Wtf^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES |i 'MN 11. (' 1h>NM:i.L. M I) . C M MANITOBA AS I SAW IT. FROM 1869 TO DATE. With Flash-Lights on the First Riel Rebellion BY JOHN H. O'DONNELL. M.D.C.M. TORONTO: THE MUSSON BOOK COMPANY LIMITED Copyrighted Canada, 1909 by The Musson Book Company, Limited, Toronto. F TO Alexander Hugh Ferguson SURGEON. CHICAGO THIS BOOK IN FRIENDSHIP IS INSCRIBED. 8G9591 CONTENTS Chapter No. Page. 1 — From Montreal to St. Cloud 9 2 — From St. Cloud to Sauk Centre 13 3 — First Important Information from Winnipeg 15 4 — Our Meeting with Mr. Turner and Mr. Sanf ord 19 5 — Crossing into British Territory 21 6 — The People of Winnipeg Excited 25 7 — I was a Neutral Observer 28 8— The Schultz Blunder 32 9— The Deputation to Ottawa 37 10 — The Arri\-al of the Commissioner 40 11 — Hon. Joseph Howe and McDougall's Commission 44 12 — Arrival of Lieutenant-Governor Archibald 48 13 — Attorney-General Clark Early Made Himself Unpopular 52 14 — The Personnel of the First Legislature 57 15 — School Legislation 65 16 — Arrival of the Wolseley Expedition 69 17 — Winnipeg the Western Headquarters of H. B. Company 73 18— The University 77 19 — Lieutenant-Governor Cauchon 81 20 — Sir Daniel McMillan 85 21— The "Hotel" Premier of Manitoba 88 22 — Premier Greenway 91 23 — Premier Roblin 94 24 — Two Prominent Western Men 98 25— Mr. A. McT. Campbell 100 26 — Hon. Edmund Burke Wood 101 27 — Colonel Eankin's Reception by Kiel 104 28— Mr. D. E. Sprague 107 29 — Dr. Wm. Cowan 110 30— Mr. A. R. McKenzie Ill 31 — Hon. Alex. Murray 112 32— Hon. David Mar Walker 113 33 — Mr. A. W. Austin 115 34— Mr. William Whyte 116 35— Chief Jiistico Howell 117 36 — Riol 'fl Departure from the Country 118 37 — Messrs. Arcliihald and Campbell 128 :58 — Mayors of Winnipeg 131 39 — Mr. Alexander McDonald 142 40— Sir Charles Tupper 146 Appemlix 153 ILLUSTRATIONS John II. O 'Donnell, M.D.C.M Frontispiece Major-General Cameron Page 12 Prairie Transportation, 1869 16 Hon. Senator Turner 20 Group of Hudson Bay Company's Factors 26 Sir John Schultz 32 His Grace Archbishop Taehe 40 Lieutenant-Governor Archibald 42 Hon. Francis Ogiltree 54 Hon. Colin Inkster, Sheriff : 56 John H. McTavish 60 Chief Justice Dubuc 78 Lieutenant-Governor Cauehon 82 Hon. Wm. Hespeler 92 C. N. Bell 96 F. J. C. Cox 98 A. McT. Campbell 100 Chief Justice Wood 102 D. E. Spraguo 107 Harold C. H. Sprague 108 A. R. McKenzie Ill A Scene in Winnipeg Suburbs 130 Alexander McMicken 136 Sir Chas. Tupper 146 Prairie Transportation, 1909 154 His Grace Archbishop Lynch, Toronto 156 PREFACE. In placing before the public an account of incidents occurring in Manitoba from eighteen hundred and sixty-nine to date, the writer has, in order to avoid the difficulties incidental to such an undertaking, confined himself to per- sonal observation, in so far as the historical facts appear, such as reference to the details of the First Eiel Rebellion, and the organization of the new Province of Manitoba, the framing of the first Acts placed upon the Statute Book,, with general remarks on their application, and the persons more intimately associated with such measures passed during the first and sub- sequent Parliaments. In Manitoba, just starting out on its career as a sequence of a Rebellion, political issues de- velop strong sympathies, and in some in- stances prejudices. The writer deems it of the first importance that references to public men shall be written with justice and with entire freedom from political bias. It is hardly to be expected that the writer's estimate will, in every case, meet with universal acceptance. It is hoped, however, that no reader will dispute the fact that there has been an honest attempt to do justice to the character and actions of every man mentioned in this volume. Manitoba as I Saw It CHAPTER I. FROM MONTREAL TO ST. CLOUD. In September, 1869, having had induce- ments which I considered advantageous held out to me for some time, urging me to come west to Fort Garry, Rupert's Land, and, after giving the subject careful consideration, I decided to take the step. So, after having made the necessary preparation to surmount pos- sible contingencies, I took the west-bound train at the St. Bonaventure Station (Montreal) September, 1869, for the ''Great Lone Land." On reaching Toronto, Ontario, the city was en fete to welcome His Royal Highness, Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, on his first visit to Canada. I spent a few days in the beautiful Queen City, securing needed information, after which I passed on to Guelph, where I re- mained long enough to consult a gentleman who had been many years in the Hudson's Bay Company's service, and the information gained at that interview was of the greatest possible value to me later on. 10 Manitoba as I Saw It. I again took the west-bound train to Sarnia, crossing into tlie State of Michigan; went by- train to Grand Haven; and from there to Mil- waukee by l)oat, and on to La Crosse by train, where I took a Mississippi River boat to St. Paul, Minnesota. The steamer was large and very comfortable. The autumn rains had swollen the river to nearly the capacity of its banks, and in some places flooded the adjoin- ing countryside. There had been a few sharp frosts, and the foliage that fringed the banks of the great river was, indeed, too beautiful for my pen to describe. There was a large pas- senger list, returning to their homes in St. Paul and adjacent country, from visiting East- ern friends. The trip up the river was slow, but delightfully enjoyable, and I reached St. Paul tired. The journey up to that stage had been most inspiring. A suital)le rest, and then the "solemnities" of the occasion began; which were to prepare for a drive across four hundred miles of prairie, and the time of year made frosts and snow- storms quite possible; and from reports, other obstacles not easily overcome. I called at the office of Messrs. Hill, Griggs & Company, and presented a letter of introduc- tion to Mr. James J. Hill. After carefully per- From Montreal to St. Cloud. 11 using the letter, he greeted me cordially, and remarked: "I am inclined to think you will have difficulty in reaching Fort Garry. The half-breeds are up in arms, and, if reports are correct, will not permit Governor McDougall to enter the Red River Settlement. I will see a gentleman who is at present in the city, Mr. William Gomez Fonseca, a man of influence in "Winnipeg, and ask him to call and see you dur- ing the evening. You can rely upon any- thing he says, and if he asks you to become one of his party, I have every reason to be- lieve you will reach your destination with very little difficulty." The gentleman, Mr. William Gomez Fonseca, called, and said that Mr. Hill's introduction was all that was necessary to put himself at my service, and he would guarantee to see me safely to the ''Land of Promise." After a lengthy conference, we agreed upon terms, and complete arrangements were made for our jour- ney northwards. We took the train to St. Cloud, to begin our travel with Red River carts, two covered light spring wagons, changes of horses, and suitable tents. At St. Cloud Lieutenant-Governor Mc- Dougall and party, including some members of his intended Council, were waiting for their 12 Manitohd as I Saw It. luggage to arrive, which delayed us ten or twelve days. I was with the party, but not of it, and it con- sisted of Governor McDougall and Secretary, Miss McDougall and servants. Captain Cam- eron, wife, and servants; Dr. A. G. Jacques, Mr. Richards, Major Wallace, Mr. Charles Mair and wife, and others; also the men necessary to look after the pitching of tents, and to man- age a well-equipped camp. MAJoR-GIiXERAI. CAMHRi iN CHAPTER n. FEOM ST. CLOUD TO SAUK CENTRE. At times the nights were cold, but the weather was fine, and traveling pleasant. During our stay at St. Cloud, and while the Governor's freight and luggage were being re- moved from the ears to the carts and wagons, for transportation across the prairie to Win- nipeg, I observed a man always present. So constant was his attendance, that I asked him if he belonged to Governor McDougall's party. He answered in French: "Non, Monsieur." After leaving St. Cloud, I did not see him again until we reached Grand Forks. On the prairie, the first day out, we went into camp early, so as to familiarize ourselves with camp methods, and to test our skill in arrang- ing tents, camp fires, beds, and tethering our horses. A good supper, and the fatigue of the day prepared us for refreshing sleep, which we enjoyed without interruption, arising at 6 a.m. punctually; and the second day began. The weather was cloudy and cool, fine, excellent for traveling. The trail was good, and we made excellent time, reaching Sauk Centre early after midday, where we had two and a half hours' rest, and dinner. 14 Manitoba as I Saw It. It was here that I got the first direct inf orraa- tion from Winnipeg which I thought import- ant, but Governor McDougall made light of it. I was approached by two gentlemen from Fort Garry — Major Robinson and Mr. Charles House, who were on their way to St. Paul. They said the natives were up in arms, had formed a camp at La Riviere Salle, and intended to pre- vent the Governor and party entering Rupert's Land, and advised me to return to St. Paul. I consulted the gentleman with whom I was traveling (Mr. William Gomez Fonseca), who asserted we would reach our destination who- ever failed, and I believed him from what Mr. J. J. Hill had said of him that we would, and we did. I conversed with Mr. Richards, one of the Governor's Executive-to-be, and while he was impressed, Mr. McDougall said he felt sure he could make it plain to the half-breeds that his mission was peace, and there would be no trouble. Mr. Charles Mair, a personal friend of the Governor, then in the Government service, and acquainted with the Red River Settlement people, talked the matter over with the Governor, and appeared not to be much con- cerned; and all faced the North cheerfully, as if on a pleasant outing. CHAPTER m. FIRST IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM WINNIPEG. During the next few days our journey was delightful; the trail was smooth and dry, the days sunny, the sky without a cloud, the nights frosty, and the broad prairie dotted with beau- tiful little lakes, which swarmed with every de- scription of wild fowl — swan, pelican, the dif- ferent varieties of geese — the grey goose and the white wavy (Arctic goose) — and every known variety of duck, were to be seen on those long-to-be-remembered Minnesota Lakes. One of Governor McDougalPs party had a fine gun, and created much amusement one day. After lunching pleasantly, appeasing that ap- petite prairie traveling always gives, he went over to the edge of a small lake to shoot a brace of mallards. After adjusting his mon- ocle, he took good aim and fired one barrel at a bird sitting, and the other as the flock rose, but not a feather was ruffled. Some of his more intimate friends of the party chaffed him un- mercifully for shooting before flushing the bird. He, however, accepted the badinage with that stoical, cynical smile, always an excellent weapon of defence used by the refined English gentleman. He at times turned the tables on If) Manitoba as I Saw It. his tormentors so cleverly that they were glad to cry quits. We were now traveling on through that por- tion of the country which suffered so terribly during the Sioux Indian massacre, where whole families were wiped out by those cruel savages, who have now been brought into subjection by the United States troops. We arrived at the Otter Tail crossing (the head waters of the Bed Eiver) just as the sun was sinking indescribably beautiful below the horizon. Autumn sunset on the prairie is some- thing to remember, and not likely to be for- gotten. There was a comfortable stopping place — the first time we were able to secure a house to sleep in since leaving St. Cloud. We had an excellent supper and breakfast. The morning was sharp, but no wind, and the trail was good, and all started out cheerfully. During the evening at the Settlement, the probability of our meeting some opposition to our entering Rupert's Land was discussed, but Governor McDougall had no fears, feeling quite sure that all would be well. The evenings were perceptibly colder as we traveled northwards, and we continued to make good time, considering that the next comfortable First Information from Winnipeg. 17 stopping place was at Fort Abercrombie, where we secured good meals and comfortable sleep- ing rooms, but many of the party preferred sleeping in their tents, which they did. The ice was floating in the river, but, not- withstanding, some of the party crossed, and were hospitably entertained by the officers of Fort Abercrombie, and returned at a seasonable hour highly pleased with their reception. At the hotel, I was much interested in the re-- cital of the Honorable Joseph Howe's visit to Fort Garry, by two Americans, and what they had to say about the reception that awaited Gov- ernor McDougall at the boundary — forty-ninth parallel of latitude. Mr. Howe and party crossed us on their way east, somewhere between Fort Abercrombie, and a place called Morris, the then terminal of the railroad in the direction of Grand Forks. There was a daily stage line from the Fort to Morris, where most of the travelers took the train when traveling east. The gentleman with whom I was traveling (Mr. William Gomez Fon- seca) was anxious to go on quickly, as it was getting cold, and a blizzard was possible. We therefore made an early start, and towards evening it began blowing and snowing in a way 18 Manitoba as I Saw It. that was anything but pleasant, and we called in our distress at the Catholic Mission between Fort Abercrombie and Georgetown, where there was a small Hudson's Bay Post. The good priest took us in, and not only housed and fed us, but he nearly roasted us, so anxious was he to make us comfortable. CHAPTER IV. OUR MEETING WITH MR. TURNER AND MR. SANFORD. Leaving the Mission, our next stopping-place was Georgetown. At midday we passed round a small clump of trees, and were pleased to find two gentlemen just preparing to start after having finished their midday meal, leaving us a fine fire on which to prepare our dinner. The gentlemen were Mr. James Turner and Mr. Sanford, of Hamilton, Ontario. They were supporters of the Federal Government, and were both elevated to the Senate later on. They felt sure that my escort would get through all right, ])ut not Mr. McDougall ; giving some rea- sons which I carefully noted. We crossed the Red River the following morning with some difficulty, owing to the floating ice. However, the ferryman seemed to understand just what to do, and I was very pleased when we were safely over. We were three days traveling after that before we saw a house. The wild fowl had forsaken the small streams and lakes, and gone south, and the prospect was not enchanting. 20 Manitoba as I Saw It. The evening of the third day after leaving Georgetown, we were preparing our evening meal, when two horsemen came galloping quick- ly toward us, and asked if they might boil some water to brew some tea. They seemed in a hurry, and my guide asked them in French, why they hurried, and they said they were anxious to reach home to repair shelter for their horses and cattle, as it was getting late, and we might have winter any day. I recognized in one of them the man I had seen in St. Cloud, who ap- peared to observe so closely all Mr. McDou- gall's goods. I learned on enquiry from the gen- tleman (Mr. William Gomez Fonseca) who was transporting me northward, that he was one of the sympathizing half-breeds of the Red River Settlement, and his name was Elezear Lajemo- niere. I learned later on why he scrutinized Mr. McDougall's baggage so closely, and why he was so anxious to reach the Red River Set- tlement before the others. After the passing of the two men, I felt less easy in my mind, and began to reflect seriously on the event of not being able to enter British territory. Mr. William Gomez Fonseca was cheerful, but thoughtful, and talked but little as we approached the boundary line. We ar- rived at Pembina just at sundown, and halted at the Custom House. ni)\. si-;\ATt )R TrKMik. CHAPTER V. CROSSING INTO BRITISH TERRITORY. The officer was genial and talked very freely with my guide, and without hesitation declared the Governor and party would not be permitted to reach Fort Garry, and would be sent back across the line into American territory. We were permitted to cross into British ter- ritory, and I was much relieved in mind. We called at the house of an old person, a white man married to an Indian woman, the daugh- ter of a chief, and I suppose a princess; she hardly looked the part, and the house was not princely, but they did their best to make us comfortable. Our host seemed to think it amus- ing that Governor McDougall should even think it possible to reach Fort Garry, and outlined very clearly the preparations the half-breeda had made, and spoke of the church at La Riviere Salle being used as barracks by them, and the roadway had been barricaded; but said to my guide: ''You and your party will be al- lowed to pass on without doubt." That assur- ance made us more hopeful. He said: ''Your friend had better dress more like the people, and put on a Hudson Bay sash around his over- 22 Manitoba as I saw It. coat, and a pair of moccasins." The sugges- tion was adopted, which I think was wise. I must say here, that two days before reach- ing Pembina, Captain Cameron, his wife and servant, with two men, left the party, traveled quickly in advance, and crossed at Pembina, and after a brief stay at the Hudson Bay Post, traveled on in the direction of Fort Garry. Our host with the Indian wife saw them, but felt sure they would be returned to the Ameri- can side. Our first night in Rupert's Land was re- freshing. We had rested well, and started at nine o'clock towards what we hoped would be the end of our journey. Twelve miles further on, we were met by twenty horsemen fully armed. They spread across the trail, and we at once stepped down. They knew our guide (Mr. William Gomez Fonseca), and after a short parley, they shook hands with us, and seemed friendly enough. They told us that Captain Cameron and his party had been turned back at La Riviere Salle, and an escort of eight armed men were to see them into Ameri- can territory; after which they would join the twenty-four horsemen, and their duty was to prevent the Governor and his party from enter- ing into British territory. Crossing into British Territory. 