Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOwheerich CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Historical Society OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. Also the Report of the Librarian for the Years 1891-9,2, being the First Biennial Report and Catalogue Ever Published by the State or Society, IN TWO PARTS. PAR Publications of this State and of Other States and General History PART i- ns of the United States which Have Been Received at this Library to November on iSnr Prepared BY WM. F. WHEELER, Librarian. Pbinters a 1892. CATALOGUE OF THE L15RARY OF THE Historical Society OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. // Also the Report of the Librarian for the Years i 89 1 -92, being the First Biennial Report and Catalogue Ever PublisKed by the State or Society. IN TWO PARTS. PART I "The Publications of this State and of Other States and General History. PART 2— Publications of the United States which Have Been Received tt this Library to Novennber 30, 1892. Prepared BY WM. F. WHEELER, Librarian. HKLENA, MONTANA : C. K. Wells Co., Printers and Binders. Z I ^ O 6" M 7 6"" BANCROFT LIBRARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ) OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. ( Helena, Montana, Dec. 3, 1892. Gov. Jos. K. Toole, Mem. State Ex. Com. Hist, Soc. of Montana. SIR: I have the honor to herewith transmit the first biennial report of Wm. F. Wheeler, our very efficient and painstaking librarian, which includes a well arranged Catalogue of all books, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc., in the Library of the Society. I heartily concur in the recommendations made by him, and especially the one in reference to transferring the Miscellaneous Division of the State Library, to the care of the Historical Society, as under the present arrangement it cannot be properly assorted, cata- logued, and cared for. The present salary of the librarian is entirely inadequate for the large amount of intelligent and valuable work performed by him. The next session of the Legislature should increase it to $1,800 a year. The thanks of the Society are due to the Board of Commissioners of Lewis and Clarke County for giving it, free of cost, good rooms in the attic of the Court House. Very Respectfully, GRANVILLE STUART, Presidetit, HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA Report of the librarian for 1891-92. To His Excellency y Joseph K. Toole, Governor of Montafia, and Ex- Officio Member of the Executive Committee of the Historical Society of the State of Montana ; also. To Hon, Granville Stuart, President of said Society: GENTLEMEN: — I have the honor to present this, my first biennial report, of the collections of this Society enumerated in the catalogue following hereafter, which is the first catalogue of this Society or its predecessor, "The Historical Society of Montana." The report also includes an appeal to the friends of the Society, stating definitely its purposes and objects; and also gives a statement of its receipts and expenditures since its transfer to the State, on the 1st day of April, 1891, to December 1st, 1892, the close of the fiscal year. This state- ment is taken from the books of the State Auditor and Treasurer, where said accounts are kept and where all vouchers are filed. The catalogue is not strictly an alphabetical one, but more one of subjects grouped under the proper headings, which I consider more practical. First, the books and pamphlets relating to general historical subjects are given, together with State exchanges from other Historical Societies and our own State publications; ^wdi second, Part 2 embraces all the publications of the United States which have been received at our Library. The Society hereby acknowledges with gratitude the generosity and liberality of the Commissioners of Lewis and Clarke County in giving it the splendid rooms in the Court house which it has occu- pied for its Library since July 5, 1887, without cost or charge; also, to the noble and public-spirited editors and proprietors of the news- papers of Montana, who have donated free of charge over 400 vol- umes of their publications to it since 1864 to the present time; also to the many citizens who have given diaries, letters of historic value 6 OF *THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, and many manuscripts which will in the future be of great worth in illustrating our history. I wish to make two or three suggestions which I think neces- sary for the good of the Library and its management. The Miscel- laneous Department of the State Library consists almost entirely of State and United States public documents, which are essentially books of reference and should be transferred to the Historical De- partment, as they are entirely of historical value. This will not in- terfere with the Law Library, which is for the sole use of the courts, and which should be left to a separate librarian, as at present. It gives enough work for one person to do. The second suggestion is that all publications made under the authority of the State, of every description, should be deposited by the person printing the same, to the extent of at least five copies of each in the Library of this Society, for reference only, and not to be removed therefrom. As it is, we have an incomplete set of laws, journals of the Legislature, and but few reports of Territorial or State officers, except those the Librarian has collected under great difficulties. The third suggestion is that there should be a small contingent fund set apart upon which the Librarian can check for the payment of postage, drayage, janitor work, for shelving and other small items of expense for the use of the Library, which he has now to pay for first out of his own pocket and then wait for reimbursement from the State. From three to five hundred dollars would be sufficient for this purpose, and the Librarian should give bond in double the amount so set apart. The fourth suggestion is that whereas there is now in the Library a large number of letters and many valuable diaries and other contributions of great historic value which are poorly written — many in dim pencil marks — which need to be re-written and properly edited, the Librarian should be allowed to employ an assistant— a copyist or typewriter— to put this valuable matter in good shape for preservation or for the printer. Six hundred dollars would be a moderate estimate for this work for the next year. ThQ fifth suggestion is in relation to securing Indian relics, as all in the State will soon be beyond purchase, and never will be repro- duced. The old Society, for want of funds, never did or could pur- chase any, or even pay for preserving the forms of the wild animals, birds or fishes native to Montana. This should be done now, as far CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 7 as possible. There has been deposited in the Library rooms a large case of fine and valuable Indian hand work, which the Society can buy at reasonable cost. I know of but one other collection in the State that can be purchased. My sixth and last suggestion is that the Library and everything contained in it should be insured to, I think, the amount of $10,000. It will be for a committee of the Legislature to consider the above suggestions and examine the condition, needs and wants of the Libraries of the State. OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE Or^ar)izatioD of the fli^torical Societij OF MONTANA. Its Objects and Purposes. The following is quoted bodily from the able introduction to the first volume of the " Transactions of the Society," and was written by Col. W. F. Sanders, who for twenty-five years was its President: " This society was incorporated by an act of the Legislative As- sembly, approved February 2, 1865. To it was confided the trust of accumulating information illustrative of the early history of the region of country in what is now (1876) the Territory of Montana. The trust seemed at first to be a barren and thankless one. There is not, probably, in the United States a region of equal area about which so little information can be gleaned as that parallelogram along the northern border, which contains the springs of the Columbia and the Missouri. In the discharge of the trust thus confided to the society, it was sought to gather from this barren field such informa- tion as books could afford, and to acquire from adventurers and early pioneers whatever of interest their memories had preserved. "The Territory seems to have passed between two lines of early travel across the continent. To the north, the fur traders of Mon- treal, passing through Lake Superior to Lake Winnipeg, and thence up the Saskatchewan, across the Rocky Mountains to the Flatbow River, proceeded down the Columbia. At a later day, but early in the present century, adventurous traders from St. Louis and New CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 9 York, passingf up the Platte and through the South Pass, crossed Green River to the Lewis Fork of the Columbia, and passed by Fort Hall, down towards Astoria. "The travelers along the northern line of communication do not seem to have deflected so far from their route as to have familiarized themselves with the topography or geographical features of the Territory. Those who journeyed along the southern line, makipg Deer Creek, Green River, Cache Valley or Fort Hall their rendez- vous, pursued the vocation of trappers, hunters or traders through- out the adjacent country, and not unfrequently visited our Territory. These representatives of the white race among the red men of the remote West seldom returned to civilization. The discovery of the gold and silver mines, the settlement of the country, the develop- ment of the various industries here, the history of towns and com- munities, sketches of various officials and administrations; the story of our social disorder; the perils, sacrifices and labors of our early pioneers; the material, social, intellectual and religious , progress of our people — all justify the attention of the society. These various subjects the society has sought tp care for in a spirit of fidelity to its mission. It has not considered that it was its province to pass judg- ment upon events, but to gather facts with impartial justice. It does not trouble itself to approve or condemn, but to preserve." It is introduced here because it so fully explains the objects of the Historical Society and some of its history. Notwithstanding the almosf total destruction of nearly all the Library and manuscripts of the Society by the great fire of the 9th of January, 1874, the officers and members have labored with unfalter- ing zeal to replace what was lost and to gather new books and precious manuscripts for its future publications. Although much cramped for means, they have succeeded beyond their most sanguine expectations. The manuscripts gathered number over 3,000 pages; the books and pamphlets will number more. Many rare and valu- able books have been purchased, but the greatest source of increase to the Library is from the government publications at Washington and from exchanges with kindred societies and State publications. The Library contains upwards of 2,400 bound volumes, and 450 bound volumes of the territorial newspapers, some commencing as far back as 1864, and are considered by the Society as valuable beyond price. Nearly every paper published in Montana is sent to the Society gratis, and these are finely bound and preserved in a fire-proof vault, as are the manuscripts. As a rule the editors or pro- 10 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. prietors thus contribute their papers to our Library free of charge. Many of the early pioneers, County, Territorial and Federal officials, and persons who contribute to the archives of the Society, have or can be elected honorary members. The manuscripts already collected contain narratives of early events and personal history, precious beyond any price. A number of diaries, which were made by persons who crossed the plains from St. Paul or Leavenworth in 1863 or 1864, have been collected. These are full of interesting events and after the lapse of twenty-five years read like a romance. Many more are supposed to be in the hands of those who wrote them, and the Society would like to obtain them. If sent to the Librarian they will be copied and re- turned if the owners so desire. The persons named in the act incorporating the Society are: Hez. L. Hosmer, Christopher P. Higgins, John Owen, James Staurt, W. F. Sanders, Malcolm Clark, F. M. Thompson, William Y.Graham, Granville Stuart, W. W. De Lacy, Caleb E. Irvine and Chas. S. Bagg. These incorporators met on the 21st of February, 1865, at the office of Dance & Stuart, Virginia' City, Montana, and made a tem- porary organization and appointed a committee on permanent organ- ization, and framed a constitution and by-laws. These were subse- quently reported and adopted. On April 20, 1865, the Society met and elected the followmg named officers for the ensuing year: President, Wilbur F. Sanders. Vice-President, Granville Stuart. Corresponding Secretary, Wm. E. Cullen. Recording Secretary, Cornelius Hedges. Librarian, Chas. Rumley. It is a noticeable fact that all are now living in Montana after more than twenty-five years. They evidently came to stay. The following list contains the names of the first twenty-five active members: Hezekiah L. Hosmer, *Christopher P. Higgins, *John Owen, *James Stuart, Wilbur F. Sanders, *Malcolm Clark,' Francis M. Thompson, *William Y. Graham, Granville Stuart, *Wal- ter W. De Lacy, *Caleb E. Irvine, *Chas. S. Bagg, *Walter B. Dance, James Fergus, Samuel T. Hauser, Chas. S. Warren, Cornelius Hedges, William W. Alderson, Matthew Carroll, William E. Cullen, Chas. Rumley, Louis R. Maillett, Erasumus D. Leavitt, Perry w! McAdow, William A. Clark, Henry N. Blake. The following were duly elected corresponding members at the CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 11 organization of the Society: *Hon. George Bancroft, *John Lathrop Motley, *Chas. Francis Adams, ^Francis Parkman, *Louis Agassiz, ♦Joseph Henry. [*The names marked with a star in the above list are those of deceased members.] 12 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Appeal to Our Friends. The Montana Historical Society earnestly requests its friends and correspondents to secure and forward to it whatever they may have to donate, of a printed nature. We ask for books and pam- phlets on American History, Biography and Genealogy, particularly those relating to the West; works on our Indian Tribes, and Ameri- can Archaeology and Ethnology; Statistical and Scientific Publica- tions of States or Societies; books or pamphlets relating to the Great Rebellion; privately printed works; Newspapers, Maps and Charts; Engravings; Autographs; Coins; Antiquities and Encyclopaedias; Dictionaries and Biographical works of every kind. Entire sets of works are especially solicited, or collections of books on any subject, but single volumes, or pamphlets even, will be gratefully received. Especially do we desire — Everything Relating to Our Own State, Viz 1. Travels and Explorations; City Directories; Hotel Registers; Ordinances of Cities, and, in short, every book on any subject printed in the State, or elsewhere, relating to it. 2. Pamphlets of all kinds; catalogues of Montana Colleges and other institutions of learning; Annual Reports of Societies; Ser- mons and Addresses delivered in this State; Minutes of Church Con- ventions, Synods, or other ecclesiastical bodies of Montana; Railroad and Board of Trade reports, and other pamphlets relating to this State. 3. Files of Montana newspapers or magazines, especially com- plete volumes of past years, or single numbers even. Publishers are earnestly requested to contribute their publications regularly, all of which will be carefully preserved and bound. We trust that every newspaper in the State will send us its publication for the vear 1893, commencing January first. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 13 4. Materials for Montana History; old letters, journals and manuscript narratives of the Pioneers of Montana; newspaper cut- tings; original papers on the Early History and Settlement of the Territory; Adventures and Conflicts During the Indian Wars; Biographies of the Pioneers of every county, either living or de- ceased, together with their portraits and autographs; a sketch of the settlement of every town and village in the State, with names of the first settlers. We solicit articles on every subject connected with Montana History. 5. Maps of Townsites or Counties, of any date; views or en- gravings of buildings or historic places; drawings or photographs of scenery; paintings, portraits, etc., connected with Montana History. 6. Curiosities of all kinds for our Museum; medals, paintings, portraits, engravings, statues; autographs; letters of distinguished persons, etc., and especially mineral specimens, giving the name of the mine, county, etc., from which they came. 7. Facts illustrative of our Indian troubles; their history, char- acteristics, religion, etc.; sketches of their prominent chiefs, orators and warriors, together with contributions of Indian weapons, cos- tumes, ornaments, curiosities and implements. Also stone axes, spears, arrow-heads, pottery or other relics of the pre-historic races. in brief, everything that, by the most liberal construction, can illustrate the History of Montana or its people; its early settlement, its progress or present condition, which will be of value or interest to succeeding generations. All works presented to our . Library will be acknowledged in our biennial reports, and will be carefully preserved for the use of the public of the State. Nearly every gentleman accumulates at his office or home a great number of pamphlets. Do not sell them to the paper mill, but send them to wm. f. wheeler, Librana?i, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 15 OFFIGEIjS OF ]fl JOGIFIY AJD EXEGUIIVE GOMiyilllEE. PRESIDENT Granville Stuart VICE PRESIDENT CORNELIUS HEDGES CORRESPONDING SECRETARY WM. E. CULLEN RECORDING SECRETARY HENRY N. BLAKE TREASURER SAMUEL T. HAUSER LIBRARIAN WILLIAM F. WHEELER JOS. K. TOOLE, Governor, ex-officio Member of Ex. Com. Louis ROTWITT, Secretary of State, ex-oflficio Member of Ex. Com. HENRI J. Haskell, Attorney General, ex-officio Member of Ex. Com. JiGTIVE W|FMBE1|S OR DlljEGlOR?. Wilbur F. Sanders, granville stuart, James Fergus, Samuel T. Hauser, Charles S. Warren, Cornelius Hedges, William W. alderson, Matthew Carroll, Frank H. Woody, James U. Sanders, Charles RuMley, louis maillet, Erasmus D. Leavitt, PERRY W. MCADOW, WM. a. Clarke, HENRY N. BLAKE, WM. F. WHEELER, HIRAM KNOWLES, JAMES H. Mills, WM. E. CULLEN. NOTE. — The names of over three hundred honorary members of the Society will be printed in the second volume of its contributions. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 17 u ft D CO < u ft u OB > hm o a. O z -z H « Z es D <» O o O £ Z -O T ® I (0 >- •«: I- a III o I- co i-li|ie c -^ < X ^ ^- — ^ SC if t£ t£ it tt -CCS CCS >.c c c c c c «- a; oj cj 1* 0; a; 2 >»>>>>>%>.>, si -^ -^^ t. •- u ^ .C 'X U3 « X y: X " >.« •" i - 2l =; i w £ ccccccc— ?S| y. X X -X X X X X X X X >, X c c c c c c c o o o o 03 S £ £ S £ t. « n ® « ® a> - c c c c c c HCOCOOO voiiia)?& -2- 18 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CO O > o S N (A O n c o a K H " Z = D « 51 CO CQ Z 0. I? ® X ** "I o a a < c 3 O E < : "^^ t. C-S C e c si 3i a, a; © t« B-rtJ*: S2 2 5 ?<- * S ® ^^ U4U !»(£ CD t3 — "^ ^ ^ - O O «>'«'=! «« «s. cqj' '5 o Oc- as CLPhO-P^CWOKP^ cr^ WW z X p: c 8SS88S8 ^g;=8K^8888S8S88888 COG sss o p o >-i o ;-! So a; be bC CO *-i^^^^ ^W +j jj > «* d cj « 22 « o o oi J No. 6. Indian Disbursements. ^' ■'' ] No. 61. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1877. [No. 73. Lands of the Arid Region. V. 14, Nos. 34 to 72, except 3S, 39, SI and 61. y ,c i No. 35. Receipts and Expenditures, 1872-'73. ^'^^' (No. 39. Same. 1873-'74. V. 16. Mail Contracts. V. 17, Nos. 74 to 101, except 89 and 90. V. 18, No. 89, Pt. 1. Fishery Awards. V. 1. V. 19, No. 89, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, V. 20, No. 89, Pt. 3. Same. V. 3. V. 21, No. 90. Commerce and Navigation, 1877. V. 22, No, 102. Commercial Relations, 1877. House Miscellaneous Documents— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 35, except 31. V. 3. Nos. 36 to 50. V. 4, Nos. 51 to 56, except 52. V. 5, No. 52. Election Cases in House of Representatives, 1871 to 1876. V. 6, Nos. 57 to 66. Except 6^. V. 7, No. 63. Testimony Regarding Administration of the Navy Depart- ment. House Reports of Committees— V. 1, Nos 1 to 4, First Session, and 1 to 245, Second Session. V. 2, Nos. 246 to 588, V. 3, Nos. 589 to 701. V. 4, Nos. 702 to 833. V. 5, Nos. 834 to 1017. Miscellaneous Electoral Count of 1877. THIRD SESSION. Senate Executive Documents — ( No. 13. Report of U. S. Coast Survey, 1878. V. 2. -j No. 75. Reports of the Survey of the Panama and Napipi Ship- ( ship Canal Route. V. 4, Nos. 49 to 74. Except 58. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 2, No. 31. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Pt. 6, 1878. House Executive Qocuments— V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior, V. 2. (Education.) V. 15, Pt. 2, No. 32, Pt. 3. Internal Commerce of the United States. 76 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Forty-Sixth Congress. FIRST SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Executive Documents— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 38, except 31 and 37. V. 2, No. 31. Observation of the Transit of Venus, 1874. V. 3, No. 37, Pts. 1 and 2. Report in case of Fitz John Porter. V. 1. V. 4, No. 37, Ft. 3. Same. V. 2. Senate Miscellaneous Documents— Nos. 1 to 50. House Journal — House Executive Documents — Nos. 1 to 11. House Miscellaneous Documents— * V. 1, Nos. 1 to 26, except 14 and 23. V. 2, No. 14, Pts. 1 and 2. Contested Election; Curtin vs. Yocum. V. 3, No. 14, Pt. 3. Same. V. 2. V. 4, No. 14, Pt. 4. Same. V. 3. V. 5, No. 23. Contested Election; Duffy vs. Mason. SECOND SESSION. Senate Journal- Senate Executive Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 50, except 17. V. 2, No. 17. Report of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1879. V. 3, Nos. 51 to99. . V. 4, Nos. 100 to 180. V. 5, Nos 181 to 216, except 208 and 209. » V. 7, No. 209. Report of Commissioner of Education Regarding Develop- ment of Instruction in Drawing, etc. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 53. V. 2, Nos. 54 to 104. Except 59. V. 3, No. 59. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1879. Senate Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 9, First Session, and 10 to 340, Second Session. Except 277 and 303. V 9 ^ No. 277. Election of John J. Ingalls. ^•^' I No. 303, Pts. 1 and 2. Civil Service. V. 3, Nos. 341 to 478. Except 388. V. 4, No. 388. Contested Election. (Spofford vs. Kellogg.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 77 V. 5, No. 488 to 571. V. 6, Nos. 572 to 670. V. 7, Nos. 671 to 725. Except Pts. 2 and 3 of 693. V. 8, No. 693. Pts. 2 and 3. Negro Exodus from Southern States. House Journal. House Executive Documents— V. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1879. V. 2. Report of Secretary of War, 1879. V. 1. V. 3. Same. (Engineers.) V. 11, Pt. 1. V. 4. Same. (Engineers.) V. 11, Pt. 2. V. 6. Same. (Ordnance.) V. 7. Same. (Signal Office.) V. 9, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report Secretary of Interior, 1879. V. I. V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 11. V. 11, No. 5. Same. (Education.) V. 12. No. 1. Pts. 6, 7 and 8, and Nos. 8 to 22. Except 9, 10 and 13. V. 13. Report of Secretary of Treasury, 1879. Y J 4 j Report of Comptroller of Currency, 1879. • ■ ( Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1879. ( 5. Estimates of Appropriations. V. 15. ] 6. Same. ( 33. Same. V. 16, No. 7. Commerce and Navigation, 1879. •V. 17, No. 9. Refunding of the National Debt and Specie Resumption. V. 18, No. 10. Report of National Board of Health, 1879. V. 21, Nos. 24 to 45, except 33. V. 22, Nos. 46 to 51, except 47. V. 23, No. 47. Mail Contracts. V. 24, Nos. 52 to 89. V. 25, No. 90, Pt. 1. Commercial Relations, 1879. V. 1. V. 26, No. 90, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2. House Miscellaneous Documents— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 18. V. 3, Nos. 19 to 30. V. 3, No. 31, Pts. 1 to 3. Postal Star Service. V. 4, Nos. 32 to 47, except 40. V. 5, No. 40, Pt. 1. Contested Election— Mackey vs. O'Connor. V. 6, No. 40, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2. House Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 36, 1st session, and 1 to 197, 2d session. V. 2, Nos. 198 to 572. V. 3, Nos. 573 to 981. V. 4, Nos. 982 to 1,520. V. 5, Nos. 1,521 to 1,793, except 1,776. V, 6, No. 1,776. General Index of the Journals of Congress. 78 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THIRD SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Executive Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to30, except 12. V. 2, No. 12. Report of U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1880. V. 3, Nos. 31 to 63, and 1 to 5 Special Session of March, 1881. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 50, except 14 and 29, and 1 to 23 Special Session. V. 2, No. 14, Pt. 1. List of Private Claims. V. 1. V. 2, No. 14, Pt. 1. Same. V. 2. V. 3, No. 29. Report of Commissioner of Fish and ^Fisheries, 1880. Pt. ^, Senate Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 726 to 935. Except 916 and 1 Special Session. V. 2, No. 916. Report of Select Committee on Election Frauds. House Journal. House Executive Documents — V. 7, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War. (Signal Office.) V. IV. V. 11, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior, (Education.) V. III. V. 15, Nos. 5, 6, 67, and Mis. Doc. No. 5. V. 20, No. 42, Pt. 1. Paris Exposition Reports. (McCormick.) V. L V. 21, No. 42, Pt. 2. Same. V. II. V. 22, No. 42, Pt. 3. Same. V. III. V. 23, No. 42, Pt. 4. Same. V. IV. V. 24, No. 42, Pt. 5. Same. V. V. V. 27 No. 55. Offers and Contracts for carrying the mail, 1880. House Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 343. V. 2, Nos. 344 to 400. Forty-Seventh Congress. FIRST SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Executive Documents — V. l,Nos. 1 to 36. V. 2, Nos. 37 to 70, except 49. V. 3, No. 49. Report of U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1881. V. 4, No.s 71 to 88. V. 5, Nos. 89 to 158. V. 6, Nos. 159 to 197, except 196. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 79 V. 7, No. 196. Appropriations and Expenditures for Public Buildings and Other Worl^, March to June, 1884, V. 7, No. 12, Pt. 4. Same. 42 to 44, June, July and August, 1884. V. 8, No. 16. Contested Election; O'Farrall vs. Paul. ( No. 17. Same. Manzanares vs. Luna. V. 9. ] No. 18. Same. Garrison vs. Mayo. (No. 19. Same. Wallace vs. McKmley. V. 10, Nos. 20 to 24. Contested Elections. V. 11, No. 25, Pt. 1. Same. Campbell vs. Morey. V. 12, No. 25, Pts. 2 and 3. Same. V, 2. V. 13, No. 26. Rebellion Records. V. 10, Pt. 1. V. 14, No. 27, Pt. 1. Contested Elections; Massey vs. White. V. 15, No. 27, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2. V. 16, Nos. 28 to 31. Contested Elections. V. 17, No. 32. Rebellion Records. V. 10, Pt. 2. V. 18, No. 33. Report on Wages. (Weeks.) V. 19, Nos. 34 to 50, except 35, 38, 41, 46, 47 and 49. V on ^ No. 35. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1887. ^- ^"* ( No. 41. American Coasters' Nautical Almanac for 1884. V. 21, No. 38, Pt. 1. Expenditures in Department of Justice. V. 1. V. 22, No. 38, Pts. 2 and 3. Same. V. 2. ' ( No. 46. Memorial addresses on Dudley C. Haskell. V. 23, -j No. 47. Same. Thomas Allen. (No. 53. Same. Thomas H. Herndon. V 01 i No. 49, Pt. 1. Import Duties, 1867 to 1883. ^' '^*' I No. 49, Pt. 2. , Exports, Domestic and Foreign, 1797 to 1883. V. 25, Nos. 51 to 64. Except 53, 56, and 60. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 85 V. 26, No. 56. Decision of First Comptrpller. Vol. IV. 1883. V. 27, No. 60. Report of Geological Survey of the Territories. Vol. 3. V. 28, No. 65. Pt. 1. Rebellion Record. Vol. II, Pt. 1. V. 29, No. 65. Pt. 2. Same. Vol. II, Pt. 2. V. 30, No. 65. Pt. 3. Same. Vol. II, Pt. 3. V. 31, No. 66. The Jeannette Inquiry. V. 32, No. 67. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Pt. 11. 1883. V. 33, No. 68. Same. Pt. 12. 1884. V. 34, No. 69. Report of Smithsonian Institute, 1883. V. 35, No. 70. Report of Geological Survey of the Territories, Vol. VIII. (Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras.) V. 37, No. 72. Silver Lead Deposits of Eureka District. ( No. 73. Monograph of Geological Survey. Vol. VII. V. 38, ] Palseontology of the Eureka District. ( Monograph of Geological Survey, Vol. VIII. ( No. 74. Biachiopoda and Lamellibranchata of the Raritan Clays V. 39, ] and Greensand Marls of New Jersey. Monograph of ( Geological Survey. Vol. IX. . 40, No. 75. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1883. Forty-Eighth Congress. FIRST SESSION. House Reports of Committees- V. 1, Nos. 1 to 342. Except 11. V. 2, Nos. 343 to 636. V. 3, Nos. 637 to 979. V. 4, Nos. 980 to 1175. V. 5, Nos. 1176 to 1519. V. 6, Nos. 1520 to 1862. Except 1732. V. 7, Nos. 1863 to 2165. SECOND SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Executive Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 49. V. 1, Pt. 2, No. 47. Treaties and Conventions, 1776 to 1888. V. 2, Nos. 50 to 106, except 95, and 1 and 2, Special Session. V. 2, Pt. 2, No. 95. Indian Education and Civilization. 86 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Senate Miscellaneous Documents— . V. 1, Nos. 1 to 68, except 33, 56, 66, 67, and 1 to 25, Special Session. V. 2, No. 33, Pts. 1 and 2. Report of Smithsonian Institute, including Na- tional Museum, 1884. w ^ 5 No. 56. Dedication of Washington Monument. ^' ^' I No. 66. Memorial Addresses on Henry Bowen Anthony. V. 4, No. 67. Descriptive Catalogue of Government publications. V. 5. No. 69. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, 1884. V. 3, Pt. 1. V. 6, No. 70. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Pt. 13. 1885. V. 7, No. 71. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, 1881. V. 8, No. 72. Same. 1882. Senate Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 901 to 1292, except 1262. v.. 2, Nos. 1293 to 1573, and 1 Special Session. House Journal. House Executive Documents— V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1884. V. 2, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War. V. 1. 1884. V. 3, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 1. (Engineers.) V. 4, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 2. (Engineers.) V. 5, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 3. (Engineers.) V. 6, No. ,1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 4. (Engineers.) V. 7, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 3. (Ordnance.) V. 8, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War, V. 4. (Signal Office.) w e ^No. l,Pt. 3. V. 2 Report of Secretary of Navy, 1884. ^' *' J No. 1, Pt. 3. V. 1 Report of Surgeon General of Navy, 1884. V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 4. Report of Postmaster General, 1884. V. 11, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior, V. 1. 1884. '(Lands.) V. 12, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same, V. 2. (Indians.) V. 13, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same, V. 3. (Geological Survey.) • V. 14, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same, V. 4. (Education.) V. 15, No. 1, Pt. 6, and Nos. 6, 8 and 9. V. 16, No. 2, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of Treasury, 1884. y ,7 J No. 3. Report of Comptroller of Currency, 1884. ' ( No. 4. Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1884. V. 18, Nos. 5, 115, 1% and 270. V. 19, No. 7. Foreign Commerce of United States. V. 20, No. 7, Pts. 2 and 3. Internal Commerce of United States, Dec. 31, 1884, and May 6, 1885. V. 21, Nos. 10 to 64, except 43, 44 and 54. V. 22, No. 43. Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1884. V. 23, No. 44. Point Barrow Expedition. V. 24, No. 54, Pt. 1. Labor in Europe. V. 1. V. 25, No. 54, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2. V. 26, No. 54, Pt. 3. Labor in America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Poly- nesia. V. 27, Nos. 65 to 175, except 115. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 87 V. 28, Nos. 176 to 225, except 1%. V. 29, Nos. 226 to 267, except 23S, 248 and 266. V. 30, No. 235. French and American Claims Commission. V. 31, No. 248. Same. V. 32, No. 266. Offers and Contracts for Carrying Mails. V. 33, No. 268. Report of Director of Mint on Production of precious metals, 1884. V. 34, No. 269. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, 1885, House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 11. V. 2, Nos. 12 to 38, except 15, 18, 22, 27 to 35 and 37. V. 3, No. 15. Digest of Attorneys-General from 1789 to 1881. V. 4, No. 18. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1884. V. 5, No. 22. Decisions of First Comptroller. V. 5. 1884. w z- { No. 27. Memorial Addresses on W. H. Duncan. ^- °* ? No. 28. Same on John H. Evins. ( No. 29. British Military and Naval Operations in Egypt, 1882. V. 7. ] No. 30. War between Chili and Peru and Bolivia, 1879-81. ( No. 31. Operations of French Navy in Tunis, 1880-81. V. 8, r^o. 32. Third Annual Report of Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82. V. 9, No. 33. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1888. V. 10, No. 34. Consular Reports, Nos. 45 to 48, September to December, '1884. V. 11, No. 35. Tertiary History of the Grand Canyon District— Monograph of Geological Survey. V. 2. V. 11, Pt. 2. Atlas accompanying same. , V. 12, No. 37, Pt. 1. Rebellion Records. V. 12, Pt. 1. V. 13, No. 37, Pt. 2. Same. V. 12, Pt. 2. V. 14, No. 37, Pt. 3. Same. V. 12, Pt. 3. V. 15, No. 39. Fourth Report of Entomological Commission, w ,z- < No. 40. Insects— The Orange. ^' '^' ? No. 41. Bulletins of Geological Survey. V. 2, Nos. 7 to 14. V. 17. Report of Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83. House Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 2166 to 2604. V. 2, Nos. 2605 to 2676. V. 3, Nos. 2677 to 2696, except 2692. V. 4, No. 2692. General Personal Index of Journals from the First to Eighth Congress. 88 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Forty-Ninth Congress. FIRST SESSION. Senate Journal- Senate Executive Documents— V. l,Nos. 1 to68. Except 35 and 36. V. 2, No. 35. Tests of Iron and Steele. 1884. V. 3, No. 36. Same. 1885. V. 4, Nos. 69 to 77. Except 74. w c 5 No. 74. Awards Under French and Spanish Treaties. ^' ^' I No. 99. Report on Nicaragua Canal, 1885. (Monocal.) V. 5, Pt. 2. Maps Accompanying Same. V. 6, Nos. 78 to 98. V. 7, Nos. 100 to 153. V. 8, Nos. 154 to 226. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 46. V. 2, Nos. 47 to 98. Except 71 and 82. V. 3, No. 71. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1885. V. 4, No. 82. Organization of Signal Service, Geological Survey, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Hydrographic Office. V. 5, Nos. 99 to 170. Except 104, 120, 145, 152, 154, 155, 156 and 162. ( No. 104. Acceptance of the Garfield Statue. V. 6, ] No. 120. Memorial Addresses on Thomas A. Hendricks. (No. 145. Same. John F. Miller. Y rj { No. 152. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, 1883. ' ^ No. 154. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences. Vol. HI. Pt. 2- w g 5 No. 155. Natural History of Alaska. (Turner.) ' / No. 156. Natural History Collections in Alaska, (Nelson.) V. 9, No. 162. Pt. 1. Digest of International Law. Vol.1. (Wharton.) V. 10, No. 162. Pt. 2. Same. Vol. II. V. 11, No. 162. Pt. 3. Same. Vol.111. V. 12, No. 171. Digest of Opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789 to 1886. V. 13, No. 172. Report on Defective Classes. (Wines.) Senate Reports of Committees— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 90, except 46. V. 2, No. 46, Pt. 1. Report of Committee on Inter-State Commerce. Pt. 1. V. 3, No. 46, Pt. 2. Same. Pt. 2. V. 4, Nos. 91 to 392. V. 5, Nos. 393 to 784. V. 6, Nos. 785 to 1088. V. 7, Nos. 1089 to 1315, except 1278. V. 8, No. 1278, Pts. 1 and 3. Condition of Indians in Indian Territory and Other Reservations. Pts. 1 and 3. V. 9, No. 1278, Pt. 2. Same. Pt. 2. V. 10, Nos. 1316 to 1453. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 89 V. 11, Nos. 1454 to 1615, except. 1613. House Journal, V. 1. V. 2. House Executive Documents— V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1885. V. 2, No. l,Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War, 1885. V. 1. V. 3, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V.2, Pt. 1. (Engineers.) V. 4, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 2. (Engineers.) V. 5, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 3. (Engineers.) V. 6, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 4. (Engineers.) V. 7, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 3. (Ordnance.) V. 8, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 4. (Signal Office.) V. 9, No. l,Pt.3. Repert of Secretary of Navy, 1885. V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 4. Report of Postmaster General, 1885. V. 11, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior, 1885. V. 1. (Lands.) V. 12, No. 1. Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. II. (Indians.) V. 13, No. 1. Pt. 5. Same. Vol. III. (Geological Survey.) V. 14, No. 1. Pt. 5. Same. Vol. IV. (Education.) V. 15, No. 1. Pt. 5. Same. Vol. V. (Labor.) V. 16, No. 1 . Pt. 6. Report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1885. V. 17, No. 2. Pt. 1. Report of Secretary of Treasury. Vol. I. 1885. V. 18, No. 2. Pt. 2. Same. Vol. II. 1885. V. 19, No. 3. Report of Comptroller of Currency, 1885. V. 20, Nos. 4 to 20. Except 5, 9, 18 and 19. V. 21, Nos. 5,62, 116, and 176. V. 22, No. 9. Offers and Contracts for Carrying the Mails, 1885. V. 23, No. 18. Report or Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1885. V. 24, No. 19. Commerce and Navigation, 1885. V. 25, Nos. 21 to 50. Except 27, 29, 31 and 49. V. 26, No. 27. Report of First Comptroller, 1885. V 07 S No. 29. Receipts and Expenditures, 1881. ^•'''' {No. 31. Same. 1882. V 28 \ ^^' ^'^' Report of Board of Fortifications. ' / No. 49. Pt. 2. Plates Accompanying Same. V. 29, No. 51. Cattle Dairy Farming-Abroad. V. 30, Nos. 52 to 1 18. Except 62 and 1 16. V. 31, Nos. 1 19 to 172. Except 153. V. 32, No. 153. Cruise of the Corwin, 1885. V. 33, Nos. 173 to 280, Except 176 and 253. V. 34, No. 253. Commercial Relations of the United States, 1884-85. V. 35, Nos. 281 to 379. Except 290 and 378. V. 36, No. 290. Report of Director of Mint on Production of Precious Metals, 1885. V. 37, No. 378. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, 1885. House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 34, except 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, and 26 to 29. fNo. 16. Revision of Rules of House of Representatives. w ,, J No. 304. History of Lake Lahontan— Monograph of Geological ^- ^- 1 Survey. V/ll. i,No. 305. t)inocerata. Monograph of Geological Survey. V. 10. 90 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V. 3, No. 21. Rebellion Records. V. 13. V. 4, No. 22. Same. V. 14. V. 5, No. 27, Pt. 1. Official Register of United States. V. 1. V. 6, No. 27, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2. V. 7, No. 28. Consular Reports, Nos. 49 to 52, January to April, 1885, and Special Report on Cholera. V. 8, No. 29. Same. Nos. 53 to 56, June to September, 1885, and Special Reports on Trade Guilds. V. 9, No. 36. Mineral Resources of United States, 1883-84. V. 10, Nos. 37 to 177, except 164. V. 11, No. 164. Rebellion Records. V. 15. V yry ^ No. 178. Consular Reports, Nos. 57 to 59, October to December, 1885, ^' ^"^^ I No. 179. Same. Nos. 60 to 62, January to March, 1886. V. 13, Nos. 180 to 340, except 273, 302, 304, 305 and 338. V. 14, No. 273. Rebellion Records. V. 16, Pt. 1. ( No. 302. Memorial Address on Reuben Elwood. V. 15. ] No. 379. Same. On Joseph Rankin. ( No. 380. Same. On Michael Hahn. V. 16, No. 338. Rebellion Records. V. 16, Pt. 2. V. 17, Nos. 341 to 395, except 354, 355, 371, 379, 380, 392 and 393. V. 18, No. 354. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1889. V. 19, No. 355. Testimony Relative to Pan-Electric Telephone Company. V. 20, No. 371. Rebellion Records. V. 17, Pt. 1. V. 21, No. 392. Report on Examination of Wools and Other Animal Fiber. V. 22, Pt. 1, No. 393. Greeley Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay. V. 1. ( Pt. 2, No. 393. Greely Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay. V. 2. V. 22, -^ No. 157. (49th Congress, 2d session.) Greely Relief Expedition. ( (Schley.) V. 23, No. 36, Pt. 1. International Monetary Conference Report, 1878 and 1881. V. 24, No. 396, Pt. 2. Same. V. 25, No. 15, Pt. 1. Report of Smithsonian Institution, 1885. V. 26, No. 15, Pt. 2. Same. (National Museum.) V. 27, No. 397. Geology and Mining Industries of Leadville. Monograph of Geological Survey. V. 12. V. 27, Pt. 12. Atlas accompanying same. House Reports of Committees— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 373. V. 2, Nos. 374 to 708. V. 3, Nos. 709 to 1,029. V. 4, Nos. 1,030 to 1,276. V. 5, Nos. 1,277 to 1,542. ^ V. 6, Nos. 1,543 to 1,887. V. 7, Nos. 1,888 to 2,264. V. 8, Nos. 2,265 to 2,577. V. 9, Nos. 2,578 to 2,855. V. 10, Nos. 2,856 to 3,142. V. 11, Nos. 3,143 to 3,474. V. 12, Nos. 3,475. General Personal Index ot Journals from the 9th 16th Congress. to the CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 91 SECOND SESSION. Senate JournaL Senate Executive Documents— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 110. V. 2, Nos. Ill to 125. Senate Miscellaneous Documents— V. 1, Nos. to 29. V. 2, Nos. 30 (Pt. 1) to 91, except 30 (Pt. 2) and 90. V. 3, No. 30, Pt. 2. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, V. 4, Pt. 1. V. 4, No. 90. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Pt. 14, 1886. V. 5, No. 92. Report of Asiatic Cholera. (Shakespeare.) w , ( No. 93, Memorial Address on John A. Lo^an. ' / No. 94, Memerial Address on Austin F. Pike. Senate Reports of Committees— V. 1, Nos. 1,616 to 1,773. V. 2, Nos. 1,774 to 1,961. V. 3, Nos. 1,962 to 1,990. House Journal. House Executive Documents— V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1886. V. 2, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War. V. 1, 1866. V. 3, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 1. (Engineers.) V. 4, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 2. (Engineers.) V. 5, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 3. (Engineers.) V. 6, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 3 and 4. (Ordnance and Chief Signal Office.) V. 7, No. 1, Pts. 3 and 4. Reports of Secretary of Navy and Postmaster General, 1886. V. 8, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior. V. 1. (Indians.) V. 9, No. l,Pt. 5. Same. V. 2. (Lands.) V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 2. (Geological Survey.) V. 11, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 3. (Education and Labor.) V. 12, No. 1, Pt. 6. Report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1886. V. 13, No. 2, Pts. 1 and 2. Report of Secretary of Treasury. V. 1 and 2. 1886. Y 1^ ^ No. 3. Report of Comptroller of Currency, 1886. * / No. 4. Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1886. (No. 5. Estimates of Appropriations, 1887-88. V. 15. ] No. 20, Pt. 3. Offers and Contracts for Carrying the Mails, 1886. ( No. 89. Deficiencies in Estimates, 1887. V. 16, No. 7, Pt. 1. Commerce and Navigation, 1886. (Foreign.) V. 17, No. 7, Pt. 2. Internal Commerce of the United States, 1886. V. 18, Nos. 6 and 8 to 21, except 20, Pt. 3. V. 19, Nos. 22 to 27. V. 20, Nos. 28 to 78, except 31 and 40. 92 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V. 21, No. 31, Pts. 1 and 2. Tests of Metals and Other Materials, 1886. V. 22, No. 40. Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1886. V. 23, Nos. 79 to 130, except 89. V. 24, Nos. 131 to 180, except 171. V. 25, Nos. 181 to 200. V. 26, No. 171, Pt. 1. Commercial Relations. V. 1. 1885-86. V. 27, No. 171, Ft. 2. Same. V. 2. 1885-86. V. 28, No. 201. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, 1887. House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 155, except 53 to 56, 135 and 146. V. 2, No. 53. Rebellion Records. V. 17, Pt. 2. V. 3, No. 54. Same. V. 12, Pt. 2. ( No. 55. Consular Reports. V. 19, Nos. 63 to 68, April to Septem- V. 4. ] ber, 1886. ( No. 56. Same. V. 20, Nos. 69 to 72, October to December, 1886. V. 5, No. 135. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1886. V. 6, Nos. 146, 156, 166 and 168. V. 7, Nos. 158 to 162. Memorial Addresses. w o i No. 163. Bulletins of Geological Survey. Vol. IV. Nos. 24 to 30. ^- °' J No. 164. Same. Vol. IV. Nos. 31 to 36. ( No. 165. Bulletin of U. S. Fish Commission. Vol. VI, 1866. V. 9, ] No. 169. Consular Reports. Vol. XXI. Nos. 73 to 75. January ( to March, 1887. V. 10, No. 167. Report of Bureau of Ethnology, 1883-84. V. 11, No. 170. Pt. 1. Report of Smithsonian Institution. Pt. 1. 1886. V. 12, No. 170. Pt. 2. Same. Pt. 2. (National Museum.) House Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 3476 to 3817. V. 2, Nos. 3818 to 4181. Except 4174. V. 3, No. 4174, Pts. 1 and 2. Investigation of Labor Troubles in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas and Illinois. • Fiftieth Congress. FIRST SESSION. Senate Journal. Senate Executive Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 50. V. 2, No. 51. Pts. 1 to 3. Report U. S. Pacific Railway Commission and Testimony. Vols. I and II. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 93 « V. 3. No. 51. Pts. 4and5. Same. Vols. Ill and IV. V. 4, No. 51. Pts. 6 and 7. Same. Vols. V and VI. V. 5, No. 51. Pt. 8. Same. Vol.7. V. 6, No. 51. Pts. 9 and 10. Same. Vols. Vlll and IX. V. 7, Nos. 52 to 24. Except 91 to 113. w o J No. 91. Rainfall on Pacific Slope. ^ • °' / No. 282. Climate of Oregon and Washington Territory. V. 9, No. 113. The Fishery. V. 10, Nos. 125 to 193. V. 11, Nos. 194 to 281. Except 223. V. 12, No. 223. Fourth Report of the Civil Service Commission, 1886-87. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 100. V. 2, Nos. 101 to 211. V. 3, No. 212. Appropriations, New Offices, Etc. Senate Reports Committees— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 315. V. 2, Nos. 316 to 660. Except 570. V. 3, No. 507. Pts. 1 and 2. Methods of Business and Work in Execu- tive Departments. V. 4, No. 507. Pt. 3. Same. V. 5, Nos. 661 to 1193. V. 6, Nos. 1194 to 1623. V. 7, Nos. 1624 to 1874. V. 8, Nos. 1875 to 2396, except 2332, 2373. V. 9, No. 2332, Pts. 1 to 3. Revision of the Tariff. V. 10, No. 2373, Pts. 1 and 2. Operations of the Civil Service. House Journal— V. 1. V. 2. V. 3. Index. House Executive Documents— V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1887. V. 2, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War. V. 1. 1887. V. 3, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 1. (Engineers.) V. 4, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 2. (Engineers.) V. 5, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 3. (Engineers.) V. 6, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. V. 2, Pt. 4. (Engineers.) V. 7, No. l,Pt. 2. Same. V. 3. (Ordnance and Signal Office.) V. 8, No. 1, Pt. 3. Report of Secretary of Navy, 1887. V. 9, No. 1, Pt. 4. Report of Postmaster General, 1887. V. 10, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior. V. 1. 1887. (Lands. etc.) V. 11, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 2. (Indians.) V. 12, Pt. 1, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 3, Pt. 1. (Geological Survey.) 94 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V. 12, Pt. 2, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 3, Pt. 2. (Same.) V. 13, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 4. (Education.) V. 14, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. V. 5. (Labor.) V. 15, No. 1, Pt. 6. Report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1887. V. 16, No. 2. Report of Secretary of Treasury, 1887. V. 17, No. 3, Pts. 1 and 2. Report of Comptroller of Currency. V. 1 and 2. V. 18, Nos. 4 to 28, except 5, 6, and 14 to 17. V. 19, Nos. 5, 14, (Pt. 3,) 29, 30 and 376. V. 20, No. 6, Pts. 1 and 2. Commerce and Navigation, 1887. (Foreign and Internal.) V. 21, No. 14, Pts. 1 and 2. Expenditures, Fines and Deductions, Postoffice Department. V. 22, No. 15. Report of Secretary of Treasury of United States, 1887. V. 23, No. 16. Tests of Iron and Steele, 1887. V. 24, No. 17. Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1887. V. 25, No. 31 to 89. V. 26, Nos. to 210. Except 124. w rj-i \ No. 124. Receipts and Expenditures, 1884-85. ^- ^'' I No. 382. Same. 1885-86. V. 28, Nos. 211 to 281. V. 29, Nos. 282 to 469. Except 376, 382, 400, 402, and 405. ( No. 400. Report on Taxation Abroad. V. 30, -j No. 405. Report of Director of Mint on Production of Precious ( Metals, 1887. V. 31, No. 402. Commercial Relations, 1887. V. 32, No. 470. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, 1887. House Miscellaneous Documents— V. 1, Nos. 1 to 280, except 42, 63, 87 and 164. yj ry \ No. 42. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1886. ' ^' ^'} No. 375. Bulletin of Geological Survey. Vol. VI. V. 3, No. 87, Pt. 1. Official Register of United States. Vol.1, 1887. V. 4, No. 87, Pt. 2. Same. Vol. 2. V. 5, No. 16s. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1886. V. 6, Nos. 181 to 599, except 325, 338, 339, 341, 342, 374, 375, 387, 571, 572, 577, 585 and 597. V. 7, No. 325. Rebellion Records. Vol. XVIII. V. 8, No. 336. Same. Vol. XIX, Pt. 1. V. 9, No. 339. Same. " XIX, Pt. 2. V. 10, No. 341. Same. " XX, Pt. 1. V. 11, No. 342. Same. " XX, Pt. 2. fNo. 374. Presentation of Portraits of ex-Speakers from Massa- y .r> J chusetts. ^* ^^' ] No. 577. Memorial Address on Seth C. Moffatt. l^No. 601. Newbury Centennial. V. 13, No. 387. Rebellion Records. V. 21. V. 14, No. 571. Report of Bureau of Ethnology, 1884-85. V. 15, No. 572. 'Importation of Contract Labor. V. 16, No. 585. Rebellion Records. V. 22, Pt. 1. V. 17, No. 600, Pt. 1. Reports of Smithsonian Institution, 1887. V. 18, No. 600, Pt. 2. Same. (National Museum.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 95 V. 19, No. 602. Cruise of the Corwin. V. 20, No. S03. Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. (It is supposed this work will comprise several volumes.) No. 604. Consular Reports, vol.22, Nos. 76 to 80, April to June, Vol.21, -1 1887. No. 60S. Same, vol. 23, Nos. 81 to 84, July to September, 1887. No. 606. Same, vol. 24, Nos. 85 to 87, October to December, 22, ■! 1887. No. 607, Same, vol. 25, Nos. 88 to 91 , January to March, 1888. r,-. ^ No. 608. Same, vol. 26, Nos. 82 to 94, April to June, 1888. "^' } No. 609. Same, vol. 27, Nos. 95 to 97, July to September, 1888. 24, No. 610. Geology of Quicksilver deposits of Pacific Slopes. Monograph of Geological Survey, vol 13. 24, Pt. 2, No. 610. Pt. 2, Atlas accompanying same. 25, No. 611. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. Monograph of Geological Survey. Vol. XlV. 26, No. 597. Memoirs of National Academy of Science. Vol. IV. Pt. 2. 1887. 27, No. 63. Postal Laws and Regulations. House Reports of Committees— Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 260. " 2, Nos. 261 to 600. *' 3, Nos. 601 to 970. " 4, Nos. 971 to 1380. " 5, Nos. 1381 to 1770. " 6, Nos. 1771 to 2250. " 7, Nos. 2251 to 2690. " 8, Nos. 2691 to 3200, except 3112. " 9, No. 3212. Investigation of Trusts. " 10, Nos. 3201 to 3532, except 3300. " 11, 3300, Administration of Government Printing Office. SECOND SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Executive Documents — Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 59. *' 2, Nos. 60 to 76. " 3, Nos. 77 to 130. *' 4, Nos. 131 to 147, and 1 Special Session. Senate Miscellaneous Documents — Vol. 4, No. 94. ■ Appropriations, New Offices, Etc. Senate Reports of Committees— 96 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 1, Nos. 2397 to 2604. " 2, Nos. 2605 to 2719, except 2686, 2705, 2707, 2710, and 1 to 3 Special Sessions. " 3, No. 686, Pts. I and 2. Wasliington Aqueduct Tunnel. " 4, No. 2705, Pts. 1 and 2. La Abra Silver Mining Company. " 5, No. 2707. Indian Tradeships. " 6, No. 2710. Chippewa Allotments of Lands and Timber Contracts. House Journal. House Executive Documents— Vol. 1, No. 1, Ft. 1. Foreign Relations of United States. l,No. l,Pt. 2. Same. Ft. 2. 2, No. 1, Ft. 2. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1, 1888. 3, No. 1, Ft. 2. Same. Vol. 2, Ft. 1. (Engineers.) 4, No. 1, Ft. 2. Same. Vol. 2, Ft. 2. (Engineers.) 5, No. 1, Ft. 2. Same. Vol. 2, Ft. 3. (Engineers.) 6, No. 1, Ft. 2. Same. Vol. 2, Ft. 4. (Engineers.) 7, No. 1, Ft. 2. Same. Vol. 3, Ft. 4. (Ordnance and Signal Office.) 8, No. 1, Ft. 3. Report of Secretary of Navy, 1888. 9, No. 1, Ft. 4. Report of Fostmaster-General, 1888. 10, No. 1, Ft. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 1. 1888. (Lands). 11, No. 1, Ft. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior, vol. 2 (Indians.) 12, No. 1, Ft. 5. Same, vol. 3. (Miscellaneous.) 13, No. 1, Ft. 5. Same, vol. 4. (Geological Survey.) 14, No. 1, Ft. 5. Same, vol. 5. (Education.) 15, No. 1, Ft. 5. Same, vol. 6. (Labor.) 16, No. 1, Ft. 6. Report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1888. 17, No. 2. Report of Secretary of Treasury. 18, No. 2, Fts. 1 and 2. Report of Comptroller of Currency, vols. 1 and 2, 1888. 19, Nos. 4 to 30, except 5, 6 and 22. r,/^ J No. 5. Estimates of Appropriations, 1890. ^' I No. 71. Deficiency Appropriations, 1889. 21, No. 6. Commerce and. Navigation, 1888. 22, No. 22. Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1888. 23, No. 31, Ft. 1. Offers and Contracts for Carrying the Mails, 1888. 24, No. 31, Ft. 2. Fines and Deductions, Post Office Dept, 1888. 25, Nos. 32 to 110, except 45 and 71. 26, Nos. 120 to 160. 27, No. 45. Tests of Iron and Steele, 1888. House Miscellaneous Documents — Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 135, except 4, 60, 63, 109, 113, 129, 133 and 134. " 2, No. 4. Mineral Resources of United States, 1887. " 3, No. 60. Rebellion Records. Vol. 22, Ft. 2. " 4, No. 63. Digest of Contested Elections, in 48th, 49th and 50th Con- gresses. *' 5, No. 109. Report of Commissioner of Patents, 1888. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 97 Vol. 6, No. 113. Rebellion Records. Vol. 23, Pt. 1. '' 7, No. 129. Same. Vol. 23, Pt. 2. " 8, No. 133. Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Pt. 15, 1887. *' 9, No. 134. Irrigation in Egypt. (Barois.) " 10, No. 136. Bulletin of Fish Commission, vol. 7, 1887. »4 n ^ No. 137. Bulletin of Geological Survey, Nos. 42 to 46. '^'JNo. 138. Same, ^os. 47 to 54. House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 12, No. 139. Fourth and Fifth Reports of Bureau of Animal Industry, 1887-88. ( No. 140. Consular Reports. V. 28, Nos. 98 to 100. October to V. 13, ] December, 1888. ( No. 141. Same. V. 29, Nos. 101 to 103. January to March, 1889. V. 14, No. 142, Pt. 1. Peport of Smithsonian Institution. Pt. 1. 1888. V. 15, No. 142, Pt. 2. Same. Pt. 2. V. 16, Nos. 143 to 146. V. 17, No. 147, Pts. 1 and 2. The Potomac or Younger Mesozoic Flora, with Plates. Monograph of Geological Survey. V. 15. V. 18, No. 148. Astronomical Observations, 1884. House Reports of Committees— V. 1, Nos. 3533 to 3869. V. 2, Nos. 3870 to 4069. V. 3, Nos. 4070 to 4168, except 4147. V. 4, No. 4147. Labor Troubles in the Anthracite Regions of Pennsylvania. 1887-88. Fifty-First Congress. FIRST SESSION. Senate Journal. Senate Executive Documents — V. 4, No. 18. International Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. V. 6, No. 53, Pt. 1 International Conference (Marine), vol. 1, 1889. V. 7, No. 53, Pts. 2 and 3. Same, vol. 2, 1889. V. 10, No. 115. Climate of Nebraska. V. 12, Nos. 216 to 239, except 231 and 232. V. 13, No. 231. Minutes of the International American Conference. V. 14, No. 232. International American Conference, vol. 1. (Reports.) V. 15, No. 232, Pt. 2. Same, vol. 2. V. 16, No. 232, Pts. 3 and 4. Same, vol. 3. V. 17, No. 232, Pt. 5. Conferencia Internacional Americana (Dictamenes, etc.), tomo 1. 98 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. V. 18, No. 232, Pt. 6. Same, tomo 2. V. 19, No. 232, Pt. 7. Same, tomo 3. Senate Miscellaneous Documents— V. 6. No. 246. Appropriations, New Officers, etc. Senate Reports of Committees — V. 5, No. 928, Pts. 1 to 3. Irrigation and Reclaimation of Arid Lands. V. 6, No. 298, Pts. 4 to 6. Same. House Journal. House Executive Documents— V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1889. V. 2, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War, vol. 1, 1889. V. 3, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same, vol. 2, Pt. 1. (Engineers.) V. 4, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same, vol. 2, Pt. 2. (Engineers.) V. 5, No. 1, Pt. 2. Report of Secretary of War. Vol. 2, Pt. 3. (Engi- neers). V. 6, No. 1, Pt. 2. Same. Vol. 2, Pt. 4. (Engineers). V. 7, No. 1, Pt. 3. Same. Vols. 3 and 4, Pts. 1 and 2. (Ordnance and Signal Office). V. 8, No. 1, Pt.'3. Report of Secretary of Navy. Vol. 1. 1889. V. 9, No. 1, Pt. 3. Same. Vol. 2. 1889. V. 14, Pt. 2, No. 1, Pt. 5. Report of Secretary of Interior. Vol. 4, Pt. 2. (Geological Survev; Irrigation). V. 15, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same! Vol. 5, Pt. 1. (Education). V. 15, Pt. 2, No. 1, Pt. 5. Same. Vol. 5, Pt. 2. (Education). V. 17, No. 1, Pt. 7. Report of Secretary of Agriculture, 1889. V. 19, No. 2. Report Secretary of Treasury, 1889. ( No. 5. Estimates of Appropriations, 1889. V. 21, ] No. 174. Deficiency Estimates, 1890. (No. 394. Supplemental Estimates, 1890. V. 23, No. 6, Pt. 2. Internal Commerce. 1890. V. 24, Nos. 8 to 39, except 14. V. 25, No. 14. Tests of Iron and Steel. 1889. V. 31, Nos. 141 to 212, except 174. V. 32, Nos. 213 to 263. V. 33, No. 264, Pts. 1 and 2. Survey of Waterway from Lake Michigan to Illinois River. V. 34, Nos. 265 to 294. V. 36, No. 336. Report of Commissioner of Labor, 1889. (Railroad labor). V. 43, No. 436. Report of Treasurer of the United States, 1889. House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 5, No. 41, Pt. 1. Official Register of United States. Vol. 1. 1889. V. 6, No. 41, Pt. 2. Same. Same. Vol. 2. 1889. V. 20, No. 224, Pt. 1. Report of Smithsonian Institution, 1889. V. 21, No. 224, Pt. 2. Same. (National Museum). V. 23, Nos. 229, 243, and 262 to 266. (Memorial Addresses). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 99 V. 27, No. 237. Opinions of Attorney General, vol. 17. V, 28, No. 238. Same, vol. 18. V. 29, No. 239. Same, vol. 19. N. 32, No. 244. Bulletins of Geological Survey, Nos. 55 to 61. V. 37. No. 249. Paleozoic Fishes of North America. Monograph of Geo- logical Survey, vol. 16. V. 39, No. 267. Consular Reports, vol. 33. Nos. 116 to 119. June to Sep- tember, 1890. V. 40, No. 268. Special Consular Reports. V. 41, No. 269. Fifth Report of Entomological Commission. V. 42, No. 270. Report of Animal Industry, 1889-90. V. 43, No. 271. Tertiary Insects. Final Reports of Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories, vol. 13. V. 45, No. 272, Pt. 2. Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 2, Pt. 2. V. 46, No. 273. Same, vol. 6. House Reports of Committees — V. 1, Nos. 1 to 289. V. 2, Nos. 290 to 657. V. 3, Nos. 658 to 1044, except 712*. V. 4, Nos. 1045 to 1210. V. 5, Nos. 1211 to 1648, except 1473*. V. 6, Nos. 1649 to 2084, except 2070*. V. 7, Nos. 2085 to 2445. V. 8 Nos. 2446 to 2772. V. 9, Nos. 2773 to 3025. V. 10, Nos. 3026 to 3243, except 3174*. ♦Not printed. SECOND SESSION. Senate Journal — Senate Miscellaneous Documents — V. 2, No. 26. Memorial Addresses on James B. Beck. V. 5, No. 83. Report of American Historical Association, V. 7, No. 95. Appropriations, New Offices, etc. House Executive Documents — V. 1, No. 1, Pt. 1. Foreign Relations of United States, 1890. V. 17, No. 1, Pt. 6. Report of Secretary of Agriculture, 1890. ( No. 1, Pt. 8. Report of Civil Service Commission, 1890. V. 21, ] No. 4. Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1890. ( No. 7. Report of Attorney General, 1890. V. 24, No. 6, Pt. 2. Commerce and Navigation, 1890. (Internal.) V. 25, Nos. 8 to 47, except 45. V. 26, No. 45, Pt. 1. Special Consular Reports on Irrigation, Canals, etc. V. 27, No. 45, Pt. 2. Same. V. 28, Nos. 48 to 128, except 70, 80, 90 and 106. (Pt. 3.) 100 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commercial Relations, 1888-89. Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890. Report of Treasurer of United States, 1890. Offers and Contracts for Carrying the Mails, 1890. Tests of Iron and Steel, 1890. Report of Commissioner of Labor, 1890. (Cost of Produc- tion of Iron, Coal, etc., and Cost of Living.) V. 38, No. 287. Irrigation and Water Storage. V. 29, No. 70. V. 30, No. 80. V. 31, No. 90. V 32, No. 106. V 34, No. 165. V. 37, No. 265. House Miscellaneous Documents — V. 9, No. 128. Consular Reports, vol. 34, Nos. 120 to 123, September to December, 1890. V. 10, No. 129, Pt. 1. Report of Smithsonian Institution. Pt. 1. 1890. V. 12, No. 130. Disease of the Horse. V. 13, No. 131. Bulletin of Fish Commission, vol. 9. 1889. V. 14, No. 132. Astronomical Observations, 1886. V. 15, No. 136. Bulletins of Geological Survey, Nos. 62 to 65. V. 16, No. 137. Digest of Contested Election Cases in the 51st Congress. Congressional Globe. (Not Bound.) First Session 31st Congress, Parti, Vol.21. 1850. " 31st " 2, ' 21. 1850. (( 31st " 1, ' 22. 1850. Second ' 31st " 1, ' 23. 1851. First 32d " 1, ' 24. 1852. (( 32d " 2, ' 24. 1852. '• 32d " 3, ' 24. 1852. ii 32d " 4, ' 24. 1852. " 33d " 1, ' 28. 1854. (( 33d " 2, ' 28. 1854. it 33d " 3, " 28. 1854. Second 33d Vol. 30, 1855. i( 33d " 30, 1855. First 35th Dec. 7, '57. 1858. Also Special Session of Senate, Mar. 11, ' 58. First Ses sion , 35th Congress. 1858. " • 35th Congress. May 12, 1858. " ' 35th Congress. December 8, ' 57. 1858. Special S essic )n of the Senate. Pt. 1, Dec. 6, '58. 1859. (( ti " it " 2, F eb. 17, '59. 1859. NOTE. Hon. Geo Chandler., Assistant Secretary Interior: The foregoing do not agree with your printed list as to the number of vol- umes and the year in which the session was held. The above is made up from the printed title page of the volumes I have. W. F. WHEELER, Librarian. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 101 Congressional Globe. Vol. 36, Pt. 1. 39th Congress, 1st Session, Pt. 1. 36, Pt. 2. " " Pt. 2. 36, Pt. 3. ♦' " Pt. 3. 36, Pt. 4. '* '' Pt. 4. 36, Pt. 5. *' *' Pt. 5 and Appendix. 37, Pt. 1. 39th Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 1. 37, Pt. 2. '♦ " Pt. 2. 37, Pt. 3. " " Pt. 3 and Appendix. 2o { 40th Congress, 1st Session, and Appendix. ' ( Also Special Session of Senate. 39, Pt, 1. 40th Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 1. 39, Pt. 2. " " Pt. 2. 39, Pt. 3. " " Pt. 3. 39, Pt. 4. " " Pt. 4. 39 Pt "i 5 ^^^^ Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 5 and Appendix, jv, I. 5. J Supplement; trial of A. Johnson. 40, Pt. 1. 40th Congress, 3d Session, Pt. 1. 40, Pt. 2. " " Pt. 2. 40, Pt. 3. '* " Pt. 3 and Appendix. ., J 41st Congress, 1st Session and Appendix. ' { Also Special Session of Senate. 42, Pt. 1. 41st Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 1. 42, Pt. 2. " " Pt. 2. 42, Pt. 3. " " Pt. 3. 42, Pt. 4. " *' Pt. 4. 42, Pt. 5. '* " Pt. 5. 42, Pt. 6. " " Pt. 6. 42. 41st Congress, 2d Session. Appendix. 43, Pt. 1. 41st Congress, 3d Session, Pt. 1. 43, Pt. 2. Pt. 2. 43 Pt. 3. Pt. 3 and Appendix. 44, Pt. 1. 42d Congress, 1st Session, Pt. 1. 44, Pt. 2. { 42d Congress, 1st Session, Pt. 2 and Appendix. I Also Special Session of Senate, 45, Pt. 1, 42d Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 1. 45, Pt. 2. Pt. 2. 45, Pt. 3. Pt. 3. 45, Pt. 4. Pt. 4. ( 42d Congress, 2d Session, Pt. 5. 45, Pt. 5. ■j 42d Congress, 2d Session. Appendix. (42d Congress, 2d Session. Index. 46, Pt. 1. 42d Congress, 3d Session, Pt. 1. 46, Pt. 2. Pt. 2. 46, Pt. 3. Pt. 3 and Appendix. 102 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Congressional Record, Vol. 2, Pt. 1. 43d Congress, 1st. Session, Pt. 1. 2, Pt. 2. " " Pt. 2. 2, Pt. 3. (i 44 Pt. 3. 2, Pt. 4. it 44 Pt. 4. 2, Pt. 5-. t( 44 Pt,5, 2, Pt. 6. ti 44 Pt. 6, and Appendix. H 44 Index. 3, Pt. 1. (4 2d Session, Pt. 1. 3, Pt. 2, tl 44 Pt. 2. 3, Pt. 3. (( " Pt. 3, and Appendix. (( 44 Index. 4, Pt. 1. ( 44th Congress, 1st Session, Pt. 1. I Also Special Session of Senate. 4, Pt. 2. 44th Congress, 1st Session Pt.2. 4, Pt. 3. 4( 44 Pt.3. 4, Pt. 4. (4 <4 Pt. 4. 4, Pt. 5. 44 44 Pt. 5. 4, Pt. 6. " 44 Pt. 6, and Appendix. 44 44 Indexto Pts. lto6. 4, Pt. 7. 44 44 (Beli^nap's Trial). 5, Pt. 1. 44 2d Session , Pt. 1. 5, Pt. 2. " 44 Pt.2. 5, Pt. 3. 44 44 Pt. 3, and Appendix. 5, Pt. 4. 44 " Pt. 4. (Electoral Commission.) 44 44 Index to Pts. 1 to 3. 6, 45th Congress, 1st Session, and Appendix. Also Special Session of Senate . 9, Pt. 1. 46th Congress 1st Session ,Pt. 1. 9, Pt. 2. 44 44 Pt. 2, and Appendix. 11, Pt. 1. '* 3d Session Pt. 1. 11, Pt. 2, " " Pt.2. 11, Pt.3. 44 " Pt. 3, and Appendix. 44 44 Index. 21, Pt. 1. J 51st Congress, I And Special S 1st Sessior , Pt. 1. ession of Senate. 21,Pt.2. 51st Congress, 1st Session, Pt.2. 21, Pt. 3. 44 " Pt.3. 21, Pt. 4. 44 44 Pt. 4. 21, Pt. 5. 44 44 Pt. 5. 21, Pt. 6. 44 44 Pt.6. 21, Pt. 7. " 44 Pt. 7. 21, Pt. 8. " 44 Pt. 8. 11, Pt.9. " " Pt.9. 21, Pt. 10. 44 " Pt. 10. 21, Pt. 11. 44 " Pt. 11, and Appendix. 4; 44 Index. 22, Pt. 1. 44 2d Session, Pt. 1. 22, Pt. 2. " " Pt.2. 22, Pt. 3. 44 " Pt. 3. 22, Pt. 4. 44 ♦• Pt. 4. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 103 American Archives. Fourth Series, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Fifth " vols. 1,2 and 3. American State Papers. FINANCE. V. 4, 17th Cong., 2d Session, to 18th Cong., 1st Session. V. 5, 18th Cong., 1st Session, to 20th Cong., 1st Session. MILITARY AFFAIRS. V. 3, 18th Cong., 1st Session, to 20th Cong., 1st Session. V. 4, 20th " 2d " to 22d V. 5, 22d " 1st '' to 24th " V. 6, 24tli Cong., 1st and 2d Sessions. V. 7, " 2d Session, to 25th Cong., 2d Session. NAVAL AFFAIRS. V. 2, 18th Cong., 1st Session, to 19th Cong., 2d Session. V. 3, 19th Cong., 2d Session, to 21st V. 4, 21st Cong., " to 24th " 1st Session. PUBLIC LANDS. V. 4, 18th Cong., 1st Session, to 19th Cong., 2d Session. V. 5, 20th Cong., 1st and 2d Sessions. V. 6, 21st Cong., 1st Session, to 23d Cong., 1st Session. V. 7, 23d Cong., 1st and 2d Sessions. V. 8, 24th Cong, " Department of State. Foreign Relations of the United States, or Diplomatic Correspondence— 1875, V. 1 and 2. 1882. 104 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1876. 1884. 1877. 1886. 1878. 1887. 1879. 1888, V. 1 and 2 1880. 1889. 1881. 1890. Report on the Commercial Relations of the United States- 1879, V. 1 and 2. 1885, V. 1. 1880 J ^ , 1881 \^- ^' 1886, V. 2. 1887, V. 1. 1882? V. 1. 1883 \ V. 2. 1888. 1889. 1884, V. 1. 1890-91. CONSULAR REPORTS. Vol. 2, Nos. 7,8. 1881. 3, " 10. 1881. 6, " 22. 1882. 10, " 32, 33, 34. 1883. 11, " 35,36,37,38. 1884. 12, " 39, 41K. 1884. 13, " 42, 43, 44. 1884. 14, " 45, 46, 47, 48. 1884. 15, " 49,50,51. 1885. 16, " 53, 53>^, 54, 55, 56. 1885. 17, " 57, 58, 59. 1885. 18, " 60,61,62. 1886. 19, " 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. 1886. 20, " 68^, 69, 70. 1886. 21, " 73, 73>^, 74, 75. 1886. 22, " 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 1887. 23, " 81, 82, 83, 84. 1887. 24, " 85, 86, 87. 1887. 25, " 88,89,91. 1888. • 26, " 92,93,94. 1888. 27, " 95,96,97. 1888. 28, " 98,99. 1888. 29, " 102, 103, 104. 1889. 30, " 105, 106, 107. 1889. 31, " 108, 109, no, 111. 1889. 32, " 112,113,114,115. 1890. 33, " 116, 117, 118, 119. 1890. 34, " 120, 121, 122, 123. 1890. 35, " 124, 125, 126, 127. 1891. 36, " 128, 129, 130, 131. 1891. 37, " 132, 133, 134, 135. 1891. (Also, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 105 SPECIAL CONSULAR REPORTS. Pamphlets- India Rubber, Pt. I, Pt. 2, I vol. 1892. Cotton Textiles in Foreign Countries, 1890. Files in Spanish America, 1890. V. 1. < Carpet Manufacture in Foreign Countries, 1890. Malt and Beer in Spanish America, 1890. Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries, 1890. ( Refrigerators and Food Preservation in Foreign Countries, 1890. V. 2. ] European Emigration, 1890. (Olive Culture in the Alps— Marltimes, 1891. V. 3. Streets and Highways In Foreign Countries, 1891. V. 4. Port Regulations In Foreign Countries, 1891. ( Coal and Coal Consumption in Spanish America. 1891. Vol. 5, ] Gas and Gas Manufacture In Foreign Countries. 1891. (Slave Trade In Foreign Countries, 1891. MISCELLANEOUS CONSULAR REPORT. Trade Guilds of Europe. 1885. Survey of the Northern Boundary of the United States to the Summit of the Rocky Mountains. 1878. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. Treasury Department — Vol. 1 . Report of the Director of the Mint. 1887. Vol. 1. Same. 1888. Vol. 1. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics (Internal Commerce). 1889. Vol. 1. Same (Internal Commerce). 1890. Report on the Mineral Resources of the United States West of the Rocky Mountains. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. Report on the Production of the Precious Metals of the United States. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. Medical and Surgical History of the War. Med. Vol. and Appendix. Same. Surgical and Appendix. Presented by O. B. O'Bannon of Deer Lodge. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Vol. 24, Pts. 1,2,3. Vol.25, Pts. 1,2. Vol.26, Pts. 1,2. Vol.27, Pts. 1,2,3. . 3 . 4 . 6 . 7 106 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 28, Pts. 1, 2. Vol.29, Pts. 1,2. Vol.30, Pts. 1,2,3,4. Vol.31, Pts. 1,2,3. Vol.32, Pts. 1,2,3. Vol. 33. Vol.34, Pts. 1,2,3,4. Vol. 35, Pts. 1, 2. Vol. 36, Pts. 1,2,3. Vol.37, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 38, Pts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Vol. 39, Pts. 1, 2, 3. Vol.40, Pt. 1. Atlas Accompanying Same, Pts. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR. Reports of the Superintendent of the Yellowstone National Park for 1872, 1879, 1886, 1887, and 1888. Report of Secretary of Interior to the President. 1888. V. 3. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Annual Reports— Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 11, Pts. 1, 2, 3. Vol. 12, Pts, 1,2,3. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 17, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 18. Vol. 19, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 20, Pts. 1,2. Vol.21. Vol. 22, Pts. 1,2. Vol. 23, Pts. 1,2. 1847. 1865. V. 1,2,3. 1849. V. 1,2.* 1867. V. 1,2,3,4. 1850. V. 1,2-* 1868. V. 1,2,3,4, 1861. V. 1,2. 1869. V. 1,2,3,4, 1862. V. 1,2. 1870. V. 1,2,3. 1853. V. 1,2. 1871. V. 1, 2, 3. 1854. V. 1,2,3.* 1876. 1855. V. 1, 2, 3.* 1878. 1856. V. 1,2,3,4*. 1881-82. 1857. V. 1,2, 3,4*. 1883. 1858. V. 1, 2, 3, 4*. 1884. 1859. V. 1, 2, 3.* 1886. 1860. V. 1,2,3*. 1887. 1861. V. 1, 2, 3.* 1888. 1863. V. 1,2. 1889. 1864. V. 1,2. 1891. *The Report on Agriculture. MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. Office of Indian Affairs, Annual Reports, 1886. Annual Reports Bureau of Education— 1873. 1878. 1882 and 1883. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 107 1875. 1879. 1883 and 1884. 1876. 1880. 1884 and 1885. 1877. 1881. 1885 and 1886. Special Report Indian Education and Civilization- American Education in Fine and Industrial Arts. Pt. 2. Industrial and Manual Training in Public Schools. Washington, 1892. Bureau of Education— Pamphlets. CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION. No. 2, 1875— English, Eskimo, and Eskimo, English, 1890. No. 3, 1875 — An Account of the Systems of Public Instruction in Belgium, Russia, Turkey, Servia and Egypt. No. 6, 1875— Statements Relating to Reformatory, Charitable and Industrial Schools for the Young. No. 8, 1875— Schedule for the Preparation of Students' Work for the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Washington. No. 4, 1880— Burial School Architecture, with Illustrations. No. 1, 1886— The Study of Music in Public Schools. No. 2, 1886— Proceedings of the Department of the National Educational Associ- ation at Washington, Feb. 23-26, 1886. No. 2, 1887 — The Study of History in American Colleges and Universities. By Herbert B. Adams, Ph. D. No. 3, 1887— Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association at Washington, March 15-17, 1887. No. 2, 1888— Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. By Herbert B. Adams, Ph. D., with Sketches of Other Colleges and Universities. No. 2, 1888— The History of Education in North Carolina. By Charles Lee Smith. No. 3, 1888— History of Higher Education in South Carolina, with Sketches of Free School System. By Colyer Merriweather, A. B. No. 6, 1888— Proceedings of Department of Superintendence of the National As- sociation of Education at its meeting in Washington, Feb. 14-16, 1888. No. 4, 1888— Contributions to American Educational History. Edited by Her- bert B. Adams. No. 5 — Education in Georgia. By Charles Edgworth Jones. 108 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. No. 1, 1889— Contributions to American Educational History. Edited by Her- bert B. Adams. No. 7— Higher Education in Wisconsin. By William F. Allen and David E. Spencer. No. 1, 1889— Indian Education. By General T. J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. No. 2, 1889— Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association at its Washington Meeting, March 6-8, 1889. No. 3, 1889— Contributions to American Educational History. Edited by Her- bert B. Adams. No. 8— History of Education in Alabama. By Willis G. Clark. BULLETIN. No. 1, 1890— Honorary Degrees as Conferred in American Colleges. By Charles Foster Smith, A. M. CIRCULAR. No. 1, 1890— Contributions to American Educational History. Edited by Her- bert B. Adams. No. 1, 1890— The History of Federal and State Aid to Higher Education in the United States. By Frank W. Blackman, Ph. D. No. 3, 1890 — The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States. By Florian Cajori (two copies). No. 1, 1891— Contributions to Educational History. Edited by Herbert B. Adams. No. 10— Higher Education in Indiana. By James Albert Woodburn, Ph. D. No. 2, 1891— The Fourth International Prison Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia. By C. D. Randall, Delegate from the United States. No. 5, 1891— Contributions to American Educational History, edited by Herbert B. Adams. No. 12— The History of Higher Education in Ohio, by G. W. Knight, Ph. D., and John R. Comas, A. M. No. 6, 1891— Contributions to American Educational History, edited by Herbert B. Adams. No. 13— History of Higher Education in Massachusetts, by George Garry Bush, Ph. D. SPECIAL REPORTS. Special Report on Indian Education and Civilization, 1885, by Alice C. Fletcher. Vol. 2, Pt. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 109 Public Libraries of the United States— Their Condition and Management. Washington, 1876. Pt. 1. Edited by S. R. Warren and S. N. Clark. The National Bureau of Education— Its History, Work and Limitations, by Alex. Shivas, D. D. Washington, 1875. List of Public School Officials in the United States and Territories of the United States. Corrected May, 1875. Washington, 1875. Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Education, from 1877 to 1890, with Subject Index. Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue, by Charles A. Cutter, 2d Edition, 1889. Same— 2d Edition, with Corrections and Additions, and an Alphabetical Index, 1891. LABOR. Sixth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1891. Steel, Iron, Coal, etc. Cost of Production. 1 Vol. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Maine School Report, 1884. Training of the Hand, by D. C. Oilman, LL. D., President John Hopkins Uni- versity, and Manual Training and Public Schools, by H. H. Belfield, Director Chicago Manual Training School, 1888. Elementary Education Bill in Parliament. Debates. London, 1870. Technical Education in Europe. First Part— Industrial Education in France, by J. Schoenhof. Washington, 1888. Thomas Jefferson on Education— By John C. Henderson. Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York, 1890. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 21st Meeting, held at Dubuque, Iowa, 1872. Same— 22d Meeting, held at Portland, Maine, August, 1873. INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN CONFERENCE. Reports and Recommendations, together with the Message of the President and the Letters of the Secretary of State, transmitting the same to Congress. Washington, 1890. 2 Copies. Message of the President of the United States and Letter of the Secretary of State, submitting the Recommendations of the Conference to Congress. SPECIAL REPORTS. Concerning a Plan of Arbitration for the Settlement of Disputes Between the American Republics. Washington, 1890. 110 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Relative to an International Railway. Washington, 1890. Reciprocity Treaties with Latin America. Washington, 1890. CENSUS REPORTS. Eight Census, 1860— Agriculture, Mortality and Miscellaneous. Manufactures, Ninth Census, 1870— Population and Social Statistics; Wealth and Industry. Vital Statistics. Compendium, Album of Agriculture Statistics, by J. K. Dodge, Washington, 1889. Same. 1891. Same. (Graphic.) 1891. Tenth Census, 1880— V. 1. Statistics of Population. V. 2. Statistics of Manufactures. V. 3. Statistics of Agriculture. V. 4. Agencies of Transportotion. V. 6. Cotton Production in the United States. Pt. 2. V. 7. Valuation, Taxation and Public Indebtedness. V. 8. Newspapers. Alaska and Ship-building. V. 9. Forest Trees of North America, with atlas. V. 10. Petroleum, Coke and Building Stones. V. 11. Mortality and Vital Statistics. Pt. 1. V. 12. Same. Pt. 2, with atlas. V. 13. Statistics and Technology of Precious Metals. V. 14. Mining Laws of the United States. V. 15. Mining East of the 100th Meridiah. V. 16. Water Power of the United States. Pt. 1. V. 17. Same. Pt. 2. V. 18. Social Statistics of Cities. Pt. 1. V. 19. Same. Pt. 2. V. 20. Statistics of Wages and Prices of Necessaries of Life. V. 21. Defective, Dependent and Delinquent Classes. V. 22. Power and Machinery in Manufactures, and Report on Ice Industry. Compendium. Pts. 1 and 2. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Annual Reports— 1860. 1861. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1876. 1878. 1881-82. 1883. 1884. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1891. EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel — Vol. 1. Systematic Geology. (King.) 1st Report, vol. 1, 1880. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 1 1 1 Vol. 7. Odontomithes. (Marsh.) Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian— ( Geographical Report, Appendix F. Vol. 1. ] Progress Report, 1872. (Geographical Report, 1889. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories- Annual Reports— 1870. 1871. 1872. 1877. 1878, Pts. 1, 2. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region- Reports— Geology of the Uinta Mountains, with Atlas. (Powell.) Geology of the Henry Mountains. (Gilbert.) Lands of the Arid Region, 1879. (Powell.) Report of Director of U. S. Geological Survey, 1888. United States Geological Survey- Annual Reports— Vol. 1, 1880. Vol. 2, 1881. Vol. 3, 1882. Vol. 4, 1883. Vol. 5, 1884. Vol.6, 1885. Vol. 7, 1886. Vol. 8, 1887, Pts. 1 and 2. Vol. 9, 1888. Vol. 10, 1889. Vol. 11, 1890. Monographs — V. 1. Lake Bonneville. (Gilbert.) V. 2. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District, with Atlas. (Dutton.) V. 3. Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District with Atlas. (Becker.) V. 4. Comstock Mining and Miners. (Lord.) V. 5. The Copper Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. (Irving.) V. 6. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Mesozoic Flora of Vir- ginia. (Fontaine.) V. 7. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nev. (Curtis.) V. 8. Palaeontology of the Eureka District. (Walcott.) V. 9. Biachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Green- sand Marls of New Jersey. (Whitfield.) V. 10. Diriocesata. A Monograph of the Extinct Order of Gigantic Mam- mals. (Marsh.) V. 11. Geological History of Lake Lahontan, a Quaternary Lake of North- western Nevada. (Russell.) V. 13. Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope, with atlas. (Becker.) V. 12. Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville, Col., with atlas. (Em- mons.) V. 14. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. (Newbury.) V. 15. The Potomac or Younger Mesozoic Flora (Fontaine.) V. 16. The Paleozoic Fishes of North America. (Newbury.) 112 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BULLETINS OF THE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin No. 1 — On Hypersthem-Andesite and on Trychinle Pyroxene in Augitic Rocks, by Whitman Cross, with a Geological Sketch of Buffalo Peaks of Colorado, by S. F. Emmons, Geologist, in charge of Rocky Mountain Di- vision, 1883. Bulletin No. 2 — Gold and Silver Conversion Tables, giving the Coinage Values of Troy ounces of ffne metal and the weights of fine metal represented by given sums of United States money. (2 copies.) 1883. Bulletin No. 3— On the Fossil Faunos of the Upper Devorian along the meridian of 76 deg. 30 min. from Tompkins County, N. Y., to Bradford County, Pa., (2 copies.) 1884. Bulletin No. 4— On Mesozlc Fossils, 1884. Bulletin No. 5— A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States, 1884. (2 copies.) Bulletin No. 6 — Elevators in the Dominion of Canada, 1884. (2 copies.) Bulletin No. 7 — A Catalogue of Geological Maps relative to North and South America. (2 copies.) Bulletin No. 8 — On Secondary Enlargements of Mineral Fragments in Certain Rocks. (2 copies.) Bulletin No. 9. A Report of the Work Done in the Washington Labratory Dur- ing the Fiscal Year 1883-84. Bulletin No. 10— On the Cambrian Fanna of North America, 1884. Bulletin No. 11— On the Quarternary and Recent Mollusca of the Great Basin, with Descriptions of New Forms, 1884. Bulletin No. 12— A Crystallographic Study of the Minolite of Lake Lahonton, 1884. Bulletin No. 13— Boundaries of the United States and of the Several States and Territories, with a Historical Sketch of the Territorial Changes. 1885. Bulletin No. 14 — On the Physical Characteristics of the Iron Carburets— More Particularly on the Galvanic, Thermo-Electric and Magnetic Properties of Wrought Iron, Steel and Cast Iron in Different States of Hardness, together with a Physical Diagram for the Classification of Iron Carburets. 1885. Bulletin No. 15 — Notes on the Mesozoic and Cenoyoic Paleoutology of Califor- nia. 1885. Bulletin No. 16— On the Higher Deovinan Faunas of Ontario County, New York. 1885. Bulletin No. 17— On the Development of Crystallization in the Igneous Rocks of Washoe, Nevada, with Notes on the Geology of the District. 1885. Bulletin No. 18— On Marine, Eocene, Fresh Water, Miocene and Other Fossil Molusca of Western North America. 1885. Bulletin No. 19— Notes on the Stratigraphy of California. 1885. Bulletin No. 20— Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains. 1885. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 113 Bulletin No. 21— The Licnltes of the Great Sioux Reservation. A report on the region between the Grand and Morean rivers, Dakota. 1885. Bulletin No. 22— On New Cretaceous Fossils from California. 1885. Bulletin No. 23— Observations on the Junction Between the Eastern Sandstone and the Keweenaw Series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. 1885. Bulletin No. 24— List of Marine Mollusca, Comprising the Quarternary Fossils and Recent Forms from American Localities between Cape Hatteras and Cape Rogue, including the Bermudas. 1885. Bulletin No. 25— The Present Technical Condition of the Steel Industry of the United States. 1885. Bulletin No. 26— Copper Smelting. 1885. Bulletin No. 26— Work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly During the Fiscal Years 1884-85 and 86. Bulletin No. 28— The Gabbros and Associate Hornblende Rocks Occurring in the Neighborhood of Baltimore, Md. 1886. Bulletin No. 29— On the Freshwater Invertebrates of the North American Juras- sic. 1886. Bulletin No. 30 — Second Contribution to the Studies on the Cambrani.an Faunas of North America. 1886. Index to Vol. 5. Bulletin No. 31— Systematic Review of Our Present Knowledge of Fossil Insects, including Myriapods and Arachuids, 1886. Bulletin No. 32— Mineral Springs of the United States. 1886. Bulletin No. 33— Notes on the Geology of Northern California, 1886. Bulletin No. 34— On the Relation of the Laramie Fauna to that of the Succeeding Fresh Water Eocene and other Groups. 1886. Bulletin No. 35— Physical Properties of the Iron -Carburets. 1886. Bulletin No. 36— Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids. 1886. Bulletin No. 37— Types of the Laramie Flora. 1886. Bulletin No. 38— Peridotite of Elliott County, Ky. 1887. Bulletin No. 39— The Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz. 1887. Bulletin No. 40— Change in the River Courses in Washington Territory, due to Glacial Action. 1887. Bulletin No. 41— On the Fossil Faunas of the Upper Devonian— The Genesee Section, New York. 1887. Bulletin No. 42— On Report of Work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, Mainly During the Fiscal Year 1885-86. Bulletin No. 43— On the Tertiary and Cretaceous Strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tom- bigbee and Alabama Rivers. 1887. Bulletin No. 45— On the Present Condition of Knowledge of the Geology of Texas. 1887. 114 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin No. 44— Biblography of North American Geology for 1886. Bulletin No. 46 — The Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime. 1888. Bulletin No. 47— Analysis of Waters of the Yellowstone National Park, with an Account of the Methods of Analysis Employed. 1888. Bulletin No. 48— On Form and Position of the Sea Level. 1888. Bulletin No. 49— Latitudes and Longitudes of Certain Points in Missouri, Kan- sas and New Mexico. 1889. Bulletin No. 50 — Formulas and Tables io Facilitate the Construction and Use of Maps. 1889. Bulletin No. 51— On Invertebrate Fossils from the Pacific Coast. 1889. Bulletin No. 52— Subaerial Decay of Rocks and Origin of the Red Color of Cer- tain Formations. 1889. Bulletin No. 53— Geology of Nantucket. 1889. Bulletin No. 54— On the Thermo-Electric Measurement of High Temperatures. 1889. Bulletin No. 55— Report of Work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, Mainly During the Fiscal Year 1886-87. Bulletin No. 56— Fossil Wood and Lignite of the Potomac Formation. 1889. Bulletin No. 57— A Geological Reconnaissance in Southwestern Kansas. 1890. Bulletin No. 58— The Glacial Boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ken- tucky, Indiana and Illinois. 1890. Bulletin No. 59— The Gabbros and Associated Rocks in Delaware. 1890. Bulletin No. 60— Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics. Mainly During the Fiscal Year 1887-'88. Bulletin No. 61— Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Pacific Coast. 1890. Bulletin No. 62— The Greenstone Schists Areas of the Menominee and Mar- quette Regions, of Michigan. 1890. Bulletin No. 63— A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea, from 1698 to 1889. Bulletin No. 64— A Report of work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics. Mainly during the Fiscal Year 1888-'89. Bulletin No. 65— Stratigraphy of Bituminous Coal Field in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. Bulletin No. 66— On a Group of Volcanic Rocks from the Tewan Mountains, New Mexico, and on the Occurrence of Primary Quartz in Certain Basalts. 1890. Bulletin No. 67 — The Relations of the Traps of the Newark System in the New Jersey Region. 1890. Bulletin No. 68— Earthquakes in California in 1889. Bulletin No. 69— A Classed and Annotated Bibliography of Fossil Insects. 1890. Bulletin No. 70— Report on Astronomical Work of 1889-90. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 115 Bulletin No. 71— Index to the Known Fossil Insects of the World, including Myriapods and Arcachnlds. 1891. Bulletin No. 72— Altitudes Between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains. 1891. Bulletin No. 73— The Viscosity of Solids. 1891. Bulletin No. 74— The Minerals of North Carolina. 1891. Bulletin No. 75— Record of North American Geology for 1887 to 1889, inclusive. Bulletin No. 76— A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States. 2d Edition. 1891. Bulletin No. 77— The Texan Permian and its Mesozoic Types of Fossils. 1891. Bulletin No. 78— Report of Work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics. Mainly During the Fiscal Year 1889-'90. Bulletin No. 79 — A Late Volcano Eruption in Northern California and its Peculiar Uva. 1891. Bulletin No. 80— Correlation Papers. 1891. Devonian and Carboniferous. Bulletin No. 81 — Correlation Papers. Cambrian. MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. Mineral Resources of the United States — 1883-84. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889-90. Smithsonian Institution- Annual Reports— 1857. 1859. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Pts. 1 and 2*. 1887, Pts. 1 and 2*. 1888, Pts. 1 and 2*. 1889, Pts. 1 and 2*. 1890, Pts. 1 and 2*. Smithsonian Bulletins, 41 and 42. Smithsonian Museums of the Future. ♦This Volume contains the Annual Report of the National Museum. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. Annual Reports — First, 1879-80. Second, 1880-81. Third, 1881-82. Fourth, 1882-83. Fifth, 1883-84. Sixth, 1884-85. Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol.2, Pts. 1 and 2. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs of North American Indians. (Yarrow.) Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 2d Edition. (Powell.) Explorations of the Colorado of the West, 1869, 1872, 1880. 116 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. 21. Same— Vols. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge (pamphlets) on the Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun, Under Different Latitudes of the Earth, by E. Meech, A. M., 1856. On the Use of the Barometer in Surveys and Reconnoisances, in Meterolegy and Hypsometery, being Professional papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., No. 15 and Appendix, with practicable tribes, by R. S. Williamson, Major- Engineers, 1868, in 2 Pts. Notes of Measurements of Terrestrial Magnetism for U. S. Coast Survey, by Charles A. Schott, Asst., 1872. No. 222. Tables and Results of the Precipitation of Rain and Snow in the U. S., etc., by Chas. A. Schott, Asst. U. S. Coast Survey, 1872. FOREIGN— Meterology. Sweden Climate, with Isothermal Maps, Stockholm, by E. Edlund, 1874. Bulletin— Meteorologique Mensuel of the Observations of the University of Upsal. Vol. 2, Nos. 1 to 12, 1869-70. Same— Vol. 4, Nos. 2 to 12, 1872, by Dr. R. Robensun. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. Bulletins- Bibliography of the Eskimo Language. (Pilling.) The Use of Gold and Other Metals Among the Ancient Inhabitants of Chi- riqui. (Holmes.) Work in Mound Exploration of the Bureau of Ethnology. (Thomas.) Bibliography of the Siouan Languages. (Pilling.) Bibliography of the Iroquoian Languages. (Pilling.) Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru. (Holmes.) The Problem of the Ohio Mounds. (Thomas.) Bibliography of the Muskogean Languages. (Pilling.) Bibliography of the Algonquin Languages. 1891. Anatomy of Astrangia Danae. (Sonrel and Fawks.) Experiments in Aerodynamics. 1891. (Langley.) Six Species of Fresh Water Fishes. The Circular, Square and Octagonal Earthworks of Ohio. (Thomas.) Omaha and Ponka Letters. (Dorsey.) Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains. (Thomas.) UNITED STATES COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Annual Reports— Pt. 3, 1873-75. Pt. 9, 1881. Pt. 14, 1886. Pt. 5, 1887. Pt. 13, 1885. Pt. 15, 1887. Annual Bulletins— V. 1,1881. V. 3, 1883. V. 5, 1885. V. 2, 1882. V. 4, 1884. V. 6, 1886. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 117 ABRIDGEMENT OF MESSAGES AND DOCUMENTS. 1869-70. 1882-83. 1886-87. 1889-90. 1876-77. 1883-84. 1887-88. 1890-91. 1877-78. 1884-85. 1888-89. 1892. Miscellaneous (cloth) ditto — 1875-76. Abridgement. 1876-77. Department of State. 1877-78. Abridgement. 1877-78. Department of State. 1877-78. V. 1 and 2 (Pts. 1 and 2), V. 3 and 4. 1877-78. Department of State and Appendix. 1877-78. Navy Department. 1877-78. Postoffice Department. 18«2-83. Interior Department, V. 4. 1883-84. Abridgement. 1889-90. Interior Department. V. 5, Pts. 1 and 2. 1890^91. Secretary of Navy. 1092. President's Report, Relations with Chili. Treasury Department — Collection of Duties. V. 2, 1885. Report of Secretary of Treasury. V. 2. 1886. Same. V. 1. 1886. Same. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Report of Finance. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Second Report of the United States Entomological Commission. Riley, Pack- ard and Thomas. 1880-82. Same. 1882-83. Fourth Report Same. 1884-85. Contageous Diseases of Domestic Animals. 1880-81. Agricultural Reports. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Reports of Commissioner of Agriculture. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Consular Reports in Foreign Countries. 1880-81, V. 1 and 2. 1884, V. 1,2 and 3. Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Exposition. V. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Washington. 1888. Cloth- Commercial Relations. 1876, 1877, 1878. 1879, V. 1. Africa, America, Australasia. 1879, V. 2. Europe and Polynesia. 1880-81. 1882-83, V. 1, Europe. V. 2, Africa, America, Australasia. 1884-85, Pts. 1 and 2. 1885-86, V. 1. Europe, North America, Central America, West Indies. 118 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1885-86, V. 2. South America, Asia, 'Africa, Australasia and App. 1887-88. Relations with Foreign Countries. 1888-89. Same. Report of the Electrical Conference at Philadelphia, 1884. Report and Proceedings of the International Monetary Conference, 1879. Report of the Commission of Inquiry to Santo Domingo, 1071. United States International Exhibition, 1876, War Department. V. 1. Same. V. 2. Navy, Treasury and Postoffice Departments. The World's International and Cotton Centennial Exposition, 1884-85, New Orleans. (S. Fanall.) History of the Centennial Exhibition, 1876. (James D. McCabe.) Report of Secretary of Navy, 1873-78-79-80. Foreign System of Naval Education, 1880. (J. Russell Soley.) Training of Seamen in England. Lieut. Commander F. E. Chadwick, U. S. N., 1880. Commerce and Navigation of U. S. for 1881-83-88. Evan's Imports and Duties. Also Exports to American Colonies, 1697-1789. Report of Comptroller of Currency, 1878-81-83. Internal Commerce of the United States, 1885-87-88-89-90. Reports of the Inter-State Commission on Statistics of Railways in the United States in 1888. MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Cloth- Report of Postmaster General, 1883. Tariff Compilation, 1884. Reports of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1860-61. 1866-67. Fifth Annual Report of the Commission of Labor (Railroad Labor.) Land Office Report, 1867. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Vols. 1, 2, 3, (in 2 Vols.) Credit Mobellier— Report of Poland Committee, 1873. Count of Electoral Votes, Proceedings of Congress and the Electoral Com- mission, 1887. Report of Committee on Fort Pillow Massacre. Returned Prisoners of War. Alabama Claims. Case of the United States. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 4 to and including V. 33. Additions and Corrections to the List of Foreign Correspondence, No. 490, 1883. No. 708. The Toner Lectures. No. 741. Index to the Literature of Thermoynamics, by A. Tuckerman, Ph. D. No. 764. The Connection of Sextants for Errors of Eccentricity and Grad- uation. (Joseph A. Rogers.) MISCELLANEOUS U. S. PAMPHLETS. Report of Supervising Architect of Treasury Department, 1873. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 119 Report in Relation to Argument wltli Flathead and other Indians by Joseph Kay. McCammons, Asst. Attorney General, 1883. Register of the Department of Interior. List of Persons Employed in the Departments Jan. 1, 1877, Jan. 15, 1879, Oct. 10, 1881, July 15, 1883, United States Official Catalogue, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for 1877» 1878, 1879, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1887 and 1888. Treasury Reports- Report of the Special Commissioner of the Revenue Upon Industry, Trade, Commerce, Etc., of the U. S, 1869. Annual Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics on the Foreign Com- merce of the U. S, June 30, 1886 and 1888. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S. on the State of the Finances for 1886-87-88-91. Statistical Abstract of the U. S., No. 6, 1883, No. 9, 1886, No. 10, 1887. Special Consular Reports — Reports from the Consuls of the U. S. N. S., No. 1, Jan. 1889. Trade and Transportation between the U. S. and Spanish America, bv Wm. Eleroy Curtis, 1889. Special Report on Malt and Beer in Spanish America. 1890. " " " Carpet Manufacture in Foreign Countries. 1890. " " " Cotton Textiles in Foreign Countries. 1890. " " " Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries. 1890. *' " " Files in Spanish America. 1890. " " " European Emigration, 1390. *' " " Refrigerators and Food Preservation in Foreign Coun- tries. 1890. ** " " Olive Culture in the Alpes Maritimes. 1891. " " " Streets and Highways in Foreign Countries. 1891. " " Port Regulations in Foreign Countries. 1891. *' " " Gas in Foreign Countries. 1891. " " " Coal and Coal Consumption in Spanish America. 1891. " " " The Slave Trade in Foreign Countries. 1892. " India Rubber, Pt. 1. The Rubber Tree, Pt. 2. India Rubber Manufactures and Trade. 1892. " " " Cholera in Europe in 1884. " " " Trade Guilds in Europe. BUREAU OF STATISTICS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Quarterly Reports of the Chief of the Bureau, Showing the Imports and Exports of the United States. No. ,4. 1880-1. June 30, 1881. »i 1. 1881-2. September 30, 1881 4t 2. 1881-2. December 31, 1881. 44 3. 1881-2. March 31, 1882. 44 4. 1881-2. June 30, 1882. 120 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jo. 1. " 2. 1882-3. 1882-3. September 30, 1882. December 31, 1882. " 3. 1882-3. March 31, 1883. " 4. 1882-3. June 30, 1883. " 2. 1883-4. 1883-4. September 30, 1883. December 31, 1883. " 3. 1883-4. March 31, 1884. " 4. 1883-4. June 30, 1884. " 2. 1884-5. 1884-5. September 30, 1884. December 31, 1884. " 3. 1884-5. March 31, 1885. " 4. 1884-5. June 30, 1885. " 1. " 3. 1885-6. 1885-6. September 30, 1885. March 31, 1886, " 4. 1885-6. June 30, 1886. *' 1. 1886-7. September 30, 1886. " 2. 1886-7. December 31, 1886. '• 3. 1886-7. March 31, 1887. " 4. 1886-7. June 30, 1887. " 1. 1887-8. September 30, 1887. " 2. 1887-8. December 31, 1887. " 3. 1887-8. March 31, 1888, " 4. 1887-8. June 30, 1888. " 1. " 2. 1888-9. 1888-9. September 30, 1888. December 31, 1888. " 3. 1888-9. March 31, 1889. " 4. 1889-9. June 30, 1889. " 1. 1889-90. September 30, 1889. " 2. 1889-90. December 31, 1889. " 3. 1889-90. March 31, 1890. " 2. 1890-91. 1890-91. September 30, 1890. December 31, 1890. " 3. 1890-91. March 31, 1891. " 4. 1890-91. June 30, 1891. " 1. '' 2. 1891-92. 1891-92. September 30, 1891. December 31, 1891. " 3. 1891-92. March 31, 1892. ^ ' 4. 1891-92. June 30, 1892. - SCEL LANEOL IS PAMPHLETS-"REPORTS, RESOURCES ETC South Carolina — Resources, Population. State Board of Agriculture. Geological Survey of Illinois. Vols. 4, 5, and 6. Census of Massachusetts, 1885. Adjutant General's Report Illinois. Vols. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. New York Insurance Report, 1877. Journal of Proceedings of the Missouri State Convention, 1861. The Great Industries of the U. S. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. 1872. Report of Illinois Board of Charities, 1888. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 121 Agricultural Report of Ohio. Report of Attorney General, State of Illinois, 1880. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1870. ♦Texas: Argument in Supreme Court of Texas, Austin Term, 1882. The State of Texas, appellant, vs. I. & G. N. R. R., appellee. ♦Argument No. 458. The State of Texas, appellant, vs. E. T. Moore. May 22, 1882. ♦Charter and Revised Ordinance of the City of San Antonio, Texas. Standing Rules of City Council and Catalogue of the City Government, 1837 to 1880. ♦Rules of Order and Standing Committees of the House of Representatives, Seventeenth Legislature, and Constitution of the State of Texas. Austin, 1881. ♦Journal of House of Representatives of State of Texas, Session of 14th Legisla- ture. Austin, January 13, 1874. ♦Same. 11th Legislature of House of Representative, State of Texas. Austin, 1866. ♦Constitution of the State of Texas, adopted at the Constitutional Convention at the City of Austin, September 6, 1875. ♦Biennial Report of the Secretary of the State of Texas. 1884. ♦U. S. Directories— Texas— Austin, 1877-78 and 1878-79. San Antonia, 1879-80 and 1883-84. ♦Southern Business Guide. 1883-84. ♦Louisiana Directories — New Orleans. 1886. " " U. S. Bankers and List of Bank Attorneys. 1884. Helena Directories, Historical, 1879, 1884, 1886-87, 1890, 1891. History of the Flathead Indians, Their Wars and Hunts, 1813 to 1890. The Montana Blue Book, 1891. Biographical, Historical and Statistical Book of Reference, by Jno. W. Page and H. J. Mock. ♦Presented. U. S. CIVIL SERVICE-ANNUAL REPORTS. First Annual Report of the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, 1884; Third, 1886; Fourth, 1887; Sixth, 1889; Seventh, 1890; Eight, 1891. BANCROFT LIBRARY OFFICIAL REPORTS-WASHINGTON, D. C, "PUB. DOCS." Report of the Gun Foundry Board Feb. 16, 1884, Dec. 20, 1884. U. S. Official Guide, Jan. 1881. General Report of Director of Mint to Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, Year End- ing June 30, 1879. Report of Secretary of State, U. S. Citizens Claims Against France. Ex. Doc. 205. Feb. 10, 1884. Report of Secretary of Navy, Geo. M. Robinson, 1870-72. Register of Commissioned, Warrant and Volunteer Officers of the U. S. Navy, Including Officers of the Marine Corps, and others, Jan. 1881-83. Annual Report of Secretary of War Belknap on Operations of the Department June 30, 1875. 122 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Brief of Chipman Hosmer & Co., in case of Lieut. J. W. Price of the 38th Iowa Infantry Volunteers for Commutation of Travel. Report of Expedition Up the Yellowstone River, 1875, by James W. Forsyth, Lieut. -Col.; F. D. Grant, Aide-de-Camp; Lieut. -General P. H. Sheridan, Commanding. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Operations of the Department Dec. 31, 1871. Receipts and Distributions 1885, 1886, 1886-87, 1887, 1887-89. Piegan Indian Affairs. Letter from Secretary of Interior to National House of Representatives in Answer to Resolutions of March 4, 1870. Ex. Doc, 185, March 7, 1870. Alf. Sully, Supt. Indian Affairs. Piegan Indian Affairs — Letter from Secretary of Interior to House, March 14, 1870. Executive Document, 197. Northern Pacific Surveying Party in Relation to Influence of the Indians. Exe- cutive Document 16. Letter from Capt. Ed Ball to Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Investigation into Indian Affairs by Committee on appropriations in behalf of Hon. E. S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Annual Report upon the Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and Montana, 1874. Geo. M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. A. Annual Report to Secretary of the Treasury for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1880. Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the 2d session of the 47th Congress. 1882. (Jno. J. Knox.) American Pork— Result of an Investigation Made Under Authority of the De- partment of State. 1881. Letter from Secretary of War — "Deep Harbor, Gulf of Mexico." 1889. Reports from the Consuls of the United States on Forestry in Europe. 1887. Forestry Congress Annual Meeting, held in Springfield, 111., September 14, 1887. Public Document— Report on Receipt, Distribution and Sale of Public Docu- ments of the Interior Department, 1890-91. Rules and Practice in Cases before the U. S. District Land Offices, the General Land Office and the Department of the Interior. 1889. Geographical Names— First Report of the U. S. Board Thereon. 1890-91. Message of the President to the Houses of Congress. 1890. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORIES. 43d Congress, 1st Session, 3d Edition, (Poore.) 48th Congress, 1st Session, 3d Edition, (Poore.) 48th Congress, 2d Session, 1st Edition, (Poore.) 49th Congress, 1st Session, 3d Edition, (Poore.) 49th Congress, 2d Session, 1st Edition, (Poore.) 49th Congress, 2d Session, 2d Edition, (Poore.) 47th Congress, Special Session of Senate, (Poore.) 50th Congress, 1st Session, 2d Edition, (Michael.) 51st Congress, 1st Session, 2d Edition, (Michael.) 51st Congress, 1st Session, 3d Edition, (Michael.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 123 51st Congress, 1st Session, 2d Edition, (Michael.) 52d Congress, 2d Session, 2d Edition, (Michael.) U. S. Consular Reports— Budget Legislation in Foreign Countries, No. 90, 1888. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. List of Foreign Correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution to 1882. Additions and Corrections to the same, 1883. Bureau of Ethnology, J. W. Powell, Director— Work in Mound Explorations, by Cyrus Thomas, 1887. Bibliography of the Siouan Languages. (Pilling.) 1887. Bibliography of the Eskimo Language. (Pilling.) 1887. Same of the Iroquolan Languages. (Pilling.) 1888. Use of Gold and Other Metals Among the Ancient Inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darlen. (William H. Holmes.) 1887. Perforated Stones of California. (Henry W. Henshaw.) 1887. The Problem of the Ohio Mounds. (Cyrus Thomas.) 1889. The Circle, Square, and Octagonal Earthworks of Ohio, by Cyrus Thomas, 1889. Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru. (W. H. Holmes.) 1889. Bibliography of the Muskhogean Languages. (Pilling.) 1889. Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains. (Thomas.) 1891. Bibliography of the Chemical Influence of Light by Alfred Tuckerman, Ph. D. 1891. Index to the Literature of Columblum, 1801-1887, by Frank W. Traphagen, Ph. D. 1888. The Toner Lectures, No. 10. Mental Overwork and Premature Disease Among Public and Professloual Men, by Charles K. Mills, M. D., 1885. Yellowstone National Park. Report of Superintendents to the Secretary of the Interior for 1877-79, 1886-87-88. Missouri River Commission. Report of— from July 1, 1885, to June 30, 1887*. Same, 1888-89-90-91. From Government Printing Office, Washington. Catalogue of Charts and Other Publications, 1890, by T. C. Mendenhall, Supt. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters and Other Organic Laws of the United States, Pts. 1 and 2, by Ben. Perley Poore. Washington, 1877. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture on the Diseases of Cattle in the United States. Washington, 1871. Sixth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1890. Cost of Production, Iron, Steele, Etc. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1886. U. S. Fish Commission. Propagation of Food Fishes of the U. S. Report 1873-74 and 1874-75. INDEX. 126 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-PART I. PAGES. Agricultural Resources of the State 42 Agricultural Reports 42 American Bar Association 51-52 American Commonwealths, Histories of 27 An Appeal to Our Friends 12-13 Autobiographical 29 Biographical 29 Catalogues of Schools and Universities 48-49 Commencement of Catalogue 21 De Peyster Miscellanies 29 Dominion of Canada 24-25 Dominion Government Reports 37-38 Donated Papers 52-56 Flathead Indians, History of Their Wars and Hunts 49 Grand Army of the Republic 50 Helena, Pamphlets Relating to 48 Historical Sketch of the Organization of the Society 8-11 Histories— List of State and Historical Society Collections 23-24 Historical Pamphlets, Miscellaneous 35-36 Historical Society Pamphlets 36-37 Historical Reports and Bulletins 37 Historical Pamphlets and Exchanges from the Several States 33-35 Histories, Travels, Adventures, etc 27-29 Irrigation 49 In Memorlam, Pamphlets 39 Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Stale of Montana 44 Leading Industries, etc 42-43 Letter of Transmittal— Granville Stuart to Gov. J. K, Toole 3 Literary Works , 32 Maps, State and United States 57 Memorial Addresses • 38-39 Meteorology 50' Messages and Reports of the Governors of Montana Territory 46 Mining and Currency 49-50 Miscellaneous Relating to the West 31-32 Miscellaneous Genealogical Pamphlets 40 Miscellaneous, Descriptive and Historical 40-42 Missionaries Among the Indians 30 Montana Authors, Works of 32 Montana Religious and Moral Pamphlets 46-47 Montana Newspapers in Library 52-56 North American Indians 30-31 OfBcers of the Society and Executive Committee 15 Oregon 26 Pamphlets relating to Montana— Miscellaneous 45 Political Pamphlets 51-52 Religious and Moral, general 43 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY 127 Reports of Live Stock Commissioner, State of Montana 47 Reports of Territorial Superlntemleuts of Public .Schools and Mines 47-48 Session Laws, Montana Territory 45-44 Table of Receipts and Expenditures 17-18 Transfer of tbe Library to the State l»-20 Voyages and Travels In North America 30-31 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-PART II. pa<:ks. American Archives— 9 Vols 103 American State Papers— Finance. Vols. IV and V 103 Military Affairs. Vols. Ill, IV, V, VI, VII 103 Naval Affairs. Vols. II, III, IV 103 PublicLands. Vols. IV, V, VI, Vn, VIII 103 Bureau of Education. (Pamphlets) 107-109 Bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey 112 Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department 119-120 Bureau of Ethnology, Annual Reports 115-116 Census Reports 110 Congressional Docimients and Government Publications from Thirty-Third to Fifty- Congressional Directories 122-123 Civil Service, U. S. Reports of 121 Frst Congresses 61 Thirty-Third Congress 63 Thirty-Sixth Congress 63 Thirty-Eighth Congress 63 Thirty-Ninth Congress 64 Fortieth Congress 64 Forty-First Congress 64 Forty-Second Congress 66-68 Forty-Third Congress 68-71 Forty-Fourth Congress 71-73 Forty-Fifth Congress 73-75 Forty-Sixth Congress 75-78 Forty-Seventh Congress 78-82 Forty-Eighth Congress 83-87 Forty-Nintli Congress 88-92 Fiftieth Congress 82-97 Fifty-First Congress 97-100 Congi'essional Globe, (not bound) 100 Congressional Globe 101 Congressional Record 102 Consular and Miscellaneous Consular Reports 104- 105 Department of Agriculture 110 Department of Interior 106 Department of State 103 Explorations and Surveys, Geological, Etc lio-lil International American Conference 109 Miscellaneous Pamphlet Publications, (Educational) 109 Monographs, U. S Ill Miscellaneous Series U. S. Pamphlets 115 128 OF THE MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. and Documents, Abridgement of 117-118 Miscellaneous U. S. Documents and Pamphlets 118-119 Miscellaneous Eeports, Resources, Etc 120-121 Official Records of the War of the Rebellion 122-123 Official Reports, Pub. Docs. Etc 121-122 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 123