NRLF B M ESD George Davidson 1825-191 J A ^v; ~ AZIMOTH_MI)^m{ ANGLE FOR LATOUDtf AND DECLINATION ; TABLES FOR FINDING AZIMUTH AT SEA BY MEANS OF THE HOUK ANGLE, IN ALL NAVIGABLE LATITUDES, AT EVERY TWO DEGREES OF DECLINATION BETWEEN THE LIMITS OF THE ZODIAC, WHENEVER SUN, MOON, PLANET, OE KNOWN STAE BE OBSERVED AT A CONVENIENT DISTANCE FROM THE ZENITH. TOGETHER WITH A GKEAT CIECLE SAILING TABLE TO TENTHS, WITH ARGUMENTS TO EVERY 2. Bt MAJOR-GEN. E./SHOETEEDE, F.E.A.S., &c. LONDON STRAHAN & CO., 56, LUDGATE HILL, AND SUPPLIED BY JOHN LILLEY & SON, NAUTICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, 9, LONDON STREET, BLACKWALL RAILWAY, E.G. TABLES POUR CHERCHEE, DANS LES LATITUDES NAVIGABLES, L'AZIMUT EN MER, AU MOYEN DE L' ANGLE HORAIRE, QUAND ON PEUT OBSERVER UN ASTRE CONNU, A UNE DISTANCE CONVENABLE DU ZENIT. DEGRES. MESSRS. JOHN LILLEY & SON, CEECLE EGRES, NAUTICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS TO HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY, INVENTORS AND PATENTEES OF THE NEW LiaTJID STEERING COMPASS, 9, LONDON STREET, BLACKWALL RAILWAY, LONDON, E.G., Have invented a very simple and inexpensive Instru- ment, that is not affected by the heeling of the ship, as an accompaniment to these Tables, by which Commanders of Ships can ascertain, by day or night, either the True or the Correct Magnetic direction of the Ship's Head, the difference between which and the course she is steering will give the error of the Compass. This will at all times be invaluable, but Ho, in the case of Iron Ships will be indispensable. //Y2> AZIMIpL^D^mi ANGLE FOE lilm&DEAND DECLINATION ; OB, ^ "7^. TABLES FOB FIK IN ALL NAVI- SUN, M( BE OBS. A GK: TO ' MAJOR STRA] 9, LO* TABLES POUR CHERCHER, DANS LES LATITUDES NAVIGABLES, L'AZIMUT EN MER, AU MOYEN DE L' ANGLE HORAIRE, QUAND ON PEUT OBSERVER UN ASTRE CONNU, A UNE DISTANCE CONVENABLE DU ZENIT. LES DECLINAISONS SONT DONNEES DE DEUX EN DEDX DEGRES. TABLE POUE NAVIGUEE SUE LE GEAND CEECLE LES ARGUMENTS SONT DONNES DE DEUX EN DEUX DEGRES, ET LES VALEURS EN DEGRES ET EN DIXIEMES DE DEGRE. PAR LE GENERAL R. SHORTREDE, MEMBRE DE LA SOGIETE ROYALE D'ASTRONOMIE A LONDRES. LONDRES: LIBRAIRIE DE STRAHAN ET C, ^DITEURS, 56 LUDGATE HILL. 1869 t/ M278483 PREFACE. THIS work is designed to facilitate the finding of Azimuth at sea by means of the Hour Angle, in all Latitudes up to 80, and Declinations up to 30. The Latitudes are given for every degree up to 60, and thence for every 2 up to 80. The Declinations are given to every second degree from 60 to 120 of polar distance. The Hour Angles are given to the nearest minute of time; and the Azimuths to every 5 from the Meridian up to 60, and at every 3 from 60 to the Prime Vertical. These limits include all that is really useful ; and the intervals have been chosen so as to have tabular differences conveniently small for interpolating fractional terms. Near the Meridian the intervals are wide, because in such cases the Azimuth varies quickly and nearly proportionally with the time : near the Prime Vertical the intervals are closer, because such cases are more commonly wanted, and the Hour Angles, particularly in the lower Latitudes, differ unequally: yet, even in such cases, the error from neglecting second differences will be insensible at sea. By giving Azimuth as an argument and Hour Angle in the body of the table, the arrangement becomes compact and symmetrical throughout, as well as conven- ient for use, and each Latitude is complete at one opening. The Hour Angles have all been computed to hundredths of a minute, in order that by the differences I might guard against error, and that I might have the means of giving the minutes true to the nearest unit. Having been computed, they might have been given to tenths of a minute, but that, for practical purposes, I prefer them as they are : for at 30 from the Zenith (within which Azimuths will scarcely ever be observed), an error of / m on the Hour Angle can never cause an error of more than half a degree on the Azimuth ; and within 30 of the Horizon and of the Prime Vertical, an error of / m on H.A. will seldom give an error of more than a quarter of a degree : and every sailor knows that an error of less than a degree is a quantity practically insensible in the steering of a ship. PREFACE. LE but de cet ouvrage est de faciliter la determination de 1'Azimut, au moyen de 1' Angle Horaire, pour les Latitudes entre et 80, et les Declinaisons de jusqu'a 30. Les Latitudes sont donnees pour chaque degre jusqu'a 60 et puis de deux en deux degres jusqu'a 80. Les Declinaisons ne sont donnees que de deux en deux degre's de 60 a /20 de distance polaire. On a les Angles Horaires, justes a une minute pres; et les Azimuts, de cinq en cinq degres, depuis le Meridien jusqu'a 60, et de trois en trois degres, de 60 au Premier Vertical. Ces limites comprennent tout ce qui est vraiment necessaire et les intervalles, ont etc choisis de maniere a produire des differences assez petites pour rendre 1'interpola- tion facile. Pres du Meridien les intervalles sont grands, parceque la, 1'Azimut varie rapidement et a peu pres dans la meme proportion que le temps. Pres du Premier Vertical, les intervalles sont moindres, parceque ces cas sont plus usites, et que les Angles Horaires, surtout dans, les basses Latitudes, varient inegalement. Cependant on verra, que meme dans ces cas, 1'erreur qui peut resulter en negligeant les differences du second ordre, ne sera d'aucune importance en mer. On a donne 1'Azimut, comme argument, et 1'Angle Horaire dans les colonnes afin de rendre 1'arrangement compacte et symmetrique. On facilite aussi 1'emploi de ces tables en presentant chaque Latitude complete en une seule ouverture de page. Le calcul des Angles Horaires a ete pousse jusqu'aux centiemes de minute, pour obtenir les valeurs a la plus juste minute, au moyen des differences. On aurait pu les imprimer en donnant une dixieme de minute ; mais pour certaines raisons il a paru plus convenable de ne donner que les minutes. Car a une distance de 30 du Zenit, (et 1'on prend rarement une observation d'Azimut a cet hauteur), la difference d'une minute sur 1'Angle Horaire ne peut guere produire une erreur qui excede 30' dans 1'Azimut. Si 1'observation est prise dans les limites de 30 de 1'Horizon ou du Premier Vertical, la difference d'une minute de temps ne produira qu'une erreur de 15' dans 1'Azimut et Ton sait, qu'en gouvernant un vaisseau, 1'erreur d'un degre ne se fait pas sentir. vi PREFACE. EXPLANATION. There is a distinct table for each Latitude ; in each of which the Declinations like and unlike are ranged in order from 60 to 120 of polar distance ; with the Azimuths from Meridian transit on the left to the Prime Vertical on the right. The following examples have no need of explanation. In Lat. 50, Dec. + 12 (like) for H.A. 4-48 the Azim. Z at top is 84 ; and h. m. In Lat. 50, Dec. 12 (unlike) for H.A. 4-50 the table gives Z = 69 : for a change of 3 on Z the change on H.A. is /5 m .'. for 2 m (4-50 4-48) the h. m. change on Z will be 0-4 ; and for H.A. 4-48 the corrected value of Z will be 69 - 0-4 = 68-6. The Azimuths are reckoned from the pole towards which the object passes the Meridian. When the Declination of the same name exceeds the Latitude, the Azimuth is reckoned from the elevated pole, and the Hour Angles diminish from the top. When the Latitude is greater than the Declination (or rather when the polar distance exceeds the co-latitude), the Azimuths are reckoned from the depressed pole, and the Hour Angles increase throughout from the top. In the upper part of each table, Latitude and Declination being like (or of the same name), all the Hour Angles belong to an object above the Horizon; but as the Azimuths are reckoned up to, and not beyond, the Prime Vertical, the part of the course from Prime Vertical to the Horizon, being beyond the limit, is not to be found in that part of the table : and in like manner, when Latitude and Declination are unlike (or of opposite names), the Azimuth being reckoned up to the Prime Vertical, several terms must occur which properly belong to the object below the Horizon before it reaches the limit. Nevertheless, these terms are not useless. As the terms Latitude, Declination, Hour Angle, and Azimuth, do not immediately show whether an object is above or below the Horizon, this information is supplied by the black line in the several columns : the terms below that line belong to the object when below the true Horizon ; also, as presently will be seen, to the object on the polar side of the Prime Vertical. It will readily be understood that when an object is below the Horizon of the Zenith, it is above the Horizon of the Nadir ; and that, whether above or below the Horizon, the Azimuth is the same in quantity at Zenith and Nadir, reckoning from the same pole ; and if reckoned from similar poles (that is, in each case from the elevated or from the depressed poles), these Azimuths will be supplements to each other. Moreover, when the Latitude and Declination are unlike, or of different names in the hemisphere of the Zenith, they will be like or of the same name in the hemisphere of the Nadir. Also, the Hour Angle reckoned from the Meridian of the Nadir is the supplement to /2 h of that reckoned from the Meridian of the Zenith. Hence the supplements of the terms below the black line are the proper Hour Angles PREFACE. vii EXPLICATION. II y a, pour chaque Latitude, une table particuliere dans laquelle les De'clinaisons du meme nom et du nom oppose, sont rangees par ordre, depuis 60 jusqu'a 120 de distance polaire. Les Azimuts se presentent comme argument superieur a partir du passage au Meridien, a gauche, jusqu'au Premier Vertical, a droite. Les exemples suivants ne demandent aucune explication. En Latitude 50 et Declinaison + 12 (de meme denomination) 1' Angle Horaire h. m. 4-48 donne un Azimut Z en chef de 84. En Latitude 50 et Declinaison /2 h. m. (de noms opposes) 1'Angle Horaire 4-50 donne 1'Azimut 69: maintenant une difference de 3 dans 1'Azimut repond a un changement de /5 m dans 1'Angle Horaire h. m. h. m. done pour2 m (c'est-a-dire pour 4-50 4-48) on aura 0-4 pour la correction sur Z ce h. m. qui donne 69 0-4 = 68-6 pour 1'Azimut qui correspond a 1'Angle Horaire 4-48. Les Azimuts se comptent a partir du pole vers lequel 1'astre passe le Meridien. Quand la Declinaison est du meme nom et plus forte que la Latitude, 1'Azimut se compte du pole eleve et les Angles Horaires diminuent de haut en has. Quand la Latitude est plus grande que la Declinaison (ou plutot, quand la distance polaire est plus grande que la co-latitude), les Azimuts se comptent du pole deprime et les Angles Horaires s'augmentent de haut en bas. Dans la partie superieure de chaque table ou les Latitudes et la Declinaison sont du meme nom, tous les Angles Horaires appartiennent a un astre au dessus de 1' Horizon ; mais comme les Azimuts ne sont donnes que jusqu'au Premier Vertical et non au dela, on n'y trouve pas ceux qui correspondent au trajet de 1'astre du Premier Vertical a 1'Horizon. De meme, quand la Latitude et la Declinaison sont de noms opposes, il y aura plusieurs valeurs appartenant au trajet de 1'astre au dessous de 1'Horizon jusqu'au Premier Vertical. Pourtant ces termes ne sont pas inutiles. Car les termes Latitude, Declinaison, Angle Horaire et Azimut, ne font pas savoir, sans calcul, si un astre est au dessus ou au dessous de 1'Horizon; mais ce renseignement est fourni par la ligne noire dans les colonnes. Les valeurs sous ces lignes appartiennent au trajet au dessous de 1'Horizon et aussi, ainsi que Ton verra bientot, au trajet d'un astre vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. On peut facilement comprendre que lorsque un objet est au dessous de 1'Horizon du Zenit, il est au dessus de 1'Horizon du Nadir, et qu'en comptant du meme pole, 1'Azimut ne vane pas, quant au nombre de clegres, que 1'objet soit au dessus ou au dessous de 1'Horizon. Et en outre si Ton compte des poles semblabks c'est-a-dire du pole eleve ou du pole deprime les Azimuts seront les supplements les uns des autres. Encore, si la Latitude et la Declinaison ne sont pas de la meme denomination dans I'hemisphere du Zeni, elles le seront dans celle du Nadir. L' Angle Horaire, comptee du Meridien du Nadir, est le supplement a /2 h< de celle que se compte du Meridien du Zenit. Done les supplements des termes, au dessous des lignes noires dans les tables, sont les Angles Horaires propres au trajet d'un astre entre le Premier Vertical et viii PREFACE. for the object in its course between the Prime Vertical and the Horizon, and therefore the apparent times A.M. for Azimuths on the polar side of the Prime Vertical. By reverting these supplements on the column of Azimuth 90 (identical in both), it will be evident that the terms thus transformed and transposed are simply continua- tions of the series on the other side of the Prime Vertical ; or, what is the same thing, when Latitude and Declination are of the same name the terms below the black line give the apparent tunes A.M. for Azimuths towards the elevated pole. USE. Having the Latitude, Declination, and Hour Angle, the following is the general rule for finding Azimuth by the table. 1. With a Latitude and Declination near to those given, take out a near value of the given H.A., together with the corresponding tabular Azimuth Z. 2. At that part of the table take the diffs. for the tabular intervals in Lat. and Dec., and find the prop, parts for the differences between the actual and the tabular values ; apply the prop, parts to the given H.A. in the contrary -way to that indicated in the table. 3. The given H.A. thus adjusted being found in the line of the assumed Declina- tion, gives at top the true Azimuth. Tab. diff. H.A. : tab. diff. Z. : : diff. of corrected and tabular H.A. : corr n on assumed Azimuth. The tab. diff. in Lat. is got by taking the diffei'ence of the corresponding terms in the adjacent tables (for /up to 60 and for 2 beyond 60). These differences diminish as the Latitude increases, and being never large, the prop, part may generally be taken at sight ; and in most cases may be neglected altogether. The difference between the adjacent terms in a column gives the diff. in H.A. for 2 of Dec., and for these also the prop, part may be taken at sight. Ex. I. In Lat. 47 at H.A. 4-00, find Azimuth for /5, or /5 like and unlike. Dec. /5 is to be taken as the mean of /4 and /6. Hour Angle. Lat. Dec. h. m. h. m. 47* + "+ "? loo = 3 ' 56 + 4 ' 04 to which Z = 78 Azimuth. h. m. h. m. 4^2= L+1Z to which Z = 60 Diff. . . . 0-25 ...... 5 Correction. 25 : 5 :: 13 ( = 4-00 3-47) : 2- 6 + 55 = 57- 6 Azimuth; PREFACE. 1' Horizon et par consequent sont les heures vraies matin pour les Azimuts du cote* polaire du Premier Vertical. Si, en continuation de la colonne 90 qui est commune au deux cas, on ecrivaitles supplements, en sens inverse, on obtiendrait une table pareille a 1'exemple donne pour la Latitude 48, et on verrait que les termes, changes et transposes de cette maniere, formeraient la continuation de la serie anterieure au Premier Vertical ou, en autres EXAMPLE FOR LATITUDE 48. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE SUPPLEMENTAL TO TERMS BELOW BLACK LINE. AZIMUTH continued beyond Prime Vertical. LATITUDE 48. 90 93 96 99 102 105 /08 III II 4 117 120 125 130 135 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 30 3-55 4-// 4-28 4-46 5-04 5-23 5-4/ 5-59 6-/8 6-36 6-54 7-24 7-53 8-2/ 28 4-06 4-22 4-39 4-56 5-/4 5-33 5-50 6-09 6-27 6-45 7-03 7-32 8-00 26 4-/6 4-32 4-49 5-06 5-24 5-42 6-00 6-/7 6-35 6-53 7-/0 7-39 8-06 24 4-25 4-42 4-59 5-16 5-33 5-5/ 6-08 6-26 6-43 7-0/ 7-18 7-45 22 4-35 4-5/ 5-08 5-25 5-42 6-00 6-17 6-34 6-51 7-08 7-25 20 4-43 5-00 5-/6 5-33 5-50 6-OS 6-25 6-42 6-58 7- IS 7-31 /8 4-52 5-08 5-25 5-42 5-59 6-16 6-32 6-49 7-06 7-22 16 5-00 5-/6 5-33 5-50 6-06 6-24 6-40 6-56 7-13 14 5-08 5-24 5-4/ 5-57 6-/4 6-3 / 6-47 7-03 12 5-/6 5-32 5-49 6-05 6-21 6-38 6-54 10 5-24 5-40 5-56 6-12 6-29 8 5-31 5-47 6-03 6-20 6 4 2 5-38 5-46 5-53 5-54 6-02 6-11 Hour Angles P.M. supplements to those A.M. below the black lines. 6-00 To fact page viii of the Preface. 25 Diff. h. m. 4-/2 = 0-25 4-09 + 4-/5 13 ( = 4-00 3-47) pour lequel Z = 60 Correction. 57-6 Azimut; viii PREFACE. for the object in its course between the Prime Vertical and the Horizon, and therefore the apparent times A.M. for Azimuths on the polar side of the Prime Vertical. By reverting these supplements on the column of Azimuth 90 (identical in both), it will be evident that the terms thus transformed and transposed are simply continua- side of the Prime Vertical ; or, what is the same thing, L'AZIMUT ET LKS ANGLES HORAIKES SUPFLE^MENTAIRES AUX fKRMES AU DESSOUS DES LIGNES NOJKEb. L'AziMUT continue au dela du Premier Cercle Vertical. LATITUDE 48. 90 h. m. 93 96 99 102 105 h. m. /08 III / U 1 17 120 h. m. I25I3 '0/35 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 30 28 3-55 4-// 4-28 4-46 5-04 5-23 5-41 5-59 0*10 6-36 6-54 7-24 7- 53 8-2 / 4-06 4-22 4-39 4-56 5-/4 5-33 5-50 6-09 6-27 6-45 7-03 7-32 8- 00 26 4-/6 4-32 4-49 5-06 5-24 5-42 6-00 6-17 6-35 6-53 7-/0 7-39 8- 06 24 4-25 4-42 4-59 5-/6 5-33 5-51 6-08 6-26 6-43 7-0/ 7-/8 7-45 22 20 4-35 4-43 4-5 / 5-08 5-25 5-42 6-00 6-/7 6-34 6-51 7-08 7-25 5-00 5-/6 5-33 5-50 6-08 6-25 6-42 6-58 7-15 7-3/ /8 4-52 5-08 5-25 5-42 5-59 6-16 6-32 6-49 7-06 7-22 16 5-00 5-/6 5-33 5-50 6-06 6-24 6-40 6-56 7-13 /4 5-08 5-24 5-4/ 5-57 6-/4 6-31 6-47 7-03 12 To 8 6 4 2 5-/6 5-32 5-49 6-05 6-21 6-38 6-54 5-24 5-40 5-56 6-/2 6-29 Angles Horaires, soir, supplements des Angles Horaires, matin, au dessous des lignes noires. 5-31 5-38 5-46 5-53 5-47 5-54 6-02 6-03 6-11 6-20 6-00 ^ '* 2 - ou t Diff. . . . 0-25 T 7 Correction. m - ro. h. m. h. m. 5 *.' /3 (=4-00-3-47) : 2-6 + 55= 57-6 Azimuth; PREFACE. ix 1' Horizon et par consequent sont les heures vraies matin pour les Azimuts du cote polaire du Premier Vertical. Si, en continuation de la colonne 90 qui est commune au deux cas, on ecrivaitles supplements, en sens inverse, on obtiendrait une table pareille a 1'exemple donne pour la Latitude 48, et on verrait que les termes, changes et transposes de cette maniere, formeraient la continuation de la serie anterieure au Premier Vertical ou, en autres mots, quand la Latitude et la Declinaison sont du meme nom, les termes, au dessous des lignes noires, donnent les heures vraies matin pour les Azimuts, compte's a partir du pole eleve. L'EMPLOI DES TABLES. Quand la Latitude, la Declinaison, et 1'Angle Horaire sont donnes, voici la regie generale pour chercher 1'Azimut au moyen de ces tables. Entrez dans la table avec une Latitude et une Declinaison approchees, et notez la valeur approximative de 1'Angle Horaire ainsi que 1'Azimut, en chef. Notez aussi pour cette meme partie de la table les differences pour les intervalles successifs de Latitude et de Declinaison et puis calculez les valeurs proportionnelles pour les differ- ences entre les valeurs donnees et celles de la table. Les corrections, ainsi trouvees, doivent s'appliquer a 1'Angle Horaire en sens contraire a celui qui est indique dans la table. Puis, en ligne de la Declinaison approchee, 1'Angle Horaire ajuste, donnera 1'Azimut demande en haut. On peut enoncer la regie ainsi : La diff. tab. de 1'A.H. : la diff. tab. de Z. : : la diff. des A.H. tab. et corr. : la correction sur 1'Azimut suppose. Pour les Latitudes on trouve la variation tabulaire en prenant la difference de deux termes correspondants dans deux tables consecutives. Ces differences sont pour / de a 60 de Latitude et pour 2 de 60 a 80 Elles diminuent a mesure que la Latitude s'augmente et ne sont jamais si grandes que les parties proportionnelles en puissent s'estimer a vue. Ordinairement on peut les negliger. La difference entre les termes successifs, dans une colonne, donne la variation dans 1'Angle Horaire pour 2 de Declinaison ; on peut aussi en estimer la partie propor- tionnelle a vue. h. m. Ex. i. On demande 1'Azimut pour 1'Angle Horaire 4-00, en Latitude 47 la Declinaison etant de /5 c'est-a-dire du meme nom et puis du nom oppose. La Declinaison /5 est moyenne entre /4 et /6. Angle Horaire. Lat. 47 Decl. h. m. h. m. 3-56 + 4-04 78 Azimut. 2 4 ' 2 47 m. 25 h. m. h. m. 3-44 + 3-50 pour lequel Z = pour lequel Z 55 60 h. m. 4-/2 2 h. m. h. m. 4-09 + 4-/5 2 Diff. , . 0-25 5 r -6 Azimut; m. m. : 5 :: 13 (= h. m. h. m. = 4-003-47) Correction. PREFACE. h.m. n- m. h. m. h. m. or more readily: The given H.A. 4-00 being nearly the mean of 3-44 and 4-15, h. in. h. m. of 3-50 and 4-09, the required Azimuth must be very near 57^, the mean of 55 and 60. h. m. Ex. 2. In Lat. 48 Dec. + /8, find for H.A. 6-24. The H.A. here given exceeds that in col. 90, the object must therefore be on the polar side of the P.V. ; by the supplemental table given above it is easy to see that h. m. for H.A. 6-24 the value of Z is /06|, reckoning as usual equatorially, that is, from the depressed pole. In such a case, however, instead of having recourse to a subsi- diary table, we may use the principal table as it stands, by taking at once the given H.A. in app. time. A.M., and with this find the tabular Z in the usual way; reckon- h. m. h. h. m. ing now from the elevated pole thus to 5-36 (=12 6-24) below the black line, we have Z = 73^ (polar). In this way, the use of the terms below the black line becomes similar to and as easy as the rest of the tables. Taking them as they stand the terms below the black line give apparent time A.M., the Declinations below the line being now of the same name as the Latitude. A person well versed in the use of tables, remembering to allow on the given Hour Angle for the fractional parts of Latitude and Declination in the contrary way to that indicated by their position, will have little difficulty in reading out the Azimuth, by inspection, to probably within a degree of the truth, or nearer than is required for finding the error of the Steering Compass. Those who are less familiar with the use of tables will do well to follow the regular process as above given. As the Azimuth found in this way will generally be fractional, it will often be more convenient to take an Azimuth to an even degree, and find the corresponding Hour Angle by correcting a near tabular value for the differences between the given and tabular Latitude, Declination, and Azimuth, and then to take the observation at the proper Hour Angle as given by a watch adjusted to apparent time. Ex. 3. Find the proper H.A. for Z 88 in Lat. 52\, Dec. -f 20^. h. m. In Lat. 52, Dec. + 20 for Z = 87 the tabular H.A. is 4-39 For tab. diff.+2 in Lat. tab. diff. in H.A. is + 5 : for \ corr n + 00-6 +2 in Dec. g : for 02-0 +3inZ +/5:for/ + 05-0 H.A. = 4-42-6 for Z= 88. By observing at intervals of 5 m before and after the time thus found, we may have the Azimuths 87 and 89, and so in other cases. PREFACE. xi h. m. h. m. ou plus brievement, V Angle Horaire donne etant a peu pres moyen entre 3-44 et 4-/5, h. in. h. m. ou entre 3-50 et 4-09, il s'ensuit que 1'Azimut cherche doit etre approximativement moyen entre 55 et 60 c'est-a-dire 5/4. Ex. 2. En Latitude 48 on demande 1'Azimut pour la Declinaison + /8 et h. m. 1' Angle Horaire 6-24. Ici 1' Angle Horaire donne est plus grand que celui qui se trouve dans la colonne 90 de sorte que 1'astre doit etre au cote polaire du Premier Vertical. On verra, par h. m. la petite table supplemental^ que nous avons deja donnee que pour 1'A.II. 6-24 la valeur de Z sera de 106$ comptes, comme a 1'ordinaire, a partir du pole deprime. Mais, en pareil cas, au lieu d'avoir recours a une table auxiliare on peut faire usage de la table principale, en employant le supplement de 1'Angle Horaire donne pour h. m. h. h. m. chercher Z, qui clevra alors se compter du pole eleve. Done, pour 5-36 (= 126-24) prises au dessous de la ligne noire, nous aurons pour Z 73 1 (pole superieur). Par cette methode 1'emploi des termes sous les lignes noires devient semblable a, et aussi facile que, 1'emploi de 1'autre partie de la table. Tels qu'ils sont dans la table, ces termes au dessous des lignes noires donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, quand les Decli- naisons negatives sont censees etre du meme nom que la Latitude.* Une personne, habituee a faire usage de tables, n'eprouvera aucune difficulte en cherchant 1'Azimut a vue, pourvu qu'elle se souvienne que les corrections pour les differences de Latitude ou de Declinaison doivent s'appliquer aux Angles Horaires en sens contraire a cekii que leur position indique. On peut ainsi evaluer 1'Azimut, a un degre pres, ce que est assez exact pour obtenir la variation du compas en mer. Ceux, qui ne sont pas bien au fait de 1'emploi des tables, feront bien de suivre la methode que nous avons deja indiquee. L'Azimut, cherchee de cette maniere sera ordinairement fractionnaire ; il sera souvent plus commode d'avoir un Azimut a degre entier et de chercher 1'Angle Horaire, qui lui correspond, en corrigeant une valeur tabulaire approchee pour les differences de Latitude, de De'clinaison et de 1'Azimut donne a 1'Azimut tabulaire. Puis, en faisant usage d'une mcntre reglee a 1'heure vraie, on peut prendre 1'observa- tion a 1'instant convenable. Ex. 3. On demande 1'Angle Horaire qui correspond a 1'Azimut Z = 88, en Latitude 52$, la Declinaison etant de + 20i. h. m. En Latitude 52, De'clinaison + 20, pour Z = 87, 1'A.H. tab. est de 4-39 Les corrections sont. + 2 de Lat. (la variation de 1'A.II. est de) + 5 + 3deZ + is pour | on a + 00-6 pour ^ 02-0 pour / + 05-0 Angle Horaire pour Z = 88 4-42-6 En prenant des observations cinq minutes avant et apres 1'heure indiquee on aura les Azimuts 87 et 89, et on peut agir de meme en tous cas pareils. ni PREFACE. Ex. 4. In Lat. 52f, Dec. + /7|, find the proper H.A. for Z 80, the time being about 6 h from noon. Here the object being on the polar side of the Prime Vertical, the H.A. supple- mental, i.e., the app. time A.M., is to be found by means of the terms below the black line (Z 80 polar = Z 100 equatorial). For Lat. 52, Dec. +/8, Z 8/ (polar), tab. H.A. is 6-12 or supplemental 5-48 For tab. diff. Lat. +2tab. diff. H.A. is 3 : for + fcorr n 01-1 ,, +0/./ Dec.-2 - 7 I for - f - 02-6 + 02-6 Z 3 /6:for / ,, 05-3 + 05-3 H.A. from Lower Meridian 6-03 A.M., from Up. Mer. 5-5/p.M. ELONGATION. In the early part of the table, when the Declination is like, and exceeds the Latitude, the object does not reach the P.V. The Azimuth goes on increasing from the Meridian till it reaches a certain value beyond which the spaces in the table are vacant. In such cases there are always two Hour Angles, one before and one after Elongation, which have the same Azimuth. The H.A. given in the table is that of the position corresponding to the nearest Meridian. The H.A. for the second posi- tion is the supplement of that given in the lower part of the table ; and this, when found in the part below the black line, corresponds to the position of the object between Elongation and the Horizon. Ex. In Lat. /6, Dec. +20 (of the same name) for Azimuth 72 the tabular H.A. h. m. /OO is that of the upper position. In the lower part of the table, below the black h. m. h. h. m. line, we find 6-22, which is the H.A. from the lower Meridian. Hence 126-22 = h. m. ^ 5-38 is the H.A. for Azimuth 72 in the second position between the Elongation and the Horizon. When the H.A. in the lower part of the table is above the black line it is the H.A. of the object (polar) below the Horizon, reckoning from the lower Meridian. The time of Elongation is always nearer to the upper than to the lower position. In Lat. 16, Dec. 20, the Elongation occurs at H.A. 2-32, as shown by the small table at the side. h. h. m. h. m. The mean of the time / and 5-22 is 3-19. In Lat. 16, when Elongation occurs h. m. at 3-20, the Azimuth is 7/-9, and the Dec. is not 20, but 24. PREFACE. xiii Ex. 4. En Latitude 52| 8 on demande 1'Angle Horaire qui repond a 1' Azimut Z=80 et a la Declinaison + /7$, vers six heures environ avant ou apres midi. Puisque 1'astre sera du cote polaire du Premier Vertical, il faudra chercher 1'Angle Horaire supplemental, c'est-a-dire, 1'heure vraie du matin, au moyen des termes au dessous des lignes noires. Z 80 (pole superieur) = Z /00 (pole inferieur). En Lat. 52, Decl.+ /8, Z = 8/ (pole sup.) 1'A.H. tab. est de 6-/2 son supplem. 5-48 On a pour corrections. m. -1-2 de Lat. la var. de 1'A.H. est de 3 I pour + | 01. 1 + 01 -I 2deDecl. 7 I pour f 02-6 + 02-6 3deZ 161 pour / 05-3 + 05-3 Angle Horaire a partir du Meridien inferieur 6-03 matin et 5-57 soir, a partir du Meridien superieur. X L'E'LONGATION. Dans la premiere partie de la table, quand la Declinaison est du meme nom et plus forte que la Latitude, 1'astre n'atteint pas au Premier Vertical. L' Azimut s'augmente, a partir du Meridien, jusqu'a une certaine valeur et au dela les colonnes de la table restent vides. En ces cas, il y"a toujours deux Angles Horaires, qui ont le meme Azimut, 1'un avant et 1'autre, apres 1'Elongation. L' Angle Horaire dorine dans la table appartient a la position qui correspond au plus proche Meridien. L' Angle Horaire, pour la seconde position, est le supplement de celui qui est donne dans la partie inferieure de la table et qui se trouve au dessous des lignes noires. Get Angle repond a la position de 1'astre entre 1' Elongation et 1' Horizon. Ex. 5. En Latitude / 6, et pour la Declinaison + 20 (du meme nom), nous avons h. m. sous 1' Azimut 72, 1'Angle Horaire 1-00 pour la position superieure; plus bas et au h. m. dessous de la ligne noire, on trouve 6-22 pour 1'Angle Horaire compte du Meridien inferieur. h. m. h. h. m. Done 5-38 (= 12 6-22) sera 1'Angle Horaire pour 1' Azimut 72 dans la seconde position, sur le retour, apres avoir passe 1'Elongation. Quand 1'Angle Horaire dans la partie inferieure de la table est au dessus de la ligne noire il devient 1'Angle Horaire de 1'astre circompolaire au dessous de 1' Hori- zon, en comptant du Meridien inferieur. L'intervalle entre la position superieure et 1'Elongation est toujours moindre que celui entre 1'Elongation et la position inferieure. En Latitude 76, la Declinaison etant de 20, 1'^longation a lieu a 1'Angle Horaire h. in. h. m. 2-32, voir la petite table a cote. L'intervalle superieur est done /-32, et 1'inferieur h. m. h. m. h. m. h. nu 3-50. Mais si 1'on prenait le moyen 3-19, des Angles Horaires 1-00 et 5-22, on h. m. trouverait par la petite table a cote qu'en Latitude 16, 1'Elongation aurait lieu a 3-20, que 1'Azimut serait de 7/-9, et que la Declinaison serait de 24 au lieu de 20. XIV PREFACE. AMPLITUDE. The other small table on the margin gives Amplitude and Ascensional Differ- ence Dasc (Diff. Asc.) for an object on the true Horizon. As it is not convenient, when observing, to be limited to a single instant, it may be useful to show how, along with the larger table, it may be used for Amplitudes near to, yet not on, the Horizon. The proper Amplitude and the proper Dasc for the actual Latitude and Declina- tion are to be found as usual. The diff. of the terms at the black line gives the diff. in time for the tab. diff. in Azimuth. This gives the means of correcting the observed Amplitudes in proportion to the intervals between (6 h Dasc) and the app. times of observation. The apparent time may be given either by watch, or by a low Alti- tude, or by noting the sun's limb on the sea Horizon. When Latitude and Declination are of the same name, the correction is to be added to the tabular Amplitude when the sun is observed too low, as also when observed too high with Latitude and Declination of opposite names, and vice versa ; or, in terms more easily remembered : For like and below, or unlike and above, add the correction ; and For like and above, or unlike and below, subtract it ALTITUDE. Azimuth, Hour Angle, Latitude, and Declination are four quantities, any three of which determine the fourth ; and the same is true of the four quantities, Hour Angle, Azimuth, Latitude, and Altitude. Hence, when by the former set we have found Azimuth, we may by the latter set find Altitude. The principle is true, but of limited applicability. By these tables it may be used for finding Altitudes up to 30, but as the Altitude is given virtually by its cos (sin. zen. disk), the method, though sometimes convenient, is not very precise. The practical rule is : Find, in the usual way, Z for Lat, Dec., and H.A. Turn Z into time, and H.A. into arc ; then transposing them, in col. of Azimuth = H.A. in arc the value of Z in time will give the Altitude in col. Dec., as in the examples following : Lat. Dec. II. A. Z'. Z. H'.A'. h. m. h. m. 50 + 6 4-48 = 72 84 = 5-36 50 20 5-24 = 87 69 = 4-36 50 - 28 5-48 = 87 69 = 4-36 48 + 6| 4-/0 = 62 73-3 = 4-53 50 22 5-16 = 64 67| = 4-30 Lat. Z'. H'.A'. Dec'. = Altitude. 50 72 5-36 /9f 50 8/ 4-36 // nearly. 50 87 4-36 16\ 484 62* 4-53 23 ) } nearly. 5.0 64 4-30 /4 ) When the terms have integer values, the process is easy, and the result is tolerably exact. When the terms are fractional, it is rather troublesome, and the result may be only a rough approximation. PKETACE. xv AMPLITUDE. II y a encore une petite table, a cote, qui donne 1'Amplitude et la Difference d' Ascension pour un astre our 1'Horizon vrai. En observant, il est incommode d'etre restreint a un seul moment ; il peut done etre utile de montrer comment cette petite table peut servir, avec 1'aide de la grande, a corriger les observations prises pres de, mais non pas, sur 1' Horizon. On cherche d'abord, comme a 1'ordinaire, 1'Amplitude et la Difference d' Ascen- sion qui correspondent a la Latitude et a la Declinaison donnees. La difference des termes pres de la ligne noire, en ligne de la Declinaison, donne la variation en temps pour la difference tabulaire en Azimut. On peut done corriger les Amplitudes observees en proportion des intervalles entre (6 h< diff. d' Asc) et les heures vraies des observations. On peut obtenir 1'heure vraie, soit par la montre, soit par une petite hauteur, soit en observant le passage de 1'astre a i'Horizon. Quand la Latitude et la Declinaison sont du meme nom, et que 1'astre a ete trop bas, la correction doit s'ajouter a 1'Amplitude tabulaire : et encore quand 1'astre a ete trop haut et que la Latitude et la Declinaison sont de noms opposes, et vice versft. De meme nom et dessous, Noms opposes et dessus, Ajoutez. De meme nom et dessus, Noms opposes et dessous, Soustrayez. La correction a, ou de, la valeur tabulaire de f Amplitude. HAUTEUR. Trois quantites quelconques choisies parmi les quatre suivantes, Azimut, Angle Horaire, Latitude et Declinaison, servent a determiner la quatrieme. Cela s'applique aussi aux quatres quantites Angle Horaire, Azimut, Latitude, et Hauteur. Done, si nous trouvions 1' Azimut au moyen de la premiere serie, nous pourrions chercher la Hauteur par la seconde. Le principe est juste ; mais 1'application a ses limites. En faisant usage de ces tables on peut chercher la Hauteur jusqu'a 30, mais comme la Hauteur se deduit par son cosinus (sinus distance Zenithale) la methode est peu exacte, quoiqu'elle puisse etre commode en certaines circonstances. Voici la regie pratique. Cherchez, comme a 1'ordinaire, 1' Azimut Z, qui repond a la Latitude, la Declinaison et 1' Angle Horaire donne's. Convertissez Z en temps et 1' Angle Horaire en arc. Puis en entrant dans la table avec 1' Angle Horaire convertie comme argument superieur, la valeur de Z, en temps, indiquera la Hauteur dans la colonne de Declinaison. Exemples : Lat. Decl. A.H. Z'. Z. A'.H'. Lat. Z'. A' H'. Decl.= Hauteur. h. m. h. m. h. m. 50 + 6 4-48 = 72 84 = 5-36 50 72 5 36 Iff 50 - 20 5-24 = 8/ 69 = 4-36 50 8/ 4 36 // a peu pres. SO 28 5-48 = 87 69 = 4-36 50 87 4 36 /6i 48^ + 6* 4-/0 = 62* 73-3 = 4-53 48.} 62^ 4 53 23 } , 50 22 5-16 = 64 67* = 4-30 50 64 4 30 ( /4 J peu pres. m PREFACE. AZIMUTH STEERING COMPASS. The table having been made to facilitate the use of the Azimuth Steering Com- pass, I here add a description of it as made by Lilley Son, together with the method of using it. On the opposite sides of the movable rim of the Steering Compass is attached a semicircular arc or band, having along its middle a narrow slit (from /to 2 wide), by means of which it may be directed towards the sun or other object. The sun's light, shining through the slit and over the centre of the card, shows on the edge the Compass bearing of the sun. This, compared with the Azimuth found by table, gives the Error of the Compass. "When the streak of light cannot be distinctly seen on the edge of the card, or on observations of the moon, star, or planet, the object may be viewed directly through the slit, or as reflected from the glass cover beneath the slit. In such cases the ob- servation is made by taking the usual reading of the card 'at the lubber 's line (of direc- tion), together with a reading on the rim giving the angle between the lubber's line and the object. The sum or difference of these, according to their position, gives the Compass bearing of the object ; and this, compared with the true Azimuth, gives the Error of the Compass, or, in other terms, its deviation from the true Meridian. The table, by means of the Hour Angle, gives the Azimuth. The rim, carrying the index, being turned in the opposite direction by the amount of that angle, the slit shows the direction of the true Meridian. When the object is in the N.E. and S.W. quadrants, the index is to be turned to the left, and when in the N.W. and S.E. quadrants it is to be turned to the right, i.e., opposite to Azimuth. The angle between the true Meridian and the lubber's line is the ship's true course. The angle between the true Meridian and the N.S. line is the Error oi the Compass. By having the points and quarter points marked on the rim of this Compass, and bringing, as above shown, the line of sight into the Meridian, the line of the ship's head on the rim shows the true course. The table may be used in like manner along with Lilley's " Course Indicator," Trend's "Pelores," or other instrument for observing Azimuth at sea. ROBERT SHORTREDE. - February 1 868. PREFACE. xvii Lorsque les termes sont entiers, le precede est facile et assez correct j mais quand les nombres sont fractionnaires, il devient difficile et le resultat n'est qu'une approxima- tion peu exacte. BOUSSOLE DE CONDUITE AZIMUTALE. Ces tables ont ete preparees pour faciliter 1'emploi de la Boussole de Conduite Azimutale construite par MM. Lilley et fils, de Londres, nous en donnons main- tenant une description et la maniere d'en faire usage. Une bande formant demi-cercle et ayant au milieu une fente etroite (d'un ou de deux degres de largeur), est attache par ses deux bouts et verticalement* au cercle accessoire de la boussole. Cette bande forme une alidade qu'on peut diriger vers le soleil ou vers un objet quelconque. Un rayon du soleil en passant par la fente et en traversant le centre de la rose indique, sur le bord gradue, 1'Azimut magnetique du soleil. En le comparant avec 1'Azimut vrai, trouve au moyen des tables, on obtient la variation du Compas. Quand on ne voit pas distinctement le rayon de lumiere qui passe par la fente, ou qu'on observe la lune, une etoile, ou une planete, on peut viser 1'objet directe- ment a travers la fente, ou en viser 1'image reflechie dans le couvercle de glace. En ce cas il faut noter la division de la rose qui correspond a la ligne de foi d'avant et Tangle comprise entre la ligne de foi et 1'alidade. La somme ou la difference de ces angles, selon leur position respective, sera 1'Azimut magnetique dont on deduira la variation du Compas, par comparaison avec 1'Azimut vrai. On obtient 1'Azimut vrai, par les tables, en ayant 1' Angle Horaire. Si 1'on fait tourner le cercle accessoire, qui porte un index, par un angle egal a 1'Azimut, mais dans le sens oppose, la fente sera dans la direction du vrai Meridien. Si 1'objet observe etait dans les quarts de cercle du Nord Est ou du Sud Quest, il faudrait tourner^ 1'index a gauche : s'il etait dans les quarts du Nord Quest ou du Sud Est, 1'index devra se tourner a droite, c'est-a-dire en sens contraire a 1'Azimut. L'angle comprise entre la ligne de foi d'avant et le vrai Meridien est la route vraie du navire. L'angle entre le vrai Meridien et la ligne N.S. de la rose est la variation du Compas. Si Ton eut les quarts de la rose marques sur le cercle accessoire, et que Ton cut place la fente dans la direction du vrai Meridien, de la maniere que nous avons indique plus haut, la ligne de foi d'avant montrerait la vraie route du vaisseau. On peut aussi employer les tables avec " L'Indicateur de Route" des MM. Lilley, avec le " Pelores" de M. Frend, ou avec un instrument quelconque pour observer les Azimuts en mer. ROBERT SHORTREDE. FCvrier 1868. * En anse de panier. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 0. EQUATOR. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 2 4 6 8 / 1 2 3 / 3 4 6 2 4 6 9 3 6 9 /2 4 7 // 15 5 9 /4 /9 6 // 17 23 7 13 20 27 8 16 24 32 10 19 29 39 // 23 35 46 14 28 42 56 10 4 4 5 6 7 7 // 15 19 23 28 34 41 49 58 /// 12 14 16 18 9 /O /2 /3 /3 15 18 20 18 21 24 27 23 27 31 35 28 33 38 43 34 40 46 53 41 48 56 1-03 49 58 1-07 1-16 59 1-09 1-20 1-31 /// /23 /37 1-51 /26 /42 1-59 2-17 20 7 15 22 30 39 49 59 /// 1-25 1-43 2-05 2-36 22 24 26 28 8 9 10 II 16 18 20 22 25 27 30 33 34 37 41 45 43 48 53 57 54 1-00 1-05 1-12 /06 1-13 1-20 1-27 1-19 1-28 1-37 1-46 1-35 1-46 1-57 2-08 1-55 2-08 2-22 2-37 2-21 2-38 2-57 3-/7 2-58 3-22 3-51 4-28 30 12 23 36 49 1-02 1-18 1-35 1-56 2-21 2-54 3-42 6-00 Declin- ation. 60 63 66 69 Azm 72 1UTH- 75 conti 78 mied. 81 84 87 90 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 2 4 6 8 14- 28 42 56 16 32 48 /04 /8 36 55 //4 21 42 /04 /26 25 50 //5 /43 30 /O/ /32 2-07 38 //7 /59 2-46 51 1-45 2-46 4-10 //8 2-47 6-00 2-47 10 /// /2/ /33 /49 2-11 2-45 3-44 12 14 16 18 /26 /42 1-59 2-17 /39 1-57 2-17 2-38 /54 2-/6 2-40 3-07 2-/4 2-4/ 3-/3 3-5/ 2-43 3-20 4-08 6-00 3-30 4-34 6-00 80 82 84 86 88 20 2-36 3-02 3-39 4-26 2 4 6 8 10 h. m. # 46 /33 2-26 3-3/ 6-00 h. m. 58 /59 3-/3 6-00 h. m. # //8 2-47 6-00 h. m. 2-00 6-00 h. m. * 6-00 22 24 26 28 2-58 3-22 3-51 4-28 3-30 4-04 4-53 4-2/ 6-00 30 6-00 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /. 5 w 15 20 AZIMUTH. 25 | 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. m. h.m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 23 35 47 /O/ //6 /33 /53 2-/7 2-49 3-36 5-45 28 10 21 32 43 56 /09 1-25 /43 2-04 2-32 3-/2 4-21 26 9 19 29 39 51 1-03 1-17 1-33 1-53 2-17 2-51 3-53 24 9 17 26 36 46 57 //O 1-24 1-42 2-03 2-32 3-/5 22 8 16 24 32 42 52 1-03 1-16 1-31 1-50 2-/5 2-5/ 1 20 7 14 21 29 37 46 56 1-08 1-21 1-38 2-00 2-29 1 18 6 5 12 II 19 17 26 22 33 29 41 36 50 44 1-W 52 1-12 1-03 1-26 1-15 /45 1-31 2-/0 1-52 J /4 5 9 14 19 25 31 37 45 54 1-05 1-18 1-35 12 4 8 12 16 21 26 31 38 45 54 1-05 1-19 10 3 6 10 13 17 21 26 31 37 44 53 1-04 8 2 5 8 10 13 16 20 24 28 34 41 49 6 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 24 29 35 4 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 17 21 + 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 1 I 1 - 2 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 17 21 4 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 24 29 35 6 2 5 8 10 13 16 20 24 28 34 40 49 8 3 6 10 13 17 21 25 30 36 43 52 1-03 10 4 8 12 16 21 26 31 37 45 53 1-04 1-18 jg 12 5 9 14 19 25 30 37 44 53 1-03 1-16 1-33 3 14 5 H 16 22 29 35 43 52 1-02 1-14 1-29 1-49 i 16 6 12 19 25 33 40 49 59 /// 1-25 1-42 2-06 /8 ^ g 20 7 14 21 29 37 46 54 1-07 1-20 1-36 1-56 2-24 8 15 23 32 41 51 1-02 1-14 1-29 1-48 2-U 2-43 22 8 17 26 35 45 56 1-09 1-23 1-39 2-00 2-27 3-04 24 9 19 28 39 50 1-02 1-15 1-31 1-50 2-13 2-44 3-29 26 10 20 31 42 54 1-08 1-23 1-40 2-01 2-27 3-02 3-57 28 II 22 34 46 59 1-14 1-30 1-49 2-12 2-42 3-23 4-35 - 30 12 24 37 50 1-04 1-20 1-38 1-59 2-25 2-59 3-48 5-59 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /. 1 Q '30 AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 h. m. 4-44 3-55 3-22 55 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 60-0/ h. m. 5-53 + 30 h. m. 5-4.1 4-// h. m. h. m. h. m. 4-18 3-14 h. m. 5-22 h. m. h. m. 4-44 2-06 39 h. m. /23 h. m. 28 26 24 22 62-01 64-01 66-01 68-01 5-52 5-52 5-5/ 5-50 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 70-02 5-49 72-02 74-02 76-02 78-02 5-48 5-46 5-44 5-4/ 20 2-54 3-30 4-35 18 16 U 12 2-30 2-09 /49 /3/ 2-58 2-31 2-07 1-45 3-40 3-03 2-3/ 2-04 5-35 3-55 3-08 2-3/ 10 50-03 5-37 8 6 4 2 82-04 84-05 86-08 88-16 5-3/ 5-22 5-02 4-00 10 //3 /24 1-05 46 27 9 2-39 1-59 2-29 3-24 8 6 4 + 2 56 40 24 8 //5 53 31 10 1-30 1-03 37 12 1-51 1-17 45 15 2-26 /39 58 19 3-42 2-20 //9 25 P AT TRUK HORIZON. Amp. / Dasc. h. m. 8 9 10 12 15 19 25 38 //4 6-00 -2 4 6 8 24 39 55 //2 27 45 1-04 1-23 31 52 1-14 1-36 37 1-02 1-28 1-55 45 1-15 1-47 2-21 56 1-35 2-17 3-04 1-16 2-09 3-10 4-33 /54 3-22 6-00 3-50 2 4 6 8 2-00 4-00 6-00 8-00 o-o-i 0-3 0-4 0-6 10 /29 1-42 2-00 2-24 2-59 4-02 10 12 14. 