Fa 1 ?!* 187- SUFFERINGS V V" V .REV. T. Gi CAMPBELL m AND U 1 S I AM I 1. Y, EM <•& hs © rid & E ^ o WASHINGTON I S'Titni'lllSI PUBLISHING CoKrANT, If-::. LOAN STACK GIFT ■ t PR EFAC E. Mj' purpose in writing this sketch is to show to ih-j capital, given to ili-m in brain or muscle by th '■< " 11 t!i • I'niv ■■!■-■•, Ill- )> ■■:] i, r n iv -'1 and trample* I under fool moneyed aristocrats < >f this nation; for while it is em proper thai each individual ^li'ml 1 be protected in all lawful rights of property, yel they should novel ha\ paramounl claim on that ground over any other person. I licreb} show the feelings of the people of the South, who thsir lot with their Sri!';, upon the theory of para nl allegiance being du; to the States. Ii is claimed by so their friends thai si ivery being abolish ■ 1. this 'I istrine of -; it ' rights fall with il ; but thai is a great mistake. Under tli of local self-government, the) now claim all the) ever i»'. ■ I : and that is the recognition of the rights of prop thai of person, which was claim id under the thro ii tie. and which i- dem nil • I b) the prop srty-h ikl irs of I Ii When the troops were withdrawn from the fital - of Sjuth Carolina an 1 I/mi-i ma, il was rece.lv :d as a rei ignition of State rights, and property rights ; and no matter what in ijh! be tie moral worth or respectability of a mechanic or I: ing nun, Ills Interests or rights must not stand in the waj of the ivishcs nt tile c ipitalists or prop irt) -li '1 ler. Therefore, in view of facts as they present themselves. la.'. the laboring men an 1 women of this nation, How long will it be Ii ifore you will have no rights th U the capil ilistsorp i; holder is bound to respect? Ii is tim - you began to think about this. Rev. T. G. CAMPB1 THE SITUATION. Dedic Lt sd to the Hon. Tunis G-.Campb 11, Sl\, jr ■ ■ to : A content, such a.- men ne'er saw , Placed in the time-known chair, Within and beyond the honored law, One with record grand and fair. The world is coursing the other waj - From tho base of wave-worn Plymouth Kock; For "Policy," priests and Levitt" prav. And the creed of the Fathers [hi > jeci and mock And now 'tis the fate of the hones* I man To give ti> q rebel the upper pdu t , To magnify the ku-klux chin. And cringe and bow when foemen meet. "Oh woe ! " is the cry from the Southern land, From Dixon's line to Lhe Single Star; Attain theyrule with an iron hand "Who rived the fetters before the war. And gun and knife, and baying beast,— The cruel hounds, in davs of yore, From stockade sceul the bloody feast, As in the days Long gone before From stricken homos the children sigh , " The orphan and the widow save ! " The call is vain ! Peace is the party cry : No power now the nation claims to save ! The freedman, from the greed and wrath Of those who tore the country's life away , Let us have peace! And if tin- gory path Of Southern empire o'er the bondsmen laj , Beneath them lies an early tomb, Low out of thought and sight ; 'Ti-* bm the coining doom Of those whom God made black instead •>! white "Peace " is our watchword now, At any, every cost or juice ; Before it honor, truth and country Low ; The bluet must turn to while, or die ! tho last devirn. SKETCH OF TI [K 1 AVI REV. T . G . CAMPBELL I was born in Middlobrook. Somers t county. .W\\ Jit the 1st day of April, in tho year IS I i. M\ father, (.Tolm Csiitij)- bell, si.,) was :i blacksmith by tin le. 1 lisi 1 live — T — i fom- brothers. I was the youngc : of all, excepl t«.> sisters, and they were living near Middlchrook. mien al the age »f 5 years, a gentleman rode up on horseback and spoke I" ;i I was playing with two of my sisters by the roadside. He in- quired for my mother. Wc all knew him very well, for h in Middlebrook, He told mj father and mother thai he eoul I get mc in a school on Long Island, in the State of .Wu- York. I was subsequently sent to a scl 1 al Babylon, on I.ongTsl 1 was the only colored child in the school. The principal ami assistants were very kind tome. At the age of IS I returned home. I would not agree to go to Africa as a missionary, and from this period I comm 'need as an anti-slavery lecturer. My father had removed to the city of New Unmswiek. Xow Jersey. Here, in the year 1S32, I formed an anti-coloni* i i society, and then pledged myself never t<> leave this emmtn until every slave was free on American soil — unless 1 w-ni i<> learn something, or to ge.l lielp to secure their liberation. I was brought up in (and intend d to b ■ sunt oul from) the episcopal 6 LIFE <>F REV. T. G. CAMI'lllUU, Church, bul after leaving school I joined th • M itho list'! Uiurch; and except being mobb id in my tim is while lecturing or i>: i ill ing, and nearly killed one?, there was nothing of note occurred, except that I was the first moral reformer and temperance lecturer thai entered the Five Points, in the city of New York. After the work was begun, then noble-hearted white in in si epp • 1 in ; and where the "l 1 dens of thieves and pann d-'to'isas stoo 1. they have rate - 1 a mission hous i. The mayor of Jersey City was kind enough i<> sen 1 a policeman down to the ferry, every Monday night, to protect me from th" ferry, and back to the ferry, from th • temperance meetings held in that city every Monday night ; and through Divine Providence kind friends came forward and helped us to raise our sch.00] houses aul churches in Jersey City during the years 1811, 1S1>, 1S.15 and ISli. I also, during the sami time, labored in Brooklyn and WilUamsbirg in the sam i way. I now |>:i" to the year 1881. I was .-it this tim i a partn irand general agent of the firm of Davies £ Co., untenn inted bread manufacturers, on the corner of Third avenue and Fourteenth street, in th" city of Xew York. We got a contract to supply the Sickles brigade with bread, at their camp of instructions, on Staten Island; and when 1 went to deliver my bread at the commUsary store-house, I wanted t'i • n to weigh it. Th ly said it was all right; unload it. I would not unload ii unless they would first sign my papers, showing the weight of each basket and the bread it contained. This difficulty with im prevented the storekeeper from giving out the rations, and brought the offi : -r of the d ij to see what was th i in itt'e-r^. Til -y toll their story; but when he came to me, and ordered in • ill ones to unload, I told him I would not unload until my papers were signed, or they weighed ray bread, and gave in ■ vouchers for the weight. The chief quartermaster now eami U| 1 asked what was the trouble. I at onee told him, and sli ih id him my pipers. He asked m; who mib oui my pipers. 1 replied, Ml 1. 01 KF-V. T. G. CAMl'ia.U.. I ■ ■ m ) s , |f." He gave me a chair, and said, " Make out our." This I did at oui ■ -. About :i month afti r this a ci mmittee was appointed id Washington to inspect the coniniissury depart- ment, anil to report upon tl.e saiiitiirj condit I the i' 1 i | on Staten Island; nr.d 1 was ordered bj Geneial Eaton rfiiarterinaster, United States army, to sit with Hum. I did so, and signed (lie n j oil with otlu r mi nibi is of the 1 1 n.niissk i.. This was the firsl year of the war. Myself and other colored men ofl'ered to aid the Government in putting down the rebellion, l,ui our services were refused— Sccrctarj Seward replying tha; we were premature. Iii 1863 I sent a personal petition* to the President, but got no answer. An old friend of mine in the cilj of New Ycrk asked me if I had got anj answer to my Washington letter. 1 told l.im no. He then said, "Write again, and I will tiy what 1 can do foi yen." 1 did write again to l'ri -id. i.i Lincoln ; and in about a month after this I calli I to see my friend, and he had that vc ly dnj received a package iron the Secretin-} of War, upon opening which, I found a commis- sion ordering me to report forthwith to General Saxu.n, at Hilton Head, in South Carolina ; and there 1 remained with General Saxt and did \vi ati ver was entrusted lo me, I think, t" his satisfaction. Aflei the fall of Charleston 1 riijucttcd to be sent to the Sea Islands, in Georgia, and had assigned to me Burnsidi . An- alu. Sainl Catluirines, Sapelo and Colonel*s Islands, with orders to organize and establish govi n aits on the Islands ; protect freednien and refngi es for tliirty miles back from tin sea- shore ; and 1 remained for two years goveri n these Islands. I had three teachers bronglit from tlic North nl mj own ex- pense, and paid Hieiu. Under my policy-plan (that of Presi- • The petition which 1 si ni 10 1'n -nl' in Lincoln sel forth a plan by which i !:•■ in ' a l ■ 'i'l' coi i'i 1" educated im i m-cKiroil 1" i m ii >-■■ tin- diillri of citizens, ond rrlievi the Gem ral Gov- , it from the t-iinrditiiifl a), whiih, In m> view, lhcv would have to keep over them at a proteclii n against l ; a nn n frem the North, and bad nun from the South, who w ould tisi llieni foi ilu n own pur) ! e MI'Iv OF KKV. T. G. CAMI'B] l l ileiu Johnson) i was removed b} General Tilson, who was then placed as head of the Kreedmau's Bureau, and military com- mander-in-chief of Georgia. The schools which I had established on the Islands were broken up, and the people driven oil' unless the} work under contractu which were purposely made t<> cheal the frecdmen out of their labor. Kebels, who before had appeared humble and re- pentant, now insisted that all colored men and women shook) sign these contracts; and when they refused, the} would way- lax i Iii-iii and beat them, telling them that they would have them back w hen the Yankees left the State I went to General Tilson ni the time hi- headquarters were in Augusta, and told him that I could not go on the Islands with safety. I showed hiin my certificate as an Elder of the Zion Methodist Episcopal Church in America, with my commission from Right l.V\. J. J. Clinton as missionary for the States if Georgia and Florida. He said, "That isall right; hut J cannot ^nc you any protection ! " I now returned back to Savannah. I sent down to :i little village called Thunder Holt and got a sa I boat to take to the islands. In it 1 went to see the people, to tell them that if they would come over on the main land J would try to get a plantation called Belleville, which was owned by ti gentleman of the name of Hopkins, in Mcintosh ooiuin . There was 1,250 acres of laud in this plantation, and he would not sell it for less than S14.50 per acre. 1 Icing at the pitiful condition of the people, 1 agreed to give ii ; on which I advanced 81,000. As the people had to move with what they could only take in small boats, I got one flat-boat; but what with rain and storm, when we got to Belleville, it was almost worthless— for everything was burned up during the war on the place. As the people dare not stay there without me, I therefore moved my own family into a camp made of old boards on the side and ends, and a Palmetto roof— for I had to have one to cooli till. OF REV. T. G. CAMI'liELI,. iii. and the other to sleep in. I found it well that I did 50, fot very soon after wc got there a man, who was obnoxious to the while people on account of his having been sherifl' for the Islands during my administration there, was arrested during my ab- scence, one day, waiting at 1 >oboy Island for my mail, the obj being to break up the settlement on Belleville; but m\ wif i oul not let the man lie taken away until I could hi- there to CC justice done in his ease. Thisi ncoiuagi d the people. I ni ut up to Savannah after the trial to the officer of the Freedtuaii's Bureau, and they sent down an officer to examine into the case, who dis- charged the man, a- there was no evidence against hini he was lined lief mil- the court in Darien. This was in t - , Under the Reconstruction Act of Congress I was appointed one of the registrars for the Second Senatorial Distrii Georgia— Liberty, Mcintosh and Tatnall counties, — and - quel illy wa- elected a member of the constitutional convention : and upon the submission of the constitution to the people for i. in ii ation, I wa clc ted s mator for the Second District of the State of Georgia. Upon tin- question of clegibility to off! e I was compelled to stand alone tor eight days on the llooi of the Senate, con ten din;', for the rights of the colored members to hold their scats; and at different times when I was speaking I could sec Democratic members, with their hands on the butts of their pistols, w ilh their teeth shut hard together, and using threaten- ing gestures al me. On the ninth day 1 gave way. seeingnohopc for us in I he Georgia 1 legislature ; and at 1 o'clock, 1 called the expelled members together, and told them our only chance wai to prevent the Senators from Georgia taking their seats in the United Stales Senate. My son, T. G. Campbell, jr., who was a member of the house, and myself were elected n a coi ittee to go to Washington to protest against the Hon. Joshua Hill anil 11. M. A'. Miller taking their seat-, until the colored m in- ner.- of the General Assembly of the Suite of Georgia were re- seated. We went on to the city of Wasliington and -aw the 10 I.I IK OF REV. T. V. CAMPBELL. Congressional Committee, and conferred with tliem personally, by request of their chairman, Hon. E. 1). Morgan, of the State of Now York, (who knew me personally,) and Hon. Charles Sum- ner, of Massachusetts, with whom we had a long conference. We told him and other members of the committee thai wo did nol come only to complain of wrongs dune ns in Georgia, and get Congress to reseat us, but that we wanted Congress to pass a law which would protect all persons in their rights, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Mr. Stunner at once said, "That is true. We must amend the fundamental law. We must have a fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and I will bring that measure before the Senate, or get some one to do it, at the next session." We then called his attention, as we also did the atten- tion of other members of the committee, to the particular reason why the Senator.- from Georgia should not be admitted at that time ; for if they won- seated, the State would be admitted, and then Congress could not act ou our cases no more than in the case of any member or members of any legislature of any other State— as of New York or Massachusetts. Suffice it to say, we were successful in our mission- the Georgia Senators were not seated in I860. 1 was, by the Georgia State central committee, appointed with Hon. Foster Blodgett, to go to Washington and look after reconstruction in Georgia. We went on- although threatened by many rebel sympathizers that if / went to Washington again I should not live in Georgia. We met Gov- ernor Bullock and quite a number of prominent Republicans from Georgia. I felt it my duty to go and see the Republican members of the House and Senate, and urge them to vote foi the bill to promote reconstruction in Georgia. I stayed until the bill was passed, in a modified form, and then went direct I" Atlanta, as it was not thought safe for me to try to reach home. I wont to Atlanta by rail, and arrived there on the 25th day of December, 18CD. The General Assembly met on the 10th of like or rev. t. r,. cami-iu.i.i.. January, 1S70. .As it was well known that many who v inelcgiblc had taken the oath prescribed byCongress.it was deemed necessary under this hill for some mem!, i in , branch of the General Assembly to read a proti ■: . linst all that were ineligible, who should attempt to take the oath ; I before the day came there was such an ex< item >nt that it wa> difficult to get any one to take the protest. I- pj don a committee of three to seek for and employ counsel in behalf of the State, and I found, ou suiting them, that no mem- ber could be prevented from taking his seat by any civil tribunal. for they could give any bond, no matter what was its ,-,. rj ,,;,-. . ment, to answer at the proper time, and wall in and take their seats. 1 went to the Governor and made this fact known to him, and suggested to him that General Terry had betl point a board of officers to examine all those who' should be protested. The governor said that he did nol know v General Terry would take this responsibility. 1 replied. "Wi cannot organize without lie will do that."' On the 10th. in the morning, I was s.-nl for by the chairman of our committee of three. He told me that the protests wire all ready, bul i would sign them as a protectant, to appear on !••!:. If of the Cover out. 1 at one- signed my name for the put the protests in my pocket, and went into my seat in tin- Senate chamber. 1 was informed by Senators of the reaso why they would not read or sign these prote ts. They said thai there was eighl men stationed on the front and side of the gallery, above the Republican members, to shoot down mj member who should read, or attempl to read, a protosl : an I told me to look up in the galleries and see how crowded the\ were; and said, " You had hotter not read them, for you will be cut ill two by revolver- !" I looked at the clock and saw it wanted ten minutes to the hour of meeting, and of course re- plied : ''I will read them!" All the Senators then moved away from my seal. There was only one Senator to he .worn 12 LIFE OF REV. T. (I. CAMPBELL. iii before me. I was from the Second District. After being sworn, I took Hie protests and layed them in order, and as each came to be sworn I began to read, and the Democratic members arose almost in a bodj to object, and would not obey any calls to order. Willi permission from tin- president, (pro tempore,) I continued to read, raising my voice above their clamor ; ami did read all, except one, when the Governor si nt forme and told me not to read anj more, as the house had to adjourn without doing anything. As no protests could be read then, I returned to my scat ; but the member whose name I had a protest against did not present himself. Immediately after adjournment 1 called on the Governor, anil at his request called on General Terry, to In to get him to appoint a hoard of officers to inquire into the elegibility of the members against whom protests had been gotten ready, whether they had been read or not, and not I" allow any member to take his seat unless he was clearly entitled to it under tie- Reconstruction Acts. T did ..ill on General Terry, and he said he would consider my request, and also see the Governor. This was on the 10th. On the 13th, general orders Xo. 3, of the military district of Georgia, were "issued, detailing Brevet Major General T. H. Euger, United States Army; Brevet Major General T.J.Haines, and Maim Henry Goodfellow, judge advocate, United States Army, as a board to inquire into the elegibility of those members. U* now became the common talk that the old Xegro Senator of the Second was destroying Georgia, and that the Xegros would be unruly unless he was put out of the way. This session commenced on the 10th day of January, 1870, and closed on the 6th day of December, 1S70. There we're re- cesses taken during that time; in on,- of ivhicli recesses I was sent for by Governor Bullock to come on to the city of Wash- ington, and bring a delegation. My wife received the dis- patch, and informed my sou— he being with her in Atlanta. 1 J. in: OF r.EV. T. G. CAMPBELL. 13 had left Atlanta on the Saturday previous, by reqtu I top in the city of Rome on the Sabbath. My son started al for the city of Washington. My wife sent a telegram informing me of the communication received, and the nature of what was called the Burgham amendment to the Georgia hill. I at once left for Atlanta; found two other members of the General As- sembly, (colored,) and took them with inc. This is what was called the Georgia delegation, (all colored.) composed of tin members and two private citizens. We were successful — the Bingham amendment was defeated. We all saw tin danger of the State beiug admitted without some additional restricti and tin- was brought by myself before the convention of colored men held in the city of Atlanta on February 3, 1871. 1 was by that convention electi 1 a delegate at large to go to Washington and urge Congress to pass a law to protect loyal citizens in the Southern States. I arrived there in .March, and found Con n - just read} to adjourn; but, through the providence of God, the President test message to Congress, recommending to thai bod) the considera- tion of the condition of loyal citizens in the Southern States, and the pa-age of some law looking to their protection. 1 had the honor of calling on the President at that time, am! had assurance of his sanction to any bill passed bj < ongress for that purpose. The Kn-Klux Bill was passed, and of course my mission was accomplished. Now the rebels became more enraged at me than ever. My friends informed me in Washington of plots laved to murder me on my way home, and advised me to stay in the North for a while; but without answering them, I came home before thej thought I had left Washington, and went to wank to find out, if possible, how they intended to kill me. The plan was this: Certain men w ere to come up from the country and watch for me going to or coming from the church at night, and kill me : then lake my body a short distance in the woo,'., and leave M LIFE OF REV. T. O. CAMPBELL. something by it to make it appeartli.it colored men from tlie country had done it. I pursued my inquiries until the state- ments made were fully corroborated bj incidents that occurred at my own house and near the church. Tin- parties were well known ; and when they found that I was aware of their inten- tions, they had me arrested and taken to Savannah under the Ku-Klux Bill, before the United Stales Commissioner. It was another pari of tin- programme to keep me in lawsuits, so as to compel me to leave the county to Keep out of jail ; or if 1 wa- put in jail, then break the jail at night and kill me in it. In any event, my life was to be taken. 1 I was compelled, on going up to the legislature last November, to leave my house at dusk, ami go by laud, to meet my son, who was waiting in Savannah for me. On my return, the cap- tain of the steamer "Hardy" (a boat that stop- at Darien coming and going to Savannah) refii ed to take mo and another gentleman who wa- with me, ami had my trunk put on the dock. After first taking our fare, he then came and gave it back to us, and ordered us on shore. All tin- was to get up a difficulty in Savannah; hut being aware of theil object, I at once ordered my thin:,- to be taken directly off the wharf, and crossed the country in a -wagon, which took one day longer to get home. The only security that 1 now had for my life or property -was this; Tie- rebel- knew that they would he held responsible by the loyal people of (hi- country, both colored and white, for any injury that might he done to me. T. G. CAMPBELL, Sit. HISTORY OF THE CASE. My case charged false imprisonment of a man named Rafe. This man was charged with breaking into a house in which two families lived, and threatening to kill tie: two men— -both heads of these families. Upon the affidavits of said parties I issued a warrant for his arrest, and upon a healing, he wa- ordered to give a bond of $10 in eaeh ease to keep the pea e for sis nth- as toward- these families, and to pay the costs of court, which he agreed to do. lie went to get bondsmen; but came back and said he woidd not give bonds; upon which, I ordered him to be locked up; hut he went, and made an affidavit that he had given bonds, and then ran away. I was indicted without having a notice to appear before the grand jury, ami that charges had been preferred against me. Whcii'lho regular term of court came it wa- adjourned, and no time was set. I had business in Washington, and went there. Upon my return home I found my dwelling-house had been burned, and the grocery and dry-goods store of my wife and son was also burned. That day the court met, and I was ar- rested the next day. There was a called sessi f the superior court. I was not allowed to go two blocks to get my court records. My counsel asked for one hour, hut being refused, he again asked for fifteen minute-, and was again refused by Judge Tompkins. I plead not guilty to the indictment, and tie' CISC pr led upon the affidavit of Kate, who had rim away, and the testi- mony of the sheriff, who said that be was told not to lock him lr; LIFE OK KEV. T. (I. C.Ull'lli:!,!,. < ■ I > by the lawyer. The lawyer was also a witness, he having written the affidavit, ami swore that J ." : i f i ■ had given bonds. My counsel, in open court, said it was impossible for him to get tes- timony, or do anything in inj case, on account of intimidation, but the judge said he saw no intimidation, and the ease should proceed. He then ordered the clerk to get the jury-box, which lie unlocked, and thou took out two or three tickets; but the clerk whispered to him, and lie pul those back and look out two packages of tickets, when he tore one package open and counted out twenty-four. lie then tore open the other, and when he had counted out ten, 1 told my counsel to look. He said he was looking. When lie counted oul the other package, the clerk. who was keeping the count, said there was forty-eight. This li-t was given to the sheriff, who Killed their nam :s ; and as the sheriff called, every one answered. We of emir.-' challenged the array, but were overruled by the court as to our ground of ehallange. We were entitled to take from the first pauuel, and if that was exhausted, to have tal - juroi - also prejudice. The jury in my case was out all night, and at 10 o'clock the next day the foreman informed the judge that the} could not agree. In reply the judge said, "You go back to your room, and if you don't agree by 11 o'clock, 1 will have yon locked up and adjourn this court until Thursday next, and you shall not have food or fire until then." They then went out, and (by my watch) returned in fifteen minutes with a verdict of guilty, but with a recommendation to the mercy of the court. We then moved for a new trial, upon which we were entitled to give bond, but the judge said he would not take any 1 1. when we insisted upon our right-. He then said he would not take $300,000 bonds, but agreed to hear argument at Savannah any time within thirty days, and ordered me to be sent to State prison at once. I was taken on Sunday, at 10 o'clock" a. lh., with two other prisoners, across the country, to the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. They hurried the horses so that they broke l.ll I. 01' REV. T. G. f'AMl'l i i . 17 down, and we missed the train, so we did not get t" Sai i until Monday morning. My wife and son employed eoun I Savannah, and presented my case under the motion w Inch h ii made in Mcintosh i t\ to hear argument in thirty daj . i he | a 1 1 them oil', and issued a special order to the guard to take me away, which they did at night. I was released from the at Atlanta on a writ of habeas corpus, and put in jail. N'ow, the judge refused, after hearing argument, to grant a nci ami also refused to sign a bill of exceptions ; and inj I; could not get it. so as to make application to the Sup ■ Cour! for a writ of mandamus. The judge then came up to Atlanta, lOllbl to lie OUl of mj lawyers' way. M\ son then telegraphed to my counsel, and they bro me out for a hearing the daj the judge arrived, ami had i a subpee luces te cum — that afternoon, and the court ad- journed until the next day, at 10 a.m. The judge at first re- fused to come, bul the solicitor went for him. He admitted that a bill of excel it ion had b en pn nted to him in mj case, We then got papers ready while one of m\ counsel wat speaking to move before Judge Hopkins, of the Atlanta Superior Court ; and to do t hi-, we had to dismiss it from before the Court of Ordinary. As soon as we dismi 1 it, irons wi re put upon me. 1 was then dragged to a covered wagon, and taken out of town, through hy-roads, to a wood-, when the} made mc get oul and walk. Of course I took my time. When we gol within D mile of a prison camp, two nun came up Oil horseback and served papers upon the guard, ordering him to bring me hack; but they not being officers, he refused. I was put in iron- there, and that afternoon put to work, and tin- next day, until 2 o'clock, I worked, when I fell — being unable to work any longer. The next morning it was raining. After they had breakfast I was taken by two men up to the guard tent, or headquarters, when they took oil' my chains. The captain of the guard IS 1 ll >: OF REV. J . O. CAMl'ltKLIj, showed me the order of court forbidding chains being put upon me, and ordering mj return back to Atlanta. After 1 had read ii, he asked Die when I expected m\ friends would send forme. "Why," J replied, " you are ordered bj this to scud back, therefore they "ill not come." He then ordered a I to be brought, and ordered me put in, to be se'ntj>ack to the Atlanta jail, in charge of a guard. I was carried to the jail l>\ two men. When they laid me down upon the cell-floor, the men said, "lie will soon 'lit, for he is scarcely alive now." I asked one of the men to get me a little rice and milk. In about two hours he brought it. With difficult! late it, for I had not eaten anything for two days. The food given to pris- oners was corn meal, mixed with water, without salt, made into an oval shape, and baked hard on the outside- but, as a general thing quite raw inside — and a piece of fat bacon, that eight persons to one would find raw. In going about they would pick up pieces of old-iron pots and kettles, and these were u ed for frying meat upon. Then they woidd break open the corn bread, and lay the pieces upon the coals and rook il — or rathci burn it — sii as to make ii more palatable ; but f could not eat it. In the jail at Atlanta the food was better; but 1 had mj meals brought from the hotel. As a genera] thing they kept them out in the office until finite cold. 1 could nevei see the man who brought them. There were white prisoners who had their meals sent to them from some hotel, and the man would carry them in their cells. Two or three day.