HPT"" T TTYT T/"\nr/"\ C* T\ A T\l I\/ TELEPHOTO GRAPH Y THOMAS R.DALLMEYER. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class TELEPHOTOGRAPHY o * E % = ! ^ E 5 x> S ~ o .Sf o >5 rt _ O rt -S .c g 'g III S S I O jj OU O T3 SB 2 a TELEPHOTOGRAPHY AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION OF THE TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS BY THOMAS R. DALLMEYER, F.R.A.S, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY WITH TWENTY-SIX PLATES AND SIXTY-SIX DIAGRAMS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN 1899 ~This Edition enjoys Copyright in all Countries Signatory to the Berne Treaty, and is not to be imported into the UnitedStatesof America. All rights including translation reserved HetrtcateU TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER JOHN HENRY DALLMEYER B. 18300. 1883 FAMED FOR HIS WORK HIMSELF BELOVED CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE FRONTISPIECE PREFACE AND HISTORICAL NOTES . xi I. PROPERTIES OF LIGHT . . . . . . . . .. . i II. THE FORMATION OF IMAGES BY THE "PINHOLE CAMERA," AND ITS PER- SPECTIVE DRAWING 5 III. THE FORMATION OF IMAGES BY POSITIVE LENSES 17 IV. THE FORMATION OF IMAGES BY NEGATIVE LENSES 41 V. THE FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES : PART I. BY Two POSITIVE LENS-SYSTEMS 51 PART II. BY A POSITIVE SYSTEM AND A NEGATIVE SYSTEM COMBINED, OR THE TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS .... 53 VI. THE USE AND EFFECTS OF THE DIAPHRAGM, AND THE IMPROVED PER- SPECTIVE RENDERING BY THE TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS ... 80 VII PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS. . . . 114 VIII WORKING DATA 137 ABRIDGED FORMULAE FOR REFERENCE 142 BIBLIOGRAPHY .147 PREFACE AND HISTORICAL NOTES THIS treatise is addressed to those who practise photography either for pictorial or scientific ends. The late Michael Faraday once remarked : " Lectures which really teach will never be popular ; lectures which are popular will never teach." All writers must experience the same inherent difficulty of treating scientific matter in any but an academic style. The author has endeavoured to present the subject of Telephotography in a manner which presupposes only the very slightest acquaintance with the science of Optics, explaining fully only those few properties or functions of lenses, which are necessary to enable the photographer to understand the action of the Telephotographic lens, and to comprehend the wide possibilities of its applications. The aim of the present work, in short, has been to call attention to the scale in which objects are reproduced in the image by ordinary photographic lenses, and to show how this image may be subjected to direct enlargement or magnification before it is received on the photo- graphic plate. This method was adopted by the author in his original contribu- tions to the subject. It is perhaps less classical than treating the instrument as a complete optical system, but has a more practical bearing upon its use ; and as might be expected, is more readily grasped by those who are acquainted with the action of ordinary photographic lenses : both methods are, however, included. It is PREFACE AND HISTORICAL NOTES hoped that frequent diagrammatic representation and occasional repetition may be of assistance to the reader. The application of the few formulae given in the work only involve a knowledge of arithmetic.* The literal meaning of the term "Telephotography" does not convey the full significance of the applications of the Telephotographic lens. The value of the instrument is as great, if not greater, in photo- graphing near as well as distant objects. It will be found to possess invaluable properties wherever lenses of great focal length are required to produce large images on the one hand, and for rendering improved perspective drawing in any given scale of near objects on the other. This latter effect is brought about by the fact that a greater distance intervenes between a Telephotographic lens and a comparatively near object (as in portraiture) than that required when using a lens of ordinary construction of the same focal length. This property is of great value to the artist when the object he desires to photograph has any "depth of field" enabling him to avoid the apparent ex- aggerated perspective so frequently met with in ordinary photo- graphs. The principle upon which the Telephotographic lens is constructed has been applied to the astronomical telescope for nearly seventy years. So long ago as 1834, Peter Barlow, in a communication to the Royal Society, dwelt on the advantages that might accrue from employing his negative lens " in day telescopes " as well as in astronomical telescopes ; "for by giving an adjustment to the lengthening lens, the power may be changed in any proportion, without even removing the eye or losing sight of the object. I have no doubt these and other applications of the lengthening lens will be made." In these last few words Barlow foreshadowed the construction of the Telephotographic lens. * The notes to Chapters II., III., IV., V., and VI. may be omitted on first reading. xii Dr. Von Rohr, a contemporary of the present writer, has been at great pains to trace the application of Barlow's lens in the construction of photographic instruments; and it appears that in 1851 Porro, an Italian engineer, utilised a " Barlow" lens for photographing an eclipse of the sun which took place on July 18 in that year. Since that date, the employment of a negative lens in astro-physical work has been adopted in a few isolated instances, notably by Dr. H. Schroeder, and these instruments are reported to have been directed to very distant terrestrial objects for the purpose of photographing them. Ordinary astronomical and terrestrial telescopes of various kinds have been utilised for the same purpose from time to time, and in the year 1873 the late Mr. J. Traill Taylor, Editor of the British Journal of Photography, called attention to the use of the Galilean Telescope, or ordinary opera-glass, for the purpose of producing a large direct image. This application of the Galilean telescope is identical with the employment of the " Barlow " lens for direct enlargement of the image, and as the instrument was not designed or corrected for photographic purposes, the reference to the opera-glass, although occurring in photo- graphic literature, was unnoticed elsewhere. In February 1890, Steinheil constructed a special photographic instrument upon this principle for the German " Reichs-marineamt," but the fact was not published. In the autumn of 1891, A. Duboscq, Dr. A. Meithe and the author almost simultaneously applied for patents concerning Telephotographic instruments ; Duboscq in France on August 7, Dr. Miethe in Germany on October 18, and the author in England on October 2. Duboscq's work was not known till a reference was made to it by A. Sorets in 1893- A controversy between the author and Dr. Miethe as to priority took place in the British Journal of Photography^ in which the author acknowledged Miethe's independence. At this date there had been no Xlll PREFACE AND HISTORICAL NOTES previous publication of instruments designed for the use of photo- graphers. The author was the first to exhibit instruments so designed at the Camera Club, London, and to explain the theory of construction and working. This is acknowledged by Dr. Von Rohr (of the firm of Zeiss), who points out the widespread effect of this exposition. The inherent defect of distortion of the image in the first Tele- photographic constructions led the author to introduce the plan of converting ordinary non-distorting photographic lenses into Telephoto- graphic systems, without interfering with their ordinary use, and this form of combination is the one which is now chiefly adopted by his contemporaries. Full reference is made to particular constructions. The author desires to record the fact that his attention was first directed to the subject of Telephotography by his friend Dr. P. H. Emerson, who urged upon him the necessity of a photographic instru- ment to enable the naturalist to record incidents that were then only possible by telescopic observation. Emerson's original work in advancing the pictorial side of photography is now history, and it was his indication of certain drawbacks in photographic methods, as a means of pictorial representation, particularly the inadequate rendering of objects as seen by the normal eye, that led the author to endeavour to overcome them by improved optical means. M. Boissonnas, of Geneva, the Earl of Crawford, and Mr. Hodinott, of the Camera Club, London, were the first to test and prove the value of the instrument in distant mountain scenery, and Dr. Emerson (in 1892) and later Mr. J. S. Bergheim to exhibit results showing improved perspective in portraiture. The author's thanks are due to these gentle- men and many others for their kindness in offering examples to illustrate this little work. Mr. R. B. Lodge and Messrs. Kearton have exemplified its value to the naturalist, Mr. E. Marriage and Mr. Cruickshank to the architect, while Dr. Victor Corbould and the late Dr. Fallows have xiv demonstrated its utility in surgical and medical records ; some of their splendid work would have been here reproduced, except for reasons that will be obvious when it is remembered that this treatise is intended for perusal by the lay public. A few studies of the eye are therefore substituted. The Astronomer- Royal kindly lends two very interesting examples of solar photography, while Naval and Military records and possibilities are illustrated through the courtesy of repre- sentatives of the Japanese and Italian Governments. It may be mentioned that with the exception of one or two articles on the practical applications of the lens by Mr. Lodge, Mr. Marriage and Dr. Spitta, the subject has not been treated by any other English writer. The author's papers are scattered some being out of print. He therefore hopes that this treatise may find acceptance, and a place in the literature of photographic optics. ROYAL SOCIETIES CLUB, ST. JAMES'S STREET, W. September 1899. TELEPHOTOGRAPHY CHAPTER I PROPERTIES OF LIGHT Light consists of vibrations of a highly elastic solid medium termed ether, which pervades all space. These vibrations are conveyed to the brain by means of our eyes, and produce the sensation of sight. All visible objects surrounding us are sources of light. These sources are either self-luminous bodies, such as the sun, fixed stars, electric light, and bodies in a state of combustion ; or illuminated bodies, as the moon, planets, or any body that can be seen by light borrowed from a self-luminous body. For our present purpose, it is not necessary to distinguish these two classes of objects ; every point in every object is a source of light. Medium. Any space through which light can pass is called a medium; a vacuum, air, gases, water, glass, &c., are media. Bodies through which light can pass are termed transparent, while those through which it cannot pass are termed opaque. Light travels in straight lines with iiniform velocity in any homo- geneous medium. In the practice of photography, particularly in Telephotography, we are occasionally reminded of the converse of this law. In observing a distant object across an open landscape, or a ship TELEPHOTOGRAPHY at sea, the object under observation sometimes appears to be disturbed and unsteady, owing to a kind of "boiling" appearance of the atmo- sphere, which is not homogeneous for the time being. When the atmosphere is in this condition, it is hopeless to expect to obtain well- defined photographic images. The observations of astronomers in this country are frequently disturbed by the lack of homogeneity in the atmosphere, even on apparently the clearest nights. Light consists of separable and independent Parts. If we place an opaque object in the light proceeding from a luminous body, a portion of the light is intercepted, but the rest of the light proceeds to illuminate surfaces upon which it falls, neither adding to nor diminishing the illumination. Again, light from two independent sources may travel along the same path without interference. Hence light is capable of quantitative measurement ; that is to say, we can compare the intensity of two given sources of light, or in general measure the intensity of light in terms of some fixed standard. In photographic practice, we measure the intensity of light by an instrument known as an "actinometer," the action of which is based upon the period of time taken by the light to discolour a photo- graphically active material to a given shade ; the greater the intensity of the light (photographically), the shorter the period of time taken to discolour the sensitive material. Absorption and Transmission of Light. When light travels through any homogeneous medium, part is absorbed and only part transmitted. We shall neglect absorption entirely and presume that all media are perfectly transparent. Reflexion of Light on passing from one Medium to another. When light passes from one homogeneous medium to another, part is reflected at the surface of the second medium, and part transmitted. In the construction of photographic instruments, we consider the whole of the light to be transmitted. In our study of the theory of the Telephoto- graphic lens, we shall not then take these factors into consideration ; but, in practice, it must be borne in mind that the absorption of light by thick lenses, and the loss of light by reflexions are not in reality PROPERTIES OF LIGHT quite negligible quantities. Greater optical perfection in an instrument is frequently attained, however, by both these means as exemplified in some of the most recent advances in photographic lens construction. A Ray of Light. For theoretical considerations, it is often convenient to consider a portion of light travelling along some particular line in a medium, quite apart from the remainder. We may think of it as an indefinitely attenuated slender cone, or, as older writers put it, the least portion of light we can conceive to exist independently. We term such a portion of light a Ray of Light. A Pencil of Ray s\s a collection of rays which never deviate far from some central fixed ray, which is called the axis of the pencil. If the FiC.I. pencil proceeds towards a point, it is termed a convergent pencil ; if, on the other hand, it proceeds from a point, it is termed a divergent pencil. Focus. If a pencil of rays meets in a point, that point is called the focus. A focus is not a measurement, but a position. Parallel Rays. The form of a pencil of rays is considered as that of a right cone. The limiting form of a cone when the vertical angle is indefinitely small is a cylinder. Such a cylindrical pencil of rays is termed parallel. The intensity of light at different distances from a htminous point is inversely as the square of the distance. As we know that light travels in straight lines in all directions, it is easy to find the alteration in the intensity of the illumination* of a surface by changing its distance from the source of light. * It is thought unnecessary to introduce " units " into this popular explanation. 3 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY If L be a luminous point, and we imagine concentric spheres with radii R R', &c., described about it, the total quantity of light received by the surface of the sphere of radius R L is the same as that which would reach the surface of the sphere of radius R' L. Now, as the surfaces of the spheres are in direct ratio of the square of their radii; the quantity of light which falls on a given extent of surface must be inversely in the same ratio. In the same manner, if we place a small plane surface at A at a given distance from L, the whole quantity of light received at A would be distributed over B, c, and D placed at distances 2, 3, and 4 times the distance of A from the light. The areas of B, c, and D are 4, 9, and 1 6 times as great as A, or the intensity of the light on the unit of sur- face is inversely as the square of the distance from the source of illumination. This law is termed the " law of inverse squares," and it has a very important bearing upon our present subject. The illumination of the areas we have just discussed is taken as perpendicular to the incident light. The illumination of an area inclined to the incident light is found by multiplying the former by the cosine of the angle of incidence. This law, together with the law of inverse squares, enables us to measure the falling off of the illumination from the centre towards the edge of a photographic plate, but need not be dwelt upon here. CHAPTER II THE FORMATION OF IMAGES BY THE " PINHOLE CAMERA," AND ITS PERSPECTIVE DRAWING THE simplest of all devices for forming an image is what is termed a 41 Pinhole Camera." If we make a minute hole in a thin sheet of card or metal, and place this at one end of a [rectangular] light-tight chamber or camera, and place a screen or sensitive photographic plate at the opposite end, Rc. 2. it is easy to see that any luminous or illuminated object lying in front of this camera will form an image upon the screen. Every luminous point that contributes to make up the entire object emits, as we have seen, luminous rays in all directions, but only one very small pencil of light can pass from each separate point through the tiny hole. Each minute pencil passes through this pinhole in straight lines, and passes on until it is intercepted by the screen, where 5 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY it is received as a tiny dot of light, determining its image. Thus the entire object forms a complete image upon the screen or sensitive plate, as illustrated in the figure. (See note at the end of chapter.) Successful photographs have been obtained by this means in cases where extremely fine definition is not of prime importance, nor the requisite time of exposure (a few minutes in good light) likely to emphasise any defect in definition by movement of the object. The enthusiastic photographer, having inadvertently left his lens FlC. 3. at home, has before to-day fixed his visiting card over the flange in his camera, pierced a hole in the pasteboard with a pin, and by this means secured a photograph that otherwise might never have been his, or fallen to his lot again. The " Pinhole Camera" gives us a clear insight into the formation of images of different sizes, and will help us to understand similar effects when we come to examine the capabilities of lenses in this respect. First let us direct the camera towards an object situated at a given distance from the pinhole, the distance between the pinhole and the screen being also known. 6 FORMATION OF IMAGES Let us suppose the object AB (Fig. 3) to be 10 ft. distant from the pinhole P, and that p is 6 inches from the camera screen s ; it is evident that the length of the image a b formed upon the screen bears the same proportion to the length of the object A B as the distance P s (6 inches) is to P o (10 ft.), or the image is one-twentieth of the size of the object.* Now let us bring the camera nearer to the object, as shown in the same figure, until o P is only 5 ft., but o s remaining 6 inches. The image now formed upon the screen is affected in a similar manner to our impression of the appearance of the object. As we approach an object it appears to be larger, or the object is said to be viewed under a greater angle, and it now subtends a greater angle at the pinhole FIG. 4. than it did in its first position. The rays passing from A and B through the pinhole cross at a greater angle. These and all rays forming the image are intercepted by the screen, and the length of the image is again determined by the relation of the distances PO (5 ft.) and PS (6 inches), A B and a b being in the same proportion, or as 10 : i. Thus we see that when the camera is one half the distance from the object, the image is double the size (linear) ; and in general the nearer we approach the object, the greater becomes the size of the image. By similar reasoning the converse may be taken for granted. Let us now consider the case of the object and pinhole of the camera at a fixed distance apart, but with the screen of the camera made to occupy different positions. * A P o and a P s are similar triangles, and if we know the relation existing between the measurement of any two similar sides, o p : P s : : 20 : i, we know that any other pair of similar sides o A, as, bear the same relation to one another. Thus in the similar triangles A p B, a P b, A B : a b : : 20 : i. 7 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Let the object A B (Fig. 4) be again 10 ft. distant from r, and the screen s 6 inches from p, intercepting the rays of light from the object A B which pass through P, receiving the image at a b. In this position we have seen that the respective lengths of A B and a b are as 20 : i , or as their distances from p. Let us now move the screen nearer to P, as at p s', say 3 inches only from the pinhole. We observe that the luminous rays from A B are intercepted sooner, and form an image at a' b'. The relative lengths of AB and a' b' are now as 10 ft. to 3 inches, or as 40 : i. Similarly, it is easy to see that if the screen be removed to s", at a distance of 1 2 inches from P, the image will now be intercepted at a" b", and that the relative FIG. 5. lengths of A B and a!' b" are now only as 10 : i ; and, in general, that the greater the distance between pinhole and screen, the larger will the image become. It will be seen later that when we employ an ordinary photographic lens, the only way to increase the size of the image upon the screen is by approaching the object, as we did with the pinhole camera in Fig. 3 ; but when we employ a Telephotographic lens, we can place the screen in any position we like, as in Fig. 4, and obtain different sizes of images from a fixed standpoint. So that the pinhole camera with the screen in a fixed position roughly defines the limited use of an ordinary photographic lens as regards its power of producing images of different size of a given object ; whereas the pinhole camera with a movable screen indicates the far wider possiblities of the Telephotographic lens in this respect. In Fig. 4 reference has been made to the lengths of the images a' b', 8 FORMATION OF IMAGES a 6, a" b" corresponding to A B at different distances of the screen from p, or different camera-extensions as they are termed. These lengths were found to be i, 2, and 4 respectively. Let us suppose the object to be a square ; then the image at a' b' will be one unit square, the image at a b, two units square, and at a!' b" four units square. It is evident that the quantity of light received at a' b' (Fig. 5) is spread over four times the same area at a b, and sixteen times the same area at a" b" . The correct relative exposures to give to a photographic plate at these distances from the pinhole P are proportional to the areas in the figure, provided the aperture at P remains the same. We see thus early in our investigations the importance of the "law of inverse squares " in photographic practice : a b is twice the distance of a' b' from FlG.6. the source of light P, and receives one-fourth of the light ; a" b" is four times the distance of a' b' from the same source, and therefore receives but one-sixteenth of the light. It must be remembered that when we speak of the relative sizes of object and image, or of two images, we always refer to linear measure- ments. For convenience we shall frequently speak of "magnification " in this treatise, meaning invariably linear magnification. If we refer a" b" to a' b', for example, we say that the magnification of a" b" is four times ; we also speak of either reduction or magnification (in their ordinary sense) as "magnification." Thus in Fig. 4 the "magnifica- tion " of A B at a' b', a b, a" b" is tV, w, and ~^ respectively. The pinhole camera will assist us materially in a preliminary inquiry into the perspective drawing given by lenses. We shall, however, go into the matter more fully in due course. Let us suppose we have two objects A B, A' B', (Fig. 6), of the same 9 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY height at a given distance apart, and that the camera is made to approach A B, until the image a b is conveniently included upon the screen or plate ; it will be obvious that a' b' the image of A' B' is also included upon the plate, and is smaller than a b. If the eye be placed at p, A' B' subtends a greater angle than A B, and hence A' B' appears larger than A B. In order to see the entire image a b a' b' in true perspective subse- quently, it is necessary to consider the image projected forwards through the pinhole towards the object, until, when viewed from P, this image FIG. 7. =>Q exactly overlaps, or coincides with its further projection on to the object itself. P, or the pinhole, is termed the " Entrance Pupil " (Abbe) of this image-forming appliance.* The distance between this " pupil " and the image when it is made to occupy a position in which its projection towards the object coincides with the object determines the proper viewing distance for the image or photograph. We may say in passing that this consideration has a very important bearing on the perspective given by the Telephotographic lens. It is evident from Fig. 6 that it is immaterial how near, or how * There are two "Pupils" in every lens-system, termed the "Entrance" and Exit " Pupils of the system, which are the centres of perspective for object and image respectively. In the case of pinhole projection, they coincide in the pinhole itself. (See Chapter VI., and Notes to same.) 10 FORMATION OF IMAGES distant, the screen or plate is placed to the pinhole p in order to pro- duce theoretically perfect perspective, because a position can always be foimd in front of the "Entrance Pupil" p, where this image, when projected towards the object, coincides with it exactly. (In the case under consideration the correct viewing distance is identical with the measure of the distance between the pinhole and the screen. It is, however, a less comprehensive method of examining the perspective drawing of photographic instruments in general.) The theoretically perfect perspective above referred to may, and frequently does, impose conditions that are unsuitable, and often impossible, to observe if we possess normal powers of vision. We cannot, without effort or discomfort, look at an object that is nearer than about 10 inches. The result of this is that we usually view small photographs from too great a distance, and accordingly the image appears crowded into a smaller space than it ought to be. In Fig. 7 the image a a' b' b appears in true perspective from P ; if, however, p E is not a convenient distance for normal vision, we should in reality view it from the same position Q. From this point Q the conditions for true perspective do not obtain, and the projection of the image towards the object does not coincide with it, but falls within it as at c D, c' D', giving an appearance of crowding. It is evident that if a distance Q E is necessary to view the picture (image) in comfort, the only way to maintain correct perspective will be to project a a' b 1 b towards the object until it would occupy the position at E', where E'P=QE in the top drawing; in other words, the image must be enlarged. It may be stated here that enlargements are usually more satisfactory in perspective than small photographs, because the tendency is to view the latter from a greater distance than the theoretical conditions for true perspective allow. On the other hand, if we look at a photograph at a normal distance of vision, and this happens to be within the correct distance for true perspective, we do not feel that the perspective drawing given by the instrument is as unsatisfactory as in the former case ; although if carried to an exaggerated degree, we become sensible that objects in the receding ii TELEPHOTOGRAPHY planes of the picture appear to be rendered too nearly upon one plane, or, to use the common phrase, ns C F ] g " -. x ..-""'""-*"" > ""---._.---"" - s c-i distances of object and image from the centre of the lens. The magnitude of the image is to that of the object as c b : c b'. To express these relations numerically we must introduce an optical law, known as the "Law of Conjugate Foci" which may be deduced from the geometrical construction above. If we plot c F and c F' as before, calling c F and c F' each = f, and calling the distance between F' and the object o, equal to x, and the distance between F' and the image i equal to y\ the law tells us that f-=xy .... (i) .:'..; ^.v ... which means that the focal length of the lens squared, or multiplied by itself, is always equal to the distance between the object and the front focal point, multiplied by the distance between the image and the back focal point. As this generalisation may at first seem a little confusing to the reader, we will interpret the law in another fashion. Plot c, F', and F as before, measure the distance between the object 24 PLATE III Taken with the same 8^" c. de v. lens combined with a 4-in. negative lens, as Plate II., at a distance of 15 ft. (By the Author.) FORMATION OF IMAGES o and the front focal point F', and find what multiple this distance is of the focal length of the lens (in the figure it is five times) ; the distance between the back focal point F and the image i will be the reciprocal of this multiple of the focal length (in the figure of the focal length), o and i are said to be conjugate points, or conjugate to one another. If the object be placed at i the image will be formed at O ; so that object and image are interchangeable. The size (linear) of the image will also be one-fifth of the size of the object ; in other words, the magnification will be one-fifth. To take a numerical example : Supposing the focal length of the lens f = 10 inches ; then the distance o F' is 5 x 10, or 50 inches ; the distance of the object from the FlC. 18. U n S I c FT tf centre of the lens is 60 inches ; the distance i F is - or 2 inches, and the distance of the image from the centre of the lens is 12 inches. The size (linear) of the image is to that of the object as their respectives distances from the centre of the lens, or as 12 : 60, that is as i 15; the magnification is one-fifth. If we substitute the values for the focal length of the lens, the distance from the front focal point to the object, and the distance of the back focal point to the image in the general formula expressing the "law of conjugate foci," we shall find that it holds good. IOX 10 = 50 X 2 I OO = I OO In general, then, we notice that the further a given object is from the lens, the smaller will be its image, and the more closely will the 25 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY image approach to the focal point or plane on the further side of the lens ; when the object is very distant, or at "infinity" as it is termed, the image lies in that focal plane. Conversely, when the object is brought nearer the lens, the plane of the image recedes from the second focal point and increases in size (although the image is smaller than the object), until it arrives at a distance equal to one focal length beyond the front focal point, or, in other words, when it is twice the focal length of the lens away from the centre of the lens. In this interesting position, image and object are of the same size, and are at equal distances from the centre of the lens. If f be the focal length of the lens, c its centre, F' and F the focal points, and o F' be made =f, it follows that F i must =/"; for o F is now the multiple one of the focal length, so that F i must be the reciprocal of this multiple, that is to say, one also. Or, from the formula : These particular positions of o and i are called the symmetric points, and the planes passing through them the symmetric planes ; they possess, as we have seen, the property that any object situated in one will be reproduced (but inverted) exactly the same size in image in the other. This is called the position of "unit magnification." The position of the symmetric points s s' is also remarkable in this respect. If the object is situated beyond one of these on one side of the lens its image is diminished in size (magnification less than unity), and is nearer to the lens than the other : if, on the other hand, the 26 FORMATION OF IMAGES object is situated anywhere between one of them and the focal point on that side of the lens, its image is increased in size (magnification greater than unity), and is further from the lens than the other. Thus, o lying in s is exactly reproduced at i in s' ; o' to the left of s is diminished in size at i', and o" to the right of o, between s and F' is increased in size at i". (Note the interchangeability of object and image in the figure.) If the object is brought so near to the lens as to coincide with the focal point (or plane through F') we know that, as this point is the position of the focus for parallel rays, the image must be formed at "infinity." Again, if the object be moved nearer still to the lens than this, every ray after passing through the lens will diverge and no real FIG. 20. i" Lens 0' ( 1 1 1 j_ S F' r I s' I image will be formed. (A virtual image is formed in this case, but it will not be necessary to enter here into the formation of virtual images by positive lenses.) It is important for following our subsequent reasoning that the reader should always refer the distance of the object from the lens to a multiple of the focal length of the lens, but bear in mind that the multiple he has to deal with to find the magnification is one (focal lengtli) less. To give another example : suppose the lens to be one of 10 inches focal length as before, and the object he intends to reproduce is 100 inches from the lens. It is distant 10 times the focal length of the lens, but only 9 times from the front focal point, so that he knows the "conjugate" will be one-ninth of the focal length beyond the back focal point, and also that the " magnification " will be one-ninth. Conversely (and this it should be remarked is the usual manner in 27 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY which we shall have to use this law in practice), if we wish to make a certain " magnification " (say one-tenth) with a lens of given focal length (say 10 inches), the distance of the lens from the object must be one focal length more, 10 + i, or 1 1 times the focal length of the lens. In general, for a reduction of n times (i.e., a magnification of -) : n Distance of object from lens=(/z+i) times the focal length of lens. Distance of image from lens = lens. n+ n times the focal length of the The reader will readily see from the foregoing that as the focal FIG. 21. points are constant, or fixed, for any given positive lens, this lens can only give larger or smaller images of a given object by placing the lens nearer to it or further from it, in a similar manner to that employed by the pinhole camera with the screen at a fixed distance from the pin- hole (Fig. 3). If we wish to produce a larger direct image of an object at a given distance with an ordinary lens the only way will be to employ another lens in which the focal points are situated at a greater distance from the centre of the lens, or one with a greater (or longer) focal length. 28 FORMATION OF IMAGES Let Fig. 2 1 represent two lenses which differ in their focal lengths, that is to say the distances between their centres and focal points differ. In the upper figure the distant object A B will form an image in the focal plane through F, at a b, of a certain size. In the lower figure the same object will form an image b' a' in the focal plane through F" at b' a'. It is easy to see that the respective sizes of ad, a' b' are directly dependent on the distances of the focal points from the centres of the lenses, or as c F : c' F". In other words, the size of an image given by a lens depends upon its focal length ; and if one lens has a greater (or longer) focal length than another, the sizes of the images given by them respectively will be directly proportional to their focal lengths. In general, if one lens is n times the focal length of another, it will give an image n times the size of the other. We must impress upon the reader that the focal length of a lens is a measurement and definite characteristic of a lens, but he must always bear in mind that this measurement is carried out under definite conditions viz., that the focal length of a lens is the distance between the centre of the lens and either of the focal points for parallel incident rays. This is most important, as confusion might otherwise arise as to the respective sizes of images for objects that are comparatively close. If we compare the sizes of the image of a very distant object (say a building) given by two lenses, one of which has double the focal length of the other, one image will be found to give an image exactly double the size of the other. If, however, we compare the sizes of the image given by the two lenses of a near object, this relation no longer holds absolutely. For example, let us compare the sizes of the images given by two lenses of 10 and 20 inches focal length respectively, of an object 100 inches from the centre of the lens : with the lo-inch lens: - - = io; 101=9; magnification = - ; ioo_ i 20- ,, ,, = 5 5~~ I= 4> \ 20 4 so that the sizes of the images are not now as i : 2 exactly. The 29 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY smaller the multiple of the focal length the object be distant, the more will the relation of the sizes of the images differ from that of their true focal length ; if the object be 40 inches distant from either lens, the lo-inch lens gives a magnification of-, and the 20- ,, i, the proportion being as i : 3 here. The usual statement that the right standpoint for viewing a photograph is a distance equal to the focal length of a lens only holds good when all the objects included in the photograph are very distant ; it is not then true of all lenses irrespective of their optical construction. For ordinary positive lenses or lens-systems, images of near objects should be viewed as shown above, the correct viewing distance being practically identical with the distance of the conjugate focus of the nearest foreground object in the image from the centre of the lens. But, as we have asked before (p. 13), how are we to know this from the photograph itself? The only way to evade the necessity of asking the question is to avoid including a foreground that is too near, and to employ a lens whose focal length is considerably longer than the longest side of the trimmed photograph. This practice is both cumbersome and expensive when ordinary positive lenses are employed. The advantages of the Telephotographic lens will be compared presently. We have, as already stated, endeavoured in this chapter to simplify the study of the formation of images by considering the two principal points of a lens as combined in one, which we have termed the "centre." If we still keep to this convention, it must be understood neverthe- less that this "centre" is not necessarily the mechanical centre of the glass lens in the case of a single lens, nor midway between the two lenses forming a combination of positive lenses, as might be supposed. If both lenses shown in Fig. 22 are considered thin, the centre c of the equi-convex lens is equidistant from both focal points FF'. In the 30 FORMATION OF IMAGES positive meniscus, however, of the same focal length as the equi-convex lens, the centre c is seen to lie outside the lens itself, but its distance from the two focal points F and F' is still the same. Suppose we place the equi-convex lens in a beam of parallel rays coming from a very distant object, such as the sun, and place a screen in the plane of the image, measuring the distance from the screen to the nearest surface of the lens and noting the size of the image, we shall find that on reversing the lens, the distance between lens and screen is exactly the same and the size of the sun's image is unaltered. In either case the distance between lens and screen is approximately equal to the focal length of the lens. In reality it is slightly less. If the thickness of the lens be considered, one-third of the thickness of the Fic.22. glass lens must be added. Placing now the meniscus lens in the sun's rays, we shall find that if these rays fall upon the convex side of the lens, the distance between the plane of the screen and the nearest surface of the lens is less than in the former case, but the size of the image remains the same. On reversing this lens and presenting the concave surface to the sun's rays, the distance between lens and screen is considerably greater than before, and greater than in the case of the equi-convex lens, but still the size of the image remains the same. The mean of the last two measurements is approximately equal to the focal length of the lens. We can arrive very approximately at the focal length of either a single lens or a combination of lenses, by two measurements of the distance of the plane of the image (for parallel rays) for some fixed and convenient point in the lens or lens-mount, by presenting first one surface of the lens to the incident rays, and then the other, and taking the mean of the measurements. 31 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY CO 2 Q. 1 (/) -* *- -- S en ai - _2 : cc I , u LL. CQ CO 8 _J - u_ ' A" .e 9 8 OJ r" o> ^ CJ 5 .. r "5 We conclude this chapter by giving a method of determining very accurately the true focal length of any positive lens-system without involving calculation, but based upon a principle with which the reader is now familiar. Mount the lens in a fixed position. Present the surface A of the lens to a beam of parallel rays and thus determine the position of the focal point F. Similarly present the surface B of the lens to a beam of parallel rays, and determine the position of the focal point F'. Now place a screen at F with a mark or scale of definite length upon it, and a second screen for focusin at Plumbed with the planes through F and F', on the base of the stand, fix two rules, as shown in the figure. The distance between F and F' is only approximately double the focal length of the lens. Remove the screen s, with the definite marking upon it, rather less than half the distance between F' and F to the right of F, and move the focusing screen s' exactly the same distance to the left of F'. An indistinct image of the marking on s will now be seen on s' ; proceed to move s and s' small, but exactly equal, distances in | opposite directions, until the marking upon s is sharply defined and of equal size on s'. s and s' now occupy the positions for "unit magnifications," and we know that in this position each is removed the true 3 2 I I LI PLATE IV Taken with a R. R. lens of i6-in. focal length at a'distance of 4 ft., the short distance between lens and sitter has caused the mouth to be exaggerated in size, and the forehead to appear to recede. Compare Plate V. (By Mr. T. Habgood, Boscombe.) PLATE V Taken with the same 8^" c. de v. lens combined with a 4-in. negative lens as employed for Plates II. and III., at a distance of 10 ft. The camera extension is chosen to produce the same size of head as in Plate IV. The image could have been made equally sharp, but the back of the positive element was unscrewed to illustrate the soft effect produced by introducing spherical aberration (see Fig 58). A picture showing this effect should be viewed at a considerable distance. (By the A uthor.) FORMATION OF IMAGES measure of the focal length from the focal points F and F' respectively. By plumbing at s and s' we thus read off on the rule the true focal length of the lens. NOTES. In Fig. 1 1 we have illustrated the manner in which a ray of light in passing from air through a plate of glass with parallel sides, emerges finally into air. Let us apply the laws of refraction to the case, in order to show that the incident and emergent rays are parallel to each other. If we draw a normal PB p' to the surface of the glass at B at the Fie. 24. Air point where the incident ray A B meets it, forming an angle < with the normal, we shall find that after entering the second medium the ray will take an altered course B c, and that B c will form a different angle 0' with the normal at B. The law of refraction tells us that these two angles, termed the angles of incidence and refraction, are in the same plane, and that the sines of these angles bear to one another a constant ratio, depending solely upon the relation of the refractive indices of the two media. Calling the refractive index of air unity, and that of glass the Greek letter p, sn = sin ' is a constant for these two media ; and in general, in passing from one 33 c TELEPHOTOGRAPHY medium of refractive index p. to another of refractive index //, p. sin =fjf sin $'. Glass has a higher refractive index than air (roughly 1.5), thus the angle $' will be less than ^. On meeting the second surface of the glass at c, EC forms the same angle $' with the normal p' c P, and as the ray now passes from a medium whose refractive index is p. into air (refractive index unity), /LI sin $ r = sin , and hence the emergent ray c D forms the same angle Q with the normal as did the incident ray ; hence c D is parallel to A B or c' D'. If the second surface of the plate were not parallel to the first, and the ray formed an angle $" with the normal to this surface, the angle at emergence, $'", would similarly be found from the equation /u sin $" = sin q[". Let us now apply the laws of refraction to see how rays of light are affected in passing through a lens. If we trace the passage of a single ray of light, we may always consider it as passing through a plate of glass whose sides are either parallel or inclined to each other. In the latter case, the particular ray passes through the lens as if it were a prism, the ray, on emerging, being always bent or refracted towards its base, or thicker part. Let us trace the course of two rays parallel to the axis which meet either a positive or negative lens. The ray A B in either figure meets the lens in the point B ; if we draw a line from the centre of curvature of the surface o to meet E, and draw a line P R through this point at right angles to it (termed a tangent), it is evident that the ray A B may now be considered as meeting a plane surface P B R at B, forming an angle ^ with the normal o B (or perpen- dicular) to this surface. The ray from B takes an altered course B c making a smaller angle r with the normal BO, such that sin ^n sin <'. On the ray arriving at c, join c to the centre of curvature of 34 FORMATION OF IMAGES this surface o', and draw a line through c at right angles to o c, forming the tangent p c s. Before emerging from the lens B c makes an angle " with this normal o c N' ; after emergence, as it passes from a dense, to a rarer medium, it will be bent or refracted from this normal, forming an angle $'" with it, such that ju sin <}>"=sm $'". In the case of the positive lens the ray then takes the course CF, meeting the axis in F. F is one of the focal points of the lens, or the locus of its real focus for parallel rays. In the case of the negative lens, the ray takes the course c D, being bent or refracted from the axis, but proceeding as from a point v on the axis, in front of the lens, v is one of the focal points of this lens, and is the locus of its virtual focus for parallel rays. The rays thus traced have passed through the lenses, just as though they had passed through the prisms p R s in drawings, being refracted in either case towards the base of the prism. Similarly, if we trace the course of a parallel ray at a different distance from the axis, such as A' B' in either figure, it will be found that its course is the same as through a prism having sides inclined at a different angle, yet finally refracting the ray to the real focal point of the positive lens, and as from the virtual focal point of the negative lens. From the above it will be easy to see that a ray of light meeting 35 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY the lens in any direction will, in general, pass through its curved surfaces as if it passed through a plate of glass with sides more or less inclined to each other ; but when the ray in its passage through a lens passes through the centre, the direction of the ray, after refraction, will be parallel to its direction before refraction, or will be affected as if it had passed through a plane plate with parallel sides, as in Fig. 1 1. We have drawn attention to the fact (Fig. 14) that there are in reality two "principal," or "focal," points in every lens (or combination of lenses), for it is only when a lens is infinitely thin that they can coin- cide, or become one "optical centre." These two points, and the two focal points, as has already been remarked, are termed the " four FIG. 26. cardinal points" of a lens. In connection with them we define the planes that intersect the four cardinal points in the axis, perpendicular to the axis, as principal and focal planes. For any given lens the principal points are a certain distance apart, depending on the thickness and form of the lens, and the material of which it is composed, and possess the property that light proceeding from any direction towards one of them passes out from the lens as though it had passed through the other. If parallel rays are incident upon a lens in either direction, we have seen that F 2 and F : are the focal points of the lens, and that their distances from the optical centre of a thin lens are called the focal length of the lens. When the thickness of the lens is taken into con- sideration, with the two principal points, the true measure of the focal length is the distance between N a and F 2 , or N I and F r The two focal 36 FORMATION OF IMAGES points are always situated at equal distances from their corresponding principal points, or F, N 2 =Fj N L . In other words, any lens or system of lenses has the same absolute focal length whichever surface is presented to incident rays ; but it does not follow that the position of the focal points are equidistant from the surface of the lens nearest to them. Fig. 27 represents a case familiar to many photographers. Here we have a meniscus lens with its principal planes P : P 3 passing through the principal points NJ N 2 and FJ F 2 , the two focal points ; N l l = N 3 F y FIG. 27. Back focal length Back focal length It is evident that if the convex side of the meniscus were presented to the light, the distance between the back surface of the lens and the o focal point in the same direction would be considerably shorter than if the concave surface of the meniscus were so presented ; both images, however, would be of the same size, because the true measure of the focal length is the same in either case, or N X Fj=N 2 F 2 . In order to calculate the distances between the principal points for a single lens or combination of lenses, the student is referred to any modern work on geometrical optics. Most positive lenses consist of two combinations. The following formula for calculating the true focal length F, the distance from the back lens to the focal point on the same 37 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY side B F, and the resultant width w, between the principal points of the combination, may prove useful : F = BF - w = w, + w a A +/,-*' where/! and f z are the focal lengths of the two combinations, a their distance apart, and w l and w z the width between their principal points. To determine the position and magnitude of the image of an object Fie. 28. formed by a thick lens, or a combination of lenses, we have only to represent the four cardinal points and planes of the lens by points and lines as before, setting the principal points and planes at a definite distance apart =w for a single lens, or w for a combination. A ray from A parallel to the axis passes from P I to P 2 in a straight line ; from the point where it leaves P 2 , it passes through the focal point F 3 . Similarly, a ray A N I} passing towards one of the principal points, N P emerges from the other principal point, N 2 , in a direction parallel to A NJ, as N 3 A', meeting the former ray in A' and thus determining its position. So that A' B' is the position of the image of the object A B. 38 FORMATION OF IMAGES Again F X N^Fg N,, and both are equal to the true focal length of the lens=/ Calling B Y^X and B' F 2 =jy ; we know that : and that the size of A B : size of A' B' : : N : B : N 2 B'. From this it is evident that we need not know the distance between the principal points in order to determine the focal length of a lens, provided we know the positions of the two focal points. The former method of determining the focal length of a lens illustrated in Fig. 23 will of course apply ; but we give another practical method, FiC. 29. ^ D ^~ x F 2 [ Lens \ , , \ 1 1 showing that the result can be ascertained without a knowledge of the separation of the principal points. ( i ) Determine the position of the focus of the lens for a very distant object upon the screen of the camera and mark the position upon the base-board ; this is the plane of the back focal point F r (2) Reverse the lens in its flange, and find the position of the focus for the same distant object, measuring the distance of the screen from some fixed point in the lens mount, say the hood. We know that the position ot the other focal point F 2 is the distance D from the hood of the lens. (3) Replace the lens in its normal position with the screen at F I and then remove it an exact distance y further away roughly about one- fourth of its distance from the lens for convenience. (4) Find the 39 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY distance now necessary for the placing of an object o, so that its image is well defined at the new position of the screen at i. (Operations (3) and (4) may be reversed.) The distance of the object from the hood of the lens, less D, will be its distance x from the front focal point F 2 . Hence f=J xy ; or, if we multiply x and y together and extract the square root, we find the true focal length of the lens. Supposing x=2", jy=5o, then / 2 =ioo, or /=IO. 40 CHAPTER IV THE FORMATION OF IMAGES BY NEGATIVE LENSES IF we present either surface of a negative or concave lens to a beam of rays parallel to the axis of the lens, we shall be unable to find a real image of the object from which the parallel rays emanated ; no real focus will be formed by the lens. Again, if we bring the object nearer to the lens, until it is in close proximity with it, the lens will still be found incapable of forming a real image. It is evident, then, that negative lenses, used alone, will be quite useless for photographic purposes. Our object will be to examine the manner in which rays of light are affected by negative lenses, with a view, subsequently, of using them in conjunction with positive lenses, in such a manner that real images can be formed. Let us first make an experiment with a negative lens to see its effect upon a beam of parallel rays, and acquaint ourselves with the meaning of a " virtual " focus, by determining its approximate focal length in a practical manner. Take a thin disc of any opaque material, such as cardboard, of the same diameter as the lens under examination ; at equal distances from the centre of the disc, and rather nearer the edge than the centre, make two small perforations A, B ; measure their distance apart. If we now place this disc in contact with the lens, and present the disc to the sun's rays, we shall find that the pencils passing through A and B 41 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY will be divergent after passing through the lens. These divergent pencils can be traced as small discs of light upon a screen held behind the lens ; if the screen be made to occupy the position where the distance between these two discs A' and B' is just double the distance between A and B, the distance c F' between the disc and the screen is a rough measure of the focal length of the lens, or is equal to c F. The direction of the pencils A A' and B B' appears to originate at F. F is the "virtual" focus of the lens, and is one of the "focal points" of the lens, F' being the other. In negative as well as in positive lenses there are two " principal " Fie. 30. points ; but here again it will be sufficient for our purpose to consider them as coinciding in one "optical centre." From the determination of the position of these three elements in a negative lens, we know : (i) That any ray meeting a lens in a direction parallel to the axis emerges from the lens as though it came from the focal point situated on the same side of the lens as the incident ray ; (2) that any ray passing through the optical centre of the lens pro- ceeds in a straight line. We can then, as before, plot a negative lens on paper and indicate it by the principal plane passing through the optical centre of the lens, with its two focal points equally distant on either side. 42 FORMATION OF IMAGES Before proceeding, let us again refer to Fig. 30 to see what it teaches us. We have noticed that parallel rays diverge from the lens as though they proceeded from the focal point on the same side. This fact read alone is unimportant to our investigation ; we must grasp and remember the converse : that rays (A' A, B' B) converging towards the focal point F of the negative lens on the further side leave the lens in a parallel direction ; a focus would be formed by the negative lens at infinity. This is an important, though not practical, conclusion. Let us now consider the case of an object placed nearer to the lens, but distant some multiple of the focal length (greater than unity). FIG. 31. Let o o represent the axis passing through c, the optical centre of the lens, and F and F' the focal points (CF = CF'.) We will now determine the position of the virtual image of the object a c b. First consider a ray a L meeting the lens parallel to the axis. This ray after refraction takes the course F a' L, as though the ray emanated from the focal point F. Now take a second ray from a passing through the centre of the lens c ; this ray in passing through c cuts the first (virtual) ray at a', and determines the position of its virtual image. In the same manner we can determine the position of the virtual image of b, at b' ; a' b' is the virtual image of a b, is erect, and lies between the focal point F and the centre of the lens. To examine the converse : suppose convergent rays on the left of the lens are proceeding to form a real image a' b' c', and we interpose the negative lens so that a? d b' would fall between c and F as shown 43 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY in the figure, the negative lens will now form an enlarged image of a' c f b' at a b c. In Fig. 31 we have supposed the object ac b placed at a distance equal to five times the focal length of the lens, and have seen that the virtual image is formed on the same side as the object. The relation between the size of object and image is found as follows : Divide the distance of the object from the lens, by the focal length of the lens, and add one ; this is the magnification. (See Notes.) In the case before us the object is distant from the lens five times its focal length, hence the " magnification " is 5 + i, or 6, or the virtual image is one-sixth the size (linear) of the object. Further, it is evident that the distance of the object from the lens c c is in this same relation to the distance of the image c c' ; so that c c' is one-sixth of the distance c c. Again interpret the converse, for this is the chief interpretation we use : If convergent rays on the left of the lens are proceeding to form a real image at a' c' 6', and we interpose a negative lens of known focal length, and find that a real image is formed at acb, we know that the distance of a c b from the lens, divided by the focal length of the nega- tive lens, plus one, gives us the magnification of the image a' c' b' occurring at a c b. From Figs. 30 and 31 we see that as the object approaches the lens from infinity the size of the virtual image increases and approaches the lens. If the object be brought up to the plane coinciding with the focal point F, or even nearer to the lens, the same order of things con- tinues, until the object is in contact with the lens, or coincides with the centre of the lens ; here image and object both coincide, and we have the position for unit magnification for a negative lens. To impress this, as the case differs from a positive lens, we will illustrate the case when the object is nearer to the lens than its focal point on the same side. Taking our two rays whose paths are known : a L, parallel to the axis, emerges as though it originated at F, and a c passes through the 44 FORMATION OF IMAGES centre of the lens ; they cut one another at a', forming the virtual image of a. Similarly b' is the virtual image of 6, and a' b' that of a b. Our conclusion from the above observation is : that a real object placed anywhere between the lens and infinity forms a virtual image somewhere between the centre of the lens and its focal point on the same side. And conversely : Convergent rays incident upon a negative lens, proceeding to a focus situated anywhere between the centre of the lens and its focal point on the other side, -will form a real image some- where between the centre of the lens and infinity on that side. If, however, convergent rays meeting a negative lens are proceed - Fic.32. Lens ing to a focus anywhere beyond the focal point on the other side no- real image can be formed by the negative lens. If we examine the convergent pencils (2), Fig. 33, proceeding towards the focal point F, we see that they emerge parallel to the axis, to form an image at infinity. It is easy to see that if they converged to a point beyond F they would no longer emerge parallel, but become divergent, and thus could not form a real image. As a matter of interest let us now illustrate the facts arrived at in a comparative manner. In ( i ) the rays converge towards a point anywhere between the lens and the focal point F ; a real image is formed at R. In (2) the rays converge towards the focal point F and emerge parallel. In (3) the rays converge towards a point i, beyond the focal point F ; 45 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY they diverge, as from its conjugate, a virtual image at v, and no real image is formed. FIG. 33. In (4), similarly, the rays converge towards the symmetric point s (beyond the focal point), diverging from the lens at the same inclination 46 FORMATION OF IMAGES as the incident rays, and as though they originated in the virtual symmetric point s'. If we reverse (3) we see the conditions for convergent rays pro- ceeding to a point beyond the symmetric point, and in general confirm our conclusion that no real image can be formed by a negative lens when the rays converge to a point beyond its focal point on that side of the lens. We give in conclusion a practical method of determining the focal length of a negative lens with accuracy : 1. Focus accurately the image of some well-defined object with any ordinary positive lens, and measure the size of the image. 2. Place the negative lens, the focal length of which we wish to determine, a short distance within the convergent beam from the posi- tive lens. Then focus the image accurately formed by the combined lenses and measure its size. Note : (a) The distance of the screen from any fixed point on the mount- ing of the negative lens ; call this D. (b) The magnification that has occurred to the image formed by the positive lens alone ; call this M. 3. Now move the negative lens a little nearer to the positive lens (N.B. Keep the positive lens in a faced position), and focus accurately a second time upon the screen, and as before note : (c) The distance of the screen from the same fixed point on the mounting of the negative lens ; call this D'. (d) The magnification of the image now formed by the positive lens alone ; call this M'. The focal length of negative lens = D D M' M* NOTESj The four " cardinal points " of a negative lens, as in the case of a positive lens, are the two principal points, and the two focal 47 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY points. Here again the principal points are a certain distance apart, dependent upon the thickness and form of the lens, and possess the property that light proceeding from any direction towards one of them Fie. 34. passes out from the lens as though it had passed through the other. The relation F I N X = F 2 N 2 in Fig. 34 always holds good, so that we may trace the course of rays through a thick lens by plotting the two FIG. 35. principal planes passing through the two principal points in the axis, and the two focal points on either side. A ray A P I passing from A parallel to the axis (Fig. 35) meets the focal plane P I NJ in P I and emerges from P 2 as though it originated at F I : similarly the ray A NJ meeting the principal point N I emerges from N 2 in a direction parallel to A N I i.e., in the direction a N 2 ; the point a, where 48 PLATE VI These three photographs are all untouched, the normal-sized eyes are those of children. Taken with the same Telephoto combination as Plates II., III., and V., at a distance of 4 feet in all three cases. The magnified adult eye was obtained by using a greater extension of camera. Exposure, small eyes, 3 seconds in an ordinary room; large eye 25 seconds in a badly lighted studio. (By the Author.) FORMATION OF IMAGES N 3 a meets P 2 F V determines the position of the virtual image a of the object A. In the same manner we can find the image of any other point in the object A B, and thus determine the position of the entire virtual image a b. The relation between the size of the object A B and its image a b is found by our interpretation of the law of conjugate foci : xy = f. V As image and object are here both on the same side of the lens x N! B f, and y = b F ; so that when x = n + i times/ y = f. n + i To take a numerical example : suppose/" = 2 inches, and the object is 10 inches from it ; here n = 5 times, so that * = (5 + i) 2 and JK = (~ -) 2 ; /9 - = xy 12 x : / =2. Conversely, in examining a real image formed by a negative lens of 2 inches focal length used in conjunction with any positive system, we find this real image is 10 inches distant from the negative lens, and know that it has produced a magnification (very nearly) of \ + i or 6 times. In dealing with thick lenses, the measurement should of course be taken from the principal point of emergence, so that a slight error may arise. The position of the principal points in negative lenses differs with their form and thickness. In the double concave lens A (Fig. 36) both are contained within the glass ; in a plano-concave B one is always on the axis where the concave 49 D TELEPHOTOGRAPHY surface cuts it ; and in the negative meniscus, one may fall within the lens or both may be outside, as shown in c and D. In D we note that the ray a b proceeding to N P and which passes through the centre of the lens (i.e., towards c), emerges from it as c d parallel to a b and passes through the other principal point N 2 . In the construction of negative lens-systems used in practice, the principal points do not generally lie outside the lenses, so that only very small or negligible errors come in when determining "magnifica- tion " by the above process. 5 CHAPTER V THE FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES PART I. By two Positive lens-systems. Part II. By a Positive system and a Negative system combined or the TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS. PART I. Every positive lens, as we have seen, is capable of forming a real image. It is evident that this real image may be enlarged by a second FIG. 37. Lens positive lens, which in its turn forms a second image of the first one, produced by the first lens. This process is termed enlargement by "secondary magnification." The lens L : (Fig. 37) forms an inverted image L X of an object at o ; if we place a second lens L 2 behind this real image ij (although formed in air) at any distance greater than the measurement of its focal point F 2 from the lens, a real image of I 2 must again be formed. If the distance between the second lens L 2 and i : is greater than the focal length of L 2 , 51 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY and less than twice its focal length (the position for unit magnification,, or the symmetric plane) a magnified and erect image must be formed as at I 2 and can be received upon a screen or photographic plate. In cases where it is only necessary to magnify a small amount of the image i : as occurs in photographing the sun, or portions of it, and where the length and bulk of the instrument is of little moment, this method of magnification has been adopted, although it has recently been abandoned for the "negative" enlarging system. (See Plates VII. and VIII.) Photographers who know the meaning of "curvature of field" in a lens will see that the curvature of the image ^ given by the first lens L X will be increased by the second positive lens L 2 , as the curvature is wrongly disposed for reproduction on a plane surface at I 2 . For general use, however, bulk is the great drawback to this system. The first lens necessitates the usual camera extension, equal to or greater than its focal length, and the second lens must increase this by more than four times its focal length, before any magnification can begin. If we were not in possession of the method of enlarging by the negative system, secondary magnification might still be practised in certain cases, because of the advantage gained by the fact that the enlargement given by the second positive lens is of an image formed in air. This image has no granular structure, such as takes place in the photographic film on the plate, hence the enlargement would have that "pluck" and definition which are noticeably wanting in enlargements made from the photographic primary image. This leads up to saying here that the whole raison d'etre for any optical enlarging system is due to the fact that the grain of the photographic image puts a limit, and a very small one too, upon the number of times it can be enlarged with the requisite degree of definition for analysis. It may be argued that we can see fine definition in the enlargement of a lantern-slide, for example, thrown upon a large screen. So we can as an illusion, when viewing it from a distance, but as we approach the 52 NORTH EAST WEST * PLATE VII SOUTH "Photograph of the great Sun Spot of September 1898. Taken with the Thompson photographic refractor, 26 in. in diameter, aperture employed 15 in., focal length 27 ft. 6 in. Image of the Sun in primary focus i\ in. in diameter. Enlarged in telescope by a Dallmeyer telephoto lens to 29 in. Taken September u, 1898." (Notes from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.} FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES screen, all definition is gone ! The chief aim and use of optical enlarging systems for taking photographs is to attain as fine definition in the enlarged image as we should in the small image produced by the "positive" portion of the system; in fact, not a comparative degree of definition or sharpness, but an absolute degree. PART II. The Telephotographic lens may be conceived to act in either of two ways (A) as a complete positive system of variable focal length, and therefore capable of .producing images of different size of a given object at any definite distance from it ; (B) as consisting of two separate parts, a positive lens of definite focal length, whose function is to form a real image of definite size at a definite distance from the object, FlG.38. combined with a negative lens of definite focal length, whose function is to magnify the image given by the positive lens in variable degree. Both conceptions of its action will be dealt with, as they will assist the reader in completely mastering its use in practice. The former will be found the more elegant perhaps in theory, but the author has found that the latter is more easily grasped by the photographer who is fairly intimate with the working of ordinary positive systems. Let us take two lenses of the same kind of glass, one a plano- convex and the other a concavo-plane, the curved surface being of the same radius in each case, and place them in contact, as in the figure. As the radii are the same, the focal length of each lens is also the same ; but as one is positive and the other is negative, the combination acts as a plain disc of glass with parallel sides. We have seen that we may consider the disc as a lens of infinite focal length, and hence we know that the combination of the two lenses A and B (Fig. 38) forms a compound lens of infinite focal length. These two lenses, in this condition, form the simplest conception of 53 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY the Telephotographic lens that we can imagine, with the components here arranged so as to give the greatest possible focal length. Let us examine this arrangement, so that we may define it in general terms for any other combination of positive and negative lenses used in the Telephotographic construction. Parallel rays incident upon the lens A (Fig. 39) used alone converge towards the focus F at a definite distance from the lens A ; similarly, parallel rays incident upon B diverge as from the virtual focus F', F' being the same distance from the lens B as both have the same focal length. It is evident that when F X is made to coincide with F 2 , incident parallel rays will emerge parallel. In the particular case we have chosen as a preliminary illustration, FIG. 39. on account of its simplicity, as the focal lengths of the two lenses are identical, they must, as is here seen, be placed in contact ; but in general the focal length of the compound lens F is infinite, when positive and negative lenses are separated by a distance equal to the difference of their focal lengths (/i /~ 2 ). Let us now separate these lenses gradually and observe what happens : Parallel incident rays upon the positive lens A (Fig. 40) are rendered convergent and proceed to form a focus at F : ; if they are intercepted by the negative lens B separated by an interval a from A they are rendered less convergent, and proceed to form a focus at F, as though they came from A' and not from A. The distance A' F is now the focal length of the compound lens, when the two lenses composing it are separated by the interval d. 54 FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES Note. In general a (see Fig. 40) represents the measurement of the entire separation between positive and negative lenses. f \~~fz * s tne distance the component lenses must be separated in order that the focal length of the compound lens shall be infinite. (In the present case as/i / 2 =o, the lenses are in contact.) d represents the measurement of any increase in the separation greater than the difference between the focal lengths of the component lenses /J _/,. (In the present case, d=a because f^f^] (See Notes.) FIG. 40. a (here =d) A Equivalent focal length a=f, ; Equivalent focal length If we know/j, f v the focal lengths of the component lenses, a the entire separation, and d the interval as defined, we can find the focal length of the compound lens F, and its back focal length B F (see figure) from the following simple formulae : F - d (3) (4) which tell us that : The focal length of the compound lens is found by multiplying the 55 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY focal lengths of its two components together, and dividing by the interval (d) of separation greater than the difference of their focal lengths. The back focal length, or distance from the negative lens to the screen, is formed by multiplying the focal length of the negative lens by the difference between the focal length of the positive lens and the entire separation, and dividing by the interval (d) of separation greater than the difference of their focal lengths : Suppose the lenses A and B, Fig. 40, are both of 6 inches focal length, we see that : If d = O, F = OQ BF 8 = To"> = 36o; = 354" = i, =3 6 ; =3 = 2, = 18 ; =12 = 3, = 12 ; =6 = 4, =9', =3 = 6, 6 ; =o t ( One of the most valuable practical features of this lens arises from the fact that the back focal length is shorter than the true focal length of the compound lens, as illustrated above. This is much more pro- nounced where the negative lens has a shorter focal length than the positive lens, as will be shown later. By the above simple combination of two lenses of equal focal length, but of opposite power, we have determined the following general characteristics of any Telephotographic system : (1) The lens has an infinite focal length when the component lenses are separated by a distance equal to the difference of their focal lengths. (2) Its focal length decreases from infinity to diminishing finite focal lengths as we increase this separation, until, (3) When the lenses are separated by a distance equal to the focal length of the positive lens, the focal length of the compound lens is 5 PLATE VIII "Photograph of the Eclipse of January 22, 1898. Taken at Sahrdol, India, by the Astronomer Royal. Instrument used, Thompson photographic refractor, 9 in. in diameter, full aperture, focal length 8 ft. 6 in. Image of the Sun in primary focus i in. in diameter. Enlarged in telescope by a Dallmeyer telephoto lens to 4 in. Exposure f second." (Notes from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.) FORMATION OF ENLARGED I equal to this (see Fig. 40) giving its shortest focal length. In other words, until the interval d is equal to the focal length of the negative lens, or the negative lens has been separated from the position for emergent parallel rays (as in i) by an interval equal to its focal length. (4) The back focal length is always shorter than the true focal length, except in the positions of its longest and shortest focal lengths ; but neither of these two positions is of practical value. We cannot have a camera of infinite length, nor should we place the plate in contact with the negative lens. Let us now take a general case, applying the information we have gathered from our simple particular case, in order to examine conditions that are not included in it. Let the focal length of the negative lens f z be shorter than that of the positive lens/^. If the lenses are placed in contact, it is easy to see that no real image can be formed, for the combination would then be equivalent to a lens of negative focal length. For lenses in con- tact, the following simple relation holds good : 5 ~7, A so that if/" 2 is less than/^, F must be a negative quantity. (See Notes.) The focal length of the compound lens continues to be negative on separating the lenses, Fig. 41 (i), until the separation a is equal to the difference of their focal lengths, or until we arrive at a separation when d=o ; here the rays emerge parallel or the focal length is infinite (2), as we have seen. On increasing the separation (3), or making d a definite quantity, the focal length decreases until d=f 2 , or the whole separation a=f v when the image is formed in the centre of the negative lens, and the focal length is a minimum, or equal to the focal length of the positive lens/ r If we increase the separation still further, (4), the negative lens forms a virtual image of the real image formed at/ x . 57 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY These results will be readily understood from our examination of the conditions necessary for convergent rays meeting a negative lens to form a real image. (Chapter IV., Fig. 33.) (I) Focal length is negative (2) d = o Focal length is infinite (3) + Negative lens forms virtual image of real image formed by positive lens at f { In (i) they converge towards a point beyond the focal point of the negative lens, and therefore emerge divergent, giving a virtual image. 58 FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES In (2) they converge towards the focal point of the negative lens and therefore emerge parallel ; do. In (3) they converge towards a point between the negative lens and its focal point, and therefore continue to converge, and form a real image ; d ^. positive quantity greater than o and less than/" 2 . In (4) the positive lens forms a real image on the axis of the lens in front of the negative lens, which forms a virtual image of it. Diagram (3) of the figure gives us, then, the keynote of the Telephotographic construction : d must be equal to, or greater than o, and equal to, or less than, the focal length of the negative lens, in order that real images may be formed. In mounting the lenses of the instrument, we must adjust the separation of the two elements (positive and negative lenses) so that first : the minimum separation makes d=.o, or parallel incident rays will emerge parallel ; and secondly : the maximum separation will allow the negative lens to coincide with the focal point of the positive lens ; d=f v (When mounting the lenses we actually allow a greater separation than this, to provide for the temporary increase in the conjugate focal distance of the positive lens when near objects are focused upon.) In treating the Telephotographic lens as a complete optical system, it is evident that if we make d = o as a starting-point, and know the focal lengths of the component lenses / : and / 2 , we know the focal length of the compound lens for any value of d greater than o ; for F = d (3) that is to say, the focal length of the compound lens is always equal to the focal length of its two components multiplied together, and divided by the interval d. Supposing we mount two lenses of 6 inches positive and 3 inches negative focal length respectively in a tube 3 inches apart (i.e., separated by a distance equal to the difference of their focal lengths), making this their minimum separation (d = o), the compound lens has an infinite focal length. 59 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY If we now separate them by any greater interval d, say f of an inch, the focal length 3x6 .1 F = - = 24 inches. To mount these two lenses 3 inches apart involves in reality a knowledge of the positions of the principal (or nodal) points of each combination, and would be a difficult matter for an amateur to accom- plish. The reader will readily see, however, that if we know the focal lengths of the component lenses, and separate them until parallel incident rays emerge parallel, we have discovered the position in which they are 3 inches apart, without the knowledge of the principal points of either combination. To take d = o as a starting-point constitutes the beauty of the method of treating the instrument as a complete system. We can read off the interval d on the mounting of the instrument and instantly calculate the focal length of the compound lens for that particular interval.^ As in the case of ordinary positive lenses, we have now to deter- mine the position of the "cardinal points" of the Telephotographic system, in order to find the position and magnitude of the image of any object. This is somewhat more complicated, but the reader will not find it difficult to commit to memory the few formulae necessarily given. We may consider both component lenses L : and L 3 as infinitely thin, but as the principal points of the whole system are sometimes widely separated, we cannot consider them as coinciding in one " optical centre." We may here state that the focal length of the negative lens is * The Author devised this method in his early work on the subject, "Telephoto- graphic Systems of Moderate Amplification," 1893, p. n, engraving the focal lengths of the compound lens for increments of separation, to avoid the necessity of calculation. He has found, however, that the capabilities of the instrument are more readily under- stood when it is considered as consisting of two separate parts, as described further on, under B. 60 PLATE IX [. & H. Spitta, Photos. " Upper Picture, View of Mattmark Glacier. Photographed with 8.8 Ross Triplet at , yellow screen, Edward's iso-medium plate. Exposure three seconds. Top of Glacier about 10 miles distant. The portion included in the telephoto view is that immediately under the two asterisks. " Lower Picture, Telephoto The top of the Glacier. Dallmeyer aB patent portrait lens and high power tele-attachment. Camera extension from back of negative attachment 19 inches. Portrait lens was closed to -g. Edward's snap-shot iso-plate with yellow screen. Exposure three seconds. Hour about 9 A.M. Point of View about 10 miles distant. (Dr. E. Spitta's description.) PLATE X [. &: H. Spitta, Photos. " Upper Picture, View of the Saas Grat from Saas Fee. Photographed with Ross 3-inch portable symmetrical g- yellow screen. Edward's iso- medium plate, exposure three seconds. Hour 8.30 A.M. Mountain about three miles distant. The portion included in the telephoto view is that immediately under the two asterisks. " Lower Picture, Telephoto The Dom from other side of Saas Valley. Dallmeyer 2B patent portrait lens and high power tele-attachment. Camera extension from back of negative attachment 20 inches. ^ on portrait lens. Edward's iso-medium plate with yellow screen. Hour 9 A.M. Exposure 12 seconds. Mountain 4^ miles distant." (Dr. E. Spitta's description.) FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES always shorter than that of the positive lens, hence we may represent f\ as being a multiple of m (greater than one) of/~ 2 ; >=4 (5) /2 or /i m fz (6) Let L! and L 2 represent the positive and negative lenses respectively, Fig. 42, and 2 , Fig. 42. It is evident that their distance apart, P l to P 2 = F x tO F a 2 F. 64 FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES The whole distance F! to F 2 = m F + 2/i + d 2/ 2 + - F ; 1 ( f f \ 2 ( but 2 F = , > Hence P I to P 2 = -. (/j / 2 + d] 2 (11). P! and P 2 are equidistant from F X and F 2 , as in any positive system, and thus their positions and width are determined. Equation (u) shows us that when the interval d is small, the principal points are widely separated, so that with the Telephotographic lens we cannot consider them as coinciding. Let us now see how to determine the position and size of the image of an object. Plot the two principal points of the lens p l P 2 (which here lie outside the lens) and their corresponding focal points F I F 2 (see Fig. 42 for convenience of following the disposition of the cardinal points). Let A B be an object n times the focal length of the combination distant from the focal point F I( thus B F l = n F. The ray A p lf parallel to the axis, passes from P 2 through the focal point F 2 in the direction P 2 F.,A / ; the ray A N I( proceeding to the front principal point N P proceeds from the second principal point N 2 in a direction parallel to A N X , or in the direction N 2 A', meeting the first ray in A'. A' is then the image of A ; and A' B' the image of A B. As B F I = n F, we know from our previous study of a positive lens, that B'F O = - F. Again the size of n A B : A' B' : : n : I. Let us now give a numerical example comparing a Telephoto- graphic lens with an ordinary positive system of the same focal length. (See (2) and (3) Fig. 42.) 65 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Let the focal length of the ordinary positive lens be 24 inches. Let the focal lengths of positive and negative lenses of the Tele- photographic system be 6 and 3 inches respectively ; -- = 2, or m here = 2. To make this equivalent to the 24-inch lens, the interval d must , o r i_ 6 x 3 be f of an inch : 3 - = 24. Suppose we want to produce an image J of the size of the object A B. In both cases B F I = 4 x 24 =96, and similarly F 2 B' = = 6 inches, 4 and therefore A B : A' B' : : 4 : i in each case. In the case of the Telephotographic lens the distance of the object () () (/.) from the lens must be 4 x 24 + 2 x 24 + 6 = 150 inches ; but with the ordinary lens only () (4 + i) 24 =120 inches. Again for camera extension with the Telephotographic lens 24 + 4 _ = ,- but with the ordinary lens 24 + = 4 w The convenience of the shorter camera extension is evident and very marked. The greater distance between lens and object is of great importance from the point of view of perspective, for the reader must bear in mind that the position and magnitude of the image of an object derived from the four cardinal points, although accurate, does not trace the course of 66 FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES those rays which in reality produce the image. In the example above it is evident that the ordinary positive lens, being nearer to the object, includes it under a greater angle than does the Telephotographic lens at a greater distance. When the distance of the object is very great the advantage of course ceases. It may be stated very approximately that : The distance of the object from the lens determines the perspective, We shall refer to this more fully later. NOTES ON A. If two lenses, f v f y of positive and negative focal length respec- tively, are separated by a given distance a between their principal or nodal points, the focal length of the combination A + -A If we make d = f l f^ a=o, a = fi />', or when the lenses are separated by a distance equal to the difference of their focal lengths d =o and the focal length of the combination is infinite. I f d = o, or is any interval greater than the difference of the focal lengths, and equal to or less than/^, the formula takes the form F - d When a = f v df-^ f z /j= - f z , or the interval d is equal to the focal length of the negative lens ; the condition when the combination has its shortest focal length ; F =/j. *! is some multiple of/" 2 , we may say /i = f 9 where m is the multiple. Substituting in : F =&; it is evident that G/ *= L <4'); m d 67 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY and also r m ^~d'' The distance of the front focal point of the combination from the front focal point of the positive lens = (A-) and /. = m F. Similarly the distance of the back focal point of the combination from the back focal point of the negative lens = (^f ) and .. =. F, and v a m hence : Distance of front focal point from positive lens = m F +f r ,, ,, back ,, ,, ,, negative lens = F /,. m METHOD B. Let us now consider the Telephotographic lens as consisting- of two separate parts. The positive element may be considered as forming an image of definite size, of a given object, dependent upon its focal length, and the negative element may be considered as enlarging the image which the positive lens would have formed by itself. In general, if one positive lens is n times the focal length of another we have seen that the image produced by the one will be n times as large as that produced by the other. From this it is evident that if we increase the size of any given image n times, this enlarged image will be identical with that produced by a lens whose focal length is n times the focal length of the lens that produced the original image. In Chapter III. we have ascertained how images of either near or distant objects are formed by a positive lens ; and in Chapter IV. we found the law for finding the " magnification " of the image of an object by a negative lens : " Divide the distance of the object from the lens, by the focal length of the lens and add one." The image formed by a negative lens alone is virtual, and as the above law shows us that a 68 QJ - _- 1-1 -5 D j_, to < C O . (- + i) X In the example given m = = 2^-,/j = 10, E = 10, and 1 = 1 4 N 2 /2i v 1 F (-* + i) = 2$ x 10 + 10; if F = 35; F = 15*. The knowledge of the true focal length is necessary for determining the intensity of the lens, and therefore equation (18) must be remembered and applied. It will be noted that the result obtained is identical with that given by (8). Knowing that F=i5f", the distance between object and image to bring about the magnification of J must be (or would be thought to be) 75 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY 4j F or 70 inches ; but (neglecting the separa- tion of positive and negative lenses) the whole distance = 80" (distance of object from positive lens) + 10" (camera extension from negative lens = E) or 90 inches, hence the separation of the principal points of the whole system is 9070, or as much as 20 inches! If we required an ordinary positive lens- system to give the same ''magnification" (J), at the same distance from the object, its focal length Q would have to be , or 27 inches nearly, and \) the camera extension 40 inches. The photographer will see at once the ad- vantage gained by using the Telephotographic lens, giving the same size of image at the same distance as the ordinary lens of longer focal length : ( i ) in respect of rapidity, if equal effec- tive apertures are employed, or (2) in respect of greater " depth of focus," if both lenses are used at the same intensity, the ratio of the effective aperture to focal length being the same in each case. Equation (18) shows us that when N is very great, the above advantages of the Telephoto- 4M graphic lens no longer hold good, for F ( h i) then becomes F (^ + i ), or is equal to F, and the equation becomes as before: F=m E+f r (See Equation (15).) Let us now proceed to find the distance that must intervene between the object and the Telephotographic lens for a given " magnifica- tion " of -' when its focal length is known. N 76 s \N a xi .2 o .o X! 'S FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES In the first place we must determine the distance of the focal point from the negative lens in order that it may correspond to the focal p length F chosen, and to this add - for the given magnification, thus determining the entire camera extension E that will be required. Now we must determine the magnification given to the image formed by the positive lens/~ 1( to bring about the final relation between object and image, as from the size of the image formed by/^ we at once find the necessary distance for the object to be placed : as before M = 5+1, fz and I M t N n ' or n = M N (19) and the distance of the object = /i( + l) C P( 2 ) Example : Take the case of the Telephotographic lens illustrated in Fig. 43 where the focal length is 24 inches. To find the necessary distance between object and lens for a magnification of . Here E = 9 4- ^ = I 3 |; \J M = 1^ + i = sl; 3 i i _ = _ or N = 5, N 5 11 = ^r x 5 = 28, \j or the distance of object=6 (28 + 1) = 174 inches. The principal points are Jiere separated by a distance of 174- (6 x 24 + 1 5)= 1 5 inches. 77 F TELEPHOTOGRAPHY For an ordinary positive system of the same focal length Distance of object =yj (N + i) = 144 inches. image - f, (^~) = 28|. In other words the ordinary lens must be placed in the position where the refraction caused by the Telephotographic lens appears to originate. (See Fig. 43.) We thus confirm again our conclusion that a greater distance must intervene between object and lens with a Telephotographic lens than with an ordinary positive system, both having the same focal length, in order to produce the same size of image, or the same magnification. If both lenses have the same intensity, or ratio of effective aperture to focal length, the Telephotographic lens has the advantage (i) in giving better perspective, and (2) in greater "depth of focus." It must be remembered, however, that under these particular circumstances the Telephotographic lens will require a longer exposure than the ordinary lens in the proportion of the square of their distances from the object; in our particular case as (i74) 2 : (i44) 2 , or very nearly as 3 : 2. Very little consideration will show the reason for this. When images of the same size are produced by either type of lens worked at the same intensity and at the same distance, the relative exposures must be the same ; but here, although the size of the image is the same in both instances, the distance the light has to travel from the object before reaching the Telephotographic lens is greater, and the comparative illumination of the two images obeys the " law of inverse squares." The reader will find more examples illustrating the use of the lens for photographing near objects in Chapter VII. on the "Application of the Lens." To sum up, this method (B) seems to offer the following advantages, to the photographer : 78 FORMATION OF ENLARGED IMAGES (1) It only extends the already familiar principle of producing images of objects in a given scale. (2) The magnification of the original scale carries with it direct information on the question of correct exposure. (3) The determination of the "equivalent" lens of the system is arrived at more readily than in the method (A), when it is necessary to find it. In (A) it is always necessary, and involves a knowledge of the " interval " between the component lenses, as well as their focal lengths. In the method (B) the knowledge of the " equivalent " lens is only really necessary in the case of photographing near objects. (4) Fewer preliminary considerations are required in arranging the scale for the final image. The distance between object and lens decides the scale given by the positive lens, and the subsequent magnification necessary is immediately known and attained. (5) Less mental effort or calculation is required for equally accurate results. CHAPTER VI THE USE AND EFFECTS OF THE DIAPHRAGM, AND THE IMPROVED PERSPECTIVE RENDERING BY THE TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC LENS IN determining the position and magnitude of the image of an object we have hitherto only made use of certain functions of a lens or lens- system, and, moreover, considered the latter as perfectly free from all aberrations, including distortion. Reference to the four "cardinal" points is of great value and simplicity in this respect, but it is obvious that these geometrical constructions do not in reality trace the actual course of the rays which form the images. This is particularly obvious in reference to the Telephotographic construction. (See Fig. 42.) The rays utilised to determine the position, &c., of the image may not even pass through the lens at all. It may be the mounting of the lens itself or the aperture of the diaphragm which limits and determines the portions of the lenses themselves that are utilised in the production of the various points forming the entire image. In Fig. 45 (i) shows that rays at a certain obliquity to the axis cannot pass the lens at all, but are intercepted by the mounting of the lens ; (2) shows that the diaphragm with a given aperture in one position allows the entire pencil of rays at a given obliquity to pass through both lenses, a definite portion of each combination being utilised to form the image ; (3) shows that if the same diaphragm be placed in a different position the same pencil of rays meeting the lens at the same obliquity as in (2) is almost entirely 80 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM cut off, but the figure shows that new portions of the positive and negative lenses are now utilised to form the image. From diagrams (2) and (3) it is obvious that the size of the diaphragm will not only affect the different portions of the two lenses that are brought into play in forming the image, but also affect the illumination of the image, and the extreme obliquity at which a pencil of rays may pass through both lenses. Fic.45 A glance at Fig. 46 will show the position in which the diaphragm should be placed in order to transmit the greatest angle ; this is seen to be the crossing point of those rays which traverse both lenses from their extreme edges. The diaphragm now also occupies the position for the greatest equality of illumination. If we project the extreme incident rays to meet in the axis, they form an angle o, which determines the extreme angle included when no diaphragm is employed. 81 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Let us now examine the effect of the diaphragm in greater detail. On Rapidity. In comparing the rapidity of two lenses, it is obvious that the one which gives an image of greater intensity, or possesses a higher degree of illumination than the other, is the more rapid of the two. In general we form an idea of rapidity of a lens by defining its Intensity ; this we will denote by i. The intensity is the ratio of the diameter of the effective aperture to the focal length of the lens. Calling a the diameter of the effective aperture and /the focal length, I=J (20) It is important that we should clearly understand the meaning of FIG. 46. the "effective" aperture. If a beam of parallel rays (Fig. 47) is incident upon a positive lens A, having a certain focal length/ the rays converge after passing through the lens and meet in a point F, its focal point. The diameter of A A is the effective aperture of the lens, as none of the rays incident upon it are intercepted after convergence. If we place diaphragms B B, c c, of smaller diameter than A A, behind the lens as in (i), in positions which just allow the entire cone of rays A F, A to pass, the diameters of B B and c c have the same effective apertures as A A. Calling a the diameter of A A, the intensity in each case is -. If, however, the diaphragm B' B' intercepts any of the rays transmitted 82 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM through A A as in (2) the effective aperture becomes then A' A'; calling b the diameter of A' A', then the intensity is -^ For various reasons it may be necessary to reduce the diameter of the full effective aperture, and to accomplish this we make use of diaphragms whose effective apertures are arranged to have certain intensities. The intensities assigned to the diaphragms are indicative of the relative exposures necessary for each, and they are arranged so that the- latter are easily comparable. The term " stop " is synonymous with "diaphragm." As the Telephotographic combination is used to give a great Variety of focal lengths, it is most convenient to adopt a system of FIG. 47. ABC A B diaphragm notation that has direct reference to the focal length of its positive element. The stops are denoted by the ratio of the focal length of the lens to f f the effective aperture. Thus if J ~ = 8, then the stop is called -4 or its a 8 intensity is < o Fig. 48 shows the intensities (usually engraved on positive lenses) and relative rapidities of the diaphragm notation based upon the above system. In general, if the diameter of the aperture is known, with the focal length of the lens, and we express the intensity as above, the comparative exposures are as the squares of the denomi- nators of the stop notation. Example : the relative exposures of stops /_.,/ * and are as io 2 : 10 i c; , or as i : i\ (not given in the figure). TELEPHOTOGRAPHY In the last chapter we have considered the Telephotographic lens from two different standpoints ; the method of treating it (B) will readily rure 48. fntensities and = unit Af-.anqle =2 36' ^ angle = J 32 (A) - J At JC -mote = 55 Taking ijfd as f/ie limit of inc/isfinctness a/lowed. SCALE, 3/4. commend itself for arriving at comparative exposures. It is only necessary to multiply the exposure required for the stop notation 84 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM indicated on the positive lens by the square of the magnification, and we know the exposure to be given for the Telephotographic lens. The knowledge of the effective aperture in some Telephotographic constructions is most important because the stop is sometimes consider- ably removed from the front converging lens. The absolute measurement of its diameter would be very different from its real effective aperture, and if used in place of the latter as a basis of calcula- tion would lead to very great discrepancies, and consequent failure in the correct timing of exposures. Fig. 48^ exhibits at a glance the meaning of a "rapid" as distinguished from a "slow" lens. For convenience we have illustrated a lens of 4 inches focal length, but it is evident that the cones of light will be of the same shape, or the rays will cross at the same angle, for any given intensity, no matter what the focal length of the lens may be. The figure also shows that rapid lenses have less " depth of focus " than slow lenses, but we shall refer to this further on. In designing a Telephotographic combination we must carefully consider the purpose for which it will be employed. If we take a positive lens of high intensity we can convert it into a Telephoto- graphic system by combining it with a negative lens, which may be destined for either rapid work, or, on the other hand, to attain high magnification. For example, if we take a positive lens, having an intensity of //4 we can employ a negative lens to magnify the image three times, and yet still have a fairly rapid lens in the combination, of intensity //i 2. Again, if high magnification is the aim, we can magnify the image given by the positive lens as much as sixteen times and the combination still has a reasonable intensity off/64. On the other hand, if we take a positive lens of only moderate intensity, say //8, and combine it with a negative lens, we can only expect to get small or moderate amplifications without necessitating a very low intensity in the Telephotographic combination. The Lowest Intensity Permissible. In treating of diffraction, Lord * From "A Simple Guide to the Choice of a Lens." (J. H. Dallmeyer, Ltd.) By the Author. 85 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Rayleigh has demonstrated that the lowest intensity permissible without introducing the disturbing effects of diffraction is a ratio of aperture to focal length of i : 71, or fjji. This conclusion has a very important bearing on the use of the Telephotographic lens. Suppose the intensity of the positive element is fl% for example, and we wish to produce a magnification of five times, the combination will have an initial maximum intensity of ^40. We might very likely stop down the positive lens to/7i6, or even less, with the object of getting finer definition. If the stop //i 6 in the positive lens were employed, we should convert the intensity of the whole system into //So, which is in reality too small for the finest definition. We must then always remember that: the intensity of the positive element of the system divided by the magnification must not be less than //; i. On Covering Power, or the size of plate covered at a given intensity. Referring to Fig. 49, the diameter of the circle beyond which no light can pass being called D, the effective aperture of the positive lens di and the diameter of the negative lens d a , and, as before, if/i,/" 2 , represent their focal lengths, a the separation, and E the camera extension from the negative lens, it can be shown that : _ E f , , + / M/ 2 [E (/,-/.) +//JJ Approximate formula for maximum circle of illumination A A- A In the example shown in Fig. 43 d, = 7/8", d z = 5/ 4 ",/i = 6",/ 2 = 3", and E = 9 inches. Hence D = f (* x 3 + I * 6) = IQ inches< 3 These formulae only require a knowledge of arithmetic to arrive at the 86 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM result. The result by the approximation, loj, differs very slightly from that of the more complicated formula, which gives IO T ^ as the diameter of the field. If we employ a diaphragm and so reduce the effective aperture of d^ we must substitute its value in the formula to find the circle of illumination covered, or the diameter of the field. Say its effective aperture is \ inch, then D = 8 inches. In the formula it is evident that d } f z may become very small when the effective aperture d l is also very small. FIG. 49. If we neglect this quantity we find the minimum circle of illumina- tion for any lens = (M - I) (1&,\ Jl ~/2 where M is the magnification as before. In the case under notice 6 x R D min. = (4 i) * = 7! inches. 6 - 3 The circles of illumination must determine the size of the plate that can 87 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY be covered ; the diagonal of the plate must not be more than the diameter of the circle covered, or the corners of the plate will be " cut off," or not illuminated. It is advisable to arrange that the circle of illumination is greater than the diagonal of the plate for the smallest effective aperture likely to be used. We give here the diagonals of the sizes of plates in ordinary use. Diagonal or minimum diameter Size of plate. of circle of illumination. 4 x 3* ' 5-4 l 5x4 6.4 6| x 4 f 8 8 x 6J 10.7 10 x 8 12.8 12 X 10 15-6 15 X 12 I9- 2 18 x 16 24.1 22 X 2O 29.7 25 x 21 3 2 -7 30 x 24 38.4 On the angle included by the combination. Calling a the extreme angle, F the focal length of the Telephoto- graphic lens, and D the diameter of the circle of illumination, -T D a = 2 tan . 2 F In the case illustrated D=IO. i and F=24 ; a = 2 tan ~ : 77- = 2 tan ~~ I .210416. 48 From a table of natural tangents we find that .210416 corresponds to an angle of 1 1 53', and hence the extreme angle that can be included is 23 46'. As the effective aperture of the diaphragm is decreased the diameter of the circle of illumination becomes less, or less angle is included as we stop down the lens. 88 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM It will be found, however, that when the lens is used to its utmost limits in respect of covering power, whatever stop is employed, the angle included is approximately a constant for any extension of camera ; if the lens is used to cover a definite size of plate at different extensions of camera, it is obvious that the angle included on that plate is variable, diminishing as we increase the magnification. On Equality of Illumination. Speaking of lenses generally, one form may lend itself more readily than another to transmit the full pencil of light over a greater angle, but no lens can in reality give equal illumination over the entire plate. This inequality is an inherent defect of every form of lens producing an image that is to be received upon a plane at right angles to the axis of the lens. It is most apparent when the combinations of the lens-system are separated by a considerable distance, particularly if used without a diaphragm. The construction of the Telephotographic lens necessitates a comparatively large separa- tion of the elements composing it, even when m, or-^' is small. Under /3 these conditions the full pencil of rays from the front combination can only emerge from the back combination (without being cut off) over a very few degrees from the axis of the lens, or the centre of the plate. The tube of the lens then very rapidly commences to cut off the full pencil, and the worst conditions for equality of illumination are brought about. A lens is readily examined to test the field over which the full pencil is received, by focusing upon a bright object, such as a candle or small gas flame, and racking the screen in a little, until the image becomes a bright disc of light. If we now move the camera so that the image gradually passes from the centre towards the edge of the screen, and observe how far the disc continues circular, we can follow how far the best conditions for equality of illumination are fulfilled ; as soon as the disc commences to become cut off, the full oblique pencil is no longer received upon the plate. If this operation is conducted, in the first place, without a diaphragm, we shall find that equality of illumination can be attained over a greater angle as the size of the diaphragm decreases, but at the expense of intensity. 89 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Even when the best conditions for equality of illumination are main- tained, still the illumination of the plate rapidly decreases with the angle of obliquity. We state the case generally here as it is essential that we should choose our positive element, so that it, at any rate, shall transmit the full pencil of rays to the negative lens at the extreme obliquity. Presuming that a full pencil passes through a lens at any obliquity of incidence, the quantity of light passing axially through the lens, as R R, FIG. 50. is greater than that which passes obliquely, the latter varying as the cosine of obliquity. Again the oblique pencils r r are brought to a focus at/i more distant from the aperture of the lens L than the central pencil at F, the illumination varying according to the "law of inverse squares " when the plate is at right angles to r f, as at //. Now L F and L/" vary with the secant of obliquity, and hence the illumination at F and f (on the plane / p) will vary as cos x sec 2 9 9 o = cos 3 e. USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM But the illumination on p p as compared with that of pp decreases again in the ratio of cos0 (or as -). Hence the final illumination sec 8' varies as cos 4 0, or as the fourth power of the cosine of the angle of obliquity. The following table shows the illumination of the plate given by an ideally perfect lens as regards transmitting the full incident pencil at various obliquities. Quantity of light passing Angle of obliquity through at the pupil Illumination of image = d. = cos 0. = cos 4 6. O I.OOO I.OOO 5 -996 .985 10 .985 .941 15 .966 .870 20 .940 .780 25 .906 .675 30 .866 .562 40 .766 .344 45 -707 -250 50 .643 .171 Now, although this table shows that the illumination rapidly decreases for the greater angles of obliquity (one half when 60 and only one quarter when 90 are included upon the plate), the loss of light for small obliquities is seen to be very small up to 20 (that is 10 either side of the axis). The Telephotographic lens is seldom constructed to include a larger angle than this, so that we can readily choose a positive element which shall transmit light most favourably for equality of illumination ; but the separation of the elements, their diameters, and the position of the diaphragm must determine the limits for this condi- tion in the compound system. On Distortion. If we place a diaphragm at any distance either before or behind a single positive lens, distortion of the image produced by it takes place, due to the fact that no single lens can be made free from spherical aberration, curvature of field, &c. ; a reference to 91 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY Fig. 5 1 will make the matter clear : a beam of rays parallel to the axis of the lens L forms a focus at a point F in the axis ; if the parallel beam i^RRg falls upon the lens obliquely, its focus (or more correctly its approximate focus) will be found at a point / which is not situated in the same plane as F, but if these rays are produced they will meet the focal plane of the lens through F in the points r^ rr y If we place a small diaphragm in contact with the lens, distortion will not take place, as both r^ r z are symmetrically situated with respect to the ray Rr. If FIG. 51. we remove the diaphragm from the position of contact, and place it in front of the lens in the position of S 1} the rays R X R only can traverse the upper portion of the lens L, and are received upon the plane through F in the points r r^ : the effect being to displace the ray RJ r towards the centre of the image plane, the points which are most displaced being those furthest away from the centre ; giving rise to what is known as "barrel shaped" distortion. If, on the other hand, we place the diaphragm in a position s 2 behind the lens, it will be seen that the rays R R 2 pass through the lower half of the lens L and are received upon the image plane in the points rr y The effect is to displace every point outwards from the centre, giving rise to what is known as " pincushion " distortion. These effects of distortion are best illustrated in the 92 o o ,H Or USE AND EFFECTS OF rendering of a square or rectangular object as shown in the figure. The figure has served to illustrate the manner in which distortion is produced by an uncorrected single lens ; the same effects are noticeable in any single positive combination, and arise from the fact that, although adequate correction or defining power may be brought about in the axis of the system, it is impossible to remove spherical aberration, coma, curvature of field, &c., in the eccentrical pencils. These ill effects are reduced by employing a diaphragm which gives rise to the effects of distortion as indicated above. The distortion of the image is in reality brought about by inherent defects in the lens itself, and not by the diaphragm employed ; for example, if we place a diaphragm either before or behind an optical system which is perfectly corrected, such as a rapid rectilinear, stigmatic lens, &c., it will not bring about distortion in the image, and from this it will be obvious that were we enabled to produce a single combina- tion absolutely free from all aberrations in the eccentrical pencils, the position of the diaphragm with regard to it would have no effect as regards distortion and have no influence in producing it. From the above remarks it will be evident that the position of the diaphragm with respect to a single negative lens when placed in front of the latter will be to displace the pencils of rays falling upon it outwards from the centre. Hence, if a diaphragm be placed between a single positive and single negative lens, the effect will be to give " pincushion " distortion to the image formed by the positive lens alone, which in its turn will be emphasised by the negative lens in the final image. If we call -^ = m as before, the "pincushion" distortion /2 increases as m increases. A Telephotographic system, then, which has a single positive combination combined with a single negative combination with 1 a diaphragm placed between must give this form of distortion in an inadmissible degree, even when m is low, except for pencils very near the axis, and in an impossible degree when m is great, or the lens is employed to cover a plate approaching the limits of its circle of illumination. 93 c TELEPHOTOGRAPHY If the positive element is a single combination with the diaphragm placed in front as in a " single landscape lens," which produces " barrel shaped " distortion per se, it can be combined with a single negative element, and form a Telephotographic system which is non-distorting. The chief drawback to this arrangement is the low intensity of the positive lens and consequently that of the entire system when fine definition is aimed at.^ The "pincushion" distortion involved in a Telephotographic lens composed of a single positive element of high intensity combined with, a single negative lens soon led the author to abandon this form of lens, replacing the single front lens by a positive combination of high inten- sity free from distortion in itself, combining it with a negative combination constructed to give the minimum distortion even when m is very high. The extra reflecting surfaces of the lenses thus combined constitute a theoretical disadvantage as regards the brilliancy of the image ; but this is not found of practical moment. The more complicated system seems to warrant the expenditure of optical means to remove a palpable defect. On the "Pupils" of a Lens-system. Professor Abbe" has defined these as extending the significance of the diaphragm or stop. We may consider each separate stop of a lens-system as forming an image by the lenses which are in front of it (that is towards the object). The stop whose image thus formed appears under the smallest angle from the object is defined as the " Aperture Stop," and its image is called the " Entrance Pupil " of the lens. Similarly the image of the " Aperture Stop " formed by the lenses succeeding it, that is towards the image, is termed the " Exit Pupil." The " Entrance Pupil " and the " Exit Pupil " bear to one another the same relation as object and image referred to the whole system. (See Notes.) These "Pupils" have a very important and interesting bearing upon the study of * The author constructed a lens of this form for Mr. J. S. Bergheim to be used in portraiture. As Mr. Bergheim desired to produce " soft " images, the single positive element was made of high intensity, the spherical aberration necessarily introduced giving the softness aimed at, but the combination is free from distortion. 94 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM optical instruments. Von Rohr points out their bearing upon the correct method of viewing the perspective drawing given by a lens, and also upon the subject of " depth of focus," which is referred to below. Perspective. If we put a photographic lens in the orifice of a dark chamber so that it may form an image of any object situated outside, we can take a screen and place it at any distance we choose at (or beyond) the focal point of the lens, and thus receive upon it sharp images of distant objects or nearer objects according to the position in which the screen is placed. In other words, we can only have one plane in the field of the object, or the external field, which is strictly in focus at one time. On the other hand, when we regard the external field, in order to form a correct idea of the perspective which will be produced in the resulting image upon the screen, we must first select the particular plane in the field of the object for which we shall focus sharply ; we must then consider the appearance of objects situated before or behind this particular plane as projected upon it ; we then know, provided that the lens is non-distorting, that the perspective of the image will exactly reproduce the object plane and the projections of objects before or behind it, on to it, in some definite proportion. The perspective, then, is determined by the distance between the entrance pupil of the lens, through which pass all rays from the field of the object, and the chief plane for which we have focused. The entrance pupil and the exit pupil of the lens become the centres of perspective for object and image, and the image itself is an exact facsimile of the perspective produced upon the chief plane in the field of the object ; it is usually reduced in size in some proportion n : 1. Now, the size of the image itself does not give us any indication as to the correct point of sight, or distance from which it should be viewed. In order to discover this, we must place the image between the entrance pupil of the lens and the chief plane for which we have focused, in such a position that its projection exactly coincides with the objects in the object field. In the case of employing a very small stop in the lens, all objects 95 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY may, as a matter of fact, appear equally defined in the image, but as soon as we use a considerable aperture we see at once how objects lying either before or behind the selected object plane must become indistinct in the image, due to no inherent defect in the lens itself, but because when points in these objects are projected upon the chief plane of the object they are represented as circles, depending upon the diameter of the aperture of the lens, or the entrance pupil, and their distances from it. In general, every point in the object may be con- sidered as sending out a cone of rays having the entrance pupil as a common base, every point in the object space forming a separate apex FIG. 52. for each cone. Similarly the exit pupil forms a common base of a cone of rays for each point in the image space behind the lens. If a represents the aperture of the entrance pupil, Fig. 52, and oo represents the plane for which we have focused and d the distance between them, we can form a true idea of the perspective given by the points P and p' situated before and behind this plane respectively by considering p and p' the apices of cones whose common base is the entrance pupil ; these are seen to be a' and a" respectively ; a' and a" are circles of indistinctness n times as large as the circles of indistinct- ness which will be found on the image plane when a reduction of n times takes place. This consideration leads to an interesting inter- pretation of the subject of "depth of focus," to which we shall shortly refer. 96 USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM The correct distance from which an image formed by an ordinary photographic lens should be viewed is commonly defined to be a dis- tance equal to that of the focal length of the lens. This rule is very approximately correct from the circumstance that the " Entrance" and " Exit " pupils of an ordinary positive lens very nearly coincide with the "principal" or "nodal" planes of the lens. When applied to the Telephotographic lens this condition is found not to hold. If we take a lens of ordinary construction, of given focal length, which reproduces objects in the chief plane reduced in a definite proportion n : /, the object being a distance d from the lens, we find the correct distance x, Fig. 53, from which to view the image, thus : d : x = n : i , or d = (n + i)f, ^u n + i r so that x = - / ; n and if n be infinite x f, which corresponds with the rule to view land- scapes from a distance equal to the focal length of the lens above referred to. Now, if we take a Telephotographic lens of the same focal length, here d = f(n + gnt] ; g = i, or is > i ; and the correct viewing distance x = n here, again, if n is infinite x f. These results have a very important bearing upon the perspective rendering of the Telephotographic lens. When m and n are of the same order, which of course occurs in dealing with near and moderately near objects, x is considerably greater for this type of lens than is the case with an ordinary lens of the same focal length, the result being very closely connected with the fact 97 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY that a greater distance is required between object and lens for the Telephotographic construction. There are two errors which may be committed in looking at any photograph. Lt may be viewed from a point too far away, in which case the receding planes are dwarfed, and " distance " is exaggerated ; or, on the other hand, if viewed from too near a standpoint, the oppo- site impression is conveyed, and the true sense of distance diminishes. Of these two errors the former is much more likely to occur, because, as already pointed out in Chapter II., the photographer is apt to approach his subject and include it under a large angle for the purpose of obtain- Fic.53. ing a sufficiently large image. The Telephotographic lens will enable him to remove the lens to a greater distance from the subject, and not only to include it under a considerably less angle, but to maintain the size of image that he desired with a lens of ordinary construction. To sum up, we find that with the Telephotographic lens we have the opportunity of employing a greater distance between the " Entrance Pupil " of the system and the chief object plane, thus including a less angle than would be possible in the case of an ordinary lens, and thereby obtaining more satisfactory perspective. Depth of Focus (Von Rohr's interpretation). The conception of the " Entrance Pupil" of a lens and its separation from the chief plane USE AND EFFECTS OF DIAPHRAGM of the image enables us to grasp very readily the meaning of this expression, and also the means of attaining it. Strictly speaking, there is no such condition as " depth of focus " in the image given by a photographic lens. We can only produce a perfectly sharp image of one plane of the object ; points in the object situated on either side of it must be represented by circles of varying indistinctness. The size of these circles we can control to a considerable extent by aid of the diaphragm, or by reducing the size of the " Entrance Pupil." We have referred to each point of the object as forming a cone of rays having a common basis namely, the " Entrance Pupil." Each point in the object is represented by a point somewhere in the image space, but only points in one plane of the object can be received as points in one plane of the image, all the apices of the cones which have a common basis in the " Exit Pupil " being now situated in this plane ; all other points in the image space, or apices of the cones on the image side, being cut by this plane, form circles of indistinctness more or less extended. To attain so-called "depth of focus," we make use of a convention, and prescribe a limit to the size of these circles of indis- tinctness. As a matter of fact, this is somewhat difficult to do, or to state in a definite form, because the admissible degree of indistinctness will depend upon the distance from which it is viewed, particularly and more especially if the result is for pictorial effect and not for scientific accuracy. The convention usually adopted is founded on the fact that at the ordinary reading distance we cannot readily distinguish points which are less than one-hundredth of an inch apart, in other words, if a picture is made up of points which do not exceed circles of indistinct- ness greater than one-hundredth of an inch, it is said to appear "sharp." In general, if we take i as the limit of indistinctness permissible in the image, and we reproduce the object in the proportion of n : i, the circle of indistinctness for any point in the field of the object projected upon the object plane for which we have focused would be n times i, or n i. Referring to Fig. 52, the circles a' and a" projected on to the chief plane of the object from the points P P' are, of course, n times as 99 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY great as the circles of indistinctness to which they correspond in the image. Using the same notation as before, calling d the distance between the chief object plane and the " Entrance Pupil," b the distance of the point p in front of this plane, and c the distance of the point P' behind it, a the diameter of the " Entrance Pupil," and i the limit of indistinctness in the image, dn i b = c = a + m dni a n i b is here the front depth of field, and c is the back depth of field, the whole depth being 2 dn ia b + c = d' n 1 i 2 ' The size of the diverging circles a' and a" is not only dependent upon the diameter of the " Entrance Pupil," but also on its separation from the chief plane for which we have focused. Fig. 54 clearly shows that these circles decrease when the separation d increases. To put this more clearly, we see from the former figure that b a a = d - b' now if we increase d by h the formula becomes i b a a = d + h b' If BIBLIOGRAPHY " Concave Achromatic Glass Lens, &c." Proceedings of ttie Royal Society. Peter Barlow, F.R.S., and G. Dollond, F.R.S., February and May 1834. "Eclipse du 28 Juillet 1851, Relevee Heliographiquement," par MM. Vaillat et Thompson, avec un objectif sthenallatique de M. Porro. Compt. Rend. 1851. Bulletin Soc. Franc., pp. 114-117, 1856. J. Porro. " Enlarged Views by One Operation." British Journal of Photography, September 19, 1873. Editor, J. T. Taylor (The Use of the Opera Glass). " A Novel Enlarging Lens " (Opera Glass). By J. T. Taylor, British Journal Almanac, 1877. " Telescopic Photography Without a Telescope." Editorial comment on the author's lens. By J. T. Taylor, in the British Journal of Photography, October 16, 1891. Dr. A. Meithe's independent work set forth in letter to British Journal of Photography, October 30, 1891. " A New Telescopic Photographic Lens." A Paper read at the Camera Club, London, by the Author, December 10, 1891. "A Compound Telephotographic Lens." A Paper read at the Camera Club by the Author, March 10, 1892. Description of "A New Form of Telephotographic Lens." By the Author at the Photographic Society, April 30, 1892. ("The Progress Medal" of the now Royal Photographic Society was awarded in 1896.) "The Telephotographic Lens." An illustrated pamphlet by the Author, August 1892. (Out of print.) "Traite Encyclopedique de Photographic." Ch. Fabre. Prem. Supplem. 1892. " Ueber Fernphotographie." By A. Steinheil. Photo. Correspond. 1892. 147 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY "Telephotography." A Paper delivered at the Society of Arts by the Author. Published in the Journal, March 3, 1893. (Awarded the Society's Silver Medal.) " Telephotographic Systems of Moderate Amplification." A pamphlet by the Author, 1893. (Out of print.) " Teleobjective " Eder's Jahrbuch, 1893, p. 348. (Reference is here made to A. Duboscq's lens.) " Gebrauchsanleitung fur Teleobjective." Von Dr. P. Rudolph (of the firm of Carl Zeiss, Jena), May 1896. " Geschichte und Theorie des Photographischen Teleobjectivs." Dr. Von Rohr (of the firm of Carl Zeiss, Jena), April 1897. "Das Fernobjective." Hans Schmidt, Berlin, April 1898. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE LENS " Stalking with the Camera." A series of illustrated articles in the Photogram. By R. B. Lodge. 1897. "Telephotography Applied to Architecture." By E. Marriage, in the Photogram, January 1898. " Des Services que peut rendre le Tele-Objective au point de vue Pictorial." By M. Demachy, Photo Club de Paris, in November 1898. An abstract appears in the Amateur Photographer, January 13, 1899. "Telephotography." Illustrated. By Dr. E. J. Spitta, F.R.A.S., in Photography March 23, 1899. . UNIVERSITY Of Printed by BALLANTYKE, HANSON &= Co London <&" Edinburgh 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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