Thomas Westmorland Slates THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The RALPH B LO- Hr Westmorland Slates (Ufieir (s^eofogtj, diftemi^trij, anel A PAPER READ BEFORE MANCHESTER SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS 7TH JANUARY 1896 J. J. THOMAS, M.I.M.E. (Kendal) Member of the In.ititutf of Mi/iini/ anil Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle Member of the Mininv Assnc.intion and Institute of Cornwall; Manager of Jas. Stephensrm (>-|."> Titanic Acid 0'63 Alumina l:\~W Protoxide of Iron ..... 1'71 Peroxide of Iron 1'41 Protosesquioxide of Manganese . . - 91 Lime 2-8(5 Magnesia 6'28 Potash 0-05 Soda . 0-90 Carbonic Acid I'oO Combined Water 8'90 Hygroscopic Water <>'U; 99-91 4. Analysis of the purple slates of Nantlle. Kirwan's Mineralogy. Cambrian formation. Silica 48 Argillaceous Matter 2(! Magnesia 8 Lime 4 Iron . . 14 12 5. Analysis of a green Westmorland slate ; by George Vogt. Silica 50'88 Alumina 14'12 Iron Oxide (Ferrous) .... 9'96 Lime 8'72 Magnesia 8'67 Carbon Dioxide 6'47 Potash -88 99-70 It will be seen from the foregoing analyses that slates are chiefly made up of silica and alumina, from which we may reasonably infer that they were once ordinary clay. The principal difference in the composition of the Welsh blue, Welsh purple, and Westmorland green, lies in the varying proportions of iron which they contain. The blue Welsh slate contained 7'83 per cent, of iron in the ferrous state FeO; the purple contained 14 per cent, of iron in the ferric state Fe./> 3 ; and the green Westmorland slate contained 9'96 per cent, of iron in the ferrous state. It is generally asserted that iron is the agent which determines the colour of the slate, and it has always been laid down that Westmorland slates derive their colour from the presence of iron in the ferrous state, while the purple slates of North Wales derive their colour, like the marls of the Permian Eocks, from iron in the ferric state ; but on examination of the analyses given it will be seen that the iron in the blue Welsh slate is also in the ferrous state, hence it is difficult to determine with any degree of certainty which of the elements plays the most important part in the determination of colour. One of the most important points to notice in the determination of the quality of a slate is its porousness, as undoubtedly those slates, other circumstances being equal, are best which absorb the least amount of moisture, for the absorbed moisture not only increases the weight of the slate, but in frosty weather is converted into ice, and swells, with consequences highly detrimental to the soundness of the slate. Several experiments have from time to time been made to demonstrate this quality. I will only mention two, which I have made specially for this Paper. I took three slates, each having a surface of 144 square inches. I had them all carefully weighed, and then placed in a bath of water. One was taken out after an im- mersion of fifty hours, and after the surface-water had ceased to drip, was weighed again, and I found the weight 100 grains in excess of its original weight. It was then placed before a fire, and in a few minutes the surface was quite dry, and on being put on the scales again was only 30 grains in excess of its original weight. The other two slates were in the water 312 hours, and after the surface- water had ceased to drip I placed them on the scale. In the one case the increase in weight was 127 grains, and in the other 200 grains. Both were then placed before a fire, and, as in the first case, the surface was perfectly dry in a few minutes, and on being again weighed one was 8 grains heavier than its original weight, while the other was exactly its original weight. This shows in one case the absence of any absorption, and in the others only a few grains, which may be considered as highly satisfactory. It may be taken that the amount of moisture the best Westmorland and Welsh slates may absorb is not suffi- ciently great to make any material difference in their weight, or in the action of frost upon the absorbed moisture ; but there are slates to which, from their flaky and jointy nature, the absorption of moisture is highly detrimental, as the absorbed water when frozen tends to loosen the joints and open the flakes, which process, when frequently repeated, materially damages such slates. These, however, when used in countries less liable to sudden and violent changes in temperature than we are in England, prove as serviceable as the best known slates in this country. There is still another point of importance de- pending upon the compactness or otherwise of the slate. It was shown by the tables of analyses that all slates con- tain varying percentages of iron, some in the ferrous and some in the ferric state. Iron, as you all know, has a great affinity for oxygen, and if the slate be porous the oxygen of the air combines with the iron when in the ferrous state, changing it into ferric, with the result that the colour is altered and decomposition on a small scale is carried on. In addition to this there is a further chemical action that takes place, and a much more disastrous one than the changing of ferrous into ferric oxide. As the analyses show, all the slates contain calcic carbonate, and some of them magnesic carbonate. If the slate be sufficiently porous to admit carbon dioxide (Co.,), which is equally prevalent in otherwise pure and impure atmospheres, the carbonates are changed into bi-carbonates, which are soluble in water CaCo 3 + H,Co :t = CaH,(C0 3 ) 2 the natural result of this being that the slate will in time decompose, and its " waterproof " quality be eventually destroyed. Some time ago a Swiss scientist contributed a Paper on 14 Slates to one of the magazines, in the course of which he suggested the following experiment to test the quality of a slate : Reduce the slate to powder, add hydrochloric acid ; if strong effervescence, proof of a bad slate, full of lime. A portion of another slate is taken, and likewise reduced to powder, and placed in a test tube and heated over a Bunsen flame. A yellow sublimate and fumes of sulphurous acids prove the presence of much iron pyrites, consequently a bad slate. I am afraid I cannot agree with these conclusions, as my experience, and that of many others, of slates contain- ing both lime and iron pyrites proves the contrary. The analyses I have given show the presence of lime in all the slates which, on the application of HCL., gives a brisk effervescence, and if the above contention be correct, we must classify all these as bad slates, whereas quite the contrary is the fact. The best Westmorland slates which we know have stood the action of the atmosphere in some instances at least 100 years ; and of some of them it would be safe to state that they have been exposed 200 years, and still show no signs of decay. The same might be said of some slates containing iron pyrites, which would give chemical results pointing, according to this theory, to a bad slate ; but here, again, we are in a position to produce slates heavily charged or permeated with iron pyrites such, for in- stance, as the Ballachulish and Easdale slates, in the North of Scotland, both of which have stood for a con- siderable time, without the least sign of decay from this cause. After all, I am much inclined to believe that there is a limit to chemical analysis in the determination of the quality of a slate. The chemical composition of most slates with which we have to deal is very much the same, but we do know that the wearing quality of the various slates differs materially. All this seems to me to suggest the presence of another agent playing an important part in the formation of a slate, and I humbly submit that the meclianicdl arrangement of the particles contained in the slate has more to do with the determination of quality than the best conceived proportions in chemical analysis. If we were to take the various elements or ingredients which from analysis we know constitute the best slate, mix all together, and apply sufficient pressure to produce a compact sheet or block, we should not produce an article possessing the same qualities as an ordinary roofing slate. In support of this theory, I beg to mention as an illus- tration the substances known as diamond and graphite, 15 both of exactly the same chemical composition but differ- ing widely in their properties and ultimate value, which seems to me to point to a different mechanical arrangement of the particles of which the two substances are composed. How, then, are we to determine the quality of a slate ? For my part, while acknowledging with gratitude the assistance obtained from the chemical laboratory, I am of opinion that the best and safest of all tests is that of experience. We know from evidence furnished us by buildings erected 80, 100, and even 150 years ago that certain materials have stood the most severe of all tests, that of time ; and until chemical science has dis- covered a more reliable one, we must give time and experience the pre-eminence. Amongst those materials I may safely state that none are more conspicuous and none have more highly dis- tinguished themselves in the war with the elements than Westmorland green slates. General Description of Westmorland Slate Quarries ; the Method of Preparing the Slates. Cleavage. Architectural value. - The question of cleavage is perhaps one in which the quarry owner is more directly interested than the architect, but a Paper on slates would be far from complete if no reference were made to this subject, and on this ground I crave your indulgence while notifying some of the prin- cipal points coming within our scope under this heading. While scientists are mainly interested in discovering the agent or agencies by which cleavage was produced, the quarry owner, on the other hand, is more especially con- cerned in the character of the cleavage in the particular bed of slate he is working, as on the nature of the cleavage depends to a large extent the value of his bed of rock. This property of slate rock by which we are enabled to split it into thin pieces consists of lines or lamination planes running in the direction of the strike of the bed, and always at right angles to the dip of the rock, but cleavage lines occur at varying angles of inclination from the planes of bedding. In Westmorland the cleavage lines are not so well developed as in the slate rocks of North Wales, where it is possible to split a block 2J inches thick into 40 slates equal to ~- d of an inch each in thickness. It would, however, be well-nigh impossible to get from any Westmorland rock an equal number of slates from a block of the same thickness. As to the manner in which slaty cleavage was produced, I will merely mention that there are two theories the magnetic and mechanical. The former was held by, amongst others, Professor 16 Sedgwick, in support of which it is pointed out that the direction of the cleavage being N.N.E., coincides with the course taken by the magnetic currents which are passing through the earth. On the other hand, it is assumed by a number of emi- nent scientists that cleavage is due to mechanical forces that compressed the sediment at right angles to the line of cleavage. Dr. Sorby, who studied and examined it microscopically and otherwise, states that the " sedi- "ment has been compressed to about one-half of its origi- " nal bulk, and the particles pressed with their flattest " sides towards each other." This arrangement may be seen by grinding a piece of slate thin enough to admit light through it, the particles may be then discerned by the aid of a pocket lens, or to better advantage if placed under a microscope. The specific gravity of Westmorland slates is as follows : Green, 2'77. Blue, 2'73. If all the slates were split to equal thickness, the differ- ence in weight on roof timbers would be very small, which- ever kind of slate was used. The late Bishop Watson gives in his Chemical Essays the result of a series of tests made to determine the weight of a cubic foot of slate, and he found that the difference between a cubic foot of the heaviest and a cubic foot of the lightest of 14 different sorts was only Go oz., or about 5 ^ part of the weight of the heaviest sort. The fol- lowing is a list of the tests : Purple Slate. Kentmere, near Kendal . . 27H7 Pale Blue. Coniston, Waterheacl . . . 2791 Dark Blue. Troutbeck 2781 Pale Blue. Thrang Crag 2780 Pale Blue. White Moss 2779 Deep Blue. Old Cauldron .... 2778 Pale Blue Greenish. Near Ambleside . . 2768 Pale Blue. Ingletou, Yorkshire . . . 2767 Dark Writing Slate. Bannisdale . . . 2765 Blackish. Head of Windermere . . . 2758 Deep Blue. Langdale 2752 Greenish Blue. Kentmere .... 2750 Blackish. Cartmell, Lancashire . . . 2740 Very Pale Blue (fine grained.) Ambleside . 2732 Medium weight of cubic foot . . . 2767 It is possible that there may be some present who have not had an opportunity of visiting a slate quarry, and witnessing the process of slate-making, and perhaps 17 a few descriptive remarks will therefore not be out of place. Slate quarries may be divided into two classes, open top and underground. The former, when situate on the hill- side, are generally worked by means of adit levels, through which the slate material and debris are carried out ; but when in the bottom of the valleys are worked " pit " like, and the material for slate working, debris, as well as the water, are hoisted to the surface by means of steam engines or hydraulic machinery. As to the best and most economical of these two methods to adopt, much depends on the nature of the rock, and the amount of "top rock" overlying the slate. If the slate rock be capped with a great thickness of "top rock," it will as a rule be cheaper to work the quarry under- ground, as the cost of removing this would be so great as often to render the working unprofitable. On the other hand, by working the quarry " close head," or under- ground, the removal of the" top rock " is dispensed with, but a much larger percentage of the good slate rock is spoiled than in the open quarries, and the work of ren- dering the roof safe is often very costly. These are some of the considerations which frequently tax the best energies and resources of the management. When commencing slate-making it is necessary in the first place to blast the rock from the cliff-side : this is done by means of a hole varying from | to 1| inch in diameter, according to the size of the piece to be dislocated. The depth of the hole depends on the distance the first joint or " back" may be from the face. The hole being bored, a charge of gunpowder is put in, which is fired by means of a fuse or short straw filled with small gunpowder, having fixed to the end a piece of "match paper." The " docker-up " now proceeds to view the dislocated rock, and by means of a hammer and chisel reduces the blocks into smaller and more convenient pieces. They are now loaded into waggons, and either taken out through the tunnels, or hoisted to the surface by the aid of ma- chinery, and delivered in front of the splitting sheds, their final destination prior to being made into roofing slates. There is a considerable variation in the size of the blocks, and good judgment, only acquired by experience, is neces- sary to cut them, so as to avoid waste and to the best advantage. Thus a block 6 feet long x 2 feet wide is cut into two pieces of three feet long each ; this is done by cutting a small aperture on one side and applying a series of heavy blows with a wooden mallet on the other side 18 immediately above the aperture ; by this means the block is cut in two. It is now ready for the splitter. There are two methods of splitting in Westmorland, viz. chisel riving and hammer riving, the latter is pecu- liarly characteristic of Westmorland the chisel riving alone being in use in Wales. The chisel-river does his work seated with crossed legs, always putting the left leg over the right; any departure from this is considered slovenly and bad form. He now takes a block, and, rest- ing it on his left knee, proceeds to reduce it to thin slates by the aid of mallet and chisel. The hammer-river, unlike his colleague, works standing. A raised platform or bench is provided on which the block is placed, held by his left hand, while, with the hammer in the right hand, he applies a series of gentle blows along the cleavage planes, with the result that the block is reduced into thin slates. This latter method is much more tedious, and on the whole less expeditious than the former, in addition to which it takes much longer time to become a good hammer-river than a chisel-river. I may just mention in passing that at Collyweston, in Northamptonshire, slates are produced which are prepared in a somewhat novel manner. The blocks, which are usually quarried in the autumn, are placed in a position in which the moisture will most readily percolate into the natural joints. The moisture freezes, and the blocks split of themselves into slates suitable for roofing pur- poses. As to the antiquity of the slate industry in Westmor- land, it is difficult to find any reliable data ; but it will be perfectly safe to say that quarrying in a crude manner has been carried out for centuries. It is interesting to find, however, that about 100 years ago slates were sent from a Westmorland quarry for Montague House, Whitehall, the Duke of Buccleuch's London residence, from which we may reasonably infer that quarrying had then attained some proportion, and was being carried on more or less systematically ; and it may be mentioned here that when this same house was rebuilt about forty years ago the same slates were used over again, and it was found that they worked out so well that new ones were only sent for the additional area to the roof. Up to within about thirty years ago the method of quarrying was, however, still rather primitive, and the quantities produced on a limited scale. This was in a large measure due to the difficulties of transit, want of enterprise on the part of the owners, and what was perhaps worse than all, the reluctance of both masters and men to adopt the most improved and expeditious methods of pro- ducing. In consequence of this indifference the industry was at one time in great danger of becoming a thing of the past. However, during the last twenty years a remarkable change has been effected in the Westmorland slate trade. The facilities for transit are greatly improved. More energy has been displayed, and more scientific knowledge has been brought to bear upon the working. The newest and most improved methods of production are now em- ployed, with the result that more quarries are in operation, more men engaged, and larger quantities by more than double are produced at this moment, than at any other period in the history of the industry. The outlook for the future is encouraging, the quarries are being deepened, and with increased depth there is always improved quality. The production in the area under our consideration has increased, according to the figures given in the mineral statistics, from 5,309 tons in 1886 to 17,'2