I I I > I i LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIFT OF Ctos Presented by fattftt tljeo%ttal ientinatu, CON 1 COMPANV, PRINTERS. ^t f A VALUABLE BOOK, For Academics and Colleges. FOR SALE AT MATHEW CAREY'S STORE, NO. 122, MARKET STREET, (PRICE 3 DOLLARS.) ROMAN A:\TIQUITIES; OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMANS, Respecting their Government, ' Magistracy, Laws, jfrtdicial proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and Naval affairs, Dress, Exercises, Baths, Marriages, BY ALEXANDER ADAMS, L. L. D. Divorces, Funerals, Weights and Measures, Coins, Method of Writing, Houses, Gardens, Agriculture, Carriages, Buildings, &c. (PRICE 6 DOLLARS,) FERGUSON'S LSCTURES ON SELECT SUBJECTS, IN Optics, Geography, Astronomy, Dialling. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED, With Notes and ah Appendix, ADAPTED TO THE PRESENT STATE OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. BY DAVID BREWSTOR, A. M. IN TWO VOLUMES, WITH A 4to VOLUME OF PLATES. This American Edition carefully revised and corrected by ROBERT PATTERSON, Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania. A FOR SALE BY M. CAREY, (PRICE 5 DOLLARS,) SYST-EM OF THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, IN TWO VOLUMES WITH PLATES. BY FREDERICK ACCUM. (PRICE 8 DOLLARS,) FEMALE BIOGRAPHY; t>r Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women of all Ages and Countries, Alphabeti- cally arranged, in 3 vols. The History of the early part of the reign of James the II. with an introductory chap- ter, by the Right Hon. Charles James Fo.\.~ Price 3 dots. THE FAMILY EXPOSITOR; Or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, with critical notes, and a practical improvement of each section. In 6 volumes. Volume first containing the former part of the history of our Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded by the four Evangelists. Disposed in the order of an harmony, by P. Doddridge, D. D. To which is prefixed, a Life of the author, by Andrew Kippis, D. D. F. H. S. and S. A. Price 16 dols. and 50 cts. THE WONDERFUL MAGAZINE, EXTRAORDINARY MUSEUM: ,r; a complete repository of the wonders, curiosities and rarities of Nature and Art. (Price 2 dollars.) The Works of Saint Pierre, "With the additions of numerous Original notes and Illustration^. BY BENJ. S. BARTON, M. D. IN 3 VOLUMES. (Price 9 dollars.) ASTRONOMY EXPLAINED UPON SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPLES, AND ADE EASY TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT STUDIED MATHEMATICS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A PLAIN METHOD OF FINDING THE DISTANCES OF ALL THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN, BY THE TRANSIT OF VENUS OVER THE SUN'S DISC, In the year 1761 : AN ACCOUNT OF MR. HORROX's OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, In the year 1639: ~j AND OF THE DISTANCES OF ALL THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN*, AS DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT In the year 1761, BY JAMES FERGUSON, F. R. S. Heb. xi. 3. The worlds were framed by the Word of God. Job xxvi. 7. He liangeth the earth upon nothing. 13. By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens. THE SECOND AMERICAN, FROM THE LAST LONDON EDITION REVISED, CORRECTED, AND IMPROVED, BY ROBERT PATTERSON, Professor of Mathematics, in the University of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR AND PUBLISHED BY MATHEW CAREY, 1 7 OR SALE BY C. &. A. CONRAD &. CO. BRADFORD &. INSKEEP, HOPKINS CARLE, JOHNSON & WARNER, AN.D KIMEER, CONUAB & CO. /* UNIVERSITY District of Pennsylvania, to wit : Be it remembered. That on the thirteenth day of February, in the thirtieth year of the Independence of the United Srates of America, A, D- 1806, Ma- thew Carey, of the said District, hith deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit : u Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and made easy to those who have not studied Mathematics. To which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Ven'is over the sun's disc, in the year 1761 : an account of Mr. Horrox's observation of the transit of Venus, in the year 1639 : and of the distances of all the planets from the sun, as deduced from observations of the transit in year 1761. By James Ferguson, F. R. S. Heb. xi. 8. The worlds were framed by the Word of God. Job xxvi. 7. H; hangf-th the earth upon nothing. 13, By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens. The first American edition, from the last London edition; revised, cor- rected, and improved, by Robert Patterson, Professor of Mathematics, and Teacher of Natural Philosophy, in the University of Pennsylvania." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the Ur-ited States, intituled, " An Act fir the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors, and Proprietors of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned," And also to the Act, entitled " An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, ' An Act for the Encouragement of Learn- ing, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned,' and extending the Benefits thereof to the Art of designing, engraving, and etch- ing, historical and other Prints." (L. S.) D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania F1 /609 PREFACE TO THE FIR3T AMERICAN EDITION. THE well-established reputation of Fergusotfs As- tronomy, renders any particular encomiums on the work, at this time, altogether unnecessary. The numerous editions through which this Treatise has passed, and the increasing demand for it f "bear ample testi- mony to its merit. The Publisher submits to the candid acceptance of his fellow-citizens, this correct American Edition; for which he solicits, and flatters himself he shall obtain, their liberal patronage. No cost or pains have been spared to render it worthy of this patronage. In the text, a number of typographi- cal errors, and grammatical inaccuracies, have been cor- rected ; and a variety of notes, explanatory or corrective of the text, which the numerous discoveries since our au- thor's time had rendered necessary, have been occasionally subjoined. Besides, to this edition alone there is prefixed a copious explanation of all the principal terms in astronomy, chro- nology, and astronomical geography, occurring in the 1 ! IV work, arranged in alphabetical order; with such remarks and examples interspersed, as were judged necessary for illustration : together with Tables of the periodical times, distances, magnitudes, and other elements, of all the plan- ets, both primary and secondary, in the solar system ; ac- cording to the latest observations. This, it is presumed, cannot fail to be considered as a valuable appendage to the work especially by the young student of astronomy : as the glossary will tend greatly to facilitate his progress, and the tables will present him with a comprehensive view of the whole science the result of the observations and researches both of past and present times. Philadelphia, Feb. Utk, 1806. Explanation of the principal Terms relating to As- tronomy, Chronology \ and the astronomical parts of Geography ; with occasional Illustrations and Remarks. Aberration of a star, is a small apparent motion, occasioned by a sensible proportior between the velocity of light and that of the earth in its annual orbit. From this cause, every star will, in the course of a year, appear to describe a small ellipsis in the heavens, whose greater axis = 40" and its iesser axis, perpendicular to the ecliptic, = 40" X cos. 01 star's -at. (co radius 1.) In astronomical calcu- lations, v-'iei-fj f reat accuracy is required, and the place of a st-ir concerned, a correction on account of aberration, as \veil as oii ether accounts, ou^ht to be applied to the star's place cc iG'.in.' by the following theorems ; in which A the star's riyht ascension, D = its declination, and S = the Sir, ,de. .fen; i. ( .1.272 cos. (A S)) 4- r.os. D -f (0.055, cos, (A + '">)) T- cos. D = aberr. in R. A. in seconds of time. Theorem 2. 20 cos. A. sin. S. sin. D -f 18.346 sin. A. cos. S. s'.n D 7.964 cos. S. cos. D aberr. in dec. in seconds of u decree : observing that the sine, cosine, See. of uli arches between 90 and 270 are to be considered as negative i j.nd those of ail other arches as affirmative. a the stc.r has south declination, let the sign of the last term in the 2d theorem be changed. dc'-'-i'-itiii'm (dkiinui) of a fixed star, is the difference be- :C aiciuvcal and the mean solar day, which = 3' 6j".'j or c' DO" of mean time nearly ; and so much sooner vi;i ony fixed star nse, culminate, or set, every day, than on the pivocdin s clay A piaiict is said to be accelerated in iis niO'ion, when its veiocitys in any part of its orbit, ex-. ceeds its mean velocity; and this wiii always be the case when its distance from the Sun is less than its mean dis- tance. ( 8 ) , or e/ioch, any noted point of time, in chronology, from which events are reckoned, or computations made. Dif- ferent nations or people make use of different epochs : as the Jews, that of the creation of the worjd ; the crris- tian nations, that of the nativity of Christ, A. M. 4UC7 ; the Mahometans, that of the Hegira, or flight of Maho- met from Mecca, A. D. 622; the ircient Greeks, that of the Olympiads, commencing B. C. 775 : the Romans, that of the building of Rome, B. C. 752; the ancient Per- sians and Assyrians, that of Nabonasser, &:c. Altitude of a celestial body, is its elevation above the horizon, measured on the arch of an. azimuth-circle intercepted be- tween the body and the horizon. The apparent altitude, or that measured by an instrument, re uires to be cor- rected in order to obtain the true altitude 1. by subtract- ing the refraction; 2. by adding the parallax; 3. by sub- tracting the dip corresponding to the height of the ob- server's eye above the surface of the earth ; and 4. when the lower or upper limb of the sun or moon is observed, by adding or subtracting the apparent semidiameter. Altitude, meridian, is that of a body when on the meridian. Amplitude of a celestial body, is an arch of the horizon inter- cepted between the east or west points thereof, and that point where the body rises or sets. The true amplitude of a body may be found by the following proportion : Racl : cos. lat. : : sin. dec. : sin. amp. which will be of the same name (north or south) with the declination. The difference between the true, and the magnetic am- plitude of a body, or that observed by a compass furnished with a magnetic needle, will be the -variation of the com- pass. Angle is the inclination of two converging lines meeting in a point, called the angular point. A plane angle is that -drawn on a plane surface. The measure of a plane angle is the arch of a circle comprehended between the lines in- cluding the angle, the angular point being the centre. A spheric 'angle is that formed by the intersection of two great circles on the surface of a sphere. The measure of a spheric angle is the arch of a great circle comprehend- ed between the two arches including the angle, the angu- lar point being its pole. A right angle is one whose mea- sure is an arch of 90. An acute angle is one less than 90. An obtuse angle, one greater than 90. Anomaly is the angular distance of a planet from its aphelion. It is distinguished into true,ex centric, and mean. True ano- nialy of a planet, is the angle at the sun or focus of the elliptical orbit; formed by the line of apses and radius vec- ( 9 ) lor. Excentric anomaly, is the angle at the centre of the elliptical orbit, formed by the line of apses and a line drawn to the point in which an ordinate passing through the planet's true place in its orbit, meets the circumference of a circle, described on the line of apses as a diameter. Mean anomaly, is a sector of the elliptical orbit over which the radius vector has passed, from the aphelion to the place of the planet in its orbit ; and is proportional to the time of description. Antarctic circle. See Arctic circle. Antipodes, those who inhabit parts of the earth diametrically opposite to each other. Anticipation of the equinoxes or seasons, the excess of the civil Julian year of 365d. 6h. above the solar tropical year of 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 48 seconds. This constitutes the difference between the Julian and Grego- rian calendars, or old and new styles. Aphelion, is that point of a planet's orbit which is at the greatest distance from the sun. The places of the aphelia of the several planets are all different, and have each a small progressive motion, oc- casioned by the mutual attractions of the planets on each other. Apogee,\s that point of the moon's orbit which is at the great- est distance from the earth. This term is also frequently applied to the sun, to signify that point in which he is at the greatest distance from the earth. Apses or apsides, are the extremities of the greater axis of the planets' elliptical orbits : the axis itself being called the line oj" the apses. Arctic circle, is a small circle parallel to the equator, and at the same distance from the north pole that the tropics are from the equator. A circle similarly situate round the south pole, is called the antarctic circle. These are also frequently termed the north-polar, and south-polar circles^ respectively. Ascension of a celestial body, is an arch of the equator, reckoned from west to east, and intercepted between the equinoctial point Aries, and that point which rises with the body. This is distinguished into right, and oblique ascension, according to the angle in which the equator cuts the horizon. "Aspect, is a term applied to signify the situation or apparent distance, in longitude, of any two celestial bodies in the zodiac, from one another, and is particularly denominated, and designated by appropriate characters, according to this distance as conjunction & , sextile >K, quartile n? trine A, opposition , and some others, -which s,ce. B Asteroids, star-like bodies, a term of recent invention, and applied to three small bodies lately discovered in the so- lar system, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Their orbits are considerably more excentric than that of any of the other planets ; though their elements are still but im- perfectly ascertained. See note subjoined to the Table of the solar system, page 73. Astronomy, is that science which explains and demonstrates the phenomena of the heavens. Atmosphere, usually termed the air, is that transparent elas- tic fluid which surrounds the earth. It is indispensably necessary to animal and vegetable life, combustion, and many other functions in nature. The atmosphere being a perfectly elastic, compressible, and ponderous fluid, its density must decrease upwards, in a geometrical ratio, of the heights taken in arithmetical ratio. The whole weight of any column of the atmosphere, on the surface of the earth, is found, by experiment, to equal, in a mean state, that of a column of mercury of an equal base and about 30 inches high ; that is, about 15 pounds avoir, on every superficial inch. The planets, if not the sun and fixed stars, are all probably furnished with similar atmospheres. Attraction, is that power, either continually exerted by the Deity, according to a fixed law, or by him communicated to matter ; by which all bodies, or particles of bodies, whether in contact, or at a distance, adhere, or tend to- wards each other. Attraction, according to the manner or circumstances of its operation, is commonly distin- guished into that of gravity, that of cohesion, that of elec- tricity, &c. Axis of a planet, is that imaginary line passing through its centre, round which it performs its diurnal rotation. Azimuth of a celestial body, is an arch of the horizon inter- cepted between the meridian of the place and the azimuth- circle passing through the body. The true azimuth of a body may readily be calculated by the resolution of a sphe- ric triangle ; and then the difference between this, and that observed by a compass furnished with a magnetic needle, will be the -variation of the compass. Azimuth-circles, are those great circles of the sphere which pass through the zenith and nadir, and consequently cross the horizon at right angles, Barometer, is an instrument for measuring the weight of a superincumbent column of the atmosphere, at any given time and place. It is commonly made of a long glass tube, of a moderate bore, open at one end ; which being iilled with well-purified mercury is inverted, with the 11 ) o'pen end downwards, into a bason, of the same fluid. The mercury in the tube will then subside, leaving a vacuum, in the upper part of the tube ; and the height of the co- lumn of mercury in the tube, thus sustained by the pres- sure of the atmosphere on the surface of the mercury in the bason, will be a just measure of its weight. It is found by experiment that the height of the column of mercury is not always the same in the same place, but varies generally between 28 and 31 inches, on the surface of the earth. The barometer has been applied with suc- cess to the measuring of accessible altitudes. For this purpose let the height of the mercury in a barometer, both at the bottom and top of the eminence or depth to be measured, be observed as nearly as may be at the same time. Also observe the temperature of the air by ther- mometers both attached to the barometers, and at a dis- tance from them, in the shade. Then let the column of mercury in the colder barometer be increased byits9600th part for every degree of difference in the two attached ther- mometers (Fahr. scale). Subtract the common logarithm of the less column of mercury from that of the greater, and the difference multiplied by 10000 will be the alt. nearly, in fathoms. For a correction apply, by addition or sub- traction, one 435th part of the above alt. for every degree of the mean temperature of the two detached thermo- meters above or below 3 1 degrees, and the result will be the true alt. Bissextile, a year consisting of 366 days, by adding a day to the month of February every 4th year. This day was by Julius Csesar appointed to be the 24th of March (called by the Romans the 6th of the calends) which being reckoned twice, the year was on this account termed bis- sextile. This year is, on another account, called leap- year. Calendar, is a table, almanac, or distribution of time, suited to the several uses of society. Various calendars have been adopted by different na- tions in different ages of the world. The Roman calen- dar, as corrected and established by Julius Caesar, and thence called the Julian calendar, made the year to con- sist of 365^ days ; viz. three years each containing 365, and the 4th 366. But as the solar year actually falls short ot the Julian by about 11 minutes, Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582, reformed this calendar, by striking out the surplus days that thefseasons had then got a-head of the calendar ; (viz. 10 days) and ordering that, in future, 3 days should be stricken out of every 400 years of the Julian account, by calling every centurial year not devisible by 4 (as 1700 ? ( 12 ) 1 800, 1900, 2100, &c.) a common year, instead of a leap- year. The year is divided into 12 calendar months, viz. 7 of 31 days, 4 of 30, and 1 of 28 or 29. Central forces, are those by the influence of which the plan- ets and comets perform revolutions round their centres of motion, and are retained in their orbits. Those forces are of two kinds, viz. the centrifugal, and the centripetal. Centrifugal or projectile force, may be considered as a sin- gle impulse, given by the Creator, and which, agreeably to the laws of motion, would carry the body with a uni- form velocity, in a rectilineal direction. Centripetal force, or force of gravity, may be considered as a continually-operating influence, urging the body down towards the centre of motion : and according to the pro- portion between these two forces the body will describe a circular, or an elliptical orbit. Chronology, is that science which treats of time, compre- hending its remarkable aeras or epochs, divisions, subdi- visions, and measures. Circle, is a plane figure bounded by a uniformly-curved line called the circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a certain point within the same, called the centre. Diameter is a right line passing through the cen- tre, and terminated on each side by the circumference. Radius, or semidiameter, is the distance from the centre to the circumference. Circles of the sphere are of two kinds great, and small. Great circles, are those which divide the sphere into two equal parts; the chief of which are, the equator, the eclip- tic, meridians, horizon, azimuth-circles, and circles of celestial longitude. Small circles, are those which divide the sphere into two unequal parts ; the chief of which are, parallels of altitude and of depression, parallels of terres- trial, and parallels of celestial latitude. Circles of celestial longitude, are those great circles of the sphere which cross the ecliptic at right angles. Circum-polar stars, are those which appear to perform daily circuits round' the pole, without rising or setting; and such are all those whose polar distance does not exceed the la- titude of the place. Colures, are those two meridians which pass through the equinoctial and solstitial points of the ecliptic, and are hence distinguished into the equinoctial and solstitial co- lures. Comets, are certain bodies in the solar system, moving in very excentric orbits, in various planes and directions}, and visible but for a short time when near their perihe- lia ; and then generally appearing with a lucid tail or train ( 13 ) of light, on the side of the comet opposite to the suib Frequently, however, comets are seen without this lucid train ; the body or nucleus being surrounded with a beard- ed or hairy-like atmosphere. The whole list of comets that have been hitherto observed amounts to upwards of 500 ; of which about 170 have been observed with accu- racy, and the elements of their orbits computed. Conjunction, is that aspect in which two celestial bodies, in the zodiac, have the same longitude. Constellation-, this term is applied to any assemblage or number of neighbouring stars in the heavens, which as- tronomers have classed together under one general name. They are generally designated by the names and figures of some living creatures, and thus delineated on the ce- lestial globe or atlas. The number of constellations, ac- cording to the ancients, was 48, viz. 12 near the ecliptic, called the 12 signs of the zodiac, 21 on the north side of the zodiac, and 15 on the south side. Modern astrono- mers, by forming new constellations out of such stars as. were not included in the above, have increased the num- ber to about 70 The several stars in each constellation are distinguished either by letters of the alphabet, or by- numbers : and some few by proper names ; as, Aldebaran, Castor, Pollux, Sec. Crepusculum or twilight-circle, is a circle of depression, 1 8 degrees below the horizon ; for, it is found by observation that when the sun crosses this circle, before rising, or af- ter setting, twilight begins or ends. This is occasioned by the rays of light from the sun being refracted and re- flected by the earth's atmosphere. Culmination .of a star, is the point of its greatest elevation above the horizon, or where it crosses the meridian. Cusfis, the horns of the moon, or any other planet, when less than half its illuminated part is visible. Cycle-, is any certain period of time in which the same cir- cumstances, to which the cycle has a reference, regularly return. The most noted chronological cycles are 1. The cycle of the suti, a period of 28 years, after which the same day of the month will happen on the same day of the week, as in the same year of a former cycle. 2. The Metonic or lunar cycle, a period of 19 years, after which the change, full, and other phases of the moon, will happen on the same days of the month, as in the same year of a former cycle. 3. The cycle of Indiction, a period of 15 years, instituted by Constantine A. D. 312, probably as a stated period of ( 14 ) levying a certain tax, and afterwards used as a civil epoch among the Romans. Note, the 1st year of the Christian aerawas the 1st af- ter leap-year, the 9th of the solar cycle, the 1st of the lunar cycle, and the 312th of the Christian aera, was the 1st of the Roman Indiction. Hence rules may be easily deduced for computing what year of any of these cycles, corresponds to any given year of the Christian sera. Day, a portion of time measured by the apparent revolution of the sun, moon, or stars, round the earth. The day is variously distinguished and denominated, according to circumstances, as follows : 1 . An artificial day, is the interval of time between sun- rising and sun-setting ; and thus contradistinguished from night which is the interval between sun-setting and sun- rising. 2. A natural day, includes both the artificial day and the night. 3. An afifiarent solar day, is the time in which the sun appears to make one complete revolution round the earth. These days, owing to sundry causes, (see equation of time} are not all of the same length, but continually varying. 4. A mean solar day, is an exact mean of all the appa- rent solar days in the year Or it is that measured by a well-regulated time-piece. 5. A Lunar day, is the time in which the moon appears to make one complete revolution round the earth ; and exceeds a solar day about f of an hour. 6. A sidereal day, is the time in which any fixed star appears to make a complete revolution? and is 3m. 5 5". 9 less than a raean solar day. The day, in civil reckoning, begins among different na- tions at different times. 1. Among most of the ancient eastern nations, and some of the modern, it begins at sun-rising. 2. Among the ancient Athenians and Jews, the eastern parts of Europe, and the modern Italians and Chinese, ft begins at sun-setting. 3. With the ancient Arabians, and still with astrono- mers, it begins at noon. 4. Among the ancient Egyptians and Romans, the Americans, and the greater part of Europeans, it begins at midnight. Declination of a celestial body, is an arch of the meridian passing through the body, and intercepted between it and the equator ; and is north or south according as the body is north or south of the equator. ( 15 ) Degree, the 360th part of the circumference of any circle. Or the 90th part of a right angle. Dial, or sun-dial, is a delineation of the meridians of the sphere, on a plane, in such a manner that the shadow of a gnomon or stile, placed with its edge parallel to the Earth's axis, may point out the hour of the day. Dials are particularly denominated from the planes on which they are drawn ; as horizontal, equatorial, &c. Digit, the 1 2th part of the apparent diameter of the sun or moon. The quantity of an eclipse is generally estimated by the digits of the luminary's diameter eclipsed. Dip., the depression of the visible, below the true horizon, which will be more or less according to the height of the eye. The dip corresponding to any given height of the eye may be very readily, and very accurately, found by the following theorem. d = tfh Q yh + l"; in which h = height of eye in feet, and d the dip in minutes and parts, of a degree: thus for 16 feet the dip, per rulerr=4' .2' -f 1"= 3' 49". Direct motion of a planet, in its orbit, is that by which it appears to the observer to move according to the order of the signs. To a spectator in theu sun, the planetary motions would always appear direct'. To a spectator in the earth, the motions of Mercury and Venus will appeal- direct when they are in the superior or opposite parts of their orbits ; and the motions of the other planets will appear direct when the earth is in the opposite part of its orbit with respect to them. Disc, the body or face of the sun or moon as it appears to a spectator on the earth ; or of the earth, as it would ap- pear to a spectator in the moon, Dominical letter. In the Roman calendar, it was customary to prefix the first 7 letters of the alphabet to the several days of the week throughout the year, always beginning the year with the letter A. The letter, then, that was prefixed to the Sundays (Dominici dies) throughout the year, was called the Dominical letter. This may be found for any year of the Christian sera, by the following rule. Divide the centuries by 4, subtract twice the re- mainder from 6, and to what remains add the odd years and their 4th part, rejecting fractions ; divide the sum by 7, and then the remainder taken from 7 will leave the number of the Dominical letter in the alphabet, Thus for the year 1806 the Dominical letter will come out 5zrE. ( 16 ) In a leap-year, the letter thus found will be the Domi- nical letter till the 28th of Feb. and the preceding one will be the Dom. let. from that time till the end of the year. Earth, the third planet in order from the sun ; at the dis- tance of about 95 millions of miles ; furnished with one moon. Eclipse. When any secondary planet passes through the shadow of its primary, it is said to be eclipsed ; as the moon by the shadow of the earth, or any of Jupiter's sa- tellites by his shadow. But when the shadow of a secon- dary planet falls on its primary, then, with respect to that part of the primary on which the shadow falls, the sun is said to be eclipsed. Ecliptic limit, is a certain distance from the node of the secondary's orbit, beyond which no eclipse can happen. This limit with respect to a solar eclipse is about 17. and with respect to a lunar eclipse, about 12. Ecliptic, a great circle of the sphere in the plane of which the earth performs its annual revolution round the sun. Ellipse or ellipsis, a plane curvilineal figure, which may be described round two centres thus. Take a thread of any determinate length, tie its two ends "together, and throw the loop round two pins stuck into a plane board then moving round a pencil, or the like, within the loop, so as to keep it always tight, the curve described will be an ellipsis. .The two central points are called the foci of the ellipsis ; a right line passing through the two foci, and terminated by the curve on each side, is called the trans-verse axis or diameter, and one bisecting this at right angles is called the conjugate. Elongation of a planet, (generally applied to Mercury and Venus) their angular distance from the sun as seen from the earth. Embolismic, or 'intercalary, a term applied to a lunar month occasionally thrown in to bring up the lunar to the solar years. It is also applied to the 29th of February, thrown in every 4th year to make the civil years correspond with the solar. Emersion, the end of an eclipse or of an occultation. Epact, the excess of solar time, above lunar. In the Gre- gorian calendar it is the moon's age at the beginning of the year, which may be found by the following rule, till the year 1900. Subtract 1 from the Golden number, multiply the re- mainder by 11, and the product, rejecting the 30's, will be the epact. ( 17 ) See jEra, Equation of time, the difference between apparent, and mean- solar time. This arises from two causes, viz. the ellipti- cal figure of the earth's orbit in which the diurnal arches will of consequence be unequal; and the inclination of the the ecliptic to the equator, whence equal arches of the former, in which the earth moves, will not correspond to equal arches of the latter, on which time is measured. Equator, that great circle which cuts the axis of rotation at right angles. Equinoctial points, the beginning of the signs Aries and Li- bra, those two points of the ecliptic in which it crosses the equator; the former being called the vernal, and the latter the autumnal, equinoctial point. Equinoxes, the times when the sun appears to enter the equinoctial points; viz. the 2 1st of March, and 22d of September. Excentricity, or eccentricity, of a planet's orbit, is equal to half the distance between the two foci of the elliptical orbit. Focus, foci. See Ellipsis. Frigid zones, those round the poles, bounded by their re* spective polar circles. Geocentric jilace of a planet, is its place> (generally express- ed in latitude and longitude, or right ascension^ and decli- nation) as it appears from the earth* Globes (artificial) small spheres of paste-board, or the like, on one of Which (called the terrestrial globe) are drawn the principal circles of the sphere, together with the se- veral continents, islands, &c. of the earth, in their rela- tive situations and magnitudes. On the other, (called the celestial globe) besides the circles of the sphere, are inserted all the visible fixed stars, distributed into their respective constellations. The use of the Globes, explains the manner of solving geographical and astronomical pro- blems, by means of artificial globes. Golden number, is the year of the lunar cycle, increasing annually by unity from 1 to 19. Gravity, that species of attraction which takes place be- tween bodies at a distance from each other, and by which, if not otherwise prevented, they would mutually approach each other, with a continually-accelerated velocity. Gra- vity is directly proportional to the quantity of matter, and inversely, to the square of the distance. Heliocentric place of a planet, is its place in the heavens, as if viewed from the sun. *( C )* ( 18 j Hcrschel, or Georgium Sidus the 7th primary planet in or- der from the sun, at the distance of about 1800 millions of miles. It is furnished with 6 satellites. Horizon, that great circle of the sphere which, extended to the heavens, is the boundary of our vision. It is usually distinguished into sensible or visible, and rational or true. TtJour, the 24th part of a natural day. Horary angle of a celestial body, an angle at the pole of the equator, included between the meridian of the place and that passing through the body. Immersion^ the beginning of an eclipse, or of an occultation. Inclination of the axis of a planet, the angle which it makes with the axis of the plane of its orbit. Inclination of the orbit of a planet, the angle in which it crosses the ecliptic. Jndiction, (Roman). See Cycle. Jufiitcr, the fifth primary planet from the sun, at the dis- tance of about 490 millions of miles. It is the largest in the system, and is furnished with four satellites. Latitude of a filace on the earth, its distance from the equa- tor, measured on the meridian of the place. Latitude of a celestial body, its distance from the ecliptic, measured on a circle of celestial longitude passing through the body. Leap-yew, one of 366 days, occurring every 4th year, and so called, because in that year the Dominical letter falls back two letters, or leaps over one. See Bissextile. Libration of the moon, a small apparent libratory motion, arising chiefly from her equable rotation round her axis, combined with her unequal motion in her orbit. Longitude of a place on the earth, an arch of the equator in- tercepted between the prime meridian, and that passing through the place, and is denominated east or west, ac- cording to its situation with respect to the prime meridian. Longitude of a celestial body, an arch of the ecliptic, reckon- ed according to the order of the signs, from the equinoc- tial point Aries to the circle of celestial longitude passing through the body. Lunar cycle. See Cycle. Mars, the fourth primary planet from the sun, at the dis- tance of about 144 millions of miles. Meridians, great circles crossing the equator at right angles. Meridian of the place, that passing through the north am! south points of the horizon. ( 19 ) Midheaven, that point of the ecliptic, or of the equator, which is in the meridian. Minute, the 60th part of an hour, or of a degree. Month, the 12th part of a year. It is variously distinguish- ed according to circumstances, viz. Lunar illuminative month, the time between the first ap- pearance of one new moon, and of the next. The an- cient Jews, with the 'Turks and Arabs, reckon by this month. Lunar periodical month, the time in which the moon ap- pears to make a revolution through the zodiac = 27 d, 7 h. 43 m. 8 s. Lunar si/nodical month, or lunation, the time between one new moon, or conjunction of the sun and-moon, and the next: at a mean == 29d. 12h. 44m. 3s. lit. Solar month, the 12th part of a solar tropical year = 30d. lOh. 29m. 5s. Calendar months, those made use of in the common reck- oning of time, as in Almanacs or Calendars. The judicial month, consists of 4 weeks or 28 days. Moon, the satellite or secondary of the Earth, at the dis- tance of about 240 thousand miles. J\1idir, the lower pole of the horizon. JVodes of a planet's orbit, {those two points in which it cros- ses the ecliptic. That in which the planet passes from the south side of the ecliptic to the north, is called its as- cending node or dragon's head SI , and the opposite point, its descending node, or dragon's tail ^ . The nodes of all the planets' orbits have a slow retrograde motion, occasion- ed by their moving in different planes, and their mutual attraction on each other. .Vonagesimal, that point in the ecliptic which is 90 from the horizon. Nutation of a star, a small apparent motion, occasioned by the variable attraction of the sun and moon on the sphe- roidal figure of the earth; by which the axis is made to revolve with a conical motion, the extremities or poles describing in i8y. 7m. the lunar period, or revolution of the moon's nodes, a small ellipse whose transverse diame- ter = 19".l and conjugate = 14 // .2. The correction of the right ascension and declination of a star arising from this cause may be readily found by the following theo- rems: in which A the right ascension of the star (per table), I) = its declination, and N = the longitude of the moon's ascending node. Th. 1. 8".3 cos. (N A) tan. D l".25 cos. (N -f A) tan. D 16". 2 5 sin. N. = the nutation in Rt. as. in seconds of time. Th. 2. 4- 9".55 cos. N. sin. A +*7".05 cos. A sin. N = the nutation in cleclin. in seconds of a degree. The up* per signs are to be used when the star has north dec. and the under signs when it has south dec. See Aberra- tion. Oblique ascension of a celestial body, that point of the equa/< tor which rises at the same time with the body in an ob- lique sphere. Obliquity of the ecliptic, the angle in which the ecliptic cros- ses the equator. Occultatio?i of a star, the moon's passing between the star and the observer, and thereby, for a time, hiding it from his sight. Olympiads. Games celebrated by the Greeks every 4 years. See jEra. Opposition, that aspect in which the difference of longitude of the two bodies is 180. Orbit of a planet, the path in which it revolves round its centre of motion. The orbits of all the planets, whether primary or secondary, are elliptical, though of but small excentricity; and all (with the exception of lierschel's satellites) nearly in the plane of the ecliptic, or earth's orbit. Parallax of a celestial body, is equal to the angle at the body, subtended by a semidiameter of the earth terminating in the place of the observer. Hence the horizontal parallax of a body will be the greatest, and in the zenith it will entirely vanish. The fixed stars, from their immense dis- tance, have no sensible parallax. Parallax of the earth's annual orbit, at a planet, is the angle at that planet subtended by the distance between the earth and sun. Penumbra, a faint or imperfect shade, observed in eclipses, and occasioned by a partial interception of the sun's light. Perigee, that point of the moon's orbit which is nearest to the earth. The term is sometimes applied to signify that point in which the sun is nearest to the earth. Perihelion, that point of a planet's orbit which is nearest to the sun. Periodical time of a planet, that in which it performs a com- plete revolution round its centre of motion. Perioeci, such as live in opposite points of the same parallel of latitude. Periscii, those whose shadows turn quite round during the day, the sun not setting and such, at certain times of the year, are the inhabitants of the frigid zones. ( 21 ) Phases of a planet, the various appearances of the visible illuminated part, as horned, half illuminated, gibbous, full. Planets, bodies in the solar system, which revolve in orbits nearly circular, and all nearly in the same plane. They are distinguished into primary, and secondary. The primary jilanets, revolve round the sun as their centre, and the secondaries, round their respective prima- ries as their centres. The table at the end of this Glossary contains a correct synopsis of the distances, magnitudes, periods, and all the other important elements of the several planets, both primary and secondary, in the solar system, according to the latest observations. The sun's horizontal parallax, as determined from the transit of Venus in 1769, being 8"|. Poles of any great circle of the sphere, two opposite points in the surface of the sphere, each 90 degrees distant from the circumference of the given circle. Precession, recession, or retrocession of the equinoxes, a slow motion of 50"^ per year, by which the equinoctial points of the ecliptic are carried backwards from east to "west, and consequently the epliptical stars carried forwards from west to east. This motion is occasioned by the attraction of the sun and moon, on the matter of the earth accumulated at the equator by its diurnal rotation. Primary planets-, those bodies in the solar system which re- volve round the sun as their centre of motion, in orbits nearly circular. Prime -vertical, that azimuth-circle which passes through the east and west points of the horizon. Quadrature, or quartile, that aspect in which the bodies have 90. difference of longitude. Radius -vector of a planet, the distance from the planet, in any give'n part of its orbits, to the centre of motion. Refraction of a celestial body, the angle in which the rays of light coming from the body, are bent downwards from their right course in falling obliquely upon, and passing; through, the earth's atmosphere. This is greatest in the horizon, and entirely vanishes in the zenith. Retrograde motion of a planet, that by which it appears to the observer to move contrary to the order of the signs. To a spectator on the earth, Mercury and Venus will ap- pear retrograde when they are in the inferior or nearer part of their orbits, and all the other planets will appear retrograde when the earth is in the nearer part of its or- bit with respect to them. Satellites, or secondary planets, or moons, those smaller bodies in the solar system which regard the primaries as their centres of motion. 'Saturn, a primary planet, the 6th in order from the sun, at the distance of about 900 millions of miles. It is furnish- ed with a stupendous double ring and 7 satellites. Second, the 60th part of a minute, whether of time or of a degree. Sex tile, that aspect where the difference of longitude of th'e two bodies = 60. Sign of the ecliptic, an arch of 30. or the 12th part of the whole circle. Signs of the zodiac, twelve constellations, distributed through the zodiac, and nearly at equal distances. The vernal equi- noctial point was formerly in the constellation Aries, but owing to the precession of the equinoxes it is now in the constellation Pisces; yet the artificial signs continue to be called by their former names. The equinoctial points be- ing still denominated Aries and Libra, and the solstitial points, Cancer and Capricorn. Solar system, comprehends the sun, the centre of the sys- tem, the primary planets, the secondary planets, and the. comets. Solar cycle. See Cycle. Solstices, the times when the sun enters the two solstitial points of the ecliptic, viz. the 21st of June, the time of the northern solstice, and the' 22d of December, that of the southern solstice. These with relation to the north- ern hemisphere, are frequently denominated the summer, and winter, solstices, respectively. Solstitial points of the ecliptic, those opposite points in which the sun has the greatest declination, viz. the beginning of the sign Cancer in the northern hemisphere, and the be- ginning of the sign Capricorn, in the southern. Sphere, in a geometrical sense, is a solid contained under a uniformly-curved surface, every point of which is equally distant from a certain point within the same, called the centre. This term is applied to the several celestial bo- dies, as they are probably all nearly of this figure. It is also applied to the apparent concave surface of the hea- vens, and is then called the celestial sphere. The sphere, in geography and astronomy, is frequently distinguished by the epithets right, oblique, or parallel? according to the position of the equator and horizon: bright sphere, is that in which the equator cuts tUe he- ( 23 } rizon at right angles, and such is the case to an inhabitant at the equator. In this sphere the lengths of the days and nights are always equal. dn oblique sphere, is that in which the equator cuts the horizon at oblique angles; and such is the case to any inhabitant north or south of the equator. In this sphere the lengths of the days and nights are always varying the variation being greater, the greater the latitude. A parallel sphere, is that in which the equator is parallel, or rather coincident, with the horizon; and such is the case to an inhabitant at either pole. In this sphere, the sun Will be six months successively visible, and six in- visible. . Spheroid, a solid which may be conceived as generated by the rotation of an ellipsis round its tranverse or conju- gate diameter. In the former case, the spheroid is said to be prolate, and in the latter, oblate. The figure of the earth, and perhaps that of most of the other planets, is near- ly that of an oblate spheroid. This arises from their rotato- ry motion round their axes, by which, the attraction at the surface is continually diminished from the poles to the equator, by the Continued increase of the centrifugal force; and thus, the equatorial diameter becomes greater than the polar. It follows from this figure, that the length of the degrees of latitude gradually increase from the equa- tor to the poles. To this figure of the earth we are to ascribe many of the apparent irregularities in the motions of the celestial bodies: as, the precession of the equinoxes, the nutation of th6 stars, Sec. ' Stars, or fixed stars, luminous bodies, at an immense dis- tance, appearing in all parts of the heavens. They all probably resemble the sun in matter and in magnitude, and are each the centre of a system, similar to the solar system. They are said to be fixed because they con- stantly preserve, very nearly, the same relative position to each other. Besides the small apparent motion of the, stars arising from aberration, and nutation, and the pre- cession of the equinoxes; in some of them there has been discovered a very slow (indeed) proper motion. Whence it is conjectured that not only the bodies belonging to the innumerable systems of stars are in motion round theu' respective centres, but that all the systems of bodies in the universe are themselves in motion round some com- mon centre and that thus they are prevented from ap- preaching each other, which, from their mutual attrac- tions, they must otherwise do. ( 24 ) Stationary. This term is applied to a planet, when, for some time, it appears to a spectator to occupy the same place in the zodiac. To a spectator in the sun, the planets' motions would always appear direct; and that they ever appear otherwise to a spectator on the earth, is owing to its own motion, and being placed out of the centre of the system. To such a spectator, Mercury and Venus will appear stationary when at their greatest elongation; and all the other planets will appear stationary when the earth is at its greatest elongation with respect to them. Style, the particular manner of counting time. It is dis- tinguished into old and new. Old style, is that which follows the Julian calendar. New style, is that which follows the Gregorian calendar. See Calendar. In the year 1800 the latter was 12 days ahead of the former, and in every centurial year not divi- sible by 4, the difference will be increased 1 day. Systems of the Universe. Of these there are 3 noted ones in the history of astronomy, viz. the Ptolemean system, advocated by many of the ancient philosophers. Accord- ing to this, the earth occupies the centre of the universe* and is at rest; while all the celestial bodies revolve round it from east to west, every 24 hours. The Tychonean nys- tcm, invented by Tycho Brahe, a noted Danish Astrono- nomer, bom A. D. 1546. According to this system, the earth, as in the Ptolemean system, is placed in the centre of the universe, the moon revolving round the earth as her proper centre, while the sun, with all the other pla- nets moving round him as satellites, revolve also round the earth. Cofiernican system, maintained by many of the ancients, particularly by Pythagoras, revived by Copernicus a na- tive of Thorn in Prussia (born 1473), and demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton. According to this it is demon- strated that the sun is the centre of the planetary sys- tem; the primary planets revolving round him in their annual orbits, and the secondaries round their respective primaries. That the orbits both of the primary and se- condary planets are all nearly circular, though in fact ellip- tical; the sun, or primary, being placed in one of the foci of the respective orbits. That they all lie nearly in the same plane. That all the planets revolve nearly in the same direction, the square of their periodical times being directly proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the centre of motion. That the earth, and perhaps most, if not all the other primary planets. ( 25 ) perform a diurnal rotation round their axes ; and that the moon, or satellite of the earth, as well as perhaps all the other satellites, constantly present the same face to- wards their primaries. That the inclination of the axis of rotation to the plane of the ctbit is different in differ- ent planets ; and that thus they experience a differenc6 in their diversity of seasons. Syzigy. This general term is applied both to signify the con. junction and opposition of a planet with the Sun. It is however chiefly used in relation to the moon. Tides, a periodical alternate motion or flux and reflux of the waters of the sea. These are caused chiefly by the attraction of the moon, though in part by that of the Sun also ; and accordingly there are two tides of flood (and consequently two of ebb) in the course of every lunar day. The apex of one of the tides of high water is immediately under, or ra- ther about 45 eastward of, the moon; and the other, dia- metrically opposite. These are produced by the unequal attractions of the moon on the part of the eatth nearest to her, on the centre of the eartii, and on the part farthest from her (attraction decreasing inversely with the square of the distance.) One tide therefore is produced by a re- dundancy of attraction, drawing the waters up towards the moon, and the opposite tide, .by a deficiency of attrac- tion, leaving, as it were, the waters behind. When the sun and moon are in conjunction or opposition, the tides, being then produced by their joint influence, are higher than usual, and hence called spring -tides ; but when these bodies are in quadrature, the tides, being produced by the difference of their influence, are lower than usual, and hence called neap-tides L Time is measured by the apparent motion of the celestial bodies ; and is variously distinguished : thus Apparent solar time, is that measured by the apparent motion of the sun ; and hence the apparent solar time from noon, is equal to the sun's horary angle reduced to time, at the rate of 15 to the hour. Mean solar time, is that shewn by a true time-piece, going with an equable motion throughout the year. Sidereal time, is that measured by the apparent equa- ble motion of the stars. Lunar time, that measured by the apparent motion of the moon. See Day. Transit of an inferior planet (Mercury or Venus) over the sun's disc, is when the planet, at the time of an in- ferior conjunction, passes between the sun and the ob- C ( 26 J. server. This will only happen when the planet, at the time? of this conjunction, is in or near its node. Trine, an aspect where the bodies are at the distance of i. of the ecliptic or 120 a Twilight. See Crepusculum. Venus, the second primary planet from the sun, at the distance of about 68 millions of miles. Fear, a period of time generally considered as compre- hending a complete revolution of the seasons. The year is variously distinguished, viz. 1 . Tropical Solar year, the time in which the sun appears to perform a complete revolution through all the signs of the zodiac = 365d. 5h. 48m. 48s. 2. Sidereal year, the time in which the sun appears to revolve from any fixed star to the same again = 365d. 6h. 9m. 17s. The difference between the tropical and sidereal year (20m. 29s.) is the time of the sun's apparent motion through 50"1, the arch of annual precession. 3. Lunar astronomical year, consists of 12 lunar synodi- cal months = 354d. 8h. 48m. 38s. and therefore 10d.21h.0m. 1.0s. less than the solar year a difference which is the foundation of the epacU 4. The common lunar civil year, consists of 12 lunar civil months, = 324 days 5. The embolismic or intercalary lunar year,, consists of 13 lunar civil months = 384 days. 6. The common civil year, contains 365 days, divided into 12 calendar months. 7. Bissextile or leap-year, containing 366 days. See cal- endar. Zenith, the upper pole of the horizon. Zenith-distance of a celestial bod), its distance from the ze- nith, measured on the azimuth-circle passing through the body, and is equal to the complement of the altitude to 90, Zodiac, a zone or broad circle in the heavens including alt the planets, and extending about 10. on each side of the ecliptic. Zodiacal light, a pyramidal lucid appearance, sometimes ob- served in the zodi.ic, resembling the galaxy, or milky way. It is most plainly observable after the evening twi- light about the latter end of February ; and before the rooming twilight about the beginning of October. For at these times it appears near.y perpendicular to the horizon. This appearance is generally supposed to be occasioned by the sun's atmosphere. ( 27 ) in astronomical geography? is applied to a division ot the earth's surface by certain parallels of latitude. The Zones are 5 in number, viz. 1. The torrid zone, lying between the two tropics. It comprehends the West India Islands, the greater parts of South America and of Africa, the southern parts of Asia, and the East India Islands. 2. The north frigid zone, lying round the north pole, and bounded by the north polar circle. It comprehends part of Greenland, of the northern regions of North America, and a little of the northern parts of Europe and Asia. 3. The south frigid zone, lying round the south pole, and bounded by the south polar circle. It contains no dry land, so far as yet discovered. 4. The north temfierate zone, lying between the torrid and north frigid. It comprehends almost the whole of North America, Europe, and Asia, with the northern part of Africa. 5. The south temfierate zone, lying between the torrid and south frigid. It comprehends the southern part of South America, of Africa, and of the great island of New- Holland. In the torrid zone, the sun is vertical twice a year to every part of it, and there is very little diversity in the length of the clay throughout the year, the longest clay varying only from 12 to about 13J hours. In the tempe- rate zones the sun is never vertical, and the length of the longest day varies from about 13| to 24 hours. In the frigid zones, the length of the longest day (or time be- tween the sun's rising and setting) varies from 24 hours to 6 months. s *s s^ 5 s -g & CO CO ci ? t ^ oo c^ (-1 p " to J ir* to CO co tO ro 00 ^ s S3 O CO b- b- Q o* 00 00 tc s o s s o CN _ 2 T+l c 2 b- c ! CO s s o* / S j b- ^ S 3 b- q a. co Ch c s s jjj M b! 00 Q * s b- c pi (N m ^ - ^ s b- e* Oi" . b. 00 * V) O". to 3 cc a o b- I ^ Jj oc C s s -,c ' s sf O CO CO o CO OJ b- co o * c o-. o' CTi CO ' o' 0* 00 c 00 OC S s 1 s' c en 2j b- '; X s ? s b- in ? s * s s b- in b- cc T. ^ s s CO to ^ o' b- CO ,J q '^ CN CO >n S ?, 5 s S f oc _< s s s S td CO <> in to CO co " CO X X b- VO o* CO X . o * CO b- co IQ 1 5 C7< J* CM S r a. co b- < s v in to S ? '""' U") CN r 1 _, -~' c$ O) S ti 1 in CO 5g b- co CO in m i 2 S s" b- cc b- " 0* CO b- O' -J S 1 ^ ex w ^ 1 - S L s O 3 O 1 jS CJD c .2 s 73 'o Cfl EH !r ~ s Elements. al revolution ^ T S and parts. round axis in s. o ^ e ? c t v. o ^-* S "o (0 "w 1 o G G a; C 1 - tfl on of cliamete '^ c 5 5 i e J ill JJ U -T* o tl '? -c' ' 3 2 | 'r g " 1.g T-' VTJ ^ ^ .2 e '-g p. c ,_ .S "& y "So Cv p . S Q P- 8L!i 2_^ S ^" 1 o "^ II "u p c "S c 2 3 C Is rT 5 Jj 'S c ^3 2.2-2 S g'S'-r^^S . 3 25-5^^^3^430^600 CONTENTS. PAGE. Explanation of the principal Terms relating to As- f tronomy, Chronology, and the astronomical Parts of Geography, with occasional Illustra- trations and Remarks, . . . 5 *> Table of the Motions and Distances of the Planets, 28 Table of the Satellites 29 CHAP. I. Of Astronomy in general, II. A brief Description of the SOLAR SYSTEM, 40 III. The COPERNICAN SYSTEM demonstrated to be true, 77 IV. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from dif- ferent Parts of the Earth, .... 89 V. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from differ- ent Parts of the Solar Sytem, . . . 97 VI. The Ptolemean System refuted. The Motions and Phases of Mercury and Venus explained, . 102 VII. The physical Causes of the Motions of the Planets. The Excentricities of their Orbits. The Times i in which the Action of Gravity would bring them to the Sun. ARCHIMEDES' ideal Problem for moving the Earth. The World not eternal, 109 VIII. Of Light. Its proportional Quantities on the dif- ferent Planets. Its Refractions in Water and Air. The Atmosphere ; its Weight and Proper- ties. The horizontal Moon, . . .118 IX. The Method of finding the Distances of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, 134 X. The Circles of the Globe described. The different Lengths of Days and Nights, and the Vicissi- tudes of Seasons, explained. The Explanation of the Phenomena of Saturn's Ring, concluded, 142 XI. The Method of finding the Longitude by the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites The amazing Velocity of Light demonstrated by these Eclip- ses, 154 XII. Of Solar and Sidereal Time, . . . .162 XIII. Of the Equation of Time, . . . .167 XIV. Of the Precession of the Equinoxes, . . 183 XV. The Moon's Surface mountainous : Her Phases described : Her Path, and the Paths of Jupi- ter's Moons delineated : The Proportions of the Diameters of their Orbits, and those of Saturn's Moons to each other, and to the Diameter of the Sun, 219 XVI. The Phenomena of the Harvest-Moon explained by a common Globe: The Years in which the Harvest-Moons are least and most beneficial, from 1751 to 1861 The long Duration of Moon- light at the Poles in Winter, . , . 235 XVII. Of the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, . 251 CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAP. XVIII. Of Eclipses: Their Number and Periods. A large Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Eclipses, 263 XIZ. Shewing the Principles on which the following Astronomical Tables are constructed, and the Method of calculating the Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipses, by them, . . 320 XX. Of the fixed Stars, 370 XXI. Of the Division of Time. A perpetual Table of New Moons . The Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. A Table of remarkable ./Eras or Events, 391 XXII. A Description of the astronomical Machinery, serving to explain and illustrate the foregoing Part of this Treatise, 432 XXIII. The Method of finding the Distances of the Planets from the Sun, 465 ART. I. Concerning Parallaxes, and their Use in general, 467 AIIT. II. Shewing how to find the horizontal Parallax of Venus by Observation, and from thence, by Analogy, the Parallax and Distance of the Sun, and of all the Planets from him, . . 472 ART. III. Containing Doctor HALLEY'S Dissertation on the Method of finding the Sun's Parallax and Distance from the Earth, by the Transit of Venus over the Sun's Disc, June the 6th, 1761. Translated from the Latin in Matte's Abridg- ment of the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. I. page 243 ; with additional Notes, . . 482 ART. IV. Shewing that the whole Method proposed by the Doctor cannot be put in Practice, and why, 498 ART. V. Shewing how to project the Transit of Venus on the Sun's Disc, as seen from different Places of the Earth ; so as to find what its visible Dura- tion must be at any given Place, according to any assumed Parallax of the Sun ; and from the observed Intervals between the Times of Ve- nus's Egress from the Sun at particular Places, to find the Sun's true horizontal Parallax, . 500 ART. VI. Concerning the Map of the Transit, . . 520 ART. VII. Containing an Account of Mr. HORROX'S Observa- tion of the Transit of Venus over the Sun, in the Year 1639 ; as it is published in the Annual Register for the Year 1761, . . . . 521 ART. VIII. Containing a short Account of some Observations of the Transit of Venus, A. D. 1761, June 6th ; and the Distance of the Planets from the Sun, 9$ deduced from those Observations* - 52& CH ^V ASTRONOMY EXPLAINED. CHAP. L Of Astronomy in general* , /~\F all the sciences cultivated by mankind, ^ \^J astronomy is acknowledged to be, and a strono undoubtedly is, the most sublime, the most inter- m y esting, and the most useful. For, by knowledge derived from this sr.ieucc, not only the magnitude of the earth is discovered, the situation and extent of the countries and kingdoms upon it ascertained, trade and commerce carried on to the remotest parts of the world, and the various products of se- veral countries distributed for the health, comfort,, and conveniency of its inhabitants ; but our very fa- culties are enlarged with the grandeur of the ideas it conveys, our minds exalted above the low con- tracted prejudices of the vulgar, and our under- standings clearly convinced, and affected with the conviction, of the existence, wisdom, power, good- ness, immutability, and superintendency of the SUPREME BEING. So that, without an hy- perbole, " An unde-vout astronomer is mad.*" 2. From this branch of knowledge we also learn by what means or laws the Almighty carries on, and continues, the wonderful harmony, order, and connexion, observable throughout the planetary system ; and are led, by very powerful arguments^ to form this pleasing deduction that minds capabk * Dr. Young's Night Thoughts* E 32 Of Astronomy in general. of such deep researches, not only derive their ori- gin from that adorable Being, but are also incited to aspire after a more perfect knowledge of his na- ture, and a stricter conformity to his will. The Earth 3. By astronomy, we discover that the Earth is as Ut see P n mt at so reat a distance from the Sun, that it seen from from the thence it would appear no larger than a point ; al- Surt ' though its circumference is known to be 25,020 miles. Yet even this distance is so small, compared with that of the fixed stars, that if the orbit in which the Earth moves round the Sun were solid, and seen from the nearest star, it would likewise appear no larger than a point ; although it is about 162 mil- lions of miles in diameter. For the Earth, in go- ing round the Sun, is 162 millions of miles nearer to some of the stars at one time of the year, than at another ; and yet their apparent magnitudes, si- tuations and distances from one another, still re- main the same; and a telescope which magnifies above 200 times, does not sensibly magnify them. This proves them to be at least 400 thousand times farther from us than we are from the Sun. 4. It is not to be imagined that all the stars are placed in one concave surface, so as to be equally distant from us ; but that they are placed at im- mense distances from one another, through unli- mited space. So that there may be as great a dis- tance between any two neighbouring stars, as be- tween the Sun and those which are nearest to him. An observer, therefore, who is nearest any fixed The stars star, will look upon it alone as a real Sun ; and con- are aims, s jcj er t } ie rest as so man y shining points, placed at equal distances from him in the firmament. 5. By the help of telescopes we discover thousands of stars which are invisible to the bare eye; and the better our glasses are, still the more stars become and innu- visible : so that we can set no limits either to their number or tne j r distances. The celebrated HUY- GENS carried his thoughts so far, as to believe it not impossible that there may be stars at such Of Astronomy In general. 33 inconceivable distances, that their light has not yet reached the Earth since its creation; although the velocity of light be a million of times greater than the velocity of a cannon-ball, as shall be demon- strated aiu I \-.ard, \ 197.216. And, as Mr. AD- DISON very justly observes, this thought is far from being extravagant, when we consider that the uni- verse is the work of infinite power, prompted by in- finite goodness ; having an infinite space to exert it- self in ; so that our imaginations can set no bounds to it. 6t The Sun appears very bright and large in Why the comparison with the fixed stars, because we keep j^ar s ap far- constantly near the Sun, in comparison with our ger than immense distance from the stars. For, a spectator the sUr -?* placed as near to any star as we are to the Sun, would see that star a body as large and bright as the Sun appears to us : and a spectator as far distant from the sun as we are from the stars, would see the Sun as small as we see a star, divested of all its circumvolving planets ; and would reckon it one of the stars in numbering them. ^ 7. The stars, being at such immense distances Tbe stAs from the Sun, cannot possibly receive from him sof. re " ote ? % , . , lightened strong a light as they seem to have ; nor any bright* by the ness sufficient to make them visible to us. For the Sun - Sun's rays must be so scattered and dissipated before they reach such remote objects, that they can never be transmitted back to our eyes, so as to render these objects visible by reflection. The stars therefore shine with their own native and unbor- rowed lustre, as the Sun does. And since each par- ticular star, as well as the Sun, is confined to a par- ticular portion of space, it is plain that the stars are of the same nature with the Sun. 8. It is no ways probable that the Almighty, who always acts with infinite wisdom, and does no- thing in vain, should create so many glorious suns, fit for so many important purposes, and place them .at such distances from one another, without pro- 34 Of Astronomy in general. per objects near enough to be benefited by their They are influence. Whoever imagines that they were created summnd- only to give a faint glimmering light to the inha- e<] by pia- bitants of this globe, must have a very superficial knowledge of astronomy, and a mean opinion of the Divine Wisdom : since, by an infinitely less exer- tion of creating power, the Deity could have given our Earth much more li^ht by one single additional moon. 9. Instead then of one Sun and one world only in the universe, as the unskilful in astronomy ima- gine, that science discovers to us such an incon- ceivable number of suns, systems, and worlds, dis- persed through boundless space, that if our Sun, with all the planets, moons, and comets, belonging to it, were annihilated, they would be no more missed, by an eye that could take in the whole creation, than a grain of sand from the sea-shore the space they possess being comparatively so small, that it would scarce be a sensible blank in the uni- verse. Saturn, indeed, the outermost of our plan- cts, revolves about the Sun in an orbit of 4884 mil- lions of miles in circumference ;* and some of our comets make excursions upwards of ten thousand millions of miles beyond Saturn's orbit ; and yet, at that amazing distance, they are incomparably nearer to the Sun than to any of the stars. This is evident from their keeping clear of the attractive power of all the stars, and returning periodically by virtue of the Sun's attraction. The stei- ]_(). From what we know of our own system, it may beha- mav be reasonably concluded that all the rest are 4ntable, with equal wisdom contrived, situate, and pro- vided with accommodations for rational inhabit- ants. Let us therefore take a survey of the system to which we belong, the only one accessi- ble to us, and from thence we shall be the better * The Georgian planet, discovered since Mr. Ferguson's time, re- volves round the Sun in an orbit 5673 millions of miles in circumfer- ence, Of Astronomy in general. 35 enabled to judge of the nature and end of the other systems of the universe. For, although there is an almost infinite variety in the parts of the creation, whicli we have opportunities of examining, yet there is a general analogy running through and connecting all the parts into one scheme, one design, one whole. 11. And then, to an attentive considerer, it will appear highly probable, that the planets of our sys- tem, together with their attendants called satellites or moons, are much of the same nature with, our Earth, and destined for the like purposes. They are all solid opaque globes, capable of supporting are. animals and vegetables. Some of them are larger, some less, and some nearly of the same size of our Earth. They all circulate round the Sun, as the Earth does, in shorter or longer times, according to their respective distances from him ; and have, where it would not be inconvenient, regular returns of sum- mer and winter, spring and autumn. They have warmer and colder climates, as the various produc- tions ot our Earth require : and in such as afford a possibility of discovering it, we observe a regular motion round their axes like that of our Earth, caus- ing an alternate return of day and night ; which is necessary for labour, rest, and vegetation ; and that all parts of their surfaces may be alternately exposed to the rays of the Sun. 12. Such of the planets as are farthest from theThefar- Sun, and therefore enjoy least of his light, have that t j )e sun deficiency made up by several moons, which con- have most stantly accompany, and revolve about them ; as our^j?^^ Moon revolves about the Earth. The remotest their planet* has, over and above, a broad ring encom- ni hts - passing it ; which, like a lucid zone in the heavens, reflects the Sun's light very copiously on that planet: so that if the remoter planets have the Sun's light fainter by day than our earth, they have an addition rrjiade to it morning and evening by one or more of is now known to.havc two of these lucid zones or ring)?. 36 Of Astronomy in general. Our Moon their moons, and a greater quantity of light in the the Earth. 13. On the surface of the Moon, because it is nearer to us than any other of the celestial bodies are, we discover a nearer resemblance of our Earth. For, by the assistance of telescopes, we observe the Moon to be full of high mountains, large vallies, and deep cavities. These similarities leave us no room to doubt, that all the planets and moons in the system, are designed as commodious habitations for creatures endowed with capacities of knowing and adoring their beneficent Creator. 14. Since the fixed stars are prodigious spheres of fire like our Sun,* and at inconceivable distances from one another, as well as from us, it is reasona- ble to conclude, they are made for the same pur- poses that the Sun is ; each to bestow light, heat, and vegetation on a certain number of inhabited planets ; kept by gravitation within the sphere of its activity. Number- ]^ What an august, whan an amazing concep- less suns . . P , . 5 . . . . * and tion, if human imagination can conceive it, does worlds, this give of the works of the Creator ! Thousands of thousands of suns, multiplied without end, and ranged all around us, at immense distances from each other ; attended by ten thousand times ten thousand worlds, all in rapid motion, yet calm, regular, and harmonious, invariably keeping the paths prescribed them ; and these worlds peopled with myriads of in- telligent beings, formed for endless progression in perfection and felicity ! 16. If so much power, wisdom, goodness, and magnificence be displayed in the material creation, which is the least considerable part of the universe, how great, how wise, how good, must HE BE, who made and governs the whole ! * Though the Sun may not, strictly speaking, be a great sphere of fire, yet it is undoubtedly the principal source of light and heat to the other bodies in the system. Of the Solar System CHAP. II. A brief Description of the SOLAR SYSTEM. Sun, with the planets and comets [*'*/' which move round him as their centre, constitute the solar system. Those planets which are near the Sun not only finish their circuits sooner, but likewise move faster in their respective orbits, than those which are more remote from him. Their motions are all performed from west to east, in orbits nearly circular. Their names, distances, magni- tudes, and periodical revolutions, are as follows : 18. The Sun , an immense globe of fire, i s ThcSun placed near 'the common centre, or rather in the lower* focus of the orbits of all the planets and co- metsf ; and turns round his axis in 25 days 6 hours, as is evident by the motion of spots seen on his sur- face. His diameter is computed to be 76 3 ,000 ^ff- 1 ? miles ; and by the various attractions of the circum- volving planets, he is agitated by a small motion * If the two ends of a thread be tied together, and die thread be then thrown loosely round two pins stuck in a table, and moderately stretched by the point of a black-lead pencil carried round by an even motion, and light pressure of the hand, and oval or ellipsis will be described ; and the points where the pins are fixed are called the foci or focuses of the ellipsis. The orbifs of all the planets are ellip- tical, and the Sun is placed in or near one of the foci of each of them : and that in which he is placed, is called the lower focus* t Astronomers are not far from the truth when they reckon the Sun's centre to be in the lower focus of all the planetary orbits. Though, strictly speaking, if we consider the focus of Mercury's orbit to be in the Sun's centre, the focus of Venus's orbit will be in the common centre of gravity of the Sun and Mercury ; the focus of the Earth's orbit in the common centre of gravity of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus ; the focus of the orbit of Mars in the com- mon centre of gravity of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the Earth; and so of the rest. Yet the focuses of the orbits of all the planets, except Saturn, will not be sensioly removed from the centre of the Sun ; nor will the focus of Saturn's orbit recede sensibly from the common centre of gravity of the Sun and Jupiter, 38 Of the Solar System*. Plate I. round the centre of gravity of the system. All the planets, as seen from him, move the same way, and according to the order of the signs in the graduated circle T tf n s, fcfr. which represents the great ecliptic in the heavens : but, as seen from any one planet, the rest appear sometimes to go back ward ? sometimes forward, and sometimes to stand still. These apparent motions are not in circles nor in el- lipses, but* in looped curves, which never return into themselves. The comets come from all parts of the heavens, and move in all directions. 19. Having mentioned the Sun's turning round his axis, and as there will be frequent occasion to speak of the like motion of the Earth and other planets, it is proper here to inform the young Tyro in astronomy, that neither the Sun nor planets have material axes to turn upon, and support them, as The axes i n the little imperfect machines contrived to repre- netsT pla " sent them. For the axis of a planet is an imginary what. line, conceived to be drawn through its centre, about which it revolves as if on a real axis. The extremities of this axis, terminating in opposite points of the planet's surface, are called its poles. That which points toward the northern part of the heavens, is called the north pole ; and the other, pointing toward the southern part, is called the south pole. A bowl whirled from one's hand into the open air, turns round such a line within itself, while it moves forward ; and such are the lines we mean, when we speak of the axes of the heavenly bodies. Their or- 20. Let us suppose the Earth's orbit to be a thin, notbtthe even > solid P lane > cut ting the Slln through the cen- same tre, and extended out as far as the starry heavens, P^j: lth where it will mark the great circle called the ecliptic. tic. This circle we suppose to be divided into 12 equal parts, called signs ; each sign into 30 equal parts, called degrees; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 * As represented in Plate III. Fig. I. and described $ 138, Of the Solar System. 39 into 60 equal parts, called seconds : so that a second Platt f. is the 60th part of a minute ; a minute the 60th part of a degree ; and a degree the 360th part of a circle, or ijOth part of a sign. The planes of the orbits of all the other planets likewise cut the Sun in halves ; but, extended to the heavens, form circles different from one another, and from the ecliptic ; one half of each being on the north side, and the other on the south side of it. Consequent- Their ly the orbit of each planet crosses the ecliptic in two node8 ' opposite points, which are called the planets' nodes. These nodes are all in different parts of the ecliptic ; and therefore, if the planetary tracks remained vi- sible in the heavens, they would in some measure resemble the different ruts of waggon wheels, cross- Ing one another in different parts, but never going far asunder* That node, or intersection of the or- bit of any planet with the Earth's orbit, from which the planet ascends northward above the ecliptic, is called the ascending node of the planet : and the other, which is directly opposite thereto, is called its de- scending node. Saturn's ascending node* is in 21 Where si- deg. 32 min. of Cancer 25 ; Jupiter's in 8 deg. 49 tuate - min. of the same sign; Mars's in 18 deg. 22 min. of Taurus tf ; Venus's in 14 deg. 44 min. of Ge- mini n ; and Mercury's in 16 deg. 2 min. of Taurus. Here we consider the Earth's orbit as the stand- ard, and the orbits of all the other planets as ob- lique to it. 21. When we speak of the planets' orbits, all that T h e plan- is meant is, their paths through the open and unre- ets orbits, sisting space in which they move, and are retained what ' by the attractive power of the Sun, and the pro- jectile force impressed upon them at first. Between this power and force there is so exact an adjustment, that they continue in the same tracks without any- solid orbits to confine them. * In the year 1790. F 40 Of the Solar System. Plate i. 22. MERCURY, the nearest planet to the Sun, Mercury ^^^ round him, in the circle marked 8, in 87 days, ri - I- 23 hours of our time, nearly; which is the length of his year. But being seldom seen, and no spots appearing on his surface or disc, the time of his ro- tation on his axis, or the length of his days and nights is as yet unknown. His distance from the Sun is computed to be 32 millions of miles, and his diameter 2600. In his course round the Sun, he moves at the rate of 95 thousand miles every hour. His light and heat from the Sun are almost seven times as great as ours ; and the Sun appears to him May be in- almost seven times as large as to us. The great habited. j^ Qn t j^ g pj anet j s no argument against its being inhabited ; since the Almighty could as easily suit the bodies and constitutions of its inhabitants to the heat of their dwelling, as he has done ours to the temperature of our Earth. And it is very probable that the people there have just such an opinion of us, as we have of the inhabitants of Jupiter and Saturn ; namely, that we must be intolerably cold, and have very little light, at so great a distance from the Sun. Has like 23. This planet appears to us with all the vari- withThe ous phases of the Moon, when viewed at different Moon. times by a good telescope : save only, that he never appears quite full, because his enlightened side is never turned directly toward us, but when he is so near the Sun as to be lost to our sight in its beams. And, as his enlightened side is always toward the Sun, it is plain that he shines not by any light of his own ; for if he did, he would constantly appear round. That he moves about the Sun in an orbit within the Earth's orbit, is also plain (as will be more largely shewn by and by, 141, & seq.J be- cause he is never seen opposite to the Sun, nor in- deed above 56 times the Sun's breadth from his centre. Of the Solar System. 41 24. His orbit is inclined seven degrees to ecliptic. That node, 20, from which he ascends northward above the ecliptic, is in the 16th degree of Taurus ; and the opposite node, in the 16th de- gree of Scorpio. The Earth is in these points on the 7th of November and 5th of May\ and when Mercury comes to either of his nodes at his* infe- rior conjunction about these times, he will appear to pass over the disc or face of the Sun, like a dark round spot. But in all other parts of his orbit his conjunctions are invisible; because he either passes above or below the Sun. 25. Mr. WHISTON has given us an account of when several periods at which Mercury might be seen on ^L e o n n JjJ the Sun's disc, viz. In the year 17fc2, Nov. 12th, sun. at 3 h. 44 m. in the afternoon, 1786, May 4th, at 6 h. 57 m. in the forenoon ; 1789, Nov. 5th, at 3 h. 55 m. in the afternoon ; and 1799, May 7th, at 2 h. 34m. in the afternoon. There were several intermediate transits, but none of them visible at London. 26. VENUS, the next planet in order, is com- Venus. puted to be 59 millions of miles from the Sun; and by moving at the rate of 69 thousand miles every hour, in her orbit in the circle marked 9 , she Fig. i: goes round the Sun in 224 days, 17 hours of our time, nearly ; in which, though it be the full length of her year, she has only 91 days, accord- ing toBiANCHiNi's observations'!* ; so that, to her, * When he is between the Earth and the Sun in the nearest part of his orbit. t The elder Cassini had concluded from observations made by himself in 1667, thnt Venus revolved on her axis in a little more than 23 h. because in 24 h. he found that a spot on her surface was about 15 more advanced than it was at the day before ; and it ap- peared to him that the spot was very sensibly advanced in a quar- ter of an hour. In 1728, Bianchini published a splendid work, in folio, at Rome, entitled Hesfieri et Phosfihori nova fihanomena; in which are the observations here referred to. Bianchini agrees 42 Of the Solar System. Plate I. every clay and night together is as long as 24-| days and nights with us. This odd quarter of a c'av in every year makes every fourth a leap-year to Vtuiis ; as the like does to our Earth. Her dmmt-ter is 7906 miles; and by her diurnal motion the inhabitants about her equator are carried 43 miles every hour, beside the 69,000 above-mentioned. Her orbit 27. Her orbit includes that ot Mercury within tween the ^ 5 f r at ^ er greatest elongation, or apparent dis- Earth andtance from the Sun, she is 96 times the breadth of Mercury. ^^ i ummar y f rorn his centre ; which is almost double of Mercury's greatest elongation. Her or- bit is included by the Earth's ; for ii it were not, she might be seen as often in opposition to the Sun, as she is in conjunction with him ; but she has ne- ver been seen 90 degrees, or a fourth part of a circle from the Sun. She is our 28. When Venus appears west of the Sun, she ImTeven- r * ses before him in the morning, and is called the ing slur by morning star: when she appears east of the Sun, turns. she shines in the evening after he sets, and is then called the evening star: being each in its turn for 290 days. It may perhaps be surprising at first view, that Venus should keep longer on the east or west of the Sun, than the whole time of her pe- riod round him. But the difficulty vanishes when we consider that the Earth is all the while going round the Sun the same way, though not so quick as Venus : and therefore her relative motion to the perfectly with Cassini that the spots, which are seen on the surface of Venus, advance about 15 in 24 h. but he asserts that he could not perceive they had made any advance in 3 h. and therefore con- dudes that instead of making one complete revolution and 15 of an- other, as Cassini conjectured, in 24 h. those spots advance but the odd 15 in that time, and that the time of a revolution is somewhat more than 24 days. The arguments in favour of the two hypothv ses are very equal ; but almost every astronomer, except Mr. Ferguson* has adopted Cassini's. Of the Solar System. 43 Earth must in every period be as much slower than her absolute motion in her orbit, as the Earth du- ring that time advances forward in the ecliptic ; which is 220 degrees. To us she appears, through a telescope, in all the various shapes of the moon. 29. The axis of Venus is inclined 75 degrees to the axis of her orbit; which is 51* degrees more than our Earth's axis is inclined to the axis of the ecliptic : and therefore her seasons vary much more than ours do. The north pole of her axis inclines toward the 20th degree of Aquarius ; our Earth's to the beginning of Cancer ; consequently the northern parts of Venus have summer in the signs where those of our Earth have winter, and vice -versa. 30. The* artificial day at each pole of Venus is Remark- as long as ll^lf natural days on our Earth. pelran P ces. 31. The Sun's greatest declination on each side Her tro- ' of her equator amounts to 75 decrees ; therefore P i( r s an . d , t polar cir- herj tropics are only 15 degrees from her poles ; cks how and her ]| polar circles are as far from her equator, situate. Consequently the tropics of Venus are between her polar circles and her poles ; contrary to what those of our Earth are. 32. As her annual revolution contains only 9.* The Sun's of her days, the Sun will always appear to go dail y through a whole sign, or twelfth part of rier c orbit, in a little more than three quarters of her * The time between the Sun's rising and setting. t One entire revolution, or 24 hours. \ These are lesser circles parallel to the equator, and as many degrees from it, toward the poles, as the axis of the planet is inclined to the axis of its orbit. When the Sun is advanced so far north or south of the equator, as to be directly over either tropic, he goes no farther ; but returns toward the other. || These are lesser circles round the poles, and as far from them as the tropics are from the equator. The poles are the very north and south points of the planet. 44 Of the Solar System. natural day, or nearly in 18| of our days and nights. 33 ' Because her da >" is so g reat a P^* of her year, . the Sun changes his declination in one day so mi: hu that if he passes vertically, or directly over fctaci of any given place on the tropic, the next day he will be 26 degrees from it ; and whatever place he passes vertically over when in the Equator, one day's re- volution will remove him 36| degrees from it. So that the Sun changes his declination e % very day in Venus about 14 degrees more, at a mean rate, than he does in a quarter of a year on our Earth. This appears to be providentially ordered, for preventing the too great effects of the Sun's heat, (which is twice as great on Venus as on the Earth,) so that he cannot shine perpendicularly on the same places for two days together; and on that account, the heated places have time to cool To deter- 34. if t h e inhabitants about the north pole of po'mts of ^ enus lix their south, or meridian line, through that the com- part of the heavens where the Sun comes to his her 5 poles. g reatest height, or north declination, and call those the east and west points of their horizon, which are 90 degrees on each side from that point where the horizon is cut by the meridian line, these inhabitants will have the following remarkable appearances The Sun will rise 22| degrees north of the cast, and going on 112| degrees, as measured on the plane of the* horizon, he will cross the me- ridian at an altitude of 12|- degrees ; then making an entire revolution without setting, he will cross it again at an altitude of 48| degrees. At the next revolution he will cross the meridian as he comes to his greatest height and declination, at the * The limit of any inhabitant's view, where the sky seems tr, touch the planet all raund him. Of the Solar System. 45 altitude of 75 degrees ; being then only 15 degrees from the zenith* or that point of the heavens which is directly over head : and thence he will descend in the like spiral manner, crossing the meridian first at the altitude of 48*. degrees, next at the altitude of 12| degrees ; and going on thence lli^ degrees, he will set 22| degrees north of the west. So that, af- ter having made 4| revolutions above the horizon, he descends below it to exhibit the like appearances at the south pole. 35. At each pole, the Sun continues half a year Surpris- without setting in summer, and as long without rising in winter ; consequently the polar inhabitants at her of Venus have only one day and one night in the poles " year ; as it is at the poles of our earth. But the difference between the heat of summer and cold of winter, or of mid-day and mid-night, on Venus, is much greater than on the Earth : because on Ve- nus, as the Sun is for half a year together above the horizon of each pole in its turn, so he is for a con- siderable part of that time near the zenith ; and du- ring tne other half of the year always below 7 the ho- rizon, and for a great part of that time at least 70 degrees from it. Whereas, at the poles of our Earth, although the Sun is for half a year together above the horizon ; yet he never ascends above, nor descends below it, more than 23? degrees. When the Sun is in the equinoctial, he is seen with one half of his disc above the horizon of the north pole, and the other half above the horizon of the south pole ; so that his centre is in the horizon of both poles : and then descending below the horizon of one, he ascends gradually above that of the other. Hence, in a year, each pole has one spring, one autumn, a summer as long as them both, and a winter equal in length to the other three seasons. 36. At the polar circles of Venus, the seasons At Lfirpo- J*r circles. 46 Of the Solar System. are much the same as at the equator, because there are only 15 degrees between them, $ 31; only the winters are not quite so long, nor the summers so short : but the four seasons come twice round every year. At her 27. At Venus's tropics, the Sun continues for about fifteen of our weeks together without setting in summer ; and as long without rising in winter. While he is more than 15 degree from the equator, he neither rises to the inhabitants of the one tropic, nor sets to those of the other ; whereas, at our ter- restrial tropics, he rises and sets every day of the year. 38. At Venus's tropics, the seasons are much the same as at her poles ; only the summers are a little longer, and the winters a little shorter* At her 39. At her equator, the days and nights are al- ways of the same length ; and yet the diurnal and nocturnal arches are very different, especially when the Sun's declination is about the greatest : for then, his meridian altitude may sometimes be twice as great as his midnight depression, and at other times the reverse. When the Sun is at his greatest cle- clination, either north or south, his rays are as ob- lique at Venus's equator, as they are at London on the shortest day of winter. Therefore, at her equa- tor there are two winters, two summers, two springs, and two autumns every year. But because the -Sun stays for some time near the tropics, and passes so quickly over the equator, every winter there will be almost twice as long as summer : the four seasons returning twice in that time, which consist only of 9 days. 40. Those parts of Venus which lie between the poles and tropics, between the tropics and polar circles, and also between the polar circles and equa- tor, partake more or less of the phenomena of those circles, as they are more or less distant from them. Of the Solar System. 4,7 41. From the quick change of the Sun's declina- Great dif- tion it happens, that if he rises due east on any clay, [^Sun's* he will not set due west on that day, as with us. amplitude For if the place where he rises due east be on the at ? isin . and set- equator, he will set on that day almost west-north- ting. west, or about 18| degrees north of' the west. But if the place be in 45 degrees north latitude, then on the day that the Sun rises due east he will set north- west- by- west, or 33 degrees north of the west. And in 62 degrees north latitude, when he rises in the east, he sets not in that revolution, but just touches the horizon 10 degrees to the west of the north point ; and ascends again, continuing for 3-J revolutions above the horizon without setting. Therefore no place has the forenoon and afternoon of the same day equally long, unless it be on the equator, or at the poles. 42. The Sun's altitude at noon, or any other The long- time of the day, and his amplitude at rising and t V de of J ... .. places ea- setting, being very different at places on the same S n y found parallel of latitude, according to the different longi- in Venus - tudes of those places, the longitude will be almost as easily found on Venus, as the latitude is found on the Earth. This is an advantage we can never have, because the daily change of the Sun's decli- nation, is by much too small for that important purpose. 43. On this planet, where the Sun crosses theHerequi- equator in any year, he will have 9 degrees of de- ^quane? clination from that place on the same day and hour of a day next year, and will cross the equator 90 degrees far- ther to the west ; which makes the time of the equi- nox a quarter of a day (or about six of our days) later every year. Hence, although the spiral in which the Sun's motion is performed be of the same sort every year, yet it will not be the very same ; because the Sun will not pass vertically over the same places till four annual revolutions are finished, G 48 Of the Solar System. Every 44. We may suppose that the inhabitants of Ve- Sa?*teap nus w ^ ke carem i to a dd a day to some particular 3-&arta part of every fourth year ; which will keep the same to Venus. seasons to the same days. For, as the great annual change of the equinoxes and solstices shifts the sea- sons a quarter of a day every year, they would be shifted through all the days of the year in 36 years. But by means of this intercalary day, every fourth year will be a leap-year ; which will bring her time to an even reckoning r and keep her calendar always right, when she 45. Venus's orbit i> inclined 3 degrees 24 mi- pear^m nutes to the Earth's; and crosses it in the 15th de- the Sun. grees of Gemini and of Sagittarius ; and therefore, when the Earth is about these points of the ecliptic at the time that Venus is in her inferior conjunction, she will appear like a spot on the Sun, and afford a more certain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the Suo, than any other yet known. But these appearances happening very seldom, will be only twice visible at London for one hundred and ten years to come. The first time will be in 1761, June the 6th, in the morning; and the second in 1769,. on the 3d of Ju?te, in the evening. Excepting such transits as these, she exhibits the same appearances to us regularly every eight years ; her conjunctions, elongations, and times of rising and setting, being, very nearly the same, on the same days as before, she may 46. Venus may have a satellite or moon, al- mo V on%i- though it be undiscovered by us. This will not though appear very surprising,, if we consider how incon- veniently we are placed for seeing it. For its en- lightened side can never be fully turned toward us, except when Venus is beyond the Sun ; and then, as Venus appears but little larger than an or- dinary star, her moon may be too small to be per- ceived at such a distance. * When she is between us and the Sun, her full moon has its dark side toward us ; and then we cannot see it any more than we can our own moon at the time of change. When Of the Solar System. 49 Venus is at her greatest elongation, we have but Plate I, one half of the enlightened side of her full moon toward us ; and even then it may be too far distant to be seen by us. But if she have a moon, it may certainly be seen with her upon the Sun, in the year 1761; unless its orbit be considerably inclined to the ecliptic : for if it should be in conjunction or op- position at that time, we can hardly imagine that it moves so slow as to be hid by Venus all the six -hours that she will appear on the Sun's disc*. 47. The EARTH is the next planet above Venus The Earth in the system. It is 82 millions of miles from the Pip. i. Sun, and goes round him, in the circle , in 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes, from any equinox or sol- stice to the same again ; but from any fixed star to the same again, as seen from the Sun, in 365 days 6 hours and 9 minutes.: the former being the length its diurnal of the tropical year, and the latter lfoe length of theJ^jJJJ"* sidereal. It travels at the rate of 58 thousand miles every hour; which motion, though 120 times swift- er than that of a cannon-ball, is little more than half as swift as Mercury's motion in his orbit. The Earth's diameter is 7970 miles; and by turning round its axis every 24 hours, from west to east, it causes an apparent diurnal motion of all the heaven- ly bodies, from east to west. By this rapid motion of the Earth on its axis, the inhabitants about the equator are carried 1042 miles every hour, while those on the parallel of London are carried only about 580; besides the 58 thousand miles, by the annual motion above-mentioned, which is common to all places whatever. 48. The Earth's axis makes an angle of 23*. de- inclination grees with the axis of its orbit; and keeps always ? it8 "^ the same oblique direction ; inclining toward the ... * Both her transits are over since this was written, and no satel- lite was seen with Venus on the bun's disc. 50 Of the Solar System. same fixed star* throughout its annual course, which causes the returns of spring, summer, au- tumn, and winter ; as will be explained at large in the tenth chapter. A proof of 49. The Earth is round like a globe ; as appears, L B 7 its shadow in eclipses of the Moon ; which shadow is always bounded by a circular line ; 314. 2. By our seeing the masts of a ship while the hull is hid by the convexity of the water. 3. By its hav- ing been sailed round by many navigators. The hills take oft' no more from the roundness of the Earth in comparison, than grains of dust do from the roundness of a common globe, its num. 50. The seas and unknown parts of the Earth (by a measurement OI * ^ ie best maps) contain 160 mil- lions 522 thousand and 26 square miles ; the inhab- ited parts 38 millions 990 thousand 569 : Europe 4 millions 456 thousand and 65 ; Asia 10 millions 768 thousand 823; Africa 9 millions 654 thousand 807; America 14 millions 1 10 thousand 874. In all, 199 millions 512 thousand 595; which is the number of square miles on the whole surface of our globe. The pro- 51. Dr. LONG, in the first volume of his Astro- portion of nom y p. 168, mentions an ingenious and easy me- landand , / r r* v ,111 S ea. thod of finding nearly what proportion the land bears to the sea ; which is, to take the papers of a large terrestrial globe, and after separating the land from the sea, with a pair of scissars, to weigh them carefully in scales. This supposes the globe to be exactly delineated, and the papers all of equal thick- ness. The doctor made the experiment on the pa- pers of Mr. SEN EX'S seventeen inch globe; and found that the sea-papers weighed 349 grains, and the land only 124 : by which it appears that almost * This is not strictly true, as will appear when we come to treat of the recession of the equinoctial points in the heavens, 246 ; which recession is equal to the deviation of the Earth's axis from its pa- rallelism ; but this is rather too small to be sensible in an age, ex- cept to those who make very nice observations. Of the Solar System. 51 three fourth parts of the surface our Earth between the polar circles are covered with water, and that lit- tle more than one fourth is dry land. The doctor omitted weighing all within the polar circles ; be- cause there is no certain measurement of the land within them, so as to know what proportion it bears to the sea. 52. The MOON is not a planet, but only a satel- The lite or attendant of the Earth ; going round the Earth M from change to change in 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes ; and round the Sun with it every year. The Moon's diameter is 2180 miles; and her distance from the Earth's centre 240 thousand. She goes round her orbit in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, moving about 2290 miles every hour; and turns round her axis exactly in the time that she goes round the Earth, which is the reason of her keeping always the same side toward us, and that her day and night, taken together, is as long as our lunar month. 53. The Moon is an opaque globe, like the Earth, Her and shines only by reflecting the light of the Sun : P hase therefore, while that half of her which is toward the Sun is enlightened, the other half must be dark and invisible. Hence, she disappears when she comes between us and the Sun ; because her dark side is then toward us. When she is gone a little way forward, we see a little of her enlightened side ; which still increases to our view, as she advances forward, until she comes to be opposite to the Sun ; and then her whole enlightened side is toward the Earth, and she appears with a round illumined orb, which we call the^// moon : her dark side being then turned away from the Earth. From the full she seems to decrease gradually as she goes through the other half of her course ; shewing us less and less of her enlightened side every day, till her next change or conjunction with the Sun, and then she disappears as before. 52 Of the Solar System. A -proof 54. This continual change of the Moon's phases '^ e s ^ wt demonstrates that she shines not by any light of her by her own ; for if she did, being globular, we should ai- ovm light. W ays see her with a round full orb like the Sun. Her orbit is represented in the scheme by the little * J - L circles, upon the Earth's orbit . It is indeed drawn fifty times too large in proportion to the Earth's; and yet is almost to small too be seen in the diagram. One hair 55^ The Moon has scarce any difference of sea- of her al- , . . J ,. ways en- sons; her axis being almost perpendicular to the lightened, ecliptic. What is very singular, one half of her has no darkness at all ; the Earth constantly afford- ing it a strong light in the Sun's absence ; while the other half has a fortnight's darkness, and a fort- night's light by turns. Our Earth 56. Our Earth is a moon to the Moon; waxing Tnooo, ar *d waneing regularly, but appearing thirteen times as big, and affording her thirteen times as much light, as she does to us. When she changes to us, the Earth appears full to her ; and when she is in her first quarter to us, the Earth is in its third quar- ter to her ; and vice versa. 57. But from one half of the Moon, the Earth is never seen at all. From the middle of the other half, it is always seen over head ; turning round al- most thirty times as quick as the Moon does. From die circle which limits our view of the Moon, only one half of the Earth's side next her is seen ; the other half being hid below the horizon of all places on that circle. To her, the Earth seems to be the largest body in the universe : appearing thirteen times as large as she does to us. 58. The Moon has no atmosphere of any visi- ble density surrounding her, as we have : for if she had, we could never see her edge so well defined A proof as it appears ; but there would be a sort of mist Moon's or h az * ness around her, which would make the having no stars look fainter, when they are seen through it. atmos- B u t observation proves, that the stars which disap- Of the Solar System. pear behind the Moon, retain their full lustre until they seem to touch her very edge, and then they vanish in a moment. This has been often observed by astronomers, but particularly byCAssiNi of the star p in the breast of Virgo, which appears single and round to the bare eye j but through a refracting telescope of 16 feet, appears to be two stars so near together, that the distance between them seems to be but equal to one of their apparent diameters. The moon was observed to pass over them on the 21st of April 1720,. A*. S. and as her dark edge drew near to them, it caused no change whatever in their colour or situation. At 25 min. 14 sec. past 12 at night, the most westerly of these stars was. hid by the dark edge of the Moon ; and in 30 se- conds afterward, the most easterly star was hid : each of them disappearing behind the Moon in an instant, without any preceding diminution of magnitude or brightness ; \vhich by no means could have been the case if there were an atmosphere round the Moon : for then one of the stars falling obliquely into it be- fore the other, ought, by refraction, to have suffered some change in its colour, or in its distance from the other star, which was not yet entered into the atmos- phere. But no such alteration could be perceived ; though the observation was made with the utmost attention to that particular ; and was very proper to have made such a discovery. The faint light which has been seen all round the Moon, in total eclipses of the Sun, has been observed, during the time of darkness, to have its centre coincident with the cen- tre of the Sun ; and was therefore much more likely to arise from the atmosphere of the Sun, than from that of the Moon ; for if it had been owing to the latter, its centre would have gone along with the Moon's.* * It has been lately ascertained by Mr. Schroeter, that the Moon is indeed furnished with an atmosphere, similar to that cf the Earth, and of proportional density ; the former being about one 29th par? the density of the latter. 54 Of the Solar System Nor seas, 5 9< jf tnere were seas j n the Moon, she could have no clouds, rains, or storms, as we have ; because she has no such atmosphere to support the vapours which occasion them. And every one knows, that when the Moon is above our horizon in the night time, she is visible, unless the clouds of our atmos- phere hide her from our view; and all parts of her appear constantly with the same clear, serene, and of c^erns CallT1 aS P CCt - But th SC dark P artS of the Moon, and deep which were formerly thought to be seas, are now pits. found to be only vast deep cavities, and places which reflect not the Sun's light so strongly as others ; hav- ing many caverns and pits, whose shadows fall with- in them, and are always dark on the side next the Sun. This demonstrates their being hollow : and most of these pits have little knobs like hillocks standing within them, and casting shadows also ; which cause these places to appear darker than others which have fewer, or less remarkable caverns. All these appearances shew that there are no seas in the Moon ; for if there were any, their surfaces \vould appear smooth and even like those on the Earth. The stars 60. There being no atmosphere about the Moon, s!bie y to VI " tne heavens in the day time have the appearance of the Moon, night to a Lunarian who turns his back toward the Sun ; the stars then appearing as bright to him as they do in the night to us. For it is entirely owing to our atmosphere that the heavens are bright about us in the day. 61. As the Earth turns round its axis, the several continents, seas, and islands, appear to the Moon's inhabitants like so many spots of different forms and brightness, moving over its surface ; but much faint- er at some times than others, as our clouds cover The Earth them or leave them. By these spots the Lunarians the Moon. can determine the time of the Earth's diurnal motion, just as we do the motion of the Sun ; and perhaps they measure their time by the motion of the Earth's spots; for they cannot have a truer dial, Of the Solar System. 55 62. The Moon's axis is so nearly perpendicular Plate /. to the ecliptic, that the Sun never removes sensibly from her equator : and the * obliquity of her orbit, which is next to nothing as seen from the Sun, can- not cause the Sun to decline sensibly from her equa- tor. Yet her inhabitants are not destitute of means HOW the for ascertaining the length of their year, though their method and ours must differ. We can know the the length length of our year by the return of our equinoxes ; } but the Lunarians, having always equal day and night, must have recourse to another method ; and we may suppose, they measure their year by observ- ing when either of the poles of our Earth begins to be enlightened, and the other to disappear, which is always at our equinoxes; they being conveniently situate for observing great tracts of land about our Earth's poles, which are entirely unknown to us. Hence we may conclude, that the year is of the same absolute length both to the Earth and Moon, though very different as to the number of days : we having 365-J natural days, and the Lunarians only 12 ; every day and night in die Moon being as as long as 29j on the Earth* 63. The Moon's inhabitants, on the side next the and the Earth, may a easily find the longitude of their pla-^fheh- ces as we can find the latitude of ours. For the places. Earth keeping constantly, or very nearly so, over one meridian of the Moon, the east or west distan- ces of places from that meridian are as easily found, as we can find our distance from the equator by the altitude of our celestial poles. 64. The planet MARS is next in order, being the Mars, first above the Earth's orbit. His distance from the Sun is computed to be 125 millions of miles ; and * The Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic in two opposite points, called the moon's nodes; so that one half of her orbit is above the ecliptic, and the other half below it. The angle of its obliquity is 5 1-3 degrees. H 56 Of the Solar System. by travelling at the rate of 47 thousand miles every $S> * hour, in the circle

tne largest of all the planets, ia still higher in the system, being about 426 millions. Of the Solar System. 57 of miles from the Sun : and going at the rate of ^f. ate L 25 thousand miles every hour, in his orbit, which is represented by the circle % . He finishes his an- nual period in eleven of our years 314 days and 12 hours. He is above 1000 times as large as the Earth; his diameter being 81,000 miles; which is more than ten times the diameter of the Earth. 69. Jupiter turns round his axis in 9 hours 56 the num. minutes; so that his year contains 10 thousand ^Pj^f 1 1 i* r* t HAS C<** 470 days ; the diurnal velocity of his equatorial parts being greater than that with which he moves in his annual orbit a singular circumstance, as far as we know. By this prodigious quick rota- tion, his equatorial inhabitants are carried 25 thou- sand 920 miles every hour (which is 920 miles an hour more than an inhabitant of our Earth's equa- tor moves in 24 hours) beside the 25 thousand above mentioned, which is common to all parts of his surface, by his annual motion. 70. Jupiter is surrounded by faint substances, His belts called belts; in which so many changes appear, an that they are generally thought to be clouds; for some of them have been first interrupted and bro- ken, and then have vanished entirely. They have sometimes been observed of different breadths, and afterward have all become nearly of the same breadth. Large spots have been seen in these belts ; and when a belt vanishes, the contiguous spots dis- appear with it. The broken ends of some belts have been generally observed to revolve in the same time with the spots : only those nearer the equator in somewhat less time than those near the poles ; perhaps on account of the Sun's greater heat near the equator, which is parallel to the belts and course of the spots. Several large spots, which appear round at one time, grow oblong by degrees, and then divide into two or three round spots. The periodical time of the spots near the equator is 9 hours 50 minutes, v but of these near the poles 9 hours 56 minutes. See Dr. SMITH'S Optics, 5 1004, & sej. 58 Of the Solar System. of ^** ^e ax * s ^ J u pi ter ' ls so nearly perpendicu- ; lar to his orbit, that he has no sensible change of seasons; which is a great advantage, and wisely ordered by the Author of Nature. For, if the axis of this planet were inclined any considerable number of degrees, just so many degrees round each pole would in their turn be almost six of our years together in darkness. And, as each degree of a great circle on Jupiter contains 706 of our miles, at a mean rate, it is easy to judge what vast tracts of land would be rendered uninhabitable by any considerable inclination of his axis. but has 72. The Sun appears but ~ part as large to Ju- Soons P* ter as to us ; anc * kis light and heat are in the same small proportion, but compensated by the quick returns thereof, and by four moons (some larger and some less than our Earth) which revolve about him : so that there is scarce any part of this huge planet, but what is, during the whole night, enlightened by one or more of these moons ; except his poles, where only the farthest moons can be seen, and where light is not wanted ; because the Sun constantly circulates in or near the horizon, and is very probably kept in view of both poles by the refraction of Jupiter's atmosphere, which, if it be like ours, has certainly refractive power enough for that purpose. Their pe- 73. The orbits of these moons are represented in nods t k e scnerne O f the solar system by four small circles round Ju- *',-*.. T i piter. * marked 1,2, 3, 4, on Jupiter's orbit 2/ ; drawn, in- deed, fifty times too large in proportion to it. The first moon, or that nearest to Jupiter, goes round him in 1 day 18 hours and 36 minutes of our time ; and is 229 thousand miles distant from his centre: the second performs its revolution in 3 days 13 hours and 15 minutes, at 364 thousand miles dis- tance: the third in 7 days 3 hours and 59 minutes, at the distance of 580 thousand miles : and the fourth, or outermost, in 16 days 18 hours and 30 minutes, at the distance of one million of miles from his centre., Of the Solar Sys' cm. 74. The angles under which the orbits of Jupi- ,, i T- i of their or- ter's moons are seen from the iLarth, at its mean bits, and distance from Jupiter, are as follows : The first, distances 3' 55"; the second, 6' 14"; the third, 9' 58"; and { m Jui the fourth, 17' 30". And their distances from Ju- piter, measured by his semi-diameters, are thus : The first, 5f; the second 9, the third, 14|J; and the fourth, 25~*. This planet, seen from its HOW he nearest moon, appears 1000 times as laree as our a PP ears t& ,. , . - 11 i his nearest Moon does to us; waxing and waneing in all her moon. monthly shapes, every 42- hours. 75. Jupiter's three nearest moons fall into his Two shadow, and are eclipsed in every revolution : butteries' 55 " the orbit of the fourth moon is so much inclined, made by that it passes by its opposition to Jupiter, without e^of jupi- falling into his shadow, two years in every six. Byter's these eclipses, astronomers have not only discov- moons - cred that the Sun's light takes up eight minutes of time in coming to us ; but they have also determin- ed the longitudes of places on this Earth, with greater certainty and facility, than by any other me- thod yet known ; as shall be explained in the ele- venth chapter. 76. The difference between the equatorial and J. 1 ^ reat polar diameters of Jupiter is 6230 miles ; for his better equatorial diameter is to his polar, as 13 to 12. So the . e( i ua - that his poles are 3115 miles nearer his centre than anTpoiar his equator is. This results from his quick motion diameters round his axis; for the fluids, together with the ot Juplter ' light particles, which they can carry or wash away with them, recede from the poles, which are at rest, toward the equator, where the motion is quickest; until there be a sufficient number accu- mulated to make up the deficiency of gravity lost by ^ the centrifugal force which always arises from a quick motion round an axis : and when the defi- ciency of wdght or gravity of the particles is made up by a sufficient accumulation, there is an equili- * CASSINI JSlemens d'SlstronQinie, Liv. ix. Chafi, 3, 60 Of the Solar System. Plate I. brium, and the equatorial parts rise no higher. Our The dif- Earth being but a very small planet, compared with [ut!"^n ^piter, and its motion round its axis being much those of slower, it is less flattened of course. The propor- our Earth, tion between its equatorial and polar diameters be- ing only as 230 to 229 ; and their difference 36 miles.* Place of 77. Jupiter's orbit is inclined to the ecliptic in an his nodes. an g le of ! degree 20 minutes. His ascending node is in the 8th degree of Cancer, and his descending node in the 8th degree of Capricorn. Saturn. 78. SATURN, the remotest of all the planets,f is about 780 millions of miles from the Sun ; and travelling at the rate of 18 thousand miles every Fig. I. hour, in the circle marked ^ > performs its annual circuit in 29 years 167 days, and 5 hours of our time ; which makes only one year to that planet. Its diameter is 67,000 miles; and therefore it is near 600 times as large as the Earth. His ring-. 79. This planet is surrounded by a thin broad Fi r- v - ring, as an artificial globe is by an horizon. The ring appears double when seen through a good tele- scope, and is represented, by the figure, in such an oblique view as that in which it generally appears. It is inclined 30 degrees to the ecliptic, and is about 21 thousand miles in breadth; which is equal to its distance from Saturn on all sides. There is reason to believe that the ring turns round its axis ; * According to the French measures, a degree of the meridian at the equator contains 340606.63 French feet ; and a degree of the meridian in Lapland contains 344627. 40 : so that a degree in Lap- land is 4020.72 French feet (or 4280.02 English feet) longer than a degree at the equator. The difference is J^ parts of an English mile. Hence, the Earth's equatorial diameter contains 39386196 French feet, or 41926356 English ; and the polar diameter 3y202920 French feet, or 41731272 English. The equatorial diameter there- fore is 195084 English feet, or 36.948 English miles, longer than the axis, t The Georgian planet was not discovered when this was written* Of the Solar System. 61 because, when it is almost edge- wise to us, it ap- Platc L pears somewhat thicker on one side of the planet than on the other ; and the thickest edge has been seen on different sides at different times*. Saturn having no visible spots on his body, whereby to de- termine the time of his turning round his axis, the length of his days and nights, and the position of his axis, are unknown to usf. 80. To Saturn, the Sun appears only ~th part as His five large as to us ; and the light and heat he receives moons. from the Sun are in the same proportion to ours. But to compensate for the small quantity of sun- light, he has five moons, all going round him on the out- side of his ring, and nearly in the same plane with it. The first, or nearest moon to Saturn, goes round him in 1 day 21 hours 19 minutes; and is 140 thousand miles from his centre : the second, in 2 days 17 hours 40 minutes; at the distance of 187 thousand miles . the third, in 4 days 12 hours 25 minutes ; at 263 thousand miles distance : the fourth, in 15 days 22 hours 41 minutes; at the distance of 600 thousand miles : and the fifth, or outermost, at one million 800 thousand miles from Saturn's cen- tre, goes round him in 79 days 7 hours 48 min- utes J. Their orbits, in the scheme of the solar sys- Fig. i. * Dr. Herschel, from some srxrts he has seen on the exterior ring, has determined that it revolves in about 10 1-2 hours. t Dr. Herschel having discovered that there are some belt-like appearances on this planet, similar to those which are seen on Jupi- ter, concluded that it must revolve on its axis, and that with a pretty quick motion. He also thinks he has determined, from some parts of those belts which are less black than others, that this revolution is performed in 10 hours 16 minutes. \ Dr. Herschel has discovered two other moons belonging to Sa- turn, which revolves between the nearest of the old ones and the pla- net ; so that Saturn is now known to have seven moons. The exteri- or of the new satellites, called the sixth, revolves at the distance ot near 120 thousand miles, in one day 8 hours 53 minutes; and that which is nearest the primary, termed the seventh, is distant from it about 91 thousand miles, and performs its revolution in 22 hours 37 minutes: but the Doctor esteems this last article rather uncertain. Jie has moreover discovered that the fifth satellite revolves on its Of the Solar System. tern, are represented by the five small circles, mark. ed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on Saturn's orbit; but these, like the orbits of the other satellites, are drawn fifty times too large in proportion to the orbits of their primary planets. 81. The Sun shines almost fifteen of our years together on one side of Saturn's ring without set- ting, and as long on the other, in its turn. So that the ring is visible to the inhabitants of that planet for almost fifteen of our years, and as long invisible, by turns, if its axis have no inclination to its ring : but if the axis of the planet be inclined to the ring, suppose about 30 degrees, the ring will appear and his ring, disappear once every natural day, to all the inhabi- tants within 30 degrees of the equator on both sides, frequently eclipsing the Sun in a Saturnian day. Moreover, if Saturn's axis be thus inclined to his ring, it is perpendicular to his orbit; and thereby the inconvenience of different seasons to that planet is avoided. For considering the length of Saturn's year, which is almost equal to 30 of ours, what a dreadful condition must the inhabitants of his polar regions be in, if they be half that time de- prived of the light and heat of the Sun! which is not their case alone, if the axis of the planet be perpendi- cular to the ring, for then the ring must hide the Sun from vast tracts of land on each side of the equator for 13 or 14 of our years together, on the south side and north side, by turns, as the axis inclines to or from the Sun. This furnishes another good pre- sumptive proof of the inclination of Saturn's axis to its ring, and also of his axis being perpendicular to its orbit. HOW the 82. This ring, seen from Saturn, appears like a vast luminous arch in the heavens, as if it did Saturn and to us. axis, as our Moon does, in the same time it revolves in its orbit : a very remarkable as well as curious coincidence in the motions of the secondaries to two different, and very distant primaries. And it is probably a general law of nature, that all secondary planets con- stantly present the same face towards \heirfirimaries. Of the Solar System. 63 not belong to the planet. When we see the ring most open, its shadow upon the planet is broadest; and from that time the shadow grows narrower, as the ring appears to do to us ; until by Saturn's an- nual motion the Sun comes to the plane of the ring, or even with its edge ; which being then directed to- ward us, becomes invisible on account of its thin- ness ; as shall be explained more largely in the tenth chapter, and illustrated by a figure. The ring dis- in wha t appears twice in every annual revolution of Saturn ; ^iTap** namely, when he is in the -20th degrees of Pisces and pears to of Virgo. And when Saturn is in the middle be-^f^ tween these points, or in the 20th degree either of in what Gemini or of Sagittarius, hi&ring appears most open * ign ^ s to us; and then its longest diameter is to its shortest, S> s t open as 9 to 4. tous - 83. To such eyes as ours, unassisted by instru- _ T . . J , J . No planet ments, Jupiter is the only planet that can be seen but Sa- ' from Saturn ; and Saturn the only planet that can be turn can be seen from Jupiter. So that the inhabitants of these jupherT two planets must either see much farther than we do, nor any ' or have equally good instruments to carry their sight [ b ^" to remote objects, if they know that there is such a sides ju- body as our Earth in the universe; for the Earth isP iter - no larger, seen from Jupiter, than his moons are, seen from the Earth; and if his large body had not first attracted our sight, and prompted our curiosity to view him with a telescope, we should never have known any thing of his moons; unless indeed by I chance, we had directed the telescope toward that small part of the heavens where they were, at the time of observation. And the like is true of the moons of Saturn. 84. The orbit of Saturn is 2i degrees inclined to puce qf the ecliptic or orbit of our Earth, and intersects it in the 22d degrees of Cancer and of Capricorn ; so that Saturn's nodes are only 14 degrees from those of Jupiter, 77*. * Since Mr. Ferguson's death, a seventh primary planet, belong- G ing to the solar system, has been discovered by Dr, Herschel, and Si 64 Of the Solar System. 35. The quantlty o f light afforded by the Sun to much Jupiter, being but Ath part, and to Saturn only -sVh stronger^ part of what we enjoy ; may at first thought induce us and Sa- ** to believe that these two planets are entirely unfit for turn than rational beings to dwell upon. But, that their light ly behey 1 . " * s not so we ^k as we imagine, is evident from their ed. brightness in the night-time ; and also from this re- markable phenomenon, that when the Sun is so called by him, the Georgium Sidus, out of respect to his pre- sent Majesty King George the III. This planet is still higher in the system than Saturn, being about 1565 millions of miles from the Sun ; and performs its annual circuit in 83 years, 140 days and 8 hours of our time: consequently its motion in its orbit, is at the rate of about 7 thousand miles in an hour. To a good eye unassisted by a telescope, this planet appears like a faint star of the 5th mag- nitude ; and cannot be readily distinguished from a fixed star with a less magnifying power than 200 times. Its apparent diameter subtends an angle of no more than 4" to an observer on the Earth ; but its real diameter is about 34,000 miles, and consequently, it is about 80 times as large as the Earth. Hence we may infer that as the Earth cannot be seen under an angle of quite 1" to the inhabi- tants of the Georgian planet, it has never yet been seen by them, unless their eyes and instruments are considerably better than ours. The orbit of this planet is inclined to the ecliptic in an angle of 46' 26". Its ascending node is in the 13th degree of Gemini, and its descending node in the 13th degree of Sagittarius. As no spots have yet been discovered on its surface, the position of its axis, and the length of its day and night are not known. On account of the immense distance of the Georgian planet from the source of light and heat to all the bodies in our system, it was highly probable that several satellites, or moons revolved round it : accordingly, the high powers of Dr. Herschel's telescopes have en- abled him to discover six ; and there may be others which he has not yet seen. The first, and nearest to the planet, revolves at the distance of 12 of the planet's semi-diameters from it, and performs its revolution in 5 days, 21 hours 25 minutes : the second i evolves at 16 1-2 semi-diameters of the primary from it, and completes its revolution in 8 days 17 hours 1 minute : the third at 19 semi-diam- eters, in 10 clays 23 hours 4 minutes : the fourth at 22 semi-dia- meters, in 13 days 11 hours 5 minutes: the 5th at 44 semi-diame- ters, in 38 days 1 hour 49 minutes: and the sixth at 88 semi-dia- meters, in 107 days 16 hours 40 minutes. It is remarkable that the orbits of these Satellites are almost at right angles to the plane of the ecliptic: and that the motion of all of them, in their orbits is retrograde. Of the Solar System. 65 much eclipsed to us, as to have only the 40th part of his disc left uncovered by the Moon, the de- crease of light is not very sensible ; and just at the end of darkness in total eclipses, when his western limb begins to be visible, and seems no bigger than a bit of fine silver wire, every one is surprised at the brightness wherewith that small part of him shines. The Moon, when full, affords travellers light enough to keep them from mistaking their way; and yet, according to Dr. SMITH*, it is equal to no more than a 90 thousandth part of the light of the Sun : that is, the Sun's light is 90 thou- sand times as strong as the light of the Moon when full. Consequently, the Sun gives a thousand times as much light to Saturn as the full Moon does to us , and above three thousand times as much to Jupiter. So that these two planets, even without any moons, would be much more enlightened than we at first imagine ; and by having so many, they may be ve- ry comfortable places of residence. Their heat, so far as it depends on the force of the Sun's rays, is certainly much less than ours ; to which no doubt the bodies of their inhabitants are as well adapted as ours are to the seasons we enjoy. And if we consider that Jupiter never has any winter, even at his poles, which probably is also the case with Saturn, the cold cannot be so intense on these two planets as is generally imagined. Besides, there may be some- thing in the nature of their soil, that renders it warm- er than that of our Earth ; and we find that all our All our heat depends not on the rays of the Sun : for if itp^d^ did, we should always have the same months equal- on the ly hot or cold at their annual returns. But it is otherwise, for February is sometimes warmer than May ; which must be owing to vapours and exha- lations from the Earth. 86. Every person who looks upon, and compares the systems of moons together, which belong to * Optics, Ajct 95. ravs. 66 Of the Solar System. Jupiter and Saturn must be amazed at the vast mag- nitude of these two planets, and the noble attend- ance they have in comparison with our little Earth ; and can never bring himself to think, that an infi- nitely wise Creator should dispose of all his animals and vegetables here, leaving the other planets bare it is high- and destitute of rational creatures. To suppose WeUiaTail ^ iat ^ e k a( * anv v * cw to our benefit, in creating these the plan- moons, and giving them their motions round Jupi- ter and Saturn; to imagine that he intended these vast bodies for any advantage to us, when he well knew they could never be seen but by a few astrono- mers peeping through telescopes ; and that he gave to the planets regular returns of days and nights, and different seasons to all where they would be convenient; but of no manner of service to us; ex- cept only what immediately regards our own planet the Earth. To imagine, I say, that he did all this on our account, would be charging him, impiouslyx with having done much in vain ; and as absurd as to imagine that he has created a little sun and a pla- netary system within the shell of our Earth, and in- tended them for our use. These considerations amount to little less than a positive proof, that all the planets are inhabited ; for if they be not, why all this care in furnishing them with so many moons, to supply those with light which are at the greater dis- tances from the Sun? Do we not see that the farther a planet is from the Sun, the greater apparatus it has for that purpose ? save only Mars, which being but a small planet, may have moons too small to be seen by us. We know that the Earth goes round the Sun, and turns round its own axis, to produce the vicissitudes of summer and winter by the former, and of day and night by the latter motion, for the benefit of its inhabitants. May we not then fairly conclude, by parity of reason, that the end or de- sign of all the other planets is the same ? and is not this agreeable to the beautiful harmony which exists throughout the universe ? Surely it is : and this con- Of the Solar System. 67 sideration must raise in us the most magnificent ideas plate r: of the SUPREME BEING; who is every where, and at all times present ; displaying his power, wis- dom and goodness, among all his creatures ; and dis- tributing happiness to innumerable ranks of various beings ! 87. In Fig. II. we have a view of the proportion- Fig. n. , al breadth of the Sun's face or disc, as seen from j?^ a e the different planets. The Sun is represented No. pears to 1, as seen from Mercury ; No. 2, as seen from Ve-^ differ-. nus; No. 3, as seen from the Earth; No. 4, aSet s . P seen from Mars ; No. 5, as seen from Jupiter ; and No. 6, as seen from Saturn. Let the circle B be the Sun, as seen from any pla- Fig. in. net at a given distance : to another planet, at double that distance, the Sun will appear just of half that breadth, as A ; which contains only one fourth part of the area or surface of B. For all circles, as \vell as square surfaces, are to one another as the squares of their diameters or sides. Thus the square A is Fl ' lv * just half as broad as the squared; and yet it is plain to sight, that B contains four times as much sur- face as A. Hence, by comparing the diameters of the above circles (Fig. II.) together, it will be found that in round numbers, the Sun appears 7 times larger to Mercury than to us, 90 times larger to us than to Saturn, and 630 times as large to Mercury as to Saturn. 88. In Fig. V. we have a view of the magnitudes Fig. v. of the planets, in proportion to each other, and to a supposed globe of two feet diameter for the Sun. The Earth is 27 times as large as Mercury, very Propor- little larger than Venus, 5 times as large as Mars; J^fand but Jupiter is 1049 times as large as the Earth, Sa- distances turn 586 times as large, exclusive of his ring; and the Sun is 877 thousand 650 times as large as the Earth. If the planets in this figure were set at .heir due distances from a Sun of two feet diame- ter, according to their proportionable magnitudes, as in our system, Mercury would be 28 yards from the Sun's centre ; Venus 51 yards 1 foot ; the Earth <>8 Of the Solar Systenu ' Plate L 70 yards 2 feet; Mars 107 yards 2 feet ; Jupiter 370 yards 2 feet ; and Saturn 760 yards 2 feet. The comet of the year 1680, at its greatest distance, 10 thousand 760 yards. Jn this proportion, the Moon's distance from the centre of the Earth would be only 7 inches. AnideaoF 89. To assist the imagination in forming an idea their dis- of the vast distances of the Sun, planets and stars, :es * let us suppose that a body projected from the Sun should continue to fly with the swiftness of a cannon ball, /. e. 480 miles every hour ; this body would reach the orbit of Mercury, in 7 years 221 days; of Venus, in 14 years 8 days; of the Earth, in 19 years 91 days; of Mars, in 29 years 85 days; of Jupiter, in 100 years 280 days; of Saturn, in 184 years 240 days; to the comet of 1680, at its great- est distance from the Sun, -in 2660 years; and to the nearest fixed stars, in about 7 million 600 thou- sand years. Why the 90. As the Earth is not in the centre of the orbits planets j n which the planets move, they come nearer to it greater andgofartherfrom.it, at different times; on which and less at account they appear greater and less by turns. times 611 Hence, the apparent magnitudes of the planets arc not always a certain rule to know them by. 91. Under fig. III. are the names and characters of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which the reader should be perfectly well acquainted with; so as to know Fi L the characters without seeing the names. Each sign contains 30 degrees, as in the circle bounding the solar system; to which the characters of the signs are set in their proper places. The com- 92. The COMETS are solid opaque bodies, with ns - long transparent trains or tails, issuing from that side which is turned away from the Sun. They move about the Sun in very eccentric ellipses ; and are of a much greater density than the Earth ; for some of them are heated in every period to such a degree, as would vitrify or dissipate any substance known to us. Sir ISAAC NEWTON computed the Of the Solar System. 69 heat of the comet which appeared in the year 1680, when nearest the Sun, to be 2000 times hotter than red-hot iron ; and that being thus heated, it must re- tain its heat until it comes round again ; although its period should be more than twenty thousand years ; though it is computed to be only 575. The method of computing the heat of bodies, keeping at any known distance from the Sun, so far as their heat depends on the force of the Sun's rays, is very easy ; and shall be explained in the eighth chapter. 93. Part of the paths of three comets is delineat- F1 - I- ed in the scheme of the solar system, and the years marked in which they made their appearance. - There are, at least, 21 comets belonging to our sys- They tern, moving in all sorts of directions ; and all Ao^SJ^wS? which have been observed, have moved through theofthepia- ethereal regions and the orbits of the planets, with- pets a f rr i MI , ,1 not SOlld. out suffering the least sensible resistance in their mo- tions ; which plainly proves that the planets do not move in solid orbits. Of all the comets, the periods The peri. of the above mentioned three only are known with tinware any degree of certainty. The first of these comets known. appeared in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682; and is expected to appear again in the year 1758, and every 75th year afterward. The second of them appeared in 1532, and 1661, and may be expected to return in 1789, and every 129th year afterward. The third, having last appeared in 1680, and its period being no less than 575 years, cannot return until the year 2225. This comet, at its greatest distance, is about eleven thousand two hundred mil- lions, of miles from the Sun ; and at its least dis- tance n\>mthe Sun's centre, which is 49,000 miles, is within less than a third part of the Sun's 'semi- di- ameter from his surface. In that part of its orbit which is nearest the Sun, it flies with the amazing swiftness of 880,000 miles in an hour ; and the Sun, as seen from it, appears a hundred degrees in breadth ; consequently 40 thousand times as large as he ap- 70 Of the Solar System. They pears to us. The astonishing length that this comet starTto be runs out mto empty space, suggests to our minds at im- an idea of the vast distance between the Sun and t ^ e neare st fixed stars; of whose attractions all the comets must keep clear, to return periodically, and go round the Sun ; and it shews us also, that the near- est stars, which are probably those that seem the largest, are as big as our Sun, and of the same na- ture with him; otherwise, they could not appear so large and bright to us as they do at such an im- mense distance, inferenc- 94 * ^ ie extreme neat > the dense atmosphere, the es drawn gross vapours, the chaotic state of the comets, seem ? t *i rsts ig nt to m ^icate them altogether unfit for the " purposes of animal life, and a most miserable habi- tation for rational beings ; and therefore some* are of opinion that they are so many hells for torment- ing the damned with perpetual vicissitudes of heat and cold. But when we consider, on the other hand, the infinite power and goodness of the Deity ; the latter inclining, the former enabling him to make creatures suited to all states and circumstances ; that matter exits only for the sake of intelligent beings; and that wherever we find it, we always find it preg- nant with life, or necessarily subservient thereto ; the numberless species, the astonishing diversity of animals in earth, air, water, and even on other ani- mals ; every blade of grass, every tender leaf, eve- ry natural fluid, swarming with life; and every one of these enjoying such gratifications as the nature and state of each requires : when we reflect, moreover, that some centuries ago, till experience undeceived us, a great part of the Earth was adjudged uninhabi- table; the torrid zone, by reason of excessive heat, and the two frigid zones because of their intolerable cold ; it seems highly probable, that such numerous and * Mr. WHISTON, in his Astronomical Principles of Religion. Of the Solar System. 71 large masses of durable matter as the comets are, however unlike they be to our Earth, are not des- titute of beings capable of contemplating with wonder, and acknowledging with gratitude, the wisdom, symmetry, and beauty of the creation ; which is more plainly to be observed in their ex- tensive tour through the heavens, than in our more confined circuit. If farther conjecture be per- mitted, may we not suppose them instrumental in recruiting the expended fuel of the Sun ; and sup- plying the exhausted moisture of the planets? However difficult it may be, circumstanced as we are, to find out their particular destination, this is an undoubted truth, that wherever the Deity ex- erts his power, there he also manifests his wisdom and goodness. 95. THE SOLAR SYSTEM, here described,^- is not a late invention ; for it was known and taught ancient y by the wise Samiari philosopher PYTHAGORAS, and de- and others among the ancients : but in latter times nstra * was lost, till the 15th century, when it was again restored by the famous Polish philosopher, NICHO- LAUS COPERNICUS, born at Thorn in the year 1473. In this he was followed by the greatest ma- thematicians and philosophers that have since lived ; as KEPLER,GALILEO,DESCARTES,GASSENDUS, and Sir ISAAC NEWTON ; the last of whom has es- tablished this system on such an everlasting founda- tion of mathematical and physical demonstration, as can never be shaken ; and none who understand him can hesitate about it. 96. In the Ptolemean system, the Earth was sup- ThePtole- posed to be fixed in the centre of the universe ; and the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, to move round the Earth. Above the planets, this hypothesis placed the fir- mament of stars, and then the two crystalline spheres : all which were included in and received motion from the primum mobile, which constantly K 72 Of the Solar System. revolved about the Earth in 24 hours from east to west. But as this rude scheme was found inca- pable of standing the test of art and observation, it was soon rejected by all true philosophers; not- withstanding the opposition and violence of blind and zealous bigots. The Ty. 97. The Tychonic system succeeded the Ptolo- system mean, but was never so generally received. In this partly the Earth was supposed to stand still in the centre *Trd and f ^ ie un i yerse or firmament of stars, and the Sun false. to revolve about it every 24 hours ; the planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, go- ing round the Sun in the times already mentioned. But some of TYCHO'S disciples supposed the Earth to have a diurnal motion round its axis, and the Sun with all the above planets to go round the Earth in a year; the planets moving round the Sun in the aforesaid times. This hypothesis being partly true and partly false, was embraced by few ; and soon gave way to the only true and rational sys- tem, restored by COPERNICUS, and demonstrated by Sir ISAAC NEWTON. 98. To bring the foregoing particulars into one point of view, with several others which follow, concerning the periods, distances, magnitudes, sfc. of the planets, the following table is inserted. rdi aas, . . QCj* re$ ?gS-2:er. ***g {^g H?. rt i'sf? ^ c-rt^ ifs-g f"s 3 55 o 5-1 S P Sf ?a S2.|-S S "4 S3 22 2!g- ?53 *I|? as ft & n> 3 co p 3 ^o 3 p- P ?M' 2J| Zfl ^ 2 i >0^ w p-^x ^ffi* S ?3 ^5 g t ^'S'rt S, w. - JS n w Js-^ 2 ^ ^s^-r es-p* & p ^ 3 n> 03 t~* r+ , UN 13 ^ r* O S^I 4"^ HM i*.| ?g^s .8-nfg 1 8L^ ? I S.2,5' -gSS: ?lll rM &Sni 3- i*$* :o-s, f|38 2,1-1. g?5| Mil e po'rt &5?? c o -2 03 M t- o> u, + ^IrtO o'bo'oooa'to zr. p. >ri p*orcj o -J S 3-0 s-?Ss 5s, 1-1 to -v| tO tO X- O3 tO Or? CO O Ort Cft OC tO 4*- ooocootoo-o oo*>-oosooo OOOOOOOOO , 3 ~^ o> u, ^ 03 to - f : D ps f 3" iO M 03 *- > ' K- H- 00 O3 O3 00 tr H* CD O - M ^ i to o oo o. o -* 5-9 n rf ^ n> . oc ^^3 erg - **.'-< O -f = 5* s- c: ' z . iods ro Saturn. n o' s O> 00 -v7H- oo OO O O ^ O O J7-. -. CO *- JO 03 to O^OCtOtOOOOOUtOD - O O O O O O O - tO o o o o o o o o oooooooo ooooo- o o to t-i K* o> O O O * OO to Ort H* q o o to oo o 4^ H- tO tO O3 "^ -v| O O O O >-* tO >-* "J to i "-j -vj - 0000^ * ;r . ^ M to H* ^ oo for their centre of motion : therefore the Sun must be endowed with an attracting power, as well as the Earth and planets. The like may be proved of the comets. So that all the bodies or matter of the solar system, are possessed of this power; and so per- haps is all matter universally. 104. As the Sun attracts the planets with their satellites, and the Earth the Moon ; so the planets and satellites re-attract the Sun, and the Moon the Earth; action and re-action being always equal. This is also confirmed by observation ; for the Moon raises tides in the ocean, and the satellites and planets disturb one another's motions. 76 The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. 105. Every particle of matter being possessed of an attracting power, the effect of the whole must be in proportion to the number of attracting parti- cles : that is, to the quantity of matter in the body. This is demonstrated from experiments on pendu- lums : for, when they are of equal lengths, whatever their weights be, they always vibrate in equal times. Now, if one be double the weight of an- other, the force of gravity or attraction must be double to make it oscillate with the same celerity ; if one have thrice the weight or quantity of matter of another, it requires thrice the force of gravity to make it move with the same celerity. Hence it is certain, that the power of gravity is always propor- tional to the quantity of matter in bodies, whatever may be their magnitudes or figures. 106. Gravity also, like all other virtues or ema- nations, either drawing or impelling a body toward the centre, decreases as the square of the distance increases: that is, a body at twice the distance attracts another with only a fourth part of the force ; at four times the distance, with a sixteenth part of the force, &c. This too is confirmed from observation, by comparing the distance which the MOOR falls in a minute from a right line touching her orbit, with the space which bodies near the Earth fall in the same time : and also by comparing the forces which retain Jupiter's moons in their orbits: as will be more fully explained in the seventh chapter. on V and~ 107 ' Tlie mutual Attraction of bodies may be projection exemplified by a boat and a ship on the water, exempli- tied together by a rope. Let a man either in the ship or boat pull the rope (it is the same in effect at which end he pulls, for the rope will be equally stretched throughout) the ship and boat will be drawn toward one another ; but with this difference, that the boat will move as much faster than the ship, as the ship is heavier than the boat. Suppose the boat as heavy as the ship, and they will draw one The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. 77 another equally, (setting aside the greater resistance of the water on the larger body) and meet in the middle of the first distance between them. If the ship be a thousand or ten thousand times heavier than the boat, the boat will be drawn a thousand or ten thousand times faster than the ship ; and meet proportionably nearer the place from which the ship set out. Now, while one man pulls the rope, en- deavouring to bring the ship and boat together, let another man in the boat, endeavour to row it off side- ways, or at right angles to the rope ; and the former, instead of being able to draw the boat to the ship, will find it enough for him to keep the boat from going further off; while the latter endeavouring to row off the boat in a straight line, will, by means of the other's pulling it toward the ship, row the boat round the ship at the rope's length from her. Here the power employed to draw the ship and boat to one another represents the mutual attraction of the Sun and planets by which the planets would fall freely to- ward the Sun with a quick motion ; and would also in falling attract the Sun toward them. And the power employed to row off the boat, represents the projectile force impressed on*the planets, at right angles, or nearly so, to the Sun's attraction; by which means the planets move round the Sun, and are kept from falling to it. On the other hand, if it be attempted to make a heavy ship go round a light boat, they will meet sooner than the ship can get round ; or the ship will drag the boat after it. 108. Let the above principles be applied to the Sun and Earth ; and they will evince, beyond a pos- sibility of doubt, that the Sun, not the Earth, is the centre of the system ; and that the Earth moves round the Sun as the other planets do. For, if the Sun move about the Earth, the Earth's attractive power must draw the Sun toward it, from the line of projection, so as to bend its motion into a curve. But the Sun being at least 78 The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. 227 thousand times as heavy as the Earth, being so much heavier as its quantity of matter is greater, it must move 227 thousand times as slowly toward the Earth, as the Earth does toward the Sun ; and con- sequently the Earth would fall to the Sun in a short time, if it had not a very strong projectile motion to carry it off. The Earth therefore, as well as e very- other planet in the system, must have a rectilineal im- srurdity "ofP u ^ se to prevent its falling to the Sun. To say, supposing that gravitation retains all the other planets in their earth or bits, without affecting the Earth, which is placed between the orbits of Mars and Venus, is as absurd as to suppose that six cannon bullets might be pro- jected upward to different heights in the air ; and that five of them should fall down to the ground, but the sixth, which is neither the highest nor the lowest should remain suspended in the air without falling, and the Earth move round about it. 109. There is no such thing in nature as a heavy body moving round a light one, as its centre of mo- tion. A pebble fastened to a mill-stone, by a string, may, by an easy impulse, be made to circulate round the mill-stone ; but no impulse whatever can make a mill- stone circulate round a loose pebble ; for the mill- stone would go off, and carry the pebble along with it. 1 10. The Sun is so immensely greater and hea- vier than the Earth,* that if he were moved out of his place, not only the Earth, but all the other pla- nets, if they were united into one mass, would be carried along with the Sun, as the pebble would be, with the mill-stone. 111. By considering the law of gravitation which takes place throughout the solar system, in another light, it will be evident, that the Earth moves round the Sun in a year ; and not the Sun round the Earth. It has been shewn ( 106) that the * As will be demonstrated in the ninth chapter. The Copermcan System demonstrated to be true. 79 power of gravity decreases as the square of the dis- Th e har- tance increases ; and from this it follows, with mathe- J^cdeg. matjcal certainty, that when two or more bodies tial mo. move round another as their centre of motion, the tlons * squares of their periodic times Will be to one another in the same proportion as the cubes of their distances from the central body. This holds precisely with regard to the planets round the Sun, and the satel- lites round the planets ; the relative distances of all which are well known. But, if we suppose the Sun to move round the Earth, and compare its period with the Moon's by the above rule, it will be found that the Sun would take no less than 173,510 days to move round the Earth ; in which case our year would be 475 times as long as it now is. To this we may add, that the aspects of increase and de- crease of the planets, the times of their seeming to stand still, and to move direct and retrograde, an- swer precisely to the Earth's motion ; but not at .all to the Sun's, without introducing the most absurd and monstrous suppositions, which would destroy all harmony, order, and simplicity in the system. More- over, if the Earth be supposed to stand still, and the stars to revolve in free space about the Earth in 24 hours, it is certain that the forces by which the stars revolve in their orbits are not directed to the Earth, but to the centres of the several orbits ; that is, of the several parallel circles which the stars on different The ab- sides of the equator describe every day ; and the like JU" 1 ^ f inferences may be drawn from the supposed diurnal the stars S motion of the planets, since they are never in the* n ^P |a - cquinoctial but twice in their courses with regard to mov e the starry heavens. But, that forces should^be di- round the rected to no central body, on which they physically Earth ' depend, but to innumerable imaginary points in the axis of the Earth produced to the poles of the hea- vens, is a hypothesis too absurd to be allowed of by any rational creature. And it is still more ab* L 80 The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. surd to imagine that these forces should increase ex- actly in proportion to the distances from this axis ; for that is an indication of an increase to infinity ; whereas the force of attraction is found to decrease in receding from the fountain from whence it flows. But the farther any star is from the quiescent pole, the greater must be the orbit which it describes ; and yet it appears to go round in the same time as the nearest star to the pole does. And if we take into consideration the two-fold motion observed in the stars, one diurnal round the axis of the Earth in 24 hours, and the other round the axis of the ecliptic in 25920 years, 251, it would require an explication of such a perplexed composition of forces, as could by no means be reconciled with any physical theory. objec- 112. There is but one objection of any weight against tnat can ^ e ma de against the Earth's motion round the the Sun, which is, that in opposite points of the motionan- F' artn ' s or bit, its axis, which always keeps a paral- swered. lei direction, would point to different fixed stars ; which is not found to be fact. But this objection is easily removed, by considering the immense dis- tance of the stars in respect to the diameter of the Earth's orbit ; the latter being no more than a point when compared to the former. If we lay a ruler on the side of a table, and along the edge of the ruler view the top of a spire at ten miles distance, and then lay the ruler on the opposite side of the table in a parallel situation to what it had before, the spire will still appear along the edge of the ruler, because our eyes, even when assisted by the best instru- ments, are incapable of distinguishing so small a change at so great a distance. 113. Dr. BRADLEY found, by a long series of the most accurate observations, that there is a small ap- parent motion of the fixed stars, occasioned by the aberration of their light, and so exactly answering to The Coper mean System demonstrated to be true. 81 an annual motion of the Earth, as evinces the same, even to a mathematical demonstration. Those who are qualified to read the Doctor's modest account of this great discovery, may consult the Philosophical Transactions, No. 406. Or they may find it treated of at large by Drs. SMITH*, LoNcf, DESAGU- LiERsf, RUTHERFURTH||, Mr. MACLAURIN, Mr. SIMPSON^, and M. DE LA CAILLE**. 114. It is true that the Sun seems to change his wh y the 11-1 i 11 Sun ap- place daily, so as to make a tour round the starry p ear sto heavens in a year. But whether the Sun or Earth change moves, this appearance will be the same; for, when hls place ' the Earth is in any part of the heavens, the Sun will appear in the opposite. And therefore this appear- ance can be no objection against the motion of the Earth. 115. It is well known to every person who has sailed on smooth water, or been carried by a stream in a calm, that, howevel* fast the vessel goes, he does not feel its progressive motion. The motion of the Earth is incomparably more smooth and uni- form than that of a ship, or any machine made and moved by human art : and therefore it is not to be imagined that we can feel its motion. 116. We find that the Sun, and those planets Th on which there are visible spots, turn round their motion 3 on axes : for the spots move regularly over their discs, its axis From hence we may reasonably conclude, that^' the other planets on which we see no spots, and the Earth, which is likewise a planet, have such rotations. But being incapable of leaving fhe Earth, and viewing it at a distance, and its rotation being smooth and uniform, we can neither see it move * Optics, B. I. 1178. t Astronomy, B. II. 838. | Philosophy, vol. 1. p. 401, |j Account of Sir Isaac New- ton's PhUosoftiical Discoveries, B. III. c. 2. 3. Mathemat. Essays, p. 1. ** Elements d' Astronomic* 381. 82 The Copcrnican System demonstrated to be true. on its axis as we do the planets, nor feel ourselves affected by its motion. Yet there is one effect of such a motion, which will enable us to judge with certainty whether the Earth revolvVs on its axis or not. All globes which do not turn round their axes will be perfect spheres, on account of the equality of the weight of bodies on their surfaces ; especi- ally of the fluid parts. But all globes which turn on their axes will be oblate spheroids ; that is, their surfaces will be higher or farther from the centre in the equatorial than in the polar regions ; for, as the equatorial parts move quickest, they will recede far- thest from the axis of motion, and enlarge the equa- torial diameter. That our Earth is really of this figure, is demonstrable from the unequal vibrations of a pendulum, and the unequal lengths of degrees in different latitudes. Since then the Earth is higher at the equator than at the poles, the sea, which na- turally runs downward, or toward the places which are nearest the centre, would run toward the polar regions, and leave the equatorial parts dry, if the centrifugal force of these parts by which the waters were carried thither did not keep them from return- ing. The Earth's equatorial diameter is 36 miles longer than its axis. All bodies \yj . Bodies near the poles are heavier than those the^oie* toward the equator, because they are nearer the than they Earth's centre, where the whole force of the Earth's atthe e attraction is accumulated. They are also heavier, equator, because their centrifugal force is less, on account of their diurnal motion being slower. For both these reasons, bodies carried from the poles toward the equator gradually lose of their weight. Ex- periments prove that a pendulum which vibrates seconds near the poles, vibrates slower near the equator ; which shews, that it is lighter or less attractive there. To make it oscillate in the same time, it is fdund necessary to diminish its length. By comparing the different lengths of pendulums The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. 83 swinging seconds at the equator and at London, it is found that a pendulum must be 2 T is 6 A lines, or 12th part of an inch shorter at the equator than at the poles. 118. If the Earth turned round its axis in 84 mi- nutes 43 seconds, the centrifugal force would be S equal to the power of gravity at the equator ; and all weight, bodies there would entirely lose their weight. If the Earth revolved quicker, they would all fly off, and leave it. 119. A person on the Earth can no more be sen-3" he , , .,,/.. -.. ,1 . . . i &artn $ sible oi its^undisturbed motion on its axis, than one motion in the cabin of a ship, on smooth water, can be sen- cannotbe sible of the ship's motion when it turns gently and e uniformly round. It is therefore no argument against the Earth's diurnal motion, that we do not feel it : nor is the apparent revolutions of the celes- tial bodies every day a proof of the reality of these motions ; for whether we or they revolve, the ap- pearance is the very same. A person looking through the cabin- windows of a ship, as strongly fancies the objects on land to go round when the ship turns, as if they were actually in motion. 120. If we could translate ourselves from planet to planet, we should still find that the stars would -appear of the same magnitudes, and at the same distances from each other, as they do to us on the Earth, because the diameter of the remotest planet's orbit bears no sensible proportion to the distance of the stars. But then, the heavens would seem tojF othedif revolve about very different axes; and con sequent- ne^the* ly, those quiescent points, which are our poles in heavens the heavens, would seem to revolve about other Aroun points, which, though apparently in motion as seen on differ- from the Earth, would be at rest as seen from any ent axes * other planet. Thus the axis of Venus which lies almost at right angles to the axis of. the Earth, would have its motionless poles in two opposite points of the heavens, lying almost in our equi- The Copernican System demonstrated to be true. noctial, where the motion appears quickest; be^ cause it is seemingly performed in the greatest circle. And the very poles which are at rest to us, have the quickest motion of all as seen from Venus. To Mars and Jupiter, the heavens appear to turn round with very different velocities on the same axis, whose poles are about 23^ degrees from ours. Were we on Jupiter, we should be at first amazed at the rapid motion of the heavens ; the Sun and stars going round in 9 hours 56 minutes. Could we go from thence to Venus, we should be as much surprised at the slowness of the heavenly motions ; the Sun going but once round in 584 hours, and the stars in 540. And could we go from Venus to the Moon, we should see the heavens turn round with a yet slower motion ; the Sun in 708 hours, the stars in 655. As it is impossible these various circumvo- lutions in such different times, and on such different axes, can be real, so it is unreasonable to suppose the heavens to revolve about our Earth, more than it does abbut any other planet. When we reflect on the vast distance of the fixed stars, to which 162,000,000 of miles, the diameter of the Earth's orbit, is but a point, we are filled with amazement at the immensity of their distance. But if we try to frame an idea of the extreme rapidity with which the stars must move, if they move round the Earth in 24 hours, the thought becomes so much too big for our imagination, that we can no more conceive it than we do infinity or eternity. If the Sun were to go round the Earth in 24 hours, he must travel upward of 300,000 miles in a minute : but the stars being at least 400,000 times as far from the Sun as the Sun is from us, those about the equator must move 400,000 times as quick. And all this to serve no other purpose than what can be as fully and much more simply ob- tained by the Earth's turning round eastward, as on an axis, every 24 hours; causing thereby an apparent Objections answered. 35 diurnal motion of the Sun westward, and bringing about the alternate returns of day and night. 121. As to the common objections against the Earth's motion on its axis, they are all easily an- swered, and set aside. That it may turn without be- Earth's di- ,, , , , , urnal mo- ing seen or felt by us to do so, has been already t i on an- shewn, 119. But some are apt to imagine that ii swered. the Earth turns eastward (as it certainly does, if it turns at all) a ball fired perpendicularly upward in the air must fall considerably westward of the place it was projected from. This objection, which at first seems to have some weight, will be found to have none at all, when we consider that the gun and ball partake of the Earth's motion ; and therefore the ball being carried forward with the air as quick as the Earth and air turn, must fall down on the same place. A stone let fall from the top of a main- mast, if it meet with no obstacle, falls on the deck as near the foot of the mast when the ship sails as when it does not. If an inverted bottle full of liquor, be hung up to the ceiling of the cabin, and a small hole be made in the cork to let the liquor drop through on the floor, the drops will fall just as far forward on the floor when the ship sails as when it is at rest. And gnats or flies can as easily dance among one another in a moving cabin, as in a fixed chamber. As for those scripture-expressions which seem to contradict the Earth's motion, the following reply may be made to them all : It is plain, from many instances, that the Scriptures were never intended to instruct us in philosophy or astronomy; and therefore, on those subjects, expressions are not always to be taken in the literal sense ; but for the most part as accom- modated to the common apprehensions of mankind. Men of sense in all ages, when not treating of the sciences purposely, have followed this method: and it would be in vain to follow any other in ad- dressing ourselves to the vulgar, or bulk of any 86 The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen community. Moses calls the Moon a GREAT LUMINARY (as it is in the Hebrew) as well as the Sun : but the Moon is known to be an opaque body, and the smallest that astronomers have observ- ed in the heavens ; and that it shines upon us, not by any inherent light of its own, but by reflecting the light of the Sun. Moses might know this ; but had he told the Israelites so, they would have stared at him ; and considered him rather as a madman, than as a person commissioned by the Almighty to be their leader. CHAP. IV. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from different Parts of the Earth. We are "ITITTE are kept to the Earth's surface, on E e a?Aby e ' W al1 si des, by the power of its central gravity, attraction ; which laying hold of all bodies accord- ing to their densities or quantities of matter, with- out regard to their bulks, constitutes what we call their weight. And having the sky over our heads, go where we will, and our feet toward the centre of the Earth ; we call it up over our heads, and down under our feet : although the same right line which is dozvn to us, if continued through and be- yond the opposite side of the Earth, would be up to Plate //. the inhabitants on the opposite side. For, the in- Flg * L habitants n, z, e, m, s, 0, g, /, stand with their feet toward the Earth's centre C; and have the same figure of sky JV, /, E, M, S, 0, Q, Z, over their heads. Therefore, the point S is as directly upward to the inhabitant s on the south pole, as N is to the inhabitant n on the north pole : so is E to the inhabitant e supposed to be on the north end of Peru ; and Q to the opposite inhabitant q on the mid- A "*j- die of the island Sumatra. Each of these observers is surprised that his opposite or antipode can stand with his head hanging downward- But let eittejr from different Parts of the Earth. 87 go to the other, and he will tell him that he stood as pi ate //. upright and firm on the place where he was, as he now stands where he is. To all these observers, the Sun, Moon, and, stars, seem to turn round the points A" and S, as the poles of the fixed axis jVCS; Axis of because the Earth does really turn round the mathe- th world. maticai line n C s as round an axis of which n is the T , , i rm -II- r T * ts poles- north pole, and s the south pole. 1 he inhabitant u (Fig. II.) affirms that he is on the uppermost side of Fig. n. the Earth, and wonders how another at L can stand at the undermost side, with his head hanging down- wards. But Lf'm the mean time forgets, that in twelve hours time he will be carried half round with the Earth, and then be in the very sit nation tliat L now is; although as far from him as before^ a'ffd yet, when //comes there, he will find no difference as to his manner of standing ; only he will see the opposite half of the heavens, and imagine the heavens to have gone half round the Earth. 123. When we see a globe hung up in a room, H ow our we cannot help imagining it to have an upper and an Earth under side, and immediately form a like idea of the J^Je L Earth ; from whence we conclude, that it is as im- upper possible for people to stand on the under side of the ^"f le ^ n Earth, as for pebbles to lie on the under side of a side. common globe, which instantly fall down from it to the ground; and well they may, because the attraction of the Earth being greater than the attraction of the globe, pulls them away. Just so would it be with our Earth, if it were fixed near a globe much big- ger than itself, such as Jupiter: for then, it would really have an upper and an under side with respect to that large globe; which, by its attraction, would pull away every thing from the side of the Earth next to it ; and only those bodies on its surface, at the op- posite side, could remain upon it. But there is no larger globe near enough our Earth to overcome its M 88 The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen Plate II. central attraction ; and therefore it has no such thing as an upper and an under side ; for all bodies on or near its surface, even to the Moon, gravitate toward its centre. 124. Let any man imagine the Earth, and every thing but himself, to be taken away, and he left alone in the midst of indefinite space ; he could then have no idea of up or clorun; and were his pockets full of gold, he might tdke the pieces one by one, and throw them away on all sides of him, without any danger of losing them ; for the attraction of his body would bring them all back by the ways they went, and he would be down to every one of them. But then, if a sun, or any other large body, were created and placed in any part of space, several millions of miles from him, he would be attracted toward it, and could not save himself from falling down to it. *% I- 125. The Earth's bulk is but a point, as that at C, compared to the heavens ; and therefore every inhabitant upon it, let him be where he will, as at ?z, , 7?z, s, ckc. sees half of the heavens. The inha- bitant >7, on the north pole of the Earth, constantly sees the hemisphere E N Q; and having the north pole A* of the heavens just over his head, his hori. zon coincides with the celestial equator E C Q. Half of Therefore all the stars in the northern hemisphere the hea- j? jy> Q between the equator and north pole, appear vensvisi- , , ,. f^ bietoan f6 turn round the line JV C, moving parallel to the inhabitant horizon. The equatorial stars keep in the horizon, partof the anc ^ a ^ those in the southern hemisphere E S Q are Earth. invisible. The like phenomena are seen by the ob- server s on the south pole, with respect to the hemi- sphere E S Q; and to him the opposite hemisphere is always invisible. Hence, under either pole, only from different Parts of the Earth. 89 one half of the heavens is seen; for those parts which are once visible never set, and those which are once invisible never rise. But the ecliptic 1' C X, or or- bit which the Sun appears to describe once a year by the Earth's annual motion, has the half Y C con- stantly above the horizon E C Q of the north pole n; and the other half C X always below it. There- Pheno- fore while the Sun describes the northern half Y C!? ena f .. . . . the poles. of the ecliptic, he neither sets to tne north pole, nor rises to the south ; and while he describes the sou- thern half C X, he neither sets to the south pole, nor rises to the north. The same things are true with respect to the Moon; only with this difference, that as the Sun describes the ecliptic but once a year, he is for half that time visible to each pole in its turn, and as long invisible; but as the Moon goes round the ecliptic in 27 days 8 hours, she is only visible for 13 days 16 hours, and as long invisible to each pole by turns. All the planets likewise rise and set to the poles, because their orbits are cut obliquely in halves by the horizon of the poles. When the Sun (in his apparent way from X) arrives at C, which is on the 20th of March, he is just rising to an observer at n, on the north pole, and setting to another at ,y, on the south pole. From C he rises higher and higher in every apparent diurnal revolution, till he comes to the highest point of the ecliptic y, on the 21st of June; when he is at his greatest altitude, which is 23 degrees, or the arc E y, equal to his greatest north declination ; and from thence he seems to de- scend gradually in every apparent circumvolution, till he sets at C on the 23d of September; and then he goes to exhibit the like appearances at the south pole for the other half of the year. Hence the Sun's apparent motion round the Earth is not in parallel circles, but in spirals ; such as might be represented by a thread wound round a globe from tropic to tro- pic ; the spirals being at some distance from one an- 90 The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen Plate ii. other about the equator, and gradually nearer to each other as they approach toward the tropics, pheno- 1^* ^ tne observer be an y where on the terres- mena at trial equator e C q, as suppose at ?, he is in the plane tor CqUa " ^ tne ce ^ est ^ al equator; or under the equinoctial E C Q; and the axis of the Earth n C s is coinci- _. . dent with the plane of his horizon, extended out to JVand 6*, the north and south poles of the heavens. As the Earth turns round the line A* C S> the whole heavens MOLL seem to turn round the same line, but the contrary way. It is plain that this observer has the celestial poles constantly in his horizon, and that his horizon cuts the diurnal paths of all the ce- lestial bodies perpendicularly, and in halves. There- fore the Sun, planets, and stars, rise every day, as- cend perpendicularly above the horizon for six hours, and, passing over the meridian, descend in the same manner for the six following hours ; then set in the horizon, and continue twelve hours below it. Con- sequently at the equator the days and nights arc equally long throughout the year. When the obser- ver is in the situation e> he sees the hemisphere S E A"; but in twelve hours after, he is carried half round the Earth's axis to q, and then the hemisphere S Q A' becomes visible to him, and SE N disap- pears. Thus we find, that to an observer at either of the poles, one half of the sky is always visible, and the other half never seen ; but to an observer on the equator the whole sky is seen every 24 hours. The figure here referred to, represents a celes- tial globe of glass, having a terrestrial globe within it : after the manner of the glass sphere invented by my generous friend Dr. LONG, JLtiWrides's Profes- sor of Astronomy in Cambridge. Remark. 127. If a globe be held side wise to the eye, at some distance, and so that neither of its poles can be seen, the equator E C Q, and all circles parallel to it, as D L, y z x, a b X, MO, &c. will appear to be from different Parts of the Earth. 91 straight lines, as projected in this figure ; which is requisite to be mentioned here, because we shall have occasion to call them circles in the following articles of this chapter*. 128. Let us now suppose that the observer has^^ gone from the equator toward the north pole 7?, tween the and that he stops at i, from which place he then e q uator sees the hemisphere MEWL; his horizon 7IfCX andpo1 having shifted as many degrees from the celestial poles A* and S, as he has travelled from under the equinoctial . And as the heavens seem constantly to turn round the line NCS as an axis, all those stars which are not as many degrees from the north pole A" as the observer is from the equinoctial, namely, the stars north of the dotted parallel DL, never set below the horizon ; and those which are south of the dotted parallel MO never rise above it. Hence the former of these two parallel circles is called the cir- The cir- cle of perpetual apparition, and the latter the circle ^^^ of perpetual occultation : but all the stars between apparition these two circles rise and set every clay. Let us im- andoccul - * tation. agine many circles to be drawn between these two, and parallel to them ; those which are on the north side of the equinoctial will be unequally cut by the horizon MCL, having larger portions above the ho- rizon than below it : and the more so, as they are nearer to the circle of perpetual apparition ; but the reverse happens to those on the south side of the equinoctial while the equinoctial is divid< d in two equal parts by the horizon. Hence, by the apparent turning of the heavens, the northern stars describe greater arcs or portions of circles above the horizon than below it ; and the greater, as they are farther from the equinoctial toward the circle of perpetual apparition ; while the contrary happens to all stars * The plane of a circle, or a thin circular plate, being turned edge-wise to the eye, appears to be a straight line. 1 \f 92 The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen south of the equinoctial ; but those upon it describe equal arcs both above and below the horizon, and therefore they are just as long above it as below it. 129. An observer on the equator has no circle of perpetual apparition or occultation, because all the stars, together with the Sun and Moon, rise and set to him every day. But, as a bare view of the fi- gure is sufficient to shew that these two circles DL and MO are just as far from the poles A* and as the observer at i (or one opposite him at o,) is from the equator ECQ; it is plain, that if an observer begins to travel from the equator to ward either pole, his cir- cle of perpetual apparition rises from that pole as from a point, and his circle of perpetual occultation from the other. As the observer advances toward the nearer pole, these two circles enlarge their diame- ters, and come nearer to one another, until he comes to the pole ; and then they meet and coincide in the equinoctial. On different sides of the equator, to observers at equal distances from it, the circle of per- petual apparition to one is the circle of perpetual oc- cultation to the other. 130, Because the stars never vary their distances ^ rom ^ e e( l u i noc ^ a lj so. as to be sensible in an age, scribe the the lengths of their diurnal and nocturnal arcs are al- same par- ways the same to the same places on the Earth. But motion, as ^ e E- artn goes round the Sun every year in the and the ecliptic, one half of which is on the north side of tne equinoctial, and the other half on its south side, the Sun appears to change his place every day ; so as to go once round the circle YCX every year, 114. Therefore while the Sun appears to advance northward, from having described the parallel a b X touching the ecliptic in Jf, the days continually lengthen and the nights shorten, until he comes to y, and describes the parallel yzx; when the days are at the Ipngest and the nights at the shortest: for then JVEf ; from different Parts of the Earth. us the Sun goes no farther northward, the greatest Plate IL portion that is possible of the diurnal arc y z is above the horizon of the inhabitant i; and the smallest por- tion z x below it. As the Sun declines southward from z/, he describes smaller diurnal and greater noc- turnal arcs or portions of circles every day ; which causes the days to shorten and the nights to length- en, until he arrives again at the parallel a b X; which having only the small part a b above the horizon MCL, and the great part b A" below it, the days are at the shortest and the nights at the longest : be- cause the Sun recedes no farther south, but returns northward as before. It is easy to see that the Sun must be in the equinoctial E C Q twice every year, and then the days and nights are equally long ; that is, 12 hours each. These hints serve at present to give an idea of some of the appearances resulting from the motions of the Earth : which will be more particularly described in the tenth chapter. 131. To an observer at either pole, the horizon pig-, i. and equinoctial are coincident ; and the Sun and stars Parallel, seem to move parallel to the horizon : therefore such and^lg an observer is said to have a parallel position of the spheres, sphere. To an observer any where between either what * pole and equator, the parallels described by the Sun and stars are cut obliquely by the horizon, and there- fore he is said to have an oblique position of the sphere. To an observer any where on the equator the parallels of motion, described by the Sun and stars, are cut perpendicularly, or at right angles, by the horizon ; and therefore he is said to have a right position of the sphere. And these three are all the different ways that the sphere can be posited to the inhabitants of the Earth. 94 The Phenomena of t/ie Heavens as seen CHAP. V. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from diffe- rent Parts oj the Solar System. 132 C^ vastly great is the distance of the starry " I^J heavens, that if viewed from any part of the solar system, or even many millions of miles beyond it, the appearance would be the very same as it is to us. The Sun and stars would all seem to be fixed on one concave suriace, oi which the spec- tator's eye would be the centre. But the planets, being much nearer than the stars, their appearances will vary considerably with the place from which they are viewed. 133. If the spectator be at rest without the orbits of the planets, they will seem to be at the same dis- tance as the stars; but continually changing their places with respect to the stars, and to one another ; assuming various phases of increase and decrease like the Moon ; and, notwithstanding their regular motions about the Sun, will sometimes appear to move quicker, sometimes slower, be as often to the west as to the east of the Sun, and at their greatest distances seem quite stationary. The duration, ex- tent, and distance, of those points in the heavens where these digressions begin and end, would be more or less, according to the respective distances of the several planets from the Sun : but in the same planet, they would continue invariably the same at all times ; like pendulums of unequal lengths oscil- lating together, the shorter would move quick, and go over a small space ; the longer would move slow, and go over a large space. If the observer be at rest with- in the orbits of the planets, but not near the common centre,their apparent motions will be irregular; but less so than in the former case. Each of the several planets will appear larger and less by turns, as they approach from different Parts of the Solar System. 95 nearer to, or recede farther from, the observer; the nearest varying most in their size. They will also move quicker or slower with regard to the fixed stars, but will never be either retrograde or stationary. 134. If an observer in motion view the heavens, the same apparent irregularities will be observed, but with some variation resulting from his own mo- tion. If he be on a planet which has a rotation on its axis, not being sensible of his own motion, he will imagine the whole heavens, Sun, planets, and stars, to revolve about him in the same time that his planet turns round, but the contrary way ; and will not be easily convinced of the deception. If his pla- net move round the Sun, the same irregularities and aspects as above mentioned will appear in the motions of the other planets ; and the Sun will seem to move among the fixed stars or signs, in an oppo- site direction to that in which his planet moves, changing its place every day as he does. In a word, whether our observer be in motion or at rest, whe- ther within or without the orbits of the planets, their motions will seem irregular, intricate, and perplex- ed, unless he be placed in the centre of the system; and from thence, the most beautiful order and har- mony will be seen by him. 135. The Sun being the centre of all the planets' The Sun's motions, the only place from which their motions could be truly seen, is the Sun's centre ; where the from observer being supposed not to turn round with the whlcl true mo- Sllll (which, in this case, we must imagine to be ations and transparent body) would see all the stars at rest, gj* 06 ^ and seemingly equidistant from him. To such an n et s P couid observer, the planets would appear to move among be seen, the fixed stars ; in a simple, regular, and uniform manner : only, that as in equal times they describe equal areas, they would describe spaces somewhat unequal, because they move in elliptic orbits, 155. Their motions would also appear to be what they are in fact, the same way round the heavens ; in N 96 The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen paths which cross at small angles in different parts of the heavens, and then separate a little from one another, $ 20. So that, if the solar astronomer should make the path or orbit of any planet a stand- ard, and consider it as having no obliquity, 201, he would judge the paths of ail the rest to be inclined to it ; each planet having one half of its path on one side, and the other half on the opposite side of the standard-path or orbit. And if he should ever see all the planets start from a eonj unction with each other *, Mercury would move so much faster than Venus, as to overtake her again (though not in the same point of the heavens) in a space of time about equal to 145 of our days and nights, or, as we com- monly call them, natural days? which include both the days and nights : Venus would move so much faster than the Earth, as to overtake it again in 585 natural days : the Earth so much faster than Mars, as to overtake him again in 778 such days : Mars so much faster than Jupiter, as to overtake him again in 817 such days : and Jupiter so much faster than Saturn, as to overtake him again in 7236 days, all of our time. Theju%- 13 g r B ut as our so i ar astronomer could have no ment that . , P . ., , , a solar as- idea of measuring the courses of the planets by our tronomer days, he would probably take the period of Mer- probably curv > which is the quickest-moving planet, for a make con- measure to compare the periods of the others with. the^E ^ s a ^ ^ e stars wou ld appear quiescent to him, he tances and would never think that they had any dependance ma & ni - upon the Sun; but would naturally imagine that tildes of J * . i the pia- the planets have, because they move round the net*. Sun. And it is by no means improbable, that he * Here we dp Rot mean such a conjunction, as that the nearest planet should hide all the rest from the observer's sight ; (for that would be impossible, unless the intersections of all their orbits were coincident, which they are not. See 21.) but when they were all in a line crossing the standard-orbit at right angles. from different Parts of the Solar System. 97 would conclude those planets, whose periods are quickest, to move in orbits proportionably less than those do which make slower circuits. But being destitute of a method for finding their parallaxes, or, more properly speaking, as they would have no pa- rallax to him, he could never know any thing of their real distances or magnitudes. Their relative distances he might perhaps guess at by their periods, and from thence infer something of truth concerning their relative magnitudes, by comparing their appa- rent magnitudes with one another. For example, Jupiter appearing larger to him than Mars, he would conclude it to be so in fact ; and that it must be far- ther from him, on account of its longer period* Mercury and the Earth would appear to be .nearly of the same magnitude ; but .by comparing the pe- riod of Mercury with that of the Earth, he would conclude that the Earth is much farther from him than Mercury,, and consequently that it must be really larger though apparently of the same magni- tude ; and so of the rest. And as each planet would appear somewhat larger in one part of its orbit than in the opposite, and to move quickest when it seems largest, the observer would be at no loss to con- clude that all the planets move in orbits, of which the Sun is not precisely the centre. 137. The apparent magnitudes of the planets The pia- continually change as seen from the Earth, which ^n^very" demonstrates that they approach nearer to it, and irregular recede farther from it by turns. From these phe- ^^ nomena, and their apparent motions among the Earth, stars, they seem to describe loeped curves, which never return into themselves,-*- Venus's path ex- cepted. And if we were to trace out all their ap- parent paths, and put the figures of them together in one diagram, they would appear so anomalous and confused, that no man in his senses could be- lieve them to be representations of their real paths ; but would immediately conclude, diat such appa- 98 The apparent Paths of Mercury and Venus. Plate ill. rent irregularities must be owing to some optic illu- sions. And after a good deal of enquiry, he might perhaps be at a loss to find out the true causes of these irregularities; especially if he were one of those who would rather, with the greatest justice, charge frail man with ignorance, than the Almighty with being the author of such confusion. Mem f ^ ^' ^ r * ^ N G ' * n ki s fi rst volume of Astronomy , and Venus nas gi yen us figures of the apparent paths of all the represent- planets, separately from CASSINI; and on seeing ed * them I first thought of attempting to trace some of them by a machine* that shews the motions of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, the Earth, and Moon, according to the Copernican System. Having taken off* the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, I put black-lead pencils in their places, with the points turned up- ward ; and fixed a circular sheet of paste- board so, that the Earth kept constantly under its centre in going round the Sun ; and the paste-board kept its parallelism. Then, pressing gently with one hand upon the paste- board, to make it touch the three pencils; with the other hand I turned the winch that moves the whole machinery : and as the Earth, together with the pencils in the places of Mercury Fte-L and Venus, had their proper motions round the Sun's pencil, which kept at rest in the centre of the machine, all the three pencils described a dia- gram, from which the first figure of the third plate is truly copied in a smaller size. As the Earth moved round the Sun, the Sun's pencil described the dotted circle of months, whilst Mercury's pen- cil drew the curve with the greatest number of loops, and Venus's that with the fewest. In their inferior conjunctions they come as much nearer to the Earth, or within the circle of the Sun's appa- rent motion round the heavens, as they go beyond it in their superior conjunctions. On each side of the loops they appear stationary : in that part of * The ORRERY fronting the Title-Page. The apparent Paths of Mercury and Venus. each loop next the Earth, retrograde ; and in all the & ate rest of their paths, direct. If Cassini's figures of the paths of the Sun, Mer- cury, and Venus, were put together, the figure, as above traced out, would be exactly like them. It represents the Sun's apparent motion round the eclip- tic, which is the same every year ; Mercury's rr.o- tion for seven years; and Venus's for eight; in which time Mercury's path makes 23 loops, crossing itself so many times, and Venus's only five. In eight years Venus falls so nearly into the same apparent path again, as to deviate very little from it in some ages ; but in what number of years Mercury and the rest of the planets would describe the same visible paths over again, I cannot at present determine. Having finished the above figure of the paths of Mercury and Venus, I put the ecliptic round them as in the doctor's book ; and added the dotted lines from the Earth to the ecliptic, for shewing Mercu- ry's apparent or geocentric motion therein for one year ; in which time his path makes three loops, and goes on a little farther. This shews that he has three inferior, and as many superior conjunctions with the Sun in that time ; and also that he is six times sta- tionary, and thrice retrograde. Let us now trace his motion for one year in the figure. Suppose Mercury to be setting out from A to- ward B (between the Earth and left-hand corner of the plate) and as seen from the Earth, his mo- Fig. i. tion will then be direct, or according to the order of the signs. But when he comes to B, he appears to stand still in the 23d degree of nj, at F, as shewn by the line B F. While he goes from B to C, the line B F, supposed to move with him, goes back- ward from F. to J2, or contrary to the order of signs : and when he is at C, he appears stationary at E; having gone back 111 degrees. Now, sup- pose him stationary on the first of January at C, on the tenth of that month he will appear in the heavens 100 The apparent Paths of Mercury and Venus. as at 20, near F ; on the 20th he will be seen as at G; on the 31st at//; on the iOth of February at F; on the 20th at K; and on the 28th at L ; as the dotted lines shew, which are drawn through every tenth days' motion in his looped path, and con- tinued to the ecliptic. On the 10th of March he appears at M; on the 20th at A"; and on the 31st at O. On the tenth of April he appears stationary at P ; on the 20th he seems to have gone back again to O; and on the 30th he appears stationary at Q, having gone back llf degrees. Thus Mercury seems to go forward 4 signs 11 degrees, or 31 de- grees ; and to go back only 1 1 or 12 degrees, at a mean rate. From the 30th of April to the 10th of May, he seems to move from Q to R ; and on the 20th he is seen at S, going forward in the same manner again, according to the order of letters ; and backward when they go back ; which it is needless to explain any farther, as the reader can trace him out so easily, through the rest of the year. The same appearances happen in Venus 's motion ; but as she moves slower than Mercury, there are longer intervals of time between them. Having already, $ 120, given some account of the apparent diurnal motions of the heavens as seen Irom the different planets, we shall not trouble the reader any more with that subject. CHAP. VI. TJie Ptolemean System refuted. The Motions Mnd Phases of Mercury and Venus explained. HE Tychonic System, 97, being suffi- ciently refuted in the 109th article, we shall say nothing more about it. 140. The Ptolemean System, 96, which asserts the Earth to be at rest in the centre of the uni- verse, and all the planets with the Sun and stars to move round it, is evidently false and absurd. The Phenomena of the inferior Planets. 101 For if this hypothesis were true, Mercury and Ve- nus could never be hid behind the Sun, as their or- bits are included within the Sun's ; and again, these two planets would always move direct, and be as often in opposition to the Sun as in conjunction with him. But the contrary of all this is true : for they are just as often behind the Sun as before him, ap- pear as often to move backward as forward, and are so far from being seen at any time in the side of the heavens opposite to the Sun, that they are never seen a quarter of a circle in the heavens distant from him. 141. These two plaftets, when viewed at different Appear - times with a good telescope, appear in all the various Mercury- shapes of the Moon j which is a plain proof that they and Ve~ are enlightened by the Sun, and shine not by any nus * light of their own ; for if they did, they would con- stantly appear round as the Sun does ; and could never be seen like dark spots upon the Sun when they pass directly between him and us. Their re- gular phases demonstrate them to be spherical bo- dies; as may be shewn by the following experiment : Hang an ivory ball by a thread, and let any per- Ex peri- son move it round the flame of a candle, at two or ^e [hey three yards distance from your eye ; when the ball are round., is beyond the candle, so as to be almost hid by the flame, its enlightened side will be toward you, and appear round like the full Moon : When the ball is between you and the candle, its enlightened side will disappear as the Moon does at the change : When it is half-way between these two positions, it will appear half illuminated, like the Moon in her quarters : but in every other place between these positions, it will appear more or less horned or gib- bous. If this experiment be made with a flat cir- cular plate, you may make it appear fully enlight- ened, or not enlightened at all ; but can never mak/ it appear either horned or gibbous. 102 The Phenomena of the inferior Planets. Plate n. 142. If you remove about six or seven yards from Experi- the candle, and place yourself so that its flame may represent ^ e J ust a t>out the height of your eye, and then de- the mo- sire the other person to move the ball slowly round MercuL ^ ie canc ^ le as before, keeping it as nearly of an equal and Ve- height with the flame as he possibly can, the ball nus - will appear to you not to move in a circle, but to vi- brate backward and forward like a pendulum ; mov- ing quickest when it is directly between you and the candle, and when directly beyond it ; and gradually slower as it goes farther to the right or left side of the flame, until it appears at the greatest distance from the flame ; and then, though it continues to move with the same velocity, it will seem for a mo- ment to stand still. In every revolution it will shew all the above phases, 141 ; and if two balls, a smaller and a greater, be moved in this manner round the candle, the smaller ball beng kept nearest the flame, and carried round almost three times as often as the greater, you will have a tolerable good repre- sentation of the apparent motions of Mercury and Venus ; especially if the greater ball describe a cir- cle almost twice as large in diameter as that describ- ed by the lesser. Fi S- "I- 143. Let A B C D E be a part or segment of the visible heavens, in which the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, appear to move at the same distance from the Earth E. For there are certain limits, beyond which the eye cannot judge of different distances; as is plain from the Moon's appearing to be as far from us as the Sun and stars are. Let the cir- cle fg h ik Im n o be the orbit in which Mercury m moves round the Sun S, according to the order of the letters. When Mercury is at/^ he disap- pears to the Earth at E, because his enlightened The elon- s id e i s turned from it ; unless he be then in one of dtgrTs 8 . r his nodes, $ 20, 25; in which case he will appear sions of like a dark spot upon the Sun. When he is at g froTthl m hi s or bit, he appears at B in the heavens, west- Sun. The Phenomena of the inferior Planets. 103 ward of the Sun S, which is seen at C: when at A, Plate n. he appears at A, at his greatest western elongation or distance from the Sun ; and then seems to stand still. But, as he moves from h to i, he appears to go from A to B ; and seems to be in the same place when at i, as when he was at g, but not near so large : at k he is hid from the Earth E, by the Sun 6'; being then in his superior conjunction. In go- ing from k to /, he appears to move from C to D ; and when he is at ;z, he appears stationary at E ; being seen as far east from the Sun then, as he was west from it at A. In going from n to 0, in his orbit, he seems to go back again in the heavens, from E to D ; and is seen in the same place (with respect to the Sun) at 0, as when he was at /; but of a larger diameter at 0, because he is then nearer the Earth E : and when he comes to f, he again passes by the Sun, and disappears as before. In go- ing from n to A, in his orbit, he seems to go back- ward in the heavens from E to A; and in going from h to 72, he seems to go forward from A to E : as he goes on from f, a little of his enlightened side at g is seen from E ; at h he appears half full, be- cause half of his enlightened side is seen ; at i y gibbous, or more than half full ; and at k he would appear quite full, were he not hid from the Earth E by the Sun S. At / he appears gibbous again, at n half decreased, at o horned, and at f new, like the Moon at her change. He goes sooner from his eastern station at n to his western station at A, than again from h to n ; because he goes through less than half his orbit in the former case, and through more in the latter. 144. In the same figure, let FGHIKLMN be Fig. in. the orbit in which Venus v goes round the Sun S, according to the order of the letters : and let E be the Earth, as before. When Venus is at F, she is The eion- in her inferior conjunction ; and disappears like ^ e f^ ion h s a new Moon, because her dark side is toward theses of * Earth. At (r, she appears half enlightened to the v nu s- O 104 The Phenomena of the inferior Planets. Earth, like the moon in her first quarter : at H 9 she appears gibbous ; at /, almost full ; her enlightened side being then nearly towards the Earth ; at K, she would appear quite full to the Earth E ; but is hid from it by the Sun S ; at Z/, she appears upon the decrease, or gibbous ; at M, more so ; at N, only half The great- enlightened ; and at F, she again disappears. In mov- est eion- i ns , f rom jy to Q s j le seems t o o backward in the gallons 01, ir-/^f -\i 11 11 Mercury heavens ; and from Cr to N 9 forward ; but as she de- and Ve- scribes a much greater portion of her orbit in going from G to A", than from JVto 6r, she appears much longer direct than retrograde in her motion. At A* and G she appears stationary ; as Mercury does at n and /z. Mercury, when stationary, seems to be only 28 degrees from the Sun ; and Venus, when so, 47 ; wh'ch is a demonstration that Mercury's orbit is included within Venus's, and Venus's within the Earth's. 145. Venus, from her superior conjunction at K> to her inferior conjunction at F, is seen on the east side of the Sun S, from the Earth E; and therefore she shines in the evening after the Sun sets, and is Morning called the evening star ; for, the Sun being then to and even- the westward of Venus, must set first. From her v?hat tar * * n f er * r conjunction to her superior, she appears on the west side of the Sun ; and therefore rises before him ; for which reason she is called the nwrmng star. When she is about A" or Gr, she shines so bright, that bodies by her light cast shadows in the night- time. 146. If the Earth kept always at E, it is evident that the stationary places of Mercury and Venus would always be in the same points of the heavens where they were before* For example : whilst Mercury m goes from h to 77, according to the order f he sta- of the letters, he appears to describe the arc ABCDE tionary j n the heavens, direct : and while he goes from n to fhe C pia? h> ^ ie seems to describe the same arc back again, netsvari- from E to A y retrograde j always at n and n he able. The Phenomena of the inferior Planets* 105 appears stationary at the same points E and A as before. But Mercury goes round his orbit, from/* to f again, in 88 days; and yet there are 116 days from any one of his conjunctions, or apparent sta- tions, to the same again : and the places of these con- junctions and stations are found to be about 114 de- grees eastward from the points of the heavens where they were last before ; which proves that the Earth has not kept all that time at E., but has bad a pro- gressive motion in its orbit from E to /. Venus also differs every time in the places of her conjunctions and stations ; but much more than Mercury ; be- cause, as Venus describes a much larger orbit than Mercury does, the Earth advances so much the far- ther in its annual path, before Venus comes round again. 147. As Mercury and Venus, seen from theTheelon- Earth, have their respective elongations from the f^g of Sun, and stationary places ; so has the Earth, seen turn's in. from Mars; and Mars, seen from Jupiter; and ferior P la ' Jupiter, seen from Saturn : that is, to every supe- seen from rior planet, all the inferior ones have their stations him - and elongations; as Venus and Mercury have to the Earth. As seen from Saturn, Mercury never goes more than 2^ degrees from the Sun ; Venus 4*; the Earth 6; Mars 9|; and Jupiter 33i ; so that Mercury, as seen from the Earth, has almost as freat a digression or elongation from the Sun, as upiter, seen from Saturn. 148. Because the Earth's orbit is included with- A proof of in the orbits of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, they are ^ e n ^[ th ' s seen on all sides of the heavens : and are as often in motion. opposition to the Sun as in conjunction with him. If the Earth stood still, they would always appear direct in their motions ; never retrograde nor station- ary. But they seem to go just as often backward as forward ; which, if gravity be allowed to exist, affords a sufficient proof of the Earth's annual mo- tion : and without its existence, the planets could never fall from the tangents of their orbits towards 106 The Phenomena of the inferior Planets. Plate II. the Sun, nor could a stone, which is once thrown up from the Earth, ever fall to the earth again. 149. As Venus and the Earth are superior pla- nets to Mercury, they exhibit much the same ap- pearances to him, that Mars and Jupiter do to us. Let Mercury m be at/; Venus v at F, and the Earth p. In at E; in which situation Venus hides the Earth General* from Mercury ; but being in opposition to the Sun, phenome- sne shines on Mercury with a full illumined orb ; periorVia- though, with respect to the Earth, she is in con- net to an junction with the Sun, and invisible. When Mer- mfenor. cur y j g at y- an( j y enus at , her enlightened side not being directly toward him, she appears a little gibbous ; as Mars does in a like situation to us : but, when Venus is at /, her enlightened side is so much toward Mercury at/J that she appears to him almost of a round figure. At K, Venus disappears to Mer- cury at/J being then hid by the Sun , as all our su- perior planets are to us, when in conjunction with the Sun. When Venus has, as it were, emerged out of the Sun-beams, as at L, she appears almost full to Mercury at/; at M and A", a little gibbous; quite full at F, and largest of all ; being then in op- position to the Sun, and consequently nearest to Mercury at F; shining strongly on him in the night, because her distance from him then is somewhat less than a fifth part of her distance from the Earth, when she appears roundest to it between / and K, or be- tween JSf and Z,, as seen from the Earth E. Con- sequently, when Venus is opposite to the Sun as seen from Mercury, she appears more than 25 times as large to him as she does to us when at the fullest. Our case is almost similar with respect to Mars, when he is opposite to the Sun ; because he is then so near the Earth, and has his whole enlightened side toward it. But, because the orbits of Jupiter and S-iturn are very large in proportion to the Earth's orbit, these two planets appear much less magnified The Physical Causes of the Planets" Motions. 107 at their oppositions, or diminished at their junctions, than Mars does, in proportion to their mean apparent diameters. CHAP. VII. The Physical Causes of the Motions of the Planets. The Eccentricities of their Orbits. The Times in which the Action of Gravity 'would bring them to the Sun. ARCHIMEDES'S ideal Problem for moving the Earth. Tlie World not eternal. ROM the uniform projectile motion bodies in straight lines, and the universal power of attraction which draws them off from these tion. lines, the curvilineal motions of all the planets arise, pig. iv. If the body A be projected along the right line ABX y in open space, where it meets with no resistance, and is not drawn aside by any other power, it would for ever go on with the same velocity, and in the same direction. For, the force which moves it from A to B in any given time, will carry it from B circular to Jf in as much more time, and so on, there being orbits - nothing to obstruct or alter its motion. But if, when this projectile force has carried it, suppose to Y?, the body S begin to attract it, with a power duly adjust- ed, and perpendicular to its motion atY?, it will then be drawn from the straight line ABX, and forced to revolve about S in the circle BYTU. When the Fi^. iv. body A comes to U, or any other part of its orbit, if the small body z/, within the sphere of IPs attraction, be projected, as in the right line Z, with a force per- pendicular to the attraction of Z7, then u will go round 7 in the orbit W, and accompany it in its whole course round the body S. Here S may re- present the Sun, 7 the Earth, and u the Moon. 151. If a planet at B gravitate, or be attracted, toward the Sun, so as to fall from B to y in the 108 The Physical Causes of time that the projectile force would have carried it from B to X, it will describe the curve B Y by the combined action of these two forces, in the same time that the projectile force singly would have car- ried it from B to X, or the gravitating power singly have caused it to descend from B to y ; and these two forces being duly proportioned, and perpendi- cular to each other, the planet, obeying them both, will move in the circle BYTU*. 152. But if, while the projectile force would carry the planet from B to A, the Sun's attraction (which constitutes the planet's gravitation) should bring it down from B to 1, the gravitating power would then be too strong for the projectile force ; and would cause the planet to describe the curve B C. When Elliptical the planet comes to C, the gravitating power (which rbits. a l w ays increases as the square of the distance from the Sun S diminishes) will be yet stronger on ac- count of the projectile force ; and by conspiring in some degree therewith, will accelerate the planet's motion all the way from C to K ; causing it to de- scribe the arcs BC, CD, DE, EF, &c. all in equal times. Having its motion thus accelerated, it there- by gains so much centrifugal force or tendency to fly off at Km the line JO*, as overcomes the Sun's attraction : and the centrifugal force being too great to allow the planet to be brought nearer the Sun, or even to move round him in the circle Klmn, &c. it goes off, and ascends in the curve KLMN, &c. its motion decreasing as gradually from K to B, as it increases from B to K; because the Sun's attraction now acts against the planet's projectile motion just as much as it acted with it before. When the pla- net has got round to J5, its projectile force is as much diminished from its mean state about G or A*, * To make the projectile force talance the gravitating power sc exactly as that the body may move in a circle, '.he projectile velocity of the "body must be such as it would have acquired by gravity alone, in falling through half the radius of the circle. the Planets' Motion. as it was augmented at K ' ; and so, the Sun's attrac- Plate IL tion being more than sufficient to keep the planet from going off at B, it describes the same orbit over again, by virtue of the same forces or powers. 153. A double projectile force will always balance a quadruple power of gravity. Let the planet at B have twice as great an impulse from thence toward Jf, as it had before ; that is, in the same length of time that it was projected from B to 6, as in the last example, let it now be projected from B to c ; and it will require four times as much gravity to retain it in its orbit : that is, it must fall as far as from B to 4 in the time that the projectile force would carry it from to c; otherwise it could not describe the curve BD ; as is evident by the figure. But, in as much time as the planet moves from B to C in the higher Fig. iy. part of its orbit, it moves from /to K, or from Jfto e P**- L, in the lower part thereof; because, from the joint scriVe^ action of these two forces, it must always describe equal are- equal areas in equal times, throughout its annual Jfmes. q course. These areas are represented by the triangles BSC, CSD y DSE, ESF, &c. whose contents' are equal to one another quite round the figure. 154. As the planets approach nearer the Sun, and A difficui- recede farther from him, in every revolution ; there *y remov - may be some difficulty in conceiving the reason why the power of gravity, when it once gets the better of the projectile force, does not bring the planets nearer and nearer the Sun in every revolution, till they fall upon, and unite with him ; or why the projectile force, when it once gets the better of gravity, does not carry the planets farther and farther from the Sun, till it removes them quite out of the sphere of his attraction, and causes them to go on in straight lines for ever afterward.' But by considering the effects of these powers as described in the two last articles, this difficulty will be removed. Suppose a planet 1 10 The Physical Causes of at B, to be carried by the projectile force as far a$ from B to , in the time that gravity would have brought it down from B to 1 : by these two forces it will describe the curve B C. When the planet comes down to K, it will be but half as far from the Sun A$*as it was at B ; and therefore by gravitating four times as strongly towards him, it would fall from K to V in the same length of time that it would have fallen from B to 1 in the higher part of its or- bit; that is through four rimes as much space ; but its projectile force is then so much increased at Jf, as would carry it from JTto k in the same time; being double of what it was at B ; and is therefore too strong for the gravitating power, either to draw the planet to the Sun, or cause it to go round him in the circle Klmn, &c. which would require its falling from K to w, through a greater space than that through which gravity can draw it, while the pro- jectile force is such as would carry it from A" to k : and therefore the planet ascends in its orbit KLMN; decreasing in its velocity, for the causes already as- signed in 152. The pia- 155. The orbits of all the planets are ellipses, very netary or- little different from circles : but the orbits of the tical? lp comets are very long ellipses ; and the lower focus of them all is in the Sun. If we suppose the mean distance (or middle between the greatest and least) of every planet and comet from the Sun to be divid- Their ec- ed into 1000 equal parts, the eccentricities of their centricU orbits, both in such parts and in English miles, will be as follow: Mercury's, 210 parts, or 6,720,000 miles; Venus's, 7 parts, or 413,000 pniles; the Earth's, 17 parts, or 1,377,000 miles; Mars's, 93 pans, or 11,439,000 miles; Jupiter's, 48 parts, or 20,352,000 miles ; Saturn's, 55 parts, or 42,755, 000 miles. Of the nearest of the tree foremen- tioned comets, 1,458,000 miles; of the middlemost, 2,025 000,000 miles; and of the outermost, 6,600, 000,000. the Planets' 1 Motions. 1 1 1 156. By the above-mentioned law, J 150 & seq. The above bodies will move in all kinds of ellipses, whether Ions; ] * ws !. uffi ' . P , A i . , . , . cient for or short, if the spaces they move in be void of resist- motions ance. Only those which move in the longer ellipses b ? th in have so much the less projectile force impressed upon ami einV them in the higher parts of their orbits ; and their ve- tic orbits. locities, in coming down towards the Sun, are so pro- digiously increased by his attraction, that their centri- fugal forces in the lower parts of their orbits are so great, as to overcome the Sun's attraction there, and cause them to ascend again towards the higher parts qf their orbit ; during which time the Sun's attraction, acting so contrary to the motions of those bodies, causes them to move slower and slower, until their projectile forces are diminished almost to nothing ; and then they are brought back again by the Sun's attraction as before. 157. If the projectile forces of all the planets and in what comets were destroyed at their mean distances from times thc the Sun, their gravities would bring them down so, wouid*faH as that Mercury would fall to the Sun in 15 days 13 totheSun hours; Venus, in 39 days 17 hours; the Earth or b o4 h rof Moon, in 64 days 10 hours; Mars, in 121 days ; Ju- gravity, piter, in 290; and Saturn, in 767. The nearest comet, in 13 thousand days; the middlemost, in 23 thousand days ; and the outermost, in 66 thousand days. The Moon would fall to the Earth in 4 days 20 hours ; Jupiter's first moon would fall to him in 7 hours, his second in 15, his third in 30, and his fourth in 71 hours. Saturn's first moon would fall to him in 8 hours, his second in 12, his third in 19, his fourth in 68, and his fifth in 336 hours. A stone would fall to the Earth's centre, if there were a hollow passage, in 21 minutes 9 seconds. Mr. WHISTON gives the following rule for such computations. " *It is demonstrable, 'that half the period of any planet, when it is diminished in the sesquialteral proportion * Astronomical Principles of Religion, p. 66. 112 The Physical Causes of of the number 1 to the number 2, or nearly in the proportion of 1000 to 2828, is the time in which it would fall to the centre of its orbit. The pro- 158. The quick motions of the moons of Jupiter dlgl us n a *fand Saturn round their primaries, demonstrate that ibe C Sun these two planets have stronger attractive powers and Pia- than the Earth has. For the stronger that one body nets * attracts another, the greater must be the projectile force, and consequently the quicker must be the mo- tion of that other body to keep it from falling to its primary or central planet. Jupiter's second moon is 124 thousand miles farther from Jupiter than our Moon is from us ; and yet this second moon goes almost eight times round Jupiter whilst our moon goes only once round the Earth. What a prodigious attractive power must the Sun then have, to draw all the planets and satellites of the system towards him ! and what an amazing power must it have required to put all these planets and moons into such rapid mo- tions at first ! Amazing indeed to us, because impos- sible to be effected by the strength of all the living creatures in an unlimited number of worlds ; but no ways hard for the ^taighty, whose planetarium takes in the whole universe. ARCH i- 159. The celebrated ARCHIMEDES affirmed he ME biem COU ^ move tne Earth, if he had a place at a dis- Frlts?ng tance from it to stand upon to manage his machine- the Earth. r y,#. This assertion is true h\ theory, but, upon examination, will be found absolutely impossible in fact, even though a proper place, and materials of sufficient strength could be had. The simplest and easiest method of moving a heavy body a little way, is by a lever or crow ; where a small weight or power applied to the long arm will raise a great weight on the short one. But then the small weight must move as much quicker than the great weight, as the latter is heavier than * AOJ err* JA), x.a.i rov xo, But, if a man may venture to publish his own thoughts, it seems to me no more an absurdity, to suppose the Deity capable of infusing a law, or what law he pleases, into matter, than to suppose him capable of giving it existence at first. The manner of both is equally inconceivable to us ; but neither of them, imply a contradiction in our ideas : and what implies no contradiction is within the powder of Omnipotence. 161. That the projectile force was at first given by the Deity is evident. For matter can never put it- self in motion, and all bodies may be moved in any direction whatever ; and yet the planets, both primary and secondary, move from west to east, in planes nearly coincident ; while the comets move in all di- rections, and in planes very different from one an- other ; these motions can therefore be owing to no mechanical cause or necessity, but to the free will and power of an intelligent Being. 162. Whatever gravity be, it is plain that it acts every moment of time : for if its action should cease, the projectile force w^ould instantly carry off the the Planets' Motions. 1 15 planets in straight lines from those parts of their or- bits where gravity left them. But, the planets being once put into motion, there is no occasion for any new projectile force, unless they meet with some re- sistance in their orbits ; nor for any mending hand, unless they disturb one another too much by their mutual attractions. 163. It is found that there are disturbances among The pia- the planets in their motions, arising from their mutual net * &*- i , . , c A i turb one attractions, when they are in the same quarter or the another's heavens ; and the best modern observers find that our motions, years are not always precisely of the same length*. Besides, there is reason to believe that the Moon is somewhat nearer the Earth now than she was formerly ; her periodical month being shorter than it was in former ages. For our astronomical tables, T j ie con . which in the present age shew the times of solar and sequences lunar eclipses to great precision, do not answer so th well for very ancient eclipses. Hence it appears, that the Moon does not move in a medium void of all re- sistance, ^ 174 : and therefore her projectile force be- ing a little weakened, while there is nothing to dimi- nish her gravity, she must be gradually approaching nearer the Earth, describing smaller and smaller circles round it in every revolution, and finishing her period sooner, although her absolute motion with re- gard to space be not so quick now as it was formerly : and, therefore, she must come to the Earth at last ; unless that Being, which gave her a sufficent pro- * If the planets did not mutually attract one another, the areas described by them would be exactly proportionate to the times of de- scription, 153. But observations prove that these areas are not in such exact proportion, and are most varied when the greatest num- ber of planets are in any particular quarter of the heavens. When any two planets are in conjunction, their mutual attractions, which tend to bring them nearer to one another, draw the inferior one a little farther from the Sun, and the superior one a little nearer t<. him ; by which means, the figure of their orbits is somewhat altered; but this alteration is too small to be discovered in several ages. 116 Concerning the Nature and jectile force at the beginning, adds a little more to it in due time. And, as all the planets move in spaces full of ether and light, which are material substances, they too must meet with some resistance. And, therefore, if their gravities be not diminished, nor their projectile forces increased, they must necessa- rily approach nearer and nearer the Sun, and at length fall upon and unite with him. The world 164. Here we have a strong philosophical argu- not eter- ment against the eternity of the' YVorld. For, had it existed from eternity, and been left by the Deity to be governed by the combined actions of the above forces or powers, generally called laws, it had been at an end long ago. And if it be left to them, it must come to an end. But we may be certain, that it will last as long as was intended by its Author, who ought no more to be found fault with for framing so perishable a work, than for making man mortal*. CHAP. VIII. Of Light. Its proportional Quantities on the different Planets. Its Refractions in Water and Air. The Atmosphere ; its Weight and Properties. The Horizontal moon. I A I G H T consists of exceeding small par- tides of matter issuing from a luminous body ; as, from a lighted candle such particles of matter constantly flow in all directions. Dr. NIEW- Theamaz- ENTYxf computes, that in one second of time there ing small- fl ow 418,660,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, parUdes 000,000,000,000,000, particles of light out of a ofiight. burning candle; which number contains at least * M. de la Grange has demonstrated, on the soundest principles of philosophy* that the solar system is not necessarily perishable; but that the seeming irregularities in the planetary motions oscillate, as it were, within narrow lin.its ; and that the world, according to the present constitution of nature, may be permanent* t Religious Philosopher, Vol. HI. p. 65. Properties of Light. 117 6,337,242,000,000 times the number of grains of sand in the whole Earth ; supposing 100 grains of sand to be equal in length to an inch, and consequent- ly, every cubit inch of the Earth to contain one mil- lion of such grains. 166. These amazingly small particles, by striking The upon our eyes, excite in our minds the idea of light ; ^ffccis" 1 and if they were as large as the smallest particles of that would matter discernible by our best microscopes, instead * i ? s I ^ e their of being serviceable to us, they would soon deprive being us of sight, by the force arising from their immense lar s el '- velocity ; which is above 164 thousand miles every second*, or 1,230,000 times swifter than the motion of a cannon bullet. And, therefore, if the particles of light were so large, that a million of them were equal in bulk to an ordinary grain of sand, we durst no more open our eyes to the light, than suffer sand to be shot point blank against them. 167. When these small particles, flowing from the HOW ob- Sun or from a candle, fall upon bodies, and are there- jects be- by reflected to our eyes, they excite in us the idea of Sto us!" that body, by forming its picture on the retina f. And since bodies are visible on all sides, light must be reflected from them in all directions. 168. A ray of light is a continued stream of these The rays particles, flowing from any visible body in a straight of h & ht line. That the rays move in straight, and not in movTi/ crooked lines, unless they be refracted, is evident s . trai ^ rM from bodies not being visible if we endeavour to look lmes< at them through the bore of a bended pipe ; and from their ceasing to be seen on the interposition of other bodies, as the fixed stars by the interposition of the Moon and planets, and the Sun wholly or in part by the interposition of the Moon, Mercury, or Venus. A proof And that these rays do not interfere, or jostle hinder not one ano- This will be demonstrated in the eleventh chapter. ther's t A fine net-work membrane in the bottom of the eye. motions. 118 Concerning the Nature and Plate IL another out of their ways, in flowing from different bodies all around, is plain from the following experi- ment. Make a little hole in a thin plate of metal, and set the plate upright on a table, facing a row of light- ed candles standing by one another; then place a sheet of paper or pasteboard at a little dibtance from the other side of the plate, and the rays of all the candles, flowing through the hole, will lorm as many specks of light on the paper as there are candles be- fore the plate ; each speck as distinct and large, as if there were only one candle to cast one speck ; which shews that the rays are no hindrance to each other in their motions, although they all cross in the hole. 169. Light, and therefore heat, so far as it depends on the Sun's rays, (85, toward the end,) decreases in the inverse proportion of the squares of the distances of the planets from the Sun. This is easily demon- strated by a figure; which, together with its de- Fig. XL scription, I have taken from Dr. SMITH'S Optics*. Let the light which flows from a point A, and passes through a square hole B, be received upon a plane C, in what parallel to the plane of the hole ; or, if you please, let %h P tTnd n the % ure C be the shadow of the plane B; and when Leat de- the distance C is double of B, the length and breadth crease at o f t ^ e snac iow C will be each double of the length dwtan'ce" and breadth of the plane B ; and treble when AD is from the treble of AB; and so on : which may be easily examined by the light of a candle placed at A. Therefore the surface of the shadow C, at the distance AC double of AB, is divisible into four squares, and at a treble distance, into nine squares, severally equal to the square B, as represented in the figure. The light, then, which falls upon the plane 7?, being suffered to pass to double that distance, will be uniformly spread over four times the space, and consequently will be four times * Book I. Art. 57. Properties of Light. 119 thinner in every part of that space ; at a treble dis- Plate n tance, it will be nine times thinner ; and at a quad- ruple distance, sixteen times thinner, than it was at first ; and so on, according to the increase of the square surfaces B, C, Z), E, described upon the distances AB, AC, AD, AE. Consequently, the quantities of this rarefied light received upon a sur- face of any given size and shape whatever, removed successively to these several distances, will be but one-fourth, one-ninth) one-sixteenth, respectively, of the whole quantity received by it at the first distance AB. Or, in general words, the densities and quan- tities of light, received upon any given plane, are diminished in the same proper ion, as the squares of the distances of that plane, from the luminous body, are increased : and on the contrary, are increased in the same proportion as these squares are diminished. 170. The more a telescope magnifies the discs of why the the Moon and planets, so much the dimmer they P lanets * appeal- appear than to the bare eye ; because the telescope dimmer cannot magnify the quantity of light as it does the ^hen surface ; and, by spreading the same quantity of light through over a surface so much larger than the naked eye telescopes beheld, just so much dimmer must it appear when viewed by a telescope, than by the bare eye. eye. 171. When a ray of light passes out of one me- dium* into another, it is refracted, or turned put of its first course, more or less, as it falls more or less obliquely on the refracting surface which divides the two mediums. This may be proved by several ex- periments ; of which we shall onlv give three for ex- ample's sake. 1. In a bason, FGH, put a piece of Fig. vm. money, as DB, and then retire from it to A ; that is, till the edge of the bason at E just hides the money from your sight ; then keeping your head * A medium, in this sense, is any transparent body, or that through which the rays of light c; n '*ass; as water, glass, diamond, air; aiu' even a vacuum is sometimes called a medium. Q 120 Concerning the Atmosphere. steady, let another person fill the bason gently witk water. As he fills it, you will see more and more Refrao of the piece DB ; which will be all in view when the i-l 'so f f the bason is full > and a PP ear as if lifted U P to C - For light. the ray AEB, which was straight while the bason was empty, is now bent at the surface of the water in J, and turned out of its rectilineal course into the direction ED. Or, in other words, the ray DEK, that proceeded in a straight line from the edge D while the bason was empty, and w r ent above the eye at A, is now bent at E ; and instead of going on in the rectilineal direction DEK> goes in the an- gled direction DEA, and by entering the eye at A renders the object DIJ visible. Or, 2dly, Place the bason where the Sun shines obliquely, and observe where the shadow of the rim E falls on the bottom, as at B : then fill it with water, and the shadow will fall at D ; which proves that the rays of light, falling obliquely on the surface of the water, are refracted, or bent downward into it. 172. The less obliquely the rays of light fall upon the surface of any medium, the less they are refract- ed ; and if they fall perpendicularly on it, they are not refracted at all. For, in the last experiment, the higher the Sun rises, the less will be the difference between the places where the edge of the shadow falls in the empty and in the full bason. And, 3dly, if a stick be laid over the bason, and the Sun's rays be reflected perpendicularly into it from a looking- glass, the shadow of the stick will fall upon the same place of the bottom, whether the bason be full or empty. 173. The denser that any medium is, the more is light refracted in passing through it. the at- 174. The Earth is surrounded by a thin fluid rnosphere. mass of matter, called the air or atmosphere ', which gravitates to the Earth, revolves with it in its diurnal motion, and goes round the Sun with it every year. Concerning the Atmosphere. 12i This fluid is of an elastic or springy nature, and its lowest part, being pressed by the weight of ajl the air above it, is pressed the closest together; and therefore the atmosphere is densest of all at the Earth's surface, and higher up becomes gradually rarer. " It is well known* that the air near the sur- face of our Earth possesses a space about 1200 times greater than water of the same weight. And there- fore, a cylindric column of air 1200 feet high, is of equal weight with a cylinder of water of the same breadth, and but one foot high. But a cylinder of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere is of equal weight with a cylinder of water about 33 feet highf ; and therefore, if from the whole cylinder of air, the lower part of 1200 feet high be taken away, the re- maining upper part will be of equal weight with a cylinder of water 32 feet, high ; wherefore, at the height of 1200 feet or two -furlongs, the weight of the incumbent air is less, and consequently the rarity f the compressed air is greater, than near the Earth's surface, in the ratio of 33 to 32. And the air, at all heights whatever, supposing the expansion thereof to be reciprocally proportional to its compression (and this proportion has been proved by the experi- ments of Dr. Hooke and others) will be set down in the following table : in the first column of which you have the height of the air in miles, whereof 4000 make a semi-diameter of the Earth ; in the second the compression of the air, or the incumbent weight ; in the third its rarity or expansion, supposing gravity to decrease in the duplicate ratio of the distances from the Earth's centre : The small numeral figures being here used to shew what number of ciphers * NEWTON'S system of the World, p. 120, t This is evident from common pumps. 122 Concerning the Atmosphere. must be joined to the numbers expressed by the larger figures, as 0. 17 1224 for 0.000000000000000 00*1224, and 26956 15 for 26956000000000000000. The air's compres- sion and rarity at different heights. AIR '.i U :j?ht. Comprc ^sion. | Expansion. (j ' 33 . . 1 5 10 20 17.8515 . . 9.6717 . . 2.852 . . . . . 1.8486 . . 3.4151 .11 571 .40 400 4000 40000 400000 4000000 infinite. 0.2525 . 0. 17 1224. 0. 10 H4C5 0. 192 1628 0. 201 7895 0. 212 9878 0. 212 994l . 136.83 26956 15 73907 102 26263 189 41798 207 33414 209 54622 269 From the above table it appears that the air in proceeding upward is ratified in such manner, that a sphere of that air which is nearest the Earth but of one inch diameter, if dilated to an equal rarefac- tion with that of the air at the height of ten semi- dia- meters of the Earth, would fill up more space than is contained in the whole heavens on this side the fixed stars. And it likewise appears that the Moon does not move in a perfectly free and unresisting medium; although the air, ;:t a height equal to her distances, is at least 340G 19[) times thinner than at the Earth's surface ; and therefore cannot resist her motion, so as to be sensible, in many ages, its weight 175. The weight of the air, at the Earth's sur- face, is found by experiments made with the air-pump; and also by the quantity of mercury that the atmos- phere balances in the barometer ; in which, at a mean state, the mercury stands 29-J inches high. And if the tube were a square inch wide, it would at that -height contain 29 cubic inches of mercury, which how found. Concerning the Atmosphere. 123 is just 15 pounds weight; and so much weight of air every square inch of the Earth's surface sustains ; and consequently every square foot 144 times as much. Now, as the Earth's surface contains, in round numbers, 200,000,000 square miles, it must contain no less than 5,575,680,000,000,000 square feet; which being multiplied by 2160, the number of pounds on each square foot, amounts to 12,043, 468,800,000,000,000 pounds, for the weight of the whole atmosphere. At this rate, a middle-sized man, whose surface is about 15 square feet, is pressed by 32,400 pounds weight of air ail around ; for fluids press equally up and down, and on all sides. But, because this enormous weight is equal on all sides, and counterbalanced by the spring of the air diffused through all parts of our bodies, it is not in the least degree felt by us. 176. Oftentimes the state of the air is such, that A common we feel ourselves languid and dull ; which is com- I^f^e monly thought to be occasioned by the air's being weight of foggy and heavy about us. But that the air is then the air - too light, is evident from the mercury's sinking in the barometer, at which time it is generally found that the air has not sufficient strength to bear up the vapours which compose the clouds, for when it is otherwise, the clouds mount high, and the air is more elastic and weighty above us, by which means it balances the internal spring of the air within us, braces up our blotftl- vessels and nerves, and makes us brisk and lively. 177. According to * Dr. KEILL, and other astro- without nomical writers, it is entirely owing to the atmos- ^^^e phere that the heavens appear bright in the day- heavens time. For, without an atmosphere, only that part of the heavens would shine in which the Sun was placed : and if we could live without air, and should and turn our backs toward the Sun, the whole heavens twilight. * See his Astronomy, p. 232. 124 Concerning the Atmosphere Plate a. would appear as dark as in the night, and the stars would be seen as clear as in the nocturnal sky. In this case, we should have no twilight ; but a sudden transition from the brightest sun-shine to the black- est darkness, immediately after sun-set ; and from the blackest darkness to the brightest sun- shine, at sun-rising ; which would be extremely inconvenient, if not blinding, to all mortals. But, by means of the atmosphere, we enjoy the Sun's light, reflected from the aerial particles, for some time before he rises, and after he sets. For, when the Earth by its rota- tion has withdrawn our sight from the Sun, the at- mosphere being still higher than we, has the Sun's light imparted to it ; which gradually decreases until he has got 18 .degrees below the horizon ; and then, all that part of the atmosphere which is above us is dark. From the length of twilight, the Doctor has calculated the height of the atmosphere (so far as it is dense enough to reflect any light) to be about 44 miles. But it is seldom dense enough at the height of two miles to bear up the clouds. 5t brings 178. The atmosphere refracts the .Sun's rays so, the Sun in as f- o bring h' im j n sight every clear day, before he fore he rises in the horizon ; and to keep him in view for and some minutes after he is really set below it. For, at some times of the year, we see the Sun ten minutes after he longer above the horizon than he would be if there were no refraction ; and above six minutes every day at a mean rate. .. ix. 179. To illustrate this, let IEK be a part of the Karth's surface, covered with the atmosphere HGFC; and let HEO be the sensible horizon* of an observer at E. When the Sun is at A, really below the horizon, a ray of light, AC, proceeding from him comes straight to C, where it falls on the surface of the atmosphere, and there entering .a denser medium, it is turned out of its rectilineal * As far as one can see round him on the Earth, Concerning the Atmosphere* 125 course ACdG, and bent down to the observer's eye at E ; who then sees the Sun in the direction of the refracted ray Ede, which lies above the horizon, ai\d being extended out to the heavens, shtws the Sun at B, J 171. IbO. The higher the Sun rises, the less his rays are refracted, because they fall less obliquely on the surface of the atmosphere, 172.. Thus, when the Sun is in the direction of the line Ej'L continued, he is so nearly perpendicular to the surface of the Earth at E, that his rays are but very little bent from a rectilineal course. 181. The Sun is about 32| min. of a deg. inThequa- breadth, when at his mean distance from the Earth ; tity of re- and the horizontal refraction of his rays is 33| min. fracUOIW which being more than his whole diameter, brings all his disc in view, when his uppermost edge rises in the horizon. At ten deg. height, the refraction is not quite 5 min. ; at 20 deg. only 2 min. 26 sec.; at 30 deg. but 1 min. 32 sec. ; and at the zenith, it is nothing : the quantity throughout, is shew n by the following table, calculated by Sir ISAAC NEWTON, 126 Concerning the Atmosphere. 182. A TABLE shewing the Refractions of the Sun, Moon, and Stars; adapted to their aji/iarcnt Altitudes. Appar. Retrac- A! i \ e frac- A P Refrac- Alt. tion. All tion. Alt. tion. 0. M. M. S. D. vi. s. D. M. S. 33 45 21 2 18 56 3 15 30 24 22 2 11 57 35 30 27 35 23 2 5 58 34 45 25 11 24 1 59 59 32 1 23 7 25 1 54 60 31 1 15 21 20 26 1 49 61 30 1 30 19 46 27 1 44 62 28 1 45 18 22 28 1 40 63 27 2 17 8 29 1 36 64 26 2 30 15 2 30 1 32 65 25 3 13 20 3 1 i 28 66 24 3 30 11 57 32 1 25 67 23 4 10 48 3 1 22 68 22 4 30 9 50 34 1 19 69 21 5 9 2 35 1 16 70 20 5 30 8 21 36 1 13 71 19 6 7 45 37 1 11 72 18 6 30 7 14 38 1 8 73 17 7 6 47 39 1 6 74 16 7 30 6 22 40 1 4 75 15 8 6 4! 1 2 76 14 8 30 5 40 42 1 77 13 9 5 22 43 58 78 12 9 30 5 6 44 56 79 11 10 4 52 45 54 80 10 11 4 27 46 52 81 9 12 4 5 47 50 82 8 13 3 47 48 48 83 7 14 3 31 49 47 84 6 15 3 17 50 45 85 5 16 3 4 51 44 8n 4 17 2 53 52 42 87 3 18 2 43 53 40 88 2 19 2 34 54 39 89 1 20 2 26 55 o r^\ ;;. , Concerning the Atmosphere. 127 183. In all observations, to obtain the true alti- Plate n * tude of the Sun, Moon, or stars, the refraction must be subtracted from the observed altitude. But the quantity of refraction is not always the same of refrac- at the same altitude; because heat diminishes the tu air's refractive power and density, and cold increases both ; and therefore no one table can serve precisely for the same place at all seasons, nor even at all times of the same day, much less for different cli- mates ; it having been observed that the horizontal refractions are near a third part less at the equator than at Paris. This is mentioned by Dr. SMITH in the 37()th remark on his Optics, where the follow- ing account is given of an extraordinary refraction of the Sun-beams by cold. u There is a famous A very re- observation of this kind made by some Hollanders markabie that wintered mNova-Zembia in the year 1596, who^^J^f" were surprised to find, that after a continual night rcfrac- of three months, the Sun began to rise seventeen tl( days sooner than according to computation, dedu- ced from the altitude of the pole, observed to be 76 ; which cannot otherwise be accounted for, than by an extraordinary refraction of the Sun's rays passing through the cold dense air in that climate. Kepler* computes that the Sun was almost five degrees be- low the horizon when he first appeared ; and conse- quently the refraction of his rays was about nine times greater than it is with us." 184. The Sun and Moon appear of an oval figure, as FCGD, just after their rising, and before their Fig. x. setting : the reason of which is, the refraction be- ing greater in the horizon than at any distance above it, the lower limb G is more elevated by it than the upper. But although the refraction shortens the vertical diameter FG, it has, no sensible effect on the horizontal diameter CZ),. which is all equally elevat- ed. When the refraction is so small as to be im- 128 Concerning the Atmosphere. perceptible, the Sun and Moon appear perfectly- round, as A E B F. ination " *^ 5 ' When we h ave nothing but our imagination to fannot n assist us in estimating distances, we are liable to be judge deceived ; for bright objects seem nearer to us than - ^ lose which are less bright, or than the same objects do when they appear less bright and worse denned, even though their distance be the same. And if in jects ; both cases they are seen under the same angle*, our imagination naturally suggests an idea of a greater distance between us and those objects which appear fainter and worse defined than those which appear brighter under the same angles; especially if they be such objects as we were never near to, and of whose real magnitudes we can be no judges by sight. 186. But it is not only in judging of the different apparent magnitudes of the same objects, which are better or worse defined by their being more or less bright, that w r e may be deceived : for we may make a wrong conclusion even when we view them nor at- * ^ ne nearer an object is to the eye ? the bigger it appears, and ways of ** is seen H nder the greater angle. To illustrate this a little, suppose those an arrow in thc position IK, perpendicular to the right line HA, which are drawn n ' om tne eve at H through the middle of the arrow at O. It accessi- ls V} am t V at tne arrow is seen under the angle IHK, and that HO, kk -which is its distance from the eye, divides mto halves both the ar- row and the angle under which it is seen, v/z. the arrow into 1O, OK; and the angle into I HO and KHO: and this will be the case at whatever distance the arrow is placed; Let now three ar- rows, all of the same length with IK, be placed at the distances HA, HCK, H, still perpendicular to, and bisected by the right line HA; then will AB, CD, EF, be each equal to, and represent O I; and A B (the same as OI) will be seen Irom H under the angle AHB ; but CD (the same as OI) will be seen under the angle CHD, or A.HL; and RF(\\\z same as OI) will be seen under the angle jL'l-1^ or C7/A, or AHM. Also EF. or OI, at the distance HE, will appear as long as ON wruld at the distance HC, or as AM would at the distance HA; and CD, or 7O,at the distance HC, will appear as long as AL would at the distance HA. So that as an ob- ject approaches the eye, both its nsagnitude and the angle under which it is seen increase ; and the contrary as the object recedes. The Phenomena of the Horizontal Mow, cc. under equal degrees of brightness, and under equal angles; although they be objects whose bulks we are generally acquainted with, such as houses or trees ; for proof of which, the two following instances may suffice : First, When a house is seen over a very broad The river by a person standing on a low ground, who sees nothing of the river, nor knows of it before- hand ; the breadth of the river being hid from him, because the banks seem contiguous, he loses the idea of a distance equal to that breadth ; and the house seems small because he refers it to a less dis- tance than it really is at. But if he goes to a place from which the river and interjacent ground can be seen, though no farther from the house, he then per- ceives the house to be at a greater distance than he bad imagined ; and therefore fancies it to be bigger than he did at first ; although in both cases it ap- pears under the same angle, and consequently makes no bigger picture on the retina of his eye in the lat- ter case than it did in the former. Many have been deceived by taking a red coat-of-arms, fixed upon the iron gate in Clare -Hall walks at Cambridge , for a brick house at a much greater distance.* Pia# Secondly, In foggy weather, at first sight, we generally imagine a small house which is just at * The fields which are beyond the gate rise gradually till they are just seen over it ; and the arms being red, are often mistaken for a house at a considerable distance in those fields. I once met with a curious deception in a gentleman's garden at Hackney^ occasioned by a large pane of glass in the garden wall at some distance from his house. The glass (through which the sky was seen from low ground) reflected a very faint image of the house ; but the image seemed to be in the clouds near the horizon, and at that distance looked as if k were a huge castle in the air.-^Yet the angle, under which the image appeared, was equal to that under which the house was seen : but the image being mentally referred to a much greater distance than the house, appeared much bigger to the imagination. 130 The Phenomena of the Plate 1L hand, to be a great castle at a distance ; because ft appears so dull and ill-defined when seen through the mist, that we refer it to a much greater distance than it really is at ; and therefore, under the same Fig- xu an &k'> we judge it to be much bigger. For, the near object FE, seen by the eye A B D, appears under the same angie GC77that the remote obiect G///does; and the rays GFCN and HECM, crossing one another at C in the pupil oi the eye, limit the size of the picture MN on the retina, which is the picture of the object FE; and if FE were taken away, would be the picture of the ob- ject ///, only worse defined ; because GHI being farther off, appears duller and fainter than FE did. But when a fog, as KL^ comes between the eye and the object FE, the object appears dull and ill- defined like GHI; which causes otir imagination to refer FE to the greater distance C//, instead of the small distance CJ5, which it really is at. And con* sequently, as misjudging the distance does not in the least diminish the angle under which the object appears, the small hay-rick FE seems to be as big as GHL Fig. ix. 187. The Sun and Moon appear bigger in the horizon than at any considerable height above it. These luminaries, although at great distances from the Earth, appear floating, as it were, on the surface of our atmosphere HG Ffe C, a little way beyond Whyfhe tne clouds; of which those about F y directly over Sun and our heads at , are nearer us than those about 77 or ar n bi a g." e in the horizon HEe. Therefore, when the Sun g-est in the or Mopn appears in the horizon at e, they are not honzon, on jy seen ^ n a p art o f t k e s k V) w hich is really farther from us than if they were at any considerable alti- tude, as about/; but they are also seen through a greater quantity of air and vapours at e than at f. Here we have two concurring appearances which de- ceive our imagination, and cause us to refer the Sun Horizontal Moon explained. 131 and Moon to a greater distance at their rising or setting about e , than when they are considerably high as atyV first, their seeming to be on a part of the atmosphere at (?, which is really farther than^'from a spectator at Ef and secondly, their being seen through a grosser medium, when at e y than when aty/ which, by ren- dering them dimmer, causes us to imagine them to be at a yet greater distance. And as, in both cases, they are seen* much under the same angle, we na- turally judge them to be biggest when they seem farthest from us ; like the abovementioned house, 186, seen from a higher ground, which shewed it to be farther off than it appeared from low ground; or the hay -rick, which appeared at a greater distance by means of an interposing fog. 188. Any one may satisfy himself that the Moon Their ap- appears under no greater angle in the horizon than parent di- on the meridian, by taking a large sheet of paper, are^ot* and rolling it up in the form of a tube, of such a less on the width, that observing the Moon through it when she rises, she may, as it were, just fill the tube ; then tie horizon, a thread round it to keep it of that size ; and when the Moon comes to the meridian, and appears much less to the eye, look at her again through the same tube, and she will fill it just as much, if not more, than she did at her rising. 189. When the full Moon is in perigee, or at her least distance from the Earth, she is seen under a larger angle, and must therefore appear bigger than when she is full at other times ; and if that part of the atmosphere where she rises be more replete with * The Sun and Moon subtend a greater angle on the meridian than in the horizon, being nearer the observer's place in the forme*- case than in the latter, The Method of finding the Distances vapours than usual, she appears so much the dim- mer ; and therefore we fancy her to be still the big- ger, by referring her to an unusually great distance, knowing that no objects which are very far distant can appear big unless they be really so. CHAP. IX. Hie Method of finding the Distances of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, , Q Q Y | ^HOSE who have not learnt how to take J[_ the # altitude of any celestial phenome- non by a common quadrant, nor know any thing of plane trigonometry, may pass over the first article of this short chapter, and take the astronomer's word for it, that the distances of the Sun and planets are as stated in the first chapter of this book. But, to every one who knows how to take the altitude of the Sun, the Moon, or a star, and can solve a plane right * The altitude of any celestial object, is an arc of the sky intercep- ted between the horizon and the object. In Fig. VI. of Plate //. let HOX be a horizontal line, supposed to be extended from the eye at A to X) where the sky and Earth seem to meet at the end of a long and level plane; and let 5 be the Sun. The arc AY will be the Sun's height above the horizon at X y and is found by the instrument JSCD, which is a quadrantal board, or plate of metal, divided into 90 equal parts or dcgives on its limb DPC, and has a couple of lit- tle brass plates, as a and , with a small hole in each of them, call- ed sight-holes, tor looking through, parallel to the edge of the quad- rant which they stand on. To the centre JS, is fixed one end of a thread 1>\ called the plumb-line, which has a small weight or plum- met P fixed to its other end. Now, if an observer hold the quad- rant upright, without inclining it to either side, and so that the hori- zon at X is seen through the sight-holes a and 6, the plumb-iine will cut or hang over the beginning of the degrees at 0, in the edge JiC ; but if he elevate the quadrant so as to look through the sight-holes at any part of the heavens, suppose the Sun at S^just so many de- grees as he elevates the sight-hole b above the horizontal line HOX, vf the Sun, Moon, and Planets. 13o ingled triangle, the following method of finding the Plate tv. distances of the Sun and Moon will be easily under- stood. Let BAG be one half of the Earth, AC its semi- Fr L diameter, $' the Sun, m the Moon, and EKOL a quarter of the circle described by tlie Moon in re- volving from the meridian to the meridian again. Let CjRiS be the rational horizon of an observer at A, extended to the Sun in the heavens ; and HAG his sensible horizon, extended to die Moon's orbit. ALC is the angle under which the Earth's semidi- ameter^C* is seen from the Moon at L y which is equal to the angle OAL, because the right lines AO and CLj which include both these angles, are parallel. ASCis the angle under which the Earth's semidiame- ter AC is seen from the Sun at -S 9 and is equal to the angle OAf; because the lines AO and CRS are parallel. Now, it is found by observation, that the angle OAL is much greater than the angle OAf; but OAL is equal to ALC\ and OAf is equal to ASC. Now, asASC is much less than ALC, it proves that the Earth's semidiameter AC appears much greater as seen from the Moon at Z/, than from the Sun at S ; and therefore the Earth is much farther from the Sun than from the Moon.* The so many degrees -will the plumb-line cut in the limb CP ot the quad- rant. For, let the observer's eye at A be in the centre of the celes- tial arc XY7, (and he may be said to be in the centre of the Sun's apparent diurnal orbit, tet him be on what part of the Earth he will) in which arc the Sun is at that time, suppose 25 degrees high, and let the observer hold the quadrant so that he may see the Sun through the sight-holes; the plumb-line freely playing on the quadrant will cut the 25th degree in the limb C 1 /*, equal to the number of degrees of the Sun's altitude at the time of observation* .'V*. /?. Whoever looks at the Sun must have a smoked glass be- fore his eyes to save them from hurt. The better way is not to look at the Sun through the sight-holes, but to hold the quadrant facing the eye at a little di&tance, and so that the Sun shining through one hole, the ray may be seen to fall on the other. * See the Note on $ 185-. 134 The Method of finding the Distances quantities of these angles may be determined by ob- servation in the following manner ; Let a graduated instrument, as DAE, (the larg- er the better^) having a moveable Index with sight- holes, be fixed in such a manner, that its plane sur- face may be parallel to the plane of the equator, and its edge AD in the plane of the meridian : so that when the Moon is in the equinoctial, and on the meridian ADE, she may be seen through the sight-holes when the edge of the moveable index cuts the be- ginning of the divisions at 0, on the graduated limb DE; and when she is so seen, let the precise time be noted. Now, as the Moon revolves about the Earth from the meridian to the meridian again in about 24 hours 48 minutes, she will go a fourth part round it in' a fourth part of that time, viz. in six hours twelve minutes, as seen from C, that is, from the Earth's centre or pole. But as seen from A, the observer's place on the Earth's surface, the Moon will seem to have gone a quarter round the Earth when she comes to the sensible horizon at 0; for the index through the sights of which she is then viewed, will be at 5 , that the flame may be still in the plane of the circle ; and twisting the thread as before, that the globe may turn round its axis the same way as you carry it round the candle, that is, from west to east, let the globe down into the lowermost part of the wire circle at VJ , and if the circle be pro- perly inclined, the candle will shine perpendicular OftJte different Seasons. 143 cularly on the tropic of Cancer, and tlieffigid zone, Summer lying within the Arctic or north polar circle, will be solstice - all in the light, as in the figure ; and will keep in the light, let the globe turn round its axis ever so often. From the equator to the north polar circle all the places have longer days and shorter nights ; but from the equator to the south polar circle just the reverse. The Sun does not set to any part of the north frigid zone, as shewn by the candle's shining on it, so that the motion of the globe can carry no place of that zone into the dark : and at the same time the south frigid zone is involved in darkness, and the turning of the globe brings none of its places into the light. If the Karth were to continue in the like part of its orbit, the Sun would never set to the inhabitants of the north frigid zone, nor rise to those of the south. At the equator it would be alvyays equal day and night; and as places are gradually more and more distant from the equator, toward the Arctic circle, they would have longer days and shorter nights ; while those on the south side of the equator would have their nights longer than their days. In this case there w r ould be continual sum- mer on the north side of the equator, and continual winter on the south side of it. But as the globe turns round its axis, move your hand slowly forward, so as to carry the globe from //toward E, and the boundary of light and dark- ness will approach toward the north pole, and recede from the south pole; the northern places will go through less and less of the light, and the southern places through more and more of it ; shewing how the northern days decrease in length, and the southern days increase, while the globe proceeds from H to E. When the globe is at E, it is at a mean state between the lowest and highest parts of Autumnal its orbit ; the candle is directly over the equator, the equinox. boundary of light and darkness just reaches to both T 144 Of the different Seasons. the poles, and all places on the globe go equally through the light and dark hemispheres, shewing that the days and nights are then equal at ail places of the Earth, the poles only excepted ; for the Sun is then setting to the north pole, and rising to the south pole. Continue moving the globe forward, and as it goes through the quarter A, the north pole recedes still farther into the dark hemisphere, and the south pole advances more into the light, as the globe comes nearer to 25 : and when it comes there at F t winter the candle is directly over the tropic of Capricorn, solstice. the days are at tne shortest, and nights at the longest, in the northern hemisphere, all the way from the . equator to the Arctic circle ; and the reverse in the southern hemisphere from the equator to the Antarc- tic circle ; within which circles it is dark to the north frigid zone, and light to the south. Continue both motions, and as the globe moves through the quarter J3, the north pole advances to- ward the light, and the south pole toward the dark ; the days lengthen in the northern hemisphere, and shorten in the southern ; and when the globe comes to G, the candle will be again over the equator, (as Vernal when the globe was at E,) and the days and nights w -j| a g a j n b e e q ua i as formerly ; and the north pole will be just coming into the light, the south pole go- ing out of it. Thus we see the reason why the days lengthen and shorten from the equator to the polar circles every year ; why there is sometimes no day or night for many turnings of the Earth, within the polar cir- cles ; why there is but one day and one night in the whole year at the poles ; and why the days and nights are equally long all the year round at the equator, which is always equally cut by the circle bounding light and darkness. Of the different Seasons. 145 201. The inclination of an axis or orbit is merely Remark, relative, because we compare it with some other axis or orbit which we consider as not inclined at all. Thus, our horizon being level to us, whatever place of the Earth we are upon, we consider it as having P j atc jj^ no inclination ; and yet, if we travel 90 degrees from Fig. in. that place, we shall then have a horizon perpendicu- lar to the former, but it will still be level to us. And if this book be held so that the * circle ABCD be parallel to the horizon, both the circle abed, and the thread or axis K, will be inclined to it. But if the book or plate be held so that the thread be per- pendicular to the horizon, then the Q?\y\lABCD will be inclined to the thread, and the orbit abed perpen- dicular to it, and parallel to the horizon. We gene- rally consider the Earth's annual orbit as having no inclination, and the orbits of all the other planets as inclined to it, $ 20. 202: Let us now take a view of the Earth in its annual course round the Sun, considering its orbit as having no inclination, and its axis as inclining 23 J degrees from a line perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, and keeping the same oblique direction in all parts of its annual course ; or, as commonly termed, keeping always parallel to itself, 196. Let #, b, c, d, e,,f,g, h, be the Earth in eight dif- Plate r. ferent parts of its orbit, equidistant from one another: Fi ff- L JV s its axis, JVits north pole, s its south pole, and S the Sun nearly in the centre of the Earth's orbit, 18. As the Earth goes round the Sun according * All circles appear elliptical in an oblique view, as is evident by looking obliquely at the rim of a bason. For the true figure of a cir- cle can only be seen when the eye is directly over its centre. The more obliquely it is viewed, the more elliptical it appears, until the eye be in the same plane with it, and then it appears life a straight linr. 146 Of the different Seasons. Plate v. to the order, of the letters abed, &c. its axis A"^ keeps the same obliquity, and is still parallel to the line A concise M N s. When the Earth is at a, its north pole in- Ieasons the c ^ nes towar d the Sun S, and brings all the northern places more into the light than at any other time of the year. But when the Earth is at e in the opposite time of the year, the north pole declines from the Sun, which occasions the northern places to be more in the dark than in the light ; and the reverse at the southern places, as is evident by the figure, which I have taken from Dr. LONG'S Astronomy. When the Earth is either at c or g, its axis inclines not cither to or from the Sun, but lies side wise to him ; and then the poles are in the boundary of light and darkness; and the Sun, being directly over the equa- tor, makes equal day and night at all places. When the Earth is at b, it is half-way between the Summer solstice and harvest equinox ; when it is at d, it is half way from the harvest equinox to the winter sol- stice ; at s, half way from the winter solstice to the spring equinox ; and at /z, half way from the spring equinox to the summer solstice. Fig. II. 203. From this oblique view of the Earth's orbit, let us suppose ourselves to be raised far above it, and placed just over its centre S, looking down upon it from its north pole ; and as the Earth's orbit differs but very little from a circle, we shall have its figure in such a view represented by the circle ABCDEFGH. Let us suppose this circle to be divided into 12 equal parts, called sigm, having their names affixed to them: and each sign into 30 equal parts, called degrees, The sea- numbered 10, 20, 30, as in the outermost circle of sons the figure, which represents the great ecliptic in the another 11 heavens. The Earth is shewn in eight different view of positions in this circle : and in each position M is the Indfts^ 1 e( l uator > ^ the tropic of Cancer, the dotted circle orbit. Of the different Seasons. 147 the parallel of London, U the Arctic or north polar circle, and Pthe north pole, where all the meridians or hour-circles meet, 198. As the Earth goes round the Sun, the north pole keeps constantly to- ward one part of the heavens, as it does in the figure toward the right-hand side of the plate. When the Earth is at the beginning of Libra, namely, on the 20th of March in tiiis figure (as at g in Fig. I.) the Sun S, as seen from the Earth, ap- pears at the beginning of Aries, in the opposite part of the heavens*, the north pole is just coming into the light, and the Sun is vertical to the equator; vernal which, together with the tropic of Cancer, parallel equinox, of London, and Arctic circle, are all equally cut by the circle bounding light and darkness, coinciding with the six o'clock hour-circle, and therefore the days and nights are equally long at all places : for every part of the meridians JETjLd comes into the light at six in the morning, and revolving with the Earth according to the order of the hour-letters goes into the dark at six in the evening. There are 24 meridians, or hour-circles drawn on the Earth in this figure, to shew the time of sun-rising and setting at different seasons of the year. As the Earth moves in the ecliptic according to the order of the letters ABCD, &c. through the signs, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius,- the north pole P comes more and more into the light ; the days increase as the nights decrease in length at all places north of the equator./; which is plain by viewing the Earth at b on the 5th of May, when it is in the 15th degree of Scorpio f, and the Sun, as * Here \ve nmst suppose the Sun to be no bigger than an ordinary point ( s.) because he only covers a circle half a degree in diameter in the heavens; whereas in the figure he hides a -whole sign at once from the Earth. t Here we must suppose the Earth to be a much smaller point than that in the preceding note marked for the Sun. 148 Of the different Seasons. Plate r. seen from the Earth, appears in the 15th degree of Taurus. For then, the tropic of Cancer T is in the Fig. ii. light from a little after five in the morning till almost _ seven in the evening; the parallel of London from half an hour past four till half an hour past seven ; the polar circle U from three till nine ; and a large track round the north pole P has day all the 24 hours, for many rotations of the Earth on its axis. When the Earth comes to c, at the beginning of Capricorn, and the Sun, as seen from the Earth ap- pears at the beginning of Cancer, on the 21st of June, as in this figure, it is in the position a in Fig. I; and its north pole inclines toward the Sun, so as to bring all the north frigid zone into the light, and the northern parallels of latitude more into the light than the dark from the equator to the polar circle ; and the more so as they are farther from the equator. The tropic of Cancer is in the light from five in die morning till seven at night ; the parallel of London from a quarter before four till a quarter after eight ; and the polar circle just touches the dark, so that the Summer Sun has only the lower half of his disc hid from the solstice, inhabitants* on that circle for a few minutes about midnight, supposing no inequalities in the horizon, and no refraction. A bare view of the figure is enough to shew, that as the Earth advances from Capricorn toward Aries, and the Sun appears to move from Cancer toward Libra, the north pole advances toward the dark, which causes the days to decrease, and the nights to Autumnal increase in length, till the Earth comes to the begin- Equinox. n ing of A rics, and then they are equal as before ; for the boundary of light and darkness cuts the equator and all its parallels equally, or in halves. The north pole then goes into the dark, and continues in it until the Earth goes half way round its orbit ; or, from the 23d of * September till the 20th of March. In the Of the different Seasons. 149 middle, between these times, viz. on the 22d ,of Winter December, the north pole is as far as it can be in the solstlce * dark, which is 23 degrees, equal to the inclination of the Earth's axis from a perpendicular to its orbit: and then the northern parallels are as much in the dark as they were in the light on the 21st of June; the winter nights being as long as the summer days, and the winter days as short as the summer nights. It is needless to enlarge farther on this subject, as we shall have occasion to mention the seasons again in describing the Orrery > & 397. Only this must be noted, that whatever has been said of the northern hemisphere, the contrary must be understood of the southern ; for on different sides' of the equator the seasons are contrary ; because, when the northern hemisphere inclines toward the Sun, the southern declines from him. 204. As Saturn goes round the Sun, his oblique- The phe- ly-posited ring, like our Earth's axis, keeps parallel s to itself, and is therefore turned edgewise to the Sun ring7 twice in a Saturnian year; which is almost as long as 30 of our years, 81. But the ring, though con- siderably broad, is too thin to be seen by us when it is turned edgewise to the Sun, at which time it is also edgewise to the Earth ; and therefore it disap- pears once in every fifteen years to us. As the Sun shines half a year together on the north pole of our Earth, then disappears to it, and shines as long on the south pole; so, during one half of Saturn's year, the Sun shines on the north side of his ring, then disappears to it, and shines as long on the south side. When the Earth's axis inclines neither to nor from the Sun, but is side wise to him, he then ceases to shine on one pole, and begins to enlighten the other; and when Saturn's ring inclines neither to nor from the Sun, but is edgewise to him, 150 Of the different Seasons. Plate v. he ceases to shine on the one side of it, and begins to shine upon the other. Fi ff . in. Let S be the Sun, ABCDEFGII Saturn's orbit, and IKLMNO the Earth's orbit. Bqth Saturn and the Earth move according to the order of the letters : v. hen Saturn is at A his ring is turned edgewise to the Sun S, and he is then seen from the Earth as if he had lost his ring, let the Earth be in any part of its orbit whatever, except between N and O; for while it describes that space, Saturn is apparently so near the Sun as to be hid in his beams. As Saturn goes from A to C, his ring appears more and more open to the Earth : at Cthe ring appears most open of all; and seems to gro\v narrower and narrower, as Sa- turn goes from CtoE, and when he comes to E, the ring is agnin turned edgewise both to the Sun and Earth ; and as neither of its sides are illuminated, it is invisible to us, because its edge is too thin to be perceptible ; and Saturn appears again as if he had lost his ring. But as he goes from E to G, his ring opens more and more to our view on the under side ; and seems just as open at G as it was at C; and may be seen in the night time from the Eartli in any part of its orbit, except about J/, when the Sun hides the planet from our view. As Saturn goes from G to A, his ring turns more and more edgewise to us, and therefore it seems to grow narrower and nar- rower; and at A, it disappears as before. Hence, while Saturn goes from A to E, the Sun shines on the upper side of his ring, and the under side is dark ; and while he goes from E to A, the Sun shines on the under side of his ring, and the upper side is dark. It may perhaps be imagined that this article might have been placed more properly after $ 81, than here; but when the candid reader considers Fi.i. and that all the various phenomena of Saturn's ring In - depend upon a cause similar to that of our Earth's Of the different Seasons. 151 seasons, he will readily allow that they are best ex- Piate VL plained together ; and that the two figures serve to illustrate each other. 205. The Earth's orbit being elliptical, and the The Earth Sun keeping constantly in its lower focus, which is stmin ^ 1,377,000 miles from the middle point of the longer winter axis, the Earth comes twice so much, 0^2,754,000^^ miles, nearer the Sun at one time of the year than at another : for the Sun appearing to us under a larger angle in winter than in summer, proves that the Earth is nearest the Sun in winter (see the Note on Article 185^. But here this natural ques- why th tion will arise : Why have we not the hottest weather ^Jit* IS when the Earth is nearest the Sun ? In answer it when the must be observed, that the eccentricity of the Earth?s ^*^ orbit, or 1,377,000 miles, bears no greater proper- the Sun. tion to the Earth's mean distance from the Sun, than 17 does to 1000; and therefore this small differ- ence of distance cannot occasion any sensible differ- ence of heat or cold. But the principal cause of this difference is, that in winter the Sun's rays fall so ob- liquely upon us, that any given number of them is spread over a much greater portion of the Earth's surface where we live, and therefore each point must then have fewer rays than in summer. Moreover, there comes a greater degree of cold in the long winter nights, than there can return of heat in so short days ; and on both these accounts the cold must in- crease. But in summer the Sun's rays fall more perpendicularly upon us, and therefore come with greater force, and in greater numbers on the same place ; and by their long continuance, a much great- er degree of heat is imparted by day than can fly off by night. 206. That a greater number of 'rays fall on the same place, when they come perpendicularly, than when they come obliquely on it, will appear by the figure. For, let AB be a certain number of the Fig. it Sun's 'rays falling on CD (which let us suppose to 152 The Method of finding the Longitude. be London ) on the 21st of June: but, on the 22d of December, the line CD, or London, has the ob- lique position CD to the same rays ; and therefore scarce a third part of them falls upon it, or only those between *4ande>; all the rest, cB, being expended on the space d P, which is more than double the length of CD or Cd. Besides, those parts which are once heated, retain the heat for some time ; which, with the additional heat daily impart- ed, makes it continue to increase, though the Sun declines toward the south ; and this is the reason why July is hotter than June, although the Sun has withdrawn from the summer tropic ; as we find it is generally hotter at three in the afternoon, when the Sun has gone toward the west, than at noon when he is on the meridian. Likewise, those places which are well cooled require time to be heated again ; for the Sun's rays do not heat even the surface of any body till they have been some time upon it. And therefore we find January, for the most part, colder than December, although the Sun has withdrawn from the winter tropic, and begins to dart his beams more perpendicularly upon us, when we have the position CF. An iron bar is not heated immediate- ly upon being put into the fire, nor grows cold till some time after it has been taken out. CHAP. XL The Method of finding the Longitude by the Eclips- es of Jupiter' 1 s Satellites : the amazing Velocity of Light demonstrated by these Eclipses. OA - /^ EOGRAPHERS arbitrarily choose to Virstihe- 207. I -w n a -j- r 111 ridian, \J call the meridian of some remarkable and ion- place the first meridian. There they begin their places, reckoning ; and just so many degrees and minutes what. as any other place is to the eastward or westward of that meridian, so much east or west longitude they say it has. A degree is the 360th part of a circle, p The Method of finding the Longitude. 153 be it great or small, and a minute the 60th part of a pla * ' v - degree. The English geographers reckon the longi- tude from the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, and the French from the meridian of Paris. 208. If we imagine two great circles, one of FJ ff- IL which is the meridian of any given place, to inter- Hour cir- sect each other in the two poles of the Earth, and to cles - cut the equator M at every 15th degree, they will be divided by the poles into 24 semi-circles, which divide the equator into 24 equal parts ; and as the Earth turns on its axis, the planes of these semicir- cles come successively one after another every hour to the Sun. As in an hour of time there is a revo- An hour lution of fifteen degrees of the equator, in a minute of time there will be a revolution of 15 minutes the equator, and in a second of time a revolution of grees of 15 seconds. There are two tables annexed to this 1 " chapter, for reducing mean solar time into degrees and minutes of the terrestrial equator ; and also for converting degrees and parts of the equator into mean solar time. 209. Because the Sun enlightens only one half of the Earth at once, as it turns round its axis, he rises to some places at the same moment of absolute time that he sets at to others ; and when it is mid-day to some places, it is mid-night to others. The XII on the middle of the Earth's enlightened side, next the Sun, stands for mid-day; and the opposite XII, on the middle of the dark side for midnight. If we suppose this circle of hours to be fixed in the plane of the equinoctial, and the Earth to turn round with- in it, any particular meridian will come to the differ- ent hours so as to shew the true time of the day or night at all places on that meridian. Therefore, 210. To every place 15 degrees eastward from any given meridian, it is noon an hour sooner than on that meridian; because their meridian 154 The Method of finding the Longitude. to the Sun an hour sooner; and to all places 15 de- grees westward, it is noon an hour later, 208, be- cause their meridian comes an hour later to the Sun ; and so on ; every 15 degrees of motion causing an And con- hour's difference of time. Therefore they who have sequently noon an hour later than we, have their meridian, grees of tnat is their longitude, 15 degrees westward from us ; longitude, and they who have noon an hour sooner than we, have their meridian 15 degrees eastward from ours ; and so for every hour's difference of time, 15 de- Lunar e- grees difference of longitude. Consequently, if the usefuHn Beginning or ending of' a lunar eclipse be observed, finding the suppose at London, to be exactly at midnight, and longitude. j n some other place at 11 at night, that place is 15 degrees westward from the meridian of London ; if the same eclipse be observed at one in the morning at another place, that place is 15 degrees eastward from the said meridian. Eclipses 211. But as it is not easy to determine the exact terStel rnoment either of the beginning or ending of a lunar lites mucii eclipse, because the Earth's shadow through which 61 " f r ^ e ^ oon P asses * s f amt an ^ ill-defined about the J " edges, we have recourse to the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, which disappear much more quickly as they enter into Jupiter's shadow, and emerge more suddenly out of it. The first or nearest satellite to Ju- piter is the most advantageous for this purpose, be- cause its motion is quicker than the motion of any of the rest, and therefore its immersions and emersions are more frequent and more sudden than those of the others are. 212 The English astronomers have calculated ta- bles for shewing the times of the eclipses of Jupi- ter's satellites to great precision, for the meridian of Greenwich. Now, let an observer, who has these tables, with a good telescope and a well-regulated clock, at any other place of the Earth, observe the The Method of finding the Longitude. 155 beginning or ending of an eclipse of one of Jupiter's ** to r> satellites, and note the precise moment of time that solve this he saw the satellite either immerge into, or emerge important out of the shadow, and compare that time with the pr time shewn by the tables for Greenwich; then, 15 degrees difference of longitude being allowed for every hour's difference of time, will give the longi- tude of that place from Greenwich, as above, 210: and if there be any odd minutes of time, for every minute a quarter of a degree, east or west, must be allowed, as the time of observation is later or earlier than the time shewn by the tables. Such eclipses are very convenient for this purpose on land, be- cause they happen almost every day ; but are of no use at sea, because the rolling of the ship hinders all nice telescopical observations. 213. To explain this by a figure, let / be Jupiter, Fi - H. K, L, M, N, his four satellites in their respective lUustra- orbits, 1, 2, 3, 4; and let the Earth be at/ sup.^y pose in November, although that month is no other- wise material than to find the Earth readily in this scheme, where it is shewn in eight different parts of its orbit. Let Q be a place on the meridian of Greenwich, and R a place on some other meridian eastward from Greenwich. Let a person at R ob- serve the instantaneous vanishing of the first satellite If into Jupiter's shadow, suppose at three in the morning ; but by the tables he finds the immersion of that satellite to be at midnight at Greenwich; he can then immediately determine, that, as there are three hours difference of time between Q and R, and that R is three hours forwarder in reckoning than Q, it must be in 45 degrees of east longitude from the meridian of Q. Were this method as practicable at sea as on land, any sailor might almost as easily, and .with almost equal certainty, find the longitude as the latitude. 214. While the Earth is going from C to F in Fig. IL its orbit, only the immersion of Jupiter's satellites 155 The Method of finding the Longitude. dom S S ee mto n * s shadow are generally seen; and their emer- the beg-in- sions out of it while the Earth goes from G to B. Tnd^oTtbe Indeed > both tnese appearances may be seen of the same e- second, third and fourth satellite when eclipsed, an P o G f T f u Wmle ^ ie ^ art h * s between D and E, or between Piter's 6 and A; but never of the first satellite, on account moons, of the smallness of its orbit and the bulk of Jupiter, except only when Jupiter is directly opposite to the Sun, that is, when the Eartfi is at g: and even then, strictly speaking, we cannot see either the immer- sions or emersions of any of his satellites, because his body being directly between us and his conical shadow his satellites are hid by his body a few mo- ments before they touch his shadow ; and are quite emerged from thence before we can see them, as it were, just dropping from behind him. And when the Earth is at c, the Sun, being between it and Ju- piter, hides both him and his moons from us. In this diagram, the orbits of Jupiter's moons are drawn in true proportion to his diameter ; but in Jupiter's proportion to the Earth's orbit, they are drawn 81 conjunc- times too large. tii*8iBBb* 215 * In whatever month of the year Jupiter is in or opposi- conjunction with the Sun, or in opposition to him, him 8 are m t ^ 1C nCXt ^ Caf ^ W ^ ^ e ^ montn ^ ater at ^ east ' For every year while the earth goes once round the Sun, Jupiter de- in differ- scr ibes a twelfth part of his orbit. And, therefore, of SSL- when the Earth has finished its annual period from vens. being in a line with the Sun and Jupiter, it must go as much forwarder as Jupiter has moved in that time, to overtake him again : just like the minute-hand of a waxh, which must, from any conjunction with the hour-hand, go once round the dial-plate and somewhat above a twelfth part more, to overtake the hour-hand again. 216. It is found by observation, that when the Earth is between the Sun and Jupiter, as at g, his The Motion of Light demonstrated. 157 satellites are eclipsed about 8 minutes sooner than f^teiv. they should be according to the tables; and when the Earth is at B or C, these eclipses happen about 8 minutes later than the tables predict them.* Hence it is undeniably certain, that the motion of light is not instantaneous, since it takes about 16- \ minutes of time to go through a space equal to the diameter of the Earth's orbit which is 190 millions of miles in length ; and consequently the particles of light fly about 193 thousand 939 miles every second of time, which is above a million of times swifter than the mo- tion of a cannon ball. And as light is 16^ minutes The sur- iii travelling across the Earth's orbit, it must be minutes coming from the Sun to us ; therefore, the Sun were annihilated, we should see him for minutes after ; and if he were again created, he would be 8^ minutes old before we could see him. 217. To explain the progressive motion of light, Fig- v - let A and B be the Earth, in two different parts of 'niustwt- its orbit, whose distance from each other is 95 mil- *** a fi ~ lions of miles, equal to the Earth's distance from the Sun S. It is plain that if the motion of light were instantaneous, the satellite 1 would appear to enter into Jupiter's shadow FF & the same moment of time to a spectator in A as to another in B. But by many years observations it has been found, that the immersion of the satellite into the shadow is seen 8 minutes sooner when the Earth is at B, than when it is at A. And so, as Mr. ROE ME a first discovered, the motion of Light is thereby proved to be progressive, and not instantaneous, as was formerly believed. It is easy to compute in what time the Earth moves from A to B ; for the chord of 60 degrees of any circle is .equal to the semi- di- ameter of that circle; and as the Earth goes through * In the tables which have been published in the nautical alma- nacs, &c. a proper allowance for the progress ef light is made. 158 The Motion of Light demonstrated. all the 360 degrees of its orbit in a year, it goes through 60 of those degrees in about 61 days, Therefore, if on any given day, suppose the first of June, the Earth be at A, on the first of August it will be at B : the chord, or straight line AB, being equal to DS, the radius of the Earth's orbit, the same with AS, its distance from the Sun. 218. As the Earth moves from D to C, through the side AB of its orbit, it is constantly meeting the light of Jupiter's satellites sooner, which occasions an apparent acceleration of their eclipses : and as it moves through the other half H of its orbit from C to Z), it is receding from their light, which occa- sions an apparent retardation of their eclipses ; be- cause their light is then longer before it overtakes the Earth. 219. That these accelerations of the immersions of Jupiter's satellites into his shadow, as the Earth approaches toward Jupiter, and the retardations of their emersions out of his shadow, as the Earth is going from him, are not occasioned by any inequal- ity arising from the motions of the satellites in ec- centric orbits, is plain, because it affects them all alike, in whatever parts of their orbits they are eclips- ed. Besides, they go often round their orbits every year, and their motions are no way commensurate to the Earth's. Therefore, a phenomenon, not to be accounted for from the real motions of the satellites, but so easily deducible from the Earth's motion, and so answerable thereto, must be allowed to result from it. This affords one very good proof of the Earth's annual motion. 7 convert Motion into Time, and the reverse. 159 '00. Tables for converting mean solar TIME into Degrees and Parts of the terrestrial EQJJATOR ; and also for converting De- grees.and Parts of the EOJJATOR into mean solar TIME. TABLE!. For converting Time into Degrees and TABLE 11. For converting ' Degrees and Parts of the 3 arts of the Equator. Equator into Time. S? s i a % 1 2 S _ K _ 2 S 5 ^ 5' ? jq 5' a S ? t S i 3 a *j a n> n ^ w IT. S Z S 8? g ^ CA O 1 H jri ~ x P, ~> 3 P 5' p a S 5' P ( g- W n H H' i- 5 ^ H H - a* ^ g* c/) jr 9- C/5 *r en er ^ p a a a o ^ *^ . Z- a ' V. w. 1 15 1 15J31 7 45 ] 4 1 4 70 440 . . -. 30 g 30J32 8 2 8 2 8 80 5 20 2 45 i ) 45,33 8 15 o 12 S 12 90 6 4 60 4 1 034 8 30 4 a 16 4- 16 00 6 40 75 15 35 8 45 5 20 5 20 10 7 2C 6 90 (j I 30 36 9 6 24 36 24 20 8 7 105 ; 1 45 J7 9 15 7 28 >7 88 30 840 8 120 8 2 38 9 30 8 32 18 32 140 920 o 135 9 2 15 39 9 45 9 36 J9 36 150 10 150 2 30 40 to 40 A. 2 40 160 040 11 165 1 2 45 41 15 11 44 11 44 170 120 1,2 180 2 3 1-2 30 12 48 1-2 2 48 180 2 K 195 3 3 15 45 45 15 52 13 2 52 190 240 14 210 4 3 30 44 1 14 56 M 2 56 200 3 20 15 225 5 3 45 15 1 15 15 1 15 3 C 210 14 16 240 C 4 ,6 11 30 16 1 4 US 3 4 22f 1440 17 255 7 4 15 17 U 45 1? 1 8 17 3 8 230 5 2' IS 270 8 4 30 18 12 18 1 12 1 3 12 24f 16 19 285 c. 4 45 49 12 15 19 i 16 11 3 16 250 6 4 2( 300 20 5 50 12 30 20 1 20 >( 3 20 260 .7 20 21 315 >] 5 15 51 12 45 21 1 2< 51 3 24 27 22 330 >_ 5 30 5' 13 1 28 ":" 3 28 28 1840 23 345 25 J 45 5* 13 15 25 1 32 5, 3 32 29 1920 2' 360 X 6 C 5< 13 30 24 1 36 5' 3 36 30 20 25|37c 2; 6 15 5. 13 45 25 1 40 5 3 40 31 2040 2<3 390 ->> 6 3C 5( 14 2C 1 44 5 3 4 32 2 20 27 40 r 6 45 5! 14 15 27 1 4 5 3 4 33 22 2'- 42 : 7 t 5 14 30 >c 1 5 5 3 5 34 2-2 40 2 43 2i 7 li 5 14 45 2! I 5 5 3 5 35 23 20 3( 145 3< 7 3( (S 15 Oi)3C 2 6 4 36 24 160 Of Solar and Sidereal Time. These are the tables mentioned in the 208th Ar- ticle, and are so easy that they scarce require any farther explanation than to inform the reader, that if, in Table I. he reckon the columns marked with as- terisks to be minutes of time, the other columns give the equatorial parts or motion in degrees and mi- nutes; if he reckon the asterisk- columns to be se- conds, the others give the motion in minutes and se- conds of the equator; if thirds, in seconds and thirds : And if in Table II. he reckon the asterisk- columns to be degrees of motion, the others give the time answering thereto in hours and minutes ; if minutes of motion, the time is minutes and seconds; if seconds of motion, the corresponding time is given in seconds and thirds. An example in each case will make the whole very plain. EXAMPLE I. In 10 hours 15 mi- nutes 24 seconds 20 thirds, Qu. How much of the equator revolves through the meridian ? Deg. M. S. Hours 10 150 Min. 15 3 45 Sec. 24 6 Thirds 20 5 EXAMPLE II. In what time will 153 degrees 5 1 minutes 5 se- conds of the equator revolve through the me- ridian ? H. M.S.T. 150 10 3 12 Min. 51 3 24 Sec. 5 20 Deg.{ Armver 153 51 5 Answer 10 15 24 20 CHAP. XII. Of Solar and Sidereal Time. sidereal Q91 r I ^HE stars appear to go round the Earth daysshor.^1- in 33 hours 55 m i nutes 4 seconds, and t-or- tlan .. - ter than solar days, the Sun in 24 hours : so that the stars gain three and why. minutes 56 seconds upon the Sun every day, which Of Solar and Sidereal Time. 161 amounts to one diurnal revolution in a year ; therefore, in 365 days, as measured by the returns of the Sun to the meridian, there are 366 days, as measured by the stars returning to it : the former are called solar days, and the latter sidereal days. The diameter of the Earth's orbit is but a phy- sical point in proportion to the distance of the stars ; for which reason, and the Earth's uniform motion on its axis, any given meridian will revolve from any star to the same star again in every absolute turn of the Earth on its axis, without the least perceptible difference of time shewn by a clock which goes ex- actly true. If the Earth had only a diurnal motion, without an annual, any given meridian would revolve from the Sun to the Sun again in the same quantity of time as from any star to the same star again ; because the Sun would never change his place with respect to the stars. But, as the Earth advances almost a de- gree eastward in its orbit in the time that it turns east- ward round its axis, whatever star passes over the meridian on any day with the Sun, will pass over the same meridian on the next day when the Sun is al- most a degree short of it ; that is, 3 minutes 56 se- conds sooner. If the year contained only 360 days, as the ecliptic doeb 360 degrees, the Sun's apparent place, so far as his motion is equable, would change a degree every day ; and then the sidereal days would be just 4 minutes shorter than the solar. Let ABCDEFGHIKLM be the Earth's orbit, F ; g . n. in which it goes round the Sun every year, accord- ing to the order of the letters, that is, from west to east; and turns round its axis the same way from the Sun to the Sun again in every 24 hour's. Let S be the Sun, and R a fixed star at such an immense distance, that the diameter of the Earth's orbit bears no sensible proportion to that distance. Let N m be any particular meridian of the Earth, and N a given point or place upon that meridian. 162 Of Solar and Sidenal Time. When the Earth is at A the Sun S hides the sta which would be always hid if the Earth never remov- ed from A; and consequently, as the Earth turns round its axis, the point A r would always come round to the Sun and star at the same time. But when the Earth has advanced, suppose a twelfth part of its or- bit from A to B, its motion round its axis will bring the point JVa twelfth part of a natural day, or two hours, sooner to the star than to the Sun, for the an- gle N B n is equal to the angle A SB: and therefore any star which comes to the meridian at noon with the Sun when the Earth is at A, .will come to the meridian at 10 in the forenoon when the Earth is at B. When the Earth comes to C, the point N will have the star on its meridian at 8 in the morning, or four hours sooner than it comes round to the Sun ; for it must revolve from JVton before it has the Sun in its meridian. When the Earth comes to Z), the point A* will have the star on its meridian at 6 in the morning, but that point must revolve six hours more from A* to ;z, before it has mid-day by the Sun : for now the angle ASD is a right angle, and so is ND n ; that is, the Earth has advanced 90 degrees in its orbit, and must turn 90 degrees on its axis to cany the point A* from the star to the Sun : for the star al- ways comes to the meridian when A" m is parallel to R S A; because D Sis but a point in respect to R S. When the Earth is at E, the star comes to the meridian at 4 in the morning ; at F, at 2 in the morning; and at G, the Earth having gone half round its orbit, A* points to the star R at midnight, it being then directly opposite to the Sun. And therefore, by the Earth's diurnal motion, the star comes to the meridian 12 hours before the Sun. When the Earth is at H, the star comes to the me- ridian at 10 in the evening ; at / it comes to the me- ridian at 8, that is, 16 hours before the Sun; at K 18 hours before him; atZ20 hours; atJ/22; and at A equally with the Sun again. Of Solar and Sidereal Time. 163 TABLE, shewing ho>v much of the Celestial Equator passes over the Meridian in any Part of a mean SOLAR DAY; and how much the FIXED STARS gum upon the mean SOLAR TIME every Day, ibr a Month, 165 27 6111 2 45 2' 180 29 34 12 3 164 Of Solar and Sidereal Time. Plate in. 222. Thus it is plain, that an absolute turn of Anabso- tne Earth % on its axis (which is always completed lute turn when any particular meridian comes to be parallel to Earth on * ts s i tuat i n at any time of the day before) never its axis brings the same meridian round from the Sun to the "fsbes!" ^ un a S a * n kut that the Earth requires as much solar day. more than one turn on its axis to finish a natural day, as it has gone forward in that time ; which, at a mean state, is a 365th part of a circle. Hence, in 365 days, the Earth turns 366 times round its axis ; and therefore, as a turn of the Earth on its axis com- pletes a sidereal day, there must be one sidereal day more in a year than the number of solar days, be the number what it will, on the Earth, or any other planet, one turn being lost with respect to the num. her of solar days in a year, by the planet's going round the Sun ; just as it would be lost to a travel- ler, who, in going round the Earth, would lose one day by following the apparent diurnal motion of the Sun ; and consequently would reckon one day less at his return (let him take what time he would to go round the Earth) than those who remained all the while at the place from which he set out. So, if there were two Earths revolving equally on Fig. II. their axes, and if one remained at A until the other had gone round the Sun from A to A again, that Earth which kept its place at A would have its solar and sidereal days always of the same length ; and so would have one solar day more than the other at its return. Hence, if the Earth turned but once round its axis in a year, and if that turn were made the same way as the Earth goes round the Sun, there would be continual day on one side of the Earth, and con- tinual night on the other. 223. The first part of the preceding table shews how much of the celestial equator passes over the meridian in any given part of a mean solar day, and is to be understood the same way as the table in the 220th article. The latter part, intituled, Of the Equation of Time. 165 Accelerations of the fixed Stars, affords us an easy To know method of knowing whether or not our clocks and by the watches go true : For if, through a small hole in a j^? he ~ window-shutter, or in a thin plate of metal fixed to clock goes a window, we observe at what time any star disap- * e or pears behind a chimney, or corner of a house, at a little distance ; and if the same star disappear the next night 3 minutes 56 seconds sooner by the clock or watch ; and on the second night, 7 minutes 52 se- conds sooner ; the third night 11 minutes 48 seconds sooner ; and so on, every night as in the table, which shews this difference for 30 natural days, it is an in- fallible proof that the machine goes true; otherwise it does not go true, and must be regulated accord- ingly ; and as the disappearing of a star is instanta- neous, we may depend on this information to half a second. CHAP. XIII. Of the Equation of Time. ^24 V 1'^HE Earth's motion on its axis being per- _1_ fectly uniform, and equal at all times of the year, the sidereal days are always precisely of an equal length ; and so would the solar or natural days be, if the Earth's orbit were a perfect circle, and its axis perpendicular to its orbit. But the Earth's di- The Sun i *. v -. i . , and clocks urnal motion on an inclined axis, and its annual mo- eq uaioniy tion in an elliptic orbit, cause the Sun's apparent mo- on lion in the heavens to be unequal : for sometimes he revolves from the meridian to the meridian again in somewhat less than 24 hours, shewn by a well-regu- lated clock; and at other times in somewhat more; so that the time shewn by an equal- going clock and a true Sun-dial is never the same but on the 14th of April, the 15th of June, the 31st of August, and the 23d of December. The clock, if it go equa- blv and true all the vear round, will be before the * * 166 Of the Equation of Time. Sun from the 23d of December till the 14th of April; from that time till the 16th of June the Sun will be before the clock ; from the 15th of June till the 31st of August the clock will be again before the Sun ; and from thence to the 23d of December the Sun will be faster than the clock. use of the -25. The tables of the equation of natural days, equation- at the end of the following chapter, shew the time that ought to be pointed out by a well regulated clock or watch, every day of the year, at the pre- cise moment of solar noon; that is, when the Sun's centre is on the meridian, or when a true sun-dial shews it to be precisely twelve. Thus, on the 5th of January in leap-year, when the Sun is on the me- ridian, it ought to be 5 minutes 52 seconds past twelve by the clock : and on the 15th of May, when the Sun is on the meridian, the time by the clock should be but 56 minutes 1 second past eleven : in the former case, the clock is 5 minutes 52 seconds before the Sun ; and in the latter case, the, Sun is 3 minutes 59 seconds faster than the clock. But with- out a meridian-line, or a transit- instrument fixed in the plane of the meridian, we cannot set a sun-dial true. HOW to 226. The easiest and most expeditious way of meridian- drawing a meridian-line is this : Make four or five con- line, centric circles, about a quarter of an inch from one an- other, oh a fiat board about a foot in breadth ; and let the outmost circle be but little less than the board will contain. Fix a pin perpendicularly in the centre, and of such a length that its whole shadow may fall within the inner most circle for at least four hours in the mid- dle of the day. The pin ought to be about an eighth part of an inch thick, and to have a round blunt point. The board being set exactly level in a place where the Sun shines, suppose from eight in the morning till four in the afternoon, about which hours the end of the shadow should fall without Of the Equation oj Time. * 10* all the circles; watch the times in the forenoon, when the extremity of the shortening shadow just touches the several circles, and there make marks. Then, in the afternoon of the same day, watch the lengthening shadow, and where its end touches the several circles in going over them, make marks also. Lastly, with a pair of compasses, find exactly the middle point between the two marks on any circle, and draw a straight line from the centre to that point : this line will be covered at noon by the shadow of a small upright wire, which should be put in the place of the pin. The reason for draw- ing several circles is, that in case one part of the day should prove clear, arid the other part somewhat cloudy, if you miss the time when the point of the shadow should touch one circle, you may perhaps catch it in touching another. The best time for drawing a meridian line in this manner is about the summer solstice ; because the Sun changes his de- clination slowest and his altitude fastest on the long- est days. If the casement of a window on which the Sun shines at noon be quite upright, you may draw a line along the edge of its shadow on the floor, when the shadow of the pin is exactly on the meridian line of the board : and as the motion of the shadow of the casement will be much more sensible on the floor than that of the shadow of the pin on the board, vou may know to a few seconds when it touches the meridian line on the floor; and so regu- late your clock for the day of observation by that line and the equation-tables above mentioned, \ 225. 227. As the equation of time, or difference Equation between the time shewn by a well regulated clock ^ n f^ al and that by a true sun-dial, depends upon two caus- pfained. es, namely, the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the unequal motion of the Earth in it; we shall first Y 168 i Of the Equation of Time. explain the effects of these causes separately, and then the united effects resulting from their combi- a nation. 228. The Earth's motion on its axis being perfectly equable, or always at the same rate, and the* plane of the equator being perpendicular to its axis, it is evident that m equal times equal portions of the equator pass over the meridian ; and so would equal portions of the ecliptic, if it were parallel to The first or coincident with the equator. But, as the ecliptic part of the j s oblique to the equator, the equable motion of the equation -,-, , * . L -, . *> i i of time. Earth carries unequal portions of the ecliptic over the meridian in equal times, the difference being proportionate to the obliquity ; and as some parts of the ecliptic are much more oblique than others, those differences are unequal among themselves. Therefore if two Suns should start either from the beginning of Aries or of Libra, and continue to move through equal arcs in equal times, one in the equator, and the oth^r in the ecliptic, the equatorial Sun would always return to the meridian in 24 hours time, as measured by a well-regulated clock ; but the Sun in the ecliptic would return to the meridian sometimes sooner, and sometimes later than the equatorial Sun ; and only *at the same moments with him on four days of the year ; namely, the 20th of March, when the Sun enters Aries; the 21st of June, when he enters Cancer ; the 23d of Septem- ber, when he enters Libra; and the 21st of Decem- ber, when he enters Capricorn. But, as there is only one Sun, and his apparent motion is always in the ecliptic, let us henceforth call him the real Sure, and the other, which is supposed to move in the * If the Earth were cut along the equator, quite through the cen- tre, the flat surface of this section would be the plane of the equa- tor ; as the paper contained within any circle may be justly termed the plane of that circle. Of the Equation of Time. 169 equator, the fictitious : to which last, the motion of Plate vi. a well- regulated clock always answers. Let Z T z =2= be the Earth, ZFRz its axis., Fig. in, abcde,&c. the equator, ABCDE,&.c.\h(t northern half of the ecliptic from *v to =0= on the side of the globe next the eye, and MNOP, &c. the southern half on the opposite side from =& to r. Let the points at y/, .#, C, Z), E, F, &c. quite round from v to T again, bound equal portions of the ecliptic, gone through in equal times by the real Sun ; and those at #, &, r, of, ?,/; &c. equal portions of the equator described in equal times by the fictitious Sun ; and let Z > z be the meridian. As the real Sun moves obliquely in the ecliptic, and the fictitious Sun directly in the equator, with respect to the meridian, a degree, or any number of degrees, between p and F on the ecliptic, must be nearer the meridian Z y z, than a degree, or any corresponding number of degrees, on the equator from IT to/; and the more so, as they are the more oblique .: and therefore the true Sun comes sooner to the. meridian every day while he is in the quadrant T F) than the fictitious sun does in the quadrant ** f; for which reason, the solar noon precedes noon by the clock, until the real Sun comes to F, and the fictitious to/; which two points, being equidistant from the meridian, both suns will come to it pre- cisely at noon by the clock. While the real Sun describes the second qua- drant of the ecliptic FGHIKL from <& to =a, he comes later to the meridian every day than the fic- titious sun moving through the second quadrant of the equator from/" to =2=; for the points at G, H, /, K, and L, being farther from the meridian than their corresponding points at g, h, i, k, and /, they must be later in coming to it . and as both suns come at the same moment to the point ^, they come to the meridian at the moment of noon by the clock. 170 Of the Equation of Time. In departing from Libra, through the third quad- rant, the real Sun going through MNOPQ toward X? at 7i, and the fictitious sun through mnopq toward r; the former comes to the meridian every day soon- er than the latter, until the real Sun comes to V5 , and the fictitious to r, and then they both come to the meridian at the same time. Lastly, as the real Sun moves equably through STUFIV, from v? toward r ; and the" fictitious sun through sfuvw, from r toward T, the former comes later every day to the meridian than the lat- ter, until they both arrive at the point V, and then they make it noon at the same time with the clock. 229. The annexed table shews how much the Sun is faster or slower than the clock ought to be, so far as the difference depends upon the obliquity of the ecliptic ; of which the signs of the first and A table of third quadrants are at the head of the table, and their tion < oT a degrees at the left hand ; and in these the Sun is time de. faster than the clock : the signs of the second and pending fourth quadrants are at the foot of the table, and their Sun's 6 degrees at the right hand ; in all which the Sun is place in slower than the clock ; so that entering the table theechp- ^^ ^ gj ven s jg n o f tne Sun's place at the head of the table, and the degree of his place in that sign at the left hand; or with the given sign at the foot of the table, and degree at the right hand ; in the angle of meeting is the number of minutes and seconds that the Sun is faster or slower than the clock : or, in other words, the quantity of time in which the real Sun, when in that part of the ecliptic, comes sooner or later to the meridian than the fictitious sun in the equator. Thus, when the Sun's place is 8 Taurus 12 degrees, he is 9 minutes 47 seconds faster than the clock; Of the Equation of Time. and when his place is 25 Cancer 18 degrees, he Is 6 minutes 2 seconds slower. 171 Sun faster than the Clock in C T | n 1st Ci- 1 * "I / 3d Q. n gp f / ;; " Deg. , < S i-3 7*46 30 1 ) iji 3 34 3 35 *9 2 J 41 * 4:1 8 24 28 3 1 ( S 5.> 8 13 27 4 I V. ) 1 8 26 5 i 3: ) C 7 48 gjj 6 1 5 ( 1 1? r 54 24 7 2 U J 24 r 2' 23 8 1 37 ^ 30 7 t 22 9 J 5t ) 36 6 50 21 10 J 15 9 4(. 6 35 20 11 > 3-. ."> 44 5 Ib 19 12 3 5v Q 47 3 18 13 4 '11 J 5( 5 4-" 17 14 1 2*- ') 5, 5 27 16 15 1 4(r J 53 5 t 15 16 5 - , ) 54 4 5*' 14 17 2( 3 54 4 31 13 18 3? 'J 5 , t 1) 12 19 5; J 5] J 5. 11 20 y 4 > 32 10 21 25 > 4e 3 1- 9 22 4( ' 4. > 5' 8 23 5 54 o - - 30 7 24 r c 9 3? 2 < 6 25 7 22 9 2f 1 4^ 5 26 7 36 9 1' t !Ct 4 27 ;' 4fc 9 1 t 3 28 s c 9 4 .t 4 2 29 y 12 8 55 fi 2' 1 30 S 23 8 4t ) ( 2d Q. "nJT a 25 4th ( X VJ Deg: Sun silver tk'in thp Clock in j This table is formed by taking the difference be- tween the Sun's longitude and its right ascension, and turning it into time. 172 Of the Equation of Time. Plate in. 230. This part of the equation of time may per- Fig in. haps be somewhat difficult to understand by a figure, because both halves of the ecliptic seem 'to be on the same side of the globe : but it may be made very easy to any person who has a real globe before him, by putting small patches on every tenth or fifteenth degree both of the equator and ecliptic, beginning at Aries T ; and then turning the ball slowly round westward, he will see all the patches from Aries to Cancer come to the brazen meridian sooner than the corresponding patches on the equator ; all those from Cancer to Libra will come later to the meridian than their corresponding patches on the equator ; those from Libra to Capricorn sooner, and those from Capricorn to Aries later ; and the patches at the be- ginnings of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, being either on or even with those on the equator, shew that the two suns either meet there, or are even with one another, and so come to the meridian at the same moment. A ma- 231. Let us suppose that there are two little balls shewin* movm g equably round a celestial globe by clock- theli'df- work, one always keeping in the ecliptic, and gilt real, the w ^h ffold, to represent the real Sun; and the other equal, and , . . A * , ., , the solar keeping in the equator, and silvered, to represent the time. fictitious sun : and that while these balls move once round the globe according to the order of signs, the clock turns the globe 366 times round its axis west- ward. The stars will make 366 diurnal revolutions from the brazen meridian to it again, and the two balls representing the real and fictitious suns always going farther eastward from any given star, will come later than it to the meridian every following day : and each ball will make 365 revolutions to the meridian ; coming equally to it at the beginnings of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ; but in every other point of the ecliptic, the gilt ball will come either sooner or later to the meridian than the I Of the Equation of Time, 173 silvered ball, like the patches above-mentioned. This Plate VL would be a pretty way enough of shewing the rea- son why any given .star, which, on a certain day of the year, conies to the meridian with the Sun, pas- ses over it so much sooner every following day, as on that day twelvemonth to come to the meridian with the Sun again ; and also to shew the reason why the real Sun comes to the meridian sometimes sooner, and sometimes later, than the time when it is noon by the clock ; and on four days of the year, at the same time ; while the fictitious sun always conies to the meridian when it is twelve at noon by the clock. This would be no difficult task for an artist to perform ; for the gold ball might be carried round the ecliptic by a wire from its north pole, and the silver ball round the equator by a wire from its south pole, by means of a few wheels to each; which might be easily added to my improvement of the celestial globe, described in N 483 of the Phi- losophical Transactions ; and of which I shall give a description in the latter part of this book, from the third figure of the third plate. 232. It is plain that if the ecliptic were more ob- Fig. iTl liquely posited to the equator, as the dotted circle T x d^, the equal divisions from Ttox would come still sooner to the meridian Z T than those marked A, B, C, Z), and E, do : for two divisions contain- ing 30 degrees, from v to the second dot, a little short of the figure 1 , come sooner to the meridian than one division containing only 15 degrees from T to A does, as the ecliptic now stands ; and those of the second quadrant from x to ^ would be so much later. The third quadrant would be as the first, and the fourth as the second. And it is likewise plain, that where the ecliptic is most oblique, namely, about Aries and Libra, the difference would be greatest; and least about Cancer and Capricorn, where the obliquity is least. 174 Of the Equation of Time, Plate vi. 234. Having explained one cause of the differ. The se- ence of time shewn by a well-regulated clock and a S? l the >art ** ue sun 'dial, and considered the bun, not the Earth, equation as moving in the ecliptic, we now proceed to ex- oftime. plain the other cause of this difference, namely, the inequality of the Sun's apparent motion, \ 205, which is slowest in summer, when the Sun is far- thest from the Earth, and swiftest in winter when he is nearest to it. But the Earth's motion on its axis is equable all the year round, and is performed from west to east ; which is the way that the Sun appears to change his place in the ecliptic. 235. If the Sun's motion were equable in the ecliptic, the whole difference between the equal time as shewn by the clock, and the unequal time as shewn by the Sun, would arise from the obliquity of the ecliptic. But the Sun's motion sometimes ex- ceeds a degree in 24 hours, though generally it is less ; and when his motion is slowest, any particular meridian will revolve sooner to him than when his motion is quickest ; for it will overtake him in less time when he advances a less space than when he moves through a larger. 236. Now, if there were two suns moving in the plane of the ecliptic, so as to go round it in a year ; the one describing an equal arc every 24 hours, and the other describing sometimes a less arc in 24 hours, and at other times a larger ; gaining at one time of the year what it lost at the opposite; it is evident that either of these suns would come sooner or later to the meridian than the other, as it happen- ed to be behind or before the other : and when they were both in conjunction, they would come to the meridian at the same moment. 237. As the real Sun moves unequably in the ecliptic, let us suppose a fictitious sun to move Fig. iv. equably in a circle coincident with the plane of the ecliptic. Let A BCD be the ecliptic or orbit Of the Equation of Time. 175 in which the real Sun moves, and the dotted circle a, b> c, d, the imaginary orbit of the fictitious sun ; each going round in a year according to the order of letters, or from west to east* Let HIKL be the Earth turning round its axis the same way every 24 hours ; and suppose both suns to start from A and a, in a right line with the plane of the meridian EH, at the same moment : the real Sun at A, being then at his greatest distance from the Earth, at which time his motion is slowest ; and the fictitious sun at a, whose motion is always equable, because his dis- tance from the Earth is supposed to be always the same. In the time that the meridian revolves from If to H again, according to the order of the letters HIKL, the real Sun has moved from A to F; and the fictitious, with a quicker motion, from a to f, through a larger arc ; therefore, the meridian E H will revolve sooner from Hto h under the real Sun at F, than from //to Sunder the fictitious sun aty> and consequently it will then be noon by the sun* dial sooner than by the clock* As the real Sun moves from A toward C, the swiftness of his motion increases all the way to C, where it is at the quickest. But notwithstanding this, the fictitious sun gains so much upon the real, soon after his departing from A, that the increasing velocity of the real Sun does not bring him up with the equably-moving fictitious sun till the former comes to C, and the latter to r, when each has gone half round its respective orbit ; and then, being in conjunction, the meridian E H revolving to E K comes to both Suns at the same time, and therefore it is noon by them both at the same moment. But the increased velocity of the real Sun, now being at the quickest, carries him before the ficti- tious one ; and, therefore, the same meridian will come to the fictitious sun sooner than to the real : for while the fictitious sun moves from c to g, the real Sun moves through a greater arc from C to O: consequently the point .AT has its noon by the clock Z 1 76 Of the Equation of Time. PLATE VI. when it comes to , but not its noon by the Sun till it comes to /. And although the velocity of the real Sun diminishes all the way from C to A, and the fictitious sun by an equable motion is still com- ing nearer to the real Sun, yet they are not in con- junction till the one comes to A, and the other to a; and then it is noon by them both at the same mo- ment. Thus it appears, that the solar noon is always later than noon by the clock while the Sun goes from C to A; sooner, while he goes from A to C, and at these two points, the Sun and clock being equal, it is noon by them both at the same moment. Apogee, 238. The point A is called the Sun's apogee^ be- and apt* cause when he is there, he is at his greatest distance sides, from the Earth ; the point C, his perigee, because what - when in it he is at his least distance from the Earth : Fi - 1V - and a right line, as AEC, drawn through the Earth's centre, from one of these points to the other, is called the line of the apsides. 239. The distance that the Sun has gone in any time from his apogee (not the distance he has to go Meanano-to it, though ever so little) is called his mean ano- what'. maly, and is reckoned in signs and degrees, allow- ing 30 degrees to a sign. Thus, when the Sun has gone 174 degrees from his apogee at A, he is said to be 5 signs 24 degrees from it, which is his mean anomaly; and when he has gone 355 degrees from his apogee, he is said to be 11 signs 25 degrees from it, although he be but 5 degrees short of A, in coming round to it again. 240. From what was said above, it appears, that when the Sun's anomaly is less than 6 signs, that is, when he is any where between A and C, in the half ABC of his orbit, the solar noon precedes the clock- noon ; but when his anomaly is more than 6 signs, that is, when he is any where between C and A, in the half CDA of his orbit, the clock-noon pre- cedes the solar. When his anomaly is signs, degrees, that is, when he is in his apogee at A; Of the Equation of Time. 1 77 or 6 signs, degrees, which is when he is in his pe- rigee at C; he comes to the meridian at the moment that the fictitious sun does, and then it is noon by them both at the same instant. 241. The following table shews the variation, or equation of time depending on the Sun's anomaly, and arising from his unequal motion in the ecliptic ; as the former table, 229, shews the variation de- pending on the Sun's place, and resulting from the obliquity of the ecliptic : this is to be understood the same way as the other, namely, that when the signs are at the head of the table, the degrees are at the left hand ; but when the signs are at the foot of the table, the respective degrees are at the right hand ; and in both cases the equation is in the angle of meet- ing. When both the above-mentioned equations are either faster or slower, their sum is the absolute equation of time ; but when the one is faster, and the other slower, it is their difference. Thus sup- pose the equation depending on the Sun's place be 6 minutes 41 seconds too slow, and the equation depending on the Sun's anomaly, 4 minutes 20 se- conds too slow, their sum is eleven minutes one se- cond too slow. But if the one had been 6 minutes 41 seconds too fast, and the other 4 minutes 20 se- conds too slow, their difference would have been 2 minutes 2 1 seconds too fast, because the greater quantity is too fast. 178 Of the Equation of Time. S Sun faster than the Clock if his anomaly be S A Table of the equation of time, depending 1 on the Sun's ano^ maty. s a Siimb 1 1 2 3 4 5 s S D M. S M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. !* s '-'""-"- RW ~- ~ ~ ^ - ** -~~ *"" s 3 47 6 36 7 43 6 45 3 56 30 S t 8 3 54 6 40 / 43 6 41 3 49 29 5 2 16 4 1 6 44 7 43 6 37 3 41 28 S 3 24 4 8 6 48 7 43 6 32 3 34 27$ 4 32 4 14 6 52 7 42 6 28 3 27 26S S 5 40 4 21 6 56 7 42 6 24 3 19 25? S 6 47 4 27 6 59 7 41 6 19 3 12 24 S S ? 55 4 34 7 2 7 40 6 14 3 4 23? S 8 1 3 4 40 7 6 7 39 6 9 2 57 22 S S 9 1 11 4 47 7 9 7 38 6 4 2 49 21 ? SlO 19 4 53 7 12 7 37 5 59 2 41 20 S |u 27 4 59 7 14 r 36 5 54 2 34 19? Sl2 34 5 5 7 17 7 35 5 49 2 26 18 w 5 13 42 5 11 7 20 7 33 5 43 2 18 17$ S 14 50 5 17 7 2.2 7 31 5 38 2 10 16> 57 5 22 24 7 29 5 32 2 2 \$ *i 2 5 5 28 27 7 27 5 26 1 54 S 17 2 13 5 34 29 7 25 5 20 1 46 13 S S18 2 20 5 39 31 7 23 5 14 1 38 12 s > 19 2 28 5 44 32 7 20 5 8 1 30 US S20 2 35 5 50 34 7 18 5 2 1 22 10 S ?2l 2 43 5 55 35 7 15 4 56 1 14 9 c *22 2 50 6 37 7 12 4 50 I 6 8 V c 23 2 57 6 5 38 7 9 4 43 58 7S S24 3 5 6 10 7 39 7 6 4 37 49 6 ' S 25 3 12 6 14 7 40 7 3 4 30 41 5 S S 26 3 19 6 19 7 41 7 4 23 33 4 ' <27 3 26 6 24 7 41 6 56 4 17 25 3S ?28 3 33 6 28 7 42 6 53 4 1C 17 2V S29 3 40 6 32 7 42 6 49 4 3 8 1 S ^ 30 3 47 6 36 7 43 6 45 3 56 OS S 1 iSign 10 9 8 7 6 D -s This table is formed by turning the equation of the Sun's centre (see p. 344) into time. 242. The obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator, which is the first mentioned cause of the equation of time, would make the Sun and clock agree on Of the Equation of Time. 179 four days of the year ; namely, when the Sun enters Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn : but the other cause, now explained, would make the Sun and clock equal only twice in a year ; that is, when the Sun is in his apogee,and in his perigee. Consequently, when these two points fall in the beginnings of Can- cer and Capricorn, or of Aries and Libra, they con- cur in making the Sun and clock equal in these points. But the apogee at present is in the 9th de- gree of Cancer, and the perigee in the 9th degree of Capricorn ; and therefore the Sun and clock cannot be equal about the beginnings of these signs, nor at any time of the year, except when the swift- ness or slowness of the equation resulting from one cause just balances the slowness or swiftness arising from the other. 243. The second table in the following chapter shews the Sun's place in the ecliptic at the noon of every day by the clock, for the second year after leap-year ; and also the Sun's anomaly to the near- est degree, neglecting the odd minutes of that de- gree. Its use is only to assist in the method of making a general equation- table from the two fore- mentioned tables of equation depending on the Sun's place and anomaly, 229, 241 ; concerning which method we shall give a few examples presently. The next tables which follow them are made from those two ; and shew the absolute equation of time result- ing from the combination of both its causes ; in which the minutes as well as degrees, both of the Sun's place and anomaly, are considered. The use of these tables is already explained, 225 : and they serve for every day in leap-year, and the first, se- cond, and third years after : For on most of the same days of all these years the equation differs, because of the odd six hours more than the 365 days of which the year consists. EXAMPLE I. On the 14th of April, the Sun is m|^S" the 25th degree of r Aries and his anomaly is 9 ing equa- signs 15 degrees; the equation resulting from the tion * tables * 1 80 Of the Equation of Time. former is 7 minutes 22 seconds of time too fast, 229; and from the latter, 7 minutes 24 seconds too slow, \ 241 ; the difference is 2 seconds that the Sun is too slow at the noon of that day, taking it in gross for the degrees of the Sun's place and ano- maly, without making proportionable allowance for the odd minutes. Hence at noon, the swiftness of the one equation balancing so nearly the slowness of the other, makes the Sun and clock equal on some part of that day. EXAMPLE II. On the 16th of June, the Sun is in the 25th degree of n Gemini, and his anomaly is 11 signs 16 degrees; the equation arising from the former is 1 minute 48 seconds too fast ; and from the latter 1 minute 50 seconds too slow ; which balancing one another at noon to 2 seconds, the Sun and clock are again equal on that day. EXAMPLE III. On the Slstofdugtist, the Sun's place is 8 degrees 11 minutes of i# Virgo (which we call the 8th degree, as it is so near), and his ano- maly is 1 sign 29 degrees ; the equation arising from the former is 6 minutes 40 seconds too slow ; and from the latter, 6 minutes 32 seconds too fast ; the difference being only 8 seconds too slow at noon, and decreasing toward an equality, will make the Sun and clock equal in the evening of that day. EXAMPLE IV. On the 23d of December, the Sun's .place is 1 degree 58 minutes (call it 2 degrees of V3 Capricorn), and his anomaly is 5 signs 23 de- grees ; the equation for the former is 43 seconds too slow, and for the latter 58 seconds too fast ; the dif- ference is 15 seconds too fast at noon ; which de- creasing will come to an equality, and so make the Sun and clock equal in the evening of that day. And thus we find, that on some part of each of the above-mentioned four davs, the Sun and clock Of the Precession of the Equinoxes* 18 r are equal ; but if we work examples for all other days of the year, we shall find them different. And, 244. On those days which are equidistant from any equinox or solstice, we do not find that the equation is as much too fast or too slow on the one side, as it is too slow or too fast on the other. The reason is, that the line of the apsides, 238, does Remark, not, at present, fall either into the equinoctial or the solstitial points, 242. 245. The four following equation- tables, for leap- T he rea- year, and the first, second, and third years after, son why would serve for ever, if the Sun's place and anomaly tablet a"ii were alwavs the same on every given day of the year, but tem- as on the same day four years before or after. But porarv since that is not the case, no general equation-tablets can be so constructed as to be perpetual. CHAP. XIV. Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. TT has been already observed, 116, that by ' J[ the Earth's motion on its axis, there is more matter accumulated all around the equatorial parts, than any where else on the Earth. The Sun and Moon, by attracting this redundancy of matter, bring the equator sooner under them in every return towards it, than if there was no such accumulation. Therefore, if the Sun sets out from any star, or other fixed point in the heavens, the moment when he is departing from the equinoctial, or from either tropic ; he will come to the same equinox or tropic again 20 min. 17| sec. of time, or 50 seconds of a degree, before he completes his course, so as to arrive at the same fixed star or poini: from whence he set out. For the equinoctial point-, recede 50 seconds of a degree westward every year, contrary to the Sun's annual progressive motion. 182 Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. PLATE When the Sun arrives at the same* equinoctial or solstitial point, he finishes what we call the tropi- cal year ; which, by observation, is found to con- tain 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 57 seconds : and when he arrives at the same fixed star again, as seen from the Earth, he completes the sidereal year, which contains 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 14| se- conds. The sidereal year is therefore 20 minutes 17-J seconds longer than the solar or tropical year, and 9 minutes 14j seconds longer than the Julian or civil year, which we state at 365 days 6 hours: so that the civil year is almost a mean betwixt the sidereal and the tropical. 247. As the Sun describes the whole ecliptic, or 360 degrees, in a tropical year, he moves 59' 8" of a degree every day at a mean rate : and consequently 50' of a degree in 20 minutes 17^ seconds of time: therefore he will arrive at the same equinox or sol- stice when he is 50" of a degree short of the same star or fixed point in the heavens from which he set out the year before. So that, with respect to the fixed stars, the Sun and equinoctial points fall back (as it were) 30 degrees in 2160 years, which will make the stars appear to have gone 30 deg. forward, with respect to the signs of the ecliptic in that time : for the same signs always keep in the same points of the ecliptic, without regard to the constellations. Fig. iv To explain this by a figure, let the Sun be in con- junction with a fixed star at S, suppose in the 30th degree of 8, on the 21st day of May 1756. Then making 2160 revolutions through the ecliptic VWX, * The two opposite points in which the ecliptic crosses the equinoctial, are called the equinoctial points : and the two points where the ecliptic touches the tropics (which are likewise opposite, and 90 degrees from the former) are called ike solstitial ficints. Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. 183 0'; S - TABLE shewing the Precession of the Equinoctial Points in the\ Heavens^ both in Motion and Time ; and the Anticipation of the ^ Equinoxes on the Earth. 1 Julian years. Recession of the Equinoctial Points in the Heavens. Anticipation of the s Equinoxes on $ the Earth. s s; Motion. Time. s. ' " Days H. M. S. D. H. M. S. ! 1 2 4 50 1 40 2 30 3 20 4 10 20 17 40 35 1 52-J 1 21 10 1 41 27-| Oil 3 s 22 6 3 20 5 OS 4 14 3.0 J* 5 8 55 Os 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 . 7000 8000 11 6 40 12 30 13 53 20 27 40 40 1 11 40 11 6 33 20 12 16 22 30 14 2 11 40 28 4 23 20 42 6 35 6 3 20 6 21 45 OS 7 16 10 ,0! 15 8 20 S 23 ^30 <| 1 25 33 20 2 9 20 40 2 23 20 3 7 13 20 3 21 6 40 56 8 40 40 70 10 58 20 84 13 10 98 15 21 40 112 17 33 20 30 10 -40 \ 38 8 50 OS 46 1 Ij 53 17 10 OS 61 9 20 0j( 9000 1000 2000 25920 4500 4 18 53 20 9 7 46 40 12 126 19 45 140 21 56 40 281 19 53 20 365 6 69 1 30 ? 76 17 40 S 153 11 20 Jj 198 21 36 OS 184 Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. at the end of so many sidereal years, he will be found again at AS: but at the end of so many Julian years, he will be found at M y short of S, and at the end of so many tropical years, he will be found short of M, in the 30th degree of Taurus at J 1 , which has reced- ed back from S to T in that time, by the precession of the equinoctial points O ra 52 s . And since that time, or in 5763 years, the equinoxes with us have fallen back 44 d 5 h 21 m 9 s ; hence, reckoning from the time of the Julian equinox, A. D. 1756, viz. Sept. llth, it Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. appears that the autumnal equinox at the creation was on the 25th of October. 185 j^vy-sX\/-w/\r\ S Julian ^ years. is r*r*r^r*rr'*rjr*rJ**'**r*r'-J'^'>f **''*''*'*'<* Precesssion of the Equinoctial Points in the Heavens. ^+r*rs*r*r*r. $fc Anticipation of the Equi- , noxes on the S Earth. ? \ Motion. TLne. s '2* D. H. M. S. D.H.M.S. t. J> 5000 S 700 ^ 60 2 9 26 40 9 43 20 O 50 O O 2 3O 70 10 58 20 9 20 44 10 020 17 30 1 O52 38 850 0\ 5 8 55 Jj Oil 3 OS O O 33 9 s 5763 2 20 2 30 81 5 O52 44 5 21 9 S 249. The anticipation of the equinoxes, and con- J sequently of the seasons, is by no means owing to thequL- the precession of the equinoctial and solstitial points noxes an in the heavens (which can only affect the apparent se motions, places and declinations of the fixed stars) but to the difference between the civil and solar year, which is 11 minutes 3 seconds \ the civil year containing 365 days 6 hours, and the solar year 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 57 seconds. The next following table, page 189, shews the length, and consequently the difference of any number of side- real, civil and solar years, from 1 to 10,000. 250. The above 11 minutes 3 seconds, by which The rea- the civil or Julian year, exceeds the solar, amounts teSn^t to 11 days in 1433 years: and so much our seasons style, have fallen back with respect to the days of the months, since the time of the Nicene council in A, D. 325 ; and therefore, in order to bring back all the fasts and festivals to the days then settled, it was requisite to suppres 1 1 nominal days. And that the same seasons might be kept to tfre same times of the^ year for the future, to leave out the Bissex- 186 Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. PLATE tile-day in February at the end of every century of years where the significant figures are not divisible by 4 ; reckoning them only common years, as the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, viz. the years 1700, 1800, 1900, &c. because a day intercalated every fourth year was too much, and retaining the Bissextile-day at the end of those centuries of years which are divisible by 4, as the 16th, 20th and 24th centuries; viz. the years 1600, 2000, 2400, &c. Otherwise, in length of time, the seasons would be quite reversed with regard to the months of the year; though it would have required near 23,783 years to have brought about such a total change. If the Earth had made exactly 365J diurnal rotations on its axis, while it revolved from any equinoctial or solstitial point to the same again, the civil and so- lar years would always have kept pace together, and the style would never have required any alteration. the pre- 251. Having already mentioned the cause of the cesssion of precession of the equinoctial points in the heavens, noctiai 11 * & ^6, which occasions a slow deviation of the points. Earth's axis from its parallelism, and thereby a change of the declination of the stars from the equa- tor, together with a slow apparent motion of the stars forward with respect to the signs of the eclip- tic, we shall now explain the phenomena by a dia- gram. Fig. vi. Let NZS7L be the Earth, SONA its axis pro- cluced to the starry heavens, and terminating in A, the present north pole of the heavens, which is ver- tical to JV, the north pole of the Earth. Let EOQ be the equator, T 95 Zt the tropic of Cancer, and VT x? the tropic of Capricorn : 70 Z the ecliptic, and BO its axis, both which are immoveable among the stars. But as * the equinoctial points recede in * The equinoctial circle intercepts the ecliptic in two opposite points ; namely, the ferst points of the signs Aries and Libra. They are called the equinoctial points, because when the bun is in either Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. 187 the ecliptic, the Earth's axis SON is in motion upon the Earth's centre O, in such a manner as to describe the double cone JVOn and Sos, round the axisof the ecliptic, BO, in the time that the equinoctial points move quite round the ecliptic, which is 25, 920 years; and in that length of time the north pole of the Earth's axis produced, describes the circled? CZ)^, in the starry heavens, round the pole of the ecliptic, which keeps immoveable in the centre of that circle, the Earth's axis being 23| degrees inclined to the axis of the ecliptic, the circle ABC D A, described by the north pole of the Earth's axis produced to A, is 47 degrees in diameter, or double the inclina- tion of the Earth's axis. In consequence of this mo- tion, the point A, which at present is the north pole of the heavens, and near to a star of the second mag- nitude in the tail of the constellation called the Lit- tle Bear, must be deserted by the Earth's axis; which moving backward a degree every 72 years, will be directed toward the star or point B in 6480 years from this time ; and in twice that time, or 12960 years, it will be directed toward the star or point C: which will then be the north pole of the heavens, although it is at present 8~ degrees south of the zenith of London L, The present position of the equator EOQ will then be changed into eOg, the tropic of Cancer T5 Z; as is evident by the figure ; and the Sun, when in that part of the heavens, where he is now over the terrestrial tropic of Capricorn, and makes the shortest days and longest nights in the northern hemisphere, will then be over the terrestrial tropic of Cancer, and make the days longest and nights shortest. And it will require 12,960 years more, or 25,920 from the pre- of them, he is directly over the terrestrial equator : and then the day* and nights a r e equal. 188 Of the Precession of the Equinoxes. sent time, to bring the north pole N quite round, so as to be directed toward that point of the heavens which is vertical to it at present. And then, and not till then, the same stars, which at present describe the equator, tropics, polar circles, &c. by the Earth's diurnal motion, will describe them over again. Of Sidereal, Julian, and Solar Time. 185 TABLE shewing the Time contained in any Number of Sidereal, Julian, and Solar Years, from 1 to 10000. Sidereal Years. Julian Years, j] Solar Years. ___ S. fears. | D ys | H. | M. S. Days. H. || Days. | H. M. 1 365 6 9 141 365 6 365 5 4b 57 C) 730 12 18 29 730 12 73( 11 37 54 o 1095 18 27 43- 1095 18 1095 17 26 51 4 1461 36 58 1461 146C 23 15 48 c 1826 6 4C 121 1826 6 1826 5 4 45 2191 12 55 27 2191 12 2191 10 53 42 7 2556 19 5 44 2556 18 2556 16 42 39 8 2,922 1 13 56 2922 2921 22 31 36 9 3287 7 23 101 3287 el 3287 4 20 33 10 3652 13 32 25 3652 12 3652 10 9 30 20 7305 3 4 50 7305 7304 20 19 30 10957 16 37 15 10957 12 10957 6 28 30 40 14610 6 9 40 I461C 14609 16 38 50 18262 19 42 5 18262 12 18262 2 47 60 21915 9 14 30 21915 6 21914 12 57 70 25567 22 46 55 25567 12 25566 2 6 30 80 29220 12 19 20 29220 292J9 9 16 90 32873 1 51 45 32872 12 32871 19 25 30 100 36525 15 24 10 36525 36524 5 35 200 73051 6 48 20 73050 73048 n 10 300 109576 22 12 30 109575 109572 16 45 400 146102 13 36 40 146100 146096 22 20 500 182628 5 50 182625 182621 o 55 600 219153 20 25 219150 219145 9 30 700 255679 11 49 10 255675 255669 15 5 800 292205 3 13 20 292200 292193 20 40 900 228730 18 37 30 ' 328725 328718 2 15 1000 365256 10 1 40 365250 365242 7 50 2000 730512 20 3 20 730500 730484 15 40 3000 1095769 6 5 1095750 1095720 23 30 4000 1461025 16 6 40 1461000 1460969 '7 90 5000 1826282 2 8 20 1826250 1826211 IS 10 6000 2191538 12 10 2191500 2191453 23 o 7000 2556794 22 11 40 2556750 2556696 c 50 8000 2952051 8 13 20 292200C 2921938 14 40 9000 10000 K*yy* 3287037 3652564 fVVyw 18 4 ,r,r.r,, 15 16 r^W 40 V*Wy\^ 3287250 3652500 ^vr,^,/-^^ <-^y*,r 3287180 365242S XV",r^V%^ 22 6 f^-f*j 30 20 "^^^ 190 Tables of the Surfs A TABLE shewing the Sun's true Place, and Distance from its S Apogee, for the second Year after Leap-Year. 5 January- | February. March. April. J s o Sun's Sun's Sun's 1 Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's S 5i Place. Anom. Place. 1 Anom. Place. Anom . Place. Anom. 5 30 10 54 7 2 9 59 9 1 10 16 10 1 S S 31 11 55 7 3 10 58 9 2 S S *. . 'i^ W, " Place and Anomaly. 191 A TABLE shewing the Sim's true Place, and Distance from its Apogee, for the second Year after Leap- Year. t May. June. July. August. s e Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's S W! Place. Anom. Place. Anom. Place. Anom. Place. Anom. S ' D. M. S. D. D. M. S. D. D. M. S. D. D. M. S. D. S i U 014 10 2 11 D04 11 2 99542 D&1S S 2 12 12 10 3 12 01 11 3 10 39 1 10 16 1 S S 13 10 10 4 12 59 11 A 11 37 2 11 13 2 S 4 14 08 10 5 13 56 11 5 12 34 3 !2 11 3 15 06 10 6 14 53 11 e 13 31 4 13 08 4 S 16 04 10 7 15 51 11 6 14 28 5 14 06 5 7 17 02 10 8 16 48 11 7 i 5 2 5 6 15 03 6 5 R 18 00 10 9 17 46 11 8 16 23 7 1 6 i 7 s S 9 18 58 10 10 18 43 11 9 17 20 8 16 58 8 jo 19 56 10 11 19 40 11 10 18 17 9 17 56 1 9 s~ 20 54 10 12 20 38 11 11 19 14 10 18 54 1 10 %)s 21 52 10 12 21 35 11 12 20 12 11 19 51 I 10 22 49 10 13 22 32 11 13 21 09 12 20 49 1 11 S 14 23 47 10 14 23 30 11 14 22 06 13 :i 47 1 12 S 15 24 45 10 15 24 27 11 15 23 03 14 22 44 1 13 S lfi 25 43 10 16 25 24 11 16 24 01 15 23 42 1 14 SIT 26 41 10 17 26 21 11 17 24 58 16 24 40 1 15 27 38 10 18 27 19 11 18 25 55 17 25 38 1 16 S S19 28 36 10 19 28 16 11 19 26 53 18 26 36 1 17 ^ 20 29 34 10 20 29 13 1 I 20 27 50 18 27 33 1 18 S 2 1 a 31 10 21 55 10 11 21 28 47 19 28 31 1 19 <2? 1 29 10 22 1 08 11 22 29 44 20 29 29 1 20 ^23 2 26 10 23 2 05 11 23 SI 42 21 fH|1 ^ 7 1 21 3 24 10 24 3 02 11 24 1 39 22 I 25 1 22 $23 t 4 22 10 25 3 59 11 25 2 36 23 2 23 i 23 26 5 19 10 26 4 5611 26 3 34 24 3 21 1 24 $27 6 17 10 27 5 53 11 27 4 31 25 4 19 1 25 J-28 7 14 10 28 6 51 11 27 5 28 26 5 17 1 26 * -^ <* >^^ ^ ^^^f^f^'^r^- jf^f^-^-^-^r^-^ *r ,w ^*r^ . i^ys t \ TABLE shewing the Sun's true Place, and Distance from its'S Apogee, for the second Year after Leap-Year. 1 September. October. November. December. 5 Sun's Sun's SUD'S \ Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Sun's Jj * Place. Anom. Place. Anom. Place. Anom. Place. Anom. s D. M. S. D. D. :Vr. S. D. D. M. S. D. D. M. S. JLX t i 9^09 2 8=^=28 2 29 9fi U 7 4 9 34 5 c 2 10 07 2 1 9 27 3 10 17 4 1 10 35 5 IS i-> 11 05 2 2 10 2f 1 11 17 4 2 11 36 5 2 c 4 12 04 2 3 11 25 2 12 IP 4 r 12 37 5 3S 5 13 02 2 4 12 25 3 13 IS 4 4 13 38 5 4 Jj I __ 6 14 CO 2 5 13 24 4 14 18 4 5 14 39 5 5 S 7 14 59 2 6 14 23 5 15 19 4 6 1 5 4( 5 6 J[ 8 13 57 2 7 15 23 16 19 4 7 16 4-1 5 7 S 9 16 55 2 - 8 16 22 7 17 19 4 8 17 42 5 S$ 10 17 54 2 9 17 21 8 18 20 4 9 18 43 5 9S S s 11 18 52 2 9 18 21 o 19 20 4 1C 19 4 5 10 S 12 19 51 2 10 19 20 10 20 21 4 11 20 45 5 11 J; 1 3 20 49 2 11 20 20 11 21 22 4 12 21 46 5 12 S 14 21 48 2 12 21 20 12 22 23 4 13 22 47 5 13 Jj 15 22 46 2 13 22 19 15 23 22 4 14 23 49 5 14 S 16 23 45 2 14 23 19 14 24 25 4 15 24 50 5 15* 17 24 44 2 15 24 18 15 25 23 4 16 25 51 5 16 > 18)25 42 2 16 25 18 16 26 24 4 17 26 52 5 17S 19 26 41 2 17 26 18 17 27 25 4 18 27 53 5 19? 20 27 4C 2 18 27 18 18 28 25 4 19 28 54 5 20 S 21 28 3 28 5 31 2 26 5 17 3 26 6 31 4 27 7 03 5 28 S 2P 6 30 2 27 6 17 3 27 7 52 4 28 8 05 5 29 > 30 7 29 2 28 7 17 3 28 8 So 4 29 9 06 6 OS S 1 8 17 *3 29 10 07 6 IS s _ V S TABLES OF THE. EQUATION OF TIME* FOR LEAP-YEARS AND COMMON YEARS ; Shewing what Time it ought to be by the Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. 194 Equation-Tables. S A TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the Clock's S when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. v, S The Bissextile or Leap-Year. Jj S ? January. J* ebruary. March. April. Jj s s" H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S H. M. S. s s S 9 7 35 14 38 10 34 1 21 S s s io 8 14 39 10 18 1 4\ s n XII 8 24 XII 14 39 XII 10 2 XII 48 S 5 12 8 47 14 38 9 45 32 vj ?13 9 10 14 37 Q <"> <; 17S $14 9 32 14 35 9 11 1 ^ S15 9 53 14 32 8 54 XI 59 47 S ^ 16 XII 10 14 XII 14 28 XII 8 36 XI 59 32 S ^ 17 10 34 14 24 8 18 59 18 ^ 1-18 10 53 14 19 8 C 59 4 S S 19 1 1 12 14 13 7 42 58 51 s S20 11 30 14 7 7 24 58 38 S fc XII 1 1 47 XII 14 XII 7 C XI 58 26 S ; 22 12 3 13 52 6 47 58 14 lj S 2 12 19 13 44 6 29 58 2 S s 24 12 3t 13 35 6 10 57 51 ^30 13 45 4 19 56 55 Ij Vj 13 54 4 S i . . 195 J A s TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. The Bissextile, or Leap^-Ycar. II s ^ 1 May. June. July. August ' S H. M. S.[H. M. S II. M. S. H. M. XI 56 48JXI 57 30 XII 3 29 XII 5 51 S S 2 56 41 57 40 3 40 5 4^ ij S 3 56 34 57 49 3 51 5 42 S I 4 56 28 57 59 4 02 5 36 1* 56 23 58 10 4 12 5 30 S ? XI 56 18 XI 58 20 XII 4 22 XII 5 23 ^ s r 56 14 58 31 4 31 5 16? S 8 56 10 58 42 4 40 5 2 S > 9 56 7 58 ,54 4 49 5 os S sio 56 5 59 6 4 57 4 51 S V J* ~ XI 56 3 XI 59 18 XII 5 5 XII 4 41 S S 12 56 1 59 3( 5 13 4 31 ^ ?3 56 59 42 5 20 4 S 14 56 59 55 5 26 4 >o* ?15 56 01 XII 8 5 32 3 58 S s 5 & XI 56 2 XII 20 XII 5 38 XII 3 46 S 5 17 56 4 33 5 43 3 33 v S 1 56 6 46 5 48 3 20 S 19 56 9 59 5 52 3 7 c S 20 56 12 1 13 5 56 2 52 s ? &I XI 56 16 XII 1 26 XII 5 59 XII 2 38 $22 56 20 1 39. 6 1 2 23S* S 23 56 25 1 52 6 3 2 7 ^24 56 31 2 4 6 4 1 52 s 5 25 56 36 2 17 6 4 1 35 > S *> ? XI 56 43 XII 2 30 XII 6 4 XII 1 18 S ^27 56 50 2 42 6 4 1 1-5 S 28 56 57 2 54 6 2 44 Jj S 29 57 5 3 6 26 S ^ 30 57 13 3 18 5 58 8 {V s c V C S 31 57 21 5 55 XI 59 40 > 195 Equation- Tables. '#% , w * S A TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the S ^ Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. Ij The Bissextile, or Leap-Year. 1 September. October. November. December. Jj S ri H. M. S. a. M. s. H. M. S. H. M. S. S S 1 XI 59 30 XI 49 22 XI 43 45 XI 49 43 S S 2 59 11 49 43 45 50 7s S 3 58 52 48 45 43 45 50 31 S S A> 58 32 48 27 43 47 50 56 s \ 5 58 12 48 9 43 49 51 21 S si XI 57 52 XI 47 52 XI 43 53 XI 51 47 S 7 57 32 47 36 43 57 52 13 ? W o 57 12 47 19 44 2 52 40 > S 9 56 51 47 4 44 8 *i si OO o S S 10 56 30 46 48 44 14 53 35 jj \- XI 56 10 XI 46 33 XI 44 22 XI 54 3 S S 12 55 49 46 19 44 30 54 32 s S 13 55 28 46 6 44 40 55 01 J> ^ 14 55 7 45 52 44 50 55 30 S s 15 54 46 45 40 45 1 56 jj s S 16 XI 54 25 XI 45 28 XI 45 13 XI 56 29 Jj s ]7 54 5 45 16 45 25 56 59 S S 18 53 44 45 6 45 39 57 29 Jj v 1^ j ;>20 53 23 53 2 44 55 44 46 45 53 46 8 57 59"' S 53 29 S S21 XI 52 41 XI 44 37 XI 46 24 XI 58 59 S c 22 52 21 44 29 46 41 59 29 ^ $23 52 '44 21 46 58 59 59 s S 24 51 40 44 14 47 16 XII 29 S S 25 51 19 44 8 47 35 59 s J <* J26 XI 50 59 XI 44 2 XI 47 55 XII 1 29 ^ ^27 50 39 43 57 48 15 1 58 S S28 50 20 43 53 48 36 2 27 ^ S 29 50 43 50 48 58 2 56 S S30 49 41 43 48 49 20 3 25 ? S 31 43 46 3 54 S; Equation- Tables. ^v w . ,/ S A TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the S ^ Clock w';cn the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. Jj Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. Ij S 'I' he first Year alter Leap-Year. J S J? | May. June. July. August. ^ !!. M. S. H. M. S.iH. M. S. H. M. S. s Xi 56 56 56 56 56 49 35 29 24 XI 57 27 57 36 57 46 57 56 58 6 Xll 3 26 3 37 3 48 3 58 4 9 XII 5 52 ^ 5 48 > 5 43 Jj 5 38 S 1 s 10 XI 56 56 56 56 56 19 14 1) 7 5 XI 58 17 58 27 58 38 58 50 59 2 XII 4 19 4 28 4 37 4 46 4 55 XII 5 25 ^ 5 18 S 5 10 5 2S 4 53 \ u s. S 13 $5 XI 56 56 56 . 56 56 2 1 XI 59 14 59 26 59 38 59 50 XII 3 XII 5 3 5 10 5 17 5 24 5 30 XII 4 44 S 4 34 s 4 24 S 4 1 3 10? 2 56 Jj 5 2 ! S 25 XI 56 56 56 56 56 1 3 17 22 28 33 XII 1 21 1 34 1 47 2 2 13 XII 5 57 6 6 2 6 3 6 4 XII 2 42 S 2 27 s 2 12 S 1 56 s 1 40 S ^26 J 27 ,S 28 S 29 S 30 XI 56 56 56 57 57 40 47 54 02 10 XII 2 25 2 38 2 50 3 0,2 3 14 XII 6 4 6 4 6 S 6 1 5 59 XII 1 23< 49 S 31 !j 13 S ^31 57 18 5 56 XI 59 55 S Equation- Tables. 199 S A TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. The first Year after Leap- Year. 2L i 2 3 4 5 ~6 7 8 9 10 September. ( )ctober. November. December. J> H. M. S. H. M. S. M. M. H M. x XI 59 36 59 17 58 58 58 38 58 18 XI 49 28 49 9 48 51 48 33 48 15 XI 43 46 43 46 43 47 43 48 43 50 XI 49 38 50 01 50 25 50 50 51 15 S XI 57 58 57 38 57 18 56 57 56 37 XI 47 58 47 41 47 24 47 8 46 53 XI 43 53 43 57 44 1 44 7 44 13 XI 51 41 ^ 52 7 I 52 34 < 53 01 < 53 28 57 21 S 57 51 58 21 ? XI 52 47 52 27 52 6 51 46 51 25 XI 44 40 44 31 44 24 44 17 44 10 XI 46 21 46 37 46 54 47 12 47 31 XI 58 51 59 22 59 52 5 XII 22 S 52 5 27 28 29 30 XI 51 5 50 45 50 26 50 6 49 47 XI 44 5 44 43 56 43 52 43 49 Xi 47 51 48 11 48 31 48 53 49 15 XII 121^ 1 51 S 2 20 i. 'I. H. M. S. H. M. v H. M. S. 2 3 4 5 XII 4 15 4 43 5 11 5 38 6 5 Xil 14 6 14 13 14 19 14 24 14 29 XII ,2 35 12 23 12 9 11 56 11 42 XII 3 50 S 3 32 5 3 US 2 56 1; 2 38 S 6 7 8 9 10 XII 6 31 6 57 7 22 7 47 8 12 XII 14 32 14 35 14 37 14 39 14 39 XII il 27 11 13 10 58 10 42 10 26 XII 2 20 S 2 3 <; 1 46 S 1 29 !j 1 12 S 11 12 13 14 15 XII 8 35 8 58 9 21 9 43 10 4 XII 14 39 14 38 14 36 14 34 14 31 XII 10 10 9 54 9 37 9 20 9 3 XII 56 40 ? 24 S 9 XI 59 54 S 16 17 18 19 20 XII 10 24 10 44 11 3 11 22 11 39 XII 14 27 H 22 14 17 14 11 14 4 XII 8 45 8 28 8 10 7 52 7 34 XI 59 39 S 59 25 > 59 US 58 58 I 58 45 22 23 24 Xil 1 1 56 12 12 12 27 12 41 12 55 XII 13 57 13 49 13 40 13 31 13 21 XII 7 15 6 57 6 38 6 20 6 I XI 58 32 58 20 58 8 57 56 57 45 i;6 27 28 29 30 XII 13 7 13 19 13 30 13 40 13 50 Xil 13 10 12 59 12 47 XII 5 42 5 24 5 5 4 46 4 27 XI 57 35 57 25 57 15 57 6 56 58 31 13 5ti 4 y Equation* Tables. 201 S A TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the !j Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. The second Year after Leap- Year. f ? ? C/J May. June. July. August. H. M. S. H. M, S H. M ?> H M. s. S 1 S 9 X ^ XI 56 50 56 43 56 36 56 30 56 24 XI 57 24 57 33 57 42 57 52 58 3 XII 3 22 3 33 3 44 3 55 4 5 XII 5 53 5 49 I 5 44 5 39 5 33 t S 1 9 10 XI 56 19 56 15 56 11 56 7 56 5 XI 58 13 58 24 58 35 58 47 58 59 XII 4 16 4 26 4 35 4 44 4 53 XII 5 27 ^ 5 20 ? 5 13 S 5 5 1; 4 56 S 11 12 13 14 15 XI 56 3 56 1 56 56 56 XI 59 11 59 23 59 37 59 48 XII 01 XII 5 01 5 9 5 17 5 23 5 30 XII 4 47 ^ 4 38 > 4 27 S 4 17 ? 4 5 S 16 17 I 18 19 20 XI 56 1 56 2 56 4 56 7 56 10 XII 14 27 40 53 1 6 XII 5 36 5 41 5 46 5 50 5 54 XII 3 53 C 3 41 > 3 28 ? 3 15 3 |* 21 22 23 24 25 XI 56 13 56 17 56 22 56 27 56 32 XII 1 19 1 31 1 44 1 57 2 10 XII 5 57 6 6 1 6 3 6 4 xii 2 46 <; 2 31 S 2 16 $ 2 S 1 44 . H -xili. M .-5. H. M S. S i 3 4 5 XI 59 40 59 21 59 2 58 43 58 23 Xi 49 32 49 14 48 55 48 37 48 20 XI 43 46 43 46 43 46 43 48 43 50 XI 49 32 S 49 56 58 14 S 21 22 23 XI 52 53 52 32 52 H 51 51 51 30 XI 44 42 44 34 44 26 44 18 44 11 XI 46 17 46 33 46 50 47 7 47 26 XI 58 44 59 14 S 59 44 The third Year alter Leap- Year. > \" \ January. February. March. April. i. M. ^> H. M. :-..jH M. S. H. M. S. > 1 \ 2 > 3 ; 4 5 s Xll 4 4 3 5 5 3 5 5 Xll i4 4 14 11 14 17 14 23 14 28 Xll 12 38 12 25 12 12 11 59 11 45 Xll 3 55 3 36 3 18 3 2 43 1 y XII 6 2 6 5 7 1 7 4 8 Xll 14 32 14 35 14 37 14 39 14 40 XII 11 31 11 17 10 2 10 46 10 31 XII 2 25 2 8 1 51 1 34 1 17 xii i T 44 29 13 XI 59 58 > i; 12 ^ lo 14 15 Xll 8 3 8 5 9 1 9 3 9 5 Xli 14 40 14 39 14 37 14 35 14 31 XII 10 14 9 58 9 41 9 24 9 7 16 S l7 S 18 S 19 |S S21 >22 S23 24 25 XII 10 2 10 3 10 5 11 1 11 3 XII 14 27 14 23 14 17 14 11 14 5 Xll 8 49 8 32 8 14 7 55 7 37 XI 59 43 59 28 59 14 59 58 47 Xll .11 5 12 12 2 12 3 12 5 All 13 57 13 49 13 41 13 32 ,13 22 XII 7 19 7 6 42 6 23 6 4 XI 58 34 58 22 58 10 57 58 57 47 26 27 28 ; 29 S 3C Xll 13 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 4 Xii 13 12 13 1 12 50 XII 5 46 5 27 5 8 4 50 4 31 XI 57 37 57 27 57 17 57 8 57 3 30 S 3 17 > 3 a] 21 22 23 24 25 XI 56 11 56 15 56 20 56 25 56 30 XII 1 14 1 27 1 40 1 53 2 6 XII 5 55 5 58 6 6 2 6 3 XII 2 48 S 2 34 J 2 19 S ? ^ 26 27 28 29 30 XI 56 36 56 43 56 50 56 57 57 5 XII 2 18 2 31 2 44 2 56 3 8 XII 6 3 6 3 6 2 6 1 5 59 XII 1 31 \ 1 14 J> 57 S 39 S 22 s 31 57 13 5 57 4? Equation- Tables. 205 TABLE shewing what Time it ought to be by the' Clock when the Sun's Centre is on the Meridian. The third Year after Leap-Year. vl September. v Jctober. November. December. li. M. :>. H. M. S. H. BE g; H. M. S. h 2 J 5 XI 59 45 59 26 59 7 58 48 58 28 XI 49 37 49 19 49 48 42 48 24 XI 43 47 43 47 43 47 43 47 43 49 XI 49 27 49 50 50 14 50 38 51 3 > 6 $ 9 S 10 XI 58 9 57 49 57 28 57 8 56 47 XI 48 7 47 50 47 33 47 17 47 1 XI 43 52 43 55 43 59 44 4 44 10 XI 51 29 51 55 52 21 52 48 53 15 {- S 13 $ 14 S 15 s Te s l7 S18 $19 S 20 \~ l $ 22 S 23 $24 S25 XI 56 27 56 6 55 45 55 24 55 3 XI 46 46 46 31 46 17 46 3 45 50 XI 44 17 44 25 44 33 44 43 44 53 XI 53 43 54 11 54 40 55 8 55 37 XI 54 42 54 20 53 59 53 38 53 17 XI 45 37 45 25 45 14 45 3 44 53 XI 45 4 45 16 45 29 45 42 45 57 XI 56 7 56 36 57 6 57 36 58 6 XI 52 56 52 36 52 15 51 55 51 35 XI 44 43 44 35 44 27 44 19 44 13 XI 46 12 46 28 46 45 47 3 47 21 XI 58 36 59 6 59 36 XII 6 36 26 $27 S 28 29 < 30 $37 XI 51 U 50 54 50 35 50 15 49 56 XI 44 7 44 1 43 57 43 53 43 50 XI 47 40 48 48 21 48 42 49 4 XII 1 6 1 36 2 6 2 35 o 5 43 48 3 34 206 *#* OBSERVE by a good meridian-line, or by a transit-instrument, properly fixed, the moment when the Sun's centre is on the meridian; and set the clock to the time marked in the preceding table for that day of the year. Then if the clock goes true, it will point to the time shewn in the table every day afterward at the instant when it is noon by the Sun, which is when his centre is on the meridian. Thus, in the first year after leap- year, on the 20th of October, when it is noon by the Sun, the true equal time by the clock is only 44 minutes 49 seconds past XI; and on the last day of December (in that year) it should be 3 mi- nutcs 47 seconds past XII by the clock when the Sun's centre is on the meridian. The following table was made from the preced- ing one, and is of the common form of a table of the equation of time, shewing how much a clock regulated to keep mean or equal time is before or behind the apparent or solar time every day of the year. TABLE OF THE EQUATION OF TIME, SHEWING How much a Clock should be faster or slower than the Sun, at the Noon of every Day in the Year, both in Leap- Years and Common Years. [ The Asterisks in the Table shew where the Equation changes to Slow or Fast.~\ Dd 208 Equation- Tables. S A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing ^ <> how much a Clock should be faster or slower > S than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon, s S The Bissextile, or Leap-Year . J S M S y Jan. Feb. March. April. lvL~sT May. June. "MTsT s M. S. M. 8. M.S. M. S. P < S 5 4 2 4 30 4058 5 7T25 5 52 14 3 14olO 140*16 I4?r22 14 27 12 30 12O17 120 4 11 ^50 11 35 3 42 3 o24 3 o 6 2^48 2 30 2 13 1 >55 Ig38 17*21 1 4 3 12 301S 3C-26 3^32 3 37 2 30 S 2 C 20^ 25*11 S 28- lj 1 51 S s s * h 5 9 l* s 11 12 " " S 16 S 17 J 18 |!9 S 20 S 21 S 22 J; 23 S24 - Z 26 S 27 $28 S 29 ^ 30 6 19 6 T<45 ?io 77*35 8 00 14 31 14ET-34 Hg37 14^ 38 14 39 11 21 11 2J> 6 10 50 107*34 10 18 3 42 32-46 3350 n 3 52 53 3' 55 1 40 S iS.292 N il 6* I <-i O (^ 0* 54 S 8 24 8 47 9 10 9 32 9 53 10 14 10 34 10 53 11 12 11 30 14 39 14 38 14 37 14 35 14 32 10 2 9 45 9 28 9 11 8 54 48 32 17 1 0* 13 3 57 3 59 4 00 4 00 3 59 42 S 30 18 S 5> 0*8$ 21 ^ 0^33 S OcT46 1^ 27 s 5 5 2 17 ? 13 1 13 13 13 25 13 36 13 46 13 16 13 5 12 54 12 42 5 33 5 15 4 56 4 37 4 19 2 29 2 39 2 48 2 56 3 4 3 17 3 10 3 3 2 55 2 47 2 30 S 2 42 2 54 S 3 6.S 3 18 Jj U 13 55 4 00 2 39 S Equation- Tables. 209 *v* * * ,*/ S A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing S t how much a Clock should be faster or slower ![ S than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon. S The Bissextile, or Leap-Year. s || July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. S M. S M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M.S. s ij i % ; !- ' S 8 S 9 S 13 S 17 s is 5 19 S 20 3 2 3 4 3^5 4 1 5 51 5^36 5 30 30 lf$ 1 48 10 38 11 33 11 51 16 15 16 15 16^1 10 17 9 53 S 9g"29$ 8 39 Jj 4 22 4 P 3 4 57 5 23 55T>16 5ff 8 5 r*00 4 51 2 8 22L28 2 48 3 % 9 3 30 12 8 12 |-24 12341 12$56 13* 12 16 7 1 C W3 16- 3 15358 15^52 15 46 8 13 Ij 7 -47 S 7320 ^ 6' 25 5 5 5 13 5 20 5 26 5 32 4 41 4 31 4 21 4 10 3 58 3 50 4 11 4 32 4 53 5 14 13 27 13 41 13 55 14 8 14 20 15 38 15 29 15 20 15 10 14 59 5 57 ^ 5 28 S 4 .59 Jj 4 30 S 4 00 ^ 5 38 5 43 5 48 5 52 5 56 3 46 3 33 3 20 3 6 2 52 5 35 5 56 6 16 6 37 6 58 14 32 14 44 14 54 5 5 5 14 14. 47 14 34 14 21 14 7 13 52 3 31 Jj 3 IS 2 31 < 2 1 S 1 31 I? t S21 !* 22 S23 !>24 S 25 S26 S 27 S 28 ^ 29 S 30 s s 31 S 1 s *29 S 59 !j 6 4 6 4 6 2 6 00 5 58J 1 18 1 1 44 26 8 9 1 9 21 9 41 10 00 10 19 5 58 6 3 6 7 6 10 6 12 2 5 1 45 1 24 1 2 40 1 29 !j 3 25 s s 3 54 s 5 55 0*11 6 14 210 Equation- Tables. S A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing S Jj how much a Clock should be faster or slower v| S than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon. S <5 The first Year after Leap-Year. s o Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. S s v^< t tjn M. S. M: s. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. s s y 2 33 s 4 23 4 9 12 33 3 47 3 11 5 a 4 51 4 16 12 ^20 3 -29 3 r 18 2 Q 24 S Jj 3 55-19 4 5"21 12 5* 7 3 5 s 10 3~25 2 o"14 S S 4 5 46 4g-26 11 54 2 52 331 9 x S 2 9? 4 t S 5 6 13 4 31 11 40 2 35 3 36 1 54s S - V C S 6 6 39 4 34 11 25 2 17 3 41 1 43s S 7 7 j5"* 4 4^37 1 1 P>10 2 sTOO 32L45 lg-33 S ^ 7*30 4*39 10*55 Co O 3 3 49 1322? S 9 1 ~* 54 4^ 40 10 ? 39 i r*26 3^53 1 ~. 10 Jj S 10 8 18 4 40 10 23 1 9 3 ' 55 0* 58< J" 8 41 4 39 10 7 52 3 57 46 S S12 9 4 14 38 9 50 36 3 59 34 S 13 9 26 14 36 9 33 20 4 00 22 s S 14 9 48 14 33 9 16 5 4 00 10 S ^ 15 10 9 14 29 8 58 0* 10 4 00 * 3 s v 16 10 29 14 25 8 41 25 3 59 16s Fir 10 48 14 20 8 23 G 3 ! 3 58 o 29 s < 18 11 7 14 15 8 5 3 56 ?r42 s ?19 11 25 14 9 7 47 1- 6 3 53 0$L55 S $20 11 42 14 2 7 29 19 3 50 1 8s s sT 11 59 13 54 7 10 32 3 47 1 21 S 22 12 15 13 46 6 52 |-44 3 42 1 ST-34 S Jj 23 12 30 13 37 6 33 3 56 3 38 1 g- 47 S24 12 44 13 28 6 15 1 2? IT 3 32 2 r- oo s $25 12 58 13 18 5 56 2 17 3 26 2 13 S c 5 27 13 10 13 22 13 8 12 57 5 38 5 19 2 28 2 37 3 20 3 13 2 25 J> 2 38 S s . 28 13 3o 12 45 5 00 2 46 3 6 2 50 S ^ 29 13 43 4 42 2 55 2 58 3 2? S30 13 52 4 23 3 3 2 50 3 14 s ^ S 31 14 4 5 2 42 A Equation- Tables. 211 S*A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing'S !j how much a Clock should be faster or slower S than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon. S S The first Year alter Leap- Year. s S s? July. Aug. 1 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. S M.S. M. S. M.S. M. S. M. S. M. S. I; P The second Year attei- Leap-Year. s S July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ? M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. b. M. S. J> L h S 5 3 22 3^33 3|44 4 5 5 53 5 O49 5 0*44 5 39 5 33 ~5 27 5^20 5*13 5 "* 5 4 56 20 5*58 1 37 10 28 Uo* 5 117T23 11 40 16 14 168-12 16 10 16 7 162. 3 15^59 15^53 15 47 10 28 S 10 4S 9 0*40 8 51 J* S 10 s fu S 15 4 16 4^26 4g35 4.^44 4 53 1 56 2 37 2? 57 3 17 11 57 12S.14 12 3 30 12 |5 46 13 2 8 25 S 7 -59^ 7^32 S 6* 37 S 5 1 5 9 5 17 5 24 5 30 4 47 4 37 4 27 4 17 4 5 3 38 3 59 4 19 4 40 5 1 13 17 13 31 13 45 13 59 14 12 15 40 15 32 15 23 15 13 15 3 6 9S 5 12 S 4 43 Jj 4 14 S fra s 17 s 18 S 19 !j 20 5 36 5 41 5 46 5 50 5 54 3 53 3 41 3 28 3 15 3 1 5 22 5 43 6 4 6 25 6 46 14 24 14 36 14 47 14 58 15 8 Ti" fs 15 26 15 34 15 42 15 49 14 52 14 40 14 27 14 13 13 58 3 45 S 3 15$ 2 46 S 2 16 S 1 46 S S 21 S 22 S23 S24 S25 5 57 6 00 6 2 6 3 6 4 2 46 2 31 2 16 2 00 1 44 7 7 7 28 7 49 8 9 8 30 13 43 13 27 13 10 12 52 12 34 1 16 (J 46 S 16s 14 S 44 ^ S 26 S28 S 29 S 30 6 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 5 59 1 27 1 10 53 35 17 * 1 8 50 9 10 9 30 9 49 10 9 15 54 15 59 16 4 16 8 16 11 12 15 11 55 11 34 11 13 10 51 1 13 s 1^43 S 2 ~ 42 S 3 111 S31 5 56 16 12 3 40 214 Equation- Tables. S A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing S S how much a Clock should be faster or slower s S than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon. j> S The Third Year after Leap-Year. J f Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. S "MTsT s M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. |j 4 8 4^36 5cT 4 5 -32 5 59 14 4 14^11 145*17 14^23 14 28 12 38 12^25 11 5*12 11 -59 11 45 3 55 So*18 3 -00 2 43 3 8 3 (*< 1 5 35*22 o 3 34 2 38 <; 2(^29 S 25*19 s 1 59 s 1 y h S 13 S 14 6 25 6^51 7.^42 8 6 14 32 U07 14 :* 39 14 40 11 31 10^46 10 30 2 25 2 f 8 1 ? 34 1 17 3 39 32L43 3347 3^51 3 54 1 48 2 31 S 2 43 ^ 2 56 S 3 8 13 56 4 13 2 47 J Equation-Tables. 215 Kt* H* S A TABLE of the Equation of Time, shewing S 5 how much a Clock should be faster or slower lj $ than the Sun, every Day of the Year, at Noon. S S The third Year ai'ei 1 Leap-Year. S S ? July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. s v ^ s ** M.S. M. S. M.S. iVi. S. M. S. M.S. \ S 1 3 20 5 54 0*15 10 23 16 13 10 33 ^ S 2 q o i 5 50 34 10 42 16 Q 14 io io s S 4 3 53 5^46 5 41 05-53 1 ~00 118 16R-14 1613 9 g-46 Jj r* r S 5 4 4 5 35 1 32 1 36 16 11 8 57 ^ S~6 4 14 5 29 1 51 11 53 16 8 8 31 ^ S 7 4^24 5^22 22111 22110 1621 5 8 5" 5 S Jj 8 4|34 C/J 232 12^27 16 % 1 S 9 4 r* 43 5^ 7 2? 52 12^43 15 p 55 7 3 12 S s 10 4 52 4 58 3 ' 13 12* 59 15 ' 49 6' 45 ^ \ 11 5 00 4 49 3 34 13 14 15 43 6 17 J; S 12 5 8 4 40 3 54 13 29 15 35 5 49 S S 13* 5 15 4 29 4 15 13 43 15 27 5 20 \ S 14 5 22 4 18 4 36 13 57 15 17 4 52 S S I* 5 28 4 7 4 57 14 10 15 7 4 23 Ij 16 5 34 3 55 5 18 14 23 14 56 3 54 ^ S 17 5 39 3 43 5 40 14 35 14 44 3 24 S S 18 5 44 3 30 6 1 14 46 14 31 2 54 \ ? 19 5 48 3 17 6 22 14 57 14 18 2 24 S 20 5 52 3 3 6 43 15 7 14 3 s* 1 5 55 2 48 7 4 15 17 13 48 1 24 ^ S 22 Z 23 5 58 6 00 2 34 2 19 7 24 7 45 15 25 15 33 13 32 13 15 54 S 24 ^ S24 6 2 2 3 8 5 15 41 12 57 0* 6 S fe 6 3 1 47 8 25 15 48 12 39 36^ !? 26 6 3 1 31 8 46 15 53 12 20 "i 6 s ?27 6 3 1 14 9 6 15 59 12 00 1 ^36 S 5 28 6 2 57 9 25 16 3 11 39 2 g- 6 Jj S 29 6 1 39 9 45 16 7 11 18 2^35 S !j 30 5 59 22 10 4 16 10 10 56 3 5 \ S _ ^ (,. 5 57 4 16 12 3 34 t Ee S A < the S Jj i \>iueh \Mll be \\ithin a s Prut . N tO the ueuu ^ 1 ;,i be taster 01 N : ; i ros s r*^r*r^s*^r Year .\f- ^ M invite of the v st full Mii.. 1 than the Sun. s s s s ^ ^ F x 4 h D C 3 ^ : z X ^ B)t i- * ff y \ r PJ Ij S > JaS! 4 Apr. I 40 Axig-U *r Oct. 3? 16 ^ ^ i i I ; < 5 14| U s| 9 - : - X 15- 5 " i N u*T v S "' 1 r 15 1 N Mar. 4 12 P; i S ^ u 2 N r: 1 ^ 5 w N 6 N " "" S S 4 4 c* ii 10 x s 75 6 U 14 , 1- 1 19 . op This by ihc the Moon's /Y/f/v. 217 CI1 \\\ XV. 1'lie J/<>''/r.v Sur/licc mountainous : Her Phases de serihed: Her l\ith, and the Paths of Jupiter's Moo'is delineated: The Proportions <>/ the Diame- ters of their O/7;//.v, and those of Saturn's Moons, to each other; ami the Diameter of the Sun. B 1M.A I I.. VII. V looking at the MoonthroUffh an ordinary telescope, \\e perceive that her surface is diversified \\ ilh long ; tracts of prodiglOUS high mouil- The tains aiul deep cavities. Some of her mountains, by Moon's e-oinparinj;- their IK i^ht with her diameter (which laJJ^ 2180 miles,) are ioimd to he three- times as high as ou*. the hi-hest mountains on our Ivmh. This rugged- ness of the Moon's surface is of great use to us, by rdleeting the Sun's light to all sides: for if the Moon were smooth and ])olished like a looking- glass, or co- \t red with water, she could never distribute the Sun's light all round: only, in some positions, she would shew us his image-, no bigger than a point, but with Mich a lustre as might be hurtful to our e\ 53 The Moon's surface being so uneven, many have wondered why her edge appears not jagged as well as the curve bounding the light and dark parts. But if we consider, that what we call the edge of the Why no Moon's disc is not a single line set round with moun- j^"* JJJ" tains, in \\hich case it would appear irregularly in- her edge dented, but a large zone, having- many mountains ly- ing behind one another from the observer's eye, we. shall find that the mountains in some rows will be opposite to the \ales in others, and fill up the ine- qualities, so as to make her appear quite round ; ju:,t as when one looks at an orange, although its roughness be very discernible on the side next the eye, especially if the Sun or a candle shines ob- liquely on that side, yet the line terminating the vi- sible part still appears smooth and even. ;>18 Of the Moon 's Phase*. PLATE VII. 254. As the Sun can only enlighten that half of the Earth which is at any moment turned toward him, The Moon and being withdrawn from the opposite half, leaves it twiUht * n darkness; so he likewise doth to the Moon; only with this difference, that the Earth being surrounded by an atmosphere r and the Moon, as far as we know, having none, we have twilight after the Sun sets; but the Lunar inhabitants have an immediate transi- tion from the brightest sunshine to the blackest dark- ness, 177. For, let t r k s w be the Earth, and A* B, C, D, E, F, G, H, the Moon, in eight different *" ! parts of her orbit. As the Earth turns round its axis, from west to east, when any place comes to t, the twilight begins there, and when it revolves from thence to r, the Sun S rises ; when the place comes to s, the Sun sets, and when it comes to iv, the twilight ends. But as the Moon turns round her axis, which is only once a month, the moment that any point of her surface comes to r (see the Moon at G) the Sun rises there without any pre- vious warning by twilight ; and when the same point comes to 5 the Sun sets, and that point goes into darkness as black as at midnight. The , 255. The Moon beine: an opaque spherical body Moon's /r , u . n , ir r iT i phases. (f r ner O"*s take oft no more from her roundness than the inequalities on the surface of an orange take off from its roundness), we can only see that part of the enlightened half of her which is toward the Earth. And therefore when the Moon is at A, in conjunction with the Sun , her dark half is toward the Earth, and she disappears, as at a; there being no light on that half to render it visible. When she comes to her first octant at B, or has gone an eighth part of her orbit from her conjunction, a quarter of her en- lightened side is seen toward the Earth, and she ap- pears horned, as at //. When she has gone a quarter of her orbit from between the Earth and Sun to C f , she shows us one half of her enlightened side, as at c ; and we say, she is a quarter old. At D she is in her second octant, and by shewing us more of her Of the Moon's Phases. 219 enlightened side she appears gibbous, as at d. At E her whole enlightened side is toward the Earth, and therefore she appears round as at e ; when we * say it is full Moon. In her third octant at F, part of her dark side being toward the Earth, she again appears gibbous, and is on the decrease, as at/; At G we see just one half of her enlightened side, and she appears half- decreased, or in her third quarter, as at g. At //we only see a quarter of her enlight- ened side, being in her fourth octant, where she ap- pears horned, as at h. And at A, having completed her course from the Sun to the Sun again, she dis- appears; and we say, it is new Moon. Thus, in going from A to E, the Moon seems continually to increase ; and in going from E to A, to decrease in the same proportion; having like phases at equal distances from A to E ; but as seen from the Sun S, she is always full. 256. The Moon appears not perfectly round when The t she is full in the highest or lowest part of her orbit, 5S^J t because we have not a full view of her enlightened always side at that time. When full in the highest part bfjjjjji her orbit a small deficiency appears on her lower when full, edge; and the contrary, when full in the lowest part of her orbit. 257. It is plain by the figure, that when the Moon The P b - changes to the Earth, the Earth appears Ml to theE^jf Moon ; and vice versa. For when the Moon is at Moon con- A, new to the Earth, the whole enlightened side of trary> the Earth is toward the Moon ; and when the Moon is at , full to the Earth, its dark side is toward her. Hence a new Moon answers to -&full Earth, and a full Moon to a new Earth. The quarters are also reversed to each other. 258. Between the third quarter and change, theAnagree- Moon is frequently visible in the forenoon, even when the Sun shines ; and then she affords us an opportu- nity of seeing a very agreeable appearance, wherever we find a globular stone above the level of the eye, nomcnon. 220 Of the Mootfs Phases. as suppose on the top of a gate. For, if the Sun shines on the stone, and we place ourselves so as the upper part of the stone may just seem to touch the point of the Moon's lowermost horn, we shall then see the enlightened part of the stone exactly of the same shape with the Moon ; horned as she is, and inclined in the same way to the horizon. The rea- son is plain; for the Sun enlightens the stone the same way as he does the Moon : and both being globes, when we put ourselves into the above situ- ation, the Moon and stone have the same position to our eye ; and therefore we must see as much of the illuminated part of the one as of the other. The nona- 259. The position of the Moon's cusps, or a right dee-reef ^ ne touching the points of her horns, is very differ- ently inclined to the horizon at different hours of the same days of her age. Sometimes she stands, as it were, upright on her low r er horn, and then such a line is perpendicular to the horizon ; when this hap- pens, she is in what the astronomers call the nonage- simal degree; which is the highest point of the eclip- tic above the horizon at that time, and is 90 degrees from both sides of the horizon, where it is then cut by the ecliptic. But this never happens when the Moon is on the meridian, except when she is at the very beginning of Cancer or Capricorn. HOW the 260. The inclination of that part of the ecliptic to inclination fa horizon in which the Moon is at any time when ecliptic horned, may be known by the position of her horns; may be for a right line touching their points is perpendicu- the n p d osf- lar to the ecliptic. And as the angle which the Moon's tion of the orbit makes with the ecliptic can never raise her horns' 8 a b ve > nor depress her below the ecliptic, more than two minutes of a degree, as seen from the Sun ; it can have no sensible effect upon the position of her horns. Therefore, if a quadrant be held up, so as that one of its edges may seem to touch the Moon's horns, the graduated side being kept toward the eye, and as far from the eye as it can be conveniently held, the Of the Moon's Phases. 221 PLATE VII. arc between the plumb-line and that edge of the quadrant which seems to touch the Moon's horns, will shew the inclination of that part of the ecliptic to the. horizon. And the arc between the other edge of the quadrant and plumb-line, will shew the inclination of a line, touching the Moon's horns, to the horizon. 261. The Moon generally appears as large as the Fig. i. Sun ; for the angle v k A^ under which the Moon is why the seen from the Earth, is nearly the same with the an- ^ar"aT gle LkM, under which the Sun is seen from it. And big as the therefore the Moon may hide the Sun's whole disc Sun * from us, as she sometimes does in solar eclipses. The reason why she does not eclipse the Sun at eve- ry change, shall be ex plained hereafter. If the Moon were farther from the Earth, as at c, she would ne- ver hide the whole of the Sun from us ; for then she would appear under the angle N k O, eclipsing only that part of the Sun which lies between A* and O ; were she still farther from the Earth, as .at X, she would appear under the small angle T k W^ like a spot on the Sun, hiding only the part y/iFfromour sight. 262. That the Moon turns round her axis in the A proof time that she goes round her orbit, is quite demon- of ^ strable; for a spectator at rest, without the periphery turning of the Moon's orbit, would see all her sides turned roi i her regularly toward him in that time. She turns round 35 her axis from any star to the same star again in 27 days 8 hours ; from the Sun to the Sun again, in 29|. days : the former is the length of her sidereal day, and the latter the length of her solar day. A body moving round the Sun would have a solar day in eve- ry revolution, without turning on its axis; the same as if it had kept all the while at rest, and the Sun moved round it : but without turning round its axis it could never have one sidereal day, because it would always keep the same side toward any given star. 222 An easy Way of representing revoiu- Her perio- 263. If the Earth had no annual motion, the Moon would go round it so as to complete a lunation, a si- dereal, and a solar day, all in the same time. But because the Earth goes forward in its orbit while the Moon goes round the Earth in her orbit, the Moon must go as much more than round her orbit from change to change in completing a solar day, as the Earth has gone forward in its orbit during that time, i. e. almost a twelfth part of a circle. Familiarly 264. The Moon's periodical and sy nodical revo- represent- \ u ^\ on ma y b e familiarly represented by. the motions of the hour and minute-hands of a watch round its dial-plate, which. is divided into 12 equal parts or hours, as the ecliptic is divided into 12 signs, and the year into 12 months. Let us suppose these 12 hours to be 12 signs, the hour-hand, the Sun, and the minute-hand, the Moon ; then the former will go round once in a year, and the latter once in a month : but the Moon, or minute-hand, must go more than round from any point of the circle where it was last conjoined with the Sun, or hour-hand, to overtake it again : for the hour-hand, being in motion, can ne- ver be overtakenby theminute-handat that point from which they started at their last conjunction. The first A Table shewing the times that the hour and minute- hands of a watch are in con- junction. Conj. H. M. S. in "'' vp ts .' 1 1 5 27 16 21 49.J- 2 II 10 54 32 43 38-JL S 3 III 16 21 49 5 27 s S 4 IV 21 49 5 27 16JL S 5 V 27 10 21 49 5-1 6 VI 32 43 38 10 54 e S 7 VII 38 10 54 32 43V 8 VIII 43 38 10 54 ,TT J 32_8_ } 9 IX 49 5 27 16 21 T 9 1 ^ 10 X 54 32 43 38 lOio ? 11 XII o 11 s Tire Motion of the Sun and Moon. 223 column of the preceding table shews the number of : PLATE VII. conjunctions which the hour and minute-hand make while the hour-hand goes once round the dial- plate ; and the other columns shew the times when the two hands meet at each conjunction. Thus, suppose the two hands to be in conjunction at XII. as they always are; then at the first following conjunction it is 5 minutes 27 seconds 16 thirds 2i fourths, 49^ fifths past I, where they meet : at the second con- junction it is 10 minutes 54 seconds 32 thirds 43 fourths 38^- fifths past II ; and so on. This, though an easy illustration of the motions of the Sun and Moon, is not precise as to the times of their con- junctions; because, while the Sun goes round the ecliptic, the Moon makes 12-| conjunctions with him; but the minute-hand of a watch or clock makes only 11 conjunctions with the hour-hand in one pe- riod round the dial-plate. But if, instead of the common wheel- work at the back of the dial-plate, the axis of the minute-hand had a pinion of 6 leaves turning a wheel of 74, and this last turning the hour- hand, in every revolution it makes round the dial- plate, the minute-hand would make 12-^ conjunc- tions with it ; and so would be a pretty device for shewing the motions of the Sun and Moon; espe- cially, as the slowest moving hand might have a little sun fixed on its point, and the quickest, a little moon. 265. If the Earth had no annual motion, the The Moon's motion, round the Earth, and her track in Mo n ' s , , , T^, motion open space, would be always the same. * But as through the Earth and Moon move round the Sun, theP ens .pace Moon's real path in the heavens is very different e " cl from her visible path round the Earth : the latter be- * In this place, we may consider the orbits of all the satellites as circular, with respect to their primary planets ; because the eccen- tricities of their orbits are too small to affect the phenomena here described F f 224 The Moods' Path delineated. VII. PLATE m g i n a progressive circle, and the former in a curve of different degrees of concavity, which would al- ways be the same in the same parts of the heavens, if the Moon performed a complete number of luna- tions in a year, without any fraction. An idea 266. Let a nail in the end of the axle of a cha- jfarut's nt-wheel represent the Earth, and a pin in the nave path, and the Moon ; if the body of the. chariot be propped up the , so as to keep that wheel from touching the ground, and the wheel be then turned round by hand, the pin will describe a circle both round the nail and in the space it moves through. But if the props be taken away, the horses put to, and the chariot driven over a piece of ground which is circularly convex ; the nail in the axle will describe a circular curve, and the pin in the nave will still describe a circle round the progressive nail in the axle, but not in the space through which it moves. In this case the curve de- scribed by the nail, will resemble, in miniature, as much of the Earth's annual path round the Sun, as it describes while the Moon goes as often round the Earth as the pin does round the nail : and the curve described by the nail will have some resemblance to the Moon's path during so many lunations. Let us now suppose that the radius of the circular curve described by the nail in the axle is to the radi- us of the circle which the pin in the nave describes round the axle as 337-|- to 1 ; which is the propor- tion of the radius or semi-diameter of the Earth's orbit to that of the Moon's ; or of the circular curve A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B, &c. to the little circle a; and then while the progressive nail describes the said curve from A to E, the pin will go once round the nail with regard to the centre of its path, and in so doing, will describe the curve a b c d e. The for- mer will be a true representation of the Earth's path for one lunation, and the latter of the Moon's for that time. Here we may set aside the inequali- ties of the Moon's motion, and also those of the The Moon's Path delineated. 225 |. PLATE VII. . Earth's moving round their common centre of gra- vity : all which, if they were truly copied in this experiment, would not sensibly alter the figure of the paths described by the nail and pin, even though they should rub against a plane upright surface all the way, and leave their tracks visibly upon it. And if the chariot were driven forward on such a con vex piece of ground, so as to turn the wheel several times round, the track of the pin in the nave would still be concave toward the centre of the circular curve described by the pin in the axle : as the Moon's path is always concave to the Sun in the centre of the Earth's annual orbit. In this diagram, the thickest curve- line ABCDE, with the numeral figures set to it, represents as much of the Earth's annual orbit as it describes in 32 days from west to east ; the little circles at , 6, c, d, e, shew the Moon's orbit in due proportion to the Earth's ; and the smallest curve abed e f re- presents the line of the Moon's path in the heavens for 32 days, accounted from any particular new Moon at a. The machine Fig. 5th, is for deline- ating the Moon's path, and shall be described, with the rest of my astronomical machinery in the last . chapter. The Sun is supposed to be in the centre of the curve A \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B, &c. asd the small dotted circles upon it, represent the Moon's orbit, of which the radius is in the same proportion to the ^ P of the Earth's path in this scheme, that the radius of the Moon's Moon's orbit in the heavens bears to the radius of ^ il to the Earth's annual path round the Sun : that is, as Earth's. 240,000, to 81,000,000*, or as 1 to 337|. When the Earth is at A, the new Moon is at a ; and in the seven days that the Earth describes the curve 1234567, the Moon in accompanying the Fj&> IL Earth describes the curve a b ; and is in her first quarter at b when the Earth is at B. As the Earth * For the true distances, see p. 138. 226 The Moon's Path delineated. describes the curve B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, the Moon describes the curve be; and is at c, opposite to the Sun, when the Earth is at C. While the Earth describes the curve C 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, the Moon describes the curve cd; and is in her third quarter at d when the Earth is at D. And last- ly, while the Earth describes the curve D 23 24 25 26 27 28 29, the Moon describes the curve de ; and is again in conjunction at e with the Sun when the Earth is at E, between the 29th and 30th day of the Moon's age, accounted by the numeral figures from the new Moon at A. In describing the curve abode, the Moon goes round the progressive Earth as really as if she had kept in the dotted circle A, and the Earth continued immoveable in the centre of that circle. The ^ And thus we see that, although the Moon goes Motion ai- roun d the Earth in a circle, with respect to the ways con- Earth's centre, her real path in the heavens is not warVthe vei ^ different m appearance from the Earth's path. Sun. To shew that the Moon's path is concave to the Sun, even at the time of change, it is carried on a little farther into a second lunation, as tof. 267. The Moon's absolute motion from her change to her first quarter, or from a to 6, is so much slower than the Earth's, that she falls 240 thousand miles (equal to the semi-diameter of her orbit) be- hind the Earth at her first quarter in 6, when the Earth is at B ; that is, she falls back a space equal HOW her to her distance from the Earth. From that time her is alter mot * on * s gradually accelerated to her opposition or nateiyre- full at c, and then she is come upas far as the Earth, !ccti d ra nd k^g regained what she lost in her first quarter C ^ s *h\rd at c, and his fourth at d. ed. At the end of 24 terrestrial hours after this conjunc- tion, Jupiter has moved to , his. first moon or sa* tellite has described the curve a 1, his second the curve b 1, his third c 1, and his fourth d 1. The next day, when Jupiter is at C, his first satellite has abandon the Earth at the Time of her Change. 229 described the curve a 2, from its conjunction, his PI ^ E second the curve b 2, his third the curve c 2, and his fourth the curve d 2, and so on. The numeral figures under the capital letters shew Jupiter's place in his path every day for 18 days, accounted from A to T; and the like figures set to the paths of his satellites, shew where they are at the like times. The first satellite, almost under C, is stationary at -f, as seen from the Sun; and retrograde from -f to 2 : at 2 it appears stationary again, and thence it moves forward until it has passed 3, and is twice stationary and once retrograde between 3 and 4. The path of this satellite intersects itself every 42 hours, making such loops as in the diagram at 2. 3. 5. 7. 9. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18, a little after every conjunction. The second satellite , moving slow- er, barely crosses its path every 3 clays 13 hours; as at 4. 7. 11. 14, 18. making only 5 loops and as many conjunctions in the time that the first makes ten. The third satellite c, moving still slower, and having described the curve c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, comes to an angle at 7, in conjunction with the Sun, at the end of 7 days 4 hours ; and so goes on to describe such another curve 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, and is at 14 in its next conjunction. The fourth satellite d is always progressive, mak- ing neither loops nor angles in the heavens ; but comes to its next conjunction at e between Flff ' IIL the numeral figures 16 and 17, or in 16 days 18 hours. In order to have a tolerable good figure of the paths of these satellites, I took the following method. Having drawn their orbits on a card, in propor- tion to their relative distances from Jupiter, I mea- Fig. iv. sured the radius of the orbit of the fourth satellite, which was an inch and /^ parts of an inch ; then multiplied this by 424 for the radius of Jupiter's orbit, because Jupiter is 424 times as far from the Sun's centre as his fourth satellite is from his cen- tre, and the product thence arising was 483 -^ 230 The Paths of Jupiter's Moons delineated. PLATE i, lc hes. Then taking a small cord of this length, and fixing one end of it to the floor of a long room to by a nail, with a black-lead pencil at the other end * drew llie Clirve ^ C A &c. and set off a degree an d a half thereon, from A to T ; because Jupiter ter's moves only so much, while his outermost satellite >ns ' goes once round him, and somewhat more : so thai this small portion of so large a circle differs but ve- ry little from a straight line. This done I divided the space A T'mto 18 equal parts, as A B, B C, &c. for the daily progress of Jupiter ; and each part into 24 for his hourly progress. The orbit of each satellite was also divided into as many equal parts as the satellite is hours in finishing its synodi- cal period round Jupiter. Then drawing a right line through the centre of the card, as a diameter to all the four orbits upon it, I put the card upon the line of Jupiter's motion, and transferred it to ev- ery horary division thereon, keeping always the same diameter- line on the line of Jupiter's path ; and running a pin through each horary division in the orbit of each satellite as the card was gradually trans- ferred along the line ABCD, &c. of Jupiter's mo- tion, I marked points for every hour through the card for the curves described by the satellites, as the primary planet in the centre of the card was car- ried forward on the line ; and so finished the figure, by drawing the lines of each satellite's motion through those (almost innumerable) points : by which means, and Sa ^ s * s > P erna ps, as true a figure of the paths of these turn's.*" satellites as can be desired. And in the same man- ner might those of Saturn's satellites be delineated. The grand 270. It appears by the scheme, that the three first periods^of satellites come almost into the same line of position moons!" S every seventh day ; the first being only a little behind with the second, and the second behind with the 3d. But the period of the 4th satellite is so incommen- surate to the periods of the other three, that it cannot The Pat/is of Jupiter's Moons delineated. 231 PLATE VII. be guessed at by the diagram when it would fall again into a line of conjunction with them between Jupiter and the Sun. And no wonder; for suppos- ing them all to have been once in conjunction, it \\ ill require 3,087,043,493,260 years to bring them in conjunction again. See 73. 271. In Fig. 4th, we have the proportions of the Fig. IV. orbits of Saturn's five satellites, and of Jupiter's four, ?. pro " f - - t* iii* portions ox to one another, to our Moon's orbit, and to the disc the orbits of the Sun. S is the Sun ; M m the Moon's orbit Jj^** (the Earth supposed to be at E); /Jupiter j 1. 2. satellites, 3. 4, the orbits of his four moons or satellites; Sat. Saturn ; and 1. 2. 3.4. 5, the orbits of his five moons. Hence it appears, that the Sun would much more than fill the whole orbit of the Moon ; for the Sun's diameter is 763,000 miles, and the diameter of the Moon's orbit only 480,000. In proportion to all these orbits of the satellites, the radius of Saturn's annual orbit would be 2U yards, of Jupiter's orbit 11, and of the Earth's 2i, taking them in round numbers. 272. The annexed table shews at once what pro- portion the orbits, revolutions, and velocities of all the satellites bear to those of their primary planets, and what sort of curves the several satellites describe. For those satellites, whose velocities round their pri- maries are greater than the velocities of their prima- ries in open space, make loops at their conjunctions, 5 269 ; appearing retrograde as seen from the Sun svhile they describe the inferior parts of their orbits, and direct while they describe the superior. This is the case with Jupiter's first and second satellites, and with Saturn's first. But those satellites, whose velo- cities are less than the velocities of their primary pla- nets, move direct in their whole circumvolutions ; which is the case of the third and fourth satellites of Jupiter, and of the second, third, fourth, and fifth satellites of Saturn, as well as of our satellite the Moon : but the Moon is the only satellite whose motion is always concave to the Sun. Gg 232 The Curves described by the secondary Planets. The Satellites Proportion of the Radius of thePlanet'sOr- bit to the Ra- dius of the Or- bit of each Sa- tellite. Proportion of the Time of the Planet's Revolution to the Revolution of each Satel- lite. Proportion ofS the Velocity of? each Satellite S to the Velocity 5 the ecliptic touching both the tropics, which are 47 degrees from each other, and.^fjftthe horizon. The equator being in the middle between the tropics, is cut by the ecliptic in two opposite points, which are the beginnings of v Aries and =^ Libra ; K is the hour-circle with its index, F the north pole of the globe elevated to a considerable latitude, suppose 40 degrees above the horizon ; and P the south pole depressed as much Fi s . HI, below it. Because of the oblique position of the sphere in this latitude, the eeliptic has the high ele- vation N 25 above the horizon, making the angle The differ- AT/25 of 73 degrees with it when 25 Cancer is on^ d ^ es the meridian, at which time =2= Libra rises in the the eciip- east. But let the globe be turned half round its axis, H c and ho * till >5 Capricorn comes to the meridian and 12 / 8 I 13 39 S 1 3 21 1 10 47 > 14 X? 4 1 4 56 S 15 17 46 1 5 ^ 16 yyy i 40 1 8S 17 14 35 1 12 ? 18 27 30 1 15 S 19 X 10 25 1 16 J 20 23 20 1 17 S 2] cy> 24 16 24 1 15 S 25 29 30 1 14 Jj 26 n is 40 1 13 S 27 26 56 1 7S 28 25 9 I 00 58 S conds upon the Sun every day ; so that a sideral day con- tains only 23 hours 56 minutes of mean solar time ; and a natural or solar day 24 hours. Hence 12 sideral hours are one minute 58 seconds shorter than 12 solur hours. Of the Harvest-Moon. 237 PLATE III. period round the ecliptic, and gets 9 degrees into the same sign from the beginning of which she set out. Thus it appears by the table,that when the Moon is in *% and =& she rises an hour and a quarter later every day than she rose on the former ; and differs only 28, 24, 20, 18 or 17 minutes in setting. But, when she comes to X and V, she is only 20 or 17 minutes later in rising ; and an hour and a quarter later in setting. 278. All these things will be made plain by put- ting small patches on the ecliptic of a globe, as far from one another as the Moon moves from any point of the celestial ecliptic in 24 hours, which at a mean rate is* 13j degrees; and then, in turning the globe round, observe the rising and setting of the patches in the horizon, as the index points out the different times on the hour-circle. A few of these patches are represented by dots at 1 2 3, &c. on the ecliptic, Fig. ni which has the position Z/7/when Aries rises in the east ; and by the dots 0123, &x. when Libra rises in the east, at which time the ecliptic has the posi- tion EUv3 : making an angle of 62 degrees with the horizon in the latter case, and an angle of no more than 15 degrees with it in the former ; suppos- ing the globe rectified to the latitude of London. 279. Having rectified the globe, turn it until the patch at 0, about the beginning of x Pisces in the half LUI Q the ecliptic, comes to the eastern side of the horizon; and then, keeping the ball steady, set the hour-index to XII, because that hour may perhaps be more easily remembered than any other. Then turn the globe round westward, and in that time, suppose the patch to' have moved thence- * The Sun advances almost a degree in the ecliptic in 24 hours, the same way that the Moon moves ; and therefore the Moon by advancing 13 degrees in that time, goes lit- tle more than 12 degrees farther from the Sun than she was on the day before. 238 Of the Harvest-Moon. to 1, 13 J degrees, while the Earth turns once round its axis, and you will see that 1 rises only about 20 minutes later than did on the day before. Turn the globe round again, and in that time suppose the same patch to have moved from 1 to 2 ; and it will rise only 20 minutes later by the hour- index than it did at 1 on the day or turn before. At the end of the next turn suppose the patch to have gone from 2 to 3 at 7, and it will rise 20 minutes later than it did at 2, and so on for six turns, in which time there will scarce be two hours difference ; nor would there have been so much, if the 6 degrees of the Sun's motion in that time had been allowed for. At the first turn the patch rises south of the east, at the middle turn due east, and at the last turn north of the east. But these patches will be 9 hours in setting on the western side of the horizon, which shews that the Moon's setting will be so much retarded in that week in which she moves through these two signs. The cause of this difference is evident ; for Pisces and Aries make only an angle of 15 degrees with the horizon when they rise ; but they make an angle of 62 degrees with it when they set. As the signs Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra, rise successively, the angle increases gradually which they make with the horizon, and decreases in the same proportion as they set. And for that reason, the Moon differs gradually more in the time of her rising every day while she is in these signs, and less in her setting : after which, through the other six signs, viz. Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, the rising-difference becomes less every day, until it be at the least of all, namely, in Pisces and Aries. 280. The Moon goes round the ecliptic in 27 days 8 hours : but not from change to change in less than 29 days 12 hours : so that she is in Pisces and Aries at least once in every lunation, and in some lunations twice. Of the Hai~vest-MooK. 239 281. If the Earth had no annual motion, the why the :Sun would never appear to shift his place in the *jy s is ecliptic. And then every new Moon would fall in full in dif- the samesign and degree of the ecliptic, and every ^? r ^ t full Moon in the opposite: for the Moon would go b ' &ns precisely round the ecliptic from change to change. -So that if the Moon were once full in Pisces or Aries, she would aiways be full when she came round to the same sign and degree again- And as the full Moon rises at sun- set (because when any point of the ecliptic sets, the opposite point rises) she would constantly rise within two hours of sun-set, on the parallel of London, during the week in which she was full. But in the time that the Moon goes round the ecliptic from any conjunction or opposi- tion, the Earth goes almost a sign forward : and therefore the Sun will seem to go as far forward in that time, namely, 27| degrees ; so that the Moon must go 27 degrees more than round, and as much farther as the Sun advances in that interval, which is 2^ degrees, before she can be in conjunc- tion with, or opposite to the Sun again. Hence it is evident that there can be but one conjunction or opposition of the Sun and Moon in a year in any Her peri- particular part of the ecliptic. This may be fami- odical and liarly exemplified by the hour and minute-hands oi revolution a watch, which are never in conjunction or oppo- exempiifi- sition in that part of the dial-plate where they were ed * so last before. And indeed if we compare the . twelve hours on the dial-plate to the twelve signs of the ecliptic, the hour-hand to the Sun, and the minute-hand to the Moon, we shall have a tolerable near resemblance in miniature to the motions of our great celestial luminaries. The only difference is, that while the Sun goes once round the ecliptic, the Moon makes \^\ conjunctions with him: but, while the hour-hand goes round the dial-plate, the minute - hand makes only 11 conjunctions with it; because the minute-hand moves slower in respect to the hour- Hh 240 Of the 'Harvest-Mom. hand than the Moon does with regard to the Sun, ve^t and . 282 ' AS the M n Can nCVer be ^ u11 bllt wnen shfe Hunter's opposite to the Sun, and the Sun is never in Vir- Moon. go ai.d Libra, but in our autumnal months, it is p-'iin that the Moon is never full in the opposite signs, Pisces and Aries, but in these two months. And thercibre we can have only two full Moons in the year, which rise so near the time of sun-set for a week together, as above-mentioned. The former of these is called the Harvest Moon, and the latter the Hunters Moon. Why the 283. Here it will probably be asked, why we ne- regular ri- ver observe this remarkable rising of the Moon but is ne- in harvest, seeing she is in Pisces and Aries twelve times * n ^ ie ^ car bes ^ es > an( ^ must then rise with in harvest, as little difference of time as in harvest? The answer is plain : for in winter these signs rise at noon ; and being then only a quarter of a circle distant from the Sun, the Moon in them is in her first quarter : but when the Sun is above the horizon, the Moon's rising is neither regarded nor perceived. In spring these signs rise with the Sun, because he is then in them ; and as the Moon changes in them at that time of the year, she is quite invisible. In sum- mer they rise about midnight, and the Sun being then three signs, or a quarter of a circle before them, the Moon is in them about her third quarter ; and when rising so late, and giving but very lit- tle light, her rising passes unobserved. And in autumn these signs, being opposite to the Sun, rise when he sets, with the Moon in opposition, or at the full, which makes her rising very conspi- cuous. 284. At the equator, the north and south poles lie in the horizon ; and therefore the ecliptic makes the same angle southward with the horizon, when Aries rise b, as it does northward when Libra rises. Conse- quently as the Moon at ail the fore-mentioned patches rises and sets nearly at equal angles with the horizon Of the Harvest-Moon. 24J all the year round, and about 50 minutes later eve- ry day or night than on the preceding, there can be no particular harvest- moon at the equator. 285. The farther that any place is from the equa- tor, if it be not beyond the polar circle, the angle gradually diminishes which the ecliptic and horizon make when Pisces and Aries rise : and therefore when the Moon is in these signs she rises with a nearly proportionable difference later every day than on the former ; and is for that reason the more remark- able about the full, until we come to the polar cir- cles, or 66 degrees from the equator ; in which latitude the ecliptic and horizon become coincident every day for a moment, at the same sidereal hour (or 3 minutes 56 seconds sooner every day than the former), and the very next moment one half of the ecliptic, containing Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, rises, and the oppo- site half sets. Therefore, while the Moon is going from the beginning of Capricorn to the beginning of Cancer, which is almost 14 days, she rises at the same sidereal hour; and in autumn just at sun-set, because all the half of the ecliptic, in which the Sun is at that time, sets at the same sidereal hour, and the opposite half rises ; that is, 3 minutes 56 seconds of mean solar time, sooner every day than on the day before. So while the Moon is going from Capricorn to Cancer, she rises earlier every day than on the preceding ; contrary to what she does at all places between the polar circles. But during the above fourteen days, tae Moon is 24 si- dereal hours later in setting ; for the six signs which rise all at once on the eastern side of the horizon are 24 hours in setting on the western side of it ; as any one may see by making chalk- marks at the be- ginning of Capricorn and of Cancer, and then, having elevated the pole 66^ degrees, turn the globe slowly round its axis, and observe the rising and setting of the ecliptic. As the beginning of Aries 242 Of the Harvest-Moon* is equally distant from the beginning of Cancer and ot Capricorn, it is in the middle of that hall oi the ecliptic which rises all at once. And when the Sun is at the beginning of Libra, he is in the middle of the other half. Therefore, when the Sun is in Li- bra, and the Moon in Capricorn, the Moon is a quarter of a circle before the Sun ; opposite to him, and consequently full in Aries, and a quarter of a circle hehind him, when in Cancer. But when Li- bra rises, Aries sets, and all that half of the eclip- tic of w hich Aries is the middle, and therefore, at that time of the year, the Moon rises at sun- set from her first to her third quarter. The bar. 286. In northern latitudes, the autumnal full moons re- Moons are in Pisces and Aries > and the vernal full guiaron Moons in Virgo and Libra: in southern latitudes, of t th e S)deS J ust tne reverse ? because the seasons are contrary. equator. But Virgo and Libra rise at as small angles with the horizon in southern latitudes, as Pisces and Aries do in the northern ; and therefore the harvest- moons are just as regular on one side of the equator as on the other. 287. As these signs, which rise with the least angles, set with the greatest, the vernal full Moons differ as much in their times of rising every night, as the autumnal full Moons differ in their times of setting ; and set with as little difference as the au- tumnal full Moons rise : the one being in all cases the reverse of the other. 288. Hitherto, for the sake of plainness, we have supposed the Moon to move in the ecliptic, from which the Sun never deviates. But the orbit in which the Moon really moves is different from the ecliptic : one half being elevated 5^ degrees above it, and the other half as much depressed be- low it. The Moon's orbit therefore intersects the ecliptic in tw T o points diametrically opposite to each other ; and these intersections are called the Moon's nodes. So the Moon can never be in the ecliptic Of the Harvest-Moon. 243 but when she is in either of her nodes, which is at JJlL^ least twice in every course from change to change, and sometimes thrice. For, as the Moon goes al- most a whole sign more than round her orbit from change to change ; if she passes by either node about the time of change, she will pass by the other in about fourteen days after, and come round to the former node two days again before the next change. That node from which the Moon be- gins to ascend northward, or above the ecliptic, in. northern latitudes, is called the ascending node; and the other the descending node; because the Moon, when she passes by it, descends below the ecliptic southward. 289. The Moon's oblique motion with regard to the ecliptic causes some difference in the times of her rising and setting from what is already men- tioned. For when she is northward of the eclip- tic, she rises sooner and sets later than if she mov- ed in the ecliptic ; and w ? hen she is southward of the ecliptic, she rises later and sets sooner. This difference is variable even in the same signs, be- cause the nodes shift backward about 19-| degrees in the ecliptic every year ; and so go round it con- trary to the order of signs in 18 years 225 days. 290. When the ascending node is in Aries, the southern half of the Moon's orbit makes an angle of 5-J- degrees less yvith the horizon than the eclip- tic does, when Aries rises in northern latitudes: for which reason the Moon rises with less difference of time while she is in Pisces and Aries, than she would do if she kept in the ecliptic. But in 9 years and 112 days afterward, the descending node comes to Aries ; and then the Moon's orbit makes an angle 5~ degrees greater with the horizon when Aries rises, than the ecliptic does at that time; which causes the Moon to rise with greater differ- ence of time in Pisces 3nd Aries than if she mov- ed in the eclipti.c. 244 Of the Harvest-Moon. 291. To be a little more particular, when the ascending node is in Aries, the angle is only 9| le- grees on the parallel of London when Aries rises. But when the descending node comes to Aries, the angle is 20^ degrees; this occasions as great a dif- ference of the Moon's rising in the same signs eve- ry nine years, as there would be on two parallels 10-f degrees from one another, if the Moon's course were in the ecliptic. The following table shews how much the obliquity of the Moon's orbit affects her rising and setting on the parallel of London, from the 12th to the 18th day of her age; suppos- ing her to be full at the autumnal equinox : and then, either in the ascending node, highest part of her orbit, descending node, or lowest part of her orbit. Jl/ signifies morning, A afternoon : and the line at the foot of the table shews a week's difference in rising and setting. S ' Full in her Ascend- ing Node. In the highest pt. of her Orbit. Full in her Descend- ing Node. In the lowest pt. of \ her Orbit. L *J Rises at Sots at Rises at Sets at Rises at Sets at Rises at Sets at S S'S H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. S s -_ 3M 5 A 15 3M.-0 4 A 30 3Afl5 4 A 32 3Af40 5 A 16 S 13 5 32 4 25 4 50 4 45 5 15 4 20 6 4 15 V Sl4 5 48 5 30 5 15 6 5 45 5 40 6 20 5 28 S S 15 6 5 7 5 4-2 7 20 6 15 6 56 6 45 6 32 S S16 6 20 8 15 6 2 8 35 6 46 8 7 8 7 45 < Sir 6 36 9 12 6 26 9 45 7 18 9 15 7 30 9 15 S Jj 18 6 54 10 30 7 10 40 8 10 20 7 52 10 OS S Diff. 13 9 7 10 2 30 7 25 3 28 6 40 2 36 7 c This table was not computed, but only estimated as near as could be done from a common globe, on which the Moon's orbit was delineated with a black- lead pencil. It may at first sight appear erroneous ; since as we have supposed the Moon to be full in either node at the autumnal equinox, ought by the Of the Harvest-Moon. 245 table to rise just at six o'clock, or at sun-set, on the ISthday of her age; being in the ecliptic at that time. But it must be considered, that the Moon is only 14 days old when she is full ; and therefore in both cases she is a little past the node on the 15th day, being above it at one time, and below it at the other. 292. As there is a complete revolution of the The peri- nodes in 18f years, there must be a regular period j of all the varieties which can happen in the rising moon, and setting of the Moon during that time. But this shifting of the nodes never affects the Moon's rising so much, even in her quickest descending latitude, as not to allow us still the benefit of her rising nearer the time of sun- set for a few day together about the full in harvest, than when she is full at any other time of the year. The following table shews in what years the harvest- moons are least beneficial as to the times of their rising, and in what years most, from 1751 to 1861. The column of years under the let- ter L are those in which the harvest- moons are least of all beneficial, because they fall about the descend- ing node: and those under J/are the most of all beneficial, because they fall about the ascending node. In all the columns from N to S the harvest- moons descend gradually in the lunar orbit, and rise to less heights above the horizon. From S to A" they ascend in the same proportion, and rise to great- er heights above the horizon. In both the columns under , the harvest- moons are in the lowest part of the Moon's orbit, that is, farthest south of the ecliptic, and therefore stay shortest of all above the horizon : in the columns under A", just the reverse. And in both cases, their risings, though not at the same times, are nearly the same with regard to dif- ference of time, as if the Moon's orbit were coinci- dent with the ecliptic. 246 Of the Harvest-Moon. Years in which the Harvest- Moons are least bentjicial. N L S 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 17.77 1778 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 t 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 Years in which they are most beneficial. S M N 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 176? 1768 1769 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 18u6 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 The long- continu- ance of moon- light at the poles. 293. At the polar circles, when the Sun touches the summer-tropic, he continues 24 hours above the horizon; and 24 hours below it when he touches the winter-tropic. For the same reason the full Moon neither rises in summer, nor sets in winter, considering her as moving in the ecliptic. For the winter full Moon being as high in the ecliptic as the summer Sun, must therefore continue as long above the horizon ; and the summer full Moon being as low in the ecliptic as the winter Sun, can no more rise than he does. But these are only the two full Moons which happen about the tropics, for all the others rise and set. In summer the full Moons are low, and their stay is short above the horizon, when the nights are short, and we have least occasion for moon-light : in winter they go high, and stay long above the horizon, when the nights are long, and we want the greatest quantity of moon- light. 294. At the poles, one half of the ecliptic never sets, and the other half never rises : and therefore, as the Sun is always half a year in describing one half of the ecliptic, and as long in going through The long Duration of Moon- light at the Poles. 24! the other half, it is natural to imagine that the Sun continues half a year together above the horizon of each pole in its turn, and as long below it ; rising to one pole when he sets to the other. This would be exactly the case if there were no refraction ; but by the atmosphere's refracting the Sun's rays, he be- comes visible some days sooner, 183, and contin- ues some days longer in sight than he would other- wise do : so that he appears above the horizon of ei- ther pole before he has got below the horizon of the other. And, as he never goes more than 23- de- grees below the horizon of the poles, they have very little dark night ; it being twilight there as well as at all other places, till the Sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, 177. The full Moon being al- ways opposite to the Sun, can never be seen while the Sun is above the horizon, except when the Moon fulls in the northern half of her orbit ; for whenever any point of the ecliptic rises, the opposite point sets. Therefore, as the Sun is above the horizon of the north pole from the 20th of March till the 23d of September, it is plain that the Moon, when full, be- ing opposite to the Sun, must be below the horizon during that half of the year. But when the Sun is in the southern half of the ecliptic, he never rises to the north pole, during which half of the year, every full Moon happens in some part of the northern half of the ecliptic, which never sets. Consequently, as the polar inhabitants never see the full Moon in sum- mer, they have her always in the winter, before, at, and after the full, shining for 14 of our clays and nights. And when the Sun is at his greatest depression below the horizon, being then in Capri- corn, the Moon is at her first quarter in Aries, full in Cancer, and at her third quarter in Libra. And as the beginning of Aries is the rising point of the ecliptic, Cancer the highest, and Libra the setting point, the Moon rises at her first quarter in Aries, is most elevated above the horizon, and full in Can- cer, and sets at the beginning of Libra in her third I i 248 The long Duration of Moon-light at the Poles. PLATE VIII. quarter, having continued visible for 14 diurnal ro- tations of the Earth. Thus the poles are supplied one half of the winter-time with constant moon, light in the Sun's absence ; and only lose sight of the Moon from her third to her first quarter, while she gives but very little light, and could be but of lit- v. tie, and sometimes of no service to them. A bare view of the figure will make this plain : in which let 8 be the Sun, e the Earth in summer, when its jiorth pole n inclines toward the Sun, and E the Earth in winter, when its north pole declines from him. SEN and NIPS is the horizon of the north pole, which is coincident with the equator ; and, in both these positions of the Earth, & V? is the Moon's orbit, in which she goes round the Earth, according to the order of the letters abed, ABCD. When the Moon is at , she is in her third quarter to the Earth at e, and just rising to the north pole n; at b she changes, and is at the greatest height above the horizon, as the Sun likewise is; at c she is in her first quarter, setting below the horizon ; and is lowest of all under it at c/, when opposite to the Sun, and her enlightened side toward the Earth. But then she is full in view to the south pole p ; which is as much turned from the Sun as the north pole inclines toward him. Thus in our summer, the Moon is above the horizon of the north pole, while she describes the northern half of the ecliptic T 25 =3= , or from her third quarter to her first ; and below the horizon during her progress through the southern half =2= yj v ; highest at the change, most depressed at the full. But in winter, when the Earth is at E, and its north pole declines from the Sun, the new Moon at D is at her greatest depres- sion below the horizon A/FiS 1 , and the lull Moon at B at her greatest height above it ; rising at her first quarter A, and keeping above the horizon till she comes to her third quarter C. At a mean state she is 123|- degrees above the horizon at B and b, and as much below it at D and d, equal to the inclination Of the Tides. 249 of the Earth's axis F. S & or S v$ is, as it were, a ray of light proceeding from the Sun to the Earth ; and shews that when the Earth is at e, the Sun is above the horizon, vertical to the tropic of Cancer; and when the Earth is at E, he is below the horizon, vertical to the tropic of Capricorn. CHAP. XVII. Of the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea. HE cause of the tides was discovered by KEPLER, who, in his /;/ 1 reduction to the Physics of the Heavens, thus explains it : " The The cause orb of the attracting power, which is in the Moon, . f 1 the 1 . i i r A frxLut i j ' tides dis- is extended as far as the Earth ; and draws the wa- coveredby ters under the torrid zone, acting upon places where KEPLER. it is vertical, insensibly on confined seas and bays, but sensibly on the ocean, whose beds are large, and the waters have the liberty of reciprocation ; that is, of rising and falling." And in the 70th page of his Lunar Astronomy " But the cause of the tides of the sea appears to be the bodies of the Sun and Moon drawing the waters of the sea." This hint being given, the immortal Sir ISAAC Their the- NEWTON improved it, and wrote so amply on the 01 "?? 115 ?" . . c. , r .< . ved by Sir subject, as to make the theory or the tides in a ISAAC manner quite his own; by discovering the cause of NEWTON - their rising on the side of the Earth opposite to the Moon. For KEPLER believed, that the presence of the Moon occasioned an impulse which caused another in her absence. 296. It has been already shewn, $ 106, that Explain- the power of gravity diminishes as the square oft? OI ? th - e , \. . P , 4 y Newtoni- the distance increases ; and therefore the waters at a n princi- Z, on the side of the Earth ABCDEFGH nextP 1 ^- the Moon M, are more attracted than the central P L ATR parts of the Earth by the Moon, and the central IX * parts are more attracted by her than the waters on Tig. I. the opposite side of the Earth at n : and there- 250 Of the Tides. PLATE fore the distance between the Earth's centre and the waters on its surface under and opposite to the Moon will be increased. For, let there be three bodies at //, 0, and/).- if they be all equally at- tracted by the body M, they will all move equally fast toward it, their mutual distances from each other continuing the same. If the attraction of M be unequal, then that body which is most strongly attracted will move fastest, and this will increase its distance from the other body. Therefore, by the law of gravitation, M \vi\\ attract //more strongly than it does 0, by which the distance between H and O will be increased : and a spectator on O will perceive H rising higher toward Z. In like manner, O being more strongly attracted than /), it will move farther toward M than D does : consequently, the distance between and D will be increased ; and a spectator on O, not perceiving his own motion, will see D receding farther from him toward n : all effects and appearances being the same, whether D recedes from O 9 or from /). 297. Suppose now there is a number of bodies, as A, B, C, /), E, F, G, H, placed round O, so as to form a flexible or fluid ring : then, as the whole is attracted towards M, the parts at H and D will have their distance from O increased ; while the parts at B and F, being nearly at the same dis- tance from Mas O is, these parts will not recede from one another ; but rather, by the oblique attrac- tion oi'My they will approach nearer to O. Hence, the fluid ring will form itself into an ellipse Z I B L n K F N Z, whose longer axis n Z produced will pass through M, and its shorter axis B F will terminate in B and F. Let the ring be filled with fluid particles, so as to form a sphere round 0; then, as the whole moves toward M, the fluid sphere being lengthened at Z and n> will assume an ob- long or oval form. If M be the Moon, O the Earth's centre, ABCDEFGH the sea covering the Of the Tides. 251 Earth's surface, it is evident, by the above reason- } ing, that while the Earth by its gravity falls toward the Moon, the water directly below her at B will swell and rise gradually toward her : also the water at D will recede from the centre (strictly speaking, the centre recedes from D), and rise on the opposite side of the Earth : while the water at B and JP is depressed, and falls below the former level. Hence, as the Earth turns round its axis from the Moon to the Moon again, in 24| hours, there will be two tides of flood and two of ebb in that time, as we find by experience. 298. As this explanation of the ebbing and flow- ing of the sea, is deduced from the Earth's con- stantly falling toward the Moon by the power of gra- vity, some may find a difficulty in Conceiving how this is possible, when the Moon is full, or in oppo- sition to the Sun ; since the Earth revolves about the Sun, and must continually fall toward it, and therefore cannot fall contrary ways at the same time : or, if the Earth be constantly falling toward the Moon, they must come together at last. To remove this difficulty, let it be considered, that it is not the cen- tre of the Earth that describes the annual orbit round the Sun, but the* common centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon together : and that while the Earth is moving round the 'Sun, it also describes a circle round that centre of gravity ; going as many times round it in one revolution about the Sun as there are lunations or courses of the Moon round the Earth in a year : and therefore, the Earth is con- stantly falling toward the Moon from a tangent to the circle it describes round the said common cen- tre of gravity. Let Mbe the Moon, T W part of * This centre is as much nearer the Earth's centre than the Moon's, as the Earth is heavier, or contains a greater quantity of matter than the Moon, namely, about 40 times. It^both bodies were suspended on it, they would hang in equilibria. So that divid- ing 240,000 miles, the Moon's distance from the Earth's centre, by 40, the excess of the Earth's weight above the Moon's, the quotient will be 6000 miles, which is the distance of the common centre of gravity of the Earth and Moon from the Earth's centre. 252 Of the Tides. PLATE the Moon's orbit, and C the centre of gravity of the Earth ;ind Moon; while the Moon goes round Fig. ii. her orbit, the centre of the Earth describes the cir- cle dg around C, to which circle ga k is a tangent: and therefore, when the Moon has gone from M to a little past W, the Earth has moved from g to e; and in that time has fallen toward the Moon, from the tangent at a to c ; and so on, round the whole circle. 299. The Sun's influence in raising the tides is but small in comparison of the Moon's ; for though the Earth's diameter bears a considerable propor- tion to its distance from the Moon, it is next to no- thing when compared to its distance from the Sun. And therefore, the difference of the Sun's attrac- tion on the sidfts of the Earth under and opposite to him, is much less than the difference of the Moon's attraction on the sides of the Earth under and opposite to her : and therefore the Moon must raise the tides much higher than they can be raised by the Sun. why the 300. On this theory, so far as we have explained n $ ^05, * s f course nearer to it in equnox es, and February and October, than in March and Septem- ber ; and therefore the greatest tides happen not till some time after the autumnal equinox, and return a little before the vernal. The tides The sea being thus put in motion, would conti- ul i" otnue to ebb and flow for several times, even though ate i ycea " ge the Sun and Moon were annihilated, or their influ- upon the eiice should cease : as if a bason of water were agi- tionof the tate< ^' tne water would continue to move for some Sun and time after the bason was left to stand still. Or like Moon. a p enc iulum, w hich, having been put in motion by the hand, continues to make several vibrations with- out any hew impulse. The lunar 304. When the Moon is in the equator, the tides The Tides are ec l lia % high m ^ otn P arts ^ tne ^ unar day, or rise 3 to 1 es time of the Moon's revolving from the meridian to unequal the meridian again, which is 24 hours 50 minutes. the & same m ^ ut as tne Moon declines from the equator toward day, and either pole, the tides are alternately higher and lower at places having north or south latitude. For one of the highest elevations, which is that under the Moon, follows her toward the pole to which she is nearest, and the other declines toward the opposite pole; each ele- vation describing parallels as far distant from the equa- tor, on opposite sides, as the Moon declines from it to either side ; and consequently, the parallels de- scribed by these elevations of the water are twice as many degrees from one another, as the Moon is from the equator; increasing their distance as the Moon Of the Ticks. 255 increases her declination, till it be at the greatest, when the said parallels are, at a mean state, 47 de- grees from one another : and on that day, the tides are most unequal in their heights. As the Moon re- turns toward the equator, the parallels described by the opposite elevations approach toward each other, until the Moon comes to the equator, and then they coincide. As the Moon declines towards the oppo- site pole, at equal distances, each elevation describes the same parallel in the other part of the lunar day, which its opposite elevation described before. While the Moon has north declination, the greatest tides in the northern hemisphere are when she is above the horizon, and the reverse while her decli- nation is south. Let N E S Q be the Earth, JV C S Fi ff . Hi* its axis, E Q the equator, T 25 the tropic of Can- IV * ^- cer, t V5 the tropic of Capricorn, a b the arctic cir- cle, edthe antarctic, JVthe north pole, S the south pole, Jl/the Moon, F and G the two eminences of water, whose lowest parts are at #and d (Fig. III.) at AT and S (Fig. IV.) and at b and c (Fig. V.) al- ways 90 degrees from the highest. Now when the Moon is in her greatest north declination at j\f, the highest elevation G under her, is . on the tropic of Cancer T 25, and the opposite elevation F on the Fig, lit, tropic of Capricorn, t vj ; and these two elevations describe the tropics by the Earth's diurnal rotation. All places in the northern hemisphere E N Q have the highest tides when they come into the po- sition b gs Q, under the Moon; and the lowest tides when the Earth's diurnal rotation carries them into the position a T E, on the side opposite to the Moon ; the reverse happens at the same time in the southern hemisphere E S Q, as is evident to sight. The axis of the tides a C d has now its poles a and d (being always 90 degrees from the highest eleva- tions) in the arctic and antarctic circles ; and there- fore it is plain, that at these circles there is but one tide Kk Of the Tides. PLATE IX. of flood and one of ebb, in the lunar day. For, when the point a revolves half round to />, in 12 lunar hours it Fi - 1V - has a tide of flood; but when itcomes tothe same point a again in 12 hours more, it has the lowest ebb. In seven days afterward, the Moon M comes to the equinoctial circle, and is over the equator E Q, when both elevations describe the equator ; and in both hemispheres, at equal distances from the equator, the tides are equally high in both parts of the lunar day. The whole phenomena being reversed, when Fig. v. the Moon has south declination, to what they W 7 ere when her declination was north, require no farther description. 305. In the three last-mentioned figures, the earth is orthographically projected on the plane of the me- ridian ; but in order to describe a particular pheno- menon, we now project it on the plane of the ecliptic, rig. vi. Let HZO A'be the earth and sea, FE D the equa- tor, T the tropic of Cancer, C the arctic circle, P the north pole, and the curves 1, 2, 3, &c. 24 meri- dians, or hour-circles, intersecting each other in the When poles; AGMis the Moon's orbit, S the Sun, M are equal- tne Moon, Zthe water elevated under the Moon, and ly high in JVthe opposite equal elevation. As the lowest parts da 6 "the 6 of tlie water are ahva } TS 90 degrees from the highest, arrive aT when the Moon is in either of the tropics (as at M) unequal ^ e l ev ation Z is oil the tropic of Capricorn, and the intervals . , , r /-< of time ; opposite elevation N on the tropic of Lancer ; the andsofce low- water circle HC touches the polar circles at C, and the high- water circle E TP 6 goes over the poles at P, and divides every parallel of latitude into two equal segments. In this case, the tides upon every parallel are alternately higher and lower; but they' return in equal times : the point T, for example, ' on the tropic of Cancer (where the depth of the tide is represented by the breaclth of the dark shade) has a shallower tide of flood at T, than when it revolves half round from thence to 6, according to the order Of the Tufa. 257 of the numeral figures ; but it revolves as soon from 6 to T^as it did from Tto 6. When the Moon is in the equinoctial, the elevations Z and A* are trans- ferred to the equator at and //, and the high and low- water circles are got into each other's former places; in which case the tides return in unequal times, but arc equally high ii* parts of the lunar day : for a place at 1 (under D] revolving as formerly, goes sooner from 1 to 11 (under F) than from 11 to 1, because the parallel it describes is cut into unequal segments by the high- water circle IICO : but the points 1 and 11 being equidistant from the pole of the tides at C, which is directly under the pole of the Moon's orbit MGA, the elevations are equally high in both parts of the day. 306. And thus it appears, that as the tides are go- verned by the Moon, they must turn on the axis of the Moon's orbit, which is inclined 23~ degrees to the Earth's axis at a mean state : and therefore the poles of the tides must be so many degrees from the poles of the Earth, or in opposite points of the polar circles, going round these circles in every lunar day. It is true, that according to Fig. IV. when the Moon is vertical to the Equator -ECQ, the poles of the tides seem to fall- in with the poles of the world A" and S; but when we consider that FGH is under the Moon's orbit, it will appear, that when the Moon is over //, in the tropic of Capricorn, the north pole of the tides (which can be no more than 90 degrees from under the Moon) must be at C in the arctic circle, not at P, the north pole of the Earth ; and as the Moon ascends from Hto G in her orbit, the north pole of the tides must shift from c to a in the arctic circle, and the south pole as much in the an- tarctic. It is not to be doubted, but that the Earth's quick rotation brings the poles of the tides nearer to the 258 Of the Tides. poles of the world, than they would be if the Earth were at rest, and the Moon revolved about it only once a month; for otherwise the tides would be more unequal in their heights, and times of their returns, than we find they are. But how near the Earth's rotation may bring the poles of its axis and those of the tides together, or how far the preceding tides may affect those which follow, so as to make them keep up nearly to the same heights, and times of ebbing and flowing, is a problem more fit to be solved by observation than by theory. Those who have opportunity to makt obser- vations, and choose to satisfy themselves whether may ex- the tides are really affected in the above manner by latest tne different positions of the Moon, especially as to and least the unequal times of their returns, may take this ge- neral rule for knowing when they ought to be so af- fected. When the Earth's axis inclines to the Moon, the northern tides, if not retarded in their passage through shoals and channels, nor affected by the winds, ought to be greatest when the Moon is above the horizon, least when she is below it ; and quite the reverse when the Earth's axis declines from her : but in both cases, at equal intervals of time. When the Earth's axis inclines sidewise to the Moon, both tides are equally high, but they happen at unequal intervals of time. In every lunation, the Earth's axis inclines once to the Moon, once from her, and twice sidewise to her, as it does to the Sun every year : because the Moon goes round the ecliptic eve- ry month, and the Sun but once in a year. In sum- mer, the Earth's axis inclines toward the Moon when new ; and therefore the day-tides in the north ought to be highest, and night- tides lowest, about the change : at the full the reverse. At the quarters they ought to be equally high, but unequal in their returns ; because the Earth's axis then inclines side- Of the Tides. 295 wise to the Moon. In winter, the phenomena are the same at full Moon as in summer at new. In au- tumn, the Earth's axis inclines sidewise to the Moon when new and full ; therefore the tides ought to be equally high, and unequal in their returns at these times. At the first quarter, the tides of flood should be least when the Moon is above the horizon, great- est when she is below it; and the reverse at her third quarter. In spring, the phenomena of the first quar- ter answer to those of the third quarter in autumn ; and vice versa. The nearer any time is to either of these seasons, the more the tides partake of the phe- nomena of these seasons ; and in the middle between any two of them, the tides are at a mean state be- tween those "Df both. 308. In open seas, the tides rise but to very small Why the heights in proportion to what they do in wide-mouth- ^erln ed rivers, opening in the direction of the stream of rivers than tide. For, in channels growing narrower gradually, in the se * the water is accumulated by the opposition of the contracting bank. Like a gentle wind, little felt on an open plane, but strong and brisk in a street; es- pecially if the wider end of the street be next the plane, and in the way of the wind. 309. The tides are so retarded in their passage The tides through different shoals and channels, and otherwise ^diilian- so variously affected by striking against capes and ces of the headlands, that to different places they happen at all ]^ n the distances of the Moon from the meridian ; conse- meridian quently at all hours of the lunar day. The tide pro- a * t di ^ c r e " s pagated by the Moon in the German ocean when and P why. S ' she is three hours past the meridian, takes 12 hours to come from thence to London-bridge ; where it ar- rives by the time that a new tide is raised in the ocean. And therefore when the Moon has north de- cimation, and we should expect the tide at London to be greatest when the Moon is above the horizon, we find it is least; and the contrary when she has 260 Of the Tides. south declination. At several places it is high-water three hours before the Moon comes to the meridian ; but that tide which the Moon pushes as it were be- fore her, is only the tide opposite to that which was raised by her when she was nine hours past the op- posite meridian. The water 310. There are no tides in lakes, because tbey hi iakes! 6Sare generally so small, that when the Moon is verti- cal she attracts every part of them alike, and there- fore by rendering all the water equally light, no part of it can be raised higher than another. The Medi- terranean and Baltic seas have very small elevations, because the inlets by which they communicate with the ocean are so narrow, that they cannot in so short a time receive or discharge enough to raise or sink their surfaces sensibly. The Moon 311. Air being lighter than water, and the sur- tkies S inthe^ ace ^ ^ e atm osphere being nearer to the Moon air. than the surface of the sea, it cannot be doubted that the Moon raises much higher tides in the air than in the sea. And therefore many have wondered why the mercury does not sink in the barometer when the Moon's action on the particles of air makes them lighter as she passes over the meridian. But Wh the we must consider, that as these particles are render- mercury ed lighter, a greater number of them is accumulated, in the bar- un til the deficiency of gravity be made up by the n^Tlffec*. height of the column ; and then there is an eqmli- edbythe brium, and consequently an equal pressure upon the mercury as before ; so that it cannot be affected by the aerial tides. Of Eclipses. 261 CHAP. XVIII. Of Eclipses: Their Number and Periods. A large Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Eclipses. VERY planet and satellite is illuminated A shadow by the Sun, and casts a shadow toward wliat * that point of the heavens which is opposite to the Sun. This shadow is nothing but a privation of light in the space hid from the Sun by the opaque body that intercepts his rays. 313. When the Sun's light is so intercepted by Eclipses the Moon, that to any place of the Earth the Sun n ^ MOOIJ appears partly or wholly covered, he is said to un- what. dergo an eclipse ; though, properly speaking, it is only an eclipse of that part of the Earth where the Moon's shadow or * penumbra falls. When the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, the Moon falls into the Earth's shadow ; and having no light of her own, she suffers a real eclipse from the in- terception of the Sun's rays. When the Sun is eclipsed to us, the Moon's inhabitants on the side next the Earth (if any such inhabitants there be) see her shadow like a dark spot travelling over the Earth, about twice as fast as its equatorial parts move, and the same way as they move. When the Moon is in an eclipse, the Sun appears eclipsed to her, total to all those parts on which the Earth's shadow falls, and of as long continue as they are in the shadow. 3 14. That the Earth is spherical (for the hills take A proof off no more from the roundness of the Earth, than that the grains of dust do from the roundness of a common r and arc globular * The penumbra is a faint kind of shadow all round the perfect bodies. shadow of the planet or satellite, and will be more fully explained bv and b\\ 262 Of Eclipses. globe) is evident from the figure of its shadow oil the Moon ; which is always bounded by a circular line, although the Earth is incessantly turning its dif- ferent sides to the Moon, and very seldom shews the same side to her in different eclipses, because they seldom happen at the same hours. Were the Earth shaped like a round flat plate, its shadow would only be circular when either of its sides directly faced the Moon ; and more or less elliptical as the Earth hap- pened to be turned more or less obliquely toward the Moon when she is eclipsed. The Moon's different phases prove her to be round, 254 ; for as she keeps still the same side toward the Earth, if that side were flat, as it appears to be, she would never be visible from the third quarter to the first ; and from the first quarter to the third, she would appear as round as when we say she is full : because at the end of her first quarter the Sun's light would come as suddenly on all her side next the Earth, as it does on a flat wall, and go off as abruptly at the end of her third quarter, and that 315. If the Earth and Sun were of equal magni- the Sun is tudes.the Earth's shadow would be infinitely extend- much Dig- - , . r . ,. J , . gertban ed, and every where ot the same diameter; and the the Earth, planet Mars, in either of its nodes, and opposite to the Moon e Sun, would be eclipsed in the Earth's shadow. Were much less, the Earth bigger than the Sun, its shadow would in- crease in bulk the farther it extended, and would eclipse the great planets Jupiter and Saturn, with all their moons, when they were opposite to the Sun. But as Mars in opposition never falls into the Earth's shadow, although he is not then above 42 millions of miles from the Earth, it is plain that the Earth is much less than the Sun; for otherwise its shadow could not end in a point at so small a distance. If the Sun and Moon were of equal magnitude, the Moon's shadow would go on to the Earth with an equal breadth, and cover a portion of the Earth's sur- Of Eclipses. 263 face more than 2000 miles broad, even if it fell di- rectly against the Earth's centre, as seen from the Moon; and much more it it fell obliquely on the Earth : but the Moon's shadow is seldom 150 miles broad at the Earth, unless when it falls very oblique- ly on it in total eclipses of the Sun. In annular eclipses, the Moon's real shadow ends in a point at some distance from the Earth. The Moon's small distance from the Earth, and the shortness of her shadow, prove her to be less than the Sun. And as the Earth's shadow is large enough to cover the Moon, if her diameter were three times as large as it is (which is evident from her long continuance in the shadow when she goes through its centre) it is plain that the Earth is much larger than the Moon. 316. Though all opaque bodies on which the Sun The pri- shines have their shadows, yet such is the bulk of * r ypj^j' the Sun, and the distances of the planets, that the eclipse primary planets can never eclipse one another. A one ano- primary can eclipse only its secondaries or be eclips- ed by them ; and never but when in opposition to, or conjunction with, the Sun. The Sun and Moon are so every month : whence one may imagine tkat these two luminaries should be eclipsed every month. But there are few eclipses in respect to the number of new and full Moons ; the reason of which we shall now explain. 317. If the Moon's orbit were coincident with Why the plane of the ecliptic, in which the Earth always ^few"^ moves, and the Sun appears to move, the Moon's eclipses, shadow would fall upon the Earth at every change, and eclipse the Sun to some parts of the Earth. In like manner, the Moon would go through the raid- die of the Earth's shadow, and be eclipsed at every full ; but with this difference, that she would be totally darkened for above an hour and an half; where- as the Sun never was above four minutes totally eclipsed by the interposition of the Moon. Butone The half of the Moon's orbit is elevated 5~ degrees above Moon's T i nodes, 264 Of Eclipses. the ecliptic, and the other half as much depressed below it : consequently the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic in two opposite points called the Moon's nodes, as has been already taken notice of, 288. When these points are in a right line with the cen- tre of the Sun at new or full Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth, are all in a right line ; and if the Moon be then new, her shadow falls upon the Earth ; if Limits of full, the Earth's shadow falls upon her. # When the echpses. Sun and Moon are more than 17 degrees from ei- ther of the nodes at the time of conjunction, the Moon is then generally too high or too low in her orbit to cast any part of her shadow upon the Earth. And when the Sun is more than twelve degrees from either of the nodes at the time of full Moon, the Moon is generally too high or too low in her orbit to go through any part of the Earth's shadow : and in both these cases there will be no eclipse. But when the Moon is less than 17 degrees from either node at the time of conjunction, her shadow or penum- bra falls more or less upon the Earth, as she is: more or less within this limit.- And when she is less than 12 degrees from either node at the time of op- position, she goes through a greater or less portion of the Earth's shadow as she is more or less within this limit. Her orbit contains 360 degrees, of which 17, the limit of solar eclipses on either side of the nodes, and 12, the limit of lunar eclipses, are but small portions : and as the Sun commonly passes by the nodes but twice in a year, it is'no wonder that we have so many new and full Moons without eclipses. * Tliis admits of some variation : for in apogeal eclipses, the solar limit is hut 16 1-2 degrees ; and in perigeal eclipses, it is 18 1-3. When tiie full Moon is in her apogee, she will be eclipsed if she be within 10 1-2 degrees of the node ; and when she is full in her pe- rigee, she will be eclipsed if she be within 12-^ degrees of the node. Of Eclipses. 265 To illustrate this, let A B C D be the eliptic, * LATE It S T 7 a circle lying in the same plane with the ecliptic, and VWXYfat Maoris orbit, all thrown Fi - L into an oblique view, which gives them an elliptical shape to the eye. One half of the Moon's orbit, as V W X, is always below the ecliptic, and the other half X Y 7 above it. The points Tand X, where the Moon's orbit intersects the circle R S T U, which lies even with the ecliptic, are the Mooris nodes ; and a right line, as X]P 9 drawn from one Lines of to the other, through the Earth's centre, is called the nodes * the Line of the nodes, which is carried almost pa- rallel to itself round the Sun in a year. If the Moon moved round the Earth in the orbit R S T U, which is coincident with the plane of the ecliptic, her shadow would fall upon the Earth eve- ry time she is in conjunction with the Sun, and at every opposition she would go through the Earth's shadow. Were this the case, the Sun would be eclipsed at every change, and the Moon at every full, as already mentioned. But although the Moon's shadow A" must fall up- on the Earth at a, when the Earth is at E, and the Moon in conjunction with the Sun, at i, because she is then very near one of her nodes, and at her opposition n, she must go through the Earth's sha- dow /, because she is then near the other node ; yet, in the time that she goes round the Earth to her next change according to the order of the letters X Y V W, the Earth advances from E to c, according to the order of the letters E F G If, and the line of the nodes VEX being carried nearly parallel to it- self, brings the point /of the Moon's orbit in con- junction with the Sun at that next change ; and then the Moon being at/ is too high above the ecliptic to cast her shadow on the Earth : and as the Earth is still moving forward, the Moon at her next op- position will be at g, too far below r the ecliptic to 266 Of Eclipses. PLATE g O through any part of the Earth's shadow; for by that time the point g will be at a considerable dis- tance from the Earth as seen from the Sun. When the Earth comes to F, the Moon in con- junction with the Sun Z is not at &, in a plane coinci- dent with the ecliptic, but above it at Y in the high- est part of her orbit : and then the point b of her shadow goes far above the Earth (as in Fig. II. rig. i. which is an edge-view of Fig. I.) The Moon in her * nd IL next opposition is not at o (Fig. I.) but at W, where the Earth's shadow goes far above her (as in Fig. II.) In both these cases the line of the nodes V FX (Fig. I.) is about 90 degrees from the Sun, and both luminaries are as far as possible from the limits of eclipses. When the Earth has gone half round the eclip tic from E to G, the line of the nodes V G X is nearly, if not exactly, directed towards the Sun at Z ; and then the new Moon / casts her shadow P on the Earth G; and the full Moon/? goes through the Earth's shadow L ; which brings on eclipses again, as when the Earth \vas at E. When the Earth comes to H, the new Moon falls not at m in a plane coincident with the ecliptic CD, but at JV in her orbit below it : and then her sha- dow Q (see Fig. II.) goes far below the Earth. At the next full she is not at q (Fig. I.) but at Fin her orbit 5^ degrees above q, and at her greatest height above the ecliptic CD; being then as far as possi- ble, at any opposition, from the Earth's shadow M (as in Fig. II.) So, when the Earth is at E and G, the Moon is about her nodes at new and full ; and in her greatest north and south declination (or latitude as it is gene- rally called) from the ecliptic at her quarters: but when the Earth is at F or H, the Moon is in her greatest north and south declination from the ecliptic fit new and full, and in the nodes about her quarters, Of Eclipses. 267 PLATE X. 318. The point X where the Moon's orbit cros- ses the ecliptic is called the ascending node, because the Moon ascends from it above the ecliptic : and JJj, n s the opposite point of intersection F"\s called the de- ascending scending ?iode, because the Moon descends from it below the ecliptic. When the Moon is at F in the highest point of her orbit, she is in her greatest north latitude : and when she is at /Fin the lowest an d south point of her orbit, she is in her greatest south lati- latitude. tude. 319. If the line of the nodes, like the Earth's ax- The nodes is, were carried parallel to itself round the Sun, {^ d j*" there would be just half a year between the conjunc- motion, lions of the Sun and nodes. But the nodes shift backward, or contrary to the Earth's annual motion, 19- degrees every year; and therefore the same Fjg> L node comes round to the Sun 19 days sooner every year than on the year before. Consequently, from the time that the ascending node X (when the Earth is atJ passes by the Sun, as seen from the Earth, it is only 173 days (not half a year) till the descend- ing node V passes by him. Therefore, in whatever time of the year we have eclipses of the luminaries the eciips- about either node, we may be sure that in 173days^ e s r oon ^ r afterward, we shall have eclipses about the other than they node. And when at any time of the year the line of ^ h a ( J d be the nodes is in the situation V G Jf, at the same time nodes had next year it will be in the situation r G s ; the as- not f uch a cending node having gone backward, that is, contra- m ry to the order of signs, from X to s, and the de- scending node from Ftor-, each 19-i degrees. At this rate the nodes shift through all the signs and de- grees of the ecliptic in 18 years and 225 days; in which time there would always be a regular period of eclipses, if any complete number of lunations were finished without a fraction. But this never happens ; for if both the Sun and Moon should start from a line of conjunction with either of the nodes in any point of the ecliptic, the Sun would 268 Of Eclipses. perform 18 annual revolutions and 222 degrees over and above, and the Moon 230 lunations and 85 de- grees of the 231st, by the time the node came round to the same point of the ecliptic again; so that the Sun would then be 138 degrees from the node, and the Moon 85 degrees from the Sun. A period 320. But, in 223 mean lunations, after the Sun, o^ec ips- ^| oon ^ am j no( j eS) have been once in a line of con- junction, they return so nearly to the same state again, as that the same node, which was in conjunc- tion with the Sun and Moon at the beginning of the first of these lunations, will be within 28' 12" of a degree of a line of conjunction with the Sun and Moon again, when the last of these lunations is completed. And therefore, in that time, there will be a, regular period of eclipses, or return of the same eclipse for many ages. In this period, (which was first discovered by the Chaldeans J there are 18 Julian years 11 days 7 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds, when the last day of February in leap-years is four times included : but when it is five times included, the period consists of only 18 years 10 days 7 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds. Consequently, if to the mean time of any eclipse, either of the Sun or Moon, you add IS Julian years 11 days 7 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds, when the last day of Februa- ry in leap-years comes in four times, or a day less when it comes in five times, you will have the mean time of the return of the same eclipse. But the falling-back of the line of conjunctions or oppositions of the Sun and Moon 2J8' 12" ^vith respect to the line of the nodes in every period, will wear it out in process of time ; and after that, it will not return again in less than 12492 years. These eclipses of the Sun, which happen about the ascend- ing node, and begin to come in at the north pole of the Earth, will go a little southerly at each re- turn, till they -go quite off the Earth at the south Of Eclipses. 269 pole ; and those which happen about the descending node, and begin to come in at the south pole of the Earth, will go a little northerly at each return, till at last they quite leave the Earth at the north pole. To exemplify this matter, we shall first consider the Sun's eclipse, March 21st old stile (April 1st new stile) A. D. 1764, according to its mean revolu- tions, without equating the times, or the Sun's dis- tance from the node ; and then according to its true equated times. This eclipse fell in the open space at each return, quite clear of the Earth, from the creation till A. D. 1295, June 13th old stile, at 12 h. 52 m. 59 sec. post meridiem^ when the Moon's shadow first touched the Earth at the north pole ; the Sun being then 17 48' 27" from the ascending node. In each period since that time, the Sun has come 28' 12" nearer and nearer the same node, and the Moon's shadow has therefore gone more and more southerly. Indie year 1962, July 18th old stile, at 10 h. 36 m. 21 sec. p. m. when the same eclipse will have returned 38 times, the Sun will be only 24' 45" from the ascending node, and the centre of the Moon's shadow will fall a little northward of the Earth's centre. At the end of the next following period, A. D. 1980, July 28th old stile, at 18 h. 19 m. 41 sec. p. m. the Sun will have receded back 3' 27" from the ascending node, and the Moon will have a very small degree of southern latitude, which will cause the centre of her shadow to pass a very small matter south of the Earth's centre. After which, in every following period, the Sun will be 28' 12" farther back from the ascending node than in the period last before ; and the Moon's shadow- will go still farther and farther southward, un- til September 12th old stile, at 23 h. 46 m. 22 sec. p. m. A. D. 2665; when the eclipse will have com- pleted its 77th periodical return, and will go quite off the Earth at the south pole (the Sun being then 270 Of Eclipses. 17 55' 22" back from the node) ; and it cannot come in from the north pole, so as to begin the same course over again, in less than 12492 years after- ward. And such will be the case of every other eclipse of the Sun : for, as there is about 1 8 degrees on each side of the node within which there is a possibility of eclipses, their whole revolution goes through 36 degrees about that node, which, taken from 360 degrees, leaves remaining 324 degrees for the eclipses to travel in expamum. And as these 36 degrees are not gone through in less than 77 pe- riods, which take up 1388 years, the remaining 324 degrees cannot be so gone through in less than 12492 years. For as 36 is to 1388, so is 324 to 12492. 321. In order to shew both the mean and true times of the returns of this eclipse, through all its periods, together with the mean anomalies of the Sun and Moon at each return, and the mean and true distances of the Sun from the Moon's ascend- ing node, and the Moon's true latitude at the true time of each new Moon, I have calculated the fol- lowing tables for the sake of those who may choose to project this eclipse at any of its returns, accord- ing to the rules laid down in the X Vth chapter ; and have by that means taken by much the greatest part of the trouble off their hands. All the times are ac- cording to the old stile, for the sake of a regularity which, with respect to the nominal days of the months, does not take place in the new : but by add- ing the days difference of stile ; they are reduced to the times which agree with the new stile. According to the mean (or supposed) equable mo- tions of the Sun, Moon, and nodes, the Moon's shadow in this eclipse would have first touched the Earth at the north pole, on the 13th of June, A. D. 1295, at 12 h. 52m. 59 sec. past noon on the meri- dian of * London; and would quite leave the Earth at the Of Eclipses. 271 south pole, on the 12th of September, A. D. 2665, .at 23 h. 46 m. 22 sec. past noon, at the completion of its 77th period; as shewn by the first and second tables. But, on account of the true or unequable motions of the Sun, Moon, and nodes, the first coming in of this eclipse, at the north pole of the .^arth, was on the 24th of June, A. D. 1313, at 3 h. 57 m. 3 sec. past noon ; and it will finally leave the earth at the south pole, on the 31st of July, A. D. 2593, at 10 h. 25 m. 31 sec. past noon, at the completion of its 72d period ; as shewn by the third and fourth ta- bles. So that the true motions do not only alter the true times from the mean, but they also cut off five periods from those of the mean returns of this eclipse. Mm 272 Of E 11 1656 Jan. 15 23 19 40 6 28 26 38 11 26, 32 39 8 24 17 S 11 1674 Jan. 26 7 3 7 8 56 35 1 23 41 14 7 56 5 J3 1692 Feb. 6 14 46 20 7 19 26 32 20 49 53 7 27 52 14 1710 Feb. 16 22 29 40 7 29 56 29 17 58 30 6 59 40 Jj 15 1728 Feb. 28 6 13 8 10 26 26 15 7 7 6 31 27 ? -6 1746 Mar. 10 13 56 20 8 20 56 23 12 15 44 6 3 15 > 17 1764 Mar. 20 21 39 40 9 1 26 20 9 24 21 5 35 2S HB 1782 Apr. 1 5 23 9 11 56 17 6 32 58 5 6 50 Jj 9 1800 Apr. 11 13 6 20 9 22 26 14 3 41 35 4 38 37 S 1818 Apr. 22 20 49 40 10 2 56 11 50 12 4 10 25 \ 1 1836 Vlay 3 4 33 10 13 26 8 10 27 58 49 3 42 12 Ij 2 1854 May 14 12 16 20 10 23 56 5 10 25 7 26 3 14 S 3 1872 May 24 19 59 40 11 4 26 2 10 22 16 3 2 45 47 !j 4 1890 June 5 3 43 11 14 55 59 10 19 24 40 2 17 35 S 5 1908 June 15 11 26 20 11 25 25 56 10 16 33 17 1 49 22 6 1926 June 26 19 9 40 5 55 53 10 13 41 54 1 21 10 S 7 1944 July 7 2 53 16 25 50 10 10 50 31 52 57 ^ 8 1962 July 18 10 36 21 26 55 47 10 7 59 8 24 45 > JL. Of Eclipses. TABLE II. The mean time of New Moon, with the mean Anomalies of the S Sun and Moon, and the Sun's mean Distance from the Moon's dscend- s ing Node, at the mean Time of each periodical Return of the Sun' a S Eclipse, March 21f, 1764, from the mean Time of its falling riifht j J^ . f X~ .',,-.* * O O } the Julian, or Old Style. ^ |l 2T ?' Mean time oi New Moon. Sun's mean Anomaly. Moon's mean Anomaly. Sun's mean (list. from the Node. ^ if Month. D.H.M.S. s. 0. ' ' s. o. ' " s 0. ' " S ^ 19b- ju,y 28 18 19 41 1 7 *o 44. 1U 5 7 45 1 1 -j 5o 38 Jj 40 1998 Aug, 9231 1 17 55 41 10 2 16 22 11 29 23 20 S 41 2016 Aug. 19 9 46 2 I 28 25 38 9 29 24 59 11 29 8 42 2034 Aug. SO 17 29.41 2 8 53 36 9 26 33 36 11 28 31 55 S 43 3052 Sept. 10 1 13 1 2 19 25 33 9 23 42 13 1128 343 Ij 44 2070 Sept. 21 8 56 21 2 29 55 32 9 20 50 50 11 27 35 30 S 45 2088 Oct. 1 16 39 41 3 10 25 27 9 17 59 27 11 27 7 18 46 2106 Oct. 13 23 1 3 20 55 24 9 15 8 4 11 26 39 5 S 47 2124 Oct. 2.3 8 621 4 1 25 21 9 12 16 41 11 26 10 53 Jj 48 2142 Nov. 3 154941 4 1 1 55 18 9 9 25 18 11 25 42 40 S 49 2160 Nov. 13 23 31 1 4 22 25 15 9 6 33 36 11 25 14 28 Jj 50 2178 Nov, 25 71621 5 2 55 12 9 3 42 33 11 24 46 15 S 51 2196 Dec. 5 14 59 41 5 13 25 9 9 51 10 11 24 18 3 % 52 2214 De<:. 16 22 43 1 5 23 55 7 8 27 59 47 11 23 49 50 S 53 ' 2232 Dec. 27 6 26 21 6 4 25 4[ 8 25 8 24 11 23 21 38 54 2251 Jan. 7 14 9 41 6 14 55 1 8 22 17 1 11 22 53 25 S 55 2269 Jan. 17 21 53 1 6 25 24 58 8 19 2,5 38 11 22 15 13 ^ 56 2287 Jan, 29 5 36 21 7 5 54 55 8 d6 31 15 11 21 57 S 57 2305 Feb. -8 13 19 41 7 16 24 52 8 13 42 52 11 21 28 48 5 58 2323 Feb. 19 21 3 1 7 26 54 49 8 10 51 29 11 21 35 S 59 2341 Mar. 2 44621 8 7 24 46 8806 11 20 32 23 !j 60 2359 Mar. 13 12 29 42 8 17 54 43 8 5 8 43 11 20 4 10 S 61 2377 Mar. 23 20 13 2 8 28 24 40 8 2 17 20 11 19 35 58 ^ 62 2395 Apr. 4 3 56 22 9 8 54 37 7 29 25 27 11 19 7 45 S ' 63 2413 Apr. 14 11 39 42 9 19 24 34 7 26 34 34 11 18 39 S3 Jj 64 2431 Apr. 2.5 19 23 2 9 29 54 31 7 23 43 11 11 18 11 20 S 65 2449 May 6 3 22 10 10 24 28 7 20 51 48 11 17 43 8 : 66 2467 May 17 10 49 42 10 20 54 25 7 18 25 11 17 14 54 S '' 67 2485 May 27 18 33 2 11 1 24 22 7 15 9 2 11 16 46 43 ? 68 2503 June 8 21622 11 11 54 19 7 12 17 39 11 16 18 31 S 69 2521 June 18 9 59 42 11 22 24 17 7 9 26 16 11 15 50 18 Ij 70 2539 June 29 17 43 2 2 54 14 7 6 34 53 11 15 22 6 < 71 2557 July 10 1 26 22 13 24 11 7 3 44 30 11 14 53 54 ^ ! 72 2575 July 21 9 9 42 23 54 8 7 52 7 11 14 25 41 V 73 2593 July 31 16 53 2 1 4 24 5 6 28 44 11 13 57 28 y 74 2611 Aug. 12 36 22 1 14 54 2 6 25 921 11 13 29 16 S 75 2629 Aug. 22 8 19 42 1 25 23 59 6 22 17 58 11 13 1 3 Jj 76 2647 Sept. 2 16 3 2 2 5 53 56 6 19 26 35 11 12 32 51 S 77 2665 Sept. 12 23 46 22 2 16 23 53 6 16 35 12 11 12 4 38 ^ 274 Of Eclipses. S TABLE III. The true Time of New Moon, with the Sun's truc\ ? Distance from the Moon's Ascending Node, and the Moon's true v> S Latitude, at the true Time of each periodical Return of the Sun's S ^ Eclipse, March 2\st, Old Style, A. D. \7 64, from the Time o/J S itsjirst coining upon the Earth since the Creation till it falls J ^ right against the Earth's Centre. ^ 5 3F < True lime of >un'strueDist. Moon's true Lati- Jj < a S s s t a p.-. i WJ* ^ New Moon. rom the Node. tude North. t $ y ? .-" o Month.l). H.M. S. s. .0 ' " 0. ' " Nor. S 5 o i295 June 13 12 54 32 18 40 54 1 33 45 N. A. s S i 1313 June 24 3 57 3 17 20 22 1 29 84 N. A. J 5 2 1331 July 5 10 42 8 16 29 35 1 25 20 N. A. s J 3 -1349 July 15 17 14 15 15 34 18 1 20 45 N. A. ; 4 1367 July 26 23 49 24 14 46 8 1 16 39 N. A.s $ * 1385 Aug. 6 6 41 17 13 59 43 2 12 43 N. A. S \ 6 1403 Aug. 17 13 32 19 13 16 44 1 9 3 N. A. s 5 t 1421 Aug 27 20 30 17 12 37 4 1 5 42 N. A. S J 8 4439 Sept. 8 3 51 46 12 1 54 1 2 41 N. A. s 5 9 1457 Sept 18 10 23 11 11 30 27 58 33 N. A. S 5 io 1475 Sept. 29 17 57 7 11 3 56 57 43 N. A. s I'ii 1493 Oct. 16 1 44 3 10 41 55 55 49 N. A. $12 1511 Oct. 21 9 29 53 10 25 11 54 28 N. A. ^ $13 1529 Oct. 31 17 9 18 10 11 27 53 12 N. A. S 5 1547 Nov. 12 51 25 10 1 10 52 19 N. A. < 5 15 1565 Nov. 22 8 54 56 9 52 49 51 46 N. A. > i 1583 Dec. 3 16 48 17 9 48 4 51 11 N. A. ^ sir 1601 Dec. 4 51 5 9 43 42 50 49 N. A. J> $18 1619 Dec. 25 8 54 59 9 40 23 50 31 N. A. s I 19 1638 Jan. 4 16 56 1 9 34 57 50 3 N. A. S < 20 1556 Jan. 16 54 41 9 29 24 49 57 N. A. s $21 1674 Jan. 26 S 48 24 9 19 44 48 44 N. A. S \ 22 1692 Feb. 6 16 36 28 9 8 5S 47 49 N. A. s ^ 23 1710 Feb. 17 8 37 g 54 20 46 44 N. A. S 5 24 .728 Feb. 28 7 43 40 S 34 53 44 52 N. A. s ^25 1746 Mar. 10 15 14 3- 8 10 38 42 46 N. A. S $26 1764 Mar. 20 22 30 26 7 42 14 40 18 N. A. s $27 1782 Apr. 1 5 37 4 7 9 27 37 28 N. A. S S S ^8 1800|Apr. 11 12 36 38 6 35 30 34 31 N. A. Latitude at each periodical Return of the Sun's E-clipse, March 5 2lsf, Old Style, A. D. 1764, from its falling right against the S J Earth's centre, till it finally leaves the Earth. Jj ^ T 4 ^ True Time of Sun's trueDist. Moon's true Lati- S C r^ rt > 2* -> $^ Mew Moon from the Node. tude South. s, !i 1. * 0> 08 r 1 " o_ s Month.D. H. M. S. s. ' " ' " South. !j V b 6 i*44 Juiy 6 17 50 35 11 29 55 28 24 S. A. S37 1962 July 18 31 38 11 29 2 35 5 2 S. A. S S 38 198C July 28 7 18 53 11 28 11 32 9 29 S. A. Jj 39 1998 Aug. 8 14 12 22 11 27 26 41 13 25 S. A.S $40 2016 Aug. 18 21 14 53 11 26 42 16, 17 18 S. A. Jj 541 2034 Aug. 30 4 25 45 11 26 2 6 20 48 S. A. S S42 2052 Sept. 9 11 45 17 11 25 26 46 23 53 S. A. ^ J 43 2070 :iept. 20 19 17 26 11 24 55 4 26 39 S. A. S ^44 2088 Oct. 1 2 57 8 11 24 27 43 28 58 S. A. S45 210r Oct. 12 10 47 39 11 24 4 38 031 2 S. A. S $46 2124 Oct. 22 18 37 40 11 23 48 28 32 26 S. A. Jj 47 2142 Nov. 3 2 56 19 11 23 35 11 33 53 S. A. S S 48 2160 Nov. 13 11 11 20 11 23 22 22 34 42 S. A. Jj J 49 2178 Nov. 24 19 36 14 11 23 18 57 35 S. A. S !J 50 2196 Dec. 5449 11 23 14 40 35 22 S. A. S 51 2214 Dec. 16 12 35 48 11 23 10 43 35 43 S. A. S ? 52 2232 Dec. 26 20 29 9 11 23 6 47 36 1 S. A. Jj S 5 3 2251 Jan. 7 5 42 9 11 23 4 27 36 16 S. A. S 5 54 2269 Jan. 17 14 14 8 11 23 41 o 36 35 s. A. !; S 5 5 2287 Jan. 28 22 43 34 11 22 53 58 37 10 S. A. S u 2305 Feb. 8 7 8 30 11 22 44 44 37 59 S. A. lj S57 2323 Feb. 19 15 7 10 11 22 31 1 39 8 S. A. S 5 58 2341 Mar. li 6 5 11 22 17 46 40 28 S. A. S 59 2359 Mar. 13 7 59 17 11 21 55 29 42 9 S. A. V S 60 2377 Mar. 23 15 51 59 11 21 39 40 43 41 S. A. ^ \H 2395 Apr. 3 23 45 7 11 21 53 46 58 S. A. S S S 62 2413 Apr. 14 7 32 40 11 20 26 22 49 48 S. A. !; !>63 2431 Apr. 25 15 12 57 11 19 47 34 53 17 S. A. S S 64 2449 May 5 22 45 14 11 19 6 22 56 5.0 S. A. t| S65 2467 May 17 6 17 30 11 18 21 16 1 40 S. A. S S 66 2485 May 27 13 46 29 11 17 34 20 4 42 S. A. ^ ^67 2503 June 7 21 10 31 11 16 43 17 9 3 S. A. S 3 63 2521 June 18 4 24 42 11 15 51 48 13 26 S. A. s S69 2539 June 29 11 58 46 11 15 1 12 17 43 S. A. S ^70 2557 July 9 19 24 7 11 14 9 13 22 6 S. A. s s 71 3575 July 21 2 52 34 11 13 19 22 26 16 S. A. S S72 2593 July 31 10 25 31 11 12 13 43 31 44 S. A. Ij S 2611 \ug. 11 17 58 39 11 11 45 13 36 1 3 S. A. S By the true motions ol the Sun, Moon, and nodes, this eclipse S ^ goes off the Earth four periods sooner than it would have done by Jj S mean equable motions. '^ 276 Of Eclipses. From " To illustrate this a little farther, we shall exa- S^UT^'S " m " ie somc f th most remarkable circumstances disserta- " of the returns of the eclipse, which happened edi^es, " Jul y 14 > 1748 ab Ut n00n ' This ecli P se after printed 'at " traversing the voids of space from the creation, Condon, a t i as t began to enter the Terra Australia Incognita, C^VE, " about 88 years after the Conquest, which was the Sn the year" last of King STEPHEN'S reign; every Chaldean* " period it has crept more northerly, but was still " invisible in Britain before the year 1622; when " on the 30th of April it began to touch the south **- parts of England about 2 in the afternoon its cen- " tral appearance rising in the American South Seas, " and traversing Peru and the Amazons^ country, *' through the Atlantic ocean into Africa, and setting O after noon: so that, with respect to the Sun's place, the 9th of May, 1716, answers to the 28th of May in the 585th year before the first year cf CHRIST ; that is, the Sun had the same longitude on both those days. Of Eclipses. 281 " France, Italy, cc. as far as Athens, or the isles ** in theJEgean Sea; which is the farthest that even " the Caroline tables carry it; and consequently " make jt inv bible to any part of Asia, i;i the total " character; though I have good reasons to believe " that it extended to Babylon, and went down cen- " trai over that city. We are not however to ima- " gine, that it was set before it passed Sardts and the 41 Asiatic towns, where the predictor lived; because " an invisible eclipse could have been of no service <{ to demonstrate his ability in asironomicrj sciences " to his countrymen, as it could give no proof of its " reality. 324. "For a further illustration, THUCYDIDES THUCY- " relates, that a solar eclipse happened on. a sum- " mer's day in the afternoon, in the first year of the *' Peloponneslan war, so great that the stars appcar- u ed. RIIODIUS was victor in the Olympic games u the fourth year of the said war, being also the " fourth of the 87th Olympiad, on the 428th year tl before CHRIST. So that the eclipse must have " happened in the 431st year before CHRIST: and " by computation it appears, that on the 3d of An- " gust there was a signal eclipse which would have " passed over A t hens, central about G in the even- " ing, but which our present tables bring no farther u than the ancient Syrtes on the African coast, above u 400 miles from Athens ; which suffering in that u case but 9 digits, could by no means exhibit the " remarkable darkness recited by this historian ; the " centre therefore seems to have passed Athens about u 6 in the evening, and probably might go down " about Jerusalem, or near it, contrary to the con- " struction of the present tables. I have only ob- s /a ul Uie iuu 4. and D. JHidiilu Digits Chr. and Moon seen ut H. M eclipsed. 721 Babylon 3 March 1910 34 Total 720 Babylon 5 March 8. 11 56 1 5 720 Babylon ^) icpt. 1 10 18 5 4 621 Babylon D Apr. 21 18 2 ; 2 36 523 Babylon D July 16 13 47 7 24 502 Babylon 3 Nov. 19 12 21 1 52 491 Babylon 5 April 25 12 1? 1 44 431 Athens Aug. 3 6 35 11 425 Athens "2 Oct. 9 6 45 Total 424 Athens March 20 20 ir 9 413 Athens if Aug. 27 10 lo Total 406 Athens 3> Apr. 15 8 50 Total 404 Athens (v) Sept. 2 21 12 8 40 403 Pekin (v) Aug. 28 5 53 10 40 394 Gnide Aug. 13 22 17 11 383 Athens J) Dec. 2i 19 o 2 1 382 Athens D June 18 rt 54 6 15 382 Athens ~j) Dec. 12 10 21 Total 364 1'hebes p July K 23 51 6 10 357 Syracuse Feb. 28 22' 3 33 357 Zant D Aug. 29 7 2 4 21 340 Zant Sept. 14 18 - 9 331 Arbela j Sept. 20 20 i Total 310 219 Sicily Island Mysia Aug. 14 March 19 -20 5 14 5 10 22 Total 218 Pergamos 2 Sept. 1 rising Total 217 Sardinia (v) Feb. 11 1 57 9 6 203 Frusini S May 6 2 5? 5 40 202 Cumis (B Oct. 18 22 24 1 201 Athens D Sept. 22 7 14 . 8 58 200 Athens D March 19 13 < Total 200 Athens 3 Sept. 11 14 4^ Total 198 H.OTOC f?\ Aue* 9 9 190 Rome Rome 1 JT-ug. y March 15 July 16 18 ~ 20 St. 11 10 43 174 Athens D April 30 14 3> 7 1 168 Macedonia J) June 2] 8 2 Total 141 Rhodes ^) Jan. 27 10 I 3 26 104 Rome July IS 22 11 52 ' 63 Rome j) Oct. 27 6 2. Total 60 Gibraltar i March 16 settiiu Central 54 Canton May 9 3 4i Total 51 Rome March 7 2 1^ 9 48 Rome D Jan. 18 10 ( Total 45 ilome J Nov. 6 4 - Total 36 Rome May 19 3 5: 6 47_ Of Eclipses. STRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. Wei: Chr. eclipse* oi tlie bun and Moon seen at M. and D. Middle H. M iJlglt.S * eclipsed. 31 Rome *-y\ Aug. 20 setting Gr. Eel. 29 Canton v) Jan. 5 4 2 11 28 Pekin June 18 23 48 Total 26 Canton Oct. 23 4 16 11 15 24 Pekin 3? \pril 7 4 11 2 16 Pekin (v) Nov. 1 5 13 2 8 2 Canton Feb. 1 20 8 11 42 Aft. Chr. 1 Pekin June 10 1 10 U 43 SjRome March 28 4 15 4 45 14 Pannonia J Sept. 26 17 15 Total 27jCanton July 22 8 56 Total SOCanton Nov. ir, 19 20 10 30 40:pekin (v) -\pril 30 5 50 7 ot 45 Rome (y) July 31 .2 1 5 17 46 Pekin July 21 .22 .55 2 10 46 Rome 3 Dec. .'U 9 5: Total 49 Pekin (v) lay 2i> 7 16 10 8 53; Canton viarch 8 20 4 C - 11 6 55| Pekin (v) July 12 1 5u 6 40 56i Canton /v} Ice. 2o 28 9 20 59|R')me \pril SO 3 8 10 38 60 Canton Oct. 13 3 31 10 SO 65 Canton Dec. 15 21 50 lO 23 691 Rome J) Oct. 18 10 43 10 49 70 Canton 71 Rome 3) Sept. 2i March 4 31 13 8 32 8 26 6 (j 95jEphesus 125 Alexandria f Mav 21 April 5 1 . 1 44 9 16 133 Alex Adda D VTay 6 11 44 Total 134 Alexandria D Oct. 2C LI !0 19 136 Alexandria D \Iarch 5 1 5 56 5 17 237 Bologna april 12 Total 238 Rome Vpril 1 20 20 8 45 290 Carthage May 15 3 20 i 1 20 304 Rome 3 Aug. S3 9 36 fotal 316 Constantinople Dec. 30 19 53 2 18 334 Toledo July 17 atnoo- Central 348 Constantinople Oct. 19 2^ 3 f; 360 Ispahan Aug. 27 ;8 ( Central 364 Alexandria 5 tfov. 25 !5 24 l'oU| 401 Rome Tj [nne 1" t'otal '401 Rome M 3 Dec. 6 32 1-v <'otal 402 ilome 3 June 1 8 4., 10 2 Of Eclipses. STRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES* 387 Aft. Chr, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon seen at M.andD. Middle H. M Digits "S eclipsed. J 402 Rome Nov. 10 20 33 10 30 S 447 Compostello Dec. 23 46 1 S 451 Compostello April 1 16 34 19 52 h 451 Compostello 3 Sept. 26 6 30 2? 458 Chares May 27 23 16 18 53 S 462 Compostello D March 1 13 2 11 11 \ 464 C haves ^ July 19 19 1 10 15 ? 484 Constantinople 3 Jan. 13 19 53 10 0? 486 Constantinople o May 19 1 10 5 15 S 497 Constantinople 5 April 18 6 5 17 57 {> 512 Constantinople \-) June 25 23 8 1 50 ? 538 England } Feb. 14 19 8 23 ? 540 London v) June 19 20 15 8 S 577 Tours 5 Dec. 10 17 28 6 46 > 581 Paris D April 4 ^3 33 6 42 w 582 Paris D Sept. 17 12 41 Total S 590 Paris D Oct. 18 6 30 9 25 S 592 Constantinople Marchl8 22 6 10 < 603 Paris Aug. 12 3 3 11 20 S 622 Constantinople D Feb. 1 11 28 Total S 644 Paris Nov. 5 30 9 53 Ij 680 Paris D June 17 12 30 Total c 683 Paris D April 16 11 30 Total S 693 Constantinople Oct. 4 23 54 11 54 J 736 Constantinople Jan. 13 7 Total J 718 Constantinople June 3 1 15 Total C 733 England Aug. 13 20 11 IS 734 England D Jan. 23 14 Total S 752 England J) July 30 13 Total ? 753 England June 8 2 784 London j) Nov. 1 14 ^ Total C 787 796 Constantinople Constantinople D Sept. 14 March27 20 43 16 22 9 47 S Total S 800 Rome D Jan. 15 9 10 17 J; 807 807 Angoulesme Paris D Ffeb. 10 Feb. 25 21 24 13 43 9 42? Total S 807 Paris D Aug. 21 10 20 Total 809 Paris July 15 21 33 8 8? 809 Paris Dec. 25 8 Total s 810 f^*r Paris s~*r-rj*s*^j*s>fjrsj j> VT.J June 20 ns*s*j*j-*r 8 ^s**r*r Total S .r-r,/--rr < \)* Go Of Eclipses. STRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. S Aft. I S Chr. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon seen at 1 Viand D. Middle i. M. Digits S eclipsed P s 810 Paris 3> Nov. 30 12 Total S S 810 'aris D Dec. 14 8 Total S J 812 Constantinople R May 14 2 13 9 J 2 813 Cappadocia May 3 7 5 10 35 ^ S 81? Paris 5 Feb. 5 5 42 Total S S 818 Paris p July 6 18 6 35 820 Paris Hi Nov. 23 6 26 Total L ^' 824 Paris D March IB 7 55 Total s S 828 Paris D June 30 5 Total S S 828 Paris D Dec. 24 13 45 Total { 831 Paris D April 30 6 19 11 8? S 831 Paris May 15 23 4 24 S 7 S 831 Paris ? Oct. 24 11 18 Total S V 832| Paris April 18 9 Total 2 J 84 Oi Paris *,) May 4 23 22 9 20 S ^ 841j Paris S 842 Paris D Oct. 17 March 29 18 5fc 14 38 5 24 S Total S 843] Paris D March 19 7 1 Total 5 < 861 Paris D March 29 15 7 Total S S 878 Paris D Oct. 14 16 Total S 878 Paris Oct. 29 1 11 14 J i 883 Arracta 5 July 23 7 44 11 ? S 889 Constantinople /77" April o 17 52 23 S S 891 Constantinople S Aug. 7 23 48 10 30 J > 501 Arracta J Aug. 2 15 7 Total s 5 904 London 5 May 3 11 47 Total S S 904 London D Nov. 2 9 C Total J S 912 London D Jan. 15 11 Total c 926 Paris March 31 15 17 Total S 5 934 Paris April 16 4 30 11 36 J S 939 Paris July 18 19 45 10 7 S 955 Paris T) Sept. 4 11 18 Total s J 961 Rh ernes S May 16 20 13 9 18 S < 970 Constantinople- May 7 18 Sfr 11 22 S 976 London 5 Jul y to 15 7 Total t V 985 Messina July 2i 3 52 4 10 S ^ 98? Constantinople P"- May 2S 6 54 8 40 S ^ 99C Fulda 5 April li 10 22 9 5 > S 99C Fulda Oct. 6 15 4 1 10 S 1096 Gembluors D Feb. 10 16 4 Total ^ S 1096 Augsburgh D Aug. 6 8 21 Total S J 1098 c 1099 Augsburgh Naples D Dec. 25 Nov. 30 1 25 4 58 12 S T-otal J S 1103 Rome D Sept. 17 10 18 Total t S 1106 irfurd D July 17 11 28 11 54 S J 1107 Naples D Jan. 10 13 16 Total S J 1109 Erfurd May 31 1 30 10 20 J s mo Condon 3 May 5 10 51 Total S 1154 Paris D June 36 16 1 Total s 290 Of Eclipses. STRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. S Aft. ijChr. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon seen at M.andD. Middle H. M. Digits S eclipsed. > S 1154 ^aris D Jec. 2 1 8 30 4 22^ Jj 1155 Auranches D une 16 8 45 53 S 5 1160 tome D Aug. 18 7 53 6 49 > S 1161 tome D Vug. 7 8 11 Total c S 1162 irfurd D Feb. 1 6 40 5 56 S > 1162 irfurd July 27 21 30 4 11 S ? 1163 S H61 Vlont Gassini Milan f July 3 June 6 7 46 10 2 0? Total S S 1168 Condon Sept 18 14 Total S J nr2 Cologne 3) Jan. 11 13 31 Total J ? lire \uranches D April 25 7 2 8 6? s lire Auranches D Oct. 19 11 20 8 53 S S lira Cologne D March 5 setting 7 52 S ? iirs Auranchea D Aug. 29 13 52 5 31 J < iirs Cologne Sept. 12 10 51 s S nr9 Cologne Aug. 18 14 28 Total S > 1180 Auranches Jan. 28 4 14 10 34 J $1181 Auranches (& July 13 3 15 3 48 ^ S 1181 Aaranches j) Dec. 22 8 58 4 40 S S 1185 themes May 1 1 53 9 OS J 1186 [Cologne April 5 6 Total S ? 11S6 Frankfort April 20 7 19 4 OS s H87 Paris D March25 16 17 8 42 J s ii8r J Ild9 England England Sept. 3 Feb. 2 21 54 10 8 6? 9 S 5 1191 England ATi W June 23 20 11 32 > S H92 France D Nov. 20 14 6 -^ S1193 France D Nov. 10 5 27 Total S > 1194 London April 22 2 15 6 49 S v 1200 London D Jan. 2 17 2 4 35 > S1201 London June 17 15 4 Total s S 1204 England D April 15 12 39 Total S ? 1204 Saltzburg D Oct. 10 6 32 Total S S 1207 Rhemes Feb. 27 10 50 10 20 J S 1208 Rhemes D Feb. 2 5 10 Total ? S 1211 Vienna Nov. 21 13 57 Total S ? 1215 Cologne D 4archl6 15 35 Total S C 1216 icre leb. 18 21 15 11 36 J S 1216 Acre D /larch 5 9 28 7 4? J 1218 Damictta D July 9 9 46 11 31 S < 1222 Rome D Jet. 22 14 28 Total J S 1223 Colmar April 16 8 13 11 ? S 122 H Naples Dec. 27 9 55 9 19 w > U30 Naples May 13 17 Total S J 1230 London Nov. 21 13 21 9 34 J ?>>2 Rhemes Oct. 15 4 29 4 25 I Of Eclipses, STRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. 291 s'Aft. 1 S Chr, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon seen at M.andD. Middle H. M. Digits 'S eclipsed. / s __ s S 1245 Rhemes uly 27 17 47 6 s > 1248 London 3) une 7 8 49 Total S S 1255 London D luly 20 9 47 Total < > 1255 Constantinople (v) Dec. 30 2 52 Annul. S 1258 Augsburgh 5 May IS I 17 Total s ^ 1261 Vienna X.V March 3 1 22 40 9 8S < 1262 Vienna D March 7 5 50 Total s ? 1262 Vienna D \ug. 30 14 39 Total ^ S 1263 Vienna 3) Feb. 24 6 52 6 29 S !> 1263 Augsburgh Aug. 5 3 24 11 17S S 1263 Vienna D Aug. 20 7 35 9 7s I* 1265 Vienna D Dec. 23 16 25 Total S S 126* Constantinople May 24 23 11 11 40 < Ij 1270 Vienna March 22 18 47 10 40 > S 1272 Vienna D Aug. 10 7 27 8 53 S ij 1274 Vienna D Jan. 23 10 39 9 25 Jj S 1275 Lauben D Dec. 4 6 20 4 29 S ^ 1276 Vienna ]) Nov. 22 15 Total ^ S 1277 Vienna D May 18 . Total S S 1309 Lucca D Aug. 21 10 32 Total S S J310 Wittemburg Jan. 3 1 2 2 10 10 ^ S 1310 Torcella D Feb. 14 4 8 10 20 S S 1310 Torcella D Aug. 10 15 33 7 16 Jj S 1312 Wittemburg S 1312;Plaisance D July 4 Dec. 14 19 49 7 19 3 23 S Total Ij S 1313 Torcello D Dec. 3 8 58 9 34 S S 1316 Modena D Oct. 1 14 55 Total JJ S 1321 Wittemburo; June 25 18 1 11 17 S J 1323 Florence D May 20 15 24 Total > S 1324 Florence D May 9 6 3 Total S S 1324 Wittemburg April 23 6 35 8 8 Jj 1327!Constantinople D Aug. 31 18 26 Total \ S 1328 Constantinople Feb. 25 13 47 11 S $ 13 30; Florence 3) June SO 15 10 7 34 Sj S 1330 Constantinople (D July 16 4 5 10 43 S Ij 1330 Prague Dec. 25 15 49 Total S 1331 Prague (D Nov. 29 20 26 7 41 S S 1 331 1 Prague Dec. 14 18 11 292 Of Eclipses, S TRUYK's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. %# S Aft. S Chr. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon seen at M.andD. Middle H. M. Digits S eclipsed. Jj S 1333 Wittemburg viay 1 4 3 10 18 !j S 1334 Cesena D : April 19 10 33 Total S S 1341 Constantinople D Nov. 23 12 23 Total s 1341 Constantinople ;DCC. 8 22 15 6 30 S S 1342 Constantinople D May 20 14 27 Total s S 1344 Alexandria Oct. 6 18 40 8 55 J S 1349 Wittemburg D June 30 12 20 Total < S 1354 Wittemburg -Jept. 16 20 45 8 43 S 5 1356 Florence J> Feb. 16 11 43 Total <. S 1361 Constantinople May 4 22 15 8 54 S S 1367 Sienna D Jan. 16 8 27 Total s S 1389 Eugibio Nov. 3 17 5 Total S S 1396 Augsburgh Jan. 1 1 16 6 22 ^ 5 1396 Augsburgh D June 21 11 10 Total S S 1399 Forli Oct. 29 43 9 -~\ S 1406 Constantinople D : June 1 13 10 31 S 5 1406 Constantinople June 15 18 1 11 38 < Jj 1408 Forli Oct. 18 21 47 9 32 S ? 1409 Constantinople .April 15 3 1 10 48 s J 1410 Vienna 3 ! March 20 13 13 Total S S 1415 Wittemburg June 6 6 43 Total s J 1419 Franckfort March 25 22 5 1 45 ? 142] Forli J Feb. 17 8 C 2 Total \ S 1422 Forli J Feb. 6 8 26 11 7$ S 1424 Wittemburg June 26 3 57 11 20 S S 1431 Forli Feb. 12 2 4 1 39 ^ 1433 Wittembiirer June 1 7 5 Total S S 1438! Wittemburg S 1442 Rome D Sept. 18 Dec. 17 20 59 3 59 8 7S Total S S 1448 Tubing Aug. 28 22 23 8 53 \ S 1450 Constantinople D July 24 7 19 Total S S 1457 Vienna D Sept. 3 11 17 Total ' Aft. S Chr. S M. & D. Middle H. M. Digits eclipsed Aft. Chr. M. & D. Middle H. M. Digits "s eclipsed \ V 1486 D Feb. 1 8 5 41 Total 1508 May 29 6 * S Jj 1486 March 5 17 43 9 1508 i> June 12 17 40 Total J; S 1487 D Feb. 7 15 49 Total 1509 June 2 11 11 7 OS ^ 1487 July 2( 2 6 7 1509 0Nov. 11 22 s S 1488 D Jan. 28 6 # 1510 y Oct. 16 19 * V 1488 July 8 1 7 St. 4 1511 D Oct. 6 11 50 Total 5 S 1489 J Dec. 7 17 41 Total 1512 Sept. 25 3 56 Total S J; 149G May 19 Noon * 1513 March 7 30 6 ^ S 1490 j) June 2 10 f Total 1513 July 30 1 * S > 149C 3 Nov. 26 18 25 Total 1515 D Jan. 29 15 18 Total S 1491 March 8 2 19 9 1516 Jan. 1 9 6 Total S Jj 1491 Nov. 15 18 * 1516 D July 1 3 11 37 Total < S 1492 April 26 7 * 15 1C Dec. 23 3 47 3 S > 1492 Oct. 20 23 * 1517 June 1 8 16 S S 1493 3) April 21 14 Total 1517 D Nov. 27 19 s > 1493 Oct. 1C 2 40 8 1518 May 24 11 19 9 11 S S S 1494 March 7 4 12 4 1518 June 7 17 56 11 OS ^ 1494 3 March 2 1 14 38 Total 1519 May 28 1 * S S 1494 D Sept. 14 19 45 Total 1519 5) Oct. 23 4 33 6 S !j 1495 3> March 10 16 * 1519 D Nov. 6 6 24 Total s S 1495 Aug. 19 17 # 152015 May 2 7 * S Aug. 16 16 * S 1502 Sept. 30 19 45 10 1525 Jan 23 4 * V S 1503 D Oct. 15 12 20 2 1525 D July 4 10 10 Total > ^ 1503 D March 12 9 * I52o 5 Dec. 29 10 46 Total ? ^ 1503 Sept. 19 22 r * 1526 D Dec. 18 10 30 Total S S 1504 D Feb. 29 13 26 Total 1527 Jan. 2J 3 S 1504 March 16 3 # 1527 Dec. 710 \ 1505 5 Aug. 14 8 18 Total 1528 May 17 20 * S lj 1506 3 Feb. 7 15 * 1529 D Oct. 1 6 20 23 11 55 ^ S 1507 July 20 3 11 2 1530 March 28 13 23 8 4s !j 1506 /*~'S Aug. 3 10 * 1530 3 Oct. 6 12 1 Total ^ S 1507 Jan. 12 19 * 153 3 April 1 7 * S ^ 1508 Jan. 2 4 * 1532 Aug. 30 40 S S Of Eclipses. 'RICCIGLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. S Aft. S Chr. M. Sc D. Middle H. M. Digits eclipsed Aft. Chr. M. Sc D Middle H. M. Digits eclipsed S 1533 3 Aug. 4 11 50 Total 1556 (V) Nov. 1 18 9 41 S 1533 Aug. 19 17 * 1556 3 Nov. 1 6 12 44 6 55 S 1534 Jan. 14 1 42 5 45 1557 (Vf Oct. 20 20 * S 1534 3 Jan. 29 14 25 Total 1558 3 April 2 11 9 50 S Ij 1535 June 30 Noon * 1558 April 18 1 * S S 1535 3 July 14 8 * 1559 3 April 16 4 50 Total J lj 1535 Dec. 24| 2 # 1560 3 March 11 15 40 4 13 <| S 1536 June 18 2 2 8 1560 Aug. 21 1 6 22 5 ^ 1536 D Nov. 27 6 24 10 15 1560 3 Sept. 3 7 * S S 1537 3 May 24 8 3 Total 1561 Feb. 13 29 * 1537 June 7 8 * 1562 Feb. 3 5 S S 1537 3 Nov. 16 14 56 Total 1562 3 July 15 15 50 Total J ^ 1538 3 May 1 3 14 24 2 1563 (v)!Jan. 22 19 * S 1538 3 Nov. 6 5 31 3 37 1563 June 20 4 50 8 38^ 1539 April 8 4 33 9 1563 3 July 5 8 4 11 34 i S 1540 April 6 17 15 Total 1565 March 7 12 53 ^ !j 1541 3 March 1 1 16 34 Total 1565 3 May 14 16 I S 1541 Aug. 21 56 3 1565 ^ I Nov. 7 12 46 11 46 J ^ 1542 3 March 1 8 46 1 38 1566 3>|Oct. 28 5 38 Total ^ S 154* \ug. 10 17 * 1567 April 8 23 4 6 34 s Ij 1543 3 July 15 16 * 1567 D Oct. 17 13 43 2 40 S S 1544 3 Jan. 9 18 13 Total 1568 March 28 5 5 S 1544 Jan. 23 21 16 11 17 1569 3 March 2 15' 18 Total J S 1544 3 July 4 8 31 Total 1570 3 Feb. 20 5 46 Total < 5 1544 3 Dec. 28 18 27 Total 1570 3 Aug. 15 9 17 Total J !j 1545 June 8 20 48 3 45 157. Jan. 25 4 * V S 1545 Dec. 17 18 * 1572 Jan. 14 19 < Jj 1546 <- May 30 5 ( * 1572 | fune 25 9 5 26 V S 1546 Cv Nov. 22 23 * 1573 June 28 18 * < !j 1547 3 May 4 27] 8 1573 v? Nov. 24 4 * \ S 1547 3 )ct. 28 4 56J11 34 1573 Dec. 8 6 51 Total I > 1547 \ T ov. 12 2 9 9 30 1574 3 Nov. 13 3 50 5 21 V S 1548 S Ypril 8 3 * 1575 May 19 8 - 6 !j 1548 3 April 22 11 24 Total J157o T) Nov. 2 5 * S 1549 3 April 1 15 19 2 1576 3 Oct. 7 9 45 < !j 15-49 ^ Oct. C 6 * 1577 3 April 2 8 33 Total < S 1550 iVLirch 10 20 * 1577 3 Sept. 26 ! 3 4 Total .' *ij 1551 3 Feb. 20 8 21 Total 1578 3 ;:cpt. 1513 4 2 20 < S 1551 ;v) Au-. 31 2 1 52 1579 i'eb. 15 5 41 8 36 < vj 1553 Jan. 12 22 54 1 22 1579 (S Aug. 20 19 ; S 1553 July 10 # 1530 3 10 7 Total ; ^ 1553 3 July 24 16 31 1581 3 Jan. 19 9 22 Total ( S 1554 Jr. lie 29 6 - * 1581 3 July 15 17 51 Total | S . l ^54 -i' Dec. t 13 7 10 12 1582 3 Jan. 8 10 29 53, S 1 555 3 June 4 15 C Total 1582 a June 9 17 5 r s ^ 1 5 5 5 j 5 o Nov. 13 .19 * 1583 3 Nov. 28 21 51 Total Of Eclipses. RICCIOLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. 2?& JChr. M. Sc D. Middle H. M. Digits eclipsed. Aft. Chr. |M. & D. Middle II. M. Digits S eclipsed ^ Ij 1584 May 9 18 20 3 36 1601 D; June 15 6 18 4 52 S 1584 D Nov. 17 14 15 Total 1601 June 29 China 4 29 S 5 1585 April 2 7 53 11 7 1601 D Dec. 9 7 6 10 53 s S 1585 D May 13 5 9 6 54 1601 a Dec. 24 2 46 9 52 S Ij 1586 D Sept. 27 8 # 1602 May 21 Green] 241s S 1586 (? Oct. 12 Noon # 1602 3 June 4 7 18 Total S Ij 1587 5 Sept 10 9 28 10 2 1602 June 1 9 N.Gra. 5 43 s S 1588 Feb. 26 1 23 1 3 1602 Nov. 1 3 Magel. 3 S ij 1588 3 March 12 14 14 Total 1602 3) Nov. 28 10 2 Total s S 1588 3> Sept. 4 17 30 Total 1603 May 10 China 11 2lS ^ 1589 Aug. 10 18 # 1603 3> May 24 11 41 7 59 S S 1589 3) Aug. 25 8 1 3 45 1603 Nov. 3 Rom. I. 11 17 J> > 1590 Feb. 4 5 # 1903 D Nov. 18 7 31 3 26 S S 1590 3 July 16 17 4 3 54 1604 April 20 Arabia 9 32 J > 1590 July 30 19 57 10 27 1604 Oct. 22 Peru 6 49 S S 1591 3) Jan. S 6 21 9 40 1605 D April 3 9 19 11 49 !j 1591 3) July 6 5 8 Total 1605 April 1 8 Madag. 5 31 S S 1591 / r*-. July 20 4 2 I 1605 3> Sept. 27 4 27 9 26 ^ ^ 1591 3 Dec. 29 16 11 Total 1605 Oct. 12 2 32 9 24 S S 1592 3) June 24 10 13 8 58 1606 March 8 Mexico 6 !j 1592 j) Dec. 18 7 24 5 54 1606 5 March 24 11 17 Total S S 1593 May 30 2 30 2 38 1606 Sept. 2 Magel. 6 40 J; ^ 1594 May 1 9 14 58 10 23 1606 Sept. 2 Magel. 6 40 S S 1594 D Oct. 28 19 15 9 40 1606 3 Sept. 16 15 6 Total. $ % 1595 April 9 Ter.de Fucgo 1607 Feb. 25 21 48 1 13 S S 1595 J) April 24 4 12 Total 1607 3> March 13 6 36 1 22 Jj S 1595 May 7 o # 1607 Sept. 5 15 40 4 7 < 1595 Oct. 3 2 4 5 18 1608 Feb. 15 at the Antipo. Jj S 1595 ]) Oct. 18 20 47 Total 1608 3 July 27 30 1 53 S S 1596 March 28 In Chili 1608 Aug. 9 4 39 40 ^ S 1596 D April 12 8 52 6 4 1609 j) Jan. 19 15 21 10 32 S > 1596 )ept. 21 In China 1609 Feb. 4 Fuego 5 22 i; S 1596 3) )ct. 6 21 15 3 33 1609 D July 16 12 8 Total S > 1597 vlarch 16 St. Pet. Isle 1609 July 30 Canada 4 10 % S 1597 *>ept. 1 1 Picora 9 49 1609 Dec. 26 19 5 50 ^ Jj 1598 3) Feb. 20 18 12HO 55 1610 3) Jan. 9 1 31 Total 5 S 1598 March 6 22 12 11 57 1610 June 20 Java 10 46 S % 1598 j) Aug. 1 6 1 15 Total 1610 D July 5 16 58 11 1S2 S 1596 Aug. 3 1 Magel. S 34 1610 Dec. 15 Cyprus 4 50 J Ij 1599 9 Feb. 10 18 21 Total 1610 3) Dec. 29 16 47 4 23 s S 1599 July 22 4 31 8 18 1611 June 10 Calilbr. 11 30 S I} 1599 3) Aug. 6 Total 1612 ]) May 14(10 38 7 22 v S 1600 Jan. 15 Java 11 48 1612 lay 29 23 38 r H s Ij 1600 3) Jan. 30 6 40 2 5* 16 i 2 D .'ov. 8 3 22 9 49 > S 1600 % 1601 July 10 Jan. 4 2 10 Ethiop. 5 39 9 40; 1612 1613 Nov. 22 April 20 Magel. Magel. *. m O's lanica. fV ^ ** ^ *J Pp 296 Of Eclipses. RICClOLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. S*Aft. S Chr. "./- r*rj~*r^^- M.and D. ./-v./'V^/^/^ Middle M. M. \y-,r\yx/-,x'-*--rx Digits fiAft. eclipsed. .Chr 1 1 ^r-s -^^rv-A^-. M.and D. Mldle Dig-its S I. M.' eclipsed. V S 1613 jj May 4 35 Total 1625 ./iarch b Florida S 1613 <) May 19 East Partary 1625 J) viarcn23 14 11 2 11 S ? 1613 4 .'0 Oct. 13 South Arm r. 1625 ept. St. Pe'ter's Isle S ^1613 f Oct. 28 4 19 Total 1625 ~) ,ept. 16 11 41 5 6 c S 1614 w April fc N. Gui. 8 44 1626 3 i-'eb. 25 Madag 8 27 S 5 1614 ~j) April 23 17 36 5 25 1626 ^ Aug. 7 7 48 25 S J 1614 Oct. 3 57 5 2 1626 Aug. 21 In Mexico J S 1614 S 1615 J 1615 T) < )ct. 17 (f) March 29 ^ Sept. 22 4 58 Goa Salom 4 56 10 38 Isle 1627 1627 1627 5 Jan. 30 I-eb. 15 July 27 11 38 Magel 9 4 10 21 <; Itnica < Total S SifilS* M .rch 3 I 58 Total 16,7 S) /\ug. 11 Tenduc 10 J S 1616 March 17 Mexico 6 47 1628 .ian. 6 '1 'endue 5 40 t S 1616 Aug. 26 15 35 Total 1628 Jan, 20 10 11 Total S J 16]6 Sepr. 10 Ma gel. 10 33 [62i .'?: July 1 C.Good Hope S S 1617 '' 7 ) Feb. 5 Mage! anica 1 Si 5" July 16 11 26 Total J S 1617 > 1617 j> <-.-> Feb. 20 March 6 1 49 22 Total 1621 162v Oec. 25jlnEug Ian. 91 36 and ? 4 27 "S c 1617 i Aug. 1 Biarmia # 1629 .T f June 11 Gange J.1 25 S S 1617 Aue. 16 8 22 Total 1629 Dec. H Peru 10 14 J S 1618 f'janT 26 Maarei .anica 1630J T) May 25 17 56 6 s J 1618 (Feb. 9 3 29 2 57 1630 lune 10 7 47 9 8 S ^ 1618 D July 21 Mexico 16,j(j 2 \ r ov. 19 11 24 9 27 S S 1619 S Jan. 15 ! Caliior aia 1630 ';'.' Dec. 3 N. Gui. 10 10 t S 1619 v^/ June 2G 12 40 5 10 1631 -vpril 30 Antar. Circle s J 1619 Jaly 11 Africa 11 39 163 Way 15 8 15 Total S < 1619 5 Dec. 20 15 53 10 47 163 1 Oct. 24 C.Good Hope J S 1620 May 31 Arctic Circle 1631 "D Mov. 8 12 1- Total ^ S 1620 5 June 14 13 47 Total 1632 Apr. 19 C.Good Hope S J 1620 June 29 Mattel. 7 20 1632 D May 4 1 24 6 35 S S 1620 } (Dec. 9 6 39 Total 1532 Oct. 13 Mexico 8 37 J S 16^0 fv) Dec. 23 Mag?l lanica 1532 < )ct. 17 12 2.3 5 31 c J 1621 3) May 20 14 54 10 44 1633 npril 8 5 14 4 30 S < 1621 5 June 3 19 42 9 53 1633 Oct. 3 Maldiv. Total S S 1621 S 1621 3 Nov. 13 Nov. 2.s Mage) 15 43 lanica 3 2H 1634 i 'i34 1 March 14 March 28 9 35 Japan 11 18 y 10 19 w May 10 C. Yen! U J* Io.i4 3) ISept. 7 5 Total S lj 1622 ^) Nov. 2 Malar c i In. 1634 Sept. 22 C.G.FL 9 54 J> S 1623 5 \pril 1 4 7 19 10 5'i 1635 Feb. 17 Antar. Circle 5 (v) March U .vlexico 16 S ^ 1623 (V) Oct. 23 Califor. 10 46'|1635|(3 Aug. 12 Iceland 5 07 S 1624 May 18 N. Zem. 6 163.5! J Aug. 27 16 4 Total < 1S24 J 1624 1 \pril 3 April 17 7 9 Ant'.r. Total 1636; Circle ; 1636 ^ Feb. Feb. 20 In 11 34 Peru S 3 23 S S S 1624 Sept. 12 Mag.-! i mica \ 1636 (v) \ug-. Tartan U 20^ S 1624 5 Sept. 2C 8 5J Total .1636 j> Aug. 1- 34 1 25 J CJf Eclipses. KICCIOLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. J Aft. S Chr. M. & D. Middle H. M. Digits j|Aft. eclipsed Chr. 5 D 5 j> 3) D I 9 5 D D i ij M.anclD. Middle II. M. Digits Jj eclipsed ? Ij 1637 J 1637 1638 S 1639 163 S 1639 |> 1639 S 1639 > 1640 S 16K, Jj 164t S 1641 Jj i64i S 1641 > 1642 S 1642 1642 S 1642 Jj 1643 S 1643 Jj 1643 S 1643 Ij 1644 S 1644 Ij 1645 S 1645 Ij 1645 S 1645 .tj 1646 S 1646 ' J 16-1-6 3 1647 S 1647 <; 1647 S 1547 ,J 1648 S 1648 ? 1648 S 1648 S 1649 j) J) J) J) J J) j) J) 1) 3 D v.'L-' f> D 3) Jan. 26 uiy 21 Dec. 31 1 ji. 14 ,une 25 July 11 Dec. 5 Dec. 20 Jan. 4 J une 1 June 15 S r ov. 24 Dec. 9 May 20 Nov. 1 3 April 25 May 9 Oct. 18 Nov. 2 March 30 April 1 4 Sept. 2.) Oct. 7 March 19 April 3 Sept. 1 2 Sept. 27 March 8 Aug. 3 1 Feb. 10 Feb. 26 Aug. 7 Aug. 21 Jan. 1 6 fcarj. 30 Uily 12 July 27 s 20 ' ': \ i V 2 Dec. 25 5 'ime 20 NOV. 29 Dec. 13 May 25 Cain Jucutan 44 Persia 20 17 C Mag ellan 15 16 Tartary 5 29 2 41 Magel. 11 57 NT.Spa. Peru 2 I Peru 8 19 18 46 Estod. 14 31 Magei 16 45 13 53 .31 10 17 7 38 6 20 IS 10 7 45 Rom. I. 2 4 35 Str.of 18 1 i 6 57 6 12 10 9 43 9 13 3f> 55 1 3 2.3 19 17 21 48 15 20 boya 10 45 9 45 Total 9 5 2 10 Total 30 10 40 11 9 11 3 46 10 30 10 3o 9 4, 10 16 6 31 j 1649 J1649 |1649 1650 1650 1650 1 650 1651 1651 1652 1652 1652 1652 1653 1653 1653 1 65 3 165* 1654 1654 1654 1655 1655 165;> 165 1655 1657 1657 1658 165ft 1658 1658 1 6 5 9 1659 1 659 1659 1060 1660 1660 1 660 1661 1661 June 9 Nov. 4 Nov. 1 8 April 30 May 1 5 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 April 1' Oct. l-l :h 24 April 7 Sept. ir ' } P *~ c "* i-'eb. 27 March 13 Aug. 22 Sept. 6 Feb. 16 MiiTcii 2 Aug. 1 1 Aug. 27 Feb. 6 \g. 1 Jan. 1 1 July 6 juiy 21 Dec. 30 11 j'une 25 Dec. 4 Dec, 2( May 3 1 June M Nov. 9 Nov. 24 n M;ty 20 Oct. 29 Nov. 1 l- April 21 Oct. 3 Oct. 18 Nov. 2 vlarch 29 April R ArctC. 2 10 19 56 5 5 4 8 37 17 17 20 29 Tube". '2 15 1 6 52 22 40 7 27 5 2 4 3 16 S Total s 4 47 5 5 2 % 9 51 ^ Total s 4 28 Total S 7 40 Total S s 29S Of Eclipses. RICCIOLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. 5 Aft. S Ciu. M.andD. Middle H. M. i ;is eclipsed. Aft. Chr. M.andD Middle H. M. Digits S eclipsed <* S 1661 5 1661 S 1662 ^ 166. V iiv-3 S i663 S 1663 Jj 1663 S 1664 ! 1664 S 1664 !j 1664 S 166.3 Jj 166., S 1665 !j 1660 S 166& \ 1667 S 1667 !j 1667 S 1668 !j 1668 S 1668 !> 1668 S 1669 ^ 1669 S 1670 I] 1670 S 1670 !j 1670 S 1671 S 1671 lj 1672 S 1672 S S 1672 S 1673 ! i S 167:; J 1675 V 1676 3) & 3> .- , 3 3 3 f 3 3 3 j * .'-' Sept. 23 Oct. 7 March 19 Feb. 2 1 a . Aug. 18 Sept. 1 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 1 h:;y 22 Aug. 20 Jan. 3i July 12 July 26 Jan. 4 July 1 June 5 July 21 N T ov. 25 Mav 10 May 25 Kov. 4 Nov. 1 8 April 29 Oct. 24 April 1 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 28 Oct. 13 April 8 Sept. 2 Sept. 1 8 Feb. 28 March 13 up\. C Feb. 6 Aug. 1 1 Jan. 21 ' . b. July 17 Jan. 11 '"'ii 2^ July 6 June 1C 1 36 14 51 15 8 1 8 16 11 5 47 8 45 8 8 20 40 3 16 14 48 22 10 18 47 7 48 13 31 31 33 19 Noon 2 32 11 30 Setting 16 26 2 53 3 54 13 18 10 13 7 19 15 45 12 5 23 29 21 25 7 44 3 38 3 17 6 43 18 5--. 7 29 21 44 18 22 9 4 9 40 8 29 ;o 36 16 31 21 26 1 1 1 9 7 4 3 14 676 1671 1677 167W 1678 1679 1 679 1680 1680 1680 1681 1681 1681 1682 1682 1683 1683 1683 1684 1684 1684 1684 ,1685 1685 1685 J1686 il686 ',1686 11687 1687 i!687 ,1688 '1688 1689 169G 1690 1690 1690 1691 169; 1692 1692 1692 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 June 25 Dec. 4 Nov. 24 May 16 May 6 Oct. 29 April 10 May 25 March 29 Sept. 22 March 4 March 19 Aug. 28 Sept. 11 Feb. 2 1 Aug. 16 Jan". 27 Feb. 9 Aug. 6 Jan. 1 6 June 26 July 12 Dec. 21 Jan. ' 4 June 16 Dec. 10 May 2 1 June 6 Nov. 29 May 1 1 May 26 April 15 April 2: Oct. 9 Oct. 25 April 4 Sept. 28 March 10 March 24 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 8 Feb. 27 Aug. 23 Feb. 2 Feb. If July 27 6 26 20 52 12 5 16 25 5 30 9 17 21 11 53 23 22 7 57 Noon 13 43 15 22 15 43 12 28 18 56 I 35 3 39 20 36 6 34 15 18 4 26 11 18 16 6 11 26 17 9 Noon 12 22 14 7 4 16 27 Noon 19 4C 7 42 15 46 L S 8 15 S Total 1 i;tai S ~ S 4 34 10 35 !j Total Total S 10 30 5 s 10 11 10 s ~ s 9 32 9 50 6 45 9 7 1 35 > Total s 9 45 S Total S Total $ 6 49 5 S 'Total < Total ^ Total 11 14 2 42 17 30 5 51 3 20 17 31 16 9 5 43 S 11 21 'i otai Total TotaJ 4 3-1 S E^! Total ^ Of Eclipses, 299 RICCIOLUS's CATALOGUE OF ECLIPSES. s'Aft. \ Chr. M.andD. Middle H. M. Digits, eclipsedj Aft. Chr. M.andD. Middle II. M. Di-its S eclipsed JJ > 1693 t 1 fiQ^ 5 Tk Jan. 21 17 2j 1 oUii 1696 1 fiQ7 /rr. Nov. 23 A i-ji'i 1 2() 17 32 U 1694 S 1694 S 1 fiQ/l J> D TV Jan. 1 1 June 22 liilv 6 Noon 4 22 13 51 6 22 a 47 1697 1697 1698 W 3 3 ^ May 5 Oct. 29 \nril 10 18 27 8 44 9 13 88 45 C 1 AQ 5 J ,V,N Vlav 1 1 fi ^ 1 fiQR ^ /TT-, Ort ^ 15 9 9 I 1695 ^> 7i May 28 Noon 1699 (i) ^ March 15 8 14 9 7^ S 1695 i 1 fiO S Ji D r^ Nov. 20 DPP 5 8 17 7 6 55 1699 1 fiQQ JJ March 30 Cif*nt c 22 23 22 _| S 1696 7 i cq r w j) '.t\ May 16 IVTnv ^0 12 45 1 9 ifi Total 1699 1 7nn 3 Sept. 23 22 38 9O 1 1 9 58 S S 1696 5 Nov. 8 17 30 Total 1700 3 3 Aug. 29 1 42 S ' S The Eclipses from STRUYK were observed ; those from RICCIOLUS calculated : the following from L?Art de -verifier les Dates are only those which are visible in Eurojie for the present century : those which arc tota,! are marked with a T. ; and M. signifies Morning, A. Afternoon. VISIBLE ECLIPSES FROM *.< 1700 TO 1800. # 5 Aff Months Time ot Aft | Months Time of S ^ jfVlL* ^Chr. s and Days. the Day or Night. \l\>* Chr. and Days. the Day s or Night. S S 1701 J Feb. 22 11 A. 1715 May 3 9 M.T. S S 1703 3 Jan. 3 7 M. 1715 D Nov. 1 1 5 M. s S 1703 2 June 29 i M.y. 1717 March 27 3 M. lj iros 3 Dec. 23 7 M.T. 1717 3 May 20 6 A. ^ S 1704 3 Dec. 11 7 M. 1718 Sept. 9 8 A. T. \ vj 1706 j) April 28 2 M. 1719 j) Aug. 29 9 A. 5 S 1706 May 12 10 M. 1721 j Jan. 13) 3 A. ^ 1706 3 Oct. 2 1 7 A. 1722 3 June 29 3 M. S S 1707 April 17 2 M.2". 1722 Dec. 8 3 A. S S 1708 3 April 5 6 M. 1722 3 Dec. 22 4 A. S ^ 1708 Dec. 14 8 M. 1724 May ~2 7 A.T. J> ^ 1708 3 Sept. 29 9 A. 1724 Nov. 1 4 M. S S 1709 ^~- March 1 1 2 A. 1725 3 Oct. 21 7 A. J; Ij 1710 Feb. 1 3 11 A. 1726 Sept. 25 6 A. S S 1710 Feb. 28 1 A. 1726 3 Oct. 1 1 5 M. !; S 1711 July 15 8 A. 1727 Sept. 15 7 M. S S 1711 3 July 29! 6 A.T. 1729|3 Feb. 1 3 .6 A.T. S S 1712 3> Jan. 23 8 A. |1729 3 Aug. 9 1 M. < S 1713 3 June 8 6 A. |l730 3 Feb. 4 4 M. S <, 1713 3 Dec. 2, 4 M. ! 173l 3 June 20 2 M. i , s -f/ 9f Eclipses* VISIBLE ECLIPSES FROM 1700 TO 5 Ait. Months and Time of the Day Aft. 01 Kr Months and Time ol S ne Day v, \ Days. or Night. onr. Days. or Night. S S 1732 D Dec. 1 10 A.T. 17 9 4 \pril l o M. J ^ 1733 May 13 7 A. 1764 J> \pril 16 1 M. s S 1733 D May 28 r A. 1765 March 2 1 2 A. J 1735 D Oct. 2 I M. 1765 (j Aug. 16 5 A. s S 1736 3 March 2 6 12 A.r. 1766 j eh. 24 7 A. S ^ 1736 D Sept. 20 3 M.T. 1766 (''" Aug. 5 7 A. s S 1736 Oct. 4 6 A. 1768 J an. 4 5 M. S i 1737 March 1 4 A. 1768 J) 'une 30 4 M.T. s S 1737 A D Sept. 9 4 M. 1768 J Dec. 23 4 A.T. S ? 1738 \ug. 15 1 1 M. 1769 Jan. 1 12 A. 1772 ]> Oct. ' 1 1 6 A.T. S <| 174^ D Nov. 2 3 M.T. 1772 Oct. 2f I/) M. $ <, 174-; D Aug. 26 9 A. 1773 S3 March 23 5 M. S Ij 1746 D Aug. 30 12 A. 1773 j) Sept. 50 7 A. Jj S 1747 3) Feb. 14 5 M.T. 1774 March 11 10 M. c Jj 1748' July 25 11 M. 1776 j) July 31 1 M.T. S S 1748 3 Aug. 8 12 A. 177C \L Aug. 14 5 M. 5 S . 1749 D Dec. 23 8 A. 1777 Jan. 9 5 A. S ^ 1750 {"?} Jan. 8 9 M. 1778 /v)Uune 2< 4 A. ^ S 1750 j) June 19 9 A.r. 1778 J> Dec. 4 6 M. S I! 1750 D Dec. IS 7 M. 1779 3 May 30 5 M.T, % S 1751 j> June 9 2 M. 1779 June 14 8 M. S c D Oct. 2: i M.r. s S 176: April 1 3 8 M. 1791 April t 1 A. < VISIBLE ECLIPSES FROM 1700 TO $ Aft. Chr. s D D J Months and Days. Time of the Day or Night. Aft. Chr. D a D D Months and Days. Time of S the Day < or Night. S S 1791 Ij 1792 S 1793 S 1793 S 1794 S 1794 S 1794 Oct. 12 Sept. 16 Feb. 25 Sept. 5 Jan. 31 Feb. 14 Aug. 25 3 M. 11 M. 10 A. 3 A. 4 A. 11 ^.T. 5 A. 1795 1795 1795 1797 1797 1798 J800 Feb. 4 July 16 July 31 June 25 Dec. 4 May 27 Oct. 2 1 M. S 9 M. ^ 8 A. S S A. Z 6 M. S 7 A.r. 11 A. S 328. A List of Eclipses, and historical Events, which happened about the same Times, from Rio But according to an old calen* Jar, this eclipse of the Sun was on the 21st of April, on which day the foundations of Rome were laid; if we may believe Taruntius Fir- Before CHRIST. '54 721 585 March 19 May 28 4.63 July 6 Nov. 19 April 30 A total eclipse of the Moon. The Assyrian Empire at an end; thej&z- bylonian established. An eclipse of the Sun foretold by THALES, by which a peace was brought about between the Medes and Lydians. An eclipse of the Moon, which was followed by the death of CAM- UYSES. An eclipse of the Moon, which was followed by the slaughter of the Sabines, and death of Valerius Public 'o/a. An eclipse of the Sun. The Persia?! war, and the falling. off of the Persians from the Egyptians. eclipse. 302 Of Eclipses. Before CHRIST. April 25 An eclipse of the Moon, which was followed by a great famine at Rome ; and the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. 431 August 3 A total eclipse of the Sun. A comet and plague at Athens*. 413 August^l A total eclipse of the Moon. Ni- dus with his ship destroyed at Sy- racuse. 394 August 14 An eclipse of the Sun. The Persians beat by Conon in a sea-en- gagement. 168 June 21 A total eclipse of the Moon. The next day Perseus King of Macedo- nia was conquered by Paulus Emi- . lius. After CHRIST. 59 April 30 j An eclipse of the Sun. This is reckoned among the prodigies, on iccount of the murder of Agrippi- nus by Nero. 237 April 12 A "total eclipse of the Sun. A sign that the reign of the Gordiani vould not continue long. A sixth persecution of the Christians. 306 July 27 An eclipse of the Sun. The stars were seen, and the Emperor Con- stantius died. 840 May 4 A dreadful eclipse of the Sun. And Lewis the Pious died within six months after it. 1009 An eclipse of the Sun. And Jerusalem taken by the Saracens. 1133 August 2 A terrible eclipse of the Sun. The stars were seen. A schism in the church, occasioned by there being three Popes at once. * This eclipse happened in the first year of the Pelopon- nesian war. Of Eclipses. 303 329. I have not cited one half of RicciOLUs'sThesuper, list of portentous eclipses; and for the same reiason^ 1 ^ that he declines giving any more of them than what the anci- that list contains ; namely, that it is most disagree- able to dwell any longer on such nonsense, and a much as possible to avoid tiring the reader: the superstition of the ancients may be seen by the few here copied. My author farther says, that there were treatises written to shew against what regions the malevolent effects of any particular eclipse was aim- ed ; and the writers affirmed, that the effects of an eclipse of the Sun continued as many years as the eclipse lasted hours ; and that of the Moon as many months. 330. Yet such idle notions were once of no small Very for- advantage to CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, who, in^cffor the year 1493, was driven on the island of Jamaica, CHRISTO- where he was in the greatest distress for want of PHER 1 r i COLUM- provisions, and was moreover refused any assistance Bus> from the inhabitants ; on which he threatened them with a plague, and told them, that in token of it, there should be an eclipse. This accordingly fell on the day he had foretold, and so terrified the Bar- barians, that they strove, who should be first in bringing him all sorts of provisions ; throwing them at his feet, and imploring his forgiveness. RICCIO- i.us's Almagest, Vol. I. 1. v, c. ii. 331. Eclipses of the Sun are more frequent than Why-there those of the Moon, because the Sun's ecliptic- limits ^.^ )re are greater than the Moon's, 317: yet we have eclipses of more visible eclipses of the Moon than of the Sun, the Moon because eclipses of the Moon are seen from all parts the'sun, of that hemisphere of the Earth which is next her, and are equally great to each of those parts ; but the Sun's eclipses are visible only to that small portion of the hemisphere next him whereon the Moon's shadow falls, as shall be explained by and by at large. ^ 332. The Moon's orbit being elliptical, and the Earth in one of its focuses, she is once at her least Qq 304 Of Eclipses. Plate XL distance from the earth, and once at her greatest, Fig. L in every lunation. When the Moon changes at her least distance from the Earth, and so near the node that her dark shadow falls upon the Earth, she ap- pears big enough to cover the whole * disc of the Sun from that part on which her shadow falls ; and Total and the Sun appears totally eclipsed there, as at A, for an ! mlar -some minutes : but when the Moon changes at her eclipses of ,. .. . ,^ , , the Sun. greatest distance from the Earth, and so near the node that her dark shadow is directed toward the earth, her diameter subtends a less angle than the Sun's ; and therefore she cannot hide his whole disc from any part of the Earth, nor does her shadow reach it at that time ; and to the place over which the point of her shadow hangs, the eclipse is annu- lar, as at B ; the Sun's edge appearing like a lumi- nous ring all around the body of the Moon. When the change happens within 17 degrees of the node, and the Moon at her mean distance from the Earth, the point of her shadow just touches the Earth, and she eclipses the Sun totally to that small spot whereon her shadow falls ; but the darkness is not of a mo- ment's continuance. The long-- 333. The Moon's apparent diameter, when largest, estdura- exceeds the Sun's when least, only 1 minute 38 taTecHp-" seconds of a degree : and in the greatest eclipse of ses of the the Sun that can happen at any time and place, the total darkness continues no longer than while the Moon is going 1 minute 38 seconds from the Sun in her orbit; which is about 3 minutes and 13 se- conds of an hour. To how 334. The Moon's dark shadow covers only a spot much of on the Earth's surface, about ISO English miles the Surf 1 broad, when the Moon's diameter appears largest, may be to- tally or * Although the Sun and Moon are spherical bodies, as eclipsed seen * rom t ^ ie ^ artn tne y appear to be circular planes ; and at once so WC11 M the Earth do. ii it were seen from the Moon, i he apparently flat surfaces of the Sun and Moon are called their discs by astronomers, Of Eclipses* 305 and the Sun's least ; and the total darkness can ex- Plate XL tend no farther than the dark shadow covers. Yet the Moon's partial shadow or penumbra may then cover a circular space 4900 miles diameter, within all which the Sun is more or less eclipsed, as the places are less or more distant from the centre of the penumbra. When the Moon changes exactly in the node, the penumbra is circular on the Earth at the middle of the general eclipse ; because at that time it falls perpendicularly on the Earth's surface : but at every other moment it falls obliquely, and will therefore be elliptical, and the more so, as the time is longer before or after the middle of the general eclipse; and then, much greater portions of the Earth's surface are involved in the penumbra. 335. When the penumbra first touches the Earth, Duration the general eclipse begins : when it leaves the Earth, of general the general eclipse ends : from the beginning to the cuiar edp- end the Sun appears eclipsed in some part of theses. Earth or other. When the penumbra touches any place, the eclipse begins at that place, and ends when the penumbra leaves it. When the Moon changes in the node, the penumbra goes over the centre of the Earth's disc as seen from the Moon ; and con- sequently by describing the longest line possible on the Earth, continues the longest upon it; namely, at a mean rate, 5 hours 50 minutes : more, if the Moon be at her greatest distance from the Earth, because she then moves slowest ; less, if she be at her least distance, because of her quicker motion. 336. To make the last five articles and several Fig. I/, other phenomena plainer, let S be the Sun, E the Earth, M the Moon, and AMP the Moon's orbit. Draw the right line We 12 from the western side of the Sun at W^ touching the western side of the Moon at c, and the Earth at 12 : draw also the right line Vd 12 from the eastern side of the Sun at V> touching the eastern side of the Moon at r/, and the 306 Of Eclipses. The ^ Earth at 12 : the dark space ce 12 d included be* dariTsha- tween those lines in the Moon's shadow, ending in dow, a point at 12, where it touches the Earth ; because in this case the Moon is supposed to change at M in the middle between A the apogee, or farthest point of her orbit from the Earth, and P the peri- gee, or nearest point to it. For, had die point P been at J/, the Moon had been nearer the Earth ; and her dark shaded at e would have covered a space upon it about 180 miles broad, and the Sun would have been totally darkened, as at.// (Fig. I,) with some continuance : but had the point A (Fig. II,) been at J/, the Moon would have been farther from the Earth, and her shadow would have ended in a point about e, and therefore the Sun would have andpe- appeared, as at./? (Fig. L), like a luminous ring all numbra* around the Moon. Draw the right lines W ' Xdh and PXcg) touching the contrary sides of the Sun and Moon, and ending on the Earth at a and b: draw also the right line S XM 12, from the centre of the Sun's disc, through the Moon's centre, to the Earth at 12 ; and suppose the two former lines WXdh and VXcg to revolve on the line SXM 12 as an axis, and their points a and b will describe the limits of the penumbra TT on the Earth's sur- face, including the large space a b 12 a, within which the Sun appears more or less eclipsed, as the places are more or less distant from the verge of the penumbra a b. t Digits, Draw the right line y 12 across the Sun's disc, what. perpendicular to SXM, the axis of the penumbra: then divide the line y 12 into twelve equal parts, as in the figure, for the twelve * digits of the Sun's diameter : and at equal distances from the centre of the penumbra at 12 (on the Earth's surface YY) to its edge a b, draw twelve concentric circles, as marked with the numeral figures 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. and * A digit is a twelfth part of the diameter of the Sun or Moon. Of Eclipses. 307 remember that the Moon's motion in her orbit A M P is from west to east, as from s to t. Then, To an observer on the Earth at b, the eastern T limb of the Moon at d seems to touch the western limb of the Sun at PF, when the Moon is at M; eclipse. and the Sun's eclipse begins at , appearing as at A in Fig, III, at the left hand ; but at the same moment of absolute time to an observer at a in Fig. II, the western edge of the Moon at c leaves the eastern edge of the Sun at F, and the 'eclipse ends, as at the right hand C of Fig. III. At the very same instant, to all those who live on the cir- cle marked 1 on the Earth E in Fig. II. the Moon M cuts off or darkens a twelfth part of the Sun 5, and eclipses him one digit, as at ] in Fig. Ill : to those who live on the circle marked 2 in Fig. II, the Moon cuts off two twelfth parts of the Sun, as at 2 in Fig. Ill : to those on the circle 3, three parts; and so on to the centre at 12 in Fig. II, where the Sun is centrally eclipsed as at B in the middle of Fig. Ill ; under which figure there is a scale of hours and minutes, to shew, at a mean rate, Fl S- n how long it is from the beginning to the end of a central eclipse of the Sun on the parallel of London ; and how many digits are eclipsed at any particular time from the beginning at A to the middle at B, or the end at C. Thus, in 1 6 minutes from the be- ginning, the Sun is two digits eclipsed ; in an hour and five minutes, eight digits; and in an hour and thirty-seven minutes, 12 digits. 337. By Fig. II, it is plain, that the Sun is total- FL ly or centrally eclipsed but to a small part of the Earth at any time ; because the dark conical shadow e of the Moon M falls but on a small part of the Earth : and that a partial eclipse is confined at that time to the space included by the circle a , c: which only one half can be projected in the figure, the other half being supposed to be hid by the con- vexity of the Earth E ; and likewise, that no parr 308 Of Eclipse*. Plats XL of the Sun is eclipsed to the large space TT of the Earth, because the Moon is not between the Sun and cit%Tthe an y thatpart of the Earth: and therefore to all that Moon's ie part the eclipse is invisible. The Earth turns east* shadow on warc j on its axis, as from g to /;?, which is the same lt way that the Moon's shadow moves; but the Moon's motion is much swifter in her orbit from s to / : and therefore, although eclipses of the Sun are of longer duration on account of the Earth's motion on its axis than they would be if that motion was stopt, yet in four minutes of time at most the Moon's swifter motion carries her dark shadow quite over any place that its centre touches at the time of greatest obscu- ration. The motion of the shadow on the Earth's disc is equal to the Moon's motion from the Sun, which is about 30-^ minutes of a degree every hour at a mean rate; but so much of the Moon's orbit is equal to SO- degrees of a great circle on the Earth, 32O; and therefore the Moon's shadow goes 30- degrees or 1 830 geographical miles on the Earth in an hour, or 30] miles in a minute, which is almost four times as swift as the motion of a cannon ball. Figr- iv. 338. As seen from the Sun or Moon, the Earth's axis appears differently inclined every day of the year, on account of keeping its parallelism throughout its annual course. Let , D, 0, N 9 be the Earth at the two equinoxes, and the two solstices, NS its axis, N the north pole, 5 the south pole, JE Q the equator, T the tropic of Cancer, t the tropic of Capricorn, and ABC the circumference of the Earth's enlight- ened disc as seen from the Sun or new Moon at these Phenome. times. The Earth's axis has the position N E S at Earti^as 6 t ^ le verna ^ equinox, lying toward the right hand, as seen from seen from the Sun or new Moon ; its poles A' and S the su nol *beimr then in the circumference of the disc ; and the new Moon o i i- atdifferent equator and all its parallels seem to be straight lines, times of b ecaus e their planes pass through the observer's eye looking down upon the Earth from the Sun or Moon directly over E, where the ecliptic F G intersects the Of Eclipses. 309 equator JE Q.-> At the summer solstice, the Earth's axis has the position NDS; and that part of the eclip- tic FG, in which the Moon is then new, touches the tropic of Cancer T at D. The north pole N at that time inclining 23 * degrees toward the Sun, falls so ' many degrees within the Earth's enlightened disc; because the Sun is then vertical to Z), 23V degrees north of the equator M Q; and the equator, with all its parallels seem elliptic curves bending downward, or toward the south pole, as seen from the Sun: which pole, together with 237 degrees all round it, is hid behind the disc in the dark hemisphere of the Earth. At the autumnal equinox, the Earth's axis has the position NOS 9 lying to the left hand as seen from the Sun or new Moon, which are then vertical to 0, where the ecliptic cuts the equator O. Both poles now lie in the circumference of the disc, the north pole just going to disappear behind it, and the south pole just entering into it ; and the equator with all its parallels seem to be straight lines, because their planes pass through the observer's eye, as seen from the Sun, and very nearly so as seen from the Moon. At the winter solstice, the Earth's axis has the position NNS ; when its south pole S inclining 23J degrees towards the Sun, falls 23 degrees within the enlight- ened disc, as seen from the Sun or new Moon, which are then vertical to the tropic of Capricorn /, 23] de- grees south of the equator JE O; and the equator with all its parallels seem elliptic curves bending upward ; the north pole being as far behind the disc in the dark hemisphere, as the south pole is come into the light. The nearer that any time of the year is to the equinoxes or solstices, the more it partakes of the phenomena relating to them. 339. Thus it appears, that from the vernal equi- nox to the autumnal, the north pole is enlightened ; and the equator and all its parallels appear elliptical as seen trom the Sun, more or less curved as the time is pearer to or farther from the summer sol- 310 Of Eclipses. Plate XL st | ce . and bending downward, or toward the south Var-.pis pole; the reverse of which happens from the au- ofthe'' tumna l equinox to the vernal. A little consideration Earth's will be sufficient to convince the reader, that the teeiifVom ^ artn ' s ax * s inclines toward the Sun at the summer the Sun at solstice ; f rom the Sun at the winter solstice ; and tlme^'of- sidewise to the Sun at the equinoxes ; but toward the year, the right hand, as seen from the Sun at the vernal equinox ; and toward the left hand at the autumnal, From the winter to the summer solstice, the Earth's 'axis inclines more or less to the right hand, as seen from the Sun ; and the contrary from the summer: to the winter solstice. jfow these 340. The different positions of the Earth's axis, affect solar as seen ^ rom tne ^ un at different times of the year, eclipses, affect solar eclipses greatly with regard to particular places ; yea so far as would make central eclipses which fall at one time of the year, invisible if they had fallen at another ; even though' the Moon should always change in the nodes, and at the same hour of the day : of which indefinitely various affections, we shall only give examples for the times of the equi- noxes and solstices. Fig. iv. In the same diagram, let FG be part of the eclip- tic, and IK, i k, i k, i k, part of the Moon's orbit ; both seen edgewise, and therefore projected into right lines ; and let the intersections TV, 0, ), , be one and the same nodes at the above times, when the Earth has the forementioned different positions; and let the space included by the circles, P, /, p, p, be the penumbra at these times, as its centre is passing over the centre of the Earth's disc. At the winter solstice, when the Earth's axis has the position N N 6\ the centre of the penumbra P touches the tropic of Capricorn / in N at the middle of the ge- neral eclipse ; but no part of the penumbra touches the tropic of Cancer T. At the summer solstice, when'the Earth's axis has the position ND S (i D k Of Eclipses. being then part of the Moon's orbit, whose node is at Z)), the penumbra p has its centre at I), on the tropic of Cancer T 9 at the middle of the general eclipse, and then no part of it touches the tropic of Capricorn /. At the autumnal equinox, the Earth's axis has the position N S (i k being then part of the Moon's orbit), and the penumbra equally in- eludes part of both tropics 7" and t at the middle of the general eclipse : at the vernal equinox it does the same, because the Earth's axis has the position N E S : but in the former of these two last cases, the penumbra enters the Earth at A, north of the tropic of Cancer T, and leaves ii at m, south of the tropic of Capricorn /; having gone over the Earth obliquely southward, as its centre described the line AOm: whereas, in the latter case, the penumbra touches the Earth at ;;, south of the equator JE 6>, and describing the line n E q (similar to the former line AOm in open space) goes obliquely northward over the earth, and leaves it at ^, north of the equa- tor. In all these circumstances, the Moon has been supposed to change at noon in her descending node : had she changed in her ascending node, the pheno- mena would have been as various the contrary way, with respect to the penumbra's going northward or southward over the Earth. But because the Moon changes at all hours, as often in one node as in the other, and at all distances from them both at differ- ent times as it happens, the variety of the phases of eclipses are almost innumerable, even at the same places; especially considering how variouslv the same places are situate on the enlightened disc of the Earth, with respect to the penumbra's motion, at the different hours when eclipses happen. 341. When the Moon changes 17 degrees short HOW of her descending node, the penumbra P \ 8 just | n . ; 1( , h e ( '' touches the northern part of the Earth's disc, near uumbr* i) j. folia MI tW Of Eclipses. distances Moon appears to touch the Sun, but hides no part fcodes the ^ ki m * rom ^g^ ^ ac * tne change been as far short of the ascending node ; the penumbra would have touched the southern part of the disc near the south pole S. When the Moon changes 12 degrees short of the descending node, more than a third part of the penumbra P 1 2 falls on the northern parts of the Earth at the middle of the general eclipse : had she changed as far past the same node, as much on the other side of the penumbra about P would have fallen on the southern part of the Earth ; all the rest in the expansion or open space. When the Moon changes 6 degrees from the node, almost the whole penumbra P 6 falls on the Earth at the middle of the general eclipse. And lastly, when theMoon changes in the node at A 7 , the penumbra P N takes the long- est course possible on the Earth's disc ; its centre falling on the middle of it, at the middle of the ge- neral eclipse. The farther the Moon changes from either node, within 1 7 degrees of it, the shorter is the penumbra's continuance on the Earth, because it goes over a less proportion of the disc, as is evi- dent by the figure. Earth's 342> T ^ e nearer tnat tne penumbra's centre is to diumai the equator at the middle of the general eclipse, the lengthens ^ on g er * s tne duration of the eclipse at all those the dura- places where it is central ; because, the nearer that hrecfi *~ * n y P* ace ^ to t ^ le equator the greater is the circle ses, which it describes by the Earth's motion on its axis ; and mltthe^o s 5 t ^ ie P^ ace m ving quicker, keeps longer in the tar circles, penumbra, whose motion is the same way with that of the place, though faster, as has been already mentioned, 337. Thus (see the Earth at D and the penumbra at 12) while the point b in the polar circle a b c d is carried from b to c by the Earth's diurnal motion, the point d on the tropic of Cancer T is carried a much greater length from d to D : Of Eclipses. and therefore, if the penumbra's centre should go one time over c, and another time over D, the penumbra will be longer in passing over the moving-place d, than it was in passing over the moving-place b. Con- sequently, central eclipses about the poles are of the shortest duration ; and about the equator of the longest. 343. In the middle of summer, the whole frigid .... . .17 7 v i ens the du- zone, included by the polar circle ab <:<:/, is enhght- ration of ened ; and if it then happens that the penumbra's * centre passes over the north pole, the Sun will be within * eclipsed much the same number of digits at a as at these c! *- c ; but while the penumbra moves eastward over r/ ' it moves westward over a 9 because, with respect to the penumbra, the motions of a and c are contrary: for c moves the same way with the penumbra toward d, but a moves the contrary way toward b; and there- fore the eclipse will be of longer duration at c than at a. At a, the eclipse begins on the Sun's eastern limb, but at <:, on his western : at all places lying without the polar circles, the Sun's eclipses begin on his western limb, or near it, and end on or near his eastern. At those places where the penumbra touches the earth, the eclipse begins with the rising Sun, on the top of his western or uppermost edge; and at those places where the penumbra leaves the Earth, the eclipse ends with the setting Sun, on the top of his eastern edge, which is then the uppermost, just at its disappearing on the liorizon. 344.IftheMoonweresurroundedbyanatmosphereTbeMoof> of any considerable density, it would seem to touch the Sun a little before the Moon made her appulse to his edge, and we should see a little faintness on that edge before it was eclipsed by the Moon: but as no such faintness has been observed, at least so far as I have ever heard, it seems plain, that the Moon has no such atmosphere as that of the Earth. The faint ring of light surrounding the Sun in to- 314 Of Eclipses. Plate XL tal eclipses, called by CASSINI la Chevelure du Sohil, seems to be the atmosphere of the Sun ; be- cause it has been observed to move equally with the Sun, not with the Moon. 345. Having said so much about eclipses of the Sun, we shall drop that subject at present, and pro- ceed to the doctrine of lunar eclipses: which, being more simple, may be explained in less time. fte 'Moon' f ^ ^ at tne Moon can never be eclipsed but at the time of her being full, and the reason why she is not eclipsed at every full, has been shewn already. Fig. ii. 3)6, 317. Let S be the Sun, E the Earth, RR the Earth's shadow, and B the Moon in opposition to the Sun : in this situation the Earth intercepts the Sun's light in its way to the Moon : and when the Moon touches the Earth's shadow at v, she be- gins to be eclipsed on her eastern limb #, and con- tinues eclipsed until her western limb y leaves the shadow at iv; at B she is in the middle of the shadow, and consequently in the middle of the eclipse. 346. The Moon when totally eclipsed is not in- visible, if she be above the horizon, and the sky be clear ; but appears generally of a dusky colour like tarnished copper, which some have thought to be why the the Moon's native light. But the true cause of her Moon is b em pp visible is the scattered beams of the Sun, bent visible in a . P. , , , . , , total into the Earth s shadow by going through the atmos- ?ciipse. phere; which, being more dense near the Earth than at considerable heights above it, refracts or bends theSun's rays more inward, 179; and those which pass nearest the Earth's surface, are bent more than those rays which go through higher parts of the at- mosphere, where it is less dense, until it be so thin or rare as to lose its refractive power. Let the circle fg h /, concentric to the Earth, include the atmosphere, whose refractive power vanishes at the heights /and /'; so that the rays W fw and Vi v Of Eclipses. 31.5 go on straight without suffering the least refraction. Ptat* XL But all those rays which enter the atmosphere, be- tween f and , and between / and /, on opposite sides of the Earth, are gradually more bent inward as they go through a greater portion of the atmosphere, until the rays W k and V I touching the Earth at m and ?2, are bent so much as to meet at q, a little short of the Moon ; and therefore the dark shadow of the Earth is contained in the space m o q p ??, where none of the Sun's rays can enter : all the rest R R, being mixed by the scattered rays which are refracted as above, is in some measure enlightened by them ; and some of those rays falling on the Moon, give her the colour of tarnished copper, or of iron almost red-hot. So that if the Earth had no atmosphere, the Moon would be as invisible in to- tal eclipses as she is when new. If the Moon were so near the Earth as to go into its dark shadow, sup- pose about p o, she would be invisible during her stay in it ; but visible before and after in the fainter shadow R R. 347, When the Moon goes through the centre of why the the Earth's shadow, she is directly opposite , to the ,;'^'"j. e Sun : yet the Moon has been often seen totally eclips- sometimes ed in the horizon when the Sun was also visible i the opposite part of it : for, the horizontal refraction MOOU being almost 34 minutes of a degree, 181, and the diameter of the Sun and Moon being each at a mean state but 32 minutes, the refraction causes both lu- minaries to appear above the horizon when they are really below it, 1 79. 348. When the Moon is full at 12 degrees from either of her nodes, she just touches the Earth's sha- dow, but enters not into it. Let G H be the eclip- tic, ef the Moon's orbit where she is 12 degrees from the node at her full ; c d her orbit where she is 6 degrees from the node; a b her orbit where she is full in the node; A B the Earth's shadow, and M 516 Of Eclipses. Duration the Moon. When the Moon describes the line ef y ccH^sesoV S ^ e J ust toucnes tne shadow, but does not enter into the Moon, it ; when she describes the line c d, she is totally, though not centrally immersed in the shadow ; and when she describes the line a b, she passes by the node at M in the centre of the shadow ; and takes the longest line possible, which is a diameter, through it: and such an eclipse being both total and central is of the longest duration, namely, 3 hours 57 mi- nutes 6 seconds from the beginning to the end, if the Moon be at her greatest distance from the Earth; and 3 hours 37 minutes 26 seconds, if she be at her least distance. The reason of this difference is, that when the Moon is farthest from the Earth, she moves the slowest ; and when nearest to it, the quickest. Digits. 349. The Moon's diameter, as well as the Sun's, is supposed to be divided into twelve equal parts, called digits ; and so many of these parts as are darkened by the Earth's shadow, so many digits is the Moon eclipsed. All that the Moon is eclipsed above 12 digits, shew, how far the shadow of the Earth is over the body of the Moon, on that edge to which she is nearest at the middle of the eclipse. why the 350. It is difficult to observe exactly either the anTendof Beginning or ending of a lunar eclipse, even with a a lunar good telescope ; because the Earth's shadow is so ? cli P s faint and ill-defined about the edges, that when the is so tlifa- ^ . . 1 i cult to be Moon is either just touching or leaving it, the ob- 1 " scurat i n *' k r * irn b * s scarce sensible ; and there- aervation" fore the nicest observers can hardly be certain to se- veral seconds of time. But both the beginning and ending of solar eclipses are visibly instantaneous : for the moment that the edge of the Moon's disc touches the Sun's, his roundness seems a little broken on that part ; and the moment she leaves it, he ap- pears perfectly round again. The use of 351. In astronomy, eclipses of the Moon are of fn'llrtro- g r eat use for ascertaining the periods of her motions ; no my, Of Eclipses. 317 especially such eclipses as are observed to be alike i ull circumstances, and have long intervals of ti between them. In geography, the longitudes places are found by eclipses, as already shewn in the eleventh chapter. In chronology, both solar and lu- nar eclipses serve to determine exactly the time of any past event: for there are so many particulars ob- servable in every eclipse, with respect to its quanti- ty, the places where it is visible (if of the Sun,) and the time of the day or night ; that it is impossible there can be two solar eclipses in the course of ma- ny ages which are alike in all circumstances. 352. From the above explanation of the doctrine The dkrk - of eclipses, it is evident that the darkness at our SA-"ur S s a A . VIOUR'S crucifixion was supernatural. For he suf- VJOUR'S fered on the day on which the passover was eaten by the Jews, on which day it was impossible that Moon's shadow could fall on the Earth; for the Jews kept the passover at the time of full Moon: nor does the darkness in total eclipses of the Sun last above four minutes in any place, 333, whereas the dark- ness at the crucifixion lasted three hours, Matt. xxviii. 15. and overspread at least all the land of Judea. The Construction of the following Tables* CHAP. XIX. Shewing the Principles on which the following Astro- nomical Tables are constructed, and the Method of co. I dilating the Times of New and Full Moons and Eclipses by them. 353 nearer that any object is to the eye of JL an observer, the greater is the angle un- der which it appears : the farther from the eye, the less. The diameters of the Sun and Moon subtend dif- ferent angles at different times. And at equal in- tervals of time, these angles are once at the greatest, and once at the least, in somewhat more than a com- plete revolution of the luminary through the eclip- tic, from any given fixed star to the same star again. This proves that the Sun and Moon are constantly changing their distances from the Earth ; and that they are once at their greatest distance and once at their least, in little more than a complete re- volution. The gradual differences of these angles are not what they would be, if the luminaries moved in circular orbits, the Earth being supposed to be placed at some distance from the centre : but they agree perfectly with elliptic orbits, supposing the low- er focus of each orbit to be at thecentre of the Earth.* The farthest point of each orbit from the Earth's centre is called the apogee, and the nearest point is called the perigee. These points are directly oppo- site to each other. Astronomers divide each orbit into 12 equal parts called signs ; each sign into SO equal parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called mi- nutes ; and every minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. The distance of the Sun or Moon from * The Sun is in the focus of the Earth's orbit, and the Earth in or near that of the Moon's orbit. The Construction of the following Tables. 519 any given point of its orbit, is reckoned in signs, degrees, minutes, and seconds. Here we mean the distance that the luminary has moved through from any given point ; not the space it is short of it in coming round again, though ever so little. The distance of the Sun or Moon from its apo- gee at any given time is called its mean anomaly : so that, in the apogee, the anomaly is nothing ; in the perigee, it is six signs. The motions of the Sun and Moon are observed to be continually accelerated from the apogee to the perigee, and as gradually retarded from the perigee to the apogee ; being slowest of all when the mean anomaly is nothing, and swiftest of all when it is six signs. When the luminary is in its apogee or its perigee, its place is the same as it would be, if its motion were equable in all parts of its orbit. The sup- posed equable motions are called mean ; the unequa- ble are jusfry called the true . The mean place of the Sun or Moon is always for- warder than the true place*, while the luminary is moving from its apogee to its perigee; and the true place is always forwarder than the mean, while the luminary is moving from its perigee to its apogee. In the former case, the anomaly is always less than six signs ; and in the latter case, more. It has been found, by a long series of observa- tions, that the Sun goes through the ecliptic, from the vernal equinox to the same equinox again, in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 55 seconds : from the first star of Aries to the same star again, in 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 24 seconds: and from his apogee to the same again, in 365 days 6 hours 14 minutes seconds. The first of these is called the solar * The point of the ecliptic in which the Sun or Moon is at any given moment of time is called \hefilace of the Sun or Moon at that time. S s The- Construction of lhc following Tables. ijcar> the second the sidereal year, and the third the anomalistic year. So that the solar year is 20 minutes 29 seconds shorter than the sidereal; and the sidereal year is 4 minutes 36 seconds shorter than the ano- malistic. Hence it appears that the equinoctial point, or intersection if the ecliptic and equator at the beginning of Aries, goes backward with respect to the fixed stars, and that the Sun's apogee goes forward. It is also observed, that the Moon goes through her orbit from any given fixed star to the same star again, in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 4 seconds at a mean rate : from her apogee to her apogee again, in 27 days 13 hours 18 minutes 43 seconds: and from the Sun to the Sun again, in 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3-fs seconds. This shews, that the Moon's apogee moves forward in the ecliptic, and that at a much quicker rate than the Sun's apogee does; since the Moon is 5 hours 55 minutes 39 seconds longer in revolving from her apogee to her apogee again, than from any star to the same star again. The Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic in two op- posite points, which are called her nodes : and it is observed that she revolves sooner from any node to the same node again, than from any star to the same star again, by 2 hours 38 minutes 27 seconds; which shews that her nodes move backward, or contrary to the order of signs, in the ecliptic. The time in which the Moon revolves from the Sun to the Sun again (or from change to change) is called a lunation\ which, according to Dr. POUND'S mean measures, would always consist of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds 2 thirds 58 fourths, if the motions of the Sun and Moon were always equa- ble*. Hence, 12 mean lunations contain 354 days * We have thought proper to keep by Dr. Pound's length of a mean lunation, because his numbers come nearer to the times of the ancient eclipsesj than Mayer's do, without allowing for the Moon% acceleration* The Construction of the following Tables. 321 3 hours 48 minutes 36 seconds 3 5 thirds 40 fourths, which is 10 days 21 hours 11 minutes 23 seconds 24 thirds 20 fourths less than the length of a com- mon Julian year, consisting of 365 days 6 hours ; and 13 mean lunations contain 383 days 21 hours 32 minutes 39 seconds 38 thirds 38 fourths, which exceeds the length of a common Julian year, by 18 days 15 hours 32 minutes 39 seconds 38 thirds 38 fourths. The mean time of new Moon being found for any given year and month, as suppose for March 1700, old style, if this mean new Moon falls later than the llth day of March, then 12 mean lunations, added to the time of this mean new Moon, will give the time of the mean new Moon in March 1701, after having thrown off 365 days. But when the mean new Moon happens to be before the llth of March, we must add 13 mean lunations, in order to have the time of mean new Moon in March the year fol- lowing ; always taking care to subtract 365 day sin common years, and 366 days in leap-years, from the sum of this addition. Thus, A. D. 1700, old style, the time of mean new Moon in March, was the 8th day, at 16 hours 11 minutes 25 seconds after the noon of that day (viz. at 11 minutes 25 seconds past IV in the morn- ing of the 9th day, according to common reckon- ing). To this we must add 13 mean lunations, or 383 days 21 hours 32 minutes 39 seconds 38 thirds 38 fourths, and the sum will be 392 days 13 hours 44 minutes 4 seconds 38 thirds 3 8 fourths; from which subtract 365 days, because the year 1701 is a common year, and there will remain 27 days 13 hours 44 minutes 4 seconds 38 thirds 38 fourths for the time of mean new Moon in March, A. D. 1701. Carrying on this addition and subtraction till A. D. 1703, we find the time of mean new Moon in March that year, to be on the 6th day at 7 hours 322 The Construction of the following Tables. 21 minutes 17 seconds 49 thirds 46 fourths past noon ; to which add 13 mean lunations, and the sum will be 390 days 4 hours 53 minutes 57 seconds 28 thirds 20 fourths ; from which subtract 366 days, because the year ] 704 is a leap-year, and there will remain 24 days 4 hours 53 minutes 57 seconds 28 thirds 20 fourths for the time of mean new Moon in March, A. D. 1704. In this manner was the first of the following tables constructed to seconds, thirds, arid fourths; and then written out to the nearest second. The reason why we chose to begin the year with March* was to avoid the inconvenience of adding a day to the tabular time in leap-years after February, or subtracting a day therefrom in January and February in those years ; to which all tables of this kind are subject, which begin the year with January, in calculating the times of new or full Moons. The mean anomalies of the Sun and Moon, and the Sun's mean motion from the ascending node of the Moon's orbit, are set down in Table III. from one to 13 mean lunations. These numbers, for 13 lunations, being added to the radical anomalies of the Sun and Moon, and to the Sun's mean distance from the ascending node, at the time of mean new Moon in March 1700, (Table I.) will give their mean ano- malies, and the Sun's mean distance from the node, at the time of mean new Moon in March 1701 ; and being added for 12 lunations to those for 1701, give them for the time of mean new Moon in March 1702. And so on, as far as you please to continue the table (which is here carried on to the year 1800), always throwing off 12 signs when their sum ex- ceeds 12, and setting down the remainder as the proper quantity. If the numbers belonging to A. D. 1700 (in Ta- ble I.) be subtracted from those belonging to 1800, we shall have their whole differences in 100 com- plete Julian years ; which accordingly we find to be The Construction of the following Tables. 4 days 8 hours 10 minutes 52 seconds 15 thirds 40 fourths, with respect to the time of mean new Moon. These being added together 60 times, (al- ways taking care to throw off a whole lunation when thQ days exceed 29|) making up 60 centuries, or 6000 years, as in Table VJ. which was carried on to seconds, thirds, and fourths; and then written out to the nearest second. In the same manner were the respective anomalies and the Sun's distance from the node found, for these centurial years ; and then (for want of room) written out only to the near- est minute, which is sufficient in whole centuries. By means of these two tables, we may find the time of any mean new Moon in March y together with the anomalies of the Sun and Moon, and the Sun's distance from the node, at these times, within the limits of 6000 years, either before or after any giv- en year in the 18th century; and the mean time of any new or full Moon in any given month after March, by means of the third and fourth tables, within the same limits, as shewn in the precepts for calculation. Thus it would be a very easy matter to calculate the time of any new or full Moon, if the Sun and Moon moved equably in all parts of their orbits. But we have already shewn that their places are ne- ver the same as they would be by equable motions, except when they are in apogee or perigee ; which is when their mean anomalies are either 'nothing, or six signs : and that their mean places are always for- warder than their true places, while the anomaly is less than six signs ; and their true places are for- warder than the mean, while the anomaly is more. Hence it is evident, that while the Sun's anomaly is less than six signs, the Moon will overtake him, or be opposite to him, sooner than she could if his motion were equable ; and later while his anomaly is more than six signs. The greatest difference that can possibly happen between the mean and true time 324 The Construction of the following Tables. of new or full Moon, on "account of the inequality of the Sun's motion, is three hours 48 minutes 28 seconds : and that is, when the Sun's anomaly is either 3 signs 1 degree, or 8 signs 29 degrees ; sooner in the first case, and later in the last. In all other signs and degrees of anomaly, the difference is gradually less, and vanishes when the anomaly is either nothing or six signs. The Sun is in his apogee on the 30th of June, and in his perigee on the 30th of December , in the present age ; so that he is nearer the Earth in our winter than in our summer. The proportional dif- ference of distance, deduced from the difference of the Sun's apparent diameter at these times, is as 983 to 1017. The Moon's orbit is dilated in winter, and con- tracted in summer ; therefore the lunations are long- er in winter than in summer. The greatest differ- ence is found to be 22 minutes 29 seconds ; the lu- nations increasing gradually in length while the Sun is moving from his apogee to his perigee, and de- creasing in length while he is moving from his pe- rigee to his apogee. On this account the Moon will be later every time in coming to her conjunc- tion with the Sun, or being in opposition to him, from December till June^ and sooner from June to December, than if her orbit had continued of the same size all the year round. As both these differences depend on the Sun's anomaly, they may be fitly put together into one ta- ble, and called The annual, or first equation of the mean to the true* syzygy (see Table VII.) This equational difference is to be subtracted from the time of the mean syzygy when the Sun's anomaly is less than six signs, and added when the anomaly is more. At the greatest, it is 4 hours 10 minutes 57 seconds, viz. 3 hours 48 minutes 28 seconds. * The word syzygy signifies both the conjunction and opposition of the Sun and Moon/ The Construction of the following. Tables. 325 i on account of the Sun's unequal motion, and 22 minutes 29 seconds, on account of the dilatation of the Moon's orbit. This compound equation would be sufficient for reducing the mean time of new or full Moon to the true time, if the Moon's orbit were of a circular form, and her motion quite equable in it. But the Moon's orbit is more elliptical than the Sun's, and her motion in it so much the more unequal. The difference is so great, that she is sometimes in con- junction with the Sun, or in opposition to him, soon- er by 9 hours 47 minutes 54 seconds, than she would be if her motion were equable ; and at other times as much later. The former happens when her mean anomaly is 9 signs 4 degrees, and the lat- ter when it is 2 signs 26 degrees. See Table IX. At different distances of the Sun from the Moon's apogee, the figure of the Moon's orbit becomes dif- ferent. It is longest of all, or most eccentric, when the Sun is in the same sign and degree either with the Moon's apogee or perigee ; shortest of all, or least eccentric, when the Sun's distance from the Moon's apogee is either three signs or nine signs ; and at a mean state when the distance is either 1 sign 15 degrees, 4 signs 15 degrees, 7 signs 15 de- grees, or 10 signs 15 degrees. When the Moon's orbit is at its greatest eccentricity, her apogeal dis- tance from the Earth's centre is to her perigeal distance from it, as 106 7 is to 933 ; when least ec- centric, as 1043 is to 957; and when at. the mean state, as 1055 is to 945. But the Sun's distance from the Moon's apogee is equal to the quantity of the Moon's mean ano- maly at the time of new Moon, and by the addition of six signs, it becomes equal in quantity to the Moon's mean anomaly at the time of full Moon. Therefore, a table may be constructed so as to answer all the various inequalities depending on the different eccentricities of the Moon's orbit In the syzygies ; and called The second equation of the mean to the true 326 The Construction of the following Tables. syzygy (see Table IX.) and the Moon's anomaly, when equated by Table VIII. may be made the proper argument for taking out this second equa- tion of time, which must be added to the former equated time, when the Moon's anomaly is less than six signs, and subtracted when the anomaly is more. There are several other inequalities in the Moon's motion, which sometimes bring on the true syzygy a little sooner, and at other times keep it back a little later than it would otherwise be ; but they are so small, that they may be all omitted except two ; the former of which (see Table X.) depends on the difference between the anomalies of the Sun and Moon in the syzygies, and the latter (see Table XL) depends on the Sun's distance from the Moon's nodes at these times. The greatest difference aris- ing from the former, is 4 minutes 58 seconds; and from the latter, 1 minute 34 seconds. Having described the phenomena arising from the inequalities of the solar and lunar motions^ we shall now shew the reasons of these inequalities. In all calculations relating to the Sun and Moon, we consider the Sun as a moving body, and the Earth as a body at rest j since all the appearances are the same, whether it be the Sun or the Earth that moves. But the truth is, that the Sun is at rest, and the Earth moves round him once a year, in the plane of the ecliptic. Therefore, whatever sign and de- gree of the ecliptic the Earth is in, at any given time, the Sun will then appear to be in the oppo- site sign and degree. The nearer that any body is to the Sun, the more it is attracted by him; and this attraction increases as the square of the distance diminishes ; and vice versa. The Earth's annual orbit is elliptical, and the Sun is placed in one of its focuses. The remotest point The Construction of the following Tables. 327 of the Earth's orbit from the Sun is called The earth* s aphelion; and the nearest point of the Earth's orbit to the Sun, is called The Earth's perihelion. When the Earth is in its aphelion, the Sun appears to be in its apogee ; and when the Earth is in its pe- rihelion, the Sun appears to be in its perigee. As the Earth moves from its aphelion to its pe- rihelion, it is constantly more and more attracted by the Sun ; and this attraction, by conspiring in some degree with the Earth's motion, must neces- sarily accelerate it. But as the Earth moves from its perihelion to its aphelion, it is continually less and less attracted by the Sun ; and as this attrac- tion acts then just as much against the Earth's motion, as it acted for it in the other half of the orbit, it retards the motion in the like degree. The faster the Earth moves, the faster will the Sun appear to move ; the slower the Earth moves, the slower is the Sun's apparent motion. The Moon's orbit is also elliptical, and the Earth keeps constantly in one of its focuses. The Earth's attraction has the same kind of influence on the Moon's motion, as the Sun's attraction has on the motion of the Earth : and therefore, the Moon's motion must be continually accelerated while she is passing from her apogee to her perigee ; and as gradually retarded in moving from her perigee to her apogee. At the time of new Moon, the Moon is nearer the Sun than the Earth is at that time, by the whole * semidiameter of the Moon's orbit ; which, at a mean state, is 240,000 miles ; and at the full, she is as much farther from the Sun than the Earth then is. Consequently, the Sun attracts the Moon more than it attracts the Earth in the former case, and less in the latter. The difference is greatest when the Earth is nearest the Sun, and least when it is farthest from him. The obvious result of this is, that as the Earth is nearest to the Sun in winter, Tt The Construction of the following Tables. and farthest from him in summer, the Moon's or.- bit must be dilated in winter, and contracted in summer. These are the principal causes of the difference of time, that generally happens between the mean and true times of conjunction or opposition of the Sun and Moon. As to the other two differences, 'viz. those which depend on the difference between the anomalies of the Sun and Moon, and upon the Sun's distance from the lunar nodes, in the syzy- gies, they are owing to the different degrees of at- traction of the Sun and Earth upon the Moon, at greater or less distances, according to their respec- tive anomalies, and to the position of the Moon's tiodes with respect to the Sun. If ever it should happen, that the anomalies of both the Sun and Moon were either nothing or six signs, at the mean time of new or full Moon, and the Sun should then be in conjunction with either of the Moon's nodes, all ^he above-mentioned equations would vanish, and the mean and true time of the syzygy would coincide. But if ever -this circumstance did happen, we cannot expect; the like again in many ages afterward. Every 49th lunation (or course of the Moon from change to change) returns very nearly to the same time of the day as before. For, in 49 mean lunations there are 1446 days 23 hours 58 minutes 29 seconds 25 thirds, which wants but 1 minute SO seconds 34 thirds of 1477 days. In29530590851 08 days,thereare lOOQOQOOOOOO mean lunations exactly : and this is the smallest number of natural days in which any exact num- ber of mean lunations will be completed. Astronomical Tables. 129 S 'TABLE I. The mean Time of JVew Moon in March, Old Style, S Ij with the mean Anomalies of the Sun and Moon, and the Sun'smean ^ S Distance from the Moon's Ascending Node, from A. D. 1700 to S S A. D. 1800 incliifiiue. S Y.ofChr. Mean New Moon in March. Sun's mean Anomaly. Moon's mean Anomaly. Sun'smeanDist. ? from the Node. ^ D. H. M. S. SO 7 " s ' " - S S 1700 \ 1701 S 1702 <5 1703 S 1704 8 16 11 25 27 13 44 5 16 22 32 41 6 7 21 18 24 4 53 57 8 19 58 48 9 8 20 59 8 27 36 51 8 16 52 45 9 5 14 54 1 22 30 37 28 7 42 11 7 55 47 9 17 43 52 8 23 20 57 6 14 31 7 S 7 23 14 8 1 7 39 54 S 1 15 42 41 2 14 25 43 < S 1713 > 1714 S 1715 J.1716 15 2 23 36 4 11 12 13 23 8 44 52 11 17 33 29 8 25 56 43 8,15 12 35 9 3 34 47 8 22 50 39 8 9 47 6 ,18 48 5? 5 24 25 57 4 4 14 2 3 2 28 30 3 10 31 17 S 4 19 14 IS S 4 27 17 5 S S 1717 $1718 S 1719 Ij 1720 1 2 22 5 19 23 54 45 9 8 43 22 27 6 16 1 8 12 6 32 9 28 44 3 19 44 37 9 8 6 49 2 14 2 8 1 19 39 13 11 29 27 18 115 4 24 5 5 19 52 S 6 14 2 54 ^ 6 22 5 41 S 8 43 43 J S 3722 !j 1723 S 1724 16 15 4 38 5 23 53 14 24 21 25 54 13 6 14 31 8 27 22 4J 8 16 38 33 9 5 45 8 24 16 37 9 14 52 29 7 24 40 34 7 17 40 5 10 5 45 ,8 8 51 29 8 16 54 16 S 9 25 37 18 Jj 10 3 40 5 S S 1725 J 1726 S 1727 S 1728 2 15 3 78 13 32 29 21 12 35 47 9 1 54 41 10 21 24 23^8 21 10 34 ,28 18 57 3J9 9 52 46 3 19 53 50 2 25 30 56 1 5 19 1 10 50 7 10 11 42 52 S 1 20 25 54 $ I 28 28 41 Ij 7 11 42 S S 1729 13 3 45 40 8 28 48 39 3. 2 17 S 3 10 3 4 ^ 330 Astronomical Tables. s ^ S s Moan Ne\\ Moon Sun's mean Moon's mean Sun's moan Dh. S s S, in Mai eh. Anoi naly. Anomaly. irom tlic Nodi;. S S ? k. ^"" s ^ D. H. M s. S ' a s / '/ s U ' " S S 1733 4 3 44 9 8 14 58 26 4 25 45 33 3 18 551S J; 1734 23 1 16 49 J 3 20 38 4 1 22 3f- 4 26 48 53 j> S 1735 12 10 3 '2, 8 22 36 30 2 11 10 44 5 4 5 1 40 S !j 1736 18 54 2 8 11 52 22 20 58 49 5 12 54 27 S S 1737 19 16 26 42 9 14 34 11 26 35 55 621 37 29 s S 1738 9 1 15 IB 8 19 oO 26 10 6 24 ( 6 iJ'j 40 16 v, > 1739 27 22 47 5 cS 9 7 52 38 9 12 1 6 3 8 23 18 S S 1740 16 7 36 31 8 27 8 30 7 21 49 11 8 16 26 5 $ <> 1741 5 16 25 1 i 8 16 24 22 6 1 37 Ifc 8 24 28 52 S S 1742 24 13 57 52 9 4 46 34 5 7 14 22 10 3 1 1 54 vj S 1743 13 22 46 27 ] 24 2 27 3 17 2 27 10 1 14 41 Ij S 1744 2 7 35 4 3 13 18 20 1 26 50 32 10 19 17 2g S S 1745 21 5 7 44 9 I 40 32 1 2 27 38 11 28 80 t Jj 1746 10 13 56 20 8 20 56 24 11 12 15 4:- 6 3 17 S 3 1747 29 11 29 9 18 36 10 17 52 49 1 14 46 19 Jj % 1748 17 20 17 36 3 28 34 28 8 27 40 54 1 22 49 5 S 1749 7 5 6 13 8 ir 50 20 7 7 28 59 2 51 52 S S 1750 26 38 5o 9 6 12 32 6 13 6 5 3 9 34 53 Jj S 1751 15 11 27 , 29 8 2;> 28 24 4 22 54 1C 3 17 37 40 S ; ? 1752 3 20 16 6 8 14 44 16 3 2 42 15 3 35 40 27 Jj Ij 1753 22 17 48 45 9 3 6 28 2 8 19 2ll 5 4 23 28 Jj S 1754 12 2 37 2 2 8 22 22 20 18 7 2( 5 12 26 15 S ! 1755 1 11 35 59 8 11 38 12 10 27 55 31 5 20 29 2 !j S 1756 19 8 58 38 9 24 10 3 32 37 6 29 12 3 S S 1757 8 17 47 15 8 19 16 16 8 13 20 42 7 7 14 50 ^ 5 1758 27 15 19 54 9 7 38 28 7 28 57 48 8 15 57 52 'S 1759 17 8 31 8 26 54 20 5 28 45 54 8 24 39 S i^ 1760 5 8 57 8 j 16 10 12 4 8 34 6 9 2 3 26 S 'S 1761 24 6 29 47 9 4 P s s * ? 57" H. M. i>. s / '/ S ' " s / n ^ S 1767 18 12 49 33 8 28 20 17 7 4 37 37 2 23 38 s ^ 1768 6 21 38 10 3 17 36 9 5 14 25 42 2 8 26 25 > S 1769 5 19 10 40 9 5 58 21 4 20 2 48 3 17 9 27 > ^ 1770 15 3 59 26 8 25 14 13 2 29 50 53 3 25 12 14S S 1771 4 12 48 2 8 14 30 5 1 9 38 58 4 3 15 1 S 1772 22 10 20 43 9 2 52 17 15 16 4 5 11 58 3 S !j 1773 11 19 9 19 8 22 8 9 10 25 4 9 5 20 50 s S 1774 1 s 57 55 8 11 24 1 9 4 52 14 5 28 3 37 S 1775 20 1 30 25 8 29 46 13 8 10 29 20 7 6 49 38 s S 1776 8 10 19 12 8 19 2 5 6 20 17 25 7 14 49 25 S S 1777 27 7 51 51 y 7 24 17 5 25 54 31 8 23 32 26 S ^ 1778 16 16 40 28 8 26 40 9 4 5 42 36 9 1 35 13 S 1 Mean New Moon Sun's mean Moon's mean S Sun's mean Dist. ? C t-tl in March. Anomaly. Anomaly. ii-om the Nodi-. ^ s o S s s ? D. H M. s. s ' " S ' // s ' ^Jj S 1752 14 20 16 6 8 14 44 16 3 2 42 15 3 25 40 27 S S 1753 4 5 4 42 8 4 8 1 12 30 20 4 3 43 14 ^ S 1754 23 2 37 22 S 22 22 20 18 7 26 5 12 26 15 S V S 1755 12 11 25 59 8 11 38 12 10 27 55 31 5 20 29 2 Sj S 1756 30 8 58 38 9 24 10 3 32 37 6 29 12 3 S S 1757 19 17 47 15 8 19 16 16 8 13 20 42 7 7 14 50 S ^ 1758 9 2 35 51 8 8 32 8 6 23 8 47 7 15 17 38 S 1759 28 8 31 8 26 54 20 5 28 45 54 8 24 39 : ^ 1760 16 8 57 8 8 i5 10 12 4 8 34 9 2 3 6 s S 1761 5 17 45 44 S 5 26 4 2 18 22 5 9 10 6 13 S S 1762 24 15 18 24 8 23 48 16 1 23 59 1 1 10 18 49 14 S J> 1763 14 7 i 8 13 4 8 3 47 16 10 26 52 1 ^ S 1764 2 8 55 36 8 2 20 10 13 35 21 11 4 54 48 S > 1765 21 6 28 17 8 20 42 13 9 19 12 2G 13 37 49 Jj S 1766 10 15 16 53 a 9 58 5 7 29 3 i 21 40 37 S 1767 29 12 49 33 8 28 20 17 7 4 37 J7 2 23 38 S > 1768 17 21 38 9 8 17 36 9" 5 14 25 42 2 8 26 25 lj S 1769 7 6 26 46 8 6 52 1 3 24 13 47 2 16 29 13 S J 1770 26 3 59 86 8 25 14 1 3 2 29 50 53 3 25 12 14 Jj S 1771 15 12 48 2 8 14 so 5 1 9 38 58 4 315 IS S 177^ 3 21 36 39 a 3 45 57 11 19 27 S 411 17 48 S Jj 1773 22 19 9 19 8 22 8 Q 10 25 4 9 5 20 50 S 17T4 12 3 5? 55 8 11 24 1 9 4 52 14 5 28 3 37 S ^ 1775 1 12 46 3 1 8 39 53 7 14 40 19 6 6 6 24 > S 1776 19 10 19 12 8 19 2 5 6 20 17 25 7 14 49 25 S ( S 1777 8 19 7 48 8 8 17 57 5 Q 5 30 7 22 52 12 s Jj 1778 27 16 40 28 8 26 40 9 4 5 42 .36 9 1 35 13 S S 1779 17 1 29 4 8 15 56 1 2 15 30 41 9 9 38 J ^ 1780 5 10 17 40 3 5 11 53 25 18 46 9 17 40 47 S S 1781 24 7 50 21 8 23 34 5 55 52 10 26 23 48 J t 5 1782 13 16 38' 57 8 12 49 58 10 10 43 57 il 4 26 35 ^ S 1783 3 1 27 33 g 2 5 50 8 20 32 2 11 12 29 22 S S 1784 20 23 33 8 20 28 3 9 26 9 8 21 12 23 S 1785 10 7 48 50 8 9 43 55 6 5 57 13 29 15 .10 S S 1786 29 5 21 30 8 28 6 7 5 11 34 19 2 7 58 12 Ij Astronomical Tables. 333 S ' TABLE II, concluded. New Style. \ S ^ ^ v 1787 S 1788 S 1789 > 1790 S 1791 Mean New Moon in March. Sun's mean Anomaly. Moon's mean Anomaly. > Sun's mean Dis. /* from the Xode. ? D. H. M. S. s ' " s ' " sO' " S 18 14 10 6 6 22 58 42 25 20 31 23 15 5 19 59 4 14 8 35 8 17 21 59 8 6 37 51 8 25 3 8 14 15 55 8 3 31 47 3 21 22 24 2 1 10 29 1 6 47 35 11 16 35 40 9 26 23 45 2 16 9 59 c 2 24 3 46 S 4 2 46 48 S 4 10 49 35 J 4 18 52 22 5 J 1792 J 1793 S 1794 S 1795 !j 1796 S 1797 J 1798 J 1799 S 180C 22 11 41 15 11 20 29 51 30 18 2 32 20 2 51 8 8 11 39 44 8 21 53 59 8 11 9 51 8 29 32 3 8 18 47 55 8 8 3 47 9 2 52 7 11 48 57 6 17 26 4 4 27 14 9 3 7 2 14 5 27 35 24 6 5 31 11 > 7 14 21 13 S 7 22 24 OS 8 26 47 S y 9 ~9~48 S 9 17 12 35 S 9 25 15 22 J 11 3 58 25 L 27 9 12 2i 16 18 1 1 6 2 49 57 25 22 17 8 26 25 o9 8 15 41 51 8 4 57 4o 8 23 19 55 2 12 39 19 22 27 25 11 2 15 30 10 7 52 36 *.' ABLE III. Mean Anomalies, and Sun's mean Distance S from the Node, for 1 3-| mean Lunations. D. H. M. S- S ' " s ' " S ' " S 5 29 12 44 3 59 1 28 6 88 14 12 9 118 2 56 12 147 15 40 15 29 6 19 1 28 12 39 2 27 18 58 3 26 25 17 4 25 31 37 25 49 1 21 38 1 2 17 27 1 3 13 16 2 4952 1 40 14 2 1 20 28 ^ 3 2 42 S 4 2 40 56 S 5 3 21 10 6 7 8 9 10 177 4 14 18 206 17 8 21 -'36 5 52 24 265 18 36 27 295 7 20 30 5 24 37 56 6 23 4^ 15 7 22 50 35 8 21 56 54 9 21 3 14 5 4 54 3 6 43 3 6 26 32 3 7 22 21 4 8 18 10 4 6 4 1 24 S 7 4 41 33 S 8 5 21 52 > 9 6 2 6 10 6 42 20 ? 11 13 324 20 4 33 354 8 48 30 383 21 32 40 10 20 9 33 11 19 15 52 18 22 12 9 13 59 5 10 9 48 5 11 5 37 6 11 7 22 34 82 47 s 1 8 43 IS | 14 18 22 2 14 33 10 6 12 54 30 15 20 7 t 334 Astronomical Tables, STABLE IV. The Days of the Year, reckoned from\ the Beginning of March. r; 1 > I r; ^ g rt ft f n O r& f a S S- 1 r 1 3 n> ^ 03 en r-t- 3 cr o cr cr 5 cr 2 1 11 - 1 * 32 52 93 23 154 185 215 246 s 338 12 [2 43 73 104 134 165 196 226 257 287318 349 S S 13 13 44 74 105 135 166 197 227 258 288319 350 \ S ^4 14 45 75 106 136 167 198 228 259 289320 351 S |l5 15 46 76J107 137 168 199 229 260 290321 352 % 5 16 16 47 77 ! 10S 138 169 200 230 261 291 322 ^3$ S.17 17 48 78 109 139 170 201 231 262 292 323 354 J; S 13 18 49 79 110 140 171 202 232 263 293 324 355 S S 19 19 50 80 111 141 172 203 233 264 294 325 356 ^20 20 51 81 112 142 173 204 234 265 295 326 357 ^ r \3i " 21 52 82 11 143 174 205 235 266 296 327 T 358 S;*a 22 53 83 114 144 175 206 236 267 297 328 359 S 7 23 54 8-1 11 145 176 207 237 268 298 329 360s S24 2455 8^ lie 146 177 208 238 269 299 330 361 11 147 m 209 239 270 300 331 362 S S 2C .57 87:118 148 m >21C 240 271 301 332 363 ^ S27 '27 ' 5 88 119 14? > 18C )211 241 272 302 333 364 S S2 $26 > 5 1 89 12C 15C ) 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 s S <: (2< )6C ) 90 121 151 IBS 5213 243 274 304 335 366 |SC )3( )61 911122 15$ i8i J214 244 275 305 336 ^ t 31 L 95 > 15^ 18-1 245 1306 i s s S_ ' -<^ Astronomical Tables. TABLE V. Mean Lunations from 1 to 100000. Lunat. Days. Decimal Parts. Days. Hou. M. S. Th. | 1 29.520590851080 = 29 12 44 3 2 2 59.061181702160 59 1 28 6 5 57 S' 3 88.591772553240 88 14 12 9 8 55$ , 4 118.122363404320 118 2 56 12 11 53 S 5 147.652954255401 147 15 40 15 14 52.5! 6 177.183545106481 177 4 24 18 17 50 S 7 206.714135957561 206 17 8 21 20 48? 8 236.244726808641 236 5 52 24 23 47 S; 9 265.77531765972; 265 18 36 27 26 4S] 10 295.30590851080 295 7 20 30 29 43 S 20 590.61181702160 590 14 41 59 el 30 885.91772553240 885 22 1 31 29 10 S 40 1181.22363404320 1181 5 22 1 58 53 v 50 -1476.52954255401 1476 12 42 32 28 36 S : 60 1771.83545106481 1771 20 3 2 58 19? 70 2067.14135957561 2067 3 23 33 28 2 S 80 2362.44726808641 2362 10 44 3 57 46 S 90 2657.75317659722 2657 18 4 34 27 29 S 100 2953.0590851080 2953 1 25 4 57 12 J 200 5906.1181702160 5906 2 50 9 54 24 S 300 8859.1772553240 8859 4 15 14 51 36 400 11812.2363404320 11812 5 40 19 48 48 > 500 14765.2954255401 14765 7 5 24 46 OS 600 17718.3545106481 17718 8 30 29 43 12 ** 700 20671.4135957561 20671 9 55 34 40 24 S 1 800 23624.4726808641 23624 11 20 39 3,7 36 !* : 900 26577.5317659722 26577 12 45 44 34 48 S. 1000 29530.590851080 29530 14 10 49 32 o i 2000 59061. 18ir02160 59061 4 21 39 4 OS 3000 88591.772553140 88591 18 32 28 36 t 4000 118122,363404320 118122 8 43 18 8 OS 5000 147652.954255401 147652 22 54 7 40 6000 177183.545106481 177183 13 4 57 12 OS 7000 206714.135957561 206714 3 15 46 44 t 8000 236244.726801641 236244 17 26 36 16 0?i 9000 265775.317659722 265775 7 37 25 48 v i 10000 295305.90851080 295305 21 48 15 20 os ; 20000 590611.81702160 590611 19 36 30 40 of 30000 885917.72553240 855917 17 24 46 40000 1188223.63404320 1188223 15 13 1 20 l\ 50000 1476529.54255401 1476529 13 1 16 40 60000 1771835.45106481 1771835 10 49 32 u 70000 2067141.35957561 2067141 8 37 47 20 OS 80000 2362447.26808641 2362447 6 25 2 40 i\ 90000 2657-753.17659722 2657753 4 14 18 100000 2953959.0851080 2953959 3 2 33 20 s 336 Astronomical Tables. ~C*. ^^* ^ * ^^^^^V^ ( ^^^y\A<^,X'Av^'^'*y\^s^^.^>^/',A^Vy s ,^./',X' < y",>\A,y\/^^/> r Jj TABLE VI. The first mean New Moon, with the mean Anomalies ' S of the Sun and Moon$ and the Sun's mean Distance from the As- \ Jj pending Node, next after complete Centuries of Julian Years. S Luna- ^ tions. -< ' ( re C 80 fr: First New Moon -Min's mean Anomaly Moon's mean Anomaly Sun from < Node. < D. H. M. S. s ' s so'; S 1237 S 2474 !; 3711 S 4948 100 200 300 400 4 8 1O 52 8 16 21 44 13 32 37 17 8 43 29 3 21 6 42 10 3 13 24 8 15 22 5 44 1 16 6 10 1 28 4 19 27 , 9 8 55 1 28 22 6 17 49 S 6185 S 7422 ^ 8658 S 9895 500 600 700 800 21 16 54 21 26 1 5 14 20 32 3 5 4 42 55 16 46 20 7 11 24 22 11 27 34 6 16 50 3 2 12 10 21 45 777 11 7 16 3 26 44 7 15 31 4 58 11132 S 12369 Jj 13606 S 14843 900 1000 1100 1200 9 12 53 47 13 21 4 40 18 5 15 32 22 13 26 24 014 O 4 25 7 46 0117 3 22 29 7 51 8 23 13 5 8 35 4 24 25 9 13 53 2 3 20 6 22 47 S 16080 S 17316 Ij 18553 S 19790 1300 140O 1500 160O 26 21 37 16 1 17 4 6 6 1 14 58 10 9 25 50 14 28 11 18 43 11 22 4 11 25 25 1 23 57 9 13 30 5 28 52 2 14 14 11 12 15 312 7 20 29 9 56 > 21027 S 22264 !j 23501 S 24738 170O 1800 1900 2000 14 17 36 42 19 1 47 35 23 9 58 27 27 18 9 19 11 28 46 028 O 5 29 O 8 50 10 29 36 7 14 58 4 O 20 15 42 4 29 23 9 18 51 2 8 18 6 27 45 S 25974 Ij27211 ^ 28448 S 29685 2100 2200 2300 2400 2 13 36 8 6 21 47 1 11 5 57 53 15 14 8 45 11 13 5 11 16 26 11 19 47 11 23 8 8 5 15 4 20 37 1 5 59 9 21 21 10 16 32 360 7 25 27 14 54 S 30922 \ 32159 S 33396 S 34632 2500 2600 2700 2800 19 22 19 38 24 6 30 30 28 14 41 22 3 10 8 11 11 26 29 11 29 50 3 11 11 7 76 6 6 43 2 22 4 11 7 26 6 26 59 5 4 22 9 23 49 2 13 16 623 S 35869 37106 S 38343 S 39580 2900 3000 3100 3200 7 18 19 3 12 2 29 56 16 10 40 48 20 18 51 40 11 1O 47 11 14 8 11 17 30 11 20 51 3 12 21 11 27 43 8 13 5 4 28 27 10 21 30 3 10 58 8 25 19 52 Astronomical Tables. 337 s J TABLE VI. concluded. > s S Luna- ^ tions. S ^ 40S 17 S 42054 I} 43290 S 44527 l *i c ~ > rs c^ P 1' IMl'St New Moon. Sun's mean Anomaly. .Moon's mean Anomaly. bun's mean ? Dis.fromNode ^ D. H. M. S. s ' s ' s ' \ 3300 3400 3500 3600 25 3 2 33 29 11 13 25 4 6 40 14 8 14 51 6 \( 24 12 11 27 33 1 1 48 1 5 9 1 13 49 9 29 11 5 18 44 2 4 6 5 9 20 > 9 28 47 S 1 17 34> 67 I? S 45701 J 47001 S 48238 S 49475 3700 3800 3900 4000 12 23 1 59 17 7 12 51 21 15 23 43 25 23 34 35 1 8 3(. 1 11 51 1 J5 12 1 18 33 10 19 28 7 4 50 3 20 12 5 34 10 26 29 s 3 15, 56 S 8 5' 23? 24 50 J Ij 50711 S 51948 S 53185 S 54422 S 5*5659 I* 56896 5 58133 \ 59369 4100 4200 4300 4400 19 1 27 5 3 12 17 6 11 23 9 13 19 34 1 10 22 48 10 26 9 10 29 31 11 2 52 7 25 7 4 10 29 25 51 9 11 13 4 13 37 S 9 3 5200 5 23 44 20 10 7 55 12 \4 16 6 4 19 16 56 10 20 31 .10 23 52 10 27 13 \\ 34 3 2 U 11 17 30 8 2 5H 4 18 20 4 18 36 S 9 8 3 Ij 1 27 30 S 6 16 57? J? 66791 ? 68028 !j 69265 5 400 5oOO 23 8 27 4P 27 16 38 41 2 12 5 30 6 20 16 22 U 3 5a 11 7 16 10 11 31 10 14 52 1 3 42 9 19 4 5 8 37 1 23 59 H 6 25 ? 2 25 52 S 7 14 39 J 04 6 S ? rirso !j 72976 S 74212 5700 5803 5900 6000 11 4 27 15 15 12 38 7 19 20 48 59 24 4 59 52 10 18 U 10 21 35 10 24 56 10 28 17, i 9 2 i 6 24 43 3 10 5 11 25 27 4 23 34 S 913 1 2 2 28 S 6 21 56 S V If Dr. Pound's mean Lunation (which we have kept by in J> making these tables) be added 74212 times to itself, the sum ^ will amount to 6000 Julian years 24 days 4 hours 59 minutes S 5 1 seconds 40 thirds ; agreeing with the first part of the last S !ine of this table, within half a second. UNIVERSITY 1 OF 338 Astronomical Tables. TABLE V II. The annual, tr first Equation of the mean S to the true Syzygij. ^ Argument. Sun's mean Anomaly. Jj Subtract. ^ 5i s Sign. 1 Sign. 2 Signs. o Signs. 4 Signs. 5 Signs. ? ' i* H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H. M. S. S o 2 3 12 3 35 4 10 53 3 39 30 2 7 45 30 i; \ * |i 4 18 8 35 ) 12 51 17 8 21 24 3 6 55 3 10 36 2 14 14 3 17 52 2 21 27 3 37 10 3 39 18 3 41 23 3 43 26 3 45 25 i 10 57 4 10 55 4 10 49 4 10 39 4 10 24 3 37 19 3 35 6 3 32 50 3 30 30 3 28 5 2 355 2 1 I 56 5 I 52 6 1 48 4 29 28 S 27 S 26? 25 S 25 39 28 55 34 11 38 26 42 39 2 25 9 2 28 29 2 31 57 2 35 22 2 38 44 3 47 19 3 49 7 3 50 50 3 52 29 3 54 4 4 10 4 4 9 39 4 9 10 4 8 37 4 7 59 3 25 35 3 23 C 3 20 20 3 17 35 3 14 49 I 41 1 I 39 56 1 35 49 1 31 41 1 27 31 24 S 23 S ?,\ 20^ 1 12 'S 15 46 52 51 4 55 17 59 27 I 3 36 2 42 3 2 45 18 2 48 30 2 51 40 2 54 48 3 55 35 3 57 2 3 58 27 3 59 49 3 1 7 4 7 16 4 6 29 i 5 37 4 4 41 4 3 40 3 11 59 396 3 6 10 3 3 10 307 1 23 19 1 19 5 1 14 49 I 10 33 i 6 15 19 S 18 1 17 w ; S 18 S 19 S20 S22 523 S 24 I 7 45 i 11 53 1 16 1 20 6 1 24 10 2 57 53 3 54 3 3 51 3 6 45 3 9 36 4 2 18 4 3 23 4 4 22 4 5 18 4 6 10 4 2 35 4 1 26 t 12 3 58 52 3 57 27 2 57 2 53 49 2 50 36 2 47 18 2 43 57 1 1 56 57 36 53 15 48 52 44 28 \3\ 12 S !os 28 12 32 12 36 10 40 6 44 1 3 12 24 3 15 9 3 17 51 3 20 30 3 23 5 4 6 58 4 7 41 4 8 21 4 8 57 4 9 29 3 55 J>9 3 54 26 3 52 49 3 51 9 3 49 26 2 40 35 2 37 6 2 33 35 2 30 2 2 26 26 40 2 35 36 31 10 26 44 22 17 9 ? i 6S 526 S27 ^28 S 29 !j 30 47 54 51 46 55 37 t 59 26 2 3 12 3 25 36 3 28 3 3 30 26 3 32 45 3 35 4 9 55 4 10 16 4 10 33 4 10 45 4 10 53 3 47 38 3 45 44 3 43 45 3 41 40 3 39 30 2 22 47 2 19 5 2 15 20 2 11 35 2 7 45 17 50 13 23 8 56 4 29 000 4 s 2 S *!? S 05 11 Si^ns. 10 Signs. 9 Signs. 8 Signs. 7 Signs. 6 Signs. Add C Astronomical Tables. 339 tA9 .IWi S TABLE VIIL Equation of the Moon's mean Anomaly. S S Argument. Sun's mean Anomaly. J S Subtract S s c S rt> _ S 1 Li h 1 Sign. 1 Sign. 2 Signs. 3 Signs. 4 Signs. 5 Signs. < G s rt S 'J'-i () ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " 000 46 45 1 21 32 1 35 1 1 23 4 48 It) SOS 1 37 3 IS 4 52 6 28 086 48 10 49 34 50 53 52 19 53 40 I 22 21 1 23 10 I 23 57 1 24 41 1 25 24 1 35 2 I 35 1 1 35 1 34 57 1 34 50 I 22 14 1 21 24 1 20 32 1 19 38 I 18 42 46 51 45 23 43 54 42 24 40 5B 29 ; 28? 27 S 26? S 23 J; 22 S 21? 20 Jj 9 42 11 20 12 56 14 33 16 10 55 56 21 57 38 58 56 1 13 1 26 6 I 26 48 1 27 28 1 28 6 I 28 43 1 34 43 1 34 33 I 34 22 1 34 9 I 33 53 1 17 45 1 16 48 1 15 47 1 14 44 I 13 41 39 21 37 49 36 15 34 40 33 5 S 13 S 14 17 47 19 23 20 59 22 35 24 10 1 1 29 I 2 43 1 3 56 1 5 8 1 6 18 1 29 17 1 29 51 1 30 22 1 30 50 1 31 19 I 33 37 I 33 20 1 33 1 32 38 1 32 14 1 12 37 1 11 33 1 10 26 1 9 17 1 8 S 31 31 29 54 28 18 26 40 25 3 1 Q T !i 'I S 16 S17 J;i8 S 19 Ij 20 25 45 27 19 28 52 30 25 31 57 I 7 27 1 8 36 I 9 42 1 10 49 1 11 54 1 31 45 I 32 12 1 32 34 1 32 57 I 33 17 I 33 36 I 33 52 1 34 6 1 34 18 1 34 30 1 3 1 50 I 31 23 I 30 55 1 30 25 1 29 54 1 6 58 1 5 46 I 4 32 1 3 19 1 2 1 23 23 21 45 20 7 18 28 16 48 \t\ i; % 8 "S 7 S \\ 3 S 2 S 1 pi !? 33 29 35 2 36 32 38 1 39 29 1 12 58 1 14 1 1 15 1 1 16 1 16 59 I 29 20 1 28 45 1 28 9 1 27 30 1 26 50 1 45 59 26 58 7 56 45 55 23 15 8 13 28 1 1 48 10 7 8 20 26 S27 ^-28 ^ 29 S 30 ^ CT3 ? 40 59 42 26 43 54 45 19 47 45 1 17 57 1 18 52 1 19 47 1 20 40 1 21 32 I 34 40 I 34 48 1 34 54 1 34 58 1 35 1 1 26 27 I 25 5 I 24 39 1 23 52 I 23 4 54 1 52 57 51 12 49 45 48 19 6 44 053 3 21 1 40 000 6 Signs. 11 Signs. 10 Signs. 9 Signs. 8 Signs. 7 Signs. j\ s Add J 340 Astronomical Tables. TABLE IX. The second Equation of the mean to the true S Argument. Moon's equated Anomuiy. c If Sign. 1 Sign. 2 Signs. 3 Signs. 4 Signs. 5 Signs. cS \ ' H.M.S H.M.S H.M.S H.M.S H.M.S H.M.S 1 \: 000 5 12 48 8 47 8 9 46 44 8 8 59 4 34 33 30 Ij I 1 - \ l - 10 58 21 56 32 54 42 52 54 50 5 21 56 5 30 57 5 39 51 5 48 37 5 57 17 8 51 45 8 56 10 9 25 9 4 31 9 8 25 9 45 3 9 45 12 9 44 11 9 42 59 9 41 36 8 3 12 7 57 23 7 51 33 7 45 46 7 39 46 4 26 1 4 17 25 4 8 47 407 3 1 23 28 S 27 s 23 S ! *i 1 5 48 1 16 46 1 27 44 I 38 40 1 49 33 6 5 51 6 14 19 6 22 41 6 30 57 6 39 4 9 12 9 9 15 43 9 19 5 9 22 14 9 25 12 9 40 S 9 38 19 9 36 24 9 34 18 9 32 1 7 33 36 7 27 22 7 21 2 7 14 30 7 7 50 3 42 32 o no o o O OO OO 3 24 42 3 15 44 3 6 45 III 20 ^ s 12 S 13 2 23 2 11 10 2 21 54 2 32 34 2 43 9 6 47 6 54 46 7 2 24 7 9 52 7 17 9 9 27 58 9 30 32 9 32 58 9 35 12 9 37 14 9 29 33 9 26 54 9 24 4 9 21 3 9 17 51 7 1 2 6 54 8 6 47 9 6 40 6 6 32 56 2 57 45 2 48 39 2 39 34 2 30 28 2 21 19 ill \\7 V 8 Sl9 S 20 2 53 38 343 3 14 24 3 24 42 3 34 58 7 24 10 7 31 18 7 58 9 7 44 51 7 51 24 9 39 8 9 40 51 9 42 21 9 43 42 9 44 53 9 14 28 9 10 54 979 9 3 13 8 59 6 6 25 40 6 18 18 6 10 49 6 3 16 5 55 38 2 12 8 2 2 53 53 36 44 16 34 54 :sj "\ 10 Ij 22 S 23 5 24 3 45 11 3 55 21 i 5 26 4 25 26 4 25 20 7 57 45 8 3 56 8 9 57 8 15 46 8 21 24 9 45 52 9 46 38 9 47 13 9 47 36 9 47 49 8 54 5C 8 50 24 8 45 48 8 41 2 8 36 6 5 47 54 5 40 4 5 32 9 5 24 9 5 16 5 25 31 16 7 6 41 57 13 47 44 ; *l \ll S 30 4 35 6 4 44 42 4 54 11 5 3 33 5 12 48 8 26 53 8 32 11 8 37 19 8 42 18 8 47 8 9 47 54 9 47 46 9 47 33 9 47 14 9 46 44 8 31 8 25 44 8 20 18 8 14 33 8 8 59 5 7 56 4 59 42 4 51 15 4 43 2 4 34 33 38 13 28 41 19 8 9 34 000 4 TABLE X. The third Equati- Jj onofthe mran to the true Syzygv t TABLE XI. The fourth Equati-\ on of the mean to the true Syzygy. S S drgumtnt. Sun's Anomaly. S Moon's Anomaly. Argument. Sun's mean Distance ^ from the Node. S if s ? Signs. Signs. Signs. n> Add \ Sub. 6 Adi 1 1 Suo 7 Add 2 Suo 8 Ado it crc j|s*. $** 8} Si & 1 1 M. S. M. S. M. S M. S. M. S. M. S. S 2 22 4 12 30 1 22 1 22 30 <| Ij 5 10 15 20 25 2 26 2 30 2 34 2 38 2 42 4 15 4 18 4 21 4 24 4 27 29 28 27 26 25 1 ^ 4 7 10 13 16 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 21 1 20 1 18 1 16 1 14 29 S 28 ? 27 s 26 25 I S 6 S 7 S 9 SlO 30 35 40 45 50 2 46 2 50 2 54 2 58 3 2 4 30 4 32 4 34 4 36 4 38 24 23 22 21 20 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 23 26 29 32 1 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 1 32 1 12 1 10 1 8 1 6 1 24 !; 23 S 22 > 21 J 20 S 1 55 1 1 5 1 1C 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 30 1 35 1 4C 1 45 1 49 1 52 1 56 2 3 6 3 10 3 14 3 Id 3 22 4 40 4 42 4 44 4 46 4 48 19 18 17 16 15 35 38 41 44 47 1 33 1 33 1 34 1 34 1 34 1 57 54 51 49 19 J 18 \ 17 ? 16 S 15 ^ 14 s 13 S 12 s 11 S 10 J 11 S 19 3 26 3 30 3 34 3 38 3 42 3 45 3 48 3 51 3 54 3 57 4 50 4 51 4 52 4 53 4 54 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 16 17 18 19 20 50 52 54 57 1 C 1 34 1 34 1 34 1 33 1 33 45 41 37 34 31 S 22 ? 23 S24 4 55 4 56 4 57 4 57 4 57 4 58 4 58 4 58 4 58 4 58 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 1 5 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 32 1 31 1 30 1 28 28 25 22 19 16 9 S 8 S 7 % 5 \ $26 S27 S2& S29 30 2 4 2 9 2 13 2 18 2 2? Signs. 4 4 3 4 6 4 9 4 12 4 3 2 1 26 27 28 29 SO 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 122 1 27 1 26 1 25 1 24 1 22 13 10 6 3 n s $s \l Signs. Signs. I r- 1 I 5? 115 ^ 4") 105^ 1 's w 5 SUD |ll Add 4 Suo 10 Adc 3 Sub. 9 Add Subtract. 342 Astronomical Tables. TABLE XII. The Sun's mean Longitude^ Motion^ and S Anomaly ; Old Style. \ J cr S o Sun's mean Sun's mean o Sun's mean Sun's mean Jj Longitude. Anomaly. ! Motion. Anomaly. S S P 2 nj "2. < 5*3 S era s o f // S / rt> & so/// / S ^ 1 9 7 53 10 6 28 48 19 11 29 24 16 29 4 14 1.1 29 36 47 1 1 29 22 Aug 6 29 57 2 6 28 57 v S 15 11 29 22 27 11 29 7 Sept 7 29 30 44 7 29 30 ^ S 16 7 15 11 29 5C Oct. 8 2'9 4 54 8 29 4 ! S 17 11 29 52 55 11 29 35 Nov 9 29 38 12 9 29 37 S <5 18 11 29 38 35 11 29 2C Dec 10 29 12 22 10 29 11 ^ Astronomical 1 \iblzs. 343 "S TABLE XII. concluded. \ 4. f S Sun's mean Sun's mean Sun's mean Sun's mean Sun's mean s s Motion and Motion and Dist. from Motion and Dist. from S s s t , Anomaly. Anomaly. Node. Anomaly. Node. I J- IVI ' ' ' ' ' H ' ' t o ' " s SO'' , iVJ s t v ^ / /// s s~ 59 8 . s ^ S 2 1 58 17 2 28 2 36J31 i 162: 1 20 30 s s s s 2 57 25 2 4 56 5 2 3 '2 1 18 51 1 23 6 S 4 3 56 33 3 7 24 7 48 33 [1 21 19 1 25 42 s S 5 4 55 42 4 0951 10 23 34 1 23 47 1 28 18 S S 6 5 54 50 5 12 19 12 50 35 1 26 15 1 30 54 S s s ^ 6 53 58 6 14 47 15 35 36 1 28 42 1 33 29 S 8 7 53 7 7 17 15 18 11 37 1 31 10 1 36 5s S 9 8 52 15 8 19 43 20 47 38 1 33 38 1 3.8 40 S 10 9 51 23 9 22 11 23 23 39 I 36 6 1 41 16s S * J 10 50 32 10 24 38 25 58 40 1 38 34 1 43 52 S 12 11 49 40 11 27 6 28 34 41 1 41 2 1 46 28 S S 13 12 48 48 12 29 34 31 10 47! I 43 30 1 49 4 S 14 13 47 57 13 32 2 33 45 43 1 45 57 1 51 39 s S 15 14 47 5 14 34 36 36 21 44 1 48 25 I 54 15 J; S 16 15 46 IS 15 36 58 38 57 45 I 50 53 1 55 51 S S ^ 16 45 22 16 39 26 41 33 fc 6 53 21 1 59 27 J S 18 17 44 30 17 41 53 44 8 17 1 55 49 2 2 3 S lj 19 18 43 38 18 44 21 46 44 18 1 58 17 2 4 39 S S 20 19 42 47 19 46 49 49 20 49 2 44 3 7 13? S 21 20 41 55 20 49 17 351 56 50 2 3 12 3 9 50 S S 22 21 41 3 21 51 45 3 54 32 51 2 5 40 2 12 25 S 90 22 40 12 22 54 13 3 57 8 52 288 215 2 S S 24 23 39 20 23 56 40 3 59 43 53 2 10 36 2 17 38s . 25 24 38 28 24 59 8 1 219 >4 2 13 4 2 20 14 S S26 25 37 37 25 1 36 4 55 55 2 15 32 2 22 . 50 s $27 26 36 45 26 4 4 7 31 56 2 17 59 l 2 25 26 S S 28 27 35 53 27 6 32 10 7 37 2 20 27 2 28 8s 29 28 35 2 28 9 12 43 58 I 22 55 2 30 32 > S 30 29 34 10 29 11 28 15 19 39 I 25 23 < 2 33 14 s s 31 1 30 33 18 30 13 55 I 17 55 SO 2 27 51 2 35 50 S S In leap-years, after February, add one day, and one day's motion. S S S Xx Astronomical '1 \ibles. -*? f A T ABLE XI If. Equation of the Surf* Centre, or the Dif- ference between hi a wean and true Place. Sun's mean Anomaly. Subtract. S | <5 Sign. 1 Sign. 2 Signs. 3 Signs. 4 Signs. 5 Signs. OS CD > ^ S rf S -\ SOS Q f n ' " o ' " ' " ' " ' ' 56 47 1 39 6 i 55 37 1 41 12 58 53 S 1 s S 3 S 5 1 s 1 y 1 59 3 57 5 56 7 54 9 52 58 30 1 12 1 1 53 1 3 33 1 5 12 1 40 7 1 41 6 1 42 3 1 42 59 1 43 52 I 55 39 1 55 38 1 55 36 1 55 31 1 55 24 1 40 12 1 39 10 1 38 6 1 37 I 35 52 57 7 55 19 53 30 51 40 49 49 29 S 28 ^ 27 S 26^ 25 S 24 S 23 S 22 S 31 S 20 ? 1 1 50 13 48 15 46 17 43 19 40 1 6 50 1 8 27 1 10 2 1 11 36 1 13 9 -1 44 44 I 45 34 I 46 22 1 47 8 I 47 53 1 55 15 1 55 3 I 54 50 I 54 35 1 54 17 1 34 43 1 33 32 1 32 19 1 31 4 1 29 47 47 57 46 5 44 11 42 16 40 21 " S 15 Ma $ 19 ^ 20 21 37 23 33 25 29 27 25 29 20 1 14 41 1 16 11 1 17 40 1 19 8 1 20 34 1 48 35 1 49 15 1 49 54 1 50 30 1 51 5 \ 53 57 1 53 36 1 53 12 I 52 46 1 52 18 I 28 29 1 27 9 1 25 48 1 24 25 1 23 38 25 36 28 34 30 32 32 30 33 '9 S* 18 S 17? 31 15 33 9 35 2 36 55 38 47 1 21 59 1 23 22 1 24 44 1 26 5 1 27 24 1 51 37 I 52 8 1 52 36 1 53 8 1 53 27 1 51 48 I 51 15 1 50 41 1 50 3 1 49 26 1 21 34 1 20 6 1 18 36 1 17 5 1 15 33 28 53 26 33 24 33 22 32 20 30 ''s 10 S S 21 S 22 S 24 S 2o 40 3 1 J 42 30 44 20 46 9 47 57 1 28 41 1 29 57 1 31 11 1 32 25 1 33 35 1 53 50 I 54 10 1 54 28- 1 54 44 1 54 58 1 48 46 1 48 3 1 47 19 I 46 32 1 45 44 I 13 59 1 12 24 1 10 47 1 9 9 1 7 29 18 28 16 26 14 24 12 21 10 18 M 8 S 6 S 1j S26 S27 S 28 J30 49 45 51 32 53 18 55 3 56 47 1 34 45 1 35 53 1 36 59 1 38 S 1 39 6 1 55 10 1 55 20 1 55 28 I 55 34 1 55 37 I 44 53 1 44 1 i 43 7 1 42 10 1 41 12 I 5 49 1 4 7 1 2 24 1 39 58 53 ) 8 14 0611 047 024 000 i C T fi> i CTQ 11 Signs, 10 Signs. 9 Signs. 8 Signs. 7 Signs. 6 Signs. ? s S Add. J Astronomical 1 ables. 345 > TABLE XIV. The Sun's TABLE XV. Equation of the Sun's S I . R J * C/5 r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' o ' ' \ 1 1 30 20 11 30 1 2 1 47 2 5 I 50 1 4 30 S 24 11 51 20 24 29 1 2 1 4 48 2 5 1 48 1 2" J O Q S S 2 48 12 11 20 36 28 2 4 6 1 49 2 5 1 47 1 28 S S 3 1 12 12 32 20 48 27 3 6 8 1 50 2 5 1 46 58 27 ^ S 4 1 36 12 53 20 59 26 4 9 10 1 51 2 5 1 45 56 26 ^ S 5 1 59 13 13 21 10 25 5 11 12 1 52 2 5 1 44 54 25!; s * s i 6 2 23 13 33 21 21 24 6 13 14 1 53 2 5 1 43 52 24 $ \ r 2 47 13 53 21 31 23 7 15 16 1 54 2 4 1 41 J 50 23 S S 8 3 11 14 12 21 41 22 8 17 17 1 55 2 4 40 ) 48 20 ^ 9 3 34 14 31 21 50 21 1 9 19 18 I 56 2 4 1 39. 46 21 * S 10 3 58 14 50 21 59 20 10 21 19 1 57 2 4 1 37 44 20 < f H 4 22 15 9 22 8 19 11 23 21 1 58 2 3 I 36 42 19 i S l2 4 45 15 28 22 16 18 12 25 22 1 58 2 3 1 34 40 ^ <13 5 9 15 46 22 24 17 . 3 28 24 1 59 2 3 1 33| 37 s 14 5 32 16 4 22 31 16 14 30 26 2 2 2 1 31 35 16 Jj i 15 5 35 16 22 22 38 15 15 32 27 2 2 2 30 3 33 15 S S 16 6 18 16 39 22 45 14 1 6 3 34 28 2 2 1 28 ) 31 14 ^ S *" 6 41 16 57 22 51 13 17 36 30 2 1 2 1 1 27 29 13 S S 18 7 4 17 14 22 56 12 18 38 31 2 2 2 1 25 27 12 ^ i i? 7 27 17 30 23 2 11 19 40 34 2 2 2 1 24 24 1 1 S S20 7 50 17 46 23 6 10 20 42 35 2 3 59 1 23 22 10 S s S 21 8 15 18 2 23 11 9 21 44 1 36 2 3 I 59 I 21 !} 22 8 35 18 18 23 14 8 22 4C 1 37 2 4 1 58 i \\> ) Ifc 8 S 9 57 18 33 23 18 7 ! 23 48 I 39 2 4 1 57 17 ) 16 7 Jj w 2A 9 20 18 48 23 21 6 124 50 40 2 4 1 5 li l;i 6 S JJ25 9 42 19 3 23 21 5 25 52 41 2 4 i 5i i. ,) 11 5 S S 26 10 4 19 17 23 25 4 126 54 43 2 : 1 M 1 1 .) 1 4 S Jj 27 10 25 19 31 23 27 3 27 5f 44 2 5 1 5T c 7 3. S L 28 10 47 19 45 23 28 2 128 58 45 2 L i 5^: 1 r < S 29 11 fc 19 58 23 29 1 29 1 ( 46 2 I 1 5- L *t 1 S s _ 11 30 20 11 23 29 30 I 2 47 2 5 1 51 1 : m 15 |l Signs Signs Signs O J3 C 11 10 Sig 9 Sig 8 . Sig ol - l *'\ J ? , 11 S 10 S 9 S t ft i " 5 N 4 A* 3 A* o ai Add. 346 Astronomical Tables. STABLE XVI. vj The Moon't, S Latitude in \ TABLE XVII. The Moon's horizontal Pa- S rallax, with the Semidiawcters and true Ho- ^ rary Motion of the &un and Moon, and eve- S ry tiixth Degree of their mean Anomalies, \ the Quantities for the intermediate Degrees S ()>'.inp easily /iro/iortioned by Sight. \ - ,_m t S Argument, Moon's S equated Distance from the Node. CD H "^ f MoCJn's horizor.t. Parallax. j3| m ~' & """ o 2 9 ;S ffi v ' 3 *< ? r| S Sign 11 S 12 S 13 vii IS s 18 'J 5 15 10 30 15 45 20 59 26 13 31 26 36 39 41 51 47 22 52 13 57 23 1 2 31 I 7 38 1 12 44 1 17 49 1 22 52 1 27 53 i 32 52 1 37 49 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 C 6 12 18 24 2 6 12 18 24 15 52 15 53 15 54 15 55 15 56 14 59 15 1 15 4 15 8 15 12 30 34 30 44 30 55 31 9 31 2.; 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 25 15 58 .15 59 16 1 16 2 16 4 15 17 15 22 15 26 15 30 15 36 15 41 15 46 15 52 15 58 16 3 Jl 40 31 56 32 17 32 39 33 11 ,2 25 2 26 2 27 2 27 2 2f, 10 e 24 S 18 S 12S 3 Q 6 12 18 24 57 30 57 1 52 53 12 58 31 58 49 16 6 16 8 16 10 16 11 16 13 33 23 33 47 34 11 34 34 34 58 2 28 2 2& 2 29 2 29 2 30 2 30 2 31 2 31 2 32 2 32 9 I> 24 S 12 S 80$ 24 S 18 fl'lfijljllll c ^^^s~^l o ^ oj t3 ai -f *S S 5 S 3sj-*Si5 To calculate the Time of New and Full Moon in a given Tear and Month of any particular Century^ between the Christian Mr a and the l&tb Century. PRECEPT!. Find a year of the same number in the 1 8th century with that of the year in the century proposed, and take out the mean time of new Moon in March, old style, for that year, with the mean anomalies and Sun's mean distance from the node at that time, as already taught. II. Take as many complete centuries of years from Table VI. as, when subtracted from the abovesaid year in the t Sthcentury, will answer tothe given year; and take out the first mean new Moon and its anoma- lies, &c f belonging to the said centuries, and set them Yy 352 Precepts and Examples below those taken out for March in the 1 8th century. III. Subtract the numbers belonging to these cen- turies, from those of the 18th century, and the re- mainders will be the mean time and anomalies, &c. of new Moon in March, in the given year of the cen- tury proposed. Then, work in all respects for the true time of new or full Moon, as shewn in the above precepts and examples. IV. If the days annexed to these centuries exceed the numberof days from the beginning of March taken out in the 18th century, addalunation and its anoma- lies &c.;from Table, III to the time and anomalies of new Moon, in March, and then proceed in all respects as above. This circumstance happens in example V. relative to the preceding Tables. To calculate the true Time of New or Full Moon in any given Year and Month before the C/iristian ./Era. PRECEPT I. Find a year in the 18th century, which being added to the given number of years be- fore Christ, diminished by one, shall make a num- ber of complete centuries. II. Find this number of centuries in Table VI, and subtract the time and anomalies belonging to it from those of the mean new Moon in March, the above-found year of the i8th century ; and the re- mainder will denote the time and anomalies, &c. of the mean new Moon in March, the given year before Christ. Then, for the true time of that new Moon, in any month of that year, proceed in the manner taught above & $ ^ >r> >O CM b- ^^ S a . - \l 1 i 1 * 11 b- b- CM CM r-f* b- C CM O> CO O /* j X W .Q - ^ ^ 3 s - 70 J^l ^f 1 Q r; G "^ ^ C ^ .-: s s A 0! ^ ^ > ^--5 5* ro 2 ' + ^ C-l O CM ~- ^ <- ^ cl S CM "cS S "^ .^ !. S o 3 o s 5 C*> C ^C V. 2! $ 1!0 b- CM CO I -* 1 '* 6 ^ : < c Si." " " S 5 o ^ *^ co b- CM o 'O ^ S O ^ *~* J V f < ^ So T? ' CM CM 'O >o SJD S - B cr ^ n't C t w . ao <<< S r- "~^J 8 v5 -^ S ^ **^ ^ ^2 c "CO rj S . IS s 1 - -> O ( O N- o cc CO 4 O CO CO o ci ^ M s - it o s P^- 'r* *-^ C ^3 ^ IQ '' ""* CN "i- r-T-i Q,^ C , - "^^ !f^ - s < tM CTi CO b- O >--; ^, -a S ^ c ^ A* . s !; - ;; r< ^J ^ C - L C/2 S ref -S S C 00 7> CM ?. '- o r ^ ^ **N ^ S C a ^~ ? ' ^ C> '^J *; *~*S* *r*~f~ -^ v ^ r *-^'^v ^ S -.C ^ c v ^ o cr- CO -^ i^ co 00 "O CO ;T- ' j 's Tjl V (-> ' J O CO s * co t K o /. C CO b- co *o co 51 1>- . -^ CM 4- W S C/3 S 5 *1 b~ X.O -^t " 1 -CM "^ _1_ 1 ^ - S S c; C * "* ' ^H 1 s ij ?* :? 4J . r~ 00 30 oo i X) oo '/} ^ A *> ^ d .- * ^ < CO .1 " S O -tj -tJ BO to "2 t-^ ^: ^ ^3 -C ^T g ^ ? CJ o o . S & j f ' i i|ll! s >> g .8 ^ .3"S ; K ". CM ; < r^ p 354 Precepts and Examples These tables are calculated for the meridian of London ; but they will serve for any other place, by subtracting four minutes from the tabular time, for every degree that the meridian of the given place is westward of London, or adding four minutes for 'every degree that the meridian of the given place is eastward : as in s relative to the preceding Tables. S55 Tc calculate the true Time of New or Full Moon> in any given Tear and Month after the 1 8th Century. PRECEPT I. Find a year of the same number in the 1 8th century with that of the year proposed, and take out the mean time and anomalies &c. of new Moon in March^ old style, for that year, in Table I. II. Take so many years from Table VI, as, when added to the above-mentioned year in the 18th cen- tury, will answer to the given year in which the new or full Moon is required: and take out the first new Moon,with its anomalies, for these completecenturies. 356 Precepts and Examples III. Add all these together, and then work in all respects as shewn above, only remember to subtract a lunation and its anomalies, when the above-mentioned addition carries the new Moon beyond the 31st of March ; as in the following example : w i-3 O< S P; In keeping by the old style, we are always sure to be right, by adding or subtracting whole hundreds of years to or from any given year in the 18th century. But in the new style we may be very apt to make mistakes, on account of the leap-years not coming in regularly every fourth year: And therefore, when we go without the relative to the preceding Tables. limits of the 1 8th century, we had best keep to the old style, and at the end of the calculation reduce the time to the new. Thus, in the 22d century, there will be 14 days difference between the styles; and therefore, the true time of new Moon in this last example being reduced to the new style, will be the 22d of July, at 22 minutes 53 seconds past VI in the evening. To calculate the true Place of the Sun for any given Moment of Time. PRECEPT I. In Table XII, find the next lesser year in number to that in which the Sun's place is sought, and write out his mean longitude and ano- maly answering thereto: to which add his mean mo- tion and anomaly for the complete residue of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, down to the given time, and this will be the Sun's mean place and anomaly at that time, in the old style; provided the saidtime bein any year after the Chris- tian ^ra. See the first following example. II. Enter Table XIII with the Sun's mean ano- maly, and making proportions for the odd minutes and seconds thereof, take cut the equation of the Sun's centre: which, being applied to his mean place, as the title Add or Subtract directs, will give his true place or longitude from the vernal equinox at the time for which it was required. III. To calculate the Sun's place for any time in a given year before the Christian sera, take out his mean longitude and anomaly for the first year there- of, and from these numbers, subtract the mean mo- tions and anomalies for the complete hundreds or thousands next above the given year; and to the remainders add those for the residue of years, months, &c. and then work in all respects as above. See the second example following. 358 Examples from the preceding Tables. w II ir > S CM 2 -S a I I o ^ ^ xn ?2 co * j o -t^ .s i OOOOwico^- c3 >- o ^^0,^^^, ^ I c < C9 * ^J 1 *O C-* ,_ -! O O O cr> co O O ' tf (M CN C< C* 1 "C 5 o o - o :i *\ O ii-5.1 Examples from the preceding Tables. 359 1-1 s 8? > a *a .* sT^ S ^ R , t! ^ ooococ^^o " C< 00 - ~ "~& 5 s - 00 iO CON-VJCO^OO^C^ C< CO *O ^ CO 4 < * 00 CO n "^ ^ Oi o^ o^ c^ 00 ^ C* ~- * C*^ C^ C^ C$ s ? c^ \^ c C3 3 7^ 00 o o 00 >- "- -^ 00 . oo^^^w^oo * a CO (N O <-* s * CN gj r/: - CO O O r? OOOOvc^OOiC^ ^ CO T? CO CO CO -5 O *> ^* O O O O Ov C" o in c* c* tt N cn - 00 O O O 50 w o || C ^ Zz 36t> Concerning Eclipses of the Sun and Moon. So that in the meridian of London, the Sun was then just entering the sign =& Libra, and conse- quently was upon the point of the autumnal equi- nox. If to the above time of the autumnal equinox at London, we add 2 hours 2 5 minures 4 seconds for the longitude of Babylon, we shall have for the time of the same equinox, at that place, OctoberZSd, at 19 hours 22 minutes 41 seconds; which, in the common way of reckoning, is October 24th, at 22 minutes 41 seconds past VII in the morning.* And it appears by example VI, that in the same year, the true time of full Moon at Babylon was October 23d, at 42 minutes 46 seconds after VI in the morning ; so that the autumnal equinox was on the day next after the day of full Moon. The Dominical letter for that year was G, and conse- quently the 24th of October was on a Wednesday. * The reason why this calculation makes the autumnal equinox, in the year of the Julian period 706, to be two days sooner than the time of the same equinox mentioned in page 183, is, that in that page the mean time only is taken into the account, as if there was no equation of the Sun's motion. The equation at the autumnal equinox then, did not ex- ceed an hour and a quarter, when reduced to time But, in the year of Christ 1756, (which was 5763 years after,) the equation at the autumnal equinox amounted to 1 cLy 22 hours 24 minutes, by which quantity the true time fell later than the mean. So that if we consider the true time of this last-mentioned equinox, only as mean time, the mean motion of the Sun carried thence back to the autumnal equinox in the year of the Julian period 706 will fix it to the 25th of October in that year. Concerning Eclipses of the Sun and Moon. 361 To find the Sun's Distance from the Moon's ascend- ing Node, at the 1 me oj any given New or Full Moon ; and consequently, to know whether there is an Eclifse at that Time or not. The Sun's distance from the Moon's ascending- node is the argument for finding the Moon's fourth equation in the syzygies, and therefore it is taken into all the foregoing examples in finding the times of these phenomena. 1 hus, at the time of mean new Moon in April 1764, the Sun's mean distance from the ascending node is s 5 35' 2", See Example I. p. 350. The descending node is opposite to the ascend- ing one, and they are, therefore, just six signs dis- tant from each other. When the Sun is within 1 7 degrees of either of the nodes at the time of new Moon, he will be eclipsed at that time : and when he is within 1 2 degrees of either of the nodes at the time of full Moon, the Moon will be then eclipsed. Thus we find, that there will be an eclipse of the Sun at the time of new Moon in April 1764. But the true time of that new Moon comes out by the equations to be 50 minutes 46 seconds later than the mean time thereof, by comparing these times in the above -example : and therefore, we must add the Sun's motion from the node during that interval to the.above mean distance s 5 35' 2", which motion is found in Table XII, for 50 mL- nutes 46 seconds, to be 2 12". And to this we must apply the equation of the Sun's mean distance from the node, in Table XV, found by the Sun's anomaly, which, at the mean time of new Moon in example I, is 9^ 1 26' 19" ; and then we shall have the Sun's true distance from the node, at the true time of new Moon, as follows : -362 Elements for Solar Eclipses. At the mean time of new Moon in Sun from Node, s o / // O 5 35 2 Sun's motion from the 7 50 minutes 2 1O node for 3 46 seconds 2 * Sun's mean distance from node at? yr > O 5 37 14 true new Moon 3 Equation of mean distance from? 950 node, add 3 Sun's true distance from the as- ( O 7 42 14 cending node j which, being far within the above limit of 1 7 de- grees, shews that the Sun must then be eclipsed. And now we shall shew how to project this, or any other eclipse, either of the Sun or Moon. To project' an Eclipse of the Sun. In order to this, we must find the ten following elements by means of the tables. 1. The true time of conjunction of the Sun and Moon ; and at that time, 2. The semidiameter of the Earth's disc, as seen from the Moon, which is equal to the Moon's horizontal parallax. 3. The Sun's distance from the solstitial colure to which he is then nearest. 4. The Sun's declination. 5. The angle of the Moon's visible path with the ecliptic. 6. The Moon's latitude. 7. The Moon's true horary motion from the Sun. 8. The Sun's semidiameter. 9. The Moon's. 10. The semidia- meter of the penumbra. We shall now proceed to find these elements for the Sun's eclipse in April 1 764. To find the true time of new Moon. This, by example I, p. 350, is found to be on the first day of the said month, at 3O minutes 25 seconds after X in the morning. Elements for Solar Eclipses. '363 2. To find the Moon's horizontal parallax, or sc- midtameter of the Earth's disc, LS sun frc?n the Moon. Enter Table XVII, with tie signs and de- grees of the Moon's anomaly, (making proportions, because the anomaly is in the table only to every 6th degree,) and thereby take out the Moon's hori- zontal parallax; which, for the above tiire, answer- ing to the anomaly 1 1 s 9 24' 21 , is 54' 43". 3. To find the Sun's distance -jrom the nearest sol- stice, 'viz. the beginning of Cancer, iihich is 3 s cr 90 from the beginning of Aries. It appears by the example on page 358 (where the Sun's place is calculated to the above time of new Moon) that the Sun's longitude from the beginning of Aries is thenO 5 12 10' 7'', that is, the Sun's place at that time is r Aries, 12 1O' 7". s o / n Therefore from 3 O O Subtract the Sun's longitude or place O 12 1O 7 Remains the Sun's distance from ? _ -, ^ . a ro i_ i c <" 1 / 4*-/ o o the solstice <& 3 Or 77 49' 53": each sign containing 30 degrees. 4. To find the Sun's delcination. Enter Table XIV, with the signs and degrees of the Sun's true place, viz. O s i 2, and making proportion for the 1O' 7", takeout the Sun's declination answering to his true place, and it will be found to be 4 49' north. 5. To find the Moon's latitude. This depends on her distance from her ascending node, which is the same as the Sun's distance from it at the time of new Moon : and with this the Moon's latitude is found in Table XVI. Now we have already found, that the Sun's equated distance from the ascending node, at the time of new Moon in April 1764, is s 7 42' 14". See the preceding page. Therefore, enter Table XVI, with O sign at the top. and 7 and 8 degrees at the left hand, and take The Delineation of Solar Eclipses. out 36' and 39' , the latitude for 7; and 41' 51", the latitude for 8 : : and by making pr portion be- tween these latitudes for the 42' 14" by which the Moon's distance from the node exceeds 7 degrees ; her true latitude will be found to be 40 18" north- ascending. 6. 'Lofind the Moon's true horary motion from the Sun. With the Moon's anomaly, viz. il s 9 24' 21", enter Table XVII, and take out the Moon's horary motion ; which, by making proportion in that table, will be found to be 30' 22". Then, with the Sun's anomaly, 9 s 1 26' 16", take out his horary motion 2 ,28' from the same table: and subtracting the latter from the former, there will remain 27 54" for the Moon's true horary motion from the Sun. 7. To find the angle of the Moon's visible path with the ecliptic. This, in the projection of eclip- ses, may be always rated at 5 35 , without any sensible error. 8,9. To find the semi diameters of the Sun and Moon. These are found in the same table, and by the same arguments, as their horary motions. In the present case, the Sun's anomaly gives his semidiameter 16' 6", ar.d the Moon's anomaly gives her semidiameter 14' 57". 1O. To find the semidiameter of the -penumbra. Add the Moon's semidiameter to the Sun's, and their sum will be the semidiameter of the penum- bra, viz. 31' 3' . Now collect these elements, that they may be found the more readily when they are wanted in the construction of this eclipse. 1 . True time of new Moon in ~) (1 1t , K , /I / t^-r-A ( * *" ^ ^ April 1764 3 6 /"'" 2. Semidiameter of the Earth's disc, O 54 43 3. Sun's dist. from the nearest solst. 77 49 53 4. Sun's declination, north 4 49 O 5. Moon's latitude, north-ascending 40 18 The Delineation of Solar Eclipses, 6. Moon's horary motion from the Sun O 27 54 7. Angle of the Moon's visible? path with the ecliptic 3 8. Sun's semidiameter 16 6 9. Moon's semidiameter 14 51 10. Semidiameter of the penumbra 31 3 To project an Eclipse of the Sun geometrically. Make a scale of any convenient length, as AC, Plate xn, and divide it into as many equal parts as the Earth's Fl - L semi-disc contains minutes of a degree ; which, at the time of the eclipse in April 1764, is 54 43 '. Then, with the whole length of the scale as a ra- dius, describe the semicircle ^fM^upon the centre C; which semicircle shall represent the northern half of the Earth's enlightened disc, as seen from the Sun. Upon the centre C raise the straight line CH, perpendicular to the diameter ACE; so ACE shall be a part of the ecliptic, and CH its axis. Being provided with a good sector, open it to the radius CA in the line of chords ; and taking from thence the chord of 23^- degrees in your com- passes, set it off both ways from //, tog and to b, in the periphery of the semi-disc ; and draw the straight line gVk 9 in which the north pole of the disc will be always found. When the Sun is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Can- cer, Leo, and Virgo, the north pole of the Earth is enlightened by the Sun : but while the Sun is in the other six signs, the south pole is enlightened, and the north pole is in the dark. And when the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius,Pis- ces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, the northern half of the Earth's axis C XII P lies to the right hand of the axis of the ecliptic, as seen from the Sun ; and to the left hand, while the Sun is in the other six signs. v 368 The Delineation of Solar Eclipses, Open the sector till the radius (or distance of the two 90' s) of the signs be equal to the length of Vb? and take the sine of the Sun's distance from the solstice (77 49' 53') as nearly as you can guess, in your compasses, from the line of sines, and set off that distance from V to P in the line gVh 9 be- cause the Earth's axis lies to the right hand of the axis of the ecliptic in this case, the Sun being in Aries ; and draw the straight line C XII P for the Earth's axis, of which P is the north pole. If the Earth's axis had lain to the left hand from the axis of the ecliptic, the distance 7P would have been set off from V toward g. To draw the parallel of latitude of any given place, as suppose London, or the path of that place on the Earth's enlightened disc as seen from the ^un, from Sun-rise till Sun-set, take the fallowing method. Subtract the latitude of London, 51i from 90 and the remainder 38 \ will be the co-latitude, which take in your compasses from the line of chords, making CA or CB the radius, and set it from h (where the Earth's axis meets :he periphery of the disc) to VI and VI, and draw the occult or dotted line VI K VI. Then, from the points where this line meets the Earth's disc, set off the chord of the Sun's declination 4 49' to D and F, and to E and G, and connect these points by the two occult lines F XII G and OLE. Bisect LK XII in K, and through the point K draw the black line VI K VI. Then making CB the radius of a line of sines on the sector, take the co-latitude of London 38 1" from the sines in your compasses, and set it both ways from K, to VI and VI. These hours will be just in the edge of the disc at the equinoxes, but at no other time in tfte whole year. With the extent X" VI,taken into your compasses, set one foot in K (in the black line below the occult one) as a centre, and with the other foot describe the semicircle VI, 7, 8, 9, 1O, &c. and divide it into 12 The Delineation of Solar Eclipses. 367 equal parts. Then from these points of division, draw the occult lines 7 p, 8, o n, &c. parallel to the Earth's axis C XII P. With the small extent ^XII as a radius, describe the quadrantal arc XII yj and divide it into six equal parts, as XII a, ab, be, cd, de, and ef\ and through the division- points, a, b, c, d, e, draw the occult lines VII e V, VIII d IV, IX c III, X b II, and XI a I, all parallel to VI K VI, and meeting the for- mer occult lines 7/>, 8 o, &c. f in thepoints VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, V. IV, III, II, and I: which points shall mark the several situations of London on the Earth's disc, at these hours respectively, as seen from the Sun ; and the elliptic curve VI VII VIII, &c. be- ing drawn through these points shall represent the parallel of latitude, or path of London on the disc, as seen from the Sun, from its rising to its setting. A*. B. If the Sun's declination had been south, the diurnal path of London would have been on the upper side of the line VI JTVI, and would have touched the line DLE in L.- It is requisite to di- vide the horary spaces into quarters (as some are in the figure) and, if possible, into minutes also* Make CB, the radius of a line of chord on the sector, and taking therefrom the chord of 5 35', the angle of the Moon's visible path with the eclip- tic, set it off from H to Mon the left hand of CH> the axis of the ecliptic, because the Moon's latitude is north-ascending. Then draw CM for the axis of the Moon's orbit, and bisect the angle MCffby the right line Cz.- Jf the Moon's latitude had been north- descending, the axis of her orbit would have been on the right hand from the axis of the ecliptic. A". B. The axis of the Moon's orbit lies the same way when her latitude is south-ascending, as when it is north-ascending ; and the same way when south- descending, as when north-descending. Take the Moon's latitude 40' 18" from the scale CA in your compasses, and set it from i to x in the 3 A The Delineation of Solar Eclipses. bisecting line Cz, making ix parallel to Cy : and through x, at right-angles to the axis of the Moon's orbit CM, draw the straight line N-wxy S, for the path of the penumbra's centre over the Earth's disc. The point w in the axis of the Moon's orbit, is that where the penumbra's centre approaches nearest to the centre of the Earth's disc, and consequently is the middle of ihe general eclipse: the point x is that where the conjunction of the Sun and Moon falls, according to equal time by the tables ; and the p6int y is the ecliptical conjunction of the Sun and Moon. Take the Moon's true horary motion from the Sun, 27' 54", in your compasses, from the scale CA (every division of which is a minute of a de- gree), and with that extent make marks along the path of the penumbra's centre; and divide each space from mark to mark into sixty equal parts or horary minutes, by dots ; and set the hours to every 60th minute in such a manner, that the dot signifying the instant of new Moon by the tables, may fall, into the point x, half way between the axis of the Moon's orbit, and the axis of the ecliptic ; and then the rest of the dots will shew the points of the Earth's disc, where the penumbra's centre is at the instants de- noted by them, in its transit over the Earth. Apply one side of a square to the line of the pe- , numbra's path, and move the square backward and forward, until the other side of it cuts the same hour and minute (as at m and n) both in the path of London, and in the path of the penumbra's centre : and the particular minute or instant which the square cuts at the same time in both paths, shall be the in- stant of the visible conjunction of the Sun and Moon, or greatest obscuration of the Sun, at the place for which the construction is made, namely, London, in the present example ; and this instant is at 47! minutes past X o'clock in the morning ; which is 17 minutes 5 seconds later than the tabular time of true conjunction. The Delineation of Solar Eclipses. 369 Take the Sun's semidiameter, 16' 6", in your compasses, from the scale CA, and setting one foot in the path of London at ;;z, namely at 47-| minutes past X, with the other foot describe the circle U\\ which shall represent the Sun's disc as seen from London at the greatest obscuration. Then take the Moon's semidiameter, 14' 57", in your compasses, from the same scale ; and setting one foot in the path of the penumbra's centre at m, 47- minutes after X ; with the other foot describe the circle TY for the Moon's disc, as seen from London, at the time when the eclipse is at the greatest ; and the portion of the Sun's disc which is hid or cut off by the Moon's, will shew the quantity of the eclipse at that time ; which quantity may be measured on a line equal to the Sun's diameter, and divided into 12 equal parts for digits. Lastly, take the semidiameter of the penumbra 31' 3 ;/ , from the scale CA in your compasses; and setting one foot in the line of the penumbra's central path, on the left hand from the axis of the ecliptic, direct the other foot toward the path tf London ; and carry that extent backward and forward till both the points of the compasses fall into the same instant in both the paths ; and that instant will denote the time when the eclipse begins at London. Then, do the like on the right hand of the axis of the ecliptic ; and where the points of the compasses fall into the same instant in both the paths, that instant will be the time when the eclipse ends at London. These trials give 20 minutes after IX in the morn- ing for the beginning of the eclipse at London, at the points A* and 0; 47 minutes after X, at the points 7/2 and /?, for the time of greatest obscuration; and 18 minutes after XII, at R and S, for the time when the eclipse ends ; according to mean or equal time. From these times we must subtract the equation of natural days, viz. 3 minutes 48 seconds, in leap- year April 1, and we shall have the apparent times ; 3 70 The Delineation of Solar Eclipses. namely, IX hours 16 minutes 12 seconds for the beginning of the eclipse, X hours 43 minutes 42 seconds for the time of greatest obscuration, and XII hours 14 minutes 12 seconds for the time when the eclipse ends. But the best way is to apply this equation to the true equal time of new Moon, before the projection be begun ; as is done in example I. For the motion or position of places on the Earth's disc answers to apparent or solar time. In this construction, it is supposed that the angle under which the Moon's disc is seen, during the whole time of the eclipse, continues invariably the same and that the Moon's motion is uniform and rectilinear during that time. But these suppositions do not exactly agree with the truth ; and therefore, supposing die elements given by the tables to be ac- curate, yet the times and phases of the eclipse, de- duced from its construction, will not answer exactly to what passes in the heavens ; but may be at least two or three minutes wrong, though done with the greatest care.- Moreover, the paths of all places of considerable latitudes are nearer the centre of the Earth's disc, as seen from the Sun, than those con- structions make diem ; because the disc is projected as if the Earth were a perfect sphere, although it is known to be a spheroid. Consequently, the Moon's shadow will go farther northward in all places of northern latitude, and farther southward 'in all places of southern latitude, than it is shewn to do in these projections. According to Mayer^s tables, this eclipse will be about a quarter of an hour sooner than either these tables, or Mr. Flamstead's, or Dr. Halley^, make it : and Mayer's tables do not make it annular at London, The Delineation of Lunar Eclipses. The projection qfLiyar Eclipses. When the Moon is within 12 degrees of either oi her nodes, at the time when she is full, she will be eclipsed, otherwise not. We find by example II. page 351, that at the time of mean full Moon in May, 1762, the Sun's distance from the ascending node was only 4 49' 35'', and the Moon being then opposite to the Sim, must have been just as near her descending node, and was therefore eclipsed. The elements for constructing an eclipse of the Moon are eight in number, as follows : 1. The true time of full Moon : and at that time. 2. The Moon's horizontal parallax. 3. The Sun's semidiameter. 4. The Moon's. 5. The semidia- meter of the Earth's shadow at the Moon. 6. The Moon's latitude. 7. The angle of the Moon's visi- ble path with the ecliptic. 8. The Moon's true horary motion from the Sun. Therefore, 1. To find the true time of full Moon. Work a f already taught in the precepts. Thus we have tlte true time of full Moon in May, 1762, (see exam- ple II. page 351,) on the 8th day, at 50 minutes 50 seconds past III o'clock in the morning. 2. To find the Moon's horizontal parallax. Enter Table XVII. with the Moon's mean anomaly (at the above full) 9 8 2 42' 42", and thereby take out her horizontal parallax ; which by making the re- quisite proportion, will be found to be 57' 20". 3. 4. To find the semidiameter s of the Sun and Moon. Enter Table XVII, with their respective anomalies, the Sun's being 10 s 7 27' 45" (by the above example), and the Moon's 9 s 2 42' 42" ; and thereby take out their respective semidiameters : the Sun's 15' 56", and the Moon's 15' 39". 5. To find the semidiameter of tJie Earth'' s sha- dow at the Moon. Add the Sun's horizontal paraU 372 The Delineation of Lunar Eclipses. lax, which is always 10", to the Moon's, which in/ the present case is 57' 20", the sum will be 57' 30", from which subtract the Sun's semidiamcter 15' 56", and there will remain 41' 34" for the semidiameter of that part of the Earth's shadow which the Moon then passes through. 6. To find the Momti latitude. Find the Sun's true distance from the ascending node (as already taught in page 361) at the true time of full Moon ; and this distance, increased by six signs, will be the Moon's true distance from the same node ; and con- sequently the argument for finding her true latitude* as shewn in page 363. Thus, in example II. the Sun's mean distance from the ascending node was s 4 49' 35", at the time of mean full Moon : but it appears by the ex- ample, that the true time thereof was 6 hours 33 minutes 38 seconds sooner than the mean time, and therefore we must subtract the Sun's motion from the node (found in Table XII, page 342) during this interval, from the above mean distance s 4 49' 35", in order to have his mean distance from it at the true time of full Moon. Then to this apply the equation of his mean distance from the node found in Table XV. by his mean anomaly 10 s 7 27' 45"; and lastly, add six signs : so shall the Moon's true distance from the ascending node be found as follows : s O / // Sun from node at mean full Moon 4 49 35 C 6 hours 15 35 His motion from it in < 33 minutes 1 26 r 38 seconds Sum, subtract from the uppermost line 17 3 Remains his mean distance at true ? full Moon 3 4 32 32 The Delineation of Lunar Eclipses. 373 s O f H Equation of his mean distance, add 1 38 ' i i -ii Sun's true distance from the node 6 10 32 To which add 6000 And the sum will be 6 6 10 32 which is the Moon's true distance from her as- cending node at the true time of her being full ; and consequently the argument for finding her true lati- tude at that time. Therefore, with this argument, enter Table XVI. making proportion between the latitudes belonging to the 6th and 7th degree of the argument at the left hand (the signs being at the top) for the 10' 32", and it will give 32' 21" for the Moon's true latitude, which appears by the table to be south-descending. 7. To find the angle of the Moon's visible path -with the ecliptic. This may 'be stated at 5 35', without any error of consequence in the projection of the eclipse. 8. To find the Moon's true horary motion from the Sun. With their respective anomalies take out their horary motions from Table XVII. in page 346; and the Sun's horary motion subtracted from the Moon's, leaves remaining the Moon's true horary xnotion from the Sun : in the present case 30' 52". Now collect these elements together for use. D. H. M. S. 1. True time of full Moon in May, 1762 8 3 50 50 2. Moon's horizontal parallax- 57 20 3. Sun's semidiameter 15 56 4. Moon's semidiameter * 15 39 5. Semidiameter of the Earth's shadow") A .,, * * at the Moon T 41 4 374 The Delineation of Lunar Eclipses. O I If 6. Moon's true latitude, south-descending 32 21 7. Angle of her visible path with the ") *" - Q t ecliptic J 8. Her true horary motion from the Sun 30 52 Plate XIL These elements being found for the construction of the Moon's eclipse in May 1762, proceed as follows : Fig. II. Make a scale of any convenient length, as W Jf, and divide it into 60 equal parts, each part standing for a minute of a degree. Draw the right line ACE (Fig. 3.) for part of the ecliptic, and CD perpendicular to it for the southern part of its axis ; the Moon having south latitude. Add the semidiameters of the Moon and Earth's shadow together, which, in this ellipse, will make 57' 13" ; and take this from the scale in your com- passes, and setting one foot in the point C, as a cen- tre, with the other foot describe the semicircle AD B ; in one point of which the Moon's centre will be at the beginning of the eclipse, and in an- other at the end of it. Take the semidiameter of the Earth's shadow, 41' 34", in your compasses from the scale, and set- ting one foot in the centre C, with the other foot de- scribe the semicircle KLM for the southern half of the Earth's shadow, because the Moon's latitude is south in this eclipse. Make C D the radius of a line of chords on the sector, and set oft' the angle of the Moon's visi- ble path with the ecliptic, 5 35', from D to E, and draw the right line C FE for the southern half of the axis of the Moon's orbit, lying to the right hand from the axis of the ecliptic CZ), because the Moon's latitude is south- descending. It would have been the same way (on the other side of the ecliptic) if her latitude had been north- descending; but contrary The Delineation of Lunar Eclipses. 375 m both cases, if her latitude had been either north- ascending or south-ascending. Bisect the angle D C E by the right line C g, in which line the true equal time of opposition of the Sun and Moon falls, as given by the tables. Take the Moon's latitude, 32' 21", from the scale with your compasses, and set it from C Y to G, in the line C G g ; and through the point G, at right an- gles to CF E, draw the right line P H G F JV for the path of the Moon's centre. Then F shall be the point in the Earth's shadow, where the Moon's centre is at the middle of the eclipse ; G, the point where her centre is at the tabular time of her be- ing full ; and H, the point where her centre is at the instant of her ecliptical opposition. Take the Moon's horary motion from the Sun, 30' 52", in your compasses from the scale ; and with that extent make marks along the line of the Moon's path, P G N: Then divide each space from mark to mark, into 60 equal parts, or horary minutes, and set the hours to the proper dots in such a manner, that the dot signifying the instant of full Moon, (viz. 50 minutes 50 seconds after III in the morning) may be in the point G, where the line of the Moon's path cuts the line that bisects the angle D C E. Take the Moon's semidiameter, 15' 39", ia your compasses from the scale, and with that ex- tent, as a radius, upon the points JV, F, and P, as centres, describe the circle Q for the Moon at the beginning of the eclipse, when she touches the Earth's shadow at F ' ; the circle R for the Moon at the middle of the eclipse ; and the circle S for the Moon at the end of the eclipse, just leaving the Earth's shadow at 17. The point N denotes the instant when the eclipse- begins, namely, at 15 minutes 10 seconds after II in the morning ; the point F the middle of the eclipse, at 47 minutes 45 seconds past III ; and the point P the end of the eclipse, at 18 minutes after V. At the greatest obscuration the Moon is. 10 digits eclipsed. 3 B 376 An ancient Edipse'of the Moon described. Concerning an ancient Eclipse of the Moon. It is recorded by Ptolemy, from Hipparclws, that on the 22d of September, the year 201 before the first year of Christ, the Moon rose so much eclipsed at Alexandria, that the eclipse must have begun about half an hour before she rose. Mr. Carey puts down the eclipse in his Chrono- logy as follows, among several other ancient ones,, recorded by different authors : Jul. Per. 451 Sept. 22. Eel. />-. Gz/#i." 2 An. 54. Hor. 7. P. M. Alexandr. Dig. eccl. 10. [Ptolem. I. 4. c. 11.] Nadonassar. 547. Mesor. 16. That is, in the 45 L3th year of the Julian period, which was the 547th year from Nabonassar, and the 54th year of the second Calif ic period, on the 16th day of the month Mesori, (which answers to the 22d of September J the Moon was 10 digits eclipsed at Alexandria, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Now, as our Saviour was born (according to the Dionysianor vulgar sera of his birth) in the 4713th year of the Julian period, it is plain that the 4513th year of that period was the 200th year before the year of Christ's birth ; and consequently 201 years before the year of Christ 1. And in the year 201, on the 22d of September, it appears by example V. (page 354) that the Moon was full at 26 minutes 28 seconds past VII in the evening, in the meridian of Alexandria. At that time, the Sun's place was Virgo 26 14', according to our tables ; so that the Sun was then within 4 degrees of the autumnal equinox ; and ac- cording to calculation he must have set at Alexan- dria about 5 minutes after VI, and about one de- gree north of the west. The Moon being full at that time, would have risen just at Sun- set, about one degree south of the east, An ancient Eclipse of the Moon described. 377 jf she had been in either of her nodes, and her visi- ble place not depressed by parallax. But her parallactic depression (as appears from her anomaly, viz. 10 9 6 nearly) must have been 55' 17" ; which exceeded her whole diameter by 24' 53" ; but then, she must have been elevated 33' 45" by refraction; which, subtracted from her parallax, leaves 21' 32" for her visible or apparent depression. And her true latitude was 30 north-descending, which being contrary to her apparent depression, and greater than the same by 8' 58", her true time of rising must have been just about VI o'clock. Now, as the Moon rose about one degree south of the east at Alexandria, where the visible horizon is land, and not sea, we can hardly imagine her to have been less than 15 or 20 minutes of time above the true horizon before she was visible. It appears by Fig. 4, which is a delineation of this eclipse reduced to the time at Alexandria, that the eclipse began at 53 minutes after V in the evening ^ and consequently 7 minutes before the Moon was in the true horizon ; to which if we add 20 minutes, for the interval between her true rising and her be- ing visible, we shall have 27 minutes for the time that the eclipse was begun before the Moon was vi- sibly risen. The middle of this eclipse was at 30 minutes past VII, when its quantity was almost 10 digits, and its ending was at 6 minutes past IX in the evening. So that our tables come as near to the recorded time of this eclipse as can be expect- ed, after an elapse of 1960 years. 37$ Of thefxed Stars. CHAP. XVJIL Of thefxed Stars. toSlta C rs354 T^HE Stars are said to be fixed, because appear " ' J_ they have been generally observed to bigger keep a t the same distances from each other, their viewed apparent diurnal revolution being caused solely by by the the Earth's turning on its axis. They appear of a than when sensible magnitude to the bare eye, because the seen retina is affected not only by the rays of light through w hj c h are emitted directly from them, but by a tele- J . . , r .. J scope. many thousands more, which falling upon our eye-lids, and upon the aerial particles about us, are reflected into our eyes so strongly, as to excite vibrations not only in those points of the retina where the real images of the stars are formed, but also in other points at some distance round about. This makes us imagine the stars to be much bigger than they would appear, if we saw them only by the few rays coming directly from them, so as to enter our eyes without being intermixed with others. Any one may be sensible of this, by looking at a star of the first magnitude through a long narrow tube ; which, though it takes in as much of the sky as would hold a thousand such stars, it scarce renders that one visible. The more a telescope magnifies, the less is the 'aperture through which the star is seen ; and con- A proof sequently the fewer rays it admits into the eye. Now that they since the stars appear less in a telescope which mag- their own nifies 200 times, than they do to the bare eye, inso- much that they seem to be only indivisible points, it proves at once that the stars are at immense dis- tances from us, and that they shine by their own proper light. If they shone by borrowed light, the}- would be as invisible without telescopes as the satellites of Jupiter are ; for these satellites appear Of the fixed Stars. 379 bigger when viewed with a good telescope than the largest fixed stars do. 355. The number of stars discoverable in ei- ther hemisphere, by the naked eye, is not above a thousand. This at first may appear incredible, be- cause they seem to be without number : but the de- Their ception arises from our looking confusedly wp n m^hTess them, without reducing them into any order. For than is look but stedfastly upon a pretty large portion of the f^-jf^ sky, and count the number of stars in it, and you will be surprised to find them so few. And, if one considers how seldom the Moon meets with any stars in her way, although there are as many about her path as in other parts of the heavens, he will soon be convinced that the stars are much thinner sown than he was aware of. The British catalogue, which, besides the stars visible to the bare eye, in- cludes a great number which cannot be seen with- out the assistance of a telescope, contains no more than 3000 in both hemispheres. 356. As we have incomparably more light from The ab- the Moon than from all the stars together, it is the *^> ling- greatest absurdity to imagine that the stars were the stars made for no other purpose than to cast a faint light ^ onlv upon the Earth : especially since many more require to shine " the assistance of a good telescope to find them out, "P us than are visible without that instrument. Our Sun night, is surrounded by a system of planets and comets ; all of which would be invisible from the nearest fixed star. And from what we already know of the immense distance of the stars, the nearest may be computed at 32,000,000,000,000 of miles from us, which is further than a cannon-ball would fly in 7,000,000 of years. Hence it is easy to prove, that the Sun, seen from such a distance, would ap- pear no bigger than a star of the first magnitude. From all this it is highly probable that each star is a Sun to a system of worlds moving round it, though unseen by us ; especially as the doctrine of plurali- ty of worlds is rational, and greatly manifests the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of the Great Cre- ator. 380 Of the fixed Stars. Their dif- 357. The stars, on account of their apparently maTi var i us magnitudes, have been distributed into se- tudes : veral classes or orders. Those which appear larg- est, are called st'ars of the first magnitude ; the next to them in lustre, stars of the second magni- tude ; and so on to the sixth ; which are the small- est that are visible to the bare eye. This distribu- tion having been made long before the invention of telescopes, the stars which cannot be seen without the assistance of these instruments, are distinguish- ed by the name of telescopic stars. And dlvi- 358. The ancients divided the starry sphere into coMtetta- P art i cu l ar constellations, or systems of stars, ac- tions, cording as they lay near one another, so as to occu- py those spaces with the figures of different sorts of animals or things would take up, if they were there delineated. And those stars which could not be brought into any particular constellation, were called unformed stars. The use ^59. This division of the stars into different con- of this di- stellations or asterisms, serves to distinguish them vision. f r om one another, so that any particular star may be readily found in the heavens by means of a ce- lestial globe ; on which the constellations are so de- lineated as to put the most remarkable stars into such parts of the figures as are most easily distin- guished. The number of the ancient constella- tions is 48, and upon our present globes about 70. On Senex's globes, Bayer's letters are inserted ; the first in the Greek alphabet being put to the big- gest star in each constellation, the second to the , next % and so on : by which means, every star is as easily found as if a name were given to it. Thus, if the star v in the constellation of the Ram be mentioned, every astronomer knows as well what star is meant, as if it were pointed out to him in the heavens. The zodi- 360. There is also a division of the heavens into ac " three parts, 1. The zodiac (*r/**c f ) from fWicv zodion an animal, because most of the constellations in it, which are twelve in number, are the figures of Of the fixed Stars. 381 animals : as Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Ge- mini the twins, Cancer the Crab, Leo the Lion, Virgo the Virgin, Libra the Balance, Scorpia the Scorpion, Sagittarius the Archer, Capricornus the Goat, Aquarius the Water-bearer, and Pisces the Fishes. The zodiac goes quite round the heavens : it is about 16 degrees broad, so that it takes in the orbits of all the planets, and likewise the orbit of the Moon. Along the middle of this zone or belt is the ecliptic, or circle which the Earth describes annually as seen from the Sun ; and which the Sun appears to describe as seen from the Earth. 2. All that re- gion of the heavens, which is on the north side of the zodiac, containing 21 constellations. And, 3d, That on the south side, containing 15. 361. The ancients divided the zodiac into the The man- above 12 constellations or signs in the folio wing "UJf^J" manner. They took a vessel with a small hole in by the an- the bottom, and having filled it with water, suffered the same to distil drop by drop into another vessel set beneath to receive it ; beginning at the moment when some star rose, and continuing until it rose the next following night. The water falling down into the receiver, they divided into twelve equal parts ; and having two other small vessels in readiness, each of them fit to contain one part, they again poured all the water into the upper vessel, and, observing the rising of some star in the zodiac, they at the same time suffered the water to drop into one of the small vessels ; and as soon as it was full, they shifted it, and set an empty one in its place. When each ves- sel was full, they took notice what star of the zodiac rose ; and though this could not be done in one night, yet in many they observed the rising of twelve stars or points, by which they divide the zodiac into twelve parts. 382 Of the fixed Stars. 362. The names of the constellations and the number of stars observed in each of them by different astronomers, are as follows : The ancient Constellations. Ptolemy. Tycho. Hevcl Flamst. Ursa minor The Little Bear 712 24 Ursa major The Great Bear 35 29 73 87 Draco The Dragon 31 32 40 80 Cepheus Cepheus 13 4 51 35 Bootes, Arctofihilax 23 18 52 54 Corona Borealis The Northern Crown 8 8 8 21 Hercules, En-gonaszn Hercules kneeling 29 28 45 113 Lyra The Harp 10 11 17 21 Cygnus, Gallina The Swan 19 18 47 81 Cassiopea The Lady in her Chair 13 26 47 55 Perseus Perseus 29 29 46 59 Auriga The Waggoner 14 9 40 66 Serpentarius, Ofthiuchus Serpentarius 29 15 40 74 Serpens The Serpent 18 13 22 64 Sagitta The Arrow 5 5 5 IS Aquila, Vultur The Eagle > I \ 12 23) Antinous Antinous $ i I 3 19$ Delphinus The Dolphin 10 10 14 18 Equulus, Equi sectio The Horse's Head 4 4 6 10 Pegasus, Equus The Flying Horse 20 19 38 89 Andromeda Andromeda 23 23 47 66 Triangulum The Triangle 4 4 12 16 Aries The Ram 18 21 27 66 Taurus The Bull 44 43 51 141 Gemini The Twins 25 25 38 85 Cancer The Crab 23 15 29 83 Leo The Lion > f 30 49 95 Coma Berenices Berenice's Hair 5 35 14 21 43 Virgo The Virgin 32 33 50 110 Libra, Chela The Scales 17 10 20 51 Sc6rpius The Scorpion 24 10 20 44 Sagittarius The Archer 31 14 22 69 Capricornus The Goat 28 28 29 51 Aquarius The Water-Bearer 45 41 47 108 Pisces The Fishes 38 36 39 113 Cetus The Whale 22 21 45 97 Orion Orion 38 42 62 78 Eridanus, Fluvius Eridanus, the River 34 10 27 84 Lepus The Hare 12 13 16 J9 Canis major The Great Dog 29 13 ' 21 31 Canis minor The Little Dog 2 2 13 14 Of the fixed Stars. 383 The ancient Constellations. Ptolemy. Tycho. HtveLFlamst. Aro-o The Ship 45 3 4 64 Hydra The Hydra 27 19 31 60 Crater The Cup 7 3 10 Si Corvtis The Crow 7 4 9 Centaurus The Centaur S7 35 Lupus The Wolf 19 24 Ara The Altar 7 9 Corono Australia The Southern Crown 13 12 Piscis Australis The Southern Fish 18 24 The New Southern Constellations. Columba Naochi Noah's Dove LO llobur Carolinum The Royal Oak 12 Grus The Crane 13 Phoenix The Phenix 13 Indus The Indian 12 Pavo The Peacock 14 Apus, A-viz Indica The Bird of Paradise 11 Apis, Musca The Bee or Fly 4 Chamaeleon The Chameleon 10 Triangulum Australis The South Triangle 5 Piscis volans, Passer The Flying Fish 8 Dorado, Xiphias The Sword Fish 6 Toucan The American Goose 9 Hydrus The Water Snake 10 Hevelius's Constellations made out of the unformed Stars. Jfevelius. Flamst. Lynx The Lynx 19 44 Leo minor The Little Lion 53 Asteron Sc Chara The Greyhounds 23 25 Cerberus Cerberus 4 Vulpecula Sc Anser The Fox and Goose 27 35 Scutum Sobieski Sobieski's Shield 7 Lacerta The Lizard 16 CameiOpardalus The Camelopard 32 58 Monoceros The Unicorn 19 3 l Sextans The Sextant 11 41 363. Ther,e is a remarkable track round the hea- vens, called the Milky Way, fr( m its peculiar white- ness, which is found, by means of the telescope, to be owing to a vast number of very small stars, that 3 C 384 Of Lucid Spots in the Heavens. are situate in that part of the heavens. This track appears single in some parts, in others double. Ltpd 364. There are several little whitish spots in the spots. heavens, which appear magnified, and more lumi- nous when seen through telescopes ; yet without any stars in them. One of these is in Andromeda's gir- dle, and was first observed A. D. 1612, by Simon Marius : it has some whitish rays near its middle, is liable to several changes, and is sometimes invisi- ble. Another is near the ecliptic, between the head and bow of Sagittarius : it is small, but very lu- minous. A third is on the back of the Centaur* which is too far south to be seen in Britain. A fourth, of a smaller size, is before Antinous's right foot, having a star in it which makes it appear more bright. A fifth is in the constellation of Hercules, between the stars and *, which spot, though but small, is visible to the bare eye, if the sky be clear, and the Moon absent. Cloudy 365. Cloudy stars are so called from their misty stars. appearance. They look like dim stars to the naked eye ; but through a telescope they appear broad illu- minated parts of the sky ; in some of which is one star, in others more. Five of these are mentioned by Ptolemy. \ . One at the extremity of the right hand of Perseus. 2. One in the middle of the Crab. 3. One, unformed, near the sting of the Scorpion. 4. The eye of Sagittarius. 5. One in the head of Orion. In the first of these appear more stars through the telescope than in any of the rest, although 21 have been counted in the head of Orion 9 : and above forty in that of the Crab. Two are visi- ble in the eye of Sagittarius without a telescope, and several more with it. Flams tead observed a cloudy star in the bow of Sagittarius, containing many small stars : and the star d above Sagittarius' s right shoulder is encompassed with several more. Both Cassini and Flamstead discovered one between the Great and Little Dog, which is yery full of stars. Of new Periodical Stars. visible only by the telescope. The two whitish spots near the south pole, called the Magellanic clouds by sailors, which to the bare eye resemble part of the Milky Way, appear through telescopes to be amix- ni ^ c ture of small clouds and stars. But the most re- clouds, markable of all the cloudy stars is that in the middle of Orion's sword, where seven stars (of^which three are very close together) seem to shine through a cloud, very lucid near the middle, but faint and ill- defined about the edges. It looks like a gap in the sky, through which one may see (as it were) part of a much brighter region. Although most of these spaces are but a few minutes of a degree in breadth, yet, since they are among the fixed stars, they must be spaces larger than what is occupied by our solar system ; and in which there seems to be a perpetual uninterrupted day, among numberless worlds,which no human art ever can discover. 366. Several stars are mentioned by ancient astro- Changes nomers, which are not now to be found ; and others J^ are now visible to the bare eye, which are not re- corded in the ancient catalogue. Hipparchus ob- served a new star about 120 years before CHRIST ; but he has not mentioned in what part of the hea- vens it was seen, although it occasioned his making a catalogue of the stars ; which is the most ancient that we have. The first new. star that we have any good account New of, was discovered by Cornelius Gemma on the 8th of Nove?/iber, A. D. 1572, in the chair of Cassio- pea. It surpassed Sirius in brightness and magni- tude ; and was seen for 16 months successively. At first it appeared bigger than Jupiter, to some eyes, by which it was seen at mid-day ; afterwards it de- cayed gradually both in magnitude and lustre, until March 1573, when it became invisible. On the 13th of August 1596, David Fabricius observed the Stella Mira, or wonderful star, in the neck of the Whale ; which has been since found to appear and disappear periodically seven times in six 336 Of new Periodical S'ars. years, continuing in the greatest lustre for 15 days together ; and is never quite extinguished. In the year 160O, William Janserims discovered a changeable star in the neck of the Swan ; which, in time, became so small as to be thought to disappear entirely, till the years 1657, 1658, and 1 659, when it recovered its former lustre and magnitude, but soon decayed ; and is now of the smallest size. In the year 1 604, Kepler and many of his friends saw a new star near the heel of the right foot of Ser- pentarius, so bright and sparkling, that it exceeded any thing they had ever seen before ; and took notice that it was every moment changing into some of the colours of the rainbow, except when it was near the horizon, at which time it was generally white. It surpassed Jupiter in magnitude, which was near it all the month of October ^ but easily distinguished from Jupiterby the steady light of that planet. It disap- peared between October 16O5, and the February fol- lowing, and has not been seen since that time. In the year 167O, July 15, Hevelius discovered a new star, which in October was so decayed as to be scarce perceptible. In April following it regained its lustre, but wholly disappeared in August. In March 1672, it was seen again, but very small ; and has not since been visible. In the year lt>86, a new star was discovered by Kirch, which returns periodically in 404 days. In the year 1672, Cassini saw a star in the neck of the B nil, which he thought was not visible in Ty- cbo's time ; nor when Bayer made his figures. Cannot be 367. Many stars, beside those above-mentioned, comets. have k een observed to change their magnitudes ; and as none of them could ever be perceived to have tails, it is plain they could not be comets ; especially as they had no parallax, even when largest and bright- est. It would seem that the periodical stars have vast clusters of dark spots, and very slow rotations on their axes j by which means, they must disappear Of Changes In the Heavens. 337 when the side covered with spots is turned towards " us. And as for those which break out all of a sud- den with such lustre, it is by no means improbable that they are Suns whose fuel is almost spent, and again supplied by some of their comets falling upon them, and occasioningan uncommonblaze and splen- dour for some time : which indeed appears to be the greatest use of the cometary part of any system*. Some of the stars, particularly ^rr/^rz/j,havebeen Some star* observed to change their places above a minute of a thei degree with respect to others. But whether this be ce s- owing to any real morion in the stars themselves, must require the observations of many ages to determine. If our solar system change its place with regard to absolute space, this must in process of time occasion an apparent change in the distances of the stars from each other : and in such a case, the places of the near- est stars to us being more affected than those which are very remote, their relative positions must seem to alter, though the stars themselves were really im- moveable. On the other hand, if our own system be at rest, and any of the stars in real motion, this must vary their positions; and the more so, the nearer they are to us, or the swifter their motions are; or the * M. Maupertius, in his Dissertation on the figures of the Celestial Bodies (p. 91 93), is of opinion that some stars, by their prodigious quick rotations on their axes, may not only assume the figures of oblate spheroids, but that by the great centrifugal force arising from such rotations, they may be- come ot the figures of mill-stones ; or be reduced to fiat cir- cular planes, so thin as to be quite invisible when their edges are turned toward us ; as Saturn's ring is in such positions. But when any eccentric planets or comets go round any flat star, in orbits much inclined to its equator, the attraction of the planets or comets in their perihelions must alter the inclination of the axis of that star ; on which account it will appear more or less large and luminous, as its broad side is more or less turned toward us. And thus he imagines we may account for the apparent changes of magnitude and lus- tre in those stars, and likewise for their appearing and dis- appearing. 383 Of Changes in the Heavens. more proper the direction of their motion is for our perception. The eclip- 353. r f [ le obliquity of the ecliptic to the equinoc- tic lessob- . . . r J , . 11- r lique now tial is round at present to be above the third part or a to the degree less than Ptolemy found it. Arid most of the thaiTfor- observers after him found it do decrease gradually down to Tycho's time. If it be objected, that we cannot depend on the observations of the ancients, because of the incorrectness of their instruments; we have to answer, that both Tycho and llamstead arc allowed to have been very good observers ; and yet we find that Flamstead makes this obliquity 24 mi- nutes of a degree less than Tycho did, about 10O years before him : and as Ptolemy was ] 324 years be- fore Tycho, so the gradual decrease answers nearly to the difference of time between these three astrono- mers. If we consider, that the Earth is not a per- fect sphere, but an oblate spheroid, having its axis shorter than its equatorial diameter; and thatthe Sun and Moon are constantly acting obliquely upon the greater quantity of matter about the equator,- pulling it as it were toward a nearer and nearer coincidence with the ecliptic ; it will not appear improbable that these actions should gradually diminish the angle be- tween those planes. Nor is it less probable that the mutual attraction of all the planets should have a ten- dency to bring their orbits to a coincidence ; but this change is too small to become sensible in many ages.* * M. de la Grange has demonstrated, in the most satisfac- tory manner, that no permanent change can take place in the magnitudes, figures, or inclinations, of the planetary orbits ; and that the periodical changes are confined within very narrow limits : the ecliptic therefore, will never coincide with the equator, nor change its inclination above 2 degrees. In short, the solar planetary system oscillates, as it were, round a medium state, from which it never swerves very far. See note subjoined to*p. 1 16. Of the Division of Time. 3SO CHAP. XXL Of the Division of Time. A perpetual Table of Nev, Moons. The Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. A Table of remarkable JEras or Events. 369 TPHE parts of time are, seconds, minutes, JL hours 9 days, years, cycles, ages, and pe- riods. 370. The original standard, or integral measure A year. of time, is a year ; which is determined by the re- volution of some celestial body in its orbit, viz. the Sun or Moon. 371. The time measured by the Sun's revolution Tro ^ c * in the ecliptic, from any equinox or solstice to the >e same again, is called the solar or tropical year, which contains 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 57 seconds ; and is the only proper or natural year, be- cause it always keeps the same seasons to the same "months. 372. The quantity of time measured by the Sun's siderea revolution as from any fixed star to the same stary car - again, is called the sidereal year ; which contains 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 14} seconds, and is 20 minutes 171 seconds longer than the true solar year. 373. The time measured by twelve revolutions of Lunar the Moon, from the Sun to the Sun again, is called ye the lunar year ; it contains 354? days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 36 seconds ; and is therefore 1O days, 21 hours, O minutes, 21 seconds shorter than the solar year. This is the foundation of the epact. 374. The civil year is that which is in common civil use among the different nations of the world ; of yea!% which, some reckon by the lunar, but most by the solar. The civil solar year contains 365 days, 02* three years running, which are called common years ; and then comes in what is called the bissextile or - : 90 Of the Division of Time. leap-year, which contains 366 days. This is also called the Julian year* on account of Julius C&sar, who appointed the intercalary day every fourth year, thinking thereby to make the civil and solar year keep pace together. And this day, being added to the 23d of February, which in the Roman calendar was the sixth of the Calends of March, that sixth day was twice reckoned, or the 23d and 24th were reck- oned as one day ; and was called Bis sextus dies, and thence came the name bissextile for that year. But in our common almanacks this day is added at the end of February. year" ^ 5 ' ^ ne civil lunar year is also common or in- tercalary. The common year.consists of 12 luna- tions, which contain 354 days ; at the end of which the year begins again. The intercalary, or embo- limic year, is that wherein a month was added to adjust the lunar year to the solar. This method was used by the Jews, who kept their account by the lunar motions. But by intercalating no more than a month of 30 days, which they called Ve-Adar, every third year, they fell 3| days short of the solar year in that time. Roman 376. The Romans also used the lunar embolimic year at first, as it was settled by Romulus their first king, who made it to consist only of ten months or lunations ; which fell 6 1 days short of the solar year, and so their year became quite vague and unfixed ; for which reason they were forced to have a table published by the high-priests, to inform them when the spring and other seasons began. But Julius Cte- sar, as already mentioned, 374, taking this trou- ' bleso me affair into consideration, reformed the calen- dar, by making the year to consist of 365 days 6 hours. The origi. 377. The year thus settled, is what was used in ^rellrfal Britain till A. D. 1752 : but as it is somewhat more or new than 1 1 minutes longer than the solar tropical year, the times of the equinoxes go backward, and fall earlier by one day in about 130 years. In the time Of the Division of Time. 391 of the Nicene council ( A. D. 325), which was 1439 years ago, the vernal equinox fell on the 21st of "March: and if we divide 1444 by 130, it will quote 11, which is the number of -days the equinox has fallen back since the council of Nice. This causing great disturbances, by unfixing the times of the cele- bration of Easter, and consequently of all the other moveable feasts, pope Gregory the XIII, in the year 1582, ordered ten clays to be at once stricken out of that year; and the next day after the fourth of Octo- ber was called the fifteenth. By this means, the ver- nal equinox was restored to the 21st of March; and it was endeavoured, by the. omission of three inter- calary days in 400 years, to make the civil or politi- cal year keep pace with the solar for the time to come. This new form of the year is called the Gregorian account, or new style ; which is received in all coun- tries where the pope's authority is acknowledged, and ought to be in all places where truth is regarded. 378. The principal division of the year is into Month* months, which are of two sorts, namely, astronomi- cal and civil. The astronomical month is the time in which the Moon runs through the zodiac, and is either periodical or si/nodical. The periodical month is the time spent by the Moon in making one com- plete revolution from any point of the zodiac to the same again ; which is 27 d 7 U 43 m . The synodical month, called a lunation, is the time contained be- tween the Moon's parting with the Sun at a conjunc- tion, and returning to him again ; which is 29 d 12 1 * 44 m . The civil months are those which are framed for the uses of civil life ; and are different as to their names, number of days, and times of beginning, in several different countries. The first month of the Jewish Year fell, according to the Moon, in our Au- gust and September, old style ; the second in Sep- tember and October; and so on. The first month of the Egyptian year began on the 29th of our Au- gust. The first month- of the Arabic and Turkish 3D 392 Of the Division of Time. I/ear began the 16th ofJttly. The first month of the Grecian year fell, according to the Moon, in June and July, the second in July and August, and so on, as in the following table. 379. A month is divided into four parts called -weeks, and a week into seven parts called days ; so that in a Julian year there are 13 such months, or 52 weeks, and one day over. The Gentiles gave the names of the Sun, Moon, and planets, to the days of the week. To the first, the name of the Sun ; to the second, of the Moon ; to the third, of Mars ; to the fourth, of Mercury ; to the fifth, of Jupiter ; to the sixth, of Venus; and to the seventh, of Sa- turn . ST The Jewish year. Days'S c 1 Tisri Aug. Sept. 30 2 Marchesvan Sept. Oct. 29 s 3 Casleau Oct. Nov. 30 ^ 4 Tebeth Nov Dec. 29 ^ 5 Shebat Dec. Jan. 30 S 6 Adar Jan. Feb. 29 ? 7NisanorAbib Feb Mar. 30 s SJiar Mar. Apr. 29 ^ 9Sivan Apr. May 30 ^ 10 Tamuz May June 29 \ 11 Ab June July 30 > 12 Elul July Aug. 29 \ s Days in the year 354 <; S In the embolimic year after Adar they added a Ij !j month called Fe-Adar, of 30 days. Vflt ^S^ Of the Division of Time. 393 >N The Egyptian year. Days J; s * Thoth August 29 30 s S 2 Paophi September 28 30 \ S S 3 Athir October 28 30 ; ! 4 Chojac November 27 30 > 5 Tybi December 27 30 S 5 6 Mechir January 26 30 S S 7 Phamenoth February 25 30 s 8 Parmuthi March 27 30 ^ S S 9 Pachon April 26 30 5 10 Payni May 26 30 V Epiphi June 25 30 ? \ 12 Mesori July 25 30 S S Epagomenx or days added ^ Of the Division of Time. s The ancient Grecian year. Day 3*1 S 1 Hecatombaeon June July 30 S s 2 Metagitnion July Aug. 29 S S 3 Boedromion Aug. Sept. 30 s I 4 Pyanepsion _ Sept. Oct. 29 \ S S 5 Maimacterion Oct. Nov. 30 > 5 6 Posideon Nov. Dec. 29 S 7 Gamelion Dec. Jan. 30 S 8 Anthesterion Jan. Feb. 29 s S S 9 Elaphebolion Feb. Mar. 30 5 s 10 Municheon Mar. Apr. 29 !; ^ Thargelion Schirrophorion - Apr. May May June 30 29 S Ij Days in the year 354 Days. 380. A day is either natural or artificial. The natural day contains 24 hours; the artificial, the time from Sun-rise to Sun-set. The natural day is either astronomical or civil. The astronomical day begins at noon, because the increase and decrease of days terminated by the horizon are very unequal among themselves; which inequality is likewise augmented by the inconstancy of the horizontal re- fractions, ^ 183; and therefore the astronomer takes the meridian for the limit of diurnal revolutions ; reckoning noon, that is, the instant when the Sun's centre is on the meridian, for the beginning of the day. The Uritish, French, Dutch, Germans, Span- iards, Portuguese, and Egyptians, begin the civil day at midnight : the ancient Greeks, Jews, Bohe- mians, Silesians, with the modern Italians and Chi- nese, begin it at Sun- setting : and the ancient Baby- lonians, Persians, Syrians, with the modern Greeks, at Sun-rising. Hour. 381. An hour is a certain determinate part of the day, and is either equal or unequal. An equal hour is the 24th part of a mean natural day, as shewn by Of the Division of Time. 395 well-regulated clocks or watches ; but these hours are not quite equal as measured by the returns of the Sun to the meridian, because of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and Sun's unequal motion in it, \ 224 245. Unequal hours are those by which the arti- ficial day is divided into twelve parts, and the night into as many. 382. An hour is divided into 60 equal parts called Minutes, mnutes, a minute into 60 equal parts called seconds, sc p onds > . / T thirds, and and these again into 60 equal parts called thirds. SC rupies. The Jews, Chaldeans, and Arabians, divide the hour into 1080 equal parts called scruples; which num- ber contains 18 times 60, so that one minute con- tains 18 scruples. 383. A cycle is a perpetual round, or circulation cycles of of the same parts of time of any sort. The cycle qf^ G Sun the Sun is a revolution of 28 years, in which time iS" t *ion. the days of the month return again to the same days of the week ; the Sun's place to the same signs and degrees of the ecliptic on the same months and days, so as not to differ one degree in 100 years ; and the . leap-years begin the same course over again with respect to the days of the week on which the days of the months fall. The cycle of the Moon, com- monly called the golden number, is a revolution of 19 years; in which time, the conjunctions, oppo- sitions, and other aspects of the Moon, are within an hour and half of being the same as they were on the same days of the months 19 years before. The Indiction is a revolution of 15 years, used only by the Romans for indicating the times of certain pay- ments made by the subjects to the republic : it was established by Constantine, A. D. 312. 384. The year of our SAVIOUR'S birth, according TO find to the vulgar sera, was the 9th year of the solar cycle ; the y ears the first year of the lunar cycle ; and the 312th year after his birth was the first year of the Roman indic- tion. Therefore to find the year of the solar cycle, add 9 to any given year of CHRIST, and divide the sum by 28, the quotient is the number of cycles .396 Of the Division of Time. elapsed since his birth, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year: if nothing remain, the cycle is 28. To find the lunar cycle, add I to the given year of CHRIST, and divide the sum by 19 ; the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed in the interval, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year : if nothing- remain, the cycle is 19. Lastly, subtract 312 from the given year of CHRIST, and divide the remainder by 15 ; and what remains after this division is the indictlon for the given year: if nothing remain, the indiction is 15. Thedefi- 385. Although the above deficiency in the lunar th^iunar c j c ^ e f an ^ our anc ^ half every 19 years be but cycle, and smallj yet in time it becomes so sensible as to make a w ^ e " atura l day m 3K) years. So that, although this cycle be of use, when the golden numbers are rightly placed against the days of the months in the calendar, as in our Common Prayer Books, for find- ing the days of the mean conjunctions or oppositions of the Sun and Moon, and consequently the time of Raster ; it will only serve for 310 years, old style. For as the new and full Moons anticipate a day in that time, the golden numbers ought to be placed one day earlier in the calendar for the next 310 years to come. These numbers were rightly placed against the days of new Moon in the calendar, by the council of Nice, A. D. 325 ; but the antici- pation, which has been neglected ever since, is now grown almost into 5 days; and therefore all the golden numbers ought now to be placed 5 days higher in the calendar for the old style than they were at the time of the said council ; or six days lower for the new style ^ because at present it differs 1 1 days from the old. to 386. In the annexed table, the golden numbers *|nd the unc jer the months stand I'.irainst the days of new day of the .. r * i r i i ^ r > / new Moon Moon in tlie left-hand column, lor the new style ; by the adapted chiefly to the second year after leap-year, as number, being the nearest mean for all the four ; and will serve till the year 1900. Therefore, to find the day of new Of the Division of Time. S Q ^ Ev 3 Sj X ;S ^ sT <>k ? ? ^ b ^ S v^ a ?** ft >j ^ ^ c> % J-V ^ B s S co r* ^ * s s s , 9 9 17 17 6 11 19 s s 2 17 6 14 14 3 11 19 s * 17 6 17 6 3 11 19 8 8 ^ \* 6 6 14 14 3 19 8 1GS 14 3 11 11 19 8 16 s s s 6 14 3 14 3 19 16 5 A s 7 o 3 11 11 19 8 16 13 s S S 8 11 19 8 8 16 5 5 13 J j 11 19 11 19 13 19 8 8 16 16 5 13 2 10 S S s s s s n 19 8 5 13 2 2 10 s S 12 8 10 8 16 16 5 10 18 S S 13 5 13 13 2 10 18 7s S S14 16 5 16 5 2 10 18 18 '7 5 5 13 13 2 7 15 S S s S s 13 2 10 10 18 7 15 s % *7 13 2 13 2 18 7 15 4 4 Jj S 18 2 2 10 10 18 15 12 ^ !j 19 10 18 7 7 15 4 4 12 S s 10 18 10 18 15 12 1 1 s s L 511 18 18 7 7 15 4 12 9* S22 7 15 15 4 4 12 1 1 9 S S 23 7 i VJ 7 12 9 17 17 S S24 15 4 4 12 1 9 6 S ^25 S 15 4 12 1 9 17 17 6 s S S26 4 4 12 1 6 14s ^27 |12 1 1 9 9 17 6 14 S J>28 12 1 12 9 17 -6 14 14 3 3s S29 1 1 9 17 3 11 S30 u* 9 1 c 17 6 6 14 1 4 1__ 3 4- In 11 s S s S 398 Of the Division of Time. Moon in any month of a given year till that time, look for the golden number of that year under the desired month, and against it, you have the clay of new Moon, in the left-hand column. Thus, suppose it were required to find the day of new Moon in September 1757; the golden number for that year is 10, which I look for under September, and right against it in the left-hand column I find 13, which is the day of new Moon in that month. A". B. If all the golden numbers, except 17 and 6, were set one day lower in the table, it would serve from the beginning of the year 1900 till the end of the year 2199. The first table after this chapter shews the golden number for 4000 years after the birth of CHRIST ; by looking for the even hundreds of any given year at the left hand, and for the rest to make up that year at the head of the table ; and where the columns meet, you have the golden number (which is the same both in old and new style} for the given year. Thus, suppose the golden number was want- ed for the year 1757; I look for 1700 at the left hand of the table, and for 57 at the top of it; then guiding my eye downward from 57 to over against 1700, I find 10, which is the golden number for that year. A perpe- 387. But because the lunar cycle of 19 years some- of a the ble ti mes includes five leap-years, and at other times only time of four, this table will sometimes vary a day from the to the* trut ^ * n l ea p-y ears after February. And it is impos- nearest sible to have one more correct, unless we extend it hour for to four times 19 or 76 years ; in which there are 19 leap-years without a remainder. But even then to have it of perpetual use, it must be adapted to the old style ; because in every centurial year not divi- sible by 4, the regular course of leap-years is inter- rupted in the new ; as will be the case in the year 1800. Therefore, upon the regular old style plan, I have computed the following table of the mean times of all the new Moons to the nearest hour for 76 years; Of the Division of Time. 399 beginning with the year of CHRIST 1724, and end- ing with the year 1800. This table may be made perpetual, by deducting 6 hours from the time of new Moon in any given year and month from 1724 to 1800, in order to have the mean time of new Moon in any year and month 76 years afterward; or deducting 12 hours for 152 years, 18 hours for 228 years, and 24 hours for 304 years : because in that time the changes of the Moon anticipate almost a complete natural day. And if the like number of hours be added for so many years past, we shall have the mean time of any new Moon already elapsed. Suppose, for example, the mean time of change was required for January, 1802; deduct 76 years, and there remains 1726, against which, in the following table, under January, I find the time of new Moon was on the 21st day, at 1 1 in the evening ; from which take 6 hours, and there remains the 21st day, at 5 in the evening, for the mean time of change in January 1802. Or, if the time be required for May, A. D. 1701, add 76 years, and it makes 1777, which I look for in the table, and against it, under May, I find the new Moon in that year falls on the 25th day, at 9 in the evening ; to which add 6 hours, and it gives the 26th day, at 3 in the morning, for the time of new Moon in May, A. D, 1701. By this addition for time past, or subtraction for time to come, the table will not vary 24 hours from the truth in less than 14592 years. * And if, instead of 6 hours for every 76 years, we add or subtract only 5 hours 52 minutes, it will not vary a day in 10 millions of years. Although this table is calculated for 76 years only, and according to the old style, yet by means of two easy equations it may be made to answer as exactly to the new style, for any time to come. Thus, be- cause the year 1724 in this table is the first year of the cycle for which it is made ; if from any year of 3E 400 Of the Division of Time. CHRIST after 1800 you subtract 1723, and divide the overplus by 76, the quotient will shew how * many entire cycles of 76 years are elapsed since the beginning of the cycles here provided for ; and the remainder will shew the year of the current cycle answering to the given year of CHRIST. Hence, if the remainder be 0, you must instead thereof put 76, and lessen the quotient by unity. Then, look in the left-hand column of the table for the number in your remainder, ^nd against it you will find the times of all the mean new Moons in that year of the present cycle. And whereas in 76 Julian years the Moon anticipates 5 hours 52 mi- nutes, if therefore these 5 hours 52 minutes be multiplied by the above-found quotient, that is, by the number of entire cycles past ; the product sub- tracted from the times in the table will leave the cor- rected times of the new Moons to the old style ; \vhich may be reduced to the new style thus : Divide the number of entire hundreds in the given year of CHRIST by 4, multiply this quotient by 3, to the product add the remainder, and from their sum subtract 2 : this last remainder denotes the number of days to be added to the times above cor- rected, in order to reduce them to the new style. The reason of this is, that every 400 years of the new style gains 3 days upon the old style : one of which it gains in each of the centurial years succeed- ing that which is exactly divisible by 4 without a re- mainder ; but then, whon you have found the days so gained, 2 must be subtracted from their number on account of the rectifications made in the calen- dar by the council of Nice, and since by pope Gre* gory. It must also be observed, that the additional days found as above- directed * do not take place in the centurial years which are not multiples of 4 till February 29th old style, for on that day begins the difference between the styles; till which day, there- Of the Division of Time* 401 fore, those that were added in the preceding years must be used. The following example will make this accommodation plain* Required the mean time of new Moon in June, A, D 1909 A*. S. From 1909 take 1723 yearsj and there re- mains . . . . * 186 Which divided by 76, gives the quotient 2 and the remainder . . 34 Then against 34 in the table is June 5 d 8 h O m afternoon* And 5 h 52 m multiplied by 2 make to be subtn * 11 44 Remains the mean time according to the old style, June * 5 d 8 k 16* Entire hundreds in 1909 are 19, which divide by 4, quotes ....*. 4 And leaves a remainder of 3 Which quotient multipli- ed by 3 makes 12, and the remainder added makes 15 From which subtract 2, and there remains ... 13 Which number of days added to the above time, old style, gives June. . 18 d 8* 16 m morn. M S. So the mean time of new Moon in June 1909, nev> style, is the 18th day, at 16 minutes past 8 in the morning. 402 Of the Division of Time. If 11 days be added to the time of any new Moon in this table, it will give the time of that new Moon according to the new style till the year 1800. And if 14 days 18 hours 22 minutes be added to the mean time of new Moon in either style, it will give the mean time of the next full Moon according to that style. Of the Division of Time. 403 s' /TABLE shewing the Times of all the mean Changes S s $ of the Moon, to the nearest Hour, through four ^ S 3 Lunar Periods-) or 76 Years. IVJ Signifies Morn- ^ S o ing ; A Afternoon. Jj *5 s s S rt January Februai^y March 4/iril S S A.D. S s r C D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. s ; 1724 14 5A 13 5M 13 6A 12 7M J; s j 2 1725 3 2M 1 2A 3 3M V, s s 3 1726 21 11 A 20 11M 21 12A 20 1A^ S 4 1727 11 8M 9 9A 11 9M 9 10 AS s s S 5 1728 30 6M 28 7 A 29 7M 27 8A S * 6 1729 18 2A 17 3M 18 4A 17 4M s ^ 7 1730 7 11 A 6 OA 8 1M 6 1 A jj <4 TABLE of the mean New Moon.?, Sec. s v "^ May June July August S & A. D. S 1 S ^s D. H D. H D. H D. H. \L \ i 1724 11 8A 10 8M 9 9A 8 10M ^ * 2 1725 1 4M 29 6M 28 7 A 27 8MS s 30 5 A *! 1726 20 1M 18 2A 18 3M 16 4A \ t 1727 9 11M 7 12A 7 OA 6 IMS ? S S 5 1728 27 8M 25 9A 25 10M 23 HA!; S 1729 16 5A 15 6M 14 7A 12 7M S S 7 1730 6 2M 4 3A 4 3M 2 4A ![ Ja 1731 24 11 A 23 OA 23 1M 21 2A S i 9 1732 13 8M 11 9A 11 10M 91 1 A ^ 1 1 Xl C ,0 1733 2 5A 1 6M so rA 30 8M 28 8 A S i* 1734 21 2A 20 3M 19 4A . 8 5 JV1 t ^12 1735 10 11 A 9 OA 9 1M 7 2AS J>13 1736 28 9A 27 10M 26 11 A 25 OA ; 5 14 1/37 18 5M 16 6A 16 7M 14 8A ( * 1738 7 2A 6 3A 5 4A 4 5MJ; 16 1739 26 OA 25 1M 24 2A 23 3M S sir 1740 14 9A 13 10M 12 11A 1 OA 7 1741 4 5M 2 6A 2 7M 31 7A 3O 8M S s 19 1742 23 3M 21 4A 21 5M 19 6A > S 20 1743 12 OA 11 1M 10 2A 9 3MS S 2l 1744 30 10M 28 11 A 28 OA 26 12 A S 22 1745 19 6A 8 7M 17 8A 16 8M S S S 23 1746 9 3M 7 4A 7 5M 5 6AJ; S 24 1747 27 12A 26 1 A 26 2M 24 3A s ^ 25 1748 16 9M 4 10A 14 11M 12 12A 4 2 9M S U 1749 5 6A 4 7M 3 8A SI 9A ^ .'V!! Of the Division of Time. 405 v \t A TABLE o/"Me mom New Moons, &c. S S ^ Sept. October Nov. Dec. 1 S ^ A.D. S f D. H. D. H. D. H. D. H. S i ^ 724 6 10 A 6 11 M 4 12 A 4 1 AS s S 725 25 8 A 25 9M 23 10 A 23 11MS s S i 3 726 15 5M 14 5 A 13 6M 12 7 A ^ 9 4.M C S 4 1727 4 1 A 4 2M 2 3 A *J TT IVA ^ * 31 5 A S S 5 1728 22 11M 21 12 A 20 1 A 20 2M Ij c o 1729 11 8 A 11 9M 9 10 A 9 1 1 M S \r 1730 2 5M 30 7M 28 8 A S 28 9M > 30 6 A ^ S 8 1731 20 2M 19 3 A 18 4M 17 5 A ^ S g 1732 8 11M 7 12 A 6 1 A 6 2MS U 1733 27 9M 26 10 A 25 11M S 24 11 A J S 1734 16 5 A 16 6M 14 7 A 14 8M ^ S 12 1735 6 2M 5 3A 4 4M 3 5 AS c S S 21 1744 25 1 A 25 2M 23 3 A 23 3M S ;. 1745 14 9 A 14 10M 12 11 A 12 OAJj I; 23 1746 4 6M 3 7 A 2 8M 31 10MS S 24 1747 33 3M 22 4 A 21 5M 20 6 A s S 25 1748 11 A 11 1M 9 2 A 9 3M S ^26 1749 30 10M 29 11 A 28 A 27 12 A J; ** 406 Of the Division of Time. S A TABLE of the mean New Moons continued. S * S f* January Feb. March Afir'd s S ^ A-D H D. H. D. H. D. H D K l S 27 1 750 26 1 A|25 2M 26 3 A 25 4M S ^ 28 1751 15 10A 14 11M 15 11 A 14 A Ij S 29 1752 5 6M 3 7 A 4 8M 2 9 A Ij S30 1753 23 4M 21 5 A 23 6M 21 7As S 31 1754 12 1 A 11 2M 12 3 A 1 1 4M I* S 32 V . 1755 1 10 A 31 11M 1 11 A 31 OA 29 12 A i s J.33 175C- 20 7 A 19 8M 19 9 A 18 9MS ^34 1757 9 4M 7 5 A 9 6M 7 7AS ^ 35 1758 28 2M 26 3 A 28 3M 26 4A S 36 1759 17 10M 15 11 A 17 OA 16 IMS j37 1760 6 7 A 5 8M 5 9 A 4 10M S S s ? 38 1761 24 5 A 23 6M 24 7 A 23 8M ^ S 39 1762 14 2M 12 3 A 14 3M 12 4 AS u 1763 3 11M 1 12 A 3 A 2 1M S S41 1764 22 8M 20 9 A 21 10M 19 11A^ ^ 42 t 1765 10 5 A 9 6M 10 6 A 9 7M Jj S43 1766 29 2 A 28 3 A 29 4 A 28 5M S S 44 1767 18 11 A 17 12 A 19 1M 17 2A? ^ 45 1768 8 8M 6 9 A 7 10M 5 11A| U 1769 26 6M 24 7 A 26 7M 24 8 AS S47 1770 15 2 A 14 3M 15 4A 14 5M< ^ 48 1771 4 11M 3 OA 5 1M 3 2 AS S ^ 49 1772 23 9 A 22 10M 22 10 A 21 11M> S 5 C 1773 12 5M 10 6 A 12 7M 8 AS & 1774 1 2 A 31 3M 1 4A 31 5M .9 5 A ^ S 52 1775 20 OA 19 1M 20 2 A 9 3M $53 1776 9 9 A 8 10M 8 10 A 7 llM^ Of the Division of Time. 407 s % /I TABLE of the A"J 31 10 A 30 HM 29 12 A 28 A s s S30 1753 2 1 7M 19 8M 19 9M 17 10AS ?31 1754 10 4A 9 5M 8 6A 7 7M !j I; 32 1755 29 1 A 28 2M 27 3 A 25 3M% S 33 1756 17 10 A 16 11M 15 12 A 14 1 A S S S $34 1757 7 7M 5 8 A 5 9M 3 10 A ^ t 35 1758 26 4M 24 5 A 24 6M 22 7 A \ 4} 1764 19 11M 17 12 A 17 1 A 16 2M !; 1765 8 7A 7 8M 6 9A 5 10M 38 1761 17 11 A 17 A 16 1M 15 2 A S S 39 1762 6 7M 6 8 A 5 9JM 4 10 A 5 40 1763 26 5M 25 6 A 24 7M 23 7AS 541 1764 14 '2 A 14 3M 12 4A 12 5M > < 1 1 AS S42 1765 3 10 A 3 11M 1 12 A 1 z /&. ^ 31 1M Ij S 43 1766 22 8 A 22 9M 20 10 A 20 11MS !* 44 1767 12 6IM 11 6 A 10 7M 9 8M S S 45 1768 30 3M 29 4 A 28 5M 27 5 AS J>46 1769 19 1M 18 12 A 17 1 A 17 2M S $47 1770 8 8A 8 9M 6 10 A 6 11M ^ $ ^ 1782 3 3M 1 4A 3 5M 1 6 A? S60 1783 22 1M 20 2 A 22 2M 20 3 A S s $61 1784 11 9M 9 10 A 10 11M 8 12 AS $62 1785 29 7M 27 8 A 29 9M 27 10 AS S 63 1786 18 4A 17 5M 18 5 A 17 6M 64 1787 7 12 A 6 1 A 8 2M 6 3 A s 5 65 1788 26 10 A 25 11M 25 12 A 24 1 A 5 S 66 1789 15 7M 13 8A 15 9M 13 10 A ^ S67 1790 4 4 A 3 5JV1 4 5 A 3 6M S S 68 1791 23 1 A 22 2M 23 3 A 22 4M S 5j 69 1792 12 10 A 11 11M 11 12 A 10 1 A$ $70 1793 1 7M 30 8 A 1 9M 30 10 A 29 10M S j*l ; ;794 20 5M 18 6A 20 6M 18 7A jj $ 72 1795 9 1 A 8 2M 9 3 A 8 4M ^ S 73 1796 28 HM 26 12 A 27 A 26 1M |j S74 1797 16 7 A 15 8M 16 9 A 15 10M S S |75 1798 6 4M 4 5 A 6 6M 4 7AS ^76 1799 25 2M 23 3 A 25 4M 23 5 AS s *j 1800 14 11M 12 12 A 13 A 12 1M \ The year 1 800 begins a new cycle, 410 Of the Division of Tune, if S ^ S 54 A TABLE of the mean New Moons concluded. S A.D May June July S August D. H. D. H D. H. D. H. S 1777 25 9 A 24 10M 23 1 1 A 22 " A S S 55 1778 15 6M 13 7A 13 8M 11 9 A^ S 56 1779 4 3 A 3 4M 2 5 A 1 6MS 30 6 A !j S 57 1780 22 A 21 1M 20 2 A 19 3 A S i 58 1781 11 9 A 10 10M 9 11 A 8 OM J[ S 59 1782 1 6M 30 7 A 29 8M 28 9 A 27 9M S i" 1783 20 3M 18 4 A 18 5M 16 6 A S 1784 8 A 7 1M 6 2 A 5 SMJ; 62 1785 27 10M 25 11 A 25 A 24 1M 63 1786 16 6 A 15 7M 14 8 A 13 9MS 64 1787 6 3M 4 4 A 4 5M 2 6 A!; 65 1788 24 1M 22 2 A 22 3M 20 4 AS 66 1789 13 10M 11 11 A 11 OA 10 IMS 67 1790 2 6 A 1 7M 30 8 A 30 9M S 28 9 A jj ^ 68 1791 21 4 A 20 5M 19 6 A 18 7M5 ]> 69 1792 10 1M 8 2 A 8 3M 6 4AS i> 70 1793 28 11 A 27 A 27 1M 25 1 A Jj S 1 1800 11 1 A 10 2M 9 3 A 8 4Mt Of the Division of Time. 411 f 3 A TABLE of the mean New Moons concluded. S S ? s > Se fit ember October November Dec. $ j| A.D S ?2 D. H. D. H D. H. D. H. $ 1777 20 12A 10 1 A 19 2M 18 3A S 55 1778 10 9M 9 10A 8 11M 7 12A J; s ^ S56 1779 29 7M 28 8 A 27 9M 26 9A S V 1780 17 3A 17 4M 15 5A S 15 6M $ S 58 1781 6 12A 6 1 A 5 2M 4 3A S u 1782 25 10A 25 11M 23 12 A S 23 OA $ S60 1783 15 6M 14 7A 13 8M 12 9A S S 61 c 1784 3 3A 3 4M 1 5A 1 6M $ 30 6A $ ?62 1785 22 1A 22 2M 20 3 A 20 3M S $63 1786 11 9A 11 10M 9 HA 9 OA $ S 64 1787 1 6M 30 7A 30 8M 28 9A 28 9M S $65 1788 19 4M 18 5A 17 6M 16 7A$ S 66 1789 8 1 A 8 2M 6 3A 6 4M S S S $ 67 1790 29 10M 26 11 A 25 OA 24 12 A $ S68 1791 16 7A 16 8M 14 9A 14 10M S $ 69 1792 5 4A 4 5A 3 6M 2r A S '* ^ S70 1793 24 2M 23 3 A 22 4M 21 4A S h- 1794 13 10M 12 11 A 11 OA S 72 1795 2 7A 2 8M 31 9A 30 10M 29 10AS $73 1796 20 4A 20 5M 18 6A 18 7M > S 74 1797 1M 9 2A 8 3M 7 4A^ S S $ 75 1798 28 11 A 28 OA 27 1M 26 1A $ In 1799 18 8M 17 9A 16 10M 15 HAS < 1|1800| 6 4A 6 5M 4 6A 4 7M ^ 412 Of the Division of Time. 388. The cycle of Easter, also called the Dionysian 'P er *od> is a revolution of 532 years, found by mul- tiplying the solar cycle 28 by the lunar cycle 19. If the new Moons did not anticipate upon this cycle, Easter-day would always be the Sunday next after the first full Moon which follows the 21st of March. But on account of the above anticipation, 422. to which no proper regard was had before the late alteration of the style, the ecclesiastic Easter has se- veral times been a week different from the true East- er within this last century : which inconvenience is now remedied by making the table which used to find Easter for ever, in the Common Prayer Book, of no longer use than the lunar difference from the new style will admit of. Number 389. The earliest Easter possible is the 22d of of direc- March, the latest the 25th of April. Within these limits are 35 days, and the number belonging to each of them is called the number of direction; be- cause thereby the time of Easter is found for any given year. To find the number of direction, ac- cording to the new style, enter Table V. following this chapter, with the complete hundreds of any given year at the top, and the years thereof (if any) below a hundred at the left hand ; and where the co- lumns meet is the Dominical letter for the given year. Then enter Table I. with the complete hun- dreds of the same year at the left hand, and the years below a hundred at the top; and where the columns meet is the golden number for the same year. Lastly, enter Table II. with the Dominical letter at the left hand, and golden number at the top ; and where the columns meet is the number of direc- tion for that year; which number added to the 21st day of March, shews on what day, either of March or April, Easter- Sunday falls in that year. Thus the Dominical letter new style for the year 1757 is B, (Table V.J and the golden number is 10, (Table I.) by which in Table II. the number of direction is Of the Division of Time. 4 13 found to be 20; which reckoning from the 21st of TO find the trOe Easter. March, ends on the 10th of April, that is, Easter- tbe trfle Sunday, in the year 1757. N. B. There are always two Dominical letters to the leap-year, the first of which takes place to the 24th of February, the last for the following part of the year. 390. The first seven letters of the alphabet are commonly placed in the annual almanacs, to shew on what days of the week the days of the months fall throughout the year. And because one of those seven letters must necessarily stand against Sunday, it is printed in a capital form, and called the Domi- Dominical nical letter : the other six being inserted in small Ietter * characters, to denote the other six days of the week. Now, since a common Julian year contains 365 days, if this number be divided by 7 (the, number of days in a week) there will remain one day. If there had been no remainder, it is plain the year would constantly begin on the same day of the week. But since 1 remains, it is as plain that the year must begin and end on the same day of the week ; and therefore the next year will begin on the day follow- ing. Hence, when January begins on Sunday, A is the Dominical or Sunday letter for that year : then, because the next year begins on Monday, th Sunday will fall on the seventh day, to which is an- nexed the seventh letter G, which therefore will be the Dominical letter for all that year: and as the third year will begin on Tuesday, the Sunday wil fall on the sixth day ; therefore F will be the Sunday letter for that year. Whence it is evident, that the Sunday letters will go annually in a retrograde order thus, G, F, E, D, C, B, A. And in "the course of seven years, if they were all common ones, the same days of the week and Dominical letters would return to the same days of the months. But because there are 366 days in a leap-year, 4f this number be divided by 7, there will remain two days over and above the 52 weeks of which the year consists. 41 4 Of the Division of Time. And therefore, if the leap-year begins on Sunday, it will end on Monday ; and the next year will be- gin on Tuesday, the first Sunday whereof must fall on the sixth of January, to which is annexed the letter F, and not G, as in common years. By this means, the leap-year returning every fourth year, the order of the Dominical letters is interrupt- ed ; and the series cannot return to its first state till after four times seven, or 28 years ; and then the same days of the months return in order to the same days of the week as before. To find 391. To find the Dominical letter for any year the . . either before or after the Christian (era. In Table cal "letter. ^- or IV. ^or o Id style, or V. for new style, look for the hundreds of years at the head of the table, and for the years below a hundred (to make up the given year) at the left hand; and where the columns meet, you have the Dominical letter for the year de- sired. Thus, suppose the Dominical letter be re- quired for the year of CHRIST 1758, new style, I look for 1700 at the head of Table V. and for 58 at the left hand of the same table ; and in the angle of meeting, I find A, nhich is the Dominical letter for that year. If it was wanting for the same year old style, it would be found by Table IV. to be D. But to find the Dominical letter for any given year before CHRIST, subtract one from that year, and then proceed in all respects as just now taught, to find it by Table III. Thus, suppose the Domini- cal letter be required fof the 585th year before the first year of C H R i s T, look for 500 at the head of Ta- ble III. and for 84 at the left hand ; in the meeting of these col umns you will find FE, which were the Dominical letters for that year, and shew that it was a leap-} ear ; because leap-year has always two Do- minical letters. TO find 392- To find the day of the month answering to the day amj day of the week, or the day of the week an- severing to any day of the month, for any year past Of the Divhwn of Time, 4L5 jf to come. Having found the Dominical letter for the given year, enter Table VI, with the Dominical / letter at the head; and under it, all the days in that column are Sundays, in the divisions of the months; the next column to the right hand are Mondays; the next, Tuesdays ; and so on, to the last column un- der G; from which go back to the column under A, and thence proceed toward the right hand as before. Thus, in the year 1757, the Dominical letter new style is B, in Table V ; then, in Table VI, all the days under B are Sundays in that year, viz. the 2d, 9th, 16th, 23d, and 3Oth of January and October ; the 6th, 13th, 2Oth, and 27th of February, March, and November; the 3d, lOth, and 17th of yf/>r/7and July, together with the 31st of July ; and so on, to the foot of the column. Then, of course, all the days under Care Mondays, namely, the 3d, 10th, &c. of January and October ; and so of all the rest in that column. If the day of the week answering to any day of the mon?h be required, it is easily had from the same table by the letter that stands at the top of the column in which the given day of the month is found. Thus, the letter that stands over the 28th of May .is A ; and in the year 58.5 before CHRIST, the Dominical letters were found to be F, E, 391 ; which being a leap-year, and E taking place from the 24th of February to the end of that year, shews, by the table, that the 25th of May was on a Sunday ; and therefore the 28th must have been on a Wednesday ; for when E stands for Sunday, F must stand for Monday, G for Tues- day, &c. Hence, as it is said that the famous eclipse of the Sun foretold by THALES, by which a peace "tfas brought about between the Medes and Lydians, happened on the 28th of May, in the 585th year before CHRIST, it fell on a Wednesday. 393. From the multiplication of the solar cycle j u i ian of 28 years, into the lunar cycle of 19 years, and the period. Roman indiction of 1 5 years, arises the great Julian 3G 416 Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST, period, consisting of 7980 years, which had its be- ginning 764 years before Strauchius's supposed year uf the creation (for no later could all the three cycles begin together), and it is not yet completed : and therefore it includes all other cycles, periods, and seras. There is but one year in the whole pe- riod that has the same numbers for the three cycles of which it is made up : and therefore, if historians had remarked in their writings the cycles of each year, there had been no dispute about the time of any action recorded by them. TO find the 394. The Dionysian or vulgar sera of CHRIST'S period*.^ 15 birth was about the end of the year of the Julian pe- riod 4713 ; and consequently the first year of his age, according to that account, was the 4714th year of the said period* Therefore, if to the current year of CHRIST we add 4713, the sum will be the year of the Julian period. So the year 1 757 will be found to be the 6470th year of that period* Or, to find the year of the Julian period answering to any given year before the first year of CHRIST, subtract the number of that given year from 4714, and the remainder will be the Julian period. Thus, the year 585 before the first year of CHRIST (which was the 584th before his birth) was the 41 29th year of the said period. Lastly, to find the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and indiction, for any given year of this period, divide the given year by 28, 19, and 15; And the tne tnree remainders will be the cycles sought, and cycles of the quotients the numbers of cycles elapsed since that year. t h e beginning of the period. So in the above 47 14th year of the Julian period, the cycle of the Sun was 10, the cycle of the Moon 2, and the cycle of indic- tion 4; the solar cycle having run through 168 courses, the lunar 248, and the indiction 314. The true 395. The vulgar sera of CHRIST'S birth was CHRIST'S never settled till the year 527, when Dionysius Exi- birtb, guus, a Roman abbot, fixed it to the end of the 4713th year of the Julian period, which was four Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. 417 years too late. For our SAVIOUR was born before the death of Herod, who sought to kill him as soon as he heard of his birth. And according to the tes- timony of Josephus (B. xvii. ch. 8.) there was an eclipse of the Moon at the time of Herod's last ill- ness ; which eclipse appears by our astronomical ta- bles to have been in the year of the Julian period 47 1O, March 13th, at 3 hours past midnight, at Je- rusalem. Now as our SAVIOUR must have been born some months before Herod's death, since in the interval he was carried into Egypt, the latest time in which we can fix the true sera of his birth is about the end of the 4709th year of the Julian period. There is a remarkable prophecy delivered to us in the ninth chapter of the book of Daniel, which, from a certain epoch, fixes the time of restoring the state of the Jews, and of building the walls of Jeru- salem, the coming of the MESSIAH, his death, and the destruction of Jerusalem. But some parts of this prophecy (Ver. 25.) are so injudiciously pointed in our English translation of the Bible, that, if they be read according to those stops of pointing, they are quite unintelligible. But the learned Dr. Pri- deaux, by altering these stops, makes the sense very plain ; and as he seems to me to have explained the whole of it better than any other author I have read on the subject, I shall set down the whole of the prophecy according as he has pointed it, to shew in what manner he has divided it into four different parts. Ver. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy People, and upon thy holy City, to finish the Trans- gression, and to make an end of Sins, and to make reconciliation for Iniquity, and to bring in everlast- ing Righteousness, and to seal up the Vision, and the Prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Ver. 25, Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Je- rusalem unto the MESSIAH the Prince shall be seven 418 Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. weeks and three-score and two weeks, the street shall be built again, and the wall even in troublous times. Ver. 2f>. And after three-score and two weeks shall MESSIAH be cut off, but not for himself, and the peo- ple of the Prince that shall come, shall destroy the City and Sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with a Flood, and unto the end of the war desola- tions are determined. Ver. 27. And he shall con- firm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst* of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even until the Consummation, and that determined shall be pour- ed upon the desolate. This commandment was given to Ezra by Artax- erxes Longimanus, in the seventh year of that king's reign (Ezra, ch. vii. ver. i 1 26). Ezra began the work, which was afterwards accomplished by Nehe- miah : in which they met with great opposition and trouble from the Samaritans and others, during the first seven weeks, or 49 years. From this accomplishment till the time when CHRIST'S messenger, John the Baptist, began to preach the Kingdom of the MESSIAH, 62 weeks, or 434 years. From thence to the beginning of CHRIST'S pub* lie ministry, half a week, or 3y years. And from thence to the death of CHRIST, half a week, or 3y years; in which half-week he preached, and confirmed the covenant of the Gospel with many. In all, from the going forth of the commandment till the Death of CHRIST, 70 weeks, or 490 years* And, lastly, in a very striking manner, the pro- phecy foretels what should come to pass after the ex- piration of the seventy weeks ; namely, the Destruc- tion of the City and Sanctuary by the people of the Prince that was to come ; which were the Roman * The Doctor says, that this ought to be rendered the half part of the week) v&tthe midst. Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. 41 9 armies, under the command of Titus their prince, who came upon Jerusalem as a torrent, with their idolatrous images, which were an abomination to the Jews, and under which they marched against them, invaded their land, and besieged their holy city, and by a calamitous war, brought such utter destruction upon both, that the Jews have never been able to recover themselves, even to this day. Now, both by the undoubted canon of Ptolemy, and the famous tera of Nabonassar, the beginning of the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes Lon- gimanus, king of Persia, (who is called Ahasuerus in the book of Esther,} is pinned down to the 4^56th year of the Julian period, in which year he gave Ezra the above-mentioned ample commission: from which, count 490 years to the death of CHRIST, and it will carry the same to the 4746th year of the Julian period. Our Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath : and it is plain from St. Mark, ch. xv. ver. 42, and St. Luke, ch. xxiii. ver. 54, that CHRIST was crucified on a Friday, seeing the crucifixion was on the day next before the Jewish Sabbath. And according to St. John, ch. xviii. ver. 28, on the day that the Passover was to be eaten, at least by many of the Jews. The Jews reckoned their months by the Moon, and their years by the apparent revolution of the Sun : and they ate the Passover on the 14th day of the month of Nisan, which was the first month of their year, reckoning from the first appearance of the new Moon, which at that time of the year might be on the evening of the day next after the change, if the sky was clear. So that their 1 4th day of the month answers to our fifteenth day of the Moon, on which she is full. Consequently, the Passover was always kept on the day of full Moon. And the full Moon at which it was kept, was that one which happened next after the vernal equinox. For Josef hus expressly $&y$^Antiq, B. iii. ch. 10.) 420 Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. c The Passover was kept on the 14th day of the "month of Nisan, according to the Moon, when the " Sun was in Aries." And the Sun always enters Aries at the instant of the vernal equinox ; which, in our Saviour's time, fell on the 22d day of March. The dispute among chronologers about the year of CHRIST'S death is limited to four or five years at most. But, as we have shewn that he was cruci- fied on the day of a Pascal full Moon, and on a Friday, all that we have to do, in order to ascer- tain the year of Kis death, is only to compute in which of those years there was a Passover full Moon on a Friday. For, the full Moons anticipate eleven days every year (12 lunar months being so much short of a solar year), and therefore, once in every three years at least, the Jews were oblig- ed to set their Passover a whole month for- warder than it fell by the course of the Moon, on the year next before, in order to keep it at the full Moon next after the equinox ; therefore there could not be two Passovers on the same nominal day of the week within the compass of a few neighbouring years. And I find by calculation, the only Passover full Moon that fell on a Friday, for several years before or after the disputed year of the crucifixion, was on the 3d day of April, in the 4746th year of the Julian period, which was the 4POth year after Ezra received the above-men- tioned commission from Ariaxerxes Longimanus, according to Ptolemy 9 s canon, and the year in which the MESSIAH was to be cut off, according to the prophecy, reckoning from the going forth of that commission or commandment : and this 490th year was the 33d year of our SAVIOUR'S age, reckoning from the vulgar asra of his birth ; but the 37th, reckoning from the true asra thereof. And, when we reflect on what the Jews told him, some time before his death (John viii. 57.) " thou. " art not yet fifty years old," we must confess that it should seem much likelier to have been said to a Of the Times of the Birth and Death of CHRIST. 