P S 3505 A77593 F6 1910 MAIN SB 273 6 (^7V. ^^If^^^e U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton .Calif, 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. FOUR SONNETS AND A SONGLET BY WALTER CARRUTH OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 1. 1910 P535-* m SIGNAL RIDGE and RANCHERIA CREEK T tke first peep of dawn my wkeel be striding, Tke winding road along tke ridge I take ; Below tke valley lies, a fog-filled lake ; Tke long grade calls for cool and careful riding ; Wkile sluggisk folk in bed are still abiding I round tke sinuous curves witk ready brake. Stopping at ferny spring my tkirst to slake, Wkile startled j ays give me a noisy ckiding ; Furry wood folk run scurrying from tke road, Tke ceanotkus fragrance fills tke air, Tke redwood bougks exkale tkeir incense load, Azalias tkrill me witk tkeir odor rare ; And now a note for wkick I ve listed long, Sweet beyond words, tke tkrusk s matin song. THE RHODODENDRONS NOYO RIDGE IGH the Jay s close when spent with heavy wheeling I struck a ridge road white with shift ing sand, Through which I pushed my wheel with -weary Land ; Naught in the prospect to one sense appealing Till the scrub cypress opened out, revealing "Where rosy rhododendrons splendid stand, Gay valiant knights, the lords of that waste land ; Hidden they reign midst cypress ranks concealing. Cheered hy the sight fatigue and hunger vanished, My ardor rose as each shruh came in view, All else hut Beauty from my hreast was hanished. And dear Dame Nature gained her homage due, A homage and allegiance death may sever, But till all end it shall he ended never. A ROMEO OF THE BOUGH ELATED in tke Paso Robles kills In April, fated montk of Nineteen-six,* At dusk I lost my road, an awkward fix ; I Lad no wisk to tempt tke evening ckills ; (Visions of malaria and doctor s tills) ; \Vnen from a moss-clad oak o erkead tkere floats Not kird song, tut suck love-impassioned notes As make me quite forget tke tLreatened ills. Nature brings solace to ner devotee, Owl love-notes, needed tilings like food and fire, Suck was tke sweet relief ske krougkt to me. And satisfied cay uttermost desire. And now I trow, tkere is no featkered fowl Can play tke Romeo like tke pyginy owl. *Returning from this wheeling trip by rail, a belated train brought me into San Francisco after the last Oakland boat had departed, and that uncanny visitor, the temblor (sounds better than earthquake) of Nineteen-six, found me leaning against the arcade at the Ferry building waiting for the first boat across the Bay, which I took, leaving San Francisco sadly shaken and ablaze. TRESPASSING ON "THE HEIGHTS" Respectfully Inscribed to the Bard of the Sierras IKING or late across the poet s grounds Laden with toyon gay and roots of fern, Ravished from off tke far side of the turn \Vhose foaming cascades mark his eastern hounds, I spied the ancient hard upon his rounds ; His eagle eye for trespassers was "peeled," But only with high top-hoots was he "heeled ;" That he spied me was patent from the sounds. An interview the poet sought full sore, But I, rememhering his lyric fire And mindful of those numher tens he wore. Resisted his entreaties to draw nigher. Preferring much some day to call again \Vhen nothing from the canyon-side Fd ta en. HOLLY AND MISTLETOE A SONGLET OES tne jolly Berried Holly Tempt to folly? No, an no ! T is the sly. Feigning shy Mistletoe, Hanging nign, That does so. U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLYTEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD RQ-1PH LD 21A-38m-5, 68 (J401slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley