LIB R ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF" < 3 O'C* . , JUL 28 1893 Kecetvea ...,/< 4 ccessions No.&LjZS Shelf No. /^l REINCARNATION. Study of the Human Soul In its Relation to Re-Birth, Evolution, Post-Mortem States, the Compound Nature of Man, Hypnotism, Etc. BY JEROME A. ANDERSON, M. D. f F. T. S, / is decwve of the que-stion whether the Soul exists if among the activities and emotional states of our being there are to be found such as do not belong to our bodies." ARISTOTLE. THE LOTUS PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1504 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. MAY 8, 1893. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY JEROME A. ANDERSON, M. D.. F.T.S., I I 70 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, - CALIFORNIA. 7 BY A. PUPIL. PREFACE. ''PHESE pages are intended to present, in as concise a form as pos- L sible, an outline of certain phenomena in nature, together with logical and philosophical deductions therefrom, which go to prove, first, the existence of a soul, and, second, the repeated incarnation of this soul in physical bodies. No phenomena will be considered ex- cept such as have been fully verified and accepted as a portion of the armamentarium of modern science. That there are vast classes of genuine phenomena not acknowledged as genuine by science is well known; and, although fully entitled to an appeal to these in support of our position, it has been thought best to pass them by, and to meet modern scientific agnosticism entirely upon the territory of its own facts. It is believed that by thus "carrying the war into Egypt" more good may be accomplished in directing attention towards the higher spiritual aspects of these phenomena than if the argument were advanced into disputed domains. This completely bars access to an immense mass of so-called spiritualistic phenomena which, while very far from establishing the fact of spirit communi- cation in the manner claimed by spiritualists, are still of great im- portance as illustrating many of the lower psychic faculties of man, and his essential independence of his body in their production. The numerous marvels of many countries, and especially of India, have also been omitted; for they, although partly accepted by scientists, who fancy they find in "glamour " and "collective hallucination" an explanation, are still an unclassified residuum, whose scientific ex- planation itself needs to be explained even more than the phenomena for which it attempts to account. In short, the purpose of this book is to establish the fact of the existence and repeated rebirth of the soul by an appeal to logic and reason alone, based upon phenomena of such universal and every-day experience that all who choose may verify each successive step taken, or phenomenon to which reference is had. PREFACE. IV The writer was bitterly antagonized by the idea of reincarnation when he first became familiar with it in Theosophic literature ; but, after careful and earnest attempts to arrive at a philosophic or scien- tific hypothesis in harmony with natural phenomena which would render this view unnecessary, he was compelled by sheer force of facts and logic to accept it. The trains of reasoning followed, and the phenomena appealed to are outlined in these pages. They are issued in the hope of aiding others who may have become, as the writer had, biased toward materialistic views by a one-sided "scien- tific" education, to recognize this grand truth. The attention of inquirers is also called to the scholarly work of the late E. D. Walker, and to the occult, intuitional, and philosophic Manual by Mrs. Annie Besant, both being upon the same subject Reincarnation. J. A. A. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. ^ - THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF THE SOUL. The Three Abso- lute Hypostases Consciousness Substance Force 9 CHAPTER I. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE SOUL. No Physiological Basis for the Unity of Conscious- ness Memory Feeling, Etc. Mechanical Motion cannot Originate Sensation. 13 CHAPTER II. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE SOUL. The Nature of Dream Trance Clairvoyance Thought Transference, Etc 37 CHAPTER III. THE EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL. The Unit of Consciousness from Atom to God by the Widening of the Conscious Area through Experience, Etc 55 CHAPTER IV. THE INDIVIDUALIZATION OF THE SOUL. Centers of Conscious- ness Freed by Pralayas The Cycle of Necessity 76 , CHAPTER V. REINCARNATION PHILOSOPHIC AND LOGICAL EVIDENCE. Failure of One-Birth Theories Life only to be Explained Philo- sophically by Reincarnation 85 CHAPTER VI. REINCARNATION THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Bulbs Seeds Metamorphosis of Insects Genius Idiocy Prodigies, Etc. . . .102 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER VII. THE COMPOSITE NATURE OF THE SOUL. The Seven Aspects of the One Center of Consciousnesss 116 CHAPTER VIII. THE REINCARNATING EGO. The Nature and Functions of the Higher Ego 128 CHAPTER IX. THE PERSONALITY. The Animal Man How Related to the Divine Man 147 CHAPTER X. POST-MORTEM STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Devachan Kama Loca and Nirvana Nature of. 158 CHAPTER XL HYPNOTISM AND THE HUMAN SOUL. Hypnotic Processes and States of Consciousness 185 CHAPTER XII. OBJECTIONS To REINCARNATION. Loss of Memory Explained Other Objections Answered 210 CHAPTER XIII. KARMA. The Law of Cause and Effect on all Planes 220 CHAPTER XIV. ETHICAL CONCLUSIONS. 238 APPENDIX. EMBRYOLOGY AND REINCARNATION. The Nutrition of the Fetus 245 INTRODUCTION- THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF THE SOUL. TT7HE term " Soul" may be defined as a vehicle for con- sciousness. The latter, as one of the triple aspects of the Unknowable or Absolute, must be regarded as infinite. Anything which, by limiting this infinity, enables con- sciousness to manifest upon finite and knowable planes is therefore classed as Soul. The Universal Soul, under this definition, would be the vehicle for Universal not Abso- lute Consciousness; the human soul, the vehicle for the finite manifestation of that limitation of the Infinite which we recognize as huma'n, or self-consciousness. The material aspect of the Unknowable seems to be the means by which Infinite Consciousness is enabled to manifest finitely. Hence, all Soul has its ultimate essence in this material or Substance-root of the Unknowable, and is of a material nature. But the three Aspect-Roots the third being Motion or Force are eternally associated, so that one must not fall into the error of taking, a too materialistic view of Soul. If it is the material vehicle of consciousness in one aspect, it is in another by virtue of its being incapable of dissociation from this consciousness itself. It is only because of philosophic necessities and of certain phenomena of consciousness upon the material plane that Soul is thus more intimately associated with the Substance-Aspect of the Unknowable Rootless Root than with the Conscious-Aspect. A human soul, then, is a center of consciousness having X INTRODUCTION. its origin in Infinite Consciousness, and limited and brought into self-conscious relations with itself and the Universe by a material vehicle. In its inmost essence, this material vehicle is derived from the indestructible Substance- Aspect of the Unknowable; substance of so re- fined and ethereal a nature as to utterly transcend all those properties and qualities with which we ordinarily as- sociate matter, and which, because of this and because it is incapable of weight, measurement or even comparison with the matter of this plane, has led to the formulating of the absurdly unscientific and unphilosophic materialistic hypotheses and philosophies of to-day. Instead of fol- lowing, by correspondence and analogy, the retreat of matter into those realms which for us are at present sub- jective, both modern science and so-called materialistic philosophy have failed to recognize the philosophic neces- sity for that Unity which must underlie every aspect of nature, and have in consequence utterly failed to bridge the illusionary chasm which seems to divide spirit or consciousness from matter. It is, of course, impossible to carry molecular physics grossly and bodily over into conscious realms; but it is quite possible, and the only philosophic procedure, to carry the molecular laws of the conservation of force and the correlation of energy over into the realms of (comparatively) pure consciousness. By so doing, we at once secure a firm and stable founda- tion for our philosophic superstructure. There is no longer a necessity for "scientific" laws and hypotheses for one kingdom of nature, and quite a different and con- flicting code for another, as is the case with modern scien- tific attempts to deal with mind and matter as though they were totally separate and distinct elements in the INTRODUCTION. XI Universe. The same lack of an unifying base is also pain- fully apparent in dealing with purely physical sciences; as, for example, in the disagreements of geologic and as- tronomic calculations of the age of the earth. It follows from the above that "Soul" must be a generic term, and "Souls" capable of infinite gradation and classifi- cation. From the anima mundi, the " Over-Soul" of Emerson, down to the unifying center of consciousness which makes possible the molecular combination forming the structure of the humblest am