f *2 REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received *-/%&*+ ,,$sf~ A-ccessions No. S/ulj C*i ill Plate 1. 3?irSt conditions of accumulation and fusion, in, motionless snow DEUCALION. COLLECTED STUDIES OF THE LAPSE OF WAVES, AND LIFE OF STONES. BY JOHN KUSKIN, D.C.L., LL.D., HONORARY STUDENT OF CHRISTCHURCH, OXFORD; AND HONORARY FELLOW OP CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, OXFORD. jadXa TtohXd ovped re 6Hioevra y Bdkatitid re jfoj/ VOL. I. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 15 ASTOR PLACE. 1886. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. V- , PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I. THE ALPS AND JUBA 7 CHAPTER II. THE THREE ^ERAS 23 CHAPTER III. OF ICE-CREAM . 35 CHAPTER IV. LABITUR, ET LABETUR ........ 50 CHAPTER V. THE VALLEY OF CLUSE 64 CHAPTER VI. OF BUTTER AND HONEY . . 73 CHAPTER VII. THE IRIS OF THE EARTH 84 C CHAPTER VIII. THE ALPHABET 122 IV CONTENTS. \ CHAPTER IX. PAGE FIRE AND WATER 133 CHAPTER X. THIRTY YEARS SINCE 150 CHAPTER XI. OP SILICA IN LAVAS 167 CHAPTER XII. YEWDALE AND ITS STREAMLETS 179 CHAPTER XIII. OP STELLAR SILICA 209 CHAPTER XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM 217 APPENDIX 243 INDEX 247 DEUCALION. INTKODUCTIOK BRANTWOOD, 13th July, 1875. I HAVE been glancing lately at many biographies, and have been much struck by the number of deaths which oc- cur between the ages of fifty and sixty, (and, for the most part, in the earlier half of the decade,) in cases where the brain has been much used emotionally : or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, where the heart, and the faculties of perception connected with it, have stimulated the brain- action. Supposing such excitement to be temperate, equable, and joyful, I have no doubt the tendency of it would be to prolong, rather than depress, the vital ener- gies. Bat the emotions of indignation, grief, controversial anxiety and vanity, or hopeless, and therefore uncontend- ing, scorn, are all of them as deadly to the body as poison- ous air or polluted water ; and when I reflect how much of the active part of my past life has been spent in these states, and that what may remain to me of life can never more be in any other, I begin to ask myself, with some- 2 INTKODUCTTON. what pressing arithmetic, how much time is likely to be left me, at the age of fifty-six, to complete the various de- signs for which, until past fifty, I was merely collecting materials. Of these materials, I have now enough by me for a most interesting (in my own opinion) history of fifteenth-cen- tury Florentine art, in six octavo volumes; an analysis of the Attic art of the fifth century B.C., in three volumes ; an exhaustive history of northern thirteenth-century art, in ten volumes ; a life of Turner, with analysis of modern landscape art, in four volumes ; a life of Walter Scott, with analysis of modern epic art, in seven volumes ; a life of Xenophon, with analysis of the general principles of Education, in ten volumes ; a commentary on Hesiod, with final analysis of the principles of Political Economy, in nine volumes; and a general description of the geology and botany of the Alps, in twenty-four volumes. Of these works, though all carefully projected, and some alread} T in progress, yet, allowing for the duties of my Professorship, possibly continuing at Oxford, and for the increasing correspondence relating to Fors Clavigera, it does not seem to me, even in my most sanguine moments, now probable that I shall live to effect such conclusion as would be satisfactory to me ; and I think it will therefore be only prudent, however humiliating, to throw together at once, out of the heap of loose stones collected for this many- towered city which I am not able to finish, such fragments of good marble as may perchance be useful to INTRODUCTION. 6 future builders ; and to clear away, out of sight, the lime and other rubbish which I meant for mortar. And because it is needful, for my health's sake, hence- forward to do as far as possible what I find pleasure, or at least tranquillity, in doing, I am minded to collect first what I have done in geology and botany ; for indeed, had it not been for grave mischance in earlier life, (partly con- sisting in the unlucky gift, from an affectionate friend, of Rogers' poems, as related in Fors Clavigera for August of this year,) my natural disposition for these sciences would certainly long ago have made me a leading member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science ; or who knows? even raised me to the position which it was always the summit of my earthly ambition to attain, that of President of the Geological Society. For, indeed, I began when I was only twelve years old, a ' Mineralogi cal Dictionary,' intended to supersede everything done by Werner and Mohs, (and written in a shorthand composed of crystallographic signs now entirely unintelligible to me,) and year by year have endeavoured, until very lately, to keep abreast with the rising tide of geological knowl- edge ; sometimes even, I believe, pushing my way into little creeks in advance of the general wave. I am not careful to assert for myself the petty advantage of priority in discovering what, some day or other, somebody must certainly have discovered. But I think it due to my read- ers, that they may receive what real good there may be in these studies with franker confidence, to tell them that the 4 INTRODUCTION. first sun-portrait ever taken of the Matterhorn, (and as far as I know of any Swiss mountain whatever,) was taken by me in the year 1849 ; that the outlines, (drawn by meas- urement of angle,) given in ' Modern Painters ' of the Cer- vin, and aiguilles of Chamouni, are at this day demonstra- ble by photography as the trustworthiest then in existence ; that I was the first to point out, in my lecture given in the Royal Institution,* the real relation of the vertical cleav- ages to the stratification, in the limestone ranges belonging to the chalk formation in Savoy ; and that my analysis of the structure of agates, (' Geological Magazine,') remains, even to the present day, the only one which has the slight- est claim to accuracy of distinction, or completeness of arrangement. I propose therefore, if time be spared me, to collect, of these detached studies, or lectures, what seem to me deserving of preservation ; together with the more carefully written chapters on geology and botany in the latter volumes of ' Modern Painters ; ' adding the memo- randa I have still by me in manuscript, and such further illustrations as may occur to me on revision. Which frag- mentary work, trusting that among the flowers or stones let fall by other hands it may yet find service and life, I have ventured to dedicate to Proserpina and Deucalion. Why not rather to Eve, or at least to one of the wives of Lamech, and to Noah ? asks, perhaps, the pious modern reader. * Reported in the ' Journal de Geneve,' date ascertainable, but of no consequence. INTRODUCTION. ^ Because I think it well that the young student should first learn the myths of the betrayal and redemption, as the Spirit which moved on the face of the wide first waters, taught them to the heathen world. And because, in this power, Proserpine and Deucalion are at least as true as Eve or Noah ; and all four together incomparably truer than the Darwinian Theory. And, in general, the reader may take it for a first principle, both in science and literature, that the feeblest myth is better than the strong- est theory: the one recording a natural impression on the imaginations of great men, and of unpretending multi- tudes ; the other, an unnatural exertion of the wits of lit- tle men, and half-wits of impertinent multitudes. It chanced, this morning, as I sat down to finish my preface, that I had, for my introductory reading the fifth chapter of the second book of Esdras ; in which, though often read carefully before, I had never enough noticed the curious verse, " Blood shall drop out of wood, and the stone shall give his voice, and the people shall be troub- led." Of which verse, so far as I can gather the mean- ing from the context, and from the rest of the chapter, the intent is, that in the time spoken of by the prophet, which, if not our own, is one exactly corresponding to it, the deadness of men to all noble things shall be so great, that the sap of trees shall be more truly blood, in God's sight, than their hearts' blood ; and the silence of men, in praise of all noble things, so great, that the stones shall cry out, in God's hearing, instead of their tongues ; and the 6 INTRODUCTION. rattling of the shingle on the beach, and the roar of the rocks driven by the torrent, be truer Te Deum than the thunder of all their ch' 6. No one more honours the past lahour no one more regrets the present rest of the late Sir Charles Lyell, than his scholar, who speaks to you. But his great the- orem of the constancy and power of existing phenomena was only in measure proved, in a larger measure disput- able ; and in the broadest bearings of it, entirely false. Pardon me if I spend no time in qualifications, refer- ences, or apologies, but state clearly to you what Sir Charles Ly ell's w r ork itself enables us now to perceive of the truth. There are, broadly, three great demonstrable periods of the Earth's history. That in which it was crystallized ; that in which it was sculptured ; and that in which it is now being unsculptured, or deformed. These three periods interlace with each other, and gra- date into each other as the periods of human life do. Something dies in the child on the day that it is born, something is born in the man on the day that he dies : nevertheless, his life is broadly divided into youth, strength, and decrepitude. In such clear sense, the Earth has its three ages : of their length we know as yet noth- ing, except that it has been greater than any man had imagined. 7. (THE FIRST PERIOD.) But there was a period, or a succession of periods, during which the rocks which are now hard were soft; and in which, out of entirely different positions, and under entirely different conditions from any now existing or describable, the masses, of which the mountains vou now see are made, were lifted, 28 DEUCALION. and hardened, in the positions they now occupy, though in what forms we can now no more guess than we can the original outline ofthe block from the existing statue. 8. (THE SECOND PERIOD.) Then, out of those raised masses, more or less in lines compliant with their crystalline structure, the mountains we now see were hewn, or worn, during the second period, by forces for the most part differing both in mode and violence from any now in operation, but the result of which was to bring the surface of the earth into a form approximately that which it has possessed as far as the records of human history extend. The Ararat of Moses's time, the Olympus and Ida of Homer's, are practically the same mountains now, that they were then. 9. (THE THIRD PERIOD.) Not, however, without some calculable, though superficial, change, and that change, one of steady degradation. For in the third, or historical period, the valleys excavated in the second period are being filled up, and the mountains, hewn in the second period, worn or ruined down. In the second sera the valley of the Rhone was being cut deeper ever} day ; now it is every day being filled up with gravel. In the second sera, the scars of Derbyshire and Yorkshire were cut white and steep ; now they are being darkened by vegetation, and crumbled by frost. You cannot, I repeat, separate the periods with precision ; but, in their characters, they are as distinct as youth from age. 10. The features of mountain form, to which during my II. THE THREE JEBAS. 29' own life I have exclusively directed my study, and which I endeavour to bring before the notice of my pupils in Oxford, are exclusively those produced by existing forces, on mountains whose form and substance have not been materially changed during the historical period. For familiar example, take the rocks of Edinburgh Cas- tle, and Salisbury Craig. Of course we know that they are both basaltic, and must once have been hot. But I do not myself care in the least what happened to them till they were cold.* They have both been cold at least long- * More carious persons, who are interested in their earlier condition, will find a valuable paper by Mr. J. W. Judd, in the quarterly ' Journal of the Geological Society,' May, 1875 ; very successfully, it seems to me, demolishing all former theories on the subject, which the author thus sums, at p. 135. ' ' The series of events which we are thus required to believe took place in this district is therefore as follows : A. At the point where the Arthur's Seat group of hills now rises, a series of volcanic eruptions occurred during the Lower Calciferous Sandstone period, commencing with the emission of basaltic lavas, and ending with that of porphyrites. B. An interval of such enormous duration supervened as to admit of a. The deposition of at least 3,000 feet of Carboniferous strata. b. The bending of all the rocks of the district into a series of great anticlinal and synclinal folds. c. The removal of every vestige of the 3, 000 feet of strata by de- nudation. C. The outburst, after this vast interval, of a second series of volcanic eruptions upon the identical site of the former ones, presenting in its 30 DEUCALION. er than young Harry Percy's spur ; and, since they were last brought out of the oven, in the shape which, approxi- mately, they still retafci, with a hollow beneath one of them, which, for aught I know, or care, may have been cut by a glacier out of white-hot lava, but assuredly at last got itself filled with pure, sweet, cold water, and called, in Low- land Scotch, the ' Nor ' Loch ;' since the time, I say, when the basalt, above, became hard, and the lake beneath, drink- able, I am desirous to examine with you what effect the winter's frost and summer's rain have had on the crags and their hollows ; how far the ( Kittle nine steps ' under the castle-walls, or the firm slope and cresting precipice above the dark ghost of Holyrood, are enduring or departing forms; and how long, unless the young engineers of New Edinburgh blast the incumbrance away, the departing mists of dawn may each day reveal the form, unchanged, of the Rock which was the strength of their Fathers. 