LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived Accessions No.J 1<1 JV . 'Class No. ^ Of the first quality, highest finish, and most moderate price. Manufactured largely by SELF-ACTING MACHINERY. STANLEY'S FLUID COLOURS SAVE MUCH TIME IN COLOURING DRAWINGS. MEDALS. International Exhibitions, 1861? and 1873. Highest Award for Instruments, Melbourne Exhibition, 1881. Gold Medal, Inventions Exhibition, 1885. Silver Medal, Architects' Exhibition, 1886. Gold Medal, Mining- Exhibition, 1890. ENGINE DIVIDER TO THE TRADE. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL STATIONERY AND MATERIALS FOR DRAUGHTSMEN AND SURVEYORS. GOODS SHIPPED WITH GREATEST CARE 3POST GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. STEAM OPTICAL WORKS AT SCUTE NORWOOD, Telegrams: " TuiMfsmE, LONDON." HENRY BERRY & CO. CROYDON WORKS. MAKERS OF PORTABLE X ' RIVETTERS, FIXED RIVETTERS. FOR ALL CLASSES OF STRUCTURAL WORK, VIZ. BOILERS (MARINE AND STATIONARY), GIRDER WORK, GAS HOLDERS, BRIDGE WORK, &c. Ac. ALSO ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND BELT DRIVEN PUMPS, ACCUMULATORS, INGOT CRANES, TRAVELLING CRANES, FOUNDRY CRANES, HOISTS, ALL KINDS OF HYDRAULIC PRESSES, FLANGING PRESSES, BALING PRESSES, PATENT STOP AND WORKING VALVES, LEATHERS, &c. &c. LEEDS, ENGLAND. PORTABLE RIVETTER FOR BRIDGE WORK. DREW- BEAR, RANSOM E & PERKS, OFFICES 71a, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. WORKS AND IRON STORES- PRINCE'S WHARF, COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams " Bearbind, London." Telephone No. 1576. STOCK ROLLED IRON AND STEEL JOISTS, ALSO ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, AND FLITCH PLATES. SECTIONS OF IRON JOISTS IN STOCK. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. 3 1 - x If 5 x $ 8 X 4 10 X 5 s X 3 6J x 8 X 5 10 x G 4 X 2 6J x 31. 8 X 6 12 X 5 4 x 3 6 X 5 8 9J X 3| 12 X (3 4f x 2 7 X 2J 9 x 4| 14 X G 5 X 3 7 X 3J 10 X 4 16 X G SECTIONS OF STEEL JOISTS IN STOCK. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. 3$ x If 5X3 7X4 9x4 12 x 6 3x3 5 X 4 8x4 10 x 5 14 x 5| 4x2 6 x 2 8x5 10 x 6 15 x 51 4x3 6i x 3 8x6 12 X 5 15f x 61 4f x If 6x5 Estimates and designs furnished for BIVETTED GIRDERS, BRIDGES, ROOFS, COLUMNS AND STANCHEONS, TANKS, SASHES, IRON BUILDINGS, and all kinds of Constructional Ironwork. 3 STBESSES IN GIRDER AND ROOF TRUSSES FOR BOTH DEAD AND LIVE LOADS BY SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION WITH STRESS CONSTANTS FOR 100 CASES FOR THE USE OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND DRAFTSMEN BY F. R. JOHNSON, Assoc. M. INST. C.E. CIVIL ENGINEER I. GS-IRiDERS II. ROOF'S E. & F. N. SPON, 125 STRAND ^^to govfc: SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 12 CORTLANDT STREET 1894 PREFACE. To MOST practical engineers and draftsmen who have to design girders and roofs, with little time to spare for mathematical investigation and calculation, the majority of the text-books on this subject are too abstruse. In this work an attempt has been made to simplify the matter by giving -stress constants for both dead and live loads, which only require to be multiplied by the panel load to give the maximum stress in any member of a truss, under the conditions which will be found in the text. The Author does not wish to claim originality for the idea of calculating the stresses due to dead and live loads in the terms of a unit panel load, but he trusts it has been put into a practical shape, suitable alike to the wants of Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Architects and Draftsmen. No attempt has been made in any way to go beyond the subject, and the one hundred cases for which stress constants are given, will, it is hoped, be found suitable for every-day practice. F. K. J. BOMBAY: 189-1. NOTE. As in a work of this kind accuracy is the first consi- deration, no effort has been spared to avoid errors. The stress constants have been, as far as possible, determined in two or three different ways, and the results compared. The signs -f- and have also been very carefully checked, and the Author believes that those who do him the honour to use this little book will not find their confidence misplaced. It need hardly be remarked that, both in the case of the girder and roof trusses, the loads are supposed to rest only at the joints, through the agency of cross girders, purlins, &c., and that if any portion of the load is otherwise laid on, the transverse stress caused thereby must be allowed for. In conclusion, the Author hopes that these stress constants will lighten the labours of many who, like himself, are identified with the profession of engineering. CONTENTS. PAET LGIEDEES. PAGE INTRODUCTORY 1 STRESS CONSTANTS FOR DEAD AND LIVE LOADS 8 TRUSS DIAGRAMS Plates, 1-15. PAET II.EOOFS. INTRODUCTORY 139 STRESS CONSTANTS FOR DEAD AND LIVE LOADS 146 TRUSS DIAGRAMS, Plates 16-28. MEASURES BROS., L T SOUTHWAEK ST., LONDON, Telegrams: "Measures, London." Have in Stock 3000 English Made Rolled Angles, Tees, Chan- Tons of English and Steel Joists, Chan- We have supplied the work for numerous some of which National Safe Deposit Co.: Co.; Foster, Porter & Co. Telephone Tons of Foreign and Iron Joists, Plates, nels, &c. ; also 4000 Foreign Made Rolled nels, Tees, and Angles. Constructional Iron- Public Buildings, are given below: 'Times' Office; Cassell & Bank of Scotland; Fine Arts Gallery, Glasgow ; Messrs. Howells and Co.'s New Premises, Ludgate Hill, and many others all over the world. WE HAVE IN OUR LONDON WAREHOUSE A Large Stock of Cast Iron Columns, varying from 3" to 6" diameter, with Loose Caps; also of Bolts, Nuts, Coach Screws, Bolt Ends, Unmapped Nuts/ Washers, &c. ALL SECTIONS OF STEEL JOISTS KEPT IN STOCK, 1 50UTH1YARK STREET LONDON !> & T) STKESSES IN GIRDER AND ROOF TRUSSES BY SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. PART L-GIRDE INTRODUCTORY. S = Stress in. Unit Panel Load 1. ABBREVIATIONS. 4- = Compression. FIG. 1. Load Top Flange Load Bottom Flange Unit71?aael Load For Unit Panel Load see Fig. 1. 2. STRESS CONSTANTS FOR DEAD LOAD. These are the stresses in each member of the girder when each panel is covered with a unit load. Taking Truss Diagram No. 1 as an example with a load of 1 ton, 1 kilogramme, or any other unit distributed over each of the twelve panels on the bottom flange, the stress constants are the resulting stresses in terms of the load. 3. MAXIMUM STRESS CONSTANTS FOR LIVE LOAD. These are the maximum stresses in each member of the girder which could be caused by a unit load per 2 GIRDERS. panel advancing from the left abutment, and crossing the girder to the right abutment, or vice versa. Taking Truss Diagram No. 1 as an example with a load of 1 ton, 1 kilogramme, or any other unit per panel advancing from either abutment, and crossing the girder on the bottom flange, the stress constants are the resulting maximum stresses in terms of the load. 4. EEFERENCE NUMBERS. The numbers on the Truss Diagrams serve to indicate each member of a girder for which the stress constant is given. Taking Truss Diagram No. 1 as an example, under the head " Evenly distributed Dead Load, Stress Constants, Top Flange," will be found S. 1'3, and opposite, the stress constant -|- 5*50. This means that the stress in the member 1*3 of Truss Diagram No. 1, due to a dead load of unit panel intensity, is compression 5 50. 5. POSITION OF LOAD. It will be noticed that for each diagram the dead load is supposed to be concentrated wholly on one flange. As regards the parallel girders ; in cases where this would not be considered sufficiently accurate half the stresses can be calculated from the stress constants belonging to the truss diagram where the load is on the top flange, and the other half from the constants for the diagram where the load is on the bottom flange. 6. THE DYNAMIC METHOD FOR AUGMENTED STRESSES. The stress constants are equally applicable for cal- culating the augmented stresses resulting from the dynamic method for proportioning the members of a girder to resist suddenly applied loads. INTRODUCTORY. 7. THEORETICALLY IMPERFECT GIRDERS. It IB hardly necessary to observe that in the case theoretically imperfect girders, i. e. those having a redundance of parts (Truss Diagram No. 14 for in- stance), certain assumptions have been made as to the way the stresses will go, which of course it is practically difficult to make certain of, and in these cases the only thing to do is to see that the sectional area is sufficient for the worst combination. 8. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARABOLIC BOWSTRING GIRDER AND BRACED ARCH. It is well to state that an essential difference exists between a parabolic bowstring girder and a parabolic braced arch. In the former case the maximum stress in the bow results when the whole bridge is covered with the live load, but in the latter case it is not so. 9. CONCENTRATED AXLE LOADS AND EFFECTIVE LIVE LOAD. In English practice it is generally considered suf- ficient to use the " effective live load " when calculating the stresses in the flanges and bracing. By " effective live load " is meant the corresponding evenly distributed load, which causes an equivalent stress in the flanges at the centre, to that which results from the worst possible combination of concentrated axle loads. In cases where this is not considered sufficiently accurate, the method proposed by Mr. Claxton Fidler might be adopted, viz. to calculate the stresses for the B 2 4: GIRDEES. ordinary train load (using the stress constants in the following pages), and then work out the stresses caused by the excess engine load per foot, for one or two engine lengths, as may be decided on, and add the results to the former calculation. The excess load can also be taken as a uniform weight per foot, i. e. weight of engine divided by length over buffers minus train load per foot first taken. To calculate the exact stresses due to the separate axle loads would, except in the case of very small spans, be an unnecessary refinement, particularly when, as is usual now, some allowance is made for impact, which must necessarily be more or less approximate. It will therefore generally be quite sufficient for all practical purposes to use the " effective live load " in calculating the stresses, and as proposed by Mr. Claxton Fidler, to add the difference between the maximum and minimum stresses to the maximum stresses in. the bracing, and half the difference in the case of the flanges, afterwards using a factor of safety of 3 to 4. Vertical suspenders which carry the roadway, and other verticals which are supposed to distribute the load between the top and bottom flanges, must be made strong enough to bear any concentrated axle load which may come on them, and where the cross girders are spaced further apart than the engine wheels, this would be exceeded by a proportional part of one or more adjacent axle loads. End posts, when the load is on the top flange, would have this concentrated load to bear, in addition to any possible stress caused by the bracing, and, referring to paragraph 7, it is in all cases necessary to look practi- cally into these matters, when the quantity of metal in the various parts of the truss comes to be apportioned. INTRODUCTORY. 5 10. FULLY WORKED OUT EXAMPLE. As an example, the stresses will be calculated in detail for a single line through bridge consisting of two girders of the type shown in Truss Diagram No. 20. Span 60 feet. Dead load 5 ton per lineal foot, and effective live load 1 5 tons per lineal foot. The panels loads for one girder will therefore be 6 feet X 0-5 ton -7- 2 = 1J tons for dead load, and 6 feet x 1 ' 5 tons ~ 2 = 4J tons for live load. The stresses are as follows : f For Dead Load. Top flange : Tons S. 1-3 = stress constant 2 '00 x li tons panel load = + 3 -00 3-5 6-00 x li + 9-00 5-7 9-00 xli +13-50 7-9 11-00 xli +16-50 9-11 12-00 x li +18-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 = stress constant 2*50 X li tons panel load = 3; 75 4-6 6-50 x li - 9-75 6-8 9-50 x li -14-25 8-10 11-50 x li -17-25 10-12 12-50 xli -18-75 Diagonal bracing : S. 2'3 = stress constant 3*53 x li tons panel load = + 5*30 4-5 2-83 x li + 4-25 6-7 2-12 x li + 3-18 8-9 1-41 X li + 2-12 10-11 0-70 X li + 1-05 1-4 2-83 X li - 4-25 3-6 2-12 x li 5-8 1-41 x li - 2-12 7-10 0-70 xli - 1'05 9-12 O'OO x li - 0-00 End verticals : S. 1-2 = stress constant 2 '50 X li tons panel load = + 3 "75 6 GIRDERS. Far Live Load. Top flange : Tons S. 1 * 3 = stress constant 2 00 x 44 tons panel load = + 9 00 3-5 6-00x44 +27-00 5-7 9-00 x 44 +40-50 7-9 11-00 x 44 +49-50 9-11 12-00x44 +54-00 Bottom flange : S.2-4 = stress constant 2 -50 x 44 tons panel load = -11-25 4-6 6'50 x 44 -29-25 6'8 9 \50x44 -42-75 8-10 11-50x44 -51-75 10-12 12-50x44 -56-25 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 = stress constant 3*53 x 44 tons panel load = +15*89 2-3 O'OO x 44 - o-oo 4-5 2-83 x 44 + 12-74 4-5 0-00 X 44 - o-oo 6-7 2-26 x44 + 10-17 6-7 0-14 x44 - 0-63 8-9 1-69 x 44 + 7-60 8-9 0'28 x 44 - 1-26 10-11 1-27 x4 + 5-72 10-11 0-57 x 44 - 2-57 1-4 0-00 x 44 + o-oo 1-4 2-83 x44 -12-74 3-6 0-14 x 44 + 0-63 3-6 2-26 x44 -.10-17 5-8 0-28 x 44 + 1-26 5-8 1-69 x 44 - 7-60 7-10 0-57 x44 + 2-57 7-10 1-27 x 44 - 5-72 9-12 0*85 x 44 + 3-83 9-12 0-85 X44 - 3-83 End verticals : S. 1 2 = stress constant 2-50 x 44 tons pa ,nel load = +11-25 1-2 0-00 x 44 - o-oo INTRODUCTORY. Maximum Stresses for Combined Dead and Live Loads. Top flange: Tons Tons Total tons S. 1-3 = + 3-00 and + 9-00 = + 12-00 3-5 + 9-00 + 27-00 + 36-00 5-7 + 13-50 + 40-50 + 54-00 7-9 + 16-50 + 49-50 + 66-00 9-11 + 18-00 + 54-00 + 72-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 = - 3-75 and - 11-25 - 15-00 4-6 - 9-75 - 29-25 - 39-00 6-8 - 14-25 - 42-75 - 57-00 8-10 - 17-25 -51-75 - 69-00 10-12 - 18-75 - 56-25 - 75-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 = + 5-30 and + 15-89 + 21-19 2-3 + 5-30 - o-oo - o-oo 4-5 + 4-25 + 12-74 + 16-99 4-5 + 4-25 - o-oo - o-oo 6-7 + 3-18 + 10-17 + 13-35 6-7 + 3'18 - 0-63 - o-oo 8-9 + 2-12 + 7-60 + 9-72 8-9 + 2-12 - 1-26 - o-oo 10-11 + 1-05 + 5-72 + 6-77 10-11 + 1*05 - 2-57 - 1-52 1-4 - 4-25 + o-oo + 0.00 1-4 - 4-25 - 12-74 - 16-99 3'6 - 3-18 + 0-63 + o-oo 3-6 - 3-18 - 10-17 - 13-35 5-8 - 2-12 + 1-26 + o-oo 5-8 - 2-12 - 7-60 - 9-72 7-10 - 1-05 + 2-57 + 1-52 7-10 - 1-05 - 5-72 - 6-77 9-12 - o-oo + 3-83 + 3-83 9-12 - o-oo - 3-83 - 3-83 1-2 + 3-75 + 11-25 + 15-00 1*2 + 3-75 - o-oo - o-oo It will be noticed that the only web members which suffer counter strains in this case are 10-11 7'10 and 9 -12. STRESS CONSTANTS FOE DEAD AND LIVE LOADS OF UNIT PANEL INTENSITY. TBUSS DIAGRAM No. 1. LINVJLLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth -j^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5-50 S. 7-9 + 16-00 3-5 + 10-00 9-11 + lY-50 5-7 + 13-50 11-13 + 18-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-50 4-6 - 5-50 10-12 - 16-00 6-8 - 10-00 12-14 - 17-50 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 5-50 S. 9-10 + 1-50 3.4 + 4-50 11-12 + 0-50 5-6 + 3-50 13-14 -f 0-00 7-8 + 2-50 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 1. Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 7-75 S. 7-10 - 3-52 3-6 - 6-34 9-12 - 2-11 5-8 - 4-93 11-14 - 0-70 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 -f 5-50 S. 7-9 4- 16-00 3-5 + 10-00 9-11 4- 17-50 5-7 4- 13-50 11-13 4- 18-00 ' Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-50 4-6 - 5-50 10-12 - 16-00 6-8 - 10-00 12-14 - 17-50 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4- 5-500 S. 7-8 - 0-500 1-2 - 0-000 9-10 4- 2-333 3-4 4- 4-583 9-10 - 0-833 3-4 - 0-083 11-12 4- 1-750 5-6 -f 3-750 11-12 - 1-250 5-6 - 0-250 13-14 4- o-ooo 7-8 4- 3-000 13-14 - 0-000 Diagonal bracing : S.l-4 4- 0-000 S. 7-10 4- 0-705 1-4 - 7-755 7-10 - 4-230 3-6 4- 0-117 9-12 4- 1-174 3-6 - 6-462' 9-12 - 3-289 5-8 4- 0-352 11-14 4- 1-762 5-8 - 5-287 11-14 - 2-467 Note. The parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4-6, and 13-14 the same as 11-12. 10 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 2. TEUSS DIAGKAM No. 2. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T V of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 12. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45 . EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5*50 S. 7-9 + 16-00 3-5 4- 10-00 9-11 + 17-50 5-7 4- 13-50 11-13 + 18-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-50 4-6 - 5-50 10-12 - 16-00 6-8 - 10-00 12-14 - 17-50 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 6-00 S. 9-10 + 2-50 3-4 + 5-50 11-12 4- 1-50 5-6 4- 4-50 13-14 4- 1-00 7-8 4- 3-50 Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 7-75 S. 7-10 - 3-52 3-6 - 6-34 9-12 - 2-11 5-8 - 4-93 11-14 - 0-70 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 2. 11 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5-50 S. 7-9 + 16-00 3-5 + 10-00 9-11 + 17-50 5-7 -f 13-50 11-13 + 18-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-50 4-6 - 5-50 10-12 - 16-00 6-8 - 10-00 12-14 - 17-50 Vertical bracing : S. 1 2 + 6- 000 S. 7- 8 - 250 1 2 - o-ooo 9- 10 -f 3 000 3 4 f. 5- 500 9- 10 - 500 3 4 0- 000 11- 12 + 2 333 5 6 + 4- 583 11- 12 - 833 5 6 o- 083 lS- 14 + 1 000 7 8 4- 3- 750 13- 14 - 000 Diagonal bracing : S. 1-4 + o-ooo S. 7-10 + 0-705 1-4 - 7-755 7-10 - 4-230 3-6 + 0-117 9-12 + 1-174 3-6 - 6-462 9-12 - 3-289 5-8 + 0-352 11-14 + 1-762 5-8 - 5-287 11-14 - 2-467 Note. If this truss is supported at the points 2 -2, the parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4*6, but if supported at the points 1*1, the parts 1-2 and 2-4 are not necessary. 12 TEUSS DIAGKAM NO. 3. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 3. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth -J- of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 0-00 S. 7-9 4 13-50 3-5 + 5-50 9-11 4- 16-00 5-7 + 10-00 11-13 4 17-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5-50 S. 8-10 - 16-00 4-6 - 10-00 10-12 - 17-50 6-8 - 13-50 12-14 - 18-00 Vertical bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-2 - 0-00 S. 9-10 - 2-50 3-4 - 5-50 11-12 - 1-50 5-6 - 4-50 13-14 - 1-00 7-8 - 3>50 Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 7-75 S. 8-9 + 3-52 4-5 + 6-34 10-11 4 2-11 6-7 -f 4-93 12-13 + 0-70 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 3. 13 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM Top flange S. 1-3 - 3-5 - 5-7 - Bottom flange EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. o-oo 5-50 10-00 S. 2-4 - 5-50 4-6 - 10-00 6-8 - 13-50 S. 7-9 + 13- 9-11 + 16- 11-13 4- 17-50 S. 8-10 - 16-00 10-12 - 17-50 12-14 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 1-2 - 3-4 + 3-4 - 5-6 4- 5-6 - 7-8 + Diagonal bracing o-ooo S. 7-8 - 3-750 o-ooo 9-10 4- 0-500 o-ooo 9-10 - 3-000 5-500 11-12 4- 0-833 0-083 11-12 - 2-333 4-583 13-14 4- o-ooo 0-250 13-14 - 1-000 2-3 4- 7-755 2-3 - 0-000 4-5 4- 6-462 4-5 - 0-117 6-7 4- 5-287 6-7 - 0-352 S. 8-9 + 4-230 8-9 - 0-705 10-11 4- 3-289 10-11 - 1-174 12-13 -f 2-467 12-13 - 1-762 Note. The parts 1 2 and 1 3 are not necessary to stability. 14: TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 4. TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 4. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 0-00 S. 7-9 4- 13-50 3-5 4- 5-50 9-11 4- 16-00 5-7 + 10-00 11-13 4- 17-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5-50 S. 8-10 - 16-00 4-6 - 10-00 10-12 - 17-50 6-8 - 13-50 12-14 - 18-00 Vertical bracing all lies under dead load except 1 -2 : S. 1-2 + 0-50 S. 9-10 - 1-50 3-4 - 4-50 11-12 - 0-50 5-6 - 3-50 13-14 - 0-00 7-8 - 2-50 Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 7-75 S. 8-9 + 3-52 4-5 + 6-34 10-11 4- 2-11 6-7 4- 4-93 12-13 4 0-70 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 4. 15 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flai ^ re: VU S. 1 *3 4- 0- 00 S. 7 9 4- 13 50 3 5 4- 5- 50 9 11 + 16 00 5 7 4- ID- 00 11 13 4- 17 50 Bottom fl .ange : S. 2 4 - S' 50 S. 8 10 16 00 4 6 - 10- 00 10 12 _ 17 50 6 8 - IS- 50 12 14 - 18 00 Vertical bracing : / S. 1 2 4- C' 500 S. 7 8 _ 3 000 1 2 - 0- 000 9 10 + 0-833 3 4 4- o- 083 9 10 __ 2 333 3 4 - 4- 583 11 12 _l_ 1 250 5 6 4- 0- 250 11 12 1 750 5 6 - 3- 750 13 14 4- 000 7 8 + o- 500 13 14 _ 000 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 4- 7-755 S. 8-9 4- 4-230 2-3 - 0-000 8-9 - 0-705 4-5 4- 6-462 10-11 4- 3-289 4-5 - 0-117 10-11 - 1-174 6-7 4- 5-287 12-13 4- 2-467 6-7 - 0-352 12-13 - 1-762 Note. The parts 1 3 would practically be made of the same strength as 3-5, and 13-14 the same as 11 12. The parts 1-2 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. 16 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 5. TEUSS DIAGKAM No. 5. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T \ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 3-00 S. 7-9 + 15-00 3-5 + 8-00 9-11 + 17-00 5-7 + 12-00 11-13 + 18-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-50 S. 8-10 - 14-50 4-6 - 7-50 10-12 - 16-50 6-8 - 11-50 12-14 - 17-50 Diagonal bracing struts Tinder dead load : S. 2-3 -f 3-53 S. 8-9 + 1-41 4-5 + 2-83 10-11 + 0-70 6-7 4- 2-12 12-13 4 0-00 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 3-00 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 4-24 S. 7-10 - 2-12 3-6 - 3-53 9-12 - 1-41 5-8 - 2-83 11-14 - 0-70 VI I -* c ^ > PLATE 1 4 c: TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 5. 17 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. S. 7-9 + 15-00 9-11 + 17-00 11-13 + 18-00 Top flange : S. 1-3 + 3-00 3-5 + 8-00 5-7 + 12-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-50 4-6 - 7-50 6-8 - 11-50 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 3-525 2-3 - 0-000 4-5 + 2-945 4-5 - 0-115 6-7 + 2-349 6-7 - 0-234 8-9 + 1-879 8-9 - 0-469 10-11 + 1-414 10-11 - 0-707 12-13 + 1-057 12-13 - 1-057 End verticals : S. 1-2 ,. 1-2 242 0-000 3-525 0-115 2-945 0-234 2-349 0-469 1-879 0-707 1-414 + 3 - 00 00 18 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 6. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 6. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth ^ofthespan. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-50 S. 7-9 -f 14-50 3.5 4. 7.50 9-11 + 16-50 5-7 + 11-50 11-13 + 17-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 3-00 S. 8-10 - 15-00 4-6 - 8-00 10-12 - 17-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 18-00 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 4-24 S. 8-9 + 2-12 4-5 + 3-53 10-11 4- 1-41 6-7 4- 2-83 12-13 + 0-70 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 3-00 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S. 1.4 _ 3-53 S. 7-10 - 1-41 3-6 - 2-83 9-12 - 0-70 5-8 - 2-12 11-14 - 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 6. 19 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-50 S. 7-9 + 14-50 3-5 + 7-50 9-11 + 16-50 5-7 + 11-50 11-13 + 17-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 3-00 S. 8-10 - 15-00 4-6 - 8-00 10-12 - 17-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 18-00 Diagonal bracing : i. 2-3 + 4-242 S. 1-4 + 0-000 2-3 - 0-000 1-4 - 3-525 4-5 + 3-525 3-6 + 0-115 4-5 - o-ooo 3-6 - 2-945 6-7 + 2-945 5-8 + 0-234 6-7 - 0-115 5-8 - 2-349 8-9 + 2-349 7-10 + 0-469 8-9 - 0-234 7-10 - 1-879 10-11 + 1-879 9-12 -f 0-707 10-11 - 0-469 9-12 - 1-414 12-13 + 1-414 11-14 + 1-057 12-13 - 0-707 11-14 - 1-057 End verticals : S. 1-2 < + 3-000 1-2 .. - 0-000 c 2 20 TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 7. TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 7. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. ..12. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Verticals and crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-75 S. 7-9 -f 14-75 3-5 + 7-75 9-11 + 16-75 5-7 + 11-75 11-13 + 17-75 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-75 S. 8-10 - 14-75 4-6 - 7-75 10-12 - 16-75 6-8 - 11-75 12-14 - 17-75 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 3-88 S. 8-9 + 1-76 4-5 + 3-17 10-11 + 1-06 6-7 + 2-47 12-13 + 0-35 Diagonal bracing ties under dead lead : S. 1-4 - 3-88 S. 7-10 - 1-76 3-6 - 3-17 9-12 - 1-06 5-8 - 2-47 11-14 - 0-35 Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1-2 0-50 S. 1-2 4- 2-75 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 7. 21 Note. With load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1*2+ 0-50 S. 1-2 + 3-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-75 S. 7-9 + 14-75 3-5 + 7-75 9-11 + 16-75 5-7 + 11-75 11-13 + 17-75 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-75 S. 8-10 - 14-75 4-6 - 7-75 10-12 - 16-75 6-8 - 11-75 12-14 - 17-75 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 3-877 S. 1-4 + 0-000 2-3 - o-ooo 1-4 - 3-877 4-5 + 3-231 3-6 -f 0-059 4-5 - 0-059 3-6 - 3-231 6-7 4- 2-643 5-8 -f 0-176 6-7 - 0-176 5-8 - 2-643 8-9 + 2-115 7-10 4- 0-352 8-9 - 0-352 7-10 - 2-115 10-11 + 1-644 9-12 4- 0-586 10-11 - 0-586 9-12 - 1-644 12-13 + 1-233 11-14 4- 0-881 12-13 - 0-881 11-14 - 1-233 22 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 8. Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1*2 0-50 S. 1-2 + 2-75 Note. With load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1*2 -f 0*50 S. 1-2 + 3-00 Note. The verticals are only supposed to distribute the load between the flanges. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 8. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth .Jj. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 11. 8. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange: Stress Constants. S. 1-3 + 5*00 S. 7-9 + 14-00 3-5 + 9-00 9-11 4- 15-00 5-7 4- 12-00 11-11 + 15-00 Bottom flange : g. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 5-00 10-12 - 14-00 6-8 - 9-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 4- 5-00 3-4 -f 4-00 5-6 4- 3-00 7-8 4- 2-00 9-10 4- I'OO 11-12 (vertical) ,. .. + 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 8. 23 Diagonal bracing all ties tinder dead load : S. 1-4 - 7-07 3-6 .. .. .. - 5-65 5-8 .. .. .. - 4-24 7-10 .. .. .. - 2-83 9-12 - 1-41 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. - 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5-00 S. 7-9 + 14-00 3-5 + 9-00 9-11 + 15-00 5-7 + 12-00 11-11 + 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 5-00 10-12 - 14-00 6-8 - 9-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 5-000 1-2 - 0-000 3-4 .. .. ... + 4-091 3-4 .. .. .. - 0-091 5-6 .. .. .:. + 3-273 5-6 .. ,,.. .. - 0-273 7-8 .. '-..' ; " ".i ' + 2-545 7-8 - 0-545 9-10 .. .. ,, + 1'910 9-10 .. .. .. - 0-910 11-12 (vertical) .. .. + 1'364 11 -12 (vertical) .. .. - 1-364 24 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 9. Diagonal bracing : S. 1-4 .. .. .. + 0-000 1-4 .. \. .. - 7-070 3-6 + 0-128 3-6 - 5-768 5-8 .. -....+ 0-384 5-8 .. .. .. - 4-614 7-10 + 0-762 7-10 .. .. .. - 3-588 9-12 + 1-283 9-12 - 2-693 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. + 1-923 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. - 1-923 Note. The parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4-6. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 9. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T V of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 11. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5-00 S. 7-9 + 14-00 3-5 + 9-00 9-11 + 15-00 5-7 + 12-00 11-11 -f 15-00 PLATE 2. C CO a) .5 -s o I TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 9. 25 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 5-00 10-12 - 14-00 6-8 - 9-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 5-50 3-4 + 5-00 5-6 + 4-00 7-8 .. ..' .. + 3-00 9-10 + 2-00 11-12 (vertical) .. .. +1-00 Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 .. .. .. - 7-07 3-6 - 5-65 5-8 ,. .... - 4-24 7-10 .. .. - 2-83 9-12 - 1-41 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. - 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 5-00 S. 7-9 -f 14-00 3-5 + 9-00 9-11 + 15-00 5-7 4- 12-00 11-11 + 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00- S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 5-00 10-12 - 14-00 6-8 - 9-00 12-12 - 15-00 26 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 9. Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4 5-500 1-2 - 0-000 3-4 4- 5-000 3-4 - 0-000 5-6 -f 4-091 5-6 - 0-091 7-8 4 3-273 7-8 - 0-273 9-10 4 2-545 9-10 - 0-545 11-12 (vertical) .. .. + 1-910 11-12 (vertical) .. .. - 0-910 Diagonal bracing : S. 1-4 -j- 0-000 1-4 - 7-070 3-6 + 0-128 3-6 - 5-768 5-8 .. .. .. + 0-384 5-8 - 4-614 7-10 4 0-762 7-10 - 3-588 9-12 + 1-283 9-12 .. .. - 2-693 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. 4 1*923 11-12 (diagonal) .. .. - 1-923 Note. If the truss is supported at the points 2 2 the parts 2-4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4- 6 ; but if supported at the points 1 * 1 the parts 1 2 and 2 4 are not necessary. TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 10. 27 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 10. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. ' 1. Depth ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 11. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 S. 7-9 + 12-00 3-5 + 5-00 9-11 + 14-00 5-7 -f 9-00 11-11 4- 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5-00 S. 8-10 - 14-00 4-6 - 9-00 10-12 - 15-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-2 - 0-00 3-4 - 5-00 5-6 - 4-00 7-8 - 3-00 9-10 - 2-00 11 -12 (vertical) .. .. - I'OO Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 .. .. : 4- 7-07 4-5 .. - .... 4- 5-65 6-7 .. .. ,. - 4- 4-24 8-9 . "' 4- 2-83 10-11 .. .. - .. + I* 41 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. - + 0-00 28 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 10. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 3-5 + 5-00 5-7 + 9-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5*00 4-6 - 9-00 6-8 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 11 -12 (vertical) 11-12 (vertical) Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 2-3 4-5 4-5 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 S. 7-9 + 12-00 9-11 4- 14-00 11-11 4- 15-00 S. 8-10 - 14-00 10-12 - 15-00 12-12 - 15-00 4- 0-000 - o-ooo 4- 0-000 - 5-000 4- 0-091 - 4 091 0-273 3-273 0-545 2-545 + 0-910 - 1-910 7-070 0-000 5-768 0-128 4-614 0-384 3-588 762 - TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 11. 29 Diagonal bracing continued. 10-11 .. .. .. 4. 2-693 10-11 .. ;. - 1-283 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. -f 1-921 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. 1-921 Note. The parts 1 2 and 1-3 are not necessary to stability. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 11. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth JL of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 11. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined angle 45 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 S. 7-9 + 12-00 3-5 4- 5-00 9-11 + 14-00 5-7 + 9-00 11-11 -f 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5-00 S. 8-10 - 14-00 4-6 - 9-00 10-12 - 15-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing all ties under dead load except 1 2 S. 1-2 .. .. .. . + 0-50 3-4 .. .. - 4-00 5-6 .. ,. .. - 3-00 7-8 ... .. 2-00 9-10 .. .-, .. - 1-00 11-12 (vertical) .. . - 0-00 30 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 11. Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 7-07 4-5 .. .. .. + 5-65 6-7 + 4-24 8-9 -f 2-83 10-11 . .. .. + 1-41 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. + 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 S. 7-9 + 12-00 3-5 + 5-00 9-11 -f- 14-00 5-7 + 9-00 11-11 + 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 5-00 S. 8-10 - 14-00 4-6 - 9-00 10-12 - 15-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-12 - 15-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 0-500 1-2 - 0-000 3-4 + 0-091 3-4 - 4-091 5-6 + 0-273 5-6 - 3-273 7-8 + 0-545 7-8 - 2-545 9-10 + 0-910 9-10 - 1-910 11-12 (vertical) .. .. + 1-364 11-12 (vertical) .. .. - 1-364 TKUSS DIAGEAM NO. 12. 31 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 ., ':, .. + 7-070 2-3 ;.'-. .. .. - 0-000 4-5 -.... .. .. + 5-768 4-5 - 0-128 6-7 v. .. + 4-614 6-7 '^-, .. .. - 0-384 8-9 -f 3-588 8-9 - 0-762 10-11 + 2-693 10-11 - 1-283 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. + 1-921 12-11 (diagonal) .. .. - 1-921 Note. The parts 1 3 would practically be made of the same strength as 3-5, and the parts 1-2 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 12. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth JL. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 11. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Crossed diagonals, angle 45 C EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange : Siress Constants. S. 1-3 + 2-75 S. 7-9 + 13-25 3-5 + 7-25 9-11 + 14*75 5-7 + 10-75 11-11 + 15-25 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-25 S. 8-10 - 12-75 4-6 - 6-75 10-12 - 14-25 6-8 - 10-25 12-12 - 14-75 32 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 12. Diagonal bracing struts under dead load except 12-11 S. 2-3 4- 3-20 S. 8-9 4- 1-02 4-5 4- 2-43 , 10-11 4- 0-38 6-7 4- 1'79 12-11 - 0-38 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 3-84 S. 7-10 - 1-79 3-6 - 3-20 9-12 - 1-02 5-8 - 2-43 11-12 - 0-38 End verticals : S.1'2 .. .. .. + 2-75 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 2-75 S. 7-9 + 13-25 3-5 4- 7-25 9-11 4- 14-75 5-7 + 10-75 11-11 4- 15-25 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-25 S. 8-10 - 12-75 4-6 - 6-75 10-12 - 14-25 6-8 - 10-25 12-12 - 14-75 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 2-3 4-5 4-5 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 - 0-ol2 7-10 - 2-051 3-204 S. 1-4 + 0-000 o-ooo 1-4 - 3-845 2-563 3-6 4- o-ooo 0-128 3-6 - 3-204 2-051 5-8 4- 0-128 0-255 5-8 - 2-563 1-538 7-10 4- 0-255 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 13. 33 Diagonal bracing continued. 10-11 + 1*153 10-11 - 0-768 12-11 + 0-768 12-11 - 1-153 End verticals : S. 1-2 f! 9-12 9-12 11-12 11-12 0-512 1-538 0-768 1-153 4- 2-75 TKUSS DIAGEAM No." 13. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels . . 3. Method of loading . . 4. Description of bracing -- of the span. 11. On top flange. Crossed diagonals, angle 45 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-25 S. 7-9 + 12-75 3-5 + 6-75 9-11 + 14-25 5-7 + 10-25 11-11 + 14*75 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-75 S. 8-10 - 13-25 4-6 - 7-25 10-12 - 14-75 6-8 - 10-75 12-12 - 15-25 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 3-84 S. 8-9 + 1-79 4-5 + 3-20 10-11 + 1-02 6-7 -f 2-43 12-11 4- 0-38 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 2-75 D 34 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 13. Diagonal bracing ties under dead load, except 11 12 S. 1-4 - 3-20 S. 7-10 - 1-02 3-6 - 2-43 9-12 - 0-38 5-8 - 1-79 11-12 4- 0-38 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-25 S. 7-9 + 12-75 3-5 4- 6-75 9-11 4- 14-25 5-7 -f 10-25 11-11 4- 14-75 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-75 8-10 - 13-25 4-6 - 7-25 10-12 - 14-75 6-8 - 10-75 12-12 - 15-25 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 4- 3-845 S. 1-4 4- 0-000 2 3 _ 000 1- 4 3- 204 4 5 4- 3 204 3- 6 4- o- 128 4 5 000 3- 6 2- 563 6 7 4- 2 563 5- 8 + o- 255 6 7 128 5- 8 2- 051 3 9 4- 2 051 7- 10 4- o- 512 8 9 255 7- 10 1- 538 10 11 4- 1 538 9- 12 4- o- 768 10 11 __ 512 9- 12 1- 153 12-11 + 1-153 11-12 4- 1-153 12-11 - 0-768 11-12 - 0-768 End verticals : S. 1-2 4- 2-75 I ao t> 00 t- TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 14. 35 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 14. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels .. 3. Method of loading .. 4. Description of bracing ^ of the span. If. On bottom flange. Verticals and crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 2-50 3-5 4- 7-00 5-7 4- 10-50 Bottom flang ;e: S. 2-4 - 2-50 4-6 - 7-00 6-8 - 10-50 S. 7-9 -f 13-00 9-11 + 14-50 11-11 4- 16-00 8-10 - 13-00 10-12 - 14-50 12-12 - 15-00 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 4- 3-52 S. 8-9 + 1-41 4-5 4- 2-82 10-11 4- 0-70 6-7 4- 2-11 12-11 4- 0-00 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 3-52 S. 7-10 - 3-6 - 2-82 9-12 - 5-8 - 2-11 11-12 - 1-41 0-70 0-00 D 2 36 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 14. Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1 2 0-50 S. 1-2 + 2-50 Note. With load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1 2 + 0-50 S. 1-2 .. .'. .. + 2-75 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Tor> flange Maximum Stress Constants. i. O * S. 1-3 4- 2-50 S. 7-9 + 13-00 3-5 + 7'00 9-11 + 14-50 5-7 + 10-50 11-11 + 15-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-50 S. 8-10 - 13-00 4-6 - 7-00 10-12 - 14-50 6-8 - 10-50 12-12 - 15-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 3-525 S. 1-4 + o-ooo 2-3 - o-ooo 1-4 - 3-525 4-5 + 2-883 3-6 + 0-063 4-5 - 0-063 3-6 - 2-883 6-7 + 2-306 5-8 + 0-186 6-7 - 0-186 5-8 - 2-306 8-9 + 1-793 7-10 -f 0-375 8-9 - 0-375 7-10 - 1*793 10-11 + 1-346 9-12 + 0-641 10-11 - 0-641 9-12 - 1-346 12-11 + 0-961 11-12 + 0-961 12-11 - 0-961 11-12 - 0-961 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 15. 37 Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1*2 50 S. 1-2 + 2-50 Note. With load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1*2+ 50 S. 1-2 + 2-75 Note. The verticals are only supposed to distribute the load between the flanges. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 15. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth -J- of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 10. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Verticals and diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4-50 S. 7-9 + 12-00 3-5 -j- 8-00 9-11 + 12*50 5-7 + 10-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 10-50 4-6 - 4-50. 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 8-00 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 4-50 S. 7-8 + 1-50 3.4 4. 3-50 9-10 + 0-50 5-6 + 2-50 11-12 + 0-00 38 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 15. Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 6-34 S. 7-10 - 2-11 3-6 - 4-93 9-12 - 0-70 5-8 - 3-52 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LlVE LOAD ADVANCING FEOM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4-50 S. 7-9 + 12-00 3-5 + 8-00 9-11 + 12-50 5-7 + 10-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 10-50 4-6 - 4-50 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 4-50 S. 7-8 -f 2-10 1-2 - 0-00 7-8 - 0-60 3.4 4. 