THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE CHARLES E. WEAVER COLLECTION U9 2- JOHN PARKHURST, BORN MAY 2, 1760, AT WESTON, MASSACHUSETTS, HIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. PREPARED BY t *<** GABRIEL H. PARKHURST, BATH, iNEW YORK. 1897. PRINTED FOR PRIVATK DISTRIHUTION. Press of The Courier Company, Limited, Bath. A'. )'. lillian, now in Ibeaven, II fcefcicate tbis little volume wbicb sbe belpefc to ma^e. k NE of the pleasantest returns to the writer for his labor in compiling this little work has been the many cour- tesies he has received from his kinsmen and friends all over the world, who have generously aided in making this record what it is. To them, one and all, he offers sincere thanks. But he feels especially indebted to the following for the assist- ance they have freely and frequently given : CAPT. CHARLES D. PARKHURST, of Fortress Monroe, Va. MR. WALTER GUSHING PARKHURST, of Baltimore, Md. MR. EDSON SALISBURY JONES, of Port Chester, N. Y. DR. LEWIS EVANS PARKHURST, M. A., of London, Eng. REV. WILLIAM H. PARKHURST, of Cape Colony, S. Africa. English jfamil. word u Parkhurst " is of Norman and French derivation, being composed of " pare " (French for park) and " hurst " (the Anglo-Saxon for wood). The family name dates back to the entrance of William the Conqueror in England, and the derivation of the word suggests that it was contemporaneous with the beginning of French influence in England. The word " Parkhurst " first appears in the Doomsday book, published in 1086, which mentions " Park- hurst forest " in the Isle of Wight. This was the earliest recorded royal park, a district of three thousand acres, nomi- nally held by the government. It was, however, a public common, and was enclosed in 1815, eleven hundred and fifty acres being reserved by the crown as a nursery for navy tim- ber. Near this is a village called Parkhurst, and a few miles away is Osborne House, Queen Victoria's winter residence. [Murray's Handbook of Surrey, Hants and the Isle of Wight, (1876) page 427.] The family emigrated from the Isle of Wight between four and five hundred years ago, and built " Parkhurst Manor," in Surrey County, England, between Epsom and Guilford. Here is where we find the earliest authentic record of the family, in George Parkhurst, of Guilford, who was the father of Bishop John Parkhurst, born at Guilford, Surrey County, in 1511. George Parkhurst was living at Guilford the latter part of the XVth century. George Parkhurst, Jr., of Watertown, Mass., named his oldest son John, and this custom has been continued by his descendants, including the present genera- tion. Dr. Lewis E. Parkhurst, of London, who belongs to the Guilford (Surrey County) branch, states that there has been a 8 ENGLISH FAMILY. similar custom of naming the eldest son John in his family, in England, for many generations. Parkhnrst Manor, about twenty-five miles south of London, between Epsom and Guilford, remained in possession of the family until 1745. In 1629, Sir Robert Parkhurst, who was afterward Lord Mayor of London, held his court there. From Surrey County the family seems to have divided into four branches, viz : Guilford, Norfolk, London and Catesby, whose coats-of-arms are identical, showing beyond question their common ancestry. From which one of these branches the American family sprang has not yet been conclusively proved, but in all probability George Parkhurst, of Guilford, Surrey County, was the great grand-father of George Park- hurst, who settled in Watertown, Mass. The name George appears almost exclusively in this branch, as well as the name John, which first comes into the family with Bishop John Parkhurst in 1511-1512. We find the same combination of family names in this branch, which exists in the American family, namely : George Parkhurst, naming his son George, and George Parkhurst, Jr., naming his son John. The names George and John appear very rarely, if at all, in the other branches of the English family. Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, Vol. i, shows the following Parkhursts living in Guilford : George Parkhurst, Sr., 30 Henry VIII (1539). George Parkhurst, Jr., 30 Henry VIII (1539), page 32. George Parkhurst, Mayor of Guilford, 1522, 1529, 1536, page 38. Henry Parkhurst, Mayor of Guilford, 1573, page 39. Thomas Parkhurst, Mayor of Guilford, 1604, 1609, 1615, 1623, l6 34, page 39. George Parkhurst, father of Bishop John, page 79. Bishop John Parkhurst was a " Bachelor of Divinitie " at Oxford in 1529. Three years later he entered holy orders, though more fond of poetry and oratory than divinity. At length he became rector of the rich church of Clive, in Glou- cestershire, where he did much good by his hospitality and ENGLISH FAMILY. 9 charity. Soon after the death of King Edward, on account of his liberal views he incurred the displeasure of Queen Mary, and was for a time in danger of his life. He went into exile at Zurich, Switzerland, during the remainder of her reign. Returning to England, he was appointed Bishop of Norwich by Queen Elizabeth in 1560, which he held until his death, February 2d, 1574. (Visitation of Norfolk, 1563, Norfolk Arch. Soc., Vol. 2, page 15.) He translated the "Apocrypha " in the Bible, commanded by Queen Elizabeth, and was the author of a number of Latin works, some of his unpublished manuscripts still remaining at the British Museum. His father's coat-of-arms was similar to that shown in the cut. The three crescents were added when John was elected bishop. Another crest used by the Guilford (Surrey) and the Nor- folk branches is a silver biick's head erased out of a palisado coronet of gold. For illustrations see Fairbank's crests, plates 128, No. 21 ; 66, No. 2 ; 67, No. 13 ; 68, No. 2 ; 49, No. 4. Among the famous Parkhursts of the XVIIIth century was the Rev. John Parkhurst, of Catesby, Northamptonshire, England, who was the author of the first Greek lexicon, which is still in use. He died in 1797, without issue, and was buried in Epsom church, where there is a monument to his memory. The churches and churchyards of Epsom, Abinger, Dorking and Guilford, are rich in memorials of dead members of the Parkhurst family. Hmencan , founder of the Parkhurst family in this country, emigrated from England about 1635. He brought at least two children with him (George, Jr., and Phebe), and is known to have been living in Watertown, Mass., in 1642. He was probably a man of considerable means, for he owned a large tract of land, besides a homestead of twelve acres. In 1643 ne was admitted freeman. He married his second wife, Susanna, widow of John Simpson, in 1645, by whom he had no children. The same year he sold his Watertown estate and moved to Boston. (Bond's Hist. Watertown, Mass., pages 388, 391.) Register N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Society, Vol. 27, page 364, states that George Parkhurst had the following children : 2 GEORGE, JR., born in England about 1618; married (ist) Sarah Browne, December i6th, 1643. 3 BENJAMIN, born in England. 4 JOSEPH, he moved to Chelmsford, Mass., but at what date is uncertain. He was, however, living there from 1656 to 1667. He married Mary Read, of Chelmsford, at Concord, Mass., June 26th, 1656, and his name appears as one of the proprietors of the new field in Chelmsford. His share of twelve acres was allotted to him January i2th, 1666-7 (Allen's Hist. Chelmsford, page 169). 5 PHEBE, born in England ; married Thomas Arnold in 1640. THOMAS ARNOLD came to this country in May, 1635. He was admitted freeman in 1640. In Octo- ber, 1651, he was fined twenty shillings by the court AMERICAN FAMILY. I I for offense against the law concerning baptism. April ad, 1654, he was fined five pounds for neglect- ing public worship twenty days. April 2d, 1655, he was fined ten pounds for neglecting public wor- ship forty days, and his land was levied upon to pay it (Bond's Hist. Watertown, Mass., page 9). He seems to have inherited his sturdy independence from his ancestors. Arnold was able to trace his ancestry back through seventeen generations to Ynir, King of Gwentland, A. D., noo, who was a direct descendant of Wessex, who was king of the Britons from 688 to 728. 6 DEBORAH, married John Smith. 7 ELIZABETH, married (ist) Emanuel Hilliard ; (ad) Joseph Merry. 8 MARY, married Rev. Thomas Carter. 