University of tfie State of New York BULLETIN OF THE New York State Museum FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL Director r-NRLF No. 33 Vol. 7 B 3 311 AMI April 1900 CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS BY MARCUS S. FARR D.Sc. ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1900 M6 5 m-Fo-i 5 oo Price 25 cents THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID University of the State of New York BULLETIN OF THE New York State Museum FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL Director No. 33 Vol. 7 April 1900 CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS BY MARCUS S. FARR D. Sc. ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1900 PREFACE This list was originally prepared for use in collecting data for a bulletin on the birds of New York, but, inasmuch as no check list of the birds of the entire state is available for the student of our avi-fauna, it has been thought advisable to publish it in this form, hoping that it may be of some use to students in ornithology and serve as a convenient means of keeping notes on the various species. My purpose has been to include all the birds known to occur or to have occurred in our state, and only those forms have been admitted that have actually been taken in New York. Thus the list contains not only our regular summer and winter residents and migrants, but also those that occur as irregular visitants or stragglers. A number of the species recorded have been taken only once or twice in the state and this is in nearly every case indicated in a foot note with the proper reference. It is believed that nearly, if not quite all the birds of our state, that have been recorded, are included; but for any corrections or additions the author will be grateful. The list is divided into two parts, the first containing those birds that have actually been taken in New York, the second including those of which we have no satisfactory state records, but which, having been taken in adjoining states, may be looked for in New York. Strict adherence is given to the nomenclature of the American ornithologists union check list of 1895 and the supplements of January 1897 and 1899. The number of the species in this list is followed by the American ornithologists union number in parentheses or brackets, and as the pamphlet is designed for the use of students rather than ad- vanced workers, the common name is given first. My obligations are due to Dr F. J. H. Merrill, whose kind aid and criticism have been a source of inspiration in my work. Also to Dr J. A. Allen and Mr William Dutcher of New York, Dr William Brewster of Cambridge, and Dr A. W. Butler of Indianapolis, who have been so kind as to give me notes and suggestions on several species. MARCUS S. FARR New York state museum Assistant zoologist 8 Feb. 1900 M366812 CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS PART I Order Pygopodes Diving birds Family PODICIPIDAE Grebes (2) HolboelPs grebe Colymbus holboellii (Reinh.) 2 (3) Horned grebe Colymbus auritus Linn. 3 (6) Pied-billed grebe Podilymbus podiceps (Linn.) Family GAVIIDAE Loons 4 (7) Loon Gavia imber (Gtmn.) 198 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 5 (9) Black-throated loon 1 Gavia artica (Linn.) (n) Red- throated loon Gavia lumme (Gunn.) Family ALGID AE Aulcs, murres and puffins 7 (13) Puffin Fratercula arctica (Linn.) (27) Black guillemot Cepphus grylle (Linn.) 1 One New York record, Long Island. See Auk, 10:265-66. 2OO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2OI 9 (31) Briinnich's murre Urialomvia (Linn.) 10 (32) Razor-billed auk Alca torda Linn. ii (34) Dovekie Alle alle (Linn.) Order Longipennes Long-winged swimmers Family STERCORARIIDAE Skuas and jaegers 12 (35) Skua 1 Megalestris skua (Briinn.) 1 Long Island record, Auk, 3 : 432-33. Niagara river, spring of 1888. See Auk, 6 :331; also Berg- told's List of the birds of Buffalo and vicinity, p. 3. 2O2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 203 13 (36) Pomarine jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus (Temm.) 14 (37) Parasitic jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus (Linn.) 15 (38) Long-tailed jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill. Family LAEIDAE Gulh and terns 1 6 (39) Ivory gull 1 Pagophila alba (Gunn.) 1 One Long Island record. See Auk, 12: 290-91. 204 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2O5 17 (40) Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla (Linn.) 1 8 (42) Glaucous gull Larus glaucus Briinn. 19 (43) Iceland gull Larus leucopterus Faber 20 (47) Great black-backed gull Larus marinus Linn. 206 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 207 21 (51) Herring gull 1 Larus argentatus Briinn. 22 (510) American herring gull Larus argentatus smithsonianus Coues 23 (54) Ring-billed gull Larus delawarensis Ord 24 (58) Laughing gull Larus atricilla Linn. 1 Dr J. A. Allen writes me that this species Is occasional In winter in Long Island sound and adjacent waters, and that several specimens taken in that locality and referable to this form have come under his observation. 208 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2OCJ 25 (60) Bonaparte's gull Larus Philadelphia (Ord) 26 [60. i ] Little gull 1 Larus minutus Pall. 27 (62) Sabine's gull 2 Xema sabinii (Sab.) 28 (63) Gull-billed tern Gelochelidon nilotica (Hasselq.) 1 There is one American record of the occurrence of this European species. It was taken at Fire Island, Long Island. See Auk, 1888, 5: 172. 2 An arctic form. Two Long Island records. See Giraud's Birds of Long Island, 1844, p. 363 ; Baird, Brewer & Ridgway's Water birds, 2 :212 ; Auk, 1900, 17 : 63. 210 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 211 29 (64) Caspian tern Sterna caspia Pallas 30 (65) Royal tern Sterna maxima Bodd. 31 [68] Trudeau's tern 1 Sterna trudeaui Aud. 32 (69) Forster's tern Sterna forsteri Nutt. 1 One representative of this South American bird has been recorded from Long Island. See Aud. Orn. biog. 5:125; Aud. Syn. birds N. A., p. 319; Giraud's Birds of Long Island, p. 354; Baird, Brewer & Ridgway's Water birds, 2 : 291. 212 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 213 33 (70) Common tern Sterna hirundo Linn 34 (71) Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea Brunn. 35 (72) Roseate tern Sterna dougalli Montag. 36 (74) Least tern Sterna antillarum (Less.) 214 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 215 37 (75) Sooty tern Sterna fuliginosa Gmel. 38 (77) Black tern Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis (Gmel.) Family RYNCHOPIDAE Skimmers 39 (80) Black skimmer Rynchops nigra Linn. Order Tubinares Tube-nosed swimmers Family PROCELLARIIDAE Fulmars and sheanvaters 40 (88) Cory's shearwater Puffinus borealis Cory 2l6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 217 41 (89) Greater shearwater Puffinus gravis (O'Reilly) 42 (92) Audubon's shearwater Puffinus auduboni Finsch 43 (94) Sooty shearwater Puffinus fuliginosus Strickland 44 [98] Black-capped petrel 1 Aestrelata hasitata (Kuhl) 1 Long Island record, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y., 5: 220. Also Oneida lake and Ulster co. records, Auk, 11: 162-63; 12:179. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2IQ 45 [99] Scaled petrel 1 Aestrelata scalaris Brewst. 46 (106) Leach's petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa (Vieill.) 47 (109) Wilson's petrel Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl) Order Steganopodes Totipalmate swimmers Family PHAETHONTIDAE Tropic birds 48 (112) Yellow-billed tropic bird 2 Phaethon americanus Grant 1 The single specimen taken in Livingston co. in 1880 is unique, as it has not been taken elsewhere. See Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 6 : 91-97; Auk, 11 : 389-93. 2 This tropical form has once been taken at Knowlesville, Orleans co. See Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 5 : 63. See also Short's Birds of western New York. Also Langille's, Our birds in their haunts, p. 615. One other state record. See Maynarcf s Birds of eastern North America, 1881, p. 474 220 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 221 Family SULIDAE ' Gannets 49 (115) Booby 1 Sula sula (Linn.) 50 (117) Gannet Sula bassana (Linn.) Family PHALACROCORACIDAE Cormorants 51 (119) Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linn.) 52 (120) Double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax dilophus (Swain.) 1 Accidental on Moriches bay, Long Island. See Auk, 10 : 271. 222 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 223 Family PELECANIDAE Pelicans 53^(125) American white pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmel. Family FREGATIDAE Man-o'-ivar Urds 54 (128) Man-o'-war bird 1 Fregata aquila Linn. Order Anseres Lamellirostral swimmers Family ANATIDAE Ducks, geese and swans 55l( I2 9) American merganser Merganser americanus (Cass.) 56 (130) Red-breasted merganser Merganser serrat'or (Linn.) 1 There are two Long Island records. See American naturalist, 9 : 470; Auk, 5 : 173. 224 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 225 57 (131) Hooded merganser Lophodytes cucullatus (Linn.) 58 (132) Mallard Anas boschas Linn. 59 (133) Black duck Anas obscura Gmel. 60 (135) Gadwall Chaulelasmus streperus (Linn.) 226 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 227 6 1 (136) Widgeon Mareca penelope (Linn.) 62 (137) Baldpate Mareca americana (Gmel.) 63 (139) Green-winged teal Nettion carolinensis (Gmel.) 64 (140) Blue-winged teal Querquedula discors (Linn.) 228 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 22Q 65 (142) Shoveller Spatula clypeata (Linn.) 66 (143) Pintail Dafila acuta (Linn.) 67 (144) Wood duck Aix sponsa (Linn.) 68 [145] Rufous-crested duck 1 Netta rufina (Pall.) 1 This European species is known in the United States only by one specimen found in Fulton market, New York, and supposed to have been shot on Long Island. See Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 6 : 173; also Proc. U. S. nctt. mus. 1381, p. 22-24. 230 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 23! 69 (146) Redhead Aythya americana (Eyt.) 70 (147) Canvas-back Aythya vallisncria (Wils.) 71 (148) American scaup duck Aythya marila (Linn.) 72 (149) Lesser scaup duck Aythya affinis (Eyt.) 2 3 2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 233 73 (150) Ring-necked duck Aythya collaris (Donov.) 74 (151) American golden-eye Clangula clangula americana Faxon 75 (152) Barrow's golden-eye Clangula islandica (Gmel.) 76 (153) Buffle-head Charitonetta albeola (Linn.) 234 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 235 77 (154) Old-squaw Harelda hyemalis (Linn.) 78 (155) Harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus (Linn.) 79 (156) Labrador duck 1 Camptolaimus labradorius (Gmel.) 80 (160) American eider Somateria dresseri Sharpe 1 Formerly a winter visitant to Long Island from the arctic regions. Now suppoaed to be extinct. 236 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 237 8 1 (162) King cider Somateria spectabilis (Linn.) 82 (163) American scoter Oidemia americana Swains. 83 (165) White-winged scoter Oidemia deglandi Bonap. 84 (i 66) Surf scoter Oidemia perspicillata (Linn.) 238 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 239 85 (167) Ruddy duck Erismatura jamaicensis (Gmel.) 86 (i6g3i) Greater snow goose Chen hyperborea nivalis (Forst.) 87 (169.1) Blue goose Chen caerulescens (Linn.) 88 (17 1 a) American white-fronted goose Anser albifrons gambeli (Hartl.) 240 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 24! 89 (172) Canada goose Branta canadensis (Linn.) 90 (i72a) Hutchins's goose Branta canadensis hutchinsii (Rich.) 91 (173) Brant Branta bernicla (Linn.) 92 (174) Black brant Branta nigricans (Lawr.) 242 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 243 93 [175] Barnacle goose 1 Branta leucopsis (Bechst.) 94 (180) Whistling swan Olor columbianus (Ord) Order Herodiones Herons, ibises, etc. Family IBIDIDAE Ibises 95 (184) White ibis Guara alba (Linn.) 96 (186) Glossy ibis Plegadis autumnalis (Hasselq.) 1 One Long Island record of this European species. See Bui. Nutt. orn. club 244 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 245 97 (187) White-faced glossy ibis 1 Plegadis guarauna (Linn.) Family CICONIIDAE Storks and wood ibises 98 (188) Wood ibis Tantalus loculator Linn. Family ARDEIDAE Herons, bitterns, etc. 99 (190) American bittern Botaurus lentiginosus (Montag.) 100 (191) Least bittern Ardetta exilis (Gmel.) 1 There is a specimen (no. 205) of this species in the New York state museum, taken on Grand island, Niagara river, Aug. 1844. See 3d ann. rep't N. Y. state museum, p. 23; al#> Auk, 1887, 8:233-44. 246 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 247 i oi (194) Great blue heron Ardea herodias Linn. 102 (196) American egret Ardea egretta Gmel. 103 (197) Snowy heron Ardea candidissima GmeL 104 (199) Louisiana heron 1 Ardea tricolor ruficollis (Gosse) 1 One Long Island record. See DeKay, 1842, p.223. Seealso Glraud's BirdsofLong Island, 1844, p. 281-82. 248 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 249 105 (200) Little blue heron Ardea caerulea Linn. 106 (201) Green heron Ardea virescens Linn. [.107 (202) Black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax naevius (Bodd.) 1 08 (203) Yellow-crowned night heron Nycticorax violaceus (Linn.) 250 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 251 Order Paludicolae Cranes, rails, etc. Family GRUIDAE Cranes log (204) Whooping crane 1 Grus americana (Linn.) no (206) Sandhill crane 1 Grus mexicana (Miill.) Family RALLIDAE Rails, gallinules and coots in (208) King rail Rallus elegans Aud. 112 (211) Clapper rail Rallus crepitans Gmel. 1 Historic in New York. 252 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 253 113 (212) Virginia rail Rallus virginianus Linn, 114 (214) Sora Porzana Carolina (Linn ) 115 (215) Yellow rail Porzana noveboracensis (Gmel.) 116 (216) Black rail Porzana jamaicensis (Gmel.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 255 117 [217] Corn crake Crex crex (Linn.) 118 (218) Purple gallinule lonornis martinica (Linn.) 119 (219) Florida gallinule Gallinula galeata (Licht.) 120 (221) American coot Fulica americana Gmel. 256 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 257 Order Limicolae Shore birds Family PHALAROPODIDAE Phalaropes 121 (222) Red phalarope Crymophilus fulicarius (Linn.) 122 (223) Northern phalarope Phalaropus lobatus (Linn.) 123 (224) Wilson's phalarope Steganopus tricolor Vieill. Family RECUR VI ROSTRIDAE Avocets and stilts 124 (225) American avocet Recurvirostra americana Grael. 2 eg NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHfiCK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 259 125 (226) Black-necked stilt Himantopus mexicanus (Mull.) Family SCOLOPACIDAE Snipes, sandpipers, etc. 126 (228) American woodcock Philohela minor (Gmel.) 127 (230) Wilson's snipe Gallinago delicata (Ord) 128 (231) Dowitcher Macrorhamphus griseus (Gmel.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 26l 129 (232) Long-billed dowitcher Macrorhamphus scolopaceus (Say) 130 (233) Stilt sandpiper Micropalma himantopus (Bonap.) 131 (234) Knot Tringa canutus Linn. J 3 2 ( 2 35) Purple sandpiper Tringa maritima Briinn, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM I CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 263 133 (239) Pectoral sandpiper Tringa maculata Vieill. 134 (240) White-rumped sandpiper Tringa fuscicollis Vieill 135 (241) Baird's sandpiper Tringa bairdii (Coues) 136 (242) Least sandpiper Tringa minutilla Vieill. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHEGK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 265 137 [243] Dunlin 1 Tringa alpina Linn. 138 (2433) Red-backed sandpiper Tringa alpina pacifica (Coues) 139 (244) Curlew sandpiper 2 Tringa ferruginea Biiinn. 140 (246) Semipalmated sandpiper Ereunetes pusillus (Linn.) 1 One Long Island record. See Auk, 10: 78. 2 See Coues's, New England bird life, 2:224 ; Auk, 1884, 1:32-33. 2 66 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 267 141 (247) Western sandpiper Ereunetes occidentalis Lawr. 142 (248) Sanderling Calidris arenaria (Linn.) 143 (249) Marbled godwit Limosa fedoa (Linn.) 144 (251) Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica (Linn, 268 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 269 145 (254) Greater yellow-legs Totanus melanoleucus (Gmel.) 146 (255) Yellow-legs Totanus flavipes (Gmel.) 147 (256) Solitary sandpiper Helodromas solitarius (Wils.) 148 (258) Willet Symphemia semipalmata (Gmel ) . N E\V YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK -LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2/1 149 [260] Ruff 1 Pavoncella pugnax (Linn.) 150 (261) Bartramian sandpiper Bartramia longicauda (Bechst.) 151 (262) Buff-breasted sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis (Vieill.) Z S 2 ( 26 3) Spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia (Linn.) 1 Long Island records. See Ann. lyo. nat. hist. N. Y. 5: 220. 2 7 2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 273 153 (264) Long-billed curlew Numenius longirostris Wils. 154 (265) Hudsonian curlew Numenius hudsonicus Lath. 155 (266) Eskimo curlew Numenius borealis (Forst.) 156 (H.Ln.i) European curlew 1 Numenius arquatus (Linn.) 1 There is in the New York state museum, (no. 324 in coll.) one individual of this species believed to have been taken on Long Island in 1853 and we think the evidence is sufficient to warrant its being included in the list of birds actually taken in New York. See Auk, 9: 390-92. 274 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 275 Family CHA.RADRIIDAE Plovers 157^269] Lapwing 1 Vanellus vanellus (Linn.) 158 (270) Black-bellied plover Squatarola squatarola (Linn.) 159 (272) American golden plover Charadrius dominicus Miill. 160 (273) Killdeer Aegialitis vocifera (Linn.) 1 One specimen of this European form has been taken on Long Island. See Auk, 1886, 3: 438. 276 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 277 16 1 (274) Semipalmated plover Aeg : alitis semipalmata Bonap. 162 (277) Piping plover Aegialitis meloda (Ord) 163 (277a) Belted piping plover Aegialitis meloda circumcincta Ridgw, 164 (280) Wilson's plover Aegialitis wilsonia (Ord) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 279 Family APHRIZIDAE Surf Urds and turnstones 165 (283) Turnstone Arenaria interpres (Linn.) Family HAEMATOPODIDA.E Oyster-catchers 1 66 (286) American oyster-catcher Haematopus palliatus Temm. Order Gallinae Gallinaceous birds Family TETRAONIDAE Grouse, partridges, etc. 167 (289) Bob-white Colinus virginianus (Linn.) 1 68 (298) Canada grouse Canachites canadensis (Linn.) 280 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 28l 169 (300) Ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus (Linn.) 170 (3ooa) Canadian ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus togata (Linn.) 171 (301) Willow ptarmigan 1 Lagopus lagopus (Linn.) 172 (306) Heath hen 2 Tympanuchus cupido (Linn.) 1 Watson, Lewis eo. record. See Bid. Nutt. orn. club, 3: 41; 6: 233. 2 Historic in New York state. 2 g 2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 283 Family PHASIANIDAE Pheasants, etc. 173 (3ioa) Wild turkey 1 Meleagris gallopavo fera (Vieill.) Order Columbae Pigeons Family COLUMBIDAE Pigeons 174 (315) Passenger pigeon Ectopistes migratorius (Linn.) 175 (316) Mourning dove Zenaidura macroura (Linn.) Order Raptores Birds of prey Family CATHARTIDAE American vultures 176 (325) Turkey vulture Cathartes aura (Linn.) 1 Historic in New York state. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 285 1 77 (3 2 ^) Black vulture Catharista urubu (Vieill.) Family FA.LCONIDAE Vultures, fdlcons, hawks, eagles, etc. 178 (327) Swallow-tailed kite Elanoides forficatus (Linn.) 179 (331) Marsh hawk Circus hudsonius (Linn.) 180 (332) Sharp-shinned hawk Accipiter velox (Wils.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 287 181 (333) Cooper's hawk Accipiter cooperii (Bonap.) 182 (334) American goshawk Accipiter atricapillus (Wils.) 183 (337) Red-tailed hawk Buteo borealis (Gmel.) 184 (339) Red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus (Gmel.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 289 185 (342) Swainson's hawk 1 Buteo swainsont Bonap. 1 86 (343) Broad-winged hawk Buteo latissimus (Wils.) 187 (34ya) American rough-legged hawk Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis (Gmel.) 1 88 (349) Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos (Linn.) 1 Cornwall N. Y. record. See Auk, 10: 83-84. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 2QI 189 (352) Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Linn.) 190 (353) White gyrfalcon 1 Falco islandus Briinn. 191 (354a) Gyrfalcon 2 Falco rusticolus gyrfalco (Linn.) J 9 2 (354t>) Black gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus obsoletus (Gmel.) 1 One taken on Long Island in 1856. See Auk, 10: 274-75; Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y.8: 280. 2 Long Island, fall of 1875. Lawrence 292 NE ' W YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 293 193 (356) Duck hawk Falco peregrinus anatum (Bonap.) 194 (357) Pigeon hawk Falco columbarius Linn 195 (360) American sparrow hawk Falco sparverius Linn. 196 (364) American osprey Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (Gmel.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS Family STRIGIDAE Barn owls 197 (365) American barn owl Strix pratincola Bonap. Family BUBONIDAE Horned owls, etc. 198 (366) American long-eared owl Asio wilsonianus (Less.) 199 (367) Short-eared owl Asio accipitrinus (Pall.) 200 (368) Barred owl Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.) 2 9 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 297 20 1 (370) Great gray owl Scotiaptex cinerea (Gmel.) 202 (372) Saw-whet owl . Nyctala acadica (Gmel.) 20 3 (373) Screech owl Megascops asio (Linn.) 20 4 (375) Great horned owl Bubo virginianus (Gmel. 298 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 299 205 (376) Snowy owl Nyctea nyctea (Linn.) 206 (3773) American hawk owl Surnia ulula caparoch (Miill.) 207 (378) Burrowing owl 1 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea (Bonap.) Order Psittaci Parrots, etc. Family PSITTACIDAE Parrots 208 (382) Carolina paroquet 2 . Conurus carolinensis (Linn.) 1 One New York record. See Forest and stream, 12 Aug. 1875, 5: 4. 2 Historic in New York state. 300 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 30! Order Coccyges Cuckoos, etc. Family CUCULIDAE Cuckoos, etc. 209 (387) Yellow-billed cuckoo Coccyzus americanus (Linn.) 210 (388) Black billed cuckoo Coccyzus erythrophthhalmus (Wils.) Family ALCEDINIDAE Kingfishers 211 (390) Belted kingfisher Ceryle alcyon (Linn.) Order Pici Woodpeckers, etc. Family PICIDAE Woodpeckers 212 (393) Hairy woodpecker Dryobates villosus (Linn.) 3O2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 303 213 (3940) Downy woodpecker Dryobates pubescens medianus (Swains.) 214 (400) Arctic three-toed woodpecker Picoides arcticus (Swains.) 215 (401) American three-toed woodpecker Picoides americanus Brehm 216 (402) Yellow-bellied sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius (Linn.) 304 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 305 217 (405a) Northern pileated woodpecker Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola Bangs 218 (406) Red-headed woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus (Linn.) 219 (409) Red-bellied woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus (Linn.) 220 (41 2a) Northern flicker Colaptes auratus luteus Bangs 306 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 307 Order Machrochires Goatsuckers, swifts, etc. Family CAPRIMULGIDAE Goatsuckers, etc. 221 (417) Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus (Wils.) 222 (420) Nighthawk Chordeiles virginianus (Gmel.) Family MICROPODIDAE Swifts 223 (423) Chimney swift Chaetura pelagica (Linn.) Family TROCHILIDAE Hummingbirds 224 (428) Ruby-throated hummingbird Trochilus colubris Linn. 308 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 309 Order Passeres Perching birds Family TYRANNIDAE Tyrant flycatchers 22$ (444) Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus (Linn.) 226 (447) Arkansas kingbird Tyrannus verticalis Say 227 (452) Crested flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus (Linn.) 228 (456) Phoebe Sayornis phoebe (Lath.) 3IO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 3! I 229 (459) Olive-sided flycatcher Contopus borealis (Swains.) 230 (461) Wood pewee Contopus virens (Linn.) 231 (463) Yellow-bellied flycatcher Empidonax flaviventris Baird 232 (465) Green-crested flycatcher Empidonax virescens (Vieill.) 312 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 313 233 (466a) Alder flycatcher Empidonax traillii alnorum Brewst. 234 (467) Least flycatcher Empidonax minimus Baird Family ALA.UDIDAE Larks 235 (474) Horned lark Otocoris alpestris (Linn.) 236 (4740) Prairie horned lark Otocoris alpestris praticola Hensh. 314 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 3!$ Family CORVIDAE Crows, jays, magpies, etc. 237 (477) Blue jay Cyanocitta cristata (Linn.) 238 (484) Canada jay Perisoreus canadensis (Linn.) 239 (486a) Northern raven Corvus corax principalis Ridgw. 240 (488) American crow Corvus americanus Aud. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 317 241 (490) Fish crow Corvus ossifragus Wils. Family ICTERIDAE Blackbirds, orioles, etc. 242 (494) Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Linn.) 243 (495) Cowbird Molothrus ater (Bodd.) 244 (498) Red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus (Linn.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 319 245 (501) Meadowlark Sturnella magna (Linn.) 246 (506) Orchard oriole Icterus spurius (Linn.) 247 (507) Baltimore oriole Icterus galbula (Linn.) 24.8 (509) Rusty blackbird Scolecophagus carolinus (Mull.) 320 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 32! 249 (511) Purple grackle Quiscalus quiscula (Linn.) 250 (5 nb) Bronzed grackle Quiscalus quiscula aeneus (Ridgw.) Family FRINGILLIDAE Finches, sparrows, etc. 251 (514) Evening grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertinus (Coop.) 252 (515) Pine grosbeak Pinicola enucleator canadensis (Cab.) 322 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 323 2 53 (5 T 7) Purple finch Carpodacus purpureus (Gmel.) 254 (521) American crossbill Loxia curvirostra minor (Brehm) 255 (522) White- winged crossbill Loxia leucoptera Gmel. 256 (528) Redpoll Acanthis linaria (Linn.) 324 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 325 257 (528*)) Greater redpoll Acanthis linaria rostrata (Coues) 258 (529) American goldfinch Astragalinus tristis (Linn.) 2 59 (533) pine siskin Spinus pinus (Wils.) 260 (534) Snowflake Passerina nivalis (Linn.) 326 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 327 261 (536) Lapland longspur Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.) 262 (538) Chestnut-collared longspur 1 Calcarius ornatus (Towns.) 263 (540) Vesper sparrow Pooecetes gramineus (Gmel.) 264 (541) Ipswich sparrow Ammodramus princeps (Mayn.) 1 Long Island record. See Auk, 6: 190. 328 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 329 265 (542a) Savanna sparrow Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna (Wils.) 266 (546) Grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum passerinus (Wils.) 267 (547) Henslow's sparrow Ammodramus henslowii (Aud.) 268 (548) Leconte's sparrow 1 Ammodramus leconteii (Aud.) 1 This Is included on the authority of Mr Louis Agasslz Fuertes, who reports the capture of a young bird of this species at Ithaca, 11 Oct. 1897. See Auk, 1898, 15: 188-89. 33 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 33! 269 (549) Sharp-tailed sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus (Grnel.) 270 (549.1) Nelson's sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni (Allen) 271 (549.ia) Acadian sharp-tailed sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni subvirgatus (Dwight) 272 (550) Seaside sparrow Ammodramus maridmus (Wils.) 332 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 333 273 (552) Lark sparrow Chondestes grammacus (Say) 274 (554) White-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forst.) 275 (558) White-throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmel.) 276 (559) Tree sparrow Spizella monticola (Gmel.) 1 On Long Island. See Bui. nutt orn. club, 6: 58. 334 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 335 277 (560) Chipping sparrow Spizella socialis (Wils.) (5^3) Field sparrow Spizella pusilla (Wils.) 2 79 (5^7) Slate-colored junco Junco hyemalis (Linn.) 280 (581) Song sparrow Melospiza fasciata (Gmel.) l 1 Oberholser has recently shown that the species name fasciata Is untenable for this form and that melodia should be adopted. See Auk, 16: 182-83. 336 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 337 281 (583) Lincoln's sparrow Melospiza lincolnii (Aud.) 282 (584) Swamp sparrow Melospiza georgiana (Lath.) 283 (585) Fox sparrow Passerella iliaca (Merr.) 284 (587) Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linn.) 338 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 28 5 (593) Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis (Linn.) 339 286 (595) Rose-breasted grosbeak Zamelodia ludoviciana (Linn.) (597) Blue grosbeak T Guiraca caerulea (Linn.) 288 (598) Indigo bunting Cyanospiza cyanea (Linn.) 1 See De Kay, 1842, p. 146; Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 3:132; Auk, 10:376. 340 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 341 289 (601) Painted bunting 1 Cyanospiza ciris (Linn.) 290 (604) Dickcissel Spiza americana (Gmel.) 291 (605) Lark bunting 2 Calamospiza melanocorys Stejn. Family TANAGRTDAE Tanagen 292 (607) Louisiana tanager 3 Piranga ludoviciana (Wils.) 1 See Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 3: 132; Forest and stream, 1884, p. 424. 2 This western species has once been taken on Long Island. See Auk, 6: 192, 3 One New York record. See Auk, 1890, 7: 55. 34 2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 343 293 (608) Scarlet tanager Piranga erythromelas Vieill. 294 (610) Summer tanager Piranga rubra (Linn.) Family HIRUNDINIDAE Swallows 295 (611) Purple martin Progne subis (Linn.) 296 (612) Cliff swallow Petrochelidon lunifrons (Say) 344 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 345 297 (613) Barn swallow Hirundo erythrogaster Bodd. 298 (614) Tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor (Vieill.) 299 (6 1 6) Bank swallow Clivicola riparia (Linn.) 300 (617) Rough-winged swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Aud.) 346 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 347 Family AMPELIDAE Waxivings, etc. 301 (618) Bohemian waxwing Ampelis garrulus Linn. 302 (619) Cedar waxwing Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.) Family LANIIDAEi Strikes 303 (621) Northern shrike Lanius borealis Vieill. 304 (622) Loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus Linn. 1 Three species of shrikes have been recognized in New York state, but the status of the forms is not well understood, it often being a matter of difficulty to assign individual specimens to their proper species. William Palmer, after an examination of 176 specimens, proposes to " relegate excubitorides to the plains region west of the immediate Mississippi wooded drainage area, ludovicianus to the south Atlantic and gulf coasts, and Florida, and to recognize a new form (L. 1. migrans) as occupying much of the remaining region of the east." The acceptance of his views has been deferred by the American ornithologists union for lack for material, and so it seems best for the present to let the species stand as given in Auk, 15: 241-58; also 16: 133. 348 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 349 305 (62 2a) White rumped shrike Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides (Swains.) . Family VIREONIDAE Vireos 306 (624) Red-eyed vireo Vireo olivaceus (Linn.) 307 (626) Philadelphia vireo Vireo philadelphicus (Cass.) 308 (627) Warbling vireo Vireo gilvus (Vieill.) 35 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 351 309 (628) Yellow-throated vireo Vireo flavifrons Vieill. 310 ^629* Blue-headed vireo Vireo solitarius (Wils.) 311 (62 90) Plumbeous vireo 1 Vireo solitarius plumbeus (Coues) 312 (631) White-eyed vireo Vireo noveboracensis (Gmel.) 1 One New York record. See Auk 1894, 11 :79. 35 2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 353 Family MNIOTILTIDAE Wood warblers 313 (636) Black and white warbler Mniotilta varia (Linn.) 314 (637) Prothonotary warbler Protonotaria citrea (Bodd.) 3 T 5 (^39) Worm-eating warbler Helmitherus vermivorus (Gmel.) 316 (641) Blue- winged warbler Helminth ophila pinus (Linn.) 354 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 355 317 (642) Golden-winged warbler , Helminthophila chrysoptera (Linn.) 318 (H.L.2o) Lawrence's warbler 1 Helminthophila lawrencei (Herrick) 319 (H.L.2i) Brewster's warbler 1 Helminthophila leucobronchialis (Brewst.) 320 (645) Nashville warbler Helminthophila rubricapilla (Wils.) 1 These forms are included in the hypothetic list of the American ornithologists union check list, as they are supposed to be hybrids between H. pinus and H. chrysoptera. Both have been taken in New York, and are here included to learn more of their abundance and status in our state. See Auk, 1883, 5: 427; Bui. Nutt. orn. club, 4: 234, 1879; Auk, 1892, 9: 306. 356 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 357 321 (646) Orange-crowned warbler Helminthophila celata (Say) 322 (647) Tennessee warbler Helminthophila peregrina (Wils.) 323 (648a) Northern parula warbler Compsothlypis americana usneae Brewst. 324 (650) Cape May warbler Dendroica tigrina (Gmel.) 358 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 359 3 2 5 (^S 2 ) Yellow warbler Dendroica aestiva (Gmel.) 326 (654) Black-throated blue warbler Dendroica caerulescens (Gmel.) 327 (655) Myrtle warbler Dendroica coronata (Linn.) 328 (657) Magnolia warbler Dendroica maculosa (Gmel.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 361 329 (658) Cerulean warbler Dendroica rara Wils. 330 (659) Chestnut-sided warbler Dendroica pensylvanica (Linn.) 331 (660) Bay-breasted warbler Dendroica castanea (Wils.) 332 (661) Black-poll warbler Dendroica striata (Forst.) 362 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 363 333 (662) Blackburnian warbler Dendroica blackburniae (Gmel.) 334 (663) Yellow-throated warbler Dendroica dominica (Linn.) 335 ( 66 7) Black-throated green warbler Dendroica virens (Gmel.) 336 (671) Pine warbler Dendroica vigorsii (Aud.) 364 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 365 337 (672) Palm warbler Dendroica palmarum (Gmel.) 338 (6y2a) Yellow palm warbler Dendroica palmarum hypochrysea Ridgw. 339 ( 6 73) Prairie warbler Dendroica discolor (Vieill.) 340 (674) Oven-bird Seiurus aurocapilius (Linn.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 341 (675) Water-thrush Seiurus noveboracensis (Gmel.) 342 (676) Louisiana water-thrush Seiurus motacilla (Vieill.) 343 (677) Kentucky warbler Geothlypis formosa (Wils.) 344 (678) Connecticut warbler Geothlypis agilis (Wils.) 368 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 369 345 (679) Mourning warbler Geothlypis Philadelphia (Wils.) 346 (68 1) Maryland yellow-throat Geothlypis trichas (Linn.) 347 (683) Yellow-breasted chat Icteria virens (Linn.) 348 (684) Hooded warbler Wilsonia mitrata (Gmel.) 37O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 371 349 (685) Wilson's warbler Wilsonia pusilla (Wils.) 350 (686) Canadian warbler Wilsonia canadensis (Linn.) 351 (687) American redstart Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.) Family MOTACILLIDAE Wagtails 352 (697) American pipit Anthus pensilvamcus (Lath.) 372 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 373 Family TROGLODYTIDAE Wrens, thrashers, etc. 353 (703) Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos (Linn.) 354 (704) Catbird Galeoscoptes carolinensis (Linn.) 355 (75) Brown thrasher Harporhynchus rufus (Linn.) 356 (718) Carolina wren Thryothorus ludovicianus (Lath.) 374 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 375 357 (7 21 ) House wren Troglodytes aedon Vieill. 358 (722) Winter wren Anorthura hiemalis (Vieill.) 359 (7 2 4) Short-billed marsh wren Cistothorus stellaris (Licht.) 360 (725) Long-billed marsh wren Cistothorus palustris (Wils.) 376 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 377 Family CERTHIIDAE Creepers 361 (726) Brown creeper Certhia familiaris fusca (Barton) 1 Family PAR! DAE Nuthatches and tits 362 (727) White-breasted nuthatch Sitta carolinensis Lath. 363 (728) Red-breasted nuthatch Sitta canadensis Linn. 364 (729) Brown-headed nuthatch 1 Sitta pusilla Lath. 1 Oberholser has recently shown that this name is untenable and that the former c. f. ameri- cana (Bonap.) must be restored. See Auk, 16: 185. 2 One New York record. See Auk, 1888, 5:432. 378 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 379 365 (731) Tufted titmouse Parus bicolor Linn. 366 (735) Chickadee Parus atricapillus Linn. 367 (740) Hudsonian chickadee Parus hudsonicus Forst. Family SYLVIIDAE Warblers, kinglets, gnatcatchers 368 (748) Golden-crowned kinglet Regulus satrapa Licht. 380 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 381 369 (749) Ruby-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula (Linn.) 37 (75 *} Blue-gray gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea (Linn.) Family TURDIDAE Thrushes, stone-chats, Hue-birds, eio. 371 (755) Wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina (Gmel.) 37 2 (756) Wilson's thrush Hylocichla fuscescens (Steph,) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 383 373 (757) Gray-cheeked thrush Hylocichla aliciae (Baird) 374 (757 a ) BicknelPs thrush Hylocichla aliciae bicknelli Rtdgw. 375 (75^ a ) Olive-backed thrush Hylocichla ustulata swainsonii (Cab.) 376 (7S9b) Hermit thrush Hylocichla aonalaschkae pallasii (Cab.) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 385 377 (761) American robin Merula migratoria (Linn. 378 (763) Varied thrush 1 Hesperocichla naevia (Gmel.) 379 (7 6 5) Wheatear 2 Saxicola oenanthe (Linn.) 380 (766) Bluebird Sialia sialis (Linn.) 1 " There are no less than three valid records for this species near New York city." See Dwight. Auk, 12:70; Proc. Boston soc. nat. hit. 1848, 3:17; Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y. 1867, 8:281; Coues's Birds Colorado valley 1878, p. 19; Baird Brewer and Ridgway's Birds, 1874, 1:29. 2 Long Island records. See Auk, 3:490; also 10:277; Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. T. 8: 282, 1867. 386 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 387 INTRODUCED SPECIES 1 Family ALAUDIDAE LarJcs 381 [473] Skylark 2 Alauda arvensis Linn. Family STURNIDAE Starlings 382 [493] Starling 3 Sturnus vulgaris Linn. Family FRINGILLIDAE Finches, sparrows, etc. 383 European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis (Linn.) 384 House sparrow Passer domesticus (Linn ) 1 Exclusive of game birds. 2 This European form is accidental in Greenland and Bermuda. Has been introduced in this country and in 1887 was found breeding at Flatbush L. I. See Auk, 5: 180; 12:390. 3 See Auk, 15: 55-56. 388 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 389 PART 2 HYPOTHETIC LIST Including those forms, of which we have no satisfactory record, but which, having been taken in adjoining states, may be looked for In New York. i (28) Mandt's guillemot Cepphus mandtii (Licht.) Arctic regions . . . south ... in winter, to Mass. American ornithologists union 2 (30) Murre Uria troile (Linn.) Southward on the coast of North America, in winter, to southern New Eng- land. American ornithologists union. This species has been reported from our state, but it seems probable that the specimens taken were immature individuals of U. lumme. 3 (67) Cabot's tern Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida (Cabot.) South Atlantic and gulf coasts of the United States, north, casually, to southern New England American ornithologists union 4 (86) Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis (Linn.) North Atlantic, south on the American side to the coast of Massachusetts, casually to New Jersey. American ornithologists union. Accidental in northern New Jersey. Chapman 390 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 39! 5 (86a) Lesser fulmar Fulmarus glacialis minor (Kjaerboelling) North Atlantic, south on American side to coast of Massachusetts. American ornithologists union 6 (126) Brown pelican Pelecanus fuscus (Linn.) Occasionally strays to Illinois and Massachusetts. Chapman, Birds of east- ern North America. De Kay (1842), mentions this form as " an occasional visitor to the coast of our state," but gives no records. Birds, p. 294 7 [138] European teal Nettion crecca (Linn.) Occasional in eastern North America. American ornithologists union. New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts records. Abbott, Geology of New Jersey, p. 792; Treat, Auk, 8: 112 ; Mackay, Auk, 7 : 294 8 (141) Cinnamon teal Querquedula cyanoptera (Vieill.) Accidental east of the Mississippi. 392 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 393 9 ( X 73 a ) White-bellied brant Branta bernicla glaucogastra (Brehm.) Th's subspecies has been recognized in America by Coues. See Auk, 14 : 207-8. This form may bo looked for in our state, though I can find no records as yet. 10 (191.1) Cory's least bittern Ardetta neoxena Cory Michigan and Ontario records. Will undoubtedly be found in our state. ii [227] European woodcock Scolopax rusticola (Linn.) Accidental in the United States. There are New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island records ; and we may expect to find this form in New York. 12 (371) Richardson's owl Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni (Bonap.) South in winter into the northern United States. American ornithologist union. Rhode Island record. See Auk, 3 : 271 394 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 395 J 3 (395) Red-cockade d woodpecker Dryobates borealis (Vieill.) "A southern United States form has been taken as far north as Hoboken, New Jersey." See Lawrence, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. T., 8 : 291. 14 (443) Scissor-tailed flycatcher Milvulus forficatus (Gmel.) A southwestern United States form that has occurred accidentally in New Jer- sey and New England. 15 (475) American magpie. Pica pica hudsonica (Lab.) De Kay (1842) mentions it as having occurred in the northwestern part of the state near Niagara, but does not give any records. 1 6 (497) Yellow-headed blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (Bonap.) Accidental in Ontario and the Atlantic states, Massachusetts, etc. American ornithologists union 396 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHECK LIST OF NEW YORK BIRDS 397 17 (736) Carolina chickadee Parus carolinensis Aud. Princeton N. J., is usually considered its northern limit. See Scott's The country, 1878, 1 : 334. IN DEX The superior figures tell the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 201* means page 201 beginning in the third ninth of the page, i. e. about one third of the way down. Acanthis linaria, 323' rostrata, 325 1 Accipiter atricapillus, 287* cooperii, 287* velox, 285* Actitis macularia, 27i 7 Aegialitis meloda, 277" circumcincta, 277 semipalmata, 277 1 vocifera, 275 T wilsonia, 277 7 Aestrelata hasitata, 2I7 T scalaris, 219* Agelaius phoeniceus, 3I7 7 Aix sponsa, 229' Alauda arvensis, 387 1 Alaudidae, 313", 387 1 Alca torda, 20i 3 Alcedinidae, 301 Alcidae, ip9 5 -20i 8 Alle alle, 2Oi 5 Ammodramus caudacutus, 33I 1 henslowii, 329" leconteii, 329 7 maritimus, 33I 7 nelsoni, 331* subvirgatus, 331" princeps, 327* sandwichensis savanna, 329* savannarum passerinus, 329* Ampelidae, 347 1 Ampelis cedrorum, 347' garrulus, 347 1 Anas boschas, 225 s obscura, 225" Anatidae, 223 6 -43 5 Anorthura hiemalis, 375* Anser albifrons gambeli, 239 T Anseres, 223 5 -43 5 Anthus pensilvanicus, 37I T Antrostomus vociferus, 307* Aphrizidae, 279 1 Aquila chrysaetos, 289 T Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis, 289 5 Ardea caerulea, 249 1 candidissima, 247 egretta, 247' herodias, 247 1 tricolor ruficollis, 247 T virescens, 249 s Ardeidae, 245-49 9 Ardetta exilis, 245' neoxena, 393 3 Arenaria interpres, 279 1 Asio accipitrinus, 295" wilsonianus, 295 3 Astragalinus tristis, 325" Auk, razor-billed, 201 s Avocet, American, 257" Aythya affinis, 23i 7 americana, 23I 1 collaris, 233" marila, 231" vallisneria, 231' 400 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Baldpate, 227" Bartramia longicauda, 271" Birds of prey, 283 7 -99 6 Bittern, American, 245" Cory's least, 393* least, 245 7 Blackbird, red-winged, 3I7 T rusty, 3ig 7 yellow-headed, 395 7 Bluebird, 38s 7 Bobolink, 317* Bob-white, 279" Bonasa umbellus, 281* togata, 281* Booby, 22I 1 Botaurus lentiginosus, 245 Brant, 241 tyack, 24i 7 white-bellied, 393 1 Branta bernicla, 241' glaucogastra, 393* canadensis, 24I 1 leucopsis, 243 1 hutchinsii, 241" nigracans, 24i 7 Bubo virginianus, 297 7 Bubonidae, 295 3 ~99 6 Buffle-head, 233' Bunting, indigo, 339 7 lark, 34 1 5 painted, 34I 1 Buteo borealis, 287 latissimus, 289 3 lineatus, 287' swainsoni, 289 1 Calamospiza melanocorys, 341" Calcarius lapponicus, 327^ ornatus, 327' Calidris arenaria, 267 3 Camptolaimus labradorius, 235 Canachites canadensis, 279 7 Canvas-back, 231' Caprimulgidae, 3O7 1 Cardinal, 339 1 Cardinalis cardinalis, 339 1 Carduelis carduelis, 387 Carpodacus purpureus, 323 1 Catbird, 373' Catharista urubu, 28s 1 Cathartes aura, 283 7 Cathartidae, 283 7 -8s* Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola, 305 1 Cepphus grylle, I99 7 mandtii, 389 2 Certhia familiaris fusca, 377* Certhiidae, 377 1 Ceryle alcyon, 3Oi 5 Chaetura pelagica, 307 Charadriidae, 275 1 ~77 9 Charadrius dominicus, 275" Charitonetta albeola, 233 7 Chat, yellow-breasted, 369 5 Chaulelasmus streperus, 225 7 Chen caerulescens, 239 B hyperborea nivalis, 239 s Chickadee, 379* Carolina, 397 1 Hudsonian, 379 5 Chondestes grammacus, 333 1 Chordeiles virginianus, 307" Ciconiidae, 245 8 Circus hudsonius, 285 5 Cistothorus nalustris, 375 T stellaris, 375 5 Clangula clangula americana, 233 3 islandica, 233 5 Clivicola riparia, 345 Coccothraustes vespertinus, 32i 5 Coccyges, 301' Coccyzus americanus, 30i 2 erythrophthalmus, 301' Colaptes auratus luteus, 305 7 Colinus virginianus, 279 Columbae, 283" Columbidae, 283* Colymbus auritus, 197* holboellii, I97 3 Compsothlypis americana usneae, 357 Contopus borealis, 31 1 1 virens, 31 I s INDEX TO CHECK LIST OF BIRDS 4OI Conurus carolinensis, 299* Coot, American, 255 T Cormorant, 221 double-crested, 22i 7 Corvidae, 3i5 1 -i7 8 Corvus americanus, 3I5 7 corax principalis, 31 c 5 ossifragus, 3I7 1 Cowbird, 317" Crake, corn, 255 1 Crane, sandhill, 251* whooping, 251* Creeper, brown, 377 1 Crex crex, 255* Crossbill, American, 323* white-winged, 323 Crow, American, 3i5 T fish, 3I7 1 Crymophilus fulicarius, 257 1 Cuckoo, black billed, 301* yellow-billed, 3Oi 2 Cuculidae, 301* Curlew, Eskimo, 273 European, 273' Hudsonian, 273* long-billed, 273* Cyanocitta cristata, 3I5 1 Cyanospiza ciris, 34I 1 cyanea, 33Q T Dafila acuta, 229* Dendroica aestiva, 359* blackburniae, 363 1 caerulescens, 359" castanea, 36i 5 coronata, 359" discolor, 365 dominica, 363 s maculosa, 359 7 palmarum, 36s 1 hypochrysea, 365" pensylvanica, 36i 8 rara, 361* striata, 36i T tigrina, 357 T Dendroica vigorsii, 363 7 virens, 363" Dickcissel, 341* Diving birds, i97 2 -20i 8 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, Dove, mourning, 283 B Dovekie, 201" Dowitcher, 259 T long-billed, 261* Dryobates borealis, 395 1 pubescens medianus, 303 1 villosus, 3Oi 8 Duck, American scaup, 231* black, 225* harlequin, 235" Labrador, 235 s lesser scaup, 23i T ^ ring-necked, 233 1 ruddy, 239 1 rufous-crested, 229 T wood, 229" Dunlin, 265* Eagle, bald, 29I 1 golden, 289 7 Ectopistes migratorius, 283" Egret, American, 247* Eider, American, 235 T king, 237 1 Elanoides forficatus, 285* Empidonax flaviventris, 311 minimus, 313* traillii alnorum, 313* virescens, 31 1 7 Ereunetes occidentalis, 267* pusillus, 265 7 Erismatura jamaicensis, 239 1 Falco columbarius, 293* islandus, 291* peregrinus anatum, 293 1 rusticolus gyrfalco, 291" obsoletus, 29i 7 sparverius, 293" Falconidae, 285 s -95 8 Finch, purple, 323 1 Flicker, northern, 3O5 7 4O2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Flycatcher, alder, 3U3 1 crested, 309" green-crested, 31 1 7 least, 3i3 3 olive-sided, 31 1 1 scissor-tailed, 395 s yellow-bellied, 31 I B Fratercula arctica, I99 5 Fregata aquila, 223* Fregatidae, 223* Fringillidae, 32i 5 -4i 6 , 387" Fulica americana, 255 7 Fulmar, 389" lesser, 391* Fulmarus glacialis, 389 8 minor, 39I 1 Gadwall, 225' Galeoscoptes carolinensis, 373* Gallinae, 279 6 -83 8 Gallinago delicata, 259" Gallinula galeata, 255 5 Gallinule, Florida, 255 purple, 255 s Gannet, 221" Gavia arctica, I99 1 imber, 197" lumme, I99 3 Gaviidae, I97"-99 B Gelochelidon nilotica, 2O9 7 Geothlypis agilis, 367 7 formosa, 367 5 Philadelphia, 369 1 trichas, 369* Gnatcatcher, blue-gray, 381* Godwit, Hudsonian, 267 7 marbled, 267" Golden-eye, American, 23/3 3 Barrow's, 233 5 Goldfinch, American, 325 s ^ European, 387 Goose, American white-fronted, 239 7 barnacle, 243* blue, 239 Canada, 24I 1 Goose, greater snow, 239* Hutchins's, 24i s Goshawk, American, 287* Crackle, bronzed, 321 s purple, 32I 1 Grebe, Holboell's, 197* horned, 197* pied-billed, 197" Grosbeak, blue, 339 5 evening, 321" pine, 32i 7 rose-breasted, 339* Grouse, Canada, 279 8 Canadian ruffed, 28i 3 ruffed, 28: 1 Gruidae, 2SI 1 Grus americana, 251* mexicana, 251* Guara alba, 243 Guillemot, black, igg 7 Mandt's, 389 2 Guiraca caerulea, 339' Gull, American herring, 207" Bonaparte's, 209* glaucous, 205* great black-backed, 2O5 7 herring, 207 1 Iceland, 205' ivory, 2O3 7 laughing, 207 7 little, 209 3 ring-billed, 2O7 B Sabine's, 209 Gyrfalcon, 29I B black, 29i 7 white, 29i 3 Haematopodidae, 279 8 Haematopus palliatus, 279" Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 29I 1 Harelda hyemalis, 235 1 Harporhynchus rufus, 373" Hawk, American rough-legged, 289 American snarrow, 293 5 broad-winged, 289 s Cooper's, 287' INDEX TO CHECK LIST OF BIRDS 403 Hawk, duck, 293* marsh, 285' pigeon, 293* red-shouldered, 287* red-tailed, 287" sharp-shinned, 285 7 Swainson's, 289* Helminthophila celata, 357 1 chrysoptera, 355 1 lawrencei, 355 s leucobronchialis, 355 5 peregrina, 357* pinus, 353 7 rubricapilla, 355 7 Helmitherus vermivorus, 353 5 Helodromas solitarius, 269" Hen, heath, 281' Herodiones, 243 B ~49 Heron, black-crowned night, 249* great blue, 247 1 green, 249 3 little blue, 249' Louisiana, 247 7 snowy, 247 s yellow-crowned night, 249 7 Hesperocichla naevia, 38s 3 Himantopus mexicanus, 259* Hirundinidae, 343 5 ~45 9 Hirundo erythrogaster, 345 1 Histrionicus histrionicus, 235* Hummingbird, ruby-throated, 307" Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 215* Hylocichla aliciae, 383 1 bicknelli, 383' aonalaschkae pallasii, 383 7 fuscescens, 38i 7 mustelina, 38i 5 ustulata swainsonii, 383' Ibididae, 243-45' Ibis, glossy, 243 7 white, 243 white-faced glossy, 245* wood, 245* Icteria virens, 369* Icteridae, Icterus galbula, 319" spurius, 3i9 3 lonornis martinica, 255 s Jaeger, long-tailed, 203' parasitic, 2O3 3 pomarine, 2O3I 1 Jay, blue, 3I5 1 Canada, 315' Junco, slate-colored, 335" Junco hyemalis, 335" Killdeer, 275' Kingbird, 309* Arkansas, 309* Kingfisher, belted, 301' Kinglet, golden-crowned, 379 7 ruby-crowned, 381* Kite, swallow-tailed, 28s 3 Kittiwake, 205 1 Knot, 26i 5 Lagopus lagopus, 28i 8 Laniidae, 347 5 -49* Lanius borealis, 347 ludovicianus, 347 7 excubitorides, 349 1 Lapwing, 275' Laridae, 2O,3 7 -I5 4 Lark, horned, 3I3 5 prairie horned, 3I3 7 Larus argentatus, 2O7 1 smithsonianus, 207* atricilla, 2O7 7 delawarensis, 2O7 5 glaucus, 2O5 3 leucopterus, 205" marinus, 2O5 7 minutus, 2CK) 3 Philadelphia, 209 1 Limicolae, 257 1 ~79 6 Limosa fedoa, 267 s haemastica, 267 T Longipennes, 2Oi 7 -i5* Longspur, chestnut-collared, 327* Lapland, 327 1 404 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Loon, 197* black-throated, 199* red-throated, 199" Lophodytes cucullatus, 225* Loxia curvirostra minor, 323 3 leucoptera, 323' Machrochires, 307* Macrorhamphus griseus, 259 7 scolopaceus, 261* Magpie, American, 395 Mallard, 225" Man-o'-war bird, 223 3 Mareca americana, 227* penelope, 227* Martin, purple, 343" Meadowlark, 3I9 1 Megalestris skua, 20i 7 Megascops asio, 297" Melanerpes carolinus, 305' erythrocephalus, 305* Meleagris gallopavo fera, 283' Melospiza fasciata, 335 7 georgiana, 337* lincolnii, 337 1 Merganser, American, 223 hooded, 225 1 red-breasted, 223 7 Merganser americanus, 223" serrator, 223' Merula migratoria, 385 1 Micropalma himantopus, 261* Micropodidae, 307 Milvulus forficatus, 395* Mimus polyglottos, 373 1 Mniotilta varia, 353 1 Mniotiltidae, 353 1 ~7i 7 Mockingbird, 373 1 Molothrus ater, 317" Motacillidae, 37i T Murre, 389* Briinnich's, 2OI 1 Myiarchus crinitus, 309" Netta rufina, 229 7 Nettion carolinensis, 227* crecca, 391" Nighthawk, 307' Numenius arquatus, 273 7 borealis, 273 B hudsonicus, 273* longirostris, 273 1 Nuthatch, brown-headed, 377 7 red-breasted, 377 white-breasted, 377 3 Nyctala acadica, 297 3 tengmalmi richardsoni, 393 7 Nyctea nyctea, 299 1 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius, 249 5 violaceus, 249 7 Oceanites oceanicus, 219* Oceanodroma leucorhoa, 219* Oidemia americana, 237 3 deglandi, 237 perspicillata, 237 7 Old-squaw, 235 1 Olor columbianus, 243* Oriole, Baltimore, 3/I9 5 orchard, 3i9 3 Osprey, American, 293 7 Otocoris alpestris, 313 praticola, 3I3 7 Oven-bird, 36s 7 Owl, American barn, 295 1 American hawk, 299 3 American long-eared, 295* barred, 295 7 burrowing, 299* great gray, 297 1 great horned, 297 7 Richardson's, 393 7 saw-whet, 297 3 screech, 297 short-eared, 295 5 snowy, 299 1 Oyster-catcher, American, 279* Pagophila alba, 203' Paludicolae, 25i a -55 9 Pandion haliaetus carolinensis, 293 7 Paridae, 377 8 -79 7 Paroquet, Carolina, 2O9 7 Parrots, 299 7 INDEX TO CHECK LIST OF BIRDS 405 Parus atricapillus, 379" bicolor, 379* carolinensis, 397* hudsonicus, 379 5 Passer domesticus, 387 7 Passerella iliaca, 337 5 Passeres, 3O9 1 -85 9 Passerina nivalis, 325 7 Pavoncella pugnax, 271* Pelecanidae, 223 1 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 223 1 fuscus, 39i 3 Pelican, American white, 223* brown, 39i 3 Perching birds, 309 1 -87 9 Perisoreus canadensis, 315* Petrel, black-capped, 2I7 7 Leach's, 2i9 3 scaled, 2I9 1 Wilson's, 219* Petrochelidon lunifrons, 343 T Pewee, wood, 311* Phaethon americanus, 2I9 7 Phaethontidae, 2I9 7 Phalacrocoracidae, 221" Phalacrocorax carbo, 22i 5 dilophus, 22i 7 Phalarope, northern, 257* red, 257 2 Wilson's, 257 5 Phalaropodidae, 257 1 Phalaropus lobatus, 257* Phasianidae, 283 1 Philohela minor, 259* Phoebe, 309 7 Pica pica hudsonica, 395* Pici, 30i 7 -5 9 Picidae, 30i 7 -5 9 Picoides americanus, 3O3 5 arcticus, 3O3 3 Pigeon, passenger, 283* Pinicola enucleator canadensis, 32i T Pintail, 229 3 Pipilo erythrophthalmus, 337' Pipit, American, 37i 7 Piranga erythromelas, 343 1 ludoviciana, 341' rubra, 343 3 Plegadis autumnalis, 243 7 guarauna, 245 1 Plover, American golden, 275 belted piping, 277" black-bellied, 275* piping, 277 s semipalmated, 277* Wilson's, 277 7 Podicipidae, 197 s Podilymbus podiceps, 197" Polioptila caerulea, 381* Pooecetes gramineus, 327" Porzana Carolina, 253* jamaicensis, 253' noveboracensis, 253 Procellariidae, 2i5 T -i9 6 Progne subis, 343" Protonotaria citrea, 353* Psittaci, 299 7 Psittacidae, 299 7 Ptarmigan, willow, 281* Puffin, I99 5 Puffinus auduboni, 217* borealis, 2I5 7 fuliginosus, 217 gravis, 2I7 1 Pygopodes, i97 8 -2Oi e Querquedula cyanoptera, 39i 8 discors, 227' Quiscalus quiscula, 32I 1 aeneus, 32 I s Bail, black, 253' clapper, 251' king, 251 Virginia, 253* yellow, 253* Rallidae, 25i 5 -55* Rallus crepitans, 251' elegans, 251 virginianus, 253 1 Raptores, 283 7 -99 e Raven, northern, 315' 406 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Recurvirostra americana, 257' Recurvirostridae, 257 T ~59 8 Redhead, 231* Redpoll, 323 7 greater, 325 1 Redstart, American, 371 Regulus calendula, 38I 1 satrapa, 379' Rissa tridactyla, 205 1 Robin, American, 385 1 Ruff, 27I 1 Rynchopidae, 215 Rynchops nigra, 215" Sanderling, 267* Sandpiper, Baird's, 263 5 Bartramian, 27i 3 buff-breasted, 27i 5 curlew, 265 least, 263' pectoral, 263* purple, 261* red-backed, 265* semipalmated, 26s 1 solitary, 269' spotted, 27i 7 stilt, 26i 3 western, 267 1 white-rumped, 263* Sapsucker, yellow-bellied, 303 T Saxicola oenanthe, 38s 5 Sayornis phoebe, 3O9 7 Scolecophagus carolinus, 3i9 T Scolopacidae, 2^-7^ Scolopax rusticola, 393* Scoter, American, 237* surf, 237 7 white-winged, 237 B Scotiaptex cinerea, 297 1 Seiu.rus aurocapillus, 365 7 motacilla, 367* noveboracensis, 367* Setophaga ruticilla 371" Shearwater, Audubon's, 217* Cory's, 2i5 T Shearwater, greater, 217* sooty, 217 Shore birds, 257 1 ~79 5 Shoveller, 229 1 Shrike, loggerhead, 347 7 northern, 347 5 white-rumped, 349 1 Sialia sialis, 38s 7 Siskin, pine, 325" Sitta canadensis, 377 carolinensis, 377 s pusilla, 377 7 Skimmer, black, 215" Skua, 20i 7 Skylark, 387' Snipe, Wilson's, 259* Snowflake, 32$ 7 Somateria dresseri, 235 7 spectabilis, 237 1 Sora, 253* Sparrow, Acadian sharp-tailed, 33i 6 chipping, 335 1 field, 335 s fox, 337 5 grasshopper, 329' Henslow's, 329 5 house, 387 7 Ipswich, 327 7 lark, 333 1 Leconte's, 329 7 Lincoln's, 337 1 . Nelson's, 33i 3 Savanna, 329 1 seaside, 33i 7 sharp-tailed, 33I 1 song, 335 7 swamp, 337 s tree, 333' vesper, 3127 white-crowned, 333 3 white-throated, 333* Spatula clypeata, 229 1 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 299* Sphyrapicus varius, 3O3 7 Spinus pinus, 325" Spiza americana, 341* INDEX TO CHECK LIST OF BIRDS 407 Spizella monticola, 333* pusilla, 335 s socialis, 335* Squatarola squatarola, 275' Starling, 387' Steganopodes, 2i9 9 -23 B Steganopus tricolor, 257 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 345 T Stercorariidae, 2Oi 7 ~3 7 Stercorarius longicaudus, 2O3 5 parasiticus, 203 s pomarinus, 2O3 1 Sterna antillarum, 2I3 7 caspia, 21 1 1 dougalli, 2i3 5 forsteri, 21 1 7 fuliginosa, 2I5 1 hirundo, 2I3 1 maxima, 2ii 3 paradisaea, 213* sandvicensis acuflavida, 389 trttdeaui, 21 1 5 Stilt, black-necked, 259* Strigidae, 295' Strix pratincola, 295 1 Sturnella magna, 319* Sturnidae, 387* Sturnus vulgaris, 387* Sula bassana, 221* SUla, 22I 1 Sulidae, 22I 1 Surf birds, 279 1 Surnia ulula caparoch, 299' Swallow, bank, 345 5 barn, 345 1 cliff, 343 7 rough-winged, 345 7 tree, 345" Swan, whistling, 243* Swift, chimney, 307' Swimmers, lamellirostral, 223 B -43 5 , long-winged, 20i 7 ~i5 8 totipalmate, 2i9 6 -23 5 tube-nosed, 2i5 T -i9 8 Sylviidae, 379 7 -8i s Symphemia semipalmata, 269 T Syrnium nebulosum, 295 T Tachycineta bicolor, 345* Tanager, Louisiana, 34i 7 scarlet, 343 1 summer, 343* Tanagridae, 34i 7 -43 B Tantalus loculator, 245* Teal, blue-winged,' 227 7 cinnamon, 391 European, 391* green-winged, 227" Tern, arctic, 213 s black, 215' Cabot's, 389' Caspian, 21 1 1 common, 213* Forster's, 21 1 7 gull-billed, 2O9 T least, 2i3 T roseate, 2i3 5 royal, 21 1 3 sooty, 2I5 1 Trudeau's, 211 Tetraonidae, 279 B -8i* Thrasher, brown, 373" Thrush, Bicknell's, 383' gray-cheeked, 383* hermit, 383' olive-backed, 383" varied, 385' Wilson's, 38i T wood, 381" Thryothorus ludovicianus, 373 T Titmouse, tufted, 379* Totanus flavipes, 269' melanoleucus, 269 1 Towhee, 337' Tringa alpina, 26s 1 pacifica, 265* bairdii, 263 canutus, 261" ferruginea, 265 fuscicollis, 263' maculata, 263 1 maritima, 26i 7 minutilla, 263 7 Trochilidae, 3O7 T 4o8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Trochilus colubris, 307* Troglodytes aedon, 375 1 Troglodytidae, 373^-75* Tropic bird, yellow-billed, 219* Tryngites subruficollis, 271* Tubinares, 2i5 T -i9 Turdidae, 38i B -8s 9 Turkey, wild, 283* Turnstone, 279* Tympanuchus cupido, 28i T Tyrannidae, 309 1 -I3 5 Tyrannus tyrannus, 309* verticalis, 309* Uria lomvia, 2OI 1 troile, 389* Vanellus vanellus, 275* Vireo, blue-headed, 351* Philadelphia, 349 B plumbeous, 351" red-eyed, 349* warbling, 349 7 white-eyed, 35 1 7 yellow-throated, 35 1 1 Vireo flavifrons, 35I 1 gilvus, 349 7 noveboracensis, 35i 7 olivaceus, 349* philadelphicus, 349' solitarius, 351* plumbeus, 35 1 5 Vireonidae, 349*-5i* Vulture, black, 28s 1 turkey, 283 7 Wagtails, 37 i T Warbler, bay-breasted, 36i 5 black and white, 353 1 Blackburnian, 363 1 black poll, 36i 7 black-throated blue, 359* black-throated green, 363" blue-winged, 353 7 Brewster's, 355" Canadian, 371* Cape May, 357 7 Warbler, cerulean, 361* chestnut-sided, 361* Connecticut, 367 7 golden-winged, 355' hooded, 369 7 Kentucky, 367* Lawrence's, 355* magnolia, 359 mourning, 369 1 myrtle, 359' Nashville, 35S 7 northern parula, 357 B orange-crowned, 357* palm, 36s 1 pine, 363 T prairie, 365* prothonotary, 353" Tennessee, 357* Wilson's, 37I 1 worm-eating, 353 B yellow, .359 1 yellow palm, 365* yellow-throated, 363* Water-thrush, 367 1 Louisiana, 367 s Waxwing, Bohemian, 3J7 1 cedar, 347 8 Wheatear, 385" Whip-poor-will, 307* Widgeon, 227 1 Willet, 209 7 Wilsonia canadensis, 371* mitrata, ^6g 7 pusilla, 37I 1 Wood warblers, 353 a -7i T Woodcock, American, 259' European, 393 B Woodpecker, American three-toed, 303 8 arctic three-toed, 303* downy, 3O3 1 hairy, 30 1 8 northern pileated, 305 1 red-bellied, 305" red-cockaded, 395 1 red-headed, 305 INDEX TO CHECK LIST OF BIRDS 409 Wren, Carolina, 373 7 house, 375 1 long-billed marsh, 375* short-billed marsh, 375* winter, 375" Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 395 T Xema sabinii, 209* Yellow-legs, 269* greater, 269* Yellow-throat, Maryland, 369* Zamelodia ludoviciana, 339* Zenaidura macroura, 283* Zonotrichia albicollis, 333* 4 leucophrys, 333* University of the State of New York 22 Beauchamp, W : M. Earthenware of the New York aborigines. y8p. 33 pi. Oct. 1898. Price 25 cents. 23 Felt, E. P. i4th report of the state entomologist 1898. i5op. il. 9 pi. Dec. 1898. Price 20 cents. 24 Memorial of the life and entomologic work of J. A. Lintner. 3i6p. i pi. Oct. 1899. Price 35 cents. 25 Peck, C: H. Report of the state botanist 1898. y6p. 5 pi. Oct. 1899. Price 40 cents. Volume 6 26 Felt, E. P. Collection, preservation and distribution of New York insects. 36p. il. Ap. 1899. Price 5 cents. 27 Shade-tree pests in New York state. 26p. 5 pi. May 1899. Price 5 cents. 28 Peck, C: H. Plants of North Elba. 2o6p. i map 12X16 cm. June 1899 Price 20 cents. 29 Miller, G. S., jr. Preliminary list of New York mammals. i24p. Oct. 1899. Price 15 cents. 30 Orton, Edward. Petroleum and natural gas in New York. i36p. il. 3 maps 13 X 23, 7 X 22, 9 X 14 cm. Nov. 1899. Price 15 cents. 31 Felt, E. P. 1 5th report of the state entomologist 1809. In prep- aration. Volume 7 32 Beauchamp, W: M. Aboriginal occupation of New York. igop. 16 pi. 2 maps 44X35, 93X68 cm. March 1900. Price 30 cents. 33 Farr, M. S. Check list of New York birds. 222p. Ap. 1900. Price 25 cents. 34 Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian system of eastern Montgomery county ; Prosser, C : S. Notes on the stratigraphy of the Mohawk valley and Saratoga county, N. Y. In press. Clarke, J: M. Paleontologic papers; Simpson, G: B. Preliminary descriptions of new genera. In press. Ries, Heinrich. Clays : their properties and uses. In press. Miller, G. S., jr. Key to the land mammals of n e North America. /// press. Bean, Tarleton. Check list of the fishes of N. Y. In preparation. Economic map. Merrill, F: J. H. Economic and geologic map of the state of New York. 59X67 cm. 1894. Price, unmounted 25 cents ) backed on muslin 75 cents. Scale 14 mile , to i inch. New edition in preparation* Museum memoirs. New York state museum. Memoirs, v.i, Q. Albany 1889. Uniform with the Pn- 1 Beecher, C: E. & Clarke, J: M. Development of some Silurian brachiopoda. 95p. 8 pi. Oct. 1889. Price 80 cents. 2 Hall, James & Clarke, J: M. Paleozoic reticulate sponges. 35op. il. 70 pi. Oct. 1899. Price $r. 3 Clarke, J: M. The Oriskany fauna of Becraft mountain, Columbia co. N. Y. In preparation. Natural history. New York state. Natural history of New York. 30-v. il. pi. maps, sq. Q. Albany 1842-94. Divisions 1-5 out of print. Division i De Kay, J. E. Zoology. 5 v. 1842-44. 2 Torrey, John. Botany. 2 v. 1843: " 3 Beck, L. C. Mineralogy. 244-536p. 1842. " 4 Mather, W: W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lardner & Hall, James. Geology. 4 v. 1842-43. 5 Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture. 5 v. 1846-54. tf 6 Hall, James. Paleontology. 8 v. 1847-94.