16 18 10-00 0-0-7 12 14 16 18 /46 2-05 2-25 2-46 2-03 2-25 2-49 3-16 2-25 2-52 3-24 4-01 2-55 3-32 4-/9 3-44 4-48 6-00 12-00 14-00 16-00 18-00 0-0-9 1-0 l-l 1-3 5-59 20 3-/0 3-48 4-56 20 20-00 0-1-5 22 24 26 28 3-37 4-11 5-00 4-29 5-59 22 24 26 28 22-00 24-00 26-00 28-00 1-6 1-8 2-0 2-1 -30 30 30-00 0-2-3 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. ' H < X LATITUDE 2. % Q 5 10 15 20 25 Azi 30 1UTH. 35 40 45 | 50 55 60 m. m. m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 28 // 22 33 46 59 1-13 /30 /49 2-13 2-44 3-30 5-30 10 20 31 42 54 1-07 /22 1-39 2-00 2-27 3-06 4-/3 26 9 18 28 38 49 1-01 1-14 1-30 /49 2-/2 2-45 3-36 24 8 17 25 34 44 55 1-07 1-21 /38 /58 2-26 3-07 oJ 22 7 15 23 31 40 49 1-00 1-12 /27 /45 2-09 2-43 1 20 7 13 20 28 35 44 53 1-04 1-17 /33 /54 2-22 '8 6 12 18 24 31 39 47 57 1-08 1-21 /39 2-03 3 /6 5 1C 15 21 27 33 41 50 59 1-10 1-25 /45 1 /4 4 9 13 18 23 28 35 43 50 1-00 1-12 1-28 /2 /O 4 7 II 15 12 19 24 29 34 41 49 59 1-12 3 6 9 15 19 23 27 33 39 47 57 8 2 4 6 9 II 14 17 20 24 29 35 42 6 1 3 4 6 7 9 II 14 16 19 23 28 4 + 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 14 - 2 1 3 4 6 7 9 II 13 16 19 23 28 4 2 4 6 9 11 14 17 20 24 29 34 42 6 3 6 9 12 15 19 22 27 32 38 46 56 8 4 7 II 15 19 23 28 34 40 48 58 1-10 10 4 9 13 18 23 28 34 41 49 58 1-10 1-25 |!J 5 6 10 II 15 17 21 24 26 30 33 38 40 46 48 56 57 1-06 1-08 1-19 1-22 1-35 1-40 1-56 /6 c 18 jg 6 7 13 15 20 22 27 30 34 39 43 48 52 58 1-03 //O 1-15 1-24 1-29 I'M 1-48 2-02 2-13 2-30 6 8 16 25 33 43 53 1-05 1-18 1-33 1-52 2-16 2-50 22 9 18 27 37 47 59 I'll 1-26 1-43 2-04 2-32 3-11 24 10 19 30 40 52 1-04 1-18 1-34 1-54 2-17 2-49 3-35 26 10 21 32 44 56 1-10 1-25 1-43 2-05 2-31 3-08 4-04 28 II 23 35 48 1-01 1-16 1-33 1 -S3 2-16 2-47 3-29 4-41 - 30 12 25 38 51 1-06 1-22 1-41 2-02 2-29 3-03 3-53 5-58 Lat. et Dec. e'tant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 2. ^ u H ft 30 AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 56 69 72 Aziiv 75 [UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 / 60-04 h. m. 5-46 + 30 h. m. 4-35 3-47 3-/3 h. m. 5-22 4-0/ h. m. h. m. h. m 3-59 2-58 h. m. 4-45 h. m. h. m. 3-33 /23 h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 62-04 64-04 66-05 68-05 5-45 5-44 5-42 5-40 28 26 24 22 20 70-06 5-38 /8 16 14 12 72-06 74-07 76-08 78-10 5-35 5-32 5-28 5-22 20 2-46 3-20 4-22 18 16 14 12 2-22 2-01 /4/ /23 2-49 2-22 1-58 1-36 3-29 2-51 2-20 1-53 5-/0 3-4/ 2-54 2-/8 10 8 6 4 80-12 5-14 82-15 84-21 86-32 5-02 4-42 4-00 10 1-05 1-15 1-28 1-46 2-/3 3-03 8 6 4 + 2 48 32 16 * 55 36 18 1-05 42 21 1-17 50 25 1-36 1-02 30 2-05 1-19 38 3-/0 /52 52 % Q A L'HoRizoN VRAI. Amp. / Diff. Asc. h. m. 16 18 21 25 30 37 50 1-13 2-/5 6-00 2 4 6 8 31 47 /03 1-20 36 54 1-12 1-31 42 /03 /24 /46 49 //4 /40 2-06 59 1-30 2-01 2-35 1-15 1-53 2-34 3-20 /39 2-32 3-37 4-50 2-27 3-50 6-00 4-29 2 4 6 8 2-00 4-00 6-00 8-00 0-0-3 0-6 0-8 // 10 1-36 1-51 2-/0 2-35 3-/2 4-18 10 10-00 12-00 14-01 16-01 18-01 20-01 0-1-4 12 14 16 18 /54 2-/2 2-32 2-54 2-12 2-34 2-58 3-25 2-35 3-02 3-33 4-/0 3-07 3-43 4-30 5-59 3-57 4-59 5-59 12 14 16 18 0-1-7 2-0 2-3 2-6 20 3-/7 3-56 5-04 20 22 24 26 28 0-2-9 22 24 26 28 3-45 4-/S 5-06 4-37 5-58 22-01 24-01 26-01 28-01 0-3-2 3-6 3-9 4-3 30 30 30-01 0-4-6 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 3. 5 10 /5 20 25 AziM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 | 50 55 60 + 30 m. // m. 21 m. 32 m. 44 h. m. 57 h. m. /// h. m. /27 h. m. 1-46 h. m. 2-09 h. m. 2-39 h. m. 3-24 h. m. 5-/5 28 26 24 . 22 V 10 9 8 7 19 18 16 U 29 27 24 22 40 36 33 29 52 47 42 38 /04 58 53 47 1-19 /// /04 57 1-36 1-26 1-17 1-09 /56 /44 /33 /23 2-22 2-07 /53 /40 2-59 2-38 2-20 2-03 4-05 3-28 3-00 2-36 2 20 6 13 19 26 33 42 51 1-01 1-13 /28 /48 2-/5 J 18 2 16 '^ 14 12 5 5 4 3 II 9 8 6 17 14. 12 10 23 20 16 13 29 25 21 17 36 31 26 21 44 38 32 26 53 45 38 31 1-04 54 46 37 1-17 1-05 55 44 /33 1-19 1-06 53 /55 /38 1-21 1-05 10 2 5 8 10 13 16 20 24 29 34 41 50 8 6 4 + 2 2 1 4 2 / / 5 3 1 1 \ 9 6 2 2 12 7 2 2 /4 8 3 3 17 10 3 3 20 12 4 4 24 14 5 5 29 17 6 6 35 21 7 7 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 17 21 - 2 4 6 8 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 8 5 7 10 12 10 13 16 9 13 17 21 12 16 21 25 /4 20 25 31 17 23 30 37 20 28 36 44 24 33 43 53 29 40 51 1-03 35 48 1-02 1-17 10 5 9 14 19 24 30 37 44 53 1-03 1-15 1-31 I 12 'I /4 -1 16 1 '* 5 6 7 8 // 12 /4 15 16 19 21 23 22 25 28 31 28 32 36 40 35 40 45 50 43 49 55 /O/ 51 58 1-06 1-13 1-01 //O 1-18 1-28 1-13 1-23 1-34 1-45 1-27 1-40 1-53 2-07 1-47 2-02 2-/9 2-37 ^ 20 8 17 26 35 45 55 /07 1-21 1-37 1-57 2-22 2-56 22 24 2$ 28 9 10 II 12 18 20 22 24 28 31 33 36 38 42 45 49 49 53 58 /03 /O/ /06 //2 //8 //4 1-21 1-28 1-36 1-29 1-38 1-46 1-56 1-47 1-57 2-08 2-20 2-09 2-22 2-36 2-5/ 2-37 2-54 3-/3 3-34 3-/7 3-4/ 4-09 4-46 - 30 13 25 39 53 /08 /25 I-U 2-06 2-33 3-07 3-58 5-57 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 3. d u w Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 | 72 AzilV 75 IUTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 / 60-08 h. m. 5-39 + 30 h. m. 4-24 3-37 3-04 h. m. 5-04 3-50 h. m. h. m. h. m. 3-39 2-40 h. m. 4-08 h. m. h. m. 2-28 40 37 h. m. /42 /07 h. m. 3-/3 28 26 24 22 20 62-09 64- 10 66-11 68-12 5-37 5-35 5-33 5-30 28 26 24 22 70-13 5-27 /8 16 14 12 72-15 74-17 76-19 78-23 5-23 5-17 5-11 5-03 20 2-37 3-/0 4-08 18 16 14 12 2-/4 1-52 1-33 //4 2-39 2-/2 1-48 1-26 3-16 2-40 2-09 1-42 4-45 3-25 2-40 2-04 10 f> 6 4 80-28 4-5/ 82-35 84-53 87-21 4-32 4-01 3-13 10 57 1-06 1-17 /33 1-56 2-39 8 6 4 + 2 40 24 8 8 46 27 9 9 54 32 10 10 1-04 38 12 12 1-19 46 15 15 /44 59 19 19 2-36 /23 26 25 d u w AT TRUE HORIZON. Amp. Dasc. 23 27 31 37 44 55 1-13 1-46 3-00 6-00 h. m. -2 4 6 8 39 55 /// /27 45 /03 1-21 1-40 52 1-13 1-34 1-56 1-01 1-26 1-51 2-18 1-14 1-44 2-15 2-48 1-32 2-10 2-50 3-35 2-01 2-52 3-49 5-02 2-55 4-12 5-59 4-52 7-42 8-47 2 4 6 8 To 2-00 4-00 6-00 8-0-1 0-0-4 0-8 /3 1-7 10 /44 1-59 2-19 2-46 3-25 4-30 10-01 0-2-1 12 14 16 18 2-01 2-20 2-39 3-01 2-20 2-42 3-06 3-32 2-44 3-11 3-42 4-19 3-17 3-53 ^4-38 5-58 4-08 5-07 5-59 12 14 16 18 12-01 14-01 16-01 8-02 2-6 3-0 3-4 3-9 20 3-24 4-04 5-10 20 20-02 0-4-4 22 24 26 28 3-5/ 4-24 5-11 4-43 5-57 22 24 26 28 22-02 24-02 26-02 28-03 4-9 5-3 5-8 6-4 -30 30 30-03 0-6-9 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 4. 5 10 15 20 25 Azift 30 [UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 10 m. 20 m. 31 m. 43 h. m. 55 h. m. 1-08 h, m. /24 h. m. /42 h. m, 2-04 h. m. 2-34 h. m. 3-/7 h. m. 5-01 28 26 24 * 22 9 8 8 7 19 17 15 13 28 26 23 21 39 35 31 28 50 45 40 36 1-02 56 50 45 1-16 1-08 1-01 54 /32 /23 1-14 1-06 1-52 1-40 1-29 1-19 2-/7 2-02 1-48 1-35 2-53 2-32 2-14 1-57 3-56 3-20 2-52 2-28 I 20 6 12 18 25 32 39 48 57 1-09 1-23 1-41 2-07 o /S 12 5 4 4 3 10 9 7 6 16 13 II 9 21 18 15 12 27 23 19 15 34 29 24 19 41 35 29 23 50 42 35 28 1-00 50 42 33 1-12 1-00 50 39 l'27 1-13 1-00 47 /48 /30 1-14 58 10 2 4 7 9 II 14 17 20 24 29 35 43 8 6 4 + 2 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 9 5 II 6 14 7 16 8 19 10 23 12 28 14 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 14 I 3 4 6 7 9 II 13 16 19 23 28 - 2 4 6 8 2 3 4 4 4 6 7 8 6 9 II 13 9 12 15 18 II 15 19 22 14 18 23 28 17 22 28 34 20 27 34 40 24 32 40 48 28 38 48 57 34 45 57 1-09 41 55 1-09 1-23 ce Latitude, co 5 JN to 5 10 15 20 26 33 39 47 56 1-07 1-21 1-38 6 6 7 8 II 13 14 16 17 20 22 24 23 27 30 33 30 34 38 42 37 42 47 52 45 51 57 1-04 54 1-02 1-09 1-16 1-05 1-13 1-22 1-31 1-17 1-28 1-38 1-50 1-33 1-46 1-59 2-12 1-53 2-09 2-25 2-43 I 20 9 17 27 36 46 58 1-10 1-24 1-41 2-01 2-27 2-43 2-59 3-18 3-38 3-02 22 24 26 28 30~ 9 10 II 12 13 19 21 22 24 29 32 34 37 40 43 47 50 51 55 1-00 1-05 1-03 1-09 1-14 1-20 1-24 1-31 1-38 1-32 1-41 1-50 1-59 1-51 2-01 2-12 2-24 2-13 2-26 2-40 2-55 3-23 3-47 4-15 4-51 26 40 54 1-10 1-27 1-46 2-09 2-36 3-12 4-02 5-56 Lat et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 4. u a Q 30 AT ELONG. long. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 / 60-/5 h. m. 5-32 + 30 h. rru 4-/3 3-26 2-55 h, m. 4-45 3-38 h. m. h. m. h. m. 3-/7 2-22 h. m. 3-33 h. m. h. m. /23 h. m. h. m. 4-00 28 26 24 22 20 62-/6 64- / 7 66-/9 68-2/ 5-30 5-27 5-24 5-20 28 26 24 22 70-23 5-/6 /8 16 14 12 72-26 74-30 76-34 78-47 5-/0 5-04 4-55 4-43 20 2-28 2-59 3-53 18 16 14 12 2-05 /44 /25 hM 2-28 2-02 /38 1-17 3-04 2-27 /57 1-30 4-2/ 3-09 2-25 /50 10 8/-50 4-27 8 6 83-04 S5-3/ 4-0/ 3-/3 10 49 56 1-06 1-19 /39 2-/5 8 6 4 + 2 32 16 37 18 42 21 51 25 /-03 31 /23 39 2-09 54 %' ' A L'HORIZON VRAI. Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 /8 21 24 30 37 49 //O /58 0-00 h. m 0-0 31 36 41 48 58 //3 /35 2-/4 3-32 6-00 -2 4 6 8 47 1-02 1-18 /34 53 /// /29 /48 1-02 1-22 /44 2-05 //3 /37 2-02 2-28 /27 /57 2-27 3-00 /48 2-25 3-04 3-48 2-22 3-/0 4-04 5-/9 3-/S 4-29 5-52 5-06^ ~7-04* 8-00 2 4 6 8 To 12 14 16 18 2-00 4-0/ 6-Of 8-0/ 0-0-6 // 1-7 2-3 10 1-51 2-08 2-28 2-56 3-36 4-40 10-01 12-02 14-02 16-02 18-03 0-2-8 12 14 16 18 2-09 2-27 2-46 3-07 2-28 2-50 3-/3 3-40 2-53 3-20 3-50 4-26 3-27 4-02 4-46 5-57 4-18 5-/4 5-58 3-4 4-0 4-6 5-2 20 3-3/ 4-/0 5-15 20 20-03 0-5-9 22 24 26 28 3-58 4-28 5-16 4-49 5-57 22 24 26 28 22-03 24-04 26-04 28-04 6-5 7-1 7-8 8-5 -30 30 30-05 0-9-3 les termes au dessus de 1' Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 5. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 10 m. 20 m. 30 m. 41 h. m. 53 h. m. /06 h. m. 1-21 h. m. 1-38 h. m. 2-00 h. m. 2-28 h. m. 3-03 h. m. 4-46 28 26 24 6 22 9 8 7 6 18 16 U 13 27 25 22 20 37 33 30 26 48 43 38 34 1-00 54 48 42 1-13 1-05 58 51 1-28 1-19 1-10 1-02 /47 /36 1-25 1-15 2-/2 1-57 1-43 1-30 2-46 2-26 2-07 1-51 3-46 3-11 2-43 2-20 2 20 5 11 17 23 30 37 45 54 1-05 1-18 1-35 1-59 J /8 16 * 14 12 5 4 3 2 10 8 7 5 15 12 10 8 20 17 13 10 25 21 17 13 32 26 21 16 38 32 26 20 46 39 31 24 55 46 37 29 1-07 55 45 34 1-21 1-07 54 41 1-40 1-23 1-06 51 10 2 4 5 7 10 12 14 17 20 24 29 36 8 6 4 + 2 1 I 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 6 2 2 6 7 2 2 7 8 3 3 8 10 3 3 10 12 4 4 12 14 5 5 14 17 6 6 17 21 7 7 21 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 24 28 34 - 2 4 6 8 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 7 10 12 14 10 13 16 19 13 17 20 24 16 21 25 30 20 25 31 36 23 30 37 44 28 36 44 52 33 43 52 1-02 40 51 1-03 //4 48 1-02 1-16 1-30 10 5 II 16 22 28 35 42 51 1-00 1-12 1-26 1-44 t'A i 16 i, ,a 6 7 7 8 12 U 15 17 18 21 23 25 25 28 31 34 32 36 40 44 40 44 49 55 48 54 1-00 1-06 58 1-05 1-12 1-20 1-09 1-17 1-26 1-35 1-22 1-32 1-43 1-54 1-38 1-51 2-04 2-18 1-59 2-15 2-31 2-49 'S 20 9 18 28 38 48 1-00 1-13 1-27 1-45 2-06 2-32 3-08 22 24 26 28 10 // // 12 20 21 23 25 30 33 35 38 41 44 48 52 53 57 1-02 1-06 1-05 /// 1-17 1-23 1-19 1-26 1-33 1-41 1-35 1-44 1-53 2-02 1-54 2-05 2-16 2-27 2-18 2-31 2-44 2-59 2-47 3-04 3-22 3-43 3-29 3-52 4-20 4-55 - 30 13 27 41 56 1-12 1-29 1-49 2-12 2-40 3-16 4-00 5-55 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates Whep Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 10 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 5. J Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 60-23 h. m. 5-25 +30 ~28 26 24 22 h. m. 4-0/ 3-/8 2-46 h. m. 4-27 3-26 h. m. h. m. h. m. 2-56 2-03 h. m. 3-00 h. m. h. m. 43 35 /39 h.m. /03 2-36 h. m. 2-38 4-26 28 26 24 22 62-25 64-27 66-30 68-33 5-22 5-/9 5-/5 5-/0 20 18 16 14 12 To 8 6 70-37 5-04 72 -4 / 74-47 76-54 79-05 4-58 4-49 4-38 4-23 20 2-19 2-48 3-37 18 16 14 12 1-56 1-35 1-16 58 2-/8 /52 /28 /07 2-50 2-/5 /45 3-57 2-52 2-/0 /36 8/-20 83-45 86-41 4-0/ 3-26 2-/5 10 41 47 55 /06 /22 1-51 8 6 4 + 2 24 8 8 23 28 9 9 27 32 10 31 38 13 12 36 47 15 15 44 1-01 19 19 54 /28 26 25 Q ATI HOR Amp. RUB IZON. Dasc. o / m. 39 44 51 1-00 1-12 1-29 /55 2-39 3-56 6-00 0-00 0-0 -2 4 6 8 54 1-10 1-26 1-42 /02 /20 /38 /56 1-32 1-53 2-15 1-24 1-48 2-13 2-38 1-40 2-09 2-39 3-11 2-04 2-40 3-18 3-59 2-40 3-26 4-/7 5-18 3-38 4-42 6-00 5-/6 6-48 7-34 9-22 2 4 6 8 2-00 4-0/ 6-0/ 8-02 0-7 1-4 2-1 2-8 10 1-58 2-/5 2-37 3-06 3-46 4-49 10 10-02 3-5 12 14 16 18 2-16 2-34 2-53 3-14 2-36 2-57 3-20 3-46 3-01 3-28 3-57 4-32 3-36 4-10 4-52_ 5-57 4-27 5-20 5-58 12 14 16 18 20 12-03 14-03 16-04 18-04 20-05 4-3 5-0 5-8 6-5 20 3-37 4-/7 5-20 7-3 22 24 26 28 4-03 4-35 5-19 4-54 5-56 22 24 26 28 22-05 24-06 26-06 28-07 8-1 8-9 9-8 10-7 -30 30 30-08 11-6 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. g LATITUDE 6. SJ 1 AZIMUTH. B s 5 10 /5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. m. h. m. h. m. h.m. h m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 9 19 29 40 51 /03 1-18 /35 /55 2-23 3-03 4-3/ 28 9 17 26 36 46 57 //O /25 /43 2-06 2-39 3-36 25 8 15 23 32 41 51 1-02 1-16 /32 /52 2-19 3-02 24 7 14 21 28 36 45 55 1-07 1-21 1-38 2-01 2-35 o 22 6 12 18 25 32 40 49 58 //O 1-25 1-44 2-/2 .- 20 5 10 16 22 28 34 42 50 /O/ 1-13 1-29 1-51 3"" 4 9 13 18 23 29 35 43 51 1-01 1-15 1-33 16 4 7 II 15 19 24 29 35 42 50 1-01 1-15 ** 14 3 6 9 12 15 19 23 28 33 40 48 59 12 2 4 7 9 II 14 17 21 25 30 36 43 10 1 3 4 6 8 9 II 14 16 19 23 29 8 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 14 + 2 1 3 4 6 7 9 II 13 16 19 23 27 2 4 6 9 II 14 17 20 24 28 34 41 2 3 6 9 12 15 18 22 27 32 38 45 55 4 3 7 II 15 19 23 28 33 40 47 57 /OS 6 4 8 13 17 22 28 33 40 48 57 /OS /22 8 5 10 15 20 26 32 39 47 56 1-06 /20 /36 10 6 II 17 23 30 37 45 54 1-04 1-16 1-31 1-51 /2 6 13 19 26 34 42 51 /O/ 1-12 1-26 1-43 2-06 2 14 7 14 22 29 38 47 57 /OS 1-21 1-37 1-56 2-21 3 /5 8 16 24 33 42 52 1-03 1-15 1-30 1-47 2-09 2-37 9 17 26 36 46 57 1-09 1-23 1-39 1-58 2-23 2-55 -5 20 9 19 29 39 50 1-02 1-15 1-31 1-48 2-10 2-37 3-/3 p 22 10 20 31 42 54 1-07 1-22 1-39 1-58 2-22 2-52 3-34 24 II 22 34 46 59 1-13 1-29 1-47 2-08 2-35 3-09 3-57 26 12 24 36 49 1-03 1-19 1-36 1-56 2-19 2-48 3-27 4-24 28 13 26 39 53 1-08 1-25 1-43 2-05 2-31 3-03 3-47 4-58 - 30 14 27 42 57 1-13 1-31 1-51 2-/5 2-43 3-19 4-11 5-54 Lat. et Dec. e*tant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 12 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. jzi o H LATITUDE 6. J s Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AzilV 75 IUTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 28 26 24 22 / 60-33 h. m. 5-/S +30 h. m. 3-49 3-07 2-36 h. m. 4-09 3-/3 h. m. h. m. h. m. 4-05 2-33 /44 h. m. 2-28 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 62-36 64-39 66-43 68-48 5-/4 5-/0 5-05 5-00 28 26 24 22 20 70-53 4-53 18 16 14 12 73-00 75-08 77-20 79-35 4-45 4-34 4-20 4-0/ 20 2-10 2-36 3-2/ 18 16 14 12 1-47 1-27 /OS 50 2-07 1-41 1-18 58 2-36 2-02 /33 J-07 3-24 2-35 1-55 1-21 10 fi S/-59 3-34 84-42 2-47 10 32 37 44 52 /05 1-26 2-16 y Q A L'HoRizoN VRAI. 8 6 4 + 2 16 18 21 25 31 40 56 /44 Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 31 18 35 21 41 24 48 29 58 36 I'll 48 1-32 1-07 2-05 /48 3-04 3-/3 4-42 o / m. 46 53 /O/ I'll 1-25 1-45 2-14 2-59 4-/3 6-00 0-00 _ 2 4 6 8 1-02 \-\7 1-33 1-49 //O 1-28 1-46 2-04 1-21 1-41 2-02 2-23 1-35 1-58 2-23 2-48 1-53 2-21 2-50 3-22 2-18 2-53 3-29 4-09 2-56 3-40 4-27 5-23 3-54 4-51 5-59 7-42 5-23 6-39 8-27 7-/8 8-47 2 4 6 8 2-01 4-01 6-02 8-03 0-8 1-7 2-5 3-4 10 2-05 2-23 2-46 3-15 3-56 4-56 6-44 to /0-03 4-2 12 14 16 18 2-22 2-40 2-59 3-20 2-44 3-04 3-27 3-53 3-08 3-35 4-04 4-38 3-44 4-18 4-58 5-56 4-34 5-23 6-55 5-57 12 14 16 18 /2-04 /4-05 /6-05 /8-06 5-1 6-0 6-9 7-8 20 3-43 4-22 5-23 20 22 24 26 28 20-07 8-8 22 24 26 28 4-09 4-40 5-22 4-59 5-55 22-08 24-08 26-09 28-/0 9-7 10-7 li-8 12-8 -30 30 30-// 13-9 les tennes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. dormant 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. H LATITUDE 7. g i P 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 9 m. 18 m. 28 m. 38 h. m. 49 h. m. /O/ h. m. //5 h. m. 1-31 h. m. 1-51 h. m. 2-/7 h. m. 2-56 h. m. 4-/7 28 26 24 22 8 7 6 6 16 15 13 II 25 22 20 17 34 30 27 23 44 39 34 30 55 49 43 38 /07 59 52 45 1-21 1-12 1-03 55 1-39 1-27 1-16 1-06 2-0/ /45 /33 /20 2-32 2-/2 /54 /38 3-26 2-53 2-26 2-04 I 20 5 10 15 20 26 32 39 47 56 1-08 /23 /43 * IB a /5 ^ /4 /2 4 3 3 2 8 6 5 4 12 10 8 5 17 14 10 7 22 17 13 9 27 22 17 12 33 26 20 14 39 32 24 17 47 38 29 21 56 45 35 25 1-09 55 42 30 /25 /OS 52 36 /O 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 IS 18 21 8 6 4 + 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 5 1 1 4 7 2 2 6 9 2 2 7 II 3 3 8 14 3 3 10 17 4 4 12 20 5 5 14 24 6 6 17 28 7 7 21 34 2 5 7 10 13 16 20 23 28 33 39 48 - 2 4 6 8 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 II 10 12 14 16 13 16 19 22 17 20 24 28 21 25 30 35 25 31 36 42 30 37 43 50 36 44 52 1-00 42 52 1-01 I'll 51 1-02 1-13 1-25 l-OI 1-15 1-28 1-42 10 6 12 18 25 32 39 48 56 1-08 1-21 1-37 1-57 7 7 8 9 13 15 16 18 20 23 25 27 28 31 34 37 35 39 43 48 44 49 54 59 53 59 1-05 1-12 1-04 I'll 1-18 1-26 1-16 1-25 1-33 1-42 1-31 1-41 1-52 2-02 1-49 2-01 2-14 2-27 2-42 2-11 2-27 2-43 3-00 JH20 10 20 30 40 52 1-04 1-18 1-34 1-52 2-/4 3-19 22 24 26 28 10 II 12 13 21 23 24 26 32 35 37 40 44 47 51 54 56 1-01 1-05 //O //O 1-15 1-21 1-27 1-24 1-31 1-38 1-46 1-42 1-50 1-59 2-08 2-02 2-13 2-24 2-34 2-26 2-39 2-52 3-07 2-57 3-13 3-31 3-51 3-39 4-02 4-28 5-0/ 5-52 - 30 14 28 43 58 1-15 1-34 1-54 2-18 2-46 3-23 4-15 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 7. 4 I AT ELONG. Q E'ong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AZIMI 75 JTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 \- 30 60-45 h. m. 5-11 + 30 i. m. 3-36 2-56 2-26 i. m. 3-5/ 3-00 i. m. 4-28 i. m. h. m. 3:06 2-11 1-25 i. m. /58 h. m. h. m. h. m. /O/ 2-2/ 3-26 h. m. 2-05 3-4/ 4-54 28 1 62 -49 26 64-54 24 66-59 22 69-06 5-07 5-02 4-56 4-49 28 26 24 22 207/-/3 4-4/ I8\ I6\ 14\ 1 /O 73-23 75-35 77 -5 / 80-/4 4-3 / 4-/9 4-0/ 3-40 20 2-01 2-25 3-05 18 16 U 12 1-38 1-18 59 41 /56 1-31 1-08 48 2-22 /55 /2/ 56 3-11 2-18 /40 f-08 82-50 3-03 8 "86-07 /56 10 24 28 33 39 48 /03 f-34 % Q AT TRUE HORIZON. 8 6 4 + 2 8 8 23 39 9 9 27 44 // /O 3/ 51 /3 12 36 59 15 15 43 /// 20 19 53 1-27 27 24 /09 /50 43 35 /35 2-27 Amp. Dasc. / h. m. 54 1-01 //O 1-22 /38 1-59 2-30 3-/7 4-27 6-00 7-06 o-oo -0-0 - 2 4 6 8 1-09 1-24 /40 /56 1-18 I -36 /53 2-/2 /30 /50 2-/f 2-32 1-45 2-08 2-32 2-57 2-05 2-32 3-0/ 3-3/ 2-32 3-05 3-40 4-18 3-/0 3-52 4-36 5-27 4-07 4-59 *5-59 7-/7 5-27 2 4 6 8 2-0/ 4-02 6-03 8-04 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 6-33 7-53 8-/9 9-55 10 2-/2 2-30 2-53 3-23 4-04 5-02 6-35 JO /0-05 -5-0 12 /4 16 18 2-29 2-47 3-05 3-26 2-50 3-11 3-33 3-59 3-/7 3-42 4-/6 4-43 3-52 4-24 _5-03_ 5-56 4-4f l 6-21 5-57 12 14 16 18 /2-06 /4-06 /6-07 /8-08 6-0 7 8-i 9-1 20 3-48 4-27 5-26 20 20-09 0-10-2 22 24 26 28 4-/3 4-44 5-24 _5-02_ 5-54 6-49 22 24 26 28 22-/0 24-J2 26-/3 2S-/4 11-4 12-5 13-7 15-0 -30 30 30-/5 0-16-3 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 8. 5 10 IS' 20 25 Aziv 30 [UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 9 m. IB m. 27 h. in. 36 h. ic. 47 h. m. 58 h. m. h. m. /27 h. m. /46 h. m. 2-11 h. m. 2-48 h. m. 4-03 28 26 24 v 22 8 7 6 5 16 14 12 II 24 21 19 16 33 29 25 22 42 37 33 28 52 46 40 35 /04 56 49 42 1-17 /OS 58 51 /34 /23 1-12 1-02 1-55 1-41 1-27 1-15 2-25 2-05 /48 3-/6 2-43 2-18 1-55 I 20 4 9 14 19 24 30 36 43 52 1-03 1-16 1-35 /$ a;: /2 ~7o~ 4 3 2 1 7 6 4 3 II 9 7 4 15 12 9 6 20 16 12 8 24 19 14 -9 30 23 \7 11 36 28 21 14 43 34 25 (6 51 40 30 20 1-Q2 49 36 24 1-17 1-00 44 29 i 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 8 6 4 + 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 4 6 3 6 9 4 7 II 5 9 M 6 11 17 7 13 20 8 16 24 10 19 28 II 23 34 14 27 41 3 6 9 12 15 18 22 27 32 38 45 54 - 2 4 6 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II // 13 15 17 14 17 20 23 19 22 26 30 23 28 32 37 28 33 39 45 33 40 47 53 40 47 55 /03 47 56 1-06 1-15 56 /07 /30 /OS 1-21 1-35 1-48 10 6 13 19 26 33 41 50 1-00 1-12 1-25 /42 2-03 -8 12 1 14 % ' 6 7 8 a 9 14 16 17 19 21 24 26 28 29 32 35 38 37 41 45 49 46 51 56 1-01 56 /02 /OS 1-07 1-14 1-21 /29 1-20 1-28 1-37 1-46 1-35 1-45 1-56 2-07 /54 2-06 2-/9 2-32 2-17 2-32 2-48 3-05 5 20 10 20 31 42 53 1-06 /20 /36 1-55 2-/S 2-46 3-24 22 24 28 II 12 12 13 22 23 25 27 33 36 38 41 45 48 52 56 58 1-02 1-07 1-12 1-12 1-17 1-23 1-29 /27 /34 1-41 1-48 /45 1-51 2-02 2-11 2-05 2-15 2-26 2-37 2-30 2-43 2-56 3-11 3-0/ 3-/S 3-35 3-55 3-44 4-06 4-32 5-04 - 30 14 29 44 1-00 1-17 1-35 1-56 2-20 2-50 3-27 4-/S 5-51 Lat. et Dec, etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 16 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 8, Q 30 AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 59 72 AziM 75 UTH, 78 81 84 87 90 f 60-59 h. m. 5-04 +30 h. m. h.m, 3-34 2-47 h. m. 3-54 h, m. h. m. 2-5/ /50 /07 h. m. 2-53 1-31 h, m. 3-0/ h. m. h.m. h. jn. 28 26 24 22 63-05 65-11 67-18 69-26 4-59 4-53 4-46 4-39 28 26 24 22 4-4/ 3-23 2-45 2-16 20 71-37 4-29 /8 16 14 12 To 73 -49 76-06 78-28 81-02 4-/7 4-03 3-43 3-/4 20 1-51 2-/3 2-48 18 16 14 12 1-29 1-09 50 33 /45 1-21 58 38 2-08 1-36 1-09 44 2-49 2-01 1-24 53 83-59 2-29 J A L'HORIZON VRAI. 10 16 IS 22 26 32 41 58 8 6 4 + 2 16 30 46 18 35 52 21 41 1-00 24 48 1-10 29 57 /23 36 1-10 /42 47 /29 2-08 /06 /58 2-46 /40 2-46 3-44 2-47 4-01 5-02 P Amp, Diff. Asc. 1 m. 1*01 1-09 1-20 1-33 /50 2-/3 2-45 3-32 4-37 6-00 0-0 0-0 - 2 4 6 8 1-16 1-33 /47 2-02 1-26 /44 2-01 2-19 1-39 1-59 2-19 2-39 1-55 2-18 2-41 3-05 2-/6 2-43 3-/0 3-40 2-44 3-16 3-50 4-26 3-23 4-02 4-44 5-30 4-/8 5-05 5-57 7-04 5-3/ 6-28 7-35 9-15 6-58 7-59 9-/3 2 4 6 8 To 2-01 4-02 6-04 8-05 // 2-3 3-4 4-5 10 2-18 2-37 3-01 3-31 4-11 5-07 6-29 10-06 5-7 12 14 16 18 2-35 2-53 3-11 3-31 2-57 3-J7 3-39 4-04 3-24 3-49 4-16 4-48 3-59 4-30 5-07 5-55 4-47 5-29 6-30 5-57 7-18 8-32 12 14 16 18 12-07 14-08 16-10 18-11 6-8 8-0 9-2 10-5 20 3-53 4-32 5-28 20 20-12 11-7 22 24 26 28 4-18 4-47 5-26 6-43 5-06 5-53 6-34 22 24 26 28 22-14 24-15 26-16 28-18 13-1 14-4 15-7 17-1 -30 30 30-20 18-6 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, matiij, pour I'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 9. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 EJTH. 35 40 45 | 50 55 50 + 30 m. 8 m. 17 m. 25 h. m 35 h. m. 45 h. m. 56 h. m. /09 h. m. /23 h. m. /42 h. m 2-05 h m. 2-40 h. m. 3-49 28 26 24 22 =j 7 7 6 5 15 13 It 10 23 20 /8 15 31 27 24 20 40 35 31 26 50 44 38 32 /O/ 53 46 40 1-14 1-05 56 48 /29 //8 /07 57 /50 /35 /22 /09 2-/8 /58 1-41 1-25 3-05 2-34 2-09 /47 * 20 4 8 12 17 22 27 33 40 48 57 //O /27 (8 3 /6 /4 /2 3 3 2 1 7 5 4 2 10 8 6 3 14 II 7 4 18 14 10 6 22 17 12 7 27 20 /4 9 32 25 17 10 38 29 21 12 46 35 25 ts 56 43 30 18 /09 52 37 22 /O / I f 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 5 1 3 5 7 / 4 7 /O 2 6 9 13 2 7 12 16 3 8 14 19 3 10 17 23 4 12 20 28 S 14 24 33 6 17 28 39 7 21 34 47 3 6 10 13 17 21 25 30 36 42 50 1-01 - 2 4 6 8 4 5 5 6 8 9 // /2 12 14 16 18 16 19 22 25 20 24 28 31 25 30 34 39 31 36 42 47 36 43 50 56 43 51 59 1-07 5f /O/ //O /20 1-01 1-12 1-24 f-35 1-14 1-27 1-41 1-54 (0 7 /3 20 28 35 43 53 1-03 1-15 /29 f-47 2-08 ^ '2 2 /4 i 16 * 18 >A 7 8 9 /O /5 16 18 19 22 25 27 29 31 34 37 40 39 43 47 51 48 53 58 /03 59 /04 //O 1-17 //O //7 /24 /32 1-23 1-32 1-41 1-50 /39 /49 2-00 2-11 1-58 2-11 2-23 2-37 2-23 2-38 2-54 3-10 g 20 10 21 32 43 55 1-08 1-23 f-40 / -59 2-22 2-51 3-28 22 24 2d 28 // /2 /3 /4 22 24 26 2S 34 37 39 42 46 50 53 57 59 /04 /OS 1-13 I-U 1-19 1-25 1-31 i-30 I -36 1-43 1-51 f-47 /56 2-04 2-/4 2-08 2-/9 2-29 2-4/ 2-34 2-46 3-00 3-14 3-06 3-22 3-39 3-59 3-48 4-10 4-35 5-06 - 30 15 29 45 /O/ 1-18 1-37 1-59 2-23 2-53 3-30 4-21 5-50 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 18 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 9. 1 Q AT ELONG. Elong HA. 63 66 59 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 / 6/-/6 h. m. 4-56 + 30 h. m. h. m. 3-/7 2-34 h. m. h. m. h. m. 2-22 1-29 49 h. m. 2-/0 /05 h. m. /42 h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 63-22 65-30 67-39 69-5/ 4-5f 4-44 4-37 4-28 28 26 24 22 4-/2 3-10 2-34 2-06 20 /8 16 /4 12 72-04 4-/7 74-2 / 76-43 79-/4 82-02 4-03 3-46 3-22 2-47 20 1-41 2-01 2-32 3-59 18 16 , 14 12 1-20 1-00 42 25 /34 //O 48 28 /54 /24 57 33 2-28 /44 /09 40 10 85-37 /44 % Q "o" 2 4 6 8 AT TRUE HORIZON. 10 8 9 // 13 16 20 27 46 8 6 4 + 2 8 23 38 53 9 27 44 /O/ 10 31 50 //O 12 36 59 1-21 15 43 1-10 1-36 /8 53 /25 /55 24 /07 /46 2-23 35 1-31 2-18 3-02 56 2-/0 3-07 3-57 /50 3-/4 4-/5 5-09 Amp. Dasc. 1 h. m. /OS //7 /29 1-43 2-01 2-25 2-59 3-44 4-46 6-00 0-00 0- 0-0 - 2 4 6 8 /23 /38 /53 2-09 /34 1-51 2-08 2-26 /48 2-07 2-27 2-47 2-05 2-27 2-50 3-/3 2-27 2-53 3-/9 3-47 2-55 3-26 3-58 4-32 3-34 4- // 4-50 5-33 4-27 5-/0 5-58 6-54 5-34 6-24 7-2/ 8-35 6-5/ 7-45 8-46 /0-/0 2-01 4-03 6-05 8-06 1-3 2-5 3-8 5-1 10 2-25 2-44 3-08 3-38 4-18 5-// 6-24 8-/5 10 /0-08 0- 6-4 12 14 16 18 2-4/ 2-58 3-/7 3-36 3-03 3-23 3-45 4-09 3-30 3-54 4-2/ 4-52 4-05 4-35 5-/0_ 1-53 4-51 5-31 5-56 7-0/ 7-39 12 14 16 18 /2-09 /4-// /6-/2 18-14 7-7 9-0 I0'4 II '8 6-25 20 3-58 4-36 5-29 6-25 20 20-16 0-13-2 22 24 26 28 4-22 4-5/ 5-27 6-29 5-08 5-52 22 24 26 28 22-18 24-19 26-21 28-23 14-7 16-2 17-7 19-3 -30 30 30-25 0-21-0 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE / 0. 5 10 15 20 25* AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 8 m. 16 m. 24 h. m. 33 h. pi. 43 h. m. 53 h. m. /05 h. m. 1-20 h.m. 1-37 h,m. 2-00 h. m. 2-33 h. m. 3-35 28 26 24 22 7 6 5 4 14 12 II 9 22 19 16 14 29 26 22 19 38 33 29 24 47 41 35 30 58 50 43 36 1-10 1-01 52 44 1-25 1-14 1-03 53 1-44 1-30 1-16 1-04 2-/0 /5/ 1-34 1-18 2-54 2-24 2-00 /38 ~ 20 4 7 II 15 20 25 30 36 43 52 1-03 //9 * IB 1 l6 ^ U 12 3 2 1 1 6 4 3 1 9 7 4 2 12 9 6 3 16 12 8 4 19 14 10 5 24 18 12 6 28 21 14 7 34 25 17 8 41 30 20 10 50 36 24 12 /O/ 45 29 14 10 8 6 4 + 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 6 2 4 6 9 3 6 9 12 4 7 II 15 5 9 14 18 6 II 17 22 7 13 20 27 8 16 24 32 10 19 28 38 II 23 34 45 14 27 41 54 3 7 11 14 19 23 28 33 39 47 56 1-07 - 2 4 6 8 4 5 6 6 8 10 II 13 13 15 17 19 17 20 23 26 22 26 30 33 27 32 37 41 33 39 44 50 40 46 53 1-00 47 55 1-03 I'll 56 1-05 1-15 1-24 1-07 1-18 1-29 1-40 1-20 1-33 1-46 2-00 /O 7 14 21 29 37 46 55 1-06 1-19 1-34 1-51 2-14 3 /2 1 /4 5 '^ o /8 ^ 8 8 9 10 15 17 18 19 24 26 28 30 32 35 38 41 41 45 49 53 51 55 1-00 1-05 1-01 1-07 1-13 1-19 1-13 1-20 1-27 1-35 1-27 1-35 I-U 1-53 1-43 1-53 2-04 2-14 2-03 2-15 2-28 2-41 2-28 2-43 2-59 3-/5 I 20 II 21 33 44 57 1-10 1-25 1-42 2 '02 2-26 2-55 3-33 22 24 26 28 II 12 13 14 23 25 26 28 35 38 40 43 48 51 55 58 1-01 1-06 //O 1-15 1-16 1-21 1-27 1-33 1-32 1-39 1-46 1-53 1-50 1-59 2-07 2-16 2-12 2-22 2-32 2-44 2-37 2-5.0 3-03 3-17 3-/0 3-26 3-42 4-62 3-52 4-/4 4-38 5-08 - 30 15 30 46 1-02 1-20 1-39 2-01 2-26 2-56 3-33 4-24 5-49 Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nopi, les termes au dessojis de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE /0. ft AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 53 66 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 1 61-34 h. m. 4-49 + 30 h. jn. h. m. 3-QI 2-20 h. jn. 3-06 h. m. h. m. /57 /09 32 h. m. /37 42 h. m. /O/ h. m, h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 63-43 65-53 68-04 70- / 8 4-43 4-35 4-27 4-/6 28 26 24 22 3-51 2-57 2-23 1-55 20 72-35 4-04 /8 16 14 12 74-57 77-27 80-09 83-20 3-49 3-28 3-00 2-/6 20 1-32 /49 2-08 3-/4 18 16 14 12 I'll 51 33 16 /23 1-00 38 19 /40 /// 45 22 2-09 /28 55 26 i Q A L' HORIZON VRAI. 10 * * 8 6 4 + 2 16 31 46 /O/ 18 35 52 1-09 21 40 1-00 1-19 24 47 /09 1-31 29 56 1-22 1-47 36 /OS /39 2-08 46 /26 2-02 2-37 /03 /53 2-36 3-/6 1-34 2-34 3-24 4-09 2-29 3-34 4-27 5-14 Amp. / Diff. Asc. h. m. 1-15 1-25 1-37 1-52 2-12 2-37 3-11 3-55 4-53 6-00 0-00 0- 0-0 -2 4 6 8 1-30 1-45 2-00 2-/5 /42 /58 2-15 2-33 1-56 2-15 2-34 2-54 2-14 2-36 2-58 3-2/ 2-37 3-Q2 3-27 3-55 3-06 3-35 4-06 4-38 3-44 4-19 4-55 5-35 4-34 5-/5 5-37 6-22 7-12 8-12 6-46 7-33 8-26 9-3/ 2 4 6 8 2-02 4-04 6-06 8-07 1-4 2-8 4-2 5-7 5-58 6-47 10 2-31 2-50 3-/5 3-45 4-24 5-/4 6-2/ 7-50 9-46 10 /0-09 0- 7-1 12 14 16 18 2-47 3-04 3-22 3-4/ 3-09 3-29 3-50 4-/3 3-37 4-pO 4-26 4-55 4-11 4-39 5-13 5-54 4-56 5-33 6-21 5-56 6-5/ 7-22 12 14 16 18 12-11 14-13 16-15 18-17 8-6 /O-/ 11-6 13-1 20 4-02 4-40 5-22 6-59 20 20-19 0-14-7 22 24 26 28 4-26 4-53 5-28 5-11 5-51 6-21 22 24 26 28 22-21 24-24 26-26 28-28 16-3 18-0 , 19-7 21-5 6-22 -30 30 30-3/ 0-23-4 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, math}, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 21 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. 1 < fc LATITUDE / /. _) u w Q 5 10 15 20 AZIMUTH. 25 | 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. di. h. m. h. m. h. to. h. m. h. m. + 30 8 15 23 32 41 51 1-02 //5 /32 1-54 2-24 3-22 28 7 13 20 28 36 45 55 /06 /20 {38 2-03 2-43 26 6 12 /8 24 31 39 47 57 /09 1-24 /44 2-/5 24 5 10 15 21 27 33 40 49 59 /// /27 1-51 3 /0 a l8 10 20 21 30 32 41 44 52 56 1-04 1-09 1-18 1-24 1-33 1-40 1-51 1-59 2-11 2-22 2-36 2-49 3-08 3-24 g 20 II 23 35 47 1-00 1-14 1-30 1-48 2-09 2-33 3-03 3-4/ [22 12 24 37 50 1-04 1-20 1-37 1-56 2-18 2-44 3-/7 4-00 24 13 26 40 54 1-09 1-25 1-43 2-04 2-28 2-57 3-33 4-20 26 14 28 42 57 1-13 1-31 1-50 2-12 2-38 3-10 3-49 4-43 28 15 29 45 1-01 1-18 1-37 1-58 2-21 2-49 3-24 4-08 5- II - 30 15 31 48 1-05 1-23 1-43 2-05 2-31 3-01 3-39 4-29 5-47 Lat et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 24 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 12. Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AZIW 75 UTH. 73 8/ 84 87 90 30 o / 62-18 h. m. 4-34 + 30 h. m. h. m. 3-24 2-30 1-54 h. m. 3-50 2-26 h. m. h. m. h. m. /45 43 h. m. /05 h. m. h. m. h.m. 28 26 24 22 64-31 66-46 69-04 71-26 4-26 4-/7 4-06 3-53 28 26 24 22 3-/5 2-32 2-00 1-35 20 18 16 14 73-53 3-37 76-29 79-20 82-44 3-/7 2-48 2-06 20 1-12 1-26 /45 2-/9 18 16 14 12 52 34 16 1-01 39 19 //3 46 22 1-31 56 26 2-07 //2 33 $ Q ~o A L' HORIZON VRAI. 10 16 18 21 24 29 36 46 /02 /29 2-/6 8 6 4 + 2 31 46 1-00 1-15 35 52 1-08 1-24 40 59 1-18 1-36 47 1-09 1-30 1-50 56 1-21 1-45 2-08 /07 /37 2-04 2-3/ /24 /58 2-30 3-0/ /48 2-28 3-04 3-2/ 2-24 3-09 3-49 4-27 3-/4 4-01 4-43 5-22 Amp. Diff. Asc. / h. m. 1-29 1-40 1-54 2-10 2-3/ 2-57 3-37 4-/3 5-03 6-00 0-00 0- 0-0 - 2 4 6 8 1-43 1-57 2-12 2-27 1-56 2-12 2-28 2-45 2-12 2-30 2-48 3-07 2-31 2-51 3-12 3-34 2-54 3-/8 3-42 4-07 3-24 3-51 4-18 4-48 4-01 4-31 5-03 5-38 4-46 5-21 5-40 6-18 6-58 7-43 6-38 7-/7 7-59 8-46 2 4 6 8 2-03 4-05 6-08 8-// 1-7 3-4 5-1 6-8 5-57 6-37 10 2-42 3-02 3-27 3-57 4-34 5-19 6-/6 7-24 8-38 9-44 10 10-14 0- 8-6 12 /4 16 18 2-58 3-14 3-31 3-50 3-20 3-39 3-59 4-21 3-48 4-10 4-34 5-0/ 4-2/ 4-47 5-/7 5-52 5-02 5-35 5-55 6-38 7-40 7-02 8-06 8-25 10-07 12 14 16 18 20 12-16 14-19 16-22 18-25 10-4 12-2 14-0 15-8 6-/4 7-/0 20 4-10 4-46 5-32 6-40 20-28 0-17-7 22 24 26 28 4-32 4-58 5-29 "6-/3 5-14 5-50 6-45 6-/3 7-38 22 24 26 28 22-31 24-34 26-38 28-41 19-7 21-7 23-8 25-9 -30 30 30-45 0-28-2 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 25 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE / 3. 5 10 15 20 AZIMI 25 | 30 LJTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. h.m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 7 14 21 28 37 46 56 48 /OS /22 1-41 2-08 2-56 23 6 12 18 25 32 39 58 /// 1-26 /48 2-22 26 5 10 15 21 27 34 41 50 1-00 1-13 /30 /55 24 4 8 13 17 22 28 34 41 49 1-00 1-13 /33 3 7 10 14 /8 22 27 33 40 48 58 1-13 I 20 3 5 8 II 14 17 21 25 30 37 44 55 ^ 18 16 2 4 2 6 3 8 5 10 6 12 7 15 9 /8 21 12 25 15 31 18 38 22 ^ 14 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 12 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 17 21 8 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 24 28 34 6 2 5 8 10 13 16 20 23 28 33 39 47 4 3 6 10 13 17 21 25 30 35 42 50 1-00 + 2 4 8 12 16 20 25 30 36 43 51 1-01 1-13 5 9 14 19 24 30 36 43 51 1-00 I'll 1-25 - 2 5 10 16 22 28 34 41 49 58 1-09 1-22 1-38 4 6 12 18 24 31 39 47 56 1-06 1-18 1-32 1-50 6 7 13 20 27 35 43 52 1-02 1-14 1-27 1-43 2 03 8 7 15 22 30 39 48 58 1-09 1-21 1-36 1-54 2-16 10 8 16 24 33 42 52 1-03 1-15 1-29 1-46 2-05 2-30 /2 9 17 26 36 46 57 1-09 1-22 1-37 1-55 2-17 2-43 i 14 9 19 29 39 50 1-02 1-14 1-29 1-46 2-05 2-28 2-57 16 10 20 31 42 54 1-06 1-20 1-36 1-54 2-15 2-41 3-/2 ^ 18 II 22 33 45 58 I'll 1-26 1-43 1-51 2-03 2-26 2-53 3-28 -.20 12 23 36 48 1-02 1-16 1-33 2-12 2-37 3-07 3-45 22 12 25 38 52 1-06 1-22 1-39 1-59 2-21 2-48 3-21 4-03 24 13 27 40 55 1-10 1-27 1-46 2-07 2-31 3-00 3-36 4-23 26 14 28 43 58 1-15 1-33 1-53 2-15 2-41 3-/3 3-52 4-45 28 15 30 46 1-02 1-20 1-39 2-00 2-24 2-52 3-26 4-/0 5-/2 - 30 16 32 48 1-06 1-24 1-45 2-07 2-33 3-04 3-4/ 4-3/ 5-46 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 26 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 73. P AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AziM 75 IUTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 / 62-43 h. m. 4-26 +30 h. m. h. m. 3-02 2-14 1-41 h. m. 3-07 2-07 h. m. 3-2/ h. m. h. m. //2 20 /8 h. m. 29 24 h. IIL 52 34 h. m. 53 h. in. /32 28 26 24 22 64-59 67-17 69-39 72-06 4-/7 4-07 3-55 3-4/ 28 26 24 22 2-59 2-19 1-49 1-25 20 74-40 3-23 /8 16 14 77-26 80-35 84-46 2-59 2-26 /29 20 1-03 1-14 1-30 1-56 18 16 14 12 43 25 8 8 50 29 9 9 1-00 34 11 II 1-14 41 13 12 /39 52 16 15 % n AT TRUE HORIZON. Amp. Dasc. 10 23 27 31 36 42 52 /05 1-25 /55 2-4/ o / m. 8 6 4 + 2 38 53 1-07 1-21 43 I -00 1-16 1-32 50 1-08 1-26 1-44 58 1-19 1-39 1-59 1-08 1-32 1-55 2-18 1-21 1-49 2-16 2-41 1 -40 2-22 2-42 3-11 2-06 2-42 3-/6 3-48 2-42 3-22 3-59 4-34 3-30 4-/2 4-49 5-25 2 4 6 8 2-03 4-06 6-10 8-13 0- /-8 3-7 5-6 7-4 1-35 1-47 2-01 2-19 2-40 3-06 3-39 4-20 5-08 6-00 10 10-16 0-09-3 -2 4 6 8 1-49 2-03 2-18 2-32 2-03 2-19 2-35 2-51 2-19 2-37 2-55 3-13 2-39 2-58 3-19 3-40 3-02 3-25 3-48 4-/2 3-32 3-57 4-24 4-52 4-08 4-37 5-07 5-39 4-5/ 5-24 5-57 6-34 5-4/ 6-16 6-53 7-33 6-35 7-11 7-48 8-30 12 14 16 18 12-19 14-23 16-26 18-29 11-3 13-2 15-2 17-2 10 2-47 3-08 3-32 4-02 4-38 5-2/ 6-/4 7-/5 8-20 9-/9 20 20-33 0-19-3 12 14 16 18 3-03 3-19 3-36 3-54 3-25 3-44 4-03 4-25 3-52 4-14 4-37 5-03 4-25 4-50 5>-/9 5-05 5-36 5-55 6-33 7-25 6-55 7-47 8-06 9-32 9-22 /0-28 21 22 23 24 21-35 22-37 23-38 24-40 20-3 21-4 22-5 23-6 6-/2 6-59 5-52 20 4-13 4-48 5-33 6-34 25 25-42 0-24-7 22 24 26 28 4-35 5-00 5-30 6-09 5-16 5-49 6-36 6-/0 7-*0 7-59 26 27 28 29. 26-44 27-46 28-43 29-50 25 9 27-0 28-2 29-4 -30 30 30-52 0-30-6 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /4. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 6 m. 13 m. 20 h. m. 27 h. m. 35 h. m. 43 h,m. 53 h. m. /04 h. m, f-/8 h. m. /35 h. m. 2-00 h. m. 2-43 28 26 24 ^ 22 5 5 4 3 11 9 8 6 /7 /4 /2 9 23 19 16 13 30 25 20 16 37 31 25 20 45 38 31 24 55 46 37 29 /06 55 45 35 1-21 1-07 54 42 /40 /23 /06 52 2-11 1-46 1-24 1-04 I 20 2 4 7 9 12 15 /8 22 26 31 38 46 - ,8 3 l6 J 14 12 / / 3 / 5 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 12 6 /4 7 17 8 20 10 25 12 30 15 / / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 10 / 3 4 6 8 9 II 14 16 19 23 27 8 6 4 + 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 7 8 6 9 // /3 9 II /4 77 // 15 19 22 /4 f8 23 27 17 22 28 33 20 27 33 40 24 32 39 47 28 38 47 55 34 45 55 /06 41 53 1-06 1-19 5 /O 15 20 26 32 38 46 54 /04 //6 1-31 - 2 4 6 8 6 6 7 8 // 13 14 15 17 19 21 23 23 26 29 31 29 33 37 40 36 4/ 46 50 44 49 55 /OO 52 59 /05 1-12 /02 //O 1-17 1-25 //3 /22 1-31 /40 /27 /37 /48 /59 1-43 1-56 2-08 2-21 10 8 17 25 34 44 54 /06 1-18 1-33 /50 2-09 2-34 3 12 I 14 3 16 18 ,y 9 /O /O // 18 20 21 23 27 30 32 34 37 40 43 46 48 51 55 59 59 /04 /OS 1-13 /// //7 /23 /29 1-25 1-32 1-39 /46 1-41 /49 /57 2-06 /59 2-09 2-/9 2-29 2-2/ 2-32 2-44 2-57 2-48 3-02 3-/6 3-32 g 20 12 2-4 37 50 1-03 1-18 /35 /53 2-/5 2-40 3-/0 3-48 22 24 26 28 13 /4 /4 15 26 27 29 3/ 39 4/ 44 47 53 56 /OO /03 1-08 1-12 1-16 1-21 /24 /29 /35 /40 /4/ /48 J-55 2-02 2-0/ 2-09 2-18 2-26 2-24 2-34 2-44 2-55 2-5/ 3-03 3-/6 3-29 3-24 3-39 3-55 4-/3 4-06 4-25 4-47 5-/3 - 30 16 32 49 /07 1-26 /47 2-/0 2-36 3-06 3-44 4-33 5-45 Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 28 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /4. Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 Aziw 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 o / 63- 12 h. m. 4-/S + 30 h. m. 3-52 h. m. 2-42 2-00 1-29 h. m. 2-40 1-50 h. m. 2-35 h. m. h. m. h. m. //O h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 65-30 67-52 70-18 72-51 4-08 3-57 3-44 3-28 28 26 24 22 2-43 2-07 /38 //5 20 75-35 3-07 18 16 78-34 82-11 2-40 1-58 20 53 1-03 1-16 1-36 2-24 18 16 14 12 35 17 40 19 47 22 58 27 //5 33 /58 44 3 ft A L'HoRizoN VRAI. Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 18 21 24 29 35 45 /oo /25 2-06 / 2-04 h. m. 0- 2-0 10 31 35 40 47 55 1-06 1-22 /44 2-16 3-00 2 8 6 4 + 2 44 1-00 1-14 /27 52 1-08 1-23 1-39 59 //7 /34 /52 /OS /28 (47 2-07 1-20 /43 2-05 2-27 1-35 2-01 2-26 2-51 1-55 2-25 2-53 3-20 2-25 2-55 3-26 3-57 2-57 3-34 4-07 4-40 3-43 4-20 4-55 5-28 4 6 8 10 4-07 6-11 8-15 10-19 4-0 6-0 8-0 10-1 /42 1-54. 2-09 2-27 2-48 3-15 3-47 4-26 5-11 6-00 12 12-22 0-12-2 -2 4 6 8 1-56 2-09 2-23 2-39 2-09 2-25 2-4/ 2-57 3-26 2-43 3-0/ 3-/9 2-46 3-06 3-25 3-45 3-/0 3-32 3-54 4-/7 3-39 4-03 4-29 4-55 4-/4 4-4/ 5-/0 5-40 4-55 5-26 5-57 6-27 5-43 6-15 6-48 7-25 6-32 7-05 7-40 S-/7 14 16 18 J9 14-26 16-30 18-34 19-36 14-3 16-4 18-6 19-7 10 2-52 3-/3 3-37 4-07 4-4/ 5-23 6-12 7-08 8-06 9-00 20 20-38 0-20-8 12 14 16 18 3-07 3-23 3-40 3-58 3-30 3-48 4-07 4-28 3-57 4-18 4-40 5-05 4-29 4-53 5-20 5-5/ 5-08 5-37 5-54 6-30 7-/4 8-28 6-49 7-34 8-44 7-52 8-52 8-57 /0-22 9-54 21 22 23 24 25 21-40 22-43 23-45 24-47 22-0 23-0 24-3 25-5 6-/0 6-52 20 4-/7 4-5/ 5-33 6-29 8-00 25-49 0-26-7 22 24 26 28 -30 4-38 5-02 5-30 6-06 5-/7 5-48 6-30 6-08 6-58 7-28 26 27 28 29 30 26-52 27-54 28-56 29-59 30-01 27-9 29-2 30-5 31-8 7-/5 0-33-1 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sent au dessous. donnent ITieure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 29 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /5. 5 10 15 20 25 AziM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 6 m. 12 m. /8 h. m. 25 h. m. 32 h. m. 40 h. m. 49 h. m. /OO h. m. 1-13 h. m. /29 h. m. 1-52 h. m. 2-3/ 28 26 24 . 22 5 4 3 3 10 9 7 5 16 13 II 8 21 18 14 II 27 23 18 14 34 28 23 17 42 35 28 21 51 42 34 26 1-01 51 40 31 1-15 1-01 49 37 1-33 1-15 /OO 45 2-00 1-36 1-15 56 5 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 IS 18 22 26 31 38 3 18 3 16 ^ 14 12 / / 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 5 2 1 4 6 2 2 6 7 2 2 7 9 3 3 8 II 3 3 10 13 4 4 12 15 5 5 14 18 6 6 17 22 7 7 21 10 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 24 28 34 8 6 4 + 2 2 3 5 5 6 8 9 8 10 12 14 10 13 16 19 13 17 20 24 16 21 25 30 20 25 30 36 23 30 36 43 28 36 43 51 33 42 51 /OO 39 50 /OO 47 /OO 1-12 1-24 5 10 16 22 28 34 41 49 58 /09 1-21 1-37 - 2 4 6 8 6 7 7 8 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 24 27 30 33 31 35 38 42 38 43 47 52 46 52 57 1-03 55 1-02 1-08 1-15 1-06 1-13 1-21 1-28 1-26 1-35 1-44 1-31 1-42 1-52 2-03 1-49 2-01 2-14 2-26 10 9 17 26 36 46 56 1-08 1-21 1-36 1-53 2-14 2-39 1 12 3 \i M 18 9 10 II II 19 20 22 23 28 31 33 35 39 42 45 48 49 53 57 1-01 1-01 1-06 1-10 1-15 1-14 1-19 1-25 1-31 1-28 1-35 1-42 1-49 1-44 1-52 2-00 2-09 2-03 2-12 2-22 2-32 2-25 2-36 2-48 3-01 2-52 3-06 3-20 3-36 & 20 12 25 37 51 1-05 1-20 1-37 1-56 2-18 2-43 3-14 3-51 22 24 26 28 13 14 IS 15 26 28 29 31 40 42 45 47 54 57 1-01 1-04 1-09 1-13 1-18 1-23 1-25 1-31 1-36 1-42 1-44 1-50 1-57 2-04 2-04 2-12 2-20 2-29 2-27 2-36 2-47 2-57 2-54 3-06 3-18 3-32 3-27 3-42 3-58 4-15 4-09 4-28 4-49 5-14 - 30 16 33 50 1-08 1-27 1-48. 2-11 2-38 3-09 3-46 4-34 5-44 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. ,TION. LATITUDE /5. y Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 / 63-43 h. m. 4-09 + 30 h. m. 3-22 h. m. h, m. 2-18 1-36 h, m. 2-06 h. m. h. m. h. m. 29 24 /04 h. m. 59 33 /-22 h. m. 51 1-50 h. m. 1-26 2-30 28 26 24 22 66-05 68-3/ 7/-03 73-43 3-59 3-47 3-32 3-/4 28 26 24 22 2-28 /54 1-28 1-05 3-42 2-24 /46 //7 20 76-37 2-50 18 16 79-56 84-22 2-/8 /23 20 44 52 1-02 1-17 2-04 18 16 14 12 26 8 8 23 30 9 9 27 35 n 10 30 42 13 12 36 54 16 15 42 1-16 21 18 51 P AT TRUE HORIZON. Amp. Dasc. / lit m. 10 38 43 49 57 /07 1-20 /38 2-0/ 2-34 3-15 2 2-04 0- 2-1 8 6 4 + 2 53 1-07 1-21 1-34 1-00 1-15 1-31 1-46 1-08 1-25 /42 1-59 1-18 1-38 1-57 2-14 1-31 1-53 2-14 2-35 /47 2-f2 2-36 2-59 2-08 2-36 3-03 3-29 2-35 3-06 3-36 4-04 3-11 3-44 4-/5 4-45 3-53 4-28 4-59 5-30 4 6 8 10 4-08 6-/3 8-17 10-21 4-3 6-5 8-6 /0-8 1-48 2-01 2-16 2-34 2-56 3-22 3-54 4-32 5-/5 6-00 12 12-26 0-13-1 -2 4 6 8 2-01 2-15 2-29 2-43 2-16 2-31 2'46 3-02 2-32 2-49 3-06 3-24 2-53 3-/2 3-3/ 3-50 3-/7 3-38 3-59 4-22 3-46 4-09 4-33 4-58 4-20 4-46 5-/3 5-4/ 4-59 5-28 5-57 6-28 5-44 6-/4 6-45 7-18 6-30 7-0/ 7-32 8-07 14 16 18 19 14-30 16-35 18-39 19-42 15-3 17-6 20-0 2/-2 10 2-57 3-18 3-42 4-// 4.45 5-25 6-11 7-02 7-55 8-45 20 20-44 0-22-4 12 14 16 IS 3-/2 3-27 3-44 4-0/ 3-35 3-52 4-// 4-3/ 4-0/ 4-2/ 4-43 5-06 4-33 4-56 5-2/ 5-/0 5-37 5-54 6-26 7-06 8-0/ 6-45 7-24 8-18 7-4/ 8-30 /0-02 8-39 9-38 9-30 /0-34 21 22 23 24 21-47 22-49 23-52 24-54 23-6 24-9 26-/ 27-4 6-08 6-46 5-50 20 4-20 4-53 5-33 6-25 7-56 25 25-57 0-28-7 22 24 26 28 4-40 5-03 5-30 5-18 's-47 6-25 7-44 6-07 6 '49 7-/4 26 27 28 29 26-59 28-02 29-05 30-08 30-0 3/-4 32-8 34-2 6-04 -30 6-57 30 3/-/00-35-6 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 16. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 h. m 1-44 60 + 30 m. 6 m. // m. 17 h. m 23 h. m. 30 h. m. 38 h. m 46 h m. 56 h. m. 1-08 h. m. 1 -23 h. m. 2-19 28 26 24 * 22 5 4 3 2 JO 8 6 5 15 12 9 7 20 16 13 9 25 21 16 12 32 26 20 15 38 32 25 18 47 38 30 22 56 46 36 26 1-09 55 43 32 1-25 1-08 53 38 1-43 1-26 1-06 47 20 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 14 t7 21 25 31 * IB 3 l6 ^ 14 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 6 4 8 5 9 6 II 7 14 8 16 10 19 12 23 14 28 10 2 4 7 9 II 14 17 20 24 28 34 41 8 6 4 + 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 II 13 15 12 15 17 20 15 19 22 26 18 23 27 32 22 28 33 38 27 33 39 46 32 39 47 54 38 46 55 1-04 45 55 1-05 1-16 1-26 53 1-06 1-18 1-30 6 11 17 23 29 36 44 52 1-02 1-13 1-42 - 2 4 6 8 6 7 8 8 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 31 34 33 36 40 44 41 45 49 54 49 54 1-00 1-05 58 1-05 /// 1-17 1-09 1-16 1-24 1-32 1-21 1-30 1-39 1-48 1-36 1-46 1-57 2-07 I -54 2-06 2-18 2-31 to 9 18 27 37 47 58 1-10 1-24 1-39 I -57 2-18 2-44 4 '2 1 '4 rt 16 18 ,x 10 10 II 12 19 21 22 24 29 32 34 36 40 43 46 49 51 55 59 1-03 1-03 1-08 1-12 h!7 1-16 1-22 1-27 1-33 t-31 1-37 1-44 1-51 1-47 1-55 2-03 2-12 2-06 2-16 2-25 2-36 2-29 2-40 2-52 3-04 2-56 3-10 3-24 3-39 g 20 13 25 38 52 1-07 f-22 1-39 1-59 2-20 2-46 3-\7 3-55 22 24 26 28 13 14 15 16 27 28 30 32 4t 43 46 48 55 59 1-02 1-06 /// t'15 1-19 1-24 1-27 1-33 1-38 1-44 1-46 1-52 1-59 2-06 2-06 2-14 2-22 2-3t 2-30 2-39 2-49 3-00 2-57 3-09 3-21 3-34 3-30 3-45 4-00 4-17 4-12 4-30 4-51 5-07 - 30 17 34 51 1-09 1-29 1-50 2-13 2-40 3-11 3-48 4-36 5-43 Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. o H LATITUDE 16. ft AT ELONG. Q Elong. H.A. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 / 64-/7 h. m. 4-0/ +30 h. m. 3-00 h. m. 3-04 2-07 /32 1-04 h. m. 3-09 /57 //8 h. m. /42 h. m. h, m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h.ra. 28 26 24 22 20 66-43 69-14 71-52 74-42 3-49 3-36 3-20 2-59 28 26 24 22 2-14 1-42 //7 55 77-51 2-32 18 81-38 /52 20 35 41 48 /OO 1-19 Q A L'HORIZON VRAI. 18 16 U 12 n 19 23 27 34 46 //7 Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 31 18 35 21 40 24 47 29 55 35 /06 45 /20 59 1-41 /22 2-/0 /58 2-48 2 / 2-05 h. m. 0- 2-3 10 46 52 59 /07 //9 /33 f-52 2-16 2-48 3-28 4 4-/0 4-6 8 6 4 + 2 1-00 1-13 i-27 1-40 I -07 1-23 1-37 /-52 1-16 1-33 1-50 2-06 (-27 /46 2-05 2-23 1-41 2-02 2-23 2-43 /58 2-22 2-45 3-07 2-20 2-46 3-/2 3-36 2-47 3-16 3-44 4-10 3-22 3-5/ 4-2/ 4-49 4-03 4-34 5-04 5-32 6 8 10 12 6-/5 8-/9 /0-24 /2-29 6-9 9-2 11-6 14-0 1-54 2-07 2-23 2-41 3-03 3-29 4-00 4-37 5-/7 6-00 14 J435 0-16-4 -2 4 6 8 2-07 2-20 2-34 2-48 2-22 2-37 2-52 3-07 2-39 2-55 3-/2 3-29 2-59 3-18 3-36 3-55 3-23 3-44 4-04 4-26 3-52 4-/4 4-37 5-0/ 4-25 4-49 5-/5 5-4/ 5-03 5-29 5-57 6-26 5-44 6-/2 6-43 7-/2 6-28 6-56 7-26 7-57 16 17 18 19 16-40 17-42 13-45 19-48 18-9 20-1 21-4 22-7 10 3-02 3-23 3-47 4-15 4-48 5-26 6-09 6-57 7-46 8-32 20 20-51 0-24-0 12 14 16 18 3-16 3-31 3-47 4-04 3-39 3-56 4-/4 4-34 4-05 4-25 4-45 5-08 4-36 4-58 5-22 5-50 5-/2 5-38 6-06 6-4! 5-53 6-24 6-59 7-45 6-40 7-/6 8-0/ 9-/7 7-32 8-14 9-13 8-24 9-/2 /0-34 9-/2 /0-02 21 22 23 24 21-53 22-56 23-59 25-02 25-3 26-6 28-0 29-3 20 4-22 4-55 5-34 6-22 7-25 25 26-05 0-30-7 22 24 26 28 4-42 5-04 5-30 6-01 5-19 5-46 6-21 7-18 6-04 6-42 7-54 7-04 26 27 28 29 27-08 28- 11 29-14 30-17 32-2 33-6 35-1 36-5 -30 6-47 30 31-21 0-38-1 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent Fheure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 33 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE /7. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h.m. h. m. h. m. h.m. h. m. h. m. + 30 5 // 16 22 28 35 43 52 /03 1-17 /36 2-07 28 4 9 13 18 23 29 35 43 52 1-03 //8 /40 26 3 7 II 15 19 23 28 34 41 50 /O/ 1-17 24 3 5 8 II 14 /8 22 26 31 38 45 57 4x to fO // 12 12 21 22 24 25 31 33 36 38 42 45 48 51 54 58 /02 /06 /07 /// //6 1-21 1-21 1-26 1-32 1-38 1-36 /43 /49 /56 /53 2-0/ 2-09 2-/7 2-/3 2-22 2-32 2-42 2-37 2-47 2-59 3-11 3-05 3-/8 3-3/ 3-45 20 13 26 40 54 //O 1-26 1-44 2-03 2-26 2-52 3-23 4-00 22 24 26 28 14 15 15 16 28 30 3/ 33 42 45 47 50 58 1-01 /04 /08 //4 //8 /22 /27 1-31 1-36 1-4.2 1-47 /50 /56 2-03 2-/0 2-11 2-19 2-27 2-35 2-35 2-44 2-54 3-04 3-03 3-/4 3-26 3-39 3-36 3-50 4-04 4-2/ 4-/6 4-34 4-53 5-/5 - 30 17 35 53 /// /32 /53 2-/7 2-44 3-/5 3-52 4-39 5-4/ Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la li#ne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 18. d w Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 o ,i h -">- 65-35| 3-43 +30 h. m. 2-24 h. m. h. m. 2-06 /22 50 h. m. 1-4.9 1-02 h. m. /24 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 68-// 70-55 73-5/ 77-08 3-29 3-/3 2-53 2-26 28 26 24 22 /47 1-20 58 36 2-/7 1-36 1-06 42 20 81-08 /47 g Q A L'HORIZON VRAI. 20 17 21 23 28 35 47 1-30 18 16 14 12 Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 31 46 18 35 51 21 40 58 24 47 /07 29 55 //8 35 /05 1-31 44 1-19 1-4.9 58 /38 2-/2 /20 2-05 2-4/ /52 2-40 3-/7 2 4 / 2-06 4-/2 h. m. 0- 2-6 5-2 10 1-00 1-07 1-16 /27 /39 1-56 2-16 2-4/ 3-/2 3-49 6 8 10 12 14 6-/9 0- 7-8 8 6 4 + 2 1-13 1-26 1-39 1-52 1-22 1-37 1-51 2-05 /32 1-4.9 2-04 2-20 /45 2-03 2-20 2-37 2-00 2-20 2-39 2-58 2-18 2-4-0 3-01 3-22 2-4-1 3-05 3-27 3-50 3-08 3-34 3-58 4-2/ 3-4/ 4-07 4-32 4-57 4-f7 4-45 5-/0 5-35 8-25 /0-3/ /2-38 /4-43 10-5 13-1 15-8 18-6 2-05 2-19 2-35 2-54 3-16 3-4-2 4.-II 4-45 5-2/ 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 /5-47 0-20-0 - 2 4 6 8 2-18 2-3. 2-44. 2-57 2-33 2-4.7 3-02 3-16 2-5/ 3-06 3-22 3-38 3-11 3-28 3-4-6 4-04 3-35 3-54 4-/3 4-33 4.-02 4-23 4-44 5-05 4-33 4-56 5-/S 5-42 5-08 5-32 5-56 6-22 5-46 6-25 6-50 7-/5 7-43 /6-5/ 77-54 /8-5S 20-0/ 21-4. 22-8 24-2 25-7 6-/0 6-36 7-02 10 12 14 16 18 3-10 3-31 3-55 4-22 4-53 5-28 6-07 6-49 7-3/ 8-// 20 21-05 0-27'2 3-24. 3-39 3-54 4-/0 3-4-7 4-03 4-20 4-38 4-/2 4-30 4-50 5-11 4-42 5-02 5-24 5-49 5-/5 5-38 5-52 6-19 6-4-8 7-24 6-34 7-04 7-39 8-23 7-18 7-51 8-32 9-30 8-02 8-38 9-23 /0-43 8-43 9-20 /0-08 21 22 23 24 22-08 23-12 24-15 25-19 28-7 30-2 31-7 33-3 0-34-9 6-04 6-33 20 4-27 4-59 5-34 6-/6 7-08 8-11 9-53 25 26-23 22 24 26 28 4-46 5-08 '5-29 5-57 5-20 5-45 6-/4 6-55 6-00 6-33 7-16 6-50 7-37 7-56 26 27 28 29 27-27 28-31 29-35 30-39 36-5 38- / 39-8 4/-5 -30 o 34 30 3/-43 0-43-2 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnentl'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 37 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE / 9. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 4 m. 9 tn. 14 h. m. 18 h. m. 24 h. m. 30 h. m. 36 h. m. 44 h. m. 53 h. m. /05 h. m. /20 h. m. /44 28 26 24 4 22 4 3 2 / 7 5 4 2 II 8 6 3 15 II 8 5 19 15 10 6 24 /8 13 7 29 22 16 9 35 27 19 II 42 32 22 13 51 38 27 16 /03 47 32 19 /20 59 40 23 ;i 2o / 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 18 3 16 U 12 ~iO / 2 2 / 2 4 5 1 3 6 8 2 5 7 10 2 6 10 13 2 7 12 16 3 9 14 20 4 10 17 24 4 12 20 28 5 15 24 33 6 17 29 39 7 21 34 47 3 6 10 13 17 21 25 30 36 42 50 59 8 6 4 + 2 4. 