3-60 9-10 + 1-50 3.4 _ 0-10 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 + 2-80 11-12 + 0-00 5-6 - 0-30 11-12 - 0-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 1-4 + 0-00 S. 5-8 - 3-94 1-4 _ 6-34 7-10 + 0-84 3-6 + 0-14 7-10 - 2-95 3-6 - 5-07 9-12 + 1-41 5-8 4- 0-42 9-12 - 2-11 e. The parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 46 and 11-12 the same as 9-10. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 16. 39 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 16. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels . . 3. Method of loading .. 4. Description of bracing -j- 1 ^ of the span. 10. On top flange. Verticals and diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 3-5 5-7 + 4-50 -f 8-00 + 10-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 4-6 - 4-50 6-8 - 8-00 S. 7-9 + 12-00 9-11 + 12-50 S. 8-10 - 10-50 10-12 - 12-00 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 5-00 S. 7-8 + 2-50 3.4 4. 4-50 9-10 + 1-50 5-6 -f 3-50 11-12 + 1-00 Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : g. 1-4 _ 6-34 S. 7-10 - 2-11 3-6 - 4-93 9-12 - 0-70 5-8 - 3-52 40 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 16. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM" EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. S. 7-9 + 12-00 9-11 4- 12-50 S. 8-10 - 10-50 10-12 - 12-00 7-8 4- 2-80 7-8 - 0-30 9-10 4- 2-10 9-10 - 0-60 11-12 4- 1-00 5-6 - 0-10 11-12 - 0-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 1'4 4- 0-00 S. 5-8 - 3-94 1-4 - 6-34 7-10 4- 0-85 3-6 4- 0-14 7-10 - 2-96 3-6 - 5-07 9-12 4- 1-41 5-8 4- 0-42 9-12 - 2-11 Note. If the truss is supported at the points 2-2 the parts 2*4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4*6, but if supported at the points 1*1 the parts 1 2 and 2 4 are not necessary. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4-50 3-5 4- 8-00 5-7 4- 10-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - o-oo 4-6 - 4-50 6-8 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S.l-2 4- 5-00 1-2 - 0-00 3-4 + 4-50 3-4 - o-oo 5-6 4- 3-60 TRUSS D1AGEAM NO. 17. TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 17. LINVILLE. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels . . 3. Method of loading . . 4. Description of bracing CONDITIONS. j 1 ^ of the span. .. 10. On bottom flange. Verticals and diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flai age: ft 1-3 + 3-5 + 5-7 + 0-00 4-50 8-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-6 - 6-8 - 4-50 8-00 10-50 S. 7-9 9-11 + 10-50 + 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-50 Vertical bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-2 - 0-00 S. 7-8 - 2-50 3.4 _ 4.50 9-10 - 1-50 5-6 - 3-50 11-12 - 1-00 Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 6-34 S. 8-9 + 2-11 4-5 + 4-93 10-11 -f 0-70 6-7 + 3-52 42 TKUSS DIAGBAM NO. 17. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 ^ - 0-00 S. 7-9 + 10-50 3-5 H - 4-50 9-11 + 12-00 5-7 H - 8-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-50 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 8-00 10-12 - 12-50 6-8 - 10-50 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 0-00 S. 7-8 + 0-30 1-2 - 0-00 7-8 - 2-80 3-4 + 0-00 9-10 + 0-60 3-4 - 4-50 9-10 - 2-10 5-6 + 0-10 11-12 + 0-00 5-6 - 3-60 11-12 - 1-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 6-34 2-3 - 0-00 4-5 + 5-07 4-5 - 0-14 6-7 + 3-94 S. 6-7 - 0-42 8-9 + 2-95 8-9 - 0-84 10-11 + 2-11 10-11 - 1-41 Note. The parts 1 2 and 1 3 are not necessary to alrili te- stability. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 18. 43 TBUSS DIAGKAM No. 18. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth .ji. of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 10. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Verticals and diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1'3 4- 0-00 S. 7-9 4- 10-50 3-5 4- 4-50 9-11 4- 12-00 5-7 + 8-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-50 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 8-00 10-12 - 12-50 6-8 - 10-50 Vertical bracing all ties under dead load except 1 2 : S. 1-2 + 0-50 S. 7-8 - 1-50 3-4 - 3-50 9-10 - 0-50 5-6 - 2-50 11-12 - 0-00 Diagonal bracing all struts under dead load : S. 2-3 4- 6-34 S. 8-9 4- 2-11 4-5 4- 4-93 10-11 4- 0-70 6-7 4- 3-52 44 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 18. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 0-00 S. 7*9 + 10-50 3-5 4- 4-50 9-11 4- 12-00 5-7 -t- 8-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-50 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 8-00 10-12 - 12-50 6-8 - 10-50 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4- 0-500 S. 7-8 4 0-600 1-2 - 0-000 7-8 - 2-100 3-4 -f 0-100 9-10 4- 1-000 3.4 _ 3-600 9-10 - 1-500 5-6 + 0-300 11-12 + 0-000 5-6 - 2-800 11-12 - 0-000 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 6-340 S. 6-7 - 0-420 2-3 - 0-000 8-9 + 2-950 4-5 4- 5-070 8-9 - 0-840 4-5 - 0-140 10-11 + 2-110 6-7 + 3-940 10-11 - 1-410 Note. The parts 1 3 would practically be made of the same strength as 3 5, and 11-12 the same as 9 10. The parts 1 * 2 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 19. 45 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 19. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T L of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 10. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 -{ - 2-50 S. 7-9 - h 11*50 3-5 H - 6-50 9-11 i h 12-50 5-7 H - 9-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-00 S. 8-10 - 11-00 4-6 - 6-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 9-00 Diagonal bracing all struts tinder dead load : S. 2-3 + 2-83 S. 8-9 + 0-70 4-5 + 2-12 10-11 + 0-00 6-7 + 1-41 Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 3-53 S. 7-10 - 1-41 3-6 - 2-83 9-12 - 0-70 5-8 - 2-12 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 2-50 46 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 19. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-50 S. 7-9 + 11-50 3-5 + 6-50 9-11 + 12-50 5-7 + 9-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-00 S. 8-10 - 11-00 4-6 - 6-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 9-00 Diagonal bracing : S. 2'3 + 2-830 S. 1-4 4- o-ooo 2-3 - o-ooo 1-4 - 3-530 4-5 4- 2-260 3-6 4- 0-000 4-5 - 0-140 3-6 - 2-830 6-7 + 1-690 5-8 4- 0-140 6-7 - 0-280 5-8 - 2-260 8-9 + 1-270 7-10 4- 0-280 8-9 - 0-570 7-10 - 1-690 10-11 + 0-840 9-12 + 0-570 10-11 - 0-840 9-12 - 1-270 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 2-500 1-2 - 0-000 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 20. 47 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 20. LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth y 1 ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 10. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Crossed diagonals, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 3-5 + 5-7 + Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-6 - 6-8 - Stress Constants. 2-00 6-00 9-00 2-50 6-50 9-50 S. 7-9 + 11-00 9-11 -f 12-00 S. 8-10 - 11-50 10-12 - 12-50 Diagonal bracing all struts tinder dead load : S. 2-3 + 3-53 . S. 8-9 + 1-41 4-5 + 2-83 10-11 + 0-70 6-7 + 2-12 Diagonal bracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 2-83 S. 7-10 - 0-70 3-6 - 2-12 9-12 - 0-00 5-8 - 1-41 End verticals : S. 1-2 -f 2-50 48 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 20. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S.1'3 + 2-00 3-5 -f 6-00 5-7 + 9-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-50 4-6 - 6-50 6-8 - 9-50 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 3-53 2-3 - o-oo 4-5 + 2-83 4-5 - o-oo 6-7 + 2-26. 6-7 - 0-14 8-9 + 1-69 8-9 - 0-28 10-11 + 1-27 10-11 - 0-57 End verticals : S. 1-2 , , 1-2 .. S. 7-9 9-11 + 11-00 + 12-00 S. 8-10 - 11-50 10-12 - 12-50 S. 1-4 + o-oo 1-4 - 2-83 3-6 + 0-14 3-6 - 2-26 5-8 + 0-28 5-8 - 1-69 7-10 -f 0-57 7-10 - 1-27 9-12 + 0-85 9-12 - 0-85 + 2-50 _ 0-00 a a a PLATE 5 A TKUSS DIAGEAM NO. 21. 49 TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 21. LATTICE. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels .. 3. Method of loading 4. Description of bracing CONDITIONS. . . ^ of the span. .. 10. On bottom flange. Verticals and crossed diagonals angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-25 3-5 + 6-25 5-7 + 9-25 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-25 4-6 - 6-25 6-8 - 9-25 Stress Constants. S. 7-9 9-11 + 11-25 12-25 S. 8-10 - 11-25 10-12 - 12-25 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 3-17 S. 8-9 + 1-06 4-5 -f 2-47 10-11 + 0-35 6-7 - 1-76 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 3-17 S. 7-10 - 3-6 - 2-47 9-12 - 5-8 - 1-76 1-06 0-35 50 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 21. Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1*2 50 S. 1-2 .. .. .. + 2-25 Note. With load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1-2 + 50 S. 1-2 + 2-50 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-25 S. 7-9 + 11-25 3-5 -f 6-25 9-11 + 12-25 5-7 -f 9-25 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-25 S. 8-10 - 11-25 4-6 - 6-25 10-12 - 12-25 6-8 - 9-25 Diagonal bracing : S. 2-3 + 3-17 S. 1-4 + 0-00 2-3 - 0-00 1-4 - 3-17 4-5 + 2-54 3-6 + 0-07 4-5 - 0-07 3-6 - 2-54 6-7 + 1-97 5-8 + 0-21 6-7 - 0-21 5-8 - 1-97 8-9 + 1*48 7-10 -f 0-42 8-9 - 0-42 7-10 - 1-48 10-11 + 1-06 9-12 + 0-71 10-11 - 0-71 9-12 - 1-06 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 22. 51 Vertical bracing : S. on all the verticals except 1-2 0*50 S. 1-2 + 2-25 Note. With, load top flange all stresses the same except vertical bracing. Vertical bracing load on top flange : S. on all the verticals except 1*2 + 0-50 S. 1-2 4- 2-50 Note. The verticals are only supposed to distribute the load between the flanges. TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 22. MULTIPLE LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth .......... -^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 20. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Multiple lattice, 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange: uonstants. S. 1-3 + 2-50 S. 11-13 4- 20-00 3-5 4- 7-00 13-15 + 22-00 5-7 4- 11-00 15-17 4- 23-50 7-9 + 14-50 17-19 4- 24-50 9-11 + 17-50 19-21 4- 25-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-00 S. 12-14 - 19-50 4-6 - 6-50 14-16 - 21-50 6-8 - 10-50 16-18 - 23-00 8-10 - 14-00 18-20 - 24-00 10-12 - 17-00 20-22 - 24-50 E 2 52 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 22. Diagonal bracing struts under dead load except 20-19 S.A-3 + 3-18 S. 12-15 4 1-07 2-5 + 2-83 14-17 4- 0-71 4-7 + 2-48 16-19 4 0-35 6-9 -f 2-12 18-21 + o-oo 8-11 + 1-77 20-19 - 0-35 10-13 4- 1-41 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load : S.A-4 - 3-89 S. 11-16 - 1-77 1-6 - 3-53 13-18 - 1-41 3-8 - 3-18 15-20 - 1-07 5-10 - 2-83 17-22 - 0-71 7-12 - 2-48 19-20 - 0-35 9-14 - 2-12 End verticals : S. 1-A .. 4 2-5.0 A-2 .. + 7-50 Transverse stress at A inwards .. .. 0*50 Kemaining verticals : These are merely stiffeners. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 -f 2-50 S. 11-13 + 20-00 3-5 + 7-00 13-15 + 22-00 5-7 + 11-00 15-17 + 23-50 7-9 + 14-50 17-19 + 24-50 9-11 -f 17-50 19-21 + 25-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 22. 53 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-00 S. 12-14 - 19-50 4-6 - 6-50 14-16 - 21-50 6-8 - 10-50 16-18 - 23-00 8-10 - 14-00 18-20 - 24-00 10-12 - 17-00 20-22 - 24-50 Diagonal bracing : S.A-3 4- 3-18 A-4 4- o-oo A-3 - 0-00 A-4 - 3-89 2-5 4- 2-83 1-6 4- o-oo 2-5 - 0-00 1-6 - 3-53 4-7 4- 2-54 3-8 4- o-oo 4-7 - 0-06 3-8 - 3-18 6-9 4- 2-26 5-10 4- 0-00 6-9 - 0-14 5-10 - .2-83 8-11 4- 1-98 7-12 4- 0-06 8-11 - 0-21 7-12 - 2-54 10-13 4- 1-69 9-14 4- 0-14 10-13 - 0-28 9-14 - 2-26 12-15 -|- 1-48 11-16 4- 0-21 12-15 - 0-41 11-16 - 1-98 14-17 4- 1-27 13-18 4- 0-28 14-17 - 0-56 13-18 - 1-69 16-19 4- 1-05 15-20 4- 0-41 16-19 - 0-70 15-20 - 1-48 18-21 4- 0-85 17-22 4- 0-56 18-21 - 0-85 17-22 - 1-27 20-19 4- 0-71 19-20 4- 0-70 20-19 - 1-06 19-20 - 1-05 End verticals : S.l-A 4- 2-50 S.A-2 -f 7-50 1-A - 0-00 A-2 - 0-00 Transverse stress at A inwards .. 0-50 Remaining verticals : These are merely stiffeners. 54 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 23. TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 23. MULTIPLE LATTICE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth T Vof the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 20. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Multiple lattice, angle 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 2-00 S. 11-13 4 19-50 3-5 + 6-50 13-15 + 21-50 5-7 + 10-50 15-17 4- 23-00 7-9 4- 14-00 17-19 4- 24-00 9-11 4 17-00 19-21 4 24-50 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-50 S. 12-14 - 20-00 4-6 - 7-00 14-16 - 22-00 6-8 - 11-00 16-18 - 23-50 8-10 - 14-50 18-20 - 24-50 10-12 - 17-50 20-22 - 25-00 Diagonal bracing struts under dead load : S.A-3 4- 3-89 2-5 4- 3-53 4-7 4- 3-18 6-9 4 2-83 8-11 4- 2-48 10-13 4 2-12 S. 12-15 4 1*77 14-17 4 1-41 16-19 4 1-07 18-21 4 0-71 20-19 4 0-35 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO, 23. 55 Diagonal bracing ties under dead load except 19 20 : S. A-4 - 3-18 S. 11-16 - 1-07 1 6 - 2 83 13- 18 - 71 3 8 - 2 48 15- 20 - 35 5 10 - 2 12 17- 22 - 00 7 12 - 1 77 19- 20 4 35 9 14 - 1 41 End verticals : S.I A 4- 2 50 A-2 4. 7-50 Transverse stress at A outwards .. 0-50 Remaining verticals : These are merely stiffeners. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flat >g e: S. 1 3 4 2 00 S. ll- 13 4 19 50 3 5 4 6 50 lS- 15 4 21 50 5 7 4 10 50 15- 17 4 23 00 7 9 4 14 00 17- 19 4 24 00 9 11 4 17 00 19- 21 4 24 50 Bottom flange : S. 2 4 2 50 S. 12- 14 20 00 4 6 7 00 14; 16 22 00 6-8 - 11 00 16- 18 _ 23 50 8 10 _ 14 50 18- 20 _ 24 50 10 12 _ 17 50 20- 22 _ 25 00 56 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 23. Diagonal bracing : S. A-3 4- 3-89 S. A-4 + o-oo A-3 - o-oo A-4 - 3-18 2-5 4- 3-53 1-6 + o-oo 2-5 - 0-00 1-6 - 2-83 4-7 4- 3-18 3-8 + 0-06 4-7 - 0-00 3-8 - 2-54 6-9 4- 2-83 5-10 4- 0-14 6-9 - 0-00 5-10 - 2-26 8-11 4- 2-54 7-12 4- 0-21 8-11 - 0-06 7-12 - 1-98 10-13 4- 2-26 9-14 + 0-28 10-13 - 0-14 9-14 - 1-69 12-15 4- 1-98 11-16 4- 0-41 12-15 - 0-21 11-16 - 1-48 14-17 + 1-69 13-18 4- 0-56 14-17 - 0-28 13-18 - 1-27 16-19 -f 1-48 15-20 4- 0-71 16-19 - 0-41 15-20 - 1-06 18-21 4- 1-27 17-22 + 0-85 18-21 - 0-56 17*22 - 0-85 20-19 + 1-06 19-20 + 1-05 20-19 - 0-71 19-20 - 0-70 End verticals : S. 1-A + 2-50 S. A-2 + 7-50 1-A - 0-50 A-2 - 0-00 Transverse stress at A outwards .. 0*50 Remaining verticals' : These are merely stiffeners. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 24. 57 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 24. INVERTED LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. ! Depth _i_ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 5. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined, angle 63 26'. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4.000 8 '5 + 6-000 5'5 .. + 6-000 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 4.472 2'4 .. .. _ 4.000 4 *4 - 6-000 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 + 2-000 4'5 4. 1-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 - 2-236 5-4 .. .. _ 0-000 58 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 24. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4-000 3-5 + 6-000 5-5 -f 6-000 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 .. .. .. - 4-472 2-4 - 4-000 4-4 - 6-000 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 + 2-000 S. 4-5 -f 1-200 2-3 - 0-000 4-5 - 0-200 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-447 S. 5-4 + 1-341 3-4 - 2-683 5-4 - 1-341 Note. In this type of truss it is usual to make the diagonals capable of sustaining tension only, and in that case, with a moving load, another diagonal would be required in the centre panel to relieve 5 4 of com- pression and possibly other diagonals in the side panels ; but this would depend upon the relative values of the dead and live loads. If this truss is turned upside down the stresses re- main the same, but the signs -f- an( l are reversed. PLATE 6 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 25. 59 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. INVERTED LINVILLE. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels .. 3. Method of loading . . 4. Description of bracing CONDITIONS. . . _i_ of the span. .. 6. . . On top flange. . . Vertical, and inclined angle 59 2'. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 3-5 5-7 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 2-4 4-6 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 4-5 6-7 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 5-6 + 4-165 + 6:664 -r 7-500 - 4-857 - 4-165 - 6-664 + 2-500 + 1-500 + I'OOO - 2-914 - 0-971 60 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 25. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 .. .. .. + 4-165 3-5 + 6-664 5-7 -f- 7-500 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 4-857 2-4 - 4-165 4-6 - 6-664 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 -f 2-500 S. 4-5 - 0-166 2-3 - 0-000 6-7 + 1-000 4-5 + 1-666 6-7 - 0-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 -f 0-322 S. 5-6 + 0-971 3-4 - 3-237 5-6 - 1-943 Note. In this type of truss it is usual to make the diagonals capable of sustaining tension only, and in that case with a moving load cross diagonals would be required in some of the panels, depending upon the relative values of the dead and live loads. If this truss is turned upside down the stresses re- main the same, but the signs -}- and are reversed. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 26. 61 TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 26. WARREN. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth Span x 0-0866. 2. Number of panels .. .. 10. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Inclined, angle 30. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 f 5-19 S. 7-9 f 13-85 3-5 f 9-24 9-9 . f 14-43 5-7 f 12-12 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-60 S. 8-10 - 12-99 4-6 - 7-22 10-12 - 14-14 6-8 - 10-68 Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 5-19 S. 7-8 + 1-73 3-4 + 4-04 9-10 + 0-57 5-6 + 2-88 Inclined bracing ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 5-19 S. 7-10 - 1-73 3-6 - 4-04 9-12 - 0-57 5-8 - 2-88 62 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 26. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3. + 5-19 S. 7-9 + 13-85 3-5 + 9*24 9-9 -f 14-43 5-7 -f- 12-12 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-60 S. 8-10 - 12-99 4-6 - 7-22 10-12 - 14-14 6-8 - 10-68 Inclined bracing : S. 1-2 + 5-197 S. 1-4 + 0-000 1-2 - o-ooo 1-4 - 5-197 3-4 + 4-158 3-6 4- 0*115 3-4 - 0-115 3-6 - 4-158 5-6 + 3-234 5-8 + 0-346 5-6 - 0-346 5-8 - 3-234 7-8 + 2-425 7-10 + 0-693 7-8 - 0-693 7-10 - 2-425 9-10 + 1-732 9-12 + 1-155 9-10 - 1-155 9-12 - 1-732 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 27. 63 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 27. WARREN". CONDITIONS. 1. Depth Span x 0-0866. 2. Number of panels .. .. 10. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Inclined angle, 30. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange : Stre88 Constants. S. 1-3 4- 0-00 S. 7-9 -f 11-98 3-5 4- 5-05 9-11 -f 13-71 5-7 + 9-09 11-11 + 14-29 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-74 S. 8-10 - 13-13 4-6 - 7-35 10-12 - 14-29 6-8 - 10-82 Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 4- 5-46 S. 8-9 4 2-31 4-5 4- 4-62 10-11 4- 1-15 6-7 4- 3-46 Inclined bracing ties under dead load : S. 3-4 - 4-62 S. 9-10 - 1-15 5-6 - 3-46 11-12 - 0-00 7-8 - 2-31 End verticals : S. 1-2 .. .. 4. 0-25 TKUSS DIAGEAM NO. 27. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. S. 7-9 + 11-98 9-11 + 13-71 11-11 -f 14-29 S. 8-10 - 13-13 10-12 - 14-29 Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 3-5 + 5-05 5-7 + 9-09 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-74 4-6 - 7-35 6-8 - 10-82 Inclined bracing : S. 2-3 + 5-460 2-3 - 0-000 4-5 + 4-666 4-5 - 0-046 6-7 + 3-682 6-7 - 0-219 8-9 -f 2-818 8-9 - 0-508 10-11 + 2-067 10-11 - 0-912 End verticals : S. 1-2 1-2 3-4 + 0-046 3-4 - 4-666 5-6 -f 0-219 5-6 - 3-682 7-8 + 0-508 7-8 - 2-818 9-10 + 0-912 9-10 - 2-067 11-12 -f 1-432 11-12 - 1-432 + 0-25 - 0-00 Note. The parts 1 3 would practically be made of the same strength as 3-5, and the parts 1-2 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 28. 65 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 28. WARREN. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth .. .. .. .. Sp an x Q-0866. 2. Number of panels .. .. 10. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. i. Description of bracing .. Inclined angle 30, and verticals. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange: Stress Constants. S. 1-3 + 0-00 S. 7-9 + 12-04 3-5 + 5-12 9-11 + 13-77 5-7 + 9-16 ii-il + 14-35 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-67 S. 8-10 - 13-05 4-6 - 7-28 10-12 - 14-21 6-8 - 10-74 Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 5-34 S. 8-9 + 2-02 4-5 + 4-33 10-11 + 0-87 6-7 -f 3-17 Inclined bracing ties under dead load : S. 3-4 - 4-90 S. 9-10 - 1-44 5-6 - 3-75 11-12 - 0-29 7-8 - 2-60 66 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO, 28. End verticals : S. 1-2 0-000 Remaining verticals : S. - 0-50 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT* Maximum Stress Constants, S. 7-9 + 12-04 9-11 + 13-77 11-11 -f 14-35 S. 8-10 - 13-05 10-12 - 14-21 Top flange : S. 1-3 -f o-oo 3-5 + 5-12 5-7 + 9-16 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-67 4-6 - 7-28 6-8 - 10-74 Inclined bracing : S. 2-3 + 5-34 2-3 - o-oo 4-5 + 4-40 4-5 - 0-07 6-7 + 3-42 6-7 - 0-25 8-9 + 2-54 8-9 - 0-52 10-11 + 1-77 10-11 - 0-90 S. 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 11-12 11-12 0-02 4-92 0-15 3-90 0-37 2-97 0-70 2-14 1-12 1-41 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. '29. 67 End verticals : S. 1-2 0-000 1-2 - 0-000 Remaining verticals : S + 0-00 S - 0-50 Note. With load on top flange the verticals would occupy the position of the dotted lines. They are merely supposed to distribute the load between the flanges. With load on top flange the stresses in the verticals would be S. 1-2 = +0*125 and in remaining verticals S = + 0-50. With load bottom flange the parts 1 2 and 1 3 are not required. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 29. WARREN. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth Span x 0-1082. 2. Number of panels . . . . 8. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Inclined, angle 30. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants* Top flange : S. 1-3 + 4-04 S. 5-7 -f 8-66 3-5 + 6-93 7-7 + 9-24 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-02 S. 6-8 - 7-80 4-6 - 5-48 8-10 - 8-95 F 2 68 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 29. Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 4-04 S. 5-6 + 1-73 3-4 + 2-88 7-8 -f 0-57 Inclined bracing ties under live load : S. 1-4 - 4-04 S. 5-8 - 1-73 3-6 - 2-88 7-10 - 0-57 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1.3 + 4-04 S. 5-7 + 8-66 3-5 + 6-93 7-7 + 9-24 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-02 S. 6-8 - 7-80 4-6 - 5-48 8-10 - 8-95 Inclined bracing : S. 1-2 + 4-04 S. 1-4 + o-oo 1-2 - 0-00 1-4 - 4-04 3-4 + 3-02 3-6 + 0-14 3-4 - 0-14 3-6 - 3-02 5-6 -f 2-16 5-8 + 0-43 5-6 - 0-43 5-8 - 2-16 7-8 + 1-44 7-10 + 0-87 7-8 - 0-87 7-10 - 1-44 :- PLATE 7 I i TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 30. t>9 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 30. WARREN. CONDITIONS. I- Depth Span x 0-1082. 2. Number of panels . . . . 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Inclined augle 30. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + o-oo S. 7-9 + 8-52 3-5 + 3-89 9-9 + 9-09 5-7 + 6-78 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-16 S. 6-8 - 7-94 4-6 - 5-63 8-10 - 9-09 Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 4- 4-31 S. 6-7 + 2-31 4-5 4- 3-46 8-9 + 1-15 Inclined bracing ties under dead load : S. 3-4 - 3-46 S. 7-8 - 1-15 5-6 - 2-31 9-10 - 0-00 End verticals : S. 1-2 ., f . + 0-25 Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 3-5 + 3-89 5-7 -f 6-78 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-16 4-6 - 5-63 70 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 30. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. S. 7-9 + 8-52 9-9 + 9-09 S. 6-8 - 7-94 8-10 - 9-09 Inclined bracing : S. 2-3 + 4-31 S. 3-4 + 0-04 2-3 - 0-00 3-4 - 3-50 4-5 + 3-50 5-6 + 0-27 4-5 - 0-04 .5-6 - 2-58 6-7 + 2-58 7-8 + 0-63 6-7 - 0-27 7-8 - 1-78 8-9 + 1-78 9-10 + 1-14 8-9 - 0-63 9-10 - 1*14 End verticals : S. 1-2 + 0-25 1-2 - 0-00 Note. The parts 1 3 would practically be made of the same strength as 3 * 5 and the parts 1 2 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 31. 71 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 31. WARREN. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth Span x 0-1082. 2. Number of panels . . . . 8. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Inclined angle 30, and verticals. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 -f 0-00 S. 7-9 + 8-58 3-5 + 3-96 9-9 -f 9-16 5-7 -f 6-85 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-09 S. 6-8 - 7-86 4-6 - 5-55 8-10 - 9-01 Inclined bracing struts under dead load : S. 2-3 + 4-18 S. 6*7 -f 2-02 4-5 -f 3-17 8-9 + 0-87 Inclined bracing ties under dead load : S. 3-4 - 3-75 . S. 7-8 - 1-44 5-6 - 2-60 9*10 - 0-29 End verticals : S. 1-2 0-00 72 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 31. Remaining verticals : S. - 0-50 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 0-00 3-5 + 3-96 5-7 -f 6-85 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 2-09 4-6 - 5-55 Inclined bracing : S. 2-3 + 4-18 2-3 - 0-00 4-5 + 3-27 4-5 - 0-10 6-7 + 2-37 6-7 - 0-35 8-9 + 1-61 8-9 - 0-74 End verticals : S. 1-2 .. 1-2 tm S. 7-9 9-9 4- S. 3-4 -f 3-4 - 5-6 + 5-6 - 7-8 + 7-8 - 9-10 + 9-10 - 8-58 9-16 S. 6-8 - 7-86 8-10 - 9-01 0-02 3-77 0-20 2-80 0-53 1-97 1-00 1-29 4- 0-00 - 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 32. 73 Note. With load on top flange : Kemaining verticals : S. S. + o-oo - 0-50 Note. With load on top flange the verticals would occupy the position of the dotted lines. They are merely supposed to distribute the load between the flanges. With load on top flange the stresses in the verticals would be S. 1*2 = +0*125 and in remaining verticals S. + 0-50. With load bottom flange, the parts 1 2 and 1 3 are not required. TRUSS DIAGRAM LINVILLE. 1. Depth 2. Number of panels .. 3. Method of loading .. 4. Description of bracing CONDITIONS. . . T L of the span. 9. On bottom flange. Vertical and inclined, angle 55 18'. Top flange : S. 1-3 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. 5-77 3-5 + 10-11 5-7 + 13-00 S. 7-9 + 14-44 9-9 + 14-44 74 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 32. Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-00 4-6 - 5-77 10-10 - 14-44 6-8 - 10-11 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 4-00 3-4 +3 5-6 +2 7-8 + 1-00 9-10 (vertical) .. .. + 0*00 Inclined Lracing all ties under dead load : S. 1-4 - 7-03 3-6 - 5-27 5-8 - 3-51 7-10 - 1-76 9-10 (diagonal) .. .. -0-0^ EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1- 3 4- 5- 77 S. 7 9 + 14 44 3- 5 4. 10- 11 9 9 + H 44 5- 7 4- 13- 00 Bottom flange : g. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-00 4-6 - 5-77 10-10 - 14-44 6-8 - 10-11 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 32. 75 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 .; ,. .. + 4-000 1-2 - 0-000 3-4 + 3-111 3-4 - O'lll 5-6 1 -f 2-333 5-6 .. .. ,. - 0-333 7-8 .. .. .. + 1-666 7-8 ... - 0-666 9-10 (vertical) .. .. + 1-111 9-10 (vertical) .. ... - 1-111 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 + 0-000 1-4 - 7-028 3-6 4- 0-195 3-6 - 5-467 5-8 .. '.. .. + 0-579 5-8 - 4-093- 7-10 + ' 1'159 7-10 - 2-916 9-10 (diagonal) .. .. + 1'950 9 -10 (diagonal) .. .. - 1-950 Note. The parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4*6. 76 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 33. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 33. LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 9. 3. Method of loading . . . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined, angl< 55 18'. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Top flange : Sire88 Constants. S. 1-3 + 5-77 S. 7-9 + 14-44 3-5 + 10-11 9-9 + 14-44 5-7 + 13-00 Bottom flange : "S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 8-10 - 13-00 4-6 - 5-77 10-10 - 14-44 6-8 - 10-11 Vertical bracing all struts under dead load : S. 1-2 + 4-50 3-4 + 4-00 5-6 + 3-00 7-8 + 2-00 9-10 (vertical) .. .. +1-00 Inclined bracing all ties under dead load S. 1-4 - 7-03 3-6 - 5-27 5-8 - 3-51 7-10 - 1-76 9-10 (diagonal) .. .. - 0-00 a ; I PLATE 8. 8 I a I 05 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 33. 77 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. s. e 1 3 4- 5 77 S. 7- 9 4- 14 44 3 5 4- 10 11 9- 9 4- 14 44 5 7 4- 13 00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 4-6 - 5-77 b-8 - 10-11 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 7-8 7-8 9-10 (vertical) 9-10 (vertical) S. 8-10 - 13-00 10-10 - 14-44 4- 4-500 - 0-000 4- 4-000 - 0-000 4- 3-111 - 0-111 4- 2-333 - 0-333 666 666 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 4- 0-000 1-4 - 7 3-6 3-6 5-8 5-8 7-10 7-10 - 2-916 9-10 (diagonal) .. .. 4- 1-950 9 -10 (diagonal) .. .. - 1-950 Note. If this truss is supported at the points 2-2 the parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4 6, but if supported at the points 1 * 1 the parts 1 2 and 2 4 are not necessary. 028 0-195 5-467 0-579 4-093 1-159 78 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 34. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 34. GANTRY. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 3. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Desc'ript ion of bracing .. Vertical and inclined, angle 69 26'. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-666 3-3 .. ,. .. -h 2-666 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 2-847 2-2 - 2-666 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 ,. .... + 1*000 Inclined bracing : S. 2-3 0-000 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 2-666 3-3 .. .. + 2-666 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 35, 70 Bottom flange : S, 1-2 - 2-847 2-2 - 2-666 Vertical bracing : s. 2-3 .. .. :.... + i-ooo 2-3 .. .. .;. - 0-000 Inclined bra.cing : S. 2-3 -f- 0-949 2-3 - 0-949 Note. In this type of truss it is usual to make the diagonals capable of sustaining tension only, and in that case, with a moving load, a cross diagonal would be required. If this truss is turned upside-down the stresses ^emain the same, but the signs -f and are reversed. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 35. INVERTED LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. [1. Depth at centre .. .. % of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 5. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined, angle 58 C EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 3-200 3-5 .+ 4-800 6-5 .. .. -|- 4-800 80 TKUSS DIAGKAM NO. 35. Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 3-774 2-4 - 3-200 4-4 - 4-800 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 + 2-000 4-5 .. ..... + I'OOO Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-887 5-4 .. .. - o-OOO EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 .. .. I ;|| + 3-200 3'5 4. 4-800 5'5 .. ... + 4-800 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 3-774 2'4 - 3-200 4'4 - 4-800 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 + 2-000 S. 4-5 + 1-200 2-3 - 0-000 4-5 - 0-200 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 36. 81 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-377 S. 5-4 + 1-132 3-4 - 2-264 5-4 - 1-132 Note. In this type of truss it is usual to make the diagonal capable of sustaining tension only, and in that case with a moving load, cross diagonals would be required in some of the panels, depending upon the relative values of the dead and live loads. If this truss is turned upside down the stresses remain the same, but the signs -j- and are reversed. TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 36. INVERTED LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1 . Depth at centre . . . . of the span. 2. Number of panels . . 6. 3. Method of loading .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined, angle 53 8'. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 + 3-333 3-5 4- 5-333 , 5-7 4- 6-000 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 - 4-165 2-4 - 3-333 4-6 - 5-333 G 82 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 36. Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 '.. .. .. 4- 2-500 4-5 4- 1-500 6-7 .. .. .. 4- 1-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 - 2-500 5-6 - 0-833 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAT> ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 .. .. .. + 3-333 3-5 4- 5-333 5-7 4- 6-000 Bottom flange : S. 1-2 .. .. .. - 4-165 2-4 - 3-333 4-6 .. .. .. - 5-333 Vertical bracing : S. 2-3 4- 2-500 S. 4-5 - 0-166 2-3 - 0-000 6-7 4- 1-000 4-5 4- 1-666 6-7 - 0-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 4- 0-276 S. 5-6 4- 0-833 3.4 _ 2-775 5-6 - 1-666 Note. In this type of truss it is usual to make the diagonals capable of sustaining tension only, and in that case, with a moving load, cross diagonals would PLATE 9. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 37. 83 be required in some of the panels, depending upon the relative values of the dead and live loads. If this truss is turned upside down the stresses remain the same, but the signs -f- and are reversed. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 37. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined two ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 -f 8-73 S. 5-7 4- 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 + 8-02 Bottom flange: S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-OQ 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3/6 . . .. o-oo 5-8 .. .. .. o-oo 7-10 .. .. o-oo G 2 84 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 37. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Top flange : S. 2-3 3-5 Maximum Stress Constants. 4- 4- 8*73 8-38 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 S. 5-7 7-9 -f 4- 8-14 8-02 S. 6-8 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing S. 3-4 4- 3-4 - 5-6 4- 5*6 - 0-000 S. 7-8 4- 0-500 1-000 7-8 - 1-500 0-312 9-10 + 0-000 1-312 9-10 - 1-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 4- 1-084 3-6 - 1-084 5-8 + 1-250 S. 5-8 - 1-250 7-10 4- 1-368 7-10 - 1-368 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 38. 85 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 38. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. i of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined one way. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 -f 8-14 3-5 -f- 8*38 7-9 + 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 9-8 0-00 5-8 0-00 7-6 0-00 7-10 0-00 5-4 0-00 86 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 38. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. , Top flange : S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 + 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 + 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-000 S. 7-8 + 0-500 3-4 - 1-000 7-8 - 1-500 5-6 + 0-312 9-10 + 0-562 5-6 - 1-312 9-10 - 1-562 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 + 1-084 3-6 - 1-084 5-8 + 1-250 5-8 - 1-250 7-10 + 1-368 7-10 - 1-368 S. 9-8 -p 1-414. 9-8 - 1-414 7-6 + 1-368 7-6 - 1-368 5-4 + 1-250 5-4 - 1-250 TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 39. 87 TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 39. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 8. 3. Method of loading . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 -f 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 -f 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8:00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 39. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 H - 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 H - 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 4-6 - Vertical bracing S. 3-4 + 3-4 - 5-6 + 5-6 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-00 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 0-000 S. 7-8 + 0-500 1-000 7-8 - 1-000 0-312 9-10 + 0-562 1-000 9-10 - 1-000 Inclined bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-6 - 1-084 S. 4-5 - 1-250 5-8 - 1-250 6-7 - 1-368 7-10 - 1-368 8-9 - 1-414 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 40. 89 TBUSS DIAGBAM No. 40. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. A of the span. 2. Number of panels . . 8. 3. Method of loading . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing. Top flange : EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 + 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 + 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 6-8 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 90 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 40. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top 'flange : S. 2-3 + 8-73 S. 5-7 + 8-14 3-5 + 8-38 7-9 + 8-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 8-00 S. 4-8 - 8-00 4-6 - 8-00 8-10 - 8-00 Vertical bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-4 - 1-000 S. 7-8 - 1-500 5-6 - 1-312 9-10 - 1-562 Inclined bracing all struts with live load : S. 3-6 + 1-084 S. 4-5 + 1-250 5-8 + 1-250 6-7 + 1-368 7-10 + 1-368 8-9 + 1-414 PLATE 10 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 41. 91 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 41. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined two ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 + 12-26 3-5 -f- 12-82 9-11 + 12-10 5-7 + 12-50 11-13 + 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 9-12 0-00 5-8 0-00 11-14 0-00 7-10 0-00 92 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 41. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 + + + 13 12 12 20 82 50 S. 7 9 11 9 11 13 + + + 12 12 12 26 10 01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 4-6 6-8 - 12 12 12 00 00 00 S. 8 10 12 10 12 14 12 12 12 00 00 00 Vertical bracing: S.3'4 4- 0-000 S. 9-10+ 0-874 3-4 - 1-000 9-10 - 1-874 5-6 4- 0-371 11-12 4- 1-000 5-6 - 1-371 11-12 - 2-000 7-8 4- 0-666 13-14 4- 0-000 7-8 - 1-666 13-14 - 1-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 4- 1-102 S. 7-10 - 1-505 3-6 - 1-102 9-12 4- 1-666 5-8 4- 1-302 9-12 - 1-666 58- 1-302 11-14 4 1-768 7-10 4- 1-505 11-14 - 1-768 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 42. 93 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 42. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. i of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined one way, EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. m Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 + 12-26 3-5 4. 12*82 9-11 4- 12-10 5-7 4- 12-50 11-13 4- 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 13-12 o-oo 5-8 o-oo 11-10 o-oo 7-10 o-oo 9-8 o-oo 9-12 o-oo 7-6 o-oo 11-14 o-oo 5-4 o-oo 94 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 42. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 4- 12-26 3-5 + 12-82 9-11 + 12-10 5-7 + 12-50 11-13 4- 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-000 S. 9-10 4- 0-874 3-4 - 1-000 9-10 - 1-874 5-6 + 0-371 11-12 + 1-000 5-6 - 1-371 11-12 - 2-000 7-8 -f 0-666 13-14 + 1-042 7-8 - 1-666 13-14 - 2-042 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 + 1-102 S. 13-12 4- 1-803 3-6 - 1-102 13-12 - 1-803 5-8 + 1-302 11-10 4- 1-768 5-8 - 1-302 11-10 - 1-768 7-10 + 1*505 9-8 + 1-666 7-1.0 - 1-505 9-8 - 1-666 9-12 + 1-666 7-6 + 1-505 9-12 - 1-666 7-6 - 1-505 11-14 4- 1-768 5'4 + 1-302 11-14 - 1-768 5-4 - 1-302 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 43. 95 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 43. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. 'A of the span. 2. Number of panels . . 12. 3. Method of loading . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 -f 12-26 3-5 + 12-82 9-11 + 12-10 5-7 + 12-50 11-13 + 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 9-12 0-00 10-11 0-00 11-14 0-00 12-13 0-00 96 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 43. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 4- 13-20 S. 7-9 4- 12-26 3-5 4- 12-82 9-11 -f- 12-10 5-7 4- 12-50 11-13 4- 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 4- 0-000 S. 9-10-+ 0-874 3-4 - 1-000 9-10 - 1-000 5-6 + 0-371 11-12 4- 1-000 5-6 - 1-000 11-12 - 1-000 7-8 4-. 0-666 13-14 4- 1-042 7-8 -' 1-000 13-14 - 1-000 Inclined bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-6 - 1-102 S. 4-5 - 1-302 5-8 - 1-302 6-7 - 1-505 7-10 - 1-505 8-9 - 1-666 9-12 - 1-666 10-11 - 1-768 11-14 - 1-768 12-13 - 1-803 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 44. 97 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 44. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. A of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 12. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 + 12-26 3-5 + 12-82 9-11 + 12-10 5-7 + 12-50 11-13 + 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 S. 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 9-12 0-00 10-11 0-00 11-14 0-00 12-13 0-00 a 98 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 44. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-20 S. 7-9 + 12-26 3-5 4- 12-82 9-11 + 12-10 5-7 + 12-50 11-13 + 12-01 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-00 8-10 - 12-00 4-6 - 12-00 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 12-00 12-14 - 12-00 Vertical bracing all ties with live load : S, 3-4 - 1-000 S. 9-10 - 1-874 5-6 - 1-371 11-12 - 2-000 7-8 - 1-666 13-14 - 2-042 Inclined bracing all struts with live load : S. 3-6 + 1-102 S. 4-"5 -f- 1-302 5-8 -f 1-302 6-7 .+ 1-505 7-10 + 1-505 8-9 + 1*666 9-12 + 1-666 10-11 + 1-768 11-14 + 1-768 12-13 + 1*803 CO DS I TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 45. 99 TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 45. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span nearly. 2. Number of panels .. .. 13. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical, and inclined two ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : tjl/l OOO S. 2-3 + 14-31 S. 9-11 4- 13-16 3-5 + 13-92 11-13 4- 13-04 5-7 + 13-60 13-13 4- 13-08 7-9 -f 13-34 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 9-12 0-00 5-8 0-00 11-14 0-00 7-10 0-00 13-14 0-00 H 2 100 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 45. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 4- 14-31 S. 9-11 4- 13-16 3-5 4- 13-92 11-13 4- 13-04 5-7 4- 13-60 13-13 4- 13-08 7-9 4- 13-34 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 4- 0-000 S. 9-10 4- 0-922 3-4 - 1-000 9-10 - 1-922 5-6 4- 0-385 11-12 + 1-077 5-6 - 1-385 11-12 - 2-077 7-8 4- 0-692 13-14 4- 1-153 7-8 - 1-692 13-14 - 2-153 Inclined bracing : S. 3 6 4- 1 101 S. 9- 12 + l 708 3 6 1 101 9- 12 1 708 5 8 4- 1 309 11- 14 4- 1 835 5 8 _ 1 309 11- 14 1 835 7 10 4- 1 527 lS- 14 4- i 900 7 10 _ 1 527 13- 14 _ i 900 Note. The depth at the centre of the girder is not quite -|th of the span, owing to the top flange, 13*13, being straight instead of curved. This causes the horizontal stress to be 13-08 instead of 13-00. TEUSS DIAGEAM NO. 46. 101 TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 46. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span nearly. 2. Number of panels .. .. 13. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical, and inclined one way. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : s. 2- 3 4- 14 31 S. 9- 11 + 13- 16 3- 5 + 13 92 11- 13 + 13- 04 5: 7 + 13 60 13-13 + 13- 08 7- 9 + 13 34 Bottom flange : S. 2- 4 - 13 08 S. 10- 12 - 13- 08 4- 6 - 13 08 12- 14 - 13- 08 6- 8 - 13 08 14- 14 - 13- 08 8- 10 - 13 08 Vertical bracing : S. 3- 4 - 1 00 S. 9-10 - 1- 00 5- 6 - 1 00 ll- 12 - 1- 00 7- 8 - 1 00 lS- 14 - 1- 00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 o-oo S. 13-12 o-oo 5-8 o-oo 11-10 o-oo 7-10 o-oo 9-8 o-oo 9-12 o-oo 7-6 o-oo 11-14 o-oo 5-4 o-oo 13-14 o-oo 102 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 46. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 4- 14-31 S. 9-11 + 13-16 3-5 + 13-92 11-13 + 13-04 5-7 4- 13-60 13-13 + 13-08 7-9 + 13-34 Bottom flange : g. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-000 3.4 _ 1-000 5-6 4. 0-385 5-6 - 1-385 7-8 4- 0-692 7-8 - 1-692 S. 9-10 4- 0-922 9-10 - 1-922 11-12 4- 1-077 11-12 - 2-077 13-14 + 1-153 13-14 - 2-153 Inclined bracing S. 3-6 + 1-101 S. 9-12 - 708 3-6 - 1-101 11-14 4- 835 5-8 + 1-309 11-14 - 835 5-8 - 1-309 13-14 + 900 7-10 + 1-527 13-14 - 900 7-10 - 1-527 13-12 + 900 9-12 -f 1-708 13-12 - 1-900 TRUSS DIAQEAM NO. 47. 103 Inclined bracing continued. S. 11-10+ 1-835 S. 7-6 + 1-527 11-10 - 1-835 7-6 - 1-527 9-8 + 1-708 5-4 + 1-309 9-8 - 1-708 5-4 - 1-309 Note. The depth at the centre of the girder is not quite Jth of the span, owing to the top flange, 13-13, being straight instead of curved. This causes the horizontal stress to be 13-08 instead of 13-00. TRUSS DIAGKAM No. 47. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span nearly. 2. Number of panels .. .. 13. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 14-31 S. 9-11 + 13-16 3-5 + 13-92 11-13 + 13-04 5-7 + 13-60 13-13 + 13-08 7-9 + 13-34 104 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 47. Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 o-oo 7-10 0-00 8-9 o-oo 9-12 0-00 10-11 o-oo 11-14 0-00 12-13 o-oo 13-14 0-00 14-13 o-oo EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT, Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 14-31 S. 9-11 + 13-16 3-5 + 13-92 11-13 + 13-04 5-7 + 13-60 13-13 + 13-08 7-9 + 13-34 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 47. 105 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + o-ooo S. 9-10 + 0-922 3-4 - 1-000 9-10 - 1-000 5-6 + 0-385 11-12 + 1-077 5-6 - 1-000 11-12 - 1-000 7-8 + 0-692 13-14 + 1-153 7-8 - 1-000 13-14 - 1-000 Inclined bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-6 - 1-101 S. 4-5 - 1-309 5-8 - 1-309 6-7 - 1-527 7-10 - 1-527 8-9 - 1-708 9-12 - 1-708 10-11 - 1-835 11-14 - 1-835 12-13 - 1-900 13-14 - 1-900 14-13 - 1-900 Note. The depth at the centre of the girder is not quite ^th of the span, owing to the top flange, 13*13, being straight instead of curved. This causes the horizontal stress to be 13-08 instead of 13-00. 106 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 48. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 48. PAKABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span nearly. 2. Number of panels . . . . 13. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 14-31 S. 9-11 + 13-16 3-5 + 13-92 11-13 -f 13-04 5-7 + 13-60 13-13 + 13-08 7-9 + 13-34 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 S. 10-12 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 9-10 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 13-14 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 o-oo 5-8 0-00 6-7 o-oo 7-10 0-00 8-9 o-oo 9-12 0-00 10-11 o-oo 11-14 0-00 12-13 0-00 13-14 0-00 14-13 o-oo TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 48. 107 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange: S. 2-3 4- 14-31 3-5- -f 13-92 5-7 '+ 13-60 7-9 4. 13-34 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 13-08 4-6 - 13-08 6-8 - 13-08 8-10 - 13-08 S. 9-11 4- 1 11-13 4- 1 13-13 4- 13 S. 10-12 - 13-08 12-14 - 13-08 14-14 - 13-08 Vertical bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-4 - 1-000 S. 9-10 - 5-6 - 1-385 11-12 - 7-8 - 1-692 13-14 - Inclined bracing all struts with live load : S. 3-6 5-8 7-10 9-12 11-14 13-14 1-101 1-309 1-527 1-708 1-835 1-900 .4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-13 1-922 2-077 2-153 1-309 1-527 1-708 1-835 1-900 1-900 Note. The depth at the centre of the girder is not quite ^th of the span, owing to the top flange, 13*13, being straight instead of curved. This causes the horizontal, stress to be 13-08 instead of 13-00. 108 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 49. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 49. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. L Depth at centre .. .. i of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 13. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Inclined alternate ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-84 S. 9-11 + 13-32 3-5 + 14-46 11-13 -f 13-15 5-7 + 13-92 13-15.+ 13-09 7-9 + 13-57 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-50 S. 10-12 - 12-91 4-6 - 12-81 12-14 - 12-92 6-8 - 12-87 14-14 - 12-92 8-10 - 12-91 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 - 0-8819 S. 9-10 - 0-5160 4-5 - 0-7764 10-11 - 0-5448 5-6 - 0-5616 11-12 - 0-5216 6-7 - 0-6140 12-13 - 0-5294 7-8 - 0-5275 13-14 - 0-5175 8-9 - 0-5685 14-15 ,- 0-5234 PLATE 12. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 49. 109 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 13-84 S. 9-11 + 13-32 3-5 -f 14-46 11-13 + 13-15 5-7 + 13-92 13-15 + 13-09 7-9 -f 13-57 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 12-50 S. 10-12 - 12-91 4-6 - 12-81 12-14 - 12-92 6-8 - 12-87 14-14 - 12-92 8-10 - 12-91 Inclined bracing : S. 3-4 + o-oooo S. 9-10 + 1-1220 3-4 - 0-8819 9-10 - 1-6380 4-5 + 0-4026 10-11 + 1-2852 4-5 - 1-1790 10-11 - 1-8300 5-6 + 0-5340 11-12 + 1-3000 5-6 - 1-0956 11-12 - 1-8216 6-7 + 0-8140 12-13 + 1-4056 6-7 - 1-4280 12-13 - 1-9350 7-8 + 0-8640 13-14 + 1-4145 7-8 - 1-3915 13-14 - 1-9320 8-9 -f 1-0935 14-15 + 1-4448 8-9 - 1-6620 14-15 - 1-9782 110 TEUSS DIAGEAM NO. 50. TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 50. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. | of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 18. 3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical, and inclined two ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 19-90 S. 11-13 + 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 + 18-17 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 + 18-06 7-9 + 18-82 17-19 + 18-007 9-11 + 18-55 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 13-14 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 15-16 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 17-18 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 19-20 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 50. Ill Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 11-14 0-00 5-8 0-00 13-16 0-00 7-10 0-00 15-18 0-00 9-12 0-00 17-20 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 19-90 S. 11-13 + 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 4- 18-17 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 4- 18-06 7-9 + 18-82 17-19 4- 18-007 9-11 + 18-55 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing: S. 3-4 + 0-000 S. 11-12 - 2-332 3-4 - 1-000 13-14 4- 1-525 5-6 + 0-414 13-14 - 2-525 5-6 - 1-414 15-16 4- 1-668 7-8 + 0-770 15-16 - 2-668 7-8 - 1-770 17-18 4- 1-750 9-10 4- 1-085 17-18 - 2-750 9-10 - 2-085 19-20 4- 0-000 11-12 -f 1-332 19-20 - 1-000 112 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 51. Inclined bracing : S. 3 . 6 _|_ 1 106 S. 11 14 + 2 064 3 6 __ 1 106 11 14 - 2 064 5 8 + 1 338 13 16 + 2 237 5 8 1 338 13 16 - 2 237 7 10 + 1 601 15 18 + 2 360 7 10 1 601 15 18 - 2 360 9 12 -f 1 852 17 20 + 2 439 9 12 1 852 17 20 - 2 439 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 51. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. A of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 18. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical, and inclined one way. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 19'90 S. 11-13 + 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 + 18-17 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 + 18-06 7-9 + 18-82 17-19 + 18-007 9-11 + 18-55 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 51. 113 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : j^-^ S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 13-14 - 1 ' 00 f^K 5-6 - 1-00 15-16 - 1-00 WO N Inclined bracing : ^s S. 3-6 0-00 S. 19-18 o-oo 5-8 0-00 17-16 o-oo 7-10 0-00 15-14 o-oo 9-12 0-00 13-12 o-oo 11-14 0-00 11-10 o-oo 13-16 0-00 9-8 o-oo 15-18 0-00 7-6 o-oo 17-20 0-00 5-4 o-oo EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 4- 19-90 S. 11-13 4- 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 -f 18-17 - 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 4- 18-06 7-9 4- 18-82 17-19 + 18-007 9-11 4- 18-55 114 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 51. Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-000 S. 11-12- 2-332 3-4 - 1-000 13-14 4- 1-525 5-6 -f 0-414 13-14 - 2-525 5-6 - 1-414 15-16 4- 1-668 7-8 4- 0-770 15-16 - 2-668 7-8 - 1-770 17-18 4- 1-750 9-10 4- 1-085 17-18 - 2-750 9-10 - 2-085 19-20 -f 1-778 11-12 4- 1-332 19-20 - 2-778 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 4- 1-106 S. 19-18 + 2-463 3-6 - 1-106 19-18 - 2-463 5-8 4- 1-338 17-16 + 2-439 5-8 - 1-338 17-16 - 2-439 7-10 4- 1-601 15-14 + 2-360 7-10 - 1-601 15-14 - 2-360 9-12 4- 1-852 13-12 + 2-237 9-12 - 1-852 13-12 - 2-237 11-14 4- 2-064 11-10 4- 2-064 11-14 - 2-064 11-10 - 2-064 13-16 4- 2-237 9-8 + 1-852 13-16 - 2-237 9-8 - 1-852 15-18 4- 2-360 7-6 4- 1-601 ' 15-18 - 2-360 7-6 - 1-601 17-20 4- 2-439 5-4 4- 1-338 17-20 - 2-439 5-4 - 1-338 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 52. llfj TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 52. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. 1 . Depth at centre 2. Number of panels .. 3. Method of loading . . 4. Description of bracing CONDITIONS. i of the span. .. 18. On bottom flange. . . Vertical and inclined cross bracinj EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : iyrv*wv*wfvvw S. 2-3 4- 19-90 S. 11-13 4- 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 4- 18-17 5-7 -f- 19-15 15-17 + 18-06 7-9 4- 18-82 17-19 4- 18-007 9-11 4- 18-55 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 13-14 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 15-16 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 17-18 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 19-20 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 i 2 116 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 52. Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 o-oo 5-8 o-oo 6-7 0-00 7-10 o-oo 8-9 0-00 9-12 o-oo 10-11 o-oo 11-14 o-oo 12-13 o-oo 13-16 0-00 14-15 o-oo 15-18 o-oo 16-17 o-oo 17-20 0-00 18-19 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 19'90 3-5 + 19-50 5-7 + 19-15 7-9 + 18-82 9-11 + 18-55 S. 11-13 + 18-33 13-15 + 18-17 15-17 + 18-06 17-19 + 18-007 Bottom flange : S. 2- 4 - 18 00 S. 12- 14 - 18 00 4- 6 - 18 00 14- 16 - 18 00 6- 8 - 18 00 16- 18 - 18 00 8- 10 - 18 00 18- 20 - 18 00 10-12 - 18-00 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 52. 117 1-000 1-525 1-000 1-668 1-000 1-750 1-000 1-778 1-000 1-338 1-601 1-852 2-064 2-237 2-360 2-439 2-463 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 + o-ooo S. 11-12 - 3-4 - 1-000 13-14 H 5-6 + 0-414 13-14 - 5-6 - 1-000 15-16 H 7-8 + 0-770 15-16 - 7-8 - 1-000 17-18 i 9-10 + 1-085 17-18 - 9-10 - 1-000 19-20 i 11-12 + 1-332 19-20 - Inclined bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-6 - 1-106 S. 4-5 - 5-8 - 1-338 6-7 - 7-10 - 1-601 8-9 - 9-12 - 1-852 10-11 - 11-14 - 2-064 12-13 - 13-16 - 2-237 14-15 - 15-18 - 2-360 16-17 - 17-20 - 2-439 18-19 - 118 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 53. TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 53. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. ^ of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 18. "3. Method of loading .. .. On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing .. Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : 8.2-3 + 19-90 S. 11-13 + 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 + 18-17 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 + 18-06 7-9 + 18-82 17-19 + 18-007 9-11 + 18-55 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 . 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 13-14- 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 15-16 - 1-00 7-8 - 1-00 17-18 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 19-20 - 1-00 11-12 - 1-00 ?LATE 13 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 53. 119 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 9-12 0-00 10-11 0-00 11-14 0-00 12-13 0-00 13-16 0-00 14-15 0-00 15-18 0-00 16-17 0-00 17-20 0-00 18-19 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 19-90 S. 11-13 -f 18-33 3-5 + 19-50 13-15 + 18-17 5-7 + 19-15 15-17 + 18-06 7-9 + 18-82 17-19 + 18-007 9-11 -f 18-55 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 18-00 S. 12-14 - 18-00 4-6 - 18-00 14-16 - 18-00 6-8 - 18-00 16-18 - 18-00 8-10 - 18-00 18-20 - 18-00 10-12 - 18-00 Vertical bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-4 - 1-000 S. 13-14 - 2-525 5-6 - 1-414 15-16 - 2-668 7-8 - 1-770 17-18 - 2-750 9-10 - 2-085 19-20 - 2-778 11-12 - 2-332 120 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 54. Inclined bracing all struts with live load : S. 3-6 4- 1-106 S. 4-5 4- 1-338 5-8 4- 1-338 6-7 + 1-601 7-10 4- 1-601 8-9 + 1-852 9-12 4- 1-852 10-11 + 2-064 11-14 4- 2-064 12-13 + 2-237 13-16 4- 2-237 14-15 + 2-360 15-18 4- 2-360 16-17 4- 2-439 17-20 4- 2-439 18-19 4- 2-463 TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 54. MULTIPLE LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth | of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 16. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined one way. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 5-50 S. 17-19 + 15-50 3-5 4- 8-50 19-21 4- 14-50 5-7 4- 11-00 21-23 4- 13-00 7-9 4- 13-00 23-25 4- 11-00 9-11 + 14-50 25-27 4- 8-50 11-13 4- 15-50 27-29 4- 5-50 13-15 4- 16-00 29-31 4- 2-00 15-17 4- 16-00 31-33 4- 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 54. 121 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 18-20 - 16-00 4-6 - 2-00 20-22 - 16-00 6-8 - 5-50 22-24 - 15-50 8-10 - 8-50 24-26 - 14-50 10-12 - 11-00 26-28 - 13-00 12-14 - 13-00 28-30 - 11-00 14-16 - 14-50 30-32 - 8-50 16-18 - 15-50 32-34 - 5-50 Vertical bracing S. 1-2 + 8-00 S. 19-20 o-oo 3-4 4- 4-00 21-22 - 0-50 5-6 + 3-50 23-24 - 1-00 7-8 4- 3-00 25-26 - 1-50 9-10 4- 2-50 27-28 - 2-00 11-12 + 2-00 29-30 - 2-50 13-14 + 1-50 31-32 - 3-00 15-16 4- 1-00 33-34 4- 0-50 17-18 4- 0-50 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 - 4-48 S. 17-22 4- 0-71 1-6 - 4-94 19-24 4- 1-41 3-8 - 4-23 21-26 4- 2-12 5-10 - 3-53 23-28 + 2-82 7-12 - 2-82 25-30 4- 3-53 9-14 - 2-12 27-32 -f 4-23 11-16 - 1-41 29-34 + 4-94 13-18 - 0-71 31-34 + 4-48 15-20 o-oo 122 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 54. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 5-50 S. 17-19 4- 15-50 3*5 4- 8-50 19-21 4- 14-50 5-7 4- 11-00 21-23 4- 13-00 7-9 -f 13-00 23-25 4- 11-00 9-11 4- 14-50 25-27 + 8-50 11-13 4- 15-50 27-29 + 5-50 13-15 + 16-00 29-31 4- 2-00 15-17 + 16-00 31-33 4- 0-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 18-20 - 16-00 4-6 - 2-00 20-22 - 16-00 6-8 - 5-50 22-24 - 15-50 8-10 - 8-50 24-26 - 14-50 10-12 - 11-00 26-28 - 13-00 12-14 - 13-00 28-30 - 11-00 14-16 - 14-50 30-32 - 8-50 16-18 - 15-50 32-34 - 5-50 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4- 8-000 S. 9-10 4- 2-625 1-2 - 0-000 9-10 - 0-125 3-4 4- 4-000 11-12 + 2-250 3.4 _ o-OOO 11-12 - 0-250 5-6 + 3-500 13-14 + 1-875 5-6 - 0-000 13-14 - 0-375 7-8 + 3-063 15-16 4- 1-563 7-8 - 0-063 15-16 - 0-563 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 54. 123 Vertical bracing continued : S. 17-18 4- 1-250 S. 25-26 - 1-875 17-18 - 0-750 27-28 4- 0-250 19-20 4- 1-000 27-28 - 2-250 19-20 - 1-000 29-30 4- 0-125 21-22 4- 0-750 29-30 - 2-625 21-22 - 1-250 31-32 4- 0-062 23-24 4- 0-563 31-32 - 3-062 23-24 - 1-563 33-34 4- 0-500 25-26 4- 0-375 33-34 - o-ooo Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 4- o-ooo S. 15-20 - 1-414 1-4 - 4-480 17-22 4- 1-762 1-6 4- 0-000 17-22 - 1-057 1-6 - 4-935 19-24 + 2-203 3-8 4- 0-088 19-24 - 0-793 3-8 - 4-318 21-26 + 2-643 5-10 4- 0-176 21-26 - 0-528 5-10 - 3-701 23-28 + 3-172 7-12 4- 0-352 23-28 - 0-352 7-12 - 3-172 25-30 + 3-701 9-14 + 0-528 25-30 - 0-176 9-14 - 2-643 27-32 + 4-318 11-16 4- 0-793 27-32 - 0-088 11-16 - 2-203 29-34 4- 4-935 13-18 4- 1-057 29-34 - o-ooo 13-18 - 1-762 31-34 4- 4-480 15-20 + 1-414 31-34 - 0-000 Note. The stresses in the bracing when inclined opposite ways from the centre can easily be deter- mined from these constants, also the stresses in counterbraces if these are added in some of the panels. The parts 2 4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4 '6, and 33 '34 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. 124 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 55. TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 55. MULTIPLE LINVILLE. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth JQ of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 20. 3. Method of loading .. .. On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined one way. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. lop flange : S. 1-3 + 7-00 S. 21-23 + 24-50 3-5 + 11-00 23-25 + 23-50 5-7 + 14-50 25-27 + 22-00 7-9 + 17-50 27-29 + 20-00 9-11 + 20-00 29-31 + 17-50 11-13 + 22-00 31-33 + 14-50 13-15 + 23-50 33-35 + 11-00 15-17 4- 24-50 35-37 + 7-00 17-19 4- 25-00 37-39 + 2-50 19-21 4- 25-00 39-41 -f O'OO Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 22-24 - 25-00 4-6 - 2-50 24-26 - 25-00 6-8 - 7-00 26-28 - 24-50 8-10 11-00 28-30 - 23-50 10-12 - 14-50 30-32 - 22-00 12-14 - 17-50 32-34 - 20-00 14-16 - 20-00 34-36 - 17-50 16-18 - 22-00 36-38 - 14-50 18-20 - 23-50 38-40 - 11-00 20-22 - 24-50 40-42 - 7-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 55. 125 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4 10-00 S. 23-24 0-00 3.4 4. 5-00 25-26 - 0-50 5-6 4 4-50 27-28 - 1-00 7-8 4- 4-00 29-30 - 1-50 9-10 4 3-50 31-32 - 2-00 11-12 4 3-00 33-34 - 2-50 13-14 4 2-60 35-36 - 3-00 15-16 4- 2-00 37-38 - 3-50 17-18 4 1-50 39-40 - 4-00 19-20 + 1-00 41-42 4- 0-50 21-22 4- 0-50 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 - 5-60 S. 21-264- 0-70 1-6 - 6-34 23-28 + 1-41 3-8 - 5-64 25-30 4 2-11 5-10 - 4-93 27-32 + 2-82 7-12 - 4-23 29-34 + 3'52 9-14 _ 3-52 31-36 4- 4-23 11-16 - 2-82 33-38 + 4-93 13-18 - 2-11 35-40 4- 5-64 15-20 - 1-41 37-42 -f 6-34 17-22 - 0-70 39-42 4 5-60 19-24 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4 7-00 S. 7-9 + 17-50 3-5 4 11-00 9-11 4 20-00 5-7 -I- 14-50 11-13 4- 22-00 126 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 55. Top flange contin ued : S. 13-15 + 23-50 S. 27-29 + 20-00 15-17 4- 24-50 29-31 + 17-50 17-19 4- 25-00 31-33 + 14-50 19-21 4- 25-00 33-35 + 11-00 21-23 4- 24-50 35-37 4- 7-00 23-25 4- 23-50 37-39 4- 2-50 25-27 4- 22-00 39-41 4- 0-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 0-00 S. 22-24 - 25*00 4-6 - 2-50 24-26 - 25-00 6-8 - 7-00 26-28 - 24-50 8-10 - 11-00 28-30 - 23-50 10-12 - 14-50 30-32 - 22-00 12-14 - 17-50 32-34 - 20-00 14-16 - 20-00 34-36 - 17-50 16-18 - 22-00 36-38 - 14-50 18-20 - 23-50 38-40 - 11-00 20-22 - 24-50 40-42 - 7-00 Vertical bracing : S. 1'2 4- 10-00 S. 15-16 4- 2-45 1-2 - 0-00 15-16 - 0-45 3.4 + 5-00 17-18 4- 2-10 3.4 _ 0-00 17-18 - 0-60 5-6 4- 4-50 19-20 4- 1-80 5-6 - 0-00 19-20 - 0-80 7-8 4- 4-05 21-22 4- 1-50 7-8 - 0-05 21-22 - 1-00 9-10 4- 3-60 23-24 4- 1'25 9-10 - 0-10 23-24 - 1-25 11-12 4- 3-20 25-26 4- 1*00 11-12 - 0-20 25-26 - 1-50 13-14 4- 2-80 27-28 4- 0-80 13-14 - 0-30 27-28 - 1-80 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 55. 127 Vertical bracing continued : S. 29-30 -f 0-60 S. 35-36 - 3-20 29-30 - 2-10 37-38 4- 0-10 31-32 4- 0-45 37-38 - 3-60 ; 31-32 - 2-45 39-40 4- 0-05 33-34 + 0-30 39-40 - 4-05 33-34 - 2-80 41-42 4- 0-50 35-36 4- 0-20 41-42 - o-oo Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 4- o-ooo S. 19-24 - 1-762 1-4 - 5-600 21-26 4- 2-121 1-6 4- o-ooo 21-26 - 1-414 1-6 - 6-345 23-28 4- 2-538 3-8 4- 0-070 23-28 - 1-128 3-8 - 5-710 25-30 4- 2-961 5-10 4- 0-141 25-30 - 0-846 5-10 - 5-076 27-32 4- 3-454 7-12 4- 0-282 27-32 - 0-634 7-12 - 4-512 29-34 4- 3-948 9-14 4- 0-423 29-34 - 0-423 9-14 - 3-948 31-36 4- 4-512 11-16 4- 0-634 31-36 - 0-282 11-16 - 3-454 33-38 + 5-076 13-18 4- 0-846 33-38 - 0-141 13-18 - 2-961 35-40 4- 5-710 15-20 4- 1-128 35-40 - 0-070 15-20 - 2-538 37-42 4- 6-345 17-22 4- 1-414 37-42 - o-ooo 17-22 - 2-121 39-42 4- 5-600 19-24 + 1-762 39-42 - 0-000 Note. The stresses in the bracing when inclined opposite ways from the centre can easily be deter- 128 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 56. mined from these constants, also the stresses in counterbraces if these are added in some of the panels. The parts 2*4 would practically be made of the same strength as 4 '6, and 41*42 require particularly to be considered for axle loads. TEUSS DIAGKAM No. 56. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined two ways. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 6-94 S. 5-7 + 6-18 3-5 + 6-50 7-9 + 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8 - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7*8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 56. 129 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 5-8 7-10 0-00 0-00 0-00 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM ll*"* * Top flange : EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. S. 2-3 + 6- 94 S. 5- 7 + G 18 3-5 + 6- 50 7- 9 + 6 02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 _ 6- 00 S. 6- 8"- 6 00 4-6 __ 6- 00 a* 10 - r> 00 Vertical bracing S. 3-4 + 3-4 - 5-6 + 5-6 - 0-000 S. 7-8 + 0-500 1-000 7-8 - 1-500 0-312 9-10+ 0-000 1-312 9-10 - 1-000 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 + 0-868 S. 5-8 - 1-060 3-6 - 0-868 7-10 + 1-200' 5-8 + 1-060 7-10 - 1-200 130 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 57. TEUSS DIAGKAM No. 57. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. i of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined one w ay. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 6-94 S. 5-7 + 6-18 3-5 + 6-50 7-9 + 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8- - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 9-8 0-00 5-8 0-00 7-6 0-00 7-10 0-00 5-4 0-00 o CO 1 PLATE 14- 1 I -^ e -ri 5 I I TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 57. 131 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 4- 6-94 S. 5-7 4- 6-18 3-5 -|- 6-50 7-9 4- 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8 - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 4- 0-000 S. 7-8 4- 0-500 3-4 - 1-000 7-8 - 1-500 5'6 + 0-312 9-10 4- 0-562 5'6 - 1-312 9-10 - 1-562 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 4- 0-868 3-6 - 0-868 5-8 4- 1-060 5-8 - 1-060 7'10 4- 1-200 7-10 - 1-200 S. 9-8 4- 1-250 9-8 - 1-250 7-6 4- 1-200 7-6 - 1-200 5-4 4- 1-060 5-4 - 1-060 K 2 132 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 58. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 58. PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre . . . . of the span. 2. Number of panels . . . . 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S.2-3 -f 3-5 - 6-94 h 6-50 S. 5-7 H 7-9 H h 6-18 h 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8 - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 58. 133 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : 2-3 3-5 4- + 6-94 6-50 S. 5-7 7-9 -h -r Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 Vertical bracing S.3-4 + 3-4 - 5-6 + 5-6 - o-ooo 1-000 0-312 1-000 6-18 6-02 S. 6-8 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 S. 7-8 + 0-500 7-8 - 1-000 9-10 + 0-562 9-10 - 1-000 Inclined bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-6 - 0-868 S. 4-5 - 1-060 5-8 - 1-060 6-7 - 1-200 7-10 - 1-200 8-9 - 1-250 134 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 59. STRESS DIAGRAM No. 59. * PARABOLIC BOWSTRING. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre .. .. of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 8. 3. Method of loading . . . . On bottom flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined cross bracing. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 6-94 S. 5-7 + 6-18 3-5 + 6-50 7-9 + 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8 - 6-00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing : 8.3.4 _ 1-00 S. 7-8 - 1-00 5-6 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-00 Inclined bracing : S. 3-6 0-00 S. 4-5 0-00 5-8 0-00 6-7 0-00 7-10 0-00 8-9 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 59. 135 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 2-3 + 6-94 S. 5-7 + 6-18 3-5 + 6-50 7-9 + 6-02 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 - 6-00 S. 6-8 - 6.00 4-6 - 6-00 8-10 - 6-00 Vertical bracing all ties with live load : S. 3-4 - 1-000 S. 7-8 - 1-500 5-6 - 1-312 9-10 - 1-562 Inclined bracing all struts with live load : Si 3-6 + 0-868 S. 4-5 + 1-060 5-8 + 1-060 6-7 + 1-200 7-10 + 1-200 8-9 + 1-250 136 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 60. TKUSS DIAGKAM No. 60. PARABOLIC BRACED ARCH. CONDITIONS. 1. Depth at centre . . . . -^ of the span. Rise | of the span. 2. Number of panels .. .. 20. 3. Method of loading . . On top flange. 4. Description of bracing . . Vertical and inclined. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 o-oo S. 11-13 o-oo 3-5 o-oo 13-15 o-oo 5*7 0-00 15-17 o-oo 7-9 o-oo 17-19 o-oo 9-11 0-00 19-21 0-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 + 22-14 S. 12-14 + 20-48 4-6 + 21-74 14-16 + 20-31 6-8 + 21-36 16-18 + 20-16 8-10 + 21-01 18-20 + 20-07 10-12 + 20-74 20-22 + 20-01 Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 + 0-25 S. 13-14+ 0-50 3.4 4. 0-50 15-16 -f 0-50 5-6 + 0-50 17-18 4 0-50 7-8 4 0-50 19-20 4 0-50 9-10 + 0-50 21-22 + 0-25 11-12 + 0-50 o-oo S. 11-14 o-oo o-oo 13-16 o-oo o-oo 15-18 o-oo o-oo 17-20 o-oo o-oo 19-22 o-oo TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 60. 137 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 3-6 5-8 7-10 9-12 Note. The dead load is supposed to be divided between the flanges. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD ADVANCING FROM EITHER ABUTMENT. Maximum Stress Constants. Top flange : S. 1-3 4- 1-30 S. 11-13 4- 10-89 1-3 - 1-30 11-13 - 10-89 3-5 4- 2-79 13-15 4- 12-67 3-5 - 2-79 13-15 - 12-67 5-7 4- 4-51 15-17 4- 12-57 5-7 - 4-51 15-17 - 12-57 7-9 4- 6-47 17-19 4- 9-00 7-9 - 6-47 17-19 - 9-00 9-11 + 8-57 19-21 + 0-00 9-11 - 8-57 , 19-21 - 0-00 Bottom flange : S. 2-4 + 22-14 S. 12-14 + 24-25 2-4 - o-oo 12-14 - 3-77 4-6 + 21-93 14-16 4- 25-31 4-6 - 0-19 14-16 - 5-00 6-8 4- 22-00 16-18 4- 26-09 6-8 - 0-64 16-18 - 5-93 8-10 4- 22-44 18-20 4- 25-22 8-10 - 1-43 18-20 - 5-15 10-12 + 23-22 20-22 4- 20-01 10-12 - 2-48 20-22 - o-oo 138 TKDSS DIAGKAM NO. 60. Vertical bracing : S. 1-2 4- 1-98 S. 11-12 - 1-51 1-2 - 1-48 13-14 + 2-09 3-4 4- 3-77 13-14 - 1-09 3-4 - 2-77 15-16 4- 1-64 5-6 4- 3-55 15-16 - 0-64 5-6 - 2-55 17-18 + 2-10 7-8 4- 3-27 17-18 - 1-10 7-8 - 2-27 19-20 + 2-80 9-10 4- 2-96 19-20 - 1-80 9-10 - 1-96 21-22 + 0-50 11-12 + 2-51 21-22 - 0-00 Inclined bracing : S. 1-4 + 3-23 S. 11-14 4- 2-77 1-4 - 3-23 11-14 - 2-77 3-6 + 3-15 13-16 + 2-68 3-6 - 3-15 13-16 - 2-68 5-8 + 3-07 15-18 4- 2-45 5-8 - 3-07 15-18 - 2-45 7-10 + 3-02 17-20 + 5-35 7-10 - 3-02 17-20 - 5-35 9-12 + 2-97 19-22 + 9-32 9-12 - 2-97 19-22 - 9-32 Note. The parts 21*22 require particularly to be considered for Axle Loads. END OF PART I. PLATE 15 S 139 PAET IL HOOFS, 1NTRODUCTOET. 1. ABBREVIATIONS, &c. S = Stress in. + = Compression. = Tension. FIG. 2. For Unit Panel Load see Fig. 2. 2. STRESS CONSTANTS FOR DEAD LOAD. These are the stresses in each member of the roof truss when each panel is covered with a unit load. Taking Truss Diagram No. 72 as an example with a load of 1 ton, 1 kilogramme, or any other unit distri- buted over each of the eight panels on the principal rafters, the stress constants are the resulting stresses in terms of the load. 140 ROOFS. 3. MAXIMUM STRESS CONSTANTS FOB LIVE LOAD. These are the maximum stresses in each member of the roof truss which could be caused by a unit wind pressure per panel, acting normally to the principal rafters on one side only (either side indifferently), for Truss Diagrams Nos. 61 to 97, both inclusive, under the conditions of fixing shown in Figs. 3 and 4. free end fiooed end* FIG. 3. Fiaceci end/ Free end/ FIG. 4. This arrangement gives the maximum stresses, and although, of course, there may be many cases where the method of fixing may be different, it is almost impossible to say how nearly they may approximate thereto by exigencies of construction, and it is best to be on the safe side. For Truss Diagrams Nos. 98 to 100, both inclusive, the wind pressure has been supposed to act vertically on one side only (either side indifferently), as if a normal pressure had been taken it would have had, owing to the curved surface of the rafters, a different load value for each panel, which would have been very inconvenient. INTKODUCTOKY, 141 Taking Truss Diagram No. 72 as an example with a load of 1 ton, 1 kilogramme, or any other unit per panel acting on all the panels on one side of the roof only (either side indifferently), the stress constants are the resulting maximum stresses in terms of the load. It will be noticed that the only trusses subject to counter stresses in the bracing are Nos. 97 to 100. 4. REFERENCE NUMBERS. The numbers on the Truss Diagrams serve to indi- cate each mero-ber of a roof truss for which the stress constant is given. Taking Truss Diagram No. 72 as an example under the head "Live Load" (Wind Pressure), maximum stress constants will be found S. 6-8, and opposite the stress constant 4*46. This means that the stress in the member 6' 8 of Truss Diagram No. 72 due to a Live Load (Wind Pressure) of unit panel intensity is tension 4- 4 6. 5. POSITION OF LOAD. The dead load is supposed to be concentrated wholly on the rafters. This is quite near enough in most cases for all practical purposes. For very large and heavy roofs some allowance might be made to the tension members for the weight of the tie. 6. NORMAL WIND PRESSURE. The following table gives the normal wind pressure per square foot for different slopes of roof equivalent to a horizontal wind pressure of 50 Ibs. per square foot calculated by Button's formula : 142 EOOFS. Pitch of Koof. r ~* O o O ' ' o > o o 10 12-1 15 20 22-6 21 45 ispan 25 26 30 \ span 30 33 30 \ span 35 40 45 \ span 50 18 25-2 28-8 30-2 33 36-6 37-8 41-6 43 47-6 ^ _^ Normal Wind Pressure in Ibs. per square foot. 7. FULLY WORKED OUT EXAMPLE. As an example the stresses will be calculated in detail for a roof truss of the type shown in Truss Diagram No. 97 to cover a double line of railway, metre gauge, and two platforms, say 60 feet span, with trusses 8 feet apart, covered with 1-inch teak boarding and mangalore tiles, which makes a very light roof. The dead load per panel will be length of panel, 6 48 feet x distance apart of trusses, 8 feet x weight of boarding, 3^ Ibs., plus tiling, 8J Ibs., plus probable weight of truss, say 3 Ibs.: total, 15 Ibs. per square foot, which makes the panel load 778 Ibs., say 0-35 of a ton. The live load (wind pressure) will be area as above, say 52 square feet X 25 Ibs. normal wind pressure: total, 1300 Ibs., say 0-58 of a ton. The stresses are as follows : For Dead Load. , Rafters : Tons. S. 1-3 = stress constant + 10 '72 x 0'35 ton panel load -f 3 '75 3'5 + 17-20 x 0-35 + 6'02 5-7 + 17-30 x 0-35 + 6'05 7-9 + 14-37 X 0-35 + 5'03 9-11 + 10-78 x 0-35 + 3-77 INTRODUCTORY. 143 Tie : Tons. S. 1-4 = stress constant - 10 '00 x 0'35 ton panel load - 3 -50 4-6 - 10-59 x 0-35 - 3'70 6-8 - 16-66 x 0-35 - 5'83 8-10 - 16-15 x 0-35 - 5-65 10-12 - 13-41 x 0-35 - 4-69 Bracing : S. 3'4 = stress constant + 4'00 x 0'35 ton panel load + 1'40 5-6 + 1-10 x 0-35 + 0-38 7-8 - 1*54 x 0-35 - 0'54 9-10 - 3-33 x 0-35 - 1'16 11-12 - 7-00 x 0-35 - 2-45 3-6 - 6-07 x 0-35 - 2'12 5-8 - 0-16 x 0-35 - 0-05 7-10 + 3-16 x 0-35 + 1-10 9-12 + 4-33 x 0-35 + 1-51 For Live Load (Wind Pressure). Kafters : S. 1-3 = stress constant + 6 '66 x 0'58 ton panel load + 3 '86 3-5 + 11-42 x 0-58 + 6'62 5-7 + 11-06 x 0-58 + 6-41 7-9 +' 8-43 x 0-58 + 4*89 9-11 + 5-80 x 0-58 + 3-36 Tie: S. 1-4 = stress constant - 7 '88 x 0'58 ton panel load - 4 '57 4-6 - 8-33 x 0-58 - 4'83 6-8 - 12-28 x 0-58 - 7'12 8-10 - 11-33 x 0-58 - 6-57 10-12 - 8-40 x 0-58 - 4'87 Bracing : S. 3-4 = stress constant + 3 '10 x 0'58 ton panel load +1-80 3-4 - 0-00 x 0-58 - 0-00 5-6 + 0-54 x 0-58 + 0'31 5-6 - O'OO x 0-58 - O'OO 7-8 + 0-00 x 0-58 + 0-00 7-8 - 1-44 x 0-58 - 0'83 144 ROOFS. Bracing continued. Tons, 9 10 + o-oo x 58 + o-oo 9 10 _ 2-70 x 58 __ 1-56 11 12 + o-oo X 58 / + o-oo 11 12 3-77 X 58 2-18 3 6 + o-oo X 58 + o-oo 3-6 4-06 X 58 . 2'35 5 8 + 0-74 x 58 + 0-43 5 8 0-88 X 58 0-51 7 10 + 3-13 X 58 + 1-81 7 10 O'OO X 58 o-oo 9 12 + 3-97 X 58 + 2-30 9 12 o-oo X 58 - o-oo Maximum Stresses for Combined Dead and Live Loads. Kafters : Tons. Tons. Total tons. S. 1 3 = + 3 75 and -f 3 86 + 7-61 3 5 + 6 02 + 6 62 + 12-64 5 7 + 6 05 + 6 41 + 12-46 7 9 + 5 03 + 4'89 + 9'92 9 11 + 3 77 + 3 36 + 7-13 Tie: S. I 4 = - 3 50 and ' 4 57 - 8-07 4 6 - 3 70 4 83 - 8-53 6 8 - 5 83 ; 7 12 - 12-95 8 10 - 5 65 6 57 - 12-22 10 12 - 4 69 4 87 - 9-56 Bracing : S. 3 4 = : + 1 40 and + 1 80 + 3-20 3 4 + 1 40 00 - o-oo 5 6 + o 38 + 31 + 0-69 5 6 + o 38 00 - o-oo 7 8 - 54 + 00 + o-oo 7 8 - 54 83 - 1-37 9 10 - 1 16 + 00 + o-oo INTRODUCTOKY. 145 Bracing continued . Tons. Tons. Total tons. S. 9-10 = - 1-16 and - 1-56 - 2-72 11-12 - 2-45 + 0-00 + o-oo 11-12 - 2-45 - 2-18 - 4-63 3'6 - 2-12 + o-oo + o-oo 3-6 - 2-12 - 2-35 - 4-47 5-8 - 0-05 + 0-43 + 0-38 5-8 - 0-05 - 0-51 - 0-56 7-10 + 1-10 + 1-81 + 2-91 7-10 + 1-10 - o-oo - O'OO 9-12 + 1-51 + 2-30 + 3-81 9*12 + 1-51 - o-oo - o-oo It will be noticed that the only member of the Bracing which suffers counter stress is 5 8. 146 STRESS CONSTANTS FOE DEAD AND LIVE LOADS OF UNIT PANEL INTENSITY. TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 61. CONDITIONS. 3 . Kise of truss \ of the span. 2. Kise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle- EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constanta. Kafters : S. 2-3 + 2-12 3-5 .. .. + 1-41 Tie: S. 2-4 - 1-50 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-71 4-5 - 1-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 62. 147 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Bafters : S. 2-3 .. .,. .. 4- 1-00 3-5 .. .. : ;. -f 1-00 Tie: S. 2-4 - 1-41 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. " .. 4- 1-00 4-5 - 0-71 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 62. CONDITIONS, 1. Eise of truss of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod J ditto. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced trape2ium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. .. + 4-23 3-5 .. .. .. 4- 2-82 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-40 L 2 148 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 62. Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. '-.;' , -f I'OO 4-5 - 3-00 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 2-50 3-5 . .* .. .. + 2-00 Tie: S. 2-4 ., .. .. ~ 3-18 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-41 4-5 - 2-13 TKUSS DIAGEAM NO. 63. 149 TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 63. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss | of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. .. 4- 2-73 3-5 .. .. -f- 1-82 Tie: S. 2-4 - 2-25 ;\. Bracing : S. 3-4 4- 0-91 4-5 .. .. M - - 1-00 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 1-17 3-5 -f 1-08 Tie: S. 2-4 - 1-82 Bracing : S. 3-4 4. 1-08 4-5 - 0-60 150 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 64. TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 64. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss J of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels - 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle.. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 3-36 3-5 .. .. + 2-24 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-00 Bracing : S. 3-4 +1-12 4-5 .. "'.... - I'OO LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 .. .. - + 1-74 3-5 .. .. + 1-24 Tie: S. 2-4 .. - 2-22 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .... + 1-24 4-5 .. - - 0-56 TRUSS DIAGRAMS PLATE ie & F N Spon,Lcndon & New- York To fouc& POUCJ& 150. Tho Kell A Son Lith TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 65. 151 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 65. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss of the span. 2. Else of tie rod -/- of the span. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. ., + 4-23 3-5 .. .. ,. -j- 2-82 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-80 Bracing : S. 3-4 ., .. .. -f 1-30 4-5 - 1-50 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. M -f- 2-38 3-5 4- 1-56 Tie: S. 2-4 - 2-85 Bracing : S. 3-4 4. 1-46 4-5 - 0-84 152 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 66. TBUSS DIAGRAM No. 66, CONDITIONS, 1. Kise of truss .. .. | of the spaa. 2. Kise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constan1. Eafters : S. 2-3 .. .. -f 3-35 3-5 -|- 2-90 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-00 4-6 - 2*00 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-90 4-5 - 1-00 5 6 * (only supports part of tie rod). LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 .. -f 1-75 3-5 -f 1-75 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 67. 153 Tie: S. 2-4 .. .. '-.. - 2-22 4-6 - 1-11 Bracing : S. 3;4 .. ' .. ' .. + 1-00 4-5 .. .. ... - 1-11 5-6* 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 67. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod -i of the span. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. .. + 5-05 3-5 .. 4. 4-60 Tie: S. 2-4 _ 4-60 4-6 _ 2-50 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 151 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 67. Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-90 4-5 - 2-25 5*6* (only supports part of tie rod). LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 -f 3-11 3-5 + 3-11 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-50 4-6 - 1'40 Bracing : S. 3-4 + I'OO 4-5 - 2-20 5-6* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 68. 155 TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 68. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss 2. Rise of tie rod .. 3. Number of panels 4. Description of truss J of the span. Nil. 6. Braced triangle EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eaf ters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 Tie: S. 2-4 4-6 Bracing : S. 3-4 4-5 4-7 4- + + - 5-00 - 3-00 + 1-07 1-07 2-00 6*7* (only supports part of tie rod). Eafters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. 3-14 2-46 3-14 Not necessary to stability of truss. 156 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 69. Tie: S. 2-4 .. .. .. - 3-91 4-6 - 1-68 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-20 S. 4-7 - 2-25 4-5 + 1-20 6-7* 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 69. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss J of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod ^ of the span. 3. Number of panels 6. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 7-25 3-5 + 6-00 5-7 + 6-40 Tie: S. 2-4 - 6-55 4-6 - 3-50 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 69. 157 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. || + 1-22 4-5 + 1-22 4-7 - 3-25 6 7 * (only supports part of tie rod). LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. .. 4- 4-47 3-5 + 3-54 5-7 .. .. 4 4-47 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-15 4-6 - 1-93 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-36 S. 4-7 - 3-30 4-5 4 1-36 6-7* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 158 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 70. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 70. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss .' J of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels . . . . . . . . 6. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 5-60 3-5 .. .. .. + 4-48 5-7 4- 3-36 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-00 4-6 - 5-00 6-8 - 4-00 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 2-00 3-6 + 1-12 6-8 + 1-40 * Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 18 00 Bafters : TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 70. 159 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. S. 2-3 4- 3-14 3-5 4- 2-38 5-7 + 1-86 Tie: S. 2-4 - 3-93 4-6 * - 3-93 6-8 - 2-79 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 -f 1-26 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 4- 1-57 7-8 - 1-12 * Not necessary to stability of trass. 160 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 71. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 71. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod -J- of the span. 3. Number of panels 6. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants, Rafters : S. 2-3 + 6-50 3-5 + 5-20 5-7 -f 3-90 Tie: S. 2-4 .. .. .. - 5-82 4-6 - 5-82 6-8 - 4-66 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 2-47 3-6 + 1-23 5-8 + 1-49 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 71. 161 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters ; S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 Tie: + 3-84 + 2-88 -f- 2-17 S. 2-4 .. .. - 4-55 4-6 .. - 4-55 6-8 .. - 3-25 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 + 1-40 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 4- 1*65 7-8 - 1-38 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 162 TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 72. TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 72. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss J of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod 4 Nil. 3. Number of pauels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 7-84 S. 5-7 + 5-60 3-5 -f 6-72 7-9 -f 4-48 Tie: S. 2-4 - 7-00 S. 6-8 - 6-00 4.5 - 7-00 8-10 - 5-00 Bracing : S, 3-4* (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 .. .. ,. - 0-50 7-8 .. .. ... - I'OO 9*10 - 3-00 3-6 -f 1-12 5-8 + 1-43 7-10 4 1'80 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 72. 163 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 4-50 S. 5-7 + 2-98 3'5 + 3-74 7-9 + 2-48 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-58 S. 6-8 - 4*46 4-6 - 5-58 8-10 - 3-34 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 + 1-25 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 + 1-57 7-8 - 1-12 7-10 + 2-01 9-10 - 1-65 * Not necessary to stability of truss. M 2 164 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 73. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 73. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss J of the span. 2. Else of tie rod J- of the span. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 9-00 S. 5-7 + 6-40 3-5 + 7-70 7-9 + 5-10 Tie: S. 2-4 - 8.05 S. 6-8 - 6-90 4-6 - 8-05 8-10 - 5*75 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 1-OQ 9-10 - 3-60 3-6 + 1-23 5-8 + 1-48 7-10 . N + 1-84 * Not necessary to stability of truss. I PLATE 19. M TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 73. 165 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 5-45 S. 5-7 + 3-55 3-5 -f 4-50 7-9 + 2-88 Tie: S. 2-4 - 6-45 S. 6-8 - 5-15 4-6 - 6-45 8*10 - 3-85 Bracing : S. 3-4* - 0-00 S. 3-6 + 1-39 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 + 1-65 7-8 - 1-12 7-10 + 2-05 9-10 - 2-02 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 166 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 74. TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 74. CONDITIONS. 1. Kise of truss of the span, 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. E afters : S. 2-3 + 7-80 S. 5-7 -f 6-90 3-5 + 7-35 7-9 + 6-45 Tie: S. "2-4 - 7-00 4-6 - 6-00 6*10 - 4-00 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-89 5-6 + ' 1-78 7-8 4- 0-89 4-5 - I'OO 5-8 - I'OO 6-8 - 2-00 8-9 - 3-00 9 10 * (only suppoi ts part of tie rod). * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 74. 167 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 4-55 S. 5-7 -f 4-55 3*5 + 4-55 7-9 + 4-55 Tie : S. 2-4 .. .. K> 5-64 4-6 .. 4-51 6-10 .. .: - 2-25 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-00 S. 5-8 - 1-12 5-6 4- 2-00 6-8 - 2-25 7-8 4- 1-00 8-9 - 3-38 4-5 - 1-12 9-10* o-oo Not necessary to stability of truss. 168 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 75. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 75. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss f of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod .. .. -^ of the span, 3. Number of panels* 8. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD, Stress Constants Rafters : S. 2-3 + 10-17 5-7 + 9-27 3-5 + 9-72 7-9 + 8-82 Tie : S. 2-4 - 9-15 4-6 ji .. -7-83 6-10 - 4-65 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-89 5-6 -f 1-78 7-8 .. ' .. + 0-89 4-5 - 1-32 5-8 .. ,. .. - 1-32 6-8 - 3-42 8-9 - 4-74 9 10 * (only supports part of tie rod). * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 75. 169 LIVE LOAD (WIND PEESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Kafters : Tie: S. 2-3 + 6-36 S. .5-7 + 6-36 3-5 + 6-36 7-9 + 6'36 S. 2-4 _ 7-30 4-6 - 5-85 6-10 _ 2-62 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-00 S. 5-8 - 1-45 5-6 -f 2-00 6-8 - 3-35 7-8 + 1-00 8-9 - 4-80 4-5 - 1-45 9-10* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 170 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 76. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 76. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss \ of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels ' 12. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 Tie: 12-30 11-18 10-06 S. 7-9 9-11 11-13 8-94 7-82 6-70 S. 2-4 4-6 6-8 Bracing : S. 3-4* 5-6 7-8 9-10 .11-12 13-14 3-6 - 11-00 - 11-00 - 10-00 S. 8-10 - 9-00 10-12 - 8-00 12-14 - 7-00 (only supports part of tie fbd ). - 0-50 - 1-00 - 1-50 - 2-00 ...... - 5-00 + 1-12 * Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 20. ft I 8 H- o S . *-; TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 76. 171 Bracin g continued. S. 5-8 .. 4 1-41 7-10 4 1-80 9-12 4 2-22 11-14 ./ .. 4 2-68 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 4 7-26 S. 7-9 4 4-98 3-5 4 6-50 9-11 4 4-22 5-7 4 5-74 11-13 4 3-72 Tie: S. 2-4 - 8-92 S. 8-10 - 6-68 4-6 - 8-92 10-12 - 5-56 6-8 - 7-80 12-14 - 4-44 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 4 1-24 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 4 1-58 7-8 - 1-12 7-10 4 2-02 9-10 - 1-68 9-12 + 2-50 11-12 - 2-23 11-14 + 3-00 13-14 - 2-78 Not necessary to stability of truss. 172 TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 77. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss \ of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod -^ of the span. 3. Number of panels 12. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Kafters : S. 2-3 + 13-73 S. 7-9 + 9-98 3-5 + 12-48 9-11 -f 8-73 5-7 + 11-23 11-13 + 7-48 Tie: S. 2-4 - 12-30 S. 8-10 - 10-06 4-6 - 12-30 10-12 - 8-94 6-8 - 11-18 12-14 - 7-82 Bracing S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-50 11-12 - 2-00 13-14 - 5-00 3-6 .. .. -f 1-18 Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 77. 173 Bracing continued. S. 5-8 4- 1-45 7-10 + 1-85 9-12 + 2-24 11-14 4- 2-69 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 8-38 S. 7-9 + 5-68 3-5 + 7-48 9-11 + 4-78 5.7 4. 6-58 11-13 + 4-15 Tie: S. 2-4 - 9-98 S. 8-10 - 7-46 4-6 - 9-98 10-12 - 6-20 6-8 - 8-72 12-14 - 4-94 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 4 - 1-35 5-6 - 0-56 5-8 4 1-63 7-8 - 1-12 7-10 4 2-04 9-10 - 1-68 9-12 4 - 2-50 11-12 - 2-23 11-14 4 3-00 13-14 - 3-16 Not necessary to stability of trass. 174 TRUSS DIAGEAM NO. 78. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 78. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss A of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 8. Number of panels .. .. .. .. 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 4-03 3-5 .. .. ,., - 4- 2-69 Tie: S. 2-4 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. .; + 1-34 5-4 _ 1-00 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S.2-3 M + 2.31 3-5 4 1-46 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 79. 175 Tie: S. 2-4 - 2-70 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-46 4-5 - 0-54 TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 79. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss .. .. A of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod ^- of the span. 3. Number of panels -i. 4. Description of truss .. .. .. .. Braced trt[,ezinra. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants Rafters : S. 2-3 + 5-40 3-5 .. .. -f 3-60 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-03 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-70 5-4 - 1-67 176 TRUSS DIAGRAM: NO. 80. LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 3-5 Tie: S. 2-4 Bracing : S. 3-4 4-5 + 3-25 + 1-90 - 3-58 4- 1-84 - 0-90 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 80. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss .. .. |ofth,espan. 2. Else of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 4. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 3/5 + 4-03 -f 3-66 PLATE 21. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 80. 177 S. 2-4 - 3-75 4'6 .. .' .. - 2-50 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. M .. + 0-93 5-4 - 1-25 5*6* (only supports part of tie rod).j Rafters : LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE).] Maximum Stress Constants. S. 2-3 .. .. + 2*30 3-5 -f 2-30 - 2-70 4'6 - 1-35 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-00 4'5 _ 1-35 5-6* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 178 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 81. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 81. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss .. v. A of the span. 2. Else of tie rod ^ of the span. 3. Number of panels . . .. 4. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. + 5-70 3-5 + 5-33 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-33 4-6 .. .. .. - 2-98 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-93 5-4 - 2-47 5 6 * (only supports part of tie rod). LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 3-70 3-5 + 3-70 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 82. 179 Tie : S. 2-4 - 4-04 4-6 - 1-65 Bracing : S. 3-4 -f 1-00 4-5 .. .. ,. - 2-45 5 6 * 0-00 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 82. CONDITIONS. 1. Kise of truss | of the span. 2. Kise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 6. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 6-78 3-5 + 5-64 5-7 + 6-04 Tie: S. 2-4 - 6-30 4-6 - 3-80 * Not necessary to stability of truss. N 2 180 TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 82. Bracing : S.3-4 5-4 7.4 4 1-20 4- 1'20 - 2-52 6-7* (only supports part of tie rod). LIVE LO-AD (WmD PRESSURE)*, Maximum Stress Constants Hafters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 Tie: S. 2-4 4-6 Bracing : S. 3-4 4-5 1-31 1-31 -f 4-07 + 3-24 -f 4-07 - 4-72 - 2-02 S. 4-7 - 2-70 6-7* 0-00 Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 22 . O 00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 83. 181 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 83. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss | of the span. 2. Kise of tie rod sir * ^ e 8 P an - 3. Number of panels t5. 4. Description of truss .. Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : Tie: S. 2-3 .. .. -f- 9-60 3-5 4- 8-10 5-7 4- 8-85 S. 2-4 - 8-95 4-6 - 4-50 Bracing : S. 3-4 4. 1-48 5-4 + 1-48 7-4 .. .. ' .. - 4-70 6*7* (only supports part of tie rod). * Not necessary to stability of truss. 182 TKUSS DIAGKAM NO. 84. LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants, Rafters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 Tie : S. 2-4 .. 4-6 .. Bracing : S. 3-4 4- 1-55 4-5 4- 1-55 4- 6-13 4- 4-93 4- 6-13 v. - 6-71 .. - 2-38 S. 4-7 - 4-33 6-7* 0-00 TRUSS DIAGKAM No. 84. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss 2. Bise of tie rod . . 3. Number of panels 4. Description of truss ( Long Slope 1 in 2|. \ Short Slope 1 in 0-625, .. .. Nil. .. .. 5. Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants, Rafters : S. 2-3 3-5 5-7 5-40 5-40 4-05 S. 7-9 4- 2-70 9-12 + 2-35 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM XO. 84. 183 Tie : S. 2-4 4-6 6-8 5-00 3-75 2-50 S. 8-10 - 10-12 - 1*25 1-25 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. .. + 1-00 5-6 + 1-50 7-8 4- 2-00 9.10* (only supports part of tie rod). 4-5 - 1-60 6-7 . . 1-95 8-9 .. 2-35 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 4- 4-12 S. 7-9 4- 2-43 3-5 4- 4-52 9-12 4- 2-04 5-7 4- 3-48 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-12 S. 8-10 - 1-09 4-6 - 3-80 10-12 - 1-09 6-8 - 2-46 Bracing : S. 3-4 4- 1'08 S. 4-5 - 1-72 5-6 4- 1-62 6-7 - 2-10 7-8 4- 2-16 8-9 - 2-56 9-10* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 184 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 85. TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 85. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss | of the span. 2. Eise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 6. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : Tie: S. 2-3 + 6-75 3-5 4- 5-40 5-7 .. .. 4- 4-05 S. 2-4 - 6-25 4-6 - 6-25 6-8 T- 3-75 Bracing : S. 3-4* (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 2-00 3-6 4 1-34 5-8 .. .. .. + 1-62 Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 23 I CO X 00 < TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 85. 185 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .. ;,. -f 4-04 3-5 .. .. + 2-99 5-7 .. .. .. -f 2-15 Tie: S. 2-4 .. .. - 4-68 4-6 . . . . tt - 4-68 6-8 ... " - 3-33 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 f 1-45 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 + 1-73 7-8 - 1-07 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 186 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 86. TRUSS DIAGEAM Xo. 86. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss i of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod ^ of the span. 3. Number of panels 6. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. ..; .. + 8-08 3-5 + 6-47 5-7 + 4-86 Tie: S. 2-4 - 7-52 4-6 - 7-52 6-8 - 6-02 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 .. .. - - 0-50 7-8 - 2-60 3-6 + 1-55 5-8 + 1-77 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 86. 187 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 .. .... + 5-08 3-5 4- 3-74 5-7 + 2-60 Tie: S. 2-4 - 5-67 4-6 - 5-67 6-8 - 4-04 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 4- 1-67 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 4- 1-89 7-8 - 1-41 Not necessary to stability of truss. 188 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 87. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 87. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of trass i of the span. 2. Riseoftierod Nil. 3. Number of panels . . . . \ . . . 8. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 9-40 S. 5-7 -f 6-70 3-5 4- 8-05 7-9 + 5-35 Tie: S. 2-4 - 8-75 S. 6-8 - 7-48 4-6 - 8-75 8-10 - 6-22 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - I'OO 9-10 .. .... - 3-00 3-6 4- 1*34 5-8 4- 1-60 7-10 ., .. .. 4- 1'95 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 87. 189 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constanta. Rafters : S. 2-3 -f 5-83 S. 5-7 + 3-73 3-5 + 4-78 7-9 + 2-88 Tie : S. 2-4 - 6-70 S. 6-8 - 5'35 4-6 - 6-70 8-10 - 4*00 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 + 1-45 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 + 1-72 7-8 - 1-80 7-10 + 2-10 9-10 - 1-62 Not necessary to stability of truss. 190 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 88. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 88. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss .' .. | of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod -^ of the span. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of trussj Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress .Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 11-30 S. 5-7 + 8-06 3-5 + 9-68 7-9 + 6-44 Tie: S. 2-4 - 10-50 S. 6-8 - 9-00 4-6 - 10-50 8-10 - 7-50 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod), 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 1-00 9-10 - 3-fcO 3-6 + 1-55 5-8 .. ..' .. + 1-75 7-10 4- 2-05 * Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE t*. 00 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 88. 191 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Eafters: S. 2-3 + 7-24 S. 5-7 + 4-56 3-5 + 5-90 7-9 + 3-44 Tie: S. 2-4 - 8-06 S. 6-8 - 6-44 4-6 - 8-06 8-10 - 4-82 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 + 1-68 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 + 1-88 7-8 - 1-08 7-10 + 2-22 9-10 - 2-02 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 192 TRUSS DIAGRAM HO, 89. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 89. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss , A of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels . . . . . . . . 8. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 4- 9-40 S. 5-7 + 8-66 3.5 ^ 9-03 7-9 4 8-29 Tie; S. 2.4 .. .. .;" - 8-73 4-6 - 7-48 6-10 * - 5-00 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. .. 4- 0-93 5-6 + 1'86 7-8 4- 0-93 4-5 - 1-24 5-8 - 1-24 6-8 - 2-48 8-9 c - 3-72 9 10 * (only supports part of tie rod). * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 89. 193 LIVE LOAD (WIND PKESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 5-90 S. 5-7 + 5-90 3-5 + 5-90 7-9 + 5-90 Tie: S. 2-4 .. 6-80 4-6 .. 5-45 6-10 ., - 2-70 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-00 S. 5-8 - 1-35 5-6 + 2-00 6-8 - 2-70 7-8 4- 1-00 8-9 - 4-05 4-5 - 1-35 9-10* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 194 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 90. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 90. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss 1 of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod J- of the span. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 12-24 S. 5-7 + 11-50 3-5 + 11-87 7-9 -f 11-13 Tie: S. 2-4 - 11-42 4-6 - 9-80 6-10 - 5-74 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-93 5-6 -f 1*86 7-8 .. ,. .. + 0-93 4-5 - 1-60 5-8 - 1'60 6-8 - 4-26 8-9 - 5-86 9- 10 * (only supports part of tie rod). Not necessary to stability of truss. Rafters : TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 90. 195 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. S. 2-3 + 7-88 S. 5-7 + 7-88 3-5 + 7-88 7-9 + 7-88 Tie: S. 2-4 .. 8-66 4-6 .. 9t 6-92 6-10 .. - 3-04 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 1-00 S. 5-8 - 1-75 5-6 + 2-00 6-8 - 3-98 7-8 + 1-00 8-9 - 5-72 4-5 - 1-75 9-10* 0-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 2 196 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 91. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 91. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss A of the span. 2. Kise of tie rod Nil. 3. Number of panels 12. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 14-85 S. 7-9 -f 10-80 3-5 + 13-50 9-11 + 9-45 5-7 + 12-15 11-13 + 8-10 Tie: S. 2-4 - 13-80 S. 8-10 - 11-30 4-6 - 13-80 10-12 - 10-05 6-8 - 12-55 12-14 - 8-80 Bracing : S. 3*4* (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - I'OO 9-10 - 1-50 11-12 - 2-00 13-14 .. .. .. - 5-00 * Not necessary to stability ot truss. PLATE 25 /- c - cc X X TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 91. 197 Bracing continued. S. 3-6 .. 4- 1-35 5-8 .. 4- 1-52 7-10 .. + 1-90 9-12 .. 4- 2-34 11-14 .. %< + 2-80 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 4- 9-52 S. 7-9 4- 6-34 3-5 4- 8-46 9-11 + 5-28 5-7 4- 7-40 11-13 4- 4-40 Tie: S. 2-4 - 10-86 S. 8-10 -, 8-14 4-6 - 10-86 10-12 - 6-78 6-8 - 9-50 12-14 - 5-42 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 -f 1-46 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 + 1-74 7-8 - 1-08 7-10 4- 2-10 9-10 - 1-62 9-12 + 2-56 11-12 - 2-16 11-14 4- 3-00 13-14 - 2-70 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 198 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 92. TKUSS DIAGRAM No. 92. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss i of the span. 2. Else of tie rod J- of the span. 3. Number of panels 12. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 16-90 S. 7-9 + 12-28 3-5 -f 15-36 9-11 + 10-74 5-7 + 13-82 11-13 + 9-20 Tie: S. 2-4 - 15-74 S. 8-10 - 12-84 4-6 - 15-74 10-12 - 11-39 6-8 - 14-29 12-14 - 9-94 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod) 5-6 ...... - 0-50 7-8 - I'OO 9-10 - 1-50 11-12 - 2-00 13-14 - 5-80 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 92. 199 Bracing continued. S. 3-6 .. .... + 1-50 5-8 + 1-70 7-10 + 2-04 9-12 -f 2-38 11-14 + 2-82 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 4- 11-10 S. 7-9 -f- 7-29 3-5 4- 9-83 9-11 + 6-02 5-7 + 8-56 11-13 4- 4-97 Tie: S. 2-4 - 12-36 S. 8-10 - 9-26 4-6 - 12-36 10-12 - 7-71 6-8 - 10-81 12-14 - 6-16 Bracing : S. 3-4* 0-00 S. 3-6 4- 1-60 5-6 - 0-54 5-8 4- 1-86 7-8 - 1-08 7*10 + 2-17 9-10 - 1-62 9-12 4- 2-60 11-12 - 2-16 11-14 + 3-04 13-14 - 3-15 * Not necessary to stability of truss. 200 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 93. TEUSS DIAGRAM No. 93. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss of the span. 2. Rise of tie rod NIL 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 11-05 S. 5-7 + 10*43 3-5 + 10-74 7-9 4- 10-12 Tie: S. 2-4 - 10-50 4-6 - 9-00 6-10 - 6-00 Bracing : S. 3-4 + 0-95 5-6 + 1-90 7-8 .. .. .. 4- 0-95 4-5 - 1-50 5-8 - 1-50 6-8 - 3-00 8-9 - 4-50 9 10 * (only supports part of tie rod). Not necessary to stability of truss. TKUSS DIAGRAM NO. 93. 201 Rafters : Tie: LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. S. 2-3 3-5 S. 2-4 4-6 6-10 Bracing : 7-18 7-18 S. 5-7 + 7-9 + 7-18 7-18 - 7-92 - 6-34 - 3-17 S. 3-4 + 1-00 S. 5-8 - 1-56 5-6 + 2-00 6-8 - 3-16 7-8 -f I'OO 8-9 - 4-74 4-5 - 1-56 9-10* 0-00 Not necessary to stability of truss. 202 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 94. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 94. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss of the 2. Rise of tie rod & of the span. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss Braced polygon. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 15-33 S. 5-7 + 14-71 3-5 + 15-02 7-9 + 14-40 Tie: S. 2-4 - 14-60 4-6 - 12-55 6*10 - 7-15 Bracing : S. 3-4 .. .. .. + 0-95 5-6 .. .. .. + 1*90 7-8 + 0-95 4-5 - 2-05 5-8 - 2-05 6-8 - 5-60 8-9 - 7-65 9- 10 * (only supports part of tie rod). * Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 26 CC TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 94. 203 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 4- 10-54 S. 5-7 + 10-54 3-5 4- 10-54 7-9 4- 10-54 Tie: S. 2-4 .. 11-15 4-6 .. .. 8-93 6-10 "'..'" - 3-75 Bracing : S. 3-4 4- 1-00 S. 5-8 - 2-22 5-6 + 2-00 6-8 - 5-30 7-8 4- 1-00 8-9 - 7-52 4-5 - 2-22 9-10* 0:00 Not necessary to stability of trass. 204 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 95. TEUSS DIAGKAM No. 95. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss of the span. 2. Else of tie rod .. .. Nil. 3. Number of panels 12. 4. Description of truss Braced triangle. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 17-49 S. 7-9 + 12-72 8-5 + 15-90 9-11 + 11-13 5-7 + 14-31 11-13 + 9-54 Tie: S. 2-4 - 16-50 S. 8-10 - 13-50 4-6 - 16-50 10-12 - 12-00 6-8 - 15-00 12-14 - 10-50 Bracing : S. 3-4* (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 .. .. .. - 0-50 7-8 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-50 11-12 .- 2-00 13-14 - 5-00 3-6 + 1-59 5-8 + 1-80 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 95. 205 Bracing continued. S. 7-10 . . . . 4- 2-12 9-12 .. 4- 2-52 11-14 .. .. + 2-92 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters . S. 2-3 + 11-52 S. 7-9 4- 7-50 3-5 + 10-18 9-11 + 6-16 5-7 + 8-84 11-13 4- 4-98 Tie: S. 2-4 - 12-66 S. 8-10 - 9-48 4-6 - 12-66 10-12 - 7-89 6-8 - 11-07 12-14 - 6-30 Bracing : S. 3-4* o-oo S. 3-6 4- 1-67 5-6 - 0-52 5-8 + 1 90 7-8 - 1-05 7-10 4- 2-24 9-10 - 1-58 9-12 + 2-64 11-12 - 2-10 11-14 + 3-08 13-14 - 2-63 Not necessary to stability of truss. 206 TEUSS DIAGKAM NO. 96. TKUSS DIAGEAM No. 96. CONDITIONS. 1. Else of truss of the span. 2. Kise of tie rod ^ of the span. 3. Number of panels .. 12. 4. Description of truss Braced trapezium. EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 2-3 + 20-55 S. 7-9 -f 14-94 3-5 + 18-68 9-11 -f 13-07 5-7 + 16-81 11-13 + 11-20 Tie: S. 2-4 - 19-52 S. 8-10 - 15-96 4-6 - 19-52 10-12 - 14-18 6-8 - 17-74 12-14 - 12-40 Bracing : S. 3 4 * (only supports part of tie rod). 5-6 - 0-50 7-8 - 1-00 9-10 - 1-50 11-12 - 2-00 13-14 - 6-08 3-6 + 1-84 5-8 + 2-00 * Not necessary to stability of truss. TEUSS DIAGRAM NO. 96. 207 Braci n g continued. S. 7-10 9-12 11-14 4- 2-24 2-60 2-98 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 13-70 3-5 + 12-09 5-7 + 10-47 Tie: S. 2-4 4-6 6-8 Bracing : S. 3-4* 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 - 14-78 - 14-78 - 12-93 0-00 0-52 1-05 1-58 2-10 3-20 S. 7-9 + 8-86 9-11 + 7-24 11-13 -f 5-84 S. 8-10 - 11-08 10-12 - 9-23 12-14 - 7-38 S. 3-6 + 1-88 5-8 + 2-12 7-10 + 2-37 9-12 + 2-76 11-14 + 3-14 Not necessary to stability of truss. 208 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 97. TEUSS DIAGEAM No. 97. CONDITIONS. (\ of the span. \Depth at ends -^ of the span. 2. Rise of tie .. .. i of the span. 3. Number of panels 10. | Top members inclined 1 in 2. " \Bottom ditto parabolic. 1. Riso of truss .. 4. Description of truss EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Eafters : S. 1-3 + 3-5 + 5-7 + 10-72 17-20 17-30 S. 7-9 + 9-11 -f 14-37 ' 10-78 Tie : S. 2-4* o-oo S. 8-10 - 16-15 4-6 - 10-59 10-12 - 13-41 6-8 - 16-66 Bracing : S. 1-2* o-oo S. 1-4 - 10-00 3-4 + 4-00 3-6 - 6-07 5-6 + 1-10 5-8 - 0-16 7-8 - 1-54 7-10 + 3-16 9-10 - 3-33 9-12 + 4-33 11-12 - 7-00 Note. This truss should be supported at the point*. f - 1. * Not necessary to stability of truss. PLATE 27 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 97. 209 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 1-3 + 6-66 S. 7-9 + 8-43 3-5 + 11-42 9-11 + 5-80 5-7 + 11-06 Tie: S. 1-4 - 7-88 S. 8-10 - 11-33 4-6 - 8-33 10-12 - 8-40 6-8 - 12-28 Bracing : S. 3-4 4- 3-10 S. 11-12 - 3-77 3-4 - 0-00 3-6 4- 0-00 5-6 4- 0-54 3-6 - 4-06 5-6 - 0-00 5-8 4- 0-74 7-8 4- o-oo 5-8 - 0-88 7-8 - 1-44 7-10 4- 3-13 9-10 4- o-oo 7-10 - o-oo 9-10 - 2-70 9-12 4- 3-97 11-12 4- o-oo 9-12 - 0-00 Note. This truss should be supported at the points 1-1. 210 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 98. TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 98. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss of the span. 2. Rise of tie ^ of the span. 3. Number of panels 8. 4. Description of truss . { Braced <**"*** { (circular). EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 13-70 S. 5-7 + 12-60 3-5 + 12-70 7-9 + 12-60 Tie: S. 2-4 - 11-80 S. 6-8 - 12-60 4-6 - 12-30 8-10 - 12-70 Bracing : S. 3-4 - 1-75 S. 5-4 - 1-70 5-6 + 0-60 7-6 4- 0-20 7-8 - 1-65 9-8 - 1-40 9-10 4- 0-45 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 9-34 S. 5-7 + 8-28 3-5 + 8-48 7-9 + 7-42 TKUSS DIAGEAM NO. 99. 211 Tie : S. 2-4 - 7-98 S. 6-8 - 7-48 4-6 - 8-18 8-10 - 6-37 Bracing : S. 3-4 + o-oo S. 9-10 - 0-72 3-4 - 1-08 4-5 + 0-98 5-6 + o-oo 4-5 - 0-00 5-6 - 0-98 6-7 + 0-98 7-8 + o-oo 6-7 - 0-72 7-8 - 1-42 8-9 + 1-70 9-10 + o-oo 8-9 - 1-22 TRUSS DIAGEAM No. 99. CONDITIONS. 2. Kise of tie 3. Number of panels 4:. Description of truss . i of the span. 8. ( Braced crescent I (circular). EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 12-30 S. 5-7 + 13-10 3-5 + 13-50 7-9 + 12-90 212 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 99. Tie: S. 2-4 - 10-40 S. 6-8 - 12-20 4-6 - 11-70 8-8 - 12-20 Bracing : S. 3-4 - 2-40 S. 6-7 - 0-91 4-5 - 1-05 7-8 - 1-04 5-6 - 1-36 8-9 - 1-00 LIVE LOAD (WiND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Kafters : S. 2-3 -f 8-62 S. 5-7 + 8-42 3-5 + 9-22 7-9 + 7-22 Tie: S. 2-4 - 7-30 S. 6-8 - 7-36 4-6 - 8-08 8-8 - 6-21 Bracing : S. 3-4 + o-oo S. 6-7 + 0-20 3-4 - 1-52 6-7 - 1-28 4-5 + o-oo 7-8 + 0-16 4-5 - 0-70 7-8 - 1-45 5-6 + o-oo 8-9 + 0-60 5-6 - 1-10 8-9 - 1-34 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 100. 213 TRUSS DIAGRAM No. 100. CONDITIONS. 1. Rise of truss ^ of the span. 2. Rise of tie J^ ofthes P an - 3. Number of panels 13. 4. Description of truss . / Braced crescent I (parabolic). Rafters : EVENLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD. Stress Constants. S. 2-3 + 17-29 S. 15-17 + 14-18 3-5 + 16-37 17-19 + 14-47 5-7 + 15-58 19-21 + 14-94 7-9 + 14-94 21-23 + 15-58 9-11 + 14-47 23-25 + 16-37 11-13 + 14-18 25-28 + 17-29 13-15 + 14-08 Tie S. 2-4 - 14-63 S. 16-18 - 14-10 4-6 - 14-47 18-20 - 14-15 6-8 - 14-35 20-22 - 14-22 8-10 - 14-22 22-24 - 14-35 10-12 - 14-15 24-26 - 14-47 12-14 - 14-10 26-28 - 14-63 14-16 - 14-08 214 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 100. Bracing : S. 3-4 - 0-66 S. 3-6 o-oo 5-6 - 0-66 5-8 o-oo 7-8 - 0-66 7-10 o-oo 9-10 - 0-66 9-12 o-oo 11-12 - 0-66 11-14 o-oo 13-14 - 0-66 13-16 o-oo 15-16 - 0-66 15-18 o-oo 17-18 - 0-66 17-20 o-oo 19-20 - 0-66 19-22 o-oo 21-22 - 0-66 21-24 o-oo 23-24 - 0-66 23-26 o-oo 25-26 - 0-66 LIVE LOAD (WIND PRESSURE). Maximum Stress Constants. Rafters : S. 2-3 + 12-90 S. 15-17 + 8-50 3-5 + 11-60 17-19 + 9-38 5-7 + 10-56 19-21 + 10-26 7-9 + 9-50 21-23 + 11-10 9-11 + 8-63 23-25 + 12-20 11-13 + 7-59 25-28 + 12-90 13-15 + 7-57 Tie: S. 2-4 - 11-00 S. 16-18 - 7-59 4-6 - 10-86 18-20 - 8-47 6-8 - 10-15 20-22 - 9-24 8-10 - 9-62 22-24 - 9-86 10-12 - 9-04 24-26 - 10-34 12-14 - 8-40 26-28 - 11-00 14-16 - 7-57 TRUSS DIAGRAM NO. 100. 215 Bracing : S. 3-4 - 0-58 S. 25-26 4- o-oo 3-4 + 0-00 3-6 4- 0-62 5-6 - 0-70 3-6 - 0-23 5-6 4 o-oo 5-8 4 0-52 7-8 - 0-92 5-8 - 0-48 7-8 4- 0-08 7-10 4- 0-77 9-10 - 0-78 7-10 - 0-68 9-10 4 0-40 9-12 + 0-92 11-12 - 1-28 9-12 - 1-04 11-12 4 0-45 11-14 4- 1-53 13-14 - 1-57 11-14 - 1-25 13-14 4- 0-82 13-16 4 1-94 15-16 - 1-85 13-16 - 1-94 15-16 4 1-37 15-18 + 1-37 17-18 - 1-38 15-18 - 1-67 17-18 4- 0-98 17-20 4- 1-03 19-20 - 1-10 17-20 - 1-28 19-20 4- 0-48 19-22 + 0-85 21-22 - 0-85 19-22 - 0-94 21-22 4- 0-20 21-24 4 0-67 23-24 - 0-64 21-24 - 0-60 23-24 4- 0-00 23-26 + 0-40 25-26 - 0-46 23-26 - 0-68 END OF PART II. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. PLATE, 28 . MEASURES BROS., L SOUTHWARK ST., LONDON, S.E, Teleyrams: " Measures, London." Have in Stock 3000 English Made Rolled Angles, Tees, Chan- Tons W English and Steel Joists, Chan- We have supplied the work for numerous some of which National Safe Deposit Co.; ' Times' Office; Cassell & Co.; Foster, Porter & Co.; Bank of Scotland; Pine Arts Gallery, Glasgow ; Messrs. Howells and Co.'s New Premises, Ludgate Hill, and many others all over the world. Telephone 4586. Tons of Foreign and Iron Joists, Plates, nels, &c. ; also 4000 Foreign Made Rolled nels, Tees, and Angles. Constructional Iron- Public Buildings, are given below: WE HAVE IN OUR LONDON WAREHOUSE A Large Stock of Cast Iron Columns, varying from 3" to 6" diameter, with Loose Caps; also Lof Bolts, Nuts, Coach Screws, Bolt Ends, Untapped Nuts, Washers, &c. ALL SECTIONS OF STEEL JOISTS KEPT IN STOCK. YB 53639 SOUTHffARK STREET LONDON < ffi* * I r I