\ >C - " ' * -\ ;^' -I - \ CHILD'S BOOK RELIGION. FOR SUNDA Y SCHOOLS AND HOMES. COMPILED BY O. B. FROTHINGHAM. EDITION", REVISED. NEW 'YORKf: t.. ; PUBLISHED BY D. G. FRANCIS, No. 17, ASTOR PLACE. 1871. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the' year 1866, ty O. B. FROTHINGHAM, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massa- chusetts. Boston : Rand, A very, & Frye , Stereotyj>ers and Printers. PREFACE. A FEW words arc necessary to explain the purpose of this little book, and the wav in which it may be used to the best advantage. The author has thought it wiser to make a collection of materials for worship and instruction than to arrange a formal series of services or lessons that might interfere > with freedom of selection and combination on the part of the teacher or superintendent. The questions and answers under the captions 3 " TRUTH " and " THE GOOD LIFE " are not designed