5 5 6 8 9 /O /2 12 14 16 18 16 19 22 24 21 24 28 31 25 30 34 38 30 36 41 46 36 43 49 55 43 50 58 1-05 51 59 1-08 1-16 1-00 //O 1-20 1-30 1-12 1-23 1-35 1-46 7 13 20 27 35 43 51 1-01 1-12 1-25 1-40 1-58 2 4 6 8 | /4 /6 /7 /8 22 24 26 28 30 33 35 38 38 42 45 49 47 51 56 1-00 56 1-02 1-07 1-12 1-07 1-13 1-20 1-26 1-19 1-27 1-34 1-41 1-33 1-42 1-50 1-59 1-50 1-59 2-09 2-19 2-09 2-21 2-32 2-44 10 10 20 30 41 52 1-04 1-17 1-32 1-49 2-08 2-30 2-56 ce Latitude. CO C^ -fcs K> II II 12 13 2/ 23 24 26 32 34 37 39 44 47 50 53 56 59 /03 /07 1-09 1-13 1-18 1-23 1-23 1-28 1-34 1-40 1-39 1-45 1-52 1-59 1-56 2-04 2-12 2-20 2-16 2-26 2-35 2-45 2-40 2-51 3-02 3-13 3-08 3-2/ 3-34 3-48 f 20 13 27 41 56 /// 1-28 1-46 2-06 2-29 2-55 3-26 4-03 22 24 26 28 14 15 16 \7 29 30 32 33 43 46 48 51 59 1-02 1-05 1-09 1-15 1-19 1-24 1-28 1-33 1-38 1-43 1-49 1-52 1-58 2-05 2-12 2-13 2-21 2-29 2-37 2-37 2-47 2-56 3-06 3-05 3-16 3-28 3-47 3-38 3-52 4-06 4-22 4-18 4-35 4-54 5-/5 - 30 17 35 53 1-13 l>33 1-55 2-19 2-46 3-17 3-54 4-40 5-39 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE / 5?. u W P AT ELONG. Elong. H.A, 63 66 69 72 Aziw 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 / 66-20 h. m. 3-34 + 30 h. m. 2-08 h. m. 3-02 h. m. h. m. /25 44 h. m. 2-25 58 h. m. /30 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 69-02 71-55 75-03 78-42 3-19 3-00 2-37 2-06 28 26 24 22 1-35 1-08 46 26 /58 /22 54 31 3-07 1-44 1-06 36 20 83-38 1-16 1 AT TRUE HORIZON. 20 8 10 11 13 17 22 31 18 16 U 12 8 24 39 53 9 27 43 59 II 31 49 1-07 13 36 57 1-17 15 42 1-06 1-28 19 51 1-18 1-43 24 1-08 1-34 2-01 33 1-19 1-54 2-25 49 /42 2-2/ 2-53 //7 2-/4 2-54 3-28 Amp. Dasc. 2 4 2-07 4-/4 h. m. 0- 2-8 5-5 10 1-06 1-14 1-24 1-33 1-49 2-06 2-27 2-52 3-22 3-57 6 6-2/ 0- 8-3 8 6 4 + 2 1-20 1-32 1-45 1-58 1-29 1-43 1-57 2-11 1-40 1-56 2-11 2-26 1-53 2-10 2-27 2-44 2-09 2-28 2-46 3-04 2-28 2-48 3-08 3-28 2-50 3-13 3-34 3-55 3-17 3-41 4-04 4-26 3-48 4-/3 4-37 5-00 4-24 4-49 5-13 5-37 8 10 12 14 8-28 /0-35 /2-42 /4-49 /// /3-9 16-8 19-7 2-10 2-25 2-41 3-00 3-22 3-47 4-16 4-48 5-23 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 15-53 0-21-2 - 2 4 6 8 2-23 2-35 2-48 3-01 2-38 2-52 3-06 3-20 2-56 3-il 3-27 3-42 3-17 3-33 3-50 4-07 3-40 3-58 4-17 4-36 4-07 4-27 4-47 5-07 4-37 4-58 5-20 5-42 5-11 5-33 5-56 6-20 5-46 6-/0 6-34 6-58 6-23 6-47 7-11 7-36 16-57 18-01 19-05 20-08 22-7 24-2 25-7 27-2 10 3-14 3-35 3-59 4-27 4-55 5-29 6-06 6-45 7-25 8-03 20 21 22 23 24 21-12 0-28-8 12 U 16 18 3-28 3-42 3-57 4-12 3-50 4-06 4-22 4-40 4-15 4-33 4-52 5-12 4-44 5-04 5-25 5-48 5-16 5-38 6-02 6-29 5-52 6-17 6-44 7-16 6-31 6-59 7-24 8-08 7-12 7-43 8-18 9-04 7-54 8-25 9-05 9-58 8-32 9-06 9-46 /0-43 22-16 23-21 24-25 25-29 30-4 32-0 33-6 35-3 20 4-29 4-59 5-34 6-13 7-01 7-57 9-04 25 26 27 28 29 26-33 0-37-0 22 24 26 28 4-47 5-07 5-20 5-44 6-12 6-48 5-59 6-28 7-07 8-29 6-45 7-25 7-42 9-09 9-05 27-37 28-42 29-46 30-51 38-7 40-4 42-2 44-0 5-29 5-55 -30 6-28 6-52 30 31-56 0-45-9 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 39 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 20. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 h. m. //2 60 + 30 m. 4 m. 8 m. 12 h. m. 17 h. m. 22 h. m. 27 h. m. 33 h. m. 40 h. m. 48 h. m. 58 h. m. /33 28 26 24 ,22 3 2 2 1 6 5 3 2 10 7 5 2 13 10 6 3 17 12 8 4 21 15 10 5 26 19 12 6 31 23 15 7 37 27 /8 9 45 33 21 10 55 40 26 12 MO 50 31 15 \ 20 B T * 18 3 l6 * U 12 1 1 2 3 i 3 4 6 2 4 7 9 3 6 9 12 4 S II 15 5 10 14 19 6 12 17 23 7 14 20 27 8 16 24 32 10 20 29 38 12 23 34 45 14 28 41 53 10 4 7 // 15 19 23 28 33 39 47 55 1-05 8 6 4 + 2 4 5 6 6 8 10 II 12 13 15 17 19 17 20 23 26 22 26 29 33 28 32 36 40 33 38 44 49 40 46 52 58 47 54 1-01 1-08 55 1-04 1-12 1-20 1-05 1-15 1-25 1-34 1-17 1-29 1-40 1-51 7 /4 21 28 36 45 54 1-04 1-16 1-29 1-44 2-03 2 4 6 8 8 8 9 10 15 16 18 19 23 25 27 29 31 34 37 39 40 43 47 50 49 53 58 1-02 59 1-04 1-09 1-15 1-10 1-16 1-22 1-29 1-23 1-30 1-37 1-44 1-37 1-45 1-54 2-02 1-54 2-03 2-/3 2-23 2-14 2-25 2-36 2-48 10 10 20 31 42 54 1-06 1-20 1-35 1-52 2-U 2-33 3-00 3 /2 1 /4 ' /6 /8 11 12 12 13 22 23 25 26 33 35 37 40 45 48 51 54 57 1-01 1-05 1-09 I'll 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-25 1-31 1-36 1-42 1-41 /48 /54 2-01 1-59 2-07 2-/5 2-23 2-20 2-29 2-38 2-47 2-44 2-54 3-05 3-/6 3-/2 3-24 3-37 3-5/ 1 20 /4 28 42 57 1-12 1-29 1-48 2-08 2-3/ 2-57 3-28 4-05 22 24 26 28 14 15 16 17 29 31 32 34 44 47 49 52 1-00 1-03 1-06 1-10 1-17 1-21 1-25 1-29 1-34 1-40 1-45 1-50 1-54 2-00 2-07 2-13 2-15 2-23 2-31 2-39 2-40 2-49 2-58 3-08 3-08 3-/9 3-30 3-43 3-4/ 3-54 4-08 4-24 4-20 4-36 4-55 5-/5 - 30 18 36 54 //4 1-34 1-56 2-21 2-48 3-/9 3-56 4-4/ 5-38 Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 40 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. fc o h LATITUDE 20. d Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 / 67-10 h. m. 3-24 + 30 h. m. 1-53 h. m. 2-30 h. m. h. m. /59 /04 28 h. m. 1-30 36 h. m. 50 h. m. ii. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 69-59 73-02 76-27 80-38 3-07 2-47 2-2/ /43 28 26 24 22 1-23 58 36 17 1-41 /09 43 20 2-19 1-25 Si 24 8 Q 2 4 6 A L'HORIZON VRAI. Amp. Diff. Asc. 20 18 16 14 12 16 31 46 1-00 /8 35 52 /07 21 40 58 //5 25 47 /0-7 1-26 29 54 1-17 1-38 35 /05 /30 /54 44 //8 /47 2-/3 57 1-36 2-08 2-36 1-17 2-01 2-35 3-04 /47 2-32 3-07 3-37 / 2-08 4-/5 6-23 h. m. 0- 2-9 5-9 8-8 10 1-13 1-21 /32 1-44 1-58 2-/5 2-46 3-01 3-31 4-04 8 10 12 13 14 8-3/ 0-11-7 8 6 4 + 2 1-26 1-38 1-51 2-03 1-36 1-50 2-03 2-17 /47 2-02 2-17 2-32 2-02 2-18 2-34 2-50 2-17 2-35 2-53 3-10 2-36 2-56 3-/5 3-34 2-59 3-20 3-40 4-0/ 3-25 3-48 4-09 4-3/ 3-55 4-19 4-41 5-02 4-29 4-53 5-16 5-38 /0-39 /2-47 13-51 14-55 14-7 17-7 19-3 20-8 2-15 2-30 2-47 3-06 3-28 3-53 4-21 4-52 5-25 6-00 15 15-59 0-22-4 -2 4 6 8 2-28 2-40 2-53 3-05 2-44 2-57 3-11 3-25 3-0/ 3-/6 3-3/ 3-46 3-22 3-38 3-54 4-09 3-45 4-02 4-20 4-38 4-11 4-30 4-49 5-09 4-41 5-01 5-21 5-43 '5-/3 5-34 5-56 6-18 5-48 6-09 6-31 6-55 6-22 6-44 7-07 7-3/ 16 17 18 19 17-03 18-08 19-12 20-16 24-0 25-6 27-2 28-8 10 3-/8 3-39 4-02 4-28 4-57 5-30 6-05 6-42 7-20 7-56 20 21-21 0-30-5 12 14 16 18 3-3/ 3-45 4-00 4-15 3-53 4-09 4-25 4-42 4-18 4-35 4-53 5-13 4-46 5-05 5-25 5-47 5-/7 5-38 6-0/ 6-26 5-52 6-15 6-41 7-10 6-29 6-54 7-23 7-57 7-07 7-35 8-07 8-46 7-46 8-16 8-50 9-33 8-23 8-53 9-28 /0-/3 21 22 23 24 22-25 23-30 24-34 25-39 32- / 33-8 35-6 37-3 20 4-3/ 5-00 5-34 6-/2 6-55 7-45 8-4/ 9-43 /0-50 25 26-44 0-39-1 22 24 26 28 4-48 5-07 5-29 5-54 5-20 5-43 6-09 6-42 5-58 6-25 6-59 7-52 6-40 7-/6 8-// 7-3/ 8-25 8-35 26 27 28 29 27-48 28-53 29-58 3/-04 40-9 42-8 44-6 46-6 -30 6-24 7-30 30 32-09 0-48-5 les termes au dessus de 1' Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnentl'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 21. 5 /0 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 4 m. 7 m. // h. m. 15 h. m. 19 h. m. 24 h. m. 30 h. m. 36 h. m. 43 h. m. 52 h. m. /05 h. m. 1-23 28 26 24 * 22 3 2 1 6 4 2 / 8 6 4 / 12 8 5 2 15 10 6 2 /8 13 8 2 22 16 9 3 27 19 II 4 33 23 13 4 39 27 16 5 48 33 19 6 1-00 41 24 8 I 20 / / 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 8 * 18 3 l6 J /4 12 1 2 3 4 2 4 5 6 3 6 8 10 5 8 II 13 6 10 13 17 7 12 17 21 9 /4 20 25 // 17 24 30 12 20 28 36 15 24 33 42 18 29 40 50 21 35 47 59 10 4 8 12 16 21 25 31 37 43 51 1-00 I'll 8 6 4 + 2 5 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 19 22 24 27 24 28 31 35 30 34 38 43 36 41 46 51 43 49 55 /O/ 50 58 /05 1-12 1-00 1-08 1-16 /24 //O 1-20 1-29 1-39 1-23 1-34 1-45 1-56 7 14 22 30 38 47 56 /07 1-19 /33 1-48 2-07 - 2 4 6 8 /O 8 8 9 /O 16 17 18 20 24 26 28 30 32 35 38 4/ 4/ 45 48 52 51 55 59 /04 1-01 1-07 1-12 1-17 1-13 1-19 1-25 1-31 1-26 1-33 /40 /47 /4/ f-49 /57 2-05 1-58 2-07 2-17 2-27 2-18 2-29 2-41 2-52 JO 21 32 43 55 /OS 1-22 1-37 /55 2-/4 2-37 3-03 ke Latitude. CO 0>4X KO // /2 /3 /3 22 24 25 27 34 36 38 40 46 49 52 55 59 /03 /06 //O 1-13 1-17 1-22 1-26 \-27 1-33 1-38 /44 /44 /50 /57 2-03 2-02 2-09 2-/7 2-25 2-23 2-33 2-4/ 2-50 2-47 2-57 3-08 3-19 3-15 3-27 3-40 3-53 g 20 /4 28 43 58 //4 1-31 /50 2-/0 2-33 3-00 3-31 4-07 22 24 26 28 /5 /6 /6 /7 30 31 33 35 45 47 50 52 1-01 /04 1-08 I'll //8 /22 /26 1-31 1-36 1-41 /46 /52 /56 2-02 2-08 2-/5 2-/8 2-25 2-33 2-4/ 2-42 2-5/ 3-00 3-/0 3-/0 3-2/ 3-32 3-44 3-43 3-56 4-10 4-25 4-22 4-38 4-56 5-/5 - 30 /8 36 55 1-15 1-35 /58 2-22 2-50 3-2/ 3-57 4-42 5-37 Latitude and Declination being unlike, the black line separates When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 42 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 2/. y Q AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 53 66 69 72 AziM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 30 68-04 h. m. 3-/3 + 30 h. m. 1-39 h. m. 2-07 h. m. L m. /30 46 13 h. m. /O/ 17 h.. m. /47 22 h. m. 33 h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 22 7/-03 74- / 9 78-07 83- / 7 2-55 2-32 2-02 1-13 28 26 24 22 l-IO 47 27 9 1-26 56 31 10 /52 1-08 37 12 ^ Q AT TRUE HORIZON. 20 8 9 II 13 15 19 24 33 48 //4 Amp. Dasc. 18 16 U 12 24 39 53 1-06 27 44 59 M4 31 50 1-07 1-23 36 57 1-16 1-34. 42 h05 1-27 /47 50 1-17 /4/ 2-04 1-02 1-32 1-59 2-23 1-17 1-51 2-20 2-4.6 /.-39 2-/6 2-47 3-/4 2-09 2-47 3-/9 3-46 2 4 6 8 1 2-09 4-/7 6-26 h. m. -3-1 6-2 9-2 10 1-19 /28 1-39 1-52 2-06 2-24 2-45 3-10 3-39 4-// 8-34 0-12-4. 8 6 4 + 2 1-32 /44 1-56 2-08 /42 /56 2-09 2-22 /54 2-09 2-24 2-38 2-08 2-24 2-40 2-56 2-24 2-42 2-59 3-/6 2-44 3-03 3-2 / 3-40 3-06 3-27 3-46 4-06 3-32 3-54 4-/4 4-35 4-02 4-24 4-45 5-06 4-34 4-56 5-18 5-39 10 12 13 14. 15 70-43 /2-52 /3-56 /5-0/ 15-5 18-7 20-3 22-0 2-20 2-35 2-52 3-11 3-32 3-57 4-25 4-55 5-27 6-00 /6-06 0-23-6 -2 4 6 8 2-32 2-45 2-57 3-09 2-48 3-02 3-/5 3-28 3-06 3-2/ 3-35 3-50 3-27 3-42 3-58 4-/4 3-49 4-06 4-23 4-40 4-/5 4-33 4-52 s-n 4-44 5-03 5-23 5-43 5-/5 5-35 5-56 6-/7 5-47 6-08 6-29 6-5/ 6-2/ 6-42 7-04 7-26 16 17 /8 19 17-10 18-15 19-20 20-25 25-3 27-0 28-7 30-4 10 3-22 3-42 4-05 4-3/ 4-59 5-31 6-04 6-39 7-/5 7-49 20 21-29 0-32-/ 12 14 16 18 3-35 3-48 4-02 4-/7 3-57 4-11 4-27 4-44 4-2/ 4-37 4-55 5-/3 4-48 5-06 5-26 5-47 5-18 5-38 5-51 6-13 6-37 7-04 6-26 6-50 7-/7 7-48 7-03 7-29 7-58 8-32 7-40 8-07 8-37 9-/4 8-/4 8-4/ 9-/3 9-5/ 21 22 23 24 22-34 23-39 24-45 25-50 33-9 35-7 37-5 39-4 5-59 6-23 20 4-33 5-0/ 5-33 6-/0 6-50 7-36 8-25 9-/7 /0-06 10-46 25 26-55 0-4.1-2 22 24 26 28 4-50 5-08 5-2/ 5-42 6-07 6-36 5-56 6-21 6-53 7-36 6-35 7-08 7-52 7-22 8-05 8-/7 9-4/ 9-22 26 27 28 29 28-00 29-06 30-// 3/-/7 4-3-2 4-5-1 4-7-1 4-9-1 5-28 5-51 -30 6-20 7-18 30 32-23 0-51-2 the terms below from those above the true Horizon. give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 43 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 22. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 JTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 3 m. 6 m. /O h. m. 13 h. m. 17 h. m. 22 h. m. 26 h. m. 32 h. m. 38 h. m. 46 h. m. 57 h. m. 1-12 28 26 24 d 22 2 2 I 5 3 2 7 5 2 10 6 3 13 8 4 16 10 5 19 13 6 23 15 7 28 /8 9 34 22 // 41 26 13 51 32 16 I 20 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 * /8 3 '* 1 /4 /2 I 2 3 4 3 4 6 7 4 7 9 // 6 9 12 15 8 12 15 19 10 14 19 23 12 17 23 28 14 21 27 33 17 24 32 40 20 29 38 47 23 34 45 55 28 41 53 1-05 /O 4 9 /3 18 22 28 33 40 47 55 1-05 1-17 8 6 4 + 2 5 6 6 7 10 II 13 14 /5 17 19 21 20 23 26 28 26 29 33 36 32 36 40 45 39 44 49 54 46 52 58 1-04 53 /O/ /OS 1-15 1-04 1-12 1-20 1-28 1-15 1-24 1-34 1-43 1-28 1-39 1-50 2-01 8 IS 23 31 40 49 59 //O 1-22 1-36 1-53 2-12 - 2 4 6 8 8 9 9 10 16 18 19 20 25 27 29 31 34 36 39 42 43 46 50 53 53 57 1-01 1-06 1-04 1-09 1-14 1-19 1-16 1-22 1-28 1-34 1-29 1-36 1-43 1-51 1-44 1-52 2-01 2-09 2-02 2-11 2-21 2-30 2-23 2-34 2-44 2-56 /O II 22' 33 45 57 1-10 1-24 1-40 1-57 2-17 2-40 3-07 8 II 12 13 14 23 24 26 27 35 37 39 41 47 50 53 56 1-00 1-04 1-08 I'll 1-14 1-19 1-23 1-28 1-29 1-35 1-40 1-46 1-46 1-52 1-59 2-06 2-05 2-12 2-20 2-28 2-26 2-35 2-44 2-53 2-50 3-00 3-11 3-22 3-/S 3'30 . 3-43 3-56 ^20 14 29 44 59 1-15 1-33 1-52 2-12 2-36 3-02 3-33 4-/0 22 24 26 28 15 16 17 17 30 32 33 35 46 48 51 53 /02 /05 /09 //2 1-19 1-23 1-28 1-33 1-38 1-43 1-48 1-53 1-58 2-04 2-10 2-17 2-20 2-27 2-35 2-43 2-44 2-53 3-02 3-/2 3-/2 3-23 3-34 3-46 3-45 3-58 4-11 4-26 4-24 4-39 4-56 - 30 18 37 56 1-16 1-37 1-59 2-24 2-51 3-22 3-59 4-42 5-36 Lat. et Dec. etant de noms opposes, la ligne noire separe Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 44 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 22. % AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 / 69-04 h. m. 3-02 + 30 i. m. 1-26 h. m. /47 h. m. 2-48 h, m. li. m. 1-39 37 h. m. 52 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 24 72-/4 75-47 80-/0 2-42 2-/6 /39 28 26 24 22 1-00 37 18 1-11 44 2/ 1-30 53 24 2-/9 /07 29 y A L' HORIZON VRAI. Amp. Diff. Asc. 20 16 /8 21 25 29 35 45 57 1-16 /43 / h. m. 18 16 14 12 31 46 t'OO 1-13 36 52 1-07 1-21 4/ 58 //5 1-31 47 /07 /25 /43 54 //7 /37 1-56 /04 /29 /52 2-13 //7 /45 2-/0 2-32 /34 2-06 2-3/ 2-56 /57 2-30 2-57 3-23 2-26 2-59 3-28 3-53 2 4 6 8 10 II /2 13 /4 2-09 4-/9 6-28 8-38 0- 3-2 6-5 9-7 13-1 10 1-25 1-35 /46 /59 2-15 2-32 2-54 3-/8 3-46 4-/6 /0-48 0-16-3 8 6 4 + 2 1-38 1-50 2-02 2-I6 /49 2-02 2-15 2-28 2-01 2-15 2-29 2-43 2-/5 2-3 / 2-46 3-0/ 2-32 2-49 3-05 3-22 2-51 3-09 3-27 3-44 3-/4 3-33 3-52 4-/0 3-39 3-59 4-/9 4-38 4-08 4-28 4-49 5-08 4-39 5-00 5-20 5-40 //53 /2-58 /4-02 15-07 18-0 19-7 21-4 23-1 2-25 2-40 2-57 3-16 3-38 4-02 4-28 4-57 5-28 6-00 15 16-13 0-24-9 - 2 4 6 8 2-37 2-49 3-0/ 3-13 2-53 3-06 3-/9 3-32 3-11 3-25 3-39 3-53 3-31 3-46 4-02 4-/7 3-54 4-/0 4-27 4-43 4-/9 4-36 4-54 5-/2 4-47 5-05 5-24 5-43 5-16 5-36 5-55 6-16 5-48 6-08 6-28 6-49 6-20 6-40 7-00 7-2 / 16 17 18 19 17-17 18-23 19-28 20-33 26-6 28-4 30-2 32-0 10 3-25 3-46 4-08 4-33 5-07 5-3/ 6-03 6-37 7-\\ 7-44 20 21-39 0-33-8 12 14 16 18 3-38 3-51 4-05 4-/9 3-59 4-/4 4-29 4-45 4-23 4-39 4-56 5-/4 4-50 5-07 5-26 5-/9 5-38 5-59 6-21 5-5J 6-/2 6-34 6-59 6-24 6-47 7-/2 7-39 6-59 7-23 7-49 8-20 7-34 7-59 8-27 8-59 8-07 8-32 9-0/ 9-34 21 22 23 24 22-44 23-50 24-55 26-01 35-7 37-6 39-5 4/-5 5-46 20 4-34 5-02 5-33 6-08 6-46 7-28 8-12 8-58 9-4/ 10-17 25 26 27 28 29 27-07 0-43-4 22 24 26 28 4-5/ 5-08 5-28 5-50 5-21 5-54 6-18 6-47 7-24 6-33 7-02 7-39 8-5; 7-/5 7-52 8-54 8-03 8-55 8-57 9-55 10-56 2S-/3 29-/9 30-25 3/-32 45-5 47-5 49-6 51-8 5-42 6-04 6-32 -30 6-/7 7-08 8-43 30 32-38 0-54-0 les termes au dessus de 1'Horizon vrai de ceux qui sont au dessous. donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 45 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. LATITUDE 23. SB AZIMUTH. P 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. h. m. h. m. km. h. m. h. m. h. m. km. h. m. h. m. + 30 3 6 9 12 15 19 23 28 33 40 49 1-02 28 2 4 . 6 8 11 13 16 19 23 28 34 42 26 / 2 4 5 6 8 9 II 14 16 20 24 24 / / 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 / ' 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 I 20 / 2 3 5 6 7 9 II 13 IS /8 21 - 1 /8 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 17 21 24 29 35 /4 4'52 5-08 5-26 5>45 5-20 5-50 6-10 6-31 6-55 6-22 6-44 7-07 7-32 6-55 7-18 7-43 8-10 7-28 7-52 8-18 8-47 8-00 8-24 8-50 9-20 21 22 23 24 22-55 24-01 25-07 26-13 37-5 39-5 41-5 43-6 5-38 5-58 6-19 20 4-36 5-03 5>33 6-06 6-42 7 '21 8-02 8-43 9-22 9-56 25 27-20 0-45-7 22 24 26 28 4-52 5-09 5-2/ 5-40 6-02 6-28 5-53 6-15 6-43 7-15 6-29 6-56 7-29 8-19 7-09 7-42 8-28 7-53 8-34 8-39 9-37 9-27 /0-/2 10-49 26 27 28 29 28-26 29-33 30-40 3/-52 47-8 50-0 52-2 54-4 5-27 5-4.9 -30 6-13 7-00 8-06 30 32-54 0-56-7 \\T 114 III 108 /05 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 47 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 24. 5 10' 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 | 60 + 30 m. 2 m. 5 m. 7 h.m. fO h. m. 13 h. m. 16 h, m. 20 km. 24 h. m, 28 h. m. 34 h. m. 42 h. m. 53 28 26 24 2 3 2 5 2 7 3 8 4 It 5 /3 6 * 6 15 8 18 9 22 27 13 33 16 / 2 2 3 4- 5 7 9 10 12 15 I 20 | 3 5 6 * 10 t2 14 *7 20 24 28 ^ U 12 2 3 4 4 4 6 7 9 7 9 13 9 12 15 18 12 15 19 23 14 19 23 28 17 23 28 33 21 27 34 40 25 32 40 47 29 38 47 55 35 45 55 1-05 41 52 1-05 1-17 10 5 /O 15 20 26 32 39 46 54 1-04 1-15 1-28 8 6 4 + 2 6 6 7 7 /f /3 /4 15 n 19 21 23 23 26 28 31 29 33 36 40 3'6 : 40 45 49 44 49 54 59 52 58 /04 /JO /O/ /OS /22 1-12 I -20 1-28 1-36 1-24 1-33 1-43 1-52 1-39 1-49 2-00 2-10 8 16 25 34 43 53 1-04 1-15 /29 1-43 2-Ot 2-21 - 2 4 6 8 9 9 ;o 19 20 22 27 29 3t 33 36 39 42 44 46 50 53 56 57 /O/ /05 /09 1-09 I-/3 /23 1-21 1-27 1-33 1-39 /-35 /42 /49 /56 1-51 I -59 2-07 2-15 2-10 2-19 2-28 2-37 2-31 2-41 2-52 3-03 10 // 23 35 47 hOO 1-14 /28 1-45 2-03 2-23 2-47 3-13 i',1 '% 16 /8 12 13 13 14 24 26 27 28 37 39 41 43 50 52 55 58 1-03 1-07 1-18 1-22 1-27 1-31 t-34 /39 /44 /-50 1-51 1-57 2-03 2-/0 2-/0 2-/7 2-25 2-32 2-32 2-40 2-49 2-58 2-56 3-06 3-/6 3-27 3-24 3-36 3-48 4-00 20 15 30 45 1-01 I-F8 1-36 /55 2-/7 2-40 3-07 3-38 4-13 22 24 26 28 16 16 17 18 31 33 34 36 47 50 52 55 1-04 1-07 1-22 1-26 1-30 1-34 1-41 1-46 1-51 1-56 2-0/ 2-07 2-/3 2-20 2-24 2-3/ 2-38 2-46 2-48 2-57 3-06 3-J5 3-/7 3-27 3-38 3-49 3-49 4-01 4-14 4-28 4-27 4-41 4-57 5-14 - 30 19 38 57 ,,17 1-39 2-02 2-27 2-54 3-26 4-0.' 4-43 5-34 AZIMUT au pole deprime, continut 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. fc o f- 1 LATITUDE 24. u w AT ELONG. Elong. H.A. DECLINE 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 30 7/-26 h. m. 2-38 + 30 i. m. 1-02 !i. m. f -14 h. m, /36 h. m. h. m. d. m. 57 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 28 26 75-08 79-4/ 2-/3 /36 28 26 24 22 38 18 45 21 55 25 //O 30 /57 38 1-39 g A L'HORI20N VKAI. w Amp. Diff. Asc. 16 19 21 25 29 35 44 56 //4 2 o / 2-11 i. m. 0- 3-6 20 32 36 4/ 47 54 /04 1-16 /33 /54 2-21 18 16 14 12 46 1-00 1-13 1-25 52 1-07 1-21 1-35 58 1-15 1-30 /45 1-06 1-25 1-42 /58 //6 1-36 [55 2-13 /28 /50 2-U 2-30 /44 2-07 2-30 2-49 2-02 2-28 2-5/ 3-/2 2-25 2-52 3-/6 3-38 2-53 3-20 3-44 4-06 4 6 8 9 4-23 6-34 8-46 9-52 7-1 10-7 14-4 16-2 10 1-37 1-48 2-00 2-/3 2-29 2-47 3-08 3-32 3-58 4-27 10 II 12 13 14 /0-57 0-18-0 8 6 4 + 2 1-49 2-OV 2-/2 2-23 2-00 2-13 2-25 2-38 2-J4 3-27 2-40 2-54 2-28 2-43 2-57 3-11 2-45 3-0/ 3-16 3-31 3-05 3-2/ 3-38 3-54 3-26 3-44 4-0/ 4-/S 3-5/ 4-09 4-27 4-45 4-/8 4-36 4-55 5-/3 4-46 5-05 5-24 5-42 /2-03 /3-09 /4-/5 /5-2/ 19-9 21-7 23-6 25-5 2-34 2-50 3-07 3-26 3-46 4-/0 4-35 5-02 5-3/ 6-00 15 /6-27 0-27-4 -2 4 6 8 2-46 2-57 3-08 3-20 3-02 3-14 3-26 3-39 3-20 3-33 3-46 4-00 3-40 3-54 4-08 4-/3 4-02 4-/7 4-32 4-48 4-26 4-42 4-58 5-/5 4-52 5-09 5-26 5-43 5-/9 5-37 5-55 6-/3 5-48 6-06 6-25 6-44 6-/S 6-36 6-55 7-/4 16 17 18 19 /7-34 f8-40 /9-46 20-53 29-3 31-3 33-3 35-3 10 3-32 3-52 4-/4 4-28 5-04 5-32 6-02 6-32 7-03 7-33 20 2/-59 0-37-3 12 14 16 18 3-44 3-56 4-09 4-23 4-05 4-/S 4-33 4-48 4-28 4-43 4-58 5-/5 4-53 5-09 5-26 5-45 5-20 5-50 6-09 6-29 6-57 6-21 6-40 7-02 7-26 6-52 7-/3 7-36 8-02 7-24 7-46 8-09 8-36 7-54 S-/6 8-40 9-07 21 22 23 24 23-06 24- 13 25-19 26-26 39-4 41-5 43-6 45-7 5-38 5-57 6-/7 20 4-37 5-03 5-33 6-04 6-39 7-/5 7-53 8-3/ 9-07 9-39 25 26 27 28 29 27-33 0-47-9 22 24 26 28 4-52 5-09 5-21 5-39 6-00 6-24 5-52 6-/3 6-38 7-08 6-26 6-51 7-21 8-01 7-04 7-33 8-// 9-30 7-44 8-/9 9-/6 8-26 9-/0 9-08 10-04 9-47 //'O/ 10-21 28-41 29-48 30-55 32-03 50-2 52-4 54-8 57-2 5-27 5-47 -30 6-/0 6-54 7-49 30 33-// 0-59-6 117 114 /// 108' /05 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour T Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 49 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 25. 5 10 15' 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. m. h.ra. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h.m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 2 4 6 8 II 13 16 20 24 28 35 43 28 / 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 25 26 / / 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 24 / / 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 . 22 / 2 3 5 6 7 9 II 13 15 /8 22 1 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 29 35 ~ 18 g 16 3 3 5 7 8 10 tl 14 14 17 17 22 20 26 24 31 29 36 34 43 40 50 48 1-00 ^ 14 4 8 12 16 21 26 31 37 44 51 1-00 I'll 12 5 9 14 19 24 30 36 43 51 1-00 //O 1-22 10 5 10 16 22 28 34 41 49 57 1-08 1-16 1-19 1-33 8 6 12 18 24 31 38 46 55 1-05 1-29 1-44 6 7 13 20 27 35 43 51 1-01 I'll 1-24 1-38 1-54 4 7 15 22 30 38 47 56 1-07 1-18 1-31 1-47 2-04 + 2 8 16 24 32 41 51 1-01 1-12 1-25 1-39 1-56 2-15 - 2 8 17 26 35 45 55 1-06 1-18 1-32 1-47 2-04 2-25 9 18 28 38 48 59 I'll 1-24 1-38 1-55 2-13 2-35 4 40 20 30 40 51 1-03 1-16 1-30 1-45 2-02 2-22 2-45 6 10 21 32 43 55 1-07 1-21 1-35 1-52 2-10 2-31 2-55 8 II 22 34 45 58 /// 1-26 1-41 1-59 2-18 2-40 3-06 10 12 24 36 .48 1-01 //5 1-31 1-47 2-06 2-26 2-50 3-/6 I 12 12 25 38 51 1-05 /20 1-36 1-53 2-13 2-34 2-59 3-27 '% I* 13 26 40 54 1-08 /24 1-41 1-59 2-20 2-43 3-09 3-38 "> 16 | 18 14 14 28 29 42 44 56 59 1-12 1-16 /28 /33 1-46 1-52 2-06 2-12 2-27 2-35 2-51 3-00 3-19 3-29 3-50 4-02 & 20 15 30 46 1-02 1-19 /37 1-57 2-19 2-42 3-09 3-40 4-/5 22 16 32 48 1-05 1-23 /42 2-03 2-25 2-50 3-19 3-51 4-28 24 17 33 51 1-08 1-27 /47 2-09 2-33 2-59 3-29 4-03 4-42 26 17 35 53 1-12 1-31 1-52 2-/5 2-40 3-08 3-39 4-15 4-57 28 18 36 55 1-15 1-36 1-58 2-2/ 2-48 3-17 3-50 4-29 5-/4 - 30 19 38 58 1-18 1-40 2-03 2-28 2-56 3-27 4-02 4-44 5-33 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. TION. LATITUDE 25. ^NATION. AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINA 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 o - Q Amp. Dasc. + 30 i. m. 50 h. m. 1-00 h. m. //5 h. m. /46 h. m. i. m. 23 19 50 h. m. 36 24 1-01 h. m. 33 //5 h. m. 47 /35 h. m. 0-00 i. m. ) 0-0 28 26 24 22 28 9 8 24 33 10 10 28 39 12 II 31 49 14 13 36 1-07 18 16 42 /09 2-00 / 2 3 4 1-06 2-12 3-19 4-25 1-9 3-8 5-6 7-5 20 39 44 53 57 1-06 1-16 1-30 /47 2-09 2-35 5 5-31 0-09-4 18 16 14 12 53 1-06 1-19 1-31 59 //4 /28 /4/ 1-07 1-23 1-38 1-52 1-16 1-33 1-49 2-05 1-26 1-45 2-03 2-20 1-39 2-00 2-/9 2-37 1-55 2-17 2-38 2-57 2-/4 2-38 2-59 3-/9 2-37 3-01 3-24 3-44 3-03 3-28 3-5/ 4-/2 6 7 8 9 6-37 7-44 8-50 9-56 11-2 13-1 15-0 16-9 10 1-43 /54 2-06 2-20 2-36 2-54 3-/5 3-38 4-04 4-3/ 10 11-03 0-18-9 8 6 4 + 2 1-54 2-06 2-17 2-28 2-06 2-/8 2-30 2-42 2-19 2-33 2-46 2-58 2-34 2-49 3-02 3-16 2-52 3-07 3-21 3-36 3-11 3-27 3-42 3-58 3-32 3-49 4-06 4-22 3-56 4-/5 4-3/ 4-47 4-22 4-40 4-58 5-/5 4-50 5-08 5-26 5-43 II 12 13 14 12-09 13-16 14-22 15-29 20-8 22-8 24-7 26-7 2-39 2-54 3-11 3-30 3-50 4-13 4-38 5-04 5-32 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 16-36 0-28-7 -2 4 6 8 2-50 3-01 3-12 3-23 3-06 3-/S 3-30 3-42 3-24 3-36 3-49 4-03 3-43 3-57 4-11 4-25 4-05 4-20 4-34 4-49 4-29 4-44 5-00 5-16 4-54 5-/0 5-27 5-43 5-2/ 5-38 5-54 6-/2 5-49 6-06 6-23 6-41 6-17 6-34 6-52 7-10 17-42 18-49 19-56 21-03 30-7 32-8 34-9 37-0 10 3-35 3-54 4-/6 4-40 5-05 5-32 6-01 6-30 7-00 7-29 20 22-10 0-39-1 12 14 16 18 3-46 3-59 4-// 4-24 4-07 4-20 4-34 4-49 4-30 4-44 4-59 5-/5 4-55 5-10 5-26 5-2/ 5-49 6-07 6-26 6-47 6-19 6-38 6-58 7-21 6-49 7-09 7-3/ 7-54 7-19 7-40 8-02 8-27 7-48 8-09 8-32 8-57 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 23-18 24-25 25-32 26-40 41-2 43-4 45-7 47-9 5-38 5-56 6-15 5-44 20 4-38 5-04 5-29 6-03 6-35 7-10 7-46 8-2/ 8-55 9-25 27-48 0-50-2 22 24 26 28 4-53 5-09 5-2/ 5-38 5-5/ 6-11 6-34 7-01 6-23 6-47 7-/4 7-49 6-59 7-25 7-59 8-48 7-36 8-07 8-50 8-15 8-51 9-51 8-53 9-36 9-29 10-17 10-00 10-51 28-56 30-04 31-12 32-20 52-6 55-0 57-4 59-9 5-26 5-46 5-55 6-21 -30 6-08 6-48 7-37 8-46 30 33-29 1-02-5 117 114 111 108 /05 I02 C 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. LATITUDE 26. 5 10 /5 20 25 AziM 30 UTH. 35 40 45* 50 55 60 + 30 m. 2 m. 3 m. s h. m. 7 h. m. 9 h. m. // h. m. 13 h m. 16 h. m. 19 h. m. 23 h. m. 27 h. m. 34 28 26 24 d 22 / 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 // 13 16 / 2 2 3 2 5 3 6 4 8 5 /O 6 12 7 14 9 17 10 20 12 24 15 29 5 20 2 4 7 9 12 15 18 21 25 29 35 42 *" *K /2 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 /O 9 II 13 15 /2 15 18 21 16 19 23 26 19 24 28 32 23 29 34 39 28 34 40 46 33 40 47 54 38 47 56 1-04 45 55 1-05 1-15 54 1-06 1-17 1-28 /O 6 // 17 23 30 36 44 52 /O/ 1-12 1-24 1-38 8 6 4 + 2 6 7 8 8 /3 /4 /5 /6 19 21 23 25 26 28 31 34 33 36 40 43 41 45 49 53 49 54 59 1-03 58 1-04 1-09 1-15 /OS //5 1-21 1-28 1-20 1-27 1-35 1-43 1-33 1-42 1-51 1-59 1-49 1-59 2-09 2-19 2-29 9 /8 27 36 46 57 /OS 1-21 1-35 1-50 2-08 - 2 4 6 8 9 /O // // /9 20 2/ 23 29 31 33 35 39 4/ 44 47 49 53 56 59 1-01 1-05 1-09 1-13 //3 //8 /23 /28 1-26 1-32 1-38 1-44 1-41 1-48 1-55 2-01 1-58 2-06 2-13 2-21 2-17 2-26 2-34 2-43 2-39 2-49 2-59 3-09 10 12 24 36 49 /03 1-17 /33 1-49 2-08 2-29 2-53 3-/9 4 l2 1 U "rt /6 /s 13 13 14 15 25 27 28 29 38 40 43 45 52 54 58 1-00 /06 //O //3 1-17 1-21 1-26 1-30 1-34 /38 /43 /48 /53 1-55 2-01 2-08 2-14 2-15 2-22 2-29 2-37 2-37 2-45 2-54 3-02 3-02 3-11 3-21 3-31 3-30 3-4/ 3-52 4-04 3 20 15 31 47 1-03 1-21 1-39 /59 2-20 2-44 3-11 3-42 4-/6 22 24 26 28 16 17 18 18 32 34 35 37 49 51 54 56 1-06 1-09 1-13 1-16 /24 1-28 1-32 1-37 1-44 1-49 1-54 1-59 2-05 2-/0 2-/7 2-23 2-27 2-34 2-42 2-49 2-52 3-0/ 3-09 3-/9 3-21 3-30 3-41 3-52 3-53 4-04 4-16 4-30 4-29 4-43 4-58 5-/4 - 30 19 39 59 1-19 1-41 2-04 2-30 2-57 3-28 4-03 4-44 5-32 AZIMUT au pole deprime contimd /20 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, h LATITUDE 26. A 1/HoRIZON I VRAI. 1 DECLINA 63 66 69 72 Aziiv 75 IUTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. DiffTl Asc. [ +30 h. m. 39 h. m. 46 h. m. 57 h. m. 1-14 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. BQ. h. m. n m. / 0- GO h. m. I 0- 0-Oj 28 26 24 22 18 * 17 32 21 19 36 25 31 40 59 1-07 2-14 3-20 4-27 2-01 3-9 5-8] 7-81 22 41 25 47 30 55 36 /04 44 //6 56 1-31 /f3 1-51 /36 2-16 20 46 52 59 1-06 //6 /28 /42 2-00 2-22 2-47 5-34 0-09-8I 18 16 U 12 1-00 1-13 1-25 1-37 /07 1-21 1-34 1-47 1-15 1-30 1-45 1-59 1-24 1-41 1-57 2-12 I -36 1-54 2-11 2-27 /49 2-09 2-27 2-44 2-05 2-26 2-46 3-04 2-25 2-47 3-07 3-26 2-47 3-10 3-31 3-50 3-13 3-36 3-57 4-17 6-41 7-48 8-54 10-01 //8J /3-7 /5-7 I7-T\ 10 1-4-8 1-59 2-12 2-26 2-42 3-0/ 3-2/ 3-44 4-09 4-35 11-08 0-/9-7 8 6 4 + 2 1-59 2-11 2-21 2-32 2-12 2-23 2-35 2-47 2-25 2-38 2-50 3-03 2-40 2-54 3-07 3-2/ 2-57 3-12 3-26 3-40 3-16 3-32 3-47 4-02 3-38 3-54 4-/0 4-25 4-0/ 4-/S 4-34 4-50 4-26 4-43 5-00 5-16 4-53 5-10 5-27 5-44 //I/2-/5 12 \l3-23 I3\ 14-30 14 /537 2/-s] 23-d 25-9 27-9 2-43 2-58 3-/5 3-34 3-54 4-17 4-4/ 5-06 5-33 6-00 /5J/6-44 0-30-0 -2 4 6 8 2-54 3-04 3-/5 3-26 3-/0 3-2/ 3-33 3-45 3-28 3-40 3-52 4-05 3-47 4-00 4-/4 4-27 4-08 4-22 4-37 4-5/ 4-31 4-46 5-0/ 5-/7 4-56 5-/2 5-27 5-43 5-22 5-38 5-54 6-// 5-49 6-16 6-33 6-50 7-07 16 1/7-52 17 /8-59 /8 20-07 /9J2/-/4 32-2 34-3 36-5 38-7 6-05 6-22 6-39 10 3-37 3-57 4-18 4-4/ 5-06 5-32 6-00 6-28 6-57 7-25 20 22-22 0-40-9 12 14 16 18 3-49 4-0/ 4-/3 4-26 4-09 4-22 4-36 4-50 4-32 4-46 5-00 5-/5 4-56 5-// 5-27 5-43 5-22 5-38 5-55 6-/3 5-49 6-06 6-24 6-44 6-17 6-35 6-55 7-/6 6-46 7-05 7-26 7-48 7-/5 7-35 7-56 8-/S 7-43 8-03 8-24 8-47 2/23-30 22 24-38 23 25-46 24 26-54 433 45-5 47-8 50-2 20 4-39 5-05 5-32 6-01 6-33 7-05 7-39 8-/2 8-44 9-/3 25 28-03 0-52-6 22 24 26 28 4-54 5-09 5-26 5-44 5-20 5-37 5-56 6-/8 5-49 6-09 6-30 6-56 6-21 6-42 7-08 7-38 6-54 7-19 7-49 8-28 7-29 7-57 8-33 9-32 8-05 8-37 9-2/ 8-4/ 9-/6 10-12 9-/4 9-53 //05 9-44 /0-24 26 29-// 27 30-20 28 3 / -29 29 1 32 39 55-o] 57-6 /OO-/ 02-71 -30 6-05 6-43 7-27 8-22 30 33-48 /05-4 //7 114 ii r /08 105 /02 99 96 93 90 1 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 53 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 27. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. / m. 2 m. 4 h. m. 5 h. m. 7 h. m. 8 h. m. 10 h. m. 12 h. m. 14 h. m. 17 h. m. 20 h. m. 24 28 26 24 * 22 / 2 / / 2 4 / / 4 6 2 2 5 8 2 2 6 10 3 3 8 12 3 3 9 15 4 4 // 16 5 4 13 21 5 5 15 25 7 6 /8 30 8 8 22 35 2 20 3 5 8 // 14 17 21 24 29 34 40 48 1 " d 16 J 14 12 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 // 10 12 /4 16 14 17 19 22 17 21 25 28 22 26 30 34 26 31 36 41 31 37 43 49 37 44 51 58 43 52 1-00 1-08 51 1-01 1-10 1-19 1-00 I'll 1-22 1-33 10 6 12 18 25 31 39 46 55 1-05 1-16 1-28 1-43 8 6 4 + 2 7 7 8 8 13 15 16 17 20 22 24. 26 27 30 32 35 35 38 41 45 43 47 51 55 51 56 /O/ /06 1-01 1-07 1-12 1-18 1-12 1-18 1-25 1-31 1-23 1-31 1-39 1-46 1-37 1-46 1-55 2-03 1-53 2-03 2-13 2-23 / o 7- ^ 4 6 8 9 18 28 38 48 59 /// 1-23 1-38 1-54 2-12 2-33 10 10 II 12 20 21 22 23 30 32 33 35 40 43 45 48 51 54 58 1-01 1-03 1-07 I'll 1-15 //5 1-20 1-25 1-30 1-29 1-35 1-40 1-46 1-44 1-51 1-57 2-03 2-01 2-09 2-16 2-24 2-20 2-29 2-38 2-46 2-42 2-52 3-02 3-/2 10 12 25 37 50 1-04 1-19 1-35 1-52 2-11 2-32 2-55 3-22 3 l2 1 /4 S / '* 13 U 14 15 26 27 29 30 39 4} 43 45 53 56 58 1-01 1-08 I'll 1-15 I'I8 1-23 1-27 1-32 1-36 1-40 1-45 1-50 1-55 1-58 2-04 2-10 2-16 2-17 2-24 2>3I 2-39 2-39 2-48 2-56 3-04 3-04 3-/4 3-23 3-33 3-32 3-43 3-54 4-06 ^20 16 31 47 1-04 l>22 /-40 2>OI 2-22 2-46 3/3 3-43 4-/8 22 24 26 28 16 17 J8 19 33 34 36 37 50 52 54 57 1-07 //O 1-13 1-17 l>26 1-30 1-34 1-38 1-45 1-50 1-55 2-00 2-06 2-12 2-18 2-24 2'29 2-36 2-43 2-51 2-54 3-02 3-11 3-20 3-22 3-32 3-42 3-53 3-54 4-05 4-/7 4>30 4-30 4-43 4-58 5-/3 - 30 19 39 59 1-20 1-42 2-06 2-3/ 2-59 3-29 4-P4 4-44 5-30 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 54 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 27. DECLINATION. AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 i. m. 29 h. m. 34 h. m. 4/ h. m. 51 h. m. //2 h. m. h. m. h. m. 33 //4 1-46 h. m. 46 /33 2-06 h. m. / 0-00 i. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 9 9 25 39 10 10 29 44 12 II 32 50 15 13 36 57 /8 16 43 1-06 24 19 50 1-16 38 26 1-01 1-29 1-07 1-56 2-30 / 2 3 4 1-07 2-15 3-22 4-29 2-0 4- 1 6-1 8-2 20 53 1-00 1-07 1-16 1-26 1-38 1-53 2- II 2-33 2-58 5 5-37 0-10 2 18 16 14 12 1-06 1-19 1-31 1-42 //4 /27 /40 1-53 1-23 1-37 1-51 2-05 1-33 /49 2-04 2-18 /45 2-02 2-/8 2-34 1-59 2-17 2-34 2-57 2-15 2-35 2-53 3-10 2-34 2-55 3-/4 3-32 2-56 3-18 3-37 3-56 3-22 3-43 4-03 4-21 6 7 8 9 6-44 7-52 8-59 10-07 12-3 14-3 16-4 18-5 10 1-54 2-05 2-18 2-32 2-48 3-07 3-27 3-49 4-13 4-39 10 11-14 0-20-6 8 6 4 + 2 2-05 2-15 2-26 2-36 2-17 2-28 2-40 2-51 2-31 2-43 2-55 3-07 2-46 2-59 3-/2 3-25 3-03 3-/7 3-3/ 3-44 3-22 3-37 3-51 4-05 3-43 3-58 4-/3 4-28 4-06 4-2/ 4-37 4-53 4-30 4-46 5-02 5-18 4-56 5-12 5-28 5-44 II 12 13 14 12-22 13-30 14-37 15-45 22-7 24-9 27-0 29-2 2-47 3-02 3-/9 3-38 3-58 4-20 4-43 5-08 5-34 6-00 15 16-53 0-31-4 - 2 4 6 8 2-57 3-08 3-/8 3-29 3-/3 3-25 3-36 3-48 3-3/ 3-43 3-55 4-08 3-50 4-03 4-/6 4-29 4-11 4-25 4-39 4-53 4-34 4-48 5-03 5-/7 4-58 5-13 5-28 5-43 5-23 5-39 5-54 6-10 5-49 6-05 6-21 6-37 6-16 6-32 6-48 7-04 16 17 18 19 18-01 19-09 20-18 21-26 33-6 35-8 38-1 40-4 10 3-40 3-59 4-20 4-43 5-07 5-33 5-59 6-27 6-54 7-21 20 22-34 0-42-8 12 14 16 18 3-51 4-03 4-15 4-27 4-/2 4-24 4-37 4-5/ 4-33 4-47 5-0/ 5-16 4-57 5-11 5-22 5-48 6-05 6-22 6-4/ 6-16 6-33 6-51 7-11 6-44 7-02 7-2/ 7-4/ 7-12 7-30 7-50 8-11 7-39 7-57 8-17 8-38 21 22 23 24 23-43 24-52 26-01 27-10 45-1 47-5 50-0 52-4 5-37 5-54 6-11 5-27 5-43 20 4-40 5-05 5-31 6-00 6-30 7-01 7-33 8-04 8-34 9-02 25 28-19 0-55-0 22 24 26 28 4-54 5-09 5-25 5-43 5-20 5-36 5-55 6-15 5-48 6-07 6-27 6-50 6-18 6-39 7-02 7-30 6-50 7-13 7-40 8-14 7-23 7-49 8-20 9-03 7-57 8-25 9-02 10-04 8-30 9-01 9-43 9-02 9-35 10-21 9-30 10-04 10-53 26 27 28 29 29-28 30-38 31-48 32-58 57-6 1-00-2 02-9 05-6 -30 6-02 6-38 7-/9 8-06 9-07 30 34-08 1-08-4 1 17 114 ///' /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 55 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 28. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. / ra. 2 h. m. 2 h. m. 3 h. m. 4 h. m. 5 h. m. 7 h. m. 8 h. m. 9 h. m. // h. m. 13 h. m. 1 16 28 26 24 d 22 "73 / 2 2 2 3 5 2 5 7 3 6 9 4 8 12 5 10 15 6 12 18 7 15 21 9 17 25 10 20 30 12 24 35 15 29 42 1 20 rt 3 6 9 12 16 19 23 28 33 39 46 54 I a *.!! 72 4 4 5 6 7 9 10 // II 13 15 17 15 18 21 23 20 23 26 30 24 28 32 37 29 34 39 44 34 40 46 52 40 48 55 1-01 47 56 1-04 1-12 56 1-05 1-15 1-24 1-06 1-17 1-28 1-38 /O 6 13 19 26 33 41 49 58 1-08 1-20 1-33 1-48 8 6 4 + 2 7 8 8 9 14 15 16 '*, 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 36 40 43 46 45 49 53 57 54 59 1-03 1-08 1-04 1-09 1-15 1-20 1-15 1-21 1-28 1-34 1-27 1-35 1-42 1-50 1-42 1-50 1-59 2-07 1-58 2-08 2-17 2-27 9 19 29 39 49 1-01 1-13 1-26 1-41 1-57 2-15 2-36 o 4 6 8 10 II II 12 20 21 23 24 31 32 34 36 41 44 46 49 53 56 59 1-02 1-05 1-09 1-13 1-17 1-17 1-22 1-27 1-32 1-32 1-37 1-43 1-48 1-47 1-53 2-00 2-06 2-04 2-12 2-19 2-27 2-24 2-32 2-41 2-49 2-46 2-56 3-05 3-15 /O 13 25 38 52 1-06 1-21 1-37 1-54 2-13 2-34 2-58 3-25 .3 12 1 u 3 /* l8 13 14 14 15 26 28 29 30 40 42 44 46 54 57 1-00 1-02 1-09 1-12 1-16 1-19 1-25 1-29 1-33 1-37 1-41 1-46 1-51 1-57 2-00 2-06 2-12 2-18 2-20 2-27 2-34 2-41 2-42 2-50 2-58 3-06 3-07 3-16 3-25 3-35 3-35 3-45 3-56 4-07 20 16 32 48 1-05 1-23 1-42 2-02 2-24 2-48 3-15 3-45 4-/9 22 24 26 28 17 17 18 19 33 35 36 38 50 53 55 57 1-08 I'll 1-14 1-18 1-27 1-31 1-35 1-39 1-47 1-51 1-56 2-01 2-08 2-13 2-19 2-26 2-31 2-37 2-45 2-52 2-56 3-04 3-12 3-21 3-24 3-33 3-43 3-54 3-56 4-07 4-18 4-31 4-31 4-44 4-58 5-13 - 30 20 39 1-00 1-21 1-43 2-07 2-32 3-00 3-31 4-05 4-44 5-29 AZIMUT au pole deprime continue 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du mme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 28. DECLINATION. A L'HORIZON VRAI. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. +30 h. m. 19 h. m. 22 h. m. 25 h. m. 32 h. m. 4/ h. m. /04 h. m. h.. m. h. m. h. m. 1 2 3 4 5 o ; 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 2S 26 24 22 /08 2-/6 3-24 4-32 2-1 4-3 6-4 8-5 17 32 47 19 36 52 22 4/ 59 25 47 1-07 30 55 1-16 36 /04 /27 44 1-15 1-41 55 /30 J-58 1-12 1-48 2-18 /34 2-/3 2-42 20 1-00 1-07 1-15 /24 1-35 /48 2-04 2-22 2-43 3-07 5-40 0-10-7 18 16 14 12 1-13 1-25 1-37 1-48 1-21 /34 /46 1-59 1-30 1-44 /58 2-11 1-41 1-56 2-11 2-24 1-53 2-09 2-25 2-40 2-07 2-25 2-4/ 2-57 2-24 2-43 3-00 3-/6 2-43 3-03 3-2/ 3-38 3-05 3-25 3-43 4-0/ 3-29 3-49 4-08 4-26 6 7 8 9 6-48 7-56 9-04 10-12 12-8 15-0 17-1 19-3 10 1-59 2-10 2-23 2-38 2-54 3-12 3-32 3-54 4-78 4-43 10 11-21 0-21-5 8 6 4 + 2 2-09 2-19 2-30 2-40 2-22 2-33 2-44 2-55 2-36 2-48 3-00 3-ii 2-5/ 3-04 3-16 3-29 3-08 3-22 3-35 3-48 3-27 3-41 3-55 4-09 3-47 4-02 4-/7 4-3/ 4-/0 4-25 4-40 4-55 4-34 4-49 5-04 5-20 4-59 5-/4 5-30 5-45 u 12 13 14 Ts 12-29 13-37 14-46 15-54 23-7 25-9 28-2 30-5 2-51 3-06 3-23 3-4i 4-0/ 4-23 4-45 5-/0 5-35 6-00 17-03 0-32-8 - 2 4 6 8 3-01 3-il 3-22 3-32 3-/7 3-28 3-39 3-50 3-35 3-46 3-58 4-/0 3-54 4-06 4-/9 4-3 / 4- 14 4-27 4-4/ 4-54 4-36 4-50 5-04 5-/8 5-00 5-/4 5-29 5-43 5-24 5-39 5-54 6-09 5-49 6-05 6-20 6-35 6-15 6-30 6-46 7-01 16 17 18 19 18-11 ',19-20 20-29 21-38 35-1 37-4 39-8 42-2 10 3-43 4-02 4-22 4-45 5-08 5-33 5-59 6-25 6-51 7-17 20 22-47 0-44-6 12 14 16 18 3-53 4-05 4-/6 4-28 4-/4 4-26 4-38 4-5/ 4-35 4-48 5-02 5-/6 4-58 5-/2 5-27 5-42 5-22 5-48 6-04 6-20 6-38 6-14 6-31 6-48 7-07 6-41 6-58 7-17 7-36 7-08 7-26 7-44 8-04 7-34 7-52 8-// 8-3 / 21 22 23 24 25 23-57 25-06 26-16 27-26 47-1 49-6 52-2 54-8 5-37 5-53 6-09 20 4-4/ 5-05 5-3/ 5-58 6-27 6-57 7-27 7-57 8-26 8-53 28-36 0-57-4 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-09 5-24 5-4/ 5-20 5-36 5-53 6-12 5-47 6-05 6-24 6-46 6-16 6-35 6-57 7-23 6-46 7-08 7-32 8-02 7-/S 7-4 / 8-09 8-45 7-50 8-/5 8-47 9-3/ 8-21 8-49 9-24 JO-19 8-5/ 9-2/ 9-57 //09 9-/S 9-47 /0-26 26 27 28 29 29-46 30-57 32-07 33-18 1-00-1 02-9 05-7 08-6 -30 6-00 6-34 7-1 1 7-54 8-43 9.49 30 34-29 1-11-5 //7 114 1 1 r 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 57 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 29. 5 10 15 20 25 Azu 30 IUTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. m. / h.m h.m h. m h.m h.m h.m h.m h.m 6 h.m h. m. 28 26 24 ,; 22 Ti / 2 3 / 2 4 5 6 8 | 8 // t 6 10 14 8 13 17 9 15 21 // /8 25 13 21 29 16 25 35 6 19 30 41 22 36 48 I 20 3 7 10 14 18 22 26 31 37 43 51 1-00 ^ 18 %'t 12 4 5 5 6 8 9 // 12 12 14 16 18 17 19 22 25 21 25 28 32 26 30 35 39 32 37 42 47 38 44 49 55 44 51 58 1-05 52 1-00 /OS //6 1-01 //O 1-19 1-28 1-12 1-22 1-33 1-43 10 7 13 20 27 35 43 52 1-01 1-12 /23 1-37 1-53 8 6 4 + 2 7 8 8 9 15 16 17 18 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 38 38 41 45 48 47 51 55 59 56 1-01 1-06 I'll 1-07 1-12 1-18 1-23 1-18 1-24 1-31 1-37 1-31 1-38 1-45 1-53 1-46 1-54 2-02 2-11 2-03 2-12 2-21 2-31 10 20 30 40 51 1-03 1-15 1-29 1-43 2-00 2-19 2-40 - 2 4 6 8 10 II 12 12 21 22 23 24 31 33 35 37 43 45 48 50 54 57 t-OI 1-04 1-06 //O 1-14 1-18 1-20 1-24 1-29 1-34 1-34 1-39 1-45 1-50 1-50 1-56 2-02 2-09 2-07 2-15 2-22 2-29 2-27 2-35 2-44 2-52 2-49 2-59 3-08 3-/7 10 13 26 39 53 1-07 1-22 1-38 1-56 2-/5 2-37 3-0/ 3-27 S 12 I 14 3 16 l8 g~5o~ 13 14 15 15 27 28 30 31 4/ 43 45 47 55 58 1-01 1-03 //O 1-14 1-17 1-21 1-26 1-30 1-35 1-39 1-43 1-48 1-53 1-58 2-02 2-08 2-/4 2-20 2-22 2-29 2-36 2-43 2-44 2-52 3-00 3-08 3-09 3-/8 3-27 3-37 3-37 3-47 3-58 4-09 16 32 49 1-06 1-24 1-43 2-04 2-26 2-50 3-/7 3-47 4-20 22 24 26 28 17 18 18 19 34 35 37 38 51 53 56 58 1-09 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-28 1-32 1-36 40 1-48 1-53 1-57 2-02 2-09 2-15 2-21 2-27 2-32 2-39 2-46 2-53 2-58 3-06 3-/4 3-22 3-26 3-35 3-45 3-55 3-57 4-08 4-/9 4-3/ 4-32 4-44 4-58 5-/2 - 30 20 40 1-00 1-22 44 2-08 2-33 3-0/ 3-32 4-06 4-44 5-28 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 29. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/| 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 9 h. m. // h. m. 12 h. in. 15 h. m. 19 h. m. 25 h. m. 40 h. m. 33 //4 /44 2-09 h. m. 45 t-31 2-03 2-30 h. m. 1-06 1-53 2-26 2-5.3 6 / 0-00 h. m. -0-0 28 26 24 22 9 25 40 54 10 28 45 1-00 II 32 50 1-07 13 37 57 1-16 16 43 /06 /26 19 51 1-16 1-38 25 hOI 1-29 1-52 / 2 3 4 5 /09 2-/7 3-26 4-34 2-2 4-4 6-7 8-9 20 1-07 1-14 1-23 1-32 /44 1-57 2-13 2-3/ 2-52 3-16 5-43 O-ll-l 18 16 U 12 1-19 1-31 /42 1-53 1-27 1-40 1-52 2-04 1-37 1-51 2-04 2-/7 1-4.8 2-03 2-17 2-30 2-01 2-17 2-3/ 2-46 2-15 2-32 2-48 3-03 2-32 2-50 3-06 3-22 2-5/ 3- 10 3-27 3-43 3-13 3-32 3-49 4-06 3-36 3-55 4-13 4-30 6 7 8 9 6-52 8-0/ 9-09 /0-/8 13-4 15-7 17-9 20-1 10 2-04 2-A6 2-29 2-43 3-00 3-/S 3-37 3-59 4-22 4-46 5-01 5-16 5-31 5-46 10 II 12 13 14 //27 0-22-6 8 6 4 + 2 2-/4 2-24 2-34 2-44 2-27 2-38 2-48 2-59 2-4/ 2-52 3-04 3-/5 2-55 3-08 3-21 3-33 3-/3 3-26 3-39 3-52 3-32 3-45 3-59 4-.' 2 3-52 4-06 4-20 4-34 4-14 4-28 4-43 4-57 4-37 4-52 5-07 5-21 J2-36 13-45 14-54 16-03 24-7 27-1 29-4 31-8 2-54 3-/0 3-27 3-45 4-04 4-25 4-48 5-11 5-35 6-00 15 17-13 0-34-2 2 4 6 8 3-04 3-/4 3-24 3-35 3-20 3-3/ 3-42 3-53 3-38 3-49 4-0/ 4-/2 3-57 4-09 4-2/ 4-34 4-/7 4-30 4-42 4-56 4-39 4-52 5-05 5-/9 5-0/ 5-J5 5-29 5-43 5-25 5-39 5-50 6-04 6-19 6-34 6-14 6-29 6-44 6-59 16 17 18 19 18-22 19-32 20-41 21-51 36-5 39-0 41-5 44-0 5-54 6-08 10 3-45 4-04 4-24 4-46 5-09 5-33 5-58 6-26 6-49 7-14 20 23-01 0-46-6 12 14 16 18 3-56 4-07 4-18 4-30 4-/5 4-27 4-39 4-52 4-36 4-49 5-02 5-16 4-59 5-/2 5-26 5-4/ 5-23 5-48 6-03 6-18 6-35 6-13 6-29 6-45 7-03 6-39 6-55 7-13 7-31 7-05 7-22 7-39 7-58 7-30 7-47 8-05 8-24 21 22 23 24 24-11 25-22 26-32 27-43 49-1 51-8 54-4 57-2 5-37 5-52 6-08 20 4-42 5-05 5-30 5-57 6-25 6-53 7-22 7-51 8-18 8-44 25 28-54 0-59-9 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-09 5-24 5-40 5-20 5-35 5-5/ 6-fO 5-46 6-03 6-21 6-42 6-14 6-32 6-53 7-/6 6-43 7-03 7-26 7-53 7-/3 7-35 8-00 8-3/ 7-43 8-07 8-35 9-11 8-13 8-38 9-08 9-50 8-41 9-07 9-39 10-25 9-07 9-34 10-07 10-54 26 27 28 29 30-05 31-16 32-28 33-40 1-02-7 05-6 08-6 11-6 -30 5-58 6-30 7-05 7-44 8-27 9-15 10-15 30 34-52 1-14-7 117 114 /// /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 59 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 30. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIN 30 [UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 28 26 24 ,22 m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. .h. m. 'h. m. h. m h. m h. m. h. m. / 2 2 3 2 3 5 6 2 5 7 5 3 6 /O /2 4 8 /2 16 5 10 15 20 6 12 18 24 8 15 22 28 9 17 26 33 // 21 30 39 13 25 36 46 15 29 42 55 .- 20 4 7 // :/5 20 24 29 35 41 48 56 1-06 ^ 18 # 16 * 14 12 4 5 6 6 9 /O // 13 13 15 17 19 /8 21 23 26 23 27 30 33 28 33 37 41 34 39 44 49 41 47 53 58 48 55 1-02 1-08 56 1-04 1-12 1-20 1-06 1-15 1-24 1-33 1-17 1-28 1-38 1-48 10 7 14. 21 29 37 45 54 1-04 1-15 1-27 1-41 1-57 8 6 4 + 2 8 8 9 9 15 16 18 19 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 39 40 43 46 49 49 53 57 1-01 59 1-03 1-08 1-13 1-09 1-15 1-20 1-26 1-21 1-28 1-34 1-40 1-35 1-42 1-49 1-56 1-50 1-58 2-06 2-14 2-07 2-16 2-25 2-34 10 20 31 4/ 52 1-04 1-17 1-31 1-46 2-03 2-22 2-44 2 4 6 8 II II 12 12 21 23 24 25 32 34 36 38 44 46 49 51 56 59 1-02 1-05 1-08 1-12 1-16 1-20 1-22 1-26 1-31 1-36 1-36 1-42 1-47 1-53 1-52 1-59 2-05 2-11 2-10 2-17 2-25 2-32 2-30 2-38 2 -46 2-55 2-53 3-02 3-11 3-20 10 13 26 40 54 1-08 1-24 1-40 1-58 2-18 2-39 3-03 3-30 3 /2 1 14 jj l6 /8 ^ 14 14 15 16 28 29 30 31 42 44 46 48 56 59 /02 /04 1-12 1-15 /V8 /22 1-28 1-32 1-36 1-40 1-45 1-50 1-55 2-00 2-04 2-10 2-15 2-21 2-24 2-31 2-38 2-45 2-47 2-54 3-02 3-10 3-/2 3-20 3-29 3-38 3-39 3-49 3-59 4-10 20 16 33 50 /07 /25 1-45 2-05 2-28 2-52 3-18 3-48 4-21 22 24 25 28 17 18 18 19 34 36 37 39 52 54 56 59 //O //3 //6 //9 /29 /33 /37 1-41 1-49 1-54 1-59 2-04 2-11 2-16 2-22 2-28 2-34 2-40 2-47 2-55 2-59 3-07 3-/5 3-24 3-27 3-36 3-46 3-56 3-58 4-09 4-20 4-32 4-33 4-45 4-58 5-12 - 30 20 40 /O/ /'23 1-45 2-09 2-34 3-02 3-33 4-06 4-44 5-27 AZIMUT au pole deprime continue 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du mcme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 60 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 30. DECLINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. # h. m. h. m. h. m. h, m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. fa. m. / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 17 33 47 1-00 19 37 53 1-07 22 42 59 1-1.5 26 48 1-07 1-24 30 55 1-16 1-35 36 1-04 1-28 I -48 44 / -/5 1-40 2-02 55 7-29 /58 2-20 /// / -47 2-16 2-40 /32 2-09 2 -38 3-02 / 2 3 4 1-09 2-19 3-28 4-37 2-3 4-6 6-9 9-3 20 1-13 1-21 1-30 1 -40 1-52 2-06 2-22 2-40 3-01 3-24 5 5-47 0-11-6 18 16 14 12 1-25 1-36 1-47 1-58 /34 1-46 1-58 2-09 1-44 1-57 2-10 2-22 1-55 2-09 2-23 2-36 2-08 2-23 2-38 2-52 2-23 2-39 2-54 3-09 2-40 2-57 3-/2 3-27 2-59 3-16 3-33 3-48 3-20 3-38 3-54 4-10 3-43 4-01 4-18 4-34 6 7 8 9 10 6-56 8-05 9-15 10-24 13-9 16-3 18-6 21-0 10 2-08 2-2/ 2-34 2-49 3-05 3-23 3-42 4-03 4-25 4-49 1 1 -34 0-23-4 8 6 4 + 2 2-19 2-28 2-38 2-48 2-3/ 2-42 2-53 3-0.3 2-45 2-57 3-08 3-19 3-01 3-13 3-25 3-36 3- IS 3-30 3-43 3-55 3-36 3-49 4-02 4-15 3-56 4-09 4-23 4-36 4-17 4-31 4-45 4-59 4-40 4-54 5-08 5-22 5-04 5-18 5-32 5-46 11 12 13 14 /2-44 /3-53 /5-03 16-13 25-8 28-2 30-6 33-/ 2-58 31-3 3-30 3-48 4-07 4-28 4-50 5-13 5-36 6-00 15 17-23 0-35-6 -2 4 6 8 3-08 3-17 3-27 3-37 3-24 3-34 3-45 3-55 3-41 3-52 4-03 4-/4 4-00 4-11 4-23 4-35 4-19 4-32 4-44 4-57 4-41 4-53 5-06 5-20 5-03 5-16 5-31 5-43 5-26 5-40 5-54 6-08 5-50 6-04 6-18 6-32 6-14 6-28 6-42 6-56 16 17 18 19 18-34 19-44 20-54 22-05 38- / 40-7 43-2 45-9 10 3-47 4-06 4-26 4-47 5-10 5-33 5-57 6-22 6-47 7-11 20 23-16 0-48-5 12 14 16 18 3-58 4-08 4-/9 4-3/ 4-/7 4-29 4-40 4-53 4-38 4-50 5-03 5-16 5-00 5-/3 5-26 5-4/ 5-23 5-37 5-51 6-06 5-47 6-02 6-17 6-33 6-12 6-27 6-43 6-59 6-37 6-53 7-09 7-26 7-02 7-18 7-34 7-52 7-26 7-42 7-59 8-17 21 22 23 24 24-27 25-38 26-49 28-01 5/-2 54-0 56-7 59-6 20 4-43 5-06 5-30 5-56 6-22 6-50 7-17 7-45 8- II 8-36 25 29-13 1-02-5 22 24 26 28 4^55 5-09 5-23 5-39 5-/9 5-34 5-50 6-07 5-45 6-01 6-18 6-38 6-/2 6-29 6-48 7-/0 6-40 6-58 7-20 7-45 7-08 7-28 7-52 8-20 7-37 7-59 8-24 8-55 8-05 8-27 8-56 9-30 8-32 8-56 9-25 10-01 8-58 9-22 9-51 10-28 26 27 28 29 30-25 3/-37 32-50 34-03 05-4 08-4 11-5 14-7 -30 5-56 6-27 7-00 7-36 8-15 8-56 9-39 /0-25 11-12 12-00 30 35- / 6 1-17-9 //7 e 114 /// /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le c&t polaire du Premier Vertical. 61 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 3/. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 | 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. m. 1 h. m. 0- / h. m. 0- 2 h. m. 0- 2 h. m. 0- 3 h. m. 0- 3 h. m. 0- 4 h.m. 0- 5 h. m. 0- 5 h. m. 0- 7 h. m. 0- 8 28 26 24 22 3 / 2 3 3 2 4 5 7 4 6 8 10 5 8 // /4 6 10 14 18 8 13 17 22 9 15 21 27 // /8 25 32 13 22 30 37 16 26 35 44 19 30 41 51 23 36 49 /O/ ;i 2 4 8 0-12 0-/7 0-21 0-26 0-32 0-38 0-45 0-52 1-01 1-12 3 18 3 16 14 12 5 5 6 7 10 II 12 13 /4 16 18 20 20 22 25 28 25 28 32 35 31 35 39 43 37 42 47 52 44 50 56 /O/ 52 59 1-05 1-12 1-00 1-08 1-16 1-24 /// /20 /28 /37 1-23 1-33 1-43 i-52 10 7 15 0-22 0-30 0-38 0-47 0-56 /07 1-18 1-31 /45 2-02 8 6 4 + 2 8 9 9 /O 16 17 18 20 24 26 28 30 33 35 38 40 41 45 48 51 51 55 59 1-02 /O/ /06 //O 1-15 //2 //8 /23 /28 1-24 1-31 1-37 1-43 1-38 1-45 1-52 1-59 /53 2-02 2-/0 2-/7 2-11 2-20 2-29 2-38 10 21 0-3/ 0-42 0-54 1-06 1-19 /33 1-49 2-06 2-25 2-47 2 4 6 8 II 12 12 13 22 23 24 26 33 35 37 39 45 47 50 52 57 1-00 1-03 1-07 1-10 1-14 1-18 1-22 1-24 1-28 1-33 1-38 /39 /44 /49 /55 1-55 2-01 2-07 2-14 2-/3 2-20 2-27 2-34 2-33 2-4/ 2-49 2-57 2-56 3-05 3-/4 3-23 10 13 27 0-4/ 0-55 1-10 1-25 1-42 2-00 2-20 2-42 3-05 3-32 3 12 1 14 '* 16 * /8 14 15 15 16 28 29 31 32 43 44 46 48 58 1-00 1-03 1-05 1-13 1-16 1-20 1-23 1-29 1-33 1-38 1-42 1-47 1-52 1-57 2-02 2-06 2-11 2-17 2-23 2-26 2-33 2-39 2-46 2-49 2-56 3-04 3-/2 3-/4 3-22 3-3/ 3-40 3-4/ 3-5/ 4-0/ 4-11 1 20 17 33 0-50 1-08 1-27 1-46 2-07 2-29 2-53 3-20 3-49 4-22 22 24 26 29 17 18 19 19 35 36 38 39 53 55 57 59 /// //4 1-17 1-20 1-30 1-34 1-38 1-42 1-50 1-55 2-00 2-05 2-12 2-18 2-23 2-29 2-35 2-42 2-49 2-56 3-0/ 3-08 3-/6 3-25 3-29 3-38 3-47 3-56 3-59 4-/0 4-20 4-32 4-33 4-45 4-58 5-11 - 30 20 41 1-02 1-23 1-46 2-/0 2-35 3-03 3-33 4-07 4-44 5-26 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. /TION. 1 LATITUDE 3/. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 0- 9 h. m. 0-/0 h. m. 0-/2 h. m. 0-/4 h. m. 0-/6 h. m. 0-20 h. m. 0-25 h. m. 0-33 h. m. 0-45 h. m. 1-04 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 25 40 54 1-07 29 45 1-00 //4 32 51 1-07 1-23 37 58 1-16 1-32 43 1-06 1-27 1-44 51 1-16 1-37 1-57 1-02 1-28 1-51 2-11 //3 /43 2-08 2-29 1-30 2-01 2-27 2-49 1-51 2-23 2-49 3-11 / 2 3 4 //o 2-20 3-30 4-40 2-4 4-8 7-2 9-6 20 1-19 1-27 1-37 1-4.8 2-00 2-14 2-30 2-48 3-09 3-31 5 5-50 0-12-0 18 16 14 12 1-31 /42 1-53 2-03 1-40 1-52 2-03 2-15 1-50 2-03 2-15 2-27 2-02 2-16 2-29 2-41 2-15 2-30 2-44 2-57 2-30 2-46 3-00 3-14 2-47 3-03 3-18 3-33 3-06 3-22 3-38 3-53 3-27 3-43 3-59 4-/4 3-49 4-06 4-22 4-37 6 7 8 9 7-00 8-/0 9-2/ 10-31 14-5 16-9 19-4 21-9 10 2-13 2-25 2-39 2-54 3-/0 3-27 3-46 4-07 4-29 4-52 10 11-41 0-24-3 8 6 4 + 2 2-23 2-33 2-42 2-52 2-36 2-46 2-56 3-07 2-50 3-01 3-12 3-23 3-05 3-17 3-28 3-40 3-22 3-34 3-46 3-58 3-40 3-53 4-06 4-18 4-00 4-13 4-26 4-39 4-2/ 4-34 4-48 5-0/ 4-43 4-57 5-/0 5-24 5-06 5-20 5-33 5-47 II 12 13 14 7s 12-52 14-02 15-13 16-24 26-8 29-4 31-9 34-5 3-01 3-/7 3-33 3-51 4-/0 4-30 4-52 5-/4 5-37 6-00 17-34 0-37- 1 - 2 4 6 8 3-11 3-20 3-30 3-4.0 3-27 3-37 3-47 3-57 3-44 3-55 4-05 4-16 4-02 4-14 4-25 4-37 4-22 4-34 4-46 4-58 4-43 4-55 5-08 5-20 5-04 5-17 5-30 5-43' 5-27 5-40 5-53 6-07 5-50 6-03 6-17 6-31 6-/3 6-27 6-40 6-54 16 17 18 19 20 18-45 19-57 21-08 22-19 39-7 42-3 45-0 47-8 10 3-49 4-08 4-28 4-48 5-/0 5-33 5-47 6-0/ 6-15 6-30 5-57 6-21 6-45 7-08 23-31 0-50-5 12 14 16 18 3-59 4-/0 4-2/ 4-32 4-/9 4-30 4-4/ 4-53 4-39 4-5/ 5-03 5-16 5-0/ 5-/3 5-26 5-40 5-23 5-36 5-50 6-05 6-11 6-25 6-40 6-56 6-35 6-50 7-05 7-22 7-00 7-/4 7-30 7-47 7-23 7-38 7-54 8-// 21 22 23 24 24-43 25-55 27-07 28-20 53-3 56-2 59-1 1-02-1 20 4-43 5-06 5-29 5-54 6-20 6-47 7-/3 7-39 8-05 8-29 25 26 27 28 29 29-32 1-05-1 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-/9 5-33 5-48 6-05 5-44 5-59 6-/6 6-34 6-/0 6-26 6-44 7-05 6-37 6-54 7-/4 7-37 7-04 7-23 7-45 8-/0 7-32 7-52 8-15 8-41 7-59 8-20 8-45 9-/4 8-25 8-47 9-/2 9-44 8-49 9-11 9-37 10-09 30-45 31-59 33-13 34-27 08-2 11-3 14-5 17-8 5-08 5-22 5-37 -30 5-54 6-23 6-55 7-28 8-04 8-4/ 9-18 9-55 /0-28 10-56 30 35-41 1-21-2 117 114 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 32. 5 10 15' 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 / 2 0- 3 0- 3 0- 4 0- 5 0- 6 0- 8 0- 9 0-11 0-/3 0-/6 28 2 3 5 6 8 10 13 15 /8 21 25 30 26 2 5 7 9 12 15 18 22 26 31 36 43 24 3 6 9 12 16 20 24 29 34 40 47 55 2I 0-15-7 18 16 U 12 2-07 2-16 2-25 2-33 2-18 2-27 2-37 2-46 2-30 2-40 2-49 2-59 2-42 2-52 3-03 3-/3 2-56 3-07 3-/S 3-28 3-// 3-23 3-34 3-44 3-27 3-39 3-50 4-01 3-44 3-56 4-08 4-/9 4-02 4-/5 4-26 4-38 4-22 4-34 4-46 4-57 6 7 8 9 To 7-37 8-54 10-10 11-27 18-8 22-0 25-2 28-4 10 2-42 2-54 3-08 3-22 3-38 3-55 4-/2 4-30 4-49 5-08 12-44 0-31-7 8 6 4 + 2 2-50 2-58 3-06 3-14 3-03 3'll 3-20 3-28 3-/7 3-26 3-35 3-44 3-32 3-4/ 3-50 3-59 3-48 3-58 4-07 4-/7 4-05 4-15 4-24 4-34 4-22 4-32 4-42 4-52 4-40 4-5/ 5-01 5-11 4-59 5-/0 5-20 5-30 5-19 5-29 5-39 5-50 // 12 13 14 14-01 15-18 16-35 17-53 34-9 38-2 41-6 44-9 3-22 3-37 3-52 4-08 4-26 4-44 5-02 5-21 5-4/ 6-00 15 19-10 0-48-3 -2 4 6 8 3-29 3-37 3-45 3-53 3-45 3-53 4-02 4-/0 4-01 4-/0 4-/S 4-27 4-/7 4-26 4-36 4-45 4-35 4-45 4-54 5-04 4-53 5-03 5-13 5-23 5-12 5-22 5-32 5-42 5-31 5-41 5-52 6-02 5-51 6-01 6-11 6-22 6-/0 6-21 6-31 6-41 16 17 18 19 20-28 21-47 23-05 24-24 51-8 55-3 58-8 1-02-4 10 4-02 4-/9 4-36 4-54 5-/4 5-33 5-53 6-13 6-33 6-52 20 25-43 1-06-1 12 .14 16 18 4-/0 4-18 4-27 4-36 4-27 4-36 4-46 4-55 4-46 4-55 5-05 5-15 5-04 5-/4 5-24 5-35 5-24 5-34 5-45 5-56 5-43 5-54 6-05 6-16 6-03 6-/4 6-26 6-37 6-23 6-35 6-46 6-58 6-43 6-55 7-06 7-/9 7-03 7-/4 7-26 7-38 21 22 23 24 27-03 28-23 29-44 31-04 09-8 13-6 17-5 21-4 20 4-46 5-05 5-25 5-46 6-07 6-28 6-50 7-11 7-3 / 7-57 25 32-26 1-25-5 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-07 5-16 5-28 5-16 5-27 5-38 5-50 5-36 5-48 6-00 6-13 5-57 6-09 6-22 6-36 6-19 6-32 6-46 7-00 6-41 6-54 7-08 7-24 7-03 7-16 7-31 7-47 7-24 7-38 7-53 8-/0 7-45 7-59 8-/4 8-3/ 8-05 S-/9 8-35 8-52 26 27 28 29 33-48 35-11 36-34 37-58 29-6 33-8 38-2 42-7 -30 5-40 6-04 6-28 6-51 7-/7 7-4/ 8-05 8-28 8-50 9-11 30 39-22 /47-3 117 114 /// 108 /05 102 99 96 93 90 donnentl'heure vraie, matin, pourl'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 77 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. 3LINATION. LATITUDE 39. AZIMUTH. W Q 5 10 r /5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 4 7 0-11 0-/5 0-/9 0-24 0-28 0-33 0-39 0-46 0-54 /03 28 4 9 13 /8 23 28 34 40 47 55 /04 1-14 26 5 10 15 21 26 32 39 46 54 1-03 1-13 1-24 24 6 II 17 23 30 37 44 52 1-01 1-10 1-22 1-34 -S 22 a 6 13 19 26 33 41 49 57 1-07 1-18 1-30 1-44 3 20 7 14 0-21 0-29 0-36 0-45 0-53 1-03 1-13 1-25 1-38 1-52 ! 18 8 15 23 31 39 48 58 1-08 1-19 1-32 1-46 2-01 '3 16 8 16 25 33 43 52 1-02 1-13 1-25 1-38 1-53 2-09 U 9 18 26 36 46 56 1-07 1-18 1-31 1-45 2-00 2-17 12 9 19 28 38 48 59 I'll 1-23 1-37 1-52 2-07 2-25 10 10 20 0-30 0-40 0-5/ 1-03 1-15 1-28 1-42 1-57 2-14 2-33 8 10 21 32 43 54 1-06 1-19 1-33 1-48 2-04 2-21 2-40 6 II 22 33 45 57 1-10 1-23 1-37 1-53 2-10 2-28 2-48 4 12 23 35 47 1-00 1-13 1-27 1-42 1-58 2-16 2-35 2-55 + 2 12 24 37 49 1-03 1-16 1-31 1-47 2-03 2-22 2-4/ 3-03 13 25 0-38 0-52 1-05 1-20 1-35 1-51 2-09 2-27 2-48 3-/0 - 2 13 26 40 54 /OS 1-23 1-39 1-56 2-14 2-33 2-54 3-/7 4 14 27 42 56 /// 1-27 1-43 2-00 2-19 2-39 3-0/ 3-24 6 14 29 43 58 1-14 1-30 1-47 2-05 2-25 2-45 3-08 3-32 8 15 30 45 1-00 1-17 1-33 1-51 2-10 2-30 2-5/ 3-/4 3-39 10 15 31 0-47 1-03 1-19 1-37 1-55 2-14 2-35 2-58 3-2/ 3-47 o 12 16 32 48 1-05 1-22 1-40 1-59 2-19 2-41 3-03 3-28 3-54 3 14 16 33 50 1-07 1-25 1-44 2-04 2-24 2-46 3-/0 3-35 4-02 3 16 ^ 18 17 18 34 35 52 54 1-10 1-12 1-28 1-31 1-48 1-51 2-08 2-/2 2-29 2-34 2-52 2-58 3-/7 3-23 3-43 3-50 4-/0 4-/9 3 20 18 37 0-55 1-15 1-35 1-55 2-/7 2-40 3-04 3-30 3-58 4-27 22 19 38 57 1-17 1-38 1-59 2-22 2-45 3-/0 3-37 4-06 4-36 24 20 39 59 1-20 1-41 2-03 2-26 2-51 3-/7 3-45 4-/4 4-45 26 20 41 1-01 1-23 1-44 2-07 2-3/ 2-56 3-24 3-52 4-23 4-55 28 - 30 21 42 1-03 1-25 1-48 2-/2 2-37 3-03 3-3/ 4-00 4-32 5-06 22 43 1-06 1-28 1-52 2-16 2-42 3-09 3-38 4-09 4-42 5-/7 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued /25 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. /TION. LATITUDE 39. DECLINATION. 1 AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. f30 h. m. /09 h. m. 1-17 h. m. 1-25 h. m. /34 h. m. /44 h. m. 1-55 h. m. 2-09 h, m. 2-23 h. m. 2-40 h. m. 2-58 / o-oo h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 1-21 1-32 1-43 1-53 1-29 1-41 1-52 2-03 1-38 1-51 2-02 2-14 1-48 2-01 2-14 2-26 /59 2-/3 2-26 2-39 2-11 2-26 2-40 2-53 2-25 2-4/ 2-55 3-08 2-41 2-56 3-11 3-24 2-57 3-/3 3-28 3-42 3-/6 3-32 3-47 4-00 / 2 3 4 //7 2-34 3-52 5-09 3-2 6-5 9-7 /3-0 20 2-02 2-13 2-24 2-37 2-50 3-05 3-20 3-37 3-54 4-/3 5 6-26 0-/6-3 18 16 14 12 2-11 2-20 2-29 2-37 2-22 2-32 2-41 2-49 2-34 2-44 2-54 3-03 2-47 2-57 3-07 3-17 3-01 3-12 3-22 3-32 3-16 3-27 3-38 3-48 3-32 3-43 3-54 4-05 3-49 4-00 4-11 4-22 4-07 4-/S 4-29 4-40 4-25 4-37 4-48 4-59 6 7 8 9 7-44 9-01 10-19 11-37 19-5 22-8 26-1 29-5 10 2-45 2-58 3-/2 3-26 3-42 3-58 4-/5 4-32 4-51 5-/0 10 12-55 0-32-8 8 6 4 + 2 2-53 3-01 3-09 3-16 3-06 3-/5 3-23 3-3/ 3-20 3-29 3-38 3-46 3-35 3-44 3-53 4-02 3-51 4-00 4-10 4-19 4-07 4-17 4-27 4-36 4-25 4-35 4-44 4-54 4-43 4-53 5-03 5-12 5-01 5-11 5-21 5-31 5-20 5-30 5-40 5-50 II 12 13 14 Ts 14-13 15-31 16-50 18-08 36-2 39-6 43-1 46-6 3-24 3-39 3-54 4-11 4-28 4-45 5-03 5-22 5-41 6-00 19-27 0-50-1 - 2 4 6 8 3-32 3-39 3-47 3-55 3-47 3-55 4-03 4-11 4-03 4-11 4-20 4-29 4-20 4-28 4-37 4-46 4-37 4-46 4-55 5-05 4-55 5-04 5-/4 5-23 5-/3 5-23 5-32 5-42 5-32 5-42 5-51 6-02 5-51 6-01 6-11 6-21 6-/0 6-20 6-30 6-40 16 17 18 19 20 20-46 22-06 23-26 24-46 53-7 57-3 1-01-0 04-8 10 4-03 4-20 4-37 4-55 5-14 5-33 5-52 6-12 6-31 6-50 26-07 1-08-6 12 14 16 18 4-11 4-/9 4-28 4-37 4-28 4-37 4-46 4-55 4-46 4-55 5-05 5-15 5-05 5-/4 5-24 5-34 5-24 5-34 5-44 5-54 5-43 5-53 6-04 6-15 6-02 6-13 6-24 6-35 6-22 6-33 6-44 6-55 6-42 6-52 7-04 7-15 7-01 7-12 7-23 7-35 21 22 23 24 27-28 28-49 30-11 31-34 12-4 16-4 20-4 24-5 20 4-46 5-04 5-25 5-45 6-05 6-26 6-47 7-07 7-27 7-47 25 32-57 1-28-7 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-05 5-16 5-27 5-15 5-26 5-37 5-49 5-35 5-46 5-58 6'll 5-56 6-08 6-20 6-34 6-17 6-29 6-42 6-56 6-38 6-51 7-05 7-19 6-59 7-/2 7-26 7-42 7-20 7-33 7-48 8-04 7-40 7-54 8-09 8-24 8-00 8-13 8-28 8-44 26 27 28 29 34-20 35-45 37-10 38-36 33-1 37-5 42-0 46-7 -30 5-39 6-01 6-24 6-48 7-/2 7-35 7-58 8-2/ 8-42 9-02 30 40-03 1-51-5 //7 114 ii r /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 79 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 40. 5 10 15 20 25 AziM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 4 m. 8 h. m. 0-12 h. m. 0-/7 h. m. 0-21 h. m. 0-26 h. m. 0-31 h. m. 0-37 h. m. 0-44 h. m. 0-5/ h. m. 0-59 h. m. /09 28 26 24 o 22 5 5 6 7 10 II 12 13 14 16 18 20 19 22 25 27 25 28 32 35 30 35 39 43 37 42 47 51 43 49 55 1-01 51 58 1-04 /// 59 1-07 1-15 1-22 /09 //8 1-26 1-34 1-20 1-30 1-39 1-48 5 20 7 14 0-22 0-30 0-38 0-47 0-56 1-06 //7 1-29 1-42 1-57 3 IB 3 /5 ^ 14 12 8 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 24 26 28 29 32 35 37 39 41 44 47 50 50 54 58 1-01 1-00 1-05 1-09 1-13 ;// 1-16 1-21 1-26 1-23 1-28 1-34 1-39 1-35 1-42 1-48 1-54 1-49 1-57 2-04 2-11 2-05 2-13 2-21 2-29 10 10 20 0-31 0-42 0-53 1-05 1-17 1-30 1-45 2-00 2-18 2-36 8 6 4 + 2 1! II 12 12 22 23 24 25 33 34 36 37 44 46 48 50 56 58 1-01 1-04 1-08 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-21 1-25 1-29 1-33 1-35 1-40 1-44 1-49 1-50 1-55 2-01 2-06 2-06 2-12 2-18 2-24 2-24 2-31 2-37 2-44 2-44 2-51 2-58 3-05 3-12 13 26 0-39 0-53 1-07 1-21 1-37 1-53 2-11 2-30 2-50 - 2 4 6 8 13 14 14 15 27 28 29 30 41 42 44 46 55 57 59 1-01 1-09 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-25 1-28 1-31 1-35 1-41 1-45 1-49 1-53 1-58 2-02 2-07 2-12 2-16 2-21 2-26 2-32 2-36 2-41 2-47 2-53 2-57 3-03 3-10 3-16 3-19 3-26 3-34 3-41 10 16 31 0-47 1-04 1-21 1-38 1-57 2-16 2-37 2-59 3-23 3-48 ke Latitude. CD ON 4x to 16 17 17 18 32 34 35 36 49 51 52 54 1-06 1-08 /// 1-13 1-23 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-42 1-45 1-49 1-52 2-01 2-05 2-09 2-14 2-21 2-26 2-31 2-36 2-42 2-48 2-54 2-59 3-05 3-11 3-18 3-24 3-30 3-37 3-44 3-51 3-56 4-03 4-11 4-19 g 20 18 37 0-56 1-15 1-35 1-56 2-18 2-41 3-05 3-31 3-58 4-28 22 24 26 28 19 20 20 21 38 40 41 42 58 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-18 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-39 1-42 1-45 1-49 2-00 2-04 2-08 2-12 2-23 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-46 2-52 2-57 3-03 3-11 3-18 3-24 3-31 3-38 3-45 3-53 4-00 4-06 4-14 _23_ 4-32 4-36 4-45 4-55 5-05 - 30 22 44 1-06 1-29 1-52 2-17 2-43 3-10 3-38 4-09 4-41 5-15 120 AZIMUT au pole deprime continue 130 125 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les tennes au dessous de la ligne noire 80 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. 55 O H LATITUDE 40. DECLINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 1-16 h. m. /23 h. m. /32 h. m. /4/ h. m. 1-52 h. m. 2-04 h. m. 2-/7 h. m. 2-3/ h. m. 2-48 h. m. 3-06 1 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 1-27 1-38 1-48 1-58 1-36 /47 /58 2-08 /45 /57 2-08 2-/9 /55 2-08 2-20 2-3/ 2-06 2-20 2-32 2-44 2-/9 2-33 2-47 2-58 2-33 2-47 3-0/ 3-/3 2-48 3-02 3-16 3-29 3-05 3-/9 3-34 3-47 3-23 3-38 3-52 4-05 / 2 3 4 1-18 2-37 3-55 5-13 3-4 6-7 10-1 13-5 20 2-07 2-18 2-29 2-42 2-55 3-/0 3-25 3-41 3-59 4-/7 5 6-32 0-16-8 18 16 14 12 2-16 2-24 2-33 2-4/ 2-27 2-36 2-45 2-53 2-39 2-48 2-57 3-06 2-52 3-02 3-11 3-20 3-06 3-16 3-26 3-35 3-2/ 3-3/ 3-4/ 3-51 3-36 3-47 3-58 4-08 3-53 4-04 4-14 4-25 4-11 4-22 4-32 4-4k 4-29 4-40 4-51 5-01 6 7 8 9 7-51 9-09 10-28 11-47 20-2 23-7 27-1 30-5 10 2-48 3-0/ 3-/5 3-29 3-45 4-01 4-18 4-35 4-53 5-11 10 13-06 0-34-0 8 6 4 + 2 2-56 3-04 3-11 3-19 3-/0 3-/7 3-25 3-33 3-24 3-32 3-40 3-48 3-38 3-47 3-56 4-04 3-54 4-03 4-/2 4-2/ 4-10 4-/9 4-29 4-38 4-27 4-37 4-46 4-55 4-44 4-54 5-04 5-13 5-03 5-13 5-22 5-32 5-21 5-31 5-41 5-50 II 12 13 14 14-25 15-45 17-05 18-25 37-5 41-1 44-7 48-3 3-26 3-4/ 3-57 4-/3 4-29 4-47 5-05 5-22 5-41 6-00 15 19-45 0-52-0 -2 4 6 8 3-34 3-4/ 3-49 3-57 3-49 3-57 4-05 4-/3 4-05 4-/3 4-2/ 4-30 4-2/ 4-30 4-38 4-47 4-38 4-47 4-56 5-05 4-56 5-05 5-/4 5-23 5-/4 5-23 5-33 5-42 5-32 5-41 5-51 6-00 5-51 6-00 6-10 6-20 6-10 6-19 6-29 6-39 16 17 18 19 21-05 22-26 23-47 25-09 55-7 59-5 1-03-3 07-2 10 4-04 4-2/ 4-38 4-56 5-/4 5-33 5-52 6-/0 6-30 6-49 20 26-31 //// 12 14 16 18 4-/2 4-20 4-29 4-37 4-29 4-38 4-46 4-55 4-47 4-56 5-05 5-/4 5-05 5-/4 5-24 5-34 5-24 5-33 5-43 5-53 5-42 5-52 6-03 6-13 6-02 6-/2 6-22 6-33 6-20 6-31 6-41 6-52 6-40 6-50 7-01 7-12 6-59 7-09 7-20 7-3/ 21 22 23 24 27-54 29-/7 30-40 32-04 15-1 19-3 23-5 27-7 20 4-46 5-05 5-24 5-44 6-04 6-24 6-44 7-04 7-24 7-43 25 33-29 1-32-1 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-05 5-/5 5-25 5-/5 5-25 5-35 5-47 5-34 5-45 5-56 6-08 5-54 6-06 6-18 6-30 6-15 6-27 6-39 6-53 6-36 6-48 7-01 7-15 6-56 7-09 7-22 7-36 7-16 7-29 7-42 7-57 7-36 7-49 8-03 8-18 7-55 8-08 8-22 8-37 26 27 28 29 34-54 36-2/ 37-48 39-/6 36-6 41-2 46-0 51-7 -30 5-37 5-59 6-21 6-44 7-07 7-30 7-52 8-14 8-35 8-54 30 40-45 1-55-9 117 114 III /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 81 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 4/. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 4 m. 9 h. m. 0-/3 h. m. 0-/8 h. m. 0-23 h. m. 0-29 h. m. 0-34 h. m. 0-4/ h. m. 0-48 h. m. 0-55 h. m. /05 h. m. //5 28 26 24 o 22 5 6 6 7 iO 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 21 24 26 29 27 30 34 37 33 37 41 45 40 45 49 54 47 53 58 /04 55 /O/ /OS //4 /04 /// //9 1-26 //4 /22 1-31 1-38 /25 /35 /44 /53 I 20 8 15 0-23 0-31 0-40 0-49 0-58 /09 /20 1-32 1-46 2-01 j '8 a ; /4 /2 8 9 9 10 17 18 19 20 25 27 28 30 34 36 38 41 43 46 49 52 53 56 1-00 1-03 /03 /07 /// 1-15 1-14 1-19 1-24 1-28 1-26 1-31 1-37 1-42 1-39 1-45 1-51 1-57 1-53 2-00 2-07 2-/4 2-09 2-/7 2-25 2-32 /O 10 21 0-32 0-43 0-54 1-07 1-19 1-33 1-48 2-03 2-2/ 2-40 8 6 4 + 2 II 12 12 13 22 23 24 25 33 35 37 39 45 47 49 52 57 1-00 1-03 1-05 //O //3 1-16 1-20 1-23 1-27 1-31 1-35 1-37 1-42 1-46 1-51 1-54 1-58 2-03 2-08 2-09 2-15 2-21 2-26 2-27 2-34 2-40 2-46 2-47 2-54 3-0/ 3-08 13 26 0-40 0-54 1-08 1-23 1-39 1-55 2-/3 2-32 2-53 3-/5 - 2 4 6 8 14 14 15 15 27 29 30 31 41 43 45 46 56 58 1-00 1-02 I'll 1-13 1-16 1-19 1-26 1-30 1-33 1-36 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-54 2-00 2-04 2-09 2-13 2-/S 2-23 2-28 2-33 2-38 2-43 2-49 2-55 2-59 3-05 3-/2 3-/S 3-22 3-28 3-35 3-42 /O 16 32 0-48 1-04 1-22 1-39 1-58 2-18 2-39 3-0/ 3-24 3-50 l2 1 /4 'Is 16 s /8 16 17 17 18 33 34 35 36 50 51 53 55 1-07 1-09 /// 1-14 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-53 2-02 2-06 2-10 2-15 2-22 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-44 2-49 2-55 3-00 3-07 3-/3 3-/9 3-25 3-3/ 3-38 3-45 3-52 3-57 4-04 4-/2 4-20 1 20 19 38 0-57 1-16 1-36 1-57 2-19 2-42 3-06 3-32 3-59 4-28 22 24 26 28 19 20 21 21 39 40 41 43 58 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-19 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-39 1-43 1-46 1-49 2-01 2-05 2-09 2-13 2-23 2-28 2-33 2-38 2-47 2-53 2-58 3-04 3-/2 3-/8 3-25 3-3/ 3-39 3-46 3-53 4-0/ 4-07 4-/5 4-36 4-45 4-54 5-04 4-23 4-3/ - 30 22 44 1-06 1-29 1-53 2-17 2-43 3-/0 3-39 4-09 4-4/ 5-/4 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 130 /25 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 82 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 4/. DECLINATION. AT TRUK HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. 1 + 30 h. m. 1-22 h. m. 1-30 h. m. /39 h. m. /49 h. m. 1-59 h. m. 2-// h. m. 2-25 h. m. 2-40 h. m. 2-56 h. m. 3-/4 6 / 2 3 4 / 0-00 h. m. 1 0- 0-01 28 26 24 22 1-33 1-43 1-53 2-03 /42 1-53 2-03 2-13 1-51 2-03 2-14 2-24 2-02 2-/4 2-25 2-36 2-13 2-26 2-38 2-49 2-26 2-39 2-52 3-03 2-40 2-53 3-06 3-/8 2-55 3-09 3-22 3-34 3-11 3-26 3-39 3-51 3-29 3-43 3-57 4-09 1-20 2-39 3-59 5-18 3-5 70 /0-4 /3-9I 20 2-11 2-22 2-34 2-46 3-00 3-/4 3-30 3-46 4-03 4-2/ 5 6-38 /7-4I 18 16 U 12 2-20 2-28 2-36 2-44 2-31 2-40 2-48 2-57 2-43 2-53 3-01 3-10 2-56 3-06 3-15 3-24 3-10 3-20 3-30 3-39 3-25 3-35 3-45 3-54 3-40 3-51 4-0/ 4-11 3-57 4-08 4-/8 4-28 4-/4 4-25 4-35 4-45 4-32 4-43 4-53 5-03 6 7 8 9 7-58 9-18 10-38 11-58 2/-OI 24-5J 28-/I 3/-7I 10 2-52 3-05 3-18 3-33 3-48 4-04 4-20 4-37 4-55 5-13 10 13-18 35 J 8 6 4 + 2 2-59 3-07 3-/4 3-2/ 3-/3 3-20 3-28 3-36 3-27 3-34 3-43 3-51 3-4/ 3-50 3-58 4-06 3-57 4-05 4-/4 4-23 4-/3 4-22 4-3/ 4-39 4-30 4-39 4-48 4-57 4-47 4-56 5-05 5-/5 5-05 5-/4 5-23 5-33 5-23 5-32 5-42 5-51 II 12 13 14 14-39 15-59 17-20 18-42 3S-9] 42-6 46-3 50-/ 3-29 3-43 3-59 4-/5 4-33 4-48 5-06 5-24 5-42 6-00 15 20-03 53-9 - 2 4 6 8 3-36 3-43 3-51 3-58 3-51 3-59 4-06 4-/4 4-07 4-/5 4-23 4-3/ 4-23 4-3/ 4-39 4-48 4-40 4-48 4-57 5-06 4-57 5-06 5-15 5-24 5-/5 5-24 5-33 5-42 5-33 5-42 5-51 6-00 5-51 6-00 6-09 6-19 6-09 6-18 6-28 6-37 16 17 18 19 21-25 22-48 24-10 25-33 57-7 /0/-7 05-6 09-7 10 4-06 4-22 4-39 4-57 5-/4 5-33 5-51 6-10 6-28 6-47 20 26-57 //3-8 12 U 16 18 4-/3 4-2/ 4-29 4-37 4-30 4-38 4-47 4-55 4-47 4-56 5-05 5-23 5-33 5-42 5-52 5-42 5-52 6-01 6-12 6-01 6-10 6-21 6-31 6-19 6-29 6-40 6-50 6-38 6-48 6-59 7-09 6-57 7-07 7-/7 7-28 21 22 23 24 28-21 29-46 31-11 33-37 /8-0 22-2 26-6 3/-/ 5-/4 5-23 5-33 5-05 5-/4 20 4-46 5-04 5-23 5-43 6-02 6-22 6-42 7-01 7-20 7-39 25 34-03 /57-7] 22 24 26 28 4-55 5-04 5-/4 5-24 5-/4 5-24 5-34 5-45 5-33 5-44 5-55 6-06 5-53 6-04 6-15 6-28 6-13 6-24 6-36 6-49 6-33 6-45 6-57 7-11 6-53 7-05 7-/8 7-32 7-13 7-25 7-38 7-52 7-32 7-45 7-58 8-12 7-51 8-03 8-17 -8-31 26 27 28 29 35-31 36-59 38-28 39-58 40-3 45-2 50-/ 55-2 -30 5-35 5-57 6-19 6-4/ 7-03 7-25 7-47 8-08 8-28 8-46 30 41-29 2-00-5 117 //4 /// /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 42. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 5 m. 10 h. m. 0-/5 h. m. 0-20 h. m. 0-25 h. m. 0-3/ h. m. 0-37 h. m. 0-44 h. m. 0-52 h. m. /OO h. m. //O h. m. 1-21 28 26 24 22 'S 5 6 7 7 II 12 14 15 17 19 21 22 23 25 28 30 29 32 35 39 35 39 43 47 42 47 52 57 50 56 /O/ /06 58 /05 /// 1-17 /OS l-f5 1-22 1-29 //8 /27 /35 /43 1-31 1-40 /49 /57 2 20 cs 8 16 0-24 0-33 0-42 0-5/ /O/ 1-12 1-23 1-36 /50 2-06 / 3 !J 12 9 9 10 10 17 18 19 21 26 28 29 31 35 37 40 42 45 48 50 53 55 58 /02 /05 /05 /09 1-13 1-17 1-17 1-21 1-26 1-31 1-29 /34 /40 /45 /42 /48 /55 2-00 /57 2-04 2-11 2-17 2-/3 2-2/ 2-28 2-36 10 II 22 0-33 0-44 0-56 /OS 1-21 1-35 /50 2-06 2-24 2-43 8 6 4 + 2 II 12 12 13 23 24 25 26 34 36 38 39 46 48 51 53 59 /O/ /-04 /07 //2 1-15 1-18 1-21 1-25 1-29 1-33 1-37 /40 /44 /49 1-53 /55 2-00 2-05 2-fO 2-/2 2-78 2-23 2-29 2-30 2-36 2-42 2-49 2-50 2-57 5-03 3-/0 13 27 0-4/ 0-55 /09 /24 /-40 1-57 2-/5 2-34 2-55 3-/7 - 2 4 6 8 14 14 15 15 28 29 30 31 42 44 45 47 57 59 1-01 1-03 1-12 1-15 1-17 1-20 /28 1-31 /34 /37 /44 /48 /52 /56 2-02 2-06 2-/0 2-/5 2-20 2-25 2-30 2-35 2-40 2-45 2-5/ 2-57 3-0/ 3-07 3-/3 3-/9 3-24 3-30 3-37 3-44 /O 16 32 0-49 1-05 1-23 /4/ /59 2-/9 2-40 3-02 3-26 3-5/ ike Latitude, co o^jx to 17 17 18 18 33 34 35 37 50 52 54 55 /OS //O 1-12 //4 1-25 1-28 1-31 /34 /44 /47 1-51 /54 2-03 2-07 2-// 2-/6 2-24 2-28 2-33 2-38 2-45 2-5/ 2-56 3-0/ 3-08 3-/4 3-20 3-26 3-32 3-39 3-46 3-53 3-58 4-05 4-/3 4-20 20 19 38 0-57 //7 1-37 /58 2-20 2-43 3-07 3-33 4-00 4-28 22 24 26 28 19 20 21 21 39 40 4/ 43 59 1-01 1-03 1-05 //9 /22 /24 /27 /40 /43 /46 /50 2-02 2-06 2-/0 2-/4 2-24 2-29 2-34 2-39 2-48 2-53 2-59 3-04 3-/3 3-/9 3-25 3-32 3-39 3-46 3-53 4-0/ 4-09 4-07 4-/5 4-23 4-3/ 4-36 4-45 4-54 5-03 - 30 22 44 1-07 /30 /53 2-/S 2-44 3-/0 3-39 4-40 5-/3 AZIMUT au pole deprime continue 130 /25 C 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du raeme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 84 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 42. DECLINATION. A L'HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. +30 h. m. 1-28 h. m. 1-36 h. m. /45 h. m. 1-55 h. m. 2-07 2-20 2-32 2-42 2-54 h. m. 2-/9 h. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-47 h. m. 3-03 h. m. 3-20 6 / 2 3 4 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 1-39 1-49 /58 2-07 /48 /58 2-08 2-/S 1-57 2-09 2-19 2-29 2-08 2-20 2-31 2-41 2-33 2-45 2-57 3-08 2-46 2-59 3-12 3-23 3-02 3-15 3-27 3-39 3-18 3-32 3-44 3-56 3-35 3-49 4-01 4-13 1-21 2-42 4-02 5-23 3-6 7-2 10-8 14-4 20 2-16 2-27 2-39 2-51 3-05 3-/9 3-34 3-50 4-07 4-25 5 6 7 8 9 6-44 18-1 18 16 14 12 2-24 2-32 2-40 2-47 2-36 2-44 2-52 3-00 2-48 2-56 3-05 3-/3 3-01 3-/0 3-/9 3-27 3-/4 3-24 3-33 3-42 3-29 3-39 3-48 3-57 3-44 3-55 4-04 4-/4 4-01 4-11 4-21 4-30 4-/8 4-28 4-38 4-48 4-35 4-46 4-56 5-05 8-05 9-26 10-48 12-09 21-7 25-4 29-1 32-8 10 2-55 3-08 3-22 3-36 3-51 4-06 4-23 4-40 4-57 5-15 10 13-31 0-36-5 8 6 4 + 2 3-02 3-/0 3-/7 3-24 3-16 3-23 3-31 3-38 3-30 3-37 3-45 3-53 3-44 3-52 4-00 4-08 3-59 4-08 4-16 4-24 4-15 4-24 4-33 4-41 4-32 4-41 4-49 4-58 4-49 4-58 5-07 5-16 5-06 5-15 5-24 5-33 5-24 5-33 5-42 5-51 II 12 13 14 14-53 16-15 17-37 19-00 40-3 44-1 48-0 51-9 3-3/ 3-45 4-0/ 4-16 4-33 4-50 5-07 5-24 5-42 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 20-23 0-55-8 2 4 6 8 3-38 3-45 3-52 3-59 3-53 4-00 4-08 4-/5 4-08 4-/6 4-24 4-32 4-24 4-32 4-4/ 4-49 4-41 4-49 4-58 5-06 4-58 5-06 5-15 5-24 5-33 5-15 5-24 5-33 5-42 5-33 5-42 S-Sl 6-00 6-09 6-18 6-09 6-18 6-27 6-36 21-46 23-10 24-34 25-59 59-9 1-03-9 08-0 12-2 5-51 6-00 10 4-07 4-23 4-40 4-57 5-15 5-5/ 6-09 6-27 6-45 20 21 22 23 24 25 27-24 1-16-5 12 14 16 18 4-/4 4-22 4-30 4-38 4-31 4-39 4-47 4-55 4-48 4-56 5-05 5-14 5-05 5-14 5-23 5-32 5-23 5-32 5-41 5-51 5-42 5-51 6-00 6-10 6-00 6-09 6-/9 6-29 6-18 6-28 6-38 6-48 6-37 6-46 6-56 7-06 6-55 7-04 7-14 7-25 28-50 30-16 31-43 33-11 20-9 25-3 29-9 34-5 20 4-46 4-55 5-04 5-13 5-23 5-04 5-23 5-42 6-01 6-20 6-39 6-58 7-17 7-35 34-40 1-39-3 22 24 26 28 5-/3 5-23 5-33 5-43 5-32 5-42 5-53 6-04 5-52 6-02 6-/3 6-25 6-11 6-23 6-33 6-45 6-31 6-42 6-54 7-07 6-50 7-02 7-14 7-27 7-10 7-21 7-34 7-47 7-28 7-40 7-52 8-06 7-47 7-59 8-11 8-25 26 27 28 29 36-09 37-39 39-11 40-43 44-2 49-2 54-4 59-8 -30 5-34 5-55 6-/6 6-37 659 7-20 7-41 8-02 8-21 8-40 30 42-17 2-05-3 \\T 114 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le c6te polaire du Premier Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 43. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 | 60 C + 30 m. 5 m. 10 h. m. 0-/6 h. m. 0-21 h. m. 0-27 h. m. 0-34 h. m. 0-40 h. m. 0-47 h. m. 0-56 h. m. /04 h. m. h. m. 1-15 1-26 28 26 24 * 22 6 7 7 8 12 13 14- 16 /8 20 22 24 24 27 29 32 31 34 37 40 38 42 46 49 45 50 55 59 53 59 /04 /09 /02 1-09 1-15 1-21 1-12 1-19 1-26 1-33 1-23 1-31 1-39 1-47 146 /45 /54 2-02 5 20 8 17 0-25 0-34 0-43 0-53 /03 1-14 1-26 1-39 1-54 2-/0 * IB 16 3 14 12 9 9 10 II 18 19 20 21 27 29 30 32 37 39 41 43 46 49 52 55 57 1-00 1-03 1-07 /OS 1-12 1-16 1-20 1-19 1-24 1-29 1-33 1-32 1-37 1-43 1-48 1-46 1-52 1-58 2-03 2-01 2-07 2-14 2-20 2-/7 2-25 2-32 2-39 10 II 22 0-34 0-45 0-57 //O 1-23 1-38 1-53 2-09 2-27 2-33 2-39 2-45 2-51 2-46 8 6 4 + 2 12 12 13 13 23 24. 25 26 35 37 38 40 47 50 52 54 1-00 1-03 1-05 1-08 1-13 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-27 1-31 1-35 1-38 1-42 1-46 1-51 1-55 1-58 2-03 2-07 2-12 2-15 2-20 2-26 2-31 2-52 2-59 3-06 3-/2 14 27 0-41 0-56 I'll 1-26 1-42 1-59 2-17 2-36 2-57 3-/9 - 2 4 6 8 14 15 15 16 28 29 31 32 43 45 46 48 58 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-13 1-16 1-18 1-21 1-29 1-32 1-35 1-39 1-46 1-50 1-53 1-57 2-03 2-08 2-12 2-16 2-22 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-42 2-47 2-53 2-58 3-03 3-09 3-/5 3-2/ 3-26 3-32 3-39 3-46 10 16 33 0-49 1-06 1-24 1-42 2-01 2-21 2-42 3-04 3-27 3-52 3 l2 1 '4 rt 16 i is g 20 17 17 18 18 34 35 36 37 51 52 54 56 /OS /// 1-13 1-15 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-35 1-45 1-48 1-52 1-55 2-05 2-09 2-13 2-17 2-25 2-30 2-34 2-39 2-46 2-52 2-57 3-03 3-09 3-15 3-21 3-27 3-34 3-40 3-47 3-53 3-59 4-06 4-/3 4-2/ 19 38 0-58 1-17 1-38 1-59 2-21 2-44 3-08 3-33 4-00 4-28 22 24 26 28 20 20 21 21 39 40 42 43 59 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-20 1-22 1-25 1-27 1-41 1-44 1-47 1-50 2-03 2-06 2-10 2-14 2-25 2-30 2-34 2-39 2-49 2-54 2-59 3-05 3-14 3-20 3-26 3-32 3-40 3-47 3-53 4-0/ 4-07 4-/5 4-23 4-3/ 4-36 4-44 4-53 5-02 - 30 22 44 1-07 1-30 1-54 2-18 2-44 3-11 3-39 4-08 4-39 5-/2 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued /30 125 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 43. *. to o - | o | DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. /34 h. m. /43 h. m. 1-52 h. m. 2-02 h. m. 2-/3 h. m. 2-26 h.'m. 2-39 h. m. 2-54 n* in. 3-/0 h. m. 3-27 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 1-44 /54 2-03 2-12 /53 2-04 2-/3 2-22 2-03 2-/4 2-24 2-34 2-/4 2-25 2-36 2-46 2-26 2-38 2-49 2-59 2-39 2-51 3-02 3-13 2-53 3-05 3-/7 3-28 3-08 3-20 3-32 3-44 3-24 3-37 3-49 4-00 3-4/ 3-54 4-06 4-/7 1-22 2-44 4-06 5-28 3-7 7-5 11-2 15-0 20 2-20 2-3/ 2-43 2-56 3-09 3-23 3-38 3-54 4-11 4-28 5 6 7 8 9 6-51 0-18-7 18 16 14 12 2-28 2-36 2-4-3 2-51 2-40 2-48 2-56 3-03 2-52 3-00 3-09 3-/7 3-05 3-/4 3-22 3-3/ 3-/9 3-28 3-37 3-45 3-33 3-43 3-52 4-00 3-48 3-58 4-07 4-16 4-04 4-/4 4-24 4-33 4-21 4-31 4-41 4-50 4-38 4-48 4-58 5-07 8-13 9-36 10-58 12-21 22-5 26-3 30-1 34-0 10 2-58 3-11 3-25 3-39 3-54 4-09 4-25 4-42 4-59 5-16 10 13-44 0-37-9 8 6 4 + 2 3-05 3-12 3-19 3-26 3-18 3-26 3-33 3-4-0 3-32 3-40 3-48 3-55 3-47 3-55 4-03 4-10 4-02 4-10 4--I8 4-26 4-18 4-26 4-34 4-43 4-34 4-42 4-51 4-59 4-51 4-59 5-08 5-16 5-08 5-17 5-25 5-34 5-25 5-34 5-43 5-51 II 12 13 14 15-07 16-31 17-55 19-19 41-8 45-7 49-7 53-8 3-33 3-4-7 4-03 4-18 4-34 4-51 5-08 5-25 5-42 6-00 15 20-44 0-57-9 -2 4 6 8 3-4.0 3-47 3-54 4-01 3-55 4-02 4-09 4-16 4-10 4-/7 4-25 4-33 4-26 4-34 4-4/ 4-49 4-42 4-50 4-58 5-06 4-59 5-07 5-15 5-24 5-16 5-24 5-33 5-41 5-33 5-42 5-51 5-59 5-51 6-00 6-08 6-17 6-09 6-17 6-26 6-35 16 17 18 19 22-08 23-34 25-00 26-26 1-02-0 06-3 10-6 14-9 10 4-08 4-24 4-40 4-57 5-15 5-32 5-50 6-08 6-26 6-44 20 21 22 23 24 27-53 I-I9-4 12 14 16 18 4-15 4-22 4-30 4-38 4-3 / 4-39 4-47 4-55 4-48 4-56 5-05 5-13 5-06 5-14 5-23 5-31 5-23 5-32 5-41 5-50 5-41 5-50 5-59 6-08 5-59 6-08 6-17 6-27 6-17 6-26 6-36 6-46 6-35 6-44 6-54 7-04 6-53 7-02 7-12 7-22 29-20 30-49 32-18 33-47 23-9 28-5 33-3 38-1 20 4-46 5-04 5-22 5-41 5-59 6-18 6-37 6-56 7-14 7-32 25 35-18 1-43-1 22 24 26 28 4-54 5-03 5-12 5-22 5-13 5-22 5-31 5-42 5-31 5-4-1 5-51 6-02 5-50 6-00 6-11 6-22 6-09 6-20 6-31 6-42 6-28 6-39 6-51 7-03 6-48 6-59 7-10 7-23 7-06 7-18 7-29 7-42 7-25 7-36 7-48 8-01 7-43 7-54 8-06 8-19 26 27 28 29 30 36-50 38-22 39-56 41-31 48-2 53-5 58-9 2-04-5 -30 5-32 5-52 6-13 6-34 6-55 7-16 7-36 7-56 8-15 8-33 43-08 10-3 117 114 1 1 r /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 44. 5 10 15 20 25 AziW 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 6 m. // h. m. 0-/7 h. m. 0-23 h. m. 0-29 h. m. 0-36 h. m. 0-43 h. m. 0-51 h. m. 0-59 h.m. /09 h. m. //9 h. m. /32 28 26 24 22 6 7 7 8 13 14 15 16 19 21 23 24 26 28 31 33 33 36 39 42 40 44 48 52 48 53 57 1-02 57 1-02 1-07 1-12 1-06 1-12 1-18 1-24 //6 /23 /30 /36 1-28 1-36 1-43 1-51 1-41 1-50 1-58 2-06 I 20 9 17 0-26 0-36 0-45 0-55 1-06 1-17 1-29 /43 1-58 2-14 J is 3 '* ^ u 12 ~W 9 /O /O // 19 20 21 22 28 30 31 33 38 40 42 44 48 51 54 56 59 1-02 1-05 1-08 1-10 1-14 1-18 1-22 1-22 1-27 1-31 1-35 1-35 1-40 1-45 1-50 /49 /55 2-00 2-06 2-04 2-11 2-17 2-23 2-21 2-28 2-35 2-42 // 23 0-35 0-46 0-59 1-12 1-25 1-40 1-55 2-/2 2-30 2-49 8 6 4 + 2 12 12 13 13 24 25 26 27 36 38 39 41 49 51 53 55 1-02 1-04 1-07 1-09 1-15 1-18 1-21 1-24 1-29 1-33 1-36 1-40 1-44 1-48 1-53 1-57 2-00 2-05 2-10 2-14 2-/7 2-22 2-28 2-33 2-36 2-42 2-47 2-53 2-55 3-02 3-08 3-/5 3-2/ U 28 0-42 0-57 1-12 1-27 1-44 2-01 2-19 2-38 2-59 _ 2 4 6 8 U 15 15 16 29 30 31 32 44 45 47 48 59 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-14 1-17 1-19 1-22 1-31 1-34 1-37 1-40 1-47 1-51 1-55 1-58 2-05 2-09 2-14 2-18 2-24 2-29 2-33 2-38 2-44 2-49 2-54 3-00 3-05 3-11 3-17 3-23 3-27 3-34 3-40 3-47 10 16 33 0-50 1-07 1-25 1-43 2-02 2-22 2-43 3-05 3-29 3-53 i 12 1 14 '3 16 1 18 ,x 17 17 18 19 34 35 36 37 51 53 55 56 1-09 /// 1-13 1-16 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-36 1-46 1-49 1-53 1-56 2-06 2-10 2-14 2-18 2-26 2-31 2-35 2-40 2-48 2-53 2-58 3-03 3-11 3-16 3-22 3-28 3-35 3-41 3-47 3-54 4-00 4-07 4-/4 4-2/ 20 19 38 0-58 1-18 1-38 2-00 2-22 2-45 3-09 3-34 4-01 4-28 22 24 26 28 20 20 2\ 22 40 41 42 43 1-00 1-02 1-03 1-05 1-20 1-23 1-25 1-28 1-41 1-44 1-48 1-51 2-03 2-07 2-11 2-15 2-26 2-30 2-35 2-39 2-50 2-55 3-00 3-05 3-14 3-20 3-26 3-32 3-40 3-47 3-53 4-01 4-08 4-15 4-22 4-30 4-36 4-44 4-53 5-01 - 30 22 45 1-07 1-30 1-54 2-19 2-44 3-11 3-39 4-08 4-39 5-11 AziMUT au pole deprime continut 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du mfime nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 88 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION, DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 44. o I DECLINATION. A L'HoRizoN VRAI. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 1-40 h. m. /48 h. m. /58 h. m. 2-09 h. m. 2-20 h. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-46 h. m. 3-0/ h. m. 3-16 h. m. 3-33 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 /-50 1-59 2-08 2-16 1-59 2-09 2-18 2-27 2-09 2-19 2-29 2-38 2-20 2-3/ 2-4/ 2-51 2-32 2-43 2-54 3-04 2-45 2-56 3-07 3-/S 2-59 3-11 3-22 3-32 3-74 3-26 3-37 3-48 3-30 3-42 3-53 4-04 3-46 3-59 4-/0 4-27 / 2 3 4 /23 2-47 4-/0 5-34 3-9 7-7 11-6 15-5 20 2-24 2-35 2-47 3-00 3-/3 3-27 3-42 3-58 4-/4 4-3/ 5 6-58 0-19-4 18 16 14 12 2-32 2-40 2-47 2-54 2-44 2-51 2-59 3-07 2-56 3-04 3-/2 3-20 3-09 3-/7 3-26 3-34 3-22 3-3/ 3-40 3-48 3-37 3-46 3-55 4-03 3-52 4-0/ 4-/0 4-79 4-08 4-/7 4-26 4-35 4-24 4-34 4-43 4-52 4-4/ 4-5/ 5-00 5-09 6 7 8 9 8-2/ 9-45 11-09 12-34. 23-3 27-2 31-2 35-2 10 3-0/ 3-/4 3-28 3-42 3-56 4-/2 4-28 4-44 5-0/ 5-/S 10 13-58 0-39-2 8 6 4 + 2 3-08 3-75 3-22 3-28 3-2/ 3-28 3-35 3-42 3-35 3-42 3-50 3-57 3-49 3-57 4-05 4-/2 4-04 4-/2 4-20 4-28 4-20 4-28 4-36 4-44 4-36 4-44 4-52 5-01 4-52 5-01 5-09 5-77 5-09 5-/S 5-26 5-34 5-26 5-35 5-43 5-52 II 12 13 /4 15-23 16-48 18-13 19-39 43-3 47-4 51-5 55-7 3-35 3-49 4-04 4-20 4-36 4-52 5-09 5-26 5-43 6-00 15 21-05 1-00-0 2 4 6 8 3-42 3-48 3-55 4-02 3-56 4-03 4-/0 4-/S 4-72 4-/9 4-26 4-34 4-27 4-35 4-42 4-50 4-43 4-5/ 4-59 5-07 5-00 5-08 5-16 5-24 5-17 5-25 5-33 5-4/ 5-34 5-42 5-50 5-59 5-5/ 5-59 6-08 6-/6 6-08 6-/7 6-25 6-34 16 17 18 19 22-32 23-59 25-26 26-55 04-3 08-7 13-1 17-7 10 4-09 4-25 4-4/ 4-58 5-/5 5-32 5-50 6-07 6-25 6-42 20 28-23 1-22-3 12 14 16 18 4-/6 4-23 4-30 4-38 4-32 4-40 4-47 4-49 4-57 5-05 5-/3 5-06 5-/4 5-22 5-31 5-23 5-31 5-40 5-49 5-4/ 5-49 5-58 6-07 5-58 6-07 6-/6 6-25 6-/6 6-25 6-34 6-43 6-33 6-42 6-52 7-01 6-51 7-00 7-09 7-/9 21 22 23 24 29-53 31-23 32-54 34-26 27-0 31-9 36-8 4/-9 4-55 20 4-46 5-03 5-21 5-40 5-58 6-/6 6-35 6-53 7-11 7-29 25 35-59 /47-/ 22 24 26 28 4-54 5-02 5-/7 5-20 5-/2 5-21 5-30 5-40 5-30 5-40 5-49 6-00 5-49 5-58 6-09 6-19 6-08 6-/S 6-28 6-39 6-26 6-37 6-48 6-59 6-45 6-55 7-07 7-/S 7-03 7-74 7-25 7-38 7-21 7-32 7-44 7-56 7-39 7-50 8-0/ 8-74 26 27 28 29 37-33 39-08 40-44 42-22 52-4 57-9 2-03-6 09-5 -30 5-30 5-50 6-11 6-31 6-51 7-/2 7-3/ 7-5/ 8-09 8-27 30 44-02 2-15-5 M7 114 111 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 89 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 45. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 6 m. 12 h. m. 0-/8 h. m. 0-25 h. m. 1-03 h. m. 1-13 h. m. 1-24 h. m. 1-37 0-31 0-38 0-46 0-54 28 26 24 * 22 7 7 8 8 13 15 16 17 20 22 24 26 27 30 32 35 35 38 41 44 42 46 50 54 51 56 1-00 1-04 1-00 1-05 1-10 1-15 //O 1-16 1-21 1-27 1-20 1-27 1-34 1-40 1-32 1-40 1-47 1-54 1-46 1-54 2-02 2-10 | 20 9 18 0-27 0-37 0-47 0-57 1-08 1-20 1-33 1-46 2-01 2-18 * 18 * 16 ^ 14 12 10 10 II II 19 20 21 22 29 31 32 34 39 41 43 46 50 52 55 58 1-01 1-04 1-07 1-10 1-12 1-16 1-20 1-24 1-25 1-29 1-33 1-38 1-38 1-43 1-48 1-53 1-52 1-58 2-03 2-09 2-08 2-14 2-20 2-26 2-25 2-32 2-39 2-45 10 12 23 0-35 0-48 1-00 1-14 1-27 1-42 1-58 2-14 2-32 2-52 8 6 4 + 2 12 13 13 14 24 25 26 27 37 38 40 41 50 52 54 56 1-03 1-05 1-08 //O 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-31 1-35 1-38 1-42 1-46 1-50 1-55 1-59 2-02 2-07 2-12 2-16 2-20 2-25 2-30 2-35 2-38 2-44 2-50 2-55 2-58 3-04 3-11 3-17 U 28 0-43 0-58 1-13 1-29 1-45 2-03 2-21 2-40 3-01 3-23 - 2 4 6 8 15 15 16 16 29 30 31 32 44 46 47 49 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-16 1-18 1-21 1-23 1-32 1-35 1-38 1-41 1-49 1-52 1-56 2-00 2-07 2-11 2-15 2-19 2-26 2-30 2-35 2-40 2-46 2-51 2-56 3-01 3-07 3-13 3-18 3-24 3-29 3-35 3-42 3-48 10. 17 33 0-50 1-08 1-26 1-44 2-03 2-23 2-44 3-07 3-30 3-54 4 l2 1 14 3 16 I" 17 18 18 19 34 35 37 38 52 54 55 57 //O //2 1-14 1-16 1-28 1-31 1-34 1-36 1-47 1-50 1-54 1-57 2-07 2-11 2-15 2-19 2-28 2-32 2-36 2-41 2-49 2-54 2-59 3-04 3-12 3-17 3-23 3-29 3-36 3-42 3-48 3-55 4-01 4-08 4-14 4-21 g20 19 39 0-58 1-19 1-39 2-00 2-23 2-46 3-10 3-35 4-01 4-29 22 24 26 28 20 20 21 22 40 41 42 44 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-21 1-23 1-26 1-28 1-42 1-45 1-48 1-51 2-04 2-08 2-11 2-15 2-27 2-31 2-35 2-40 2-50 2-55 3-00 3-06 3-15 3-21 3-26 3-33 3-41 3-47 3-54 4-08 4-15 4-22 4-30 4-36 4-44 4-52 5-00 4-01 ~ 30 22 45 l'08 1-31 1-55 2-19 2-45 3-11 3-39 4-08 4-38 5-09 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 135 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 90 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 45. DECLINATION. | AT TRUB HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 1-45 h. m. 1-55 h. m. 2-04 h. m. 2-15 h. m. 2-26 h. m. 2-39 h. m. 2-52 h. m. 3-07 h. m. 3-22 h. m. 3-39 / 2 3 4 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 1-55 2-04 2-12 2-20 2-04 2-14 2-23 2-31 2-/5 2-24 2-34 2-43 2-26 2-36 2-46 2-55 2-38 2-48 2-59 3-08 2-51 3-02 3-/2 3-22 3-04 3-/6 3-26 3-37 3-/9 3-3/ 3-42 3-52 3-35 3-47 3-58 4-08 3-52 4-03 4-/4 4-25 1-25 2-50 4-15 5-40 4-0 8-0 12-0 16-0 20 2-28 2-39 2-51 3-04 3-/7 3-3/ 3-46 4-02 4-18 4-35 5 7-05 8-30 9-55 11-21 12-47 0-20-1 18 16 14 12 2-36 2-43 2-50 2-57 2-47 2-55 3-02 3-10 3-00 3-08 3-15 3-23 3-/3 3-2/ 3-29 3-37 3-26 3-35 3-43 3-51 3-4/ 3-49 3-58 4-06 3-56 4-05 4-/3 4-22 4-11 4-20 4-29 4-38 4-27 4-37 4-45 4-54 4-44 4-53 5-02 5-11 6 7 8 9 24-1 28-: 32 36-4 10 3-04 3-17 3-30 3-44 3-59 4-/4 4-30 4-46 5-03 5-19 10 14-13 0-40-6 8 6 4 + 2 3-11 3-17 3-24 3-30 3-24 3-31 3-38 3-44 3-38 3-45 3-52 3-59 3-52 3-59 4-07 4-/4 4-07 4-14 4-22 4-30 4-22 4-30 4-38 4-45 4-38 4-46 4-54 5-02 4-54 5-02 5-10 5-18 5-11 5-19 5-27 5-35 5-28 5-36 5-44 5-52 n 12 13 14 15-39 17-06 18-33 20-00 44-8 49-1 53-4 57-8 3-37 3-51 4-06 4-2 / 4-37 4-53 5-09 5-26 5-43 6-00 15 21-28 1-02-2 - 2 4 6 8 3-43 3-50 3-56 4-03 3-58 4-05 4-12 4-19 4-/3 4-20 4-27 4-34 4-29 4-36 4-43 4-51 4-44 4-52 5-00 5-07 5-01 5-08 5-16 5-24 5-17 5-25 5-33 5-41 5-34 5-42 5-50 5-58 5-51 5-59 6-07 6-15 6-08 6-16 6-24 6-32 16 17 18 19 22-57 24-25 25-55 27-25 06-7 11-2 15-8 20-6 10 4-10 4-26 4-42 4-58 5-/5 5-32 5-49 6-06 6-24 6-41 20 28-56 1-25-4 12 14 16 18 4-17 4-24 4-31 4-38 4-33 4-40 4-47 4-49 4-57 5-04 5-12 5-06 5-14 5-22 5-30 5-23 5-31 5-39 5-48 5-40 5-48 5-57 6-06 5-57 6-06 6-14 6-23 6-15 6-23 6-32 6-41 6-32 6-41 6-50 6-59 6-49 6-58 7-07 7-16 21 22 23 24 30-27 31-59 33-33 35-01 30-3 35-3 40-5 45-8 4-55 20 4-46 5-03 5-21 5-39 5-57 6-15 6-33 6-51 7-08 7-25 25 36-42 1-51-2 22 24 26 28 4-53 5-02 5-10 5-19 5-11 5-20 5-29 5-38 5-29 5-38 5-48 5-57 5-47 5-57 6-07 6-17 6-06 6-15 6-26 6-36 6-24 6-34 6-44 6-56 6-42 6-53 7-03 7-/5 7-00 7-11 7-22 7-33 7-18 7-28 7-39 7-51 7-35 7-46 7-57 8-08 26 27 28 29 38-19 39-57 41-29 43-17 56-8 2-02-5 08-5 14-7 -30 5-29 5-48 6-08 6-28 6-48 7-07 7-27 7-45 8-04 8-2/ 30 45-00 2-21-1 1 17 114 ii r 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 46. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 6 m. 13 h. m. 0-/9 h. in. 0-26 h. m. 0-33 h. m. 0-41 h. m. 0-49 h. m. 0-57 h. m. 1-07 h. m. 1-18 h. m. /29 h. m. 1-42 28 26 24 22 7 8 8 9 14 15 17 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 37 40 43 46 45 49 52 56 54 58 1-02 1-07 1-03 1-08 1-13 1-18 1-13 1-19 1-25 1-30 1-25 1-31 1-38 1-44 1-37 1-44 1-51 1-58 1-51 1-59 2-07 2-14 .- 20 9 19 0-28 0-38 0-49 0-59 I'll 1-23 1-36 1-50 2-05 2-21 * IB 3 l6 ^ 14 12 10 10 II II 20 21 22 23 30 32 33 35 40 43 45 47 51 54 57 59 1-03 1-06 1-09 1-12 1-14 1-18 1-22 1-26 1-27 1-32 1-36 1-40 1-41 1-46 1-51 1-55 1-56 2-01 2-07 2-12 2-11 2-17 2-23 2-29 2-28 2-35 2-42 2-48 10 12 24 0-36 0-49 1-02 1-15 1-29 1-44 2-00 2-17 2-35 2-54 8 6 4 + 2 12 73 13 U 25 26 27 28 38 39 41 42 51 53 55 57 1-04 1-07 1-09 1-12 1-18 1-21 1-24 1-27 1-33 1-36 1-40 1-43 1-48 1-52 1-56 2-00 2-05 2-09 2-14 2-18 2-22 2-28 2-33 2-38 2-41 2-46 2-52 2-58 3-01 3-08 3-13 3-/9 14 29 0-44 0-59 1-14 1-30 1-47 2-04 2-23 2-43 3-03 3-25 - 2 4 6 8 15 15 16 16 30 31 32 33 45 47 48 50 1*01 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-17 1-19 1-22 1-24 1-33 1-36 1-39 1-42 1-50 1-54 1-57 2-01 2-08 2-12 2-16 2-21 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-41 2-48 2-53 2-58 3-03 3-09 3-14 3-20 3-25 3-3/ 3-37 3-42 3-49 10 17 34 0-51 1-09 1-27 1-45 2-05 2-25 2-46 3-08 3-31 3-56 .g l2 \ 14 3 l6 ^ /8 .^ 17 18 18 19 35 36 37 38 53 54 56 57 1-11 1-13 1-15 1-17 1-29 1-32 1-34 1-37 1-48 1-51 1-55 1-58 2-08 2-/2 2-16 2-19 2-29 2-33 2-37 2-42 2-50 2-55 3-00 3-05 3-13 3-19 3-24 3-30 3-37 3-43 3-49 3-55 4-02 4-08 4-15 4-22 20 19 39 0-59 1-19 1-40 2-01 2-23 2-46 3-10 3-36 4-01 4-29 22 24 26 28 20 21 21 22 40 41 43 44 1-01 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-29 1-43 1-46 1-49 1-52 2-04 2-08 2-12 2-16 2-27 2-32 2-36 2-40 2-51 2-56 3-0/ 3-06 3-16 3-21 3-27 3-33 3-42 3-48 3-54 4-01 4-08 4-15 4-22 4-29 4-36 4-43 4-51 4-59 - 30 23 45 1-08 1-31 1-55 2-20 2-45 3-11 3-39 4-08 4-37 5-08 AziMUT au pole deprime continuS 735 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 92 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 46. LINATION. 1 A L'HoRizoN VRAI. 63 66 69 72 Aziiv 75 [UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 % Q Amp. Diff. Asc. +30 h. m. i-si h. m. 2-00 h. m. 2-/0 h. m. 2-2/ h. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-45 h. m. 2-58 h. m. 3-/3 h. m. 3-28 h. m. 3-44 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-00 2-08 2-16 2-25 2-09 2-/9 2-27 2-35 2-20 2-29 2-38 2-47 2-3/ 2-4/ 2-50 3-00 2-43 2-54 3-03 3-/2 2-56 3-07 3-/7 3-27 3-/0 3-2/ 3-3/ 3-4/ 3-25 3-36 3-46 3-56 3-40 3-57 4-02 4-/2 3-56 4-08 4-/8 4-28 / 2 3 4 1-26 2-53 4-19 5-46 4-1 8-3 12-4 16-6 20 2-32 2-43 2-55 3-08 3-2/ 3-36 3-50 4-05 4-2/ 4-38 5 7-12 0-20-8 18 16 14 12 2-39 2-47 2-53 3-00 2-5] 2-58 3-06 3-/3 3-03 3-11 3-19 3-26 3-/6 3-24 3-32 3-40 3-30 3-38 3-46 3-54 3-44 3-53 4-0/ 4-09 3-59 4-08 4-/6 4-24 4-/4 4-23 4-32 4-40 4-30 4-39 4-48 4-56 4-47 4-56 5-04 5-13 6 7 8 9 8-39 10-06 11-33 13-01 25-0 29-2 33-5 37-8 10 3-07 3-20 3-33 3-47 4-02 4-/7 4-32 4-48 5-04 5-21 10 1429 0-42-1 8 6 4 + 2 3-13 3-20 3-26 3-32 3-26 3-33 3-40 3-46 3-40 3-47 3-54 4-01 3-54 4-02 4-09 4-16 4-09 4-16 4-24 4-3/ 4-25 4-32 4-40 4-47 4-40 4-48 4-55 5-03 4-56 5-04 5-11 5-19 5-12 5-20 5-28 5-36 5-29 5-37 5-45 5-52 II 12 13 14 15 15-57 17-25 18-54 20-23 46-4 50-9 55-3 59-9 3-39 3-53 4-08 4-23 4-38 4-55 5-/0 5-27 5-43 6-00 21-53 1-04-4 -2 4 6 8 3-4.5 3-51 3-58 4-04 4-00 4-06 4-/3 4-/9 4-/4 4-2/ 4-28 4-35 4-30 4-37 4-44 4-51 4-46 4-53 5-00 5-08 5-02 5-09 5-17 5-24 5-18 5-25 5-33 5-41 5-34 5-42 5-50 5-58 5-51 5-59 6-07 6-14 6-08 6-15 6-23 6-31 16 17 18 19 23-23 24-53 26-25 27-57 09-1 13-8 18-6 23-6 10 4-// 4-26 4-42 4-58 5-15 5-32 5-49 6-06 6-22 6-39 20 29-30 1-28-6 12 14 16 18 4-/7 4-24 4-3 / 4-38 4-33 4-40 4-47 4-55 4-49 4-57 5-04 5-12 5-06 5-/3 5-21 5-29 5-23 5-30 5-38 5-47 5-40 5-48 5-56 6-05 5-57 6-05 6-13 6-22 6-14 6-22 6-30 6-39 6-30 6-39 6-47 6-56 6-47 6-56 7-04 7-13 21 22 23 24 31-03 32-38 34-14 35-50 33-7 38-9 44-3 49-8 20 4-45 5-03 5-20 5-37 5-55 6-/3 6-31 6-48 7-05 7-22 25 37-28 1 -55-5 22 24 26 28 4-53 5-0/ 5-09 5-18 5-/0 5-19 5-27 5-37 5-28 5-37 5-45 5-55 5-46 5-55 6-04 6-14 6-04 6-13 6-23 6-33 6-22 6-32 6-42 6-52 6-40 6-50 7-00 7-11 6-58 7-07 7-18 7-29 7-15 7-25 7-35 7-47 7-32 7-42 7-52 8-04 26 27 28 29 30 39-08 40-49 42-31 44-16 2-01-3 07-3 13-6 20-1 -30 5-27 5-46 6-06 6-25 6-44 7-04 7-22 7-41 7-58 8-16 46-02 2-26-9 1 17 //4 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 93 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 47. 5 10 '15' 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. h. m. h.m. h. m. b. in. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 7 14 0-21 0-28 0-35 0-43 0-52 /O/ /// 1-21 /33 /47 28 7 15 22 30 38 47 56 /06 1-17 1-28 1-41 /55 26 8 16 24 33 42 51 /O/ /// 1-22 1-35 1-48 2-03 24 9 17 26 35 45 54 /05 //6 1-28 1-41 1-55 2-11 3 22 3 9 18 28 37 47 58 /09 1-21 1-33 1-47 2-02 2-18 '% 20 10 19 0-29 0-40 0-50 1-01 1-13 1-25 1-38 1-53 2-08 2-25 18 10 21 31 42 53 1-04 1-17 1-30 1-44 1-58 2-14 2-32 3 16 II 22 33 44 56 /OS 1-20 1-34 1-48 2-04 2-20 2-38 14 II 23 34 46 58 /// 1-24 1-38 1-53 2-09 2-26 2-45 12 12 24 36 48 /O/ 1-14 1-28 1-42 1-58 2-/4 2-32 2-51 10 12 25 0-37 0-50 /03 1-17 1-31 1-46 2-02 2-/9 2-38 2-57 8 13 26 38 52 /06 1-20 1-35 1-50 2-07 2-25 2-43 3-03 6 13 27 40 54 /OS 1-23 1-38 1-54 2-11 2-30 2-49 3-09 4 14 27 41 56 /// 1-26 1-42 1-58 2-16 2-34 2-54 3-/5 -f 2 14 28 43 58 //3 1-29 1-45 2-02 2-20 2-39 3-00 3-2/ IS 29 0-44 1-00 1-15 1-32 1-48 2-06 2-25 2-44 3-05 3-27 2 15 30 46 1-02 1-18 1-34 1-52 2-/0 2-29 2-49 3-/0 3-33 4 16 31 47 1-03 1-20 1-37 1-55 2-/4 2-34 2-54 3-/6 3-39 6 16 32 49 1-06 1-23 1-40 1-59 2-/S 2-38 2-59 3-2/ 3-44 8 17 33 50 1-07 1-25 1-43 2-02 2-22 2-42 3-04 3-27 3-50 10 17 34 0-52 1-09 1-27 1-46 2-06 2-26 2-47 3-09 3-32 3-57 12 18 35 53 I'll 1-30 1-49 2-09 2-30 2-52 3-/4 3-38 4-03 1 /4 18 36 55 1-13 1-33 1-52 2-/3 2-34 2-56 3-/9 3-44 4-09 Is / 6 ? / 19 19 37 38 56 58 1-15 1-18 1-35 1-38 1-55 1-59 2-/6 2-20 2-38 2-43 3-0/ 3-06 3-25 3-30 3-50 3-56 4-/5 4-22 1 20 20 39 0-59 1-20 1-40 2-02 2-24 2-47 3-11 3-36 4-02 4-29 22 20 40 1-01 1-22 1-43 2-05 2-28 2-52 3-16 3-42 4-08 4-36 24 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-46 2-09 2-32 2-56 3-21 3-48 4-/5 4-43 26 21 43 1-04 1-26 1-49 2-/2 2-36 3-0/ 3-27 3-54 4-22 4-5/ 28 22 44 1-06 1-29 J-52 2-/6 2-4/ 3-06 3-33 4-00 4-29 4-58 - 30 23 45 1-08 1-31 /55 2-20 2-45 3-/2 3-39 4-07 4-37 5-07 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued /35 /30 125 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 94 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. /TION. LATITUDE 47. * o, NJ - | | DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 JTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 1-56 h. m. 2-05 h. m. 2-15 h. m. 2-26 h. m. 2-38 h. m. 2-51 h. m. 3-04 h. m. 3-18 h. m. 3-34 h. m. 3-50 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-05 2-13 2-21 2-29 2-/4 2-23 2-32 2-40 2-25 2-34 2-43 2-51 2-36 2-46 2-55 3-04 2-49 2-58 3-08 3-/7 3-01 3-12 3-21 3-30 3-/5 3-26 3-35 3-45 3-30 3-40 3-50 4-00 3-45 3-56 4-06 4-15 4-0/ 4-/2 4-22 4-37 /28 2-56 4-24 5-52 4-3 8-6 /2-9 /7-2 20 2-36 2-47 2-59 3-/2 3-25 3-39 3-54 4-09 4-24 4-4/ 5 7-2 / 0-21-5 18 16 14 12 2-43 2-50 2-57 3-03 2-55 3-02 3-09 3-16 3-07 3-14 3-22 3-29 3-20 3-28 3-35 3-42 3-33 3-4J 3-49 3-57 3-48 3-56 4-04 4-11 4-02 4-10 4-/8 4-26 4-/7 4-26 4-34 4-42 4-33 4-42 4-50 4-58 4-49 4-58 5-06 5-14 ; 8 9 8-49 /0-/8 11-46 13-16 25-9 30-3 34-7 39-/ 10 3-/0 3-22 3-36 3-49 4-04 4-/9 4-34 4-50 5-06 5-22 10 14-45 0-43-6 8 6 4 + 2 3-16 3-22 3-28 3-34 3-29 3-35 3-42 3-48 3-43 3-49 3-56 4-03 3-57 4-04 4-// 4-/7 4-11 4-18 4-25 4-33 4-26 4-34 4-4/ 4-48 4-42 4-49 4-56 5-04 4-57 5-05 5-12 5-20 5-14 5-21 5-29 5-36 5-30 5-37 5-45 5-53 II 12 13 /4 16-15 17-45 19-16 20-47 48- / 52-7 57-3 1-02-0 3-4/ 3-55 4-09 4-24 4-40 4-55 5-11 5-27 5-44 6-00 15 22-18 1-06-8 - 2 4 6 8 3-47 3-53 3-59 4-05 4-0/ 4-07 4-/4 4-20 4-16 4-22 4-29 4-36 4-3 / 4-38 4-45 4-52 4-47 4-54 5-0/ 5-08 5-02 5-/0 5-17 5-24 5-32 5-18 5-26 5-33 5-40 ' 5-35 5-42 5-50 5-57 5-51 5-59 6-06 6-14 6-07 6-15 6-23 6-30 6-38 16 17 18 19 20 23-47 25-23 26-57 28-31 11-6 16-6 21-6 26-7 10 4-/2 4-27 4-43 4-59 5-15 5-48 6-05 6-21 30-06 1-31-9 12 14 16 18 4-18 4-25 4-3 / 4-38 4-34 4-40 4-47 4-55 4-50 4-57 5-04 5-11 5-06 5-13 5-21 5-28 5-22 5-30 5-38 5-46 5-39 5-47 5-55 6-03 5-56 6-04 6-/2 6-20 6-13 6-21 6-29 6-37 6-29 6-37 6-45 6-54 6-4(5 $-54 7-02 7-11 21 22 23 24 25 31-42 33-19 34-57 36-37 37-2 42-7 48-3 54-1 20 4-45 5-02 5-19 5-36 5-54 6-11 6-29 6-46 7-03 7-/9 38-IB 2-00-0 22 24 26 28 4-53 5-00 5-08 5-17 5-/0 5-/8 5-26 5-35 5-27 5-36 5-44 5-53 5-45 5-53 6-02 6-/2 6-02 6-11 6-21 6-30 6-20 6-29 6-39 6-49 6-37 6-47 6-57 7-07 6-55 7-04 7-/4 7-25 7-/2 7-2/ 7-32 7-42 7-29 7-38 7-48 7-59 26 27 28 29 40-00 41-44 43-30 45-18 06-1 12-5 19-1 25-9 -30 5-25 5-44 6-03 6-22 6-41 7-00 7-18 7-36 7-54 8-/0 30 47-09 2-33-0 117 114 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 95 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 48. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60^ + 30 m. 7 m. 14 h. m. 0-22 h. m. 0-29 h. m. 0-37 h. m. 0-46 h. m. 0-54 h. m. /04 h. m. //4 h. m. /25 h. m. /38 h. m. /52 28 26 24 * 22 8 8 9 9 16 17 18 19 24 25 27 29 32 34 37 39 40 43 46 49 49 53 57 1-00 59 /03 /07 /// /09 //4 //9 /24 /20 /26 /3/ /35 /32 1-38 1-44 1-50 /45 /52 /59 2-05 2-00 2-07 2-/5 2-22 20 3 * 18 3 /5 ^ 74 /2 JO 20 0-30 0-41 0-52 1-03 //5 1-28 1-41 1-56 2-/2 2-29 li 11 12 12 21 22 23 24 32 33 35 37 43 45 47 49 54 57 1-00 1-02 1-06 //O //3 1-16 1-19 1-23 1-26 1-30 1-32 1-37 1-41 1-45 1-46 1-51 1-56 2-00 2-01 2-07 2-12 2-17 2-/S 2-23 2-29 2-35 2-35 2-42 2-48 2-54 /O 13 25 0-38 0-51 1-05 1-19 1-33 1-48 2-05 2-22 2-40 3-00 8 6 4 + 2 13 13 14 14 26 27 28 29 39 41 42 44 53 55 57 59 1-07 1-09 1-12 1-14 1-21 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-47 1-52 1-56 2-00 2-04 2-09 2-/4 2-18 2-22 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-4/ 2-46 2-5/ 2-56 3-02 3-06 3-11 3-17 3-23 15 30 0-45 1-01 1-16 1-33 1-50 2-08 2-26 2-46 3-07 3-29 - 2 4 6 8 /o 15 16 16 17 31 32 33 34 46 48 49 51 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-08 1-19 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-36 1-39 1-41 1-44 1-53 1-57 2-00 2-03 2-12 2-15 2-19 2-23 2-31 2-35 2-39 2-44 2-5/ 2-56 3-0/ 3-05 3-/2 3-/7 3-23 3-28 3-34 3-40 3-46 3-52 17 35 0-52 1-10 1-28 1-47 2-07 2-27 2-48 3-/0 3-33 3-57 .8 /2 1 /4 3 /5 /8 ^ 18 18 19 19 36 37 37 39 53 55 57 58 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-18 1-31 1-33 1-36 1-38 1-50 1-53 1-56 1-59 2-/0 2-/4 2-/7 2-2/ 2-31 2-35 2-39 2-43 2-53 2-57 3-02 3-07 3-/5 3-20 3-26 3-3/ 3-39 3-44 3-50 3-56 4-03 4-09 4-/6 4-22 g 20 20 40 1-00 1-20 1-41 2-03 2-25 2-48 3-/2 3-36 4-02 4-29 22 24 26 28 20 21 21- 22 4f 42 43 44 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-22 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-44 1-47 1-50 1-53 2-06 2-09 2-13 2-16 2-29 2-33 2-37 2-4/ 2-52 2-56 3-01 3-06 3-18 3-22 3-27 3-33 3-42 3-48 3-54 4-00 4-08 ~4-/5 4-2/ 4-28 4-35 4-42 4-50 4-57 - 30 23 45 1-08 1-32 1-56 2-20 2-45 3-11 3-39 4-07 4-36 5-06 AziMUT au pole deprime continue 135 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION*. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 48. DECLINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 i. m. 2-01 h. m. 2-/0 i. m. 2-2/ i. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-43 i. m. 2-56 h. m. 3-/0 h. m. 3-24 h. m. 3-39 h. m. 3-55 / 2 3 4 / 0-00 i. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-09 2-17 2-25 2-32 2-19 2-28 2-36 2-44 2-30 2-39 2-47 2-55 2-4/ 2-51 2-59 3-08 2-53 3-03 3-/2 3-20 3-07 3-/6 3-25 3-34 3-20 3-30 3-40 3-48 3-35 3-45 3-54 4-03 3-50 4-00 4-/0 4-/9 4-06 4-/6 4-25 4-35 /30 2-59 4-29 5-59 4-4 8-9 13-3 17-8 20 2-40 2-51 3-03 3-16 3-28 3-43 3-57 4-/2 4-28 4-43 5 7-29 0-22-3 18 16 14 12 2-46 2-53 3-00 3-06 2-58 3-05 3-12 3-18 3-/0 3-/S 3-25 3-32 3-23 3-31 3-38 3-45 3-36 3-44 3-51 3-59 3-51 3-59 4-06 4-/4 4-05 4-/3 4-2/ 4-29 4-20 4-29 4-36 4-44 4-36 4-44 4-52 5-00 4-52 5-00 5-08 5-16 6 7 8 9 8-59 /0-30 12-00 13-31 26-7 31-4 35-9 40-5 10 3-/2 3-25 3-38 3-52 4-06 4-2/ 4-36 4-52 5-07 5-23 10 15-02 0-45-2 8 6 4 + 2 3-18 3-24 3-30 3-36 3-3/ 3-38 3-44 3-50 3-45 3-51 3-58 4-04 3-59 4-06 4-/2 4-/9 4-/3 4-20 4-27 4-33 4-28 4-35 4-42 4-49 4-43 4-5/ 4-58 5-05 4-59 5-06 5-/4 5-21 5-/5 5-22 5-29 5-37 5-31 5-38 5-46 5-53 II 12 13 14 16-34 18-06 19-39 21-12 49-9 54-6 59-4 1-04-3 3-42 3-56 4-11 4-26 4-40 4-56 5-12 5-28 5-44 6-00 f C 22-45 0-09-3 - 2 4 6 8 3-48 3-54 4-00 4-06 4-02 4-09 4-/5 4-2/ 4-/7 4-24 4-30 4-37 4-32 4-39 4-45 4-52 4-47 4-54 5-0/ 5-08 5-03 5-/0 5-17 5-24 5-19 5-26 5-33 5-40 5-35 5-42 5-49 5-57 J 5v5/_ 5-58 6-06 6-/3 6-07 6-14 6-22 6-29 16 17 18 19 20 24-20 25-55 27-30 29-07 14-3 19-4 24-6 29-9 10 4-/2 4-28 4-43 4-59 5-15 5-31 5-48 6-04 6-20 6-37 30-44 1-35-4 12 14 16 18 4-/9 4-25 4-3/ 4-34 4-4/ 4-47 4-54 4-50 4-57 5-04 5-11 5-06 5-/3 5-20 5-28 5-22 5-29 5-36 5-44 5-39 5-46 5-54 6-01 5-55 6-03 6-/0 6-/8 6-11 6-19 6-27 6-35 6-28 6-36 6-44 6-52 6-44 6-52 7-00 7-08 21 22 23 24 32-23 34-03 35-44 37-26 40-9 46-6 52-5 58-5 4-38 20 4-45 5-02 5-18 5-35 5-52 6-10 6-27 6-44 7-00 7-/7 25 39-/0 2-04-8 22 24 26 28 4-52 4-59 5-07 5-15 5-09 5-/7 5-25 5-33 5-26 5-34 5-43 5-5/ 5-43 5-52 6-00 6-/0 6-00 6-09 6-/8 6-27 6-18 6-27 6-36 6-46 6-35 6-44 6-54 7-04 6-52 7-01 7-11 7-21 7-09 7-/8 7-28 7-38 7-25 7-35 7-44 7-54 26 27 28 29 30 40-56 42-43 44-33 46-26 11-2 17-9 24-8 32-0 -30 5-24 5-42 6-01 6-19 6-37 6-56 7-/4 7-32 7-49 8-05 48-2 2-39-5 117 114 III 108' /05 /02 C 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 97 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION". DECLINATION. LATITUDE 49. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 8 m. 15 h. m. 0-23 h. m. 0-31 h. m. 0-39 h. m. 0-48 h. m. 0-57 h. m. 1-07 h. m. 1-18 h. m. /29 h. m. /42 h. m. 1-56 28 26 24 o 22 8 9 9 10 16 17 19 20 25 26 28 30 33 36 38 40 42 45 48 51 52 55 59 1-02 1-02 1-06 1-10 1-14 1-12 1-17 1-22 1-26 1-24 1-29 1-34 1-39 /36 /42 /48 /54 /49 1-56 2-03 2-09 2-04 2-12 2-19 2-26 I 20 10 21 0-31 0-42 0-53 1-05 1-17 1-30 1-44 /59 2-15 2-32 * IB 3 l6 ^ 14 12 II II 12 12 22 23 24 25 33 34 36 37 44 46 48 50 56 59 1-01 1-03 1-08 I'll 1-14 1-17 1-21 1-25 1-28 1-32 1-35 1-39 1-43 1-47 1-49 1-54 1-58 2-03 2-04 2-09 2-/5 2-/9 2-21 2-26 2-32 2-37 2-39 2-45 2-51 2-57 10 13 26 0-39 0-52 1-06 1-20 1-35 1-51 2-07 2-24 2-43 3-02 8 6 4 + 2 13 14 U 15 27 28 28 29 40 42 43 44 54 56 58 1-00 1-08 /// 1-13 1-15 1-23 1-26 1-29 1-31 1-38 1-42 1-45 1-48 1-54 1-58 2-02 2-06 2-11 2-16 2-20 2-24 2-29 2-34 2-39 2-43 2-48 2-53 2-58 3-03 3-08 3-14 3-19 3-25 15 30 0-46 t-OI 1-18 1-34 1-51 2-09 2-28 2-48 3-09 3-30 - 2 4 6 8 16 16 16 17 31 32 33 34 47 48 50 51 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-09 1-20 1-22 1-25 1-27 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-45 1-55 1-58 2-01 2-05 2-13 2-17 2-21 2-24 2-32 2-37 2-4/ 2-45 2-53 2-57 3-02 3-07 3-/4 3-/9 3-24 3-29 3-36 3-41 3-47 3-53 10 17 35 0-53 /// 1-29 1-48 2-08 2-28 2-49 3-11 3-34 3-58 4 l2 \ 14 % 16 a /s 18 18 19 19 36 37 38 39 54 56 57 59 //3 //5 //7 1-19 1-32 1-34 1-37 1-39 1-51 1-54 1-57 2-00 2-H 2-15 2-18 2-22 2-32 2-36 2-40 2-44 2-54 2-58 3-03 3-07 3-16 3-21 3-26 3-31 3-40 3-45 3-5/ 3-56 4-04 4-/0 4-16 4-22 g20 20 40 1-00 1-21 1-42 2-03 2-25 2-48 3-/2 3-37 4-02 4-29 22 24 26 28 20 21 22 22 41 42 43 44 1-02 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-30 1-44 1-47 1-50 1-53 2-06 2-10 2-13 2-17 2-29 2-33 2-37 2-4/ 2-53 2-57 3-02 3-07 3-/7 3-22 3-27 3-33 3-42 3-48 4-08 4-/5 4-2/ 4-28 4-35 4-42 4-49 4-56 3-54 4-00 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-32 1-56 2-20 2-46 3-12 3-39 4-06 4-35 5-04 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 140 135 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 98 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 49. DECLINATION. AT TRUK HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 2-06 h. m. 2-/5 h. m. 2-26 h-m. 2-37 h. m. 2-49 h. m. 3-02 h. m. 3-/5 h. m. 3-29 h. m. 3-44 h. m. 4-00 6 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-14. 2-22 2-29 2-36 2-24 2-32 2-40 2-47 2-35 2-43 2-51 2-59 2-46 2-55 3-04 3-/2 2-59 3-08 3-/6 3-25 3-11 3-21 3-30 3-38 3-25 3-35 3-44 3-52 3-39 3-49 3-58 4-07 3-54 4-04 4-/3 4-22 4-10 4-20 4-29 4-38 / 2 3 4 5 1-31 3-03 4-35 6-06 4-6 9-2 13-8 18-5 20 2-43 2-55 3-07 3-19 3-32 3-46 4-00 4-/5 4-3/ 4-46 7-38 0-23-1 18 16 14 12 2-50 2-56 3-03 3-09 3-02 3-08 3-15 3-21 3-14 3-21 3-28 3-34 3-27 3-34 3-41 3-48 3-40 3-47 3-55 4-02 3-54 4-02 4-09 4-16 4-08 4-16 4-24 4-31 4-23 4-3/ 4-39 4-46 4-39 4-47 4-54 5-02 4-54 5-02 5-/0 5-/7 6 7 8 9 10 9-10 10-42 12-15 13-48 27-7 32-5 37-2 42-0 10 3-15 3-28 3-41 3-54 4-09 4-23 4-38 4-53 5-09 5-25 15-21 0-46-8 8 6 4 + 2 3-21 3-27 3-32 3-38 3-34 3-40 3-46 3-52 3-47 3-53 4-00 4-06 4-01 4-08 4-14 4-20 4-15 4-22 4-29 4-35 4-30 4-37 4-44 4-50 4-45 4-52 4-59 5-06 5-00 5-08 5-14 5-21 5-/6 5-23 5-30 5-37 5-32 5-39 5-46 5-53 II 12 13 14 16-55 18-29 19-03 21-38 51-7 56-6 1-01-6 06-7 3-44 3-58 4-12 4-27 4-42 4-57 5-13 5-28 5-44 6-00 15 23-14 1-11-8 -2 4 6 8 3-50 3-55 4-01 4-07 4-04 4-10 4-16 4-22 4-18 4-25 4-31 4-37 4-33 4-40 4-46 4-53 4-48 4-55 5-02 5-04 5-11 5-17 5-19 5-26 5-33 5-40 5-35 5-42 5-49 5-56 5-51 5-58 6-05 6-/2 6-07 6-/4 6-21 6-28 16 17 18 19 24-51 26-28 28-06 29-45 17-0 22-4 27-8 33-3 5-08 5-24 10 4-13 4-28 4-44 4-59 5-15 5-31 5-47 6-03 6-19 6-35 20 31-25 1-39-0 12 14 16 18 4-19 4-25 4-32 4-38 4-34 4-41 4-50 4-57 5-04 5-10 5-06 5-13 5-20 5-27 5-22 5-29 5-36 5-44 5-38 5-45 5-53 6-00 5-54 6-02 6-09 6-17 6-10 6-18 6-25 6-33 6-27 6-34 6-42 6-50 6-43 6-50 6-58 7-06 21 22 23 24 33-07 34-49 36-33 38-19 44-8 50-8 56-9 2-03-2 4-47 4-54 20 4-45 5-01 5-18 5-34 5-51 6-08 6-25 6-41 6-58 7-/4 25 40-06 2-09-8 22 24 26 28 4-52 4-59 5-06 5-14 5-08 5-16 5-24 5-32 5-25 5-33 5-41 5-49 5-42 5-50 5-59 6-08 5-59 6-07 6-16 6-25 6-16 6-25 6-33 6-43 6-33 6-42 6-51 7-00 6-50 6-58 7-08 7-/7 7-06 7-15 7-24 7-34 7-22 7-3 / 7-40 7-50 26 27 28 29 41-56 43-47 45-42 47-39 16-5 23-5 30-8 38-5 -30 5-22 5-40 5-58 6-17 6-35 6-53 7-10 7-28 7-44 8-00 30 49-39 2-46-5 117 114 111 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 99 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 50. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 8 m. 16 h. m. 0-24 h. m. 0-32 h. m. 0-4/ h. m. 0-50 h. m. /OO h. m. //O h. m. 1-21 h. m. /33 h. m. 1-46 h. m. 2-01 28 26 24 22 H3 8 9 10 10 17 18 19 20 26 28 29 31 35 37 39 41 44 47 50 52 54 57 /O/ /04 1-04 1-08 1-12 1-16 1-15 1-20 1-24 1-29 1-27 1-32 1-37 1-42 1-40 1-46 1-51 1-57 1-53 2-00 2-06 2-12 2-08 2-16 2-23 2-29 1 20 fi II 21 0-32 0-43 0-55 /07 1-20 1-33 1-47 2-02 2-18 2-36 *! 3 K /2 II 12 12 13 22 23 24 25 34 35 37 38 45 47 49 51 58 /OO /03 /05 //O //3 1-16 1-19 1-23 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-37 1-41 1-45 1-49 1-52 1-56 2-01 2-05 2-07 2-/2 2-17 2-22 2-24 2-29 2-35 2-40 2-42 2-48 2-54 2-59 /O 13 26 0-40 0-53 /07 1-22 1-37 1-53 2-09 2-27 2-45 3-05 8 6 4 + 2 14 14 14 15 27 28 29 30 41 42 44 45 55 57 59 1-01 /09 1-12 //4 1-16 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-56 2-00 2-04 2-07 2-/3 2-18 2-22 2-26 2-31 2-36 2-41 2-45 2-50 2-55 3-00 3-05 3-/0 3-/6 3-21 3-27 IS 31 0-46 I-P2 1-19 1-35 1-53 2-11 2-30 2-50 3-10 3-32 - 2 4 6 8 16 16 17 17 32 33 33 34 48 49 50 52 1-04 1-06 1-08 //O 1-21 1-23 1-25 1-28 1-38 1-41 1-44 1-46 1-56 1-59 2-02 2-06 2-15 2-18 2-22 2-26 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-54 2-59 3-03 3-08 3-15 3-20 3-25 3-30 3-37 3-43 3-48 3-54 /O 18 35 0-53 /// 1-30 1-49 2-09 2-29 2-50 3-12 3-35 3-59 S 12 I /4 J /6 .3 /s 18 19 19 20 36 37 38 39 54 56 57 59 1-13 1-15 1-17 1-19 1-32 /34 /37 /40 1-52 1-55 1-58 2-01 2-/2 2-/6 2-/9 2-22 2-33 2-37 2-41 2-45 2-55 2-59 3-03 3-08 3-17 3-22 3-27 3-32 3-41 3-46 3-51 3-57 4-05 4-/0 4-16 4-22 5 20 20 40 /OO 1-21 /42 2-04 2-26 2-49 3-13 3-37 4-02 4-28 22 24 26 28 21 21 22 22 41 42 43 44 1-02 1-04 1-05 1-07 1-23 1-25 1-28 1-30 /45 1-48 1-50 1-53 2-07 2-/0 2-14 2-17 2-30 2-34 2-37 2-42 2-53 2-58 3-02 3-07 3-17 3-22 3-27 3-33 3-42 3-48 3-54 4-00 4-08 4-14 4-21 4-27 4-35 4-4/ 4-48 4-55 ~ 30 23 46 1-09 1-32 1-56 2-21 2-46 3-/2 3-38 4-06 4-34 5-03 AZIMUT au pole deprime continuZ /40 /35 /30 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 100 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 50. DECLINATION. A L'HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 2-/0 h. m. 2-20 h. m. 2-31 h. m. 2-42 h. m. 2-54 h. m. 3-07 h. m. 3-20 h. m. 3-34 h. m. 3-49 h. m. 4-04 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-18 2-26 2-33 2-40 2-29 2-36 2-44 2-51 2-40 2-48 2-55 3-03 2-51 3-00 3-08 3-15 3-03 3-/2 3-20 3-28 3-/6 3-25 3-34 3-42 3-30 3-39 3-47 3-56 3-44 3-53 4-02 4-/0 3-59 4-08 4-/7 4-25 4-/4 4-23 4-32 4-4/ / 2 3 4 /33 3-07 4-40 6-14 4-8 9-5 74-3 19-1 20 2-47 2-58 3-/0 3-23 3-36 3-50 4-04 4-/8 4-33 4-49 5 7-48 0-23-9 18 16 14 12 2-53 2-59 3-05 3-11 3-05 3-11 3-18 3-24 3-17 3-24 3-30 3-37 3-30 3-37 3-44 3-50 3-43 3-50 3-57 4-04 3-57 4-04 4-11 4-18 4-11 4-18 4-26 4-33 4-26 4-34 4-4/ 4-48 4-4/ 4-49 4-56 5-03 4-57 5-04 5-/2 5-/9 6 7 8 9 9-22 10-56 12-30 14-05 28-8 33-7 38-6 43-5 10 3-17 3-30 3-43 3-57 4-11 4-25 4-40 4-55 5-/0 5-26 10 15-40 0-48-5 8 6 4 + 2 3-23 3-29 3-34 3-40 3-36 3-42 3-48 3-54 3-49 3-55 4-02 4-08 4-03 4-09 4-16 4-22 4-17 4-24 4-30 4-37 4-32 4-38 4-45 4-51 4-47 4-53 5-00 5-07 5-02 5-09 5-15 5-22 5-17 5-24 5-31 5-38 5-33 5-40 5-47 5-53 II 12 13 14 17-16 18-52 20-29 22-07 53-6 58-8 1-03-9 09-1 3-45 3-59 4-14 4-28 4-43 4-58 5-/3 5-29 5-44 6-00 15 23-45 1-14-5 -2 4 6 8 3-51 3-57 4-02 4-08 4-05 4-11 4-17 4-23 4-20 4-26 4-32 4-38 4-34 4-40 4-47 4-53 4-49 4-56 5-02 5-08 5-04 5-11 5-17 5-20 5-26 5-33 5-40 5-35 5-42 5-49 5-56 5-51 5-58 6-05 6-11 6-07 6-13 6-20 6-27 16 17 18 19 20 25-24 27-03 28-44 30-26 19-9 25-5 31-1 36-9 5-24 10 4-14 4-29 4-44 4-59 5-/5 5-31 5-47 6-02 6-18 6-34 32-09 1-42-8 12 14 16 18 4-20 4-26 4-32 4-38 4-35 4-41 4-47 4-54 4-50 4-57 5-03 5-10 5-06 5-/2 5-19 5-26 5-22 5-28 5-35 5-43 5-38 5-44 5-52 5-59 5-54 6-0/ 6-08 6-15 6-09 6-17 6-24 6-31 6-25 6-33 6-40 6-47 6-41 6-48 6-56 7-03 21 22 23 24 33-53 35-39 37-26 39-/5 48-9 55- / 2-0/-6 08-2 20 4-44 5-01 5-17 5-33 5-50 6-06 6-23 6-39 6-55 7-11 25 26 27 28 29 4/-06 2-/5-0 22 24 26 28 4-51 4-58 5-05 5-13 5-08 5-15 5-22 5-30 5-24 5-32 5-39 5-48 5-41 5-49 5-57 6-05 5-58 6-05 6-/4 6-22 6-14 6-22 6-31 6-40 6-31 6-39 6-48 6-58 6-47 6-56 7-04 7-/4 7-03 7-12 7-2 / 7-30 7-19 7-28 7-37 7-46 43-00 44-56 46-55 48-57 22-2 29-6 37-3 45-4 -30 5-21 5-38 5-56 6-/4 6-32 6-49 7-07 7-23 7-40 7-56 30 5/-04 2-53-9 117 114 111 /08 /05 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 101 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 5/ 9 . 5 10 /5 20 AZIM 25 | 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60" + 30 m. 8 m. 17 h. m. 0-25 h. m. 0-34 h. m. 0-43 h. m. 0-53 h. m. /03 h. m. 1-13 h. m. /25 h. m. /37 h. m. 1-51 h. m. 2'08 28 26 24 6 22 9 9 10 10 18 19 20 21 27 29 30 32 36 38 41 43 46 49 51 54 56 59 /03 /06 /07 /// //5 //8 1-18 1-23 1-27 1-31 /30 /35 /40 /45 /43 /49 /54 2-00 1-57 2-04 2-/0 2-/6 2-/3 2-20 2-26 2-33 ~ 20 II 22 0-33 0-45 0-57 /09 /22 1-35 /50 2-05 2-2/ 2-39 ^ 18 16 ^ 14 12 II 12 12 13 23 24 25 26 35 36 38 39 47 49 51 52 59 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-20 /25 /29 /32 /35 1-39 1-43 1-47 1-51 /54 /59 2-03 2-07 2-/0 2-/5 2-20 2-24 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-43 2-45 2-5/ 2-56 3-02 10 13 27 0-40 0-54 1-09 1-23 /39 1-55 2-11 2-29 2-48 3-07 8 6 4 + 2 14 14 15 15 28 29 29 30 42 43 44 46 56 58 1-00 1-01 /// 1-13 1-15 1-17 1-26 1-29 1-31 1-34 /42 /45 /48 1-51 1-58 2-02 2-05 2-09 2-15 2-19 2-23 2-27 2-33 2-38 2-42 2-47 2-53 2-57 3-02 3-07 3-13 3-18 3-23 3-28 16 31 0-47 1-03 1-20 1-37 1-54 2-12 2-31 2-5/ 3-/2 3-34 - 2 4 6 8 16 16 17 17 32 33 34. 35 48 50 51 52 1-05 1-07 1-08 1-10 1-22 1-24 1-26 1-29 1-39 1-42 1-45 1-47 1-57 2-00 2-04 2-07 2-16 2-20 2-23 2-27 2-35 2-39 2-43 2-47 2-56 3-00 3-04 3-09 3-/7 3-22 3-26 3-3/ 3-39 3-44 3-49 3-55 10 18 36 0-54 1-12 1-31 1-50 2-10 2-30 2-52 3-/3 3-36 4-00 4 12 1 14 3 16 '8 18 19 19 20 37 37 38 39 55 56 58 59 1-14 1-16 1-18 1-20 1-33 1-35 1-38 1-40 1-53 1-56 1-58 2-01 2-13 2-16 2-20 2-23 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-56 3-00 3-04 3-09 3-/S 3-23 3-28 3-32 3-4/ 3-46 3-52 3-57 4-05 4-11 4-17 4-22 1 20 20 40 /O/ 1-22 1-43 2-04 2-27 2-50 3-13 3-37 4-03 4-08 4-/4 4-20 4-27 4-28 22 24 26 28 21 21 22 22 4/ 42 44 45 /02 /04 /06 /07 1-24 1-26 1-28 1-30 1-45 1-48 1-51 1-53 2-07 2-11 2-14 2-17 2-30 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-54 2-58 3-02 3-07 3-18 3-23 3-28 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-59 4-34 4-4/ 4-47 4-54 3-33 - 30 23 46 /09 1-32 1-56 2-21 2-46 3-/2 3-38 4-05 4-33 5-00 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued 140 /35 /30 125 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line IO2 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 5/. o o | DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. +30 h. m. 2-/5 h. m. 2-25 h. m. 2-36 h. m. 2-47 h. m. 2-59 h. m. 3-/2 h. m. 3-25 h. m. 3-39 h. m. 3-54 h. m. 4-09 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-23 2-30 2-37 2-43 2-33 2-4/ 2-48 2-55 2-44 2-52 2-59 3-07 2-56 3-04 3-/2 3-/9 3-08 3-/6 3-24 3-32 3-2/ 3-29 3-37 3-45 3-34 3-43 3-5/ 3-59 3-49 3-58 4-06 4-/4 4-03 4-/2 4-2/ 4-29 4-18 4-27 4-35 4-44 2 3 4 /35 3-11 4-46 6-22 4-9 9-9 /4-8 /9-8 20 2-50 3-0/ 3-/4 3-26 3-39 3-53 4-07 4-22 4-36 4-51 5 7-58 0-24-8 18 16 14 12 2-56 3-02 3-08 3-/4 3-08 3-/4 3-20 3-26 3-20 3-27 3-33 3-39 3-33 3-40 3-46 3-53 3-46 3-53 4-00 4-06 4-00 4-07 4-/4 4-2/ 4-/4 4-2/ 4-28 4-35 4-29 4-37 4-44 4-50 4-44 4-5/ 4-58 5-05 4-59 5-06 5-13 5-20 6 7 8 9 9-34 11-10 12-47 14-24 29-8 34-9 40-0 45- / 10 3-20 3-32 3-45 3-59 4-/3 4-27 4-42 4-57 5-/2 5-27 10 16-01 0-50-3 8 6 4 + 2 3-25 3-3/ 3-36 3-42 3-38 3-44 3-49 3-55 3-5/ 3-57 4-03 4-09 4-05 4-11 4-17 4-23 4-/9 4-25 4-32 4-38 4-34 4-40 4-46 4-53 4-48 4-55 5-0/ 5-08 5-04 5-/0 5-/7 5-23 5-/9 5-25 5-32 5-38 5-34 5-41 5-47 5-54 II 12 13 14 17-39 19-17 20-57 22-36 55-6 /00-9 06-3 tl-7 3-47 4-0/ 4-/5 4-29 4-44 4-59 5-/4 5-30 5-45 6-00 15 24-17 1-17-3 - 2 4 6 8 3-52 3-58 4-03 4-09 4-06 4-/2 4-/8 4-23 4-2/ 4-26 4-32 4-38 4-35 4-41 4-47 4-53 4-50 4-56 5-02 5-09 5-05 S-ll 5-18 5-24 5-20 5-27 5-33 5-40 5-36 '5-43 5-49 5-56 5-5/ 5-58 6-04 6-11 6-06 6-13 6-19 6-26 16 17 18 19 25-59 27-41 29-25 31-09 23-0 28-7 34-6 40-7 10 4-/4 4-29 4-44 5-00 5-/5 5-30 5-46 6-02 6-18 6-33 20 32-55 1-46-8 12 14 16 18 4-20 4-26 4-32 4-38 4-35 4-4/ 4-47 4-54 4-50 4-57 5-03 5-09 5-06 5-12 5-19 5-25 5-2/ 5-28 5-35 5-42 5-37 5-44 5-51 5-58 5-53 6-00 6-07 6-/4 6-09 6-/6 6-23 6-30 6-24 6-31 6-38 6-46 6-40 6-47 6- 54 7-01 21 22 23 24 34-43 36-32 38-23 40- / 6 53-2 59-7 2-06-5 /3-4 20 4-44 5-00 5-/6 5-32 5-49 6-05 6-27 6-38 6-53 7-09 25 42- // 2-20-6 22 24 26 28 4-5/ 4-57 5-04 5-11 5-07 5-/4 5-2/ 5-29 5-23 5-30 5-38 5-46 5-40 5-47 5-55 6-03 5-56 6-04 6-/2 6-20 6-12 6-20 6-28 6-37 6-29 6-37 6-45 6-54 6-45 6-54 7-02 7-11 7-01 7-09 7-18 7-27 7-16 7-25 7-33 7-42 26 27 28 29 30 44-09 46-10 48-15 50-23 28- / 36-0 44-2 52-8 -30 5-19 5-36 5-54 6-12 6-29 6-46 7-03 7-20 7-36 7-5/ 52-37 3-0/-9 \\T 114" in- 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 103 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 52. 5 10 15 20 25 Aziiv 30 [UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 9 m. 17 h. m. 0-26 h. m. 0-35 h. m. 0-45 h. m. 0-55 h. m. /05 h. m. //6 h. m. /28 h. m. 1-41 h. m. /55 h. m. 2-/0 28 26 24 22 9 10 10 II 19 20 21 22 28 30 31 33 38 40 42 44 48 50 53 56 58 /02 /05 /OS /09 1-13 1-17 1-20 1-21 1-25 1-30 1-34 /33 /38 /43 /48 1-47 1-52 1-58 2-03 2-0/ 2-07 2-/3 2-/9 2-/7 2-23 2-30 2-36 20 II 23 0-34 0-46 0-58 /// 1-24 1-38 /52 2-08 2-24 2-42 * 'S 3 l6 ^ 14 12 12 12 13 13 24 25 25 26 36 37 38 40 48 50 52 54 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-08 //4 //7 1-19 1-22 1-27 1-31 1-34 1-37 1-42 1-46 1-49 1-53 /57 2-0/ 2-05 2-09 2-/3 2-/S 2-22 2-27 2-30 2-35 2-40 2-45 2-48 2-53 2-59 3-04 10 U 27 0-4/ 0-55 1-10 1-25 1-40 1-56 2-/3 2-3/ 2-50 3-/0 8 6 4 + 2 14 14 15 15 28 29 30 31 42 44 45 46 57 59 /O/ /02 1-12 //4 1-16 1-19 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-35 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-53 2-00 2-04 2-07 2-/0 2-/7 2-2/ 2-25 2-29 2-36 2-40 2-44 2-49 2-55 2-59 3-04 3-09 3-15 3-20 3-25 3-30 16 32 0-48 /04 1-21 1-38 1-56 2-/4 2-33 2-53 3-/4 3-35 - 2 4 6 8 16 17 17 18 33 33 34 35 49 50 52 53 /06 /07 /09 /// 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-48 1-59 2-02 2-05 2-08 2-/7 2-2/ 2-24 2-28 2-37 2-4/ 2-45 2-49 2-57 3-0/ 3-06 3-/0 3-/S 3-23 3-28 3-32 3-40 3-45 3-50 3-55 10 18 36 0-54 1-13 1-32 1-51 2-11 2-3/ 2-53 3-/4 3-37 4-0/ 3 ' 2 1 14 16 18 t y 18 19 19 20 37 38 39 40 56 57 58 1-00 1-15 1-16 1-18 1-20 /34 /36 /38 /4/ 1-54 1-56 1-59 2-02 2-14 2-17 2-20 2-24 2-35 2-39 2-42 2-46 2-57 3-0/ 3-05 3-09 3-/9 3-23 3-28 3-33 3-42 3-47 3-52 3-57 4-06 4-// 4-/7 4-22 4-28 ?20 20 4/ 1-01 1-22 /43 2-05 2-27 2-50 3-/4 3-38 4-03 22 24 26 28 - 30 21 21 22 22 42 43 44 45 1-03 /04 /06 /07 /24 /26 /28 /30 /46 /48 1-51 /54 2-08 2-11 2-14 2-17 2-3/ 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-54 2-58 3-02 3-07 3-/S 3-23 3-28 3-33 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-59 4-08 4-/4 4-20 4-26 4-34 4-40 4-47 4-53 23 46 /09 /33 /57 2-21 2-46 3-/2 3-38 4-05 4-32 5-00 AZIMUT au pole deprime continue 140 135 /30 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du me'me nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 104 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. h LATITUDE 52 DECLINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 2-19 h. m. 2-30 h. m. 2-40 h. m. 2-52 h. m. 3-04 h. m. 3-16 h. m. 3-30 h. m. 3-43 h. m. 3-58 h. m. 4-/3 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-27 2-34 2-41 2-47 2-37 2-45 2-52 2-58 2-48 2-56 3-03 3-10 3-00 3-08 3-15 3-22 3-/2 3-20 3-28 3-35 3-25 3-33 3-4/ 3-49 3-38 3-47 3-55 4-02 3-52 4-01 4-09 4-/7 4-07 4-15 4-24 4-3/ 4-22 4-30 4-39 4-46 / 2 3 4 /37 3-/5 4-53 6-30 5-1 10-2 15-4 20-5 20 2-53 3-05 3-/7 3-29 3-42 3-56 4-/0 4-24 4-39 4-54 5 8-08 0-25-7 18 16 U 12 2-59 3-05 3-11 3-16 3-11 3-17 3-23 3-29 3-23 3-30 3-36 3-42 3-36 3-43 3-49 3-55 3-49 3-56 4-02 4-09 4-03 4-/0 4-16 4-23 4-/7 4-24 4-3 / 4-37 4-3/ 4-38 4-45 4-52 4-46 4-53 5-00 5-07 5-01 5-08 5-15 5-22 6 7 8 9 9-47 11-25 13-04 14-43 30-9 36-2 41-5 46-8 10 3-22 3-35 3-48 4-01 4-15 4-29 4-43 4-58 5-13 5-28 10 II 12 13 /4 16-23 0-52-2 8 6 4 + 2 3-27 3-33 3-38 3-43 3-40 3-46 3-51 3-57 3-53 3-59 4-05 4-10 4-07 4-/3 4-/9 4-25 4-2/ 4-27 4-33 4-39 4-35 4-4/ 4-48 4-54 4-50 4-56 5-02 5-08 5-05 5-11 5-17 5-23 5-20 5-26 5-32 5-39 5-35 5-41 5-47 5-54 18-03 19-44 21-26 23-08 57-6 1-03-1 08-8 14-4 3-48 4-02 4-/6 4-30 4-45 5-00 5-15 5-30 5-45 6-00 15 24-52 1-20-2 -2 4 6 8 3-54 3-59 4-04 4-10 4-08 4-/3 4-/9 4-24 4-22 4-27 4-33 4-39 4-36 4-42 4-48 4-54 4-51 4-57 5-03 5-09 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-21 5-27 5-33 5-39 5-36 5-42 5-48 5-55 5-57 5-57 6-04 6-/0 6-06 6-13 6-19 6-25 16 17 18 19 26-36 28-21 30-08 31-56 26-1 32-1 38-3 44-6 10 4-15 4-30 4-45 5-00 5-15 5-30 5-46 6-01 6-16 6-32 20 33-45 1-51-1 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-26 4-32 4-38 ' 4-35 4-4/ 4-47 4-53 4-50 4-56 5-03 5-09 5-06 5-12 5-/8 5-25 5-2 / 5-27 5-34 5-41 5-37 5-43 5-50 5-56 5-52 5-59 6-05 6-12 6-08 6-/4 6-21 6-28 6-23 6-30 6-36 6-43 6-38 6-45 6-52 6-59 21 22 23 24 35-36 37-29 39-24 41-21 57-7 2-04-6 11-6 19-0 20 4-44 4-59 5-15 5-31 5-47 6-03 6-19 6-35 6-51 7-06 25 43-21 2-26-6 22 24 26 28 4-50 4-56 5-03 5-/0 5-06 5-/3 5-20 5-27 5-22 5-29 5-36 5-44 5-38 5-45 5-53 6-01 5-54 6-02 6-09 6-18 6-11 6-18 6-26 6-34 6-27 6-34 6-42 6-51 6-43 6-50 6-58 7-07 6-58 7-06 7-14 7-23 7-/4 7-2/ 7-30 7-38 26 27 28 29 45-24 47-31 49-41 50-57 34-5 42-8 51-5 3-00-8 -30 5-/7 5-35 5-52 6-09 6-26 6-43 7-00 7-16 7-32 7-47 30 54-18 3-10-6 \\T 114 /// /08 105 /02 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 105 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 53. 5 10 15 20 25 AziM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 | 55 60 + 30 m. 9 m. /8 h. m. 0-27 h. m. 0-37 h. m. 0-47 h. m. 0-57 h. m. /09 h. m. 1-19 h. m. 1-31 h. m. /45 h. m. /59 h. m. 2-/4 28 26 24 * 22 10 10 II II 19 20 21 22 29 31 32 34 39 4/ 43 45 50 52 55 57 1-00 /04 /07 //O 1-13 1-16 1-19 1-23 1-24 1-28 1-32 1-36 1-36 1-41 1-46 1-51 /50 /56 2-0/ 2-06 2-05 2-// 2-/7 2-22 2-2/ 2-27 2-33 2-39 1 20 12 23 0-35 0-47 1-00 //3 1-26 1-40 1-55 2-11 2-27 2-45 ^ IB 3 /5 ^ 14 /2 12 13 13 13 24 25 26 27 37 38 39 4/ 49 51 53 55 1-02 /04 /07 /09 //5 //8 1-21 /24 1-30 1-33 1-36 1-39 1-44 1-48 1-51 1-55 1-59 2-03 2-07 2-11 2-15 2-20 2-25 2-29 2-33 2-38 2-43 2-47 2-5/ 2-56 3-02 3-07 /O 14 28 0-42 0-56 /// /26 1-42 1-58 2-15 2-33 2-52 3-/2 8 6 4 + 2 14 15 15 16 29 30 30 31 43 45 46 47 58 1-00 1-01 1-03 //3 1-15 1-17 1-20 /29 1-31 /34 /36 1-45 1-48 1-51 1-54 2-02 2-05 2-09 2-12 2-19 2-23 2-27 2-3/ 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-50 2-57 3-0/ 3-06 3-/0 3-/7 3-22 3-27 3-32 16 32 0-48 1-05 1-22 /39 1-57 2-15 2-34 2-54 3-15 3-37 - 2 4 6 8 16 17 17 18 33 34 35 35 50 51 52 53 1-07 /OS //O 1-12 /24 /26 /28 /30 /42 /44 /47 1-49 2-00 2-03 2-06 2-09 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-29 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-50 2-58 3-03 3-07 3-11 3-20 3-24 3-29 3-33 3-4/ 3-46 3-5/ 3-56 /O 18 36 0-55 1-13 /32 1-52 2-/2 2-32 2-53 3-15 3-38 4-0/ 3 '2 5 /4 '3 16 ^ /8 ,SJ 19 19 19 20 37 38 39 40 56 57 59 1-00 1-15 1-17 1-19 1-21 /35 /37 /39 /4/ 1-54 1-57 2-00 2-03 2-/5 2-/S 2-2/ 2-24 2-36 2-39 2-43 2-47 2-57 3-0/ 3-05 3-/0 3-20 3-24 3-29 3-33 3-43 3-47 3-52 3-57 4-06 4-/2 4-/7 4-22 | 20 20 41 1-01 1-22 /44 2-05 2-28 2-50 3-/4 3-38 4-03 4-28 22 24 25 28 - 30 21 21 22 22 42 43 44 45 1-03 /04 /06 /08 1-24 /26 /28 1-31 /46 /49 1-51 /54 2-08 2-11 2-14 2-18 2-3/ 2-35 2-38 2-4/ 2-54 2-58 3-03 3-07 3-/8 3-23 3-28 3-32 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-58 4-08 4-/3 4-/9 4-25 4-34 4-40 4-46 4-52 23 46 /09 1-33 /57 2-21 2-45 3-11 3-38 4-04 4-3/ 4-59 AZIMUTH from depressed pole continued /45 140 /35 /30 125 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 106 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 53. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 2-24 h. m. 2-34 h. m. 2-45 h. m. 2-56 h. m. 3-08 h. m. 3-2/ h. m. 3-34 h. m. 3-48 h. m. 4-02 h. m. 4-/7 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-31 2-38 2-44 2-50 2-42 2-49 2-55 3-02 2-53 3-00 3-07 3-/4 3-04 3-/2 3-/9 3-26 3-/7 3-24 3-32 3-39 3-29 3-37 3-45 3-52 3-43 3-51 3-58 4-06 3-56 4-05 4-/2 4-20 4-11 4-/9 4-27 4-34 4-26 4-34 4-42 4-49 / 2 3 4 1-40 3-19 4-59 6-39 5-3 10-6 16-0 21-3 20 2-56 3-08 3-20 3-33 3-46 3-59 4-/3 4-27 4-4/ 4-56 5 6 7 8 9 To // 12 13 14 15 8-20 0-26-7 18 16 14 12 3-02 3-08 3-/3 3-/9 3-/4 3-20 3-26 3-3/ 3-26 3-32 3-38 3-43 3-39 3-45 3-51 3-57 3-52 3-59 4-05 4-11 4-06 4-/2 4-/9 4'25 4-20 4-26 4-33 4-39 4-34 4-4/ 4-47 4-53 4-48 4-55 5-02 5-08 5-03 5-10 5-17 5-23 10-00 11-41 13-22 15-04 32-1 37-5 43-0 48-5 10 3-24 3-37 3-50 4-03 4-17 4-3/ 4-45 5-00 5-/5 5-29 16-46 0-54-1 8 6 4 + 2 3-29 3-35 3-40 3-45 3-42 3-48 3-53 3-58 3-55 4-01 4-06 4-/2 4-09 4-15 4-20 4-26 4-23 4-29 4-34 4-40 4-37 4-43 4-49 4-55 4-57 4-57 5-03 5-09 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-21 5-27 5-33 5-39 5-36 5-42 5-48 5-54 18-29 20-13 21-57 23-42 59-8 1-05-5 11-4 17-3 3-50 4-03 4-/7 4-3/ 4-46 5-00 5-15 5-30 5-45 6-00 25-28 1-23-3 - 2 4 6 8 3-55 4-00 4-05 4-/0 4-09 4-/4 4-/9 4-25 4-23 4-28 4-34 4-39 4-37 4-43 4-48 4-54 4-52 4-57 5-03 5-09 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-21 5-27 5-36 5-42 5-48 5-54 5-51 5-57 6-03 6-09 6-06 6-12 6-18 6-24 16 17 18 19 27-16 29-04 30-54 32-45 29-5 35-7 42-2 48-8 5-33 5-39 5-24 10 4-16 4-30 4-45 5-00 5-15 5-30 5-45 6-00 6-15 6-31 20 34-38 1-55-5 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-26 4-36 4-4/ 4-5/ 4-56 5-02 5-08 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-21 5-27 5-33 5-40 5-36 5-42 5-49 5-55 5-51 5-58 6-04 6-11 6-07 6-13 6-19 6-26 6-22 6-28 6-35 6-42 6-37 6-43 6-50 6-57 21 22 23 24 36-33 38-30 40-29 42-31 2-02-5 09-7 17-1 24-9 4-32 4-37 4-47 4-53 20 4-43 4-59 5-15 5-30 5-46 6-02 6-18 6-33 6-49 7-04 25 44-36 2-32-9 22 24 26 28 4-49 4-56 5-02 5-09 5-05 5-/2 5-18 5-25 5-21 5-28 5-35 5-42 5-37 5-44 5-51 5-59 5-53 6-00 6-07 6-15 6-09 6-16 6-24 6-32 6-25 6-32 6-40 6-48 6-40 6-48 6-55 7-04 6-56 7-03 7-// 7-/9 7-11 7-18 7-26 7-34 26 27 28 29 30 46-45 48-58 51-16 53-29 41-3 50-2 59-5 3-09-4 -30 5-16 5-33 5-50 6-07 6-23 6-40 6-56 7-/2 7-28 7-43 56-15 3-20-0 1 17 114 /// /08 /05 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 107 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 54. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIJ 30 UTH. 35 40" 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 9 m. 19 h. m. 0-29 h.m. 0-38 h. m. 0-49 h. m. 0-59 h. m. //O h. m. 1-22 h. m. 1-35 h.m. 1-48 h. m. 2-03 h. m. 2-18 28 26 24 22 10 10 II II 20 21 22 23 30 32 33 35 41 43 45 47 51 54 56 59 1-03 1-06 1-09 1-12 1-14 1-18 1-21 1-25 1-26 1-31 1-35 1-39 1-40 1-44 1-49 1-53 1-54 1-59 2-04 2-09 2-09 2-14 2-20 2-25 2-25 2-31 2-37 2-43 I 20 12 24 0-36 0-48 1-01 1-14 1-28 1-42 1-58 2-14 2-30 2-48 >* 18 2!! 12 12 13 13 14 25 26 27 27 37 39 40 41 50 52 54 56 1-04 1-06 1-08 //O 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-25 1-31 1-34 1-38 1-41 1-46 1-50 1-53 1-57 2-02 2-06 2-10 2-13 2-18 2-23 2-27 2-31 2-35 2-40 2-45 2-50 2-54 2-59 3-04 3-09 10 14 28 0-43 0-57 1-12 1-28 1-44 2-00 2-17 2-35 2-54 3-14 8 6 4 + 2 15 15 15 16 29 30 31 32 44 45 46 48 59 1-01 1-02 1-04 1-14 1-16 1-19 1-21 1-30 1-33 1-35 1-38 1-47 1-49 1-52 1-55 2-03 2-07 2-10 2-13 2-21 2-25 2-29 2-32 2-40 2-44 2-48 2-52 2-59 3-03 3-08 3-12 3-19 3-24 3-28 3-33 16 32 C-49 1-06 1-23 1-40 1-58 2-17 2-36 2-56 3-16 3-38 - 2 4 6 8 17 17 17 18 33 34 35 36 50 51 53 54 1-07 1-09 I'll 1-12 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-43 1-45 1-48 1-50 2-01 2-04 2-07 2-10 2-20 2-23 2-27 2-30 2-40 2-43 2-47 2-51 3-00 3-04 3-08 3-12 3-21 3-25 3-30 3-34 3-43 3-47 3-52 3-57 10 18 37 0-55 1-14 1-33 1-53 2-13 2-33 2-54 3-16 3-39 4-02 12 1 14 3 16 ^ 18 19 19 20 20 37 38 39 40 56 58 59 1-00 1-16 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-35 1-37 1-40 1-42 1-55 1-58 2-00 2-03 2-16 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-37 2-40 2-44 2-47 2-58 3-02 3-06 3-10 3-20 3-25 3-29 3-34 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-58 4-07 4-12 4-17 4-22 ^20 20 41 1-02 1-23 1-44 2-06 2-28 2-51 3-14 3-38 4-03 4-28 22 24 26 28 21 21 22 22 42 43 44 45 1-03 1-05 1-06 1-08 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-46 1-49 1-51 1-54 2-09 2-12 2-15 2-18 2-31 2-35 2-38 2-42 2-55 2-59 3-18 3-23 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-58 4-08 4-13 4-19 4-24 4-33 4-39 4-45 4-51 3-03 3-07 3-27 3-32 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-33 1-57 2-21 2-46 3-11 3-37 4-04 4-30 4-58 AZIMUT au pole deprime continut 145 140 35 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 1 08 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. 25 O H LATITUDE 54. LINATION. A L'HORIZON VRAI. DECLINA 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 % Amp. Diff. Asc. +30 h. m. 2-28 h. m. 2-38 h. m. 2-49 h. m. 3-01 h. m. 3-/3 h. m. 3-25 h. m. 3-39 h. m. 3-52 h. m. 4-06 h. m. 4-2/ / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-35 2-4/ 2-48 2-54 2-46 2-52 2-59 3-05 2-57 3-04 3-10 3-/7 3-08 3-16 3-23 3-29 3-2/ 3-28 3-35 3-42 3-33 3-4/ 3-48 3-55 3-47 3-54 4-02 4-09 4-00 4-08 4-/6 4-23 4-/4 4-22 4-30 4-37 4-29 4-37 4-45 4-52 1 2 3 4 /42 3-24 5-07 6-49 5-5 11-0 16-5 22-1 20 2-59 3-11 3-23 3-36 3-49 4-02 4-/6 4-30 4-44 4-59 5 8-32 0-27-7 18 16 14 12 3-05 3-11 3-16 3-21 3-17 3-23 3-28 3-34 3-29 3-35 3-4/ 3-46 3-42 3-48 3-54 4-00 3-55 4-01 4-07 4-/3 4-08 4-/5 4-2/ 4-27 4-22 4-29 4-35 4-4/ 4-36 4-43 4-49 4-55 4-5/ 4-57 5-04 5-/0 5-05 5-12 5-18 5-24 6 7 8 9 To /0-/5 11-58 13-42 15-26 33-3 38-9 44-6 50-4 10 3-26 3-39 3-52 4-05 4-/9 4-33 4-47 5-01 5-16 5-3/ 17-11 0-56-2 8 6 4 + 2 3-31 3-36 3-41 3-46 3-44 3-49 3-54 4-00 3-57 4-03 4-08 4-/3 4-11 4-16 4-22 4-27 4-24 4-30 4-36 4-4/ 4-38 4-44 4-50 4-55 4-53 4-59 5-04 5-/0 5-07 5-13 5-19 4-25 5-22 5-28 5-34 5-39 5-37 5-42 5-48 5-54 // 12 13 14 18-57 20-43 22-30 24-18 1 -02-I 08-0 14-1 20-3 3-51 4-05 4-18 4-32 4-47 5-0/ 5-16 5-30 5-45 6-00 15 26-07 1-26-6 2 4 6 8 3-56 4-0/ 4-06 4-// 4-/0 4-15 4-20 4-25 4-24 4-29 4-34 4-40 4-38 4-43 4-49 4-54 4-52 4-58 5-03 5-09 5-07 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-21 5-27 5-33 5-39 5-36 5-42 5-48 5-54 5-51 5-57 6-03 6-09 6-06 6-12 6-18 6-23 16 17 18 19 27-58 29-50 31-43 33-38 33-0 39-5 46-3 53-2 10 4-16 4-3/ 4-45 5-00 5-15 5-30 5-45 6-00 6-15 6-29 20 35-35 2-00-3 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-26 4-36 4-51 5-05 5-11 5-17 5-23 5-20 5-26 5-32 5-38 5-35 5-41 5-48 5-54 5-51 5-57 6-03 6-09 6-06 6-12 6-18 6-25 6-21 6-27 6-33 6-40 6-36 6-42 6-48 6-55 21 22 23 24 37-34 39-36 41-40 43-47 07-6 15-1 23-0 31-2 4-4/ 4-47 4-52 4-56 5-02 5-08 4-32 4-37 20 4-43 4-58 5-14 5-29 5-45 6-00 6-16 6-31 6-46 7-01 25 45-50 2-39-7 22 24 26 28 4-49 4-55 5-0/ 5-07 5-04 5-11 5-17 5-24 5-20 5-27 5-33 5-40 5-36 5-42 5-49 5-57 5-51 5-58 6-05 6-/3 6-07 6-/4 6-21 6-29 6-23 6-30 6-37 6-45 6-38 6-45 6-53 7-00 6-53 7-01 7-08 7-16 7-08 7-15 7-23 7-3 / 26 27 28 29 30 48-14 50-34 53-00 55-23 48-7 58-1 3-08-2 18-9 -30 5-14 5-31 5-48 6-04 6-21 6-37 6-53 7-09 7-24 7-39 58-17 3-30-5 / IT 114 /// 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 clonnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 109 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 55. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 10 m. 20 h. m. 0-30 h. m. 0-40 h. m. 0-50 h. m. 1-02 h. m. 1-13 h. m. 1-25 h. in. 1-38 h. m. 1-52 h. m. 2-06 h. m. 2-22 28 26 24 S 22 10 II II 12 21 22 23 24 31 33 34 36 42 44 46 48 53 56 58 1-00 1-05 1-08 I'll 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-24 1-27 1-29 1-33 1-37 1-41 1-43 1-47 1-52 1-56 1-57 2-02 2-07 2-12 2-12 2-18 2-23 2-28 2-28 2-34 2-40 2-46 3 2 12 24 0-37 0-50 1-03 1-17 1-30 1-45 2-00 2-16 2-33 2-51 18 3 16 14 12 13 13 14 14 25 26 27 28 38 40 41 42 52 53 55 57 1-05 1-07 1-09 /// 1-19 1-22 1-24 \-27 1-33 1-36 1-39 1-42 1-48 1-52 1-55 1-59 2-04 2-08 2-12 2-16 2-21 2-25 2-29 2-33 2-38 2-43 2-47 2-52 2-56 3-02 3-06 3-11 10 14 29 0-43 0-58 1-14 1-29 1-45 2-02 2-19 2-37 2-56 3-16 8 6 4 + 2 15 15 16 16 30 30 31 32 45 46 47 48 1-00 1-02 1-03 1-05 1-16 1-18 1-20 1-22 1-32 1-34 1-37 1-39 1-48 1-51 1-54 1-57 2-05 2-08 2-12 2-15 2-23 2-27 2-30 2-34 2-41 2-45 2-49 2-53 3-01 3-05 3-09 3-14 3-21 3-25 3-30 3-35 16 33 0-50 1-06 1-24 1-41 1-59 2-18 2-37 2-57 3-18 3-39 - 2 4 6 8 17 17 18 18 34 34 35 36 51 52 53 54 /OS //O /// 1-13 1-26 1-28 1-30 1-32 1-44 1-46 1-48 1-51 2-02 2-05 2-08 2-11 2-21 2-24 2-28 2-31 2-41 2-44 2-48 2-52 3-01 3-05 3-09 3-13 3-22 3-26 3-31 3-35 3-44 3-48 3-53 3-58 10 18 37 0-56 1-14 1-34 1-53 2-13 2-34 2-55 3-17 3-39 4-02 3 l2 I 14 '% 16 * 18 19 19 20 20 38 39 39 40 57 58 59 1-01 1-16 1-18 1-20 1-21 1-36 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-56 1-58 2-01 2-03 2-16 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-37 2-41 2-44 2-48 2-59 3-03 3-07 3-10 3-21 3-25 3-29 3-34 3-44 3-48 3-53 3-58 4-03 4-07 4-/2 4-17 4-22 i? 2 21 41 1-02 1-23 1-44 2-06 2-28 2-51 3-14 3-38 4-27 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 42 43 44 45 1-03 1-05 1-06 1-08 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-47 1-49 1-52 1-54 2-09 2-11 2-14 2-17 2-32 2-35 2-38 2-42 2-55 2-59 3-03 3-07 3-19 3-43 3-48 3-52 3-58 4-08 4-13 4-18 4-24 4-33 4-38 4-44 4-50 3-23 3-27 3-32 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-33 1-57 2-20 2-46 3-11 3-37 4-03 4-29 4-56 AZIMUTH continued 150 145 140 /35 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line no AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 55. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. + 30 h. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-43 h. m. 2-54 h. m. 3-05 h. m. 3-/7 h. m. 3-30 h. m. 3-43 h. m. 3-56 h. m. 4-/0 h. m. 4-25 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-39 2-45 2-51 2-57 2-50 2-56 3-02 3-08 3-0/ 3-08 3-/4 3-20 3-/2 3-/9 3-26 3-32 3-25 3-32 3-39 3-45 3-37 3-45 3-52 3-58 3-50 3-58 4-05 4-/2 4-04 4-/2 4-/9 4-26 4-/8 4-26 4-33 4-40 4-33 4-40 4-47 4-54 / 2 3 4 1-45 3-29 5-14 6-59 5-7 11-4 17-2 22-9 20 3-02 3-/4 3-26 3-39 3-51 4-05 4-18 4-32 4-46 5-01 5 6 7 8 9 8-44 0-28-7 18 16 14 12 3-08 3-/3 3-18 3-23 3-20 3-25 3-3/ 3-36 3-32 3-38 3-43 3-49 3-45 3-50 3-56 4-02 3-58 4-04 4-/0 4-/5 4-11 4-/7 4-23 4-29 4-25 4-3/ 4-37 4-43 4-39 4-45 4-51 4-57 4-53 4-59 5-05 5- II 5-07 5-14 5-20 5-26 10-30 12-16 14-04 I5-5Q 34-5 40-4 46-3 52-3 10 3-28 3-4/ 3-54 4-07 4-2/ 4-26 4-32 4-37 4-42 4-34 4-48 5-03 5-17 5-32 10 17-37 0-58-3 8 6 4 + 2 3-33 3-38 3-43 3-48 3-46 3-51 3-56 4-01 4-06 3-59 4-04 4-09 4-/4 4-/3 4-/8 4-23 4-28 4-39 4-45 4-5/ 4-56 4-54 5-00 5-05 5-11 5-08 5-14 5-20 5-25 5-23 5-29 5-34 5-40 5-37 5-43 5-49 5-54 II 12 13 14 19-26 21-15 23-05 24-57 1-04-5 10-7 17-0 23-4 3-52 4-20 4-33 4-48 5-02 5-16 5-31 5-45 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 26-49 1-30-0 - 2 4 6 8 3-57 4-02 4-07 4-/2 4-11 4-/6 4-2/ 4-26 4-25 4-30 4-35 4-40 4-39 4-44 4-49 4-54 4-53 4-58 5-04 5-09 5-07 5-13 5-18 5-24 5-22 5-27 '5-33 5-39 5-36 5-42 5-47 5-53 5-51 5-57 6-02 6-08 6-06 6-11 6-17 6-23 28-43 30-39 32-36 34-35 36-7 43-6 50-6 57-8 10 4-/7 4-3/ 4-45 5-00 5-15 5-29 5-44 5-59 6-14 6-28 20 21 22 23 24 25 36-36 2-05-3 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-27 4-32 4-37 4j36_ *4-4 / 4-47 4-52 4-5/ 4-56 5-0/ 5-07 5-05 5-11 5-16 5-22 5-20 5-26 5-32 5-37 5-35 5-4/ 5-47 5-53 5-50 15-56 6-02 6-08 6-05 6-11 6-17 6-23 6-20 6-25 6-32 6-38 6-34 6-40 6-46 6-53 38-40 40-47 42-56 45-10 /3-0 2/-0 29-3 37-9 20 4-42 4-58 5-/3 5-28 5-44 5-59 6-14 6-29 6-44 6-59 47-28 2-46-9 22 24 26 28 4-48 4-54 5-00 5-06 5-03 5-09 5-/6 5-22 5-/9 5-25 5-32 5-38 5-34 5-4/ 5-47 5-54 5-50 5-56 6-03 6-/0 6-05 6-/2 6-19 6-26 6-21 6-28 6-35 6-42 6-36 6-45 6-50 6-57 6-51 6-58 7-05 7-13 7-06 7-/3 7-20 7-27 26 27 28 29 30 49-5/ 52-20 54-56 57-42 56-6 3-06-8 /7-4 29-4 -30 5-13 5-29 5-45 6-02 6-18 6-34 6-50 7-05 7-21 7-35 60-40 3-42-2 \\T //4 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. HI AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 56. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 10 m. 21 h. m. 0-31 h. m. 0-41 h. m. 0-52 h. m. 1-04 h. m. 1-15 h. m. 1-28 h. m. 1-41 h. m. /55 h. m. 2-/0 h. m. 2-26 28 26 24 * 22 II II 12 12 21 22 23 24 32 34 35 37 43 45 47 49 55 57 1-00 1-02 1-07 1-10 1-13 1-15 1-19 1-22 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-36 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-54 1-59 2-00 2-05 2-10 2-14 2-16 2-21 2-26 2-31 2-32 2-38 2-44 2-49 I 20 13 25 0-38 51 1-04 1-18 1-32 1-47 2-03 2-19 2-36 2-54 * 18 3 l6 ^ 14 12 13 13 14 14 26 27 28 29 39 40 42 43 S3 54 56 58 1-06 1-09 /// 1-13 1-21 1-23 1-25 1-28 1-35 1-38 1-41 1-44 1-51 1-54 1-57 2-00 2-06 2-10 2-14 2-17 2-23 2-27 2-31 2-35 2-4/ 2-45 2-50 2-54 2-59 3-04 3-08 3-/4 10 15 29 44 0-59 1-15 1-31 1-47 2-04 2-21 2-39 2-58 3-18 8 6 4 + 2 15 15 16 16 30 31 32 32 45 47 48 49 1-01 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-23 1-33 1-35 1-38 1-40 1-50 1-52 1-55 1-58 2-07 2-10 2-13 2-16 2-25 2-28 2-32 2-35 2-43 2-47 2-51 2-55 3-03 3-07 3-11 3-15 3-23 3-27 3-32 3-36 17 33 0-50 1-07 1-25 1-42 2-01 2-19 2-39 2-59 3-19 3-41 - 2 4 6 8 17 17 18 18 34 35 36 36 51 52 54 55 1-09 I-IO 1-12 1-13 1-26 1-28 1-30 1-32 1-45 1-47 1-49 1-52 2-03 2-06 2' -09 2-11 2-22 2-25 2-29 2-32 2-42 2-46 2-49 2-52 3-02 3-06 3-10 3-14 3-23 3-28 3-32 3-36 3-45 3-49 3-54 3-58 /O 19 37 0-56 1-15 1-34 1-54 2-14 2-35 2-56 3-18 3-40 4-03 ^ '2 1 /4 '3 16 1 18 ^ 19 19 20 20 38 39 40 41 57 58 1-00 1-01 1-17 1-18 1-20 1-22 1-36 1-38 1-41 1-43 1-57 1-59 2-01 2-04 2-17 2-20 2-23 2-26 2-38 2-4/ 2-45 2-48 3-00 3-03 3-07 3-11 3-22 3-26 3-30 3-34 3-44 3-49 3-53 3-58 4-08 4-13 4-17 4-22 ?20 21 41 1-02 1-23 1-45 2-07 2-29 2-52 3-15 3-38 4-03 4-27 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 42 43 44 45 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-08 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-47 1-49 1-52 1-54 2-09 2-12 2-14 2-18 2-32 2-35 2-39 2-42 2-55 2-59 3-03 3-07 3-19 3-43 3-47 3-52 3-57 4-07 4-/2 4-/7 4-23 4-32 4-38 4-43 4-49 3-23 3-27 3-32 - 30 23 46 I-IO 1-33 1-57 2-20 2-46 3-11 3-36 4-02 4-28 4-55 AZIMUT continu^ 150 US' 140 /35 /30 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du mme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 112 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 56. LINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 U w Q Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 2-36 h. m. 2-47 h. m. 2-58 h. m. 3-09 h. m. 3-2/ h. m. 3-34 h. m. 3-47 h. m. 4-00 h. m. 4-/4 h. m. 4-28 / 2 3 4 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-43 2-49 2-54 3-00 2-53 3-00 3-06 3-11 3-05 3-11 3-17 3-23 3-/6 3-23 3-29 3-36 3-29 3-35 3-42 3-48 3-4/ 3-48 3-55 4-01 3-54 4-0/ 4-08 4-/4 4-08 4-15 4-22 4-28 4-2/ 4-29 4-36 4-42 4-36 4-43 4-50 4-57 /47 3-35 5-22 7-10 5-9 11-8 17-8 23-8 20 3-06 3-17 3-29 3-42 3-54 4-07 4-2/ 4-35 4-49 5-03 5 8-58 0-29-8 18 16 14 12 3-11 3-16 3-21 3-26 3-23 3-28 3-33 3-38 3-35 3-40 3-46 3-51 3-47 3-53 3-58 4-04 4-00 4-06 4-/2 4-/7 4-/3 4-/9 4-25 4-3 / 4-27 4-33 4-39 4-.44 4-4/ 4-47 4-53 4-58 4-55 5-01 5-07 5-12 5-09 5-15 5-21 5-27 6 7 8 9 10-46 12-35 14-25 16-15 35-8 42-0 48-1 54-3 10 3-30 3-43 3-56 4-09 4-22 4-36 4-50 5-04 5-18 5-33 10 18-05 1-00-6 8 6 4 + 2 3-35 3-40 3-44 3-49 3-48 3-53 3-58 4-02 4-01 4-06 4-11 4-16 4-/4 4-/9 4-24 4-29 4-28 4-33 4-38 4-43 4-4/ 4-47 4-52 4-57 4-55 5-0/ 5-06 5-11 5-/0 5-15 5-20 5-26 5-24 5-29 5-35 5-40 5-38 5-44 5-49 5-55 II 12 13 14 19-57 21-50 23-43 25-34 07-0 13-5 20-1 26-8 3-54 4-07 4-2/ 4-34 4-48 5-02 5-17 5-31 5-46 6-00 15 27-34 1-33-6 - 2 4 6 8 3-58 4-03 4-08 4-/2 4-/2 4-/7 4-2/ 4-26 4-26 4-30 4-35 4-40 4-39 4-44 4-50 4-55 4-53 4-59 5-04 5-09 5-08 5-13 5-18 5-24 5-22 5-27 5-33 5-38 5-36 5-51 5-56 6-02 6-07 6-05 6-11 6-16 6-22 16 17 18 19 29-32 31-31 33-33 35-36 40-6 47-8 55-2 2-02-8 5-42 5-47 5-53 10 4-/7 4-3/ 4-45 5-00 5-/4 5-29 5-44 5-58 6-13 6-27 20 37-42 2-10-6 12 14 16 18 4-22 4-27 4-32 4-37 4-36 4-41 4-46 4-52 4-5/ 4-56 5-01 5-07 5-05 5-/0 5-16 5-21 5-20 5-25 5-31 5-37 5-34 5-40 5-46 5-52 5-49 5-55 6-01 6-06 6-04 6-/0 6-15 6-21 6-19 6-24 6-30 6-36 6-33 6-39 6-45 6-51 21 22 23 24 39-51 42-04 44-20 46-40 18-8 27-2 36-0 45-2 20 4-42 4-57 5-12 5-27 5-42 5-58 6-13 6-27 6-42 6-57 25 49-05 2-54-9 22 24 26 28 4-47 4-53 4-59 5-05 5-03 5-08 5-74 5-21 5-18 5-24 5-30 5-37 5-32 5-39 5-46 5-52 5-48 5-55 6-0/ 6-08 6-04 6-/0 6-/7 6-24 6-19 6-25 6-32 6-39 6-34 6-40 6-47 6-54 6-49 6-55 7-02 7-/0 7-03 7-10 7-17 7-24 26 27 28 29 51-37 54-17 57-06 60-07 3-04-2 16-2 28-1 41-1 -30 5-11 5-27 5-43 5-59 6-15 6-31 6-47 7-02 7-/7 7-32 30 63-24 3-55-5 117 114 111 /08 /05 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 113 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 57. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 10 m. 21 h. m. 0-32 h. m. 0-43 h. m. 0-54 h. m. /06 h. m. //8 h. m. 1-31 h. m. /44 h. m. /58 h. m. 2-/4 h. m. 2-30 28 26 24 22 II II 12 12 22 23 24 25 33 35 36 37 45 47 49 50 57 59 /O/ 1-04 /09 1-12 //4 //7 1-21 1-25 1-28 1-31 1-35 1-39 1-42 1-46 /49 1-53 1-57 2-01 2-03 2-08 2-/3 2-/7 2-/9 2-24 2-29 2-34 2-36 2-4/ 2-47 2-52 I 20 13 26 0-39 0-52 1-06 1-20 1-34 1-49 2-05 2-22 2-39 2-57 i /* 3 l6 ^ 14 12 13 14 14 14 27 27 28 29 40 41 43 44 54 55 57 59 1-08 1-10 1-12 1-14 1-22 1-25 1-27 1-30 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-53 1-56 1-59 2-02 2-09 2-12 2-16 2-20 2-26 2-30 2-34 2-38 2-43 2-48 2-52 2-56 3-02 3-07 3-11 3-16 10 15 30 0-45 1-00 1-16 1-32 1-48 2-05 2-23 2-4/ 3-00 3-20 8 6 4 + 2 15 16 16 16 31 31 32 33 46 47 48 50 1-02 1-03 1-05 1-06 1-18 1-20 1-22 1-24 1-34 1-37 1-39 1-41 1-51 1-54 1-56 1-59 2-08 2-12 2-15 2-18 2-26 2-30 2-33 2-37 2-45 2-49 2-53 2-56 3-04 3-09 3-/3 3-/7 3-25 3-29 3-33 3-38 17 34 0-51 1-08 1-25 1-43 2-02 2-21 2-40 3-00 3-2/ 3-42 _ 2 4 6 8 17 18 18 18 34 35 36 37 52 53 54 55 1-09 I'll 1-12 1-14 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-33 1-46 1-48 1-50 1-52 2-04 2-07 2-/0 2-/2 2-24 2-27 2-30 2-33 2-43 2-47 2-50 2-53 3-04 3-07 3-// 3-/5 3-25 3-29 3-33 3-37 3-46 3-50 3-55 3-59 10 19 37 0-56 1-16 1-35 1-55 2-/5 2-36 2-57 3-/9 3-4/ 3-45 3-49 3-53 3-58 4-03 .g /2 1 14 3 l6 1 18 19 20 20 20 38 39 40 41 58 59 1-00 1-01 1-17 1-19 1-20 1-22 1-37 1-39 1-41 1-43 1-57 2-00 2-02 2-04 2-/8 2-21 2-23 2-26 2-39 2-42 2-45 2-48 3-00 3-04 3-07 3-// 3-22 3-26 3-30 3-34 4-08 4-/2 4-/7 4-22 ^ 20 LD 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-45 2-07 2-29 2-52 3-/5 3-38 4-02 4-27 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 42 43 44 45 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-08 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-47 1-50 1-52 1-54 2-/0 2-/2 2-/5 2-/8 2-32 2-35 2-39 2-55 2-59 3-03 3-06 3-/9 3-23 3-27 3-3/ 3-43 3-47 3-52 3-56 4-07 4-/2 4-/7 4-22 4-32 4-37 4-42 4-48 2-42 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-33 1-57 2-2/ 2-45 3-10 3-36 4-0/ 4-27 4-54 AZIMUTH continued 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 114 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 57. DECLINATION. 1 AT TRUE HOKIZON. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 2-40 h. m. 2-51 h. m. 3-02 h. m. 3-/3 h. m. 3-26 h. m. 3-38 h. m. 3-51 h. m. 4-04 h. m. 4-18 h. m. 4-32 o y 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-46 2-52 2-58 3-03 2-57 3-03 3-09 3-/5 3-08 3-/4 3-20 3-26 3-20 3-27 3-33 3-39 3-33 3-39 3-45 3-51 3-45 3-52 3-58 4-04 3-58 4-05 4-11 4-/7 4-11 4-18 4-25 4-31 4-25 4-32 4-39 4-45 4-39 4-46 4-53 4-59 / 2 3 4 1-50 3-40 5-31 7-22 6-2 12-3 18-5 24-7 20 3-08 3-20 3-32 3-44 3-57 4-10 4-23 4-37 4-51 5-05 5 6 7 8 9 9-12 0-31-0 18 16 U 12 3-/3 3-18 3-23 3-28 3-25 3-30 3-35 3-40 3-37 3-42 3-47 3-52 3-50 3-55 4-01 4-06 4-03 4-08 4-/4 4-/9 4-16 4-22 4-27 4-32 4-29 4-35 4-4/ 4-46 4-43 4-49 4-54 5-00 4-57 5-03 5-08 5-14 5-11 5-17 5-23 5-28 11-04 12-56 14-48 16-42 37-3 43-6 50-0 56-5 10 3-32 3-45 3-58 4-11 4-24 4-38 4-51 5-05 5-19 5-34 10 18-36 1-03-0 8 6 4 + 2 3-37 3-42 3-46 3-50 3-50 3-54 3-59 4-04 4-02 4-07 4-/2 4-/7 4-/6 4-2/ 4-26 4-30 4-29 4-34 4-39 4-44 4-43 4-48 4-53 4-58 4-57 5-02 5-07 5-12 5-11 5-16 5-21 5-26 5-25 5-30 5-35 5-41 5-39 5-44 5-50 5-55 II 12 13 14 20-30 22-26 24-24 26-22 09-7 16-4 23-3 30-3 3-55 4-08 4-2/ 4-35 4-49 5-03 5-17 5-31 5-46 6-00 15 28-22 1-37-5 -2 4 6 8 3-59 4-04 4-08 4-/3 4-/3 4-/7 4-22 4-27 4-26 4-3/ 4-36 4-40 4-40 4-45 4-50 4-55 4-54 4-59 5-04 5-09 5-08 5-13 5-/8 5-23 5-22 5-27 5-33 5-38 5-37 5-51 5-56 6-01 6-07 6-05 6-10 6-16 6-21 16 17 18 19 30-24 32-28 34-34 36-43 44-8 52-3 2-00-1 08-1 5-42 5-47 5-52 10 4-/7 4-3/ 4-45 5-00 5-14 5-29 5-43 5-58 6-12 6-26 20 38-54 2-16-4 12 U 16 18 4-22 4-27 4-36 4-4/ 4-46 4-5/ 4-50 4-55 5-00 5-06 5-05 5-/0 5-15 5-2/ 5-20 5-25 5-30 5-36 5-34 5-39 5-45 5-50 5-48 5-54 5-59 6-05 6-03 6-08 6-14 6-20 6-17 6-23 6-29 6-34 6-32 6-37 6-43 6-49 21 22 23 24 41-09 43-27 45-50 48-19 24-9 33-9 43-3 53-1 4-32 4-36 20 4-4/ 4-56 5-11 5-26 5-41 5-56 6-11 6-26 6-40 6-55 25 50-54 3-03-6 22 24 26 28 4-47 4-52 4-58 5-04 5-02 5-07 5-13 5-/9 5-17 5-22 5-28 5-35 5-32 5-38 5-44 5-50 5-47 5-53 6-00 6-06 6-02 6-08 6-/5 6-21 6-17 6-23 6-30 6-37 6-32 6-38 6-45 6-52 6-46 6-53 6-59 7-06 7-01 7-07 7-14 7-21 26 27 28 29 53-36 56-28 59-32 62-54 14-2 26-7 39-8 54-4 -30 5-/0 5-26 5-4.1 5-57 6-13 6-28 6-44 6-59 7-/4 7-28 30 66-38 4-11-0 //7 //4 1 1 r /08 105 /02 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 58. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. // m. 22 h. m. 0-33 h. m. 0-44 h. m. 0-56 h. m. /OS h. m. 1-20 h. m. /33 h. m. 1-47 h. m. 2-02 h. m. 2-/7 h. m. 2-34 28 26 24 d 22 // 12 12 13 23 24 25 25 34 36 37 38 46 48 50 52 58 /O/ /03 /05 /// //4 1-16 1-19 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-33 1-37 1-41 1-45 1-48 1-52 1-56 2-00 2-04 2-07 2-11 2-16 2-20 2-22 2-27 2-32 2-37 2-39 2-45 2-50 2-55 3 20 13 26 0-40 0-53 1-07 1-21 1-36 1-51 2-07 2-24 2-4/ 3-00 1 is 3 /5 J 14 12 14 14 14 15 27 28 29 30 41 42 43 44 55 56 58 1-00 /09 /// //3 1-15 1-24 1-26 1-29 1-31 1-39 1-42 1-45 1-47 1-55 1-58 2-01 2-04 2-11 2-15 2-18 2-21 2-28 2-32 2-36 2-40 2-46 2-50 2-54 2-58 3-04 3-09 3-/3 3-/S 10 15 30 0-46 1-01 1-17 1-33 1-50 2-07 2-25 2-43 3-02 3-22 8 6 4 + 2 15 16 16 17 31 32 33 33 47 48 49 50 1-03 1-04 1-06 1-07 1-19 1-21 1-23 1-24 1-35 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-53 1-55 1-58 2-00 2-10 2-13 2-16 2-19 2-28 2-31 2-35 2-38 2-47 2-5/ 2-54 2-58 3-06 3-/0 3-/4 3-/S 3-26 3-3/ 3-35 3-39 17 34 0-51 1-09 1-26 1-44 2-03 2-22 2-4/ 3-0/ 3-22 3-43 - 2 4 6 8 17 18 18 18 35 35 36 37 52 53 55 56 1-10 1-12 1-13 1-15 1-28 1-30 1-32 1-34 1-47 1-49 1-51 1-53 2-05 2-08 2-10 2-13 2-25 2-28 2-31 2-33 2-44 2-48 2-5/ 2-54 3-05 3-08 3-/2 3-/6 3-26 3-30 3-33 3-37 3-47 2-5/ 3-55 4-00 10 19 38 0-57 1-16 1-36 1-55 2-16 2-36 2-58 3-/9 3-4/ 4-04 /2 3 14 3 l6 18 ^ 19 20 20 20 39 39 40 41 58 59 1-00 1-02 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-22 1-38 1-39 1-41 1-43 1-58 2-00 2-02 2-05 2-18 2-21 2-24 2-27 2-39 2-43 2-46 2-49 3-0/ 3-04 3-08 3-11 3-23 3-27 3-30 3-34 3-45 3-49 3-54 3-58 4-08 4-/3 4-/7 4-22 g 20 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-45 2-07 2-29 2-52 3-15 3-38 4-02 4-26 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 43 43 44 45 1-04 1-05 1-07 1-08 1-26 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-48 1-50 1-52 1-54 2-10 2-12 2-15 2-18 2-32 2-35 2-39 2-42 2-55 3-19 3-43 3-47 3-5/ 3-56 4-07 4-11 4-16 4-21 4-3/ 4-36 4-4/ 4-47 2-59 3-02 3-06 3-23 3-27 3-31 - 30 23 46 1-10 1-33 1-57 2-21 2-45 3-/0 3-35 4-0/ 4-26 4-52 AZIMUT contimte 160 155 150 145 140 135 /30 125 /20 Quand Lat. et Dec. ont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 58. DECLINATION. A L'HoRizoN VRAI. 53 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 2-44 2-50 2-55 3-01 3-06 h. m. 2-55 h. m. 3-06 h. m. 3-/7 h. m. 3-29 h. m. 3-42 h. m. 3-55 h. m. 4-08 h. m. 4-2/ h. m. 4-35 o ; 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-0/ 3-07 3-/2 3-18 3-/2 3-/S 3-24 3-29 3-24 3-30 3-36 3-42 3-36 3-42 3-48 3-54 3-49 3-55 4-0/ 4-07 4-01 4-08 4-/4 4-20 4-/5 4-2/ 4-28 4-34 4-28 4-35 4-4/ 4-47 4-42 4-49 4-55 5-02 / 2 3 4 1-53 3-47 5-40 7-34 6-4 /2-8 /9-2 25-7 20 3-11 3-23 3-35 3-47 4-00 4-/3 4-26 4-39 4-53 5-07 5 9-28 0-32-2 18 16 14 12 3-16 3-21 3-25 3-30 3-28 3-33 3-37 3-42 3-40 3-45 3-50 3-55 3-52 3-58 4-03 4-08 4-05 4-11 4-16 4-2/ 4-/S 4-24 4-29 4-34 4-3 / 4-37 4-42 4-48 4-45 4-5/ 4-56 5-0/ 4-59 5-05 5-/0 5-/5 5-/3 5-/9 5-24 5-29 6 7 8 9 //23 13-18 15-14 17-10 38-7 45-3 52-0 58-7 10 3-34 3-47 4-00 4-/3 4-26 4-39 4-53 5-07 5-21 5-35 10 19-08 /05-6 8 6 4 + 2 3-39 3-43 3-47 3-52 3-51 3-56 4-00 4-05 4-04 4-09 4-/3 4-/S 4-/7 4-22 4-27 4-3/ 4-3/ 4-35 4-40 4-45 4-44 4-49 4-54 4-59 4-58 5-03 5-08 5-13 5-12 5-17 5-22 5-27 5-26 5-31 5-36 5-4/ 5-40 5-45 5-50 5-55 II 12 13 14 21-06 23-06 25-07 27-10 12-5 19-5 26-7 34-0 3-56 4-09 4-23 4-36 4-50 5-04 5-18 5-32' 5-46 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 29-14 1-41-6 -2 4 6 8 4-00 4-05 4-09 4-/3 4-/4 4-/S 4-22 4-27 4-27 4-32 4-36 4-4/ 4-4/ 4-45 4-50 4-55 4-55 4-59 5-04 5-09 5-/3 5-/8 5-23 5-28 5-33 5-37 5-37 5-42 5-47 5-52 5-51 5-56 6-01 6-06 6-05 6-10 6-15 6-20 31-21 33-29 35-40 37-54 49-3 56-9 2-05-3 /3-8 5-09 5-23 10 4-18 4-32 4-46 5-00 5-/4 5-28 5-43 5-57 6-11 6-25 20 40-12 2-22-5 12 U 16 18 4-22 4-36 4-50 4-55 5-00 5-05 5-05 5-/0 5-/5 5-20 5-/9 5-24 5-29 5-35 5-33 5-38 5-44 5-49 5-48 5-53 5-58 6-04 6-02 6-07 6-13 6-18 6-16 6-22 6-27 6-33 6-31 6-36 6-4.1 6-47 21 22 23 24 42-33 44-59 47-30 50-08 3/-6 41-1 51-2 3-01-8 4-27 4-3/ 4-36 4-4/ 4-46 4-5/ 20 4-4/ 4-56 5-/0 5-25 5-40 5-55 6-09 6-24 6-38 6-53 25 26 27 28 29 52-54 13-1 22 24 26 28 4-46 4-5/ 4-57 5-02 5-01 5-06 5-/2 5-/S 5-/6 5-21 5-27 5-33 5-3 / 5-36 5-42 5-48 5-46 5-51 5-57 6-03 6-00 6-06 6-12 6-19 6-16 6-21 6-27 6-34 6-30 6-36 6-42 6-49 6-44 6-50 6-57 7-03 6-58 7-05 7-11 7-18 55-49 58-57 62-22 66- II 25-2 38-5 53-2 4-10-0 -30 5-08 5-23 5-39 5-55 6-10 6-26 6-41 6-56 7-/0 7-25 30 70-35 4-30-0 117 114 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 117 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 59. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. // m. 22 h. m. 0-34 h. m. 0-46 h. m. 0-58 h. m. //O h. m. /23 h. m. 1-36 h. m. /50 h. m. 2-05 h. m. 2-2/ h. m. 2-37 28 26 24 o 22 12 12 13 13 23 24 25 26 35 37 38 39 47 49 51 53 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-13 1-15 1-18 1-21 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-35 1-40 1-43 1-47 1-50 /54 1-58 2-02 2-06 2-/0 2-/4 2-18 2-22 2-26 2-3/ 2-35 2-40 2-43 2-48 2-53 2-58 5 20 13 27 0-41 0-54 1-09 1-23 1-38 1-54 2-10 2-26 2-44 3-02 J /8 3 " J 14 12 14 14 15 15 28 28 29 30 42 43 44 45 56 58 59 1-01 I'll 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-25 1-28 1-30 1-32 1-41 1-44 1-46 1-49 1-57 2-00 2-03 2-06 2-13 2-17 2-20 2-23 2-30 2-34 2-38 2-41 2-48 2-53 2-57 3-01 3-07 3-11 3-16 3-20 10 15 31 0-46 1-02 1-18 1-35 1-51 2-09 2-27 2-45 3-04 3-24 8 6 4 + 2 16 16 16 17 31 32 33 34 47 49 50 51 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-08 1-20 1-22 1-24 1-25 1-37 1-39 1-41 1-43 1-54 1-56 1-59 2-01 2-/2 2-/4 2-/7 2-20 2-30 2-33 2-36 2-39 2-49 2-52 2-56 2-59 3-08 3-12 3-16 3-20 3-28 3-32 3-36 3-40 17 34. 0-52 1-09 1-27 1-45 2-04 2-23 2-42 3-02 3-23 3-44 - 2 4 6 8 18 18 18 19 35 36 37 37 53 54 55 56 /// //2 1-14 1-15 1-29 1-31 1-33 1-34 1-47 1-50 1-52 1-54 2-06 2-09 2-11 2-14 2-26 2-29 2-3/ 2-34 2-46 2-49 2-52 2-55 3-06 3-09 3-/3 3-/6 3-27 3-31 3-34 3-38 3-48 3-52 3-56 4-00 /O 19 38 0-57 1-17 1-36 1-56 2-16 2-37 2-58 3-20 3-42 4-04 |!j 3 /6 /8 -M 19 20 20 20 39 40 40 41 58 59 /O/ 1-02 1-18 1-20 1-21 1-23 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-44 1-58 2-01 2-03 2-05 2-19 2-22 2-24 2-27 2-40 2-43 2-46 2-49 3-02 3-05 3-08 3-12 3-23 3-27 3-3/ 3-35 3-46 3-50 3-54 3-58 4-08 4-/3 4-/7 4-2/ ,= 20 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-46 2-08 2-30 2-52 3-15 3-38 4-02 4-26 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 43 44 44 45 /04 1-05 1-07 1-08 1-26 1-28 1-29 1-31 1-48 1-50 1-52 2-/0 2-/3 2-/5 2-33 2-36 2-39 2-42 2-55 2-59 3-02 3-06 3-19 3-23 3-26 3-30 3-42 3-47 3-5/ 3-55 4-07 4-// 4-16 4-21 4-3/ 4-35 4-40 4-46 1-54 2-18 - 30 23 46 //O 1-33 1-57 2-21 2-45 3-/0 3-35 4-00 4-26 4-5/ AZIMUTH continued 165 160 155 150 /45 /40 135 /30 /25 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 118 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 59. DECLINATION. AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 QTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. +30 h. m. 2-48 h. m. 2-58 h. m. 3-10 h. m. 3-2/ h. m. 3-33 h. m. 3-46 h. m. 3-58 h. m. 4-11 h. m. 4-25 h. m. 4-39 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 2-53 2-59 3-04 3-09 3-04 3-10 3-15 3-20 3-16 3-21 3-27 3-32 3-27 3-33 3-39 3-44 3-40 3-46 3-51 3-57 3-52 3-58 4-04 4-10 4-05 4-11 4-/7 4-23 4-/S 4-24 4-30 4-36 4-32 4-38 4-44 4-50 4-45 4-52 4-58 5-04 / 2 3 4 1-57 3-53 5-50 7-47 6-7 13-3 20-0 26-7 20 3-/4 3-25 3-37 3-50 4-02 4-15 4-28 4-42 4-56 5-09 5 6 7 8 9 9-45 0-33-5 18 16 U 12 3-18 3-23 3-27 3-32 3-30 3-35 3-40 3-44 3-42 3-47 3-52 3-57 3-55 4-00 4-05 4-/0 4-08 4-/3 4-18 4-23 4-2/ 4-26 4-3/ 4-36 4-34 4-39 4-44 4-49 4-47 4-53 4-58 5-03 5-0/ 5-06 5-12 5-17 5-15 5-20 5-26 5-31 //43 /3-4/ 15-41 17-41 40-3 47-2 54-1 I-OI-I 10 3-36 3-49 4-0/ 4-/4 4-27 4-4/ 4-54 5-08 5-22 5-36 10 19-42 1-08-3 8 6 4 + 2 3-40 3-45 3-49 3-53 3-53 3-57 4-02 4-06 4-06 4-/0 4-/5 4-/9 4-/9 4-23 4-28 4-32 4-32 4-37 4-4/ 4-46 4-45 4-50 4-55 5-00 4-59 5-04 5-09 5-13 5-/3 5-18 5-22 5-27 5-27 5-32 5-36 5-41 5-4-1 5-46 5-50 5-55 II 12 13 14 21-45 23-49 25-54 28-01 15-5 22-9 30-4 38-1 3-57 4-/0 4-24 4-37 4-51 5-04 5-/8 5-32 5-46 6-00 15 30-10 1-45-9 - 2 4 6 8 4-01 4-05 4-10 4-/4 4-/4 4-/9 4-23 4-27 4-28 4-32 4-37 4-4/ 4-4/ 4-46 4-51 4-55 4-55 5-00 5-04 5-09 5-/4 5-/8 5-23 5-28 5-32 5-37 5-37 5-42 5-46 5-51 5-51 5-56 6-00 6-05 6-05 6-/0 6-14 6-19 16 17 18 19 32-21 34-35 36-52 39-12 54-0 2-02-3 10-9 19-9 5-09 5-23 10 4-18 4-32 4-46 5-00 5-14 5-28 5-42 5-56 6-10 6-24 20 41-37 2-29-1 12 14 16 18 4-22 4-36 4-50 4-55 5-00 5-05 5-04 5-09 5-14 5-19 5-19 5-23 5-28 5-34 5-33 5-38 5-43 5-48 5-47 5-52 5-57 6-02 6-01 6-06 6-11 6-17 6-15 6-20 6-26 6-31 6-29 6-34 6-40 6-45 21 22 23 24 44-06 46-40 49-21 52-10 38-8 49-0 59-8 3-11-3 4-27 4-3/ 4-36 4-4/ 4-45 4-50 20 4-40 4-55 5-/0 5-24 5-39 5-53 6-08 6-22 6-36 6-51 25 26 27 28 29 55-08 3-23-6 22 24 26 28 4-45 4-50 4-55 5-0/ 5-00 5-05 5-11 5-16 5-15 5-20 5-26 5-31 5-29 5-35 5-4/ 5-46 5-44 5-50 5-56 6-02 5-59 6-04 6-10 6-17 6-13 6-19 6-25 6-3! 6-28 6-34 6-40 6-46 6-42 6-48 6-54 7-00 6-56 7-02 7-08 7-15 58-20 61-49 65-08 70-16 37-1 52-0 4-08-9 29-2 -30 5-06 5-22 5-37 5-53 6-08 6-23 6-38 6-53 7-07 7-21 30 76-07 4-55-7 1 17 114 III /08 /05 /02 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 119 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 60. 5 10 15 20 25 Aziw 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 ~28 26 24 <; 22 T3 m. 12 m. 23 h. m. 0-35 h. m. 0-47 h. m. 0-59 h. m. 1-12 h. m. 1-25 h. m. /39 h. m. 1-53 h. m. 2-08 h. m. 2-24 h. Hi. 2-41 12 12 13 13 24 25 26 27 36 38 39 40 49 50 52 54 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-08 1-15 1-17 1-20 1-22 1-28 1-31 1-34 1-37 1-42 1-46 1-49 1-52 1-57 2-01 2-05 2-08 2-13 2-17 2-21 2-25 2-29 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-51 2-56 3-00 I 20 rt 14 27 0-41 0-55 1-10 1-25 1-40 1-56 2-12 2-29 2-47 3-05 i is 3 16 * 14 12 16 14 15 15 28 29 30 30 42 44 45 46 57 58 1-00 1-01 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-17 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-34 1-43 1-45 1-48 1-50 1-59 2-02 2-05 2-08 2-15 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-33 2-36 2-40 2-43 2-51 2-55 2-58 3-02 3-09 3-14 3-18 3-22 10 16 31 0-47 1-03 1-19 1-36 1-53 2-10 2-28 2-47 3-06 3-26 8 6 4 + 2 16 16 17 17 32 33 33 34 48 49 50 51 1-04 1-05 1-07 1-08 1-21 1-23 1-24 1-26 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-44 1-55 1-58 2-00 2-03 2-13 2-16 2-19 2-21 2-31 2-34 2-38 2-41 2-50 2-54 2-57 3-00 3-10 3-13 3-17 3-21 3-30 3-34 3-38 3-41 17 35 0-52 1-10 1-28 1-46 2-05 2-24 2-44 3-04 3-24 3-45 - 2 4 6 8 18 18 18 19 35 36 37 38 53 54 55 56 I'll 1-12 1-14 1-15 1-30 1-31 1-33 1-35 1-48 1-50 1-52 1-55 2-07 2-10 2-12 2-15 2-27 2-29 2-32 2-35 2-47 2-50 2-53 2-56 3-07 3-10 3-14 3-17 3-28 3-31 3-35 3-39 3-49 3-53 3-57 4-01 10 19 38 0-57 1-17 1-37 1-57 2-17 2-38 2-59 3-20 3-42 4-05 Unlike Latitude. K> Oo ON4X N> 19 20 20 21 39 40 40 41 59 1-00 1-01 1-02 1-18 1-19 1-21 1-22 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-44 1-59 2-01 2-03 2-06 2-20 2-22 2-25 2-27 2-40 2-43 2-46 2-49 3-02 3-05 3-08 3-12 3-24 3-27 3-31 3-35 3-46 3-50 3-54 3-58 4-09 4-13 4-17 4-21 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-46 2-08 2-30 2-52 3-15 3-38 4-02 4-26 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 23 43 44 44 45 1-04 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-26 1-27 1-29 1-31 1-48 1-50 1-52 1-54 2-10 2-13 2-33 2-56 3-19 3-22 3-26 3-30 3-42 3-46 3-50 3-55 4-06 4-10 4-15 4-19 4-30 4-35 4-39 4-44 2-36 2-59 3-02 3-06 2-15 2-18 2-39 2-42 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-32 1-57 2-20 2-45 3-09 3-34 3-59 4-24 4-50 AZIMUT 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 120 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. I LATITUDE 60. DECLINATION. 1 A L'HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 Azo 75 1UTH. 78 8/ 84 ; 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. +30 h. m. 2-52 h. m. 3-02 h. m. 3-/3 h. m. 3-25 h. m. 3-37 h. m. 3-49 h. m. 4-02 h. m. 4-15 h. m. 4-28 h. m. 4-42 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-C 28 26 24 22 2-57 3-02 3-07 3-/2 3-08 3-/3 3-18 3-23 3-/9 3-25 3-30 3-35 3-3/ 3-37 3-42 3-47 3-43 3-49 3-54 4-00 3-55 4-01 4-07 4-/2 4-08 4-/4 4-20 4-25 4-21 4-27 4-33 4-39 4-35 4-4/ 4-47 4-52 4-48 4-55 5-00 5-06 / 2 3 4 2-00 4-00 6-00 8-0/ 6-9 13-9 20-8 27-8 20 3-/7 3-28 3-40 3-52 4-05 4-18 4-3/ 4-44 4-58 5- 11 5 10-02 0-34-9 18 16 u 12 3-2/ 3-26 3-30 3-34 3-33 3-37 3-42 3-46 3-45 3-50 3-54 3-59 3-57 4-02 4-07 4-// 4-10 4-15 4-20 4-24 4-23 4-28 4-33 4-37 4-36 4-4/ 4-46 4-51 4-49 4-54 4-59 5-04 5-03 5-08 5-13 5-/8 5-17 5-22 5-27 5-32 6 7 8 9 To^ 12-04 14-06 16-10 18-14 42-1 49-1 56-4 1-03-7 10 3-38 3-50 4-03 4-16 4-29 4-42 4-56 5-09 5-23 5-37 20-19 //// 8 6 4 + 2 3-43 3-47 3-51 3-55 3-55 3-59 4-03 4-07 4-07 4-/2 4-16 4-20 4-20 4-25 4-29 4-33 4-33 4-38 4-42 4-47 4-47 4-51 4-56 5-00 5-00 5-05 5-09 5-14 5-14 5-19 5-23 5-28 5-28 5-32 5-37 5-42 5-41 5-46 5-51 5-55 // 12 13 14 22-26 24-34 26-44 28-56 /8-7 26-4 34-3 42-3 3-59 4-li 4-24 4-38 4-51 5-05 5-19 5-32 5-46 6-00 15 31-10 1-50-6 -2 4 6 8 4-03 4-07 4-// 4-15 4-15 4-/9 4-24 4-28 4-29 4-33 4-37 4-4/ 4-42 4-46 4-51 4-55 4-56 5-00 5-05 5-09 5-09 5-/4 5-23 5-28 5-37 5-41 5-46 5-51 5-51 5-55 6-00 6-05 6-05 6-09 6-14 6-19 16 17 18 19 33-27 35-47 38-10 40-38 59-1 2-07-9 17-0 26-4 5-18 5-23 5-32 5-37 10 4*19 4-32 4-46 5-00 5-14 5-28 5-42 5-56 6-09 6-23 20 43-10 2-36-3 12 U 16 18 4-23 4-36 4-4/ 4-45 4-50 4-50 4-55 4-59 5-04 5-04 5-09 5-13 5-18 5-18 5-23 5-28 5-33 5-32 5-37 5-42 5-47 5-46 5-51 5-56 6-01 6-00 6-05 6-10 6-15 6-14 6-19 6-24 6-29 6-28 6-33 6-38 6-43 21 22 23 24 45-47 48-31 51-24 54-26 46-7 57-6 3-09-3 21-8 4-27 4-3/ 4-36 20 4-40 4-55 5-09 5-23 5-38 5-52 6-06 6-20 6-35 6-49 25 57-42 3-35-5 22 24 26 28 4-45 4-50 4-55 5-00 4-59 5-04 5-09 5-15 5-/4 5-/9 5-24 5-30 5-28 5-33 5-39 5-45 5-43 5-48 5-54 5-59 5-57 6-03 6-08 6-14 6-12 6-17 6-23 6-29 6-26 6-31 6-37 6-43 6-40 6-46 6-51 6-58 6-54 7-00 7-05 7-/2 26 27 28 29 61-15 65-14 69-52 75-50 50-6 4-07-8 28-3 55-0 -30 5-05 5-20 5-35 5-50 6-06 6-20 6-35 6-50 7-04 7-18 117 114 111 /08 105 /02 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1' Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 121 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATIOX. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 62. 5 10 /5 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 12 m. 25 h. m. 0-37 h. m. 0-50 h. m. /02 h. m. 1-16 h. m. /30 h. m. /45 h. m. /59 h. m. 2-/4 h. m. 2-3/ h. m. 2-48 28 26 24 o 22 13 13 13 14 25 26 27 28 38 40 4/ 42 51 53 55 56 /'05 /07 /09 /// 1-19 1-21 1-23 1-26 /33 /36 /38 /4/ /48 /52 /55 /57 2-03 2-06 2-/0 2-/3 2-/9 2-22 2-26 2-30 2-35 2-39 2-44 2-48 2-53 2-57 3-02 3-06 3 20 14 29 0-43 0-58 1-13 1-28 /44 2-00 2-/6 2-34 2-5/ 3-/0 ^ '* 3 /5 ^ /4 /2 15 15 15 16 29 30 31 31 44 45 46 47 59 1-01 1-02 1-03 I-U 1-16 1-18 1-20 1-30 1-32 1-34 1-36 /46 /49 1-51 1-53 2-03 2-06 2-08 2-11 2-20 2-23 2-26 2-29 2-37 2-40 2-44 2-47 2-55 2-59 3-03 3-06 3-/4 3-18 3-22 3-26 /O 16 32 0-48 1-05 1-21 1-38 1-56 2-/4 2-32 2-50 3-09 3-29 8 6 4 + 2 16 17 17 17 33 33 34 35 49 50 51 52 1-06 1-07 1-09 //O 1-23 1-25 1-26 1-28 /40 /42 /44 /46 1-58 2-00 2-02 2-05 2-/6 2-/9 2-2/ 2-24 2-34 2-37 2-40 2-43 2-53 2-57 3-00 3-03 3-/3 3-/6 3-20 3-23 3-33 3-37 3-40 3-44 ~ 2 4 6 8 18 35 0-53 /// 1-30 /48 2-07 2-26 2-46 3-06 3-26 3-47 18 18 19 19 36 37 37 38 54 55 56 57 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-17 1-31 1-33 1-34 1-36 /50 /52 /54 /56 2-09 2-11 2-/4 2-/6 2-29 2-3/ 2-34 2-36 2-49 2-5/ 2-54 2-57 3-09 3-/2 3-/5 3-18 3-30 3-33 3-36 3-40 3-5/ 3-54 3-58 4-02 /O 19 39 0-58 1-18 1-38 /58 2-/8 2-39 3-00 3-21 3-43 4-05 u 12 i /4 1 '* ^ /8 20 20 20 21 39 40 41 4/ 59 1-00 1-01 1-02 1-19 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-39 /4/ /43 /45 2-00 2-02 2-04 2-06 2-2/ 2-23 2-25 2-28 2-4/ 2-44 2-46 2-49 3-03 3-06 3-09 3-/2 3-25 3-28 3-31 3-35 3-47 3-50 3-54 3-57 4-09 4-/3 4-/7 4-2/ 20 21 42 1-03 1-25 /46 2-08 2-30 2-52 3-/5 3-38 4-0/ 4-25 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 43 44 45 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-26 1-28 1-29 /48 /50 2-/0 2-/3 2-33 2-36 2-38 2-4/ 2-55 2-58 3-0/ 3-04 3-18 3-22 3-25 3-29 3-42 3-45 3-49 3-53 4-05 4-09 4-/3 4-18 4-29 4-33 4-37 4-42 /52 /54 2-/5 2-18 23 45 1-08 1-31 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-33 /57 2-20 2-44 3-07 3-33 3-57 4-22 4-47 AZIMUTH 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45 /40 135 /30 125 /20 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 122 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. fc o H LATITUDE 62. A NATION. AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 QTH. 78 81 84 87 90 g Q Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 2-58 h. m. 3-09 h. m. 3-2/ h. m. 3-32 h. in. 3-44 h. m. 3-56 h. m. 4-09 h. m. 4-22 h. m. 4-35 h. m. 4-48 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-03 3-08 3-/3 3-/7 3-/4 3-/9 3-24 3-29 3-26 3-3/ 3-36 3-4/ 3-38 3-43 3-48 3-53 3-50 3-55 4-00 4-05 4-02 4-07 4-/3 4-18 4-15 4-20 4-25 4-30 4-28 4-33 4-38 4-44 4-4/ 4-46 4-52 4-57 4-54 5-00 5-05 5-10 / 2 3 4 2-08 4-16 6-24 8-33 7-5 15-1 22-6 30-2 20 3-22 3-33 3-45 3-57 4-10 4-22 4-35 4-49 5-02 5-15 5 6 7 8 9 To 10-41 0-37-9 18 16 14 12 3-26 3-30 3-34 3-38 3-37 3-42 3-46 3-50 3-50 3-54 3-58 4-02 4-02 4-06 4-11 4-15 4-/4 4-/9 4-23 4-28 4-27 4-32 4-36 4-4/ 4-40 4-45 4-49 4-54 4-53 4-58 5-03 5-07 5-07 5-11 5-16 5-20 5-20 5-25 5-30 5-34 12-52 15-03 17-15 19-28 45-6 53-4 1-01-3 09-3 10 3-4/ 3-54 4-06 4-/9 4-32 4-45 4-58 5-11 5-25 5-38 21-42 1-17-5 8 6 4 + 2 3-45 3-49 3-53 3-56 3-58 4-02 4-05 4-09 4-10 4-/4 4-/8 4-22 4-23 4-27 4-3/ 4-35 4-36 4-40 4-44 4-48 4-49 4-53 4-58 5-02 5-02 5-07 5-11 5-15 5-16 5-20 5-24 5-29 5-29 5-34 5-38 5-42 5-43 5-47 5-51 5-56 II 12 13 14 15 23-59 26-17 28-34 31-01 25-8 34-3 42-9 51-9 0. 4-00 4-/3 4-26 4-39 4-52 5-06 5-19 5-33 5-46 6-00 33-27 2-01-0 - 2 4 6 8 4-04 4-07 4-11 4-15 4-/7 4-2/ 4-24 4-28 4-30 4-34 4-38 4-42 4-43 4-47 4-5/ 4-55 4-57 5-0/ 5-05 5-09 5-/0 5-14 5-24 5-28 5-37 5-41 5-46 5-50 5-51 5-55 5-59 6-04 6-04 6-09 6-13 6-/7 16 17 18 19 20 35-57 38-31 41-10 43-54 10-5 20-4 30-7 41-4 5-18 5-23 5-32 5-36 10 4-/9 4-32 4-46 4-59 5-13 5-27 5-41 5-54 6-08 6-22 46-46 52-8 12 14 16 18 j4-23 4-26 4-30 4-34 4-36 4-40 4-44 4-48 4-50 4-54 4-58 5-02 5-04 5-08 5-12 5-16 s-n 5-22 5-26 5-31 5-31 5-35 5-40 5-45 5-45 5-49 5-54 5-58 5-59 6-03 6-08 6-12 6-12 6-17 6-21 6-26 6-26 6-30 6-35 6-40 21 22 23 24 49-46 52-56 56-20 60-12 3-04-9 17-8 31-9 47-4 20 4-38 4-53 5-07 5-21 5-35 5-49 6-03 6-17 6-31 6-45 25 64-11 4-05-1 22 24 26 28 4-43 4-47 4-52 4-57 4-57 5 02 5-07 5-11 5-11 5-16 5-21 5-26 5-26 5-31 5-35 5-41 5-40 5-45 5-50 5-55 5-54 5-59 6-04 6-/0 6-08 6-/3 6-18 6-24 6-22 6-27 6-33 6-38 6-36 6-41 6-47 6-52 6-50 6-55 7-00 7-06 26 27 69-02 75-15 26-1 53-6 -30 5-02 5-17 5-31 5-46 6-0/ 6-/5 6-30 6-44 6-58 7-/2 1 17 114 /// 108 /05 102 99 96 93" 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 123 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 64. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 13 m. 26 h.m. 0-39 h. m. 0-52 h. m. /06 h.m /20 h. m. /34 h. m. /49 h. m. 2-04 h. m. 2-20 h. m. 2-37 h. m. 2-54 28 26 24 22 13 14 14 14 27 27 28 29 40 41 43 44 54 56 57 58 /OS //O 1-12 1-13 /22 /25 /27 /29 /37 1-40 1-42 1-45 /52 /55 /58 2-0/ 2-08 2-// 2-/4 2-/8 2-24 2-28 2-3/ 2'35 2-4/ 2-45 2-49 2-53 2-59 3-03 3-07 3-n 3-15 2 20 15 30 0-45 /OO 1-15 /37 1-47 2-04 2-2f 2-38 2-56 ?15 3 /5 ^ /4 /2 15 15 16 16 30 31 32 32 46 47 48 49 /O/ 1-02 1-04 1-05 S-17 1-19 1-20 1-22 /33 /35 /37 /39 1-49 1-52 1-54 1-56 2-06 2-09 2-11 2-/4 2-23 2-26 2-29 2-32 2-4/ 2-44 2-47 2-50 3-00 3-03 3-07 3-/0 3-18 3-22 3-26 3-29 /O 16 33 0-50 1-06 1-23 1-41 1-58 2-/6 2-35 2-53 3-/3 3-33 8 6 4 + 2 17 17 17 18 34 34 35 35 50 51 52 53 i-07 /OS //O /// 1-25 /26 /28 /29 1-42 1-44 1-46 1-48 2-00 2-02 2-05 2-07 2-/9 2-2/ 2-23 2-26 2-37 2-40 2-43 2-45 2-56 2-59 3-02 3-05 3-/6 3-/9 3-22 3-25 3-36 3-39 3-43 3-46 18 36 0-54 I-J2 1-31 1-50 2-09 2-28 2-48 3-08 3-28 3-49 - 2 4 6 8 18 19 19 19 37 37 38 38 55 56 57 58 1-14 1-15 1-16 \-\7 1-32 1-34 1-35 1-37 1-52 1-53 1-55 1-57 2-lt 2-13 2-15 2-17 2-30 2-33 2-35 2-38 2-50 2-53 2-56 2-59 3-U 3-14 3-16 3-19 3-3/ 3-34 3-38 3-4/ 3-52 3-56 3-59 4-02 /O 20 39 0-59 \-\9 1-39 1-59 2-01 2-03 2-04 2-06 2-19 2-40 3-0/ 3-22 3-44 4-06 4i /2 1 /4 '5 /6 1 18 20 20 21 21 40 40 41 42 1-00 l-CI 1-02 1-03 7-20 /2/ /22 /24 1-40 1-42 1-43 1-45 2-21 2-24 2-26 228 2-42 2-45 2-47 2-50 3-04 3-06 3-09 3-/2 3-25 3-28 3-3/ 3-34 3-47 3-50 3-54 3-57 4-09 4-/3 4-/6 4-20 ; 20 21 42 1-04 /25 1-47 2-03 2-30 2-53 3-/5 3-38 4-0/ 4-24 22 24 26 28 22 22 43 44 1-05 1-06 /27 /28 1-48 1-50 1-52 1-54 2-11 2-13 2-15 2-17 2-33 2-35 2-38 2-40 2-55 2-58 3-0/ 3-04 3-/S 3-2/ 3-24 3-28 3-4/ 3-44 3-48 3-52 4-04 4-08 4-/2 4-/6 4-27 4-3/ 4-35 4-40 22 23 45 45 1-07 1-08 /29 1-31 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-33 1-56 2-20 2-43 3-07 3-3/ 3-55 4-20 4-44 AZIMUT 175 170' 165 160 155 150 /45 /40 /35 /30 /25 C /20 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 124 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. fc H LATITUDE 6-4 DECLINATION. A L' HORIZON VRAI. DECLINE 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 3-05 h. m. 3-/6 h. m. 3-27 h. m. 3-39 h. m. 3-51 h. m. 4-03 h. m. 4-/6 h. m. 4-28 h. m. 4-4/ h. m. 4-55 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-/0 3-/4 3-18 3-22 3-2/ 3-25 3-30 3-34 3-32 3-37 3-4/ 3-46 3-44 3-49 3-53 3-58 3-56 4-0/ 4-06 4-/0 4-08 4-/3 4-/S 4-23 4-2/ 4-26 4-3/ 4-35 4-34 4-39 4-43 4-48 4-47 4-52 4-57 5-0/ 5-00 5-05 5-/0 5-/4 / 2 3 4 2-/7 4-34 6-51 9-09 8-2 /6-4 24-7 33-0 20 3-26 3-38 3-50 4-02 4-/4 4-27 4-40 4-53 5-06 5-/9 5 11-28 0-4/-3 18 16 14 12 3-30 3-34 3-38 3-4/ 3-42 3-46 3-50 3-53 3-54 3-58 4-02 4-05 4-06 4-/0 4-/4 4-18 4-/9 4-23 4-27 4-3/ 4-3/ 4-36 4-40 4-44 4-44 4-48 4-53 4-57 4-57 5-01 5-06 5-10 5-/0 5-/5 5-/9 5-23 5-24 5-28 5-32 5-36 6 7 8 9 13-48 /6-08 /8-3/ 20-54 49-8 58-3 /07-0 /5-8 10 3-45 3-57 4-09 4-22 4-35 4-48 5-0/ 5-14 5-27 5-40 10 23-20 1-24-8 8 6 4 + 2 3-48 3-52 3-55 3-58 4-0/ 4-04 4-08 4-// 4-/3 4-/6 4-20 4-24 4-26 4-29 4-33 4-37 4-39 4-42 4-46 4-50 4-52 4-55 4-59 5-03 5-05 5-08 5-/2 5-/6 5-18 5-22 5-26 5-29 5-31 5-35 5-39 5-43 5-44 5-48 5-52 5-56 II 12 13 /4 25-48 28-19 30-52 33-30 33-9 43-3 53-0 2-03-0 4-02 4-/5 4-27 4-40 4-54 5-07 5-20 5-33 5-47 6-00 15 36-11 /3-3 -2 4 6 8 4-05 4-09 4-/2 4-/5 4-/8 4-22 4-25 4-29 4-3/ 4-34 4-38 4-42 4-44 4-48 4-52 4-57 5-01 5-05 5-11 5-/4 5-/8 5-22 5-24 5-37 5-5/ 5-54 5-58 6-02 6-04 6-08 6-/2 6-16 16 17 18 19 38-58 4/-50 44-49 47-58 24-0 35-3 47- / 59-6 5-28 5-32 5-36 5-4/ 5-45 5-49 4-55 5-09 10 4-/9 4-32 4-45 4-59 5-13 5-26 5-39 5-53 6-06 6-20 20 21 22 23 24 5/-/7 3-13-1 12 14 16 18 4-23 4-26 4-30 4-34 4-36 4-40 4-43 4-47 4-49 4-53 4-57 5-0/ 5-03 5-07 5-// 5-/5 5-16 5-20 5-24 5-29 5-30 5-34 5-38 5-42 5-43 5-48 5-52 5-56 5-57 6-01 6-05 6-10 6-/0 6-15 6-19 6-23 6-24 6-28 6-32 6-36 54-50 58-43 63-03 68-06 27-6 43-7 4-02-0 23-6 20 4-37 4-5/ 5-05 5-/9 5-33 5-47 6-00 6-14 6-27 6-4/ 25 74-36 51-8 22 24 26 28 4-4/ 4-45 4-50 4-54 4-55 4-59 5-04 5-08 5-09 5-/3 5-/8 5-22 5-23 5-28 5-32 5-37 5-37 5-42 5-46 5-51 5-5/ 5-56 6-00 6-05 6-05 6-09 6-/4 6-19 6-18 6-23 6-28 6-33 6-32 6-37 6-42 6-47 6-46 6-50 6-55 7-00 -30 4-59 5-/3 5-27 5-42 5-56 6-10 6-24 6-38 6-52 7-05 117 114 111 /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnentl'heure vraie. matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 125 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 66. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 m. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 30 U 27 0-4/ 0-55 /09 /24 /39 /54 2-/0 2-26 2-43 3-0/ 28 14- 28 42 57 /// /26 1-41 /57 2-/3 2-30 2-47 3-05 26 14. 29 43 58 1-13 /28 1-44 2-00 2-/6 2-33 2-50 3-09 24 15 29 44 59 1-14 /30 1-46 2-02 2-/9 2-36 2-54 3-/2 -S 22 15 30 45 /O/ //6 /32 1-48 2-05 2-22 2-39 2-57 3-/6 15 31 0-46 /02 //8 /34 1-50 2-07 2-25 2-42 3-0/ 3-19 18 16 31 47 /03 1-19 /36 1-53 2-/0 2-27 2-45 3-04 3-23 3 16 16 32 48 /04 1-21 /38 1-55 2-/2 2-30 2-48 3-07 3-26 U 16 33 49 1-06 1-22 /39 1-57 2-/4 2-32 2-5/ 3-/0 3-29 12 17 33 50 1-07 1-24 1-41 1-59 2-/7 2-35 2-54 3-/3 3-32 10 17 34 0-5/ 1-08 1-25 1-43 2-01 2-/9 2-38 2-56 3-/6 3-36 8 17 34 52 1-09 1-27 1-45 2-03 2-2/ 2-40 2-59 3-/9 3-39 6 17 35 52 //O 1-28 1-46 2-05 2-23 2-42 3-02 3-22 3-42 4 18 35 53 /// 1-29 1-48 2-07 2-26 2-45 3-04 3-24 3-45 + 2 18 36 54 1-12 1-31 1-50 2-09 2-28 2-47 3-07 3-27 3-48 18 37 0-55 //4 1-32 1-51 2-10 2-30 2-50 3-/0 3-30 3-51 2 19 37 56 1-15 1-34 1-53 2-12 2-32 2-52 3-/2 3-33 3-54 4 19 38 57 1-16 1-35 1-55 2-14 2-34 2-54 3-/5 3-36 3-57 6 19 38 58 1-17 1-36 1-56 2-16 2-36 2-57 3-/S 3-39 4-00 8 19 39 58 1-18 1-38 1-58 2-18 2-39 2-59 3-20 3-42 4-03 10 20 39 0-59 1-19 1-40 2-00 2-20 2-4/ 3-02 3-24 3-44 4-06 4 /2 20 40 1-00 1-20 1-41 2-01 2-22 2-43 3-04 3-26 3-47 4-09 5 /4 20 4/ 1-01 1-22 1-42 2-03 2-24 2-45 3-07 3-28 3-50 4-12 5 /5 21 41 1-02 1-23 1-44 2-05 2-26 2-48 3-09 3-3/ 3-53 4-16 21 42 1-03 1-24- 1-45 2-07 2-28 2-50 3-/2 3-34 3-56 4-19 1 20 21 43 1-04. 1-25 1-47 2-09 2-30 2-53 3-/5 3-37 4-00 4-22 22 22 43 1-05 1-27 1-48 2-10 2-33 2-55 3-/S 3-40 4-03 4-26 24 22 44 1-06 1-28 1-50 2-12 2-35 2-58 3-20 3-43 4-06 4-29 26 22 45 1-07 1-29 1-52 2-14 2-37 3-00 3-23 3-47 4-/0 4-33 28 23 45 1-08 1-31 1-54 2-17 2-40 3-03 3-26 3-50 4-/3 4-37 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-32 1-55 2-19 2-42 3-06 3-30 3-53 4-/7 4-41 AZIMUTH 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45 /40 135 /30 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 126 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 66. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 3-11 h. in. 3-23 h. m. 3-34 h. m. 3-46 h. m. 3-57 h. m. 4-/0 h. m. 4-22 h. m. 4-35 h. m. 4-47 h. m. 5-00 / 2 3 4 T / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-16 3-20 3-23 3-27 3-27 3-3/ 3-35 3-39 3-38 3-43 3-47 3-51 3-50 3-54 3-59 4-03 4-02 4-07 4-// 4-15 4-/4 4-/9 4-23 4-27 4-27 4-3/ 4-36 4-40 4-39 4-44 4-48 4-53 4-52 4-57 5-01 5-06 5-05 5-/0 5-14 5-19 2-28 4-55 7-24 9-53 9-0 18-0 27-0 36-1 20 3-31 3-43 3-54 4-07 4-/9 4-3 / 4-44 4-57 5-10 5-23 /2-22 0-45-3 18 16 14 12 3-34 3-38 3-4.1 3-44 3-46 3-50 3-53 3-57 3-58 4-02 4-05 4-09 4-/0 4-/4 4-18 4-21 4-23 4-26 4-30 4-34 4-35 4-39 4-43 4-46 4-48 4-52 4-56 4-59 5-01 5-05 5-08 5-12 5-14 5-18 5-21 5-25 5-27 5-3! 5-35 5-38 6 7 8 9 /4-54 /7-26 20-01 22-37 54-6 1-04-0 13-6 23-4 10 3-4-8 4-00 4-/2 4-25 4-37 4-50 5-03 5-16 5-29 5-42 10 25-16 1-33-3 8 6 4 + 2 3-51 3-54- 3-57 4-00 4-03 4-06 4-/0 4-/3 4-/6 4-/9 4-22 4-26 4-28 4-32 4-35 4-38 4-4/ 4-44 4-48 4-5/ 4-54 4-57 5-0/ 5-04 5-06 5-/0 5-14 5-17 5-/9 5-20 5-27 5-30 5-33 5-36 5-40 5-43 5-46 5-49 5-53 5-56 II 12 13 14 27-59 30-45 33-35 36-30 43-5 54-1 2-04-9 16-2 4-03 4-16 4-29 4-42 4-55 5-08 5-21 5-34 5-47 6-00 15 39-31 2-28-0 - 2 4 6 8 4-06 4-10 4-13 4-16 4-19 4-23 4-26 4-29 4-32 4-35 4-39 4-42 4-45 4-48 4-52 4-58 5-0/ 5-05 5-11 5-15 5-24 5-37 5-50 5-54 5-58 6-01 6-04 6-07 6-11 6-U 16 17 18 19 42-40 45-57 49-27 53-10 40-4 53-5 3-07-5 22-6 5-28 5-31 5-35 5-4-1 5-44 5-48 5-18 5-22 4-55 5-08 10 4-19 4-32 4-45 4-59 5-12 5-25 5-38 5-52 6-05 6-18 20 57-14 3-39-3 12 14 16 18 4-22 4-26 4-29 4-32 4-36 4-39 4-42 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-56 4-59 5-02 5-06 5-09 5-13 5-15 5-19 5-23 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-36 5-40 5-42 5-46 5-50 5-53 5-55 5-59 6-03 6-07 6-09 6-12 6-16 6-20 6-22 6-25 6-29 6-33 21 22 23 61-46 67-04 73-52 58-2 4-20-6 49-7 20 4-36 4-50 5-03 5-17 5-30 5-44 5-57 6-11 6-24 6-37 22 24 26 28 4-40 4-43 4-47 4-51 4-53 4-57 5-0/ 5-05 5-07 5- // 5-15 5-i9 5-21 5-25 4-29 5-33 5-34 5-38 5-43 5-47 5-48 5-52 5-56 6-01 6-0/ 6-06 6-/0 6-15 6-15 6-19 6-24 6-28 6-28 6-33 6-37 6-42 6-4.1 6-4-6 6-50 6-55 -30 4-55 5-/0 114 5-24 5-38 5-52 6-06 6-19 6-33 6-46 7-00 \\T 111 /08 /05 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 127 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 68. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + *30 m. 14 m. 28 h. m. 0-43 h. m. 0-57 h. m. 1-13 h. m. /27 h. m. /43 h. m. /59 h. m. 2-/4 h. m. 2-32 h. m. 2-49 h. m. 3-07 28 26 24 22 15 15 15 16 29 30 30 31 44 45 46 47 59 1-00 1-01 1-03 1-14 1-16 1-17 1-19 /29 1-31 1-33 1-35 /45 /47 /49 /52 2-0/ 2-04 2-06 2-08 2-18 2-21 2-23 2-26 2-35 2-38 2-4/ 2-44 2-46 2-52 2-56 2-59 3-02 3-/0 3-/4 3-/7 3-20 I 20 16 32 0-48 1-04 1-20 1-37 /54 2-11 2-28 3-05 3-24 / 3 '* J /4 /2 16 16 17 17 32 33 33 34 49 49 50 51 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-26 1-38 1-40 1-42 1-43 /56 /58 /59 2-0/ 2-13 2-15 2-17 2-19 2-3/ 2-33 2-36 2-38 2-49 2-52 2-55 2-57 3-08 3-11 3-13 3-16 3-27 3-30 3-33 3-36 /O 17 35 0-52 1-09 1-27 1-45 2-03 2-22 2-40 2-59 3-19 3-21 3-24 3-27 3-29 3-38 8 6 4 + 2 17 18 18 18 35 36 36 37 53 53 54 55 1-10 /// 1-13 1-14 1-28 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-47 1-48 1-50 1-51 2-05 2-07 2-08 2-/0 2-24 2-26 2-28 2-30 2-43 2-45 2-47 2-49 3-02 3-04 3-07 3-09 3-4/ 3-44 3-47 3-50 19 37 0-56 1-15 1-34 1-53 2-/2 2-32 2-5/ 3-11 3-32 3-52 - 2 4 6 8 19 19 19 20 38 38 39 39 57 57 58 59 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-35 1-36 1-37 1-39 1-54 1-56 1-57 1-59 2-/4 2-/5 2-/7 2-/9 2-34 2-36 2-38 2-40 2-54 2-56 2-58 3-00 3-14 3-16 3-19 3-21 3-34 3-37 3-40 3-42 3-55 3-58 4-0/ 4-03 /O 20 40 1-00 1-20 1-40 2-00 2-21 2-42 3-02 3-24 3-45 4-06 4-09 4-/2 4-/5 4-18 4 /2 1 /4 1 l6 * 18 M 20 20 21 21 40 41 41 42 1-01 1-01 1-02 1-03 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-41 1-43 1-44 1-46 2-02 2-04 3-05 2-07 2-23 2-25 2-26 2-44 2-46 2-48 3-05 3-07 3-09 3-/2 3-26 3-28 3-31 3-34 3_4J. 3-50* 3-53 3-56 2-28 2-50 I 20 21 22 22 22 23 43 1-04 1-25 1-47 2-09 2-30 2-52 3-/4 3-36 3-59 4-21 22 24 26 28 43 44 44 45 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-26 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-48 1-50 1-52 1-53 2-10 2-12 2-14 2-16 2-32 2-34 2-37 2-39 2-55 2-57 2-5,9 3-02 3-04 3-/7 3-/9 3-22 3-25 3-39 3-42 3-45 3-48 4-02 4-05 4-08 4-// 4-24 4-27 4-31 4-?4 - 30 23 46 1-09 1-32 1-54 2-18 2-4/ 5-29 3-5/ 4-/5 4-38 AZIMUT 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45 140 135 130 /25 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont clu meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 128 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 68. *. i*> to | O 1 DECLINATION. | A L' HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIN 75 [UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h.m. 3-18 h. m. 3-29 h. m. 3-40 h. m. 3-52 h. m. 4-04 h. m. 4-16 h. m. 4-28 h. m. 4-4/ h m. 4-53 h. m. 5-06 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-21 3-25 3-29 3-32 3-33 3-36 3-40 3-44 3-44 3-48 3-52 3-55 3-56 4-00 4-04 4-07 4-08 4-/2 4-16 4-19 4-20 4-24 4-28 4-32 4-32 4-36 4-40 4-44 4-45 4-49 4-53 4-57 4-58 5-02 5-06 5-/0 5-/0 5-/4 5-/9 5-22 2-40 5-21 8-02 10-44 9-9 19-8 29-8 39-9 20 3-35 3-47 3-58 4-// 4-23 4-35 4-48 5-0/ 5-13 5-26 5 6 7 8 9 13-27 0-50-0 18 16 14 12 3-38 3-42 3-45 3-48 3-50 3-53 3-57 4-00 4-02 4-05 4-09 4-/2 4-/4 4-/8 4-21 4-24 4-26 4-30 4-33 4-36 4-39 4-42 4-46 4-49 4-51 4-55 4-58 5-02 5-04 5-08 5-1! 5-15 5-17 5-20 5-24 5-27 5-30 5-33 5-37 5-40 16-12 18-59 21-49 24-41 1-00-3 10-8 21-4 32-3 10 3-51 4-03 4-/5 4-/8 4-2/ 4-24 4-27 4-27 4-40 4-52 5-05 5-18 5-31 5-44 10 27-37 1-43-5 8 6 4 + 2 3-53 3-56 3-59 4-02 4-06 4-09 4-/2 4-/4 4-30 4-34 4-37 4-40 4-43 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-56 4-59 5-02 5-05 5-08 5-/2 5-15 5-18 5-21 5-24 5-28 5-31 5-34 5-37 5-4/ 5-44 5-47 5-50 5-54 5-57 II 12 13 14 30-37 33-43 36-54 40-/4 55-0 2-07-0 19-4 32-4 4-05 4-/7 4-30 4-43 4-55 5-08 5-21 5-34 5-47 6-00 15 43-42 2-46-2 - 2 4 6 8 4-08 4-11 4-/3 4-/6 4-20 4-23 4-26 4-29 4-33 4-36 _4-39_ 4-42 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-58 5-02 5-11 5-/5 5-24 5-37 5-50 5-54 5-57 6-00 6-03 6-06 6-/0 6-/3 16 17 18 19 47-22 51-18 53-35 60-21 3-00-8 /6-7 34- / 53-8 5-28 5-31 5-34 5-41 5-44 5-47 5-05 5-08 5-/S 5-2 / 4-55 10 4-/9 4-32 4-45 4-58 5-11 5-24 5-37 5-50 6-03 6-16 20 65-55 4-/7-/ 12 14 16 18 4-22 4-25 4-28 4-3/ 4-35 4-38 4-4/ 4-45 4-48 4-5/ 4-55 4-58 S-OI 5-05 5-08 5-11 5-14 5-18 5-21 5-24 5-28 5-31 5-34 5-38 5-41 5-44 5-47 5-51 5-54 5-57 6-0/ 6-04 6-07 6-/0 6-/4 6-17 6-20 6-23 6-27 6-30 21 73-04 47-3 20 22 24 26 28 4-34 4-48 5-02 5-15 5-28 5-41 5-55 6-08 6-21 6-34 4-38 4-4/ 4-45 4-48 4-52 4-5/ 4-55 4-58 5-02 5-05 5-08 5-/2 5-/6 5-18 5-22 5-26 5-30 5-31 5-35 5-39 5-43 5-45 5-49 5-53 5-57 6-01 5-58 6-02 6-06 6-/0 6-11 6-15 6-19 6-23 6-25 6-28 6-32 6-37 6-38 6-41 6-46 6-50 -30 5-06 5-20 5-34 5-47 6-/4 6-28 6-41 6-54 I IT 114 / / r /08 105 102 99 95 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 129 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 70. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 15 m. 30 h. m. 0-45 h. m. 1-00 h. m. 1-15 h. m. 1-31 h. m. /47 h. m. 2-03 h. m. 2-/9 h. m. 2-37 h. m. 2-54 h. m. 3-/2 28 26 24 * 22 15 15 16 16 30 31 32 32 46 47 47 48 1-01 1-02 1-04 1-05 1-17 1-18 1-20 1-21 1-33 1-35 1-36 1-38 /49 1-51 1-53 1-55 2-06 2-08 2-/0 2-/2 2-22 2-25 2-27 2-30 2-40 2-43 2-45 2-48 2-58 3-00 3-03 3-06 3-/6 3-/9 3-22 3-25 I 20 16 33 0-49 1-06 1-23 1-40 1-57 2-/4 2-32 2-50 3-09 3-28 * 18 3 l6 J /4 12 17 17 17 17 33 34 34 35 50 51 51 52 1-07 1-08 1-09 1-10 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-28 1-41 1-43 1-44 1-46 1-58 2-00 2-02 2 04 2-/6 2-18 2-20 2-22 2-34 2-36 2-39 2-4/ 2-53 2-55 2-57 3-00 3-H 3-14 3-17 3-19 3-3/ 3-33 3-36 3-39 10 18 35 0-53 I'll 1-29 1-47 2-05 2-24 2-43 3-02 3-21 3-4/ 8 6 4 + 2 18 18 18 19 36 36 37 37 54 54 55 56 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-48 1-50 1-51 1-53 2-07 2-09 2-/0 2-/2 2-26 2-28 2-30 2-3/ 2-45 2-47 2-49 2-5/ 3-04 3-06 3-09 3-11 3-24 3-26 3-28 3-3/ 3-44 3-46 3-49 3-5 / 19 38 0-57 1-16 1-35 1-54 2-/3 2-33 2-53 3-13 3-33 3-54 - 2 4 6 8 19 19 20 20 38 39 39 40 57 58 59 59 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-55 1-57 1-58 1-59 2-15 2-17 2-18 2-20 2-35 2-37 2-39 2-40 2-55 2-57 2-59 3-0/ 3-15 3-17 3-19 3-22 3-36 3-38 3-40 3-43 3-56 3-59 4-01 4-04 10 20 40 1-00 1-20 1-41 2-01 2-2/ 2-42 3-03 3-24 3-45 4-06 3 12 1 /4 3 '* /8 20 20 20 21 4/ 4/ 42 42 1-01 1-02 1-03 1-03 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 2-02 2-04 2-05 2-23 2-25 2-27 2-44 2-46 3-05 3-07 3-26 3-28 3-3/ 3-33 3-47 3-50 3-52 3-55 4-09 4-11 4-14 4-17 2-48 2-50 3-09 3-// 2-07 2-28 g 20 21 43 1-04 1-25 1-47 2-08 2-30 2-52 3-/4 3-36 3-58 4-20 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 22 43 44 44 45 1-05 1-06 1-06 1-07 1-26 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-48 1-49 1-51 1-52 2-/0 2-/2 2-/3 2-/5 2-32 2-34 2-36 2-38 2-54 2-57 2-58 3-0/ 3-/6 3-/8 3-2/ 3-23 3-38 3-4/ 3-43 3-46 4-00 4-03 4-06 4-09 4-23 4-25 4-29 4-32 - 30 23 46 1-08 1-31 1-54 2-/7 2-40 3-03 3-27 3-49 4-/2 4-35 AZIMUT 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45/40 135 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 130 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 70. DECLINATION. AT TRUE HORIZON. 63 65 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. +30 h. m. 3-24 h. m. 3-35 h. m. 3-46 h. m. 3-58 h. m. 4-10 h. m. 4-22 h. m. 4-34 h. m. 4-46 h. m. 4-59 h. m. 5-11 / 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-27 3-30 3-33 3-36 3-38 3-42 3-45 3-48 3-50 3-53 3-57 4-00 4-02 4-05 4-08 4-/2 4-/3 4-/7 4-20 4-24 4-25 4-29 4-33 4-36 4-38 4-4/ 4-45 4-48 4-50 4-54 4-57 5-0/ 5-03 5-06 5-/0 5-13 5-15 5-19 5-23 5-26 / 2 3 4 T 2-56 5-51 8-48 11-46 //O 22-0 33- / 44-3 20 3-39 3-51 4-03 4-15 4-27 4-39 4-52 5-04 5-17 5-30 14-46 0-55-6 18 16 U 12 3-42 3-45 3-48 3-51 3-54 3-57 4-00 4-03 4-06 4-09 4-/2 4-15 4-/8 4-2/ 4-24 4-27 4-30 4-33 4-36 4-39 4-43 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-55 4-58 5-0/ 5-04 5-07 5-/0 5-14 5-/7 5-20 5-23 5-26 5-30 5-33 5-36 5-39 5-42 6 7 8 9 17-48 20-52 24-01 27-13 1-07-1 18-9 30-9 43-2 10 3-53 4-05 4-/7 4-30 4-42 4-55 5-07 5-20 5-33 5-45 10 30-31 1-55-9 8 6 4 + 2 3-56 3-58 4-0/ 4-04 4-08 4- 11 4-/3 4-16 4-20 4-23 4-26 4-22 4-33 4-35 4'38 4-4/ 4-45 4-48 4-5/ 4-54 4-58 5-00 5-03 5-06 5-10 5-13 5-16 5-19 5-23 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-36 5-38 5-41 5-44 5-48 5-51 5-54 5-57 II 12 13 /4 '33-55 37-26 41-08 45-01 2-09-1 22-9 37-5 52-9 4-06 4-/9 4-3/ 4-44 4-56 5-09 5-22 5-34 5-47 6-00 15 16 17 18 19 49-11 3-09-6 - 2 4 6 8 4-09 4-M 4-/4 4-16 4-2 / 4-24 4-27 4-29 4-34 4-37 4-39 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-59 5-02 5-12 5-15 5-25 5-37 5-50 5-53 5-56 5-59 6-03 6-06 6-09 6-12 53-42 58-45 64-54 72-09 27-9 48-6 4-12-9 44-4 5-27 5-30 5-33 5-40 5-43 5-46 5-05 5-08 5-18 5-20 4-42 4-55 10 4-/9 4-32 4-45 4-58 5-/0 5-23 5-36 5-49 6-02 6-15 12 14 16 18 4-22 4-24 4-27 4-30 4-35 4-37 4-40 4-43 4-48 4-50 4-53 4-56 5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 5-13 5-16 5-19 5-22 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-36 5-39 5-42 5-45 5-49 5-52 5-55 5-58 6-0/ 6-05 6-08 6-il 6-14 6-18 6-21 6-24 6-27 20 4-33 4-46 4-59 5-/2 5-26 5-39 5-52 6-05 6-17 6-30 22 24 26 28 4-36 4-39 4-42 4-45 4-49 4-52 4-56 4-59 5-02 5-06 5-09 5-12 5-16 5-; 9 5-22 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-26 5-39 5-42 5-45 5-49 5-53 5-55 5-58 6-02 6-06 6-08 6-12 6-15 6-19 6-21 6-24 6-28 6-32 6-34 6-37 6-41 6-45 -30 4-49 5-02 5-16 5-29 5-43 5-56 6-/0 6-23 6-36 6-49 I IT 114 III /08 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 72. 5 10 /5 20 AZIM 25 | 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 50 + 30 m. 15 m. 31 h. m. 0-47 h. m. /02 h. in. //9 h. m. /34 h. m. 1-51 h. m. 2-07 h. m. 2-25 h. m. 2-42 h. m. 3-00 h. m. 3-/S 28 26 24 X 22 16 16 16 17 32 32 33 33 47 48 49 50 /03 /04 1-06 1-07 1-20 1-21 I -23 /24 /36 /38 /39 I-4-I 1-53 1-55 1-56 1-58 2-/0 2-/2 2-/4 2-/6 2-27 2-29 2-3/ 2-33 2-45 2-47 2-49 2-52 3-03 3-05 3-08 3-/0 3-2/ 3-24 3-27 3-29 \ 20 5 17 34 0-5/ /OS /25 /42 2-00 2-/7 2-36 2-54 3-/3 3-32 ^ 18 3 l6 ^ 14 12 17 17 17 18 34 35 35 35 51 52 53 53 /OS /09 //O /// /26 /27 /28 /29 /43 /45 /46 /47 2-01 2-03 2-04 2-06 2-/9 2-2/ 2-23 2-24 2-38 2-40 2-4/ 2-43 2-56 2-58 3-00 3-02 3-/5 3-/7 3-20 3-22 3-34 3-37 3-39 3-4/ 10 18 36 0-54 //2 /30 /49 2-07 2-26 2-45 3-04 3-24 3-44 8 6 4 + 2 IS IS 19 19 36 37 37 38 55 55 56 57 //3 //4 1-15 1-16 /32 /33 /34 /35 /50 1-51 1-53 /54 2-09 2-/0 2-/2 2-/3 2-28 2-29 2-3/ 2-33 2-47 2-49 2-5/ 2-52 3-06 3-08 3-/0 3-/2 3-26 3-28 3-30 3-32 3-46 3-48 2-5/ 3-53 19 38 0-57 1-16 /36 /55 2-/5 2-34 2-54 3-/4 3-35 3-55 - 2 4 6 8 19 19 20 20 39 39 39 40 58 58 59 1-00 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 /37 /38 /39 /40 /56 /58 /59 2-00 2-/6 2-/S 2-/9 2-20 2-36 2-38 2-39 2-4/ 2 56 2-58 3-CO 3-0/ 3-/6 3-/S 3-20 3-22 3-37 3-39 3-4/ 3-43 3-57 3-59 4'02 4-04 10 20 40 i-00 1-21 /4/ 2-0/ 2-22 2-43 3-03 3-24 3-45 4-06 d 12 1 14 \ l6 ; is ^ 20 21 21 4/ 4/ 42 1-01 1-02 1-02 1-22 1-22 1-23 /42 /43 /44 2-03 2-04 2-23 2-25 2-44 2-46 2-48 2-49 3-05 To 7 3-09 3-11 3-26 3-28 3-30 3-32 3-47 3-50 3-52 3-54 4-OS 4-// 4-/3 4-/6 2-05 2-07 2-26 2-28 21 42 1-03 /24 /45 g 20 21 43 /04 /25 /46 2-08 2-30 2-5/ 3-13 3-35 3-56 4-/S 22 24 26 28 22 22 22 22 43 44 44 45 /05 /05 /06 /07 /26 /27 /28 /29 /4S /49 /50 1-51 2-/0 2-11 2-13 2-/4 2-3/ 2-33 2-35 2-37 2-53 2-55 2-57 2-59 3-15 3-17 3-19 3-22 3-37 3-39 3-42 3-44 3-59 4-0/ 4-04 4'07 4-2/ 4-23 4-26 4-29 - 30 23 45 /OS /30 .'53 2-/6 2-39 3-01 3-24 5-47 4-09 4-32 AZIMUT 175 /70 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 /30/25 /20 Quancl Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 132 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. I LATITUDE 72. DECLINATION. A L'HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. m. 3-29 h. m. 3-4-1 h. rn. 3-52 h. m. 4-04 h. m. 4-15 h. m. 4-27 h. m. 4-40 h. m. 4-52 h. m. 5-04 h. m. 5-17 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-32 3-35 3-38 3-4-1 3-44 3-47 3-50 3-52 3-55 3-5S 4-0/ 4-04 4-07 4-/0 4-/3 4-/6 4-/9 4-22 4-25 4-28 4-3/ 4-34 4-37 4-40 4-43 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-55 4-56 4-59 5-02 5-05 5-08 5-11 5-14 5-17 5-20 5-24 5-27 5-30 / 2 3 4 5 3-/4 6-29 9-45 /3-03 12-3 24-7 37-1 49-7 20 3-4.3 3-55 4-07 4-19 4-3/ 4-43 5-08 5-20 5-33 16-23 1-02-7 18 16 14 12 3-46 3-48 3-51 3-53 3-58 4-0/ 4-03 4-05 4-10 4-/2 4-/5 4-/7 4-22 4-24 4-27 4-30 4-34 4-36 4-39 4-42 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-54 4-58 5-02 5-04 5-07 5-// 5-14 5-16 5-19 5-23 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-36 5-39 5-41 5-44 6 7 8 9 19-46 23-14 26-46 30-25 15-5 28-8 42-5 56-7 10 3-56 4-08 4-20 4-32 4-44 4-57 5-09 5-22 5-34 5-47 10 34-11 2-11-1 8 6 4 + 2 3-58 4-00 4-03 4-05 4-10 4-/3 4-/5 4-/7 4-22 4-25 4-27 4-30 4-35 4-37 4-40 4-42 4-47 4-50 4-52 4-55 4-59 5-02 5-05 5-07 5-12 5-/4 5-17 5-20 5-24 5-27 5-3C 5-32 5-37 5-40 5-42 5-45 5-50 5-52 5-55 5-57 11 12 13 14 38-08 42-17 46-43 51-32 27-0 43-4 3-01-1 20-5 4-07 4-20 4-32 4-45 4-57 5-/0 5-22 5-35 5-47 6-00 15 56-53 3-42-2 -2 4 6 8 4-10 4-/2 4-/4 4-/7 4-22 4-24 4-27^ 4-29 4-34 4-37 4-39 4-42 4-47 4-49 4-52 4-54 5-00 5-02 5-12 5-25 5-37 5-40 5-43 5-4-5 5-50 5-53 5-55 5-58 6-03 6-05 6-08 6-10 16 17 63-07 71-07 4-07-8 40-2 5-15 5-17 5-20 5-27 5-30 5-33 5-05 5-07 10 4-/9 4-32 4-44 4-57 5-/0 5-; 2 5-15 5-18 5-20 5-22 5-35 5-48 6-01 6-13 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-24 4-26 4-29 434 4-36 4-39 4-42 4-47 4-49 4-52 4-55 5-00 5-02 5-05 5-07 5-25 5-28 5-30 5-33 5-38 5-4/ 5-43 5-46 5-51 5-53 5-56 5-59 6-03 6-06 6-09 6-12 6-16 6-19 6-21 6-24 20 4-3/ 4-44 4-57 5-/0 5-23 5-36 5-49 6-02 6-05 6-08 6-11 6/4 6-15 6-27 22 24 26 28 4-34 4-37 4-39 4-42 4-47 4-50 4-53 4-56 5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 5-13 5-16 5-19 5-22 5-26 5-29 5-32 5-35 5-39 5-42 5-45 5-48 5-52 5-55 5-58 6-01 6-18 6-21 6-24 6-27 6-30 6-33 6-36 6-40 -30 4-45 4-59 5-12 5-25 5-39 5-52 6-04 6-17 6-31 6-43 //7 C 114 1 1 r 108 105 /02 C 99 96 93 90 dormant 1'heure vraie, matin, pour I'Azimuf. vers le cote polaire du Premier Vertical. 133 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 74. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 16 m. 32 h. m. 0-48 h. m. /05 h. m. 1-21 h. m. 1-38 h. m. /55 h. m. 2-/2 h. m. 2-29 h. m. 2-47 h. m. 3-05 h. m. 3-23 28 26 24 d 22 16 17 17 17 33 33 34 34 49 50 50 51 /06 1-07 1-07 /OS 1-22 1-23 1-25 1-26 1-39 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-56 1-58 1-59 2-01 2-14 2-15 2-17 2-19 2-31 2-33 2-35 2-37 2-49 2-51 2-53 2-56 3-07 3-/0 3-/2 3-14 3-26 3-28 3-3/ 3-33 20 17 35 0-52 /09 1-27 1-45 2-02 2-21 2-39 2-58 3-16 3-36 i IB 3 /5 J 14 J2 17 18 18 18 35 35 36 36 52 53 54 54 //O /// 1-12 1-13 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-46 1-47 1-48 1-49 2-04 2-05 2-07 2-08 2-22 2-24 2-25 2-27 2-41 2-42 2-44 2-46 2-59 3-01 3-03 3-05 3-18 3-20 3-22 3-24 3-38 3-40 3-42 3-44 10 18 37 0-55 1-13 1-32 1-50 2-09 2-28 2-47 3-07 3-26 3-46 8 6 4 + 2 19 19 19 19 37 37 38 38 55 56 57 57 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-16 1-33 1-34 1-35 1-36 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-55 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-30 2-31 2-33 2-34 2-49 2-51 2-52 2-54 3-09 3-10 3-12 3-14 3-28 3-30 3-32 3-34 3-48 3-50 3-52 3-54 19 38 0-58 1-17 1-37 1-56 2-16 2-36 2-55 3-16 3-36 3-56 - 2 4 6 8 10 19 20 20 20 39 39 40 40 58 59 59 1-00 1-18 1-19 1-19 1-20 1-38 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-57 1-58 1-59 2-01 2-17 2-18 2-20 2-21 2-37 2-38 2-40 2-41 2-57 2-59 3-00 3-02 3-17 3-19 3-21 3-22 3-38 3 39 3-41 3-43 3-58 4-00 4-02 4-04 20 40 1-01 1-21 1-41 2-02 2-22 2-43 3-03 3-24 3-45 4-06 ce Latitude. Co Six KJ 20 21 21 21 41 41 42 42 1-01 1-02 1-02 1-03 1-22 1-23 1-23 1-24 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 2-03 2-24 2-44 3-05 3-07 3-09 3-10 3-26 3-28 3-30 3-32 3-47 3-49 3-51 3-53 4-08 4-10 4-12 4-14 2-04 2-05 2-06 2-25 2-26 2-28 2-46 2-47 2-49 20 21 42 1-04 1-25 1-46 2-08 2-29 2-51 3-12 3-34 3-55 4-17 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 22 43 43 44 44 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-06 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-47 1-49 1-50 1-51 2-09 2-10 2-12 2-13 2-31 2-32 2-34 2-35 2-52 2-54 2-56 2-58 3-14 3-16 3-18 3-20 3-36 3-38 3-40 3-42 3-57 3-59 4-02 4-04 4-19 4-21 4-24 4-26 - 30 22 45 1-07 1-30 1-52 2-15 2-37 2-59 3-22 3-44 4-06 4-29 AZIMUTH 175 170 165 160 155 ISO" 145 140 135 130 125 120 When Lat. and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. H LATITUDE 74. DECLINATION. | AT TRUE HORIZON. DECLINA 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Dasc. + 30 i. m. 3-35 h. m. 3-46 h. m. 3-58 h. m. 4-09 h. m. 4-2/ h. m. 4-33 h. m. 4-45 h. m. 4-57 h. m. 5-09 h. m. 5-22 1 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-37 3-40 3-42 3-45 3-49 3-51 3-54 3-56 4-00 4-03 4-06 4-08 4-/2 4-15 4-18 4-20 4-24 4-27 4-29 4-32 4-36 4-39 4-4/ 4-44 4-48 4-5/ 4-54 4-56 5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 5-12 5-/5 5-18 5-21 5-25 5-28 5-3 / 5-33 / 2 3 4 3-38 7-16 10-57 14-40 14-0 28-0 42-1 56-5 20 3-47 3-59 4-// 4-23 4-35 4-47 4-59 5-11 5-23 5-36 5 18-26 //// 18 16 14 12 3-49 3-52 3-54 3-56 4-0/ 4-03 4-06 4-08 4-/3 4-15 4-/8 4-20 4-25 4-27 4-30 4-32 4-37 4-40 4-42 4-44 4-49 4-52 4-54 4-56 5-0/ 5-04 5-06 5-09 5-14 5-16 5-19 5-2! 5-26 5-29 5-31 5-34 5-39 5-4/ 5-44 5-46 6 7 8 9 22-17 26-14 30-20 34-35 26-0 4/-4 57-4 2-14-1 10 3-58 4-/0 4-22 4-34 4-47 4-59 5-11 5-24 5-36 5-48 10 39-03 2-31-8 8 6 4 + 2 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-/2 4-/4 4-16 4-/9 4-24 4-27 4-29 4-3/ 4-37 4-39 4-4/ 4-43 4-49 4-5,' 4-53 4-55 5-0/ 5-03 5-06 5-08 5-/3 5-/6 5-18 5-20 5-26 5-28 5-30 5-33 5-38 5-4.1 5-43 5-45 5-51 5-53 5-55 5-58 II 12 13 14 15 43-48 48-58 54-42 61-22 50-7 3-11-9 34-5 4-01-6 4-08 4-2/ 4-33 4-45 4-58 5-/0 5-23 5-35 5-48 6-00 69-40 4-36-6 -2 4 6 8 4-/0 4-/2 4-/4 4-23 4-25 4-27 4-35 4-37 4-47 4-50 5-00 5-/2 5-25 5-37 5-40 5-42 5-44 5-50 5-52 5-54 5-57 6-02 6-05 6-07 6-09 5-02 5-15 5-17 5-19 5-27 5-29 5-32 4-39 4-42 4-52 4-54 5-04 5-07 4-16 4-29 10 4-/9 4-3/ 4-44 4-56 5-09 5-21 5-34 5-47 5-59 6-12 12 14 16 18 4-2/ 4-23 4-25 4-27 4-33 4-35 4-38 4-40 4-46 4-48 4-50 4-53 4-59 5-0/ 5-03 5-06 5-// 5-13 5-16 5-18 5-24 5-26 5-29 5-31 5-36 5-39 5-41 5-44 5-49 5-51 5-54 5-56 6-01 6-04 6-06 6-09 6-14 6-16 6-/9 6-21 20 4-29 4-42 4-55 5-08 5-21 5-34 5-46 5-59 6-11 6-24 22 24 26 28 4-32 4-34 4-37 4-39 4-45 4-47 4-50 4-52 4-58 5-00 5-03 5-05 5-/0 5-/3 5-16 5-19 5-23 5-26 5-29 5-3 / 5-36 5-39 5-42 5-44 5-49 5-52 5-54 5-57 6-0/ 6-04 6-07 6-10 6-/4 6-17 6-20 6-23 6-27 6-29 6-32 6-35 -30 4-42 4-55 5-08 5-21 5-34 5-47 6-00 6-13 6-26 6-38 117 114 /// 108 /05 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 135 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. + ^ DECLINATION. LATITUDE 76. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 ra. 17 m. 33 h. m. 0-50 h. m. /07 h. m. /24 h. m. /4/ h. m. /58 h. m. 2-/6 h. m. 2-34 h. m. 2-52 h. m. 3-/0 h. m. 3-29 28 26 24 22 17 17 17 17 34 34 34 35 51 51 52 52 /OS /09 /09 //O /25 /26 /27 /28 /42 /43 /45 /46 2-00 2-01 2-02 2-04 2-/7 2-/9 2-20 2-22 2-35 2-37 2-39 2'40 2-54 2-55 2-57 2-59 3-/2 3-/4 3-/6 3-/S 3-3/ 3-33 3-35 3-37 I 20 18 35 0-53 //./ /29 /47 2-05 2-23 2-42 3-0/ 3-20 3-39 * 18 a /5 J /4 /2 18 18 18 18 36 36 36 37 54 54 55 55 //2 //2 1-13 //4 /30 1-31 1-32 1-32 /48 1-49 1-50 1-51 2-06 2-08 2-09 2-/0 2-25 2-26 2-28 2-29 2-44 2-45 2-47 2-48 3-03 3-04 3-06 3-07 3-22 3-23 3-25 3-27 3-4/ 3-43 3-45 3-47 /O 19 37 0-56 //4 1-33 1-52 2-11 2-30 2-50 2-5/ 2-52 2-54 2-55 3-09 3-29 3-48 8 6 4 + 2 19 19 19 19 37 38 38 38 56 57 57 58 //5 //6 1-16 1-17 /34 /35 /36 /37 1-53 1-54 1-55 1-56 2-12 2-13 2-15 2-16 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 3-/0 3-/2 3-/4 3-/5 3-30 3-32 3-33 3-35 3-50 3-52 3-54 3-55 19 39 0-58 1-18 /37 1-57 2-17 2-37 2-57 3-/7 3-37 3-57 2 4 6 8 20 20 20 20 39 39 40 40 59 59 /OO /OO 1-18 1-19 1-20 .1-20 /38 /39 /40 /4/ 1-58 1-59 2-00 2-01 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-42 2-58 2-59 3-0/ 3-02 3-/S 3-20 3-2/ 3-23 3-38 3-40 3-42 3-59 4-00 4-02 4-04 3-43 10 20 40 /O/ 1-21 /42 2-02 2-22 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-43 2-44 2-46 2-47 2-48 3-04 3-24 3-45 4-06 3 l2 1 /4 '3 /6 ^ /8 ,y 20 4/ /O/ 1-22 /42 2-03 3-05 3-06 3-08 3-09 3-26 3-27 3-29 3-3/ 3-47 3-48 3-50 3-52 4-07 4-09 4-11 4-13 21 21 21 4/ 42 42 /02 /02 /03 1-23 1-23 /24 /43 /44 /45 2-04 2-05 2-06 I 20 21 42 /04 /25 /46 2-07 2-28 2-50 3-11 3-32 3-54 4-15 22 24 26 28 21 22 22 22 43 43 43 44 /04 /05 /05 /06 /25 /26 /27 /28 /47 /48 /49 /50 2-08 2-09 2-11 2-12 2-30 2-3/ 2-32 2-34 2-5/ 2-53 2-54 2-56 3-13 3-14 3-16 3-18 3-34 3-36 3-38 3-40 3-55 3-57 3-59 4-0/ 4-17 4-19 4-21 4-23 - 30 22 44 /07 /29 1-51 2-13 2-35 2-58 3-20 3-42 4-04 4-25 AZIMUT 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45 /40 135 /30 125 /20 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du mcme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 136 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 76. t* ( t* \ & | DECLINATION. | A L'HoRizoN VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIN 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 Amp. Diff. Asc. + 30 h. in. 3-40 h. m. 3-51 h. m. 4-03 h. m. 4-15 h. m. 4-26 h. m. 4-38 h. m. 4-50 h. m. 5-02 h. m. 5-/5 h. m. 5-27 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-42 3-45 3-47 3-49 3-54 3-56 3-58 4-00 4-05 4-07 4-/0 4-/2 4-/7 4-19 4-22 4-24 4-29 4-31 4-34 4-36 4-41 4-43 4-46 4-48 4-53 4-55 4-58 5-00 5-05 5-07 5-10 5-/2 5-17 5-20 5-22 5-25 5-30 5-32 5-35 5-37 4-08 8-/S 12-30 16-46 16-1 32-2 4S-5 1-05-2 20 3-51 4-02 4-/4 4-26 4-38 4-50 5-02 5-/5 5-27 5-39 5 21-07 1-22-0 18 16 /4 12 3-53 3-55 3-57 3-59 4-05 4-07 4-08 4-/0 4-16 4-18 4-20 4-22 4-28 4-30 4-32 4-34 4-40 44-2 44-5 4-47 4-52 4-54 4-57 4-59 5-05 5-07 5-09 5-11 5-17 5-19 5-21 5-23 5-29 5-31 5-33 5-35 5-41 5-44 5-46 5-48 6 7 8 9 25-36 30-15 35-07 40-17 39-7 58-5 2-17-2 37-8 10 4-00 4-/2 4-24 4-36 4-49 5-01 5-13 5-25 5-38 5-50 10 45-52 3-00-0 8 6 4 + 2 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-/4 4-16 4-/S 4-20 4-26 4-28 4-30 4-32 4-38 4-40 4-42 4-44 4-51 4-52 4-54 4-56 5-03 5-05 5-07 5-09 5-15 5-17 5-19 5-21 5-27 5-29 5-31 5-33 5-40 5-42 5-44 5-46 5-52 5-54 5-56 5-58 II 12 13 52-04 59-15 68-25 24-9 53-9 4-31-3 4-09 4-21 4-33 4-46 4-58 5-10 5-23 5-35 5-48 6-00 -2 4 6 8 4-/f 4-/3 4-/5 4-23 4-25 4-35 4-37 4-48 4-50 5-00 5-12 5-25 5-37 5-39 5-41 5-43 5-50 5-52 5-54 5-56 6-02 6-04 6-06 6-08 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-14 5-16 5-18 5-27 5-29 5-31 4-27 4-29 4-39 4-4/ 4-52 4-54 4-/6 10 4-18 4-3/ 4-43 4-56 5-08 5-20 5-33 5-45 5-58 6-/0 12 14 16 18 4-20 4-22 4-24 4-26 4-32 4-34 4-36 4-38 4-45 4-47 4-49 4-51 4-57 4-59 5-0/ 5-04 5-/0 5-/2 5-14 5-16 5-22 5-24 5-26 5-29 5-35 5-37 5-39 5-41 5-47 5-49 5-52 5-54 6-00 6-02 6-04 6-06 6-12 6-/4 6-/6 6-/9 20 4-28 4-40 4-53 5-06 5-lS 5-31 5-43 5-56 6-08 6-2/ 22 24 26 28 4-30 4-32 4-34 4-36 4-42 4-45 4-47 4-49 4-55 4-57 4-59 5-02 5-08 5-/0 5-/2 5-15 5-21 5-23 5-25 5-28 5-33 5-35 5-38 5-40 5-46 5-48 5-50 5-53 5-58 6-0/ 6-03 6-06 6-11 6-13 6-16 6-18 6-23 6-25 6-28 6-30 -30 4-39 4-51 5-04 5-17 5-30 5-43 5-56 6-08 6-21 6-33 //7 //4 III 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour 1'Azimut vers le cote polaire du Prem er Vertical. 137 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 78. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. 17 m. 34 h. m. 0-52 h. m. 1-09 h. m. /26 h. m. /44 h. m. 2-02 h. m. 2-20 h. m. 2-38 h. m. 2-56 h. m. 3-/5 h. m. 3-34 28 26 24 * 22 17 18 18 18 35 35 35 36 52 53 53 54 1-10 //O /// //2 /27 /28 /29 1-30 /45 /46 /47 /48 2-03 2-04 2-05 2-07 2-2/ 2-22 2-24 2-25 2-39 2-4/ 2-42 2-44 2-58 2-59 3-01 3-03 3-/7 3-/8 3-20 3-22 3-35 3-37 3-39 3-4/ 5 20 18 36 0-54 //2 1-31 /49 2-08 2-26 2-45 3-04 3-23 3-43 i IB 3 /5 3 /4 /2 18 18 19 19 36 37 37 37 55 55 56 56 1-13 1-14 1-14 1-15 1-32 1-32 1-33 1-34 /50 1-51 1-52 1-53 2-09 2-/0 2-11 2-12 2-27 2-29 2-30 2-3/ 2-46 2-48 2-49 2-50 3-05 3-07 3-08 3-/0 3-25 3-26 3-28 3-29 3-44 3-46 3-47 3-49 /O 19 38 0-57 1-16 1-35 1-54 2-13 2-32 2-5/ 3-11 3-3/ 3-50 8 6 4 + 2 19 19 19 19 38 38 39 39 57 57 58 58 i-16 1-17 1-17 1-18 1-35 i-36 1-37 1-37 1-54 1-55 1-56 1-57 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-33 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-53 2-54 2-55 2-56 3-12 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-32 3-33 3-35 3-36 3-52 3-53 3-55 3-56 20 39 0-59 1-18 1-38 1-58 2-18 2-38 2-57 3-18 3-38 3-58 - 2 4 6 8 20 20 20 20 39 40 40 40 59 /OO 1-00 1-01 1-19 1-20 1-20 1-21 1-39 1-40 1-40 1-41 1-59 1-59 2-00 2-01 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-21 2-39 2-40 2-47 2-42 2-59 3-00 3-01 3-02 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-23 3-39 3-40 3-42 3-43 3-59 4-0/ 4-02 4-04 10 20 20 21 21 21 4/ 41 41 42 42 1-01 1-01 1-02 1-02 1-03 1-21 1-22 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-42 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 2-02 2-22 2-43 3-03 3-24 3-45 4-05 3 ' 2 1 14 16 '* 2-03 2-04 2-05 2-06 2-23 2-24 2-26 2-27 2-44 2-45 2-46 2-48 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-09 3-25 3-27 3-28 3-30 3-46 3-47 3-49 3-50 4-07 4-08 4-/0 4-11 1 20 21 42 1-03 1-24 1-45 2-07 2-28 2-49 3-10 3-3/ 3-52 4-13 22 24 25 28 21 21 22 22 42 43 43 44 1-04 1-04 1-05 1-05 1-25 1-26 1-26 1-27 1-46 1-47 !-48 1-49 2-08 2-08 2-/0 2-11 2-29 2-30 2-3/ 2-32 2-50 2-5/ 2-53 2-54 3-11 3-13 3-14 3-16 3-32 3-34 3-36 3-37 3-54 3-55 3-57 3-59 4-15 4-16 4-18 4-20 - 30 22 44 1-06 1-28 1-50 2-12 2-34 2-55 3-17 3-39 4-01 4-22 AZIMUTH 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 When Lat and Dec. are of the same name, the terms below the black line 138 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 78. | AT TRUB HORIZON. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 81 84 87 90 DECLINA Amp. Dasc. + 30 h. m. 3-45 h. m. 3-56 h. m. 4-08 h. m. 4-20 h. m. 4-32 h. m. 4-43 h. m. 4-55 h. m. 5-07 h. m. 5-20 h. m. 5-32 O 1 0-00 h. m. 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-47 3-49 3-51 3-52 3-58 4-00 4-02 404 4-/0 4-/2 4-/4 4-/6 4-22 4-24 4-26 4-28 4-34 4-36 4-38 4-40 4-46 4-48 4-50 4-52 4-58 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-/0 5-/2 5-/4 5-16 5-22 5-24 5-26 5-28 5-34 5-36 5-38 5-40 / 2 3 4 4-48 9-40 /4-35 /9-36 18-8 37-8 57-1 1-16-8 20 3-54 4-06 4-/8 4-30 4-42 4-54 5-06 5-18 5-30 5-42 5 24-47 1-37-2 18 16 14 12 3-56 3-58 3-59 4-0/ 4-08 4-09 4-11 4-13 4-20 4-2/ 4-23 4-25 4-3/ 4-33 4-35 4-37 4-43 4-45 4-47 4-49 4-55 4-57 4-59 5-01 5-08 5-09 5-11 5-13 5-20 5-22 5-23 5-25 5-32 5-34 5-36 5-37 5-44 5-46 5-48 5-50 6 7 8 9 30-11 35-53 42-0/ 48-48 58-5 2-20- / 45-6 3-12-7 10 4-02 4-14 4-26 4-38 4-50 5-03 5-15 5-27 5-39 5-51 10 56-38 3-44-2 8 6 4 + 2 4-04 4-05 4-07 4-08 4-16 4-17 4-19 4-21 4-28 4-30 4-3/ 4-33 4-40 4-42 4-43 4-45 4-52 4-54 4-55 4-57 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-09 5-16 5-18 5-20 5-22 5-29 5-30 5"- 32 5-34 5-41 5-43 5-44 5-46 5-53 5-55 5-57 5-58 II 66-36 4-24-5 4-/0 4-22 4-34 4-46 4-59 5-11 5-23 5-35 5-48 6-00 -2 4 6 8 4-11 4-/3 4-24 4-25 4-36 4-37 4-48 5-00 5-13 5-25 5-27 5-28 5-30 5-37 5-39 5-41 5-42 5-49 5-51 5-53 5-55 6-02 6-03 6-05 6-07 4-50 4-51 4-53 5-02 5-04 5-05 5-14 5-16 5-18 4-/4 4-/6 4-27 4-28 4-39 4-4/ 10 4-18 4-30 4-42 4-55 5-07 5-19 5-32 5-44 5-56 6-09 12 14 16 18 4-19 4-21 4-22 4-24 4-32 4-33 4-35 4-37 4-44 4-46 4-47 4-49 4*56 4-58 5-00 5-02 5-09 5-/0 5-12 5-14 5-21 5-23 5-25 5-26 5-33 5-35 5-37 5-39 5-46 5-48 5-49 5-51 5-58 6-00 6-02 6-04 6-10 6-12 6-14 6-16 20 4-26 4-38 4-51 5-03 5-16 5-28 5-41 5-53 6-05 6-18 22 24 26 28 4-27 4-29 4-3/ 4-33 4-40 4-42 4-44 4-46 4-53 4-55 4-56 4-58 5-05 5-07 5-09 5-11 5-18 5-20 5-22 5-24 5-30 5-32 5-34 5-36 5-43 5-45 5-47 5-49 5-55 5-57 5*59 6-01 6-07 6-09 6-12 6-14 6-20 6-22 6-24 6-26 -30 4-35 4-48 5-01 5-13 5-26 5-39 5-5/ 6-04 6-16 6-28 117 //4 nr 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 give App. Time A.M. for Azimuth on polar side of Prime Vertical. 139 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. LATITUDE 80. 5 10 15 20 25 AZIM 30 UTH. 35 40 45 50 55 60 + 30 m. /8 m. 35 h. m. 0-53 h. m. /// h. m. 1-29 h. m. 1-47 h. m. 2-05 h. m. 2-23 h. m. 2-42 h. m. 3-00 h. m. 3-/9 h. m. 3-38 28 26 24 22 T) 18 18 18 18 36 36 36 37 54 54 55 55 //2 1-12 1-13 1-13 1-30 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-48 1-49 1-50 I -SO 2-06 2-07 2-08 2-09 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-43 2-44 2-46 2-47 3-02 3-03 3-05 3-06 3-2/ 3-22 3-24 3-25 3-40 3-4/ 3-43 3-44 1 20 18 37 0-55 //4 1-33 1-51 2-/0 2-29 2-48 3-07 3-26 3-46 i, 18 3 ' 14 72 19 19 19 19 37 37 38 38 56 56 57 57 1-14 1-15 1-15 1-16 1-33 /34 /34 /35 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-54 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-30 2-3/ 2-32 2-33 2-49 2-50 2-5/ 2-52 3-08 3-09 3-11 3-12 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-47 3-48 3-50 3-5/ /O 19 38 0-57 1-16 /36 1-55 2-14 2-34 2-53 3-13 3-33 3-52 8 6 4 + 2 19 19 19 20 38 39 39 39 58 58 58 59 1-17 1-17 //8 //8 /36 1-37 1-37 1-38 1-56 1-56 1-57 1-58 2-/5 2-/6 2-/7 2-18 2-35 2-36 2-36 2-37 2-54 2-55 2-56 2-57 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-54 3-55 3-56 3-57 20 39 0-59 1-19 1-39 1-58 2-18 2-38 2-58 3-18 3-38 3-58 - 2 4 6 8 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 59 1-00 1-00 1-01 //9 /20 /20 1-21 /-39 /40 /40 /4/ 1-59 2-00 2-0/ 2-0/ 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-39 2-40 2-4/ 2-59 3-00 3-0/ 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-39 3-4/ 4-00 4--0 / 3-42 3-43 4-02 4-03 2-42 3-02 3-23 /O 20 4/ 1-01 1-21 /42 2-02 2-22 2-43 3-03 3-24 3-44 4-05 | '2 1 u J 16 2 /8 20 21 21 21 4/ 4/ 41 42 1-01 1-02 1-02 1-02 1-22 1-22 1-23 1-23 /42 /43 /44 /44 2-03 2-03 2-04 2-05 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-44 2-45 2-46 2-47 3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-45 3-47 3-48 3-49 4-06 4-07 4-08 4-/0 5 20 21 42 1-03 1-24 /45 2-06 2-27 2-48 3-09 3-29 3-50 4-11 22 24 26 28 21 21 21 22 42 42 43 43 1-03 /04 /04 /05 /24 /25 /26 /26 /46 /46 /47 /47 2-07 2-07 2-08 2-09 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-3/ 2-49 2-50 2-5/ 2-52 3-/0 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-35 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-56 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-17 - 30 22 43 /05 1-27 /48 2-/0 2-32 2-53 3-15 3-36 3-57 4-19 AZIMUT 175 170 165 160 155 150 /45 140 135 130 125 120 Quand Lat. et Dec. sont du meme nom, les termes au dessous de la ligne noire 140 AZIMUTH AND HOUR ANGLE FOR LATITUDE AND DECLINATION. DECLINATION. 1 LATITUDE 80. DECLINATION. | A L" HORIZON VRAI. 63 66 69 72 AZIM 75 UTH. 78 8/ 84 87 90 AH.P. 5 + 30 h. m. 3-50 h. m. 4-0/ h. m. 4-/3 h. m. 4-25 h. m. 4-37 h. m. 4-48 h. m. 5-00 h. m. 5-12 h. m. 5-24 h. m. 5-37 ; h. m. 0-00 0- 0-0 28 26 24 22 3-51 3-53 3-55 3-56 4-03 4-05 4-06 4-08 4-/5 4-/6 4-/8 4-20 4-27 4-28 4-30 4-3/ 4-38 4-40 4-42 4-43 4-50 4-52 4-54 4-55 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-07 5-14 5-/6 5-/8 5-19 5-26 5-28 5-30 5-31 5-38 5-40 5-42 5-44 / 2 3 4 5-46 22-7 11-36 45-7 /7-32 1-09-2 23-41 33-5 20 3-58 4-09 4-2 / 4-33 4-45 4-57 5-09 5-21 5-33 5-45 5 30-08 1-59-0 18 16 14 12 3-59 4-00 4-02 4-03 4-// 4-/2 4-/4 4-/5 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-27 4-34 4-36 4-37 4-39 4-46 4-48 4-49 4-51 4-58 5-00 5-0/ 5-03 5-/0 5-12 5-14 5-15 5-23 5-24 5-26 5-27 5-35 5-36 5-38 5-39 5-47 5-48 5-50 5-51 6 7 8 9 36-02 2-26-4 44-34 56-5 53-/6 3-3J-4 64-/6 4-/S-7 10 4-04 4-/6 4-28 4-40 4-52 5-04 5-16 5-29 5-41 5-53 8 6 4 + 2 4-06 4-07 4-08 4-09 4-/8 4-/9 4-20 4-2/ 4-30 4-3/ 4-32 4-34 4-4/ 4-43 4-44 4-46 4-54 4-55 4-56 4-58 5-06 5-07 5-09 5-/0 5-18 5-19 5-21 5-22 5-30 5-31 5-33 5-34 5-42 5-44 5-45 5-46 5-54 5-56 5-57 5-59 4-// 4-23 4-35 4-47 4-59 5-11 5-23 5-36 5-48 6-00 - 2 4 6 8 4-/2 4-/3 4-24 4-25 4-36 4-48 5-00 5-13 5-25 5-26 5-28 5-29 5-37 5-38 5-40 5-41 5-49 5-51 5-52 5-53 6-01 6-03 6-04 6-06 4-37 4-39 4-40 4-50 4-5/ 4-52 5-02 5-03 5-05 5-/4 5-15 5-17 4-/4 4-/6 4-27 4-28 10 4-/7 4-29 4-4/ 4-54 5-06 5-18 5-30 5-43 5-55 6-07 12 14 16 18 4-/S 4-20 4-2/ 4-22 4-30 4-32 4-33 4-35 4-43 4-44 4-46 4-47 4-55 4-57 4-58 4-59 5-07 5-09 5-/0 5-12 5-20 5-21 5-23 5-24 5-32 5-33 5-35 5-36 5-44 5-46 5-47 5-49 5-56 5-58 5-59 6-01 6-09 6-/0 6-12 6-13 20 4-24 4-36 4-49 5-0/ 5-13 5-26 5-38 5-50 6-03 6-15 22 24 26 28 4-25 4-27 4-28 4-30 4-38 439 4-4/ 4-42 4-50 4-52 4-53 4-55 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-07 5-15 5-16 5-18 5-20 5-27 5-29 5-31 5-32 5-40 5-41 5-43 5-45 5-52 5-54 5-55 5-57 6-04 6-06 6-08 6-09 6-16 6-18 6-20 6-22 -30 4-3/ 4-44 4-57 5-09 5-22 5-34 5-47 5-59 6-11 6-23 117 //4 /// /08 /05 /02 99 96 93 90 donnent 1'heure vraie, matin, pour PAzimut vers le cote polaire clu Premier Vertical. 141 GREAT CIRCLE SAILING TABLE. TABLE POUR NAVIGUER SUR LE GRAND CERCLE. EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM. The upper diagram is in Stereographical, The lower in Isometrical Projection. La figure superieure est en Projection Stereographique, L'autre est en perspective Isometrique. Pole P . . . Zenith Z . . . Horizon HOR . Meridian HZR Prime Vertical .... OZU . Position of Sun on Horizon . S, s . . Position of Star on Prime Vertical V ... Position of Star at Elongation . L . . . / Polar Distance . . PS . . d Declination .... ES, ts . Amplitude . . . SO, sO . (Dasc) Ascensional Difference . EO, ^O . X. Latitude . . . . ZQ=PH \fr. Co-latitude . . . ZP = QR Le Pole. Le Zenith. L' Horizon. Le Meridien. Le Premier Vertical. Position d'un astre sur I'Horizon. Position d'un astre sur le Premier Vertical. Position d'une etoile k 1' Elongation. Distance Polaire. p Declinaison. d Amplitude. Difference d' Ascension. Latitude. X. Co-latitude. . 147 INTRODUCTION. GREAT CIRCLE SAILING TABLE. I. The general table, as here given, is intended chiefly for solving cases in Great Circle Sailing by an indirect but very easy process. It gives to tenths of degrees, the angles of right-angled triangles, of which the perpendicular at top and the complement of the hypothenuse on the left, are given to every two degrees of the quadrant. It forms an abbreviated canon of right-angled triangles, the original design of which was to embody the relations of the several right-angled triangles, PHS, SEO, PZV, PLZ at the Horizon, at the Prime Vertical, and at Elongation, as shown in the figure. (See Plate.) The following are the results : RESULTS. Great Circle. Triangle. On Left. At Top. A. C. ) PHS, SEO, Latitude. Dec. Amplitude Co-base SO of At True f ZSP A SEO. Horizon ( Quadrantal. Dec. Latitude Altitude of Polar Angle to J Pole nearest Mer. At Prime Vertical PZV Co-lat. Dec. Dec. Co-lat. Altitude Angle of Pos. PVZ Polar Angle. Polar Angle. At PT 7 Lat. Pol. Dis. Azimuth Polar Angle. Elongation Pol. Dist. Lat. Altitude Polar Angle. The following table may, perhaps, be more convenient for reference ; Case. Natural Sides. Given. On Left. At Top. Tabular Letter. Results. Latitude X Latitude Latitude Dec. A Amplitude. C H.A. from Horizon < Pol. Dist. / Dec. Dec. Latitude A nearest Mer. Alt. of Pole or co-angle of Position. Co-lat. \f/ Co-lat. Co-lat. Dec. A Altitude. Prime C Hour Angle. Vertical Pol. Dist. / Dec. Dec. Co-lat. A Angle of Pos. PVZ. Elonga- tion Co-lat. ^ Pol. Dist. / Latitude Pol. Dist. Lat. Pol. Dist. Pol. Dist. Latitude A C A Azimuth. Hour Angle. Altitude. 148 INTRODUCTION. TABLE POUR FACILITER LA NAVIGATION SUR LE GRAND CERCLE. I. Cette table, qui est generate pour la sphere, a pour but de faciliter la navigation sur le Grand Cercle, par une methode indirecte j mais d'un emploi facile. On y trouve pour les triangles rectangles, en chef des colonnes, les perpendiculaires de deux en deux degres ; dans la premiere colonne, a gauche, le complement de 1'hypothenuse et dans le corps de la table Tangle en degres et en dixiemes de degre. La table forme un canon abrege de triangles rectangles et contient les differents rapports des triangles rectangles, PHS, SEO, PZV, PLZ, ayant rapport respective- ment a 1' Horizon, au Premier Vertical, et a 1' Elongation (voyez la planche). Ces relations sont contenues dans les tables suivantes dont la derniere est generale. Grand Cercle. Triangles. Premiere Colonne. En chef. Colonne A. Colonne C. PHS, SEO Latitude Declinais. Amplitude Comp. de la Base SO du Horizon vrai seO, ZSP Declinais. Latitude Hauteur du A SEO au Angle Polaire Pole au proche Meridien. Premier Verti- ( P7V \ Co-lat. Declinais. Hauteur Angle Polaire. cal \ FZ i Declinais. Co-lat. Angle de Po- Angle Polaire. sition Elongation i PLZ i Latitude Dist. Pol. Dist. Pol. Latitude. Azimut Hauteur Angle Polaire. Angle Polaire. Cas. Cote's. Donnees. Premiere Colonne. En chef. Lettres. Re*sultats. Latitude Latitude Latitude Declinais. A Amplitude. C Angle Polaire au Premier Horizon Vertical. Dist. Pol. Declinais. Declinais. Latitude. A Haut. du Pole ou co-Angle de Position. ( Co-lat. Co-lat. Co-lat. Declinais. A Hauteur. Premier ) C Ang. Horaire. Vertical. 1 Dist. Pol. Declinais. Declinais. Co-lat. A Angle de Po- ( sition PVZ. Co-lat. Latitude Dist. Pol. Latitude A Hauteur. Elongation C Ang. Horaire. Dist. Pol. Dist. Pol. Latitude Dist. Pol. A Azimut. V 149 INTRODUCTION. All these particular cases are comprised in the subjoined general form : DATA. RESULTS. On Left. At Top. A. C. Co-hypothenuse Perpendicular Angle I Angle 2. Perpendicular Co-hypothenuse Co-base Angle 2. Co-angle Perpendicular Hypothenuse Co-base. The perpendicular and its opposite angle I are interchangeable with base and its opposite angle 2. 2. As the arguments are given to every second degree the whole table is in view on turning a page. Throughout the greater part of the table the differences are sufficiently uniform to admit of easy interpolation, and a person familiar with the use of such tables will, in most cases, be able by inspection to get his results true to about a degree. By proper interpolation, or by using the table on the last page, re- sults may be got true to a small fraction of a degree ; but as it is scarcely possible, in the most favourable circumstances, to steer a ship within a quarter of a point, or three degrees, a result got by inspection, true to one degree, may be sufficient for practical navigation. USE OF THE TABLE IN GREAT CIRCLE SAILING. 3. To find the Great Circle course between two points given by their Latitudes and difference of Longitude. Enter the table in line with the given Latitudes on the left, and find by trial the column where the sum or difference of the values in column C is equal to the differ- ence of Longitude. The corresponding values in column A are the courses. It is desirable usually to take out the values in two adjacent columns, by one of which the result is too small, and by the other too great, and from these find the intermediate value T for the true difference of Longitude. The argument T at the top of the column thus found is the perpendicular or co-latitude of the vertex ; and the usual terms in A adjusted to this value of T give the angles on the Rhumb at every two degrees of Latitude throughout the course. Ex. i. To find the courses between St Helena and Cape Horn, (Raper, pp. 107 -i 10,) the process would be INTRODUCTION. Premiere Colonne. En chef. A. C. Co-hypothenuse Perpendiculaire Complement d' Angle Perpendiculaire Co-hypothenuse Perpendiculaire Angle I Complement de Base Hypothenuse Angle 2. Angle 2. Complement de Base. La perpendiculaire et son angle oppose I peuvent changer de place avec la base et son angle oppose 2. 2. On a, devant soi, la table entiere en ne tournant qu'une page, car les argu- ments ne sont donnes que de deux en deux degres. Dans presque tout 1'etendue de la table les differences sont assez regulieres pour que Ton puisse intercaler facilernent et meme obtenir avec un peu d'habitude, les resultats a un degre pres sans calcul formel. Ceci devrait suffire ordinairement pour la navigation; car il n'est guere pos- sible de gouverner un vaisseau sur un cap de compas donne sans s'en ecarter d'un ou deux degres de temps en temps. Cependant par des interpolations plus rigoureuses, ou en employant la table sur la derniere page, on peut obtenir des resultats corrects a une petite fraction de degre. DE L'EMPLOI DE LA TABLE POUR NAVIGUER SUR LE GRAND CERCLE. 3. On a les Latitudes et la difference de Longitude entre le port de depart et le port d'arrivee, il s'agit de trouver les routes au compas sur le Grand Cercle qui passe par les deux ports. On entre dans la premiere colonne de la table avec les Latitudes donnees et 1'on cherche en ligne de celles-ci une colonne, oil, sous la lettre C, la somme ou la difference des deux angles soit egale a la difference de Longitude : alors les angles sous la lettre A de la meme colonne, en ligne des Latitudes, seront les routes de depart demandees. En general, il serait avantageux de noter les angles dans deux colonnes contigues dont 1'une donnerait une somme ou une difference trop petite et 1'autre les donnerait trop grandes, et puis d'intercaler une valeur intermediate que nous designerons par T et qui doit correspondre a la difference exacte de Longitude. Cette nouvelle valeur T employee comme argument superieur ou en chef des colonnes, representerait la perpendiculaire ou la Co-latitude du sommet de Tare de Grand Cercle entre les deux ports. En appliquant aux angles, dans la colonne A, des corrections proportionnelles au nouvel argument T, on obtiendrait, pour le trajet entier, les routes au compas de deux en deux degres de Latitude. Ex. i. On desire trouver la route sur le Grand Cercle entre Tile de Ste Helene et le Cap Horn. 15* INTRODUCTION. Latitudes. Longitudes. Difference. St Helena, /5-55' S. 5 -44' W. ) > 6/-32'= 6/-5 = P. Cape Horn, 55-59' S. 67- / 6' W. ) 32 34 T = 32-4. On left, . C C A Lat. 16. 79-7 78-8 33-5 + 0-4 = 33- 9 course for St Helena. 7/'4 + 3'7 = 75 -/ /04-9 course for Cape Horn. 3-9 2/-2 2/-2 : 2 : : 3-9 : 0-4 correction for T 32. Interpolating by simple proportion, we have 32-4, as the value of the top argument, to give 6/-5 as the difference of Longitude. Assuming this, the courses are found as above. By regular computation, the courses are 34-//i' and 105, and the per- pendicular is 32 -424'- 4. The agreement of the results by table, with those by the regular method, is sufficiently exact for practice, but it is not quite fairly found : for while the differ- ences at the lower Latitude are tolerably uniform, there is no such uniformity in those at the higher Latitude. Near the limit (90) the differences on A and C, though unequal from term to term, vary nearly in proportion to each other, so that they may be relatively right, though found by a wrong argument. In the present case, the argument T and the St Helena course are somewhat wrong, while the Cape Horn course found by the argument T is sensibly right. It is therefore proper, before proceeding further, to look at the table somewhat more closely. 5. It may be observed, that the values in column A increase slowly at first, and nearly in proportion to the square of the argument on the left, and that at the lower limit this proportion is reversed ; the differences of the fourth terms from those at bottom being nearly double the differences for the first terms : thus, in column 26, the difference for the first term is (90 60) = 2 /, while that for the fourth term is (90 5/-6) = 38-4; at column 40, the difference of the first term is (90 73-9) = /6-f, and that for the fourth is (90 59-9) = 30-/, these being nearly the doubles of the former. In column C the difference in the terms at top is at first proportional to the difference in the arguments ; at bottom they follow a rule similar to those in A; that is, both in A and C the terms near the lower limit (90) differ from their limit value, nearly as the square roots of the limit distance of the argument, 152 Latitudes. Ste Helene . /5-55' Sud Longitudes. 5-44' 0. Cap Horn . 55 -59' Sud 67./6'0. Premiere Colonne 32 . C 34 C Lat. 76 79- 7 78-8 56 22 / 78-8 57-6 P = 6/-5 57-6 INTRODUCTION. Difference. 6/-32' = 6I'S = P. Difference (P - C) = 3-9 21 -2 = Difference (C 34 C 32). Ensuite par une proportion simple nous aurons. 2/-2 I 2 I : 3-9 : 0-4, correction qui doit s'ajouter a C 32. pour donner T ou 32-4 Maintenant en corrigeant les valeurs de A sous 32 pour 1'augmentation de 0-4 par des proportions simples nous aurons. 32 Latitude. A Correction. T = 32-4 A= Routes au compas, 16 33-5 + 0'4 = 33-9 33-9 pour Ste Helene. 56 7/-4 + 3-7 = 75-l 1 04 -9 pour le Cap Horn. Par tin calcul exact les routes seraient 34-/ 1\' et 705. Et la perpendiculaire devrait etre, 32-42i'. 4. Les resultats obtenus par la table sont assez exacts pour -etre employe's ordinairement ; niais la methode d'interpolation n'est pas juste parceque les differences pour les basses Latitudes sont assez uniformes, tandis que pour les hautes elles varient considerablement. Pres de la limite (90) les differences pour A et C, sont inegales de terme a terme ; mais elles varient presque en proportion de 1'un a Pautre et peuvent consequemment etre relativement correctes quoiqu'on les ait intercalees par un precede errone. Dans 1'exemple precedent, 1'argument T et la route de Ste Helene au Cap ne sont pas tres corrects tandis que la route du Cap a Ste Helene est juste quoique trouvee au moyen de 1'argument T. II faut done faire un examen attentif de la table. 5. D'abord, il faut observer que les termes, dans la colonne A, commencent par s'augmenter lentement et presque en proportion du carre de 1'argument a gauche (L) et que pres de la limite inferieure (90), cet ordre est renverse : la difference entre le premier terme et le quatrieme etant a peu pres le double de celle entre le premier et le second. Par exemple : dans la colonne 26, la premiere difference est de 2/ = (90_69) C elle pour le quatrieme terme est de 38-4 (90 5/-6). Dans la colonne 40 nous avons la premiere difference 16- 1 (90 73- 9), tandis que la quatrieme est de 30- / (90 59-9). Les quatriemes differences sont done presque doubles des premieres. Dans les colonnes C, la difference des termes, au haut de la table, est a peu pres en pro- portion de la difference des arguments ; mais, en bas, elles suivent la meme regie que dans la colonne A. C'est-a-dire que, dans A et C, les termes pres de la limite (90), sont a peu pres en proportion de la racine carre'e de la distance de leurs arguments de la limite (90). 153 INTRODUCTION. 6. It may be observed, also, that near the limit, in by far the greater part of the table, the terms horizontally and vertically, equidistant from the limit, are nearly equal; and hence, a change on the horizontal argument to the left or right gives a result nearly the same as would be produced by an equal change in the vertical argument, up or down, or in other words The value of a term near limit depends chiefly on the limit distance of its argu- ment, and very little on the particular column in which it is found. 7. These relations of the terms near the limit, though never strictly true, give very convenient approximations. At first, near the lower limit (90), the rule of the square roots is almost exact ; but when used for terms beyond the second, the argu- ments commonly require to be somewhat modified. The vertical terms in A are always somewhat greater than the horizontal terms equidistant from limit. In like manner the horizontal terms in C, in the first half of the table, are somewhat greater than the equidistant vertical terms, and in the second half of the table the vertical terms exceed the horizontal. 8. The most convenient way of interpolating near limit is by means of a slide rule with the C D lines, which give the relation of squares and square roots ; it may be done also by means of the table on the last page, where the terms in the body of the table are proportional to the square root of the argument at top. In either way, the process is best represented by the slide rule notation. The limit distance of the argument being (T ^), the practical rule is Put 12, 120' (or other equivalent of 2) on the C line to the tabular value on the D line of the first term from limit, and opposite the limit argument (T ^), on the C line is the interpolated value of C, viz., Cj. _CJ (T-l) /20_ D 1 C, TV, If the table on the last page be used, find in column 2 the tabular value TV, and under the limit argument (T \f/) at top is the interpolated value C 1B 9. The tabular value of C for the less Latitude may, if necessary, be interpolated in like manner, the arguments being modified by some small quantity (m\ so that the divisions on the C line may measure, on the D line, the interval between the tabular values of C, and then taking the value corresponding to the distance (modi- fied by m) of the given Latitude from the even degree. Thus 120 + tn (Tif/+m) 240 + m .... 360 + nt Tv a C a Tv s TV, The values C a , C a , thus found, when compared with the difference in Longitude, at once show whether the assumed perpendicular T is greater or less than the true : the correction, if needed, is had by finding the change on the Latitude required to give C a C 1 = diflf. Long, and then changing the assumed perpendicular by an equi- valent quantity. 154 INTRODUCTION. 6. On pent aussi remarquer que pres de la limite, dans presque toute 1'etendue de la table, les termes a distance egale de la limite, soit en ligne ou en colonne, sont presque egales. Une variation dans 1'argument horizontal T, a gauche ou a droite, donne a peu pres le meme resultat qu'un changement de 1'argument vertical L, en montant ou en descendant. On peut done conclure que la valeur d'un terme pres de la limite depend plus de la distance de son argument de la limite, que de la colonne dans laquelle il se trouve. 7. Ces rapports, entre les termes pres de la limite, ne sont pas tres exacts, mais ils fournissent des precedes faciles d'interpolation. Dans les termes les plus proches de la limite, la proportion des racines carrees est presque exacte ; mais au dela du second terme il faudra modifier un peu les arguments. Les valeurs, dans la colonne A, prises verticalement, sont toujours plus grandes que les termes horizontaux a la meme dis- tance de la limite. Et de meme, les termes horizontaux dans la colonne C, ont une valeur plus grande que celle des terms verticaux equidistants de la limite. Mais dans la second partie de la table les termes verticaux sont plus grands que les termes horizontaux. 8. Pres de la limite de 90, on trouvera les interpolations tres facilement soit par la regie a calcul, soit en employant la table sur la derniere page. Dans celle-ci les valeurs sont proportionelles a la racine carree de 1'argument en chef. La notation pour la regie a calcul peut aussi s'appliquer a la table. La distance entre la limite et 1'argument etant (T i/'); la regie peut s'enoncer ainsi Mettez 2, 12, 120', ou autre valeur quelconque de 2, sur la ligne C en regard de la valeur C la plus proche du limite (90) sur la ligne D j alors vis-a-vis de la valeur (T ^) sur la ligne C on trouvera la nouvelle valeur C lt sur la ligne D. 120 D TV, De meme, en entrant dans la colonne de 2 de la table, avec la valeur de C on trouvera, en ligne horizontale, la nouvelle valeur de C sous 1'argument (T \l/). 9. On peut corriger la valeur de C pour la basse Latitude, de la meme maniere, en modifiant les arguments par une petite quantite (;) de sorte que les traits de la ligne C mesurent, sur la ligne D, la difference des valeurs successives de C dans la table. Dans ce cas il faudra prendre la valeur de C qui correspond a la distance, modifiee par m, entre la Latitude donnee et le degre entier. Cl (/20 + m) (T- ^ + m) (240 + w) (360 "T* /W) frl v x C a Tv 2 TV 3 En comparant les valeurs de C lf C 2 , ainsi obtenues, avec la difference de Longitude, on verra si la perpendiculaire T est trop grande on trop petite : la correction se fait en cherchant de combien il faut changer la Latitude pour rendre C 2 C x egale a la difference de Longitude et en modifiant T de cette meme quantite. M T 55 INTRODUCTION. 10. Resuming the former example, the error 3-9 to be disposed of being the difference of the values C 2 , C lt it is evident that the correction on C 3 must be more than 3-9, and that the true value of C a must be less than l8-2 = (22-/ 3-9) : by slide rule I C I 1-3 1-33 /-37 2 I D 1 17-85 18 18-2 22-1 Hence the argument distance from limit must be very nearly /-3, and the perpen- dicular must be about 32-7=(34 /-3). Assuming this, we have 32 32-7 P. Lat. C. C. 6/-5 /6 79-7 79-4 56 22- / /7-9 P. 6/-5 32-7 T = 32. 7 C. A 79-4 33-5 + 0-7=34 2 /7-9 90 -/5 =75 P. 6/-5 C 2 I thus, ] ) /5 18-6 (90-7/-4) 32-7 The value of A for Lat. 56 is found thus, 11. This exposition shows that the table will give good results if we like to take the trouble. It is well to know how such results may be got when wanted ; but in the way first shown, and more exactly than the ship can be steered, the course may be shaped from day to day, not merely for the shortest distance on the Great Circle, but so as to avoid rough seas or other dangers on high Latitudes, and also so as to take advantage of favourable winds, so as on the whole to have the quickest passage. 12. For finding the distance between two ports there are two methods. ist. The distance is the sum or the difference of the segments of base opposite C lf C 2 , the segments of difference of Longitude: .'. with Latitude on left and seg- ment C x in A, the top argument T gives segment of base, and in like manner for the other segment. 2dly. The distance may be found by the common rule of the sines with Lat. in t course to, and diff. in Longitude. sin i/', sin P = sin course 2 , sin dist. From which we have this rule. With the Latitude of a port in column L, and given diff. of Longitude in column A, the course at the other port in the same column A gives in column L on the left the complement of the distance. L. A. T. /6 79-4 70-9 1st form, 56 /7-9 9-9 Distance, 6/-0 L. A. L. A. Lat. Diff. Long. /6 6/-5 2d form, Co-dist. Course., 29 75 L. A. 56, 6/-5 29 34-2 90 29 = 6 /*= Distance. 13. We may now take a case with fractional arguments, and first solve it roughly, and then more exactly. 156 INTRODUCTION. 10. Retournous a 1'exemple deja donne, nous avons une difference C a C 1 =3'9 a corriger et il est evident que la correction pour C 2 doit &re plus grande que 3 -9 et que la vraie valeur de C 2 doit etre moindre que / 8 -2 = (22 I 3-9) : sur la regie a calcul on aura. 1-3 1-33 1-36 2 D 17-83 18 18-2 22" I Ce qui demontre que 1'argument pour la distance de la limite doit etre a peu pres; /-3 et que la perpendiculaire doit etre environ 32- 7 ou (34 /-3) avec cette valeur nous obtenons. 32 T = 32. 7 P. Latitude. C 2 . C. A. 6/5 /6 79V 79-4 33-5+ OV=34-2 56 22- / /7-9 90 /5 =75 La valeur de A pour 32- 7 Lat. 56 s'obtient ainsi, C| D /8-6 (90 74 -4) 1 1. II parait done, qu'en prenant un peu de soin, on peut obtenir des resultats assez corrects quand on en a besoin ; cependant la premiere methode est encore assez exacte, vu Pimperfection qui existe dans 1'art de gouverner un vaisseau, et elle doit suffire pour trouver la route au compas, de jour en jour, non seulement sur le Grand Cercle ; mais encore de maniere a eviter les dangers connus et a profiler des vents favorables, afin de rendre le trajet le plus court possible. 12. II y a deux methodes de trouver la distance entre le port de depart et celui d'arrivee. i. La distance est la somme ou la difference des deux segments de base C lt C 2 , opposes au segments de la difference de Longitude. II faut entrer dans la table avec la Latitude dans la premiere colonne et le segment C dans une colonne A dont 1'argument superieur T donnera le segment de la base : 1'autre se trouve de la meme maniere. 2. La distance peut aussi se trouver par la methode ordinaire des sinus j ayant la Latitude d'arrivee, la route au compas, et la difference de Longitude. sin \//, sin P = sin route 2 , sin dist. D'oii nos obtenons cette regie. Dans la premiere colonne L trouvez la Latitude du port de depart et en ligne de celle-ci cherchez la difference de Longitude sous la lettre. A : alors dans cette meme colonne A la route au compas du port d'arrivee indique, en ligne horizontale, et dans la premiere colonne L, le complement de la distance. Premiere Methode. Lat. A. T. 16 79-4 70-9 56 /7-9 9-9 L. Lat. Co-dist. Deuxi A. Diff. Long. Route. erne Methode. L. A. 16 6/-5 29 75 L. 56 29 A. 6/-5 34-2 Difference, 6/ et(90-29) = 6/ . 13. Maintenant, prenons des arguments fractionnaires pour trouver d'abord une solution approximative et ensuite une autre plus exacte. 157 INTRODUCTION. 37P5 C. A. 3/-4 65-7 L. A. T. 47-6 3/-4 20-7 H-9 80-7 5/-4 //-9 7-3 43-3 Distance, 28 Ex. 2. Find courses and distance between Cape Clear and St John's, New- foundland. 38 Long. Lat. C. A. St John's, . . 52-43' 47-34' 3/-2 66 Cape Clear, . 9-29' 5/-26' //-4 8/ P=43-/4' 42-6 1st The table shows at once that T must exceed 36, and as it cannot exceed 38-34, the Co-latitude of Cape Clear, assume it 38, with T=38 and Lat. 47.5. Cj must be very nearly 3/-4, the first tabular term, 2, from limit being 2/-4. C 2 must for 34' be nearly /2, or by table 11 -7. These give so nearly the proper dif- ference of Longitude that they may be taken as sufficiently exact j and with these the courses are about 66 from St John's to Cape Clear, and about 8/ from Cape Clear to St John's. 2dly. Assuming 38 as a near value of T, and approximating more exactly by slide rule, the process is thus : 34' (37 = 34 + 3) 120' C J 240 + 20 266 + 20 (286 + 3) 360 + 20 D | 29-8 Tv 2 3/-2 3/-4 36-0 Tv 3 //-4 + 3/-2 = 42-6 being less than P = 43-2, shows that the assumed perpendicular 38 is somewhat too great, and, as above shown, the correction may be made by diminishing the Latitude arguments. A change of 3' suffices for this, as shown by the bracketed values. Hence the perpendicular is 38 3'=37-57'. By regular computation it is 37-56'-5, and the courses are 80-45' from Cape Clear, and 65-4/' from St John's, and the distance is 27-55'. The corrections on the tabular values in A may be found, in this case, by taking them proportional to those in C, or by interpolating the values in A in the same way as those in C, as shown in the second part below. First A| // 2/-4 (90- 73-3 TvJ |B | /-26 66-9 B | 9-3 /< (90 9-3) = 80-7 for Cape Clear. Or secondly C I 3f 120' A | / -6=(3/-4 29-8) 65- 64 for St John's. D I 9-3 /6-7 = (90 73-3Tv 1 ) 240 + 40 280 + 29 Tv a A=23-/ 360 + 40 D | 23-/ (90 66-9Tv 2 ) 24-3 27-6 (90-62-4 Tv s ) and (90 9-3) = 80*-7 for Cape Clear, and (90-24-3) = 65-7 for St John's. By method i. the segments are 7 -3 and 20- 7, together giving the distance 28, as above. The results roughly taken by method 2. are 27- 6 and 27 -8. 158 INTRODUCTION. 38 C. A. 3/-2 66 37-95 C. A. 3/-4 65-7 L. A. 47-6 3/-4 T. 20-7 //-4 8/ //-9 80-7 5/-4 //-9 Distance, 7-3 42-6 43-3 Ex. 2. On. demande les routes au compas et la distance entre le Cap Clear et le Port St Jean, de Terre Neuve. Long. Lat. Saint Jean, 52 -43' 47 -34' Cap Clear, 9-29' 5/-26' P = 43- /4' i. On voit, tout de suite, par la table que T doit etre plus de 36 et que T ne peut depasser 38-34 la co-latitude du Cap Clear; prenons d'abord 38. A vec Latitude 47^ et T=38, Cj doit etre a peu pres 3/'4, le deuxieme terme en comptant de la limite est 21 -4, et le changement d'argument est de 2 ; done pour 34' la valeur C 3 devrait etre 12, ou par la derniere table //-7. Ces resultats donnent une valeur de P presqu' egale a la vraie, et peuvent tres bien servir pour trouver les routes au compas c'est-a-dire 66 de St Jean au Cap Clear, et 8/ du Cap Clear a St Jean. 2. Maintenant, en faisant usage de la regie a calcul avec la valeur T = 38 nous avons. C 34' 37 =(34 + 3) 120' C | 240 + 20 266 + 20 (286 + 3) 360 + 20 D Tv 1 =2/-4 D| 29-8 Tv 2 3/-2 3/-4 36-OTv 3 Puisque //-4 + 3/-2 = 42 '6 sont moindres que P = 43-2, il resulte que la perpen- diculaire est trop grande et demande une diminution de 3' dans les arguments de Latitude, ce qui est indique par les chiffres en parenthese. Done la perpendiculaire devrait etre 38 3' = 37-57 / . Par la formule rigoureuse elle serait 37-56'-5 et les routes au compas, seraient, 80-45 / du Cap Clear a St Jean, et 65-4/' de St Jean au Cap Clear. Les corrections pour les valeurs A peuvent se trouver en les rendant proportion- nelles a celles de C. A 11 9 21 -4- A 16 = (31 4-29 8) Tv 2 ( : = 29-8 B 9 3 / 6 -7=(90 c 73-3) Tv t B 1 66 26 9 Tv 2 ; ^ = 23-/ (90 9-3) = 80-7 pour le Cap Clear. 65-64 pour St Jean. Ou en intercalant les valeurs comme pour la colonne C. I C | 37' 120' I C | 240 + 40 280 + 29 360 + 40 D | 9-3 /6-7=(90-73-3Tv 1 ) 9 _9. 3 ) = 80-7 pour le Cap Clear, et (90 -24 -3) = 65-7 pour St Jean. 23-/ 24-3 27-6 (90-66-9 Tv 3 ) (90-62 -4 Tv s ) Enfin par la premiere methode les segments de la distance 28% sont 7-3 et 20-7, ou par la seconde on trouve approximativement 27-6 et 27'8. 159 INTRODUCTION. 14. The differences near the limit being very unequal, it is troublesome to get an exact result in the usual way by the rule of the sines. There is, however, another "way of using the table in such cases, which may be thus explained : In the adjoining figure, representing stereographically a portion of the table near a limit, the letters LTAC signify as usual. The line CX, marked T, is the perpen- dicular or co-latitude \f/, having on its left its Latitude X. The several curves pro- ceeding from C represent co-latitudes, increasing each by 2, as in the table. It is obvious that, while the distances CL and the Latitudes in L increase uni- formly from C, the actual intervals XL are very unequal, being, in fact, very nearly proportional to the square roots of their numerical distance from the limit, and also nearly as the angles at C, and the complements of those at A ; or, in other terms, the difference of the hypothenuse and base is nearly proportional to the square of the perpendicular, or to that of the opposite angle at C, or to that of the adjacent co- angle A. 15. Hence instead of finding the length of a side near limit by the large angle A, it may be more convenient to find its difference from the perpendicular ^, by means of the complement of angle A. Resuming our example : enter the table with Lat. 47 -6 in L, and diff. Long. 43-2 in A, we have in T 27-5, the perp. from St John's. For perp. 28 and hypoth. 30 the table gives A = 69 -9, the co-angle of which, or distance from limit, is 20-/, this adjusted to perp. 27 -5 becomes 20 -3. By slide rule hyp base -42 D co-angle 9-3 20-3 we have -42 as the excess of the hypothenuse for 9 -3, the co-angle of the course 80 -7. Hence 27 -5 +-42 = 27 -92 is the distance. The other course L. 5/-4 65-7 T. 25 -2 2 -68 Distance, 27- 88 65-7 gives the value of L=24-3. The tabular values, adjusted to T = 25-2, are Tv 1 =$8-6, Tv 2 = 60-8, giving limit values Lv 1 =2/-4, Lv 2 =29-2. The argu- 160 INTRODUCTION. 14. II est difficile d'obtenir un resultat exact par la methode ordinaire des sinus a cause de la grande variation dans les differences pres de la limite. Mais on peut en ce cas, se servir d'un autre precede que nous aliens expliquer. Dans la figure qui represente en projection stereographique une partie de la table pres de la limite de 90, les lettres LTAC ont la signification deja donnee. La ligne CX, marquee d'un T, represente la perpendiculaire ou la co-latitude ^, et la Latitude X se trouve a gauche. Les courbes tracees a partir de C sont les co -latitudes qui s'augmentent de deux en deux degres comme dans la table. II est evident que les distances CL et les Latitudes, dans L, s'augmentent d'une quantite uniforme tandis que les intervalles sur XL sont tres inegales et sont en effet presque en proportion des racines carrees de leur distance numerique de la limite. Elles sont aussi en raison des angles au point C, et des complements des angles A ; c'est-a-dire, la difference de 1'hypothenuse et de la base est presque en proportion du carre de la perpendiculaire, ou de celui de Tangle oppose C, ou de celui du com- plement de Tangle contigu A. 15. Lorsque Tangle A est grand on peut avantageusement trouver la longueur d'un cote, en employant le complement de Tangle contigu A, au lieu de cet angle meme, pour chercher la difference entre le cote et la perpendiculaire ^. Ainsi, en reprenant notre exemple, nous avons en entrant dans la table avec la Latitude 47- 6, en L, et la difference de Longitude 43 -2, en A, la perpendiculaire T en chef=27-5. Ici, pour la perpendiculaire 28 et Phypotenuse 30, nous avons pour A 69-9, dont le complement ou la distance de la limite est de 20-/; en corrigeant pour la perpendiculaire 27-5, le complement devient 20-3. Maintenant, par la regie a calcul, nous aurons | C | hyp base -42 2 I D | co-angle 9-3 20-3 pour la correction de Thypothenuse -42 qui correspond a 9-3 le complement de la route 80- 7. Et en ajoutant '42, a la perpendiculaire 27-5, on obtient la distance 27 -P2 Ensuite pour 1'autre route L. A. T. 5/-4 43-2 2S-2 65-7 2- 68 Distance, 27-88 65-7 donne la valeur de L=24-3. En ajustant les valeurs de la table a T=25'2, on obtient Tvi = 68-6, Tv 2 = 60-8, qui correspondent a des valeurs Lv 1 = 2/-4, Lv 2 =29 -2. Sur la regie a calcul les arguments 2 et 4, sur la ligne C, depassent 161 INTRODUCTION. ments 2 and 4 on the C line overlap the interval (Lv a Lv x ) on the D line, but they coincide by adding m=-3to each. I C | _2j 2 -98 (2 -68+ -3) 4+ -3 | D | 21 -4. 24-3 29 -2 which gives 2 -68 as the correction (hypoth. perp.) Ex. 3. Find the Great Circle courses between Cape Horn and East Cape, New Zealand. (Raper, pp. 108-113.) 24 26 T=25-3 East Cape, Long. Lat. . . /78-36' E. S. 37-40' C. 69-8 C. 67-8 A. 32 -8 Cape Horn, . . 67-/6'W. S. 55 -59' 48-7 43- 7 49-9 245-52' P=//4-08' II 8 -5 nr-s IU>5 //4-/ = P 7-0 : 2-6 1:2: o-7 and 26 07 = 25-3 = T. By regular computation the courses are 32-43' and 49-5/', and the perpendicular is 25-20'. With the high Latitude of its vertex, this would be a dangerous course in the Southern Ocean. See section 18. 1 6. When the ports are on opposite sides of the Equator it is necessary to take a point antipodal to one of them, forming thus a supplemental triangle, in which a polar distance, the perpendicular, and its opposite angle remain unchanged, while the antipodal sides and their opposite angles are the supplements of those in the original triangle, as in the example and figure. Ex. 4. Find the courses and distance between Diego Ramirez and Cape Lopatka. (Raper, pp. 109-113.) 32 34 Long. Lat. C. C. Cape Lopatka, . . . E. /56-46' N. 5/-02' 39-5 33-6 Diego Ramirez, . . W. 68-43' S. 56-29' // non est 225-29' 50-5 P = /34-3/' 45-5 Supp 1 - = 45-29' Error 5 162 INTRODUCTION. 1'intervalle entre 2/-4 et 29-2, mais, en ajoutant -3 a chacun des arguments, leur dis- tance sur la regie devient a pen pres egale a 1'intervalle (2/-4 a 292). C | 2 + -3 2-98(2-68 + -3) 4+ -3 D j 2/-4 24-3 29-2 on obtient done une correction 2 '68 egale a (2 -98 3) et la distance devient 27-88. Ex. 3. II s'agit de trouver la route sur le Grand Cercle entre le Cap Horn et le Cap d'Est, Nouvelle Zelande 24 26 T=25-3 Cap D'Est, Long. . . /78-36' E. Lat. S. 37 -40' C. 69-8 C. 67-8 A. 32- 8 Cap Horn, . . 67-/6'Ou. S. 55-59' 48-7 43-7 49-9 245-52' //8-5 ///"5 P=//4 -08' ///-5 //4-/ =P 7-o : 2-6 : : 2 : o-7 .'. 26 0-7 = 25-3 = T. Par le calcul rigoureux les routes sont 32 -43' et 49-5/', et la perpendiculaire est de 25 -20'. Mais il faut observer que cette route serait dangereuse dans la mer antarctique : vu la forte Latitude du sommet de la courbe. Voyez par. 18. 1 6. Lorsque les deux ports sont, 1'un au nord, 1'autre au sud de 1'Equateur il de- vient necessaire d' employer 1'antipode de 1'un pour former un triangle supplemental dans lequel on ne change rien a une distance polaire, a la perpendiculaire et a son angle oppose ; mais dans lequel les cotes antipodales et leurs angles opposes devien- nent les supplements de ceux du premier triangle, comme dans 1'exemple et la figure suivants. x. 4. On desire trouver les routes au compas et la distance sur le Grand Cercle entre Diego Ramirez et le Cap Lopatka. Cap Lopatka, . Long. . . , E. /56-46' Lat. N. 5/-02' 32 C. 39-5 34 C. 336 Diego Ramirez, . . , Ou. 68-43' S. 56-29' if non est 225-29' 50-5 P = /34-3/' 45'-5 Sup.= 45 -29' Erreur ~ 163 INTRODUCTION. It is evident that the perpendicular must be between 32 and 33 -5. Assume it as 33, and interpolating with help of the last table, the process will be : Lat 5/-0 56-5 33 C. 36-7 47-8 P = 45-5 2-3 The sum of the values thus found being still in excess, shows that the assumed perpendicular 33 is somewhat too small. The adjustment may be made by slide rule, as above shown, or, per- haps, more conveniently as follows : The values of C near limit being nearly as the square root of their argu- ment distance from limit, the variations on the values will be nearly inversely as these square roots, that is, in the present case, as / to the J\2. This gives 0-5 and /-8 as the apportionment of the error 2-3. The segments of P would thus be 36-2 and 9-3, corresponding to 33 ^ 2 ' Then, with the Latitude hi L and the segments of P, the polar angle in A, C gives the courses_and T the segments of distance. S Lat. P. Courses. T. Complts. A. C. Cape Lopatka, . 5/-0 36-2 60-5 //9-5 2/-8 68-2 Diego Ramirez, . 56-5 9-3 or 82-3 97-7 5-/ 84 -9 26-9 / 53 -I Distance. By regular computation the courses are 82-/0', 60 -27', the perpendicular is 33-/0', and the distance is /53-07'-7. Ex. 5. Find the courses and distances on the Great Circle between the Cape of Good Hope and Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. (Riddle, pp. 65 ; Raper, P- "3-) Cape of Good Hope, Van Diemen's Land, 164 Long. E. /8-26' Lat. S. 34 -4 , E. /47-26 / S. 42-9 P = /29 28 C. A. 68- 7 34 -7 60-3 39-9 /29 INTRODUCTION. II est evident que la perpendiculaire doit etre entre 32 et 33\. Supposons que ce soit 33 alors en intercalant avec 1'aide de la table sur la derniere page on aura : 33 Lat. C. 5/-0 36-7 i 56-5 11 -I 47 -8 45-5 Erreur 2-3 Puisque la somme des valeurs excede encore la valeur du supplement de P la perpen- diculaire doit encore etre trop petite. La correction peut se faire a 1'aide de la regie a calcul, ou peut-etre mieux de cette maniere-ci. Les valeurs de C pres de la limite sont presque proportionnelles a la racine carree de leur distance de la limite, les changements de valeur sont done a peu pres en raison inverse de ces racines carrees : dans le cas donne, en proportion de / a V/2. Nous avons done 0-5 et /-8 pour les deux parties de 1'erreur 2-3. Les segments de 33 ? P seraient 36-2 et 9-3 pour ^ Ensuite, en entrant la table avec les Latitudes en premiere colonne et les segments de P, I'angle polaire, en colonne A, nous aurons les routes dans la colonne C et les segments de- distance par 1'argument supe'rieur T. Lat. P. Routes. T. Complts. A. Cap Lopatka, . 5/-0 36-2 60-5 //9-5 2/-8 68-2 Diego Ramirez, . 56-5 9-3 82-3 U 97-7 5-/ 84-9 26- 9 1 5 3 -I Distance. Par la me'thode rigoureuse les routes sont82-/0', 60-27', la perpendiculaire est de 33/0', et la distance / 53 -07' -7. Ex. 5. On veut chercher les routes au compas et la distance sur le Grand Cercle entre le Cap de Bonne Esperance et Hobart Town, terre de Van Diemen. /28 Long. Lat. C. A. Le Cap de Bonne Esperance, . E. /8-26 / S. 34-4 68-7 34-7 Terre de Van Diemen, . . . E. /47-26 / S. 42-9 60-3 39-9 P = /29 = /29 165 INTRODUCTION. Lat. 34-4 A. C. 68-7 50-3 Lat. 34-4 C. A. 34 -7 T. 50-2 42- 9 60-3 Distance, 39-5 89-8 42-9 39-9 Distance, 39-5 89-7 It is evident that on the Great Circle the co-latitude of the vertex is 28, and that the segments of the polar angle are 68-7 and 60-3, and that the courses are 34-7 and 39 -9. Transposing A and C we have in T the segments of distance. GREAT CIRCLE SAILING NOT EXCEEDING A LIMITED LATITUDE. 1 7. The course on a Great Circle, while it gives the shortest distance, goes some- times to a Latitude inconveniently high, as in Examples 3 and 5, and always higher than that by Mercator's Chart. From considering that a Great Circle course when pro- jected on Mercator's Chart has a somewhat circular form, Mr Fisher devised a method for representing a course within a limited Latitude by drawing on the chart a circular arc of large radius, so as to pass through the ports and touch the given parallel. Raper, p. 126, notices it approvingly, and in Riddle's " Navigation," p. 65, &c., the details of the method, applied to the present Example 5, are given at formidable length. 1 8. It is proper to show how the present table gives an easy solution of such a case, v. Here the condition is that the Latitude is not to exceed 50. It is obvious that from each port the shortest course to Latitude 50 will be on a Great Circle, and that the intermediate portion may be run down on that parallel. As the Latitude is not to exceed 50, with the co-latitude 40 at top, and with Latitude 34 -22 (34 -4) on the left, A gives 51 -2 as the course from the Cape, and C gives 54-9 as the difference in Longitude at which it will reach the vertex ; and, in like manner, 61 -3 is the course, and 38- 8 the difference in Longitude from the other port, as shown below and in the figure. 40 Lat. A. C. Lat. A. T. Lat. C. T. 34-4 5/-2 54 -9 For . . 34 4 54- 9 42 -5 or 34 4 i r/-2 42-5 42-9 6/-4 38-8 Distance 42 9 38-8 27-2 42 9 ( 5/-4 27-3 166 INTRODUCTION. Lat. A. C. 34 -4 68-7 42-9 Distance, 89-8 Lat. C. T. A. 34 -7 50 -2 39-9 39 -5 Distance, 89-7 Dans cet exemple il est evident que la perpendiculaire, ou la co-latitude du sommet d'arc est exactement 28 > puisqu'il n'y a pas d'erreur entre P et la difference des valeurs de C. On obtient la distance en transposant les valeurs de C a A et reciproquement pour avoir les segments de la distance dans 1'argument superieur T. METHODS X EMPLOYER LORSQUE LE GRAND CERCLE NE DOIT PAS of PASSER UNE LATITUDE DONNEE. 17. Le chemin sur un Grand Cercle est toujours le plus court; mais en certain cas il conduirait le vaisseau dans des Latitudes d'une hauteur qui pourrait presenter de graves inconvenients comme dans 1'Exemple 5, et 1'Exemple 3. Le sommet de la courbe donne toujours une plus forte Latitude que la route obtenue au moyen d'une carte reduite (Mercator). Mons. Fisher, ayant remarque que la projection d'un Grand Cercle sur une carte reduite avait a peu pres la forme d'un Cercle, proposa de repre- senter un chemin limite a une Latitude donnee par un arc de cercle, a grand rayon, qui passerait par les deux ports et toucherait au parallele de Latitude prescrite. L'ecrivain Raper en fait mention avec approbation, et Mr Riddle, dans son ouvrage sur la navigation, en donne longuement les details pour 1'Exemple 5 que nous venons de donner. 1 8. Nous allons demontrer que, par la table, on peut trouver facilement tous les renseignements necessaires pour accomplir le trajet. Dans 1'Exemple 5 la Latitude ne doit pas depasser le parallele de 50. II est evident qu'un arc de Grand Cercle offre le plus court trajet de chaque port au parallele prescrit et que ce parallele servira de route pour la portion interme- diaire. Entrons dans la table avec la co-latitude 40, en chef, et la Latitude de depart, 34-22 ou 34 0< 4, a gauche, la colonne A donne 51 -2 pour la route du Cap de Bonne Esperance, et C donne 54- 9 pour la difference de Longitude ou la route atteindra le parallele donne. De meme pour 1'autre port, on aura une route de 6/-3, et une difference de Longitude de 38- 8 : ainsi qu'il suit. 40 L. A. C. 34-4 J/ -2 54 -9 42-9 6/-4 38- 8 L. A. T. L. C. T. Pour la . 34-4 54- 9 42-5 ou 34 -4 5/-2 42-5 Distance 42-9 38-8 27-2 bien 42-9 6/-4 27-3 167 INTRODUCTION. At the Cape the polar angle to the vertex is 54-9, and at Van Diemen's Land 38-8, the sum of these subtracted from 129 leaves 35 -3 = 1359 miles as the distance to be run on the parallel of 50. By the second use of the table we have 42 -5 and 27 -3 as the Great Circle segments of the course. These together make 69-8, or 4/90 miles, to which adding 1359 we have 5549 as the length of the composite course, or 162 miles more than on the Great Circle. The elements for protracting the course at every 2 of Latitude are given by the table. Angles on Long, from ! the Rhumb. Vertex. Lat. A. ...40... C. Long. Cape of Good Hope, . 34-4 5/-2 54-9 /8-4 36-0 52-6 52-4 20-9 38-0 54-7 49-0 24-3 40-0 57-0 45-2 28-/ 42-0 59-9 40.9 32-4 44-0 63-3 35-9 37-4 46-0 67-7 29-7 43-6 48-0 73-9 2/-3 52-0 50-0 90-0 73-3 35-3 50-0 90-0 /08-6 48-0 73-9 2/-3 /29-9 46-0 67-7 29-7 /38-3 44-0 63-3 35-9 US -5 42-9 61-3 38-8 147-4 Van Diemen's Land, . The successive Longitudes are found by adding the successive differences between the Longitude from Vertex of the port of departure and that of the Latitude in to the Longitude of the port. Ex. 54-9 45-2 = 9-7 + /8-4 = 28-/ (for Latitude 40). Beyond 50 Latitude we have only to add in the successive Longitudes from vertex, If these results be compared with those given in Riddle by Fisher's method, the sav- ing of labour by this method will be evident. 19. Besides these uses of the table, there are some others which may now be indicated briefly. As these uses have been developed beyond the object for which the table was first made, it may be useful to explain more fully the principle on which they depend. 20. When the hypothenuse and perpendicular are the given parts of a spherical triangle, the other parts are found by the formulae- sin A = sin T cosec R = sin T sec L, cos b = sec T cos R = sec T sin L, cos C = tan T cot R = tan T tan L, in which L is put for the complement of the hypothenuse, and the other letters have the signification given in the figure. It is evident from the formulae that the parts found by the first and second expressions are complements to each other with transposed arguments. 168 INTRODUCTION. Pour le Cap de Bonne Esperance Tangle polaire au sommet est de 54- 9, et pour la Terre de Van Diemen, Tangle polaire est de 38-8; en soustrayant leur somme 93-7 de 129, la difference de Longitude entre les deux ports, on obtient 35 -3 ou 1359 milles pour la longueur de la route sur le parallele. Pour les routes sur les Grand Cercles nous avons des arcs de 42-5 et de 27-3. Leur somme est egale a 69-8 ou 4/90 milles, nous avons done une distance totale de /359 + 4/90 = 5549 milles pour la route composee qui est plus longue que le chemin sur le Grand Cercle de / 62 milles. On trouvera, dans la table, les elements necessaires (de deux en deux degres de Latitude) pour tracer la route sur une carte reduite. Cap de Bonne Esperance, Lat. Routes au Compas. A. . 40 Long, du Sommet. ... c. Long. Terre de Van Diemen, 34-4 5f-2 54-9 /8-4 36-0 52-6 52-4 20-9 38-0 54-7 49-0 24-3 40-0 57-0 45-2 28- / 42-0 59-9 40-9 32-4 44-0 63-3 35-9 37-4 46-0 67-7 29-7 43-6 48-0 73-9 2/-3 52-0 50-0 90-0 73-3 35-3 50-0 90-0 /08-6 48-0 73-9 2/.3 /29-9 46-0 67-7 29-7 /38-3 44-0 63-3 35-9 /45-5 42-9 61-3 38-8 /47-4 Les Longitudes successives se trouvent en ajoutant la difference entre, la Longitude du sommet pour le port du depart et celle de la station d'arrivee, a la Longitude du port ; pour la Latitude 40 on a 54-9 45-2 = 9-7+ /8-4 = 28-/. Au dela de 50 on n'a qu'a additionner successivement les arcs de Longitude du sommet. On verra que cette methode est bien moins laborieuse que celle de M. Fisher telle qu'elle est donnee dans le traite de navigation de M. Riddle. 19. On peut encore faire usage de la table pour resoudre des questions que nous allons indiquer brievement, apres avoir explique le principe dont elles dependent. 20. Quand on a pour donnees Thypothenuse et la perpendiculaire d'un triangle spherique les autres parties se trouvent par les formules sin A = sin T cosec R = sin T sec L, cos b sec T cos R = sec T sin L, cos C = tanT cot R = tan T tan L, dans lesquelles L indique le complement de Thypothenuse et les autres lettres ont la signification donnee dans la figure. On peut observer que, dans les deux premieres 169 INTRODUCTION. From these formulae, involving the several parts, the rules for all the other cases may be derived by proper substitution, and in this way the canon made for this case becomes applicable for all cases of right-angled spherics. 21. By means of a perpendicular, all cases of oblique spherics are reducible to those of right angles, and this table (or rather that of which this is an abridgment) has been used in the regular way for the common and troublesome case of " the sides and contained angle," with results sufficiently exact, but obtained with so much trouble as evidently to be practically useless at sea. 22. The application of the table to oblique spherics in the regular way being hopeless, I thought that possibly it might yet be practicable in some non-regular way. Keeping to the case of the sides and contained angle, it occurred to me, that instead of taking the perpendicular as usual to one of the given sides, I might take it from the given angle to the unknown side, and try what that would lead to. I had thus the given sides as the hypothenuses of two triangles having a common perpendicular, for finding which I had this condition, that the sum or the difference of the angles between the hypothenuses and perpendicular should be equal to the given angle. This in a common way is insoluble ; but the particular case being that in Raper, of St Helena to Cape Horn, with the perpendicular falling outside the triangle, the table (as first made) for Amplitude in Arc and Ascensional Difference (Dasc) in time gave the means of finding the required difference of Longitude by the difference of two tabulated values. This opened up the way : but to serve conveniently for cases with the perpendicular falling inside the triangle, the table had to be written out again with the contained angle itself in arc, instead of (as at first) with its comple- ment in time. 23. In Great Circle sailing, for which the table seemed most likely to be useful, precision to minutes being unnecessary and practically inconvenient, the table was once more written out in arc, true to the nearest tenth of a degree : in which form, serving among other purposes for Great Circle sailing, and for the cognate case of finding Azimuth by Latitude, Declination, and Hour Angles (elements usually available at sea), it was, along with some other tables, got ready for publication. It then occurred to me, as an after thought, that as the table with degree arguments occupied several pages, it might be convenient and sufficient for shaping daily the Great Circle course, to give it with arguments to 2, and thus on two good-sized pages to have the whole in view on turning a leaf. 24. On applying the abridged table to the examples in Raper, the cases came more frequently near the limit, and the second differences being four times as large, it seemed at first that the table would be unworkable ; but on considering that in the greater part of the table, near the limit the variations from limit value were nearly proportional to the square roots of the argument distance from limit, it became, as has been shown, practicable and easy, by means of the C D lines of the slide rule to interpolate in what, at first, seemed the worst cases. The seeming difficulties being fairly disposed of in this way, the table on the last page was made as a substitute when a slide rule might not be available. 170 INTRODUCTION. formulas, les valeurs cherchees sont complementaires 1'un a 1'autre et que les arguments sont transposes. De ces trois formules on peut done deduire celles pour tous les autres cas, en mettant les changements convenables. Ainsi la table peut s'appliquer A. tous les cas des triangles sphe'riques et rectangles. 21. En menant une perpendiculaire, tous les cas des triangles spheriques obliques se resolvent de meme que les triangles spheriques rectangles. La table, ou plutot une autre dont celle-ci est un abrege, a ete employe selon les regies pour le cas frequent et embarrassant des deux cotes et de Tangle contenu. Les resultats etaient assez exacts ; mais le procede e'tait trop laborieux pour etre utile en mer. 22. II a done fallu chercher une methode irreguliere pour resoudre les triangles spheriques obliques. Ayant en vue ce meme cas des deux cotes et de Tangle inclus, nous avons essaye de mener la perpendiculaire de Tangle donne au cote inconnu; au lieu de la mener, comme a Tordinaire, a un cote donne. De cette maniere nous avons les cote's donnes pour hypothenuses des deux triangles et une meme perpendiculaire pour les deux. Pour chercher la perpendiculaire nous avons la condition que la somme ou la difference des angles, formes par les hypothenuses et la perpendiculaire, doit etre egale a Tangle donne. On ne peut resoudre ce .cas par les regies ordmaires ; mais dans un cas special, celui du trajet de Tile de Sainte Helene au Cap Horn, la perpendiculaire etant hors du triangle, nous avons reconnu que la table dans sa forme originale (pour Tamplitude en arc et la difference d'ascension (Dasc) en temps) four- nissait une solution de la difference de Longitude en cherchant une difference corre- spondante entre deux valeurs successives de la table. Nous trouvant ainsi sur la trace, nous avons reconnu la nece'ssite de recopier la table avec Tangle inclus meme, en arc, au lieu de son complement, en temps. 23. Vu que, pour naviguer sur le Grand Cercle il n' e'tait pas besoin de donner les minutes de degres, nousavions d'abord redige la table en degres et dixiemes de degre j mais avant de Timprimer il nous a paru etre plus commode de ne donner les argu- ments que de deux en deux degres, vu que les tables occupaient plusieurs pages et que par ce changement on n'aurait a tourner qu'une seule page. 24. Ensuite, en essayant les exemples donnes dans le traite de Raper la plupart des cas se trouvant pres de la limite (90) ou les differences sont tres grandes : nous avions craint que la table ne fut pas serviable. Cependant, ayant remarque que les differences etaient presque en proportion de la ratine carree de la distance de Targu- ment de la limite, nous avons trouve une solution assez facile au moyen des lignes C D de la regie a calcul, ou au moyen de la table sur la derniere page, quand la regie manque. 25. Pour obtenir les Azimuts on emploie la table de la meme maniere que pour chercher les routes sur le Grand Cercle, mais au lieu de la Latitude du port d'arrivee on emploie la Declinaison de Tastre observe. Le procede est court et simple, mais demande un peu d'habitude. Nous avons done reconnu que le procede n'etait pas propre a un usage ordinaire en mer et nous avons calcule les tables d'Azimut que nous publions maintenant. N *7* INTRODUCTION. 25. For finding Azimuth, the table is used in the same way as for finding the Great Circle course, the only difference being that, instead of the Latitude of the port to be reached, we must use the Declination of the object observed. The process, though simple and short, is yet one requiring some skill not always available. I felt, therefore, that it was not altogether the sort of table for common use at sea by any one, and thereupon set about the construction of the Azimuth Tables now published. 26. Having shown at length how the table may be used for the case of two sides and the contained angle, it may now be shown that it may be used also for finding the angles from the sides. Given the sides to find the Angles. . i st. With the complements of the sides in T take out for two adjacent terms L, to which the values in A, by their difference or sum, give near values of the third side or of its supplement, and with the differences adjust the proper value of L. The corresponding terms in A give the co-segments of the third side. The adjusted value of L is the perpendicular. 2dly. Then transposing the arguments L and A with the complement of the sides on the left, the values for the adjusted perpendicular give in A the angles at the base, and in C the segments of the vertical angle. 27. The adjacent figure represents a spherical tri- angle, having its sides 38, 50, 68, with the several parts computed strictly, by means of which the results by the Pantaspheric table may be compared and tested in the several ways in which it may be used, as in the example follow- ing : 172 INTRODUCTION. 26. Nous avons deja donne la solution du probleme des deux cotes et de Tangle Indus et n'avons qu'a indiquer la maniere d'employer la table, pour chercher les angles quand les cotes sont donnes. On entre dans la table avec les complements des cotes en chef (T) et on cherche deux valeurs successives dans la colonne qui doivent approcher par leur somme ou leur difference au troisieme cote, ou a son supplement. Ensuite, au moyen des dif- ferences, on intercale une valeur plus exacte pour L. Les valeurs correspondantes a celle-ci dans les colonnes A seront les complements des deux segments du troisieme cote, et la valeur corrigee de L donne la perpendiculaire. Ensuite, en transposant les arguments L et A, et en prenant les complements des cotes dans la colonne a gauche on obtient sous T = L corrigee, les angles a la base sous A, et sous C les deux angles au sommet de la perpendiculaire. 27. La figure represente un triangle spherique ayant des cotes de 38, 50, 68, dont les differentes parties out etc calculees selon les regies rigoureuses. On pourra les comparer aux resultats obtenus par la table et donnes dans les exemples suivants. 173 INTRODUCTION. Two sides and contained angle. Deux cotes et Tangle inclus. ZS = 50 PZ = 38 Z=/06-/4'-6 Third side. a = 40 X = 52 73-45 Le troisieme cote. Z. L. 40 T. 28 T. 30 C. C. 63-5 6/-0 T = 29-2 C. A. 62-0 39-5 = S L. 40-0 A. 62 T. 42 -5 C. 39-5 T. 42-6 /06-25 52 47-/ 42-4 44-3 52-5 = P 52-0 44 3 25-5 52-5 = PS = 20-3 UO-6 /03-4 /06- = Z 68-0 = 67-9 703-4 /06-2 7-2i 2-s :: 2 : o-8 (77 exact). T = 47-2 A. Z 73. 7 L. a40 R. T = 36-2 A. Z 73- 7 L. K. X52-0 Third side by rule of sines Le troisieme cote par la regie des sinus P 52-5 d22-0 68 p S 39-5 d22-0 68 p PS = 68 ZS = 50 S = 39-36-4 d = 22 a=40 39-6 S. L. T.46' C. 22 65 -3 ( T.48 C. 63-3 T = 47-25 C. A. 64-0 52-5 = P L. 22-0 A. 64 -0 T. 56-2 C. 52-5 T. 56-4 39-6 40 29-7 35-6 2/-3 24-4 73-6 40-0 24 -4 /8-2 38-0 = 73-6 = PZ = /8-3 42-0 /06-4=Z 38-/ 42-0 39-6 6-4: 2-4 H2: 0-75 (-65 exact).* T. L. R. T, L. R. sin Aj cos L a = sin A 2 cos L a sin A t sec L 2 = sin A 2 sec Lj Z 73-6 X52-0 38 52 -5 X52-0 38 * The perpendicular here differing little from the side, the case is unfavourable and the result faulty, for the reason given in section 4. * La perpendiculaire etant peu eloignee du cote, le cas n'est pas favorable et le result at n'est pas juste, pour la raison donnee au section 4. PS = 68 PZ = 38 P = 52-29-3 d=22 X = 52 52-5 P. 52 -5 L. T.34 T.36 C. C. 22 74-2 72-9 52~30-3 2/-6 T = 36-25 C. A. 72- 6 39-6 = S 20 -2 73 -7 L. A. 22-0 72- 6 52-0 20-2 T. 62-3 /2-3 C. T. 39-6 62-3 73- 7 /2-3 43-9 5/-3 5/-3 52-5 /06-3 = Z 50 -0 = ZS = 50 -0 8-6: + /-2 :: 2 : + o-28 (-24 exact). T. L. A. P 52-5 d22-0 Z 73- 7 a40-0 R. 50 z T. L. R. A. P 52- 5 X52-0 S 39- 6 a40-0 50 z On slide rule. Sur la regie a calcul. a=40-0 Dec. 22-0 | cos P = 52-5 Z 73-8 | sin 174 INTRODUCTION. The three sides. Les trois cote's. PS -68 ZS = 50 PZ = 38 112 a = 40 X = 52 The angles. Les angles. p T. L. 28 68 a 40 A46-7 112* X52 A 63 -2 L.30 A47-9 A65-5 T = 29-2 L,29-2 Segments. L. A. C. A47-4 42-6 40 39-6 = S 62 A64-6 25-4 52 52-6 = P 44-3 /09-9 N3-4 68-PS /06-3-Z. : 2 : 0-8 (-77 exact.) 3-5 PZ = 38 PS = 68 ZS=50 T. L.46 ^ d 22 A32-6 38 a 40 A67-7 L.48 A34-0 A73-9 T = 47-2 L.47-2 Segments. L. A. C. A33-4 56-6 22 52-4-P 4-/ A7/-4 /8-6 40 73-6 24-6 35 -I 39-9 4-8 : 39-9 38- 38 PZ 38 /06-4=Z 39-5=S. I 2 : 0-79* (-65 exact.) -,--,: * See note on opposite page. * Voyez la note sur la page en face. ZS=50 PS = 68 PZ = 38 d = 22 X = 52 T = 36-25 T. L.34 L. 36 L. 3 6 -25 Segments. L. A. C. z d22 A26-9 A 27-6 A 27-7 62-3 22 39-6 = S 72-7 50 X 52 A7/-9 A76-9 A 77- 7 /2-3 52 73-8 20-2 45 -0 49 -3 ZS50-0 /06-2 = Z 52-5 = P. 50 -0 5-0 50 * : + o-7 : I 2 I + 0-28 (-24 exact.) * One of the tabular results differs little from the given value ; this counterbalances the unfavourable condition of the small difference between the perpendicular and the given side. * L'un des resultats de la table differe peu de la valeur donnee, ce qui balance la condi- tion defavorable du peu d'eloignement de la perpendiculaire du cote donne. INTRODUCTION. 28. As another example, it may be interesting to find the angles of the triangle whose sides are ZS = 60, ZP = 70, PS = 80. These found by the regular method are P = 6/-34', S = 72-35'-4, Z = 89-49'. The segments of PS are 52-36' and 27-24' by the perpendicular 55-43'-5 from Z. With these we may compare the results T. \20 L54 A. 35-6 L56 A. 37- 7 L=55-7 A. C. 3 7 -4 52- 6 L. 20 A. 6/-5 = 55- 7 C. a 30 58-3 63-4 62-6 27-4 30 72-6 = S 32- / 93-9 lOl'.l 80-0 89-8 ro/'-i 700 7-2 : - r-i ::2: o-3. * By last table. The angle Z being only / /' from a right angle, the perpendiculars from S and P will differ from the sides by the insensible quantities 2" and 3". With such differences, between hypothenuse and perpendicular, solutions, obtained with logarithms to seven places, would be altogether unsatisfactory. Nevertheless, the small table furnishes what may be considered remarkably good results in a very simple way. With co hypothenuse /0 at top, and the perpendicular 60 and 70 on left, we have in A 20-3 and 30-5 as the co-bases, showing that the perpendiculars fall 0-3 and 0-5 within the triangle, the adjacent angles in C are 72-2 and 6/ respectively. The angles of the principal triangle are obtained by adding to these the small seg- ments given by the perpendiculars 0-3 and 0-5 to the hypothenuses 60 and 70 thus to co-hypothenuse 30 in L, perpendicular 2 at top, we have in A 2-3 (or /-/5' for /), 3//0 of which = 0-35 added to 72-2 gives 72-55 as the value of S, and in like manner to co-hypothenuse 20 we have in A 2-/, to which for 0-5 the proportional part 0-52 added to 6/ gives P=6/-52. 29. It has been shown that the Azimuth table may be used for finding Altitudes not exceeding 30. It may be shown that, by using the two tables together, the method may be extended generally. I suppose that the Azimuth by table will, in most cases, be true to less than half a degree, or to little more than a quarter of a degree in the heavens; but taking it as found, proceed thus Convert the Hour Angle in time unto arc, and with the Declination in L find column T where A gives the converted Hour Angle, then the Azimuth found in the same column gives in L the Altitude. Resuming an example already given .. In Latitude 52 Declination + 22 at H.A., 3-30 = 52-5, the tabular Azimuth is 73-8 I 7 6 L. T = 47-2. A. Dec. 22 525 Alt. 40 73-8 by last table. INTRODUCTION. 28. Nous donnons encore un exemple interessant: un triangle dont les cotes sont ZS = 60, ZP = 70, et PS = 80, aura selon le calcul rigoureux les angles. P= 6/-34', S = 72-35'-4, Z = 89-49'. Les segments de P seront aussi de 52 -36' et de 27-24' et la perpendiculaire menee du Point Z, sera de 55-43'-5. Maintenant par la table on aura. L. T 55-7 A. C. 6/5 = P 57.7 80 /00 C L = 54 L = 56 L-55-7 Segts. T. A. A. A. C. 70 X20 35- 6 37-7 37-4 52- 6 60 a 30 58-3 63-4 62-6 27 -4 93-9 /0 /./ 80-0 IOI'I /00-0 20 30 726 = S 32. /* Z = 89-8 7-2 : - /-/ :: 2 : - o-3. * Par la derniere table. Comme Tangle Z ne differe d'un angle droit que de //' les perpendiculaires mene'es de P ou de S ne s'ecarteront des cotes que par les petites quantites 2" et 3 ". On n'obtiendrait, meme en employant des tables de logarithmes a sept places, qu'une solu- tion peu satisfaisante. Cependant la table donne par un procede assez simple des resultats remarquablement corrects. En prenant T = 10 = co-hypothenuse en chef et les perpendiculaires 60 et 70 a gauche on trouve sous A 20-3 et 30-5 pour les complements des segments de base, ce que demontre que les perpendiculaires tombent au dedans du triangle de 0-3 et 0-5 et les angles contigus sous C, sont de 72-2 et de 6/-0 respectivement. On obtient les angles du triangle donne en ajoutantaux precedents les petits segments que correspondent aux perpendiculaires 0-3 et 0-5 menees aux hypothenuses 60 et 70. C'est-a-dire pour la co-hypothenuse 30 en L et la perpendiculaire 2, en chef, nous avons sous A 2-3 (ou /-/5 pour /) et les ^-de /-/5 donnent 0-35, qu'il faut ajouter a 72-2 pour obtenir 72 -55 pour la valeur de S. Et de meme pour la co-hypothenuse 20 nous avons, sous A, 2-/ dont la partie proportionnelle a 0-5sera 0-52 qu'il faut ajouter a 61 pour obtenir P = 6/-52. 29. Nous avons deja demontre que la table des Azimuts peut etre employe a trouver les hauteurs moindres que 30- En combinant 1'usage des deux tables on peut rendre la solution generale. On peut supposer qu'a 1'ordinaire les Azimuts trouves par la table seront justes a un demi degre pres ou a un quart de degre dans les cieux; mais quelqu'il soit, il faut agir de la maniere suivante. Convertissez 1'Angle Horaire en arc. Ensuite, avec la Declinaison dans la colonne L, cherchez la colonne T oil se trouve, sous A, 1'Angle Horaire convertie. Alors en ligne avec 1'Azimuth, sous A, dans cette meme colonne T on trouve, dans L la hauteur demandee. Reprenons un exemple deji donne : h. m. Lat. 52, Declin. + 22, Angle Horaire 3-30 = 52-5, 1'Azimut par la table est de 73- 8 = 72 + ;& x 3. L. T = 47-2 A. Dec. 22 52-5 Alt. 40 73-8 (par la derniere table). 177 INTRODUCTION. 30. These explanations and examples may suffice to show the various uses of the table; with proper care in the several processes, the results seem to be trustworthy to about a quarter of a degree, and this is as much as can be expected when spherics without logarithms are comprised in so small a compass. ROBERT SHORTREDE. iS68. 1 7 8 INTRODUCTION. 30. Ces explications et ces exemples suffiront pour montrer les differentes manieres de se servir de la table. Avec un peu de soin on pourra obtenir des resultats a un quart de degre pres et cela parait etre toute 1'exactitude a laquelle on peut s'attendre en faisant usage, pour le calcul des triangles spheriques, d'une table si concise, au lieu d'employer les logarithm es. ROBERT SHORTREDE. 1868. 179 GREAT CIRCLE SAILING TABLE. T. L. 6 2. A. C. 4 A. C. 6. A. C. 8. A. C. /o. A. C. 12". A. C. 14. A. C. /6. A. C. 2-0 90-0 89-9 89-9 89-8 89-7 89-6 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 90-0 89-9 89-7 89-6 89-4 6-0 90-0 8-0 90-0 10-0 90-0 /2-0 90-0 89-6 89-/ 88-7 88-3 14-0 90-0 89-5 89-0 88-5 88-0 /6-0 90-0 2 4 6 8 To 12 /4 16 18 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-/ 2-/ 2-/ 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-1 89-8 89-6 89-4 8,9-2 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-/ 8-/ 8-2 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 89-7 89-4 89-2 88-9 88-6 10-0 10-0 10-1 10-1 89-6 89-3 88-9 88-6 88-2 87-9 87-5 87- / 86-7 86-3 /2-0 /2-0 12-1 12-1 12-2 14-0 /4-0 U-l 14-1 /6-0 /6-0 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-7 16-8 17-1 89-4 88-9 88-3 87-7 87- / 4-0 4-/ 4-/ 4-2 4-2 89-3 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-4 88-9 10-2 87-9 14-2 /4-3 /4-4 /4-6 /4-7 87-5 89-6 89-5 89-4 89-3 89-/ 89-0 88-9 88-7 88-5 88-7 88-5 88-3 88-0 87-8 88-3 88-0 87-7 87-4 87-/ 10-2 10-3 10-4 /0-5 /0-6 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 87-4 87-0 86-5 86-0 87-0 86-4 85-9 85-4 86-5 85-9 85-3 84-7 84-0 20 2-/ 89-3 4-3 12-8 85-6 /4-9 84-8 22 24 26 28 30 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 89-2 89-/ 89-0 88-9 88-8 88-7 88-7 88-5 88-4 88-3 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4.9 5-/ 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 6-0 88-4 88-2 88-0 87-9 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 87-6 87-3 87- / 86-8 8-6 8-8 8-9 9-1 86-7 86-4 86- / 85-7 /0-8 //O /// //3 85-9 85-5 85- / 84-6 13-0 13-2 13-4 /3-6 85- / 84-6 84-0 83-5 15-1 /5-4 /5-6 /5-9 84-2 83-6 83-0 82-4 S/-7 17-3 17-6 17-9 18-2 18-6 83-3 82-7 82-0 S/-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 87-7 6-9 7-1 7-2 7-4 7-6 7-8 8-/ 8-4 8-7 9-0 9-4 86-5 9-2 85-3 11-6 84-2 /3-9 /4-2 /4-5 /4-9 /5-3 83-0 /6-2 80-5 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 87-5 87-3 87- / 86-9 86-6 86-2 85-9 85-6 85-3 9-4 9-7 9-9 10-2 85-0 84-6 84- / 83-7 11-8 12-1 12-4. 12-7 13-1 13-5 /4-0 /4-5 15-0 15-7 16-4 /7-2 /8-/ 19-1 83-7 83-2 82-6 82-/ 82-4 8/-S 8/-/ 80-4 /6-6 /7-0 /7-4 /7-9 8/-0 80-3 79-6 78-8 19-0 19-4 19-9 20-5 21-1 79-7 78-8 78-0 77-/ 84-9 84-6 84-2 83-8 83-3 82-8 10-5 83-2 8/-5 /5-7 '79-7 79-0 78-2 77-3 76-3 78-4 77-9 76- / 2-7 2-8 2-9 3-0 88-2 88- / 87-9 87-8 87-6 87-4 87-2 87-0 86-8 86-4 86-/ 85-8 85-5 85-2 10-8 11-2 11-6 12-0 82-7 82-2 S/-6 8/-0 80-4 80-9 80-2 79-5 78-7 77-9 77-0 76-0 74-8 73-6 /6-2 /6-8 /7-4 /8-/ /9-0 /9-7 20-4 2/-2 77-0 76- / 75-0 73-9 72-7 21-8 22-5 23-4 24-3 25-4 75-0 73-9 72-7 7/-4 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-6 3-8 6-2 12-3 13-1 13-7 /4-4 /5-2 /6-2 /8-9 /9-7 20-7 2/-S 23- / 24-6 75-3 22- / 23-/ 24-3 25-6 27-2 28-9 70-0 52 54 56 58 6-5 6-8 7-2 7-6 8-0 84-9 84-5 84-0 83-6 83-0 9-8 10-2 10-8 //4 12-1 82-3 S/-7 8/-0 80-3 79-6 78-8 78-0 77-0 75-9 74-2 73-0 7/-6 70- / 7/-4 69-9 68-3 66-5 64-4 26-6 28-0 29-5 3/-3 68-5 66-8 64-8 62-7 60-2 60 4-0 86-5 79-5 20-3 72-2 68-4 33-5 62 64 66 68 4-3 4-6 4-9 5-3 86-2 85-9 85-5 85-0 8-5 9-2 9-9 10-7 11-8 17^0 14-7 16-8 19-6 82-4 8/-S 8/-0 80-0 12-9 13-8 14-9 /6-2 78-6 77-6 76-3 74-9 73-2 /7-2 /8-5 20-0 2/-8 24-0 74-7 73-3 7/-6 69-6 21-7 23-3 25-3 27-6 70-6 68-8 66-7 64- / 6/-0 57-/ 52-0 45-0 33-9 26-3 28-3 30-7 33-7 37-4 42-3 49-0 59-0 90 66-4 64-2 6/-5 58-3 3/-0 33-5 36-5 40-2 45-0 5/-5 6/-4 90 62-0 59-3 55-9 5/-9 36-0 39-0 42-7 47-4 53-7 57-4 54-0 49-9 44-8 38-0 28- / 70 72 74 76 78 5-9 6-5 7-3 8-3 9-7 84-5 83-8 83-0 81-9 80-5 78-9 /7-8 67-3 30-5 34-2 39-0 45-9 55-6 54-3 46-8 77-6 75-9 73-7 70-8 /9-8 22-3 25-6 30-2 71-1 68-5 65- / 60-4 26-8 30-3 35- / 42-0 64-4 60-7 55-7 48-6 49- / 42-2 3/-5 39-9 29-6 63- / 90 80 //6 78-6 23-7 66-6 36-0 53-4 53-3 37-2 90 GENERAL RELATIONS. 82 84 86 88 /4-5 19-5 30-0 90 75-6 70-6 60-0 30-1 41-8 90 60-2 48-3 48-7 90 4/-6 90 L. T. A. C. Co-hypoth. Perp. Co-angle i. Perp. Co-angle 2. Perp. Co-hypo th. Perp. Co-angle i. Co-angle 2. Angle i. Co-base. Hypoth. Angle 2. Co-base. Angle 2. Angle 2. Co-base. Co-base. Hypoth. In every case the parts in L. and T. are non-adjacent. 1 80 POUR NAVIGUER SUR LE GRAND CERCLE DE LA SPHERE. T. L. 6 2 4 6 8 / A. 18-0 8. C. 90-0 2 A. 20-0 0. C. 22. A. C. 24. A. C. 2 A. 26-0 5. C. 28. A. C. 30. A. C. 3 A. 32-0 2. C. 90-0 90-0 22-0 22-0 22-/ 22- / 22-2 90-0 89-2 88-4 87-6 86-8 24-0 90-0 90-0 28-0 90-0 88-9 87-9 86-8 85-7 30-0 90-0 88-8 87-7 86-5 85-3 84-2 18-0 18-0 18-1 18-2 89-3 88-7 88-0 87-4 20-0 20-0 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-5 20-6 20-8 21-1 89-3 88-5 87-8 87-/ 86-3 24-0 24- / 24- / 24-3 89-/ 88-2 87-3 86-4 26-0 26-/ 26-2 26-3 89-0 88-0 87- / 86-/ 28-0 28-/ 28-2 28-3 30-0 30-/ 30-2 30-3 32-0 32- / 32-2 32-4 32-6 32-8 33- / 33-5 33-9 88-7 87-5 86-2 85-0 83-7 10 12 14- 16 18 18-3 /8-4 /8-6 /8-8 /9-0 86-7 22-4 85-9 24-4 85-5 26-4 85- / 28-5 84-6 30-5 30-8 3/-0 3/-3 3/-7 32- / 32-6 33-2 33-8 34-5 35-3 36-/ 37- / 38-2 39-4 86-0 85-4 84-7 83-9 85-6 84-8 84-0 83-2 22-5 22-7 22-9 23-2 85- / 84-2 83-3 82-5 24-6 24-8 25-0 25-3 84-6 83-6 82-7 81-7 26-6 26-9 27- / 27-4 84-0 83-0 82-0 80-9 28-7 28-9 29-2 29-6 83-5 82-4 8/-2 SO-/ 82-9 81-7 80-5 79-2 82-4 8/-0 79-7 78-3 20 22 24 26 28 30 19-2 19-5 19-8 20-1 20-5 83-2 21-3 21-6 22-0 22-4 22-8 82-4 23-5 81-5 25-6 26-0 26-4 26-9 27-4 80-7 27-8 79-8 78-6 77-5 76-2 75-0 30-0 78-8 77-9 76-5 75- / 73-6 72- / 34-3 76-9 75-4 73-8 72-3 70-6 82-5 81-7 80-9 80-1 8/-5 80-7 79-8 78-8 23-8 24-2 24-6 25- / 80-6 79-6 78-6 77-6 79-6 78-6 77-5 76-3 28-2 28-7 29-2 29-8 30-4 30-9 3/-5 32-2 77-6 76-3 75-0 73-6 72- / 34-9 35-5 36-/ 36-9 20-9 21-4 21-9 22-5 23- / 79-2 78-3 77-3 76-3 75-3 23-3 77-9 76-9 75-8 74-7 73-5 72-2 25-6 76-5 28-0 28-7 29-4 30-2 31-1 32-1 75- / 30-4 73-6 72-3 70-8 69-2 67-6 32-8 70-5 68-9 67- / 65-2 63-2 6/-0 37-7 38-6 39-7 40-9 42-3 68-9 32 34 36 38 23-8 24-4 25-0 25-7 26-2 26-9 27-6 28-4 75-4 74-2 72-9 7/-6 73-8 72-5 71-1 69-6 31-1 31-9 32-8 33-8 33-6 34-5 35-5 36-6 70-6 69-0 67-3 65-5 67-0 65- / 63-0 60-8 58-4 40 42 44 46 48 23-8 74-2 26-5 27-4 28-4 29-5 30-7 32- / 29-3. 70-2 68- / 34-9 65-8 63-9 6/-9 59-7 57-2 37-8 63-5 6/-4 59- / 56-6 53-8 40-7 43-8 24-6 25-4 26-4 27-5 73-0 7/-7 70-3 68-8 70-9 69-4 67-9 66-2 30-3 3/-4 32-6 34-0 68-7 67-0 65-3 63-3 33-2 34-4 35-8 37-4 66-4 64-5 62-5 60-4 36-/ 37-5 39-/ 40-9 39-2 40-7 42-5 44-6 42-3 44-0 46-0 48-4 51-1 58-7 56-/ 53-3 50- / 45-5 47-5 49-7 52-4 55-8 52-9 49-7 46- / 50 52 54 56 58 28-7 67-2 64-3 35-6 6/-2 39-3 58-0 43-0 54-5 46-9 50-7 46-5 55-5 59-6 64-4 7/-4 90 4/-9 30-/ 3/-7 33-5 35-7 38-2 4/-2 44-8 49-4 55-6 65-4 63-4 6/-2 58-7 55-8 52-3 48-2 43- / 36-5 33-7 35-6 37-7 40-2 62-2 59-9 57-3 54-4 50-9 37-5 39-6 42- / 45-0 58-9 58-2 53-2 49-7 4/-3 43-8 46-7 50- / 55-3 52-2 48-7 44-6 45-4 48-2 5/-6 55-8 5/-4 47-8 43-7 38-7 49-7 53-0 57- / 62-4 69-8 47- / 43-0 38-0 3/-7 54-3 58-3 63-4 70-6 42-4 37-4 31-1 22-5 36-9 30-7 22- / 60 62 64 66 68 43-2 48-5 45-6 40-5 34- / 24-8 54-4 39-5 6/-3 32-5 22-9 90 HORI2 ON. 46-8 5/-3 57-2 65-9 90 46-8 4/-7 35-2 25-7 52-9 58-7 67- / 90 60-2 68- / 90 33- / 24- / 69-0 90 23-5 90 AT TRUE 70 72 64-9 26-8 L. T. A. C. 90 Lat. Dec. Dec. Lat. Amp. Pol. alt. Hour Angle. GREAT SAILING CIRCLE. With the latitudes of the Ports in L. find two adjacent cols. T. in which the sum or the diff. of the terms on C. gives near values of the diff. in long. ; and with the differences of the results find the proper values of C. and T. The corre- sponding terms in A. are the courses. T. thus adjusted is the co-latitude of the Vertex, and in this col. T. the terms in A. give the angles on the Rhumb at every second degree of lat. in L. throughout the course. 181 GREAT CIRCLE SAILING TABLE. T. L. 32. A. C. 34. A. C. 36. A. C. 38. A. C. 40. A. C. 42. A. C. 44. A. C. 46. A. C. 2 4 6 8 32-0 90-0 34-0 90-0 36-0 90-0 38-0 90-0 40-0 90-0 42-0 90-0 44-0 90-0 88-/ 86-1 84-2 82-2 46-0 90-0 32-0 32- / 32-2 32-4 32-6 32-8 33- / 33-5 33-9 88-7 87-5 86-2 85-0 34-0 34- / 34-2 34-4 88-7 87-3 85-9 84-6 36-0 36-2 36-2 36-4 36-6 88-5 87- / 85-6 84- / 38-0 38-/ 38-2 38-4 88-4 86-9 85-3 83-7 40-0 40-/ 40-3 40-5 88-3 86-6 84-9 83-2 42-0 42-/ 42-3 42-5 42-8 43-2 43-6 44- / 44-7 45-4 46-2 47- / 48-/ 49-3 50-6 88-2 86-4 84-6 82-7 80-9 44-0 44- / 44-3 44-5 44-9 46-0 46-/ 46-3 46-6 46-9 47-3 47-8 48-4 49-1 87-9 85-8 83-8 8/-6 10 83-7 34-6 83-2 82-6 38-7 39-0 39-4 39-8 40-3 82- / 40-7 8/-5 80-2 78-2 76- / 73-9 71-7 69-4 67-0 64-5 61-9 59-1 56-1 52-9 49-4 45-4 4/-0 79-5 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 82-4 8/-0 79-7 78-3 76-9 34-9 35-2 35-6 36-0 81-8 80-3 78-8 77-3 75-8 74-2 72-5 70-8 69-0 67- / 36-9 37-3 37-7 38-2 8/-/ 79-6 78-0 76-3 80-4 78-8 77- / 75-3 41-1 4/-5 42-0 42-5 79-7 77-9 76- / 74-2 79-0 77-0 75-0 73-0 45-2 45-7 46-3 46-9 47-7 77-3 75-0 72-7 70-3 34-3 36-5 38-7 39-3 40-0 40-8 4/-7 42-7 43-9 45-2 46-6 48-2 74-7 40-9 73-5 43-2 72-2 70-2 68-/ 65-8 63-5 70-9 50-0 50-9 5/-9 53-2 54-5 67-9 34-9 35-5 36-/ 36-9 37-7 75-4 73-8 72-3 70-6 68-9 67-0 65- / 63-0 60-8 37- / 37-7 38-5 39-3 40-2 72-9 71-1 69-2 67-3 65-2 4/-6 42-4 43-2 44-2 7/-6 69-6 67-6 63-5 63-2 43-9 44-7 45-7 46-7 68-7 66-4 63-9 6/-4 48-5 49-5 50-6 5/-9 65-3 62-5 59-7 56-6 45-2 47-8 6/-0 58-7 53-3 56-2 58-0 60-2 62-8 65-9 53-3 32 34 36 38 40 38-6 39-7 40-9 42-3 4/-3 42-4 43-7 45-2 46-9 65- / 62-9 60-7 58-2 63-0 60-7 58- / 55-4 46-5 48-0 49-6 5/-4 60-8 58-2 55-4 52-4 49-3 50-8 52-6 54-7 58-4 55-5 52-4 49-0 45-2 52- / 53-8 55-8 58-/ 55-8 52-6 49- / 45-3 55-0 56-9 59-2 6/-8 49-7 45-6 41-2 36-0 43-8 58-4 55-5 50- / 52-4 53-5 49-0 57-0 60-9 40-9 65-/ 35-9 69-9 29-7 42 44 46 48 50 45-5 47-5 49-7 52-4 55-8 52-9 49-7 46- / 4/-9 48-8 5/-0 53-8 56-7 60-4 65-3 72- / 90 52-6 49-4 45-7 4/-5 36-5 52-3 54-8 57-8 6/-5 66-/ 72-7 90 49- / 45-4 4/-2 36-2 30-0 2/-6 _L 55-9 58-9 62-4 66-9 73-3 45-3 4/-0 36-0 29-3 59-9 63-3 67-7 73-9 40-9 35-9 29-7 2/-3 64-2 68-5 74-4 90 AT! 35-8 29-6 2/-2 69-2 74-9 90 29-6 2/-2 73-5 90 2/-2 55-5 2/-4 90 'RIME VERTICAL, 52 54 56 58 59-6 64-4 7/-4 90 36-9 30-7 22- / 30-3 2/-8 90 L. T. A. C. Co-lat. Dec. Dec. Co-lat. Alt. PVZ. Hour Angle. T. L. O 2 4 6 8 76. A. C. 78. A. C. 80. A. C. 82. A. C. 84. A- C. 86. A. C. 88. A. C. 76-0 90-0 8/-9 73-7 65- / 55-7 78-0 78-2 78-7 79-6 8/-0 83-3 90 90-0 80-0 80-2 80-8 82-0 84-0 90 sup ic of ;argt in A. 90-0 82-0 90-0 75-6 60-2 4/-6 84-0 90-0 70-6 48-3 86-0 86-5 90 90-0 60-0 '88-0 90-0 76-/ 76-6 77-3 78-5 80-2 80-5 70-8 60-4 48-6 78-6 66-6 53-4 37-2 82-3 83- / 84-7 90 84-3 85-5 90 90 iven i he sides to find th the compts. I two adjacent the sum of the d side or of its esults find the ts of the base. > in L. and the . the segments G f he Angles. s in cols, lich the di /alues of tr "erences of >f the co-se pts. of the k , and thosf 1 3f two side n L. to wl 2fives near i ith the dif md in A. < h the com at the base 10 12 /4 45-0 33-9 teims jrms in A. mt : and v erp. in L. 5 and T. wii the angles P. fin ft or e thii the i gmer sides :inC 82-7 90 3/-5 t< Dlem< thep s. L. give proper vali Then transposing th< perp. in T., the values of the Vertical Angle. 152 POUR NAVIGUER SUR LE GRAND CERCLE DE LA SPHERE. T. L. 48. A. C. 50. A. C. 52. A. C. 54. A. C. 56. A. C. 58. A. C. 60. A. C. 62. A. C. 48-0 90-0 50-0 90-0 57-6 85-2 82-8 80-4 52-0 90-0 54-0 90-0 56-0 90-0 87-0 84-0 8/-0 78-0 58-0 58- / 58-2 58-5 58-9 90-0 86-8 83-6 80-3 77-0 60-0 90-0 86-5 83-0 79-5 75-9 62-0 90-0 2 4 6 8 48-0 48-2 48-4 48-6 87-8 85-5 83-3 8/-0 50-0 50-2 50-4 50-7 52-0 52-2 52-4 52-7 87-4 84-9 82-3 79-6 54-0 54-2 54-4 54-8 87-2 84-5 81-7 78-8 56-f 56-2 56-5 56-8 60-/ 60-2 60-6 6/-0 62- / 62-3 62-6 63-/ 86-2 82-4 78-6 74-7 10 49-0 78-7 51-1 77-9 53-1 77-0 55-2 55-8 56-5 57-3 58-3 76-0 57-3 57-9 58-7 59-6 60-7 74-8 59-4 73-6 6/-6 72-2 63-7 64-5 65-5 66-7 68-2 70-6 12 U 16 18 20 49-4 50-0 50-6 5/-4 76-3 73-9 7/-4 68-8 51-6 52-1 52-8 53-7 75-3 72-7 70-0 67-2 53-7 54-3 55- / 56-0 74-2 7/-4 68-5 65-4 62-2 58-9 55-3 5/-4 47- / 73-0 69-9 66-8 63-4 7/-6 68-3 64-8 6/-2 60-/ 60-9 61-9 63-/ 64-5 70- / 66-5 62-7 58-7 54-4 49^7 44-6 38-7 3/-7 62-3 63-2 64-3 65-6 68-4 64-4 60-2 55-8 66-4 62-0 57-4 52-3 52-3 66-2 54-6 64-3 57-0 58-2 59-6 6/-3 63-2 59-4 60-8 62-3 64-2 66-4 59-9 61-9 63-4 65-2 67-3 69-9 73-2 77-8 90 57-3 67-2 50-9 45-6 39-5 32-4 22-9 70-0 46-8 22 24 26 28 30 53-3 54-4 55-8 57-3 63-3 60-4 57-2 53-8 55-7 57-0 58-5 60-2 62-2 6/-2 58-0 54-5 50-7 46-5 56-2 52-2 47-8 43-0 37-4 30-7 21-8 53-2 48-7 43-7 38-0 66-2 68-2 70-7 73-8 69-/ 7/-4 74-5 78-8 73-2 75- / 79-2 90 40-5 33- / 23-5 59+1 50-1 65-5 68-3 7/-9 76-9 90 42-3 69-/ 72-5 77-4 90 31-1 78-3 22-5 90 32 34 36 38 61-2 63-7 66-7 70-6 76-0 4-6-1 4-1-5 36-2 29-8 2/-3 64-6 67-5 7/-2 76-4 90 4/-9 36-5 30-0 2/-4 36-9 30-3 2/-6 22-1 90 AT ELONGATION. 40 42 L. T. A. C. 90 Lat. Pol. dist. Pol. dist. Lat. Azim. Alt. Hour Angle. T. L. 62. A. C. 64. A. C. 65. A. C. 68. A. C. 70. A. C. 72. A. C. 74. A. C. 75. A. C. 2 4 6 8 62-0 90-0 64-0 90-0 66-0 90-0 68-0 68-/ 68-3 68-8 69-4 90-0 70-0 90-0 72-0 90-0 74-0 90-0 76-0 90-0 62- / 62-3 62-6 63- / 86-2 82-4 78-6 74-7 64- / 64-3 64-7 65-2 85-9 8/-8 77-6 73-3 66-/ 66-3 66-7 67-3 85-5 8/-0 '76-3 7/-6 85-0 80-0 74-9 69-6 70- / 70-4 70-9 7/-6 84-5 78-9 73-2 67-3 72- / 72-4 73-0 73-8 83-8 77-6 71-1 64-4 74- / 74-5 75- / 76- / 83-0 75-9 68-5 60-7 76- / 76-6 77-3 78-5 8/-9 73-7 65- / 55-7 10 12 14. 16 18 63-7 64-5 65-5 66-7 68-2 70-0 73-2 75- / 79-2 90 70-6 66-4 62-0 57-4 52-3 65-9 68-8 68- / 69-/ 70-3 7/-9 73-9 66-7 70-3 64- / 72-6 6/-0 75-0 57- / 77-4. 52- / 42-2 29-6 80-2 45-0 3/-5 66-8 67-9 69-2 70-9 >73-0 64-2 59-3 54-0 48-2 6/-5 55-9 49-9 43- / 7/-4 72-9 74-7 77- / 58-3 5/-9 44-8 36-5 25-7 73-9 75-6 77-8 8/-/ 54-3 46-8 38-0 26-8 76-5 78-6 81-6 90 49- / 39-9 28- / 79-3 82-0 90 82-7 90 20 46-8 4/-7 76-5 80-2 90 35-2 24-8 80-6 90 Two sides and the contained Angle. With the compts. of i sides in L. find two adjacent ic sum or the diff. of the terms 22 24 26 28 40-5 33-/ 23-5 75-8 79-7 90 34- / 24- / 90 the give n which tl cols. T. i in C. gives near values of the given angle : and with the dif- ces of the results find the proper values of C. and of T. The A. give the angles at the base. T. so found is the perp. le argts. found in A. or in C. with the compts. of the sides in Dase found in C., or the segt. of C. found in A., give at top se. feren corresponding terms in Then transposing t L., the angles at the 1 the segments of the ba '83 TRADUCTION DES NOTES DANS LA TABLE. RELATIONS GENERALES. Dans tons les cas, les parties dans L. et T. ne sont pas contigues. L. T. A. C. Co-hypothenuse. Perpend iculaire. Co-angle I. Perpendiculaire. Co-angle 2. Perpendiculaire. Co-hypothenuse. Perpendiculaire. Co-angle I. Co-angle 2. Angle i. Co-base. Hypothenuse. Angle 2. Co-base. Angle 2. Angle 2. Co-base. Co-base. Hypothenuse. A L'HORIZON VRAI. L. T. A. C. Latitude. Declinaison. Declinaison. Latitude. Amplitude. Hauteur du Pole. Angle Horaire. SUR LE PREMIER VERTICAL. T. Co-latitude. Declinaison. Declinaison. Co-latitude. A. Hauteur. PVZ. C. Angle Horaire. A L'E'LONGATION. L. T. A. C. Latitude. Distance Polaire. Distance Polaire. Latitude. Azimut. Hauteur. Angle Horaire. LE GRAND CERCLE. On entre dans la table avec les latitudes des deux Ports sous L. et Ton cherche deux colonnes contigues T. dans lesquelles la somme ou la difference des termes sous C. donne a peu pres la difference de Longitude. Au moyen des differences entre les termes on ajuste les valeurs de C. et T. Les termes correspondants sous A. seront les airs de vent. La valeur corrigee de T. est la co-latitude du sommet de la courbe. Dans cette colonne T., les valeurs, sous A., donnent les airs ou Rhumbs de vent pour la route, de deux en deux degres de latitude. Les trots cotes etant donnes, on demande les Angles. Entrez dans la table avec les complements de deux des cotes en ligne T. et cherchez deux valeurs successives dans L. telles que la somme ou la difference des termes sous A. donne a peu pres le troisieme cote ou son supplement. Au moyen des differences ajustez la valeur de la perpendiculaire sous L. et des co-segments de base sous A. Puis, en transposant les arguments L. et T. : c'est a dire en prenant les comple- ments des deux cotes sous L. et la perpendiculaire en T. : les valeurs sous A., donnent les angles a la base et les valeurs sous C., les segments de I'angle Vertical. Deux cote's et r Angle inclus etant donnh, on demande le troisieme c$te et les autres Angles. Entrez dans la table avec les complements des deux cotes donnes sous L. et cherchez deux colonnes contigues T., dans lesquelles la somme on la difference des valeurs sous C. donne a peu pres I'angle inclus. Ajustez, au moyen des differences, les valeurs de C. et de T. Cette derniere sera la perpendiculaire. Et les termes correspondants sous A. donnent les angles a la base. Puis, en transposant les arguments, ainsi trouves, sous A. et C. : c'est a dire, en prenant les complements des deux cotes sous L. : les angles a la base cherches sous C. ou le segment de C. cherche sous A. donnent, en chef (T.), les segments de la base. 184 fc w s 3 CM CO Xt VO tx CO ON O CM co xt CM co xt ^ VO IX CO 0\ CN CM co xt CM CM CM CM 3j? o CM CO xt O vo - s CO ON lO O VO CM co xt ON O vo LO 0^ ON xt cp rp VO ON -- xt CM CM co co rx CM vo Lr> xt ON co co to ix o\ o CM . CM eg W) CM 10 VO CO CM CM CM co CO CO Xt vo IX CO CO CO CO VO CO ON . xt vo CO Vt Xt xt 0\ xt CO VO CO LO LO LO LO CM in rx co o CM CM 00 CM Xt VO IX ON CM CM CM CM CO CM xt LO tx CO CO CO CO LO xt CM VO CO CO CM CM co co CO CO LO CO xt xt xt CO xt CO 10 tx LO LA *o LO ? 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