GIFT OF BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO, 3 1915 BOSTON PRINTING DEPARTME.N BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 31915 BOSTON PRINTING DEPARTMENT L' IN SCHOOL COMMITTEE, BOSTON, March 1, 1915. Ordered, That "A Teacher's Professional Library" is hereby authorized as School Document No. 3, 1915, and that five thousand (5,000) copies be printed for distribution. Attest: ELLEN M. CRONIN, Acting Secretary. A FOREWORD. The committee in charge of this catalog has made a real contribution that will be of great service to our teachers. I note that they have prepared a remarkably well-balanced list of that sort of educational literature that is fresh and pertinent to the interests of all teachers. There is hardly any taste that will not be satisfied with the collection they have made. I notice the standard pedagogical works and in addition the latest and best in psychology, biology, child study, related biography, vocational training and social problems. As a man is known by the company he keeps, so teachers are best recognized by their literary comrade- ship. The highest incentives of our profession are those that arise out of our interest in education as a profession. All these works relate to the profession in some of its phases and I can think of hardly any desire for knowl- edge of educational activities that cannot be satisfied by the use of this collection. How delightful it would be if in every school district a coterie of choice spirits could get together in weekly or monthly meetings and use one of these books as a basis not only for self -improvement but for conversa- tion and a good time together! Our own work is too much with us. " Seeking and getting we contract our powers." The pleasantest of all good fellowship is that which comes from intellectual recreation together. As we broaden or intensify our interests we renew our youth as well as strengthen our intellectual foundation. Blessings go with this little book. FRANKLIN B. DYER, Superintendent of Public Schools. THE COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. Miss Louise A. Pieper, Chairman . Miss Florence Bean . Miss Mabel P. Foster ... Miss Elizabeth A. Nash . Miss Charlotte Rafter Miss Lillian M. Towne . Miss Bertha Vogel .... Mr. Daniel Foley .... Mr. Arthur L. Gould Mr. Maurice J. Lacey Mr. Seth Sears . Oliver Hazard Perry School Department of Manual Arts Harvard School Continuation School Oliver Wendell Holmes School Bowdoin School South Boston High School English High School Dearborn School High School of Commerce Franklin School Teacher, educate thyself. In bending with a brave heart to this life-task, thou shalt find not only guidance and illumination in thy work for others, but an unfailing source of enthusiasm without which thou canst not be a framer of immortal souls. Bishop Spalding. 310428 6 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Books are yours, Within whose silent chambers treasure lies Preserved from age to age .... These hoards of truth you can unlock at will. Wm. Wordsworth. Administration of Public Education in United States. Button and Snedden. 395 pages. The Macmillan Com- pany. A study of the progress of communities toward a more civilized life. All the Children of All the People. William Hawley Smith. 346 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Treats of the " longs" and " shorts," intellectually, among children. Short sentences and good typography make easy reading. Index. American Citizen, The. Charles F. Dole. 368 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. $0.80. The purpose of the book is not merely to impart information but at every step to help pupils to think for themselves so that they may see the principles of good sense, justice and friendliness on which the state rests. American Education. A. S. Draper. 376 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $2.00. The most notable of the author's addresses and papers. Apollo. Solomon Reinach. 337 pages, 600 illustrations. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50. Manual of the History of Art. An authoritative work on the subject. Excellent .reference list of original and sec- ondary material in all languages. Art Education. Henry T. Bailey. 97 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.65: The writer's broad outlook on all life as related to art leads to an interesting presentation of the different factors which pertain to art education. Art and Environment. Lisle March Phillips. A readable book which illuminates the history of the world by showing how the art of each great people has been an expression of its real life. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 7 Art of Teaching, The. Emerson E. White. 306 pages. The American Book Company. A manual for teachers, superintendents, normal schools, training schools, and those interested in the right training of the young. Arthur of the English Poets, The. Howard Maynadier. 438 pages. Houghton Mjfflin Company. An account of the origin, Development and history of this theme which pervades soonuch of our literature. Aspects of Child Life and Education. G. Stanley Hall. 326 pages. Ginn and Company. $1.50. A group of papers, "^hese articles are invaluable to the student of education." Thomas M. Balliett. Auxiliary Education. B. Marnnel. 267 pages. Trans- lated by Emma Sylvester. Doubleday, Page and Com- pany. Treats of what we call special schools and classes. Valuable from historic and comparative standpoint. Basis of Practical Teaching. Elmer B. Bryan. 190 pages. Silver, Burdett and Company. $1.25. Inspiring chapters on the psychology of work and on habit. Beginnings in Industrial Education. Paul H. Hanus. 199 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. A series of arguments relating to industrial education, and a narration of experience in schools of Germany. Boy and His Gang, The. J. A. Puffer. 188 pages. Hough- ton Mifflin Company. $1.00. A book on a powerful factor of a boy's training. All inter- ested in "The Boy" should read it. Boyville. John E. Gunckel. 219 pages. The Toledo News- boys' Association. $1.00. An account of fifteen years' personal work among boys, with boys, and by the boys themselves. Brain and Personality. W. Hanna Thomson. 320 pages. Dodd, Mead and Company. $1.20. An account of the physical basis of the mind. A book for thoughtful reading. Brief Course in the History of Education. Paul Monroe. 409 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Condensation of his Text-book. Marginal notes and chapter summaries. 8 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Brief Course in the Teaching Process. G. D. Strayer. 315 pages. The Macmillatfi Company. $1.25. Treats concretely the problems the teacher has to face day after day in the class room. Care of the Child in Health. Nathan Oppenheim. 308 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. In this book a physician who, is a child specialist discusses the care of the child. / Century and the School, The. A group of essays by F. L. Soldan, late Superintendent- of Schools in St. Louis, Missouri. 213 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Changing Conceptions of Education. (Monograph.) Ell- wood P. Cubberley. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. A brief survey of the evolution of educational ideals. Charm of the Impossible, The. Margaret Slattery. 55 pages. F. M. Barton Company. $0.35. Columbus felt it. Marconi felt it. A booklet for an hour's reading. Childhood. Mrs. Birney. 254 pages. F. A. Stokes and Company. What parents most need to know of boys and girls in order to make their influence felt for good upon the rising gen- eration. Children of the Future. Norah A. Smith. 165 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.00. A group of essays. Some of the titles: A Dumb Devil; Tell Me a Story; The Priestly Office. Children of Good Fortune. C. H. Henderson. 405 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1 .30. An essay on morals outlining different views of good fortune with particular emphasis on human wealth. Children's Rights. Norah A. Smith and Kate Douglas Wiggin. 35 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.00. A valuable addition to kindergarten literature. Child Training as an Exact Science. George W. Jacoby, M. D. 377 pages. Funk and Wagnalls Company. This book grew out of the author's exceptional study and practice as a neurologist. Christian Schools and Scholars. Augusta T. Drane. Vol- ume L, 484 pages; Volume II., 454 pages. Longmans, Green and Company. Sketches from the history of Christian education from the Christian Era to the Council of Trent. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 9 Civics and Health. William H. Allen. 403 pages. Ginn and Company. $1.25. A vivid presentation of the outlines of a subject fundamental to the well-being of the people. Class Management. Joseph S. Taylor. 113 pages. A. S. Barnes and Company. $1.00. k Progressive training in self-government rather than control by repression. Classroom Management. William C. Bagley. 302 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. The writer has attempted first to find the successful practice and then to discover the principle that governs it. Class Teaching and Management. William Estabrook Chancellor. 343 pages. Harper and Brothers. $0.75. A helpful treatment of the principles of class teaching, including both instruction and discipline. Index. Conflicting Principles in Teaching. Charles A. McMurry. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.25. Some of the chapters: The Realm of Controversy; Two Important Contrasts; The Gulf Between Theory and Practice. Connectives of English Speech. James C. Fernald. 334 pages. Funk and Wagnalls Company. $1.50. Just what you want to know about the correct use of prepo- sitions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs. Counsel Upon the Reading of Books. Agnes Repplier, A. T. Hadley, Bliss Perry, H. Morse Stephens and others. 306 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.50. Six papers based upon lectures arranged by the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching. Intro- duction by Henry Van Dyke. Craftsmanship in Teaching. W. C. Bagley. 247 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Series of papers and addresses. Some of the titles: New Attitude toward Drill; Optimism in Teaching; A Plea for the Definite. Cyclopaedia of Education. Edited by Paul Monroe. 5 volumes. The Macmillan Company. $25. With notes, index of topics, cross references and bibliography. Dark Ages, The. Samuel R. Maitland. 498 pages. Riving- ton. London. A series of essays, intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries. 10 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Democracy and Social Ethics. Jane Addams. The Mac- millan Company. $1.25. The essential idea democracy is the identification of one's own with: the common lot. Development of the Child, The. Nathan Oppenheim. 296 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. A study of the physical and mental development of the child, special reference to heredity and environment. Discipline of the School, The. Frances M. Morehouse. 339 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. The first chapters deal with the general aspects of the situa- tion and with the theory of discipline. The later chapters take up the concrete problems of school life and offer suggestions for their solution. Domestic Art in Women's Education. Anna M. Cooley. 267 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. Enlightening as to place of domestic science in elementary and high schools. Contains good bibliography. Dramatic Instinct in Education, The. Elnora W. Curtis. Foreword by G. Stanley Hall. Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. $1.00. Results of author's own investigations. Dramatic Method of Teaching, The. Harriet Finlay Johnson. 196 pages. Ginn and Company. From one who preaches "the gospel of happiness in child- hood." Dynamic Factors in Education. M. V. O'Shea. 299 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1 .25. A summarization of investigations and suggestions for motor expression in all learning. Economic Influences upon Educational Progress. Frank Tracy Carlton. 135 pages. University of Wisconsin Bulletin. A study of the forces, direct and indirect, which led to the so-called "educational revival" of 1820 to 1850. Education, A Survey of Tendencies. A. M. Williams. 234 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.10. Written to show the need for education and its claims upon the interest and the support of its citizens. Education by Plays and Games. George E. Johnson. 234 pages. Ginn and Company. Designed to help the parent and teacher to utilize play in the nurture and training of children. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 11 Education for Citizenship. Dr. George Kerschensteiner of Munich. 133 pages. Translated by A. J. Pressland. Rand, McNally and Company. The book is the author's answer to the question: "How are our (German) young men, from the time of leaving the Volksschule (age fourteen years) until the entrance into military service (age twenty years), to be educated for citizenship?" Education for Efficiency. Eugene Davenport. 184 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. $1.00. Part One treats of industrial and culture aims in education; the cultural value of labor; unity in education. Part Two treats of the place of agriculture in education. Education for Social Efficiency. Irving King. 304 pages, D. Appleton and Company. $1.50. A study of the social movement as it affects education. This should appeal especially to teachers and parents. Education of the Central Nervous System. R. P. Halleck. 251 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.50. The special kinds of exercise, sensory, motor and ideational, demanded by the nervous system for its full develop- ment. Education of the Will, The. Jules Payot. 424 pages. Funk and Wagnalls Company. A book which deals with the theory and practice of self- culture. Educational Aims and Educational Values. Paul H. Hanus. 211 pages. The Macmillan Company. $0.75. A series of essays on educational problems written for lay- men who are interested in education, as well as for pro- fessional students and teachers. Educational aims are stated and examined in the light of present and future needs. Educational Ideal, The. J. P. Monroe. 262 pages. The Macmillan Company. Bacon, Montaigne and the other great educators together with the growth of modern education. Educative Process, The. William Chandler Bagley. 349 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. A comprehensive study of the educative process, dealing with principles rather than with details of device and method. The book consists of six parts, divided into twenty-three chapters. 12 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Efficient Life, The. Luther H. Gulick. 195 pages. Double- day, Page and Company. $1.20. Its purpose is to help people to discover how they may improve that degree of efficiency which they individually possess. The book is both readable and helpful. Elementary School Standards. F. M. McMurry. 211 pages. World Book Company. $1.50. A contribution to the professional resources of teachers and supervising officers. One of the " Efficiency Series." Emile. Rousseau ( Worthington) . 157 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. , $0.90. Contains the germ of all that is useful in present systems of education. English Synonyms and Antonyms. James C. Fernald. 508 pages. Funk and Wagnalls Company. $1.50. A distinct branch of rhetorical culture. An excellent reference and help in correcting prevalent errors. Essentials of Method, The. Charles De Garmo. 136 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. $0.65. Three parts: 1. Psychological basis; 2. Rational methods; 3. Practical illustrations. Ethics for Children. Ella Lyman Cabot. 262 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.00. A systematic treatment of the virtues for the grades, illus- trated by stories and poems, with a valuable introduction by the author. Index. European Cities at Work. Frederic C. Howe. Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustrated. $1.75 net. An authoritative study of the social and industrial admin- istration of the municipal affairs of European cities that reads like a novel to the American urban. Evolution of the Educational Ideal, The. Mabel I. Emerson. 174 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.00. An outline of the great educational movements developed by the processes of civilization. Evolution of the Massachusetts School System. George H. Martin. 277 pages. D. Appleton and Company. $1.50. A book showing the evolutionary character of the public school history and its relation to the social environment. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 13 Examples of Industrial Education. Frank M. Leavitt. 330 pages. Ginn and Company. $1.25. A history of the movement for industrial education, with an outline of a constructive plan to organize this type of education. For students of education and those interested in industrial education. Experiments in Educational Psychology. Daniel Starch. 183 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. Concrete experimental work emphasizing the practical aspects of educational principles. False Equation, A; The Problem of the Great Trust. Melville M. Bigelow. An important discussion of the responsibility of the state regarding educational methods. The need of an educa- tional system utilizing the full powers of the child by correlation of subjects, and economizing the mental energy of the pupil. Farm Boys and Girls. William A. McKeever. 326 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.50. Solves many of the problems occupying the minds of rural workers. Feeble-Minded, The. E. B. Sherlock. 327 pages. The Macmillan Company. $3.00. A guide to study and practice. Complete bibliography. Fine and Industrial Arts. Walter Sargent. 132 pages. Ginn and Company. $0.75. A plan for coherent progression through the grades in draw- ing, design and constructive activities. Illustrated with reproductions of children's work. For use of grade teachers, special teachers and superintendents. From the Child's Standpoint. Florence H. Winterburn. 278 pages. Baker, Taylor Company, New York. Child life and nature. Fundamental Facts for the Teacher. E. H. Bryan. 137 pages. Silver, Burdett and Company. "The end of all human activity is life, to be attained at its fulness only in the process of real living," is the underlying thought of the author. Girl in Her Teens, The. Margaret Slattery. 127 pages. The physical, mental, spiritual and social sides of the upper grammar and high school girl. 14 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Girl and Education. LeBaron R. Briggs. Hough ton Mifflin Company. $1.00. Great Educators. Edited by Nicholas M. Butler. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1. Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities. Jules Compayre. 306 pages. 2. Alcuin and the Rise of Christian Schools. A. F. West. 191 pages. 3. Aristotle and the Ancient Educational Ideals. Thomas Davidson. 247 pages. 4. Arnold, Thomas and Matthew, and Their Influence on English Education. Sir Joshua Fitch. 274 pages. 5. Comenius and Beginnings of Educational Reform. Will S. Munro. 172 pages. 6. Froebel and Education Through Self-activity. H. C. Bowen. 196 pages. 7. Herbart and the Herbartians. Charles De Garmo. 256 pages. 8. Loyola and the Education of the Jesuits. Thomas Hughes. 295 pages. 9. Horace Mann and Public Education in the United States. B. A. Hinsdale. 310 pages. 10. Pestalozzi and the Modern Elementary School. M. A. Pinloche. 302 pages. 11. Rousseau and Education According to Nature. Thomas Davidson. 244 pages. Great Educators of Three Centuries. F. P. Graves. 300 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.10. An interesting and valuable account of the life and work of men who have introduced reforms into modern education. Great Society, The. Graham Wallas. 382 pages. The Macmillan Company. $2.00. Some of the topics discussed: Disposition and Environment; Pain and Happiness; The Psychology of the Crowd. Growth and Education. John M. Tyler. 291 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. This book contains an excellent description of the physical growth of the child and the adaptation of the school pro- gram to fit his needs. Habit Formation and the Science of Teaching. Stuart H. Rowe. 286 pages. Longmans, Green and Company. $1.50. The relation of habit to education with practical suggestions for teachers and parent. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 15 Handbook of Composition. Edwin C. Woolley. 225 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. The purpose of the book is to make clear the rules in regard to which many people make mistakes. Health and the School A Round Table. Frances W. Burks and Jesse D. Burks. 366 pages. D. Appleton and Company. This book brings together well-established theoretical facts and suggests how these facts have been applied. Exten- sive bibliography. Higher Study of English, The. Albert S. Cook. 138 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. The book consists of four papers, viz.: 1. The Province of English Philology; 2. The Teaching of English; 3. The Relations of Words to Literature; 4. Aims in the Grad- uate Study of English Literature. History of English Literature, A. Moody and Lovett, University of Chicago. 431 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.25. Written as a basal text-book f^r the general college course in English literature. History of Literature in America, A. Barrett Wendell. 443 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. SI. 40. It embodies the results of a practical test of the author's classes at Harvard. History of Modern Elementary Education. Samuel C. Parker. 505 pages. Ginn and Company. $1.50. Brief but intensive treatment of the development of modern educational systems. History of Pedagogy. Jules Compayre. 595 pages. Trans- lated by W. H. Payne. D. C. Heath and Company. $1.75. Comprehensive account of all the greater movements bearing upon education. Home School, The. (Monograph.) Ada W. Trowbridge- 95 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. A Providence experiment. How New York Administers its Public Schools. Ernest C. Moore. 321 pages. World Book Company. A constructive study. One of the "Efficiency Series." How the Other Half Lives. Jacob Riis. Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustrated. $1.25. Studies among the tenements of New York. 16 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. How to Study and Teaching How to Study. F. M. McMurry. 312 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.50. The result of observation, experiment and discussion upon how children should be taught to study. How We Think. JohnDewey. 224 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. $1.25. A conviction that the unspoiled attitude of childhood is very near to the attitude of the scientific mind. Human Behavior. Colvin and Bagley. 336 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. Topics selected that are closely related to the work of teach- ing illustrations both from class-room practice and the affairs of daily life. Hygiene of the School Child, The. Lewis M. Ternan. 405 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.65. The elements of child hygiene that are fundamental in the training of every teacher. Idea of the Industrial School, The. George Kerschensteiner, Director of Schools in Munich. 121 pages. The Mac- millan Company. $0.50. Ideal Teacher, The. George H. Palmer. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. In this brief essay, Professor Palmer sets forth an inspiring ideal which will stimulate every teacher who reads it to greater achievement in his profession. Individual in the Making, The. Edwin A. Kirkpatrick. 339 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.25. A subjective view of child development with suggestions for parents and teachers. Individuality. E. L. Thorndike. Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. $0.35. Discusses the differences in human nature and the causes of them. Industrial Training of the Boy. William A. McKeever. 81 pages. The Macmillan Company. $0.50. Suggestive in ways and means for parents and others. Interest and Education. Charles De Garmo. 230 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. A concrete application of the doctrine of interest to the matter and methods of education. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 17 Interest and Effort in Education. (Monograph.) John Dewey. 96 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. A correct point of view, attitude of mind and method of work which are essential to good teaching. Junior Republic, The. William R. George. D. Appleton and Company. The story of this movement by its author. Kindergarten in American Education, The. N. N C. Vandewalker. 274 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Movement shown in its relation to American education. A valuable bibliography. Laggards in Our Schools. Leonard Porter Ayres. 236 pages. Charities Publication Committee. A study of retardation and elimination in city school systems. Introduction by Luther H. Gulick. Learning Process, The. S. S. Colvin. 329 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Treats of the various processes entering into the science of education. Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi. 181 pages. Translated and abridged by Eva Channing. D. C. Heath and Company. $0.90. The book gives a realistic picture of Swiss peasant life in the eighteenth century. Pestalozzi's opinions and theories on educational topics are scattered incidentally throughout the book. It is, at once, a story and a pedagogical treatise. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. George Herbert Palmer. 349 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.50. A fascinating biography of a noble woman. Life of Mary Lyon. Gilchrist. A story of inspiring interest to every teacher. Linguistic Development and Education. M. V. O'Shea. 347 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Results of observation in acquiring the mother tongue; suggestive methods of language study. Literature in the School. John S. Welch. 236 pages. Silver, Burdett and Company. $1.25. Plans and type studies real help for the grammar grade teacher. Logic and Metaphysics. L. Jonin, S. J. 263 pages. 18 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. London in English Literature. Percy Holmes Boynton, Assistant Professor of English Literature in the University of Chicago. 358 pages. $2.00. Making of Citizens, The. 405 pages. The Walter Scott Publishing Company, London. A study in comparative education. Manual of Pedagogics, A. Daniel Putnam. 325 pages. Silver, Burdett and Company. A contribution to the educational discussion of the day. "Neither for the advanced thinker nor a short cut for the teacher." Manual of Play. William B. Forbush. 353 pages. G. W. Jacobs and Company, Philadelphia. Meaning of Education, The. Nicholas M. Butler. 226 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. A linking of the theory of education to the facts of organic and social evolution. Meaning of Infancy, The. (Monograph.) John Fiske. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. Includes the period from birth to adolescence. Mental Fatigue. Dr. Max Affner. 131 pages. Translated by G. M. Whipple. Warwick and York. $1.25. The translation collates and systematizes a mass of material bearing upon an important schoolroom problem. Mentally Defective Children. Binet-Simon. 180 pages. Longmans, Green and Company. Authorized translation by W. B. Drummond. Methods of Mind Training. Aiken. 23 pages. DeVinne Press Company, New York. An essay published by the above company in 1890. A suggestive method for improving the memory of the child. Methods of Teaching. W. W. Chartres, University of Missouri. Row, Peterson and Company. $1.25. The point of view teaching problems in their functional aspect. Mind and its Education, The. G. H. Betts. 257 pages. D. Appleton and Company. Presenting fundamental truths simply. Suitable for reading circles or private study. Mind in the Making. Edgar J. Smith. 329 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.35. A plea for the personal element in education and for the extension of the experimental method. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 19 Mistakes in Teaching. James L. Hughes. Ill pages. Flanagan and Company, Chicago. A book that will enable teachers to avoid some of the errors of their profession. Modern Educators and Their Ideals. Tadusa Misawa. 293 pages. D. Appleton and Company. Gives a general idea of educational views of the men who have formed the basis of present-day education. Montessori Method and the American School. Florence E. Ward. 243 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. Conservative and well-balanced exposition and defence of the method. Mornings with Masters of Art. H. H. Powers. The Macmillan Company. $2.00. An attempt to interpret the development of Christian art from the time of Constantine to Michelangelo. Mothers and Children. Dorothy C. Fisher. Henry Holt and Company. $1.25. Some of the headings: The Background of Our Children's Lives; Obedience; On Joining the Older Generation. Mythology of Greece and Rome, The. Arthur Fairbanks. 408 pages. D. Appleton and Company. A readable, interesting book abounding in references to literature. An excellent bibliography appended. Nature=Study. F. L. Holtz. 510 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. A manual for teachers and students. Part I. is devoted to underlying principles and methods. The book contains an excellent reference list. Nibelungenlied, The. Daniel B. Shumway. 339 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. A simple but enlightening treatment of this "German Iliad." Norse Mythology; or The Religion of our Forefathers. R. B. Anderson. 461 pages. S. C. Griggs and Company. Containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted. Number by Development. John C. Gray. J. B. Lippincott Company. The aim of the book is to give the minimum of teaching with , the maximum of independent work by the pupil. Oberlehrer, The. William S. Learned. 150 pages. Harvard University Press. Result of personal observations by the author of a model of a professionally trained teacher. 20 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. On Drawing and Painting. Denman W. Ross. Houghton Mifflin Company. A treatise on pure and applied design, representation and representation in forms of design. Our Schools, Their Administration and Supervision. William Estabrook Chancellor. 426 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. $1.25. The book is drawn upon broad lines and is meant to promote teaching as a profession. It is designed for all persons supervisors, principals, teachers and parents. Appendix and index. Out of the Dark. Helen Keller. Doubleday, Page and Company. An autobiography. Outline of Educational Psychology, An. William H. Pyle. 247 pages. Warwick and York. $1.25. A treatment of the factor and principles of psychology that have direct bearing upon the problems of teaching. People's School, The. (Monograph.) Ruth Mary Weeks. 208 pages. Houghton Mifflin' Company. $0.60. A study in vocational training. Personal Equation, The. Lawrence McTurnan, 247 pages. Atkinson, Mentzer and Grover. $1.25. Contents: Great Lives as Great Teachers; Work-a-Day Heroes; Biography of Youth and Age, etc.; twenty-six pages of bibliography. Personal Power. Keith J. Thomas. 304 pages. Funk and Wagnalls Company, New York. An inspiring, helpful volume on the development, use and pleasures of exercising one's personal powers. Processes of mental development are explained and ideas are given for the discovery and enlargement of natural talents. Philosophy of Loyalty, The. Josiah Royce. 398 pages. The Macmillan Company. Loyalty in its inmost spirit is the heart of all the virtues, the central duty amongst all duties. Philosophy of Teaching, The. Arnold Tompkins. 275 pages. Ginn and Company. $0.75. The explanation of the teaching process by means of universal law. Physical Nature of the Child. Stuart H. Rowe. 207 pages. The Macmillan Company. Play and Recreation. Henry S. Curtis. 259 pages. Ginn and Company. Tried at many normal schools and teachers' institutes. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 21 Play of Man, The. Karl Groos. D. Appleton and Company. Evolutionary significance of play. Poems for Travellers. Mary R. DuBois. 496 pages. Covers France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece in some three hundred poems, nearly one-third of them by Americans, from one hundred and thirty poets. Posture of School Children. Jessie H. Bancroft. 332 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.50. An aid to home and school in training posture that makes for health. Practical Idealism. William DeWitt Hyde. 325 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.50. An interpretation of the spiritual significance of everyday life. Present Philosophical Tendencies. Ralph B. Perry, 378 pages. Longmans, Green and Company. $2.50. A critical survey of naturalism, idealism, pragmatism and realism, with a synopsis of the philosophy of William James. Primer of Psychology. George T. Ladd. 224 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. Simple, direct and comprehensive. Valuable for a student preparing for an examination. Principles and Methods of Teaching Reading. Joseph S. Taylor, District Superintendent, New York. 253 pages. The Macmillan Company. $0.90. Sensible, helpful, practical. Principles of Education. William C. Ruedinger. 296 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. An outline for classes, for reading circles and for the teacher's private professional reading. Principles of Educational Practice. Paul Klapper. 475 pages. D. Appleton and Company. Some of the headings: Education as Physiological Adjust- ment; Education as Sociological Adjustment; Education as Mental Adjustment. Principles of Industrial Management. John S. Duncan. 316 pages. D. Appleton and Company. A scientific treatment of this subject. Enlightening and instructive to those connected with business courses. Principles of Scientific Management, The. Frederick Winslow Taylor. 144 pages. Harper and Brothers. Refers especially to engineering and to industrial and man- ufacturing establishments. 22 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Problem of Vocational Education. (Monograph.) David Snedden. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. An authoritative discussion by one of the leaders in the movement for the closer adaptation of public schools to the actual needs of youth. Problems of Conduct. Durant Drake. 449 pages. Hough- ton Mifflin Company. $1.75. Modern and practical. Seeks to answer real questions asked by live men and actually requiring an answer. Problems of Educational Readjustment. David Snedden, Ph. D. 259 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. A series of ten papers on present-day problems in American education. The papers deal chiefly with the education of young persons from the twelfth to the eighteenth year. Problems of the Elementary School. A. C. Perry. 220 pages. D. Appleton and Company. Two parts. First, the broad general problems of structure; second, specific phases as planned by principal or teachen Promised Land, The. Mary Antin. 373 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. Autobiography of a Jewish child in Russia and later in Boston and vicinity. Pros and Cons. A. H. Craig. Hinds, Noble and Eldredge. Complete debates, important questions fully discussed in the affirmative and the negative. Parliamentary rules for conducting debating societies, and a list of interesting topics for debate. Psychology and Life. Hugo Munsterberg. 282 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. The book contains six sections, viz.: 1. Psychology and Life; 2. Psychology and Physiology; 3. Psychology and Education; 4. Psychology and Art; 5. Psychology and History; 6. Psychology and Mysticism. Psychology and Principles of Education. Herman H. Home. 427 pages. The Macmillan Company. Attempts to r lay scientific foundations for the art of teaching. Excellent bibliography. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. Hugo Munsterberg. 315 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. Psychology applied to bring about industrial efficiency. There are three parts: 1. The Best Possible Man; 2. The Best Possible Work; 3. The Best Possible Effect. Index. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 23 Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. Edmund B. Huey. 469 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.40. With a review of history of reading, writing and of methods, texts and hygiene in reading. Psychology and the Teacher. Hugo Munsterberg. 325 pages. D. Appleton and Company. The book deals with psychology and its use by the teacher. It has three divisions, viz., the ethical part (the aims of the teacher), the psychological part (the mind of the pupil, and the educational part (the work of the school). Psychology of Childhood. F. Tracey. 216 pages. In this book the simple or elementary disorders of the child's psychic life are described in close connection with the corresponding conditions. Psychology of Learning, The. Edward L. Thorndike. 452 pages. Teachers College, Columbia University. $2.25. An elaborate work from the pen of the pioneer American investigator of the learning process. Psychology of Thinking, The. Irving E. Miller. 298 pages. The Macmillan Company. The working of the mind, with problems in the concrete life of the individual. Psychology in Daily Life. Carl E. Seashore. 226 pages. D. Appleton Company. $1.75. An illumination of practice in daily life through psychological principles. Psychology in the School Room. Dexter and Garlick. 396 pages. Longmans, Green and Company. The authors' aim is to apply the principles of psychology to the art of teaching. A good book, especially for the young teacher. Psychology, The Study of Behavior. William McDougall. 252 pages. Henry Holt and Company. $1.00. A treatment of psychology as an aid to the understanding of human nature. Quest of the Best, The. William DeWitt Hyde. 267 pages. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. Insight into ethics for parents, teachers and leaders of boys. 24 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Reading, A Manual for Teachers. Mary E. Laing. 167 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. This book discusses the psychology underlying the reading process and illustrates the discussions with examples drawn from practical teaching work. Recitation, The. George H. Betts. 117 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. A clear, flexible treatment of the recitation. Redmond of the Seventh: Or the Boys of Ninety. Mrs. Frank Lee. 290 pages. The Pilgrim Press. $1.25. John Redmond enters the seventh grade of P. S. 90 and finds it difficult to adjust himself to his new environment. "How the Seventh Won the Flag" is worth the price of the book. Routine and Ideals. LeBarron Russell Briggs. 232 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.00. A collection of papers on educational subjects such as the title, talks to the school children of Concord, discipline in school and college, etc. Inspirational. School and Class Management, Text=book of. Felix Arnold. The Macmillan Company. Volume I. Theory and Practice. 409 pages. $1.25. Volume II. Adminis- tration and Hygiene. 288 pages. $1.00. Schools and the Nation, The. George Kirschensteiner, Munich. 375 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.60. Treats of the combination of vocational training with that education which will make the individual understand and respect the duties of the whole in which he is a unit. School and Society. John Dewey. 129 pages. University of Chicago Press. The school is a joint undertaking in whose shaping diverse thoughts and deeds of many persons have been involved. School Efficiency. Paul H. Hanus. 128 pages. World Book Company. A constructive study. One of the "Efficiency Series." School in the Home, The. A. A. Berle. 210 pages. Moffat Yard and Company. Talks with parents and teachers on intensive child training. School Management. Arnold Tompkins. 218 pages. Ginn and Company. $0.75. " School management is a process, and its skilful practice implies sound theory." A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 25 School Organization and the Individual. W. H. Holmes. 195 pages. Davis Press. An exposition of plans adapting school organization to the needs of individual children. Science and Practice of Education. Herbart. Reviewed by Henry and Emma Filkin. 193 pages. D. C. Heath and Company. A standard book on Herbartian principles and methods. Self Cultivation in English. George H. Palmer. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. This book sets forth in a practical way the importance of good expression, both oral and written. It will be especially helpful to the teacher who wishes to make her own speech a worthy model for her pupils. Social Development and Education. M. V. O'Shea. 561 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. Treats of genesis of duty, justice, respect and other social relationships. Social Environment and Moral Progress. Dr. Alfred R. Wallace. 181 pages. Dr. Wallace presents definite, radical remedies here for the conditions he pictures remedies that will encourage those who wage warfare " 'gainst the crime and folly of an evil time." Social Organization. Charles H. Cooley. 419 pages. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50. A treatment of "life as one human whole." Social Phases of Education in School and Home. S. T. Dutton. 259 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. The ideas emphasized are worthy of consideration by both parents and teachers. Social Psychology. Edward Alsworth Ross. 366 pages. The Macmillan Company. An outline and source book of social psychology which treats of the psychic planes and currents that come into existence among men in consequence of their association. Source Book in the History of Education, A. Paul Munroe. 409 pages. The Macmillan Company. $2.25. Treats of the Education of the Greeks, Romans, Middle Ages and Renaissance. Status of the Teacher, The. (Monograph.) Arthur G. Perry. 68 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. The relation of teacher to community, school, pupil and parent. 26 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Stories and Story Telling. Angela M. Keyes. 286 pages. Appleton and Company. An excellent group of "tellable" stories and how to tell them. Study of Children, The. Francis Warner. 250 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. Observation will show "the child's strong points to be culti- vated and the weak ones to be combated." Talks on Writing English. Arlo Bates. Houghton Mifflin Company. Some of the chapters: Principles of Structure; Means and Effects; The Topic Sentence; The Point of View. First Series: 322 pages. $1.30. Second Series: 259 pages. $1.30. Talks to Teachers on Psychology; and to Students on some of Life's Ideals. William James. 301 pages. Henry Holt and Company. A work familiar to most teachers. It consists of fifteen chapters on psychology in its relation to teaching and, also, three talks to students. Teacher and the School, The. Chauncey P. Colgrove. 392 pages. The subject-matter is presented in such a way that helpful- ness, good spirit and personal character are brought to the front as essentials to success in the vocation. Teacher and Old Age, The. (Monograph.) Charles A. Prosser. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. Prepared with the idea of planning the best possible teachers' retirement system. Teacher at Work, The. Wilbur H. Bender. 259 pages. A. Flanagan Company. $1.00. Practical suggestions essential to progressive and effective teaching. Teacher's Health. (Monograph.) Lewis W. Terman. 126 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. A factor in school efficiency but little considered. Teaching of Primary Arithmetic. (Monograph.) Henry Suzzalo. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. Investigations made for International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics. Teaching of Spelling. (Monograph.) Henry * Suzzalo. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. An exhaustive, comparative study. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 27 Teacher's Philosophy, The. (Monograph.) William DeWitt Hyde. 87 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.35. Emphasis laid upon the personality of the teacher. Teaching Children to Study. Olive M. Jones. 193 pages. The Macmillan Company. $0.90. Practical methods of using the group system. Teaching of Biology in the Secondary Schools. Lloyd and Bigelow. 485 pages. Longmans, Green and Com- pany. Guiding principles for nature study in early education, and for biology in later years. Teaching of Elementary Mathematics. David E. Smith. 312 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.00. History and development of the teaching of arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Teaching of English in the Elementary and Secondary School, The. Percival Chubb. 395 pages. The Mac- millan Company. $1.00. The book is a plea for unity and continuity in the English course from its beginnings in the kindergarten up through the high school. A course offering both these qualities is outlined in the book. Teaching the Common Branches. W. W. Charters. 345 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.50. A treatment of each of the subjects of the curriculum with a summarized inductive treatment of the principles of teach- ing. Teaching of Scientific Method, The. Henry E. Arm- strong. 471 pages. The Macmillan Company. Didactic and constructive chapters with reasons for the introduction of scientific method into all schools. Teacher at Work, The. Wilbur H. Bender. 264 pages. Flanagan and Company. $0.75. A book of suggestions and directions. Tendency to Concrete and Practical in Modern Educa- tion, The. Charles W. Eliot. Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. $0.35. Suggestive of what our modern education should be. Text=book on the Principles of Education, The. E. H. Henderson. 593 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.75. Systematic outline of a theory of education from the point of view of evolution. 28 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. Textiles. Mary S. Woolman-Ellen B. McGowan. 428 pages. The Macmillan Company. Result of twenty years' experience in teaching the subject. They Who Knock at our Gates. Mary Antin. 142 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.25. A complete gospel of immigration. Training of Teachers for Secondary Schools in jermany and the United States. John F. Brown, Exchange Teacher in Prussia. 335 pages. The Macmillan Com- pany. $1.25. A comparison. Training the Boy. William A. McKeever. 368 pages. The Macmillan Company. $1.50. Motto of the book: "Train the boy and not merely a part of him." True Order of Studies, The. Thomas Hill. 163 pages. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A standard book dealing with the subjects of the curriculum so:ne thirty years ago. Twelve Great Paintings. Henry Turner Bailey. The writer's interpretation of twelve of the world's master- pieces. Twenty Years at Hull House. Jane Addams. The Mac- millan Company. The author's personal experience. Up Through Childhood. George Allen Hubbell. 303 pages. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A study of some principles of education in relation to faith and conduct. Contains an introduction by F. M. McMurry. Vocations for Girls. Laselle and Wiley. 132 pages. Intro- duction by Meyer ,Bloomfield. Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. $0.85. A valuable addition and wise guide to those wishing to help "our young people to find both a life and a livelihood in the work of the world." Vocational Guidance of Youth. (Monograph.) Meyer Bloomfield. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.60. Results of the author's experiences as director of the first Vocation Bureau established in this country, as well as his careful study of what is being done elsewhere to further this great social and economic movement. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 29 Waifs of the Slums and Their Way Out. Leonard Benedict. Fleming H. Re veil Company. The title explains the contents. Waymarks for Teachers. Sarah L. Arnold. 276 pages. Silver, Burdett and Company. A friendly waymark bestowed upon all who are able to "read what is written." Way to the Heart of the Pupil. Dr. Herman Weimar. (Translation.) 191 pages. The Macmillan Company. $0.60. Fundamentals of a good teacher's personality. What Men Live By. Richard C. Cabot, M. D. 341 pages. Houghton Mifflin Company. $1.50. An inspirational prescription for real life through work, play, love and worship. Winning the Boy. Lilburn Merrill, M. D. 160 pages. Introduction by Judge Lindsay. Fleming H. Re veil Com- pany. A work by one who has experience in boys' organizations. A plea for understanding, comradeship and cooperation. Word Study in the Elementary School. Joseph Taylor. 171 pages. Educational Publishing Company. An effort to gather the various phases of word study into a single volume. Worker and the State, The. Arthur D. Dean. 355 pages. Century Company. A study of education for industrial workers, most entertain- ingly presented. Youth: Its Education, Regimen and Hygiene. G.Stanley Hall. 379 pages. D. Appleton Company. $1.50. The author has epitomized the pedagogical conclusions of his large volumes on Adolescence. Index. Culture is indispensably necessary and culture implies reading; but reading with a purpose to guide it and with system. Matthew Arnold. 30 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. All that mankind has done, thought, gained or been it is lying, as in magic preservation, in the pages of .books. - Thos. Carlyle. MAGAZINES. American Primary Teacher. Monthly. $1.00 per annum. New England Publishing Company, Boston. Aus Nah und Fern. (German.) Parker School Press, Chi- cago. $0.15 a copy. Bird Lore. Bi-monthly. $1.00 per annum. D. Appleton and Company, for the Audubon Societies. Education. Monthly. $3.00 per annum. A. N. Palmer Company, Boston. Science, art, philosophy and literature of education. Education Review. N. M. Butler, editor. 10 numbers annually. $3.00. Educational Review Publishing Com- pany, Easton, Pa. Educational work of every form and grade. Elementary School, The. Weekly. $2.50. A. E. Winship, editor. Boston. English Journal, The. 10 numbers. $2.50. University of Chicago Press. The official organ of the National Council of Teachers of English. Independent, The. Weekly. $3.00 per annum. Independ- ent Weekly Publishing Company, New York. International Studio Art. Monthly. $5.00 per annum. John Lane Company, New York. Journal of Education. (American.) Weekly. $2.50 per annum. A. E. Winship, editor. Boston. Journal of Education. (English.) Monthly. 8 shillings per annum. Kindergarten Review. 10 numbers. $1.50 per annum. Milton Bradley, publisher, Springfield. Literary Digest. Funk and Wagnalls Company. $0.10 a copy. Public opinion combined with literary digest. A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY. 31 McEvoy Magazine. Thomas J. McEvoy, editor and pro- prietor. $0.10 a copy. Published 306 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Modern Language Review, The. Quarterly. 4 shillings per annum. Felter Lane, E. C., London. National Geographic Magazine, The. Monthly. $2.50 per annum. National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C. Normal Instructor and Primary Plans. 10 numbers. $1.25 per annum. F. A. Owen Publishing Company. Pedagogical Seminary, The. Quarterly. $5.00 per annum. G. Stanley Hall, editor. An international record of educational literature. Popular Educator, The. 10 numbers. $1.25 per annum. Popular Educator Publishing Company Boston, New York, Chicago. Popular Science Monthly. Weekly. $3.00 per annum. The Science Press, Lancaster, Pa. Primary Education. 10 numbers. $1.50 per annum, Primary Education Company, Boston. Psychology Index. Annual bibliography. $1.00. Psychol- ogy Review Company, Princeton, N. J. Revue Internationale de L'Enseignement. Published in Paris. 24 francs per annum. School Arts Magazine. 10 numbers. $2.00 per annum. School Arts Publishing Company, Boston. School Science and Mathematics. For secondary schools. School World, The. Monthly. 7s. 6d. The Macmillan Company, London. Survey, The Common Welfare. $3.00 per annum. Coop- erative subscription $10.00. Publishing office, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York. Teachers College Bulletin. Published fortnightly from September to May. Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity, New York. Teachers College Record. Bi-monthly, except July. $1.00 per annum. Dean James E. Russell, editor. The Publications of the United States Bureau of Educa- tion. Washington, D. C. Free. The Publications of the Russell Sage Foundation Divi= sion of Education. 400 Metropolitan Tower, New York City. $0.05 each. 32 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 3. These are the masters who instruct us without whip or rod, without harsh words of anger, asking naught in return. . . . Truly, of all masters, books alone are free and freely teach. Richard De Buey. A SUGGESTED LIST FOR HOME READING. All the Children of All the People . W. H. Smith Boy and His Gang, The Puffer Children's Rights . . .\ . . . . N. A. Smith Class Room Management Bagley Efficient Life, The ... . Gulick Leonard and Gertrude Pestalozzi Life of Mary Lyon Gilchrist Mistakes in Teaching Hughes Personal Equation, The McTurnan Primary Arithmetic Suzzalo Spirit of Youth and the City[Streets . . . Addams Teacher at Work, The Bender Teacher's Philosophy, The Hyde Waymarks for Teachers Arnold Worker and the State, The Dean A TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY 33, More is got from one book on which the thought settles for a definite end in knowledge, than from libraries skimmed over by a wandering eye. Lord Lytton. A MORE ADVANCED LIST FOR HOME OR READING CIRCLE. Brief Course in the History of Education Children of Good Fortune .... Great Educators. A series published by Charles Scribner's Sons. How to Study and Teaching How to Study . Laggards in our Schools Literature in the Schools Philosophy of Loyalty, The .... Play of Man, The Principles and Methods of Teaching Reading, Problems of the Elementary School Psychology and the Teacher .... Talks on Writing English . Way to the Heart of the Pupil, The What Men Live By Youth Monroe Henderson McMurry Ayres Welch Royce Groos Taylor Perry Munsterberg Bates Weimar Cabot Hall In short, scorning to be the parasite, the creeper, if even failing to be the oak, rise, not perchance to a great height, but rise ! Edmond Rostand. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. .. JUL 171925 50m-7,'16 Gaylord Bros. Makers civracuse, N. Y - pM.JMt.2)J908 -V? f) $&Jy\A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY