PROPERTY OF J. W. DONAHUE MAS*. FOUNDATIONS AND FOUNDATION WALLS, FOR ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS, PILE DRIVING, BUILDING STONES & BRICKS, ?IER AND WALL CONSTRUCTION, MORTARS, LIMES, CEMENTS, CON^ CRETES, STUCCOS, ETC. 64 ILLUSTRATIONS. PRACTICAL EXPLANATIONS OP THE VARIOUS METHODS OP BUILDING FOUNDATION WALLS FOB ALL KINDS OP BUILDINGS. TABLES OP THE WEIGHT OF HATE- RIALS, ETC. THE KIND OF MATERIALS USED, THE LOADS SUS- TAINED, AND THE SIZES OF WALL PIEB8, ETC. USE OF PILES IN FOUNDATIONS, WITH TERMS, ETC. PLASTERING, MORTARS, LIMES & CEM- ENTS. EXTRACTS FROM NEW YORK BUILDING LAWS, WITH NOTES. By GEORGE T. POWELL, A rchitect and Civil Engineer, hew York. TO WHICH IS ADDED A TREATISE ON FOUNDATIONS, WITH PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THB METHOD OF ISOLATED PIERS, AS FOLLOWED IN CHICAGO, BY FREDERICK BAUMAN, ARCHITECT. Revised and Enlarged by the Addition of much new matter, by G-. T. Powell. FOURTH EDITION. NEW YORK: WILLIAM T. COMSTOCK, PUBLISHER, No. 23 WARREN STREET. 1889. WILLIAM T. COMSTOCK. PROPERTY OF 01 J. W. DONAHUE, SPfXNQfiPLD, MAM. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. The subject of Foundations although treated of in various works on construction has not heretofore, with the exception of one or two small manuals, been made the subject of a special book. The importance of the subject and the liberal patronage afforded the first edition of this work had led the publisher to believe a second edition thoroughly revised and brought down to the present date would prove valuable to those engaged in designing and constructing large and important structures. After consultation with the author it was decided to re- cast the whole thing and make it practically a new work. With this in view it has been almost entirely rewritten and all new information bear- ing on the subject gathered into it. We regret to say that the author after completion of his manuscript was stricken with paralysis and in consequence unable to give his at- tention to the revision of proofs. This matter, however, has been very carefully attended to, and we think will be found free from such inac- C'uracies, ambiguities and misprints as had crept into the first edition. Since the first edition was brought out there have been many import- ant structures in process of construction where the subject of securing foundations was a serious study, among which might be named, the Brooklyn Bridge. The tests made for these structures and other knowl- dge gained regarding use of cements etc., have been carefully garner- ed and will be found under their proper headings in the following pages. On the preservation of timber the author is largely indebted to the researches of Maj. Gen. Cram of the U. S. A., and has quoted largely from his lecture before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. In order to cover the subject more fully than has been done hereto- fore the author has found it necessary to increase the number of illus- trations and very much increase the amount of letter press. The practical experience of the author and his careful collection of the materials of information on this subject leads us to feel that this book will prove to be a valuable aid to Architects, Builders and Engi- neers in solving the many difficult problems arising where important structures have to be erected on treacherous soils. Trusting that the same generous patronage will be accorded to it as heretofore we now offer it to the building and engineering fraternities. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Foundation walls on soil or stratum not liable to be affected by weather, air or water. Clay 9 13 CHAPTEK H. Foundations in soft ground of considerable depth. Boring to test bottom. Timber pile foundations. Foundations in quick- sand. Foundations in shifting sand. Structures built on slopes. Pile driving. Terms used in pile driving. Size and kind of wood for piles. To find safe load for pile to carry. Height of ram to fall. Set of pile at last blow. Weight of rams. Experiments in Brooklyn Navy Yard. Protection of piles. Decay and preservation of timber. Worms in wood on land and in open air. Worms in wood under sea-water 1332 CHAPTER HI. Excavations. Rule to be complied with. Footings and footing courses. Chimneys. Trenches for footings. Springs in cellars. 3341 CHAPTER IV. Stone foundations. Walls. Brick for footings. Use of stone for building purposes. Strength of building stone. Footing stones. Inverted arches. Table of weight of timbers. Weight of building stones 42 68 CHAFfER V. Arches in walls. Construction of arches. Chimney walls and build- ing the same. Proportion of brick chimneys. Masons' and stone-cutters' tools. Stone-cutting. Rubble footings. Bond rubble. Random coursed stone work. Regular faced and squared stone work. Trimmed and coursed Ashlar facing. List of stones for the exterior of buildings. Dry area of brick 71 CONTENTS. or rubble. Prevention of dampness in cellar walls. Sylvester's process of repelling moisture from external walls. Damp. Hollow brick walls. Floors in damp locations. Air and water- tight cements for casks and cisterns. Cement for external use. Cement to resist red heat and boiling water. Cement to join sections of cast-iron wheels. Soft cement for steam boilers. Gas-fitters' cement. Plumbers' cement. Coppersmiths' cem- ent. Composition to fill holes in castings. Cast-iron cement. Cement for Aquaria > 59 76 CHAPTER VI. Front vaults. Retaining walls. Slopes. Table of strength of stone for vaults, galleries, etc. Table of experiments on brick. Table for calculating weight of materials in building. Law in reference to load on floors. Mensuration of superfices. Hollow walls for buildings. Building Laws passed Apr., 1871. Preser- vation of stone. Incrustations on brick walls. Sulphuret of lime. Sand 7797 CHAPTER VH. Preparation of common mortar. Gravel sidewalks. To color bricks black. Staining bricks red or black. Venetian cement. Coal- ash mortar. Puzzolana mortar. Dutch Terras mortar. Plas- tering or stucco. Inside plastering. Two-coat work and fin- ish. Stone mortar. Stucco. Scratch coat. Slipped coat. Cement for external use. Asphalt composition. Asphalt mas- tic. Asphalt for walks. Cement for fronts of houses. Cement for tile roofs. Cement for outside brick walls. Mexican meth- od for making hard lime floors. Selenitic mortar or cement. Selenitic clay. Mixing selenitic mortar and concrete. Propor- tion of sand to lime. Concrete construction. Ancient cem- ents. Rapidity of set. Color.-r-Packiiig the cement. Water for mixing. Sand-gravel etc., for mixing with Portland cement. Proportion of cement in mortar and concrete. Mixing and laying Portland cement concrete. Fineness. Expanding or contracting in setting. Strength. Tests of cement. Hydraulic limes and cements. Salt-water mortars. Mortars exposed to air. Betons and concrete. Portland cement. French beton agglomere. Vicat cement. Lafarge cement. Table of Amer- ican and Foreign cements. Keene's cement. Polished work of walls. Stucco on brick-work. Rosendale cement concrete. Portland cement concrete. Selenitic lime or cement. Cem- ent mortar for brick laying. Mortar of cement. Cement mor- tar for stone masonry. Cement mortar for brick masonry. Ordinary concrete. Brick-dust and cement concrete. Lime and cement concrete. Table of tests of hydraulic and other cements CONTENTS. VII at Centennial Exhibition. Collingwood on cements. Roman cement. Vicat's hydraulic cement. Stone cement. Glue. Cement mortar. Concrete. Test of Portland cement. Street pavements. Macadamized roadways. Artificial stone pave- ments for sidewalks. Belgian pavement. Guidet pavement. Sidewalks. Method of calculating load on floors 98-146 ART OF PREPARING FOUNDATIONS BY FREDERICK BAUMAN, (ARCHITECT.) FIRST PART. 835 1875 3375 1875 625 468 3437 u tt Dry Pressed Staten Island Philadelphia (whole) Oialf^ 13,000 38,000 Best Hard North River Pavers (half) NorthRiver wholeBrick not injured at Adamantine Press Cis-brick, crushed at 90,000 Ibs, being at the rate of 2,800 Ibs. on the square inch. g 2 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS It is best in using these tables not to exceed a working load of one-quarter to one-sixth the breaking load. Over vaults to warehouses allow a load of 600 pounds per square foot, and 500 pounds per square foot for stores. RULES OR TABLE FOR CALCULATING THE WEIGHT OF MATE- RIALS IN BUILDINGS. Calculate the weight of wall per superficial foot of surface, and deduct only one-half of window openings. 8-inch brick wall, weight per foot .................... 77 pounds. 19 U U 4? 44 44 ...... ............. 115 " 153 Brown Stone, 4 inches thick ........................... 67 u 44 g 44 " ........................... 114 " u 44 12 " " ........................... 170 " Granite, per foot ...................................... 1 66 " White Marble ................................ ........ 168 NEW YORK LAW IN REFERENCE TO LOAD ON FLOORS. Hardware Store, weight on square foot floor surface ......... 350 to 600 Ibs. .350 " 310 " 180 " 100 " 90 Flour Store, Dry Goods Store, Public Assemblies, Tenement House, Roofs, After making calculations of loads in ten dry goods stores, they were found not to be loaded to exceed 180 pounds per square foot on the basement or first and second stories, and much less above. Mensuration of Superfices. Simple rules for calculating super- ficial surfaces of different shapes : Triangle Multiply base by perpendicular and divide by 2. Equilateral Triangle Square of any side by .433. Trapezoid Multiply the sum of the parallel sides by perpen- dicular distance between them ; divide by 2. Parallelogram Multiply base by perpendicular. Trapezium Multiply diagonal by one-half sum of perpendic- ular circle. Circle Multiply diameter 2 by .7854. Circle Multiply circumference by radius, divided by 2. Ellipse Multiply transverse axis by conjugate axis by .7854. Cylinder Multiply length by diameter by 3 1-7. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. g* Hollow Walls for Buildings. There has not been so great a demand for hollow walls in building during the past eight years in cities as formerly, owing to the introduction and manufacture of various kinds of hollow, cellular and grooved ; fire-proof and furring material : most of these are made of cinders, ashes and clay, mixed with some form of Carbonate of lime or cement ; and some of which are worthless. For walls that have been exposed on the exterior to weather and where there is a tendency for moisture to drive through, fire-proofing blocks of 2 inches in thickness are set against the inside of walls, these blocks are grooved on the side next to the walls, and leave an air space : where they are not used wooden strips are often used and the strips lathed. One reason why hollow walls are not built is, the Building Laws require as many brick to a hollow wall per foot in height as if it were solid, and as it is more expensive, there is not much gained in city buildings by using them. Where stone walls are built to have an air space, it is usually done by leaving a space of 2 inches on the inside of wall of building, and building a 4 or 8-inch brick wall which is held in position with wedge anchors. If convenient, fireproof furring may be used. This furring of walls adds greatly to the warmth of a building. It may be. useful to give the relative conducting power of different building materials, /. e.; as follows : Stone 14 to 1 6, Brick 5, Plaster 4, Wood i, Wood therefore is the best material named : particularly when double furring or woolen felting is used. We herewith give illustrations 42 and 43 showing several methods of building Hollow Walls where no extra furring will be required inside to prevent the penetration of dampness. One of the greatest protections to walls above ground where hollow walls have not been used is to give the whole surface 2 heavy coats of boiled linseed oil : there are also other methods such as silicate of soda paint and cement paints while hollow 8 4 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS brick walls make a dry and damp-proof structure : the work is required to be done by skilled workmen and the joints laid clean, to leave the air spaces free. e *- ILLUSTRATION 42. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. -> ir . y ir 1 I f r -I ! \ en 2 1 ^ 7 -^v 3 v. ~^, !! i ILLUSTRATION 48. A Stono House properly built is undoubtedly the most ex- pensive structure that can be erected. It produces a fine, sub- 86 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS stantial and showy external appearance ; and creeping vines may be grown at inner angles to produce that picturesque and home-like appearance' that is seldom seen in other structures. But such a house is not any warmer in winter, or cooler in sum- mer, than a brick one. The proper construction for the walls of a stone dwelling, is to have the beds and joints of squared or drafted stone. This is termed squared random work. This enables the mason to more fully fill the joints with mortar. The walls of a stone house should not be constructed of rough rubble-work, as it is impossible to fill completely all the joints with mortar ; and hence in a driving storm rain will be forced through the crevices, and produce dampness ; quarry-faced stone at the least should be used. A stone house can be constructed either with hollow or solid walls, or the inside lined with hollow brick. When hollow walls are built, the outside wall should be not less than sixteen inches thick of stone, with a three-inch space inside, and backed up with four inches of brickwork. Bonding the inside and outside walls with iron ties or clamp anchors. Where binders or headers of brick are used damp- ness will usually penetrate. Hollow walls to be effectual, must have outside and inside work separate from each other. When solid walls are used they should be furred and lathed, instead of applying the plaster on the walls. BUILDING LAWS PASSED APRIL, 1871. Abstract from the Building Laws of the City of New York in reference to Walls, Foundations, etc., now in force. "SEC. 3. Depth of Foundation Walls. All foundation walls shall be laid not less than four feet below the surface of the earth on a good solid bottom, and in case the nature of the earth should require it, a bottom of driven piles or laid timbers, of sufficient size and thickness, shall be laid to prevent the walls from settling, the top of such pile or timber bottom to be driven or laid below the water line ; and all piers, columns, posts or pillars resting on the earth, shall be set upon a bottom AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 8/ in the same manner as the foundation walls. Rock bottom. Whenever in any case the foundation walls or walls of any building that may hereafter be erected, shall be placed on a rock bottom, the said rock shall be graded off level to receive the same. All excavations upon the front or side of any lot ad- joining a street shall be properly guarded and protected by the person or persons having charge of the same, so as to prevent the same from being or becoming dangerous to life or limb. Excavations. Whenever there shall be any excavation, either of earth or rock, hereafter commenced upon any lot or piece of land in the city of New York, and there shall be any party or other wall wholly or partly on adjoining land, and standing up- on or near the boundary line of said lot, if the person or per- sons, whose duty it shall be under existing laws to preserve and protect said wall from injury, shall neglect or fail so to do, after having had a notice of twenty-four hours from the Department of Buildings so to do, the Superintendent of Buildings may enter upon the premises, and employ such labor and take such steps as in his judgment may be necessary to make the same safe and secure, or to prevent the same from becoming unsafe or dangerous, at the expense of the person or persons owning said wall or building of which it may be a part, and any person or persons doing the said work, or any part thereof, under and by direction of the said Superintendent, may bring and main- tain an action against the owner or owners, or any one of them, of the said wall or building of which it may be a part, for any work done or materials furnished in and about the said premises, in the same manner as if he had been employed to do the said work by the said owner or owners of the said premises. "SEC. 4. Base course of foundation walls, piers, columns, etc. The footing, or base course, under all foundation walls, and under all piers, columns, posts, or pillars resting on the earth, shall be of stone or concrete ; and if under a foundation wall, shall be at least twelve inches wider than the bottom width of the said wall ; and if under piers, columns, posts, or pillars, shall be at least twelve inches wider on all sides than the bot- tom width of the said piers, columns, posts, or pillars, and not less than eighteen inches in thickness ; and if built of stone, the 38 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS stones thereof shall not be less than two by three feet and at least eight inches in thickness ; and all base stones shall be well bedded and laid edge to edge ; and if the walls be built of isolated piers, then there must be inverted arches, at least twelve inches thick, turned under and between the piers, or two footing courses of large stone, at least ten inches thick in each course. Construction of foundation walls. All foundation walls shall be built of stone or brick, and shall be laid in cement mortar, and if constructed of stone, shall be at least eight inches thicker than the wall next above them, to a depth of six- teen feet below the curb level, and shall be increased four inches in thickness for every additional five feet in depth below the said sixteen feet ; and if built of brick, shall be at least four inches thicker than the wall next above them to a depth of sixteen feet below the curb level, and shall be increased four inches in thick- ness for every additional five feet in depth below the said six- teen feet. "SEC. 5. Height, Thickness and materials of walls of dwell- ings. In all dwelling-houses that may hereafter be erected, not more than fifty-five feet in height, the outside walls shall not be less than twelve inches thick ; and if above fifty-five feet in height, and not more than eighty feet in height, the outside walls shall not be less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the second-story beams, provided the same is twenty feet above the curb level, and if not, then to the under side of the third- story beams ; and also provided that that portion of the walls twelve inches thick shall not exceed forty feet in height above the said sixteen-inch wall. No party wall in any dwelling-house that may hereafter be erected shall be less than sixteen inches in thickness ; and in every dwelling-house hereafter erected more than eighty feet in height, four inches shall be added to the thickness of the walls for every fifteen feet, or part thereof, that is added to the height of the building. "SEC. 6. Height, thickness and materials of walls of build- ings other than dwellings. In all buildings, other than dwelling- houses, hereafter to be erected, not more than forty-five feet in height, and not more than twenty-five feet in width, the outside walls shall not be less than twelve inches thick, and the party AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 8 9 walls not less than sixteen inches thick ; if above forty-five feet, and not more than fifty-five feet in height, the outside and party walls shall not be less than sixteen inches thick ; if above fifty- five feet, and not more than seventy feet in height, the outside and party walls shall not be less than twenty inches thick to the height of the second-story beams, and not less than sixteen inches thick from thence to the top ; and if above seventy feet, and not more than eighty-five feet in height, the outside and party walls shall not be less than twenty inches thick to the height of the third -story beams, and not less than sixteen inches from thence to the top ; and if above eighty-five feet in height, the outside and party walls shall be increased four inches in thickness for every ten feet or part thereof that shall be added to the height of the said wall or walls. Buildings over 25 feet in width to have partition walls or girders and columns. In all buildings over twenty-five feet in width, and not having either brick partition walls or girders, supported by columns running from front to rear, the walls shall be increased an additional four inches in thickness, to the same relative thickness in height as required under this section, for every additional ten feet in width of said building, or any portion thereof. It is understood that the amount of materials specified may be used either in piers or buttresses, provided the outside walls between the same shall in no case be less than twelve inches in thickness to the height of forty feet, and if over that height, then sixteen inches thick ; but in no case shall a party wall between the piers or buttresses of a building be less than sixteen inches in thickness. Corner buildings, thickness of walls. In all buildings hereafter erected, situated on the street corner, the bearing wall thereof (that is, the wall on the street upon which the beams rest) shall be four inches thicker in all cases than is otherwise provided for by this act. "SEC. 7. Partition walls of buildings over 30 feet in width. Every building hereafter erected, more than thirty feet in width, except churches, theatres, or other public buildings, shall have one or more brick, stone, or fire-proof partition walls, running from front to rear, which may be four inches less in thickness than is called for by the clauses and provisions above set forth 9O POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS with regard to foundations, thickness, and height, provided they are not more than fifty feet in height ; these walls shall be so located that the space between any two of the bearing walls of the building shall not be over twenty-five feet. Iron or wooden girders, and bearing weight of same. In case iron or wooden girders, supported upon iron or wooden columns, are substituted in place of partition walls, the building may be fifty feet in width but not more ; and if there should be substituted iron or wooden girders, supported upon iron or wooden columns, in place of the partition walls, they shall be made of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight of two hundred and fifty pounds for every square foot of floor or floors that rest upon them, exclusive of the weight of material employed in their construction, and shall have a footing course and foundation wall not less than sixteen inches in thickness, with inverted arches under and between the columns, or two footing courses of large well-shaped stone, laid crosswise, edge to edge, and at least ten inches thick in each course, the lower footing course to be not less than two feet greater in area than the size of the column ; and under every column, as above set forth, a cap of cut granite, at least twelve inches thick, and of a diameter twelve inches greater each way than that of the column, must be laid solid and level to receive the column. Walls to be braced during construction. Any building that may hereafter be erected in an isolated position, and more than one hundred feet in depth, and which shall not be provided with crosswalls, shall be securely braced, both inside and out, during the whole time of its erection, if it can be done ; but in case the same cannot be so braced from the outside, then it shall be properly braced from the inside, and the braces shall be continued from the foundation upward to at least one-third the height of the building from the curb level. "SEC. 8. Cutting of wall. No wall or any building now erected, or hereafter to be built or erected, shall be cut off alto- gether below, without permission so to do having been obtained from the Superintendent of Buildings. Temporary supports, Every temporary support placed under any structure, wall, gird- er, or beam, during the erection, finishing, alteration, or repair- ing of any building, or part thereof, shall be equal in strength to the permanent support required for such structure, wall, gird- AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 9! er, or beam. Braces. And the walls of every building shall be strongly braced from the beams of each story until the build- ing is topped out, and the roof tier of beams shall be strongly braced to the beams of the story below until all the floors in the said building are laid. "SEC. 9. Headers. All stone walls less than twenty-four inches thick, shall have at least one header extending through the walls in every three feet in height from the bottom of the wall, and in every four feet in length ; and if over twenty-four inches in thickness, shall have one header for every six superfi- cial feet on both sides of the wall, and running into the wall at least two feet ; all headers shall be at least eighteen inches in width and eight inches in thickness, and shall consist of a good flat stone dressed on all sides. Heading courses. In every brick wall every sixth course of brick shall be a heading course, except where walls are faced with brick, in which case every fifth course shall be bonded into the backing by cutting the- course of the faced brick, and putting in diagonal headers be- hind the same, or by splitting face brick in half, and backing the same by a continuous row of headers. Stone ashlar. In all walls which are faced with thin ashlar, anchored to the back- ing, or in which the ashlar has not either alternate headers and stretchers in each course, or alternate heading and stretching courses, the backing of brick shall not be less than twelve inches thick, and all twelve-inch backing shall be laid up in cement mortar, and shall not be built to a greater height than prescrib- ed for twelve-inch walls. All leading courses shall be good, hard, perfect brick. Brick backing. The backing in all walls, of whatever material it may be composed, shall be of such thick- ness as to make the walls, independent of the facing, conform as to thickness with the requirements of sections five and six of this act. "Szc. 10. Isolated piers, how constructed. Every isolated pier less than ten superficial feet at the base, and all piers sup- porting a wall built of rubble stone or brick, or under any iron beam or arch girder, or arch on which a wall rests, or lintel supporting a wall, shall at intervals of not less than thirty inches in height, have built into it a bond stone not less than four inches thick, of a diameter each way equal to the diameter of the- -2 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS pier, except that in piers on the street front, above the curb the bond stone may be four inches less than the pier in diameter ; and all piers shall be built of good, hard, well-burnt brick and laid in cement mortar, and all bricks used in piers shall be of the hardest quality, and be well wet when laid. Walls and piers under girders and columns. And the walls and piers under all compound, cast-iron, or wooden girders, iron or other columns, shall have a bond stone at least four inches in thickness, and if in a wall at least two feet in length, running through the wall, -and if in a pier, the full size of the thickness thereof, every thir- ty inches in height from bottom, whether said pier is in the wall or not, and shall have a cap stone of cut granite at least twelve inches in thickness, by the whole size of the pier, if in a pier ; .and if in a wall, it shall be at least two feet in length, by the thickness of the wall, and at least twelve inches in thickness. Base stone. In any case where any iron or other column rests on any wall or pier built entirely of stone or brick, the said col- umn shall be set on a base stone of cut granite, not less than eight inches in thickness by the full size of the bearing of the pier, if on a pier, and if on a wall the full thickness of the wall. Hollow walls. In all buildings where the walls are built hollow, the same amount of stone or brick shall be used in their construc- tion as if they were solid, as above set forth ; and no hollow walls shall be built unless the two walls forming the same shall be connected by continuous vertical ties of the same materials as the walls, and not over twenty-four inches apart. Height of walls, how computed. The height of all walls shall be compu- ted from the curb level. Swelled or refuse brick, use of, prohib- ited. No swelled or refuse brick shall be allowed in any wall or pier ; and all brick used in the construction, alteration, or repair of any building, or part thereof, shall be good, hard, well-burnt brick. Bricks to be wet. And if used during the months from April to November, inclusive, shall be well wet at the time they are laid. "SEC. ii. Mortar, of what materials, and how used. The mortar used in the construction, alteration, or repair of any build- ing shall be composed of lime or cement, mixed with sand, in the proportion of three of sand to one of lime, and two of sand to one of cement and no lime and sand mortar shall be used AND FOUNDATION WALLS. QJ within twenty-four hours after being mixed ; and all walls or parts thereof, below the curb level, shall be laid in cement mortar, to be composed of cement and mortar, in the proportion of one of cement to two of mortar. No inferior lime or cement shall be used. Sand. And all sand shall be clean/sharp grit, free from loam ; and all joints and all walls shall be well filled with mortar. "SEC. 12. Walls, how carried up and anchored In no case, shall the side, end, or party wall of any building be carried up more than two stories in advance of the front and rear walls. The front, rear, side, end, and party walls of any building here- after to be erected shall be anchored to each other every six feet in their height by tie anchors, made of one and a quarter inch by three-eighths of an inch of wrought iron. The said anchor shall be built into the side or party walls not less than sixteen inches, and into the front and rear walls at least one half the thickness of the front and rear walls, so as to secure the front and rear walls to the side, end, or party walls ; and all stone used for the facing of any building, except where built with alternate headers and stretchers, as hereinbefore set forth, shall be strongly anchored with iron anchors in each stone, and all such anchors shall be let into the stone at least one inch. The side, end, or party walls shall be anchored at each tier of beams, at intervals of not more than eight feet apart, with good, strong, wrought- iron anchors, one-half inch by one inch, well built into the side Walls and well fastened to the side of the beams by two nails,, made of wrought iron, at least one fourth of an inch in diame- ter ; and where the beams are supported by girders, the ends of the beams resting on the girder shall be butted together end to- end, and strapped by wrought-iron straps of the same size, and at the same distance apart, and, in the same beam as the wall anchors, and shall be well fastened." Preservation of Stone. In the preservation of stone we now lay down, from the highest practical authorities, the condition upon which only a successful issue can be obtained : First. The materials must be irremovable and imperishable. Second. They must be easily absorbed by, and thoroughly incorporated with the stone. 94 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Third. The materials must be free from color, but admit of imperishable coloration. Mr. Frederick Ransome's process seems to best fill all the above conditions, meeting most thoroughly every possible re- quirement. The materials used are as follows : Dissolve flint or silicate of soda and chloride of calcium. Flint or silex is soluble by heat under pressure in a solution of caustic soda. In this form it is soluble silicate of soda. In this form it is to be thoroughly brushed into the stone. On top of this is brushed into the stone a solution of chlorine, which unites with the soda, forming an insoluble silicate of lime. The silicate of lime being white, there is an opportunity of using metallic tinting solutions. Another process for the preservation of stone or brick is to dissolve resin with turpentine, and when heated, to add linseed oil to form a paint. Another mixture is made from unslacked lime, to which is added while slacking oil of tallow. When the slacking is com- plete, it is placed in a vessel with alum water and proto-sulphate of iron. After settling, it is drawn off and used. Another process is the repeated application with a brush of a solution of beeswax in coal tar naphtha ; when the color of the stone is to be preserved, white wax, dissolved in refined distilled camphene. None of these, except the first, seem to answer any practical purpose, and only offer a temporary protection. Here is a mixture, given by M. Kuhlman, that seems to have been used with success for thirty years. It is the silicate of potash. Before application the surface requires to be washed with a diluted solution of caustic potash with a hard brush. Three applications of the silicate are required during three days. There is an English preparation extensively used for the pur- pose of repelling moisture, and for the preservation of stone, brick, plaster and cement. It is a liquid or solution of silica. It is also used in kitchens, cellars and basements to form a hard surface on the walls, impenetrable to water. It is a kind of enamel, and is put up in barrels and by the gallon, and is red, white, blue, green and chocolate. It is applied with a brush, and is very inexpensive. It presents a surface like glazed tile, and is not affected by water or atmospheric changes. It is a AND FOUNDATION WALLS. gj silicate enameling paint. There are several agencies in the United States. Incrustations on Brick Walls A greyish white substance often appears on the surface of bricks, before and after being laid in walls ; it proceeds from several causes : and since the dis- coloration is very unsightly, and if removed, may return, many builders and owners of buildings have tried various ways to get rid of this precipitate. It occurs generally on Philadelphia and New Jersey bricks for front facings. It is not seen often on the Baltimore or North River bricks. Limes that are burned of magnesian limestone produce a lime with a mixture of magne- sia, and when made into mortar, and used in brickwork, absorb sufficient vapor from the atmosphere to form a sulphate of mag- nesium or epsom salts. It finds its way through every crevice and pore out to the surface. This sulphate of magnesia is found in a crude form known as silicate of magnesia, in native forms as asbestos, soapstone, talc and French chalk. When common salt is used in solution on brick, it leaves a white precipitate when dry. Portland cement contains but a small proportion of magnesia, and walls built with it show but little, if any, deface- ment. Some of the grades of Rosendale cement that contain magnesia and soda disfigure the surface of the walls when used in cement mortar. The best remedy is to remove the incrusta- tion and wash the fronts, and when dry, paint the surface. If the surface is painted over the incrustations, it shows different shades of color when the paint is dry. This discoloration of brick walls is most noticeable in dry weather on parts of walls subject to dampness, and on entire walls after heavy rains. North and East walls are usually the heaviest coated. This white precipitate comes from both bricks and mortars. To avoid this white defacement, builders should use limes free from magnesia, and cements free from magnesia and soda. Avoid using bricks that are burned with coal, and also when the dry surface of the brick is whiter than the true color. When clays are to be used for making pressed brick for fronts or orna- mental purposes, it is best to avoid all clays containing epsora salts or sulphate of magnesia. The following may be a guide to finding the magnesia in clays: og POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Take some clay ; dry the clay by heat ; reduce it to a fine powder, and saturate with sulphuric acid. Then dry and calcine the mass at a red heat, in order to convert any sulphate of iron (copperas) that may be present to a red oxide ; it is then dis- solved in water and sulphuret of lime is added, to separate any remaining portion of iron ; then pour off the liquid and evapo- rate it, and the crystals that form, if any, are the sulphate of magnesia. This should be done by a chemist. Sulphuret of Lime is made of one part flower sulphur, two parts lime, ten parts water. This is the mixture used in testing the clay. Of course, if the sulphate of magnesia is found, the clay is not fit for front or ornamental brick. Yet it is possible to wash some clays and carry off the mag- nesia. Another method of analyzing clay is as follows : Grind the clay to a powder, and add diluted muriatic acid un- til it ceases to effervesce ; heat it until the liquid evaporates, the residue being a thin paste ; then add water and shake it ; then filter the mixture and dry what is on the filtering paper by heating this gives the insoluble matter ; if magnesia is con- tained add clean water so long as any precipitate is formed ; quickly gather the precipitate, and wash with pure water. The residue from washing is the magnesia. Sand. Whatever variety of sand is used in making mortars or cements, it should be granular, hard and gritty, sharp and angular, with a polished surface, and nearly uniform in size. Sand, when perfectly fit to be used in mortar, will bear the test of being rubbed between the hands without soiling them. Sand is not increased in volume by moisture, nor contracted by heat. The finest sand screened should pass through a wire mesh one-thirty-second of an inch square : the medium size, one-six- teenth of an inch mesh. The quality of mortar or cement depends chiefly upon the quality of the sand. The common practice of using unclean sands, or road drifts, argillaceous loams, and even alluvium or common soil cannot be too speedily abolished. Masons are apt. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 97 to compound the mortar with the soil used from the foundations regardless of quality, suitability or the natural consequences of its employment. Clean, sharp bank sand, free from loam and screened, is gen- erally used in mortars for buildings. As calcium or lime is used more extensively for mortars than anything else, it may be very desirable to give the various com- pounds. Calcium Oxide, Quick Lime, Hydrated Calcium Oxide, Slacked Lime, Carbonate Lime, Limestone, Crystallized Lime, Marble, Fossil Lime, Chalk, Sulphate Lime, Gypsum or Plaster of Pari% Mineral Phosphate Lime, Apatite. ppQPERTY OF j. w DONAHUE, SPRIG; iei> MA. 98 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS CHAPTER VII. On the preparation of Common Mortar. The lime, when perfectly burnt in the kiln, should be packed in casks or air-tight vessels, and kept free from all moisture, and should be opened only as required. Unslacked dry lime fresh from the kiln is termed caustic or quick-lime. After water is added to it, it is called slacked lime. The exact quantity of water for slacking is in proportion to the quality of lime; the fat or rich will absorb more than the poor or lean. No definite rule can be given for all localities for the use of water. The average is twice the weight of water to the lime, but this is only an approximation. It is important that the mortar should be used fresh. The best or richest limes are made from pure carbonates of lime, which usually increase to twice their volume when slacked but do not harden well in damp places. Poor limes do not ex- pand much in volume ; neither do poor limes harden well in damp places. Limes that have been ground are usually of inferior quality, often mixed with refuse lumps and air-slacked lime. Mortar, stuccoes or cements prepared from ill-burnt lime con- tinue soft and dusty for a long time after being made whereas well-burnt and slacked limes soon become thoroughly indurated. Rich limes hiss, bubble and throw off great heat during the process of slacking. The purest limes require the largest proportion of sand and water, and harden in less time than the common limes. Various substances are sometimes added to mortar to increase the tenacity, and they impart thereto the principles of hydraulic cement to a greater or less degree. They chiefly consist of burnt clay, ashes, scoriae, iron scales AND FOUNDATION WALLS. gg and filings, broken pottery, bricks, tiles, etc. They are useful in mixing with lime or mortar to increase their hardness, but they must be pure and reduced to a fine powder. Some of the mason builders in New York and vicinity who are large contractors, make building mortar for brick walls of the following proportions : One barrel of lime, Six barrels of sand sharp bank sand, which is calculated to lay one thousand bricks. The average number of bricks laid in buildings around New York, Brooklyn, etc., for each man is one thousand per day. For mortars for this purpose many kinds of limes are used Thomaston, of Maine ; Briggs, North River ; Snowflake lime, of Pleasantville, N. Y., etc., etc. The proportion of one measure of quick-lime, either in lumps or ground (when lumps exceed three inches each way they re- quire to be broken), and five measures of sand, is about the average used for common mortar by many masons. However, architects generally specify one part of lime to three of sand. Mortar generally increases in volume one-eighth more than the bulk of loose sand. In walls that are exposed to dampness, no lime should be used, as it will never harden properly. Cement should be used, or use burnt clay or fine brick-dust, and mix it with the lime, as this forms a kind of hydraulic cement. Shell lime is about the same as that from the purest lime-stone. The average weight of common hardened mortar is from 105 to 1 1 5 pounds per cubic foot. Common grout is merely common mortar made so thin as to flow like cream. It is used to fill the interstices left in the mor- tar joints of masonry or brickwork, and is perhaps best when a little cement is added. Mortar should be applied wetter in hot than cold weather, especially in brick-work, otherwise the water is too much absorb- ed by the brick. To prevent this, dip each brick for an instant in water in some kind of vessel, especially if dusty, as the latter impairs the adhesion. Where there is a heavy working strain brought on piers, or parts of walls, it would be best to use some proportion of cement, 1OO POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS as the tenacity or cohesion in some mortars is not to be relied upon until four to six months after being used. This is only important where structures are heavily loaded or of considerable height. The tenacity of good mortar is usually fifteen and one-halt pounds per square inch, or one ton per square foot. The crushing load may be taken at fifty tons per square foot Laying bricks or building walls when the mortar freezes al- ways produces weak walls, and brings expense afterwards. Common mortar of ashes is prepared by mixing two parts of fresh slacked lime with three parts of wood ashes and when cold to be well beaten, in which state it is usually kept for some time ; and will resist alternate moisture and dryness. By some it is considered equal to some of the water cements. A kind of cement plaster used around exterior foundation walls is made of one part Portland cement, three parts lime, and two parts sand, with water sufficient to make a mortar. But with Rosendale cement a small proportion of lime, if any, and one part sand to one of cement is the best ; and even with this where it is exposed to dampness, it is best to coat the cement with a coat of asphaltum. To Color Mortars.* This may be done by the use of various colored sands. There are yellow, silver and gray sands to be had in many localities. Colored mica, put on the surface of stucco work with a thin mixture of lime-water and lime, first wetting the surface, leaves a durable and sparkling finish. Pul- verized bricks, yellow or red, may be used. Pulverized dust from colored marble, also basalt dust, are all durable. Ochres stand exposure to the weather, as well as any of the pigments. Where black has been used for pointing the joints of brick- work, the mortar requires so much black to make the color that the mortar becomes poor and washes off. Spanish brown is a species of earth of a reddish-brown color, which depends upon the sesqui-oxide of iron. The best quality of lamp-black made into putty and used for pointing will retain its color. * There are now pigments manufactured expressly for use in mortars that are said to hold their colors excellently. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. IOI A dry powder, known as Spanish brown, added to cement or mortar is considered a permanent color. Gravel Sidewalks are usually laid by mixing the gravel with the sand and lime ; i. e., Ten bushels of gravel. One to two bushels of sand. Half bushel of lime. Of course it is required to dig trenches, and lay down common concrete or broken stone, to bed the walks on. To Color Bricks Black. Heat asphaltum to a fluid state, and moderately heat the surface bricks and dip them in it. Another method is to make a hot mixture of linseed oil and asphalt ; heat the bricks and dip them. Tar and asphalt are al- so used for the same purpose. It is important that the bricks be sufficiently hot and held in the mixture long enough to ab- sorb the color, to the depth of one-sixteenth of an inch. Also, for Staining Bricks Red or Black. A process similar to staining bricks red will answer for staining them black, by sub- stituting lampblack for the red employed. For the red, melt one ounce of glue in one gallon of water. Add a piece of alum the size of an egg, then one-half pound Venetian red, and one pound Spanish brown. Try the color on the bricks before using, and change light or dark with the red or brown: For staining black use the same, and instead of the alum use bi-chromate of potash. Use as soon as made, and in dry weather. Venetian Cement. Used for covering floors, terraces and roofs of houses, it is composed of plaster of paris, sulphur, rosin, pitch and spirits of turpentine or wax, and applied when hot. Coal Ash Mortar Lime, two and a half measures ; sand, two and a half; coal ashes, two and a half; and puzzolana, one and a half. Puzzolana Mortar For lining cisterns, consists of slacked lime, sixteen parts or measures ; puzzolana, eight ; sand, five and a quarter ; beaten glass, four ; and smith's cinders, four. This was, with the other three, used at Gibraltar in 1790. Dutch Terras Mortar. (Terras is a basaltic mineral found in the low counties of Holland.) This is formed of equal parts of lime and terras by measure. Very fat lime is incapable of hardening in water. IO2 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Lime, a little hydraulic " quite '' 1 Slakes like lime when properly calcined, and hardens under water. Lime Clay 60 per cent. 60 " 40 " 40 per cent. 50 60 Plastic or hydraulic cement ti U U u n " Does not slake under any circumstances, and hardens under water with rapidity. 30 " 20 " 10 " 70 * 80 l 90 Calcareous brick puzzolana it u tt U (i " Does not slake or hard- en under water, unless mixed with fat or hy- draulic lime. TABLE. One Bushel Mortar 130 pounds. One " Sand 110tol20 " One " Lime 80 " One " Hair 8 " Cattle hair is collected from tanneries. It is best of medium length, fresh and clean. Vegetable fibre of hair has been used some, but not extensively. Plastering or Stucco When buildings are plastered on the exterior, or parts exposed to the weather, it is usually called stucco-work (the same word stucco is in use for inside work). But this kind of finishing rough walls is not much in use in this country. There are two kinds of stucco ; those made of lime, and those of cement. Cement stucco is disagreeable in color, and only used where protection to the walls or a very hard surface is want- ed. The cement color may be covered with paint, and when used it is often painted. In working the first coat it may be well to work it with cement plaster, and for the second coat use equal parts of quick-lime and cement with silver or light grey colored sand. Colors mixed with the stucco, such as umbers or ochres get dingy and very unsightly in time. Mineral color that is not liable to atmospheric change is the best. To make a light brown shade, use silver or as white sand as possible, and in this mix pulverized brown stone or brown sand- stone. The pulverized stone dust from colored marble may be used, also basalt dust. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. JQ* Pulverized bricks, yellow or red, may be used where the color is known to be permanent. The same process as mentioned above is the best for exterior pointing, as most coloring substan- ces wash off. An external stucco, when made with hydraulic lime of Tiel, is composed thus : Lime of Tiel, one part ; two of chalk, and two of sand. Exterior walls have to be prepared for plastering by wetting them, and leaving the joints open and rough, and during the work care should be taken to have the green material protected from the weather, particularly drying winds or heat of the sun. This is done by using muslin or canvass on the scaffolding. Exterior plastering or stucco is usually done in two coat- work. Both coats done about the same time that is, the first coat is done sufficiently long for it to have set in the joints, and to sustain the second coat. The plasterer examines his work to find any places where it has not adhered say three or four days after the work is first done. Lime and cement, equal parts, (thoroughly mix the lime be- fore compounding with the cement, sand and water), mixed with sand and water makes a good stucco. An artificial stone stucco which seems very good, is made of one part lime or cement and four parts sand, to which after slacking add four ounces potash or soda, dissolved in one gallon boiling water, and add one pound shellac. When this is dis- solved mix with the plaster, and use at once. There are quite a number of cements that do not stand well for stucco-work. Inside Plastering Is done in a variety of ways, from one to three coats of mortar plastering on walls, ceilings, etc. When one-coat work is required, the plasterers have to be careful in laying or nailing the laths regular. One-coat work is known as the scratch coat, and generally finished with light hand-floating to give an even finish, to receive a white or color wash finish if desired. If it is the intention to kalsomine on one-coat work, a very good finish may be made by using some hard-finish on the hawk (a flat board to hold plaster on, held in 104 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS the hand), and hand-float the surface with water in the brush. Back buildings and the second stories and attics of farm-houses are often finished this way. It is very important in putting on the first coat, to press the mortar firmly between the laths so .as to fill up the spaces between, and clinch over the edge of the laths. When the first coat is ready to receive the second or browning coat, the surface, before being perfectly dry, is scratched or pricked up on the surface with a hand rake made of laths ; the lines are generally crossed like lattice-work, but rough. The proportion for the scratch coat is as follows : One part quick-lime, four parts sand, and one-quarter to one-third measure of cattle or goat's hair. It is usually put on from three-eighths to one-half inch in thickness. For Two-coat Work and Finish. The scratch coat is general- ly done as in one-coat work, and worked on the surface roughly, but level with hand-floating. It is required to keep the work plumb and true, and scratched to receive the second coat, which is known by the name of browning. Where, as in this case, the plastering is finished with two coats, the second coat is usually one-quarter or three-eighths inch thick, and will make a very handsome finish if done with three parts clear grey or silver sand ; mixed with one part gauge stuff or plaster of paris putty, one part fine stuff or lump lime slacked into a paste, and suffi- cient clean hair to hold in position the coat when set. This coat is thoroughly floated and troweled. Another way is to use the same mortar, known as coarse stuff, for the second coat, but with less hair, and before it is dry to float it thoroughly with hand-float, brush, trowel and water, with some gauge stuff and a little sand, forming a skim finish. This is done in several ways, but with slight variation, the same material being used. Three-coat Work and Finish. Prepare wood furring by cov- ering it with wood or metal laths. Wood laths should break joint every eighteen to twenty inches, and be laid about three- eighths to one-half inch apart. On this work the first or scratch coat is to be placed on the wall, and after it is thoroughly dry, AND FOUNDATION WALLS. IO5 followed by the second or browning coat ; and the third is gauge stuff for hard-finish. This is worked on the second coat with a trowel for one hand, and sometimes for two hands ; and by using a wet brush ; skilled mechanics often make very fine sur- faces in this manner. This coat is usually one-eighth inch thick, and is composed of fine stuff lime, slacked to a paste, three parts ; plaster of paris, or gauge stuff, one part. No more is made than can be worked, up in say half an hour. Gauge stuff is used chiefly for mouldings and cornices the moulds beings made of zinc or sheet iron, and secured to a wooden template with handles to run the template with mould- ings. For this purpose it is common to mix gradually one-third plaster of paris with two-thirds fine stuff. When the work can be done rapidly, equal parts may be used. Gauge stuff is used for securing ornaments to the walls or ceilings and plaster decorations. Plasterers cast sections of ornamental cornices in lengths of about three feet, and bring them fresh to the structure, and set them in position. By this means rooms are decorated in New York and vicinity at about the same price as plain, heavy moulded cornice work can be done. The moulds that are used for this purpose are made of wax, rosin and oil, and are usually kept for use by ornamental plas- terers. Stucco finish is usually made of fine stuff with white sand- four parts sand, and one. part fine stuff. There are other rules for stucco finish. Less cattle hair is required in the plaster on brick walls than on laths, and usually stone and brick walls have but one strong wall coat, and on this it is finished with lime and plaster of par- is, as in the last coat of three-coat work. The walls should be rough, clean and dampened. One hundred yards of plastering will require 1,400 laths, in calculating as there is much waste, and four and a half bushels of lime, eighteen bushels of sand, nine pounds of hair, and five pounds of nails for two-coat work. One hundred yards of plastering for three-coat work requires seven bushels of lime, one load of sand, nine pounds of hair, five pounds of nails, and 1,400 laths. Several plasterers in New York and vicinity give the follow- 10 6 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS ing data : 1,000 laths will cover 666 sq. ft. One barrel of lime, one cart-load of sand, and three bushels of goat hair will scratch coat and brown coat a surface of twenty-five square yards. Oyster-shell lime is only used for scratch coats, owing to the salt in the lime. Wood-burned lime is always the best. A great quantity of Pennsylvania lime is burned with coal, and has to be sifted, leaving often too large a proportion of core, which has to be thrown away. Nearly all plasterers use the lime that will work the easiest with least labor, and use materials that pay the best with labor. Thomaston or Rockland lime is used by plasterers generally in vicinity of New York. Glenn's Falls. lime is very pure, and is used only in the ornamental arts. PLASTERING. 1 INCH. | 3-4 INCH. 1 1-2 INCH. One bushel Cement, or 1.28 cubic ft. 1 1-8 sup. 1-2 sq. yd. 21-4 " 3. 31-4 " 141-2 " 2 1-2 sq. yds 41-2 63-4 " One " " and one of sand One " " " two " One cubic yard of lime, two cubic yards of sand and three bushels of hair will cover seventy-five superficial feet of rough or scratch coat on wall, or seventy yards on lath. One bundle of laths and 500 nails will cover about four and a half yards. Mortar, Plaster, &c. Stone Mortar. Cement, 8 parts ; lime, 3 parts ; sand, 3 parts. Mortar. Lime I part ; sharp, clean sand, 2 1-2 parts. An excess of water in slaking the lime swells the mortar which remains light and porous, or shrinks in drying ; an excess of sand destroys the cohesive properties of the mass. Brown Mortar. Lime, I part ; sand 2 parts, and a small quantity of hair. Brick Mortar. Cement, 3 parts ; lime, 3 parts ; sand, 27 parts. Lime and sand, and cement and sand, lessen about 1-3 in volume when mixed together. Turkish Mortar. Powdered brick and tiles, i part ; fine sifted lime, 2, parts; mix with water to a proper con- sistency. Very useful on massive or very solid buildings. Interior Plastering. Coarse Stuff. Common lime mortar as made for brick masonry, with a small quantity of hair ; or by volumes, lime paste (30 Ibs. lime), i part ; sand, 2 to 2 1-2 parts ; hair, 1-6 part. When full time for hardening cannot be allowed AND FOUNDATION WALLS. ID/ substitute for from 15 to 20 per cent, of the lime an equal por- tion of hydraulic cement. For the second or brown coat the proportion of hair may be slightly diminished. Fine Stuff. (Lime putty) ; Lump lime slaked to a paste with a moderate volume of water, and afterwards diluted to the consistency of cream, and then evaporate to the required consistency for work- ing. This is used as a slipped coat, and when mixed with sand or plaster of paris, it is used for the finishing coat. Gauge Stuff or Hard Finish is composed of 3 or 4 volumes of fine stuff and one volume of plaster of paris, in proportions regulated by the de- gree of rapidity required in hardening for cornices, etc., the pro- portions are an equal volume of each, viz., fine stuff and plaster. Stucco is composed of from 3 to 4 volumes of white sand to I volume of fine stuff or lime putty. Scratch Coat. The first of 3 coats when laid upon laths, and is from 1-4 to 3-8 of an inch in thickness. One-Coat Work. Plastering in I coat without finish that is rendered or laid eith- er on masonry or laths. Two-Coat Work. Plastering in 2 coats is done either in a laying coat and set, or in a screed coat and set. The Screed Coat is also termed a Floated Coat. Laying the first coat in two-coat work is resorted to in common work instead of screeding when the finished surface is not required to be exact to a straight-edge. It is laid in a coat of about 1-2 inch in thickness. The laying coat, except for very common work should be hand-floated, as the tenacity and firmness of the work is much increased thereby. Screeds are strips of mortar twenty-six to twenty-eight inches in width and of the required thickness of the first coat applied to the angles of a room or edge of a wall and also in parallel strips at intervals of three to five feet over the surface to be covered. When these have become sufficiently hard to withstand the pressure of a straight-edge, the interspaces between the screeds should be filled out flush with them, so as to produce a continu- ous and straight, even surface. Slipped Coat is the smoothing off of a brown coat with a small quantity of lime putty, mixed with 3 per cent, of white sand so- as to make a comparatively even surface. This finish answers when the surface is to be finished in distemper or paper. ,108 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Hard Finish.- -Fine stuff applied with a trowel to the depth of about one-third of an inch. Cement for External Use. Ashes 2 parts ; clay 3 parts ; sand i part ; mix with a little oil. Very durable. Asphalt Composition. Mineral pitch one part ; bitumen elev- en parts ; powdered stone or wood ashes seven parts. Asphalt Mastic is composed of nearly pure carbonate of lime and about nine or ten per cent, of bitumen. When in a state of powder it is mixed with seven peT cent, of bitumen or mineral pitch. The powdered asphalt is mixed with the bitumen in a melted state along with clean gravel, making it of a consistency that will pour into moulds. The asphalt is ductile, and has elas- ticity to enable it with the small stones sifted upon it to resist ordinary wear. Sun and rain do not affect it, wear and tear do not seem to injure it. The pedestrian in many cities in the United States and Canada can readily detect its presence on the sidewalk by its peculiar yielding to the foot as he steps over it. It is also a most excellent roofing material when rightly applied. Asphalt for Walks. Take two parts very dry lime rubbish, and one part coal ashes, also very dry, sift all fine, mix in a dry place on a dry day, leaving a hole in the middle of the heap as bricklayers do when making mortar. Into this pour boiling hot coal-tar ; mix, and when as stiff as mortar, put on the walk three inches thick : (the ground should be dry and beaten smooth) ; sprinkle over it coarse sand. When cold, pass a light roller over it : in a few days the walk will be solid and water proof. Mastic Cement for Covering the Fronts of Houses. Fifty parts by measure of clean, dry sand ; fifty of limestone (not burned) reduced to grains like sand, or marble dust, and ten parts of red-lead mixed with as much boiled linseed oil as will make it slightly moist. The bricks to receive it should be cov- ered with three coats of boiled oil, laid on with a brush and suf- iered to dry before the mastic is put on. It is laid on with a trowel like plaster, but is not so moist. It becomes hard as AND FOUNDATION WALLS. ICX v stone in a few months. Care must be exercised not to use too much oil. Cement for Tile Roofs. Equal parts of whiting and dry sand, and twenty-five per cent, of litharge, made to the consistency of putty with linseed-oil. It is not liable to crack when cold nor melt like coal-tar and asphalt, with the heat of the sun. Cement for the Outside of Brick Walls. Cement for the outside of brick walls to imitate stone, is made of clean sand ninety parts ; litharge five parts ; plaster of paris five parts ; moistened with boiled linseed oil. The bricks should receive two or three coats of oil before the cement is applied. Mexican Method of Making Hard Lime Floors. This method is used extensively in some parts of Northern Mexico, where they become very hard. "The limestone used is a hard, compact blue material in some places sufficiently hard to strike fire on the drills used in quar- rying it. It often contains iron pyrites in small proportions ; this is calcined in kilns cut out of soft limestone. After calcination the lime is removed from the kilns and slacked as soon as cool. Part of a lot made this way was used within a day or two and part remained a month or more in barrels. All the work made with it seemed to be equally good. In making the floors a layer of broken limestone, three or four inches thick was first laid evenly over the surface of the ground. The stone being about the usual size for macadamizing roads, over this a mortar of about two parts of sand to one of lime was carefully spread to- the thickness of one and one-half to two inches, this was allowed to remain for twenty-four hours ; or until the surface had become quite dry. It would probably take longer in this climate, where there is more moisture in the air. The floor was then thoroughly pounded with a block of wood one foot square hav- ing a handle so that a man could stand while using it. The whole surface was beaten over with this ram until it was again as soft and moist as when first laid. This operation of ramming brought the water in the mortar to the surface, so as to form a layer of semi-fluid substance on the top. The floor was again allowed to dry : and again beaten over each day for a week when the flo POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS operation brought only slight amount of moisture to the surface. Immediately after the last pounding the whole surface was powdered with a thin layer of red ochre evenly sifted on and then polished as follows : A smooth, nearly flat water-worn stone, a little larger than the ram was selected from the bed of a stream, and with this the whole floor was laboriously gone over ; rubbing down and leaving the surface of the lime as smooth as a piece of polished stone ; the red of the ochre making it of a rich brown color. In less than a week the floors made in this way were suffi- ciently hard to bear the weight of a horse without indentation. Roofs are made in the same manner ; these roofs are perfect- ly water-tight. In the city of Monterey sidewalks of the princi- pal streets are made in the same manner : some of them have lasted for years, wearing through like a stone. The great dura- bility and strength of these floors and roofs is entirely owing to the pounding operation as herein described, as the same ma- terials were tried in the ordinary way without success." This method does not seem to have been used in this section of country. Selenitic Mortar or Cement. By the Selenitic process of mortar making, ordinary limes can be made into mortar that, instead of slacking with heat and considerable expansion, will have the action of cement imparted to them ; with the further advantage that they will bear a larger proportion of sand than can be mixed with cements without the strength of the cement being materially affected. But as simple as the process is, it re- quires to be thoroughly understood or failure will be the result. This process Captain Hyde Scott, Royal Engineer of England, seems to have brought into use some twenty years ago. In the selenitic process, ordinary stone limes, containing not less than twenty per cent, of clay such as the lias limes of Eng- land and those which come from the lower chalk beds ; for in- stance Dorking, Burham and Mailing limes are made to slack without heat and without expansion ; to carry twice as much sand, and in a short time to attain a considerably greater degree of strength than can be got from the same limes used in the ordinary way. This is all brought about by merely adding a small propor- AND FOUNDATION WALLS. Ilr tion of sulphate of lime in the shape of plaster of paris. The sulphate of lime must be brought in contact with the ordinary lime while it is in an anhydrous condition, or in other words, be- fore the lime has been slacked. The proportion of plaster of paris required to be used is very small, about one-twentieth the bulk of the lime, if the lime contains twenty per cent, of clav There is only one way of mixing them, and that is by mixing the requisite amount of plaster of paris, or a certain proportion of it, before the water is added to the quick-lime. Of course it is understood that the lime used must be ground. Selenitic Clay. Limes such as those obtained from the upper chalk formations, which contain less than twenty percent, of clay mixed with them, require the addition of too large a proportion of plaster of paris to effectually prevent heating and expansion in the process of slacking. Consequently this deficiency has to be made good by the addition of what is called "selenitic clay," which consists of a marly clay or shale, well burned and ground to powder ; as much as two bushels of this selenitic clay may be mixed with one bushel of lime. Mixing Selenitic Mortar and Concrete. The best method of mixing is to stir up one pint of plaster of paris in a two-gallon pail of water and empty into the pan of a mortar mill (a five-foot mill is a good size), or use an ordinary plaster tub, then add four gal- lons of water only ; let the pan take three or four turns, and then add one bushel of prepared lime ; and when reduced to a creamy paste put in the sand or other material used, and con- tinue mixing for ten minutes. If unprepared lime is used the only difference would be that about three pints of plaster would be added to the water in place of one. Proportion of Sand to Lime. In ordinary mortar making, only two or three parts of sand can be advantageously mixed with one of lime ; and the larger proportion of sand only with the purer limes : whilst with the selenitic process, we find from four to six parts of sand to one of lime gives the best and strongest results, but the lime for this process should be ground as it can be worked better : if it is not convenient to have it ground then make as before mentioned. IJ2 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Thrusting] Tensile I Pulling two stress. stress, \bricks apart* 917 Ibs. "TTGlbsTl 134 Ibs. '1657 Ibs. f 360 Ibs. J3291h Common Mortar : 1 Lime, 2 Sand, . . Selenitic Mortar : 1 Lime, 6 Sand, . . . * Base area 7.84 square inches. t Section area 5 square inches. J Area of point of contact equal 18.5 square inches. EXPERIMENT MADE WITH LEE'S DURHAM (ENGLISH) LIME. Concrete Construction. On the Chester sewage works^ England, in reference to the construction of Tanks, the Engi neer states : "Cement concrete has been resorted to as a sub- stitute for brickwork; and as a substitute it may succeed well enough provided the persons engaged in the performance of the work have had experience in the use of the materials and take a personal interest in their work." First, as to the Cement Concrete. The concrete was said to have been composed of the following measured proportions : gravel six parts, sand one part, cement one part. If the cement was reliable these proportions ought to result in first-class con- crete. I prefer the Lias cement if properly manufactured it is made of the Lias limestone of Warwickshire. Second, as to the Lime Concrete. This was understood to have been made in the following measured proportions : gravel five parts, sand uncertain and variable but in small quantities, Rugby or Holywell ground lime one part. These proportions formed a rich concrete which may have been improved in its final hardening properties by a larger proportion of sharp sand. I prefer also that the lime and sand shall be made into a well mixed mortar before being added to the gravel. The strength of all concrete depends on the intimate blending of angular sand with the cementitious matter, for without that a proper crystal- lization is not obtained. Third, as to the Mortar. This was stated to consist of : lime two parts and sand two parts, cinders one part. This was not a good material. The sand was in fact crushed sandstone, and the cinders were really slags of steam boilers. These' were ground with the lime under edgestones until the whole was re- duced to an impalpable mixture, rather like limey mud. The sand should have been sharp and angular, the cinders should AND FOUNDATION WALLS. Hj have been smith's ashes, containing the usual proportion of iron oxides. Hand made or well pegged mortar is to be preferred for engineering purposes to finely crushed mortar. ANCIENT CEMENTS. Abstract of Article by Arthur Beckwith, C. E. "* The monuments of Egypt present one of the oldest exam- ples of the use of lime for constructions. The mortar which joins the stone of the Pyramid of Cheops is precisely similar "to modern mortars made of sand and lime. In limiting the u^e of mortar to filling narrow joints which separate immense blocks, and thereby reducing almost to insignificance the part which it has to play, the Egyptians seemed to forestall the influence of a dry and burning climate. Time has justified their prudence in this respect, for the works erected on the banks of the Nile by the Romans, made of small materials and presenting many joints, have left but faint traces, whilst some Egyptian temples still present themselves intact to our admiration. Unqualified praise has often been given to the excellence of Roman mortar, and the belief is sometimes expressed that all we can hope to do is to regain the secret of making mortar once possessed by the Romans. It is a common remark that "Roman mortar has lasted for eighteen centuries, whilst a number of modern buildings are in a deplorable state of preservation." To make a fair comparison, we should, however, only cite sim- ilar constructions, and then we are comforted by these words of Pliny: "The cause which makes so many houses fall in Rome, resides in the bad quality of the cement." The knowledge of the properties of lime descended from Egypt to Greece, where the exigences of the climate and the in- genuity of the people brought forth many of its uses, unknown to Egypt. Subsequently Greek colonies imported and popularized their processes in Italy ; and Roman architects, like Vitruvius, cite the names of Greek authors on the art of construction. Their names alone have come down to us, but Vitruvius had full access to them, and in our inquiry after the knowledge of mortar pos- - From the proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. H4 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS sessed by the Romans, it is to him that we must refer for infor- mation. Indeed, he has left us a detailed table of precepts used by the builders of Greece and Rome, which do not justify our unreserved admiration ; everything relating to lime, sand and pozzolana is clearly treated therein. We may safely affirm, with Vitruvius, that the Romans made use of the lime, sand and materials of the countries where they built ; that they considered the best lime to be produced from hard and pure marble, /. e., the fattest lime known ; that in Italy they mixed it with pozzolana when used for hydraulic purposes, and that out of Italy they replaced the pozzolana from Vesuvius, by powdered brick or tile. Roman mortars, when examined today are found to bear a distinct resemblance to each other ; they may be recognized by the presence of coarse sand mixed with gravel ; lumps of lime are so often to be met with, that incomplete slaking will alone account for them. Mortars laid in damp spots for cisterns and pavements were composed of bricks in small fragments mixed with fat lime ; this concrete required to be compacted by pound- ing and left to dry the surface was then scraped, polished and painted evidently to prevent the dissolution of lime by water. It will be seen by this that what we. term hydraulic lime, and also the modern product of cement, were unknown to the Rom- ans. It is important to refute the belief that methods may have been known to them of which we have lost the secret. When the de- cay of arts followed upon the downfall of the Roman Empire, houses nevertheless continued to be built, and the familiar pro- cesses under the eye of the workman must have been transmit- ted from father to son. So true is this, that today Italian ma- sons, who certainly have not read Vitruvius, make coatings for cisterns and concrete floors in the very same manner as may still be seen in the ancient ruins of Rome. Neither is it true that Roman mortar is uniformly good. Its strength of cohesion varies in different examples from 35 to 85 Ibs. per square inch to 100 and 160 Ibs., or as much as 500 per cent. In the middle ages a volcanic conglomerate from the banks of the Rhine, named traass, was substituted for the pozzolana AND FOUNDATION WALLS. II5 of Italy, and mortar was made of fat lime, mixed with traass, to render it hydraulic. Many castles erected during that period stand well today ; the well-known castle of the Bastile, erected in 1369-83, which after withstanding a siege required the use of powder for its de- struction in 1789, was found to be extremely solid even in the interior walls. It would seem, then, that the secret of the Romans was known also in those times, and could have been lost only at the Renaissance, when least of all such a supposition is probable. At what period were first used certain limestones, having the property of producing a lime which will harden under water ; it is not precisely known ; the first use of cement stone is equally obscure. In 1796 Messrs. Parker and Wyatts began to manufacture from egg-shaped limestones found near London, a product known later as Roman Cement, and which was soon received with great favor throughout Europe ; but neither the producers nor the consumers offered any explanation of its merits. Not until 1818 and the following years was the true explana- tion given to the hydraulic properties of limes and cements when Vicat published his discoveries. Before that, in 1756, when Smeaton was preparing the ardu- ous and bold construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse, this celebrated engineer examined with scrupulous attention the nat- ural hydraulic lime of Aberthaw. Treated by acids it left a residue "which appeared to be a bluish clay, weighing about one- eighth of the total weight of the stone." In 1786, Saussure attributed the hydraulic properties of some limes of Savoy to the combined influence of manganese, quartz, and even clay ; but he left his opinions in the mere state of con- jectures. Finally, Descostils, in 1813, having discovered a considerable proportion of finely divided silica in the lime of Senonches, at- tributed the well known hydraulicity of that lime to the silica it contained. But the conjectures of Smeaton, of Saussure and of Descostils were vague ; they rested upon no proofs, and found no applica- tions in practice. u6 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS The discoveries of Vicat attained their immediate object, for in a short time artificial hydraulic lime of excellent quality was manufactured on a large scale under his direction, and a few years later he indicated as many as 400 quarries in France where hydraulic limestones were to be found. The following valuable selection is from an English journal : Rapidity of Set. Very rapid setting and great strength are not met with in the same cement ; but in many cases the quick- er setting and lighter cements are most useful. It is believed that before long light Portland cements will be manufactured, capable of competing with the Roman cements, in quickness of setting, and surpassing them in uniformity of quality. The following table contains the result of a series of experi- ments made by Mr. J. GRANT, C. E., London, England, with Portland cement, weighing 123 Ibs. per bushel : Average Breaking Test of Ten Specimens. Age. Neat Cement. 1 Cement, 1 Sand. 7 da Imc 3 6 9 12 r 5 6 7 Ibs. 817-1 935-8 1055-9 1176-6 1219-5 1229-7 1324-9 1314-4 1312-6 1306-8 1308-0 1327-3 Ibs. 353-2 452-5 547-5 640-3 692-4 716-6 790-3 784-7 81S-1 821-0 819-5 803-6 Ultll % The whole of the specimens were kept in water from the time of their being made up to the time of testing, and the breaking weight applies to a sectional area of i 1-2 inches square, or 2.25 inches super. It appears from these experiments that neat ce- ment of 123 Ibs. per bushel took two years to attain its full strength, whilst the admixture of sand, in addition to weakening the specimens, also delayed their attaining their maximum pow- ers of resistance. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 1 17 Color. A dull earthy color denotes an excess of clay ; whilst tool ight a color is the result of either under-burning or an ex- cess of lime, or of both these faults combined. Packing the Cement. Since Portland, unlike Roman cement, improves within certain limits by exposure to the air, it need not be packed in air-tight casks (except for exportation), but kept dry. The casks in which it is packed generally contain four cwt., and the bags two cwt. Water for Mixing. Salt water does no injury to the strength of the cement, but must be avoided where efflorescence or damp on the surface would be objectionable. Both cement, mortar and concrete should be made with as little water as will suffice to make the whole cling together. When too much is used, the finer particles of the cement get separated from the rest and float away, or on the surface in the form of a slime. In mixing concrete, if the ballast is porous and dry, more water will be required than if damp or non-absorbent. Sand, Grayel, and other Materials for Mixing with Portland Cement. Experience has shown that porous materials, by allow- ing the cement to enter the pores, and so retain a firm hold on them, are the best for mixing with cement: thus, well-burnt broken bricks, clay ballast, furnace slag or breeze, will form a stronger concrete than if made with the harder but smoother and less porous stones in gravel or shingle ; but it must be borne in mind that in such cases a slightly larger proportion of cement is advisable to compensate for what is absorbed by the pores of the material. No importance need be attached to the shape of the particles of sand or other materials used such as whether angular or water-worn though a certain roughness of surface gives a better hold to the cement than if too smooth. The presence of dirt, such as loam, clay and vegetable matter liable to decay, has a prejudicial effect upon cement, and sensi- bly weakens either mortar or concrete. The gravel, broken stone, or other material used in making concrete, should have sufficient small stuff and sand mixed with it to fill up the interstices between the larger pieces. When this is not already the case, the amount of small stuff and sand U 8 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS which ought to be added may be ascertained by filling up any suitable measure, of uniform section from top to bottom, with the gravel, &c., striking it level with the top, and then adding as much water as the measure will contain. The water may then be run off through a hole in the bottom of the measure, the gravel, &c., removed from it, and the water replaced in it ; the amount of water expressed in terms of the internal height of the measure will be the proportion of small stuff which should be added to the ballast. Proportion of Cement in Mortar and Concrete. As cement is not used, on account of the cost, unless special strength is re- quired, the proportions in general use are i cement to either I or 2 sand ; below this the advantage gained by its use diminish- es rapidly. In general terms neat cement is one-third stronger than if mixed with I sand, and twice as strong as when mixed with 2 sand. For concrete, I cement to 10 or even 12 gravel, or other ma- terial, is sufficient for masses in foundations, dock walls, &c.; i to 8 or 6, for ordinary walls, according to their thickness ; and i to 4 for floors, and other places where great transverse strength is necessary. Mixing and Laying Portland Cement Concrete. The best method of mixing concrete in large quantities is, taking a meas- ure of convenient capacity for one mixing, to half fill the meas- ure with the broken .ballast, or other material, and then add the cement ; finally filling up the measure with the ballast. The measure should then be lifted off, when the whole will fall into a heap, the cement partially mixing with the ballast in so doing, and not being so liable to get wasted by being blown about by the wind, as when emptied over the top of the ballast heap. The whole should be turned over twice dry, and then shovelled to a third heap, sufficient water only being added in so doing by sprinkling from the rose of a watering-pot to make the ingre- dient cling together in a pasty mass. The floor upon which it is mixed should be hard and clean. The concrete may either be wheeled off and deposited in po- sition, or, if more convenient, may be thrown down, but in both cases, more especially in the former, it is advisable to beat it AND FOUNDATION WALLS. II doun lightly with wooden beaters until the moisture comes to the surface. On no account should it be sent down a shoot, or the finer and coarser ingredients will get separated in the descent, the former clinging more to the sides of the shoot, whilst the latter will reach the bottom first, and get shot out into a heap by them- selves. Not to be disturbed whilst Setting. When cement-work has once been laid, it must not be touched until quite hard, for its strength will be materially affected if the particles are disturbed after the process of setting has commenced. Bricks, Stones, &c., to be Wetted. All absorbent surfaces or materials, with which cement is to come in contact, should be well wetted, or they will rob the cement of the moisture neces- sary to enable it to set hard ; but the water should not be oozing out of them, or the cement, being unable to enter their pores, will fail to adhere properly to them. For this reason broken brick ballast, &c., if quite dry, will require more water in con- crete making, than if already damp, and old dry walls will re- quire more wetting than new or external damp walls. Cement to be kept Damp while Setting. Cement-work must be kept damp until set quite hard, or it will become rotten from the evaporation of the water of mixing, which is essential to the proper setting of the cement : hence the most suitable time for executing cement-work is in damp weather. When the work has to be done in dry weather, special care is necessary to keep it damp, and to protect it from the sun's rays. Flat surfaces, such as floors, paving, &c., should, if practicable, be kept flood- ed with water or covered with a layer of sawdust or sand 3 or 4 inches thick, which should be kept quite damp for at least sev- en days, or until the cement has become quite hard. In sur- faces exposed to traffic this is most important, as the cement, if at all perished, will soon wear away. Avoid imbedding Iron in Cement. Cement mixed with sand and other materials is porous, admitting both moisture and air ; iron, therefore imbedded in cement-work, is liable to rust, and !2o POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS the expansive force accompanying this process will split up cem- ent, stone, or any similar unyielding material ; if the iron is gal- vanized it is not affected by the cement. DESCRIPTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Characteristics of good Portland Cement. The following explanations about the uses of Portland cement will apply to a great extent to all other cements. 1. Fineness. It should, when passed through a copper wire sieve of 2,500 meshes per square inch, not leave more than 20 per cent, of grit behind. The cement sifted should not be less than 25 Ibs., taken from- different bags, or from different parts of the heap if stored in bulk. After a little experience, a well- ground cement may readily be recognized by the absence of grit when rubbed between the fingers. 2. Expanding or Contracting in Setting. When made up without sand or excess of water, and filled up level with the top of a glass or similar vessel, it should set hard without cracking the vessel, rising or sinking, or getting loose in it, or showing any signs of cracks in the cement itself. 3. Strength When made up without sand, with as little water as possible, and filled into moulds, it should, after seven consecutive days in water, give an ultimate strength, under a tensile stress slowly applied, of 250 Ibs. per square inch of frac- tured section, the immersion in water to commence as soon as the cement blocks will bear removing from the moulds, which should not exceed twenty-four hours after the moulds have been filled. When time will not admit of this test being applied, a very fair idea of the strength of the cement can be arrived at from its weight, which should not be less than 108 Ibs. per imperial striked bushel, filled up as lightly as possible, by pouring the cement down an inclined board, or through a wooden hopper, about i foot square at top, i inch square at bottom, and i foot deep. The hopper should be suspended with the point of discharge 6 inches above the top of the bushel measure, which should stand AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 121 on a firm base and not on any vibrating floor, and should not be touched until the cement in it has been finally struck level with the top with a straight-edge. The cement weighed should be taken from different bags, or from different parts of the heap if stored in bulk. Rapidity of Set. When made up into cakes about half an inch thick, without any sand or excess of water, the cement should set hard within 24 hours, either in or out of water, with- out showing any signs of cracks. Color. The color of good Portland cement is a bluish-grey ; if dark and earthy, or of too light a color, it is not to be trusted. When made up without sand and set hard, it should show the same bluish-grey color without any brown specks or stains. Explanatory Remarks. Fineness. A high degree of fineness is necessary to the com- plete and simultaneous setting of all the particles throughout the mass. When insufficiently ground, the fine particles set first, then the coarser grit, and lastly the little hard lumps ; and it is this process going on, after the surrounding particles have already set hard, which often shows itself all over the surface by the "blowing" or bursting out of numberless pustules, or the cracking of the entire body of the cement. Some foreign cements allow of 85 per cent, passing through a No. 60 gauge, or 3,600 meshes per superficial inch ; but cements of such extreme fineness are under-burnt, and therefore weigh light, and are deficient in strength, though often rapid in setting. The wear and tear to the machinery in grinding well-burnt cem- ents to such extreme fineness would render them too costly to be marketable. Expanding or Contracting in Setting. The test for expansion or contraction in setting is very simple, and one which should on no account be omitted, for these are about the most serious defects to which Portland cements are liable, though for the most part no steps are taken to guard against them. Expansion in setting is due to the presence of free lime in the cement owing either to more lime having been used in its man- , 22 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS ufacture than can chemically combine with the clay to imper- fect mixing of the lime with the clay, or to the burning not hav- ing been carried to a sufficient extent to enable the lime and clay to combine together. Contraction in setting, which is not nearly so often met with, is due to an excess of clay, and, as there is no remedy for this evil, the cement must be rejected. The tendency to expand in setting is a very common fault in fresh-ground cements, especially those of the heaviest and strong- est descriptions, owing to the large proportion of lime used in their manufacture, which, if in excess, as already explained or even locally in excess, owing to imperfect mixing is present in the cement in the form of free lime, which heats and expands considerably in the process of slaking. However, if the cement is otherwise good, this evil can be remedied by spreading it out on a dry floor, under cover, and turning it over occasionally, to allow of its air slaking or "cooling." "When delivered on the works for use, Portland cement should always be shot from the bags on to a wooden floor to a depth not exceeding 4 feet and be permitted to remain at least three weeks before it is allowed to be used for any purpose. While so kept, fresh Portland cement increases considerably in bulk probably 10 per cent. without any diminution of its strength \ so that it should be to the advantage of a contractor to store his cement before using it, even if he were not required to do so by the engineer. I can hardly impress too strongly upon you the importance of avoiding the use of fresh cement for any purpose whatever." Many a good, strong cement which, when first delivered, would heat in mixing and expand in setting, would, after exposure to the air for a time, stand the test for expansio-n perfectly. Tests of Cements F. O. Norton, Civil Engineer, who has made a large number of experiments on American cements, has obtained a class of comparative results, which gives a clear knowledge of the magnesian limestone. The principal deposit of the magnesian limestone producing a cement possessing hy- draulic energy, occurs in the town of Rosendale, Ulster Co., AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 12$ New York. The following tests were made at the works at Binne water, during the season of 1878, commencing in April and continued for eight months. Several times each day a number of briquettes were made of the cement manufactured that day. The briquettes were mixed in two ways in one the cement was mixed with water to form an ordinary stiff mortar, which was pressed in the moulds and smoothed off: for the other a very dry mixture was made. Both mixtures were left in the moulds a few minutes, and were then pressed out with a wooden plunger, and left in the air thirty minutes. They were then put in water and left in water until broken. 5824 briquettes were made and broken during the eight months. RESULT OF TESTS. Tensile strength per square inch, represented in pounds on 5824 Briquettes. 15 1 1 1 2 1 3 days\ mo. I mo. 'TOO. 1 4 \ mo. ~395~ 380 500 3 mo. Vif 40.-) 5-20 i. -fioT 410 530 7 1 8 mo.\ mo. 415 470 4D.-, The briquettes were shaped like a dumb-bell the breaking area being one inch square. Rosendale cements of the best qualities develope great hy- draulic strength in twenty-four hours, being at that time equal to Portland cement. The Portland cement gains rapidly up to seven days, at the end of a month the Rosendale approaches the Portland and the difference between the two is changed after that time. For practical purposes all cements are generally used with a mixture of sands. This reduction of strength in round num- bers is as follows : 1 part of sand gives mortar 1-2 as strong as pure cement. 2 1-2 " " " 3 u (t u (i 1.4 " " 4 1-5 " " 5 u 1-6 " " " The following Tests of Cements were made in the months of Jan., Feb. and March of 1882. 124 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS THESE TESTS WERE MADE IX NEW YORK. .Tensile etral ' a of Ibs. per Brand. sL,. * | Time. w Time. % "S Time. t t square inch. j Remarks. Swedish, Gillingham, " 24 h. 24 h. 80 72 7S 92 50 6->, 7 days 194|190 (29240 ;j-< 886 14 d'y s 257 160 30S448 230,200 21days 304306 390 4'24 278 292 Imported is very good. Dyckerhoff, Delafleld, Laureuceville, Kock Lock, Connelly &Scheffer, ;';' 7080 5648 5036 8032 4024 I2S Ilf 72 56 233 47 80| 70 230240 214-205 138 130 206 f'il 98 101 217 280 85 210 95 235 200 60 78 40 The longer It stands the better It la. All these cements are in use in the city of New York. Small moulded pieces of cement of the form of a dumb-bell were cast with the middle part I inch square. Each one of these forms were tested separately on scales made for testing building ma- terials. Hydraulic Limes and Cements. If limes harden under water in from fifteen to twenty days after immersion, they are slightly hydraulic; if from six to eight days, simply hydraulic, and from one to four days, eminently hydraulic. Hydraulic limes if not properly slacked, will sometimes burst. It should -all be hydrated before placing, which will require more time than ordinary lime. The different kinds act differently. There is but little heat developed in these limes while slacking. The hydraulic lime of Tiel, manufactured in France, and im- ported to this country in barrels of from 450 to 600 pounds, is extensively used, and considered a very strong cement. It will set firmly in eighteen to twenty-four hours under water, and in- creases in tensile strength from 40 to 160 pounds per square inch, and the crushing weight from 200 to 600 pounds per square inch. It weighs from 40 to 45 pounds per cubic foot. The slacking of 100 pounds of Tiel lime requires 28 pounds of water. For Salt- Water Mortars, Concrete nnder water. One part of Tiel lime to two parts of sand. For Mortars Exposed to Air. One part lime, three parts sand. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 125 To form Betons and Concrete from the Mortars before men- tioned. Salt- Water Concretes. Two measures of mortar, thor- oughly mixed with three of broken stone. Fresh-Water Concretes. One measure of mortar to two of broken stone. Artificial Blocks. One measure of mortar to two of pebbles. Portland Cement is made of argillaceous limestones selected for the purpose, or argillaceous chalk or calcerous clays, or mixtures of artificial carbonate of lime or clay, and artificial mixtures of caustic limes and clay. It is burned in kilns with a heat of sufficient duration and in- tensity to produce the beginning of vitrifaction. After this the product is ground to powder. There should be from seventy to eighty per cent, carbonate of lime, and twenty to twenty-five per cent, of clay, and not less than ninety to ninety-five per cent, of the lime and clay required for a first quality cement. Hard car- bonates of lime are expensive to reduce to powder, yet hard limestones may be used. Suitable clay is of more rare occur- rence than suitable limestone, for the reason the former must contain alumina and silica, not only in certain proportions but in a certain state of pulverization. For foundation walls on damp and yielding soils, also for sub- marine masonry, Portland cement concrete is superior to brick- work in strength, durability and economy. It is also well suited for sewers, piers, abutments, pavements, etc. A barrel weighs- about 400 pounds, and has a tensile strength of 250 pounds per square inch, and safely sustains, after seven days set, 470 pounds per square inch. Concrete or Beton is a mixture of lime, sand and gravel or broken stone, or hard-burned broken brick. When cement is used instead of lime, it is known as a cement concrete. The object to be attained in making hydraulic concrete is to give such a sufficiency of mortar as will produce the aggre- gation of the whole mass of rough rubble materials. When Portland cement is used, one part of cement may be used to three parts of sand, and this may be mixed with six parts of gravel, stone, spalls or broken bricks. I 2 6 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS For Tiel lime, lime three parts, sand five parts, two parts broken stone. This is at it was used at the mole in Marseilles The French Beton Agglomere. Cement in blocks consists of 1 80 parts of sand, 44 parts of lime slacked, 33 parts of Portland cement, and 20 parts of water. This is most thoroughly incor- porated. Vicat Cement. This artificial cement 'sets strongly in from eight to fifteen hours, and is able to stand great cold. Vicat mortar, of one part of cement to three parts of sand, when four- teen days old, sustained safely a pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. Lafarge Cement Weighs sixty-six pounds per cubic foot. Begins setting after three to three and a half hours ; completes its setting in twelve to eighteen hours. Made into Mortar. One part cement to two parts sand. Af- ter eight days setting, its tensile strength was found to be 142 pounds per square inch. Made into Mortar. One part cement, three parts sand. After three days setting, did not crush until loaded with 81 pounds per square inch. The same mixture, After 13 days .540 pounds square inch, crushing load. " 33 " 942 " " " 43 1049 u u u it u In practice it would be safe to use a working load to the above of one-quarter of the crushing load. The resistance to rupture after twenty days exposed to the air, is about 54 pounds per square inch ; with equal proportions of sand and cement it falls to 27 pounds. American and Foreign Cements. American Rosendale from 60 to 70 pounds cubic foot. English Portland " 95 to 102 " " " And hi barrels " 400to430 to barrel. French Portland 95 to 105 " cubic foot. Lafarge 66 to 70 " " " Tiel Lime " 52 to 58 " " " AND FOUNDATION WALLS. \2J The 'following cements were made into small blocks, four inches square by one inch thick, and they set as follows : Statine, French Cement 15 minutes. Pomeranium, German 13 " K and S Portland, imported 11 " White's " " 71-2" Bosendale, U. S 30 to 45 " They were tested by tapping them with a piece of wood, the size of a common clothes-line pin; when no impression was made, they were said to have set. Keene's Cement. An imported cement, is used extensively for interior decorations, artificial marble cornices and center- pieces. The superfine is of a delicate white, takes a high pol- ish, and makes beautiful scagiola-work. There is a medium quality used for the same purpose, and used in artificial marbles. The coarse is used for stucco, and has great durability ; also for floors to halls, areas, passages, vestibules, churches, etc. It is less expensive than Portland cement. One cask contains four bushels, which, mixed in the proportion of one part cement, and two parts sand, will cover about fifteen superficial yards one-half inch thick. For Polished Work of Walls. Use the floating coat of equal parts Keene's coarse cement and sand ; the setting coat to be of superfine one-quarter inch thick. For Stucco on Brickwork. For floating coat, one part cem- ent, and two parts sand. The setting coat should be three- sixteenths inch thick. Where it is required to lay a coat of cement over a floor sur- face, one barrel of Portland cement, weighing about 400 pounds, if used neat, will cover five square yards of surface one inch thick ; and when mixing, if there is added two parts of sand, it will cover fifteen square yards of surface one inch thick. Rosendale Cement Concrete. One barrel Rosendale cement, {300 pounds weight, 75 pounds per bushel;) three barrels of sharp, gritty and damp sand; five barrels of broken stone; will sustain a load of 40 pounds square inch when set. Portland Cement Concrete. One barrel of Portland cement, (400 pounds, say five cubic feet ;) one barrel of Thomaston lime, eight barrels of sand, twelve barrels of broken stone; will sus- tain a load of 50 pounds per square inch when set. I2 g POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS Rosendale cement weighs about 75 pounds per bushel ; Port- land cement will average 116 pounds per bushel, when 90 per cent. fine. Dark cement appears to be the strongest. Fine quality cements are now manufactured in many parts of the United States. The best are from Rosendale cements of New York and New Jersey ; Cumberland, Maryland ; Round Top, Han- cock, in Maryland ; Sandusky, Ohio ; and Shepherdstown, Vir- ginia. Nearly all hydraulic limes and cements, after being packed in barrels, will lose their energy by exposure or age. The imported Boulogne Portland cement, after getting a permanent set, will sustain a load of 1000 pounds per square inch. Its tensile strength is 340 pounds per square inch. It is most desirable for strong masonry, wharves, piers, founda- tions, sewers, etc., and concrete sidewalks. It takes several hours to set. For Mortar of Great Strength One part Boulogne cement, five parts coarse sand. Selenitic Lime or Cement Is prepared by mixing and grind- ing together unslacked high-degree hydraulic lime and calcined plaster of paris, in the proportion of ninety per cent, lime and ten per cent, plaster of paris. When made into mortar with sand it sets quickly and firmly, and can be used for concrete of mason's work ; is durable and very firm and strong. The only selenitic process cement used in this country is the Howe's Cave cement, New York. For certain purposes the natural light cements, and those manufactured in the United States, possess sufficient strength for the purposes to which they are applied: For massive con- crete foundations and walls, for the backing of thick walls faced with ashlar, and for giving hydraulic energy to mortar for stone and brick masonry, there are several high grades of Portland, New York and Pennsylvania, equal to those imported from Europe. Cement Mortar for Brick-laying. One part cement, two parts sand. For Stone-work, ordinary One part cement, three parts sand. Mortar of Cement. One barrel of cement, say 300 pounds, two barrels of sand, one-half barrel of water, will make say eight AND FOUNDATION WALLS. I2Q cubic feet of mortar, and will lay 500 bricks, or one cubic yard of rubble stone-work. Three or four more parts of sand may be added, according to quality of work. Cement Mortar for Stone Masonry/, e., Cut or Squared Ma- son Work. One cask of cement, say 300 pounds, ninety per cent, fine; one-half cask lime, Thomaston; fifteen cubic feet of sand. The mixing of lime with cement makes the cement set slower, and is also cheaper. Cement Mortar for Brick Masonry. One cask of cement, one- half cask of lime, four cubic feet paste, and ten cubic feet of sand. Where cements are used on masonry of railroad work, the proportion of mortar is one-third of cement to two-thirds of sand, and sometimes lime is added. Ordinary Concrete.One part cement, one part lime, two parts sand, and four parts granite spalls or shingle. Brickdnst Cement Concrete. One measure or part of new lime, one and one-quarter measures of part brick or tile dust, one and one-quarter measures of parts of sand, five measures or parts of broken stone, and water. Lime and Cement Concrete. One-half bushel cement, three- eighths bushel lime, two bushels sand, four bushels broken stone, and three-eighths bushel water. Lime should always be slacked a day or two before mixing the concrete. TABULAR STATEMENT OF TESTS MADE ON HYDRAULIC AND OTHER CEMENTS AT THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA. All these cements were tested by mixing them dry, in every case with equal quantity of clean sand, tempering it to the con- sistency of stiff mason's mortar. Then they were moulded into 130 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS small bricks, equal to two and one-quarter square inches of sur- face, allowed one day to set in the air, and placed in water for six days. After a number of trials on each, the result was divided by two and one-quarter to get the load on each square inch. CEMENTS. Crushing strength per square inch. Tensile strength pei square inch. Stettin, German, Portland Cement 1,436 1,300 1,150 1,073 968 931 926 907 882 826 764 693 606 580 292 276 276 234 230 200 184 201 184 180 126 122 206 212 200 184 168 158 192 163 141 132 108 134 112 154 38 47 43 47 44 42 29 42 42 27 24 25 Wouldhan's " " fr'si Portland Wampum, New Castle, Penn., U. S ROMAN AND.OTHEK CEMENTS. Cumberland Hydraulic Cement Co., Maryi'd, U. S. Anchor Cement, Allentown, Penn., U. S There would naturally occur many reasons for the above tests being variable, owing to the selection of cement for the test, and exposure to the heat of the sun, etc. Most of the above data was obtained from nine to twelve tests on each kind of cem- ent. Thirty-three per cent, of the test would give a fair work- ing load for foreign cements, and forty per cent, for the United States, as every year great improvement is being made in the manufactures of all grades of cement in this country ; and the tests are open to such criticism, owing to competition and use here, that they may be relied upon. When Portland cements are made into blocks without sand and filled in moulds, and turned out after twenty-four hours, they may then be immersed in water, and at the expiration of AND FOUNDATION WALLS. ijj eight days they will give a tensile strain, slowly applied, of 250 Ibs. to the square inch. On Cements. Mr. F. Collingwood, Civil Engineer, has made a number of exhaustive experiments at the East River Bridge, N. Y., on cements. He states, that in mixing water with cement, the quantity of water used was limited to produce the best result. This varied with every lot of cement, even from the same maker. That which in one case would make a clean, hard briquette, would in another not give any coherence when rammed. The percentage of water is given in the annexed table, this was sufficient to make the mass slightly moist ; after this it was rammed in the moulds. About one-half more water would, in each case, give a mortar of the right consistency for use. The sieve used had 2500 meshes per square inch. There were forty individual tests : ten tests for twenty-four hours, ten for seven days, ten for fourteen days, and ten at twenty-one days' setting ; the briquettes being made at the same time and from the same barrel. The briquettes were 2x11-2 in the break- ing section, with ends enlarged to fit the clamps in the testing machine. In compression a portion of the same specimen was crushed, the size was 2x2x1 I.-2. The twenty-four hour tests are no criterion as to the ultimate strength of cements. Further tests were made to compare brick for tensile and compressive strains, but it is stated they were not very satisfactory ; yet here is the result. Haverstraw brick were used, not the hardest Of whole bricks, 10 tests, set on end, compression averaged 2,065 Ibs. per square Inch. 10 half bricks on side, " " 4,612 " " 10 " " flat, " " 3,371 " " " These tests seem to compare favorably with a table of tests also made in New York, see page 81. Twelve bricks were carefully cut to fit the cement-testing machine. The tensile strength averaged ninety pounds per square inch. All of these experiments when they are properly done, give the preference to well and carefully laid full size, hard-burned brick over cement 132 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS COLLINGSWOOD ON CEMENTS. CEMENT TESTS; EAST KIVEE BRIDGE NEW YORK. Air Tension. Air Compression. Water Tension. Water Compression. Fineness. Water, pr. ct. Baylor's Portland, " Excelsior, Coolidge Portland, Newark Lime & Cement Co., Lawrenceville, Ramsey, N. Y. & Rosendale, F. O. Norton, Round Top, Time. Days. Time. Days. Time. Days. T~T~UH 80 174 191 250 19 94142161 77 192 197 227 22 76 71 78 65 65 79108 29 39 37 25 48 53 58 82 58 75104121 74 72 S3 94 Time. Days. 96 18to2 98 25 90 25 to 30 9825 90 25 to 30 89 28 81 23 97 25 87 22 17 14 21 17 14 21 17 14 21 115 205 216 218 111 110 156 187 67 80 97 97 91 119 137 '.'OS 57 99109153 65 148 151 180 79 123 102 159 1168180317001747 1405 1770 1151042 7901448 770 80018082326 180 532 656 902 397 900 0931330 592 1902 1875 1887 606 755 1094 24i)5 1146 1698 1621 2025 210 95012551275 840 2365 2448 3377 400 882 6401014 555 475 9571767 135 455 358 286 305 374 3321275 71H 1487 127--) 15C2 6-20 480 889 2115 Roman Cement. Slacked lime one bushel, green copperas three and one-half pounds, fine gravel sand one-half bushel. Dissolve the copperas in hot water, and mix all together to the proper consistency for use ; use the day it is mixed and keep stirring it with a stick while in use. Yicat's Hydraulic Cement Is prepared by stirring into water a mixture of four parts chalk and one part clay ; mix with a ver- tical wheel in a circular trough, letting it run out in a large re- ceiver. A deposit soon takes place which is formed into small bricks, which after being dried in the sun are moderately cal- cined. It enlarges about two-thirds when mixed with water. Hydraulic Cement. Powdered clay three pounds, oxide of iron one pound ; and boiled oil to form a stiff paste. Stone Cement. River sand twenty parts, litharge two parts, quick-lime one part ; mixed with linseed-oil. Glue. Powdered chalk added to common glue strengthens it. A glue which will resist the action of water is made by boiling one Ib. of glue in two quarts of skimmed milk. Cement Mortar If one measure (slightly compacted by shak- ing.) of ground cement be mixed with about one-third of a measure of water, it forms about two-thirds of a measure of paste fit for mortar. Perfectly fresh cements require a little AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 133 more water than old, and cements differ among themselves as to the proper quantity of water. If sand is to be added, more water will of course be needed, but this should be added in very small quantities as the mixing or tempering goes on, inasmuch as a much less quantity is required than would at first sight be supposed. So also on the addition of lime, as before remarked, the pure cement is stronger without any addition whatever of either lime or sand ; still it will be quite strong enough for most or- dinary purposes, especially when not exposed to water, even with a considerable addition of both. But if it is to be exposed to ab- solute contact with water, lime should be added but sparingly, if at all in the outer joints. When the sand is in the proportion of one or more measures to one of cement, the bulk of mixed mortar will be about equal to, or a trifle less than that of the dry sand alone. The cement mortar of the Croton Aqueduct of New York, was as follows : for the brick inside lining of the aqueduct, one measure cement powder, two measures sand; for the stone backing, one measure cement powder, three measures sand. When mortar is to be exposed to dampness only, we may use cement, one ; quick-lime, one ; sand, four to six parts. The lime should be thoroughly slacked before it is added. Quantity Required. A barrel of cement, 300 pounds and 2 barrels of sand (6 bushels or 7 1-2 cubic feet), mixed with about 1-2 a barrel of water, will make about eight cubic feet of mor- tar sufficient for : 192 square feet of mortar joints 1-2 inch thick. 288 " " " " 3-8 " 384 " " " " i-4 " 768 " " " " 1-8 " Or, to lay I cubic yard, or 522 bricks of 8 1-4 by 4 by 2 inches, with joints 3-8 inch thick ; or a cubic yard of roughly scabbled rubble stone work. The quantity of sand may be increased however, to 3 or 4 measures for ordinary work. Concrete is merely a coarse mortar of lime, sand and gravel or broken stone. Engineers generally apply to it the French name of Beton when cement is used, instead of common lime. When first mixed and deposited, the concrete occupies consider- 124 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS .ably less bulk than that of its dry materials ; but in setting it swells permanently about 1-30 part of its thickness. This last property has been supposed to render it peculiarly valuable for underpinning; but as it also renders the concrete porous and friable, the argument has but little force. A common proportion among English engineers is I measure of ground quick-lime, I 1-2 of water, and 6 to 8 of gravel. Brok- en stone is often added, and still better, fragments of brick. Every 11-4 cubic yards of gravel makes about I cubic yard of concrete. In using concrete, the entire width of the foundation trench should be filled with it and it should be well rammed in layers about a foot thick, as it is deposited. Gen. Totten, in his work on mortars, gives the following formula for cement concrete, which he used with perfect success where "springs of water flowed over the work continually, and were allowed to cover each days work. The next morning the concrete was always found hard and perfectly set." It was ram- med as it was deposited. When not to be rammed he would somewhat increase the proportions of all the ingredients except the stone fragments, to insure the filling of all the voids between these last. 1 1-3 measures of good Rosendale cement powder, 2 measures of sand, 4 " " granite fragments of nearly uniform size and about 5 ounces weights, 1-2 measure of water nearly. These gave a little more than 4 measures of concrete, or about the same as the granite fragment alone ; and each barrel of cement (300 Ibs., or 3 packed bushels) made 16 7-10 cub. ft., or nearly .62 cub. yards of concrete : or a cub. yd. of the con- crete required 1.61 barrels of cement. The General adds that if one-half of the cement had been omitted, and its place sup- plied by quick-lime in about the following proportion, the work would still have been very hydraulic, and very strong : .6 measures of cement, .4 " " quick-lime, 2.0 " " sand, 4-O " " granite fragments, 5 " " water nearly. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 135 The 4 measures of quick-lime to be thoroughly slacked, be- fore being mixed. He also gives the following, as forming a very hard concrete, when rammed : i measure good Rosedale cement powder, i 1-4 " sand, 3 " clean gravel, 33 per cent, water. Another rammed concrete "became very hard, but was rather too incohesive while fresh, to make the best factitious stone." 1 meas. good Rosendale, Norton's and Baylors' cement powder, 2 measures sand, 3 " clean gravel, 3-8 " (about,) water. The concrete used on the Croton Aqueduct, New York, con- sists of i meas. good New York cement powder, 3 " clean sand, 3 " hard stone, broken to pass through a ring I 1-2 ins. diam. A very good concrete is composed of i measure cement powder, 1 1-2 " clean sand, 2 3-4 " gravel, 0.35 (about,) water. These 5 1-2 measures give about 4 1-2 of concrete. The following brick-dust hydraulic concrete has been used with success in some important French works : I measure quick-lime slightly hydraulic, i 1-4 " brick, or tile dust, i 1-4 " sand, 5 " (nearly), broken stone. These 8 1-2 measures gave about 5 1-2 of concrete. This concrete was impervious to water. Coignet's beton. The artificial stone which bears this engi- neer's name has for several years been used in France with per- fect success not only for dwellings, depots, large city sewers, {^6 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS etc., but for piers, and arches. It is composed of 5 measures of sand, 7 measures of finely ground quick-lime, from 1-4 to 1-2 measures of ground Portland cement, (or 6 parts of sand may be used.) These are first well mixed together dry ; and then placed in a grinding mill, at the same time sprinkling them with a very small quantity of water so as to moisten them without wetting them. They are then thoroughly incorporated by grinding until they form a tough or stiff mass. It is then put in moulds and compacted with a i6-lb. hammer : slow settling cement is the best ; the blocks or slabs will set in from a few hours to a day or more, this depends on the size of blocks that are made. It may be used for foundation walls, piers and arches and where extra strong construction is required and it is not convenient, or is too expensive to use stone ; where there is considerable of this to be done it will not cost more than one- half as much as stone. TEST TO SHOW THE PURITY OF PORTLAND CEMENT. In order to discover whether cement has been adulterated, with blast-furnace slag : Take 80 grains (Troy weight) of the suspected cement and put into a glass vessel or graduate con- taining 775 grains of dilute muriatic acid (containing one part of pure acid to four parts of water) ; the mixture should be well stirred with a glass rod. Pure cement is not rendered turbid or thick by this treat- ment. If on the contrary the liquid turns milky, from the pres- ence of sulphur in suspension, while at the same time the yel- lowish tinge disappears and a strong smell of sulphuretted hy- drogen becomes perceptible this is an indication that cinders have been added. The presence of ground limestone, or chalk may be detected in a similar manner by the occurrence of ebul- lition at the time when the liquid acid is added to the cement. The quantity of adulterated materials, may be approximately found by the amount of ebullition or air bubbles. Pure Portland cement does not effervesce upon the addition of acid ; because it does not contain the carbonate of lime, but is composed chiefly of Lime, Silica, Alumnia, Oxide of Iron, Sulphuric Acid and water. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 137 The proportion of these ingredients vary in samples from dif- ferent localities ; but lime is always about 60 per cent, of the whole, the remainder is composed of the above named ingredi- ents ; sulphate of lime should not exceed one per cent. The greatest value is attached in Germany to the presence of mag nesia: English and French cements seldom contain one per cent, of this substance, but the proportion rises to 3 per cent in some German cements. The most essential points in the manufacture of cements, apart from the tests ; are uniformity of mixing, and burning, and fine grindings ; without this the material is valueless. If there is too much sulphate of magnesia in the preparation it will precipitate on the surface of walls, and leave that discol- oration so objectionable where it is the intention to retain the color of the brick. Street Pavements. In England about 1842 many wooden pavements were laid in every style. The roadways were pre- pared with sand surfaces, boards laid flat on the surface, and lumber or timber, cut at all angles, with cross-pieces set in. Then again tarred boards were set on edge, and round chest- nut and other varieties of woods set on edge, and turned and squared. Planked roads of every variety were made in certain localities. Ten years after most of these had worn out, and been renewed, or they had disappeared. But now the wood is prepared with salts of lime, iron, copper, etc., and coated with asphaltum, and in some localities in London they seem to have come into use again. Wooden pavements, that were laid of the various patents in New York City have nearly all disappeared. The best appeared to be those coated with asphalt, and set on edge on a wooden board surface, leaving spaces that were filled with gravel. The heavy traffic and wear from the large trucks in New York soon destroys the surface, and keeps the streets in an almost impas- sable condition in winter. They have not been renewed in New York. In Elizabeth, N. J., and many other parts of New Jersey, where wooden pavements have been laid, they have lasted only from five to seven years. When they are partially !38 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS worn out the accumulation of water under them, with exposure to air, and sun, soon rots the the whole surface. A properly laid Macadamized pavement is decidedly superior, when properly done, to any wooden pavement. All round-wood pavements become uneven after the expiration of one or two years, and are as bad as an uneven cobble-stone roadway. Some wooden pavements laid in Boston, Mass., seem to have met with better success than in the States of New York and ^ew Jersey. There the wooden blocks were set on edge on a ?and bottom six inches deep. Wooden pavements laid of pine 3r spruce cost on an average $ 2.25 per square yard. The next kind of pavements that has been used extensively in suburban cities, and some in New York and Boston, are known as asphaltum or bituminous concrete pavements and sidewalks ; but the severity of the climate here is such that the frost in winter breaks and injures them to such an extent that they are not considered a reliable pavement as far north as this,, although the appearance and surface for walking is so desirable. They cost from $2.00 to $3.00 per square yard. Flag-stone sidewalks 4 feet in width are the best for village walks. They average from three to four inches thick. Of course if the width is greater it adds to the expense. Stone flagging 5 feet wide will average 65 cents per running foot of that width. Sidewalks with stone curbing, and laid with hard bricks in the various styles, may be laid successfully, where there is a tenden- cy for the frost to raise the surface, by providing a sand bottom of twelve inches in depth; and slushing the surface with a. grouting of cement and lime. Roll the surface before it sets, and lay the brick in a grouting of cement. This can be done very fast by ordinary labor, and it has made most excellent work. Have a firm bottom. Macadamized Roadways Are usually built by laying down eighteen inches of large stone, blended with fine sand or gravel and somewhat smaller stone six inches in depth. Then on this six inches of ordinary broken stone and gravel, each layer when placed being subjected to a heavy roller, water being freely used. On country roads water is dispensed with. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 139 Artificial Stone Pavements or Sidewalks. There are several varieties of these in the United States, but they do not seem to stand well when laid as far north as New York City or Boston. They are mostly made of Portland cement, and large sharp sand, in blocks from three to six inches in thickness, and from two to six feet square. The proper method is to lay them on a con- crete foundation. Porous material is the best for making con- crete, as it allows the cement to enter the pores ; all stone and gravel should be wet before adding the cement. One of the best pavements of this kind is the Schillinger artificial stone pavement, and costs an average of 20 cents per square foot. He also makes an asphaltum paving block, laid on .concrete. The blocks are about four by twelve inches, and are not affected by the action of frost as ordinary asphaltum pavements are. New York City, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Newark use the following street pavements : Belgian Pavement. This consists of stones, 5x6x6 inches, laid on a bed of sand six inches deep. These vary in size to 4x8x10, set on edge. Cost about $ 3.50 per square yard. They are using on Vesey street, N. Y., a fine paving stone, a kind of moderately soft granite, from the vicinity of Richmond, Virgin- ia. Large quantities of paving stone come from New Jersey, known as Trap and Basalt stones. Guidet Pavement. This consists of granite blocks, averaging 12x5x8 inches, laid on six inches of concrete and six inches of sand. It is laid on Broadway, New York, and costs about $5.00 per square yard. Sidewalks. The sidewalks in New York City and Brooklyn are laid with blue-stone flagging of various thicknesses, and is brought from quarries convenient for transportation down the North River. Granite flags are sometimes used, averaging ten inches in thickness, and sometimes measure 8 feet by 15 feet These require no curbing. The blue-stone costs about $3.00 per square yard. In Baltimore, Boston and Philadelphia brick is chiefly used, cost varying to suit localities, say $ 1.20 per square yard. Concrete sidewalks are made of a mixture of tar and gravel ; j 4 o POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS .and a concrete of asphaltum cement and gravel is also used, but they do not seem satisfactory for much travel, owing to the ac- tion of frost and ice in winter. Street pavements in Boston are usually of granite blocks, 4X 7x8 inches, laid in from 8 to 12 inches of gravel or sand, and cost about $3.25 per square yard. In Buffalo and Rochester, Medina stone is used ; the blocks vary from 2 to 4x8x8 inches, and are laid on 16 inches of sand, gravel or broken stone. They cost about $ 3.00 per square yard, and are very satisfactory. Method of Calculating Loads on Floors, etc. Illustrations 44 .and 45 show a plan and elevation, representing piers and walls of a structure adjoining another building, or independent. Also show diagrams of loads supported on floors. The base stones are of ordinary size, and generally such sized base stones are used where the load is not important. In buildings that carry an actual load on each floor of say 160 pounds per square foot of floor surface it is best, where the bottom is firm, to lay two bases or footing stones, the first stone to average five feet square, and the second four feet six inches square, with a brick pier built on them, say three feet four inches square, bonded with four-inch flat stone (blue-stone) every two feet, and capped with a granite block, ten to twelve inches thick. It is important that all piers to support inside columns (whether of iron or wood) should have brick and mason-work done in the best manner, with equal joints, and allowed to dry in toward the center of pier before placing the weight of several stories on it, when the load comes direct on the piers. In ref- erence to the load of goods, materials, etc., in stores, after making a calculation of ten or twelve stores, the load in the stores on the first, second and third stories did not exceed 170 pounds per square foot of surface, and above that the load would average from 90 to 100 pounds per square foot of surface. Al- low for load on roof for snow, etc., 90 pounds per square foot. In warehouses, such as for hardware, cottons, groceries, etc., the load averaged 260 pounds per square foot of surface. As a guide and a safe rule, the Building Department has, for this pur- pose, tables of the load on floors, which you will find on page 82 AND FOUNDATION WALLS. ~ IT 5 SQ ! r. 1 1 I . , \ 1 * ILLUSTRATION 44- !42 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS The average sized piers used for store construction run as fol- lows : For four and five story buildings, where the business done is ordinary, piers average from three to three feet eight inches square, with base stones five feet to five feet eight inches square. Some double stores (fifty-feet front), lately built in New York, have a line of piers in the center, supporting iron columns. These piers are 2 ft. x 2 ft. 8 in. x 10 ft. high, with the first footing stone, 5 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. x 16 in. thick ; the second footing 4ft. x 4 ft. 6 in. square, by 12 in. thick ; these buildings are seven stories or 98 feet high. The footings and base stones to Stewart's store, Tenth street, New York, did not average above six feet six inches square. This structure is about 130 feet high above the footings. The footings and base stones to the Western Union Telegraph Building, New York, average eight feet square and twelve inches thick, and some parts have inverted arches. This building is 144 feet high from footing stone to top of main cornice, and above this is an iron roof three stories in height. The footings for the Morse Building, Nassau street, New York, are eight feet square, and the piers are five feet square. The walls aver- age three feet four inches thick to second floor. This building is 160 feet high. The Coal and Iron Exchange, Courtlandt street, is constructed on piers and inverted arches on the fronts facing the streets. In illustration 44, showing piers and walls, the method of calculating the load on floors by the square foot is shown by the diagram. The space from the wall to the center of the pier is figured 22 feet, and from one pier to the other, 1 5 feet. To ascer- tain the load sustained on the columns, and on each pier, multi- ply 15 by 22=330 square feet. This multiplied by a load of 250 pounds per square foot will give a load on each floor, supported by column on pier, of 330 square feet, multiplied by 250 pounds per square foot, equals 82,500 pounds. This load is independent of the weight of materials required in the construction. Of course every floor has to be calculated, which sometimes shows an immense load resting on the piers. Where wooden girders are used, the piers are placed from ten to twelve feet from centers. When iron girders are used, the piers are usually from twelve to sixteen, eighteen or twenty feet on centers. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 143 82500 LBS. LOAD LBS. LOAD ELEVATION ILLUSTRATION 45. 144 POWELL'S FOUNDATIONS The load on base stone should not exceed five and one-half tons per square foot of bearing surface on base stones of five feet square, which gives twenty-five square feet. All base stones in and about New York City for good construction have from six to eight inches of concrete for a bed. It is not unusual with a good foundation to load base stone to piers with from seven to eight tons per square foot of surface. Thickness of Walls for any Number of feet in Height. See following table. When it is the intention to use stone-walls instead of brick, (broken-range work, or quarry-faced range,) add from four to eight inches to the thickness given for brick-walls in these tables. TABLE OF THE THICKNESS OF BBICK-WALLS FOR STORES, WAREHOUSES AND BUILDINGS THAT REQUIRE EXTRA STRENGTH. Total height of wall in ft. to be erected. Total length of wall in ft. to be built. Thickness in feet and inches. Ft., in. 100 ISO 3 IOO 70 2 8 90 150 3 90 70 2 6 80 ISO 2 6 80 70 2 6 70 150 2 4 70 60 . 2 4 60 175 2 4 60 50 2 50 1 60 2 So 45 2O 40 150 20 60 2 4 55 2 45 2O 35 20 30 16 One-twelfth or one-fourteenth of the height of each story is an average for the thickness of a wall. AND FOUNDATION WALLS. TABLE OF TLE THICKNESS REQUIRED FOR BRICK-WALLS FOR STORES, RESIDENCES, ETC. Total height of wall in ft. to be erected. Total length of wall in ft. to be built. B'sement itory in inches. First 1 story in inches. \ 8 Second toru in inches. ~TMrd~ tz? Fourth t3 Fifth ttory in inches. V iMfcK 100 100 to 125 32 24 24 20 16 16 13 100 80 28 24 20 20 16 12 100 45 20 20 16 16 16 18 ** 90 100 to 125 32 24 20 20 16 16 90 70 24 20 20 20 16 16 90 45 20 20 20 16 16 16 80 100 to 125 28 24 20 16 16 13 80 60 20 20 16 16 16 13 80 45 20 20 16 16 12 12 70 100 24 20 16 16 16 is 70 55 20 16 16 12 13 8 70 40 20 16 16 12 13 8 60 100 20 20 16 16 12 8 60 50 20 16 n 12 8 60 30 20 16 12 12 8 50 100 20 16 16 12 .. In using the above tables for thickness of walls in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, etc., the walls average more in pro- portion, owing to the brick being larger than in other parts of the United States. Use for eight-inch walls 8 3-4 inches ; for twelve-inch walls, 13 inches; for sixteen-inch walls, 171-2 inches ; for twenty-inch walls, 21 1-2 inches ; for two-feet walls, 26 inches, etc. Footings are twice the thickness of basement walls. All divisions on party walls between dwellings should be at least twelve inches. When the walls are eight inches the wood beams of floors for each side, cut through them. THE ART OF PREPARING FOUNDATIONS, WITH PARTICULAB ILLUSTRATION OF THE "METHOD OF ISOLATED PIERS," AS FOLLOWED IN CHICAGO. BY FREDERICK BATJMANN, ARCHITECT. Eevised by G. T. POWELL, A. and C. E. WITH NINETEEN WOODCUTS. The art of constructing foundations comprises two distinct but interdependent parts : FIRST, the art of treating the ground ; and SECOND, the art of building the base. FIRST PART. The Art of Treating the Ground. All ground from the nature of things, is compressible will yield under pressure. This is owing to three different natural causes ; FIRST, general compres- sibility of matter y which is so slight that in practice it causes no concern ; SECOND, imperfect packing of the constituent parts and incipient fluidity, which induces to study and care, though posi- tive artificial treatment be not needed ; THIRD, semi-fluidity, which in most cases calls for positive artificial treatment. Ac- cordingly, I shall consider the different building-grounds under the head of three distinct classes : solid grounds, compressible grounds, semi-fluid grounds. Class I. Solid Grounds. This class comprises rock, gravel, dry sand, in their natural beds, and of sufficient thickness of strata. The treatment is very simple, and in most cases alike. Excavations must be made to remove loose deposits and expose ISOLATED PIERS. 147 the natural bed. Surfaces must be made level, because bases should not be started upon inclined planes. In this manner the most common engineering routine will ever attain good results as to foundations. .The ground being, for all ordinary practical purposes, next to incompressible, differences in the weights of the various parts of the superstructure produce no manifest de- fects. Neither is there any considerable manifestation of piers or corners deviating from the line of the perpendicular, though, perchance, such piers or corners were not centrally supported. Concrete or no concrete, inverted arches or no inverted arches, random work or work rightly considered, the result is practically ever the same ; the slight deviations from the true lines, which may occur, pass unnoticed ; the builder has nought to think on the subject ; his common every-day routine suffices him in all his cases, and he remains in ignorance as to the proper princi- ples by which the true art of preparing foundations is governed. Their practice was upon ground of the first class, which prevails in most of the large cities of the country, and taught them noth- ing to the point ; nor could they avail themselves of the experi- ence of others, inasmuch as, beyond this present treatise, there is (as far as at present known) nothing in print even pretending to give information. The evolution of the "method of isolated piers" is but the result of modern wants as to the construction of mercantile buildings. Class II. Compressible Grounds. This class comprises clay and watery sand, and mixtures of the two, a whole scale of grounds, from the border of the first class downward to semi-flu- idity. The successful erection of any ordinarily heavy structure upon such ground involves the consistent application of two well known (and often, though loosely mentioned) principles : FIRST, the areas of base must be in proportion to the superincum- bent loads ; SECOND, the centers of these areas of base must coincide with the axis of their loads. These principles are self-evident, well known, and often loose- ly mentioned, yet so seldom observed. It is indeed, needless prove that ten square feet of bearing surface, cateris panbus, will bear more weight than will two square feet, or four, or nm< It is superfluous to specially make clear the fallacy of placn I4 8 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS che axis of any load upon or near the edge of a base, or in any measure away from its very center. The natural result of such foolish proceedings would be that, as the ground yields, the base assumes an inclined position, and the axis, which must re- tain its original angle with the base, is thrust out of its perpen- dicular line, as represented by Fig. I. It is not then these simple principles that will occupy me ; it is rather their varied and manifold application in the practice of this difficult "art of building," in which economy, rightly understood, is a principal factor, nay, in fact, the factor, which really renders it a science, which can only be attained by one who has acquired a manifold experience, and who previously has had such a discipline of mind as to enable him to systematically collect, and assimilate with himself, the mental fruits of his labors. First Rule. Resolve the building, upon its ground plan of the lower story, into isolated parts, and independently apportion to each its proper share of foundation. The first part of this is of old standing, and often applied in exceptional cases for instance, a church with a massive tower. But the mere keeping the tow- er separated from the other parts is of no avail, unless the lat- ter part of the rule is observed, by special intent or by chance of circumstances, as the case may be. It is this matter of re- solving a complex building into isolated parts, a task requiring experience and sagacity. Scarcely are there any two buildings alike in this respect, and the question ever arises, where shall I stop ? With some buildings it may be simple, so that the old every-day routine may suffice. Second Rule. Estimate the weights of all those (really and ideally) isolated parts, in order to apportion to each its due share of foundation. To this end it is required to know the bearing capacity AND ISOLATED PIERS. 149 of the particular ground, and also whether or not, and in what ratio, the load may be increased in proportion to the area of base. If it were found, for instance, that the medium bearing capacity (reduced to a convenient unit) is, say two tons per square foot meaning that under such proportionate load the ground will be compressed in a limited known ratio and if it were further known (approximately so at least) that this ratio holds good for any amount of load, the task is at once simple. A pier weigh- ing 1 20 tons must receive a base pressing upon an area of 60 square feet ; a pier weighing 20 tons must press upon an area of only 10 square feet, and so on in this proportion. It will be found, however, that the proportion varies with the nature of the ground. Ground least fluid and most solid (dry clay) will thus give too much support to the lesser loads ; ground approaching semi-fluidity will give them too little. In each case, therefore, where the properties of the ground are not fully known in ad- vance, tests must be instituted for their ascertainment, and the apportionment made accordingly. Third Rule. Determine, upon the ground section, centers (and center lines) of all (isolated) parts, 'which in upright section will be the axis (and axial planes) of these parts, and place the (masonry) bases so that the centers of their areas of contact will coincide with the first centers. It means that foundations must be made to support their loads centrally. The observation of this rule is of the utmost importance, for upon it will depend the perpendic- ularity of all the walls and the corners of the structure. Let all parts have central foundations, and no inherent tendency will exist to disturb this perpendicularity. There will in such case be no particular need of any anchors, except for temporary use, while in the contrary case the strongest and best applied anchors will not suffice to preserve the exact normal position of the walls and corners. Have the bottom right, and all else will come right without many further precautions. I comprise the above three important rules under the head c "Method of Isolated Piers," which I advance as a scientific method in opposition to the old random method of continuous feundations. I am aware that Isolated foundation-piers are < ,c O BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS Such isolation of piers has been, however, the exception, not the rule. Its origin is from chance and circumstance, not from logic. I, on the other hand, advance a principle which makes isolated piers the rule in all cases, and continuous foundations the exception, where, for instance, piers of uniform -weights are so close to each other that the bases will interconnect. Objection might be raised to this new method, on the ground that any building-ground may not be everywhere of the same uniform density. This circumstance will but seldom occur, and if and wheresoever it does so, the greater difficulty should be a spur to greater care and perseverance. It would in such case be requisite to make the most careful survey of the ground, to determine the degrees of variations in density, and map the same, in order to obtain a correct basis for estimation and ap- portionment. The Building-ground of Chicago. The subsoil throughout is of blue clay, covered by sand and loam, which, below the level of ground-water, become "quicksand" and "blue muck." (n the central part of the city the clay is found at a depth of 'bout five feet from the original surface, which now is about right feet below the established grade of streets. This clay-bed is more or less permeated by water, which enters through a net- work of fine gravelly veins, and through the river channel ; it is, therefore, varying in its bearing capacity in proportion to its state of humidity, the driest clay of course being the hardest, and therefore the best for purposes of foundation. In the central part of the city the clay-bed has a distinct surface, cov- ered with a scattered stratum of boulder-gravel, and is termed "hardpan." It approaches the surface to within five feet. Throughout the West Division the clay is equally near to day- light, though it has no distinct surface, the loam gradually changing into clay. From State Street eastward, the dip of the clay -bed is so steep that already within one block it becomes ordinarily impracticable to reach it. Nor is this necessary, for the overlying soil answers all purposes. This soil is here an intimate mixture of clay and fine sand, in common parlance termed "blue muck" on account of its shifty nature ; but its quality as building-ground AND ISOLATED PIERS. 15 f is better than first appearances would warrant. Toward the North and South the clay is covered by a bed of fine sand, which grows in thickness with the distance from the center of the city ; it becomes what is termed quicksand from the level of ground-water downward, which level is mostly within a few feet from the surface. A massive stone clmrck tower erected upon this quicksand gradually sank, within about eight months after its completion, some twenty inches, carrying with it the surrounding ground on a radius of over forty feet. There being apparently no limit to this "settling" the tower was taken down. Its weight upon the base was probably not over thirty-six pounds per square inch. The convenient bearing capacity of all this soil is twenty pounds to the square inch. With this the bases in all ordinary cases be- come not so widespread as to necessitate for their solid con. struction any cutting into the hardpan. Such proportionate load will compress the hardpan to the extent of about one inch during construction of the building, and about one-half of an inch during the next six months following, after which time the load appears to be poised upon the clay ; the season, as oft- en the popular belief is, having no share in this "settling." The compression will be greater, as a matter of course, upon the soft- er portions of the clay, as well as upon the loam, dry or wet ; it is least upon the dry surface-sand, where this can be made avail- able. All that is necessary is the strict application of the "method of isolated piers," so that all parts of the ground will be compressed in the same degree, causing a perfectly equable "settling." But in practice it will ever be found advisable to base calculations upon the smallest possible amount of ultimate compression, and to be guided in this matter (as we ought to be in all others) by prudent economy ; hence I term the bearing capacity stated a convenient one. This matter of dividing a build- ing into isolated parts, and estimating the weight is by no means as simple as at first it would appear, and may even in some cases offer material difficulties. Take, for instance, a building six or seven stories high, fire-proof, with fire-proof vaults in the lower stories. The outer and some of the inner walls are of full height ; other inner walls are one, two or five stories less in height ; some of the vaults extend through four stories, others stop in the base- 152 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS ment ; the loads become shifted by the location of the openings : there are columns bearing floors ; the internal walls and columns do not become loaded as the building progresses, for floors, ceilings and plastering are not applied before the building is roofed. Now if the ultimate "settling" is kept within the limit of one and a half inches, as it ought to be, the problem of attain- ing a sound and perfect structure is solvable through an ordinary amount of sagacity and carefulness applied upon the "method of isolated piers ;" probable differences falling within the limits of one-quarter to one-half of an inch, and causing no palpable de- fects. Examples and Instances Being an Illustration of the "Method of Isolated Piers. Fig. 2 shows upright section of a pier of an outer wall, and elevation of an abutting dwarf-wall. If, as the old method would suggest, in order to furnish "all the bearing possible," the dwarf-wall is connected with the pier at its line of intersection, ef, the pier will be thrust outward, and the dwarf-wall crack as indicated. The cause may readily be found. Construct the axis, da, of the pier, and see whether it coincides with the center of area occupied by the base of the pier. Were the dwarf-wall not connected tf. ^/and a bac;\. e., were the construction made in accordance with the "method of isolated piers," there would be no thrust against the pier But the usual old random mode of "all the bearing possible" extends ie area of base inward to c' ', and thereby shifts the axis of the AND ISOLATED PIERS. 153 pier off the center toward the outer edge of the supporting base, b c' y which causes the ground to be pressed into an inclined sur- face and, consequently, the pier to be thrust outward. Were the base of the dwarf-wall made so narrow as to cause a settling of the dwarf-wall equal to that of the pier, it would at first sight appear as though then the wall might be connected. Yet this is, nevertheless, forbidden by the circumstance that the base of the dwarf-wall would receive all its load before the pier would ; say, one-fifth part of it. Besides, it is extremely difficult to pro- portion so slight a load with sufficient accuracy ; and the laws of nature are very severe ; but a slight deviation of the axis, d a from the center of area of base will have its marked effect. Two rules may be abstracted from this instance. FIRST Let the axis of the . load always strike a little way inward 'from the center of the area of the base, in order to make sure that it will not be toward the outside. Any inward incli- nation of the pier is rendered impossible by the floor beams, while an outward inclination must be counteracted by artificial means, such as anchors, which, in all cases, are but reliable to a certain degree. Anchoring is thus reduced to safeguards ; although anchors are placed on every sixth or eighth beam of each tier on stores. SECOND Never connect an abutting dwarf-wall with an oittet pier or wall. Build it independently, with a distinct, clean, 154 BAUMANX S FOUNDATIONS straight joint. In some cases it might be advisable to leave four inches of clear space, to be walled up afterward. Fig. 3 shows what, in a measure, occurs to an old-fashioned four-story building erected upon continuous foundations. The middle column, having no load to sustain, retains its original position while the others are pressed downward, with results as represented. The corner piers, if not prevented from doing so by the re- sistance of buildings at the right and left, are thrust outward Because their axes are not centrally supported, as can be readily seen without further explanation. The foundation, in fact, re- solves itself into piers, but in a manner contrary to sound engi- neering, giving to the lightest pier the largest support. Before the great fire, scores of similar fronts were seen in Chicago, nor has the lesson been thoroughly understood after this great event. _ Years after the "method of isolated piers" had slowly taken ts course, some new comer of an architect took it upon him- f to show his colleagues that he could overcome the difficulty by means of inverted arches. The result was a building on the AND ISOLATED PIERS. j^- corner of Washington and Dearborn Streets, as here represented by Fig. 4. The extent of the front was forty feet ; the lintel was one piece of timber, connecting the piers and columns of the front, causing all to incline, parallel with the corner pier to the extent of nearly three inches out of their perpendicular lines. It is not difficult to conceive that good inverted arches have a greater effect upon shifting the axis of load off the cen- ter of base than has a mere continuous foundation (or a contin- uous bed of concrete) ; likewise, that the thrust of the arch it- self, if any such occurs, would have the tendency to counteract rather than enhance the difficulty arising from oblique settling of the base. n n n JFIV The case grows serious with Fig. 5, which represents part of a front, consisting of alternate heavy and light piers. Contin- uous foundations, or beds of concrete, or inverted arches, would have a tendency to thrust the corner pier outward, and to break the horizontal connections over the little piers, as has been demonstrated by the former examples. But even the smallest admissible bases might prove troublesome in regard to the little piers. In such cases, resort may be had to an entire omission of bases for such little piers, and to the introduction of some bearing connection from large to large pier for their support, as shown in Fig. 5. A case has occurred very lately in Chicago, where the bases of such heavy piers were made too small, and I S 6 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS those of the lighter piers too large (isolated piers were here employed without method). The effect was that the sinking heavy piers hung themselves, with part of their weight, by means of very stiff horizontal connections, on the little piers, and literally crushed them. Had these crushed piers been stronger than the horizontal connections, the latter would be- come seriously damaged. As it was, the building underwent jack-screw operation and insertion of new piers. In cases where there are mere mullions in the larger lower windows, as represented in Fig. 6, if the mullions are supported on iron construction from large piers on each side, piers under will not be required ; otherwise, direct foundations under these mullions will be necessary, and the piers to be proportioned to sustain the load above. A prominent building lately erected with such mullion piers upon direct foundations was merely saved by the fact that, firstly, it was placed upon old, well settled foundations, and, sec- ondly, that the three upper stories of the design were omitted, leaving the building, as it now stands, four stories high. The consequence, thus far, is the mere fracture of one of the power- ful stone lintels covering the basement openings (as indicated by dotted line). The case assumes a different aspect under Fig. 7, yet it is readily shown to belong to the same class. In 1852, 1 construct- ed the front of a blacksmith's shop in the manner shown by Fig. 7, with this result, that the keystone of the doorway arch dropped downward. The inverted arch owed its existence to the universal random idea of "get all the bearing you can." AND ISOLATED PIERS. But when the piers e /and g h are considered by themselves, it is not difficult to observe that, through the very introduction of this inverted arch (or continuous rubble wall or concrete), the axes of these piers become shifted off the centers of their bases, att*l, consequently, thrust outward; hence the dropping of the keystone. The fact is, that a front thus constructed compresses, the ground under its base to a convex plane, while on the other hand, by the principle demonstrated in the discussion of Fig. 2, it should be so constructed as to compress the ground to a plane slightly concave, which may be readily effected by omitting the foundation under the opening. 158 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS The reader will now fully understand the reason why the arch- es over almost all large openings (in churches etc.) have more or less parted. He will understand from Fig. 8 why the arches over the center of the ill-fated Court House wings were rent. The law acts with unerring certainty, no matter what the ex- tent of the front, no matter how slight the cause. But to fur- nish a most striking example of the minuteness with which this law operates, I produce Fig. 9, which is intended to represent a view of the east gable of the (destroyed) celebrated Crosby Opera House. The foundation wall, twelve feet high, was built of rubble stone in cement mortar, and had ample time to set, since the brick wall was not started thereon until about two months afterward. The base was five feet wide upon the hard- pan, the brick wall twenty inches thick for twenty feet high, and sixteen inches for the following sixty feet. The load upon the base was consequently about twenty-six pounds to the square inch. The whole weight of wall and base was 850 tons, less twenty tons omitted by the two openings. The ultimate settling of the wall could not have been over two and a half inches, yet the slight reduction of the load by only twenty tons, at its center, from the total load of 850 tons, caused the base to assume a slightly convex plane, so that both corners were somewhat thrust over, as indicated by the parting of the arches over the openings, which parting was so decided that the cracks were plainly seen at 160 feet distance, from the opposite side of AND ISOLATED PIERS. 159 State Street,* and caused a whisper among the unsophisticated passers by to the effect that the house was unsafe. And all this from so little a cause ! The most remarkable feature of this case, however, is that the base, tfiirty-ttvo feet thick, as it were, from the hardpan to the sill of the lower opening, did ac- commodate itself readily to the assumed curvature of the ground ; that, in fact, all this mass of solid brick and stone work acted as though it were possessed, in a measure, by a minute degree of quassi-fluidity. This ought to show to satisfaction, if not a proper consideration of the case by itself did, that compressible ground cannot be spread over at random by concrete, or any kind of masonry, and thereby made exempt from the operations of the "law of convex deflection." All such masonry, of what- soeverkind, will, from its nature, yield and accommodate itself to such curvatures of the ground as the different loads at different places will naturally produce, f To give one of the most flagrant instances of what happens from non-observation of the biddings of the "law of convex de- flection," I introduce (Fig. 10) a section of the old water-rese voir structure on Adams Street, erected 1854. Theconseque -This gable was a mere court wall, receding ninety-three feet from ^the line of State Street, upon which, immediately afterward, a tine building was erected by the owner of the Opera House. t Omitting some of the base at the center, by means of an arch as indicated, .vculd have preserved the exact perpendicular state of the corners, so M to leave the arches intact. i6o BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS was the immediate discomfiture of the structure on the first day when the water was let on. Even if other causes had not en- hanced this result, the "law of convex deflection" alone would have been sufficient for its production. To render the concern serviceable, all openings were walled up and an intermediate inner wall was built, as indicated by dotted lines. Nothing could have happened had the foundation been prepared in ac- cordance with the "method of isolated piers." Cross section through an outer wall. Fig. 1 1. It will readily be perceived that, by dint of this continuous bed of con- crete, the axis d a is shifted off the center of its base ; the clay beneath will consequently be compressed to a convex plane, with a tendency to thrust the wall out of its perpendicular line. This tendency need, however, not become realty, because of the very probable rupture of the bed of concrete, as indicated in Fig. 1 1, or else because the cross anchoring will be so effective as to prevent such occurrence to an extent that will be noticed by a non-expert. Had this wall an independent central base, as dic- tated by the "method of isolated piers," no possible contingency could ever arise. 2. Considering the large inequality of the weights of the piers of the outside walls, the heavier piers will sink down, in some measure, proportionate to the weight of pier and size of base upon the clay, such as it may assume for itself, while the little piers will almost wholly retain their original levels. The difference may possibly not be very considerable, and escape the eye of the non-expert, but occur it must, by dint of inexora- ble law. AND ISOLATED PIERS. jfo 3. Taking a view of a corner with adjoining pier, Fig. 12, the case represents itself similar to what it does in Fig. 1 1, with this difference, however, that in Fig. n, the concrete is bare and H >r ~ - H j : may be readily ruptured, while here the concrete is strengthened by a mass of the most excellent masonry, and may not break so as to save the corner from being thrust outward. Besides, the anchors, as usually applied, get no hold at the corners. To hold them would require a longitudinal and cross anchoring within the thickness of the walls, from corner to corner, a troublesome and expensive proceeding. Under the "method of isolated piers," with observance of ,the biddings of the "law of convex deflection," the corners would take care of themselves without anchors. 4. Taking a section through one of the intended internal piers, Fig. 13, the case assumes a very serious aspect. The load per column is said to be upward of 380 tons; the column is to- stand upon an iron stool, with bottom plate six feet square, bedded on the bare concrete. To arrive at any accurate, or even approximate, estimate of the efficacy of this bed of concrete, un- der existing circumstances, is simply a matter of impossibility. A mechanical estimate to this effect requires a knowledge of its J&2 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS exact absolute and crushing strength, as well as ot the exact de gree of the elasticity and incipient fluidity (yielding property) of this concrete. Even if these properties were ascertained from samples, it would by no means follow that the bed, just at such particular place, is altogether precisely according to the samples. Trials have been made by loading plates one foot square with as much as thirty and more tons upon each. To conclude from this trial upon the nature of the cas.e is, I believe, a fallacy. Even if one square foot would bear, without damage to the in- tegrity of this bed of concrete, say 100 tons during a week, the conclusion is by no means warranted that it will carry for all n^L. 5= g/ /ft | i*l s| l I i ] 1 | si w 1 l r i i =i [ 1 51 time to come 380 tons upon a spot six feet square, with absolute and infallible certainty. (Actual practical judgment, with an allowance of one-quarter of the load that produces any move- ment of depression on the earth, will be safe.) The load, as the case is, must be trusted on cJtance, instead of on mathematical certainty, and is, therefore, in a technical meaning insufficiently supported, which involves by no means a prediction that in reali- ty the support will, or must, fail. It simply means that it may fail. Any construction in building that is not secure by dint of mathematical certainty, is technically insecure, and therefore condemnable. How differently does this case present itself un- der the light of the "method of isolated piers," as is illustrated by Fig. 14. Here the hardpan is loaded to a ratio of about twenty pounds to the square inch. With a pier well bedded, and securely constructed out of the most beautiful material so readily at hand in Chicago, it is mathematically certain that the ultimate "settling" will be (about) one and a half inches. Be- AND ISOLATED PIERS. 163 sides, this construction would have the point of economy in its favor. Concrete. Good concrete is always made up with cement- mortar. This artificial conglomerate rock is spread upon the building-ground at large, or upon the bottom of foundation trenches, in a thickness varying, as the case may be, from one to five feet for the purpose of an "equalizer." Concrete work at best is random work, that may and may not do good service. Upon hard and practically incompressible ground, it is super- fluous, as a matter of course, except what may be required for the bedding of footing courses. Upon compressible ground it will, under some circumstances, accommodate itself to the deflec- tions of the ground caused by superincumbent loads, and thus may, if circumstances concur, be of very serious damage to the structure, under the "law of convex deflection," as before de- monstrated. I reject random work as being contrary to the spirit of the present age, and recommend in its place the "method of isolated piers" for foundations. Concrete is applicable in foundations as a base in place of other masonry. Its application is there justified in all cases, where it chances to be the cheapest material. It is in this sense one of the means at the hands of the engineer for the attain- ment of his ends. Class III. Semi-Fluid Grounds. This class comprises '//, marsh, peat, and the like. When gravel or rock can be found within practicable distance, piers of some kind may be sunk upon it ; but ordinarily resort is had to artificially condensing the ground by means of piling. SECOND PART. The Base is alike a means of support as it is a means of spreading out in order to convey the pressure exacted by the load upon such area of the ground as has been determined under the "method of isolated piers." The base therefore must be in every respect solid; the pressure to which it is subjected i6 4 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS must in no way move its constituent parts. The Chicago material for bases is : Dimension stone, hard lime-rock, of most any dimensions, from eight to twenty inches thick, and with even beds. There can be no better material in the whole world than this dimension stone. There is also rubble stone of the same rock, hard, flat bedded, handy as to size. Concrete, being inferior to rubble work, and besides being more costly, is out of the question, at least under a reasonable view of employing means to an end. For dimension stone I have adopted the rule 6'. t of making the offsets somewhat less than the thickness of stone, though I know of no instance of an evil result from offsets being even more than equal to the thickness of stone. For rubble I have adopted four inches of an offset to each foot of height. For concrete I should reduce the offset to three inches. Figs. 15, 1 6, 17 represent bases accordingly, all under the sup- position that the weight of the wall requires a width of base of six feet eight inches. For Dimension stone $6.90 per foot lin. " Rubble stone 6.90 " " " " Concrete 14.28 " " " making evident the absurdity of employing concrete in Chicago foundations. The money point grows more in favor of rubble stone as the base is narrower, and more in favor of dimension stone as it is wider, as can be readily estimated. Pier bases ought in all cases to be wholly constructed of dimension stone. AND ISOLATED PIERS. 165 The bedding of the base on the ground offers but little diffi- culty. Upon sand and loam, dry or wet, it beds itself without trouble. Clay is best covered first with a thin layer of gravel or broken stone, rammed into the surface, and grouted with liq- uid cement-mortar. A layer of concrete, from two and a half to four inches thick, and rammed partly into the surface, answers the same purpose. Upon the surface thus prepared mortar is spread, and the stone bedded. The mortar ought always to be good cement-mortar, with sand of very coarse, gravelly nature as its component. For joints of two or more inches in thickness, between dimension stones which happen to have uneven beds, a mortar, made of two parts of roofing gravel and one of fresh cement, has answered excel- lent purpose. By this the expense of dressing the stone is saved, and yet the end attained with all the certainty required in ordinary cases. I conclude the subject with Figs. 18 and 19, representing bases of two of the tallest chimneys in Chicago. Fig. 18 is the base of the chimney erected in 1859 f r ^ e Chicago Refining Company, 151 feet high, 12 feet square at foot. The base, merely two courses of heavy dimension stone, as shown, is bedded upon the surface gravel near the mouth of the river, there recently deposited by the lake. The mortar employed in the joint between the stone is roofing gravel and cement. The area of base is 256 square feet, the weight of chimney, inclusive of base, 625 tons, giving a pressure of thirty- four pounds to the square inch. This foundation proved to 1 very perfect. Fig. 19 is the base of the chimney erected in 1872 I McCormick Reaper Works, which is 160 feet high, 14 feet i66 BAUMANN'S FOUNDATIONS Z5 ' square at the foot, with round flue of 6' 8" diameter. The base covers 625 square feet: the weight of the chimney and base is approximately 1,100 tons ; the pressure upon the ground (dry, hard clay) is therefore, 24 1-3 pounds to the square inch. This foundation too proved to be most perfect in every respect. 24 1-3 pounds per square inch is a moderate load for piers. PROPERTY OF J. W. DONAWE, IPLD, MAM. PROPERTY OF J. W. DONAHUE, THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. - m f . Series 9482 A 000588235 ;