Number 9 Price 50 cents 
 By Clarence Jay West 
 Director Information Department, Arthur D. Little, Inc. 
 Washington, D. C., April, 1920
 Announcement Concerning Publications 
 of the 
 National Research Council 
 The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 
 has been designated as the official organ of the National Research 
 Council for the publication of accounts of research, committee and 
 other reports, and minutes. 
 Subscription rate for the "Proceedings" is $5 per year. Business 
 address: Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Smith- 
 sonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 
 The Bulletin of the National Research Council 
 presents contributions from the National Research Council, other 
 than proceedings, for which hitherto no appropriate agencies of 
 publication have existed. 
 The "Bulletin" is published at irregular intervals. The sub- 
 scription price, postpaid, is $5 per volume of approximately 500 
 pages Numbers of the "Bulletin" are sold separately at prices 
 based upon the cost of manufacture (for list of bulletins see third 
 cover page). 
 The Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research 
 renders available for purchase, at prices dependent upon the cost 
 of manufacture, papers published or printed by or for the National 
 Research Council (for list of reprints and circulars see third covei 
 Orders for the "Bulletin" or the "Reprints and Circulars" of the 
 National Research Council, accompanied by remittance, should be 
 addressed: Publication Office, National Research Council, 1201 
 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C.
 Introduction 2 
 Scientific research 3 
 Industrial research 17 
 The service of the chemist to industry , . . 36 
 General 36 
 Relation to the municipality 37 
 Relation to engineering 37 
 Electrochemical industry 37 
 Metallurgy 37 
 Photography 38 
 Foods 38 
 Fertilizers 39 
 Fermentation 39 
 Pharmacy 39 
 Glass 39 
 Cement 39 
 Fuels 39 
 Asphalts 40 
 Cellulose 40 
 Explosives 40 
 Dyes 40 
 Textiles 40 
 Paints, turpentine, etc 41 
 Soap 41 
 Sugar 41 
 Leather 41 
 Rubber 41 
 Miscellaneous 41 
 Abbreviations used 41
 The interest in research is evidenced by the number of articles 
 listed in the following pages. The popular classification into 
 'scientific' and 'industrial' research has been adopted, though 
 the distinction between the two is far from being a sharp one. 
 Industrial research is simply the application of established scien- 
 tific principles and fundamentals to industry. The broader the 
 scientific training of an industrial research worker, the greater are 
 his chances for success in his chosen field of application. 
 The recent years have focused attention upon the value of research, 
 pure and applied. The purpose of the following list is to invite 
 the men who are already in the field and those about to engage in 
 research to read, not only that they may learn of the results achieved 
 by science but also that they may find the true spirit of research 
 and realize the opportunity which opens up all around them to 
 contribute to the betterment of the world in which they live.
 Agricultural education and research. Nature, 75, 394-396 (Feb. 21, 1907). 
 Agricultural research in Australia. Advisory Council of Science and 
 Industry, Australia. Bulletin No. 7. 1918. 182 pp. 
 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Rumford fund of the 
 Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Academy, Boston. 1905. 32 
 Ames, J. S. The trained man of science in the war. Science, 48, 401-410 
 (Oct. 25, 1918). 
 Annual report of the Indian Board of Scientific Advice, 1916-1917. 
 Appleton, C. E. Endowment of scientific research. Fortn., 22, 519 
 . Research as a form of productive expenditure. Essays on the 
 Endowment of Research, 86. 
 Armstrong, Henry E. The place of research in education. Nature, 51, 
 463 (1894); Science Progress, 4, No. 23; Smithsonian Institution, 
 Annual Report, 1895, 743-758. Also issued as a separate by the 
 Institution, 1896. 
 . Scientific education and research. Nature, 50, 211 (1894); 
 Pop. Sci. Mo., 45, 630 (1894). 
 Arthur, J. C. Research as a university function. Science, 49, 387-391 
 (Apr. 25, 1919). 
 Balfour on scientific research. Nature, 61, 395 (1899). 
 Bauer, L. A. Instruments and methods of research. Chem. News, 100, 
 55-59, 62-64 (1909); Pop. Sci. Mo., 74, 184-201 (Feb., 1909) ; Nature, 
 79, 473^77 (Feb. 18, 1909). 
 Beal, G. D. Chemistry's opportunity in pharmaceutical research. J. 
 Am. Pharm. Assn., 8, 260-267 (1919). 
 Bechhold, H. Institute for research on colloids of the "Neuberg Founda- 
 tion." Kolloid-Z., 22, 44-46 (1918). 
 Bogert, M. T. Especial value of research in pure chemistry. Science, 
 42, 737-746 (Nov. 26, 1915). 
 . Function of chemistry in the conservation of our natural re- 
 sources. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 31, 125-154 (1909). 
 . National Research Council and its chemistry committee. J. 
 Am. Chem. Soc., 39, 841-855 (1917); Mech. Eng., 39, 651-652 (1917). 
 Bone, W. A. Government scheme for the organization and development 
 of scientific and industrial research. Nature, 96, 259-260 (Nov. 4, 
 Branner, J. C. Some of the scientific problems and duties at our doors. 
 Science, 45, 417-424 (May 4, 1917). 
 British association and scientific research. Science, 36, 472 (Oct. 11, 1912) . 
 British committee for scientific and industrial research. Science, 45, 
 570-571 (Oct. 20, 1916). 
 British committee for scientific and industrial research. Report for 1916- 
 1917. Science, 46, 534-535 (Nov. 30, 1917). 
 British government grants for scientific research. Science, 45, 378-379 
 (Apr. 20, 1917). 
 (British) Government scheme for organizing and developing research. 
 J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 34, 783 (1915).
 British National Physical Laboratory. Science, 48, 284-287 (Sept. 20, 
 Brodie, B. C. Scientific research and university endowments. Nature, 
 7, 97 (1872). 
 Brown, Addison. Endowment of scientific research. Nature, 51, 164, 
 186 (1894). 
 . Endowment for scientific research and publication. Separate 
 issued by the Smithsonian Institution, 1893. 
 Browne, F. C. Predicament of scholarship in America and one solution. 
 Science, 39, 587-595 (Apr. 24, 1914). 
 Buckmaster, C. A. State aid for science. Nature, 94, 547-553 (Jan. 14, 
 Bumpus, H. C. Importance of extended scientific investigations. United 
 States Fisheries Bureau, 1898. 
 Burgess, George. Science and the after-war period. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 
 9, 57-70 (1919); Sci. Monthly, 8, 97-108 (1919). 
 Burnie, W. B. Technical school research. Electrician, 75, 849-850 
 Burnside, Helen W. The Hodgkins fund of the Smithsonian Institution. 
 Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 45, 168-174 (1903). 
 Bushmore, D. R. Industrial corporation and scientific research. Proc. 
 Am. Min. Congr., 1913. 
 Campbell-Swinton, A. A. Science and its functions. Electrician, 80, 
 314-315 (1917) ; Nature, 100, 294-298 (1917). 
 Cannon, W. B. Career of the investigator. Science, 34, 65-72 (July 21, 
 1911); Sci. Am. S., 72, 182-183 (Sept. 16, 1911). 
 Carmichael, R. D. Individuality in research. Sci. Monthly, 9, 514-525 
 (Dec., 1919). 
 Carnegie Institution of Washington. The Carnegie Institution of Wash- 
 ington Scope and organization. Washington, D. C. 1915. 45 pp. 
 Carnegie Institution of Washington and scientific research. Nature, 95, 
 220-222 (Apr. 22, 1915). 
 Castle, W. E. Research establishments and the universities. Science, 
 40, 447-448 (Sept. 25, 1915). 
 Cattell, J. M. Report on grants for research. Science, 45, 452-455 
 (May 11, 1917). 
 . Scientific research and Sigma Xi. Science, 41, 729-732 (May 
 14, 1915). 
 Cawthorne institute for scientific research. Science, 48, 386-387 (Oct. 
 18, 1918). 
 Chamberlain, A. F. Endowment of men and women, a check to the 
 institutional exploitation of genius. Science, 30, 754-759 (Nov. 26, 
 Chemical research and the state. Nature, 103, 247-248 (May 29, 1919). 
 Chubb, J. W. British national physical laboratory. Ind. Management, 
 54, 420^426 (Dec., 1917). 
 Claims of science on the nation. Electrician, 62, 614 (1909). 
 Clark, A. H. Research and the United States pharmacopeia. J. Am. 
 Pharm. Assn., 8, 13-16 (1919). 
 Clark, H. H. Motive for scientific research. Pop. Sci. Mo., 47, 501 
 Clarke, F. W. Interrelation of pure and applied chemistry. Science, 
 43, 257-263 (Feb. 25, 1916). 
 . Relations of abstract research to practical invention. Pop. Sci. 
 Mo., 39, 540 (1891). 
 Clerk, D. Discovery and invention. Engineer, 124, 514-515 (Dec. 14, 
 Cockerell, T. D. A. Teaching and research. Science, 40, 891-892 (Dec. 
 18, 1914). 
 Commercial value of scientific research. Practical Magazine, 6, 348 
 Committee of one hundred on scientific research of the American Associa- 
 tion for the Advancement of Science. Science, 39, 681-682 (May 8, 
 1914); 41, 315-320 (Feb. 28, 1915). 
 Commonwealth club of California. Scientific research. 1917. 
 Conduct of cientific research work under the United States government. 
 Science, 29, 217-220 (1909). 
 Conference on the organization of research in England. Science, 50, 
 299-300 (Sept. 26, 1919). 
 Cooperation in scientific research. Nature, 96, 279-280 (Nov. 11, 1915). 
 Coordination of research. Nature, 97, 370-372 (Dec. 6, 1917). 
 Cottrell, F. G. The research corporation. Orig. Com. 8th. Intern. 
 Congr. Appl. Chem., 24, 59-69 (1912). 
 Coulter, J. M. Our universities. Science, 43, 810-812 (June 9, 1916). 
 . Public interest in research. Pop. Sci. Mo., 67, 306-312 (1905); 
 Cur. Lit., 39, 299-300 (Sept., 1905). 
 Crawley, A. E. France and the advancement of science. Nature, 88, 
 317-318 (Jan. 4, 1912). 
 . Research in India. Nature, 75, 41 (Nov. 8, 1906). 
 Creighton, M. Endowment of scientific research. Macmillian's Maga- 
 zine, 34, 186 (1876). 
 Cross, C. R. Grants for scientific research. Science, 43, 680-681 (May 
 12, 1916); 44, 50-51, 229-232 (July 14, Aug. 18, 1916). 
 Dammann, Kent. Question of the organization of chemical literature. 
 Z. angew. Chem., 25, 1614-1623. 
 Dana, Edward S. A century of science in America. New Haven. 458 
 De Clercq, G. Technics and science. Chem. Weekblad, 15, 1530-1545 
 Decline of the university in scientific research. Sci. Am., 102, 370 (May 
 7, 1910). 
 Donaldson, H. H. Aspects of the endowment of research. Science, 23, 
 282-286 (Feb. 23, 1906). 
 . Research foundations in their relation to medicine. Science, 
 36, 65-74 (July 19, 1912). 
 Donnan, F. G. Chemical science and civilization. Nature, 97, 370-372 
 (June 29, 1916). 
 Dreaper, W. P. Chemical research. Chem. World, 1, 27-29, 60-62, 
 93-96, 129-130, 177-178, 203-204, 245-246, 281-282, 315-316, 
 352-353, 381-382 (1912). 
 . Instruction in methods of research. Nature, 85, 73 (Nov. 17, 
 Introduction to chemical research. Philadelphia. 
 Duncan, Robert K. Some chemical problems of to-day. 1911. 254pp. 
 Dunstan, W. R. Some imperial aspects of applied chemistry. Bull. 
 Imp. Inst., 4, 310-329 (1906). 
 Education and research in the United States. J. Textile Inst., 9, 48-50, 
 100-103, 115-117 (1918). 
 Efficiency of scientific research. Edtic. Rev., 40, 410-414 (Nov., 1910). 
 Eigenmann, C. H. Smithsonian Institution and research. Science, 24, 
 553-556 (Nov. 2, 1906). 
 Elliot, C. W. Character of the scientific investigator. Educ. Rev., 32, 
 157-164 (Sept., 1906). 
 . Medical research. Science, 24, 13-18 (July 6, 1906). 
 Encouragement of research by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 
 Nature, 93, 309-311 (May 21, 1914). 
 Encouragement of scientific research. J. Sci., 13, 467 (1869). 
 Encouragement of scientific research. Liv. Age, 302, 250-253 (July 26, 
 Endowed research. Outlook, 78, 1012-1013 (Dec. 24, 1904). 
 Endowment of scientific research. Nature, 11, 1 (1874). 
 Essays on the endowment of research. H. S. King, London. 1876. 
 278 pp. 
 Esterly, C. O. Field research and laboratory experiment. Univ. of 
 California, 1917. 
 Evans, P. N. Place of research in undergraduate schools. Science, 33, 
 402-411 (Mar. 17, 1911). 
 Eve, A. S. Research work at McGill University. Nature, 74, 272-275 
 (July 19, 1908). 
 Evolution of the Lynite laboratories. Iron Age, 104, 149-154 (1919). 
 Fairchild, D. Plea to make the Smithsonian Institution a national 
 institute of research. Science, 23, 876-877 (June 8, 1906). 
 Federal aid for research. Sci. Am., 120, 58 (Jan. 18, 1919). 
 Fischelis, Robert P. The chemical laboratory as a public factor. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 11, 929-930 (1919). 
 Fischer, Emil. Chemical research and national welfare. 1912. 80 pp. 
 Fisheries and scientific research. Nature, 103, 385-386 (July 17, 1919). 
 Fleming, J. A. Organization of scientific research. Electrician, 76, 
 710-712 (1916). 
 . Place of research in education. J. Roy. Soc. Arts, 64, 567-573 
 (June 23, 1916). 
 Science in the war and after the war. Engineer, 120, 336-337 
 (Oct. 8, 1915); Sci. Am. S., 80, 338-339 (Nov. 27, 1915). 
 Forster, M. State and research. Nineteenth Century and After, 55, 
 741-751 (May, 1904). 
 Gay, F. P. Specialization and research in the medical sciences. Science, 
 45, 25-33 (Jan. 12, 1917). 
 Gilbert, G. K. Special process of research. Am. J. Sci., 133, 452 (1886). 
 Gillett, H. W. The chemist and scientific management. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 5, 593-601 (1913). 
 Glazebrook, R. R. Aims of the National Physical Laboratory of Great 
 Britain. Pop. Sci. Mo., 60, 124-144 (Dec., 1901).
 Goler, Geo. W. Debt of preventive medicine to chemistry. J. Ind. 
 Eng. Chem., 10, 303-305 (1918). 
 Goode, G. B. Relation of scientific research to economic research. United 
 States Fisheries Bureau, 1894. 
 Gove, G. Promotion of scientific research. Fortn., 20, 505 (1873). 
 Government aid to scientific research. Nature, 14, 185 (1876). 
 Government and chemical research. Nature, 95, 295-296 (May 13, 1915). 
 Grants for scientific investigation and university work. Nature, 95, 
 690-692 (Aug. 19, 1915). 
 Gray, A. Research fellowships. Nature, 58, 600 (1898). 
 Greene, A. M. Condition of research in the United States. Mech. 
 Eng., 41, 587-592 (1919). 
 Gregory, R. A. Discovery, or the spirit and service of science. London. 
 . Practical purpose of scientific research. Living Age, 289, 
 286-294 (Apr. 29, 1916). 
 Service of science. Nature, 94, 284-286 (Nov. 12, 1914). 
 Grignard, V. The collaboration of science and industry. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 10, 137-138 (1918). 
 Hadfield, R. Unsolved problems. Sci. Am., 61, 25461-25462 (June 16, 
 Hadley, Arthur T. Facilities for study and research in the offices of the 
 United States government at Washington. U. S. Bureau of Educa- 
 tion. Bulletin No. 1. 1909. 
 . Research and teaching. Science, 40, 853-855 (Dec. 11, 1914). 
 . Research professors relieved from instruction. Educ. Rev., 31, 
 325-332 (Apr., 1906). 
 Hale, George E. National academies and the progress of research. 
 Science, 38, 681-698 (Nov. 14, 1913) ; 39, 189-200 (Feb. 6, 1914) ; 40, 
 907-919 (Dec. 25, 1914); 41, 12-23 (Jan. 1, 1915). 
 . National Research Council. Science, 44, 264-266 (Aug. 25, 
 . National value of scientific research. Tech. Rev., Nov., 1916. 
 . Purpose of the National Research Council. Bulletin, National 
 Research Council, 1, Part 1, 1-7 (1919). 
 . Responsibilities of the scientist. Science, 50, 143-146 (Aug. 
 15, 1919); Throop College Bull., 38, 17-24 (July, 1919). 
 War achievements of the National Research Council. Proc. 
 Am. Inst. E. E., 37, 909-934 (1918). 
 Hamilton, R. Endowment of research. Trans. Soc. Sci., London, 1882, 
 Harkins, W. D. Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur physikalische Chemie und 
 Elektrochemie. Science, 34, 595-597 (Nov. 3, 1911). 
 Harris, D. F. The man of science after the war. Sci. Mo., 7, 320-325 
 (Oct., 1918). 
 Harwood, W. S. Mastery of the earth. Am. Mag., 61, 123-133 (Dec., 
 Hayes, E. Women and scientific research. Science, 32, 864-866 (Dec. 
 16, 1910). 
 Haynes, W. Chemist, teacher and manufacturer. Nation, 107, 797-799 
 (Dec. 28, 1918).
 Heath, Frank. The government and the organization of scientific research. 
 J. Roy. Soc. Arts, 67, 206-219 (1919); Chem. News, 118, 134-137 
 . Scientific research in the United Kingdom. Science and Indus- 
 try, 1, 437-440 (Nov., 1919). 
 Hele-Shaw, H. S. Scientific organization. Electrician, 75, 851-856 
 Hesse, B. C. Doing our bit. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 9, 1128-1133 (1917). 
 . Our preparation for after the war. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 10, 
 881-887 (1918). 
 Hibben, J. G. Paradox of research. No. Am., 188, 425-431 (Sept., 1908). 
 Hibbert, Harold. The art of searching chemical literature. Chem. Met. 
 Eng., 20, 578-581 (1919). 
 Hogben, G., and Thomson, J. A. The organization of scientific and 
 industrial research. Nature, 101, 155-158 (1918). 
 Hopkins, N. M. The outlook for research. J. Eng. Club, Philadelphia, 
 36, 309-316 (Aug., 1919). 
 . The outlook for research and invention. Van Nostrand. 1919. 
 241 pp., 
 Howe, H. E. Organization of scientific and industrial research, at home 
 and abroad. Bulletin National Research Council, 1, Part 1, 21-43 
 (Oct., 1919). 
 Hutchinson, C. T. National Research Council. Science, 44, 559 (Oct. 
 20, 1916). 
 Huxley, T. H. Analogy in scientific research. Nineteenth Century, 7, 
 929 (1879). 
 Illingworth, S. R.' Cooperation of science and industry. Nature, 94, 
 196-197 (Oct. 22, 1914). 
 Inauguration of the work of the National Research Council. Nation, 
 103, 369 (Oct. 19,. 1916). 
 Industrial scientific research. Nature, 96, 371-372 (Dec. 2, 1915). 
 Institute for physical and chemical research for Japan. Nature, 102, 
 294-295 (1918) ; Science, 49, 65-66 (Jan. 17, 1919). 
 Interallied Conference of Chemistry and the International Council of 
 Research. Can. Chem. J., 4, 48-50 (1920). 
 Interpreting restricted researches. Eng. Rec., 68, 336-337 (Oct. 4, 1913). 
 Jackson, C. M. Obstacles to research. Science, 42, 819-823 (Dec. 10, 
 Jackson, F. W. The accountancy of chemical research. Chem. Trade 
 J., 63, 267-268 (1918). 
 Jacobson, C. A. Industrial preparedness for peace. Sci. Am., 115, 80 
 (July 22, 1916). 
 . Importance of scientific research to t;he industries. Science, 44, 
 456-459 (Sept. 29, 1916). 
 . Need for a large government institution for chemical research. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 70-72 (Jan., 1916). 
 Some aspects of scientific research. Science, 42, 598-605 (Oct. 
 29, 1915). 
 Jones, L. R. Plea for closer interrelations in our work. Science, 38, 1-6 
 (July 4, 1913).
 Jordan, D. C. Work of research. Pop. Sci. Mo., 84, 3Q4-315 (Feb., 
 Jordan, D. S. To what extent should the university investigator be 
 freed from teaching. Science, 24, 129-145 (Aug. 3, 1906). 
 Jordan, W. H. Future of agricultural education and research in the 
 United States. Science, 47, 125-134 (Feb. 8, 1918). 
 Judson, H. P. Idea of research. Univ. Chicago Mag., 4, 14-18 (Nov., 
 Juritz, C. F. Scientific research and national prosperity. Nature, 102, 
 55-59 (1918). 
 Kalmus, H. T. Conservation and research economies secured by 
 scientific investigations. Sci. Am. S., 75, 114-115 (Feb. 22, 1913). 
 Karapetoff, V. Factors to consider in developing research. Elec. World, 
 70, 964 (1917). 
 Kennelley, A. E. Scientific research in the engineering schools. Elec. 
 W., 75, 150-151 (1920). 
 Keyser, C. J. Research in American universities. Bookman, 23, 330- 
 334 (May, 1906). 
 Labor advocates scientific research. Eng. News, 82, 1283 (June 26, 1919). 
 Labor and scientific research. Nature, 103, 425 (July 31, 1919); Mech. 
 Eng., 41, 691-695 (Aug., 1919); Ind. Management, 58, 120 (Aug., 
 Ladov, R. B. Need for research in the non-metallic mineral field. Chem. 
 Met. Eng., 21, 348-352 (1919). 
 Lankester, E. R. Endowment of scientific research. Nature, 14, 126 
 Leaman, W. Scope and spirit of scientific research. Mercersburg Re- 
 view, 20, 522 (1868). 
 Lillie, R. S. University and investigation. Science, 41, 553-566 (Apr. 
 16, 1915); Clark University Library, Publications, 4, No. 4 (Feb., 
 Lodge, Oliver. Continuity. Electrician (London). 71, 923-926 (Sept. 
 12, 1913) ; Report, British Assn. Adv. Sci., 1913, 2-42. 
 Lord Derby on endowment of scientific research. Nature, 13, 141 (1875). 
 Lucke, C. E. Research- what, who, where, why? J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 6,880-882 (Nov., 1914). 
 Lusk, Graham. Science and medical teaching. Science, 48, 629-635 
 Lyons, H. G. Importance of geographical research. Science, 42, 585- 
 597 (Oct. 29, 1915); Sci. Am., S. 81, 146-147, 170 (Mar. 4-11, 1916). 
 Mabie, H. W. University and research work. Am. Ideals, 245, 266. 
 Macallum, A. B. Scientific truth and the scientific spirit. Science, 43, 
 439-447 (Mar. 31, 1916). 
 McDowell, Charles H. American research methods. J. West. Soc. Eng., 
 22, 546-552, 552-565 (Oct., 1917). 
 . Naval research. U. S. Naval Inst., Proc., 45, 895-908 (June, 
 McDougal, R. University research. School and Society, 1, 793-800 
 (June 5, 1915).
 Maclaurin, R. C. Darwin at an American university. Atlantic, 108, 
 192-198 (Aug., 1911). 
 . The outlook for research. Clark University Library, Publica- 
 tions, 2, No. 7. 1911. 11 pp. 
 McLennan, J. C. Science and industry in Canada. Electrician, 82, 297 
 . Science and its application to marine problems. Science and 
 Industry, 1, 411-418 (Nov., 1919). 
 Matthews, J. M. Pure vs. applied science. Sci. Am. S., 82, 306-307 
 (Nov. 11, 1916). 
 Maxwell, S. S. Biological research, the value and the danger. Science, 
 42, 701-712 (Nov. 19, 1915). 
 Mayer, A. G. Our universities and research. Science, 32, 257-260 
 (Aug. 20, 1910). 
 Mees, C. E. K. Future of scientific- research. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 
 618-619 (Aug., 1914). 
 . Production of scientific knowledge. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 9, 
 1137-1141 (Dec., 1917); Science, 46, 519-528 (Nov. 30, 1917). 
 Meldola, B. Position and prospect of chemical research in Great Britain. 
 Nature, 76, 231-235 (July 4, 1907). 
 Messel, R. Modern chemical research. Pharm. J., 89, 346-348. 
 Miller, G. A. Function of mathematics in scientific research. Science, 
 45, 549-558 (June 1, 1917) 
 . Ideals relating to scientific research. Science, 39, 809-819 
 (June 15, 1914). 
 . Modern mathematical research. Science, 35, 877-887 (June 
 7, 1912); Sci. Am. S., 73, 398-400 (June 22, 1912). 
 Millikan, R. A. New opportunities in science. Science, 50, 285-297 
 (Sept. 26, 1919); Lit. Digest, 63, 25-26 (Dec. 13, 1919). 
 . Research in America. Ilium. Eng. Soc., 13, 533-535 (1918). 
 . Research in America after the war. Proc. Am. Inst. E. E., 
 38, 129-140 (Feb., 1919). 
 Milner, L. Scientific research, an empire appeal. Science and Industry, 
 1, 402-405 (Nov., 1919). 
 Minot, C. S. American investigation. Educ. Rey., 45, 79-86 (Jan., 
 . Method of science. Science, 33, 119-131 (Jan. 27, 1911); 
 Nature, 86, 94-97 (Mar. 16, 1911); Sci. Am. S., 72, 10-11 (July 1, 
 Misapplied science. Ind., 64, 647-649 (Mar. 19, 1908). 
 Mixing research with brains. Nation, 80, 109 (Feb. 9, 1905). 
 Molinari, E. The importance of chemistry to modern industry. Ind. 
 chim. min. met., 4, 165-169 (1917). 
 Montgomery, T. H. Making of the scientific investigator. Pop. Sci. 
 Mo., 77, 242-251 (Sept., 1910). 
 Moore, B. Value of research in the development of national health. Pop. 
 Sci. Mo., 85, 362-376 (Oct., 1914). 
 National council of science. Engineer, 120, 109 (July 30, 1915). 
 National importance of scientific research. Westminster Rev., 99, 343 
 National institution for scientific research. J. Sci., 6, 38 (1869).
 National Physical Laboratory. Report for 1899-1900. J. Soc. Chem. 
 Ind., 19, 1046-1048 (1900). 
 . Annual report for 1914-1915. Engineer, 119, 623-624 (June 
 25, 1915). 
 National Research Council. Report of the first meeting of the council. 
 Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2, 602-608 (Oct., 1916). 
 . Second Annual Report, 1918. 
 National research fellowships in physics and chemistry. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 11, 278, 484 (1919). 
 National research fellowships in physics and chemistry supported by the 
 Rockefeller Foundation. Science, 49, 302-303 (Mar. 28, 1919). 
 Newcomb, S Conditions that discourage scientific work in America. 
 North American Rev., 174, 145-158 (Feb., 1902). 
 . Evolution of the scientific investigator. Sci. Am. S., 58, 24098- 
 24100 (Oct. 27, 1904); Pop. Sci. Mo., 66, 92-96 (Nov., 1904); St. 
 Louis Universal Exposition 1904, 24 pp. Also issued as a separate 
 by the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, 1905. 
 . Method by which the Carnegie Institution can best promote 
 research work in the exact sciences. Carnegie Institution of Wash- 
 ington, Year Book 1905, 3, 179-181. 
 Organization. North American Rev., 182, 32-43 (Jan., 1906). 
 Nichols, Wm. H. The chemist and reconstruction. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 11, 399-400 (1919). 
 . Research the basis of progress. Chem. Eng., 27, 285-286 (Nov., 
 Noyes, W. A. Contribution of chemistry to modern life. Science, 26, 
 706-714 (Nov. 26, 1907). 
 . Relation of chemical laboratories to the national welfare. Science, 
 46, 1-8 (July 6, 1917). 
 Report of the committee on cooperation between the universities 
 and the industries. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 11, 417 (1919). 
 Nutting, P. G. Application of organized knowledge to national welfare. 
 Sci. Monthly, 6, 406-416 (May, 1918). 
 . National prestige in scientific achievement. Science, 48, 605- 
 608 (Dec. 20, 1918); Lit. Digest, 60, 24 (Jan. 25, 1919). 
 Organized knowledge and national welfare. Science, 46, 247- 
 252 (Sept. 14, 1917). 
 Obstacles to scientific research. Nature, 11, 62 (1874). 
 Ogden, H. N. The purpose of research. Science, 48, 525-532 (1918). 
 Ohio State University. Nurture of scholarly productiveness in the uni- 
 versity. 1915-1916. Columbus, Ohio, 1915. 
 Organization of research in Great Britain. Science, 49, 239-241 (Mar. 
 7, 1919). 
 Organizing research work on a national scale. Am. Mach., 49, 81 (1918). 
 Organizing science on an international basis. R. of Rs., 56, 547-548 (Nov., 
 Organization of science. Science, 43, 243-244 (Feb. 8, 1916). 
 Organization of scientific research in Great Britain. Science, 42, 240- 
 241 (Aug. 20, 1915). 
 Original research, its value to applied science. Sci. Am. S., 63, 243-244 
 (Oct. 19, 1907).
 O'Shea, M. V. Greatest need. Pop. Sci. Mo., 68, 328-332 (Apr., 1906). 
 Padshah, Burjorjee J. An institute for scientific research for India. 1898. 
 Patten, S. N. Method of science. Science, 33, 578-583 (Apr. 14, 1911). 
 Patterson, T. S. Training for scientific research. Nature, 95, 425-426 
 (Jan. 17, 1915). 
 Pattison, Mark. Endowment of research. Essays on Endowment of 
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 . Human factor in industry. J. Inst. E. E., 57, 47-58 (Dec., 
 . Industrial research in the United States. Ilium. Eng., 10, 
 174-176 (June, 1917). Also book, London, 1917. 60 pp. 
 . Planning a works research organization. J. Inst. E. E., 57, 
 153-170, 170-192, 386-406 (Feb., May, 1919); Elec. Rev., 74, 251 
 (Feb." 15, 1919); Ilium. Eng., 12, 9-12 (Jan., 1919); Electrician, 82, 
 118-120 (1919). 
 Research organization for the electrical industry. Elec. Rev., 
 74, 251 (Feb. 15, 1919).
 . Research organization in industrial work. Nature, 102, 454- 
 457 (1919). 
 . Some aspects of industrial research, with special reference to 
 American research activities. Electrician, 78, 629-630 (1917). 
 Sphere of the scientific and technical press in relation to technical 
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 June, 1916). 
 Forster, M. O. Organic chemistry in relation to industry. J. Roy. Soc. 
 Arts, 66, 529-539 (July 12, 1918). 
 . Research and chemical industry. J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 34, 
 759-763 (1915); Chem. Trade J., 57, 50-52 (1915). 
 Foster, G. E. Chemistry the basis of industrial progress. Can. Chem. 
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 Frew, Wm. Endowment of technical research. J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 20, 
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 Furnace manufacturers research plant. Metal Worker, Plumber and 
 Steam Fitter, 91, 727-729 (June 6, 1919). 
 Garnett, Wm. Industry, education and research. Textile Manuf. Mag., 
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 Gaslee, L. Industrial research and the scientific and technical press. 
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 Gates, W. D. Manufacturer's dependence upon ceramic research. J. 
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 Gibbs, R. C. Relation of physical science to the development of engineer- 
 ing. Sibley J., 29, 129-132 (Jan., 1915). 
 Gibson, G. H. Development of technical business. Elec. R. and W. 
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 Gilrik. Rewards for industrial research. Electrician, 82, 574 (1919). 
 Glazebrook, R. National industrial research laboratory. Engineer, 125, 
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 . National laboratory for industrial research. Contract Rec., 32, 
 924-926 (Nov. 20, 1918). 
 . Science and industry the place of Cambridge in any scheme 
 for this combination. Engineer, 123, 535-537 (June 15, 1917). Also 
 in book form, Cambridge, 1917, 51 pp. 
 Science and industry, with special reference to the work of the 
 National Physical Laboratory. Electrician, 78, 320-321 (1916). 
 Goldthwaite, Charles. Research in the textile industry. Textile World, 
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 Great Britain. Privy Council. Report of the committee on scientific 
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 Greene, A. M. Condition of research in the United States. Mech. Eng., 
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 1623 (July 19, 1919) ; Textile World, 56, 477 (July 26, 1919). 
 Greenman, E. D. The function of the industrial library. J. Ind. Eng. 
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 Gregory, R. A. Discovery, or the spirit and service of science. Mac- 
 Millan and Co. 347 pp. 
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 Grey, Chas. P. Research in the cotton trade. Textile Inst. J., Nov., 
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 Griffin, M. L. Value of chemistry to commerce. Moody, 8, 391-394 
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 Growth of the industrial fellowship system. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 10, 
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 Growth of industrial research associations in England. Chem. Age, 2, 
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 Gudeman, E. Aspects of some chemical industries in the United States 
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 Hadfield, R. Research in metallurgy. Engineer, 121, 423 (May 19, 
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 Hale, Geo. E. Cooperation in research. Science, 51, 149-154 (Feb.. 
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 4, 1918). 
 . Industrial research and national welfare. Science, 48, 505-507 
 (Nov. 22, 1918). 
 . National Research Council. Science, 44, 264-266 (Aug. 25, 
 National Engineering Society and the National Research Council. 
 Pro. Am. Inst. E. E., 37, 1223-1236 (Oct., 1918); Mech. Eng., 40, 
 825-829 (Oct., 1918); Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., 142, suppl. 38-42 
 (Oct., 1918). 
 Hammerschlag, A. A. Research as an e very-day aid in manufacturing. 
 Ann. Am. Acad. Political Social Sci., 85, 309-313 (Sept., 1919). 
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 . Value of industrial research. Sci. Monthly, 1, 86-92 (Oct., 
 Hawkins, L. A. Industrial research. Gen. Elec. R., 18, 416-427 (June, 
 Heath, Frank. Department of scientific and industrial research. Engi- 
 neer, 127, 184 (Feb. 21, 1919). 
 . The government and the organization of scientific research. J. 
 Roy. Soc. Arts, 67, 206-215 (1919). 
 Hedley, E. P. Application of science to industry. Chem. Trade J., 62, 
 449-450, 473-474 (1918).
 Henderson, G. G. Present position and future prospects of the chemical 
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 Hersey, M. L., and L,ish, I. B. Chemistry, its value in modern foundry 
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 Hesse, B. C. Contribution of the chemist to the industrial development 
 of the United States. A record of achievements. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 7, 293-304 (April, 1915); Sci. Am. S., 79, 210-211, 234-235 
 (Apr. 3-10, 1915); Met. Chem. Eng., 13, 287-288 (May 15, 1918); 
 Textile World, 49, 53-55, 74-75 (Apr., 1915). 
 . Research, scientific and industrial, in the coal tar industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 845-848 (Sept., 1916). 
 Some economic aspects of industrial chemistry. J. Ind. Eng. 
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 Hessenbruch, Geo. S. Research and industrial wastes. Mech. Eng., 42, 
 104-105 (Feb., 1920). 
 Hill, C. W. Efficiency in industrial research. Met. Chem. Eng., 18, 
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 Hirshfeld, C. F. Present status of research in the industrial life of the 
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 Hodgson, H. H. Technical education and its relation to industry. J. 
 Soc. Dyers and Colourists, 35, 85-91 (1919). 
 Holbrook, E. A. Research in the coal mining industry. Bull. Am. Inst. 
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 Hopkins, C. G. The duty of chemistry to agriculture. 111. Agr. Expt. 
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 Howe, H. E. The economics of research. Textile World, 57, 3049 
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 . National Research Council Its scope and- plan. Textile 
 World, 57, No. 6, 214, 435, 437 (Feb. 7, 1920). 
 Research a necessity to the cotton industry. Man. Rec., 76, 
 114-115 (Oct. 30, 1919). 
 Howe, H. M. Industrial research for sharp answers to definite questions. 
 Eng. N., 81, 45-46 (July 4, 1918); Eng. and Contr., 50, 89-90 (July 
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 . Work of the National Research Council. Iron Age, 102, 1023- 
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 Humberstone, T. L. Industrial scientific research. Quart. Rev., 224, 
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 Importance of industrial and trade research brought out by the war. 
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 Industrial laboratories and scientific information. Science, 45, 87-88 
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 Industrial research in Australia. Engineer, 121, 339 (Apr. 21, 1916). 
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 Report of Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research for the year 
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 Rosa, E- B. The functions of research in the regulation of natural monop- 
 olies. Science, n. s., 37, 579-593 (Apr. 18, 1913>. 
 Rowell, H. W. Cooperative research work urged for Great Britain. Iron 
 Trade Rev., 61, 998-999 (Nov. 8, 1917). 
 . Schemes for cooperative industrial research. J. Soc. Chem. 
 Ind., 36, 814-815 (1917). 
 Some principles of industrial research organizations. J. Soc. 
 Chem. Ind., 36, 815-817 (1917). 
 Salter's institute of industrial chemistry. Nature, 102, 147-148 (Oct. 
 24, 1918). 
 Sang, Alfred. The industrial outlook for physical chemistry. Proc. 
 Engr. Soc. W. Pa., Feb., 1907. 
 Savage, Wm. Industrial research in the Mellon Institute. Chem. Met. 
 Eng., 22, 249-255 (1920). 
 Saxon, A. Bearing of research work on practical mechanical engineering. 
 Engineer, 123, 162 (Feb. 16, 1917). 
 Schneider, E. Presidential address before the Iron and Steel Inst. Engi- 
 neer, 125, 408-409 (May 10, 1918). 
 Science and industry. Science, 44, 535-536, 641-642 (Oct. 13, Nov. 3, 
 1916); 46, 89 (July 27, 1917). 
 Science and industry. Nature, 95, 57-59 (Mar. 18, 1915). 
 Science and industry. Lectures. Nature, 103, 392-394, 414 (July 17-24, 
 Science and industry in Australia. Nature, 98, 310-311 (Dec. 21, 1916). 
 Science and industry in South Africa. Nature, 100, 76-79 (Sept. 27, 
 1917 . 
 Science and industry with special reference to the work of the National 
 Physical Laboratory. Nature, 98, 339-341 (Dec. 28, 1916). 
 Science and our industries. Sci. Am., 116, 168 (Feb. 17, 1917). 
 Scientific and industrial research. Nature, 100, 17-26 (Sept. 6, 1917); 
 British Clayworker, 24, 226 (1916). 
 Scientific and industrial research in Australia. Ilium. Eng., 9, 333 (Nov., 
 Scientific and industrial research; report of the Advisory Council. Engi- 
 neer, 122, 187-188, 219-220, 230-231 (Sept. 1-15, 1916); Ilium. Eng., 
 9, 277-280 (Sept., 1916) ; Eng. Rec., 74, 683-684 (Dec. 2, 1916).
 Scientific and industrial research. 2nd annual report. Engineering, 104, 
 229-230 (Aug. 31, 1917) ; Times Eng. Suppl., Aug. 31, 1917. 
 Scientific and industrial research. Third annual report of the Advisory 
 Council. Chem. Trade J., 63, 177-178, 195-196 (1918); Gas J., 
 143, 435 (1918); Engineer, 126, 272-273 (Sept. 27, 1918); Electrician, 
 81, 402 (1918). 
 Scientific and industrial research in England. Science, 50, 436-437 (Nov. 
 7, 1919). 
 Scientific factors in industrial success. Nature, 95, 93-95 (Mar. 25, 1915). 
 Scientific research and chemical industry. Nature, 96, 475-476 (Dec. 
 30, 1915). 
 Scott, G. W. Applications of a chemical laboratory to a department 
 store. Can. Chem. J., 3, 115 (1919). 
 Seaton, A. E. Notes on the importance of research in marine engineering. 
 Engineering, 125, 459-460 (May 24, 1918); Int. Marine Eng., 23, 
 420-423 (July, 1918). 
 Secrecy in modern industries. Sci. Am., 104, 422 (Apr. 29, 1911). 
 Seigle, J. Application of physical and chemical research to cast iron 
 foundry practice. Bulletin et comptes rendus mensuels de la Societe" 
 de 1'Industrie. Minerale, (5), 15, 127-143 (1919). 
 Sharp, C. H. Independent laboratories in the engineering industries. 
 J. Franklin Inst., 183, 221-228 (Feb., 1917); Ind. Management, 53, 
 380-384 (June, 1917); Met. Chem. Eng., 17, 167-169 (Aug. 15, 1917); 
 Mech. Eng., 39, 650-651 (July, 1917). 
 Simonds, H. R. Money saved by testing laboratory. Foundry, 47, 
 556-559 (Aug. 15, 1919). 
 Simons, F. M., Jr. Chicago's cooperative administrative research. 
 Ind. Management, 53, 207-217 (Apr., 1917). 
 Sindall and Bacon. Research in industrial chemistry. Paper Makers' 
 Mo. J., 56, 332 (Nov. 15, 1918). 
 Skinner, C. E. Field and method of investigation (commercial research). 
 Eng. Mag., 35, 437^39 (June, 1908). 
 . Industrial research and its relation to university and govern- 
 mental research. Proc. Am. Inst. E. E., 36, 765-766 (Oct., 1917). 
 . Opportunity for industrial research. Mech. Eng., 40, 23-24 
 (Jan., 1918). 
 and Moore, R. W. E. New Westinghouse research building. 
 Elec. W., 71, 1132-1133 (June 1, 1918). 
 Skinner, H. J. The debt of the manufacturer to the chemist. American 
 Sugar Industry, Aug., 1911; Chem. Eng., 14, 307-308 (Aug., 1911). 
 Smith, Julian F. The functions of a research library in the dyestuff indus- 
 try. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 11, 584-585 (June, 1919). 
 Something lacking in annual reports. Met. Chem. Eng., 18, 497-498 
 (May 15, 1918). 
 Sperr, F. W., Jr. Research laboratories for coal and by-products. Gas 
 Age, 44, 281-288 (Oct. 1, 1919). 
 State aided research and the small manufacturer. Sci. Am. S., 85, 259 
 (Apr. 27, 1918). 
 Steinmetz, C. P. Scientific research in relation to industries. J. Franklin 
 Inst., 182, 711-718 (Dec., 1916); Gen. Elec. R., 20, 110-113 (Feb., 
 1917); Mech. Eng., 39, 650 (July, 1917).
 Stewart, F. E. Proposed national institute of drug research. J. Am. 
 Pharm. Assn., 8, 256-260 (1919). 
 Stimulation of research. Sci. Am., 120, 518-519 (May 17, 1919). 
 Swasey, Ambrose. Cooperation between science and industry. Bull. 
 National Research Council, 1, Part 1, 14-15 (Oct., 1919). 
 Swinburne, J. Science and industry. Electrician, 78, 182-185 (Nov. 
 10, 1916). 
 . Technical research. Electrician, 77, 836-838 (Sept. 15, 1916). 
 Swinton, A. A. C. Science and the people. Engineer, 124, 447 (Nov. 23, 
 . Science and the future. Machinery Market, No. 944, 19-20 
 (Dec. 6, 1918). 
 Talbot, A. N. Relation between research and technical society activities. 
 Eng. and Contr., 42, 74-75 (July 22, 1914); Eng. Rec., 70, 36-37 
 (July 11, 1914); Iron Trade Rev., 55, 15-16 (July 2, 1914); Ry. Rev., 
 55, 48-49 (July 11, 1914). 
 Talbot, H. P. University and the industries. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 
 61-63 (1916) 
 Tearon, E. Science; its relation to industry. Chambers, (7), 7, 504- 
 506 (July 7, 1917). 
 Technical research the man and the job. Electrician, 83, 15 (1919). 
 Teeple, J. E. Some problems of the industrial chemist. Science, 28, 
 321-328 (Sept. 11, 1908). 
 Ten Broeck, P. Research needed in automobile factories. Met. Chem. 
 Eng., 15, 552 (Nov. 15, 1916). 
 Thompson, G. W. Chemistry as affecting the profitableness of industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 152-155 (1914) ; Science, 38, 800-806 (Dec. 5, 
 Thomson, J. J. Scientific and technical research. Electrician, 78, 317- 
 319 (1916). 
 Thorpe, J. Chemistry and industry. Nature, 94, 679-680 (Feb. 18, 
 Touceda, E. Research work on malleable iron. Mech. Eng., 41, 593- 
 600 (July, 1919). 
 Tucker, J. I. Federal support for research. Eng. Rec., 75, 72-73 (Jan. 
 3, 1917). 
 Turner, F. M., Jr. Our great national waste. Can. Mag., 46, 206-211 
 (Jan., 1916). 
 . Value of research to industry. Can. Min. J., 36, 617-621 (Oct. 
 15, 1915). 
 linger, J. S Practical views of research. Iron Age, 102, 143-144 (July 
 18 1918). 
 United States National Research Council. Basis of organization and 
 means of cooperation with state councils of defense. J. Franklin 
 Inst., 183, 759 (June, 1917). 
 United States Naval Consulting Board. Industrial research stations, 
 Washington, 1916. 25 pp. 64th Congr., 1st Session, Senate Doc. 
 University and industry. Science, 43, 919-921 (June 30, 1916). 
 University and railroad equipment development. Ry. Mech. Eng., 92, 
 47-49 (Jan., 1918).
 Vail, T. N. Relation of science and industry. Bulletin National Re- 
 search Council, 1, Part 1, 12-14 (Oct., 1919). 
 Valentine, R. G. Cooperating in industrial research. Survey, 36, 586- 
 588 (Sept. 9, 1916). 
 Value of scientific research and the training of the chemical engineer in 
 Canada. Can. Chem. J., 3, 335-340 (Oct., 1919). 
 Van Vlissingen, Arthur. How research helps rejuvenate industries. 
 Factory, 24, No. 6, 947-952 (Apr. 1, 1920). 
 Vaubel, W. Secrecy in research methods. Chem. Ztg., 30, 980 (1906). 
 Villey, Jean. Industrial, physical and mechanical research laboratories. 
 ReVue Generate des Science, 30, 233-240 (Apr. 30, 1919). 
 Walker, James. Technical and academic chemistry. J. Soc. Chem. 
 Ind., 34, 1122-1124 (1915). 
 Walker, Wm. H. Chemical research and industrial progress. J. Ind 
 Eng. Chem., 3, 286-292 (1911); Sci. Am. S., 72, 14-16 (July 1, 1911); 
 Science, 33, 913-918 (1911). 
 . Education for research. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 2-4 (Jan., 1915). 
 . University and industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 63-65 (Jan., 
 Walther, R. F. von., and Schulze, A. Municipal, chemical-technical 
 research or testing officials. Z. angew. Chem., 29, I, 377-382 (1916). 
 War, industrial research and the American manufacturer. Sci. Am., 115, 
 518 (Dec. 26, 1914). 
 Washburn, Edward W. Refractory materials as a field for research. J. 
 Am. Ceram Soc., 2, 3-31 (Jan., 1919); Circular No. 3, National 
 Research Council. 
 Weidlein, E. R. Science and industry. Textile World, 53, 208 (May 4, 
 What industry owes to science. Engineer, 122, 478-479 (Dec. 1, 1916). 
 Where science comes to the aid of industries. Sci. Am., 116, 172 (Feb. 
 17, 1917). 
 Whiting, Jasper. Commercial development of chemical processes. Chem. 
 Trade J., 51, 322-323 (1912); 8th Intern. Congr. Appl. Chem., 21, 
 203-215 (1912). 
 Whitney, W. R. American engineering research. Proc. Am. Inst. E. E., 
 38, 115-127 (Feb., 1919). 
 . Chemical research and industrial progress. Trans. Am. Elec- 
 trochem. Soc., 19, 17-30 (Apr., 1911). 
 . Cooperation in industrial research. The corporation. Trans. 
 Am. Electrochem. Soc., 29, 36-37 (1917). 
 . England's tardy recognition of applied science. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 7, 819-822 (Oct., 1915). 
 . Great need of promoting research in America. Elec. W., 69, 
 12-14 (Jan. 6, 1917). 
 . Incidents of applied research. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 560-564 
 (June, 1916). 
 . Organization of industrial research. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 42, 
 71-78 (1909). 
 . Relation of research to the progress of manufacturing industries. 
 Gen. Elec. R., 18, 868-872 (Sept., 1915) ; Eng. and Contr., 43, 537- 
 539 (June 16, 1915) ; Ann. Am. Acad. Political Social Sci., 1915, No. 5.
 . Research as a financial asset. Science, 33, 673-681 (May 5, 
 Research organization. Gen. Elec. Rev., 19, 572-578 (July, 
 Why structural and other engineers should take greater interest in scientific 
 research. Eng. and Contr., 49, 207-208 (Feb. 27, 1918). 
 Wiley, H. W. The chemist in the public service. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 9, 81-84 (Jan., 1917). 
 Wilson, L,. C. Getting more out of the factory laboratory. Factory, 18, 
 37-39 (Jan., 1917). 
 Woods, Carl F. Relation of the chemist to the electric railway. Elec. 
 Ry. J., Nov. 29, 1913, 1142. 
 Work of the committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial 
 Research. Engineer, 126, 197 (Sept. 6, 1918); Ilium. Eng., 11, 169 
 (July, 1918).
 While in the earlier sections on Scientific and Industrial Research, 
 an attempt has been made to include all the available references, 
 this section contains only a selected number of references, which 
 serve to point out the important service which the chemist is able 
 to render to industry in general and to special industries in par- 
 ticular. In arranging the references, the order of industries used in 
 Chemical Abstracts has been followed. 
 Baekeland, L. H. Applied chemistry; what the chemist has done for 
 humanity and his relations to manufacturers. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 7, 978-981 (1915); Met. Chem. Eng., 13, 677-681 (1915); Science, 42, 
 547-555 (Oct. 22, 1915); Sci. Am. S., 80, 294-295 (Nov. 6, 1915). 
 Blair, R. The relations of science to industry and commerce. Elec- 
 trician, 65, 934-981. 
 Breithut, F. E. Status and compensation of the chemist in the public 
 service. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 9, 64-79 (1917). 
 Contribution of the chemist to American industries. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 7, 273-304, 931-945 (1915); Met. Chem. Eng., 13, 283-288 (1915). 
 Cushman, A. S. Chemistry and American industry. J. Franklin Inst., 
 183, 557-574 (May, 1917). 
 Forster, M. O. Organic chemistry in relation to industry. J. Roy. Soc. 
 Arts, 66, 529-540 (1918); Color Trade J., 3, 400-405 (1918). 
 Hesse, B. C. Contribution of the chemist to the industrial development 
 of the United States a record of achievement. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
 7, 293-304 (1915). 
 Hibbert, H. Future of industrial organic chemistry. Chem. Met. Eng., 
 20, 335-341 (1919). 
 Little, A. D. The chemist's place in industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2, 
 63-66 (1910). 
 McMurtie, W. Relation of chemistry and the industries. Science, 26, 
 694-699 (Nov. 22, 1907). 
 Munroe, C. E. Relation of technical chemistry to the other sciences. 
 Intern. Congr. of Arts and Sci., Appl. Chem., Sect., St. Louis, Sept. 
 23, 1904; J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 23, 1243 (1904). 
 Noyes, W. A. Contribution of chemistry to modern life. Science, 26, 
 706-714 (Nov. 22, 1907). 
 O'Leary, John W. Relation of the chemist to the manufacturer. Chem. 
 Met. Eng., 21, 451-452 (1919). 
 Raiford, L. C. Some relationships of chemistry and life. Science, 45, 
 489-494 (1917). 
 Sadtler, S. P. Conservation and the chemical engineer. Trans. Am. 
 Inst. Chem. Eng., 2, 105-114 (1912); Met. Chem. Eng., 8, 9-11 (1910). 
 . Some American contributions to industrial chemistry. Trans. 
 Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 8, 197-207 (1915). 
 Sedgwick, A. Relation of science to human life. Nature, 82, 228-232 
 (Dec. 23, 1908); Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report, 1909, 
 Skinner, H. J. Debt of the manufacturer to the chemist. Chem. Eng., 
 14, 307-308 (Aug., 1911). 
 Toch, M. Influence of chemistry on civilization. Science, 30, 697-699. 
 Weems, J. B. The relation of research to everyday life. Met. Chem. 
 Eng., 16, 478^80 (May 1, 1917). 
 What industry owes to science. Engineer, 122, 554, 570-571 ; 123, 34-35, 
 88, 102-103, 329-330, 415 (1916, 1917). 
 Wiley, H. W. Application of chemistry to the public welfare. J. Frank- 
 lin Inst., 171, 47-54 (1911). 
 . Chemist in the public service. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 9, 81-84 
 Baskerville, C. Position of the chemist in the commonwealth. Science, 
 32, 649-657. 
 Bell, J. C. Municjpal chemistry. J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 22, 1277-1279 
 Klein, O. H. Chemist in the service of the city of New York. J. Ind. 
 Eng. Chem., 9, 79-81 (1917). 
 Mahr, H. W. The broader application of chemistry by the municipality. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 1030-1032 (1914). 
 Carpenter, C. Chemistry and engineering. Engineer, 122, 467 (Nov. 24, 
 Engineering and chemistry. Eng. Mag., 26, 120-121 (Oct., 1903). 
 Kershaw, J. B. C. Relation of chemistry to engineering. Cassier's 
 Mag., 40, 545-549 (Oct., 1911). 
 McMurtie, W. Chemistry in engineering. Cassier's Mag., 22, 137-142 
 (June, 1902). 
 Waddell, J. A. L. Relation of the engineer to scientific investigations 
 and to the general public. Throop College Bull., 38, 5-16 (July, 
 Diller, H. E. How research work brings results. Foundry, 47, 545-549 
 Landis, W. S. Contribution of the chemist to the electrochemical indus- 
 try. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 944-945 (1915). 
 Claudet, A. C. Relation of chemical industry to metallurgy. J. Soc. 
 Chem. Ind., 29, 1421-1428 (1910); Oil and Color J., 38, 1653-1658. 
 Holloway, G. T. The relation between the mineral and the chemical 
 industries. J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 29, 53-65 (1910); Min. Sci. Press, 
 100, 424-428, 450-452. 
 Iron and Steel 
 Auchy, Geo. The chemist in the iron trade. Iron Age, 82, 40-41 (1908). 
 Cushman, A. S. Contribution of the chemist to the iron and steel indus- 
 try. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 934-935 (1915). 
 MacFarland, A. F. Chemists' part in speeding up steel output. Iron 
 Age, 101, 1645-1648 (1918).
 Moldenke, R. Chemistry in the foundry. Eng. Mag., 28, 681-682 
 Risdale, C. H. Commercial value of chemistry in iron and steel manu- 
 facture. Eng. Mag., 34, 676-678 (1908). 
 Sargent, G. \V. Contribution of the chemist to the steel industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 274-275 (1915). 
 Copper and Brass 
 Corse, W. M. Chemist in the brass foundry. Met. Chem. Eng., 8, 
 265-266 (1910). 
 Herreshoff, J. B. F. Contribution of the chemist to the copper industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 274 (1915). 
 Price, W. B. Relation of the chemist to the brass industry. J. Ind. 
 Eng. Chem., 11, 770-777 (1919). 
 Rolfe, R. T. The chemist and the brass founder. Metal Ind., 14, 468- 
 469 (1916). 
 Thompson, G. W. Contribution of the chemist to the lead industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 937-938 (1915). 
 Johnston, John. The value of cooperative research in the development 
 of the zinc industry. 1918. Reprinted from the report of the 
 organization proceedings of the American Zinc Institute. 
 Frary, F. C. Contribution of the chemist to the photographic industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 938-939 (1915). 
 Klein, D. Food control from a state viewpoint. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 
 928-930 (1916). 
 Tolman, L. M. The chemist in food control as relating to the enforce- 
 ment of law. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 926-928 (1916). 
 Bentlet, R. I. Contribution of the chemist to the preserved food industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 287-289 (1915). 
 Bigelow, W. D. Chemists in the canned food industry. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 9, 187-189 (1917). 
 Bedford, E. T. Contribution of the chemist to the corn-products industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 275-276 (1915). 
 Wagner, T. B. Efficiency in chemical industries the corn products 
 industry-. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 6, 1-10 (1913). 
 Wesener, J. A., and Teller, G. L. Contribution of the chemist to the 
 flour industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 283-285 (1915). 
 Wesson, David. Contribution of the chemist to the cotton-seed oil 
 industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 276-277 (1915). 
 Packing-house Industry 
 Lowenstein, A. The chemical engineer in the packing-house industry. 
 Chem. Eng., 15, 207-208 (1912). 
 . Contribution of the chemist to the packing-house industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 942-944 (1915).
 Rudnick, Paul. Chemist in the sen-ice of the packing house. 8th 
 Intern. Congr. Appl. Chem., 18, 309-312 (1912). 
 Wallace, H. W. Contribution of the chemist to the fertilizer industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 281 (1915). 
 Ash, Chas. A. Relation of the chemist to the wine industry. Sth Intern. 
 Congr. Appl. Chem., 18, 9-15 (1912). 
 . Contribution of the chemist to the wine industry. T- Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 7, 273-274 (1915). 
 Trevenot, G. D. Contribution of the chemist to the brewing industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 285-287 (1915). 
 Beiser, E. T. Contribution of the chemist to the perfumery and essential 
 oil industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 936-937 (1915). " 
 Eldred, F. R. Contribution of the chemist to the manufacture of phar- 
 maceutical products. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 939-940 (1915). 
 Hill, C. A. The function and scope of the chemist in the pharmaceutical 
 works. London. 43 pp. 
 Hodgson, H. H. Influence of the chemist in the enamel industry. Chem. 
 World, 1, 168-169 (1912). 
 Houghton, A. A. Contribution of the chemist to the glass industry. ' J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 290-292 (1915). 
 Silvermann, A. The chemist and the glass manufacturer. Trans. Am. 
 Ceram. Soc., 12, 186-195. 
 Washburn, E. W. Some aspects of scientific research in relation to the 
 glass industry. Chem. Met. Eng., 21, 465-467 (1919). 
 Brown, G. S. Contribution of the chemist to the cement industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 277-278 (1915). 
 Wiley, C. N. Role of the chemist in the cement industry. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 8, 276-278 (1916). 
 Beilby, George. Fuel research. Chem. News, 116, 206-209 (1917); 
 Nature, 100, 135-138 (1917). 
 Blakesley, A. G. Chemistry in coal mining. Coal Age, 10, 296-302 
 Chance, Edwin M. Application and earning power of chemistry in the 
 coal-mining industry. Proc. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., 56, 937-940 
 (1916); Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., 112, 711-714 (Apr., 1916); Met. 
 Chem. Eng., 14, 440-441 (Apr. 15, 1916). 
 Dunn, J. T. The chemist and the coke oven. Gas World, 68, No. 1739, 
 13-15 (1918). 
 Foxwell, G. E. Chemists and the cooking industry. Gas World, 68, No. 
 1759, 12 (1918). 
 Manning, V. H. Need of extensive research in the petroleum industry. 
 Chem. Met. Eng., 21, 727-728 (1919).
 Mason, S. Contribution of the chemist to the incandescent gas mantle 
 industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 279-280 (1915). 
 Rake, J. L. Contribution of the chemist to the asphalt industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 276 (1915). 
 Campbell, W. B. Research for the pulp and paper industry. Pulp 
 Paper Mag. Can. 16, 993-994 (Nov. 7, 1918). 
 Chemist in the paper industry. Paper Makers' Mo. J., 55, 173-175 (June 
 15, 1917). 
 Keenan, Thomas J. Chemistry and paper making. Paper, 19, No. 4, 
 78-80 (Oct. 4, 1916). 
 Moore, F. L. Contribution of the chemist to the pulp and paper industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 292-293 (1915). 
 Schippaus, R. C. Contribution of the chemist to the celluloid and nitro- 
 cellulose industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 290 (1915). 
 Munroe, C. E. Contribution of the chemist to the explosive industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 945 (1915). 
 Hesse, B. C. Research, scientific and technical, in the coal-tar industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 845-848 (1916). 
 Huff, W. J. Application of physical chemistry to the coal-tar industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 10, 1016-1019 (1918). 
 Chemist in the textile industries. Rev. gen. chim., 18, 79-83 (1915). 
 Chemist in the textile mill. Textile World, 53, 2153, 2697 (Nov. 24, 1917). 
 Dreaper, W. P. Lectures on the research chemist in the works, with 
 special reference to the textile industry. London. 
 . Research chemist and the textile industry. Sci. Am. S., 77, 
 293-295 (May 9, 1914). 
 Hobbs, F. W. Contribution of the chemist to the textile industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 280-281 (1915). 
 Lester, J. H. Textile research. J. Textile Inst., 7, 202-216. 
 Research chemist and the textile industry. Nature, 93, 71-75 (1914). 
 Dannerth, F. American cotton industry as seen by the industrial chemist. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 75-78 (1916). 
 Scientific research in relation to cotton and the cotton industry. Man- 
 chester, 1919. Originally published in the Manchester Guardian. 
 Dannerth, F. Industrial chemistry applied to the problem of silk. Am 
 Silk J., 32, No. 3, 38-40; No. 4, 53-54; No. 5, 49-50; No. 6, 47-48, 
 Acree, S. F. What chemistry has done to aid the utilization of wood. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 913-915 (1915). 
 Gardner, H. A. Research in the paint industry. Sci. Am., 122, 89 (Jan. 
 24, 1920). 
 Teeple, J. E. Contribution of the chemist to the naval stores industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 931-932 (1915). 
 Toch, M. Contribution of the chemist to the paint and varnish industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 938 (1915). 
 Ittner, M. H. Contribution of the chemist to the art of soap making. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 935-936 (1915). 
 Home, W. D. Contribution of the chemist to the sugar industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 278-279 (1915). 
 Schwab, G. B. Value of the chemist and his laboratory to the engineer 
 and the sugar maker. La. Planter, 47, 92 (1911). 
 Faust, T. A. Chemistry in the leather industry. Can. Chem. J., 4, 8-9 
 Teas, W. H. Contribution of the chemist to the leather industry. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 283 (1915). 
 Farmer, J. B. Science and the rubber industry. J. Roy. Soc. Arts, 66, 
 490-496 (1918). 
 Hazard, F. R. Contribution of the chemist to the soda industry. J. Ind. 
 Eng. Chem., 7, 281-282 (1915). 
 Katzenstein, S. W. Contribution of the chemist to the hard-wood 
 distillation industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 940-942 (1915). 
 Mason, W. P. Contribution of the chemist to the potable water industry. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 289-290 (1915). 
 Mory, A. V. H. The chemist, a growing factor in merchandizing. J. 
 Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 689-690 (1914). 
 Smith, H. C. The chemist in the service of the railroad. J. Ind. Eng. 
 Chem., 3, 514-515 (1911); Chem. Eng., 13, 219. 
 Webber, H. A. Relation of chemistry to agriculture. Science, 26, 
 689-694 (1908). 
 Wi throw, J. R. Chemical engineering of the hard- wood distillation 
 industry. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 912-913 (1915). 
 Woods, C. F. Relation of the chemist to the electric railway. Elec. 
 Ry. J., Nov. 29, 1913, 1142. 
 Agr. and Mechan. College of Texas. Agricultural and Mechanical Col- 
 lege of Texas. 
 Am. Gas Eng. J. American Gas Engineering Journal. 
 Am. Gas Light J. American Gas Light Journal.
 Am. Ideals. American Ideals. 
 Am. J. Sci. American Journal of Science. 
 Am. Mach. American Machinist. 
 Am. Mag. American Magazine. 
 Am. Silk J. American Silk Journal. 
 Am. Soc. Testing Materials. Proc. American Society for Testing 
 Materials. Proceedings. 
 Ann. Am. Acad. Political Social Sci. American Academy of Political and 
 Social Science. Annals. 
 Aust. Min. Stand. Australian Mining Standard. 
 Blast Furnace. Blast Furnace and Steel Plant. 
 British Rev. British Review. ; 
 Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining 
 Bull. Imp. Inst. Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. 
 Can. Chem. J. Canadian Chemical Journal. 
 Can. Engr. Canadian Engineer. 
 Can. Lumberman. Canadian Lumberman. 
 Can. Mag. Canadian Magazine. 
 Can. Min. J. Canadian Mining Journal, The. 
 Cassier's Mag. Cassier's Magazine. 
 Chem. Eng. Chemical Engineer, The. 
 Chem. Met. Eng. Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. 
 Chem. News. Chemical News. x 
 Chem. Trade J. Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer. 
 Chem. Weekblad. Chemisch Weekblad. 
 Chem. World. Chemical World. 
 Chem. Ztg. Chemiker-Zeitung. 
 Color Trade J. Color Trade Journal. 
 Con temp. Contemporary. 
 Contract Rec. Contract Record and Engineering Review. 
 Cornhill Mag. Cornhill Magazine. 
 Cur. Lit. Current Literature. 
 DuPont Mag. Du Pont Magazine. 
 Eel. Engineering. Eclectic Engineering Magazine. 
 Educ. Rev. Educational Review. 
 Elec. R. and W. Elecn. Electric Review and Western Electrician. 
 Elec. Rev. Electrial Review. 
 Elec. Ry. J. Electrical Railway Journal. 
 Elec. W. Electrical World. 
 Elecn. Electrician, The. 
 Elecn. and Mechanic. Electrician and Mechanic. 
 Electrochem. Met. Ind. Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry. 
 Eng. Education. Engineering Education. 
 Eng. Mag. Engineering Magazine, The. 
 Eng. N. Engineering News-Record. 
 Eng. Rec. Engineering Record. 
 Eng. Rev. English Review. 
 Eng. and Contr. Engineering and Contracting. 
 Fortn. Fortnightly. 
 Gas J. Gas Journal. 
 Gen. Elec. R. General Electric Review.
 Harper W. Harper's Weekly. 
 Harvard Graduate Mag. Harvard Graduates' Magazine. 
 Heat, and Ven. Heating and Ventilating Magazine. 
 111. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circular. University of Illinois Agricultural Experi- 
 ment Station. Circulars. 
 Ilium. Eng. Illuminating Engineer. 
 Ind. Independent. 
 Ind. chim. Industrie chimique. 
 Ind. chim. min. met. Industria chimica, minera e metallurgica. 
 Ind. Management. Industrial Management. 
 Int. Marine Eng. International Marine Engineering. 
 8th Intern. Cong. Appl. Chem. 8th International Congress of Applied 
 Iron Trade Rev. Iron Trade Review, The. 
 Iron and Steel Inst. Iron and Steel Institute. 
 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 
 J. Am. Chem. Soc. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 
 J. Am. Pharm. Assn. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Associa- 
 J. Chem. Soc. Journal of the Chemical Society. 
 J. Educ. Journal of Education. 
 J. Eng. Club, Phila. Journal of the Engineers Club of Philadelphia. 
 J. Eng. Inst. Canada. Journal of the Engineering Institute, Canada. 
 J. Franklin Inst. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 
 J. Ind. Eng. Chem. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 
 J*. Inst. E. E. Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. 
 J. Inst. Metals. Journal of the Institute of Metals. 
 J. Iron Steel Inst. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. 
 J. Roy. Soc. Arts. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. 
 J. Roy. Soc. New South Wales. Journal of the Royal Society New South 
 J. Sci. Journal of Science. 
 J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 
 J. Soc. Dyers and Colourists. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Col- 
 J. Textile Inst. Journal of the Textile Institute. 
 J. Utah Soc. Engr. Journal of Utah Society of Engineers. 
 J. Wash. Acad. Sci. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 
 J. West Scot. Iron Steel Inst. Journal West of Scotland Iron and Steel 
 J. West. Soc. Eng. Journal of the Western Society of Engineers. 
 Kolloid-Z. Kolloid-Zeitschrift. 
 La. Planter. Louisiana Planter. 
 Lit. Digest. Literary Digest. 
 Liv. Age. Living Age. 
 Mach. Machinery. 
 Man. Rec. Manufacturing Record. 
 Mech. Eng. Mechanical Engineering. 
 Met. Chem. Eng. Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering. 
 Metal Ind. Metal Industry. 
 Min. Eng. Rec. Mining and Engineering Record.
 Min. Sci. Press. Mining and Scientific Press. 
 Moody. Moody's Magazine. 
 Nat. Conf. City Govt. National Conference on City Government. 
 Nat. Rev. National Review, The. 
 N. E- Coast Instn. Engr. and Shipbuilders. North Eastern Coast Insti- 
 tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. 
 No. Am. North American. 
 North American Rev. North American Review. 
 Oil and Color J. Oil and Color Journal. 
 Oil, Paint and Drug Rep. Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 
 Paper Makers' Mo. J. Paper Makers' Monthly Journal. 
 Pharm. J. Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist. 
 Pop. Sci. Mo. Popular Science Monthly. 
 Proc. Am. Inst. E. E. Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical 
 Proc. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Proceedings of the American Institute of 
 Mining Engineers. 
 Proc. Am. Min. Congr. Proceedings of the American Mining Congress. 
 Pulp Paper Mag. Can. Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada. 
 Quart. Rev. Quarterly Review. 
 Queens Q. Queen's Quarterly. 
 R. of Rs. Review of Reviews. 
 Rev. gen. chim. Revue generate de chimie pure et appliquees. 
 Rev. Sci. Revue scientifique. 
 Ry. Age. Railway Age. 
 Ry. Mech. Eng. Railway Mechanical Engineer. 
 Ry. Rev. Railway Review. 
 Sat. Evening Post. Saturday Evening Post. 
 Sci. Am. Scientific American. 
 Sci. Am. S. Scientific American Supplement. 
 Sci. Monthly. Scientific Monthly. 
 Sci. Progress. Science Progress. 
 Sibley J. Sibley Journal of Engineering. 
 Stone & Webster Pub. Service J. Stone and Webster's Public Service 
 Tech. Quart. Technology Quarterly. 
 Tech. Rev. Technological Review. 
 Tech. World. Technical World Magazine. 
 Textile Inst. J. Textile Institute Journal. 
 Textile Mfg. J. Textile Manufacturer's Journal. 
 Times Eng. Suppl. Times Engineering Supplement. 
 Trans. Am. Ceram. Soc. Transactions of the American Ceramic Society. 
 Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. Transactions of the American Electro- 
 chemical Society. 
 Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. Transactions of the American Institute'of 
 Chemical Engineers. 
 Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Transactions of the American Society of 
 Mechanical Engineers. 
 Trans. Eng. Ceram. Soc. Transactions of the Ceramic Society, England. 
 Trans. Roy. Can. Inst. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. 
 U. S. Naval Inst. Proc. United States Naval Institute Proceedings.
 Univ. Chicago Mag. University of Chicago Magazine. 
 Univ. Mich. Bull. University of Michigan Bulletin. 
 Univ. Toronto Press. University of Toronto Press. 
 W. Soc. E. J. Western Society of Engineers Journal. 
 Westminster Rev. Westminster Review. 
 Z. angew. Chem. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie.
 Bulletin of the National Research Council 
 Volume i 
 Number i. The national importance of scientific and industrial re- 
 search. By George Ellery Hale and others. Pages 43. Price 50 
 Number 2. Research laboratories in industrial establishments of the 
 United States of America. Compiled by Alfred D. Flinn. Pages 
 85. Price one dollar. 
 Number 3. Periodical bibliographies and abstracts for the scientific 
 and technological journals of the world. Compiled by R. Cobb. 
 (In preparation.) 
 Number 4. North American forest research. Compiled by the Com- 
 mittee on American Forest Research, Society of American Foresters. 
 (In press.) 
 Reprint and Circular Series of the National 
 Research Council 
 Number i. Report of the Patent Committee of the National Research 
 Council. Presented for the Committee by L. H. Baekeland, Acting 
 Chairman. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. 
 Number 2. Report of the Psychology Committee of the National 
 Research Council. Presented for the Committee by Robert M. 
 Yerkes, Chairman. Pages 51. Price 60 cents. 
 Number 3. Refractory materials as a field for research. By Edward 
 W. Washburn. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. 
 Number 4. Industrial research. By F. B. Jewett. Pages 16. Price 
 25 cents. 
 Number 5. Some problems of sidereal astronomy. By Henry N. 
 Russell. Pages 26. Price 30 cents. 
 Number 6. The development of research in the United States. By 
 James Rowland Angell. Pages 13. Price 25 cents. 
 Number 7. The larger opportunities for research on the relations of 
 solar and terrestrial radiation. By C. G. Abbot. Pages 14. 
 Price 20 cents. 
 Number 8. Science and the industries. By John J. Carty. Pages 16. 
 Price 25 cents. 
 Number 9. A reading list on scientific and industrial research and the 
 service of the chemist to industry. By Clarence Jay West. Pages 
 4.5. Price 50 cents.