Horrox was warned that Lansberg was not to be depended on ; that his hypotheses were vicious, and his observa- tions falsified or forced into agreement with his theories. He then read the works and adopted the opinions of Kepler; and after some hesitation which he felt at the thought of attacking the object of his, 1 Rheticus, Narratio, p. 98. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF KEPLER. 455 former idolatry, he wrote a dissertation on the points of difference between them. It appears that, at one time, he intended to have offered himself as the umpire who was to adjudge the prize of excel- lence among the three rival theories of Longomon- tanus, Kepler and Lansberg ; and, in allusion to the story of ancient mythology, his work was to have been called Paris Astronomicus ; we easily see that he would have given the golden apple to the Kep- lerian goddess. Succeeding observations confirmed his judgment : and the Rudolphine Tables, thus published seventy-six years after the Prutenic, which were founded on the doctrines of Copernicus, were for a long time those universally used. Sect. 2. Application of the Elliptical Theory to the Moon. THE reduction of the moon's motions to rule was a harder task than the formation of planetary tables, if accuracy was required ; for the moon's motion is affected by an incredible number of different and complex inequalities, which, till their law is de- tected, appear to defy all theory. Still, however, progress was made in this work. The most impor- tant advances were due to Tycho Brahe. In addi- tion to the first and second inequalities of the moon (the Equation of the Center, known very early, and the Evection which Ptolemy had discovered), Tycho proved that there was another inequality, which he 456 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. termed the Variation", which depended on the moon's position with respect to the sun, and which at its maximum was forty minutes and a half, about a quarter of the evection. He also perceived, though not very distinctly, the necessity of another correction of the moon's place depending on the sun's longitude, which has since been termed the Annual Equation. These steps concerned the Longitude of the Moon ; Tycho also made important advances in the knowledge of the Latitude. The Inclination of the Orbit had hitherto been assumed to be the same at all times; and the motion of the Node had been supposed uniform. He found that the inclination increased and diminished by twenty minutes, ac- cording to the position of the line of nodes ; and that the nodes, though they regress upon the whole, sometimes go forwards and sometimes go back- wards. Tycho's discoveries .concerning the moon are given in his Progymnasmata, which was published in 1603, two years after the author's death. He represents the moon's motion in longitude by means of certain combinations of epicycles and eccentrics. But after Kepler had shown that such devices are to be banished from the planetary system, it was 3 We have seen (Chap, in), that Aboul-Wefa, in the tenth century, had already noticed this inequality; but his discovery had been entirely forgotten long before the time of Tycho, and has only recently been brought again into notice. SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF KEPLER. l.~>7 impossible not to think of extending the elliptical theory to the moon. Horrox succeeded in doing this ; and in 1638 sent this essay to his friend Crab- tree. It was published in 1673, with the numerical elements requisite for its application added by Flamsteed. Flamsteed had also (in 1671 and 2) compared this theory with observation, and found that it agreed far more nearly than the Pliilolaic Tables of Bullialdus, or the Carolinian Tables of Street (Epilogus ad Tabulas}. Moreover Horrox, by making the center of the ellipse revolve in an epicycle, gave an explanation of the evection, as well as of the equation of the center (T). Modern astronomers, by calculating the effects of the perturbing farces of the solar system, and comparing their calculations with observation, have added many new corrections or equations to those known at the time of Horrox; and since the mo- tions of the heavenly bodies were even then affected by these variations as yet undetected, it is clear that the tables of that time must have shown some errours when compared with observation. These errours much perplexed astronomers, and naturally gave rise to the question whether the motions of the heavenly bodies really were exactly regular, or whether they were not affected by accidents as little reducible to rule as wind and weather. Kepler had held the opinion of the casualty of such errours ; but Horrox, far more philosophically, argues against this opinion, though he allows that he is much 458 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. embarrassed by the deviations. His arguments show a singularly clear and strong apprehension of the features of the case, and their real import. He says 3 , " these errours of the tables are alternately in excess and defect; how could this constant com- pensation happen if they were casual ? Moreover, the alternation from excesg to defect is most rapid in the moon, most slow in Jupiter and Saturn, in which planets the errour continues sometimes for years. If the errours were casual, why should they not last as long in the moon as in Saturn ? But if we suppose the tables to be right in the mean motions, but wrong in the equations, these facts are just what must happen ; since Saturn's inequalities are of long period, while those of the moon are numerous, and rapidly changing." It would be impossible, at the present moment, to reason better on this subject; and the doctrine, that all the appa- rent irregularities of the celestial motions are really regular, was one of great consequence to establish at this period of the science. Sect. 3. Causes of the further Progress of Astronomy. WE are now arrived at the time when theory and observation sprang forwards with emulous energy. The physical theories of Kepler, and the reasonings of other defenders of the Copernican theory, led 3 Astron. Kepler. Proleg. p. 17- 'SEQUEL TO THE EPOCH OF COPERNICUS. 459 inevitably, after some vagueness and perplexity, to a sound science of mechanics ; and this science in time gave a new face to astronomy. But in the mean time, while mechanical mathematicians were generalizing from the astronomy already establish- ed, astronomers were accumulating new facts, which pointed the way to new theories and new gene- ralizations. Copernicus, while he had established the permanent length of the year, had confirmed the motion of the sun's apogee, and had shown that the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and the obli- quity of the ecliptic, were gradually, though slowly, diminishing. Tycho had accumulated a store of excellent observations. These, as well as the laws of the motions of the moon and planets already explained, were materials on which the Mechanics of the Universe was afterwards to employ its most matured powers. In the mean time, the telescope had opened other new subjects of notice and specu- lation ; not only confirming the Copernican doctrine by the phases of Venus, and the analogical examples of Jupiter and Saturn, which with their satellites ap- peared like models of the solar system; but disclosing unexpected objects, as the ring of Saturn, and the spots of the sun. The art of observing made rapid advances, both by the use of the telescope, and by the sounder notions of the construction of instruments which Tycho introduced. Copernicus had laughed at Rheticus, when he was disturbed about single minutes ; and declared that if he could be sure to 460 HISTORY OF FORMAL ASTRONOMY. ten minutes of space, he should be as much de- lighted as Pythagoras was when he discovered the property of the right-angled triangle. But Kepler founded the revolution which he introduced on a quantity less than this. "Since," he says 4 , " the divine goodness has given us in Tycho an observer so exact that this errour of eight minutes is impossible, we must be thankful to God for this, and turn it to account. And these eight minutes, which we must not neglect, will, of themselves, enable us to recon- struct the whole of astronomy." In addition to other improvements, the art of numerical calcu- lation made an inestimable advance by means of Napier's invention of Logarithms ; and the progress of other parts of pure mathematics was propor- tional to the calls which astronomy and physics made upon them. The exactness which observation had attained enabled astronomers both to verify and improve the existing theories, and to study the yet unsystema- tized facts. The science was, therefore, forced along by a strong impulse on all sides. We now proceed to speak of the new path into which this pressure forced it ; but, in order to this, we must first trace the rise and progress of the Science of Mechanics. 4 De Stella Martis, c. 19. 461 NOTES TO BOOK V. (p.) p. 403. THE doctrine of the motion of the earth was first publicly maintained at Rome by Wil- manstadt, who professed to have received it from Co- pernicus. See Venturi, Essai sur les Outrages Physico- Mathematiques de Leonard da Vinci, awe des Fragmens tires de ses Manuscrits apportes d'ltalie. Paris, 1797 : and, as there quoted, Marini Arcliiatri Pontificii, Tom. n. p. 251. Leonardo da Vinci himself, about 1510, explained how a body by describing a kind of spiral, might de- scend towards a revolving globe, so that its apparent motion relative to a point in the surface of the globe, might be in a straight line leading to the center. He thus showed that he had entertained in his thoughts the hypothesis of the eartfr's rotation, and was employed in removing the difficulties which accompanied this sup- position, by means of the consideration of the composition of motions. Regiomontanus (who died in 1476) is said to have been inclined to this hypothesis, but to have combated it ex professo : \ (Q.) p. 418. It appears to me that the different de- gree of toleration accorded to the heliocentric theory in the time of Copernicus and of Galileo, must be ascribed in a great measure to the controversies and alarms which had in the mean time arisen out of the Reformation in 5 Schoneri Opera, Part n. Art. 127. 462 NOTES TO BOOK V. religion, and which had rendered the Romish Church more jealous of innovations in received opinions than it had previously been. It appears too that the discussion of such novel doctrines was, at that time at least, less freely tolerated in Italy than in other countries. In 1597, Kepler writes to Galileo thus: "Confide Galilaee et progredere. Si bene conjecto, pauci de prsecipuis Eu- ropse Mathematicis a nobis secedere volent ; tanta vis est veritatis. Si tibi Italia minus est idonea ad publica- tionem et si aliqua habitures es impedimenta, forsan Germania nobis hanc libertatem concedet." Venturi, Mem. di Galileo. Vol. i. p. 19. I would not however be understood to assert the condemnation of new doctrines in science to be either a general or a characteristic practice of the Romish Church. Certainly the intelligent and cultivated minds of Italy, and many of the most eminent of her ecclesi- astics among them, have always been the foremost in promoting and welcoming the progress of science: and, as I have stated, there were found, among the Italian ecclesiastics of Galileo's time many of the earliest and most enlightened adherents of the Copernican system. The condemnation of the doctrine of the earth's motion, is, so far as I am aware, the only instance in which the Papal authority has pronounced a decree upon a point of science. And the most candid of the adherents of the Romish Church condemn the assumption of autho- rity in such matters, which in this one instance, at least, was made by the ecclesiastical tribunals. The author of the Ages of Faith (Book vm. p. 248) says, " A congre- gation, it is to be lamented, declared the new system to be opposed to Scripture, and therefore heretical/' In NOTES TO BOOK V. 4G3 more recent times, as I have elsewhere remarked* 5 the Church of Authority and the Church of Private Judgment have each its peculiar temptations and dangers, when there appears to be a discrepance between Scripture and Philo- sophy. But though we may acquit the popes and cardinals in Galileo's time of stupidity and perverseness in rejecting manifest scientific truths, I do not see how we can acquit them of dissimulation and duplicity. Those persons appear to me to defend in a very strange manner the conduct of the ecclesiastical authorities of that period, who boast of the liberality with which Copernican professors were placed by them in important offices, at the very time when the motion- of the earth had been declared by the same authorities contrary to Scripture. Such merits cannot make us approve of their conduct in demanding from Galileo a public recantation of the system which they thus favoured in other ways, and which they had re- peatedly told Galileo he might hold as much as he pleased. Nor can any one, reading the plain language of the sen- tence passed upon Galileo, and of the abjuration forced from him, find any value in the plea which has been urged, that the opinion was denominated a heresy only in a wide, improper, and technical sense. But if we are thus unable to excuse the conduct of Galileo's judges, I do not see how we can give our uncon- ditional admiration to the philosopher himself. Perhaps the conventional decorum which, as we have seen, was required in treating of the Copernican system, may excuse or explain the furtive mode of insinuating his doctrines which he often employs, and which some of his 6 Phil. Ind. Sci. Book x. Chap. 4. 464 NOTES TO BOOK V. historians admire as subtle irony, while others blame it as insincerity. But I do not see with what propriety Galileo can be looked upon as a "martyr of science." Undoubtedly he was very desirous of promoting what he conceived to be the cause of philosophical truth ; but it would seem that, while he was restless and eager in urging his opinions, he was always ready to make such submis- sions as the spiritual tribunals required. He would really have acted as a martyr, if he had uttered his " e pur si muove," in the place of his abjuration, not after it. But in this case he would have been a martyr to a cause of which the merit was of a mingled character ; for his own special and favourite share in the reasonings by which the Copernican system was supported, was the argument) drawn from the flux and reflux of the sea, which argument is altogether false. He considered this as supplying a me- chanical ground of belief, without which the mere astrono- mical reasons were quite insufficient ; but in this case he was deserted by the mechanical sagacity which appeared in his other speculations. (R.) p. 400. Throughout the course of the proceed- ings against him, Galileo was treated with great courtesy and indulgence. He was condemned to a nominal impri- sonment. " Te damnamus ad formalem carcerem hujus S. officii ad tempus arbitrio nostro limitandum ; et titulo poenitentia salutaris praecipimus ut tribus annis futuris recites semel in hebdomada septem psalmos penitentiales." But this confinement was reduced to his being placed under some slight restrictions, first at the house of Nico- lini, the ambassador of his own sovereign, and afterwards at the country seat of Archbishop Piccolomini, one of his own warmest friends. . NOTES TO BOOK V. 405 It has sometimes been asserted or insinuated that (Jalileo was subjected to bodily torture. An argument has been drawn from the expressions used in his sen- tence: " Cum vero nobis videretur non esse a te integram veritatem pronunciatam circa tuam intentionem ; judi- cavimus necesse esse venire ad rigorosum examen tui, in quo respondisti catholice." It has been argued by M. Libri (Hist, des Sciences Mathematiques en Italie, vol. iv. p. 259,) and M. Quinet (ISUltramontanisme, iv. Le9on, p. 104,) that the rigorosum examen necessarily implies bodily torture, notwithstanding that no such thing is mentioned by Galileo and his contemporaries, and notwith- standing the consideration with which he was treated in all other respects : but M. Biot more justly remarks, (Biogr. Univ. Art. Galileo,) that such a procedure is incredible. To the opinion of M. Biot, we may add that of Delambre, who rejects the notion of Galileo's having been put to the torture, as inconsistent with the general con- duct of the authorities towards him, and as irreconcilable with the accounts of the trial given by Galileo himself, and by a servant of his, who never quitted him for an instant. He adds also, that it is inconsistent with the words of his sentence, u ne tuus iste gravis et perniciosus error ac transgressio remaneat omnino impunitus ,*" for the errour would have been already very far from impunity, if Galileo had been previously subjected to the rack. He adds, very reasonably, " il ne faut noircir personne sans preuve, pas meme requisition." (s.) p. 444. I will insert this passage, as a specimen of Kepler's fanciful mode of narrating the defeats which he received in the war which ho carried on with Mars. VOL. I. H H 466 NOTES TO BOOK V. " Dum in hunc modum de Martis motibus triumpho^ eique ut plane devicto tabularum carceres et equationum compedes necto, diversis nuntiatur locis, futilem victoriam ut bellum tota mole recrudescere. Nam domi quidem hostis ut captivus contemptus, rupit omnia equationum vincula, career esque tabularum effregit. Foris specula- tores profligerunt meas causarum physicarum arcessitas copias earumque jugum excusserunt resumta libertate. Jamque parum abfuit quia hostis fugitivus sese cum rebel- libus suis conjungeret meque in desperationem adigeret : nisi raptim, nova rationum physicarum subsidia, fusis et palantibus veteribus, submisissem, et qua se captivus pro- ripuisset, omni diligentia, edoctus vestgiis ipsius nulla mora interposita inhaesisserem." (T.) p. 457. Horrox (Horrockes as he himself spelt his name) gave a first sketch of his theory in letters to his friend Crabtree in 16.38: in which the variation of the excentricity is not alluded to. But in Crabtree^s letter to Gascoigne in 1642, he gives Horrox's rule concerning it ; and Flamsteed in his Epilogue to the Tables, pub- lished by Wallis along with Horrox's works in 1673, gave an explanation of the theory which made it amount very nearly to a revolution of the center of the ellipse in an epicycle. Halley afterwards made a slight altera- tion; but hardly, I think, enough to justify Newton's assertion ; (Princip. Lib. iii. Prop. 35. Schol.) " Halleius centrum ellipseos in epicyclo locavit." See Baily's Flam- steed, p. 683. END OF VOL. I. CASE