11. Unchanged, or so softly modified that eye can scarce- ly trace, or memory measure, the work of time. Have you ever practically endeavoured to estimate the alterations of form in any hard rocks known to you, during the succession, of events 'precisely the same sequence, and resulting in the production of rocks of totally undistinguishable character. Are we not entitled to regard the demand for the admission of such a series of extraordinary accidents as evidence of the antecedent improb- ability of the theory ? And when we find that all attempts to suggest a period for the supposed second series of outbursts have successively fail- ed, do not the difficulties of the hypothesis appear to be overwhelming ? " II. THE THREE 31- course of jour own lives ? You have all heard, a thousand times over, the common statements of the school of Sir Charles Lyell. You know all about alluviums and gravels ; and what torrents do, and what rivers do, and what ocean currents do ; and when you see a muddy stream coming down in a flood, or even the yellow gutter more than usual- ly rampant by the roadside in a thunder shower, you think, of course, that all the forms of the Alps are to be account- ed for by aqueous erosion, and that it's a wonder any Alps are still left. Well any of you who have fished the pools of Scottish or a Welsh stream, have you ever thought of asking an old keeper how much deeper they had got to be, while his hairs were silvering ? Do you suppose he wouldn't laugh in your face ? There are some sitting here, I think, who must have O / / themselves fished, for more than one summer, years ago, in Dove or Derwent, in Tweed or Teviot. Can any of you tell me a single pool, even in the limestone or sand- stone, where you could spear a salmon then, and can't reach one now (providing always the wretches of manu- facturers have left you one to be speared, or water that you can see through) ? Do you know so much as a single riv- ulet of clear water which has cut away a visible half-inch of Highland rock, to your own knowledge, in your own day ? You have seen w r hole banks, whole fields washed away ; and the rocks exposed beneath \ Yes, of course you have ; and so have I. The rains wash the loose earth about everywhere, in any masses that they chance to catch 32 DEUCALION. loose earth, or loose rock. But yonder little rifted well in the native whinstone by the sheepfold, did the gray shepherd not put his Iij5fe to the same ledge of it, to drink when he and you were boys together ? 12. ' But Niagara, and the Delta of the Ganges and all the rest of it ? ' Well, of course a monstrous mass of continental drainage, like Niagara, will wash down a piece of crag once in fifty years, (but only that, if it's rotten below ; ) and tropical rains will eat the end off a bank of slime and alligators, and spread it out lower down. But does any Scotchman know a change in the Fall of Fyers ? any Yorkshireman in the Force of Tees ? Except of choking up, it may be not of cutting down. It is true, at the side of every stream you see the places in the rocks hollowed by the eddies. I suppose the eddies go on at their own rate. But I simply ask, Has any human being ever known a stream, in hard rock, cut its bed an inch deeper down at a given spot ? 13. I can look back, myself, now pretty nearly, I air sorry to say, half a century, and recognize no change what- ever in any of my old dabbling-places ; but that some stones are mossier, and the streams usually dirtier, the Derwent above Keswick, for example. t But denudation does go on, somehow : one sees the whole glen is shaped by it 2 ' Yes, but not by the stream. The stream only sweeps down the loose stones ; frost and chemical change are the powers that loosen them. I have indeed not known one of my dabbling-places changed in II. THE THREE JERAS. 33, fifty years. But I have known the eboulement under the Rochers des Fyz, which filled the Lao de Chede ; I passed through the valley of Cluse a night after some two or three thousand tons of limestone came off the cliffs of Maglans burying the road and field beside it. I have seen half a village buried by a landslip, and its people killed, under Monte St. Angelo, above Amalfi. I have seen the lower lake of Llanberis destroyed, merely by artificial slate quar- ries ; and the Waterhead of Coniston seriously diminished in purity and healthy flow of current by the debris of its copper mines. These are all cases, you will observe, of degradation; diminishing majesty in the mountain, and diminishing depth in the valley, or pools of its waters. I cannot name a single spot in which, during my lifetime spent among the mountains, I have seen a peak made grander, a watercourse cut deeper, or a mountain pool made larger and purer. 14. I am almost surprised, myself, as I write these words, at the strength which, on reflection, I am able to give to my assertion. For, even till I began to write these very pages, and was forced to collect my thoughts, I re- mained under the easily adopted impression, that, at least among soft earthy eminences, the rivers were still cutting out their beds. And it is not so at all. There are indeed banks here and there which they visibly remove ; but whatever they sweep down from one side, they sweep up on the other, and extend a promontory of land for every shelf they undermine : and as for those radiating fibrous 2* 34 DEUCALION. valleys in the Apennines, and such other hills, which look symmetrically shaped by streams, they are not lines of trench from below, but4ines of wash or slip from above : they are the natural wear and tear of the surface, directed indeed in easiest descent by the bias of the stream, but not dragged down by its grasp. In every one of those ravines the water is being choked up to a higher level ; it is riot gnawing down to a lower. So that, I repeat, ear- nestly, their chasms being choked below, and their preci- pices shattered above, all mountain forms are suffering a deliquescent and corroding change, not a sculpturesque or anatomizing change. All character is being gradually effaced ; all crooked places made straight, all rough places, plain ; and among these various agencies, not of erosion, but corrosion, none are so distinct as that of the glacier, in filling up, not cutting deeper, the channel it fills ; and in rounding and smoothing, but never sculptur- ing, the rocks over which it passes. In this fragmentary collection of former work, now patched and darned into serviceableness, I cannot finish my chapters with the ornamental fringes I used to twine for them ; nor even say, by any means, all I have in my mind on the matters they treat of : in the present case, however, the reader will find an elucidatory postscript added at the close of the fourth chapter, which he had perhaps better glance over before beginning the third. CHAPTER III. OF ICE-CKEAM. (Continuation of Lecture delivered at London Institution, with added Illustrations from Lectures at Oxford.) 1. THE statement at the close of the last chapter, doubtless surprising and incredible to many of my readers must, before I reinforce it, be explained as referring only to glaciers visible, at this day, in temperate regions. For of formerly deep and continuous tropical ice, or of exist- ing Arctic ice, and their movements, or powers, I know, and therefore say, nothing.* But of the visible glaciers * The following passage, quoted in the ' Geological Magazine' for June of this year, by Mr. Clifton Ward, of Keswick, from a letter of Profes- sor Sedgwick's, dated May 24th, 1842, is of extreme value ; and Mr. Ward's following comments are most reasonable and just : " No one will, I trust, be so bold as to affirm that an uninterrupted glacier could ever have extended from Shap Fells to the coast of Holder- ness, and borne along the blocks of granite through the whole distance, without any help from the floating power of water. The supposition involves difficulties tenfold greater than are implied in the phenomenon it pretends to account for. The -glaciers descending through the val- leys of the higher Alps have an enormous transporting power : but there is no such power in a great sheet of ice expanded over a country with- out mountains, and at a nearly dead level." 36 DEUCALION. couched upon the visible Alps, two great facts are very clearly ascertainable, which, in my lecture at the London Institution, I asserted intheir simplicity, as follows : 2. The first great fact to be recognized concerning them is that they are Fluid bodies. Sluggishly fluid, indeed, but definitely and completely so ; and therefore^ they *do not scramble down, nor tumble down, nor crawl down, nor slip down ; but flow down. They do not move like leeches, nor like caterpillars, nor like stones, but like, what they are made of, water. The difficulties involved in the theories of Messrs. Croll, Belt, Good- child, and others of the same extreme school, certainly press upon me and I think I may say also upon others of my colleagues increasing- ly, as the country becomes more and more familiar in its features. It is indeed a most startling thought, as one stands upon the eastern bor- ders of the Lake-mountains, to fancy the ice from the Scotch hills stalking boldly across the Solway, marching steadily up the Eden Val- ley, and persuading some of the ice from Shap to join it on an excur- sion over Stainmoor, and bring its boulders with it. The outlying northern parts of the Lake-district, and the flat country beyond, have indeed been ravished in many a raid by our Scotch neigh - bours, but it is a question whether, in glacial times, the Cumbrian mountains and Pennine chain had not strength in their protruding icy arms to keep at a distance the ice proceeding from the district of the southern uplands, the mountains of which are not superior in elevation. Let us hope that the careful geological observations which will doubt- less be made in the forthcoming scientific Arctic Expedition will throw much new light on our past glacial period. J. CLIFTON WAED. KESWICK, April 2Gth, 1875. HI. OF ICE-CREAM. 37' That is the main fact in their state, and progress, on which all their great phenomena depend. Fact first discovered and proved by Professor James Forbes, of Edinburgh, in the year 1842, to the astonish- ment of all the glacier theorists of his time ; fact stren- uously denied, disguised, or confusedly and partially ap- prehended, by all of the glacier theorists of subsequent times, down to our own day ; else there had been* no need for me to tell it you again to-night. 3. The second fact of which I have to assure you is partly, I believe, new to geologists, and therefore may be of some farther interest to you because of its novelty, though I do not myself care a grain of moraine-dust for the newness of things ; but rather for their oldness ; and wonder more willingly at what my father and grandfather thought wonderful, (as, for instance, that the sun should rise, or a seed grow,) than at any newly- discovered marvel. Nor do I know, any more than I care, whether this that I have to tell you be new or not ; but I did not absolutely know it myself, until lately ; for though I had ventured with some boldness to assert it as a consequence of other facts, I had never been under the bottom of a glacier to look. But, last summer, I was able to cross the dry bed of a glacier, which I had seen flowing, two hundred feet deep, over the same spot, forty years ago. And there I saw, what before I had suspected, that modern glaciers, like modern rivers, were not cutting their beds deeper, but filling them up. These, then, are the two facts I 38 DETTOALION. wish to lay distinctly before you this evening, first that glaciers are fluent ; and, secondly, that they are filling up their beds, not cutting *them deeper. 4. (I.) Glaciers are fluent; slowly, like lava, but dis- tinctly. And now I must ask you not to disturb yourselves, as I speak, with bye-thoughts about c the theory of regelation.' It is very interesting to know that if you put two pieces of ice together, they will stick together ; let good Professor Faraday have all the credit of showing us that ; and the human race in general, the discredit of not having known BO much as that, about the substance they have skated upon, dropped through, and eat any quantity of tons of these two or three thousand years. It was left, nevertheless, for Mr. Faraday to show them that two pieces of ice will stick together when they touch as two pieces of hot glass will. But the capacity of ice for sticking together no more accounts for the making of a glacier, than the capacity of glass for sticking together accounts for the making of a bottle. The mysteries of crystalline vitrification, indeed, present endless entertain- ment to the scientific inquirer ; but by no theory of vitrifi- cation can he explain to us how the bottle was made narrow at the neck, or dishonestly vacant at the bottom. Those conditions of it are to be explained only by the study of the centrifugal and moral powers to which it has been submitted. 5, In like manner, I do not doubt but that wonderful in. OF ICE-CREAM. 39' phenomena of congelation, regelation, degelation, and ge- lation pure without preposition, take place whenever a schoolboy makes a snowball ; and that miraculously rapid changes in the structure and temperature of the particles accompany the experiment of producing a star with it on an old gentleman's back. But the principal conditions of either operation are still entirely dynamic. To make your snowball hard, you must squeeze it hard ; and its expan- sion on the recipient surface is owing to a lateral diversion of the impelling forces, and not to its regelatic proper- ties. 6. Our first business, then, in studying a glacier, is to consider the mode of its original deposition, and the large forces of pressure and fusion brought to bear on it, with their necessary consequences on such a substance as we practically know snow to be, a powder, ductile by wind, compressible by weight ; diminishing by thaw, and hard- ening by time and frost ; a thing which sticks to rough ground, and slips on smooth ; which clings to the branch of a tree, and slides on a slated roof. 7. Let us suppose, then, to begin with, a volcanic cone in which the crater has been filled, and the temperature cooled, and which is now exposed to its first season of glacial agencies. Then let Plate 1, Fig. 1, represent this mountain, with part of the plans at its foot under an equally distributed depth of a first winter's snow, and place the level of perpetual snow at any point you like for simplicity's sake, I put it halfway up the cone, 4:0 DEUCALION. Below this snow-line, all snow disappears in summer; but above it, the higher we ascend, the more of course we find remaining. It is quite wonderful how few feet in elevation make observable difference in the quantity of snow that will lie. This last winter, in crossing the moors of the peak of Derbyshire, I found, on the higher masses of them, that ascents certainly not greater than that at Harrow from the bottom of the hill to the school- house, made all the difference between easy and difficult travelling, by the change in depth of snow. 8. At the close of the summer, we have then the rem- nant represented in Fig. 2, on which the snows of the ensuing winter take the form in Fig. 3 ; and from this greater heap we shall have remaining a greater remnant, which, supposing 110 wind or other disturbing force modi- fied its form, would appear as at Fig. 4 ; and, under such necessary modification, together with its own deliques- cence, would actually take some such figure as that shown at Fig. 5. Now, what is there to hinder the continuance of accu- mulation ? If we cover this heap with another layer of winter's snow (Fig. 6), we see at once that the ultimate condition would be, unless somehow prevented, one of enormous mass, superincumbent on the peak like a co- lossal haystack, and extending far down its sides below the level of the snow-line. You are, however, doubtless well aware that no such ac- cumulation as this ever does take place on a mountain-top. III. OF ICE-CREAM. 41- 9. So far from it, the eternal snows do not so much as fill the basins between mountain-tops; but, even in these hollows, form depressed sheets at the bottom of them. The difference between the actual aspect of the Alps, and that which they would present if no arrest of the increasing accumulation on them took place, may be shown before you with the greatest ease ; and in doing so I have, in all humility, to correct a grave error of my own, which strangely enough, has remained undetected, or at least unaccused, in spite of all the animosity pro- voked by my earlier writings. i 10. When I wrote the first volume of { Modern Paint- ers,' scarcely any single fact was rightly known by any- body, about either the snow or ice of the Alps. Chiefly the snows had been neglected : very few eyes had ever seen the higher snows near ; no foot had trodden the greater number of Alpine summits ; and I had to glean what I needed for my pictorial purposes as best I could, and my best in this case was a blunder. The thing that struck me most, when I saw the Alps myself, was the enormous ac- cumulation of snow on them ; and the way it clung to their steep sides. Well, I said to myself, ( of course it must be as thick as it can stand ; because, as there is an excess which doesn't melt, it would go on building itself up like the Tower of Babel, unless it tumbled off. There must be always, at the end of winter, as much snow on every high summit as it can carry.' There must, I said. That is the mathematical method 4:2 DEUCALION. of science as opposed to the artistic. Thinking of a thing, and demonstrating, instead of looking at it. Yery fine, and very sure, if you happen to have before you all the elements of thought ; but always very dangerously inferior to the unpretending method of sight for people who have eyes, and can use them. If I had only looked at the snow carefully, I should have seen that it wasn't anywhere as thick as it could stand or lie or, at least, as a hard sub- stance, though deposited in powder, could stand. And then I should have asked myself, with legitimate rational- ism, why it didn't ; and if I had but asked Well, it's no matter what perhaps might have happened if I had. I never did. 11. Let me now show you, practically, how great the error was. Here is a little model of the upper summits of the Bernese range. I shake over them as much flour as they will carry; now I brush it out of the valleys, to repre- sent the melting. Then you see what is left stands in these domes and ridges, representing a mass of snow about six miles deep. That is what the range would be like, however, if the snow stood up as the flour does ; and snow is at least, you will admit, as adhesive as- flour. 12. But, you will say, the scale is so different, you can't reason from the thing on that scale. A most true objec tion. You cannot ; and therefore I beg you, in like man- ner, not to suppose that Professor Tyndall's experiments on ; a straight prism of ice, four inches long, an inch wide, III. OF ICE-CREAM. 43 " and a little more than an inch in depth," * are conclusive as to the modes of glacier motion. In what respect then, we have to ask, would the differ- ence in scale modify the result of the experiment made here on the table, supposing this model was the Jungfrau itself, and the flour supplied by a Cyclopean miller and his men \ 13. In the first place, the lower beds of a mass six miles deep would be much consolidated by pressure. But would they be only consolidated? Would they be in nowise squeezed out at the sides ? The answer depends of course on the nature of flour, and on its conditions of dryness. And you must feel in a moment that, to know what an Alpine range would look like, heaped with any substance whatever, as high as the substance would stand you must lirst ascertain how high the given substance will stand on level ground. You might perhaps heap your Alp high with wheat, not so high with sand, nothing like so high with dough ; and a very thin coating indeed would be the utmost possible re- sult of any quantity whatever of showers of manna, if it had the consistence, as well as the taste, of wafers made with honey. 14:. It is evident, then, that our first of inquiries bear- ing on the matter before us, must be, How high will snow stand on level ground, in a block or column ? Suppose * ' Glaciers of the Alps,' p. 348. 44 DEUCALION. you were to plank in a square space, securely twenty feet high thirty fifty; and to fill it with dry snow. How high could you g^t your pillar to stand, when you took away the wooden walls ? and when you reached your limit, or approached it, what would happen ? Three more questions instantly propose themselves; namely, What happens to snow under given pressure ? will it under some degrees of pressure change into any- thing else than snow ? and what length of time will it take to effect the change ? Hitherto, we have spoken of snow as dry only, and therefore as solid substance, permanent in quantity and quality. You know that it very often is not dry ; and that, on the Alps, in vast masses, it is throughout great part of the year thawing, and therefore diminishing in quantity. It matters not the least, to our general inquiry, how much of it is wet, or thawing, or at what times. I merely at present have to introduce these two conditions as ele- ments in the business. It is not dry snow always, but often soppy snow snow and water, that you have to squeeze. And it is not freezing snow always, but very often thawing snow, diminishing therefore in bulk every instant, that you have to squeeze. It does not matter, I repeat, to our immediate purpose, when, or how far, these other conditions enter our ground ; but it is best, I think, to put the dots on the i's as we go along. You have heard it stated, hinted, suggested, im- ^1 HI. OF ICE-CREAM. 45 plied, or whatever else you like to call it, again and again, by the modern school of glacialists, that the discoveries of James Forbes were anticipated by Rendu. 15. I have myself more respect for Rendu than any modern glacialist has. lie was a man of de Saussure's . temper, and of more than de Saussure's intelligence ; and if he hadn't had the misfortune to be a bishop, would very certainly have left James Forbes's work a great deal more than cut out for him ; stitched and pretty tightly in most of the seams. But he was a bishop ; and could only examine the glaciers to an episcopic extent ; and guess, the best he could, after that. His guesses are nearly always splendid ; but he must needs sometimes reason as well as guess ; and he reasons himself with beautiful plausibility, ingenuity, and learning, up to the conclusion which he announces as positive that it always freezes on the Alps, even in summer. James Forbes was the first who ascer- tained the fallacy of this episcopal position ; and who an- nounced to our no small astonishment that it always thawed on the Alps, even in winter. 16. Not superficially of course, nor in all places. But internally, and in a great many places. And you will find it is an ascertained fact the first great one of which we owe the discovery to him that all the year round, you must reason on the masses of aqueous deposit on the Alps as, practically, in a state of squash. Not freezing ice or snow, nor dry ice or snow, but in many places saturated with, everywhere affected by, moisture ; and alwayp 4:6 DEUCALION. subject, in enormous masses, to the conditions of change which affect ice or snow at the freezing-point, and not be- low it. Even James Forbes himself scarcely, I think, felt enough the importance of this element of his own discov- eries, in all calculations of glacier motion. He sometimes speaks of his glacier a little too simply as if it were a stream of undiminishing substance, as of treacle or tar, moving under the action of gravity only ; and scarcely enough recognizes the influence of the subsiding languor of its fainting mass, as a constant source of motion ; though nothing can be more accurate than his actual account of its results on the surface of the Mer de Glace, in his fourth letter to Professor Jameson. IT. Let me drive the notion well home in your own minds, therefore, before going farther. You may perma- nently secure it, by an experiment easily made by each one of you for yourselves this evening, and that also on the minute and easily tenable scale which is so approved at the Royal Institution ; for in this particular case the material conditions may indeed all be represented in very small compass. Pour a little hot water on a lump of sugar in your teaspoon. You will immediately see the mass thaw, and subside by a series of, in miniature, magnificent and appalling catastrophes, into a miniature glacier, which you can pour over the edge of your teaspoon into your saucer ; and if you will then add a little of the brown sugar of our modern commerce of a slightly sandy character, you may watch t'be rate of the flinty erosion upon the soft silver III. OF ICE-CKEAM. 47 of the teaspoon at your ease, and with Professor Ramsay's help, calculate the period of time necessary to wear a hole through the bottom of it. I think it would he only tiresome to you if I carried the inquiry farther by progressive analysis. You will, I be- lieve, permit, or even wish me, rather to state summarily what the facts are : their proof, and the process of their discovery, you w T ill find incontrovertibly and finally given in this volume, classical, and immortal in scientific literature which, twenty-fiv-e years ago, my good master Dr. Buck- land ordered me, in his lecture-room at the Ashmolean, to get, as closing all question respecting the nature and cause of glacier movement, James Forbes's ' Travels in the Alps.' 18. The entire mass of snow and glacier, (the one pass- ing gradually and by infinite modes of transition into the other, over the whole surface of the Alps,) is one great ac- cumulation of ice-cream, poured upon the tops, and flow- ing to the bottoms, of the mountains, under precisely the same special condition of gravity and coherence as the melted sugar poured on the top of a bride-cake; but on a scale which induces forms and accidents of course pecu- liar to frozen water, as distinguished from frozen syrup, and to the scale of Mont Blanc and the Jungfrau, as com- pared to that of a bride-cake. Instead of an inch thick, the ice-cream of the Alps will stand two hundred feet thick, no thicker, anywhere, if it can run off ; but will lie in the hollows like lakes, and clot and cling about the less abrupt slopes in festooned wreaths of rich mass and 4-8 DEUCALION. sweeping flow, breaking away, where the steepness becomes intolerable, into crisp precipices and glittering cliffs. 19. Yet never for an instant motionless never for an in- stant without internal change, through all the gigantic mass, of the relations to each other of every crystal grain. That one which you break now from its wave- edge, and which melts in your hand, has had no rest, day nor night, since it faltered down from heaven when you were a babe at the breast ; and the white cloud that scarcely veils yon- der summit seven-colored in the morning sunshine has strewed it with pearly hoar-frost, which will be on this spot, trodden by the feet of others, in the day when you also will be trodden under feet of men, in your grave. 20. Of the infinite subtlety, the exquisite constancy of this fluid motion, it is nearly impossible to form an idea in the least distinct. We hear that the ice advances two feet in the day ; and wonder how such a thing can be possible, unless the mass crushed and ground down every- thing before it. But think a little. Two feet in the day is a foot in twelve hours, only an inch in an hour, (or say a little more in the daytime, as less in the night,) and that is maximum motion in mid-glacier. If your Geneva watch is an inch across, it is three inches round, and the minute-hand of it moves three times faster than the fastest ice. Fancy the motion of that hand so slow that it must take three hours to get round the little dial. Between the shores of this vast gulf of hills, the long wave of hastening ice only keeps pace with that lingering in. OF ICE-CREAM. : arrow, in its centfal crest; and that invisible motion fades away upwards through forty years of slackening stream, to the pure light of dawn on yonder stainless sum- mit, on which this morning's snow lies motionless. 21. And yet, slow as it is, this infinitesimal rate of cur- rent is enough to drain the vastest gorges of the Alps of their snow, as clearly as the sluice of a canal-gate empties a lock. The mountain basin included between the Aiguille Yerte, the Grandes Jorasses, and the Mont Blanc, has an area of about thirty square miles, and only one outlet, little more than a quarter of a mile wide : yet, through this the contents of the entire basin are drained into the valley of Chamounix with perfect steadiness, and cannot possibly fill the basin beyond a certain constant height above the point of overflow. Overflow, I say, deliberately; distinguishing always the motion of this true fluid from that of the sand in an hour- glass, or of stones slipping in a heap of shale. But that the nature of this distinction may be entirely conceived by you, 1 must ask you to pause with some attention at this word, to 'flow,' which attention may perhaps be more prudently asked in a separate chapter. 3 CHAPTER IT. LABITUR, ET LABETUR. (Lecture given cut London Institution, continued, with added Illustrations.} 1. OF course we all know what flowing means. Well, it is to be hoped so ; but I'm not sure. Let us see. The sand of the hour-glass, do you call the motion of that flowing ? No. It is only a consistent and measured fall of many unattached particles. Or do you call the entrance of a gas through an aper- ture, out of a full vessel into an empty one, flowing ? No. That is expansion not flux. Or the draught through the keyhole ? No is your answer, still. Let us take instance in water itself. The spring of a fountain, or of a sea breaker into spray. You don't call that flowing ? No. Nor i\\Qfall of a fountain, or of rain ? No. Well, the rising of a breaker, the current of water in the hollow shell of it, is that flowing ? No. After it has IV. LABITUR, ET LABETUK. 51 ^ broken rushing up over the shingle, or impatiently ad- vancing on the sand 2 You begin to pause in your negative. Drooping back from the shingle then, or ebbing from the sand ? Yes ; flowing, in some places, certainly, now. You see how strict and distinct the idea is in our minds. "Will you accept I think yon may, this definition of it ? Flowing is " the motion of liquid or viscous matter over solid matter, under the action of gravity, without any other impelling force." 2. "Will you accuse me, in pressing this definition on you, of wasting time in mere philological nicety ? Permit me, in the capacity which even the newspapers allow to me, that of a teacher of expression, to answer you, as often before now, that philological nicety is philosophical nicety. See the importance of it here. I said a glacier flowed. But it remains a question whether it does not also spring, whether it can rise as a fountain, no less than descend as a stream. For, broadly, there are two methods in which either a stream or glacier moves. The first, by withdrawing a part of its mass in front, the vacancy left by which, another part supplies from behind. That is the method of a continuous stream, perpetual deduction,* by what precedes, of what follows. * "Ex quo ilia adinirabilis a majoribus aquas facta deductio est." Cic. de Div., 1, 44. 52 DEUCALION. The second method of motion is when the mass that is behind, presses, or is poured in upon, the masses before. That is the way in which a cataract falls into a pool, or a fountain into a basin. Now, in the first case, you have catenary curves, or else curves of traction, going down the stream. In the second case, you have irregularly concentric curves, and ripples of impulse and compression, succeeding each other round the pool. 3. Now the Mer de Glace is deduced down its narrow channel, like a river ; and the Glacier des Bossons is de- duced down its steep ravine ; and both were once inject- ed into a pool of ice in the valley below, as the Glacier of the Rhone is still. Whereupon, observe, if a stream falls into a basin level-lipped all round you know when it runs over it must be pushed over lifted over. But if ice is thrown into a heap in a plain, you can't tell, without the closest observation, how violently it is pushed from behind, or how softly it is diffusing itself in front ; and I had never set my eyes or wits to ascertain where compression in the mass ceased, and diffusion began, because I thought Forbes had done everything that had to be done in the matter. But in going over his work again I find he has left just one thing to be still explained; and that one chances to be left to me to show you this evening, because, by a singular and splendid Nemesis, in the obstinate rejec- tion of Forbes's former conclusively simple experiments, and in the endeavour to substitute others of his own, Pro- IV. LABITUR, ET LABETUB. 5# fessor Tyndall has confused himself to the extreme point of not distinguishing these two conditions of deductive and impulsive flux. His incapacity of drawing, and ig- norance of perspective, prevented him from constructing his diagrams either clearly enough to show him his own mistakes, or prettily enough to direct the attention of his friends to them ; and they luckily remain to us, in their absurd immortality. 4. Forbes poured viscous substance in layers down a trough ; let the stream harden ; cut it into as many sections as were required ; and showed, in permanence, the actual conditions of such viscous motion. Eager to efface the memory of these conclusive experiments, Professor Tyn- dall ('Glaciers of the Alps,' page 383) substituted this literally c superficial ' one of his own. He stamped circles on the top of a viscous current ; found, as it flowed, that they were drawn into ovals ; but had not wit to con- sider, or sense to see, whether the area of the circle was enlarged or diminished or neither during its change in shape. He jumped, like the rawest schoolboy, to the conclusion that a circle, becoming an oval, must necessarily be compressed ! You don't compress a globe of glass when you blow it into a soda-water bottle* do you ? 5. But to reduce Professor TyndalPs problem into terms. Let A F, Fig. 3 (page 54), be the side of a stream of any substance whatever, and a f the middle of it ; and let the particles at the middle move twice as fast as 54: DEUCALION. FIG. 3. the particles at the sides. Now we cannot study all the phenomena of fluid motion in one diagram, nor any one phenomenon of fluid motion but by progressive dia- grams ; and this first one only shows the changes of form which would take place in a sub- stance which moved with uni- form increase of rapidity from side to centre. No fluid sub- stance would so move ; but you can only trace the geometrical facts step by step, from uniform increase to accelerated increase. Let the increase of rapidity, therefore, first be supposed uni- form. Then, while the point A moves to B, the point a moves to 6', and any points once interme- diate in a right line between A and , but smaller, XIII. OF STELLAR SILICA. 211 " much more stained of a brownish-yellow, and with more defined nuclei. Polarization. The splierulites show a clearly radiate polarization, with rotation of a dark cross on turning either of the prisms ; the intermediate ground shows the irregular semi-crystalline structure. 3. Clear zone, with little yellowish, dark, squarish specks. Polarization. Irregular, semi-crystalline. 4. Row of closely touching spherulites with large nu- cleus and defined margin, rather furry in character (3). Margins and nuclei brown ; intermediate space brownish- yellow. Polarization. Radiate, as in the spherulites 2 b. (This is a short brown band which does not extend down through the whole thickness of the specimen.) "5. Generally clear ground, with a brownish cloudy ap- pearance in parts. Polarization. Indefinite semi-crystalline. 6 a. On a hazy ground may be seen the cloudy mar- gins of separately crystalline spaces. Polarization. Definite semi-crystalline.* * By ' indefinite semi-crystalline ' is meant the breaking up of the ground under crossed prisms with sheaves (5) of various colours not clearly margined. By 'definite semi-crystalline' is meant the breaking up of the ground under crossed prisms with a mosaic (4) of various colours clearly margined. By * semi-crystalline ' is meant the interference of crystalline spaces 212 DEUCALION". 6 5. A clear band with very indefinite polarization. 7. A clearisb zone with somewhat of a brown mottled appearance (light clouds of brown colouring matter). Polarization. Indefinite semi-crystalline. 8. Zone of brownish bodies (this is a fine brown line, about the middle of the section in the specimen). a. Yellowish-brown nucleated disks. 5. Smaller, scattered, and generally non-nucleated disks. c. Generally non-nucleated. Polarization. The disks are too minute to show sep- arate polarization effects, but the ground exhibits the in- definite semi-crystalline. 9. Ground showing indefinite semi-crystalline polari- zation. 10. Irregular line of furry-looking yellowish disks. 11. Zone traversed by a series of generally parallel and faint lines of a brownish-yellow. These are appar- ently lines produced by colouring matter alone, at any rate, not by visible disks of any kind. Polarization. Tolerably definite, and limited by the cross lines (6). 12. Dark-brown flocculent-looking matter, as if grow- ing out from a well-defined line, looking like a moss- growth. with one another, so as to prevent a perfect crystalline form being assumed. XIII. OF STELLAR SILICA. 213 13. Defined crystalline interlocked spaces. Polarisation. Definite semi-crystalline. 14. Generally, not clearly defined spaces ; central part rather a granular look (spaces very small). Polarization. Under crossed prisms breaking up into tolerably definite semi-crystalline spaces. SPECIMEN B. B 1. In the slice taken from this side there seems to be frequently a great tendency to spherulitic arrange- ment, as shown by the polarization phenomena. In parts of the white quartz where the polarization appear- ance is like that of a mosaic pavement, there is even a semi-spherulitic structure. In other parts there are many spherulites on white and yellowish ground. Between the many parallel lines of a yellowish colour the polarization (7) effect is that of fibrous coloured sheaves. Here (8) there is a central clear band (b) ; between it and (a) a fine granular line with some larger granules (or very minute spherulites). The part (a) is carious, apparently with glass cavities. On the other side of the clear band, at c, are half-formed and adherent spheru- lites; the central (shaded) parts are yellow, and the outer coat, the intermediate portion clearish. B 2. The slice from this end of the specimen shows the same general structure. 'The general tendency to spherulitic arrangement is 214 DEUCALION. well seen in polarized light, dark crosses frequently traversing the curved structures. Here (in Fig. 9) the portion represented on the left was situated close to the other portion, where the point of the arrow terminates, both crosses appearing together, and revolving in rotation of one of the prisms. SPECIMEN c. The slice from this specimen presents far less variety than in the other cases. There are two sets of structural lines those radiate (10), and those curved and circum- ferential (11). The latter structure is exceedingly fine and delicate, and not readily seen, even with a high power, owing to the fine radii not being marked out by any colour, the whole section being very clear and white. A more decidedly^nueleated structure is seen in part 12. In (13) is a very curious example of a somewhat more glassy portion protruding in finger-like masses into a radiate, clear, and largely spherical portion. 2. These notes of Mr. Clifton Ward's contain the first accurate statements yet laid before mineralogists respect- ing the stellar crystallization of silica, although that mode of its formation lies at the very root of the struc- ture of the greater mass of amygdaloidal rocks, and of all the most beautiful phenomena of agates. And in- deed I have no words to express the wonder with which . OF STELLAR SILICA. 215 I see work like that done by Cloizeanx in the measure- ment of quartz angles, conclude only in the construction of the marvellous diagram, as subtle in execution as amazing in its accumulated facts,* without the least reference to the conditions of varying energy which produce the spherical masses of chalcedony ! He does not even use the classic name of the mineral, but coins the useless one, Geyserite, for the absolutely local con- dition of the Iceland sinter. 3. And although, in that formation, he went so near the edge of Mr. Clifton Ward's discovery as to announce that "leur masse se compose ellememe de spheres en- chassees dans une sorte de pate gelatineuse," he not only fails, on this suggestion, to examine chalcedonic struc- ture generally, but arrested himself finally in the pur- suit of his inquiry by quietly asserting, u ce genre de structure n'a jamais ete rencontre jusqu'ici sur aucune autre variete de silice naturelle ou artificielle," the fact being that there is no chalcedonic mass whatever, which does not consist of spherical concretions more or less perfect, enclosed in a "pate gelatineuse." 4. In Professor Miller's manual, which was the basis of Cloizeaux's, chalcedony is stated to appear to be a mixture of amorphous with crystalline silica ! and its form taken no account of. Malachite might just as well have been described as a mixture of amorphous with crystalline carbonate of copper ! * Facing page 8 of the ' Manuel de Mineralogie.' 216 DEUCALIOK. 5. I will not, however, attempt to proceed farther in this difficult subject .until Mr. Clifton "Ward has time to continue his own observations. Perhaps I may per- suade him to let me have a connected series of figured examples, from pure stellar quartz down to entirely fluent chalcedony, to begin the next volume of Deuca- lion with ; but I must endeavour, in closing the present one, to give some available summary of its contents, and clearer idea of its purpose ; and will only trespass so far on my friend's province as to lay before him, together with my readers, some points noted lately on another kind of semi-crystallization, which bear not merely on the domes of delicate chalcedony, and pyramids of micro- scopic quartz, but on the far-seen chalcedony of the Dome du Goute, and the prismatic towers of the Cervin and dark peak of Aar. XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM. 217 CHAPTER XIY. SCHISMA MONTIUM. 1. THE index closing this column of Deucalion, drawn up by myself, is made as short as possible, and classifies the contents of the volume so as to enable the reader to collect all notices of importance relating to any one sub- ject, and to collate them with those in my former writ- ings. That they need such assemblage from their desul- tory occurrence in the previous pnges, is matter of pin- cere regret to me, but inevitable, since the writing of a systematic treatise was incompatible with the more serious work I had in hand, on greater subjects. The 6 Laws of Fesole ' alone might well occupy all the hours I can now permit myself in severe thought. But any student of intelligence may perceive that one inherent cause of the divided character of this book, is its func- tion of advance in parallel columns over a wide field ; seeing that, on no fewer than four subjects, respecting which geological theories and assertions have long been alike fantastic and daring, it has shown at least the necessity for revisal of evidence, and, in two cases, for reversal of judgment. 2. I say " it has shown," fearlessly ; for at my time of life, every man of ordinary sense, and probity, knows 218 what he has done securely, and what perishably. And 'during the last twenty years, none of my words have been set down untriecT ; nor has any opponent succeeded in overthrowing a single sentence of them. 3. But respecting the four subjects above alluded to, (denudation, cleavage, crystallization, and elevation, as causes of mountain form,) proofs of the uncertainty, or even falseness, of current conceptions have been scat- tered at intervals through my writings, early and late, from < Modern Painters' to the 'Ethics of the Dust:' and, with gradually increasing wonder at the fury of so- called scientific ' speculation, I have insisted, year by year, on the undealt with, and usually undreamt of, difficulties which lay at the threshold of secure knowl- edge in such matters ; trusting always that some in- genuous young reader would take up the work I had no proper time for, and follow out the investigations of which the necessity had been indicated. But I waited in vain ; and the rough experiments made at last by my- self, a year ago, of which the results are represented in Plate YI. of this volume, are actually the first of which there is record in the annals of geology, made to ascer- tain the primary physical conditions regulating the forms of contorted strata. The leisure granted me, unhappily, by the illness which has closed my relations with the University of Oxford, has permitted the pursuit of these experiments a little farther ; but I must defer account of their results to the following volume, contenting my- XIV. SCHISMA MOKTIUM. 219- self with indicating, for conclusion of the present one, to what points of doubt in existing theories they have been chiefly directed. 4. From the examination of all mountain ground hitherto well gone over, one general conclusion has been derived, that wherever there are high mountains, there are hard rocks. Earth, at its strongest, has difficulty in sustaining itself above the clouds; and could not hold itself in any noble height, if knitted infirmly. 5. And it has farther followed, in evidence, that on the flanks of these harder rocks, there are yielding beds, which appear to have been, in some places, compressed by them into wrinkles and undulations ; in others, shat- tered, and thrown up or down to different levels. My own interest was excited, very early in life,* by the forms and fractures in the mountain groups of Savoy ; and it happens that the undulatory action of the lime- stone beds on each shore of the Lake of Annecy, and the final rupture of their outmost wave into the preei- * I well yet remember my father's rushing up to the drawing-room at Herne Hill, with wet and flashing eyes, with the proof in his hand of the first sentences of his son's writing ever set in type, ' Enquiries on the Causes of the Colour of the Water of the Rhone/ (Magazine of Natural History, September, 1834; (followed next month by ' Facts and Considerations on the Strata of Mont Blanc, and on some Instances of Twisted Strata observable in Switzerland.' I was then fifteen.) My mother and I eagerly questioning the cause of his excitement, " It's it's only print" said he ! Alas ! how much the ' only ' meant ! 220 DEUCALIOK. pice of the Sal eve, present examples so clear, and so im- posing, of each condition of form, that I have been led, without therefore layiflg claim to any special sagacity, at least into clearer power of putting essential questions respecting such phenomena than geologists of far wider experience, who have confused or amused themselves by collecting facts indiscriminately over vast spaces of ground. I am well convinced that the reader will find more profit in following my restricted steps ; and satis- fying, or dissatisfying himself, with precision, respect- ing forms of mountains which he can repeatedly and exhaustively examine. 6. In the uppermost figure in Plate VII. , I have en- larged and coloured the general section given rudely above in Figure 1, page 11, of the Jura and Alps, with the intervening plain. The central figure is the south- ern, and the lowermost figure, which should be con- ceived as joining it on the right hand, the northern, series of the rocks composing our own Lake district, drawn for me with extreme care by the late Professor Phillips, of Oxford. I compare, and oppose, these two sections, for the sake of fixing in the reader's mind one essential point of difference among many resemblances ; but that they may not, in this comparison, induce any false impres- sions, the system of colour which I adopt in this plate, and henceforward shall observe, must be accurately un- derstood. XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM. 221 7. At page 130 above, I gave my reasons for making no endeavour, at the Sheffield Museum, to certify the ages of rocks. For the same reason, in practical sections I concern myself only with their nature and position ; and colour granite pink, slate purple, and sandstone red, without inquiring whether the granite is ancient or modern, the sand trias or pliocene, and the slate Wen- lock or Caradoc ; but with this much only of necessary concession to recognized method, as to colour with the same tint all rocks which unquestionably belong to the same great geological formation, and vary their minera- logical characters within narrow limits. Thus, since, in characteristic English sections, chalk may most con- veniently be expressed by leaving it white, and some of the upper beds of the Alps unquestionably are of the same period, I leave them white also, though their gen- eral colour may be brown or grey, so long as they retain cretaceous or marly consistence ; but if they become metamorphic, and change into clay slate or gneiss, I colour them purple, whatever their historical relations may be. 8. And in all geological maps and sections given in * Deucalion,' I shall limit myself to the definition of the twelve following formations by the twelve following colours. It is enough for any young student at first to learn the relations of these great orders of rock and earth: once master of these, in any locality,* he may split his beds into any complexity of finely laminated 222 DEUCALION. chronology he likes; and if I have occasion to split them for him myself, I can easily express their minor differences by methods* of engraving. But, primarily, let him be content in the recognition of these twelve territories of Demeter, by this following colour her- aldry : 9. 1. Granite will bear in the field, Rose-red. 2. Gneiss and mica-slate Rose-purple. 3. Clay-slate Violet-purple. 4. Mountain limestone Blue. 5. Coal measures and millstone grit Grey. 6. Jura limestone Yellow. 7. Chalk White. 8. Tertiaries forming hard rock Scarlet. 9. Tertiary sands and clays Tawny 10. Eruptive rocks not definitely volcanic Green. 11. Eruptive rocks, definitely vol- canic, but at rest Green, spotted red. 12. Volcanic rocks, active Black, spotted red. 10. It will at once be seen by readers of some geo- logical experience, that approximately, and to the degree possible, these colours are really characteristic of the several formations ; and they may be rendered more so by a little care in modifying the tints. Thus the scarlet' used for the tertiaries may be subdued as much as we please, to what will be as near a sober brown as we can venture without confusing it with the darker XIV. SCHISMA MOKTIUM. shades of yellow ; and it may be used more pure to represent definitely red sandstones or conglomerates : while, again, the old red sands of the coal measures may be extricated from the general grey by a tint of ver- milion which will associate them, as mineral substances, with more recent sand. Thus in the midmost section of Plate VII. this colour is used for the old red con- glomerates of Kirby Lonsdale. And again, keeping pure light blue for the dated mountain limestones, which are indeed, in their emergence from the crisp turf of their pastures, grey, or even blue in shade, to the eye, a deeper blue may be kept for the dateless limestones which are associated with the metamorphic beds of the Alps ; as for my own Coniston Silurian limestone, which may be nearly as old as Skiddaw. 11. The colour called ' tawny,' I mean to be as nearly that of ripe wheat as may be, indicating arable land, or hot prairie; while, in maps of northern countries, touched with points of green, it may pass for moorland and pasture : or, kept in the hue of pale vermilion, it may equally well represent desert alluvial sand. Finally, the avoidance of the large masses of fierce and frightful scarlet which render modern geological maps intolerable to a painter's sight, (besides involving such geographical incongruities as the showing Iceland in the colour of a red-hot coal ;) and the substitution over all volcanic dis- tricts, of the colour of real greenstone, or serpentine, for one which resembles neither these, nor the general tones 224 DEUCALION. of dark colour either in lava or cinders, will certainly render all geological study less injurious to the eye- sight, and less harmful 4o the taste. 12. Of the two sections in Plate VIL, the upper one is arranged from Studer, so as to exhibit in one view the principal phenomena of Alpine structure according to that geologist. The cleavages in the central granite mass are given, however, on my own responsibility, not his. The lower section was, as aforesaid, drawn for me by my kind old friend Professor Phillips, and is, I doubt not, entirely authoritative. In all great respects, the sec- tions given by Studer are no less so ; but they are much ruder in drawing, and can be received only as imperfect summaries perhaps, in their abstraction, occasionally in- volving some misrepresentation of the complex facts. For my present purposes, however, they give me all the data required. 13. It will instantly be seen, on comparing the two groups of rocks, that although nearly similar in succes- sion, and both suggesting the eruptive and elevatory force of the granitic central masses, there is a wide dif- ference in the manner of the action of these on the strata lifted by them. In the Swiss section, the softer rocks seem to have been crushed aside, like the ripples of water round any submersed object rising to the surface. In the English section, they seem to have undergone no such torsion, but to be lifted straight, as they lay, like the timbers of a gabled roof. It is true that, on the larger XIY. SCHISMA MONTITJM. scale of the Geological Survey, contortions are shown at most of the faults in the Skiddaw slate ; but, for the rea- sons already stated, I believe these contortions to be more or less conventionally represented ; and until I have myself examined them, will not' modify Professor Phillips' drawing by their introduction. Some acknowledgment of such a structure is indeed given by him observably in the dark slates on the left in the lowermost section ; but he has written under these undulatory lines " quartz veins," and certainly means them, so far as they are structural, to stand only for or- dinary gneissitic contortion in the laminated mass, and not for undulating strata. 14. Farther. No authority is given me by Studer for dividing the undulatory masses of the outer Alps by any kind of cleavage-lines. Nor do I myself know examples of fissile structure in any of these mountain masses, un- less where they are affected by distinctly metamorphic action, in the neighbourhood of the central gneiss or mica-schist. On the contrary, the entire courses of the Cumberland rock, from Kirby Lonsdale to Carlisle, are represented by Professor Phillips as traversed by a per- fectly definite and consistent cleavage throughout, dip- ping steeply south, in accurately straight parallel lines, and modified only, in the eruptive masses, by a vertical cleavage, characterizing the pure granite centres. 15. I wish the reader to note this with especial care, because the cleavage of secondary rock has been lately 15 226 DEUCALION. attributed, with more appearance of reason than modern scientific theories usually possess, to lateral pressure, act- ing in a direction perpendicular to the lamination. It seems, however, little calculated to strengthen our confi- dence in such an explanation, to find the Swiss rocks, which appear to have been subjected to a force capable of doubling up leagues of them backwards and forwards like a folded map, wholly without any resultant schistose structure ; and the English rocks, which seem onlv to have been lifted as a raft is raised on a wave, split across, for fifty miles in succession, by foliate structures of the most perfect smoothness and precision. 16. It might indeed be alleged, in deprecation of this objection, that the dough or batter of which the Alps were composed, mostly calcareous, did not lend itself kindly to lamination, while the mud and volcanic ashes of Cumberland were of a slippery and unctuous character, easily susceptible of rearrangement under pressure. And this view receives strong support from the dextrous ex- periment performed by Professor Tyndall in 1856, and recorded, as conclusive, in 1872,* wherein, first warming some wax, then pressing it between two pieces of glass, and finally freezing it, he finds the congealed mass deli- cately laminated ; and attributes its lamination to the " lateral sliding of the particles over each other." * But with his usual, and quite unrivalled, incapacity of follow- * ' Forms of Water/ King and Co., 1872, p. 190. XIV. SCHISMA MOKTIUM. ing out any subject on the two sides of it, lie never tells us, and never seems to have asked himself, how far the wax was flattened, and how far, therefore, its particles had been forced to slide ; nor, during the sixteen years between his first and final record of the experiment, does he seem ever to have used any means of ascertaining whether, under the observed conditions, real compression of the substance of the wax had taken place at all ! For if not, and the form of the mass was only altered from a lump to a plate, without any increase of its density, a less period for reflection than sixteen years might surely have suggested to Professor Tyndall the necessity, in applying his result to geological matters, of providing mountains which were to be squeezed in one direction, with room for expansion in another. 17. For once, however, Professor Tyndall is not with- out fellowship in his hesitation to follow the full circum- ference of this question. Among the thousands of pas- sages I have read in the works even of the most careful and logical geologists, even such as Humboldt and De Saussure, I remember not one distinct statement * of * As these sheets are passing through the press, I received the fol- lowing most important note from Mr. Clifton Ward: " With regard to the question whether cleavage is necessarily followed by a reduc- tion in bulk of the body cleaved, the following cases may help us to form an opinion. Crystalline volcanic rocks (commonly called trap), as a rule, are not cleaved, though the beds, uncrystalline in character, above and below them, may be. When, however, a trap is highly 228 DEUCALION". the degree in which they supposed the lamination of any given rock to imply real increase of its density, or only the lateral extension ol its mass. 18. And the student must observe that in many cases lateral extension of mass is precisely avoided by the very positions of rocks which are supposed to indicate the pressure sustained. In Mr. Woodward's experiment with sheets of paper, for instance, (above quoted, p. 17,*) there is neither increase of density nor extension of mass, in the sheets of paper. They remain just as thick as they were, just as long and broad as they were. They are only altered in direction, and no more compressed, as they bend, than a flag is compressed by the wind that vesicular, it is sometimes well cleaved. May we not, therefore, sup- pose that in a rock, wholly crystalline, the particles are too much in- terlocked to take up new positions? In a purely fragmentary rock, however, the particles seem to have more freedom of motion; their motion under pressure leads to a new and more parallel arrangement of particles, each being slightly flattened or pulled out along the planes of new arrangement. This, then, points to a diminution of bulk at any rate in a direction at right angles to the planes of cleav- age. The tendency to new arrangement of particles under pressure points to accommodation under altered circumstances of space. In rocks composed of fragments, the interspaces, being for the most part larger than the intercrystalline spaces of a trap rock, more freely al- low of movement and new arrangement." * There is a double mistake in the fourth line from the top in that page. I meant to have written, " from a length of four inches into the length of one inch," but I believe the real dimensions should have been " a foot crushed into three inches." XIY. SCHISMA MONTIUM. waves it. In my own experiments with dough, of course the dough was no more compressible than so much water would have been. Yet the language of the geologists who attribute cleavage to pressure might usu- ally leave their readers in the notion that clay can be reduced like steam ; and that we could squeeze the sea down to half its depth by first mixing mud with it! Else, if they^ really comprehended the changes of form rendered necessary by proved directions of pressure, and did indeed mean that the paste of primitive slate had been i flattened out' (in Professor Tyiidall's words) as a cook flattens out her pastry-crust with a rolling-pin, they would surely sometimes have asked themselves, and oc- casionally taken the pains to tell their scholars, where the rocks in question had been flattened to. Yet in the entire series of Swiss sections (upwards of a hundred) given by Studer in his Alpine Geology, there is no hint of such a difficulty having occurred to him; none, of his having observed any actual balance between diminu- tion of bulk and alteration of form in contorted beds ; and none, showing any attempt to distinguish mechani- cal from crystalline foliation. The cleavages are given rarely in any section, and always imperfectly. 19. In the more limited, but steadier and closer, work of Professor Phillips on the geology of Yorkshire, the solitary notice of " that very obscure subject, the cleav- age of slate" is contained in three pages, (5 to 8 of the first chapter,) describing the structure of a, single quarry, 230 DEUCALION. in which the author does not know, and cannot event- ually discover, whether the rock is stratified or not! I respect, and admire, the frankness of the confession ; but it is evident that before any affirmation of value, respecting cleavages, can be made by good geologists, they must both ascertain many laws of pressure in viscous substances at present unknown; and describe a great many quarries with no less attention than was given by Professor Phillips to this single one. 20. The experiment in wax, however, above referred to as ingeniously performed by Professor Tyndall, is not adduced in the " Forms of water" for elucidation of cleavage in rocks, but of riband structure in ice (of which more presently). His first display of it, however, was I believe in the lecture delivered in 1856 at the Royal Institution, this, and the other similar experi- ments recorded in the Appendix to the ' Glaciers of the Alps,' being then directed mainly to the confusion of Professor Sedgwick, in that the Cambridge geologist had with caution expressed an opinion that cleavage was a result of crystallization under polar forces. 21. Of that suggestion Professor Tyndall compliment- arily observed that " it was a bold stretch of analogies," and condescendingly that "it had its value, it has drawn attention to the subject." Presently, translating this too vulgarly intelligible statement into his own sub- lime language, he declares of the theory in debate that it, and the like of it, are " a dynamic power which oper- XIV. SCHISMA MOtfTIUM. ates against intellectual stagnation." How a dynamic power differs from an undynamic one, and, presum- ably, also, a potestatib dynamis from an unpotestatic one;) and how much more scientific it is to say, in- stead of that our spoon stirs our porridge, that it " operates against the stagnation" of our porridge, Pro- fessor Tyndall trusts the reader to recognize with admi- ration. But if any stirring or skimming, or other opera- tion of a duly dynamic character, could have clarified from its scum of vanity the pease-porridge of his own wits, Professor Tyndall would have felt that men like the Cambridge veteran, one of the very few modern men of science who possessed real genius, stretch no analogies farther than they will hold ; and, in this par- ticular case, there were two facts, familiar to Sedgwick, and with which Professor Tyndall manifests no acquaint- ance, materially affecting every question relating to cleav- age structure. 22. The first, that all slates whatever, among the older rocks, are more or less metamorphic; and that all meta- morphisrn implies the development of crystalline force. Neither the chiastolite in the slate of Skiddaw, nor the kyanite in that of St. Gothard, could have been formed without the exertion, through the whole body of the rock, of crystalline force, which, extracting some of its elements, necessarily modifies the structure of the rest. The second, that slate-quarries of commercial value, for- tunately rare among beautiful mountains, owe their 232 DEUCALION. utility to the unusual circumstance of cleaving, over the quarryable space, practically in one direction only. But such quarryable spaces "extend only across a few fathoms of crag, and the entire mass of the slate mountains of the world is cloven, not in one, but in half a dozen direc- tions, each separate and explicit ; and requiring, for their production on the pressure theory, the application of half a dozen distinct pressures, of which none shall neutralize the effect of any other ! That six applications of various pressures at various epochs, might produce six cross cleavages, may be conceived without unpardonable rash- ness, and conceded without perilous courtesy ; but before pursuing the investigation of this hexfoiled subject, it would be well to ascertain whether the cleavage of any rock whatever does indeed accommodate itself to the cal- culable variations of a single pressure, applied at a single time. 23. Whenever a bed of rock is bent, the substance of it on the concave side must be compressed, and the substance of it on the convex side, expanded. The de- gree in which such change of structure must take place may be studied at ease in one's arm-chair with no more apparatus than a stick of sealing-wax and a candle ; and as soon as I am shown a bent bed of any rock with dis- tinct lamination on its concave side, traceably gradated into distinct crevassing on its convex one, I will admit without farther debate the connection of foliation with pressure. XIV. SCHISMA MONTITJM. 233 24. In the meantime, the delicate experiments by the conduct of which Professor Tyndall brought his audi- ences into what he is pleased to call "contact with facts" (in older times we used to say 'grasp of facts' ; modern science, for its own part, prefers, not unreasonably, the term ' contact,' expressive merely of occasional collision with them.) must remain inconclusive. But if in the course of his own various ; contact with facts' Professor Tyndall has ever come across a bed of slate squeezed between two pieces of glass or anything like them I will thank him for a description of the locality. All metamorphic slates have been subjected assuredly to heat probably to pressure; but (unless they were merely the shaly portions of a stratified group) the pressure to which they have been subjected was that of an ir- regular mass of rock ejected in the midst of them, or driven fiercely against them ; and their cleavage so far as it is indeed produced by that pressure, must be such as the iron of a target shows round a shell ; and not at all representable by a film of candle-droppings. 25. It is further to be observed, and not without in- creasing surprise and increasing doubt, that the experi- ment was shown, on the first occasion, to explain the lamination of slate, and on the second, to explain the riband structure of ice. But there are no ribands in slate, and there is no lamination in ice. There are no regulated alternations of porous with solid substance in the one ; and there are no constancies of fracture by 234 DEUCALION. plane surfaces in the other ; moreover and this is to be chiefly noted, slate lamination is always straight ; gla- cier banding always bent. The structure of the pressed wax might possibly explain one or other of these phe- nomena ; but could not possibly explain both, and does actually explain neither. 26. That the arrangement of rock substance into fissile folia does indeed take place in metamorphic aluminous masses under some manner of pressure, has, I believe, been established by the investigations both of Mr. Sorby and of Mr. Clifton Ward. But the reasons for conti- nuity of parallel cleavage through great extents of vari- ously contorted beds; for its almost uniform assumption of a high angle; for its as uniform non-occurrence in horizontal laminae under vertical pressure, however vast ; for its total disregard of the forces causing upheaval of the beds ; and its mysteriously deceptive harmonies with the stratification, if only steep enough, of neigh- bouring sedimentary rocks, remain to this hour, not only unassigned, but unsought. 27. And it is difficult for me to understand either the contentment of geologists witlrthis state of things, or the results on the mind of ingenuous learners, of the partial and more or less contradictory information hitherto ob- tainable on the subject. The section given in the two lower figures of Plate VII. was drawn for me, as I have already said, by my most affectionately and reverently remembered friend, Professor Phillips, of Oxford. It XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM. 235 goes through the entire crest of the Lake district from Lancaster to Carlisle, the first emergent rock-beds being those of mountain limestone, A to B, not steeply in- clined, but lying unconformably on the steeply inclined flags and grit of Furness Fells, B to C. In the depres- sion at C lies Coniston Lake ; then follow the masses of Coniston Old Man and Scawfell, C to D, sinking to the basin of Derwentwater just after the junction, at Grange, of their volcanic ashes with the Skiddaw slate. Skiddaw himself, and Carrock Fell, rise between D and E ; and above E, at Caldbeck, again the mountain limestone appears in nnconformable bedding, declining under the Trias of the plain of Carlisle, at the northern extremity of which a few rippled lines do service for the waves of Solway. 28. The entire ranges of the greater mountains, it will be seen, are thus represented by Professor Phillips as consisting of more or less steeply inclined beds, parallel to those of the Furness shales ; and traversed by occa- sional cleavages at an opposite angle. But in the section of the Geological Survey, already referred to, the beds parallel to the Furness shales reach only as far as Wether- lam, and the central mountains are represented as laid in horizontal or slightly basin-shaped swirls of ashes, trav- ersed by ejected trap, and divided by no cleavages at all, except a few vertical ones indicative of the Tilber- thwaite slate quarries. 29. I think it somewhat hard upon me, now that I am 236 DEUCALION. sixty years old, and short of breath in going Tip hills, to have to compare, verify for myself, and reconcile as I may, these entirely adverse representations of the classical mountains of England : no less than that I am left to carry forward, in my broken leisure, the experiments on viscous motion instituted by James Forbes thirty years ago. For the present, however, I choose Professor Phil- lips' section as far the most accurately representative of the general aspect of matters, to my present judgment ; and hope, with Mr. Clifton Ward's good help, to give more detailed drawings of separate parts in the next vol- ume of Deucalion. 30. I am prepared also to find Professor Phillips' draw- ing in many respects justifiable, by my own former studies of the cleavage structure of the central Alps, which, in all the cases I have examined, I found to be a distinctly crystalline lamination, sometimes contorted according to the rock's own humour, fantastically as Damascus steel ; but presently afterwards assuming inconceivable consist- ency with the untroubled repose of the sedimentary masses into whose company it had been thrust. The junction of the contorted gneiss through which the gorge of Trient is cleft, with the micaceous marble on which the tower of Martigny is built, is a transition of this kind within reach of the least adventurous traveller ; and the junction of the gneiss of the Montanvert with the porous limestone which underlies it, is certainly the most inter- esting, and the most easily explored, piece of rock- fellow- XIY. SCHISMA MOKTIUM. ship in Europe. Yet the gneissitic lamination of the Montanvert has been attributed to stratification by one group of geologists, and to cleavage by another, ever since the valley of Chamouni was first heard of : and the only accurate drawings of the beds hitherto given are those published thirty years ago in ' Modern Painters.' I had hoped at the same time to contribute some mite of direct evidence to their elucidation, by sinking a gallery in the soft limestone under the gneiss, supposing the upper rock hard enough to form a safe roof ; but a decomposing frag- ment fell, and so nearly ended the troubles, with the toil, of the old miner who was driving the tunnel, that I at- tempted no farther inquiries in that practical manner. 31. The narrow bed, curved like a sickle, and coloured vermilion, among the purple slate, in the uppermost sec- tion of Plate VII., is intended to represent the position of the singular band of qnartzite and mottled schists, (" bunte schiefer,") which, on the authority of Studer's section at page 178 of his second volume, underlies, at least for some thousands of feet, the granite of the Jung- frau ; and corresponds, in its relation to the uppermost cliff of that mountain, with the subjacence of the lime- stone of Les Tines to the aiguilles of Chamouni. I have coloured it vermilion in order to connect it in the student's mind with the notable conglomerates of the Black Forest, through which their underlying granites -pass into the Trias ; but the reversed position which it here assumes, . and the relative dominance of the central mass of the 238 DEUCALION. Bernese Alps, if given by Studer with fidelity, are cer- tainly the first structural phenomena which the geologists of Germany should benevolently qualify themselves to explain to the summer society of Interlachen. The view of the Jungfrau from the Castle of Manfred is probably the most beautiful natural vision in Europe ; but, for all that modern science can hitherto tell us, the construction of it is supernatural, and explicable only by the Witch of the Alps. 32. In the meantime I close this volume of Deucalion by noting firmly one or two letters of the cuneiform language in which the history of that scene has been written. There are five conditions of rock cleavage which the student must accustom himself to recognize, and hold apart in his mind with perfect clearness, in all study of mountain form. I. The Wave cleavage : that is to say, the condition of structure on a vast scale which has regulated the succes- sion of summits. In almost all chains of mountains not volcanic, if seen from a rightly chosen point, some law of sequence will manifest itself in the arrangement of their eminences. On a small scale, the declining surges of pastoral mountain, from the summit of Helvellyn to the hills above Rendal, seen from any point giving a clear profile of them, on Wetherlarn or the Old Man of Con- iston, show a quite rhythmic, almost formal, order of ridged waves, with their steepest sides to the lowlands ; XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM. 239^ for which the cause must be sought in some internal structure of the rocks, utterly untraceable in close section. On vaster scale, the succession of the aiguilles .of Cha- mouni, and of the great central aiguilles themselves, from the dome of Mont Blanc through the Jorasses, to the low peak of the aiguille de Trient, is again regulated by a harmonious law of alternate cleft and crest, which can be studied rightly only from the far-distant Jura. The main directions of this vast mountain tendency might always be shown in a moderately good model of any given district, by merely colouring all slopes of ground inclined at a greater angle than thirty degrees, of some darker colour than the rest. No slope of talus can maintain itself at a higher angle than this, (compare ' Modern Painters,' vol. iv., p. 318 ;) and therefore, while the mathematical laws of curvature by aqueous denuda- tion, which were first ascertained and systematized by Mr. Alfred Tylor, will be found assuredly to regulate or modify the disposition of masses reaching no steeper angle, the cliffs and banks which exceed it, brought into one abstracted group, will always display the action of the wave cleavage on the body of the yet resisting rocks. 33. II. The Structural cleavage. This is essentially determined by the arrangement of the plates of mica in crystalline rocks, or where the mica is obscurely formed, or replaced by other minerals by the sinuosities of their quartz veins. Next to the actual bedding, it is the most important element of form 240 DEUCALION. in minor masses of crag ; but in its influence on large contours, subordinate always to the two next following orders of cleavage. 34. III. The Asphodeline cleavage ; the detachment, that is to say, of curved masses of crag more or less con- centric, like the coats of an onion. It is for the most part transverse to the structural cleavage, and forms rounded domes and bending billows of smooth contour, on the flanks of the great foliated mountains, which look exactly as if they had been worn for ages under some river of colossal strength. It is far and away the most important element of mountain form in granitic and metamorphic districts. 35. IY. The Frontal cleavage. This shows itself only on the steep escarpments of sedimentary rock, when the cliff has been produced in all probability by rending elevatory force. It occurs on the faces of nearly all the great precipices in Savoy, formed of Jura limestone, and has been in many cases mistaken for real bedding. I hold it one of the most fortunate chances attending the acquisition of Brantwood, that I have within three hundred yards of me, as I write, jutting from beneath my garden wall, a piece of crag knit out of the Furness shales, showing frontal cleavage of the most definite kind, and enabling me to examine the conditions of it as perfectly as I could at Bonneville or Annecy. 36. Y. The Atomic cleavage. This is the mechanical fracture of the rock under the XIV. SCHISMA MONTIUM. hammer, indicating the mode of coherence between its particles, irrespectively of their crystalline arrangements. The conchoidal fractures of flint and calcite, the raggedly vitreous fractures of quartz and corundum, and the earthy transverse fracture of clay slate, come under this general head. And supposing it proved that slaty lami- nation is indeed owing either to the lateral expansion of the mass under pressure, or to the filling of vacant pores in it by the flattening of particles, such a formation ought to be considered, logically, as the ultimate degree of fine- ness in the coherence of crushed substance ; and not properly a ' structure.' I should call this, therefore, also an ' atomic ' cleavage. 37. The more or less rectilinear divisions, known as c joints,' and apparently owing merely to the desiccation or contraction of the rock, are not included in the above list of cleavages, which is limited strictly to the char- acters of separation induced either by arrangements of the crystalline elements, or by violence in the methods of rock elevation or sculpture. 38. If my life is spared, and my purposes hold, the second volume of Deucalion will contain such an account of the hills surrounding me in this district, as shall be, so far as it is carried, trustworthy down to the minutest de- tails in the exposition of their first elements of mountain form. And I am even fond enough to hope that some of the youths of Oxford educated in its now established schools of Natural History and Art, may so securely and 242 DEUCALION". consistently follow out sucli a piece of home study by the delineation of the greater mountains they are proud to climb, as to redeem, at last, the ingenious nineteenth cen- tury from the reproach of having fostered a mountaineer- ing club, which was content to approve itself in competi- tive agilities, without knowing either how an aiguille stood, or how a glacier flowed ; and a Geological Society, which discoursed with confidence on the catastrophes of chaos, and the processes of creation, without being able to tell a builder how a slate split, or a lapidary how a pebble was coloured. APPENDIX. WHEN I began Deucalion, one of the hopes chiefly connected with it was that of giving some account of the work done by the real mas- ters and fathers of Geology. I must not conclude this first volume without making some reference, (more especially in relation to the subjects of inquiry touched upon in its last chapter,) to the modest life and intelligent labour of a most true pioneer in geological science, Jonathan Otley. Mr. Clifton Ward's sketch of the good guide's life, drawn up in 1877 for the Cumberland Association for the Advance- ment of Literature and Science, supplies me with the following par- ticulars of it, deeply as it seems to me instructive and impressive. He was born near Ambleside, at Nook House, in Loughrigg, January 19th, 1766. His father was a basket-maker ; and it is espec- ially interesting to me, in connection with the resolved retention of Latin as one of the chief elements of education in the system I am arranging for St. George's schools, to find that the Westmoreland basket-maker was a good Latin scholar ; and united Oxford and Cambridge discipline for his son with one nobler than either, by making him study Latin and mathematics, while, till he was twenty five, he worked as his father's journeyman at his father's handicraft. " He also cleaned all the clocks and watches in the neighbourhood and showed himself very skilful in engraving upon copper-plates, seals and coin." In 1791 he moved to Keswick, and there lived sixty- five years, and died, ninety years old and upwards. I find no notice in Mr. Ward's paper of the death of the father, to whose good sense and firmness the boy owed so much. There was yet a more woful reason for his leaving his birthplace. He was in love with a young woman named Anne Youdale, and had engraved their names together on a silver coin. But the village blacksmith, Mr. Bowness, was also a suitor for the maiden's hand ; and some years after, Jonathan's niece, Mrs. Wilson, asking him how it was that his name and Anne Youdale 's were engraved together on the 244 APPENDIX. same coin, he replied, " Oh, the blacksmith beat me." * He never married, but took to mineralogy, watchmaking, and other consolatory pursuits, with mountain rabbling alike discursive and attentive. Let me not omit what thanks for friendly help and healthy stimulus to the earnest youth may be due to another honest Cumberland soul, Mr. Crosthwaite. Otley was standing one day (before he removed to Keswick) outside the Crosthwaite Museum, f when he was accosted by its founder, and asked if he would sell a curious stick he held in his hand. Otley asked a shilling for it, the proprietor of the Museum stipulating to show him the collection over the bargain. From this time congenial tastes drew the two together as firm and staunch friends. He lived all his life at Keswick, in lodgings, recognized as "Jona- than Otley's, up the steps," paying from five shillings a week at first, to ten, in uttermost luxury ; and being able to give account of his keep to a guinea, up to October 18, 1852, namely, board and lodging for sixty-one years and one week, 1325 ; rent of room extra, fifty-six years, 164 10*. Total keep and roof overhead, for the sixty useful- lest of his ninety years, 1489 10s. Thus housed and fed, he became the friend, and often the teacher, of the leading scientific men of his day, Dr. Dalton the chemist, Dr. Henry the chemist, Mr. Farey the engineer, Airy the Astronomer Royal, Professor Phillips of Oxford, and Professor Sedgwick of Cam- bridge. He was the first accurate describer and accurate map-maker of the Lake district ; the founder of the geological divisions of its rocks, which were accepted from him by Sedgwick, and are now finally confirmed ; and the first who clearly defined the separation between bedding, cleavage, and joint in rock, hence my enforced notice of him, in this place. Mr. Ward's memoir gives examples of * I doubt the orthography of the fickle maid's name, but all authority of anti- quaries obliges me to distinguish it from that of the valley. I do so, however, still under protest as if I were compelled to write Lord Lonsdale, ' Lownsdale,' or the Marquis of Tweeddale, 'Twaddle,' or the victorious blacksmith, 'Beau- ness.' The latter's family still retain the forge by Elter Water an entirely dis- tinct branch, I am told, from our blacksmiths of the Dale : see above, pp. 189, 190. tin that same museum, my first collection of minerals fifty specimens total price, if I remember rightly, five shillings was bought for me, by my father, of Mr. Crosthwaite. No subsequent possession has had so much influence on my life. I studied Turner at his own gallery, and in Mr. Windus's portfolios ; but the little yellow bit of " copper ore from Coniston," and the " Garnets " (I never could see more than one !) from Borrowdale, were the beginning of science to mo which never could have been otherwise acquired. APPENDIX. 245 his correspondence with the men of science above named : both Phillips and Sedgwick referring always to him in any question touch- ing Cumberland rocks, and becoming gradually his sincere and affec- tionate friends. Sedgwick sate by his death-bed. I shall have frequent occasion to refer to his letters, and to avail myself of his work. But that work was chiefly crowned in the ex- ample he left not of what is vulgarly praised as self-Jielp, (for every noble spirit's watchword is " God us ayde") but of the rarest of mortal virtues, self-possession. "In your patience, possess ye your souls." I should have dwelt at greater length on the worthiness both of the tenure and the treasure, but for the bitterness of my conviction that the rage of modern vanity must destroy in our scientific schoolmen, alike the casket, and the possession. INDEX. AGATE, 99, 100. See CHALCEDONY ; also, if possible, the papers on this subject in the Geological Magazine, vol. iv., Nos. 8 and 11 ; v., Nos. 1, 4, 5 ; vi., No. 12 ; and vii., No. 1 ; and PEBBLES. AGES OF BOCKS, not to be defined in the catalogue of a practical Museum, 130. ALABASTER, sacred uses of, 93. ALABASTRON, the Greek vase so called, 93, 106. ALPS, general structure of, 8, 220 ; are not best seen from their high- est points, 10 ; general section of, 11 ; violence of former energies in sculpture of, 20 ; Bernese chain of, seen from the Simplon, 158 ; sections of given by Studer examined, 225, 226. ANATOMY, study of, hurtful to the finest art-perceptions, 8 ; of min- erals, distinct from their history, 178. AMETHYST, 109 ; and Bee HYACINTH. ANGELO, Monte St., near Naples, 33. ANGELS, and fiends, contention of, for souls of children, 204. ANGER, and vanity, depressing influence of, on vital energies, 1, 2. ARGENT, the Heraldic metal, meaning of, 109. ARRANGEMENT, permanence of, how necessary in Museums, 131. ARTIST, distinction between, and man of science, 25 ; how to make one, 94. ATHENA, her eyes of the colour of sunset sky, 108. BANDED STRUCTURE, in rocks, 143. BAPTISM, chimes in rejoicing for, at Maglans, 68. BDELLIUM, meaning of the word, 90. BELL- ALP, hotel lately built on, its relation to ancient hospice of Simplon, 159. BELLS, sweetness of their sound among mountains, 68. BEAUTY, more at hand than can ever be seen, 85. BENEDICT, St. , laments decline of his order, 156. 248 INDEX. BERNARD, St., labours of, 106 ; sermons of, 114 ; his coming to help Dante, 157. BERNE, town of, scenery in tys canton, 10. BIONNASSAY, aiguille of, its beauty, 21. In the 24th line of that page, for 'buttresses,' read ' buttress.' BLUE, how represented in Heraldry, 106. BISCHOF, GUSTAV, facts of mineral formation collected by, as yet insufficient, 136. BOWERBANK, Mr., exhaustive examination of flint fossils by, 137. BRECCIA, (but for ' breccia,' in these pages, read ' conglomerate ') of the outmost Bernese Alps, 14, 15 BRIENTZ, lake and valley of, 12. BRUNIG, pass of, 12. , Mr. J., drawing in Venice by, 117. CARBUNCLE, meaning of the stone in Heraldry, 109. CHALCEDONY, formation of, 133 ; general account of, 173. CHALK, formation of, in the Alps, 11. CHAMOUNI, valley of, its relation to the valley-system of the Alps, 12. CHANNELS of rivers, formation of, 61, 193 ; and compare with p. 61, Mr. Clifton Ward's account of the denudation of the Lake dis- trict, Geological Magazine, vol. vii., p. 16. CHEDE, lake of, its destruction, 33. CLEAVAGE, general discussion of subject opens, 225 ; definition of the several kinds of, 238. CLIFFS of the Bay of Uri, 72. CLIFTON WARD, Rev. Mr., justice of his observations on glaciation of Lake district, 35 ; examination of agate structure by, 137 ; continued, 177, 209 ; completed, 214 ; note on cleavage by, 227. CLUSE, valley of, in Savoy, described, 69. COLOUR, perception of, its relation to health and temper, 101, 116 ; divisions and order of, 104 ; Heraldic, antiquity of, 105. COMO, lake and valley of, 13. CONGLOMERATE of the Alps, 15 ; and in the 25th line of that page, for ' breccia,' read ' conglomerate.' CONISTON, rocks and lake of, 193. CONTORTION OF STRATA, 15, 18 ; observations on by Mr. Henry Wil- lett, 147 ; assumptions respecting the "Plissement de la croute terrestre," by M. Viollet-le-Duc, 155 ; general question of, 197 199; practical experiments in imitation of, 201, 228. Compare Saussure, Voyages, 35, 1801, 1802. INDEX. 49 CONTROVERSY, fatal consequences of, 1. CRYSTAL, Scriptural references to, 91 ; construction of, 97. CRYSTALLIZATION, mystery of, 97 ; terms of its description, 177. Compare ' Ethics of the Dust/ passim ; but especially chap. iii. CURVE of ice- velocities, 61. DANTE, use of, the Divina Commedia in mental purification, 156. DEBATE, mischievousness of, to young people, 85. DEFILES, transverse, of Alps, 12. DENUDATION, first opening of discussion upon, 184 ; obscurity of the geological expression, 186 ; appparent violence of its indiscrimi- nate action, 197. See above, CHANNELS ; and compare ' Modern Painters,' vol. iv., p. 155. DESIGN of ornament, how obtainable, 119. 'DEUCALION ' and ' Proserpina,' reasons for choice of these names for the author's final works, 4. DEVIL, influence of the, in modern education, 205. DEW, Arabian delight in, 90. DIAMOND, its meaning in Heraldry, 110 ; story of diamond necklace, moral of, 118. DILATATION, theory of, in glaciers, its absurdity, 163 ; the bed of the Mer de Glace, considered as a thermometer tube, 164. DOVER, cliffs of, operations which would be needful to construct Alps with them, 21 ; imagined results of their softness, 197. EDINBURGH CASTLE, geology of its rock, 29. EMERALD, meaning of, in Heraldry, 108. ENGLISH, how to write it best, 201. EROSION, how far the idea of it is exaggerated, 34. ESDRAS, second book of, curious verse in its 5th chapter, probable interpretation of, 5. ESSENCE (real being) of things, is in what they can do and suffer, 87. 'EVENINGS AT HOME,' quoted, 23. EXCESS in quantity, harm of, in Museum collections for educational purposes, 130. EXPANSION. See DILATATION. EYES, their use, a nobler art than that of using microscopes, 23 ; colour of Athena's, 108. TACTS, how few, generally trustworthy, yet ascertained respecting mineral formation, 134. 250 INDEX. FARADAY, Professor, discovery of regelation by, 38. FISSURES, in chalk containing flints, and traversing the flints, de- scribed by Mr. Henry Willett, 147, 149. FLINT, essential characters of, 87 ; account of, carefully instituted by Mr. H. Willett, 135 ; no one knows yet how secreted, 137 ; dis- placed veins of, 145, 147. FORBES, Professor James, of Edinburgh, discovers the law of glacier motion, 47 ; his survey of the Mer de Glace, 79 ; general notices of, 37, 76 ; the Author's meeting with, 152. FLOWING, difficulty of defining the word, 50. FLUIDS, the laws of their motion not yet known, 83. FRACTURES of flint, difficulties in explaining, 147 149. GEOLOGY, the Author's early attachment to, 3 ; not needful to artists, but rather injurious, 8 ; modern errors in developing, 71. GLACIERS, are fluent bodies, 36 ; do not cut their beds deeper, but fill them up, 37, 63 ; original deposition of, 39 ; summary of laws of motion in, 48 ; rate of motion in, how little conceivable in slow- ness, 49 ; drainage of higher valleys by, 49 ; rising of their sur- face in winter, how accounted for, 82 ; false theories respecting, Illustrated, 162 164. Compare also * Fors Clavigera,' Letters XXXIV., pp. 175181, and XXXV., p. 200. GOLD, special mechanical qualities of, 74 ; need for instruction in its use, 95 ; mystery of its origin, 96 ; nomenclature of its forms, 128. GONDO, defile of, in the Simplon pass, 12. GOOD AND EVIL in spiritual natures, how discernible, 25, 205. GREEK-ENGLISH words, barbarism of, 202. GREEN, how represented in Heraldry, 108. GREY, meaning of, in Heraldry, 110. GULA, mediaeval use of the word, 114. GULES, meaning of the colour so called, in Heraldry, 112. HONEY, use of, in experiments on glacier motion, 81, 199. HYACINTH, the precious stone so called, meaning of, in Heraldry, 109. HERALDRY, nobleness of, as a language, 115 ; order of colours in, 105 ; of the sky, 121. HYALITE, transition of, into chalcedony, 171 174. ICE, (of glaciers) will stretch, 56 ; is both plastic and viscous, 75. See GLACIER. INTERLACHEN, village of, stands on the soil deposited by the stream from Lauterbrunnen, 21 ; duty of geologists at, 237. INDEX. 23 IRIS OF THE EARTH, 84 ; the Messenger, 104. IMPS, not to be bottled by modern chemists, 204. IACINTH. See HYACINTH. JASPER, Heraldic meaning of, 107. JEWELS, holiness of, 95, 101 ; delighted in by religious painters, 119 ; duty of distributing, 119. JONES, Mr. Rupert, summary of mineralogical work by, 137. JUDD, Mr. J. W., notice of geology of Edinburgh by, 29. JUNGFRAU, view of , from Castle of Manfred, 287. JURA mountains, view of the Alps from, 10 ; section of, in relation to Alps, 11, 235 ; limestone formation of, 14. KENDAL, town of, scenery near, 179, 180. KINNOULL, hill of, near Perth, agates in, 98. KNIGHTHOOD, Christian, its faithfulness to Peace, 101. KNOTS of siliceous rock, nature of, 138. KNOWLEDGE, how shortened by impatience, and blighted by debate, 85. LAKES, level of, among Alps, 13 ; evacuation of, 192 ; English district of, section through, 224. LANDSCAPE, the study of, little recommended by the Author at Oxford, 7. LANGUAGE, scientific, how to be mended, 202 ; dependence of, for its beauty, on moral powers, 115. LAUTERBRUNNEN, valley of, 21, 237. LAVA, definition of, 167 ; depth of, 168. LENTICULAR CURIOSITY, vileness of, 24. LESLIE, Mr. Stephen, reference to unadvised statements by, respecting the achievements of Alpine Club, 9. LIMESTONE, Jura and Mountain, general notes on, 14, 235, 236. LUCERNE, lake of, reason of its cruciform plan, 12. LUNGREN, lake of, its unusual elevation, 13. LYELL, Sir Charles, final result of his work, 27, 31. MAGGIORE, lake and valley of, 13. MAGLANS, village of, in Savoy, scenery near, 69. MALLESON, the Rev. F. A., discovers rare form of Coniston slate, 195. MANNA, (food of the Israelites,) reasons for its resemblance to crystal, 90. MENTAL PERCEPTION, how dependent on moral character, 116. 252 INDEX. MENTAL- WORK, history of, proposal for its illustration, 86. MICROSCOPE, mistaken use of the, opposed to use of eyes, 23. MINERALOGY, principles of arrangement in, adapted to popular intel- ligence, 124 ; present state of the science, 134. MODERNISM, the degradation of England by it, 116. 'MODERN PAINTERS,' (the Author's book, so called,) contained the first truthful delineations of the Alps, 154 ; the Author's designs for its republication, 4, 8 ; mistake in it, caused by thinking in- stead of observing, 41. MOTION, proportionate, how to study, 54 ; rate of, in glaciers, 47. MOUNTAINS, how to see, and whence, 9. MUSEUMS, arrangement of, general principles respecting, 130 ; special plan of that at Sheffield, 86, 123. MUSCULAR ENERGY, not an all-sufficient source of happiness, or cri- terion of taste, 9. NATIONS, lower types of, without language or conscience, 116. NIAGARA, misleading observations upon, by the school of Sir Charles Lyell, 31. NOISES in modern travelling, 67. NOVELTY the worst enemy of knowledge, 84. NUTS of silica, and almonds, why so called, 138. ONYX, importance of, in the history of the Jews, 92, 93; general ac- count of, 93, 100. OR, the Heraldic metal, meaning of, 105. PARADISE, treasures of its first river, 91. PASSION, evil effects of, on bodily health, 1. The reader would do well to study on this subject, with extreme care, the introductory clauses of Sir Henry Thompson's paper on Food, in the 28th number of the ' Nineteenth Century.' PASTE, experiments in, on compression of strata, 197. PEARLS, of great and little price, relative estimate of by English ladies, 119; Heraldic meaning of, 110. PEBBLES, Scotch, nature of, unknown, 72. See AGATE. PERIODS, the three great, of the Earth's construction, 27. PHILLIPS, Professor, of Oxford, 72; section of Lake district by, 224. PLAIN of Switzerland, north of the Alps, its structure, 11. PLANS, the Author's, of future work, 2. (I observe many readers have passed this sentence without recognizing its irony.) INDEX. %06 PLANTAGENET, Geoffrey, shield of, 110. PLASTICITY, the term defined, 74. POOLS, how kept deep in streams, dubitable, 187. POVERTY, how to be honourably mitigated, 131. PRESTWICH, Professor, of Oxford, 72. PRIORITY in discovery, never cared for by the Author, 3. PROGRESS, certainty of, to be secured in science only by modesty, 133. PROTEUS, the seal-herdsman, 113. PURPLE, modern errors respecting the colour, 114. Compare HYA- CINTH. PURPURE, the Heraldic colour, meaning of, 109. RAM'S SKINS, for covering of Jewish Tabernacle, 114. RED, how represented in Heraldry, 106. REGELATION, theory of, as causing the motion of glaciers, its ab- surdity, 164. RENDU, Bishop of Amiens, his keenness of sense, 45. RHINE, upper valley of, 13. RHONE, upper valley of, 13. ROCKS, wet and dry formation of, 135. ROOD, Professor, Author receives assistance from, 83. ROSA, Monte, the chain of Alps to the north of it, 151. ROSE, the origin of the Persian word for red, 106. ROSSBERG, fall of, how illustrating its form, 15. SABLE, the Heraldic colour, meaning of, 110. SCARLET, the Heraldic colour, meaning of, 107. SCIENCE, modern, duties of, 26, 180; modern vileness and falseness of, 204; true, how beginning and ending, 208. (In that page, line 13, for ' science,' read ' morals.') SCIENTIFIC PERSONS, how different from artists, 25. SEAL-SKINS, use of, in the Jewish Tabernacle, 113. SELFISHNESS, the Author's, 171. SENSE, in morals, evil of substituting analysis for, 25. SENSES, the meaning of being in or out of them, 25. SENSIBILITY, few persons have any worth appealing to, 8. SENTIS, Hoche, of Appenzell, structure of, 11, 16. SILICA in lavas, 167; varieties of, defined, 169. SINAI, desert of, coldness of occasional climate in, 90. SIMPLON, village of, 150; Hospice of, 160. 254 INDEX. SLATE, cleavage of, generally discussed, 225. Compare 'Modern Painters,' Part v., chapters viii. x. SLOTH, (the nocturnal animal^ misery of, 205. SNOW, Alpine, structure of, 41, 45, 47. SORBY, Mr., value of his work, 136. SOVEREIGN, (the coin,) imagery on, 88. * SQUIRREL, beauty of, and relation to man, 207. STALAGMITE, incrustation of, 134. STANDING of aiguilles, method of, to be learned, 21. STOCKHORN, of Thun, structure of, 11. STONES, loose in the Park, one made use of, 87; precious, their real meaning, 118. STREAMS, action of, 187. See CHANNELS ; and compare ' Modern Painters,' vol. x., pp. 91, 95. STUDER, Professor, reference to his work on the Alps, 17, 224. SUN, Heraldic type of Justice, 105, 106. TABERNACLE, the Jewish fur-coverings of, 113 ; the spiritual, of God, in man, 120. TEMERAIRE, the fighting, at Trafalgar, 104. TENNY, the Heraldic colour, meaning of, 107. THEORY, mischief of, in scientific study, 134 ; the work of ' Deuca- lion' exclusive of it, 21. THINKING, not to be trusted, when seeing is possible, 42. THOUGHTS, worth having, come to us ; we cannot come at tJiem, 67. THUN, lake and vale of, 12 ; passage of the lake by modern tourists, 18 ; old-fashioned manners of its navigation, 19. TIME, respect clue to, in forming collections of objects for study, 181. TOPAZ, Heraldic meaning of, 105. TORRENTS, action of; in forming their beds, debated, 81. TOWN LIFE, misery of, 208. TRUTH, ultimate and mediate, differing character of, 111. TURNER, J. M. W., Alpine drawings by, 9. TYLOR, Mr. Alfred, exhaustive analysis of hill curves by, 239. TYNDALL, Professor, experiments by, 42 ; various reference to his works, 53, 58, 80, 160, 226, 233. TYRRWHITT, the Rev. St. John, sketches in Arabia by, 90. VALLEYS, lateral and transverse, of Alps, 12 ; names descriptive of, in England how various, 180. VALTELLINE, relation of, to Alps, 13. INDEX. VANITY of prematurely systematic science, 123. VERT, the Heraldic colour, meaning of, 108. VIA MALA, defile of, 12, 20. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, unwary geology by, 154. VISCOSITY, definition of, 55, 74 ; first experiments on viscous motion of viscous fluids by Professor Forbes, 52. VOLCANOS, our personal interest in the phenomena of, in this world, aos. WOMAN, supremely inexplicable, 99. WILLETT, Mr. Henry, investigations of flint undertaken by, 135 ; pro- ceeded with, 141. WAVES of glacier ice, contours of, in melting, 165. WOOD, the Rev. Mr., method of his teaching, 206; and compare 1 Fors Clavigera,' Letter LI. WOODWARD, Mr. Henry, experiment by, on contorted strata, 17. WOODS, free growth of, in Savoy, 70. WEATHERING of Coniston slate, 195. YELLOW, how represented in Heraldry, 105. YEWDALE, near Coniston, scenery of, 184, 191, 194. YEWDALE CRAG, structure of, 195 ; a better subject of study thai crags in the moon, 203. AN INITIAL PINE OP 25 CENTS ^c~y^ LD 21-95m-7,'37 m I \