In the Cu Kingdom BY JOHN ELWARD BROWN " In the Cult Kingdom" MORMONISM, EDDYISM AND RUSSELLISM BY JOHN ELWARD BROWN President International Federation of Christian Workers Author of "THINKING WHITE" "THE HOLY SPIRIT" "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, ETC." Printed by INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION PUBLISHING CO. Siloam Springs, Arkansas Single Copies post paid 30c Four Copies post paid $1.00 Order of International Federation Publishing Company SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS di fnoteni/i . ON ACCESSION OFT UBHAir -~3 o 3 8 1 -2_ INTRODUCTORY A eertian rather prominent business man of a western state walked out of the tabernacle, after hearing one of these talks on the "Isms," and to a man who chanced to walk by his side, he said, "I am disappointed in that preacher. I thought he was too big a man too broad minded, to turn from the great work which he is doing to make an attack on the religion of other people." Now, this man voices the unspoken sentiment of thousands of good men and women in the churches. This attitude would be the correct one, and the Christian one, provided these men and women of the Cult Kingdom were apostles of God's truth, and were turning men and women into God's paths. Certainly, no man could be commended in turning' from the greatest of great tasks that of winning souls to Jesus Christ to take issue with others engaged in a like work. But, there are religions many, and if a man is helping to promulgate a religious theory that is all out of har- mony with the fundamentals of God's Holy Word, then we do him the greatest possible injury by assisting him, even in silence, in his destructive work. A man's safety does not depend on whether lie is, or is not religious, but his safety repends on the sort of a f'ligion he has. It is a lie from the pit of perdition, fathered by the father of lies, and circulated with all possible satanic cunning, that it doesn't matter what a fellow believes, so long as he believes something. Fact is, a fellow may be very religious, ail his days, < j \en giving all his goods to farther his ideas, and finally (j IN T11K CULT KINGDOM liivinu bis body to be burned, and then die a Christless death, lie in a CbrMess i^raye. and live in a ( 'hrist b->.s eternity. There can be no neutral ground there can be. no rempori/injr. or compromising with error, let it come UL 'whatever irarb it will. 'We are warned that in the last days these i prophets will come, and, if -possible, deceive the very (Orel. We are warned that the devil will come as an an^-K of li. silent, responsible part of this disastrous propaganda- an unconscious enemy of the truth. . But, the question, arises/ do. these -movements, namely, Mormonism, Eddyism, and Ivussellism, make a direct, -or indirect attack on the fundamentals of the Holy book? They say "no," and we sa:y "yes," and it is bectiux- .ol this hopeless disagreement, Itetween those who- father these movements, and the organized, -accepted church: of ('hrist, that \ve lay before our readers the dangers oi: t : hese mo\-(!me,nts dangers, as we see them. IX THE CULT KINGDOM TALK NUMBER ONE IN our introductory, we undertook to outline something of what we sought to do in publishing this series. To be true, the Adventist may think so. While we are yet dealing with matters in general, a further word of explanation may not be amiss: All church movements could be classed under the gen- eral head of "Isms," should one seek to so class them. Certainly, it would be very proper to speak of Method- ism, Congregationalism, Presbyterianism, etc. In a certain city, a very Godly man came to me with the request that I include "Seventh-Day Advent ism" in this series announced for review, and seemed incredulous when I told him the Church of Jesus Christ had no fight tn make on "Seventh-Day Adventism. " There are no fundamental grounds of disagreement between the organized church -of Christ and the ' ' Seventh-Day Adventist. ' ' The Adventist believes that all other conditions being met our salvation, or damnation hinges on the day we observe as the "holy 11 day. According to the Adventist schedule, the train must slop on Saturday, instead of Sunday; and fearlessly, and mdefatigably, he works to save the human family from the eternal catastrophe toward which it sweeps through a failure to keep Saturday as the Holy Day. On all the cardinal doctrines of the Bible the Mira- culous Conception, -and the Virgin Birth, the Crueifixon, Resurrection and Ascension, the Deity of Christ, the Atonement of Christ, and the Second Coming, the Per- sonality of the Holy Spirit, and the Infallible Bible, the Seventh-Day Adventist rings as true as steel. S IN THE CULT KINGDOM He may disagree, profoundly so, on a great many dif- ferent angles of these different lines of teaching but in the essential parts, he stands with the organized Church of Jesus Christ. Now, what is true of Seventh-Day Adventism is true of many other religious movements, that some folks would consider deserving a place in such a series as this. There should be no conflict between religions move- ments, organized, or unorganized, that seek to be out fight and downright loyal to the great overshadowing facts of oivr holy religion. When you walk up in the presence of Mormonism, Eddyism and Russellism, you walk up into the presence. of that which has strange theories to present strange doctrines to promulgate, all but literally, a "new" GoJ to worship. 80 radical is the teaching of these movements, that whichever one you become identified with, you must turn from the church of your saintly or sainted father and mother, to renounce and denounce it, and to enter it no more. Between such movements as these and the organized church of Christ there can be no neutral grounds. If these movements are right any one of them the church is wrong, God-forsaken and headed for hell, and the fight these "isms'' are making on the organize*] church should be kept up, with ever increasing power, until the whole organized church is a hopeless bankrupt, loaded, bag and baggage, and tagged for the eternal scrap heap. On the other hand, if the church of Christ, with all her weaknesses, inconsistencies and sins, remains true to the commission of Christ, and is. God's channel of truth to this and all ages, then the church must lift her banners IN THE CULT KINGDOM and declare war against every movement that seeks to hinder, or destroy her. THE LAST DAYS These movements, namely: Morrnonisin, Eddyism and Russellism, are the outeroppings of the 19th century. What this 20th century will bring forth, none are far- sighted enough to definitely predict, but it is a pretty safe venture, that unless Jesus Christ shall come, the 20th century will hardly surpass the all but incomparable record of the 19th. The 19th century is gone, soon to become a speck in God's great urn of history, but its fruits abide some to blefcs, and some to curse. Side by side with deeper revelations of truth, there always run the most subtle combinations of falsehood. With whatever of blessing the 19th century radiates out to the fartherest reaches of human existence, and these blessings cannot be overestimated the 19th cen- tury also produced more than its share of fads and fakes, that linger, to harm and to hurt. In the world of religions, the 19th century surpassed all records, passing over to the 20th century certain movements that, in a few years, have all but become world known, and all but world recognized. Multitudes of devout souls believe we are living hi the last days. Europe is bathed in blood, with millions dead and other millions dying. The other nations of the world are calling, "To arms! To arms ! ? ' We have had volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes. 10 IN: THE CULT KINGDOM lires, railroad, mine, and steamship disasters, until the mind reels and the heart is sick. There has come a great falling away in the church. Men, who, a few years ago, were preaching an ''in- fallible Bible,'' a "topless heaven,'' and a bottomless hell/' a day of final accounting, and "one way" of escape, and that through the "cleansing blood "- preaching with soul afire and with judgment-day cer- tainty and earnestness are now apologetically and tragically preaching an "uncertain God," a %k fallible Bible," and a "human Christ." A far-reaching apostasy is on through the church world, and every possible effort is being made to pad the church records to keep them from showing an appalling loss in membership. These conditions have offered the most attractive fields imaginable for every conceivable religious fake. The foundations are being shaken, and amidst this great upheaval, and this world-wide unrest, men and women are turning to whatever religion offers the largest bonus, or the most beautiful prize. These last cataclysmic days were to be ushered in with the coming of "false prophets," and confusion was to be added to greater confusion, through the fact that light would be denounced as darkness and darkness be accepted as light, and everywhere good would be evil spoken of, and evil- would be eventually crowned and robed. Are the last days upon us? Some profess to be able to see the veil that swings between the seen and unseen, already beginning to sway with the coming of Christ ! Satan is here, in every conceivable religious form, to blind and deceive clothed in the livery of heaven and ' IN THE CULT KTXunOM: 11 using the language of the church, he parades as an angel of light. Never since the world began its long SAving through space has there been as many "Isms" ami Avith such. power as today. Organized, capitalized and supevnatiirally energized snpernaturally energized from belo\v, Ave believe these religions sweep the land. Multitudes are renouncing the faith of their fathers to take up with these disastrous extremes, in religions, .just as multitudes of Avomen are renouncing modesty and decency, to take up with every conceivable extreme in immodest and immoral dress. SOME GENERAL FACTS In reviewing these cults we lun'e purposely placed them in the order of their ages. The Christian Scientist probably thinks this is placing age before beauty, but age must be reverenced. Avher.> reverence can be giA'en, and where reverence cannot be given, then deference must be shown. Because of the worlds of material facts and figures. that naturally seek a place in such a revieAv as this w n must condense to the minimum, or eliminate entirely, any extensive, or extended review of the origination of the movements, or any interesting episodes having to do Avith the early days of their founders. These general facts seem necessary. Mor monism. In 1830 the Book of Mormon Avas published, ami in April of that same year the Mormon church Avas organ- ized, with six members. 12 IN THE CULT KINGDOM This organization saw the light of day in Fayette, Seneca county, New York. Whether this should be held against Seneca county, we will not Ifere undertake to say. This movement was given the euphonious and rather exclusive title of, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." In 1835 twelve apostles were selected and a system in- augurated that included the "priesthood/' In the center of this apostleship, or priesthood, and towering high over all, stood the domineering, driving, Mormon head, Joseph Smith. Friend Joseph claimed for himself nothing more nor nothing less than that of being God's mouthpiece oc- cupying the place "of an endless priesthood'' and stand- ing "as God, to give laws to the people." The Mormon movement centralizes and focalizes about its "special revelation" the "Book of Mormon" and, as a movement, it claims to be God's truth to this day day and age. Eddyism. Eddyisin is the next oldest of these isms. Bddyism was launched in 1875, and Mrs. Eddy, like the self -elected head of Mormonism, by special revelation, had herself appointed the ruling head of "Eddyism." While Eddyism, like Mormonism, was given a form of organization, with boards, officers, and offices, yet, in the actual management of the affairs of this newer religious movement, Mrs. Eddy sat with authority unquestioned. There has never been a movement launched in the re- ligious world, with all the outward forms of an organ- ization, where every law, and rule, and work, and worshiper, became the submissive servant of one dicta- IX THE CULT KINGDOM 13 torial, jealous, suspecious, domineering head, as in that which the ''Scientist' 7 so-called, lived, moved and had his being, during the days of Mrs. Eddy! Like Joseph Smith, Mrs. Eddy assumed the modest (???) position of becoming God's mouthpiece, speaking (jod's special truth to this age. Eddyism, like Mormonism, has its book. The first copy of "Science and Health, With a Key to the Scriptures," appeared in 1875, and around this special revelation, was an ordinary mortal, engaged iii cluster. This book becomes the Christian Scientist's text book here is to be found the condensed, Simon-pure truth of these last days "Simon pure, or Simon Simple!" Russellism. o Russellism is the youngest of this trio, and in some respects, the most decent. This movement was launched in 1886, and Mr, Charles Taz Russell became the proud founder owner and man- ager of this, to some, very popular religion. Charles Taz, like Josephus and Sister Mary, before stepping into the world's limelight, as a bearer of a special revelation, was an ordinary mortal, engaged in the ordinary tasks of life. In turning from ordinary pursuits, to make his debut into the religious world, he took upon himself the honored title of "pastor/' though it was claimed that at that time he had neither church, church bell, or song-book. Like Mormonism and Eddyism, Russellism centers back into "its" special revelation its key to the scriptures. These books were written by Charles Taz and first ap- peared in three volumes called "Millennial Dawn," but later, we believe, these books were bound into six vol- i4 IX THE ( TLT KINGDOM limes, and given the very modest and very misleading title of. ''Studies in the Scripture." Unlike Mormonism and Eddyisin, Russellism. like the proverbial flea, is inclined to be transitory in operation and difficult of apprehension in so far as its operations concerned. Russellism appears from a great many different sources and under a do/en or 'more different heads, and it is with difficulty the church keeps alongside of its rapid shifts and changing guises. THEIR NUMBERS ( 'onsidering the number of years these different re- ligious cults have been before the public, it is probable that they have won about an e<[iial number, of adherents. Mormonism lias shown a tendency to he clannish, and has swarmed about , Sail Lake City, and overflown the cities and states adjacent thereto. Certain western states are owned, snout and tail, beak and talons, hide, hair, horns and hoofs, by the Mormon church, The Mormons have their missionaries out across the nations of the world, and are seeking here and there to v'oloni/e and organi/e. Eddyism, like a bad case of the society itch, has run fast and thick through certain circles of the church and community life. There is no question, but what, considered from out- side appearances, the Christian Scientist has a religion, compared with these other "isms," that becomes a * 'flower garden" in the center of a vast desolation! When it comes to the attractiveness of its pectus," and the "fluency of speech" characteristi its agents, Christian Science has these other cults knocked IX THE CULT KINGDOM 15 in the head, scalded, scraped, cleaned, cut, aud cured. - In this great religious " bazaar/' over which his ma- jesty presides, most of the "shoppers" crowd around -the Christian Science booth. Many men, and some women, take to Christian Science, so-called, just like ducks take to water, or just like some children take to freckles and mud. Eddyism, like Mormonism, has its missionaries -'far- flung:, and seeks to win the world to its standard. Rubsellisin, in so far as churches are concerned, is. the less conspicuous of the three. Mr. Russell does not go so much 011 building as on publicity. By paid space in newspapers, magazines, and bill boards by cards, leaflets, circulars, ""booklets and books, his theories are covering the earth. Like the plague of lice, in the land of Egypt, try as you may, you cannot get away from his gush and slush. Like Mormonism and Eddyism, Russellism, too, has its workers in all lands, or is rushing them there, and the world at large the civilized reading world is coming to know something about "Pastor" Russell. It would be all but impossible to secure anything like an accurate statement of the numbers definitely march- ing in these three armies. Considering their ages, occupations and "previous condition of servitude," it is probable that they are hold- ing each other about neck and neck in their campaign for recruits. One day, while studying these movements, their origi- nation, manipulation, teachings and tendencies, it came like a flash, that while these religions are the antipodes of the religious world kopelessly irreconcilable, in that there is not one fundamental doctrine on which they 16 IN THE CULT KINGDOM agree yet these movements are identical in every other essential particular. It seems, if these movements had been launched by one wise head, and that wise head had made definite effort to launeh three movements as wide apart as possible in every other instance, he could not. have better done the job. Mormonism, Eddyism, and Russellism arc identical, in that: 1st. Each claims to be God's truth to this age. 2nd. Each has its "special revelation." around which its work and workers cluster. 3rd. Each appeals to a special, distinct class. 4th. Each flows from a very, very questionable source. 5th. Each was founded by men. or women, whose reputations have been questioned. 6th. Each offers a special bonus, or prize. 7th. Each made its founder, or founders, wealthy. 8th. Each makes an attack on the deity of Christ. IN THE CULT KINGDOM 17 TALK NUMBER TWO THE Mormonite would doubtless object, most stren- uously, to any sort of a classification, that would link him up with the Eddyite, or the Russellite. The Eddyite, we know, takes serious exceptions to any intimation that he belongs to the same breed that the Mormonite and the Russellite belongs to. The Russellite, likewise, begs to be excused, when we suggest that lie take marching position with these other < ; ults. Despite the earnest, and sometimes heated protest, made by these religionists, that they have nothing in common with these other cults, stripped of their doctrinal differences, they stand in every underlying fact of their existence enough alike to be triplets. In origination, manipulation, and doctrinal agglomera- tion, they are of the same feather crowing, or "cluck- ing' 7 alike, scratching alike, roosting alike, and eating alike. One cannot spend much time ambling through the ''fowl" yards of these noisy religious broods and breeds, without coming to the conclusion that these three chickens namely, Mormonism, Eddyism and Russellism, are from the same nest, and hatched by the same old hen. It might be suggested, however, that a review of some of oui' church organizations might bring forth this same* striking similarity. This is true, and true in the most wonderful way. Fact is, whatever of difference there may be between the organ ixed Protestant churches is wholly a surface difference. On the matter of form and ceremony, rites and sym- IS IX THE CTLT KINGDOM bols. then 1 would be inure or loss of confusion and de- bate: but the further you go back in the matter of division amongst the churches, the less conspicuous do those divisions become. On the surface of things, the churches of J'esus Christ are divided, and in that regard are unlike ; but when you go back to the great pillars that hold up the vast structure of the Christian hope and faith, there is no difference there. On non-essentials, there may be differences of opinion amongst the Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and the Methodists, as well as all other evangelical church bodies, but in the great essentials they stand absolutely agreed. No one of these churches can claim to be God's special and exclusive channel of blessing to the world. No one of these churches professes to have the "origi- nal key" to the Scriptures, without which we flounder and founder, unsuccored, and unsolved, and unsaved. The great, organized church of Christ, though under- many heads, stands hand in hand about Jesus of Naza- reth, singing, ''Blest be the Tie That Binds Our Hearts in Christian Love." With Mormonism, or Eddy ism, or Russellism, it is a "new" movement, under a "new" management, an- nouncing a "new" theory a theory so radical, and so revolutionary, that if this "new" idea is the correct idea God's revealed truth then it stands as the plainest sort of a fact, that for centuries the organized church has been a cheat, and a swindle, and a lie. Does any sane man believe that God's truth has been lost to the world, for the ages past, and that humanity lias had to stumble its way through unlighted darkness to death, waiting for a Joseph Smith, or a Mary Baker IX THE CULT KIXGD( >M 19 Eddy, or a ('has. Taz Russell, to come with his, or her, badly written "Key?" Mormonites say, "Yes." Eddyites say, "Yes." Russellites say, "Yes." And yet. if one has the sure-enough "key." the other two have a "brass" imitation, and this brass imitation opens some other door than the one that swings into heaven. In the event that one has the truth, and the church is a swindle, then which of the three lias the truth? THEIR DISTINCT FIELDS However skeptical one may be eom-erning the Bible. an honest reading will force one to the conclusion that he stands in the presence of a single structure, the com- pleted work of some one master mind God. So. too, with these religions no man. however partial or loyal he may become to either of these movements, can sit down and review these cults, review them honestly. and fearlessly, and fully without being driven to the conclusion, however reluctant he may be in reaching such a conclusion, that back of Mormonism, and Eddyisin, and Russellism, there is one scheming, designing, destructive head the devil. Men and women who are not acquainted with any of the facts to which I refer, may feel that this is an un- waranted assumption, or a biased and un-Christian charge. We have passingly referred to certain striking points of similarity between these movements, and now we wish to take up these points definitely and at length. L0 IN THE CULT KINGDOM We will point out some of the less conspicuous and less damaging: first. These movements are alike, in that each seems specially designed for a certain field and for a certain class. JVlormonism has always flourished best and spread fastest amongst the ignorant millions of the races. Salt Lake City, in particular, and the whole Mormon- dom in general, is just now passing through the greatest upheaval of its history, and all because light is break- ing in. The younger generation of Mormons are begin- ning to examine the foundations of their faith, and they are finding unquestioned evidences of -shocking fraud. Wherever light and knowledge go, there Mormonisru cannot go. With its peculiar appeals, Mormonism be- comes specially attractive to the religiously inclined, un- lettered and unthinking multitudes of the race. Eddy ism swings to the other extreme, and makes its appeal, almost wholly, to those who have a degree of learning and a measure of refinement. Amongst the idle classes, and especially those who de- sire a religion that carries with it a great deal of show, but which requires no self denial, Christian Science runs riot. Los Angeles is the greatest Christian Science city in the world, and largely because Los Angeles has more men and women of wealth and idleness than any city in the world. Multitudes of men and women in Southern California have nothing to do but look up some new "thing" in the world of religions, and every religious movement that was ever conceived, or launched, can find some adherents in Southern California. Mormonism does not specially flourish in these sun- kissed cities by the great Pacific, but Eddyism and IN THE CULT KINGDOM 21 sellism art- adding to their ranks with every pacing day. Russellism seems specially designed to fit in between these other two extremes. Amongst the Russellites, you will find the folk have been gathered almost wholly from amongst the middle classes. In either of these movements you will find the excep tioiivS some wise amongst the Mormons, and some ignor- ant amongst the Eddyites, and a few of either extreme amongst the Russellites; but these exceptions only prove the general rule. If the devil had called all his imps in solemn assembly, and days and days had been spent in planning and launching three fake religions, with a view of occupying the whole field, satanie cunning the united wisdom of hell, centralized and focalized on this one thing, could not have conceived three movements better adapted for the whole field, than Mormonism, Eddy ism, and Russell- ism. The more one studies them and their adaptation to a definite end, the more one marvels at the completeness with which thev cover the field. EACH GOD'S VOICE ' ' The prophecy came not in old time by the will of men, but Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." These holy men of God became the mouthpiece of God, and their message bore the stamp of the infallible and the imperishable truth. These holy men lived and wrought in the constructive, or creative periods of Old Testament prophecies and "2'2 IX THE ( VLT K.IN< JJ )< >M New Testament fullrillment. These men were "holy nx'n of (iod. ' St. Peter says. and they all spoke 1h' 4 language of lieaven. and their words abide today, and will abide while ceaseless ages roll. Ill those days, as now, there were the '"other" voices, the voices that claimed divine direction and divine sanc- tion.- -imitation prophets, who prophesied lies, and who sought to lead the people from the paths which Gbd had made for their feet. These other voices are heard in the land, today, in ever increasing numbers and with ever increasing volume, until many a perplexed, doubt-laden and sin-cursed soul. knows not which way to turn, or what voice to heed. According to the plainly written word of Hod. (iod s plans, begun before the foundations of the earth were laid, reached their highest perfection at the cross of Calvary, and Clod's revelations, in so far as the salvation of the world is concerned, were (dosed there. "God who at sundry times and in divers manners, spake, in times past, unto the fathers by the prophets, hath, in these last days, spoken unto us by His Son.'' and when God spoke, through Jesus Christ at the Cross, and followed the "opening of the Fountain filled with blood," with the opening of heaven for the outpouring of the TToly Spirit, everything was done that heaven could do, to save the human family from the far-reaching disasters of the fall. Morinonisni comes along and teaches thai (iod still has revelations to make, and that "it" is the exclusive channel through which God makes these revelations to these last days. Kddyism conies along and teaches that (iod still has some revelations to make, and that ''it" is the exclusive IX THE CULT KINGDOM 23 channel through which God makes tliese revelations to these last days. Russellism eomes along aud teaches that God still has some revelations to make, and that "it" is the exclusive channel through which God makes these revelations to these last days. Now, while each professes to be the "voice of God" to these last days, and are similar in that regard, yet there is no more similarity in the "songs they sing," or the prophecy they bring than there is similarity in the bray of a mule and the plaintive bleat of a billy goat. It just so happened, that in a certain western city, at the close of one of these talks on the "isms," a special guide, from each of these vagaries, lingered, to teach me the "ways of the Lord more perfectly." This"" would not happen again, possibly, in a life time. One did not know that the others were lingering, to bolster up his or her religious hobby. I spent an interesting and surprising hour, in going over, to them, controvertible points in discourse. The Mormon elder, or missionary, was as confident that ihe Mormon world had the "true key" to the kingdom of heaven, as I was confident that they had not. The Eddyite a fine woman insisted that she had never understood her Bible until she got hold of the Eddyites' key, and then,_ lo ! all was as clear as the noon day sun. The Russellite, likewise, had stumbled about in a hope- less, despairing way, until at last, "heaven be praised," he chanced onto Chas. Taz Russell's six- volume key, and "hell was gone," and "a second chance was given." Did each have the truth? Impossible ! 24 IN THE CULT KINGDOM EACH HAS ITS BOOK The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is one book. While the Bible has its sixty-six books, the whole links into one unbroken chain of sixty-six links. The Bible opens witli the fall and the promise of the Restorer. Down through all the books of the Old Testa- ment there runs the scarlet thread the blood of Jesus Christ, for sinners shed. When the fullness of time had come, the manger-cradle received the promised King. At Calvary the fountain was opened, and following the crucifixion and the resurrection, there came the ascension of Christ and the ushering in of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. At Calvary God provided the way. At Calvary Jesus Christ opened the way. At Calvary the Holy Spirit shows men the way. The last books of the Book of Books, have to do, main- ly, with Christ's return ; and the whole ends with a mag- nificent picture of the new heavens and the new earth. The Bible is a complete book the revelation is a closed revel at .ion. All that is needed to save the nations of the world is found there; any added line, or verse, or chapter, would be a superfluity. Lest designing men and women would dare lay their unholy hands on that which God has rounded out and completed, the flaming sword of warning is found al ihe closing chapter : "If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the tree of life. " Then there comes the solemn words, iirsi uiven. and the words that men need to heed, todav. "If any man IN THE CTLT KINGDOM 25 shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the lagues written in this book." Along come* Mormonism with its books, "The Book of Mormon," and "The Book of the Covenants," aud these books are placed alongside the Bible, and for these spuri- ous, cheap imitations, equal authority is claimed, and where there is conflict of teaching, the world is asked to believe that this Mormon word is (Tod's final utterance to the race. Mormonism substitutes for the Bible. (In a later study we will take up, at length, the revelation that is just now stirring Mormonism to its foundations, the revelation that one of the sacred books of the Mormon hierarchy has recently been proven a swindle of the most bra/en and damnable sort.) Along comes Eddyism and lays alongside the Bible its substitute. "Science and Health With a Key to the Scriptures," contains God's latest truth to the age, and where there is any conflict between these newest revela- tions and the Holy Book, we are to believe that the new- est revelation contains God's "corrected'' ideas and plans. Go into a Christian Science service and you will find that the "First Reader" reads from Science and Health, and the "Second Reader" reads from the Bible. The "First Reader" has his name published in the < 'rhistian Science literature of the nation, but the ^'Second Reader" is not mentioned. Go into the Mother church, Boston, and you will find the words of "Ma" Eddy just a little more conspicuously chiseled' on brick, or stone, than the words of Jesus Christ. This conglomerate, ludicrous mess of disjointed gibber- ings, in the Christian Science Temple and the Christian Science scheme, takes the chief place. as ix THE cn/r KINGDOM Christian Science substitutes for the Bible. Along comes Russellism, with its books., which like Mormonism and Eddy ism. are placed alongside the Holy Book. For "Millennial Dawn/' or the "Divine Plan of the A a lack of understanding, the Holy Spirit was to iruide into all truth, bur Russellism has the eiTrontery. the bra/en ardacity. to announce to the world that without this cer- tain Russell exposition, the truth cannot be known, and that only by its continued companionship can one have fellowship with Cod and life in His dear Son. Our readers will see a eit her cheapen the work of the cross, making it a human sacrifice, and only that, -or else seeks to make > the work of the cross cover the whole of the raee. without conditions or qualification, When yon rob Christ of His deity, or rob the cros> of its power, you pull from under the Christian religion its central props- you take from the nut its kernel, anr there is nothing left but the empty, meaningless hull. Several years a^o, llolman Hunt painted a wonderful picture of the Christ in the carpenter shop. About Him were the saws. axes, hammers, and nea? by was the carpenter's bench. The picture -represents CJirist as rising from His. work, to wearily stretch His arms, as one does when rising fron. a cramped position. The. lijyht is so arranged that a> Christ thus stands with outstretched arms, His body and His arms throw a picture of the cross on the wall. Apart from the cross there is no redemption, for " with- out the shedding of blood ther. is no remission of sins." If ever there was a time when, men and wome.n q to ask for the "print of the nails," it is now, for tin world is overrun with imitation Christs, used by desicrn- iiij: men and women- to. exploit the race. -.Over all must lumr the picture of the cross. MORMONISM VERSUS CHRIST AND THE BIBLE In rrvinjr to the reading public some of the striking similarities of these three religions, Mormonism, Eddy- ism,' and Russell ism, we would lay special emphasis on the fact that each, in turn, does violence to the New Testament teachings concerning the Christ. Mormonism, like Kddyism. and Ilussellism. appropriates to itse*lf IX THE CULT KINGDOM 31 Christian phraseology and church forms, but practically denies every fundamental doctrine of the Holy Word. To give our readers some idea of Mormon teaching, as we shall seek to give some idea of Eddyism, and Russellism, let us ponder these facts : Mormonism would teach the world that there are gods many. Mormonism teaches that Adam is the god of this world. Mormonism teaches that Adam had many wives Eve was but one of the many. Mormonism teaches that these many gods were once TIT en, as^ve are now. Mormonism teaches that, as men, we may become what these gods are now. Mormonism teaches that these gods have been exalted to their high estate through faithfulness and "fruitful- ness" here, and that faithfulness and "fruitfulness" are the sure steps toward a throne for ns. Mormonism teaches that these many wives, plural wives, with their progeny', are to constitute the "king- dom" over which these "faithful" men are to reign. Woman's welfare depends on her being united to one of the "faithful." Mormonism teaches that on the other side we are to retain our human form and functions, and that the relationships entered into here between these husbands and their many wives, are to be continued through eternity. The Mormon heaven is a heaven in which carnality pu IN THE CULT KINGDOM Mormonism teaches that to die unbapti/.ed by Mormou- dom is to be lost, unless your loved ones are thoughtful enough to have the job done for you. Should they be- come your proxy and pass through certain forms and ceremonies, there is a possibility that you will manage, somehow, to pull through. Mormondom teaches that there are certain sins that. Ood, Himself, cannot forgive, and that when these sins are committed there is only one avenue of escape, and that is by human sacrifice. Mormonism teaches, or has taught, that you are loving your friends as Christ taught you to love them, if yon take these friends who have thus sinned, and shed their blood; that "the smoke thereof might ascend to God," as an offering to appease the wrath that is kindled against them. Students of history, of course, recognize in this human sacrifice teach inc* of Mormondom, the identical teaching nf ancient Moloch, when men were sacrificed to appease the wrath of their god. Mormonism has its own absurd ideas concerning the return of our Lord. According to Mormonism. Christ will come and gather together Israel, including the ten tribes of the Latter Day Saints of Mormondom, and when He thus comes t.hp enemies of the "Saints" are to be destroyed. Mormonism teaches that Christ was the son of poly- gamous parents. Mormonism teaches that Christ was not conceived by the Holy Ghost. Mormonism teaches that Christ, himself, was a poly- gamist, that Martha and Mary were His wives, and from these and other wives he had children. IX THE had nothing, whatever, to do with our sins, but had to do with the sins of Adam. Mormonism teaches that to get rid of sins, you must work out your salvation through the teachings, and forms, and ordinances, of the Mormon church. Such a religious system, with such astounding, silly rheories, it seems, would need no refutation and no de- nunciation, but this crude and lewd humbug is gathering in dupes by the multiplied thousands. Mormonism denies the deity of Christ and robs the Cross of its meaning and power. The Mormon Christ lacks the "nail prints." EDDYISM VERSUS CHRIST AND THE BIBLE In alt- the wide world of literature there is not to be found such a conglomerate mess of irreconcilable, incon- sistent, incomprehensive, inconsequential twaddle as that which is bound up between the covers of that much dis- cussed book called "Science and Health." Mrs. Eddy's claims to inspiration are disproved, beyond cavil, by her own teachings! She teaches that God is mind and yet without per- sonality. Mind, apart from personality, is an absurdity. She teaches that God has no knowledge of evil, and then teaches that God inspired her to teach the "moral mind" theory as an explanation of the existence of evil. It stands without argument, that God could not have inspired her to teach a theory about something that He had no knowledge. Christian Science teaches that God is not a person, but a principle, and we are the reflection of that principle. :;4 I X THE CULT KIXGIX ).M Christian Science teaches that the Bible is no more inspired than the History of England, or of the United States. Christian Science teaches that heaven is not a place. Christian Science teaches that Jesus Christ did not come in the flesh. Christian Science teaches that the devil is not a person. Christian Science teaches that sin and sinner, alike, are nothing-ness. Christian Science teaches that sin is not forgiven. Christian Science teaches ns that there is 110 day of final accounting, and no topless heaven, and no bottom- less hell. Christian Science teaches that "it" is the "gift" -of the Holy Ghost. Christian Science teaches that "it" is the second eom- jiig of Christ. Christian Science teaches us that Christ did not die for the sins of the people, but He died as an example of per- fect love. According to Christian Science, there is no sin to be atoned for, and no need for a ransom to be paid; there- fore, we are told that the Atonement is the ''exemplifi- cation of man's unity with God." "Science and Health" is shot through ai'd through with the most shocking blasphemy, a sample of which is found in such declarationsas this: "The true Logos ; s denmnstrably Christian Science." If this were true, then the first verse of the gospel by St. John would read: "In the beginning was Christian Science, and Christian Science was with God, and IX THK CULT KIXDCOM 35 Christum Science, and without Christian Science was not anything ma IN THE CULT KINGDOM body (which never existed) for more than thirty three years. Ho was arrested, tried and crowned with thorns (that never existed), and whipped witli a scourge (that never existed), and was nailed to a Cross (that never existed), where Jle died a death which lie did not die. He was buried in a tomb (that, never existed), and there in the tomb lie practiced Christian Science and healed Himself of unreal wounds in his unreal body, which he had received in His unreal death, lie arose, passed through some sort of an ascension, and was rejoined to the one impersonal mind from which lie had never been separated. Siicl) is a in 1^7>. He teaches that both Christ and the saints are now on earth, and have been since these dates named above. He teaches that the Christian church, in all her branches, was rejected of (Jod in 1S7S. lie teaches, or did teach, that the final 'culmination would come in October 1!)14. \Vlien this time drew near, the "Pastor" announced that the end would come as he predicted, but that there might be no visible changes for the immediate present. Russellism, like Mormonism, and Eddyism, is silent of the personality and work of the Holy Spirit. Russellism. like Mormonism teaches that there an 1 different levels of existence in the world to 'come, and .that none will be eternally lost, on the last named point, Eddyism, also, concurs. Mormonism. Eddyism and Russellism. then, arc alike, in that. Each appeals to its distinct field! Each claims to lie (lod's voice to this age! Each substitutes its book or books for the Bible! Each makes a direct, or indirect attack, on the deity of Christ! Mormonism claims it got its "key" from an angel. Eddyism claims it got its ''key" from the "Supreme Mind." Russellism claims it got its "key" from the Bible. St. Paul says: "Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you. let him be accursed." And what gospel was that? IX THE (TLT KINGDOM 39 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according' to tile Scriptures." AVheu the only Begotten Son of God, with nail pierced hands, walks up into the presence of Mormonism, and Kddyism. and Russellism, each in turn will cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall upon them, to hide them from His Holv Presence forever. 40 IN THE CULT KINGDOM TALK NUMBER FOUR THE "ISMS" AND THE DOLLAR WHEN money is the principal object of life," says John Ruskin, "with either man or a nation, it is both got ill and spent ill; and does harm both in the getting and the spending. But when it is not the principal object of life, it and all other thing's, will be well got and well spent." To undertake to judge any man or movement by the dollar standard, is an exceedingly dangerous thing to do, for the possession of money is not the thing that contaminates, but the motives and methods through which and by which money was gathered. Men may have large holdings that have been accumu- lated through wise and careful investments, and these holdings may be consecrated to (Jod and the world of men, and thus bless the man who built the fortune, honor God and carry attendant blessings to the world. Men may die in the poor house and be buried in the potter's field, and yet, literally, die in want, and be damned through an all-consuming greed for gain. It is not the possession of money that becomes the evil, but the "love" of it the love that drives men to dis- honest methods and hypocritical pretensions. The One who is Omniscient, and lie only, can look into the innermost recesses of the heart, and there read the motives that send men forth to seek gold and save it. and lie and He only can pass judgment that is infallibly correct. IX THE (TLT KINGDOM 41 In the doings of men tin 1 dollar cuts an astonndingly wide swath. Xo man can be said to i-e thoroughly tested until he has been tested on the question of the dollar, and the HIMH who stands that test stands one of the snpremeM tests oi' our mundane existence. When men ste]) out int the realm of the spiritual and stand 1aee to face with eternal verities, it seems there, if nowhere else, the dollar should he compelled to occupy one of the lowest seats amongst the agencies that have hern created for the services of men. This must he true and doubly so, in the actual exper- i- nces of those who stand before the world as (iod s specially anointed." bearing to the world of sinning, suffering men some new revelation, some revelation so momentous that its ushering in is to be marked in God's great calendar as a distinct and revolutionary dispen- sation. While none of the founders of the many great Protes- tant churches of the world presumed to teach, or preach, that they had been chosen of (iod to usher in some new dispensation, and none of them ever even intimated that they were God's "exclusive" channel of truth, to this age, yet under (iod. they flung 1 into existence organiza- tions, world wide, that have literally placed their arms about the nations of the earth, and the holy deeds of these holy men have been written in indelible ink in the hearts and homes of the people, through all generations, since they lived and wrought. When these Godly men, founders of these religious movements men in whose presence Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy and ('has. Taz Russell would stand as intel- lectual pigmies and moral runts came to the end of their 42 IN THE CULT KINGDOM earthly pilgrimage, they turned toward their graves as men who had given their all to the work they loved and labored for. Not alone did they die in moderate circumstances, but their business dealings, in every regard, were always on the highest level of the most conscientious, consecrated Christians. When we drop back to the three nation-wide "1SMS ? ' that have been under the dissecting knife in these pages, we find that, added to the fact that each has its distinct field and each claims to be God's exclusive voice to this age. and each claims to have a substitute for the Bible, and each makes a direct, or indirect, attack on the Deity of Christ, each also, has a questionable record, when it comes to the matter of money. While the founders of Mormonism, and Eddyism, and Kussellism, professed to bring to the world a new reve- lation from (iod, each in turn had sought by every means, it seems, fair and foul, to make these professed revelations pour millions into their coffers! Never, in the history written history of the world, have there been three religions launched, in which the dollar became the paramount issue, as in these three religions, and never has the dollar end been worked with such consummate cunning and such brazen audacity. These religions, in turn, have poured millions of dol- lars into the hands of their founders making them rich beyond their wildest dreams of avarice. MORMONISM AND THE DOLLAR Several years ago the famous journalist and novelist. Alfred Henry Lewis, made a tour of Mormondom, and his investigations covered several numbers in one of our leading magazines. IX THE (TLT ording to this writer land fit- was of the world, worldly), Mormonism was growing so rapidly and so enormously rich, that it was, in his opinion, only a ques- tion of time until Mormondom would stand as a menace lo the life and liberty of the nation. This octopus had already wound its tentacles around < apital after capital of western states, and, even then, it was reaching out to seats high and low in both brandies of the I'nited States congress. Since Mr. Lewis wrote 'and since 1 he has passed away, the Mormon influence has grown, and the Mor- mon power has spread, until with every passing election the wily, designing tools of Mormondom. in city, state and national irovernmenl. are being added to in every increasing; numbers. Mormonism stands as the sworn enemy of all existi n g forms of government, and teaches the faithful that the time will come when the Mormon church, under the Mor- mon god, or gods, will overthrow every existing form of manmade government, and their gods, by the Mormon prophet and through the Mormon people, will rule the nation and eventually the world. Back of the Mormon church stands the Mormon Ilier-. archy, and back of the Mormon Hierarchy stands the: Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, the God-man, who staoids as God's infallible voice, to give laws to the people. All property interest in Mormondom, like in KddyisiM and Russellism, when brought back to its final analysis i> vested in the Mormon head. Joseph Smith controls banks, mines, railroads, newspapers, hotels, stores, and manufacturing; industries of all sizes and kinds, and. added to this, the faithful Mormon world pours into his coffers the Mormon tithe, an ever growing stream of 44 IN THE CULT KINGDOM go)d, and for these tithes no accounting is ever asked or given. The Mormon church, under the direction of its in- fallible head, owns, in a political way, many of the western states, bag and baggage, while in other states it carries the balance of power, and these facts, added to the tremendous prestige and leverage which its financial power gives in the nation, makes it possible for the Mormon Prophet to handle the politicians of the nations as- the player at chess handles his figures on the chess board. For the power that Mormonism can bestow, or the favors it can grant, multitudes of politicians stand ready to deliver the nation, roped, tied and branded, to what- ever location the Mormon Hierarchy may designate. Mormonism stands, today, the brazen confessor of a broken faith, having broken sacred vows made to the nation, and having placed itself outside the pale of de- cency and respect, through countenancing and sanction- ing polygamous practices throughout the church, and yet so intrenched in the life of the nation, today is Mormon- ism, through its wily congressional and senatorial tools. and its millions in gold, that there is no shadow of doubt or fear, in the heart of Mormondom, that is not abso- lutely safe from attack, let that attack come from what- ever source it may. What Alfred Henry Lewis, in the series of magizine articles referred to, tried to. tell us concerning Mormon- ism, several years ago, one of its own men is better tell- ing us today. Ex-Senator Cannon, ex-Mormon and the son of a de- ceased apostle in Mormondom, has recently sent out to the reading world a startling message, appearing in book form, under the title of "Under the Prophet in IX THE CULT KINGDOM 45 rtah," and in this well written book, bearing irrefutable facts, concerning the whole nauseating history of Mormon treachery and Mormon indecency! From the hours of its inception the dollar has occupied the seat of honor in the Mormon temple. \Ye do not mean to say that this is true of the rank and file f)f the Mormon church, but pronouncedly is it true concerning those who have professed to be (Jod's voice in the building of the church. Whatever the revelation, there was never any suggest- ion in these alleged Cod sent messages, that the Mormon people were to have any voice or hand in the manage- ment, or control, of the millions of dollars that Mormoii- dom was pouring into the Prophet's coffers. Just as the religious humbug is the humbuggiest hum- bug that ever humbugged a humbuggy people, so the religious gull is the gulliest gull that ever was gulled by a religious guller. Men and women, who, if they had been converted to <"'hrist, would have given meagerly of their money and services to Christ and the church, will if converted to one of these fads, give all their property and all their time, and if need he. their lives, to prove their loyalty to their leader. Following evidences that are unquestioned, that one of their so-called sacred books is the cheapest and most lira/en of swindles, there has come a spirit of question- ing amongst the younger generations of Mormondom. and from reports leaking out, these young men are de- manding, amongst other things, that the Prophet account to the church for the millions which the people have placed in his hands. All is not well in Mormondom. 46 IX THE (TLT KIXdDO.M EDDYISM AND THE DOLLAR Mark Twain, in OIK' of his best written hooks, ' Chris- tian Science." sums up Mrs. Eddy's jrifts and -u-estion, that had she entered the world railroading, she would have probably come to control most of the trunk lines of the 'nation. Mrs. Eddy's ungodly ower of the Holy One, performed, St. Peter said, "Thy money perish with thee, because thoii hast thought the rift of (Jod can he purchased with money. Biit that surest ion which St. Peter, in horror and in indignation, denounced as bein.u' of the devil, as by Christian Science, so-called, not alone heralded as a suir- jrestion of (Jod, but further, this d about by every possible law, to be sold to those, and those only, who have money to buy. Mind you, Mrs. Eddy, and Christian Science, so-called, teaches that " demonstrably this Science is the Holy Spirit, and if Simon of Samaria had lived, today, instead of nineteen centuries a4 IX THK CULT KIXCDOM To insist, as some do. that it matters not whether you are a Mormon, or an Eddyite, or a Russellite, or a Uni- tarian, or a Universalist, a Mohammedan, or what not, to be religious is to be saved, is to advance a theory that bankrupts the Word of (iod. does away with the Atonement and makes Cod a liar. 11' it were true that all men and women who are re- ligious are to be saved, then all men and women would be saved. Swing out into whatever realm of human experience you will, and all the way up and all the way down, you will find that practically every man or woman, of what- ever color or kind, has a religion. Even those who are the most bitter in the denunciation of all religions, are dominated by superstititions that become to them as real as life and as awful as death. There are a hundred different religions abroad in tin 1 land. Some of tbese religions are in open antagonism to ( 'hrist and His church. Some of these religions are professedly friendly, but unlike the religion of Christ in every essential of their existence. Some of these religions are claiming to he the genuine article claiming to be the religion of Christ, dressing in the livery of Christ's church, and using the language of Christ's church, and adopting the same form of. wor- ship as Christ's church, and yet, down underneath all these pretensions, there are the false doctrines that brand these religions as the worst sort of fakes! The more nearly like the real thing a religion may be come, without being the real thing, the more damnablv dangerous that movement becomes. Over against these vagaries of men, (iod throws, with IX THE (VLT KINGDOM 55 the finality of the judgment, the verities of His plainly written and infallible truth, and if men turn to these false prophets and worship their false Ghrists, then they must stand at the Chi istless judgment seat, to be judged with those who have openly rebelled against the govern- ment of (Jod ! (rod's word teaches us that there is but one religion that can wash the heart, elevate and purify and ennoble the life, and stand us at last faultless before the throne, and that is the religion, blood bought and blood wrought the religion of Christ. This religion, James tells us. "is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy, and good fruits, without par- tiality and without hypocrisy." That these "Tsms," under discussion in this series, do not stand the test when measured along side of this standard, goes without saying. ''Pure" they are not. for, as we shall see in coming studies, neither of them flows from a fountain that is pure. "Peaceable" they are not. as Mormonism stands the sworn enemy of the nation, while the other two present a ''peace" that is a fake peace, for there can be no peace where Christ's cross is made of none effect. "Gentle" and "easy to be entreated" they are not. as men and women will testify, who have had reason to question their faith. "Full of mercy" they are not, as Science, so-called, teaches that to sympathize with sin and suffering is to dethrone God as the God of the universe. "Full of good fruits" they art 4 not. for how can good fruit grow on a corrupt tree? "Partial" they are. but possibly no more so than th j :x; IX THE CULT KINGDOM irreat organized church of Christ, for their partiality abounds as well. ""Without hypocrisy" they are not. for hypocrisy lies at the heart of every one of these fads. Now then, the question arises, if those religious have their distinct fields, and each claims to ho God's truth to this age, and each substitutes tor the Bible, and each makes an attack on the deity of Christ, and each has made merchandise of the people, and each flows from a questionable source (as we shall see in coming studies,) then why do men and women of unquestioned mental mid moral integrity take up with these cults? In part at least, the recruits to the ranks of these "Isms" are there because they were offered something "extra" by these cults, to turn their time, money and service that way. Each of these "Isms" makes an appeal for followers on the distinct ground that it will do something "big" for humanity that the church has never offered to do. This is, in very large part, the secret of the rapid growth of 'these cults. Without the "prizes'' which they offer, they would have never been heard of. What are their prizes and w r hat is their bonus? MORMONISM AND ITS BONUS "There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders." America is pronouncedly and confessedly the home of the bargain seeker. Here he originated, and here he lives, and here he propagates his kind. The nine-cent, and the nineteen-cent, and the IX THE (TLT KINGDOM 57 nine cent, and the thirty-nine rent counters of the aver- age department store are crowded with all ages, sexes, colors and kinds. The stores that offer the greatest bargains liave the greatest crowds, and around the eounter on which tlie special bargains are stacked tliere crowd the rich and poor. the old and young the freaks, and the freckles:, and tin 1 flips and the flops, and flirts and things. This bargain hunting, pri/.e seeking. bonus chasing streak rims through the warp and woof of common humanity. The devil knows the weakness of the race, as God knows both its weakness and its strength. It is the conviction of multitudes that these "Isms" ,were concocted in the lower regions, and each owes its rapid growth in the world to the fact that each makes its appeal to this bargain seeking craze that sweeps tli^ land. . Just as you will find the rich, and the refined and edu- cated, crowding the harp/a MI counters of America, elbow- ing their way through poverty, ignorance and vice, so you will find in these "Isms" all acres, and scattered through the three, all classes, and they are there for no other reason under heaven, than that they were offered "special" inducements for marching with these cults! Mormon ism. Eddyism and Russellism, have not made any very irreat headway amonest the other nations of the world, for the other nations of the world are not craxed with bargain seeking 1 , and especially is this true. when it crimes to religion. The religion of Christ is never placed on exhibition a! reduced prices, and is never announced for sale sand- wiched in between rattle boxe^ and teething rubbers. Hut what are the special inducements that these fake- religions hold out to their blinded dupes? IX THE CULT KINGDOM Let us see ! To begin with, Mormonism makes its special appeal for followers on the ground that salvation can Ve had by observing rites and forms, and that salvation in Mor- monism carries with it the prospects of becoming a Cod in the world to come. It was with the assurance, "Ye shall be as gods/' Miat the devil intoxicated our first parents, and led them to their overthrow. In Mormondom the assurances are changed from "\e >b:dl be as gods," to "Ye shall be (iods. " There are two forces in every human life that must i.c subjugated and controled one* is the "Pride of L'.iV. and the other is the "Lust of the flesh." The world's greatest prophets, and priests, and preach- ers have been those who have known the struggle of the angel and the beast, and they have arisen to the highest levels of service and holiness, because the beast was slain and the angel permitted to live. This struggle means a struggle to death, and heaven the heaven which Christ prepares can only be won by the conquest of our baser self. The Mormon heaven is not attained that way. " Frnitfnlness" in the marriage relations here, which means polygamy in its most disastrous and damnable forms which further means a complete reign of the brute, is the surest way, according to Mormonism, to attain to the level of a god hereafter. Eternal life and deification are not to be secured through faith in Christ and through annihilation of the beast, but, rather, these boons are to be won through works that you are able to perform in Mormondom, and through a free rein to your animal passions. IX THE CULT KIXCDOM 59 The Mormon heaven is a place where husbands live with their wives continuing the same relationship that they sustained toward them while here in this life. The Mormon heaven is a place where sensuality in its rankest forms is sanctified and glorified. Then 1 art 1 many *'ods in the Mormon heaven, and what we arc now these rods once were, and what they are now. we may some day become. loin us, is the appeal of Mormondom. and we will let you work out your salvation. Join us. is the appeal of Mormonism. and we will leg- alize and glorify the outr caching of the brute. Join us, is the appeal of Mormonism. and we will exalt you to the throne of a deity in the world to come. "Ye shall be as rods." said the devil. "Ye shall be as u-ods." says Mormonism. EDDYISM AND ITS BONUS "But there were false prophets also amonii' the people, even as there shall be false prophets anionjr you. who privily shall brinod in the world le- vond. (>> IN THE CULT KINGDOM EddyiMii. ignores and denies, not alone the power of the l)east. but the existence of the beast, and calls men away from intelligent and persistent warfare against sin, to teach them that all evil, whether phyiscal or moral, is to be banished through a pi ocess of elevated thinking. Everthing for which Christ died, according to Christian Science, is but the fabric of an unpleasant dream, and whatever of havoc those dreams have brought, to you. and the world, these bad effects can be erased for time and eternity, by just denying their reality and their power. Eddyism is idealism gone to seed it is idealism ether- ealixed it is an evanescent concoction of tine spun, im- practical dreamings, backed up with some rather coarsely woven scheming, wrapped about with some high sound- in 'rave for every man and women, to repent, believe and have life. According to Kussellism. you can slap God in the face, do despite to the spirit of j>-raee, and tread under foot the blood of Christ, die with foul oaths on your lips, hating God and God's church and God's Christ, and everything pure and worthy and jrood. and then, after a rest in the ^rrave. in unconsious sleep, you are res- urrected, to stand before an open door, ti : ;' opens into life. If there you refuse to accept Christ and have life, you are taken away to be annihilated wiped out root ;md branch. 64 IN THE CULT KINGDOM That any, there, will accept annihilation in preference to Jesus Christ and life, is hardly probable, which means that all .men and women are to be saved. Probably ninety-nine out of a hundred of the Bussellite following were attracted to Russell and the Russell move- ment through the alleged gospel of a second chance. This doctrine appeals and appeals profoundly to two classes of the earth's millions. The first class lias the sympathy of every riglit minded person. These are the men and women who have loved ones dead loved ones who lived and died outside the Christ- ian faith. To these, the Russell gospel, so-called, of a ''second- chance,'' comes as the one ray of light, flashing into what seems to be unending, impenetrable darkness. These men and women grasp at Russellism, with its second probation, as a drowning man grasps at a straw, and in the hope that this professed prophet speaks Hod's message, they are ready to honor him with their money and their support. The other class deserves no sympathy either of man or God. The second class is composed of those who hate right- eousness and love vice, and who will persist to the end. in a viciously immoral state hating (iod and (lod's church and God's people. To such as these the so-called gospel of a "second- chance" comes as a sweet morsel to he rolled beneath the tongue. There is no announcement that (Jod could make from His throne that would the more quickly throw the world in open rebellion to His government, and plunge the race the more quickly into every conceivable excess of sin IN THE (TLT KIX(;i)OM 05 and crime, than the assurance direct from His throne, that every imm and woman, whatever their record here, was to have another opportunity for accepting Christ and being saved on the other side of death ! You can take the bonus which each of these religious cults offers, and without their "special 73 revelations, and their own "substitution," they would have no semblance of authority for the promises they make. To make their fake work, each in turn had to secure a "special" dispensation, and have ushered in a "new" revelation and it is this special key that they ask you to accept as their divine credentials, given them direct from God. Each of these religious founders was as ignorant of the dead languages as a woodpecker, and yet each has the effrontery to ask the public to believe that they have gone back to the Scriptures, in their original languages, Creek and Hebrew, and have given to the world the "correct" interpretation of these essential passages. Over against their assault with an attempt to trans- late Cod s word from the original, there stands the com- bined learning of a united church, assuring us that these abortive attempts at translation are so glaring, crude. and false, that the joke of it all is sufficiently great to throw all hell into one loud, lonjr guffaw! "What 'tools' we mortals be." Mormon ism runs fastest amongst those who are ignorant and passion dominated. Eddyism runs fastest amongst those who want a re- ligion without the ''shame of the cross" without a bleeding, dying Savior, who died as a ransom for many. Russellism runs fastest amongst those who have loved ones dead out of Christ, or who want to live like -devils X THE CULT KINGDOM c and rise to live like angels in the hereafter. Apart from the special prizes which each offers, these religions would never have been heard of three removes from the front door of their own home, and their home is where all lies centralize and focalize. "Ye shall be jrocls," says Mormonism. "Ye shall not be sick," says Eddy ism. "Ye shall have another chance," says Russellism. Which lie do yon choose to believe? IN THE CULT KINGDOM 67 TALK NUMBER SIX MORMONISM WE are urged to bury the past in the past, and let the grave of the past be closed, to be opened no more forever. If God has forgiven the past, after the past has been atoned for as best it can be atoned for, then the wise, ami the sensible, and the re- ligious thing to do, we are told, is to let the dead past remain buried forever in the past. What jnan has wril ten he has written, and that record, whether good or bad, is down on the pages of his past history, back to which he could not go, even if he chose, and a line of which lie could not erase or change. What (iod has forgiven and forgotten, sinful, erring, fallible man. should likewise forgive and seek to forget. Milton's description of a hell hound does not do justice to the human fiend incarnate who, with no sense of mercy, or pity, or justice, goes digging into the closed chapters of a good man's life to parade before the pub- !;< ira/e any skeleton which (iod and time have buried. On the other hand, when men and women come knock- ing at our doors, or come seeking admittance to the more sacred precincts of the heart coming as God's special messengers, with God's exclusive message, ordi- nary discretion, it seems, would demand that we ask that these professed messengers produce their cre- < initials. This is specially true, if these men and women come 68 TN THE CTLT KINGDOM knocking at our doors, professing to he hearers of some new truth of such a far-reaching and revolutionary char- acter that their coming is to mark a new period in God's dealings with the race. Mormonism, Eddyism, and Russell ism. eome making tliese claims. These men and women are not to be classed amongst ordinary teachers, nor are their organizations to he classed with the average religious organization. Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, and Charles Ta/> "Russell, claim for themselves that which only God's special prophet or messenger dare claim. The message that each of these religious founders brings to the church and to the world is so distinct and s<< out of harmony with all accepted church teachings, that to follow the path that either of these points us to, means that we must break all connection with the. Church of Christ, in which we were probably born, cradled, nurtured and reared. When we stop to consider the exclusiveness and the import that these leaders claim for their message, it seems that rubbers-on-the-feet-in-sloppy-weather pru- dence, would suggest that we demand from these pro- fessed prophets something of their pedigree. Unfortunately, each of these cult founders has a past Uiat will not stand the light of careful investigation. Tf this man Smith, or this woman Mrs. Eddy, or this other man Pastor Russell if either of these were an ordinary Christian teacher, bringing ordinary Bible truths, their delinquencies in the realm of morals, even though these lapses came while they were before the public as religious teachers, might be passed over as Undeserving even incidental mention in such an article as this. Or, if these delinquencies were charged against these IX THE CULT KINGDOM 69