ipWM^iia^ aoBi'u-Nvr'Hi Australasian Shakespeareana : A BIBLIOGRAPHY of Books, Pamphlets, Magazine Articles, &c., that have been printed in Australia and New Zealand, dealing with Shakespeare and his works. . . By . . PERCY J. MARKS, Hon. Treasurer of Shakespeare Society of New South Wales COPYRIGHT. , ; ; •'.';*'. i'.J^^.H .'1' SYDNEY : TYRRELL'S LIMITED. 99 CASTLEREAGH STREET- 1915. ISSUE— 400 COPIES. Wholly set up and printed In Australia by FRED. W. WHITE. 344 Kent Street. Sydney. PREFACE. This work was not originally undertaken with a view to publication. In cataloguing my small collection of Shakespeareana some time back, I desired to find out what books published in Australia or New Zealand relating to the dramatist were missing. This necessitated search at the public libraries and enquiries from private collectors. As I obtained particulars, they were duly noted by me, until they have grown to such a size that, on the advice of friends interested in Shakespearean study, I have decided to publish "my little list." From the nature of the subject, it must obviously be incomplete. A comparison of this catalogue with the "Shakespeare Bibliography" by Mr. William Jaggard will show that even that stupendous undertaking has failed to chronicle "every known issue of the writings of our national poet, and of recorded opinion thereon, in the English language," a claim which the bibliographer, with some show of justification under the circumstances, made. New works are con- tinually appearing, and in addition, hitherto unknown publications are con- stantly coming to light. Where the Stratford bibliographer failed, I cannot hope to succeed, but I claim that in this catalogue there are contained many more entries of works etc., published in this Southern Continent than are to be found in any other similar compilation. I have endeavoured to catalogue, not alone all books and pamphlets, but also magazine and review articles and poems referring to Shakespeare or his works, irrespective of their literary merit. It was originally intended to include newspaper articles, of which I have a fairly large number, but the task of making such a list anything like complete being beyond me, I have decided not to publish them with this catalogue. The distinction between a newspaper and a magazine has, however, not been made on any definite lines, and 'in some cases there will be found indexed articles from newspapers which, strictly speaking, can hardly be classed as magazines. For similar reasons, I have omitted caricatures, cartoons, illustrations etc., derived from Shakespeare's plays, although the pages of such old papers as the "Sydney Punch," "The Lictor " etc., contain many examples. Another restriction I have imposed upon myself, is to omit books etc., that were published outside Australasia; consequently, the works of some of tlie finest Shakepearean scholars in this Continent have had to be excluded. The late Dr. Charles Badham, Professor W. M. MacCallum, Messrs. T. Dono- van and J. Le Gay Brereton — to mention only the names of Sydney residents — have all done excellent work in connection with Shakespearean criticism ; but those writings that have been published locally by these and other Australasian writers are alone mentioned in this catalogue. On the other hand, several works printed in Australasia by writers not resident here are included, the object of the compilation being to mention works published locally, no matter where the author resided. 336059 In compiling this bibliography, I have personally inspected the catalogues and card indexes of the following libraries: — Sydney Public Library, Mitchell Library (Sydney) and Melbourne Public Library, and have verified most of the entries by the inspection of the works themselves. My own and several other private libraries have also been gone through. For the various public collections in the other States,! have had to depend on the assistance afforded me by the available printed catalogues, and the kindness of numerous friends, who have willingly replied to my enquiries. The making of this bibliography would have been impossible if I had not the assistance of many helpers, to whom I gratefully acknowledge my thanks. I am under special obligations to Mr. Hugh Wright, Miss M. Windeyer and the other members of the staff of the Mitchell Library, Sydney, who have given valuable help in my researches at this Institution, unique in its wonderful col- lection of Australiana, and which contains many works not to be found else- where. Mr. J. R. G. Adams, the General Secretary of the South Australian Public Library, has most kindly furnished me with useful information, and many of the Adelaide entries would not have been obtained by me, except through the help afforded by the Assistant Librarian, Mr. H. J. Keyes, who has added to my original proofs a number of items relating to the University Society. Unfortunately, I have not been able in all cases to index them under the author's name, as the greater part of the book was already in type. They are, however, included in their proper place under "Proceedings" or "Journal." Mr. E. L. Armstrong, of the Melbourne Public Library, and his staff, likewise afforded me every assistance, both personally when inspecting the magnificent collection of that Institution, and also subsequently by replying to my enquiries. The Librarians of the Queensland and West Australian Public Libraries, Messrs. W. E. Hawkins (the President of the Shakespeare Society of N.S.W.), Bertram Stevens and George Harris of Sydney, A. H. Turnbull of Wellington, New Zealand, and L. Phillips of Auckland, New Zealand, have also given me assistance, for which I am much indebted. PJ.M. Sydney, November, 1915. UETHmUXCHS. A.H.T. — Private Collection of A. H. TurnbuU, Esq., "Wellington. A.P.Li. — South Australian Public Library, Adelaide. E.H.L. — Private Collection of E. H. Lock, Esq., Adelaide. Mit. — Mitchell Library, Sydney. M.P.L. — Melbourne Public Library. P.J.M. — Private Collection of the Compiler of this work. S.P.L. — Sydney Public Ldbrary. S.S. — Library of Shakespeare Society of New South Wales. W.H.H. — Private Collection of Dr. W. H. Harris, Sydney. The references in the catalogue are, as a rule, only given to the Library in which I have found the particular work, and it does not necessarily follow that it is not to be found in the others. As, with few exceptions, the works catalogued are to be found in one or more of the above Libraries, I have not included in this list the various other Institutions and books which have been consulted in the preparation of the Bibliography. OBTHOGBAFHICAIi NOTE. The endeavour throughout this work has been to give the dramatist's name as it is spelt by the particular authority quoted, hence the different ways in which it is printed. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/australasianshakOOmarkrich ^U0trala0tan ^^akt&^tmmm. ADAMS, FRANCIS. "Shakspere: An address for the Brisbane Literary Circle." In "The Centennial Magazine" (Sydney), March 1889, pages 574 to 578. (P.J.M.) ADELAIDE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL. Shakespeare Memorial Statue Fund, Adelaide. Draft Manifesto to the Public of South Australia. Adelaide, 1904, pp. 8, 8vo. (A.p.l.) " Journal of Proceedings." Adelaide (1904) 8vo. pp. 10 . ^ . , -r ..r*^ (a.p.l.) ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY SHAKESPEARE JOURNAL. The University Shakespeare Journal, edited by J. C. Wharton. Adelaide, W. K. Thomas & Co. 1886-7. 8vo. (A.p.l.) The Journal contains the followingr articles. — ^Tol. L, No. 1, "The Humanness of Shakespeare," by Rev. W. R. Fletcher; "On the Word 'Coll' In Shakespeare," by Prof. Boulg-er; "Caliban," by Dean Russell; "Shakespeare's use of the Supernatural," by A. H. Champion; "The Uni- versity Shakespeare Society," by G. S. Bowyear. No. 2: "King Lear," by E. Dornwell; "Shakespeare's use of the Supernatural" (concluded), by A. H. Champion; "The Star-crossed L>overs," by J. P. Short; "On Shakespearean Quotations," by J. C. Wharton. No. 3: "Jealousy: as portrayed In the Characters of Leontes and Othello," 'by E. D. Cleland; "The Star-crossed Lovers" (continued), by J. P. Short; "King Lear" (continued), by E. Dornwell: "A Shakespeare Cypher"; "On Shakespearean Quotations," by J. C. Wharton. No. 4: "Genius of Shakespeare," by Dean Russell; "Shakespearean Allusions to Falconry," by Prof. Boulger; "The Star-crossed Lovers," by J. P. Short; "The Reading: of Macbeth," by J. C. Wharton. No. 5: "Genius of Shaken speare" (continued), by Dean Russell; "Shakespeare and Morality," by J. E. Hebdltch; "Shakespeare's Ideal Friendships," by E. D. Cleland; "What Banquo gave to Fleanoe," by J. P. Short. No. 6: "Merchant of Venice," by Rev. A. T. Boas; "Shakespeare: Art and Morality," by E. T. Boulgrer. No. 7: "Merchant of Venice" (continued), by Rev. A. T. Boas; "Shakespeare and Morality," by J. E. Hebdltch; "Shakespeare's Ideal Friendships" (continued), by E. D. Cleland; "The Variorum Othello." No. 8: "Why do we read Shakespeare?" by G. S. Bowyear. "Art and Morality," Rev. F. T. Whitlng'ton; "Shakespeare's Allusions to Falconry" (continued), by Prof. Boulgrer. No. 9: "Shakespeare's Clowns," by J. E. Hebditch; "Why do we read Shakespeare?" (con- tinued), by G. S. Bowyear. No. 10: "Shakespeare's Clowns" (continued), by J. E. Hebditch; "Shakespeare and Morality,'" by E. P. Nesblt; "Shakespeare as a Lyric Poet," by E. V. Boulger. No. 11: "Shakespeare as a Lyric Poet" (continued), by E. V. Boulger; "Was Desdemona Smothered?" by E. D. Cleland; "Shakespeare and Morality," by J. C. Wharton; "Note on Shakespeare's Clowns," by V. W. Dowell; "The Third Murderer in Macbeth," by J. C. WTiarton. No. 12: "Shakespeare as a Lyric Poet" (continued), by E. V. Boulger; "On 'Cymbeline,' Act ill, Sc. 3," by E. D. Cleland; "Local Colouring In Shakespeare," by J. C. Wharton. Vol. II., No. 1: "Shakespeare's Politics," by Prof. E. B. 8 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY SHAKESPEARE JOURNAL— (Continued.) Morris; "Elizabethan Age considered in connection with Shakespeare," by Prof. E. V. Boulg-er; "Some Representatives of Shylock," by J. Smith; "At Shakespeare's Shrine," by J. Sadler; "Notes on Flowers of Shakespeare," by A. P. Robin; " 'Cymbeline,' Act iii, Sc. 3," by E. V. Boulger; "Musical Glasses," by J. C. Wharton. (The Mitchell Library has the following numbers of the Journal: Vol. I., Nos. 1, 9, 11 and 12. The Adelaide Library has a complete set. Vol. I. to Vol. IL, No. 1, April 1886 to October 1887.) ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY. Proceedings, years 1900 to 1913. (Note by Librarian South Australian Public Library, Adelaide: — Pro- ceedings 1904, 1908-12, are in the Public Library. The Society itself has in its library the Proceedings 1900-1903, and all later Issues, except 1904.) Proceedings 13tli Session, 1896-7. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 9. (e.h.l.> Contains list of Officers and Secretary's Report. Proceedings 14th Session, 1898. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 18. (E.h.l.> Contains list of Officers, Programmes, Secretary's Report; Resume of Papers on "Richard IL," by H. Barrett; "Historical Aspect of Richard IL," by Mrs. C. Giles: lectures on "Romeo and Juliet," by Rev. A. E. Beilby; "Shakspeare and what he thought on marriage," by Rev. A- T. Boas; "King John," by Rev. J. T. Robertson; and "Richard III., a study of dramatic equilibrium," by Rev. J. D. Thompson. Proceedings 15th Session, 1898-9. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 8. (E.h.l.) Contains list of Officers, Secretary's Report; resume of lectures on "Pour of Shakspeare's Woonen," by Rev. M. L. Johnson; "Ghosts and Ghostland," by Rev. A. E. Beilby; and "An Evening with Shakspeare," by W. Reeve. Proceedings 16th Session, 1899. Adelaide. 8vo., pp. 10. (e.h.l.) Contains list of Officers, Secretary's Report; resume of lecture on "Hamlet," by I. H. Solomon; "Scotch Folklore and Shakspeare," by Rev. A. C. Sutherland; "Shakspeare and Beethoven," by Rev. B. Wib- berley; and "Shakspeare's Disposition," by P. McM. Glynn. Proceedings 17th Session, 1900. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 5. (a.p.l.) Contains list of Officers, Secretary's Report, and Programme. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 9 ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY— (Continued.) Proceedings 18th Session, 190L Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 7. (a.p.l.) Contains list of OfRcers, Programmes, Secretary's Report, and resume of lectures on "Shakspeare and John Bullism," by Rev. A. C. Suther- land; "King Lear," by H. Solomon; "Italian Influence upon Shakspeare Drama," by Prof. Douglass; and a review of Goldwin Smith's "Shak- speare, the Man," by Mrs. Ive. Proceedings 19th Session, 1902. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 16. (e.h.l.) Contains list of Officers, Programme, Secretary's Report; resume of Papers on "Much Ado About Nothing," by H. Barrett; "Beatrice," by A Hodge; "Claudio," by T. Duffield; lecture, "Shakspeare's England," by Rev. J. Reid; Papers on "Bacon's Bi-literal Cypher," by Mrs. Ive; "Some Study of Othello," by A. W. Piper; "Claims Made for Special Knowledge on the part of Shakspeare," by A. Melrose. Proceedings for the 20th Session, 1903. Adelaide, 1903, 8vo. pp. 16. (Mit.) This number of the Proceedings, which is in the Mitchell Library con- tains; lists of OfRcers, Hon. Secretary's Annual Report for the Twentieth session, and the following papers: — "Cymbeline — The Queen," by Mrs. Ive; "Cymbeline — Imogen," by Miss Haslam; "Julius Caesai-," by Edward Stevens; "An Italian View of Hamlet," by James Smith; "Lady Percy and Portia," by P. D. Phillips; "An Apology for Shylock," by H. Gyles Turner, and the Programme for the Twenty-first Session. Journal of Proceedings for the 21st Session, 1904. Adelaide, 1904, 8vo., pp. 16 (a.p.l.) Contains list of Office-bearers, Programme, Report, Minutes of Meet- ings, and a Lecture, "Shakespeare and Folk-lore," by Rev. A. T. Boas, Proceedings 22nd Session, 1905. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 16. (a.p.l.) Contains list of Officers, Programmes, Secretary's Report; "Review of Twelfth Night," by E. Elkan; lecture on "Caliban," by Rev. B. Wib- berley, and extracts from papers by members of the Melbourne Shak- speare Society; "A Discourse on Jealousy," by H. G. Turner; "Charac- ter of Ophelia," by E. Derham; and "A King of Shreds and Patches," by P. D. Phillips. Journal of Proceedings, 23rd Session, 1906. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 7. (A.p.l.) Contains list of Officers, Programmes, and Report. Journal of Proceedings 24th Session, 1907. Adelaide, 8vo., pp. 15. (a.p.l.) Contains list of Officers, Programmes, Report; extracts from the opening lecture, "Sincerity in Literature," by P. McM. Glynn, and "Shakspeare's Depiction of Supreme Villainy," by B. Wibberley. 10 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY— (Continued.) Journal of Proceedings for the Twenty-fifth Session, 1908. Adelaide, 1908, 8vo., pp. 9. (A.p.l.) Contains list of Office-bearers, Programme, Report, and Minutes of Meeting's. Journal of Proceedings for Twenty-sixth Session, 1909. Adelaide, 1909, 8vo. pp. 9. (S.s.) Contains list of Office-bearers, Programme, Report of 26th Session, Minutes of Meetings held during 1909, which dealt with "Hamlet," and Treasurer's Statement. Journal of Proceedings for Twenty-seventh Session, 1910. Adelaide, 1910, 8vo„ pp. 19. (a.p.l.) Contains list of Office-bearers, Prog^rammes, Report, Minutes of Meet- ings, and the following papers: — "Hamlet's Sense of Humour," by E. Wemyss, and "Pathos of Macbeth," by R. Gardner. Journal of Proceedings for Twenty-eighth Session, 1911. Adelaide, 1911, 8vo., pp. 16. (a.p.l.) Contains list of Office-bearers, Programones, Report, Minutes of Meet- ings, and Paper, "Shakspeai'* in History," by A. J. Lawton. Journal of Proceedings for Twenty-ninth Session, 1912. Adelaide, 1912, 8vo., pp. 16. (A.P.L..) Contains list of Office-bearers, Programmeis, Report, Minutes of Meet- ings, and the following Lectures: — "Illustrative Art of Shakspeare," by F. F. Wholohan; "Tolstoi and Shakspeare," by Rev. Dr. Bevan; "Rev. Hon. E. Lyttleton on Shakspeare," by E. H. Lock, and "Shaks- peare and Nature," by E. H. Lock. Journal of Proceedings for the Thirtieth Session, 1913. Contains List of Office-bearers, Programme, Report, and Minutes of Meetings held during 1913. Adelaide, n.d., pp. 7, 5|in. x S^in. (P.j.m.) Resume of work, 9th and 10th Sessions, 1892-3. 4to. "Shakespeare Quotation" (see under Symon, J. H.). "Sincerity in Literature" (see under Glynn, P. M.). "Some Thoughts on Shakespeare" (see under Glynn, P.M.). AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEARE AN A. 11 A.H.R. — (Australasian Home Reader.) Published by the Australasian Home Reading Union. Vol. I., No. 5, September, 1892, at page 124, contains— (Mlt) "Elizabethan Literature," by Professor M. W. MacCallum, M.A. Vol. 2. Sydney, W. Andrews & Co., 1893, pp. 256. 5^in. x Sin. (P.J.M.) Contains the following Shakesiperean articles: — "As You Lake It," by C, O. Burge, pages 247 to 250; "The Minor Dramatists Before Shakes- peare," by R. H. Roe, pages 87 to 90; "Lady Macbeth," pages 238 to 242; "Midsummer Night's Dream," by P. Ansell Robin, pages 76 to 79; "Shakespeare Courses" (of Study), pages 22 and 232, and "Portia" by Frances Fraser, pages 168 to 170. Vol. 3, 1894. (Mit.) Contains, at pages 83 to 88 (July, 1894), "Two Shakesperean characters, L the Melancholy Jaques, II. Feste, the Clown," being papers read be- fore the New Town Circle, Tasmania, at pages 119 to 121 (August, 1894); "Remarks on Some Difliculties of Text and Iinterpretation in The Merchant of Venice," by D. S. Robertson, B.A., LL.B., and at pages 179 to 182 "Lady Macbeth," a paper read before the New Town Circle, Tasimania, ALCOCK, HENRY UPTON. "Epitome of the Game of Billiards." Melbourne, George Robertson, 1863. 8vo., pp. 199. (rj.m.) Contains pages 136 to 139, a humorous article entitled "ShalLspeare a Billiard Player," from a work entitled "The Billiard Cue," Author not stated. ANDERSON, HENRY CHARLES LENNOX. "Shakespeare Bibliography" (see under GuUett, Henry). ANONYMOUS. "Lady Macbeth." See under A.H.R. "Life Touches from Shakespeare." See under Cottrell, G. "Maeterlinck and Shakespeare." See under "The Trident." "Merchant of Venice." See under "The Merchant of Venice." 12 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. ANONYMOUS— (Continued.) "Shakespeare." See under "Hales Quarterly Review." "Shakspeare a Billiard Player." See under Alcock, H. U. "Skylock Whitewashed." See under "The Trident" "Was Hamlet Mad?" See under "Hamlet Controversy." BADHAM, CHARLES, D.D. (the late Professor of Classics in Sydney Uni- versity) . "Speeches and Lectures delivered in Australia by Dr. Badham." Sydney, William Dymock, 1690. 6in. x 9-l/8in. (p.j.m.) Ck)ntains, inter alia, at pages 127 to 154, a lecture on "Shakespeare and Milton," delivered by Dr. Badham, at Tenterfledd, in 1883. BAILEY, J. M. (The Danbury Newsman). "A Tour Through Great Britain." Melbourne, G. Robertson, 1879. 8vo. Chap. 29, pages 237 to 244, entiUed "In Which ShaJtespeaiie is Shown Up," gives the Author's impressions of Stratford. BIRNEY, GEORGE. "Altruistic Poems and Prose." Sydney, Jagger and Kebblewhite, 1912. 5in. x 7jin., pp. 192. (P.J.M.) Contains, inter alia, at pages 34 to 37, a poem entitled, "Hamlet," and at pages 186 to 187 another entitled "Shakespeare." The Author's opinion of his own work is expressed in the following couplet: — "Birney's Book is a book of fame That can never be effaced — it must remain." BISHOP, HENRY R. "As it fell upon a day." (Music by H. R. Bishop.) Sydney, n.d. 4to. (Mit.) BOAS, REV. ABRAHAM TOBIAS. "The Merchant of Venice." Adelaide, R. Thomas & Co., 1886, 7in. x 4in., pp. 14. "Shakspeare and Folk Lore." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEARE AN A. 13 BOAS, REV. ABRAHAM TOBIAS— (Continued.) "Shakespeare on Marriage." A lecture delivered before the United Service Society, Adelaide, reprinted in the "Public Service Review" (Adelaide), May to August, 1898, 4 numbers. BOOK-FELLOW, THE (SYDNEY). "Representation of Shakespeare's Roman Plays." (Mit.) Short articles by Douglas Ancelon, J. le Gay Bpereton, W. Holman, G, S. Titheradge, and A. Wall, in "The Bookfellow," June 1st, 1913 BOUCICAULT, DION G. Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing," as arranged for the Stage by D. G. Boucicault, and presented at the Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, 26th December, 1891, under the management of R. Brough and D. G. Boucicault (illust.). Melbourne, 1891. 8vo., pp. 64. (M.p.l.) "Much Ado About Nothing," as arranged for the Stage by D. G. Bouci- cault, and presented at the Criterion Theatre, Sydney, 26th December, 1892, under the management of R. Brough and D. G. Boucicault (illust.). Melbourne, W. Marshall & Co., 1892. 8vo., pp. 64. (Mit.) BOULGER, EDWARD VAUGHAN (Professor of English Literature at Adel- aide University). "The word *Coil' in Shakspeare." "Shakspeare as a Lyric Poet." "Shakspeare's Allusions to Falconry." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. BOWDEN, SAMUEL H. "Theatrical Production in Shakespeare's Age." In "The Town and Country Journal" (Sydney), April 22nd, 1914. BOWYEAR, G. S. "The University Shakspeare Society." "Why do we read Shakspeare?" See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. BRERETON, AUSTIN. "Romeo and Juliet on the Stage (1662-1890)." Sydney, Marcus and Andrew, 1890. Sq. 8vo., 6f x 8, pp. 32. (Mit.) Contains portraits of Mrs. Potter as Juliet, and Mr. Kyrle Bellew as Romeo. "An attempt .... to write a critical record of Romeo and Juliet on the stage .... to give an idea of the manner in which the characters of Romeo and Juliet have been acted by the principal im- personators of these parts on the English stagie," vide preface. U AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY. "Elizabethan Drama, Notes and Studies." Sydney, W. Brooks & Co., Ltd., 1909. 8vo., 6iin. x S^in., pp. 167. (P.J.M.) Contains a number of articles on the text of the works of the Eliza- bethan Dramatists, including: "Shakespeare, Notes on Macbeth," pag-es 72 to 79, originally published in the "Sydneian" in 1898. "Representation of Shakespeare's Roman Plays." See under "Book-fellow." BREWER, FRANCIS C. "The Drama and Music in New South Wales." Sydney, C. Potter, Government Printer, 1892. 6in. x 9in., pp. 95. (P.J.M.) Printed for the Chicago Exposition. The pamphlet contains references to Shakespearean performances in Sydney. BROWN, JOHN MACMILLAN, M.A. (Professor of English Literature, Can- terbury College, New Zealand). "An Early Rival of Shakespeare." In the "New Zealand Magazine," No. 6, April. 1877, at pages 97 to 133. "Dunedin Daily Times" Office. Roy. 8vo. 1877. ^ (Mit) The rival is Robert Greene. "Julius Caesar," A Study. Christchurch, N.Z., Whitcombe & Tombs, Limited, N.D. (1900). 8vo., 7-5/16 X 4-7/8 pp. (4) + 180. (a.h.t.) "The Merchant of Venice." A Study. Christchurch, N.Z., Whitcombe & Tombs, Limited, N.D. (1900). 8vo. 7-5/16 X 4-7/8, pp. (4) + 126. (A.H.T.) BROWNE, EDWARD VALENTINE. "Juliet and Othello," (Original papers, with particulars of the author's connection with the Melbourne Shakespeare Society.) Melbourne, 1885. 8vo. (M.P.L,.) BROWNE, HUGH JUNOR. "The Baconian Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays Refuted." Melbourne, George Robertson & Co., 1898. 8vo., 5in. x 7-Jin., pp. 18. A paper read at a meeting of the Victorian Association of Spiritualists at Melbourne, 8th August, 1898. (p.j.m.) A spiritualistic account of alleged interviews with Shakespeare, in which he states he wrote the plays under spirit control. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEARE AN A. 15 BROWNE, HUGH JUNOR— (Continued.) "The Grand Reality"; being experiences in spirit life of a celebrated dramatist, received through a trance medium, and edited by H.J.B. Melbourne, 1888. 8vo.. (a.p.l.) "Religion in the Light of Truth and Reason." Melbourne, 1900. 8vo. (M.p.l.) A re-issue with title page and list of contents of various papers by the author, including "Baconian Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays Re- futed." BURGE, CO. "As You Like It." See under "A.H.R." BURN, DAVID WILL, M. "A Sonnet and its import. The Tempest." In the "Monthly Review," Vol. 2 (1890), at pages 417 to 419. Wellington, (New Zealand), Lyon & Blair, 1891. (Mit.) A sonnet on the Tempest, with criticism. BUTLER, SAMUEL. "A note on The Tempest, Act 3, Scene 1." In "Literary Foundlings," edited by the Rev. G. Cottrell. Christchurch, 1864. (A.h.t,) This "note" has been reprinted in "A First Tear In Canterbury Settle- ment," edited by R. A. Streatfeild, London, 1914. CALDWELL, GEORGE S. "Is Sir Walter Raleigh the author of Shakspere's Plays and Sonnets?" Melbourne, Stillwell & Knight, 1877. 8vo., pp. 32. (Mit.) CHAMPION, A. H. "Shakspeare's Use of the Supernatural." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. "CHRISTIAN BROTHER." "Sketches from Shakespeare." In "The Austral Light" (Melbourne), September 1st, 1909. Volume X. (new series). No. 9, at pages 653 to 664. (Mit) An article dealing with the play of Richard II. CLELAND, E. D. "Cymbeline, Act 3, Scene 3." "Jealousy, as portrayed in the characters of Leontes and Othello." "Shakspeare's Ideal Friendships." "Was Desdemona Smothered?" See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. 16 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEARE AN A. CLOSE, RICHARD COLONNA. "Was Bacon Shakespeare?" See under R.C.C. COTTRELL, G. (Editor). "Literary Foundlings, Verse and Prose, collected in Canterbury, N.Z." Christchurch "Times" Office, 1864. 12rao., pp. VI. 73. (A.H.T.) Contains "A Note on the Tempest," by Samuel Butler (see under But- ler), and at page 44, "Life Touches from Shakespeare," anon. DAMPIER, ALFRED. Richard III., arranged from the text, by Alfred Dampier. Melbourne, 1879. (M.p.l.) DICKINSON, EVELYN ELIZABETH. "Shakespeare and the Healing Art." Paper read by Miss E. E. Dickinson, before the Shakespeare Society of N.S. Wales on May 8th. In "The Australian Nurses' Journal," Vol. 4, No. 6, June 15th, 1906, at pages 174 to 182. (Mit.) DIREY, LOUIS. "William Shakespeare, Son Poeme, Les Sonnets" : traduit par L. Direv. Poverty Bay, N.Z., 1891. 12mo., not paged. (Mit.) DORNWELL, EMILY. King Lear. See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. ELDRIDGE, JOHN CHAMBERS. "An Australian Greeting to Wm. Shakespeare." (Poem). Sydney, 1913. pp. 9, ^m. x 6iin., not paged. (p.j.m.) "William Shakespeare," born 23rd April, 1564. In "The Austral Light" (Melbourne), August 1st, 1909. Volume X (new series). No. 8, at pages 571 to 575. (Mit.) A poem, it is the same as the last lentry, which was apparently re- printed from this. ENGLISH, J. J. "In Shakespeare's County." In the Victorian Review, Vol. 4, No. 24, October, 1881, at pages 652 to 663. Melbourne, The Victorian Review Publishing Coy. Ltd. Royal 8vo., 1881. (Mit.) AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 17 FINDLAY, SIR JOHN GEORGE, K.C., LL.D. "Humbugs and Homilies." Christchurch, N.Z., Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., 1908. pp. 303, 4|in. X 7^in. (P.J.M.) Contains, inter alia, the following Shakespearian essays, "The Shakes- peare Enigma," pages 149 to 162, being a lecture delivered in Wel- lington on a Shakespeare Anniversary. "Readers of Shakspere," pages 267 to 270; "The Supernatural in Shakespeare," pages 271 to 276; "Macbeth and His Wife," pages 285 to 291. FITZGERALD, JAMES EDWARD. "Shakespeare." In the "Monthly Review," Vol 2, 1890, pages 379 to 384 and 463 to 471. Wellington (New Zealand), Lyon & Blair, 1891. A criticism on Mr. Ignatius Donnelly's work, "The Great Cryptogram." FLETCHER, REV. W. R. "The Humanness of Shakspeare." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAHON, B.A., LL.B., M.P. "The Disposition of Shakespeare." In the Transactions of the Library Association of Australasia. Melbourne, 1902. 8vo. (s.rl.) "The Disposition of Shakespeare." A reprint of the above in pamphlet form. Melbourne, 1902, 6in. x 9fin., 8vo., pp. 16. (S.s.) "Sincerity in Literature"; being a lecture delivered to the Adelaide Uni- versity Shakespeare Society on 9th May, 1907. Adelaide, W. K. Thomas & Co., 1907. pp. 12, S^in. x 8-5/8in. (S.s.) "Some Thoughts on Shakespeare," a lecture delivered to the Adelaide Uni- versity Shakespeare Society on May 15th, 1891. Adelaide, W. K. Thomas & Co., 1891. Royal 8vo., pp. 9, 6in. x 9iin. (S.RL.) "Some of Shakespeare's Women"; a lecture delivered to the Shakespeare Society. Melbourne, n.d. 8vo., pp. 21. "The Works of Shakespeare as a Key to the Man." In the Transactions and Proceedings of the Library Association of Aus- tralasia, at pages 55 to 58. Adelaide, 1901. 8vo. (S.p.l.) 18 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAHON, B.A., LL.B., M.P.— (Continued.) "Henry V. and Militarism." Adelaide, 8vo. (a.p.l.) Reprinted from the "Southern Cross," Dec. 20, 1907. GOODGE, W. T. "Hits, Skits and Jingles." Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Co,, Ltd., 1899, pp. 172. Contains, at page 18, two humorous verses cjititl'ed "Who wrote the Shalcespeare plays?" ending as follows: — "For, it would be ridiculous now. If we talked about 'I/amb's Tales of Bacon.' " GRANT, JAMES GORDON STUART. The Circean Cup" (extracts from Anthony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 16, 5|in. x 8^in. "Cupid's Arrows" (extracts from Cymbeline and Romeo and Juliet). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. pp. 16, 5^in. x Sin. "The Elysian Fields" (extracts from Winter's Tale and Measure for Measure) . Dunedin, CouUs & Culling, 1879. 8vo., pp. 16. "The Flowers of Hymettus" (extracts from Merchant of Venice and Cym- beline). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo. pp. 16. "The Fountain of Aganippe" (extracts from De Animi Immortalitate of I. H. Browne, Merry Wives of Windsor and As You Like It). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 16, 5^in. x 8^in. "Hyblean Honeycombs" (extract from Midsummer Night's Dream and De Animi Immortalitate of I. H. Browne). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 16, 5^in. x 8^in. "The Philosopher" (extracts from Hamlet). Dunedin, Coulls & Culling, 1879. 8vo., pp. 16, S^in. x B^in. "The Pierian Spring" (extracts from King Lear, Love's Labour Lost, All's Well That Ends Well). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 10. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 19 GRANT, JAMES GORDON STUART— (Continued.) "The Roman Patrician" (extracts from Coriolanus). Dunedin, Atmospheric Printing Works, 1879. 8vo., pp. II. 3-16. "The Rose of Sharon" (extracts from Othello). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 18. "The Roses of Parnassus" (extracts from Romeo and Juliet and Othello). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 16. "The Scottish Medea" (extracts from Macbeth). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 24. "The Springs of Helicon" (extracts from the Taming of the Shrew and Timon of Athens). Dunedin, J. Mackay, n.d. 8vo., pp. 18. In his Bibliography of the Literature relating to New Zealand Mr. T. M. Hocken refers to J. G. S. Grant as "an eccentric but clever man who hawked his own wares; he was the editor of "The Saturday Review," issued at Dunedin," and died at that city in 1903. None of the above pamphlets are mentioned in the Bibliography, although most of them are to be found in tlie Catalogue of the Hocken Library, Dunedin, 1912. All the above pamphlets are to be found in the Mitchell Library, from which the references have been taken. GULLETT, HENRY (President of Shakespeare Society of N.S.W.). "The Making of Shakespeare and other papers." Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1905. 5|in. x 9in., 8vo., pp. 72. (p.j.m.) Contains the following papers read by the late Hon. Henry Gullett, M.L.C., before the Shakespeare Society of N.S.W.: — "The Making of Shakespeare," "Troilus and Cressida," Shakespeare and Milton," "The Wisdom of Shakespeare," "Shakespeare and the After Life," "Shakes- peare and the Unity of the English Race." "The Study of Shakespeare." Sydney (1906). Sin. x 7^in., pp. 10, and Shakespeare Bibliography, pp. 11 to 14. " (P.J.M.) A paper read before the Shakespeare Society of N.S.W., and re-printed by the Society, with the addition of a bibliography for students, com- piled by H.C.L. Anderson and W. E. Hawkins. HALES QUARTERLY REVIEW. Shakespeare. Article in Hales Quarterly Review. Sydney, November, 1913, at pages 27 to 30. (p.j.m.) HAMLET CONTROVERSY, THE. Was Hamlet Mad? or the lucubrations of Messrs. Smith, Brown, Jones and Robinson, prefaced by the editor of the "Argus." Melbourne, 1867. 8vo., pp. 34. (M.p.l.) 30 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. HARPUR, CHARLES. Poems by. Melbourne, etc., George Robertson & Co., 1883. pp. 321. At pag-es 210 to 215 is a poem entitled "Shakespeare." HARWOOD, MRS. SEPTIMUS, M.A. "Shakespeare Cult in Germany, from the sixteenth century to the present time." Sydney, W. Brooks & Co., Ltd. 8vo., pp. 52, 1907. (p.j.m.)' Originally read before the Shakespeare Society of N.S.W. The preface contains a letter from Professor Dowden, with an illustration of the Shakespeare monument at Weimar. HASLAM, MISS. " Cymbeline-Imogen. " In Proceedings Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. HAWKINS, WILLIAM EDWARD. Shakespeare Bibliography (see under GuUett, Henry). HEARN, H. A. Shakspere, the Life, and the Plays. In Melbourne Review, Vol. 1, No. 4, October, 1876, at pages 458 to 469. Melbourne, 1876. 8vo. (Mit.) A criticism dealing with the authorship problem. HEBBLETHWAITE, JAMES. "Meadow and Bank." Sydney, The Book-fellow, 1911. pp. 98. A book of verses by the Vicar of D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Tasmania. It contains inter alia on page 20 a poem entitled "Perdita," and on page 21 a sonnet entitled "Shakespeare's Tomb." HEBDITCH, J.E. Shakspeare's Clowns. See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. HIGGINS, HON. HENRY BOURNES. "Shakespeare's Aims and Ideals"; being a lecture delivered by Mr Justice Higgins, before the Shakespeare Society of Melbourne on 11th October, 1907. Melbourne, Sands & McDougall (1907). pp. 32, 8vo., 6iin. x 8-l/8in. (Mit.) HOARE, BENJAMIN. "Shakspere's 329th Birthday." In "The Austral Light.'^ Vol. 3, No. 5. May, 1894, at pages 233 to 240. Melbourne, The Catholic Publishing Company, Ltd., 1894. (W.h.h.) A criticism on the life of Shakespeare. The writer incidentally touches on the Baconian theory, and deplores the dramatist's want of spirituality. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 21 HOLMAN, ADA A. My Wander Year, Some Jottings on a Year's Travel. Sydney, W. Brooks & Co., n.d. (Mit.) Contains pages 100 to 106, an article entitled "A Successor to Shake- speare," the successor Is Marie Corelli. IRVING, HENRY BRODRIBB, M.A. "Some thoughts on Hamlet." Sydney, Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 191 L 8vo., S^in. x 8-5 /8in., pp. 25. (P.J.M.) A reprint of a lecture delivered In the Great Hall of the Sydney Uni- versity on July 18th, 1911, by Mr. H, B. Irving, when in Sydney on a thea'trlcal tour. IVE, MRS. ' "Bacon's Bi-literal Cypher." "Cymbeline— The Queen." In Proceedings Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. J.S. "Shakespeare, Not Bacon." Melbourne, 1881. 8vo. (newspaper cutting), pp. 17. (S.p.l.) In his Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy Mr. W. H. Wyman states that this article is by James Smith, and it originally appeared in the "Melbourne Argus" of August 20th, 1881. See under Thomson, W., for reply. JULIUS CAESAR. First printed 1623, for the use of the Sydney Grammar School. MDCCCLX. Sydney, 1860. pp. 124, 12mo., 4^in, x 7in. (p.j.m.) Text only. See also under Rignold, George. KELLY, E. S. See under Macbeth Souvenir. LEPLASTRIER, CONSTANCE MARY. "The Sonnets of Shakespeare." In "The Austral Light" (Melbourne), Volume X. (new series), No. 6, June 1st, 1909, at pages 410 to 419. (Mit.) The author treats of the structure of the sonnets, how far they are autobiographical, the rival poets, their literary value, etc. LEVINSON, BERTRAM ARTHUR. An aspect of Hamlet. In "The Trident," Vol. 1, No. 4, August 15th, 1907, at pages 23 to 24. 22 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA. See under Glynn, P.M. LOUGHRAN, EDWARD BOOTH. "Neath Austral Skies," Poems. Melbourne, Melville Mullen & Slade, 1894. (Mit.) A volume of Poems, on page 53 Is a sonnet entitled, "To Shakspeare Sonnet (for the Benefit of the Baconians)." MACBETH. (Opera), Music by Verdi. Melbourne, 1860. 8vo., pp. 23. (Mit) See also under Piave. See under Rignold, George. MACBETH SOUVENIR. The young American tragedienne, Miss Nance O'Neil as Lady l^Iacbeth. With original music by E. S. Kelly; produced under the direction of Mr. McKee Rankin. Illustrated by S. Allan Melbourne, G. Troedel & Co., n.d. 8vo., pp. VIII. 9-71. (Mit) MacCALLUM, MUNGO LORENZ. "Shakespeare — As You Like It," with introduction and notes. Sydney, Angus & Robertson Ltd., 1914. Crown 8vo., pp. XXVI. and 141. (P.J.M.) A school edition of the play edited by the son of the Professor of Modern Literature at the Sydney University. It contains, introduction pages VI. to XXVI.; Text pages, 3 to 99, and notes 101 to 141. "Shakespeare — ^King Henry V.," with introduction and notes. Sydney, Angus & Robertson Ltd., 1914. Crown 8vo., pp. XXVII. and 190. (Mit.) A school edition of the play, it contains Introduction pages VII. to XXVII. (The date of Composition, Sources of the Play, The Play, The Characters, The Prosody of the Play). The text pages 3 to 119 and notes, pages 121 to 190. "Shakespeare — ^The Tragedy of King Richard II," with introduction and notes. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, Ltd., 1915, Crown 8vo., pp. xxxiii. and 170. (S.P.L.) A school edition of the play, designed to meet the requirements of those preparing for the local examinations. It contains Introduction, pages vii to XXX (Date of Composition, Sources of the Play, Historical Sur- vey, The Play, The Characters, The Prosody of the Play). The Text, pages 3 to 107, and Notes, pages 109 to 170. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 23 MacCALLUM, MUNGO WILLIAM (Professor of Modern Literature at the Sydney University). "Elizabethan Literature." See under "A.H.R." "George Meredith, Poet and Novelist." A public lecture delivered under the auspices of the Sydney University Union on the 12th August, 1892. Sydney, Turner & Henderson, 1892. 6^in. x 4in., pp. 56. (P.j.m.) The writer states, page 55: "You will have observed my frequent appeal to Shakespeare; that was a matter both of choice and necessity. Of necessity, for frequently it was not apparent where else the analogy of which I was in search was to be found. Of choice, for it was my wiish to suggest a comjiarison between Meredith and Shakespeare." McCABE, JOSEPH. "Shakespeare and Goethe. A contrast of Poetic Genius." Melbourne, etc., E. W. Cole, 1913. 4-|in. x 7in., pp. 47. (P.J.m.) A re-print of a lecture delivered in Australia by Mr. McCabe. MAETERLINCK AND SHAKESPEARE. See under "The Trident." MARKS, PERCY JOSEPH. "The Theatre of Shakespeare's Time." In "The Antiquarian Gazette," Melbourne, December 17th, 1910, pages 4 to 9. (Mit.) After the seventh line, from the top of page 6, the following words are omitted, "place for theatrical performances. It was pulled." There are also several other minor typographical errors. MARTIN, ARTHUR PATCHETT. "The Drama as a Fine Art." In the Melbourne Review, Vol. 1, January, 1876, at pages 57 to 66. Melbourne, Samuel Mullen, 1876. Royal 8vo. (Mit.) "Fanshawe, Sketches in Prose and Verse." Melbourne, Walker, May & Co., 1882. 4to., pp. 216. (Mito Contains on pages 213 to 216: "A note on two of Shakespeare's Sonnets." MELBOURNE SHAKSPEREAN SHOW. Ye boke of ye Olde Englisshe Xmas and Shaksperean Show (held in the Town Hall, Melbourne, in aid of Holy Trinity Church, Balaclava). Melbourne, 1884. (m.p.l.) MELBOURNE SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY. Anniversary Meeting, April 23rd, 1885. Melbourne Town Hall, Sylla- bus (with portrait). Melbourne, McCarron, Bird & Co., 1885. 8vo., pp. 7. (Mit.) 24 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. MELBOURNE SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY— (Continued.) The Book of the Melbourne Shakspeare Society, 1884. Melbourne, Stillwell & Co., 1884. 12mo., pp. 24. (Mit.) Contains List of Oflace-bearers, Forewords by the President (Edward E. Morris), List of Members and of Members of the Melbourne University Shaksperean Society, The Rules, The Library Rules and Catalogue, and the Order of the Shakspeare Plays. Book for the year 1912. Melbourne, 1912. pp. 16, 4iin. x a^in. Cf.j.m.) Contains Office-bearers, Syllabus, List of Members, Library Catalogue, etc. Book for the year 1913. Melbourne, 1913. pp 22, 4|in. x 6fin. (P.J.m.) Contains Office-bearers, Syllabus, Annual Report, List of Members, Library Catalogue, Rules, etc. Book for the year 1915. Melbourne, 1915. pp. 18, 4|in. x 6-7/8. (p.j.m.) Contains Office-bearers, Syllabus, Annual Report for 1914, List of Mem- bers, and the Rules. "Juliet and Othello" (see under Browne, E. V.). "Our Debt to Shakspeare" (see under Way, A. S.), "Place of Shakspeare in Elizabethan Drama," see under Oliphant, E. H. C. A Plea for Shylock, see under Turner, H. G. Programme of the sixth anniversary meeting, Melbourne, 1890. 8vo. From the Birmingham Library Catalogue. The Making of a Shakespeare, see under Tucker, T. G. Shakespearian Notes of Travel, see under Phillips, P. D. Shakespeare's Aims and Ideals, see under Higgins, H. B. Shakespeare at Home, see under Symon, J. H. Some of Shakespeare's Women, see under Glynn, P. M. AUSTRALASIAN SHARESPEAREANA. 25 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. By William Shakespeare, with notes. Sydney, Stewart & Co., 470 George St., n.d. 8vo., pp. 88, A^m. x Sin. (Mit.) MOORE, REV. A. M. "Shaksperian Readings," and their Apologists; with Reply to the Rev. T. McKenzie Eraser's attack on the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Geelong, 1868. 8vo., pp. 40. (m.p.l.) MORRIS, EDWARD ELLIS (late Professor of Modern Languages at Mel- bourne University). "Forewords." See under Melbourne Shakspeare Society. "Shakespeare's Politics." See under Adelaide University Shakespeare Journal. MURDOCH, WALTER. "Loose Leaves." Melbourne, etc., G. Robertson & Co. Ppty. Ltd., n.d. 12mo. (Mit) Contains a number of short essays, including one styled "Shakespeare's Nose," pages 59 to 62. NAGEL, CHARLES. Shaksperi Conglommorofunnidogammoniae. A Musical Extravaganza in one act. Sydney, 1843. (m.p.l.) NESBIT, E. P. "Shakspeare and Morality." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. NICHOLLS, ISABELLA S. "The Eldest Son of Queen Elizabeth, and some interesting matters asso- ciated with his life and doings." Sydney, W. Brooks & Co. Ltd., 1913. pp. 73. (S.p.l.) Contains portraits of Queen Elizabeth and Francis Bacon at the age of eighteen. Mrs, Nicholls contends that Francis Bacon wrote the plays, etc., of Shakespeare, and that he was the son of Queen Elizabeth. O'HARA, JOHN BERNARD. "Calypso and other poems." Melbourne, Melville & Mullen, 1912. 8vo. Contains at page 52 a sonnet entitled, "Marlofwe and Shakespeare." 26 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEARE AN A. OLIPHANT, ERNEST HENRY CLARK. "The Place of Shakspeare in Elizabethan Drama." Being the Annual Lecture delivered under the auspices of the Melbourne Shakspeare Society, July, 1914. Melbourne, 1914. pp. 24, 8vo., 5^in. x 8 Jin. (p.j.m.) PHILLIPS, PHILLIP DAVID. "Shakespearian Notes on Travel." Melbourne Shakespeare Society. Melbourne, 1890. 8vo. "A King of Shreds and Patches." Lady Percy and Portia. See under the Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. PIAVE, FRANCESCO MARIA. Verdi's Grand Opera of Macbeth (Libretto). Melbourne, Azzoppardi, Hildreth & Co., 1872. 12mo. 4in. x 6fin., pp. 23. (Mit.) I have indexed this under Piave, as it is catalogued thus in the Mit- chell Library, but the book itself affords no information as to the editor. R.C.C. [RICHARD COLONNA CLOSE.] "Was Bacon Shakespeare?" In the Victorian Review, Vol 3, No. 13, November, 1880, at pages 54 to 70. The Victorian Review Publishing Coy., Limited. Royal 8vo., 1880. (Mit.) A criticism cf Dr. William Thomson's book "On Renascence Drama, or History Made Visible." RIGNOLD, GEORGE. Shakespere's Historical Play of Henry V., as produced and played by the English actor, Mr. George Rignold, at New York Grand Opera House, San Francisco, and principal cities of the United States, for over 400 nights. Sydney, Henry Solomon, 1876. 5fin. x 8in., pp. 68. (Mit.) Contains annotations and notes, and on pages 66 to 68 an article on Heraldry Displayed in Henry V." Shakespere's Historical Play of Henry V., as produced by Mr. George Rignold at Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, Sept. 10th, 1887. Sydney, H. T. Dunn & Co., 1887. 5-|in. x 8|in., pp. 64. (p.j.m.) Contains press reviews and annotations. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 27 RIGNOLD, GEORGE— (Continued.) Shakespeare's Tragedy of Julius Caesar, as arranged for the stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday, August 24th, 1889. Sydney, Marcus & Andrew, 1889. S^in. x 8-Jin., pp. 63. (p.j.m.) With a preface and notes by George Rignold. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Macbeth, as arranged for the stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday, September 6th, 1890. Sydney, Marcus & Andrew, 1890. 5|in. x 8|in., pp. 61, 8vo. With Introduction by Mr. George Rignold. (P.J.M.) Shakespeare's Comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor, as arranged for the stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at the Criterion Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday, April 29th, 1899. Sydney, Edward Lee & Co., 1899. 5^in. x 8|in., pp. 56. (p.j.m.) Shakespeare's Comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor, as arranged for the stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, on November 22nd, 1890. Sydney, W. M. Maclardy, 1890. S^in. x 8^in., pp. 56. (P.j.m.) The Introductory remarks in this edition differ from those in the 1899 edition. Shakespeare's Fairy Comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream, as arranged for the Stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, on Tuesday, December 24th, 1889. Sydney, .W. M. Maclardy, 1889. 5^in. x 8iin., pp. 50. (p.j.m.) With Introduction and Notes. Shakespeare's Othello, as arranged for the stage by George Rignold, and produced by him at The Criterion Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday, March 25th, 1899. Sydney, Edward Lee & Co., 1899. Siin. x Sjin., pp. VIII. and 52. (P.j.m.) ROBERTSON, DUNCAN STRUAN. "Remarks on some difficulties of Text and Interpretation of the Merchant of Venice." See under A.H.R. ROBIN, C. ERNEST. "A Scribbler's Note-book." Sydney, McCredie & Phillip, 1893. 5in. x 7in., pp. 46. (Mit.) Contains, inter alia, "Incidental Characters of Shakespeare I., Reminis- cental," pages S to 14, and "II. Contemporaneous," pages 36 to 40, re- printed from Sydney "Morning Herald," and "The Argument for Ham- let's Sanity," pages 19 to 26. 28 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. ROBIN, P. ANSELL. "Midsummer Night's Dream." See under A,H.R, ROE, R. H. "The Minor Dramatists before Shakespeare." See under A.H.R. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. "Lecture on the Character of Falstaff," delivered at Melbourne in aid of the fund by which, on the 23rd August, 1864, three hundred years after Shakespeare's birth, the Shakespeare Scholarship was established in the Melbourne University. Melbourne, Stillwell & Knight, 1870. 8vo., pp 27. (Mit.) William Shakespeare, his life, his works, and his teaching." Melbourne. Melville & Mullen, 1903. Royal 8vo., pp VI. (2) 410, 6in. X 9jin. (P.J.M.) Contains chapters on Shakespeare at Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare in London, Shakespeare's Religion and Teaching, Refutation of Baconian Authorship, Classical Training in Shakespeare's Time, List of the Plays, and an Index. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER (Dean of Adelaide). "Caliban." See under Adelaide University Shakspeare Journal. RYAN, JAMES SYLVESTER (Narranghi Boori). "Splinters on the Wall," and other verses. Sydney, 1909. 8vo., 5|in. x 8^in., pp. 64. (P.j.m.) Contains, inter alia, poems on "Merchant of Venice," page 52, "Hamlet," page 53, and "Romeo and Juliet," page 54. SHAKESPEARE BALL (SYDNEY). Programme, order of pageants, list of characters, etc, at the Ball held at the Sydney Town Hall, May 22nd, 1913, in aid of the N.S.W. Tercenten- ary Memorial Fund. Sydney, John Sands, 1913. pp. 16, fanshape. (p.j.m.) SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL, 1914 (Town Hall, Sydney, April 22-25). The Programme and Particulars of the Festival held at the Town Hall, Sydney, April 22 to 25th, 1914, in aid of the N.S. Wales Tercentenary Memorial Fund. Sydney, 1914. pp. 32, illustrated, 6in. x 9in. (p.j.m.) SHAKESPEARE ON WHIST. The Whist Player's Guide, Philosopher and Friend, edited by a member of The Drayton Whist Club. Melbourne, n.d., 32mo. (W.h.h.) AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 29 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Annual Reports first to tenth (inclusive), and twelfth to fourteenth. Sydney, 1901-1914, pp. 4, each The Eleventh Annual Report was not printed. Programme for Annual Conversazione. April 25th, 1904, in Sydney University Hall. Sydney, 1904. pp. 3, 7in. x S^in. Programme for Annual Conversazione. May 18th, 1905, in Sydney University Hall. Sydney, 1905. pp. 3, 7in. x 8|in. The Making of Shakespeare and other Papers (see Gullett, H.). The Study of Shakespeare (see Gullett, H.). Shakespeare and the Healing Art (see Dickinson, E. E.). Shakespeare Cult in Germany, from the sixteenth century to the present time (see Harwood, Mrs. S.). SHAKESPEARE TERCENTENARY MEMORIAL FUND, N.S. WALES. Sydney, 1913. pp. 7, 6iin. x 4-3/8in. A booklet containing names of executive committee, objective and "A Call on our Patriotism," by W. Farmer Whyte. (P.J.M.) See also under "Shakespeare Ball" and "Shakespeare Festival, 1914." SHAW, JOHN H., LL.B. "Shakespeare's Idea in Macbeth and Hamlet." In the New Zealand Magazine, No. 5, January, 1877, at pages 22 to 36. Dunedin. Daily Times Office, roy. 8vo., 1877. (Mit.) SHIELDS, R. A. Shakespeare in The Public Schools. In the "Sydney Mail," August 13th, 1913. SHORT, J. P. "Romeo and Juliet." "What Banquo gave to Fleance." See under Adelaide University Shakepeare Journal. 30 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. SHYLOCK WHITEWASHED. A criticism of Mr. Gyles Turner's "Plea for Shylock." In *"The Trident," vol. 1, No. 6, October ISth, 1907, at pages 47 to 48. SMITH, JAMES. "William Shakespeare." In the Victorian Review, vol. 2, No. 12, October 1st, 1880, at pages 810 to 826. Melbourne, The Victorian Review Publishing Company Limited, Royal, 8vo., 1880. (Mit) "Shakespeare and the Rabble." In "Centennial Magazine" (Sydney), August 1st, 1888, pp. 9 to 11. "Shakespeare not Bacon." See under J.S. "An Italian View of Hamlet." See Proceedings Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. SMITH, W. RAMSAY, M.D., D.Sc, Etc. "Shakespeare and the Physician." Adelaide, R. E. E. Rogers, n.d., 8vo., pp. 4. 5fin. x 9in. (Mit.) A paper read at the meeting of the Poetry Recital Society, May 4th, 1914. SPRINGTHORPE, JOHN WILLIAM. "A Perfect Woman (Rosalind)." A paper read before the Melbourne Shakspeare Society, November, 1884. Melbourne, 1897. 8vo. pp. 21. (m.p.l.) (STEPHENS, WILLIAM JOHN) Late Professor of Natural History at Sydney University. "The Fatal Ambition," being an adaptation of Macbeth to the service of the Young. Sydney. F. Cunningham & Co., 1876. 8vo., pp. (4) 55. (Mit) STEVENS, BERTRAM. "The Discovery of Shakespeare." In "The Sydney Bulletin," April 7th, 1910. "Shakespeare or In "The Sydney Bulletin," July 8th, 1909. STEVENS, EDWARD. "Julius Caesar." In proceedings of The Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 31 STRONG, ARCHIBALD T. "Peradventure, A Book of Essays in Literary Criticism." Melbourne. Thomas C. Lothian, 1911. pp. XIII. and 163. 6;iin. x Sin. (Mit.) Contains amongst "Elizabethan Essays," the following: — "Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds," pages 118 to 125, "The Two PalstafEs," pages 126 to 132, "The Melancholy Jaques," pages 1S3 to 139, "The Eliza- bethan Gull," pages 140 to 150. "SYDNEY MAIL." Shakespeare as an Inspiration to the Caricaturist. (Illustrated.) In the ''Sydney Mail," April 22nd, 1914. See also under Shields, R. A. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. "Shakespeare et son temps, etude litteraire par M. Guizot, Paris, 1852." Sydney University Magazine No. 1, January, 1855, on pp. 1 to 24, Sydney, 1855. 8vo. (Mit.) A review in English of M. Guizot's work. SYMON, HON. SIR JOSIAH HENRY, K.C.M.G., K.C. "Shakespeare at Home." Adelaide. Hussey and Gillingham, 1905. pp. 124, 8vo. 5^in. x S^in. (P.J.M.) An enlargement of a lecture delivered before the Melbourne Shake- speare Society. "Shakespeare Quotation," a lecture delivered before the Adelaide Univer- sity Shakspeare Society, at Adelaide, South Australia. Stirling (S.A.) E. Mackay, 1901. pp. 63, 8vo. 5^in. x 8^in. (p.j.m.) TAGG, WILLIAM. "Shakspere's Memorial," undertaken with a view to popularise Shaksperian Literature amongst all classes. Melbourne. J. J. Blundell & Co., 1861. 12mo., pp VI. and 135, 12mo. (S.P.L.) TAYLOR, CHARLES F. "Summer Dreamings, A Poem" (on Shakspear's Midsummer Night's Dream) . Melbourne. Ferguson and Moore, 1872. pp. 62, 8vo. (Mit.) Originally composed for the Shakspear Scholarship of 1871 on the subject of a Midsummer Night's Dream. T. D. P. S. "The Fatal Ambition." See under Stephens, William John. 32 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. THOMSON, WILLIAM. "A Minute Among the Amenities." Melbourne, 1883. 8vo., pp. 24. I From Catalogue of Birmingham Public Library. I have not been able to see a copy. Mr. W. H. Wyman, in his Bacon-Shakespeare Bttflio- graphy, refers to this pamphlet, and states that the "amenities " in it are undiscoverable. It is a reply to the press criticism on the author's previous books, and was Dr. Thomson's last work. Bacon and Shakespeare on Vivisection. In reply to Dean Plumptre. Controversies in religion hinder the progress of science. Melbourne. Sands and McDougall, 1881. 8vo., pp. 39. (M.p.l.) Bacon, not Shakespeare, in rejoinder to the "Shakespeare not Bacon," by J.S. Melbourne. Sands and McDougall, 1881. 8vo., pp. 16. (S.p.l.) The Political Allegories in the Renascence Drama of Francis Bacon. Melbourne, 1882. 8vo., pp. 46. (S.p.l.) Political purpose of the Renascence Drama; the key to the argument by Cerimon (i.e., W.T.). Melbourne. George Robertson, 1878. 8vo., pp. (XII.) 57. (A.P.L.) "William Shakespeare in Romance and Reality." Melbourne. Sands & McDougall, 1881. 8vo. 5-5/8in. x 8fin. pp. 95. (P.J.M) The author contends that the real author of the plays was Bacon, and that "Shakespeare stood vow sibman to Francis Bacon's plays, their godsip or gossip," page 90. "On Renascence Drama, or History made Visible." Melbourne. Sands & McDougall, 1880. 8vo., Siin. x S^in. pp. 359. (P.J.M.) Written in support of the theory that Bacon was the author of the plays. The titles of the chapters are as follows: — How and Why the Plays Were Written, Early Life of F. Bacon, Concealed Motive, The Plays Politically Grouped, Romeo and Juliet, The Sonnets, The Manu- script Mystery, Unoccupied Time, Julius Caesar, Coriolanus, King Henry VIII., The Tempest, Timon of Athens, Summary of Proofs, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Othello. At page 19 the writer states: "In affirming that the various plays forming that grand body of dramatic literature were from time to time composed by Francis Baoon, for no commercial uses, nor ephemeral entertainment, but alone as opportune illustrations of a universal scheme of social and political philosophy, cojnplete though never claimed, the preliminary query might be put by the in- credulous thus: Could Bacon alter his style, and adapt his phrase to suit the character of any work to which he chose to direct his gigantic powers," which query the writer answers in the affirmative. For a criticism on this book see under R. C. C. AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. 33 TITHERADGE, GEORGE S. Representation of Shakespeare's Roman Plays. See under "Bookfellow.^' TOPP, SAMUEL ST. JOHN. "Shakespeare's Knowledge of the Classics." In ''Melbourne Review," Vol 3, No. 12, October 1878, pages 391 to 417. Melbourne, 1878. 8vo. (Mit.) TRAVERS, S. SMITH. "The Non-Personality of Shakespeare." In the "Victorian Review," Vol. 3, No. 14. December 1st, 1880, at pages 253 to 258. Melbourne. The Victorian Review Publishing Company Limited. Royal 8vo. 1880. (Mit.) "Shakespeare's Sonnets, to whom were they addressed?" Hobart, Davies Bros., 1881, pp 24, 8vo. 5|in. x 9in. (Mit.) A reprint, pages 5 to 21, of the article "The Non-personality of Shake- speare" in The Victorian Review (see above), to which is added pages 1 to 5, a preface and an appendix, pages 22 to 24. "The first seventeen sonnets make the marriage of his son their object." THE TRIDENT. A Journal of Modern Languages and Literature. "An aspect of Hamlet," by B. A. Levinson. In Vol. 1, No. 4. August 15th, 1907, at pages 23 to 24. "Maeterlinck and Shakespeare." In Vol. 1, No. 3. July 15th, 1907, at pages 15 and 18. "Shylock Whitewashed." In Vol. 1, No. 6. October 15th, 1907, at pages 47 to 48. A criticism of Mr. Gyles Turner's "A Plea for Shylock." Melbourne, 1907. (Mit.) TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE, Litt. D. "The Making of a Shakespeare." An address delivered by invitation of the Melbourne University Shakespeare Society. Melbourne, 1906. 8vo., 6in. x 7^in. pp. 29. (P.j.m.) A lecture by the Professor of Classical Philosophy in the University of Melbourne. "The Making of a Shakespeare." (Nugget Booklets, No. 10). Melbourne. T. C. Lothian, 1908. 18mo., 4|in. x S^in. pp. 48. A reprint of the above. (Mit.) This address is included in the book published in 1914, entitled, "Plat- form Monologues," Melbourne. T. C, Lothian, pages 147 to 190. » • ^ • ■ 34 AUSTRALASIAN SHAKESPEAREANA. TURNER, HENRY GYLES. "An Apology for Shylock." See under Proceedings Adelaide University Shakspeare Society. "A Plea for Shylock." Fitzroy (Melbourne), 1907. 4^in. x 5|in. pp. 30. (p.j.m.) Originally written for and delivered at the Shakespeare Society, 7th Nov. 1902. Considerably added to and delivered at Essendon Literary Society 9th May, 1906, Australian Church Guild, 17th May, 1906. Re- vised with further large additions for the Maccabean Union, Published for the Maccabean Union (Melbourne). WALL, ARNOLD (Professor). "Representation of Shakespeare's Roman Plays." See under "Bookfellow." WAY, A. S. "Our Debt to Shakspeare." Melbourne (1888), n.d., 8vo. (w.h.h.) A poetical address at the anniversary meeting of the Melbourne Shakspeare Society, 23rd April, 1888. WHARTON, J. C. "The University Shakespeare Journal," edited by J. C. Wharton. Adelaide. W. K. Thomas & Co., 1886-7. 8vo. See under Adelaide University Shakespeare Journal. "A Shakespeare Cypher." ^'Local Colouring in Shakespeare." "Shakespeare and Morality." "Third Murderer in Macbeth." See under Adelaide University Shakespeare Journal. WILLETTS, ADA. Shakspeare's Thoughts on Music. Ballarat, duo, 1889. Catalogued In Birmingham Library, I have not been able to see a copy. It is apparently not in the Sydney or Melbourne Libraries or other institutions I have had access to. WILSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. "Short Studies in Shakespeare." Dunedin. Whitcombe & Tombs, Limited, 1898. 4vo. pp. 184. (Mlt.) A series of "Studies," written by the Rector of the Otago Boys' High School, Dunedin, originally addressed to the members of the Dunedin Shakespeare Club, of which the writer was President. The chapters are headed: The Shakespeare Miracle, Hamlet, FalstafC, lago, Shylock, Cali- ban, Macbeth, Richard III., Julius Caesar, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, Henry "VIII., Shakespeare's Women, Winter's Tale, B'eatrice and Benedick, Malvolio, Shakespeare's Asses. % UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY