Ex Ltbris C. K. OGDEN 1 CATALOGUE OF EARLY ENGLISH BOOKS. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY MANCHESTER PRINTED IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND AND OF BOOKS IN ENGLISH PRINTED ABROAD TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1640. ^ J. E. CORNISH ST. ANN'S SQUARE, MANCHESTER 1895 Blades, East & Blades, Printers, 23, Abchurch Lane, London, E.G. PREFACE. THE class of books of which the present catalogue treats, though not numerically large when compared with the rest of the library, is of very great importance both on account of the rarity and the beautiful condition of the majority of the books contained in it. The greater number of the early books were formerly in the Althorp collection, and were acquired about the beginning of the present century at the numerous sales which then took place, especially at those of the Duke of Roxburghe, and of the Merly and White- Knights Libraries. Many of the finest Wynkyn de Wordes and Pynsons came from the choice collection of Stanesby Alchorne which was purchased entire, while many other books were obtained from private sources. With these and the additions that have since been made, it may be safely said that the library contains the finest collection of English fifteenth century books in existence. The Caxtons comprise more than half the works known to have been issued by that printer, while the set of the productions of the early Oxford Press is still more complete. The books printed by Wynkyn de Worde and Pynson before 1501, number about fifty, and amongst them are several of which no other copies are known. There are, besides, a number of books from the presses of Machlinia and the Schoolmaster of St. Alban's. The London printers of the early sixteenth century are well represented, and amongst the books printed at provincial presses and abroad will be found the first two books in the ii PREFACE. Scottish language ; the first book printed at Tavistock ; the first book printed for sale in York ; and the only known book printed for sale in Hereford ; the two last being unique in a perfect condition. Among the books of this period printed on vellum, are the Book of St. Albans of 1496, Pynson's Sarum Missals of 1500 and 1504, and the unique Breviary of 1508 ; two works of Henry VHI, one being a presen- tation copy of his famous book, the Assertio septem sacramentoriim adversus M. Lutherum, and the first edition of Piers Plowinati. In the present catalogue no attempt has been made to insert any bibliographical information about the books, or remarks on their rarity or condition, for since a good bibliography must necessarily be compiled on a very different system from a catalogue, to combine the two serves no useful purpose. For those, however, who are interested in the history of English printing, a full list of the books arranged under printers and publishers has been added. It remains to say a few words concerning the system on which the catalogue has been compiled. When the author's name is given, the book is entered under his name in the form in which it is best known, and pseudonyms are treated as real names. In the case of anonymous books, the simple rule has been followed of entering them under the first word of the title other than A, An, or The. By this rule there is never any doubt — the title being known — whether or not a particular book is in the library. To this rule, however, there are a few exceptions. In the case of well-known books of which the first editions were anonymous, but whose later editions contain the author's name and are always spoken of under that name, as for example. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, the book is entered under the author. In the case of a book not very well-known, where the first edition is anonymous, but the later contain the author's name, the anonymous edition is put under the author's name with a cross-reference from the title. PREFACE. iii In cases where the author of an anonymous book is known or con- jectured the name is added at the end of the entry in brackets, and a cross-reference given from the name. In a few cases, extra cross- references have been given to enable the reader to find a book or part of a book. Take for instance, the first edition of Milton's Lycidas. Many people are unaware that it forms part of a collection of poems written by members of the University of Cambridge, on the death of a certain Edward King. The title of the book begins Justa Edouardo King naufrago, and it is therefore catalogued under Justa, but as the chief interest of the book now lies in the poem by Milton, a cross-reference is given from Milton and another from King. Anonymous books relating to an association or corporation such as the University of Oxford, are collected together under that head, but cross-references are given from the titles of the books. E. GORDON DUFF. John Rylands Library, Manchester. CATALOGUE OF EARLY ENGLISH BOOKS. A. B. C. An A. B. C. vvyth a catechisme that is to say, an instruction to be learned of every chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed of thee Byshoppe. 8" Edward Whitchurch. London, 1551. A. (G.). See ALLEY (William). ABBREVIAMENTUM STATUTORUM. See STATUTA. ACADEMIC OXONIENSIS PIETAS. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF ACCUSATION (the) and impeachment of John Lord Finch, by the house of Commons. 4° \_Londo7i'] 1640. ACHITOPHEL. See C. (N.). ACTIS (the) and constitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie Princeis Kingis James the First, Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and in tyme of Marie now Ouene of Scottis. fol. Robert Lckprcnik. Edinburgh, 1566, ADAMS (Nicholas) or BODRUGAN. An Epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of Englande hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande, continued upon the auncient writers of both nacions, from the beginnyng. 8" Richard Grafton. London, 1548. ADMONITION TO THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND. See C. (T.). ADRICHOMIUS (Christianus). A briefe descrij^tion of Hierusalem and of the suburbs thereof as it florished in the time of Christ. Translated out of Latin into English by T. Tymme. 4" P. Short for T. Wight. London, 1595. AEGIDIUS COLUMNA OF ROME. Tractatus de peccato originali. 4" [Thcodoric Rood.] Oxford, Xd^-jf). AEGIDIUS DE COLUMNA. See COLONNA (Guido dk). AELFRIC : Archbishop of Canterbury. A Testimonie of Antiquitie, shewing the auncient fayth in the Church of England. [Saxon and English.] 8" John Day. London, [1567.] 2 ^SOP— AP-ROBERT. iESOP. Fabule Esopi cum commento. 4° Wynkyn dc Wordc. London, 1516, AGRIPPA (Henricus Cornelius). Of the A'anitie and uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, englished by Ja. San. Gent. [James Sandford]. 4° Henry Wykes. London, 1569. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggregationis. 4° William dc Machlinia. London [1484.] ALCOCK (John). Seniio in Luke \\\i. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. Westminslcr [1496.] Mons perfectionis. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1497. Gallicantus. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1498. ALEN (Edmond). A Catechisme, that is to say a christen instruccion of the principall pointes of Christes rehgion. 8" Edward Whitchurch. London, 1551. ALES (Alexander de). See HALES (Alexander de). ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEL Textus Alexandri cum sententiis et constructionibus. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1505. — Another edition. 4° Richard Pynson. London, 15 13. ALFRED, THE Great. Aelfredi regis res gestae. fol. \^John Day. London, 1574.] Calf with the arms and monogram of De Thou. ALLEY (William). IlTiiXOMOVSEloN, The poore man's librarie. 2 vols, in I. fol. John Day. London, 1571. ALMANSOR (Jacob). For life see ASHLEY (Robert). ALVEARIE (an). See BARRET (John). ANCRE (Marquis d'). See TRUE RELATION. ANTON (Robert). Vices anotimie scourged and corrected in new satirs. 4" B. Alsop for R. Jackson. London, 1617. AP-ROBERT (J.). The 3'onger brother his apolog}- by it selfe. Or, a fathers free power disputed for the disposition of his lands, or other fortunes to his sonne, sonnes, or any one of them : as right reason, the laws of God and nature . . . and municipall lawes ... do command. 4° \_London'] 1618. ARETINUS— ARTICLES. 3 ARETINUS (Franciscus). See PHALARIS. ARETINUS (Leonakdus). See ARISTOTLE. ARGENTINE (Richard). See ZWINGLI (U.). ARIOSTO (LoDOVico). Orlando Furioso in English heroical verse, by Sir John Harington. Now secondly imprinted. fol. Richard Field. London, 1607. ARISTOTLE. Ethicorum ad Nicomachuni libri x. Leonardo Aretino interprete. 4" \_Th€odoric Rood.'] O.xford, i^j^). ARNOLD (Richard). In this booke is conteyned the names of ye baylifs, etc. (Arnold's Chronicle.) fol. [Adrien van Berghen. Antwerp, 1503.] — Another edition. fol. \_Lawrence Andrewe. London, 1525.] ARRAIGNEMENT (the) of John van Olden Barnevelt, late advocate of Holland and West-Freisland. Containing the articles alleadged against him and the reasons of his execution ... Together with a letter written by the Generall States ... concerning the foresaid action. 4" E. Griffin for R. Ronnthwait. London, 1619. ARS MORIENDI. The Art and craft to know well to dye. fol. [ William Caxton. Westminster, 1490.] — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster [1496.] The book intytulyd the art of good lywyng and good deyng. fol. Anthoine Verard. Paris, 1503. ARTICLES to be ministred, and to be enquired of and answered in the visitation of the right worshipfull Mr. Archdeacon of Sudbury. 4° T. Bnck and R. Daniel. \_Canibridgc, 16^6.] ARTICLES, whereupon it was agi'eed bj^ the Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces and the whole cleargie, in the convocation holden at London in the yeare ... 1562. 4" Deputies of Christopher Barker. London, 1593. ARTICLES agi^eed upon by the Archbishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie. In the convocation holden at London in the }reere 1562. 4" Robert Barker. London, 1633. ARTICLES of religion, agreed upon by the archbishops, and bishops, and the rest of the clergie of Ireland, in the convocation holden at Dublin in the yeare of our Lord God 16 1 5. 4" For Thomas Downes. London, 1629. ARTICLES to be enquired of in the first yeare of the reigne of our most dread sovereigne ladie Elizabeth, etc. An. dom. 1559. 4° Deputies of Christopher Barker. London, 159 5. B 2 4 ARTICLES— AUGUSTINUS. ARTICLES to be enquired of in the \-isitation in the first yeere of the raign of our most dread soveraign ladie Ehzabeth, etc. Anno. Dom. 1559. 4" Assignment of Robert Barker. London, 1600. ARTICULI de quibus convenit inter archiepiscopos et episcopos utriusq : pro\'incia3 et clerum universum in synodo Londini. An. Dom. 1562. ... ad tollendam opinionum dissentionem and consensum in vera religione fimiandum. 4° John Daw London, 1571. ASCHAM (Roger). The scholemaster Or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to understand, write, and speake, the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the private br}-nging up of j'outh in Jentlemen and Xoble mens houses. 4" John Day. London, 1570. — Another edition. 4" Johii Day. London, 1571. Toxophilus or the Schole of Shooting. 4° Edward Whitchurch. London, 1545. — Another edition. 4" Abel Jejfes. London, 1589. A report and discourse ... of the affaires and state of Gemiany and the Emperour Charles, his court, diuyng certaine 3'eares while the said Roger was there. 4" John Day. London [1553.] Famiharium Epistolarum libri tres. 8" Francis Coldock. London, 1578. ASHE (Thomas). Le primier (et second) volume del Promptuarie, ou Repertorj' generall de les annales, et plusors auters li^Tes del common ley dengleterre. 2 vols. fol. John Beale. Londori, 16 14. ASHLEY (Robert). See BORRI (Christophoro). ASHLEY (Robert). Almansor, the learned and victorious king that conquered Spaine. His life and death. 4" For John Parker. London, 162"/. ASSISE OF BREAD. The Booke named the assise of Bread, what it ought to wey after the pryse of a quarter of Wheate. 4" Thomas Colwell. London [1570.] ASSISES. Liber assisanim. 8" Richard Pynson. London, s.a. ATKYNSON (Wyllyam). See LMITATIO CHRISTI. AUGUSTINUS. See HAMPOLE. AUGUSTINUS. Certaine select pra^-ers gathered out of S. Augustines Meditations, which he calleth his selfe talke with God. 8" John Day. London, 1574. AUGUSTINUS— BAINBRIDGE. 5 AUGUSTINUS. S. Augustines Manuell, or little booke of the contemplation of Christ. [The second part only of certaine select prayers.] 8" J. Wolfe for the Assignes of R. Dav. London, 1586. AUNGELL (John). The agreement of the holy Fathers, and Doctors of the churche upon the chiefest articles of Christian religion. 8" W. Harford for W. Seres. London [issS-] AUNGERVILE (Richakd). See BURY (Richakd Aunger\'ile de). AYSCU (Edward). A historie contayning the Warres, Treaties, Marriages, and other occuiTents betweene England and Scotland from King William the Conqueror, until! the happy Union of them both in our gratious King James. 4" George Eld. London, 1607. B. (E.). The elements of armories [by Edmund Bolton]. 4" George Eld. London, 16 10. B. (G.). A newe booke called the Shippe of Safegarde. 8" William Seres. London, 1569. B. (H.). See BLOUNT (Sir Henry). B. (H.). The baiting of the Pope's bull : or, an unmasking of the mj'ster}- of iniquity, folded up in a most pernicious breeve or bull, sent from the Pope lately into England [by H. Burton]. 4" W. I. for M. Sparke. London, 1627. Grounds of Christian reli.gion : laid downe briefely and plainely by way of Question and Answer. 8" L B. for R. Bird. London, 1636. BACON (Francis), Viscount St. Albans. See CERTAINE CONSIDERATIONS. BACON (Francis), Viscount St, Albans. Operum moralium et civilium tomus. 2 vols. fol. London, 1638. Instauratio Magna \_i.e., Novum Organum, Sive indicia vera de inter]3retatione naturae]. fol. London, 1620. Considerations touching a warre with Spaine. 4° \_Lotido7i] 1629. Certaine miscellany works . . . Published by William Rawley. 4" J. Haviland for H. Robinson. London, 1629. Saggi morali ; con im altro suo Trattato della Sapienza degli antichi. Tradotti in Italiano [by Sir T. Matthew]. 8" John Bill. London, 1618. BAILLIE (Robert). See LADENSIUM. BAINBRIDGE (John). See PROCLUS. 6 BAINBRIDGE— BARNEVELT. BAINBRIDGE (John). An astronomical description of the late comet from the i8 of Novemb. 1618, to the 16 of December following. 4° E. Griffin for J. Parker. London, 1619. BALE (John). A brefe chronicle concerning the exam}Tiation and death of ... Sir Johan Oldcastel the lord Cobham, collected together ... out of the bokes and writtings of those Popysh Prelates who were present both at his condemp- natyon and judgement. 8" A. Scolokcr and W. Seres. London [1560.] Illustrium raajoris Britannise scriptorum summarium. 4" John Overton. Ipswich, 1548. The Actes of English votaries, comprehendynge their unchast practises and examples by all ages, from the worldes begynning to the year of our Lord ^ ^^- 8" 2 Parts. John Tysdale. LoJidon, j p^j;J /j' J^^o- BANCANQUALL (Walter). See LARGE DECLARATION. BANCROFT (Richard). Daungerous posiLions and proceedings, published and practised within this iland of Brytaine, under pretence of reformation, and for the Presbiteriall discipline [by Richard Bancroft]. 4" John Wolf. London, 1593. — Another edition. 4° R. Young and R. Badger. London, 1640. BARCLAY (Alexander). See BRANT (Sebastian). See SALLUSTIUS. BARCLAY (William). Judicium de certamine G. Eglissemmii cum G. Buchanano, pro dignitate Paraphraseos Psalmi ciiii. 8" George Eld. London, 1620. BARLOW (William), Bishop of Lincoln. The summe and substance of the conference which it pleased his excellent majestie to have with the lords bishops and others of his clergie at Hampton Court, Jan. 14, 1603 ; contracted by W Title page wanting. 4 BARNES (THOMAS). See ISOCRATES. illiani] B[arlow]. f. Windet for M. Law. London, 1604]. BARXEVELS .A.POLOGY : or Holland mysterie. With marginal] castigations [by Petrus Houlderus]. 4° For Thomas Thorp. [London'] 16 18. BARNEVELT dispkued : or, the golden legend of new St. John found out in the united provinces of the low-countries. Comprehending a short rehearsall of the noblenesse, vertues and actions of Mr. John of Bamevelt. Translated out of the Dutch. 4" G. Eld for A^. Butter. London, 1619. BARRET— BEDWELL. 7 BARRET (John). An alvearie or quadruple dictionarie, containing fonre sundrie tongues, namelie, English, Latine, Greeke and French. fol. Henry Dcnham. London, 1580. BARRET (Robert). The theorike and practike of moderne warres, discoursed in dialogue wise. fol. For William Pon^onby. London, 1598. BARTHOLOMAEUS de GLAN VILLA. De proprietatibus rerum. Translated into English by John Trevisa. fol. Wynkyn de Wordc. [Westmmstcr, I4g6.'] — Another edition. fol. Thomas Berihelei. London, 1535. BATE (John). The mysteries of nature and art, conteined in four several treatises, the first of water works, the second of fire works, the third of drawing ..., the fourth of divers experiments. 4" For Ralph Mab. London, 1634. BATMAN (Stephen). Uppon Bartholome, his booke De proprietatibus Renmi. fol. Thomas East. Lotidon, 1582. BAYNES (Paul). The diocesans tryall, wherin all the sinnewes of Doctor Downhams defence are brought into three heads and orderly dissolved : published by Dr. Wilham Amis. 4" [Lo}ido7i] 1621. BEACON (Richard). Solon his follie, or a politique discourse touching the refomiation of common- weales conquered, declined or corrupted. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1594. BECON (Thomas). The Fortresse of the fayethfull agaynst ye cruel assautes of povertie and honger, newlye made for the comforte of poore nedye Christians. 8" J. Day and W. Seres. London, 1550. BEDE. The History of the Church of England. Translated out of Latin by Thomas Stapleton. 4" Jean Laet. Antwerp, 1565. BEDWELL (Wilhelm). See PILKINGTON (Gilbert). BEDWELL (Wilhelm). Mesolabium architectonicum that is, a most rare, and singular instrument, for the easie, speedy, and most certaine measuring of plaines and solids by the foote : necessary to be knowne of all men whatsoever, that would not in this case be notably defrauded. 4" J. N\prton'\for W. Garet. London, 1631. 8 BELGICKE— BIBLE. BELGICKE (the) pismire : stinging the slothfull sleeper, and awaking the dihgent to fast, watch, pra)- and worke out their o\TOe temporall and etemall salvation with feare and trembling, [by T. Scot.] 4" London, 1622. BELL (Thomas). The Downefall of Poperj' : proposed by way of a new challenge to all English Jesuites. 4" T. Furfoot for A. Johnson. London, 1605. BELLENDEN (John). See BOECE (Hector). BERNARD (Richard). The Common Catechisme ; with a commentarie thereupon by Questions and Answers, following the verie words, as they lie in their order without alteration. 8" W. Sta[nsby^ for S. Man. London, 1630. BERXERS (Juliana). The Book of Hawkyng, Hmit3'ng and Cootarmuris. [The Book of St. Albans.] fol. St. Albans, i486. The Book of St. Alban's [A\dth an extra chapter on Fishing with an Angle]. fol. Wvn/:yn de Worde. Westminster, 1496. Printed on vellum. The book of banking, hunting and fj'sshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. 4" William Copland. London [1560.] The Gentlemans Academie or The Booke of St. Albans : reduced into a better method by G. M. [Gervaise Markham.] 4" For Hunifrey Loivnes. London, 1595. BIBLE. English. [Coverdale's.] fol. \_A71twerp'] 1535. [Coverdale's.] fol. fames Nicholson. London, 1537. [Coverdale's.] 4" fames Nicholson. London, 1537. [Matthew's.] fol. [^A7itwerp'\ 15^7. [Tavemer's.] fol. fohn Byddell. London, 1539. [Great Bible.] fol. Grafton and Whitchurch. London, 1539. [Cranmer's.] fol. Edn-ard Whitchurch. London, 1540. [Cranmer's.j fol. Richard Grafton. London, 1540. [Cranmer's.] fol. Edward Whitchurch. London, 1541. [Matthew's.] fol. Rainalde and Hill. London, 1549. [Matthew's.] fol. f. Day and W. Seres. London, 1549. BIBLE. BIBLE. [Coverdale's.] [Matthew's.] [Great Bible.] [Genevan.] [Cranmer's.] [Cranmer's.] [Bishop's.] [Genevan.] [Bishop's.] [Bishop's.] [Genevan.] [Bishop's.] [Genevan.] [Bishop's.] [Douay.] fol. [Douay.] Andrewe Hester. London, 1550. William Bonham. London, 1551. fol. John Day. London, 1551. 4° Richard Grafton. London, 1553. 4° Roland Hall. Geneva, 1560. fol. Richard Harrison. London, 1562. fol. Richard Camarden. Roiten, 1566. 2 vols. fol. Richard Jugge. London, 1568. 4" John Crespin. Geneva, 1568-70. 2 vols. 4° John Cawood. London, 1569. fol. Richard Jitgge. London, 1572. 4" Richard Jugge. London, 1573. fol. Alexander Arbuthnot. Edinburgh, 1576-9. 8" Christopher Barker. London, 1581. fol. Christopher Barker. London, 1585. 4° Christopher Barker. London, 1599. fol. Robert Barker. London, 1602. 3 vols. 2 vols. fol. Robert Barker. London, 161 1. fol. Robert Barker. London, 161 1. fol. Robert Barker. London, 16 13. 4" Robert Barker. London, 16 14. fol. Robert Barker. London, 16 16. fol. Robert Barker. London, 16 17. 4° Norton and Bill. London, 16 19. 4" Norton and Bill. London, 1 620-1. 8" 5. Norton and J. Bill. London, 1627. 2 vols. 4" yrfl« Cousturier. Rouen, 1635. 4" Robert Barker. London, 1637. fol. .5i«:^ and Daniel. Cambridge, 1638. 4i £■!?£!■ ^:'^f' I ■'»'-'- lO BIBLE. BIBLE— PENTATEUCH, BIBLE— NEW TESTAMENT. BIBLE. 3 vols. fol. Robert Barker. London, 1640. Welsh. fol. Christopher Barker. London, 1588. 8° Hans Lnft. Wittenberg, 1534-30. Greek. 16° Thomas Vantrollier. London, 1587. 16° Barker and Bishop. London, 1592. 8° Latin. English. Thomas Buck. Cambridge, 1632. 4° John Mayler. London, 1540. [Tindale's.] [Tindale's.] [Coverdale's.] [Coverdale's.] [Coverdale's.] [T. Mathew.] [Tindale's.] [Eng. and Lat.] [Tindale's.] [Tindale's.] [Whittingham's.] [Genevan.] [Genevan.] [Rheims.] [Beza's.] [Rheims.] [Bishop's and Rheims.] 8° fol 8° [Aiitwerp'] 1536. 4° Antwerp. 1536. James Nicholson. London, 1538. ^" Francis Regnault. Paris, 1538. ' James N'icholson. London, 1538. 4° {Lo7idon'] 1538. ' Thomas Gaultier. London, 1550. 4" Richard Jngge. London, 1552. 4" Richard Jngge, London, 1553. 8° Conrad Badius. Geneva, 1557. Christopher Barker. London, 1576. Christopher Barker. London, 1579. 4" Joh7i Fogny. Rheims, 1582. Christopher Barker. London, 1583. Rheims, 1600. Christopher Barker. London, 1601. 8° Robert Yon7ig. Edinburgh, 1633. Welsh. 4° Henry Denham. London, is(>7- BIBLE— BOCCACCIO. ii BIBLE— NEW TESTAMENT. Irish. fol. Dublin, 1602. Spanish. 8° Richard Field. London, 1596. BIBLE— NEW TESTAMENT— GOSPELS. [Anglo-Saxon.] 4" John Day. London, 1571. BIGGES (Walter). A summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage. Wherein were taken, the townes of Saint lago, Sancto Domingo, Cartagena and Saint Augustine. [Edited by Thomas Gates.] 4" For William Ponsondy. T^ondon, 1596. BILLINGSLEY (H.). See EUCLID. BLANCHARDIN and Eglantine. [Translated from the French by William Caxton.] fol. William Ca.xton. Westminster [1489.] BLAND (Tobias). A baite for Momus, so called upon occasion of a sermon at Bedford injuriously traduced by the factious. Now not altered but augmented. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1589. BLAXTON (John). The English usurer. Or usury condemned, by the most learned, and famous divines of the Church of England, and dedicated to all his majesties subjects, for the stay of further increase of the same. The second impression corrected. 4" John Norton. London, 1654. BLOUNT (Sir Henry). A voyage into the Levant. A breife relation of a journej', lately performed by Master H. B. gentleman, from England by the way of Venice ... unto Gran Cairo. With particular observations concerning the moderne condition of the Turkes. 4" L L.for A. Crooke. London, 1636. — Third edition. 4" L L.for A. Crooke. London, 1638. BLUNDEVILLE (Thomas). A very briefe and profitable Treatise declaring howe many counsells, and what maner of Coimselers a Prince that will governe well ought to have. [By F. Furio Ceriol : this translation is made from the Italian version of A. d'Ulloa.] 8" William Seres. London {isyo.] BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). The falle of Princis, translated by John Lidgate. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 1494. — Another edition. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 1527. — Another edition. fol. John Way land. London [1550.] — Another edition. fol. Richard Tottel. London, 1554, c 2 12 BODENHAM— BOOK. BODENHAM (John). England's Helicon. 4" I. R. for J. Flasket. London, 1600. BODONIUS. The fortresse of fayth defended both \ty the Scripture and Doctors gathered by the learned German Bodonius, and translated out of Latine into English by Edward Crane. S" William Griffith. London, 1570. BODRUGAN (Nicholas). See ADAMS (Nicholas). BODY OF POLICY. The booke whiche is called the body of Polycye, and it speketh of vertues and of good mailers. 4" John Skot. London, 1521. BOECE (Hector). The hystor\' and croniklis of Scotland [translated from the Latin by John Bellenden.] fol. Thomas Davidson. Edinburgh [1536.] BOEMUS (Joannes). The Fardle of facions conteining the amiciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth called Affrike and Asie [translated by William Watreman.] 8" f. Kingston and H. Sutton. London, 1555. BOETHIUS (Anicus Manlius Torquatus Severinus). De consolatione philosophiae. [Translated by Geoffrey Chaucer.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1478.] The Boke of comfort called in laten Boetius de consolatione philosophie. Translated in to englesse tongue. 4" Dan Thomas Rychard. Tavistock, 1525. BOETHIUS (Hector). See BOECE (Hector). BOKE (the) of comforte agaynste all trj'bulacyons. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1505.] BOLTON (Edmund.) See B. (E.). BOXAVENTURA : Saint. Speculum \\te Christi. fol. William Caxton. Westmi?ister [1490.] — Another edition. 4° Wynkyji de Worde. London, 1530. BONNER (Edmund). A profitable and necessarj'e doctrine with certayne homelyes adjojmed thenmto. 4° John Caicood. London [1555.] Homelies ... to be reade within his diocesse of London, of all persons, vj^cars, and curates unto theyr parishioners, upon sondayes and holy dayes. 4" John Cawood. London, 1555. BOOK OF DIVERS GHOSTLY MATTERS. Orologium Sapientia; ; The twelve profites of tribulation ; The Rule of St. Benet. 4" [William Caxton.'] Westminster [1490.] BOOK— BRAHE. 13 BOOK OF THE ORDER OF CHIVALRY. 4° William Caxlon. Westminster [1484.] — Another copy. BORRI (Christophoro). Cochin China : containing many admirable rarities and singularities of that country, extracted out of an Italian relation by Chr : Borri and published by Robert Ashley. 4" R. Raxvorth for R. Clutterhicck. London, 1633. BOSWELL (John). Workes of Annorie devyded into three bookes entituled the Concordes of Arniorie, the Armorie of Honor and of Cotes and creastes. 4" Richard Tottel. London, 1^72. — Another edition. 4" Henry Ballard. London, 1597. BOTERO (Giovanni). A treatise concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, devided into three bookes ... in the Italian tongue, now done into English by Robert Peterson. 4" T. P.for R. Ockould and H. Tomes. London, i6o6. BOUGHEN (Edward). A sermon concerning decencie and order in the Church. Preached at Wood Church, in the diocesse of Canterburie, April 30th, 1637. 4° J . Raioorth for J . Cowpcr . London, 1638. BOURCHIER (John). The histor}' of the most noble and valyaunt knyght Arthur of lytell brytayne. fol. ' Robert Redborne. London [1550.] BOURNE (William). A booke called the Treasure for travellers, devided into five Bookes. 4" For Thomas Woodcock. London, 1578. A Regiment for the sea. 4° T. East for J. Wight. London, 1580. BOUTHILLIER (Jean). The Royal Book. [Translated into English by W. Caxton.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1487.] BRACTON (Henry). De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliaj libri quinque, in \'arios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum codicum coUationem, ingenti cura nunc primum typis vulgati. fol. Richard Tottel. London, 1569. BRAHE (Tycho). Learned Tico Brahas, his astronomicall conjectur of the nevi^ and much admired 1^ which appered in the year 1572. 4" B. A. and T. F. London, 1632. 14 BRANT— BRIEFF. BRANT (Sebastian). The Ship of Fools, translated by Alexander Barclay. fol. Richard Pynson. London [1509.] BRATHWAIT (Richard;. Ar't asleepe husband ? A boulster lecture ; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages by Philogenes Panedonius. 8" R. Bishop for R. Best. London, 1640. BRAUNSCHWEIG (Hieronymus). The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri. fol. Peter Tr ever is. London, 1525. The vertuouse boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes. fol. Lawrence Andrcxve. London, I'jth April, 1527. — Another edition. fol. Lawrence Andrewe. London, iSth April, 1527. A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye or homely physick booke for all the gi^efes and diseases of the bodye. Translated out of the Almaine speche into English by John Hollybush. fol. Arnold Birckman. Cologne, 1561. BREREWOOD (Edward). Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions, through the chiefe parts of the world. 4" John Bill. London, 1622. — Another edition. 4" J. Norton for Joyce Norton and R. Whitakcr. Lsndon, 1635. BREVIARIUM SECUNDUM USUM SARUM. 4" Richard Pynson. London [1508.] Printed on vellum. — Another edition. [Pars Hiemalis.] 4" London, 1555. BRIDGES (John). A dialogue wherein is plainly layd open the tjTannj'call dealing of Lord Bishops against Gods children. 4" [Edinburgh'] 1640. BRIEFE (a) discourse against the outwarde apparell and Ministring gannentes of the popishe church. 8" \J^ondo7i] 1578. BRIEFE METHOD OF CATECHISING. See EGERTON (S.). BRIEFE (a) relation of certain speciall and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Staire-Chamber, occasioned and delivered June the 14th, 1637, at the the censure of ... Dr. Bastwicke Mr. Burton and Mr. Prynne, etc. 4" [London'] 1637. BRIEFF (a) discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554. Abowte the Booke off off [sic] common prayer, and Ceremonies, and continued bv the Englishe men theyre to thende off Q. Maries raigne [by W. Whittingham.] 4" [Geyicva] 1575. BRINKLOW— BUCHANAN. 15 BRINKLOW (Henry). See MORS (Roderick). BRIXTON (J.). [On the laws of England.] The second edition, faithfully corrected according to divers ancient manuscipts of the same booke, by Edm. Wingate Gent. 8° Assigncs of J. Moore. London, 1640. BROOKE (FuLKE Greville, Lord). Certaine learned and elegant workes -wTitten in his youth and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sydney. fol. E. P. for H. Seyk. London, 1633. BROOKE (John). See GUIDO. BROOKE (Ralph). A discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia 1594. Very prejudiciall to the discentes and successions of the auncient Nobilitie of this Realme. 4" \_London, 1596.] BROUGH TON (Hugh). An Epistle to the learned nobilitie of England. Touching translating the Bible from the original, with ancient warrant for everie worde, unto the full satisfaction of all that be of hart. 4" Richard Schilders. Middlebxirgh, 1597. BROWNE (Thomas). Tomus alter, et idem, or the historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Ehzabeth. 4" Thomas Harper. London, 1629 BRUNO (Giordano). Recens et completa ars reminiscendi. Triginta sigillorum explicatio. Sigillus sigillorum. De lampade combinatoria Lulliana. 4 parts in I. 8" [London, 1583.] BRUTUS (Stephanus Junius), pseud. i.c., Hubert Languet. Vindicias contra tyrannos, sive de principis in populum, populique in principem, legitima potestate. 8" Edinburgh [Geneva ?] 1579. BUCHANAN (George). De Maria Scotorum Regina, totaque eius contra Regem conjuratione, foedo cum Bothuelio adulterio, nefaria in maritum crudelitate et rabie, hoiTendo in- super et deterrimo eiusdem parricidio : plena et tragica plane historia. 8" \john Day. London, 1570.] Ane detectioun of the duinges of Marie Queue of Scottes touchand the murder of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erie Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, mainteineris of the Kingis graces actioun and authoritie. 8" [John Bay. London, 1570.] Rerum Scoticarum Historia. fol. Alexander Arbuthnot. Edinbxirgh, 1582, De Jure Regni apud Scotos dialogus. 4° John Ross. Edinburgh, 1579. i6 BUCK— C. BUCK (George). The great Plantagenet. Or, a continued succession of that royall name, from Henry the second, to our sacred soveraign king Charles. 4" N^. and J. Okes. London, 1635. BULLINGER (Heinrich). A huncked sennons upon the Apocalips of Jesu Christe. [translated from the Latin by J. Daus.] 4° John Day. London, 1561. BURGO (Johannes de). Pupilla ocuH : in qua tractatur de septem sacramentorum administratione, de decern preceptis decalogi et reliquis ecclesiasticorum ofificiis. 4° W. Hopyl, Paris ; for W. Brciton. London, 15 10. BURNE (XicoL). The disputation concerning the controversit headdis of Religion halden in the Realme of Scotland, the zeir of God 1580 betuix the praetendit Ministeris of the deformed Kirk in Scotland and Nicol Bume, etc. 8" Paris, 1581. BURXYNGE (the) of Paules church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561, and the iiii day of June by lyghtnynge, at three of the clocke, etc. [by James Pilkington.j 8" William Seres. London, 1563. BURTON (Henry). See B. (H.). BURTON (Robert). The Anatomy of Melancholy. 4° J. Lichfield and J. Short for H. Cripps. Oxford, 1621. — Another edition. fol. J. Lichfield for H. Cripps. Oxford, 162^. BURTON (William). The Description of Leicestershire, containing matters of antiquitye, history, amiorj-e and genealogy. fol. For John White. London, 1622. BURY (Richard Aungervile de). Philobiblon, sive de amore librorura et institutione Bibliothecae : opere et studio T. J [ames]. 4° Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1599. BUSHE (Paul). This lytell boke contaynethe certayne gostly medycynes necessary to be used among wel disposed people to eschewe and to avoyde the comen plage of pestilens. 8" Robert Redman. London [1531.] C. (H.). A Discourse concerning the drayning of fennes and surroimded grounds in the sixe counteys of Norfolke, Suffolke, Cambridge with the Isle of Ely, Huntingdon, Northampton, and Lincolne. 4" I^ondon, 1629. C. (H.). The Catholike moderator : or, a moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants ... First written in French by a Catholike gentleman [Jacques Da\y du Perron, Cardinal] and now faitiifully translated [by W. W.]. Fourth Impression. 4° For Nathaniel Bttttcr. London, 1624. C— CAMPION. 17 C. (N.). Achitophel : or, the picture of a wicked politician. Divided into three parts, [by Nathaniel Carpenter.] 4" For M. S. ILondon] 1629. C. (T.). An Admonition to the people of England : wherein are answered, not onely the slaunderous untruethes, reprochfuUy uttered by Martin the Libeller, but also many other crimes by some of his broode, etc. [by Thomas Cooper, Bishop of Winchester.] 4° Deputies of Chris.Lopher Barker. London, 1589. CAIUS (John). Historiae Cantebrigiensis Academiae ab urbe condita. 4" John Day. London, 1574. De antiquitate Cantebrigiensis Academiee libri duo, in quorum secundo de Oxoniensis quoque G}'mnasii antiquitate desseritur et Cantebrigiense longe eo antiquius esse definitur. 4" John Day. London, 1574. De pronunciatione Graecae et Latinae linguae cum scriptione nova libellus. 4" Jolm Day. London, 1574. CAIUS (Thomas). Assertio Antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academiae. 4" John Day. London, 1574. CALTHORPE (Charles). The Relation betwene the Lord of a Mannor and the Copyholder his Tenant, etc. Delivered in the learned readings of C.C. 4" For William Cooke. London, 1635. CALVIN (John). See Prayer. CALVIN (John). A faythful and moost godlye treatyse concernynge the most sacret Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of oure Savioure Christe. 8" J. Day and W. Seres. London [1550.] Of the life or conversation of a christen man. Translated into English by Thomas Broke Esquier, paymaister of Dover. 8" J. Day and W. Seres. London [1550.] The catechisme or manner to teache children the Christian religion, wherein the Minister demandeth the question, and the childe maketh answer. 12" John Crespin. Geneva, 1556. CAMDEN (William). See REGES, REGIN^. CAMDEN (William). Remaines concerning Britaine, but especially England and the inhabitants thereof. By M. N. 4° N. Okes for S. Water son. London, 1623. CAMPION (Edmund) and HANMER (Meredith). Two histories of Ireland. fol. Society of Stationers. Dublin, 1633 D i8 CANCELLER— CASE. CANCELLER (James). The pathe of Obedience. 8" John Way Imid. London [i^so.'] CAORSIN (GuLiELMUS). The Siege of Rhodes, translated into EngHsh by John Kay. fol. \_London, 1484.] CAPGRAVE (John). Nova legenda Anglie. fol. Wyjikyn de Worde. London, 15 16. CAPITULA sive constitutiones ecclesiasticas per Archiepiscopum, Episcopos, & reliquum Clerum Cantuariensis Pro\nncia; in Synodo inchoata Londini vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris, A.D. 1597, etc. 4" Deputies of Christopher Barker. London, 1597. CAREW (Richard). The Survey of Cornwall. 4" S. S. for J.Jaggard. London, 1602. CAREW (Thomas). Poems. 8° /. D.for T. Walhley. London, 1640. CARION (John). The thre bokes of Cronicles whyche John Carion ( a man syngularly well sene in the Mathematycall sciences) Gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that have written in Hebrue Greke or Latine. 4" For Walter Lvnne. London, 1550. CARLETON (Georgej. Athankfull remembraunce of Gods mercy : in an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the church and state of England. Tlie third edition. 4" M. Flesher for R. Mylbourne and H. Robinson. London, 1627. In a richly gilt i6th cent, binding. — The fourth edition. 4" Aug: Math: for R. Mylbourne a7id H. Robinson. London, 1630. CARMINUM pi-overbialium, totius huraanae vitae statum breviter deliniantium, necnon utilem de moribus doctriiiam jucunde proponentium [by S. A. L]. 8" Thomas Dawson. London, 1595. CAROLUS REDUX. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. CARPENTER (Nathaniel). See C. (N.). CARTA foedi simplicis cum littera attumatoria. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1506.] — Another edition. 4" John Skot. London, [1521.] CASAUBON (Meric). Pietas contra maledicos patrii nominis et religionis hostes. 8" London, 1621. CASE (the) of Shipmony briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of law, policy, and conscience [by Henry Parker.] 4" \_Lo)uio)t'] 1640. CASTARA— CAXTON. 19 CASTARA. See HABINGTON (W.). CASTELVfiTRI (G.) See STELLA (Julius Caesar). CASTIGLIONE (Balthasar). The Courtier, devided into four bookes, done into English bj' Thomas Hobby. [Enghsh, French and ItaHan.] 4" John iVolfc. London, i'i,?,i, CATALOGUS Universahs pro nundinis Francofurtensibus vemahbus, de anno M. DC. XVIIL 4" [Bonham] Norton with J. Bill. London [1618.] CATECHISM US, sive prima institutio, Disciphna que Pietatis Christianas, Latine explicata. [by WilHam Whitaker.] 4" Reginald Wolfe. London, 1570. GATES (Thomas). See BIGGES (Walter). CATHERINE OF SIENNA. Life of St. Katherine. The revelations of Saint EHzabeth of Hungary, [by Raymundus de Vineis.] fol. [Wynkyn de Wordc. Westminster, 1493.] CATHOLIKE MODERATOR (the). See C. (H.) CATO PARVUS ET MAGNUS. [fol. William Caxton. Westftwister, 1482.] CATO (DioNYSius). Catho cum commento. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 14. CATON. Translated into English by Benet Burgh. fol. William Caxton. Westminster, 1484. CAXTON (William). See BLANCHARDIN AND EGLANTINE. See BOUTHILLIER (Jean). See CHARTIER (Alain). See CHRISTINE OF PISA. See CHRONICLES. See DICTES OR SAYENGIS. See HIGDEN (R.). See LANDRY (De la Tour). See LEFEVRE (Raoul). See REYNARD THE FOX. See ROYE (Guy de). See VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). See VORAGINE (J. de). D 2 '20 CAXTON— CHARLES I. CAXTOX (William). Advertisement of the Sarum Pica. Single sheet. [William Ca.xlon. Westminster, 1477.] CECIL (Sir Edward). See S. (E. C). CERTAIXE (a) and perfect relation of the encounter and bloody slaughter which is newly happened betweene the Marquesse of Spinolas forces, and the forces within the towne of Breda ... With the copie of a letter sent by the Marquis of Spinola to the Archdusses of Austria, etc. 4" B. A. for T. Archer. London, 1625. CERTAIXE considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England [by Francis Bacon]. 4" For Henry Tomes. [London, 1604.] CERTAIXE worth ye manuscript poems of great antiquitie reserved long in the studie of a X^orthfolke gentleman, and now first published by J. S. The statly tragedy of Guistard and Sismond. 2. The Xorthren Mothers Blessing. 3. The way to Thrifte. 8" For R. D. London, 1597. CERTAYNE matters concerning the Realme of Scotland composed together : as they were A.D. 1597. [By John Monipenny.] 4" For John Flasket. London, 1603. CERVAXTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). The Histoiy of the valorous and witty knight-errant Don Quixote of the Mangha. [Translated from the Spanish by T. Shelton.] 2 vols. 4" For Edward Blount. London, 1612-20. CESSOLIS (Jacobus de). The Game and Playe of the Chesse. [Translated into English by William Caxton.] fol. [W. Caxlon and C. Mansion. Bruges, 1476.] — Second edition. fol. William Caxton. Westtninster [1481.] CHALOXER (Sir Thomas). De republica Anglorum instaurenda. 4" Thomas Vautrollier. London, 1579. CHAPMAN (George). See HESIOD. See HOMER. CHAPMAX (George). Andromeda liberata ; or the nuptials of Perseus and Andromeda. 4" For L. L Isle. London, 1614. Hero and Leander : begunne by Christopher Marloe, and finished by George Chapman. 4" G. P. for E. Blount. London, 1617. CHARLES I. King of Great Britain. His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, of the causes which moved him to dissolve the last Parliament. 4" B, Norton and J. Bill. London, 162S. CHARLES I.— CHRONICLES. 21 CHARLES L King of Great Britain. His majesties proclamation in Scotland. [Dated Dec. 8, 1638] : With an explanation of the meaning of the oath and covenant. By ... his majesties high commissioner. [James, Marquis of Hamilton.] 4" Robert Young. London, 1639. His majesties declaration, concerning his proceedings with his subjects of Scotland since the pacification in the camp neere Berwick. 4" R. Young and R. Badger. London, 1640. CHARTIER (Alain). The Curial. [Translated into English by William Caxton.] 4" \_William Caxton. Westminster, 1484.] CHASTISING OF GODS CHILDREN. fol. [Wyn/ivn de Worde. Westminster, 1492.] CHAUCER (Geofkrey). See BOETHIUS. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Workes, with dyvers workes whiche were never in print before. fol. Williajii Bonham. London [1542.] Woorkes, newly printed, with divers addicions, whiche were never in printe before : with the siege and destruccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate, Monke of Berie : as in the table moore plainly J. Kingston for J. Wight. London, 1561. fol. Bonham Norton. London, 1598. William Caxton. Westminster [1478.] William Caxton. Westminster [1483.] fol. Richard Pynson. London [1492.] \William Caxton. Westminster, 1483.] William Caxton. Westmi7ister [1484.] CHEKE (Sir John). See HURT OF SEDITION. CHERTSEY (Andrew). The crafte to lyve well and to dye well. fol. Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1505. CHRISTINE OF PISA. The fayts of anns and of Chyvalrye. [Translated into English by William Caxton.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster, 1489. Moral proverbs. [Translated into English by Earl Rivers.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1478.] CHRONICLES of England. [Edited by W. Caxton.] Second edition. fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 1482. dooeth appere. fol. 3 — Another edition. The Canterbury Tales. fol. — Another edition. fol. — Another edition. Troylus and Creside. fol. The Book of Fame. fol. 22 CHRONICLES—COKE. CHRONICLES of Englonde with the fhite of times. fol. St. Albaiis [1485.] CHROXICLES of England. fol. [William de Machlinia. London, ij.U.'] — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1497. — Another edition. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 15 10. — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Wordc. London, 15 15. CHRONICLE (a) of yeres from the begynnjTige of the worlde. 16" William Copland. London [1557.] CHRYSOSTOM. See JOHN, CHRYSOSTOM. CHURCHYARD (Thomas). See OVIDIUS. CHURCHYARD (Thomas). The Worthines of Wales. 4" G. Robifison /or T. Cadman. London, 1587. CICERO (Marcus Tullius). Tully of old age and of friendship, fol. William Caxton. \_Westtninster'\ 1481. Three bookes of duties to Marcus his sonne, tounied out of Latine into English, by Nicolas Grimald. [Latin and English.] 8" Thomas Este. Londoii, 1596. CITIES ADVOCATE (the). See PHILIPOT (John). CLEMENT I : Pope. Ad Corinthios epistola prior. Edidit Patricius Junius. 4" John Lichfield. O.xford, 1633. CLENARD (Nicolas). Institutiones linguae Graecae, cum scholiis et praxi Antesignani Rapistag- nensis. 8° For Robert Dexter. London, 1599. CLERKE (Richard). Sermons. Since his death published for the common good by Charles White. fol. T. Cotes for T. Alchorn. London, 1637. Olive morocco, richly gilt. COALE (a) from the Altar. Or, an answer to a Letter not long since written to the Vicar of Gr[antham] against the placing of the Communion table at the East end of the Chancell : and now of late dispersed abroad to the chsturbance of the Church, [by Peter Heylyn.] 4° For Robert Milbourne. London, 1637. COGAN (Thomas). The haven of health. 4" H. Middleton for W. Norton. London, 15^4. COKE (Edward). Les reports de Edward Coke, L'attomey generall le Roigne, de divers Resolutions et Judgements. fol. Thomas Wight. London, 1602. COLONNA— COOPER. 23 COLONNA (GuiDO de). See DARES PHRYGIUS. CONCINI (CoNCiNo). See ANCRE (Marquis d'). CONCORDANCE (a), that is to saie, a worke wherein by the ordre of the letters of the A. B. C. ye maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the whole Bible [by John Marbeck]. fol. Richard Grafton. London, 1550. — Another copy. CONFESSION (a) of Faith made by common consent of divers reformed Churches beyond the seas ; with an Exhortation to the Refomiation of the church [by T. Beza] . 8" H. Bynncman for L. Harrison. London, 1571. In the original richly gilt binding. CONSPIIM^CIE, for pretended reformation ; viz, Presbyteriall Discipline. A treatise, discovering the late designments and courses held for advancement thereof, by W. Racket, E. Coppinger, and H. Arthington ... With ... the life, ... arraignment, and execution of the sayd Hacket, etc. [by Richard Cosin]. 4" Deputies of Christopher Barker. London, 1592. CONSTITUTIONS and canons ecclesiasticall : treated upon by the Bishop of London ... and the rest of the bishops and clergie of the said province. And agi^eed upon with the Kings Majesties licence in their Synod begrui at London A.D. 1603, etc. 4" J. Norton for Joyce Norton and R.Whilakcr. London, 1633. CONSTITUTIONS and canons ecclesiasticall ; treated upon by the archbishops of Canterbury and York ... and the rest of the ... clergie of those provinces : And agi^eed upon with the kings majesties Licence in the severall synods begun at London and York 1640. 4° R. Barker and Assignes of J. Bill. London, 1640. CONTEMPLACYON OF SYNNERS. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster, 1499. CONTRE-GUYSE (the) : wherein is deciphered the pretended title of the Guyses, and the first entrie of the saide family into Fraunce, with their ambitious aspiring and pemitious practises for the obtaining of the French crowne. 4° John Wolfe. London, 1589. COOKE (Alexandek). See YET MORE WORKE. COOPER (Thomas) : Bishop ok Winchestkk. See C. (T.). COOPER (Thomas) : Bishop of Winchester. Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae. I vol. in 2. fol. Thomas Wykes. London, 1565. An epitome of chronicles conteining the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England as all other countreis : [gathered by Thomas Lanquet and continued by T. C], 4" Thomas Bcrthelet. London, 1549. 24 COOPER— CRANE. COOPER (Thomas) : Bishop of Winchester. Cooper's Chronicle contenynoje the whole discourse of the histories as well of th}'s realme, as all other countreis. 4" London, 1565. COPE (Anthony). See LIVIUS (Titus). CORBET (John). See NICANOR (Lysi.machus) S. J. Pseud. CORBET (John). The iingirding of the Scottish armour, or, an answer to the informations for defensive aiTiies against the king's majestic. 4" Society of Stationers. Dublin, 1639. CORDYALE. Cordyale, or the four last things. [Translated from the French by Earl Rivers.] fol. William Caxton. [Westminster'] 1479. CORIAT (Thomas). Crudities hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Gemiany and the Netherlands. 4° W\_illia7}i] S^taiisbyl. London, 16 11. Coryat's Crambe or his Colwort Twise Sodden, and now served in with other Macaronicke dishes, as the second course to his crudities. 4" Williajn Stansby. London, 1611. The Odcombian Banquet, dished foorth by Thomas the Coriat and served in by a number of Xoble Wits. 4" For Thomas Thorp. London, 161 1. CORXWALLIS (Sir William). lissayes, or rather, encomions, prayses of sadnesse : and of the emperour Julian the apostata. 4" G. Ptirsloive for R. Hawkins. London, 1616. Essayes of certaine paradoxes. The second impression, inlarged. 4" For Richard Hawkins. London, 16 17. CORONAE CAROLINAE QUADRATUR.\. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. COSIN (Richard). See CONSPIRACIE FOR PRETENDED REFORMATION. COTTON (Sir Robert Bruce). See DANGER WHEREIN. See SHORT VIEW OF THE LONG LIFE. CRAKANTHORP (Richard). De providentia Dei tractatus. 4" Leonard Greene. Catnbridge, 162^. CRANE (Edward). See BODONIUS. CRANMER— DARES. 25 CRANMER (Thomas). A confutation of unwritten verities, both bi the hol3'e scriptures and moste auncient autors ... Made by Thomas Cranmer, late Archebishop of Cantor- burie, Martyr of god, and burned at Oxford for the defence of the trewe doctrine of our saviour Christ, translated and set forth by E.P. 8° {London, 1558.] A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our saviour Christ. 4" Reginald Wolfe. London, 1550. CRASHAW (William). See MITTIMUS TO THE JUBILE. CROCE (Richard). Introductiones in Rudimenta graeca. 4° E, Cervicornus for J. Lair de Siborch. Cologne, 1520. CROWLEY (Robert). The Supper of the Lorde, after the true meaning of the Sixte of John. 8° \_J. Day and W. Seres. London, 1550.] CURIA BARONIS. CURIA DE RECORDO ^ ^ee MODUS TENENDI CURRY-KNAVE (Cutbert). Pseud. An almond for a parrat, or Cutbert Curry-knaves almes. Fit for the knave Martin, and the rest of those impudent beggers, that can not be content to stay their stomakes with a benefice, but they will needes breake their fastes with our Bishops, [by T. Nash or J. Lilly]. 4" \_Lo7idon, 1589.] CURTES (Martin). The Arte of Navigation, conteynyng a compendious description of the sphere, with the makyng of certen instrumentes, and rules for Navigations. Trans- lated out of Spanyshe into Englyshe by Richard Eden. 4" Richard Jugge. London, 1561. DALLINGTON (Sir Robert). See VIEW OF FRANCE. DALLINGTON (Sir Robert). A method for travell. Shewed by taking the view of France : as it stoode in the yeare of our Lord 1598, 4° Thomas Crecde. London [1600.] DANGIiR (the) wherein the kingdome now standeth, and the remedie [by Sir Robert Bruce Cotton]. 4" {London,'] 1628, DANIELL (Samuel). Certaine small workes heretofore divulged. 12" L L.for S. Waterson. London, 16 11. DARES PHRYGIUS and DICTYS CRETENSIS. The aunciente historic and onely trewe and syncere cronicle of the warres betwixt the Grecians and the Tro3^ans. [Compiled by Guido de Columna and translated by John Lidgate.] fol. Thomas Marshe. London, 1555. 26 DAUNGEROUS— DEFENCE. DAUNGEROUS POSITIONS AND PROCEEDINGS. See BANCROFT (Richard). DAUS (John). See BULLINGER. See SLEIDANUS. DAVIES (Sir John). See DISCOVERY OF THE TRUE CAUSES. DAVIES (Sir John). Nosce teipsum. This oracle expounded in two elegies. i Of humane knowledge. 2 Of the soule of man, and the immortahtie thereof. 4" R. Field for J. Standish. London, 1599. DAVIES (John). Sir Martin Mar-People, his coller of esses. Workmanly wrought by Maister Simon Sooth-saier, coldsmith of London. 4" Richard Jo7ics. London, 1590. DAVIES (John). Antiquae linguae Britannicae nunc communiter dictae Cambro-Britannicae a suis Cymraecae vel Cambricae ab aliis Wallicae rudimenta. 8" John Bill. London, 1621. DEATH-BED PRAYERS. fol. Single sheet. [Williajn Ca.xton. Westminster, 1483.] DE BENESE (Richard). The Boke of nieasurj-ng of Lande as well of Woodland as Plowland, and pasture in the feelde : and to compt the tnie nombre of Acres (in) the same. 8" Thomas Colwell. London [1570.] DECLARATIO causanmi quibus serenissimae majestatis Angliae classiarii adducti, in expeditione sua Lusitanensi. 4" Depnties of Christopher Barker. T^ondon, 1589. DECLARATION (a) made by the prince of Conde, for to shew and declare the causes that have constrained him to take upon him the defence of the Kinges authoritie of the governement of the Queene and of the quietnes of this Realme, with the protestation thereupon requisite. 8" R. Hall for E. Sutton. London, 1562. See also SECONDE DECLARATION. DECLARATION OF SUCH TRUE ARTICLES. See GARDINER (Stephen). DECLARATION OF THE STATE ... OF VIRGINIA. See WATERHOUSE (Edward). DECLINATOR (the) and protestation of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of Scotland ... against the pretended generall assembly holden at Glasgow, Nov. 21, 1638. 4" J. Raworth for G. Thofnason and O. Pullen. London, 1639. DEFENCE (the) of peace : lately translated out of laten in to englysshe. fol. R. Wycrfor W. Marshall. London, 1535. DEFENCE— DICTES. 27 DEFENCE (a) of priestes manages stablysshed by the imperiall lawes of the Realme of Englande, agaynst a Civihan, namyng himself Thomas Marthi, doctoiir of the Civile lawes, goyng about to disprove the said mariages [by Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, or John Poynet ?] 4" Richard Jugge. London, [1562.] DEFENCE OF TRADE. See DIGGES (Sir Dudley). DEGUILLEVILLE (Giullaume de). The Pilgrimage of the Soul. [This version is attributed to John Lidgate.] fol. William Caxton. Westminslcr, 1483. DEMONSTRATION (a) of the trueth of that Discipline which Christe hath prescribed in his worde for the govemement of his Church, in all times and places, untill the ende of the worlde. 8° [London, 1589.] DENT (Arthur). A plaine exposition of the articles of our faith, by short questions and answers for the understanding of the simple. 8" F. K. for C. Burbie and W. Young. London, 1606. DESCRIPTION of Britain. fol. William Caxton. Westminster, 1480. — Another edition. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 15 10. — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 15. DESGALLARDS (Nicolas). A true report of all the doynges at the assembly concerning matters of religion lately holden at Poyssy in Fraunce. 8° Luke Harryson. London [1562.] DESTRUCTION (the) and sacke cruelly committed by the Duke of Guyse and his company in the towne of Vassy the fyrste of Marche in the year 1562. 8" H. Sntton for E. Sutton. London [ii/iy7i de Worde. London, 1530. HOULDERUS (Petrus). See BARNEVELS APOLOGY. HOWES (Edmund). See STOW (John). HUMBLE (an ) remonstrance to the high court of Parhament, by a dutiful sonne of the Chiuche. [Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich.] 4" For Nathaniel Butter. London, 1640. HUMORS antique faces; drawne in proportion to his severall antique Jestures [The epilogue signed E. ]\L] 4° For Henry Rockett. London, 1605. HUMPHREY (Lawrence). Joannis Juelli .A.ngli Episcopi Sarisbmensis vita et mors, ejusque verae doctrinae defensio, cum refutatione quorundam objectorum Thomae Hardingi, Xicol Sanderi, Alani Copi, Hieronymi Osorii Lusitani, Pontaci, Burdegalensis. 4" John Day. London, 1573. HUOX OF BOURDEAUX. The ancient, honorable, famous, and delightfull historic of Huon of Bourdeaux, one of the peeres of Fraunce, and Duke of Guyenne. 4" Thomas Purfoot. London, 1601. HURT (the) of Sedition howe greveous it is to a commune welth [by Sir J. Cheke]. 8" John Dayc and W. Seres. London, 1549. HYLTOX (Walter). Scala perfectionis, the ladder of perfection. fol. [Wyn/iyn de Worde. Westminster] 1494. — Another edition. 4° Juliaii Notary. London, 1507. — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1531. L, (S. A.). See CARMINUM PROVERBIALIUM. IMITATIO CHRISTL A full deuoute and gostely treat3'se of ye Imytacion and folowynge ye blessyd lyfe of oirr most mercifuU sauiour crj-st [translated by W. Atkynson]. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. [London 15 16.] The forthe boke of ye folowynge Jesu Cryst, [translated out of French into English by Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby]. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1522.] IXFORMACIOX' (an) and peticion agaynst the oppressours of the pore commons of thys realme, compiled and imprinted for thys onely purpose, that amongeste them that have to do in the Parliament some godly mynded men, may ... speake more in the matter. 8" John Daye. London [1548.] INGULF— JEROME. 47 INGULF. Abbot of CROYi-ANn. See RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORES. INNOCENT VIII. Regulae, Ordinationes et constitutiones cancellarie sanctissimi doniini nostri doniini Innocentii VIII. 4" [^William dc Machlinia. London, 1485.] Bull concerning the marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. fol. [Williatn dc Machlinia. London, i486.] INSTITUTIONS or principal groundes of the lawes and statutes of Englande. 8" Will lain Middleton. London, 1547. INTRATIONUM liber. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 1510. ISOCRATES. Archidamus, or, the councell of warre ; translated by Thomas Barnes. 4" W. yones /or N. Bourne. London, 1624. JACOB (Henry). Reasons taken out of Gods Word, and the best humane testimonies proving a necessitie of reforming our Churches in England, etc. 4" [Middelburg] 1604. JAMES I. King of Great Britain. Works, edited by James Montague, bishop of Winchester. fol. R. Barker and J. Bill. London, 1616-20. Opera, Edita ab Jacobo Montacuto, Wintoniensi Episcopo et sacelli Regii Decano. fol. B. Norton and J. Bill. London, 1619. The Essayes of a prentise in the divine art of poesie. 4° Thomas Vautrollier. Edinburgh, 1584. The kings Majesties speech, as it was delivered by him in the upper house of the Parliament to the Lords spiritual! and temporal!, and to the knights, citizens and burgesses there assembled, on Munday the 19. day of March 1603. 4" Robert Barker. London, 1604. The Kings majesties speach to the Lords and Commons of this present Parliament at Whitehall, on Wednesday the 21st of March 1609. 4" Robert Barker. London [1609.] JAMES (Thomas). See WICLIF (John). JAMES (Thomas). The strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine Thomas James, in his intended discovery of the northwest passage into the South Sea ... With an appendix concerning longitude by ... H. Gellibrand ... and an advise concerning the philosophy of these late discoveryes by W[illiam]. W[atts]. 4" J. Legatt for J. Partridge. London, 16^3. JEROME. See RUFINUS (T.). 48 JEROME— JOYFULL. JEROME OF BRUNSWICK. See BRAUNSCHWEIG (Hieron\-mus). JEWEL (John) Bishop of Salisbury. For life see HUMPHREY (Lawrence). JEWEL (John). A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare, by perusing whereof the discrete and diligent reader may easily see the weake and unstable groundes of the Romaine Religion, whiche of late hath beine accompted Catholique. fol. Henry Wykcs. London, 1566. JOANNES METROPOLITANUS EUCHAITENSIS. Versus Jambici in principaliuni festoiiim pictas in tabulis historias atque alia varia compositi ; nunc primum in lucem editi cura Matthaei Busti Etonensis. 4" John /Yorton. Eton, 1610. JOHN, Chrysostom. A sermon of Saint Chr3'sostome, wherein beside that it is furnysshed with heuenly wisedome and teachinge, he wonderfully proveth, that No man is hurted but of hym selfe : translated into Englishe by the floure of lerned menne in his tyme, Thomas Lupsette Londoner. 8" Thomas Berthelet. London, 1542. Opera, [graece.] 8 vols. fol. John Norton. Eton, 1610-13. Green morocco with the arms and monogram of De Thou. JONES (Richard). A briefe and necessary catechisme, with a short instruction for all that do receive the holy communion. 8° William Stansby. London [1620.] JONSON (Benjamin). Workes. fol. William Stansby. London, 161 6. — Another edition. 2 vols. fol. Richard Bishop. London, 1640. His part of King James his Ro5'all and Magnificent Entertainement through his Honorable Cittie of London, Thursday the 15 of March, 1603. 4" V. S./or Edivard Blou7it. London, 1604. Hymenaei, or the Solemnities performed at Court to the celebrating of the Marriage-union betweene Robert, Earle of Essex and the Lady Frances, daughter to the Earle of Suffolk. 4" V. Sims for T. Thorp. London, 1606. JOSEPH'S Dreames. 8" {William Copland. London, i^bo.] Wanting the title-page. JOYE (George). The Exposition of Daniell the Prophete. 8" J. Day and W. Seres. London, 1550. JOYFULL NEWES OUT OF THE NEWFOUND WORLDE. See MONARDES. JUDGEMENT— LAMBARD. 49 JUDGEMENT (the) of the synode holden at Dort, concerning the five articles; as also their sentence touching Conradus Vorstius. 4" John Bill. London, 16 19. JUNIUS (Patrick). See CLEMENT T. JUSTA Edouardo King naufrago, ab Amicis moerentibiis amoris et fxvdac x"P"'- [Contains the first edition of Milton's Lycidas.] 4" T. Buck and R. Daniel. Cambridge, 1638. JUSTYCES OF PEAS. The boke of Justyces of Peas. 4° John Skot. London, 1521. KALENDER (the) of the Shepherdes. fol. [Anthoinc Verard.] P^m, 1503. KALEXDRE (the) of the newe legende of England. [An abridgement of Capgrave's Nova Legenda Anglie.] 4° Richard Fynson. London, 1506 [15 16.] KAY (John). See CAORSIN (Gulielmus). KING (Edward). See JUSTA EDOUARDO KING. KNEWSTUB (John). A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies taught by H. N. [i.e. Henry Nichols of Leyden] and embraced of a number who call themselves the Familie of Lone. 4" Thomas Dawson. London, 1579. KNOLLES (Richard). The generall historic of the Turkes from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman empire. fol. Adam Islip. T^ondon, 1638. KYFFIN (Maurice). Apologie on defense de I'honorable sentence et tres juste execution de defuncte Marie Steuard derniere Royne d'Ecosse. 8" [Londoii] 1588. L. (D.). See LUPTON (Donald). LADENSIUM amoKciTciKpiai?, the Canterburian's self-conviction : or, an evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, Poperie, and tyrannic of that faction, by their own confessions [by Robert Baillie]. 4" [Edinburgh] 1640. LAET (JASPAR). A prognostication for the year 1520. 4" Richard Pynson. London [1519.] LAMBARD (William). A perambulation of Kent, conteining the description, hystorie and customes of that Shyre. 4° H. Middletonfor R. Newbcric. London, 1576. — Another edition. 4° Edmund Bollifani. London, 1596, H 50 LAMBERT— LATIMER. LAMBERT (Fraunces). The minde and judgement of maister Fraunces Lambert of Avenna of the wyll of man, declarynge and provynge howe and after what sorte it is captyve and bonde, and not free. 8" J. Day and W. Seres. Loudon [1549.] LAMENTABLE (a) complaint of the Commonalty, b}' way of supplication to the high court of Parliament, for a learned Ministery. 8" [Loiido)i] 1585. LAMENTABLE (a) discourse upon the paricide and bloudy assassination com- mitted on the person of Henry IV (of famous memorie) King of France and Navarre. 4" For E. Blount and W. Barret. London, 1610. LANDRY (De la Tour). The book which the knight of the Tower made to the enseygnement and teaching of his daughters. [Translated into English by William Caxton.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster, 1484. LANGLAND (Robert). The Vision of Pierce Plowman. 4" Robert Crowley. London, 1550. Printed upon vellum. The vision of Pierce Plowman, now the seconde time imprinted. 4° Robert Crowley. London, 1550. The vision of Pierce Plowman : whereunto is also annexed the crede of Pierce Plowman never imprinted with the booke before. 4" Oivcn Rogers. London, 1561. LANGLEY (Thomas). An abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergile conteign}mg the devisers and first finders out as well of Artes, Ministeries, Feactes & civil! ordinaunces, as of Rites and ceremonies commonly used in the churche. 8" Richard Grafton. London, 1546. LANGUET (Hubert). See BRUTUS (Stephanus Junius). LANQUET (Thomas). See COOPER (T.). LARGE (a) Declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland from their first originalls. [Compiled by Walter Bancanquall.] fol. Robert Young. London, 16^9. LATHBURY (John). Expositio ac moralisatio super trenis Jheremiae prophetae. fol. \Rood and Hunt. Oxford'] 1482. LATIMER (Hugh). Sermons, faithfully gathered to the profite of the Christian reader by Augustine Bernher hys servaunt not heretofore published in printe. 4" Jolui Day. London, 1578. Fruitfull sermons preached by the right reverend Father and constant Martyr of Jesus Christ M. Hugh Latimer. 4" For the Company of Stationers. London, 1 607, LATTEBURY— LIBER. 51 LATTEBURY (John). See LATHRURY (John). LAUD (William) Archbishop of Canterbury. A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, on Wednesday the XlV't^ of June, MDCXXXVn, at the censure of John Bastwick, Hemy Burton & WilHam Prinn. Concerning pretended innovations in the Church. 4" Richard Badger. London, 1637. LAWNE (Christopher). The prophane schisme of the Brownists or separatists. Discoursed by C. Lawne, J. Fowler, C. Sanders, R. Bulward. 4" 1612. LAWSON (William). A new orchard and garden : or the best way for planting, grafting, etc. 4" N. Okes for J. Harrison. London, 1631. LEFEVRE (Raoul). The Recuyell of the histories of Troye. [Translated by W. Caxton.] fol. \_W. Caxton and Colard Mansion. Bruges, 1475.] The history of Jason. [Translated from the French by William Caxton.] fol. \_William Caxton. Westminster, 1477.] LEGENDE OF ENGLAND. See KALENDRE OF THE NEWE LEGENDE. LEIGH (Gerard). The Accedence of Armorie. 4" Henry Ballard. London, 1597. LENTULUS (SciPio). An Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane : and turned in Englishe: by H.[enry] G.[rantham]. 8" Thomas Vautrollier. London, 1575. LEO X. Bull ; begins " Our holy father pope Leo X of that name unto all cristen people that these present letters shall see." [The purpose of the bull is to help John Sargy to obtain money to ransom two companions from the Turks.] broadside. [Richard Fynson. London, 15 18.] LEONICENUS (Nicolaus). See GALENUS (Claudius). LEVER (Thomas). A fruitfull sermon made in Ponies churche at London in the shroudes the second daye of February by Thomas Lever : Anno M.D. & fiftie. 8° J. Day and W. Seres. London, 1550. A sermon preached at Pauls crosse, the xiiii day of December. Anno M.D.L. 8" John Day. London [1551.] LHUYD (H.). See LLWYD (H.). LIBER assisarum et placitorum corone. fol. John RastelL London [1520.] h 2 52 LIBER— LITTLETON. LIBER disciplinae ecclesiae Anglicanae. Anno 1571. [A portion only of the Articuli published b}- Day.] 4° \_John Day. London, 1571.] LIDGATE (John). See BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). See CHAUCER (Geoffrey). See DARES, Phrygius. See DEGUILLEVILLE (G. De). LIDGATE (John). Curia sapientiae or the Court of Sapience. fol. [Wi/liam Caxton. Westminster, 1480.] The life of Our Lad)'. fol. Wii/ia?n Ca.vlon. [Westminster, 1484.] LILLY (John). See CURRY-KNAVE (Cutbert). Pseud. See PAPPE WITH AN HATCHET. See WHIP FOR AN APE. LILY (William). Animadversions upon Lillies grammar, or Lilly scanned. 8" W. Stansby for R. Hawkins. London, 1625. LIN ACRE (Thomas). See GALENUS (Claudius). LINACRE (Thomas). De emendata structura Latini sermonis libri vi. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1524. Rudimenta Grammatices Thomse Linacri diligenter castigata denuo. 4" Richard Pynson. London, [1525.] LINDSAY (Sir David). The four books of the monarchie. 4" Thomas Pur foot. London [1580.] LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huygen van). Discours of Voyages into y" Easte & West Indies. fol. John Wolfe. London, 1598. LITHGOW (William). The totall discourse of the rare adventures and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares trava)'les from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 4" XicJiolas Okcs. London, 1632. LITILTON (Sir Thomas). See LITTLETON (Sir Thomas). LITTLETON (Sir Thomas). Tenores novelli. fol. f. Lctlon and W. de Machlifiia. London [1483.] — Another edition. fol. Wilhelvius de Machlinia. London [1484.] LITTLETON— LORD. 53 LITTLETON (Sir Thomas). Tenures. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 15 16. — Another edition. 16° Richard Pytison. London, 1528. Les tenures. fol. Robert Redman. London [1530.] The olde Tenures. 8° Robert Redman. London, 1532. Tenures in Englishe. 8° London [1560.] — Another edition. 8° Richard Toilcll. London, 1567. — Another edition. 8" Richard Totiell. London, 1577. — Another edition. 8° For the Company of Stationers. I^ondon, 16 12. LIVIUS (Titus). Romanae historiae h'bri omnes, quotquot ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt. 8" Edmund Bollifant. London, 1589. Red morocco, with the arms and cypher of De Thou. The historie of two the moste noble capitaines of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio ... translated into English by Anthony Cope esquire. 4" Thomas Bcrthclet. London, 1544. LLOYD (Lodowick). The Choyce of Jewels. 4° Thomas Pitrfoot. London, 1607. LLWYD (Humphrey). The Breviary of Britayne ... contaynyng a learned discourse of the variable state and alteration thereof, ... together with a geographicall description of the same. Lately Enghshed by Thomas Twyne. 8" Richard Johnes. London, 1573. The historie of Cambria now called Wales : translated into English by H. Lhoyd, and continued by David Powel. 4° R. Nciobcrie and H. DcnJiam. London, 1584. LOPES (Odoardo). A report of the kingdome of Congo, a Region of Africa. Drawen out of the writinges and discourses of Odoardo Lopez a Portingall, by Philippe Pigafetta ; translated out of Italian by Abraham Hartwell. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1597. LORD Bishops none of the Lords Bishops. Or, a short discourse, wherein is proved that prelaticall jurisdiction, is not of divine institution, but forbidden by Christ himselfe, etc. [by W. Prj'nne]. 2 pts. 4" [Edinburgh] 1640. LORD (Henry). A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies : viz. the sect of the Banians the ancient natives of India, and the sect of the Persees the ancient inhabitants of Persia, together with the religion and maners of each sect. Collected into two bookes. 4" T. and R. Cotes for F. Constable. London, 1630. 54 LUCIAN— LYTELL. LUCIAN. Certaine select dialogues of Lucian, together with his trae historic, translated from the Greeke into English ; by Francis Hickes. 4" Williaui TiLrncr. Oxford, 1634. LUCTUS POSTHUMUS. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. LUGO (Peregrinus de). Principia seu introductiones in via doctoris subtillis: adipisci ejusdem doctoris doctrinam cupientibus. 4" Richard Pynson. London [1507.] LUIS DE GRANADA. The sinners guyde. A worke contayning the whole regiment of a Christian life. Compiled in the Spanish tongue by F. Lewes of Granada. Translated into English by Francis Meres. 4" J. Roberts for P. Linley and J. Flasket. London, 1598. LUPSET (Thomas). See JOHN, Chrysostom. LUPSET (Thomas). Workes. 8" Thomas Berthelet. London, 1546. A compendious and a ver\' fruteful treatyse teachynge the waye of Dyenge well. 8" Thomas Berthelet. London, 1541. LUPTON (Donald). Emblems of Rarieties, or choyce observations out of worthy histories. 12" A^icholas Okcs. London, 1636. The history of the Moderne Protestant Di\ines, translated out of Latine by D[avid] L[upton]. 8" N. and f. Okcs. London, 1637. The Glorj' of their times, or the lives of ye primitive Fathers, contayning their chiefest actions, workes sentences and deaths. 4" Jolin Okcs. London, 1640. LYDGATE (John). See LIDGATE. LYLLY (John). See LILLY (John). LYNDEWODE (William). Constitutiones provinciales. fol. \T. Rood and T. Hunte. Oxford, 1483.] — Another edition. 8° Wyyikyn de Worde. Westmi?ister, 1496. — Another edition. 8" Richard Pynson. London [1499.] ah wanting before Signature L — Another edition. 8° Richard Pynson. London [1499.] — Another edition. 8" Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster, 1499. LYTELL (a) necessarye treatyse the whiche speketh of the estate of the Comonalte and of the people and how they ought to gouerne them in good maners. 8" Robert Wyer. LondoJi [1540.] LYTTLETON— MARKHAM. 55 LYTTLETON (Sir Thomas). See LITTLETON (Sir Thomas). M. (A.). See MUNDAY (Anthony). M. (E.). See HUMORS ANTIQUE FACES. M. (E.). A true discourse historicall of the succeeding govemours in the Netherlands, and the civill waiTes there begun in the yeere 1565. Translated and collected by T. C[hurchyard] Esquire and Ric. R[obinson]. 4" For Matthciv Lownes, London, 1602. M. (M. T.). The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore. Written by M. T. M. [The initials stand for Magister Thomas Moore, but the book was really written by Cresacre Moore.] 4° \_Paris, 1626. J M. (T.). A Discourse of trade, from England unto the East Indies : answering to diverse objections which are usually made against the same [by Thomas Mun.] The second impression corrected and amended. 4" N. Okes for J. Pyper. London, 1621. MAGNA Carta. long 12" Richard Pynson. London, 15 14. MALORY (Sir Thomas). Le Morte d' Arthur. fol. William Caxton. WesUninster, 1485. — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster, 1498. MANCHESTER al mondo : contemplatio mortis at immortalitatis. The third impression, much enlarged [by Henry Montagu, Earl of Manchester]. 12" JoliH Haviland. London, 1636. MANUALE ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis. 4" Robert Valentin. Rouen, 1554. MANUTIUS (Aldus). Phrases linguae latinae in ordinem Abecedarium adductae et in Anglicum sermonem conversae. 8" Thomas Vantrollicr. London, 1579. MARBECK (John). See CONCORDANCE. MARCUS AURELIUS. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour. 8" Thomas Berthelet. London [1534.] MARGARET, Countess ok Richmond and Derby. See IMITATIO CHRISTI. MARKHAM (Gervase). Cavalarice, or the English horseman, contayning all the art of horsemanship. 4" E. Allde for E. White. London, iGij. 56 MARKHAM— MASCALL. MARKHAM (Gervase). The English husbandman, drawne into two bookes, and each booke into two parts. 4" For Henry Taunton. London, 1635. The pleasures of princes or good mens recreations, containing a discourse of the generall art of Fishing, with the angle or otherwise. 4" J. Norton for H. Taiinlon, London, 16^5. MARLOW (Christopher). Hero and Leander. 4° G. P. for E. Blount. London, 1617. MAR-MARTINE. I know not wh}' a trueth in rime set out Maie not as wel mar Martine and his mates, As shamelesse lies in prose-books cast about Marpriests, & prelates, and subvert whole states. For where truth builds, and lying overthroes, One truth in rime, is worth ten lies in prose. [By T. Nash.] 4" [Londoti, 1589.] MARNIX VAN SANT ALDEGONDE (Philip van). See RABBOTENU (Isaac). MAR-PHOREUS. pseud. Martins months minde, that is, a certaine report, and true description of the death, and funeralls, of olde Martin JNIarreprelate, the great makebate of England, and fother of the factious [by Thomas Nash], 4" [_London'\ 1589. MARRE Mar-Martin : or Marre-Martins medling, in a manner misliked. 4" [London, 1589.] MARTIALIS (Marcus Valerius). Epigrammaton libri ; emendati opera et studio Thomae Famabii. 8" R. Junius \_i.e. Young'] for P. StepJicns a)ui C. Meredith. London, 1633. Printed on vellum. MARTIN (Thomas). See DEFENCE OF PRIESTES MARRIAGES. MARTIN (Thomas). A Traictise declarjmg and plainly pro%yng, that the pretended marriage of Priestes, and professed persones, is no manage, but altogether unlawful, and in all ages, and al countreies of Christendome, bothe forbidden, and also punyshed, etc. 4" Robert Caly. London, 1554. MARTINS MONTHS MINDE. See MAR-PHOREUS. pseud. MARY STUART, Queen ok Scotland. For life see STRANGVAGE (William). MASCALL (Leonard). A booke of the art and maner, howe to plante and grafte all sortes of trees, how to set stones, and sowe pepynes to make wylde trees to graffe on, etc. 4" H. Bynnemanfor J. Wight. London [1600.] MASCALL— MILTON. 57 MASCALL (Leonard). A booke of fishing with hooke and hne, and all other instruments thereunto belonging. A booke of engines and traps. 4" J. Wolfe for E. White. London, 1600. — Another copy. Wanting ihe Booke of engines and traps. MASKE PRESENTED AT LUDLOW CASTLE, 1634. See MILTON (John). MATTHAEUS, Westmonasteriensis. Elegans, illustris et facilis rerum, praesertim Britannicarum et aliarum obiter, notatu dignarum mundi exordio ad A.D, 1307 narratio. fol. S^London'\ 1567. Flores historiarum, praecipiie de rebus Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad A.D. 1307. fol. Thomas Marshe. London, 1570. — Another edition. fol. Thomas Marshe. London, 1570. MAUNSELL (Andrew). The first (and second) part of the catalogue of English printed bookes. fol. J. Windclfor A. Mannscll. London, 1595. MAY (Edward). A most certaine and true relation of a strange monster or serpent found in the left ventricle of the heart of John Pennant. 4" George Miller. London, 1639. MAYDESTON (Clement). Directorium Sacerdotum. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1498. MAYER (John). A commentarie upon the four evangelists and the acts of the apostles, etc. 2 vols. fol. T. Cotes for J. Bellamie. 1627-31. MEDULLA GRAMMATICE. See PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. MEMORARE NOVISSIMA. 4° Wynkyn de Wordc. Westminster [1496.] MERES (Francis). See LUIS DE GRANADA. MILLES (Thomas). See GLOVER (Robert). MILLES (Thomas). The Catalogue of Honour or tresury of true nobility, peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britain. Translated out of the Latin [of R. Glover]. fol. William Jaggard. London, 16 10. Calf, with the arms of Paul Petau. MILTON (John). A sixe-folde Politician. Together with a Sixe-folde Precept of Policj'. 8" E. A. for John Busby. London, 1609. 58 MILTON— MITTIMUS. MILTON (John). For LYCIDAS, See JUSTA EDOUARDO KING. MILTOX (John). A niaske presented at Ludlow Castle 1634. [Comus.] 4" For Humphrey Robinson. London, 1637. MINSK EU (John). The Guide into the tongues. In these nine languages \\z. English, Low Dutch, High Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Latine, Greeke, Hebrew. Second edition. MIRK (John). Liber festivalis. — Another edition. — Another edition. — Another edition. — Another edition. MIRROR of the worlde. — Another edition. — Another edition. MIRROR. The Myrroure of Our Lady. fol. John Haviland. London, 1627. fol. William Caxlon. Westminster, 1483. fol. [Thomas Hnntc. Oxford'] i486. fol. William Caxlon. Westminster [1490.] 4° Wy7ihyn de Worde Westminster, 1496. 4° Wyjikyn de Worde. Westminster, 1499. fol. William Caxlon. Westminster [1480.] fol. William Caxlon. Westminster [1489.] fol. Lawrence Andrewe. London [1528.] fol. Richard Fakes. London, 1530. MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES. A Mirour for magistrates : being a true chronicle historic of the untimely falles of such unfortunate princes and men of note as have happened since the first entrance of Bnite into this Hand, untill this our latter Age. 4" Felix Kingston. London, 16 10. 4" F. Kingston for T. Adams. London, 1620. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 1500. fol. Richard Pynson. London, 1504. — Another edition. MISSALE. Missale ad usum Sarum. Printed on vellum. — Another edition. Printed on vellum. Missale parvum pro sacerdotibus in Anglia, Scotia et Ibemia itinerantibus. 4° Antwerp, 1626. MITTDIUS (a) to the Jubile at Rome : or, the rates of the Popes Custome- House . . . published out of the old Latine copie, Avith obser\'ations upon the Romish text. [By W. Crashaw]. 2 parts. 4° George Pur slow. London, 1625. MODUS— MORE. 59 MODUS tenendi curiam baronis. &" Robert Redman, London, 1533. MODUS tenendi curiam baronis cum visu franam plegii. 4" Henry Pep-well. London [1521.] MODUS tenendi unum Hundredum sive curiam de Recordo. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1520.] MOLINEUS (Petrus). See DU MOULIN (Pierre). MONARDES (Nicolas). Joyfull newes out of the newfound world, wherein are declared the rare and singular vertues of divers ... herbs, trees ... Also the portraiture of the sayde hearbes, ... Englished by John Frampton. Newly corrected ... Whereunto are added three other bookes, etc. 4" William Norton. London, 1580. — Another edition. 4° Edward Allde. London, 1596. MONIPENNY (John). See CERTAYNE MATTERS. MONIPENNY (John). The abridgement or summarie of the Scots Chronicles. 4" John Budge. London, 16 12. MONTAGU (Henry), Earl of Manchester. See MANCHESTER AL MONDO. MONTANUS (Reginaldus Gonsalvius). See GONSALVIUS MONTANUS (R.). MOORE (ROBERTUS). Diarium historicopoeticum : in quo praeter constellationum utriusque hemisphaerii, ortus et occasus, declarantur dies insigniores, etc. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1595. MORE excellent observations of the estate and affaires of Holland. In a discourse, shewing how necessarie and convenient it is for their neighbouring countries ... to trade into the West Indies . . . Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copie. 4" E. A. for N. Bourne and T. Archer. London, 1622. MORE (Cresacre). See M. (M. T.). MORE (Sir Thomas). For life see M. (M. T.). MORE (Sir Thomas). Workes. 2 vols. fol. Richard Tottel. London, 1557. A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte : one of the counsayll of our souerayne lorde the k5'ng ... Wheryn be treatyd dyuers maters, as of the veneracyon and worshyp of ymages and relyques prayng to sayntis and goynge on pylgrymage. fol. [William Rastell.] London, 1530. The Apology of Sir T, More. 8" William Rastell. London, 1533. I 2 6o MORE— MYCHELL. MORE (Sir Thomas). A frutefiil and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Utopia. 8" Abraham Vele. London, 1551. — Another edition. 12° B. Ahop and T. Faiacel. London, 1639. MORS (Roderick). The Compla5'nt of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a grayfryre, mito the par- liament howse of Ingland his natural cuntrj-. For the redresse of certen wicked lawes ; euel customs a(n)d cruel decreys. [By H. Brinklow.] 8" F. dc Turona. Savoy [1540.] — Another edition. 8° Myghell Boys. Geneva [1550.] MORTON (Thomas). New English Canaan or, new Canaan. Containing an abstract of New England. Composed in three bookes. 4° Jacob Frederickszoon Stain. A?nsterdam, 1637. MORYSINE (Richard). A comfortable consolation wherein the people may se howe far greatter cause they have to be glad for the joyful byrth of prince Edwarde, than sory for the deth of the most noble vertuouse and excellent queue Jane. 8" T/io/nas Bcrthckt. London, 1537. MORYSON (Fynes). An itinerary containing his ten 3'eeres travell through the twelve dominions of Gennany Bohmerland Sweitzerland NetherlandDenmarke Poland Italy Turkey France England Scotland and Ireland. fol. John Beale. London, 1617. MOUNTAGU (Richard). Diatribae. Upon the first part of the late history of tithes. 4" Felix Kyngston. London, 1621. MUN (Thomas). See M. (T.). MUNDAY (Anthony). A discoverie of Edmund Campion and his confederates their most horrible and traiterous practises, against her ]\Iajesties most rovall person and the Realme. By A. M. 8" For Edivard White. London, 1582. A briefe chronicle, of the successe of Times, from the creation of the world to this instant. 8" William Jaggard. London, 1611. MUSARUM OXONIENSIUM SOTERIA. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. MYCHELL (John). A breviat Cronicle contaynynge all the Kinges from brute to this daye, and manye notable actes gathered oute of diuers Cronicles from Willyam Conquerour luito the yere of Christ a.M.v.c.lii. 8" John Mychell. Canterbury [1552.] N.— NICHOLES. 6i N. (M.). See CAMDEN (W.). NAPIER (John). Logaritlmiorum canonis descriptio. 4° Andrew Hart. Edinburgh, 16 14. NASH (Thomas). See CURRY-KNAVE (Cutbert). See MAR-MARTINE. See MARPHOREUS. See PAPPE WITH AN HATCHET. See PASQUILL, of England. See PLAINE PERCEVALL. See RETURNE OF THE RENOWNED. See WHIP FOR AN APE. NATURA BREVIUM. 16" Robert Redman. London, 1529. NENNA (Giovanni Battista). Nennio, or a treatise of Nobility : wherein is discoursed what true nobilitie is with such quahties as are required in a perfect gentleman : done into English by William Jones. 4" P. S.for P. Linley and J. Flasket. London, 1595. NEW (a) Postil conteinyng most Godly and learned sennons upon all the Sonday Gospelles that be redde in the Church thorowout the yeare. 4" Thomas Marshe. London, 1566. NEW (the) Starr of the north shining upon the victorious king of Sweden. 4" A. Matthcwcs for R. Milbournc. London, 1632. NEWES out of Holland: concerning Barnevelt and his fellow-prisoners their conspiracy against their native country, and the enemies thereof . . . Where- unto is adjoyned a discourse, wherein the Duke d'Espemons revolt and pernicious designes are truly displayed, etc. 4" T. S.for N. Newbery. London, 1619. NICANOR (Lysimachus) S. J. pseud. {i.c. JOHN CORBET]. The epistle congratulatorie ... to the Covenanters in Scotland. Wherein is paralled our sweet harmony and correspondency in divers materiall points of doctrine and practice. 4" \^Oxford'] 1640. NICHOLES (M.). A Catechisme, composed according to the order of the Catechisme in the Common Prayer Booke. 8° R.Y. for Anne Boler. London, 1636. 62 NOBILITAS— ORTUS. NOBILITAS POLITICA VEL CIVILIS. See GLO\'ER (Robert). NORTON (Thomas). See TO THE OUEENES MAJESTIES POORE. See WARNING AGAYNST THE DANGEROUS PRACTISES. NOVA STATUTA. See STATUTES. O. (L.). Speculum Jesuiticum. Or, the Jesuites looking-glasse. Wherein they may behold Ignatius (their patron) his progresse, their owne pilgrimage, etc. [by Lewis Owen.] 4" T. C./or M. Sparkc. London, 1629. OBSERVATIONS upon the prince of Orange and the States of Holland. 4" {^London, 16 10.] OCLAND (Christopher). Anglorum praelia ab A.D. 1327 anno nimirum primo inclytissimi principis Eduardi ejus nominis tertii usque ad A. D. 1558. 8" Henry Bynncfuan. London, 1582. OFFICE (the) of Shyryffes, Baylyffes of lybertyes, Escheatours Constables and Coroners. 8" William Powell. London, 1549. OLDENBARNEVELD (Joan van). See ARRAIGNEMENT. See BARNEVELS APOLOGY. See BARNEVELT DISPLAYED. See NEWES OUT OF HOLLAND. OPENSHAW (Robert). See SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWEARES. ORDERS thought meet by his majestie and his Privy Councell, to bee executed tlnroughout the counties of this realm, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may bee hereafter, infected with the plague. 4" B. Norton and J. Bill. London, 1625. ORDINARY (the) of crysten men. 4" Wynkyn de Wordc. London, 1502. — Another edition. 4" Wyn/iy^t de Worde. London, 1506. ORDO baptizandi aliaque sacramenta ministrandi et ofificia quaedam ecclesiastica rite peragendi. 4" [Antwerp'] 1626. ORIGEN. Omelia origenis de beata maria magdalena. 8" [William Faques.] London [1505.] ORTUS VOCABULORUM. Ortus Vocabulorum Alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in Catholicon Bre\'iloquis Cornucopia Gemma vocabulorum atque ^Medulla grammatice ponuntur. 4" J. Caillard, Rouen, for J. Gachct, Hereford, 1517. In the original stamped binding. — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 18. OVERBURY—OXFORD. 63 OVERBURY (Sir Thomas). Sir T. Overbury his observations in his travailes upon the state of the XVII provinces as they stood anno dom. 1609. The treatie of peace being then on foote. 4° [London] 1626. OVIDIUS NASO (PuBLius). Ovid his invective against Ibis, translated into English Meeter, whereunto is added by the Translator, a short draught of all the stories and tales contayned therein, very pleasant to be read [by Thomas Underdown]. 8" T. East and H. Middleton. London, 1569. The Three first Bookes of Quids de Tristibus translated into English [by Thomas Churchyarde]. 4" Thomas Marsh. London, 1578. Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished. [By G. Sandys.] fol. John Lichfield. Oxford, 1632. Calf, with tlie arms of the first Lord Althorp. OWEN (John). Epigrammatum libri tres. 12" Nicolas Okes. London, 1612. OWEN (Lewis). See O. (L.). OWEN (Lewis). The running register : recording a true relation of the state of all the English colledges, seminaries, and cloysters, in all forraine parts. Together with a brief ... discourse of the lives ... and deceits of all our English monks, etc. 4" For Robert Miibonrnc. London, 1626. OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. Academiaj Oxoniensis Pietas erga ... Jacobum Anglia3, Scotia), Francise, et Hibemia; Regem, ... Elisabetha; nuper ReginaB legitime ... succedentem. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1603. Luctus posthumus ; sive erga defunctum ... Henricum WaUia3 principum, Collegii Beat;c Maria3 Magdalena3 apud Oxonienses Mecasnatem longe indulgentissimum, Magdalenensium officiosa Pietas. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1612. Epithalamia : sive, lusus Palatini in nuptias ... Frederici comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, etc. et ... Elisabethfc, Jacobi ... Britanniai Regis filia; primogenitse. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1613. Carolus Redux. 4" J. Lichfield and J. Short. Oxford, 1623. Oxoniensis Academia^ Parentaha, Sacratissimse memoriae ... Jacobi ... Regis ... dicata. 4" J. Lichfield and W. Turner. Oxford, 1625. Epithalamia Oxoniensia in auspicatissimum ... Caroli Magn;e Britanniri; ... Regis ... cum Henretta Maria ... Henrici Magni Gallorum Regis filia, connubium. 4" J. Lichfield and W. Turner. Oxford, 1625. 64 OXFORD— PARIS. OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OR Musarum Oxoniensium pro Rege suo Soteria. 4° J. L. W. T. Oxford, 1633. Vitis Carolina^ Gemma altera : sive auspicatissima Ducis Eboracensis Genethliaca, decantata ad Vada Isidis. 4° J. Lichfield ajid W. Turner. Oxford, 1633. Solis Britannici Periga^um. Sive itinerantis Caroli auspicatissima periodus. 4° J. Lichfield and W. Turner. Oxford, 1633. Coronas Carolinae quadratura. Sive perpetuandi Imperii Carolini ex quarto pignore feliciter suscepto captatum augurium. 4° Leonard Lichfield. O.xford, 1636. PACATA HIBERNIA. See STAFFORD (Thomas). PACE (Richard). See FISHER (John). PAGE (Samuel). The Allegeance of the cleargie. A sermon preached, at the meeting of the whole clergie of the dyocesse of Rochester, to take the oath of allegeance to his most excellent majestie, at Greenewich, Novem. 2. 16 10. 4° Nicholas Okes. London, 161 6. PAGITT (Ephraim). A relation of the Christians in the world. 4" John Okes. London, 1639. PAINTER (William). The Pallace of Pleasure beautified, adorned, and wel furnished with pleasaunt histories and excellent Novelles. 2 vols. 4" T. Marshc and H. Bynneman. London, 1569-7. PALMER (Thomas). An essay of the Meanes how to make our Travailes, into forraine Countries, the more profitable and honourable. 4° //. L.for M. Lowncs. London, 1606. PALSGRAVE (John). L'esclarcissement de la langue Francoyse. fol. John Haivkyns. London, 1530. PANEDOiNIUS (P.). See BRATHWAIT (R.). PAPPE with an hatchet. Alias, a figge for my God sonne. Or, cracke me this nut. Or, a countrie cuffe, that is a sound boxe of the eare, for the idiot Martin to hold his peace, seeing the patch will take no warning [by J. Lilly or T.Nash]. 4" [London, 1589.] PARIS (Matthev^). Historia major, cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri, authorisque majori minorique historiis chronicisque M.SS. lideiiter collata : editore Willielmo Wats. 2 vols. fol. London, 1639-40. PARIS— PASQUIL. 65 PARIS AND VIENNA. Vienna, wlierin is storied ye valorous atchieuements, famous triumphs, constant loue, great miseries and finall happines of the well desen'ing, truly noble and most \'aliant k' S''- Paris of Vienna and ye most admired amiable Princess the faire Vienna. 4" For Richard Hawkins. London [1625.] PARKER (Henry). The dialogue of Dives and Pauper. fol. Richard Pyiiso7i. London, 1493. — Another edition. fol. Wy7ikyn de Worde. Westminster, 1496. PARKER (Henry). See CASE OF SHIPMONY. PARKER (Matthew). See DEFENCE OF PRIESTES MARIAGES. PARKER (Matthew) : Archbishop of Canterbury. A testimonie of antiquitie, shewing the auncient faj^th in the Church of England touching the sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lord hei^e publikely preached, and also receaved in the Saxons t^'me above 600 yeares agoe. [Saxon and English.] 8" John Day. London [1567.] De antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae et privilegiis Ecclesiae Cantuariensis, cum archiepiscopis ejusdem. fol. Johii Day. London, 1572. PARKINSON (John). Theatrum botanicum : the theatre of plants or an herball of a large extent. fol. Thomas Cotes. London, 1640. PARRE (Richard). The end of the perfect man, a sermon preached at the buriall of the right Honourable Sir Robert Spencer Knight Baron Spencer of Wormeleighton, Nov. 6, 1627. 4° William Turner. Oxford, 1628. PARSONS (Robert). See DOLEMAN (R.). PARVULA. 4" Nicolas Marcant. [1500.] PASQUIL. pseud. The first parte of Pasquils Apologie. Wherein he renders a reason to his friendes of his long silence : and gallops the fielde with the Treatise of Reformation lately written by a fugitive, John Penrie [by T. Nash] . 4" \Jamcs Roberts. London'] 1590. PASQUILL, of England : pseud. A countercuffe given to Martin Junior : by the venturous, hardie, and renowned Pasquill of Englande, Cavaliero [by Thomas Nash]. 4° \_London] 1589. 66 PATTEN— PHILIPOT. PATTEN (William). The calendar of Scripture : whearin the Hebru, Challdian, Arabian, Phenician, Syrian, Persian, Greek and Latin names of nations, cuntre3's, inen, weemen, idols, cities, hils, rivers, and of other places in the holly bible mentioned, by order of letters as set and turned into oour English toong. 4" Richard Juggc. London, 1575. PATTEN (William). The expedicion into Scotlande of the most woorthely fortunate pnnce Edward, Duke of Soomerset, uncle unto our most noble souereign lord y*= kinges Majestic Edward the VI. Goovemour of h3'S hyghnes persone, and Protectour of hys gi'aces Realmes, dominions and subjects : made in the first yere of his Majesties most prosperous reign. 8" Richard Grafton. London, 1^48. PAUL (Sir George). The life of the most reverend and religious prelate John Whitgift, Lord Archbishop of Canterbur3\ 4" Thomas Snodhani. London, 1612. PEEND (Thomas). The pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis, with a morall in English verse. 8" Thomas Colwell. London, 1565. PENRY (John). A defence of that which hath bin written in the questions of the ignorant ministerie, and the communicating with them. 8" \_London, 1589.] The Appellation of John Penri unto the Highe court of Parliament, from the bad and injurious dealing of the Archb : of Canterbury and other his colleagues of the high commission. 8" [^Londori'] 1589. PERKINS (William). The Foundation of Christian religion gathered into sixe principles. 8" John Lcgail. London, 1638. PETERSON (Robert). See BOTERO (Giovanni). PETIT (Jean Francois). See GRIMESTON (E.). PHAER (Thomas). See VIRGILIUS MARO (PiinLHis). PHALARIS. Epistolae ; in Latinum versae per Franciscum Aretinum. 4" T. Rood and T. Hiinte. Oxford, 1485. PHILIPPUS (Bartholomaeus). See FELIPPE (Bartolome). PHILIPOT (John). The Cities Advocate in this case or question of Honor and Amies ; Whether Apprentiship extinguisheth Gentry ? 4" For William Lee. London [1628.] PHILLIP— PLUTARCH. 67 PHILLIP (William). The true and perfect description of three voyages perfonned by the ships of Holland and Zeland towards the kingdomes of Cathaia & China. [By G. de Veer, translated by W. Phillip.] 4" For Thomas Pavicr. London, i6og. PHILPOT (John). Jesus is God with us. An apologie written for spitting upon an Arrian, with an invective against the Arrians, etc. 16" [London, 1559.] PIERS THE PLOUGHMAN. See LANGLAND (Robert). PIGAFETTA (Philu^po). For REPORT OF THE KINGDOME OF CONGO. See LOPES (Odoardo). PILKINGTON (Gilbert). The turnament of Tottenham. Or, the wooing, winning, and wedding, of Tibbe, the reev's daughter there. Taken out of an ancient manuscript, and published ... by Wilhelm Bedwell [also "A briefe description of ... Tottenham high-crosse, etc.," by W. Bedwell]. 4" John NorLon. London, 1631. PILKINGTON (James). See BURNYNGE OF PAULES CHURCH. PITS (John). A poore mannes benevolence to the afflicted church. 8° Alexander Lacy. London, 1566. PLAINE P1<)RCEVALL the peace-maker of England. Sweetly indevoring with his blunt persuasions to botch up a reconciliation between Mar-ton and Mar-tother [by T. Nash or R. Harvey ?]. 4" [London, 1590.] PLATTES (Gabriel). A discovery of subterraneall treasure, viz. of all manner of mines and mineralls from the gold to the coale with . . . directions ... for the finding . . . melting ... and assaying of them, etc. 4" J. Okcs for J. Emery. London, 1639. PLOWMAN (Pierce). See LANGLAND (Robert). PLUMPTRE (Huntingdon). Epigrammaton opusculum duobus libellis distinctum. 8" Thomas Harper. London, i62g, PLUTARCH. The philosophic, commonly called the Morals. Translated out of Greeke into English and confened with the Latine translations and the French by P.Holland. fol. Arnold Hatfield. London, 1603. K 2 68 POLE— PRAYER. POLE (Reginald) : Cardinal. The seditious and blasphemous oration of Cardinal Pole both against God and his countr}' which he directed to themperour in his booke intj-tuled the defence of ecclesiastical unitye, nlo^"ing the emperour therein to seke the destruction of England ... Translated into english by Fabyane Wythers. 8" Oivcn Rogers. London [1560.] POLYANDER (John). The refutation of an epistle written by a certain doctor of the Augustins order within the citie of Leige : together with the arguments, which he hath boiTowed from Robert Bellamine, to prove the invocation of saints . . . Translated b}- Henrj' Hexham, out of French. 4" F. K. for T. Man. London, 1610. POMANDER OF PRAYER. 8" Robert Redman. London, 1531. PONTICUS (LuDovicus). Britanniae historiae libri VI : Itinerarium Cambriae auctore Giraldo Cambrense : Cambriae descriptio auctore Giraldo Cambrense. Cum anno- bationibus Davidis Poueli. 8" Edmund Bollif ant. London, 1585. POSTILL (a) or collection of moste godly doctrine upon every gospell through the yeare. 4" Reginald Wolfe. London, 1550. POWEL (David). See PONTICUS (Ludovicus). POYNET (John). See DEFENCE OF PRIESTES MARIAGES. PRAYER. Book of Common Prayer. 4° John Oswen. Worcester, 1549. The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the Sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche : after the use of the Chirrche of England. fol. Edward Whitchurch. London \June'\ 1549. The booke of the common praier and administracion of the Sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche : after the use of the Churche of Englande. fol. Richard Grafton. London \^March'] 1549. The boke of common prayer and administration of the sacramentes. Edward Whitchurch. London, 1552. The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the Sacramentes. 4" Edzvard Whitchurch. London [1552.] The booke of common pra3-er. 4" R. Jugge and jf. Cawood. London, 1562. The booke of common prayer. fol. Robert Barker. London, 1604. The Booke of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or psalmes of David. fol. Robert Barker. London, 1607. — Another edition. fol. Robert Barker. London, 16 16. Richly gilt morocco with the aims of James I. PRAYER. 69 PRAYER. The Booke of Common Prayer. 4" B. Norton and J. Bill. London, 16 19. In an English emljroidered binding. The Book of Common Pra3'er. fol. B. Norton and J. Bill. London, 1625. The Booke of common prayer and administration of the Sacraments. 8° B. Norton and J. Bill. London, 1627. The book of common prayer, fol. T. Buck and R. Daniel. Cambridge, 1638. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. 8" R. Barker and the Assignes 0/ J. Bill. London, 1639. La liturgie Angloise ou le livre des prieres publiques. 4" JoIdi Bill. London, 16 16. Vellum with arms of James I. Lliver gweddi gyffredin a' gwenidogaeth y Sacramentae ac eraill gynneddfeu a' Ceremoniae yn Eccles Loeer. Psalhvyr neu Psalmae David. fol. H. Denhani for H. Toy. London, 1567. The Booke of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. And other parts of divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland. The Psalter or Psalmes of David. [Laud's Prayer Book.] fol. Robert Young. Edinburgh, 1637-36. The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, used in the Englishe congi-egation at Geneva, and approved by the famous and godl)^ learned man, John Calvin. 12" John Crespin. Geneva, i^^6. A booke of the forme of common prayers, administration of the sacraments, &c., agi^eable to Gods worde, and the use of the refonned Churches. [The Middleburgh Liturg}'.] 8° Richard Schildcrs. Middleburg, 1586. A booke of private prayer necessarye to be used of all Christians with manye Godlye Prayers. 16" William Seres. London [i^66.'\ Liber precum publicarum seu Ministerii ecclesiasticae administrationis sacramentorum. 8" Thomas Vanirollicr. London, 1574. Devoute prayers in englysshe of thactes of our redemption. 8° Robert Redmaji. London [1531.] A booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the aimcient writers. [Queen Elizabeth's prayer book.] 4" John Day. London, 1581. Liber precum publicarum. 4" Reginald Wolfe. London {^i^joP^ ■JO PRAYER— PSALMES. PRAYER. Orarium seu libellus piecatioiium per Regiam majestatem et cleriim latine editus. 8" Richard Grafton. London, 1546. PRAYER. See FORME OF PRAYER. PRAYSE (the) and comniendacion of such as sought comen welthes : and to the contrar}', the end and discommendacion of such as sought private welthes. Gathered both out of the scripture and phylozophers. 8° T. Ravnold and W. Hill. London [ii,^^.] PRICE (John). Historiae Brytannicae defensio et Monae Insulae descriptio. 4" H. Binncrnan for H. Toy. London, 1573. PRINCIPALL ACTS OF THE GENERALL ASSEMBLY. See SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. PRIVILEDGES (the) and practice of Parhaments in England. Collected out of the common lawes of this land. 4" \London'\ 1628. — Another edition. 4" S^Loiidon'] 1640. PROCESSIOXALE ad usura insignis ecclesie Sarum. 4" London, 1555. PROCLUS. Sphaera. Ptolemaei de hypothesibus planetarum liber singularis [Or. et Lat.] Edidit J. Bainbridge. 4" William Jones. London, 1620. PROCTOR (John). The historic of Wyates rebellion, with the order and maner of resisting the same, wherunto in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedicious rebelles for the serche of the cause of their daily disorder. 8° Robert Caly. London, 1555. PROMPTORIUM parvulorum sive clericorum. fol. Richard Pynson. \_Londo)i'] 1499. — Another edition. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1516. PRUDENTIALL (the) Ballance of Religion, wherin the Catholike and Protestant religion are weighed together with the weights of Prudence and right Reason. [By Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon.] 8" [Frinied abroad] 1 609 . PRYMER. See HORAE. PRYNNE (William). See LORD BISHOPS. See UNBISHOPL\G OF TLMOTHY. PSALMES or prayers taken out of holie scnpture. 16° Thomas Ber the let. London, 1545. PSALMS— R. 71 PSALMS. One and fiftie psalmes of David in Englishe metre, whereof 37 were made by Thomas Sterneholde and the rest by others. 12" \John Crispin. Geneva, 1556.] The whole booke of psahnes, collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins and others. — Another edition. — Another edition. — Another edition. — Another edition. Printed on yellow paper. — Another edition. — Another edition. 4° — Another edition. 8° — Another edition. 8° — Another edition. fol. — Another edition. 4° John Day. London, 1562. 4" John Day. London, 1573- 4" John Day. London, 1577- 4" John Day. London, 1581. 4" John Day. London, 1583. 4° William Seres. London, 1587. For the Company of Stationers. London, 16 14. For the Company of Stationers. London, 1622. For the Company of Stationers. Londoii, 1626. For the Compa7iy of Stationers. London, 1627. 8" G.M. for the Company of Stationers. London, 1638. PSALTER. The Psalter or psalmes of David after the translacion of the great Bible, poynted as it shall be songe in Churches. 4" John Mvchell. Canterburv, 1549. PSALTERIUM LATINUM. 8" Wynkvn de Worde. Westminster, 1499. PTOLEMAEUS. See PROCLUS. PURCHAS (Samuel). Purchas his Pilgrimes, in five books, contayning the voyages made bj' ancient kings, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world. Purchas his Pilgrimage, or relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages. 5 vols. fol. W. Stansby for H. Fether stone. London, 1625-26. QUATTUOR Sermones. fol. William Ca.vton. Westmi?ister [1483.] — Another edition. fol. William Caxton. Westminster \_iiif<)0.'\ R. (J.). See TRADES INCREASE. R. (J.). The displaying of an horrible secte of grosse and wicked Heretiques, naming themselves the Family of Love. [By John Rogers.] 8° For George Bishop. London, 1579. 72 R.— REASONS. R. (T.). See RANDOLPH (Thomas). R.A.BBOTEXU (Isaac), pseud. The Bee-hive of the Romishe Churche [by Philips van Mamix ^-an Sant Aldegonde] . Translated out of Dutch into English by Geors;e Gilpin the Elder. 8" T. Dawson for J. Stell. London, i^Zo. RAIXOLDS (John). Sex theses de sacra ScriptOTa et Ecclesia. 8" George Bishop. London, 1602. R\LEIGH (Sir Walter). The discoverie of the large, rich, and bewtiful empire of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden citie of ;\Ianao ... and the provinces of Emeria, Arromaia, Amapaia, and other coimtries, etc. 4" Robert Robinson. London, 1596. The prerogative of parliaments in England : proved in a dialogue . . . betweene a councellour of state and a justice of peace. 4" Middelburg, 1628. The perogative [sic] of Parhaments in England. Proved in a dialogue betweene a counsellour of state, and a justice of peace. 4" \_London'] 1640. — Another cop}'. RANDOLPH (Thomas). The ]\Iuses looking-glasse. 4" L. Lichfield for F. Boioman. Oxford, 1638. Poems, with the Muses Looking-glasse, and Amjmtas. The second edition enlarged. 8" L. Lichfield for F. Bowman. Oxford, 16^0. RASTALL (William). A collection of the statutes now in force continued from the beginning of Magna Charta till the end of 35 Q. Ehzabeth. fol. Deputies of Christopher Barker. London, 1594. RASTELL (John). The past}Tne of people. The Cronj'cles of dyuers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond. fol. John Rastell. London [1529.] RATSEY (Gamaliel). Ratseis Ghost, or the second part of his madde prankes and Robberies. 4" V.S. [Va/eutinc Simmcs.] Zo«rfo?j [1605.] RAWLEY (William). See BACON (Francis). RAYNALDE (Thomas). The birth of mankynde. 4° London, 1563. REASONS TAKEN OUT OF GODS WORD. See JACOB (Henry). RECORD— RERUM. 73 RECORD (Robert). The Castle of Knowledge. fol. Reginald Wolfe. London, 155$. REGES, reginae, nobiles et alii in Ecclesia Collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti, usque ad annum reparatae salutis 1600. [by W. Camden.] 4" Edmund Bo infant. London, 1600. REGES, reginae, nobiles, et alii in ecclesia collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti, Usque ad annum reparatas salutis, 1603. 4" Melchisidcck Bradtvood. London, 1603. REGISTRUM omnium brevium judicialium. fol. William Rastell. London, 1531. REGISTRUM omnium brevium tarn originalium quam judicialium. fol. William Rastell. London, 1531. REGIUS (Urbanus). A comparison betwene the olde learnynge and the newe. Translated out of Latyn in English by Wylliam Turner. 8" [London'] 1537. RELATION (a) of Maryland ; together with a Map of the Countrey, the Conditions of Plantation, his Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English. 4" [London'] 1635. Wants map. RELATION OF THE CHRISTIANS. See PAGITT (Ephraim). REMONSTRANCE (the) made by the Oueene-mother of France, to the king her Sonne, for remedy of such disorders and abuses as she pretendeth to be in the present govemement and managing of affaires of state, in the realme of France : faithfully translated out of French. 4" T. S.for N. Ncwbery, London, 161 9. REMONSTRANCE (a) of the Directors of the Netherlands East India Company ... touching the blpudy proceedings against the English merchants, executed at Amboyna. Together with the acts of the Processe, against the sayd English, and the reply of the East India Company, etc. 4" J. Dawson for the East India Co"- London, 1632. REMOOVALL (the) of certaine Imputations laid upon the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall by one M. T.[homas] H.[utton], and in them, upon all other ministers else-where, refusing to subscribe. 4" [Amsterdam'] 1606. REQUEST (a) presented to the King of Spain and the Lordes of the Counsel of the State, by the inhabitantes of the Lowe countreyes protesting that they will live according to the reformation of the Gospell : the xxij of June 1578. 4" Leighc Mawienby. Edinburgh, 1578. RERUM Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus annales. Nunc primum editi. [by F. Goodwin.] fol. [B.] Norton for f. Bill. London, 1616. 74 RERUM— ROGERS. RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORES POST BEDAM. Willielmus monachus Malmesbiiriensis ; Henricus Archidiaconus Huntindon- iensis. Rogerus Hovendenus Chronicorum Ethehverdi libb iv. Ingulphus Abbas Croylandensis [edited by Sir Heniy Savile]. fol. G. Bishop, R. Neivbcry atid R. Barker. London, 1596. RETURNA BREVIUM. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 19. RETURNE (the) of the renowned Cavahero Pasquill of England, from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London upon the Royall Exchange. Where they encounter with a Httle houshold talke of Martin and Martinisme. [by T. Nash.] 4° [London] 1589. REYNARD THE FOX. The history of Reynard the Fox [translated from the Dutch by William Caxton]. fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1481.] REYNOLDES (Richard). A chronicle of all the noble Emperours of the Romaines from Julius Caesar. 4" Thomas Mar she. London, 1571. RHYS (John David). Cambrobrytannicae Cymraecaeve linguae institutiones et radimenta accurate conscripta. fol. Thofnas Orwin. London, 1592. RICHARD, CcEUR de Lion. The history of king Richard Cceur de Lyon, 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1509. RIVERS (Anthony, Earl). See CHRISTINE OF PISA. See CORDYALE. See DICTES OR SAYENGIS. ROBARTES (Foulkes). Gods holy house and service, according to the primitive and most Christian forme thereof, described by Foulkes Robarts. 4" Thomas Cotes. London, 1639. ROBINSON (Thomas). The anatomie of the English nunnery at Lisbon in Portugall : dissected and laid open by one that was sometime a yonger brother of the covent. 4" For P. Stephens and C. Meredith. 1637. ROGER DE HOVENDEN. See RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORES. ROGER OF WENDOVER. See PARIS (Matthew). ROGERS (John). See R. (J.). ROMNEY— SALLUSTIUS. 75 ROMNEY MARSH. The grantes, ordinances and lawes of Romeney marshe. 8" Thomas Berthelet. London, 1543. ROSA (T.). See ROSE (T.). ROSARY (the) with the articles of the lyfe and deth of Jesu Chryst and peticions directe to our lady. 16" John Shot. London, 1537. ROSE (Thomas). Idaea, sive de Jacobi Magnae Britanniae, Galliae et Hyberniae regis virtutibus et ornamentis dilucida enarratio. 8° John Norton. London, 1608. ROYE (Guy de). Doctrinal of Sapience. [Translated from the French by William Caxton.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1489.] RUFINUS (Tyrannius). Expositio sancti Jeronimi in simbolum apostolorum. 4° [Theodoric Rood.] Oxford, 1^68 [1478.] RUSSELL (John). Propositio ad illustrissimiim principem Karolum ducem Burgundie super susceptione ordinis garterii. 4° [William Caxton. Westminster, i^yj.] S. (E. C). The government of Ireland under ... Sir John Perrot ... beginning 1584, and ending 1588. Being the first booke of the continuation of the Historie of that Kingdome, etc. [by Sir Edward Cecil]. 4" For Thomas Walkley. London, 1626. S. (J.). See CERTAINE WORTHYE MANUSCRIPT POEMS. S. (J.). The genealogies recorded in the Scriptures [by John Speed]. 4" [R. Barker. London, 1612.] SACKVILLE (Thomas), Earl of Dorset. See MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES. SAINT-GERMAIN (Christopher). See DIALOGUE IN ENGLISHE. SAINT-GERMAIN (Christopher). Dialogus de fundamentis legum Angliae et de conscientia. 8° Thomas Wight. London, 1604. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (Caius). Chronicle of the war which the Romans had against Jugirrth : translated by Alexander Barclay. fol. Richard Pynson. Zo«(/o« [1525.] — Another edition. fol. Richard Fynso7t. London [1525.] L 2 76 SANDFORD— SCOT. SANDFORD (James). See AGRIPPA (Henricus Cornelius). SANDYS (Sir Edwin). Enropae speculum or a view or survey of the state of religion in the westeme parts of the World. 4° The Hague, 1629. SANDYS (George). See OVIDIUS NASO (Pltblius). SANDYS (George). A relation of a journey begun A.D. 16 10. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire of Aegypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy and Hands adjoyning. The second edition. fol. For Williatn Barrett. London, 1621. SAONA (Laurentius de). De rhetorica. 8" St. Albans, 1480. SARPI (PlETRO). Historia del concilio Tridentino, nella quale si scoprono tutti gl' artifici della corte di Roma, per impedire che ne la verita di dogma si palesasse, ne la rifomia del Papato, e della Chiesa si trattasse. fol. John Bill. London, 1619. Interdicti Veneti historia de motu Italiae sub initia Pontificatus Pauli V commentarius. Recens ex Italico conversus. [by W. Bedell.] 4° T. Bucke, J. Biicke and L. Greene. Cambridge, 1626. SAVILE (Sm Henry). See RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORES. SAVONAROLA (Hieronymus). Exposition on the 30th Psalm. [Appendix to the Hont ad usum Sarum]. 4" jf. Byddell for W. Marshall. London, 1535. Printed on vellum. SAXTON (Christopher). An atlas containing 35 maps of England and Wales. fol. London, 1579. SCOLOKER (Anthony). The ordenarj'e for all faythfuU Chrystians to leade a vertuous and godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie : translated out of Doutche. 8" Anthony Scolokcr. Ipswich, 1548. SCOT (Thomas). See BELGICKE PISMIRE. See TONGUE-COMBAT. See VOX POPULI. SCOT (Thomas). The high-waies of God and the king. Wherein all men ought to walke in holinesse here, to happinesse hereafter. 4° London, 1623. The projector, teaching a direct, sure, and ready way to restore the decayes of the Church and state both in honour and in revenue. 4° London, 1623. SCOTLAND— SHAKESPEARE. 77 SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. The principall acts of the solemne generall assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : convened at Glasgow the 21st of November, 1638. fol. Heirs of Andrew Hart. Edi7ibiirgh, \6T)(). SCOTT (Thomas). See SCOT (Thomas). SCRIPTORES RERUM ANGLICARUM POST BEDAM. See RERUM ANG : SCRIPTORES. SECONDE (a) declaration of the Prince of Conde to make knowen the causers of the troubles whyche are at this day in this realme. 8" H. Sutton for E. Sutton. London, 1562. See also DECLARATION. SEGAR (W.). Honor military and civill, contained in foure Bookes. fol. Robert Barker. London, 1602. SELDEN (John). The historie of tythes. That is the practice of payment of them. The positive laws made for them. The opinions touching the right of them. 4" \_London'] 16 18. Marmora Arundelliana, sive saxa Graece incisa. 4" William Stansby. London, 1628. Mare clausum seu de dominio maris libri duo. 8" London, 1636. De jure naturali et gentium, juxta disciplinam Ebraeorum libri septem. fol. Richard Bishop. London, 1640. SENECA (Lucius Annaeus). Tragoediae ; post omnes omnium editiones recensionesque editae denuo et notis T. Famabii illustratae. 8" Thomas Snodham. London, 1624. SEYMOUR (Edward), Duke of Somerset. An epistle, or exhortacion, to unitie and peace, sent from the Lorde Protector and others ... to the nobilitie, gentlemen and commons, and al others the inhabitauntes of the Realme of Scotlande. 8" Richard Grafton. London, 1548. — Another copy. SHAKESPEARE (William). Sonnets. Never before imprinted. 4" G.Eld.forT.T. London, 1609. Comedies, histories and tragedies [First folio]. fol. jf. Jaggard and E. Blontit. London, 162^, Comedies, histories and tragedies [Second folio]. fol. T. Cotes for R. Allot, etc. London, 1632. 78 SHELTON— SKENE. SHELTON (T.). See CERVANTES. SHERRYE (Richard). A treatise of the Figures of Grammer and Rhetorike, profitable for all that be studious of Eloquence and in especiall for suche as in Grammer scholes doe reade most eloquente Poetes and Oratours. 8" Richard Tottel. London, 1555. SHORT (a) Catechism for Householders, ^\•ith praiers to the same adjo5aiing. 8" Thomas Cotes. [Londo?i'\ 1634. SHORT (a) discourse of the nieanes that the Cardinal of Loraine useth to hinder the stablishing of peace and to move new troubles in France. 8" H. Bynneman for L. Harrison. London, 1568. SHORT questions and answeares, contajming the summe of Christian Religion. [By Robert Openshaw.] 12° John Daivson. London, 1639. SHORT (a) \iew of the long life and raigne of Henrj'- the third, king of England. [By Sir R. B. Cotton.] 4" {Lond07i\ 1627. SHUTT (Christopher). A verie godlie and necessary Sermon preached before the yong Coimtesse of Comberland in the North, the 24 of November, 1577. 8" Christopher Barker. London, 1578. SICELIDES, a piscatory, as it hath beene acted in Kings Colledge in Cambridge. [by Phineas Fletcher.] 4" I. N. for W. Sheares. London, 1631. SIDNEY (Sir Philip). The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia. Now the eighth time published. fol. For S. Waterson and R. Young. London, 1633. In the original richly gilt binding. SIMON, THE ANKER OF LONDON WALL. See FRUYTE OF REDEMPCYON. SIXEFOLDE POLITICIAN (A). See MILTON (John). SKELTONICALL SALUTATION. A Skeltonicall salutation, or condigne gratulation, and just vexation of the Spanishe nation. That in a bra^■ado, spent many a cmsado in setting forth an armado, England to invado. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1589. SKENE (Sir John). Regiam majestatem, Scotiae veteres leges et constitutiones ex archi\ns publicis et antiquis libris manuscriptis collectae. fol. Thomas Finlason. Edinburgh, 1609. SKINNER— SOTO. 79 SKINNER (V.). See GONSALVIUS MONTANUS (R.). SLATYER (William). [Palas-Albion.] The History of Great Britanie, from the first peophng of this Hand to this present Raigne of our happ)' and peaceful Monarke K.James. fol. W. Stansby for R. Mcighen. London, 1621. SLEIDANUS (John Philippson). A famouse cronicle of our time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning the state of Religion and common wealth, during the raigne of Charles V. Translated out of Latin into English by John Daus. fol. fo/in Day. London, 1^60. SMETON (Thomas). Ad vinilentum Archibaldi Hamiltonii apostatfe dialogum de confusione Calvinianas sectae apud Scotos impie conscriptum orthodoxa responsio. Adjecta est vera historia extremae vitae et obitus eximii viri Joan Knoxii Ecclesiae Scoticana3 instauratoris fidelissimi. 4" J. Ross for H. Charter is. Edinburph, ikjq. SMITH (John). ^ y ^ , i/y The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, with the names of the Adventurers Planters, and Govemours from their first beginning Anno 1584 to this present 1624. fol. /. D. and I. H. for M. Sparkcs. London, 1624. SMITH (Richard) : Bishop of Chalcedon. See PRUDENTIALL BALLANCE. SMITH (Sir Thomas). The commonwealth of England, and the maner of govemement thereof . . . Newly conected and amended. 4° W . Stansby for J . Smethwickc . London, 162 1. SMYTH (Richard). A defence of the sacrifice of the masse. 8° John Herforde. London, 1546. — Another edition. 8" William Myddelton. London, 1546-7. SOAVE (Pietro), pseud. See SARPI (Pietro). SOLIS BRITANNICI PERIGAEUM. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. SOMERSET (Edward, Duke of). See SEYMOUR (Edward). SOMNER (William). The Antiquities of Canterbury, or a survey of that ancient citie, with the suburbs, and cathedrall. 4" L L. for R. Thrale. London, 1640. SOTO (Fernando de). Virginia richl}' valued, by the description of the maine-land of Florida, her next neighbour: out of the foure yeeres continuall travell and discoverie ... of Don Fernando de Soto ... Written by a Portugall gentleman of Elvas ... and translated ... by Richard Hakluyt. 4° F. Kyngston for M. Lownes. London, 1609. 8o SPECULUM— SPRINT. SPECULUM CHRISTIANI. See WATTON (John). SPEED (John). See S. (J.). SPEED (John). The historie of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons Danes and Normans. Their original manners, waires, coines and seales, with ye hves of the English monarchs from Julius Caesar to James. fol. W. Hall and J. Beak for J. Sudbury and G. Humble. London, 1611. SPELMAN (Sir Henry). Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones in re ecclesiarum orbis Britannici. 2 vols. fol. R. Badger for P. Stephens and C. Meredith. London, 1639-64. Archaeologus in modum glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem. fol. John Beale. London, 1626. SPENSER (Edmund). The Faerie Queene. 2 vols. 4" For William Ponsonbie. London, 1590-96. — Another edition. 2 vols. 4" For William Ponsonbie. London, 1596. — Another edition. fol. H. L. for Mathew Lownes. London, 1609. The Shepheardes Calendar. 4° J. Wolfe for J. Harrison. London, 1586. Muiopotmos, or the Fate of the Butterflie. 4" For Williajn Po7isonbie. London, 1590. Sigs. T to Z I (17 leaves) from Spenser's Complaints. Complaints : containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie. 4" For William Ponsonbie. Lsndon, 1591. Colin Clouts come home againe. 4" T. C. for W. Ponsonbie. London, 1595. Amoretti and Epithalamion. 8" P. S.for W. Ponsonby. London, 1595. Fowre Hymnes. Daphnaida : an elegie lupon the death of the noble and vertuous Douglas Howard. 4" For William Ponsonby. London, 1596. Minor poems [a part only of a complete edition ?]. fol. London, 1613-17. — Another copy. Brittain's Ida. 8" For Thomas Walkley. London, 1628. A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus. fol. Dublin, 1633. SPINOLA (Ambrosio de), Marquis. See CERTAINE AND PERFECT RELATION. SPRINT (John). Propositions, tending to proove the necessarie use of Christian sabbaoth, or Lords day ; and that it is commaunded unto us in Gods word. 4° H. L.for T. Man. London, 1607. STAFFORD— STORYS. 81 STAFFORD (Thomas). Pacata Hibernia. Ireland appeased and reduced, or an historie of the late warres of Ireland. A. Mathcwes for R. Milboiimc. London, 1633. STANBRYDGE (John). The Accidence of maj'ster Stanbrydges owne makynge [imperfect]. 4" '\_Ficrre Violctte. Rouen, 1505.] — Another edition. 4° Nicholas Bounnan. London, 1539. Vulgaria. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 15. — Another edition. 4" Wynkyn de Worde, London [1525.] Vocabula. 4" Peter Treveris. London, s.a. Parvulorum institutio. 4" Peter Treveris. London, s.a. STAPLETON (Thomas). See BEDE. STATUTES. Nova statuta. fol. [^. Lettou and W. de Machlinia. London, 1483.] — Another edition. fol. [William de Machlinia. London, 1484.] Statuta edita anno primo Ricardi III. fol. [William de Machlinia. London, 1485.] Statutes from An I to An IV Henrici VII. fol. [ William Caxton. Westminster, 1489.] Statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud west monasterium, xiiii die Octobris, anno regni illustrissimi diai nostri regis Henrici septimi XI. fol. [Wynkyn dc Worde. Westtninster, 1497.] Nova statuta. fol. Richard Pynson. I^ondon [1502.] Abbreviamentum Statutorum. 8" Richard Pynson. London, 1499. The Abridgement of the Statutes. 8" Richard Pynson. London, 1521 [1528.] Abridgement of the statutes. 8" John Rastell. London, is^7- The great Abredgement of all the Statutes of Englande. 8" Thomas Petyt. London, 1542. STELLA (Julius Caesar). Columbeidos, libri priores duo. [Edited by G. Castelvetri.] 4" John Wolff. London, 15S5. STERNHOLD (Thomas). See PSALMS. STORYS and prophesis out of the holy scriptur, gamyschede with faire ymages and with devoute praeirs and thanchgevings unto God. 8" Antwerp, 1536. M 82 STOW— SYLVESTER. STOW (John). A survay of London, containing the originall antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that citie. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1598. — Another edition. 4" John Windct. London, 1603. — Another edition. fol. L^ondon, 1633. Annales or a generall chronicle of England, begun by John Stow, and continued unto the end of this present yeare: 1631 by Edmund Howes. fol. For Richard Meighcn. L^ondon, 1631. STRAXGVAGE (William). The Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Oueene of Scotland. fol. J. Haviland for R. WJiitakcr. London, 1624. STUBBS (John). The discoverie of a gaping gulf whereinto England is like to be swallowed by an other French manage, if the Lord forbid not the banes by letting her Maiestie see the sin and punishment there of. 8" \_Geneva] 1579. SULPITIUS (Johannes) VERULANUS. Opus insigne grammaticum. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1494. Stans puer ad mensam. 4° Wynkyii dc Wordc. London, 15 16. SUM, ES, FUI. See GRADUS COMPARATIONUM. SUMMARIE AND TRUE DISCOURSE OF SIR FRANCES DRAKES VOYAGE. See BIGGES (Walter). SUPPER OF THE LORDE. See CROWLEY (Robert). SURREY (Henry Howard, Earl of). Songes and sonettes. 8" Richard Tottel. London, 1567. SURVAY (the) or Topographical description of France: With a new Mappe, helping greatly for the surveying of every particular Country, Cittye, Fortress ... and Forrest therein : collected out of sundry approved Authors, etc. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1592. SURVEY (a) of the Great Dukes State of Tuscan}-, in the yeare of our Lord 1596. [by Sir Robert Dallington.] 4" For Edivard Blount. London, 1605. SWEDISH (the) intelligencer. Wherin out of the Truest and Choysest Infomiations, are the famous actions of that warlike prince [Gustavus Adolphus]. 4" For N. Butter and N. Bourne. London, 1632-33. SYLVESTER (Bernard). A shorte monycyon, or counsayle of the care and governaunce of a house- holde, accordynge unto policy, taken out of a pystle of a great lerned man called Bernarde sylvestre. 8" Robert Wyer. London, s.a. T.— TERENTIUS. 83 T. (I.) i.c. JOHN THORIUS. See FELIPPE (Bartolome). T. (T.). A Myrror for Martinists, and all other schismatiques, which in these dangerous dales doe breake the godlie unitie, and disturbe the Christian peace ot the Church. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1590. TABLE (a) collected of the yeres of our lord God, & of the yeres of the kinges of England. 8" John Walcy. London, 1567. TAISNIER (Joannes). A veiy necessarie and profitable Booke concerning Navigation compiled in Latin by Joannes Taisnierus. ... Translated into Englishe by Richarde Eden, 4" Richard Jugge. London [1579.] TANNER (Robert). A mirror for mathematiques, a golden gem for geometricians, a sure safety for saylers, and an auncient Antiquary for Astronomers and astrologians. 4" J. C.for R. Watkins. London, 1587. TASSO (ToRQUATo). See GENTILI (Scipione). TAVERNER (Richard). The Epistles and Gospelles wyth a brief Postil upon the same from Advent tyll Lowe Sondaye, etc. 4" Richard Bankes. Zo«g?o?z [1540.] TAYLOR (John). Odcombs Complaint : or Coriats funerall Epicedium : or Death-song, upon his late reported drowning. With his epitaph in the Bamiuda and Utopian tongues. 8" [Lo7ido?i] 1613. The triumphs of fame and honour, or the solemnity at the inauguration of Robert Parkhurst into the office of Lord Maior of London. London, 1634. The Okie, Old, very olde man, or the age and long life of Thomas Par. 4" For Ilcnry Gosson. London, 1635. Drinke and welcome, or the famous historie of the most part of Drinks, in use now in the Kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland. 4" Anne Griffin. London, 1637. Differing worships or the Oddes, betweene some Knight's service and God's, or Tom Nash his ghost. 4" For William Ley. London, 1640. The needles excellency, a new booke wherein are divers admirable workes wrought with the needle. obi. 8" For James Boler. London, 1640. TERENTIUS AFER (Publius). Terence in English. [Translated by Richard Bernard.] 4" John Legatt. London, 16 14. M 2 84 TERENTIUS— TRADES. TERENTIUS AFER (Publius). Vulgaria quedam abs Terentio in Anglicam linguam traducta. 4" [T. Rood and T. Hunt. Oxford, 1483.] Floures for Latine spek^mge selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated in to Englysshe. Compiled by Xicolas Udall. 8" Thomas Berthelel. London, 1533. TERRY (John). The triall of truth : containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherents the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1600. THOMAS (William"). The Historye of Italye : a booke exceding profitable to be red because it intreateth of the astate of many and dyuers common weales, how they have bene, and now be governed. 4" Thomas Marshe. London, 1561. Principal rules of the Italian Grammar with a Dictionarie for the better understandynge of Boccacce, Pethrarcha and Dante. 4° Henry Wykes. London, 1567. THORIUS (John). See FELIPPE (Bartolome). THUCYDIDES. Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian waire, interpreted out of the Greeke by Thomas Hobbes. fol. For Henry Seile. London, 1629. TINDALE (William). The Obedience of a Christen man and how Christen rulers ought to goveme, where in also (yf thou marke diligently) thou shalt f}"nde eyes to percea^•e the crafty conveyaunce of all jugglers. 8" Hans Luft. Marborow, 1528. — Another edition. 8" Hans Luft. Marlborow, 1535. — Another edition. 8" William Copland. London [1550.] TO thequeenes majesties poore deceived subjectes of the northe contreye, drawen into rebellion bv the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland. [By Thomas Norton i*] 8" H. Bynmham for L. Harrison. [Londo?i] 1569. TONGUE-COMBAT (a), lately happening between two English souldeers ... the one going to sen-e the king of Spaine, the other to ser\-e the states generall of the United Provinces, [by Thomas Scot.] 4° London, 1623. TONSTALL (Cuthbert). De arte supputandi. 4" Richard Lynson. London, 1^22. TRADES (the) Increase. [With an address to the reader signed I. R.] 4" iXicholas Okes. London, 1615. TRAVERS— TURBERVILLE. 8:5^ TRAVERS (Walter). See FULL AND PLAINE DECLARATION. TREATISE of Love. fol. [Wy?ikyn dc Worde. Westininstcr, 1493.] TREATY (the) of Thassociatioji made by the Prince of Condee, together with the Princes, Knyghtes of thorder, Lordes, Capitaines, Gentlemen, others of all estates, for to mainteine the honour of God, the quiet of the Realme of France, etc. 16" \_Lo)idon'\ 1562. TREVISA (Joannes de). See BARTHOLOMAEUS DE GLANVILLA. See HIGDEN (R.). TRIALL OF TRUTH. See TERRY (John). TRUE (a) and a briefe relation of the famous seige of Breda. The articles of composition granted by the prince of Orange to the govemour Gomar Fom-dine, etc. ' 2 parts in i. 4" [1637.] TRUE (a) Declaration of the estate of the Colonic in Virginia, with a confutation of such scandalous reports as have tended to the disgrace of so worth}' an enterprise. Published by advice and direction of the Councell of Virginia. 4" For Wtliam Barret. London, 16 10. TRUE DESCRIPTION OF HIS MAJESTIES ... SHIP. See HEYWOOD (Thomas). TRUE (the) description of the execution of justice done ... upon Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. Against whom the said states purposely thereunto appointed, did worthily pronounce sentence of death according to his deserts ... Faithfully translated according to the Dutch copie. 4" F. Kyngston for N. Ncwbery. London, 1619. TRUE (the) Narration of the Entertainment of his Royal Maiestie, from the time of his departure from Edenbrough ; till his receiuing at London : with all or the most speciall occurrences. 4" T. Creede for T. Millington. London, 1603. TRUE (the) relation of the deserved death of that base and insolent tyrant, the Marquis d'Ancre, the most unworthie marshal! of France. 4" F. Kyngston for N. Newbury. London, 161 7. TRUE (a) relation of the unjust, cruell and barbarous proceedings against the English at Amboyna ... Also the copy of a pamphlet ... falsely mtituled a true declaration of the newes which came out of the East Indies ... together with an answer to the said pamphlet by the English East India Company. The third impression. 4" G. Purslowc for N. Newberry. London, 1632. TURBERVILLE (George). The noble arte of Venerie or hunting. 4° Henry Bynneman. London [1575.] The Booke of Falconrie or Hawking. 4° Tho?7ias Purfoot. London, 161 1. 86 TURNER— USSHER. TURNER (William). See REGIUS (Urbanus). TURNER (William). The first and seconde partes of the Herbal; ... Here unto is joined also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England. fol. Arnold Birckman. Cologne, 1568. TUSSER (Thomas). Five hundred pointes of good husbandrie, as well for the Champion or Open countrie, as also for the Woodland, etc. 4" Henry Denham. London, 1585. — Another edition. 4° Peter Short. London, 1597. TWELVE PROFITS OF TRIBULATION. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster [1499.] TWYNE (Brian). Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis apologia. 4" /. L. and I. S. Oxford, 1620. TWYXE (John). De rebus Albionicis, Britannicis atque Anglicis. 8" E. Bollifant for R. Watkins. London, 1590. TWYNE (Thomas). See LLWYD (Humphrey). See VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). TYMME (Thomas). See ADRICHOMIUS (Christl\nus). TYNDALE (William). See TINDALE (William). UBALDINO (Petruccio). Le vite delle donna illustri del regno d'Inghilterra e del regno di Scotia. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1591. UDALL (N.). See TERENTIUS AFER (Publius). UXBISHOPING (the) of Timothy and Titus. Or, a briefe elaborate discourse, prooving Timothy to be no Bishop ... of Ephesus, nor Titus of Crete, and that the power of ordination ... belongs ... to Presbyters, as well as to Bishops, etc. [by W. Prynne]. 4" [Edinburgh] 1636. UNDERDOWNE (Thomas). See OVIDIUS NASO (Publius). UNDERDOWXE (Thomas). The excellent historj-e of Theseus and Ariadne. 8° Richard Johnes. London, 1566. UNLAWFULL (the) practises of prelates against Godly Ministers, the main- tainers of the discipline of God. 8" [London, 1585.] USSHER (James). A sennon preached before the Commons House of Parliament in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18 of February, 1620. The second edition corrected and amended b}- the author. 4" J. L.for J. Bartlet. London, 1631. USSHER— VERSTEGAN. 87 USSHER (James). A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein : delivered in a semion before the Kings Majestie the 20th of June, 1624, at Wansted. The third impres- sion, corrected and amended. 4° T. C. for T. Downes. London, 1631. A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. 4" R. \obcrt~\ Y \oung\. London, 1631. A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dublin, the 22 of November, 1622. At the censuring of certaine officers, who refused to take the oath of Supremacie. 4" R.\_obcrt^ Y \_oung]. London, 1631. An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judge- ment of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. 4" R. [^oberf] Y \_onng'\. London, 1631. Immanuel, or, the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. 4" /. H.for J. Parker, etc. London, 1638. V. (D.). An enlargement of a former catechisme which contained in briefe, the grounds and principles of Christian Religion. 8" Mary Dawson for lone Ncwbery. London, 1637. V. (R.). The olde Fayth of greate Brittaygne and the newe learnynge of Inglande, wherunto is added a symple instruction, concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the communyon. 8" Anthony Scoloker. London [1550.] VALERA (Cyprian de). Dos tratados, el primero es del Papa y de su autoridad ; el segimdo es de la Missa. 8" Arnold Hatfield. London, 1588. Tratado para confinnar los pobres cativos de Berueria en la catolica y antigua fe, y religion Christiana. 8" Peter Short. London, 1594. VEER (Gerard de). See PHILLIP (W.). VERGIL (Polidore). See LANGLEY (Thomas). VERON (John). See ZWINGLI. VERSTEGAN (Richard). A restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities concerning the most noble and renowned EngHsh nation. 4" John Bill. London, 1628. Calf gilt with the arms of Sir Edward Dering. — Another edition. 4" John Norton. London, 1634. In the original gilt binding. 88 VERSTEGAN— VIRGILIUS. VERSTEGAX (Richard). A restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities. 4" John Norton. London, 1634. VERY (A) BRIEFE AND PROFITABLE TREATISE. See BLUNDEVILL (Thomas). VERY (a) declaration of the bond and free -svyll of man. Theobedyence of the gospell, and what the very gospell meneth. 8° {John Her ford. '\ S/. ^/^'w^'s [1532.] VESEY (H.). The scope of the Scripture, containing a briefe exposition of the Apostles Creed, the ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, by short questions and answers. 8" W. /.for Samuel Man. London, 1637. VIENNA. See PARIS AND VIENNA. VIEW (the) of France [ascribed to Sir Robert Dallington]. 4" Sitnon Stafford. London, 1604. VIGON (John). The most excellent workes of Chirurgerj', translated into English. fol. Edward Whitchurch. Londoti, 1550. VILLIERS (George) : Duke of Buckingham. The Duke of Buckingham his speach to his majestic on Friday being the 4th day of Aprill, 1628. 4° \_Lond on, 162^.1 VINEIS (Raymundus de). See CATHARINE OF SIENNA. VIRGIDEMIARUM. See HALL (Joseph). VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Vergiliana poesis que latinitatis nomia est et propulsatis et elimatis omnibus mendis fehci gaudet exordio. 8" Richard Pynson. London [1520.] Eneydos. [A compilation from the Aeneid made by William Caxton.] fol. Williant Caxton. Westminster [1490.] The xiii Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poste Virgill Translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reverend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkel and unkil to the Erie of Angus. 4" {William Copland.^ London, 1553. The seven first bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill, converted into Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer, Esquier, soUicitour to the king and queenes majesties, attending their honorable counsaile in the Marchies of Wales. 4° J. Kyngslon for R. Jiigge. London, 155S. The whole xii Bookes of the ^Eneidos of Virgill. Whereof the first ix and and part of the tenth were converted into English meeter by Thomas Phaer Esquier, and the residue supplied and the whole worke together newly set forth by Thomas Twyne Gentleman. 4° W. How for A. Veale. London, 1573. VIRGILIUS— WADSWORTH. 89 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos, translated into English verse by Thomas Phaer, and finished b)^ Thomas Twyne. 4" Bernard Ahop. London, 1620. Aeneidos liber secundus : Graecis versibus redditus per Georgium Ethrigeum, Oxoniensem, Medicum, at Graece lingue professoreni. 8" Reginald Wolfe. London, 1553. Bucolica cum commento familiari. 4" Wynkyn de Wordc. London, 15 14. The Bucolikes of Publius Virgilius Maro, with Alphabetical! annotations upon proper names, etc. Drawne into plaine and familiar Englishe, verse for verse by Abraham Fleming. 4" John Charlrwnnd. London, 1575. VITA CHRIST!. See BONAVENTURA. VITIS CAROLINAE GEMMA ALTERA. See OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. VOCABULARY. Vocabulary in French and English. fol. \William Caxton. Westminster, 1483.] VORAGINE (Jacobus de). The Golden Legend. [Translated by William Caxton.] fol. William Caxton. Westminster [1483.] — Another edition. fol. William Caxton. Westminster \\ifZ'j?\^ — Another edition. fol. [Wynkyn de Worde.] Westminster, 1493 — Another edition. Wynkyn de Worde. Westminster, 1498 — Another edition. fol. Julian Notary. L.ondon, 1503 — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn de Worde. London, 15 12 — Another edition. fol. Wynkyn dc Wordc. London, 1527 VOX POPULI : or newes from Spayne, translated according to the Spanish coppie. Which may serve to forewarn both England and the United Provinces how faiTe to trust to Spanish pretences, [b}' Thomas Scot.] 4" 1620. VOX Populi (the second part of) : or Gondomar appearing in the likeness of Matchiauell in a Spanish Parliament [by Thomas Scot]. 4" A. Janss. Gorinchem, 1624. VULGARIA TERENTII. See TERENTIUS. W. (W.). See C. (H.). WADSWORTH (James). The English Spanish Pilgrime. Or, a New Discovery of Spanish Popery and Jesuiticall Stratagems. With the estate of the English Pentioners and Fugitives under the King of Spaines Dominions, and elsewhere at this present. 4" T. Cotes and R. C. for M. Sparke. London, 1630. N 90 WADSWORTH— WEDNESDAYES. WADSWORTH (James). Further Obser\-ations of the English Spanish Pilgrime, concerning Spaine, Being a second part of his former Booke and containing these particuhirs : The description of a famous Monastery ... called the Escuriall ... a ... relation of certaine Daimonicall stratagems the Spanish Inquisition exercised on divers English Men, etc. 4" Felix Kyngston. London, 1630. WAKEFIELD (Robert). Oratio de laudibus et utilitate trium linguarum Arabice Chaldaicae et Hebraice, atque idiomatibus hebraicis quae in utroque testamento inueniunter. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1525.] WALSINGHAM (Thomas). Historia brevis ab Edwardo prime, ad Henricum quintum. fol. Henry Bynneman. London, 1574. Calf with the arms and monogram of De Thou. Ypodigma Neustriae vel Normanniae, ab irruptione Normannorum usque ad annum 6 regni Henrici V. fol. John Day. London, 1574. Calf with the arms and monogram of De Thou. WARE (James). De scriptoribus Hiberniae. Libri duo. Prior continet scriptores, in Hibemia natos. Posterior, scriptores alios qui in Hibemia mimera aliqua obierunt. 4" Society of Stationers. Dublin, 1639. WARMINGTON (William). A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance ; wherein the author proveth the said oath to be most lawful, notwithstanding the Popes breves prohibi- ting the same . . . Whereunto also is annexed strange reports or newes from Rome. " 4" [Loiidonl 1612. WARXING (a) agaynst the dangerous practises of Papistes, and specially the parteners of the late rebellion [by Thomas Norton]. 8° John Daye. London [1569.] WATERHOUSE (Edward). A Declaration of the state of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia. With a relation of the barbarous Massacre ... treacherously executed by the Native Infidels upon the English, the 22 of March last, etc. 4° G. Eld for R. Mylbourne. London, 1622. WATREMAN (W.). See BOEMUS (J.). WATS (William). See JAMES (Thomas). See PARIS (Matthew). WATTON (John). Speculum Christian!. 4' William de Machlinia, Zonrfow [1485.] WEDNESDAYES FASTE, 40 Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1532. WEEVER— WHITINTON. 91 WEEVER (John). Ancient funerall monuments within the united monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland and the islands adjacent, with the dissolved monasteries therein contained : their founders and what eminent persons have beene in the same interred. fol. Thomas Harper. London, 1631. WHIP (a) for an Ape : or Martin displaied. [By J. Lilly or T. Nash.] 4" [London, 1589.] WHITAKER (William). See CATECHISMUS. WHITE (Charles). See CLERKE (Richard). WHITFORD (Richard). See FRUYTE OF REDEMPTION. WHITFORD (Richard). The Pype or Tonne of Perfection. 4° Robert Redman. London, 1532. WHITGIFT (John). For life see PAUL (Sir George). WHITINTON (Robert). Accidentia ex stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita. 4° Peier Treveris. London, s.a. De heteroclitis nominibus. 4" John Scalar. Oxford, 15 18, — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1523 [1524.] — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1529-1531. — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1533. — Another edition. 4° Peter Treveris. London, s.a. — Another edition. 4° JoJin Redman. London, s.a. De heteroclitis nominibus et gradibus comparationis. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London [1520.] De octo partibus orationis. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London [15 12.] De octo partibus orationis aeditio. 4° Wy^ikyn de Worde. London, 1529. De verborum prceteritis et supinis. 4" Richard Pynson. London, 1522. — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1524. Editio. 4" \_Wy71kyn de Worde. London, 1520.] — Another edition, 4° Richard Pynson. London, s.a. — Another edition. 4° Peter Treveris. London, s.a. Editio. Declinationes nominum. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1533. N 2 92 WHITINTON— WILLIAM. WHITINTON (Robert). Editio de concinnitate grammatices et constructione. 4° [Wy7iky}i dc Worde. London, 1520.] Editio secunda. 4" Wynkyn de Wordc. London, 15 16. Editio secunda. De nominum generibus. 4° Richard Pynson. London, 1520. — Another edition. 4° Wynkyji de Worde. London, 1521. — Another edition. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1522. Secunda grammaticae pars de syllabarum quantitate. 4" Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1528. Syntaxis. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1533. Vulgaria. 4° Wynkyn de Worde. London, 1520. WHITNEY (Geoffrey). A choice of Emblemes and other devises, for the moste parte gathered out of sundrie wnriters, Enghshed and morahzed. 4" Francis Raphelengius. Leyden, 1586. WHITTINGHAM (William). See BRIEFF DISCOURSE OFF THE TROUBLES. WICKIXS (Nathaniel). Woodstreet-compters plea for its prisoner. Or, the sixteen reasons, which induce mee ... to refuse to take the oath Ex Officio. 4" \^London'\ 1638. WICLIF (John). The true cop3'e of a Prolog WTytten about two C. years paste . . . the Originall whereof is founde written in an olde English Bible etc. [The Pathewaye to perfect knowledg.] 8" Robert Crowley. London, 1550. Two short treatises against the orders of the begging friars. ... Printed according to two ancient manuscript copies extant, the one in Benet College ... Cambridge, the other remaining in the publike librarie at Oxford. [Edited by Thomas James]. 4" Joseph Barnes. Oxford, 1608. WILKINS (John). The disco\'ery of a world in the moon, or a discourse tending to prove that tis probable there may be another habitable world in that planet. 8" E. G. for M. Sparke and E. Forrest. London, 1638. WILLES (Richard). See EDEN (RicHARn). WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY. See RERUM ANGLICARUM SCRIPTORES. WILLIAM OF RISHANGER. See PARIS (Matthew). WILSON— WRIGHT. 93 WILSON (Thomas). The Rule of Reason, conteinyng the Arte of Logique. 4" Richard Grafton. London, 1553. Vita et obitus duonmi fratrum Suffolciensium, Henrici et CaroH Brandoni prestanti virtute, et splendore nobihtatis ducum illustrissimorum, duabus epistolis explicata. Adduntur Epitaphia, etc. 4° Richard Grafton. London [1551.] WINGATE (Edmund). See BRITTON. WITHER (George). A collection of Emblemes, ancient and moderne ; quickened with metrical illustrations both morall and divine. fol. A. M. for Henry Taunton. London, 1635. WOLSEY (Thomas). Rudimenta grammatices et docendi methodus, non tarn scholae Gypsuychia- nae per Reverendissimum D. Thomam Cardinalem Ebor feliciter institutae, quam omnibus aliis totius Angliae scholis praescripta. 8" '\_Michacl Hillenins. Antioerp'] 1539. WOOD (William). New Englands Prospect. A true, lively and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England : discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters : and to the old Native Inhabitants. 4" T. Cotes for J. Bcllamie. London, 1634. — Another edition. 4" T. Cotes for f. Bcllamie. London, 1635. WOODHOUSE (Peter). The Flea [Democritus his dreame, or the contention betweene the Elephant and the Flea]. 4" For John Smethwick. London, 1605. WOTTON (Henry). Ad illustrissimum virum Marcum Velserum duumvirum Augustae A^indeliciae epistola. [London 5 Dec. 1612.] 4" [London, 1613.] WRIGHT (Leonard). A summons for sleepers. Wherein most gTievous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance ... Hereunto is annexed, A Patterne for pastors, deciphering briefly the dueties pertaining to that function ... Newly reprinted, corrected and amended. 4" [Londo7i] 1589. The hunting of Antichrist. With a caveat to the contentious. 4° John Wolfe. London, 1589. A display of dutie, dect with sage sayings, pythie sentences, and proper similies : pleasant to reade, delightfull to heare, and profitable to practise. 4" John Wolfe. Lofidon, 1589. 94 WRIGHT— ZOUCHE. WRIGHT (Leonard). A display of dut)', deckt with sage sayings, pithie sentences, and proper similes. 4° E. Griffin for G. Pnrslowe. London, 16 14. A friendly admonition to Martine Marprelate and his mates. 4" John Wolfe. London, 1590. WYTHERS (Fabyane). See POLE (Regln'ald), Cardinal. 4° l^John Norton.'] Eton, 16 13. XENOPHON. De Cyri institutione : Graece. YEAR-BOOK. Year-book i, Edward IV. 2, Edward IV. 3, Edward IV. 4, Edward IV. 5, Edward IV. 6, Edward IV. 7, Edward IV. 8, Edward IV. 9, Edward IV. 34, Henr}' VI. 35, Henry VI. 36, Henry VI. 37, Henrj' VI. 27.28,31-35, 37, Henry VIII. fol. Richard Pynson. [London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Py?ison. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynso7i. Londoti, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1496.] fol. Richard Pynson. [Lo7idon, 1525.] fol. [Richard Pynson. London, 1525.] fol. Richard Pytison. [London, 1525.] fol. Richard Pynson. [Lo7idon, 1525.] fol. Thomas Berthelet. London, 1539-46. YET more worke for a masse priest [by Alexander Cooke]. 4° William Jones. London, 1622. ZARAIN AGA. A relation of the late seidge and taking of the city of Babylon by the Turke . . . Translated out of the Turkish, into the Italian language by the Drugemian to the state of Ragovza, and Englished by \V. H.[ollowa3'.] /. Raworthffor N. Butter and N. Bourne. London, 1639. ZOUCHE (Richard). The Dove : or passages of Cosmography. 8° For George Norton. London, 16 13. ZWINGLI. 95 ZWINGLI (Ulrich). Certeyne preceptes, gathered by Hulrichus Zuinglius, declaring howe the ingeiiious youth ought to be instructed and brought unto Christ. Translated by Richard Argentine. 8" Anthony Scoloker. Ipsivich, 1548. A short pathwaye to the ryghte and true understanding of the holye and sacred Scriptures ... translated out of Laten into Englysshe by Jhon Veron ^^"ono'S. 8° John Oswen. Worcester, 1550. ADDENDA. BIBLE. English. 4" Robert Barker. London, 1613-12. BIBLE— NEW TESTAMENT. English. [Rheims] fol. Johi Bill. London, 1617. fol. For TJiomas Adams. London, 1617. 8° Robert YoiiJig. Edinburgh, 1636. CHRONICLES of England. fol. Gerard Lceu. Antwerp, 1493. CONSTITUTIONS and Canons Ecclesiasticall, treated upon by the Bishop of London ... and the rest of the Bishops and Clergy of the sayd Province : and agreed upon with the Kings Majesties licence in their Synod begun at London, a.d. 1603. 4" John Norton. London, 1633. — Another edition. 4° John Norton for Joyce Norton and R. Whitaker. London, 1633. GODWIN (Francis) : Bishop of Hereford. A catalogue of the bishops of England since the first planting of Christian religion in this island : together with a brief history of their lives. 4" For Thomas Adams. London, 16 15. HORAE ad usum Sarum. 8" T. Kerver for J. Richard. Paris, 1497. — Another edition. 8" P. Pigouchct for S. Vostre. Paris, 1498. — Another edition. 8" J.Jchaniiot,Paris,forN.Lccomtc. Tendon, 1498. Printed on vellum. INDULGENCE. Indulgence relating to the "domus hospitalis de Bethleem." broadside. [Richard Pynson. London, 1519.] LITTLETON (Sir Thomas). Tenores novelli. fol. G. le Tallcur for R. Pyjisoiu Rotten, [1490.] PEROTTUS (NicoLAUs). Rudimenta grammatices [Latin and English]. 4" Egidius van dcr Hecrstratcn. \Louvain, 1486.I STATHAM (Nicholas). Abridgement of cases to the end of Henry VI. fol. G. le Tallenr for R. Pynson. Rouen, [1490.] WRAGHTON (William), pseud. The rescuynge of the Romishe fox, otherwyse called the examination of the hunter devised by Steven Gardiner, [by William Turner.] 8" [Printed abroad] 1545. o INDEX OF PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. O 2 NOTE. In the following index the titles of dated books are arranged chronologically ; of undated books, alphabetically. If no name of place follows the name of the printer or stationer it is to be understood that he carried on business in London. When a book was printed by one person for another, it will be found under the printer, with the name of the person for whom it was printed in italics, preceded by the word "For." It will also be found under the name of the person for whom it was printed, with the name of the printer in italics, preceded by the words " Printed by." Books without printers' names but which can with certainty be ascribed to a particular printer, are entered under that printer. INDEX OF PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. A. (B.). [Bernard Alsop.] Certaine and perfect relation. Brahe (T.). Learned Tico Brahae. A. (E.). [Edward Allde.] Drayton (M.). The Owle. Milton (J.). A sixe-folde Politician. More excellent observations. ADAMS (Thomas). Mirror for Magistrates. ALCHORN (Thomas). Dodridge (J.). History of... Wales. Gierke (R.). Sermons. For T. Archer. With T. F. ALLDE (Edward). Monardes (N.). Markham (G.). See also A. (E.). Joyfull newes. Cavalarice. Printed by T. Harper. Fainted by T. Cotes. For E. Wliite. ALLOT (Robert). Shakespeare (W.). [Second folio.] ALSOP (Bernard). See also A. (B.). Anton (R.). Vices anotimie. Virgilius Maro (P.). Aeneidos. Fox (L.). North-west Fox. More (Sir T.). Commonwealth of Utopia. ANDREWS (Lawrence). Braunschweig (H.). Boke of Distyllacion. Boke of Distyllacion. Undated : — Arnold (R.). Chronicle. Mirror of the world. ARBUTHNOT (Alexander), Edinburgh. Bible. [New Testament printed by Thomas Bassandyne.J Buchanan (G.). Rerum Scoticarum Historia. 1625. 1632. For E. White and N. Ling. 1 604. For J. Busby. 1609. For N. Bourne and T. Archer. 1622. Printed by F. Kyngston. 1620. 1630. 1637- 1596. 1617. Printed by T. Cotes. 1632. For R.Jackson. 161 7. 1620. With T. Fawcet. 1635. With T. Fawcet. 1639. 17 April, 1527. 18 April, 1527. [1525-] [1528.] 1576-9- 1582. I02 ARCHER— BARKER. ARCHER (Thomas). More excellent observations. Pri7ited by E. A. 1622. Certaine and perfect relation. Printed by B. A. 1625. ASPLEY (William). Shakespeare (W.). [Second folio.] Printed by T. Cotes. 1632. Undated : — Gryineston (E.). Miscellanea. Printed by M. Bradwood. [1620.] ASTON (John). Hey wood (T.). True description of his majesties ship. Printed by J. Okes. 1637. B. (J.). B. (H.). Grounds of Christian religion. For R. Bird. 1636. B. (R.). Euordanus, History of. Printed by J. R. 1605. Hayward (Sir J.). Lives of the three Normans. 1613. BADGER (RicHAKu). Laud (W.). Speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber. 1637. Spelman (Sir H.). Concilia. For P. Stephens and C. Meredith. 1639-64. Bancroft (R.). Dangerous positions and proceedings. With R. Young. 1640. Charles L His majesties declaration. With R. Yonng. 1640. BADIUS (CoNRAU), Geneva. Bible. New Testament. English. 1557- BALLARD (Henry). Boswell (J.). Works of armorie. I597- Leigh (G). Accedence of Armorie. 1597- BANKES (Richard). Epistles and Gospels. [1540.] BARKER (Christopher). Bible. New Testament. EngHsh. [Genevan.] 1576 Shutt (C). Verie godlie and necessary sermon. 1578 Bible. New Testament. English. [Genevan.] 1579 English. [Genevan.] 1581 New Testament. English. [Beza's.] 1583 English. [Bishop's.] 1585 Undated : — Turberville (G.). Noble arte of venerie. Pointed by H. By nneman. [1575.] — Deputies of. Bible. Welsh. 1588. C. (T.). Admonition to the people of England. -1589. Declaratio causarum. 1589. BARKER— BARNES. 103 BARKER (Christopher) — Deputies of. Bible. New Testament. Greek. With G. Bishop. 1592 Conspiracie, for pretended reformation. 1592 Articles, whereupon it was agreed. ^593 Rastall (W.). Collection of the statutes. 1594 Articles to be enquired of. 1595 Capitula sive constitutiones. IS97 Bible. English. [Genevan.] 1599 BARKER (Robert). Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. With G. Bishop and R. Ncwbcry. 1596. Hakluyt (R.). Principall navigations. With G. Bishop and R. Ncwhcyy. 1 598-1 600. Bible. New Testament. English. 1 601. Enghsh. [Bishop's.] 1602. Segar (W.). Honor military and civill. 1602. James I. The Kings majesties speech. 1604. Prayer Booke of Common Prayer. 1604. Homilies. [Welsh.] 1606, Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. 1607, Bible. English. 1611. English. 1611. English. 1613. English. 1613-12. English. 1614. H. (R. P.). Two ... concordances. 1615. Bible. English. 1616. Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. 1616. James I. Works. With J. Bill. 1616-20. Bible. English. 1617. Article? agreed upon by the Archbishops. 1633. Forme of Common Prayer. With the assignes of J. Bill. 1636. Bible. English. 1637. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. With the assignes of J. Bill. 1639. Bible. English. 1640. Constitutions and Canons ecclesiasticall. With the assignes of J. Bill. 1640. Grant t)f the benevolence. With the assignes of J. Bill. 1640. Undated : — James I. The Kings majesties speach. [1609. S. (J.). Genealogies recorded in the Scriptures. [i6i2._ — Assignment of. Articles to be enquired of. 1600. BARNES (Joseph), Oxford. Skeltonicall salutation. 15^9 Beacon (R.). Solon his follie. iS94 Moore (R.). Diarium historicopoetiCum. 1595 Bury (R. A. de). Philobiblon. 1599 Terry (J.). Triall of truth. 1600. Oxford, tJniversity of Pietas erga. 1603 Wiclif (J.). Two short treatises. 1608 I04 BARNES— BERTHELET. BARNES (Joseph), Oxford. Oxford, University of. Digges (Sir D.] Luctus posthumus. Epithalamia. Defence of trade. BARRETT (William). Lamentable discourse. True declaration of the estate of Virginia. Sandys (G.). Relation of a journey. BARTLET (John). Ussher (J.). Sermon. 1612. 1613. Printed by W. Stansby. 161 5. For E. Blotmt and W. Barret. 1 6 10. For W. Barrett. 1 6 10. For W. Barrett. 1621. JPrmted byJ.L. 1 6 3 1 . BEALE (John). Speed (J.). Historic. For J. Sndbnry and G. Humble. 161 1. Ashe (T.). Primier volume del Promptuarie. 1614. Moryson (F.). Itinerary. 161 7. Spelman (Sir H.). Archaeologus. 1626. Gouge (W.). Short Catechisme. 163 1. Elton (E.). Forme of Catechising. 1634. Egerton (S.). Brefe method of Catechising. For H. Robinson. 1638. Hieron (S.). Doctrine of the beginning of Christ. 1638. BELLAMIE (John). Mayer (J.). Commentarie. Wood (W.). New Englands Prospect. — Another edition. Printed by T. Cotes. 1627-31. Printed by T. Cotes. 1634. Printed by T. Cotes. 1635. BERGHEN (Adrien van), Antwerp. Undated : — Arnold (R.). [Arnold's Chronicle.] BERTHELET (Thomas). Gravissimae atque exactissimae illustrissimarum. Gower (J.). De confessione amantis. Terentius Afer (P.). Floures for Latine spekynge. Henry VIII. Opus eximium. Bartholomaeus de Glanvilla. De proprietatibus rerum. Morysine (R.). Comfortable consolation. Year-books. 27, 28, 31-^-, -^7, Henry VIII. Elyot (Sir T.). Castel of helth. Lupset (T.). Compendious and a very fruteful treatyse. John, Chrysostom. A sermon. Henry VIII. A necessary doctrine. Romney Marsh. Grantes, ordinances and lawes. Livius (T.). Historic of ... Anniball and Scipio. Psalmes or prayers. Lupset (T.). Workes. Elyot (Sir T.). Bibliotheca Eliotae. Cooper (T.). Epitome of chronicles. Gower (J.). De confessione amantis. [1503-] 1530 1532 1533 1534 153s 1537 1539-46 1541 1 541 1542 1543 1543 1544 1 545 i=;46 1548 1549 1554 BERTHELET— BIRD. 105 BERTHELET (Thomas). Undated : — Exhortation unto prayer. Marcus Aurelius. The golden boke. BEST (Richard). Brathwait (R.). Ar't asleepe husbande ? BILL (John). Dominis (M. A. de). Manifestation of the motives. James L Works. Prayer. La liturgie Angloise. Rerum AngHcarum . . . annales. Bible — New Testament. English. [Rheims.] Dominis (M. A. de). De republica ecclesiastica. Bacon (Francis). Saggi morali. Dominis (M. A. de). Rockes of Christian shipwracke Bible. English. H. (R. F.). Two concordances. James I. Opera. Judgement of the Synode holden at Dort. Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. Sarpi (P.). Historia del concilio Tridentino. Bible. English. Davies (J.). Antiquae linguae Britannicae. Brerewood (E.). Enquiries touching the diversity of Orders thought meet by his majestie. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. Bible. English. Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. Charles I. His Majesties declaration. Forme of prayer. Verstegan (R.). Restitution of decayed intelligence. Undated : — Catalogus Universalis. Homer. Batrachomyomachia. — ASSIGNES OF. Forme of Common Prayer. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. Constitutions and Canons ecclesiasticall. Grant of the benevolence. BINNEMAN (Henry). See Bynneman (Henry). BIRCKMAN (Arnold), Cologne. Braunschweig (H.). A most excellent ... apothecarye. Turner (W.). Herbal. BIRD (Robert). B. (H.). Grounds of Christian religion. [1545-] [IS34-] Printed by R. Bishop. 1640. 1616. With R. Barker, n 5i6-20. 1616. Printed by B. Norton. 1616. 1617. II 617-58. 1618. .. 1618. With B. Norton. 1619. With B. Norton. 1619. With B. Norton. 1619. 1 619. With B. Norton. 1619. 1619. With B. Norton. 1620-1. 1621. languages. 1622. With B. Norton. 1625. With B. Norton. 1625. With B. Norton. 1627. With B. Norton. 1627. With B. Norton. 1628. With B. Norton. 1628. 1628. With B. Norton. \ ;i6i8.; 1 '1625.' With R. Barker. 1636. With R. Barker. 1639- With R. Barker. 1640. With R. Barker. 1640. 1561. 1568. Printed by I. B. 1636. io6 BISHOP— BOURMAN. BISHOP (George). R. (J.). The displaying of an horrible secte. For G. Bishop. 1579 Homer. Iliad. iS9i Bible. New Testament. Greek. Wi't/i R. Barker. 1592 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. With R. Neivbcry and R. Barker. 1596 Hakluyt (R.). Principall navigations. With R.Ncwbcry and R. Barker. 1 598-1600 Rainolds (J.). Sex theses. 1602 BISHOP (Richard). Brathwait (R.). Ar't asleepe husband ? For R. Best. 1640. Jonson (B.). Dramatic works. 1640. Selden (J.). De jure naturali at gentium. 1640. BLOOME (Jacob). Herbert (T.). Relation of some yeares travaile. With W. Stausby. 1634. BLOUNT (EnwARn). Jonson (Ben). His part of King James his Entertainement. Printed by V.S. 1604. Survey of the Great Dukes State of Tuscany. For E. Bhmnt. 1605. Lamentable discourse upon the paricide. For E. Blount and W. Barret. 1610. Marlow (C). Hero and Leander. Printed by G. P. 1617. Cervantes Saavedra. History of Don Quixote. For E. Blount. 1612-20. Shakespeare (W.). [First folio.] With I.Jaggard. 1623. BOLER (Anne). Nicholas (M.). Catechisme. BOLER (James). Taylor (J.). The Needles excellency. BOLLIFANT (Edmund). Ponticus (L.). Britanniae historiae libri VI. Livius (T.). Romanae historiae. Twyne (J.). De rebus Albionicis. Lambard (W.). Perambulation of Kent. Rcges, reginae, nobiles ct alii in Ecclesia Westmonasterii sepulti. BONHAM (William). Horae. The Prymer in Englyshe and Latyn. Bible. English. Undated : — Chaucer (G.). Workes. BOSCARD (Charles), St. Omer's. Geninges (E.). Life and death of. BOURMAN (Nicholas). Stanbrydge (J.). Accidence. Printed by R. Y 1636. For J. Boler. 1640. For R. Watkins iqSs. 1589. 1590. )ulti. 1596. 1 600. 1542. 1551- [1542.] 1614. 1539- BOURNE— BUSBY. 107 BOURNE (Nicholas). More excellent observations. Isocrates. Archidamus. Drake (Sir F.). The world encompassed. Swedish Intelligencer. Zarain Aga. Relation of the late seidge. BOWMAN (Fkancis). Randolph (T.). Muses looking-glasse. Poems. BOYS (Myghell), Geneva. Mors (R.). Complaint of Roderyck Mors. BRADOCK (Richard). Hall (J.). Virgidemiaruni. BRADWOOD (Melchisideck). Reges, reginae, nobiles et alii in Ecclesia Westmonasterii sepulti Undated : — Grymeston (E.). Miscellanea. BRETTON (William). Burgo (J. de). Pupilla oculi. Printed by E. A. 1622. Pi-intcd by W.Jo7ics. 1624. /'or N. Bourne. 1628. For N. Butter and N. Bourne. 1632-33. Printed by I. Raworth. 1639. Printed by L. Lichfield. 1638. Printed by L. Lichfield. 1640. [1550.] For R. Dexter. 1598. 1603. For W. Asplcy. [1620.] Printed by W. Hopyl. BUCK (John), Cambridge. Sarpi (P.). Interdict! Veneti historia. Fletcher (P.). Locustae. BUCK (Thomas), Cambridge. Sarpi (P.). Interdicti Veneti historia. Fletcher (P.) Locustae. Bible. New Testament. Greek. Hawkins (W.). Corolla Varia. Bible. English. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. Justa Edouardo King. Undated : — Articles to be ministred. BUDGE (John). Monipenny (J.). Abridgement of Scots Chronicles. BURBY (Cuthbert). Dent (A.). Plaine exposition of the articles. BUSBY (John). Milton (John). A sixe-folde Politician. With 1. Buck and L. Greene. With T. Buck. I^IO. 1626. 627. With J. Buck and L. Greene. 1626. With J. Buck. 1627. 1632. 1634- 1638. i6'^8. With R. Daniel. With R. Daniel. With R. Daniel. 1638. With R. Daniel. [1636.] 1612. Printed by F. K. 1606. Printed by E. A. 1609. P 2 io8 BUTTER— CAILLARD. BUTTER (Nathaniel). Gentleman (T.). Englands way to win wealth. Barnevelt displayed. C. (H.). Catholike moderator. Swedish Intelligencer. Hexham (H.). Journall of the taking in Zarain Aga. Relation of the late seidge. Humble remonstrance to the high court. For N. Butter. 1614 Printed hy G. Eld. 1 61 9 For N. Butter. 1624 For N. Butter and N. Bourne. 1632-33 Printed by J. P. Walpolc. 1633 Fainted by I. Raworth. 1639 For N. Butter. 1 640 Undated : — Homer. Whole works. For N. Butter. [1616.] BYDDELL (John). Horae B.V.M. ad usum Sarum. Savonarola (H.). Exposition on the 30th Psalm. Bible. English. [Taverner's.] BYNNEMAN (Henry). Short discourse of the meanes. Painter (W.). Pallace of Pleasure. To the queenes majesties poore deceived subjects. Confession of Faith. Price (J.). Historiae Brytannicae defensio. Walsingham (T.). Historia brevis. Grant (E.). Graece Linguae Spicilegium. Ocland (C). Anglorum praelia. Undated : — Mascall (L.). Booke of the art and maner. Turberville (G.). Noble arte of Venerie. C. (I.). [John Charlewood ?] Tanner (R.). Mirror for Mathematiques. For W. Marshall. For W. Marshall. 1535- IS3S- 1539- For L. Harrison. With T. Marsh. For L. Harrison. For L. Harrison. For H. Toy. For F. Coldock. 1568. 1569-7- 1569. 1571. 1573- 1574- 1S7S- 1582. For J. Wight. For C. Barker. "i6oo.' ^i57S-; For R. Watkins. 1587- C. (R.). [Richard Cotes.] Wadsworth (J.). English Spanish pilgrime. C. (T.). [Thomas Creede.] Spenser (E.). Colin Clout. C. (T.). [Thomas Cotes.] O. (L.). Speculum Jesuiticum. Ussher (J.). Briefe declaration. CADMAN (Thomas). Churchyard (T.). Worthines of Wales. CAILLARD (Jean), Rouen. Ortus vocabulorum. With T. Cotes for M. Sparke. 1630. For W. PoHSonbie. 1595. For M. Sparke. 1629. For T. Downes. 1631. Fainted by G. Robinson. 1587. For J. Gachet. 1517. CALY— CAXTON. 109 CALY (Robert). Martin (T.). A traictise declaryng. Proctor (J.). Historie of Wyates rebellion. CAMARDEN (Richard), Rouen. Bible. English. [Cranmer's.] CAWOOD (Gabriel). Gascoigne (G.). The droomme of Doomesday. CAWOOD (John). Bonner (E.). Homelies. Prayer. Booke of common prayer. Homilies. Certaine Sermons. Bible. 1554- iSSS- 1566. 1576. English. Undated : Bonner (E.). Profitable and necessarye doctrine. CAXTON (William), Westminster. Dictes or sayengis. Dictes or sayengis (variant edition). Cordyale or the four last things. Description of Britain. Cicero (IVl. T.). Of old age and friendship. Godfrey of Boloyne. Chronicles of England. Higden (R.). Polycronicon. Deguilleville (G. de). Pilgrimage of the soul. Govver (J.). Confessio amantis. Mirk (J.). Liber festivalis. Caton. Landry (De la Tour). Knight of the Tower. Malory (Sir T.). Morte d'Arthur. Christine of Pisa. Fayts of Arms. Undated : — Bruges. Cessolis (J. de). Game of Chess. Lefevre (R.). Recuyell. Undated : — Westminster. Ars Moriendi. Blanchardin and Eglantine. Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae. Bonaventura. Speculum vite Christi. Book of divers ghostly matters. Book of the order of chivalry. Bouthillier (J.). The Royal book. Cato parvus et magnus. Caxton (W.). Advertisement of Pica. Cessolis (J. de). Game of Chess. Chartier (A.). The Curial. ISSS- Wif/i R.Jiiggc. 1562. With R.Juggc. 1563. IS69- DSSS-] 1477- 1477- 1479. 1480. 1481. 1481. 1482. 1482. 1483- 1483. 1483. 1484. 1484. 148s- 1489. [ With Colard Mansion. __ [ With Colard Mansion.' :i476.; .1475-. .1490.] .1489-. :i478.: 1490. .1490. 1484. ;i487.; '1482." !i477-' "1481. :i484.; no CAXTON— COLWELL. CAXTON (William), Westminster. Undated : — Westminster. Chaucer (G.). Canterbury Tales. Canterbury Tales. Troylus and Creside. Book of Fame. Christine of Pisa. Moral proverbs. Death-bed prayers. [1478 -1483 1483 1484 1478 1483 Dictes or Sayengis. [1490 Four sons of Aymon. Lefevre (R.). History of Jason. Lidgate (J.). Life of our Lady. Curia Sapientiae. Mirk (J.). Liber Festivalis. Mirror of the world. Mirror of the world. Quattuor sermones. Quattuor sermones. Reynard the Fox. Roye (G. de). Doctrinal of Sapience. Russell (J.). Propositio. Statutes. Ann. I— IV Henry VII. Virgilius Maro (P.). Eneydos. Vocabulary. Voragine (J. de). Golden Legend. — Another edition. 1489 1477 1484 1480 1490 1480, 1489 1483 1490, "1481 '1489 1477- 1489 1490. [1483 '1483 1487.] CERVICORNUS (Eucharius). Cologne. Croce (R.). Introductiones. For J. Lair dc Sihorch. 1 5 20. CHARLEWOOD (John). See also C. (I.). Virgilius Maro (P.). Bucolikes. IS7S- CHARTERIS (Henry). Edinburgh. Smeton (T.). Ad virulentum A. Hamiltonii. Printed by J. Ross. 1579. CLOETING (Jean Andrieszoon). Delft. Firme aliance and agreement. 1631. CLUTTERBUCK (RirHARn). Barri (C). Cochin China. Printed by R. Raviorth. 1633. COLDOCK (Francis). Grant (E.). Graece linguae spicilegium. Printed by H. By nneman. 1575. Ascham (R.). Familiarium Epistolarum libri tres. 1578. COLWELL (Thomas). Peend (T.). Hermaphroditus and Salmacis. 1565. Undated : — Assise of Bread. [iS70- De Benese (R.). Boke of measuryng. [i57o. CONSTABLE— CREEDE. m CONSTABLE (Francis). Lord (H.). Display of two forraigne sects. Printed by T. and R. Cotes. 1630. COOKE (Toby). - Feme (J.). Blazon of Gentrie. Printed by J. Windet. 1586. COOKE (William). Calthorpe (C). Relation between the Lord of a Manner. 1635. Habington (W.). Castara. Printed by T. Cotes. 1639-40! COPLAND (Robert). Devout treatyse. 1535- COPLAND (William). Virgilius Maro (P.). Bukes of Eneados. ISS3' Undated : — Berners (J.). Book of hauking. [1560.' Chronicle of yeres. 'iSS7. Douglas (G.). Palis of Honoure. " '1SS3. Joseph's dreames. 1560. Tindale (W.). Obedience of a Christen man. ISSO. COTES (Richard). See also C. (R.). Lord (H.). Display of two forraigne sects. Witli T. Cotes for F. Constable. 1630. COTES (Thomas). See also C. (T.). Mayer (J.). Commentary. For J. Bellamie. 1627-31. Lord (H.). Display of two forraigne sects. With R. Cotes for F. Constable. 1630. Wadsworth (J.). English Spanish pilgrime. With R'.C. for M. Sparke. 1630. Shakespeare (W.). [Second folio.] For R. Allot., etc. 1632. Short catechism. 1634. Wood (W.). New England's prospect. For J. Bellamie. 1634. — Another edition. For J. Bellamie. 1635. Gierke (R.). Sermons. For T. Alchorn. 1637. Robartes (F.). God's holy house. 1639. Habington (W.). Castara. For W. Cooke. 1639-40. Parkinson (J.). Theatrum bolanicum. 1640. COUSTURIER (Jean), Rouen. Bible. English. *" 1635. COWPER (John). Boughen (E.). Sermon concerning decencie. Printed by I. Raworth. 1638. CREEDE (Thomas). See also C. (T.). Hall (J.) Virgidemiarum. For R. Dexter. 1597. True narration. Par T. Millington. 1603. Undated : — Dallington (R.). Method for travell. [1600.] I 12 CRESPIN— DAWSON. CRESPIN (John), Geneva. Calvin (J.). Catechisme. 1556. Prayer. Forme of prayers. IS56. Goodman (C). How superior powers. ISS8. Bible. English. 1568-70. Undated : — Psalms. [1556-] CRIPPS (Henry), Oxford. Burton (R.). Anatomy of Melancholy. Printed hy J. Lichfield and J. Short. 1621. — Another edition. Printed by J. Lichfield. 1628. CROOKE (Andrew). Blount (Sir H.). Voyage into the Levant. — Another edition. CROWLEY (Robert). Langland (R.). Piers plowman. — Second edition. Wiclif (J.). True copye of a Prolog. D. (L). [John Dawson, the elder.] Smith (J.) Generall historic of Virginia. D. (L). [John Dawson, the younger.] Carew (T.). Poems. D. (R.). Certaine worthye manuscript poems. DANIEL (Roger), Cambridge. Bible. English. Justa Edouardo King. Prayer. Book of common prayer. Undated : — Articles to be ministred. DAVIDSON (Thomas), Edinburgh. Undated : — Boece (H.). Hystory and croniklis of Scotland. DAWSON (John), the elder. See also D. (I.). Remonstrance of the Directors. DAWSON (John), the younger. See also D. (I.). Short questions and answeares. DAWSON (Mary). V. (D.). Enlargement of a former catechisme. Printed by I. L. Fainted by I. L. 1636. 1638. 1550. I5SO' 1550- For M. Spar kc. 1624. For T. Walkley. 1640. For K. D. 1597. With T. Buck. 1638. With T. Buck. 1638. 117/// T. Buck. 1638. With T. Buck. [1636.] [1536.] 1632. 1639. For J. Newbcry. 1637. DAWSON— DAY. 113 DAWSON (Thomas). Knewstub (J.). Confutation of monstrous heresies. Rabbotenu (I.). Bee-hive of the Romishe Churche. Carminum proverbiaHum. DAY (John). Herman. Simple and rehgious consultation. Bible. English. [Matthew's.] Hurt of Sedition. Becon (T.). Fortresse of the fayethfuU. Joye (G.). Exposition of Daniell the Prophete. Lever (T.). Fruitfull sermon. Bible. English. [Matthew's.] Sleidanus (J. P.). Commentaries. Bullinger (H.). Hundred sermons. Psalms. Fox (J.). Actes and Monuments. Gildas. De excidio et conquestu Britanniae. Gonsalvius Montanus (R.). Discovery and playne declaration, Ascham (R.). Scholemaster. Euclid. Elements of geometry. Alley (W.). nraXOMO'iilEION. Articuli de quibus convenit. Ascham (R.). Scholemaster. Bible. New Testament. Gospels. [Anglo-Saxon.] Fox (J.). De Cristo crucifixo concio. Parker (M.). De antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae. Humphrey (L.). Joannes Juelli vita et mors. Psalms. Certaine select prayers. De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae. De pronunciatione Graecae et Latinae. Historiae Cantabrigiensis Academiae. Assertio Antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academiae. Walsingham (T.). Ypodigma Neustriae vel Normanniae, Guido. Staffe of Christian faith. Psalms. Latimer (H.). Sermons. Prayer. A booke of Christian Prayers. Psalms. Psalms. Undated : — Aelfric. Testimonie of antiquitie. Alfred, the Great. Aelfredi regis res gestae. Ascham (R.). Report and discourse. Buchanan (G.). Ane detectioun of the duinges. De Maria Scotorum Regina. Calvin (J.). Faythful and moost godlye treatyse. Of the life or conversation. Crowley (R.). Supper of the Lorde. Frith (J.). Myrroure or lokynge glasse. For R. Scr^icr. For J. SMI. With With With With With W. Seres. W. Seres. W. Seres. W. Seres. W. Seres. Augustinus. Caius (J.) Caius (T.). With W. Seres. With W. Seres. With W. Seres. 1579- [580. IS9S- ■547- '549- 1549- [550. IS so- ls SO. 'SSI- [::;6o. [561. [562. [S63. [568. [S69. [570. 1570. [S7I- [S7I. [S7I- [S7I. [S7I- 1572. 1S73. 1S73. '574- [S74. fS74. 1574- 1574- fS74- [S77. [577. [S78. (SSi. [=;8i, 1583. 1567-: IS74-. ISS3-J 1570. IS70.J 1550. 1550.^ 1550.' 1550.; 114 DAY— ELD. DAY (John). Undated : — Hart (H.). Godly exhortation. Informacion and peticion agaynst the oppressours. Lambert (F.). Minde and judgement. Lever (T.). Sermon preached at Pauls crosse. Liber disciplinae ecclesiae Anglicanae. Parker (M.). Testimonie of antiquitie. Warning agaynst the dangerous practises. DAY (Richard). Assignes of. Augustinus. S. Augustines Manuell. DENHAM (Henry). Bible. New Testament. Welsh. Prayer. Lliver gweddi gyfFredin. Grafton (R.). Chronicle at large. Barret (J.). An alvearie. Llwyd (H.). Historic of Cambria. Tusser (T.). Five hundred pointes. DEW (Thomas). Eadmer. Historiae novorum. DEXTER (Robert). Hall (J.). Virgidemiarum : first three bookes. Virgidemiarum : three last bookes. Clenard (N.). Institutiones linguae Graecae. DOWNES (Thomas). Articles of religion. Usher (J.). Brief declaration. DU-GARD (William). Hartlib (S.). Discours of husbandrie. EDMONDSON (Godfrey). Dodridge (J.). History of Wales. EAST (Thomas), Ovidius Naso (P.). Invective against Ibis. Bourne (W.). Regiment for the sea. Batman (S.). Uppon Bartholome. Spenser (E.). Shepheardes Calendar. Cicero (M. T.). Three bookes of duties. ELD (George). Ayscu (E.). A historic. Grimeston (E.). Low-Country Common-wealth. Shakespeare (W.). Sonnets. B. (E.). Elements of armories. Barnevelt displayed. Barclay (W.). Judicium. Waterhouse (E.). Declaration of the state. Wit/, W. Seres. With W. Seres. 15^0. 1548. • 549- 1551- 1571. 1567- 1569- Printed hy J. Wolfe. 1586. For H. Toy. For R. Tottcl and H. Toy. With R. Newbery. 1567- 1567- 1569- i;8o. 1584. 1585. Printed by W. Stansby. 1623. Printed by T. Creede. 1597. P'inted bv R. Bradock. 1598. For R. Dexter. 15Q9. For T. Downes 1629. Printed by T. C. 1631. 1605. Printed by T. Harper. 1630. With H. Middlcton. i';69 For J. Wight. i!;8o 1582 For J. Harrison. IS86 1596 1607 i6og For T. T. 1609 1610 For N. Butter. 1619 1620 For R. Milbotirne. 1622 EMERY— FREEMAN. "5 Printed by J. Okes. 1639. With B.A. For J. Marriot. 1632. 1633- 1530. [1505.] With B. Ahop. 1635. With B. Ahop. 1639. Printed by W. Stansby. 1625-26. EMERY (Jasper). Plattes (G.). Discovery of subterranean treasure, ESTE (Thomas). See East (Thomas). F. (T.). [Thomas Fawcet.] Brahe (T.). Learned Tico Brahae. F. (M.). [Miles Flesher.] Donne (J.). Poems. FAKES (Richard). Mirror. Myrroure of Our Lady. FAQUES (William). Origen. Omelia. FAWCET (Thomas). See also F. (T.). Fox (L.). North-West Fox. More (Sir T.). Commonwealth of Utopia. FEATHERSTONE (Hekry). Purchas (S.). Purchas his Pilgrimes. FIELD (Richard). Fregeville ( J. de). Reformed politicke. Bible. New Testament. Spanish. Davies (J.). Nosce teipsum. Guiccardini (F.). Historie. Ariosto (L.). Orlando Furioso in English. FINLASON (Thomas), Edinburgh. Skene (Sir J.). Regiam majestatem. FLASKET (John). Nenna (G. B.). Nennio. Luis de Granada. The sinners guyde. Bodenham (J.). England's Helicon. Certayne matters concerning the Realme of Scotland. FLESHER (Miles). See also F. (M.). Carleton (G.). Thankfull remembraunce. Par R. Mylbourne and H. Robinson. 1627. FOGNY (John), Rheims. Bible. New Testament. English. 1582. FORREST (Edward), Oxford. Wilkins (J.). Discovery of a world. Printed by E. G. 1638. FREEMAN (Conrad), Greenwich. Faythfull admonycion. I5S4- For J. Standish, Printed by P. S. Printed bv J. Roberts. Printed by J. R. For J. Flasket. 1589. 1596. 1599- 1599- 1607. i6og. IS9S- 1598. 1600. 1603. Q2 ii6 FRIES— GREEN. FRIES (Augustine), Zurich. Hooper (J.). Declaracion of Christe. IS47- G. (E.). [Edward Griffin, the younger.] Wilkins (John). Discovery of a world. For M. Spar ke and E. Forrest. 1638. GACHET (John), Hereford. Ortus Vocabulorum. Printed by J. Caillard. iSiy- GARET (William). Bedwell (W.). Mesolabium architectonicum. Printed by J. N.\orton.'\ 1631. GAULTIER (Thomas). Bible. New Testament. English. ^SS°- GODET (GiLLEs). Undated : — Godet (G.). Genealogie of the Kinges of England. [1560.] GODFRAY (Thomas). Gradus Comparationum. s.a. GOSSON (Henry). Fight at sea. For H. Gosson. 1617. Taylor (J.). Olde, old, very olde man. For H. Gosson. 1635. GRAFTON (Richard). Bible. English. [Great Bible.] 1539 Bible. English. 154° Hardyng (J.). Chronicle. IS43 Langley (T.). Worke of Polidore Vergil. 1546 Prayer. Orarium seu libellus. IS46 Adams (N.). An epitome of the title. 1548 Seymour (E.), Duke of Somerset. Epistle or exhortacion. 1 548 Patten (W.). Expedicion into Scotland. 1548 Halle (E.). Union of the two noble families. 1548 — Another edition. 155° [1548-] Prayer. Booke of the common praier. 1 549 Concordance. 1 5 SO' Homilies. Certaine sermones or homelies. I^^I Bible. Enghsh. [Great Bible.] ISS3 Wilson (T.). Rule of reason. 1553 Undated : — Wilson (T.). Vita et obitus Henrici et Caroli Brandoni. ['SSi-] GREEN (Francis), Cambridge. Fletcher (G.). Christs victorie and triumph. For F. Green. 1632. GREENE— HARRISON. 117 GREENE (Leonard), Cambridge. Crakanthorp (R.). De providentia Dei. Sarpi (P.). Interdicti Veneti historia. With J. and T. Buck. 1623. 1626. GRIFFIN (Anne). F. (G.). Duell-ease. Taylor (John). Drink and welcome. 1635- 1637- GRIFFIN (Edward), the younger. See G. (E.). GRIFFIN (Edward), the elder. Wright (L.). Display of duty. Bainbridge (J.). An astronomical description. Arraignement of John van Olden Barnevelt. For G. Ptirslowc. For J. Parker. For R. Rotinthwait. 1614. 1619. 1619. GRIFFITH (William). Erasmus (D.). Diversoria. Bodonius. Fortresse of fayth defended. 1566. 1570. GUBBIN (Thomas). Fraunce (A.). The lawier's logike. Printed by W. How. 1588. H. (I.). Smith (J.). Generall Historic of Virginia. For M. Sparke. 1624. H. (J.). Ussher (J.). Immanuel. For J. Parker. 1638. HALL (Rowland), Geneva. Bible. English. [Genevan.] 1560. HALL (Rowland), London. Declaration made by the prince of Conde. H. (J.). A poesie in forme of a vision. For E. Sutton. 1562. 1563- HALL (William). Everard (J.). Britanno-Romanus. For W. Wdhy. Speed (J.). Historic. Foj'J. Sudbury and G. Hiunble. 1611. 1611. HARFORD (William). Undated :— Aungell (J.). Agreement of the holy Fathers. For W. Seres. [ ;isss-] HARPER (Thomas). Browne (T.). Historic of the life and reigne of Elizabeth. Plumptre (H.). Epigrammaton opusculum. Dodridge (J.). History of Wales. For G. Edmondson and T. Alchorn. Weever (J.). Ancient funerall monuments. History of S. George of Cappadocia. For H. Seyle. 1629. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1633- HARRISON (John), the elder. Holinshed (R.). Chronicles. For J. Harrison. 1577- ii8 HARRISON— HERFORDE. HARRISON (John), the younger. Spenser (E.). Shepheardes calendar. Printed by J. Wolfe. 1586. HARRISON (John), the youngest. Lawson (W.). New orchard. Printed by N. Okes. 1631. HARRISON (Luke). Bible. English. [Cranmer's.] 1562. Short discourse of the meanes. Printed by H. Bynncman. 1 568. To the queenes majesties poore deceived subjects. Printed by H. Bvnncman. 1569. Confession of faith. For L. Harrison. 1571. HART (Andrew), Edinburgh. Napier (J.). Logarithmorum canonis descriptio. 1614. — Heirs of, Edinburgh. Scotland, Church of. Principall acts. 1639. HATFIELD (Arnold). Valera (C. de). Don tratados. 1588. Fairfax (E.). Godfrey of Bulloigne. For J.Jaggard and M. Lownes. 1600. Plutarch. The philosophic, commonly called the Morals. 1603. HAVILAND (John). Strang^-age (W.). Life of Mary Stuart. For R. Wliitaker. 1624. Minsheu (J.). Guide into the tongues. 1627. Bacon (F.). Certaine miscellany works. For H. Robinson. 1629. Horatius Flaccus (Q.). Odes. For W. Lee. 1635. Manchester al mondo. 1636. Gataker (T.). Antithesis. 1638. HAUKYNS (John). Palsgrave (J.). Esclarcissement de la langue Francoyse. IS30. HAWKINS (Richard). Cornwallis (Sir W.). Essayes. Printed by G. Piirslowe. 161 6. Essayes of certaine paradoxes. For R. Haivkins. 1617. Lily (W.). Animadversions upon Lillies grammar. Printed by W. Stansby. 1625. Shakespeare (W.). [Second folic] Printed by T. Cotes. 1632. Undated : — Paris and Vienna. For R. Hawkins. [1625.] HEERSTRATEN (Egidius van der). Louvain. Perottus (N.). Rudimenta Grammatices. [i486.] HERFORDE (John), London. Gardiner (S.). Detection of the Devil's Sophistrie. IS46. Declaration of suche true articles. For R. Toy. 1 546. Smyth (R.). Defence of the sacrifice of the masse. 1 546. HERFORDE— JAGGARD. 119 HERFORDE (John), St. Alban's. Very declaration of the bond and free wyll of man. HERFORDE (William). See Harford (William). HESTER (Andrewe). Bible. English. [Coverdale's.] HILL (William). Bible. English. Undated : — Prayse and commendacion of such. HILLENIUS (Michael), Antwerp. Wolsey (T.). Rudimenta grammatices. HOPYL (Wolfgang), Paris. Burgo (J. de). Pupilla oculi. HOW (William). Virgilius Maro (P.). Eneidos. Fraunce (A.). The lawier's logike. [1532.] 1550. With T. Rainald. 1549. With T. Rainald. [1548.] iSS^?- For W. Bretton. it; 10. For A. Vealc. For T. Guhhin and T. Neitmian. IS73- i=;S8. HUMBLE (George). Speed (J.). Historic. Printed by W. Hall and J. Beak. 1611. HUNTE (Thomas), Oxford. Lathbury (J.). Expositio Jheremiae prophetae. Phalaris. Epistolae. Mirk (J.). Liber festivalis. Undated : — Hampole (R. Rolle of). Explanationes. Lyndevvode (W.). Constitutiones provinciales. Terentius Afer (P.). Vulgaria, etc. \_With T. Rood.'] With T. Rood. 1482. 1485. i486. With T. Rood.] With T. Rood!] With T. Rood!] [1483-] [14«3.] [1483.] ISLIP (Adam). Chaucer (G.). Workes. Heywood (T.) VwaiKuoi'. Gerarde (J.). The herball. For B. Norton. Knolles (R.). Generall historic of the Turkes. J. (W.). [William Jones. ?] B. (H.). Baiting of the Pope's bull. Harris (R.). God's goodnes and mercie. Vesey (H.). Scope of the Scripture. JACKSON (Roger). Anton (R.). Vices anotimie scourged. With J. Norton and R. Whi taker. For M. Sparke. For S. Man. 1598. 1624. 16^6. 1638. 1627. 1631. 1637. Fainted by B. Alsop. 16 17. I20 JAGGARD— JUGGE. JAGGARD (John). Fairfax (E.). Godfrey of Bulloigne. Printed by A. Hatfield. 1600. Carew (R.)- Survey of Cornwall. Printed by S. S. 1602. Discoverie of the true causes. For J.Jaggard. 1612. JAGGARD (Isaac). Shakespeare (W.). [First folio.] With E. Blount. 1623. JAGGARD (William). Glover (R.). Nobilitas politica vel civilis. 1608. Milles (T.). Catalogue of honour. 1610. Munday (A.). A briefe chronicle. 161 1. JANSON. Undated : — Holland (H.). Herwologia Anglica. For C. Passe and Janson. [1620.] JANSS (A.), Gorinchem. Vox Populi. 1624. JEFFES (Abel). Gascoigne (G.). Workes. 1587. Ascham (R.). Toxophilus. 1589- JEHANNOT (Jean), Paris. Horae B.V.M. Secundum usum Sarum. For N. Lecotnte. 1498. JOHNSON (Arthur). Bell (T.). Downefall of popery. Printed by T. Purfoot. 1605. JONES (Richard). Undcrdowne (T.). Theseus and Adriadne. 1566. Llwyd (H.). Breviary of Britayne. 1573- Davies (J.). Sir Martin Mar-People. I590- JONES (William). See also J. (W.). Proclus. Sphaera. 1620. Yet more worke for a masse priest. 1622. Isocrates. Archidamus. For N. Bourne. 1624. JUGGE (Richard). Bible. New Testament. English. [Tindale's.] 1552. New Testament. English. [Tindale's.] 1553- Virgilius Maro (P.). Eneidos. Printed hy F. Kyngston. 1558. Curtes (M.). The Arte of Navigation. 1561. Prayer. Booke of common prayer. With J. Caivood. 1562. Homilies. Certaine sermons. With J. Cawood. 1563. Bible. English. [Bishop's.] 1568. English. [Bishop's.] 1572. English. 1573. Patten (W.). The calendar of Scripture. IS75' Eden (R.). Trauayle in the East and West Indies. IS77- JUGGE— L. 121 JUGGE (Richard). Undated : — Defence of priestes mariages. Taisnier (J.). A ... Booke concerning Navigation. JUNIUS (Robert). See Young (R.). [1562.] [IS79-] K. (F.). [Felix Kyngston.] Dent (A.). Exposition of the articles. Polyander (J.). Refutation of an epistle. KELLAM (Lawrence), Douay. Bible. English. KERVER (Thielman), Paris. Horae ad usum Sarum. KYNGSTON (Felix). See also K. (F.). Virgilius Maro. Eneidos. Soto (F. de.). Virginia richly valued. Mirror for magistrates. Fenton (R.). Treatise of usurie. — Another edition. True relation of the deserved death. Harris (R.). The Drunkards cup. True description of the execution. Mirror for Magistrates. Mountagu (R.). Diatribae. Wadsworth (J.). Further observations. KYNGSTON (John). Boemus (J.). Fardle of facions. Chaucer (G.). Workes. L. (H.). [Humphrey Lownes, the elder and the younger.] Palmer (T.). An essay of the meanes. Sprint (J.). Propositions. Spenser (E.). Faery Queene. Drayton (M.). Poly-oTbion. Hesiod. The Georgicks. Gee (J.). The foot out of the snare. L. (J.). [John Legatt, the elder.] Daniell (S.). Certaine small workes. L. (J.). [John Legatt, the younger.] Ussher (J.). A sermon preached before the Commons. Blount (Sir H.). Voyage into the Levant. — Another edition. Somner (W.). Antiquities of Canterbury. Bor C. Burhie and W. Young. 1606. For T. Man. 16 10. i6oq-i6. For J. Richard. 1497- For R.Jiigge. 1558. For M. Lownes. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. For N. Newhery. 1617. 1619, I^or N. Ncwbcry. 1619. For T. Adams. 1620. 1621. 1630, With H. Sutton. I5SS' For J. Wight. 1561. For M. Lownes. 1606. For T. Man. 1607, For M. Lownes. 1609, For M. Lownes. 1613, For M. Partrich. 1618. '^or R. Milboiirne. 1624. For 5. Waterson. i6ii. For J. Bartlet. 1631. For A. Crookc. 1636, For A. Crooke. 1638. For R. Thrale. 1640, 122 -LEY. L. (I.). [John Lichfield.] Oxford. Twyne (B.). Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis. With I. S. Oxford, University of. Musarum Oxoniensium pro Rege. WM W. T. LACY (Alexander). Dives Pragmaticus. Pits (J.). A poore mannes benevolence. LAET (Jean), Antwerp. Bade. History of the Church. LAW (Matthew). Barlow (W.). Summe and Substance of the conference. Printed h\ J. Windct. LECOMTE (Nicholas). Horae B.V.M. secundum usum Sarum. 1620. 1633- 1563- 1566. 1565- 1604. Printed by J. Jchaiinot. 1498. LEE (William). Drayton (M.) Battaile of Agincourt. Horatius Flaccus (O.). Odes. Undated : — Philipot (J.). The Cities Advocate. LEEU (Gerard), Antwerp. Chronicles of England. LEGATT (John), the elder. See also L. (I.) Terentius Afer (P.). Terence in English. LEGATT (John), the younger. See also L. (L). James (T.). The strange and dangerous voyage. Perkins (W.). Foundation of Christian religion. LEKPREUIK (Robert), Edinburgh. Actis and constitutiounis of Scotland. LE TALLEUR (Guillaume), Rouen. Undated : — Littleton (Sir T.). Tenores. Statham (N.). Abridgement of cases. LETTOU (John). Undated : — Littleton (Sir T.). Tenores novelli. Statutes. Nova statuta. For W. Lee. 1627, FVinted by J. Haviland. 1635. For W. Lee. [1628.] 1493- For J. Partridge. For R. Pynson. For R. Pynsoit. \_With W. de Machlinia:] With W. de Machlinia. 1614. 1633- 1638. 1566. [14^0.] [1490.J [i483-_ [1483.] LEY (William). Taylor (John) Differing worships. For W. Ley. 1640. LICHFIELD— M. 123 LICHFIELD (John), Oxford. See also L. (I.). Burton (R.). Anatomy of Melancholy. For H. Cripps. 1 62 1 Oxford, University of. Carolus Redux. With J. Short. 1623 Epithalamia. With W. Turner. 1625 Parentalia. With W. Turner. 1625 H. (G.). A comp/arison between the dayes of Purim. With W. 7'urner. 1626 Burton (R.). Anatomy of Melancholy. For H. Cripps. 1628 Ovidius Naso (P.). Metamorphosis. 1632 Clement I. Ad Corinthios epistola prior. 1633 Oxford, University of. Solis Britannici Perigaeum. With W. Turner. 1633 Vitis Carolinae Gemma altera. With W. Turner. 1633 LICHFIELD (Leonard), Oxford. Oxford, University of Caronae Carolinae quadratura. 1636. Randolph (T.). The Muses looking-glasse. For. F. Boivman. 1638. Poems. For F. Botvman. 1640. LING (Nicholas). Drayton (M.). The Owle. Printed by E. A. 1604. LINLEY (Paul). Nenna (G. B.). Nennio. Pi-inted by P. S. 1595. Luis de Granada. The sinners guyde. Printed by J. Roberts. 1598. LISLE (Laurence). Chapman (G.). Andromeda liberata. For L. Lisle. 16 14. LOWNES (Humphrey), the elder. See also L. (H.). Berners (J.). The Gentlemans Academic. For H. Loivncs. 1595. LOWNES (Matthew). Fairfax (E.). Godfrey of Bulloigne. F^'inted by A. Hatfield. 1600. M. (E.). A true discourse historicall. For M. Lownes. 1602. Palmer (T.). An essay of the meanes. Printed bv H. L. 1606. Soto (F. de). Virginia richly valued. Printed bv F. Kinfi;ston. 1609. Spenser (E.). Faery Oueene. Printed by H. L. 1609. Drayton (M.). Poly-olbion. Printed by H. L. 16 13. LUFT (Hans), Marburg. Tindale (W.). Obedience of a Christen man. 1528. — Another edition. 1535- — Wittenberg. Bible. Pentateuch. IS34- LYNNE (Walter). Carion (John). Thre bokes of cronicles. For W. Lynne. 1550. M. (A.). [Augustine Mathewes. ?] Wither (G.). A collection of Emblemes. For H. Taunton. 1635. R 2 124 M.— MARSHE. M. (G.). [George Miller. ?] Psalms. MABB (Ralph). Bate (J.). The mysteries of nature. MACHLINIA (William de). Undated : — Albertus Magnus. Liber aggregationis. Chronicles of England. For the Company of Stationers. For R. Mah. Innocent VIU. Innocent VIII. Littleton (Sir T.) Bull. Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones. Tenores novelli. — Another edition. Statutes. Nova Statuta. Nova Statuta. Statuta edita anno prime Ricardi III. Watton (J.). Speculum Christian!. With J. Lettou. [ With J. Lettou.'] MAN (Samuel). Bernard (R.). Common Catechisme. Vesey (H.). Scope of the Scripture. MAN (Thomas). Sprint (J.). Propositions. Polyander (J.). Refutation of an epistle. MANNENBY (Leigh), Edinburgh. Request presented to the King of Spain. MANSION (CoLARP), Bruges. Undated : — Cessolis (G. de). Game of Chesse. Lefevre (R.). Recuyell. MARCANT (Nicholas). Undated : — Parvula. MARRIOT (John). Donne (J.). Poems. MARSHALL (William). Defence of peace. Horae B. V. M. ad usum Sarum. Savonarola (H.). Exposition on the 30th Psalm. MARSHE (Thomas). Dares Phrygius and Dictys Cretensis. Thomas (W.). Historye of Italye. Horatius Flaccus (Q.). Satyres. Printed hv W. Stansby. Printed by W. I. Printed by H. L. Printed by F. K. 1638. 1634- 1484.; i486. 1486. 148;. 1483. 1484. 1483." 1484.; 1485-. 1485.,- 1630. 1637- 1607, 1 6 10. 1578. \\Vith W. Caxton.] [With W. Caxton.] [1476.] [I475-] [1500.] Printed by M. F. 1633, Printed by P. Wyer. 1535. Prin ted by J. Byddel. 1535. Printed by J. Byddel. 1535. 1555- 1561. 1566. MARSHE— MILBOURNE. 125 MARSHE (Thomas). New Postil. Horatius Flaccus (O.). Arte of Poetrie, pistles, and satyrs. Painter (W.). Pallace of Pleasure. With H. Bynncman. ] Matthaeus, Westmonasteriensis. Floras historiarum. — Another edition. Reynoldes (R.). Chronicle. Ovidius Naso (P.). De Tristibus. MATHEWES (Augustine). See also M. (A.). Carleton (G.). A thankfuU remembrance. For R. Mylbotirnc and H. Robinson. New Starr of the north. '' For R. Milbournc. Herbert of Cherbury (E. Lord). De Veritate. Stafford (T.). Pacata Hibernia. For R. Milbournc. 1566. 1567- 569-7- 1570. 1570. 1571- 1578. 1630. 1632. 1633- 1633- MAUNSELL (Andrew). Maunsell (A.). Catalogue. Printed by J. Windet. 1595. MAYLER (John). Bible, New Testament. Latin. MEIGHEN (Richard). Slatyer (W.). [Palae-Albion.] Eadmer. Historiae novorum. Stow (J.). Annales. Shakespeare (W.). [Second folio.] Grimeston (E.). History of the imperiall estate. Printed by \V. Stanshv. Printed by W. Stansby. For R. Mcighen. Printed by T. Cotes. Printed by W. Stansby. 1540. 1621. 1623. 1631. 1632. 1635- Printed bv R. Young: 1633. MEREDITH (Christopher). Martialis (M. V.). Epigrammaton. Robinson (T.). Anatomic of the English nunnery. For P. Stephens and C. Meredith. liiJiT. Spelman (Sir H.). Concilia. Printed by R. Badger. 1639-64. MIDDLETON (Henry.) Ovidius Naso (P.). Invective against Ibis. Lambard (W.). Perambulation of Kent. Cogan (T.). Haven of health. MIDDLETON (William). Smith (R.). Defense of the sacrifice. Institutions or principal groundes. MILBOURNE (Robert). Waterhouse (E.). Declaration of the state. Gee (J.). Foot out of the snare. New shreds. Owen (L.). Running register. Carleton (G.). ThankfuU remembraunce. — Another edition. With T. East. 1569. For R. Newbery. 1576. For W. Norton. 1584. 546-7. 1547- Printed by G. Eld. 1622. Printed by H. L. 1624. For R. Milbonrne. 1624. For R. Milbonrne. 1626. Printed by M. Flcsher. 1627. Fainted by Aug. Math. 1630. 126 MILBOURNE— NICHOLSON. MILBOURNE (Robert). New Starr of the north. Stafford (T.). Pacata Hibernia. Coale from the altar. MILLER (George) See also M. (G.). May (E.). Most certaine and true relation. MILLINGTON (Thomas). True narration of the Entertainment. MOORE (Joh.n), Assignes of. Dodridge (J.). English lawyer. Britton (J.). [On the laws of England.] MYCHELL (John), Canterbury. Psalter. Undated : — Mychell (J.). Chronicle. MYLBOURNE. See Milbourne (Robert). N. (L). [John Norton, the younger ?] Bedwell (W.). Mesolabium architectonicum. Sicelides. NEWBERY (Joan). V. (D.). Enlargement of a former catechisme. NEWBERY (Nathaniel). True relation of the deserved death. True description of the execution. Newes out of Holland. Remonstrance made b}- the Oueene-mother. True relation of the unjust. Printed hy A. Mathcwcs. 1632. Printed by A. Mathnvcs. 1633. For R. Milbourne. i^n. 1639- Printed hy T. Crecdc. 1603. 1631. 1640. 1549- [1552.] For W. Garct. 1631. For W. Shear cs. 1 63 1. Printed by M. Dawson. 1637. Printed by F. Kyngston. idi"]. Printed by F. K\ngston. 1619. Printed hy T. S. 1619. Printed hy T. S. 16 1 9. Printed by G. Pnrshive. 1632. NEWBERY (Ralph). Lambard (W.). Perambulation of Kent. Printed by H. Middleton. 1576. Llwyd (H.). Historie of Cambria. With H. Dcnham. 1584. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. With G. Bishop and R. Barker. 1596. Hakluyt (R.). Principall navigations. With G. Bishop and R. Barker. 1598-1600. NEWMAN (Thomas). Fraunce (A.). The lawier's logike. NICHOLSON (James). Bible. English. [Coverdale's.] Bible. New Testament. English. [Coverdale's.] Printed by W. Hoiv. 1 588. 1537- 1538- NORTON— NORTON. 127 NORTON (Bonham). Chaucer (G.). Workes. Fortescue (Sir J.). A learned commendation. Rerum Anglicarum annales. Bible. English. H. (R. F.). Two Concordances. James I. Opera. Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. Bible. English. Orders thought meet. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. Bible. English. Prayer. Booke of common prayer. Charles I. His Majesties declaration. Forme of prayer. Undated : — Catalogus Universalis. NORTON (George). Zouche (R.). The Dove. Printed by A. IsUp. 1598, With T. Wight. 1599. For J. Bill. 1 6 16. With J. Bill. 1619. With J. Bill. 1 6 19. With J. Bill. 1 61 9. With J. Bill. 1 61 9. With J. Bill. 1 620-1. With J. Bill. 1625. With J. Bill. 162=;. With J. Bill. l(:>r]. With J. Bill. 1627. With J. Bill. 1628. With J. Bill. 1628. With J. Bill. [1618.] For G. Norton. 16 13. NORTON (John). The elder. Rose (T.). Idaea. London. 1608. NORTON (John). The elder. Eton. Joannes Metropolitanus Euchaitensis. John, Chrysostom. Opera. Xenophon. De Cyri institutione. Versus Jambici. 1610. 1610-13. 1613. NORTON (John). The elder and the younger. London. Du Moulin (P.). De Monarchia pontificio Romani. 1614. Pilkington (G.). Turnament of Tottenham. 1631. Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall. 1633. — Another edition. For Joyce Norton and R. Whitaker. 1633. — Another edition. For Joyce Norton and R. Whitaker. 1633. Verstegan (R.). Restitution of decayed intelligence. For Joyce Norton and R. Whitaker. 1634. Blaxton (J.). English usurer. 1634. Brerewood (E.). Enquiries touching the diversity. For Joyce Norton and R. Whitaker. 1635. Markham (G.). Pleasures of princes. For H. Taunton. 1635. NORTON (Joyce). Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall. — Another edition. Verstegan (R.). Restitution of decayed intelligence. Brerewood (E.). Enquiries touching the diversity. Gerarde (J.). The herball. With . Printed by John Norton. 1 633. Printed by John Norton. 1633. Printed by John Norton. 1634. Printed bv J'lhn Norton. 163V ■i. Islip and R. Whitaker. 1636. 128 NORTON— p. NORTON (William). Monardes (N.). Joyfull newes. Cogan (T.). Haven of health. NOTARY (Julian). Voragine (J. de). Golden Legend. Hylton (W.). Scala perfectionis. Undated : — Evil Tongues. Of Evil Tongues. OCKOULD (RicHARn). Botero (G.). Treatise concerning the causes. ORES (John). Buck (G.). The great Plantagenet. Heywood (T.). True description of his majesties ship. Lupton (D.). History of Moderne Protestant Divines. Pagitt (E.). Relation of the Christians. Plattes (G.). Discovery of subterraneall treasure. Lupton (D.). Glory of their times. OKES (Nicholas). Heywood (T.). Apology for actors. Owen (J.). Epigrammatum. Trades Increase. Page (S.). Allegeance of the cleargle. M. (T.). Discourse of trade. Camden (W.). Remaines. Lawson (W.). New orchard and garden. Lithgow (W.). Totall discourse. Buck (G.). Great Plantagenet. Lupton (D.). Emblems of Rarities. History of Moderne Protestant Divines. 1580. Printed by H. Middleton. 1 584. 1503- 1507- [1510.] Printed by T. P. 1606. ORWIN (Thomas). Fraunce (A.). Rhys (J. D.). Countesse of Pembrokes Yvychurch. Cambrobrytannicae Cymraecaeve. OSWEN (John), Worcester. Prayer. Book of Common Prayer. Zwingli (U.). Short pathwaye. OVERTON (John), Ipswich. Bale (J.). lUustrium majoris Britanniae. P. (E.) [Elizabeth Purslowe. ?] Brooke (Lord). Certaine learned workes. Donne (J.). Juvenilia. With N. Okcs. 163;. For J. Aston. With N. Okcs. 1637- 1637- Fftr J. Emery. 1639- 1639. 1640. 1612. 1612. i6it;. 1616. For J. Pyper. For S. Watcrson. 1621. 1623. For J. Harrison. 1631. With J. Okcs. With J. Okes. 1632. 1635- 1636. 1637. vir W. Ponsonbie. 1591. 1592. 1549. 1550. "V For H. Seylc. For H. Seylc. 1548. 1633. 1633. p.— POWELL. 129 P. (G.). [George Purslowe. ?] Marlow (Christopher). Hero and Leander. For E. Blount. 1617. P. (T.). [Thomas Purfoot. ?] Botero (G.). Treatise concerning the causes. For R. Ockoiild and H. Tomes. 1606. PARKER (John). Bainbridge (J.). An astronomical description. Ashley (R.). Almansor. Ussher (J.). Immanuel. PARTRICH (Miles) Hesiod. Georgicks. PARTRIDGE (John). Hayward (Sir J.). Life of Edward VI. James (T.). The strange and dangerous voyage. PASSE (Crispin). Undated : — Holland (H.). Herwologia Anglica. PAVIER (Thomas). Philip (W.). True and perfect description. PEPWELL (Henry). Modus tenendi curiam baronis. PETYT (Thomas). Statutes. The great Abredgement. PIGOUCHET (Philippe), Paris. Horae ad usum Sarum. PONSONBY (William). Spenser (E.). Muiopotmos. Faerie Queene. Fraunce (A.). Countesse of Pembrokes Emanuel. Countesse of Pembrokes Yvychurch. Spenser (E.). Complaints. Amoretti and Epithalamion. Colin Clout. Bigges (W.). Summarie and true discourse. Spenser (E.). Faerie Queene. Fowre Hymnes. Barret (R.). Theorike and practike of moderne warres. POWELL (William). Office of ShyryfFes. Fh-tnted by E. Griffin. 1619. For J. Parker. 1627. Printed hy I. H. 1638. Printed by H. L. 1 618. For J. Partridge. 1630. Printed by J. Legatt. 1633. For C. Passe andjunson. [1620.] For T. Pavicr. 1609. [1521.] 1 542. For S. Vostre. 1498. For W. Ponsonby. 1590. For W. Ponsonby. 1590-96. For W. Ponsonby. 1 591. Printed by T. Orwin. 1591. For W. Ponsonby. 1591. Printed by P. S. 1595. Printed by T. C. 1 595. For W. Ponsonby. 1596. For W. Ponsonby. 1596. For W. Ponsonby. 1596. For W. Ponsonby. 1598. 1 549. I30 PREST— PYNSON. PREST (Jean le), Rouen. Horae. The Prymer. Epistles and Gospels. PULLEN (OCTAVIAN). Declinator and protestation of the Archbishops. PURFOOT (Thomas). See also P. (T.). Huon of Bordeaux. Bell (T.). Downefall of Popery. Lloyd (L.). Choyce of Jewels. Turberville (G.). Booke of Falconrie. Undated : — Lindsay (Sir D.). Four books of the monarchie. PURSLOWE (Elizabeth). See P. (E.). PURSLOWE (George). See also P. (G.). Wright (L.). Display of duty. Cornwallis (Sir W.). Essayes. Mittimus to the Jubile. True relation of the unjust. PYNSON (Richard). Parker (H.). Dives and Pauper. Boccaccio (G.). Falle of Princis. Sulpitius (J.). Opus gramniaticum. Alcock (J.). Moos perfectionis. Gallicantus. Maydeston (C). Directorium Sacerdotum. Proinptorium parvulorum sive clericorum. Statutes. Abbreviamentum Statutorum. Garlandia (J. de). Synoniiua. Missale ad usum Sarum. — Another edition. Alexander de Villa Dei. Textus Alexandri. Garlandia (J. de). Synonima. Chronicles of England. Description of Britain. Intrationum liber. Alexander de Villa Dei. Textus Alexandri. Garlandia (J. de). Multorum vocabuloruni. Magna Carta. Fabyan (R.). Chronicles of England. Kalendre of the newe legende of England. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. Whitinton. Editio secunda. De nominum generibus Henry VIII. Assertio septem sacramentoruni. Tonstall (C). De arte supputandi. For R. Valentin. 1553. For R. Valentin. \^^^. Printed hy J. Raiaorth. 1 639. For A.Johnson. 1601. 1605. 1607. i6ii. [1580.] Printed hy E. Gri^n. 16 14. For R. Hawkins. 1616. For J. White. 1625. For N. Newberry. 1632. 1493 1494 1494 1497 1498 1498 1499 1499 1500. 1500. 1504 1505 1 509 1510. 1510. 1510, JS13 1514 1514 1516 1506 [15 1 6.] 1516 1520 1521 i';22 PYNSON— PYPER. 131 PYNSON (Richard). Galenus (C). Whitinton. Galenus (C). Linacre (T.). De motu musculorum lib. II. De verborum prasteritis et supinis. De uaturalibus facultatibus lib. III. De symptomatum differentiis. De emendata structura Latini. Diversite de Court. Boccaccio (G.). Falle of Princes. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. Statutes. Abridgement of the Statutes. Undated : — Assises. Liber assisarum. Brant (S.). Ship of Fools. Breviarum secundum usum Sarum. Chaucer (G.). Canterbury Tales. Galenus (C). De pulsuum usu. Henry VIII. Proclamation. Indulgence. Laet (J.). Prognostication. Leo X. Bull. Linacre (T.). Rudimenta Grammatices. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenores. Lugo (P. de). Principia. Lyndewode (W.). Constitutiones provinciales. — Another edition. Sallustius Crispus (C). Chronicle of the war. — A different edition. Statham (N.). Abridgement of cases. Statutes. Nova statuta. V^irgilius Maro (P.). Poesis. Whitinton. Editio. Year-books : — 1, Edward IV. 2, Edward IV. 3, Edward IV. 4, Edward IV. ;, Edward IV. 6, Edward IV. 7, Edward IV. 8, Edward IV. 9, Edward IV. 34, Henry VI. 35, Henry VI. 36, Henry VI. 37, Henry VI. Printed by G. le Tallcur. Printed by G. le Tallcur. 1522. 1522. 1523- 1524- 1524. 1526. i;27. 1528. 1521 [1528.] s.a [1509 1508, 1492 1522 1517 1519 LIS19 "1518 1525 L1490 1507, 1499 "1499 1525 1525 1490 1502 1520 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1525- 1525- 1525- 1525- PYPER (John). M. (T.). Discourse of Trade. P-inted h\ N. Okcs. 1 621. S 2 132 R.— REDMAN. R. (I.). Bodenham (J.). England's Helicon. For J. Flasket. 1600. Euordanus. History of. For R. B. 1605. RABAN (Edward), Aberdeen. Forbes (P.). Funerals of. 1635. RAINALDE (Thomas). See Raynalde (Thomas). RAPHELENGIUS (Francis), Leyden. Whitney (G.). Choice of Emblemes. 1586. RASTELL (John). Statutes. Abridgement. ■ IS^?* Undated : — Liber assisarum. [1520.] Rastell (J.). Pastyme of people. [1529-] RASTELL (William). More (Sir T.). A dyaloge. 1530. Registrum omnium brevium judicialium. iS3i- Registrum omnium brevium tam originalium. ISSI- Fabyan (R.). Cronycle. 1533' More (Sir T.). Apology. iS33- RAWORTH (John). Boughen (E.). Sermon. For J. Coivpcr. 1638. Declinator and protestation. For G. Thomason and 0. Pullen. 1639. Zarain Aga. Relation of the late seidge. For N. Butter and N. Boitrne. 1639. RAWORTH (Robert). Borri (C). Cochin China. For R. Clutterhuck. 1633. RAYNALDE (Thomas). Bible. English. With W. Hill. 1549. Undated : — Prayse and commendacion of such. With W.Hill. [1548.] REDBORNE (Robert). Bourchier (J.). Arthur of lytell brytayne. ['SSO-] REDMAN (John). Undated : — Whitinton (R.) De heteroclitis nominibus. REDMAN (Robert). Natura Brevium. 1529. Fruite of redempcion. IS3I' REDMAN— ROOD. 133 REDMAN (Robert). Pomander of Prayer. Littleton (Sir T.). The olde Tenures. Whitford (R.). Pype or Tonne of Perfection. Modus tenendi curiam baronis. Undated : — Bushe (P.). Gostly medycynes. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. Prayer. Devoute prayers in englysshe. REGNAULT (Francis), Paris. Horae ad usum Sarum. Bible. New Testament. English. [Coverdale's.] REYNES (John). Higden (R.). Polychronicon. RICHARD (Jean), Paris. Horae ad usum Sarum. ROBERTS (James). Pasquil. First parte of Pasquils Apologie. Luis de Granada. The sinners guyde. ROBINSON (George). Churchyard (T.). Worthines of Wales. ROBINSON (Humphrey). Carleton (G.). Thankfull remembraunce. Bacon (F.). Certaine miscellany works. Milton (J.). Maske presented at Ludlow Castle. Egerton (S.). Brefe method of catechising. ROBINSON (Robert) Raleigh (Sir W.] Printed by P. Trevei'is. fainted by T. Kerver. For P. Linlcy and J. Flasket. 1531- 1532. 1532. 1533- iS3^ 1530. IS3I-J 1536. 1538. 1527- 1497- 1^90. 1598. For T. Cadmnn. 1587. Printed by M. Flcshcr. Printed by J. Haviland. F'or H. Robinson. Printed by J. Bcalc. Discoverie of... Guiana. ROCKETT (Henry). Humors antique faces. ROGERS (Owen). Langland (R.). Vision of Pierce Plowman. Undated : — Pole (R.). Seditious and blasphemous oration. ROOD (Theodoric), Oxford. Rufinus (T.). Expositio sancti Jeronimi. Aristotle. Ethicorum libri x. Aegidius Columna. De peccato originali. 1627. 1629. 1637- 1638. 1596. For H. Rockett. 1605. 1561. [1560.] 1468 [1478.] 1479- 1479- 134 ROOD— SCOLAR. ROOD (Theodoric), Oxford. Hales (A. de). Expositio super libros De anima. Lathbury (J.). Expositio Jheremiae prophetae. Phalaris. Epistolae. Undated : — Hampole (R. of). Explanationes. Lyndewode (W.). Constitutiones. Terentius Afer (P.). Vulgaria. ROSS (John), Edinburgh. Buchanan (G.). De Jure Regni. Smeton (T.). Ad virulentum A. Hamiltonii. ROUNTHWAIT (Ralph). Arraignement of John van Olden Barnevelt. RYCHARD (Thomas), Tavistock. Boethius. Boke of Comfort. S. (I.). [J. Short.], Oxford. Twyne (B.). Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis. S. (M.). [M. Sparke. ?] C. (N.). Achitophel. S. (P.). [Peter Short. ?] Nenna (G. B.). Nennio. Spenser (E.). Amoretti. S. (S.). [Simon Stafford.] Carew (R.). Survey of Cornwall. S. (T.). [T. Snodham. ?] Newes out of Holland. Remonstrance made by the Queene-mother. S. (V.). [Valentine Sims.] Jonson (Ben.) His part of King James his entertainement. Undated : — Ratsey (G.). Ratseis Ghost. S. (W.). [W. Stansby.] Coriat (T.). Crudities. SCHILDERS (Richard), Middleburg. Prayer. [The Middleburg Liturgy.] Broughton (H.). Epistle to the learned nobilitie. SCOLAR (John), Oxford. Whitinton (R.). De heteroclitis nominibus. {\Vith T. Hunt:\ 1481. \\Vith T. Huntf\ 1482. With T. Hunt. 1485. With T. Hunt. With T. Hunt. With T. Hunt. [1483-] -1483.; 1483-; For H. Charteris. Printed hy E. Griffin. With I. L. For M. S. \For P. Linlcy and J. Flasket. For W. Fonsonby. IS79- 1579- 1619. 1525- 1620. 1629. 1595- IS9S- ^o'J-J^g'g'^f^d. i6o2. For N. Nevibery. 161 9. For N. Newbery. 161 9. For E. Blotint. 1604. [160S.] 1611. 1586. 1597- 1518. SCOLOKER— SHORT. 135 SCOLOKER (Anthony), Ipswich. Scoloker (A.). Ordenarye for all faythfull Christians. Zwingli (U.). Certeyne preceptes. SCOLOKER (Anthony), London. Frith (J.) Undated : — Bale (J.). V. (R.). SCOT (John). . A boke made by Johan Fryth. Brefe chronicle. Olde Fayth of greate Brittaygne. St. Andrew's. 1548. 1548. With W. Seres. 1548. With W. Seres. [1560.] [1550.] Hamilton (J.). Catechisme. 1552. SEILE (Henry). Thucydides. Peloponnesian warre. Brooke (Lord). Certaine learned workes. Donne (J.) Juvenilia. Heylyn (P.). History of S. George of Cappadocia. SERES (William). Frith (J.). A boke made by Johan Fryth. Bible. English. [Matthew's.] Hurt of Sedition. Becon (T.). Fortresse of the fayethfull. Joye (G.). Exposition of Daniell the Prophete. Lever (T.). Fruitfull sermon. Burnynge of Paules churche. Haddon (W.). Lucubrationes. B. (G.). Shippe of Safegarde. Hill (T.). Contemplation of Mankinde. Haddon (W.). Poematum libri duo. Psalms. Undated : — Aungell (J.). Agreement of the holy Fathers. Bale (J.). Brefe Chronicle. Blundeville (T.). Briefe and profitable treatise. Calvin (J.). Faythful and moost godlye treatyse. Life or conversation of a christen man Crowley (R.). Supper of the Lorde. Hart (H.). Godly exhortation. Lambert (F.). Minde and judgement. Prayer. Booke of private prayer. SERGIER (Richard). Knewstub (J.). Confutation of monstrous heresies. SHEARES (William). Sicelides. SHORT (James), 0.xford. See also S. {!.). Burton (R.). Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford, University of Carolus Redux. For H. Seile. Printed by E. P. 1629. 1633- 1633. Printed by T. Harper. 1633. With A. Scoloker. With J. Day. With J. Day. With J. Day. With J. Day. With J. Day. 1548 1 549 IS49 1550 1550. 1550. 1563 1567 1569 1571 1576 1587 Printed by W. Harford. With A. Scoloker. With J. Day. With J. Day. With J. Daw With J. Day. With J. Day. Printed by T. Daivson. 1579. Printed by I. N. 1 63 1 . '1555." \\{bO^ ys7o-[ "I550.J [I550.J 1550.^ 1550.' '1549-: '1566.; With J. Lichfield for H. Cripps. 1 621. With J. Lichfield. 1623. 136 SHORT— STANSBY. SHORT (PEnrER). See also S. (P.). Valera (C. de). Tratado para confirmar. I594' Adrichomius (C). Briefe description of Hierusaletn. For T. Wight. 1595. Tusser (T.). Five hundreth pointes. 1597- SIBERCH (John), Cambridge. Croce (R.). Introductiones in Rudimenta graeca. Printed by E. Cervicornus. 1520. Fisher (J.). Contio quam anglice. 1521. SIMS (Valentine). See also S. (V.). Earle of Gowries conspiracie. 1600. Jonson (B.). Hymenaei. For T. Thorp. i6o6. SKOT (John). Body of Policy. 1 52 1. Justyces of Peas. 1521. Rosary. 1 537. Undated : — Carta Foedi. [1521.3 Golden Litany. [1536-] SMETHWICK (John). Woodhouse (P.). The Flea. For J. Smethunck. 1605. Smith (Sir T.). Commonwealth of England. Printed by IF. Stansby. 1621. Shakespeare (W.). [Second folio.] Printed by T. Cotes. 1632. SNODHAM (Thomas). See also S. (T.) Paul (Sir G.). Life of John Whitgift. 161 2. Seneca (L.A.). Tragoediae. 1624. SPARKE (Michael). See also S. (M.) Smith (J.). Generall Historic of Virginia. Printed by 7. D. and I. H. 1624. A. p.). Baiting of the Pope's bull. Printed by W. I. 1627. O. (L.). Speculum Jesuiticum. Printed by 7. C. 1629. Wadsworth (J.). English Spanish pilgrim. Printed b\ T. Cotes and R. C. 1630. Wilkins (J.). Discovery of a world. Printed by E. G. 1638. STAFFORD (Simon). See also S. (S.) View of France. 1604. STAM (Jacob Frederickszoon), Amsterdam. Morton (T.). New English Canaan. 1637. STANDISH (John.). Davies (J.). Nosce teipsum. Fainted by R. Field. 1599. STANSBY (Willl\m). See also S. (W.). Coriat (T.). Coryat's Crambe. 1611. Digges (Sir D.). Defence of trade. For J. Barnes. 1615. Jonson (B.). Workes. 1616. Slatyer (W.). [Palae-Albion.] For R. Meighen. 1621. STANSBY— SUTTON. 137 STANSBY (William). See also S. (W.). Smith (Sir T.). Commonwealth of England. J^oi'J. Smcthivick. 1 621. Eadmer. Historiae novorum. For R. Mcighen and T. Dew. 1623. Lily (W.). Animadversions upon Lillies grammar. For R. Hmvkins. 1625. Purchas (S.). Purchas his Pilgrimes. Selden (J.). Marmora Arundelliana. Bernard (R.). Common Catechisme. Herbert (T.). Relation of some yeares travaile. Grimeston (E.). History of the imperiall estate. For H. Fethcrstimc. For S. Man With J. Bloomc For Ji. Mciglien. 1625-26. 1628. 1630. 1634- 1635- Undated : — Jones (R.; Briefe and necessary catechisme. [1620.] STATIONERS (Company of). Latimer (H.). Fruitfull sermons. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. Fortescue (Sir J.). De laudibus legum Anglije. Psalms. Psalms. Psalms. Psalms. For the Company of Stationers. For the Company of Stationers. For the Conipany of Stationers. For the Company of Stationers. For the Conipany of Stationers. For the Company of Stationers. Printed by G. M. STATIONERS (Society of), Dublin. Campion and Hanmer. Two Histories of Ireland. Corbet (J.). Ungirding of the Scottish armour. Ware (J.). De scriptoribus Hiberniae. STELL (John). Rabbotenu (I.). 1607. 1612. 1616. 1622. 1626. 1627. 1638. 1633- 1639- 1639. Bee-hive of the Romishe Church. Printed by T. Dawson. 1580. STEPHENS (Philemon). Martialis (M. v.). Epigrammaton. Printed by R. Young. 1633. Robinson (T.). Anatomic of the English nunnery. For P. Stephens and C. Meredith. 1637. Spelman (Sir H.). Concilia. Printed by R. Badger. 1639-64. SUDBURY (John). Speed (J.). Historie. SUTTON (Edward). Declaration made by the Prince of Conde. Undated : — Destruction and sack cruelly committed. SUTTON (Henry). Boemus (J.). Fardle of facions. Fainted by W. Hall and J. Beak. 161 1. Printed by R. Hall. 1562. Printed by H. Sutton. [1562.] Seconde declaration of the Prince of Conde. Undated : — Destruction and sacke cruelly committed. With J. Kingston. 1555. For E. Sutton. 1562. For E. Sutton. [1562.] 138 T.— TOY. T. (T.). [Thomas Thorp.] Shakespeare (\V.). Sonnets. T. (W.). [William Turner.] Oxford. Oxford, University of Pro rege suo Soteria. TAUNTON (Henry). Markham (G.). English husbandman. Wither (G.). Pleasure of princes. Collection of Emblemes. THOMASON (George). Declinator and protestation. THORP (Thomas). See also T. (T.; Printed by G. Eld. 1 609. With J. L. 1633. For H. Taunton. 1635. Printed by J. Norton. 1635. Printed by A. M. 1635. Printed by J. Raworth. 1 639. Jonson (B.). Hymenaei. Printed by V. Sims. 1606. Coriat (T.). Odcombian Banquet. For T. Thorp. 1611. Barnevels Apology. For T. Thorp. 1618. THRALE (Richard). Somner (W.). Antiquities of Canterbury. Printed by I. L. 1640. TISDALE (John) Bale (J.). Actes of English votaries. 155 0-1560. Undated :— Hooper (J.). An oversighte and deliberacion. [1 5 50.] TOMES (Henry). Botero (G.). Treatise concerning the causes. Printed by T. P. 1606. Undated : — Certaine considerations touching the better paci fication. For H. Tomes. [1604.] TOTTEL (Richard). Boccacio (G.). Falle of Princes. ISS4. Sherrye (R.). Treatise of the Figures of Grammer. IS55- More (Sir T.). Workes. 1557- Grafton (R.). Abrigement of the Chronicles. 1564. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. 1567. Surrey (Earl of). Songes and sonettes. 1567. Bracton (H.). De legibus et consuetudinibus A nglijE 1569. Grafton (R.). Chronicle. Printed by H. Dcnham. 1569- Boswell (J.). Workes of Armorie. 1572. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures. 1577- Dialogue in Englishe. 1580. TOY (Humphrey). Prayer. Lliver gweddi gyffredin. Printed by H. Dcnham. 1567. Grafton (R.). Chronicle. Printed bv H. Denham. i=;69. Price (J.). Historiae Brytannicae defensio. Printed by H. Bynncman. 1573- TOY— VEALE. 139 TOY (Robert). Gardiner (S.). Declaration of suche true articles. TREVERIS (Peter). Braunschweig (H.). Vertuous warke of surgeri. Higden (R.). Polycronicon. Undated : — Stanbridge (J.). Parvulorum institutio. Vocabula. Whitinton (R.). Accidentia ex stanbrigiana. De heteroclitis nominibus. Editio. TURNER (William), Oxford. See also T. (W.). Oxford, University of Epithalamia Oxoniensia. Oxoniensis Acad. Parentalia. H. (G.). Comparison betvveene the dayes of Purim. Parre (E.). End of the perfect man. Downing (C). Discourse of the state ecclesiastical]. Oxford, University of. Solis Britannici Perigaeum. Vitis Carolinae Gemma altera. Lucian. Certaine select dialogues. TURONA (F. de), Savoy. Undated : — Mors (R.). Complaynt of Roderyck Mors. TYSDALE (John). See Tisdale (John). VALENTIN (Robert). Horae. Prymer of Salisbury use. Manuale ad usum Sarisburiensis. Epistles and Gospels. Horae. This Prymer, etc. Horae. The prymer in Englisshe and in Latin. VAUTROLLIER (Thomas), London. Prayer. Liber precum publicarum. Lentulus (S.). Italian grammer. Chaloner (T.). De republica Anglorum. Manutius (A.). Phrases linguae latinae. Bible. New Testament. Greek. Gentili (A.). Regales disputationes tres. VAUTROLLIER (Thomas), Edinburgh. James I. Essayes of a prentise. Prill ted by J. Herfordc . 1546. 1525- For J. Keynes. 1527. Wit/iJ. LichHehL With J. Lichfield. With J. Lichfield. With J. Lichfield. With J. Lichfield. 1625 1625 1626 1628 1633 1633 1633 1634, [1540.] Printed by J. Ic Prcst. VEALE (Abraham). More (Sir Tj. Virgilius Fruteful and pleasant worke. Eneidos. 1553- 1554- 1555. iSSS- 1555- 1574- I57S- 1579- 1579- 1587. 1605. 1584. 1551- Printed by W. How. 1573. T 2 140 VERARD— WELBY. VERARD (AxTHOiNE), Paris. Ars Moriendi. Kalender of the Shepherdes. VERRLIET (D.), Antwerp. Bible. English. VIOLETTE (Pierre), Rouen. Expositio Hymnorum at Sequentiarum. Undated : — Stanbrydge (J.). Accidence. VOSTRE (Simon), Paris. Horae ad usum Sarum. 1503. 1503- With L. Kcllam. 1609-16. For G. Wansfort. 1507. [1505-] Printed by P. Pigoiichet. 1498. 1567- For T. Walkley. 1626. For T. Walkley. 1628. Printed by I. D. 1640. For N. Butter. 1633. Printed by P. Violette. 1 507 WALEY (John). Table collected of the yeres of our lord God. WALKLEY (Thomas). S. (E. C). Government of Ireland. Spenser (E.). Brittain's Ida. Carew (T.). Poems. WALPOLE (Jean Pieterszoon), Delft. Hexham (H.). Journall of the taking in. WANSFORT (Gerard), York. Expositio Hymnorum et Sequentiarum. WATERSON (Simon). Daniell (S.). Certaine small workes. Camden (W.). Remaines. Sidney (Sir P.). Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia For S. Watcrson and R. Voting. WATKINS (Richard). Tanner (R.). Mirror for Mathematiques. T\vyne (J.). De rebus Albionicis. WAYLAND (John). Horae. Primer in Latin and English. Undated : — Boccaccio (G.). Tragedies of all such Princes. Canceller (J.). Pathe of Obedience. — Assignee of. Horae. Prymer in English and Latine. WELBY (William). Everard (J.). Britanno-Romanus. Printed by T. L. Printed by N. Okes. Printed by I. C. Printed by E. Bollifant. 1611. 1623. 1633- 1587. 1590. I5SS- [1550.] [1550.] 1558. Printed by W. Hall. 1 6 1 1 . WHITAKER— WIGHT. 141 WHITAKER (Richard). Strangevage (W.). Life of Mary Stuart. Printed hy J. Haviland. 1624. Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall. Printed hy J. Norton. 1633. — Another edition. Printed by J. Norton. 1633. Verstegan (R.). Restitution of decayed intelligence. Printed by J. Norton. 1634. Brerewood (E.). Enquiries touching the diversity. Printed by J. Norton. 1635. Gerarde (J.). The herball. With A. Islip and Joyce Norton. 1636. WHITCHURCH (Edward). Bible. English. [Great Bible.] With R. Grafton. 1 539 [Cranmer's.3 1540 [Cranmer's.] IS41 Ascham (R.). Toxophilus. IS4S Homilies. Certayne Sermons or Homilies. 1 547 Erasmus (D.). Paraphrase. 1548 Paraphrase. 1548-9 Prayer. Booke of the common prayer. 1 549 Vigon (J.). Most excellent work.es of Chirurgery. 1550. A.B.C. An A.B.C. wyth a catechisme. 1551 Alen (E.). A Catechisme. 1551 Erasmus (D.). Paraphrase. 1 55 1 Prayer. Boke of common prayer. ISS2 Undated : — Prayer. Booke of common prayer. C^Si^.] WHITE (Edward). The elder and the younger. Munday (A.). Discoverie of Edmund Campion. For E. Wliite. 1582. Mascall (L.). Booke of fishing. Printed by J. Wolfe. 1600. Drayton (M.). The Owle. Printed by E. A. 1604. Markham (G.). Cavalarice. Printed by E. Alldc. 1617. WHITE (John). Burton (W.). Description of Leicestershire. F'^i'J- White. 1622. Mittimus to the Jubile. Printed by G. Purslowc. 1625. WHITE (William). Fraternitie of Vacabondes. 1603. WHYTCHURCHE (Edward). See Whitchurch (Edward). WIGHT (JoH.N-). Chaucer (G.). Workes. Printed by J. Kingston. 1561. Bourne (W.). Regiment for the Sea. Printed by T. East. 1580. WIGHT (Thomas). Adrichomius (C). Briefe description of Hierusalem. Printed bv P. Short. 1595. Fortescue (Sir J.). Learned commendation. With B. Norton. 1599. Coke (E.). Les reports. 1602. Saint-Germain (C). Dialogus de fundamentis legum Angliae. 1604. Undated : — Mascall (L.). Booke of the art and maner. Printed by H. Bynneman. [1600.] 142 WINDET— W. DE WORDE. WINDET (John). Feme (J.). Blazon of Gentrie. For T. Cooke. 1586, Maunsell (A.). Catalogue of English printed books. For A. Maimsdl. 1595 Hooker (R.). Lawes of ecclesiasticall politie. IS97 Homer. Iliades. 1598 Stow (J.). Surwy of London. 1603, Barlow (W.). Summe and substance of the conference. For M. Law. 1604 Hooker (R.). Lawes of ecclesiasticall politie. 1604 WOLFE (John). Gentili (S.). In xxv Davidis psalmos paraphrases. 1584 Solymeidos. 1584 Nereus sive de natali Elizabethae. 1585 Stella (J. C). Columbeidos. 1585 Augustinus. S. Augustines Manuell. For the Assigiics of R. Day. 1586 Spenser (E.). Shepheardes Calendar. For J. Harrison. 1586 Castiglione (B.). The Courtier. 1588 Bland (T.). Baite for Momus. 1589 Contre-Guyse. 1589 Felippe (B.). The Counseller. 1589 Wright (L.). Display of dutie. 1589 Hunting of Antichrist. 1589 T. (T.). Myrror for Martinists. 159° Wright (L.). Friendly admonition to Martine Marprelate. 159° Ubaldino (P.). Le vite delle donne illustri. 1591 Survay or Topographical description of France. 1592 Bancroft (R.). Daungerous positions and proceedings. '593 Lopes (O.). Report of the kingdome of Congo. 1597 Linschoten (J. H. van). Discours of Voyages. 1598 Stow (J.). Survay of London. 1598 H. (S.). Discovery of the fraudulent practises. 1599 Hay ward (J.). First part of the life and raignc. 1599 Mascall (L.). Booke of fishing. For E. White. 1600. WOLFE (Reginald). Cranmer (T.). Defence of the true and catholike doctrine. 1550. Postill or collection of most godly doctrine. IS50- Virgilius Maro (P.). Aeneidos liber secundus. 1553. Record (R.). Castle of knowledge. 1556. Catechismus, sive prima institutio. ISTO- Undated : — Prayer. Liber precum publicarum. [l570-] WOODCOCK (Thomas). Bourne (W.). Treasure for travellers. For T. Woodcock. 1578. WOOLFF (John). See Wolfe (John). WORDE (Wynkyn de). Westminster. Voragine (J. de). The Golden Legend. 1493- Hylton (W.). Scala perfectionis. i494- W. DE WORDE. WORDE (Wynkyn de). Westminster. Hieronymus. Vitas patrum. Higden (R.). Polycronicon. Berners (J.). Book of St. Alban's. Lyndewode (W.). Constitutiones provinciales Mirk (J.). Liber festivals. Parker (H.). Dives and pauper. Chronicle of England. Malory (Sir T.). Morte d'Arthur. Voragine (J. de). The Golden Legend. Contemplacyon of Synners. Lyndewode (W.). Constitutiones provinciales. Mirk (J.). Liber festivalis. Psalterium Latinum. Undated : — Alcock (J.). Sermo in Luc. VIIL Ars Moriendi. Bartholomaeus. De proprietatibus rerum. Catherine of Siena. Life. Chastising of God's children. Doctrinal of Dethe. Memorare novissima. Statutes. Statuta Henrici VII An XI"- Treatise of Love. Twelve profits of tribulation. WORDE (Wynkyn de). London.— Dated. Ordinary of crysten men. Chertsey (A.). Crafte to live and die well. Hampole (R. Rolle of). Contemplacyons. Ordinary of crysten men. Dyenge creature. Fisher (J.). Saynges of David. Richard Coeur de Lion. Floure of the commaundementes of God. Voragine (J. de). Golden Legend. Cato (D.). Catho cum commento. Virgilius Maro (P.). Bucolica. Chronicles of England. Description of Britain. Stanbrydge (J.). Vulgaria. Aesop. Fabule Esopi. Capgrave (J.). Nova Legenda Anglie. Promptuarium Parvulorum. Sulpitius (J.). Stans puer ad mensam. Whitinton (R.). Editio secunda. Fruyte of Redempcyon. Ortus vocabulorum. Returna brevium. Erasmus Colloquiorum formulae. 143 I49S- 1495- 1496. 1496. 1496. 1496. 1497- 1498. 1498. 1499. 1499. 1499. 1499. .1496., .1496. .1496.. .1493-. .1492-. .1499-. -I496.. .1497- .1493-. .I499-J 1502. 1505- 1506. 1506. 1507- 1508. 1509- 1 510. 1512. 1514- 1514- 1515- 1515- 1515- 1516. 1516. 1516. 1516. 1516. 1=^17. 1518. 1519- 1^20. 144 W. DE WORDE— WYKES. WORDE (Wyxkyn de). London.— Dated. Whitinton (R.). Vulgaria. Floure of the Comniandements of God. Whitinton (R.). De nominum generibus. De nominum generibus. De heterocHti's nominibus. Verborum praeterita et supina. Gradus comparationum. Voragine (J. de). Golden Legend. Whitinton (R.). Secunda grammaticae pars. Fisher (J.). The fruitful sayings of David. Whitinton (R.). De octo partibus orationis. De heteroclitis nominibus. Bonaventura. Vita Christi. Horman (W.). Vulgaria. Hylton (W.). Scala perfectionis. Wednesdaye's Paste. Erasmus. Enchiridion. Whitinton (R.). Syntaxis. Editio. Declinationes nominum. De heteroclitis nominibus. Undated : — Boke of comfort agaynste tribulation. Carta foedi. Donatus minor cum Remigio. Fisher (J.). Funeral sermon on Henry VIL A mornynge remembraunce. Gradus comparationum. Gradus comparationum. Imitatio Christi. Imitatio Christi. Bk. IV. Modus tenendi unum hundredum. Stanbrydge (J.). Vulgaria. Wakefield (R.). Oratio de laudibus linguarum. Whitinton (R.). De octo partibus orationis. De concinnitate grammatices. De heteroclitis nominibus. Editio. WYER (Robert). Defence of peace. Undated : — Lytell necessarye treatyse. Sylvester (B.). Shorte monycion or counsayle of the care. WYKES (Henry). Cooper (T.). Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Jewel (J.). Replie unto M. Hardinges answeare. Thomas (W.). Principal rules of the Italian Grammar. Agrippa (H. C). Of the vanitie and uncertaintie. 1520, 1521 1521 1522 1523 [1524.] 1524 1526, 1^27 1528 1529 1529 1529-31 1530. IS30' 1531 1532 1533 1533 1533 1533 1505. 1506. 1 5 10. .1509- 1509. 1522." 1530. 1 516. 1522. .1520.' 1525. 1525. 1512. 1520. 1520.^ ^1520/ For W. Marshall. 1535. [1540-] i;65. 1566. 1567. 1569- Y.— PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. Y. (R.). [Robert Young.] Ussher (J.). Answer to a challenge. Discourse of the religion. Speech delivered in the castle-chamber. Nicholes (M.). Catechisme. For A. Bolcr. YOUNG (Robert), Edinburgh. Bible. New Testament. English. Bible. New Testament. English. Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer. YOUNG (Robert), London. Martialis (.V.). Epigrammaton. For P. Stephens and C. Meredith. Sidney (Sir P.). Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia. For S. Watcrson and R. Young. Charles I. His majesties proclamation in Scotland. Large declaration concerning the late tumults. Bancroft (R.). Dangerous positions and proceedings. With R. Badger. Charles I. His majesties declaration. With R. Baiher. 145 1631. 1 63 1 . 1631. 1636. 1633- 1636. 1637-36. 1633- 1633- 1639- 1639- 1640. 1640. YOUNG (William). Dent (A.). Plaine exposition of the articles. PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. Accusation and impeachment of John Lord Finch. Ap-Robert (J.). The yonger brother, his apology. Bacon (Francis, Lord). Considerations touching a warre. Instauratio Magna. Operum moralium et civilium. Baynes (P.). Diocesans tryall. Belgicke pismire. Berners^J.). Book of Hawkyng, Hunting and Cootarmuris. Printed by F. K. 1 606. Bible. English. Coverdale's.] English. [Matthew's.] New Testament. English New Testament. New Testament. New Testament. New Testament. English. English. [Tindale's.] [Tindale's.] [T. Mathew.] Irish. Breviarium secundum usum Sarum. Bridges (J.). Dialogue wherein is plainly laj'd open. Briefe discourse against the outvvarde apparell. Briefe relation of certain speciall. Brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford. Brooke (R.). Discoverie of certaine errours. Bruno (G.). Recens et completa ars reminiscendi, etc. Brutus (S. J.). Vindiciae contra tyrannos. Burne (N.). Disputation concerning the controversit, C. (H.). Discourse concerning the drayning. Caorsin (G.). Siege of Rhodes. Casaubon (M.). Pietas contra maledicos. 1640. 1618. 1629. 1620. 1638. 1621. 1622. St. Aldan's, i486. Antwerp.'] 1535- Antwerp.] lS2t7- Antwerp.] 1536. Antwerp.] 1536. 1538. Rheims. 1 600. \_Dnhlin^ 1602. I55S- \_Edinbnrgh.] 1 640. 1578. 1637. \_Geneva.] iS7^. [1596:] [1583.] Edinburgh. \^Gcnci>a.] 1579. Paris. 1 58 1. 1629. [1484.] 1621. U 146 PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. Case of Shipmony. Chronicles of Englonde. Clenard (N.). Institutiones linguae Graecae. Cooper (T.). Chronicle. Cranmer (T.). Confutation of unwritten verities. Curry-knave (C). Almond for a parrat. Danger wherein the kingdome now standeth. Demonstration of the trueth of that Discipline. Doleman (R.)- Conference about the next succession. Dyalogue or disputacion bytwene a Gentylman and a Prest. Elizabeth. Queen. Injunctions. An. dom. 1559. England's complaint to Jesus Christ. Epistell exhortatorye. Examinacion of the constaunt martir. Fletcher (P.). Purple island. Florio (M.). Historia de la vita de G. Graia. Full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline. — Another edition. Geminus (T.). Compendiosa Anatomie delineatio. Herodian. Historiae sui temporis libri VIII. Holinshed (R.). Chronicles. Horae. The Prymer in Latine. Jacob (H.). Reasons taken out of Gods Word. Kyffin (M.). Apologie ou defense de I'honorable sentence. Ladensium avTOKaraKpirrti;. Lamentable complaint of the Commonalty. Lawne (C). Prophane schisme of the Brownists. Littleton (Sir T.). Tenures in English. Lord Bishops none of the Lords Bishops. M. (M. T.). Life and death of Sir T. Moore. Mar-Martine. I know not why a trueth, etc. Mar-Phoreus. Martins months minde. Marre Mar-Martin. Matthaeus, Westmonasteriensis. Elegans narratio. Mirror for Magistrates. Missale. Nicanor (L.). Epistle congratulatorie. Observations upon the Prince of Orange. Ordo baptizandi. Overbury (Sir T.). Observations upon the state of the xvii Pappe with an hatchet. Paris (M.). Historia major. Pasquill, of England. Countercuffe. Penry (J.). Appellation of J. Penri. Defence of that which hath bin written. Philipot (J.). The Cities Advocate. Philpot (J.). Jesus is God with us. Plaine Percevall the peace-maker of England. Priviledges and practice of Parliaments. — Another edition. Si. Aldan's. 1640. [1485.] 1599- 1565- [1558.] [1589.] 1628. [1589-] i.=;94- .1550.] [1 559-] 1640. [1550.: [ISS9-; 1633- 1607. 1574- 1580. 1559- 1639- 1586-7. IS57- 1604. 1588. 1640. 1585. 1612. [1560.] \_Edmburghi\ 1 640. [^Paris. 1626.] [1589.] 1589. [1589-] 1567. 1620. 1626. 1640. [1610.] \_Aiitwci'p.'\ 1626. provinces. 1626. [1589-] 1639-40. 1389- 1589. :i589-: "1628.; I5S9'' [1590.- 1628, 1640 \Edinbiirgh. Cambridge. Geneva. \_Mtddelb7irg.'] \_Edtnbiirg/i.'\ \^Antwcrp _ lOxford: PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. PRINTER UNIDENTIFIED. Processionale ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarum. Prudentiall Ballance of Religion. Raleigh (Sir W.). Prerogative of parliaments. — Another edition. Raynalde (T.). Birth of mankynde. Regius (U.). Comparison betwene the olde learnynge. Relation of Maryland. Remoovall of certaine Imputations. Returne of the renowned Cavaliero Pasquill. Sandys (Sir E.). Europae speculum. Saona (L. de.). De rhetorica. Saxton (C). Atlas. Scot (T.). High-waies of God and the king. The Projector. Selden (J.). Historie of tythes. Mare clausum. Short view of the long life and raigne of Henry III. Spenser (E.). Minor poems. View of the state of Ireland. Storys and prophesis. Stow (J.). Survey of London. Stubbs (J.). Discoverie of a gaping gulf. Taylor (J.). Odcombs Complaint. Triumphs of fame and honour. Tongue-combat. Treaty of Thassociation. True and briefe relation of the famous seige. Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus. Unlawfull practises of prelates. Villiers (G.). The Duke of Buckingham, his speach. Vox populi. Warmington (W.). Moderate defence of the oath. Whip for an ape. Wickins (N.). Woodstreet-compter's plea. Wotton (H.). Ad illustrissimum virum M. Velserum. Wraghton (W.). Rescuynge of the Romishe fox. Wright (L.). Summons for sleepers. H7 1555- 1609. 1628. 1640. 1565- 1537- 1635- 1606. 1589- 1629. 1480. 1579- 1623. 1623. 1618. 1636. 1627. 1613-17- Dublin. 1633 Antwerp. \_Printcd abroad.'] Middelburg. \Amstcrdani.'\ The Hagtie. St. Alban's. 1536 1633. ^Geneva.] 1579. 1613. 1634- 1623. 1562. [1637.] \_Edinburgh.'] 1636. [1585.; ;i628.; 1620. 1612. [1589.] 1638. [1613.] \_Printed abroad.] 1545. 1589- D 000 014 175 4