2 0COV0e iParfcblirSt, 3r., son of George Parkhurst (i), the emigrant, was born in England in 1618; married (ist) Sarah Browne, December i6th, 1643. She was the daughter of Abraham and Lydia Browne, descendant of John Browne, who was Mayor of Stamford, England, in 1376 and 1377. He married (2d) Mary Pheza, September 24th, 1650. She died March Qth, 1680-1, and he died March i6th, 1698-9, aged 8 1 years. The old Parkhurst farm, where he probably settled, was on the east side of Beaver brook and north side of the County road, and the house stood a few rods east of the new cottage of Mr. Thomas Page ( " Watertown " ). He had two children by his first wife : 9 JOHN, born June loth, 1644 ; married, about 1670, Abigail Garfield. 10 SARAH, born September i4th, 1649, probably died young. 9 30bU JParfcburSt, son of George Parkhurst, Jr. (2), and Sarah Browne, born June loth, 1644, married, about 1670, Abigail Garfield, daughter of Samuel and Susanna Garfield. 12 AMERICAN FAMILY. She was born June 29th, 1646, and died October i8th, 1726. He was admitted freeman April i8th, 1690. He died September I2th, 1725. They had nine children: 11 JOHN, born February 26th, 1671-2; married Abigail Morse. 12 ABIGAIL, born September loth, 1674. 13 SARAH, born November 26th, 1676; married October 1 6th, 1700, Edward Sherman. 14 RACHEL, born December 3Oth, 1678 ; married, Decem- ber, 1699, Abraham Gale. 15 ELIZABETH, born September i8th, 1681 ; married, De- cember 3ist, 1701, Joseph Ball. 16 MARY, born December 23d, 1683 ; married, May ist, 1707, Edward Sanderson. 17 GEORGE, born January 3d, 1685-6; married, April igth, 1726, Tabitha Fnlham. 18 SAMUEL, born April nth, 1688; married, May 27th, 1716, Sarah Shattnck. 19 HANNAH, born April i7th, 1690; married, January 3d, 1716, John Newton, of Maryborough, New Hampshire. ii BeaCOn 30bn IParfcblirSt, son of John Parkhurst (9) and Abigail Garfield, born February 26th, 1671-2 ; married Abigail Morse, a descendant of Joseph Morse, who came to this country in 1634, from England. She was born August 6th, 1677, and died May 3d, 175-. He settled in Watertown Farms, Weston, Mass. Was an original member, and one of the first deacons, of Weston church ; elected January 4th, 1709-10. On January 2ist, 1734-5, he gave to each of his sons, Isaac and Jonas, by deed of gift, eighty and one-half acres of land in Newton, Mass., bought from Caleb Gardner, then of Newport, Rhode Island. They had ten children : 20 JOHN, born and died 1695. 21 JOHN, born April 29th, 1697. 22 ABIGAIL, born June 2oth, 1699; married, September 23d, 1728, John Pike, of Newbury. AMERICAN FAMILY. 13 23 LYDIA, born July 2ist, 1701; married, April nth, 1723, Joseph Stone, of Framingham, Mass. 24 ELIZABETH, born April 5th, 1704 ; died December, 1732, unmarried. 2 5 JOSIAH, born February gth, 1706; married, October 23d, 1735, Sarah Carter. 26 ISAAC, born July gth, 1708; married, February 7th, 1733-4, Lydia Bigelow. 27 MARY, born July i5th, 1710; married, August 2oth, 1731, Edmund Bailey, of Newbury. 28 JONAS, born August 2oth, 1712 ; married Abigail Bigelow, daughter of Joshua Bigelow and Hannah Fiske ; date of mar- riage not found. Admitted to Congregational church in Milford by letter from Weston, 1747. 29 JEMIMA, born June 5th, .1715; married, April 2oth, 1738, Benjamin Bartlett, of Newbury. 25 30Siab IParftblirSt, son of Deacon John Parkhurst (i i) and Abigail Morse, born February gth, 1706, at Weston, Mass. ; married, October 23d, 1735, Sarah Carter, daughter of Daniel and Sarah Carter, of Weston, Mass. She was bap- tized May 25th, 1728. They had six children : 30 JOSIAH, Jr., born March 8th, 1736-7; married, June ist, 1758, Elizabeth Bigelow. 31 NATHAN, born November 2d, 1738; married (ist), Feb- ruary Qth, 1764, Elizabeth Shepard ; (2) March 2 ist, 1765, Mary Ames, of Framingham. He, with his wife, Mary, and daughter, Elizabeth, moved to Framingham March i6th, 1769. 32 MARY, born March 3d, 1743; married, 1763, Samuel Fiske, of Weston. She died June i8th, 1773. 33 SARAH, born September 2ist, 1747; married, April i5th, 1770, Isaac Flagg. 34 AMOS, born April 2d, 1756. 35 LYDIA, born May loth, 1758. 14 AMERICAN FAMILY. 3 o 3oeiab iparfcburst 3rt son f J siah (25), and Sarah Carter, born March 8th, 1736-7, at Weston, Mass. Married, June ist, 1758, Elizabeth Bigelow, daughter of Nathaniel Bigelow and Hannah Robison, of Newton. She was born May I7th, 1738. He first settled in Weston, and in 1762 removed to Framingham, building a house which he located a few rods north of the railroad bridge, east of the Concord river near the subsequent site of the " Cutler Mills." The location was covered by the embankment of the Boston and Worcester railroad in 1835. He was a member of the Training Band in Weston, April i8th, 1757. This service entitles his descendants to membership in the " Society of Colonial Wars" (Mass. Archives, Vol. 95, page 277). At two periods he lived in Marlborough N. H., where he died in 1832, in his ninety-fifth year. Their first three children were born in Weston, and the other children in Framingham. They had eleven children : 36 HANNAH, born March 27th, 1759; married February 25th, 1779, Jonathan Adams, and moved into Pennsylvania. 37 JOHN, born May 2d, 1760; married December i7th, 1783, Sarah Bullard. 38 AARON, born June ist, 1761 ; married, in Bellingham, Sally Thompson, and removed to Stafford, Conn. 39 ELIZABETH, born in Framingham, February 28th, 1763 ; married, May , 1784, Samuel Walker. 40 EPHRAIM, born January i6th, 1765 ; married (ist), Decem- ber 27th, 1788, Elizabeth Look. She died December 25th, 1825. He subsequently married Mrs. Mary Adams, who died in 1870. Ephraim died January 2oth, 1850, at Framingham, Mass. Many of his descendants are prominent in public life, among them Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst, pastor of the Madison Square Presbyterian church, the anti-Tammanyite reformer in New York city. 41 LUCY, born June i9th, 1766; married, January i5th, 1794, Abraham Fisher; died in 1845. 42 SARAH, born January 6th, 1 768 ; married Micajah Morse, and moved to New Hampshire; died in 1814. AMERICAN FAMILY. 15 43 EUNICE, born November 2oth, 1769; married Becket, and lived in Unity, N. H. ; died in 1829. 44 MOLLY, born November i5th, 1771 ; married, 1793, Josiah Hemenway, of Framingham. 45 LYDIA, born June 28th, 1775 ; married, August igth, 1794, Solomon Becket, of Framingham. 46 JOSIAH, JR., born May 25th, 1778; married, April 2d, 1 80 1, Nancy Jones, and moved to Marlborough, N. H. 37 30bU IParkbUrSt, the son of Josiah Parkhnrst, Jr. (30), and Elizabeth Bigelow, was born May ad, 1760, at Weston, Mass. In 1762 his father moved from Weston to Framing- ham, Mass., which was his home during the Revolution. In the summer of 1777, when seventeen years of age, he joined the army. His first service was to gnard Continental stores at East Sndbnry. On April ist, 1778, he re-enlisted in Cap- tain Holmes' company, Colonel Jonathan Reed's regiment, being the first regiment of guards. His first duty was to guard British prisoners at Prospect Hill, Cambridge, who had been captured with General Burgoyne. He was discharged July 4th, 1778, and at once re-enlisted for six weeks, in the company commanded by Captain Amos Perry, of Sherburn. He went with the company to Providence and Lewiston, R. I., where his duty again consisted in guarding Continental stores. In August the company was engaged in building redoubts near Newport, R. I. July 24th, 1780, he enlisted in Captain Walter McFarland's company, of Colonel Cyprian Howe's regiment, Middlesex County regiment, for service in Rhode Island. The company went to Providence, guarding stores on College Hill. John Parkhurst was discharged October 3oth, 1780 (Mass. Arch., Vol. 35, page 124; Vol. 21, page in ; Vol. 46, pages 13-14; Vol. 19, page 182). This service entitles his descendants to membership in the societies of the " Sons of the American Revolution " and " Daughters of the American Revolution." On December i7th, 1783, he married Sarah Bullard, who died February 8th, 1818, at Springfield, Pa. In 1813, John Parkhurst, in company with William Evans, left New Hamp- shire to find a new home in the West. They would have settled in Monroe County, N. Y., but for the frontier troubles JOHN PARKHURST. 17 then existing. Turning southward, they finally located in Springfield, Bradford County, Pa., where they built a com- fortable log house. They returned to New Hampshire for their families, and in the fall of 1813, after a hard journey of six weeks, they arrived at the log house. Work was im- mediately commenced on a better house, and two years later (1815) the present homestead was completed. It was the home of John Parkhurst until his death, in 1836, and is still occupied by his descendants. The house is a substantial structure, commanding a beautiful view of Mount Pisgah and adjacent valleys. He kept a diary for thirty years, wherein he states that he was only prevented from enlisting the fourth time by ill health. His diary shows that he took great interest in the militia while he lived in New Hampshire. During the later years of his life in Springfield he was invariably known by the title of " Major." He was elected to this office in the general training bands, which were annually organized in that vicinity. Mrs. Martha Bullock, who knew John Parkhurst in her childhood, still remembers seeing him with epaulettes on his shoulder?, and a long black feather, tipped with red, in his hat. Although a physician by profession, there is no record that he was ever in active practice. His life seems to have been occupied in farming, although he conducted a general store for some years at Marlborough, N. H. His diary reveals many characteristics of his sturdy life. Under date of July 2Oth, 1811, it contains the following excellent advice, upon the occasion of his paying $1,905.16 for having endorsed a friend's note : " So that it appears that I am this sum the poorer for dealing with one dishonest man, which I did merely to oblige him, without any promise, or even prospect, of reward, which I hope will be sufficient warning to all (my family, at least) never to be bound for any man without ample security ; and again I say, not without ample security." John Parkhurst was an active member of the church. He was a man of strong political views, and contributed to the 1 8 JOHN PARKHURST, JR., AND FAMILY. various periodicals of the time. In appearance he is remem- bered as a distinguished-looking man, with keen blue eyes, white hair, and a refined manner. He died November ist, 1836, sitting in the rocking chair which he had brought with him from New Hampshire, and was buried at Springfield. He had nine children, all by his first wife, Sarah Bullard. The first two were born in Framingham, the rest in Marlborough. He married (ad), October 3ist, 1822, Margaret Randel, of Canton, Pa. The nine children were : 47 JOHN, JR., born December 3oth, 1784; married, Septem- ber 8th, 1822, Laura Gleason. 48 DANIEL, born May 6th, 1787 ; married, October 23d, 1817, Alma Allen. 49 JOSIAH, born March i2th, 1789; married, , 1813, Rachel Harkness. 50 SARAH MARIA, born April loth, 1793; married, Sep- tember 5th, 1813, William Evans. 51 CURTIS, born July 2d, 1794; married, November nth, 1830, Jane Ann Kasson. 52 DEXTER, born September 2ist, 1797; married, July 4th, 1823, Marian Speer. 53 JOEL, born April 8th, 1800 ; married (ist), November i6th, 1835, Emeline R. Allen-; (2d) May i4th, 1856, Martha Har- rower Steel. 54 MARTHA, born April 2d, 1803; married, July 25th, 1827, Micajah Seely. 55 EBENEZER F., born November ist, 1807 ; married, No- vember 8th, 1829, Demis Brown. 47 Dr. 30btl parfcbUrSt, Jr., son of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Bullard, was born December 3Oth, 1784, at Framingham, Mass. He studied medicine with Dr. Carter, of Keene, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth Medical College at Hanover, and removed to Richmond, N. H., about 1810. He was the author of the New England Diary and Almanac JOHN PARKHURST, JR., AND FAMILY. IQ for 1808 and 1809, a copy of which is in the possession of Charles Tubbs, Esq., of Osceola, Pa. On September 8th, 1822, he married Laura Gleason, daughter' of Windsor Gleason, Sr., and Sophia Clark, who was born April 24th, 1797, at Langdon, N. H. He practiced medicine until 1840, when on a visit to his brother in Spring- field, Pa., he was taken sick, and died September i5th, 1840. He was survived less than a year by his wife, who died at Richmond, N. H., August igth, 1841. They had three children : 56 JOHN, JR., born February i3th, 1823; married (ist), November, 1840, Lucy Buffum ;.(2d) September i4th, 1852, Rebecca Kennedy. 57 ELIZABETH, born September i;th, 1820; married, Octo- ber ist, 1848, Dr. Leander Smith, of Beecher's Island, Pa. She died December 28th, 1851. 58 JOEL G., born December i5th, 1828; married, April 28th, 1867, Grace L. Lyman. 56 30bt1 JParfcbUrSt, Jr., son of Dr. John Parkhurst, Jr. (47), and Laura Gleason, born February i3th, 1823, at Rich- mond, N. H. ; married, November, 1840, Lucy Buffum. She died in 1842, at Richmond. They had one child : 59 JOHN EDGAR, born August I4th, 1841 ; died at Alex- ander, Va., May 22d, 1865. He was First Lieutenant in Company H, 2O7th Pennsylvania Volunteers. " Parkhurst Post," No. 35, G. A. R., of Elkland, Pa., was named after him. The Post was reorganized in 1882, and took No. 581. John Parkhurst, Jr., married (ad), September i4th, 1852, Rebecca Kennedy, daughter of Luin P. Kennedy and Mary A. Hulburt, born April 5th, 1828, at Arkport, N. Y. ; died December 25th, 1893, at Binghamton, N. Y., and buried at Elkland, Pa. He died January 2Oth, 1890. He came to Elkland soon after his father's death and entered into active business, first as a merchant, and later, for many years, as a 2O JOHN PARKHURST, JR., AND FAMILY. partner with his uncle, Joel Parkhnrst, in the banking busi- ness, nnder the name of Joel Parkhurst & Co. After his uncle's death the name of the bank was changed, and he carried on the business with his son, Luin K. Parkhurst, and Charles L. Pattison, a son-in-law of Joel Parkhurst. The bank was considered one of the strongest financial institutions in that section of the state. It is now called the Pattison National Bank. He had three children by this marriage : 60 LUIN K., born June ist, 1856; married, June 3Oth, 1881, Mary W. Reed. 6 1 CARRIE E., born August 5th, 1863 '> married, October ;th, 1886, William E. Williams. 62 JOHN WALTER, born August 9th, 1867; married, Octo- ber 1 8th, 1888, Helen B. Moon. 60 Xlltn IK. parfcbliret, son of John Parkhurst, Jr. (56), and Rebecca Kennedy, born June ist, 1856, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, June 3oth, 1881, Mary W. Reed, daughter of James M. and Albertine Reed, born December 22d, 1859, at Owego, N. Y. He was connected with his father and Charles L. Pattison in the banking business for several years at Elkland. He is now president of the First National Bank of Reed City, Mich., which is his home. They had three children : 63 FRANK A., born October 151!!, 1883. 64 J. REED, born January I2th, 1887. 65 EDGAR, born October i3th, 1890. 61 Carrie Elisabetb Milltams, daughter o hurst, Jr. (56), and Rebecca Kennedy, born August 5th, 1863, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, October 7th, 1886, William E. Williams, and resides at Reed City, Mich. They had three children : 66 JULIA R., born October i7th, 1887. 67 HELEN, born March igth, 1888; died May 29th, 1895. 68 GLADYS E., born December i2th, 1892. DANIEL PARKHURST. 21 62 jobn Malter parfcburst, son of John Parkhurst, Jr. (56), and Rebecca Kennedy, born August gth, 1867, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, October i8th, 1888, Helen Duel Moon, daughter of Rev. Solomon H. Moon and Charlotte Brandt. He left for Reed City, Mich., soon after his marriage, to en- gage in the banking business with his brother, occupying the position of cashier of the First National Bank of that city. They had two children : 69 JOHN, born December jth, 1889; died July 3ist, 1890. 70 GERTRUDE H., born September igth, 1891. 58 30CI 0. iParfcblirSt, son of Dr. John Parkhurst, Jr. (47), and Laura Gleason, born December i5th, 1828, at Rich- mond, N. H. ; married, April 28th, 1867, Grace L. Lyman, daughter of Dr. Harry Lyman and Fanny DeCorseau, born October i5th, 1835, at Roulette, McKean County, Pa. She resides at Springwater, N. Y. He died August i5th, 1877, at Elkland, Pa. His business was that of a merchant and lumberman, in which he was actively engaged for twenty-five years. A genial, big-hearted man, with many friends. They had one child : 71 LEON A M., born January 29th, 1868 ; married, June i8th, 1884, Ernest W. Brown. 71 lUOna flDaUfc BrOWn, daughter of Joel G. Parkhurst (58) and Grace L. Lyman, born January 2 9th, 1868, at Elk- land, Pa. ; married, June i8th, 1884, Ernest W. Brown, a lawyer at Springwater, N. Y. They had one child : 72 ELNORA M., born April nth, 1885. 48 IDl\ IDatliel JParfcbUrSt, son of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Bullard, born May 6th, 1787, at Framingham, Mass. On October 23d, 1817, he married Alma Allen. He died at his father's home in Springfield, Pa., April 3d, 1819. They had no children. 22 JOSIAH PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 49 308tab IParfcblirSt, son of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Bullard, born March i2th, 1789, at Marlboroiigh, N. H. ; married, 1813, Rachel Harkness, daughter of John Harkness and Rachel McNall, born 1794, who came from Massachusetts to Springfield, Pa., in 1806. She died at Wankegan, 111., October 3ist, 1868. His first farm was near that of his father's, in Springfield, which he sold and moved to what was then called Addison Hill, near Elkland, Pa., where he lived until abont 1860. He then left for the West. He died at Waukegan, 111., April 1882, aged ninety-three years. They had eight children, all born at Springfield, Pa. : 73 NANCY, born 1815 ; married, August, 1871, Oliver Stephens. She died September i5th, 1887, at Toledo, O. 74 ELIZA AMES, born 1819; resides at Waukegan, 111. 75 DANIEL DEXTER, born January 26th, 1821; married, November 2ist, 1846, Sarah Lamb. 76 BEEBY BO YD, born February 8th, 1824 5 married, August 2ist, 1848, Emeline Mack. 77 CORDELIA, born January i7th, 1827 ; married, Novem- ber 2d, 1845, Horace Chandler. 78 HARRIET, born July 4th, 1830; married, November 2d, 1865, John Wells ; resides in Toledo, O. 79 JOEL C., born 1833 ' died August ist, 1865, at Elkland, Pa. 80 JANE, born 1835 ; died in 1843. 75 Daniel H>exter parfcburst, son of josiah Parkhurst (49) and Rachel Harkness, born January 26th, 1821, at Spring- field, Pa. ; married, November 2ist, 1846, Sarah Lamb, of Troy, Pa. She died March 24th, 1894, at Toledo, O. He resides at Toledo, O. They had four children : 8 1 SAMUEL DEXTER, born December 7th, 1847 5 married, 1874, Ida M. Stratford. 82 CURTIS R., born August 26th, 1849; died September, 1850. 83 EDWARD H., born January i5th, 1854; resides in Chica- go, 111. 84 GRACE, born February i5th, 1858; resides in Toledo, O. JOSIAH PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 23 si Samuel IDexter iparfcburet, son of Daniel D. p ar k- hurst (75) and Sarah Lamb, born December jth, 1847, at Spring-field, Pa. ; married, March 24th, 1875, Ida M. Strat- ford, who was born at Rochelle, 111., May 7th, 1852. His business is that of a traveling salesman, and he resides at Waukegan, 111. They had three children : 85 OLIVER LELAND, born January 3ist, 1876; died August 7th, 1876. 86 FRANK DEXTER, born March ist, 1878. 87 HAROLD McLEAN, born August nth, 1893. 76 eeb$ B0\>t> parfcbUr0t, son of Josiah Parkhurst (49) and Rachel Harkness, born February 8th, 1824, at Spring- field, Pa. ; married, Augiist 2ist, 1848, Emeline Mack, at Addison, Steuben County, N. Y. They reside at Waukegan, 111. They had four children : 88 IDA A., born October i5th, 1849; married, January i2th, 1871, J. A. Woodworth. 89 EVA M., born June 4th, 1852 ; married, October i8th, 1 88 1, John R. Lawrence. 90 FRANK, born September loth, 1856 ; died April i3th, 1859. 91 NORA A., born September I2th, 1862; died January 1 2th, 1878. 88 flfca H. WlOOfcWOrtb, daughter of Beeby B. Parkhurst (76) and Emeline Mack, born October I5th, 1849, at Addison, N. Y. ; married, January I2th, 1871, James A. Woodworth, at Rochelle, 111. They reside at Cofinne, Utah. They had six children : 92 LULA MAY, born February 22d, 1872, at Rochelle, 111. 93 JAMES BEEBY, born March 5th, 1874, at Highland Park, 111. 94 NEWTON BOOTH, born February 25th, 1876; died September 5th, 1880, at Cortland, 111. 95 FRANK LUCIUS, born March 25th, 1878; died April 8th, 1890, at Highland Park, 111. 24 JOSIAH PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 96 IDA PEARL, born April 27th, 1880, at Cortland, 111. 97 VIRGINIA, born October 5th, 1888, at Highland Park, 111. 89 ]va fHX HaWrenCe, daughter of Beeby B. Parkhurst (76) and Emeline Mack, born June 4th, 1852, at Addison, N. Y. ; married, October i8th, 1881, John R. Lawrence, at Cort- land, 111. ; now resides at Waukegan, 111. They had two children : 98 NELLIE EVALINE, born September 25th, 1882, at Mechanicsville, la. 99 JOHN ABBOTT, born May 29th, 1886, at Highland Park, 111. ; died November ist, 1886. 77 COtfcelia CbanMet, daughter of Josiah Parkhurst (49) and Rachel Harkness, born January I7th, 1827, at Spring- field, Pa. ; married, November 2d, 1845, Horace Chandler, at Sullivan, Tioga County, Pa. He was born December igth, 1819, in Susquehanna County, Pa. ; died at Gurnee, 111., November igth, 1878. She died October 5th, 1885, at Gurnee, 111. They had two children : 100 FELICIA JANE, born May 27th, 1847, at Warren, 111. ; died November, 1847. 101 ELLA LOUISE, born June 3Oth, 1850; married, Decem- ber, 1 8th, 1867, Henry Shepard. 101 J6lla XOUteC SbCparfc, daughter of Horace Chandler and Cordelia Parkhurst (77), born June 3oth, 1850, at Warren, 111. ; married, December i8th, 1867, Henry Shepard. They reside at Waukegan, 111., having a summer home at Gurnee, 111. They had one child : 102 LOLA ADELINE, born March 7th, 1878. SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 25 50 Sarab flDarta I6van0, daughter of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Billiard, born April loth, 1793, at Marlborough, N. H. ; married, September 5th, 1813, William Evans. They came with her father to Springfield, Pa., in the fall of 1813. The two-story frame house, that was built about 1817, is still standing (1897). She was a favorite daughter, had the same keen blue eyes, sweet disposition, and was a gentle and patient mother. She died August 2ist, 1837, at Elkland, Pa., and a few years later her body was removed to the cemetery at Addison, N. Y. William Evans died February i6th, 1846, at Lawrenceville, Pa. They had nine children, all born at Springfield, Pa. : 103 ELIZA ANN, born November i7th, 1816; died January 1 8th, 1818. 104 SARAH MARIA, born September i6th, 1818; married, August 24th, 1842, Dr. Reuben P. Brown. 105 ALLISON H., born May 4th, 1821 ; married (ist), May, 1846, Abigail Haven; (2d) July 6th, 1849, Laura Haven. 106 HARRY BALDWIN, born November i8th, 1823; died May 30th, 1825. 107 JOHN PARKHURST, born June nth, 1826; died Sep- tember, 1826. 1 08 MARTHA ROSETTA, born June 5th, 1827; married, September 5th, 1849, Thomas J. Lake. 109 MARY E., born September 27th, 1830; died December 9th, 1830. no WILLIAM MICAJAH, born December 2ist, 1831; mar- ried, December 6th, 1860, Harriet McNair. in CURTIS PARKHURST, born November 3 d, 1834; mar- ried, April 1 7th, 1856, Lydia A. Bennett. 104 Sarab flDarta SBrOWU, daughter of William Evans and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (50), born September i6th, 1818, at Springfield, Pa. ; married, August 24th, 1842, Dr. Reuben P. Brown. He was born April ist, 1818, at Springfield, Pa. At the age of eighteen he began the study of medicine, and graduated from Hobart Medical College, Geneva, N. Y. In 26 SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 1849 ne settled at Addison, N. Y., where he practiced medi- cine continuously for forty years, to the time of his death, which occurred September i5th, 1885. He was one of the most successful physicians in that section of the state. Always as ready to visit the poor as the rich, his loss to the commu- nity was deeply felt. He was survived seven years by his wife, who died at Addison, July 3Oth, 1892. They had three children, two born at Springfield, Pa., and Gertrude M., born at Addison, N. Y. : 112 SARAH H., born December 22d, 1843; died i 11 1848. 113 RUSH P., born December i4th, 1847; married June 2d, 1869, Georgie N. Cowley. 114 GERTRUDE M., born November i4th, 1851; married, October, 1870, A. H. Erwin. 113 2Dt, 1RU0b p. BrOWU, son of Dr. Reuben P. Brown and Sarah Maria Evans (104), born December i4th, 1847, a ^ Springfield, Pa. He gradiiated at New York University Medical College in 1873. He was associated with his father several years prior to his death. On June 2d, 1869, he mar- ried Georgie N. Cowley, daughter of Calvin Cowley and Mary Millard, who was born at Lawrenceville, Pa., February loth, 1849. They reside at Addison, N. Y. They had one child : 115 MILLARD R., born July 24th, 1870; resides at Addison. 114 (SertrUfcC fID. lErWin, daughter of Dr. Reuben P. Brown and Sarah Maria Evans (104), born November i4th, 1851, at Addison, N. Y. ; married, October, 1870, Arthur H. Erwin. She died December 28th, 1889, at her home in Ad- dison. They had two children : 116 AGNES M., born July 23d, 1871 ; married, June i5th, 1892, Allen M. Munroe. 117 FRANCES G., born September 4th, 1872; married, May 1 8th, 1892, V. Willard Tyler. SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 2J 116 a$nC8 fflX flDunrOC, daughter of A. H. Erwin and Gertrude M. Brown (114), born July 23d, 1871, at Addison, N. Y. ; married, June i5th, 1892, Allen M. Munroe, of Buffalo, N. Y. <5. \>lCr, daughter of A. H. Erwin and Ger- trude M. Brown (114), born September 4th, 1872, at Addison, N. Y. ; married, May i8th, 1892, V. Willard Tyler, of Buffalo, N. Y. 105 HlliSOn 1b. lvan0, son of William Evans and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (50), born May 4th, 1821, at Springfield, Pa. ; married (ist), May, 1846, Abigail Haven. She died April 23d, 1848, leaving a babe five weeks old. Married (2d), July 6th, 1849, Laura M. Haven. She died November i9th, 1882, at Lawrenceville, Pa. He died March i6th, 1881, at Lawrenceville, Pa. He had one child by his first wife and five children by his second wife : 118 ALLENA M., born March i7th, 1848; married (ist), May 4th, 1873, James M. Harrison ; (2d) October 6th, 1894, Marcus T. Nye. 119 ALTON C., born March gth, 1852; married, April 22d, 1875, Phebe D. Lugg. 120 FRANK E., born January 27th, 1854; married (ist), April 1 2th, 1881, Ida M. Hazlett ; (2d) January 7th, 1891, Jessie Swift. 121 HATTIE R., born December 4th, 1862 ; married, January 24th, 1883, G. E. Haven. 122 NETTIE L., born September 9th, 1866; married, Novem- ber 3d, 1884, Dr. M. R. Pritchard. NELLIE H., born June 2ist, 1868; died July 27th, 1872. 118 Hllena flIX IbarrieOn, daughter of Allison H. Evans (105) and Abigail Haven, born March I7th, 1848, at Law- renceville, Pa. ; married (ist), May 4th, 1873, James M. 28 SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. Harrison ; (ad) October 6th, 1894, Marcus T. Nye. She had four children by her first husband : 123 HATTIE L., born February 5th, 1875, at Deerfield, Pa.; died November i6th, 1880. 124 STELLA M., born October 4th, 1876; married, August loth, 1895, William E. Nye. 125 ROYAL WESLEY, born February 27th, 1885, at Law- renceville, Pa. 126 JAMES H., born June 25th, 1886, at Elmer, Pa. ; died June 28th, 1886. HltOtl (L I6van6 t son of Allison H. Evans (105) and Laura M. Haven, born March gth, 1852, at Lawrenceville, Pa. ; married, April 22d, 1875, at Nelson, Pa., Phebe D. Lugg, daughter of Robert S. and Rebecca Lugg. He is a farmer and resides at Lindley, N. Y. They had two children, born at Lawrenceville, Pa. : 127 LEAH R., born March 27th, 1876. 128 DOLLIE, born June i8th, 1887. 120 Jtanfc I6 J6\>an0, son of Allison H. Evans (105) and Laura M. Haven, born January 27th, 1854, at Lawrenceville, Pa.; married (ist), April i2th, 1881, Ida M. Hazlett. She died March gth, 1884. Married (2d), January 7th, 1891, Jessie Swift. She died December 22d, 1894. He is a farmer and resides at Nelson, Pa. He had two children, Vera M., by his first wife, and Norma Bell, by his second wife : 129 VERA M., died January i2th, 1886, aged two years and eleven months. 130 NORMA BELL, born October 7th, 1894. 121 IbattlC 1R. 1ba\>en, daughter of Allison H. Evans (105) and Laiira M. Haven, born December 4th, 1862, at Lawrenceville, Pa. ; married, January 24th, 1883, G. E. Haven. They reside in Elmira, N. Y. SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 29 122 flettte X. prttCbarfc, daughter of Allison H. Evans (105) and Laura M. Haven, born September gth, 1866, at Lawrenceville, Pa. ; married, November 3d, 1884, Dr. M. R. Pritchard. They reside at Harrison Valley, Pa. They had four children : 131 OTTO L., born June 24th, 1886; died March a8th, 1887. 132 VERA, born April 24th, 1888; died November 5th, 1889. 133 FLORENCE, born November 27th, 1890. 134 GLENN EVAN, born February 2oth, 1894. 108 fIDartba IROSCtta Xafce, daughter of William Evans and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (50), born June 5th, 1827, at Springfield, Pa. ; married, September 5th, 1849, Thomas J. Lake. He was a merchant a few years. His life was oc- cupied in teaching, a calling he was very successful in. He was an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal church ; was postmaster at Athens, Ala., for five years ; served in the civil war two years. They reside at Bartow, Fla. They had seven children : 135 WILTON HAMILTON, born October 5th, 1850, at Hartford, Pa. ; married, August 29th, 1893, Annie M. Anderson. 136 SELWYN, born February 22d, 1852, at Elkland, Pa. ; died October 2oth, 1868. 137 LUCIA MARIA, born April 24th, 1854, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, November 4th, 1873, Edgar E. Webster. 138 CLARA E., born July nth, 1856, at Addison, N. Y. ; died May i8th, 1857. 139 ELBERT S., born February 4th, 1863, at Austin, Minn. ; resides at Bartow, Fla. 140 ARTHUR EDWARD, born February iith, 1867, at Austin, Minn. ; died October ist, 1867. 141 EDWARD NELSON, born June i3th, 1869, at Austin, Minn. ; resides in Chicago, 111. He is an electrician and civil engineer. 30 SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 135 TOiltOtl IbamiltOtl ILa^e, son of Thomas J. Lake and Martha R. Evans (108), born October 5th, 1850, at Hartford, Pa. ; married, August 29th, 1893, Annie M. Anderson, daughter of Henry VanVoorhis and Rachel Demorest, born in New York City, N. Y., October gth, 1855. He is a car- penter and resides at Bartow, Fla. 137 lUCia flDarta MefcStCr, daughter of Thomas J. Lake and Martha R. Evans (108), born April 24th, 1854, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, November 4th, 1873, Edgar E. Webster, son of Levi Webster and Mary P. Smith. He served twenty-one months in the army. His present business is lumbering. He owns and operates a steam saw mill near Bartow, Fla. They had seven children : 142 CLARA MABEL, born August 24th, 1874. 143 ARTHUR LAKE, born October 22d, 1877. 144 HERBERT WARREN, born July 8th, 1880. 145 EDGAR E., born May i6th, 1882. 146 LUCIA BELLE, born March 23d, 1888. 147 L. SELWYN, born September i8th, 1892. 148 BENJAMIN HARRISON, born July i 9 th, 1895. no William flDlCajab EvanS, son of William Evans and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (50), born December 2ist, 1831, at Springfield, Pa. ; married, December 6th, 1860, Harriet H. McNair, daughter of Hugh McNair and Mary Fowler, born in Livingston County, N. Y., December 2d, 1833, and died at Amherst, Va., October 23d, 1881. He now lives at Amherst, Va. They had three children : 149 OTTO LOUIS, born November i2th, 1861, at Lyons, la. ; married, December 8th, 1891, Mary Randolph. 150 MARY FOWLER, born May 2ist, 1865, at Elmira, N. Y. ; married, March i5th, 1892, William Dillard. 151 WILLIAM HUGH, born July 8th, 1875, at Castile, N. Y. SARAH MARIA EVANS AND FAMILY. 31 149 (>ttO lOUiB l\>an0, son of William Micajah Evans (no) and Harriet H. McNair, born November i2th, 1861, at Lyons, la. ; married, December 8th, 1891, Mary Randolph, daughter of Peyton Randolph and Mary E. Fisher, born in Greenbrier County, W. Va., August 2ist, 1870. They had two children : 152 PEYTON RANDOLPH, born October i8th, 1892. 153 HARRIET McNAIR, born September loth, 1894. 150 flDarp JfOWlet SHllarfc, daughter of William Micajah Evans (no) and Harriet H. McNair, born May 2ist, 1865, at Elmira, N. Y. ; married, March i5th, 1892, Judge William Dillard, son of General Jerisha Washington Dillard, born in Amherst County, Va., August 2^d, 1846. They had one child : 154 WILLIAM EVANS, born February iith, 1893. in (EurtiS !ParfcbUr0t JEvane, son of William Evans and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (50), born at Springfield, Pa., November 3d, 1834; married, April lyth, 1856, Lydia A. Bennett, daughter of John W. Bennett and Elizabeth Shoff, born December i8th, 1834, in New Hampshire. They now reside at Elk land, Pa. His business is that of a carpenter and builder. They had three children : 155 ELIZABETH S., born March i2th, 1857; married, May 24th, 1882, Franklin B. Orser. 156 BERTHA H., born August 28th, 1865 5 married, Decem- ber 24th, 1890, Charles E. Smith. 157 CURTIS P., Jr., born October 25th, 1877. He resides at Elkland, Pa. 155 Elisabeth S. tSer, daughter of Curtis Parkhurst Evans (in) and Lydia A. Bennett, born March i2th, 1857, at Elkland, Pa. ; married, May 24th, 1882, Franklin B. Orser. They had one child : 158 MARION O., born January i5th, 1890. 32 CURTIS PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 51 2>r, Curtt9 IParfcbUr^t, son of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Billiard, was born July ad, 1794, at Marlborough, N. H. At the age of sixteen he began to teach school, study- ing in the meantime to prepare himself for college. He graduated from Dartmouth Medical College at Hanover, N. H., in 1819. He settled at Lawrence vi lie, Pa., and at once began the practice of his profession. After ten years of active work, ill health compelled him to retire from general practice. In 1828-9 he represented the counties of Lycoming, Potter, McKean and Tioga, in the Legislature. In 1829-30 Bradford and Tioga Counties formed a district, and he was their repre- sentative. In 1840 he was elected sheriff of Tioga Count}', and served from 1841 until 1844. On the 1 5th day of March, 1847, Francis P. Shenk, Governor of Pennsylvania, appointed him to be the Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for five years. He was largely instrumental in the building of the Tioga railroad, from Corning, N. Y., to Blossburg, -Pa., as an outlet for the Blossburg coal mines, in which Ex- Governor Horatio Seymour, of Deerfield, N. Y., and others, were interested as co-partners. While sheriff he lived at Wellsboro, and while there the first Presbyterian meeting in that village was held in the court house, his wife (our mother) ringing the court house bell for the service. Soon after a Presbyterian church was established there, in which he took a great interest. He often lectured, and was a ready speaker and debater. A sturdy Democrat in politics, he kept himself well informed on all topics of the day. He was a quiet and retiring man in man- ner, and a life-long member of the Presbyterian church. On November nth, 1830, he married Jane Ann Kasson, of Syracuse, N. Y. She was born at North Adams, Mass., April 5th, 1811, the daughter of Ambrose Kasson and Laura Hall. Her parents moved to Syracuse about 1816, and later to Deerfield, N. Y. Her grandfather was Calvin Hall, of Chester, Mass., who was born in 1760. He served twice in the Revo- lution : at Fort Ann, on Lake Champlain, in 1777, in Colonel CURTIS PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 33 John Brown's regiment, and in the same regiment in 1780, where he was engaged in the battle of Stone Arabia, N. Y., October iQth, 1780, in which the colonel and forty of his regiment were killed. Curtis Parkhnrst died at the homestead in Lawrenceville, Pa., on June 5th, 1872. He was survived fifteen years by his wife, who died at Lawrenceville, October aoth, 1887. Theirs was no easy task, in a new country, to faithfully rear a large family. That they conscientiously fulfilled their trust is amply evidenced by the traditions of sixty years, and grate- fully acknowledged by their descendants. They had eight children : 159 KASSON, born March i2th, 1832; married, September nth, 1855, Harriet Mills. 1 60 SEELY, born April 2d, 1834; died August i3th, 1836. 161 HELEN, born February i7th, 1837; married, November 5th, 1859, Gabriel T. Harrower. 162 ELIZA FORD, born February 8th, 1840; married, January ist, 1 86 1, Wilbur W. Fish. 163 JOHN FOSTER, born February lyth, 1843 5 married, July 22d, 1886, Alice McMaster. 164 JAY CURTIS, born June 26th, 1845; married, May 3d, 1870, Caroline Williams. 165 CATHERINE SEELY, born May i8th, 1847; married, February I5th, 1883, Hugh McFadden. 166 GABRIEL HARROWER, born February i4th, 1849; married, September gth, 1891, Lillian O. Hollo way. 159 1Ra090n JParfcbUrSt, son of Curtis Parkhurst (51) and Jane Ann Kasson, born March i2th, 1832, at Lawrenceville, Pa.; married (ist), September nth, 1855, Harriet Mills, daughter of Rev. Sidney and Laura Mills. She died March 23d, 1858, leaving a baby boy six months old. Married (2d), January 2d, 1861, Mary Kinsey. She died August 6th, 1885. There were no children by the second marriage. He studied law with Judge John Ryan, was admitted to practice when twenty-two years of age. His early death, June 3d, 1863, cut 34 CURTIS PARKHURST AND FAMILY. short a professional career that promised to win honors. He had one child by his first marriage : 167 EDWIN KASSON, born September ad, 1857 ; died August 1 4th, 1880. ibelen iparfcburet Ibarrower, daughter of Curtis Parkhurst (51) and Jane Ann Kasson, born February lyth, 1837, at Lawrenceville, Pa. ; married, November 5th, 1859, Col. Gabriel T. Harrower. He was born September 25th, 1816, at Guilford, Chenango County, N. Y. In his childhood he moved to Lindley, N. Y., where the greater part of his life was spent, largely engaged in lumbering and farming. In 1852 he was elected sheriff of Steiiben County, and in 1862 was active in raising the i6ist Regiment of New York Infantry, of which he was commissioned the colonel. He was assigned to the department of the Gulf. He was brevetted Brigadier- General for gallant and meritorious service in the field. In 1871 he was elected to the state senate, where he served two years. He was a communicant in the Presbyterian church. He died August i5th, 1895, at Lawrenceville, Pa. He had four children by this marriage : 1 68 DAVID CURTIS, born September gth, 1862 ; resides at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and is a lawyer. 169 CATHERINE, born September i7th, 1860; resides at Lawrenceville, Pa. 170 FRANK PARKHURST, born September 5th, 1865; married, February i8th, 1890, Kate E. Jones. 171 ANTOINETTE, born October 3ist, 1868; resides at Lawrenceville, Pa. 170 if rank jparfcburst Ibarrower, son of Gabriel T. Harrower and Helen Parkhurst (161), born September 5th, 1865, at Lawrenceville, Pa. ; married, February i8th, 1890, Kate E. Jones, daughter of Edgar Jones and Sarah M. Esty. She was born October 26th, 1868, at Fall Brook, Pa. They reside at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he has charge of the collection department in his brother's law office. They had one child : 172 CURTIS GABRIEL, born August i6th, 1894. CURTIS PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 35 162 jeil3a |parftbUr0t jfieb, daughter of Curtis Parkhurst (51) and Jane Ann Kasson, born February 8th, 1840, at Lawrence vi lie, Pa. ; married, January ist, 1861, Wilbur Wheeler Fish, son of Joseph Fish and Lucia Field, born August 9th, 1834, at Tioga, Pa. In 1859 he started in the mercantile business at Great Valley, N. Y. In 1862 he went to East Saginaw, Mich., where he carried on a large wholesale and retail store until 1872, when he retired from business temporarily, but in 1878 located in Elmira, N. Y., continuing the dry-goods business until 1892, when he retired. He started for a trip around the world with his family in 1892. After reaching Japan, Mrs. Fish's Jll health necessitated the abandonment of the trip. They returned home with their son, Edwin C., the elder son, Wilbur P., continuing. The first three children were born at Saginaw, Mich., and Edwin Cook at Lawrenceville, Pa. They had four children : 173 Son, born March i3th, 1868; died March 3r. Dexter parfcburst, son of John Parkhm-st (37) and Sarah Bnllard, born September 2ist, 1797, at Marl- borough, N. H. ; married, July 4th, 1823, Marian Speer. She was born August 27th, 1801. He located at Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa., where he had an extensive practice for many years. In 1836 he moved to Mainsburg, Pa., on his farm, where he devoted a great deal of time and money to the growing of choice fruits. He was an expert with his rifle, and many are the stories told of his skill with it. He re- sembled his father in appearance had the same beautiful white hair, keen eyes, and quiet manner. How well the writer remembers his visit to our home during Kasson's last sickness. He thought him the handsomest old gentleman that he had ever seen. He died June 2d, 1866, at the home- stead in Mainsburg. He was survived four years by his wife, who died at Mainsbiirg, October i4th, 1870. They had six children, the first four being born at Mansfield : 188 PORTER DEXTER, born March i5th, 1824; married' (ist), June 5th, 1849, Sarah D. Pinkham ; (2d) September 24th, 1860, Sarah Ophelia Young. 189 DR. PHILANDER J., born August 5th, 1827 ; died Sep- tember 1 7th, 1851. 190 DR. PHILEMON, born August igth, 1830; married, January ist, 1852, Rosilla Fox. 191 BALDWIN, born March 8th, 1832 ; married, January 3d, 1856, Celia E. Maine. 192 SARAH MARIA, born June 29th, 1837 ; married, Febru- ary 3d, 1857, Edwin R. Maine. 193 CHARLES FRANK, born November i4th, 1849 ; married, December 5th, 1872, Jennie C. Cudworth. 188 porter Dexter JParfcbUrSt, son of Dexter Parkhurst (52) and Marian Speer, born March i5th, 1824, at Mansfield, Pa. ; married (ist), June 5th, 1849, Sarah D. Pinkham. She DEXTER PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 41 died at Mainsburg, Pa., May 8th, 1859. Married (ad), Sep- tember 24th, 1860, Sarah Ophelia Young, daughter of Francis and Belle Young, who was born at Covington, Pa., March 28th, 1837, and died at Painted Post, N. Y., September i8th, 1883. He was for many years a merchant at Painted Post ; now resides at Lestershire, N. Y. He had four children by his second wife : 194 FRANK DEXTER, born September 29th, 1861 ; married, February 26th, 1888, Katharine E. Cheney. 195 MARK C., born May 26th, 1863; died July i8th, 1882. 196 MARIA BELLE, born June nth, 1867 '> married, July 27th, 1892, George Bullis. 197 CHARLES LESLIE, born February 23d, 1871 ; married, June 26th, 1895, Luella L. Aldrich. 194 Jfranfe Dexter parfcburet, son of Porter Dexter Parkhurst (188) and Sarah Ophelia Young, born September 29th, 1 86 1, at Covington, Pa. ; married, February 26th, 1888, Katharine E. Cheney, daughter of Hugh L. Cheney and Mary E. Mook. She was born at Groveport, Ohio, June i3th, 1865. They reside at Columbus, Ohio. They had one child : 198 MARY FLORENCE, born July 27th, 1890. 196 flDarta Belle BulliS, daughter of Porter Dexter Parkhurst (188) and Sarah Ophelia Young, born June nth, 1867, at Covington, Pa. ; married, July 27th, 1892, George Bullis. They reside at Lestershire, N. Y. They had one child : 199 MILTON P., born May 24th, 1893. 197 Cbarles TLeslie parfcburst, son of Porter Dexter Parkhurst (188) and Sarah Ophelia Young, born February 23d, 1871, at Painted Post, N. Y. ; married, June 26th, 1895, Luella Louise Aldrich, daughter of Alphonso J. Aldrich and Mary Beach. She was born December ist, 1871, at Nunda, N. Y. He is a stenographer, and they reside at Buffalo, N. Y. 42 DEXTER PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 190 S)r. pbtlCmOn iparfcblirSt, son of Dexter Parkhurst (52) and Marian Speer, born August igth, 1830, at Mansfield, Pa. ; married, January ist, 1852, Rosilla Fox, daughter of John Fox and Deborah Rickard. She was born at Mains- burg, Pa., November 3d, 1833. He died at Scipio, N. Y., July 27th, 1893. He was a successful practitioner, and took great interest in the Methodist church, of which he was a member. In politics he was a Republican. His widow re- sides at Scipio, N. Y. They had four children : 200 EUGENE FOX, born March 2d, 1853 '> married, Decem- ber 1 5th, 1874, Telia Strong. 201 EDGAR DEXTER, born October 3ist, 1855; married, October 25th, 1876, Grace M. Simons. 202 EMMA TILLIE, born August i2th, 1861 ; married, Octo- ber 1 9th, 1 88 1, Lloyd Howell. 203 JOHN RAYMOND, born December 3d, 1873 ; resides at Scipio, N. Y. 200 EU^ene JfOX parfcbUr0t, son of Philemon Parkhurst (190) and Rosilla Fox, born March 2d, 1853, at Mainsburg, Pa. ; married, December i5th, 1874, Telia Strong, daughter of John Strong and Theodocia Lucas, of Mainsburg, Pa. He died November i3th, 1896. His home was at Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minn. They had two children : 204 FRED EUGENE, born December i5th, 1877. 205 LELA ROSILLA, born November 28th, 1885. 201 jet>$ar DeXter parfcbUrSt, son of Philemon Park- hurst (190) and Rosilla Fox, born October 3ist, 1855, at Mains- burg, Pa. ; married, October 25th, 1876, Grace Marian Simons, daughter of Jeremiah Simons and Caroline Bishop, who was born October ist, 1857, at Union Springs, N. Y. They re- side at Scipio, N. Y. They had four children : 206 SEWARD, born December nth, 1879. 207 BLANCHE, born October i ith, 1883; died March 3oth, 1893. 208 EDITH, born January i2th, 1890. 209 HELEN, born September i5th, 1892. DEXTER PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 43 202 Emma Gillie IbOWell, daughter of Philemon Park- hurst (190) and Rosilla Fox, born August I2th, 1861, at Mainsburg, Pa. ; married, October igth, 1881, Lloyd Ho well, son of Isaac Howell and Johanna Beardsley. He was born April 1 9th, 1858, at Scipio, N. Y. They reside at Owasco Lake, N. Y. They had one child : 210 HAROLD C., born May 25th, 1888. 3BaR>Win parfcbUret, son of Dexter Parkhurst (52) and Marian Speer, born March 8th, 1832, at Mansfield, Pa. ; married, January 3d, 1856, Celia E. Maine, daughter of Horace S. Maine and Minerva B. Beecher. She was born July 23d, 1836, at Mainsburg, Pa., and died November gth, 1890. He died January 27th, 1888. He was an active mer- chant at Mainsburg for many years, and was largely instru- mental in the building of the handsome brick Methodist church. They had no children. 192 Sarab flDatia flDame t daughter of Dexter Parkhurst (52) and Marian Speer, born June 29th, 1837, at Mainsburg, Pa. ; married, February 3d, 1857, Edwin R. Maine, son of John Maine and Nancy Spencer. He was born February 28th, 1830, at Mainsburg, Pa. She died August i4th, 1866. They had two children : 211 HOWARD P., born January 23d, 1858; married, Decem- ber 1 3th, 1883, Mary E. Elliott. 212 CHARLES L., born February i7th, 1865; married, Octo- ber nth, 1893, Jennie E. Herrington. 211 IbOWai'fc ff>arfc flDaine, son of Edwin R. Maine and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (192), born at Mainsburg, Pa., January 23d, 1858; married, December i3th, 1883, Mary E. Elliott, daughter of Orson V. Elliott and Celia Kelly. She was born at West Covington, Pa., April 25th, 1861, and died at Mans- 44 DEXTER PARKHURST AND FAMILY. field, Pa., February igth, 1894. He now resides at Mains- burg. They had five children. 213 JOSEPH HOWARD, born April 28th, 1885. 214 EDWIN ELLIOTT, born June igth, 1887. 215 MALCOLM, born September 3d, 1892 ; died August 26th, 1893. 216 I f CHARLES ALBERT, born February 6th, 1894. 217? t HOWARD ALBA, born February 6th, 1894; died De- cember 1 5th, 1894. 212 Dr. CbarleS X* flDainC, son of Edwin R. Maine and Sarah Maria Parkhurst (192), born February i7th, 1865, at Mainsburg, Pa. ; married, October nth, 1893, Jennie E. Her- rington, daughter of Charles Herrington and Sarah J. Mathers, who was born at Wellsboro, Pa., January 3Oth, 1868. He graduated May i5th, 1892, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. He settled at Helvetia, Pa., and at once began the practice of his profession. In 1893 he was elected a member of the board of visiting physicians of Adrian Hospital, at DeLancey, Pa. In 1894 he was appointed railroad surgeon of the M. V. R. R. 193 Cbarles Jranft jparftburst, son of Dexter Parkhuist (52) and Marian Speer, born November i4th, 1849, a ^ Mains- biirg, Pa. ; married, December 5th, 1872, Jennie Cudworth, daughter of James Cudworth and Lydia J. Whittaker. She was born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pa., October 7th, 1853. They reside on the farm at Mainsburg, Pa. They had one child : 218 CARL LEON, born March 27th, 1876; married, February 1 8th, 1895, Nettie L. Perry. 218 Carl XCOU IPar ft bUrSt, son of Charles F. Parkhurst (193) and Jennie Cudworth, born March 27th, 1876, at Mains- burg, Pa. ; married, February i8th, 1895, Nettie L. Perry, daughter of Almeron M. Perry and Jennie Davey, born March 25th, 1877, at Richmond, Pa. They reside at Mainsburg, Pa. JOEL PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 45 53 30Cl iPaVfcbUret, son of John Parkhnrst (37) and Sarah Billiard, born April 8th, 1800, at Marlborough, N. H. ; mar- ried (ist), November i6th, 1835, Emeline R. Allen, daughter of Edward Allen and Anna Richard, born December I3th, 1815, at Bridgewater, N. Y. She died at Elkland, Pa., October 29th, 1854. Married (ad), May i4th, 1856, Widow Martha H. Steel, daughter of Benjamin Harrower and Dinah Mersereau, who was born at Lawrenceville, Pa., June 27th, 1822, and died in New York City, February nth, 1889, and was buried at Elkland, Pa. At the age of seventeen years he commenced teaching school. This was continued until he was twenty- two years old, his spare time being devoted to the study of medicine. In the spring of 1822 he went to Michigan as a government surveyor. Later he returned to Richmond, N. H., and went to work as a clerk for two years at $150 per year and board. On settling with his employer he received his salary in merchandise, and went to Mansfield, Pa., where he started in business for himself. In 1826 he went to Lawrence- ville, Pa., and formed a co-partnership with his brother, Curtis, which was continued until 1828. He then went to Elkland, Pa., and his business soon grew to large proportions, which made him the leading merchant of the valley. He continued extending his biisiness until the Rebellion, when he was able to take the county bonds, issued by the commissioners of Tioga County, and furnished the means for the payment of bounties to our volunteers. About this time he opened a bank, taking into the company his son-in-law, Charles L. Pattison, and John Parkhurst, under the name of Joel Park- hurst & Co. He was largely instrumental in the building of the Cowanesque Valley railroad, of which he was made president. In 1876 he erected the present brick High School building and gave it to the village. He also gave the Pres- byterian church its parsonage. He was an elder in the church, and was identified with its interests, contributing liberally toward the support of the gospel. Politically he was a Repub- lican, and one of the most influential citizens of the county. He died at Elkland, Pa., December 6th, 1884, leaving an 46 JOEL PARKHURST AND FAMILY. estate valued at more than a million dollars. In 1890 his children erected a beautiful memorial church in his memory, at a cost of twenty thousand dollars, at Elkland, Pa. He had eight children by his first wife, Emeline R. Allen, and two children by his second wife, Martha Harrower : 219 EDWARD JOEL, born October i4th, 1837; died August 1 5th, 1840. 220 JOHN CLAY, born December 25th, 1839; died March 1 3th, 1850. 221 SARAH MARIA, born November 9th, 1841 ; died June 1 8th, 1850. 222 ANNA STELLA, born November 3oth, 1843; married, October 2ist, 1868, Charles L. Pattison. 223 MARY, born March ist, 1846; died March 4th, 1846. 224 FRANK, born January 24th, 1848; died April 26th, 1860. 225 CURTIS S., born March loth, 1852 ; died March i3th, 1852. 226 CHARLES, born August loth, 1854; died December 6th, 1854. 227 SUSAN AMELIA, born May 26th, 1857; married, March 9th, 1887, J. B. Grier. 228 BENJAMIN H., born October 28th, 1861 ; married, Octo- ber 7th, 1896, Marian M. Moon. 222 Hnna iparfcburet pattieon, daughter of joei hurst (53) and Emeline R. Allen, born November 3oth, 1843, a ^ Elkland, Pa. ; married, October 2ist, 1868, Charles L. Patti- son, son of Thurman Pattison and Susan Wilson Bishop. He was born February i6th, 1841, at Chester, Warren County, N. Y. The family moved to Lawrenceville, Pa., in 1847. He went to Fall Brook, Pa., in the employ of the Fall Brook Coal Company, in 1860, and soon rose to the position of cashier of the company. In '1869 he removed to Elkland, Pa., and became a partner in the banking firm of Joel Park- hurst & Co., a business in which he showed great ability. In JOEL PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 47 1882 he organized the company which built the Addison and Northern Pennsylvania railroad, he becoming its presi- dent. His business became so extensive that he took up the study of law, for the service it could be to him in managing his large estate. In 1888 he was admitted to the Tioga County bar. On August ist, 1889, the name of the bank was changed to C. L. Pattison & Co., which was continued until his death, in Philadelphia, Pa., April loth, 1896. Mr. Pattison was a liberal minded man, both in theory and prac- tice. He was of high moral character and rare business ability. He gave freely from his large means, but without ostentation, many of his charitable gifts being unknown, ex- cept to the beneficiaries themselves. They had no children. 227 Susan iparfcburst (Brier, daughter of joei Park- h first (53) and Martha Harrower, born at Elkland, Pa., May 26th, 1857 ; married, March gth, 1887, Rev. J. B. Grier. As a child at school she was remarkable for her extraordinary insight and rare common sense. She was a beautiful, noble w r oman. She died at Geneva, Switzerland, September 25th, 1891, and is buried at Elkland, Pa. Her husband, John Boyd Grier, was born at Danville, Pa., August 26th, 1843. He was graduated at Lafayette College in 1864. He was a private in the 1 38th Pennsylvania regiment in 1863, an d was principal of the Wellsboro Academy in 1864-1865. He studied theology at Alleghany in 1867-1869, and was adjunct pro- fessor of modern languages and rhetoric at Lafayette and author of studies in the English of Bunyan in 1869-1872. Since 1873 ne ^ as Deen pastor at Lawrenceville, Pa., Jack- sonville, Fla., Danville and Lewisburg, Pa. He was Com- mencement Orator at Lafayette College in 1889, at which time the degree of D. D. was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater. Since the death of his wife he has resided at Elkland, Pa. They had no children. 48 MARTHA PARKHURST SEELYE AND FAMILY. 228 Benjamin Ibarrower iparfcburst, liurst (53) and Martha Harrower, born at Elkland, Pa., October 28th, 1861 ; married, October yth, 1896, Marian Murray Moon, youngest daughter of Rev. Solomon H. Moon, D. D., Ph. D., and Charlotte Brandt. In 1882 he was urged to take the presidency of the Addison and Northern Pennsyl- vania railroad, but declined, accepting a place as director. He has always been actively interested in religious work. When quite young he united with the Presbyterian church at Elkland, of which he is an elder and trustee, and superin- tendent of the Sunday school. He has had charge of the choir for the past fifteen years, is a fine singer and a cultured student of music. His business interests have been very ex- tensive, adding much to the prosperity of his native village. He has traveled extensively in this country and Europe. He resides at Elkland, Pa. 54 flDartba parfcburst Seel^e, daughter of John hurst (37) and Sarah Bullard, born April 2d, 1803, at Marl- borough, N. H. ; married, July 25th, 1827, Micajah Seelye. She died at Lawrenceville, Pa., February ist, 1856. He was the first white child born in the town of Lindley, Steuben County, N. Y. He was an active business man all his life, and his lumber interests were extensive. He died at Law- renceville, Pa., October 27th, 1864. They had three children : 229 LINDSLEY PARKHURST, born August 2oth, 1828; married, December 3oth, 1853, Martha Booth. 230 SARAH EVANS, born December 3ist, 1834; resides in Toledo, Ohio. She is a fine singer and a highly cultured musician. 231 ELIZABETH, born August nth, 1837; died November 9th, 1855. EBENEZER FISK PARKHURST AND FAMILY. 49 229 1Unt>0le\> JParfcbUrSt SCCl^e, son of Micajah Seelye and Martha Parkhurst (54), born August 2oth, 1828; married, December 3Oth, 1852, at Ballston Spa, N. Y., Martha Booth, daughter of Selbues Booth, and Lucretia Foot, born May 2oth, 1830, at Ballston Spa. He was a merchant at that place for many years, and his widow still resides there. He died June roth, 1868. They had two children : 232 CAROLINE KENT, born October 2oth, 1853; married, September 6th, 1876, William H. Burr. 233 SARAH ELIZABETH, born December 26th, 1854; mar- ried, October 22d, 1884, William M. Ver Plank. 232 Caroline IfceUt Butt, daughter of Lindsley Parkhurst Seelye (229) and Martha Booth, born October 2oth, 1853, at Ballston Spa, N. Y. ; married, September 6th, 1876, William Hulbert Burr. She died in New York City, May ist, 1894. They had three children : 234 MARIAN ELIZABETH, born June 29th, 1881. 235 WILLIAM FAIRFIELD, born February 7th, 1884. 236 GEORGE LINDSLEY, born August 29th, 1889. 233 Sarab jeiisabetb IflerflManfc, daughter of Parkhurst Seelye (229) and Martha Booth, born December 26th, 1854, at Ballston Spa, N. Y. ; married, October 22d, 1884, William M. Ver Plank. They had no children. 55 jebenCSer JfiSfc jpmrfcbUrSt, son of John Parkhurst (37) and Sarah Bullard, born November ist, 1807, at Marl- borough, N. H. ; married, November 8th, 1829, Demis Brown, daughter of Aden Brown and Lydia Parmenter, born July 24th, 1809, in Massachusetts, and died at Springfield, Pa., on February 9th, 1887. He was only six years of age when his father moved from New Hampshire, and his entire life was spent on the farm. He was a Christian gentleman, and 50 EBENEZER FISK PARKHURST AND FAMILY. took an active part in all church matters. He died at the old home, October i5th, 1892. They had five children : 237 LYDIA, born March ist, 1832 ; married, October 5th, 1853, Frank Loveland. 238 JOHN C., born August 2ist, 1833; married, July 4th, 1864, Frankie Smith. 239 CYNTHIA H., born March 2d, 1836 ; died February i8th, 1842. 240 ELSIA A., born February nth, 1841 ; married, January 3oth, 1 86 1, Rodney H. Cooley. 241 NORTHWAY, born December 2d, 1844; married, June 1 8th, 1884, Mary E. King. 237 3l\>t>ia XOVClanfc, daughter of Ebenezer F. Parkhurst (55) and Demis Brown, born March ist, 1832, at Springfield, Pa. ; married, October 5th, 1853, Frank Loveland. She died at Elkland, Pa., February i6th, 1886. They had one child : 242 FRANK P., born February 7th, 1857 ; died April 26th, 1865. 238 JObn