23 We camped that night at Scratching River, and were kindly and nicely treated in the house of a native settler, and after breakfast we started to face the barricade at La Riviere Salle, which we reached about four p.m. We were halted, our horses taken by the bridle, and quickly led up to St. Norbert Church, where the army was bivouacked. The ladies were taken into the Convent, and were kindly treated by the Gray Sisters, given good meals and nice rooms for the night. Rev. Father Richot received the men of our party cordially, gave us a splendid supper and ex- cellent bed, and also a breakfast, which we all heartily enjoyed with that kind of an appetite which can be only acquired by a few days ' travel over the prairie. The time had arrived for us to be brought be- fore the President of the impromptu Govern- ment, who was to decide whether we were to be deported, or permitted to pass on to Fort Garry. His name was John Bruce, and he was not by any means a formidable person in ap- pearance. His secretary, Louis Riel, was a young man with a full head of hair and in- clined to be wavy, deep-set eyes, an unpleasant mouth, alert, a nervous temperament, vicillat- ing and exceedingly vain. 24 Manitoba as I Saw It. We were asked a few questions, and after a short conference with Father Richot, the secre- tary gave us a pass through the guards at Fort Garry, and we were allowed to proceed. We started on the last stage of our journey, and reached Fort Garry November 3rd, 1869, about 5.30 p.m. The guards accepted our passes, and the gentleman (Mr. William Gomez Fonseca) to whom we were indebted for safely landing us at our destination, took us to his home, and made us comfortable, for which we were devoutly thankful. CHAPTER VI. THE PEOPLE OF WINNIPEG EXCITED. The people of the Settlement were very much excited, and all were uncertain as to what the outcome of it all was to be. I called upon Dr. Schultz, whose house was the rendezvous of all the Canadians; and with his usual placid dis- position, unless he spoke upon the surroundings, you would look upon him as a disinterested spectator. Some days after I came to Winnipeg, a pub- lic meeting was called to discuss the situation. It was convened in a large building used as a fire hall. The French natives were well repre- sented; some American traders and some local business men; some settlers from the adjoining parishes. The hall was packed to the doors. Mr. A. G. B. Bannatyne was called to the chair. The Chairman said he felt certain that everyone present, who had the welfare of the Settlement at heart, was aware that present con- ditions could not long continue; the tension was becoming unbearable, and he hoped that the meeting would discuss the business in a dispassionate manner, and say nothing to irri- tate or give offence, and to allow every person to speak freely his convictions without interrup- 26 Manitoba as I Saw It. tion. Dr. Schultz was clearly championing the side of the Canadians that were then in the country. The English speaking people, old settlers, appeared neutral ; if they had any lean- ing they did not show it. The few American traders were with the natives, and were inclined to be turbulent. The French natives were bit- terly opposed to everything and anything Dr. Schultz said, but he spoke with deliberation, clearly set forth that he was of the opinion that the Hudson Bay Company were not using their influence to pacify the disaffected people, but were tacitly aiding and abetting the natives. The Doctor's remarks were bitterly resented by an English speaking half-breed, Mr. James Ross, who was an eloquent speaker, and re- butted the charges in a very masterly manner. He spoke perfect English, and was in every way the lion of the meeting. Dr. Schultz in reply said that many of the Hudson Bay Company's servants, and the Chairman of this meeting, could no longer throw dust in the eyes of the Canadians who were loyal, and the settlers (the natives) would do well to be advised in time — they were facing a great danger that would be disastrous and possibly ruin many; but the results were already seen by all loyal Cana- dians. The People of Winnipeg Excited. 27 The officials of the Hudson Bay Company, so far as I could observe, were absolutely loyal, and I am of the opinion they were the real pro- tectors of the Canadians during their imprison- ment. Mr. J. H. McTavish was the man who per- haps had more influence over the French half- breeds than any man in the Settlement. He was loyal and a friend of the Canadians, and acted in their interests. He was an officer of the Hudson Bay Company, and if they were not in accord with the Canadian Government he would have said nothing. Mr. Donald A. Smith (now Lord Strathconn), had every confidence in Mr. McTavish. The late Mr. Arthur Hamilton was of the same opinion. I took rooms, and my wife and I began house- keeping in rather unfavorable surroundings. CHAPTER VII. I WAS A NEUTRAL OBSERVER. I observed as much as possible, a neutral standpoint, being careful to express no opinions, although many leading questions were put to me, upon which I could but answer evasively, as I had not been long enough in the country to form an opinion on the matters in dispute. I became acquainted at St. Cloud with a Mr. Burdick, who was in the service of the Hudson Bay Company, and he introduced me to most of the leading men in Winnipeg, and they spoke freely to me, which gave me a very good in- sight how the different factions were lining up, with a fair idea as to why Governor McDougall would not be allowed to enter the country, and also that the natives were very well informed in regard to Governor McDougall 's powers and movements, and why they were running very little risk in keeping them out of the country, also upon what they based their assumption, as I shall be able to show you later on. By this time the weather was becoming very cold, and the rivers had frozen up, but there had been very little snow np to this point. The Ottawa Government, during the earlier / Was a Neutral Observer. 29 part of the season, had sent Mr. Snow, a Domin- ion Land Surveyor, to the Bed River Settle- ment, to begin surveying the country, before the transfer had been made to Canada, although the terms of the treaty between the Hudson Bay Company and the Dominion had been agreed upon according to Act 19. I may here remark the beginning of the surveying was the spark which started the Rebellion. The original sur- veys were not made from base lines, but the lines were drawn from the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, running back four miles, and varying and deviating lines drawn, not the same as the survey of the Province of Ontario, consequently the new lines of survey bisected the lots in many places, and in some instances passed through their buildings, or left their buildings on their neighbor's farm. They were very much alarmed, feeling that their property, which they had occupied so long, was to be rendered valueless, or to be deterio- rated in value ; and perhaps that fear had been taken hold of by some unscrupulous persons to exaggerate the supposed grievance for their own purposes. The results were that the half- breeds warned Mr. Snow to desist. Mr. Snow had a large camp and many men, and it would have been a great loss to him to do so. The 30 Manitoba as I Saw It. laborers of the party began making demands which he could not well accede to, and some of them threatened to throw him into the river. The more troublesome men were sent to Winni- peg to be paid off. They were summoned before a Magistrate, charged with using violent and threatening language, and were fined. Thomas Scott, who was of the Snow Survey, was one of the party that was fined, and perhaps that was the beginning of his ill-luck and tragic death. Those who knew him, described him as a cheer- ful, kindly man, trusted and very much liked by his acquaintances. After this he accepted a sit- uation in the village, where he remained until he was enrolled with other Canadians in the house of Dr. Schultz. It was then announced that Colonel J. S. Dennis was on his way to Winnipeg, and he had full powers from the Government to deal with all public matters connected with the Snow party of surveyors, as Governor McDougall had not been allowed to remain in the territory. He was escorted by the detaclmaent of armed na- tives, of which I have already spoken. After this Governor McDougall crossed into Canada, raised the Canadian flag, and issued his proclamation, which was distributed in Winni- peg, and through the Settlement; however, the I Was a Neutral Observer. 31 half-breeds being aware that Governor McDon- gall had not his commission were not very mudi impressed. CHAPTER VIII. THE SCHULTZ BLUNDER. There had been a slight fall of snow, and a letter was received from Colonel J. S. Dennis, with instructions to guard the Government stores. For that purj^ose the Canadians were to organize and arm themselves, and under no cir- cumstances to fire a shot unless attacked. The Canadians formed a Company at once, with Dr. Lynch of the Snow Survey, as Captain, and assembled at Dr. Schultz's house, and the Canadians were at this time within easy call, and most of them came in during the evening. Colonel Dennis passed on to the Stone Fort, and instructed his party as to their duties so far as the stores were concerned, and then made his way out of the country and back to Ottawa. There was a building in the rear of Dr. Schultz's house used for storing Government supplies, to be used by Mr. Snow and his men in the survey camps ; and when the half-breeds began congregating at Fort Garry, then it was that Dr. Schultz, together with Mr. Snow and some of his party, deemed it advisable to call the Canadians together for the purpose of guarding and protecting the Government stores. It was a great mistake. The value of the pro- SIR jOUX scmi.TZ. The Schultz Blunder. 33 visions therein stored was inconsiderable, and their destruction or removal by the Metis was of small moment. Why establish a guard? The half-breeds then in arms had the opportunity for which they were waiting. Men supposed to be armed, headed by Dr. Schultz, congregated in his house, intending no doubt to drive the natives from Fort Garry; that was the half- breeds' conclusion. "While they had the num- bers they evidently thought it best to take the initiative, and they did, and the result is now history. It does not require stretching one's imagina- tion to see that if the Canadians had remained in their individual lodging houses or homes, away from Dr. Schultz 's residence, and attend- ed as usual to their daily duties as they had been doing, the cause for an attack upon them would have been removed. The rebellious half- breeds could not well attack individual peace- ful citizens ; and the cause of the uprising would have been barren. Should they have marched upon the Schultz house, and finding but himself and family, it is unlikely they would have made them prisoners. The wily O'Donohue would have vetoed that. They would scarcely go about from house to house, making individual arrests of men, having nothing more formid- 34 Manitoba as I Saw It. able on their persons than a pipe and tobacco pouch; that would have been silly. But when they surrounded the Schultz home they found sixty people and some small arms; they made them prisoners. The rest is history. The segregating of the Canadians was the Schultz blunder. The killing of Scott was the outrageous blunder made by the half-breeds. The reader may judge for himself who started the Red River Rebellion. Was Dr. Schultz a hero? The natives were increasing in numbers, and about the first of December were inclined to be aggressive, and began making small ''sorties" pretty close to where the Canadians were con- gregated, and this state of affairs continued for two or three days, when they openly avowed their purpose of taking the Canadians prison- ers. At this time the house was practically guarded, the citizens outside were much alarmed for the safety of the few Canadians, and a deputation waited upon Riel (who had been declared President), with a view to their safety. Riel would not listen to anything like reason, and said he would fire on the building and raze it to the ground, with all in it, unless they surrendered unconditionally, which the Canadians would not do. Finally the efforts of The Schultz Blunder. 35 Mr. A. G. B. Bannatyne with others, got Riel to commit himself in writing, that if they sur- rendered, their lives and property would be si:)ared. After some consideration, terms were then agreed upon, and the Canadians, numbering about sixty, were taken to Fort Garry (then in possession of the Riel party), as prisoners, men and women. Dr. Schultz, Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Mair were allowed to accept an invitation to lodge in the house of Mr. J. H. McTavish, in the Hud- son Bay post; and Dr. O'Donnell and his wife were allowed to accept rooms with Dr. "Wm. Cowan's family, the chief factor in charge of Fort Garry. Two days after Dr. O'Donnell was taken from Dr. Cowan's house and lodged with the other prisoners, but Dr. Schultz was allowed to remain with his wife with Mr. McTavish 's family until two days prior to his escape, when he was placed in the building where the other prisoners were, but in a room by himself. The morning of the second day he had escaped, supposedly by letting himself down from the window by two straps of shaginappie attached to two gimlets bored into the casing. The gimlets were not sufficiently strong to bear his weight, and he 36 Manitoba as I Saw It. fell some distance to the ground; so it was said. Dr. Schultz was comfortably housed and boarded during his stay in Fort Garry, in fact the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McTavish, and tlierefore suffered less than three days in prison proper, and then had a room to himself and his meals sent to him from Mr. McTavish 's house. The other prisoners were placed in overcrowded rooms, had to sleep on the floor, and had black tea without milk or sugar, and during the first few weeks were fed on coarse meat, pemican and bannock. After that time the citizens were permitted to send regular meals to them during the remainder of their term as Riel 's prisoners. At this time the Doctor was on his way out of the country in a dog cariole (the most comfort- able winter conveyance in the Northwest) to Duluth and on to Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. CHAPTER IX. THE DEPUTATION TO OTTAWA. The Riel party kept strict guard over the prisoners you may be sure; and the natives from every part of the Settlement were drum- med up to discuss the situation, and to decide what was the best course to pursue. A deputa- tion had been sent to Ottawa with a Bill of Rights, which was presented to the Federal Government by the Reverend Father Richot and A. Scott, an American. For some time the prisoners were unable to know anything that was taking place, but some of the prisoners could speak French, and were able to keep fairly well posted on outside movements. Mr. Arthur Hamilton, a surveyor of the Snow party, spoke French fluently, and memorized everything the guards said that was of import- ance. Some of the guards were always at the Riel Council meeting, and would relate what had taken place at the meeting to the night guards, when the prisoners were supposed to be asleep; by which, with Mr. Hamilton's knowledge, we were able to forecast what was likely to take place, correctly, and did, as a rule ; but the knowledge which we were gaining 38 Manitoba as I Saw It. was not reassuring or calculated to elevate our spirits. Mr. Hamilton had formed an opinion that Riel was a dangerous crank (half lunatic), that O'Donohue had great influence over him, and that influence was bad; also that M. Lepine was a man honest in his folly, and was doing all in his power to keep Riel within bounds. Every Sunday morning, and sometimes dur- ing the week, a priest from the St. Boniface Cathedral came and said mass, and preached to the natives, charging them as to their duty in the present crisis. It was not always the same priest, but all spoke along pacific lines, some less so than others, but Mr. Hamilton was of the opinion, that it was due to an improper conception of the gravity of the situation. Others of the prisoners were in some instances incensed at the wording of the sermons, and felt certain the priests were in sympathy with the half-breeds, and were not using their influ- ence in endeavoring to allay the turbulence in the minds of the half-breeds. It must be remembered that the natives were being in- structed by their own spiritual advisers, and would naturally be in sympathy with them. There was one priest, a Frenchman, and while I am not aware of his personal sympathy with The Deputation to Ottawa. 39 the uprising of the natives during the imprison- ment, after we were released I have thought his views rather radical. CHAPTER X. THE ARRIVAL OF THE COMMISSIONER. About this time delegates from each of the parishes were selected, both English and French, and were summoned by the Provisional Government, and they met in Fort Garry. At such a time, and meeting in a hostile camp, very little could be expected; nothing that did not bear the permissive stamp of Riel. A Commissioner was sent from the Federal Government at Ottawa, to Winnipeg, in the per- son of Mr. Donald A. Smith (now Lord Strath- cona), who met with the leading men, both Eng- lish and French, of the Settlement, and Riel and those associated with him, and it was through his influence and that of Reverend George Young, and the late Archbishop McRae and Mr. A. G. B. Bannatyne, that the life of Major Boulton (then under sentence of death by Riel) was spared. This cruel upstart, how- ever, with the coward's characteristics, brave only when powerful, was but checked in his murderous design, and soon after fixed upon poor Thomas Scott for his victim. Scott was tried by a so-called Court-Martial, in a language that he did not understand, convicted and sent- HIS C.kACI'; ARCIIIUSIIOI' TAClllv. The Arrival of the Commissioner. 41 enced to death, and was executed on March 4th, 1870, and when some of his associates begged for Scott's life, Kiel's reply was: *'He was a dangerous man. He first quarrelled with his employer. Snow, was convicted and fined for threatening language, and afterwards escaping from prison was recaptured with the Canadians who had assembled at the Kil- donan Church with the avowed object of recap- turing Fort Garry from the Provisional Govern- ment. I cannot spare his life." Such was the reply of the President of the Provisional Government, Kiel, Mr. Donald A. Smith (Strathcona) returned to Ottawa, and made his report on the condition of affairs in the Red River Settlement. The report was clear and explicit, defining every- thing to be considered by the Federal Govern- ment. They saw the force of it, with the result that the General Wolseley Expedition was sent as soon as it was possible. The Expedition reached Winnipeg after much fatigue and hardship, arriving at Fort Garry early in September, 1870, when Kiel's army had settled down to their farms, and become good citizens, and his Executive fought in the way to be expected, to wit, they ran away, but Riel lived to fight another day, with the result that 42 Manitoba as I Saw It. he was captured and hanged as a rebel. If he had been tried at that time, and dealt with as he eventually was, it would have saved many valuable lives, and saved the Dominion of Can- ada over eight millions of dollars, but the man who signed the warrant for his arrest was dis- missed from the Commission of the Peace. Honorable Adams George Archibald was made Governor of Manitoba, and arrived in Winnipeg a few days after the Wolseley Expe- dition ; and the preliminary steps were taken to establish the Government of the new Province. The Governor appointed Mr. Alfred Boyd, of Redwood Place, Provincial Secretary; Mr. Max A. Gerard, Provincial Treasurer ; in order to legally transact the business of the country until after the elections, which were to take place after a proper census had been taken and Electoral Divisions had been arranged for the Provincial election, and four Electoral Districts by the Dominion Government. It will be remembered at this time that Bishop Tache had not yet returned from Rome, where he had been for several months on official busi- ness, ha^dng left the Settlement before the cause of the uprising had appeared upon the surface. I feel sure, from what I afterwards learned of his powerful influence over the natives, that he LlKUT.-GOVHKN'oK ARC 11 1 BALD The Arrival of the Commissioner. 43 would have been able to sufficiently control them, and settle diplomatically the questions in dis- pute before any violence was resorted to. That he was deeply grieved at what had taken place, I am sure, but Eiel felt his power over his fol- lowers to be greater than that of the Bishop's, and so it proved; Kiel having the Hudson Bay Company's fort, and in possession of the stores where he could deal out rum, brandy and wine, dry goods and all sorts of provisions to them ad libitum, was the weapon used by the cun- ning Kiel to defy the good prelate, well knowing that an appeal to their stomach had a much greater force than an appeal to their already elastic conscience, and would last so long as the supplies held out. From that on, up to the approach of the Wolseley Expedition, it was "high life below stairs" with this silly bombast. From the time the prisoners were released Riel never left the Fort without a mounted guard escort, and his efforts to appear a military potentate were, to say the least, not only amusing, but grotesque. Occasionally he wore a purple silk vest, and at other times a black vest with buttons covered with purple silk. They were left off, however, after Bishop Tache's return. I understand the natives objected to his wearing purple. CHAPTER XL HON. J. HOWE AND M'DOUGALL^S COMMISSION. The prisoners having been released, and some having returned to Ontario and other Eastern Provinces, the old business men of Winnipeg, and men of influence throughout the parishes, began talking freely to those of us who had settled down to make Winnipeg our home. From them we learned, referring to the incident of not allowing the Honorable William McDougall, the Lieutenant-Governor, to come in, that it was due to the information given to well known sympathizers of the French half-breeds, by the Honorable Joseph Howe, who had preceded Mr. McDougall to the Red River Settlement, and had said at a private dinner party given in his honor, that the Government had not given the Honorable Mr. McDougall his commission, but had promised to send it to him on his arrival at Fort Garrj' . Many of the guests at that dinner were in touch with the leaders of the natives, and they, of course, grasped that news from a Cabinet Minister w^th avidity. The result was, that as soon as Mr. Howe had got out of the country, the statement was communicated to the Riel party, and they then knew their ground. This was hinted plainly to us at our noonday Howe and McDougaWa Commission. 45 lunch on the prairie, near Georgetown, Minne- sota, by Mr. James L. Turner and Mr. San- ford, both gentlemen supporters of the Domin- ion Government, and who afterwards were both elevated to the Dominion Senate. With this knowledge, and from such a source, you can readily understand that they had no fear of results detrimental to their cause in refusing McDougall entrance into the country, knowing that he had not his commission and was not vested with proper authority to issue a Royal Proclamation. The Eastern mail matter all came through by way of St. Paul, and from Pembina had to pass through the half-breed settlements, and in most cases were carried to the Winnipeg office by half-breeds, and under the censorship of the Kiel combination. They knew all the move- ments of the persons directing the Dominion affairs in the Red River Settlement, and that news came from a Minister of the Crown. The Plonorable Mr. McDougall was not allowed to enter Rupert's Land. He did not have his commission when he made the attempt. When the Riel party were dispersed, and the country tranquil, Honorable William Mc- Dougall was not reappointed Governor, and now you can ask yourself the question: Was 46 Manitoba as I Saw It. he fairly treated by the Government of that day? When Mr. McDougall was appointed, the Government was to be a Governor and Council. Captain Cameron, son-in-law of Sir Charles Tiipper; Mr. Provencher, a Montreal news- paper man of some ability ; Mr. Richards, from Ontario; Major Wallace, and one or two others, were to be of the Council; the others to be named from persons living at the time in the country; but after the uprising it was deemed advisable by the Federal Government to create the Province of Manitoba, under the provisions made and provided in the British North America Act. The first Governor was appointed in the per- son of Honorable Adams George Archibald, a man of ability, of genial manner and great tact. He reached Fort Garry September 30th, 1870, and set about the work of organizing the new Pro%'ince, with caution and most excellent judgment, after first having met and obtained the views of some of the leading men of the several parishes, who were in a position to give him information that would assist him in carry- ing out the mission in which he was engaged. During the latter portion of the summer or beginning of autumn, Mr. Joseph Royal and Howe and McDougalVs Commission. 47 Mr. Joseph Dubuc reached St. Boniface, and a short time after Mr. H. J. Clark reached Win- nipeg. They most likely had some hopes or promises that under the new regulations there would be a place made for them, which after- wards proved to be the case. They were each provided with French constituencies, and elect- ed at the first general election. CHAPTER XII. THE ARRIVAL OF LT.-GOVERNOE ARCHIBALD. Lieutenant-Governor Archibald associated with him in conducting the Government Mr. Alfred Boyd and Mr. Max A. Gerard, the former as Provincial Secretary, the latter as Pro- vincial Treasurer, until the elections could be held, and representative government fully established. The first elections were held December 20th, 1870, and on the 10th of January, 1871, follow- ing, the first regular Cabinet was formed as follows : Honorable Alfred Boyd, Minister of Public Works and Agriculture; Honorable Max A. Gerard, Provincial Treasurer; Honorable H. J. Clark, Attorney-General; Honorable Thomas Howard, Provincial Secretary; Honorable James McKay, President of the Council. The first session of the Legislature took place on Wednesday, March 15th, 1871, when Honor- able Joseph Royal was elected the first Speaker. About forty-three Bills were passed, and many of them were important Acts. The Education Act is amongst the number, being an Act to establish a system of education in this Prov- ince, and to establish Public Schools, the dual Arrival of Lt. -Governor Archibald. 49 system having been inaugurated, Catholic and Protestant. Among the more important Acts passed of the forty- three enumerated were : ''The Interpretation Act," "The Supreme Court Act," ''The Registration of Deeds Acts," "Police Act," "The License Act," "The Medical Act," "Bishop of St. Boniface Act," "Bishop of Rupert's Land Act." "St. John's College Act," "St. Boniface College Act," and others of less importance. The Legislative Council was summoned with the other branch of the Legislature to meet on the 15th March, 1871. The members of the Council were sworn in the previous day in the office of the Provincial Secretary : Honorable J. McKay, Honorable Dr. J. H. O'Donnell, Honorable C. Inkster, Honorable S. Hamlin, Honorable S. Dauphenais, Honorable F. Ogletree, Honorable D. Gunn. The Honorable James McKay was named Speaker of the Council, and Thomas Spence appointed Clerk. 50 ■ Manitoba as I Saw It. Dr. J. C. Schultz ran for Winnipeg, and was opposed by Donald A. Smith (now Stratlicona). At first we had dual representation. Mr. Smith was elected by a large majority, consid- ering the small number of votes in each Elec- toral Division ; the natives nearly all voting for Mr. Smith. Most of the Canadians then in the country regretted Dr. Schultz 's defeat. Mr. Smith showed himself a man of great ability, free from prejudice and just in his deductions. The Federal Government appointed Judge Francis Johnson, a Commissioner, to report at Fort Garry, and inquire into the Eebellion Losses Claims. So far as concerned Mr. John- son's ability he was admirably fitted for the work, being an excellent French scholar and especially learned in the law. He appeared to go carefully into all the cases that came before him, and made an excellent report to the Gov- ernment ; but many were much disappointed at the awards. The Canadians were of the opinion that Dr. Schultz 's compensation was much in excess of his losses, while some received but a small percentage of their actual losses. Those who were in a position to know, were of the opinion that most of the Doctor's goods were disposed of before he and the others were made Arrival of Lt.-Governor Archibald. 51 prisoners, and that his losses were from being thrown out of business, but were really in a measure made up by increased prices and quick sales for the large consignment of goods that came down the Red River immediatly after the arrival of the Wolseley Expedition; but Dr. Schultz, with that placid individuality, had a pleasant word for everyone, and seldom spoke of his gains or losses, but keeping his eye on whatever point he was endeavoring to make, kept his own counsel, and generally succeeded. Judge Johnson was a man of great ability, but insufferably vain, and if that vanity were appealed to in the proper manner I am afraid his conscience would have forsaken him, even if a deserving man was being sacrificed. CHAPTER XIII. ATTORNEY-GENERAL CLARK EARLY MADE HIMSELF UNPOPULAR. Attorney-General Clark made himself un- popular early. He no sooner assumed office than he felt he was the law, instead of legal director, and so expressed himself; but the working out of his early conceived idea one day received a severe jolt. A soldier from the Barracks was one day in the *'01d Emerling" Hotel, and engaged in a friendly game of cards with a French half- breed, and suggested that they play for money just to make it interesting. The soldier, after winning the little money the native had, was spending it at the bar. The man left the hotel, and meeting the Attorney-General, told of his loss, and the ''Law" had to take its course. Honorable H. J. Clark called the nearest police- man, and ordered him to take the soldier out of the hotel to the station and lock him up. An- other soldier nearby saw the arrest, and at once ran off to the Barracks and reported. In a very short time a number of soldiers marched to the jail where the prisoner was, and de- manded his release, which was refused. They at once seized a long piece of timber and using it as a battering ram, smashed the door and took Attorney-General Clark Unpopular. 53 the prisoner back to the Fort, and on the way- saying: "We'll hang the Attorney-General on the Barracks gate some day," The Attorney- General looked upon the whole affair as a warn- ing which he should take, and he did. The Attorney-General assumed the leader- ship of the House, but as a matter of fact there was no Premier. The members of the Cabinet were individually responsible to the Lieutenant- Governor, and all Bills brought before the House were carefully gone over by the Gover- nor and a few trusted members of the Assembly and two members of the Legislative Council, and suggestions made. Of the personnel of the Legislative Council I have very little to say. Honorable James Mc- Kay, the first Speaker, was a half-breed; cau- tious, of excellent judgment in some instances; but had implicit faith in the advice of the clergy and not likely to oppose the views of the Arch- bishop. I must say in fairness he considered those opposed to him, and was at all times will- ing to discuss public questions with his oppon- ent, with a degree of justice, and at times won- derful adroitness. He was a quasi-king among the half-breeds, and had great power over al- most all the Indian tribes, speaking several 54 Manitoba as I Saw It. Indian tongues with fluency. He was a man of means, treated the Indians generously, and was the peacemaker in many of their disputes, and his word was law unto them. The two French members of the Council, Honorable Solomon Hamlin and Honorable Francis Dauphenais, were honest, kindhearted men, unable to read or write, and voted on almost all questions in accordance with the wishes of their advisers. Honorable Francis Ogletree was a Canadian ; very well read, fair in debate, and had a good knowledge of civic legislation, having been a County Councillor in Ontario for many years. He was absolutely free from prejudice, and not easily swayed from his opinion by any argu- ment. Honorable Donald Gunn was very old, but his intellect was in no way impaired. He was born in the Orkneys; very well read, and in narrating past events or happenings in the Set- tlement, or indeed the whole of Rupert's Land — he was a veritable encyclopedia. He had, through his own energy and application, ac- quired a very good knowledge of astronomy, was very well up in meteorology, and respected by all classes of the people. HON 1-"KA\C"IS tX.HI.TKKK Attorney-General Clark Unpopular. 55 Honorable Colin Inkster was a son of the late Jolm Inkster, of Seven Oaks, Kildonan. He was a hardy old Norseman from the North of Scotland, for many years in the Hudson Bay service; and the greatest treat you could give a distinguished visitor to the Settlement, was to give him an evening with happy, hearty, warm-hearted, intelligent John Inkster, of Seven Oaks. Honorable Colin, the present sheriff, in firmness is like his father. He had opinions on all subjects up for discussion and irrespective of opposition, always stood by those opinions, as I have good reason to know, having frequently been opposed to him in de- bate ; but he was a fair and honorable opponent, and I am pleased to say I number him now among my best friends. He is a gentleman of the old school ideals, and would honor any position in which he might be placed. Honorable Colin Inkster opposed Dr. Schultz for the Commons the first Dominion elections, but was defeated. Dr. Schultz carried the seat by a small majority. Honorable J. H. O'Donnell opposed the abo- lition of the Legislative Council, which was brought about in the main by the late Honorable Joseph Royal and one or two others. I am of the opinion that it was a mistake at the time, 56 Manitoba as I Saw It. when so many conflicting interests had yet to be adjusted. The French half-breeds are the ones that have suffered most severely. iiii\ coi.ix i\ Ksri<;K'. siii-:rii'1'" CHAPTER XIV. THE PERSONNEL OF THE FIRST LEGISLATURE. Mr. Thomas Spence was appointed Clerk of the Legislative Council, a position he filled with considerable ability. He was a very well edu- cated Scotchman from Edinburgh, and came to Canada when a young man, living in Mon- treal for a few years. Some years previous to the purchase of Rupert's Land from the Hudson Bay Company by the Dominion Government, he came to the Red River Settlement (Fort Garry), and made his home in the Cathedral Town of St. Boniface. He was an excellent clerk, in fact, could do any- thing acceptably in an office; was a good en- grosser, a fairly good draughtsman, and sketched in landscape. Mr. Spence had quite a few of the characteristics of "Wilkins Micawber ; he was always living in great expectations, and when they were not materializing he became de- pressed, and would tell dramatically how shame- fully his services had been overlooked by the Federal Government. It was never very appar- ent as to what those services consisted of, but it was an excellent text for considerable elo- quence on his part, mingled with an occasional tear; but a friendly suggestion of a ''yard of 58 Manitoba as I Saw It. clay" and a little of the cup ''that cheers," and he felt sure that his great services would be duly considered by the Government. His Grace, the late Archbishop Tache, thought much of him, as having in many ways great ability, and always befriended him when it was necessary. Mr. Victor Beaupre was Usher of the Black Rod at that time. The first Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, was composed of twenty-four members only. It is doubtful if any Legislative Assembly in any Province of Canada at that time had as many men of ability, and that have figured so con- spicuously in Canadian public affairs, and so many that hold positions of trust and promin- ence to-day, as did that first Assembly of that Western Province. The first members of the Legislative Assem- bly were : Mr. Donald A. Smith (Strathcona), Dr. Curtis J. Bird, Mr. John H. McTavish, Alfred Boyd (of Eedwood), Joseph Royal, Joseph Dubuc, Max A. Gerard, Kenneth MeKenzie, John Sutherland (of Kildonan), Thomas Bunn, John Norquay, Thomas Howard, all men that have figured prominently in Canadian public affairs, and some having attained the highest Personnel of the First Legislature. 59 positions in tlie gift of the Government, which they occupy to-day. Edmund Bourke, of St. James; H. J. Clark, Joseph Lemay, Pierre Delorme ; Dr. Cowan, of Portage la Prairie ; P. Brehmd, Louis Sclimidt, Frederick Bird, John Taylor (Headingly), E. H. G. G. Hay, A. McKay, George Klyne, all men more or less prominent in their respective locations. Following are a few remarks on these first members of the Legislative Assembly: Donald A. Smith (Lord Strathcona) ; every line of Canadian history from 1870 must be closely allied to his name, and a synonym for the progress and greatness of Manitoba and the Northwest of Canada. Dr. Curtis J. Bird, born in the Settlement, of English parents, learned in his profession, hav- ing recently received his training in Guy's Hospital, London, England; a man of culture and refinement, and a clever diagnostician, was of a retiring disposition, but his general read- ing had been l)road, and his judgment always for the best; was for a time Speaker of the House. John Norquay, I need only mention his name to awaken the most kindly, generous impulse in the minds of all who ever knew him. Great, 60 Manitoba as I Saw It. big, hearty, broad-minded, eloquent, noble John Norqiiay. When speaking upon any subject touching upon the old and native population, his eloquence equalled the best efforts of D'Arcy McGee. Had he been less generous, he would have remained longer in power. Thomas Bunn was a son of the late Dr. Bunn, a distinguished member of the medical profession here, a man of great erudition. His son inherited the quickness of perception and judicial mind of his father, and was a good speaker, ornate and convincing, and never spoke in the House unless thoroughly conversant with the subject before the chair. John H. McTavish, an officer of the Hudson Bay Company, a thorough business man, and from his intimate knowledge of the people of the Settlement and their requirements, rendered very valuable services in framing the new laws and adapting them to the requirements of the legal changes th^t were necessary under the new regulations. Alfred Boyd, a wealthy Englishman, of Red- wood, St. John's Parish. He was the first Pro- vincial Secretary; a man of good education, a gentleman of refinement, and readily adapted himself to the duties of his office. He was an Jl_)li.\ 11, .\KTA\1SII. Personnel of the First Legislature. 61 excellent office man, and did good work in com- mittee; a clever cartoonist, and drew many laughable sketches of members of the House that were grotesquely funny. Edmund Bourke, born in this country, of the Parish of St. James. He is one of several brothers, all looked upon as men of sterling in- tegrity. He had opinions on all subjects before the House, and always voted in accordance with those opinions. Joseph Royal, the first Speaker of the Assem- bly, a gentleman of courtly bearing, had some ability as a newspaper writer, and was a fair speaker. Pie occupied several positions in the Government, at one time Attorney-General. He ultimately became Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest Territories, which practically closed his public career. Joseph Dubuc, a man of quiet, unassuming manner, and his whole course has been one of progression. At different times he occupied positions in the Provincial Cabinet, until he was elevated to the Bench. As a lawyer he was looked upon as fair and honest, and never subtle or endeavoring to get an unfair advantage, and as a Judge his judgments were looked upon as among the best, and many think as a judge of 62 Manitoba as I Saw It. fact he stands pre-eminent. At present he is Chief Justice of Manitoba. Max A. Gerard, a French gentleman of the old school, a man of good reasoning powers and a great favorite with all who knew him. He was the first Provincial Treasurer, and later on became Premier of the Province. He was not given the fullest support of those of his own nationality, and feeling that, he retired. On resigning he said : "Since it is the wish of those whose support I had every reason to expect, I obey their wishes. I am the first French Prem- ier of the Province, and it is my opinion I will be the last." Certainly up to this time his words have been prophetic. Thomas Howard, a son of a distinguished member of the medical profession in Montreal. He came up with the Wolseley Expedition, and became Provincial Treasurer. He assumed the Chesterfield manner, a good diner out, and was harmless and amusing. Mr. D. A. Ross has been for many years an active participant in all that pertains to the City and Provincial development. He was for several years a prominent mem- ber of the City Council, and very many of the permanent improvements bear his impress. Almost from the first he has been on the Personnel of the First Legislature. 63 Board of the City's Public Schools, and has worked hard for compulsory education and the best class of school building, and in no instance has he neglected to raise his voice for the ad- vancement of our Public School System. He is at present the representative in the Provincial Parliament of the Electoral Consti- tuency of Springfield, and has shown himself to be an active and painstaking member. He is a brother of the late A. W. Ross, who represent- ed an Electoral District in Manitoba for sev- eral years in the Canadian House of Commons, and was a prominent figure in Winnipeg in 1882. Dr. Cowan, Portage la Prairie, a man of good business ability, and an excellent committee man; a very useful and efficient member. Kenneth McKenzie, of Westbourne, an excel- lent Scotch farmer, imported the first herd of thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle to the country; in short, was a model farmer. He was always listened to in the House and his opinion was valued. Plis word was never questioned, and it was a loss to the Province when he retired from politics. Mr. Molyneux Singean was appointed the first Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. He represented as correspondent some Eastern 64 Manitoba as I Saw It. newspaper and was with the Wolseley Expedi- tion. As a young man he had been a Lieutenant in the British Army, a gentleman of pleasing manner, good ability, and considered a clever writer. He was up to the time of his death always in Government employ ; his last position being Usher of the Black Rod, Ottawa. CHAPTER XV. SCHOOL LEGISLATION. One of the most imi3ortant measures passed in tlie first session of the Manitoba Legislature was "The School Act," being an Act to estab- lish a system of education in the Province, and establishing Public Schools; the dual system having been inaugurated — Catholic and Protes- tant, not separate schools as they have gener- ally been called. Previous to the passing of the Public School Act, all schools were denominational, being managed and financed by their respective churches, namely: Catholic, Anglican, Presby- terian, Methodist; and gave good satisfaction in so far as results were obtained. When the Bill came up for discussion in the House the speeches were very mild indeed, and the measure passed both Houses of the Legisla- ture and became law. Public Schools were duly established, and for a time worked well. Later Church organizations and Eastern newspapers began discussing the Manitoba School affairs, and not being conversant with the subject wrote in error, and in a manner calculated to cause turbulence in the minds of the people. The politicians saw their opportunity, picked up the 66 Manitoba as I Saiv It. **cue" and the game was on, and played with much skill on both sides for political purposes, until settled by the Government of Canada. The great mistake in framing the first ** Pub- lic School Act" was in not having a uniform curriculum, a standard up to which all teachers, Catholic and Protestant, had to come, and a uniform system of school inspection. Nothing could then have arisen to cause discussion. It was a relief to the majority of the people of Canada when the Federal Government took up the question and settled it for all time, inso- far as the Province of Manitoba is concerned. The School system as it now stands, is per- haps quite equal to any Public Schools in opera- tion on the continent. Our system is neither secular nor denominational. I am of the opin- ion if they are to have a name they should be called Protestant. However, they are not ultra, and there is very little friction, if any, on that score. The inspection of schools in the country appears very generally satisfactory at present, with the exception of Winnipeg and Brandon, in which cases the Archbishop, not being in accord with the system, the Catholic School Board erected separate school buildings, so that the Catholic ratepayers are doubly burdened in paying rates both for their own and the School Legislation. 67 Public Schools. Where there are grounds for complaints they will ultimately evolve them- selves into harmony, and the deep-toned mur- mur of discontent here and there will become like a ripple on the surface of water, becoming less and less until it disappears altogether. In the City of Winnipeg the Public Schools are up to a high standard. The buildings are roomy, well heated and sanitary, ventilation good, and the rooms kept thoroughly clean; an efficient teaching staff; large average attend- ance and the discipline of the best. Mr. Daniel Mclntyre, the Superintendent, is a thorough educationalist, and supervises the school working with excellent tact and judg- ment. The teachers are selected with great care and placed in departments best suited to their individual ability. In consequence of the rapid growth of the city it is not easy to i)rovide school space with- out overcrowding, but by the superior skill dis- played, Mr. Mclntyre seems to surmount the difficulty. So great is the increase of pupils yearly that it is found necessary to build one or two large school buildings every year in order to have sufficient accommodation — even then, at times, it becomes necessary to rent a build- ing or two to meet the demand. 68 Manitoba as I Saw It. Notwithstanding the heavy demands made annually upon the ratepayers for school build- ings very few objections have been raised for the outlay, free schools being looked upon as such a boon. CHAPTER XVI. THE ARRIVAL OF THE WOLSELEY EXPEDITION. The arrival of the Wolseley Expedition, of course, put matters on a quasi basis of law and order, but it was naturally to be expected that a bitter feeling would still exist between the Loyalists and the half-breeds who took part in the uprising. Chagrin at their defeat pervaded the minds of the natives, and the overbearing attitude assumed by the Canadians was the cause of an occasional rencontre, that ended disastrously on one particular occasion, and caused much ill-feeling to again spring up in the minds of the French natives and a bitter hatred of all Canadians. A French half-breed, a Mr. Goulet, who was looked upon as a leading rebel, came into a saloon not far from Fort Garry, where a few Canadians and retired soldiers were drinking. He was recognized and a quarrel ensued. Goulet was driven from the hotel. In his fright he ran away, pursued by a few men whose hatred overcame their judgment. After run- ning rapidly until he reached the brink of the Red River, and feeling, no doubt, that his pursuers intended him grievous bodily harm, Goulet plunged into the stream, and in his at- 70 Manitoba as I Saw It. tempt to swim across to save himself, got but a short distance when he sank from exhaustion and was drowned. It was a most regrettable thing, but might have occurred under other circumstances which would have been thought but the outcome of a drunken brawl. The men who drove Goulet to his grave were of no credit to either party, and were a class having no standing in the com- munity, and should have been severely pun- ished, but they were not legally dealt with, which stands to the discredit of those who were parties to the outrage. At this time we had no newspaper worthy of the name here, and no Government can succeed without a Government organ. Mr. Eobert Cunningham, a very clever writer, who was at one time attached to the Toronto Globe, about this time came to Fort Garry. He was a Scotchman from Aberdeen, thoroughly educated in newspaper work, a good Parliamentary reporter, and his advent was hailed with delight, and he was at once secured to write up the policy of the Government; and aided Governor Archibald materially in carry- ing out his ideas of administration along lines of pacifying the various discordant elements, unifying opposing factions, which had much to Arrival of the Wolseley Expedition. 71 do with starting the newly created Province of Manitoba out upon its career, taking up its responsibilities as the poorest and smallest part of the Dominion. That Mr. Cunningham suc- ceeded well as the first editor of marked ability is now a matter of history. Mr. Robert Cunningham afterwards repre- sented in the House of Commons the Electoral Division of Marquette (Manitoba), and his voice was always heard in the interest of Mani- toba and the Northwest. Mr. Donald A. Smith (Strathcona) always spoke of him in terms of praise, and thought him a man of more than average ability. After the opening of the first session of the first Parliament of Manitoba, the next event to be mentioned was the State Dinner at Govern- ment House. The reader must not imagine it one of those perfunctory dinners of State where everyone looks bored, wearing that fixed smile wbich suggests the idea of ''Why did I accept the invitation? How glad I shall be when it is over, that I may make my escape!'* It was nothing of the sort; it was superlatively inter- esting. The favored of the Court, who were in juxtaposition to His Honor, wore the most recent evening dress. All Canadians, of course, dressed appropriately, but the other members 72 Manitoba as I Saw It. wore their ordinary holiday attire, common to the country, which was in many instances, very picturesque. At that table was seen the broad- cloth capot of the Hudson Bay Company, with polished brass buttons, Hudson Bay sash and moccasins; some in Scotch tweed suits; others in frock coats, and the most surprising thing was the ease of manner displayed by all. The table manners were all the most fastidious could desire, and the conversation edifying, and a gentleman of the press of Montreal, who sat beside me, remarked ''If all dressed the part, they would appear well at a Vice-Eegal State Dinner anywhere." CHAPTER XVII. WINNIPEG THE WESTERN HEADQUAETEES OF HUDSON BAY COMPANY. Winnipeg was the central point around which focussed all the people coming into the country. It was the postal distributing office, and the traveling headquarters of the Hudson Bay Company, as well as for all "free traders" of every description, and the people who came from Eastern Provinces and who were accus- tomed to municipal advantages, began to clamor for an Act to incorporate the City of Winnipeg. The most of the property was owned by a few old settlers and old traders, who foresaw they would be taxed to pay for all municipal im- provements, and they naturally objected, A Bill of Incorporation was framed by an Ontario barrister, Mr. Francis Evans Cornish, the first Mayor of Winnipeg, and in due course was introduced in the Assembly, and after a good deal of useless discussion was thrown out on a technicality. This aroused the population to an intense degree of excitement little dreamed of. An indignation meeting was called the follow- ing day in the open air. Violent speeches were delivered, which aroused the more turbulent ttiii^members of the community, who were terribly 74 Manitoba as I Saw It. wrought up. Extravagant language was used and threats were made, and a resolution put and carried to the effect that the whole population were to meet at three o'clock in the afternoon, and march in a body to the Bar of the House (then in session), and demand the reintroduc- tion of the Bill of Incorporation of the City of Winnipeg. Dr. Bird, the Speaker at that time, was called by an emissary of those in favor of the Bill, ostensibly to see the Reverend John Black's wife, at night. He had driven but a short distance when he was taken from his trap and maltreated most shamefully, to the disgrace of all Canadians who took part in the affair. At the time appointed nearly the whole popu- lation assembled, some out of curiosity, but most of them were inclined to be violent, and declared unless their demands were acceded to, they would tear down the Parliament House about the heads of its members. They marched in good order, filling both yard and street in front of the Assembly and the Legislative Council. They sent a messenger to the Bar of the Legislative Council that the Speaker address them. The speaker. Honorable James McKay, deputed Honorable Dr. O'Donnell to speak to them. The Doctor advised them to go to their Western Headquarters of H. B. Co. 75 homes peaceably, and if they prepared a new Act of Incorporation sufficiently different from the one that was rejected, to constitute a new Bill, handing it to the Clerk of the Council, it would be introduced and would be carefully considered by that body. Mr. F. Evans Cornish, barrister, the spokes- man of the party, agreed to this suggestion, and called for three cheers for Honorable Dr. O'Donnell and the Legislative Council, and three groans for the Legislative Assembly, which were given with vim, and the crowd dis- persed quietly. The Bill of Incorporation in its new form was presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Coun- cil, introduced and passed without amendments. The following day it was sent to the Lower House for consideration, and within a few min- utes the ]^eople gathered in large numbers, filed into the Assembly Chamber, stood at the Bar, and demanded the passing of the Act. A short consultation took place between Attorney- General Clark and the Speaker, and the Ser- geant-at-Arms informed the deputation that the Government had decided to consider the Bill at its next sitting, which they did, and it passed with a few unimportant amendments. 76 ' Manitoba as I Saw It. Such was the feeling of the people at that time that it would have been very unwise for the Government to have refused their demand. CHAPTER XVIIL THE UNIVEKSITY. An Act to establish a University was intro- duced February, 1877, and passed both Houses of the Legislature with little or no opposition. The first officials of the University were: Chan- cellor, Archbishop Machray; Vice-Chancellor, Honorable Joseph Royal ; Registrar, Mr. E. W. Jarvis; Bursar, Mr. Duncan McArthur. Students having studied in either of the Sec- tarian Colleges could write for a degree, after giving the necessary proofs that they had pur- sued the studies prescribed in the curriculum to the satisfaction of the Board of Studies. The University Act, was, of course, to be con- sidered absolutely non-sectarian. The first Chancellor was the late Archbishop Machray, the best man possible for the i)osition. At the time of his death Chief Justice Dubuc was Vice- Chancellor, and in direct line for the Chancellor- ship, and should have received it. They ap- pointed Archbishop Matheson Chancellor, an excellent man for the j^osition in all respects. Chief Justice Dubuc is a Frenchman and a Roman Catholic. Is that the reason he was not 78 Manitoba as I Saw It. made Chancellor? It gives one that impression. If that is so, the University is practically Protestant. ' ' It has been said that the introduction of the University Act was mainly due to the Lieuten- ant-Governor, at the time Honorable Alexander Morris. He was a man of high ideals, anxious to signalize his term of office by some great achievement, and found in the creation of the University an object worthy of his ideals." Governor Alexander Morris did signalize his term of office by an action worthy of Ms ideals, but it was not the University Act. More than two years had elapsed before a Justice of the Peace could be got to take a depo- sition and sign a warrant for the arrest of Kiel, Lapine and others. When at last a Magistrate did issue the warrant, Lieutenant-Governor Alexander Morris sanctioned the cancellation of the Commission of the Peace held by that Magistrate for signing the warrant. The intel- ligent reader will judge for himself and accord him the amount of glory to be attached to that act of His Honor. It must be said in extenua- tion that he was not a very strong man, and his frequent indisposition rendered his judgment at times very difficult to account for. Governor A. G. Archibald, on the contrary, L iiip:!-" .11 siK I-; I'l m ^ The University. 79 was a man of great tact. At that early day, distant from city markets, it was difficult to obtain luxuries for elaborate entertaining. Not- withstanding, he gave a dinner nearly every Thursday evening, bringing together people of the most discordant political views, and every- things passed off so pleasantly that those social gatherings were looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure, and it did much to allay public ill-feeling. Governor Archibald was a most charming conversationalist, and all who assem- bled at his board left with "he is a jolly good fellow" smile on his countenance. He was un- doubtedly the right man for the place at the time, and in that respect it was better that Mr. McDougall failed to reach the position. He lacked the discrimination and tact that was absolutely required at the time, and I have since wondered why the Federal Government made the selection, especially as he was an opponent. After the arrival of the Wolseley Expedition Winnipeg was policed by soldiers detailed from the Barracks. After the troops were withdrawn and up to the time that Winnipeg was incorpo- rated, the police were api)ointed by the Pro- vincial Government, and of a class that suited Attorney-General Clark's purpose, irrespective of the wishes of the people. 80 Manitoba as I Saiv It. The Chief of the Police was a henchman of the Attorney-General, and was ordered to go to a camp of Indians, who were on the river bank, and order them to stop the beating of their ' ' tumtiims ' ' and move out in the early morning. The Indians looked upon this man as an in- truder, and refused to obey. No treaty having been made at that time, the Chief of Police lost his temper, and fired his revolver into a tent where there were women and children, and wounded an Indian woman. The Aboriginals became excited, and, happily, in the excitement the policeman made his escape. It so happened that the Indian Commissioner from Ottawa was in Winnij^eg at the time, and had the Chief of Police arrested. He was brought before the Grand Jury. Attorney-Gen- eral Clark did not have any evidence to submit and no bill was found. CHAPTER XIX. LIEUT.-GOVEKNOE CAUCHON. Lieutenant-Governor Joseph Cauchon suc- ceeded Mr. Morris, and entered upon his duties under very painful circumstances ; his wife was very seriously ill on reaching Winnipeg, and grew rapidly worse, and had hardly got settled in Government House when she died. Madame Cauchon was a very charming woman, very beautiful and highly accomplished. Her death was very much regretted by all classes of the community. She was buried at the St. Boniface Cathedral. The funeral was very imposing and largely attended by all classes of the people, irrespective of creed or nationality. Government House was presided over by the sister of the deceased, Miss Nolan, for a year or more, when His Honor married Miss Le Moyne, a French lady from Ottawa. She presided at Government House with dignity and tact, and became a general favorite. She entertained with judgment and grace, which is natural to the cultured French lady. Her dinners, balls, soirees, musicales, children's parties and after- noon teas were appreciated, and did much to allay the friction that had arisen as a result of the late uprising. Governor Cavichon was democratic, and a 82 Manitoba as I Saw It. finished entertainer. He had been Mayor of Quebec City for several terms, and nearly all his life in politics. Almost constantly either enter- taining or being entertained, he had become a perfect host; he had a fund of humor and an immense faculty as a storyteller, telling stories that produced side-splitting laughter. His long political career gave him an insight into public affairs which made it easy for him to be an ideal Lieutenant-Governor. His health ulti- mately failed, and he was succeeded by Honor- able James Cox Aikins. Lieutenant-Governor Aikins, previous to his appointment, had been many years in public life, for several years a member of Sir John A. Macdonald's Government. His mind was judi- cial, and he was throughout his term of office, in every sense of the term, a Constitutional Gover- nor. The social side of Government House was very quiet, he entertaining very little. His con- scientious views practically caused him to elim- inate dancing, etc., and, as a result, his social functions were not numerous, but enjoyable to elderly and church-going people. His term of office having expired, he retired with the respect of all classes of people, who believed he had filled the office with dignity and judgment. LIEUT. GOVERNOR CAUCHOX Lieut.-Govenior Cauchon. 83 Honorable Dr. J. C. Schultz succeeded Gover- nor Aikins. Honorable Dr. Schultz had served in the House of Commons for several years, when his Iiealth began to fail, and Sir John A. Macdonald elevated him to the Senate of Canada, a position held by him until he received the appointment of Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, a position held by him for nearly seven years, up to the time of his death. When he assumed office he was in poor health and remained an invalid until he was removed by death. His official term was characterized by nothing in particular. He was at all times placid, discreet, plausible and non-committal. The social side of life at Government House was very neutral, due most likely to the Governor's health. He had been a long sufferer, and his death was not unexpected. Governor Schultz was succeeded by Mr. Pat- terson, at one time a Cabinet Minister. He was a barrister from Windsor, and had represented a constituency in the Western part of Ontario. He was a society man and entertained lavishly, but Government House was less popular than it would have been had Mrs. Patterson been with him to preside at social functions. Governor Patterson was the first Lieutenant- 84 Manitoba as I Saw It. Governor of Manitoba to accept invitations at social gatherings in private houses, which he did generally, and thereby became very popular with the younger and more democratic side of society. The old school families thought it infra dig, while holding the Queen's Commis- sion, and did not approve of it. The precedent which he originated has been followed by his successor and bids fair to continue. He was not at any time thought a man of great ability, but did what was expected of him in accordance with the Constitution, and was seldom spoken of after his term of office expired. CHAPTER XX. SIR DANIEL MCMILLAN. Lieutenant-Governor Sir Daniel McMillan came West with the Wolseley Expedition in 1870 as Captain of a Company; a young man, unassuming, dignified, affable, and with a man- ner that impressed one. He was an agreeable conversationalist, but not verbose. He settled in Winnipeg, and has resided in that city unin- terruptedly since. He has always taken a lively interest in all matters pertaining to the pro- gress of the City and Province. He was en- gaged in business for several years, and was considered an excellent business man, and his opinion was always sought and valued on all public questions. In politics he was always a Liberal, and rep- resented Winnipeg Centre for several terms in the Provincial Legislature. Honorable Thomas Greenway took him into his Cabinet as Pro- vincial Treasurer, a position he held for several years ; and he was looked upon as a very efficient Cabinet Minister, and a strength to the Gov- ernment. He succeeded Governor Patterson, and has performed his duties at Government House very satisfactorily to the Federal Gov- ernment, and was reappointed a second term, at 86 Manitoba as I Saw It. the close of five years, which was thought a mis- take. Most of the "old Grit party" do not be- lieve in a second term, and think it should be discontinued. Although the Provincial Govern- ment is Conservative, Sir Daniel in his official capacity has always been considered absolutely neutral, and the social side of Government House has been all that could be desired by the most fastidious society critic. Captain Cameron (now Major-General), was one of Lieutenant-Governor McDougall's party, and was to have been one of the Executive. He had been an officer in the British Army and had served in India, and although a man of medium size, he had the bearing, every inch, of a soldier. He was exceedingly practical, and demonstrated the fact whenever an occasion arose. Crossing the prairie, at times a train became fast in one of the many sloughs, but he always knew the most ready way to extricate them. Captain Cameron was a reserved man, but had excellent ideas, and was conversant with almost any sub- ject, giving one the impression that he was widely read, and had read understandingly, and he possessed an agreeable, placid manner; was an excellent listener and a quick observer, tak- ing in the most salient points of a conversation, which at times amused him when others did not Sir Daniel McMillan. 87 see the humor. It was thought by those who knew him well, that it was unfortunate that he was unable to reach Fort Garry, believing that his advice would have been of great value at that stage of the country's history. CHAPTER XXL THE '* hotel'' PKEMIEB OF MANITOBA. The Honorable Robert Atkinson Davis, at one time Premier of Manitoba, was unfamiliar with Parliamentary usage, but developed rapidly, so much so, that he soon became fairly well posted in political adroitness; but he always had the countenance of an innocent abroad. On arriv- ing at Winnipeg, and having some means, he looked about for an investment that would yield the greatest returns, and soon decided that the hotel business would be the most profitable. He purchased the Emerling Hotel, which then stood on the site of the present Mclntyre Build- ing; and proceeded to do business, and from appearances amassed money very rapidly. He was a man of few words, but was all things to everybody, disagreeing with none, and as a result he became known to the whole population, and thought to be a most agreeable man, and if on an occasion it was learned that he was agree- ing with two men of widely different views, and was taxed with it, he invariably had a plausible excuse and smoothed away the little ripple by asking them to have a glass of port wine that had been sent to him from Montreal by an old Scotchman, claiming the wine had The "Hotel" Premier of Manitoba. 89 been in his friend's cellar for over thirty years, and the two politicians on the way home agreed that Mr. Davis was the prince of good fellows. In consequence of a small divergence from the lines laid down by the leaders of the differ- ent political parties, it so happened that Mr. Davis received the nomination, and was elected to a seat in the Legislature, and in course of time became Premier of the Province of Mani- toba. At the opening of the first session after Mr. Davis became Premier, the hall was filled with the elite of Manitoba, anxious to observe the ease of manner always possessed by the Honor- able R. A. Davis. He, as a rule, dressed a little different from the average man, in short, in a style of his own. On this occasion he wore a dress coat, closely fitting, tightly buttoned, and in the centre of his immaculate shirt front wore a gold nugget, in which was set a diamond that was brilliant and of great dimensions. I over- heard some ladies remark that he was an origi- nal dresser. I believed them; even in his ex- alted position he followed his own ideas rather than fashion. He was not an eloquent speaker, but speaking slowly took up a good deal of the time of the House. When speaking on a Gov- ernment measure, he always began his speech 90 Manitoba as I Saw It. by saying: "Mr. Speaker, the Government of which I am the head" — and when speaking of Her Majesty, the Queen, always spoke of her as, *'Our Sovering Lady the Queen," and in ad- dressing an opponent would in reply say: "I certingly don't agree with the Honorable gen- tleman opposite." When he became Premier the appointment was sharply criticized by some of the leading politicians. One of the local papers said: ''His only equipment for the position was a slate pencil and a saloon ; and a person having busi- ness to transact with the Provincial Treasurer's Department, if he were not in, they would be sure to find him at the Davis House." When his term of office expired, he gave up politics, sold what property he had, and left the country, settling in Chicago. His administra- tion was what might have been expected, in no particular creditable to himself or his colleagues and retarded the progress of the country. He was not aiming for glory; he was in office for what there was in it for himself, making the most of his position, having no reputation to lose. CHAPTER XXIL PREMIER GREENWAY. Honorable Thomas Greenway was distinctly a prominent figure in Manitoba politics. He was leader of the Liberal party in the Legisla- tive Assembly of Manitoba for more than twenty years. He was Premier of the Province for twelve years, and all measures of import- ance passed during that i)eriod bear the impress of his far-seeing judgment. In every sense, he was one of Manitoba's greatest men on all sub- jects pertaining to the interests of the Province. His speeches were well thought out, and deliv- ered in that logical, forcible manner peculiarly his own, leaving a lasting impression upon the minds of his listeners. I shall never forget his arraignment of the Honorable Premier Norquay, on the settlement of the boundary between Ontario and Manitoba. It was a masterly effort, completely shattering the findings in Mr. Norquay 's eloquent appeal, which was probably his greatest effort. It was an effort of giants. It is doubtful if two such legislators will again come to the surface in Manitoba for a very long time. Honorable Mr. Greenway was of the people, with the people of Manitoba and the West in 92 Manitoba as I Saw It. all things pertaining to their welfare and pro- gression. He ought to be, and no doubt will be, ranked well up on the column among Canada's greatest statesmen. Honorable William Ilespeler landed in Win- nipeg in the month of June, 1873, in charge of the German-Eussian Mennonite Delegation. In the following year he was appointed Commis- sioner of Immigration and Agriculture by the Dominion Government for Manitoba and the Northwest Territories; from which position he resigned in 1883, having been appointed Ger- man Consul for Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, by the German Government, which position he held until 1908. For his services during twenty-five years he received two deco- rations from the Emperor of Germany. During the time of Mr. Hespeler's Consular services he was elected to the Manitoba Legis- lature in the year 1899, for the Electoral Divis- ion of Rosenfeldt, and was then elected Speaker. He has also been a member of the Board of the Winnipeg General Hospital for the last thirty- three years, and President of the Board since 1888. Honorable Hugh John Macdonald in 1897 undertook the leadership of the Conservative party in Manitoba, and opposed Mr. Green- IIOX \VM IIUSPKl.IiK. Premier Greenway. 93 way's Government in a general Provincial Elec- tion, in which he had such success that he and his supporters were put in a position to take possession of the Treasury Benches. He advo- cated Government control or ownership of rail- ways, which was the policy which carried him into power, notwithstanding the legal firm of which he was a member were solicitors for Can- ada's largest railway corporation. Mr. Mac- donald resigned the Premiership of Manitoba and accepted a nomination in the constituency of Brandon. Mr. Macdonald was opposed by' the Honorable Clifford Sifton, who carried the constituency by a very large majority, and since that time Mr. Macdonald has adhered closely to his legal practice, not again entering the political arena. CHAPTER XXIII. PREMIER ROBLIN. Honorable R. P. Roblin, the present Premier, succeeded the late Dr. Harrison, who was Prem- ier for but a short time after the defeat of the Norquay Government. Mr. Roblin is a Canadian by birth, of Ger- man descent. He is a fluent speaker, and has all the pertinacity of his race. He has for a number of years been closely identified with the grain trade, and is looked upon as a far-seeing dealer, and one of the leading grain men of the Northwest. He has a large farm near Carman, claims to work for the best interests of the farming community; has a cheerful, happy dis- position, but one must not bank on his good nature. He can be sufficiently aggressive, a good fighter, and rather a formidable opponent, as those on the left of the speaker can testify. As a citizen, it may be said, that he is progres- sive, frugal and active ; whatever he undertakes he does with all his might, and never says, *'Hold, enough." THE WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange is an associa- tion conducting the grain business of the Cana- Premier Roblin. 95 dian West, and having its headquarters in a magnificent building especially erected for that purpose at a cost of $650,000. Fully ninety-five per cent, of the whole grain raised in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, which seeks a mar- ket in Eastern Canada and Europe, is handled by the members of this Exchange, which in addition to the facilities for an exchange mar- ket, conducts a regular trading room where grain for future delivery is bought and sold, and the facilities for transacting business are most complete. Quotations made in the leading markets of the world are regularly and almost instantaneously received by special wires, and the quotations and records of sales and pur- chases made on the Exchange's floor are imme- diately wired to the leading markets in Eastern Canada and the United States. In connection with the Grain Exchange trad- ing there is a grain clearing house where all trades made upon the floor of the Exchange are cleared regularly each day. The daily clear- ances have reached instances as high as six million bushels. It would be utterly impossible to move or finance the Western grain crops without such an institution, and the Exchange meets the necessities of the situation, and comprises in its 96 Manitoba as I Saw It. membership three hundred country elevator owners, terminal elevator owners, exporters, commission men, millers, track buyers, brokers and transportation officials. Mr. C. N. Bell has been Secretary of the Board of Trade since 1887, and Secretary of the Grain and Produce Exchange since its or- ganization. Since the grain inspection system came into force in Manitoba, he has been Secretary of the Western Grain Standards Board, the Grain Survey Board and the Board of Grain Exam- iners. He was Secretary of the Eoyal Commis- sion on Shipment and Transportation, which important body is studying and reporting upon the whole national system of transportation of the products of the country to the markets of the world. He has been delegate to many Boards of Trade and other business conventions in Can- ada, and also to the Congress of the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire. Mr. C. N. Bell is widely read and has at all times perfect control of liimself, never becomes the least impatient in business, however great the cause ; always ready and willing to give in- formation in business hours, and an authority on everything connected with the grain trade C \ HICI.l, Premier Rohlin. 97 of the Nortliwest, and the statutes which govern it. lie is one of Canada's most useful men, and anytliing he undertakes is certain to be well done. CHAPTER XXIV. TWO PROMINENT WESTERN MEN. Mr. George D. McVicar came to Manitoba before the first Riel Rebellion, and accompanied Dr. Sclmltz across the country to Duluth, both making their way out of the country, after Dr. Schultz got out of his confinement in Fort Garry. Mr. McVicar, on his return to the Red River Settlement, gave me a full detailed account of their journey from the Settlement to Duluth, and on to Ontario. He was among the first to import agricultural implements into the coun- try, and I believe the first to import sewing machines. He was a man of sterling merit, absolutely reliable in every respect. His widow and family at present reside in "Winnipeg. Mr. Fred J. C. Cox was born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, and educated in Hamburg, Germany ; married Miss Lillie Erb, daughter of L. H. Erb, of Winnipeg. Mr. Cox has always taken keen interest in the development of Manitoba and the progress of the City of Winnipeg. He has resided here since 1881. He has been Secretary of the Northwest Com- mercial Travelers' Association of Canada, the Tivo Prominent Western Men. 99 past nine years. He has been a member of the City Council six years, Chairman of the Legisla- tive Committee for five years, Chairman of the Health Committee and Chairman of Police Com- mission. He is a clear headed business man, a quick thinker, a thorough accountant and watches with shrewdness all the city's business, and is an active, assiduous worker in the public interest. Mr. Cox is a man of quick perception, has clear-cut, well-defined opinions on all matters affecting the public, and once he is well satisfied as to the correctness of his theories, adheres to those opinions and argues them with great adroitness. CHAPTER XXV. MR. A. m't. CAMPBELL. Mr. A. McT. Campbell is the Manitoba Man- ager of the Manitoba Branch of the Canada Life Assurance Company. The business in force in Manitoba, the oldest of the Western branches, exceeds those of any of the others, as does also the value of new business being written. He is the "Dean of the Western Man- agers, and it is largely due to his energy, ability and personal popularity, that Manitoba ranks so high." Mr. Campbell, who is well known from Winnipeg to the Coast, has been Manager for Manitoba since 1895. Mr. McTavish Campbell's father was for many years a chief factor of the Honorable Hudson Bay Company, and during his long resi- dence in the City of Winnipeg he has become thoroughly familiar with the business of Mani- toba and the whole Northwest, especially the financial interests and the best methods of in- vestment. He is a close reasoner, discreet, emi- nently cautious, and his opinion is valued highly in financial circles. In social life he is a refined gentleman of the old school, pleasant and agreeable, and his presence at any social gathering always insures the success of the affair. A. McT. CAMPHHLL. CHAPTER XXVI. HON. EDMUND BURKE WOOD. Honorable Edmund Burke Wood was ap- pointed Chief Justice of Manitoba on the 11th of March, 1874. After his elevation to the Judicial Bench of Manitoba he effected some important changes in the legal procedure of the Manitoba Courts, and delivered many well prepared judgments which attracted much attention at that time. The first case tried by Judge Wood after taking his seat on the Bench, is the best known of all cases that ever came before him, "the cause celebre," of the Queen vs. Ambrose Le- pine, for the murder of Thomas Scott, whose tragical death was a prominent event in con- nection with the Red River Rebellion of 1869 and 1870. The prisoner's counsel repudiated the juris- diction of the Court over the offence charged in the indictment; the Crown demurred to the prisoner's plea, after which the case was argued before the two puisne judges, who allowed the matter to stand over from term to term without pronouncing judgment. Upon Honorable E. B. Wood's accession to the Bench, the case was at once brought before him. The trial, which in- 102 Manitoba as I Saw It. volved grave questions, both of law and fact, lasted about two weeks. At the close of the argument he pronounced judgment for the Crown on the demurrer without leaving his seat. He (the Judge) decided that both the Court in Manitoba and the Court in the old Provinces of Canada, and since Confederation in Ontario and Quebec, have concurrent jurisdiction on such offences as that charged, and over the par- ticular case in question. Eminent jurists in the Eastern Provinces un- hesitatingly gave it as their opinion that Chief Justice Wood's law was unsound, but his de- cision was upheld by the law officers of the Crown in England, and his written judgment was pronounced a remarkable specimen of forensic learning and acumen. Honorable Edmund Burke Wood, to take him all in all, was one of Canada's greatest men. He was a veritable encyclopedia of Canadian history, and outside of that he was a man of very great experience and widely read. He was an excellent classic, eminently mathematical in his deductions, in short, a very close reasoner, an excellent judge of men, and one of Canada 's greatest public speakers. In private life he was one of the most genial iiii-.i' .uMi>.i: wiHii) Hon. Edmwid Burke Wood. 103 of men, very witty, most entertaining. At the time he was appointed Chief Justice of Mani- toba just such a man was required for the place and his record will live in the history of the Province. CHAPTER XXVII COLONEL Rankin's reception by riel. An amusing incident occurred early in 1870 when Colonel Rankin, from Windsor, Ontario, came to Fort Garry, to interview Riel, and give him some advice that would be of great use to him. He first called upon an officer of the Hud- son Bay Company, and informed him of his mission. The Hudson Bay man did not think it wise for him to "beard the lion in his den," and he did not think he would have cause to con- gratulate himself on the result of his interview. The Colonel walked up to Riel's quarters, with all the assurance of a man accustomed to command, and gave his card to the g-uard at the door. After some minutes he was ushered to the great man's presence. Mr. Riel said: "Be seated, Mr. Rankin." "Colonel Rankin, Monsieur." "You are not Colonel here. You have no rank in my presence. What is your business in as few words as possible? Are you accredited with instructions from the Ontario Government or from any organization that would warrant me in giving you an official audience?" Col. Rankin's Reception by Riel. 105 "No, but I am in close touch with the Federal Government, and any report that I would make to the Government would have great weight, and they would give it careful consideration." "You think the Government of Canada would look upon any report that you would make as quasi official?" "Yes." "You may say officially that you had an in- terview with Riel, the leader of the Metis, and he said you had but twenty-four hours to get out of the country, and further, if after that you were taken north of the forty-ninth parallel of latitude, you would be arrested and tried by Court-Martial, and dealt with according to the findings of the Court. You say you are a mili- tary man ; it will not be necessary to explain to you what that means. Batice, show this gentle- man out." The Colonel made haste to consult the Hud- son Bay Company officer whom he had first interviewed, who said laughingly, "A horse, a horse, my Colonel's commission for a horse!" The Colonel said : ' ' My dear sir, it is serious. Don't jest, please. What shall I do I Can you help me out ? ' ' "We will see the Postmaster. The mail 106 Manitoba as I Saw It. leaves for Pembina in two hours. He will most likely arrange a passage for you that far." The Postmaster sent the old man on his way presumably happy, but he had the countenance of the man "who never smiled again." The Colonel was supplied with hospital com- forts to enable him to guard the mail as far as Pembina. D. E. SPRAGUE. CHAPTER XXVIII. MR. D. E. SPKAGUE. Lumbering as an industry commenced about the year 1872. Previous to that time the modest requirements of the settlers were supplied by means of the whipsaw or the most primitive kind of saw mill. The first introduction of what may be regarded as a modern saw mill was erected in 1872 by Macaulay & Sprague, on the banks of the Red River Ijetween Notre Dame and Lombard streets ; a small portable mill was built the same year by Dick & Banning in the same vicinity. At this time only a few million feet of lumber was manufactured here, the logs coming from the Roseau and Red Lake Rivers. The bulk of the lumber which was required in what was considered the extraordinary develop- ment of Winnipeg came down the Red River by flatboat or raft from Moorehead, to which point it had been shipped from Anoka, Minneapolis, Duluth and other American lumbering districts. Subsequently mills were built by D. E. Sprague, who had retired from the Macaulay & Sprague Company, Hugh Sutherland & Bros., Jarvis & Burridge and Clarke & Sutherland. The only one of these plants remaining is the mill built 108 Manitoba as I Saw It. in 1882 by Mr. Sprague, and which has been running continuously ever since. It may be said of this mill that when built it was up to date in every particular; to this may be added the further distinction of having installed in it the first horizontal bandmill for sawing slabs ever introduced into the West, if not into Can- ada. Mr. D. E. Sprague is in the truest sense of the word a Canadian, quiet and unassuming in man- ner, courteous always, but a countenance indi- cating decision of character and unlimited firm- ness. He has always been in the front rank of anything pertaining to Manitoba interests and Winnipeg progression. Having amassed a large fortune by strictly adhering to a business that he thoroughly understands, and having kept his business within the limits of his capital and his whole capital within his interests, he is now among the largest taxpayers in the City of Winnipeg. He is head of the Sprague Lum- ber Company, which is one of the most exten- sive west of Ontario, employing a great many laborers, skilled and otherwise, who must be the sole means of support of many hundreds of people. Mr. Sprague 's son, Mr. Harold C. H. Sprague, who is Assistant Manager of the B IP^BH ^^^m n IPI ^I ^^^^■^^B <*> < ^Ipl ♦r^ ^^HKf .^^^^^^^ V. H ^I^IH^l ^^^^^^^L y j ^HH^^H IIAK(_)LI) C. II Sl'KACLlC. Mr. D. E. Sprague. 109 Sprague Lumber Company, is as fine, hand- some, and muscular a specimen of manhood as one could wish to see. He is assiduously apply- ing himself to his duties with an earnest desire to master the details of the business, and will, I have no doubt, ultimately make a worthy suc- cessor to liis father. Upon the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway and other railway lines, the lumber industry developed from the manufacture of a few million feet of lumber per annum by mills located in Winnipeg, to the manufacture of hundreds of millions annually by mills located from Port Arthur to Vancouver, and distribut- ed over the intervening territory from the in- ternational l)oundary in British Columbia to Edmonton in Alberta, and constituting, as it does now, one of the most important industries in Western Canada. CHAPTER XXIX. DR. WILLIAM COWAN. Dr. William Cowan was the Chief Factor in charge of Fort Garry in 18G9 and 1870, retir- ing from the service of the Hudson Bay Com- pany after the creation of the Province of Mani- toba. Dr. Cowan was a graduate in medicine of the University of Glasgow, Scotland ; a gen- tleman of refined tastes, and learned in his profession. He was an excellent conversation- alist, and possessed with a fund of quiet wit ; saw the ridiculous quickly, and was an excellent story teller; could call up the personality of persons with whom he had associated in a very amusing manner. During the time the Metis had control of Fort Garry the Doctor behaved in a very dis- creet manner, courteous to all, but never dis- cussed or expressed an opinion pro or con on questions over which the opposing parties were contending. Dr. William Cowan was one of nature's noblemen. A. R. McKENZIE CHAPTER XXX. MR. A. B. m'kENZIE. In eighteen sixty-nine, during the time that Fort Garry was in the possession of the Metis, Mr. A. R. McKenzie was the storekeeper of the Fort. He said that Riel's men would go down into the Hudson Bay Company's cellar, with pitchers and small pails, and would not take the time to draw the Hudson Bay rum by way of the taps, but would break the heads off the barrels and dip their vessels in the rum and walk away. He said the Governor of the Com- panj'^ and officers were in great fear that in their excitement from drinking the strong spirits that they might in their frenzy do some- thing dreadful or perhaps kill some of the pris- oners. It was indeed an anxious time for the Company's officers. Mr. McKenzie 's statement, to anyone know- ing him, goes a long way towards proving the Hudson Bay Company innocent of the charge of aiding and sympathizing with the uprising. Mr. McKenzie is now a successful farmer in a place called Oakville, seventeen miles south of Portage la Prairie. Mrs. McKenzie is a daugh- ter of the late Chief Factor Flett, formerly of Lower Fort Garry. CHAPTER XXXI. HON. ALEXANDER MURRAY. Honorable Alexander Murray was born in Manitoba and educated at St. John's College. Mr. Murray has lived here all his life, and has advanced ideas with regard to the best methods of developing the country. He was Speaker of the Assembly for one Parliament during the Norquay regime, and his rulings were strictly according to *'May" and were never questioned. His perfect knowledge of everything connected with the country has been of great value, and his advice is always sought by intending purchasers throughout Manitoba and the West. He has been for some years connected with the Land Department of the Provincial Govern- ment, and is a very useful and efficient officer. CHAPTER XXXII. HON. DAVID MAE WALKEE. Honorable David Mar Walker, Senior County Court Judge of Manitoba, born in or near Simcoe, Ontario, was admitted to the Bar, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. He came to Fort Garry as an officer with the Sir Garnet Wolseley Expedition, 1870. After leaving the service he began the practice of law in Winnipeg, and after a time was elected to represent St. James in the Legislative Assembly. An amusing incident connected with his elec- tion is worth repeating. His opponent was a citizen of the Electoral District, and the con- test was carried on with considerable earnest- ness. At the last meeting before the day of polling, a man reputed to be an excellent speaker, was called upon by the Chairman to speak in behalf of the opposing candidate. He had memorized one of Lord Beaconsfield's speeches, and delivered it very deliberately with variations, to the great amusement of the au- dience. In replying, Mr. Walker said, that although Lord Beaconsfield was not present, they had just heard one of his best Parliament- ary speeches delivered by the last speaker, and 114 Manitoba as I Saw It. it was very well spoken, but he would have been better jjleased if his opponent had selected one a little less lengthy. Mr. Walker was elected, became a member of the Government, was for a time Attorney-Gen- eral, and later on was elevated to the Bench. His whole course since entering Manitoba has been one of credit to himself and friends, who are legion throughout the Dominion. CHAPTER XXXIII. MR. A. W. AUSTIN. Mr. A. W. Austin (now of Toronto) came to Winnipeg early, and established the first street railway or horse cars, as they were called, em- ploying a great number of men and three or four hundred horses. This was maintained by Mr. Austin for several years, until the time approached when Winnipeg should have elec- tric street cars, when Mr. Austin sold out his interests, and soon after the electric street rail- way became an established fact. Mr. Austin sold out a great deal of his Win- nipeg property and returned to Toronto, where his vast business interests demanded his pres- ence. Mr. Austin's departure was a public loss to our city; a public spirited gentleman, a kindly disposition and very charitable. He pays Winnipeg a visit occasionally, and always has a good word for the city of his early triumphs. CHAPTER XXXIV. MR. WILLIAM WHYTE. Mr. Wm. Wliyte, Second Vice-President of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, has probably from his position and inclination, done more to people and develop Manitoba and the West than any other man in the country. Having lived in the AVest, and knowing all the details of its development up to this date, he must have, with his advice to the company, assisted in having branch lines in parts of the rural dis- tricts where railway facilities could assist the greatest number, until at the present time there is hardly a place settled in Manitoba where a farmer could not drive with a load of grain in one day to a station or village. Aside from his official duties he is a public spirited citizen of Winnipeg, always ready to assist any progressive enterprise. CHAPTER XXXV. CHIEF JUSTICE HOWELL. Honorable Chief Justice Howell of the Mani- toba Court of Appeals, came to Winnipeg at an early date, and formed a law partnership with Mr. Heber Archibald, the law firm of Archi- bald & Plowell. Mr. Howell was always a stu- dent, and a persevering worker, and soon be- came a barrister of note in the profession, and for the last fifteen or twenty years he has been considered the leader of the Bar, and it sug- gested itself to the Government that his ability was needed on the Bench, and he was elevated to the position of Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of Manitoba. It was a position justly merited, a position he will fill with distinction. I have heard law- yers say his elevation to the Bench was a great loss to the Bar of the city. CHAPTER XXXVI. riel's departure from the country. After RiePs departure from the country, and the case of Ambrose Lepine having been dis- posed of, the country increased in population but slowly. Transportation was of the most primitive description, immigration was limited to those who had secured positions in the coun- try that awaited their arrival, and those of an adventurous turn of mind, who had sufficient means to overcome any obstacle that might arise. This condition continued until the years 1880, 1881 and 1882, when people of all classes rushed into the country to participate in the great "boom," which proved so disastrous to hundreds who came to "get rich quick," and lost all their money. Many a man in good cir- cumstances previously was ruined, and but very few that came out of that lamentable craze made any money, or were free from loss. The country's growth and financial standing was very much retarded and immigration practi- cally stopped. Following so closely after the Western Riel Rebellion of 1885 gave another check to the country's healthy progress, but that Rebellion advertised the country; that uprising brought Kiel's Departure from the Country 119 many officers and men of education with the regiments that were stationed throughout the West, who saw the fertility of the soil, the vast- ness of the country, with a fairly good idea of its illimitable possibilities, and they returned to their Eastern homes only to be dissatisfied, and to set about maturing plans to enable them to return to this, the greatest of all countries on the globe, and many of them came back during the next year. Up to this time the transportation was not of the best, and the Government policy of immi- gration appeared not of a kind that invited the best class of immigrants. They came in slowly, it could not be called a rush. The land regulations were complained of by settlers, but evidence was apparent that banks and other monied corporations had faith in the country and were putting up permanent office buildings ; railroads were projected in every di- rection throughout the country, that gave us to understand that wealthy, thinking men were beginning to look upon the country as a country worth developing, and a most desirable place for safe investments. Immigration increased somewhat, and busi- ness houses in the East began establishing branches in Winnipeg and in some outside dis- 120 Manitoba as I Saw It. tricts ; commercial travelers began pushing their way into remote settlements, and good settlers began selecting locations upon which they might found homes for their families. This was the condition that prevailed for a length of time, when the General Elections came on, and resulted in a change of Government, the Conservatives retiring and the Liberal party assuming power with Wilfrid Laurier (now Sir Wilfrid) as Premier. When the Honorable Clifford Sifton entered the Cabinet, taking the Interior Portfolio, a banquet was tendered him by his friends in Winnipeg. It was held in the old Manitoba Hotel, and was largely attended by the most prominent men in the city, of both parties. On that occasion Mr. Sifton said it was under- stood on his entry into the Government that he was to have a free hand in the management of immigration, as the system required complete change of method, or reorganizing. This statement or pledge was well received by all classes of people in the West, irrespective of party, and all waited in expectation to ob- serve the realization of their hopes. Within the year it was apparent that the Minister of the Interior was perfecting a vigor- ous immigration policy. The surplus popula- RieVs Departure from the Country 121 tion from all parts of the world were turning their attention to Western Canada, instead of pouring into the United States, as they had been doing. It was but a year or two, when instead of people selling their homesteads or leaving them, in Manitoba, and taking up lands in Dakota and Minnesota, practical farmers, well-to-do in their own country, were selling out and coming to Western Canada from the United States, bringing with them capital, stock and agricultural implements and making new homes for themselves and famihes. In conversation with one of these Americans I asked him why he left his own country where he had been living in easy circumstances, to set- tle in the West of Canada. His reply was that he had sold his land in the States for sufficient money to buy three times as many acres, and much better land in Canada, than the farm he had left, which enabled him to place his sons on farms around, where their small children could have the advantage of excellent schools quite convenient. There was another consideration ; ' ' We have as good laws in the United States as you have in Canada, but they are not administered in the same way, I observe all laws on your Sta- tute Books are strictly put into force, as occa- 122 Manitoba as I Saw It. sion requires, while in our country many laws are a dead letter. I have, therefore, come to the conclusion that our lives and property are better conserved here than in the United States." Mr. Sifton was about eight years in Sir Wil- frid Laurier's Cabinet, and during that time immigration steadily increased until at the present the population from the Eastern boun- dary of Manitoba to the Rocky Mountains has nearly doubled and business is in a very healthy state. The advantages to be gained by the set- tler in Manitoba and the West have been so well advertised that immigration will continue to pour into the country and of a better class from henceforth. Some of the best families of the United King- dom are represented in Manitoba and the West- ern Provinces ; sons having purchased tracts of land for ranching and agricultural pursuits; many of the daughters of old and distinguished families have married young English, Scotch and Irish men from their own country, and grace the Western home in a manner that bodes well for the future population of Greater Canada. It is not an uncommon thing to find graduates from the great Universities: Oxford, Cam- Riel's Departure from the Country 123 bridge, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Trinity Uni- versity, Dublin, engaged in agricultural pur- suits, making it a success, and their wives and daughters love the freedom and exhilaration of the i^rairie. Many of the Old Country ladies throughout the West are highly cultured, and from their isolation they have more time to read, and read more understandingly than the society women of the city. The former are well up in the litera- ture of the day, and able to discuss all ques- tions of public interest intelligently and fluent- ly. Many are well up in botany, with a fair knowledge of the surface geology of the country around them. The society women of the cities and towns read light literature and society pa- i:»ers and popular magazines using the same phrases, which causes them in time to become narrow minded and less interesting than those of broader reading and sufficient knowledge to profit by their observation. Throughout the country districts of Manitoba their modest houses or cottages are tastefully decorated with pretty bric-a-brac brought from their old homes in the older Provinces, or from the Old Country; pretty flowering vines and well assorted flowers deck their lawns. Their sons and daughters are reared in the open air; 124 Manitoba as I Saw It. the boys, fine, athletic youths, able to take a hand at anything from lassoing a wild steer to bringing down a fleeing prairie wolf at four hundred yards; the daughters healthy, active and as easy in the saddle as in the drawing room, racing across the plain with an abandon charming as it is surprising. Such is the condition in Manitoba, where proper selection of location has been made by the right kind of settlers. With the Canadian Pacific Railroad branching out in all directions, also the Great Northern, the Canadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroads, the country is lined in all directions; so much so that the days of hardships for the new settler have practically passed. Surely this is the country to invite the young, healthy and intelligent people to settle and make homes for their families. The Icelandic immigrant is by far the best, and rapidly becomes Canadianized. Every Ice- lander who is healthy in mind and body must be able to read and write at the age of twelve years. He is honest, quick to learn and ener- getic, and has good application. When he lands in the Canadian West he seeks employment, and as soon as he has earned sufficient money he dresses himself well, and as near like the Riel's Departure from the Country 125 young people of his own age as possible, in order to appear as near like the young Cana- dians as he can. As to the young Icelander girls, after two years in the country it is very difficult to be certain whether they are Icelandic or young English girls. The Icelanders prosper; they identify them- selves with municipal and other public interests and they are Canadians in reality. "We now have among them lawyers, doctors, teachers, contractors, merchants, business men of all kinds, clerks, telegraph operators, mechanics, railroad men, steamboat captains and, to be short, the Icelander is to be found in all walks of life. AVhen they first came to Manitoba they were placed in a little colony, Gimli, but they grad- ually left, and all the young took up the general industrial pursuit of the country. The young were sent to school, and altogether the results are very gratifying. The Icelandic women, too, are found every- where; teachers, dressmakers, milliners, sten- ographers, and in every industry suitable for ladies. The young Icelanders are taking Canadian wives, and Canadians are marrying Icelandic women, who in appearance are fair and very 126 Manitoba as I Saw It. like the young English girl. It will be but a very few years, two generations or less, when all that race will be Canadians. That is the great consideration in selecting immigrants to fill up our vast fertile prairies. It is the plain duty of the Federal Government to cease segegrating or placing grants so that any set of people should live in small colonies. The Galician is a hardy, industrious individ- ual, but they are not allowed to learn English at school until they have learned to read in their own language, and up to that time they will not send them to school ; and living in small colonies or villages, they are apt to quarrel amongst themselves, and at their wedding feasts there are, as a rule, some injured, and in some in- stances murdered. Then they, when left to themselves, living in colonies, always remain Galicians, retaining all their vicious habits and prejudices, and never become Canadians. The same applies to all Continental immigrants. What is the remedy? The Federal Govern- ment should cease making grants of land to immigrants of any nationality for settlement in colonies, but should allow them to take up their homesteads and pre-emption the same as Cana- dian settlers. The Provincial Governments should compel Riel's Departure from the Country 127 every child of a school age who is not able to read and write the English language to attend school and to be taught the simple rules of arithmetic. That, at all events, would be the first step towards Canadianizing the foreigner or getting him to understand the advantage it would be to himself to have that much education. Wherever a small settlement of any nation- ality is placed, it is certain to retain some of the prejudices and shortcomings and even superstitions common to the place from whence the settlers came, which will prevent them for several generations from adopting Canadian ways, and make of them a foci liable to generate discord and strife. That applies to all nation- alities. It also applies to all organizations, whether for social, commercial, or for any purpose where whole communities are sufficiently organ- ized to act as a unit; where occasion requires, in a vast country like this, and located in differ- ent places, they will ultimately become an em- barrassment, if not a menace, to the peace of the State. CHAPTER XXXVII. MESSES. ARCHIBALD AND CAMPBELL. Mr. Heber Archibald came here early, and began the i^ractice of law, and after a time Mr. H. M. Howell, now Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, was taken in, forming the legal firm of Archibald & Howell, which con- tinued until Mr. Howell was elevated to the Bench. Mr. Archibald is a B.A., Toronto University, widely read and conversant with all public questions affecting the general welfare of Manitoba and the West. He is considered a very sound lawyer, and has always been known to advise his clients against litigation where it was in their best interest. While in the active practise of his profession he was at his office adhering to his business closely, and has amassed a very large fortune by close applica- tion, business integrity and ability. Mr. Archi- bald has a tranquil, somewhat serious counten- ance ; underlying is a strong vein of humor, and he enjoys the society of his friends in a very marked degree. He is kind hearted and gives liberally to deserving charities, and he is among Winnipeg's best citizens. On his arrival in Winnipeg Mr. Isaac Camp- Messrs. Archibald and Campbell. 129 bell entered the legal firm of Archibald, Howell & Hough. Several years elapsed when Hough and Campbell became the legal firm, which is one of the most important in the city. Mr. Campbell was City Solicitor until his time became fully occupied by his own practice, when he relin- quished the City Solicitorship. Mr. Campbell is a quiet, unassuming gentle- man who has read widely and understandingly and a lawyer of erudition. He is a Liberal in politics. He is a pleasing public speaker, fluent, logical and convincing. He is of the Old School, eminently sociable and agreeable, and would fill any position in the gift of the people or Crown with dignity and ability. Mr. E. L. Barber, an American, came here at an early date from one of the New England States, and has resided here uninterruptedly up to the present. He was doing business as a gen- eral merchant in Winnipeg for many years. The past ten years he has been doing a large real estate business. Mr. Barber is of a jovial disposition, an ex- cellent conversationalist, well posted on all Western questions, and has observed Winnipeg grow from its inception, and has enthusiastic and unbounded faith in Winnipeg, Manitoba 130 Manitoba as I Saw It. and the West. He married Miss Logan, a de- scendant of Chief Factor Logan, Hudson Bay Company. His family all reside in the West, but not all in Winnipeg. Mr. Stuart Mulvey came to the country a subaltern in the Wolseley Expedition. When the troops were withdrawn he remained in the country and identified himself with its interests, but principally with the educational, and for several years before his death he was Secretary Treasurer of the City School Board. He was a good citizen, much respected and of undoubted ability ; a logical, forcible speaker. Mr. William Fisher Luxton was a prominent man in the early history of the City of Win- nipeg. He was practically the founder of the Free Press, and his columns were always used in the interests of the city and Province of Manitoba. Mr. Luxton had strong, well defined opinions on all public questions, to which he adhered with great pertinacity^, sometimes to his detriment. He was a man of abilitj^, strictly honest, honorable, a good citizen, and but few deserve so well for the city and Province. CHAPTER XXXVIII. MAYOKS OF WINNIPEG. From the date of its incorporation, in the year 1873 down to the year 1908. 1874 — Francis Evans Cornish, Q.C. 1875 — William Nasseau Kennedy. 1876 — William Nasseau Kennedy. 1877— Thomas Scott. 1878— Thomas Scott. 1879 — Alexander Logan. 1880 — Alexander Logan. 1881— Elias George Conklin. 1882 — Alexander Logan. 1883— Alexander McMicken. 1884— Alexander McMicken. 1885 — Charles Edward Hamilton. 1886 — Henry Shaver Westbrook. 1887 — Lyman Melvin Jones. 1888 — Lyman Melvin Jones. 1889— Thomas Ryan. 1890— Alfred Pearson. 1891— Alfred Pearson. 1892— Alexander McDonald. 1893— Thomas William Taylor. 1894— Thomas W. Taylor. 1895— Thomas Gilroy. 132 Manitoba as I Saw It. 1896 — Richard Willis Jameson. 1897— William F. McCreary. 1898— Alfred J. Andrews. 1899— Alfred J. Andrews. 1900— Horace Wilson. 1901— John Arbuthnot. 1902— John Arbuthnot. 1903— John Arbuthnot. 1904— Thomas Sharpe. 1905 — Thomas Sharpe. 1906 — Thomas Sharpe. 1907 — James H. Ashdown. 1908 — James H. Ashdown. 1909— W. S. Evans. CITY OF WINNIPEG. The City of Winnipeg is the Capital of the Province of Manitoba, and is situate at the junc- tion of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. It is almost midway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; forty miles south of Lake Winnipeg and sixty miles north of the boundary line be- tween Canada and the United States of Amer- ica. Winnipeg is the commercial and whole- sale centre of the Northwest ; and the very com- plete railway systems branching in every direc- tion afford great facilities for trade to the re- Mayors of Winnipeg. 133 tailer in the Province and Northwest. By rea- son of its position the city offers a most desir- able inducement as a location for the establish- ment of manufacturing industries. The city is noted for its wide and well paved thoroughfares, and beautiful boulevarded and residential streets. It is the educational centre of the Province, and the school system is con- sidered as complete as can be made. The government of the city is carried on un- der the powers of a charter from the Provincial Legislature. The Council is composed of a Mayor, four Controllers forming the Board of Control, and fourteen Aldermen. The Mayor and Controllers are elected annually from a vote of the entire city. One Alderman is elect- ed annually from each of the seven Wards into which the city is divided and holds office for a term of two years. The Mayor is Chief Magis- trate of the city. Persons eligible for election as Mayor and Controller must be owners of property rated on the assessment roll of the city to the value of two thousand dollars, over and above all encumbrances against the same, and for Aldermen must be rated in a like man- ner to the amount of five hundred dollars. The election is held annually on the second Tuesday 134 Manitoba as I Saw It. in December, and nominations on the first Tues- day in December. The Board of Control is the executive body, and as such deals with all financial matters, regulates and supervises expenditures, reve- nues and investments, directs and controls de- partments, nominates all heads of departments, prepares specifications, advertises for tenders and awards all contracts for works, materials and supplies required, inspects and reports to the Council upon all municipal works being car- ried on or in progress within the city, and gen- erally administers the affairs of the city, except as to the Public Schools and Police Department, the former being under control of the Public School Board, elected annually by the ratepay- ers and the latter under the Board of Police Commissioners, which consists of the Mayor, the County Court Judge, Police Magistrate and two Aldermen appointed by the Council. The public parks of the city are placed under the control and supervision of a Public Parks Board, composed of the Mayor, two members of the Council and six ratepayers appointed by the Council. For the purpose of providing for the expenditures required for park purposes, a rate of one-half of one mill on the dollar is lev- ied on the general assessment of the city. The Hudson Bay Company. 135 THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY. In the days of the Red River Settlement the Hudson Bay Company added to their functions as the chief trading body of the community, the business of banking, to the limited extent re- quired by the inhabitants. Money could be deposited with the Company, and it is not on record that any interest was allowed ; the Com- pany issued their own notes in denominations of one shilling, five shillings, one pound and five pounds sterling, and these notes passed readily from hand to hand and supplied all the currency needs of the settlement. It is probable that no one ever asked the question: ''How and where are these notes payable?" Had such a question been asked the answer would have been found on the notes themselves. They were payable at York Factory, by a sixty days' sight draft on the Hudson Bay Company in London. The fact that the question never once arose adds addi- tional testimony, if such were wanted, to the unbounded confidence reposed in the Hudson Bay Company by all classes of the community. If "The Company" issued the notes they must be all right. There is no knowing whether the Hudson Bay Company might or might not have continued to be the bankers of the new Province of Manitoba 136 Manitoba as I Saw It. if they had so desired. Their charter is a wide one and might have been made to cover much more than the trading rights they have con- tinued to exercise. They made no effort to do so, however, and early in the seventies the need of more extensive banking facilities began to be felt. Mr. Alex. McMicken, who is still a leading citizen of Winnipeg, was the first to open an office devoted wholly to banking. In a building formerly occupied by the Hudson Bay Com- pany, about what is now the corner of Portage avenue and Fort street, he established a busi- ness that for a considerable time afforded all the facilities that were at the time required by the rapidly growing population. It was in Sep- tember, 1871, that the convenience of issuing cheques first became known to Winnipegers, and so well was the business managed that in a very short time all the banking of the future city was in Mr. McMicken 's hands. The first chartered bank in Winnipeg was the Merchants Bank of Canada, which, under the management of the late Mr. Duncan Mac- Arthur, in December, 1872, opened an office nearly opposite the building till recently occu- pied as the Post Office. The premises were most unpretentious, con- A LKX A .\ DICK M cM I C K. KN The Hudson Bay Company. 137 sisting of a very ordinary frame building, with rooms for the manager in the upper story, no vault, and very insufficient accommodation for the clerks. Such as they were, however, they sufficed for several years to supply all the wants of the people. No single fact shows more clearly the gi- gantic strides that the Canadian West has made than the development of banking business in Winnipeg. In 1871 one branch of a chartered bank in a wretched shack on Main street, to- gether with a private banker, supplied all the banking facilities required for not only the City of Winnipeg but for the whole of the North- west. To-day a line of palatial buildings on Main street house the institutions that, aided by hundreds of branches through the Province, keep a staff of employees many times more numerous than the whole population of Winni- peg in 1872, busy in supplying the needs of the community in this one branch of business. From nothing in 1872 Winnipeg has risen to the third rank in the clearings of the Dominion, being exceeded only by Montreal and Toronto. The banking house of Alloway & Champion, Winnipeg, was established in 1879 by Messrs. W. F. Alloway and H. T. Champion. It is the only private bank in the city. Their 138 Manitoba as I Saw It. business has been conducted in a quiet, unob- trusive manner, keeping pace with the growth of the city, and they are at present well up in the line of Main street's permanent financial in- stitutions. They have a branch office, a fine structure, on Main Street north. PUBLIC PAKKS. There are now eleven public parks in "Win- nipeg, with a total area of about 315 acres, pur- chased at a cost of $140,000. This includes a large Suburban Park of an area of 282 acres, which is situate on the banks of the Assiniboine Eiver, in the municipality of St. Charles, about three miles from the City Hall. This park property was acquired in 1903, and considerable improvements are now under way. During the year 1907 about four miles of driveways were completed and considerable un- derbrushing and clearing done. This year the Parks Board anticipates to instal a water works system and erect a pavilion, and it is expected that the park will be formally opened to the public in July next. The herd of buffalo owned by the city are kept in this park, as are also a number of other native animals. BKOOKSIDE CEMETERY. This cemetery is owned by the city and main- The Hudson Bay Company. 139 tained under the supervision of the Public Parks Board. Lot owners are assured of per- petual maintenance of plots. The population of the city in 1908 was 118,000. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Carnegie Library, AVilliam avenue, between Dagmar and Ellen streets. J. H. McCarthy, Librarian. Phone 4445. The Winnipeg Public Library Building is a handsome two-storey structure, built of native dressed stone at a cost of $100,000, towards which a donation of $75,000 was made by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. The building was completed in August, 1905, and formally opened by His Excellency the Governor-General and Lady Grey on October 11, 1905. The Library contains at present about twenty- one thousand carefully selected volumes at the service of any resident of the city. The Reading Rooms, which are open to all comers, are stocked with a very adequate sup- ply of daily and weekly newspapers and with all the leading magazines published in the Eng- lish language. Any book in the Library can be obtained for use in the building by anyone who require it. During last year 11,000 readers borrowed 140 Manitoba as I Saiv It. 200,000 books for home reading, while 60,000 volumes were issued as books of reference. The Juvenile Department has on the reading tables a complete assortment of boys' and girls' pa- pers in addition to several standard magazines, while the open book shelves contain 2,000 care- fully selected titles suitable for young people's reading. The Library is open every day, except Domin- ion Day and Christmas Day, from 9 :30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., except Sundays and holidays, when the hours are from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Juvenile Department from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on school days and from the general opening hour until 6 p.m. on other days. Branch depots have been established to bring the benefits of the Library within convenient reach of those living in the outlying wards of the city. Four of these depots, each of which is kept supplied with 1,000 books, are in opera- tion. They are situated as follows : No. 1, corner of Burrows avenue and Main street. Ward 6. No. 2, Nairn street. Ward 7. No. 3, corner of Furby street and Portage ave- nue. Ward 3. No. 4, at 116 Osborne street, Ward 1. The Hudson Bay Company. 141 MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. The City of Winnipeg is a firm believer in municipal ownership of all public utilities. The city owns and operates its water works plant, street lighting system, stone quarry, fire alarm system and asjDhalt plant. AVinnipeg enjoys the distinction of being the first city in America to acquire a municipal asphalt plant. SCHOOL STATISTICS. Year 1907 — Number of teachers, 248; num- ber of buildings, 30, also seven rented build- ings; value of buildings and site, $1,552,753; attendance, 14,802. WATER WORKS. The water works system is owned and operat- ed by the city. The supply is from an artesian source and is exceptionally pure. THEATRES. There are five theatres, two seating 2,500, and the other three 1,000 each. ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY. The street railway system is operated by the Winnipeg Electric Street Railway Company, under franchise granted by the city in 1892. BANK CLEARINGS. The bank clearings for the year 1907 were $598,408,942. CHAPTER XXXIX. MR. ALEXANDER m' DONALD. Mr. Alexander McDonald came to Winnipeg in the seventies, a man of shrewd business ob- servation and tact. He traveled through the Territories, and has business interests at sev- eral points. He settled in business here, and at present is one of the largest wholesale grocers in the city. Having from the first absolute faith in the country, Mr. McDonald took an active part in municipal affairs ; was elected Mayor, and from his knowledge of the infant city's requirements and his business ability, had much to do in putting the city's affairs on a good financial basis. Mr. McDonald is a man of sterling in- tegrity, and considered one of the city's best citizens, as he is one of the heaviest ratepayers. Colonel Thomas Scott, at the present Collec- tor of Customs, came to the city in 1870. He was Commandant of the Second Expedition. After retiring from the military he established himself in business and was elected Mayor. He was a useful and efficient Chief Magistrate, and managed the city's interests with much tact and ability. He represented Winnipeg a number of Mr. Alexander McDonald. 143 years in the Dominion Parliament, and was a close friend of Sir John A. Macdonald. Mr. Alexander McMicken, a son of the late Honorable Gilbert McMicken, was Mayor of Winnipeg 1883 and part of 1884. During his term of office he visited Ontario, where his friends made much of him. He was banqueted by his admirers in many of the Eastern cities and towns. Mr. McMicken is at present Pro- vincial Chief Magistrate, and considered spe- cially well fitted for the position. His brother, Mr. Hamilton McMicken, is a financial agent in London, England. Mr. Thomas Taylor was Mayor of Winnipeg two terms, and was looked upon as progressive and practical. He has represented Winnipeg Centre in the Local Legislature for several years, and is at present the occupant of the seat. Honorable Lyman M. Jones, Dominion Sena- tor, now of Toronto, Ontario, when a citizen of Winnipeg, was twice elected Mayor. He was a practical business man, and considered an able financier. The business of the city was by him judiciously managed. When his term of office expired, the finances were in such a position that the city's credit was of the best, and his able direction had much to do with it. . 144 Manitoba as I Saw It. Mr. James H. Ashdown was elected Mayor of Winnipeg for 1907 and 1908. When he entered upon his duties it was thought by many that the credit of the city had been jeopardized by the city's management the last few years, and that Mr. Ashdown was the proper person to straighten the defects and place the city once more on a good financial basis. At the end of his second term, in his own words, "The slate has been cleared off, and the city is now once more financially sound, and our borrowing capacity up to what it should be." Mr. Ashdown 's successor is Mr. Sanford Evans, who retired from the Board of Control to enter the contest for Mayor, and was elected by the people by a very large majority, and has entered upon his duties under very favorable circumstances. Mr. Evans is a Toronto University man, about in the prime of life; a cultured gentle- man, a fluent speaker, and of very pleasing ad- dress. This year will afford abundant oppor- tunities to show the people how well he is fitted for the position. The late Alexander Logan was the only one of the descendants of the old settlers that ever filled the Mayor's chair. He was five times Mayor of the city, once elected by acclamation. Mr. Alexander McDonald. 145 Mr. Logan was a genial, gentlemanly man, an excellent entertainer and strictly honorable in every sense of the word. CHAPTER XL. SIB CHARLES TUPPEB. Captain Cameron, after having been deported by Kiel's men, found himself at Pembina at the beginning of a severe Dakota winter, with wife and servants, to face a journey across the prairie of four hundred miles to St. Paul, with no other conveyance but Red River ponies. The prospect was not pleasing. To Mrs. Cameron, a daughter of Sir Charles Tupper, unaccustomed to roughing it, it must have been alarming. Her father, Sir Charles, came at once to Pembina, to assist and direct her safe return to her home in the East, reach- ing the border line in January. While at Pembina he crossed over to the Hud- son Bay Fort and made arrangements to come on to the River Salle and have a talk with Rev- erend Father Richot, making the trip and spending the night with the Reverend Father, and safely returned to Pembina. It was at the time rumored that Sir Charles came to Fort Garry and talked over matters with Riel, but of that I am not certain. Captain Cameron and Sir Charles having SIR CHARLES TUPPHR Sir Charles Tupper. 147 completed arrangements, returned across the prairie in February, 1870, braved the cold and fatigue, and reached St. Paul safely and well. Verily Mrs. Cameron was the heroine of the first Kiel Rebellion, and deserves a stellar place in Manitoba history. During Lieut.-Governor Archibald's term of office here. Miss Emily McTavish, of To- ronto, came to visit her brothers, John, George and Donald McTavish, all prominent in the service of the Hudson Bay Company. The Governor was an excellent entertainer, and Miss McTavish being one of the "society buds" from Toronto, was a noticeable personage at the din- ners and dances at Government House, dis- tinguished in appearance and faultlessly gown- ed in the up-to-date fashions of that day, and she was somewhat of a revelation to our AVest- ern ladies, who, from their isolated location, were at a disadvantage. After Miss McTavish returned to Ontario, and at the next public function, it was clear that Manitoba ladies had profited thereby, and the gowns worn were quite in order, and would have been considered charming anywhere. Miss McTavish remarked, in a chat I had with her not long since, "That present conditions of the social order are less sincere in many ways 148 Manitoba as I Saw It. than those existing in what are called 'pioneer days' of Winnipeg." We had our "noblesse" then as now, which included all the Settlement, for quite a few of the inmates of the log cabins scattered here and there, possessed a family- genealogical tree in the old land reaching back farther than the time-worn date of William the Conqueror, so often quoted. No one was ag- gressive for social rights, for indeed we could not be, depending as we had to, on each other in those troubled times. There was one definite social rule of sujDeriority, however, maintained in all severity; which was the order of prece- dence at official dinners and balls, which existed then as now, and occasionally there was some heart-burning among our official ladies who were overlooked in the placing at some of our official functions ; on the whole, however, we had jolly times. In the first place our women and girls were all excellent horsewomen, and thought nothing of a twenty-five mile ride to a dance which lasted all night. Among the resi- dent families here at that time who contrived to enjoy life, were the "Forty Party," consisting of the Lieutenant-Governor and family, the Mc- Tavishs, Balsilies, Herchmers, Andersons, Cow- ans and several others. Outside were the A. G. B. Bannatynes, the Inksters, Dr. and Mrs. Sir Charles Tupper. 149 Schultz, Honorable James Mackay and family; at Deer Lodge, Donald- A. and Mrs. Smith (Baron and Baroness Mount Royal and Strath- cona) at Silver Heights. The Stone Fort (Lower Fort Garry) also added its quota to our social enjoyment. As I mentioned before, all the women were fearless riders, our horses were excellent, and we all rode side saddle, and did not require to have specially trained horses for our use, nor did we understand the civilized privilege of timidity on horseback. Our dances gave keen enjoyment to old and young alike, for grandfathers and grandmoth- ers were not to be outdone in staying power by us children; indeed when it came to the Eight Hand Reel and the Red River Jig (without which no gathering was complete) it not infre- quently happened that the grey-haired ones hapi)ily danced on whilst the younger genera- tion subsided exhausted on the nearest seats. The Red River Jig was a most unique dance, if dance it could be called, and no description could satisfactorily picture it to those who have never seen it performed. We had theatricals and operas, our local tal- ent being quite equal to our best amateurs of to-day, and many a pleasant evening was passed 150 Manitoba as I Saw It. in this way. Of course the imagination had occasionally to lend kindly aid to the scenic effects intended, and costumes of the perform- ers were sometimes peculiar; then an added spice was given to our entertainments, by one or two warning reminders during the evening from the stage manager, "not to be too enthus- iastic in our applause, as the crowd had caused the floor to sag considerably, and although they had placed upright scantlings in the store below as supports, too much stamping or clapping might cause a catastrophe," which naturally tended to keep our otherwise high spirits in check. We never criticized nor felt that our ticket money was wasted, and were all glad to go again to the next performance. The dress question was a grave perplexity to the feminine element, for the few dressmak- ers resident here, had like Topsy, *'just growed," and it was never safe in ordering a gown, and selecting a design for same, to pro- phesy exactly what would be the final result; for if the modiste found the selected pattern too difficult, she merely improvised another model more suitable to her capabilities, and which no doubt was the mode she had used for all the old ladies, but somewhat trying to a young girl. Shopping, too, had its idiosyncra- Sir Charles Tupper. 151 sies. We had the ''Company's Store," but the sujDplies were seldom added to, thus making the choice limited when one wished to appear at a party in something really recherche, and all knew to a penny the price of every roll of goods on the dusty shelves. We thought noth- ing of mounting a horse and riding down to the Lower Fort at St. Andrews for dress supplies not procurable in town, or even farther down Kildonan to one or other of the scattered stores existing there — only to find on arrival that the shutters were up and the door locked, making necessary an extra quarter of a mile ride to the owner's house, where a general hunt ensued to find the key; then on returning to the store we looked for lace, ribbon, etc., among a pile of nails, fish hooks, seeds, twine and other like commodities. It will be seen, therefore, that we had great need for originality to appear well dressed. One lady high in our official circles wore at one of our very select balls a stately trained robe of unbleached canton flannel, with the woolly side out, and she wore it with such grace and dignity, that I question even now if she would be challenged for the genuineness of her costly plush gown. There were a few fortu- nate ones, who once or twice a year replenished their wardrobes with importations from Edin- 152 Manitoba as I Saw It. burgh, London, Montreal and New York, but all had not ''Fortunatus' purse," so many had to at least imagine themselves stylish with what the village could supply. APPENDIX. The Northwest of Canada is so vast and the local characteristics so diverse that it is very evident that the Federal Government, in order to legislate in the best interests of Western peo- ple must be possessed of better and more com- plete information than they are able to obtain from the few Senators and members of the House of Commons, who are sent to Ottawa to represent the whole of Greater Canada. They cannot, and it ought not to be expected of them, know very much of the minutiae of this great country. Surveyors and engineers sent out in the interests of railway companies have but a cursory knowledge of the country, other than that which the companies who employ them are directly interested in, often not in the best in- terests of the people. In this country, where there are fifty-seven languages spoken; this vast region containing the largest lakes and rivers, the greatest and richest mineral deposits in the world; with an agricultural area much larger and incomparably more fertile than that in China ; the jDroduction of food stuffs that feed four hundred millions of people; any and all information should be at the hand of every 154 Manitoba as I Saw It. member of the Federal Government, in con- cise form, when dealing with questions affecting Greater Canada. That information cannot be obtained by ap- pointing a Commission of men taken from Prov- inces east of Lake Superior, headed by a Judge, none of whom can have practical knowledge of the country or what is required of them. It will, in order to secure the proper information, be necessary to appoint men in the West who know the country and its requirements, who know all parts that have settlers, their nationality, whether they are suited to the location, how they are equipped for the work before them, schools, if any, the topography of the country, the flora, a synopsis of the surface geology, mineral de- posits, if any, and a brief sketch of the natural history; the water supply and how obtained, and such information as may be deemed advis- able in such a report. THE DANGEES TO BE AVOIDED. There are many Americans now in the coun- try, good settlers, and some of them well in- formed ; in fact, in many instances, they have a better knowledge of the capabilities of the West and North, a more intimate knowledge of the readjustment of the tariff to so order things Appendix. 155 that their presence would be either to the ad- vantage of Canada or the United States. The great majority of those American settlers are good citizens, but they have great powers of assimilation, and are, first, last and always, Americans. The removal of the duty on cer- tain Canadian productions, and they would readily put certain of our products on the free list, which would be disastrous for the Western farmer; for instance, if they put wheat on the free list, our No. 1 Hard would be ground in the United States. A competent committee or commission to make the necessary inquiries, and make a com- plete report, concise, ])ut in book form, for the use of Government Legislators, they would be in a position to deal with any matter that came before the House concerning the Northwest more intelligently than they are at present. The people of the older Provinces have pro- vincial or sectional ideas; the people of the West are for a United Dominion and the Em- pire; and they want their utterances to be taken seriously. They do not charge the older Prov- inces of endeavoring to be unfair to the West, but at times think it possible. They have not made any special efforts to study the West, in order that Canadian interests as a whole might 156 Manitoba as I Saw It. be enhanced throiip^hout the Dominion. In other words, they do not know the people of the West as they should. Not an unprejudiced observer of the great West of Canada but can see the people have noble ideals, great respect for law, and keener sense of responsibility of power, than the older Provinces. The policy of the Canadian Government in the not remote future, will be noticeably influ- enced by the West, and the people of the East and West should know each other better than they do at present. The Ministers, during the hiatus between the Parliamentary sessions, would gain much useful knowledge by devoting some of their vacations in the Great West of Canada, and learn something of the heritage of the Dominion, of which at present their know- ledge is very superficial. The experiment would be exhilarating and most astonishing to many. THE MOST REVEREND JOHN JOSEPH LYNCH, THE LATE ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP, TORONTO. As a Prelate he was liberal to a degree al- most unprecedented in the history of the hier- archy of the Church. Though one of the most devout of Catholics, and a sincere advocate from conviction of the ■*- ,* «^ -1. f\ HIS C.KACI'; AKLllHISlloP I.VNCII. T<>Kti\T'i Appendix. 157 doctrine of Papal infallibility, he was willing to accord, so far as the rules of his church permit- ted him to do so, full liberty of conscience to those who differed from him. He believed that priests should confine themselves to their proper functions, and was opposed to clerical interference with the political consciences of their flock. "He plainly declared that a priest has no more right to dictate to his parishioners how they should vote, than he has to interf er6 in the cut of their clothing or the quality of their food." In short. Archbishop Lynch of the Eoman Catholic Church, never forgot the fact that he was also a man — a man dwelling in a community which was largely made up of Protestants, and where by reason of his high position, he was bound to exercise a potent influence, whether for good or evil. Some years before his death, on his return from Rome, he took occasion to call on the Lord Lieutenant and other persons high in authority in Ireland, and decorously expressed his views as to the Irish Question, with special reference to schools. He was listened to with the respect due his knowledge of the subject, no less than the high position which he occupied; 158 Manitoba as I Saw It. and seemed to have left a most agreeable im- pression behind him, judging from the com- ments of the Irish press. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50rn-7, '54 (5990)444 Tl-lt^ LIBRAKY KITEKSITY OP CALIFORNU tOS ANGELES u'uonnej-x - 1063 'a-^itob?; 0^6in ss-J it 1 \\U 'oS^36 36C IIBMMM'ill^J^.Slli^S'O^ LIBRARY FAO niifPWiiPifff'iiiiiii'if'i II I rfr T' \r In "11 tIF ' Irll lil I AA 001 160 942 7