42 i person near forty than to one but just turned of thirty. And we may easily suppose that St. Luke expressed himself only in round numbers, when he said that Christ was baptized about the SOtbyear of his age, when he began his public ministry; as our SAVIOUR himself did, when he said he should lie three days and three nights In the grave. The 4746th year of the Julian period, which we have astronomically proved to be the year of the crucifixion, was the 4th year of the 202d Olympiad; in which year, Phlegon, a heathen writer, tells us, there was the most extraordinary eclipse of the Su?t that ever was seen. But I find by calculation, that there could be no total eclipse of the Sun at Jerusa- lem^ in a natural way, in that year. So that what Phlegon here calls an eclipse of the Sun seems to have been the great darkness for three hours at the time of our SAVIOUR'S crucifixion, as mentioned by the Evangelists : a darkness altogether superna- tural, as the Moon was then in the side of the hea- vens opposite to the Sun ; and therefore could not possibly darken the Sun to any part of the Earth. 396. As there are certain fixed points in the hea- vens from which astronomers begin their computa- tions, so there are certain points of time from which historians begin to reckon ; and these points, or roots of time, are called aras or epochs. The most remarkable aras are, those of the creation, theGra^ Olympiads, the building of Rome, the ara of Nabo* nassar, the death of Alexander, the birth of CHRIST, the Arabian Hegira, and the Persian Tesdegird : all which, together with several others of less note, have their beginnings in the fqllowing table fixed to the years of the Julian period, to the age of the world at those times, and to the years before and after the year of CHRIST'S birth. ( 422 ) A Table of remarkable Mras and Events. 1. The Creation of the World 2. The Deluge, or Noah's Flood 3. The Assyrian Monarchy founded by Nimrod 4. The Birth of Abraham .... 5. The Destruction of Sodo?n and Gomorrah 6. The Beginning of the Kingdom of Athens by Cecrops 7. Moses receives the Ten Commandments 8. The Entrance of the Israelites into Canaan 9. The Arganautic Expedition 10. The Destruction of Troy \ 1. The Beginning of King David's Reign 12. The Foundation of Solomon's Temple 13. Lycurgus forms his excellent Laws 14. Arbaces, the first King of the Medea 15. Mandaucus, the second .... 1 6. Sosarmus, the third ..... 1 7. The Beginning of the Olympiads 18. Attica, the fourth King of the Medes . 19. The Catonian Efiocha of the Building of Rome 20. The JEra of jYabonassar .... 21. The Destruction of Samaria by Salmaneser 22. The first Eclipse of the Moon on Record 23. Cardicea, the fifth King of the Medes 24. Phraortes, the sixth .... 25. Cyaxares, the seventh .... 26. The first Babylonish Captivity by Nebuchadnezzar 27. The long War ended between the Medea and Lydiam 28. The second Babylonish Captivity, and Birth of Cyrus 29. The Destruction of Solomon's Temple 30. Nebuchadnezzar struck with Madness 31. Daniel's Vision of the four Monarchies 32. Cyrus begins to reign in the Persian Empire 33. The Battle of Marathon .... 34. Artaxerxes Longimanus begins to reign 5. The Beginning of Daniel's seventy Weeks of Years The Beginning of the Pelojionnesian War . Alexander's Victory at Arbela His Death The Captivity of 100,000 Jews by King Ptolemy . The Colossus of Rhodes thrown down by an Earthquake Antiochus defeated by Ptolemy Philofiater The famous ARCHIMEDES murdered at Syracuse Jason butchers the Inhabitants of Jerusalem Corinth plundered and burnt by Consul Mummius Julius Caesar invades Britain He corrects the Calendar Is killed in the Senate-House >3 36 37 38 39 40 41, 42 43 44 45 46 47 Lilian Period. Y.ofthe World. Befott. Christ 706 4007 2362 1656 2351 2537 1831 2176 2714 2008 1999 2816 2110 i897 3157 2451 1556 3222 2516 1491 3262 2556 1451 3420 2714 1293 3504 2798 1209 3650 2944 1063 3701 2995 1012 3829 3103 884 3838 3132 875 3865 3159 848 3915 3209 798 3938 3232 775 3945 3239 768 3961 3255 752 3967 3261 746 3992 3286 721 3993 3287 720 3996 3290 717 4058 3352 655 4080 3374 633 4107 3401 606 4111 3405 602 4114 34C8 599 4125 3419 588 4144 3438 569 4158 3452 555 4177 3471 536 490 464 4223 4249 3517 3543 4256 3550 457 4282 3576 431 4383J3677 330 4390 3684 323 4393 3687 320 449 1 3875 222 4496 3790 217 4506 3800 207 4543 3837 170 4567 3851 146 4659 3953 54 4677 3961 46 4671 3965 43 A Table of remarkable Mr as ana Events. 423 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66, Herod made King of Judea ---<-. Anthony defeated at the Battle of Actium - Agrifijia builds the Pantheon at Rome The true ^.RA of CHRIST'S Birth The Death of Herod The Dyonisian or vulgar JRA of CHRIST'S Birth The true year of his Crucifixion .... The Destruction of Jerusalem - - - - - Adrian builds the Long Wall in Britain - - Constantius defeats the Picts in Britain - - The Council of Mice The Death of Constantine the Great - - - The Saxons invited into Britain . - * The Arabian Hegira --..-... The Death of Mohammed the pretended Prophet The Persian Yesdegird ----.-- The Sun, Moon, and all the Planets in Libra, Sefit. 14, as seen from the Earth The Art of Printing discovered - - - - The Reformation begun by Martin Luther - Julian Y.ofthe Before Period. World. Christ. 4673 3967 40 4683 3977 30 4688 3982 25 4709 4003 4 4710 4004 3 After Christ. 4713 4007 4746 4040 33 4783 4077 70 4833 4127 120 5019 4313 306 5038 4332 325 5050 4344 337 5158 4452 445 5335 4629 622 5343 4637 630 5344 4638 631 5899 5193 1186 6153 5447 1440 6230 5524 1517 In fixing the year of the creation to the 706th Age of year of the Julian Period, which was the 4007th the wor . ld year before the year of CHRIST'S birth, T have fol- U1 lowed Mr. Bedford in his Scripture- Chronology, printed A. D. 1730, and Mr. Kennedy, in a work of the same kind, printed A. D. 1762. Mr. Bed- ford takes it only for granted thai the world was created at the time of the autumnal equinox ; but Mr. Kennedy affirms that the said equinox was at the noon of the fourth day of the creation -week, and that the moon was then 24 hours past her opposition to the Sun. If Moses had told us the same things, we should have had sufficient data for fixing the ara of the creation ; but as he has been silent on these points, we must consider the best accounts of chro- nologers as entirely hypothetical and uncertain. 3K 424 Tables of Time. S TABLE I. Shewing the Golden Number (which is the same both IJ the Old and New Styles) from the Christian JEra to 4. D. 380. S ! , s Years less than an Hundred. 1 k W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5* S Hundreds S O f 19 38 20 39 21 40 22 41 23 42 24 43 25 14 26 4., 27 28 47 29 8 30 49 31 50 32 51 33 52 34 53 35 54 36 55 37 S 56? s S Years. 57 76 58 77 59 78 60 79 61 80 62 81 63 82 64 t>3 65 84 66 85 67 86 68 87 69 88 70 89 71 90 72 91 73 92 74 93 Si S 95 96 97 98 99 $ 5 c i900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ^9$ $ loo 2000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5S > 200 2100 i 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S S 300 2200 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 S Ij 400 2300 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Jj 500 .400 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 ? 600 4500 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 us > 700 .;600 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 c ? 800 2700 g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ;16 17 18 19 1 2S \ 2800 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ ? 1000 2900 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ^ S 1100 3000 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 S Jj 1200 3100 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 13 14 15 16 : 17 18 19 1 o 3 ^ S 1300 3200 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 r 4 5 6 7 8S I| 1400 3300 14 lo 16 17 .18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S Jj 1500 3400 19 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S S 1600 3500 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4S J 1700 3600 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 n 4 5 6 7 8 9 S S 1800 3700 15|16 17 18 19 1 2 -3 4 Cj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - s Ri Tables of Time. 425 ' Tables of Time. S TABLE III. Shelving the Dominical Letters, Ola ! S S Style, for 4200 Years before the Christian ;Era. 5 Bcf. Christ Hundreds of Years Jj I 100 200 300 400 500 600 J Jj Years less S than an O O ^ 61 89 D E F G A B c 5 * c s 34 62 90 C D E F G A B S S 7 35 63 91 B C D E F G A S S 8 36 64 92 AG B A C B D C E D F E G FS - F ~ B C V 37 65 93 A D s Jhfl w S 10 38 66 94 E F G A B C D S ?ll 39 67 95 D E F G A B c 5 \- 40 68 96 C B D C E D F EG F A G BAS 5 13 41 69 97 A B C D E F G S Ju 42 70 98 G A B C D E F * > 15 43 71 99 F G A B C D E J he 44 72 ED F E G F A G B A C B DC!; s c 45 73 C D E F G A B $ S 18 46 74 B C D E F G A S S 19 47 75 A B C D E F G 20 48 76 G F A G B A C B D C E D F ES ^ s s __ '" i - 1 S21 49 77 E F G A B C D S ^ 22 50 78 D E F G A B Q j S 23 51 79 C D E F G A B S J 24 52 80 B A C B D C E D F E G F A G s ^ 53 81 G A B C D E F S 26 54 82 F G A B C D E 5! $27 55 83 E F G A B C D . 428 Tables of Time. S TABLE V. The Dominical Letter^ S S New Style, for 4000 Years after 11 s sl! 1:4 S 14 S 15 S - j| j* S 22 S 23 S 14 !> 26 S 27 5 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 57 58 59 60 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 B A G F E D C B A G F E D C B c 1 ' DCS 6 i 62 6 > 64 D C B A G F E D C JB A G F E D A ^ **\ 60 66 67 68 93 94 95 96 F E .D C B A G F D C B A G T $ C \ B S A GS 41 42 43 44 69 70 n 72 97 98 99 A G F E D C B A G F E D C B A F > E s B J CBj 45 46 47 48 49 50 j ; 52 55 56 73 74 75 76 M C B A G F E D C B A G F E D C A % G J F V E D> B 77 fj 79 80 81 83 8-1 E D C B A G F E D C B A G F F G F E D C B A G F E D C B A G H B A ? Tables of Time. 429 S the Months, for both Styles, by the J ? Dominical Letters. s ij Week Days. A 1 8 15 22 29 B 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 C n 10 17 24 31 D E o 12 < 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 iO 24 31 7 14 21 28 i!^ iU } 15 1 22 s 29 S 2 J 16* 1 20 S 1 Ij January 31 S October 3 1 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 li 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 S Feb. 28-29 !j March 31 S November 30 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 } S April 30 ^ July 3 1 \ 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 S August 31 s 6 13 20 27 S \ September 30 S December 31 3 10 17 24 31 4 1 1 IS 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 .6 2 9 16 23 30 4 11 18 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 [ May 3 1 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 26 S J> June 30 S 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 430 The ORRERY described. CHAP. XXII. A Description of the Astronomical Machinery serv- ing to explain and illustrate the foregoing Part of this Treatise. Frontin 39~ r I ^HE ORRERY. This machine shews the f he Title- JL motions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, page. The Earth, and Moon ; and occasionally, the superior 'RKERY. p} anets> Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, may be put on; Jupiter's four satellites are moved round him in their proper times by a small winch ; and Saturn has his five satellites, and his ring, which keeps its parallelism round the Sun ; and by a lamp put in the Sun's place, the ring shews all the phases de- scribed in the 204th article. The Sun. In the centre, No. 1. represents the SUN, sup- ported by its axis inclining almost 8 degrees from the axis of the ecliptic ; and turning round in 25-j days on its axis, of which the north pole inclines toward the 8th degree of Pisces in the great ecliptic The eclip- (No. II.), whereon the months and days are en- tic. graven over the signs and degrees in \vhich the Sun appears, as seen from the Earth, on. the diffe days of the year. Mercury. The nearest planet (No. 2.) to the Sun is Mi cury, which goes round him in 87 days 23 hours, or 87ff diurnal rotations of the Earth ; but has no motion round its axis in the machine, because the time of its diurnal motion in the heavens is not known to ns. Venus. The next planet in order is Venus (No. 3.) which performs her annual course in 224 days 17 hours; and turns round her axis in 24 days 8 hours, or in 24| diurnal rotations of the Earth. Her axi inclines 75 degrees from the axis of the ecliptic and her north pole inclines toward the 20th de gree of Aquarius, according to the observations o sun rrent VIer. The ORRERY described* 431 Bianchini. She shews all the phenomena described from the 30th to the 44th article in chap. 1. Next without the orbit of Venus is the Earth, TheEarth. (No. 4.) which turns round its axis, to any fixed point at a great distance, in 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds, of mean solar time (\ 221, & seq.), but from the sun to the Sun again in 24 hours of the same time. No. 6. is a sidereal dial- plate under the Earth ; and No. 7. a solar dial- plate on the cover of the machine. The index of the former shews side- ! real, and of the latter, solar time ; and hence, the for- \ mer index gains one entire revolution on the latter -} every year, as 365 solar or natural days contain 366 sidereal days, or apparent revolutions of the stars. In the time that the Earth makes 36 5 diurnal rotations on its axis, it goes once round the Sun in the plane of the ecliptic ; and always keeps opposite to a mov- ing index (No. 10.), which shews the Sun's apparent daily change of place, and also the days of the months. The Earth is half covered vuth a black cap, to divide the apparently-enlightened half next the Sun from the other half) which when turned away from him. is in the dark. The edge of the cap represents the circle bounding light and darkness, and shews at what time the Sun rises and sets to all places throughout the year. The Earth's axis inclines 231 degrees from the j axis of the ecliptic, the north pole inclines toward the beginning of Cancer, and keeps its parallelism through- out its annual course, $ 48, 202; so that in summer the northern parts of the Earth inclines toward the Sun, and in winter declines from him : by which means the different lengths of days and nights, and the cause of the various seasons, are demonstrated to sight. There is a broad horizon, to the upper side of which is fixed a meridian- semicircle in the north and south points, graduated on both sides from the h >ri- zon to 90 in the zenith, or vertical point. The cage 31 432 The ORRERY described. of the horizon is graduated from the east and west to the south and north points, and within these divisions are the points of the compass. From the lower side of this thin horizon -plate, stand out four small wires, to which is fixed a twilight-circle 18 degrees from the graduated side of the horizon all round/ This hori- zon may be put upon the Earth (when the cap is taken away), and rectified to the latitude of anyplace: and then, by a small wire called the solar ray, which may be put on so as to proceed directly from the Sun's centre toward the Earth's, but to come no farther than almost to touch the horizon. The beginning of twi- light, time of sun-rising, with his amplitude, meridi- an-altitude, time of setting, amplitude then, and end of twilight, are shewn for every day of the year, at that place to which the horizon is rectified. TheMoon ^^ e Moon (No. 5.) goes round the Earth, from * between it and any fixed point at a great distance, in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, or through all the signs and degrees of her orbit ; which is called her periodi- cal revolution : but she goes round from the Sun to the Sun again, or from change to change, in 29 days 12 hours 45 minutes, which is her synodical revolu- tion ; and in that time she exhibits all the phases al- ready described, $ 255, When the above-mentioned horizon is rectified to the latitude of any given place, the times of the Moon's rising and setting, together with her amplitude, are shewn to that place as well as the Sun's, and all the various phenomena of the harvest-moon, 273, & seq. are made obvious to sight. The nodes. The Moon's orbit (No. 9.) is inclined to the ecliptic (No. 11.), one half being above, and the other below it. The nodes, or points at and 0, lie in the plane of the ecliptic, as described 317, 318, and shift backward through all its signs and degrees in 18f years, The degrees of the Moon's latitude, to The ORRERY described. the highest at N L (north latitude), and lowest at S L (south latitude), are engraven jpoth ways from her nodes at and ; and as the Moon rises and falls in her orbit according to its inclination, her latitude and distance from her nodes are shewn for every day ; having first rectified her orbit so as to set the nodes to their proper places in the ecliptic : and then, as they come about at different, and almost opposite, times of the year, 319, and point twice toward the Sun ; all the eclipses may be shewn for hundreds of years (without any new rectification) by turning the machinery backward for time past, or forward for time to come. At 17 degrees distance from each node, on both sides, is engraven a small sun ; and at 12 degrees distance, a small moon; which shew the limits of solar and lunar eclipses, 317: and when, at any change, the moon falls between either of these suns and the node, the Sun will be eclipsed on the day pointed to by the annual index (No. 10.), and as the Moon has then north or south latitude, one may easily judge whether *hat eclipse will be vi- sible in the northern or southern hemisphere ; espe- cially as the Earth's axis inclines toward the Sun or declines from him at that time. And when at any full, the Moon falls between either of the little moons and node, she will be eclipsed, and the annual index shews the day of that eclipse. There is a circle of 29| equal parts (No. 8.) on the cover of the machine, on which an index shews the days of the Moon's age. A semi-ellipsis and semicircle are fixed to an el- Plate Ix, liptical ring, which being put like a cap upon the Flff ' X * Earth, and the forked part F upon the Moon, shews the tides as the Earth turns round within them, and they are led round it by the Moon. When the dif- ferent places come to the semi-ellipsis daEbB, they have tides of flood : and when they come to the se- micircle CED, they have tides of ebb, 304, 305 ; 434 The ORRERY described. the index on the hour-circle (No. 7.) shewing the times of these phenomena. There is a jointed wire, of which one end being put into a hole in the upright stem that holds the Earth's cap, and the wire laid into a small forked piece which may be occasionally put upon Venus or Mercury, shews the direct and retrograde motions of these two planets, with their stationary times and places as seen from the Earth. The whole machinery is turned by a winch or handle (No. !.), and is so easily moved, that a clock might turn it without any danger of stopping. To give a plate of the wheel- work of this machine would answer no purpose, because many of the wheels lie so behind others, as to hide them from sight in any view whatsoever. Another 398. Another ORRERY. In this machine, which ORRERY. j s ^ le simplest I ever saw, for shewing the diurnal " te y L and annual motions of the Earth, together with the motion of the Moon and her nodes, A and B are two oblong square pkt.es held together by four up- right pillars; of which three appear atjT, g 9 andg* 2. Under the plate A is an endless screw on the axis of the handle 6, which works in a wheel fixed on the same axis with the double-grooved wheei E; and on the top of this axis is fixed the toothed wheel f, which turns the pinion k, on the top of whose axis is the pinion k 2, which turns another pinion b 2, and that turns a third, which being fixed on a 2, the axis of the Earth /, turns it round, and the earth with it : this last axis inclines in an angle of 23-| degrees. The supporter X 2, in which the axis of the earth turns, is fixed to the moveable plate C. In the fixed plate B, beyond H, is fixed the strong wire cf, on which hangs the sun 7\ so as it may turn round the wire. To this sun is fixed the wire or so- lar ray Z, which (as the earth Z/turns round its axis) points to all the places that the Sun passes vertically over, every day of the year. The earth is half co- The ORRERY described. 435 f ered with a black cap a, as in the former Orrery, for dividing the day from the night ; and as the different places come out trom below the edge of the cap, or go in below it, they shew the times of sun-rising and setting every day of the year. This cap is fixed on the wire 6, which has a forked piece C turning round the wire d: and, as the earth goes round the sun, it carries the cap, wire, and solar ray round him ; so that the solar ray constantly points toward the earth's centre. On the axis of the pinion k is the pinion m, which turns a wheel on the cock or supporter 72, and on the axis of this wheel nearest n is a pinion (hid from view) under the plate C, which pinion turns a wheel that carries the moon /Around the earth U ; the moon's axis rising and falling in the socket W, which is fix- ed to the triangular piece above 2* ; and this piece is fixed to the top of the axis of the last- mentioned wheel. The socket TFis slit on the outermost side : and in this slit the two pins near Y, fixed in the moon's axis, move up and down ; one of them being above the inclined plane FJf, and the other below it. By this mechanism, the moon V moves round the earth T in the inclined orbit ^, parallel to the plane of the ring YX; of which the descending node is at Jf, and the ascending node opposite to it, but hid by the sup- porter X 2. The small wheel E turns the large wheels D and F 9 of equal diameters, by cat-gut strings crossing between them : and the axes of these two wheels are cranked at G and H 9 above the plate . The up- right stems of these cranks going through the plate C, carry it over and over the fixed plate JB, with a motion which carries the earth U round the sun T y keeping the earth's axis always parallel to itself, or still inclining toward the left hand of the plate ; and shewing the vicissitudes of seasons, as described in the tenth chapter. As the earth goes round the sun , 436 The ORRERY described. the pinion k goes round the wheel i, for the axis of k never touches the fixed plate .Z?, but turns on a wire fixed into the plate C. On the top of the crank G is an index L, which goes round the circle m 2 in the time that the earth goes round the sun, and points to the days of the months ; which, together with the names of the sea- sons, are marked in this circle. This index has a small grooved wheel L fixed upon it, round which, and the plate Z, goes a cat- gut string crossing between them ; and by this means the moon's inclined plane YX, with its nodes, is * turned backward, for shewing the times and returns of eclipses, 310, 320. The following parts of this machine must be con- sidered as distinct from those already described. Toward the right hand, let S be the earth hung on the wire e, which is fixed into the plate B ; and let be the moon fixed on the axis AT, and turning round within the cap P, in which, and in the plate C, the crooked wire Q is fixed. On the axis M is also fixed the index K, which goes round a circle h 2, divided into 29 equal parts, which are the days of the Moon's age : but to avoid confusion in the scheme, it is only marked with the numeral figures 1234, for the quarters. As the crank H carries this moon round the earth S in the orbit , she shews all her phases by means of the cap P for the different days of her age, which are shewn by the index K; this index turning just as the moon does, demon- strates her turning round her axis, as she still keeps the same side toward the earth , 262. At the other end of the plate C T , a moon N goes round an earth R in the orbit p. But this moon's axis is stuck fast into the plate C at 2, so that nei- ther moon nor axis can turn round ; and as this moon goes round her earth, she shews herself all round to it ; which proves, that if the Moon was seen all round The CALCULATOR described. 437 from the Earth in a lunation, she could not turn round her axis. N.- B. If there were only the two wheels D and .F, with a cat- gut string over them, but not crossing between them, the axis of the earth U would keep its parallelism round the Sun 7 1 , and shew all the sea- sons ; as I sometimes make these machines : and the moon would go round the earth S, shewing her phases as above ; as likewise would the moon Aground the earth R; but then neither could the diurnal mo- tion of the earth 7 on its axis be shewn, nor the mo- tion of the moon Ground the earth. 399. In the year 1746 I contrived a very simple The CAL- machine, and described its performance in a small CULATOR ' Treatise^ upon the Phenomena of the Harvest- Moon, published in the year 1747. I improved it soon after, by adding another wheel, and called it The Calculator. It may be easily made by any gentleman who has a mechanical genius. The great flat ring supported by twelve pillars, and Plate on which the twelve signs with their respective de- . ", grees are laid down, is the ecliptic ; nearly in the lg * centre of it is the sun S t supported by the strong crooked wire /; and from the sun proceeds a wire W+ called the solar rat/, pointing toward the centre of the earth E, which is furnished with a moveable ho- rizon H t together with a brazen meridian, and quad- rant of altitude. R is a small ecliptic, whose plane coincides with that of the great one, and has the like signs and degrees marked upon it ; and is supported by two wires D and Z), which are put into the plane PP 9 but may be taken off at pleasure. As the earth goes round the sun, the signs of this small circle keep parallel to themselves, and to those of the great ecliptic. When it is taken off, and the solar ray W drawn farther out, so as almost to touch the horizon ff, or the quadrant of altitude, the horizon being rec* 438 The CALCULATOR described. tified to any given latitude, and the earth turned round its axis by hand, the point of the wire IV shews the sun's declination in passing over the graduated brass meridian, and his height at any given time upon the quadrant of altitude, together with his azimuth, or point of bearing upon the horizon at that time ; and likewise his amplitude, and time of rising and setting by the hour-index, for any day of the year that the annual-index U points to in the circle of months be- low the sun. M is a solar-index or pointer support- ed by the wire L y which is fixed into the knob K: the use of this index is to shew the Sun's place in the ecliptic every day in the year ; for it goes over the signs and degrees as the index U goes over the months and days ; or rather, as they pass under the index U, in moving the cover- plate with the earth and its furniture round the sun ; for the index Z7is fixed tight on the immoveable axis in the centre of the ma- chine, ^is a knob or handle for moving the earth round the sun, and the moon round the earth. As the earth is carried round the sun, its axis con- stantly keeps the same oblique direction, or parallel to itself, 48, 202, shewing thereby the different lengths of days and nights at different times of the year, with all the various seasons. And, in one an- nual revolution of the earth, the moon M goes 12-| times round it from change to change, having an oc- casional provision for shewing her different phases. The lower end of the moon's axis bears by a small friction- wheel upon the inclined plane J*, which causes the moon to rise above and sink below the ecliptic R in every lunation ; crossing it in her nodes, which shift backward through all the signs and degrees of the said ecliptic, by the retrograde motion of the in- clined plane 7 1 , in 18 years and 225 days. On this plane the degrees and parts of the moon's north and south latitude are laid down from both The CALCULATOR described. 439 the nodes, one of which, viz. the descending node, appears at 0, by DN above B ; the other node be- ing hid from sight on this plane by the plate PP ; and from both nodes, at proper distances, as in the other Orrery, the limits of eclipses are marked, and all the solar and lunar eclipses are shewn in the same manner, for any given year within the limits of 6000, either before or after the Christian asra. On the plate that covers the wheel- work, under the Sun S, and round the knob K, are astronomical tables, by which the machine may be rectified to the begin- ning of any given year within these limits, in three or tour minutes of time ; and when once set right, may i>e turned backward for 300 years past, or for- ward for as many to come, without requiring any new rectification. There is a method for its adding up the 29th of February every fourth year, and allowing only 28 days to that month for every other three ; but ail this being performed by a particular manner of cutting the teeth of the wheels, and dividing the month-circle, too long and intricate to be described here, I shall only shew how these motions may be performed near enough tor com- mon use, by wheels with grooves and cat-gut strings round them ; only here I must put the operator in mind, that the groove are to be made sharp-bottom- ed, (not round) to keep the strings from slipping. The moon's axis moves up and down in the socket jV, fixed into the bar 0, (which carries her round the earth) as she rises above or sinks below the ecliptic; and immediately below the inclined plane T is a flat circular plate (between Fand T] on which the different eccentricities of the Moon's orbit are laid down ; and likewise her mean anomaly and elliptic equation, by which her true place may be very nearly found at any time. Below this apo- gee-plate, which shews the anomaly, &c. is a circle F divided into 29 equal parts, which are the ( 3K) .440 The CALCULATOR described. days of the Moon's age : and the forked end A of the index AB (Fig. II.) may be put into the apo- gee-part of this plate ; there being just such another index to put into the inclined plane T at the as- cending node : and then the curved points B of these indexes shew the direct motion of the apogee, and retrograde motion of the nodes through the ecliptic R, with their places in it at any given time. As the inoon M goes round the earth E^ she shews her place every day in the ecliptic 7t!, and the lower end of her axis shews her latitude and distance from her node on the inclined plane Y 1 , also her distance from her apogee and perigee, together with her mean anomaly, the then eccentricity of her orbit, and her elliptic equation, all on the apogee-plate, and the day of her age in the circle Y of 29| equal parts, for every day of the year, pointed out by the annual index Uin the circle of months. Having rectified the machine by the tables for the beginning of any year, move the earth and moon forward by the knob K, until the annual index comes to any given day of the month, then stop, and not only all the above phenomena may be shewn for that day, but also, by turning the earth round its axis, the declination, azimuth, amplitude, altitude of the Moon at any hour, and the times of her rising and setting, are shewn by the horizon, quadrant of altitude, and hour-index. And in moving the earth round the sun, the days of all the new and full moons and eclipses in any given year are shewn. The phenomena of the harvest-moon, and those of the tides, by such a cap as that in plate IX. Fig. 10. put upon the earth and moon, together with the solution of many problems not here related, are made conspicuous. The easiest, though not the best, way, thai I can instruct any mechanical person to malge the wheel-* fc-V 772? CALCULATOR described. 441 work of such a machine, is as follows: which is the way that I made it, before I thought of numbers exact enough to make it worth the trouble of cut- ting teeth in the wheels. Fig. 3d of Plate VIII. is a section of this ma- PLATE chine ; in which ABCD is a frame of wood held to- Fi VI I 1 I I f gether by four pillars at the corners ; two of which ^' appear at AC and BD. In the lower plate CD of this frame are three small friction-wheels, at equal distances from each other ; two of them appearing at e and e. As the frame is moved round, these wheels run upon the fixed bottom -plate , which supports the whole work. In the centre of this last-mentioned plate is fixed the upright axis GFFf, and on the same axis is fixed the wheel HHH> in which are four grooves^ /, X, k, jLj of clifierent diameters. In these grooves are cat-gut strings going also round the separate wheels M, JV, O, and P. The wheel Mis fixed on a solid spindle or axis, the lower pivot of which turns at R in the under plate of the moveable frame ABCD ; and on the upper end of this axis is fixed the plate oo (which is PP, under the earth, in Fig; 1.^, and to this plate is fixed at an angle of 23^ degrees inclination, the dial-plate below the earth T ; on the axis of which, the index q is turned round by the earth. This axisj together with the wheel M^ and plate oo, keep their parallelism in going round the sun S. On the axis of the wheel M is a moveable socket j on which the small wheel JV is fixed, and on the upper end of this socket is put on tight (but so as it may be occasionally turned by hand) the bar ZZ (viz. the bar in Fig. 1.) which carries the moon 772 round the earth 7", by the socket n^ fixed into the bar. As the moon goes round the earth, her axis rises and falls in the socket n ; be- cause, on the lower end of her axis, which is turned inward, there is a small friction- wheel $ running 442 The CALCULATOR described. on the inclined plane X (which is Tin Fig. 1.), and so causes the moon alternately to rise above and sink below the little ecliptic VV (R in Fig. 1.) in every lunation. On the socket or hollow axis of the wheel A r , there is another socket, on which the wheel is fixed; and the moon's inclined plane X is put tightly on the upper end of this socket, not on a square, but on a round, that it may be occasionally set by hand without wrenching the wheel or axle. Lastly, on the hollow axis of the wheel O is an- other socket, on which is fixed the wheel P, and on the upper end of this socket is put on tightly the apogee-plate Y(that immediately below Tin Fig. 1.) All these axles turn in the upper plate of the move- , .able frame at Q / which plate is covered with the thin plate cc (screwed to it), whereon are the fore- mentioned tables and month- circle in Fig. 1. The middle part of the thick fixed wheel HHH is much broader than the rest of it, and comes out between the wheels M and O almost to the wheel JV. To adjust the diameters of the grooves of this fixed wheel to the grooves of the separate wheels M, A", 0, and P, so as they may perform their motion in their proper times, the following method must be observed. The groove of the wheel M, which keeps the parallelism of the earth's axis, must be precisely of the same diameter as the lower groove / of the fixed wheel HHH; but, when this groove is so well adjusted as to shew, that in ever so many an- nual, revolutions of the Earth, its axis keeps its parallelism, as may be observed by the solar ray 7F(Fig. 1.) always coming precisely to the same degree oi the small ecliptic R at the end of every annual revolution, when the index AT points to the like degree in the great ecliptic ; then, with the edge ol a thin file, give the groove of the wheel M a small rub all round, and, by that means lessening The CALCULATOR described. 443 the diameter of the groove perhaps about the 20th part of a hair's breadth, it will cause the earth to shew the precession of the equinoxes ; which, in many annual revolutions, will begin to be sensible, as the earth's axis deviates slowly from its paralle- lism, 246, toward the antecedent signs of the ecliptic. The diameter of the groove of the wheel TV, which carries the moon round the earth, must be to the diameter of the groove X, as a lunation is to a year, that is, as 29$ to 365|. 'The diameter of the groove of the wheel 0, which turns the inclined plane X with the moon's nodes backward, must be to the diameter of the groove , as 20 to 18ff. And, Lastly, the diameter of the groove of the wheel P, which carries the moon's apogee forward, must be to the diameter of the groove .L, as 70 to 62. But after all this nice adjustment of the grooves to the proportional times of their respective wheels turning round, and which seems to promise very well in theory, there will still be found a necessity of a farther adjustment by hand ; because proper allowance must be made for the diameters of the cat- gut strings : and the grooves must be so adjust- ed by hand, as, that in the time the earth is moved once round the sun, the moon must perform 12 sy nodical revolutions round the earth, and be almost 11 days old in her 13th revolution. The inclined plane with its nodes must go once round backward t through all the signs and degrees of the small eclip- tic in 18 annual revolutions of the earth, and 225 days over. And the apogee-plate must go once round forward, so as its index may go over all the signs and degrees of the small ecliptic in eight years (or so many annual revolutions of the earth) and 312 days over. N B. The string which goes round the grooves X and JV, for the moon's motion, must cross .be- tween these wheels; but all the rest, of the R1UM 444 The COMETARIUM described. go in their respective grooves, IMk, O, and LP, without crossing. The 400. The COMETARIUM. This curious ma- COMETA- c hine shews the motion of a comet, or eccentric body moving round the Sun, describing equal areas in equal times, \ 152, and may be so contrived as to shew such a motion for any degree of eccen- tricity. It was invented by the late Dr. DESAGU- LIERS. The dark elliptical groove round the letters abcdefghiklm is the orbit of the comet Y: this comet is carried round in the groove, according to tne or( * er f l etters by the wire W fixed in the sun S, and slides on the wire as it approaches nearer to, or recedes farther from, the sun ; being nearest of all in the perihelion c, and farthest in the aphe- lion g. The areas aSb, bSc, cSd, &c. or contents of these several triangles, are all equal : and in every turn of the winch JV", the comet Y is carried over one of these areas : consequently, in as much time as it moves from f to g, or from g to /z, it moves from 772 to a, or from a to b ; and so of the rest, being quickest of all at tz, and slowest at g. Thus the comet's velocity in its orbit continually decreases from the perihelion a to the aphelion gv and increases in the same proportion from g to a. . The elliptical orbit is divided into 12 equal parts or signs, with their respective degrees, and so is the circle nopqrstn, which represents a great circle in the heavens, and to which the comet's motion is referred by a small knob on the point of the wire W. While the comet moves from f to g in its orbit, it appears to move only about 5 degrees in this circle, as is shewn by the small knob on the end of the wire W; but in the like time, as the comet moves from m to #, or from a to b y it appears to describe the large space tn or no in the heavens, either of which spaces contains 120 degrees, or four signs. Were the eccentricity of its orbit greater. The COMETARIUM described. 445 die greater still would be the difference of its motion, and vice versa. ABCDEFGH1KLMA is a circular orbit for shewing the equal motion of a body round the sun S, describing equal areas ASB, BSC, &c. in equal times with those of the body Y in its elliptical orbit, above mentioned , but with this difference, that the circular motion describes the equal arcs AB, BC, &c. in the same equal times that the elliptical mo- tion describes the unequal arcs ab, be, &c. Now, suppose the two bodies Fand 1 to start from the points a and A at the same moment of time, and each having gone round its respective orbit, to arrive at these points again at the same instant, the body F will be forwarder in its orbit than the body 1 all the way from a to g, and from A to G ; but 1 will be forwarder than Y through all the other half of the orbit ; and the difference is t equal to the equation oi % the body Fin its orbit. At the points a, A, and g, 6r, that is in the perihe- lion and aphelion, they will be equal ; and then the equation vanishes. This shews why the equation of a body moving in an elliptic orbit, is added to the mean or supposed- circular motion, from the perihelion to the aphelion; and subtracted, from the aphelion to the perihelion, in bodies moving round the Sun, or from the perigee to the apogee, and from the apogee to the perigee, in the Moon's motion round the Earth, according to the precepts in the 353d article ; only we are to consider, that when motion is turned into time, it reverses the titles in the table of The Moorfs elliptic Equal ion. This motion is performed in the following man- plate /r ner by the machine. ABC is a wooden bar (in the Fig. v. box containing the wheel- work), above which are the wheels Z? ii $ E ; and below it the efl p j^iatf s FF and GO;, each plate being fixed on ;.n axis in one of its focuses, at E and K: and the wheel E is fixed oil the same axis with the plate FF, These 446 , The COMETARIUM described. plates have grooves round their edges precisely of equal diameters to one another, and in these grooves is the cat-gut strings gg, gg, crossing between the plates at h. On H (the axis of the handle or winch JVin Fig. 4th) is an endless screw in Fig. 5, work- ing in the wheels D and E, whose numbers of teeth being equal, and should be equal to the number of lines aS, bS, cS, &c. in Fig. 4, they turn round their axes in equal times to one another, and to the motion of the elliptic plates. For the wheels D and E having an equal number of teeth, the plate FF being fixed on the same axis with the wheel E, and the plate FF turning the equally-large plate GG, by a cat- gut string round them both, they must all go round their axes in as many turns of the handle A* as either of the wheels has teeth. It is easy to see, that the end h of the elliptical plate FF being farther from its axis E than the opposite end i is, must describe a circle so much the larger in proportion; and must therefore move through so much more space in the same time; and for that reason the end // moves so much faster than the end i, although it goes no sooner round the centre E. But then, the quick- moving end h of the plate FF leads about the short end /z/f of the plate GG with the same velocity ; and the slow- moving end i of the plate FF coming half round, as to B, must then lead the long end k of the plate GG as slowly about. So that the elliptical plate FF and it axis E move uniformly and equally quick in every part of its revolution ; but the elliptical plate GG, together with its axis JT, must move very unequally in different parts of its revo- lution ; the difference being always inversely as the distance of any points of the circumference of GG from its axis at K: or in other words, to in- stance in two points ; if the distance Kk, be four, five, or six times as great as the distance A7z, the point h will move in that position four, five, or six The improved CELESTIAL GLOBE described. 447 times as fast as the point k does ; when the plate GG has gone half round : and so on for any other eccentricity or difference of the distances Kk and Kh. The tooth i on the plate FF falls in between the two teeth at k on the* plate GG, by which means the revolution of the latter is so adjusted to that of the former, that they can never vary from one another. On the top of the axis of the equally-moving wheel D, in Fig. 5th, is the sun S in Fig. 4th; which sun, by the wire Z fixed to it, carries the ball 1 round the circle ABCD, &c. with an equa- ble motion according to the order of the letters ; and on the top of the axis JTof the unequally-mov- ing ellipsis GG, in Fig. 5th, is the sun S in Fig. 4th, carrying the ball Funequally round in the ellip- tical groove abed, &c. JV". B This elliptical groove must be precisely equal and similar to the verge of the plate GG, which is also equal to that of FF. In this manner, machines may be made to shew the true motion of the Moon about the Earth, or of any planet about the Sun ; by making the elliptical plates of the same eccentricities, ia proportion to the radius, as the orbits of the planets are whose motions they represent ; and so,, their different equa- tions, in different parts of their orbits, may be made plain to the sight : and'ciearer ideas of these motions and equations will be acquired in half an hour, than could be gained from reading half a day about them. 401. The IMPROVED CELESTIAL GLOBE. OnTheim- the north pole of the axis, above the hour-circle, is fixed an arch MKH tf 23* degrees; and at the end //is fixed an upright pin //G, which stands directly over the north pole of the ecliptic, and per- pendicular to that part of the surface of the globe. On this pin are two moveabie collets at Z) and H^ to which are fixed the quadrantal wires N and 0, Fi - In - 3L 448 The improved CELESTIAL GL QBE described. having two little balls on their ends for the sun and moon, as in the figure. The collet D is fixed to the circular plate F, on which the 29i days of the Moon's age are engraven, beginning just under the sun's wire A"; and as this ivire is moved round the globe, the plate F turns round with it. These wires are easily turned, if the screw G be slackened ; and when they are set to their proper places, the screw serves to fix them there ; so that when the globe is turned, the wires with the sun and moon may go round with it ; and these two little balls rise and set at the same times, and on the same points of the horizon, for.ithe day to which they are rectified, as the Sun and Moon do in the heavens. Because the Moon keeps not her course, in the ecliptic (as the Sun appears to cio) but has a decli- nation of 5*. degrees, on each side, from it in every lunation, 317, her ball may be screwed as many degrees to either side of the ecliptic as her latitude, or declination from the ecliptic, amounts to, at any given time ; and for this purpose S is a small piece of pasteboard, of which the curved edge at S is to be set upon the globe, at right angles to the ecliptic, and the dark line over S to stand upright upon it. From this line, on the convex edge, are drawn the 5* degrees of the Moon's latitude on both sides of the ecliptic ; and when this piece is set upright on the globe, its graduated edge reaches to the moon on the wire 0, by which means she is easily adjust- ed to her latitude found by an ephemeris. The horizon is supported by two semicircular arches, because pillars would stop the progress of the balls, when they go below the horizon in an oblique sphere. TO rectify To rectify this globe. Elevate the pole to the u * latitude of the place; then bring the Sun's place in the ecliptic for the given clay to the brass meri- dian, and set the hour-index to XII at noon, that is, The PLANE T A R V GLOBE described. to the upper XII on the hour-circle, keeping the globe in that situation ; slacken the screw G, and set the sun directly over his place on the meridian ; which being done, set the moon's wire under the number that expresses her age for that day on the plate F 9 and she will then stand over her place in the ecliptic, and shew what constellation she is in. Lastly, fasten the screw G> and laying the curved edge of the pasteboard S over the ecliptic, below the moon, adjust the moon to her latitude over the gra- diuted edge of the pasteboard ; and the globe will be rectified. Having thus rectified the globe* turn it round, and its ua>, observe on what points of the horizon the sun and moon balls rise and set, for these agree with the points of the compass on which the Sun and Moon rise and set in the heavens on the given day : and the hour- index shews the times of their rising and setting ; and likewise the time of the Moon's pass^ ing over t he meridian. This simple apparatus shews all the varieties that can happen in the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon ; and makes the ibrementioned phenomena of the harvest- moon. (Chap, xvi.) plain to the eye. It is also very useful in reading lectures on the globes, because a large company can see this sun and moon go round, rising above and setting below the hori- zon at different times, according to the seasons of the year ; and making their appulses to different fixed stars. But in the usual way, where there is only the places of the Sun and Moon in the ecliptic to keep the eye upon, they are easily lost sight of, .unless they be covered with patches. 402. THE PLANETARY GLOBES. In this ma- The chine, TMs a terrestrial globe fixed on its axis stand- * ETA * ing upright on the pedestal CZXE, on which is anptate hour-circle, having its index fixed on the axis, V ! IL which turns somewhat tightly in the pedestal, so Flff>I> 1 lie PLANETARY GLOBE described, that the globe may not be liable to shake ; to prc* rent which, the pedestal is about two inches thick, and the axis goes quite through it, bearing on a shoulder. The globe is hung in a graduated brazen meridian much in the usual way ; and the thin plate JV, NE\ E, is a moveable horizon, graduated round the outer edge, for shewing the bearings and ampli- tudes of the Sun, Moon, and planets. The brazen meridian is grooved round the outer edge : and in this groove is a slender semicircle of brass, the ends of which are fixed to the horizon in its north and south points: this semicircle slides in the groove as the horizon is moved in rectifying it for different latitudes. To the middle of the semicircle is fixed a pin, which always keeps in the zenith of the hori- zon, and on this pin, the quadrant of altitude g turns; the lower end of which, in ail positions, touches the horizon as it is moved round the same. This quad- rant is divided into 90 degrees from the horizon to the zenith-pin on which it is turned, at PO. The great flat circle or plate AE is the ecliptic, on the outer edge of which the signs and degrees are laid down ; and every fifth degree is drawn through the rest of the surface of this plate toward its centre. On this plate are seven grooves, to which seven little balls are adjusted by sliding wires, so that they are easily moved in the grooves without danger of start- ing out of them. The ball next the terrestrial globe is the moon, the next without it is Mercury, the next Venus, the next the sun, then Mars, then Jupi- ter, and lastly Saturn ; and in order to know them, they are separately stampt with the following charac- ters; ,$, 9,0,,V,i2. This plate or eclip- tic is supported by four strong wires, having' their lower ends fixed into the pedestal, at 6 T , />, and E; the fourth being hid by the globe. The ecliptic is inclined 23* degrees to the pedestal, and is there- The PLANETARY GLOBE described. 45 1 fore properly inclined to the axis of the globe which stands upright on the pedestal. To rectify this machine. Set the sun and all the planetary balls to the geocentric places in the eclip- tic for any given time, by an ephemcris ; then set the north point of the horizon to the latitude of your place on the brazen meridian, and the quadrant of altitude to the south point of the horizon ; which done, turn the globe with its furniture till the quad* rant of altitude comes right against the Sun, viz. to his place in the ecliptic ; and keeping it there, set the hour-index to the XII next the letter C; and the machine will be rectified, not only for the follow- ing problems, but for several others, which the art- ist may easily find out. * V PROBLEM I. To find the Amplitudes, Meridian* Altitudes ', and Tunes of rising^ culminating, and setting^ oftlie Sun, Moon y and Planets. \ Turn the globe round eastward, or according to its use, the order of the signs ; and when the eastern edge of the horizon comes right against the sun, moon, or any planet, the hour-index will shew the time of its rising ; and the inner edge of the ecliptic will cut its rising-amplitude in the horizon. Turn on, and when the quadrant of altitude comes right against the sun, moon, or any planet, the ecliptic will cut their meri- dian-altitudes on the quadrant, and the hour-index will shew the times of their coming to the meridian. Continue turning, and when the western edge of the horizon comes right against the sun, moon, or any planet, their setting-amplitudes will be cut on the horizon by the ecliptic ; and the times of their set- ting will be shewn by the index en the hour-circle. 452 The PLANETARY GL o u E described. PROBLEM II. To find the Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun, and Planets, at any Time of their being above the Horizon. Turn the globe till the index comes to the given time in the hour-circle ; then keep the globe steady; and moving the quadrant of altitude to each planet respectively, the edge of the ecliptic will cut the planet's mean altitude on the quadrant, and the quadrant will cut the planet's azimuth, or point of bearing on the horizon. PROBLEM III. The Sun's Altitude being given at any Time either before or after Noon, to find the Hour of the Day, and the Variation of the Compass, in any known Latitude. With one hand hold the edge of the quadrant right against the sun ; and with the other hand, turn the globe westward, if it be in the forenoon, or east- ward if it be in the afternoon, until the sun's place at the inner edge of the ecliptic cuts the quadrant in the sun's observed altitude, and then the hour-index will point out the time of the day, and the quadrant will cut the true azimuth or bearing of the sun for that time : the difference between which, and the bearing shewn by the azimuth-compass, is the vari- ation of the compass in that place of the Earth. The TRA- 403. THE TR AJECTORIUM LUN ARE. Thisma- c ^ ne * s * r delineating the paths of the Earth and Moon, shewing what sort of curves they make in the ethereal regions ; and was just mentioned in The TRAJECTORIUM LUNARE described. 453 PLATE VII. the 266th article. S is the sun, and E the earth, whose centres are 8 1 inches distant from each other ; every inch answering to a million of miles, J 47. M is the moon, whose centre is ^ parts of an inch from the earth's in this machine, this being in just proportion to the Moon's distance from the Earth, $52. A A is a bar of wood, to be moved by hand round the axis g, which is fixed in the wheel y. The circumference of this wheel is to the circum- ference of the small wheel L (below the other end of the bar) as 365 J days is to 29|; or as a year is to a lunation. The wheels are grooved round their edges, and in the grooves is the cat-gut string GG crossing between the wheels at X. On the axis of the wheel L is the index F ; in which is fixed the moon's axis M for carrying her round the earth E (fixed on the axis of the wheel L) in the time that the index goes round a circle of 29-J equal parts, which are the days of the Moon's age. The wheel Y has the months and days of the year all round its limb ; and in the bar AA is fixed the index /, which points out the days of the months answering to the days of the moon's age shewn by the index F> in the circle of 29 J equal parts, at the other end of the bar. On the axis of the wheel L is put the piece , D below the cock C, in which this axis turns round ; and in D are put the pencils e and 772, directly under the earth E and moon M; so that m is carried round e, as Mis round E. Lay the machine on an even fioor, pressing Its usc gently on the wheel F, to cause its spiked feet (of which two appear at P and P, the third being sup- posed to be hid from sight by the wheel) to enter a little into the floor to secure the wheel from turning. Then lay a paper about four feet long under the pencils e. and m, cross- wise to the bar : which done move the bar slowly round the axis g of the wheel Y; and, as the earth E goes round the sun S, the Jioon M will go round the earth with a duly pro* 454 The TIDE-DIAL described. portioned velocity; and the friction- wheel ning on the floor, will keep the bar from bearing too heavily on the pencils e and 772, which will de- lineate the paths of the earth and moon, as in Fig. 2d, already described at large, 266, 267. As the index / points out the days of the months, the in- dex jF shews the Moon's age on these days in the circle of 29 equal parts. And as this last index points to the different days in its circle, the like numeral figures may be set to those parts of the curves of the earth's path and moon's, where the pencils e and m are at those times respectively, to shew the places of the earth and moon. If the pen- cil c be pushed a very little oif, as if from the pencil m y to about part of their distance, and the pencil 772 pushed as much toward e to bring them to the same distance again, though not to the same points of space ; then as m goes round e, e will go as it were round the centre of gravity between the earth and moon m, 298 : but this motion will not sensibly alter the figure of the earth's path or the moon's. If a pin, as/>, be put through the pencil 777, with its head toward that of the pin q in the pencil e, the ' head of the former will always keep to the head of the latter as m goes round c, and shews that the same side of the Moon is continually turned to the Earth. But the pin/?, which may be considered as an equatprial diameter of the moon will turn quite round the point 772, making all possible angles v.ith the line of its progress, or line of the moon's path. This is an ocular proof of the Moon's turning round her axis. TheTiDE- 404. The TIDE-DIAL. The outside parts of DIAL. t n i s machine consist of, 1. An eight-sided box, on Fig!Vii. * ne top, of which at the corners is shewn the phases of the Moon at the octants, quarters, and full. Within these is a circle of 29| equal parts, which , are the days of the Moon's age accounted from the Sun at new Moon, round to the Sun again. Within The TIDE-DIAL described. 455 this circle is one of 24 hours divided into their re- spective halves and quarters. 2. A moving ellipti- cal plate, painted blue, to represent the rising of the tides under and opposite to the Moon ; and hav- ing the words, Hndi Water, Tide Falling, Low Water, Tide Rising, marked upon it. To one end of this plate is fixed the moon M, by the wire W, and goes along with it. 3. Above this ellipti- cal plate is a round one, with the points of the com- pass upon it, and also the names of above 200 places in the large machine (but only 32 in the figure, to avoid confusion) set over those points on which the Moon bears when she raises the tides to the great- est heights, at these places, twice in every lunar day : and to the north and south points .of this plate are fixed two indexes, / and K, which shew the times of high water, in the hour-circle, at all these places. 4. Below the elliptical plate are four small plates, two of which project out from below its ends at new and full Moon ; and so, by lengthening the ellipse, shew the spring-tides, which are then raised to the greatest heights by the united attractions of the Sun and Moon, $ 302. The other two of these its use. small plates appear at low water when the Moon is in her quadratures, or at the sides of the elliptical plate to shew the neap-tides ; the Sun and Moon then acting cross-wise to each other. When any two of these small plates appear, the other two are hid ; and when the Moon is in her octants, they all disappear, there being neither spring nor neap- tides at those times. Within the box are a few wheels for performing these motions by the handle or winch H. Turn the handle until the moon M comes to any given day of her age in the circle of is9| equal parts, and the moon's wire W, will cut the time of t er coming to the meridian on that day, in the hour circle ; the XII under the sun being mid-day, and the opposite XII midnight ; then looking for the name of any given place on the round plate 3 M 456 The TIDE-DIAL described. (which makes 29| rotations while the moon M makes only one revolution from the sun to the sun again) turn the handle till that place comes to the word High Water under the moon, and the index which falls among the forenoc i- hours will shew the time of high water at that place in the forenoon of the given day : then turn the plate half round, till the same place comes to the opposite high-water- mark, and the index will shew the lime of high water in the afternoon at that place. And thus, as all the different places come successively under and opposite to the moon, the indexes shew the times of high water at them in both parts of the day : and when the same places come to the low- water-marks, the indexes shew the times of low water. For about three days before and after the times of new and full Moon, the two small plates come out a little way from below the high-water-marks on the elliptical plate, to shew that the tides rise still higher about these times : and about the quarters, the other two plates come out a little from under the low-water- marks toward the sun and on the opposite side, shewing that the tides of flood rise not then so high, nor do the tides of ebb fall so low, as at other times. By pulling the handle a little way outward, it is disengaged from the wheel work, and then the upper plate may be turned round quickly by hand, so that the moon may thus be brought to any given day of her age in about a quarter of a minute : and by pushing in the handle, it takes hold of the wheel- work again. The inside O n 3^ tne ax * s f t ^ ie handle //, is an endless work de- screw C, which turns the wheel FED of 24 teeth scribed. roun( j j n 24 revolutions of the handle : this wheel turns another ONG, of 48 teeth, and on its axis Plate ix. is the pinion jPQ of four leaves, which turns the Tig. VIH. w heel LKI of 59 teeth round in 29^ turnings or rotations of the wheel FED, or in 7U8 revolu- The DIAL-PLATE described. 457 tions of the handle, which is the number of hours in a synodical revolution of the Moon. The round plate with the names of places upon it is fixed on the axis of the wheel FED ; and the elliptical or tide-plate with the moon fixed to it is upon the axis of the wheel LK1 ' ; consequently, the former makes 29 revolutions in the time that the latter makes one. The whole wheel FED* with the endless screw C, and dotted part of the axis of the handle AB) together with the dotted part of the wheel OA'G, lie hid below the large wheel LKI. Fig. IXth represents the under side of the ellip- tical or tide-plate ahcd, with the four small plates ABCD, EFGH, IKLM, JVOPQ upon it : each of which has two slits, as 7T, SS, RR, UU, slid- ing on two pins, as nn, fixed in the elliptical plate f In the four small plates are fixed four pins, at 7F", X, F, and Z; all of which work in an elliptic groove oooo on the cover of the box below the elliptical plate ; the longest axis of this groove being in a right line with the sun and full moon. Consequently, when the moon is in conjunction or opposition, the pins /Fand X thrust out the plates ABCD and IKLM a. little beyond the ends of the elliptical plate at d and 6, to f and e ; while the pins F and Z draw in the plates EFGHand NOPQ quite under the elliptic plate to g and h. But, when the moon comes to her first or third quarter, the elliptic plate lies across the fixed elliptic groove in which the pins work; and therefore the end- plates ABCD and IKLMwcz drawn in below the great plate, and the other two plates EFGH.and NOPQ are thrust out beyond it to a and c. When the moon is in her octants, the pins T 7 , X, F, Z are in the parts o, o, 0, o of the elliptic groove, which parts are at 3 mean between the greatest and least distances from the centre ^, and then all the four small plates dis,r appear, being hid by the great one, 458 The ECLIPSAREON described. The 405. The ECLIPSAREON. This piece of me- Kilo" 8 *" c h an * sm exhibits the time, quantity, duration, and Plate' progress of solar eclipses, at all parts of the Earth. X.UL r fhe principal parts of this machine are, 1. A terrestrial globe A, turned round its axis J3 y by the handle or winch M; the axis B inclines 23^ de- grees, and has an index which goes round the hour-circle D in each rotation of the globe. 2. A circular plate jE, on the limb of which the months and days of the year are inserted. This plate supports the globe, and gives its axis the same position to the Sun, or to a candle properly placed, that the Earth's axis has to the Sun upon any day of the year, 338, by turning the plate till the given day of the month comes to the fixed pointer, or annual index G. 3. A crooked wire F, which points toward the middle of the Earth's enlightened disc at all times, and shews to what place of the Earth the Sun is vertical at any given time. 4. A penumbra, or thin circular plate of brass /, divided into 12 digits by 12 concentric circles, which represent a section of the Moon's penumbra, and is proportioned to the size of the globe ; so that the shadow of this plate, formed by the Sun or a candle placed at a convenient distance, with its rays transmitted through a convex lens to make them fall parallel on the globe, covers exactly all those places upon it that the Moon's shadow and penumbra do on the Earth ; so that the phen- umena of any solar eclipse may be shewn by this machine with candle-light almost as well as by the light of the Sun. 5. An upright frame HHHH y on the sides of which are scales of the Moon's lati- tude or declination from the ecliptic. To these scales are fitted two sliders A" and K, with indexes for adjusting the penumbra's centre to the Moon's latitude, as it is north or south ascending or de- scending. 6, A solar horizon C, dividing the The ECLIPSAREON described. 459 enlightened hemisphere of the globe from that which is in the dark at any given time, and shew- ing at what places the general eclipse begins and eiids with the rising or setting Sun. 7. A handle M, which turns the globe round its axis by wheel- work, and at the same time moves the penumbra across the frame by threads over the pulleys Z/, Z/, L, with a velocity duly proportioned to that of the Moon's shadow over the Earth, as the earth turns on its axis. And as the Moon's motion is quicker or slower according to her different distances from the Earth, the penumbral motion is easily regulated in the machine by changing one of the pulleys. To rectify the machine for use. The true time TO rectify of new Moon and her latitude being known by the Jt< foregoing precepts, 353, et seq. if her latitude exceed the number of minutes or divisions on the scales (which are on the side of the frame hid from view in the figure of the machine) there can be no eclipse of the Sun at that conjunction ; but if it do not, the Sun will be eclipsed to some places of the Earth ; and, to shew the times and various appear- ances of the eclipse at those places, proceed in order as follows. To rectify the machine for performing by the light of the Sun. 1. Move the sliders ZiT, K, till their indexes point to the Moon's latitude on the scales, as it is north or south ascending or descending, at that time. 2. Turn the month-plate E till the day of the given new Moon comes to the annual index G. 3 . "Unscrew the collar JV a little on the axis of the handle, to loosen the contiguous socket on ^ which the threads that move the penumbra are wound, and set the penumbra by hand till its centre comes to the perpendicular thread in the middle of the frame ; which thread represents the axis of the ecliptic. 4. Turn the handle till the meridian of London on the globe comes just under the point of the crooked wire F; then stop, and turn the hour-circle D by hand till XII at nooit 460 The ECLIPSAREON described. Comes to its index, and set the penumbra's middle to the thread. 5. Turn the handle till the hour- index points to the time of new Moon in the circle I) ; and holding it there, screw last the collar A* Lastly, elevate the machine till the Sun shines through the sight-holes in the small upright plates O, O, on the pedestal ; and the whole machine will be rectified. To rectify the machine for shewing by candle- light. Proceed in every respect as above, except in that part of the last paragraph where the Sun is men- tioned ; instead of which, place a candle before the machine, about four yards from it, so that the shadow of intersection of the cross threads in the middle of the frame may fall precisely on that part of the globe to which the crooked wire F points ; then, with a pair of compasses, take the distance between the penumbra's centre and intersection of the threads ; and cqiuil to that distance set the can- dle higher or lower, as the penumbra's centre is above or below the said intersection. Lastly, place a large convex lens between the machine and candle, so as that the candle may be ir. the focus of the lens, and then the rays will fall parallel, and cast a strong light on the globe. Its use. These things being done, (and they may be done sooner than they can be expressed) turn the handle backward, until the penumbra almost touches the side HF of the frame ; then turning gradually for- ward, observe the following phenomena. 1. Where the eastern edge of the shadow of the penurnbral plate / first touches the globe at the solar horizon : those who inhabit the corresponding part of the Earth see the eclipse begin on the uppermost edge of the Sun, just at the time of its rising. 2. In that place where the penumbra's centre first touches the globe, the inhabitants have the Sun rising upon them centrally eclipsed, 3. When the whole penum- bra just falls upon the globe, its western edge at the solar horizon touches" and leaves the place where The ECLIPSAREON described. 461 the eclipse ends at Sun -rise on the lowermost edge. Continue turning ; and, 4. the cross lines in the centre of the penumbra will go over all those places on the globe where the Sun is centrally eclipsed. 5. When the eastern edge of the shadow touches any place of the globe, the eclipse begins there ; when the vertical line in the penumbra comes to any place, then is the greatest obscuration at that place ; and when the western edge of the penumbra leaves the place, the eclipse ends there ; the times of all which are shewn on the hour-circle ; and from the begin- ning to the end, the shadows of the concentric pe- numbral circles shew the number of digits eclipsed at all the intermediate times. 6. When the eastern edge of the penumbra leaves the globe at the solar horizon C, the inhabitants see the Sun beginning to be eclipsed on his lowermost edge at its setting. 7. Where the penumbra's centre leaves the globe, the inhabitants see the Sun set centrally eclipsed. And lastly, where the penumbra is wholly depart- ing from the globe, the inhabitants see the eclipse ending on the uppermost part of the Sun's edge, at the time of its disappearing in the horizon. A". B. If any given day of the year on the plate E be set to the annual-index 6r, and the handle turned till the meridian of any place comes under the point of the crooked wire, and then the hour- circle D set by the hand till XII comes to its index ; in turning the globe round by the handle, when the said place touches the eastern edge of the hoop or solar horizon C, the index shews the time of Sun- setting at that place ; and when the place is just coming out from below the other edge of the hoop C, the index shews the time when the evening-twilight 'ends to it. When the place has gone through the dark part A, and comes abcut so as to touch under the back of the hoop C > on 462 7 7ze E c L i rs A R E o N described. the other side, the index shews the time when the morning- twilight begins ; and when the same place is just coming out from below the edge of the hoop next the frame, the index points out the time of Sun-rising. And thus, the times of the Sun's ris- sing and setting are shewn at all places in one rota- tion of the globe, for any given day of the year : and the point oi' the crooked wire F shews all the places over which the Sun passes vertically on that day. A PLAIN METHOD OF FINDING THE DISTANCES OF ALL THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN, BY THE TRANSIT OF VENUS OVER THE SUN's DISC, IN THE YEAR 1761. TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED, AN ACCOUNT OF MR. HORROX's OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS IN THE YEAR 1639: AND ALSO, F THE DISTANCES OF ALL THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN, AS DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT IN THE YEAR 17M. 3N THE METHOD O FINDING THE DISTANCES OF THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN. CHAPTER XXIIL ARTICLE I. Concerning parallaxes, and their use in general. r |^ HE* approaching transit of Venus over the jL Sun has justly engaged the attention of as- tronomers, as it is a phenomenon seldom seen, and as the parallaxes of the Sun and planets, and their distances from one another, may be found with greater accuracy by it, than by any other method yet known. 2. The parallax of the Sun, Moon, or any planet, is the distance between its true and apparent place in the heavens. The true place of any celestial ob- ject, referred to the starry heaven, is that in which it would appear if seen from the centre of the Earth; the apparent place is that in which it appears as seen from the Earth's surface. To explain this, let AJBDHbe the Earth (Fig. T. of Plate XiV.)> C its centre, M the Moon, and Z.XR an arc of the starry heaven. To an observer at C (supposing the Earth to be transparent) the Moon M will appear at 7, which is her true place, * The whole of this Dissertation Was published in the beginning of th'. year 1761, before the time :f the transit, except the 7th 8th articles, which are added since that time. 466 Tlic Method of folding the Distances referred to the starry firmament : but at the same instant, to an observer at A, she will appear at Uj below her true place among the stars. The angle AMC is called the Moon's parallax, and is equal to the opposite angle UMu 9 whose measure is the celestial arc Uu. The whole earth is but a point if compared with its distance from the fixed stars, and therefore we consider the stars as having no paral- lax at all. 3. The nearer the object is to the horizon, the greater is its parallax ; the nearer it is to the zenith, the less. In the horizon it is greatest of all ; in the zenith it is nothing. Thus \z\.AL,t be the sensible horizon of an observer at A ; to him the Moon at L is in the horizon, and her parallax is the angle ALC, under which the Earth's semidiameter AC appears as seen from her. This angle is called the Moon's horizontal parallax, and is equal to the op- posite angle TLt 9 whose measure is the arc Tt in the starry heaven. As the Moon rises higher and higher to the points M, A", 0, P, in her diurnal course, the parallactic angles UMu, XNx, Toy diminish, and so do the arcs Uu, Xx, Yy, which are their measures, until the Moon comes to P*j and then she appears in the zenith Z without any parallax, her place being the same whether it be seen from A on the Earth's surface, or from Cits centre, 4. If the observer at A could take the true mea- sure or quantity of the paraliactic angle ALC, he might by that means find the Moon's distance from the centre of the Earth. For, in the plane tri- angle LAC r the side AC, which is the Earth's semidiameter, the angle ALC, which is the Moon's horizontal parallax, and the right angle CAL y would be given. Therefore, by trigonometry, as the tangent of the parallactic angle ALC is to ra- dius, so is the Earth's semidiameter AC to the Moon's distance CL from the Earth's centre CV But because we consider the Earth's semidiameter as unity, and the logarithm of unity is nothing, sub* of the Planets from the Sun. 467 tract the logarithmic tangent of the angle ALC from radius, and the remainder will be the logarithm of CX, and its c responding number is the num- ber of semi- diameters of the Earth which the Moon is distant from the Earth's centre. Thus, suppos- ing the angle ALC of the Moon's horizontal paral- lax to be 57' 18", From the radius 10.0000000 Subtract the tangent of 57' 18" 8.2219207 And there will remain 1.7780793 which is the logarithm of 59.99, the number of semi- diameters of the Earth which are equal to the Moon's distance from the Earth's centre. Then, 59.99 be- ing multiplied by 3985, the number of miles con- tained in the Earth's semidiameter, will give 239060 miles for the Moon's distance from the centre of the Earth, by this parallax. 5. But the true quantity of the Moon's horizon- tal parallax cannot be accurately determined by ob- serving the Moon in the horizon, on account of the inconstancy of the horizontal refractions, which al- ways vary according to the state of the atmosphere; and at a mean rate, elevate the Moon's apparent place near the horizon half as much as her parallax depresses it. And therefore to have her par- allax more accurate, astronomers have thought of the following method, which seems to be a very good one, but hath not yet been put in practice. Let two observers be placed under the same me- ridian, one in the northern hemisphere, and the other in the southern, at such a distance from each other, that the arc of the celestial meridian inclu< d between their two zeniths may be at least 80 or 90 degrees. Let each observer take the distance of the Moon's centre from his zenith, by means of n exceeding good instrument, at the moment oi ;>er passing the meridian: add these two zenith-distan- ces of the Moon together, and iheir excess above the 468 The Method of finding the Distances distance between the two zeniths will be the distance between the two apparent places of the Moon. Then, as the sum of the natural sines ot the two ze- nith-distances of the Moon is to radius, so is the distance between her two apparent places to her hori- zontal parallax :' which being found, her distance from the Earth's centre may be found by the anal- ogy mentioned in $ 4. Thus, in Fig. 2. let FECQ. be the Earth, Jl/the Moon, and Zbaz an arc of the celestial meridian. Let ^be Vienna, whose latitude EVi* 48 20' north ; and C the Cape of Good Hope, whose latitude EC is 34 30' south : both which latitudes we suppose to be accurately determined before-hand by the ob- servers. As these two places are on the same me- ridian nVECs, and in different hemispheres, the sum of their latitudes 82 50' is their distance from each other. Z is the zenith of Vienna, and z the ze- nithof the Cape of Good Hope ; which two zeniths are also 82 50' distant from each other, in the common celestial meridian Zz. To the observer at Vienna, the Moon's centre will appear at a in the celestial meridian ; and at the same instant, to the ob- server at the Cape it will appear at b. Now- sup- pose the Moon's distance Za from the zenith of Vi- enna to be 38 1' 53" ; and her distance zb from the zenith of the Cape of Good Hope to be 46 4' 41" : the sum of these two zenith-distances (Z a+zb) is 84 6' 34", from which subtract 82 50', the distance Zz between the zeniths of these two places, and there will remain 1 16' 34" for the arc ba, or distance between the two apparent places of the Moon's centre as seen from ^andfrom C. Then, supposing the tabular radius to be 10000000, the natural sine of 38 1' 53" (the arc ZaJ is 6160816, and the natural sine of 46 4' 41" (the arc Zb) is 7202821 ; the sum of both these sines is 13363637. Say, therefore, As 13363637 cf the Planets from the Sun. '469 is to 10000000, so is 1 16' 34" to 47' 18", which is the Moon's horizontal parallax. If the two places of observation be not exactly under the same meridian, their difference of longi- tude must be accurately taken, that proper al- lowance may be made for the Moon's change of declination while she is passing from the meridian of the one to the meridian of the other. 6. The Earth's diameter, as seen from the Moon, subtends an angle of double the Moon's horizontal parallax ; which being supposed (as . above) to be 51' 18", or 3438", the Earth's diam- eter must be 1 54'' 36", or 6876". When the Moon's horizontsl parallax (which is variable on account of the eccentricity of her orbit) is 57' 18", her diameter subtends an angle of 31' 2", or 1862" : therefore the Earth's diameter is to the Moon's di- ameter, as 6876 is to 1862 ; that is, as 3.69 is to 1. And since the relative bulks of spherical bodies are as the cubes of their diameters, the Earth's bulk is to the Moon's bulk, as 49.4 is to 1. 7. The parallax, and consequently the distance and bulk of any primary planet, might be found in the above manner, if the planet were near enough to the Earth, to make the difference of its two ap- parent places sufficiently sensible : but the nearest planet is too remote for the accuracy required. In order therefore to determine the distances and rela- tive bulks of the planets with any tolerable degree of precision, we must have recourse to a method less liable to error : and this the approaching tran- sit of Venus over the Sun's disc will afford us. 8. From the time of any inferior conjunction of the Sun and Venus to the next, is 583 days 22 hours 7 minutes. And if the plane of Venus's or- bit were coincident with the plane of the ecliptic, she would pass directly between the Earth and the Sun at each inferior conjunction, and would then appear like a d**k round spot on the Sun for ah 470 The Method of finding the Distances 7 hours and 3 quarters. But Venus's orbit (like the Moon's) only intersects the ecliptic in two op- posite points called its nodes. And therefore one half of it is on the north side of the ecliptic, and the other on the south : on which account Venus can never be seen on the Sun, but at those inferior conjunctions which happen in or near the nodes of her orbit. At all the other conjunctions, she either passes above or below the Sun ; and her dark side being then toward the Earth, she is invisible. The last time when this planet was seen like a spot on the Sun, was on the 24th of November, old style, in the year 1639. ARTICLE IT. Shewing hoiv to find the horizontal parallax of Fc- nus by observation, and from thence, by analogy , the parallax and distance of the Sun, and of all the planets from him. 9. In Fig. 4. of Plate XIV. let DBA be the Earth, V Venus, and TSR the eastern limb of the Sun. To an observer at B the point / of that limb will be on the meridian, its place referred to the heaven will be at E, and Venus will appear just within it at S. Bui, at the same instant, to an ob- server at A, Venus is east of the Sun, in the right line AVF ; the point t of the Sun's limb appears at e in the heavens, and if Venus were then visible, she would appear at F. The angle CVA is the hori- zontal parallax of Venus, which we seek ; and is equal to the opposite angle FVE^ whose measure is the arc FE. ASC is the Sun's horizontal paral- lax, equal to the opposite angle eSE, whose mea- sure is the arc eE: and FAc (the same as VAvJ is Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun, which may be found by ob:ening how much later in ab- solute time her total ingress on the Sun is, as seen from A, than as seen from B, which is the of the Planets from the Sun. 471 time she takes to move from V to v in her orbit OVv. 10. It appears by the tables of Venus's motion and the Sun's, that at the time of her ensuing tran- sit, she will move 4' of a degree on the Sun's disc in 60 minutes of time ; and therefore she will move 4" of a degree in one minute of time. Now let us suppose, that A is 90 west of B, so that when it is noon at B, it will be VI in the morn- ing at A; that the total ingress as seen from B is at 1 minute past XII, but that as seen from A it is at 7 minutes 30 seconds past VI : deduct 6 hours for the difference of meridians of A and J9, and the remain- der will be 6 minutes 30 seconds for the time by which the total ingress of Venus on the Sun at S is later as seen from A than as seen from B : which time being converted into parts of a degree is 26", or the arc Fe of Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun : for, as 1 minute of time is to 4 seconds of a degree, so is 6i minutes of time to 26 seconds of a degree. 11. The times in which the planets perform their annual revolutions about the Sun, are already known by observation. From these times, and the univer- sal power of gravity by which the planets are retained in their orbits, it is demonstrable, that if the Earth's mean distance from the Sun be divided into 100000 equal parts, Mercury's mean distance from the Sun must be equal to 38710 of these parts Venus's mean distance from the Sun, to 72333 Mars's mean distance, 152369 Jupiter's 520096 and Sa- turn's, 954006. Therefore, when the number of miles contained in the mean distance of any planet from the Sun is known, we can, by these propor- tions, find the mean distance in miles of all the rest. 12. At the time of the ensuing transit, the Earth's distance from the Sun will be 1015 (the mean dis- tance being here considered as 1000), and Venus's distance from the Sun will be 720 (the mean distance 3O 472 The Method of finding the Distance* _ being considered as 723), which differences from the " mean distances arise from the elliptical figure of the planets' orbits Subtract 726 parts from 1015, and there will remain 289 parts for Venus's distance from the earth at that time. 13. Now, since the horizontal parallaxes of the planets are* inversely as their distances from the Earth's centre, it is plain, that as Venus will be be- tween the Earth and the Sun on the day of her tran- sit, and consequently her parallax will be then great- er than the Sun's, if her horizontal parallax can be on that day ascertained by observation, the Sun's hori- zontal parallax may be found, and consequently his distance from the Earth.- Thus, suppose Venus's horizontal parallax should be found to be 36".S480; then, As the Sun's distance 1015 is to Venus's dis- tance 289, so is Venus's horizontal parallax 36". 3480 to the Sun's horizontal parallax 10". 3493, on the day of her transit. And the difference of these two parallaxes, viz. 25".9987 (which may be esteemed 26") will be the quantity of Venus's horizontal paral- lax from the Sun ; which is one of the elements for prejecting or delineating her transit over the Sun's disc, as will appear further on. To find the Sun's horizontal parallax at the time of his mean distance from the Earth, say, As 1000 parts, the Sun's mean distance from the Earth's centre, is to 1015, his distance from it on the * To prove this, let S be the Sun (Fig-. 3.) V Venus, AB the Earth, Cits centre, and AC its semidiameter. The angle AVC is the hori- zontal parallax of Venus, and ASCthe horizontal parallax of the Sun. But by the property of plane triangles, as the sine of AVC (or of SVA its supplement to 180) is to the .sine of AVC, so is AS to AV, and so is CS to CV. N. B. In all angles less than a minute of a degree, the sines, tangents, and arcs, are so nearly equal, that they may, without error be used for one another. And here we make use of Gardiner's logarithmic tables, because they have the sines to every fc second of a degree. of the Planets from the Sun. day of the transit, so is 10",3493, his horizontal parallax on that day, to 10". 5045, his horizontal parallax at the time of his mean distance from the Earth's centre. 14. The Sun's parallax being thus (or any other way supposed to be) found, at the time of his mean distance from the Earth, we may find his true dis- tance from it in semicliameters of the Earth, by the following analogy. As the sine (or tangent of so small an arc as that) of the Sun's parallax 10". 5045 is to radius, so is unity, or the Earth's semidiameter, to the number of semidiameters of the Earth that the Sun is distant from its centre, which number, being multiplied by 3985, the number of miles contained in the Earth's semidiameter, will give the number of miles which the Sun is distant from the Earth's centre. Then, by 11, As 100000, the Earth's mean dis- tance from the Sun in parts, is to 38710, Mercury's mean distance from the Sun in parts, so is the Earth's mean distance from the Sun in miles to Mercury's mean distance from the Sun in miles. And, As 100000 is to 72333, so is the Earth's mean distance from the Sun in miles to Venus's mean dis- tance from the Sun in miles. Likewise, As 100000 is to 152369, so is the Earth's mean distance from the Sun in miles to Mars's mean dis- tance from the Sun in miles. Again, As 100000 is to 520096, so is the Earth's mean distance from the Sun in miles to Jupiter's mean dis- tance from the Sun in miles. Lastly, As 100000 is to 954006, so is the Earth's mean distance from the Sun in miles to Saturn's mean dis- tance from the Sun in miles. And thus, by having found the distance of any one of the planets from the Sun, we have sufficient data for finding the distances of all the rest. And then from their apparent diameters at these known 474 The Method of finding the Distances distances, their real diameters and bulks may be found. 15. The Earth's diameter, as seen from the Sun, subtends an angle of double the Sun's horizontal parallax, at the time of the Earth's mean distance from the Sun : and the Sun's diameter, as seen from the Earth at that time, subtends an angle of 32' 2", or 1922". Therefore the Sun's diameter is to the Earth's diameter, as 1922 is to 21. And since the relative bulks of spherical bodies are as the cubes of their diameters, the Sun's bulk is to the Earth's bulk, as 756058 is to 1 ; supposing the Sun's mean hori- zontal parallax to be 10". 5, as above. 16. It is plain by Fig. 4. that whether Venus be at If or V, or in any other part of the right line BVS> it will make no difference in the time of her total in- gress on the Sun at , as seen from 2?; but as seen from A it will. For, if Venus be at V, her horizon- tal parallax from the Sun is the arc Fe y which mea- sures the angle FAe : but if she be nearer the Earth, as at U) her horizontal parallax from the Sun is the arc/, which measures the angle fAe; and this angle is greater than the angle FAe y by the difference of their measures fF. So that, as the distance of the celestial object from the Earth is less, its parallax is the greater. 17. To find the parallax of Venus by the above method, it is necessary, 1. That the difference of meridians of the two places of observation be 90. 2. That the time of Venus's total ingress on the Sun be when his eastern limb is either on the me- ridian of one of the places, or very near it. And, 3. That each observer have his clock exactly regu- lated to the equal time at his place. But as it might, perhaps, be difficult to find two places on the Earth suited to the first and second of these re- quisites, we shall shew how this important problem may be solved by a single observer, if he be exact of the Planets from the Sun. 475 as to his longitude, and have his clock truly adjusted to the equal time at his place. 18. That part of Venus's orbit in which she will move during her transit on the Sun, may be consi- dered as a straight line , and therefore, a plane may be conceived to pass both through it and the Earth's centre. To every place on the Earth's surface cut by this plane, Venus will be seen on the Sun in the same path that she would describe as seen from the Earth's centre ; and therefore she will have no pa- rallax of latitude, either north or south ; but will have a greater or less parallax of longitude, as she is more or less distant from the meridian, at any time during - her transit. Matura, a town and fort on the south coast of the island of Ceylon, will be in this plane at the time of Venus's total ingress on the Sun ; and the Sun will then be 621 east of the meridian of that place. Con- sequently to an observer at Matura, Venus will have a considerable parallax of longitude eastward from the Sun, when she would appear to touch the Sun's eastern limb as seen from the Earth's centre, at which the astronomical tables suppose the observer to be placed, and give the times as seen from thence. 19. According to these tables, Venus's total in- gress on the Sun will be 50 minutes after VII in the morning, at Matura*, supposing that place to be 80 east longitude from the meridian of London, which is the observer's business to determine. Let us ima- gine that he finds it to be exactly so, but that to him the total ingress is at VII hours 55 minutes 46 se- conds, which is 5 minutes 46 seconds later than the true calculated time of total ingress, as seen from the Earth's centre. Then, as Venus's motion on (or * The time of total ingress at London, as seen from the Earth's cen- tre, is at 30 minutes after II in the morning ; and if Matura be just 80 (or 5 hours 20 minutes) east of London, when it is 30 minutes past II in thft morning 1 at Lendm, it is 5U minutes past VII at Matxra* 476 The Method of finding the Distances toward, or from) the Sun is at the rate of 4 minutes of a degree in an hour (by $ 10.) her motion must be 23". 1 of a degree in 5 minutes 46 seconds of time: and this 23". 1 is her parallax eastward, from her to- tal ingress as seen from Matura, when her ingress would be total if seen from the Earth's centre. 20. At VII hours 50 minutes in the morning, the Sun is 62^ from the meridian ; at VI in the morn- ing he is 90 from it : therefore, as the sine of 62| is to the sine of 23". 1 (which is Venus's parallax from her .true place on the Sun at VII hours 50 mi- nutes), so is radius or the sine of 90, to the sine of 26", which is Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun at VI. In logarithms thus : As the logarithmic sine of 62<> 30' - - - 9.9479289 Is to the logarithmic sine of 23".l - - - 6.0481510 So is the logarithmic radius - - - 10.0000000 To the logarithmic sine of 26" very nearly - 6.1002221 Divide the Sun's distance from the Earth, 1015, by his distance from Venus 726 (5 12.) and the quo- tient will be 1.3980; which being multiplied by Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun 26", will give 36". 3480, for her horizontal parallax as seen from the Earth at that time. Then (by 13.) as the Sun's distance, 1015, is to Venus's distance 289, so is Venus's horizontal parallax 36". 3480 to the Sun's horizontal parallax 10". 3493. If Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun be found by observation to ba greater or less than 26", the Sun's horizontal parallax must be greater or less than 10".3493 accordingly. 21. And thus, by a single observation, the parallax of Venus, and consequently the parallax of the Sun, might be found, if we were sure that the astronomi- cal tables were quite correct as to the time of Venus's total ingress on the Sun. But although the tables may be safely depended upon for shewing the true of the Planets from the Sun. duration of the transit, which will not be quite 6 hours from the time of Venus's total ingress on the Sun's eastern limb, to the beginning of her egress from his western ; yet they may perhaps not give the true times of these two internal contacts : like a good common clock, which, though it may be trusted to for measuring a few hours of time, yet perhaps it may not be quite adjusted to the meridian of the place, and consequently not true as to any one hour ; which every one knows is generally the case. Therefore, to make sure work, the observer ought to watch both the moment of Venus's total ingress on the Sun, and her beginning of egress from him, so as to note precisely the times between these two instants, by means of a good clock : and by comparing the inter- val at his place with the true calculated interval as seen from the Earth's centre, which will be 5 hours 58 minutes, he may find the parallax of Venus from the Sun both at her total ingress and beginning of egress. 22. The manner of observing the transit should be as follows : The observer being provided with a good telescope, and a pendulum-clock well adjusted to the mean diurnal revolution of the Sun, and as near to the time at his place as conveniently may be; and having an assistant to watch the clock at the proper times, he must begin to observe the Sun's eastern limb through his telescope, twenty minutes at least before the computed time of Venus's total in- gress upon it, lest there should be an error in the time of the beginning as given by the tables. When he perceives a dent (as it were) to be made in the Sun's limb, by the interposition of the dark body of Venus, he must then continue to watch her through the telescope as the dent increases ; and his assistant must watch the time shewn by the clock, till the whole body of the planet appears just within the Sun's limb : and the moment when the bright limb of the Sun appears close by the east side of the The Method of finding the Distances dark limb of the planet, the observer, having a little hammer in his hand, is to strike a blow therewith on the table or wall ; the moment of which, the assist- ant notes by the clock, and writes it down. Then, let the planet pass on for about 2 hours 59 minutes, in which time it will be got to the middle of its apparent path on tire Sun, and consequently will then be at its least apparent distance from the Sun's centre ; at which time, the observer must take its dis- tance from the Sun's centre by means of a good mi- crometer, in order to ascertain its true latitude or de- clination from the ecliptic, and thereby find the places of its nodes. This done, there is but little occasion to observe it any longer, until it comes so near the Sun's western limb, as almost to touch it. Then the observer must watch the planet carefully with his telescope. : and his assistant must watch the clock, so as to note the precise moment of the planet's touching the Sun's limb, which the assistant knows by the observer strik- ing a blow with his hammer. 23. The assistant must be very careful in observing what minute on the dial-plate the minute-hand has past, when he has observed the second-hand at the instant the blow was struck by the hammer; otherwise, though he be tight as to the number of seconds of the current minute, he may be liable to make a mistake in the num- ber of minutes. 24. To those places where the transit begins before XII at noon, and ends after it, Venus will have an eastern parallax from the Sun at the beginning, and a western parallax from the Sun at the end ; which will contract the duration of the transit, by caus- ing it to begin later and end sooner, at these places, than it does as seen from the Earth's centre ; which may- be explained in the following manner. of the Planets from the Sun. 479 In Fig. 5. of Plate XIV let BMA be the Earth, V Venus, and S the Sun. The Earth's motion on its axis from west to east, or in the direction A MB, carries an observer on that side contrary to the motion of Venus in her orbit, which is in the direction UVW; and will therefore cause her motion to appear quicker on the Sun's disc, than it would appear to an observer placed at the Earth's centre C, or at either of its poles. For, if Venus were to stand still in her orbit at V for twelve hours, the observer on the Earth's surface would in that time be carried from A to B, through the arc AMB* When he was at A, he would see Venus on the Sun at R; when at M, he would see her at S; and when he was at B, he would see her at T: so that his own motion would cause the planet to appear in motion on the Sun through the line RST; which being in the direction of her apparent motion on the Sun as she moves in her orbit UJV, her motion will be accele* rated on the Sun to this observer, just as much as his own motion would shift her apparent place on the Sun, if she were at rest in her orbit at V. But as the whole duration of the transit, from first to last internal contact, will not be quite six hours; an observer, who has the Sun on his meridian at the middle of the transit, will be carried only from a to b during the whole time thereof. And therefore, the duration will be much less contracted by his own motion, than if the planet were to be twelve hours in passing over the Sun, as seen from the Earth's centre. 25. The nearer Venus is to the Earth, the greater is her parallax, and the more will the true duration of her transit be contracted thereby ; the farther she is from the Earth, the contrary : so that the contraction will be in direct proportion to the parallax. There- fore, by observing, at proper places, how much the duration of the transit is less than its true duration at the Earth's centre, where it is 5 hours 58 minutes, 3P 180 The Method of finding the Distances as given by the astronomical tables, the parallax of Venus will be ascertained. 26. The above method ( 17, Of seq.} is much the same as was prescribed long ago by Doctor Hal- ley ; but the calculations differ considerably from his ; as will appear in the next article, which contains a translation of the Doctor's whole dissertation on that subject. He had not computed his own tables when he wrote it, nor had he time before -hand to make a suffi- cient number of observations on the motion of Venus, so as to determine whether the nodes of her orbit are at rest or not ; and w r as therefore obliged to trust to other tables, which are now found to be erroneous. ARTICLE III. Containing Doctor HAL LEY'S Dissertation on the method of finding the Sun^s parallax and distance from the Earth, .by the transit of Venus over the Sun's disc, June the 6th, 1761. Translated from the Latin in Mottee's Abridgment of the Philoso- phical Transactions, Vol. I. page 243 ; with addi- tional notes. There are many things exceedingly paradoxical, and that seem quite incredible to the illiterate, which yet by means or mathematical principles may be easily solved. Scarce any problem will appear more hard and difficult, than that of determining the distance of the Sun from the Earth very near the truth : but even this, when we are made acquainted with some exact observations, taken at places iixed upon, and chosen before-hand, will without much labour be effected. And this is what I am now desirous to lay before this illustrious Society* (which I foretel will continue for ages), that I may explain before-hand to young astro- nomers, who may perhaps live to observe these things, * The Royal Society. of the Planets from the Sun. 481 a method by which the immense distance of the Sun may be truly obtained, to within a five-hundredth part of what it really is. It is well known that the distance of the Sun from the Earth is by different astronomers supposed diffe- rent, according to what was judged most probable from the best conjecture that each could form. Pto- lemy and his followers, as also Copernicus and Tycho .Brake, thought it to be 1200 semidiameters of the Eanh; Kepler, 3500 nearly: Ricciolus doubles the distance mentioned by Kepler ; and Hevelius only in- creases it by one half. But the planets Venus and Mercury having, by the assistance of the telescope, been seen on the disc of the Sun, deprived of their borrowed brightness, it is at length found that the ap- . parent diameters of the planets are much less than they were formerly supposed ; and that the semidiameter of Venus seen from the Sun subtends an angle of no more than a fourth part of a minute, or 15 seconds, while the semidiameter of Mercury, at its mean distance from the Sun, is seen under an angle only of ten seconds ; that the semidiameter of Saturn seen from the Sun appears under the same angle ; and that the semidia- meter of Jupiter, the largest of all the planets, sub- tends an angle of no more than a third part of a minute at the Sun. Whence, keeping the proportion, some modern astronomers have thought, that the semidia- meter of the Earth, seen from the Sun, would sub- tend a mean angle between that larger one subtended by Jupiter, and that smaller one subtended by Saturn and Mercury ; and equal to that subtended by Venus (namely, fifteen seconds) : and have thence concluded, that the Sun is distant from the Karth almost 14000 of the Earth's semidiameters. But the same authors have on another account somewhat increased this distance: for inasmuch as the Moon's diameter is a little more than a fourth part of the diameter of the Earth, if the Sun's parallax should be supposed The Method of finding the Distances fifteen seconds, it would follow that the body of the Moon is larger than that of Mercury ; that is, that a secondary planet would be greater than a primary ; which would seem inconsistent with the uniformity of the mundane system. And on the contrary, the same regularity and uniformity seems scarcely to admit that Venus, an inferior planet, that has no satellite, should be greater than our Earth, which stands higher in the system, and has such a splendid attendant. There- fore, to observe a mean, let us suppose the semidia- meter of the Earth seen from the Sun, or, which is the same thing, the Sun's horizontal parallax, to be twelve seconds and a half; according to which, the Moon \ will be less than Mercury, and the Earth larger than Venus ; and the Sun's distance from the Earth will come out nearly 16, 500 of the Earth's semidiameters. This distance I assent to at present, as the true one, till it shall become certain what it is, by the experi- ment which I propose. Nor am I induced to alter my opinion by the authority of those (however weighty it may be) who are for placing the Sun at an immense distance beyond the bounds here assigned, relying on observations made upon the vibrations of a pendulum, in order to determine those exceeding small angles ; but which, as it seems, are not sufficient to be depend- ed upon ; at least, by this method of investigating the parallax, it will sometimes come out nothing, or even negative ; that is, the distance would either become infinite, or greater than infinite ; which is absurd. And indeed, to confess the truth, it is hardly possible for a man to distinguish, with any degree of certainty, se- conds, or even ten seconds, with instruments, let them be ever so skilfully made : therefore, it is not at all to be wondered at, that the excessive nicety of this mat- ter has eluded the many and ingenious endeavours of such skilful operators. About forty years ago, while I was in the island of St. Helena^ observing the stars about the south of the Planets from the Sun. pole, I had an opportunity of observing, with the great- est diligence, Mercury passing over the disc of the Sun ; and (which succeeded better than 1 could have hoped for) I observed, with the greatest degree of ac- curacy, by means of a telescope 24 feet long, the very moment when Mercury entering upon the Sun seemed to touch its limb within, and also the moment when going off it struck the limb of the Sun's disc, form- ing the angle of interior contact : whence I found the interval of time, during which Mercury then appeared within the Sun's disc, even without an error of one second of time. For the lucid line intercepted between the dark limb of the planet and the bright limb of the Sun, although exceeding fine, is seen 'by the eye ; and the little dent made in the Sun's limb, by Mercury's entering the disc, appears to vanish in a moment ; and also that made by Mercury, when leaving the disc, seems to begin in an instant. When I perceived this, it immediately came into my mind, that the Sun's parallax might be accurately determined by such kind of observations as these ; provided Mercury were but nearer to the Earth, and had a greater parallax from the Sun ; but the difference of these parallaxes is so little, as always to be less than the solar parallax which we see ; and therefore Mercury, though frequently to be seen on the .Sun, is not to be looked upon as lit for our purpose. There remains then the transit of Venus over the Sun's disc ; whose parallax, being almost four times as great as the solar parallax, will cause very sensible dif- ferences between the times in which Venus will seem to be passing over the Sun at different parts of the Earth. And from these differences, if they be observ- ed as they ought, the Sun's parallax may be deter- mined even to a small part of a second. Nor do we require any other instruments for this purpose, than common telescopes and clocks, only good of their kind : and in the observers, nothing more is needful 434 The Method of finding the Distances than fidelity, diligence, and a moderate skill in astrono- my. For there is no need that the latitude of the place should be scrupulously observed, nor that the hours themselves should be accurately determined with re- spect to the meridian : it is sufficient that the clocks IDC regulated according to the motion of the heavens, if the times be well reckoned from the total ingress of Venus into the Sun's disc, to the beginning of her egress from it ; that is, when the dark globe of Venus first begins to touch the bright limb of the Sun with- in ; which moments, I know, by my own experience, may be observed within a second of time. But on account of the very strict laws by which the motions of the planets are regulated, Venus is seldom seen within the Sun's disc ; and during the course of more than 120 years, it could not be seen once ; namely, from the year 1639 (when this most pleasing sight happened to that excellent youth, fforrox, our countryman, and to him only, since the creation) to the year 1761 ; in which year, according to the theo- ries which we have hitherto found agreeable to the celestial motions, Venus will again pass over the Sun on the* 26th of May, in the morning; so that at Lon- don, about six o'clock in the morning, we may expect to see it near the middle of the Sun's disc, and not above four minutes of a degree south of the Sun's centre. But the duration of this transit will be almost eight hours ; namely, fmrfi two o'clock in the morn- ing till almost ten. Hence the ingress will not be visible in England; but as the Sun will at that time be in the 16th degree of Gemini, having almost 23 degrees north declination, it will be seen without setting at all in almost all parts of the north frigid zone : and therefore the inhabitants of the coast of Norway, beyond the city of Nidrosia, which is called Dronthdm, as far as the North Cape, will be able to observe Venus entering the Sun's disc ; and perhaps * The sixth of June, according to the new style. of the Planets from the Sun. 485 the ingress of Venus upon the Sun, when rising, will be seen by the Scotch, in the northern parts of the kingdom, and by the inhabitants of the Shetland hies -, formerly called Thule. But at the time when Venus will be nearest the Sun's centre, the Sun will be ver- tical to the northern shores of the bay of Bengal* or rather over the kingdom tfPcgu; and therefore in the adjacent regions, as the Sun, when Venus enters his disc, will be almost four hours towards the east, and as many toward the west when she leaves him, the apparent motion of Venus on the Sun will be accele- rated by almost double the horizontal parallax of Venus from the Sun ; because Venus at that time is carried with a retrograde motion from east to west, while an eye placed upon the Earth's surface is whirl- ed the contrary way, from west to east*. * This has been already taken notice of in 24 ; but I shall here en- deavour to explain it more at large, together with some of the follow- ing part of the Doctor's Essay, by a figure. In Fig. 1. of Plate XV let Cbe the centre of the Earth, and Z the centre of the Sun. In the right line CvZ, make vZ to CZ as 726 is to 1015 ( 12). Let acbdbe the Earth, v Venus's place in her orbit at the time of her conjunction with the Sun ; and let TSUbz the Sun, whose diameter is 31' 42". The motion of Venus in her orbit is in the direction Nvn, and the Earth's motion on its axis is according to the order of the 24 hours placed around it in the figure. Therefore, supposing the mouth of the Ganges to be at G, when Venus is at E in her orbit, and to be carried from G to by the Earth's motion on its axis, while Venus moves from JE to e in her orbit ; it is plain that the motions of Venus and the Ganges are contrary to each other. The true motion of Venus in her orbit, and consequently the space she seems to run over on the Sun's disc in any given time, could be seen only from the Earth's centre C, which is at rest with respect to its surface. And as seen from C, her path on the Sun would be in the right line TtU ; and her motion therein at the rate of four minutes of a degree in an hour. T is the point of the Sun's eastern limb which Venus seems to touch at the moment of her total ingress on the Sun, as seen from Cj when Venus is at E in her orbit; and U is the point of the Sun's western limb which she seems to touch at the moment of her beginning of egress from the Sun, as seen from C, when she is at c in ber orbit. 486 The Method of finding the Distances Supposing the Sun's parallax (as we have said) to be 12-1", the parallax of Venus will be 43"; from which subtracting the parallax of the Sun, there will remain 30" at least for the horizontal parallax of Venus from the Sun ; and therefore the motion of Venus will be increased 45" at least by that parallax, while she passes over the Sun's disc, in those elevations of the pole which are in places near the tropic, and yet more in the neighbour- hood of the equator. Now Venus at that time will *move on the sun's disc, very nearly at the rate of four minutes of a degree in an hour ; and therefore 11 minutes of time at least are to be allowed for 45", or three fourths of a minute of When the mouth of the Ganges is at m (in revolving through the arc Gmg) the Sun is on its meridian. Therefore, since G and g are equally distant from m at the beginning and ending of the transit, it is plain that the Sun will be as far east of the meridian of the Ganges (at G) when the transit begins, as it will be west of the meridian of the same place (revolving from G to ) when the transit ends. But although the beginning of the transit, or rather the moment of Venus's total ingress upon the Sun at T, as seen from the Earth's centre, must be when Venus is at.E in her orbit, because she is then seen in the direction of the right line GET,- yet at the same instant of time, as seen from the Ganges at G, she will be short of her ingress on the Sun, being then seen eastward of him, in the right line GEK t which makes the angle KET (equal to the opposite angle GEC), with the right line GET. This angle is called the angle of Venus's parallax from the Sun, which retards the beginning of the transit as seen from the banks of the Ganges ; so that the Ganges G, must advance a little farther toward m, and Venus must move on in her orbit from E to R, before she can be seen from G (in the right line GRT) wholly within the Sun's disc at T. When Venus comes to e in her orbit, she will appear at U, as seen from the Earth's centre C, just beginning to leave the Sun; that is, at the beginning of her egress from his western limb: but at the same instant of time, as seen from the Ganges, which is then at g, she will be quite clear of the Sun toward the west; being then seen from g in the right line geL, which makes an angle, as UeL (equal to the opposite angle Ceg), with the right line CeU : and this is the angle of Venus's of the Planets from the Sun. 487 a degree ; and by this space of time, the duration of this eclipse caused by Venus will, on account of the parallax, be shortened. And from this shortening of the time only, we might safely enough draw a conclusion concerning the parallax which we are in search of, provided the diameter of the Sun, and the latitude of Venus, were accurately known. But we cannot expect an exact computa- tion in a matter of such subtilty. We must endeavour therefore to obtain, if pos- sible, another observation, to be taken in those places where Venus will be in the middle of the Sun's disc at midnight; that is, in places under the opposite meridian to the former, or about 6 hours or 90 degrees west of London ; and where Venus enters upon the Sun a little before its set- parallax from the Sun, as seen from the Ganges at $, when she 5s but just beginning to leave the Sun at {/, as seen from the Earth's centre C. Here it is plain, that the duration of the transit about the mouth of the Ganges (and also in the neighbouring places) will be dimi- nished by about double the quantity of Vemis's parallax from the Sun at the beginning and ending of the transit. For Venus must be at E in her orbit when she is wholly upon the Sun at T, as seen from the Earth's centre C: but at that time she is short of the Sun, as seen from the Ganges at G, by the whole quantity of her eastern parallax from the Sun at that time, which is the angle KET. [This angle, in fact, is only 23" ; though it is represented much larger in the figure, because the Earth therein is a vast deal too big.] Now, as Venus moves at the rate of 4' in an hour, she will move 23" in 5 minutes 45 seconds : and therefore, the transit will begin later by 5 minutes 45 seconds at the banks of the Ganges than at the Earth's centre. When the transit is ending at 7, as seen from the Earth's centre at C, Venus will be quite clear of the Sun (by the whole quantity of her western parallax from him) as seen from the Ganges, which is then at g : and this parallax will be 22", equal to the space through which Venus moves in 5 minutes 30 seconds of time : so that the transit will end 5.| minutes sooner as seen from the Ganges^ than as seen from the Earth's centre. Here the whole contraction of the duration of the transit at the mouth of the Ganges will be 31 minutes 15 seconds of time: for it is 5 minutes 45 seconds at the beginning, and 5 minutes 30 seconds at the end. SO. 468 The Method of finding the Distances ting, and goes off a. little after its rising. And this will 'happen under the above-mentioned meri- dian, and where the elevation of the north pole is about 56 degrees; that is, in a part of Hudson's Bay, near a place called Port-Nelson. For, in this and the adjacent places, the parallax of Venus will increase ths duration of the transit by at least six minutes of time; because, while the Sun, from its setting to its rising, seems to pass under the pole, those places on the Earth's disc will be carried with a motion from east to west, contrary to the motion of the Ganges ; that is, with a motion conspiring with the motion of Venus ; and therefore Venus will seem to move more slowly on the Sun, and to be longer in passing over his disc.* * In Fig. I. of Plate XV. let aCbe the meridian of the eastern mouth of the Ganges; and AC" ;he meridian of Port-Nelson at the mouth of York River in Hudson's Bay, 56 north latitude. As the meridian of the Ganges revolves from a to c, the meridian of Port-Nelson will revolve from b to d; therefore, while the Ganges revolves from G to g, through the arc G?ng, Port-Nelson revolves the contrary way (as seen from the Sun or Venus) from P to fi through the arcjptt/?. Now, as the motion of Venus is from to e in her orbit, while she seems to pass over the Sun's disc in the right line TtU, as seen from the Earth's centre C, it is plain that tv Idle the motion of the Ganges is contrary to the motion of Venus in her orbit, and thereby shortens the duration of the transit at that place, the motion of Port-Ntlson is the same way as the motion of Venus, and will therefore increase the duration cf the transit : which may in some degree be illustrated by supposing, that while a ship is under sail, if two birds fly i.long the bide of the ship in con- trary directions to each other, the bird which flies contrary to the motion of the ship will pass by it sooner than the bird will, which flies the same way that the ship moves. In fine, it is plain by the figure, that the duration of the transit must be longer as seen from Port-Nelson, th^n as seen from the Earth's centre ; and longer as seen tr< :-m the Earth's centre, than as seen from the mouth of the Ganges F< r Port-Ntlaon must be at P, and Venus at A* in her orbit, wh>n she Appears wholly with- in the Sun at T: and the san;e place must be at/2, and Venus at n, when she appears at U beginning to leave the Sun. The Ganges must ue at G, and Venus at R, when she is seen from G upon of the Planets from the Sun. 489 If therefore it should happen that this transit should be properly observed by skilful persons at boih these places, it is clear, that its duration will be 17 minutes longer, as seen from Port- Nelson, than as seen from the East -Indies. Nor is it oi much consequence (if the English shall at that time give any attention to this affair) whether the observation be made at Fort-George, commonly called Madras, or at Bencoolen on the western shore of the island of Sumatra, near the equator. But if the French should be disposed to take any pains herein, an observer may station himself convenient- ly enough at Pondicherry on the \vest shore of the bay oi Bengal, where the altitude of the pole is about 12 degrees. As to the Dittch, their cele- brated mart at Batavia will afford them a place of observation fit enough for this purpose, provided they also have but a disposition to assist in advanc- ing, in this particular, the knowledge of the hea- vens.- And indeed I could wish that many obser- vations of the same phenomenon might be taken by different persons at several places, both that we might arrive at a greater degree of certainty by their agreement, and also lest any single observer should be deprived, by the intervention of clouds, of a sight, which I know not whether any man liv- ing in this or the next age will ever see again ; and on which depends the certain and adequate solution of a problem the most noble, and at any other time not to be attained to. I recommend it, therefore, again and again, to those curious astronomers, who (when I am dead) will have an opportunity of observing these things, that they would remem- the Sun at T; and the same place must be at , and Venus at r, when she begins to leave the Sun at (7, as seen from g. So that Venus must move from JV to n in her orbit, while she is seen to pass over the Sun from Port-Nelson ; from E to e in passing over the Sun, as seen from the Earth's centre ; and only from R to r while she passes over the Sun, as seen from the banks of the Ganges. 49t The Method of finding the Distances her this my admonition, and diligently apply them- selves with all their might to the making of this ob- servation ; and I earnestly wish them all imaginable success ; in the first place, that they may not, by the unseasonable obscurity of a cloudy sky, be de- prived of this most desirable sight ; and then, that having ascertained with more exactness the magni- tudes of the planetary orbits, it may redound to their immortal fame and glory. We have now shewn, that by this method the Sun's parallax may be investigated to within its five -hundredth part, which doubtless will appear wonderful to some. But if an accurate observation be made in each of the places above marked out, \ve have already demonstrated that the durations of this eclipse made by Venus will diifer from each other by 17 minutes of time; that is, upon a sup- position that the Sun's parallax is 12?". But if the difference shall be found by observation to be greater or less, the Sun's parallax will be greater or less, nearly in the same proportion. And since 17 minutes of time are answerable to 12 seconds of solar parallax, for every second of parallax there will arise a difference of more than 80 seconds of time ; whence, if we have this difference true to two seconds, it will be certain what the Sun's pa- rallax is to within a 40th part of one second; and therefore his distance will be determined to within its 500dth part at least, if the parallax be not found less than what we have supposed : for 40 times 12$ make 500. And now I think I have explained this matter fully, and even more than I needed to have done, to those who understand astronomy ; and I would have them take notice, that on this occasion, I have had no regard to the latitude of Venus, both to avoid the inconvenience of a more intricate cal- culation, which would render the conclusion less evident ; and also because the motion of the nodes of the Planets from the Sun. 491 of Venus is not yet discovered, nor can be deter- mined but by such conjunctions of the planet with the Sun as this is. For we conclude that Venus will pass 4 minutes below the Sun's centre, only in consequence of the supposition that the plane of Venus 's orbit is immoveable in the sphere of the fixed stars, and that its nodes remain in the same places where they were found in the year 1639. But if Venus in the year 1761, should move over the Sun in a path more to the south, it will be manifest that her nodes have moved back- ward among the fixed stars ; and if more to the north, that they have moved forward ; and that at the rate of 5-J minutes of a degree in 100 Julian years, for every minute that Venus's path shall be more or less distant than the above-said 4 minutes from the Sun's centre. And the difference be- tween the duration of these eclipses will be some^ what less than 17 minutes of time, on account of Venus's south latitude ; but greater, if by the mo- tion of the nodes forward she should pass on the north of the Sun's centre. But for the sake of those who, though they are delighted with sidereal observations, may not yet have made themselves acquainted with the doctrine of parallaxes, I choose to explain the thing a little more fully by a scheme, and also by a calculation somewhat more accurate. Let us suppose that at London, in the year 1761, on the 6th of June, at 55 minutos after V in the morning, the Sun will be in Gemini 15 .37', and therefore that at its centre the ecliptic is inclined toward the north, in an angle of 6 10' ; and that the visible path of Venus on the Sun's disc at that time declines to the south, making an angle with the ecliptic of 8 28' : then the path of Venus will also be inclined to the south, with respect to the equator, intersecting the parallels of declination at 492 The Method of finding the Distances an angle of 2 18'*, Let us also suppose, that Ve- nus, at the fore mentioned time, ^ ill be at her least distance from the Sun's centre, viz. only four mi- nutes to the south ; and that every hour she will describe a space of 4 minutes on the Sun, with a retrograde motion. The Sun's semidiameter will be 15' 51" nearly, and that of Venus 37|". And let us suppose, for trial's sake, that the difference of the horizontal parallaxes of Venus with the Sun (which we want) is 31", such as it comes out if the Sun's parallax be supposed 12i". Then, on the centre C( Plate XV Fig. 2.) let the little circle AB, representing the Earth's disc, be described, and let his semidiameter CB be 31"; and let the ecliptic parallels of 22 and 56 degrees of north latitude (for the Ganges and Port-kelson] be drawn within it, in the manner now used by Astronomers for construct- ing solar eclipses. Let BCg be the meridian in which the Sun is, and to this, let the right line FHG representing the path of Venus be inclined at an an- gle of 2 18' ; and let it be distant from the centre C240 such parts, whereof CB is 31. From Clet fall the right line CH> perpendicular to FG ; and suppose Venus to be at H at 55 minutes after V in the morning. Let the right line FHG be divided into the horary space III IV, IV V, V VI, &c. each equal to CH; that is, to 4 minutes of a degree. Also, let the right line LM be equal to the diffe- * This was an oversight in the Doctor, occasioned by his placing both the Earth's axis BCg (Fig. 2. of Plate XV.) and the axis of Venus's orbit C7/on the same side of the axis of the ecliptic CK; the former making an angle of 6 e 10' therewith, and the latter an angle of 8 g 28'; the difference of which angles is only 2 18'. But the truth is, that the Earth's axis, and the axis of Venus's orbit, will then lie on different sides of the axis of the ecliptic, the former mak- ing an angle of 6 therewith, and the latter an angle of 8 1. There- fore, the sum of these angles, which is 141 (and not their "difference 2** 18'), is the inclination of Venus's 2 visible path to the equator and parallels of declination. of the Planets from the San. 493 rence of the apparent semidiametcrs of the Sun and Venus, which is 15' 13i"; and a circle being de- scribed with the radius LM, on a centre taken in any point within the little circle AB representing the Earth's disc, will meet the right line FG in a point denoting the time at London when Venus shall touch the Sun's limb internally, as seen from the place of the Earth's surface that answers to the point assum- ed in the Earth's disc. And if a circle be describ- ed on the centre C, with the radius LM, it will meet the right line FG> in the points F and G ; and the,- spaces FH and GH will be each equal to 14' 4", which space Venus will appear to pass over in 3 hours 40 minutes of time at London ; therefore F will fall in II hours 15 minutes, and G in IX hours 35 minutes in the morning. Whence it is manifest that if the magnitude of the Earth, on account of its immense distance, should vanish as it were into a point ; or if, being deprived of a diurnal motion, it should always have the Sun vertical to the same point C; the whole duration of this eclipse would be 7 hours 20 minutes. But the Earth in that time being whirled through 1 10 degrees of longitude, with a motion contrary to the motion of Venus, and con- sequently the abovementioned duration being con- tracted, suppose 12 minutes, it will come out 7 hours 8 minutes, or 107 degrees nearly. Now Venus will be at //, at her least distance from the Sun's centre, when in the meridian of the eastern mouth of the Ganges, where the altitude of the pole is about 22 degrees. The Sun therefore w ill be equally distant from the meridian of that place, at the moments of the ingress and egress of the planet, viz. 53 *. degrees ; as the points a and b (representing that place in the Earth's disc AB) are, in the greater parallel, from the meridian BCg. But the diameter efof that parallel will be to the distance ab, as the square of the radius to the rectangle under the sines of 53 J and 68 degrees; that is, of 1' 2" fc 494 The Method of finding the Distances 46" 13'". And by a good calculation (which, that I may not tire the reader, it is better to omit) I find that a circle described on a as a centre, with the ra- dius LM, will meet the right line FH'm the point M, at II hours 20 minutes 40 seconds; but that be- ing described round b as a centre, it will meet HG in the point A' at IX hours 29 minutes 22 seconds, according to the time reckoned at London: and therefore, Venus will be seen entirely within the Sun at the banks of the Ganges for 7 hours 8 minutes 42 seconds : we have then rightly supposed that the duration will be 7 hours 8 minutes, since the part of a minute here is of no consequence. But adapting the calculation to Port-Nelson, I find, that the Sun being about to set, Venus will enter his disc ; and immediately after his rising she will leave the same. That place is carried in the intermediate time through the hemisphere opposite to the Sun, from c to d, with a motion conspiring with the motion of Venus ; and therefore, the stay of Venus on the Sun will be about 4 minutes longer, on account of the parallax ; so that it will be at least 7 hours 24 minutes, or 111 degrees of the equator. And since the latitude of the place is 56 degrees, as the square of the radius is to the rectangle contained under the sines 55 and 34 degrees, so is AB, which is 1' 2", to cd, which is 28" 33'". And if the calculation be justly made, it will appear that a circle described on c as a cen- tre, with the radius LM> will meet the right line FH'm O at II hours 12 minutes 45 seconds; and that such a circle described on d as a centre, will meet HG in P, at IX hours 36 minutes 37 seconds ; and therefore the duration at Port -Nelson will be 7 hours 23 minutes 52 seconds, which is greater than at the mouth of the Ganges by 15 minutes 10 seconds of time. But if Venus should pass over the Sun without having any latitude, the difference would be 18 minutes 40 seconds; and of the Planets from the Sun. 495 if she should pass 4' north of the Sun's centre, the difference would amount to 21 minutes 40 seconds, and will be still greater, if the planet's north latitude be more increased. From the foregoing hypothesis it follows, that at London, wfren the Sun rises, Venus will have enter- ed his disc; and that, at IX hours 37 minutes in the morning, she will touch the limb of the Sun inter- nally at going off; and lastly, that she will not en- tirely leave the Sun till IX hours 56 minutes. It likewise follows from the same hypothesis, that the centre of Venus should just touch the Sun's northern limb in the year 1769", on the third of June, at XI o'clock at night. So that, on account of the parallax, it will appear in the northern parts of Nor- way, entirely within the Sun, which then does not set to those parts ; while, on the coasts of Peru and Chili, it will seem to travel over a small portion of the disc of the setting Sun ; and over that of the rising Sun at the Molucca Islands, and in their neigh- bourhood. But if the nodes of Venus be found to have a retrograde motion (as there is some reason to believe from some later observations they havej, then Venus will be seen every where within the Sun's disc ; and will afford a much better method for find- ing the Sun's parallax, by almost the greatest dif- ference in the duration of these eclipses that can pos- sibly happen. But how this parallax may be deduced from ob- servations made somewhere in the East Indies, in the year 1761, both of the ingress and egress of Venus, and compared with those made in its going off with us, namely, by applying the angles of a triangle given in specie to the circumference of three equal circles, shall be explained on some other oc- casion. 3R 496 The Method of finding the Distances ARTICLE IV. Showing that the whole method proposed by the Doc- tor cannot be put in practice, and why. 27. In the above Dissertation, the Doctor has ex- plained his method with great modesty, and even with some doubtfulness with regard to its full suc- cess. For he tells us, that by means of this transit the Sun's parallax may only be determined within its five hundredth part, provided it be not less than 12j"; that there may be a good observation made at Port-Nelson, as well as about the banks of the Ganges ; and that Venus does not pass more than 4 minutes of a degree below the centre of the Sun's disc. He has taken all proper pains not to raise our expectations too high, and yet, from his well-known abilities, and character as a great astronomer, it seems mankind in general have laid greater stress upon his method, than he ever desired them to do. Only, as he wSs convinced it was the best method by which this important problem can ever be solved, he re- commended it warmly for that reason. He had not then made a sufficient number of observations, by which he could determine, with certainty, whether the nodes of Venus's orbit have any motion ; or if they have, whether it be backward or forward with respect to the stars. And consequently, having not then made his own tables, he was obliged to calcu- late from the best that he could find. But those ta- bles allow of no motion to Venus's nodes, and also reckon her conjunction with the Sun to be about half an hour too late. 28. But more modern observations prove, that the nodes of Venus's orbit have a motion back- ward, or contrary to the order of the signs, with respect to the fixed stars. And this motion is al- lowed for in the Doctor's tables, a great part oi which were made from his own observations. And of the Planets from the Sun. 497 it appears by these tables, that Venus will be so much farther past her descending node at the time of this transit, than she was past her ascending node at her transit, in November 1639; that instead of pas- sing only four minutes of a degree below the Sun's centre in this, she will pass almost 10 minutes of a degree below it : on which account, the line of her transit will be so much shortened, as will make her passage over the Sun's disc about an hour and 20 minutes less than if she passed only 4 minutes below the Sun's centre at the middle of her transit. And therefore, her parallax from the Sun will be so mucl^ diminished, both at the beginning and end of her transit, and at all places from which the whole of it will be seen, that the difference of its durations, as seen from them, and as supposed to be seen from the Earth's centre, will not amount to 11 minutes of time. 29. But this is not all ; for although the transit will begin before the Sun sets to Port-Nelson, it will be quite over before he rises to that place next morn- ing, on account of its ending so much sooner than as given by the tables to which the Doctor was oblig- ed to trust. So that we are quite deprived of the advantage that otherwise would have arisen from ob- servations made at Port-Nelson. 30. In order to trace this affair through all its intricacies, and to render it as intelligible to the rea- der as I can, there will be an unavoidable necessity of dwelling much longer upon it than I could other- wise wish. And as it is impossible to lay down truly the parallels of latitude, and the situations of places at particular times, in such a small disc of the Earth as must be projected in such a sort of diagram as the Doctor has given, so as to measure thereby the exact times of the beginning and ending of the transit at any given place, unless the Sun's disc be made at least 30 inches diameter in the projection, and to which the Doctor did not quite trust without making some calculations ; I shall take a different 498 The Method of jindmg the Distances method, in which the Earth's disc may be made as large as the operator pleases: but if he makes it only 6 inches in diameter, he may measure the quantity of Venus's parallax from the Sun upon it, both in longitude and latitude, to the fourth part of a second, for any given time and place ; and then, by an easy calculation in the common rule of three, he may find the effect of the parallaxes on the duration of the transit. In this I shall first suppose with the Doc- tor, that the Sun's horizontal parallax is 12-j" ; and consequently, that Venus's horizontal parallax from the Sun is 31". And after projecting the transit, so as to find the total effect of the parallax upon its du- ration, I shall next show how nearly the Sun's real parallax may be found from the observed intervals between the times of Venus's egress from the Sun, at particular places of the earth ; which is the method now taken both by the English and French astro- nomers, and is a surer way whereby to come at the real quantity of the Sun's parallax, than by observ- ing how much the whole contraction of duration of the transit is, either at Bencoolen^ Batavia, or Pondicherry. ARTICLE V. Showing how to project the transit of Venus on the Sun's disc, as seen from different places of the Earth; so as tojindwhat its visible duration must be at any given place, according to any assumed parallax of the Sun; and from the observed intervals between the times of Venus* s egress from the Sun at particular places , to find the Surfs true horizontal parallax. 31. The elements for this projection are as fol- lows : I. The true time of conjunction of the Sun and Venus ; which, as seen from the Earth's centre, and reckoned according to the equal time at of the Planets from the Sun. 499 London, is on the 6th of June 1761, at 46 mi- nutes 17 seconds after V in the morning, accord- ing to Dr. H ALLEY'S tables. II. The geocentric latitude of Venus at that time, 9' 43" south. III. The Sun's semidiameter, 15' 50". IV. The semidiameter of Venus (from the Doctor's Dissertation), 37|". V. The difference of the semidiameters of the Sun and Venus, 15' 1^". VI. Their sum, 16' *7j". VII. The visible angle which the transit-line makes with the ecliptic 8 31'; the angular point (or descending node) being 1 6' 18" eastward from the Sun, as seen irom the Earth ; the descending node being in t 14 29' 37", as seen from the Sun; and the Sun in n 15 35' 55", as seen from the Earth. VIII. The angle which the axis of Venus's visible path makes with the axis of the ecliptic, 8 31' ; the southern half of that axis being on the left hand (or eastward) of the axis of the ecliptic, as seen from the northern hemisphere of the Earth, which would be to the right hand, as seen from the Sun. IX. The angle which the Earth's axis makes with the axis of the ecliptic, as seen from the Sun, 6; the southern half of the Earth's axis lying to the right hand of the axis of the ecliptic, in the projection which would be to the left hand, as seen from the Sun. X. The angle which the Earth's axis makes with the axis of Venus's visible path, 14 31'; viz. the Sum of No. VIII. and IX. XL The true motion of Venus on the Sun, given by the tables as if it were seen from the Earth's centre, 4 minutes of a degree in 60 minutes of time. 500 The Method of finding the Distance* 32. These elements being collected, make a scale of any convenient length, as that of Fig. 1. in Plate XVI, and divide it into 17 equal parts, each of which shall be taken for a minire of a degree, then divide the minute next to the left hand into 60 equal p^rts for seconds, by diagonal lines, as in the figure. The reason for dividing the scale into 17 parts or minutes is, because the sum of the semidiameters of the Sun and Venus exceeds 16 minutes of a de- gree. See No. VI. 33. Draw the right line^QS (Fig. 2.) for a small part of the ecliptic, and perpendicular to it draw the right line CvE for the axis of the ecliptic on the southern half of the Sun's disc. 34. Take the Sun's semidiameter, 15' 50" from the scale with your compasses ; and with that ex- tent, as a radius, set one foot in C as a centre, and describe the semicircle AEG for the southern half of the Sun's disc ; because the transit is on that half of the Sun. 35. Take the geocentric latitude of Venus, 9' 43", from the scale with your compasses ; and set that extent from C to v, on the axis of the ecliptic : and the point v shall be the place of Venus's centre on the Sun, at the tabular moment of her conjunc- tion with the Sun. 36. Draw the right line CBD, making an angle of 8 31' with the axis of the ecliptic, toward the left hand ; and this line shall represent the axis of Venus's geocentric visible path on the Sun. 37. Through the point of the conjunction v, in the axis of the ecliptic, draw the right line qtr for the geocentric visible path of Venus over the Sun's disc, at right angles to CBJD, the axis of her orbit, which axis will divide the line of her path into two equal parts qt and tr. 38. Take Venus's horary motion on the Sun, 4' from the scale with your compasses; and with that extent make marks along the transit-line qtr. The equal spaces, from mark to mark, show how of the Planets from the Sun. 501 much of that line \ enus moves through in each huur, as seen from the Earth's centre, during her continuance on the Sun's disc. 39. Divide each of these horary spaces, from mark to mark, into 60 equal parts for minutes of time; and set the hours to the proper marks in such a manner, that the true time ot conjunction of the Sun and Venus, 46| minutes after V in the morn- ing, may fall into the point v, where the transit-line cuts the axis of the ecliptic, bo the point v shall denote the place of Venus's centre on the Sun, at the instant of her ecliptical conjunction with the Sun, and t (in the axis CtD of her orbit) w ill be the mid- dle of her transit ; which is at 24 minutes after V in the morning, as seen from the Earth's centre, and reckoned by the equal time at London. 40. Take the difference of the semidiameters of the Sun and Venus, 15' l^J", in your compasses from the scale ; and with that extent, setting one foot in the Sun's centre C, describe the arcs A* and T w ith the other crossing the transit- line in the points k and /; which are the points on the Sun's disc that are hid by the centre of Venus at the moments of her two internal contacts with the Sun's limb or edge, at J/and N ': the former of these is the moment of Venus's total ingress on the Sun, as seen from the Earth's centre, w 7 hich is at 28 minutes after II in the morning, as reckoned at London ; and the latter is the moment w r hen her egress from the Sun begins, as seen from the Earth's centre, which is 20 minutes after VIII in the morning at London. The interval between these two contacts is 5 hours 52 minutes. 41. The central ingr-ess of Venus on the Sun is the moment when htr centre is on the Sun's eastern limb at M, which is at 15 minutes after two in the; morning : and her central egress from the Sun is the moment when her centre is on the Sun's western limb at w ; which is at 33 minutes aftey VIII in 502 The Method of finding the Distances the morning, as seen from the Earth's centre, and reckoned according to the time at London. The in- terval between these times is 6 hours 18 minutes. 42. Take the sum of the semidiameters of the Sun and Venus, 16' 2/-J", in your compasses from the scale ; and with that extent, setting one foot in the Sun's centre C, describe the arcs Q and R with the other, cutting the transit-line in the points q arid r, which are the points in open space (clear of the Sun) where the centre of Venus is, at the moments of her two external contacts with the Sun's limb at S and W; or the moments of the beginning and ending of the transit as seen from the Earth's cen- tre ; the former of which is at 3 minutes after II in the morning at London, and the latter at 45 minutes after VIIL The interval between these moments is 6 hours 42 minutes. 43. Take the semidiameter of Venus 37-J", in your compasses from the scale : and with that ex- tent as a radius, on the points q, k, t, /, r, as cen- tres, describe the circles HS, MI, OF, PN, WY, for the disc of Venus, at her first contact at S, her total ingress at M, her place on the Sun at the mid- dle of her transit, her beginning of egress at JV, and her last contact at IV. 44. Those who have a mind to project the Earth's disc on the Sun, round the centre C, and to lay down the parallels of latitude and situations of places thereon, according to Dr. HAL LEY'S method, may draw 7 Cf for the axis of the Earth, produced to the southern edge of the Sun at/V and making an an- gle ECfoi' 6 with the axis of the ecliptic CE : but he will find it very difficult and uncertain to mark the places on that disc, unless he makes the Sun's semidiameter AC 15 inches at least : other- wise the line Cf is of no use at all in this projec- tion. The following method is better. 45. In Fig. 3. of Plate XVI make the line AB of any convenient length, and divide it into 31 equal parts, each of which may be taken for a second of the Planets from the Sun. of Venus's parallax either from or upon the Sun (her horizontal parallax from the Sun being sup- posed to be 31"); and taking the whole length AB in your compasses, set one foot in C (Fig. 4.) as a centre, and describe the circle AEBD for the Earth's enlightened disc, whose diameter is 62", or double the horizontal parallax of Venus from the Sun. In this disc, draw ACB for a small part of the ecliptic, and at right angles to it draw ECD for the axis of the ecliptic. Draw also NCS both for the Earth's axis and universal solar meridian, mak- ing an angle of 6 with the axis of the ecliptic, as seen from the Sun ; HCI for the axis of Venus's orbit, making an angle of 8 31' with ECD, the axis of the ecliptic ; and lastly, VCO for a small part of Venus's orbit, at right angles to its axis. 46. This figure represents the Earth's enlightened disc, as seen from the Sun at the time of the transit. The parallels of latitude of London, the eastern mouth of the Ganges^ Bencoolen, and the island of St. Helena, are laid down in it, in the same manner as they would appear to an observer on the Sun, if they were really drawn in circles on the Earth's sur- face (like those on a common terrestrial globe) and could be visible at such a distance. The method of delineating these parallels is the same as already described in the XlXth chapter, for the construc- tion of solar eclipses. 47. The points Where the curve-lines (called hour-circles) XI JV, XJV, &c. cut the parallels of latitude, or paths of the four places above mention- ed, are the points at which the places themselves would appear in the disc, as seen from the Sun, at these hours respectively. When either place comes to the solar meridian NCS by the Earth's rotation on its axis, it is noon at that place ; and the diffe- rence, in absolute time, between the noon at that place and the noon at any other place, is in propor- tion to the difference of longitude of these two places, reckoning one hour lor every 1.5 degrees of 3 S 504 The Method of finding the Distances longitude, and 4 minutes for each degree : adding the time if the longitude be east, but subtracting it if the longitude be west. 48. The distance of either of these places from HCI (the axis of Venus's* orbit) at any hour or part of an hour, being measured upon the scale AB in Fig. 3. will be equal to the parallax of Venus from the Sun in the direction of her path , and this parallax, being always contrary to the position of the place, is eastward as long as the place keeps on the left hand of the axis of the orbit of Venus, as seen from the sun ; and westward when the place gets to the right hand of that axis. So that, to all the places which are posited in the hemisphere HVI of the disc, at any given time, Venus has an eastern paral- lax ; but when the Earth's diurnal motion carries the same places into the hemisphere HOI, the paral- lax of Venus is westward. 49. When Venus has a parallax toward the east, as seen from any given place on the Earth's surface, either at the time of her total ingress, or beginning of egress, as seen from the Earth's centre ; add the time answering to this parallax to the time of ingress or egress at the Earth's centre, and the sum will be the time, as seen from the given place on the Earth's surface : but when the parallax is westward, sub- tract the time answering to this parallax from the time of total ingress or beginning of egress, as seen from the Earth's centre, and the remainder will be the time, as seen from the given place on the sur- face, so far as it is affected by this parallax. The reason of this is plain to every one who considers, * In a former edition of this, I made a mistake, in taking- the pa- rallax in longitude instead of the parallax in the d'n-ection of the orbit of Venus ; and the parallax in latitude instead of the parallax in lines perpendicular to her orbit. But in this edition, these errors are cor- rected ; which make some small differences in the quantities of the parallaxes, and in the times depending on them ; as will appear by comparing them in this with those in the former edition of the Planets from the Sun. 505 that an eastern parallax keeps the planet back, and a western parallax carries it forward, with respect to its ti ue place or position, at any instant of time, as seen from the Earth's centre. 50. The nearest distance of any given place from VCO^ the plane of Venus's orbit tit any hour or part of an hour, being measured on the scale AB in Fig. 3. will be equal to Venus's parallax in lines perpendicular to her path ; which is northward from the true line of her path on the Sun, as seen from the Earth's centre, if the given place be on the south side of the plane of her orbit J^CO on the Earth's disc ; and the contrary, if the given place be on the north side of that plane ; that is, the parallax is al- ways contrary to the situation of the place on the Earth's disc, with respect to the plane of Venus's orbit on it. 51. As the line of Venus's transit is on the southern hemisphere of the Sun's disc, it is plain that a northern parallax will cause her to describe a longer line on the Sun, than she would if she had no such parallax ; and a southern parallax will cause her to describe a shorter line on the Sun, than if she had no such parallax. And the longer this line is, the sooner will her total ingress be, and the later will be her beginning of egress ; and just the contrary, if the line be shorter. But to all places situate on the north side of the plane of her orbit, in the hemis- phere VHO) the parallax in lines perpendicular to her orbit is south ; and to all places situate on the south side of the plane of her orbit, in the hemis- phere FT0 9 this parallax is north. Therefore, the line of the transit will be shorter to all places in the hemisphere 7HO, than it will be, as seen from the Earth's centre, where there is no parallax ; and long- er to all places in the hemisphere 710. So that the time answering to this parallax must be added to the time of total ingress, as seen from the Earth's centre, and subtracted from the beginning of egress, as 506 The Method of finding the Distances seen from the Earth's centre, in order to have the true time of total ingress and beginning of egress as seen from places in the hemisphere VHO : and just the reverse for places in the hemisphere VIO. It was proper to mention these circumstances, for the reader's more easily conceiving the reason of apply- ing the times answering to these parallaxes in the subsequent part of this article : for it is their sum in some cases, and their difference in others, which be- ing applied to the times of total ingress and beginning of egress as seen from the Earth's centre, that will give the times of these phenomena as seen from given places on the Earth's surface. 52. The angle which the Sun's semidiameter subtends, as seen from the Earth, at all times of the year, has been so well ascertained by late observa- tions, that we can make no doubt of its being 15' 50" on the day of the transit ; and Venus's latitude has also been so well ascertained at many different times of late, that we have very good reason to believe it will be 9' 43" south of the Sun's centre at the time of her conjunction with the Sun. If then her semi- diameter at that time be 37^" (as mentioned by Dr. HALLEY) it appears by the projection (Fig. 2.) that her total ingress on the Sun, as seen from the Earth's centre, will be at 28 minutes after two in the morn- ing (HO.), and her beginning of egress from the Sun will be 20 minutes after VIII, according to the time reckoned at London. 53. As the total ingress will not be visible at Lon- don we shall not here trouble the reader about Ve- nus's parallax at that time. But by projecting the situation of London on the Earth's disc (Fig. 4.) for the time when the egress begins, we find it will then be at /, as seen from the Sun. Draw Id parallel to Venus's orbit FCO, and lu perpendicular to it : the former is Venus's eastern parallax in the direction of her path at the beginning of her egress from the Sun, and the latter is her of the Planets from the Sun. 507 southern parallax in a direction at right angles to her path at the same time. Take these in your com- passes, and measure them on the scale AB (Fig. 3.) and you will find the former parallax to be 10*", and the latter 211". 54. As Venus's true motion on the Sun is at the rate of four minutes of a degree in 60 minutes of time (See No. XI. qf 31.) say, as 4 minutes of a degree is to 60 minutes of time, so is 10J" of a de- gree to 2 minutes 41 seconds of time ; which being added to VIII hours 20 minutes (because this paral- lax is eastward, 49.) gives VIII hours 22 minutes 41 seconds, for the beginning of egress at London as affected only by this parallax. But as Venus has a southern parallax at that time, her beginning of egress will be sooner ; for this parallax shortens the line of her visible transit at London. 55. Take the distance Ct (Fig. 2.), or nearest ap- proach of the centres of the Sun and Venus in your compasses, and measure it on the scale (Fig. 1.), and it will be found to be 9' 36^" ; and as the pa- rallax of Venus from the Sun in a direction which is at right angles to her path is 21|" south, add it to 9' 361", and the sum will be 9' 58" ; which is to be taken from the scale in Fig. 1. and set from C to L in Fig. 2. And then, if a line be drawn pa- rallel to tl, it will terminate at the point p in the arc Z 1 , where Venus's centre will be at the beginning of her egress, as seen from London*. But as her cen- tre is at / when her egress begins as seen from the Earth's centre, take Lp in your compasses, and setting that extent from t toward / on the central transit-line, you will find it to be 5 minutes shorter than //. therefore subtract 5 minutes from VIII hours 22 minutes 41 seconds, and there will remain VIII * The reason why the lines oLp, aBb,ct, and th, which are the vi- sible transits at London, the Ganges mouth, Bencoolen, and St. Helena, are not parallel to the central transit-line hi, is because the paral- laxes in latitude are different at the times of ingress and egress, as seen from each of these places. The method of drawing these lines will be shown byand-by. 508 The Method of finding the Distances hours 17 minutes 41 seconds for the visible begin- ning of egress in the morning at London. 56. At V hours 24 minutes (which is the middle of the transit, as seen from the Earth's centre) Lon- don will be at L on the Earth's disc (Fig. 4.) as seen from the Sun. The parallax La of Venus from the Sun in the direction of her path is then 12-J" ; by which, working as above directed, we find the mid- dle of the transit, as seen from London, will be at V hours 20 minutes 53 seconds. This is not affected by Lt the parallax at right angles to the path of Ve- nus. But Lt measures 27" on the scale AE (Fig. 3.) : therefore take '27" from the scale in Fig. 1. and set it from t to L, on the axis of Venus's path in Fig. 2. and laying a ruler to the point />, and the above- found point of t gres^ /?, draw oLp for the line of the transit as seen from London. 57. The eastern mouth of the river Ganges is 89 degrees east from the meridian of London; and therefore, when the time at London is 28 minutes after II in the morning ( 40.) it is 24 minutes past VIII in the morning (by 47.) at the mouth of the Ganges ; and when it is twenty minutes past VIII in the morning at London ( 40.) it is 16 minutes past II in the afternoon at the Ganges. Therefore, by projecting that place upon the Earth's disc, as seen from the Sun, it will be at G (in Fig. 4.), at the time of Venus's total ingress, as seen from the Earth's cen- tre, and at g when her egress begins. Draw Ge and gr parallel to the orbit of Venus VCO, and measure them on the scale AB in Fig. 3. the former will be 21" for Venus's eastern parallax in the direction of her path, at the above-mentioned time of her total ingress, and the latter will be 16*" for her western parallax at the time when her egress begins. The former parallax gives 5 minutes 15 seconds of time (by the analogy in \ 54.) to be ad- ded to VIII hours 24 minutes, and the latter paral- lax gives 4 minutes 11 seconds to be subtracted from II hours 16 minutes; by which we have VIII of the Planets from the Sun. 509 hours 29 minutes 15 seconds, for the time of total ingress, as seen from the banks of the Ganges, and II hours 1 1 minutes 49 seconds from the beginning of egress, as affected by these parallaxes. Draw Of perpendicular to Vrnus's orbit VOC, and by measurement on the scale AB (Fig. 3.) it \viil be found to contain 10" : take 10" from the scale in Fig. 1. and find, by trials, a point c, in the arch JV, where, if one foot of the compasses be placed, the other will just touch the central transit-line kl. Take the nearest distance from this point c to CL, the axis of Venus's orbit, and applying it from t to- ward k, you will find it fall a minute short of k ; which shows, that Venus's parallax in this direction shortens the beginning of the line of her visible tran- sit at the Ganges by one minute of time. Therefore, as this makes the visible ingress a minute later, add one minute to the above VIII hours 29 minutes 15 seconds, and it will give VIII hours 30 minutes 15 seconds for the lime of total ingress in the morning, as seen from -he eastern mouth of the Ganges. At the beginning of egress, the parallax gp in the same direction is 21?" (by measurement on the scale AB), which will protract the beginning of egress by about 30 seconds of time, and must therefore be added to the above II hours 1 1 minutes 49 seconds, which will make the visible beginning of egress to be at II hours 12 minutes 19 seconds in the afternoon. 58. Bencoolen is 102 degrees east from the meri- dian of London ; and therefore, when the time is 28 minutes past 1 f in the morning at London, it is 16 minutes past IX in the morning at Bencoolen; and when it is 20 minutes past VIII in the morning at London, it is 8 minutes past III in the afternoon at Bencoolen. Therefore, in Fig. 4. Bencoolen will be at B at the time of Venus's total ingress, as seen from the Earth's centre ; and at b when her egress begins. 510 7%? Method of finding the Distances Draw El and bk parallel to Venus's orbit and measure them on the scale : the former will be found to be 22" for Venus's eastern parallax in the direction of her path at the time of her total ingress ; and the latter to be 19-J" for her western parallax in the same direction when her egress begins, as seen from the Earth's centre. The first of these parallaxes gives 5 minutes 30 seconds (by the analogy in 54.) to be added to IX hours 16 minutes, and the latter parallax gives 4 minutes 52 seconds to be subtracted from III hours 8 minutes ; whence we have IX hours 21 minutes 30 seconds for the time of total ingress at Bencoolen : and III hours 3 minutes and 8 seconds for the time when the egress begins there, as affected by these two parallaxes. 59. Draw bv and bm perpendicular to Venus's orbit VCO, and measure them on the scale AB : the former will be 5" for Venus's northern parallax in a direction perpendicular to her path, as seen from Bencoolen^ at the time of her total ingress ; and the latter will be 15" for her northern parallax in that direction when her egress begins. Take these pa- rallaxes from the scale, Fig. 1. in your compasses, and find, by trials, two points in the arcs JVand T (Fig. 2.) where if one foot of the compasses be placed, the other will touch the central transit- line kl: draw a line from a to 6, for the line of Venus's transit as seen from Bencoolen ; the centre of Venus being at a, as seen from Bencoolen, at the moment of her total ingress ; and at b at the moment when her egress begins. But as seen from the Earth's centre, the centre of Venus is at k in the former case, and at / in the latter : so that we find the line of the transit is longer as seen from Bencoolen than as seen from the Earth's centre, which is the effect of Venus's north- ern parallax. Take Ba in your compasses, and setting that extent backward from t toward .g, on the central transit-line, you will find it will reach two minutes beyond k : and taking the extent Bb of the Planets from the Sun. 511 in your compasses, and setting it forward from t to- ward iv, on the central transit- line, it will be found to reach 3 minutes beyond /. Consequently, if we subtract 2 minutes from IX hours 21 minutes 30 seconds (above found), we have IX hours 19 mi- nutes 30 seconds in the morning, for the time of total ingress, as seen from Bencoolen : and if we add 3 minutes to the above-found III hours 3 minutes $ seconds, we shall have III hours 6 minutes 8 se- conds afternoon, for the time when the egress be- gins, as seen from Bencoolen. 60. The whole duration of the transit, from the total ingress to the beginning of egress, as seen from the Earth's centre, is 5 hours 52 minutes (by 40.); but the whole duration from the total ingress to the beginning of egress, as seen from Bencoolen, is only 5 hours 46 minutes 38 seconds : which is 5 minutes 22 seconds less than as seen from the Earth's cen- tre : and this 5 minutes 22 seconds is the whole effect of the parallaxes (both in longitude and lati- tude) on the duration of the transit at Bencoolen. But the duration, as seen at the mouth of the Ganges, from ingress to egress, is still less ; for it is only 5 hours 42 minutes 4 seconds ; which is 9 minutes 56 seconds less than as seen from the Earth's centre, and 4 minutes 34 seconds less than as seen at Bencoolen. 61. The island of St. Helena (to which only a small part of the transit is visible at the end) will be at H (as in Fig. 4.-) when the egress begins as seen from the Earth's centre. And since the mid- dle of that island is 6 west from the meridian of London, and the said egress begins when the time at London is 20 minutes past VIII in the morning, it will then be only 56 minutes past VII in the morning at St. Helena. Draw Hn parallel to Venus's orbit VCO, and Ho perpendicular to it ; and by measuring them on the scale AB (Fig. 3.) the former will be found to amount to 29" for Venus's eastern parallax in the 3T 5,12 The Method of finding the Distances direction of her path, as seen from St. Helena, when her egress begins, as seen from the Earth's centre ; and the latter to be 6" for her northern parallax in a direction at right angles to her path. By the analogy in $ 54, the parallax in the direc- tion of the path of Venus gives 10 minutes 2 se- conds of time; which being added (on account of its being eastward) to VII hours 56 minutes, gives VIII hours 6 minutes 2 seconds for the beginning of egress at St. Helena, as affected by this parallax. But 6" of parallax in a perpendicular direction to her path (applied as in the case of Bcncoolen) length- ens out the end of the transit-line by one minute ; \vhich being added to VIII hours 6 minutes 2 se- conds, gives VIII hours 7 minutes 2 seconds for the beginning of egress, as seen from St. Helena. 62. We shall now collect the above-mentioned times into a small table, that they may be seen at once, as follows : M signifies morning, A afternoon. Total ingress. H. M.S. f The Earth's centre II 28 OM } London - - - Invisible M ^ The Ganges mouth VIII 30 15 M \ Bencoolen - - IX 19 30 M {.St. Helena - - Invisible M Beg. of egress. H. M. S. VIII 20 OM VIII 17 41M II 12 19 A III 68^ V11I 7 1 2M Duration. H. M. S. 5 52 0* 5 42 4 5 46 38 63. The times at the three last-mentioned places are reduced to the meridian of London, by sub- tracting 5 hours 56 minutes from the times of in- gress and egress at the Ganges; 6 hours 48 mi- nutes from the times at Bencoolen ; and adding 24 * This duration as seen from the Earth's centre, is on supposition that the semidiameter of Venus would be found equal to 37 1 ", on the bun's disc as stated by Dr. If alley (see Art. V. 31.), to which all the other durations are accommodated. But, from later observa- tions, it is highly probable, that the semidiameter of Venus will be found not to exceed 30" on the Sun ; and if so, the duration between the two internal contacts, as seen from the Earth's centre, will be 5 hours 58 minutes ; and the duration as seen from the above-men- tioned places, will be lengthened very nearly in the same proportion. of the Planets from the Sun. 513 minutes to the time of beginning of egress at St. Helena: and being thus reduced, they are as fol- lows : Total Ingress. H.M.S. Times at C Ganges mouth 11 34 15 M London < Hencoolen - - II 31 30 A/ for & Helena - - Invisible M Beg. of egress. II. M.S? V11I 16 19 M-) Dura- V11I 18 8MC lions as V1I1 31 2A/S above. 64 All this is on supposition, that we have the true longitudes of the three last- mentioned places, that the Sun's horizontal parallax is 12 ;/ that the true latitude of Venus is given, and that her semi- diameter will subtend an angle of 37-1" on the Sun's disc. P As for the longitudes, we must suppose them true, until the observers ascertain them, which is a very important part of their business; and without which they can by no means find the interval of absolute lime that -elapses between either the ingress or egress, as seen from any two given places : and there is much greater dependence to be had on this elapse, than upon the whole contraction of duration at any given place, as it will undoubtedly afford a surer basis for determining the Sun's parallax. 65. I have good reason to believe that the latitude of Venus, as given in 31, will be found by obser- vation to be very near the truth ; but that the time of conjunction there mentioned will be found later than the true time by almost 5 minutes ; that Venus's semidiameter will subtend an angle of no more than 30" on the Sun's disc ; and that the middle of her transit as seen from the Earth's centre, will be at 24 minutes after V in the morning, as reckoned by the equal time at London. 66. Subtract V11I hours 17 minutes 41 seconds, the time when the egress begins at London, from VIII hours 31 minutes 2 seconds, the time reckoned ut London when the egress begins at St. Helena , and 514 The Method of finding the Distances there will remain 13 minutes 21 seconds (or 801 se- conds) for their difference or elapse, in absolute time, between the beginning of egress, as seen from these two places. Divide 801 seconds by the Sun's parallax 12i", and the quotient will be 64 seconds and a small frac- tion. So that for each second of a degree in the Sun's horizontal parallax (supposing it to be 1%%') there will be a difference or elapse of 64 seconds of absolute time between the beginning of egress as seen from London, and as seen from St. Helena; and consequently 32 seconds of time for every half second of the Sun's parallax; 16 seconds of time for every fourth part of a second of the Sun's parallax ; 8 seconds of time for the< eighth part of a second of the Sun's parallax; and full 4 seconds for a sixteenth part of the Sun's parallax. For in so small an angle as that of the Sun's parallax, the arc is not sensibly different from either its sine or its tangent: and therefore the quantity of this parallax is in direct proportion to the absolute difference in the time of egress arising from it at different parts of the Earth. 67. Therefore, when this difference is ascertained by good observations, made at different places, and compared together, the true quantity of the Sun's parallax will be very nearly determined. For, since it may be presumed that the beginning of egress can be observed within 2 seconds of its real time, the Sun's parallax may then be found within the 32d part of a second of its true quantity ; and consequently, his distance may be found within a 400th part of the whole, provided his parallax be not less than 123" ; for 32 times 12-J is 400. 68. But since Dn. HAL LEY has assured us, that he had observed the two internal contacts of the planet Mercury with the Sun's edge so exactly as not to err one second in the time, we may well im- agine that the internal contacts of Venus with the Sun may be observed with as great accuracy. So of the Planets from the Sun. 515 that we may hope to have the absolute interval be- tween the moments of her beginning of egress, as seen from London, and from St. Helena, true to a second of time ; and if so, the Sun's parallax may be determined to the 64th part of a second, provided it be not less than 1 2i" : and consequently his dis- tance may be found, within its 800th part; for 64 times 12? is 800 : which is still nearer the truth than Dr. H ALLEY expected it might be found by observing the whole duration of the transit in the East-Indies and at Port-Nelson. So that our pre- sent astronomers have judiciously resolved to improve the Doctor's method, by taking only the interval be- tween the absolute times of its ending at different places. If the Sun's parallax be greater or less than 12^", the elapse or difference of absolute time between the beginning of egress at London and at St. Helena^ will be found by observation to be greater or less than 801 seconds accordingly. 69. There will also be a great difference between the absolute times of egress at St. Helena and the northern parts of Russia, which would make these places very proper for observation. The difference between them at Tobolsk in Siberia, and at St. Hele- 7ia, will be 11 minutes, according to DE L'!SLE'S map : at Archangel it will be but about 40 seconds less than at Tobolsk ; and only a minute and a quar- ter less at Petersbnrgh, even if the Sun's parallax be no more than 1GJ". At Wardhus the same ad- vantage would nearly be gained as at Tobolsk ; but if the observers could go still farther to the east, as to Yakoutsk in Siberia, the advantage would be still greater: for, as M. DE L'!SLE very justly ob- serves, in a memoir presented to the French king with his map of the transit, the difference of time between Venus's egress from the Sun at Yakoutsk and at the Cape of Good Hope will be 13| minutes. 70. This method requires that the longitude of each place of observation be ascertained to the 516 The Method of finding the Distances greatest degree of nicety, and that each observer's clock be exactly regulated to the equal time at his place : for without these particulars it would be im- possible for the observers to reduce the times to those which are reckoned under any given meridian ; and without reducing the observed times of egress at dif- ferent places to the time at some given place, the ab- solute time that elapses between the egress at one place and at another could not be found. But the longitudes may be found by observing the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites ; and a true meridian, for regu- lating the clock, to the time at any place, may be had by observing when any given star within 20 or 30 degrees of the pole, is stationary with regard to its azimuth on the east and west sides of the pole ; the pole itself being the middle point between these two stationary positions of the star. And it is not mate- rial for the observers to know exactly either the true angular measure of the Sun's diameter, or of Venus's, in this case ; for whatever their diameters be, it will make no sensible difference in the observed interval between the same contact, as seen from different places. 71. In the geometrical construction of transits, the scale AE (Fig, 3. of Plate XVI) may be di- vided into any given number of equal parts, an- swering to any assumed quantity of Venus's hori- zontal parallax from the JSun (which is always the difference between the horizontal parallax of Venus and that of the Sun), provided the whole length of the scale be equal to the semidiameter of the Earth's disc in Fig. 4. Thus if we suppose Venus's hori- zontal parallax from the Sun to be only 26" (in- stead of 31") in which case the Sun's horizontal parallax must be 10".3493, as in 20, the rest of the projection will answer to that scale: as CD, which contains only 26 equal parts, is the same length as AB, which contains 31. And by work- ing in all other respects as taught from i 45 to of the Planets from the Sun. 517 62, you will find the times of total ingress and be- ginning of egress ; and consequently the duration of the transit ur any given place, which musi result from such a parallax. 72. In projections of this kind, it may be easily conceived, that a right line passing continually through the centre of Venus, and a given point of the Earth, and produced to the Sun's disc, will mark the path of Venus on the Sun, as seen from the given point of the Earth : and in this there are three cases. 1 When the given point is the Earth's centre, at \vhich there is no parallax, either in longitude or latitude. 2. When the given point is one of the poles, where there is no parallax of longitude ; but a parallax of latitude, whose quantity is easily determined, by letting fall a perpendicular from the pole upon the plane of the ecliptic, and set- ting off the parallax of latitude on this perpendicu- lar : and here the polar transit-lines will be parallel to the central, as the poles have no motion arising from the Earth's diurnal rotation. 3. The last case is, when the given point of the Earth is any point of its surface, whose latitude is less than 90 degrees : then there is a parallax in latitude proportional to the perpendicular let fall upon the abovesaid plane, from the given point ; and a parallax in longitude propor- tional to the perpendicular let fall upon the axis of that plane, from the said given point. And the effect of this last will be to alter the transit-line, both in po- sition and length ; and will prevent its being parallel to the central transit-line, unless when its axis and the axis of the Earth coincide, as seen from the Sun; which is a thing that may not happen in many ages. 518 The Method of finding the Distances ARTICLE VI. Concerning the map of the transit. Plate XVIL 73. The title of this map, and the lines drawn upon it, together with the words annexed to these lines, and the numbers (hours and minutes) on the clotted lines, explain the whole of it so well, that no farther description seems requisite. 74. So far as I can examine the map by a good globe, the black curve-lines are in general pretty well laid down, for shewing at what places the tran- sit will begin, or end, at sun-rising or sun-setting, to all those places through which they are drawn, ac- cording to the times mentioned in the map. Only I question much whether the transit will begin at sun- rise to any place in Africa, that is west of the Red- Sea ; and am pretty certain that the Sun will not be risen to the northernmost part of Madagascar when the transit begins, as M. DEL'IsLE reckons the first contact of Venus with the Sun to be the begin- ning of the transit. So that the line which shews the entrance of Venus on the Sun's disc at sun-ris- ing, seems to be a little too far west in the map, at all places which are south of Asia Minor : but in JEurope, I think it is very well. 75. In delineating this map, I had M. DE L'IsLE's map of the transit before me. And the only difference between his map and this, is, 1. That in his map, the times are computed to the meridian of Paris; in this they are reduced to the meridian of London. 2. I have changed his'ineri- dional projection into that of the equatorial; by which, I apprehend that the black curve. lines, shewing at what places the transit begins, or ends, with the rising or setting Sun, appear more natural to the eye, and are more fully seen at once, than in the map from which I copied ; for in that map the lines are interrupted and broken in the meridian of the Planets from the Sun. 519 that divides the hemispheres ; and the places where thu-y should join cannot be perceived so readily by those who are not well skilled in the nature of ste- rtographical projections. The like may be said of many of the dotted curve-lines, on which are ex- pressed the hours and minutes of the beginning or ending of the transit, which are the absolute times at these places through which the lines are drawn, computed to the meridian of London. ARTICLE VII. Containing an account of Mr. Ho R R ox's observation of the transit of Venus over the Sun, in the year 1639; as it is published in the Annual Register for the year 1761. 76. When Kepler first constructed his (the Ru- dolphine) tables upon the observations of Tycho> he soon became sensible that the planets Me rcury and Venus would sometimes pass over the Sun's disc ; and he predicted two transits of Venus, one for the year 1631, and the other for 1761, in a tract published at Leipsick in 1629, iniitled, Ad- monitio ad Astronomos, &c. Kepler died some days before the transit in 1631, which he had predicted was to happen. Gassendi looked for it at Paris, but in vain (ste Mercurius in Sole vtsus, & Venus invisa]. In fact, the imperfect state of the Rudol- phine tables was the cause that the transit was expect, ed in 1631, when none could be observed; and those very tables did not give reason to expect one in 1639, when one was really observed. When our illustrious countryman Mr. HORROX first applied himself to astronomy, he computed ephemerides for several years, from jLansbergius's tables. After continuing his labours for some time, he was enabled to discover the imperfection of these tables; upon which he laid aside his work, intending 3 V 520 The Method of finding the Distances to determine the positions of the stars from his own observations. But that the former part of his time spent in calculating from Lansbergius might not be thrown away, he made use of his ephemerides to point out to him the situations of the planets. Hence he foresaw when their conjunctions, their appulses to the fixed stars, and the most remarkable pheno- mena in the heavens would happen ; and prepared himself with the greatest care to observe them. Hence he was encouraged to wait for the important observation of the transit of Venus in the year 1639 ; and no longer thought the former part of his time mispent, since his attention to Lansbergius^ tables had enabled him to discover that the transit would certainly happen on the 24th of November. However, as these tables had so often deceived him, he was unwilling to rely on them entirely, but consulted other tables, and particularly those of Kepler : ac- cordingly in a letter to his friend William Crabtree, of Manchester, dated Hool, October 26, 1639, he communicated his discovery to him, and earnestly desired him to make whatever observations he possi- hly could w ith his telescope, particularly to measure the diameter of the planet Venus ; which, according to Kepler ', would amount to 7 minutes of a degree, and according to Lansbergius to 11 minutes ; but which, according to his. own proportion, he expected would hardly exceed one minute. He adds, that according to Kepler, the conjunction will be No- vember 24, 1639, at 8 hours 1 minute A. M. at Manchester, and that the planet's latitude would be 14' 10" south ; but according to his own corrections he expected it to happen at 3 hours 57 min. P. M. at Manchester, with 10' south latitude. But be- cause a small alteration in Kepler^s numbers would greatly alter the time of conjunction, and the quan- tity of the planet's latitude, he advises to watch the whole day, and even on the preceding afternoon, and the morning of the 25th, though he was entirely of opinion that the transit would happen on the 24th. of the Planets from the Sun. After having fully weighed and examined the se- veral methods of observing this uncommon pheno- menon, he determined to transmit the Sun's image through a telescope into a dark chamber, rather than through a naked aperture, a method greatly com- mended by Kepler; for the Sun's image is not given sufficiently large and distinct by the latter, unless at a very great distance from the aperture, which the narrowness of his situation would not allow of; nor would Venus's diameter be well defined, unless the aperture were very small ; whereas his telescope, which rendered the solar spots distinctly visible, would shew him Venus's diameter well defined, and enable him to divide the Sun's limb more accu- rately. He described a circle on paper which nearly equal- led six inches, the narrowness of the place not al- lowing a larger size ; but even this size admitted di- visions sufficiently accurate. He divided the cir- cumference into 360 degrees, and the diameter into 30 equal parts, each of which was subdivided into 4, and the whole therefore into 120. The subdivi- sion might have still been carried farther, but he trusted rather to the accuracy and niceness of his eye. When the time of observation drew near, he ad- justed the apparatus, and caused the Sun's distinct image exactly to fill the circle on the paper : and though he could not expect the planet to enter upon the Sun's disc before three o'clock in the afternoon of the 24th, from his own corrected numbers, upon which he chiefly relied ; yet, because the calcula- tions in general from other tables gave the time of conjunction much sooner, and some even on the 23d, he observed the Sun from the time of its rising till nine o'clock ; and again, a little before ten, at noon, and at one in the afternoon; being called in the intervals to business of the highest moment, which he could not neglect. But in all these times 522 The Method of finding the Distances he saw nothing on the Sun's face, except one small spot, which he had seen on the preceding day ; and \vhich also he afterward saw on some of the follow- ing days. But at 3 hours 15 minutes in the afternoon, which was the first opportunity he had of repeating his observations, the clouds were entirely dispersed, and invited him to seize this favourable occasion, which seemed to be providentially thrown in his way; for he then beheld the most agreeable sight, a spot, which had been the object of his most sanguine wishes, of an unusual size, and of a perfectly circular shape, just whol ! y entered upon the Sun's disc on the left side : so that the limbs of the Sun and Venus perfectly coincided in every point of contact. He was immediately sensible that this spot was the planet Venus, and applied himself with the utmost care to prosecute his observations. And, First, with regard to the inclination, he found, by means of a diameter of the circle set per- pendicular to the horizon, the plane of the circle being somewhat reclined on account of the Sun's altitude, that Venus had wholly entered upon the Sun's disc, at 3 hours 15 minutes, at about 62 30' (certainly between 60 and 65) from the vertex tov ard the right hand. (These were the appear- ances within the dark chamber, where the Sun's image and motion of the planet on it were both in- verted and reversed.) And this inclination continu- ed constant, at least to all sense, till he had finished the whole of his observation. Secondly, The distances observed afterward be- tween the centres of the Sun and Venus were as fol- lows : At 3 hours 15 minutes by the clock, the dis- tance was 14' 24"; at 3 hours 35 minutes, the dis- tance was 13' 30" ; at 3 hours 45 minutes, the dis- tance was 13' 0". The apparent time of sun- setting was at 3 hours 50 minutes the true time 3 hours of the Planets from the Sun. 523 15 minutes, refraction keeping the Sun above the hoiizon for the space of 5 minutes. Thirdly, He found Venus's diameter, by repeated observations, to exceed a thirtieth part of the Sun's diameter, by a sixth, or at most a fifth subdivision. The diameter therefore of the Sun to that of Ve- nus may be expressed as 30 to 1.12. It certainly did not amount to 1.30, nor yet to 1.20. And this was found by observing Venus as weii when near the Sun's limb, as when farther removed from it. The place where this observation was made, was an obscure village called Hool, about 15 miles north- ward of Liverpool The latitude of Liverpool had been often determined by Horrox to be 53 20'; and therefore, that of Hool will be 53 35'. The longitude of both seemed to him to be about 22 30' from the Fortunate Islands: that is, 14 15' to the west of Uraniburg. These were all the observations which the short- ness of the time allowed him to make upon this most remarkable and uncommon sight ; all that could be done, however, in so small a space of time, he very happily executed; and scarce any thing farther re- mained for him to desire. In regard to the inclina- tion alone, he could not obtain tht utmost exactness; for it was extremely difficult, from the Sun's rapid motion, to observe it to any certainty within the de- gree. And he ingenuously confesses that he neither did, nor could possibly perform it. The rest are very much to be depended upon ; and as exact as he could wish. Mr. Crabtree, at Manchester, whom Mr. Hot- rox had desired to observe this transit, and who in mathematical knowledge was inferior to few, very readily complied with his friend's request; but the sky was very unfavourable to him, and he had only one sight of Venus on the Sun's disc, which was about 3 hours 35 minutes by the clock ; the Sun then, for the first time, breaking out from the clouds: 524 The Method of finding the Distances at which time he sketched out Venus's situation up- on paper, which Horrox found to coincide with his own observations. Mr. Horrox, in his treatise on this subject pub- lished by Hevelius, and from which almost the whole of this account has been collected, hopes for pardon from the astronomical world, for not making his intelligence more public ; but his discovery was made too late. He is desirous, however, in the spirit of a true philosopher, that other astronomers were happy enough to observe it, who might either con- firm or correct his observations. But such confi- dence was reposed in the tables at that time, that it does not appear that this transit of Venus was observ- ed by any besides our two ingenious countrymen, who prosecuted their astronomical studies with such eagerness and precision, that they must very soon have brought their favourite science to a degree of perfection unknown at those times. But unfortunate- ly Mr. Horrox died on the 3d of January 1640-1, about the age of 25, just after he had put the last hand to his treatise, intitled Venus In Sole visa, in which he shews himself to have had a more accurate knowledge of the dimensions of the solar system than his learned commentator Hevelius. So far the Annual Register. In the year 1691*, Dr. HALLE Y gave in a paper upon the transit of Venus (See Lowthorpe^^ Abridg- ment of Philosophical Transactions, page 434.), in which he observes,' from the tables then in use, that Venus returns to a conjunction with the Sun in her ascending node in a period of 18 years, wanting 2 days 10 hours 52 1 minutes; but that in the second conjunction she will have got 24' 41" farther to the south than in the preceding. That after a period of 235 years 2 hours 10 minutes 9 seconds, she returns to a conjunction more to the north by 11' 33" ; and after 243 years, wanting 43 minutes in a point more * See the Connoissance des Tem{iS) for A. D. 1761. of the Planets from the Sun. 525 to the south by 13' 8". But if the second conjunc- tion be in the year next after leap-year, it will be a day latT. The intervals of the conjunctions at the descend- ing node are somewhat different. The second hap- pens iu a period of 8 years, wanting 2 days 6 hours 55 minutes, Venus being got more to the north by 19' 58". After 235 years 2 days 8 hours 18 mi- nutes, she is 9' 21" more southerly : only, if the first year be a bissextile, a day must be added. And after 243 years days 1 hour 23 minutes, the con- junction happens 10' 37" more to the north ; and a day later, when the first year was bissextile. It is supposed as in the old style, that all the centurial years are bissextiles. Hence, Dr. Halley finds the years in which a transit may happen at the ascending node, in the month of November (old style) to be these 918, 1161, 1396, 1631, 1639, 1874, 2109, 2117 : and the transit in the month of May (old style) at the descending node, to be in these years 1048, 1283, 1518, 1526, 1761, 1769, 1996, 2004. In the first case, Dr. HALLEY makes the visible inclination of Venus's orbit to be 9 5', and her ho- rary motion on the Sun 4' 7". In the latter, he finds her visible inclination to be 8' 28", and her horary motion 4' 0". In either case, the greatest possible duration of a transit is 7 hours 56 minutes. Dr. HALLEY could even then conclude, that if the interval in time between the two interior contacts of Venus with the Sun could be measured to the ex- actness of a second, in two places properly situate, the Sun's parallax might be determined within its 500dth part. But several years after, he explained this affair more fully, in a paper concerning the tran- sit of Venus in the year 1761 ; which was publish- ed in the Philosophical Transactions, and of which the third of the preceding articles is a translation ; the original having been written in J.*atm by the? Doctor, 526 The Method of finding the Distances ARTICLE VIIL Containing a short account of some observations of the transit oj Venus, A. D. 1761, June 6th,, new style ; and the distances of the planets from the Sun, as deduced from those observations. Early in the morning, when every astronomer was prepared for observing the transit, it unluckily hap- pened, that both at London and the Royal Observa- tory at Greenwich, the sky was so overcast with clouds, as to render it doubtful whether any part of the transit should be seen : and it was 38 minutes 21 seconds past 7 o'clock (apparent time) at Green- wich, when the Rev. Mr. Bliss, our Astronomer Roy- al, first saw Venus on tht Sun ; at which instant, the centre of Venus preceded the Sun's centre by 6' 18", 9 of right ascension, and was south of the Sun's cen- tre by IT 42". 1 of declination. From that time to the beginning of egress, the Doctor rmide several ob- servations, both of the difference of right ascension and declination of the centres of the Sun and Ve- nus ; and at last found the beginning of egress, or instant of the internal contact of Venus with the Sun's limb, to be at 8 hours 19 minutes seconds apparent time. From the Doctor's own observa- tions, and those which were made at Shirburn by an- other gentleman, he has computed, that the mean time at Greenwich of the ecliptical conjunction of the Sun and Venus was at 51 minutes 20 seconds after five o'clock in the morning ; that the place of the Sun and Venus was n (Gemini) 15 36' 33" ; and that the geocentric latitude of Venus was 9' 44". 9 south. Her horary motion from the Sun 3' 57". 13 retrograde ; and the angle then formed by the axis of the equator, and the axis oi the ecliptic, was 6 9' 34", decreasing hourly 1 minute of a degree. By the mean of three good observations, the dia- meter of Venus on the Sun was 58". Of the Planets from the Sun. 527 Mr. Short made his observation at Savile-House in London, 30 seconds in time west from Greenwich, in presence of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Prince Wil* Ham, Prince Henry, and Prince Frederick. He first saw Venus on the Sun through flying clouds, at 46 minutes 37 seconds after 5 o'clock ; and at 6 hours 15 minutes 12 seconds he measured the diameter of Venus 59".8. He afterward found it to be 58". 9 when the sky was more favourable. And, through a reflecting telescope of two feet focus, magnifying 140 times, he found the internal contact of Venus with die Sun's limb to be at 8 hours 18 minutes 21| seconds, apparent time; which, being reduced to the apparent time at Greenwich, was 8 hours 18 minutes 51| seconds : so that his time of seeing the contact was 8 seconds sooner (in absolute time) than the instant of its being seen at Greenwich. Messrs. Ellicott and Doland observed the internal contact at Hackney, and their time of seeing it, re- duced to the time at Greenwich, was at 8 hours 1 8 minutes 36 seconds, which was 4 seconds sooner in absolute time than the contact was seen at Greenwich. Mr. Canton, in Spittle- Square, London, 4' 11" west of Greenwich (equal to 16 seconds 44 thirds of time), measured the Sun's diameter 31' 33" 24"', and the diameter of Venus on the Sun 58"; and by observation found the apparent time of the internal contact of Venus with the Sun's limb to be at 8 hours 18 minutes 41 seconds; which, by reduction, was only 2 seconds short of the time at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The Reverend Mr. Richard Hay don, at Leskeard, in Cornwall (16 minutes 10 seconds in time west from London, as stated by Dr. Bevis) observed the internal contact to be at 8 hours minutes 20 se- conds, whicfi by reduction was 8 hours 16 minutes 3 X 528 The Method of finding the Distances 30 seconds at Greenwich; so that he must have seen it 2 minutes 30 seconds sooner in absolute time than it was seen at Greenwich -a difference by much too great to be occasioned by the difference of* parallaxes. But by a memorandum of Mr. Haydotfs some years before, it appears that he then supposed his west longitude to be near two minutes more ; which brings his time to agree within half a minute of the time at Greenwich; to which the parallaxes will very nearly answer. At Stockholm observatory, latitude 59 20J' north, and longitude 1 hour 12 minutes east from Green- wich, the whole of "the transit was visible ; the total ingress was observed by Mr. Wargentin to be at 3 hours 39 minutes 23 seconds in the morning, and the beginning of egress at 9 hours 30 minutes 8 seconds ; so that the whole duration between the two internal contacts, as seen at that place, was 5 hours 50 minutes 45 seconds. At Torneo in Lapland ( 1 hour 27 minutes 28 se- conds east of Paris] Mr. Hellant, who is esteemed a very good observer, found the total ingress to be at 4 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds ; and the beginning of egress to be 9 hours 54 minutes 8 seconds. So that the whole duration between the two internal contacts was 5 hours 50 minutes 9 seconds. At Hernosand in Sweden (latitude 60 38' north, and longitude i hour 2 minutes 12 seconds east of Paris), Mr. Girter observed the total ingress to be at 3 hours 38 minutes 26 seconds; and the begin- ning of egress to be at 9 hours 29 minutes 21 se- conds. The duration between these two internal contacts 5 hours 50 minutes 56 seconds. Mr. DeLa Landc, at Paris, observed the begin- ning of egress to be at 8 hours 28 minutes 26 se- conds apparent time But Mr. Ferner (who was then at Constans, 14-J-" west of the Royal Observa- tory at Paris) observed the beginning of egress to be at 8 hours 28 minutes 29 seconds true time. of the Planets from the Sun. 529 The equation, or difference between the true and apparent time, was 1 minute 54 seconds. The total ingress, being before the Sun rose, could not be seen. At Tobolsk in Siberia , Mr. Chappe observed the total ingress to be at 7 hours minutes 28 seconds in the morning, and the beginning of egress to be at 49 minutes 20J seconds after 12 at noon. So that the whole duration of the transit between the inter- nal contacts was 5 hours 48 minutes 52^ seconds, as seen at that place ; which was 2 minutes 3| se- conds less than as seen at Hernosand in Sweden. At Madras, the Reverend Mr. Hirst observed the total ingress to be at 7 hours 47 minutes 55 se- conds apparent time in the morning ; and the be- ginning of egress at 1 hour 39 minutes 38 seconds past noon. The duration between these two inter- nal contacts was 5 hours 51 minutes 43 seconds. Professor Mathenci at Bologna observed the be- ginning of egress to be at 9 hours 4 minutes 58 se- conds. At Calcutta (latitude 22 30' north, nearly 92 east longitude from London) Mr. William Magee observed the total ingress to be at 8 hours 20 mi- nutes 58 seconds in the morning, and the beginning of egress to be at 2 hours 11 minutes 34 seconds in the afternoon. The duration between the two inter- nal contacts 5 hours 50 minutes 36 seconds. At the Cape of Good Hope (1 hour 13 minutes 35 seconds east from Greenwich] Mr. Mason ob- served the beginning of egress to be at 9 hours 39 minutes 50 seconds in the morning. All these times are collected from the observers' accounts, printed in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1762 and 1763, in which there are se- veral other accounts that I have not transcribed. The instants of Venus's total exit from the Sun are likewise mentioned ; but they are here left out, as not of any use for finding the Sun's parallax. 530 The Method of finding the Distances Whoever compares these times of the internal contacts, as given in by different observers, will find such difference among them, even those which were taken upon the same spot, as will shew, that the in- stant of either contact could not be so accurately perceived by the observers as Dr. HAL LEY thought it could ; which probably arises from the difference of people's eyes, and the different magnifying pow- ers of those telescopes through which the contacts were seen. If all the observers had made use of equal magnifying powers, there can be no doubt but that the times would have more nearly coin- cided; since it is plain, that supposing all their eyes to be equally quick and good, they whose telescopes magnified most, would perceive the point of inter- nal contact soonest, and of the total exit latest. Mr. Short has taken an incredible deal of pains in deducing the quantity of the Sun's parallax, from the best of those observations which were made both in Britain and abroad : and finds it to have been 8". 52 on the day of the transit, when the Sun was very nearly at his greatest distance from the Earth ; and consequently 8' '.65 when the Sun is at his mean distance from the Earth. And indeed, it would be very well worth every curious person's while to purchase the second part of Volume LII. of the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1763; even if it contained nothing more than Mr. Short's paper on that subject. The log. sine (or tangent) of 8". 65 is 5.6219140, which being subtracted from the radius 10.0000000, leaves remaining the logarithm 4.3780860, whose number is 23882. 84; which is the number of semi- diameters of the Earth that the Sun is distant from it. And this last number, 23882.84, being multN plied by 3985, the number of English miles con- tained in the Earth's semidiameter, gives 95, 173, 127 miles for the Earth's mean distance from the Sun. But because it is impossible, from the nicest obser- of the Planets from the Sun. 531 rations of the Sun's parallax, to be sure of its true distance from the Earth within 100 miles, we shall at present, for the sake of round numbers, state the Earth's mean distance from the Sun at 95,173,000 English miles. And then, from the numbers and analogies in $ 11 and 14 of this Dissertation, we find the mean dis- tances of all the rest of the planets from the Sun in miles to be as follows: --Mercury 's distance, 36, 841, 468; Venus's distance, 68,891,486; Mar's distance, 145,014,148; Jupiter's distance, 494,990,976; and Saturn's distance, 907,956,130. So that by comparing these distances with those in the tables at the end of the chapter on the solar system*, it will be found that the dimensions of the system are much greater than what was formerly imagined : and consequently, that the Sun and the planets (except the Earth) are much larger than as stated in that table. The semidiameter of the Earth's annual orbit being equal to the Earth's mean distance from the Sun, viz. 95,173,000 miles, the whole diameter is 190,346,000 miles. And since the diameter of a circle is to its circumference as 1 to 3. 141 59 the circumference of the Earth's orbit is 597,989.090 miles. And, as the Earth describes this orbit in 365 days 6 hours (or in 8766 hours), it is plain that it travels at the rate of 68,217 miles every hour, and conse- quently 11,369 miles every minute ; so that its velo- city in its orbit is at least 142 times as great as the velocity of a cannon-ball, supposing the ball to move through 8 miles in a minute, which it is found to do very nearly; and at this rate it would take 22 years 228 days for a cannon-ball to go from the , 'Earth to the Sun. On the 3d of June, in the year 1769, Venus will again pass over the Sun's disc, in such a manner, * Fronting page 72. 532 The Method of finding the Instances as to afford a much easier and better method of in- vestigating the Sun's parallax than her transit in the year 1761 has done. But no part of Britain will be proper for observing that transit, so as to deduce any thing with respect to the Sun's parallax from it, because it will begin but a little before sun-set, and will be quite over before 2 o'clock next morning. The apparent time of conjunction of the Sun and Venus, according to Dr. H ALLEY'S tables, will be at 13 minutes past 10 o'clock at night at London; at which time the geocentric latitude of Venus will be full 10 minutes of a degree north from the Sun's centre : and therefore, as seen from the northern parts of the Earth, Venus will be considerably de- pressed by a parallax of latitude on the Sun's disc ; on which account, the visible duration of the transit will be lengthened ; and in the southern parts of the Earth she will be elevated by a parallax of latitude on the Sun, which will shorten the visible duration of the transit, with respect to its duration as sup- posed to be seen from the Earth's centre ; to both which affections of duration the parallaxes of longi- tude will also conspire. So that every advantage which Dr. H ALLEY expected from the late transit will -be found in this, without the least difficulty or embarrassment. It is therefore to be hoped, that neither cost nor labour will be spared in duly ob- serving this transit ; especially as there will not be such another opportunity again in less than 105 years afterward. The most proper places for observing the transit, in the year 1769, is in the northern parts of Lap- land and the Solomon Isles in the great South- Sea ; at the former of which, the visible duration between the two internal contacts will be at least 22 minutes greater than at the latter, even though the Sun's pa- rallax should not be quite 9"- If it be 9" (which is the quantity I had assumed in a delineation of this of the Planets from the Sun. . 533 transit, which I gave in to the Royal Society before I had heard what Mr. Short had made it from the observations on the late transit), the difference of the visible durations, as seen in Lapland and in the Solomon Isles> will be as expressed in that delinea- tion ; and if the Sun's parallax be less than 9" (as I now have very good reason to believe it is), the difference of durations will be less accordingly. INDEX, The numeral Figures refer to the Pages, and the small n to the Notes subjoined. A. e stars, 160. jEras or epochs, 421. Angle, under which an object appears, what, 128, n, Annual parallax of the stars, 138. Anomaly, what, 176. Ancients, their superstitious notions of eclipses, 303* Their method of dividing the zodiac > 381. Antipodes') what, 86. Apsides, line of, 176. ARCHIMEDES, his ideal problem for moving the Earth, i 12, Areas, described by the planets, proportional to the times? 109. Astronomy, the great advantages arising from it both in out: religious and civil concerns, 3 1 . Discovers the laws by which the planets move, antt are retained in their orbits, 31. Atmosphere, the higher the thinner, 121. Its prodigious expansion, 121. Its whole weight on the Earth, 122. Generally thought to be heaviest when it is lightest, 123, Without it, the heavens would appear dark in the day-time* 123. Is the cause of twilight, 124. Its height, 124. Refracts the Sun's rays, 124. Causeth the Sun and Moon to appear above the horizon when they are really below it, 124. Foggy, deceives us* in the bulk and distance of objectsj 129. Attraction, 76. Decreases as the square of the distance increases, 76. Greater in the larger than in the smaller planets, 1 12. Greater in the Sun, than in all the planets if put together, 112, 3Y INDEX. Axes of the planets, what, 38. Their different positions with respect to one another, 83. Axis of the Eaith, its parallelism, 145. Its position variable as seen from the Sun or Moon, 308. The phenomena, thence arising, 310. B. Bodies, on the Earth, lose of their weight the nearer they are to the equator, 82. How they might lose all their weight, 83. How they become visible, 117. C. Calculator (an instrument) described, 437. Calendar, how to inscribe the Golden numbers right in it for shewing the days of new Moons, 396. Cannon-ball, its swiftness, 68. In what times it would fly from the Sun to the different planets and fixed stars, 68. CASSIKI, his account of a double star eclipaed by the Moon, 53. His diagrams of the paths of the planets, 98. Catalogue of the eclipses, 282. Of the constellations and stars, 382. Of remarkable seras and events, 421. Celestial globe improved, 447. Centripetal and centrifugal forces, how they alternately over- come each other in the motions of the planets, 108, 1 1Q. Changes in the heavens, 385. Circles, of perpetual apparition and occultation, 9 1 . Of the sphere, 140. Contain 360 degrees whether they be great or small, 152. CPvilyear, what, 389. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER) his story concerning an eclipse, 303. Clocks and watches, an easy method of knowing whether they go true or false, 164. Why they seldom agree with the Sim if they go true. 168 181. How to regulate them by equation-tables and a meridian- line, 166. Cloudy stars, 384. Cometartum (an instrument) described, 4,44', . INDEX. Constellations, ancient, their number, 380. The number of stars in each, according to different as- tronomers, 382. Cycle, solar, lunar, and Raman, 395. D. Darkness at our SAVIOUR'S crucifixion supernatural, 317 . 416. Day^ natural and artificial, what, 394. And night) always equally long at the equator, 90. Natural, not completed in an absolute turn of the Earth on its axis, 1 64. Degree, what, 152. Digit, what, 306, n. Direction, (number of), 4 1 2. Distances of the planets from the Sun, an idea of them, 68. A table of them, 73. How found, 132 ; and in the Dissertation on the transit of Venus, chap. XXIII. Diurnal and annual motions of the earth illustrated, 141 145. Dominical letter, 413. Double projectile force, a balance to a quadruple power of gravity, 109. Double star covered by the Moon, 52. E. Earth, its bulk but a point as seen from the Sun, 32. Its diameter, annual period, and distance from the Sim, 49. Turns round its axis, 49. Velocity of its equatorial parts, 49. Velocity in its annual orbit, 49. Inclination of its axis, 49. Proof of its being globular, or nearly so, 50, 261. Measurement of its surface, 50. Difference between its equatorial and polar diameters, 59. Its motion round the Sun demonstrated by gravity, 77, 78, by Dr. BRADLEY'S observations, 80, by thq eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, 158. Its diurnal motion highly probable from the absurdity that must follow upon supposing it not to move, 78, 86, and demonstrable from its figure, 87, this motion cajiijot be felt, 83. INDEX, Objections against its motion answered, 80, 85. It has no such thing as an upper or an under side, 86. in what case it might, 87. The swiftness of its motion in its orbit compared with the velocity of light, 139. Its diurnal and annual motions illustrated by an easy ex- periment, 141. Proved to be less than the Sun, and bigger than the Moon, 262. Easter cycle, 412. JLclijisarcon (an instrument) described, 458. fclijises of Jupiter's satellites, how the longitude is found by them, 154, they demonstrate the velocity of light; 156. Of the Sun and Moon, 261 316. Why they happen not in every month, 263. When they must be, 263. Their limits, 264. Their period, 268, A Dissertation on their progress, 268. A large catalogue of them, 282. Historical ones, 30 1 . More of the Sun than of the Moon, and why, 303. The proper elements for their calculation and projection, 318. gclifitiC) its signs, their names and characters, 68. Makes different angles with the horizon every hour and minute, 234, how these angles may be estimated by the position of the Moon's horns, 220. Its obliquity to the equator less now than it was formerly, 388. Elongations, of the planets, as seen by an observer at rest on the outside of all their orbits, 94. Of Mercury and Venus, as seen from the Earth, illus- trated, 102, its quantity, 102. Of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, and Jupiter ; their quantities, as seen from Saturn, 105. Equation of time, 165181, Equator, day and night always equal there, 90. Makes always the same angle with the horizon of the same place; the ecliptic not, 234. Equinoctial points in the heavens, their precession, 181,s* very different thing from the recession or anticipation of the equinoxes on the Earth, the one no ways occar sioned by the other, 185. Eccentricities of the planets' orbits, 11. INDEX, F. fallacies in judging of the bulk of objects by their apparent, distance, 128, applied to the solution of the horizontal Moon, 131. first meridian , what, 152, fixed stars-) why they appear of less magnitude when view- ed through a telescope than by the bare eye, 578. Their number, 379. Their division into different classes and constellations, 38Q. G, General phenomena of a superior planet as seen from an in- ferior, 106. Georgium Sidus, its distance, diameter, magnitude, annual revolution, 63, n. Not readily distinguished from a fixed star, 63, n. Inclination of its orbit, 63, n. Place of its nodes, 63, n. Its satellites, their distance, periods, and remarkable po- sition of their orbits, 63, n. Gravity, demonstrable, 74 75. Keeps all bodies on the Earth to its surface, or brings them back when thrown upward ; and constitutes their weight, 74, 86. Retains all the planets in their orbits, 75. Decreases as the square of the distance increases, 76. Proves the Earth's annual motion, 77. Demonstrated to be greater in the larger planets than in the smaller ; and stronger in the Sun than in all the planets together, 112. Hard to understand what it is, 1 13. Acts every moment, 115. Globe (Celestial), improved, 447. H. Harmony of the celestial motions, 78. Harvest -Moon, 233 246. None at the equator, 233. Remarkable at the polar circles, 241. Jn what years most and least advantageous, 245. INDEX. Heat, decreases as the square of the distance from the Sun increases, 118. Why not greatest when the Earth is nearest the Sun, 151. Why greater about three o'clock in the afternoon than when the Sun is on the meridian, 252. Heavens, seem to turn round with different velocities as seen from the different planets ; and on different axes as seen from most of them, 83. Only one hemisphere of them seen at once from any one planet's surface, 88. Changes in them, 385. Horizon, what, 88, n. Horizontal Moon explained, 131. Horizontal parallax, of the Mocin, 132; of the Sun, 135; best observed at the equator, 137. Hour-circles, what, 153. Hour of time equal to 15 degrees of motion, 153. How divided by the Jews, Chaldeans, and Arabians, 395. HUYGENIUS, his thoughts concerning the distance of some stars, 32. I. Inclination of Venus's axis, 43. Of the Earth's, 49. Of the axis or orbit of a planet only relative, 145. Inhabitants of the Earth (or any other planet) stand on op- posite sides with their feet toward one another, yet each thinks himself on the upper side, 86. J. Julian period, 415. Jupiter, its distance, diameter, diurnal and annual revolu- tions, 56, 57. The phenomena of its belts, 57. Has no difference of seasons, 58. Has four Moons, 58, their grand period, 58, the angles which their orbits subtend, as seen from the Earth, 59. most of them are eclipsed in every revolution, 59. The great difference between its equatorial and polar diameters, 59. The inclination of its orbit, and place of its ascending node, 60. INDEX. The Sun's light 3000 times as strong on it as full Moor light is on the Earth, 64. Is probably inhabited, 65. The amazing power required to put it in motion, 112. The figures of the paths described by its satellites, 228, L. Light, the inconceivable smallness of its particles, 116; and the great mischief they would do if they were larger, 117. Its surprising velocity, 117, compared with the swiftness of the Earth's annual motion, 139. Decreases as the square of the distance from the lumi- nous body increases, 118. Is refracted in passing through different mediums, 119, 120. Affords a proof of the Earth's annual motion, 139, 158. In what time it comes from the Sun to the Earth, 156 ; this explained by a figure, 157. Limits of eclipses, 264. Line, of the nodes, what, 265 ; has a retrograde motion, 267, LONG (Rev. Dr.) his method of comparing the quantity of the surface of dry land with that of the sea, 50. LONG, his glass sphere, 90. Longitude, how found, 152 155. Lucid sfiots in thje heavens, 384* Lunar cycle deficient, 396. M, Ma^ellantic clouds, 385. Man, of a middle size, how much pressed by the weight of the atmosphere, 123 ; why this pressure is not felt, 123. Mars, its diameter, period, distance, and other phenomena, 55 56. Matter, its properties, 74. Mean anomaly, w r hat, 176. Mercury, its diameter, period, distance, &c. 40. Appears in all the shapes of the Moon, 40. When it will be seen on the Sun, 41. The inclination of its orbit and place of its ascending node? 41. Its path delineated, 93* INDEX. Experiment to shew its phases, and apparent motion, 103, Mercury (Quicksilver) in the barometer, why not affected by the Moon's raising tides in the air, 260. Meridian, first, 152. Line, how to draw one, 166. Milky way, what, 383. * Months, Jewish, Arabian, Egyfitian, and Grecian^ 391. Moon, her diameter and period, 51. Her phases, 51, 218. Shines not by her own light, 52. Has no difference of seasons, 52. The Earth is a Moon to her, 52. Has no atmosphere of any visible density, 52 ; nor seas, 53. How her inhabitants may be supposed to measure their year, 55. Her light compared with day-light, 64. The eccentricity of her orbit, 73. Is nearer the earth now than she was formerly, 1 15. Appears bigger on the horizon than at any considerable height above it, and why, 131; yet is seen nearly under the same angle in both cases ; 1 3 1 . Her surface mountainous, 217: if smooth* she could give us no light, 217. Why no hills appear round her edge, 217. Has no twilight, 218. Appears not always quite round when full, 219. Her phases agreeably represented by a globular stone viewed in sunshine when she is above the horizon, and the observer placed as if he saw her on the top of the stone, 219. Turns round her axis, 22 1 . The length of her solar and sidereal day, 221. Her periodical and synodical revolution represented by the motions of the hour and minute hands of a watch, 222. Her path delineated, and shewn to be always concave to the Sun, 223 227* Her motion alternately retarded and accelerated, 226. Her gravity toward the Sun greater than toward the Earth at her conjunction, and why she does not then abandon the Earth on that accoimt, 227. Rises nearer the time of sun-set when about the full in harvest for a whole week than when she is about the full at any other time of the year, and why, 233 240 : this rising goes through a course of increasing and de- creasing benefit to the farmers every 19 years, 245. INDEX. JMbon continues above the horizon of the poles for fourteen of our natural days together, 246. Proved to be globular, 261 ; and to be less than the Earth, 262. Her Nodes, 263 ; ascending and descending, 267; their retrograde motion, 267. Her acceleration proved from ancient eclipses, 278, n. Her apogee and perigee, 305. Not invisible when she is totally eclipsed, and why, 314. How to calculate her conjunctions, oppositions, and eclip- ses, 318. How to find her age in any lunation by the Golden num- ber, 452. Morning and evening star, what, 104. Motion, naturally rectilineal, 74. Apparent, of the planets as seen by a spectator at rest on the outside of all their orbits, 94 ; and of the hea- vens as seen from any planet, 95. Natural day, not completed in the time that the Earth turns round its axis, 164. JVeiv and,/tt// Moon, to calculate the times of, 318 -328. JV5?w stars, 396 ; cannot be comets, 385. JVew style, its origin, 390. Nodes of the planets' orbits, their places in the ecliptic, 38. Of the Moon's orbit, 263 ; their retrograde motion, 267. JVbnagesimal degree, what, 220. Number of Direction, 4 1 2 O. Objects, we often mistake their bulk by mistaking their dis- tance, 128. Appear bigger when seen through a fog than through clear air, and why, 129 ; this applied to the solution of the horizontal Moon, 131. Oblique sphere, what, 93. Olympiads, what, 279, n. Orbits of the planets not solid, 39. Orreries described, 430, 434, 437. P. Parallax, horizontal, what, 132. Parallel sfihere, what, 93. 32 INDEX. Path of the Moon, 223226. Of Jupiter's moons, 228. Pendulums, their vibrating slower at the equator than near the poles proves that the Earth turns on its axis, 82. Penumbra what, 305. Its velocity on the Earth in solar eclipses, 307. Period of Edifises, 268, 282. Phases of the Moon, 213. Planet s, much of the same nature with the Earth, 35. Some have Moons belonging to them, 35. Move all the same way as seen from the Sun, but not as seen from one another, 37. Their moons denote them to be inhabited, 66. Planets the proportional breadth of the Sun's disc, as seen from each of them, 67. Their proportional bulks as seen from the Sun, 67. An idea of their distances from the Sun, 68. Appear bigger and less by turns, and why, 68. Are kept in their orbits by the power of gravity, 74, 107 112. Their motions very irregular as seen from the Earth, 97. The apparent motions of Mercury and Venus delineated by pencils in an. Orrery, 98. Elongations of all the rest as seen from Saturn, 105. Describe equal areas in equal times, 109. The eccentricities of their orbits, 1 10. In what times they would fell to the Sun by the power of gravity, 111. Disturb one another's motions, the consequence of it, 1 15. Appear dimmer when seen through telescopes than by the bare eye, the reason of this, 119. Planetary globe described, 449. Polar circles, 1 40. Poles of the planets, what, 38. Of the world, what, 86. Celestial, seem to keep in the same points of the heavens all the year, and why, 138. Precession of the Equinoxes, 181 186. Projectile force, 107; if doubled, would require a quadruple power of gravity to retain the planets in their orbits, 109. Is evidently an impulse from the hand of the ALMIGHTY* 114. PtolcTxcan system absurd, 71> 100. INDEX. R. Kays of light, when not disturbed, move in straight lines, and hinder not one another's motions, 1 17. Are refracted in passing through different mediums, 119. Reflection of the atmosphere, causes the twilight, 123. Refraction of the atmosphere bends the rays of light from, straight lines, and keeps the Sun and Moon longer in sight than they would otherwise be, 124. A surprising instance of this, 1 7. Must be allowed for in taking the altitudes of the celes- tial bodies, 127. j Right sphere, 93, S. Satellites, the times of their revolutions round their prima- ry planets, 51, 58, 61. Their orbits compared with each other, with the orbits of the primary planets, and with the Sun's circumfer- ence, 231. What sort of curves they describe, 231. Saturn, with his ring and moons, their phenomena, 60 62 W The Sun's light 1000 times as strong to Saturn *s the light of the full Moon is to us, 64. The Phenomena of his ring farther explained, 149. Our blessed SAVIOUR, the darkness at his crucifixion super- natural, 317. The prophetic year of his crucifixion found to agree with an astronomical calculation, 416. Seasons, different, illustrated by an easy experiment, 141 ^ by a figure, 145. Shadow*, what, 261. Sidereal time, what, 1 60 ; the number of sidereal days in a year exceeds the number of solar days by one, and why, 164. An easy method for regulating clocks and watches by it, 164. SJIITH (Rev. Dr.) his comparison between moon-light am! day-light, 64. His demonstration that light decreases as the square of the distance from the luminous body increases, 118. {Mr. GEORGE) his Dissertation on the progress of a solar eclipse ; following the tables at 276. Solar astronomer, the judgment he might be supposed to make concerning the planets and stars, 95, 96, INDEX. Sjiherc, parallel) oblique, and right, 93. Its circles, 140. Sfiring and neap, tides, 253. Stars, their vast distance from the Earth, 32, 138, Probably not all at the same distance, 32. Shine by their own light, and are therefore Suns, 33 ; probably to other worlds, 33. A proof that they do not move round the Earth, 78. Have an apparent slow motion round the poles of tht ecliptic, and why, 186. A catalogue of them, 382. Cloudy, 384. New, 385. Some of them change their places, 386.. Starry heavens have the same appearance from any part o*T the solar system, 94. SUN, appears bigger than the stars, and why, 33. Turns round -his axis, 37. His proportional breadth as seen from the different plan- ets, 67. Describes unequal arcs above and below the horizon at different times, and why, 92. His centre the only place from which the true motions of the planets could be seen, 95. Is for half a year together visible at each pole in its tum ; and as long invisible, 14), 246. Is nearer the Earth in winter than in summer, 151. Why his motion agrees so seldom with the motion of a well-regulated clock, 165 181. Would more than fill the Moon's orbit, 231. Proved to be much bigger than the Earth, and the Earth to be bigger than the Moon, 262. Systems, the solar, 37 71 ; the Ptolemean, 71 ; the Ty- Chonic, 72. T, Table of the periods, revolutions, magnitudes, distances, cf'c. of the planets, 73. Of the air's rarity, compression, and expansion, at differ^ ent heights, 122. Of refractions, 126. For converting time into motion, and the reverse, 159. For shewing how much of the celestial equator passes over the meridian in any part of a mean solar day ; INDEX- and how much the stars accelerate upon tjic meaji solar time for a month, 163. Table of the first part of the equation of time, 171 ; of the second part, 178. Of the precession of the equinoxes, 183. Of the length of sidereal, Julian, and tropical years, 189. Of the Sun's place and anomaly, 190 192. Of the equation of natural days, 194 205. Of the equation of time, 208 216. Of the conjunctionj^*f the hour and minute hands pf a watch, 222. Of the curves described by the satellites, 232. Of the difference of time in the Moon's rising and setting on the parallel of London every day during her course round the ecliptic, 236. Of the returns of a solar eclipse^ 272, 275. Of eclipses, 285 302. For calculating new and full Moons, and eclipses, 329 346. Of the constellations and number of stars, 382, 383. Of the Jewish, Egyptian, Arabic, and Grecian months, 392 394. For inserting the Golden numbers right in the calendar, 397. Of the times of all the new Moons, for 76 years, 403 411. Of remarkable aeras or events, 422, 423. Of the Golden number, Number of Direction, Dominica] letter, and days of the months, 424 429. THALES'S eclipse, 279. THUCYDIDES'S eclipse, 281. Tides, their cause and phenomena, 249 260. Tide-Dial described, 454. Trajectorium Lunar e described} 452*, Tropics* 140. Twilight, none in the Moon, 218, Tychonic system absurd, 72. 17. Universe, the work of Almighty Power, Sl2, 1 14. Ufi and down, only relative terms, 86. Or under side of the Earth, no such thing, 87 INDEX. V. Velocity of Light compared with the velocity of the Earth in its annual orbit, 139. Venus, her bulk, distance, period, length of days and nights, 41. Is our morning and evening star, 42. Her axis, how situate, 43. The inclination of her orbit, 48. When she will be seen on the Sun, 48. How it may probably be soon known if she has a satel* lite, 48. Appears in all the shapes of the Moon, 40, 101. An experiment to shew her phases and apparent motion, 101. 'Vision, how caused, 11 7. W. Weather-^ not hottest when then Sun is nearest to us, and why, 151. Weight, the cause of it, 86. World, not eternal, 116. Y. Year, Tropical, Sidereal, Lunai> Civil, 389 ; Bissextile; Roman, 390 ; Jewish, Egyptian, Arabic, and Grecian, 391, 394; how long it would be if the Sun mnved round the Earth, 78. Z. Zodiac, what, 381. How divided by the ancieots ; 381* Zones, what, 141. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO* 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW RECEIVED SEP 5 199 ) j CIRCULATION D EPT. FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 i