0? 1 , II // ._ X \ OMAN'S EXCH1ME OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS. V SUtoonnn Stea Print, Austin. '/ WOMAN'S EXCHANGE OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS. The rapid growth of the "Woman's Art Ex- change," and a cleare^ understanding of its needs having rendered it necessary to reorganize, the Board of Directors deem it advisable to publish this letter of explanation. Having found that the name "Art Exchange" prevented many persons from joining the Associa- tion, the first step taken was to change this to "Woman's Exchange." It was never intended to devote our energies to Art alone, but to the en- couragement of woman's handiwork of all kinds, such as paintings ; needle-work, fancy and plain ; preserves ; pickles ; sauces ; bread and cake. We have taken a well-located store, which will be kept open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 a. in. to 6 p. m. We have secured the services of an efficient WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. lady clerk, whose duties shall be to make sales, keep the books, and receive and receipt for all articles sent to the Exchange. We now call upon the ladies of Texas to show what they can do. Send us articles from every county in the State help us fill our store and make our show-cases attractive, and the business remuner- ative to themselves. We are prepared from this time to receive articles for sale and urge their being sent as early as possible, in order that there may be a fine display on June 15, our formal opening day. All articles must be plainly marked with number price and name of sender, and to prevent mistakes we strongly advise each sender to keep a memoran' dtim thereof. Our By-Laws have been carefully amended, and a charter filed in the office of the Secretary of State. We enclose a copy of these, and trust that they will be faithfully studied. The general management of the Exchange has been put into the hands of nine directors, who reside in Austin. The duties of the Executive Committee throughout the State remain unchanged. A yearly report of the proceedings of the Associa- tion will be sent to each member. All express and mail charges on articles sent to the Exchange must be prepaid. The Exchange does not hold itself responsible for WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. losses, having taken all reasonable precautions against fire and theft. Our commission is five per cent, on all sales made for members of the Society, and ten per cent, for those who are not members. All letters and packages should be addressed to the "Woman's Exchange," Postoffice box 836, Aus- tin, Texas. Mrs. J. W. GLENN, President. ^ " BUBBDUVAL, " C. E. STANLEY, " E. C. BABTHOLOMEW, MABCTJS FINCH, ^Directors. ' LOUISA HANCOCK, Miss ELLA BUST. Mrs. w. A. BYAN; ' J. N. PBESTON. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 1. Be it remembered that Mrs. Jno, W. Glenn, Mrs. J. T. Trezevant, Mrs. T. F. Mitchell, Mrs. W. A. Eyan, Mrs. Marcus Finch, Mrs. Du Free, Mrs. W. Tobiu, Mrs. L. E. Edwards, Mrs. J. H. Stewart, Mrs. J. M. Peacock and Mrs. Burr Duval, of the city of Austin, county of Travis, State of Texas, and their associates, have, and by these presents do form them- selves into a body corporate, under the name of the "Woman's Exchange of Texas." 2. The purpose of the Association is declared to be the promotion of Art and industry, the encourage- ment of native talent, and the amelioration and eleva- tion of womankind. .'i. Tin- place of business of this Association shall be the city of Austin, Texas. 4. This Association shall exist fifty years. ."). Thin Association shall be managed and con- ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. trolled by a Board of nine directors, and for the first year, these shall be Mrs. Jno. W. Glenn, Mrs. Burr Duval, Mrs. C. E. Stanley, Mrs. E. C. Bartholomew,. Mrs. Marcus Finch, Mrs. Louisa Hancock, Miss Ella Bust, Mrs. VV. A, Ryan and Mrs. J. N. Preston. 6. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers and agents as may be pro- vided for by the By-Laws, and for the first year, Mrs. J. W. Glenn, shall be President; Mrs. J. T. Trezevant, Vice President; Miss Julie Pease,' Secretary, and Mrs. T. F. Mitchell, Treasurer. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. BY-LAWS. 1. There shall be quarterly meetings of the As- sociation on the first Tuesdays in October, January, April and July, for the transaction of such business as shall be necessary. The Board of Directors shall be elected annually on the first Tuesday in October, and at this meeting any member may vote in person or by proxy in writing. 2. The officers of this Association shall be elected by the Board of Directors at their first regular meet- ing after their election in each and every year. 3. There shall be one regular meeting of the Board of Directors each month. 4. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 5. The President shall be selected from the Direc- tors, may vote on any question and shall vote in all cases of tie. 6. The President shall preside at all meetings, preserve decorum and order, sign all warrants on the Treasurer, appoint all committees subject to confir- mation by the Board of Directors, and do and per- BY-LAWS. form such other duties as may be prescribed by the Association, 7. The Secretary shall prepare and keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of the Association, presenting an abstract there- of at each quarterly meeting; preserve all books, papers and records of the Board ; and prepare and countersign all warrants on the Treasurer. 8. The Vice President shall preside at all meet- ings in the absence, sickness or other disability of the President, and in the absence of both the President and Vice President, a chairman pro tern, shall be elected by the members of the Board. 9. The Treasurer shall keep a just and true ac- count of all moneys received and disbursed by her^ and render a true account of the same at each regu- lar meeting of the Board and of the Association. She shall pay out money only on a warrant signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. 10. There shall be a Finance Committee, consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine and report upon all claims and accounts presented to the Board ; examine and report upon the accounts of the Treasurer, and perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them . 11. No claims or accounts shall be paid nor any warrant drawn on the Treasurer, unless an appropri- ation has been made therefor by the Board. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 12. The order of business at the meetings of the Board of Directors, shall be as follows : 1. Calling roll. 2. Beading minutes. 3. Petitions and memorials. 4. Eesolutions. 5. Eeports of committees. 6. Unfinished business. 7. New business. 8. Adjournment. 13. Members may be admitted to this Association on the recommendation of any member by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. 14. The dues shall be twenty-five cents per month. 15. On any question of order or parliamentary practice, where the rules are silent or inexplicit, Jef- ferson's Manual, or Smith's Digest of Parliamentary Law shall be considered as authority. 16. These By-Laws shall not be altered, amended or repealed only by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. 17. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any three members of the Board. 18. Any member failing to pay her dues for six mouths, shall first be notified by the Treasurer, and still failing to pay them, shall be suspended. 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