- after my being brought back— J do not rememberthe day. for I was very sick— my lawyers brought me out a"ain for a hearing before Judge Hopkins. I was carried up in a carriage. My counsel, on the writ of habeas corpus, alleged illegality, on the -round of my having applied for a new trial, and there being no refusal; and, upon my affidavit., they showed to the court that Judge Tompkins had agr I to hear argument in this case, bj inj counsel, ai Savannah, within ,,,! | OF Kl V. T. <:. CAMITIXI.. 19 thirty days; and that we had also given notice of n bill of ex- ceptions to the Supreme Court, and therefore were entitled to o-ive honds after hearing their argument, Judge Hopki - said, Z \ | lilvc no doubt counsel believes the stati ments !• rein =et forth to be true, but 1 cannot believe that anj ju ! up whom the light of God's sun shines, would refu i i 1 1 under such a state of facts. I cannot release the prison* I will remand him back to jail, and give you time to . papers to make the necessary showing." 1 was th arrieil back to jail bj four men. 1 remained in jail about f - weeks. Jly wife "went to Mcintosh county, and with great difficulty go! a copy of the records of the court, and had my case . on a motion for a new trial, before Judge Tompkins. The said motion being refused, she then presented a bill of i - ceptions, and. with my lawyers, found the records incomplete. She was compelled to travel back on dismal, dark nights, when the m< ll who drove the wagon had to get out and lead the hm i -. and pick their way as best they coidd in darknes f in the winter, although there is no -now to lay upon the ground, vet in the three counties which she was compelled I" cross. after leaving Chatham, namely, Bryan, Liberty andM I cold rain- and sleet were things of constant oCcurret . For three weeks she was kept going up and down— from Savannah to Darien, and from Daricn back to Savannah— on a unt of malicious omissions, or errors, made by the clerk, lint with an unshaken c age she kept on herwearj and dangerous jour- ncying, until the papers sufficient to meet my case, and act as a supersedeas, was made out. When 1 was released from jail, and on my wav home, the rebels again arrested mi' in Savannah. They then said that it my wife was again found in Mcintosh county she would be ai'rested. One of my counsel came i" Savannah, hut was no; able to get a record of my case in time from the clerk of the court. Mi-. Campbell (my wife) would not trust any person, but -tart, d LM LIFE OF REV. T. G. CAMPBELL. from Savannah herself about the llth of January, 187"), il was cold and raiuj In the morning train of the Atlantic and Gulf railroad, and stopped at station No. 3, and there a friend of ours (Eev. Joseph \\ illiam ) tool; her in his buggy on to u neighbor's. (Cain Jeeins,) when he was to take her to Mi-. John Mclvers', when he was to take her to'Darien altogetiier a distance of forty miles. She had to travel across the country, over roads which, with the exc iption of bridgi - acr :ertain rivers, had never been repaired since the war, and in rainy weather almost impassable on account of suck-holes and miry place . over which poles had been layed, forming wlml is called a corduroy road. But these poles had become rotten, and had dangerous lioli - in tin in. in which wagon wheels or horse legs were in danger of being broki n even in the daj time. Thirty mill s of this road had to be traveled at night, so as to In- in Darii n soon enough to see the clerk in his office in time to get the work done. \\ hen she got there the clerk kept out of her way, and would not come to the office. She then got sonic of our friends to watch for him, and they found hi-; place of concealment — a store. He would go in the front door and out of the back, and down a bank, and get around to his own house. The} then set a watch front and rear, and by thai means got a pari of the papers. When she got back'to Savannah 1 told Colonel Thomas to have my case at once brought before the United States Court, lie promised to come up in an hour or two, but did not come. I then sent word to him by an officer. He came up, and lid it would lie best for me to go to Mcintosh county. 1 said, " Von know that they will pretend that 1 am frying to escape, and will shoot me; that is well known!" He said, •'There is no danger ; and if you employ couusi 1, you must do as your coun- sel directs." I replied, "I will, if I think my counsel knows better than 1 do; but who would be such a fool as to go, when they knew they would be killed !" He then said, " "i ou know and think a great deal of Colonel A. T. Akerman. If J get a LIFE OF REV. T. O. CAMPBELL. 21 letter from him, and he says you will be safe, will you go!'*' I said, '■ \n ; I will never consent t" go and be killed for any one." lie then said, " I do not think that Judge Krskeii i entertain your ease." I asked, " Upon what ground can he object? fori run cover tin statute." He said, "Well, publi prejudice is so strong that he will not dan to act '." lie came again !•> sec me, ami -aid that ".Mr-. Canii'belJ wanted him to attend to my ease, and I havi promised to do il for $50; so I would like to have some of yoiu friend- pay me the money, for I tell you it is a very heavy thine to stand up, as we will have to do, against public sentiment — a -you well know." I said. ■' "Well, whatever mj wife has agreed to do will i" nil right when [gel out." He went away, and then came back and told me that it was besl to g.. before Tompkins, for the case was so clear! - illegal th.it there would be no difficulty in getting inj discharge. I -aid. " Judge Tompkins will not dis- charge me, and you ought to know thai." lie replied. "You are mi-taken. I will get you discharged." The uexl daj I was taken before Judge Tompkins, who peremptorily refused to discharge or evi n consider my case, and -aid it could noi be brought before him. out of Mcintosh county. lh then remanded me hack to. jail, notifying me that I would have to appear before him in Mcintosh county. I wrote a letter to mj wife, who was in Atlanta. She had been compelled to get out of th'- way. I'm there was a warrant out against her, alleging thai she was a dangerous character. and ought not to he al large aiming the people. They had two indictments agaiu-t m\ sou. on trumped-iip charges, and said they would chain him and me together, take us both to the State prison at onetime. Bui we got my / son (T. (J. Campbell, jr..) and hi- v*ifc oft" to the state of Massa- chusetts, (he had been a member of tin legislature fot foui \ and of course, as he could not be bought, he mu-t go oi In tore I was arrested the last time ; therefore there w.t- no Ml I of ki:v. my family here now lmf .•all her— Catharine Amelia i- he old in Ih'' spring of ,1*77. They wife employ. .1 Colonel G. S. T. C4. C \MI'l:l I I ii-ifc ind daughter Cassey. as wo name. She was 1-1 years were both in Atlanta. My Thomas, assistant I'nited States attorney for the State of Georgia, to bring my cast' into the United States Court, and agreed to pay liim S-'iO. She gave her o-old watch as security for the payment. Colonel Thomas was down in Savannah on business. Willi great difficulty lie got it signed. My "if- 1 and son scut it up to my counsel at Atlanta. 1 was then brought out again, before Judge Hopkins, and gavel I. I now went down <■> Savannah, on my way home. I got to Savannah al I 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The tn-Nt day, at 2 o'clock p. in., T was arrested upon an old suit, which was no( only out of date, bin had been decided in my favor by the Supreme Court. In this case the judge refused to take bonds. I was then, put in tin: jail at Savannah, which had been condemned 1>\ the grand jury ,,n account of it- unhealthiness. I was kept there for eight, months and ten day-. The first month 1 was kept in a cell down stairs, nine feel long and four and -half feet wide. The prisoners were let out to walk in a hall six feet wide once in two weeks. Mr. Russell, after I had been there about four weeks, ordered me to go up stairs, and every day after thai my cell was unlocked, and 1 was allowed to walk aboul the hall all day. My wife also made arrangement with a friend of ours to send mi' something to eat every day. She also sent me medi- cines, for her knowledge of the medicinal qualities of roots and, herbs was very extensive. I was attacked with a severe cough, and a swelling in my body, but was relieved of them by rubbing with a liniment and taking three doses a daj of a> syrup which was made by her. I wrote a letter to President Giant, after I had been three or four months in jail, and, in answer, Attorney General Plervc- pont informed me that he did not see how he could do anything LIFE OF REV. T. <■■ CAMl'B ' f,„- ,,,,.. About tlm- da\ - aft.' i I v."! a renin iiiation* from the Attorney General. 1 also received a letter from my wife, informing me of her having written to President Granl ; and the same afternoon I received a cot inieation from tit D j. allium! of Justice, informing me thai my wife (Mrs. Harriet Campbell) had written a letter to the President; and from statements made therehrf— said letter having been referred to him— that an immediate investigation should be made in m\ case. Just when I got through reading tiiis letter I was ordered down to the office, and there 1 found the assi taut attorney general for the State of G gin Colonel G. Thorn . Ih said that a dispatch had 1" en n < eived al Ail mta, ordering them to take my case into the United States Court. He had an afti drawn "up, already forme to sign. He read it tome. 1 told him that was all right ; but there was tin otii i c.i e before th Supr, me Court of the State of Georgia, which ought al o Mil CAlil HI I "' JrSTICK, W.1-1U UTO l> ' J.i. L57J. Tests G. Cami-bki.l, Chatham C( t} Jail, ,S;.\ :uiii:ili ' I In uiSni The President hn ref. rred me your let f the 13th ii nddr. -"I tohii i tn m roui pi; I coiifbn i i. nl in Savannah I , u « deeply i "-"'I i" >-oui »Ki and have t) United Suites attorn, s foi Gcorj ia, cxpm '",' to him n i ,1, „ .„,. i,,. .,, iivo anil in rsisti lit . sell i hcvi ; fro Ii ,. thruus. li I. on that J must ;>. I in tin ca i and tam will do w-ltatt-vi i can l.,v, full) be done for yon ..„.,.,,,,.,, Very respectfully, rirtt ABU j I till I II: I mi \ i OF JUSI Ml, Was ' " 1' C„ Noi ember 16, ISTj. ill,- lhi:i:i i i 'o'i'iii i ' . Atlanta, Gsi Mu".M* Yourlettei of Hi. nil. instant, addressed to the Pre ;,„,! asking of him relief, has been referred to me 1 have l.«. dressed a lettei to Mr Farrow, the attorn, i Gi'i.i t. referrinc a com of youl letti r to him, i bun, 1 ',, ,„;, -i, ■■ 'to ""1 i" - •' 'f anythina can be done I >i youi relief, and to , mil s-oui husband to be r. lievctl from hi imj l rnfli i 1 to do vhateve. i i ih. Government to deliM-r , .,ur husband from theditiieulty uudei \ i'" '!:'.' "',, M .,,,.,.,., ,,., Very respectfully, k ™Z?g\* ^.'t'lViud Suue., ■>{ 1 .11 I. nl REV. T. Ci. CUIl'Iill,!,. brought into tin: United States Court. He said, "Tli.it is so; hul yon Imd butter lol us gel tliis ease first." lie then went awa\ . and came back the. next day, and said, " Colonel II. P. Farrow requested me to say thai he had been slow to move; but now lie would move, and I should be righted. Thai I must gel S50 ready, and as soon as they saw whal action would be taken by Judge Tompkins, thej would go to work on my case. I then said, "Jly papers are not properly before the Supreme Conn, and that I wanted them brought before the United States Court and properly prepared." He replied "You are all right." Mi wife informed me bj letter of an order having been sent from the 1» partmenl of Justice, to Colonels Farrow and Thomas, to have all mj cases brought into the United States Court. There was only two cases now against me; for when I was last in Darien, before the court, I drew a plea myself in support of a motion to dismiss five indictments f d against me at the previous term. I showed il to a Democratic lawyer, who was very anxious for me to employ him. 1 agreed to give liim $30 if he was successful. He went to the judge, and after a short conversation he made the motion, when the judge granted the o I r. It was done so quickly that no one appeared to not i,c it. I was well satisfied that the other two cases would not amount to anytliing, unless 1 failed to defend them. About three weeks after this a letter came from my wife, informing me of my case having been dismissed by the Supreme Conn of Georgia. My counsel failed to file the brief of evidence with the bill of exceptions. Upon a proper showing, my case coidd have been brought de novo even then. But I saw nrysclf betrayed, and resolved to suffer or die! There were certain persons, (Democrats,) out of pretended pity, wanted me now- — as they said Republicans had deserted mc — to accept of offers that had teen mad'/ to mi — namely, $35,000 and keep ijiiirt, and to preach as the white ministers directed, or leave the Stair. LIFE OF REV. T. C4. CAM I'M I 1 . 25 This offer of $35,000 was first made to me In the year 1 Before this-in 1SGG-I wa i,000 a year to preach under the direction of white land owners and a hou e built to suit myself wherever I cl to locate on the Island in the black belt or main land. 1 told the jailor not to send for mc when they came anj more to set me out by bargains, as I had made up my mind to die m prison On or about the 12th of January, 187G, the guard from the State prison ca .about 7 o'clock a. m., and handcuffed me and, with a chaiu about twelve feel long, dragged me along the streets of Savannah to the Central railroad, and tlv • me one hundred and forty miles from Savannah, to a p camp on the plantation of Colonel Jack Smith's, in Washington county, State of Georgia. The weather was ret they took me up in a wagon. I was helpless when we go there, at 1 o'clock in the night-my hands being chai had a very had fall in getting out of the wagon. I tried pen and ink, and fmallj did get pen, ink and paper and - a letter to my wife. 1 suffered very much from my fall. 1 hey W cre clearing land, and ordered me to pile brush. It - impos- sible to describe the way to which prisoners were worked. They wcre taken out as tl yo ild se< both winter and sum- mer- and kepi to work as long as it was light, with one hour for dinner. They had breakfast before daj light. If to to be cut the strongest and most cxperl men with the as i made leaders, and evi ., otli r man had to keep stroke with hmi all daylong; and ifthej failed to do so, thej wen b at n unmercifully with a leather strop, or a bugg) trace, and given from fifty to one hundred strokes, until they would keep up or die I am well satisfied that four men in the camp where I was were whipped to death— ami this was considered one oi the best ramps in the State. These beatings made men reckless, and they would rush here and there, like wild men, to get the favor of the guard. I must say that the guards were alow 20 LIFE OF REV. T. (.'. CAMPBELL. and brutal set of men, as a general thing. .Yon could hear them all the time calling out to the men, "I don't hear those .ins ! Go in with those axs! Go in with those axs!" If a man could not stand the work, Hun lie was reported, and of course beaten. Women were treated in the same manner. I was in this cam]) eleven months and twenty-one days. Two women — one a prisoner and the other a hired woman (both colored]— had white babies— which shows the stale of morals there. I preached in this camp. I was for three' Sun- days in chains ; bul the Monday morning after the third Sun- day my chains were taken off, and I was put as overseer of the wheelwright and blacksmith shops. The keys of the store bouses and cribs were given to me, as also the books for all ac- counts, of work done on the place, or for out neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Smith always, from thai time, treated me very kindly. My meals cam.- from their table. My wife sent me every month a box of nourishments and medicines— clothing, soda-crackers, sugar-cakes, pound-cake, strawberry and other preserves, pickled eggs. &C. Since 1 have been oul of prison I found that my wife went to the principle keeper and stated my case to him, and through her .statements he was induced to have my chains taken ofl. Yet I feel under many obligations to Colonel J. T. Smith and lady for their kindness to me. My wife and daughter were, dining mj confinement, in the city of Atlanta; and every dollar thai she had been able to collect from her customers was used up in trying to help me. She also made up medicine in the winter to sell ; and in the summer, went into the woods around Atlanta and picked black- berries, and brought them to the city to sell ; and from the fields brought strawberries in, ami sold them. About three weeks before I got home — January G, 1S77— my little girl went out to work, so as to keep a room, that 1 might have a place to come once more, and lie with them. She wrote all the letters sent to President Grant by her mother. In this connection, I LIFE OF I'.r.v. 1. a. CAMP].: ! I . •-'. mu l say that Mrs. Campbell (my wife) i ; a woman . __ARI£S I